HomeMy WebLinkAbout4103_WhiteStreetCDLF_WQmonitoringPlan_DIN27970_20171107 Golder Associates NC, Inc. 5B Oak Branch Drive Greensboro, NC 27407 USA Tel: (336) 852-4903 Fax: (336) 852-4904 www.golder.com Engineering Lic. No. C-2862/Geology Lic. No. C-399 Golder, Golder Associates and the GA globe design are trademarks of Golder Associates Corporation November 7, 2017 1668421.200 Mr. Perry Sugg, PG, Permitting Hydrogeologist Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management - Solid Waste Section 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1646 (919) 707-8258 perry.sugg@ncdenr.gov RE: PHASE I AND II WATER QUALITY MONITORING PLAN UPDATED ATTACHMENTS WHITE STREET LANDFILL - PHASE II, PERMIT NO. 41-03 GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA Dear Mr. Sugg, On behalf of the City of Greensboro, Golder Associates NC, Inc. (Golder) is submitting the enclosed updates to the Water Quality Monitoring Plan for the Phase I and Phase II waste units at the White Street Landfill. These updates are in response to an email from Perry Sugg of the North Carolina (NC) Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Division of Waste Management - Solid Waste Section to Michael Plummer of HDR, Inc., dated June 19, 2017. The June 19, 2017, email stated that upon a final review of the Water Quality Monitoring Plan and Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan submitted with the revised May 2017 application for the Phase II C&D Landfill, the following comments are to be addressed before approving: Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan  Add the Landfill Gas Monitoring Data form (revised – March 6, 2017), which is to be filled out for each landfill gas monitoring event. Water Quality Monitoring Plan  In Appendix I, Table 1A should be revised by removing the word “proposed” from the title  In Appendix I, Table 1B should be revised by removing the word “proposed” from the title  In Appendix I, Table 1B should be revised by replacing groundwater monitoring well II-4 with II-4A  In Appendix I, Table 1B should be revised by adding groundwater monitoring well II-7B  In Appendix I, Table 1B should be revised by adding surface water monitoring point SW-1  In Appendix I, Table 1B should be revised by adding a note that indicates that surface water monitoring points SW-1, SW-2, SW-3, SW-4, and SW-5 serve as part of the monitoring program for both the Phase I and Phase II landfills  In Appendix II, Figure 1 should be replaced with a better and clearer map that shows the current Phase I and Phase II groundwater monitoring network  In Appendix II, Figure 2 should be replaced with a better and clearer map that shows all of the surface water monitoring points  In Appendix II, add a site facility map that shows all of the solid waste units In response to these comments, the Landfill Gas Monitoring Data form will be used for quarterly boundary migration monitoring, which will continue to be performed as directed in Section 4.3.3 of the Landfill Gas Revised November 2017 1668421.200 G:\PROJECTS\City of Greensboro\1668421 - Greensboro\Phase 200 - General Consulting\WQMP Revisions\WQMP Revisions.xlsx SAMPLE ID NUMBER SAMPLE TYPE INTERVAL MONITORED DETECTION MONITORING FUNCTION Distance and Direction From Waste Cell Boundary Hydrogeologic Position I-1 Groundwater Uppermost Aquifer 30 Feet West Lateral Provide Water Level and Quality Data I-2 Groundwater Uppermost Aquifer 5 Feet West Lateral Provide Water Level and Quality Data I-3 Groundwater Uppermost Aquifer 25 Feet West-Northwest Downgradient Provide Water Level and Quality Data I-4 Groundwater Uppermost Aquifer 25 Feet North Downgradient Provide Water Level and Quality Data MW-13 Groundwater Uppermost Aquifer 2,650 Feet Southwest Upgradient Provide Background Water Quality Data All distances from waste cell boundary are approximates based on measurements taken from the scaled base map Drawing D-1. SAMPLE LOCATION AND POSITION TABLE 1A SUMMARY OF DETECTION MONITORING AND SAMPLING LOCATIONS White Street Sanitary Landfill (Phase I) Greensboro, North Carolina Revised November 2017 1668421.200 G:\PROJECTS\City of Greensboro\1668421 - Greensboro\Phase 200 - General Consulting\WQMP Revisions\WQMP Revisions.xlsx SAMPLE ID NUMBER SAMPLE TYPE INTERVAL MONITORED DETECTION MONITORING FUNCTION Distance and Direction From Waste Cell Boundary Hydrogeologic Position II-1 Groundwater Uppermost Aquifer 100 Feet Northwest Downgradient Provide Water Level and Quality Data II-2 Groundwater Uppermost Aquifer 75 Feet North Downgradient Provide Water Level and Quality Data II-3 Groundwater Uppermost Aquifer 100 Feet North Downgradient Provide Water Level and Quality Data II-4A Groundwater Uppermost Aquifer 50 Feet East-Northeast Downgradient Provide Water Level and Quality Data II-5 Groundwater Uppermost Aquifer 35 Feet East Downgradient Provide Water Level and Quality Data II-6 Groundwater Uppermost Aquifer 100 Feet West-Northwest Downgradient Provide Water Level and Quality Data II-7 Groundwater Uppermost Aquifer 75 Feet North Downgradient Provide Water Level and Quality Data II-7B Groundwater Bedrock Aquifer 75 Feet North Downgradient Provide Water Level and Quality Data II-8 Groundwater Uppermost Aquifer 100 Feet West Downgradient Provide Water Level and Quality Data II-12 Groundwater Uppermost Aquifer 100 Feet South-Southwest Downgradient Provide Water Level and Quality Data MW-13 Groundwater Uppermost Aquifer 4,350 Feet Southwest Upgradient Provide Background Water Quality Data MW-14 Groundwater Uppermost Aquifer 1,200 Feet South Upgradient Provide Background Water Quality Data SW-1 Surface Water North Buffalo Creek 7400 Feet West-Southwest Not Applicable Provide Upstream Surface Water Quality SW-2 Surface Water Creek / Stream 3540 Feet West-Southwest Not Applicable Provide Downstream Surface Water Quality SW-3 Surface Water North Buffalo Creek 4000 Feet West-Southwest Not Applicable Provide Downstream WWTP Water Quality SW-4 Surface Water North Buffalo Creek 1350 Feet Northeast Not Applicable Provide Downstream Surface Water Quality SW-5 Surface Water North Buffalo Creek 250 Feet North Not Applicable Provide Downstream Surface Water Quality All distances from waste cell boundary are approximates based on measurements taken from the scaled site map Drawing D-2. The five surface water sample locations serve both Phase 1 and Phase 2 monitoring networks. TABLE 1B SUMMARY OF DETECTION MONITORING AND SAMPLING LOCATIONS White Street Sanitary Landfill (Phase II) Greensboro, North Carolina SAMPLE LOCATION AND POSITION II-3II-10II-3BPHASE IIILANDFILL4112-MSWLF-1997I-5PHASE ILANDFILLPRE-1987 LANDFILL(CLOSED)SW-2 LOCATED~500 FT. WESTSW-1 LOCATED~4900 FT. WESTSW-3 LOCATED~1600 FT. WESTSW-4 LOCATED~900 FT. EASTII-7BSW-5II-6II-12I-4II-8I-2I-1MW-13C&D LANDFILLLIMITS OF WASTEMSW LANDFILLLIMITS OF WASTEII-5II-2II-7I-3MW-14MW-16MW-17MW-18MW-19MW-15MW-24MW-23MW-22MW-21MW-20II-4AII-9SMW-1SMW-3LEACHATESAMPLINGLOCATIONII-4II-11II-1SMW-4NORTH BUFFALO CREEKMW-25dMW-25PHASE II(ACTIVE C&D)4103-CDLF-1998PHASE II(CLOSED MSW)4103-MSWLF-19874103-COMPOST-20030 1 in166842117PHASE200FIGURE10 2017-10-31ABRDYRDYRRPKWHITE STREET LANDFILLCITY OF GREENSBOROGREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINACITY OF GREENSBOROPHASE I AND IIGROUNDWATER SAMPLING PLANTITLEPROJECT NO.REV.PROJECTCLIENTCONSULTANTPREPAREDDESIGNEDREVIEWEDAPPROVEDYYYY-MM-DDPath: \\greensboro\CAD\_2017\1668421 - White Street Landfill\GW Monitoring\A_2017\ | File Name: 166842117A017.dwg IF THIS MEASUREMENT DOES NOT MATCH WHAT IS SHOWN, THE SHEET SIZE HAS BEEN MODIFIED FROM: ANSI D0FEET400 8001'' = 400'SITE LOCATION MAPNOT TO SCALELEGENDSURFACE WATER MONITORING POINTCOMPLIANCE GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLNES / SENTINEL GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLNONCOMPLIANCE GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLLEACHATE SAMPLING LOCATIONNOT MEASUREDSTREAMSMINOR CONTOURS (2 FT. INTERVAL)MAJOR CONTOURS (10 FT. INTERVAL)APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF WASTEAPPROXIMATE PROPERTY LINENOTES1. TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOUR INTERVAL = 10 FEET.2. ELEVATIONS SHOWN IN THIS DRAWING ARE IN FEET ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVELDATUM ("MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM" REFERS TO THE NATIONAL GEOTETIC VERTICALDATUM (NGVD) OF 1929) AND COORDINATES ARE EXPRESSED IN TERMS OF THESTATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM.3. SURFACE WATER LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE.4. TOPOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY BRADY SURVEYING CO. FROM AERIALPHOTOGRAPHY DATED NOVEMBER 9, 1994 FACILITY AREA UPDATED MAY 18, 1996.5. 7.5 MINUTE USGS QUADRANGLE, MCLEANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, 2016.SITENMPL PHASE III LANDFILL PHASE I LANDFILL PHASE II LANDFILL N. BUFFALO CREEK JORDEN BR. MUDDY CREEK N. BUFFALO CREEK SW-5 SW-2 SW-3 SW-1 SW-4 01 in166842117 PHASE 200 FIGURE 20 2017/06/13 SEP SEP DYR RPK WHITE STREET LANDFILL CITY OF GREENSBORO GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA CITY OF GREENSBORO PHASE I AND II SURFACE WATER LOCATION MAP TITLE PROJECT NO.REV. PROJECTCLIENT CONSULTANT PREPARED DESIGNED REVIEWED APPROVED YYYY-MM-DD IF THIS MEASUREMENT DOES NOT MATCH WHAT IS SHOWN, THE SHEET SIZE HAS BEEN MODIFIED FROM: ANSI BPath: \\greensboro\CAD\_2017\1668421 - White Street Landfill\GW Monitoring\A_2017\ | File Name: 166842117A018.dwg0 FEET 1500 3000 1'' = 1500' SITE LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE LEGEND SURFACE WATER MONITORING POINT NOTES 1. SURFACE WATER LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. 2. 7.5 MINUTE USGS QUADRANGLE, MCLEANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, 2016. SITE SW-1 c 2017 IMAGE DATED: SUPPLIED BY AND SOURCED UNDER LICENCE FROM GOOGLE EARTH PRO ON : IMAGE GEOREFERENCED BY GOLDER AND INTENDED FOR INDICATIVE PURPOSES ONLY Source: Google Earth Pro 2017 2017/06/13 2015/10/05