HomeMy WebLinkAboutAllen Proposed Permanent Water Solution_20161111Permanent Water Supply Proposal to DEQ - Allen Allen Steam Station Gaston County 272 eligible households; 3 community supply wells Duke Energy has evaluated the feasibility and costs of providing a permanent replacement water supply to eligible households, as required under G.S. 130A-309.21 1 (cl) of House Bill 630. Households were designated as "eligible" if any portion of a parcel of land crossed the mile compliance buffer described in HB630 and if the household currently utilized well water or bottled water (under Duke Energy's bottled water program) as the drinking water source. Although HB630 indicates that households are to be covered, Duke Energy has included four (4) offices/businesses as eligible locations. In addition, Aqua North Carolina serves 77 households from three (3) public community wells located within the'/2 mile boundary. Although Aqua is already providing these households with a public water supply, Duke Energy has included the Aqua North Carolina community wells and the households they serve as eligible. Undeveloped parcels were identified but were not considered "eligible" because groundwater wells are not currently utilized as a drinking source. Dewberry, a respected outside vendor, conducted the Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation (attached); the evaluation consisted of a survey of eligible households and a preliminary engineering evaluation, cost estimate and schedule. Dewberry's report, for the most part, assumes one metered connection per parcel; therefore, multiple homes may be serviced by one connection. The total count in this proposed plan includes all final connections. Based on the results of the Dewberry evaluation and the factors below, Duke Energy proposes that 193 eligible households and businesses be offered the option of a connection to the City of Belmont water supply or the installation of a water treatment system. Duke Energy also proposes that an interconnection between the City of Belmont and the three Aqua North Carolina systems be offered to Aqua, who would then continue to serve their 77 current potable water customers. Duke Energy is recommending that the household on Plant Allen Road be offered a water treatment system (labeled as property 195 in the Dewberry evaluation, with the potential water main shown as being run along Boat Club Road). The City of Belmont already has municipal lines located along South Point Road and Armstrong Road; therefore, some of the households would require only service lines. Water line extensions would be required along Canal Road (approximately 475 feet); Wildfire Lane (and remaining roads in the subdivision with the furthest household approximately 1,750 feet from the current main); Warren Drive (and remaining roads in the subdivision with the furthest household approximately 1,475 feet from the main); Lake Mist Drive (and remaining roads in the subdivision with the furthest household approximately 1,460 feet from the main); Wingpoint Drive (and remaining roads in the subdivision with furthest household approximately 3,500 feet from the main), and Reese Wilson Road (and remaining roads in the subdivision, with the furthest household approximately 4,660 feet from the main). ,& DUKE ENERGY: Permanent Water Supply Proposal to DEQ - Allen A water treatment system is being recommended for the household on Plant Allen Road. While the City of Belmont did not indicate any issues related to water quality for the system as a whole, serving one household at the end of a 3,000-foot line down Boat Club Road may result in water quality concerns due to low water usage. Also, running a municipal line to just this one household is estimated at $212,000. The cost estimate indicates that running the line to this household is cost prohibitive. Total costs shown in the table below exclude costs associated with running a public water supply line to this location; therefore, the costs below are different than the costs included in Appendix D of the Dewberry evaluation. Estimates prepared by Dewberry, in conjunction with design information provided by the local water municipality, have revealed that the three Aqua wells and at least 130 of the remaining eligible households must accept connection to the public water supply for such connection to be cost-effective. Accordingly, Duke Energy proposes that if less than 130 eligible households and the three Aqua wells accept a connection to a public water supply, then Duke Energy will reevaluate the system and propose an alternative proposal to NCDEQ. Dewberry's cost estimate also assumes that Aqua North America will have an interconnect to the City of Belmont and will continue to serve their customers through the interconnected system. If the City of Belmont requires Aqua to replace the existing water distribution system and the system becomes cost prohibitive, Duke Energy will notify NCDEQ. From initial discussions with the City of Belmont and an evaluation of the system by Dewberry, the City of Belmont has adequate water capacity and the water quality could be maintained utilizing their current flushing schedule. The cost estimate includes the installation of automatic flushing devices. The City of Belmont did indicate concerns over maintaining desirable customer pressure in the southern part of their system, but Dewberry's evaluation concluded that adding the households in this proposed plan would not adversely affect the overall water pressure in the system. The performance standard for the public water system is the Federal MCLs. The performance standard for the water treatment system is also the Federal MCLs except for those constituents identified in 2015 as having potential health concerns: arsenic, hexavalent chromium, cobalt, iron, lead, manganese, sulfate and vanadium. For these constituents, the performance standard will be either one-half of the MCL, or the appropriate state standard, whichever is more protective. Duke Energy is currently evaluating an ion filtration treatment system; this system has been successfully installed in other parts of the state, and initial results show it performs well in reducing vanadium and hexavalent chromium, among other constituents. The costs shown below are for a conceptual ion filtration treatment system. The final water treatment system will be based upon the results of field studies. Duke Energy has made efforts to identify all eligible households, but it is anticipated that a nominal number of additional households will be identified during the initial outreach effort conducted upon approval of this plan by NCDEQ. If the final number of households, or the final number of households opting for public water supply, results in a conclusion different than those stated in this preliminary plan, Duke Energy will revise and submit the new plan to NCDEQ for DUKE �, ENERGY: Permanent Water Supply Proposal to DEQ - Allen evaluation and approval. Also, the estimate assumes one public water connection (i.e. meter box) per parcel; for parcels containing two households, the number of connections will be determined based upon negotiations between the well owner(s) and the municipality. Well owners will be responsible for making the decision for their parcels. Only households within the '/z mile boundary and served by well water at the time of the submittal of this plan will be eligible for a permanent water supply as part of HB630. The Dewberry evaluation includes a project schedule based on their past experience installing public water systems. This preliminary project schedule indicates that a permanent water supply will be available by September 2018. Upon submittal of this plan to NCDEQ, Duke Energy will begin negotiations with the local municipality and a more detailed schedule will be developed. If the municipality's schedule shows an implementation date extending beyond October 15, 2018, Duke Energy will request an extension and look at whether other contingency measures need to be implemented. ,& DUKE ENERGY: Permanent Water Supply Proposal to DEQ - Allen i Public Water Supply Ion Filtration Water Connection Treatment System Total Number Recommended 271 households; 1 3 community supply wells Water Quality Criteria Meets applicable water quality Yes Yes standards Federal MCLs Completion Schedule Estimated completion date 09/2018 08/2017 Request extension to 10/2019 Contingency factors and/or install water treatment N/A systems until line is complete Operational Considerations Required acceptance level to achieve consistent water quality and N/A N/A supply 76% (130 households plus 3 Required acceptance level to achieve targeted cost per eligible Aqua wells) N/A household <$35k/household N/A Location of households relative to 200 ft. — 4,660 ft. existing municipal water lines 0.04 miles — 0.88 miles) Assumes interconnect Only household on road Other considerations between Aqua system and to be connected to new City of Belmont water line Costs Total Installation Costs $7,258,000 F $7,000 - $10,000 1 Approximate cost per eligible $26,800 $7,000 - $10,000 household Annual Maintenance Costs N/A $500 - $2,000 Maintenance cost per household N/A $500 - $2,000 annual) Non -Duke Costs Total estimated water bills monthly $21,092 N/A Estimated water bills monthly per household (*Aqua O&M surcharge is $73; $90 Aqua customers N/A estimated) Ongoing municipality costs for maintenance and flushing due to TBD N/A low-flow/low-usage Total Costs r (Duke and Non -Duke Total estimated cost for all eligible h10 b $9,789,040 $12,000 - $30,000 neg ors over years Total estimated cost for each eligible neighbors over 10 years (� DUKE �' ENERGY,. $36,120 r $12,000 - $30,000 Dewberry Allen Steam Station Phase II Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation Duke Energy November 11, 2016 SUBMITTED BY: Dewberry 2610 Wycliff Road Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27607 SUBMITTED TO: Duke Energy Table of Contents ExecutiveSummary ...............................................................................................2 1. Introduction and Project Approach..............................................................4 2. Phase II Basis of Design................................................................................6 2.1 Potable Water Connection Mapping.............................................................. 6 2.2 Municipal Potable Water Connection Opinion of Probable Cost.................6 3. Site Analysis...................................................................................................7 3.1 Station Mapping and Household Data.......................................................... 7 3.2 Field Observations.......................................................................................... 8 3.3 Other Considerations..................................................................................... 8 4. Regulatory Permitting..................................................................................10 5. Schedule........................................................................................................11 6. Opinion of Probable Cost............................................................................12 Appendix A: Allen Station Phase II Mapping Appendix B: Allen Station Household Data Spreadsheet Appendix C: Schedule Appendix D: Opinion of Probable Cost 9 Dewberry Duke Energy 1 Allen Steam Station Phase 11 Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation 11 Executive Summary This Phase II evaluation is structured to comply with the requirements of North Carolina House Bill 630: Section 13oA-309.211.(ci) of House Bill 63o requires provision of permanent water supply for each household that has a drinking water supply well located within a 1/2 mile radius from the established compliance boundary of a coal combustion residuals impoundment, and is not separated from the impoundment by the mainstem of a river, or other body of water that would prevent the migration of contaminants through groundwater from the impoundment to a well. To address the provisions of House Bill 63o, Dewberry performed this Phase II preliminary engineering evaluation to supply potable water to residents within a 1/2 mile of the compliance boundary. Preparation of this report is intended to comply with the House Bill 63o requirement to make a report submittal to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) by December 15, 2o16. On August 25, 2016 a project review meeting was held at Belmont City Hall. Representatives from Duke Energy, Dewberry, and the City of Belmont attended the meeting. Detailed Phase II mapping was developed using Gaston County property maps that show each household in the 1/2 mile compliance buffer. Dewberry visually observed the households shown on the Phase II mapping on September 9, 2o16. A household database was developed using Gaston County tax records tied to the GIS shape file which identifies the property owner and the address for each household within the 1/2 mile compliance buffer. Based on our site observations and the Phase II mapping, it appears to be technically feasible to install the potable water main in the public road right of way or along private roads using conventional construction methods. Easements appear to be required for seven areas. A schedule was prepared in part to show milestone dates needed to comply with House Bill 630 which states the following: • Report submittal to the North Carolina DEQ no later than December 15, 2016. • DEQ renders a final decision to approve or disapprove the report no later than January 15, 2017. • Permanent replacement water supplies are provided no later than October 15, 2o18. If each of the milestone dates are met, the schedule indicates that project completion can occur in September of 2o18 which meets the House Bill 630 schedule requirement for permanent replacement water supplies. An opinion of probable cost was developed to provide potable water connection to 272 households within the 1/2 mile compliance buffer. The estimated costs are summarized below: Potable Water Connection Potable Water Connection per household 272 Households 1 $7,470,000 $27,000 TODewberry Duke Energy Allen Steam Station Phase 11 Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation 2 The potable water connection cost estimate includes a 25% contingency which is deemed consistent with a project at the preliminary engineering level of detail. This report provides additional detail on the Project Approach, Basis of Design, and Site Analysis. Allen Steam Station mapping is provided in Appendix A. The household database is provided in Appendix B. The Allen Steam Station Potable Water Schedule is provided in Appendix C, and the Opinion of Probable Cost is provided in Appendix D. As indicated on Sheets 4 through 8 in Appendix A, 77 households are currently served potable water from Aqua North Carolina (Aqua) private community water systems. Aqua has three groundwater supply wells within the compliance buffer. Households within the compliance buffer served by Aqua are shown with blue font parcel numbers. The Aqua served households are included in this evaluation. This evaluation proposes that the households will be supplied with City of Belmont water through system interconnects to be owned and operated by Aqua. This arrangement assumes that Aqua and the City of Belmont will be willing to enter into a purchase water agreement. TODewberry Duke Energy Allen Steam Station Phase 11 Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation 3 1. Introduction and Project Approach PROJECT INTRODUCTION During the Phase I programmatic potable water evaluation desktop study, concept level mapping was developed showing the Allen Steam Station location, the potential potable water tie-in location, and potential pipe routing to residents within a 1/2 mile of the compliance boundary. We used the Phase I mapping to develop a concept level cost estimate with a 40 contingency. During this Phase II evaluation sufficient preliminary design work has been performed to prepare a cost estimate with a 25% contingency. This Phase II evaluation is structured to comply with the requirements of North Carolina House Bill 630: Section 13oA- 309.211.(ci) of House Bill 630, which requires provision of permanent water supply for each household that has a drinking water supply well located within a 1/2 mile radius from the established compliance boundary of a coal combustion residuals impoundment, and is not separated from the impoundment by the mainstem of a river, or other body of water that would prevent the migration of contaminants through groundwater from the impoundment to a well. To address the provisions of House Bill 63o referenced above Dewberry has performed a Phase I screening level evaluation and this Phase II preliminary engineering evaluation of the technical and economic feasibility to supply municipal potable water to residents within a 1/2 mile radius of the compliance boundary. The Phase II evaluation results will be used to prepare the submittal to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) by December 15, 2o16 as required by House Bill 630. Using publicly available information Dewberry evaluated the following criteria to perform the Phase II Allen Steam Station preliminary engineering study: • Identified public road right-of-way widths and ownership along the pipe route • Evaluated feasibility to install the proposed water main within the unpaved shoulder of an NC DOT roadway • Documented approximate location of U.S. waters, including possible wetlands shown in the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventory (as applicable) • Identified potential jurisdictional and permitting authorities to establish permitting needs • Estimated potential easement acquisition areas (estimated square footage and number of parcels affected) • Evaluated potential conflicts with known existing utilities • Estimated the pipeline length and pipe diameter(s) for the water main and the individual service lines • Evaluated the potential need for a water booster pump station or elevated tank to sustain adequate water pressure • Evaluated the water age and potential need for supplemental disinfection • Evaluated the potential need/requirement for fire hydrants and hydrant quantity • Evaluated potential construction methods and challenges • Evaluated potential municipal water system future improvements based on published Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) or published Master Plan TODewberry Duke Energy Allen Steam Station Phase 11 Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation 4 PROJECT APPROACH Dewberry contacted the Duke Energy Community Relations District Manager to discuss the information needed to execute the Phase II evaluations, and to arrange for a subsequent meeting with the local water purveyor, the City of Belmont. On August 25, 2016 a project review meeting was held at Belmont City Hall to discuss execution of this Phase II preliminary evaluation and subsequent project execution. Representatives from Duke Energy, Dewberry, and the City of Belmont attended the meeting. The primary purpose of the meeting was to confirm the water distribution system tie-in location, system pressure, pipe size, and water quality at the tie -location, capacity limitations, and any future planned water system projects that could impact the Phase II evaluation. Dewberry also inquired as to whether any households within a 1/2 mile of the compliance boundary were presently being served by municipal potable water. Following the meeting, Dewberry performed an initial drive -by observation of the potable water pipe route. During Phase I Dewberry obtained municipality mapping of the potable water distribution system and then developed draft maps showing the Allen Steam Station, the respective potable water distribution system tie-in location, and the water main pipe routing. We used the Duke Energy Drinking Water Receptor Surveys for Coal-fired Power Stations developed in 2014 to show compliance boundaries and the water supply wells within a 1/2 mile of the compliance boundary. The maps were prepared using GIS as the native software. During Phase II we developed more detailed mapping based on Gaston County property maps to identify property owners and household addresses within the 1/2 mile compliance buffer. Using the Phase II mapping a database of property owners and household locations was developed. Dewberry also contacted the City of Belmont to confirm residents along the existing water mains within the compliance buffer who are connected to the system. This information allowed for identification of residents who were located along the existing water line but not connected to the water system. We also prepared a project schedule. Dewberry then developed an opinion of probable cost for the installation of piping infrastructure to the potable water tie-in location. We used vendor budgetary costs for the primary capital equipment and used cost factors to estimate the installation costs. We did not obtain contractor installation cost estimates for this evaluation. Dewberry reviewed the cost data with Duke Energy to obtain concurrence on the methodology and the allowances applied. TODewberry Duke Energy Allen Steam Station Phase 11 Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation 5 2. Phase II Basis of Design The purpose of this section is to document basis of design assumptions that were used to prepare the Allen Steam Station mapping, opinion of probable cost, and schedule. 2.1 POTABLE WATER CONNECTION MAPPING Key assumptions for the potable water connection mapping are as follows: Potable water piping is routed along state roads and will use municipality/county existing easements where possible. There are a limited number of households located on private roads or private driveway extensions, which will require private easements. Power transmission line easements will not be used for installation of the potable water piping. 2.2 MUNICIPAL POTABLE WATER CONNECTION OPINION OF PROBABLE COST Key assumptions for the potable water connection cost estimates are as follows: Item 1 on the cost estimate shows 8 inch C-goo PVC for the potable water main pipe. The 8 inch diameter is required to comply with the City of Belmont design standards. The 8 inch water main pipe is sized to allow for fire hydrant connection. The City of Belmont water system design standards require fire hydrants be installed. Items 1 through 7 on the cost estimate show material cost for the piping, valves, and associated fittings. The sum of Items 1 through 7 is shown as a separate line item. A 30% cost factor is then applied to the summed value to estimate the cost to install the pipe, valves, and fittings. The cost estimate quantities are based on the Allen Steam Station mapping and assumptions stated on the cost estimate. The unit costs are based upon vendor budgetary costs and cost data from recent similar projects. • The sum of quantities for items 23 and 24 on the cost estimate indicates there are 174 potable water connections. The 18 2 inch service taps are for service connections exceeding i,000 feet or parcels with multiple connections. The 156 3/4 inch service taps are for individual household connections close to the proposed main and meter box connection. • The number of household connections shown in the cost estimate is based upon the Gaston County property maps, drive - by observations, and includes homes that are presently served from the Aqua community water systems. • Three business/office sites were identified within the 1/2 mile buffer and are currently not connected to public water. These sites are included in the site evaluation and cost estimate. Items 8 through 19 and items 23 through 28 are installed cost, so a 30% installation cost factor was not applied. Items 20 through 22 are material cost, so a 30% installation cost factor was applied. Items 1 through 28 are summed and shown as a SUBTOTAL. Cost factors are then applied to the SUBTOTAL to estimate the balance of the project costs. We have applied a 25% contingency which is deemed consistent with a preliminary engineering evaluation. Item io is for the repaving of subdivision streets per the City of Belmont Standards. Item 19 is an estimate for private well closure, which is required prior to a new connection to the City's water system to prevent backflow potential (per verbal communication with City of Belmont). Additional assumptions that Dewberry used to prepare the cost estimates are provided as footnotes in Appendix D. Contractor General Conditions are included for the duration of on -site construction phase activities. Easement acquisition includes the cost to compensate land owners for water or service lines extended down private roads and/or across private property. TODewberry Duke Energy Allen Steam Station Phase 11 Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation 6 3. Site Analysis 3.1 STATION MAPPING AND HOUSEHOLD DATA The Phase II map in Appendix A shows the proposed tie-in location to the existing City of Belmont potable water supply system, indicating that just over 4 miles (~23,000 LF) of new potable water piping is required to serve households within the 1/2 mile compliance buffer. The City of Belmont will own the infrastructure and manage the water supply, O&M, and metering/billing of water use for the new potable water system and service connections. The City has indicated the system would be required to be designed and constructed per their standards. The Phase II Site map and sheets in Appendix A were prepared by overlaying Gaston County property maps onto the compliance boundaries detailed in the Duke Energy Drinking Water Receptor Surveys for Coal-fired Power Stations developed in 2014. The Appendix A Site map shows the 1/2 mile compliance buffer and ii rectangular sheet map sections. These 11 sheets illustrate the water main route, individual households, and household service line connections within the 1/2 mile compliance buffer. During the September 9, 2016 drive -by, Dewberry visually observed the area of service shown in the Appendix A sheet mapping. The household database in Appendix B was created from the Gaston County tax records tied to the GIS shape file which identifies the property owner and the address for each household within the 1/2 mile compliance buffer, including parcels of land with no residents (empty lot). The parcel data listed on the spreadsheets also includes Parcel ID, Land Use, Easement Requirement, and anticipated Water Demand for each property. It should be noted that a number of parcels had more than one home located on the property; in this case one meter was assumed with length of service line assumed to extend to each home from a single meter. Engineering judgment was utilized in cases where homes were located out of sight from the road and multiple structures could be seen during an aerial review. The parcel located at the corner of Southpoint Road and Reese Wilson Road (Parcel no. 20 shown on sheet 8) provided one exception to the practice of limiting one meter per parcel. There is one stand-alone home and two subdivision -like roads with homes located on the parcel. The property is privately owned and we understand the homes are rental property. In this case, a larger service line and one meter each was extended to the two subdivision -like roads with an additional meter to the stand- alone home. The parcel located at the end of Reese Wilson Road (Parcel no. 199 on sheet 11) provided another exception to the practice of limiting one meter per parcel. The property is subdivided by the road with two homes located on one side of the road and seven homes located on the other side of the road. Two meters were allotted for this parcel with one meter on one side and one meter on the opposite side of the road. Review of the mapping from Appendix A allowed for estimates of the required private easement areas around the Allen Steam Station. The potable water main proposed to serve residents around the Allen Steam Station will require private easement acquisition in seven areas. Standard municipal easement practices were followed around the Allen Steam Station, which includes multiplying the length of the water main or service line on private property by 30 feet to obtain the area. The area was then multiplied by 50% of the average land value (per acre) as indicated by public tax assessment for properties around the Allen Steam Station, providing an estimate of the potential easement cost. Temporary easements were not included in the calculation. TODewberry Duke Energy Allen Steam Station Phase 11 Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation 7 The parcels located off Southpoint Road in the Heather Glen Lane, Highland Way, and Woodbend Drive areas are currently being served by Aqua community water systems. There are a total of 77 households in these three systems and the systems are proposed to be served with City of Belmont water. This evaluation proposes that Aqua will continue to own and operate the water system through two interconnects with the City of Belmont. This arrangement assumes that Aqua and the City of Belmont will be willing to enter into a purchase water agreement. 3.2 FIELD OBSERVATIONS As shown in Appendix A, the water main piping will be installed along state roads, where possible. During the September 9, 2016 drive -by Dewberry did not observe above grade conflicting physical features that are likely to have a significant impact on the construction cost or schedule. Based on our observations and the Phase II mapping, we deem it technically feasible to install the potable water main in the public road right-of-way. The majority of the construction will incorporate conventional construction methods, such as an open trench with pipe bedding material. Approximately 14 water main road crossings and 96 service line road crossings will be required. Road crossings will be constructed by subsurface boring to avoid open road cuts and traffic impacts, where possible. It should be noted that the road crossing count could be modified based upon final design and which side of the road the water main will be installed. Dewberry did not observe surface water or apparent wetland infrastructure encroachment impacts. This is consistent with USGS mapping and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventory. During the drive -by Dewberry did not observe potential conflicts with known existing utilities. An eight inch natural gas main is located in the west side of Southpoint Road and the north side of Armstrong Road, with existing Belmont water lines located on the opposite side of the road. One water line extension and several service line connections will require crossing of the natural gas main, however this can be constructed with proper planning. Fiber optic markers were not observed during the drive -by, but are typically located within the state road right-of-way and are smaller in diameter than water piping, therefore they would not cause a significant conflict during construction. Aboveground electric was observed and therefore not considered to conflict with water main installation. In the newer neighborhoods near Reese Wilson Road underground electric was noted and the water main was planned accordingly. Dewberry has indicated (where applicable) piping along the edge of NCDOT road between edge of pavement and edge of right- of-way. In areas that are considered subdivision streets (such as Wildlife Road and Midwood Lane), we referred to Belmont standards and have planned for the water main to be within the paved street. The installation within the subdivision streets will require replacement of approximately 5-ft of pavement width at minimum. In areas that we could not determine right of way status (public or not) or areas where private property may have been constructed onto right-of-way, we either provided an allowance for water main or water service line easement, or the construction impact is accounted for in the cost estimate as a renovation allowance. 3.3 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS The City of Belmont operates a medium-sized water system and manages the water supply and metering/billing for water use. The City of Belmont sources its water from the Catawba River/Lake Wylie and has capacity to supply 9.5 million gallons per day (MGD) with current 2016 demand of approximately 1.5 MGD. Therefore there is adequate capacity to serve 272 additional households. TODewberry- Duke Energy Allen Steam Station Phase 11 Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation 8 The City of Belmont's primary water system pressure zone operates at hydraulic grade line of 852 feet above mean sea level with the majority of elevated storage in the northern and central part of the system. A single 12-inch main serves the area south of Belmont and customers along Southpoint Road. The City provided fire hydrant flow results conducted in 2014 for the southern portion of the system that indicated static pressures to range from 75 psi to 8o psi. The flow test indicated approximately Boo gpm fire flow with residual flowing pressure of 40 psi. These pressures and flows are deemed adequate for residential customers; however, during peak demands the pressures could be less than desirable. During our discussions with Belmont, the City stated that maintaining desirable customer pressures in the southern part of their system (including the vicinity of the Allen Steam Station) during peak demand is an on -going concern. In 2015 the City performed a water distribution study and a hydraulic model to address the water pressure in the area around the Allen Steam Station, Reflection Point subdivision, and Armstrong Road adjacent to Lake Wylie. The 2015 water distribution study recommended a new water booster pump station and elevated storage tank be constructed within the next five years (2015- 2020) to serve the Southpoint peninsula and the Armstrong Road area. The recommended elevated tank volume is 500,000 gallons, which would increase pressure and fire flow for the current connections and allow for additional connections as development occurs. The elevated storage tank and water booster station are not included in this evaluation as they are not needed to serve the 272 households within the 1/2 mile buffer. Additionally, the water system study reports that existing water age in the area ranges from 3 to 6 days during average daily demand periods. The City routinely flushes to maintain an adequate disinfection residual concentration and to reduce the potential for Disinfection Byproduct (DBP) formation. The water age can be reduced by increasing water demand and/or increasing the flushing frequency; therefore adding additional customers to Belmont's system in the Southpoint Road area may benefit water quality. Disinfection boosting is not proposed for the system as planned, however systematic flushing should continue to be considered a standard operating protocol for the entire system and, as such, automatic flushing devices have been included in the system layout. The City anticipates that water age will decrease as the Reflection Pointe, Reese Wilson Road, and Armstrong Road areas continue to develop. The City also anticipates that with the planned addition of 500,000 gallons of elevated system storage, DBP formation will be closely monitored. TODewberry Duke Energy Allen Steam Station Phase 11 Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation 9 4. Regulatory Permitting The water main design will be required to adhere to requirements of the following agencies and permitting authorities. Each permit will require a separate set of documentation and will be submitted individually to the respective permitting agency. The timeline for submittal and approval is presented in the Allen Steam Station Potable Water Schedule detailed in Appendix C. • NCDOT Right-of-way Encroachment Agreement, Primary and Secondary Roads • NCDEQ, Division of Land Quality, Erosion and Sedimentation Control Permit • NCDEQ, Division of Water Resource, Public Water Supply Permit • City of Belmont, Development Approval TODewberry Duke Energy Allen Steam Station Phase 11 Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation 10 5. Schedule The Phase II project schedule is provided in Appendix C. The schedule was prepared in part to show milestone dates needed to comply with House Bill 630 which states the following: • "No later than December 15, 2016 an impoundment owner shall submit information on permanent replacement water supplies proposed to be provided to each household" • "The Department shall evaluate information submitted by the impoundment owner and render a final decision to approve or disapprove the plan, including written findings of fact no later than January 15, 2017" • "As soon as practical, but no later than October 15, 2018 the owner of a coal combustion residual surface impoundment shall establish permanent replacement water supplies" The schedule indicates DEQ report submittal on December 15, 2016 and DEQ approval by January 15, 2017. The schedule includes an initial go day negotiation period for development and execution of a Water Authority/Duke memorandum of understanding (MOU). The schedule is subject to change dependent upon the milestone dates for the MOU, the approval/comments from DEQ, and the resident input regarding permanent water supply choice. The balance of the schedule is deemed typical for a municipal design -bid -build water line improvement project and plans for all households to connect to public potable water. The schedule indicates an end date of September 2018 which meets the October 15, 2018 deadline. TODewberry Duke Energy Allen Steam Station Phase 11 Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation 11 6. Opinion of Probable Cost The Phase II opinion of probable cost is provided in Appendix D. The opinion of probable cost was prepared in accordance with the basis of design criteria in Section 2.2 of this report. The opinion of probable cost indicates that the total estimated construction cost is approximately $7,470,000, which equates to approximately $27,000 per household. A 25% contingency is included. The Phase II opinion of probable cost includes individual allocations for the service connection lines and meters (items 20 through 28) that equates to approximately $9,50o per new connection. We arrived at that allocation as follows: For items 20 and 21 the service line lengths were measured for each household using the Phase II sheet mapping. Item 22 is for miscellaneous fittings associated with the service line connections. For items 23 and 24 the meter/meter box allowance was developed from vendor quotations and from recent bid tabulations for similar projects. Item 25 is for road crossings where the household to be served is on the opposite side of the road from the water main. Items 26 and 27 represent site costs associated with approximately 34,000 feet of new service line piping. Item 28 is for the development fees related to the new water piping infrastructure as required by the City of Belmont. TODewberry Duke Energy Allen Steam Station Phase 11 Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation 12 Appendix A: Allen Station Phase II Mapping www.dewberry.com -- 2 �— 0 Ca n d -o o. Belmont c .. y ,t 6 o _ hland Hag a Woodbend Dr o <, 9 • I I 1 I / c � a I I 1 Allen Steam_Station 3 x Plant Allen �r 4 � � �4 Warren Dr Sol, t -0i coIII 11 '� soar � 4 r November 10, 2016 Dewberry - Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081771 Proposed Potable Water Site Preliminary Evaluation Allen Steam Station Overall Legend County Boundary Proposed Potable Water Line (Duke) Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Compliance Boundary Existing Water (City of Belmont) Wetlands + Duke Energy Plant Railway State Route Stream/Lake N 1 in = 1,600 feet 0 1,600 3,200 Feet November 10, 2016 sups; Dewberry - Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081771 Proposed Potable Water Site Preliminary Evaluation Allen Steam Station Sheet 1 Legend County Boundary Proposed Potable Water Line (Duke) Aqua Interconnect Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Compliance Boundary Existing Water (City of Belmont) Izz Wetlands + Duke Energy Plant Railway Stream/Lake Buildings Constructed Post Aerial Imagery ® Developing subdivision with existing potable water ® Parcel served by Aqua community well (� Parcel Reference Number Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details z 1 in = 250 feet 0 250 500 Feet 255 � 269 _ mm - oint Rdl HWY 273 -- --- _ Southp 2 .5\ I 71 I 4 I + 55 (I 152nL I — u_ November 10, 2016 sups; Dewberry - Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081771 Proposed Potable Water Site Preliminary Evaluation Allen Steam Station Sheet 2 Legend County Boundary Proposed Potable Water Line (Duke) Aqua Interconnect Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Compliance Boundary Existing Water (City of Belmont) Izz Wetlands + Duke Energy Plant Railway Stream/Lake Buildings Constructed Post Aerial Imagery ® Developing subdivision with existing potable water ® Parcel served by Aqua community well (� Parcel Reference Number Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details z 1 in = 200 feet 0 200 400 Feet 282 44 (451 ft 180 1 141 I November 10, 2016 is:Dewberry- Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081771 Proposed Potable Water Site Preliminary Evaluation Allen Steam Station Sheet 3 Legend ----- County Boundary Proposed Potable Water Line (Duke) Aqua Interconnect - - - Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Compliance Boundary Existing Water (City of Belmont) Wetlands + Duke Energy Plant Railway Stream/Lake Buildings Constructed 0 Post Aerial Imagery ® Developing subdivision with existing potable water ® Parcel served by Aqua community well ® Parcel Reference Number Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details z 1 in = 200 feet 0 200 400 Feet 282 { } ff November 10, 2016 : Dewberry - Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081771 Proposed Potable Water Site Preliminary Evaluation Allen Steam Station Sheet 4 Legend ----- County Boundary Proposed Potable Water Line (Duke) Aqua Interconnect - - - Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Compliance Boundary Existing Water (City of Belmont) Wetlands + Duke Energy Plant Railway Stream/Lake Buildings Constructed 0 Post Aerial Imagery ® Developing subdivision with existing potable water ® Parcel served by Aqua community well ® Parcel Reference Number Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details z 1 in = 200 feet 0 200 400 Feet ' (48� I 202 282 — 257 299 O t 304 40' 253 7 ) ` 95 249 r r Mitchell-- i 180 141 139 - � 259 258 328 I - 250 322 it °"e 142 G7 G7 'CU Z_ Z 162 254 ' g :_140 113 31 J J f 2 2 I I S 0 uth o" p int Rd I 185 2J + 186 30 � 155 ".� • 86' + J 'S' 153 Cy,�l/�/ 25 s 14� �� A F TS AIL 7, 321 174 9' 116 ' I 119 128 � 75 (91 69 75! 171 y 362 305 On ti 314 391 27 315 j 70 280 U 284 LM f 2 I � 277 122 279 _ 293 MATCH LINE SHEET 5 229 MATCH LINE SHEET 6 '294 n 3 W 239 November 10, 2016 Dewberry - Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081771 Proposed Potable Water Site Preliminary Evaluation Allen Steam Station Sheet 5 Legend ----- County Boundary Proposed Potable Water Line (Duke) Aqua Interconnect - - - Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Compliance Boundary Existing Water (City of Belmont) Wetlands + Duke Energy Plant Railway Stream/Lake Buildings Constructed 0 Post Aerial Imagery ® Developing subdivision with existing potable water ® Parcel served by Aqua community well ® Parcel Reference Number Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details z 1 in = 200 feet 0 200 400 Feet - -- 187 122 � 277 53 1 + 172 132 —MATCH LINE SHEET 5 I� — +f 191 229 MATCH LINE SHEET 6 293 �I 214 �84) 294 C� ti L8 I 94-ff 92 41 398 292 405 I y }\ �35 124 O * I +f 405 � 281 ° Il 34) tG\e r`k 177 O I 364 } 375 i i s e a }o + �f '�x 121 o � ✓ � � I �I fs -�_ ' � 354 154 x4�w i' 182 I I5 418 f 409 - _ _ 143 b 179 CJ r 400 O r J � 411 N 214 I 431 404 1 ' L. 388 426 415 428 423 ,65 424 k� �° 39 O O 408 � I 413 361 I 422 410 \ 427 412 I 68 1 421 _ 40� '4 433 a C3O 6) 317 ke M\c'� OC No y l 320 153 211 343 1 tf'F 352 360 307 � 319 � /397 O O O titi 356 r `k r y N �r ~ 1 218 O' 00 350 t `. ! 034 359 O --. y� OO � O r� . ti 212311 g 215 4 I 'yy O. 210 , 371 370 l5 318 378 - _ 376358 296 216 207 4 �19� f l 344 392324 377 351 394 + 366 O O 4 GCegk 297 313 1 _ 395 312 �� ay 1 369 48; 340 k 347 f T �S 368 226 a spt�n9 y. 2 O 298 367'ti 396 - -� 286 November 10, 2016 Dewberry - Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081771 Proposed Potable Water Site Preliminary Evaluation Allen Steam Station Sheet 6 Legend ----- County Boundary Proposed Potable Water Line (Duke) Aqua Interconnect Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Compliance Boundary Existing Water (City of Belmont) Fzz Wetlands + Duke Energy Plant Railway Stream/Lake Buildings Constructed 0 Post Aerial Imagery ® Developing subdivision with existing potable water ® Parcel served by Aqua community well (� Parcel Reference Number Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details z 1 in = 200 feet 0 200 400 Feet ~� 345 349 f 378 11 { 359 / 191 12 { 298 { I 365� } 366 296 `' } 371 165 Z J 347 MATCH LINE SHEET 6 112 367 395 377 355 MATCH LINE S'H= 166 s5 396 0� EET 7 �. 341 }`�y�n_ ! 287 368 61 22a 5� 286 P6 November 10, 2016 Dewberry- Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081771 Proposed Potable Water Site Preliminary Evaluation Allen Steam Station Sheet 7 Legend ----- County Boundary Proposed Potable Water Line (Duke) Aqua Interconnect - - - Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Compliance Boundary Existing Water (City of Belmont) Wetlands + Duke Energy Plant Railway Stream/Lake Buildings Constructed 0 Post Aerial Imagery ® Developing subdivision with existing potable water ® Parcel served by Aqua community well ® Parcel Reference Number Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details 1 in = 200 feet 0 200 400 Feet 240 { 23 Z Or7 405 a . 316 " ro 419 ,yJldb�G 'Y tis 432 414 282 Michael E D�m�n�ck Dr 382 - 237 238 234 - 114 - � Southpoint RcJ �—� 64 74 I 98 I I 156 157 4 232 L _ ❑ y 70 ;2 18 0 n �71 0 i36i , 12 193 � -�- 158 59" 104 72 4 10 L I 161 Cl -91 x Lake H _ ill Ct - 49 -T V. � --� 50; 99 11 101 165 166 J II I � J 309 MATCH LI E SHEET 8 Via) I{j s1 MATCH LINE SHEET 7 + �/Age— 1 1 56 310 323 November 10, 2016 ,MIj)i Dewberry - Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081771 Proposed Potable Water Site Preliminary Evaluation Allen Steam Station Sheet 8 Legend ----- County Boundary Proposed Potable Water Line (Duke) Aqua Interconnect Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Compliance Boundary Existing Water (City of Belmont) Wetlands + Duke Energy Plant Railway Stream/Lake Buildings Constructed 0 Post Aerial Imagery ® Developing subdivision with existing potable water ® Parcel served by Aqua community well ® Parcel Reference Number Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details z 1 in = 200 feet 0 200 400 Feet P,- T, la_-� 189 330 386 `3 102 I `U 2j 44 /I 103 November 10, 2016 Dewberry - Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081771 Proposed Potable Water Site Preliminary Evaluation Allen Steam Station Sheet 9 Legend County Boundary Proposed Potable Water Line (Duke) Aqua Interconnect Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Compliance Boundary Existing Water (City of Belmont) Wetlands + Duke Energy Plant Railway Stream/Lake Buildings Constructed 0 Post Aerial Imagery ® Developing subdivision with existing potable water ® Parcel served by Aqua community well (� Parcel Reference Number Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details N 1 in = 200 feet 0 200 400 Feet f 45� 5 5 267 l lk O•� ��' � 262 f 'i � t f � 301 260 270 2721'f �a 197 t O. ti O °th Oak Ln 290 O —4 r k 261 5 276 lr �' 5 268 200 MATCH LINE SHEET 10 I MATCH LINE SHEET 199 November 10, 2016 Dewberry - Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081771 Proposed Potable Water Site Preliminary Evaluation Allen Steam Station Sheet 10 Legend ----- County Boundary Proposed Potable Water Line (Duke) - i Aqua Interconnect - - - Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Compliance Boundary Existing Water (City of Belmont) Wetlands + Duke Energy Plant Railway Stream/Lake Buildings Constructed 0 Post Aerial Imagery ® Developing subdivision with existing potable water ® Parcel served by Aqua community well ® Parcel Reference Number Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details + 'X 1 in = 200 feet 0 200 400 Feet " 268 �' �� 103 SHEET 10 SINE SHEET �� fff+ MATCH / yIt R� 217 6� 4 \ x 4 "wits 199 -NIT 209 16o'P�GG��, 149 39 148 205 �. 206 331 ti { 188 241 151 5 146 /- 150 zaz I - i 147 244 So�thp- -� 0 225 FINAL November 10, 2016 Dewberry - Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081771 Proposed Potable Water Site Preliminary Evaluation Allen Steam Station Sheet 11 Legend ----- County Boundary Proposed Potable Water Line (Duke) - i Aqua Interconnect - - - Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Compliance Boundary Existing Water (City of Belmont) Wetlands + Duke Energy Plant Railway Stream/Lake Buildings Constructed 0 Post Aerial Imagery ® Developing subdivision with existing potable water ® Parcel served by Aqua community well ® Parcel Reference Number Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details 1 in = 250 feet 0 250 500 Feet Appendix B: Allen Station Household Data Spreadsheet www.dewberry.com Allen Steam Station Parcel Spreadsheet Aqua (A) Belmont Easement Label Parcel ID Site Address Type of Service Land Use Owner Name Tax Address Req' Daily Flow (B) Required Well (W) W 1 192006 2096 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use BICKI KENNETH A 2096 SOUTH POINT RD 480 Gallons/connection W 2 191999 2072 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use MORALES JOSE & 2072 SOUTH POINT RD 480 Gallons/connection W 3 192005 2092 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use WALKER CHARLES H JR 2092 SOUTH POINT RD 480 Gallons/connection W 4 192002 2084 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use BLANTON J L 2084 SOUTH POINT RD 480 Gallons/connection W 5 192000 2076 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use WILSON MICHAEL EDWARD LIFE EST 15 MISTY WOOD CIR APT G 480 Gallons/connection W 6 192106 BOAT CLUB RD N/A Empty Lot MURPHY TONY JOE 3488 BOAT CLUB RD - W 7 192001 2080 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use BROOME JIMMY T 2080 SOUTH POINT RD 480 Gallons/connection W 8 192082 SOUTH POINT RD N/A Empty Lot GIBSON JUDY C 2933 LONG CIRCLE - B 9 192180 2333 SOUTH POINT RD Business, Office, Factory w/o showers In Use JIDT LLC 2333 SOUTH POINT RD - A 10 193370 102 LAKE HILL CT Residential In Use WATKINS TAMMY L 102 LAKE HILL CT 480 Gallons/connection A 11 193364 206 LAKE HILL CT Residential In Use RITCHIE IVEY LEE 206 LAKEHILL CT 480 Gallons/connection W 12 193378 2700 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use BRASWELL CINDY D 2656 SOUTH POINT RD 480 Gallons/connection A 13 193366 103 LAKE HILL CT Residential In Use CRUZ EDWIN H 103 LAKE HILL CT 480 Gallons/connection W 14 192167 165 RIVER RUN Residential Empty Lot HOLY ANGELS INC 6600 WILKINSON BLVD - W 15 193557 SOUTH POINT RD N/A Empty Lot LAKEVIEW FARMS INC 135 N MAIN ST - W 16 198007 9015 WING POINT DR Residential In Use HAMAM RAFAT 9015 WING POINTE DR 480 Gallons/connection A 17 192146 411 HEATHER GLEN LN Residential In Use HINSON MARSHALL F 411 HEATHER GLEN LN 480 Gallons/connection A 18 193375 110 WOODBEND DR Residential In Use LE HONG KIM 110 WOODBEND DR 480 Gallons/connection A 19 193359 211 LAKE HILL CT Residential In Use WARD CHRISTOPHER J 211 LAKE HILL COURT 480 Gallons/connection W 20 193403 101 DANA MICHELLE CT Residential In Use JOHNNIE M BOMMARITO FAMILYTR 107 DORIE DR 480 Gallons/connection W 21 197945 9104 SHOREWOOD PL Residential In Use PYKA BRETTT 9104 SHOREWOOD PL 480 Gallons/connection W 22 193331 1317 ARMSTRONG RD Residential In Use JONES WAYNE A PO BOX 125 480 Gallons/connection A 23 192141 710 JOHN DOUGLAS LN Residential In Use MCCLELLAN KRISTI JANSSEN 710 JOHN DOUGLAS DR 480 Gallons/connection A 24 192129 102 HEATHER GLEN LN Residential In Use ROLLINS STEPHEN ANDREW 102 HEATHER GLEN LN 480 Gallons/connection A 25 192132 200 HEATHER GLEN LN Residential In Use WEST JESSE A 200 HEATHER GLEN LN 480 Gallons/connection W 26 192182 2330 SOUTH POINT RD Business, Office, Factory w/o showers In Use MURPHY DEBRA C 8430 CATAWBA COVE DR 25 Gallons/shift A 27 192159 507 CADMAN CT Residential In Use ABERNATHY TAVIA 507 CADMAN CT 480 Gallons/connection W 28 193473 128 MIDWOOD LN Residential In Use FLY TAMMY 128 MIDWOOD LANE 480 Gallons/connection A 29 192165 1351 ARMSTRONG RD Residential In Use VALENTI MARK A & 1351 ARMSTRONG RD 480 Gallons/connection B 30 192168 2352 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use HOLY ANGELS INC 6600 WILKINSON BLVD - W 31 193479 118 IDLEWOOD LN Residential In Use FREDRICKTHOMAS EJR 1181DLEWOOD LN 480 Gallons/connection W 32 192236 135 SOUTHPOINT DR Residential In Use WILLIAM & CHRISTNE ELLER LV TR 135 SOUTHPOINT DR 480 Gallons/connection W 33 192219 2401 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use PRICE LARRY GENE 16 ALICE AVE 480 Gallons/connection A 34 192139 308 HEATHER GLEN LN Residential In Use STINE JUSTIN D 308 HEATHER GLEN LN 480 Gallons/connection A 35 192138 304 HEATHER GLEN LN Residential In Use CLONINGER DERRICK G 304 HEATHER GLEN LN 480 Gallons/connection A 36 193353 115 WOODBEND DR Residential In Use GILLEYTONYA 115 WOODBEND DR 480 Gallons/connection A 37 193355 123 WOODBEND DR Residential In Use BURKS BRADLEY R 123 WOODBEND DR 480 Gallons/connection W 38 192177 2320 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use FOULK JOHN LEWIS 3317 HAWTHRONE LN 480 Gallons/connection W 39 193540 320 REESE WILSON RD Residential In Use WILLARD JAMES R JR 400 REESE WILSON RD 480 Gallons/connection W 40 192243 301 MITCHELL ST Residential In Use EDMONSON JASON K 301 MITCHELL AVE 480 Gallons/connection A 41 192143 707 JOHN DOUGLAS LN Residential In Use HAWKINS DAWN R 707 JOHN DOUGLAS DR 480 Gallons/connection A 42 192142 711 JOHN DOUGLAS LN Residential In Use EAVES ROBERT SPENCER 711 JOHN DOUGLAS DR 480 Gallons/connection W 43 193523 184 REESE WILSON RD Residential In Use HYDER ALAN JERRY 198 HALPINE RD APT 1162 480 Gallons/connection W 44 193524 105 REESE WILSON ROAD EXT Residential In Use QUEEN CHARLES R 109 REESE WILSON EXT Y 480 Gallons/connection B 45 192181 2329 SOUTH POINT RD N/A Empty Lot CHOICE LANDSCAPING & SUPPLY 510 ACADEMY ST - W 46 193530 112 REESE WILSON ROAD EXT N/A Empty Lot QUEEN JERRY L 112 REESE WILSON EXT - W 47 193528 109 REESE WILSON ROAD EXT Residential In Use QUEEN CHARLES ERIC 109 REESE WILSON EXT 480 Gallons/connection W 48 192235 131 SOUTHPOINT DR Residential In Use STEVENSON WILLIAM L 131 SOUTH POINT DR 480 Gallons/connection A 49 193368 110 LAKE HILL CT Residential In Use PERCIVAL GERALD A 110 LAKE HILL CT 480 Gallons/connection A 50 193367 107 LAKE HILL CT Residential In Use HAWKINS SHANE ALLISON 107 LAKE HILL CT 480 Gallons/connection W 51 193521 REESE WILSON RD Residential In Use QUEEN CHARLES REESE 109 REESE WILSON EXT Y 480 Gallons/connection W 52 197993 9225 EGRET RIDGE Residential In Use TAGGART WAYNE H 9225 EGRET RDG 480 Gallons/connection W 53 193382 2726 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use CLONINGER DARRYL G 2726 SOUTH POINT RD 480 Gallons/connection W 54 197998 9205 EGRET RIDGE Residential In Use MCCULLOUGH JOHN 9205 EGRET RDG 480 Gallons/connection W 55 197965 9111 SHOREWOOD PL Residential In Use FEDUNIEC JOHN M 9111 SHOREWOOD PLACE 480 Gallons/connection W 56 197996 9213 EGRET RIDGE N/A Empty Lot VILLARREAL JAIME 2614 ASHBOURNE DR - B 57 193384 2744 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use DUCKETT SYLVIA DIANE F PO BOX 208 Notes 3 meters, 10 homes 2 homes W 58 197943 9022 WING POINT DR Residential In Use SKALANDI ERNESTJ JR 9022 WING POINTE DR 480 Gallons/connection W 59 193379 2708 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use HOLT GRANVIL W 2708 SOUTH POINT RD 480 Gallons/connection W 60 198002 9220 EGRET RIDGE Residential In Use SLOVIC JOHN A 9220 EGRET RIDGE 480 Gallons/connection W 61 197999 9201 EGRET RIDGE Residential In Use ZIEVERINK BRENT A 6268 NORTH RD 480 Gallons/connection A 62 193352 111 WOODBEND DR Residential In Use EASTER SHIRLEY 111 WOODBEND DR 480 Gallons/connection A 63 193357 131 WOODBEND DR Residential In Use ANDREWS JAMES S 131 WOODBEND DR 480 Gallons/connection W 64 193467 125 MIDWOOD LN Residential In Use CHANEY TONY F SR 9128 SHOREWOOD PL 480 Gallons/connection W 65 193329 1307 ARMSTRONG RD Residential In Use CRANFORD STEFANIE ALLENE 1307 ARMSTRONG RD 480 Gallons/connection W 66 193472 130 MIDWOOD LN Residential In Use RODDEN WAYNE H 130 MIDWOOD LANE 480 Gallons/connection W 67 193468 123 MIDWOOD LN Residential In Use KISER JEFFREY S 123 MIDWOOD LANE 480 Gallons/connection W 68 193328 1303 ARMSTRONG RD Residential In Use LITTLEFIELD JESSE 2 ANDERSON CT 480 Gallons/connection W 69 193458 111 WILDLIFE RD Residential In Use HARTSELL RICKY JAY 111 WILDLIFE RD 480 Gallons/connection W 70 193455 108 WILDLIFE RD Residential In Use BROOKS CYNTHIA P C/O CYNTHIA P ROGERS 480 Gallons/connection A 71 193374 114 WOODBEND DR Residential In Use PATEL MANJULA R 114 WOODBEND DR 480 Gallons/connection A 72 193371 126 WOODBEND DR Residential In Use PATEL RAJESH M 126 WOODBEND DR 480 Gallons/connection W 73 193526 210 REESE WILSON RD Residential In Use WHITE DAVID ROBERT 210 REESE WILSON RD 480 Gallons/connection A 74 193377 2650 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use MCCARTER ARTHUR M 2650 SOUTH POINT RD 480 Gallons/connection W 75 193484 2513 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use MORLOCK KIMBERLY D 2513 SOUTH POINT RD 480 Gallons/connection W 76 193453 106 WILDLIFE RD Residential In Use DAWKINS FAIRLY A 106 WILDLIFE RD 480 Gallons/connection W 77 193476 122 MIDWOOD LN Residential In Use MCDONALD GAIL C 122 MIDWOOD LANE 480 Gallons/connection A 78 192135 214 HEATHER GLEN LN Residential In Use HUFFSTICKLER CHARLES M 214 HEATHER GLEN LN 480 Gallons/connection A 79 192157 203 HEATHER GLEN LN Residential In Use THOMAS DEAN J 203 HEATHER GLEN LANE 480 Gallons/connection W 80 198004 EGRET RIDGE N/A Empty Lot MISTY WATERS ON LAKE WYLIE C/O PROPERTY MATTERS REALTY - W 81 197995 9217 EGRET RIDGE Residential In Use VAHER HARALD 1200 SPRUCE ST 480 Gallons/connection W 82 192125 SOUTH POINT RD N/A Empty Lot HARRIET H ARMSTRONG REVOC TRST 308 INLAND COVE CT - W 83 192251 125 SOUTHPOINT DR Residential In Use WHITESIDES ROBERT B 125 SOUTH POINT DR 480 Gallons/connection A 84 192137 607 HIGHLAND PL Residential In Use D'INNOCENZO JAMES D 607 HIGHLAND PLACE 480 Gallons/connection W 85 193470 134 MIDWOOD LN Residential In Use HENNINGER ROBERT B 134 MIDWOOD LN 480 Gallons/connection A 86 192130 108 HEATHER GLEN LN Residential In Use STOUT COLEEN ERINE 1/2 & OTHRS 108 HEATHER GLEN LN 480 Gallons/connection A 87 192131 112 HEATHER GLEN LN Residential In Use LAMPKIN LARRY L 112 HEATHER GLEN LANE 480 Gallons/connection W 88 193474 126 MIDWOOD LN Residential In Use JARRETT EVA M 126 MIDWOOD LN 480 Gallons/connection W 89 193477 120 MIDWOOD LN Residential In Use WEST BARRY DALTON PO BOX 266 480 Gallons/connection A 90 192162 103 HEATHER GLEN LN Residential In Use MATHIS LARRY DEAN 103 HEATHER GLEN LN 480 Gallons/connection W 91 193464 131 MIDWOOD LN Residential In Use FORE GILBERT R 131 MEDWOOD LANE 480 Gallons/connection W 92 193486 2505 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use BLANTON JOSEPH M 931 BETHEL SCHOOL RD 480 Gallons/connection W 93 193332 1319 ARMSTRONG RD Residential In Use SARRATT ROBERT J 1319 ARMSTRONG RD 480 Gallons/connection A 94 192140 706 JOHN DOUGLAS LN Residential In Use LAYE JAMES EUGENE 706 JOHN DOUGLAS DR 480 Gallons/connection W 95 192245 109 MITCHELL ST Residential In Use CARTER ANGELA C 109 MITCHELL ST 480 Gallons/connection A 96 193358 207 LAKE HILL CT Residential In Use GORDON MARK S 207 LAKE HILL CT 480 Gallons/connection W 97 193410 WING POINT DR N/A Empty Lot MISTY WATERS ON LAKE WYLIE C/O PROPERTY MATTERS REALTY - A 98 193350 103 WOODBEND DR Residential In Use CHEWNING JAMES A 103 WOODBEND DR 480 Gallons/connection A 99 193365 202 LAKE HILL CT Residential In Use LOCKRIDGE BRADLEY JOE 202 LAKE HILL CT 480 Gallons/connection W 100 197991 9239 EGRET RIDGE Residential In Use HOYLE LARRY G PO BOX 1502 480 Gallons/connection A 101 193361 218 LAKE HILL CT Business, Office, Factory w/o showers In Use RELOCATION ADVANTAGE LLC 2400 DALLAS PARKWAY STE 180 25 Gallons/shift W 102 193525 112 REESE WILSON ROAD EXT Residential In Use QUEEN JERRY LEE 112 REESE WILSON RD EXT 480 Gallons/connection W 103 193522 216 REESE WILSON RD Residential In Use WILLARD JAMES R 400 REESE WILSON RD 480 Gallons/connection A 104 193372 122 WOODBEND DR Residential In Use BANKS MICHAELA 122 WOODBEND DR 480 Gallons/connection W 105 197994 9221 EGRET RIDGE Residential In Use KAMDAR MASOOD W 9221 EGRET RDG 480 Gallons/connection W 106 193456 109 WILDLIFE RD Residential In Use BAKER JOHN R 109 WILDLIFE RD 480 Gallons/connection W 107 197966 9105 SHOREWOOD PL Residential In Use BANNON TIMOTHY SEAN 411 E FRANKLIN BLVD 480 Gallons/connection W 108 198001 9210 EGRET RIDGE N/A Empty Lot DIAZ JONATHAN M 14207 PERUGIA WAY APT 101 - W 109 197968 9236 EGRET RIDGE Residential In Use DEVINE DAVID L 9236 EGRET RIDGE 480 Gallons/connection W 110 197967 9034 WING POINT DR Residential In Use CORNELISON JASON EVERETT 9034 WING POINTE DR 480 Gallons/connection W 111 197992 9235 EGRET RIDGE Residential In Use ANDERSON DAVID ROBERTJR 9235 EGRET RDG 480 Gallons/connection W 112 193360 LAKE HILL CT N/A Empty Lot AQUA NORTH CAROLINA INC 202 MACKENAN DR - W 113 192221 2411 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use NEAGLE DONALD B 2411 SOUTH POINT RD 480 Gallons/connection W 114 193385 2703 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use HUTCHINS FAYE 401 CATAWBA C I R N 480 Gallons/connection W 115 193469 121 MIDWOOD LN Residential In Use BLANTON RANDY GENE 121 MIDWOOD LANE 480 Gallons/connection W 116 193480 117 IDLEWOOD LN Residential In Use TENCH JACK A 117 IDLEWOOD LN 480 Gallons/connection W 117 192166 2424 SOUTH POINT RD N/A Empty Lot AQUA NORTH CAROLINA INC 202 MACKENAN DR - W 118 193457 110 WILDLIFE RD Residential In Use AVERY JOE THOMAS 110 WILDLIFE RD 480 Gallons/connection W 119 193481 116 IDLEWOOD LN Residential In Use DEAL DANIEL E SR 116 IDLEWOOD LANE 480 Gallons/connection W 120 192173 2300 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use SOUTHPOINT VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT PO BOX 1201 480 Gallons/connection A 121 192151 303 HEATHER GLEN LN Residential In Use MCLEMORE JACQUELINE S 303 HEATHER GLEN LN 480 Gallons/connection W 122 192164 1347 ARMSTRONG RD N/A Empty Lot ADAMS DAVID W 2100 KNOX RD - 2 Homes W 123 193463 133 MIDWOOD LN Residential In Use COGAR JASON JAMES 133 MIDWOOD LN 480 Gallons/connection A 124 192153 217 HEATHER GLEN LN Residential In Use ALEXANDER JENNIFER B 217 HEATHER GLEN LN 480 Gallons/connection W 125 193460 113 WILDLIFE RD Residential In Use JENKINS TRAVIS L 113 WILDLIFE RD 480 Gallons/connection W 126 193454 107 WILDLIFE RD Residential In Use BECK CARL D 107 WILDLIFE RD 480 Gallons/connection W 127 193402 114 WILDLIFE RD Residential In Use BAKER DEBRA HARRIS 114 WILDLIFE RD 480 Gallons/connection W 128 193482 115 IDLEWOOD LN Residential In Use CRAFT MICHAELJOSEPH 115 IDLEWOOD LN 480 Gallons/connection A 129 192150 307 HEATHER GLEN LN Residential In Use STOKES KIMBERLY YANDLE 307 HEATHER GLEN LN 480 Gallons/connection W 130 193475 124 MIDWOOD LN Residential In Use C & C PROPERTIES 124 MIDWOOD LANE 480 Gallons/connection W 131 192222 2417 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use THORNBURG JACK E 2417 SOUTH POINT RD 480 Gallons/connection A 132 192134 208 HEATHER GLEN LN Residential In Use SMITH CHARLES W 208 HEATHER GLEN LN 480 Gallons/connection W 133 193461 MIDWOOD LN N/A Empty Lot FUQUA WILLIAM RAY LIFE ESTATE 135 MIDWOOD LN - A 134 192160 113 HEATHER GLEN LN Residential In Use BURGESS WILLIAM J 113 HEATHER GLEN LN 480 Gallons/connection W 135 193465 129 MIDWOOD LN Residential In Use EWING PEGGY P 129 MIDWOOD LN 480 Gallons/connection W 136 193466 127 MIDWOOD LN Residential In Use TAMBERELLI FRANK & 127 MIDWOOD LN 480 Gallons/connection A 137 192161 109 HEATHER GLEN LN Residential In Use CARRIKER SYLVIA W & 109 HEATHER GLEN LN 480 Gallons/connection W 138 192178 SOUTH POINT RD N/A Empty Lot HARRIET H ARMSTRONG REVOC TRST 308 INLAND COVE CT - W 139 192230 318 MITCHELL ST Residential In Use JOINES GAYLE T 345 WINDY RIDGE LN 480 Gallons/connection W 140 192220 2407 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use HAYWOOD IRIS C 2407 SOUTH POINT RD 480 Gallons/connection W 141 192231 318 MITCHELL ST N/A Empty Lot JOINES GAYLE T 345 WINDY RIDGE LN - W 142 192214 2343 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use JONES MITCHELL L 2343 SOUTH POINT RD 480 Gallons/connection A 143 192148 403 HEATHER GLEN LN Residential In Use RODDEN PAUL L 403 HEATHER GLEN LN 480 Gallons/connection W 144 192172 2306 SOUTH POINT RD Business, Office, Factory w/o showers In Use EATON CORPORATION MAIL CODE: 2N (TAX DEPT) 25 Gallons/shift W 145 192169 SOUTH POINT RD N/A Empty Lot HARRIET H ARMSTRONG REVOC TRST 308 INLAND COVE CT - W 146 193553 REESE WILSON RD N/A Empty Lot WILLARD JAMES R 400 REESE WILSON RD W 147 193551 ACCESS RD N/A Empty Lot DUKE ENERGY CORPORATION 422 S CHURCH ST - W 148 193538 402 REESE WILSON RD Residential In Use WILSON REESE M 402 REESE WILSON RD 480 Gallons/connection W 149 193536 400 REESE WILSON RD Residential In Use WILLARD JAMES R 400 REESE WILSON RD 480 Gallons/connection W 150 193554 REESE WILSON RD N/A Empty Lot WILLARD JAMES R 400 REESE WILSON RD - W 151 193555 REESE WILSON RD N/A Empty Lot WILSON REESE M 402 REESE WILSON RD - W 152 192003 130 CANAL RD Residential In Use CHERRY RICHARD BERNARD 130 CANAL RD 480 Gallons/connection W 153 192128 2402 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use ARMSTRONG H LOUIS 2402 SOUTH POINT RD 480 Gallons/connection A 154 192145 408 HEATHER GLEN LN Residential In Use WILKINSON RANDALL YATES 408 HEATHER GLEN LN 480 Gallons/connection W 155 192126 2360 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use RAVAL VATSALKU MAR V 2360 SOUTH POINT RD 480 Gallons/connection W 156 193349 2656 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use BRASWELL CINDY D 2656 SOUTH POINT RD 480 Gallons/connection A 157 193351 107 WOODBEND DR Residential In Use MAIN ALAN JOSEPH JR 107 WOODBEND DR 480 Gallons/connection A 158 193354 119 WOODBEND DR Residential In Use KING AMANDA & 119 WOODBEND DR 480 Gallons/connection A 159 193356 127 WOODBEND DR Residential In Use CHANEY MICHAELJOSEPH 127 WOODBEND DR 480 Gallons/connection W 160 193533 REESE WILSON RD N/A Empty Lot WILLARD JAMES R 400 REESE WILSON RD - A 161 193369 106 LAKE HILL CT Residential In Use SCHIFFERLE ROBERT DOUGLAS & 106 LAKE HILL CT 480 Gallons/connection W 162 192217 2359 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use ESTES ROGER J 2359 SOUTH POINT RD 480 Gallons/connection W 163 198003 9224 EGRET RIDGE Residential In Use FRY RONALD JOHN 9224 EGRET RDG 480 Gallons/connection W 164 193348 2640 SOUTH POINT RD N/A Empty Lot CHURCH PATSY N C/O PATSY BOLIN - A 165 193363 210 LAKE HILL CT Residential In Use JOHNS RAYMOND C JR 210 LAKE HILL CT 480 Gallons/connection A 166 193362 214 LAKE HILL CT Residential In Use JONES JOANNA R & PO BOX 695 480 Gallons/connection W 167 197944 9100 SHOREWOOD PL Residential In Use PAYSEUR DAVID JR 9100 SHOREWOOD PL 480 Gallons/connection W 168 193330 1313 ARMSTRONG RD Residential In Use GABRIEL KASEY T 1313 ARMSTRONG RD 480 Gallons/connection W 169 193485 2509 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use MILDRED LEATHERWOOD REV LVG TS 2424 WINNSFORD LN 480 Gallons/connection W 170 193459 112 WILDLIFE RD Residential In Use AUTEN DAVID WAYNE 112 WILDLIFE RD 480 Gallons/connection B 171 193483 2519 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use BLANTON SHARON P & OTHERS 2519 SOUTH POINT RD - A 172 192136 606 HIGHLAND PL Residential In Use CULLER KENNETH ARRON 606 HIGHLAND PL 480 Gallons/connection A 173 192133 204 HEATHER GLEN LN Residential In Use RANKIN JASON B 204 HEATHER GLEN LANE 480 Gallons/connection W 174 193478 119 IDLEWOOD LN Residential In Use LAUGHLIN JOHN F & 119 IDLEWOOD LANE 480 Gallons/connection W 175 193487 2501 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use CRAWFORD JON ALAN 2501 SOUTH POINT RD 480 Gallons/connection W 176 193462 135 MIDWOOD LN Residential In Use FUQUA WILLIAM RAY LIFE ESTATE 135 MIDWOOD LN 480 Gallons/connection A 177 192152 219 HEATHER GLEN LN Residential In Use HEUSTESS ROBERT B 219 HEATHER GLEN LN 480 Gallons/connection W 178 192215 2347; 2351 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use HARDIN ANTHONY D PO BOX 894 480 Gallons/connection A 179 192147 407 HEATHER GLEN LN Residential In Use RUSSELL GREGORY DALE 407 HEATHER GLEN LN 480 Gallons/connection W 180 192232 MITCHELL ST N/A Empty Lot JOINES GAYLE T 345 WINDY RIDGE LN - W 181 192247 111 SOUTHPOINT DR Residential In Use ADAMS TONY C 111 SOUTH POINT DR 480 Gallons/connection A 182 192149 401 HEATHER GLEN LN Residential In Use GREGORY MICHAEL LLOYD 401 HEATHER GLEN LN 480 Gallons/connection W 183 201942 2714 SOUTH POINT RD N/A Empty Lot EDISON THOMAS G PO BOX 4201 - B 184 201943 2718 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use EDISON THOMAS G PO BOX 4201 B 185 192183 2340 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use SMITH JEFFREY L 2340 SOUTH POINT RD W 186 200488 2346 SOUTH POINT RD N/A Empty Lot PERRY CARVER TITLE CO INC & 114 HOPE FORBES RD - A 187 202174 506 CADMAN CT Residential In Use TAYLOR MARK MERITT 506 CADMAN CT 480 Gallons/connection 2 homes W 188 202600 128 REESE WILSON ROAD EXT Residential In Use WILSON ROGER D 10608 S FORD RD 480 Gallons/connection W 189 201459 SOUTH POINT RD N/A Empty Lot LAKEVIEW FARMS INC 135 N MAIN ST - A 190 192144 703 JOHN DOUGLAS LN Residential In Use BURGIN EDWARD A 703 JOHN DOUGLAS DR 480 Gallons/connection A 191 202173 209 HEATHER GLEN LN Residential In Use GRIFFIN BOBBY LEE JR 3097 TETON DR 480 Gallons/connection W 192 202172 213 HEATHER GLEN LN N/A Empty Lot BLACKLEDGE MATTHEW ALLEN 211 WESLEYAN DR - A 193 193373 118 WOODBEND DR Residential In Use LATT KENNETH E SR 118 WOODBEND DR 480 Gallons/connection W 194 211932 BOAT CLUB RD N/A Empty Lot WILLS RANDY D 3478 BOAT CLUB RD - 195 192102 PLANT ALLEN RD Residential In Use MURPHY BARBARA ANN C/O AUDIE MURPHY Y 480 Gallons/connection W W 196 193544 816 BELL POST RD Residential In Use GRIFFIN JAMES ELBERT 816 BELL POST RD 480 Gallons/connection W 197 193545 812 BELL POST RD Residential In Use DRUMM JOHN CHRISTOPHER & OTHRS 812 BELL POST RD 480 Gallons/connection W 198 213337 1006 NUTALL OAK LN Residential In Use PATTERSON KELLY WILLIAMS 1006 NUTALL OAK LANE 480 Gallons/connection W 199 193531 19;321;323;3: REESE WILSON RD Residential In Use WILSON JACKIE KENNETH 503 REESE WILSON RD Y 480 Gallons/connection W 200 193542 619 KENNETH WILSON LN Residential In Use TIDWELL CAROLYN P & 121 BERRY MOUNTAIN RD 480 Gallons/connection W 201 193509 185 REESE WILSON RD Residential In Use WILSON TIMOTHY BOONE 185 REESE WILSON RD 480 Gallons/connection W 202 193471 132 MIDWOOD LN Residential In Use PRUETT ROY F 413 STOWE RD 480 Gallons/connection W 203 193541 519 REESE WILSON RD Residential In Use HORSLEYANDREW B 18 CIRCLE DRIVE 480 Gallons/connection W 204 193552 REESE WILSON RD N/A Empty Lot BUZZEO BRIAN D 3424 ARAGLIN DR - W 205 193539 406 REESE WILSON RD Residential In Use BUZZEO BRIAN D 3424ARAGLIN DR 480 Gallons/connection W 206 216636 REESE WILSON RD N/A Empty Lot GOINS JOHN F PO BOX 427 Y - W 207 210922 601 SHADY CREEK CT Residential In Use BANNER STANLEY G JR & 601 SHADY CREEK CT 480 Gallons/connection W 208 217983 1329 ARMSTRONG RD Residential In Use MOORE DONALD BERNARD 1329 ARMSTRONG RD 480 Gallons/connection W 209 193534 503 REESE WILSON RD Residential In Use WILSON JACKIE KENNETH 503 REESE WILSON ROAD 480 Gallons/connection W 210 210932 500 LAKE BREEZE LN Residential In Use COOKE ANNA S 500 LAKE BREEZE LN 480 Gallons/connection W 211 210919 105 LAKE MIST DR N/A Empty Lot AUSTIN-RUTH LLC 7 ROSS CANNON ST - W 212 210921 113 LAKE MIST DR Residential In Use TRIPLETT BOICE E III 113 LAKE MIST DR 480 Gallons/connection B 213 193325 1213 ARMSTRONG RD Residential In Use HEFFNER CAROLYN F 1213 ARMSTRONG RD - W 214 192127 ARMSTRONG RD N/A Empty Lot CAMELOT STABLE ESTATES C/O MARK BAXA MD - W 215 193326 1219 ARMSTRONG RD Residential In Use HOOD JAMES L 1219 ARMSTRONG RD 480 Gallons/connection W 216 210931 504 LAKE BREEZE LN Residential In Use SMITH PAMELA D 504 LAKE BREEZE LN 480 Gallons/connection W 217 193535 327 REESE WILSON RD Residential In Use WILSON JACKIE KENNETH 503 REESE WILSON ROAD 480 Gallons/connection W 218 210920 109 LAKE MIST DR Residential In Use MCKINNEY DAVID NEILJR 109 LAKE MIST DR 480 Gallons/connection W 219 193324 1209 ARMSTRONG RD Residential In Use FLORIAN DANIEL H 1209 ARMSTRONG RD 480 Gallons/connection W 220 219388 EGRET RIDGE N/A Empty Lot CULBERTSON GREGORY W 9200 EGRET ROG - W 221 198005 WING POINT DR N/A Empty Lot MISTY WATERS ON LAKE WYLIE C/O PROPERTY MATTERS REALTY - W 222 198000 9200 EGRET RIDGE Residential In Use CULBERTSON GREGORY W 9200 EGRET RDG 480 Gallons/connection W 223 192109 3495 BOAT CLUB RD Industrial In Use DUKE ENERGY CORPORATION 422 S CHURCH ST - W 224 203751 REFLECTION POINTE BLVD N/A Empty Lot REFLECTION POINTE HO ASSOC INC C/O PROPERTY MATTERS REALTY W 225 204086 SOUTH POINT RD N/A Empty Lot REFLECTION POINTE HO ASSOC INC C/O PROPERTY MATTERS REALTY - W 226 193316 106 OLD SPRING RD Residential In Use MITCHEM JEFFREY DEAN 106 OLD SPRING RD 480 Gallons/connection W 227 193333 1325 ARMSTRONG RD Residential In Use ROBINSON ELIZABETH M HEIRS C/O JOHN C ROBINSON 480 Gallons/connection B 228 193452 956 ARMSTRONG RD Residential In Use BARKLEYJULIUS FRANKLIN 1R 2598 ASHBOURNE DR - A 229 192163 1341 ARMSTRONG RD Residential In Use RASH PATRICIA FLEMING 1341 ARMSTRONG RD 480 Gallons/connection W 230 192248 115 SOUTHPOINT DR Residential In Use PENDLETON JAMES ERIC 115 SOUTH POINT DR 480 Gallons/connection W 231 204087 SOUTH POINT RD N/A Empty Lot REFLECTION POINTE HO ASSOC INC C/O PROPERTY MATTERS REALTY - A 232 193376 106 WOODBEND DR Residential In Use PHILLIPS MICHAEL DAVID 106 WOODBEND DR 480 Gallons/connection W 233 210328 2311 SOUTH POINT RD Business, Office, Factory w/o showers In Use DIXON ARCHIE WALTON 2309 SOUTH POINT RD 25 Gallons/shift W 234 193387 2657 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use BEACH DARRYL W 2657 SOUTH POINT RD 480 Gallons/connection W 235 193396 SOUTH POINT RD N/A Empty Lot MITCHEM MARSHALL F 2621 SOUTH POINT RD - W 236 193395 2621 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use MITCHEM MARSHALL F 2621 SOUTH POINT RD 480 Gallons/connection W 237 193389 2649 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use SMITH DAVID W & 2649 SOUTH POINT RD 480 Gallons/connection W 238 193391 2653 SOUTH POINT RD N/A Empty Lot SMITH DAVID W & 2649 SOUTHPOINT RD - W 239 221941 2615 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use BRUSSE NATHAN 2615 SOUTH POINT RD 480 Gallons/connection W 240 221942 SOUTH POINT RD N/A Empty Lot MARTHA R RAMSEY & STEVEN A C/O MARTHA A RAMSEY - W 241 193537 REESE WILSON RD N/A Empty Lot WILLARD JAMES R 400 REESE WILSON RD B 242 222094 2945 SOUTH POINT RD Residential Questionable WHITLEY ANDREW A 4315 BEECH WOOD CT - W 243 209778 2323 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use CFA-M INC PO BOX 205 480 Gallons/connection W 244 222093 2935 SOUTH POINT RD N/A Empty Lot REECE JAMES E 2935 SOUTH POINT RD - W 245 222092 SOUTH POINT RD N/A Empty Lot CRESCENT COMMUNITIES LLC 227 W TRADE ST STE 1000 - W 246 221888 2309 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use DIXON ARCHIE WALTON 2309 SOUTH POINT RD 480 Gallons/connection W 247 221889 2309 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use DIXON ARCHIE WALTON 2309 SOUTH POINT RD 480 Gallons/connection W 248 193392 2625 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use CARTER MILES A 2625 SOUTH POINT RD 480 Gallons/connection W 249 192246 103 MITCHELL ST Residential In Use BROWN EDDIE W JR 103 MITCHELL ST 480 Gallons/connection easement required for adjacent property not included in spreadsheet 2 meters, 9 homes W 250 192227 114 WARREN DR Residential In Use STROME ANGELA KRISTEN 114 WARREN DR 480 Gallons/connection W 251 192077 SOUTH POINT RD N/A Empty Lot MAYES DORIS C C/O GUILLERMO R GARCIA - W 252 192242 305 MITCHELL ST Residential In Use SALMON TERESA RHYNE 305 MITCHELL ST 480 Gallons/connection W 253 192244 201 MITCHELL ST Residential In Use MCJUNKINS KENNETH F 201 MITCHELL ST 480 Gallons/connection W 254 192218 2369 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use CHEEK ROBERT VANCE 1000 PIERCE AVE 480 Gallons/connection W 255 192092 331 SUNDERLAND RD Residential In Use JULIAN H EMMA 99% INT & 2037 SOUTH POINT RD 480 Gallons/connection W 256 192239 122 SOUTHPOINT DR Residential In Use SPAIN JOHNNY H 122 SOUTHPOINT DR 480 Gallons/connection W 257 192240 116 SOUTHPOINT DR Residential In Use BAKER JOHN RJR 116 SOUTH POINT DR 480 Gallons/connection W 258 192228 310 MITCHELL ST Residential In Use LINDAG MAULDIN IRREVOC TRUST 310 MITCHELL ST 480 Gallons/connection W 259 192229 314 MITCHELL ST Residential In Use KITCHEN GEORGE 314 MITCHELL ST 480 Gallons/connection W 260 213352 1034 NUTALL OAK LN N/A Empty Lot GARCES DENNIS ERNESTO 11915 ALLFORTH LN APT 2411 - W 261 213343 1113 SAWTOOTH OAK LN N/A Empty Lot GABRIEL DANIEL 1113 SAWTOOTH OAK LN Y W 262 213351 1028 NUTALL OAK LN N/A Empty Lot WOODEND LLC 1 SUNRISE PT LANE W 263 213347 1103 SAWTOOTH OAK LN N/A Empty Lot WOODEND LLC 1 SUNRISE PT LANE W 264 213345 1109 SAWTOOTH OAK LN N/A Empty Lot WILSON RICKEY D 2210 ROSLYN AVE W 265 213354 1037 NUTALL OAK LN N/A Empty Lot FLETCHER STEVEN 2084 LAKE FOREST DR W 266 213342 1112 SAWTOOTH OAK LN N/A Empty Lot GRANSON MICHAEL A 503 BELWOOD DR W 267 213357 1025 NUTALL OAK LN N/A Empty Lot NWE MYO & 14421 BISHAR LANE - W 268 193543 809 BELL POST RD Residential In Use WILSON JOE W & 121 MCLEOD AVE 480 Gallons/connection W 269 192079 2095 SOUTH POINT RD N/A Empty Lot J & R RENTALS PO BOX 708 - W 270 213358 1015 NUTALL OAK LN N/A Empty Lot O'NEILL PATRICIA U PO BOX 166 - W 271 213341 1108 SAWTOOTH OAK LN Residential In Use KINCAID CHARLES E JR 1108 SAWTOOTH OAK LN 480 Gallons/connection W 272 213348 1101 SAWTOOTH OAK LN N/A Empty Lot WOODEND LLC 1 SUNRISE PT LANE - W 273 193558 SOUTH POINT RD N/A Empty Lot LAKEVIEW FARMS INC 135 N MAIN ST - W 274 210933 125 LAKE MIST DR Residential In Use JONES STEPHEN D 125 LAKE MIST DR 480 Gallons/connection W 275 213336 1002 NUTALL OAK LN N/A Empty Lot WOODEND LLC 1 SUNRISE PT LANE - W 276 213338 1010 NUTALL OAK LN Residential In Use WILSON JONATHAN MITCHELL 1010 NUTALL OAK LANE 480 Gallons/connection A 277 200146 7012 HIGHLAND WAY Residential In Use CLEMENTS BENJAMIN B 7012 HIGHALND WAY 480 Gallons/connection A 278 200147 7008 HIGHLAND WAY Residential In Use GRIGG JONATHAN MARK 7008 HIGHLAND WAY 480 Gallons/connection W 279 214473 1350 ARMSTRONG RD N/A Empty Lot ACID CONSTRUCTION LLC 913 HOKE TRL - A 280 200151 1354 ARMSTRONG RD Residential In Use TAYLOR ROBERT EDWARD JR 1354 ARMSTRONG RD 480 Gallons/connection W 281 222944 2624 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use RODGERS-MORALES PATRICIA D 2624 SOUTH POINT RD 480 Gallons/connection W 282 221352 253 PLANT ALLEN RD Industrial In Use DUKE ENERGY CORPORATION 422 S CHURCH ST - W 283 213356 1029 NUTALL OAK LN N/A Empty Lot MYO AYE THINZAR & 14421 BISHAR LN - A 284 200137 7009 HIGHLAND WAY Residential In Use YANDLE JAMES W 7009 HIGHLAND WAY 480 Gallons/connection W 285 223116 816 ARDENTTRL Business, Office, Factory w/o showers In Use AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD - W 286 198006 9019 WING POINT DR Residential In Use LEDFORD HAL SCOTT 9019 WING POINTE DR 480 Gallons/connection W 287 198010 OFF ARMSTRONG RD N/A Empty Lot BARKLEY JULIUS F JR 2598 ASHBOURNE DR - W 288 223090 101 DAYBREAK LN N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 289 223095 503 AMERICAN BITTERSWEET LN N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD - - W 290 213339 1100 SAWTOOTH OAK LN N/A Empty Lot WOODEND LLC 1 SUNRISE PT LANE W 291 213344 1111 SAWTOOTH OAK LN N/A Empty Lot WILSON ADAM E 2200 ROSLYN AVE - A 292 200140 7021 HIGHLAND WAY Residential In Use HARRIS LORI S 7021 HIGHLAND WAY 480 Gallons/connection A 293 213079 7013 HIGHLAND WAY Residential In Use CRAWFORD JOAN DIANA 7013 HIGHLAND WAY 480 Gallons/connection A 294 200145 7016 HIGHLAND WAY Residential In Use YARBROUGH DAVID W 7016 HIGHLAND WAY 480 Gallons/connection W 295 213340 1104 SAWTOOTH OAK LN Residential In Use YEARY SEAN PATRICK & 3255 LAKE POINTE DR 480 Gallons/connection W 296 223107 632 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot WILLIAMSON PATRICK J 632ARDENT TRL - W 297 223091 105 DAYBREAK LN N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 298 223096 505 AMERICAN BITTERSWEET LN N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD - W 299 192249 119 SOUTHPOINT DR Residential In Use SPAIN BRENDA PEARSON 119 SOUTHPOINT DR 480 Gallons/connection W 300 192224 106 MITCHELL ST Residential In Use BIRMINGHAM LEROYA P O BOX 1331 480 Gallons/connection W 301 221407 1024 NUTALL OAK LN Residential In Use CALDWELL NANCY A 1024 NUTALL OAK LN 480 Gallons/connection W 302 213355 1033 NUTALL OAK LN N/A Empty Lot CELESTIAL HOLDINGS LLC PO BOX 19707 - W 303 192250 123 SOUTHPOINT DR Residential In Use GIBSON BRIAN KEITH 123 SOUTH POINT DR 480 Gallons/connection W 304 192185 101 MITCHELL ST Residential In Use DRAKE BRAD 101 MITCHELL ST 480 Gallons/connection A 305 193336 7001 HIGHLAND WAY Residential In Use HALE JIMMIE E 7001 HIGHLAND WAY 480 Gallons/connection W 306 223081 220 MORGANS BRANCH RD N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD - W 307 223083 232 MORGANS BRANCH RD N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 308 223114 808 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD - W 309 197997 9209 EGRET RIDGE Residential In Use SKARPALEZOS BLAKE R 9209 EGRET RDG 480 Gallons/connection B 310 222951 2734 SOUTH POINT RD N/A Empty Lot MARTIN AUDRA C 214 6TH ST - W 311 223084 236 MORGANS BRANCH RD N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD - W 312 223127 CROMLISH CRSG N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 313 223092 109 DAYBREAK LN N/A Empty Lot LATESSA JEFFREY D 109 DAYBREAK LN - - A 314 200148 7004 HIGHLAND WAY Residential In Use KELLER PHILIP A 7004 HIGHLAND WAY 480 Gallons/connection 2 homes 2 homes W 315 200150 1358 ARMSTRONG RD N/A Empty Lot ACID CONSTRUCTION LLC 913 HOKE TRL - W 316 205360 2618 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use ELLINGTON CHARLES DAVID 2618 SOUTH POINT RD 480 Gallons/connection 3 homes W 317 223082 224 MORGANS BRANCH RD N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD - W 318 223115 812 ARDENTTRL Business, Office, Factory w/o showers In Use AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD - W 319 223118 824 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD - W 320 223119 828 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD - W 321 192210 2425 SOUTH POINT RD N/A Empty Lot BARNHART JASON W 2425 SOUTH POINT RD - W 322 192223 102 MITCHELL ST Residential In Use TEAGUE JOHN A 1R PO BOX 365 480 Gallons/connection W 323 193383 2738 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use DUCKETT SYLVIA DIANE F PO BOX 208 480 Gallons/connection W 324 223087 108 ACADIAN WAY N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD - W 325 214506 91 MITCHELL ST Residential In Use ROBINSON RALPH T 91 MITCHELL ST 480 Gallons/connection B 326 192184 100 MITCHELL ST N/A Empty Lot ROGERS ADAM KENNETH 933 EDGEMONT AVE - W 327 192187 97 MITCHELL ST Residential In Use SECRESTTODD 97MITCHELL ST 480 Gallons/connection W 328 192225 200 MITCHELL ST Residential In Use LAIL CHARLES R 200 MITCHELL ST 480 Gallons/connection W 329 192237 127 SOUTHPOINT DR Residential In Use WALTON GEORGE M JR 127 SOUTHPOINT DR 480 Gallons/connection W 330 201457 REESE WILSON RD N/A Empty Lot CRESCENT RESOURCES INC 227 W TRADE ST STE 1000 - W 331 217833 506 REESE WILSON RD Residential In Use GOINS JOHN F PO BOX 427 480 Gallons/connection W 332 193323 1205 ARMSTRONG RD Residential In Use BAILES JOHN EARL 1205 ARMSTRONG RD 480 Gallons/connection W 333 191996 CANAL RD N/A Empty Lot CAGLE BENJAMIN WILLIAM 114 O'DANIEL ST - W 334 224034 616 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 335 199113 1362 ARMSTRONG RD N/A Empty Lot AQUA NORTH CAROLINA INC 202 MACKENAN DR - A 336 214474 1344 ARMSTRONG RD Residential In Use PAINTER MITCHELL F 1344 ARMSTRONG RD 480 Gallons/connection W 337 224029 613 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD - - W 338 219063 605 SHADY CREEK CT Residential In Use KOKET STOREY J 605 SHADY CREEK CT 480 Gallons/connection W 339 223086 112 ACADIAN WAY N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD - W 340 223094 501 AMERICAN BITTERSWEET LN N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 341 223101 717 ARDENTTRL Residential In Use LEMPERUR DOMINQUE JEAN-JACQUES 717ARDENT TRL W 342 224036 624 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 343 223122 ARMSTRONG RD N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD - W 344 223089 100 ACADIAN WAY N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD - W 345 223123 DAYBREAK LN N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD - - W 346 223102 713 ARDENTTRL Residential In Use ANGSTMAN CURTIS JAMES 713ARDENT TRL - W 347 223100 721 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD - W 348 223121 ARMSTRONG RD N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD - W 349 223111 712 ARDENTTRL Residential In Use JUAREZ JENNIFER LYNN 712ARDENT TRL - W 350 223117 820 ARDENTTRL Residential In Use SHREFFLER DICKSON RAY 820ARDENT TRL - W 351 223126 701 ARDENTTRL Business, Office, Factory w/o showers In Use AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD - W 352 224032 608 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD - W 353 224031 604 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD - A 354 200142 7029 HIGHLAND WAY Residential In Use RASH AMY B 7029 HIGHLAND WAY 480 Gallons/connection W 355 223105 633 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD - W 356 223124 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 357 223112 800 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD - W 358 223113 804 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot CLYBURN JEAN B 804 ARDENTTRL W 359 224026 625 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 360 224027 621 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 361 193488 LAKE MIST DR N/A Empty Lot CAMELOT STABLE ESTATES C/O MARK BAXA MD - A 362 200149 7000 HIGHLAND WAY Residential In Use KNUPP JAMES E 7000 HIGHLAND WAY 480 Gallons/connection A 363 200143 7028 HIGHLAND WAY Residential In Use AUSTIN ALAN J 7028 HIGHLAND WAY 480 Gallons/connection W 364 214475 1338 ARMSTRONG RD N/A Empty Lot ACD CONSTRUCTION LLC 913 HOKE TRL - W 365 223106 628 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 366 223110 708 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot PASCIOLLA JAMES A 708ARDENT TRL W 367 223098 509 LITTLETON LN Residential In Use MOORE JASON DWAYNE 509 LITTLETON LN W 368 223103 709 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD - W 369 219062 608 SHADY CREEK CT Residential In Use GULLEDGE ASHLEY B 608 SHADY CREEK CT 480 Gallons/connection W 370 223120 221 MORGANS BRANCH RD N/A Empty Lot MARTIN KELLEY S 221 MORGANS BRANCH RD - W 371 224025 629 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 372 224035 620 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 373 224030 609 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 374 223085 240 MORGANS BRANCH RD N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD - A 375 200141 7025 HIGHLAND WAY Residential In Use JAMES ROBERT L 7025 HIGHLAND WAY 480 Gallons/connection B 376 219064 607 SHADY CREEK CT Residential In Use MAXWELL NAVONDA SMITH 607 SHADY CREEK CT - W 377 223108 700 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 378 223125 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 379 223104 705 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot TREMAINE JEFFREY H 705 ARDENTTRL W 380 224028 617 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 381 213359 BELL POST DR N/A Empty Lot DOANE TODD A 618 SECREST AVE W 382 193388 2639 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use HOFFMAN DONALD MAURICE & P O BOX 135 480 Gallons/connection W 383 192241 110 SOUTHPOINT DR Residential In Use SHEPHERD MARY A 110 SOUTH POINT DR 480 Gallons/connection W 384 192226 111 WARREN DR Residential In Use HOPE CAROLYN KINLEY 4065 TUCKER RD 480 Gallons/connection W 385 192093 SUNDERLAND RD N/A Empty Lot JULIAN H EMMA 99% INT & 2037 SOUTH POINT RD - W 386 213335 1001 NUTALL OAK LN N/A Empty Lot WOODEND LLC 1 SUNRISE PT LANE W 387 213346 1107 SAWTOOTH OAK LN N/A Empty Lot NARVESON JONATHAN B 2107 ROSLYN AVE - W 388 210934 131 LAKE MIST DR Residential In Use BLACKMON CHRISTOPHER SHAWN 131 LAKE MIST DR 480 Gallons/connection W 389 213353 1038 NUTALL OAK LN N/A Empty Lot TOAL DESMOND JAMES JR 7418 BUCKLAND RD - W 390 222950 2730 SOUTH POINT RD Residential In Use CLONINGER BOBBY G 2730 SOUTH POINT RD 480 Gallons/connection A 391 200136 7005 HIGHLAND WAY Residential In Use WHITAKER TOBY A 7005 HIGHLAND WAY 480 Gallons/connection W 392 223088 104 ACADIAN WAY N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD - W 393 223242 MITCHELL ST N/A Empty Lot ROBINSON RALPH T 91 MITCH ELL ST Y W 394 223093 113 DAYBREAK LN N/A Empty Lot LABAR KELSEY MORGAN 113 DAYBREAK LN W 395 223109 704 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 396 223099 505 LITTLETON LN Residential In Use SMITH JOHN ROBERTJR 505 LITTLETON LN W 397 224033 612 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD - A 398 200144 7020 HIGHLAND WAY Residential In Use MCQUAY BENJAMIN PAUL 7020 HIGHLAND WAY 480 Gallons/connection W 399 225030 SOUTH POINT RD N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD - W 400 225029 165 MORGANS BRANCH RD N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 401 225017 508 ARDENT TRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 402 225006 112 SERENADE CT N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 403 225020 520 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 404 225031 SERENADE CT N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 405 225035 2608 SOUTH POINT RD N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 406 225032 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 407 225021 525 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 408 225033 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 409 225001 164 MORGANS BRANCH RD N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 410 225014 213 MORGANS BRANCH RD N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 411 225028 169 MORGANS BRANCH RD N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 412 225019 516 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 413 225018 512 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 414 225023 517 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 415 225026 505 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 416 225002 168 MORGANS BRANCH RD N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 417 225004 104 SERENADE CT N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 418 225005 108 SERENADE CT N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 419 225034 MORGANS BRANCH RD N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 420 225009 200 MORGANS BRANCH RD N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 421 225013 217 MORGANS BRANCH RD N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 422 225011 212 MORGANS BRANCH RD N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 423 225010 208 MORGANS BRANCH RD N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 424 225015 209 MORGANS BRANCH RD N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 425 225016 201 MORGANS BRANCH RD N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 426 225027 173 MORGANS BRANCH RD N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 427 225022 521 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 428 225025 509 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 429 225003 100 SERENADE CT N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 430 225008 105 SERENADE CT N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 431 225007 109 SERENADE CT N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5615 POTTER RD W 432 225036 CROMLISH CRSG N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5616 POTTER RD W 433 225012 216 MORGANS BRANCH RD N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5617 POTTER RD W 434 225024 513 ARDENTTRL N/A Empty Lot AVH CAROLINAS LLC 5618 POTTER RD Appendix C: Schedule www.dewberry.com ID ITask Name Finish 3rd Quarter 11st Quarter 13rd 1st 3rd Qu 1 Allen DEQ Report Submittal & Approval Municipality/County Negotiation & Agreement Municipality/Aqua Purchase Water Agreement Municipality/County Design Agreement Period Municipality/County System Design (assuming NTP upon agreement) Field Work/Survey 30% Design Development Development of 30% Construction Documents Review of 30% Design 30% Design Review Meeting 60% Design Development Development of 60% Construction Documents Review of 60% Design 60% Design Review Meeting Final Design Development Development of 100% Construction Documents Review of 100% Design 100% Design Review Meeting Easement Development Deed Research Develop Plats Easement Acquisition Permitting City of Belmont Development Approval NCDEQ Erosion and Sedimentation Control Permit NCDOT Right -of -Way Encroachment Permit (State and District) NCDEQ Water Supply Permit Advertise, Bidding & Contracting NTp Construction of Water Main & Services Substantial Completion, System Testing, & Certification Project Completion Thu 12/15/16 Mon 11/14/16 Mon 11/14/16 Mon 11/14/16 Mon 2/20/17 Mon 2/20/17 Wed 3/22/17 Wed 3/22/17 Mon 4/24/17 Fri 4/28/17 Mon 5/1/17 Mon 5/1/17 Tue 6/13/17 Fri 6/23/17 Mon 6/26/17 Mon 6/26/17 Mon 7/24/17 Fri 8/4/17 Mon 5/1/17 Mon 5/1/17 Mon 6/26/17 Mon 8/7/17 Mon 6/26/17 Mon 6/26/17 Mon 6/26/17 Mon 6/26/17 Mon 6/26/17 Mon 10/9/17 Thu 12/14/17 Fri 12/15/17 Mon 8/20/18 Tue 9/18/18 Sun 1/15/17 Mon 2/13/17 Mon 2/13/17 Mon 2/13/17 Thu 10/5/17 Tue 3/21/17 Fri 4/28/17 Fri 4/21/17 Fri 4/28/17 Fri 4/28/17 Fri 6/23/17 Mon 6/12/17 Fri 6/23/17 Fri 6/23/17 Fri 8/4/17 Fri 7/21/17 Fri 8/4/17 Fri 8/4/17 Thu 10/5/17 Fri 5/26/17 Fri 8/4/17 Thu 10/5/17 Fri 10/6/17 Fri 8/25/17 Fri 8/25/17 Fri 9/15/17 Fri 10/6/17 Thu 12/14/17 Thu 12/14/17 Fri 8/17/18 Tue 9/18/18 Tue 9/18/18 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Project: Allen Steam Station Proposed Schedule Manual Summary Rollup rA A 4/28 6/23 12/14 9/18 Page 1 Appendix D: Opinion of Probable Cost www.dewberry.com FINAL Opinion of Probable Cost Allen Steam Station Potable Water Connection Item Material Unit QQt y Unit Cost Extended Cost Main 1 8-inch C-900 PVC Pipe LF 22,800 $ 10.00 $ 228,000 2 8-inch Tee EA 20 $ 1,000 $ 20,000 3 8-inch Gate Valve w/Box (assume three at every tee and one per 5,000 LF) EA 65 $ 1,200 $ 78,000 4 8-inch Misc Fittings (Assume 2 fittings per appurtenance plus 1 fitting per 1000 LF pipe times 100# per fitting) LB 15,300 $ 4.00 $ 61,200 5 Fire Hydrant with Automatic Flushing Device EA 17 $ 8,000 $ 136,000 6 Fire Hydrant EA 46 $ 6,000 $ 276,000 7 1-inch Air Release Valve and Manhole (at highpoints in main) EA 3 $ 2,200 $ 6,600 Subtotal Materials/Equipment: $ 805,800 Installation (% of Material/Equipment): 30% $ 241,800 8 Clearing & Grubbing (8" piping only) LF 22,800 $ 3.50 $ 79,800 9 Excavation and Backfilling for Trench LF 22,800 $ 18.00 $ 410,400 10 Repaving SY 950 $ 100.00 $ 95,000 11 Pipe Bedding Material (#67 Stone - assumed for 25% of pipe) CY 530 $ 35.00 $ 18,600 12 Railroad Crossing (Casing, Piping, Spiders and Installation) EA 0 $ 50,000 $ - 13 Rural Road Crossing for Main (Casing, Piping, Spiders and Installation) EA 14 $ 20,000 $ 280,000 14 Erosion Control Measures (Silt Fence/Check Dams based on feet of pipe) LF 22,800 $ 4.50 $ 102,600 15 Testing, Disinfection, Clean Up, Seed and Mulch (Assume: 25-ft impacted area) LF 22,800 $ 8.50 $ 193,800 16 Connection to Existing Waterline EA 7 $ 5,000 $ 35,000 17 Interconnect to Existing Waterline EA 2 $ 15,000 $ 30,000 18 Traffic Control LS 1 $ 55,000 $ 55,000 19 Well closure EA 177 $ 2,500 $ 442,500 Services Connections/Lines 20 2-inch PVC Pipe LF 10,700 $ 4.75 $ 50,900 21 3/4-inch PVC Pipe LF 23,400 $ 3.00 $ 70,200 22 Misc Fittings for Service Connections (valves, fittings, etc.) EA 174 $ 150 $ 26,100 Subtotal Materials/Equipment: $ 147,200 Installation (% of Material/Equipment): 30% $ 44,200 23 2-inch Services Taps, Meters, Meter Boxes and Misc. Connections to Main Line EA 18 $ 6,000 $ 108,000 24 3/4-inch Services Taps, Meters, Meter Boxes and Misc. Connections to Main Line EA 156 $ 3,000 $ 468,000 25 Road Crossing for Services - (Jetting/bore, Casing, and Installation) EA 96 $ 1,500 $ 144,000 26 Excavation and Backfilling for Service Trench LF 34,100 $ 10.00 $ 341,000 27 Flush, Clean Up, Seed and Mulch (Assume: 5-ft impacted area) LF 34,100 $ 4.00 $ 136,400 28 City of Belmont Development Fees EA 272 $ 1,075.00 $ 292,400 SUBTOTAL $ 4,472,000 Sub -Total FOB Allowance (% of Material/Equipment): 2% $ 19,100 Renovation Allowance (% of Material/Equipment): 5% $ 48,000 Sub -Total $ 4,540,000 Contractor Overhead and Profit: 15% $ 681,000 Contractor General Conditions: MONTH 9 $ 20,000 $ 180,000 Sub -Total: $ 5,401,000 Contingency: 25% $ 1,351,000 Sub -Total: $ 6,752,000 Design, Bid Phase, and Construction Phase Engineering Services 10% $ 676,000 Easements Acquistion (Permanent) $ 40,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED CAPITAL COST: $ 7,470,000 Notes: 1.) Renovation Allowance to account for private property refurbishment (signs, fences, etc.) 2.) Number of Service Taps taken from field evaluation and property records. 3.) Permanent Easement Acquisition based on 50% of average area property tax value. 4.) Temporary easements are not included in this estimate. 5.) No significant rock excavation, water crossings, wetlands, or other abnormal working environment anticipated. 6.) Opinion of Probable Cost dated October 2016; cost may vary depending upon escalation at time of construction. 7.) Piping footage may change with final design. 8.) Well closure and Development fees included per verbal conversation with City of Belmont. 11/10/2016 FINAL Dewberry