HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarshall Proposed Permanent Water Solution_20161114Permanent Water Supply Proposal to DEQ - Marshall Marshall Steam Station Catawba County 127 eligible households Duke Energy has evaluated the feasibility and costs of providing a permanent replacement water supply to eligible households, as required under G.S. 130A-309.21 1 (cl) of House Bill 630. Households were designated as "eligible" if any portion of a parcel of land crossed the mile compliance buffer described in HB630 and if the household currently utilized well water or bottled water (under Duke Energy's bottled water program) as the drinking water source. Although HB630 indicates that households are to be covered, Duke Energy has included six (6) businesses, two (2) industrial facilities, and two (2) schools/churches as eligible locations. Undeveloped parcels were identified but were not considered "eligible" because groundwater wells are not currently utilized as a drinking source. Dewberry, a respected outside vendor, conducted the Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation (attached); the evaluation consisted of a survey of eligible households and a preliminary engineering evaluation, cost estimate and schedule. Dewberry's report, for the most part, assumes one metered connection per parcel; therefore, multiple homes may be serviced by one connection. The total count in this proposed plan includes all final connections. Based on the results of the Dewberry evaluation and the factors below, Duke Energy proposes that 125 eligible households, business and schools/churches near Marshall be offered the option of a connection to a public water supply or the installation of a water treatment system, and the two (2) industrial locations (located on Steamplant Road, labeled as 147 and 148 in the Dewberry evaluation) be offered a water treatment system. The City of Hickory already has a municipal line located along Sherrills Ford Road; therefore the majority of the households would require only service lines. Water line extensions would be required along Mollys Backbone Road (approximately 175 feet), Steamplant Road (approximately 500 feet), Gregory Road (approximately 650 feet), Marshall Road (approximately 1700 feet), and Greenwood Road to Clement Circle (approximately 1800 feet). A water treatment system is being recommended for the two industrial locations on Steamplant Road. Providing potable water to these locations would require installing a water main under an existing railroad track, a challenging and timely endeavor. The estimated cost to provide a municipal water line just to these two locations is $300,000, or $150,000 each. Removing the railroad crossing from the public water line construction scope would remove two months or more from the overall schedule. Total costs shown in the table below exclude costs associated with running a public water supply line to these locations; therefore, the costs below are different than the costs included in Appendix D of the Dewberry evaluation. Estimates prepared by Dewberry, in conjunction with the design information provided by the local water municipality, have revealed that at least 83 eligible households must accept connection to the public water supply for such connection to be cost-effective. Accordingly, Duke Energy proposes that if less than 83 households around the plant accept a connection to DUKE �, ENERGY: Permanent Water Supply Proposal to DEQ - Marshall a public water supply, then all eligible households near the plant be offered installation and maintenance of a water treatment system to ensure a cost effective, long-term high quality water supply. From initial discussions with the City of Hickory and an evaluation of the system by Dewberry, the City of Hickory has adequate water capacity and the water quality could be maintained utilizing their current standard weekly flushing schedule. The performance standard for the public water system is the Federal MCLs. The performance standard for the water treatment system is also the Federal MCLs except for those constituents identified in 2015 as having potential health concerns: arsenic, hexavalent chromium, cobalt, iron, lead, manganese, sulfate and vanadium. For these constituents, the performance standard will be either one-half of the MCL, or the appropriate state standard, whichever is more protective. Duke Energy is currently evaluating an ion filtration treatment system; this system has been successfully installed in other parts of the state, and initial results show it performs well in reducing vanadium and hexavalent chromium, among other constituents. The costs shown below are for a conceptual ion filtration treatment system. The final water treatment system will be based upon the results of field studies. Duke Energy has made efforts to identify all eligible households, but it is anticipated that a nominal number of additional households will be identified during the initial outreach effort conducted upon approval of this plan by NCDEQ. If the final number of households, or the final number of households opting for public water supply, results in a conclusion different than those stated in this preliminary plan, Duke Energy will revise and submit the new plan to NCDEQ for evaluation and approval. Also, the estimate assumes one public water connection (i.e. meter box) per parcel; for parcels containing two households, the number of connections will be determined based upon negotiations between the well owner(s) and the municipality. Well owners will be responsible for making the decision for their parcels. Only households within the '/z mile boundary and served by well water at the time of the submittal of this plan will be eligible for a permanent water supply as part of HB630. The Dewberry evaluation includes a project schedule based on their past experience installing public water systems. This preliminary project schedule indicates that a permanent water supply will be available by September 2018. If the railroad crossing on Steamplant Road is removed from the schedule, permanent water would be provided by July 2018, ahead of the October 15, 2018 deadline in HB630. Upon submittal of this plan to NCDEQ, Duke Energy will begin negotiations with the local municipality and a more detailed schedule will be developed. If the municipality's schedule shows an implementation date extending beyond October 15, 2018, Duke Energy will request an extension and look at whether other contingency measures need to be implemented. ,& DUKE ENERGY: Permanent Water Supply Proposal to DEQ - Marshall Public Water Supply Ion Filtration Water Connection 125 Yes Treatment System 2 Yes Total Number Recommended Water Quality Criteria Meets applicable water quality standards Federal MCLs Completion Schedule Estimated completion date 07/2018 08/2017 Request extension to 10/2019 Contingency factors and/or install water treatment N/A system until line is complete Operational Considerations Required acceptance level to achieve consistent water quality and N/A N/A supply Required acceptance level to achieve targeted cost per eligible 66% (83 households) N/A household (<$35k/household) Location of households relative to 200 ft. — 1,800 ft. N/A existing municipal water lines 0.04 miles — 0.34 miles) i Would have to cross a Other considerations railroad to serve these two sites with public water Costs _ $14,000 - $20,000 Total Installation Costs $2,920,000 Approximate cost per eligible $23,400 $7,000 - $10,000 household Annual Maintenance Costs N/A $1000 - $4,000 Maintenance cost per household N/A $500 - $2,000 annually Non -Duke Costs Total estimated water bills monthly $8,125 N/A Estimated water bills monthly per $65 N/A household Ongoing municipality costs for maintenance and flushing due to TBD N/A low-flow/low-usage Total Costs (Duke and Non -Duke Total estimated cost for all eligible $3,895,000 $24,000 - $60,000 neighbors over 10 years Total estimated cost for each eligible $31,160 $12,000 - $30,000 neighbors over 10 years (� DUKE �' ENERGY,. Dewberry® :. Marshall Steam Station Phase II Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation Duke Energy November 14, 2016 SUBMITTED BY: Dewberry 2610 Wycliff Road Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27607 SUBMITTED TO: Duke Energy Table of Contents ExecutiveSummary ...............................................................................................2 1. Introduction and Project Approach..............................................................4 2. Phase II Basis of Design................................................................................6 2.1 Potable Water Connection Mapping.............................................................. 6 2.2 Municipal Potable Water Connection Opinion of Probable Cost.................6 3. Site Analysis...................................................................................................7 3.1 Station Mapping and Household Data.......................................................... 7 3.2 Field Observations.......................................................................................... 8 3.3 Other Considerations..................................................................................... 8 4. Regulatory Permitting..................................................................................10 5. Schedule........................................................................................................11 6. Opinion of Probable Cost............................................................................12 Appendix A: Marshall Station Phase II Mapping Appendix B: Marshall Station Household Data Spreadsheet Appendix C: Schedule Appendix D: Opinion of Probable Cost A, lNDewberry Duke Energy 1 Marshall Steam Station Phase 11 Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation 11 Executive Summary This Phase II evaluation is structured to comply with the requirements of North Carolina House Bill 630: Section 13oA-309.211.(ci) of House Bill 63o requires provision of permanent water supply for each household that has a drinking water supply well located within a 1/2 mile radius from the established compliance boundary of a coal combustion residuals impoundment, and is not separated from the impoundment by the mainstem of a river, or other body of water that would prevent the migration of contaminants through groundwater from the impoundment to a well. To address the provisions of House Bill 63o, Dewberry performed this Phase II preliminary engineering evaluation to supply potable water to residents within a 1/2 mile of the compliance boundary. Preparation of this report is intended to comply with the House Bill 63o requirement to make a report submittal to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) by December 15, 2o16. On August 2, 2o16 a project review meeting was held at the Sherrills Ford -Terrell Branch Library. Representatives from Duke Energy, Dewberry, City of Hickory, and Catawba County attended the meeting. Detailed Phase II mapping was developed using Catawba County property maps that show each household in the 1/2 mile compliance buffer. Dewberry visually observed the households shown on the Phase II mapping on August 2, 2o16. A household database was developed using Catawba County tax records tied to the GIS shape file which identifies the property owner and the address for each household within the 1/2 mile compliance buffer. Based on our site observations and the Phase II mapping, it appears to be technically feasible to install the potable water line in the public road right of way or along private roads using conventional construction methods. Easements may be required in four areas. A schedule was prepared in part to show milestone dates needed to comply with House Bill 630 which states the following: • Report submittal to the North Carolina DEQ no later than December 15, 2016. • DEQ renders a final decision to approve or disapprove the report no later than January 15, 2017. • Permanent replacement water supplies are provided no later than October 15, 2oi8. If each of the milestone dates are met, the schedule indicates that project completion can occur in September of 2o18 which meets the House Bill 630 schedule requirement for permanent replacement water supplies. An opinion of probable cost was developed to provide potable water service to 127 households within the 1/2 mile compliance buffer. The 127 households are served from 120 water line connections as multiple parcels have more than one household per connection. The estimated costs are summarized below: Dewberry Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Phase 11 Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation 2 The potable water connection cost estimate includes a 25% contingency which is deemed consistent with a project at the preliminary engineering level of detail. This report provides additional detail on the Project Approach, Basis of Design, and Site Analysis. Marshall Steam Station mapping is provided in Appendix A. The household database is provided in Appendix B. The Marshall Steam Station Potable Water Schedule is provided in Appendix C, and the Opinion of Probable Cost is provided in Appendix D. Dewberry Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Phase 11 Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation 3 1. Introduction and Project Approach PROJECT INTRODUCTION During the Phase I programmatic potable water evaluation desktop study, concept level mapping was developed showing the Marshall Steam Station location, the potential potable water tie-in location, and potential pipe routing to residents within a 1/2 mile of the compliance boundary. We used the Phase I mapping to develop a concept level cost estimate with a 40 contingency. During this Phase II evaluation sufficient preliminary design work has been performed to prepare a cost estimate with a 25% contingency. This Phase II evaluation is structured to comply with the requirements of North Carolina House Bill 630: Section 13oA- 309.211.(ci), which requires provision of permanent water supply for each household that has a drinking water supply well located within a 1/2 mile radius from the established compliance boundary of a coal combustion residuals impoundment, and is not separated from the impoundment by the mainstem of a river, or other body of water that would prevent the migration of contaminants through groundwater from the impoundment to a well. To address the provisions of House Bill 63o referenced above Dewberry has performed a Phase I screening level evaluation and this Phase II preliminary engineering evaluation of the technical and economic feasibility to supply municipal potable water to residents within a 1/2 mile radius of the compliance boundary. The Phase II evaluation results will be used to prepare the submittal to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) by December 15, 2o16 as required by House Bill 630. Using publicly available information Dewberry evaluated the following criteria to perform the Phase II Marshall Steam Station preliminary engineering study: • Identified public road right-of-way widths and ownership along the pipe route • Evaluated feasibility to install the proposed water line within the unpaved shoulder of an NC DOT roadway • Documented approximate location of U.S. waters, including possible wetlands shown in the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventory (as applicable) • Identified potential jurisdictional and permitting authorities to establish permitting needs • Estimated potential easement acquisition areas (estimated square footage and number of parcels affected) • Evaluated potential conflicts with known existing utilities • Estimated the pipeline length and pipe diameter(s) for the water line and the individual service lines • Evaluated the potential need for a water booster pump station or elevated tank to sustain adequate water pressure • Evaluated the water age and potential need for supplemental disinfection • Evaluated the potential need/requirement for fire hydrants and hydrant quantity • Evaluated potential construction methods and challenges • Evaluated potential municipal water system future improvements based on published Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) or published Master Plan Dewberry Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Phase 11 Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation 4 PROJECT APPROACH Dewberry contacted the Duke Energy Community Relations District Manager to discuss the information needed to execute the Phase II evaluations, and to arrange for a subsequent meeting with the local water purveyor, the City of Hickory. On August 2, 2016 a project review meeting was held at the Sherrills Ford -Terrell Branch Library to discuss execution of this Phase II preliminary evaluation and subsequent project execution. Representatives from Duke Energy, Dewberry, City of Hickory, and Catawba County attended the meeting. The primary purpose of the meeting was to confirm the water distribution system tie-in location, system pressure, pipe size, and water quality at the tie -location, capacity limitations, and whether there are future planned water system projects that could impact the Phase II evaluation. Dewberry also inquired as to whether any households within a 1/2 mile of the compliance boundary were presently being served by municipal potable water. Following the meeting, the City of Hickory, Catawba County, and Dewberry performed an initial drive -by observation of the potable water pipe route. During Phase I Dewberry obtained municipality mapping of the potable water distribution system and then developed draft maps showing the Marshall Steam Station, the respective potable water distribution system tie-in location, and the water line pipe routing. We used the Duke Energy Drinking Water Receptor Surveys for Coal-fired Power Stations developed in 2014 to show compliance boundaries and the water supply wells within a 1/2 mile of the compliance boundary. The maps were prepared using GIS as the native software. During Phase II we developed more detailed mapping based on Catawba County property maps to identify property owners and household addresses within the 1/2 mile compliance buffer. Using the Phase II mapping a database of property owners and household locations was developed. Dewberry also contacted the City of Hickory to confirm residents along the existing water lines within the compliance buffer who are connected to the system. This information allowed for identification of residents who were located along the existing water line but not connected to the water system. We also prepared a project schedule. Dewberry then developed an opinion of probable cost for the installation of piping infrastructure to the potable water tie-in location. We used vendor budgetary costs for the primary capital equipment and used cost factors to estimate the installation costs. We did not obtain contractor installation cost estimates for this evaluation. Dewberry reviewed the cost data with Duke Energy to obtain concurrence on the methodology and the allowances applied. Dewberry Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Phase 11 Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation 5 2. Phase II Basis of Design The purpose of this section is to document basis of design assumptions that were used to prepare the Marshall Steam Station mapping, opinion of cost, and schedule. 2.1 POTABLE WATER CONNECTION MAPPING Key assumptions for the potable water connection mapping are as follows: Potable water piping is routed along state roads and will use municipality/county existing easements where possible. Water line service connections in four locations will require private easements. Power transmission line easements will not be used for installation of the potable water piping. 2.2 MUNICIPAL POTABLE WATER CONNECTION OPINION OF PROBABLE COST Key assumptions for the potable water connection cost estimates are as follows: Item 1 on the cost estimate shows 8 inch C-goo PVC for the potable water line pipe. The 8 inch diameter is considered a conservative pipe size to meet the water demand of the households within the compliance buffer and complies with the City of Hickory conceptual design plans. The 8 inch water line pipe is the smallest diameter allowed for fire hydrant connection. The City of Hickory water system design standards require fire hydrants be installed. Items 1 through 7 on the cost estimate show material cost for the piping, valves, and associated fittings. The sum of Items 1 through 7 is shown as a separate line item. A 30% cost factor is then applied to the summed value to estimate the cost to install the pipe, valves, and fittings. The cost estimate quantities are based on the Marshall Steam Station mapping and assumptions stated on the cost estimate. The unit costs are based upon vendor budgetary costs and cost data we have from recent similar projects. • The sum of quantities for items 21 and 22 on the cost estimate indicates there are 120 potable water connections. The 43 2 inch service taps are for lengthy service connections and/or higher water demand connections. The 77 3/4 inch service taps are for individual household connections relatively close to the proposed main and meter box connection. • The number of household connections shown in the cost estimate is based upon the Catawba County property maps, drive -by observations, and from exclusion of homes that are being served with City of Hickory water. Two commercial/industrial facilities, five business/office sites, two churches/schools, and one mobile home equivalent site were identified within the 1/2 mile buffer and are currently not connected to public water. These sites are included in the site evaluation and cost estimate. Items 8 through 16 and items 21 through 25 are installed cost, so a 30% installation cost factor was not applied. Items 17 through 20 are material cost, so a 30% installation cost factor was applied. Items 1 through 25 are summed and shown as a SUBTOTAL. Cost factors are then applied to the SUBTOTAL to estimate the balance of the project costs. We have applied a 25% contingency which is deemed consistent with a preliminary engineering evaluation. Additional assumptions that Dewberry used to prepare the cost estimates are provided as foot notes on the cost estimate Table. Contractor General Conditions are included for the duration of on -site construction phase activities. Easement acquisition includes the cost to compensate land owners for water or service lines extended down private roads and/or across private property. Dewberry Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Phase 11 Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation 6 3. Site Analysis 3.1 STATION MAPPING AND HOUSEHOLD DATA The Phase II overall mapping in Appendix A shows the proposed tie-in location to the existing City of Hickory potable water supply system, indicating that over 1 mile (~7,800 LF) of new potable water piping is required to serve households within the 1/2 mile compliance buffer. Catawba County will own the infrastructure and the City of Hickory will manage the water supply, operation and maintenance (O&M), and metering/billing of water use for the new potable water system and service connections. The Phase II Site map and sheets in Appendix A were prepared by overlaying Catawba County property maps onto the compliance boundaries detailed in the Duke Energy Drinking Water Receptor Surveys for Coal-fired Power Stations developed in 2014. The Appendix A Site map shows the 1/2 mile compliance buffer and rectangular sheet map sections. These 19 sheets illustrate the water line route, individual households, and household service line connections within the 1/2 mile compliance buffer. During the August 2, 2o16 drive -by, Dewberry visually observed households shown in the Appendix A sheet mapping. The household database in Appendix B was created from the Catawba County tax records tied to the GIS shape file which identifies the property owner and the address for each household within the 1/2 mile compliance buffer, including parcels of land with no residents (empty lot). The parcel data listed on the spreadsheets also includes Parcel ID, Land Use, Easement Requirement, and anticipated Water Demand for each property. It should be noted that a number of parcels had more than one home located on the property; in this case one meter was assumed with length of service line assumed to extend to each home from a single meter. Engineering judgment was utilized in cases where homes were located out of sight from the road and multiple structures could be seen during an aerial review. The Mott's Grove Methodist Church parcel (8790 Sherrill's Ford Road, parcel no. 146 on sheet 13) provided one exception to the practice of limiting one meter per parcel. It is our understanding that each of the `tents' (30 in total) located on the property are privately owned and are utilized periodically like a camp. In this case, a larger service line was extended to the parcel with individual meters serving each `tent'. The parcel located at 8846 Greenwood Dr. (parcel no. 82 on sheet 18) provided for another exception. There is one stand-alone home located on one side of the property and seven occupied mobile homes located on the waterfront side of the property. Due to the relatively large distance between the home and the mobile homes the parcel was provided with two water meters; with one meter for the home on Greenwood Road and one master meter for the seven mobile homes off Clement Circle with a service line down Stutts Street. The parcel at 8629 E NC Hwy 150 (parcel no. 83 on sheet 19) provided for another exception. There is one stand-alone home and two businesses (one restaurant and one boat rental office). The home was provided with its own meter and each business was provided its own meter, totaling three meters for this parcel. Review of the mapping from Appendix A allowed for estimates of the required private easement areas around the Marshall Steam Station. The potable water line proposed to serve residents around the Marshall Steam Station will require private easement acquisition along four service line extensions. City of Hickory municipal easement standards were followed around the Marshall Steam Station, which includes multiplying the length of the water line or service line on private property by 25 feet to obtain the area. The area was then multiplied by 50% of the average land value (per acre) as indicated by public tax Dewberry Duke Energy' Marshall Steam Station Phase 11 Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation 7 assessment for properties around the Marshall Steam Station, providing an estimate of the easement cost. Temporary easements were not included in the calculation. 3.2 FIELD OBSERVATIONS As shown in Appendix A, the water line piping will be installed along state roads, where possible. During the August 2, 2016 drive -by Dewberry did not observe above grade conflicting physical features that are likely to have a significant impact on the construction cost or permitting schedule, with the exception of one railroad crossing. The railroad crossing is at -grade and located just off Sherrill's Ford Road on Steamplant Road. The proposed water line extending down Steamplant Road after the railroad crossing will serve two industrial parcels. Based on our observations and the Phase II mapping, it is technically feasible to install the potable water line in the public road right of way or along the side of the private roads using conventional construction methods, such as an open trench with pipe bedding material. Approximately three water line road crossings and 48 service line road crossings will be required. Road crossings will be performed by subsurface boring to avoid open road cuts, and traffic impacts. It should be noted that the crossing count could be modified based upon final design and which side of the road the water line will be installed. Dewberry did not observe surface water or apparent wetland infrastructure encroachment impacts. This is consistent with USGS mapping and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventory. During the drive -by Dewberry did not observe potential conflicts with known existing utilities. At present the 127 households within the 1/2 mile radius compliance buffer do not have public water or sewer. Natural gas main and fiber optic markers were not observed during the drive -by, but are typically located within the state road right of way and are smaller in diameter than water piping, therefore they would not cause a significant burden on construction. Aboveground electric was observed and therefore not considered an impediment to water line installation. Dewberry observed the public road right-of-way widths and evaluated the feasibility to install the proposed water line within the unpaved shoulder of NC DOT roadway. We noted a few locations where the right of way limitations will make water line installation challenging but not overly complicated. In some areas it may be necessary to conduct subsurface utility evaluation and route the water line accordingly. In areas that we could not determine right of way status (public or not) or areas where private property may have been constructed onto right of way, we either provided an allowance for water line or water service line easement, or the construction impact is accounted for in the cost estimate as a renovation allowance. 3.3 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS The City of Hickory operates a relatively large water system throughout Catawba County where they manage the water supply, and meter and bill for water use, with Catawba County serving as the owner of the water piping infrastructure. The City of Hickory sources their water from the Catawba River. The City of Hickory estimates the pressure in the system around the Marshall Steam Station to range from 144 -17o psi. Therefore, pressure reducing valves and residential expansion tanks will be necessary during service line installation, which is typical for the City's existing customers in this area. The City has confirmed they have adequate water capacity to serve the residents around the Marshall Station. Therefore based on this preliminary information, the capacity and pressure is deemed adequate to serve the 127 household connections in the 1/2 mile compliance buffer. Based on information from the City of Hickory, the approximate chlorine residual in the vicinity of the Marshall area ranges from 0.3 to o.9 mg/L with a typical value of o.6 mg/L. However, water system disinfection residual tends to breakdown as Dewberry Duke Energy' Marshall Steam Station Phase 11 Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation 8 water age increases and this can be caused by lower residential demands and increased travel time. Two common ways to combat loss of disinfection residual are 1.) disinfection boosting, and 2.) systematic flushing to maintain flow and minimize water age. The water system extensions, as planned by Dewberry, utilize the minimal diameter pipe for service and considers system flushing to be utilized as needed in this area. The planned system expansion utilizes 8-inch diameter piping which can potentially increase the water travel time/age. However, the impact on water age should be minimal considering the distribution of the 127 residents across the Marshall vicinity of the City of Hickory system. The City of Hickory stated the water quality will be maintained and plans to continue their standard weekly flushing schedule. Also, disinfection boosting is not proposed for the system as designed, however systematic flushing should be considered a standard operating protocol and flushing appurtenances have been included within the system layout. Dewberry Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Phase 11 Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation 9 4. Regulatory Permitting The water line design will be required to adhere to requirements of the following agencies and permitting authorities. Each permit will require a separate set of documentation and will be submitted individually to the respective permitting agency. The timeline for submittal and approval is presented in the Marshall Steam Station Potable Water Schedule detailed in Appendix C. • NCDOT Right-of-way Encroachment Agreement, Primary and Secondary Roads • NCDEQ, Division of Land Quality, Erosion and Sedimentation Control Permit • NCDEQ, Division of Water Resource, Public Water Supply Permit • Railroad Pipeline Occupancy Agreement Dewberry Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Phase 11 Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation 10 5. Schedule The Phase II project schedule is provided in Appendix C. The schedule was prepared in part to show milestone dates needed to comply with House Bill 630 which states the following: • "No later than December 15, 2016 an impoundment owner shall submit information on permanent replacement water supplies proposed to be provided to each household" • "The Department shall evaluate information submitted by the impoundment owner and render a final decision to approve or disapprove the plan, including written findings of fact no later than January 15, 2017" • "As soon as practical, but no later than October 15, 2oi8 the owner of a coal combustion residual surface impoundment shall establish permanent replacement water supplies" The schedule indicates DEQ report submittal on December 15, 2016 and DEQ approval by January 15, 2017. The schedule includes an initial go day negotiation period for development and execution of a Water Authority/Duke memorandum of understanding (MOU). The schedule is subject to change dependent upon the milestone dates for the MOU, the approval/comments from DEQ, and the resident input regarding permanent water supply choice. The balance of the schedule is deemed typical for a municipal design -bid -build water line improvement project and plans for all households to connect to public potable water. The schedule indicates an end date of September 2018 which meets the October 15, 2o18 deadline. Dewberry Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Phase 11 Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation 11 6. Opinion of Probable Cost The Phase II opinion of probable cost is provided in Appendix D. The opinion of probable cost was prepared in accordance with the basis of design criteria in Section 2.2 of this report. The opinion of probable cost indicates that the total estimated construction cost is approximately $3,220,000, which equates to approximately $25,000 per household. A 25% contingency is included. The Phase II opinion of probable cost includes individual allocations for the service connection lines and meters (items 17 through 25) that equates to approximately $io,000 per new connection. We arrived at that allocation as follows: For items 17 and 18 the service line lengths were measured for each household using the Phase II sheet mapping. Item 19 is for miscellaneous fittings associated with the service line connections, and item 20 is for Pressure Reducing Valves (PRVs) and expansion tanks. For items 21 through 22 the meter/meter box allowance was developed from vendor quotations and from recent bid tabulations for similar projects. Item 23 is for road crossings where the household to be served is on the opposite side of the road from the water line. Items 24 and 25 represent site costs associated with approximately 29,000 feet of new service line piping. Dewberry Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Phase 11 Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation 12 Appendix A: Marshall Station Phase II Mapping www.dewberry.com October 21, 2016 Dewberry Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081774 Proposed Potable Water Site Preliminary Evaluation Marshall Steam Station Overall Legend County Boundary Proposed Potable Water Line (Duke) Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Compliance Boundary Existing Potable Water Line (City of Hickory) Wetlands Duke Energy Plant Railway State Route Stream/Lake N 1 in = 2,000 feet 0 2,000 4,000 Feet October 21, 2016 Dewberry Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081774 Proposed Potable Water Site Preliminary Evaluation Marshall Steam Station Sheet 1 Legend County Boundary Proposed Potable Water Line (Duke) Proposed Service Lines (Duke) - - - Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Compliance Boundary Existing Potable Water Line (City of Hickory) Wetlands + Duke Energy Plant w Railway Stream/Lake ® Parcel Reference Number (Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details) N 1 in = 200 feet 0 200 400 Feet October 21, 2016 Dewberry Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081774 Proposed Potable Water Site Preliminary Evaluation Marshall Steam Station Sheet 2 Legend County Boundary Proposed Potable Water Line (Duke) Proposed Service Lines (Duke) Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Compliance Boundary Existing Potable Water Line (City of Hickory) Wetlands Duke Energy Plant = Railway Stream/Lake ® Parcel Reference Number (Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details) 1 in = 200 feet 0 200 400 Feet October 21, 2016 Dewberry Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081774 Proposed Potable Water Site Preliminary Evaluation Marshall Steam Station Sheet 3 Legend County Boundary Proposed Potable Water Line (Duke) Proposed Service Lines (Duke) Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Compliance Boundary Existing Potable Water Line (City of Hickory) Wetlands Duke Energy Plant = Railway Stream/Lake ® Parcel Reference Number (Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details) 1 in = 200 feet 0 200 400 Feet October 21, 2016 Dewberry Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081774 Proposed Potable Water Site Preliminary Evaluation Marshall Steam Station Sheet 4 Legend County Boundary Proposed Potable Water Line (Duke) Proposed Service Lines (Duke) Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Compliance Boundary Existing Potable Water Line (City of Hickory) Wetlands Duke Energy Plant = Railway Stream/Lake Parcel Reference Number (Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details) N 1 in = 200 feet 0 200 400 Feet October 21, 2016 Dewberry Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081774 Proposed Potable Water Site Preliminary Evaluation Marshall Steam Station Sheet 5 Legend County Boundary Proposed Potable Water Line (Duke) Proposed Service Lines (Duke) Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Compliance Boundary Existing Potable Water Line (City of Hickory) Wetlands Duke Energy Plant = Railway Stream/Lake ® Parcel Reference Number (Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details) N 1 in = 200 feet 0 200 400 Feet October 21, 2016 Dewberry Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081774 Proposed Potable Water Site Preliminary Evaluation Marshall Steam Station Sheet 6 Legend County Boundary Proposed Potable Water Line (Duke) Proposed Service Lines (Duke) Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Compliance Boundary Existing Potable Water Line (City of Hickory) Wetlands Duke Energy Plant Railway Stream/Lake Parcel Reference Number (Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details) N 1 in = 200 feet 0 200 400 Feet October 21, 2016 Dewberry Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081774 Proposed Potable Water Site Preliminary Evaluation Marshall Steam Station Sheet 7 Legend County Boundary Proposed Potable Water Line (Duke) Proposed Service Lines (Duke) Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Compliance Boundary Existing Potable Water Line (City of Hickory) Wetlands Duke Energy Plant Railway Stream/Lake Parcel Reference Number (Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details) N 1 in = 200 feet 0 200 400 Feet October 21, 2016 Dewberry Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081774 Proposed Potable Water Site Preliminary Evaluation Marshall Steam Station Sheet 8 Legend County Boundary Proposed Potable Water Line (Duke) Proposed Service Lines (Duke) Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Compliance Boundary Existing Potable Water Line (City of Hickory) Wetlands Duke Energy Plant Railway Stream/Lake Parcel Reference Number (Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details) 1 in = 200 feet 0 200 400 Feet October 21, 2016 Dewberry Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081774 Proposed Potable Water Site Preliminary Evaluation Marshall Steam Station Sheet 9 Legend County Boundary Proposed Potable Water Line (Duke) Proposed Service Lines (Duke) Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Compliance Boundary Existing Potable Water Line (City of Hickory) Wetlands Duke Energy Plant = Railway Stream/Lake Parcel Reference Number (Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details) 1 in = 200 feet 0 200 400 Feet October 21, 2016 Dewberry Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081774 Proposed Potable Water Site Preliminary Evaluation Marshall Steam Station Sheet 10 Legend County Boundary Proposed Potable Water Line (Duke) Proposed Service Lines (Duke) Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Compliance Boundary Existing Potable Water Line (City of Hickory) Wetlands Duke Energy Plant = Railway Stream/Lake Parcel Reference Number (Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details) N -77L 1 in = 200 feet 0 200 400 Feet October 21, 2016 Dewberry Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081774 Proposed Potable Water Site Preliminary Evaluation Marshall Steam Station Sheet 11 Legend County Boundary Proposed Potable Water Line (Duke) Proposed Service Lines (Duke) Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Compliance Boundary Existing Potable Water Line (City of Hickory) Wetlands Duke Energy Plant r Railway Stream/Lake ® Parcel Reference Number (Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details) 1 in = 200 feet 0 200 400 Feet October 21, 2016 Dewberry Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081774 Proposed Potable Water Site Preliminary Evaluation Marshall Steam Station Sheet 12 Legend County Boundary Proposed Potable Water Line (Duke) Proposed Service Lines (Duke) - - - Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Compliance Boundary Existing Potable Water Line (City of Hickory) Wetlands + Duke Energy Plant w Railway Stream/Lake ® Parcel Reference Number (Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details) 1 in = 200 feet 0 200 400 Feet October 21, 2016 Dewberry Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081774 Proposed Potable Water Site Preliminary Evaluation Marshall Steam Station Sheet 13 Legend County Boundary Proposed Potable Water Line (Duke) Proposed Service Lines (Duke) - - - Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Compliance Boundary Existing Potable Water Line (City of Hickory) Wetlands + Duke Energy Plant Railway Stream/Lake ® Parcel Reference Number (Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details) 1 in = 200 feet 0 200 400 Feet October 21, 2016 Dewberry Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081774 Proposed Potable Water Site Preliminary Evaluation Marshall Steam Station Sheet 14 Legend County Boundary Proposed Potable Water Line (Duke) Proposed Service Lines (Duke) Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Compliance Boundary Existing Potable Water Line (City of Hickory) Wetlands Duke Energy Plant = Railway Stream/Lake ® Parcel Reference Number (Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details) 1 in = 200 feet 0 200 400 Feet October 21, 2016 Dewberry Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081774 Proposed Potable Water Site Preliminary Evaluation Marshall Steam Station Sheet 15 Legend County Boundary Proposed Potable Water Line (Duke) Proposed Service Lines (Duke) - - - Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Compliance Boundary Existing Potable Water Line (City of Hickory) Wetlands + Duke Energy Plant w Railway Stream/Lake ® Parcel Reference Number (Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details) 1V 1 in = 200 feet 0 200 400 Feet October 21, 2016 Dewberry Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081774 Proposed Potable Water Site Preliminary Evaluation Marshall Steam Station Sheet 16 Legend County Boundary Proposed Potable Water Line (Duke) Proposed Service Lines (Duke) Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Compliance Boundary Existing Potable Water Line (City of Hickory) Wetlands Duke Energy Plant = Railway Stream/Lake ® Parcel Reference Number (Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details) 1V 1 in = 200 feet 0 200 400 Feet October 21, 2016 Dewberry Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081774 Proposed Potable Water Site Preliminary Evaluation Marshall Steam Station Sheet 17 Legend County Boundary Proposed Potable Water Line (Duke) Proposed Service Lines (Duke) Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Compliance Boundary Existing Potable Water Line (City of Hickory) Wetlands Duke Energy Plant Railway Stream/Lake Parcel Reference Number (Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details) 1V 1 in = 200 feet 0 200 400 Feet October 21, 2016 Dewberry Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081774 Proposed Potable Water Site Preliminary Evaluation Marshall Steam Station Sheet 18 Legend County Boundary Proposed Potable Water Line (Duke) Proposed Service Lines (Duke) Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Compliance Boundary Existing Potable Water Line (City of Hickory) Wetlands Duke Energy Plant = Railway Stream/Lake Parcel Reference Number (Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details) 1V 1 in = 200 feet 0 200 400 Feet October 21, 2016 Dewberry Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081774 Proposed Potable Water Site Preliminary Evaluation Marshall Steam Station Sheet 19 Legend County Boundary Proposed Potable Water Line (Duke) Proposed Service Lines (Duke) Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Compliance Boundary Existing Potable Water Line (City of Hickory) Wetlands Duke Energy Plant = Railway Stream/Lake ® Parcel Reference Number (Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details) 1V 1 in = 200 feet 0 200 400 Feet Appendix B: Marshall Station Household Data Spreadsheet www.dewberry.com Marshall Steam Station Parcel Spreadsheet Label Parcel ID Site Address Type of Service Land Use Owner Name Tax Address City State Easement RegDaily Flow Notes Required 1 37035460804634287 3011 BEATTY RD Residential In Use HARWELL RICHARD CONNER 3037 BEAM RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 480 Gallons/connection 2 37035 460804729724 3037 BEATTY RD Residential In Use HARWELL RICHARD CONNOR 3037 BEATTY RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 3 37035_460702997748 GREGORY RD N/A Empty Lot GABRIEL WEDDIE LEWIS 3616 SLANTING BRIDGE RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 4 37035_461803017564 N/A Empty Lot LINEBERGER JEFFERY BENSON 6170 LINEBERGER RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 5 37035_460802773021 8035 SHERRILLS FORD RD N/A Empty Lot BEATTY JERRYY 3161 MOUNT PLEASANT RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 6 37035_460802857424 SHERRILLS FORD RD N/A Empty Lot CUTCHIN JOHN FRANKS 7424 WINDY PINE CIR DENVER NC 7 37035_460802875488 SHERRILLS FORD RD N/A Empty Lot BENFIELD PEGGY NEWTON 151 STEWART ACRES DR STATESVILLE INC 8 37035_460802877922 8027 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use MEIER JOSEPH R 9020 FAIR OAK DR SHERRILLS FORD NC 9 37035460802878334 8089 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use SHERRILLS FORD LIONS CLUB DISTRICT 31-B 8083 SHERRILLS FORD RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 10 37035 460802954293 8303 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residentlal In Use WEBB JEREMY 8303 SHERRILLS FORD RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 11 37035460802956736 8239 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use AKERS BRETK 3570 DIESEL DR LINCOLNTON NC 12 37035 460802956855 8225 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use AKERS BRETK 3570 DIESEL DR LINCOLNTON NC 13 37035460802956932 8213 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use AKERS BRETK 3570 DIESEL DR LINCOLNTON INC 14 37035_460802959194 8294 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use MCCARVILLE MICHAEL G 8294 SHERRILLS FORD RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 15 37035 460802959229 8288 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use SOHM MALCOLM L PO BOX 356 SHERRILLS FORD NC 16 37035_460802959281 SHERRILLS FORD RD N/A Empty Lot SOHM MALCOLM L PO BOX 356 SHERRILLS FORD NC 17 37035460802960908 8103 SHERRILLS FORD RD Business, Office, Factory with showers In Use CATAWBA COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION PO BOX 1010 NEWTON NC 18 37035460802961289 8161 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use SCHELL RODNEYB PO BOX 128 SHERRILLS FORD NC 19 37035460802966039 8197 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use GOFF WILLIAM H IR 3769 MILL RUN TERRELL NC 20 37035 460802966325 8173 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use CLEMENTS WILLIAM D 8173 SHERRILLS FORD RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 21 37035460802968850 8140 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use ALGE MICHAEL CARL 1994JAYA DR SHERRILLS FORD NC 22 37035 460802969586 8168 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use BOGGS JASONG PO BOX 485 SHERRILLS FORD NC 23 3703S 460802969613 8160 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use MCCURRY MICHAEL LEE PO BOX 544 SHERRILLS FORD NC 24 37035_460802970318 8083 SHERRILLS FORD RD N/A Empty Lot SHERRILLS FORD LIONS CLUB DISTRICT 31-B 8083 SHERRILLS FORD RD SHERRILLS FORD NC Business, Office, Factory 25 37035_460802970593 8063 SHERRILLS FORD RD with showers In Use CENTRAL TELEPHONE PROPERTY TAX DEPT PO BOX 12913 SHAWNEE MISSION KS 26 37035 460802971486 8073 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use SHERRILLS FORD-TERRELL FIRE & RESCUE INC PO BOX 51 SHERRILLS FORD NC 27 37035460802973879 8086 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use ROBINSON RONNIE LEE 9086 SHERRILLS FORD RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 28 37035_460802976151 8112 SHERRILLS FOR RD Residential In Use MOORE CHARLES LARRY 8112 SHERRILLS FORD RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 29 37035460802976991 7958 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use ROBINSON HOWARD LEWIS 7958 SHERRILLS FORD RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 30 37035 460802977061 8122 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use MARTIN JESSE EUGENE 8122 SHERRILLS FORD RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 31 37035460802978033 8118 SHERRILLS FOR RD Residential In Use MARTIN JESSE EUGENE 8122 SHERRILLS FORD RD SHERRILLS FORD INC 32 37035 460804739652 2955 BEATTY RD Residential In Use STORY PEGGY H 6532 KING WILKINSON RD DENVER NC 33 37035460804819477 8515 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use BEATTY OBED DANE 8653 SHERRILLS FORD RD SHERRILLS FORD INC 34 37035 460804944458 8353 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use BROTHERTON JOHN W 8353 SHERRILLS FORD RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 35 37035_460804909334 8819 SHERRILLS FORD RD N/A Empty Lot FARRIER ODIEST NATHANIEL 1141 PITTS AVE NEWTON NC 36 37035 460804909783 8743 SHERRILLS FOR RD Residential In Use GABRIEL JOSHUA PO BOX 253 SHERRILLS FORD NC 37 37035_460804923631 BEATTY RD N/A Empty Lot BROTHERTON JOHN W 8353 SHERRILLS FORD RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 38 37035_460SN934149 8491 SHERRILLS FORD RD Schaals In Use SHERRILLS FORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 8491 SHERRILLS FORD RD SHERRILLS. FORD NC 39 37035460804936011 8511 SHERRILLS FOR RD Residential In Use SHERRILL NELL MCNEELY 8511 SHERRILLS FORD RD SHERRILLS FORD NC Business, Office, Factory 40 37035_460804937364 8456 SHERRILLS FORD RD w/o show In Use CATAWBA COUNTY PO BOX 389 NEWTON NC 41 37035460804938893 M16 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residentals In Use BROTHERTON JOHN W 8353 SHERRILLS FORD RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 42 37035 460804939276 2971 STEAM PLANT RD Residential In Use SISK RICHARD ALLEN 1R 2971 STEAM PLANT SHERRILLS FORD NC 43 37035460804946231 8396 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use WASHAM ERIC LAVERNE 93965HERRILLS FORD RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 44 37035 460804949916 8316 SHERRILLS FOR RD Residential In Use STEVENS RONALD R 8316 SHERRILLS FORD RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 45 37035_461603149641 E NC 150 HWY Duke Empty Lot DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS LLC 4005 TRYON ST STE 30C CHARLOTTE NC 46 37035_461701079593 3604 SLANTING BRIDGE RD Residential In Use NELSON BRIAN ALAN PO BOX 3 TERRELL NC 47 37035_461701084048 N/A Empty Lot GABRIEL CHARLES PO BOX 574 SHERRILLS FORD INC 48 37035_461701085722 8913 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use GABRIEL ZADA VICTORIA 244033RD ST NE HICKORY NC 49 37035_461701085910 3400 SAXBYCT N/A Empty Lot TURNER ROBERT IR 1738TH AVE SW CONOVER NC 50 37035_461701091165 7983 GREGORY RD Residential In Use TURNER AUDREY ORENE 7983 GREGORY RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 51 37035461701092640 8012 GREGORY RD Residential In Use GABRIEL YVONNE PO BOX 56 SHERRILLS FORD NC 52 37035 461701094782 8026 GREGORY RD Residential In Use GABRIEL HARRIET ASBURY 8026 GREGORY RD SHERRILLS FORD NC Business, Office, Factory 53 37035_461701095009 3380 SAXBY CT with showers In Use NORTH CAROLINA FARM LANDS LLC PO BOX 574 SHERRILLS FORD NC 54 37035_461701095372 N/A Empty Let LITTLE PINK FOREST HEIRS 4311 SWINDON TER UPPER MARLBORO MD 55 37035461701096881 N/A Empty Lot NOWELL ALLEN DENDY SR PO BOX 1962 BLOWING ROCK NC 56 37035_461701097362 8883 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use WOODRUFF DAVID ALAN 4707 DICK WILSON RD DENVER NC 57 37035461701097610 8861 SHERRILLS FOR RD Residential In Use NOWELL ALLEN DENDY SR PO BOX 1962 BLOWING ROCK NC 58 37035461701173764 9010 SHERRILLS FORD RD Schools In Use PROVIDENCE ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH OF MAIDEN 3283 PROVIDENCE MILL RD MAIDEN NC NC INC 59 37035_461701173971 8137 MCDONALD DR N/A Empty Lot CATAWBA LAND BANK LLC PO BOX 574 SHERRILLS FORD NC 60 37035_461701174658 MOB SHERRILIS FORD RD N/A Empty Let PROVIDENCE ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH OF MAIDEN 3283 PROVIDENCE MILL RD MAIDEN NC NCINC 61 37035 461701175892 8155 MCDONALD DR N/A Empty Lot CATAWBA LAND BANK LLC PO BOX 574 SHERRILLS FORD INC 62 37035_461701=08 8167 MCDONALD DR N/A Empty Lot GABRIEL DAVID FRANKLIN 3275 ERVIN AVE NEWTON NC 63 37035461701182239 8966 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use LAWRENCE COTIE III 4642 WEST MARKET ST#182 GREENSBORO NC 64 37035461701183018 8982 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use PARSON FANNIE HUNTER 1929 PISTOL RANGE RD NEWTON NC 65 37035461701183108 8972 SHERRILLS FOR RD Residential In Use CONNOR NANCY WILSON LFI 8972 SHERRILLS FORD RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 66 37035_461701183372 8956 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residentlal In Use BRUNELLE THOMAS 7898 GREGORY RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 67 37035461701184171 8140 MCDONALD DR N/A Empty Lot ROYSTER WILLIAM FREDRICK 3275 ERVIN AVE NEWTON INC 68 37035_461701185069 8152 MCDONALD DR N/A Empty Lot ROYSTER WILLIAM FREDRICK 327 S ERVIN AVE NEWTON NC 69 37035_461701185239 N/A Empty Lot LAWRENCE SHIRLEY D 50927TH STREET DR NE HICKORY NC 480 Gallons/connection 480 Gallons/connection 480 Gallons/connection 480 Gallons/connection 480 Gallons/connection Y IN 480 Gallons/connedian 35 Gallons/person/shift 480 Gallons/connection 480 Gallons/connection 480 Gallons/connection 480 Gallons/connection 480 Gallons/connedian 480 Gallons/connection 480 Gallons/connection 480 Gallons/connection 480 Gallons/ronneelion 480 Gallons/connedian 480 Gallons/connection i].T.TT3�1l:F.TSS]I 480 Gallons/connection 480 Gallons/connection 480 Gallons/connection 480 Gallons/connection 480 Gallons/connection 480 Gallons/connection 480 Gallons/connection 480 Gallons/connection 35 Gallons/person/shift 480 Gallons/connection 480 Gallons/connection IS Gallons/student - - Planned subdivision - - Planned subdivision - -. Planned subdivision 480 Gallons/connection 48D Gallons/connection 480 Gallons/connection - - Planned subdivision - - Planned subdivision 70 37035_461701189474 SHERRILLS FORD RD N/A Empty Lot GABRIEL ZADA VICTORIA 244033RD Sr NE HICKORY NC - - 71 37035 461701190186 8876 SHERRILLS FORD RD Duke In Use DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS LLC 4005 TRYON ST STE 30C CHARLOTTE NC - - 72 37035_461707773629 8455 ENC 150 HWY Residential In Use HOLDSCLAW ANNIE CLYDE B HEIRS 719 DOGWOOD LN MOORESVILLE NC 480 Gallons/connection 73 37035461708778717 8411 ENC 150 HWY Residential In Use HOLDSCLAW ANNIE CLYDE B HEIRS 719 DOGWOOD UN MOORESVILLE NC 480 Gallons/connection 74 37035_461708874917 8833 GREENWOOD RD Residential In Use PARKER MITCHELL LEWIS 8833 GREENWOOD RD TERRELL NC 480 Gallons/connection 75 37035461708877945 3483 MELICA DR N/A Empty Lot MATTIE ROSE DEVELOPMENT INC 1111 CENTRAL AVE SUITE 320 CHARLOTTE NC - - 76 37035461708884874 8550 ENC 150 HWY Residential In Use JETEN PROPERTIES LLC 8576 E NC 150 HWY TERRELL NC - - 77 37035_461708896110 8576 E NC 150 HWY Business, Office, Factory In Use JETEN PROPERTIES LLC 8576 E NC 150 HWY TERRELL NC 25 Gallons/person/shift w/o show rs a 78 37035_461708896509 Duke Empty Let DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS LLC 4005 TRYON ST STE 30C CHARLOTTE NC .. - 79 37035_461708897420 8586 E NC 150 HWY Business, Office, Factory In Use JETEN PROPERTIES LLC 8576 E NC 150 HWY TERRELL NC 25 Gallons/person/shift w/o shows 80 37035_461708981821 8585 ENC 150 HWY Residential In Use STUTTS HAROLD EDWIN 8585 NC HIGHWAY 150 E TERRELL NC 480 Gallons/connection 81 37035_461708981988 N/A Empty Lot STUTTS HAROLD EDWIN 8585 NC HIGHWAY 150 E TERRELL NC - - 82 37035_461708984339 8846 GREENWOOD RD Residential In Use STUTTS EVELYN G REVOCABLE TRUST PO BOX 247 TERRELL NC 480 Gallons/connection 83 37035_461708998493 8629 ENC 150 HWY Residential In Use STUTTS ANNIE B IRREVOCABLE TRST B629 E NC 150 HWY TERRELL NC 480 Gallons/connection 84 37035_461709263370 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use CONNOR CHARLES FRANKLIN III PO BOX 730 CLAREMONT NC 480 Gallons/connection 85 37035_461710366766 3527 MARSHALL RD Business,Office, Factory with showers -Use JURNEY CHARLEST 8100 NC HIGHWAY 150 E TERRELL NC 35 Gallons/person/shift 86 17135_461710451111 81W E NC 150 HWY Residential In Use LUTZ HANSEL LEE 8201 E NC 150 HWY TERRELL NC 480 Gallons/connection 87 37035461J10465516 8200 ENC 150 HWY Residential In Use JURNEY CHARLEST 8100 NC HIGHWAY 150 E TERRELL NC 480 Gallons/connection 88 37035_461710467732 8226 E NC 150 HWY Residential In Use JJGIT ESTATE HOLDINGS LLC 256 RACEWAY DR STE 12 MOORESVILLE NC 480 Gallons/connection 89 37035_461711552869 8255 E NC 150 HWY Residential In Use LUTZ PEGGY HOLDSCLAW PO BOX 256 TERRELL NC 480 Gallons/connection 90 37035_461711563340 8273 ENC 150 HWY Residential In Use LUTZ JEROD RAY 7831 SPINNAKER BAY DR UNIT 308 SHERRILLS FORD NC 480 Gallons/connection 91 37035_461711772286 E NC 150 HWY Duke Empty Lot DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS LLC 4005 TRYON ST STE 30C CHARLOTTE NC - - 92 37035_461801050934 8220 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use BROADWAY DANTEE 24 SHANNA DR WEAVERVILLE NC 480 Gallons/connection 93 37035_461801051307 8270 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use BOWEN GARYW PO BOX 43 SHERRILLS FORD NC 480 Gallons/connection 94 37035 461801051629 8238 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use MCINTOSH TIMOTHY GUY PO BOX 44 SHERRILLS FORD NC - - 95 37035_461801060122 8204 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use WEATHERMAN STARK A 8204 SHERRILLS FORD RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 480 Gallons/connection 96 37035_461801060328 8172 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use MIRMAN STEVE A 8172 SHERRILLS FORD RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 480 Gallons/connection 97 37035_461801060991 8009 ISLAND POINT RD Residential In Use MOORE CHARLES LARRY 8112 SHERRILLS FORD RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 480 Gallons/connection Business, Office, Factory 98 37035461801065838 8057 ISLAND POINT RD a w/p showrs In Use PEOPLES BANK PO BOX 467 NEWTON NC - - 99 37035_461801066339 ISLAND POINT RD N/A Empty Lot NELSON APRIL CHRISTINE 2355 METCALF DR SHERRILLS FORD NC - - 300 37035_461101067111 1111 ISLAND POINT RD N/A Empty Lot TIMBERLYNNE VILLAGE LLC 2355 METCALF DR SHERRILLS FORD NC - - l01 37035_461801069891 8101 ISLAND POINT RD N/A Empty Lot TIMBERLYNNE VILLAGE LLC 2355 METCALF DR SHERRILLS FORD NC - - 102 17035_411101071311 8014 ISLAND POINT RD Residential In Use ELLISON JAMESN 8064 ISLAND POINT RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 480 Gallons/connecipn 103 37035_461801078346 8084 ISLAND POINT RD Residential In Use BUSTLE BRADLEYE 9521 ISLAND POINT RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 480 Gallons/connection 104 37035_461801079394 8104 ISLAND POINT RD Residential In Use HAMBY JIMMY 8104 ISLAND POINT RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 480 Gallons/connection 105 37035_461801091265 2350 MOLLYS BACKBONE RD Residential In Use MCCONNELL LAMES OTIS PO OBX 235 SHERRILLS FORD NC Y 480 Gallons/connection Business, Office, Factory 106 17035_161101161483 8111 ISLAND POINT RD with showers In Use SHERRILLS FORD SELF STORAGE LLC 216 SOUTHERN WOODS DR CHARLESTON WV - 107 37035461801166752 8153 ISLAND POINT RD Residential In Use SHERRILL MAISON WAYNE PO BOX 101 SHERRILLS FORD NC - - 108 37035_461801171313 8118 ISLAND POINT RD Residential In Use BENTLEY BLAKE HC 37 BOX 15D EDGARTON WV 480 Gallons/connection 109 37035_461801173312 8136 ISLAND POINT RD Residential In Use ROBBINS JOSEPH LYNN 8136 ISLAND POINT RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 480 Gallons/connection 110 37035 461801174162 Duke In Use DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS LLC 400 S TRYON ST STE 30C CHARLOTTE NC - - ill 37035_461801193017 N/A Empty Lot CAROLINA CENTERS LLC 227 WEST TRADE ST STE 1000 CHARLOTTE NC - - 112 37035 461801477637 8483 ISLAND POINT RD Residential In Use LINEBERGER CARSON L 8483 ISLAND POINT RD SHERRILLS FORD NC - - 113 37035_461801478658 8499 ISLAND POINT RD Residential In Use LINEBERGER CRYSTLE 8483 ISLAND POINT RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 480 Gallons/connection 114 37035_461801488616 Duke Empty Lot DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS LLC PO BOX 1007 CHARLOTTE NC - - 115 37035_461802571365 8579 ISLAND POINT RD Duke Empty Lot DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS LLC PO BOX 1007 CHARLOTTE NC - - 116 37035_461802571932 8486 ISLAND POINT RD Residential In Use ALEXANDER FRANCES H 8486 ISLAND POINT RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 480 Gallons/connection 117 37035_461802574047 8575 ISLAND POINT RD Residential In Use SHERRILL DELMAR 36 DUXBURY DR HOLDEN MA 480 Gallons/connection 118 37035_461802576738 8566 ISLAND POINT RD Residential In Use STEELE GERRYI 8566 ISLAND POINT RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 480 Gallons/connection 119 37035_461802582008 N/A Empty Lot PAYNE SHANNON RAY 1745 FIELD BROOK CT NEWTON NC - - 120 37035_461802661986 8639 ISLAND POINT RD N/A Empty Lot BUMGARNER DAVEY ANDREW 8643 ISLAND POINT RD SHERRILLS FORD NC - - 121 37035461802665916 8665 ISLAND POINT RD Residential In Use ROBINSON CAROLE DAWN E 8665 ISLAND POINT RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 480 Gallons/connection 122 37035_461802668175 8703 ISLAND POINT RD Duke Empty Lot DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS LLC 400 S TRYON Sr STE 30C CHARLOTTE NC - - 123 37035461802671120 8623 ISLAND POINT RD Residential In Use HOLT BRIANC 2473 WELLESBOURNE LN SHERRILLS FORD NC - - 124 37035 461802672746 8628 ISLAND POINT RD Residential In Use PLESS CLEMENT E IR 127 OVERHEAD BRIDGE RD MOORESVILLE NC - - 125 37035461802673026 8643 ISLAND POINT RD Residential In Use BUMGARNER DAVEY A 8643 ISLAND POINT RD SHERRILLS FORD NC - - 126 37035 461802673466 8632 ISLAND POINT RD Residential In Use HYDE JAMESR 86321SLANDPOINT RD SHERRILLS FORD NC - - 127 37035_461802674896 N/A Empty Lot PLESS CLEMENT E IR 127 OVERHEAD BRIDGE RD MOORESVILLE NC - - 128 37035461802678019 8680 ISLAND POINT RD N/A Empty Lot KEY HARBOR COMMUNITIES LLC 2010 AVALON PKWY STE 400 MCDONOUGH GA - - 129 37035_461803003477 8771 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use SHAH DIPAK 142 TROTTER RIDGE DR MOORESVILLE NC 480 Gallons/connection 130 37035. 461103104671 8711 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use GABRIEL SABRINA C 3616 SLANTING BRIDGE RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 480 Gallons/connection 131 37035_461803005286 8791 SHERRILLS FORD RD Schools In Use BROWNS CHAPEL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 8790 SHERRILLS FORD RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 15 Gallons/student 132 37035_461803008991 8722 SHERRILLS FOR RD Residential In Use FISHE BARRYC 12315TOCKPORT CT BOWIE MD 480 Gallons/connection 133 37035. 461803009512 8768 SHERRILLS FORD RD N/A Empty Lot FISHE BRYAN P LFI PO BOX 524 SHERRILLS FORD NC - - 134 37035_411113001631 8756 SHERRILLS FORD RD N/A Empty Lot FISHE NORMAJ UPI 7947 SHERRILLS FORD RD SHERRILLS FORD NC - - 135 37035461803009718 8738 SHERRILLS FORD RD N/A Empty Lot MASSEY MARVIN AUGUSTA 14112 WALKERS CROSSING DR CHARLOTTE NC - - 136 37035_461803012498 8653 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use BEATTY DEED DANE 8653 SHERRILLS FORD RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 480 Gallons/connection 137 37035461803012756 8625 SHERRILLS FORD RD N/A Empty Lot BEATTY OBED DANE 8653 SHERRILLS FORD RD SHERRILLS FORD NC - - 138 37035_461803018064 8704 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use FISHE BARRYC PO BOX 524 SHERRILLS FORD NC 480 Gallons/connection 139 37035 461803018230 8680 SHERRILLS FORD RD N/A Empty Lot FISH IERYLE PO BOX 694 BOWIE MD - - 140 37035_461803021923 8526 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use EDWARDS ROLAND REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 365 DEER PATH DR ANTIOCH IL 480 Gallons/connection 141 37035. 461803023743 8538 SHERRILLS FORD RD Residential In Use CHERRY JOEL DAVID PO BOX 158 SHERRILLS FORD NC 480 Gallons/connection 8 homes on the parcel, two meters 3 connections/meters on parcel, one home and two businesses CMIT 141 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 119 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 171 179 180 181 182 183 184 LES 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 119 200 201 202 203 204 211 206 217 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 37035_461803024371 8574 37035 461803024398 8550 37035_461803031102 8510 37035 461803040535 8358 37035_1 11031/0104 17M 37035_461803114647 3099 37035_461803123267 3085 37035_461803426350 8320 37035_461904616962 37035_462817000538 37035_460802965632 8151 37035_461708875544 3545 37035_461708876605 3131 37035_461708876793 3523 37035_461708878727 3111 37035_461708879842 3497 37035_461708970519 351C 37035_461708971696 3494 37035_461712866977 3601 37035_461712874187 3563 37035_461712874452 3557 37035_461712877368 355E 37035_461712879428 3542 37035_461712971156 3584 37035_461712971419 885C 37035_461712973438 8874 37035_461710366145 37035_461710460391 8162 37035_461710462450 817E 37035_461803016923 861C 37035_462705081661 905C 37035_462705082731 906C 37035_462705083800 906E 37035_462705083859 9074 37035_46170916671: 909E 37035_461709168528 911E 37035_460802864598 8129 37035_461710269621 805C 37035_461708990239 8614 37035_461708995953 8632 37035_460802766002 37035_460804729212 3102 37035_460809808235 37035_461701178704 8177 37035_461701178790 8189 37035 461701186077 8160 37035_461701187244 37035_461701188024 8174 37035_4617011SM72 8192 37035_461701189212 37035_461701270644 8205 37035_461701272611 8239 37035_461701274824 8220 37035_461701275536 8244 37095_461701281020 8208 37035_461701282272 37035_461708898700 8560 37035 461709272461 8251 37035_4617092732M 8265 37035 461710276302 8268 37035_461711651757 8333 37035 461711662385 37035_461711668166 37035 461711762289 37035_461711762853 3610 37035 461712769467 37035_461803039267 37035_461903202194 8169 37035_461802760831 37035_461802761679 8716 37035 461802763617 8734 37035_461802764665 8746 37035 461802765694 8762 37035_461802767606 8780 37035_461802768607 8788 37035_461802769790 8806 SHERRILLS FORD RD SHERRILLS FORD RD SHERRILLS FORD RD SHERRILLS FORD RD SHERRILLS FORD RD STEAM PLANT RD STEAM PLANT RD E NC 150 HWY SHERRILLS FORD RD MELICA DR MEUCA DR MELICA DR MELICA DR MELICA DR MELICA OR MELICA DR MELICA DR MELICA DR MELICA DR MELICA DR MELICA DR MELICA DR ELINA LN ELINA LN E NC "I HWY E NC 150 HWV E NC 150 HWY SHERRILLS FORD RD CLEMENT CIR CLEMENT CIR CLEMENT CIR CLEMENT CIR SHERRILLS FORD RD SHERRILLS FORD RD L9:f9:1:T11-11)I:T7:T8 E NC 150 HWY E NC 150 HWY E NC 150 HWY BEAM RD MCDONALD DR MCDONALD DR MCDONALD DR MCDONALD DR MCDONALD DR MCDONALD DR MCDONALD DR MCDONALD DR MCDONALD DR MCDONALD DR E NC 150 HWY MCDONALD DR MCDONALD DR MCDONALD DR E NC ISO H WY KISER ISLAND RD HOLDSCLAW RD KISER ISLAND RD KISER ISLAND RD HOLDSCLAW RD STEAM PLANT RD RACCOON TRACK DR ISLAND POINT RD ISLAND POINT RD ISLAND POINT RD ISLAND POINT RD ISLAND POINT RD ISLAND POINT RD ISLAND POINT RD ISLAND POINT RD N/A Residential Residential N/A Mobile Home Parks Industrial Industrial Duke N/A Duke Residentla N/A N/A ZS3Rp7w. . 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Empty Lot Empty Lot CHERRY HENRY WAYNE CHERRY JOEL DAVID EDWARDS HAROLD RAY BROTHERTON JOHN W MOTTS GROVE METHODIST CHURCH CABARRUS CONCRETE CO BREN DA LLC DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS LLC SHERRILLS FORD HOLDINGS LLC DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS LLC SISOUKRATH BOUN-LEUTH MATTIE ROSE DEVELOPMENT INC MATTIE ROSE DEVELOPMENT INC FOX KEVIN M MATTIE ROSE DEVELOPMENT INC BLAIR ASON KAVEH PROPERTIES IV LLC KAVEH PROPERTIES IV LLC KAVEH PROPERTIES IV LLC MATTIE ROSE DEVELOPMENT INC MATTIE ROSE DEVELOPMENT INC COLEMAN THOMAS G MATTIE ROSE DEVELOPMENT INC MATTIE ROSE DEVELOPMENT INC KAVEH PROPERTIES IV LLC MATTIE ROSE DEVELOPMENT INC GODSOUT LINDA 10 BROWN BROWN BETTY H LFI GODBOUT LINDA 10 BROWN CHERRY FRANKLEEIR STUTTS FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP STUTTS FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP STUTTS FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP STUTTS FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP BROWN CLAY N MYERS RICHARD JOSEPH CATAWBA COUNTY OF HOWARD KERMIT LEE HEIRS 1ETEN PROPERTIES LLC DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS LLC BEATTY JERRYY SHOEMAKER JAMES D GABRIEL WEDDIE LEWIS CATAWBA LAND BANK LLC ROYSTER JANICE G ROYSTER WILLIAM FREDRICK STEWART PAMELA L ROYSTER WILLIAM FREDRICK ROYSTER W I W AM FREDRICK LAWRENCE COTIE III FREE VERNITA DIANNE GABRI NORTH CAROLINA FARM LANDS LLC CATAWBA IAND BANK LLC ROYSTER WILLIAM FREDRICK ROYSTER WILLIAM FREDRICK CATAWBA LAND BANK LLC SHERRILL LYNN H NORTH CAROLINA FARM LANDS LLC NORTH CAROLINA FARM LANDS LLC ROYSTER WILLIAM FREDRICK DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS LLC CAROLINA CENTERS LLC KINAN JOSEPH CAROLINA CENTERS LLC DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS LLC DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS LLC DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS LLC HAGER BILLY RAY S SILVER BIRCH CT CHAPEL HILL NC - - EDBOX 158 SHERRILLS FORD NC 480 Gallons/connection 8510 SHERRILLS FORD RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 480 Gallons/connection 8353 SHERRILLS FORD RD SH ERRILLS FORD NC - - 30 connections/meters on parcel, mobile 8790SHERRILLSFORD RD SHERRILLS FORD NC Y 250 gallons/Connection home equivalent 2807 ARMENTROUT DR CONCORD NC 35 Gallons/person/shift PO BOX 399 SHERRILLS FORD NC 35 Gallons/person/shift PO BOX 1007 CHARLOTTE NC - - 4060 PEACHTREE RD SUITE D-201 ATLANTA GA - - 4005 TRYON 5T STE 30C CHARLOTTE NC - - 81515HERRILLS FORD RD If SHERRILLS FORD NC - - 1111CENTRAL AVE SUITE 320 CHARLOTTE NC - - 1111 CENTRAL AVE SUITE 320 CHARLOTTE NC - - 3523 MELICA DR TERRELL NC - - Existing Home is visible in mare recent google earth imagery 11110ENTRALAVE SUITE320 CHARLOTTE NC - - 3497MELICA DR TERRELL NC - - 10BOX 327E ROCK HILL SC - - POSO%3278 ROCK HILL SC - - PO BOX 3278 ROCK HILL SC - - 1111 CENTRAL AVE SUITE 320 CHARLOTTE NC - - 1111 CENTRAL AVE SURE 320 CHARLOTTE NC - - 3556MELICADR TERRELL NC - - 11110ENTRALAVE.SUITE320 CHARLOTTE NC - - 1111 CENTRAL AVE SUITE 320 CHARLOTTE NC - - PO BOX 3278 ROCK HILL SC - - 1111 CENTRAL AVE SUITE 320 CHARLOTTE NC - - 8176 E NC 150 HWY TERRELL NC 480 Gallons/connection 8176E NC 150 HWY TERRELL NC 480 Gallons/connection 8176 E NC 150 HWY TERRELL NC 480 Gallons/conneRion 125 BAY DR HENDERSONVILLE IN - - POBOX247 TERRELL NC 480 Gallons/connection PO SO 247 TERRELL NC 480 Gallons/connection PO BOX 247 TERRELL NC 480 Gallons/connection PO BOX 247 TERRELL NC 480 Gallons/connection 2524 WELLESSOURNE LN SHERRILLS FORD NC - - 91185HERRILLSFORDRD TERRELL NC 480 Gallons/connection PO BOX 389 NEWTON NC 25 Galions/person/shift 8510TIM BERLAKELN TERRELL NC - - 8576 E NC 150 HWY TERRELL NC - - PO BOX 1007 CHARLOTTE NC - - 3161MOUNTPLEASANT RD SHERRILLS FORD NC - - 3102 BEATTY RD SHERRILLS FORD NC 480 Gallons/connection 36165LANTING BRIDGE RD SHERRILLS FORD NC - - POBOX 574 SHERRILLS FORD NC - - 3275ERVINAVE NEWTON NC - 3275ERVINAVE NEWTON NC - - Planned subdivision 1239 SHANNONBROOK DR NEWTON NC - - 3275ERVINAVE NEWTON NC - - Planned subdivision 32]S ERVIN AVE NEWTON NC - - Planned subdivision 4642 WEST MARKET ST#182 GREENSBORO NC - - 5435 FERN HILL DR CHARLOTTE NC - - Planned subdivision PO BOX 574 SHERRILLS FORD NC - - Planned subdivision PO BOX 574 SHERRILLS FORD NC - - Planned subdivision 3275 ERVIN AVE NEWTON NC - - Planned subdivision .7S ERVIN AVE NEWTON NC - - Planned subdivision PO BOX 574 SHERRILLS FORD NC - - POBOX31300 TUCSON AZ - -. PO BOX 574 SHERRILLS FORD NC - - Planned subdivision PO BOX 574 SHERRILLS FORD NC - - Planned ivision 3275ERVINAVE NEWTON NC - - Pla n ned subdsubdivision 4005 TRYON ST STE 30C CHARLOTTE NC - - 227WEST TRADE STSTE 3000 CHARLOTTE NC - - 6TRINITY LN LAKEVILLE MA - - 227WEST TRADE STSTE 3000 CHARLOTTE NC - - 4005TRYONSTSTE 30C CHARLOTTE NC - -. 400 S TRYON ST STE 30C CHARLOTTE NC - - PO BOX 1007 CHARLOTTE NC - Appears to just be a barn and some other 8074 MALIBU POINTE LN DENVER NC - - unknown structure but not a home ROBINSON KEVIN BRYCE 607 MORNING CREEK PL GREENVILLE SC DU KE ENERGVCAROLINASLLC 4005 TRYON ST STE 30C CHARLOTTE NC DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS LLC 400 S TRYON ST STE 30C CHARLOTTE NC DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS LLC 4005 TRYON ST STE 30C CHARLOTTE NC DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS LLC 4005 TRYON ST STE 30C CHARLOTTE NC HOLDSCLAW CLIFFORD W 1608 HOPEWELL CH U RCH RD CATAWBA NC HOLDSCLAWCUFFORDW 1608 HOPEWELL CHURCH RD CATAWBA NC HOLDSCLAW CLIFFORD W 1608 HOPEWELL CHURCH RD CATAWBA NC 218 37035_461802872093 2515 CAPES COVE DR N/A Empty Lot NORTHVIEW HARBOUR OWNERS ASSOCIATION INC 400 S TRVON ST STE 1300 CHARLOTTE Appendix C: Schedule www.dewberry.com Name 1 Marshall DEQ Report Submittal & Approval 2 Municipality/County Negotiation & Agreement 3 Municipality/County Design Agreement Period 4 Municipality/County System Design (assuming NTP within 30 days of agreement) 5 Field Work/Survey 6 30% Design Development 7 Development of 30% Construction Documents 8 Review of 30% Design 9 30% Design Review Meeting 10 60% Design Development 11 Development of 60% Construction Documents 12 Review of 60% Design 13 60% Design Review Meeting 14 Final Design Development 15 Development of 100% Construction Documents 16 Review of 100% Design 17 100% Design Review Meeting 18 Easement Development 19 Deed Research 20 Develop Plats 21 Easement Acquisition 22 Permitting 23 RR Encroachment 24 NCDEQ Erosion and Sedimentation Control Permit 25 NCDOT Right -of -Way Encroachment Permit (State and District) 26 NCDEQ Water Supply Permit 27 Advertise, Bidding & Contracting 28 NTP 29 Construction of Water Main & Services 30 Substantial Completion, System Testing, & Certification 31 Project Completion Project: Marshall Steam Station Manual Summary Rollup Proposed Schedule Start Thu 12/15/16 Mon 11/14/16 Mon 11/14/16 Mon 2/20/17 Mon 2/20/17 Wed 3/22/17 Wed 3/22/17 Mon 4/24/17 Fri 4/28/17 Mon 5/1/17 Mon 5/1/17 Tue 6/13/17 Fri 6/23/17 Mon 6/26/17 Mon 6/26/17 Mon 7/24/17 Fri 8/4/17 Mon 5/1/17 Mon 5/1/17 Mon 6/26/17 Wed 7/26/17 Mon 8/7/17 Mon 6/26/17 Mon 8/7/17 Mon 8/7/17 Mon 8/7/17 Mon 12/25/17 Fri 3/23/18 Mon 3/26/18 Tue 8/21/18 Wed 9/19/18 Finish Sun 1/15/17 Mon 2/13/17 Mon 2/13/17 Wed 8/23/17 Tue 3/21/17 Fri 4/28/17 Fri 4/21/17 Fri 4/28/17 Fri 4/28/17 Fri 6/23/17 Mon 6/12/17 Fri 6/23/17 Fri 6/23/17 Fri 8/4/17 Fri 7/21/17 Fri 8/4/17 Fri 8/4/17 Wed 8/23/17 Tue 5/30/17 Tue 7/25/17 Wed 8/23/17 Fri 12/22/17 Fri 12/22/17 Fri 10/6/17 Fri 10/27/17 Fri 11/17/17 Fri 3/23/18 Fri 3/23/18 Mon 8/20/18 Wed 9/19/18 Wed 9/19/18 4th Quarter I 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter I 1st Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar A r Ma Jun Jul lAual Se Oct INovI Dec Jan 3/23 3rd,Quarter 14th,Qu 9/19 Page 1 Appendix D: Opinion of Probable Cost www.dewberry.com FINAL Opinion of Probable Cost Marshall Steam Station Potable Water Connection Item I Material Unit QQt y Unit Cost Extended Cost Main 1 8-inch C-900 PVC Pipe LF 7,810 $ 10.00 $ 78,100 2 8-inch Tee EA 4 $ 1,000 $ 4,000 3 8-inch Gate Valve w/Box (assume three at every tee and one per 5,000 LF) EA 14 $ 1,200 $ 16,800 4 8-inch Misc Fittings (Assume 2 fittings per appurtenance plus 1 fitting per 1000 LF pipe times 100# per fitting) LB 3,600 $ 4.00 $ 14,400 5 Automatic Flushing Devices EA 5 $ 8,000 $ 40,000 6 Fire Hydrant EA 11 $ 6,000 $ 66,000 7 1-inch Air Release Valve and Manhole (at highpoints in main) EA 1 $ 2,200 $ 2,200 Subtotal Materials/Equipment: $ 221,500 Installation (% of Material/Equipment): 30% $ 66,500 8 Clearing & Grubbing (8" piping only) LF 7,810 $ 3.50 $ 27,400 9 Excavation and Backfilling for Trench LF 7,810 $ 18.00 $ 140,600 10 Pipe Bedding Material (#67 Stone - assumed for 25% of pipe) CY 181 $ 35.00 $ 6,400 11 Railroad Crossing (Casing, Piping, Spiders and Installation) EA 1 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 12 Rural Road Crossing for Main (Casing, Piping, Spiders and Installation) EA 3 $ 20,000 $ 60,000 13 Erosion Control Measures (Silt Fence/Check Dams based on feet of pipe) LF 7,810 $ 4.50 $ 35,200 14 Testing, Disinfection, Clean Up, Seed and Mulch (Assume: 25-ft impacted area) LF 7,810 $ 8.50 $ 66,400 15 Connection to Existing Waterline EA 5 $ 5,000 $ 25,000 16 Traffic Control LS 1 $ 19,000 $ 19,000 Services Connections/Lines 17 2-inch PVC Pipe LF 11,100 $ 4.75 $ 52,800 18 3/4-inch PVC Pipe LF 18,100 $ 3.00 $ 54,300 19 Misc Fittings for Service Connections (valves, fittings, etc.) EA 120 $ 150 $ 18,000 20 Pressure Reduction Valves and Expansion Tanks EA 120 $ 300 $ 36,000 Subtotal Materials/Equipment: $ 161,100 Installation (% of Material/Equipment): 30% $ 48,400 21 2-inch Services Taps, Meters, Meter Boxes and Misc. Connections to Main Line EA 43 $ 6,000 $ 258,000 22 3/4-inch Services Taps, Meters, Meter Boxes and Misc. Connections to Main Line EA 77 $ 3,000 $ 231,000 23 Road Crossing for Services - (Jetting/bore, Casing, and Installation) EA 48 $ 1,500 $ 72,000 24 Excavation and Backfilling for Service Trench LF 29,200 $ 10.00 $ 292,000 25 Flush, Clean Up, Seed and Mulch (Assume: 5-ft impacted area) LF 29,200 $ 4.00 $ 116,800 SUBTOTAL $ 1,898,000 Sub -Total FOB Allowance (% of Material/Equipment): 2% $ 7,700 Renovation Allowance (% of Material/Equipment): 5% $ 19,200 Sub -Total $ 1,925,000 Contractor Overhead and Profit: 15% $ 288,800 Contractor General Conditions: MONTH 6 $ 20,000 $ 120,000 Sub -Total: $ 2,334,000 Contingency: 25% $ 583,500 Sub -Total: $ 2,918,000 Design, Bid Phase, and Construction Phase Engineering Services 10% $ 291,800 Easements Acquistion (Permanent) $ 10,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED CAPITAL COST: $ 3,220,000 Notes: 1.) Renovation Allowance to account for private property refurbishment (signs, fences, etc.) 2.) Number of Service Taps taken from field evaluation and property records. 3.) Permanent Easement Acquisition based on 50% of average area property tax value. 4.) Temporary easements are not included in this estimate. 5.) No significant rock excavation, water crossings, wetlands, or other abnormal working environment anticipated. 6.) Opinion of Probable Cost; cost may vary depending upon escalation at time of construction. 7.) Piping footage may change with final design. 11/14/2016 FINAL Dewberry