HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140957 Ver 2_Public Comments Received at July 18 Fayetteville Hearing_20170718Statement from Francine Stephenson J Johnston County, NC Landowner The land that I am supposed to sacrifice to the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) has no wetlands or streams -- just an irrigation pond near the proposed route. However, there is an "artesian" water source near or in the area to be crossed, and it is located very near the surface. It concerns ,me that this underground stream could be disturbed by the pipeline, Even greater is my concern for the general destruction of our air, earth, and water in eastern North Carolina as the construction process cuts through the streams and rivers that provide our drinking water and as inevitable gas leaks pollute all these resources. Most of the major rivers in Eastern North Carolina are to be traversed. This is a major environmental impact -- we do not often experience disruptions of so many rivers at once, That environmental insult will introduce the short-term potential for pollution and destruction of plants and wildlife as well as harm to humans. The long-term consequences are potential pollution by escaped methane and other toxins to the water, soil, and air, All natural gas pipelines leak, and there is lack of agreement and enforcement of the maximum amount of leakage permitted, Even a minimal percentage of leakage at the volume to be piped through daily will devastate the environment of Johnston County and the eastern part of North Carolina, not to mention the significant contribution to global warming. I did not see hurricanes and floods addressed in the draft environmental impact statement for the ACR What an oversight since Johnston County has had two hundred -year floods in the last few years! As a result of Hurricane Matthew, roads washed out and tile was removed and destroyed by raging waters in many places in the county, including areas through which the pipeline is planned. If flood waters can wash out asphalt, concrete, and destroy and remove cement tile, what will happen to steel pipes carrying methane under tremendously high pressure? I hope the Division of Water Quality will raise the right questions about flooding issues relative y\. the pipeline. It is a tragedy that thinner, lower quality pipelines can be used in the rural areas like ours -- areas that have been called tsacrifice zones." I am trusting that the NC Division of Water Resources will hold the ACP responsible for every incurred disturbance of our community and its �txisting ecosystems and water quality. My name is Francine Stephenson, and I am a landowner in Johnston County, I have fields that are slated to be split by the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline, And, I have grave concerns about this pipeline installation for myself and for my community. The possible ill effects of the pipeline on our water resources is just one of my concerns, It falls in line with others, such as the unfair use of eminent domain by a private company, the chilling risk of explosions, inevitable leakage of methane gas, and the injustice of disrupting and endangering so many pristine communities for the benefit of stockholder greed. Even the basic premise of the ACP proposal, that the pipeline is actually needed, has not been justified sufficiently for me. As president of No Plpeline Johnston County, which is a group of landowners trying-tt, protect our property, I hear concerns about water resources and wetlands that may be ,?ffected by the pipeline. One individual is concerned that the pipeline construction will upset the flow palleEns of White Oak stream and result in erosion of the wetlands and adjacent crop fields on his land. W"01 Some of us fear a vulnerability of the pipeline to floodiog and wash out, especiag lly in li of the two major floods we have recently experienced, I Some of us fear that agk, especially those in wetlands, will be heavily comJ2aQhQd and the topsoils displaced and compromised for the future. One person in our group has a pri5tine siream that has bubbled through her property wit unusuM lly clear water for generations, She fears that boring through or under it will destr I Some are concerned about the impoundmen of millions of gallons of water during the construction process when water is used to test leakage in the pipes. We wonder what w, happen to our local water table? We know that just this month, a pipeline company ended up having to furnish water filtration systems, bottled water, and hotel accommodations to residents when local wells were contaminated and water pressure was lowered because of pipeline drilling. We fear something similar. We know that our fears are not unfounded. We know that pipeline accidents occur all the time. We know that in a rural area thinner pipe can be used; in fact, areas like eastern NC with lower population density are termed "sacrifice zones. 1 We hope the the NC Division of Water Quality will hold the ACP accountable for every disturbance to our community and its existing ecosystems and water quality. Pi -A Good E.venkig, My narne is Deanna paterro, d We run the finy strip of C�,.unbedarid Courity deft between Hope KHs and FayettevHie. p arn CUrrerifly PUFSUirig a Masteirs [Degree iri Envionrune ntad CI Managernerrir frorn University M of aryW-id (Jri�vers�ty oHege, d akeady h6d a BS in the same fiekJ, V/hfle urian speakers, tonight wnH address the environrnentad impact of thie Aflarific Coast Rpeikie, d WOUM fii(R to taH( a brt abOLA the econon,ik. 4,npacts that rnay occur to downstrean'i cornniurirties First, by blasUng arid dngg4ig LAr) the wedands and strearns apong the route thEn way flooding is rru-inaged by ft,�e envrironnient woH charqe, increased erosion aind sedirnentafion 4H aHow floodwaters from OUr troprcai storms and Ireayradalr..thUrtclerstor-ins to move downstrearn 'faster, thus creating more darrmge and rnore costs to cornmunrfies, agriCWtUre, and pndustry betvveern the pipeiine arid t[-ne- coast Second, ircreased se&nentafion and the poflution that 9 oes wnth it frorn upstreaini activffies w0t uncrease the costs of treatrig that water to make it saft, to df-Ok forr everyone downstrearn 1"he Cape Fear �'s as F)n I rne exarnpde of this, by firne it gets to Wflirnkigton nt takes as lot tnore to make r a dririkaNe thain Fayette\6He has to contend Wth Third, the clharqec., in water" flow arid sedrinentaflora, as weH as flr�e watershed as a W'ioie, w0l negafivedy afft)ct the sports rndustry As increased se(firrents cover I.Aants, sbearnbeds, and other haNtats in the sounds and estuarnes, the preyfish that lonrl the foundation of the sj.,)ortfishing industiy w0i disappear, WithotA prey, the sport fist"i wrH krsave to tined better, hunting grounds, "That wlH senous�y nrnpactthe coastal economk-,,s that depend on tourists seeking thiole expehoences, 0/hat is the SOdU600 Of COLAse trine favored s6u6on for rnany is to Irnwwd bUiid the ACP at aH. Itafing that outcorr�e, I woukJ fides to see, the prpedirre eevated the same way that the Aiaska Pipeline fls eievnit ed over the extrernOy sensitive tundra, 1 -his creates a tess, nnvasnVre lootprint and Wiows for reparrs and rnainteriance that does not rnvoive digging rnto V -ie watershed even more Tht apso meanis that at the end of the pipefines uisabie He, rt can be reinmved rnore easHy WithOLA, further darnage to the waters[Ied arid the aquifers that so arany depend on for the4 cdlrrrikd ng water d wiH leave yu,,a aHl with orne very important qUestion. If downstrearn economies are darnaged by tf-fls pipeNrie, who vvHt be on the hook for cornpensafion and repaurs? "raxpayers, or, Duke and Doni4iuon? As of r` speakers..havU-noted, the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline will cause irreparable harm to North Carolina's wetlands, streams, and groundwater. I have many reasons to oppose the ACP — namely, that the project is about greed, not need — but on the basis of the water quality impacts alone I believe that rejection of Duke Energy's request is, justified. I urge you to please put the environment and people over profits. Thank you for your consideration. V0,AJ, Cary Rodgers, North Carolina Resident 11775 NC 109 South, Peachland, NC 28133 rodgersocO I (.?,gmail.com TO: 401 Public Comments WATER IMPACTS Stream crossing construction causes water Pollution, Improper construction techniques cause sediment and erosion problems as well as invasive species growth. Blasting causes the contamination or destruction of nearby wells and springs. During the directional drilling method of crossing, accidents often occur that would release drilling fluids into streams and wetlands, degrading water quality There are destructive flood plain crossings and wetland devastation, The pipeline companies say they will mitigate these issues, but we know better. We have witnessed their failures. Pipeline gas leak into drinking water during operation, ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE The ACP )EIS completely flails to addressed the environmental justices issues that directly impact North Carolina communities who have a high percentage of minorities and high levels of people who live below the poverty level in the eight counties targeted for the Atlantic C'oast Pipeline. Historically, many of these communities disproportionately suffer the negative health impacts from the cumulative efTects, of multiple polluting industries compared to other communities, North Carolina DEQ and FI RC" has a legal mandate to require the ACP to address environmental justice issues in its DEIS. Title VI of the ( ..II ivil Rights Act of 1964, legally mandates that each Federal agency shall ensures "that all prograrns or activities receiving Federal financial assistance that affect human health or the environment do not directly, or through contractual or other arrangements, use criteria, methods, or practices that discriminate on the basis of race, color., or national origin," [https://wwwepa.gov/envii-onii-ientatjustice/titte-vi-and- envii-Onmental-Justice] In addition to this, the Presidential Executive Order 12898 ( ' February 11, 1994) re-emphasizes the legality of Title VI of"the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by stating that the the United States requires all federal agencies, including the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, to make achieving environmental justice pail of their mission by identifying and addressing disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects of its actions on minority populations and 101AI-inCOMe Populations. This is not an option, but a MUST. NC DEQ and FERC is legally mandated to require the ACP to address environmental justice issues in the DEIS. Don't forget, people are the most important stake holders impacted in the environment, not just streams, rivers, forest, and endangered species. Recent census data compiled by the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League shows the environmental justice demographics that the ACP will directly impact in NC. Demographic and Encore Data for the ACL Route Compared to Statewide NC Population White % Black 'r'o Income % Income I per capita 'I below NC 2 Northampton 20,463 39.6 58.4 17,919 29% Halifax 52,970 40.9 53.1 17,937 29% Nash 94,357 57.3 39.0 22,880 10% Wilson 81,401 573 39.6 20,972 17% Johnston 181,423 80.5 15.9 22,410 11% Sampson 64,050 67.4 27.1 19,479 23% ( ,"umberland 326,328 53.6 37.4 23,067 9% Robeson* 134,760 32.4 24.7 15,343 391%o NC Statewide 9,943,964 71.7 22.0 25,284 [https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/] * Additionally highest minority population in Robeson County, NC is 38,02% Native American The per capita income levels of residents in all the counties targeted for the Atlantic Coast pipeline are below the statewide average from 90/'o to 390"/0, In North Carolina, the official average of the population below the poverty level is 17.5%. Using this benchmark, the number of people living below the poverty line exceeds the statewide average from 30% to 81% in these eight counties. Further, seven of the counties have African American populations in greater proportion than the statewide average in addition to a large Native American population in Robeson County which has the highest poverty level along the ACT route, Is it just coincidence that the beginning and the end of the ACP route in NC starting in Northampton and ending in Robeson County are the two most poorest Counties along the AP( route'? Matter of fact, Robeson County is the poorest county in the state and Northampton is only few percentage points behind. For example: Northampton Compressor Station violates environmental justice 17he ACP proposes to build a 24/7 air and noise polluting compressor station in tile most dense area with the highest percentage of African Americans and second highest poverty level along the ACP route in NC. To ignore the air quality sensitivities and the vulnerabilities of cumulative Pollution negative health impacts of this minority community would not only be environmentally unjust, but criminal, The DEIS grossly ignores this very serious issue. A mapping study of the impacts on public health caused by multiple pollution sources pointed to environmental justice and equity factors: It states: "Environmental justice studies have repeatedly found associations of disproportionately high occurrences of air toxic hazards in low income and minority communities such as Toxic Release Inventory facilities, toxic waste facilities, and more recently high traffic corridors (Ringquist 1997; Anderton et al. 1994; Boer et al. 1997; Jerrett 2009). Not only are these communities more likely to be home to environmental hazards, but these communities are more vulnerable to the negative health effects of air pollution because of compromised health status resulting frorn lack of access to nutritional foods and medical care and lessened ability, resist the placement of such facilities (O'Neill et al. 2003; Pastor et al. 2002). Beyond the equity concern in the disproportionate siting of environmental hazards in low income and communities of color, is the potential for cumulative exposure to air pollution. Because these communities are usually home to many ambient air pollution sources, individuals are often exposed to multiple types of pollution from many sources. Exposure to Multiple hazards may have cumulative affects, magnifying health risks in humans ("National Research Council 2009). The extent of these health effects depends on the total exposure of chemicals (Xia and Ton g 200(x). Even more concerning is there are health effects due to cumulative exposure to air pollutants blow national ambient air quality standards (Xia and "Fong 2006)." - Chan A "Mapping the Cumulative Impacts of Point -Source Air Pollution in West Oakland" Spring 2012, available at http://nature.berkeley.edu/classes/esI 96/projects/2012final/ChatiA..-2012.pdf Environmental justice law indicates that the disproportionate impacts of air pollution should be offset by greater attention to pollution sources and the reduction of air pollution, wherever possible. Advocates nationwide argue that because poor people of color bear a disproportionate burden of air pollution, their communities should receive a disproportionate share of money and technology to reduce toxic emissions and that laws including the Clean Air Act should close loopholes that allow facilities to escape pollution controls. - Environmental Justice for All: A Fifty State Survey of Legislation, Policies and Cases, Fourth Edition, , University ofCalifornia- Hastings College of the Law, February 15, 2010 The ACT's DEIS should be completely denied by FF"RC because it fails to address the environmental justice issues. NCDEA and FERC MAST require that the ACP address the environmental justice issues has mandated in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Presidential Executive Order 12898, and the Clean Air Act. My name is Kim Geddes, I am a native North Carolinian and Currently live in Moore County, My husband and I own a small farm where we raise horses and care for the branch of Drowning Creek that runs through our property. I am here tonight to share how the Cape Fear River has shaped my family's history and to express my fears about eminent domain and the adverse impact the Atlantic Coast Pipeline will have on waterways and private land. My family has a long history ofattachirient to the land and water of this area. In the early 1700's, my ancestors, the Letts, decided to move from the crowded Wilmington area, and navigated up the Cape Fear River to find suitable farm land. They rowed through Bladen County, and stayed there for a while near an area called Cross Creek-, that area was eventually named Fayetteville. They continued migrating up the river, but travel was difficult due to the rapids. Sometimes the pioneers had to row their boats to the shores and tote them past the falls, then put the boats back in the water, but they persevered, and eventually put down roots nearBuckhorn ]{alls. Here, the Letts found what they were looking for: an abundance of rich bottom land for growing cotton and other crops and access to pristine water. The settlers marked their chosen site, and eventually called it Lett's I.,anding, It is designated with a marker on the Cape Fear River. The Lett's and their descendants have been fighting to hold on to this land and protect the Cape Fear River and nearby waterways ever since. Farmers and landowners don't just preserve the land, but they also protect the water that runs through it, because the water is vital to sustaining their families, their crops, and livestock. Removing the landowner through the eminent domain process removes the caretaker of many of our streams and rivers that run through the landowner's property. Eminent domain threatens to remove the caretakers of waterways that run through private property. The Atlantic Coast Pipeline will take land away from families who have protected the land and its waterways for many generations. But, how sustainable is (racking? How long will the gas infi-astructure be required? This project will uproot families who have conserved land and water for centuries to support, a project that has only a 40- to 50 -year life span. Cit W" c Cz%� I object to the idea that companies can advefsely take private property and impact our waterways, seizing permanent pathways, 75 feet wide or more, for corporate gain, leaving landowners with no legal recourse. One-time payments from corporations that attempt to compensate owners for their land do not make up for what's being lost and can never be restored. These paynients will not replace the landowners who love and care for the land and the water that runs through it. 'iic rl k"W'�Icv.('xeej tty proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline for [ask the 4�n+ew_ef-! vif(x,+menta4-QuaI" to i the impact it will have on land and waterways that have contributed to our State's history and continue to contribute to our culture and way of life. I urge Duke Energy and Dominion to invest in 21" century energy solutions that conserve land, protect air and water, and are sustainable, � • i � i • " i „ ri .,. aa�'MPoRrm vier” rri"r .. i4rnwmwmnuwii in,nxmm MUXMtl jNMYM MYMMM�M�' pmmpmmMmMarau NA'MRMwMMNgaVIM1YnMW5AMMAM'� ,. • ,• 1 ~u t` �. TM �TT „ o 1 an NO- co � " �;, .A n• ', ' fay p �- n, a. ID M� willOV 9 .r CD CW , !'i II w....... IIIIIIIIII'. fJA Good Evening, My narne is Sandra Clark. I live In Wade North CarcAria. am a refired teachers of 33 years. l am here beCause I am very Concerned about the safety Of OUr drinking and recreational waters, I can speak of a canoei ' ng -trip that I enjoyed on Cape Fear River roan y years ago. It was athrilling and fUn filled rnernory that began on the Cape Fear River and ended near Erwin., 1 want my grandcf-,01dren -to have the Opportunity of enjoying clean water. Water is so vital to ALL important LIFEEXPRIENCES. The problem that Concerns me about the eTP2!jq: .q Atlantic Coast Pipeiine ls that toxMs and harmful chemcWs can and will leak hft OUr water supplies. aUtOmafically Poses a threat to otir farnilies, neighbors and Mends who live ln OUr cOmmunifies that surround the Cape Fear Mver, Wvjerwj Hurricane Matthew h,it our area we saw the destruCtion and how the water supply was threatem People were desperate -for clean d0niking water, WE ARE STILL. DESPERATE FOR CLEAN DRINKING WATER The urgency of tills problem is that Duke and Donlinion haven't eve�n cleanied up the Coa� Ash problem., Tt'iey are Brazen in'their approach to make the put)jjcthink 'that the toxins of the Pipeline won't leak into the water sUpplies. I can't ignore, the 'facts and I appreciate an article written by Jeff ThOMPSon In th(: "Up and Corm'ng Weekly" July 5-11, Page 9 News Digest, I,°Ie Shared that after the DEQ ran test of the Chemours Facility in Fayetteville, they found Gen X in the wastewater in which the Company is now PUtfing into ternpormy Storage tanks. This unregulated chernical has been discharged into the Cape Fear for past years, For years Gen X did not have tO meet any requirea)eat to keep it out Of the suPPlY of drinking water Thank you DEQ'fear acfin g carp theCffizens� behalf -that has been neglected for so long. WE MUST CONTINUE to keep our watersupply clean. SOlutiOn -ewe MUSt clean LAP our water ways that have been POHLAed and restorci the health Of Out" coMmunifies with water that Is safe enough to drink and er1joy. I appeal to you NOT to give the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipehne the ref-jance to add rnore toxins to an already P0fluted Cape Fear River System, We, want the health Of fart children to be safe and enJoy the rivers and strearns for, life, .. ..... . . ...... . ...... . ......... .. WeeMy" July 5-11 page 9 News Digest. Fl e shared that after the DEO rantest of the CheMOM'S 1"'a6fity un FayetteviHe, they found Geri X nri the wastewater in whicl,j the corripany is now putting �lnto temporary storage tanks. Tl"uis unreguated chernica6 has been discharged intothe Cape Fear for past years. For years Gen X did not lmve t irrneet any requ�rements to keelp it out of the supppy of drinking waWr. Thank you DEQ for acting on the cffizons' Ib half that has been neglected for so long, WE MUST CONTINUE to keep our water supppy clean, Solution - we must cearn UP our water waysthat have been poHuted arid restore the health of our communffies Mth water that is safe enough to ddirilk and enjoy. l appeal to you NOT to glve the proposed Atianbc Coast Rpehne the chance to add more toxMs to an already poHuted Cape Fear Rlver Systern. We want the health of future children to be safe and enjoy the rNers and strearns for Me. "I hank youfor those who have come today to show YOUr support. We, the people of North Carolina are the protectorf the water for thefuture generabons- they deserve to have clean water to d0k and enjoy, safe recreabomall water ways. CA U1S1?QAaA134 JPa-J ACIPn, .,M-11-),A� DKII U1 SUIXC�' SV I Apir 'Appurv,- d JAH 1SK) 1 Y1 I A ILI. JAVA I H L