HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW_FacilityList_2024NC DEQ/DWM NC Solid Waste Facilities Solid Waste Section Active Permitted County Alamance Waste Medical Activity Incin Facility ID_JlllP�Facility 0102-INCIN-M- Nanne Stericycle, Inc. Addressl 1168 Porter Avenue Haw River NC 27258 Kirk Yarbrough (336) 380-7440 Alamance CD LF 0104-CDLF-1993 Austin Quarter C&D Unit 2701 Austin Quarter Road (Graham NC 27253 Richard Hill (336) 376-8902 Alamance MSW LF 0104-MSWLF-1994 Alamance County Austin Quarter Road Landfill Facility 2701 Austin Quarter Road Graham NC 27253 Richard Hill (336) 376-8902 Alamance CD LF 0105-CDLF-2024 Tri-Corners C&D Landfill 5833 Foster Store Road Liberty INC 27298)osh Gustaf (717) 830-6276 Alamance CD TP 0105-TP-2024 Tri-Corners T&P 5833 Foster Store Road Liberty NC 27298 Josh Gustaf (717) 830-6276 Alamance LCID TP 0106-TP-2012 Carolina Resource Recovery LCID T&P Facility 3285 Jones Road I Mebane INC 27302Steven Scott ((336) 214-7229 Alamance LCID LF 0107-LCID-2014 Key Properties LCID Landfill 2380 Sandy Cross Road Burlington NC 27217 Phil Martin (336) 263-6721 Alamance Collection 0110-TIRECOLL-2023 IAmericanTireDistributors- Burlington 3020 Tucker Street Ext (Burlington INC 27215 Brian Miller I(704)632-1905 Alamance LCID LF 0108-LCID-2022 Phillippie Landfill LCID 4301 Kimesville Road Burlington NC 27215 Kenneth Phillippie (336) 266-0522 Alexander CD LF 0201-CDLF-1997 (Alexander County CDLF 2500 Paynes Dairy Road ITaylorsville INC 28681 Josh Mitchell (828) 632-1101 Alexander MSW Trans 0202T-TRANSFER-1998 Alexander County Transfer Station 2500 Payne Dairy Road Taylorsville NC 28681 Josh Mitchell (828) 632-1101 Alleghany MSW Trans 0303T-TRANSFER-1994 IAlleghany County Transfer Facility I419 Osborne Road Sparta INC 28675 David Spicer (336) 657-0769 Anson MSW LF 0403-MSWLF-2010 Anson Landfill 375 Dozer Drive Polkton NC 28135 Tyler Fitzgerald (704) 694-6900 Anson Type III Compost 0405-COMPOST-2014 I Ronnie Oaks dba Liquid Waste, Inc. 2323 Diggs Road I Wadesboro INC 28170 Ronald Oaks I(704) 294-0230 Ashe LCID LF 0501-LCID-2020 Ashe County LCID Facility Willie Brown Road (S.R.1558) Crumpler NC 28617 Scott Hurley (336) 846-3721 Ashe MSW LF 0501-MSWLF-1993 (Ashe County Landfill I739 Fred Pugh Road ICrumpler INC 28617IScott Hurley (336) 846-3721 Ashe HHW Collection 0502TP-HHW- Ashe County HHW Facility 311 Doggett Road West Jefferson NC 28694 Brian Houck (336) 846-3721 Avery CD LF 0603-CDLF-1996 (Avery County C&D Landfill 2175 Brushy Creek Road (Spruce Pine INC 28777 Eric Foster (828) 737-5420 Avery MSW Trans 0603-TRANSFER- Avery County Transfer Station 2175 Brushy Creek Road Spruce Pine NC 28777 Eric Foster (828) 737-5420 Beaufort MSW Trans 0703T-TRANSFER-2012 Beaufort Transfer Station I500 Flanders Filters Road I Washington INC 27889 Nicky Hopkins (252) 644-3207 Bertie MSW LF 0803-MSWLF-1993 East Carolina Regional Landfill 1922 Republican Road Aulander NC 27805 Shannon Hunter (252) 348-3322 Bladen MSW Trans 0904T-TRANSFER-1995 Bladen County Transfer Station 1522 Mercer Mill Road (Elizabethtown INC 28337, Kip McClary (910)872-6320 Brunswick CD LF 1007-CDLF-1997 Brunswick County CDLF 172 Landfill Road NE Bolivia NC 28422 Jeremy Baker (910) 253-6314 Brunswick Type I Compost 1007-COMPOST- Brunswick County Compost Facility I172 Landfill Road I Bolivia INC 28422IJeremy Baker I(910) 253-6314 Brunswick MSW Trans 1010T-TRANSFER-1997 Brunswick County Transfer Station 170 Landfill Road NE Bolivia NC 28422 Jeremy Baker (910) 253-6314 Brunswick LCID ITP 1011-TP-2023 CWS-C&D Recycling Facility 1151 Whiteville Road NW Shalotte INC 28470IPaul Marks (412) 314-7742 Brunswick HHW Collection 1012-HHW-2020 Brunswick County HHW Collection Facility 172 Landfill Road Bolivia NC 28422 Jeremy Baker (910) 253-6314 Brunswick LCID ILF 10E-LCID-1993 Brunswick County LCID Landfill 170 Landfill Road NE I Bolivia INC 28422 Jeremy Baker (910) 253-6314 Buncombe MSW Trans 1104-TRANSFER-1993 Waste Management Of Asheville 24 Pond Road Asheville NC 28806 James Harris (828) 551-0037 Buncombe CD ILF 1107-CDLF-1998 Buncombe County C&D Unit I85 Panther Branch Road (Alexander INC 28701 Dane Pedersen (828) 250-5460 Buncombe HHW Collection 1107-HHW-2001 Buncombe County HHW Unit 85 Panther Branch Road Alexander NC 28701 Dane Pedersen (828) 250-5460 Buncombe MSW LF 1107-MSWLF-1996 (Buncombe County MSW Landfill I85 Panther Branch Road (Alexander INC 28701IDane Pedersen ((828) 250-5460 Buncombe MSW Trans 1108T-TRANSFER-1996 Buncombe County Transfer Station 190 Hominy Creek Road Asheville NC 28801 Dane Pedersen (828) 250-5460 Buncombe Type I Compost 1109-COMPOST- Hensons' Inc., Asheville Wood Yard 116 Pond Road (Asheville INC 28806I Randy Flynn (828) 859-5836 Buncombe LCID TP 1111-TP- Riverside Stump Dump at Asheville 620 Riverside Drive Asheville NC 28801 Clara Ray (828) 258-7339 Buncombe Type III Compost 1118-COMPOST-2016 Danny's Dumpster, Inc. 120 Hardesty Lane (Asheville INC 28805 Danny Keaton (828) 380-9094 Buncombe CCR LF 1119-INDUS-2020 Duke Energy Progress - Asheville 46 Duke Energy Lane Arden NC 28704 Ashley Healy (717) 982-0986 Buncombe Type III Compost 1120-COMPOST-2023 Danny's Dumpster Compost Facility- Leicester 143 Poor Man's Hollow Leicester INC 28748 Danny Keaton (828) 380-9094 Buncombe Collection 1121-TIRECOLL-2023 American Tire Distributors - Arden 205n Vista Blvd. Arden NC 28704 Brian Miller (704) 632-1905 Burke CD ILF 1203-CDLF-2014 Burke County Johns River Waste Management 2500 Marsh Trail Morganton INC 28655 Mark Delehant (828) 764-9062 Burke MSW Trans 1205T-TRANSFER-1998 Burke County Transfer Facility 2500 Marsh Trail Morganton NC 28655 MARK DELEHANT (828) 764-9062 Cabarrus CD ILF 1302-CDLF-2006 Cabarrus County CDLF 246 General Services Drive SW (Concord INC 28026I Kevin Grant (704) 920-3209 Cabarrus Type I Compost 1302-COMPOST-2013 Cabarrus County Organics Reclamation Facility 4441 Irish Potato Road Concord NC 28025 Kevin Grant (704) 920-3209 Cabarrus LF 1303-TIRELF-1988 US Tire Recycling Partners LP 6322 Poplar Tent Road (Concord INC 28027I William Kirby (704) 784-1210 Cabarrus MSW LF 1304-MSWLF-1992 BFI-Charlotte Mtr Speedway Landfill V 5105 Morehead Road Concord NC 28027 Mike Gurley (704) 262-6019 Cabarrus Medical ITP 1305TP-TP- Stericycle 4403 Republic Court (Concord NC 28027-7722 Keith Kowarsch (651) 238-2329 Cabarrus CD LF 1306-CDLF-2000 Highway 49 C&D Landfill & Recycling Greenway Waste 2105 Speedrail Court Harrisburg NC 28025 Andrew Burris (704) 201-5944 Cabarrus Type I Compost 1306-COMPOST-2019 Highway 49 C&D Landfill & Recycling Greenway Waste I2105 Speedrail Court (Concord NC 28025 Andrew Burris (704) 201-5944 Cabarrus LCID TP 1306-TP-2019 Highway 49 C&D Landfill & Recycling Greenway Waste 2105 Speedrail Court Concord NC 28025 Andrew Burris (704) 201-5944 Cabarrus LCID LF 1307-LCID-2009 Tarheel Bark Company - A Division of Garick, LLC 8829 Rocky River Road Harrisburg INC 28075)onaira Watkins I(704) 456-8263 Cabarrus Indus TP 1307-TP-2009 Tarheel Bark Company - A Division of Garick LLC 8829 Rocky River Road Harrisburg NC 28075 Jonaira Watkins (704) 456-8263 Cabarrus HHW Collection 1308-HHW- Cabarrus County HHW Collection Facility I246 General Services Drive S.W. (Concord INC 28025I Kevin Grant (704) 920-3209 Cabarrus �TP 1310-TIRETP-2012 US Tire Recycling Partners LP 6322 Poplar Tent Road Concord NC 28027 William Kirby (704) 784-1210 Caldwell MSW LF 1403-MSWLF-1998 Foothills Environmental Landfill 2800 Cheraw Road Lenoir NC 28645IStephen Hunter (828) 394-3133 Rev 2/22/2024 Page 1 of 8 NC DEQ/DWM Solid Waste Section NC Solid Waste Facilities Active Permitted rteret MSW rteret umbus umbus umbus umbus CD CD Type MSW LCID MSW Type MSW CCR MSW HHW Type III Type IV LCID CD MSW MSW MSW Type II MSW CD MSW LCID Type LCID Indus MSW CD Type MSW MSW Type LCID Type III LCID Trans Trans LF Compost LF TP Trans Compost Trans LF Trans Collection Compost Compost LF TP LF Trans Trans Compost Trans ILF LF ITP Compost LF LF Trans TP Compost LF Trans Compost LF Compost ILF en LCID LF berland CD ELF berland MSW LF berland MSW Trans berland Type I Compost berland CD Trans berland LCID LF berland Collection berland HHW Collection berland LCID LF berland LCID LF berland LCID LF berland LCID LF MSW Trans CD Trans CD Trans CD LF MSW Trans 1604-TRANSFER-1993 Coastal Regional Solid Waste Management Authority 800 Hibbs Road Newport NC Iq 28570 Bobby Darden (252) 633-1564 1607-TRANSFER-2019 Green Recycling Transfer Station at Hibbs Road 812 Hibbs Road Newport INC 28546 Kevin Dail (910) 284-2309 1803-CDLF- Blackburn Resource Recovery C&D Facility 3993 Rocky Ford Road Newton NC 28658 Rodney Hamby (704) 462-1348 1803-COMPOST- Blackburn Resource Recovery Facility 3993 Rocky Ford Road Newton INC 28658 Rodney Hamby (704) 462-1348 1803-MSWLF-1997 Blackburn Resource Recovery Facility 4017 Rocky Ford Road Newton NC 28658 Rodney Hamby (704) 462-1348 1803-TP- Blackburn Resource RecoveryT&P Facility 3993 Rocky Ford Road Newton INC 28658IRodney Hamby (704) 462-1348 1805-TRANSFER-2001 GDS Recycling Services 130 Somerset Drive Ext. Conover NC 28613 LaDonna Bolton (828) 419-3031 1806-COMPOST- Hickory, City of Compost Facility I702 Cloninger Mill Road Hickory NC 28601IAndrew Ballentine ((828) 323-7439 1808T-TRANSFER- Hickory, City of Transfer Station 10501st Avenue S.W. Hickory NC 28601 Andrew Ballentine (828) 323-7439 1812-INDUS-2008 Duke Energy Carolinas - Marshall, Industrial 8320 East NC Hwy 150 (Terrell NC 28682 Ashley Healy (717) 982-0986 1903T-TRANSFER-1993 Waste Man. - Chatham Co Transfer Station 361 Waste Treatment Plant Road Siler City NC 24001 Steve Tyson (919) 776-7800 1904TP-HHW- (Chatham Co HHW Collection Facility 39 County Services Road Pittsboro NC 27312 Shannon Culpepper (919) 545-7874 1905-COMPOST- Dean Brooks Farm 1193 Beal Road 511W Goldston NC 27252 Amy Fuldord (919) 842-6063 1906-COMPOST-2020 McGill - Merry Oaks Compost Facility I634 Christian Chapel Church Road New Hill INC 27562I Misti Godwin I(919) 977-0441 1909-LCID-2010 Stone Landfill LCID 52 Rock Hill Drive Chapel Hill NC 27517 Alan Stone (919) 971-0918 1912-TP-2022 Triad Transfer Station 13415 US 421 South (Goldston INC 27252ITommy Smith (919)770-4585 2002-MSWLF-1998 Cherokee County MSW Facility 10160 U.S. Highway 19 Marble NC 28905 ROBERT WARD (828) 837-2621 2003-TRANSFER-2020 Regional Disposal and Metal I9275 US Highway 19 I Murphy NC 28905 Jacob Anderson (828) 837-5865 2101T-TRANSFER-2001 Edenton, Town of Transfer Station 118 West Hicks Street Edenton NC 27932 David Myers (252) 482-4111 2102-COMPOST-2015 (Good Earth Horticulture 2116-13 Bio-Comp Drive ,Edenton NC 27932 R V Knight (252) 482-8528 2202T-TRANSFER-1997 Clay County Transfer Station 1160 Hinton Center Road Hayesville NC 28904 Kevin Shaheen (828) 389-9133 2301-CDLF-1997 (Cleveland County CDLF 1608 Airport Road (Shelby INC 28150IJOSH DAVIS (704) 447-8204 2301-MSWLF-2009 Cleveland County Landfill Self-McNeilly 250 Fielding Road Cherryville NC 28021 Josh Davis (704) 447-8204 2304-TP-2020 Shelby, City of T & P Facility 1940 South Lafayette Street I Shelby INC 28150I Scott Black (704) 484-6846 2306-COMPOST-2021 Fisher Environmental Type 1 Compost Facility 1323 North Post Road Shelby NC 28150 Jade Owens (704) 692-4202 2401-LCID-2000 (Columbus County Landfill I111 Landfill Road I Whiteville NC 28472IAmanda Davis �(910) 642-2828 2402-INDUS-2005 International Paper 865 John L Riegel Road Riegelwood NC 28456 Tim Gill (910) 362-4934 2403T-TRANSFER-1997 (Columbus County Transfer Station 107 Landfill Road I Whiteville NC 28472 Preston Turner (910) 234-6379 2404-TRANSFER-2020 Big D T&P Facility 1535 Old 87 Road Delco NC 28436 Donald Grainger (843) 340-8815 2506-COMPOST-1991 New Bern Yard Waste Facility 1803 Country Club Road New Bern INC 28560 David Cox (252) 639-7521 2509-MSWLF-1999 CRSWMA - Long Term Regional Landfill 7400 Old U.S. Highway 70 W. New Bern NC 28562 Bobby Darden (252) 633-1564 2510T-TRANSFER-1997 (Cherry Point Transfer Station Environmental Affairs Department, PSC 8006 MCASI Cherry Point INC 28533 Kurt Avellar ((252) 466-5271 2511-COMPOST-2000 CRSWMA Composting Facility 7400 Old U.S. Hwy 70 W. New Bern NC 28562 Bobby Darden (252) 633-1564 2513-LCID-2013 Craven LCID Landfill 356 Sanders Lane New Bern INC 28562 Terry Morris ((252) 670-6749 2514-COMPOST-2014 Craven Ag Service Compost Facility 2115 Hwy 55 West New Bern NC 28562 John Dunham (252) 633-5334 25B-LCID- (Cherry Point LCID Mockingbird Road (Cherry Point INC 28533 Kurt Avellar (252) 466-3117 251-LCID- Cieszko LCID 1090 NC Hwy 101 Havelock NC 28532 Matthew Paul (252) 447-2096 2601-CDLF-1997 (Cumberland County C&D Unit 698 Ann Street Fayetteville NC 28301 Amanda Bader (910) 438-4041 2601-MSWLF-1997 Ann Street Cumberland County Landfill 698 Ann Street Fayetteville NC 28301 Amanda Bader (910) 438-4041 2609-TRANSFER- Fayetteville, City of Transfer Station 583 Winslow Street Fayetteville NC 28301 LeRoy Hatmaker (910) 237-2825 2610-COMPOST-2011 Wilkes Road Yard Waste Facility 771 Wilkes Road Fayetteville NC 28306 Amanda Bader (910) 438-4041 2611T-TRANSFER-2021 River City Transfer Station 1049 South Eastern Blvd Fayetteville NC 28306I Bennett Achigbu (402) 502-3874 2612-LCID-2008 Highland LCID Landfill 6020 Murchison Road Fayetteville NC 28311 Steve Waters (910) 978-2412 2618-TIRECOLL-2023 (American Tire Distributors - Fayetteville I4208 Murchison Road Fayetteville NC 28311 Brian Miller (704) 832-1905 26FH-HHW- Cumberland Co HHW Collection Facility 923 Wilkes Road Fayetteville NC 28306 Amanda Bader (910) 438-4041 26K-LCID- Doc Bennett LCID Landfill Doc Bennett Road (adjacent to 1561 Sandy Run Rd) Fayetteville NC 28306 Steve Waters (910) 978-2412 26L-LCID- Snow Hill LCID Landfill Claude Lee Road Fayetteville NC 28306 Jerald F McDonald Jr. (910) 630-2200 26M-LCID-2012 lAutry Grading, Inc., LCID Landfill 5124 US Highway 301 South Hope Mills INC 28348 Kenneth Autry (910) 424-3458 2615-LCID-2022 Wilkes Road LCIDLF 771 Wilkes Road Fayetteville NC 28306 Amanda Bader (910) 321-6920 2703T-TRANSFER-1996 Currituck County Transfer Station 216 Airport Road (Maple INC 27956IPete Odom I(252)232-6072 2705T-TRANSFER-2011 Soundside C&D Waste Transfer & Recycling Center 7565 Caratoke Highway Jarvisburg NC 27947 Kimberly Newbern (252) 491-8666 2706-TRANSFER-2013 (Bay Disposal, LLC I8546 Caratoke Hwy. Powells Point NC 27966IJeremySavage I(571) 221-8657 2803-CDLF-1995 Dare County C&D Landfill 1603 Cub Road Manns Harbor NC 27953 Douglas Huff (252) 475-5843 2805T-TRANSFER- Dare County Transfer Station 1603 Cub Road I Manns Harbor NC 27953 Douglas Huff (252) 475-5843 Rev 2/22/2024 Page 2 of 8 INC DEQ/DWM Solid Waste Section NC Solid Waste Facilities Active Permitted ✓idson HHW Collection 2906-HHW- Davidson County HHW 220 Davidson County Landfill Road Lexingt 27292 CHARLIE BRUSHWOOD (336) 240-0303 ✓idson MSW LF 2906-MSWLF-2008 Davidson County MSW Lined Landfill 220 Davidson County Landfill Road Lexington NC 27292 Charlie Brushwood (336) 224-5376 ✓idson Type I TP 2908-TP- Todco, Inc. Wood Recycling 1123 Roy Lopp Road Lexington INC 27292 Todd Warfford (336) 248-2001 ✓idson CD (Trans 2908-TRANSFER-2013 Todco, Inc. - C&D Transfer 1123 Roy Lopp Road Lexington NC 27292ITodd Warfford ((336) 248-2001 ✓idson LCID LF 2909-LCID-2013 ' Veach Landfill, L.L.C. 4261 Old Thomasville Road Winston-Salem INC 27107 Andrew Veach (336) 688-7506 ✓idson Type III Compost 2911-COMPOST-2022 Carolina Compost I558 Free Pilgrim Church Road (Thomasville INC 27360ason Gibson ((336) 474-1436 ✓ie Type III Compost 3004-COMPOST-2014 Davie County Compost Facility Lee Jackson Road Advance INC 27006 Eric Wallace (704) 875-2975 vie Type III Compost 3005-COMPOST-2014 Gallins Family Farm I222 Rocky Dale Lane Mocksville INC 27028 Lyndsy Gallins (336) 448-9494 plin MSW Trans 3103-TRANSFER-2007 Duplin County Transfer Station 325 Landfill Road Rose Hill INC 28458 Derrel Whaley (910) 289-3091 plin LCID LF 31B-LCID-2000 Duplin County LCID Landfill 325 Landfill Road (Rose Hill INC 28458 Lisa Scronce (910) 289-3091 rham Type I Compost 3204-COMPOST-1991 Durham Compost Facility 2115 East Club Blvd. Durham INC 27704 Daniel Parker (919) 560-4186 rham HHW Collection 3212-HHW-2014 Durham City of HHW I2115 E Club Blvd. I Durham INC 27704 Daniel Parker (919) 560-4186 rham MSW Trans 3212-TRANSFER-2014 Durham, City of Transfer Station 2115 East Club Blvd. Durham INC 27704 Daniel Parker (919) 560-4186 rham MSW Trans 3214T-TRANSFER-2001 Durham Transfer Station 148 Stone Park Court Durham INC 27409I William Davidson I(919) 596-1363 rham CD MatRecovery 3215-MWP-2020 Wall Recycling - Hoover Road 1017 South Hoover Road Durham INC 27702 Dan Wall (919) 552-2149 rham MSW Trans 3215-TRANSFER-2020 Wall Recycling - Hoover Road 1017 South Hoover Road Durham INC 27702 Dan Wall I(919) 552-2149 rham LCID LF 32F-LCID- Fogleman and Fogleman Landfill & Recycling Facility 4005 Intermere Road Durham INC 27704 Linda Fogleman (919) 682-0068 rham LCID JLF 321-LCID-2021 Coley Road Landfill & Recycling 1810 Coley Road I Durham INC 27703 Jimmy Everett (919) 800-9109 ;ecombe CD LF 3301-CDLF-1997 Edgecombe County CDLF 1601 Colonial Road Tarboro INC 27886 Gloria Moseley (252) 827-4253 ;ecombe Type 1 Compost 3301-COMPOST-2020 Edgecombe County Compost 1601 Colonial Road (Tarboro INC 27886 Gloria Moseley (252) 827-4253 ;ecombe MSW Trans 3302T-TRANSFER-1998 Edgecombe County Transfer Station 2797 Colonial Road Tarboro INC 27886 Gloria Moseley (252) 827-4253 ;ecombe Type IV Compost 3303-COMPOST-2010 Eastern Compost, LLC 8487 Battleboro-Leggett Rd Battleboro INC 27809 Jason Smith (252) 903-5367 ;ecombe LCID LF 33F-LCID- Barnhill Contracting LCID Landfill 10826 Hwy 97 Rocky Mount INC 27804 Alicia Ervin (252) 382-7723 ;ecombe (LCID LF 33G-LCID- Rocky Mount, City of LCID Landfill I3873 Old Battleboro Road Rocky Mount INC 27801 Brad Kerr (252) 972-1120 syth MSW LF 3402-MSWLF-1997 Hanes Mill Road Landfill 325 West Hanes Mill Road Winston-Salem NC 27105 Gordon Dively (336) 734-1502 syth YW TP 3409-TP- Overdale Yard Waste Facility I3336 Old Salisbury Road I Winston-Salem I NC 27127IAdam Rickett (336) 734-1565 syth CD LF 3412-CDLF-1995 Winston-Salem, City of Old Salisbury Road CDLF 3336 Old Salisbury Road Winston-Salem INC 27127 Gordon Dively (336) 734-1502 syth HHW Collection 3415-HHW-2010 Resource Recovery And Reduction, Co. 1401 South MILK, Jr. Drive I Winston-Salem NC 27107 Michele Sakwa (336) 784-4300 syth MSW Trans 3416T-TRANSFER- Overdale Road Transfer Station 5000 Overdale Road Winston-Salem INC 27101 Dwayne Hodnett (540) 915-1165 syth LCID ITP 3419-TP- Lowder Recycling And Disposal, LLC 2810 Griffith Road I Winston-Salem NC 27103 Matt Alspaugh (336) 760-0477 syth Type III Compost 3421-COMPOST-2010 Dixie Classic Fairgrounds 421 West 27th Street Winston-Salem INC 27105 David Smith (336) 409-4881 syth LCID ITP 3422-TP- Slater Industries Treatment and Processing Facility I945 Valleystream Road Winston-Salem NC 27104)oe Slater (336) 416-6097 syth Type I Compost 3423-COMPOST- Winston-Salem, City of Compost 180 North Star Drive Rural Hall INC 27045 Adam Rickett (336) 734-1565 syth CD ___]TP 3424-TP-2010 (Abbey Green Transfer Station 5030 0verdale Rd ( Winston-Salem NC 27107 Ronald Petty ((336) 207-6052 'syth CD Trans 3424-TRANSFER-2020 Abbey Green Transfer Station 5030 Overdale Rd Winston-Salem NC 27107 Mickey Bowman (336) 287-8593 syth YW DTP 3425-TP-2011 Winston-Salem, City of Treatment & Processing Site 3 West Thirty -Second Street Winston-Salem NC 27101 Tobias Mack (336) 734-1490 syth LCID LF 3426-LCID-2020 Union Cross Land Development LCID 7301 Watkins Ford Road Kernersville INC 27284 Tanner Boyles (336) 904-8016 syth Type 1 Compost 3427-COMPOST-2015 Piney Hill Acres Large Type 1 Compost Unit 2081 Piney Grove Road Kernersville INC 27284 David Lawson (336) 682-2317 syth Collection 3428-TIRECOLL-2023 American Tire Distributors - Rural Hall r 250 Northstar Drive Rural Hall INC 27045 Brian Miller (704) 632-1905 syth LCID ILF 34AA-LCID- Piney Hill Acres LCID Landfill 2081 Piney Grove Road Kernersville INC 27284 David Lawson (336) 996-6747 nklin MSW Trans 3503-TRANSFER- Franklin County Transfer Station 1640 Timberlake Road Franklinton INC 27525 Lee Bodenhamer III (919) 340-4670 nklin LCID LF 3505-LCID-2020 I Wall Recycling 2095 U.S. Highway 1 S. Franklinton INC 27525( Dan Jarboe (919) 906-2747 nklin CD MatRecovery 3505-MWP-2020 Wall Recycling 2095 U.S. Highway 1 S. Franklinton INC 27525 Dan Jarboe (919) 906-2747 nklin CI D -ITP 3505-TP-2020 I Wall Recycling 2095 U.S. Highway 1 S. Franklinton INC 275251 Dan Jarboe (919) 906-2747 nklin Type III Compost 3506-COMPOST-2012 David Brantley & Sons Compost Facility 37 Pine Ridge Rd Zebulon INC 27597 Nicholas Cardella (984) 209-2966 nklin TP 3507-TIRETP-2016 PRTI, INC. 2105 US Hwy 1 Franklinton INC 27525 Scott Clagett (919) 272-4415 ston CD LF 3606-CDLF-1995 Gaston County C&D Landfill 3155 Philadelphia Church Road Dallas INC 28034 Marcie Smith (704) 922-0267 ston MSW LF 3606-MSWLF-1997 Gaston County Landfill I3155 Philadelphia Church Road I Dallas INC 28034 Dan Ziehm (704) 862-6795 ston MSW Trans 3608-TRANSFER-1993 Waste Management Of Carolinas 2712 Lowell Road Gastonia INC 28054 Travis McClung (919) 405-1497 ston HHW Collection 3609TP-HHW- Gaston County HHW Collection Facility 120 Leisure Lane (Dallas INC 28034IMarcie Smith I(704) 922-0267 ston CCR LF 3612-INDUS-2008 Duke Energy Carolinas -Allen 253 Plant Allen Road Belmont INC 28012 Courtney Murphy (704) 382-7171 ston Type III Compost 3613-COMPOST-2017 (Earth Farms Organics I351 Colt Thornburg Road (Dallas INC 28034IDavid Ryder (828) 485-7877 ston Type I Compost 3614-COMPOST-2011 Gastonia Compost 3175 Duke Street Gastonia INC 28056 Allison Brockman (704) 869-7862 ston Medical TP 3615-TP-2018 (Trilogy MedWaste Southeast LLC 148 Boxwood Lane Gastonia INC 28054 Jerry Norris (704) 503-8134 Rev 2/22/2024 Page 3 of 8 INC DEQ/DWM Solid Waste Section NC Solid Waste Facilities Active Permitted stun Medical TP 3617-MWP-2016 Daniels Sharpsmart, Inc. 1851 Chespark Drive Gaston 28052 Daniel Weaver (704) 842-7103 ston Indus LF 3619-INDUS-2021 North Starter Landfill -Allen Plant 253 Plant Allen Road Belmont NC 28012 Courtney Murphy (704) 382-7171 ston LCID LF 3622-LCID-2021 T&L Grading LCID Landfill 1225 Old Providence Road Gastonia NC 28052 Terry Whitesides (704) 913-1717 ston LCID ILF 36A-LCID-2010 Old 27 LCID Landfill 130 Tate Street Mount Holly INC 28120, Dwayne McCorkle I(704) 718-6386 Sham MSW Trans 3803-TRANSFER- Graham County Transfer Station 400 Snowbird Road Robbinsville NC 28771 Gavin Colvard (828) 479-9369 anville MSW LF 3901-MSWLF-2012 (Oxford Subtitle D MSWLF I6584 Landfill Rd (Oxford INC 27565IJason Falls I(919) 603-1354 anville YW TP 3903TP-TP-2009 John Bryan Yard Waste Recycling 3092 Sam Usry Road Oxford NC 27565 John Bryan (919) 690-2640 eene CD 4002-CDLF-1997 IGreene County CDLF I105 Landfill Road IWalstonburg INC 27888DAVIDJONES I(252)747-5720 Ilford CD __1LF LF 4103-CDLF-1998 Greensboro, City of White Street Landfill 2503 White Street Greensboro NC 27405 Richard Lovett (336) 373-4188 Ilford Type I Compost 4103-COMPOST-2003 (Greensboro, City of Compost Facility 2503 White Street Greensboro NC 27405 Richard Lovett (336) 373-4188 Ilford MSW LF 4104-MSWLF-1991 High Point, City of Kersey Valley Landfill 3940 East Kivett Drive High Point NC 27261 Michael Spencer (336) 688-3454 Ilford Type I Compost 4110-COMPOST- Ingleside Compost Facility 3001 Ingleside Drive High Point NC 27265 Michael Spencer (336) 688-3454 Ilford MSW LF 4112-MSWLF-1997 Greensboro, City of White Street MSWLF 2503 White Street Greensboro NC 27405 Richard Lovett (336) 373-4188 Ilford CD LF 4116-CDLF-2012 WI High Point Landfill, LLC 5830 Riverdale Drive (Jamestown INC 27282ISeth Heath ((336) 870-4171 Ilford MatRecovery TP 4116-MWP-2012 High Point C&D Waste Reclamation 5830 Riverdale Drive Jamestown NC 27282 Seth Heath (336) 870-4171 Ilford CD ILF 4117-CDLF-2008 IA-1 Sandrock C&D Landfill I2091 Bishop Road (Greensboro INC 27406IJason Tarkenton ((336) 382-9707 Ilford MSW Trans 4118T-TRANSFER- Bishop Road Transfer Station 2140 Bishop Road Greensboro NC 27406 James Reyburn (540) 355-0967 Ilford TP 4119TP-TIRETP- (Guilford Cty Scrap Tire & White Goods Collection Facility I2138 Bishop Road (Greensboro INC 27406 Clyde Harding (336) 641-3792 Ilford MSW Trans 4120T-TRANSFER- Greensboro, City of Transfer Station 6310 Burnt Poplar Road Greensboro NC 27409 Richard Lovett (336) 373-4188 Ilford CD (Trans 4122T-TRANSFER-2012 (Burnt Poplar Transfer Station I6313 Burnt Popular Road iGreensboro NC 27409 Seth Heath (336) 870-4171 Ilford LCID LF 4127-LCID-2021 7716 PQR LCID 7716 Pearman Quarry Road Kernersville NC 27284 Jacqueline Richardson (336) 803-0370 Ilford LCID ILF 411-LCID- I Winfree Road Landfill, Inc. I7965 Winfree Road Summerfield INC 273581Tim Friddle (336) 423-1474 Ilford LCID LF 41J-LCID-2010 Heritage Farm Properties, LLC LCID Landfill 2124 Scalesville Road Summerfield NC 27358 Gary Swing (336) 681-3300 Ilford LCID ILF 410-LCID- Doggett Construction Company 2075 Bishop Road (Greensboro INC 27406I Gary Swing I(336)681-3300 Ilford LCID LF 41P-LCID- Fryar Grading and Hauling LCID Landfill 5233 McLeansville Road McLeansville NC 27301 Robert Fryar (336) 382-7462 Ilford LCID LF 41R-LCID-2011 IViewmont Sandrock Mine And Landfill I4052 Viewmont Road (Greensboro NC 27406 Jay Nivens (704) 409-1475 Ilford LCID LF 415-LCID- D & D Grading, Inc. 1411 Rankin Mill Road McCleansville NC 27301 David Dick (336) 621-4021 Ilford CD TP 4117-TP-2009 IA-1 Sandrock Treatment and Processing Facility I2091 Bishop Road (Greensboro NC 27406 Jason Tarkenton (336) 382-9707 ifax CD LF 4204-CDLF-2013 Halifax County Landfill 921 Liles Road Littleton NC 27850 Elizabeth Buffaloe (252) 583-1451 lifax MSW Trans 4204-TRANSFER-2013 Halifax County Landfill I921 Liles Road Littleton NC 27850 Elizabeth Buffaloe (252) 583-1451 ifax MSW Trans 4205T-TRANSFER-1997 Weldon, Town of Transfer Facility 2211 INC Hwy 301 Halifax NC 27839 Randy Deming (260) 579-1861 lifax LCID LF 42A-LCID- Roanoke Valley LCID Landfill 2055 NC Highway 301 Weldon INC 27870I Benjamin Rightmyer ((252) 537-3223 matt CD LF 4302-CDLF-2018 Harnett County Dunn -Erwin C&D Landfill 449 Daniels Road Dunn NC 28334 Chad Beane (910) 814-6004 rnett LCID LF 4302-LCID- Harnett County-Dunn/Erwin LCID Landfill I449 Daniels Rd I Dunn INC 27546Chad Beane (910) 814-6004 rnett CD LF 4303-CDLF-1997 Harnett Co. Anderson Creek C&D Landfill 1086 Poplar Drive Spring Lake NC 28390 Chad Beane (910) 814-6004 rnett � LF 4304-TIRELF-1992 (Central Carolina Tire Monofill 1616 McKay Town Road (Cameron INC 28326 Brian Thomas (919) 498-7439 rnett MSW Trans 4307T-TRANSFER-1997 Harnett County Transfer Station 449 Daniels Road Dunn NC 28334 Chad Beane (910) 814-6004 rnett TP 4308-TIRETP- (Central Carolina Tire Processing 11616 McKoryTown Road (Cameron INC 28326 Lynnie Terry (919) 498-7432 rnett MSW Trans 4309T-TRANSFER- Anderson Creek Transfer Station 1086 Poplar Drive Spring Lake NC 28390 Chad Beane (910) 814-6004 rnett LCID LF 43D-LCID- Bryant Grading LCID Landfill 376 Spence Mill Road Fuquay-Varina INC 27526Chester Bryant (919) 552-3420 rnett LCID LF 43E-LCID- McArtan Mine LCID Landfill Josey Williams Road (SR 2027) Bunnlevel NC 28323 Steve Waters (910) 978-2412 rnett LCID LF 43F-LCID-2010 Weeks Sandpit #2 LCID 20796 Hwy 24-27 (Cameron INC 28326IJeff Lees (919) 770-9168 ywood Indus LF 4406-INDUS-1984 Blue Ridge Paper Products, Inc. 1155 Incinerator Road Canton NC 28716 Charles Howell (828) 748-5636 ywood MSW LF 4407-MSWLF-1993 Haywood Co White Oak Landfill 3898 Fines Creek Road I Waynesville NC 28785IStoddard Pickrell 1(828) 253-3929 ywood MatRecovery TP 4408-MWP- Haywood County MWP Facility 278 Recycle Road Clyde NC 28721 Lester Harris (828) 627-8042 nderson HHW Collection 4504-HHW-2011 (Henderson County HHW Unit 265 Convenience Center Drive (Hendersonville NC 28791 Greg Wiggins (828) 697-4505 nderson MSW Trans 4504T-TRANSFER-1998 Henderson County Transfer Facility 191 Transfer Station Drive Hendersonville NC 28791 Greg Wiggins (828) 697-4505 nderson LCID TP 4507-TP- Riverside Stump Dump at Mills River 5055 Old Haywood Road Mills river NC 28792 Clara Ray (828) 258-7339 nderson CD TP 4508-TP-2020 Garbage Pal, LLC 424 Mills Gap Road Arden NC 28704 Jared Breneman (828) 575-3160 rtford MSW Trans 4602T-TRANSFER-1995 Hertford County Transfer Station I227 Mount Moriah Road I Winton NC 27986IAshley Ward (252) 642-3170 ke MSW Trans 4702-TRANSFER-1994 Hoke County Transfer Station 700 C.C. Steel Road Raeford NC 28376 April Locklear (910) 705-2514 ke LCID LF 4703-LCID-2020 401 Sand Company LCID Site 3169 Doc Brown Road I Raeford INC 28376IJoshua Byrd (910) 875-2108 ke LCID LF 47A-LCID-1996 Hoke County LCID Landfill 700 C.C. Steele Road Raeford NC 28376 April Locklear (910) 705-2514 le Type III Compost 4801-COMPOST- Rose Acre Farms 1560 Hyde Park Canal Road I Pantego INC 27860 Karla Rinker (252) 935-5800 Rev 2/22/2024 Page 4 of 8 NC DEQ/DWM Solid Waste Section NC Solid Waste Facilities Active Permitted !II HHW Collection 4903-HHW-2020 Iredell County Househouse Hazardous Waste 243 Twin Oaks Road Statesville NC 28625 Kad Rudd (704) 878-5430 JI MSW LF 4903-MSWLF-1993 Iredell County Sanitary LF 354 Twin Oaks Road Statesville NC 28625 Kaci Rudd (704) 928-2024 °II MSW Trans 4904T-TRANSFER-1998 Iredell County Transfer Station 158 MacLeod Drive Mooresville NC 28115 Teddy Boller (704) 878-5430 ;on MSW Trans 5003T-TRANSFER- IJackson County Scott Creek Transfer Station 250 Recycle Place ISylva INC 28779IChad Parker I(828)586-2437 ston CD LF 5103-CDLF- Johnston County C&D Landfill 680 County Home Road Smithfield NC 27577 Rebecca Allen (919) 938-4750 ston MSW LF 5103-MSWLF- (Johnston County MSW Landfill 680 County Home Road Smithfield INC 27577( Rebecca Allen (919) 938-4750 ston MSW LF 5103-MSWLF-1997 Johnston County Landfill 680 County Home Road Smithfield NC 27577 Rebecca Allen (919) 938-4750 ston LCID _]TP 5106-TP-2019 West Farms Wood Products T&P 1683 Barefoot Road Newton Grove NC 28366IAmber Parnell (919) 207-2539 s CD TP 5202-TP-2012 Maysville Recycling and Recovery 11710 Highway 17 Maysville NC 28555 Kevin Dail (910) 284-2309 s CD �LF 5203-CDLF-2013 The Maysville Construction and Demolition Landfill 11710 Highway 17 Maysville NC 28555 Kevin Dail (910) 284-2309 Type III Compost 5303-COMPOST-1992 Sanford Compost Facility 601 N. 5th Street Sanford NC 27330 Kris Furmage (919) 777-1209 MSW Trans 5304T-TRANSFER-1993 Waste Man. - Lee Co. Transfer Station 2740 Wilkins Drive (Sanford INC 27330 Steve Tyson (919) 776-7800 MSW Trans 5305-TRANSFER-2013 Sanford Transfer Station 3290 McDonald Drive Sanford NC 27330 LeRoy Hatmaker (910) 237-2825 it CD LF 5403-CDLF-1997 Lenoir County CDLF (2949 Hodges Farm Road I LaGrange INC 28551 Kim Hill ((252) 566-4194 it MSW Trans 5405T-TRANSFER-1998 Lenoir County Transfer Facility 2949 Hodges Farm Road La Grange NC 28551 Kim Hill (252) 566-4194 it MSW Trans 5408-TRANSFER-2014 Deep Run Transfer Station 2287 Leslie R. Stroud Road Kinston INC 28504ITyler Pate ((252) 230-9743 it MSW LF 5409-MSWLF- Lenoir County MSW Landfill 2949 Hodges Farm Road LaGrange NC 28551 Kim Hill (252) 566-4194 it LCID LF 5410-LCID-2016 Everett's LCID Pit 4010 Aldridge Store Road Kinston INC 28504 Mary Everett (252) 522-5260 )In CD LF 5503-CDLF-1999 Lincoln County C&D Unit 5291 Crouse Road Crouse NC 28033 Mark Bivins (704) 732-9030 >In MSW LF 5503-MSWLF-1986 (Lincoln County Landfill 5291 Crouse Road (Crouse INC 28033 Mark Bivins (704) 736-8477 )In CD LF 5504-CDLF-1999 Lake Norman Landfill 7099 Quarry Lane Stanley NC 28164 Andrew Magee (571) 668-2082 3n MSW LF 5703-MSWLF-1992 Macon County Landfill Open 1448 Lakeside Drive (Franklin INC 28734, CHRIS STAHL I(828)349-2100 an MSW( Trans 5704T-TRANSFER-2008 Highlands Transfer Station 1080 Rich Gap Rd Highlands NC 28741 CHRIS STAHL (828) 349-2100 3n Type III obmpost 5705-COMPOST- B & B Concrete Products, Inc. 1687 Georgia Road Franklin INC 28734IJeremy Decker (828) 524-6483 ison CD F 5803-CDLF-1995 Madison County C&D Unit 271 Craig Rudisill Road Marshall NC 28753 Sam Lunsford (828) 649-2311 ison HHW 4F Collection 5803-HHW- Madison County Solid Waste HHW I271 Craig Rudisill Rd (Marshall NC 28753(Rebecca Shook ((828) 649-2311 ison MSW Trans 5803T-TRANSFER-2002 Madison County Transfer 271 Craig Rudisill Road Marshall NC 28753 Sam Lunsford (828) 649-2311 :in CD LF 5901-CDLF-1995 Martin County C&D Landfill 1445 Landfill Road I Williamston NC 27892 Justin Harrison (980) 314-3855 owell MSW Trans 5602T-TRANSFER-1995 McDowell Co Transfer Facility 3809 NC Highway 226 South Marion NC 28752 Pam Vance (828) 659-2521 denburg Indus LF 6004-INDUS-1991 Duke Energy Carolinas - McGuire Landfill 2 (fmr misnamei NC Hwy 73 Huntersville NC 28078 Ashley Healy (717) 982-0986 denburg Type I Compost 6012-COMPOST-1991 Mecklenburg County Compost Central 5631 West Blvd. Charlotte NC 28217 Steve Hoffman (980) 314-3873 denburg CD LF 6013-CDLF-2021 Greenway Waste Solutions of North Meck 15300 Holbrooks Road Huntersville INC 28078IJay Donaldson I(704) 497-9050 denburg MSW Trans 6014-TRANSFER-2009 Queen City Transfer Station 3130 Jeff Adams Drive Charlotte NC 28206 Joshua Smaltz (704) 398-4488 denburg Type I Compost 6015-COMPOST- Hensons' Inc. Mulch & More Pineville (formerly 6015TP-CI13010 Lancaster Hwy I Pineville INC 28134I Randy Flynn (828) 859-5836 denburg HHW Collection 6016TP-HHW- North Mecklenburg HHW Facility 12300 North Statesville Road Charlotte NC 28078 Steve Hoffman (980) 314-3873 denburg HHW Collection 6017TP-HHW- Hickory Grove HHW Recycling Facility I8007 Pence Road (Charlotte INC 28215ISteve Hoffman (980) 314-3873 denburg Type I Compost 6019-COMPOST-2017 Mecklenburg County Landfill 17131 Lancaster Highway Charlotte NC 28208 Steve Hoffman (980) 314-3873 denburg HHW Collection 6019-HHW- Mecklenburg County Landfill 17131 Highway 521 Charlotte INC 28227 Steve Hoffman (980) 314-3873 denburg MSW LF 6019-MSWLF-2000 Mecklenburg County Landfill 17131 Lancaster Highway Charlotte NC 28208 Steve Hoffman (980) 314-3873 denburg LCID ITP 6021-TP- Metromont Natural Recycling Center 10050 Metromont Industrial Blvd (Charlotte INC 28216 Beverly Brewer (704) 399-5500 denburg Type III Compost 6022-COMPOST- Wallace Farm Compost Facility 14410 Eastfield Road Huntersville NC 28078 Eric Wallace (704) 875-2975 denburg LCID ITP 6025-TP- Soil Supply, Inc. 10219 Hagers Road Huntersville INC 28078IGary Stinson (704) 875-3774 denburg MSW Trans 6029-TRANSFER-2012 O'Leary Resource Recovery Center 3309 Belhaven Blvd Charlotte NC 28216 Jimmie Jones (704) 338-6898 denburg Type III Compost 6033-AD-COMPOST-2015IOrbit Energy Anaerobic Digester Charlotte 600 Johnson Road (Charlotte NC 28206I Miguel Lugo I(704) 817-9144 denburg LCID TP 6034-TP-2016 Kamps, Inc. 5104 N Graham Street Charlotte NC 28269 Curtis Brushman (616) 560-5678 denburg HHW Collection 6035-HHW-2016 Mecklenburg County Compost and Recycling Facility 140 Valleydale Road Charlotte NC 28214 Steve Hoffman (980) 314-3873 denburg Type I Compost 6036-COMPOST-2017 Mecklenburg County Compost 140 Valleydale Road Charlotte NC 28214 Steve Hoffman (980) 314-3873 denburg CD ITP 6037-TP-2020 IGreenway Recycling of North Meck, LLC 15300 Holbrooks Road Huntersville NC 28078 John Canup (704) 622-3408 denburg MSW Trans 6038-TRANSFER-2020 South Charlotte Transfer Station 1710 Westinghouse Boulevard Charlotte NC 28214 Joshua Smaltz (757) 355-1591 denburg�Wollection 6040-TIRECOLL-2023 IAmericanTireDistributors-Charlotte 4047 Perimeter West Drive Charlotte INC 28214I Brian Miller I(704)632-1905 denburg LCID LF 60AM-LCID- Ronald J. Brewer 3015 Kelly Road Charlotte NC 28216 Beverly Brewer (704) 399-5500 denburg LCID LF 60AN-LCID Metrolina Greenhouses, Inc. 16400 Huntersville Concord Road Huntersville INC 28078IRobert Hilton I(980) 229-0848 denburg LCID LF 60Q-LCID- Piedmont Grading & Wrecking 11898 Everette Keith Road Huntersville NC 28078 Wayne Kerr (704) 622-1388 tgomery MSW MatRecovery 6202MRF-MWP- Uwharrie Environmental MRF 500 Landfill Road (Mount Gilead INC 27371IJoseph Reynolds (910) 606-3210 Rev 2/22/2024 Page 5 of 8 NC DEQ/DWM Solid Waste Section NC Solid Waste Facilities Active Permitted )ntgomery MSW LF 6204-MSWLF-1995 Uwharrie Env. Reg. Landfill 500 Landfill Road Mount Gilead NC 27306 Joe Reynolds (910) 606-3210 )ntgomery YW TP 6204-TP-2011 Uwharrie T&P Facility 500 Landfill Road Mount Gilead INC 27306 Joe Reynolds (910) 606-3210 )ore CD LF 6301-CDLF-1992 Moore County C&D Landfill 456 Turning Leaf Way Aberdeen NC 28315 Steve Perkins (910) 947-7180 )ore YW TP 6301-TP-2013 (Moore County Yard Waste Collection Units I456Turning Leaf Way (Aberdeen INC 28315ISteven Perkins I(910) 947-7180 )ore MSW Trans 6302-TRANSFER-1994 Uwharrie Env Inc/Moore Cty Transfer Station 457 Turning Leaf Hwy (SR 1165) Aberdeen NC 28315 Steve Perkins (910) 947-7180 )ore HHW Collection 6303-HHW-2020 Moore County Eagle Springs Road HHW Collection Center364 Eagle Springs Road Eagle Springs INC 27242ISteve Perkins (910) 947-7180 sh CD LF 6403-CDLF-2000 Nash County C&D Landfill 3057 Duke Road Nashville NC 27856 Ben Barnes (252) 459-9899 sh LCID LF 6403-LCID-2020 (Nash County LCID I3057 Duke Road (Nashville INC 27856 Ben Barnes ((252) 459-9989 sh MSW Trans 6405T-TRANSFER-2001 Rocky Mount, City of Transfer Station #2 1221 Thorpe Road Rocky Mount NC 27804 Andrew Martin (252) 467-4956 sh Type II Compost 6406-COMPOST-2014 Carolina Recycled Ag Materials, L-C. I3174 Boddie Mill Pond Road I Nashville INC 27856 Kyle Bass (252) 343-1615 sh Type I Compost 6407-COMPOST-2018 Rocky Mount Compost Facility 394 Arrow Road Rocky Mount NC 27801 Tim Farmer (252) 972-1294 sh LCID LF 6408-LCID-2022 iAl Collie LCID Landfill 5801 Taylor's Store Road Nashville INC 27856 Sidney Collie (252) 544-1235 w Hanover Type III Compost 6504-COMPOST-2018 New Hanover County Compost Facility 5210 US Highway 421 Wilmington NC 28401 Joe Suleyman (910) 798-4403 w Hanover MSW LF 6504-MSWLF-2017 New Hanover County Landfill 5210 US Highway 421 I Wilmington INC 28401IJoe Suleyman (910) 798-4403 w Hanover CD MatRecovery 6504-MWP-2016 New Hanover County Materials Recovery & Recycling Faci 3002 US Highway 421 North Wilmington INC 28401 Joe Suleyman (910) 798-4403 w Hanover HHW Collection 6505-HHW-2013 New Hanover Waste -to -Energy Facility 3002 US Highway 421 North I Wilmington INC 28401IJoe Suleyman (910) 798-4403 w Hanover MSW Trans 6508T-TRANSFER-1993 Waste Management of Wilmington Transfer 3920 River Road Wilmington INC 28412 David Greer (910) 915-9040 w Hanover LCID TP 6511-TP- (American Property Experts 606 Sunnyvale Drive I Wilmington INC 28412 Ayesha Waggaman (910) 793-1460 w Hanover Collection 6513-TIRECOLL-2023 American Tire Distributors - Wilmington 2405 Wrightsville Avenue Wilmington INC 28403 Brian Miller (704) 632-1905 islow LCID LF 6705-LCID-1991 Onslow County Landfill LCID Unit 415 Meadowview Road (Jacksonville INC 28540 Timothy Aunkst (910) 989-2107 slow MSW LF 6708-MSWLF-1997 Camp Lejeune MSW Landfill Bldg. 982, Piney Green Road Camp Lejeune INC 28542 Katherine Proffitt (910) 451-5836 slow MSW LF 6709-MSWLF-1997 I Onslow County Subtitle D Landfill 1415 Meadowview Road (Jacksonville INC 28540ITimothy Aunkst (910) 989-2107 slow Type III Compost 6710-COMPOST-1999 Camp Lejeune Compost Facility Piney Green Road Camp Lejeune INC 28542 Katherine Proffitt (910) 451-5836 slow CD (Trans 6712-TRANSFER-2016 Folkstone C&D Recycling Collection/Transfer Station Hwy 172 Holly Ridge INC 28445I Kevin Dail (910) 284-2309 slow LCID LF 6713-LCID-2021 Blackjack LCID 321 Belgrade-Swansboro Road Stella INC 28582 William Page (252) 393-8116 slow LCID LF 67A-LCID- Morton Trucking Site 121 Garnet Lane (Jacksonville INC 28546ITim Morton (910) 548-0914 slow LCID LF 67C-LCID- Eastern Excavating Landfill 143 Penguin Lane Jacksonville INC 28546 Terry Williams (910) 358-2330 slow LCID LF 67D-LCID- Haugen Landfill 3062 Burgaw Hwy (Jacksonville INC 28574 Mark Haugen (910) 324-8025 slow LCID LF 67E-LCID- Parker Meadow LCID Jim Parker Road Jacksonville INC 28546 Joey Humphrey (910) 346-4727 slow LCID LF 67F-LCID-2012 Rocky Run Inert Debris I3121 New Bern Highway (Jacksonville INC 28546 George Morton (910) 330-5776 ange CD LF 6804-CDLF-2005 Orange County CDLF 1514 Eubanks Road Chapel Hill INC 27516 Warren Cloer (919) 968-2788 ange HHW Collection 6805-HHW-2013 (Orange County Walnut Grove HHW I3611 Walnut Grove Church Road (Cedar Grove INC 27278 Warren Cloer (919) 918-4916 ange HHW Collection 6806-HHW-2018 Eubanks Road Convenience Center 1518 Eubanks Road Chapel Hill NC 27516 Warren Cloer (919) 918-4916 I -I MSW Trans 6903T-TRANSFER-1993 Pamlico County Transfer Station 3291 Highway 306 N. IGrantsboro INC 28570 Bobby Darden (252) 633-1564 squotank CD LF 7002-CDLF-1996 Pasquotank County C&D Landfill 983 Simpson Ditch Road Elizabeth City NC 27909 Bradley Gardner (252) 335-4105 squotank MSW Trans 7003T-TRANSFER-1994 Pasquotank County Transfer Station 1983 Simpson Ditch Road Elizabeth City INC 27909 Bradley Gardner (252) 335-4105 nder MSW Trans 7103T-TRANSFER-1990 Pender County Transfer Station 250 Transfer Station Road Burgaw INC 28425 Susan Barnhill (910)470-0820 nder LCID I LF 71A-LCID- Wilmington Compost Company 17390 INC Highway 210 Rocky Point I INC 28457 Riley Alber (910) 660-9117 rquimans MSW Trans 7202T-TRANSFER-1995 Perquimans-Chowan-Gates Transfer 759 Perrys Bridge Road Belvidere NC 27919 Angel White (252) 297-6524 rson CCR LF 7302-INDUS-1988 Duke Energy Progress - Roxboro 1700 Dunnaway Road Roxboro INC 27343 Kimberlee Witt (336) 632-3750 rson CCR LF 7302-INDUS-2021 Duke Energy Progress - Roxboro 1700 Dunnaway Road Roxboro INC 27343 Kimberlee Witt (336) 632-3750 rson MSW LF 7304-MSWLF-1997 Upper Piedmont Regional Landfill I9650 Oxford Road Rougemont INC 27572 William Harless (919) 390-1301 rson CCR LF 7305-INDUS-2012 Duke Energy, Mayo Steam Electric Plant 10660 Boston Road Roxboro INC 27574 Kimberlee Witt (336) 632-3750 rson Collection 7306-TIRECOLL-2014 Person County Recycling Center I741 Martin Street Roxboro INC 27573I Rhonda Gentry ((336) 583-1308 t HHW Collection 7404-HHW-2019 Pitt County HHW Collection Facility (formerly 7404T-HHW 3025 Landfill Road Greenville NC 27834 John Demary (252) 902-3355 t CD MatRecovery 7404-TP-2016 Pitt County Materials Recovery & Recycling Facility (forme 3025 Landfill Road (Greenville INC 27834 John Demary (252) 902-3355 t MSW Trans 7404-TRANSFER-1996 Pitt County Transfer Station (formerly 7404T-MWP-1996) 3025 Landfill Road Greenville NC 27834 John Demary (252) 902-3355 t MSW Trans 7406T-TRANSFER-2001 EJE Recycling Transfer Station 802 Recycling Lane (Greenville INC 27834 Sabrina Main (252) 752-8274 t CD LF 7407-CDLF-2009 C & D Landfill Inc 802 Recycling Lane Greenville INC 27834 Sabrina Main (252) 752-8274 t LCID ILF 74C-LCID- E. R. Lewis Construction I5508 County Home Road (Greenville INC 27835ICurt Williford (252) 321-1101 t LCID LF 74D-LCID- E. R. Lewis 3034 INC Highway 33 West Greenville NC 27833 Curt Williford (252) 321-1101 Ik MSW Trans 7504T-TRANSFER-2005 Polk County Transfer Station I322 Landfill Road Mill Spring INC 28756ITRAVIS BALLARD (828) 894-3737 ndolph Indus LF 7602-INDUS-1983 Energizer Battery Manufacturing, Inc. County Land Road Randleman NC 27317 Julia Bowman (336) 672-4546 ndolph Type III Compost 7604-COMPOST- N.C. Zoological Park 4401 Zoo Parkway (Asheboro INC 27205IJody Stancil (336) 879-7420 Rev 2/22/2024 Page 6 of 8 NC DEQ/DWM Solid Waste Section NC Solid Waste Facilities Active Permitted ndolph MSW Trans 7605T-TRANSFER-2002 Asheboro, City of Recycling/SW Transfer Station 630 Transfer Station Place Asheboro NC 27203 Rusty Turner (336) 625-2944 ndolph CD LF 7606-CDLF-2021 Wall Recycling CDLF 385 Gold Hill Road Asheboro INC 27203 Dan Jarboe (919) 906-2747 ndolph CD TP 7606-TP-2021 Wall Recycling Facility 385 Gold Hill Road Asheboro NC 27203 Dan Jarboe (919) 906-2747 ndolph MSW LF 7607-MSWLF-2015 Great Oak Landfill I3597 Old Cedar Falls Randleman INC 273171 Mike McFeeley 1(336) 628-6029 ndolph Type I Compost 7608-COMPOST-2017 Asheboro, City of Compost Facility 2139 Old Lexington Road Asheboro NC 27203 David Hutchins (336) 626-1234 :hmond YW ITP 7703-TP-2023 Richmond County Treatment & Process Unit 191 Walter Kelly Road ( Rockingham INC 28379 Bryan Leggett (910) 997-8338 :hmond MSW Trans 7703T-TRANSFER-1994 Richmond County Transfer Facility 191 Walter Kelly Road Rockingham NC 28379 Bryan Leggett (910) 997-8338 :hmond LCID �LF 77A-LCID-1981 Hamlet, City Of 718 Hamlet Avenue (Hamlet INC 28345 Robert Brown (910)582-7987 beson CD LF 7803-CDLF-1997 Robeson County CDLF 246 Landfill Road Saint Pauls NC 28384 Shawanda Moad (910) 865-3348 beson LCID LF 7803-LCID-2022 (Robeson County LCID 246 Landfill Road (Saint Pauls INC 28384 Harrell Walters (910) 865-3348 beson MSW LF 7803-MSWLF-1997 Robeson County Landfill 246 Landfill Road Saint Pauls NC 28384 Harrell Walters (910) 865-3348 beson LCID LF 781-LCID-1990 Lumberton, City of LCID Landfill Off Clyborn Church (S.R. 1531) Lumberton INC 28359 Robert Armstrong (910) 671-3851 ckingham MSW Trans 7902T-TRANSFER-1991 Reidsville, City of Transfer Facility 709 Marcellus Street Reidsville NC 27320 Edward Shelton (336) 349-1074 ckingham HHW Collection 7903-HHW-2013 Eden, City of HHW Collection Facility 123 Mebane Bridge Road Eden INC 27288I Dusty Curry ((336) 623-7783 ckingham MSW Trans 7903T-TRANSFER-1991 Eden, City of Transfer Station 123 Mebane Bridge Road Eden NC 27288 Dusty Curry (336) 623-2110 ckingham MSW LF 7904-MSWLF-1995 Rockingham County Landfill 281 Snuff Road ( Madison INC 27025 Ronald Tate ((336) 342-8104 ckingham Type I Compost 7908-COMPOST-2018 Reidsville Yard Waste & Material Recovery Facility 407 Broad Street Reidsville NC 27320 Edward Shelton (336) 349-1074 wan MSW LF 8003-MSWLF-1988 Rowan County Landfill I780 Campbell Road I Woodleaf INC 27054 Craig Powers (704) 216-8606 wan MSW Trans 8004T-TRANSFER-1995 East Spencer Waste Transfer Facility 1000 North Long Street East Spencer NC 28144 TIM DAVIS (843) 214-3012 wan Type I Compost 8006-COMPOST-2015 Salisbury Grants Creek Compost Facility 1955 Grubb Ferry Road (Salisbury INC 28144 Michael Hanna (704) 216-8028 therford CD LF 8103-CDLF-2002 Rutherford County C&D 656 Laurel Hill Drive Rutherfordton NC 28139 James Kilgo (828) 287-6002 therford MSW Trans 8104T-TRANSFER-1998 Rutherford County Transfer Station 1656 Laurel Ridge Road Rutherfordton INC 28139James Kilgo (828) 287-6002 therford CCR LF 8106-INDUS-2009 Duke Energy Carolinas - Rogers 573 Duke Power Road Mooresboro NC 28114 Bill Wylie (843) 729-2283 mpson CD LF 8202-CDLF-1996 Sampson County Disposal, LLC I7434 Roseboro Highway IRoseboro INC 28382Joseph Smith I(910) 525-4132 mpson MSW LF 8202-MSWLF-2000 Sampson County Disposal, LLC 7434 Roseboro Highway Roseboro NC 28382 Joseph Smith (910) 525-4132 mpson Type III Compost 8205-COMPOST-2015 (Coastal Protein I5825 Martin Road (Godwin INC 28344IBlake Bullard I(910) 237-2576 )tland CD LF 8301-CDLF-1997 Scotland County CDLF 10701 Patterson Road Laurinburg NC 28352 William Lash (910) 352-3557 )tland MSW Trans 8302T-TRANSFER-1997 (Scotland County Transfer Station I10701 Patterson Road Maxton INC 28352 William Lash (910) 352-3557 )tland Type I Compost 8303-COMPOST-2021 Laurinburg, City of Type 1 Compost Facility 600 Hall Street Lauringburg NC 28352 Angie Foster (910) 276-2364 )tland YW iTP 8303-TP-2021 Laurinburg, City of T&P-Air Curtain Incinerator -Burner 600 Hall Street Laurinburg INC 28352 Angie Foster (910) 276-2364 )tland Type II Compost 8304-COMPOST-2023 NCOR Compost Facility 13761 Airport Road Maxton NC 28364 Fred Mussari (772) 409-4044 inly CD ILF 8401-CDLF-1997 (Albemarle, City of CDLF I40592 Stony Gap Road (Albemarle NC 28001 Darren Preslar I(704) 984-9680 only MSW LF 8401-MSWLF-1999 Albemarle, City of Landfill 40592 Stony Gap Road Albemarle NC 28001 Darren Preslar (704) 984-9680 akes CCR LF 8504-INDUS-2007 Duke Energy Carolinas - Belews Creek, Craig Road Landfilll3191 Pine Hall Road Walnut Cove NC 27009 Melonie Martin ((336) 669-2994 akes CCR LF 8505-INDUS-2008 Duke Energy Carolinas - Belews Creek, Craig Road Landfill, 3195 Pine Hall Road Belews Creek NC 27009 Melonie Martin (336) 669-2994 Aes CCR LF 8506-INDUS-2021 Duke Energy- Belews Creek Steam Station 3195 Pine Hall Road Belews Creek NC 27009 Tyler Hardin (843) 469-1839 rry LCID LF 8606-LCID-2020 Surry County LCID Facility 237 Landfill Road Mount Airy NC 27030 Jessica Montgomery (336) 401-8375 rry MSW LF 8606-MSWLF-1998 Surry County MSWLF (237 Landfill Road Mount Airy NC 27030 Jessica Montgomery (336) 401-8375 rry TP 8607-TIRETP-2013 New River Tire Recycling, LLC 3412 East 52 Bypass Pilot Mountain NC 27041 Megan Turney (276) 728-0201 ,ain MSW Trans 8702T-TRANSFER- Swain County Transfer Facility 1422 NC Highway 19 S. Bryson City NC 28713IJerry Jenkins (828) 735-2921 ,ain LCID LF 87A-LCID- Swain County LCID 1484 Buckner Branch Road Bryson City NC 28713 Jerry Jenkins (828) 735-2921 ansylvania HHW Collection 8807-HHW-2002 Transylvania County HHW Unit I500 Howell Road IBrevard INC 28712 Kenn Webb ((828) 884-1842 ansylvania LCID LF 8807-LCID-1988 Transylvania County LCID 500 Howell Road Brevard NC 28712 Kenn Webb (828) 884-1842 ansylvania MSW LF 8807-MSWLF-1990 Transylvania County Landfill I500 Howell Road IBrevard NC 28712 Kenn Webb (828) 884-6830 ansylvania LCID TP 8810-TP-2022 Wood Recyclers T&P Facility 270 Brown Road Pisgah Forest NC 28768 Josh Wright (828) 508-1821 ion CD ILF 9001-CDLF-1998 Union County C&D 2125 Austin Chaney Road I Wingate NC 28174 Christopher Medlin (704) 989-1949 ion MSW Trans 9005T-TRANSFER-1999 Union County Transfer Station 2125 Austin Chaney Road Wingate NC 28174 Christopher Medlin (704) 989-1949 ion LCID ILF 9013-LCID- (Griffin Farm LCID Landfill I4242 Morgan Mill Road (Monroe NC 28110 Richard Griffin (704) 361-7791 ion MSW Trans 9014-TRANSFER-2014 Waste Connections Monroe Transfer Station 3320 Westwood Industrial Drive Monroe NC 28110 Joshua Smaltz (757) 355-1591 ion Type I Compost 9015-COMPOST-2020 Union County Large Type 1 Compost Unit 2125 Austin Chaney Road I Wingate INC 28174IChristopher Medlin 1(704) 989-1949 nce MSW Trans 9102T-TRANSFER-1997 Vance County Transfer Station 3453 NC Highway 39 N Henderson NC 27537 Randy Deming (260) 579-1861 ake HHW Collection 9203-HHW-2009 South Wake Co Feltonsville HHW Facility 61300ld Smithfield Rd (Apex INC 27539IMeghan Baldwin (919) 856-5698 )ke MSW Trans 9211T-TRANSFER-1990 Cary, Town of Transfer Station 313 North Dixon Avenue Cary NC 27512 jesse troublefield (919) 462-2069 ake Type I Compost 9213-COMPOST-1991 Raleigh, City of Yard Waste Facility 900 New Hope Road Raleigh NC 27610 Timothy Gainer (919) 996-6030 Rev 2/22/2024 Page 7 of 8 NC DEQ/DWM Solid Waste Section NIC Solid Waste Facilities Active Permitted MSW Trans 9215T-TRANSFER-1994 Waste Management Of Raleigh/Durham Transfer Station 10411 Globe Road Morrisville NC 27560 Earle Boller (843) 319-0154 MSW Trans 9217-TRANSFER-1994 WI Garner Transfer Station 3741 Conquest Drive Garner NC 27529 Nicholas Zdeb (919) 662-7100 HHW Collection 9218-HHW-2009 North Wake Co HHW Collection Facility 9037 Depoine Drive Raleigh NC 27614 Meghan Baldwin (919) 856-5698 MSW LF 9222-MSWLF-2008 I Wake County South Wake MSWLF I Highway 55 Bypass, 6124 Old Smithfield Road Apex NC 27615I Roy Baldwin 1(919) 856-5695 LCID LF 9223-LCID-2010 Buffaloe LCID Landfill & Wood Recycling Facility 5525 Wake Academy Drive Raleigh NC 27603 Tommy Williams (919) 772-4166 CD TP 9224-MWP-2012 Wake Reclamation, LLC I421 Raleigh View Road Raleigh INC 27610I Donald Plessinger I(919) 557-9583 CD LF 9226-CDLF-2020 Shotwell Landfill, Inc 4724 Smithfield Road Wendell NC 27591 Patrick Messinger (678) 936-2728 CD Trans �9227T-TRANSFER-2012 Raleigh Transfer Station 5565 Thornton Road Raleigh NC 27616 Matt Wendt I(563) 209-7261 CD LF 9228-CDLF-2001 Red Rock Disposal C&D Landfill 7130 New Landfill Drive Holly Springs NC 27540 Donald Plessinger (919) 557-9583 CD LF 9230-CDLF-2014 Greenway Waste Solutions of Apex, LLC 5940 Old Smithfield Road (Apex NC 27502 Grant Kiser (919) 818-0671 Type I Compost 9230-COMPOST- Greenway Waste Solutions of Apex, LLC 5940 Old Smithfield Road Apex NC 27502 Grant Kiser (919) 367-2895 CD ILF 9231-CDLF-2012 Brownfield Road C&D Landfill 2600 Brownfield Road Raleigh NC 27610 Donald Plessinger (919) 557-9583 MSW Trans 9233T-TRANSFER-2008 Raleigh, City of East Wake Transfer Station 820 Corporation Parkway Raleigh NC 27610 Roy Baldwin (919) 856-5695 CD (Trans 9234-TRANSFER-2012 Durant Road Transfer Station I9220 Durant Road (Raleigh INC 27614 I Donald Plessinger I(919)557-9583 Type III Compost 9235-COMPOST-2003 NC State University Compost Facility & Research Coopera Inwood Road Raleigh NC 27603 Adam Bensley (919) 515-9421 CD (Trans 9237T-TRANSFER-2020 (Capitol Waste Transfer, LLC I424 Warehouse Drive I Raleigh INC 27614IJosh Daher I(919) 876-8485 HHW Collection 9239-HHW-2016 Wake HHW Wendell 5051 Wendell Blvd. Wendell NC 27591 Meghan Baldwin (919) 856-5698 CD MatRecovery 9240-MWP-2017 (Apex -Wall Recycling, LLC 520 Pristine Water Drive (Apex INC 27539 Brian Kiefer (919) 704-0312 MSW Trans 9241-TRANSFER-2020 Morrisville Transfer Station, LLC 222 International Drive Morrisville NC 27560 Josh Daher (919) 876-8485 CD MatRecovery 9242-MWP-2020 I Wall Recycling - Garner Road 2126 Garner Road ( Raleigh INC 27610 Dustin Hill (919) 582-7777 MSW Trans 9242-TRANSFER-2020 Wall Recycling - Garner Road 2126 Garner Road Raleigh NC 27610 Dan Wall (919) 552-2149 Collection 9244-TIRECOLL-2023 (American Tire Distributors - Raleigh 1615 Wolfpack Lane Raleigh INC 27609 Brian Miller I(704) 632-1905 LCID LF 92M-LCID- Wall Recycling LCID Landfill 3000 Gresham Lake Road Raleigh NC 27615 Dan Jarboe (919) 906-2747 LCID LF 92N-LCID-2021 (Triangle Forest Products, Inc. I4525 Sunset Lake Road Holly Springs INC 27526 I Clayton Horne (919) 961-4807 LCID LF 92V-LCID- Carolina Tree Debris 1417 Old Watkins Rd Raleigh NC 27616 Thomas Butler (919) 880-2852 m MSW Trans 9302T-TRANSFER-1995 Warren County Transfer Station I559 Baltimore Road Warrenton NC 275891 Marshall Brothers 1(252) 257-1948 ington Indus LF 9401-INDUS-2008 Domtar Paper Company Landfill, Lined #3 NC Highway 149 N. Plymouth NC 27962 J.T. Lilley (252) 793-8825 ington CD LF 9404-CDLF-1996 Washington County C&D Landfill I718 Landfill Road I Roper INC 27970 Michael Gray (252) 793-5615 aga LCID TP 9502-LCID-2016 Watauga County Landclearing 336 Landfill Road Boone NC 28607 Rex Buck (828) 264-5305 iga HHW Collection 9503-HHW-2015 Watauga County Permanent HHW Facility (336 Landfill Road (Boone INC 28607 Cole Kiziah (828) 264-5305 aga MSW t Trans 9503T-TRANSFER-1996 Watauga Co Transfer Facility 336 Landfill Road Boone NC 28607 Rex Buck (828) 264-5305 aga Type III Compost 9504-COMPOST-2001 (Appalachian State University Compost Facility I265 Dale Street I Boone INC 28608Chris Erickson ((828) 262-8828 e CD LF 9601-CDLF-1997 Wayne County CDLF 460-B South Landfill Road Dudley NC 28333 Randy Rogers (919) 689-2994 e MSW i LF 9606-MSWLF-1998 I Wayne County Landfill 46013 South Landfill Road Dudley INC 28333( Randy Rogers I(919) 689-2994 e MSW Trans 9607T-TRANSFER-1997 Goldsboro, City of Transfer Station r 904 Brick Street Goldsboro NC 27530 Tara Johnson (919) 739-7412 s Indus LF 9703-INDUS-1981 Louisiana-Pacific Corporation 1151 ABTCo Road N Wilkesboro INC 28659 Matt Holcombe (336) 696-3483 s MSW LF 9704-MSWLF-1993 Wilkes County MSWLF 9219 Elkin Highway Roaring River NC 28669 Anderia Byrd (336) 696-5806 s Type III Compost 9705-COMPOST-2023 I Wilkes Abattoir Compost 257 Brewer Road I Hays NC 28635 Seth Church (336) 927-5370 n MSW Trans 9806T-TRANSFER-1997 Waste Industries Wilson Transfer St. 2810 Contentnea Road Wilson NC 27893 Michael Lee (252) 885-0201 In MSW Trans 9808T-TRANSFER-2000 I Black Creek Road Transfer Station 3031 Black Creek Road I Wilson NC 27893 Michael Lee (252) 885-0201 n CD LF 9809-CDLF-2022 Wilson County Westside C&D Landfill (Area 2) 2400 NC Hwy 42 East Wilson NC 27893 Andy Davis (252) 399-2823 In Type III Compost 9810-COMPOST-2016 D & D Organic Farming Compost Facility 7984 Pelt Road IStantonsburg INC 27883Daniel Newsome (919) 920-0368 n � Collection 9811-TIRECOLL-2023 American Tire Distributors - Wilson 2820 Commerce Road Wilson NC 27893 Brian Miller (704) 632-1905 1 MSW Trans 9903T-TRANSFER-1994 Yadkin County Transfer Facility 1149 Landfill Road Yadkinville NC 270551Keith Cain ((336) 849-7722 y MSW Trans 10003T-TRANSFER-1995 Yancey -Mitchell Transfer Station 661 Landfill Road Burnsville NC 28714 Lynn Austin (828) 682-3971 Rev 2/22/2024 Page 8 of 8