HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0082295_Draft Permit_20180320Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL OVALITY March 20, 2018 Mr. Luis Mendoza, Operations and Facility Manager Fortron Industries PO Box 327 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 Subject: NPDES Permit NCO082295 Fortron Industries WWTP New Hanover County Class 3 Facility Dear Mr. Mendoza: ROY COOPER Gorrrnor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secreiar v LINDA CULPEPPER Interim Director The Division has received and reviewed your request to renew the subject permit. Enclosed with this letter is a copy of the draft permit for your facility. Please review this draft carefully to ensure thorough understanding of the conditions and requirements it contains. This draft permit includes the following changes from your current permit: ➢ A reasonable potential analysis (RPA) was performed based on recent effluent data for 1,4 dichlorobenzene, zinc, and copper. As a result of the RPA monitoring and limits for 1,4 dichlorobenzene and monitoring for copper and zinc were eliminated. ➢ The Division of Water Resources is moving stormwater requirements from NPDES permits to stormwater permits under the Division of Energy, Minerals and Land Resources (DEMLR). The permittee shall submit a permit application to DEMLR to obtain coverage for the stormwater outfall. The permit will continue to cover the stormwater outfall until an individual stormwater permit is issued by DEMLR. The stormwater monitoring requirements were updated to reflect current requirements. ➢ Quarterly monitoring for mercury was added to the sampling requirements for outfall 001. Mercury was detected in the priority pollutant scan. In order to evaluate the need for a mercury limit under the Statewide Mercury TMDL the Division is implementing monitoring in the permit. ➢ Annual monitoring was added for N -Methyl -2 -pyrrolidone. ➢ Federal regulations require electronic submittal of all discharge monitoring reports (DMRs) and program reports. The final NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule was adopted and became effective on December 21, 2015. The requirement to begin reporting discharge monitoring data electronically using the NC DWR's Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report (eDMR) internet application has been added to your final NPDES permit. [See Special Condition A. (4)] State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 919 807 6300 919-807-6389 FAX https: //deq. nc. govlaboutldi vi sionslwater-resources/water-resources-permits/wastewater-branchlnpdes-wastewater-permits For information on eDMR, registering for eDMR and obtaining an eDMR user account, please visit the following web page: hgp://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/water- resources/edmr. For more information on EPA's final NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule, please visit the following web site: hgps: / / www.federalregister.gov / documents/ 2015 / 10/ 22/ 2015-24954 / national-pollutant- discharge-elimination-system-npdes-electronic-reporting-rule. ➢ The NPDES Standard conditions (Parts II, III, and M are not included with this draft. They can be found at the following link to review them in conjunction with this draft permit: https://deq.nc.gov/p ermitting-forms. Concurrent with this notification the Division is publishing a notice in a newspaper having circulation in the general New Hanover County area, soliciting public comments on this permit draft. Please provide any comments you may have to the DEQ - DWR, NPDES Program no later than 30 days after receiving this draft permit. Following the 30 -day public comment period, the Division will review all pertinent comments and take appropriate action prior to issuing a final permit. If you have questions concerning this draft permit, please call me at (919) 807-6387 or by email at Teresa.rodriguez@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, Teresa Rodriguez NPDES Complex Permitting Unit cc: NPDES Files EPA Region 4 (e -copy) Wilmington Regional Office / Water Quality Program (e -copy) Operators Certification Program, Maureen Kinney (e -copy) Aquatic Toxicology Branch, Susan Meadows (e -copy) Stormwater Permitting Program (e -copy) Permit NCO082295 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Fortron Industries is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater and stormwater from a facility located at Fortron Industries US Highway 421 Wilmington New Hanover County to receiving waters designated as Cape Fear River and Northeast Cape Fear River in the Cape Fear River Basin in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, and III hereof. This permit shall become effective . This permit and authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on December 31, 2021. Signed this day Linda Culpepper, Interim Director Division of Water Resources By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit NCO082295 SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET All previous NPDES permits issued to this facility, whether for operation or discharge are hereby revoked. As of this permit issuance, any previously issued permit bearing this number is no longer effective. Therefore, the exclusive authority to operate and discharge from this facility arises under the permit conditions, requirements, terms, and provisions included herein. Fortron Industries is hereby authorized to: Continue operation of a 0.834 MGD wastewater treatment system that includes the following components: • Two wastewater collection tanks • Dual influent flow equalization tanks with neutralization • Two stormwater collection tanks • Plate and frame heat exchanger • Steam injection unit • Pre -filtration equalization tank • Four aeration tanks • Two membrane bioreactors (MBR) • Aerated sludge holding tank • Sludge belt press • Sampling and metering pump station • Pure Oxygen Injection • Effluent diffuser This facility is located at Fortron Industries on US Highway 421 northwest of Wilmington in New Hanover County. 2. Discharge treated wastewater from outfall 001 at the location specified on the attached map into the Cape Fear River, classified C -Swamp waters and discharge stormwater from outfall 002 to the Northeast Cape Fear River, classified C -Swamp waters in the Cape Fear River Basin. Page 2 of 13 Permit NCO082295 PART I A (1) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS (Outfall 001) [15A NCAC 02B .0400 et seq., 02B .0500 et seq.] During the period beginning on the effective date of this permit and lasting until expiration, the permittee is authorized to discharge treated wastewater from outfall 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored as specified below: Footnotes: 1. Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodaphnia) P/F at 0.9% with testing in February, May, August, November, refer to condition A (3). 2. OCPSF Parameters for this flow/production level (monitoring frequencies and limits) are listed in condition A (2). 3. Monitoring for Mercury shall be performed using EPA Method 1631. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or foam visible in other than trace amounts. Page 3 of 13 LIMITS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS PARAMETER Measurement Sample Sample Monthly Average Daily Maximum Frequency Type Location Flow 0.834 MGD Continuous Recording Influent or Effluent BODS, 20°C 121.6 pounds/day 364.8 pounds/day Daily Composite Effluent Total Suspended 340.0 pounds/day 1093.5 pounds/day Daily Composite Effluent Solids Temperature Daily Grab Effluent Dissolved Oxygen Daily average > 5.0 mg/L Daily Grab Effluent pH > 6.0 and < 9.0 standard units Daily Grab Effluent Chronic Toxicity' Quarterly Composite Effluent OCPSF Parameters 2 Annually Grab Effluent Total Nitrogen Quarterly Composite Effluent (NO2 + NO3 + TKN) Total Phosphorus Quarterly Composite Effluent Total Mercury, Quarterly Composite Effluent Footnotes: 1. Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodaphnia) P/F at 0.9% with testing in February, May, August, November, refer to condition A (3). 2. OCPSF Parameters for this flow/production level (monitoring frequencies and limits) are listed in condition A (2). 3. Monitoring for Mercury shall be performed using EPA Method 1631. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or foam visible in other than trace amounts. Page 3 of 13 Permit NC0082295 A (2) OCPSF LIMITS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS (Outfall 001) [40 CFR 414] These limits and monitoring requirements are based on 40 CFR 414.9 land the process water flow from the permit application. Effluent Characteristic Daily Maximum lbs/da Monthly Average lbs/da Daily Maximum Measurement Frequency Sample Type Sample Location' Acenaphthene 0.117 0.313 Annual Grab E Acenaphthylene 0.117 0.313 Annual Grab E Acrylonitrile 0.510 1.285 Annual Grab E Anthracene 0.117 5.47 Annual Grab E Benzene 0.196 0.722 Annual Grab E Benzo(a)anthracene 0.117 0.14 Annual Grab E 4-Benzofluoranthene 0.122 0.14 Annual Grab E enz k fluoranthene 0.117 1.42 Annual Grab E Benzo(a)pyrene 0.122 0.01 Annual Grab E is 2-eth lhex 1phthalate 0.547 40.4 Annual Grab E Carbon Tetrachloride 0.096 0.202 Annual Grab E hlorobenzene 0.08 0.149 Annual Grab E loroethane 0.552 1.423 Annual Grab E hlorofonn 0.111 0.244 Annual Grab E -Chlorophenol 0.165 0.520 Annual Grab E hrysene 0.117 14.2 Annual Grab E i -n -butyl phthalate 0.143 0.303 Annual Grab E 12 -Dichlorobenzene 0.409 0.865 Annual Grab E 13 -Dichlorobenzene 0.165 0.234 Annual Grab E I1-Dichloroethane 0.117 0.313 Annual Grab E 1,2-Dichloroethane 1.12 0.36 Annual Grab E 1 1-Dichloroeth leve 0.361 1.12 Annual Grab E 1,2-trans-Dichloroeth leve 0.111 0.287 Annual Grab E 4-Dichlorohenol 0.207 0.595 Annual Grab E 1 2-Dichlororo ane 0.812 98.4 Annual Grab E 1 3-Dichlororolene 0.154 0.234 Annual Grab E Diethyl phthalate 0.154 1.078 Annual Grab E 4 -Dimethylphenol 0.096 0.191 Annual Grab E imeth I phthalate 0.101 0.250 Annual Grab E 6-Dinitro-o-cresol 0.414 1.47 Annual Grab E 4-Dinitrohenol 0.377 0.653 Annual Grab E 4-Dinitrotoluene 1.354 3.403 Annual Grab E 6-Dinitrotoluene 1.354 3.403 Annual Grab E th Ibenzene 0.170 0.573 Annual Grab E luoranthene 0.133 12.0 Annual Grab E luorene 0.117 0.313 Annual Grab E exachlorobenzene 0.080 0.01 Annual Grab E Hexachlorobutadiene 0.106 1.09 Annual Grab E exachloroethane 0.111 10.93 Annual Grab E Mediyl Chloride 0.457 1.009 Annual Grab E Methylene Chloride 0.212 0.472 Annual Grab E Naphthalene 0.117 0.313 Annual Grab E Nitrobenzene 0.143 0.361 Annual Grab E 2-Nitrophenol 0.218 0.366 Annual Grab E 4-Nitrophenol 0.382 0.658 Annual Grab E henanthrene 0.117 0.313 Annual Grab E Phenol 0.080 0.138 Annual Grab E Pyrene 0.133 0.356 Annual Grab E Tetrachloroethylene 0.117 0.297 Annual Grab E Toluene 0.138 0.425 Annual Grab E 1 2 4-Trichlorobenzene 0.361 8.31 Annual Grab E 111 -Trichloroethane 0.111 0.287 Annual Grab E 112 -Trichloroethane 0.111 0.287 Annual Grab E Trichloroethylene 0.111 0.287 1 Annual Grab E Vinyl Chloride 1 0.552 1.423 1 Annual Grab E -Meth 1-2- olidone NMP I Annual Grab E Page 4 of 13 Permit NCO082295 A (3) CHRONIC TOXICITY PERMIT LIMIT (Quarterly) [15A NCAC 02B.0200 et seq.] The effluent discharge shall at no time exhibit observable inhibition of reproduction or significant mortality to Ceriodaphnia dubia at an effluent concentration of 0.9%. The permit holder shall perform at a minimum quarterly monitoring using test procedures outlined in the "North Carolina Ceriodaphnia Chronic Effluent Bioassay Procedure," Revised February 1998, or subsequent versions or "North Carolina Phase II Chronic Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Procedure" (Revised -February 1998) or subsequent versions. The tests will be performed during the months of February, May, August, and November. Effluent sampling for this testing shall be performed at the NPDES permitted final effluent discharge below all treatment processes. If the test procedure performed as the first test of any single quarter results in a failure or ChV below the permit limit, then multiple -concentration testing shall be performed at a minimum, in each of the two following months as described in "North Carolina Phase H Chronic Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Procedure" (Revised -February 1998) or subsequent versions. The chronic value for multiple concentration tests will be determined using the geometric mean of the highest concentration having no detectable impairment of reproduction or survival and the lowest concentration that does have a detectable impairment of reproduction or survival. The definition of "detectable impairment," collection methods, exposure regimes, and further statistical methods are specified in the "North Carolina Phase II Chronic Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Procedure" (Revised -February 1998) or subsequent versions. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Monitoring Form (MR -1) for the months in which tests were performed, using the parameter code TGP313 for the pass/fail results and THP3B for the Chronic Value. Additionally, DWQ Form AT -3 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: NC DENR / DWQ / Environmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Completed Aquatic Toxicity Test Forms shall be filed with the Environmental Sciences Section no later than 30 days after the end of the reporting period for which the report is made. Test data shall be complete, accurate, include all supporting chemical/physical measurements and all concentration/response data, and be certified by laboratory supervisor and ORC or approved designate signature. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should there be no discharge of flow from the facility during a month in which toxicity monitoring is required, the permittee will complete the information located at the top of the aquatic toxicity (AT) test form indicating the facility name, permit number, pipe number, county, and the month/year of the report with the notation of "No Flow" in the comment area of the form. The report shall be submitted to the Environmental Sciences Section at the address cited above. Should the permittee fail to monitor during a month in which toxicity monitoring is required, monitoring will be required during the following month. Should any test data from this monitoring requirement or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re -opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival, minimum control organism reproduction, and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test and will require immediate follow-up testing to be completed no later than the last day of the month following the month of the initial monitoring. Page 5 of 13 Permit NCO082295 A(4) ELECTRONIC REPORTING OF MONITORING REPORTS [G.S. 143-215.1(b)] Federal regulations require electronic submittal of all discharge monitoring reports (DMRs) and program reports. The final NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule was adopted and became effective on December 21, 2015. NOTE: This special condition supplements or supersedes the following sections within Part II of this permit (Standard Conditions for NPDES Permits): • Section B. (11.) Signatory Requirements • Section D. (2.) • Section D. (6.) • Section E. (5.) Reporting Records Retention Monitoring Reports I. Reporting Requirements [Supersedes Section D. (2.) and Section E. (5.) (a)1 The permittee shall report discharge monitoring data electronically using the NC DWR's Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report (eDMR) internet application. Monitoring results obtained during the previous month(s) shall be summarized for each month and submitted electronically using eDMR. The eDMR system allows permitted facilities to enter monitoring data and submit DMRs electronically using the internet. Until such time that the state's eDMR application is compliant with EPA's Cross -Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR), permittees will be required to submit all discharge monitoring data to the state electronically using eDMR and will be required to complete the eDMR submission by printing, signing, and submitting one signed original and a copy of the computer printed eDMR to the following address: NC DEQ / Division of Water Resources / Water Quality Permitting Section ATTENTION: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 If a permittee is unable to use the eDMR system due to a demonstrated hardship or due to the facility being physically located in an area where less than 10 percent of the households have broadband access, then a temporary waiver from the NPDES electronic reporting requirements may be granted and discharge monitoring data may be submitted on paper DMR forms (MR 1, 1. 1, 2, 3) or alternative forms approved by the Director. Duplicate signed copies shall be submitted to the mailing address above. See "How to Request a Waiver from Electronic Reporting" section below. Regardless of the submission method, the first DMR is due on the last day of the month following the issuance of the permit or in the case of a new facility, on the last day of the month following the commencement of discharge. Starting on December 21, 2020, the �ermittee must electronically report the following compliance monitoring data and reports, when applicable: • Sewer Overflow/Bypass Event ports; • Pretreatment Program Annual Reports; and • Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 316(b) Annual Reports. The permittee may seek an electronic reporting waiver from the Division (see "How to Request a Waiver from Electronic Reporting" section below). Page 6of13 Permit NC0082295 2. Electronic Submissions In accordance with 40 CFR 122.41(1)(9), the permittee must identify the initial recipient at the time of each electronic submission. The permittee should use the EPA's website resources to identify the initial recipient for the electronic submission. Initial recipient of electronic NPDES information from NPDES-regulated facilities means the entity (EPA or the state authorized by EPA to implement the NPDES program) that is the designated entity for receiving electronic NPDES data [see 40 CFR 127.2(b)]. EPA plans to establish a website that will also link to the appropriate electronic reporting tool for each type of electronic submission and for each state. Instructions on how to access and use the appropriate electronic reporting tool will be available as well. Information on EPA's NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule is found at: https://www.federalre igrep ster.gov/documents/2015/10/22/2015-24954/national-pollutant-discharge-elimination- system-npdes-electronic-orting-rule Electronic submissions must start by the dates listed in the "Reporting Requirements" section above. 3. How to Request a Waiver from Electronic Reporting The permittee may seek a temporary electronic reporting waiver from the Division. To obtain an electronic reporting waiver, a permittee must first submit an electronic reporting waiver request to the Division. Requests for temporary electronic reporting waivers must be submitted in writing to the Division for written approval at least sixty (60) days prior to the date the facility would be required under this permit to begin submitting monitoring data and reports. The duration of a temporary waiver shall not exceed 5 years and shall thereupon expire. At such time, monitoring data and reports shall be submitted electronically to the Division unless the permittee re -applies for and is granted a new temporary electronic reporting waiver by the Division. Approved electronic reporting waivers are not transferrable. Only permittees with an approved reporting waiver request may submit monitoring data and reports on paper to the Division for the period that the approved reporting waiver request is effective. Information on eDMR and the application for a temporary electronic reporting waiver are found on the following web page: http://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resources/edmr 4. Signatory Requirements [Supplements Section B. (11.) (b) and Supersedes Section B. (11.) (d)1 All eDMRs submitted to the permit issuing authority shall be signed by a person described in Part II, Section B. (11.)(a) or by a duly authorized representative of that person as described in Part II, Section B. (11.)(b). A person, and not a position, must be delegated signatory authority for eDMR reporting purposes. For eDMR submissions, the person signing and submitting the DMR must obtain an eDMR user account and login credentials to access the eDMR system. For more information on North Carolina's eDMR system, registering for eDMR and obtaining an eDMR user account, please visit the following web page: http://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resources/edmr Certification. Any person submitting an electronic DMR using the state's eDMR system shall make the following certification [40 CFR 122.22]. NO OTHER STATEMENTS OF CERTIFICATION WILL BE ACCEPTED: 7 cert, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and Page 7 of 13 Permit NCO082295 evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. " 5. Records Retention [Supplements Section D. (6.)1 The permittee shall retain records of all Discharge Monitoring Reports, including eDMR submissions. These records or copies shall be maintained for a period of at least 3 years from the date of the report. This period may be extended by request of the Director at any time [40 CFR 122.41 ]. A.(5) STORMWATER MONITORING REQUIREMENTS (Outfall 002) [G.S. 143-215.1(a) et seq., 15A NCAC 02h.0126 et seq.] No later than 90 days from the effective day of this permit the permittee shall submit an NPDES stormwater application to the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR). Stormwater conditions under this section will expire on the effective date when an individual stormwater permit is issued to the facility. 1. Oualitative Monitoring The purpose of qualitative monitoring is to evaluate the effectiveness of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) and identify new potential sources of stormwater pollution. Qualitative monitoring of stormwater outfalls must be performed during a measurable storm event. Qualitative monitoring requires a qualitative inspection of each stormwater outfall, regardless of representative outfall status, for the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) and assessing new sources of stormwater pollution. No analytical tests are required. Qualitative monitoring of stormwater outfalls does not need to be performed during a representative storm event. In the event an atypical condition is noted at a stormwater discharge outfall, the permittee shall document the suspected cause of the condition and any actions taken in response to the discovery. This documentation will be maintained with the SPPP. Stormwater Discharge Characteristics Monitoring Frequency' Sample Location' Color Semi -Annual SDO Odor Semi -Annual SDO Clarity Semi -Annual SDO Floatiniz Solids Semi -Annual SDO Suspended Solids Semi -Annual SDO Foam Semi -Annual SDO Oil Sheen Semi -Annual SDO Erosion or deposition at the outfall semi-annual SDO Other obvious indicators of stormw ter pollution Semi -Annual SDO Footnotes: 1. Monitoring Frequency: Twice per year during a measureable storm event unless other provisions of this permit prompt monthly monitoring Monitoring shall be conducted once during the period of January 1 to Page 8 of 13 Permit NCO082295 June 30, and once during the period of July 1 to December 31. The permittee must continue qualitative monitoring throughout the permit renewal process until a new permit is issued. 2. Monitoring Location: Qualitative monitoring shall be performed at each stormwater discharge outfall (SDO) regardless of representative outfall status. A minimum of 60 days must separate monitoring dates, unless additional sampling has been instituted as part of other analytical monitoring requirements in this permit. If the permittee's qualitative monitoring indicates that existing stormwater BMPs are ineffective, or that significant stormwater contamination is present, the permittee shall investigate potential causes, evaluate the feasibility of corrective actions, and implement those corrective actions within 60 days, per the Qualitative Monitoring Response, below. A written record of the permittee's investigation, evaluation, and response actions shall be kept in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. Qualitative monitoring is for the purposes of evaluating SPPP effectiveness, identifying new potential sources of stormwater pollution, and prompting the permittee's response to pollution. If the permittee repeatedly fails to respond effectively to correct problems identified by qualitative monitoring, or if the discharge causes or contributes to a water quality standard violation, DEMLR may but is not limited to: • require that the permittee revise, increase, or decrease the monitoring frequency for some or all parameters (analytical or qualitative) • require the permittee to install structural stormwater controls; • require the permittee to implement other stormwater control measures; • require the permittee to perform upstream and downstream monitoring to characterize impacts on receiving waters; or • require the permittee implement site modifications to qualify for a No Exposure Exclusion. 2. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan The permittee shall develop and implement a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, herein after referred to as the Plan. The Plan shall be considered public information. The Permittee is not required to submit a copy of the Plan to DEMLR. The Plan shall be available at the permitted facility for DEMLR staff or public review upon request. The Plan shall include, at a minimum, the following items: a) Site Overview: The site overview shall provide a description of the physical facility and the potential pollutant sources which may be expected to contribute to contamination of regulated stormwater discharges. The site overview shall contain the following: i. A general location map (USGS quadrangle map or appropriately drafted equivalent map), showing the facility's location in relation to transportation routes and surface waters; the name of the receiving waters to which the stormwater outfalls discharge, or if the discharge is to a municipal separate storm sewer system, the name of the municipality and the ultimate receiving waters; and accurate latitude and longitude of the points of stormwater discharge associated with industrial activity. The general location map (or alternatively the site map) shall identify whether any receiving waters are impaired (on the state's 303(d) list of impaired waters) or if the site is located in a watershed for which a TMDL has been established, and what the parameters of concern are. ii. A narrative description of storage practices, loading and unloading activities, outdoor process areas, dust or particulate generating or control processes, and waste disposal practices. A narrative description of the potential pollutants that could be expected to be present in the stormwater discharge from each outfall. iii. A site map drawn at a scale sufficient to clearly depict: the site property boundary; the stormwater discharge outfalls; all on-site and adjacent surface waters and wetlands; industrial activity areas (including storage of materials, disposal areas, process areas, loading and unloading areas, and haul Page 9 of 13 Permit NCO082295 roads); site topography and finished grade; all drainage features and structures; drainage area boundaries and total contributing area for each outfall; direction of flow in each drainage area; industrial activities occurring in each drainage area; buildings; stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs); and impervious surfaces. The site map must indicate the percentage of each drainage area that is impervious, and the site map must include a graphic scale indication and north arrow. iv. A list of significant spills or leaks of pollutants during the previous three (3) years and any corrective actions taken to mitigate spill impacts. V. Certification that the stormwater outfalls have been evaluated for the presence of non-stormwater discharges. The permittee shall re -certify annually that the stormwater outfalls have been evaluated for the presence of non-stormwater discharges. The certification statement will be signed in accordance with the requirements found in Part II, Standard Conditions, Section B.11. b) Stormwater Management Plan: The stormwater management plan shall contain a narrative description of the materials management practices employed which control or minimize the exposure of significant materials to stormwater, including structural and non-structural measures. The stormwater management plan, at a minimum, shall incorporate the following: i. Feasibility Study. A review of the technical and economic feasibility of changing the methods of operations and/or storage practices to eliminate or reduce exposure of materials and processes to rainfall and run-on flows. Wherever practical, the permittee shall prevent exposure of all storage areas, material handling operations, and manufacturing or fueling operations. In areas where elimination of exposure is not practical, this review shall document the feasibility of diverting the stormwater run-on away from areas of potential contamination. ii. Secondary Containment Requirements and Records. Secondary containment is required for: bulk storage of liquid materials; storage in any amount of Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) water priority chemicals; and storage in any amount of hazardous substances, in order to prevent leaks and spills from contaminating stormwater runoff. A table or summary of all such tanks and stored materials and their associated secondary containment areas shall be maintained. If the secondary containment devices are connected to stormwater conveyance systems, the connection shall be controlled by manually activated valves or other similar devices (which shall be secured closed with a locking mechanism). Any stormwater that accumulates in the containment area shall be at a minimum visually observed for color, foam, outfall staining, visible sheens and dry weather flow, prior to release of the accumulated stormwater. Accumulated stormwater shall be released if found to be uncontaminated by any material. Records documenting the individual making the observation, the description of the accumulated stormwater,,and the date and time of the release shall be kept for a period of five (5) years. For facilities subject to a federal oil Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan (SPCC), any portion of the SPCC Plan fully compliant with the requirements of this permit may be used to demonstrate coin liance with this permit. The Division may allow exceptions to secondary containment requirement i for mobile refuelers, as with the exemption provided by amendments to federal SPCC regulation, as long as appropriate spill containment and/or diversionary structures or equipment is used to prevent discharge to surface waters. Exceptions do not apply to refuelers or other mobile tankage use i primarily as bulk liquid material storage in a fixed location in place of stationary containers. iii. BMP Summary. A listin i, of site structural and non-structural Best Management Practices (BMPs) shall be provided. The installation and implementation of BMPs shall be based on the assessment of the potential for sources to contribute significant quantities of pollutants to stormwater discharges and on data collected through monitoring of stormwater discharges. The BMP Summary shall include a written record of the specific rationale for installation and implementation of the selected site BMPO. The BMP Summary shall be reviewed and updated annually. c) Spill Prevention and Response Procedures. The Spill Prevention and Response Procedures (SPRP) shall incorporate an assessment of potential pollutant sources based on a materials inventory of the Page 10 of 13 Permit NC0082295 facility. Facility personnel responsible for implementing the SPRP shall be identified in a written list incorporated into the SPRP and signed and dated by each individual acknowledging their responsibilities for the plan. A responsible person shall be on-site at all times during facility operations that have increased potential to contaminate stormwater runoff through spills or exposure of materials associated with the facility operations. The SPRP must be site stormwater specific. Therefore, an oil Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure plan (SPCC) may be a component of the SPRP, but may not be sufficient to completely address the stormwater aspects of the SPRP. The common elements of the SPCC with the SPRP may be incorporated by reference into the SPRP. d) Preventative Maintenance and Good Housekeeping Program. A preventative maintenance and good housekeeping program shall be developed and implemented. The program shall address all stormwater control systems (if applicable), stormwater discharge outfalls, all on-site and adjacent surface waters and wetlands, industrial activity areas (including material storage areas, material handling areas, disposal areas, process areas, loading and unloading areas, and haul roads), all drainage features and structures, and existing structural BMPs. The program shall establish schedules of inspections, maintenance, and housekeeping activities of stormwater control systems, as well as facility equipment, facility areas, and facility systems that present a potential for stormwater exposure or stormwater pollution where not already addressed under another element of the SPPP. Inspection of material handling areas and regular cleaning schedules of these areas shall be incorporated into the program. Timely compliance with the established schedules for inspections, maintenance, and housekeeping shall be recorded and maintained in the SPPP. e) Facility Inspections. Inspections of the facility and all stormwater systems shall occur as part of the Preventative Maintenance and Good Housekeeping Program at a minimum on a semi-annual schedule, once during the first half of the year (January to June), and once during the second half (July to December), with at least 60 days separating inspection dates (unless performed more frequently than semi-annually). These facility inspections are different from, and in addition to, the stormwater discharge characteristic monitoring at the outfalls required in Part I of this permit. f) Employee Training. Training programs shall be developed and training provided at a minimum on an annual basis for facility personnel with responsibilities for: spill response and cleanup, preventative maintenance activities, and for any of the facility's operations that have the potential to contaminate stormwater runoff. The facility personnel responsible for implementing the training shall be identified, and their annual training shall be documented by the signature of each employee trained. g) Responsible Party. The SPPP shall identify a specific position or positions responsible for the overall coordination, development, implementation, and revision of the SPPP. Responsibilities for all components of the SPPP shall be documented and position assignments provided. h) SPPP Amendment and Annual Update. The permittee shall amend the SPPP whenever there is a change in design, construction, operation, site drainage, maintenance, or configuration of the physical features which may have a significant effect on the potential for the discharge of pollutants to surface waters. All aspects of the SPPP shall be reviewed and updated on an annual basis. The annual update shall include: i. an updated list of significant spills or leaks of pollutants for the previous three (3) years, or the notation that no spills have occurred (element of the Site Overview); ii. a written re -certification that the stormwater outfalls have been evaluated for the presence of non- stormwater discharges (element of the Site Overview); iii. a documented re-evaluation of the effectiveness of the on-site stormwater BMPs (BMP Summary element of the Stormwater Management Strategy). iv. a review and comparison of sample analytical data to benchmark values (if applicable) over the past year, including a discussion about Tiered Response status. The permittee shall use the DEMLR's Annual Summary Data Monitoring Report (DMR) form, available from the Stormwater Permitting Program's website (See `Monitoring Forms' here: Page 11 of 13 Permit NCO082295 http://deg .nc. govlaboutldivisions/energy-mineral-land-resources/energy-mineral-land- permits/stormwater-permits/npdes-industrial-sw). The Director may notify the permittee when the SPPP does not meet one or more of the minimum requirements of the permit. Within 30 days of such notice, the permittee shall submit a time schedule to the Director for modifying the SPPP to meet minimum requirements. The permittee shall provide certification in writing (in accordance with Part II, Standard Conditions, Section B.11) to the Director that the changes have been made. i) SPPP Implementation. The permittee shall implement the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan and all appropriate BMPs consistent with the provisions of this permit, in order to control contaminants entering surface waters via stormwater. Implementation of the SPPP shall include documentation of all monitoring, measurements, inspections, maintenance activities, and training provided to employees, including the log of the sampling data and of actions taken to implement BMPs associated with the industrial activities, including vehicle maintenance activities. ' Such documentation shall be kept on-site for a period of five (5) years and made available to the Director or the Director's authorized representative immediately upon request. Page 12 of 13 Permit NC0082295 •..rte _,.. -+- ` Q ''�`�' �."� •,r. , / , I� ` ""� ;\ " .�. ,r ^nFYi�j�, _ �. ` jM► �, p Outfall 002 1 . r -.►-. Outfall 001 42: ".-.. . `Tanks : . Y _!Oe 15 P_ l ) 0 to Lake Ittona tiamp.— , I r — UNS*K>6 CO ►k yY21 �" til+ �,- p - '� ,�, _ ti. Navassa s♦i , Fortron Industries - NC0082295 New Hanover County Facility Location USGS Quad Name: Leland Receiving Stream: 001: Cape Fear River, Lat.: 34018'57" Long.: 78000'47" 002: NE Cape Fear River, Lat.: 34019'25" Long.: 77058'10" Stream Class: C -SW Subbasin: Cape Fear - 03 06 27 8 -Digit HUC 03030005 1 V -*,to scale Page 13 of 13