HomeMy WebLinkAbout8106_Duke_Rogers_WQMP_DIN25731_20160613Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Rogers CCP Landfill Facility Permit No. 81-06 Water Quality Monitoring Plan (Updated February 2016) i Table of Contents Section 1 - Introduction ..................................................................................................... 1-1 1.1 Site Description ......................................................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 Site Geology and Hydrogeology .......................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2.1 Site Geology ................................................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2.2 Site Hydrogeology ....................................................................................................................................... 1-2 Section 2 – Groundwater Monitoring System .................................................................... 2-1 2.1 Monitoring Well Network ..................................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.2 Monitoring Well Construction ............................................................................................................................. 2-1 2.3 Monitoring Well Development ............................................................................................................................ 2-2 2.4 Maintenance and Recordkeeping ...................................................................................................................... 2-2 2.5 Monitoring Well Decommissioning .................................................................................................................. 2-3 Section 3 – Groundwater Monitoring Program .................................................................. 3-1 3.1 Sampling Frequency ................................................................................................................................................ 3-1 3.2 Establishment of Background ............................................................................................................................. 3-1 3.3 Evaluation of Monitoring Data ............................................................................................................................ 3-1 Section 4 – Groundwater Sampling Methodology .............................................................. 4-1 4.1 Sampling Collection ................................................................................................................................................. 4-1 4.1.1 Sampling Frequency .................................................................................................................................. 4-1 4.1.2 Static Water Elevations ............................................................................................................................ 4-1 4.1.3 Well Purging Methods ............................................................................................................................... 4-1 Low-Flow Procedures ................................................................................................................. 4-1 Standard Evacuation Procedures ........................................................................................... 4-3 4.1.4 Collection ........................................................................................................................................................ 4-4 4.1.5 Decontamination ......................................................................................................................................... 4-4 4.2 Sample Preservation and Handling ................................................................................................................... 4-4 4.3 Chain-of-Custody Program ................................................................................................................................... 4-5 4.3.1 Sample Labels ............................................................................................................................................... 4-5 4.3.2 Sample Seals .................................................................................................................................................. 4-5 4.3.3 Field Logbook ............................................................................................................................................... 4-5 4.3.4 Chain-of-Custody Records ....................................................................................................................... 4-6 4.4 Analytical Procedures ............................................................................................................................................. 4-6 4.5 Quality Assurance and Quality Control Programs ...................................................................................... 4-8 Section 5 – Surface Water Monitoring ............................................................................... 5-1 Section 6 – Leachate Monitoring ....................................................................................... 6-1 Section 7 – References ....................................................................................................... 7-1 Table of Contents · Rogers CCP Landfill - Water Quality Monitoring Plan ii List of Tables Table 1 – Summary of Well Construction Information Table 2 – Summary of Constituents, Analytical Methods, and Reporting Limits List of Figures Figure 1 – Water Quality Monitoring Plan – Surface Water Monitoring Locations List of Sheets Sheet 1 – Water Quality Monitoring Plan – Monitoring Locations Appendices Appendix A Boring Logs and Well Construction Forms Appendix B Analytical Requirements Appendix C Groundwater Purging and Sampling Guidelines 1-1 Section 1 Introduction This Water Quality Monitoring Plan (WQMP) will serve as a guidance document for collecting and analyzing groundwater and surface water samples, evaluating the associated analytical results, and monitoring for any potential releases to the uppermost aquifer from the Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC (DEC) Rogers Coal Combustion Products (CCP) Landfill (formerly Cliffside) in Rutherford County, North Carolina (NC). This WQMP complies with North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Solid Waste (SW) Rules Subchapter 13B, .0504(1)(g)(iv) as part of the Site Application for the facility. This Plan also addresses the requirements for surface water monitoring specified in Rule .0602. The pertinent geologic and hydrogeologic characteristics of the site, as described in the Design Hydrogeologic Report for the Rogers CCP Landfill, prepared by CDM Smith, are summarized below. 1.1 Site Description DEC owns and operates the Rogers Energy Complex (formerly Cliffside Steam Station) in Rutherford County, North Carolina. The CCP Landfill will serve as a disposal site for CCP. The CCP Landfill is located south of the power generation facility. The site consists of an upland area with natural drainage features that ultimately discharge into Suck Creek and the Broad River. The long-term CCP Landfill facility at the Rogers Energy Complex will have a footprint of approximately 90 acres and will be developed in five phases. This WQMP is for the Phase 2 expansion, encompassing approximately 16 acres. 1.2 Site Geology and Hydrogeology 1.2.1 Site Geology The proposed Phase 2 expansion site is located within the Inner Piedmont Belt of the Piedmont Physiographic Province, near Cliffside, North Carolina. The Piedmont Physiographic Province in North Carolina is characterized by gentle to steep, hilly terrain with small quantities of alluvium. Bedrock outcroppings generally occur by regolith, which consists of residuum and saprolite. The Inner Piedmont is bounded on the northwest by the Brevard Fault zone and on the southeast by the Kings Mountain Belt and faults and shear zones that define the central Piedmont structure. Detailed mapping and information regarding stratigraphy is somewhat lacking in many areas of the Inner Piedmont in North Carolina. Generally, the Inner Piedmont Belt is characterized by medium to high grade metamorphic rocks ranging from marble to schist to gneiss intruded by varying age plutons. The “parent” rocks of the existing rocks consisted mostly of greywacke sandstones and siltstones, and mafic lavas (Davis, 1993). Rock units depicted on the Charlotte 1°x 2° Geologic Map (Gair, 1989) in the vicinity of the investigation area include biotite gneiss, sillimanite-mica schist, and granite of the Sandy Mush pluton to the north and west. The biotite gneiss is described as gray to dark gray, thin to thick layered biotite-quartz-feldspar gneiss, partly garnetiferous, locally inequalgranular and porphyroblastic. The gneiss may be interlayered with calc-silicate rock, sillimanite-mica schist, Section 1  Introduction 1-2 mica schist, or amphibolite and locally contains small masses of granite. The unit grades into, and is interlayered with, white-mica schist and sillimanite-mica schist. The sillimanite schist is described as thin to thick bedded schist to gneiss with varying amounts of garnet, and locally pyritic. The schist may contain layers or lenses of biotite gneiss, quartz schist, micaceous quartzite, or calc-silicate rock. The unit is heterogeneous in texture and mineral proportions. It is equivalent to white-mica schist, but at a higher metamorphic grade (Goldsmith, 1988). Based on observations and data collection during this and the previous subsurface explorations at the site, the site geology appears to be consistent with the regional mapping described on the Charlotte 1°x 2° quadrangle. Rock cores from the current investigation and hand specimens collected from exposures during the Site Selection investigation were all described as biotite gneiss with localized granite masses. All exposed bedrock was encountered in the adjacent parcel to the south of the landfill that is not being used, at this time, for landfill development. Natural processes have weathered the bedrock by chemical alteration of the rock minerals to form saprolite that extends to varying depths below the ground surface. The texture and depth of saprolite development varies with the degree of weathering, which in turn, is related to the mineralogic composition and structure of the native material. 1.2.2 Site Hydrogeology The transition zone below the saprolite is generally the zone in which most of the lateral groundwater flow takes place (Daniel, 1987). This zone has the permeability of the crystalline material enhanced by shrink/swell cracking caused by hydration of mineral grains. Weathering of grains in the transition zone occurs much less than in the saprolite, where formation of clay minerals by weathering often inhibits groundwater flow. The porosity in the transition zone decreases with depth, as the degree of weathering decreases. Groundwater flow in the transition zone generally mirrors surface topography, although the relief of the water table is usually less than that of the topography. The water table is generally close to the ground surface in valley bottoms, and at the greatest depths beneath ridge tops. Water table divides often coincide with topographic divides. The depth of the water table in the Piedmont tends to vary seasonally in response to precipitation and the growing season. From mid-April through October, vegetation intercepts much of the infiltrating water before it reaches the water table, and evaporation rates are increased. Generally, the water table will rise and fall with the seasons (highest in winter and spring and lowest in summer and fall). The occurrence and movement of groundwater in the bedrock is generally restricted to fractures and other discontinuities as these crystalline materials have little primary porosity, a condition referred to as secondary permeability. The fractures are generally most numerous and have the largest openings near the top of the unweathered bedrock (Daniel, 1987). The amount and location of groundwater in the unweathered bedrock may vary greatly dependent on the depth, openness, and degree of fracture interconnectivity. Diabase intrusions have sometimes been associated with groundwater occurrence and movement in the North Carolina Piedmont. This may be attributed to the presence of a relatively large Section 1  Introduction 1-3 number of fractures present in these rocks which are typically hard and brittle. They are also often emplaced along zones of inherent structural weakness. There are diabase dikes shown near the site on the Charlotte 1°x 2° map, but there is no evidence of their presence on the site. Site topography and major drainage features appear to be the dominant influential factors in groundwater movement. Across the site, the saturated zone lies primarily within the saprolite and PWR hydrogeologic units, with the exception of the topographic high upgradient areas where the saturated zone occurs within the fractured bedrock. Within the overburden materials, the zone of highest conductance is believed to lie immediately above the bedrock surface, due to the presence of lesser amounts of clay minerals in this interval than at the ground surface. Downward hydraulic gradients between the PWR and bedrock in some of the piezometers indicate that water within the saturated zone of the overburden moves laterally or downward in the higher areas; indicating an area of recharge. The downward gradient values decrease from the upgradient locations toward Suck Creek, and the historic upward gradient found near the bottom of the main drainage feature indicates that groundwater is discharging from the fractured bedrock to the PWR and saprolite, and eventually to the surface water. Groundwater flow with the fractured bedrock is complex and is dependent upon fracture size, orientation, degree of infilling, and connection with other fractures. Localized weathered zones will also affect bedrock fracture flow. Because bedrock fracture flow systems as a whole cannot be characterized by direct observation, indirect methods must be used. Data concerning groundwater flow in the fractured bedrock were obtained through drilling observations, rock core samples, water level measurements, and single-well aquifer slug tests. No groundwater discharge locations were identified in or around the Phase 2 expansion area. During the Site Hydrogeologic Investigation, several groundwater discharge points were identified on the adjacent land parcel to the south of the current landfill area. Those discharge features included Suck Creek, a small farm pond, and a small spring. Based on the direction of groundwater flow observed during the Phase 2 expansion and previous investigations, Suck Creek acts as the major groundwater discharge feature for the site; however, flow in the northern and western portions of the Phase 2 expansion area appears to be toward the Broad River. 2-1 Section 2 Groundwater Monitoring System The following section presents the monitoring well network for the Rogers CCP Landfill along with specifications associated with installing, developing, maintaining, and decommissioning facility monitoring wells. 2.1 Monitoring Well Network The monitoring network as shown on Sheet 1 is designed to monitor the uppermost aquifer underlying the facility, and to monitor for potential releases from the CCP Landfill. The network for Phase 2 consists of 4 wells CCPMW-4, CCPMW-5, CCPMW-6s, and CCPMW-6d. Due to insufficient water in the saprolite and PWR, wells CCPMW-4 and CCPMW-5 are screened in shallow fractured bedrock. CCPMW-6s is screened in the PWR and CCPMW-6d is installed in the shallow fractured bedrock. . Nested pairs of wells were only installed when sufficient water was present in the saprolite or PWR. Monitoring wells CCPMW-1s and CCPMW-1d serve as the background compliance wells for the site and are located upgradient of the CCP Landfill. In addition to the background wells, permanent monitoring wells CCPMW-2s/-2 and CCPMW-3s/-3d and temporary monitoring wells CCPTW-1s/-1d and CCPTW-2 were installed during Phase 1. The Phase 1 wells are completed in the saprolite or PWR with deeper wells in the shallow fractured bedrock in order to fully monitor the aquifer system beneath the site. Nested pairs of wells were only installed when sufficient water was present in the saprolite or PWR. Additional downgradient wells will be added to the monitoring network as future phases are constructed. Well construction details are presented on Table 1. Well locations were selected to yield groundwater samples representative of the conditions in the uppermost aquifer underlying the facility, and to monitor for potential releases from the CCP Landfill. Well placement, well construction methods, well development, well maintenance, and well decommissioning procedures are discussed in the following sections. Groundwater monitoring wells shall be sampled during the active life of the CCP Landfill as well as the post- closure period, in accordance with NCDENR SW Rule .0601. 2.2 Monitoring Well Construction As discussed in the previous section, the well completion details for the existing groundwater monitoring wells are included in Table 1. Completed boring and well construction logs for the monitoring wells installed for Phase 2 are presented in Appendix A. All wells installed for the Phase 2 expansion were constructed of 2-inch Schedule 40 PVC riser and screen. Pre-packed well screens were used in each of the Phase 2 wells. Drilling and installation of any new monitoring wells at the facility will be performed in accordance with the specifications outlined in 15A NCAC Subchapter 2C, Section .0100. Further Section 2  Groundwater Monitoring System 2-2 guidance is provided in the Draft North Carolina Water Quality Monitoring Guidance Document for Solid Waste Facilities; Solid Waste Section (SWS), Division of Solid Waste Management; Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources (March 1995). A geologist will oversee drilling activities and prepare boring and well construction logs for each newly installed well. New wells will be located by a licensed surveyor to within +0.1 foot on the horizontal plane and +0.01 foot vertically in reference to existing survey points. A boring log, well construction log, groundwater monitoring network map, well installation certification, and survey data will be submitted to the SWS upon completion. 2.3 Monitoring Well Development Existing and future wells were/will be developed to remove particulates present in the well due to construction activities, and to interconnect the well with the aquifer. Development of new monitoring wells will be performed no sooner than 24 hours after well construction. Wells may be developed with disposable bailers, a well development pump, or other approved method. A surge block may be used as a means of assessing the integrity of the well screen and riser. In the event a pump is employed, the design of the pump will be such that any groundwater that has come into contact with air is not allowed to drain back into the well. In general, each well will be developed until sediment-free water with stabilized field parameters (i.e., temperature, pH, and specific conductance) is obtained. Well development equipment (e.g., bailers, pumps, surge blocks) and any additional equipment that contacts subsurface formations will be decontaminated prior to on-site use, between consecutive on-site uses, and/or between consecutive well installations. The purge water will be disposed of on the ground surface at least 10 feet downgradient of the monitoring well being purged, unless field characteristics suggest the water will need to be disposed of by other methods. If field characteristics suggest, the purge water will be containerized and disposed of by other approved means. Samples withdrawn from the facility’s monitoring wells should be clay- and silt-free; therefore, existing wells may require future re-development based upon observed turbidity levels during sampling activities. If re-development of a monitoring well is required, it will be performed in a manner similar to that used for a new well. 2.4 Maintenance and Recordkeeping Monitoring wells will be used and maintained in accordance with design specifications throughout the life of the monitoring program. Routine well maintenance will include inspection and correction/repair of, as necessary, identification labels, concrete aprons, locking caps and locks, and access to the wells. Should it be determined that background or compliance monitoring wells no longer provide samples representative of the quality of groundwater passing the relevant point of compliance, the SWS will be notified. The owner or owner’s representative will re-evaluate the monitoring network, and provide recommendations to the SWS for modifying, rehabilitating, decommissioning, or installing replacement or additional monitoring wells, as appropriate. Section 2  Groundwater Monitoring System 2-3 Laboratory analytical results will be submitted to the SWS semi-annually. Analytical data, calculations, and other relevant groundwater monitoring records will be kept throughout the active life of the facility and the post-closure care period, including notices and reports of any North Carolina (2L) Groundwater Protection Standard exceedances, resampling notifications, and resampling results. 2.5 Monitoring Well Decommissioning Piezometers installed within Phase 2 of the CCP Landfill footprint were properly abandoned in accordance with the procedures for permanent decommissioning, as described in 15A NCAC 2C Rule .0113(b). Piezometers and monitoring wells will be progressively abandoned as necessary to complete future CCP Landfill expansions. As with the previous abandonment activities, piezometers and monitoring wells that are located within the future CCP Landfill footprint will be overdrilled to remove well construction materials, and grouted with a cement-bentonite grout. Piezometers and wells that will potentially interfere with clearing and construction activities outside of any planned CCP Landfill footprint will be grouted in place, without overdrilling, with a cement-bentonite grout and removing surface features, such as concrete aprons, protective casings, and stick-ups. In each case, the bentonite content of the cement-bentonite grout shall be approximately 5%. A tremie pipe will be used to ensure that grout is continuously placed from the bottom of the borehole/monitoring well upward. If a monitoring well becomes unusable during the monitoring period of the CCP Landfill, the well will be abandoned in accordance with the procedures described above. Approval from the SWS will be obtained prior to abandoning any monitoring well. Monitoring wells will be abandoned in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0113 (d). For each monitoring well abandoned, the following information will be provided to the SWS in a report sealed by a licensed geologist: the monitoring well name, a description of the procedure by which the monitoring well was abandoned, the date when the monitoring well was considered to be taken out of service, and the date when the monitoring well was abandoned. 3-1 Section 3 Groundwater Monitoring Program Groundwater samples will be obtained and analyzed semi-annually for a specialized list of constituents typical of CCP landfills during the life of the facility and the post-closure care period. Refer to Table 2 for a list of the constituents, analytical methods, and reporting limits. Reports will be submitted to the SWS with analytical data submitted in the required format, and be accompanied by the required Environmental Monitoring Form. A copy of the Environmental Monitoring Form is included in Appendix B for reference. 3.1 Sampling Frequency Groundwater samples will be collected semi-annually and analyzed for the constituents listed on Table 2. In addition, required field parameters, including but not limited to, pH, conductivity, temperature, and turbidity will be measured. Any exceedances of the NC 2L Groundwater or SWS Groundwater Protection Standards (GPS) will be identified in the semi-annual submittals to the SWS. 3.2 Establishment of Background During each phase of facility development, a minimum of one independent pre-waste placement groundwater sample will be collected from each newly installed monitoring well or as specified in the Solid Waste Permit to Construct. Pre-disposal samples collected from wells will be analyzed for the constituents listed on Table 2. The intent of pre-disposal sampling is to collect pre-waste data to more accurately compare to post-waste analytical results. The data will be submitted to the SWS prior to the first compliance groundwater sampling event for each new phase. 3.3 Evaluation of Monitoring Data The reported constituent concentrations from downgradient compliance wells will be compared to background values, NC 2L Groundwater Standards, SWS GPS, and SWS Limits (SWSLs) from the October 27, 2006, memorandum (NCDENR, 2006) and February 23, 2007, addendum (NCDENR, 2007), using a value-to-value comparison. Any exceedances of the NC 2L Groundwater Standards, GPS, or SWSLs will be identified in the semi-annual submittals to the SWS. 4-1 Section 4 Groundwater Sampling Methodology Groundwater samples will be collected in accordance with Solid Waste Management Rules 15A NCAC 13B .1632 and guidance provided in the “Solid Waste Section Guidelines for Groundwater, Soil, and Surface Water Sampling” (Appendix C). Procedures for well purging, sample withdrawal, decontamination methods, and chain-of-custody procedures are outlined below. Field parameter measurements will be submitted electronically to the SWS in a format consistent with that required in the October 27, 2006, memorandum and February 23, 2007, addendum (Appendix B). 4.1 Sample Collection The procedures for collecting groundwater samples are presented below. If non-dedicated sampling equipment is utilized, the background wells (i.e., CCPMW-1s/-1d) will be sampled first, followed by the downgradient compliance wells. The downgradient wells will be sampled so that the most contaminated well, if one is identified from the previous sampling event, will be sampled last. 4.1.1 Sampling Frequency The above-mentioned samples will be collected on a semi-annual basis throughout the life of the facility and post-closure care period. 4.1.2 Static Water Elevations The static groundwater level will be measured with an electronic water level indicator, to the nearest 0.01 foot, in each well prior to sampling. Static groundwater elevations will be calculated from groundwater depth measurements and top of casing elevations. A reference point will be marked on the top of casing of each well to ensure the same measuring point is used each time static groundwater levels are measured. If a monitoring well contains a dedicated pump, the depth to water shall be measured without removing the pump. Depth-to-bottom measurements should be taken from the well construction data and updated when pumps are removed for maintenance. 4.1.3 Well Purging Methods The preferred well evacuation and sampling procedure for the site is a standard evacuation procedure. Low-flow purge (micropurge) and sample methodology and procedures are also outlined below based on the “Solid Waste Section Guidelines for Groundwater, Soil, and Surface Water Sampling” (Appendix C), as an alternate. Low-Flow Procedures Monitoring wells may be purged and sampled using the low-flow sampling method in accordance with the “Solid Waste Section Guidelines for Groundwater, Soil, and Surface Water Sampling” Section 4 · Groundwater Sampling Methodology 4-2 (NCDENR, 2008). A summary of these procedures is presented below, and a copy of the procedures is presented in Appendix C. Depth-to-water measurements will be obtained using an electronic water level indicator capable of recording the depth to an accuracy of 0.01 foot. A determination of whether or not the water table is located within the screened interval of the well will be made. If the water table is not within the screened interval, the amount of drawdown that can be achieved before the screen is intersected will be calculated. If the water table is within the screened interval, total drawdown should not exceed 1 foot so as to minimize the amount of aeration and turbidity. If the water table is above the top of the screened interval, the amount of drawdown should be minimized to keep the screen from being exposed. If the purging equipment is non-dedicated, the equipment will be lowered into the well, taking care to minimize the disturbance to the water column. If conditions (i.e., water column height and well yield) allow, the pump will be placed in the uppermost portion of the water column (i.e., minimum of 18 inches of pump submergence is recommended). The minimum volume/time period for obtaining independent Water Quality Parameter Measurements (WQPM) will be determined. The minimum volume/time period is determined based on the stabilized flow rate and the amount of volume in the pump and the discharge tubing (alternatively, the volume of the flow cell can be used, provided it is greater than the volume of the pump and discharge tubing). Volume of the bladder pump should be obtained from the manufacturer. Volume of the discharge tubing is as follows: 3/8-inch inside diameter tubing 20 milliliters per foot 1/4-inch inside diameter tubing 10 milliliters per foot 3/16-inch inside diameter tubing 5 milliliters per foot Once the volume of the flow-cell or the pump and the discharge tubing has been calculated, the well purge will begin. The flow rate should be based on historical data for that well (if available) and should not exceed 500 milliliters per minute. The initial round of WQPM should be recorded and the flow rate adjusted until drawdown in the well stabilizes. Water levels should be measured periodically to maintain a stabilized water level. The water level should not fall within 1 foot of the top of the well screen. If the purge rate has been reduced to 100 milliliters or less and the head level in the well continues to decline, the required water samples should be collected following stabilization of the WQPM, based on the criteria presented below. If neither the head level nor the WQPM stabilize, a passive sample should be collected. Passive sampling is defined as sampling before WQMP have stabilized if the well yield is low enough that the well will purge dry at the lowest possible purge rate (generally 100 milliliters per minute or less). WQPM stabilization is defined as follows: pH (+/- 0.2 S.U.), conductance (+/- 5% of reading), temperature (+/- 0.2°C), and dissolved oxygen [+/- 20% of reading or 0.2 mg/L (whichever is greater)]. Oxidation reduction potential will be measured and ideally should also fall within +/- 10 mV of reading; however, this is not a required parameter. At a minimum, turbidity measurements should also be recorded at the beginning of purging, following the stabilization of Section 4 · Groundwater Sampling Methodology 4-3 the WQPM, and following the collection of the samples. The optimal turbidity range for micro- purging is 20 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU) or less. Turbidity measurements above 20 NTU are generally indicative of an excessive purge rate or natural conditions related to excessive fines in the aquifer matrix. Stabilization of the WQPM should occur in most wells within five to six rounds of measurements. If stabilization does not occur following the removal of a purge volume equal to three well volumes, a passive sample will be collected. The direct-reading equipment used at each well will be calibrated in the field according to the manufacturer’s specifications prior to each day’s use and checked at a minimum at the end of each sampling day. Calibration information should be documented in the instrument’s calibration logbook and the field book. Each well is to be sampled immediately following stabilization of the WQPM. The sampling flow rate must be maintained at a rate that is less than or equal to the purging rate. For volatile organic compounds, lower sampling rates (100 - 200 milliliters/minute) should be used. Final field parameter readings should be recorded prior to and after sampling. Standard Evacuation Procedures Monitoring wells may be evacuated with a submersible pump or a disposable bailer. If the pump is used for multiple wells, it and any other non-dedicated equipment will be decontaminated before use and between use at each well. A low-yield well (i.e., one that yields less than 0.5 gallon per minute) will be purged so that water is removed from the bottom of the screened interval. Low-yield wells will be evacuated to dryness once. However, at no time will a well be evacuated to dryness if the recharge rate causes the formation water to vigorously cascade down the sides of the screen and cause an accelerated loss of volatiles. Upon recharging of the well and no longer than 24 hours from completing the purge, the first sample will be field-tested for pH, temperature, specific conductivity, and turbidity. Samples will then be collected and containerized in the order of the volatilization sensitivity of the target constituents. A high-yield well (i.e., one that yields 0.5 gallon per minute or more) will be purged so that water is drawn down from above the screen in the uppermost part of the water column to ensure that fresh water from the formation will move upward in the screen. If a pump is used for purging, a high-yield well should be purged at less than 4 gallons per minute to prevent further well development. A minimum of three casing volumes will be evacuated from each well prior to sampling. An alternative purge will be considered complete if the monitoring well goes dry before removing the calculated minimum purge volume. The well casing volume for a 2 inch well will be calculated using the following formula: Vc (gallons) = 0.163 x hw where: Vc = volume in the well casing = (dc2/4) x 3.14 x hw x 7.48 gallons/cubic foot Section 4 · Groundwater Sampling Methodology 4-4 dc = casing diameter in feet (dc = 0.167) hw = height of the water column (i.e., well depth minus depth to water) The purge water will be disposed of on the ground surface at least 10 feet downgradient of the monitoring well being purged, unless field characteristics suggest the water will need to be disposed of otherwise. The monitoring wells will be sampled using disposable bailers within 24 hours of completing the purge. The bailers will be equipped with a check valve and bottom-emptying device. The bailer will be lowered gently into the well to minimize the possibility of degassing the water. Field measurements of temperature, pH, specific conductance, and turbidity will be made before and after sample collection as a check on the stability of the groundwater sampled over time. Precautions to minimize turbidity will be taken. The direct-reading equipment used at each well will be calibrated in the field according to the manufacturer’s specifications prior to each day’s use. Calibration information will be documented in the instrument’s calibration logbook and/or the field book. 4.1.4 Collection Samples will be collected and containerized in the order described below. Total Metals, General Chemistry Parameters (chloride, sulfate, nitrate, fluoride, total dissolved solids), Samples will be transferred directly from field sampling equipment into pre-preserved, laboratory-supplied containers. 4.1.5 Decontamination Non-dedicated field equipment that is used for purging or sample collection shall be cleaned with a phosphate-free detergent, and triple-rinsed with distilled water. Any disposable tubing used with nondedicated pumps should be discarded after use at each well. Clean, chemical-resistant nitrile gloves will be worn by sampling personnel during well evacuation and sample collection. Measures will be taken to prevent surface soils, which could introduce contaminants into the well being sampled, from coming in contact with the purging and sampling equipment. 4.2 Sample Preservation and Handling Upon containerizing groundwater samples, the samples will be packed into pre-chilled, ice-filled coolers and either hand-delivered or shipped overnight by a courier or commercial carrier to a NC certified laboratory for analysis. Sample preservation methods will be used to retard biological action and hydrolysis, as well as to reduce sorption effects. These methods will include chemical preservation, cooling/refrigeration at 4°C, and protection from light. Section 4 · Groundwater Sampling Methodology 4-5 4.3 Chain-of-Custody Program The chain-of-custody program will allow for tracking sample possession and handling from the time of field collection through laboratory analysis. The chain-of-custody program includes sample labels, sample seals, field logbook, and chain-of-custody records. 4.3.1 Sample Labels Legible labels sufficiently durable to remain legible when wet will contain the following information: Site and sample identification number, Monitoring well number or other location, Date and time of collection, Name of collector, Parameters to be analyzed, and Preservative, if applicable. 4.3.2 Sample Seals The shipping containers will be sealed to ensure that the samples have not been disturbed during transport to the laboratory. The tape shall be labeled with instructions to notify the shipper if the seal is broken prior to receipt at the laboratory. 4.3.3 Field Logbook The field logbook will contain sheets documenting the following information: Identification of the well, Well depth, Field meter calibration information, Static water level depth and measurement technique, Purge volume (given in gallons), Time well was purged, Date and time of collection, Well sampling sequence, Types of sample containers used and sample identification numbers, Preservative used, Section 4 · Groundwater Sampling Methodology 4-6 Field analysis data and methods, Field observations on sampling event, Name of collector(s), and Climatic conditions including air temperatures and precipitation. 4.3.4 Chain-of-Custody Records The chain-of-custody record is required for tracking sample possession from time of collection to time of receipt at the laboratory. A chain-of-custody record will accompany each individual shipment. The record will contain the following information: Sample destination and transporter, Sample identification numbers, Signature of collector, Date and time of collection, Sample type, Identification of well, Number of sample containers in shipping container, Parameters requested for analysis, Signature of person(s) involved in the chain of possession, Inclusive dates of possession, and Internal temperature of shipping container upon opening in laboratory (noted by the laboratory). A copy of the completed chain-of-custody form will accompany the shipment and will be returned to the shipper after the shipping container reaches its destination. The chain-of-custody records will also be used as the analysis request sheet. 4.4 Analytical Procedures A laboratory certified by the NCDEQ will be utilized for analysis of the groundwater and surface water samples. Analyses will be performed in accordance with USEPA SW 846 methods in accordance with the USEPA guidance document (USEPA, 1997). For available constituents, method numbers and reporting limits to be used will be those listed in the October 27, 2006, SWS memorandum and February 23, 2007, addendum. These memoranda, titled New Guidelines for Electronic Submittal of Environmental Monitoring Data and Addendum to October 27, 2006, North Carolina Solid Waste Section Memorandum Regarding New Guidelines for Electronic Submittal of Environmental Monitoring Data are included in Appendix B of this WQMP. The Section 4 · Groundwater Sampling Methodology 4-7 monitoring parameters are listed in Table 2, along with the proposed analytical methods and reporting limits. Alternate SW 846 methods may be used if they have the same or lower reporting limit. The laboratory must report any detection of any constituent even if it is detected below the solid waste reporting limit (as revised in the October 27, 2006, memorandum and February 23, 2007, addendum). The laboratory certificates-of-analyses shall, at a minimum, include: Narrative: Must include a brief description of the sample group (number and type of samples, field and associated lab sample identification numbers, preparation and analytical methods used). The data reviewer shall also include a statement that all holding times and Quality Control (QC) criteria were met, samples were received intact and properly preserved, with a brief discussion of any deviations potentially affecting data usability. This includes, but is not limited to, test method deviation(s), holding time violations, out-of- control incidents occurring during the processing of QC or field samples and corrective actions taken, and repeated analyses and reasons for the reanalyses (including, for example, contamination, failing surrogate recoveries, matrix effects, or dilutions). The narrative shall be signed by the laboratory director or authorized laboratory representative, signifying that all statements are true to the best of the reviewer’s knowledge, and that the data meet the data quality objectives as described in this plan (except as noted). One narrative is required for each sample group. Original Chain-of- Custody Form. Target Analyte List (TAL)/Target Compound List (TCL): The laboratory shall list all compounds for which the samples were analyzed. The TAL/TCL is typically included as part of the analytical reporting forms. Dilution factors with a narrative of the sample results, including the reasons for the dilution (if any). Blank Data: For organic analyses, the laboratory shall report the results of any method blanks, reagent blanks, trip blanks, field blanks, and any other blanks associated with the sample group. For inorganic analyses, the laboratory shall provide the results of any preparation or initial calibration blanks associated with the sample group. QC Summary: The laboratory will provide summary forms detailing laboratory QC sample results, which include individual recoveries and relative percent differences (if appropriate) for the following Quality Assurance (QA)/QC criteria: surrogates, MS analyses, MSD analyses, LCS, and sample duplicate analyses. QC control limits shall also be reported; if any QC limits are exceeded, a flag or footnote shall be placed to indicate the affected samples. Additional QA data and/or other pertinent data may be reported as requested by the owner or owner’s representative. Section 4 · Groundwater Sampling Methodology 4-8 4.5 Quality Assurance and Quality Control Program A field blank may be collected and analyzed during each monitoring event to verify that the sample collection and handling process has not affected the quality of the samples. The field blank will be prepared in the field and exposed to the sampling environment. As with all other samples, the time of the blank exposure will be recorded so that the sampling sequence is documented. The field blank will be analyzed for the same list of constituents as the groundwater samples. The assessment of blank analysis results will be in general accordance with USEPA guidance documents (USEPA, 1993 and 1994). No positive sample results will be relied upon unless the concentration of the compound in the sample exceeds 10 times the amount in any blank for common laboratory contaminants, or five times the amount for other compounds. If necessary, resampling will be performed as necessary to confirm or refute suspect data; such resampling will occur within the individual compliance monitoring period. Concentrations of any contaminants found in the blanks will be used to qualify the groundwater data. Any compound detected in the sample, which was also detected in any associated blank, will be qualified “B” when the sample concentration is less than five times the blank concentration. For common laboratory contaminants, the results will be qualified “B” when the reported sample concentration is less than 10 times the blank concentration. The “B” qualifier designates that the reported detection is considered to represent cross-contamination and that the reported constituent is not considered to be present in the sample at the reported concentration. 5-1 Section 5 Surface Water Monitoring In accordance with Rule .0602 of the NCSWMR, surface water monitoring locations have been established to monitor surface water quality at the proposed Rogers CCP landfill. One upstream monitoring point (SW-1) and two downgradient monitoring points (SW-2 and SW-3) are proposed for this facility, as shown on Sheet 1. The background surface water sample location at SW-1 is located in Suck Creek at the Kirby Road bridge. Downgradient location SW-2 is collected from Suck Creek, south of Phase 1 of the landfill. Downgradient sample location SW-3 is west of the Phase 2 expansion in the un-named drainage feature that discharges to the un-named intermittent stream that eventually discharges into the Broad River. Samples will only be collected at each location if flowing water is observed during the sampling event. The surface water monitoring points will be sampled semi-annually for analysis of the list of constituents on Table 2 and the field parameters pH, specific conductivity, and temperature. The results of the analysis of the surface water data will be submitted to the SWS at least semi- annually in conjunction with the groundwater data. Data will be compared to applicable North Carolina surface water standards, and those comparisons will be included with each submittal. Surface water samples will adhere to the same protocols for collection, preservation, custody, documentation and analysis as applied to groundwater in the preceding Section 4. 6-1 Section 6 Leachate Monitoring Leachate will be monitored at the facility on a semi-annual basis. A composite leachate sample (CCPLeachate) will be collected from the discharge pipe to the facility’s leachate basin located on the southern side of the Phase 1 landfill area. From the leachate basin, leachate is pumped to a process manhole at the plant, where it is then directed to a permitted pond located on the plant side of Duke Power Road, north of the Rogers CCP Landfill. The sample collected from the leachate basin shall be collected from the discharge pipe outlet. The discharge piping pumps leachate from each of the landfill Phase sumps; therefore, the sample collected from this point will be a composite leachate sample. The leachate sample will be labeled CCPLeachate. The leachate sample will be analyzed for the list of constituents on Table 2 and the field parameters pH, specific conductivity, and temperature. The results of the analysis of the leachate data will be submitted to the SWS at least semi-annually in conjunction with the groundwater data, but will not be compared to the water quality standards that groundwater samples are. Leachate samples will adhere to the same protocols for collection, preservation, custody, documentation and analysis as applied to groundwater in preceding Section 4. 7-1 Section 7 References Camp Dresser & McKee (CDM). 2008. Geologic and Hydrogeologic Study – Duke Energy CCP Landfill Phase I. January. Camp Dresser & McKee (CDM). 2011. Geologic and Hydrogeologic Study – Duke Energy CCP Landfill Phase 2 Expansion. August. Daniel, III, C.C. 1987. Evaluation of Site-Selection Criteria, Well Design, Monitoring Techniques, and Cost Analysis for a Groundwater Supply in Piedmont Crystalline Rocks, North Carolina, USGS Water Supply Paper 2341, 35p. Davis, Timothy L. 1993. Geology of the Columbus Promontory, Western Piedmont, North Carolina, Southern Appalachians. Studies of Inner Piedmont Geology with a Focus on the Columbus Promontory. Carolina Geological Society Annual Field Trip November 6-7, 1993. Reprinted 1995 with revisions. Gair, J.E., 1989. Mineral Resources of the Charlotte 1x2 Quadrangle, North Carolina and South Carolina, USGS Prof. Paper 1462, Geology of the Charlotte Quadrangle, p. 7-15. Goldsmith, R. et.al., 1988. Geologic Map of the Charlotte 1x2 Quadrangle, North Carolina and South Carolina, USGS Miscellaneous Map Series Map I-251E, 1:250,000. Heath, Ralph C. 1980. Basic Elements of Ground-Water Hydrology With References to Conditions in North Carolina. U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations. OpenFile Report 80- 44. North Carolina Dept. of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. 1995. N.C. Water Quality Monitoring Guidance Document for Solid Waste Facilities. North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources. 2006. N.C. New Guidelines for Electronic Submittal of Environmental Monitoring Data. North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources. 2007. N.C. Addendum to October 27, 2006, North Carolina Solid Waste Section Memorandum Regarding New Guidelines for Electronic Submittal of Environmental Monitoring Data. North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources. 2008. N.C. Solid Waste Section Guidelines for Groundwater, Soil, and Surface Water Sampling. USEPA. June 1997. SW-846 Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods, Final Update III. USEPA. 1996. Low-Flow (Minimal Drawdown) Ground-Water Sampling Procedures. Puls, Robert W. and Barcelona, Michael J. Section 7 · References 7-2 USEPA. 1993. Region III Modifications to Laboratory Data Validation Functional Guidelines for Evaluating Inorganic Analyses, EPA 540/R-01-008. April. USEPA, 1994. Region III Modifications to National Functional Guidelines for Organic Data Review Multi-Media, Multi-Concentration (OLMO1.0-OLMO0.9), EPA 540/R-99-008. September. USEPA. 1986. RCRA Ground Water Monitoring Technical Enforcement Guidance Document (TEGD). Tables Table 1 Well Construction Summary Rogers CCP Landfill Permit No. 8106 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Monitoring Well Date Installed Well Casing Diameter Outer Casing Diameter Northing Easting Ground Surface Top of Casing Depth Elevation Total Depth Screened Interval Top of Screen Bottom of Screen inches inches feet bgs ft AMSL feet bgs feet bgs feet AMSL feet AMSL CCPMW-1s February 2010 2 NA 541735.47 1171399.77 873.24 875.58 NA NA 40 30 - 40 843.24 833.24 Partially Weathered Rock CCPMW-1d February 2010 2 6 541739.36 1171401.42 873.33 875.89 43 830.33 54 49 - 54 824.33 819.33 Bedrock CCPMW-2s February 2010 2 NA 540575.64 1171837.47 840.26 842.24 NA NA 42 32 - 42 808.26 798.26 Saprolite/Partially Weathered Rock CCPMW-2d February 2010 2 NA 540576.09 1171841.24 840.20 842.38 59 781.20 70 65 - 70 775.20 770.20 Bedrock CCPMW-3s June 2007 2 NA 540509.53 1172348.19 809.30 811.56 NA NA 14 9 - 14 800.30 795.30 Saprolite/Partially Weathered Rock CCPMW-3d July 2007 2 NA 540509.71 1172353.64 810.47 811.74 19 791.47 31 26 - 31 784.47 779.47 Bedrock CCPTW-1s February 2010 2 NA 541143.93 1172409.19 836.81 838.92 NA NA 35 25 - 35 811.81 801.81 Saprolite/Partially Weathered Rock CCPTW-1d February 2010 2 NA 541139.32 1172408.15 836.41 838.53 55 781.41 66 61 - 66 775.41 770.41 Bedrock CCPTW-2 February 2010 2 NA 540670.14 1172528.65 839.62 841.72 45 794.62 45 35 - 45 804.62 794.62 Saprolite/Partially Weathered Rock CCPMW-4 October 2015 2 NA 542549.84 1171270.61 843.29 845.95 21 822.29 65 50 - 65 793.29 778.29 Bedrock CCPMW-5 October 2015 2 NA 542895.89 1171866.91 855.87 858.63 28 827.87 73 63 - 73 792.87 782.87 Bedrock CCPMW-6s October 2015 2 NA 542422.84 1172372.0 851.48 854.38 44 807.48 44 34 - 44 817.48 807.48 Partially Weathered Rock CCPMW-6d October 2015 2 6 542418.45 1172376.27 851.45 854.35 44 807.45 60 50 - 60 801.45 791.45 Bedrock Notes: - Horizontal datum in North Carolina State Plane NAD 1983, Vertical datum in NAD 1988. - All elevations referenced to above mean sea level (AMSL). - All depths are referenced to below ground surface (bgs). - NA - not applicable. Well Construction Screened Interval Lithology Well Location NC State Plane NC83 (ft) Well Elevations feet AMSL Top of Bedrock Table 1.xlsx Table 2 Summary of Constituents, Analytical Methods, and Reporting Limits Rogers CCP Landfill Permit No. 8106 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Constituent Analytical Methods (15A NCAC 2L .0202 Standards) Reporting Limits (ug/L) Groundwater Standard (15A NCAC 2B .0202 Standards) Reporting Limits (ug/L) Surface Water Standard Arsenic, TRM EPA 200.8 or 6020 10 50 Barium, TRM 6010 700 -- Boron, TRM 6010 700 -- Cadmium, TRM EPA 200.8 or 6020 2 2 Chloride EPA 300.0 250,000 230,000 Chromium, TRM 6010 10 50 Copper, TRM 6010 1,000 7 Fluoride EPA 300.0 2,000 1.8 Iron, TRM 6010 300 1,000 Lead, TRM EPA 200.8 or 6020 15 25 Manganese, TRM 6010 50 -- Mercury, TRM 7470 1 0.012 Nickel, TRM 6010 100 88 Nitrate, Nitrogen EPA 300.0 or EPA 353.2 10,000 -- pH Field 6.5 - 8.5 6.0 - 9.0 Selenium, TRM EPA 200.8 or 6020 20 5 Silver, TRM 6010 20 0.06 Sulfate EPA 300.0 250,000 -- Temperature (oC)Field n/a -- Total Dissolved Solids SM2540C 500,000 -- Zinc, TRM 6010 1,000 50 Notes: TRM - Total Recoverable Metals The values listed under the 15A NCAC 2B .0202 Standards are the values listed under the Freshwater Aquatic Life Section. These are the standards that are applicable to Class C streams (i.e., the streams on-site are classified as Class C streams). Table 2.xlsx Sheets DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC. - ROGERS ENERGY COMPLEXRUTHERFORD & CLEVELAND COUNTIES, NORTH CAROLINA ROGERS CCP LANDFILL © 2 0 1 2 Camp Dresser McKee & Smith5400 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 400Raleigh, NC 27612 | Tel: (919) 787-5620NC License No. F-1255 CONFORMED DRAWING DECEMBER 2014 PHASE II SHEET 1WATER QUALITY MONITORING PLAN N Figure 1: Surface Water Sample Locations SW-1 SW-3 SW-2 K i r b y R o a d Mostellar Road O l d U S H w y 2 2 1 A Duke Power Road H i n e s R o a d A L T 2 2 1 McGraw Road Scale in Feet Surface Water Sample Location SW-1 S u c k C r e e k S u c k C r e e k 0 800 1600 Ballenger Road Aerial Source: Imagery ©2016 Google, Map data Appendix A Boring Logs and Well Construction Forms 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 FIELD BOREHOLE LOG BOREHOLE NO.: TOTAL DEPTH: PROJECT INFORMATION DRILLING INFORMATION PROJECT: SITE LOCATION: JOB NO: GEOLOGIST: DATE DRILLED: DRILLING CO: DRILLER: RIG TYPE: METHOD OF DRILLING: SAMPLING METHODS: Depth Soil Symbol Soil Description Sample Blows/6" (Recovery)Well Construction WellDescription A Page 1 of 2Notes: Cement Grout 2-inch Schedule 40PVC Riser 3ft Stick-up w/SteelProtective Cover 6" PVC Casing to 46' Moist, brown, fine-grained SAND with alittle SILT, trace ROCK fragments,TOPSOIL Moist, reddish brown, fine-grainedSAND with some SILT, little CLAY from5-6 feet, trace ROCK fragments,micaceous Moist, brown/gray/orange/black, SILTYSAND, trace ROCK fragments, fine-grained, SAPROLITE, micaceous S1 (0-2) S2 (5-7 S3 (10-12) S4 (15-17) S5 (20-22) S6 (25-27) 2-5-4-3 (16") 2-4-13-24 (24") 7-4-8-15 (18") 3-11-28-35 (20") 16-50/5 (8") 9-20-20-15 (22") Duke Energy - Cliffside CCP Landfill Cliffside, NC 48509-54838 Dan Forbes 02/23-24/10 SAEDACCO Robert Miller Gus Pech 1100E 8" HSA - 6" Air-Hammer Standard-Split Spoon 140 LB., 30 IN. CCPMW-1d 54' Auger Refusal at 40.5' bls -30 -35 -40 -45 -50 -55 FIELD BOREHOLE LOG BOREHOLE NO.: TOTAL DEPTH: PROJECT INFORMATION DRILLING INFORMATION PROJECT: SITE LOCATION: JOB NO: GEOLOGIST: DATE DRILLED: DRILLING CO: DRILLER: RIG TYPE: METHOD OF DRILLING: SAMPLING METHODS: Depth Soil Symbol Soil Description Sample Blows/6" (Recovery)Well Construction WellDescription A Page 2 of 2Notes: Bentonite #2 Silica Sand FilterPack 2-inch Schedule 40PVC Screen from 49' to 54' bls 6" PVC Casing to 46' Moist/Wet, brown/light gray togray/orange/black, SILTY SAND,weathered ROCK fragments, fine-grained, PARTIALLY WEATHEREDROCK, micaceous Bedrock FRACTURE at 49 feet (WaterProducing) FRACTURE at 51 feet S7 (30-32) S8 (35-37) S9 (40-42) 17-15-24-50/5 (12") 50/3 (3") 50/4 (3") Duke Energy - Cliffside CCP Landfill Cliffside, NC 48509-54838 Dan Forbes 02/23-24/10 SAEDACCO Robert Miller Gus Pech 1100E 8" HSA - 6" Air-Hammer Standard-Split Spoon 140 LB., 30 IN. CCPMW-1d 54' Auger Refusal at 40.5' bls 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 FIELD BOREHOLE LOG BOREHOLE NO.: TOTAL DEPTH: PROJECT INFORMATION DRILLING INFORMATION PROJECT: SITE LOCATION: JOB NO: GEOLOGIST: DATE DRILLED: DRILLING CO: DRILLER: RIG TYPE: METHOD OF DRILLING: SAMPLING METHODS: Depth Soil Symbol Soil Description Sample Blows/6" (Recovery)Well Construction WellDescription A Page 1 of 2Notes: Cement Grout 2-inch Schedule 40PVC Riser 3ft Stick-up w/SteelProtective Cover Moist, brown, fine-grained SAND with alittle SILT, trace ROCK fragments,TOPSOIL Moist, reddish brown, fine-grainedSAND with some SILT, little CLAY from5-6 feet, trace ROCK fragments,micaceous Moist, brown/gray/orange/black, SILTYSAND, trace ROCK fragments, fine-grained, SAPROLITE, micaceous S1 (0-2) S2 (5-7 S3 (10-12) S4 (15-17) S5 (20-22) 2-5-4-3 (16") 2-4-13-24 (24") 7-4-8-15 (18") 3-11-28-35 (20") 16-50/5 (8") Duke Energy - Cliffside CCP Landfill Cliffside, NC 48509-54838 Dan Forbes 02/22-23/10 SAEDACCO Robert Miller Gus Pech 1100E 8" HSA Standard-Split Spoon 140 LB., 30 IN. CCPMW-1s 40' Auger Refusal at 40.5' bls -25 -30 -35 -40 FIELD BOREHOLE LOG BOREHOLE NO.: TOTAL DEPTH: PROJECT INFORMATION DRILLING INFORMATION PROJECT: SITE LOCATION: JOB NO: GEOLOGIST: DATE DRILLED: DRILLING CO: DRILLER: RIG TYPE: METHOD OF DRILLING: SAMPLING METHODS: Depth Soil Symbol Soil Description Sample Blows/6" (Recovery)Well Construction WellDescription A Page 2 of 2Notes: Bentonite #2 Silica Sand FilterPack 2-inch Schedule 40PVC Screen from 30' to 40' bls Moist/Wet, brown/light gray togray/orange/black, SILTY SAND,weathered ROCK fragments, fine-grained, PARTIALLY WEATHEREDROCK, micaceous S6 (25-27) S7 (30-32) S8 (35-37) S9 (40-42) 9-20-20-15 (22") 17-15-24-50/5 (12") 50/3 (3") 50/4 (3") Duke Energy - Cliffside CCP Landfill Cliffside, NC 48509-54838 Dan Forbes 02/22-23/10 SAEDACCO Robert Miller Gus Pech 1100E 8" HSA Standard-Split Spoon 140 LB., 30 IN. CCPMW-1s 40' Auger Refusal at 40.5' bls Material Description Sample NumberSa m p l e Ty p e Gr a p h i c Lo g Elev. Depth (ft.) Formerly P-117d St r a t u m De s i g n a t i o n Bl o w s p e r 6 I n c h e s Sa m p l e Re c o v e r y ( i n . ) Po c k e t P e n . Re a d i n g (t s f ) HSASSA HAAR DTRFR MRRC CTJET DDTC Hollow Stem AugerSolid Stem Auger Hand AugerAir Rotary Dual Tube RotaryFoam Rotary Mud RotaryReverse Circulation Cable ToolJetting DrivingDrill Through Casing FILL Well Construction Detail -FILL- Portland Cement Grout Drilling Contractor:SAEDACCO Drilling Method/Rig:HSA/AR/GP-1100 E Drillers:Robert Miller Drilling Date: Start:2-23-10 End:2-24-10 Borehole Coordinates: N 540,576.00 E 1,171,841.00 Development Date: Start End Surface Elevation (ft.):840.17 Total Depth (ft.):70 Depth to Initial Water Level (ft. BGS):32.1 Development Method: Field Screening Instrument: Logged By:DC Top of Riser Elevation (ft.): Auger/Grab SampleCalifornia Sampler 1.5" Rock Core2.1" Rock Core GeoprobeHydro Punch Split SpoonShelby Tube Wash Sample Sheet 1 of 4 0 5 10 840.2 835.2 830.2 B O R I N G L O G & M O N I T O R I N G W E L L D E T A I L MO N I T O R I N G W E L L M O N I T O R I N G W E L L S . G P J C D M _ C O R P . G D T 3 / 2 5 / 1 0 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE Ground Surface Client:Duke Energy Project Location:Cliffside, Cleveland Co., NC Project Name:Cliffside Ash Landfill Project Number:48509-54838 Above GroundSurface -- -- -- -- - REMARKS Reviewed by: EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS DRILLING METHODS: CCPMW-2d OTHER: AGS - ASCS BXNX GPHP SSST WS -- -- -- -- -- -- SAMPLING TYPES: Date: Moist, white/grey/black, SILTY SAND, quartz, mica, feldspar MO N I T O R I N G W E L L M O N I T O R I N G W E L L S . G P J C D M _ C O R P . G D T 3 / 2 5 / 1 0 ML Moist, brick red, SANDY SILT, quartz, minor mica SM ML SM Moist, brick red, SANDY SILT, quartz, minor mica Moist, rust red, SILTY SAND, with silt, quartz, feldspar Moist, red/brown, SILTY SAND, large quartz clasts Moist, brown/grey/red, SANDY SILT, micaceous Moist, brown/grey/red, SANDY SILT, micaceous CAMP DRESSER & McKEE CCPMW-2d 15 20 25 30 35 825.2 820.2 815.2 810.2 805.2 Bl o w s p e r 6 I n c h e s Sheet 2 of 4 Client:Duke Energy Project Location:Cliffside, Cleveland Co., NC Project Name:Cliffside Ash Landfill Project Number:48509-54838 B O R I N G L O G & M O N I T O R I N G W E L L D E T A I L Elev. Depth (ft.) Sample NumberSa m p l e Ty p e Po c k e t P e n . Re a d i n g (t s f ) Gr a p h i c Lo g Sa m p l e Re c o v e r y ( i n . ) Well Construction DetailSt r a t u m De s i g n a t i o n Material Description GNEISS SM MO N I T O R I N G W E L L M O N I T O R I N G W E L L S . G P J C D M _ C O R P . G D T 3 / 2 5 / 1 0 780.2 Moist, red/brown, SANDY SILT, black mineralization ML SM BEDROCK Moist, white/grey/black, SILTY SAND, quartz, mica, feldspar Moist, red/light brown, SILT, micaceous, black/white mineralization Moist, red/light brown, SILT, micaceous, black/white mineralization Moist, white/grey/black/brown, SILTY SAND, quartz, mica, black mineralization Moist, white/grey/black/brown, SILTY SAND, quartz, mica, black mineralization Small fracture at 56 feet Moist, white/grey/black/brown, SILTY SAND, quartz, mica, black mineralization CAMP DRESSER & McKEE CCPMW-2d 40 45 50 55 800.2 795.2 790.2 785.2 780.2 Sa m p l e Re c o v e r y ( i n . ) Bl o w s p e r 6 I n c h e s Sheet 3 of 4 Client:Duke Energy Project Location:Cliffside, Cleveland Co., NC Project Name:Cliffside Ash Landfill Project Number:48509-54838 B O R I N G L O G & M O N I T O R I N G W E L L D E T A I L Sa m p l e Ty p e Po c k e t P e n . Re a d i n g (t s f ) Sample Number Gr a p h i c Lo g Elev. Depth (ft.) Well Construction DetailSt r a t u m De s i g n a t i o n Material Description 70.0 MO N I T O R I N G W E L L M O N I T O R I N G W E L L S . G P J C D M _ C O R P . G D T 3 / 2 5 / 1 0 BEDROCK Slotted Screen Sand Bentonite 63.0 60.0 770.2 777.2 Boring terminated at 70 feet bgs. Fracture at 69 feet Fracture at 66.5 feet (sediment filled) B O R I N G L O G & M O N I T O R I N G W E L L D E T A I L 780.2 775.2 770.2 765.2 760.2 60 65 70 75 80 Sheet 4 of 4CAMP DRESSER & McKEE Po c k e t P e n . Re a d i n g (t s f ) CCPMW-2d Client:Duke Energy Project Location:Cliffside, Cleveland Co., NC Project Name:Cliffside Ash Landfill Project Number:48509-54838 Sa m p l e Re c o v e r y ( i n . ) Bl o w s p e r 6 I n c h e s Material DescriptionSt r a t u m De s i g n a t i o n Well Construction Detail Elev. Depth (ft.)Gr a p h i c Lo g Sa m p l e Ty p e Sample Number Drilling Contractor:SAEDACCO Drilling Method/Rig:HSA/D-50 ATU Drillers:Randy Hoffman Drilling Date: Start:2-24-10 End:2-24-10 Borehole Coordinates: N 540,575.60 E 1,171,837.00 Development Date: Start End U-1 24/24 24/6 MO N I T O R I N G W E L L M O N I T O R I N G W E L L S . G P J C D M _ C O R P . G D T 3 / 2 5 / 1 0 Surface Elevation (ft.):840.26 Total Depth (ft.):42 Depth to Initial Water Level (ft. BGS):31.72 Development Method: Field Screening Instrument: Logged By:DC Top of Riser Elevation (ft.): FILL ML -FILL- Moist, brick red, SANDY SILT, quartz, 9 6 11 14 S-1 Portland Cement Grout SS ST 840.3 835.3 830.3 AGS ASCS BXNX GPHP SSST WS -- -- -- -- -- -- SAMPLING TYPES: Date: CCPMW-2s Ground Surface 0 5 10 OTHER: B O R I N G L O G & M O N I T O R I N G W E L L D E T A I L CAMP DRESSER & McKEE Sheet 1 of 3 Client:Duke Energy Project Location:Cliffside, Cleveland Co., NC Project Name:Cliffside Ash Landfill Project Number:48509-54838 Sample NumberSa m p l e Ty p e Gr a p h i c Lo g Elev. Depth (ft.) Well Construction DetailSt r a t u m De s i g n a t i o n Material Description Bl o w s p e r 6 I n c h e s Sa m p l e Re c o v e r y ( i n . ) Po c k e t P e n . Re a d i n g (t s f ) - Hollow Stem AugerSolid Stem Auger Hand AugerAir Rotary Dual Tube RotaryFoam Rotary Mud RotaryReverse Circulation Cable ToolJetting DrivingDrill Through Casing Above GroundSurface Formerly P-117s Auger/Grab SampleCalifornia Sampler 1.5" Rock Core2.1" Rock Core GeoprobeHydro Punch Split SpoonShelby Tube Wash Sample -- -- -- -- - REMARKS Reviewed by: EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS DRILLING METHODS: HSASSA HAAR DTRFR MRRC CTJET DDTC 30.0 27.0 810.3 813.3 SS MO N I T O R I N G W E L L M O N I T O R I N G W E L L S . G P J C D M _ C O R P . G D T 3 / 2 5 / 1 0 ML SS SS Slotted Screen Sand Bentonite 11 15 14 13 SS Moist, brick red, SANDY SILT, quartz, minor mica Moist, white/grey/black, SILTY SAND, Moist, white/grey/black, SILTY SAND, quartz, mica, feldspar Moist, brown/grey/red, SANDY SILT, micaceous Moist, brown/grey/red, SANDY SILT, micaceous Moist, rust red, SILTY SAND, with silt, quartz, feldspar minor mica SM ML SM Moist, red/brown, SILTY SAND, large quartz clasts 4 5 9 15 14 12 10 12 3 6 8 22 6 8 12 15 Well Construction Detail Elev. Depth (ft.)Gr a p h i c Lo g Sa m p l e Ty p e Sample Number Bl o w s p e r 6 I n c h e s SS 825.3 820.3 815.3 810.3 805.3 Project Name:Cliffside Ash Landfill Project Number:48509-54838 Client:Duke Energy Project Location:Cliffside, Cleveland Co., NC Sheet 2 of 3CAMP DRESSER & McKEE St r a t u m De s i g n a t i o n B O R I N G L O G & M O N I T O R I N G W E L L D E T A I L Material Description 15 20 25 30 35 CCPMW-2s Po c k e t P e n . Re a d i n g (t s f ) Sa m p l e Re c o v e r y ( i n . ) S-6 S-5 S-4 S-3 24/22 24/22 24/24 24/24 24/23 S-2 798.342.0 SS 24/20S-7 S-8 SM MO N I T O R I N G W E L L M O N I T O R I N G W E L L S . G P J C D M _ C O R P . G D T 3 / 2 5 / 1 0 SS ML quartz, mica, feldspar Moist, red/brown, SANDY SILT, black mineralization Moist, red/light brown, SILT, micaceous, black/white mineralization Boring terminated at 42 feet bgs. 47 32 22 30 5 10 15 24 800.3 795.3 790.3 785.3 780.3 Well Construction DetailSt r a t u m De s i g n a t i o n Material Description Bl o w s p e r 6 I n c h e s Sa m p l e Re c o v e r y ( i n . ) Po c k e t P e n . Re a d i n g (t s f ) CCPMW-2s 40 45 50 55 Gr a p h i c Lo g B O R I N G L O G & M O N I T O R I N G W E L L D E T A I L CAMP DRESSER & McKEE Sheet 3 of 3 Client:Duke Energy Project Location:Cliffside, Cleveland Co., NC Project Name:Cliffside Ash Landfill Project Number:48509-54838 Elev. Depth (ft.) Sample NumberSa m p l e Ty p e 24/21 MO N I T O R I N G W E L L M O N I T O R I N G W E L L S . G P J C D M _ C O R P . G D T 3 / 2 5 / 1 0 Drilling Contractor:SAEDACCO Drilling Method/Rig:HSA/AR/GP-1100 E Drillers:Robert Miller Drilling Date: Start:7-16-07 End:7-16-07 Borehole Coordinates: N 540,509.70 E 1,172,353.60 Development Date: Start End Surface Elevation (ft.):810.47 Total Depth (ft.):31 Depth to Initial Water Level (ft. BGS):5.88 Development Method: Field Screening Instrument: Logged By:DC Top of Riser Elevation (ft.): 24/? Sample NumberSa m p l e Ty p e CL Elev. Depth (ft.) SM Dry, reddish brown, CLAYEY SAND, quartz & mica Moist, brown/red, SILTY SAND, micaceous Well Construction Detail Portland Cement Grout ST U-1 SAMPLING TYPES: Gr a p h i c Lo g CCPMW-3d Ground Surface 0 5 10 St r a t u m De s i g n a t i o n B O R I N G L O G & M O N I T O R I N G W E L L D E T A I L -- -- -- -- -- -- CAMP DRESSER & McKEE Sheet 1 of 2 Client:Duke Energy Project Location:Cliffside, Cleveland Co., NC Project Name:Cliffside Ash Landfill Project Number:48509-54838 810.5 805.5 800.5 Reviewed by: Material Description Bl o w s p e r 6 I n c h e s Sa m p l e Re c o v e r y ( i n . ) Po c k e t P e n . Re a d i n g (t s f ) HSASSA HAAR DTRFR MRRC CTJET DDTC Hollow Stem AugerSolid Stem Auger Hand AugerAir Rotary Dual Tube RotaryFoam Rotary Mud RotaryReverse Circulation Cable ToolJetting DrivingDrill Through Casing Formerly P-118d Auger/Grab SampleCalifornia Sampler 1.5" Rock Core2.1" Rock Core GeoprobeHydro Punch Split SpoonShelby Tube Wash Sample -- -- -- -- - Date: REMARKS ASCS BXNX GPHP SSST WS EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS DRILLING METHODS: Above GroundSurface OTHER: AGS - 31.0 22.0 779.5 SM Sand MO N I T O R I N G W E L L M O N I T O R I N G W E L L S . G P J C D M _ C O R P . G D T 3 / 2 5 / 1 0 BEDROCK Auger refusal at 19 feet bgs. Continued with air-rotary hammer. GNEISS 24.0 Slotted Screen 788.5 786.5 Boring terminated at 31 feet bgs. Sa m p l e Re c o v e r y ( i n . ) CAMP DRESSER & McKEE St r a t u m De s i g n a t i o n B O R I N G L O G & M O N I T O R I N G W E L L D E T A I L 795.5 790.5 785.5 780.5 775.5 Bl o w s p e r 6 I n c h e s Po c k e t P e n . Re a d i n g (t s f ) CCPMW-3d 15 20 25 30 35 Bentonite Client:Duke Energy Project Location:Cliffside, Cleveland Co., NC Sample Number Well Construction Detail Project Name:Cliffside Ash Landfill Project Number:48509-54838 Sheet 2 of 2 Gr a p h i c Lo g Elev. Depth (ft.) Material DescriptionSa m p l e Ty p e U-1 Portland Cement Grout Bentonite Sand Slotted Screen SS SS ST MO N I T O R I N G W E L L M O N I T O R I N G W E L L S . G P J C D M _ C O R P . G D T 3 / 2 5 / 1 0 CL S-1 24/18 S-2 24/14 3 9 11 10 7 9 7 13 Moist, brown/red, SILTY SAND, micaceous Moist, brown/red, SILTY SAND, micaceous Dry, reddish brown, CLAYEY SAND, quartz & mica SM 805.6 7.0803.6 5.0 AGS 24/? Reviewed by: Sheet 1 of 2 EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS DRILLING METHODS: CAMP DRESSER & McKEE CCPMW-3s B O R I N G L O G & M O N I T O R I N G W E L L D E T A I L 810.6 805.6 800.6 0 5 10 Above GroundSurface Ground Surface OTHER: Date: SAMPLING TYPES: -- -- -- -- -- -- ASCS BXNX GPHP SSST WS - Project Name:Cliffside Ash Landfill Project Number:48509-54838 -- -- -- -- - Sample NumberSa m p l e Ty p e Surface Elevation (ft.):810.56 Total Depth (ft.):14 Depth to Initial Water Level (ft. BGS):4.74 Development Method: Field Screening Instrument: Logged By:DC Top of Riser Elevation (ft.): Drilling Contractor:SAEDACCO Drilling Method/Rig:HSA/D-50 ATU Drillers:Randy Hoffman Drilling Date: Start:6-27-07 End:6-27-07 Borehole Coordinates: N 540,509.50 E 1,172,348.20 Development Date: Start End Sa m p l e Re c o v e r y ( i n . ) REMARKS Auger/Grab SampleCalifornia Sampler 1.5" Rock Core2.1" Rock Core GeoprobeHydro Punch Split SpoonShelby Tube Wash Sample Formerly P-118s Hollow Stem AugerSolid Stem Auger Hand AugerAir Rotary Dual Tube RotaryFoam Rotary Mud RotaryReverse Circulation Cable ToolJetting DrivingDrill Through Casing Po c k e t P e n . Re a d i n g (t s f ) Client:Duke Energy Project Location:Cliffside, Cleveland Co., NC Bl o w s p e r 6 I n c h e s Material DescriptionSt r a t u m De s i g n a t i o n Well Construction Detail Elev. Depth (ft.)Gr a p h i c Lo g HSASSA HAAR DTRFR MRRC CTJET DDTC Sa m p l e Ty p e MO N I T O R I N G W E L L M O N I T O R I N G W E L L S . G P J C D M _ C O R P . G D T 3 / 2 5 / 1 0 SM Gr a p h i c Lo g Sample Number 14.0796.6 Boring terminated upon auger refusal at 14 feet bgs. 15 20 25 30 35 Sheet 2 of 2CAMP DRESSER & McKEE Client:Duke Energy Project Location:Cliffside, Cleveland Co., NC Elev. Depth (ft.) 795.6 790.6 785.6 780.6 775.6 B O R I N G L O G & M O N I T O R I N G W E L L D E T A I L CCPMW-3s Po c k e t P e n . Re a d i n g (t s f ) Sa m p l e Re c o v e r y ( i n . ) Bl o w s p e r 6 I n c h e s Material DescriptionSt r a t u m De s i g n a t i o n Well Construction Detail Project Name:Cliffside Ash Landfill Project Number:48509-54838 Drilling Contractor:SAEDACCO Drilling Method/Rig:HSA/AR/GP-1100 E Drillers:Robert Miller Drilling Date: Start:7-17-07 End:7-18-07 Borehole Coordinates: N 541,139.30 E 1,172,408.10 Development Date: Start End S-1 24/18 24/22 MO N I T O R I N G W E L L M O N I T O R I N G W E L L S . G P J C D M _ C O R P . G D T 3 / 2 5 / 1 0 Surface Elevation (ft.):836.41 Total Depth (ft.):66 Depth to Initial Water Level (ft. BGS):33.23 Development Method: Field Screening Instrument: Logged By:DC Top of Riser Elevation (ft.): CL-ML SM Dry, red/reddish brown, SILTY CLAY to CLAYEY SILT Dry, red/brown/tan/black/grey, Fine SAND with Silt, micaceous, black mineralization, trace quartz 4 7 7 9 U-1 Portland Cement Grout ST SS 836.4 831.4 826.4 AGS ASCS BXNX GPHP SSST WS -- -- -- -- -- -- SAMPLING TYPES: Date: CCPTW-1d Ground Surface 0 5 10 OTHER: B O R I N G L O G & M O N I T O R I N G W E L L D E T A I L CAMP DRESSER & McKEE Sheet 1 of 4 Client:Duke Energy Project Location:Cliffside, Cleveland Co., NC Project Name:Cliffside Ash Landfill Project Number:48509-54838 Sample NumberSa m p l e Ty p e Gr a p h i c Lo g Elev. Depth (ft.) Well Construction DetailSt r a t u m De s i g n a t i o n Material Description Bl o w s p e r 6 I n c h e s Sa m p l e Re c o v e r y ( i n . ) Po c k e t P e n . Re a d i n g (t s f ) - Hollow Stem AugerSolid Stem Auger Hand AugerAir Rotary Dual Tube RotaryFoam Rotary Mud RotaryReverse Circulation Cable ToolJetting DrivingDrill Through Casing Above GroundSurface Formerly A-3d Auger/Grab SampleCalifornia Sampler 1.5" Rock Core2.1" Rock Core GeoprobeHydro Punch Split SpoonShelby Tube Wash Sample -- -- -- -- - REMARKS Reviewed by: EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS DRILLING METHODS: HSASSA HAAR DTRFR MRRC CTJET DDTC SS SS SS SS SS S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6 SM Dry, white/tan/black/grey, Fine SAND with Silt, micaceous, black mineralization, trace quartz Dry, white/tan/black/grey, Fine SAND with Silt, micaceous, black mineralization, cobble-size quartz fragment Wet, red/brown/black/orange, SILTY SAND, micaceous, black mineralization, water @ 24' 28'-28.5' Wet, red/brown/black/orange, SILTY SAND, micaceous, black mineralization 28.5'-30' Wet, brown/tan/white/orange, Fine SAND, quartz pebbles Wet, brown/red/black/tan, Fine SAND with Silt, micaceous, black mineralization 6 13 21 40 11 11 10 13 4 6 9 12 4 7 31 31 10 18 12 22 Sample NumberSa m p l e Ty p e Gr a p h i c Lo g Elev. Depth (ft.) Well Construction DetailSt r a t u m De s i g n a t i o n Material Description Bl o w s p e r 6 I n c h e s Sa m p l e Re c o v e r y ( i n . ) Po c k e t P e n . Re a d i n g (t s f ) 15 20 25 30 35 821.4 816.4 811.4 806.4 801.4 B O R I N G L O G & M O N I T O R I N G W E L L D E T A I L CAMP DRESSER & McKEE Sheet 2 of 4 Client:Duke Energy Project Location:Cliffside, Cleveland Co., NC Project Name:Cliffside Ash Landfill Project Number:48509-54838 CCPTW-1d 24/20 24/24 24/24 24/24 24/24 MO N I T O R I N G W E L L M O N I T O R I N G W E L L S . G P J C D M _ C O R P . G D T 3 / 2 5 / 1 0 SS 779.4 777.4 57.0 59.0 Bentonite Sand S-10 SS SS SM S-7 MO N I T O R I N G W E L L M O N I T O R I N G W E L L S . G P J C D M _ C O R P . G D T 3 / 2 5 / 1 0 S-9 SS PWR Wet, brown/red/black/tan, Fine SAND with Silt, micaceous, black mineralization Wet, brown/red/black/tan, Fine SAND with Silt, micaceous, black mineralization Wet, brown/red/black/tan, Fine SAND with Silt, micaceous, black mineralization Partially weathered to solid bedrock 13 8 23 23 3 6 9 17 8 15 12 27 50/4" S-8 Gr a p h i c Lo g Sa m p l e Re c o v e r y ( i n . ) Bl o w s p e r 6 I n c h e s Material DescriptionSt r a t u m De s i g n a t i o n CCPTW-1d Elev. Depth (ft.)Sa m p l e Ty p e Sample Number Well Construction Detail CAMP DRESSER & McKEE Project Name:Cliffside Ash Landfill Project Number:48509-54838 Client:Duke Energy Project Location:Cliffside, Cleveland Co., NC Po c k e t P e n . Re a d i n g (t s f ) Sheet 3 of 4 B O R I N G L O G & M O N I T O R I N G W E L L D E T A I L 796.4 791.4 786.4 781.4 776.4 40 45 50 55 4/0 24/18 24/24 24/24 MO N I T O R I N G W E L L M O N I T O R I N G W E L L S . G P J C D M _ C O R P . G D T 3 / 2 5 / 1 0 PWR Sample Number 66.0 61.0 770.4 775.4 Boring terminated at 66 feet bgs. Slotted Screen Sheet 4 of 4CAMP DRESSER & McKEE B O R I N G L O G & M O N I T O R I N G W E L L D E T A I L 776.4 771.4 766.4 761.4 756.4 Sa m p l e Ty p e Project Name:Cliffside Ash Landfill Project Number:48509-54838 60 65 70 75 80 CCPTW-1d Po c k e t P e n . Re a d i n g (t s f ) Sa m p l e Re c o v e r y ( i n . ) Bl o w s p e r 6 I n c h e s Material DescriptionSt r a t u m De s i g n a t i o n Well Construction Detail Elev. Depth (ft.)Gr a p h i c Lo g Client:Duke Energy Project Location:Cliffside, Cleveland Co., NC Elev. Depth (ft.) Sample Number MO N I T O R I N G W E L L M O N I T O R I N G W E L L S . G P J C D M _ C O R P . G D T 3 / 2 5 / 1 0 Gr a p h i c Lo g Well Construction DetailSt r a t u m De s i g n a t i o n Material Description Bl o w s p e r 6 I n c h e s CL-ML Po c k e t P e n . Re a d i n g (t s f ) Sa m p l e Ty p e Portland Cement Grout SM Dry, red/reddish brown, SILTY CLAY to CLAYEY SILT Dry, red/brown/tan/black/grey, Fine SAND with Silt, micaceous, black mineralization, trace quartz Drilling Contractor:SAEDACCO Drilling Method/Rig:HSA/GP-1100 E Drillers:Robert Miller Drilling Date: Start:2-25-10 End:2-25-10 Borehole Coordinates: N 541,143.90 E 1,172,409.20 Development Date: Start End Surface Elevation (ft.):836.81 Total Depth (ft.):35 Depth to Initial Water Level (ft. BGS):28.07 Development Method: Field Screening Instrument: Logged By:DC Top of Riser Elevation (ft.): HSASSA HAAR DTRFR MRRC CTJET DDTC CAMP DRESSER & McKEE Ground Surface Sa m p l e Re c o v e r y ( i n . ) 0 5 10 836.8 831.8 826.8 Hollow Stem AugerSolid Stem Auger Hand AugerAir Rotary Dual Tube RotaryFoam Rotary Mud RotaryReverse Circulation Cable ToolJetting DrivingDrill Through Casing CCPTW-1s Sheet 1 of 3 Client:Duke Energy Project Location:Cliffside, Cleveland Co., NC Project Name:Cliffside Ash Landfill Project Number:48509-54838 B O R I N G L O G & M O N I T O R I N G W E L L D E T A I L REMARKS Reviewed by: EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS Auger/Grab SampleCalifornia Sampler 1.5" Rock Core2.1" Rock Core GeoprobeHydro Punch Split SpoonShelby Tube Wash Sample DRILLING METHODS: -- -- -- -- - Date:Above GroundSurface OTHER: AGS - ASCS BXNX GPHP SSST WS -- -- -- -- -- -- SAMPLING TYPES: 801.8 MO N I T O R I N G W E L L M O N I T O R I N G W E L L S . G P J C D M _ C O R P . G D T 3 / 2 5 / 1 0 SM Sand Bentonite 35.0 Dry, white/tan/black/grey, Fine SAND with Silt, micaceous, black mineralization, trace quartz Dry, white/tan/black/grey, Fine SAND with Silt, micaceous, black mineralization, cobble-size quartz fragment Wet, red/brown/black/orange, SILTY SAND, micaceous, black mineralization, water @ 24' 28'-28.5' Wet, red/brown/black/orange, SILTY SAND, micaceous, black mineralization 28.5'-30' Wet, brown/tan/white/orange, Fine SAND, quartz pebbles 23.0 20.0816.8 813.8 Wet, brown/red/black/tan, Fine SAND with Silt, micaceous, black mineralization Po c k e t P e n . Re a d i n g (t s f ) B O R I N G L O G & M O N I T O R I N G W E L L D E T A I L Material Description CAMP DRESSER & McKEE Sa m p l e Re c o v e r y ( i n . ) St r a t u m De s i g n a t i o n CCPTW-1s 15 20 25 30 35 821.8 816.8 811.8 806.8 801.8 Slotted Screen Elev. Depth (ft.) Sample Number Sheet 2 of 3 Gr a p h i c Lo g Bl o w s p e r 6 I n c h e s Project Name:Cliffside Ash Landfill Project Number:48509-54838 Client:Duke Energy Project Location:Cliffside, Cleveland Co., NC Well Construction DetailSa m p l e Ty p e Boring terminated at 35 feet bgs. St r a t u m De s i g n a t i o n Well Construction Detail Elev. Depth (ft.)Gr a p h i c Lo g Sa m p l e Ty p e Sample Number Bl o w s p e r 6 I n c h e s Sa m p l e Re c o v e r y ( i n . ) B O R I N G L O G & M O N I T O R I N G W E L L D E T A I L Project Name:Cliffside Ash Landfill Project Number:48509-54838 Client:Duke Energy Project Location:Cliffside, Cleveland Co., NC Sheet 3 of 3 Material Description MO N I T O R I N G W E L L M O N I T O R I N G W E L L S . G P J C D M _ C O R P . G D T 3 / 2 5 / 1 0 796.8 791.8 786.8 781.8 776.8 40 45 50 55 CCPTW-1s Po c k e t P e n . Re a d i n g (t s f ) CAMP DRESSER & McKEE 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 FIELD BOREHOLE LOG BOREHOLE NO.: TOTAL DEPTH: PROJECT INFORMATION DRILLING INFORMATION PROJECT: SITE LOCATION: JOB NO: GEOLOGIST: DATE DRILLED: DRILLING CO: DRILLER: RIG TYPE: METHOD OF DRILLING: SAMPLING METHODS: Depth Soil Symbol Soil Description Sample Blows/6" (Recovery)Well Construction WellDescription A Page 1 of 2Notes: Cement Grout 2-inch Schedule 40PVC Riser 3 ft Stick-up w/ Steel Protective Cover. Approximately 10 feet of fill was placedin the area of TW-2 during landfillconstruction. The original well wasabandoned and TW-2 was relocatedadjacent to the original location. Dry, red to reddish brown, SILT and very fine SAND, some CLAY. Micaceous. Dry to moist,tan/brown/orange/white/black, fineSAND, some SILT, micaceous. Blackmineralized fractures. SAPROLITE.Some QUARTZ fragments. S1 S2 3-4-7-15 (24") 5-7-9-13 (24") Duke Energy - Cliffside CCP Landfill Cliffside, NC 48509-54838 Dan Forbes 11/29/06 and Relocated on 02/25/10 SAEDACCO Robert Miller GUS PECH 1100 E Hollow-Stem Auger Standard-Split Spoon 140 lbs. Pneumatic/ 30 inches CCPTW-2 45 ft Auger Refusal at 45 ft bls. -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 FIELD BOREHOLE LOG BOREHOLE NO.: TOTAL DEPTH: PROJECT INFORMATION DRILLING INFORMATION PROJECT: SITE LOCATION: JOB NO: GEOLOGIST: DATE DRILLED: DRILLING CO: DRILLER: RIG TYPE: METHOD OF DRILLING: SAMPLING METHODS: Depth Soil Symbol Soil Description Sample Blows/6" (Recovery)Well Construction WellDescription A Page 2 of 2Notes: Bentonite #2 Silica Sand FilterPack 2-inch Schedule 40PVC Screen from 35' to 45' bls Moist to wet, brown/black/white/gray,fine SAND some SILT, micaceous.Some pebble size ROCK fragments. S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 6-10-15-28 (24") 7-50/4 (10") 10-44-50/5 (16") 12-50/4 (6") 18-50/4 (6") Duke Energy - Cliffside CCP Landfill Cliffside, NC 48509-54838 Dan Forbes 11/29/06 and Relocated on 02/25/10 SAEDACCO Robert Miller GUS PECH 1100 E Hollow-Stem Auger Standard-Split Spoon 140 lbs. Pneumatic/ 30 inches CCPTW-2 45 ft Auger Refusal at 45 ft bls. Start Date:10/21/2015 End Date:10/26/2015 Total Depth: 65' Surface Casing Dia./Depth:None Well Casing Dia./Depth:2" PVC/50' Screen Dia./Depth/Slot:2" PVC Pre-Packed/ 50-65'/0.01" Depth (feet) Recovery (percent) Blows per 6-inches CCPMW-4 Boring Log Project:Cliffside CCP Landfill - Phase II Monitoring Well Installation Project No.:48509-106696 Logged By:Daniel Forbes Drilling Method/Drill Rig: Hollow-Stem Auger/Deidrich D-50 Formation Description Well Construction Above-Grade Completion with Protective Bollards, 2' x 2' Concrete Pad, Expansion Cap, and Lock 1 Hand Auger2 3 Location Code:CCPMW-4 Location:Cliffside, North Carolina Driller:South Atlantic Environmental Drilling and Construction Company, Inc. 7 8 9 75 4-11-19-35 10 11 4 92 3-5-8-9 5 6 17 18 19 83 12-38-44-50/4" 20 21 22 12 13 14 58 9-44-50/5" 15 16 34 35 36 37 30 31 32 33 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 TOPSOIL (0-8"), sandy, trace silt, clay, and rock fragments, organics, brown, and dark brown, sand fine-grained, loose, micaceous, moist CLAY, sandy, silty, trace rock fragments and organics, reddish brown, and brown, sand fine-grained, medium stiff, micaceous, moist (Residuum) SAND, some silt, trace weathered rock, reddish and orangish brown, light brown and gray, fine-to coarse-grained, medium dense, micaceous, moist (Saprolite) FRACTURES (multiple), sand infilling, silty, light brown to brown BIOTITE GNEISS, light to dark gray, and black WEATHERED ROCK, sandy, little silt, gray to dark gray, orangish and dark orangish brown, very light brown and white, fine-to coarse-grained, micaceous, medium dense to dense, dry (Saprolite) SAND, some silt and weathered rock, gray and orangish brown, reddish and light brown, fine-to coarse-grained, very dense, micaceous, moist to wet (Partially Weathered Rock) BIOTITE GNEISS, gray and brown, weathered BIOTITE GNEISS, light to dark gray, dense FRACTURE BIOTITE GNEISS, light to dark gray Page 1 of 8 CCPMW-4 Start Date:10/21/2015 End Date:10/26/2015 Total Depth: 65' Surface Casing Dia./Depth:None Well Casing Dia./Depth:2" PVC/50' Screen Dia./Depth/Slot:2" PVC Pre-Packed/ 50-65'/0.01" Depth (feet) Recovery (percent) Blows per 6-inches CCPMW-4 Boring Log Project:Cliffside CCP Landfill - Phase II Monitoring Well Installation Project No.:48509-106696 Logged By:Daniel Forbes Drilling Method/Drill Rig: Hollow-Stem Auger/Deidrich D-50 Formation Description Well Construction Above-Grade Completion with Protective Bollards, 2' x 2' Concrete Pad, Expansion Cap, and Lock Location Code:CCPMW-4 Location:Cliffside, North Carolina Driller:South Atlantic Environmental Drilling and Construction Company, Inc. TOPSOIL (0-8"), sandy, trace silt, clay, and rock fragments, organics, brown, and dark brown, sand BIOTITE GNEISS, light to dark gray, and black, dense 47 48 49 50 51 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 66 64 65 58 59 60 61 62 63 52 53 54 55 56 57 45 46 Boring terminated at 65 feet. BIOTITE GNEISS, light to dark gray, and black, dense FRACTURE 2-inch PVC End Cap Bentonite Seal Bentonite Seal Page 2 of 8 CCPMW-4 Start Date:10/21/2015 End Date:10/23/2015 Total Depth: 72.5' Surface Casing Dia./Depth:None Well Casing Dia./Depth:2" PVC/62.5' Screen Dia./Depth/Slot:2" PVC Pre-Packed/ 62.5-72.5'/0.01" Depth (feet) Recovery (percent) Blows per 6-inches CCPMW-5 Boring Log Project:Cliffside CCP Landfill - Phase II Monitoring Well Installation Project No.:48509-106696 Logged By:Daniel Forbes Drilling Method/Drill Rig: Hollow-Stem Auger/Deidrich D-50 Formation Description Well Construction Above-Grade Completion with Protective Bollards, 2' x 2' Concrete Pad, Expansion Cap, and Lock 1 2 3 4 Location Code:CCPMW-5 Location:Cliffside, North Carolina Driller:South Atlantic Environmental Drilling and Construction Company, Inc. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 15 16 17 18 34 35 36 37 30 31 32 33 26 27 28 29 SAND, silty, trace clay, reddish brown, and light brown, fine-grained, loose, micaceous, dry to moist (Residuum/Saprolite) 67 5-7-5-6 SAND, little silt, trace weathered rock, brown and gray, very light brown and dark orangish brown, fine- to coarse-grained, medium dense, micaceous, black mineralization, moist (Saprolite) SAND, some silt, weathered rock from 13 to 13.5 feet, trace weathered rock, brown and gray, very light brown and white, light and dark orangish brown, fine- to coarse-grained, medium dense, micaceous, black mineralization, moist (Saprolite)79 18-11-8-9 TOPSOIL, sandy, trace silt and rock fragments, organics, brown, and reddish brown, sand fine-grained, loose, moist CLAY, sandy, silty, trace rock fragments, reddish brown, and brown, sand fine-grained, moist (Residuum) Hand Auger 75 2-3-4-4 SAND, clayey, silty, reddish brown, and light brown, fine-grained, loose, micaceous, moist (Residuum) SAND, silty, trace weathered rock, brown, orangish brown and dark gray, white and light brown, fine-to coarse-grained, very dense, micaceous, black mineralization, moist (Partially Weathered Rock) BIOTITE GNEISS, light to dark gray, and brown, weathered FRACTURE, sand infilling, silty, light brown to brown, dry BIOTITE GNEISS, light to dark gray 83 5-10-14-28 SAND, silty, weathered rock from 19.5 to 20 feet, trace weathered rock, brown and light to dark orangish brown, light brown and white, dark reddish brown and gray, fine-to coarse-grained, medium dense, micaceous, black mineralization, dry (Saprolite) 58 10-50/3.5" 33 50/5.5" Page 3 of 8 CCPMW-5 Start Date:10/21/2015 End Date:10/23/2015 Total Depth: 72.5' Surface Casing Dia./Depth:None Well Casing Dia./Depth:2" PVC/62.5' Screen Dia./Depth/Slot:2" PVC Pre-Packed/ 62.5-72.5'/0.01" Depth (feet) Recovery (percent) Blows per 6-inches CCPMW-5 Boring Log Project:Cliffside CCP Landfill - Phase II Monitoring Well Installation Project No.:48509-106696 Logged By:Daniel Forbes Drilling Method/Drill Rig: Hollow-Stem Auger/Deidrich D-50 Formation Description Well Construction Above-Grade Completion with Protective Bollards, 2' x 2' Concrete Pad, Expansion Cap, and Lock Location Code:CCPMW-5 Location:Cliffside, North Carolina Driller:South Atlantic Environmental Drilling and Construction Company, Inc. TOPSOIL, sandy, trace silt and rock fragments, organics, brown, and reddish brown, sand BIOTITE GNEISS, light to dark gray, and black FRACTURE 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 53 54 55 56 57 45 46 47 48 49 50 BIOTITE GNEISS, light to dark gray, and black, dense FRACTURE 74 BIOTITE GNEISS, light to dark gray, and black, dense FRACTURE, water producing BIOTITE GNEISS, light to dark gray, and black, dense Boring terminated at 72.5 feet. 71 72 73 68 69 70 65 66 67 62 63 64 58 59 60 61 51 52 2-inch PVC End Cap Bentonite Seal Bentonite Seal Page 4 of 8 CCPMW-5 Start Date:10/21/2015 End Date:10/21/2015 Total Depth: 43.5' Surface Casing Dia./Depth:None Well Casing Dia./Depth:2" PVC/33.5' Screen Dia./Depth/Slot:2" PVC Pre-Packed/ 33.5-43.5'/0.01" Depth (feet) Recovery (percent) Blows per 6-inches Logged By:Daniel Forbes CCPMW-6s Boring Log Project:Cliffside CCP Landfill - Phase II Monitoring Well Installation Project No.:48509-106696 Location Code:CCPMW-6s Location:Cliffside, North Carolina Driller:South Atlantic Environmental Drilling and Construction Company, Inc. Drilling Method/Drill Rig: Hollow-Stem Auger/Deidrich D-50 Formation Description Well Construction Above-Grade Completion with Protective Bollards, 2' x 2' Concrete Pad, Expansion Cap, and Lock 1 Hand Auger TOPSOIL, sandy, trace silt and rock fragments, organics, brown, light and dark brown, and reddish brown, sand fine-grained, loose, moist 2 CLAY, sandy, silty, trace rock fragments, reddish brown, and brown, sand fine-grained, medium stiff, dry to moist (Residuum) 3 4 5 92 2-3-4-7 SAND, silty, trace clay, reddish brown, very fine- to fine-grained, loose, micaceous, dry to moist (Residuum/Saprolite)6 7 18 8 SAND, silty, trace weathered rock, brown and reddish brown, light and orangish brown, and white, fine- to coarse-grained, loose to medium dense, micaceous, dry (Saprolite) 9 10 79 3-2-4-7 11 12 13 14 15 100 3-5-6-8 16 17 19 SAND, silty, trace weathered rock, brown, reddish and orangish brown, and dark orangish brown, fine-to coarse-grained, loose to medium dense, micaceous, black mineralization, dry (Saprolite) 20 100 5-6-9-12 21 22 23 24 25 33 100 4-6-7-8 26 27 28 29 30 92 4-4-5-7 31 32 34 SAND, silty, trace weathered rock, brown, reddish and orangish brown, white and dark brown, fine-to coarse-grained, medium dense, micaceous, black mineralization, moist to wet (Saprolite) 35 67 11-8-6-8 36 37 Bentonite Seal Bentonite Seal Start Date:10/21/2015 End Date:10/21/2015 Total Depth: 43.5' Surface Casing Dia./Depth:None Well Casing Dia./Depth:2" PVC/33.5' Screen Dia./Depth/Slot:2" PVC Pre-Packed/ 33.5-43.5'/0.01" Depth (feet) Recovery (percent) Blows per 6-inches Logged By:Daniel Forbes CCPMW-6s Boring Log Project:Cliffside CCP Landfill - Phase II Monitoring Well Installation Project No.:48509-106696 Location Code:CCPMW-6s Location:Cliffside, North Carolina Driller:South Atlantic Environmental Drilling and Construction Company, Inc. Drilling Method/Drill Rig: Hollow-Stem Auger/Deidrich D-50 Formation Description Well Construction Above-Grade Completion with Protective Bollards, 2' x 2' Concrete Pad, Expansion Cap, and Lock 38 SAND, trace silt and weathered rock, white and very light to light brown, brown and orangish brown, and dark orangish brown, fine-to coarse-grained, very dense, micaceous, black mineralization, wet (Partially Weathered Rock) 39 40 63 16-17-50/5.75" 41 42 43 44 Auger refusal at 43.5 feet. 45 2-inch PVC End Cap Page 6 of 8 CCPMW-6s Start Date:10/22/2015 End Date:10/26/2015 Total Depth: 60' Surface Casing Dia./Depth:6" PVC/47' Well Casing Dia./Depth:2" PVC/50' Screen Dia./Depth/Slot:2" PVC Pre-Packed/ 50-60'/0.01" Depth (feet) Recovery (percent) Blows per 6-inches CCPMW-6d Boring Log Project:Cliffside CCP Landfill - Phase II Monitoring Well Installation Project No.:48509-106696 67 11-8-6-8 SAND, silty, trace weathered rock, brown, reddish and orangish brown, white and dark brown, fine-to coarse-grained, medium dense, micaceous, black mineralization, moist to wet (Saprolite) 92 2-3-4-7 79 3-2-4-7 100 3-5-6-8 100 5-6-9-12 100 4-6-7-8 92 4-4-5-7 Logged By:Daniel Forbes/Mathew Colone Drilling Method/Drill Rig: Hollow-Stem Auger/Deidrich D-50 Formation Description Location Code:CCPMW-6d Location:Cliffside, North Carolina Driller:South Atlantic Environmental Drilling and Construction Company, Inc. CLAY, sandy, silty, trace rock fragments, reddish brown, and brown, sand fine-grained, medium stiff, dry to moist (Residuum) TOPSOIL, sandy, trace silt and rock fragments, organics, brown, light and dark brown, and reddish brown, sand fine-grained, loose, moist Hand Auger 4 5 6 7 8 9 14 16 17 18 19 15 1 2 3 10 11 12 13 31 32 33 34 20 21 26 27 28 Well Construction Above-Grade Completion with Protective Bollards, 2' x 2' Concrete Pad, Expansion Cap, and Lock SAND, silty, trace clay, reddish brown, very fine- to fine-grained, loose, micaceous, dry to moist (Residuum/Saprolite) SAND, silty, trace weathered rock, brown and reddish brown, light and orangish brown, and white, fine- to coarse-grained, loose to medium dense, micaceous, dry (Saprolite) SAND, silty, trace weathered rock, brown, reddish and orangish brown, and dark orangish brown, fine-to coarse-grained, loose to medium dense, micaceous, black mineralization, dry (Saprolite) 36 37 29 35 22 23 24 25 30 6" PVC Casing Start Date:10/22/2015 End Date:10/26/2015 Total Depth: 60' Surface Casing Dia./Depth:6" PVC/47' Well Casing Dia./Depth:2" PVC/50' Screen Dia./Depth/Slot:2" PVC Pre-Packed/ 50-60'/0.01" Depth (feet) Recovery (percent) Blows per 6-inches CCPMW-6d Boring Log Project:Cliffside CCP Landfill - Phase II Monitoring Well Installation Project No.:48509-106696 Logged By:Daniel Forbes/Mathew Colone Drilling Method/Drill Rig: Hollow-Stem Auger/Deidrich D-50 Formation Description Location Code:CCPMW-6d Location:Cliffside, North Carolina Driller:South Atlantic Environmental Drilling and Construction Company, Inc. Well Construction Above-Grade Completion with Protective Bollards, 2' x 2' Concrete Pad, Expansion Cap, and Lock 63 16-17-50/5.75" 46 47 48 44 45 43 42 38 39 40 41 59 60 61 Boring terminated at 60 feet. SAND, trace silt and weathered rock, white and very light to light brown, brown and orangish brown, and dark orangish brown, fine-to coarse-grained, very dense, micaceous, black mineralization, wet (Partially Weathered Rock) BIOTITE GNEISS, light to dark gray, and black, dense FRACTURES (mutiple), water-producing BIOTITE GNEISS, light to dark gray, and black, dense 54 55 56 57 58 49 50 51 52 53 2-inch PVC End Cap 6" PVC Casing 6" PVC Casing Bentonite Seal Bentonite Seal Page 8 of 8 CCPMW-6d Rich Lemire 2593A SAEDACCO Inc CCPMW-6S X 10-22-2015 CCPMW-6S DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC CLIFFSIDE 573 DUKE POWER RD, MOORESBORO, NC, 28114 RUTHERFORD 35.207899 81.762824 X X 1 43.5 32.5 8.25" AUGER 0 33.5 2"SCH40 PVC 33.5 43.5 2" .010 SCH40 PVC 0 28' PORTLAND TREMMIE 31' 43.5 SAND #2 0 10' RED CLAY/SILT 10' 38' SAPROLITE 33' 43.5 PWR 43.5 ROCK BENTONITE FROM 28'TO 31'. 10/22/2015 Rich Lemire 2593A SAEDACCO Inc CCPMW-5 X 10-23-2015 CCPMW-5 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC CLIFFSIDE 573 DUKE POWER RD, MOORESBORO, NC, 28114 RUTHERFORD 35.207899 81.762824 X X 1 72.5 59' 4" AIR 0 62.5 2"SCH40 PVC 62.5 72.5 2" .010 SCH40 PVC 0 55' PORTLAND TREMMIE 59' 72.5 SAND #2 0 10' RED CLAY/SILT 10' 23' SAPROLITE 23' 28' PWR 28'ROCK BENTONITE FROM 55'TO59'. 10/23/2015 Rich Lemire 2593A SAEDACCO Inc CCPMW-4 X 10-26-2015 CCPMW-4 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC CLIFFSIDE 573 DUKE POWER RD, MOORESBORO, NC, 28114 RUTHERFORD 35.207899 81.762824 X X 1 65' 47' 4" AIR 0 50' 2"SCH40 PVC 50' 65' 2" .010 SCH40 PVC 0 40' PORTLAND TREMMIE 46' 65' SAND #2 0 10' RED CLAY/SILT 10' 19' SAPROLITE 19' 20.5 PWR 20.5 ROCK BENTONITE FROM 40'TO 46'. 10/26/2015 Rich Lemire 2593A SAEDACCO Inc CCPMW-6D X 10-26-2015 CCPMW-6D DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC CLIFFSIDE 573 DUKE POWER RD, MOORESBORO, NC, 28114 RUTHERFORD 35.207899 81.762824 X X 1 60' 43' 5.5" AIR 0 50' 2"SCH40 PVC 0 47' 6"SCH40 PVC 50' 60' 2" .010 SCH40 PVC 0 46' PORTLAND TREMMIE 48' 60' SAND #2 0 10' RED CLAY/SILT 10' 33' SAPROLITE 33' 43' PWR 43.5 ROCK BENTONITE FROM 46'TO 48'. 10/26/2015 Appendix B Analytical Requirements Appendix C Groundwater Purging and Sampling Guidelines Solid Waste Section Guidelines for Groundwater, Soil, and Surface Water Sampling STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT SOLID WASTE SECTION General Sampling Procedures The following guidance is provided to insure a consistent sampling approach so that sample collection activities at solid waste management facilities provide reliable data. Sampling must begin with an evaluation of facility information, historical environmental data and site geologic and hydrogeologic conditions. General sampling procedures are described in this document. Planning Begin sampling activities with planning and coordination. The party contracting with the laboratory is responsible for effectively communicating reporting requirements and evaluating data reliability as it relates to specific monitoring activities. Sample Collection Contamination Prevention a.) Take special effort to prevent cross contamination or environmental contamination when collecting samples. 1. If possible, collect samples from the least contaminated sampling location (or background sampling location, if applicable) to the most contaminated sampling location. 2. Collect the ambient or background samples first, and store them in separate ice chests or separate shipping containers within the same ice chest (e.g. untreated plastic bags). 3. Collect samples in flowing water at designated locations from upstream to downstream. b.) Do not store or ship highly contaminated samples (concentrated wastes, free product, etc.) or samples suspect of containing high concentrations of contaminants in the same ice chest or shipping containers with other environmental samples. 1. Isolate these sample containers by sealing them in separate, untreated plastic bags immediately after collecting, preserving, labeling, etc. 2. Use a clean, untreated plastic bag to line the ice chest or shipping container. c.) All sampling equipment should be thoroughly decontaminated and transported in a manner that does not allow it to become contaminated. Arrangements should be made ahead of time to decontaminate any sampling or measuring equipment that will be reused when taking samples from more than one well. Field decontamination of Rev 4-08 1 sampling equipment will be necessary before sampling each well to minimize the risk of cross contamination. Decontamination procedures should be included in reports as necessary. Certified pre-cleaned sampling equipment and containers may be used. When collecting aqueous samples, rinse the sample collection equipment with a portion of the sample water before taking the actual sample. Sample containers do not need to be rinsed. In the case of petroleum hydrocarbons, oil and grease, or containers with pre-measured preservatives, the sample containers cannot be rinsed. d.) Place all fuel-powered equipment away from, and downwind of, any site activities (e.g., purging, sampling, decontamination). 1. If field conditions preclude such placement (i.e., the wind is from the upstream direction in a boat), place the fuel source(s) as far away as possible from the sampling activities and describe the conditions in the field notes. 2. Handle fuel (i.e., filling vehicles and equipment) prior to the sampling day. If such activities must be performed during sampling, the personnel must wear disposable gloves. 3. Dispense all fuels downwind. Dispose of gloves well away from the sampling activities. Filling Out Sample Labels Fill out label, adhere to vial and collect sample. Print legibly with indelible ink. At a minimum, the label or tag should identify the sample with the following information: 1. Sample location and/or well number 2. Sample identification number 3. Date and time of collection 4. Analysis required/requested 5. Sampler’s initials 6. Preservative(s) used, if any [i.e., HCl, Na2S2O3, NO3, ice, etc.] 7. Any other pertinent information for sample identification Sample Collection Order Unless field conditions justify other sampling regimens, collect samples in the following order: 1. Volatile Organics and Volatile Inorganics 2. Extractable Organics, Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Aggregate Organics and Oil and Grease 3. Total Metals 4. Inorganic Nonmetallics, Physical and Aggregate Properties, and Biologicals 5. Microbiological NOTE: If the pump used to collect groundwater samples cannot be used to collect volatile or extractable organics then collect all other parameters and withdraw the pump and tubing. Then collect the volatile and extractable organics. Rev 4-08 2 Health and Safety Implement all local, state, and federal requirements relating to health and safety. Follow all local, state and federal requirements pertaining to the storage and disposal of any hazardous or investigation derived wastes. a.) The Solid Waste Section recommends wearing protective gloves when conducting all sampling activities. 1. Gloves serve to protect the sample collector from potential exposure to sample constituents, minimize accidental contamination of samples by the collector, and preserve accurate tare weights on preweighed sample containers. 2. Do not let gloves come into contact with the sample or with the interior or lip of the sample container. Use clean, new, unpowdered and disposable gloves. Various types of gloves may be used as long as the construction materials do not contaminate the sample or if internal safety protocols require greater protection. 3. Note that certain materials that may potentially be present in concentrated effluent can pass through certain glove types and be absorbed in the skin. Many vendor catalogs provide information about the permeability of different gloves and the circumstances under which the glove material might be applicable. The powder in powdered gloves can contribute significant contamination. Powdered gloves are not recommended unless it can be demonstrated that the powder does not interfere with the sample analysis. 4. Change gloves after preliminary activities, after collecting all the samples at a single sampling point, if torn or used to handle extremely dirty or highly contaminated surfaces. Properly dispose of all used gloves as investigation derived wastes. b.) Properly manage all investigation derived waste (IDW). 5. To prevent contamination into previously uncontaminated areas, properly manage all IDW. This includes all water, soil, drilling mud, decontamination wastes, discarded personal protective equipment (PPE), etc. from site investigations, exploratory borings, piezometer and monitoring well installation, refurbishment, abandonment, and other investigative activities. Manage all IDW that is determined to be RCRA-regulated hazardous waste according to the local, state and federal requirements. 6. Properly dispose of IDW that is not a RCRA-regulated hazardous waste but is contaminated above the Department’s Soil Cleanup Target Levels or the state standards and/or minimum criteria for ground water quality. If the drill cuttings/mud orpurged well water is contaminated with hazardous waste, contact the DWM Hazardous Waste Section (919-508-8400) for disposal options. Maintain all containers holding IDW in good condition. Periodically inspect the containers for damage and ensure that all required labeling (DOT, RCRA, etc.) are clearly visible. Rev 4-08 3 Sample Storage and Transport Store samples for transport carefully. Pack samples to prevent from breaking and to maintain a temperature of approximately 4 degrees Celsius (°C), adding ice if necessary. Transport samples to a North Carolina-certified laboratory as soon as possible. Avoid unnecessary handling of sample containers. Avoid heating (room temperature or above, including exposure to sunlight) or freezing of the sample containers. Reduce the time between sample collection and delivery to a laboratory whenever possible and be sure that the analytical holding times of your samples can be met by the laboratory. a.) A complete chain-of-custody (COC) form must be maintained to document all transfers and receipts of the samples. Be sure that the sample containers are labeled with the sample location and/or well number, sample identification, the date and time of collection, the analysis to be performed, the preservative added (if any), the sampler’s initials, and any other pertinent information for sample identification. The labels should contain a unique identifier (i.e., unique well numbers) that can be traced to the COC form. The details of sample collection must be documented on the COC. The COC must include the following: 1. Description of each sample (including QA/QC samples) and the number of containers (sample location and identification) 2. Signature of the sampler 3. Date and time of sample collection 4. Analytical method to be performed 5. Sample type (i.e., water or soil) 6. Regulatory agency (i.e., NCDENR/DWM – SW Section) 7. Signatures of all persons relinquishing and receiving custody of the samples 8. Dates and times of custody transfers b.) Pack samples so that they are segregated by site, sampling location or by sample analysis type. When COC samples are involved, segregate samples in coolers by site. If samples from multiple sites will fit in one cooler, they may be packed in the same cooler with the associated field sheets and a single COC form for all. Coolers should not exceed a maximum weight of 50 lbs. Use additional coolers as necessary. All sample containers should be placed in plastic bags (segregated by analysis and location) and completely surrounded by ice. 1. Prepare and place trip blanks in an ice filled cooler before leaving for the field. 2. Segregate samples by analysis and place in sealable plastic bags. 3. Pack samples carefully in the cooler placing ice around the samples. 4. Review the COC. The COC form must accompany the samples to the laboratory. The trip blank(s) must also be recorded on the COC form. 5. Place completed COC form in a waterproof bag, sealed and taped under the lid of the cooler. 6. Secure shipping containers with strapping tape to avoid accidental opening. 7. For COC samples, a tamper-proof seal may also be placed over the cooler lid or over a bag or container containing the samples inside the shipping cooler. Rev 4-08 4 8. "COC" or "EMERG" should be written in indelible ink on the cooler seal to alert sample receipt technicians to priority or special handling samples. 9. The date and sample handler's signature must also be written on the COC seal. 10. Deliver the samples to the laboratory or ship by commercial courier. NOTE: If transport time to the laboratory is not long enough to allow samples to be cooled to 4° C, a temperature reading of the sample source must be documented as the field temperature on the COC form. A downward trend in temperature will be adequate even if cooling to 4° C is not achieved. The field temperature should always be documented if there is any question as to whether samples will have time to cool to 4° C during shipment. Thermometers must be calibrated annually against an NIST traceable thermometer and documentation must be retained. Rev 4-08 5 Appendix A - Decontamination of Field Equipment Decontamination of personnel, sampling equipment, and containers - before and after sampling - must be used to ensure collection of representative samples and to prevent the potential spread of contamination. Decontamination of personnel prevents ingestion and absorption of contaminants. It must be done with a soap and water wash and deionized or distilled water rinse. Certified pre-cleaned sampling equipment and containers may also be used. All previously used sampling equipment must be properly decontaminated before sampling and between sampling locations. This prevents the introduction of contamination into uncontaminated samples and avoids cross-contamination of samples. Cross-contamination can be a significant problem when attempting to characterize extremely low concentrations of organic compounds or when working with soils that are highly contaminated. Clean, solvent-resistant gloves and appropriate protective equipment must be worn by persons decontaminating tools and equipment. Cleaning Reagents Recommendations for the types and grades of various cleaning supplies are outlined below. The recommended reagent types or grades were selected to ensure that the cleaned equipment is free from any detectable contamination. a.) Detergents: Use Liqui-Nox (or a non-phosphate equivalent) or Alconox (or equivalent). Liqui-Nox (or equivalent) is recommended by EPA, although Alconox (or equivalent) may be substituted if the sampling equipment will not be used to collect phosphorus or phosphorus containing compounds. b.) Solvents: Use pesticide grade isopropanol as the rinse solvent in routine equipment cleaning procedures. This grade of alcohol must be purchased from a laboratory supply vendor. Rubbing alcohol or other commonly available sources of isopropanol are not acceptable. Other solvents, such as acetone or methanol, may be used as the final rinse solvent if they are pesticide grade. However, methanol is more toxic to the environment and acetone may be an analyte of interest for volatile organics. 1. Do not use acetone if volatile organics are of interest 2. Containerize all methanol wastes (including rinses) and dispose as a hazardous waste. Pre-clean equipment that is heavily contaminated with organic analytes. Use reagent grade acetone and hexane or other suitable solvents. Use pesticide grade methylene chloride when cleaning sample containers. Store all solvents away from potential sources of contamination. c.) Analyte-Free Water Sources: Analyte-free water is water in which all analytes of interest and all interferences are below method detection limits. Maintain documentation (such as results from equipment blanks) to demonstrate the reliability and purity of analyte-free water source(s). The source of the water must meet the requirements of the analytical method and must be free from the analytes of interest. In general, the following water types are associated with specific analyte groups: 1. Milli-Q (or equivalent polished water): suitable for all analyses. Rev 4-08 6 2. Organic-free: suitable for volatile and extractable organics. 3. Deionized water: may not be suitable for volatile and extractable organics. 4. Distilled water: not suitable for volatile and extractable organics, metals or ultratrace metals. Use analyte-free water for blank preparation and the final decontamination water rinse. In order to minimize long-term storage and potential leaching problems, obtain or purchase analyte-free water just prior to the sampling event. If obtained from a source (such as a laboratory), fill the transport containers and use the contents for a single sampling event. Empty the transport container(s) at the end of the sampling event. Discard any analyte-free water that is transferred to a dispensing container (such as a wash bottle or pump sprayer) at the end of each sampling day. d.) Acids: 1. Reagent Grade Nitric Acid: 10 - 15% (one volume concentrated nitric acid and five volumes deionized water). Use for the acid rinse unless nitrogen components (e.g., nitrate, nitrite, etc.) are to be sampled. If sampling for ultra-trace levels of metals, use an ultra-pure grade acid. 2. Reagent Grade Hydrochloric Acid: 10% hydrochloric acid (one volume concentrated hydrochloric and three volumes deionized water). Use when nitrogen components are to be sampled. 3. If samples for both metals and the nitrogen-containing components are collected with the equipment, use the hydrochloric acid rinse, or thoroughly rinse with hydrochloric acid after a nitric acid rinse. If sampling for ultra trace levels of metals, use an ultra-pure grade acid. 4. Freshly prepared acid solutions may be recycled during the sampling event or cleaning process. Dispose of any unused acids according to local ordinances. Reagent Storage Containers The contents of all containers must be clearly marked. a.) Detergents: 1. Store in the original container or in a HDPE or PP container. b.) Solvents: 1. Store solvents to be used for cleaning or decontamination in the original container until use in the field. If transferred to another container for field use, use either a glass or Teflon container. 2. Use dispensing containers constructed of glass, Teflon or stainless steel. Note: If stainless steel sprayers are used, any gaskets that contact the solvents must be constructed of inert materials. c.) Analyte-Free Water: 1. Transport in containers appropriate for the type of water stored. If the water is commercially purchased (e.g., grocery store), use the original containers when transporting the water to the field. Containers made of glass, Teflon, polypropylene or HDPE are acceptable. 2. Use glass or Teflon to transport organic-free sources of water on-site. Polypropylene or HDPE may be used, but are not recommended. Rev 4-08 7 3. Dispense water from containers made of glass, Teflon, HDPE or polypropylene. 4. Do not store water in transport containers for more than three days before beginning a sampling event. 5. If working on a project that has oversight from EPA Region 4, use glass containers for the transport and storage of all water. 6. Store and dispense acids using containers made of glass, Teflon or plastic. General Requirements a.) Prior to use, clean/decontaminate all sampling equipment (pumps, tubing, lanyards, split spoons, etc.) that will be exposed to the sample. b.) Before installing, clean (or obtain as certified pre-cleaned) all equipment that is dedicated to a single sampling point and remains in contact with the sample medium (e.g., permanently installed groundwater pump). If you use certified pre-cleaned equipment no cleaning is necessary. 1. Clean this equipment any time it is removed for maintenance or repair. 2. Replace dedicated tubing if discolored or damaged. c.) Clean all equipment in a designated area having a controlled environment (house, laboratory, or base of field operations) and transport it to the field, pre-cleaned and ready to use, unless otherwise justified. d.) Rinse all equipment with water after use, even if it is to be field-cleaned for other sites. Rinse equipment used at contaminated sites or used to collect in-process (e.g., untreated or partially treated wastewater) samples immediately with water. e.) Whenever possible, transport sufficient clean equipment to the field so that an entire sampling event can be conducted without the need for cleaning equipment in the field. f.) Segregate equipment that is only used once (i.e., not cleaned in the field) from clean equipment and return to the in-house cleaning facility to be cleaned in a controlled environment. g.) Protect decontaminated field equipment from environmental contamination by securely wrapping and sealing with one of the following: 1. Aluminum foil (commercial grade is acceptable) 2. Untreated butcher paper 3. Clean, untreated, disposable plastic bags. Plastic bags may be used for all analyte groups except volatile and extractable organics. Plastic bags may be used for volatile and extractable organics, if the equipment is first wrapped in foil or butcher paper, or if the equipment is completely dry. Cleaning Sample Collection Equipment a.) On-Site/In-Field Cleaning – Cleaning equipment on-site is not recommended because environmental conditions cannot be controlled and wastes (solvents and acids) must be containerized for proper disposal. 1. Ambient temperature water may be substituted in the hot, sudsy water bath and hot water rinses. NOTE: Properly dispose of all solvents and acids. Rev 4-08 8 2. Rinse all equipment with water after use, even if it is to be field-cleaned for other sites. 3. Immediately rinse equipment used at contaminated sites or used to collect in-process (e.g., untreated or partially treated wastewater) samples with water. b.) Heavily Contaminated Equipment - In order to avoid contaminating other samples, isolate heavily contaminated equipment from other equipment and thoroughly decontaminate the equipment before further use. Equipment is considered heavily contaminated if it: 1. Has been used to collect samples from a source known to contain significantly higher levels than background. 2. Has been used to collect free product. 3. Has been used to collect industrial products (e.g., pesticides or solvents) or their byproducts. NOTE: Cleaning heavily contaminated equipment in the field is not recommended. c.) On-Site Procedures: 1. Protect all other equipment, personnel and samples from exposure by isolating the equipment immediately after use. 2. At a minimum, place the equipment in a tightly sealed, untreated, plastic bag. 3. Do not store or ship the contaminated equipment next to clean, decontaminated equipment, unused sample containers, or filled sample containers. 4. Transport the equipment back to the base of operations for thorough decontamination. 5. If cleaning must occur in the field, document the effectiveness of the procedure, collect and analyze blanks on the cleaned equipment. d.) Cleaning Procedures: 1. If organic contamination cannot be readily removed with scrubbing and a detergent solution, pre-rinse equipment by thoroughly rinsing or soaking the equipment in acetone. 2. Use hexane only if preceded and followed by acetone. 3. In extreme cases, it may be necessary to steam clean the field equipment before proceeding with routine cleaning procedures. 4. After the solvent rinses (and/or steam cleaning), use the appropriate cleaning procedure. Scrub, rather than soak, all equipment with sudsy water. If high levels of metals are suspected and the equipment cannot be cleaned without acid rinsing, soak the equipment in the appropriate acid. Since stainless steel equipment should not be exposed to acid rinses, do not use stainless steel equipment when heavy metal contamination is suspected or present. 5. If the field equipment cannot be cleaned utilizing these procedures, discard unless further cleaning with stronger solvents and/or oxidizing solutions is effective as evidenced by visual observation and blanks. 6. Clearly mark or disable all discarded equipment to discourage use. Rev 4-08 9 e.) General Cleaning - Follow these procedures when cleaning equipment under controlled conditions. Check manufacturer's instructions for cleaning restrictions and/or recommendations. 1. Procedure for Teflon, stainless steel and glass sampling equipment: This procedure must be used when sampling for ALL analyte groups. (Extractable organics, metals, nutrients, etc. or if a single decontamination protocol is desired to clean all Teflon, stainless steel and glass equipment.) Rinse equipment with hot tap water. Soak equipment in a hot, sudsy water solution (Liqui-Nox or equivalent). If necessary, use a brush to remove particulate matter or surface film. Rinse thoroughly with hot tap water. If samples for trace metals or inorganic analytes will be collected with the equipment that is not stainless steel, thoroughly rinse (wet all surfaces) with the appropriate acid solution. Rinse thoroughly with analyte-free water. Make sure that all equipment surfaces are thoroughly flushed with water. If samples for volatile or extractable organics will be collected, rinse with isopropanol. Wet equipment surfaces thoroughly with free- flowing solvent. Rinse thoroughly with analyte-free water. Allow to air dry. Wrap and seal as soon as the equipment has air-dried. If isopropanol is used, the equipment may be air-dried without the final analyte-free water rinse; however, the equipment must be completely dry before wrapping or use. Wrap clean sampling equipment according to the procedure described above. 2. General Cleaning Procedure for Plastic Sampling Equipment: Rinse equipment with hot tap water. Soak equipment in a hot, sudsy water solution (Liqui-Nox or equivalent). If necessary, use a brush to remove particulate matter or surface film. Rinse thoroughly with hot tap water. Thoroughly rinse (wet all surfaces) with the appropriate acid solution. Check manufacturer's instructions for cleaning restrictions and/or recommendations. Rinse thoroughly with analyte-free water. Be sure that all equipment surfaces are thoroughly flushed. Allow to air dry as long as possible. Wrap clean sampling equipment according to the procedure described above. Rev 4-08 10 Appendix B - Collecting Soil Samples Soil samples are collected for a variety of purposes. A methodical sampling approach must be used to assure that sample collection activities provide reliable data. Sampling must begin with an evaluation of background information, historical data and site conditions. Soil Field Screening Procedures Field screening is the use of portable devices capable of detecting petroleum contaminants on a real-time basis or by a rapid field analytical technique. Field screening should be used to help assess locations where contamination is most likely to be present. When possible, field-screening samples should be collected directly from the excavation or from the excavation equipment's bucket. If field screening is conducted only from the equipment's bucket, then a minimum of one field screening sample should be collected from each 10 cubic yards of excavated soil. If instruments or other observations indicate contamination, soil should be separated into stockpiles based on apparent degrees of contamination. At a minimum, soil suspected of contamination must be segregated from soil observed to be free of contamination. a.) Field screening devices – Many field screen instruments are available for detecting contaminants in the field on a rapid or real-time basis. Acceptable field screening instruments must be suitable for the contaminant being screened. The procdedure for field screening using photoionization detectors (PIDs) and flame ionization detectors (FIDs) is described below. If other instruments are used, a description of the instrument or method and its intended use must be provided to the Solid Waste Section. Whichever field screening method is chosen, its accuracy must be verified throughout the sampling process. Use appropriate standards that match the use intended for the data. Unless the Solid Waste Section indicates otherwise, wherever field screening is recommended in this document, instrumental or analytical methods of detection must be used, not olfactory or visual screening methods. b.) Headspace analytical screening procedure for filed screening (semi-quantitative field screening) - The most commonly used field instruments for Solid Waste Section site assessments are FIDs and PIDs. When using FIDs and PIDs, use the following headspace screening procedure to obtain and analyze field-screening samples: 1. Partially fill (one-third to one-half) a clean jar or clean ziplock bag with the sample to be analyzed. The total capacity of the jar or bag may not be less than eight ounces (app. 250 ml), but the container should not be so large as to allow vapor diffusion and stratification effects to significantly affect the sample. 2. If the sample is collected from a spilt-spoon, it must be transferred to the jar or bag for headspace analysis immediately after opening the split- spoon. If the sample is collected from an excavation or soil pile, it must be collected from freshly uncovered soil. Rev 4-08 11 3. If a jar is used, it must be quickly covered with clean aluminum foil or a jar lid; screw tops or thick rubber bands must be used to tightly seal the jar. If a zip lock bag is used, it must be quickly sealed shut. 4. Headspace vapors must be allowed to develop in the container for at least 10 minutes but no longer than one hour. Containers must be shaken or agitated for 15 seconds at the beginning and the end of the headspace development period to assist volatilization. Temperatures of the headspace must be warmed to at least 5° C (approximately 40° F) with instruments calibrated for the temperature used. 5. After headspace development, the instrument sampling probe must be inserted to a point about one-half the headspace depth. The container opening must be minimized and care must be taken to avoid the uptake of water droplets and soil particulates. 6. After probe insertion, the highest meter reading must be taken and recorded. This will normally occur between two and five seconds after probe insertion. If erratic meter response occurs at high organic vapor concentrations or conditions of elevated headspace moisture, a note to that effect must accompany the headspace data. 7. All field screening results must be documented in the field record or log book. Soil Sample Collection Procedures for Laboratory Samples The number and type of laboratory samples collected depends on the purpose of the sampling activity. Samples analyzed with field screening devices may not be substituted for required laboratory samples. a.) General Sample Collection - When collecting samples from potentially contaminated soil, care should be taken to reduce contact with skin or other parts of the body. Disposable gloves should be worn by the sample collector and should be changed between samples to avoid cross-contamination. Soil samples should be collected in a manner that causes the least disturbance to the internal structure of the sample and reduces its exposure to heat, sunlight and open air. Likewise, care should be taken to keep the samples from being contaminated by other materials or other samples collected at the site. When sampling is to occur over an extended period of time, it is necessary to insure that the samples are collected in a comparable manner. All samples must be collected with disposable or clean tools that have been decontaminated. Disposable gloves must be worn and changed between sample collections. Sample containers must be filled quickly. Soil samples must be placed in containers in the order of volatility, for example, volatile organic aromatic samples must be taken first, organics next, then heavier range organics, and finally soil classification samples. Containers must be quickly and adequately sealed, and rims must be cleaned before tightening lids. Tape may be used only if known not to affect sample analysis. Sample containers must be clearly labeled. Containers must immediately be preserved according to procedures in this Section. Unless specified Rev 4-08 12 otherwise, at a minimum, the samples must be immediately cooled to 4 ± 2°C and this temperature must be maintained throughout delivery to the laboratory. b.) Surface Soil Sampling - Surface soil is generally classified as soil between the ground surface and 6-12 inches below ground surface. Remove leaves, grass and surface debris from the area to be sampled. Select an appropriate, pre-cleaned sampling device and collect the sample. Transfer the sample to the appropriate sample container. Clean the outside of the sample container to remove excess soil. Label the sample container, place on wet ice to preserve at 4°C, and complete the field notes. c.) Subsurface Soil Sampling – The interval begins at approximately 12 inches below ground surface. Collect samples for volatile organic analyses. For other analyses, select an appropriate, pre-cleaned sampling device and collect the sample. Transfer the sample to the appropriate sample container. Clean the outside of the sample container to remove excess soil. Label the sample container, place on wet ice to preserve at 4°C, and complete field notes. d.) Equipment for Reaching the Appropriate Soil Sampling Depth - Samples may be collected using a hollow stem soil auger, direct push, Shelby tube, split-spoon sampler, or core barrel. These sampling devices may be used as long as an effort is made to reduce the loss of contaminants through volatilization. In these situations, obtain a sufficient volume of so the samples can be collected without volatilization and disturbance to the internal structure of the samples. Samples should be collected from cores of the soil. Non-disposable sampling equipment must be decontaminated between each sample location. NOTE: If a confining layer has been breached during sampling, grout the hole to land. e.) Equipment to Collect Soil Samples - Equipment and materials that may be used to collect soil samples include disposable plastic syringes and other “industry-standard” equipment and materials that are contaminant-free. Non-disposable sampling equipment must be decontaminated between each sample location. Rev 4-08 13 Appendix C - Collecting Groundwater Samples Groundwater samples are collected to identify, investigate, assess and monitor the concentration of dissolved contaminant constituents. To properly assess groundwater contamination, first install sampling points (monitoring wells, etc.) to collect groundwater samples and then perform specific laboratory analyses. All monitoring wells should be constructed in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0100 and sampled as outlined in this section. Groundwater monitoring is conducted using one of two methods: 1. Portable Monitoring: Monitoring that is conducted using sampling equipment that is discarded between sampling locations. Equipment used to collect a groundwater sample from a well such as bailers, tubing, gloves, and etc. are disposed of after sample collection. A new set of sampling equipment is used to collect a groundwater sample at the next monitor well. 2. Dedicated Monitoring: Monitoring that utilizes permanently affixed down-well and well head components that are capped after initial set-up. Most dedicated monitoring systems are comprised of an in-well submersible bladder pump, with air supply and sample discharge tubing, and an above-ground driver/controller for regulation of flow rates and volumes. The pump and all tubing housed within the well should be composed of Teflon or stainless steel components. This includes seals inside the pump, the pump body, and fittings used to connect tubing to the pump. Because ground water will not be in contact with incompatible constituents and because the well is sealed from the surface, virtually no contamination is possible from intrinsic sources during sampling and between sampling intervals. All dedicated monitoring systems must be approved by the Solid Waste Section before installation. Groundwater samples may be collected from a number of different configurations. Each configuration is associated with a unique set of sampling equipment requirements and techniques: 1. Wells without Plumbing: These wells require equipment to be brought to the well to purge and sample unless dedicated equipment is placed in the well. 2. Wells with In-Place Plumbing: Wells with in-place plumbing do not require equipment to be brought to the well to purge and sample. In-place plumbing is generally considered permanent equipment routinely used for purposes other than purging and sampling, such as for water supply. 3. Air Strippers or Remedial Systems: These types of systems are installed as remediation devices. Rev 4-08 14 Groundwater Sample Preparation The type of sample containers used depends on the type of analysis performed. First, determine the type(s) of contaminants expected and the proper analytical method(s). Be sure to consult your selected laboratory for its specific needs and requirements prior to sampling. Next, prepare the storage and transport containers (ice chest, etc.) before taking any samples so that each sample can be placed in a chilled environment immediately after collection. Use groundwater purging and sampling equipment constructed of only non-reactive, non- leachable materials that are compatible with the environment and the selected analytes. In selecting groundwater purging and sampling equipment, give consideration to the depth of the well, the depth to groundwater, the volume of water to be evacuated, the sampling and purging technique, and the analytes of interest. Additional supplies, such as reagents and preservatives, may be necessary. All sampling equipment (bailers, tubing, containers, etc.) must be selected based on its chemical compatibility with the source being sampled (e.g., water supply well, monitoring well) and the contaminants potentially present. a.) Pumps - All pumps or pump tubing must be lowered and retrieved from the well slowly and carefully to minimize disturbance to the formation water. This is especially critical at the air/water interface. 1. Above-Ground Pumps • Variable Speed Peristaltic Pump: Use a variable speed peristaltic pump to purge groundwater from wells when the static water level in the well is no greater than 20- 25 feet below land surface (BLS). If the water levels are deeper than 18-20 feet BLS, the pumping velocity will decrease. A variable speed peristaltic pump can be used for normal purging and sampling, and sampling low permeability aquifers or formations. Most analyte groups can be sampled with a peristaltic pump if the tubing and pump configurations are appropriate. • Variable Speed Centrifugal Pump: A variable speed centrifugal pump can be used to purge groundwater from 2-inch and larger internal diameter wells. Do not use this type of pump to collect groundwater samples. When purging is complete, do not allow the water that remains in the tubing to fall back into the well. Install a check valve at the end of the purge tubing. 2. Submersible Pumps • Variable Speed Electric Submersible Pump: A variable speed submersible pump can be used to purge and sample groundwater from 2-inch and larger internal diameter wells. A variable speed submersible pump can be used for normal purging and sampling, and sampling low permeability aquifers or formations. The pump housing, fittings, check valves and associated hardware must be constructed of stainless steel. All other materials must be Rev 4-08 15 compatible with the analytes of interest. Install a check valve at the output side of the pump to prevent backflow. If purging and sampling for organics, the entire length of the delivery tube must be Teflon, polyethylene or polypropylene (PP) tubing; the electrical cord must be sealed in Teflon, polyethylene or PP and any cabling must be sealed in Teflon, polyethylene or PP, or be constructed of stainless steel; and all interior components that contact the sample water (impeller, seals, gaskets, etc.) must be constructed of stainless steel or Teflon. 3. Variable Speed Bladder Pump: A variable speed, positive displacement, bladder pump can be used to purge and sample groundwater from 3/4-inch and larger internal diameter wells. • A variable speed bladder pump can be used for normal purging and sampling, and sampling low permeability aquifers or formations. • The bladder pump system is composed of the pump, the compressed air tubing, the water discharge tubing, the controller and a compressor, or a compressed gas supply. • The pump consists of a bladder and an exterior casing or pump body that surrounds the bladder and two (2) check valves. These parts can be composed of various materials, usually combinations of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), Teflon, polyethylene, PP and stainless steel. Other materials must be compatible with the analytes of interest. • If purging and sampling for organics, the pump body must be constructed of stainless steel. The valves and bladder must be Teflon, polyethylene or PP; the entire length of the delivery tube must be Teflon, polyethylene or PP; and any cabling must be sealed in Teflon, polyethylene or PP, or be constructed of stainless steel. • Permanently installed pumps may have a PVC pump body as long as the pump remains in contact with the water in the well. b.) Bailers 1. Purging: Bailers must be used with caution because improper bailing can cause changes in the chemistry of the water due to aeration and loosening particulate matter in the space around the well screen. Use a bailer if there is non-aqueous phase liquid (free product) in the well or if non-aqueous phase liquid is suspected to be in the well. 2. Sampling: Bailers must be used with caution. 3. Construction and Type: Bailers must be constructed of materials compatible with the analytes of interest. Stainless steel, Teflon, rigid medical grade PVC, polyethylene and PP bailers may be used to sample all analytes. Use disposable bailers when sampling grossly contaminated sample sources. NCDENR recommends using dual check valve bailers when collecting samples. Use bailers with a controlled flow bottom to collect volatile organic samples. Rev 4-08 16 4. Contamination Prevention: Keep the bailer wrapped (foil, butcher paper, etc.) until just before use. Use protective gloves to handle the bailer once it is removed from its wrapping. Handle the bailer by the lanyard to minimize contact with the bailer surface. c.) Lanyards 1. Lanyards must be made of non-reactive, non-leachable material. They may be cotton twine, nylon, stainless steel, or may be coated with Teflon, polyethylene or PP. 2. Discard cotton twine, nylon, and non-stainless steel braided lanyards after sampling each monitoring well. 3. Decontaminate stainless steel, coated Teflon, polyethylene and PP lanyards between monitoring wells. They do not need to be decontaminated between purging and sampling operations. Water Level and Purge Volume Determination The amount of water that must be purged from a well is determined by the volume of water and/or field parameter stabilization. a.) General Equipment Considerations - Selection of appropriate purging equipment depends on the analytes of interest, the well diameter, transmissivity of the aquifer, the depth to groundwater, and other site conditions. 1. Use of a pump to purge the well is recommended unless no other equipment can be used or there is non-aqueous phase liquid in the well, or non-aqueous phase liquid is suspected to be in the well. 2. Bailers must be used with caution because improper bailing: • Introduces atmospheric oxygen, which may precipitate metals (i.e., iron) or cause other changes in the chemistry of the water in the sample (i.e., pH). • Agitates groundwater, which may bias volatile and semi- volatile organic analyses due to volatilization. • Agitates the water in the aquifer and resuspends fine particulate matter. • Surges the well, loosening particulate matter in the annular space around the well screen. • May introduce dirt into the water column if the sides of the casing wall are scraped. NOTE: It is critical for bailers to be slowly and gently immersed into the top of the water column, particularly during the final stages of purging. This minimizes turbidity and disturbance of volatile organic constituents. b.) Initial Inspection 1. Remove the well cover and remove all standing water around the top of the well casing (manhole) before opening the well. 2. Inspect the exterior protective casing of the monitoring well for damage. Document the results of the inspection if there is a problem. 3. It is recommended that you place a protective covering around the well head. Replace the covering if it becomes soiled or ripped. Rev 4-08 17 4. Inspect the well lock and determine whether the cap fits tightly. Replace the cap if necessary. c.) Water Level Measurements - Use an electronic probe or chalked tape to determine the water level. Decontaminate all equipment before use. Measure the depth to groundwater from the top of the well casing to the nearest 0.01 foot. Always measure from the same reference point or survey mark on the well casing. Record the measurement. 1. Electronic Probe: Decontaminate all equipment before use. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use. Record the measurement. 2. Chalked Line Method: Decontaminate all equipment before use. Lower chalked tape into the well until the lower end is in the water. This is usually determined by the sound of the weight hitting the water. Record the length of the tape relative to the reference point. Remove the tape and note the length of the wetted portion. Record the length. Determine the depth to water by subtracting the length of the wetted portion from the total length. Record the result. d.) Water Column Determination - To determine the length of the water column, subtract the depth to the top of the water column from the total well depth (or gauged well depth if silting has occurred). The total well depth depends on the well construction. If gauged well depth is used due to silting, report total well depth also. Some wells may be drilled in areas of sinkhole, karst formations or rock leaving an open borehole. Attempt to find the total borehole depth in cases where there is an open borehole below the cased portion. e.) Well Water Volume - Calculate the total volume of water, in gallons, in the well using the following equation: V = (0.041)d x d x h Where: V = volume in gallons d = well diameter in inches h = height of the water column in feet The total volume of water in the well may also be determined with the following equation by using a casing volume per foot factor (Gallons per Foot of Water) for the appropriate diameter well: V = [Gallons per Foot of Water] x h Where: V = volume in gallons h = height of the water column in feet Record all measurements and calculations in the field records. f.) Purging Equipment Volume - Calculate the total volume of the pump, associated tubing and flow cell (if used), using the following equation: V = p + ((0.041)d x d x l) + fc Where: V = volume in gallons p = volume of pump in gallons d = tubing diameter in inches l = length of tubing in feet Rev 4-08 18 fc = volume of flow cell in gallons g.) If the groundwater elevation data are to be used to construct groundwater elevation contour maps, all water level measurements must be taken within the same 24 hour time interval when collecting samples from multiple wells on a site, unless a shorter time period is required. If the site is tidally influenced, complete the water level measurements within the time frame of an incoming or outgoing tide. Well Purging Techniques The selection of the purging technique and equipment is dependent on the hydrogeologic properties of the aquifer, especially depth to groundwater and hydraulic conductivity. a.) Measuring the Purge Volume - The volume of water that is removed during purging must be recorded. Therefore, you must measure the volume during the purging operation. 1. Collect the water in a graduated container and multiply the number of times the container was emptied by the volume of the container, OR 2. Estimate the volume based on pumping rate. This technique may be used only if the pumping rate is constant. Determine the pumping rate by measuring the amount of water that is pumped for a fixed period of time, or use a flow meter. • Calculate the amount of water that is discharged per minute: D = Measured Amount/Total Time In Minutes • Calculate the time needed to purge one (1) well volume or one (1) purging equipment volume: Time = V/D Where: V = well volume or purging equipment volume D = discharge rate • Make new measurements each time the pumping rate is changed. 3. Use a totalizing flow meter. • Record the reading on the totalizer prior to purging. • Record the reading on the totalizer at the end of purging. • To obtain the volume purged, subtract the reading on the totalizer prior to purging from the reading on the totalizer at the end of purging. • Record the times that purging begins and ends in the field records. b.) Purging Measurement Frequency - When purging a well that has the well screen fully submerged and the pump or intake tubing is placed within the well casing above the well screen or open hole, purge a minimum of one (1) well volume prior to collecting measurements of the field parameters. Allow at least one quarter (1/4) well volume to purge between subsequent measurements. When purging a well that has the pump or intake tubing placed within a fully submerged well screen or open hole, purge until the water level has stabilized (well recovery rate equals the purge rate), then purge a minimum of one (1) volume of the pump, associated tubing and flow cell (if used) prior to collecting measurements of the field parameters. Take measurements of the field parameters no sooner than two (2) to three (3) minutes apart. Purge at least Rev 4-08 19 three (3) volumes of the pump, associated tubing and flow cell, if used, prior to collecting a sample. When purging a well that has a partially submerged well screen, purge a minimum of one (1) well volume prior to collecting measurements of the field parameters. Take measurements of the field parameters no sooner than two (2) to three (3) minutes apart. c.) Purging Completion - Wells must be adequately purged prior to sample collection to ensure representation of the aquifer formation water, rather than stagnant well water. This may be achieved by purging three volumes from the well or by satisfying any one of the following three purge completion criteria: 1.) Three (3) consecutive measurements in which the three (3) parameters listed below are within the stated limits, dissolved oxygen is no greater than 20 percent of saturation at the field measured temperature, and turbidity is no greater than 20 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTUs). • Temperature: + 0.2° C • pH: + 0.2 Standard Units • Specific Conductance: + 5.0% of reading Document and report the following, as applicable. The last four items only need to be submitted once: • Purging rate. • Drawdown in the well, if any. • A description of the process and the data used to design the well. • The equipment and procedure used to install the well. • The well development procedure. • Pertinent lithologic or hydrogeologic information. 2.) If it is impossible to get dissolved oxygen at or below 20 percent of saturation at the field measured temperature or turbidity at or below 20 NTUs, then three (3) consecutive measurements of temperature, pH, specific conductance and the parameter(s) dissolved oxygen and/or turbidity that do not meet the requirements above must be within the limits below. The measurements are: • Temperature: + 0.2° C • pH: + 0.2 Standard Units • Specific Conductance: + 5.0% of reading • Dissolved Oxygen: + 0.2 mg/L or 10%, whichever is greater • Turbidity: + 5 NTUs or 10%, whichever is greater Additionally, document and report the following, as applicable, except that the last four(4) items only need to be submitted once: • Purging rate. • Drawdown in the well, if any. • A description of conditions at the site that may cause the dissolved oxygen to be high and/or dissolved oxygen measurements made within the screened or open hole portion of the well with a downhole dissolved oxygen probe. Rev 4-08 20 • A description of conditions at the site that may cause the turbidity to be high and any procedures that will be used to minimize turbidity in the future. • A description of the process and the data used to design the well. • The equipment and procedure used to install the well. • The well development procedure. • Pertinent lithologic or hydrogeologic information. 3.) If after five (5) well volumes, three (3) consecutive measurements of the field parameters temperature, pH, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity are not within the limits stated above, check the instrument condition and calibration, purging flow rate and all tubing connections to determine if they might be affecting the ability to achieve stable measurements. It is at the discretion of the consultant/contractor whether or not to collect a sample or to continue purging. Further, the report in which the data are submitted must include the following, as applicable. The last four (4) items only need to be submitted once. • Purging rate. • Drawdown in the well, if any. • A description of conditions at the site that may cause the Dissolved Oxygen to be high and/or Dissolved Oxygen measurements made within the screened or open hole portion of the well with a downhole dissolved oxygen probe. • A description of conditions at the site that may cause the turbidity to be high and any procedures that will be used to minimize turbidity in the future. • A description of the process and the data used to design the well. • The equipment and procedure used to install the well. • The well development procedure. • Pertinent lithologic or hydrogeologic information. If wells have previously and consistently purged dry, and the current depth to groundwater indicates that the well will purge dry during the current sampling event, minimize the amount of water removed from the well by using the same pump to purge and collect the sample: • Place the pump or tubing intake within the well screened interval. • Use very small diameter Teflon, polyethylene or PP tubing and the smallest possible pump chamber volume. This will minimize the total volume of water pumped from the well and reduce drawdown. • Select tubing that is thick enough to minimize oxygen transfer through the tubing walls while pumping. Rev 4-08 21 • Pump at the lowest possible rate (100 mL/minute or less) to reduce drawdown to a minimum. • Purge at least two (2) volumes of the pumping system (pump, tubing and flow cell, if used). • Measure pH, specific conductance, temperature, dissolved oxygen and turbidity, then begin to collect the samples. Collect samples immediately after purging is complete. The time period between completing the purge and sampling cannot exceed six hours. If sample collection does not occur within one hour of purging completion, re-measure the five field parameters: temperature, pH, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen and turbidity, just prior to collecting the sample. If the measured values are not within 10 percent of the previous measurements, re-purge the well. The exception is “dry” wells. d.) Lanyards 1. Securely fasten lanyards, if used, to any downhole equipment (bailers, pumps, etc.). 2. Use bailer lanyards in such a way that they do not touch the ground surface. Wells Without Plumbing a.) Tubing/Pump Placement 1. If attempting to minimize the volume of purge water, position the intake hose or pump at the midpoint of the screened or open hole interval. 2. If monitoring well conditions do not allow minimizing of the purge water volume, position the pump or intake hose near the top of the water column. This will ensure that all stagnant water in the casing is removed. 3. If the well screen or borehole is partially submerged, and the pump will be used for both purging and sampling, position the pump midway between the measured water level and the bottom of the screen. Otherwise, position the pump or intake hose near the top of the water column. b.) Non-dedicated (portable) pumps 1. Variable Speed Peristaltic Pump • Wear sampling gloves to position the decontaminated pump and tubing. • Attach a short section of tubing to the discharge side of the pump and into a graduated container. • Attach one end of a length of new or precleaned tubing to the pump head flexible hose. • Place the tubing as described in one of the options listed above. • Change gloves before beginning to purge. • Measure the depth to groundwater at frequent intervals. • Record these measurements. • Adjust the purging rate so that it is equivalent to the well recovery rate to minimize drawdown. Rev 4-08 22 • If the purging rate exceeds the well recovery rate, reduce the pumping rate to balance the withdrawal rate with the recharge rate. • If the water table continues to drop during pumping, lower the tubing at the approximate rate of drawdown so that water is removed from the top of the water column. • Record the purging rate each time the rate changes. • Measure the purge volume. • Record this measurement. • Decontaminate the pump and tubing between wells (see Appendix C) or if precleaned tubing is used for each well, only the pump. 2. Variable Speed Centrifugal Pump • Position fuel powered equipment downwind and at least 10 feet from the well head. Make sure that the exhaust faces downwind. • Wear sampling gloves to position the decontaminated pump and tubing. • Place the decontaminated suction hose so that water is always pumped from the top of the water column. • Change gloves before beginning to purge. • Equip the suction hose with a foot valve to prevent purge water from re-entering the well. • Measure the depth to groundwater at frequent intervals. • Record these measurements. • To minimize drawdown, adjust the purging rate so that it is equivalent to the well recovery rate. • If the purging rate exceeds the well recovery rate, reduce the pumping rate to balance the withdrawal rate with the recharge rate. • If the water table continues to drop during pumping, lower the tubing at the approximate rate of drawdown so that the water is removed from the top of the water column. • Record the purging rate each time the rate changes. • Measure the purge volume. • Record this measurement. • Decontaminate the pump and tubing between wells or if precleaned tubing is used for each well, only the pump. 3. Variable Speed Electric Submersible Pump • Position fuel powered equipment downwind and at least 10 feet from the well head. Make sure that the exhaust faces downwind. • Wear sampling gloves to position the decontaminated pump and tubing. • Carefully position the decontaminated pump. Rev 4-08 23 • Change gloves before beginning to purge. • Measure the depth to groundwater at frequent intervals. • Record these measurements. • To minimize drawdown, adjust the purging rate so that it is equivalent to the well recovery rate. • If the purging rate exceeds the well recovery rate, reduce the pumping rate to balance the withdrawal rate with the recharge rate. • If the water table continues to drop during pumping, lower the tubing or pump at the approximate rate of drawdown so that water is removed from the top of the water column. • Record the purging rate each time the rate changes. • Measure the purge volume. • Record this measurement. • Decontaminate the pump and tubing between wells or only the pump if precleaned tubing is used for each well. 4. Variable Speed Bladder Pump • Position fuel powered equipment downwind and at least 10 feet from the well head. Make sure that the exhaust faces downwind. • Wear sampling gloves to position the decontaminated pump and tubing. • Attach the tubing and carefully position the pump. • Change gloves before beginning purging. • Measure the depth to groundwater at frequent intervals. • Record these measurements. • To minimize drawdown, adjust the purging rate so that it is equivalent to the well recovery rate. • If the purging rate exceeds the well recovery rate, reduce the pumping rate to balance the withdrawal rate with the recharge rate. • If the water table continues to drop during pumping, lower the tubing or pump at the approximate rate of drawdown so that water is removed from the top of the water column. • Record the purging rate each time the rate changes. • Measure the purge volume. • Record this measurement. • Decontaminate the pump and tubing between wells or if precleaned tubing is used for each well, only the pump. c.) Dedicated Portable Pumps 1. Variable Speed Electric Submersible Pump • Position fuel powered equipment downwind and at least 10 feet from the well head. Make sure that the exhaust faces downwind. • Wear sampling gloves. Rev 4-08 24 • Measure the depth to groundwater at frequent intervals. • Record these measurements. • Adjust the purging rate so that it is equivalent to the well recovery rate to minimize drawdown. • If the purging rate exceeds the well recovery rate, reduce the pumping rate to balance the withdraw with the recharge rate. • Record the purging rate each time the rate changes. • Measure the purge volume. • Record this measurement. 2. Variable Speed Bladder Pump • Position fuel powered equipment downwind and at least 10 feet from the well head. Make sure that the exhaust faces downwind. • Wear sampling gloves. • Measure the depth to groundwater at frequent intervals. • Record these measurements. • Adjust the purging rate so that it is equivalent to the well recovery rate to minimize drawdown. • If the purging rate exceeds the well recovery rate, reduce the pumping rate to balance the withdraw with the recharge rate. • Record the purging rate each time the rate changes. • Measure the purge volume. • Record this measurement. 3. Bailers - Using bailers for purging is not recommended unless care is taken to use proper bailing technique, or if free product is present in the well or suspected to be in the well. • Minimize handling the bailer as much as possible. • Wear sampling gloves. • Remove the bailer from its protective wrapping just before use. • Attach a lanyard of appropriate material. • Use the lanyard to move and position the bailer. • Lower and retrieve the bailer slowly and smoothly. • Lower the bailer carefully into the well to a depth approximately a foot above the water column. • When the bailer is in position, lower the bailer into the water column at a rate of 2 cm/sec until the desired depth is reached. • Do not lower the top of the bailer more than one (1) foot below the top of the water table so that water is removed from the top of the water column. • Allow time for the bailer to fill with aquifer water as it descends into the water column. Rev 4-08 25 • Carefully raise the bailer. Retrieve the bailer at the same rate of 2 cm/sec until the bottom of the bailer has cleared to top of the water column. • Measure the purge volume. • Record the volume of the bailer. • Continue to carefully lower and retrieve the bailer as described above until the purging is considered complete, based on either the removal of 3 well volumes. • Remove at least one (1) well volume before collecting measurements of the field parameters. Take each subsequent set of measurements after removing at least one quarter (1/4) well volume between measurements. Groundwater Sampling Techniques a.) Purge wells. b.) Replace protective covering around the well if it is soiled or torn after completing purging operations. c.) Equipment Considerations 1. The following pumps are approved to collect volatile organic samples: • Stainless steel and Teflon variable speed submersible pumps • Stainless steel and Teflon or polyethylene variable speed bladder pumps • Permanently installed PVC bodied pumps (As long as the pump remains in contact with the water in the well at all times) 2. Collect sample from the sampling device and store in sample container. Do not use intermediate containers. 3. To avoid contamination or loss of analytes from the sample, handle sampling equipment as little as possible and minimize equipment exposure to the sample. 4. To reduce chances of cross-contamination, use dedicated equipment whenever possible. “Dedicated” is defined as equipment that is to be used solely for one location for the life of that equipment (e.g., permanently mounted pump). Purchase dedicated equipment with the most sensitive analyte of interest in mind. • Clean or make sure dedicated pumps are clean before installation. They do not need to be cleaned prior to each use, but must be cleaned if they are withdrawn for repair or servicing. • Clean or make sure any permanently mounted tubing is clean before installation. • Change or clean tubing when the pump is withdrawn for servicing. • Clean any replaceable or temporary parts. Rev 4-08 26 • Collect equipment blanks on dedicated pumping systems when the tubing is cleaned or replaced. • Clean or make sure dedicated bailers are clean before placing them into the well. • Collect an equipment blank on dedicated bailers before introducing them into the water column. • Suspend dedicated bailers above the water column if they are stored in the well. Sampling Wells Without Plumbing a.) Sampling with Pumps – The following pumps may be used to sample for organics: • Peristaltic pumps • Stainless steel, Teflon or polyethylene bladder pumps • Variable speed stainless steel and Teflon submersible pumps 1. Peristaltic Pump • Volatile Organics: One of three methods may be used. ƒ Remove the drop tubing from the inlet side of the pump; submerge the drop tubing into the water column; prevent the water in the tubing from flowing back into the well; remove the drop tubing from the well; carefully allow the groundwater to drain into the sample vials; avoid turbulence; do not aerate the sample; repeat steps until enough vials are filled. OR ƒ Use the pump to fill the drop tubing; quickly remove the tubing from the pump; prevent the water in the tubing from flowing back into the well; remove the drop tubing from the well; carefully allow the groundwater to drain into the sample vials; avoid turbulence; do not aerate the sample; repeat steps until enough vials are filled. OR ƒ Use the pump to fill the drop tubing; withdraw the tubing from the well; reverse the flow on the peristaltic pumps to deliver the sample into the vials at a slow, steady rate; repeat steps until enough vials are filled. • Extractable Organics: If delivery tubing is not polyethylene or PP, or is not Teflon lined, use pump and vacuum trap method. Connect the outflow tubing from the container to the influent side of the peristaltic pump. Turn pump on and reduce flow until smooth and even. Discard a Rev 4-08 27 small portion of the sample to allow for air space. Preserve (if required), label, and complete field notes. • Inorganic samples: These samples may be collected from the effluent tubing. If samples are collected from the pump, decontaminate all tubing (including the tubing in the head) or change it between wells. Preserve (if required), label, and complete field notes. 2. Variable Speed Bladder Pump • If sampling for organics, the pump body must be constructed of stainless steel and the valves and bladder must be Teflon. All tubing must be Teflon, polyethylene, or PP and any cabling must be sealed in Teflon, polyethylene or PP, or made of stainless steel. • After purging to a smooth even flow, reduce the flow rate. • When sampling for volatile organic compounds, reduce the flow rate to 100-200mL/minute, if possible. 3. Variable Speed Submersible Pump • The housing must be stainless steel. • If sampling for organics, the internal impellers, seals and gaskets must be constructed of stainless steel, Teflon, polyethylene or PP. The delivery tubing must be Teflon, polyethylene or PP; the electrical cord must be sealed in Teflon; any cabling must be sealed in Teflon or constructed of stainless steel. • After purging to a smooth even flow, reduce the flow rate. • When sampling for volatile organic compounds, reduce the flow rate to 100-200mL/minute, if possible. b.) Sampling with Bailers - A high degree of skill and coordination are necessary to collect representative samples with a bailer. 1. General Considerations • Minimize handling of bailer as much as possible. • Wear sampling gloves. • Remove bailer from protective wrapping just before use. • Attach a lanyard of appropriate material. • Use the lanyard to move and position the bailers. • Do not allow bailer or lanyard to touch the ground. • If bailer is certified precleaned, no rinsing is necessary. • If both a pump and a bailer are to be used to collect samples, rinse the exterior and interior of the bailer with sample water from the pump before removing the pump. • If the purge pump is not appropriate for collecting samples (e.g., non-inert components), rinse the bailer by collecting a single bailer of the groundwater to be sampled. • Discard the water appropriately. Rev 4-08 28 • Do not rinse the bailer if Oil and Grease samples are to be collected. 2. Bailing Technique • Collect all samples that are required to be collected with a pump before collecting samples with the bailer. • Raise and lower the bailer gently to minimize stirring up particulate matter in the well and the water column, which can increase sample turbidity. • Lower the bailer carefully into the well to a depth approximately a foot above the water column. When the bailer is in position, lower the bailer into the water column at a rate of 2 cm/sec until the desired depth is reached. • Do not lower the top of the bailer more than one foot below the top of the water table, so that water is removed from the top of the water column. • Allow time for the bailer to fill with aquifer water as it descends into the water column. • Do not allow the bailer to touch the bottom of the well or particulate matter will be incorporated into the sample. Carefully raise the bailer. Retrieve the bailer at the same rate of 2 cm/sec until the bottom of the bailer has cleared to top of the water column. • Lower the bailer to approximately the same depth each time. • Collect the sample. Install a device to control the flow from the bottom of the bailer and discard the first few inches of water. Fill the appropriate sample containers by allowing the sample to slowly flow down the side of the container. Discard the last few inches of water in the bailer. • Repeat steps for additional samples. • As a final step measure the DO, pH, temperature, turbidity and specific conductance after the final sample has been collected. Record all measurements and note the time that sampling was completed. c.) Sampling Low Permeability Aquifers or Wells that have Purged Dry 1. Collect the sample(s) after the well has been purged. Minimize the amount of water removed from the well by using the same pump to purge and collect the sample. If the well has purged dry, collect samples as soon as sufficient sample water is available. 2. Measure the five field parameters temperature, pH, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen and turbidity at the time of sample collection. 3. Advise the analytical laboratory and the client that the usual amount of sample for analysis may not be available. Rev 4-08 29 Appendix D - Collecting Samples from Wells with Plumbing in Place In-place plumbing is generally considered permanent equipment routinely used for purposes other than purging and sampling, such as for water supply. a.) Air Strippers or Remedial Systems - These types of systems are installed as remediation devices. Collect influent and effluent samples from air stripping units as described below. 1. Remove any tubing from the sampling port and flush for one to two minutes. 2. Remove all hoses, aerators and filters (if possible). 3. Open the spigot and purge sufficient volume to flush the spigot and lines and until the purging completion criteria have been met. 4. Reduce the flow rate to approximately 500 mL/minute (a 1/8” stream) or approximately 0.1 gal/minute before collecting samples. 5. Follow procedures for collecting samples from water supply wells as outlined below. b.) Water Supply Wells – Water supply wells with in-place plumbing do not require equipment to be brought to the well to purge and sample. Water supply wells at UST facilities must be sampled for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and semivolatile compounds (SVOCs). 1. Procedures for Sampling Water Supply Wells • Label sample containers prior to sample collection. • Prepare the storage and transport containers (ice chest, etc.) before taking any samples so each collected sample can be placed in a chilled environment immediately after collection. • You must choose the tap closest to the well, preferably at the wellhead. The tap must be before any holding or pressurization tank, water softener, ion exchange, disinfection process or before the water line enters the residence, office or building. If no tap fits the above conditions, a new tap that does must be installed. • The well pump must not be lubricated with oil, as that may contaminate the samples. • The sampling tap must be protected from exterior contamination associated with being too close to a sink bottom or to the ground. If the tap is too close to the ground for direct collection into the appropriate container, it is acceptable to use a smaller (clean) container to transfer the sample to a larger container. • Leaking taps that allow water to discharge from around the valve stem handle and down the outside of the faucet, or taps in which water tends to run up on the outside of the lip, are to be avoided as sampling locations. Rev 4-08 30 • Disconnect any hoses, filters, or aerators attached to the tap before sampling. • Do not sample from a tap close to a gas pump. The gas fumes could contaminate the sample. 2. Collecting Volatile Organic Samples • Equipment Needed: VOC sample vials [40 milliliters, glass, may contain 3 to 4 drops of hydrochloric acid (HCl) as preservative]; Disposable gloves and protective goggles; Ice chest/cooler; Ice; Packing materials (sealable plastic bags, bubble wrap, etc.); and Lab forms. • Sampling Procedure: Run water from the well for at least 15 minutes. If the well is deep, run water longer (purging three well volumes is best). If tap or spigot is located directly before a holding tank, open a tap after the holding tank to prevent any backflow into the tap where you will take your sample. This will ensure that the water you collect is “fresh” from the well and not from the holding tank. After running the water for at least 15 minutes, reduce the flow of water. The flow should be reduced to a trickle but not so slow that it begins to drip. A smooth flow of water will make collection easier and more accurate. Remove the cap of a VOC vial and hold the vial under the stream of water to fill it. Be careful not to spill any acid that is in the vial. For best results use a low flow of water and angle the vial slightly so that the water runs down the inside of the vial. This will help keep the sample from being agitated, aerated or splashed out of the vial. It will also increase the accuracy of the sample. As the vial fills and is almost full, turn the vial until it is straight up and down so the water won’t spill out. Fill the vial until the water is just about to spill over the lip of the vial. The surface of the water sample should become mounded. It is a good idea not to overfill the vial, especially if an acid preservative is present in the vial. Carefully replace and screw the cap onto the vial. Some water may overflow as the cap is put on. After the cap is secure, turn the vial upside down and gently tap the vial to see if any bubbles are present. If bubbles are present in the vial, remove the cap, add more water and check again to see if bubbles are present. Repeat as necessary. After two samples without bubbles have been collected, the samples should be labeled and prepared for shipment. Store samples at 4° C. Rev 4-08 31 3. Collecting Extractable Organic and/or Metals Samples • Equipment Needed: SVOC sample bottle [1 liter, amber glass] and/or Metals sample bottle [0.5 liter, polyethylene or glass, 5 milliliters of nitric acid (HNO3) preservative]; Disposable gloves and protective goggles; Ice Chest/Cooler; Ice; Packing materials (sealable plastic bags, bubble wrap, etc.); and Lab forms. • Sampling Procedure: Run water from the well for at least 15 minutes. If the well is deep, run the water longer (purging three well volumes is best). If tap or spigot is located directly before a holding tank, open a tap after the holding tank to prevent any backflow into the tap where you will take your sample. This will ensure that the water you collect is “fresh” from the well and not from the holding tank. After running the water for at least 15 minutes, reduce the flow. Low water flow makes collection easier and more accurate. Remove the cap of a SVOC or metals bottle and hold it under the stream of water to fill it. The bottle does not have to be completely filled (i.e., you can leave an inch or so of headspace in the bottle). After filling, screw on the cap, label the bottle and prepare for shipment. Store samples at 4° C. Rev 4-08 32 Appendix E - Collecting Surface Water Samples The following topics include 1.) acceptable equipment selection and equipment construction materials and 2.) standard grab, depth-specific and depth-composited surface water sampling techniques. Facilities which contain or border small rivers, streams or branches should include surface water sampling as part of the monitoring program for each sampling event. A simple procedure for selecting surface water monitoring sites is to locate a point on a stream where drainage leaves the site. This provides detection of contamination through, and possibly downstream of, site via discharge of surface waters. The sampling points selected should be downstream from any waste areas. An upstream sample should be obtained in order to determine water quality upstream of the influence of the site. a.) General Cautions 1. When using watercraft take samples near the bow away and upwind from any gasoline outboard engine. Orient watercraft so that bow is positioned in the upstream direction. 2. When wading, collect samples upstream from the body. Avoid disturbing sediments in the immediate area of sample collection. 3. Collect water samples prior to taking sediment samples when obtaining both from the same area (site). 4. Unless dictated by permit, program or order, sampling at or near man- made structures (e.g., dams, weirs or bridges) may not provide representative data because of unnatural flow patterns. 5. Collect surface water samples from downstream towards upstream. b.) Equipment and Supplies - Select equipment based on the analytes of interest, specific use, and availability. c.) Surface Water Sampling Techniques - Adhere to all general protocols applicable to aqueous sampling when following the surface water sampling procedures addressed below. 1. Manual Sampling: Use manual sampling for collecting grab samples for immediate in-situ field analyses. Use manual sampling in lieu of automatic equipment over extended periods of time for composite sampling, especially when it is necessary to observe and/or note unusual conditions. • Surface Grab Samples - Do not use sample containers containing premeasured amounts of preservatives to collect grab samples. If the sample matrix is homogeneous, then the grab method is a simple and effective technique for collection purposes. If homogeneity is not apparent, based on flow or vertical variations (and should never be assumed), then use other collection protocols. Where practical, use the actual sample container submitted to the laboratory for collecting samples to be analyzed for oil and grease, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and microbiological samples. This procedure eliminates the possibility of contaminating the sample with an intermediate collection container. The use of Rev 4-08 33 unpreserved sample containers as direct grab samplers is encouraged since the same container can be submitted for laboratory analysis after appropriate preservation. This procedure reduces sample handling and eliminates potential contamination from other sources (e.g., additional sampling equipment, environment, etc.). 1. Grab directly into sample container. 2. Slowly submerge the container, opening neck first, into the water. 3. Invert the bottle so the neck is upright and pointing towards the direction of water flow (if applicable). Allow water to run slowly into the container until filled. 4. Return the filled container quickly to the surface. 5. Pour out a few mL of sample away from and downstream of the sampling location. This procedure allows for the addition of preservatives and sample expansion. Do not use this step for volatile organics or other analytes where headspace is not allowed in the sample container. 6. Add preservatives, securely cap container, label, and complete field notes. If sample containers are attached to a pole via a clamp, submerge the container and follow steps 3 – 5 but omit steps 1 and 2. • Sampling with an Intermediate Vessel or Container: If the sample cannot be collected directly into the sample container to be submitted to the laboratory, or if the laboratory provides prepreserved sample containers, use an unpreserved sample container or an intermediate vessel (e.g., beakers, buckets or dippers) to obtain the sample. These vessels must be constructed appropriately, including any poles or extension arms used to access the sample location. 1. Rinse the intermediate vessel with ample amounts of site water prior to collecting the first sample. 2. Collect the sample as outlined above using the intermediate vessel. 3. Use pole mounted containers of appropriate construction to sample at distances away from shore, boat, etc. Follow the protocols above to collect samples. • Peristaltic Pump and Tubing: The most portable pump for this technique is a 12 volt peristaltic pump. Use appropriately precleaned, silastic tubing in the pump head and attach polyethylene, Tygon, etc. tubing to the pump. This technique is not acceptable for Oil and Grease, EPH, VPH or VOCs. Extractable organics can be collected through the pump if flexible interior-wall Teflon, polyethylene or PP tubing is used in the pump head or if used with the organic trap setup. Rev 4-08 34 1. Lower appropriately precleaned tubing to a depth of 6 – 12 inches below water surface, where possible. 2. Pump 3 – 5 tube volumes through the system to acclimate the tubing before collecting the first sample. 3. Fill individual sample bottles via the discharge tubing. Be careful not to remove the inlet tubing from the water. 4. Add preservatives, securely cap container, label, and complete field notes. • Mid-Depth Grab Samples: Mid-depth samples or samples taken at a specific depth can approximate the conditions throughout the entire water column. The equipment that may be used for this type of sampling consists of the following depth-specific sampling devices: Kemmerer, Niskin, Van Dorn type, etc. You may also use pumps with tubing or double check-valve bailers. Certain construction material details may preclude its use for certain analytes. Many Kemmerer samplers are constructed of plastic and rubber that preclude their use for all volatile and extractable organic sampling. Some newer devices are constructed of stainless steel or are all Teflon or Teflon-coated. These are acceptable for all analyte groups without restriction. 1. Measure the water column to determine maximum depth and sampling depth prior to lowering the sampling device. 2. Mark the line attached to the sampler with depth increments so that the sampling depth can be accurately recorded. 3. Lower the sampler slowly to the appropriate sampling depth, taking care not to disturb the sediments. 4. At the desired depth, send the messenger weight down to trip the closure mechanism. 5. Retrieve the sampler slowly. 6. Rinse the sampling device with ample amounts of site water prior to collecting the first sample. Discard rinsate away from and downstream of the sampling location. 7. Fill the individual sample bottles via the discharge tube. • Double Check-Valve Bailers: Collect samples using double check- valve bailers if the data requirements do not necessitate a sample from a strictly discrete interval of the water column. Bailers with an upper and lower check-valve can be lowered through the water column. Water will continually be displaced through the bailer until the desired depth is reached, at which point the bailer is retrieved. Sampling with this type of bailer must follow the same protocols outlined above, except that a messenger weight is not applicable. Although not designed specifically for this kind of sampling, a bailer is acceptable when a mid-depth sample is required Rev 4-08 35 1. As the bailer is dropped through the water column, water is displaced through the body of the bailer. The degree of displacement depends upon the check-valve ball movement to allow water to flow freely through the bailer body. 2. Slowly lower the bailer to the appropriate depth. Upon retrieval, the two check valves seat, preventing water from escaping or entering the bailer. 3. Rinse the sampling device with ample amounts of site water prior to collecting the first sample. 4. Fill the individual sample bottles via the discharge tube. Sample bottles must be handled as described above. • Peristaltic Pump and Tubing: The most portable pump for this technique is a 12 volt peristaltic pump. Use appropriately precleaned, silastic tubing in the pump head and attach HDPE, Tygon, etc. tubing to the pump. This technique is not acceptable for Oil and Grease, EPH, VPH or VOCs. Extractable organics can be collected through the pump if flexible interior-wall Teflon, polyethylene or PP tubing is used in the pump head, or if used with an organic trap setup. 1. Measure the water column to determine the maximum depth and the sampling depth. 2. Tubing will need to be tied to a stiff pole or be weighted down so the tubing placement will be secure. Do not use a lead weight. Any dense, non-contaminating, non- interfering material will work (brick, stainless steel weight, etc.). Tie the weight with a lanyard (braided or monofilament nylon, etc.) so that it is located below the inlet of the tubing. 3. Turn the pump on and allow several tubing volumes of water to be discharged before collecting the first sample. 4. Fill the individual sample bottles via the discharge tube. Sample bottles must be handled as described above. Rev 4-08 36 c d m s m i t h . c o m