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FINAL CERTIFICATION REPORT prepared for WASTE CONNECTIONS Connect with the Future® WASTE CONNECTIONS OF THE CAROLINAS CONSTRUCTION OF PHASE 4 CELL 2 ANSON COUNTY LANDFILL POLKTON, NORTH CAROLINA prepared by MJM CONSULTING, LLC in partnership OCTOBER 2023 OASIS -CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC. with MJM CONSULTING, LLC in partnership with �'gSlS October 18, 2023 Ms. Donna J. Wilson Engineering Project Manager, Solid Waste Section Division of Waste Management North Carolina Dept. of Environmental Quality 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 Subject: Chambers Development of North Carolina, Inc., A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Waste Connections, Inc. Anson County Landfill, Polkton, North Carolina Permit No. 0403-MSWLF-2010 Phase 4, Cell 2 Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) Report Dear Ms. Wilson: On behalf of Waste Connections of the Carolinas, we are writing to provide documentation and certification of construction of the Phase 4 Cell 2 Construction at the Anson County Landfill in Polkton, North Carolina. The CQA Report includes information prepared in accordance with the requirements of Rule .1621 of 15A NCAC 13B and contains results of construction quality assurance and construction quality control testing in accordance with the following: i. The approved CQA Plan, dated September 2016; ii. The conditions of the permit to construct, dated December 7, 2018, and modified March 11, 2022; iii. The requirements of Rule 15A NCAC 13B.1624; and iv. Acceptable engineering practices. We acknowledge both the modification made to the base grades and the proposed temporary sump with associated features from the "Minor Modification for Phase 4, Cell 1," dated March 11, 2022. 45 Woodstock St., Roswell, G_t 3001- Phonc: 678-739- 400 Based on my review of the as -built surveys; monitoring, testing and visual observation of the construction; and the final report, it is my professional opinion that construction of Phase 4 Cell 2 was completed in compliance with the approved permit drawings, the four permit conditions noted above, and as documented by the enclosed Final Construction Quality Assurance Report. I hereby certify the construction as evidenced by my North Carolina seal and signature. Please contact me at (404) 307-2680 or mikernontel(Ecoincast.net with any questions or comments regarding the report. Sincerely, Michael J. Montel, Member/Manager ���yypprryY!lY �' ■ E • f cc: Susan Reid, P.E. (Waste Connections) Matt Crockett, P.E. (Waste Connections) Tyler Fitzgerald (Waste Connections) Kingsley Nwaogwugwu (Oasis) Jason Watkins (NC DENR) Ed Mussler (NC DENR) 2 Asis MJM CONSULTING, LLC in partnership with oC�SERVCES TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. GENERAL........................................................................................................................................1 2. PROJECT OVERVIEW..................................................................................................................2 2.1 Project Team..................................................................................................................2 2.2 Project Schedule.............................................................................................................3 3. QUALITY ASSURANCE MONITORING / FIELD & LABORATORY TESTING ........... 4 3.1 Subgrade Construction...................................................................................................4 3.2 Compacted Clay Subbase Construction........................................................................ 4 3.3 Geosynthetic Clay Liner, HDPE Geomembrane, and Geocomposite InstallationObservations ...............................................................................................6 3.3.1 General Monitoring Procedures.............................................................................................6 3.3.2 Manufacturer Quality Control Certificates for Geosynthetic Clay Layer, Geomembrane, Drainage Geocomposite, and Geotextile......................................................6 3.3.3 Interface Friction Testing......................................................................................................7 3.3.4 GCL / HDPE Geomembrane Conformance Testing and Deployment Observations..........................................................................................................................8 3.3.5 Geomembrane Trial Seam Observations...............................................................................9 3.3.6 Geomembrane Seaming.........................................................................................................9 3.3.7 Geomembrane Defect and Repair Observations....................................................................9 3.3.8 Geomembrane Seam Strength Destructive Testing Observations.......................................10 3.3.9 Geomembrane Seam Non -Destructive Continuity Testing Observations ............................10 3.4 Leachate Collection System Observations...................................................................10 PHOTOGRAPHS FIGURES Figure 1 - Geomembrane Panel Layout with Destructive Test and Repair Locations Figure 2 - Record Drawing for Top of Subgrade, Clay Subbase, and Protective Cover Layer i MJM CONSULTING, LLC in partnership with APPENDICES A. Listing of Monitoring and Installation Personnel B. Soil Laboratory Testing Results Section 1 - Structural Fill Section 2 - Clay Liner Borrow Section 3 - Clay Liner during Construction Section 4 - Protective Cover Section 5 - LCS Aggregate C. Manufacturers' Quality Control Certificates Section 1 - HDPE Geomembrane Section 2 - Geosynthetic Clay Liner Section 3 - Geocomposite Section 4 - Leachate Collection Components Section 5 - Geotextile D. Conformance Test Results Section 1 - HDPE Geomembrane E. Interface Friction Angle Test Results F. Geomembrane Documentation Section 1 - Subgrade Acceptance Certificates Section 2 - Geomembrane Panel Deployment Log Section 3 - Geomembrane Trial Seam Log Section 4 - Geomembrane Fusion and Extrusion Seam Log Section 5 - Geomembrane Defect, Repair, and Vacuum Test Log Section 6 - Fusion and Extrusion Destructive Sample Test Results G. Daily Field and Density Testing Reports H. Leachate Collection Line Video and CD Inspection oAsis CONSI1LiING SERVICES ii MJM CONSULTING, LLC in partnership with 1. GENERAL oAsis CONSI1LiING SERVICES MJM Consulting, LLC in partnership with Oasis Construction Services, Inc. (MJM/Oasis) was retained by Waste Connections of the Carolinas to provide construction quality assurance (CQA) monitoring and final certification services for the construction of Phase 4, Cell 2 at the Anson County Landfill in Polkton, North Carolina. For the cell construction, the project involved a 6- acre composite liner system consisting of, from bottom to top, a fine graded subgrade, an 18-inch-thick compacted clay subbase (1x10-5 centimeters per second maximum permeability), a geosynthetic clay liner (GCL), a 60-mil high - density polyethylene (HDPE) textured geomembrane, a geocomposite drainage layer, and a 24- inch-thick protective cover layer. Phase 4, Cell 2 was built in accordance with the approved CQA Plan dated March 26, 2018, permit to construct date December 7, 2018, and the requirements of Rule 15A NCAC 13B.1624 and the minor modification for Phase 4 Cell 1 dated 11 March 2022 as well as the contract drawings for the construction of Phase 4, Cell 2, Anson Waste Management Facility, dated 31 May 2023 and prepared by Weaver Consultants Group, Fort Worth, TX (WCG), and the approved Construction Quality Assurance & Quality Control (CQA/CQC) Plan. Anson Waste Management Facility Final Certification Report Phase 4, Cell 2 Page I MJM CONSULTING, LLC in partnership with 2. PROJECT OVERVIEW 2.1 Project Team oAsis CONSI1LiING SERVICES MJM/Oasis provided CQA services throughout the project to monitor the construction activities performed by contractors and to compile the required testing and surveying data for the final certification report documenting that the project has been constructed in substantial compliance with the approved permit drawings and CQA/CQC Plan. Design and engineering services were provided by Weaver Consulting Group (WCG). The duties of MJM/Oasis were, more specifically, as follows: Quality Assurance (QA) monitoring services were provided by MJM/Oasis, which had personnel onsite on a full-time basis. The objectives of the QA Monitoring Program were to observe and document the materials and installation procedures for conformance to the project requirements and to provide a certification statement that the installation was in accordance with plans and specifications. A listing of MJM/Oasis personnel involved in the project is presented in Appendix A. • Geotechnical laboratory testing of the structural fill, clay liner borrow, clay liner protective cover soil and leachate collection aggregate layer was conducted by MJM/Oasis and Excel Geotechnical Testing Inc, (Excel) (see Appendix B). • Geosynthetic testing were performed by TRI Environmental, Inc. of Austin, Texas (see Appendices D and E). The certifying engineer assigned to the project was Mr. Michael Monteleone, P.E., a registered professional engineer licensed to practice in the State of North Carolina. He conducted weekly construction meetings; reviewed the product submittals, test results, the as -built drawing for the top of the subgrade, the clay and protective soil layer; and prepared the final certification report. Anson Waste Management Facility Final Certification Report Phase 4, Cell 2 Page 2 MJM CONSULTING, LLC in partnership with 2.2 Project Schedule oAsis CONSI1LiING SERVICES The construction of Phase 4, Cell 2 began on 7 June 2023, and was substantially completed 20 October, 2023. Anson Contractors (ACI) was the general contractor for construction of Phase 4, Cell 2. MJM/Oasis had a full-time monitor on site from 12 June 2023, through the project completion date 18 Oct 2023. A pre -construction meeting was held on 12 June 2023 and was attended by representatives of Waste Connections of the Carolinas, CEC, BCS, WCG, and MJM/Oasis. Topics of this meeting included the project scope, lines of communication and responsibilities, contractual procedures, project specifications and testing requirements, earthwork construction procedures, construction scheduling, and documentation. A geosynthetic materials pre -construction meeting which was held on 8 September 2023, was attended by representatives of ACI, Hallaton Environmental Linings, Inc. (Hallaton), and MJM/Oasis. Topics of this meeting included the project scope, lines of communication and responsibilities, liner construction scheduling, material specifications, geomembrane, and drainage geocomposite installation procedures. Parties in attendance were in agreement concerning the scheduling, specification, and installation procedures. Hallaton demobilized 25 September 2023. Detailed results of the required testing and material properties, CQA monitoring services, and required as -built surveys are contained in this final certification report. Anson Waste Management Facility Final Certification Report Phase 4, Cell 2 Page 3 MJM CONSULTING, LLC in partnership with oAsis CONSI1LiING SERVICES 3. QUALITY ASSURANCE MONITORING / FIELD & LABORATORY TESTING 3.1 Subgrade Construction Initially, the construction site was stripped of vegetation in the cell. A portion of the structural fill was placed along the west berm in the process of constructing the access road; the remaining fill was placed in the cell footprint to meet design subgrade. The completed subgrade was proof- rolled with a loaded truck to verify soundness and acceptability of in -situ material. Suspect areas were undercut, and clean structural fill was placed by Anson Contractors Inc. (ACI) and compacted and rechecked, either by testing or by proof -rolling. Structural fill materials consisted of fine, sound, loose earth exhibiting -3 percent to +3 percent optimum moisture content, for compaction to a minimum of 95 percent of maximum dry density, as determined by the standard Proctor test method. During construction, MJM/Oasis personnel verified that the horizontal lifts did not exceed 12 inches and that surfaces were properly scarified prior to placement of additional lifts. A total of one -hundred twenty-eight (128) structural fill field moisture/density tests were performed to verify both in -place moisture content and the degree of compaction achieved by the contractor. A summary of the field moisture/density test results for structural fill is presented in Appendix B - Section 1; our review indicated that the structural fill was placed and compacted in accordance with the project requirements. ACI provided field construction staking at appropriate intervals. The grades were subsequently certified by Lawrence Associates of Monroe, North Carolina (Lawrence Associates), prior to placement of the clay liner. 3.2 Compacted Clay Subbase Construction The compacted clay subbase was placed using material from the on -site borrow source. The borrow source material was tested and found to meet the permeability requirements, which were less than or equal to 1 x 10-5 cm/sec. The clay liner was constructed in three lifts for a final minimum thickness of 18 inches. As noted in the CQA Plan by CEC dated December 2018, the Certifying Engineer has the option to consider such methodologies for clay compaction. During the previous cell construction 2022, a clay test pad was built utilizing three clay lifts, and each lift was tested and approved by MJM/Oasis before proceeding. The contractor successfully demonstrated that three lifts could achieve the project specifications. During construction, visual changes in the clay borrow material were noted, and subsequent field Proctor reference curves were developed to supplement the Anson Waste Management Facility Final Certification Report Phase 4, Cell 2 Page 4 MJM CONSULTING, LLC in partnership with oAsis CONSI1LiING SERVICES laboratory generated curves. A total of 243 in -situ moisture/density tests were performed during construction. The passing test results ranged from 95 percent to 97 percent compaction, with moisture content ranging from 4 percent to 5.0 percent above optimum moisture content, as determined by the standard Proctor test method (ASTM D-698). The field moisture density test results are presented in Appendix G. At locations of failing field moisture/density or permeability test results, the areas were either moisture -conditioned by the controlled addition of water, or scarified to promote proper drying and recompaction of the material. The reworked areas were then recompacted and retested. Additionally, the clay subbase was compacted so that the equipment used for geomembrane deployment did not cause significant rutting. No excessive rutting of the subbase was observed during the geomembrane installation. Upon completion of the test pad, undisturbed (Shelby tube) samples were procured from each compacted lift. A total of 15 Shelby tubes, three of which were for the test pad, were obtained during clay liner construction. None of the Shelby tubes failed to meet project specifications. Test samples were sent to Oasis' AASHTO-accredited laboratory in Canton, Georgia, for a determination of permeability characteristics. Permeabilities were found to range in the mid 1 x 10-7 cm/sec, indicating that the compacted clay liner was constructed in accordance with project requirements. In -situ clay permeability test results for Phase 4, Cell 2 are presented in Section 3 of Appendix B. The existing liner edge was excavated by ACI to uncover a suitable tie-in to the new 18-inch clay subbase. The preparation of the existing clay and placement of the clay subbase were observed and documented by MJM/Oasis. The top of the clay subbase elevation, presented in Figure 2, indicates that the compacted clay subbase was constructed to a minimum of 18 inches in thickness, as surveyed and verified by Lawrence Associates. The final clay subbase surface was scarified to facilitate the removal of any oversized particles. The soil material was visually confirmed to meet the particle size requirements of less than or equal to 1/4-inch. A smooth drum roller was used to prepare the subbase and to provide a smooth surface prior to geomembrane deployment. Anson Waste Management Facility Final Certification Report Phase 4, Cell 2 Page 5 MJM CONSULTING, LLC in partnership with 3.3 Geosynthetic Clay Liner, HDPE Geomembrane, and Geocomposite Installation Observations oAsis CONSI1LiING SERVICES The installation of the composite liner was performed by Hallaton. A work history of the Hallaton personnel who were involved with this project is presented in Appendix A. 3.3.1 General Monitoring Procedures The CQA monitoring activities performed by MJM/Oasis during installation of the geosynthetic components (HDPE geomembrane and drainage geocomposite) of the composite liner consisted of: • Obtaining and reviewing product submittals required of the manufacturer and installer • Observing, documenting, and evaluating trial seam test results • Observing and documenting HDPE geomembrane seaming techniques and field seams • Identifying and documenting defects, as well as observing and documenting repairs • Observing and documenting the installation of the drainage geocomposite and geotextile in the leachate collection system One CQA monitor was present at the site on a full-time basis to perform the above activities during the installation of the geomembrane liner. 3.3.2 Manufacturer Quality Control Certificates for Geosynthetic Clay Layer, Geomembrane, Drainage Geocomposite, and Geotextile The geosynthetic liner components consisted of a geosynthetic clay layer (GCL), HDPE geomembrane, and a drainage geocomposite. The geosynthetic liner components supplied for this project were manufactured and supplied by CETCO and SKAPS, and consisted of: • A geosynthetic clay layer (CETCO) • A minimum 60-mil. thick, textured HDPE geomembrane (23-foot-wide by 500-foot-long rolls) (Skaps) Anson Waste Management Facility Final Certification Report Phase 4, Cell 2 Page 6 MJM CONSULTING, LLC in partnership with oAsis CONSI1LiING SERVICES • Drainage geocomposite in 14-foot-wide by nominal 200-foot-long rolls (Skaps) • Non -woven geotextile in 15-foot-wide by nominal 300-foot-long rolls (Skaps) Manufacturer Quality Control (QC) Certificates, submitted by CETCO and SKAPS, are included in Appendix C. A review of this documentation indicated that the composite liner system geosynthetics were manufactured in accordance with project specifications. CQA conformance testing was performed on all materials as well; see Appendix D for data. All material met or exceeded project specifications. 3.3.3 Interface Friction Testing Four interfaces of the composite liner system were tested by TRI September 2020, per requirements of the CQA Plan dated September 2016: • GCL / Clay • GCL / Geomembrane • Internal GCL • Full cross-section with each type of protective cover The interface testing material used for this cell were the same used in the previous cells, therefore, it was judged by the permit engineer that additional interface testing was not required, since the materials were manufactured by the same manufacturers (i.e. CETCO and SKAPS) that produced material for this interface test. This was the case as required in the project CQA Plan for the Phase 3-4 permits for this cell. In addition, a minimum average asperity height of 27 mils was demonstrated for the material used in this cell, which exceeded the project specification. The CQA plan required a minimum asperity height of 10 mils which was exceeded for this cell. Anson Waste Management Facility Final Certification Report Phase 4, Cell 2 Page 7 MJM CONSULTING, LLC in partnership with oAsis CONSI1LiING SERVICES The asperity heights were required to be no less than 27 mils. An evaluation performed by CEC on 26 May 2020 demonstrated that peak shear strength and large displacement shear strength parameters were able to be met at these interface design requirements. The large displacement and the peak values had both met the minimum requirements. The results of this previous evaluation are contained in Appendix E. 3.3.4 GCL / HDPE Geomembrane Conformance Testing and Deployment Observations Prior to GCL/HDPE geomembrane deployment, the clay subbase was prepared using a smooth drum roller. MJM/Oasis CQA monitors, along with Hallaton personnel, visually inspected the subbase surface to verify that the surface was smooth and free of irregularities, foreign matter, or surface conditions that could damage the GCL and geomembrane. In accordance with the specifications, Hallaton submitted subgrade acceptance certificates prior to deployment of HDPE geomembrane panels in Cell 2. These certificates are presented in Appendix F - Section 1. Geomembrane panels were deployed using a front-end loader to lift the rolls, as well as personnel who unrolled the panels in place. Hallaton then aligned each panel of the geomembrane to allow a nominal 5-inch overlap with the adjacent panel. Free edges of panels were temporarily loaded with sandbags until the panels were seamed together. A summary of the geomembrane panel deployment data is presented in Appendix F - Section 2. An as -built drawing of the geomembrane liner installation, which shows the panel layout, repair locations, and seam destructive sample repair locations, is presented in Figure 1. The CQA monitoring staff assigned a field identification number to each panel in chronological order of deployment, and recorded the roll number assigned to the material by the manufacturer. Each panel was visually examined immediately after deployment for manufacturing defects and installation damage. Upon completion of the installation, the entire Anson Waste Management Facility Final Certification Report Phase 4, Cell 2 Page 8 MJM CONSULTING, LLC in partnership with oAsis CONSI1LiING SERVICES liner was again visually examined to identify any subsequent damage. Individual defects were marked, documented, and subsequently repaired by the installer. 3.3.5 Geomembrane Trial Seam Observations Trial seams were performed by Hallaton welding technicians as an ongoing monitoring method of the performance of both the welder operator and the welding apparatus. Trial seams were made in the morning and afternoon, approximately every four hours. These trial seams were then tested by Hallaton using a tensitometer to verify the strength of the welds. Trial seam testing was observed and documented by an MJM/Oasis CQA monitor. Five specimens from each trial seam were tested. If a trial seam test failed, the welding apparatus or welder was not accepted or used for seaming until the deficiencies were corrected and two consecutive successful trial seams were achieved. Summaries of the trial seam data for Cell 2 are presented in Appendix F - Section 3. Test results for fusion and extrusion welding are presented in Appendix F - Section 6. 3.3.6 Geomembrane Seaming Hallaton used double -track, hot -wedge fusion machines on this project. The manual extrusion welding method included repairs and the completion of end seams. The CQA monitors tracked the progress of each welder and monitored each seam for visual defects and for seam completion. Visual defects were marked and subsequently repaired by Hallaton. A summary of geomembrane seaming data for Cell 2, for fusion and extrusion welding, respectively, is presented in Appendix F - Section 4. 3.3.7 Geomembrane Defect and Repair Observations Geomembrane panels were visually monitored for damage during deployment. Additionally, the CQA monitors examined the geomembrane panels and seams on an ongoing basis throughout the installation process. Defects found on the geomembrane panels and/or seams were marked, documented by the CQA monitor, and subsequently repaired by Hallaton. The repair procedures were observed and logged by the CQA monitor, and the locations were mapped. A summary of Cell 2 defects and repairs is presented in Appendix F - Section 5. The approximate location of the repairs is shown in Figure I. Anson Waste Management Facility Final Certification Report Phase 4, Cell 2 Page 9 MJM CONSULTING, LLC in partnership with oAsis CONSI1LiING SERVICES 3.3.8 Geomembrane Seam Strength Destructive Testing Observations Destructive seam sample locations were selected by CQA monitors based on the progress of a particular welder or welding device, or based on the suspicion of defective welding. Destructive testing was conducted at a minimum frequency of one sample per every 500 linear feet of the completed seam for each welding apparatus. Forty-five initial fusion destructs and two extrusion destructive seam samples were procured by MJM/Oasis and submitted to TRI for laboratory testing. Ten specimens were removed from each destructive seam sample and tested by TRI following ASTM standards. Five specimens were tested for peel adhesion (peel), and five specimens were tested for shear strength (shear). The acceptance criteria for shear were that four out of five specimens must have yield strengths greater than 120 pounds per inch of width; additionally, failure should not occur within the weld. The acceptance criteria for peel testing were that four out of five specimens (for each track) should not fail within the weld and that each specimen must exhibit a yield strength greater than 91 pounds per inch of width. Destructive samples which did not meet the acceptance criteria were tracked according to requirements of the CQA Plan dated September 2016 and retested. A summary of the destructive seam sample laboratory test results, for fusion and extrusion welding, respectively, is presented in Section 6 of Appendix F. The approximate locations of the destructive seam samples are shown in Figure 1. 3.3.9 Geomembrane Seam Non -Destructive Continuity Testing Observations Geomembrane fusion seams and extrusion seams for Cell 2 were non-destructively tested by Hallaton using air pressure testing and vacuum box methods. MJM/Oasis monitored the non- destructive testing on a procedural basis and documented the progress of testing. Non- destructive testing was performed in accordance with project specifications, and no deficiencies were indicated by the testing. Summaries of the non-destructive testing of seams and repairs are presented in Appendix F - Section 4. 3.4 Leachate Collection System Observations The leachate collection system for Cell 2 consisted of a drainage geocomposite, a minimum 24- inch-thick manufactured sand protective cover layer. The leachate collection pipes were surrounded by No. 57 aggregate wrapped with non -woven geotextile. One sample of aggregate Anson Waste Management Facility Final Certification Report Phase 4, Cell 2 Page 10 MJM CONSULTING, LLC in partnership with oAsis CONSI1LiING SERVICES was sent to the Excel Geotechnical Testing laboratory to verify calcium carbonate content, grain size, and permeability. A review of the laboratory results indicated compliance with the project specification requirements. Test results for aggregate are presented in Section 5 of Appendix B. The existing adjacent cell liner was tied into the Phase 4 Cell 1 and Cell 2B (west side) 60 mil HDPE liner, overlapped with geocomposite and tied into the existing protective cover as shown in detail L2-5, drawing 9 contained in the March 11, 2022, minor modification for Phase 4 Cell 2. Manufactured sand protective cover was placed over the drainage geocomposite on the cell bottom and upslope areas using low -ground pressure equipment to minimize the possibility of damage to the geocomposite and geomembrane liners. MJM/Oasis provided full-time monitoring of the placement of the protective material. Four samples of the protective soil cover material were obtained and sent to the Oasis Lab to verify that the grain size and permeability of the placed material met project specifications. Test results, presented in Section 4 of Appendix B, indicate that the materials were in compliance with the project specifications. Visual monitoring during placement indicated that no unacceptable wrinkles or damage to the underlying geomembrane had occurred. During monitoring, MJM/Oasis verified that a minimum of 24 inches of material was placed on the upslope and on the cell bottom by survey and digging holes and manually measuring the thickness of the cover. The construction was completed in accordance with: (i) The approved CQA plan, dated March 26, 2018; (ii) The conditions of the permit to construct, dated December 7, 2018; (iii) The requirements of Rule 15A NCAC 13B .1624; and (iv) The approved minor modification of cell re -design, dated March 11, 2022, by Nathan Bivins, Civil and Environmental Consultants, Inc. Please contact Mr. Michael J. Monteleone, P.E. at (404) 307-2680, or mikemontelkeomcast.net with any questions or comments regarding this report. CQA Engineer of Record Anson Waste Management Facility Final Certification Report Phase 4, Cell 2 Page 11 PHOTOGRAPHS PHOTOLOG — ANSON LANDFILL PHASE 4 CELL 2 6/25/2023 Structural Fill Placement F 1 6/25/2023 Removal of unsuitable wet material MOU-7— 'Vft �"6"xX 7/2/2023 Placing of structural fill on the eastern section TM1� xl zr`'Y.% `f't- .Y� ��,YISF ; y} "'^ems-��S'a"3�3.�'+x,•'�ly� � V ^h <1r 6 �. _; r 4 "'S�a✓ems-��,p�.�¢'��� k el w �'a �.. , ' � ���' �5'S+� q�y4, : cam. � � ., �4 _ m;. 4+h aT r. �.h �L�e•,L'v" �.�,. i `i �:.� Yc" ZY �..v^-�'yCi`.�l 7/2/2023 Processing of clay in cell 2 - M-- s,si to, tea.• �� q�'\ � `� i-. .. y � --. ,c.. 7/16/2023 A� Installation of 48-inch CMP across the access road 1 • �y d 71 S `'�� ...�"3�T.�. n 7/30/2023 Ploughing and processing clay on the test pad 7/30/2023 Watering in place PMIk.� i►ay'.,4�p�� '�-y� ` n`".. �'���'7�9F✓�c� 'i �,�.+ X' � Tye .,. i��/�ya'�'� i 'L�J�„ �� �,�i► �i ._I. _• � . �p s�_�.�a J- �j +4 �" yy. ���r.. _ �.. >� ��5' � � 'ram '_�''._..1fi �.�. +'� '.l •��ryi .. 7/30/2023 Final rolling of compacted clay 7/30/2023 Excavation of clay from the . y, west borrow R°w 3 area Qa * a 8/6/2023 Clay progress for cell 2 --ems ``~ "'__ �.• \ - - - � � ( _ _ - - -d°.s� � S•�+ro aF i. �,.- '� �s V�,sy„ f� '� !A�"_`�.s� _ �y e✓ ' .t 'iao'e+t. ,,j� ��� Vi +,.� u^3 ae "�i 3• fiitiTi }: s,fw Ju-'y.',y-..zl 4'� ' 3 ��a' ✓y�$K3;+.�' `�..'�/�'�j ' :¢+l�'.�aW.'n *L' 'P .�.s'�Y' !�' "'.y'�v,�'a'""°� ��-�^_Y�`-'_�..+--a Y 'r,<v r^ W b� � r' .ik ` > �Y• - .. may,... 8/20/2023 ._ `! a �. -.^ Ploughing and watering of - clay during processing Ar r - 8/27/2023 Unloading fl- inch dual contained HDPE Force Main Pipes - F ¢tea �,_+�{�, ✓ f`!r/F 71 . 9/10/2023 Deployment on the north side of cell 2 77 71 � :,nee, .ems •►Y ` t , 9/10/2023 GCL deployment the mid- section of 9/24/2023 Machine`'_ sewing of in place `� -- - geocomposite fabric - � r 9/24/2023 Connecting � geocomposite material between existing new cell N �3, 10/1/2023 Protective cover placement 10/8/2023 Video recording of LCS pipe 77, 4`, Y v a� r � J �18FT YfA� *xkk �T J 10/8/2023 ~ Leaohateforoe main installation �— nearthe existing sump 1U/8/2U23 Leachate collection system (LCS) installation 10/8/2023 Back filling the force main pipe >. _1 10/8/2023 Construction of perimeter rain flap berm 10/15/23 Perimeter anchor trench for liner rain flap using structural fill (north side) 10/15/23 Perimeter anchor trench for liner rain flap using structural fill (west side) 10/15/23 Edge of liner markers 10/15/23 Edge of liner markers _gym ill 17 - rTj r - FIGURES Figure 1 Geomembrane Panel Layout with Destructive Test and Repair Locations 'zSEAL L-4358 ,yrr•�hnnn"����: (m mob - 40 Figure 2 Record Drawing for Top of Subgrade, Clay Subbase, And Protective Cover Layer Point PmPI~ pnp"d r.tuy I.g Ln1Y EnkH19 %P Co- Numba North" East- A.7P9!?a G?.d- " �l '!' Caw'_rw a-Y 300 r _ i599B6.5S 1651031.38 311.a0 311,215 A.12 312,00 1,50 301 459976.55 1551036.38 .111.10 311.06 t0 S1L66 1.% 302 4599E7.93 1551100.00 31290 31260 010 3f147 1157 303 459977.93 1651100.DD ME119 MAO 0.09 3j4.41 1.52 304 459969,95 16$1200.00 357.41 317.31 WO 316.91 1.50 , 305 45:979.95 1557200-W Sn.33 317.22 all 316-63 1.50 306 459991.97 1651J00.00 _ _ 3n.67 =56 0.11 32*24 1.59 307 459981.98 165t300.00 3401 322.51 0.10 324.19 1.56 308 459993.98 1651400.00 _ 328.77 32&65 R1.2 32&37. tw 309 459983.98 1651400.00 _ 326.71 32&61 Q10_376.13 1b2 310 45499R11 164140&12 1p7.02 326.93 64! 376.54 1.52 _ 311 459984.13 165140684 _ 326.95 326.87 a08 32a53 t.511 ___ 412 459997Aa 1651457,44 316A2 317,52 1.50 313 459987A1 16514641,97 3119E _ -. _ 357.48 1.50 314 45994R79 166i4s&SO Si596 317,46 1.� S15 4!.D5S$ 2 1651a43.61 316.78 318.26 1.50 M..27 _ 2.01 Berm 314 459423A9 t451465.SB S}687 310.]7 1.50 320.39 2.02_ 31, 459680.31 163146&31 31E90 41IL40 1.50 320.71 2.31 318 45B84a.53 _ 1651456.27 _ 31L56 -;Raw 1.50 __31p.17 tm 319 459015.25 1551467.32 316.62 31IL12 1.00 =9 4 --2B31 - b J20 490900.00 165141751 52M 326.50_ 0.00 _ 328.09 1.69 &VAO 4 321 4519WLO 1551400.00 _ 32A17 3"�OAQ. 7.72' 1.55 - 329.75. 2.03 322 45C900AD 115513=00.. =911 - SP-1110 _0.10 _ ><si u 1,50 S25A7 , 2_09 rran�,, gqo-� ry�,y Zd 323 .434,706.00 1651200.00 31e.70 316.64 0.06 _ %ILU 1.S2 ]20.27 - Z05 324 45 1651100.OD 3l2.74 312.54 0A0 314,-33 1.59 310.37 204 325_45994552 f65f000.0_0 306.91 S09A1 0.00 311.43 1b2 326 4599"A6 1651000A0 _ 30268 i09.78 a,10 311,a2 1A4 327 458800.00 1630903.20 3ve.6t j06.74 0.07 s1A4o 1.59 324 4599OO.D6 1a50977.79 30A17 309.07 0.16 N0,71 1 •.14 g 329 459900.00 f6E1000.00 309.72 0.10 311.33 1.S1 313.35 2.02 I 330 459836.18 R165D916.41 _309.92 ^107,2R 307.20 0.05 30d77 i33 331 459629.28 165092373 307.47 307.39 008 308 97 1,50- yF2 439414.71 _ 1850900.00 307.77 307.71 0.06 J69.37 1.60 3'33 4594c0AO 165064L76 300.12 308-11 0.01 309 .72 1.60 004 459796.24 165090Q00 30E19 308-13 0.05 309-49 1.50- 335 459600.00 165090L. 4 W&kS 304.07 0.0E 39M 1.50_ .__ rj •S ^7 ^1 �r� 336 45WO,06 1650954.07 W&.3s ]011.21 310 ML91 1.60 312.71 2.80 - _ 337 _ _ 0@g00,p0 _ 165100000 300." 3099 4% 0.10 311.15 t.51 313.19 2.04 336 459WMQD 1651100.00 312-% $1246 _ _ p,10_SI4. Ia S.S4 316.10 2.00 339 459800.00 1651200MO 316.21 316.11 A10 317,72 Lj1 319.76 3AU_ 340 459800.00 1651300.00 321A4 _ .)2!.35 0.10_ _33.iG4 _ l0Y_ 12194 210 .j 341 459800.0O 1651400.00 325.37 �324-�10 A07�326AY _ 1�5'-1 32696 Z(17' • .5 342 459800.00 185141&14 325,99 32SM Af0 5278-D 7.61 32 A _ 201 343 4507M,93 1651459.62 315.77 y 117.27w _. 314.{2 215 _ t7 344 45975234 11151473.15 31451E 315.79 1.50 St8.79 9,04 �pl 345 4397224E 163147432 314.53 310.03 1.50 316.05 2.02 346 48989302 1"147,041 _ 31 Cto 315.80 1.50 317.67 2.07 Ip1al 347 45976fj06 1d5i4lA74 3259f 323A1 030 327.47 1.58 S74.47 LW MP ryp q� A% .ry- tyh �h :yb i 45RMO-OD I1550900-00 .110.49 310.47 0.02 311.99 Im xw.m 2,04 1 -- •rjy - - - - ' 347 4597p0.0o _ m50a ms 310.43 3'Ma" 0.06 311.110- 1.56 b� 350 459700.00 1450671.7a 310-40 3f0.30 0.10 3l7.92 1.52 331 454756.29 1850855.54 309.33 309.27 0.06 310.65 1.62 Kati P rs 352 97X9.27 4554.23 1650866.36 3.37 W 30 9.27 0.10 3:0.66 1.51 M� 35i s59757_09 1651D00AO Sh0.06 309.32 0.04 311.10 1,54 3t4,09 Z90 rL __ 354 __ 458700.00 165100o.00 _ 31093 SIO.!!.7 0.10 312t7 1.54 St4A7' 2,00 355 459700.00 1651060.33 311.22 _ 311.12 61Q 112,73 1St 31&0 2.W 354 4507DMOG 1651100,00 312.38 312.31 0.07 _ 3693 _ 1.55 _ 3159 203 r1m I�gr; 357 459700.00 1651200.40 31591 315,72 0.09 317 J3�1.'J4 319.34 _ 7.01 tt77-- 358 4397oomo msimAO 32D 63 320.73 _ O.1O _ 321.$3 _ li,50. _ _324--3 210 MO 459700,00 165140D.00 324 % 32W 0.1a 326.47 1.SI 3711,71 _ 204 n1h� r j Iy rynp ryA^ rid y., 360 459700,00 K51416.75 32.57 325.57 G.10 SM.23 _ 1.56 329.23 200 • - 351 4SI46553 1&S1479,30 311.53 JUM 1.50 315.51 2.40 J6$ 4a9640.51 165147a,40 _ _AM12 SW 62 1,50 311.96 2.34- 363 459681.12 1751414.24 325.56 325.54 0.02 327.11 1.55 320.11 _ 2.00_ µ� _ 364 459654.46 1651411.37 325.09 324.54 0.45 32E-153 1.54 .12" b 2.01 _ 365 459662.46 1651100.00 312.31 312.21 O.IO 31384 1,53 116,70 2.86 _ 3U 4661i6J4.72 IA59B00.90_ 3!t,4s ]11AD� ¢05 31141 1.56 l63r190[La0 3$y62_ 31252 6.10 314.20 1.581~ -J67 964 -4S96o2.96 +59600.D0 t650900.E6 317.6r? 317-40 314,75 1.56 ,(y - S!9 _ 459600.00 t840WUa - 31L-74 312-84 _QOQ 0.10 - SIC31 1.57 372 4S"P0 1351000.00 ]11ti 311f60.00 31011 1,51 .N6.70 2.01 371 459d70.00 1851100A0_ 3t172 313A8 6;04 315.2S 1,53 357.30 2.05. pv1 pOv 372 45961873 165147a,i1 _ 364,97 304-55 1.58 10A44 _ 3.,09 _ 373 459600.OD 1551146.01 MC12 31430 _ OA2_ NW I.P. _ AQ 2.51 374 4$9500.00 1651200-AD 11&46 315,46 0,00 314.97 1.51 3T0-17 ZIA 375 459590.76 1651475,D4 305.69 363.79 lA0 l307,4E 4.19 . 376 459595.75 1651450.D4 307A7 W7.07 _ I'm _]1Z61 405 07 377 459600.00 1851391.76 323.94 323.93 0.01 325-i9 1.35 _ 328.4E 3.00 h M. 4&"Th.90 1651400.00 324.40 324.32 0.08 325.90 149 a" ZI. f`111 379 459581.80 1651486.73 298.30 MAO 1,y0 30(p7 3-62 4? `'14111111L1•I 41 340 - 459586.a8 18i1454.02 309.58_ _ _ 311.08 1.50^--313.24 2.16 1 .led, ` l 11r�V4! 4595B3,02 1651433.01 Si7.10 S1&6B 1.50 32d 70 101 g',t f -_ s59S78i7 - - 165140&74 324-14 325.84 1.50 328.15 2.31 ^r �+ 3qs i5os�sis_ Bose 311.D6 1.50 33R06 2a2 om SEAL 36a 439574,65.. .165i365.45 18313',a5.7d S31.00 332.50 1.50 735.10 2B0 - L-4358 395 3% .. 459674A3 459571.47 16•51341_o5 1d51329_37 131,'j6 _ 331,11. 331.70 332.63 1.50 1.50 335.28 335.14 2.5e Lag . 4- 387 358 459564.64 459557.63 145.1107.41 1681270.08 331.00 331.04 _ ='Sa 362-64 1.50 1.50 31F.7S 334y66_2.1!! ZIT+.��`r GRAPHIC SCALE 369 _ 459548.37 1:5123244 330.42 331.92 - 1,50 333.92 lFX7 11111+11111110��� ,WI 391 � _ 45953.75 459530.7E 165116162 IM11611 ]76Ba !2&70 330.20 330.20 1.50 1.50 33237 3=7 Z07 2.07 60 0 3a 60 110 240 392 457I519L17 1951129. 66 328.92 330.M12 1.50 337.46 2M- JOS 16'fIM,73 326.17 =.SP 1.50 331.78 211 _459497JO 394 395 45947ii 650454.63 1651049-93 w4le"iV 322.47 1 }26,73 _ 328.97 _34E23 1.50 1.50 ', 331.13 330.24 2.16 2.01 ( IN FEET) 1 inch = 60 ft. !&IL 023 394 459430.53 18j101 R15 326.te 327.16 _ _1�50�72M A 2.D6. NOTES 397 454413.63 1650991.62 321,50 _ 537.16 1.50. - 4ZM 2.12 1. Contour Lines Depict Proposed Top of Cover Surface S98 459397.51 165D970.22 324.8.5 326.35 1.50 2. Points are pfoposed locations from Weever Consultants Group 390 459391. 16S096:.02 3241,9 S26.09 1.50 +'ith 200 added to the point numbers pra4ddetf L1iJ.{aS.4n 1. 400 4SMOO-00 flWO 0A0 31&32 3152& 0A7 JIa64 1.52 37&ea_ 2.00 J. Points 312-319, 343-346, 361-362, and 379-399 have been LAWRENCE 401 459500,00 1550940.40 _ . 3t498 j14-66 CAD_ 314.51 1.53 _ __ _ _ moved to locations on the existing liner Top ofProtective Cover Yerificafron 40q4596a 0 _-...Y.... 1550929.99 _ 314.92 _ 314.82 0.10 316.42 1.50 - - 4. Points 372, 375, and 376 have been moved to locatios in ASSOCIATES the sump area 5. CQA and contractor located existing landfill tie-in areas and Anson Landfi//Phase 4 Cell noted differing elevations than the plan design and we verified 106 W. Jefferson St. an As -Built survey to represent actual rield elevations 6. Points 300-314, 325-326, 330-335, 349-362, 366-369, Monroe, North Carolina 28112 Anson County NC 396-399, and 401-402 are either on the edge of the liner P 704-289-1013 7 or 10' inside of the edge of the liner Points w the edge www.lawrencesurveying.com have no cow. and the points that we 70' inside average Firm License Number. C-2856 50016' % 4- tiri' ma octobw 1� aollrl 8 AEa/ about a foot of cover as they are on the slope of the berm. Awj 6W� Nom.n _ ewr n Prq-d EihWg 1 E*4+v rw r5er cd V Ym 0>r NOTES 9+6vad4 916vvd4 -E ae49 7qa a"y' o ra �w-rV ovr 1. Contour Lines Depict Proposed Top of Cover Surface 300 459966.55 1651031.36 311.40 _ 311.28 0.12 312.90 I_"a 2. Points are proposed locations from Weaver Consultants Group 301 459976-65 1651036.38 311.10 311.00 0.10 31280 1.5E with 200 added to the point numbers provided 302 4599a7.93 155110MOD 31L90 312e0 0.10 1:4,47 1.57 J. Points 312-319,343-346,361-362, and 379-399 have been 301 59477.93 1691100.00 Si269 312.6o RD9 314.41 T.53 moved to locations on the existing liner 304 4599611.9E 1651200.00 317.41 317,31 Am 518.91 Lye 4. Points 372, 375, and 376 have been moved to /ocatios in 305 4NM, 95 10.5120R00 352457 31722 0.11 siS 83 1,69 the sum area 306 459993.97 165130a0p 32$67 322.58 G.11 32i,Z6 1.59 P 307 459961.90 18E130a00 s2L01 522.51 0.10 4.5a 324.19 _ r 5. COA and contractor located existing landfill tie-in areas and Sus 45"Salle 18514MOO 326.77 125Ab P.!2 3M,57 1.40 noted differing elevations than the plan design and we verified J09 4.SB9619S 16514a9"09 _ 3471 7?e.e1 0.1D 32a23 1.s2 an As -Built survey to represent actual field elevations ,110 4S9624.11 M31d96,12 327p2 33l. va am E2854 L" . . . Stt 4%9k6.13 165140&84 326.95 326.87 0.0E WA 53 L" 312 459997.8E 1651467.44 316.02 317-52 1.60 313 4S%W..a1 m6ms6.97 3m96 317.4E I.50 314 45998Z79 165144&,59 315,96 WAG 1.50 S15 +,79055"S2 1651465.01 316.7E 315.2E 139 315 4599$A09 T651465.36 31667 31637 _ 1"50 YYYd .111 450990A1 T6514455AT 316.90 318.40 1,50 Wa 459660.y3 _ 165146&27 316.5E _ _ 31i306 1.50 310 48DMG.25 1651467.32 315.52 31SI$ 1.50 320 459p00"00 1651412,51 _ 52&50 329.50 0:00 3MO9 1"SM 321 4$900.00 15514MDD 32&17 326.0E 0"09 SV.72 T.M 322 4E9900.00 1581300.00 S Oa 321.9E 610 123,58 1-50 ."!0' g 323. 4N900.00 _. i55.1200A0 .. 316+70 316:64 0,6 :Iwn 1.52 _ _ ✓�� ;' IN ;59000.00 fE51100.00 J127a 3126a 0.10 114.33 ].59 h 325. 459945.32 16510M p0 S9411 $9,B2 _ R0o 3T1.45 T.52 •H "� 626 ." +5WAW 16310MM _1mJ58 309 7E OJp 30,42 1.54 H' 327 4599E0.00 1630v65.20 306.81 Sot 74 a(17 310.40 I"59 jib 4599MOC MS027772 307.�7 309.07 0.10 J10.71 1.54 329 459900.00 16E1000p0 309. 82 309-)2 R10 311.33 1.51 330 459a76.1E 1650016.41 307,20 307.20 0.06 WL74 1.53 131 459829.28 165092173 307.47 307.39 406 30&97 1.50 n 3S2 459E14.i1 IBSp000,OO 307.77 307.7i OLDS 309.37 _ IA0 _ im 45960000 16306ea7a _ =..+2 306.11 am J09.72 LOU m 334 45979g 24 1650600.00 300.1p 306,13 0.D6 349.82 1"50 . 333 439800A0 losmo1.34 _ 30&1_3_ Sao? _ and 309.65 1,5p ,9A 31E 414W00 1650954,67 3MJI 306.2T MID 309.91 1.90 N7 337 45SMOO 1651oaau 309.64 X9.54 a1D 311.17 1-51 �.'�', am 4596.0 ,1* 1E51 TOROO 312.5E 312.40 0.'0 3'1i,lp 1-54 ^ p 379 439600.00 1651200.00 316.21 31G'1 0"1a 317.72 1,51� 340 459800.0D 1851300.00 371"45 32T,35 0.10 32504 1.59 341 459600.0E 1631400.00 32537 325.JO 0-07 3266E i, 52 ' 342 4SSSM(la 185141414 3$&99 125E9 a1D 327,50 1.61 y� 343 4597n0 _ 165146942 _ 315.77 _ 377.27 1.90 344 459752.54 1651473.1E 31428 3Ts.ra +,50 345 459722-46 1651474,22 3:453 ]1601 1,50 y 34E 439693.0 1651,a74,31 314.1¢ 31550 347 45976&06 16514Tb74 325.9T ]25b1 0,10 377"47 1,50 348 45970000 1650900.00 31049 310.47 0.02 311.99 1.50 349 459700.00 16500SZ15 310.43 31034 0.09 311.99 I.SO A 350 459700.00 1650871.74 31040 330.39 0.10 311.92 1,52 I �b 351 459756.29 1650855.34 309.33 309.27 R00 310.♦p 1.52 b 352 459754.23 1650866,36 30937 309,27 0.10 310,8E _ I.S1 353 459757,09 1657000.00 J093a 309.52 a04 311.10 154 yyry 354 459700.00 1651000.00 310,93 312 10.83 0.10 3.47 L54 355 459700.00 1651060 3J 311.22 311.12 0.10 _ 312.73 1.51 356 459700,00 1651100.00 312.38 31231 0.07 313.93 1.55 357 469.1oam w580ao6 3T5.01 3mn aw 317.3] T.62 386 4397M 00 T8G1J00.00 ]20.53 320,73 R1D =33 1.So J59 4597=00 163140R00. 374.0E 374.6E a 3Q6.47 1_51 ^ gyp•-• - 360 499700.00 1651ub,7] 321,67 325,57 0.10 527,23 166 Mt 4506ai"'35 165147A30 31T.53 31ktr3 150 352 _ 4s95uy51 1651475," 30&12 -Me 62 1.50 303 459611.1R 115141824 UIL56 U&S4 0.0$ 327.11 1.56 3E4 45065k46 1951411-37 326,09 32C54 0.45 320.03 1.54 365 459682.46 1651109,00 312'J1 312$1 110 31164 1.Ei 766 45963&72 1650900.09 311.85 311,60 O.OS 31341. I.W 307 +5W2-96 1050900.00 312.62 J1252 O.tO 31w29 1.58 .168 459600.00 1650900.8E 31L60 31260 &02 3IC23 1.X6 yqP 365 459600A0 1650811.E 31274 31264 aT0 314,31 1.57 y 370 459600.00 165100000 313,18 313.18 Q00 314.69 1.51 371 459600.00 1651100.00 313.72 31366 Q04 315.25 1.53 _ !72 _ 45961a73 1651474_11 304.97 306.55 1,58 373 459600.00 1651166.01 314.12 314.10 0.02 315.62 1,50 � ^ 374 459600.00 1651200.00 315.46 315.46 0.00 31697 1-51 y'.' 111111111111 ry+r 375 459590.76 1651475.04 301.69 303.29 1.60 C1Alfi 74 376 459595.7E 1651.30707 32.1.51 +� 4]11�1� y+`' 377 459600.00 1651391391.7E 7E J2394 323.93 0.01 325.4949 1.55 378 459518.99 1651400.00 324 40 324.32 0.08 32590 1-50 - _379 _ 459581.80 _ 185148a73 298.30 26990 ,-50 _ SEAL _- 38o 459556a6 1651459.02 30958 311,0E 1.50 -'S L-4359 381 _ 45M&3,02 1651V3,01 31710 31869 1.50 382 a59578.57 1651408.74 32434 M&Jt4 1.50 3B3 459575.15 185136a45 330.56 3J2.06 1.50 75 385 46s574,03 101351 99 331.20 332.70 1.50 ,'7r7j7j7TIIIILLL 31643}, 386 _ 459571,47 T051329.37 33115 332.E_5 1.50 387 459654E4 651270" 33108 332.5E 1.50 88 3_ 459557.53 t651 $70.46 331,pf 132.54 1.50 389 459548.J7 505123244 330.42 331.92 1.50 _ J90 459541.35 1651199.41 _ _328_.64 _ _ _ Wa" 1.30 391 459530.76 1651163.62 328-70 33 _ 0.20 i.50 7-/2- 0 Z 3 392 459519417 _ 16_51129.86 328_92 _._ _ _ 330.42 1.50 393 458497.18 1651099.73 320.17 329.67 1.50 394 _ 459473.85 _ 1651069.93 327.47 _ 328.97 1.50 395 _ 459154.fi3 1651044.85 326.73 328.23 1,50 396 459430.53 1651014.15 326.16 327"66 1.50 397 459413.63 _ 1650991.62 32UD _ 327.10 1.50 398 459397.51 1650970.22 324"85 _ _ 326.35 1.50 _ 399 459393.44 1650961.02 _ 324.59 36.15 40459500,00 1651000.00 315.32 315,25 0.07 31684 152 401 459500.00 1850940.40 314.98 314.88 0.10 315-51 1.53 LAW RE N C E 402459500.00 1650929.99 314.9314.820.10316.42 1.50 4 TrA Too of Clav Verifiction GRAPHIC SCALE 30 0 40 60 160 329 ( IN FEET ) 1 ineb = 80 ft. ,7-t 1 z Pape -- Proyo4d .. ObMy Agoarq �9 r4n �r EvY1e.p Iq Law wam54rs N +n.n rme._rr s>.6v� _suba�!.-�9 _iav a�'-Pnw.�c r� cb+.-r,� cbi' 300 459986.55 1651031.35 311.46 311.20 0.12 - 301 4M76.63 - 1651036-18 _ 311.10 311.% - D-10 3D2 459957.0 1651100.00 312.90 31280 0.10 303 459977.93 1651100,1W 312.89 312.80 p.09 304 459984-95 1651206C0 117.41 317.31 000 305 4$0079-95 16512a0.00 317.33 JA22 0.,1 ,1W 438991.97 1051300,00 322.87 172.56 0.11 307 459981.96 1651.1=00 322.61 327.6, 0.10 300 4599939! 1651400,00 _326.77 326.65 0.12 3D9 459983.98 1651400.00 326.71 326.61 0.10 310 _ 459994.11 1651406.12 327_02 _ 326.93 009 311 459984.13 1651406.54 326.95 326.87 0.08 312 459997.86 1651467.44 316.02 313 459987.81 1651466.97 315.96 314 459982.79 165146&59 315.95 315 459955.52 1651465.61 316.76 316 459925.09 1651465,36 316.87 317 459890.31 1651466.31 310.90 , _ 318 _ 459880.53 1651466.27 _ 31IL58 319 459819.25 1651467.32 316.62 320 45990600 165141251 326.50 _ 326.50 _ 0.00_ 321 459900.00 _ 1651400.00 _ 326.17 _ 326.00 0.09 322 459900.00 1651300.00 _ 322-08 321.98 0.10 , 323 459900.00 1651200.00 316.70 316.64 0.06 _ 324 _ 45_9900.00 _ 1651100.00 312.74 312.64 0.10 _ 325 459945.52 1651000.00 309.91 309.82 0.09 326 459929.06 _ 1651000.00 309.88 309.78 0.10 327 459900.00 1650965.20 308.81 308.74 0.07 _326_ _ 459900.00 _ •10.50➢7i'7P._ _ 3 57 309.07 _ 0.10 329 459900.00 1651000.00 309.82 309.72 0.10 , A30 l6 _ I.849781�41 _ T07.x16 �P829 _ BA6 331 459829.28 1650923.73 307.47 _ 307.39 0.08 332 459814.71 _ 1650900.00 _ 307.77 0.06 333 459800.00 165D886.76 __307.71_ 30&12 309.11 Q01 334 459796.24 1650900.00 _ JM10 SOG}3 0.06 335 4,59800.00 165D901.34 30&15 308.07 0.08 - 336 459800.00 183095467 30&31 308.21 0.10 ' 337 ASSM00 16510a0.00 309.64 300.54 0.10 376 469600.00 :65:100.00 3125W 31249 a.1a 330 +s9e¢a,00. 65200p0__. 31"I 316_,11 .. M10 340 15p800,00 1651300-00 321,46 321.36 0.10 341 459800.00 1651400.00 325.37 325.30 0.07 342 459800.00 1651418.14 325.99 325.80 0.10 343 459783.93 1651489.62 315.77 , 344 459752.54 165147316 314.28 345 459722.48 1651474.22 314.53 345 45%9102 1651474.31 314.10 347 4yy788.08 1651418.74 325,91 32521 . 0.10 , 548 459700.a0 1650900.00 ya.49 310.47 0,02 349 459700.0a 1650887AS 310.43 31034 am ,ZO 4.%Mp 00 1650871.74 3,0.40 31410 0.,C 331 {597$8,29 1850655:34 009.35 3P9,21 Q06 - 352 4547]4.23 1650E86.35 _0N 37 309.27 0.10 . 353 450717,02 16510MOO 309.56 309.52 0.04 354 459700.00 1651000.00 310._93 310.53 0.10 336 _ 4SWIONM _ 1861amm 31142 mull, Qt8 356 459700.00 1651100.00 312 38 31231 _ 0.07 357 _ 4597" 1651200.00 315.81 31&72 _ 0.09 358 459700.00 16513ag00 320.83 320.73 , M10 Y , 350 459700A0 ,8s140MOD 324.96 324.86 0.10 380 439700.00 195741L73 325.67 325.57 ' 0.10 . 391 459065.53 1E51475.30 311.53 362 s69610.j, 1651475,+8 30&19 1 110 4'9081.12 1661416-24 .N2 _56 32554 6-02 364 459654.46 1651411.37 325,09 324.64 0.45 , 365 459862.46 1651100.00 312.31 312.21 0.10 Se6 459676.72 1670000A0 _ _Sit, ]41.00 Q.05 367 459602.95 1650900 00 31262 _ 312-52 - - - 0.10 _Me 459600.00 _ 165Q9pgli6 31_289 ]!mw __609 369 459600.00 1650911-28 .11174 312.64 a-10 370 459600.00 1851000.00 313.ie 313.18 0.0p 371 45:600.00 165i100-O0 31172 313-68 OA4 372 459918.7s 1551474,11 _ 304,97 373 459600,Oa 1651166A1 am$2 314.10 am .774 4yySMOO 19517oa00 M5.4e - 315.iG 0.00 - .175 459590.7E 1651475.04 376 459595.76 1651460.04 307.07 377 459600.00 1851391.7E J23.94 323.93 Gal 378 49NAL119 1651400.00 32440 324.32 008 379 459SMAD 16S14e&73 29&LW j __380 4$9686.88_ 1651459,02 JORSB . 381 459583.02 1651433.01 4 _ 347.19 362 4595755? 1651405,76 324,34 _ 383 +065'r14E 165136545 330.56 394 459574.85 1651355.7e 3s1.00 365 459574.0.3 16S1341.95 331.20 U6 459571-47 1651329.37 331.15 '87 46958464 1651294.41 331.06 388 459557.53 1651270.08 331.D4 _ 389 459548.37 165123244 3J0.42 390 1 459541.35 1651199.41 �' _ 325.64 3?1. , 45953q?..76 1881163.6'2 32870 - . 392 1 459519.17 1651129.86 328.92 393 _ 459497.1E f651099.73 32&17 _ ]94 45947385 165106993 327.47 395 45945463 1&51044.85 J26.73 306 459436S3 168 014.15 32&16 397 462413.63 1660991.62 -125.60 .- 096 459397.$1 ,650970,22 324e6 399 4NN3, 4 m50961.OS 324.59 400 459500.00 1651a00.OD 313.32 315.25 0.07 401 459500.00 1550940.4D 314.98 314.88 0.10 _ 402 L 459500.00 _ 1550929.99 314.92 1 314A2 1 0.10 GRAPHIC SCALE I I ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 80 fL eye �b 7 A NOTES 1. Contour Lines Depict Proposed Top of Cover Surface 2. Points are proposed locations from Weaver Consultants Group with 200 added to the paint numbers provided 3. Points 312-319,343-346,361-362, and 379-399 have been moved to locations on the existing liner 4. Points 372, 375, and 376 have been moved to locatios in the sump area 5. COA and contractor located existing landfill tie-in areas and noted differing elevations than the pion design and we verified an As -Built survey to represent actual field elevations .�,II'H CART p, ''00 'RESEAL r - LL-4358 - +reerryfNtl,1N� APPENDIX A LISTING OF MONITORING AND INSTALLATION PERSONNEL Homero Telles Geomembrane Experience Resume - 2022 Supervisor on the following job sites: Material Quantity Project Location Date 40 mil LLDPE Smooth 183,268 Plant Scherer Juliette - GA Jan-22 Transnet 330-2-8 Geocomposite 183,268 Geomembrane Lined Channel 6,000 40 mil LLDPE 27,038 Sampson Toe Berm/ Slope Repairs Roseboro - NC Feb-22 12 mil GRC 37,500 60 mil HDPE 1,000 Third High ReservoirM1 Washington -D.C. Mar-22 60 mil HDPE Textured 196,148 Meadow Branch Berm Extension Feb-22 DS Geocomposite 191,988 30 mil HDPE Rain Cover 168,442 40 mil LLDPE Textured 1,399,575 New HanoverGFFR Wilmington - NC Mar-22 Geocomposite DS 1,399,575 S nthetex H drotex FP400 72,858 60 mil HDPE 1,000 Third High Reservoir M1 Washington D. C. A r-22 GCL 400,507 Laurel Ridge Cell WC M2 Lily - KY Apr-22 60 mil HDPE Textured 402,392 DS Geocomposite 400,507 Closure Turf 439,000 TA Paradise Metal Ponds Closure Drakesboro - KY Oct-22 Hydro Turf 47,685 20 mil Rain Cover 45,663 New Hanover Co 7 & 8A Wilmington -NC Sep-22 GT Wind Ballast 39,880 Temp Closure Vent Geocomposite 4,775 60 mil HDPE Textured 468,000 New Hanover Co 11 & 12A WiIminbgton - NC Dec-22 GCL 472,000 Secondary 60 mil HDPE 477,000 Geocomposite 477,000 Secondary GCL 472,500 Homero Telles Geomembrane Experience Resume - 2021 SUPERVISOR on the following job sites: Material Quantity Project Location Date 40 Mil LLDPE 1,656,000 New Hanover Wilmington - NC Mar-21 400-2-8 Geocomposite 1,617,330 40 Mil 673,000 Hamblen Morristown - TN Jul-21 Geocomposite 673,000 60 Mil HDPE 214,251 Meadow Branch Athens - TN Jul-21 Geocomposite 161,588 16oz 52,663 30 Mil Raincover 160,550 60 Mil HDPE 1,092 BGE Substation Arlington 'Baltimore - MD Aug-21 10oz NW 1,092 GCL 172,100 Pittsylvania Dry Fork - VA Sep-21 60 Mil 172,100 Geocomposite 172,100 GCL 512,662 Fredrick County LF 'Winchester - VA Oct-21 160 Mil 514,280 16oz 514,280 Geocomposite 57,406 Hallaton, Inc.-1206 Sparks Rd. —Sparks, MD 21152 Homero Telles Geomembrane Experience Resume - 2020 SUPERVISOR on the following job sites: Material Quantity Project Location Date 50 Mil HDPE Textured 1,639,440 New Hanover County Landfill Wilmington -NC Mar-20 GCL 1,639,440 Cell 9 -10A Geocomposite 819,720 Rain Cover 330,260 ,60 Mil HDPE Textured 258,075 Volunteer Landfill Cell8C Oneida -TN Jul-20 Geotexti le 244,642 Geocomposite 23,120 160 Mil HDPE Textured 368,412 Hopkins Co Landfill White Plans - KY Aug-20 GCL 368,412 Geocomposite 386,412 -60 Mil HDPE Textured 192,602 Anson Landfill Phase 3 Cell 2 Polkton - NC Aug-20 Geocomposite 192,602 GCL 192,602 50 Mil HDPE Textured 396,164 Frey Farms Landfill Cap Closure Conestoga - PA Oct-20 Geotexti le 396,164 Geocomposite 22,000 60 Mil HDPE Textured 576,610 Lakeway Landfill Cell 5 Morristown -TN Nov-20 Geotextile 553,300 GCL 144,670 Rain Cover 555,660 60 Mil HDPE Textured 690,750 Sampson County Cell 11 Roseboro - NC Nov-20 60 Mil HDPE Smooth 220,000 Geocomposite 910,750 GCL 7,500 Rain Cover 600,000 60 Mil HDPE 253,975 Shenandoad Landfill Edinburg -VA Dec-20 Geocomposite 251,650 Rain Cover 31,333 Hallaton, Inc.-1206 Sparks Rd. —Sparks, MD 21152 Pablo Balderas Geomembrane Experience Resume - 2022 QC on the following job sites: Material Quantity Project Location Date 40 mil LLDPE Smooth 183,268 Plant Scherer Juliette -GA Jan-22 Transnet 330-2-8 Geocomposite 183,268 Geomembrane Lined Channel 6,000 40 mil LLDPE 27,038 Sampson Toe Berm/ Slope Repairs Roseboro - NC Feb-22 12 mil GRC 37,500 60 mil HDPE 1,000 Third High Reservoir M1 Washington -D.C. Mar-22 60 mil HDPE Textured 196,148 Meadow Branch Berm Extension Feb-22 DS Geocomposite 191,988 30 mil HDPE Rain Cover 168,442 40 mil LLDPE Textured 1,399,575 New Hanover GFFR Wilmington -NC Mar-22 Geocomposite DS 1,399,575 S nthetex H drotex FP4OO 72,858 60 mil HDPE 1,000 Third High ReservoirM1 Washington D. C. A r-22 GCL 400,507 Laurel Ridge Cell WC M2 Lily - KY Apr-22 60 mil HDPE Textured 402,392 DS Geocomposite 400,507 Closure Turf 439,000 TA Paradise Metal Ponds Closure Drakesboro - KY Oct-22 Hydro Turf 47.685 20 mil Rain Cover 45,663 New Hanover Co 7 & 8A Wilmington -NC Sep-22 GT Wind Ballast 39,880 Temp Closure Vent Geocomposite 4,775 60 mil HDPE Textured 468,000 New Hanover Co 11 & 12A Wilminbgton -NC Dec-22 GCL 472,000 Secondary 60 mil HDPE 477,000 Geocomposite 477,000 Secondary GCL 472,500 Pablo Balderas Geomembrane Experience Resume - 2021 QC on the following job sites: Material Quantity Project Location Date 40 Mil LLDPE 400-2-8 Geocomposite 1,656,000 1,617,330 New Hanover Wilmington - NC Mar-21 40 Mil Geocomposite 673,000 673,000 (Hamblen Morristown - TN Jul-21 60 Mil HDPE Geocomposite 16oz 30 Mil Raincover 214,251 161,588 52,663 160,550 Meadow Branch Athens - TN Jul-21 60 Mil HDPE 10oz NW 1,092 1,092 BGE Substation Arlington Baltimore - MD Aug-21 GCL 60 Mil Geocomposite 172,100 172,100 172,100 Pittsylvania Dry Fork - VA Sep-21 GCL 130 Mil 16oz Geocomposite 512,662 514,280 514,280 57,406 Fredrick County LF Winchester - VA Oct-21 Pablo Balderas Geomembrane Experience Resume - 2020 QC on the following job sites: Material Quantity Project Location Date 50 Mil HDPE Textured 1,639,440 New Hanover County Landfill Wilmington -NC Mar-20 GCL 1,639,440 Cell 9 -10A Geocomposite 819,720 (Rain Cover 330.260 50 Mil HDPE Textured 258,075 'Volunteer Landfill Cell 8C Oneida -TN Jul-20 ,Geotextile 244,642 ,Geocomposite 23,120 60 Mil HDPE Textured 368,412 Hopldns Co Landfill White Plains - KY Aug-20 -GCL 368,412 Geocomposite 386,412 50 Mil HDPE Textured 192,602 .Anson Landfill Phase 3 Cell 2 IPolkton -NC Aug-20 -Geocomposite 192,602 -GCL 192,602 50 Mil HDPE Textured 396,164 Frey Farms Landfill Cap Closure Conestoga -PA Oct-20 Geotextile 396,164 Geocomposite 22,000 160 Mil HDPE Textured 576,610 Lakeway Landfill Cell 5 (Morristown -TN Nov-20 Geotextile 553,300 GCL 144,670 Rain Cover 555,660 60 Mil HDPE Textured 690,750 Sampson County Cell 11 Roseboro -NC Nov-20 60 Mil HDPE Smooth 220,000 Geocomposite 910,750 GCL 7,500 Rain Cover 600,000 60 Mil HDPE 253,975 Shenandoad Landfill Edinburg -VA Dec-20 Geocomposite 251,650 Rain Cover 31,333 Hallaton, Inc.-1206 Sparks Rd. —Sparks, MD 21152 Juan Antonio Ramos Geomembrane Experience Resume - 2022 Technician on the following job sites: Material Quantity Project Location Date 40 mil LLDPE Smooth 183,268 Plant Scherer Juliette - GA Jan-22 Transnet 330-2-8 Geocomposite 183,268 Geomembrane Lined Channel 6,000 40 mil LOPE 27,038 Sampson Toe Berm/ Slope Repairs Roseboro - NC Feb-22 12 mil GRC 37,500 ,60 mil HDPE 1,000 Third High Reservoir M1 Washington -D.C. Mar-22 .60 mil HDPE Textured 196,148 Meadow Branch Berm Extension Feb-22 DS Geocomposite 191,988 30 mil HDPE Rain Cover 168,442 40 mil LLDPE Textured 1,399,575 New Hanover GFFR Wilmington -NC Mar-22 Geocomposite DS 1,399,575 S nthetex H drotex FP400 72,858 60 mil HDPE 1,000 Third High ReservoirM1 Washington D. C. Apr-22 GCL 400,507 Laurel Ridge Cell WC M2 Lily - KY Apr-22 60 mil HDPE Textured 402,392 DS Geocomposite 400,507 Closure Turf 439,000 TA Paradise Metal Ponds Closure Drakesboro - KY Oct-22 Hydro Turf 47,685 20 mil Rain Cover 45,663 New Hanover Co 7 & 8A Wilmington - NC Sep-22 GT Wind Ballast 39,880 Temp Closure Vent Geocomposite 4,775 60 mil HDPE Textured 468,000 New Hanover Co 11 & 12A Wilminbgton -NC Dec-22 GCL 472,000 Secondary 60 mil HDPE 477,000 Geocomposite 477,000 Secondary GCL 472,500 Juan Antonio Ramos Geomembrane Experience Resume - 2021 Technician on the following job sites: Material Quantity Project Location Date 40 Mil LLDPE 400-2-8 Geocomposite 1,656,000 1,617,330 New Hanover Wilmington - NC Mar-21 40 Mil Geocomposite 673,000 673,000 Hamblen Morristown - TN Jul-21 60 Mil HDPE Geocomposite 16oz 30 Mil Raincover 214,251 161,588 52,663 160,550 Meadow Branch Athens - TN Jul-21 60 Mil HDPE 10oz NW 1,092 1,092 BGE Substation Arlington Baltimore - MD Aug-21 GCL 60 Mil Geocomposite 172,100 172,100 172,100 Pittsylvania Dry Fork - VA Sep-21 GCL 60 Mil 16oz Geocomposite 512,662 514,280 514,280 57,406 Fredrick County LF Winchester - VA Oct-21 Juan Antonio Ramos Geomembrane Experience Resume - 2020 TECHNICIAN on the following job sites: H Material Quantity Project Location Date 60 mil HDPE Textured 323,388 National Server -All Landfill Fort Wayne, IN Jul-20 Geotextile 319,405 40 mil LLDPE Textured 135,000 Amos Plateau Pond Winfield, WV Jul-20 Geotextile 258,607 Fabric Form 19,718 60 mil HDPE Textured 263,814 623 Landfill Cell 9 Rockville, VA Jul-20 Geotextile 245,414 60 mil HDPE Textured 192,602 Anson Landfill Ph 3 Cell 2 Polkton, NC Aug-20 Geocomposite 192,602 GCL 192,602 60 mil HDPE Textured 434,700 Twin Chimney Landfill Honea Path, SC Oct-20 Geocomposite 436,305 Unit 4 Cell 2 GCL 471,975 (Rain Cover 442,800 45 mil LLDPE 798,835 Micron Pond Improvements Manassas , VA Oct-20 Geotextile 273,171 30 mil HDPE Textured 1,048,220 Wetzel County Landfill New Martinsville, WV Oct-20 60 mil HDPE Textured 45,000 Temp Cap & Piggyback Cell Geocomposite 45,000 Anchor Down 1,048,220 50 mil HDPE Textured 576,610 Lakeway Landfill Cell 5 Morristown, TN Nov-20 Geotextile 553,300 GCL 144,670 Rain Cover 555,660 160 mil HDPE Textured 1,466,000 Millersville Landfill Subcell 9.2 Severn, MD Dec-20 Geocomposite 1,466,000 -GCL 2,440 Rain Cover 580,000 160 mil HDPE Textured 466,200 Ritchie Rubble Cell C Subcell 1 Upper Marlboro, MD Dec-20 -Geocomposite 466,200 Geotextile 466,200 GCL 466,200 Hallaton, Inc.-1206 Sparks Rd. -Sparks, MD 21152 Josue Guerrero Geomembrane Experience Resume - 2022 Technician on the following job sites: Material Quantity Project Location Date 40 mil LOPE Smooth 183,268 Plant Scherer Juliette - GA Jan-22 Transnet 330-2-8 Geocomposite 183,268 Geomembrane Lined Channel 6,000 40 mil LLDPE 27,038 Sampson Toe Berm/ Slope Repairs Roseboro -NC Feb-22 12 mil GRC 37,500 60 mil HDPE 1,000 Third High Reservoir M1 Washington -D.C. Mar-22 60 mil HDPE Textured 196,148 Meadow Branch Berm Extension Feb-22 IDS Geocomposite 191,988 30 mil HDPE Rain Cover 168,442 40 mil LLDPE Textured 1,399,575 New Hanover GFFR Wilmington -NC Mar-22 Geocomposite IDS 1,399,575 S nthetex H drotex FP400 72,858 130 mil HDPE 1,000 Third High Reservoir M1 Washington D. C. A r-22 GCL 400,507 Laurel Ridge Cell WC M2 Lily - KY Apr-22 130 mil HDPE Textured 402,392 IDS Geocomposite 400,507 Closure Turf 439,000 TA Paradise Metal Ponds Closure Drakesboro - KY Oct-22 Hydro Turf 47,685 20 mil Rain Cover 45,663 New Hanover Co 7 & 8A Wilmington - INC Sep-22 GT Wind Ballast 39,880 'Temp Closure Vent Geocomposite 4,775 150 mil HDPE Textured 468,000 New Hanover Co 11 & 12A WiIminbgton - NC Dec-22 GCL 472,000 Secondary 60 mil HDPE 477,000 Geocomposite 477,000 Secondary GCL 472,500 Josue Guerrero Geomembrane Experience Resume - 2021 Technician on the following job sites:. Material Quantity Pro"ect Location Date .40 Mil LLDPE 1,656,000 New Hanover Wilmington - NC Mar-21 400-2-8 Geocomposite 1,617,330 .40 Mil 673,000 Hamblen Morristown - TN Jul-21 Geocom osite 673,000 60 Mil HDPE 214,251 Meadow Branch Athens - TN Jul-21 Geocomposite 161,588 16oz 52,663 .30 Mil Raincover 160,550 160 Mil HDPE 1,092 BGE Substation Arlington Baltimore - MD Aug-21 10oz NW 1,092 GCL 172,100 Pittsylvania Dry Fork - VA Sep-21 160 Mil 172,100 Geocomposite 172,100 GCL 512,662 Fredrick County LF Winchester - VA Oct-21 160 Mil 514,280 16oz 514,280 •Geocomposite 57,406 Hallaton, Inc.-1206 Sparks Rd. —Sparks, MD 21152 y - J Josue Guerrero Geomembrane Experience Resume - 2020 Technician on the following job sites: Material Quantity Project Location Date 60 Mil HDPE Textured 1,639,440 INew Hanover County Landfill 'Wilmington -NC Ma720 GCL 1,639,440 Cell 9 -10A Geocomposite 819,720 Rain Cover 330,260 60 Mil HDPE Textured 258,075 'Volunteer Landfill Cell 8C Oneida -TN Jul-20 Geotextile 244,642 GeocomDOSlte 23,120 ,60 Mil HDPE Textured 368,412 IHopldns Co Landflil White Ptahs- KY Aug-20 GCL 368,412 Geocomposite 386,412 60 Mil HDPE Textured 192,602 ,Anson Landfill Phase 3 Cell 2 Polkton -NC Aug-20 Geocomposite 192,602 GCL 192,602 50 Mil HDPE Textured 396,164 Frey Farms Landfill Cap Closure Conestoga - PA Oct-20 Geotextile 396,164 Geocomposite 22,000 60 Mil HDPE Textured 576,610 Lakeway Landfill Cell 5 Morristown -TN Nov-20 Geotextile 553,300 GCL 144,670 Rain Cover 555,660 60 Mil HDPE Textured 690,750 Sampson County Cell 11 Roseboro - NC Nov-20 60 Mil HDPE Smooth 220,000 Geocomposite 910,750 GCL 7,500 Rain Cover 600,000 60 Mil HDPE 253,975 Shenandoad Landfill Edinburg -VA DeC-2,0 Geocomposite 251,650 Rain Cover 31,333 Hallaton, Inc.-1206 Sparks Rd. —Sparks, MD 21152 Oziel Cardenas Geomembrane Experience Resume - 2022 TECHNICIAN on the following job sites: Material Quantity Project Location Date Rain Cover 320,310 Blue Ridge Rain Cover Buena Vista, VA Feb-23 Rain Cover 527,139 Frederick Co LF Berm & Rain Cover Winchester, VA Mar-23 Berm Flaps 1,382 50 mil LLDPE MlcroDrain 1,714,114 Winnebago Closure West Rockford, IL Apr-23 8 oz NW Geotextile 1,714,114 60 mil HDPE Geomembrane 1,025,328 Winnebago Cell E6 Rockford, IL Aug-23 8 oz NW Geotextile 1,025,328 4 oz NW Geotextile 991,803 GCL - Surrip 3,423 60 mil HDPE Textured 413,765 Livestock Road LF Rustburg, VA Sep-23 16 oz NW Geotextile 411,437 12 mil Rain Cover 411,437 60 mil HDPE Textured 302,682 Roxana LF Edwardsville, IL Nov-23 4 oz NW Geotextile 280,462 Hallaton, Inc.-1206 Sparks Rd. —Sparks, MD 21152 Oziel Cardenas Geomembrane Experience Resume - 2021 TECHNICIAN on the following job sites: Material Quantity Project Location Date HD - 60 IDS MicroSpike 521,820 Eastern Sanitary LF Phase XII White Marsh - MD Mar-21 Bentomat DN 521,820 16oz Geotextile 515,500 10oz Geotextile 458,100 330-2-8 Geocomposite 83,400 R12BV - DuraSkrim 565,275 GCL 135,934 Ritchie Rubble - Cell E2 Upper Marlboro Mar-21 150 Mil HDPE 142,638 MD 330-2-8 130,552 10oz 138,118 30 Mil HDPE 16,565 Back River 1 Essex - MD Mar-21 .40 Mil HDPE 39,542 Oakmont CC Pond Oakmont - PA Mar-21 HD - 60 IDS Textured White 1,466,000 'Millersville Raincover Severn - MD Apr-21 450-2-8 Geocomposite 1,466,000 BentoLiner - NWLL 10,688 R20WWK - DuraSskrim 580,000 30 Mil 435,600 Keystone Temporary Cap iDumore - PA Apr-21 Wind Ballast 435,600 50 Mil LLDPE MicroDrain 2,360,952 Mine 84 Bentleyville - PA May-21 8oz 2,360,952 30 Mil PVC 254,470 Corsa Coal Schrock Run Central City - PA May-21 GCL 326,658 Honey Go Perry Hall - MD Jul-21 60 Mil 326,658 Geocomposite 326,658 Raincover 138,600 60 Mil HDPE 214,251 Meadow Branch Athens - TN Jul-21 Geocomposite 161,588 16oz 52,663 30 Mil Raincover 160.550 60 Mil HDPE 1,092 BGE Substation Arlington Baltimore - MD Aug-21 10oz NW 1,092 40 Mil HD 1,414,729 Pioneer Temp Cap Birdsboro - PA Aug-21 Ballast 1,414,729 Hallaton, Inc.-1206 Sparks Rd. -Sparks, MD 21152 Oziel Cardenas Geomembrane Experience Resume - 2020 TECHNICIAN on the following job sites: Material Quantity Project Location Date 130 Mil HOPE Textured 1,639,440 New Hanover County Landfill Wilmington -NC Mar-20 GCL 1,639,440 Cell 9 -10A +Geocomposite 819,720 Rain Cover 330,260 150 Mil HDPE Textured 258,075 Volunteer Landfill Cell 8C Oneida -TN Jul-20 Geotextile 244,642 Geocomposite 23,120 130 Mil HDPE Textured 368,412 Hopkins Co Landfill White Plains - KY Aug-20 GCL 368,412 Geocomposite 386,412 50 Mil HOPE Textured 192,602 Anson Landfill Phase 3 Cell 2 Polkton - NC Aug-20 Geocomposite 192,602 GCL 192,602 150 Mil HDPE Textured 396,164 Frey Farms Landfill Cap Closure Conestoga - PA Oct-20 Geotextile 396,164 Geocomposite 22,000 160 Mil HDPE Textured 576,610 ILakeway Landfill Cell 5 Morristown -TN Nov-20 Geotexti le 553,300 GCL 144,670 Rain Cover 555,660 .60 Mil HOPE Textured 690,750 Sampson County Cell 11 IRoseboro - NC Nov-20 60 Mil HOPE Smooth 220,000 Geocomposite 910,750 GCL 7,500 Rain Cover 600,000 60 Mil HDPE 253,975 Shenandoad Landfill (Edinburg -VA Dec-20 Geocomposite 251,650 Rain Cover 1 31,333 Hallaton, Inc.-1206 Sparks Rd. —Sparks, MD 21152 Rogelio Velazquez Geomembrane Experience Resume - 2022 TECHNICIAN on the following job sites: Material Quantity Project Location Date 40 mil LLDPE Smooth 183,268 Plant Scherer Juliette -GA Jan-22 Transnet 330-2-8 Geocomposite 183,268 Geomembrane Lined Channel 6,000 40 mil LLDPE 27,038 Sampson Toe BemV Slope Repairs Roseboro - NC Feb-22 12 mil GRC 37,500 60 mil HDPE 1,000 Third High Reservoir M1 Washington -D.C. Mar-22 60 mil HDPE Textured 196,148 Meadow Branch Berm Extension Feb-22 DS Geocomposite 191,988 30 mil HDPE Rain Cover 168,442 40 mil LLDPE Textured 1,399,575 New Hanover GFFR Wilmington -NC Mar-22 Geocomposite DS 1,399,575 S nthetex H drotex FP400 72,858 60 mil HDPE 1,000 Third High Reservoir M1 Washington D. C. Apr-22 GCL 400,507 Laurel Ridge Cell WC M2 Lily - KY Apr-22 60 mil HDPE Textured 402,392 DS Geocomposite 400,507 Closure Turf 439,000 TA Paradise Metal Ponds Closure Drakesboro - KY Oct-22 Hydro Turf 47,685 :20 mil Rain Cover 45,663 New Hanover Co 7 & 8A Wilmington -NC Sep-22 GT Wind Ballast 39,880 Temp Closure Vent Geocomposite 4,775 150 mil HDPE Textured 468,000 New Hanover Co 11 & 12A Wilminbgton - NC Dec-22 GCL 472,000 Secondary 60 mil HDPE 477,000 Geocomposite 477,000 Secondary GCL 472,500 Rogelio Velazquez Geomembrane Experience Resume - 2021 TECHNICIAN on the following job sites: I:I Material Quantity Project Location Date .40 Mil LLDPE 1,656,000 New Hanover Wilmington - NC Mar-21 .400-2-8 Geocomposite 1,617,330 40 Mil 673,000 Hamblen Morristown - TN Jul-21 Geocomposite 673,000 ,60 Mil HDPE 214,251 Meadow Branch .Athens - TN Jul-21 Geocomposite 161,588 16oz 52,663 30 Mil Raincover 160,550 60 Mil HDPE 1,092 IBGE Substation Arlington Baltimore - MD Aug-21 10oz NW 1,092 GCL 172,100 IPittsylvania Dry Fork - VA Sep-21 60 Mil 172,100 Geocomposite 172,100 GCL 512,662 (Fredrick County LF Winchester - VA Oct-21 60 Mil 514,280 16oz 514,280 Geocomposite 57,406 Hallaton, Inc.-1206 Sparks Rd. --Sparks, MD 21152 Rogelio Velazquez Geomembrane Experience Resume - 2020 TECHNICIAN on the following job sites: FS T Material Quantity Project Location Date 60 Mil HDPE Textured 1,639,440 New Hanover County Landfill 'Wilmington -NC Mar-20 GCL 1,639,440 Cell 9 -10A Geocomposite 819,720 Rain Cover 330,260 60 Mil HDPE Textured 258,075 Volunteer Landfill Cell 8C Oneida -TN Jul-20 Geotextile 244,642 Geocomposite 23,120 60 Mil HDPE Textured 368,412 Hopkins Co Landfill White Plains - KY Aug-20 GCL 368,412 Geocomposite 386,412 60 Mil HDPE Textured 192,602 Anson Landfill Phase 3 Cell 2 Polkton - NC Aug-20 Geocomposite 192,602 GCL 192,602 50 Mil HDPE Textured 396,164 Frey Farms Landfill Cap Closure Conestoga - PA Oct-20 Geotextile 396,164 Geocomposite 22,000 60 Mil HDPE Textured 576,610 Lakeway Landfill Cell 5 Morristown -TN Nov-20 Geotextile 553,300 GCL 144,670 (Rain Cover 555,660 150 Mil HDPE Textured 690,750 Sampson County Cell 11 Roseboro - NC Nov-20 60 Mil HDPE Smooth 220,000 Geocomposite 910,750 GCL 7,500 (Rain Cover 600,000 60 Mil HDPE 253,975 Shenandoad Landfill (Edinburg -VA Dec-20 Geocomposite 251,650 iRain Cover 31,333 Hallaton, Inc.-1206 Sparks Rd. -Sparks, MD 21152 Luis Mancilla Geomembrane Experience Resume- 2022 Laborer on the following job sites: Material Quantity Project Location Date 40 mil LLDPE Smooth 183,268 Plant Scherer Juliette -GA Jan-22 Transnet 330-2-8 Geocomposite 183,268 Geomembrane Lined Channel 6,000 40 mil LLDPE 27,038 Sampson Toe Berm/ Slope Repairs Roseboro - NC Feb-22 12 mil GRC 37,500 -60 mil HDPE 1,000 Third High Reservoir MI Washington -D.C. Mar-22 .60 mil HDPE Textured 196,148 Meadow Branch Berm Extension Feb-22 DS Geocomposite 191,988 30 mil HDPE Rain Cover 168,442 40 mil LLDPE Textured 1,399,575 New HanoverGFFR Wilmington -NC Mar-22 Geocomposite DS 1,399,575 S nthetex H drotex FP400 72.858 60 mil HDPE 1,000 Third High Reservoir M1 Washington D. C. A r-22 GCL 400,507 Laurel Ridge Cell WC M2 Lily -KY Apr-22 60 mil HDPE Textured 402,392 DS Geocomposite 400,507 Closure Turf 439,000 TA Paradise Metal Ponds Closure Drakesboro - KY Oct-22 Hydro Turf 47,685 20 mil Rain Cover 45,663 New Hanover Co 7 & 8A Wilmington -NC Sep-22 GT Wind Ballast 39,880 Temp Closure Vent Geocomposite 4,775 60 mil HDPE Textured 468,000 New Hanover Co 11 & 12A Wilminbgton - NC Dec-22 GCL 472,000 Secondary 60 mil HDPE 477,000 Geocomposite 477,000 Secondary GCL 472,500 Luis Mancilla Geomembrane Experience Resume - 2021 Laborer on the following job sites: Material Quantity Project Location Date GCL 326,658 IHoneyGo Cell 8 Perry Hall - MD Jul-21 60 Mil 326,658 Geocomposite 326,658 Raincover 138,600 60 Mil HDPE 211,060 Corsa Coal Schrock Run Berlin - PA Jul-21 10oz 228,375 50 Mil LLDPE 598,000 idge Moor Closure Wilmington - DE Jul-21 10oz 590,625 40 Mil 673,000 Hamblen LF Morristown - TN Jul-21 Geocomposite 673,000 40 Mil HD 1,414,729 (Pioneer Temp Cap Birdsboro - PA Aug-21 Ballast 1,414,729 60 Mil HDPE 1,092 IBGE Substation Arlington Baltimore - MD Aug-21 10oz NW 1,092 GCL 31,000 Webster Co LF Webster Springs - Sep-21 Geocomposite 31,000 Wv 50 Mil LLDPE 31,000 10oz 31,000 60 Mil 150,300 EKPC Tank Liner Winchester - KY Oct-21 10oz 108,900 i80 Mil 910 BGE Substation Baynesville Oct-21 10oz 910 (Liner 2,685 PEPCO Substation Norbeck Rockville - MD Oct-21 160 Mil HDPE 186,028 Laurel Ridge (Lily - KY Nov-21 Geocomposite 203,328 GCL 186,028 60 Mil 472,578 Conestoga Morgantown - PA Nov-21 Geocomposite 228,538 GCL 228,538 16oz 228,538 Hallaton, Inc.-1206 Sparks Rd. —Sparks, MD 21152 Luis Mancilla Geomembrane Experience Resume - 2020 Laborer on the following job sites: H Material Quantity Project Location Date Raincover 98,000 Cherokee County Landfill Marble - NC May-20 40 Mil HDPE Textured 160,997 Commonwealth Landfill Closure Hegins - PA (May-20 Geocomposite 160,997 ES4 HFA Axler Coletanche 26,135 Lower Handelong Reservior Coletanche Bangor - PA ;May-20 60 Mil HDPE Textured 56,016 382 Rte 72 Install Manahawkin - NJ iMav-20 60 Mil HDPE Smooth 41,400 Ritchie Cell E Subcell 2 Upper Marlboro - MD Jun-20 Geocomposite 46,690 Geotextile 171,000 GCL 37,200 60 Mil HDPE Textured 258,075 Volunteer Landfill Cell 8C Oneida - TN Jul-20 Geotextile 244,642 Geocomposite 23,120 60 Mil HDPE Textured 192,602 Anson Landfill Polkton - NC Aug-20 Geocomposite 192,602 GCL 192,602 60 Mil HDPE Textured 647,430 Conestoga Landfill Morgantown - PA Aug-20 Geocomposite 317,636 Geotextile 317,636 GCL 317,636 100 Mill HDPE Textured 1,433,130 Lycoming County Landfill -1929 Montgomery - PA Sep-20 Geocomposite 1,429,990 Geotextile 1,621,800 GCL 699,750 60 Mil HDPE Textured 723,800 Vienna Junction Cell Phase 1 & 2 Erie - MI Sep-20 Geocomposite 718,100 GCL 718,100 30 Mill HDPE Textured 1,048,220 'Wetzel County Landfill Temp Cap New Martinsville - WV Oct-20 60 Mil HDPE Textured 45,000 Geocomposite 45,000 Anchor Down 1,048,220 -50 Mil LLDPE Textured 396,164 'Frey Farms Landfill Cap Closure Conestoga - PA Oct-20 Geotextile 396,164 Geocomposite 22,000 80 Mil HDPE Textured 504,425 •Pioneer Crossing Cell C7 Birdsboro - PA Oct-20 160 Mil HDPE Textured 504,425 Geocomposite 504,425 Geotextile 504,425 GCL 504,425 40 Mil PVC 111,573 Guildford Reservior Baltimore - MD Oct-20 50 Mil HDPE Textured 1,466,000 Millersville Landfill Subcell 9.2 Severn - MD Dec-20 Geocomposite 1,466,000 GCL 2,440 IRaincover 580,000 50 Mil HDPE Textured 521,820 (Eastern Sanitary Landfill White Marsh - MD Dec-20 Geocomposite 83,400 Geotextile 973,600 GCL 521,820 (Rain Cover 565,275 Hallaton, Inc.-1206 Sparks Rd. -Sparks, MD 21152 Marcelo Lopez Geomembrane Experience Resume- 2022 Laborer on the following job sites: W Material Quantity Project Location Date 40 mil LLDPE Smooth 183,268 Plant Scherer Juliette -GA Jan-22 Transnet 330-2-8 Geocomposite 183,268 Geomembrane Lined Channel 6,000 40 mil LLDPE 27,038 Sampson Toe Berm/ Slope Repairs Roseboro - NC Feb-22 12 mil GRC 37,500 60 mil HDPE 1,000 Third High Reservoir M1 Washington -D.C. Mar-22 60 mil HDPE Textured 196,148 Meadow Branch Berm Extension Feb-22 DS Geocomposite 191,988 30 mil HDPE Rain Cover 168,442 40 mil LLDPE Textured 1,399,575 New Hanover GFFR Wilmington - NC Mar-22 Geocomposite DS 1,399,575 S nthetex H drotex FP4O0 72,858 60 mil HDPE 1,000 Third High ReservoirM1 Washington D. C. Apr-22 GCL 400,507 Laurel Ridge Cell WC M2 Lily - KY Apr-22 60 mil HDPE Textured 402,392 DS Geocomposite 400,507 Closure Turf 439,000 TA Paradise Metal Ponds Closure Drakesboro - KY Oct-22 Hydro Turf 47,685 20 mil Rain Cover 45,663 New Hanover Co 7 & 8A Wilmington -NC Sep-22 GT Wind Ballast 39,880 Temp Closure Vent Geocomposite 4,775 60 mil HDPE Textured 468,000 New Hanover Co 11 & 12A WiIminbgton - NC Dec-22 GCL 472,000 Secondary 60 mil HDPE 477,000 Geocomposite 477,000 Secondary GCL 472,500 Marcelo Lopez Geomembrane Experience Resume - 2021 Laborer on the following job sites: H Material Quantity Project Location Date GCL 326,658 HoneyGo Cell 8 Perry Hall - MD Jul-21 60 Mil 326,658 Geocomposite 326,658 Raincover 138,600 60 Mil HDPE 211,060 Corsa Coal Schrock Run Berlin - PA Jul-21 100z 228,375 50 Mil LOPE 598,000 Edge Moor Closure Wilmington - DE Jul-21 100z 590,625 40 Mil 673,000 Hamblen LF Morristown - TN Jul-21 Geocomposite 673,000 40 Mil HD 1,414,729 (Pioneer Temp Cap Birdsboro - PA Aug-21 Ballast 1,414,729 60 Mil HDPE 1,092 IBGE Substation Arlington Baltimore - MD Aug-21 10oz NW 1,092 GCL 31,000 Webster Co LF Webster Springs - Sep-21 Geocomposite 31,000 WV 50 Mil LLDPE 31,000 100z 31,000 60 Mil 150,300 EKPC Tank Liner Winchester - KY Oct-21 100z 108,900 60 Mil 910 IBGE Substation Baynesville Oct-21 10oz 910 (Liner 2,685 IPEPCO Substation Norbeck Rockville - MD Oct-21 60 Mil HDPE 186,028 Laurel Ridge Lily - KY Nov-21 Geocomposite 203,328 GCL 186,028 60 Mil 472,578 Conestoga (Morgantown - PA Nov-21 Geocomposite 228,538 GCL 228,538 16oz 228,538 Hallaton, Inc.-1206 Sparks Rd. —Sparks, MD 21152 Marcelo Lopez Geomembrane Experience Resume - 2020 Laborer on the following job sites: Material Quantity Project Location Date Raincover 98,000 Cherokee County Landfill Marble - NC May-20 40 Mil HDPE Textured 160,997 Commonwealth Landfill Closure Hegins - PA May-20 Geocomposite 160,997 ES4 HFA Axler Coletanche 26,135 (Lower Handelong Reservior Coletanche Bangor- PA May-20 60 Mil HDPE Textured 56,016 :382 Rte 72 Install Manahawkin - NJ May-20 60 Mil HDPE Smooth 41,400 (Ritchie Cell E Subcell 2 Upper Marlboro - MD Jun-20 -Geocomposite 46,690 Geotextile 171,000 GCL 37,200 60 Mil HDPE Textured 258,075 'Volunteer Landfill Cell 8C Oneida - TN Jul-20 Geotextile 244,642 Geocomposite 23,120 160 Mil HDPE Textured 192,602 Anson Landfill Polkton - NC Aug-20 Geocomposite 192,602 GCL 192,602 60 Mil HDPE Textured 647,430 Conestoga Landfill Morgantown - PA Aug-20 Geocomposite 317,636 Geotextile 317,636 GCL 317,636 100 Mill HDPE Textured 1,433,130 ILycoming County Landfill -1929 Montgomery - PA Sep-20 Geocomposite 1,429,990 Geotextile 1,621,800 GCL 699,750 60 Mil HDPE Textured 723,800 Vienna Junction Cell Phase 1 & 2 Erie - MI Sep-20 Geocomposite 718,100 GCL 718,100 30 Mill HDPE Textured 1,048,220 Wetzel County Landfill Temp Cap New Martinsville - WV Oct-20 60 Mil HDPE Textured 45,000 Geocomposite 45,000 Anchor Down 1,048,220 50 Mil LLDPE Textured 396,164 Frey Farms Landfill Cap Closure Conestoga - PA Oct-20 Geotextile 396,164 Geocomposite 22,000 80 Mil HDPE Textured 504,425 Pioneer Crossing Cell C7 Birdsboro - PA Oct-20 60 Mil HDPE Textured 504,425 Geocomposite 504,425 Geotextile 504,425 GCL 504,425 40 Mil PVC 111,573 Guildford Reservior Baltimore - MD Oct-20 60 Mil HDPE Textured 1,466,000 Millersville Landfill Subcell 9.2 Severn - MD Dec-20 Geocomposite 1,466,000 GCL 2,440 Raincover 580,000 60 Mil HDPE Textured 521,820 Eastern Sanitary Landfill White Marsh - MD (Dec-20 Geocomposite 83,400 Geotextile 973,600 GCL 521,820 Rain Cover 565,275 Hallaton, Inc.-1206 Sparks Rd. -Sparks, MD 21152 Gabino Rangel Geomembrane Experience Resume - 2022 Laborer on the following job sites: Material Quantity Project Location Date .40 mil LLDPE Smooth 183,268 Plant Scherer Juliette -GA Jan-22 Transnet 330-2-8 Geocomposite 183,268 Geomembrane Lined Channel 6,000 40 mil LLDPE 27,038 Sampson Toe Berm/ Slope Repairs Roseboro - NC Feb-22 12 mil GRC 37,500 60 mil HDPE 1,000 Third High ReservoirM1 Washington -D.C. Mar-22 60 mil HDPE Textured 196,148 Meadow Branch Berm Extension Feb-22 DS Geocomposite 191,988 30 mil HDPE Rain Cover 168,442 40 mil LLDPE Textured 1,399,575 New HanoverGFFR Wilmington - NC Mar-22 Geocomposite IDS 1,399,575 S nthetex H drotex FP400 72,858 60 mil HDPE 1,000 Third High ReservoirM1 Washington D. C. A r-22 GCL 400,507 Laurel Ridge Cell WC M2 Lily - KY Apr-22 60 mil HDPE Textured 402,392 IDS Geocomposite 400,507 Closure Turf 439,000 TA Paradise Metal Ponds Closure Drakesboro - KY Oct-22 Hydro Turf 47,685 20 mil Rain Cover 45,663 New Hanover Co 7 & 8A Wilmington -NC Sep-22 GT Wind Ballast 39,880 Temp Closure Vent Geocomposite 4,775 60 mil HDPE Textured 468,000 New Hanover Co 11 & 12A Wilminbgton -NC Dec-22 GCL 472,000 Secondary 60 mil HDPE 477,000 Geocomposite 477,000 Secondary GCL 472,500 Gabino Rangel Geomembrane Experience Resume - 2021 LABOROR on the following job sites: Material Quantity Project Location Date GCL 326,658 HoneyGo Cell 8 'Perry Hall - MD Jul-21 60 Mil 326,658 Geocomposite 326,658 Raincover 138,600 160 Mil HDPE 211,060 Corsa Coal Schrock Run Berlin - PA Jul-21 10oz 228,375 50 Mil LOPE 598,000 Edge Moor Closure Wilmington - DE Jul-21 10oz 590,625 40 Mil HD 1,414,729 Pioneer Temp Cap Birdsboro - PA Aug-21 Ballast 1,414,729 60 Mil HDPE 1,092 BGE Substation Arlington Baltimore - MD Aug-21 10oz NW 1,092 GCL 31,000 Webster Co LF Webster Springs - Sep-21 Geocomposite 31,000 WV 50 Mil LLDPE 31,000 10oz 31.000 60 Mil 150,300 EKPC Tank Liner Winchester - KY Oct-21 10oz 108,900 60 Mil 910 BGE Substation Baynesville Oct-21 10oz 910 Liner 2,685 PEPCO Substation Norbeck Rockville - MD Oct-21 40 Mil 673,000 Hamblen LF Morristown - TN Jul-21 Geocomposite 673,000 60 Mil HDPE 186,028 Laurel Ridge Lily - KY Nov-21 Geocomposite 203,328 GCL 186,028 60 Mil 472,578 Conestoga Morgantown - PA Nov-21 Geocomposite 228,538 GCL 228,538 16oz 228,538 Hallaton, Inca-1206 Sparks Rd. —Sparks, MD 21152 Gabino Rangel Geomembrane Experience Resume - 2020 LABORER on the following job sites: [no-] Material Quantity Project Location Date 60 Mil HDPE Textured 1,639,440 New Hanover County Landfill Wilmington -NC Ma720 GCL 1,639,440 Cell 9 -10A Geocomposite 819,720 Rain Cover 330,260 60 Mil HDPETextured 258,075 'Volunteer Landfill Cell 8C Oneida -TN Jul-20 Geotextile 244,642 Geocomoosite 23,120 60 Mil HDPE Textured 368,412 Hopkins Co Landfill White Plans - KY Aug-20 GCL 368,412 Geocomposite 386,412 60 Mil HDPE Textured 192,602 .Anson Landfill Phase 3 Cell 2 Polkton - NC Aug-20 Geocomposite 192,602 GCL 192,602 50 Mil HDPE Textured 396,164 Frey Farms Landfill Cap Closure Conestoga -PA Oct-20 Geotextile 396,164 Geocomposite 22,000 60 Mil HDPE Textured 576,610 Lakeway Landfill Cell 5 Mom stown -TN Nov-20 Geotextile 553,300 GCL 144,670 Rain Cover 555,660 60 Mil HDPE Textured 690,750 Sampson County Cell 11 Roseboro - NC Nov-20 60 Mil HDPE Smooth 220,000 Geocomposite 910,750 GCL 7,500 Rain Cover 600,000 60 Mil HDPE 253,975 Shenandoad Landfill Edinburg -VA Dec-20 Geocomposite 251,650 Rain Cover 31,333 Hallaton, Inc.-1206 Sparks Rd. —Sparks, MD 21152 Roge[io Ibarra Geomembrane Experience Resume - 2022 Laborer on the following job sites: Material Quantity Project Location Date ,40 mil LOPE Smooth 183,268 Plant Scherer Juliette -GA Jan-22 Transnet 330-2-8 Geocomposite 183,268 Geomembrane Lined Channel 6,000 40 mi I LLDPE 27,038 Sampson Toe Berm] Slope Repairs Roseboro - NC Feb-22 12 mil GRC 37,500 60 mil HDPE 1,000 Third High Reservoir M1 Washington -D.C. Mar-22 150 mil HDPE Textured 196,148 Meadow Branch Berm Extension Feb-22 IDS Geocomposite 191,988 :30 mil HDPE Rain Cover 168,442 40 mil LLDPE Textured 1,399,575 New Hanover GFFR Wilmington -NC Mar-22 Geocomposite DS 1,399,575 S nthetex H drotex FP400 72,858 160 mil HDPE 1,000 Third High ReservoirM1 Washington D. C. A r-22 GCL 400,507 Laurel Ridge Cell WC M2 Lily - KY Apr-22 60 mil HDPE Textured 402,392 DS Geocomposite 400,507 Closure Turf 439,000 TA Paradise Metal Ponds Closure Drakesboro - KY Oct-22 H dro Turf 47,685 .20 mil Rain Cover 45,663 New Hanover Co 7 & 8A Wilmington - NC Sep-22 GT Wind Ballast 39,880 Temp Closure Vent Geocomposite 4,775 60 mil HDPE Textured 468,000 New Hanover Co 11 & 12A WiIminbgton - NC Dec-22 GCL 472,000 Secondary 60 mil HDPE 477,000 Geocomposite 477,000 Secondary GCL 472,500 Rogelio Ibarra Geomembrane Experience Resume - 2021 Laborer on the following job sites: 7 L Material Quantity Project Location Date GCL 326,658 HoneyGo Cell 8 Perry Hall - MD Jul-21 60 Mil 326,658 Geocomposite 326,658 Raincover 138,600 60 Mil HDPE 211,060 Corsa Coal Schrock Run Berlin - PA Jul-21 10oz 228,375 50 Mil LOPE 598,000 Edge Moor Closure Wilmington - DE Jul-21 10oz 590,625 40 Mil 673,000 Hamblen LF Morristown - TN Jul-21 Geocomposite 673,000 40 Mil HD 1,414,729 Pioneer Temp Cap Birdsboro - PA Aug-21 Ballast 1,414,729 60 Mil HDPE 1,092 BGE Substation Arlington Baltimore - MD Aug-21 10oz NW 1,092 GCL 31,000 Webster Co LF Webster Springs - Sep-21 Geocomposite 31,000 Wv 50 Mil LOPE 31,000 10oz 31,000 60 Mil 150,300 IEKPC Tank Liner Winchester - KY Oct-21 10oz 108,900 130 Mil 910 IBGE Substation Baynesville Oct-21 10oz 910 (Liner 2,685 IPEPCO Substation Norbeck (Rockville - MD Oct-21 60 Mil HDPE 186,028 'Laurel Ridge (Lily - KY Nov-21 Geocomposite 203,328 GCL 186,028 160 Mil 472,578 Conestoga Morgantown - PA Nov-21 Geocomposite 228,538 GCL 228,538 16oz 228,538 Hallaton, Inc.-1206 Sparks Rd. —Sparks, MD 21152 Rogeiio ibarra Geomembrane Experience Resume - 2020 Laborer on the following job sites: Material Quantity Project Location Date Raincover 98,000 Cherokee County Landfill (Marble - NC May-20 40 Mil HDPE Textured 160,997 Commonwealth Landfill Closure IHegins - PA May-20 Geocomposite 160,997 ES4 HFA Axler Coletanche 26,135 Lower Handelong Reservior Coletanche (Bangor - PA May-20 ,60 Mil HDPE Textured 56,016 382 Rte 72 Install IManahawkin - NJ May-20 160 Mil HDPE Smooth 41,400 Ritchie Cell E Subcell 2 iUpper Marlboro - MD Jun-20 -Geocomposite 46,690 ,Geotextile 171,000 GCL 37,200 160 Mil HDPE Textured 258,075 Volunteer Landfill Cell 8C Oneida - TN Jul-20 Geotextile 244,642 Geocomposite 23,120 60 Mil HDPE Textured 192,602 Anson Landfill Polkton - NC Aug-20 Geocomposite 192,602 GCL 192,602 60 Mil HDPE Textured 647,430 Conestoga Landfill Morgantown - PA Aug-20 Geocomposite 317,636 Geotextile 317,636 GCL 317,636 100 Mill HDPE Textured 1,433,130 ILycoming County Landfill -1929 Montgomery - PA Sep-20 Geocomposite 1,429,990 Geotextile 1,621,800 GCL 699,750 60 Mil HDPE Textured 723,800 'Vienna Junction Cell Phase 1 & 2 Erie - MI Sep-20 Geocomposite 718,100 GCL 718,100 30 Mill HDPE Textured 1,048,220 'Wetzel County Landfill Temp Cap New Martinsville - WV Oct-20 60 Mil HDPE Textured 45,000 Geocomposite 45,000 Anchor Down 1,048,220 50 Mil LLDPE Textured 396,164 iFrey Farms Landfill Cap Closure Conestoga - PA Oct-20 Geotextile 396,164 Geocomposite 22,000 80 Mil HDPE Textured 504,425 'Pioneer Crossing Cell C7 Birdsboro - PA Oct-20 60 Mil HDPE Textured 504,425 Geocomposite 504,425 Geotextile 504,425 GCL 504,425 40 Mil PVC 111,573 Guildford Reservior Baltimore - MD Oct-20 60 Mil HDPE Textured 1,466,000 Millersville Landfill Subcell 9.2 Severn - MD Dec-20 Geocomposite 1,466,000 GCL 2,440 Raincover 580,000 60 Mil HDPE Textured 521,820 Eastern Sanitary Landfill White Marsh - MD Dec-20 Geocomposite 83,400 Geotextile 973,600 GCL 521,820 Rain Cover 565,275 Hallaton, Inc.-1206 Sparks Rd. -Sparks, MD 21152 Jose Braulio Lopez Geomembrane Experience Resume -2022 Laborer on the following job sites: H Material Quantity Project Location Date 40 mil LLDPE Smooth 183,268 Plant Scherer Juliette - GA Jan-22 Transnet 330-2-8 Geocomposite 183,268 Geomembrane Lined Channel 6,000 40 mil LLDPE 27,038 Sampson Toe Berm/ Slope Repairs Roseboro -NC Feb-22 12 mil GRC 37,500 60 mil HDPE 1,000 Third High Reservoir M1 Washington -D.C. Mar-22 60 mil HDPE Textured 196,148 Meadow Branch Ben Extension Feb-22 DS Geocomposite 191,988 30 mil HDPE Rain Cover 168,442 40 mil LLDPE Textured 1,399,575 New HanoverGFFR Wilmington -NC Mar-22 Geocomposite DS 1,399,575 S nthetex H drotex FP400 72,858 60 mil HDPE 1,000 Third High ReservoirM1 Washington D. C. A r-22 GCL 400,507 Laurel Ridge Cell WC M2 Lily - KY Apr-22 60 mil HDPE Textured 402,392 DS Geocomposite 400,507 Closure Turf 439,000 TA Paradise Metal Ponds Closure Drakesboro - KY Oct-22 Hydro Turf 47,685 20 mil Rain Cover 45,663 New Hanover Co 7 & 8A Wilmington -NC Sep-22 GT Wind Ballast 39,880 Temp Closure Vent Geocomposite 4,775 60 mil HDPE Textured 468,000 New Hanover Co 11 & 12A WiIminbgton - NC Dec-22 GCL 472,000 Secondary 60 mil HDPE 477,000 Geocomposite 477,000 Secondary GCL 472,500 Jose Braulio Lopez Geomembrane Experience Resume - 2021 Laborer on the following job sites: Material Quantity Project Location Date GCL 326,658 HoneyGo Cell 8 Perry Hall - MD Jul-21 60 Mil 326,658 Geocomposite 326,658 Raincover 138,600 60 Mil HDPE 211,060 Corsa Coal Schrock Run Berlin - PA Jul-21 100z 228,375 50 Mil LLDPE 598,000 (Edge Moor Closure Wilmington - DE Jul-21 100z 590,625 40 Mil 673,000 (Hamblen LF Morristown - TN Jul-21 Geocomposite 673,000 40 Mil HD 1,414,729 (Pioneer Temp Cap Birdsboro - PA Aug-21 Ballast 1,414,729 60 Mil HDPE 1,092 IBGE Substation Arlington Baltimore - MD Aug-21 10oz NW 1,092 GCL 31,000 'Webster Co LF Webster Springs - Sep-21 Geocomposite 31,000 Wv 50 Mil LLDPE 31,000 100z 31,000 60 Mil 150,300 EKPC Tank Liner Winchester - KY Oct-21 100z 108,900 60 Mil 910 BGE Substation Baynesville Oct-21 100z 910 Liner 2,685 PEPCO Substation Norbeck Rockville - MD Oct-21 60 Mil HDPE 186,028 Laurel Ridge (Lily - KY Nov-21 Geocomposite 203,328 GCL 186,028 60 Mil 472,578 Conestoga (Morgantown - PA Nov-21 Geocomposite 228,538 GCL 228,538 16oz 228,538 Hallaton, Inc.-1206 Sparks Rd. —Sparks, MD 21152 Jose Braulio Lopez Geomembrane Experience Resume - 2020 Laborer on the following job sites: Material Quantity Project Location Date Raincover 98,000 Cherokee County Landfill Marble - NC May-20 40 Mil HDPE Textured 160,997 Commonwealth Landfill Closure Hegins - PA May-20 Geocomposite 160,997 ES4 HFA Axler Coletanche 26,135 Lower Handelong Reservior Coletanche Bangor - PA May-20 60 Mil HDPE Textured 56,016 382 Rte 72 Install Manahawkin - NJ May-20 60 Mil HDPE Smooth 41,400 Ritchie Cell E Subcell 2 Upper Marlboro - MD Jun-20 Geocomposite 46,690 Geotextile 171,000 GCL 37,200 60 Mil HDPE Textured 258,075 Volunteer Landfill Cell 8C Oneida - TN Jul-20 Geotextile 244,642 Geocomposite 23,120 60 Mil HDPE Textured 192,602 .Anson Landfill IPolkton - NC Aug-20 Geocomposite 192,602 GCL 192,602 130 Mil HDPE Textured 647,430 Conestoga Landfill 'Morgantown - PA Aug-20 Geocomposite 317,636 Geotextile 317,636 GCL 317,636 100 Mill HDPE Textured 1,433,130 Lycoming County Landfill -1929 Montgomery - PA 'Sep-20 Geocomposite 1,429,990 Geotextile 1,621,800 GCL 699,750 160 Mil HDPE Textured 723,800 Vienna Junction Cell Phase 1 & 2 Erie - MI Sep-20 Geocomposite 718,100 GCL 718,100 30 Mill HDPE Textured 1,048,220 Wetzel County Landfill Temp Cap New Martinsville - WV -Oct-20 160 Mil HDPE Textured 45,000 -Geocomposite 45,000 Anchor Down 1,048,220 50 Mil LLDPE Textured 396,164 (Frey Farms Landfill Cap Closure Conestoga PA Oct 20 -Geotextile 396,164 Geocomposite 22,000 ,80 Mil HDPE Textured 504,425 iPioneer Crossing Cell C7 Birdsboro - PA Oct-20 160 Mil HDPE Textured 504,425 Geocomposite 504,425 Geotextile 504,425 GCL 504,425 40 Mil PVC 111,573 Guildford Reservior Baltimore - MD Oct-20 ,60 Mil HDPE Textured 1,466,000 (Millersville Landfill Subcell 9.2 Severn - MD Dec-20 Geocomposite 1,466,000 GCL 2,440 Raincover 580,000 60 Mil HDPE Textured 521,820 (Eastern Sanitary Landfill White Marsh - MD Dec-20 Geocomposite 83,400 Geotextile 973,600 GCL 521,820 Rain Cover 565,275 Hallaton, Inca-1206 Sparks Rd. -Sparks, MD 21152 APPENDIX B SOILS LABORATORY TESTING RESULTS APPENDIX B Section 1 STRUCTURAL FILL -. - •. - - • � � • -. - - - - -. . - .. . . , - .. .. -- . .. - . - . .. - - -. ■. ■■�1 ��1 . � . . - �� . . ■■■■■■■�■l�L ■■■■■■■■I�LI■� ■■■■■■■■Ll■�1 ■■■■■■■■■L►■►■l ■■■■■■■■■■��1� ■■■■■■■■■■■I�LI■, ■■■■■■■■■■■Ll■�► ■■■■■■■■■■■■■��i ■■■■■■■■■■�■►��■1 ■■■■■■■■■■■■��►1L ■■■■■■■■■■■■■1►■■► ■■■■ ■■ ■■■ ■ ■■■■��L1 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■�1■�► ■■■■ ■■■ ■■■ ■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■�■■■■�►�L ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■►���1 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■1���► ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■��►'1■ ........ ................. 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Optimum Moisture N Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Wet Density (pcf) In Place Dry Density (pcf) Percent Compaction Min/Max Comp. (%) Remark 1 06/28/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 17.1 122.5 104.6 97 95 / 99 2 06/28/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 21.2 126.9 104.7 97 95 / 99 3 06/28/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 22.7 131.4 107.1 99 95 / 99 4 06/28/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 16.9 125.4 107.3 99 95 / 99 5 06/28/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 19.2 126.6 106.2 98 95 / 99 6 06/28/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 22.1 131.4 107.6 99 95 / 99 7 06/29/23 CL-01 B ML 14.7 113.2 12.9 121.0 107.2 95 95 / 99 8 06/29/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 14.9 123.1 107.1 99 95 / 99 1 DP/MP Test Information Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Drive Cylinder ID Weight of Cylinder (lb) Top Diameter (in) Bottom Diameter (in) Cylinder Height (in) Volume of Cylinder (cf) Field Technician 1 Structural Fill: G1 -8.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 2 Structural Fill: F1 -3.0 KN-3 1.310 3.870 3.850 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 3 Structural Fill: E1 -2.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 4 Structural Fill: D1 -3.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 5 Structural Fill: C1 -2.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 6 Structural Fill: B2 -8.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 7 Structural Fill: C2 -8.0 KN-3 1.310 3.870 3.850 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 8 Structural Fill: D2 -3.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Remarks Comments Related Tests DP/MP: Density Pass / Moisture Pass Test # Related Test # Test Type Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 1 of 36 OASIS :1 CONSVLIING S SFFVICES J Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Drive Cylinder Report Date: 07/03/2023 Test Method: Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Class. Optimum Moisture N Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Wet Density (pcf) In Place Dry Density (pcf) Percent Compaction Min/Max Comp. (%) Remark 9 06/29/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 16.1 120.1 103.5 96 95 / 99 10 06/29/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 17.0 123.4 105.4 97 95 / 99 11 06/29/23 CL-01 B ML 14.7 113.2 15.3 126.6 109.8 97 95 / 99 12 06/29/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 22.3 121.0 98.9 98 95 / 99 13 06/29/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 21.4 126.6 104.3 96 95 / 99 14 06/29/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 20.0 126.6 105.5 97 95 / 99 15 06/30/23 SF-02 A MH 1 15.4 108.3 21.9 129.0 105.9 98 95 / 99 16 06/30/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 19.6 123.1 102.9 95 95 / 99 Test Information Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Drive Cylinder ID Weight of Cylinder (lb) Top Diameter (in) Bottom Diameter (in) Cylinder Height (in) Volume of Cylinder (cf) Field Technician 9 Structural Fill: E2 -3.0 KN-3 1.310 3.870 3.850 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 10 Structural Fill: F2 -3.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaoawuawu 11 Structural Fill: G2 -10.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 12 Structural Fill: H2 -4.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 13 Structural Fill: H3 -4.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 14 Structural Fill: G3 -10.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 15 Structural Fill: F3 -6.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwao wu wu 16 Structural Fill: E3 3.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Remarks Comments Related Tests Test # I Related Test # I Test Type Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 2 of 36 `r OASIS COKULING sea+r�cEs Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 676-739-2400 Drive Cylinder Report Date: 07/03/2023 Test Method: Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Test Results Maximum Optimum Dry Density Moisture In Place In Place Wet In Place Retest Test Soil N (pcf) Moisture Density Dry Density Percent Min/Max Comp. Test # Of Date Proctor ID Method Class. (%) (pcf) (pcf) Compaction N Remark 17 06/30/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 18.7 122.5 103.2 95 95 / 99 18 06/30/23 CL-01 B ML 14.7 113.2 14.8 125.1 109.0 96 95 / 99 19 06/30/23 CL-01 B ML 14.7 113.2 16.0 127.5 109.9 97 95 / 99 20 06/30/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 18.2 125.1 105.9 98 95 / 99 Test Information Drive Weight of Top Bottom Cylinder Volume of Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Cylinder ID Cylinder (lb) Diameter (in) Diameter (in) Height(in) Cylinder (c Field Technician 17 Structural Fill: D3 -3.0 KN-3 1.310 3.870 3.850 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 18 Structural Fill: A3 -6.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 19 Structural Fill: A4 -7.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 20 Structural Fill: B4 7.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley 1 1 Nwaogwugwu Remarks Comments Related Tests Test # Related Test # Test Type Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 3 of 36 OASIS Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 676-739-2400 Drive Cylinder Report Date: 07/06/2023 Test Method: Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Class. Optimum Moisture N Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture N In Place Wet Density (Pcf) In Place Dry Density (pcf) Percent Compaction Min/Max Comp. (%) Remark 21 07/03/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 16.2 120.7 103.9 96 95 / 99 DP/MP 22 07/03/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 13.8 117.5 103.2 95 95 / 99 23 07/03/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 14.9 121.0 105.3 97 95 / 99 24 07/03/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 15.0 119.8 104.2 96 95 / 99 25 07/03/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 17.3 121.9 103.9 96 95 / 99 26 07/03/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 14.0 119.5 104.8 97 95 / 99 27 07/03/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 16.1 124.3 107.0 99 95 / 99 28 07/05/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 13.8 122.5 107.6 99 95 / 99 Test Information Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Drive Cylinder ID Weight of Cylinder (lb) Top Diameter (in) Bottom Diameter (in) Cylinder Height (in) Volume of Cylinder (cf) Field Technician 21 Structural Fill: C4 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 22 Structural Fill: D4 -3.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 23 Structural Fill: F4 -8.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 24 Structural Fill: E4 -4.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 25 Structural Fill: G4 -9.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 26 Structural Fill: H4 -4.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 27 Structural Fill: B5 -6.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 28 Structural Fill: C5 6.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwao wu wu Remarks Comments Related Tests DPIMP: Density Pass / Moisture Pass Test # Related Test # Test Type Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 4 of 36 (%LR!IsnLLU SEkVlC4� Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 676-739-2400 Drive Cylinder Report Date: 07/06/2023 Test Method: Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Class. Optimum Moisture (%) Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Wet Density (Pcf) In Place Dry Density (pcf) Percent Compaction Min/Max Comp. M Remark 29 07/05/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 14.6 121.6 106.1 98 95 / 99 30 07/05/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 13.8 120.4 105.8 98 95 / 99 31 07/05/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 15.9 123.1 106.2 98 95 / 99 32 07/05/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 16.6 124.9 107.1 99 95 / 99 33 07/05/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 14.7 120.1 104.7 97 95 / 99 34 07/05/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 1 108.3 J 17.2 120.4 1 102.7 L 95 95199 35 07/05/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 17.2 125.1 106.8 99 95 / 99 36 07/05/23 CL-01 B I ML 14.7 113.2 13.5 121.6 107.1 95 95 / 99 Test Information Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Drive Cylinder ID Weight of Cylinder (lb) Top Diameter (in) Bottom Diameter (in) Cylinder Height (in) Volume of Cylinder (cf) Field Technician 29 Structural Fill: D5 -4.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 30 Structural Fill: D3 -3.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 31 Structural Fill: E5 -3.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 32 Structural Fill: F5 -7.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 33 Structural Fill: A4 -6.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 34 Structural Fill: A3 -5.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 35 Structural Fill: B3 -7.0 KNA 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 36 Structural Fill: B2 7.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Remarks Comments Related Tests Test # I Related Test # 7 Test Type Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 5 of 36 OASIS SULTING RVICES Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Drive Cylinder Report Date: 07/06/2023 Test Method: Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Test Results Maximum Optimum Dry Density Moisture In Place In Place Wet In Place Retest Test Soil N (pcf) Moisture Density Dry Density Percent Min/Max Comp. Test # Of Date Proctor ID Method Class I I N (Pcf) (pcf) Compaction M Remark 37 07/05/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 1 11.3 118.9 106.9 99 95 / 99 Test Information Drive Weight of Top Bottom Cylinder Volume of Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Cylinder ID Cylinder (lb) Diameter (in) Diameter (in) Height (in) I Cylinder (cf) Field Technician 37 Structural Fill: C2 -7.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Remarks Comments Related Tests Test # I Related Test # Test Type Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 6 of 36 OASIS cor+sutswG SERVI[E$ Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 676-739-2400 Drive Cylinder Report Date: 07/08/2023 Test Method: Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Class. Optimum Moisture N Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Wet Density (pcf) In Place Dry Density (pcf) Percent Compaction Min/Max Comp. (%) Remark 38 07/06/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 18.0 123.7 104.8 97 95/99 39 07/06/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 16.8 120.4 103.1 95 95/99 40 07/06/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 15.4 121.6 105.4 97 95/99 41 07/06/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 14.9 123.1 107.1 99 95/99 42 07/06/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 13.8 122.5 107.6 99 95/99 43 07/06/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 16.2 120.1 103.4 95 95/99 44 07/06/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 18.3 124.0 104.8 97 95/99 45 07/06/23 -01 SF A ML 17.6 108.3 18.0 121.0 102.5 95 95/99 Test Information Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Drive _Cylinder ID Weight of Cylinder (lb) Top Diameter (in) Bottom Diameter (in) Cylinder Height (in) Volume of Cylinder (cf) Field Technician 38 Structural Fill: G1 -7.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 39 Structural Fill: G2 -9.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0,0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 40 Structural Fill: G3 -8.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 41 Structural Fill: G4 -7.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 42 Structural Fill: F1 -2.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 43 Structural Fill: F2 -3.0 KN-3 1.310 3.870 3.850 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 44 Structural Fill: F3 -5.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 45 Structural Fill: F4 -7.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Remarks Comments Related Tests Test # I Related Test # Test Type Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 7 of 36 OASIS r�: �sutr�Hc :ERViCES Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Drive Cylinder Report Date: 07/08/2023 Test Method: Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Class. Optimum Moisture N Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture N In Place Wet Density (pcf) In Place Dry Density (pcf) Percent Compaction Min/Max Comp. (%) Remark 46 07/06/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 15.9 121.9 105.2 97 95 / 99 47 07/06/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 17.0 122.5 104.7 97 95 / 99 48 07/07/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 21.2 124.3 102.5 95 95 / 99 49 07/07/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 19.3 123.1 103.2 95 95 / 99 50 07/07/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 18.1 123.4 104.5 96 95 / 99 51 07/07/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 16.6 120.4 103.3 95 95 / 99 52 07/07/23 SF-02 A MH 1 15.4 108.3 17.1 124.9 106.6 98 95 / 99 53 1 1 07/07/23 L SF-02 A I MH 1 15.4 1 108.3 15.4 124.3 107.7 99 95 / 99 Test Information Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Drive Cylinder ID Weight of Cylinder (lb) Top Diameter (in) Bottom Diameter (in) Cylinder Height (in) Volume of Cylinder (cf) Field Technician 46 Structural Fill: F5 -6.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 47 Structural Fill: E5 -3.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 48 Structural Fill: E1 -2.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 49 Structural Fill: E2 -3.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 50 Structural Fill: E3 -2.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 51 Structural Fill: E4 -3.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 52 Structural Fill: E5 -2.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 53 Structural Fill: F1 -1.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwao wu wu Remarks Comments Related Tests Test # I Related Test # J, Test T e Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 8 of 36 LO ASIS CCNSUtTNG MES SErrvrGES Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Drive Cylinder Report Date: 07/08/2023 Test Method: Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Test Results Maximum Optimum Dry Density Moisture In Place In Place Wet In Place Retest Test Soil N (pcf) Moisture Density Dry Density Percent Min/Max Comp. Test # Of Date Proctor ID Method Class. M (pcf) (pcf) Compaction M Remark 54 07/08/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 16.9 125.4 107.3 99 95 / 99 55 07/07/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 16.5 122.5 105.1 97 95 / 99 56 07/07/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 15.9 121.9 105.1 97 95 / 99 Test Information Drive Weight of Top Bottom Cylinder Volume of Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Cylinder ID Cylinder (lb) Diameter (in) Diameter (in) Height (in) Cylinder (cf) Field Technician 54 Structural Fill: F2 -3.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 55 Structural Fill: F3 -2.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 56 Structural Fill: F4 -4.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Remarks Comments Related Tests Test # Related Test # I Test Type Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 9 of 36 I(o SERWASIS CO wG EltwGfS Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 676-739-2400 Drive Cylinder Report Date: 07/11/2023 Test Method: Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Class. Optimum Moisture (%) Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Wet Density (pcf) In Place Dry Density (Pcf) Percent Compaction Min/Max Comp. (%) Remark 57 07/10/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 15.9 124.7 107.6 99 95199 58 07/10/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 16.6 123.5 105.9 98 95 / 99 59 07/10/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 13.8 122.3 107.5 99 95 / 99 60 07/10/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 17.4 122.0 104.0 96 95 / 99 61 07/10/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 17.4 122.6 104.5 96 95 / 99 62 07/10/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 13.7 120.7 106.2 98 95 / 99 63 07/10/23 SF-02 A MH 1 15.4 108.3 1 16.3 1 121.7 1 104.7 1 97 1 95 / 99 64 07/10/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 1 13.9 122.0 107.1 99 95 / 99 DP/MP Test Information Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Drive Cylinder ID Weight of Cylinder (Ib) Top Diameter (in) Bottom Diameter (in) Cylinder Height (in) Volume of Cylinder (cf) Field Technician 57 Structural Fill: G5 -5.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 58 Structural Fill: G4 -4.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.866 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 59 Structural Fill: G3 -5.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 60 Structural Fill: G2 -5.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 61 Structural Fill: G1 -4.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 62 Structural Fill: 1-11 -3.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 63 Structural Fill: H2 -3.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338iNwaogwugwu Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 64 Structural Fill: H3 -3.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338Kingsley Remarks Comments Related Tests DP/MP: Density Pass / Moisture Pass Test # Related Test # J Testlype Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 10 of 36 OASIS CS,NSVLI ING Sf.RvrCES Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Drive Cylinder Report Date: 07/11/2023 Test Method: Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Class. Optimum Moisture N Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture M In Place Wet Density (pcf) In Place Dry Density (pcf) Percent Compaction Min/Max Comp. M Remark 65 07/10/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 146 120.7 105.3 97 95 / 99 66 07/10/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 15.3 122.8 106.5 98 95 / 99 67 07/10/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 14.8 123.2 107.3 99 95 / 99 68 07/11/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 15.6 120.9 104.5 96 95 / 99 69 07/11/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 14.8 121.7 106.1 98 95 / 99 70 07/11/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 1 108.3 16.2 122.0 105.0 97 95 / 99 71 07/11/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 14.8 121.6 105.9 98 95 / 99 1 DP/MP 72 07/11/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 17.5 123.7 105.3 97 95 / 99 Test Information Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Drive Cylinder ID Weight of Cylinder (lb) Top Diameter (in) Bottom Diameter (in) Cylinder Height (in) Volume of Cylinder (cf) Field Technician 65 Structural Fill: H4 -3.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 66 Structural Fill: G4 -2.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 67 Structural Fill: G3 -3.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 68 Structural Fill: G2 -3.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 69 Structural Fill: G1 -2.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 70 Structural Fill: F1 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 71 Structural Fill: F2 -1.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwu wu 72 Structural Fill: F3 -1.0 KN-2 1,320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley INwao9wuqwu Remarks Comments Related Tests DP/MP: Densitv Pass / Moisture Pass Test # J, Related Test # Test Type Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 11 of 36 rk,Asis vrvsuLnr+G seRv�a Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 670-739-2400 Drive Cylinder Report Date: 07/11/2023 Test Method: Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Test Results Maximum Optimum Dry Density Moisture In Place In Place Wet In Place Retest Test Soil N (pcf) Moisture Density Dry Density Percent Min/Max Comp. Test # Of Date Proctor ID Method Class. (%) (pcf) (pcf) Compaction (%) Remark 73 07/11/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 18.7 123.4 103.9 96 95 / 99 74 07/11/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 14.5 121.8 106.4 98 95 / 99 75 07/11/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 14.9 123.0 107.1 99 95 / 99 76 07/11/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 14.9 121.4 105.7 98 95199 77 07/11/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 17.6 120.9 102.8 95 95199 78 07/11/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 15.6 122.2 105.7 98 95 / 99 Test Information Drive Weight of Top Bottom Cylinder Volume of Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Cylinder ID Cylinder (lb) Diameter (in) Diameter (in) -Height (in) Cylinder (cf) Field Technician 73 Structural Fill: F4 -2.0 KN-3 1.310 3.870 3.850 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwao. wugwu 74 Structural Fill: F5 -3.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 75 Structural Fill: E5 -1.0 KN-3 1.310 3.870 3.850 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 76 Structural Fill: E4 -1.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 77 Structural Fill: E3 -1.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 78 Structural Fill: E2 -1.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaoawuawu Remarks Comments Related Tests Test # Related Test # I Test Type Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 12 of 36 Lo.E.,,,,, A51ScoreIS Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Drive Cylinder Report Date: 07/13/2023 Test Method: Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Class. Optimum Moisture N Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Wet Density (pcf) In Place Dry Density (pcf) Percent Compaction Min/Max Comp. N Remark 79 07/12/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 19.0 124.0 104.2 96 95 / 99 80 07/12/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 20.3 124.9 103.8 96 95 / 99 81 07/12/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 18.0 125.1 106.1 98 95 / 99 82 07/12/23 Si-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 17.8 124.3 105.5 97 95 / 99 83 07/12/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 18.3 1 122.0 1 103.2 95 95 / 99 84 07/12/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 17.2 122.4 104.5 96 95 / 99 85 07/12/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 15.4 122.3 106.0 98 95 / 99 86 07/12/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 16.3 122.6 105.4 97 95 / 99 Test Information Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Drive Cylinder ID Weight of Cylinder (lb) Top Diameter (in) Bottom Diameter (in) Cylinder Height (in) Volume of Cylinder (cf) Field Technician 79 Structural Fill: 1-11 -1.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 80 Structural Fill: H2 -1.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwao wu wu 81 Structural Fill: H3 -1.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 82 Structural Fill: H4 -1.0 KN-2 1,320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 83 Structural Fill: G1 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 84 Structural Fill: G2 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 85 Structural Fill: G3 0.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 86 Structural Fill: G4 -2.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwao wu wu Remarks Comments Related Tests Test # I Related Test W-F Test Type Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 13 of 36 rrqsjsA CUN IPL a SERVICE$ Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 67B-739-2400 Drive Cylinder Report Date: 07/13/2023 Test Method: Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Class. Optimum Moisture N Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Wet Density (pcf) In Place Dry Density (pcf) Percent Compaction Min/Max Comp. (%) Remark 87 07/13/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 17.0 123.5 105.6 98 95 / 99 88 07/12/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 14.9 122.8 106.9 99 95 / 99 89 07/12/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 19.5 123.7 103.5 96 95 / 99 90 07/13/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 14.5 120.7 105.4 97 95 / 99 91 07/13/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 14.1 122.5 107.3 99 95 / 99 92 07/13/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 13.6 120.4 106.0 98 95 / 99 93 07/13/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 16.0 123.7 106.6 98 95 / 99 DP/MP 94 07/13/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 16.6 122.2 104.8 97 95 / 99 DP/MP Test Information Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Drive Cylinder ID Weight of Cylinder (lb) Top Diameter (in) Bottom Diameter (in) Cylinder Height (in) Volume of Cylinder (cf) Field Technician 87 Structural Fill: G5 -2.0 KN-1 1,310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 88 Structural Fill: F2 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 89 Structural Fill: F3 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 90 Structural Fill: H1 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 91 Structural Fill: H2 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 92 Structural Fill: H3 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 93 Structural Fill: H4 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 94 Structural Fill: H5 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Remarks Comments Related Tests DP/MP: Density Pass / Moisture Pass I Test # I Related Test # I Test Type Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 14 of 36 ]SERMCASNG C� SERVICES Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone:678-739-2400 Drive Cylinder Report Date: 07/13/2023 Test Method: Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor lD Method Soil Class. Optimum Moisture N Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Wet Density (Pcf) In Place Dry Density (pcf) Percent Compaction Min/Max Comp. M Remark 95 07/14/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 14.6 121.0 105.6 98 95/99 96 07/13/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 17.0 120.1 102.7 95 95/99 97 07/13/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 18.7 123.4 103.9 96 95/99 98 07/13/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 14.9 123.7 107.6 99 95/99 99 07/13/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 14.0 121.3 106.4 98 95/99 100 07/13/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 19.2 123.1 103.3 95 95/99 101 07/13/23 SF-02 A MH 1 15.4 108.3 1 15.5 1 121.6 105.3 97 1 95199 Test Information Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Drive Cylinder ID Weight of Cylinder (lb) Top Diameter (in)_Diameter Bottom (in) Cylinder Height (in) Volume of Cylinder (cf) Field Technician 95 Structural Fill: G5 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwao wugwu 96 Structural Fill: G4 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 97 Structural Fill: D1 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 98 Structural Fill: D3 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 99 Structural Fill: D5 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 100 Structural Fill: C1 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 101 Structural Fill: E1 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Remarks Comments Related Tests Test # I Related Test # I Test Type Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 15 of 36 fif-OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Drive Cylinder Report Date: 07/15/2023 Test Method: Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Class. Optimum Moisture N Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Wet Density (pcf) In Place Dry Density (pcf) Percent Compaction Min/Max Comp. M Remark 102 07/14/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 18.2 126.0 106.6 98 95 / 99 103 07/14/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 16.0 122.8 105.8 98 95 / 99 104 07/14/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 15.3 123.7 107.2 99 95 / 99 105 07/14/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 14.3 122.5 107.1 99 95 / 99 106 07/14/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 17.6 125.7 106.9 99 95 / 99 107 07/14/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 15.6 124.3 107.5 99 95 / 99 108 07/14/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 19.4 126.9 106.3 98 95 / 99 109 07/14/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 15.0 123.1 107.0 99 95 / 99 Test Information Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Drive Cylinder ID Weight of Cylinder (lb) Top Diameter (in) Bottom Diameter (in) Cylinder Height (in) Volume of Cylinder (cf) Field Technician 102 Structural Fill: E2 0.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 103 Structural Fill: E3 0.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwao wu wu 104 Structural Fill: E4 0.0 KNA 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 105 Structural Fill: E5 0.0 KNA 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 106 Structural Fill: D4 0.0 KNA 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 107 Structural Fill: C2 -3.0 KNA 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 108 Structural Fill: C3 -2.0 KNA 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 1 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 109 1 Structural Fill: C4 -2.0 KNA 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Remarks Comments Related Tests Test # Related Test # I Test Type Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 16 of 36 Ns As cor OASIS stxt C US Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 676-739-2400 Drive Cylinder Report Date: 07/15/2023 Test Method: Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Test Results Maximum Optimum Dry Density Moisture In Place In Place Wet In Place Retest Test Soil N (pcf) Moisture Density Dry Density Percent Min/Max Comp. Test # Of Date I Proctor ID Method Class. (%) (pcf) (pcf) Compaction M Remark 110 07/14/23 1 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 15.6 124.6 107.7 99 95 / 99 111 07/14/23 SF-02 I A 1 MH 1 15.4 108.3 13.9 122.5 107.5 99 95 / 99 Test Information Drive Weight of Top Bottom Cylinder Volume of Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Cylinder ID Cylinder (lb) Diameter (in) Diameter (in) Height (in) Cylinder (cf) Field Technician 110 Structural Fill: C5 -3.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwao wugwu 111 Structural Fill: C6 -3.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwao wu wu Remarks Comments Related Tests Test # I Related Test #7 Test Type Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 17 of 36 LAsis CONSULTINC, SERVICES Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone:67B-739-2400 Drive Cylinder Report Date: 07119/2023 Test Method: Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Class. Optimum Moisture N Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture N In Place Wet Density (pcf) In Place Dry Density (pcf) Percent Compaction Min/Max Comp. (%) Remark 112 07/17/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 24.5 124.0 99.6 99 95 / 99 113 07/17/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 25.0 122.5 98.0 97 95 / 99 114 07/17/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 26.1 125.1 99.2 98 95 / 99 115 07/17/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 17.9 122.8 104.1 96 95 / 99 116 07/17/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 16.8 124.3 106.4 98 95 / 99 117 07/17/23 SF-0 2 A MH 15.4 108.3 15.8 122.5 105.7 1 98 95 / 99 118 07/17/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 17.0 120.7 103.1 95 95 / 99 119 07/17/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 14.6 121.9 106.3 98 95 / 99 Test Information Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Drive Cylinder ID Weight of Cylinder (lb) Top Diameter (in) Bottom Diameter (in) Cylinder Height (in) Volume of Cylinder (cf) Field Technician 112 CQA - Clay Subgrade: F2 -1.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 113 CQA - Clay Subgrade: G1 -1.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 114 CQA - Clay Subgrade: F2 TP1 -1.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 115 Structural Fill: C2 -2.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0,0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 116 Structural Fill: C3 -2.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 117 Structural Fill: C4 -1.0 KNA 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 118 Structural Fill: C5 -2.0 KNA 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 119 Structural Fill: C6 -2.0 KNA 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwao wu wu Remarks Comments Related Tests 114: TP1 1 Test # I Related Test # I Test Type Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 18 of 36 LO15 AS C4NSULbNG lS iEit Am Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 676-739-2400 Drive Cylinder Report Date: 07/19/2023 Test Method: Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Class. Optimum Moisture N Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture N In Place Wet Density (pcf) In Place Dry Density (pcf) Percent Compaction Min/Max Comp. (%) Remark 120 07/18/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 24.1 123.1 99.2 98 95 / 99 121 07/18/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 25.8 126.0 100.2 99 95 / 99 122 07/18/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 24.2 121.3 97.6 97 95 / 99 123 07/18/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 23.8 122.2 98.7 98 95 / 99 124 07/18/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 24.9 124.6 99.7 99 95 / 99 125 07/18/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 25.9 122.5 1 97.3 1 97 1 95 / 99 126 1 1 07/18/23 SF-02 A MH 1 15.4 108.3 15.7 120.4 104.1 96 95 / 99 127 07/18/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 17.8 121.9 103.5 96 95 / 99 Test Information Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Drive Cylinder ID Weight of Cylinder (lb) Top Diameter (in) Bottom Diameter (in) Cylinder Height (in) Volume of Cylinder (cf) Field Technician 120 CQA - Clay Subgrade: G1 -0.5 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwu wu 121 CQA - Clay Subgrade: G2 TP2 -0.5 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 122 CQA - Clay Subgrade: F2 -0.5 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 123 CQA - Clay Subgrade: F1 0.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 124 CQA - Clay Subgrade: F2 TP3 0.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 125 CQA - Clay Subgrade: G2 0.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 126 Structural Fill: C2 -1.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 127 Structural Fill: C3 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Remarks Comments Related Tests Test # Related Test # I Test Type Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 19 of 36 I&OASIS cawwLnNG Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone:678-739-2400 Drive Cylinder Report Date: 07/19/2023 Test Method: Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Test Results Maximum Optimum Dry Density Moisture In Place In Place Wet In Place Retest Test Soil N (pcf) Moisture Density Dry Density Percent Min/Max Comp. Test # Of Date Proctor ID Method Class. (%) (pcf) (pcf) Compaction (%) Remark 128 07/18/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 18.3 123.4 104.3 96 95 / 99 129 07/18/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 15.0 119.5 103.9 96 95 / 99 Test Information Drive Weight of Top Bottom Cylinder Volume of Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Cylinder ID Cylinder (lb) Diameter (in) Diameter (in) Height (in) Cylinder (cf) Field Technician 128 Structural Fill: C4 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 129 Structural Fill: C5 -1.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaoawuawu Remarks Comments Related Tests Test # I Related Test # I Test T e Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 20 of 36 y QASIS CD`1$VLIINi. ,yy,�- $ERViCFS Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone:678-739-2400 Drive Cylinder Report Date: 07/28/2023 Test Method: Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Class. Optimum Moisture N Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture N In Place Wet Density (Pcf) In Place Dry Density (pcf) Percent Compaction Min/Max Comp. (%) Remark 130 07/20/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 24.2 120.1 96.7 96 95 / 99 131 07/20/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 23.6 122.2 98.9 98 95 / 99 132 07/20/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 22.1 120.4 98.6 98 95 / 99 133 07/20/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 23.4 122.5 99.3 99 95 / 99 134 07/20/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 23.8 119.8 96.8 96 95 / 99 135 07/20/23 CL-02 I B ML 21.0 100.8 24.8 121.6 97.4 97 95 / 99 136 07/20/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 1 100.8 1 24.8 120.7 1 96.7 1 96 1 95 / 99 137 07/20/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 1 23.0 119.2 96.9 96 95 / 99 DP/MP Test Information Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Drive Cylinder ID Weight of Cylinder (lb) Top Diameter (in) Bottom Diameter (in) Cylinder Height (in) Volume of Cylinder (cf) Field Technician 130 CQA - Clay Subgrade: G1 -1.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 131 CQA - Clay Subgrade: F1, CC1 -1.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 132 CQA - Clay Subgrade: E1 -1.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 133 CQA - Clay Subgrade: D1 -1.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 134 CQA - Clay Subgrade: C1 -1.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 135 CQA - Clay Subgrade: H1 -1.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 136 CQA - Clay Subgrade: H2 -1.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 137 CQA -Clay Subgrade: H3 -1.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Remarks Comments Related Tests DP/MP: Densitv Pass / Moisture Pass Test # I Related Test # I Test Tvne Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 21 of 36 OASIS eoNsuuiNc SFfMCU Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Drive Cylinder Report Date: 07/28/2023 Test Method: Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Class. Optimum Moisture N Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Wet Density (pcf) In Place Dry Density (pcf) Percent Compaction Min/Max Comp. M Remark 138 07/20/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 24.4 119.5 96.1 95 95 / 99 139 07/20/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 23.1 122.8 99.7 99 95 / 99 140 07/20/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 22.0 120.7 98.9 98 95 / 99 141 07/20/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 22.5 122.2 99.7 99 95 / 99 142 07/20/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 23.6 119.8 96.9 96 95 / 99 143 07/21/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 1 108.3 15.7 120.7 104.3 96 95 / 99 144 07/21/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 14.8 119.8 104.4 1 96 95 / 99 145 07/21/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 16.2 121.9 104.9 97 95 / 99 Test Information Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Drive Cylinder ID Weight of Cylinder (lb) Top Diameter (in) Bottom Diameter (in) Cylinder Height (in) Volume of Cylinder (cf) Field Technician 138 CQA - Clay Subgrade: H4 -1.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 139 CQA - Clay Subgrade: E2 -1.0 KN-2 1,320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 140 CQA - Clay Subgrade: D2, CC2 -1.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 141 CQA - Clay Subgrade: C2 -1.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaoqwugwu 142 CQA - Clay Subgrade: B2 1.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 143 Structural Fill: C2 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 144 Structural Fill: C3 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 145 Structural Fill: C4 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Remarks Comments Related Tests Test # I Related Test # I Test Type Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 22 of 36 ��C3A51S coSuuuir ss•:avlcM Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone:678-739-2400 Drive Cylinder Report Date: 07/28/2023 Test Method: Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Class. Optimum Moisture N Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture M In Place Wet Density (pcf) In Place Dry Density (pcf) Percent Compaction Min/Max Comp. (%) Remark 146 07/21/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 15.6 122.8 106.2 98 95 / 99 147 07/21/23 Sf-01 A ML 17.6 108.3 17.7 121.0 102.8 95 95 / 99 148 07/21/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 14.5 121.0 105.7 98 95 / 99 149 07/21/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 14.7 120.1 104.7 97 95 / 99 150 07/21/23 SF-02 A MH 15.4 108.3 14.7 122.8 107.0 99 95 / 99 DP/MP 151 07/21/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 24.1 120.7 97.3 1 97 95 / 99 152 07/21/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 24.6 122.5 98.3 98 95 / 99 153 07/24/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 24.1 122.8 98.9 98 95 / 99 Test Information Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Drive Cylinder ID Weight of Cylinder (lb) Top Diameter (in) Bottom Diameter (in) Cylinder Height (in) Volume of Cylinder (cf) Field Technician 146 Structural Fill: C6 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 147 Structural Fill: B5 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 148 Structural Fill: B4 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 149 Structural Fill: B3 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 150 Structural Fill: A4 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 151 CQA - Clay Subgrade: F1 -0.5 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 152 CQA - Clay Subgrade: G1 -0.5 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 153 1 CQA - Clay Subgrade: H2 CC3 -0.5 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Remarks Comments Related Tests DP/MP: Density Pass / Moisture Pass Test # Related Test # I Test Type Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 23 of 36 ICLOASIS SERVICES COPiSMES Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Drive Cylinder Report Date: 07/28/2023 Test Method: Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Class. Optimum Moisture N Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Wet Density (pcf) In Place Dry Density (pcf) Percent Compaction Min/Max Comp. (%) Remark 154 07/24/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 23.0 122.2 99.3 99 95199 155 07/24/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 23.9 122.5 98.8 98 95 / 99 156 07/24/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 22.7 122.8 100.0 99 95 / 99 157 07/24/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 22.7 122.2 99.6 99 95 / 99 158 07/24/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 24.0 120.4 97.1 96 95 / 99 159 07/24/23 CL-02 I B ML 21.0 100.8 23.6 123.4 99.8 99 95 / 99 160 07/25/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 1 100.8 1 24.4 122.8 1 98.7 1 98 1 95 / 99 161 07/25/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 1 22.6 121.9 99.4 99 95 / 99 Test Information Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Drive Cylinder ID Weight of Cylinder (lb) Top Diameter (in) Bottom Diameter (in) Cylinder Height (in) Volume of Cylinder (cf) Field Technician 154 CQA - Clay Subgrade: H3 -0.5 KNA 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 155 CQA - Clay Subgrade: H4 CC4 -0.5 KNA 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 156 CQA - Clay Subgrade: E2 -0.5 KNA 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 157 CQA - Clay Subgrade: E1 -0.5 KNA 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 158 CQA - Clay Subgrade: D2 -0.5 KNA 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 159 CQA - Clay Subgrade: D1 CC5 -0.5 KNA 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 160 CQA - Clay Subgrade: C1 -0.5 KNA 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 161 CQA - Clay Subgrade: C2 -0.5 KNA 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Remarks Comments Related Tests Test # Related Test # I Test Type Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 24 of 36 fk" QASISI$ULi COPiTiG SERVICES Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Drive Cylinder Report Date: 07/28/2023 Test Method: Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Class. Optimum Moisture N Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Wet Density (pcf) In Place Dry Density (pcf) Percent Compaction Min/Max Comp. %) Remark 162 07/25/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 22.9 121.6 98.9 98 95 / 99 163 07/25/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 23.6 119.5 96.7 96 95 / 99 164 07/25/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 24.2 120.7 97.2 96 95 / 99 165 07/26/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 23.7 120.1 97.1 96 95199 166 07/26/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 22.0 119.5 98.0 97 95 / 99 167 07/26/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 1 100.8 22.8 121.3 98.8 98 95 / 99 168 1 1 07/26/23 CL-02 B ML 1 21.0 100.8 23.2 122.2 99.2 98 95 / 99 169 07/26/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 23.7 120.7 97.6 97 95 / 99 Test Information Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Drive Cylinder ID Weight of Cylinder (lb) Top Diameter (in) Bottom Diameter (in) Cylinder Height (in) Volume of Cylinder (cf) Field Technician 162 CQA - Clay Subgrade: B2 -0.5 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaoawua_wu 163 CQA - Clay Subgrade: G1 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 164 CQA - Clay Subgrade: F1 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 165 CQA - Clay Subgrade: 1-11 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwuqwu 166 CQA - Clay Subgrade: H2 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 167 CQA - Clay Subgrade: H3 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 168 CQA - Clay Subgrade: H4 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwuqwu 169 CQA - Clay Subgrade: E1 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Remarks Comments Related Tests Test # Related Test # I Test T e Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 25 of 36 AS1S Cti]!J$UiIING SERVICES Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone:678-739-2400 Drive Cylinder Report Date: 07/28/2023 Test Method: Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Class. Optimum Moisture N Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture N In Place Wet Density (pcf) In Place Dry Density (pcf) Percent Compaction Min/Max Comp. %) Remark 170 07/26/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 24.4 122.5 98.5 98 95 / 99 171 07/27/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 21.5 119.2 98.1 97 95 / 99 172 07/27/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 22.3 119.8 98.0 97 95 / 99 173 07/27/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 22.6 121.3 98.9 98 95 / 99 174 07/27/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 22.4 122.5 1100.1 99 95 / 99 175 07/27/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 1 100.8 23.4 120.7 97.8 97 95 / 99 176 1 07/27/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 24.0 123.1 99.3 1 99 1 95 / 99 177 07/27/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 21.5 118.9 97.9 97 95 / 99 Test Information Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Drive Cylinder ID Weight of Cylinder (lb) Top Diameter (in) Bottom Diameter (in) Cylinder Height (in) Volume of Cylinder (cf) Field Technician 170 CQA - Clay Subgrade: E2 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 171 CQA - Clay Subgrade: D1 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 172 CQA - Clay Subgrade: D2 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 173 CQA - Clay Subgrade: B2 CC7 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 174 CQA - Clay Subgrade: C2 0.0 KN-2 1,320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 175 CQA - Clay Subgrade: F3 -1.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 176 CQA - Clay Subgrade: F4 -1.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwao wu wu 177 CQA - Clay Subgrade: E4 -1.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Remarks Comments Related Tests Test # I Related Test # 1 Test Type Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 26 of 36 LOASIS SERVICES CohF5MCE5 Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 676-739-2400 Drive Cylinder Report Date: 07/28/2023 Test Method: Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Test Results Maximum Optimum Dry Density Moisture In Place In Place Wet In Place Retest Test Soil N (pcf) Moisture Density Dry Density Percent Min/Max Comp. Test # Of Date Proctor ID Method Class. M (pcf) (pcf) Compaction (%) Remark 178 07/27/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 23.0 121.9 99.1 98 95 / 99 179 07/27/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 22.2 121.9 99.7 99 95 / 99 180 07/27/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 24.1 123.7 99.6 99 95 / 99 181 07/27/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 23.9 122.5 98.8 98 95 / 99 Test Information Drive Weight of Top Bottom Cylinder Volume of Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Cylinder ID Cylinder (Ib) Diameter (in) Diameter (in) Height (in) Cylinder (cf) Field Technician 178 CQA - Clay Subgrade: E3 CC8 -1.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 179 CQA - Clay Subgrade: D4 -1.0 KNA 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 180 CQA - Clay Subgrade: D3 CC9 -1.0 KNA 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 181 CQA - Clay Subgrade: C3 1.0 KNA 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 1 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Remarks Comments Related Tests Test # I Related Test # I Test Type Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 27 of 36 1�ASis �[7N$IjL�IWO SERVICES Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone:678-739-2400 Drive Cylinder Report Date: 08/01/2023 Test Method: Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Class. Optimum Moisture N Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture N In Place Wet Density (Pcf) In Place Dry Density (pcf) Percent Compaction Min/Max Comp. (%) Remark 182 07/28/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 21.3 121.3 100.0 99 95 / 99 183 07/28/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 21.5 120.1 98.8 98 95 / 99 184 07/28/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 23.5 123.4 99.9 99 95 / 99 185 07/28/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 21.7 121.3 99.6 99 95 / 99 186 07/28/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 22.1 121.3 99.3 99 95199 DP/MP 187 07/28/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 23.2 123.1 99.9 99 95 / 99 188 07/28/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 22.1 119.8 98.1 97 95 / 99 189 07/28/23 1 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 23.3 118.0 95.7 95 95 / 99 Test Information Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Drive Cylinder ID Weight of Cylinder (lb) Top Diameter (in) Bottom Diameter (in) Cylinder Height (in) Volume of Cylinder (cf) Field Technician 182 CQA - Clay Subgrade: B3 -1.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 183 CQA - Clay Subgrade: A4 -1.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 184 CQA - Clay Subgrade: F3 -0.5 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 185 CQA - Clay Subgrade: F4 -0.5 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 186 CQA - Clay Subgrade: F4 -1.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 187 CQA - Clay Subgrade: D3 -0.5 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 188 CQA - Clay Subgrade: D3 -0.5 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 189 CQA - Clay Subgrade: E3 0.5 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwao wu wu Remarks Comments Related Tests DP/MP: Density Pass / Moisture Pass Test # Related Test # TestType Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 28 of 36 L OASIS NG SERVICES Roswell 45 Modslork Slry t Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Drive Cylinder Report Date: 08/01/2023 Test Method: Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Class. Optimum Moisture N Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Wet Density (pcf) In Place Dry Density (pcf) Percent Compaction Min/Max Comp. (%) Remark 190 07/28/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 23.0 122.5 99.6 99 95 / 99 191 07/31/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 24.6 124.0 99.5 99 95 / 99 192 07/31/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 24.3 122.2 98.3 98 95 / 99 193 07/31/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 23.6 121.3 98.1 97 95 / 99 194 07/31/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 22.3 121.6 99.4 99 95 / 99 195 07/31/23 CL-02 I B ML 21.0 100.8 24.4 123.4 99.2 98 95 / 99 196 07/31/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 24.0 120.7 97.3 97 95 / 99 197 07/31/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 24.4 124.6 100.1 99 95 / 99 Test Information Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Drive Cylinder ID Weight of Cylinder (lb) Top Diameter (in) Bottom Diameter (in) Cylinder Height (in) Volume of Cylinder (cf) Field Technician 190 CQA - Clay Subgrade: D4 -0.5 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 191 CQA - Clay Subgrade: B3 -0.5 KNA 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 192 CQA - Clay Subgrade: B4 -0.5 KNA 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 193 CQA - Clay Subgrade: A3 CC10 -0.5 KNA 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 194 CQA - Clay Subgrade: A4 -0.5 KNA 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 195 CQA - Clay Subgrade: G3 -0.5 KNA 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 196 CQA - Clay Subgrade: F3 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 197 CQA - Clay Subgrade: F4 0.0 KNA 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Remarks Comments Related Tests Test # I Related Test # . Test T e Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 29 of 36 OASIS okcpwsuinnc SERVICES Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Drive Cylinder Report Date: 08/01/2023 Test Method: Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Class. Optimum Moisture (%) Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Wet Density (pcf) In Place Dry Density (pcf) Percent Compaction Min/Max Comp. (%) Remark 198 08/01/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 24.2 119-5 96.2 95 95 / 99 199 08/01/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 24.6 118.9 95.5 95 95199 200 08/01/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 23.3 120.4 97.7 97 95 / 99 201 08/01/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 23.8 121.9 98.5 98 95 / 99 202 08/01/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 24.0 120.7 97.3 97 95 / 99 DP/MP 203 08/01/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 23.1 120.1 97.6 97 95 / 99 204 08/01/23 CL-02 B ML 1 21.0 100.8 1 22.9 122.2 99.4 99 1 95199 Test Information Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Drive Cylinder ID Weight of Cylinder (lb) Top Diameter (in) Bottom Diameter (in) Cylinder Height (in) Volume of Cylinder (cf) Field Technician 198 CQA - Clay Subgrade: E3 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 199 CQA - Clay Subgrade: E4 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 200 CQA - Clay Subgrade: D3 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 201 CQA - Clay Subgrade: C3 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 202 CQA - Clay Subgrade: C4 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 203 CQA - Clay Subgrade: B4 CC11 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 204 CQA - Clay Subgrade: B3 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Remarks Comments Related Tests DP/MP: Density Pass / Moisture Pass I Test # 1 Related Test # Test Tvoe Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 30 of 36 OASIS CONSULTING CSERVICE$ Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone:678-739-2400 Drive Cylinder Report Date: 08/09/2023 Test Method: Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Test Results Maximum Optimum Dry Density Moisture In Place In Place Wet In Place Retest Test Soil N (pcf) Moisture Density Dry Density Percent Min/Max Comp. Test # Of Date Proctor ID Method Class. (%) (pcf) (pcf) Compaction (%) Remark 205 08/08/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 21.8 119.8 98.4 98 95 / 99 206 08/08/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 23.0 120.4 97.9 97 95 / 99 207 08/08/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 23.4 119.5 1 96.9 96 95 / 99 208 08/08/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 24.0 121.6 98.1 97 95 / 99 Test Information Drive Weight of Top Bottom Cylinder Volume of Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Cylinder ID Cylinder (lb) Diameter (in) Diameter (in) Height (in) Cylinder (cf) Field Technician 205 CQA - Clay Subgrade: H1 -1.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwu wu 206 CQA - Clay Subgrade: H3 -1.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 207 CQA - Clay Subgrade: H4 -0.5 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 208 CQA - Clay Subgrade: H1 -0.5 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwu wu Remarks Comments Related Tests Test # I Related Test # I Test Type Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 31 of 36 OASIS C'C1uI SEP.VCES Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 676-739-2400 Drive Cylinder Test Method: Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Class. Optimum Moisture (%) Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Wet Density (pcf) In Place Dry Density (pcf) Percent Compaction Min/Max Comp. (%) Remark 209 08/09/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 24.4 121.9 98.0 97 95 / 99 210 08/09/23 CL-02 B ML j 21.0 100.8 23.3 121.0 98.1 97 95 / 99 211 08/09/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 23.6 119.5 96.7 96 95 / 99 212 08/09/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 23.0 120.1 97.7 97 95 / 99 213 08/14/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 24.1 123.7 99.6 99 95 / 99 214 08/14/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 22.1 121.3 99.3 99 95199 215 08/14/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 1 100.8 24.2 122.2 1 98.4 1 98 95 / 99 216 08/14/23 CL-02 B ML 1 21.0 100.8 23.0 121.0 98.3 98 95199 Test Information Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Drive Cylinder ID Weight of Cylinder (lb) Top Diameter (in) Bottom Diameter (in) Cylinder Height (in) Volume of Cylinder (cf) Field Technician 209 CQA - Clay Subgrade: H1 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwuawu 210 CQA - Clay Subgrade: H2 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 211 CQA - Clay Subgrade: H3 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 212 CQA - Clay Subgrade: H4 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 213 CQA - Clay Subgrade: B5 -1.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 214 CQA - Clay Subgrade: B6 -1.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 215 CQA - Clay Subgrade: B7 -1.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 216 1 CQA - Clay Subgrade: A5 -1.0 KN-1 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Remarks Comments Related Tests Test # j Related Test XT Test Type Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 32 of 36 J&rOASIS Drive Cylinder Client: Project: CONSLITING Test Method: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 Now 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Roswell Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. 45 Woodstock Street Polkton, NC 28135 Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 676-739-2400 Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Class. Optimum Moisture N Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Wet Density (pcf) In Place Dry Density (pcf) Percent Compaction Min/Max Comp. M Remark 217 08/14/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 24.2 124.0 99.8 99 95 / 99 218 08/14/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 23A 123.1 99.7 99 95 / 99 219 08/14/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 21.7 121.6 99.9 99 95 / 99 220 08/14/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 22.4 122.5 100.0 99 95 / 99 221 08/14/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 23.6 120.7 97.6 97 95 / 99 222 08/14/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 22.9 121.3 98.7 98 95 / 99 223 08/14/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 21.6 121.0 99.5 99 95 / 99 224 08/15/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 24.1 121.0 97.5 97 95 / 99 Test Information Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Drive Cylinder ID Weight of Cylinder (lb) Top Diameter (in) Bottom Diameter (in) Cylinder Height (in) Volume of Cylinder (cf) Field Technician 217 CQA - Clay Subgrade: C5 ST-12 -1.0 KNA 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 218 CQA - Clay Subgrade: D5 -1.0 KNA 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 219 CQA - Clay Subgrade: D6 -1.0 KNA 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 220 CQA - Clay Subgrade: E5 -5.0 KNA 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 221 CQA - Clay Subgrade: F5 -1.0 KNA 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 222 CQA - Clay Subgrade: E6 -1.0 KNA 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 223 CQA - Clay Subgrade: G5 -1.0 KNA 1.310 3.830 3.850 4.980 0.0334 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 224 CQA - Clay Subgrade: B5 0.5 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwao wu wu Remarks Comments Related Tests Test # I Related Test # I Test Type Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 33 of 36 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Drive Cylinder Test Method: Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Class. Optimum Moisture N Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Wet Density (pcf) In Place Dry Density (pcf) Percent Compaction Min/Max Comp. (%) Remark 225 08/15/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 23.6 121.9 98.6 98 95 / 99 226 08/15/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 23.9 119.8 96.7 96 95 / 99 227 08/15/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 24.3 120.7 97.1 96 95 / 99 228 08/15/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 24.1 120.4 97.0 96 95199 229 08/15/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 23.5 119.8 97.0 96 95 / 99 230 1 1 08/15/23 1 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 24.0 121.6 98.1 1 97 95 / 99 231 08/15/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 22.8 1 119.2 97.1 96 1 95 / 99 232 08/15/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 22.5 120.1 98.1 97 95 / 99 Test Information Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Drive Cylinder ID Weight of Cylinder (lb) Top Diameter (in) Bottom Diameter (in) Cylinder Height (in) Volume of Cylinder (cf) Field Technician 225 CQA - Clay Subgrade: B6 -0.5 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 226 CQA - Clay Subgrade: B7 -0.5 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 227 CQA - Clay Subgrade: C5 -0.5 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 228 CQA - Clay Subgrade: C6 -0.5 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwu wu 229 CQA - Clay Subgrade: D6 -0.5 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwu wu 230 CQA - Clay Subgrade: -0.5 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 231 CQA - Clay Subgrade: E5 -0.5 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 232 CQA - Clay Subgrade: F5 -0.5 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwao wu wu Remarks Comments Related Tests Test # I Related Test # F -TestType Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 34 of 36 ���ASlS COPd5WCES SERVICES Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone:678-739-2400 Drive Cylinder Test Method: Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Class. Optimum Moisture N Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture M In Place Wet Density (pcf) In Place Dry Density (pcf) Percent Compaction Min/Max Comp. (%) Remark 233 08/15/23 CL-02 I B ML 21.0 1 100.8 24.4 122.5 98.5 98 95 / 99 234 08/15/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 23.1 121.6 98.8 98 95 / 99 235 08/15/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 23.7 119.5 96.6 96 95 / 99 236 08/15/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 24.0 120.7 97.3 97 95 / 99 237 08/15/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 22.5 120.1 98.1 97 95 / 99 238 08/16/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 22.6 1 119.2 97.3 1 97 1 95 / 99 239 08/16/23 CL-02 B ML 1 21.0 100.8 1 23.6 1 121.3 98.1 97 95 / 99 240 08/16/23 CL-02 I B I ML J 21.0 1 100.8 1 23.9 1 122.2 98.6 98 95 / 99 Test Information Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Drive Cylinder ID Weight of Cylinder (lb) Top Diameter (in) Bottom Diameter (in) Cylinder Height (in) Volume of Cylinder (cf) Field Technician 233 CQA - Clay Subgrade: G5 -0.5 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 234 CQA - Clay Subgrade: F5 -0.5 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 235 CQA - Clay Subgrade: E5 -0.5 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaoawua_wu 236 CQA - Clay Subgrade: D5 -0.5 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 237 CQA - Clay Subgrade: D6 ST15 -0.5 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaoqwuawu 238 CQA - Clay Subgrade: C5 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 239 CQA - Clay Subgrade: C6 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaoawuawu 240 CQA - Clay Subgrade: B5 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Remarks Comments Related Tests Test # 1. Related Test # I Test Type Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 35 of 36 �OASIS Cti�r�50inwG SERV+CES Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone:67B-739-2400 Drive Cylinder Test Method: Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Test Results Maximum Optimum Dry Density Moisture In Place In Place Wet In Place Retest Test Soil N (pcf) Moisture Density Dry Density Percent Min/Max Comp. Test # Of Date Proctor ID Method Class. (%) (pcf) (pcf) Compaction M Remark 241 08/16/23 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 24.2 122.8 98.9 98 95 / 99 242 j j 08/16/23 j CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 21.4 120.4 99.2 98 95 / 99 243 08/16/23 1 CL-02 B ML 21.0 100.8 24.0 118.9 95.9 95 95 / 99 Test Information Drive Weight of Top Bottom Cylinder Volume of Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Cylinder ID Cylinder (lb) Diameter (in) Diameter (in) Height (in) Cylinder (cf) Field Technician 241 CQA - Clay Subgrade: B6 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwu wu 242 CQA - Clay Subgrade: B7 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 0.0338 Kingsley Nwaogwugwu 243 CQA - Clay Subgrade: A5 0.0 KN-2 1.320 3.860 3.860 4.990 1 0.0338 Kingsley 1 Nwao wu wu Remarks Comments Related Tests Test # Related Test # I Test Type Copyright Oasis Consulting Services 2023 Page 36 of 36 APPENDIX B Section 2 CLAY LINER BORROW OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, Georgia 30075 Phone: (678) 739-2400 HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY TEST REPORT (ASTM D5084 - Method Q DATE: 07/21/2023 JOB NO.: 235005 LAB NO: 5198 PROJECT: Anson County Landfill CLIENT: Waste Connections Received from: Jobsite Type Test: Flex wall permeameter, falling -head rising-tailwater Type Saturation: Vacuum and back pressure to achieve 100 ± 5% saturation Type Sample: 2.8-inch diameter, Undisturbed SAMPLE ID. HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY K (cm/s) TP-01 1.30x 10-' TP-02 3.59X 10-' TP-03 3.72 X 10-' Notes: 1) Permeant liquid: De -aired Tap Water 2) Confining Pressure: 5 psi Respectfully Submitted, OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES D.W Donnie Whisler Laboratory Manager, Technical Director Rev 10-11-19 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES REPORT OF ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST RESULTS (ASTM D4318) Project Name: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Lab#: 5198 Project Number: 235005 Location TP-01 Technician KS/VP Test Date: 7/21/2023 Type of Test: Atterberg Limits Checked by RR USCS Classification: CL Sample Description: Orange brown sandy CLAY (CL) with rock fragments Boring n/a Depth n/a IC 50 30 10 7 4 *USCS Classification is based on the Atterberg Limit test and the Grain Size Analysis results. Liquid Limit 46 Plastic Limit 27 Plasticity Index 19 Passing# 200 80.2 For classification of fine- rained soils and fine-grained f Tact ion of coarse-groinecf / J0000000OO/ soi € —Is Equation of "A -line Horizontal at PI=4 to LL=25.5, ,•�;/ `, �'A `' then PI-0-73 (LL-20) ''`�f •• Equation of "U"-line Vertical at LL=16 to PI=7 CJ� then PI = 0.9 (LL-8) i /I \01 1/000 MH OF3 OH {0/ --- MLOR OL _M 00 10 I6 20 bU 4U aV ou ry LIQUID LIMIT (LL) ov ;?v 1 VV IN OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES REPORT OF ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST RESULTS (ASTM D4318) Project Name: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Lab#: 5198 Project Number: 235005 (Location TP-02 Technician KS/VP Test Date: 7/21/2023 'Type of Test: Atterberg Limits Checked by RR USCS Classification: CL :Sample Description: Orange brown sandy silty CLAY (CL) with rock fragments I Boring n/a Depth n/a 60 H 50 X w 0 40 z t 30 U_ F— N Q 2C J a 10 7 4 00 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 70 LIQUID LIMIT (ILL) *USCS Classification is based on the Atterberg Limit test and the Grain Size Analysis results. Liquid Limit 52 Plastic Limit 29 Plasticity Index 23 Passing # 200 75.1 For classification of fine- rained soils an ine-grainedf Fact ion o coarse -grained/ / soils. Equation of "Al -line Horizontal at PI=4 to LL=25.5, then PI-0.73 (IL-20) Equation of "U"-line Vertical at LL=16 to PI=7 / G� then PI = 0.9 (LL-8) ON MH OR OH - MLOR OL I OV 7V � VV JE OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES REPORT OF ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST RESULTS (ASTM D4318) Project Name: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Lab#: 5198 Project Number: 235005 Location TP-03 Technician KS/VP Test Date: 7/21/2023 Type of Test: Atterberg Limits Checked by RR USCS Classification: CH-MH Sample Description: Orange brown sandy CLAY (CH-MH) with rock fragments Boring n/a Depth n/a 60 H 50 col. X w C 40 z 30 U Q 2C iL 10 7 4 40 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 70 LIQUID LIMIT (LL) *USCS Classification is based on the Atterberg Limi' Liquid Limit 50 Plastic Limit 28 Plasticity Index 22 Grain Size Analysis results. Passing # 200 69.4 For classification of fine- ruined soils and f ine-grained f Tact ion of coarse -grained/ ' sails Equation of W -line Horizontal at PI=4 to LL=25.5, then PI-0.73 (LL-20) ` Equation of"U"-line Vertical at LL =16 to PI=7 / G� then PI=0.9(LL-8) / MH OR OH -- _ R OL MLo I � � qV 7v ID _ ,r' • s,� 4 -. .. — — — — • � � • -. — — - -. .. - . - . ��l �� ■■■■■■■�'111\ ■i■■■■■uri�i ■■■■■■■■■■■■►■t� ■■■■■■■■■�■■■■■a►r■ ■■■■�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a►��. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■awn ■�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■�■►�a■► ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a■■. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■t���i ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■t��� ■■�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■� ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■,��4 ■■■■■■�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■i\\\. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■i7\i. .■■■■■■�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■�\\1\. � � � � -� '■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■\lam, . , .- ... :� ■iiiii■■11\1■ ■■■■■■■■■■■1�\lam, ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■tom■■i��■■C%�\► ■■■■■■■■■�■■■■■i■■�■■�■■fir■\►\, No A VAN .. 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M■■■EE■■■■E■■EEO■■■■■■■■■ME■■■■■■►■:�► MOO■■■■E■OEM■■■■■■■■■■■■■EEO■■■■■■■■�M■. .■■M■■■EEO■■■EMM■■■■■■■■■■■■MOO■■M■■■■■iOM�. .'■■■■■OOE■■■EEO■MMM■■■■■■E■■■■E■■O■■■■■EEO■►. ■■O■■■■■OOM■■■■■■■EEM■■■E■O■M■■■■■■■■■E■OEM►► ■■■■■M■■■■■■MO■■■■■■■■M■M■MEEMO■O■■■■■■■OMEMO M■■■■■M■■■■■■■OO■■■■■■■O■M■E■■■■■O■M■■M■EMORN JASIs CLIENT PROJECT Waste Oasis Connections Consulting Services MOISTURE -DENSITY RELATIONSHIP PROJECT NAME Anson Waste Management Facilitv Phase 4 Cell 2 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC Source of Material CL-04 0.0 Description of Material Test Method ASTM D698 Method A Lab Technician VP/DW Date Sampled 7/19/2023 Date Tested 7/30/2023 TEST RESULTS Ma)amum Dry Density 92.6 PCF Optimum Water Content 13.7 % 11 IV ATTERBERG LIMITS ILL PL PI Curves of 100% Saturation for Specific Gravity Equal to: 2.80 2.70 2.60 NUMBER 235005 135 130 125 120 115 110 a w 105 } of 0 100 95 90 85 80 x IN 75 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 WATER CONTENT, % LEM man EE►1 M► ■■ ■■Mm ma► a■ ■■■Em■m► M■M■■MB ■■EE■►■m► ■A E■► s■■■■■■ mq - . fell . . OEM WIN ME■■■■EOUR► ■E■■■■►1ON► ME Now .. .NoE■■■■■EM■M■M■E■M '■■■■E■S■m■■S■E■m■■■■■E■■■■E■M■■ON . ■■N■S■■■E■■■■■■mm M■M■ONM■■■■■■ MUSE■■ ■■■■■■■��►►� ■■ E■ ■M■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■M■■►- ■■NE■■■■M■M■M■■■M■ ■■E■N■■■■M■E ■■■■■■N■EE■■■ M■■■M■■■S■M■■ ME■EEME EEEME■EME■EEM. ■E■EE■EE■■■MEE■■■MME ME■ME■■■■■■■■E■■■■■�.aE►�■■. ■■■■MEE■■■■■■■SEE■rE■■■�►�■ M■■■M■M■■■■■■■E■■■R■■EE►EE► ■■■■■■■EE■■■oS■■r M■■■EM■■M■■E■■■E■■E■ ■■■■■■E■M■■■■■■■■■■■■■E■E■■■■►EE► ■■■■■■■��SEE■■SEE■■■■■■■■EE■M■■��►�. on ■■■■■■■■■■ESE■E■■■■■MSEE■■■■■E■■E►E■► MEMMUU■■M■■■■■MESEEM■■■■E■■■■MMME■►■M. M■■■■■■■■■■■■■E■■E■■■■■SEE■■■■MMM■■■O■E ■■■■MEEEE■■■■■E■S■■■■M■Mt■■■■■MSE■E■S■E■EE\`� ■■■■ME■■■■ ■■■■ESE■■E■■■■E■■■■S■■ OEM MEN ■■■■SEE■■■■■■SEE■■■■■SUS■■■E■■■■■■■■■EE■EM■M\ '■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■M■■■RIWI .. m� • • • • : . . .. ■■ ■■►r■■► ■► own ■■■■■■■■■OW■ IMEMINIMMEMENIMM ■■.■■■■■■■RM ■■■■■■■■■■UE ■■■■■■■■■■■►IN ■■■■■■■■■■■W■R► ■■■■.■■■■■■■RM� ■■■■■■■.■■■■■R■►.a ■■.■■■■■■■■■■■NO ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■LIMN► ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■RN ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■►E. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■N►�■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■N ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■►■► ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■r���► ■■■■.■■.■.■■■■■■.C............■�► ................................... .,■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Maw►►. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Maw■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■\ 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX B Section 3 CLAY LINER DURING CONSTRUCTION O (� I (` 45 Woodstock Street J J Roswell, Georgia 30075 CONSULTING Phone: (678) 739-2400 SERVICES HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY TEST REPORT (ASTM D5084 - Method C) PROJECT: Anson County Landfill DATE: 07/24/2023 JOB NO.: 235005 LAB NO: 5199 CLIENT: Waste Connections Received from: Jobsite Type Test: Flex wall permeameter, falling -head rising-tailwater Type Saturation: Vacuum and back pressure to achieve 100 ± 5% saturation Type Sample: 2.8-inch diameter, Undisturbed SAMPLE ID. HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY K (cm/s) ST-01 4.09X 10-7 ST-02 7.63 x 10-7 Notes: 1) Permeant liquid: De -aired Tap Water 2) Confining Pressure: 5 psi Respectfully Submitted, OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES D.W. Donnie Whisler Laboratory Manager, Technical Director Rev 10-11-19 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES REPORT OF ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST RESULTS (ASTM D4318) Project Name: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Lab#: 5199 Project Number: 235005 Location I ST-01 Technician KS/VP 'Test Date: 7/23/2023 Type of Test: Atterberg Limits Checked by RR USCS Classification: CH-MH Sample Description: Orange brown sandy silty CLAY (CH-MH) Boring n/a Depth n/a 60 H 50 �a. X w C 40 z r E- U H Q J a 30 20 10 7 4 00 10 16 20 30 40 56 60 70 LIQUID LIMIT (ILL) *USCS Classification is based on the Atterberg Limit test and the Grain Size Analysis results. Liquid Limit 58 Plastic Limit 30 Plasticity Index 28 Passing #200 65.6 For classification of fine- rained soils a nd f ine-grained f roctIon of coarse -grained / 0000.0,000000 soils, 000, Equation of "A - line \�j,� Horizontal at PI=4 to LL=25.5, Jj/ ��� then PI-0.73 (LL-20) ` Equation of "U"- I ine Vertical at LL=16 to PI=7 G then PI = 0.9 (LL-6) ♦� -- MLOR OL I OV 7V ivv III7 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES REPORT OF ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST RESULTS (ASTM D4318) Project Name: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Lab#: 5199 Project Number: 235005 Location ST-02 Technician KS/VP Test Date: 7/23/2023 Type of Test: Atterberg Limits Checked by RR USCS Classification: CL-ML Sample Description: Orange brown sandy silty CLAY (CL-ML) Boring n/a Depth n/a L• 9 H 50 X W O 40 z } ~ 30 U Q 2C J a 10 7 4 0 0 *USCS Classification is based on the Atterberg Limit test and the Grain Size Analysis results. Liquid Limit 49 Plastic Limit 27 Plasticity Index 22 Passing # 200 70.6 lOF For classification of fine- roined soils 000, an Ine-groinedfFact ion o coarse -grained soils. Equation of "A' - line Horizontal at PI=4 to LL=25.5, then PI-0.73 (LL-20) o`` Equat ion of "U"- I ine Vertical at LL =16 to PI=7 then PI = 0.9 (LL-8) M H OR OH MLOR QL I I 10 16 20 30 4 U W bU r U LIQUID LIMIT (LL) ov 7V n Ll E O A (� I (� 45 Woodstock Street J J Roswell, Georgia 30075 CONSULTING Phone: (678) 739-2400 SERVICES HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY TEST REPORT (ASTM D5084 - Method C) DATE: 08-08-2023 JOB NO.: 235005 LAB NO: 5210 PROJECT: Anson County Landfill CLIENT: Waste Connections Received from: Jobsite Type Test: Flex wall permeameter, falling -head rising-tailwater Type Saturation: Vacuum and back pressure to achieve 100 ± 5% saturation Type Sample: 2.8-inch diameter, Undisturbed SAMPLE ID. HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY K (cm/s) ST-03 3.72X 10-7 ST-04 1.10X 10-6 ST-05 3.97X 10-7 Notes: 1) Permeant liquid: De -aired Tap Water 2) Confining Pressure: 5 psi Respectfully Submitted, OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES D.W. Donnie Whisler Laboratory Manager, Technical Director Rev 10-11-19 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES REPORT OF ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST RESULTS (ASTM D4318) Project Name- Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Lab#: 5210 Project Number: 235005 Location ST-03 Technician KS/VP Test Date: 8/8/2023 Type of Test: Atterberg Limits Checked by RR USCS Classification: CH-MH Sample Description: Orange brown sandy silty CLAY (CH-MH) Boring n/a Depth n/a 60 H 50 C- X w G 4C z U a J a 30 2C 10 7 4 00 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 70 LIQUID LIMIT (LL) -USCS Classification is based on the Atterberg Limit test and the Grain Size Analysis results. Liquid Limit 55 Plastic Limit 30 Plasticity Index 25 PASSING # 200 65% For classification of fine-grained soils of and fine-grained friaction of coarse-grolne / soils \�� /40000, Equation of "A -line Horizontal at PI=4 to LL=25.5, oe then PI-0.73 (LL-20) Equat ion of "U"- I ine Vertical at LL=16 to PI=7 / G`- then PI= 0.9 (ZZ � oti 61 MH 0li OH MLoR OL I , OV ;? iVV IN OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES REPORT OF ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST RESULTS (ASTM D4318) Project Name: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Lab#: 5210 Project Number: 235005 Location ST-04 Technician KS/VP Test Date: 8/8/2023 'Type of Test: Atterberg Limits Checked by RR USCS Classification: MH 'Sample Description: Orange brown sandy SILT (MH) with rock fragments Boring n/a Depth n/a 60 H 50 0. X w 0 40 z V H N a J a 30 2C 10 7 4 00 10 16 20 30 40 56 60 70 LIQUID LIMIT (LL) *USCS Classification is based r Liquid Limit 62 Plastic Limit 33 Plasticity Index 29 rhere Limit test and the Grain Size Analysis results. PASSING # 200 63.4% For classification of fine- rained soils Of and fine-grained f ract ion of coarse-graine]/d J000OO/ soils Equation of Al - line Horizontal at PI=4 to LL=25.5, `` �11 then PI-0.73 (LL-20) ``�� �•p�' Equation of"U"-line Vertical at LL=16 to PI=7 / G� then PI=0.9(LL-8) I � I • MH O'R OH I MLoR OL -- I i ov w wv W OASIS CONSULTING REPORT OF ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST RESULTS (ASTM D4318) SERVICES Project Name: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Lab#: 5210 Project Number: 235005 Location ST-05 Technician KS/VP Test Date: 8/8/2023 Type of Test: Atterberg Limits Checked by RR USCS Classification: MH-CH Sample Description:. Orange brown sandy clayey SILT (MH-ch) with rock fragments Boring n/a Depth n/a 'USCS Classification is based on the Atterberg Limit test and the Grain Size Analysis results. PASSING # 200 63.8% Liquid Limit 51 Plastic Limit 1 27 Plasticity Index 24 60 For classification of fine- rained soils ondTns-grained fraction of coarse -grains soils. H 50 - Equation of �A -I ine i Horizontal at PI=4 to LL=25.5, f/ w then PI-0.73(LL-20) 4 z Equation of "U"-line Vertical at LL=16 to PI=7 G >' then PI = 0.9 (LL-6) 30 U � J 0 / {g` a 10 7.----"vM _ MLOROL 4 - I 00 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 LIQUID LIMIT (LL) MH 6,00H 70 60 90 100 110 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, Georgia 30075 Phone: (678) 739-2400 HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY TEST REPORT (ASTM D5084 - Method C) DATE: 07/30/2023 JOB NO.: 235005 LAB NO: 5208 PROJECT: Anson County Landfill CLIENT: Waste Connections Received from: Jobsite Type Test: Flex wall permeameter, falling -head rising-tailwater Type Saturation: Vacuum and back pressure to achieve 100 ± 5% saturation Type Sample: 2.8-inch diameter, Undisturbed SAMPLE ID. HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY K (cm/s) ST-06 9.91 X 10-' ST-07 6.44X 10-7 ST-08 8.87X 10-7 ST-09 8.37X 10-7 Notes: 1) Permeant liquid: De -aired Tap Water 2) Confining Pressure: 5 psi Respectfully Submitted, OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Donnie Whisler Laboratory Manager, Technical Director Rev 10-11-19 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES REPORT OF ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST RESULTS (ASTM D4318) Project Name: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Lab#: 5208 Project Number: 235005 Location ST-06 Technician KS/VP Test Date: 8/1/2023 Type of Test: Atterberg Limits Checked by RR USCS Classification: CH-MH Sample Description: Orange brown sandy silty CLAY (CH-MH) with rock fragments Boring n/a Depth n/a H Ia X w a z t U a J a 60 40 2a 10 7 4 *USCS Classification is based on the Atterberg Limit test and the Grain Size Analysis results. Liquid Limit 53 Plastic Limit 28 Plasticity Index 25 %Passing #200 74 For classification of fine-groined soils and me -grained f ract ion o coarse -grained / ' soils Equation of "A" - line Horizontal at PI=4 to LL=25.5, ' then PI-0.73 (LL-20) Equot ion of "U"- I ine I` Vertical at LL =16 to PI=7 then PI=0.9(LL-8) MH 0R OH --- MLOR OL �- v CL-M n� 10 16 20 S0 4u Dv ov ru LIQUID LIMIT (LL) ov 7V 1VV OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES REPORT OF ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST RESULTS (ASTM D4318) Project Name: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Lab#: 5208 Project Number: 235005 (Location ST-07 Technician KS/VP Test Date: 8/1/2023 'Type of Test: Atterberg Limits Checked by RR USCS Classification: MIL :Sample Description: Orange brown sandy SILT (ML) with rock fragments Boring n/a Depth n/a H CL x LEI c Z H U H N Q J a 60 50 2C IC 7 4 *USCS Classification is based on the Atterberg Limit test and the Grain Size Analysis results. Liquid Limit 49 Plastic Limit 29 Plasticity Index 20 %Passing #200 76.1 iv For classification of fine- rained soils and fine-grainedfraction a course -grained soils Equation of "A' - line Horizontal at PI=4 to LL=25.5, then PI-0.73 (LL-20) MIX �` Equation of "U"-line Vertical at LL =16 to PI=7 then PI = 0.9 (LL-8) ♦� 1\01 Ct MH OR OH /0/0/ / V ~ --- MLOR OL -- �c 00 IQ 16 [1 W 4u 3u ou ry LIQUID LIMIT (ILL) 1E „ OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES REPORT OF ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST RESULTS (ASTM D4318) Project Name: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Lab#: 5208 Project Number: 235005 Location ST-08 Technician KS/VP Test Date: 8/1/2023 Type of Test: Atterberg Limits Checked by RR USCS Classification: CH-MH Sample Description: Orange brown sandy silty CLAY (CH-MH) Boring n/a Depth n/a 60 H 50 0_ X w c 40 z r H 30 U Cn a 2a J a 10 7 4 00 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 70 LIQUID LIMIT (ILL) *USCS Classification is based on the Atterberg Limit test and the Grain Size Analysis results. Liquid Limit 49 Plastic Limit 29 Plasticity Index 20 %passing #200 73.1 For classification of fine- roined soils an Ine-grained f roct i on of coarse -grained/ / soils. �j/ Equation of W -line Horizontal at PI=4 to LL=25.5, 4 then PI-0.73 (LL-20) Equation of"U"-line Vertical at LL =16 to PI=7 / G� then PI= 0.9 (LL-8) MH c i QH I ML°ROL ,c -M I 8V VU IV 11Z .G OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES REPORT OF ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST RESULTS (ASTM D4318) Project Name: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Lab#: 5208 Project Number: 235005 Location ST-09 Technician KS/VP Test Date: 8/1/2023 Type of Test: Atterberg Limits Checked by RR USCS Classification: ML-CL Sample Description: Orange brown sandy SILT (ML-CL) with rock fragments 113oring n/a Depth n/a 60 H 50 0" X W 0 40 Z } 30 c.� H N Q 20 J a 10 7 4 0p *USCS Classification is based on the Liquid Limit 47 Plastic Limit 29 Plasticity Index 18 % Passing #200 74.6 Analysis results. 10 16 20 30 40 W bU U ov 7v vv 0 LIQUID LIMIT (LL) O A (� I (� 45 Woodstock Street J J Roswell, Georgia 30075 CONSULTING Phone: (678) 739-2400 SERVICES HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY TEST REPORT (ASTM D5084 - Method C) DATE: 08/06/2023 JOB NO.: 235005 LAB NO: 5207 PROJECT: Anson County Landfill CLIENT: Waste Connections Received from: Jobsite Type Test: Flex wall permeameter, falling -head rising-tailwater Type Saturation: Vacuum and back pressure to achieve 100 ± 5% saturation Type Sample: 2.8-inch diameter, Undisturbed SAMPLE ID. I HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY K (cm/s) ST-10 9.91x 10-7 ST-11 4.79x 10-7 Notes: 1) Permeant liquid: De -aired Tap Water 2) Confining Pressure: 5 psi Respectfully Submitted, OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES D.W. Donnie Whisler Laboratory Manager, Technical Director Rev 10-11-19 OASIS CONSULTING REPORT OF ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST RESULTS (ASTM D4318) SERVICES Project Name: .Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Lab#: 5207 Project Number: 235005 Location ST-10 Technician KS/VP Test Date: 7/23/2023 Type of Test: Atterberg Limits Checked by RR USCS Classification: ML Sample Description: Orange brown sandy SILT (ML) I Boring n/a Depth n/a Liquid Limit 42 Plastic Limit 30 Plasticity Index 12 %Passing # 200 81.4 60 For classification of fine-grained soils and f ine-grained f ract ion of coarse -grained -� soils. H 50 Equat ion of pA - I i ne Horizontal at PI=4 to LL=25.5, wo 40 then PI-0.73 (LL-20) z Equation of "U"-line , �c Vertical at LL=16 to PI= G r then PI = 0.9 (LL-8) �� t 30-- 4 _ �� — U � 20 i 0- // (:? • ill � .�T L0ROL Analysis results. MH °Fk OH 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 LIQUID LIMIT (ILL) OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES REPORT OF ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST RESULTS (ASTM D4318) Project Name: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Lab#: 5207 Project Number: 235005 Location ST-11 Technician KS/VP Test Date: 8/7/2023 Type of Test: Atterberg Limits Checked by RR USCS Classification: ML Sample Description: Orange brown sandy SILT (ML) Boring n/a Depth n/a 60 50 30 2C 10 7 4 *USCS Classification is based on the Atterberg Limit test and the Grain Size Analysis resu,.., Liquid Limit 41 Plastic Limit 30 Plasticity Index 11 Passing 200 76.2 For classification of fine-grcined soils and f ine-grained fraction of coarse-grained soils. Equation of Am -line Horizontal Horizontal at PI=4 to LL=25.5, ••�,/ �� then PI-0.73 (LL-20) ``�/ `, ••P� Equation of "U"-line Vertical at LL=16 toPI=7 G� then PI = 0.9 (LL-8) M H OR OH oeer --A IMLOROL 00 10 16 20 6u 4U Dv ov ry LIQUID LIMIT (LL) ov 7V iVV O A (` I (` 45 Woodstock Street J J Roswell, Georgia 30075 CONSULTING Phone: (678) 739-2400 SERVICES HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY TEST REPORT (ASTM D5084 - Method C) DATE: 08/19/2023 JOB NO.: 235005 LAB NO: 5211 PROJECT: Anson County Landfill CLIENT: Waste Connections Received from: Jobsite Type Test: Flex wall permeameter, falling -head rising-tailwater Type Saturation: Vacuum and back pressure to achieve 100 ± 5% saturation Type Sample: 2.8-inch diameter, Undisturbed SAMPLE 1D. HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY K (cm/s) ST-12 1.20X 10-6 ST-13 4.18X 10-' ST-14 8.27X 10-' ST-15 5.53X 10-' Notes: 1) Permeant liquid: De -aired Tap Water 2) Confining Pressure: 5 psi Respectfully Submitted, OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Donnie Whisler Laboratory Manager, Technical Director Rev 10-11-19 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES REPORT OF ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST RESULTS (ASTM D4318) Project Name: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Lab#: 5210 Project Number: 235005 Location ST-12 Technician KS/VP Test Date: 8/19/2023 Type of Test: Atterberg Limits Checked by RR USCS Classification: ML Sample Description: Orange brown sandy clayey SILT (ML) with rock fragments Boring n/a Depth n/a W H 50 X G 40 z ~ 30 U H Q 2C J a 10 7 4 00 `USCS Classification is based on the Atterberg Limit test and the Grain Size Analysis results. Liquid Limit 40 Plastic Limit 30 Plasticity Index 10 PASSING # 200 80.0% iv For classificatXinede- reined soils an ine-grainea coarse -grained / soils Equation of dA8-,�� Horizontal at P=25.5, J�,/ `1. ��then PI-0.73/Equation of "li'�Vertical at LL�7 /then PI=0.9(// / MH oR OH // Gv / MLoIR OL I 4 10 16 20 30 40 a0 bV ru LIQUID LIMIT (ILL) tsu 7V L%JW He] OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES REPORT OF ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST RESULTS (ASTM D4318) Project Name: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Lab#: 5210 Project Number: 235005 Location ST-13 Technician KS/VP Test Date: 8/19/2023 Type of Test: Atterberg Limits Checked by RR USCS Classification: ML Sample Description: Orange brown sandy clayey SILT (ML) with rock fragments 113oring n/a Depth n/a A 50 M 30 I,4, 10 7 4 *USCS Classific- Liquid Limit 40 Plastic Limit 31 Plasticity Index 9 PASSING # 200 86.1% Analysis results. For classification of fine- rained soils andFine-grained fraction of coarse -grained/ ' soils Equation of 0A7-line Horizontal at PI=4 to LL=25.5, \�a// then PI-0.73 (ILL-20) I' Equation of "U"-line Vertical at LL=16 to PI=7 / G� then PI= 0.9 (I-8) // ,OY • �` MH OR OH --- ML R OL c _M I a� 10 Ib 20 bU 4v :)u ov iv LIQUID LIMIT (LL) ov 7V VV ID OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES REPORT OF ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST RESULTS (ASTM D4318) Project Name: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Lab#: 5210 Project Number: 235005 Location ST-14 Technician KS/VP Test Date: 8/19/2023 Type of Test: Atterberg Limits Checked by RR USCS Classification: ML Sample Description: Orange brown sandy clayey SILT (ML) with rock fragments Boring n/a Depth n/a H X w a z } E- U a J a 60 50 30 2a 10 7 4 *USCS Classification is based on the Atterberg Limit test and the Grain Size Analysis results. Liquid Limit 39 Plastic Limit 29 Plasticity Index 10 PASSING # 200 For classification of fine-grained soils an fine-gra coed racoon a coarse-graine Soils. Equation of �A - line Horizontal of PI=4 to LL=25.5, then PI-0.73 (LL-20) Equation of "U"-line Vertical at LL=I6 to PI=7 / G� then PI = 0.9 (LL-6) f � //0000111 l MH oR OH / }} 101 MLOROL i I r •C -M o� ID 16 20 3U 4U ov 13v fu LIQUID LIMIT (LL) 6V 7V I%Jv Irt OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES REPORT OF ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST RESULTS (ASTM D4318) Project Name: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Lab#: 5210 Project Number: 235005 Location ST-15 Technician KS/VP Test Date: 8/19/2023 Type of Test: Atterberg Limits Checked by RR USCS Classification: ML Sample Description: Orange brown sandy clayey SILT (ML) with rock fragments 113oring n/a Depth n/a I H 50 .a x G 40 z 30 NEe 10 7 4 0 `USCS Classification is based on the Atterberg Limit test and the Grain Size Analysis results. Liquid Limit 41 Plastic Limit 30 Plasticity Index 11 PASSING # 200 For classification of fine- coined soils and fine-grained raction o coarse -grained / -100 /0000/ Solis a�/ Equation of W-line Horizontal at PI=4 to LL=25.5, then PI-0.73 (LL-20) ` Equotion of "U"-line Vertical at LL=16 to PI=7 / G� then PI = 0.9 (LL-8) NO, i MHoROHi / f --- MLoR OL _M 0 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 LIQUID LIMIT (LL) APPENDIX B Section 4 PROTECTIVE COVER OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES PERMEABILITY TEST REPORT (ASTM D2434) DATE: 07/10/2023 LAB NO.: 5192 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, Georgia 30075 Phone: (678) 739-2400 CLIENT: Waste Connections PROJECT: Anson Landfill Cell 4 Phase II PROJECT #.: 235005 Received from: Type Test: Type Sample: Technician: Jobsite Constant Head Permeability Remolded Sand DW-VP SAMPLE ID. DESCRIPTION PERMEABILITY K cm/s PC-01 Sand 9.71 X 10-3 PC-02 Sand 9.37 X 10-3 PC-03 Sand 6.11 X 10-3 PC-04 Sand 4.37 X 10-3 Notes: 1) Permeant liquid: Tap Water 2) Temperature: 71 OF Respectfully Submitted, / OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES lv Donnie Whistler Laboratory Supervisor Rev 10-11-19 APPENDIX B Section 5 LCS AGGREGATE 100 90 e 80 �. 70 3 60 50 6. 40 e 30 cd d 20 10 0 Excel Geotechnical Testing, inc. Project Name: Anson Landfill - Phase 4,Cell 2 "Excellence in Testing" Project No: PN1098-08 953 Forrest Street, Roswell, Georgia 30075 Client Sample ID: LCG-01 Tel: (770) 910 7537, www.exceigeotesting.com Lab Sample No: 23G192 o; 42 INSOLUBLE RESIDUE IN CARBONATE AGGREGATES U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes and Numbers gHIRE ■vn■w=11w■iumlimi ■��� HIM mill limmillillism IHIIIINI■nnI 0� �11�Ilp�ll� i�1�l��llllll�ll�l�Al��■ III 1000.000 100.000 10.000 1.000 0.100 Grain Size (mm) Sieve No. Size (mm) % Finer 2" 50.0 100.0 1.5" 37.5 100.0 1" 25.0 100.0 3/4" 19.0 100.0 1/2" 12.5 3/8" 9.50 #4 4.75 #8 236 #16 1.180 #30 0.600 #50 0.300 #100 0 150 #200 0 075 nyurulner- Particle Diameter % Finer 0.050 0.020 0.005 0.002 0.001 Gravel (%): 100.0 Sand Fines Silt (%): Clay (%): Coeff. Unif. (Cu): Coeff. Curv. (Cc): H 70 60 50 k 40 w 30 a 0. 20 10 0 0.010 0.001 0.000 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Liquid Limit (LL) Client Sample ID. Lab Sample No: Moisture Content (%) Fines Content < No. 200 (%) Atterberg Limits Engineering Classification LL ( - ) PL ( - ) I PI (-) LCG-01 23 G 192 �(s): Unly particles passes lnrougn i inch Nieve ana wasnea over uz incn sieve were uses. C)1�7 N'J Excel Geotechnical Testing, Inc. Project Name: Anson Landfill - Phase 4,Cell 2 "Excellence in Testing" Project No: PN1098-08 953 Forrest Street, Roswell, Georgia 30075 Client Sample ID: LCG-01 Tel: (770) 910 7537, www.exceigeotesting.com Lab Sample No: 23G192 2 D 3042 INSOLUBLE RESIDUE IN CARBONATE AGGREGATES 304 100 90 80 70 d 60 3 50 40 30 " 20 a 10 0 U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes and Numbers �rl�lm��■gyp■PMME Ill 01■��—After _I�� ���■�I��Y�111�1 �YI�■10��11111111 Nlm ��I�I11�18 ■�Il�l�m�l�■IA��111v CAI �IIAl11 �W!�!I�I�Alll�ll■� 1000.000 100.000 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.001 0.000 Grain Size (mm) Sieve No. Size (mm) % Finer 2" 50.0 100.0 1.5" 37.5 100.0 1" 25.0 100.0 3/4" 19.0 100.0 1/2" 12.7 1.4 3/8" 9.50 1.4 #4 4.75 1.4 #8 236 1.4 #16 1.180 14 #30 0.600 1 4 #50 0.300 1 4 #100 0.150 1 4 #200 0.075 1.4 Hydrometer Particle Diameter finna) % Finer 0.050 0.020 0.005 0.002 0.001 Gravel (%): 98.6 Sand (%): Fines (% ): 1.4 Silt (%): Clay (%): Coeff. UniL (Cu): +Coeff. Curv. (Cc): dl/ 70 60 CH or OH 96 50 D "A" Line _ 40 30 � '1I1 ,•r i N! p. 20 t. or o 10 ML or OL 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Liquid Limit (LL) Client Sample ID. Lab Sample No: Moisture Content (%) Fines Content < No. 200 (%) Atterberg Limits Total Insoluble Residue (%) LL (-) PL (-) PI (-) LCG-01 23G192 1.4 98.6 3 Note(s): Only particles passed through 3/4 inch Jieve and wasnea over l/z inch weve were uses. 9'�Vdgg, rjD, NO Excel Geotechnical Testing, Inc. Project Name: Anson Landfill - Phase 4,Cell 2 1 "Excellence in Testing" Project No: PN1098-08 w. 953 Forrest Street, Roswell, Georgia 30075 Client Sample ID: LCG-01 Tel: (770) 910 7537, www.exceigeotesting.com Lab Sample No: 23G192 ASTM C 216, D422, D 41, SOIL INDEX PROPERTIES Grain Size, Spec. oN Al been, Content, D 1140, D 2216, D 2467, D 4318 Eng. Classiricaslon. Asr[iLcfi Limi[s 100 90 80 s 70 3 60 50 we 40 30 20 a 10 0 U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes and Numbers �ou��i�n�n■■nm�ain�i�'� NAI���11■�Ie�IN�luo�lwpgll�ll �■ 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 Grain Size ( mm ) ve No. Size (mm) % Finer 3° 75 100.0 2" r 50 100.0 1.5" 37.5 1000 1" 25 96.9 3/4" 19 92.6 1/2" 12.7 29.8 3/8" 9.5 12.3 #4 4.75 1.8 #8 2.36 1.5 #16 1.180 1.2 #30 0.600 1.1 #50 0.300 0.9 #100 0.150 0.7 #200 0.075 0.6 nyurommur Particle Diameter I % Finer Gravel (%): 982 Sand (%): 1.2 Fines (%): 0.6 Coeff. Unif. (Cu): 2.3 Coeff. Curv. (Cc): 0.9 au 70 60 50 x d �o 40 30 0. 20 10 0 0.001 0.0001 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Liquid Limit (LL ) Client Lab Moisture Fines Content Sample Sample Content < No. 200 Engineering Classification ID. No: ( % ) ( % ) LCG-01 23G192 0.6 SP - Poorly graded sand Z� Me] o, pea$ . - APPENDIX C MANUFACTURERS' QUALITY CONTROL CERTIFICATES APPENDIX C Section 1 HDPE GEOMEMBRANE r Product: 60-HD-11-BLK-BLK-AVG-STD-24.00 QC'd By: WaQkah PaAd Project : WCI Anson Phase 4 Cell 2, NC Date: September 6, 2023 Customer: Waste Connections Inc. Cust P0: 6115-23-0002 We hereby certify the following test results for the above referenced product/project Thick Thick CB Disp Asperity Tensile Elong Tensile Elong Tear Punct Carbon Resin ness ness Density (Views Height at Yield at Yield at Break at Break Resistance Resist Black OIT MAV MIN (glcc) ° in Cat Minute Count Roll Area (mil) (mil) (mil) (ppi) (%) (ppi) (%) (lb) (lb) (/°) 1or2) ( ) Resin Number (sq ft) ASTM ASTM ASTM D 7466 ASTM D 6693 ASTM D 6693 ASTM D 6693 ASTM Lot # D 6693 ASTM D 1004 ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM D 5994 D 5994 Side A Side B MD TD MD I TD I MD TD MD I TD MD TD I D 4833 D 1505 D 4218 D 5596 11 D 3895 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 3101402001 3101402002 3101402003 3101402004 3101402005 1 3101402006 3101402007 3101402008 3101402009 3101402010 3101402011 3101402012 11,520.00 11,520.00 11,520.00 11,520.00 11,520.00 11,520.00 11,520.00 11,520.00 11,520.00 ` 11,520.00I 11,520.00 11,520.00 61 61 61 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 61 61 59 26 29 154 156 18 17 15 15 174 197 197 197 197 202 202 202 202 202 177 177 158 160 160 160 160 170 17 170 170 170 176 176 463 530 530 530 530 547 5547 547 547 547 423 423 437 430 430 430 430 447 447 447 447 447 419 419 54 54 54 54 54 ` 54 54 54 54 54 52 52 55 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 56 56 147 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 146 146 0.947 0.947 0.947 0.947 0.947 0.947 0.947 0.947 0.947 ' 0.947 0.947 0.947 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.6 — 2.6 2.6 2.5 2.5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 23E1254 23E1254 23E1254 23E1254 23E1254 23E1254 23E1254 23E1254 23E1254 23E1254 23E1254 23E1254 58 59 58 26 27 28 27 30 31 160 160 163 163 17 17 29 29 160 160 163 163 17 17 15 59 15 58 59 29 28 29 152 152 163 17 16 28 163 17 16 57 29 31 152 163 17 17 j 16 ` 16 16 59 25 29 152 163 31 152 163 30 159 158 30 159 158 57 26 17 57 58 25 17 17 17 — 17 28 DCN: SKAPS LOG 014 SKAPS Industries Phone: 706-336-7000 Effective Date: January 07,2022 571 Industrial Parkway Fax: 706-336-7007 Rev 2 Commerce, GA 30529 E-Mail:contact@skaps.com Ai Product: 60-HD-1I-BLK-BLK-AVG-STD-24.00 QC'd By: Na ah Pa,�{,.Q. Project : WCI Anson Phase 4 Cell 2, NC Date: September 6, 2023 W6V-C-3 Customer: Waste Connections Inc. Cust P0: 6115-23.0002 We hereby certify the following test results for the above referenced product/project Thick Thick CB Disp Asperity Tensile Elong Tensile Elong Tear Punct Carbon Resin ness ness (Views Density Height at Yield at Yield at Break at Break Resistance Resist Black OIT MAV MIN (glcc) ° in Cat Count Roll Area (mil) (mil) (mil) (ppi) N (ppi) N (lb) (lb) (�°) 1 or 2) (Minute) Resin Number (sq ft) Lot # ASTM ASTM ASTM D 7466 ASTM D 6693 ASTM D 6693 ASTM D 6693 ASTM D 6693 ASTM D 1004 ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM D 5994 D 5994 Side A Side B MD TD MD TD MD TD MD TD MD TD D 4833 D 1505 D 4218 D 5596 D 3895 13 3101402013 11,520.00 61 59 25 31 159 158 17 17 177 176 423 419 52 56 146 0.947 2.5 10 249 23E1254 14 3101402014 11,520.00 60 58 27 32 159 158 17 17 177 176 1423 419 52 56 146 0.947 2.5 10 249 23E1254 15 3101402015 11,520.00 60 56 25 30 155 153 17 15 199 157 536 418 52 56 146 0.947 i 2.5 10 249 23E1254 16 3101402016 11,520.00 61 57 26 29 155 153 17 15 199 157 536 418 52 56 146 0.947 2.5 10 249 23E1254 17 3101402017 11,520.00 61 56 25 30 155 153 17 15 199 157 ` 536 418 52 56 146 0.947 2.5 10 249 23E1254 18 3101402018 11,520.00 60 58 27 30 155 153 17 15 199 157 536 418 52 56 146 0.947 2.5 10 249 23E1254 19 3101402019 11,520.00 60 58 26 30 155 153 17 15 199 157 536 418 52 56 146 0.947 2.5 10 1 249 23E1254 20 3101402020 11,520.00 62 59 28 30 160 166 1 17 16 198 161 533 412 55 58 152 0.946 2.5 10 ' 249 23E1254 21 3101402021 11,520.00 60 58 29 28 `160 166 17 16 198 161 533 412 58 152 0.946 2.5 10 249 23E1254 22 3101402022 11,520.00 60 57 26 30 160 166 17 16 198 161 533 ' 412 -55 55 58 152 0.946 2.5 10 249 23E1254 23 3101402023 11,520.00 61 59 26 28 160 166 17 16 198 161 533 412 55 58 152 0.946 2.5 1 10 249 23E1254 24 3101402024 11,520.00 60 54 28 29 171 167 17 15 190 146 489 289 55 58 152 0.946 2.7 i 10 249 23E1254 DCN: SKAPS LOG 014 SKAPS Industries Phone: 706-336-7000 Effective Date: January 07,2022 571 Industrial Parkway Fax: 706-336-7007 Rev 2 Commerce, GA 30529 E-Mail:contact@skaps.com Product: 60-HD-11-BLK-BLK-AVG-STD-24.00 QC'd By: Walitah Project : WCI Anson Phase 4 Cell 2, INC Date: September 6, 2023 Customer: Waste Connections Inc. Cust P0: 6115-23.0002 We hereby certify the following test results for the above referenced product/project Thick Thick CB Disp Asperity Tensile Elong Tensile Elong Tear Punct Carbon Resin ness ness Density (Views Height at Yield at Yield at Break at Break Resistance Resist Black OIT MAV MIN (glcc) ° in Cat Minute Count Roll Area (mil) (mil) (mil) (ppi) N (ppi) N (lb) (lb) (�°) 1 or 2) ( ) Resin Number (sq ft) ASTM D 7466 ASTM D 6693 ASTM D 6693 ASTM D 6693 ASTM D 6693 ASTM D 1004 Lot # ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM D 59941 994 D 5994 Side A Side B MD TD MD TD MD TD MD TD MD TD D 4833 1 D 1505 1. D 4218 1. D 5596 D 3895 25 26 27 28 29 3101402025 3101402026 3101402027 3101402028 3101402029 11,520.00 11,520.00 11,520.00 11,520.00 11,520.00 60 61 60 60 61 59 55 26 26 26 30 171 171 167 167 17 17 15 190 146 489 489 489 489 451 289 289 289 289 421 1 55 55 55 55 55 58 58 58 58 57 152 152 152 152 150 0.946 0.946 0.946 0.946 0.947 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.4 10 10 10 10 10 249 249 249 249 249 23E1254 23E1254 23E1254 23E1254 23E1254 15 190 190 190 146 146 146 56 57 26 27 30 31 171 171 167 17 15 15 167 17 16 59 29 33 162 1. 167 15 183 162 DCN: SKAPS LOG 014 SKAPS Industries Phone: 706-336-7000 Effective Date: January 07,2022 571 Industrial Parkway Fax: 706-336-7007 Rev 2 Commerce, GA 30529 E-Mail:contact@skaps.com Formosa Plastics FORMOSA PLASTICS CORPORATION, TEXAS 201 FORMOSA DRIVE PHONE:( 888 )FPCUSA3 PO BOX 700 POINT COMFORT TX 77978 Certificate of Analysis (CONFIDENTAL) CUSTOMER:SKAPS INC. S/O NO : E36A751 571 INDUSTRIAL PARKWAY CUSTOMER PO : 30131230100 DATE SHIPPED: 7/14/23 COMMERCE GA 30529 LOT NO : 23E1254 PRODUCT :HL3812 WEIGHT (LB) : 182,100.00 RAILCAR TCMX200083 CUSTID:FT04342 SPIDMI CLEANING/INSPECTION NO: 200083052123 DATE OF PROD: 5/22/23 Test Method Spec Min Spec Max Actual Melt Index,g/10min ASTM D1238 0 .1 .068 HLMI, g/10 min. ASTM D1238 9 15 11.3 Density, g/cm3 ASTM D1505 .935 .939 .9372 QC SUPERVISOR Product: 40-HD-11-BLK-BLK-GRI-STD-24.00 QC'd By: VvAivah Ott i Project : WCI Anson Phase 4 Cell 2, NC Date: September 6, 2023 Customer: Waste Connections Inc. Cust P0: 6115-23-0002 We hereby certify the following test results for the above referenced product/project Thick Thick Asperity Tensile Elong Tensile Elong Tear Punct Carbon CB Disp Resin ness ness Height at Yield at Yield at Break at Break Resistance Resist Density Black (Views OIT Roll Area MAV MIN (mil) (ppi) (%) (ppi) (%) (lb) (lb) (glcc) ° (/°) in Cat Minute ( ) Resin Count (mil) (mil) 1 or 2) Number (sq ft) Lot # ASTM ASTM ASTM D 7466 ASTM D 6693 ASTM D 6693 ASTM D 6693 ASTM D 6693 ASTM D 1004 ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM Side A Side B MD TD MD TD MD TD MD TD MD TD D 5994 D 5994 D 4833 D 1505 D 4218 D 5596 D 3895 01 3102402001 17,160.00 40 35 25 25 109 114 16 14 130 116 475 ` 434 37 39 113 0.947 2.4 10 249 23E1254 02 3102402002 17,160.00 38 35 25 25 107 112 17 15 141 118 530 498 37 40 107 0.949 2.5 10 249 23E1254 DCN: SKAPS LOG 014 SKAPS Industries Phone: 706-336-7000 Effective Date: January 07,2022 571 Industrial Parkway Fax: 706-336-7007 Rev 2 Commerce, GA 30529 E-Mail:contact@skaps.com APPENDIX C Section 2 GCL CETCO COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY RECAP SHEETS TO: WASTE CONNECTIONS FROM: CETCO / ENRIQUE WCN - ANSON COUNTY LF EXPANSION PHASE 4 CELL 2 CELL ('23) POLKTON, NC. 28135 SUSAN.REID(@WASTECONNECTIONS.COM TYLERF(c)WCNX.ORG LO - E-MAIL: enrique.sanchez@mineraistech.com / jennifer.ma CUSTOMER PO# 6115-23-002 ORDER: 294,750 SFT BENTOMAT ST (131 ROLLS) 15 BAGS CG-50 ORDER # TRUCK SHIP DATE ROLLS ROLL SFT BAGS 55080095 DND RUNNER 7/15/2023 12 27000 15 55080097 D&E 7/15/2023 17 38250 0 55080098 MANAS EXPRESS 7/15/2023 17 38250 0 55080099 DND RUNNER 7/15/2023 17 38250 0 55080100 55080101 55080102 55080103 TOTALS 63 141750 15 Page 1 of 1 A& AMERICAN COLLOID COMPANY y Carrier : DND RUNNER CONSIGNED TO : WASTE CONNECTIONS ANSON LANDFILL 375 DOZER DRIVE POLKTON NC 28135 Phone : Trailer Type : Flatb Driver Phone Number Sold To : 851626 Ship To : 851627 Consigned PO : 6115-23-0002 Truck # : 4316 Trailer # : 63898 / Shippers No : 55080095 Delivery No : 32844316 COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC 2870 FORBS AVENUE HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60192 Ship Date : 07/15/2023 Via : TRUCK FOB : Shipping Point Shipping Plant: COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC LL1 92 HIGHWAY 37 PO BOX 428 LOVELL WY 82431 Product Lots : Seal # : Container/Pro # : Global Comments : Carrier is responsible for cargo securement and protection from loss and damage... **ATTENTION RECEIVING** Do not sign for this shipment until you have thoroughly inspected for any shortages/damages. No recourse for shortages/damages with shipper, unless noted on delivery receipt. Customer Comments: MUST CALL 24 HOURS PRIOR TO DELIVERY SITE CONTACT TYLER FITZGERALD 704-690-3240 27000.0000 FT2 27000.0000 FT2 BENTOMAT® ST 32670.0000 110 , CLOTH,FABRIC OR PIECE GOODS,NOI,OTHER THAN FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF CLOTHING: CLASS 65 / ITEM 49265 SUB 10 15.0000 EA 15.0000 EA VOLCLAY® CG-50 750.0000 012 , CLAY-BENTONITE-GROUND CLASS 50 ITEM 48170 / 3295232 3295232 Gross: 31320 Tare: 0 Shipped Qty: Subject to section 7 of conditions, if this shipment is to be delivered to If the charges are to be prepaid, the consignee without recourse on the consignor, the consignor shall write or stamp here, "Prepaid." sign the following statement: The carrier shall not make delivery of this PREPAID shipment without payment of freight and all other lawful charges Shipper liable for the linehaul charges COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL only. COD charges to be paid by: Consignee TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC Total Net Weight: 31320 Mark with an 'X' to designate hazardous materials as defined in title 49 of the code of Federal Regulations. Received Subject to the classifications and lawfully filed tariffs in effect on the date of issued of this billing of lading, the properly described above in apparent good order, expect as noted (contents and conditions of contents of packages unknown) marked, consigned, and destined as indicated above which said carrier (the word carrier being understood throughout this contract as meaning any person or corporation in possession of the property under the contract) agrees to carry to its usual place of delivery at said destination, if on its route, otherwise to deliver to another carrier on the route to said destination. It is mutually agreed as to each carrier of all or any of the said property over all or any portion of the said route to destination , and as to each party at any time interested in all or any said property, that every service to be performed hereunder shall be subject to all the terms and conditions of the Uniform Domestic Strig ht Bill of Lading set forth (1) in Uniform Freight Classifications in effect on the date hereof, if this is a rail or a rail -water shipment, or (2) in the applicable motor carrier classification or tariff if this is a motor carrier shipment.able motor carrier classification or tariff if this is a motor carrier shipment. Shipper hereby certifies that he is familiar with all the terms and conditions of the said bill of lading, set forth in the classification of tariff which governs the transportation of this shipment, and the said terms and conditions are hereby agreed to by the shipper and accepted for himself and his assigns. (i�'ACarrier: This is to certify that the above named materials are properly classified, described, packaged, and labeled and are in proper condition for transportation according to the applicable regulations of the department of Transportation. Per Placards Required? Yes/No Supplied? Yes/No TECHNOLOGIES MINERALS PACKING LIST ..... O ,I PURCHASE ORDER NO: 6115-23-0002 ORDER NO: 55080095 BOL NO: 3428151 SHIP FROM: COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC ORDER DATE: 14-JUL-2023 92 HIGHWAY 37 DELIVERY DATE: 15-JUL-2023 PO BOX 428 LOVELL, WY 82431 US SHIP TO: WASTE CONNECTIONS SOLD TO : WASTE CONNECTIONS (KNOXVILLE, TN) ANSON LANDFILL ATTN SUSAN REID 375 DOZER DRIVE 11400 PARKSIDE DRIVE SUITE 500 POLKTON, NC 28135 US KNOXVILLE, TN 37934 US PACKING INSTRUCTIONS: ORDERED UOM1 SHIPPED PRODUCT DESCRIPTION LOT# LOT QUANTITY BATCH / WEIGHT(Ibs ) QUANTITY QUANTITY I ROLL# 15 EA 15 VOLCLAY® CG-50 L 15 BATCH2619 750 PALLET COUNT: 0 UNIT COUNT: 15 SECONDARY UOM : EA 27000 FT2 27000 BENTOMAT® ST LL-27-2023:5172 2250 BATCH7659 2570 LL-27-2023:5180 2250 BATCH7659 2595 LL-27-2023:5185 2250 BATCH7659 2565 LL-27-2023:5186 2250 BATCH7659 2545 LL-27-2023:5212 2250 BATCH7659 2575 LL-27-2023:5213 2250 BATCH7659 2535 LL-27-2023:5189 2250 BATCH7659 2540 LL-27-2023:5190 2250 BATCH7659 2535 LL-27-2023:5205 2250 BATCH7659 2510 LL-27-2023:5211 2250 BATCH7659 2530 LL-27-2023:5188 2250 BATCH7659 2525 LL-27-2023:5187 2250 BATCH7659 2545 PALLET COUNT: 0 UNIT COUNT: 12 SECONDARY UOM : RL TOTAL WEIGHT: 31320 COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC Page 1 of 1 Report Date:16-Jul-2023 11:23 •A& AMERICAN COLLOID COMPANY Carrier : D&E CONSIGNED TO : WASTE CONNECTIONS ANSON LANDFILL 375 DOZER DRIVE POLKTON NC 28135 Phone : Trailer Type : Flatb Driver Phone Number Sold To : 851626 Ship To : 851627 Consigned PO : 6115-23-0002 Truck # : 297 Trailer # : 48558 / Shippers No : 55080097 Delivery No : 32842833 COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC 2870 FORBS AVENUE HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60192 Ship Date : 07/15/2023 Via : TRUCK FOB : Shipping Point Shipping Plant: COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC LL1 92 HIGHWAY 37 PO BOX 428 LOVELL WY 82431 Product Lots : Seal # : Container/Pro # : Global Comments : Carrier is responsible for cargo securement and protection from loss and damage... **ATTENTION RECEIVING** Do not sign for this shipment until you have thoroughly inspected for any shortages/damages. No recourse for shortages/damages with shipper, unless noted on delivery receipt. Customer Comments: MUST CALL 24 HOURS PRIOR TO DELIVERY SITE CONTACT TYLER FITZGERALD 704-690-3240 38250.0000 FT2 38250.0000 FT2 BENTOMAT® ST 46282.5000 110 , CLOTH,FABRIC OR PIECE GOODS,NOI,OTHER THAN FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF CLOTHING: CLASS 65 / ITEM 49265 SUB 10 Gross: 44605 Tare: 0 Shipped Qty: Subject to section 7 of conditions, if this shipment is to be delivered to If the charges are to be prepaid, the consignee without recourse on the consignor, the consignor shall write or stamp here, "Prepaid." sign the following statement: The carrier shall not make delivery of this PREPAID shipment without payment of freight and all other lawful charges Shipper liable for the linehaul charges COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL only. COD charges to be paid by: Consignee TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC Total Net Weight: 44605 Mark with an 'X' to designate hazardous materials as defined in title 49 of the code of Federal Regulations. Received Subject to the classifications and lawfully filed tariffs in effect on the date of issued of this billing of lading, the properly described above in apparent good order, expect as noted (contents and conditions of contents of packages unknown) marked, consigned, and destined as indicated above which said carrier (the word carrier being understood throughout this contract as meaning any person or corporation in possession of the property under the contract) agrees to carry to its usual place of delivery at said destination, if on its route, otherwise to deliver to another carrier on the route to said destination. It is mutually agreed as to each carrier of all or any of the said property over all or any portion of the said route to destination , and as to each party at any time interested in all or any said property, that every service to be performed hereunder shall be subject to all the terms and conditions of the Uniform Domestic Stright Bill of Lading set forth (1) in Uniform Freight Classifications in effect on the date hereof, if this is a rail or a rail -water shipment, or (2) in the applicable motor carrier classification or tariff if this is a motor carrier shipment.able motor carrier classification or tariff if this is a motor carrier shipment. Shipper hereby certifies that he is familiar with all the terms and conditions of the said bill of lading, set forth in the classification of tariff which governs the transportation of this shipment, and the said terms and conditions are hereby agreed to by the shipper and accepted for himself and his assigns. Carrier: This is to certify that the above named materials are properly classified, described, packaged, and labeled and are in proper condition for transportation according to the applicable regulations of the department of Transportation. Per Placards Required? Yes/No Supplied? Yes/No TECHNOLOGIES MINERALS PACKING LIST ..... O ,I PURCHASE ORDER NO: 6115-23-0002 ORDER NO: 55080097 BOL NO: 3428180 SHIP FROM: COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC ORDER DATE: 14-JUL-2023 92 HIGHWAY 37 DELIVERY DATE: 15-JUL-2023 PO BOX 428 LOVELL, WY 82431 US SHIP TO: WASTE CONNECTIONS SOLD TO : WASTE CONNECTIONS (KNOXVILLE, TN) ANSON LANDFILL ATTN SUSAN REID 375 DOZER DRIVE 11400 PARKSIDE DRIVE SUITE 500 POLKTON, NC 28135 US KNOXVILLE, TN 37934 US PACKING INSTRUCTIONS: ORDERED UOM1 SHIPPED PRODUCT DESCRIPTION LOT# LOT QUANTITY BATCH / WEIGHT(Ibs ) QUANTITY QUANTITY I ROLL# 38250 FT2 38250 BENTOMAT® ST LL-27-2023:5257 2250 BATCH7659 2645 LL-27-2023:5291 2250 BATCH7659 2550 LL-27-2023:5292 2250 BATCH7659 2555 LL-27-2023:5258 2250 BATCH7659 2650 LL-27-2023:5259 2250 BATCH7659 2655 LL-27-2023:5260 2250 BATCH7659 2625 LL-27-2023:5261 2250 BATCH7659 2645 LL-27-2023:5262 2250 BATCH7659 2640 LL-27-2023:5263 2250 BATCH7659 2640 LL-27-2023:5266 2250 BATCH7659 2685 LL-27-2023:5268 2250 BATCH7659 2615 LL-27-2023:5269 2250 BATCH7659 2590 LL-27-2023:5271 2250 BATCH7659 2590 LL-27-2023:5274 2250 BATCH7659 2645 LL-27-2023:5277 2250 BATCH7659 2590 LL-27-2023:5280 2250 BATCH7659 2645 LL-27-2023:5254 2250 BATCH7659 2640 PALLET COUNT: 0 UNIT COUNT: 17 SECONDARY UOM : RL TOTAL WEIGHT: 44605 COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC Page 1 of 1 Report Date:16-Jul-2023 11:23 •A& AMERICAN COLLOID COMPANY Carrier : MANAS EXPRESS CONSIGNED TO : WASTE CONNECTIONS ANSON LANDFILL 375 DOZER DRIVE POLKTON NC 28135 Phone : Trailer Type : Flatb Driver Phone Number Sold To : 851626 Ship To : 851627 Consigned PO : 6115-23-0002 Truck # : 34686 Trailer # : 111 / Shippers No : 55080098 Delivery No : 32842832 COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC 2870 FORBS AVENUE HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60192 Ship Date : 07/15/2023 Via : TRUCK FOB : Shipping Point Shipping Plant: COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC LL1 92 HIGHWAY 37 PO BOX 428 LOVELL WY 82431 Product Lots : Seal # : Container/Pro # : Global Comments : Carrier is responsible for cargo securement and protection from loss and damage... **ATTENTION RECEIVING** Do not sign for this shipment until you have thoroughly inspected for any shortages/damages. No recourse for shortages/damages with shipper, unless noted on delivery receipt. Customer Comments: MUST CALL 24 HOURS PRIOR TO DELIVERY SITE CONTACT TYLER FITZGERALD 704-690-3240 38250.0000 FT2 38250.0000 FT2 BENTOMAT® ST 46282.5000 110 , CLOTH,FABRIC OR PIECE GOODS,NOI,OTHER THAN FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF CLOTHING: CLASS 65 / ITEM 49265 SUB 10 Gross: 44205 Tare: 0 Shipped Qty: Subject to section 7 of conditions, if this shipment is to be delivered to If the charges are to be prepaid, the consignee without recourse on the consignor, the consignor shall write or stamp here, "Prepaid." sign the following statement: The carrier shall not make delivery of this PREPAID shipment without payment of freight and all other lawful charges Shipper liable for the linehaul charges COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL only. COD charges to be paid by: Consignee TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC Total Net Weight: 44205 Mark with an 'X' to designate hazardous materials as defined in title 49 of the code of Federal Regulations. Received Subject to the classifications and lawfully filed tariffs in effect on the date of issued of this billing of lading, the properly described above in apparent good order, expect as noted (contents and conditions of contents of packages unknown) marked, consigned, and destined as indicated above which said carrier (the word carrier being understood throughout this contract as meaning any person or corporation in possession of the property under the contract) agrees to carry to its usual place of delivery at said destination, if on its route, otherwise to deliver to another carrier on the route to said destination. It is mutually agreed as to each carrier of all or any of the said property over all or any portion of the said route to destination , and as to each party at any time interested in all or any said property, that every service to be performed hereunder shall be subject to all the terms and conditions of the Uniform Domestic Stright Bill of Lading set forth (1) in Uniform Freight Classifications in effect on the date hereof, if this is a rail or a rail -water shipment, or (2) in the applicable motor carrier classification or tariff if this is a motor carrier shipment.able motor carrier classification or tariff if this is a motor carrier shipment. Shipper hereby certifies that he is familiar with all the terms and conditions of the said bill of lading, set forth in the classification of tariff which governs the transportation of this shipment, and the said terms and conditions are hereby agreed to by the shipper and accepted for himself and his assigns. Carrier: This is to certify that the above named materials are properly classified, described, packaged, and labeled and are in proper condition for transportation according to the applicable regulations of the department of Transportation. Per Placards Required? Yes/No Supplied? Yes/No TECHNOLOGIES MINERALS PACKING LIST ..... O ,I PURCHASE ORDER NO: 6115-23-0002 ORDER NO: 55080098 BOL NO: 3428178 SHIP FROM: COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC ORDER DATE: 14-JUL-2023 92 HIGHWAY 37 DELIVERY DATE: 15-JUL-2023 PO BOX 428 LOVELL, WY 82431 US SHIP TO: WASTE CONNECTIONS SOLD TO : WASTE CONNECTIONS (KNOXVILLE, TN) ANSON LANDFILL ATTN SUSAN REID 375 DOZER DRIVE 11400 PARKSIDE DRIVE SUITE 500 POLKTON, NC 28135 US KNOXVILLE, TN 37934 US PACKING INSTRUCTIONS: ORDERED UOM1 SHIPPED PRODUCT DESCRIPTION LOT# LOT QUANTITY BATCH / WEIGHT(Ibs ) QUANTITY QUANTITY I ROLL# 38250 FT2 38250 BENTOMAT® ST LL-27-2023:5201 2250 BATCH7659 2545 LL-27-2023:5293 2250 BATCH7659 2570 LL-27-2023:5294 2250 BATCH7659 2545 LL-27-2023:5206 2250 BATCH7659 2500 LL-27-2023:5209 2250 BATCH7659 2530 LL-27-2023:5216 2250 BATCH7659 2595 LL-27-2023:5218 2250 BATCH7659 2605 LL-27-2023:5219 2250 BATCH7659 2595 LL-27-2023:5222 2250 BATCH7659 2640 LL-27-2023:5223 2250 BATCH7659 2695 LL-27-2023:5231 2250 BATCH7659 2750 LL-27-2023:5246 2250 BATCH7659 2635 LL-27-2023:5265 2250 BATCH7659 2625 LL-27-2023:5270 2250 BATCH7659 2580 LL-27-2023:5282 2250 BATCH7659 2630 LL-27-2023:5283 2250 BATCH7659 2570 LL-27-2023:5192 2250 BATCH7659 2595 PALLET COUNT: 0 UNIT COUNT: 17 SECONDARY UOM : RL TOTAL WEIGHT: 44205 COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC Page 1 of 1 Report Date:16-Jul-2023 11:23 •A& AMERICAN COLLOID COMPANY Carrier : DND RUNNER CONSIGNED TO : WASTE CONNECTIONS ANSON LANDFILL 375 DOZER DRIVE POLKTON NC 28135 Phone : Trailer Type : Flatb Driver Phone Number Sold To : 851626 Ship To : 851627 Consigned PO : 6115-23-0002 Truck # : 2246 Trailer # : 800 / Shippers No : 55080099 Delivery No : 32842834 COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC 2870 FORBS AVENUE HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60192 Ship Date : 07/15/2023 Via : TRUCK FOB : Shipping Point Shipping Plant: COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC LL1 92 HIGHWAY 37 PO BOX 428 LOVELL WY 82431 Product Lots : Seal # : Container/Pro # : Global Comments : Carrier is responsible for cargo securement and protection from loss and damage... **ATTENTION RECEIVING** Do not sign for this shipment until you have thoroughly inspected for any shortages/damages. No recourse for shortages/damages with shipper, unless noted on delivery receipt. Customer Comments: MUST CALL 24 HOURS PRIOR TO DELIVERY SITE CONTACT TYLER FITZGERALD 704-690-3240 38250.0000 FT2 38250.0000 FT2 BENTOMAT® ST 46282.5000 110 , CLOTH,FABRIC OR PIECE GOODS,NOI,OTHER THAN FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF CLOTHING: CLASS 65 / ITEM 49265 SUB 10 Gross: 44370 Tare: 0 Shipped Qty: Subject to section 7 of conditions, if this shipment is to be delivered to If the charges are to be prepaid, the consignee without recourse on the consignor, the consignor shall write or stamp here, "Prepaid." sign the following statement: The carrier shall not make delivery of this PREPAID shipment without payment of freight and all other lawful charges Shipper liable for the linehaul charges COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL only. COD charges to be paid by: Consignee TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC Total Net Weight: 44370 Mark with an 'X' to designate hazardous materials as defined in title 49 of the code of Federal Regulations. Received Subject to the classifications and lawfully filed tariffs in effect on the date of issued of this billing of lading, the properly described above in apparent good order, expect as noted (contents and conditions of contents of packages unknown) marked, consigned, and destined as indicated above which said carrier (the word carrier being understood throughout this contract as meaning any person or corporation in possession of the property under the contract) agrees to carry to its usual place of delivery at said destination, if on its route, otherwise to deliver to another carrier on the route to said destination. It is mutually agreed as to each carrier of all or any of the said property over all or any portion of the said route to destination , and as to each party at any time interested in all or any said property, that every service to be performed hereunder shall be subject to all the terms and conditions of the Uniform Domestic Stright Bill of Lading set forth (1) in Uniform Freight Classifications in effect on the date hereof, if this is a rail or a rail -water shipment, or (2) in the applicable motor carrier classification or tariff if this is a motor carrier shipment.able motor carrier classification or tariff if this is a motor carrier shipment. Shipper hereby certifies that he is familiar with all the terms and conditions of the said bill of lading, set forth in the classification of tariff which governs the transportation of this shipment, and the said terms and conditions are hereby agreed to by the ship er and accepted for himself and his assigns. Carrier: This is to certify that the above named materials are properly classified, described, packaged, and labeled and are in proper condition for transportation according to the applicable regulations of the department of Transportation. Per Placards Required? Yes/No Supplied? Yes/No TECHNOLOGIES MINERALS PACKING LIST ..... O ,I PURCHASE ORDER NO: 6115-23-0002 ORDER NO: 55080099 BOL NO: 3428179 SHIP FROM: COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC ORDER DATE: 14-JUL-2023 92 HIGHWAY 37 DELIVERY DATE: 15-JUL-2023 PO BOX 428 LOVELL, WY 82431 US SHIP TO: WASTE CONNECTIONS SOLD TO : WASTE CONNECTIONS (KNOXVILLE, TN) ANSON LANDFILL ATTN SUSAN REID 375 DOZER DRIVE 11400 PARKSIDE DRIVE SUITE 500 POLKTON, NC 28135 US KNOXVILLE, TN 37934 US PACKING INSTRUCTIONS: ORDERED UOM1 SHIPPED PRODUCT DESCRIPTION LOT# LOT QUANTITY BATCH / WEIGHT(Ibs ) QUANTITY QUANTITY I ROLL# 38250 FT2 38250 BENTOMAT® ST LL-27-2023:5250 2250 BATCH7659 2645 LL-27-2023:5281 2250 BATCH7659 2600 LL-27-2023:5284 2250 BATCH7659 2570 LL-27-2023:5286 2250 BATCH7659 2550 LL-27-2023:5287 2250 BATCH7659 2550 LL-27-2023:5288 2250 BATCH7659 2570 LL-27-2023:5289 2250 BATCH7659 2595 LL-27-2023:5290 2250 BATCH7659 2600 LL-27-2023:5252 2250 BATCH7659 2625 LL-27-2023:5264 2250 BATCH7659 2645 LL-27-2023:5272 2250 BATCH7659 2605 LL-27-2023:5273 2250 BATCH7659 2790 LL-27-2023:5275 2250 BATCH7659 2620 LL-27-2023:5276 2250 BATCH7659 2580 LL-27-2023:5278 2250 BATCH7659 2610 LL-27-2023:5279 2250 BATCH7659 2630 LL-27-2023:5285 2250 BATCH7659 2585 PALLET COUNT: 0 UNIT COUNT: 17 SECONDARY UOM : RL TOTAL WEIGHT: 44370 COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC Page 1 of 1 Report Date:16-Jul-2023 11:23 A& AMERICAN COLLOID COMPANY y Carrier : DND RUNNER CONSIGNED TO : WASTE CONNECTIONS ANSON LANDFILL 375 DOZER DRIVE POLKTON NC 28135 Phone : Trailer Type : Flatb Driver Phone Number Sold To : 851626 Ship To : 851627 Consigned PO : 6115-23-0002 Truck # : 4316 Trailer # : 63898 / Shippers No : 55080095 Delivery No : 32844316 COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC 2870 FORBS AVENUE HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60192 Ship Date : 07/15/2023 Via : TRUCK FOB : Shipping Point Shipping Plant: COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC LL1 92 HIGHWAY 37 PO BOX 428 LOVELL WY 82431 Product Lots : Seal # : Container/Pro # : Global Comments : Carrier is responsible for cargo securement and protection from loss and damage... **ATTENTION RECEIVING** Do not sign for this shipment until you have thoroughly inspected for any shortages/damages. No recourse for shortages/damages with shipper, unless noted on delivery receipt. Customer Comments: MUST CALL 24 HOURS PRIOR TO DELIVERY SITE CONTACT TYLER FITZGERALD 704-690-3240 27000.0000 FT2 27000.0000 FT2 BENTOMAT® ST 32670.0000 110 , CLOTH,FABRIC OR PIECE GOODS,NOI,OTHER THAN FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF CLOTHING: CLASS 65 / ITEM 49265 SUB 10 15.0000 EA 15.0000 EA VOLCLAY® CG-50 750.0000 012 , CLAY-BENTONITE-GROUND CLASS 50 ITEM 48170 / 3295232 3295232 Gross: 31320 Tare: 0 Shipped Qty: Subject to section 7 of conditions, if this shipment is to be delivered to If the charges are to be prepaid, the consignee without recourse on the consignor, the consignor shall write or stamp here, "Prepaid." sign the following statement: The carrier shall not make delivery of this PREPAID shipment without payment of freight and all other lawful charges Shipper liable for the linehaul charges COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL only. COD charges to be paid by: Consignee TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC Total Net Weight: 31320 Mark with an 'X' to designate hazardous materials as defined in title 49 of the code of Federal Regulations. Received Subject to the classifications and lawfully filed tariffs in effect on the date of issued of this billing of lading, the properly described above in apparent good order, expect as noted (contents and conditions of contents of packages unknown) marked, consigned, and destined as indicated above which said carrier (the word carrier being understood throughout this contract as meaning any person or corporation in possession of the property under the contract) agrees to carry to its usual place of delivery at said destination, if on its route, otherwise to deliver to another carrier on the route to said destination. It is mutually agreed as to each carrier of all or any of the said property over all or any portion of the said route to destination , and as to each party at any time interested in all or any said property, that every service to be performed hereunder shall be subject to all the terms and conditions of the Uniform Domestic Strig ht Bill of Lading set forth (1) in Uniform Freight Classifications in effect on the date hereof, if this is a rail or a rail -water shipment, or (2) in the applicable motor carrier classification or tariff if this is a motor carrier shipment.able motor carrier classification or tariff if this is a motor carrier shipment. Shipper hereby certifies that he is familiar with all the terms and conditions of the said bill of lading, set forth in the classification of tariff which governs the transportation of this shipment, and the said terms and conditions are hereby agreed to by the shipper and accepted for himself and his assigns. (i�'ACarrier: This is to certify that the above named materials are properly classified, described, packaged, and labeled and are in proper condition for transportation according to the applicable regulations of the department of Transportation. Per Placards Required? Yes/No Supplied? Yes/No TECHNOLOGIES MINERALS PACKING LIST ..... O ,I PURCHASE ORDER NO: 6115-23-0002 ORDER NO: 55080095 BOL NO: 3428151 SHIP FROM: COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC ORDER DATE: 14-JUL-2023 92 HIGHWAY 37 DELIVERY DATE: 15-JUL-2023 PO BOX 428 LOVELL, WY 82431 US SHIP TO: WASTE CONNECTIONS SOLD TO : WASTE CONNECTIONS (KNOXVILLE, TN) ANSON LANDFILL ATTN SUSAN REID 375 DOZER DRIVE 11400 PARKSIDE DRIVE SUITE 500 POLKTON, NC 28135 US KNOXVILLE, TN 37934 US PACKING INSTRUCTIONS: ORDERED UOM1 SHIPPED PRODUCT DESCRIPTION LOT# LOT QUANTITY BATCH / WEIGHT(Ibs ) QUANTITY QUANTITY I ROLL# 15 EA 15 VOLCLAY® CG-50 L 15 BATCH2619 750 PALLET COUNT: 0 UNIT COUNT: 15 SECONDARY UOM : EA 27000 FT2 27000 BENTOMAT® ST LL-27-2023:5172 2250 BATCH7659 2570 LL-27-2023:5180 2250 BATCH7659 2595 LL-27-2023:5185 2250 BATCH7659 2565 LL-27-2023:5186 2250 BATCH7659 2545 LL-27-2023:5212 2250 BATCH7659 2575 LL-27-2023:5213 2250 BATCH7659 2535 LL-27-2023:5189 2250 BATCH7659 2540 LL-27-2023:5190 2250 BATCH7659 2535 LL-27-2023:5205 2250 BATCH7659 2510 LL-27-2023:5211 2250 BATCH7659 2530 LL-27-2023:5188 2250 BATCH7659 2525 LL-27-2023:5187 2250 BATCH7659 2545 PALLET COUNT: 0 UNIT COUNT: 12 SECONDARY UOM : RL TOTAL WEIGHT: 31320 COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC Page 1 of 1 Report Date:16-Jul-2023 11:23 •A& AMERICAN COLLOID COMPANY Carrier : D&E CONSIGNED TO : WASTE CONNECTIONS ANSON LANDFILL 375 DOZER DRIVE POLKTON NC 28135 Phone : Trailer Type : Flatb Driver Phone Number Sold To : 851626 Ship To : 851627 Consigned PO : 6115-23-0002 Truck # : 297 Trailer # : 48558 / Shippers No : 55080097 Delivery No : 32842833 COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC 2870 FORBS AVENUE HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60192 Ship Date : 07/15/2023 Via : TRUCK FOB : Shipping Point Shipping Plant: COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC LL1 92 HIGHWAY 37 PO BOX 428 LOVELL WY 82431 Product Lots : Seal # : Container/Pro # : Global Comments : Carrier is responsible for cargo securement and protection from loss and damage... **ATTENTION RECEIVING** Do not sign for this shipment until you have thoroughly inspected for any shortages/damages. No recourse for shortages/damages with shipper, unless noted on delivery receipt. Customer Comments: MUST CALL 24 HOURS PRIOR TO DELIVERY SITE CONTACT TYLER FITZGERALD 704-690-3240 38250.0000 FT2 38250.0000 FT2 BENTOMAT® ST 46282.5000 110 , CLOTH,FABRIC OR PIECE GOODS,NOI,OTHER THAN FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF CLOTHING: CLASS 65 / ITEM 49265 SUB 10 Gross: 44605 Tare: 0 Shipped Qty: Subject to section 7 of conditions, if this shipment is to be delivered to If the charges are to be prepaid, the consignee without recourse on the consignor, the consignor shall write or stamp here, "Prepaid." sign the following statement: The carrier shall not make delivery of this PREPAID shipment without payment of freight and all other lawful charges Shipper liable for the linehaul charges COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL only. COD charges to be paid by: Consignee TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC Total Net Weight: 44605 Mark with an 'X' to designate hazardous materials as defined in title 49 of the code of Federal Regulations. Received Subject to the classifications and lawfully filed tariffs in effect on the date of issued of this billing of lading, the properly described above in apparent good order, expect as noted (contents and conditions of contents of packages unknown) marked, consigned, and destined as indicated above which said carrier (the word carrier being understood throughout this contract as meaning any person or corporation in possession of the property under the contract) agrees to carry to its usual place of delivery at said destination, if on its route, otherwise to deliver to another carrier on the route to said destination. It is mutually agreed as to each carrier of all or any of the said property over all or any portion of the said route to destination , and as to each party at any time interested in all or any said property, that every service to be performed hereunder shall be subject to all the terms and conditions of the Uniform Domestic Stright Bill of Lading set forth (1) in Uniform Freight Classifications in effect on the date hereof, if this is a rail or a rail -water shipment, or (2) in the applicable motor carrier classification or tariff if this is a motor carrier shipment.able motor carrier classification or tariff if this is a motor carrier shipment. Shipper hereby certifies that he is familiar with all the terms and conditions of the said bill of lading, set forth in the classification of tariff which governs the transportation of this shipment, and the said terms and conditions are hereby agreed to by the shipper and accepted for himself and his assigns. Carrier: This is to certify that the above named materials are properly classified, described, packaged, and labeled and are in proper condition for transportation according to the applicable regulations of the department of Transportation. Per Placards Required? Yes/No Supplied? Yes/No TECHNOLOGIES MINERALS PACKING LIST ..... O ,I PURCHASE ORDER NO: 6115-23-0002 ORDER NO: 55080097 BOL NO: 3428180 SHIP FROM: COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC ORDER DATE: 14-JUL-2023 92 HIGHWAY 37 DELIVERY DATE: 15-JUL-2023 PO BOX 428 LOVELL, WY 82431 US SHIP TO: WASTE CONNECTIONS SOLD TO : WASTE CONNECTIONS (KNOXVILLE, TN) ANSON LANDFILL ATTN SUSAN REID 375 DOZER DRIVE 11400 PARKSIDE DRIVE SUITE 500 POLKTON, NC 28135 US KNOXVILLE, TN 37934 US PACKING INSTRUCTIONS: ORDERED UOM1 SHIPPED PRODUCT DESCRIPTION LOT# LOT QUANTITY BATCH / WEIGHT(Ibs ) QUANTITY QUANTITY I ROLL# 38250 FT2 38250 BENTOMAT® ST LL-27-2023:5257 2250 BATCH7659 2645 LL-27-2023:5291 2250 BATCH7659 2550 LL-27-2023:5292 2250 BATCH7659 2555 LL-27-2023:5258 2250 BATCH7659 2650 LL-27-2023:5259 2250 BATCH7659 2655 LL-27-2023:5260 2250 BATCH7659 2625 LL-27-2023:5261 2250 BATCH7659 2645 LL-27-2023:5262 2250 BATCH7659 2640 LL-27-2023:5263 2250 BATCH7659 2640 LL-27-2023:5266 2250 BATCH7659 2685 LL-27-2023:5268 2250 BATCH7659 2615 LL-27-2023:5269 2250 BATCH7659 2590 LL-27-2023:5271 2250 BATCH7659 2590 LL-27-2023:5274 2250 BATCH7659 2645 LL-27-2023:5277 2250 BATCH7659 2590 LL-27-2023:5280 2250 BATCH7659 2645 LL-27-2023:5254 2250 BATCH7659 2640 PALLET COUNT: 0 UNIT COUNT: 17 SECONDARY UOM : RL TOTAL WEIGHT: 44605 COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC Page 1 of 1 Report Date:16-Jul-2023 11:23 •A& AMERICAN COLLOID COMPANY Carrier : MANAS EXPRESS CONSIGNED TO : WASTE CONNECTIONS ANSON LANDFILL 375 DOZER DRIVE POLKTON NC 28135 Phone : Trailer Type : Flatb Driver Phone Number Sold To : 851626 Ship To : 851627 Consigned PO : 6115-23-0002 Truck # : 34686 Trailer # : 111 / Shippers No : 55080098 Delivery No : 32842832 COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC 2870 FORBS AVENUE HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60192 Ship Date : 07/15/2023 Via : TRUCK FOB : Shipping Point Shipping Plant: COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC LL1 92 HIGHWAY 37 PO BOX 428 LOVELL WY 82431 Product Lots : Seal # : Container/Pro # : Global Comments : Carrier is responsible for cargo securement and protection from loss and damage... **ATTENTION RECEIVING** Do not sign for this shipment until you have thoroughly inspected for any shortages/damages. No recourse for shortages/damages with shipper, unless noted on delivery receipt. Customer Comments: MUST CALL 24 HOURS PRIOR TO DELIVERY SITE CONTACT TYLER FITZGERALD 704-690-3240 38250.0000 FT2 38250.0000 FT2 BENTOMAT® ST 46282.5000 110 , CLOTH,FABRIC OR PIECE GOODS,NOI,OTHER THAN FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF CLOTHING: CLASS 65 / ITEM 49265 SUB 10 Gross: 44205 Tare: 0 Shipped Qty: Subject to section 7 of conditions, if this shipment is to be delivered to If the charges are to be prepaid, the consignee without recourse on the consignor, the consignor shall write or stamp here, "Prepaid." sign the following statement: The carrier shall not make delivery of this PREPAID shipment without payment of freight and all other lawful charges Shipper liable for the linehaul charges COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL only. COD charges to be paid by: Consignee TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC Total Net Weight: 44205 Mark with an 'X' to designate hazardous materials as defined in title 49 of the code of Federal Regulations. Received Subject to the classifications and lawfully filed tariffs in effect on the date of issued of this billing of lading, the properly described above in apparent good order, expect as noted (contents and conditions of contents of packages unknown) marked, consigned, and destined as indicated above which said carrier (the word carrier being understood throughout this contract as meaning any person or corporation in possession of the property under the contract) agrees to carry to its usual place of delivery at said destination, if on its route, otherwise to deliver to another carrier on the route to said destination. It is mutually agreed as to each carrier of all or any of the said property over all or any portion of the said route to destination , and as to each party at any time interested in all or any said property, that every service to be performed hereunder shall be subject to all the terms and conditions of the Uniform Domestic Stright Bill of Lading set forth (1) in Uniform Freight Classifications in effect on the date hereof, if this is a rail or a rail -water shipment, or (2) in the applicable motor carrier classification or tariff if this is a motor carrier shipment.able motor carrier classification or tariff if this is a motor carrier shipment. Shipper hereby certifies that he is familiar with all the terms and conditions of the said bill of lading, set forth in the classification of tariff which governs the transportation of this shipment, and the said terms and conditions are hereby agreed to by the shipper and accepted for himself and his assigns. Carrier: This is to certify that the above named materials are properly classified, described, packaged, and labeled and are in proper condition for transportation according to the applicable regulations of the department of Transportation. Per Placards Required? Yes/No Supplied? Yes/No TECHNOLOGIES MINERALS PACKING LIST ..... O ,I PURCHASE ORDER NO: 6115-23-0002 ORDER NO: 55080098 BOL NO: 3428178 SHIP FROM: COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC ORDER DATE: 14-JUL-2023 92 HIGHWAY 37 DELIVERY DATE: 15-JUL-2023 PO BOX 428 LOVELL, WY 82431 US SHIP TO: WASTE CONNECTIONS SOLD TO : WASTE CONNECTIONS (KNOXVILLE, TN) ANSON LANDFILL ATTN SUSAN REID 375 DOZER DRIVE 11400 PARKSIDE DRIVE SUITE 500 POLKTON, NC 28135 US KNOXVILLE, TN 37934 US PACKING INSTRUCTIONS: ORDERED UOM1 SHIPPED PRODUCT DESCRIPTION LOT# LOT QUANTITY BATCH / WEIGHT(Ibs ) QUANTITY QUANTITY I ROLL# 38250 FT2 38250 BENTOMAT® ST LL-27-2023:5201 2250 BATCH7659 2545 LL-27-2023:5293 2250 BATCH7659 2570 LL-27-2023:5294 2250 BATCH7659 2545 LL-27-2023:5206 2250 BATCH7659 2500 LL-27-2023:5209 2250 BATCH7659 2530 LL-27-2023:5216 2250 BATCH7659 2595 LL-27-2023:5218 2250 BATCH7659 2605 LL-27-2023:5219 2250 BATCH7659 2595 LL-27-2023:5222 2250 BATCH7659 2640 LL-27-2023:5223 2250 BATCH7659 2695 LL-27-2023:5231 2250 BATCH7659 2750 LL-27-2023:5246 2250 BATCH7659 2635 LL-27-2023:5265 2250 BATCH7659 2625 LL-27-2023:5270 2250 BATCH7659 2580 LL-27-2023:5282 2250 BATCH7659 2630 LL-27-2023:5283 2250 BATCH7659 2570 LL-27-2023:5192 2250 BATCH7659 2595 PALLET COUNT: 0 UNIT COUNT: 17 SECONDARY UOM : RL TOTAL WEIGHT: 44205 COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC Page 1 of 1 Report Date:16-Jul-2023 11:23 •A& AMERICAN COLLOID COMPANY Carrier : DND RUNNER CONSIGNED TO : WASTE CONNECTIONS ANSON LANDFILL 375 DOZER DRIVE POLKTON NC 28135 Phone : Trailer Type : Flatb Driver Phone Number Sold To : 851626 Ship To : 851627 Consigned PO : 6115-23-0002 Truck # : 2246 Trailer # : 800 / Shippers No : 55080099 Delivery No : 32842834 COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC 2870 FORBS AVENUE HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60192 Ship Date : 07/15/2023 Via : TRUCK FOB : Shipping Point Shipping Plant: COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC LL1 92 HIGHWAY 37 PO BOX 428 LOVELL WY 82431 Product Lots : Seal # : Container/Pro # : Global Comments : Carrier is responsible for cargo securement and protection from loss and damage... **ATTENTION RECEIVING** Do not sign for this shipment until you have thoroughly inspected for any shortages/damages. No recourse for shortages/damages with shipper, unless noted on delivery receipt. Customer Comments: MUST CALL 24 HOURS PRIOR TO DELIVERY SITE CONTACT TYLER FITZGERALD 704-690-3240 38250.0000 FT2 38250.0000 FT2 BENTOMAT® ST 46282.5000 110 , CLOTH,FABRIC OR PIECE GOODS,NOI,OTHER THAN FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF CLOTHING: CLASS 65 / ITEM 49265 SUB 10 Gross: 44370 Tare: 0 Shipped Qty: Subject to section 7 of conditions, if this shipment is to be delivered to If the charges are to be prepaid, the consignee without recourse on the consignor, the consignor shall write or stamp here, "Prepaid." sign the following statement: The carrier shall not make delivery of this PREPAID shipment without payment of freight and all other lawful charges Shipper liable for the linehaul charges COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL only. COD charges to be paid by: Consignee TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC Total Net Weight: 44370 Mark with an 'X' to designate hazardous materials as defined in title 49 of the code of Federal Regulations. Received Subject to the classifications and lawfully filed tariffs in effect on the date of issued of this billing of lading, the properly described above in apparent good order, expect as noted (contents and conditions of contents of packages unknown) marked, consigned, and destined as indicated above which said carrier (the word carrier being understood throughout this contract as meaning any person or corporation in possession of the property under the contract) agrees to carry to its usual place of delivery at said destination, if on its route, otherwise to deliver to another carrier on the route to said destination. It is mutually agreed as to each carrier of all or any of the said property over all or any portion of the said route to destination , and as to each party at any time interested in all or any said property, that every service to be performed hereunder shall be subject to all the terms and conditions of the Uniform Domestic Stright Bill of Lading set forth (1) in Uniform Freight Classifications in effect on the date hereof, if this is a rail or a rail -water shipment, or (2) in the applicable motor carrier classification or tariff if this is a motor carrier shipment.able motor carrier classification or tariff if this is a motor carrier shipment. Shipper hereby certifies that he is familiar with all the terms and conditions of the said bill of lading, set forth in the classification of tariff which governs the transportation of this shipment, and the said terms and conditions are hereby agreed to by the ship er and accepted for himself and his assigns. Carrier: This is to certify that the above named materials are properly classified, described, packaged, and labeled and are in proper condition for transportation according to the applicable regulations of the department of Transportation. Per Placards Required? Yes/No Supplied? Yes/No TECHNOLOGIES MINERALS PACKING LIST ..... O ,I PURCHASE ORDER NO: 6115-23-0002 ORDER NO: 55080099 BOL NO: 3428179 SHIP FROM: COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC ORDER DATE: 14-JUL-2023 92 HIGHWAY 37 DELIVERY DATE: 15-JUL-2023 PO BOX 428 LOVELL, WY 82431 US SHIP TO: WASTE CONNECTIONS SOLD TO : WASTE CONNECTIONS (KNOXVILLE, TN) ANSON LANDFILL ATTN SUSAN REID 375 DOZER DRIVE 11400 PARKSIDE DRIVE SUITE 500 POLKTON, NC 28135 US KNOXVILLE, TN 37934 US PACKING INSTRUCTIONS: ORDERED UOM1 SHIPPED PRODUCT DESCRIPTION LOT# LOT QUANTITY BATCH / WEIGHT(Ibs ) QUANTITY QUANTITY I ROLL# 38250 FT2 38250 BENTOMAT® ST LL-27-2023:5250 2250 BATCH7659 2645 LL-27-2023:5281 2250 BATCH7659 2600 LL-27-2023:5284 2250 BATCH7659 2570 LL-27-2023:5286 2250 BATCH7659 2550 LL-27-2023:5287 2250 BATCH7659 2550 LL-27-2023:5288 2250 BATCH7659 2570 LL-27-2023:5289 2250 BATCH7659 2595 LL-27-2023:5290 2250 BATCH7659 2600 LL-27-2023:5252 2250 BATCH7659 2625 LL-27-2023:5264 2250 BATCH7659 2645 LL-27-2023:5272 2250 BATCH7659 2605 LL-27-2023:5273 2250 BATCH7659 2790 LL-27-2023:5275 2250 BATCH7659 2620 LL-27-2023:5276 2250 BATCH7659 2580 LL-27-2023:5278 2250 BATCH7659 2610 LL-27-2023:5279 2250 BATCH7659 2630 LL-27-2023:5285 2250 BATCH7659 2585 PALLET COUNT: 0 UNIT COUNT: 17 SECONDARY UOM : RL TOTAL WEIGHT: 44370 COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC Page 1 of 1 Report Date:16-Jul-2023 11:23 Date: 06-Jul-2023 22:23 Purchase Order: 6115-23-0002 ORDER NUMBER: 55079238 WASTE CONNECTIONS (KNOXVILLE, TN) ATTN SUSAN REID 11400 PARKSIDE DRIVE SUITE 500 KNOXVILLE,TN,37934 To Whom It May Concern: Please find the enclosed Manufacturing Quality Assurance/Manufacturing Quality Control (MQA/MQC) test data package for Geosynthetic Clay Liner (GCL) shipments to WASTE CONNECTIONS (KNOXVILLE, TN) . Questions regarding this information should be directed to CETCO® Technical Services at eptechservices@cetco.com. Sincerely, NICHOLLS, RYAN J Quality Assurance Coordinator CETCO® Lovell Plant GEOSYNTHETIC CLAY LINER MANUFACTURING QUALITY ASSURANCE DATA PACKAGE PROJECT NAME: CUSTOMER P.O.: 6115-23-0002 ORDER NUMBER: 55079238 PREPARED FOR: WASTE CONNECTIONS (KNOXVILLE, TN) CONTENTS: • Product Certifications • GCL Order Packing List and MQA Tracking Form • GCL Manufacturing Quality control test data • Bentonite clay certification • Raw Material Test results PREPARED BY: NICHOLLS, RYAN J Quality Assurance Coordinator CETCO® AMERICAN COLLOID COMPANY 92 HIGHWAY 37 LOVELL, 82431, WY Telephone: 800-322-1159 Email: Ryan.Nicholls@mineralstech.com PRODUCT CERTIFICATIONS PROJECT NAME: CUSTOMER P.O.: 6115-23-0002 ORDER NUMBER: 55079238 PREPARED FOR: WASTE CONNECTIONS (KNOXVILLE, TN) The GCL Manufactured for the above -referenced order number is certified to meet the values listed in the tables below: GCL PROPERTY SPECIFICATIONS FOR BENTOMAT® ST Test Method Test Method Property Test Frequency Certified Value ASTM D5890 Bentonite Free Swell 50 tons 24 - ml ASTM D5891 Bentonite Fluid Loss 50 tons 18 - ml ASTM D6496 GCL Peel Strength 40,000 sq ft (4,000 sq m) 3.5 - lbs/in ASTM D5887 GCL-Index Flux 250,000 sq ft lx10-8 - m3/m2/s ASTM D5887 GCL-Hydraulic Conductivity 250,000 sq ft 5x10-9 - cm/s ASTM D6243 GCL Hydrated Internal Shear Strength 1,000,000 sq ft 500 - psf ASTM D5993 Bentonite Mass/Area 40,000 sq ft (4,000 sq m) .75 - lbs/sq ft ASTM D6768 GCL Grab Strength 200,000 sq ft (20,000 sq m) 30 - lbs/in All tensile testing is in the machine direction using ASTM D 6768. All peel strength testing is performed using ASTM D 6496. An "*" indicates non-standard testing, frequency, or certified value. NEEDLE DETECTION AND REMOVAL PROCEDURE CETCOO hereby affirms that all BentomatO geosynthetic clay liner material manufactured for this project is continually passed under a magnet for needle removal and then screened with a metal detection device. CETCOO certifies BentomatO to be essentially free of broken needless and fragments of needles that would negatively affect the performance of the final product. Sincerely, NICHOLLS, RYAN J Quality Assurance Coordinator CETCOO Lovell Plant GCL PACKING LIST AND MQA TRACKING FORM Listing of finished and raw materials used to produce certification package number 55079238 GCL GEOTEXTILE CLAY BENTOMAT® ST 01-9514 01-9865 CG 50-BLK Order GCL Lot# GCL Roll# Length Width Weight Sq. ft Roll # Tested Capl Roll # Basel Roll # Clay Lot # 55079238 LL-27-2023 5164 150 15 2585 2250 5156 2027136839 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5165 150 15 2585 2250 5156 2027136839 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5166 150 15 2580 2250 5156 2027136839 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5167 150 15 2575 2250 5156 2027136839 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5168 150 15 2585 2250 5156 2027136839 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5169 150 15 2550 2250 5156 2027136839 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5170 150 15 2585 2250 5156 2027429527 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5171 150 15 2580 2250 5156 2027429527 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5172 150 15 2570 2250 5156 2027429527 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5173 150 15 2585 2250 5173 2027136841 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5174 150 15 2640 2250 5173 2027136841 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5175 150 15 2640 2250 5173 2027136841 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5176 150 15 2620 2250 5173 2027136841 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5177 150 15 2645 2250 5173 2027136841 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5178 150 15 2635 2250 5173 2027136841 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5179 150 15 2565 2250 5173 2027136841 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5180 150 15 2595 2250 5173 2027136841 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5181 150 15 2545 2250 5173 700340401 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5182 150 15 2570 2250 5173 700340401 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5183 150 15 2575 2250 5173 700340401 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5184 150 15 2570 2250 5173 700340401 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5185 150 15 2565 2250 5173 700340401 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5186 150 15 2545 2250 5173 700340401 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5187 150 15 2545 2250 5173 700340401 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5188 150 15 2525 2250 5173 2027136837 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5189 150 15 2540 2250 5173 2027136837 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5190 150 15 2535 2250 5190 2027136837 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5191 150 15 2515 2250 5190 2027136837 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5192 150 15 2595 2250 5190 2027136837 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5193 150 15 2560 2250 5190 2027136837 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5194 150 15 2530 2250 5190 2027136837 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5195 150 15 2515 2250 5190 2027136837 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5196 150 15 2545 2250 5190 700355928 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5197 150 15 2505 2250 5190 700355928 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5198 150 15 2515 2250 5190 700355928 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5199 150 15 2490 2250 5190 700355928 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5200 150 15 2505 2250 5190 700355928 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5201 150 15 2545 2250 5190 700355928 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5202 150 15 2555 2250 5190 700355928 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5203 150 15 2565 2250 5190 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5204 150 15 2520 2250 5190 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5205 150 15 2510 2250 5190 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5206 150 15 2500 2250 5190 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5207 150 15 2560 2250 5207 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5208 150 15 2575 2250 5207 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5209 150 15 2530 2250 5207 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5210 150 15 2540 2250 5207 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5211 150 15 2530 2250 5207 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5212 150 15 2575 2250 5207 2027371252 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5213 150 15 2535 2250 5207 2027371252 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5214 150 15 2530 2250 5207 2027371252 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5215 150 15 2530 2250 5207 2027371252 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5216 150 15 2595 2250 5207 2027371252 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5217 150 15 2605 2250 5207 2027371252 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5218 150 15 2605 2250 5207 2027371252 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5219 150 15 2595 2250 5207 2027371252 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5220 150 15 2590 2250 5207 2027136840 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5221 150 15 2630 2250 5207 2027136840 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5222 150 15 2640 2250 5207 2027136840 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5223 150 15 2695 2250 5207 2027136840 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5224 150 15 2670 2250 5224 2027136840 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5225 150 15 2745 2250 5224 2027136840 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5226 150 15 2740 2250 5224 2027136840 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5227 150 15 2720 2250 5224 2027136840 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5228 150 15 2725 2250 5224 2027136842 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5229 150 15 2705 2250 5224 2027136842 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5230 150 15 2710 2250 5224 2027136842 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5231 150 15 2750 2250 5224 2027136842 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5232 150 15 2745 2250 5224 2027136842 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5233 150 15 2740 2250 5224 2027136842 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5234 150 15 2765 2250 5224 2027136842 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5235 150 15 2745 2250 5224 2027136842 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5236 150 15 2705 2250 5224 2027136844 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5237 150 15 2710 2250 5224 2027136844 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5238 150 15 2670 2250 5224 2027136844 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5239 150 15 2690 2250 5224 2027136844 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5240 150 15 2695 2250 5224 2027136844 2012830819 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5241 150 15 2775 2250 5241 2027136844 2012830819 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5242 150 15 2720 2250 5241 2027136844 2012830819 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5243 150 15 2645 2250 5241 2027136844 2012830819 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5244 150 15 2650 2250 5241 2027402258 2012830819 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5245 150 15 2640 2250 5241 2027402258 2012830819 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5246 150 15 2635 2250 5241 2027402258 2012830819 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5247 150 15 2625 2250 5241 2027402258 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5248 150 15 2615 2250 5241 2027402258 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5249 150 15 2620 2250 5241 2027402258 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5250 150 15 2645 2250 5241 2027402258 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5251 150 15 2650 2250 5241 2027402258 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5252 150 15 2625 2250 5241 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5253 150 15 2620 2250 5241 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5254 150 15 2640 2250 5241 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5255 150 15 2650 2250 5241 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5256 150 15 2650 2250 5241 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5257 150 15 2645 2250 5241 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5258 150 15 2650 2250 5258 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5259 150 15 2655 2250 5258 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5260 150 15 2625 2250 5258 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5261 150 15 2645 2250 5258 2027136885 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5262 150 15 2640 2250 5258 2027136885 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5263 150 15 2640 2250 5258 2027136885 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5264 150 15 2645 2250 5258 2027136885 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5265 150 15 2625 2250 5258 2027136885 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5266 150 15 2685 2250 5258 2027136885 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5267 150 15 2640 2250 5258 2027136885 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5268 150 15 2615 2250 5258 2027136885 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5269 150 15 2590 2250 5258 2027136805 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5270 150 15 2580 2250 5258 2027136805 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5271 150 15 2590 2250 5258 2027136805 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5272 150 15 2605 2250 5258 2027136805 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5273 150 15 2790 2250 5258 2027136805 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5274 150 15 2645 2250 5258 2027136805 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5275 150 15 2620 2250 5275 2027136805 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5276 150 15 2580 2250 5275 2027136805 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5277 150 15 2590 2250 5275 2027136845 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5278 150 15 2610 2250 5275 2027136845 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5279 150 15 2630 2250 5275 2027136845 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5280 150 15 2645 2250 5275 2027136845 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5281 150 15 2600 2250 5275 2027136845 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5282 150 15 2630 2250 5275 2027136845 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5283 150 15 2570 2250 5275 2027136845 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5284 150 15 2570 2250 5275 2027136845 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5285 150 15 2585 2250 5275 700355800 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5286 150 15 2550 2250 5275 700355800 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5287 150 15 2550 2250 5275 700355800 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5288 150 15 2570 2250 5275 700355800 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5289 150 15 2595 2250 5275 700355800 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5290 150 15 2600 2250 5275 700355800 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5291 150 15 2550 2250 5275 700355800 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5292 150 15 2555 2250 5292 2027136846 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5293 150 15 2570 2250 5292 2027136846 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5294 150 15 2545 2250 5292 2027136846 2012830830 L-177-23-E Total Sq Ft: 29475 0 Total Number of Rolls Certified: 131 GCL MANUFACTURING QUALITY CONTROL TEST DATA The following rolls in GCL certification package number 55079238 have been tested in our production facility lab. Product Lot# Tested Roll# Tested Mass Area Grab Strength Peel Strength ASTM Test Method: ASTM D5993 ASTM D6768 ASTM D6496 Required Value: .75 - lbs/sq ft 30 - lbs/in 3.5 - lbs/in BENTOMAT® ST LL-27-2023 5156 .87 46 6.3 BENTOMATO ST LL-27-2023 5173 .83 46 7.9 BENTOMAT® ST LL-27-2023 5190 .83 46 4.1 BENTOMATO ST LL-27-2023 5207 .84 59.3 5.8 BENTOMAT® ST LL-27-2023 5224 .85 35.7 4.1 BENTOMATO ST LL-27-2023 5241 .83 35.7 6.6 BENTOMATO ST LL-27-2023 5258 .86 35.7 5.3 BENTOMAT® ST LL-27-2023 5275 .84 35.7 11.1 BENTOMATO ST LL-27-2023 5292 .85 35.7 7.2 BENTONITE CLAY CERTIFICATION The Bentonite Clay used to produce package 55079238 was tested in our production facility lab and yielded the following results. Clay Lot # Moist Swell Fluid Loss ASTM Test Method: ASTM D2216 ASTM D5890 ASTM D5891 Required Value: 12 - % 24 - ml 18 - ml L-177-23-C 9.17 35.5 10 L-177-23-D 9.76 28.5 12 L-177-23-E 9.81 27 14.6 GEOTEXTILE TEST RESULTS FROM MATERIAL SUPPLIERS The GCL in certification package number 55079238 was manufactured with geotextiles which were tested and yielded the following results. BASE GEOTEXTILE Material Roll Number Mass Area oz/yd2 Grab Strength lbs 01-9865 2012830358 3.24 187 01-9865 W2794493000 3.24 164.25 01-9865 W2794489000 3.24 164.25 01-9865 2012830819 3.2 181.3 01-9865 2012830830 3.39 183.1 COVER GEOTEXTILE Material Roll Number Mass Area oz/yd2 Grab Strength lbs 01-9514 2027136839 7.07 171.05 01-9514 2027429527 7.02 169.43 01-9514 2027136841 6.95 177.35 01-9514 700340401 6.43 112 01-9514 2027136837 7.07 171.05 01-9514 700355928 6.73 75 01-9514 2027248271 6.61 164.93 01-9514 2027371252 6.9 158.46 01-9514 2027136840 6.95 177.35 01-9514 2027136842 6.95 177.35 01-9514 2027136844 6.95 177.35 01-9514 2027402258 6.51 128.18 01-9514 2027136856 6.8 176.32 01-9514 2027136885 6.94 172.81 01-9514 2027136805 6.51 163.23 01-9514 2027136845 6.95 177.35 01-9514 700355800 6.15 88 01-9514 2027136846 6.45 160.07 Certifications from our suppliers are on file at our production facility. CEr cdwd Mioun! y ia2w" Camay u[ PRODUCT CERTIFICATIONS PROJECT NAME: CUSTOMER P.O.: 6115-23-0002 ORDER NUMBER: 55079238 PREPARED FOR: WASTE CONNECTIONS (KNOXVILLE, TN) The GCL Manufactured for the above -referenced order number is certified to meet the values listed in the tables below: GCL PROPERTY SPECIFICATIONS FOR BENTOMAT® ST Test Method Test Method Property Test Frequency Certified Value ASTM D5887 GCL-Hydraulic Conductivity 250,000 sq ft 5x10-9 - cm/s ASTM D5887 GCL-Index Flux 250,000 sq ft Ix10-8 - m3/m2/s Product Lot# Tested Roll# Tested Index Flux Hydraulic Conductivity ASTM Test Method: ASTM D5887 ASTM D5887 Required Value: 1x10-8 m3/m2/s 5x10-9 cm/s BENTOMAT® ST LL-26-2023 5121 3.8x10-9 1.3x10-9 BENTOMAT® ST LL-27-2023 5232 6.9x10-9 2.6x10-9 Date: 06-Jul-2023 22:23 Purchase Order: 6115-23-0002 ORDER NUMBER: 55079238 WASTE CONNECTIONS (KNOXVILLE, TN) ATTN SUSAN REID 11400 PARKSIDE DRIVE SUITE 500 KNOXVILLE,TN,37934 To Whom It May Concern: Please find the enclosed Manufacturing Quality Assurance/Manufacturing Quality Control (MQA/MQC) test data package for Geosynthetic Clay Liner (GCL) shipments to WASTE CONNECTIONS (KNOXVILLE, TN) . The enclosed data package includes results for all MQC tests required by ASTM D5889, with the exception of index flux/hydraulic conductivity. This test, which is run according to ASTM D5887, is normally performed once every 250,000 sq./ft. of GCL produced, unless a higher frequency is required by the project specifications. Because of the GCL's low permeability, this test can take several weeks to complete. The index flux/hydraulic conductivity results associated with this lot of material will be provided under separate cover as soon as they are available. Although the index flux/hydraulic conductivity test results are not yet available, CETCO® accepts responsibility for our GCL should the index flux/hydraulic conductivity test produce unacceptable results. If, upon delivery and prior to installation, individual rolls of GCL are found to be nonconforming to accepted project specifications, CETCO® will replace the nonconforming material at no charge. Questions regarding this information should be directed to CETCO® Technical Services at eptechservices@cetco.com. Sincerely, NICHOLLS, RYAN J Quality Assurance Coordinator CETCO® Lovell Plant GEOSYNTHETIC CLAY LINER MANUFACTURING QUALITY ASSURANCE DATA PACKAGE PROJECT NAME: CUSTOMER P.O.: 6115-23-0002 ORDER NUMBER: 55079238 PREPARED FOR: WASTE CONNECTIONS (KNOXVILLE, TN) CONTENTS: • Product Certifications • GCL Order Packing List and MQA Tracking Form • GCL Manufacturing Quality control test data • Bentonite clay certification • Raw Material Test results PREPARED BY: NICHOLLS, RYAN J Quality Assurance Coordinator CETCO® AMERICAN COLLOID COMPANY 92 HIGHWAY 37 LOVELL, 82431, WY Telephone: 800-322-1159 Email: Ryan.Nicholls@mineralstech.com PRODUCT CERTIFICATIONS PROJECT NAME: CUSTOMER P.O.: 6115-23-0002 ORDER NUMBER: 55079238 PREPARED FOR: WASTE CONNECTIONS (KNOXVILLE, TN) The GCL Manufactured for the above -referenced order number is certified to meet the values listed in the tables below: GCL PROPERTY SPECIFICATIONS FOR BENTOMAT® ST Test Method Test Method Property Test Frequency Certified Value ASTM D5890 Bentonite Free Swell 50 tons 24 - ml ASTM D5891 Bentonite Fluid Loss 50 tons 18 - ml ASTM D6496 GCL Peel Strength 40,000 sq ft (4,000 sq m) 3.5 - lbs/in ASTM D5887 GCL-Index Flux 250,000 sq ft lx10-8 - m3/m2/s ASTM D5887 GCL-Hydraulic Conductivity 250,000 sq ft 5x10-9 - cm/s ASTM D6243 GCL Hydrated Internal Shear Strength 1,000,000 sq ft 500 - psf ASTM D5993 Bentonite Mass/Area 40,000 sq ft (4,000 sq m) .75 - lbs/sq ft ASTM D6768 GCL Grab Strength 200,000 sq ft (20,000 sq m) 30 - lbs/in All tensile testing is in the machine direction using ASTM D 6768. All peel strength testing is performed using ASTM D 6496. An "*" indicates non-standard testing, frequency, or certified value. NEEDLE DETECTION AND REMOVAL PROCEDURE CETCOO hereby affirms that all BentomatO geosynthetic clay liner material manufactured for this project is continually passed under a magnet for needle removal and then screened with a metal detection device. CETCOO certifies BentomatO to be essentially free of broken needless and fragments of needles that would negatively affect the performance of the final product. Sincerely, NICHOLLS, RYAN J Quality Assurance Coordinator CETCOO Lovell Plant GCL PACKING LIST AND MQA TRACKING FORM Listing of finished and raw materials used to produce certification package number 55079238 GCL GEOTEXTILE CLAY BENTOMAT® ST 01-9514 01-9865 CG 50-BLK Order GCL Lot# GCL Roll# Length Width Weight Sq. ft Roll # Tested Capl Roll # Basel Roll # Clay Lot # 55079238 LL-27-2023 5164 150 15 2585 2250 5156 2027136839 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5165 150 15 2585 2250 5156 2027136839 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5166 150 15 2580 2250 5156 2027136839 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5167 150 15 2575 2250 5156 2027136839 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5168 150 15 2585 2250 5156 2027136839 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5169 150 15 2550 2250 5156 2027136839 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5170 150 15 2585 2250 5156 2027429527 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5171 150 15 2580 2250 5156 2027429527 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5172 150 15 2570 2250 5156 2027429527 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5173 150 15 2585 2250 5173 2027136841 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5174 150 15 2640 2250 5173 2027136841 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5175 150 15 2640 2250 5173 2027136841 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5176 150 15 2620 2250 5173 2027136841 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5177 150 15 2645 2250 5173 2027136841 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5178 150 15 2635 2250 5173 2027136841 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5179 150 15 2565 2250 5173 2027136841 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5180 150 15 2595 2250 5173 2027136841 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5181 150 15 2545 2250 5173 700340401 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5182 150 15 2570 2250 5173 700340401 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5183 150 15 2575 2250 5173 700340401 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5184 150 15 2570 2250 5173 700340401 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5185 150 15 2565 2250 5173 700340401 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5186 150 15 2545 2250 5173 700340401 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5187 150 15 2545 2250 5173 700340401 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5188 150 15 2525 2250 5173 2027136837 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5189 150 15 2540 2250 5173 2027136837 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5190 150 15 2535 2250 5190 2027136837 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5191 150 15 2515 2250 5190 2027136837 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5192 150 15 2595 2250 5190 2027136837 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5193 150 15 2560 2250 5190 2027136837 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5194 150 15 2530 2250 5190 2027136837 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5195 150 15 2515 2250 5190 2027136837 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5196 150 15 2545 2250 5190 700355928 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5197 150 15 2505 2250 5190 700355928 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5198 150 15 2515 2250 5190 700355928 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5199 150 15 2490 2250 5190 700355928 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5200 150 15 2505 2250 5190 700355928 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5201 150 15 2545 2250 5190 700355928 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5202 150 15 2555 2250 5190 700355928 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5203 150 15 2565 2250 5190 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5204 150 15 2520 2250 5190 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5205 150 15 2510 2250 5190 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5206 150 15 2500 2250 5190 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5207 150 15 2560 2250 5207 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5208 150 15 2575 2250 5207 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5209 150 15 2530 2250 5207 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5210 150 15 2540 2250 5207 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5211 150 15 2530 2250 5207 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5212 150 15 2575 2250 5207 2027371252 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5213 150 15 2535 2250 5207 2027371252 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5214 150 15 2530 2250 5207 2027371252 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5215 150 15 2530 2250 5207 2027371252 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5216 150 15 2595 2250 5207 2027371252 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5217 150 15 2605 2250 5207 2027371252 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5218 150 15 2605 2250 5207 2027371252 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5219 150 15 2595 2250 5207 2027371252 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5220 150 15 2590 2250 5207 2027136840 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5221 150 15 2630 2250 5207 2027136840 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5222 150 15 2640 2250 5207 2027136840 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5223 150 15 2695 2250 5207 2027136840 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5224 150 15 2670 2250 5224 2027136840 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5225 150 15 2745 2250 5224 2027136840 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5226 150 15 2740 2250 5224 2027136840 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5227 150 15 2720 2250 5224 2027136840 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5228 150 15 2725 2250 5224 2027136842 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5229 150 15 2705 2250 5224 2027136842 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5230 150 15 2710 2250 5224 2027136842 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5231 150 15 2750 2250 5224 2027136842 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5232 150 15 2745 2250 5224 2027136842 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5233 150 15 2740 2250 5224 2027136842 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5234 150 15 2765 2250 5224 2027136842 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5235 150 15 2745 2250 5224 2027136842 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5236 150 15 2705 2250 5224 2027136844 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5237 150 15 2710 2250 5224 2027136844 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5238 150 15 2670 2250 5224 2027136844 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5239 150 15 2690 2250 5224 2027136844 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5240 150 15 2695 2250 5224 2027136844 2012830819 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5241 150 15 2775 2250 5241 2027136844 2012830819 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5242 150 15 2720 2250 5241 2027136844 2012830819 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5243 150 15 2645 2250 5241 2027136844 2012830819 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5244 150 15 2650 2250 5241 2027402258 2012830819 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5245 150 15 2640 2250 5241 2027402258 2012830819 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5246 150 15 2635 2250 5241 2027402258 2012830819 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5247 150 15 2625 2250 5241 2027402258 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5248 150 15 2615 2250 5241 2027402258 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5249 150 15 2620 2250 5241 2027402258 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5250 150 15 2645 2250 5241 2027402258 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5251 150 15 2650 2250 5241 2027402258 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5252 150 15 2625 2250 5241 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5253 150 15 2620 2250 5241 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5254 150 15 2640 2250 5241 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5255 150 15 2650 2250 5241 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5256 150 15 2650 2250 5241 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5257 150 15 2645 2250 5241 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5258 150 15 2650 2250 5258 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5259 150 15 2655 2250 5258 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5260 150 15 2625 2250 5258 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5261 150 15 2645 2250 5258 2027136885 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5262 150 15 2640 2250 5258 2027136885 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5263 150 15 2640 2250 5258 2027136885 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5264 150 15 2645 2250 5258 2027136885 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5265 150 15 2625 2250 5258 2027136885 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5266 150 15 2685 2250 5258 2027136885 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5267 150 15 2640 2250 5258 2027136885 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5268 150 15 2615 2250 5258 2027136885 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5269 150 15 2590 2250 5258 2027136805 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5270 150 15 2580 2250 5258 2027136805 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5271 150 15 2590 2250 5258 2027136805 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5272 150 15 2605 2250 5258 2027136805 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5273 150 15 2790 2250 5258 2027136805 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5274 150 15 2645 2250 5258 2027136805 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5275 150 15 2620 2250 5275 2027136805 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5276 150 15 2580 2250 5275 2027136805 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5277 150 15 2590 2250 5275 2027136845 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5278 150 15 2610 2250 5275 2027136845 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5279 150 15 2630 2250 5275 2027136845 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5280 150 15 2645 2250 5275 2027136845 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5281 150 15 2600 2250 5275 2027136845 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5282 150 15 2630 2250 5275 2027136845 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5283 150 15 2570 2250 5275 2027136845 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5284 150 15 2570 2250 5275 2027136845 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5285 150 15 2585 2250 5275 700355800 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5286 150 15 2550 2250 5275 700355800 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5287 150 15 2550 2250 5275 700355800 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5288 150 15 2570 2250 5275 700355800 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5289 150 15 2595 2250 5275 700355800 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5290 150 15 2600 2250 5275 700355800 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5291 150 15 2550 2250 5275 700355800 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5292 150 15 2555 2250 5292 2027136846 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5293 150 15 2570 2250 5292 2027136846 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5294 150 15 2545 2250 5292 2027136846 2012830830 L-177-23-E Total Sq Ft: 29475 0 Total Number of Rolls Certified: 131 GCL MANUFACTURING QUALITY CONTROL TEST DATA The following rolls in GCL certification package number 55079238 have been tested in our production facility lab. Product Lot# Tested Roll# Tested Mass Area Grab Strength Peel Strength ASTM Test Method: ASTM D5993 ASTM D6768 ASTM D6496 Required Value: .75 - lbs/sq ft 30 - lbs/in 3.5 - lbs/in BENTOMAT® ST LL-27-2023 5156 .87 46 6.3 BENTOMATO ST LL-27-2023 5173 .83 46 7.9 BENTOMAT® ST LL-27-2023 5190 .83 46 4.1 BENTOMATO ST LL-27-2023 5207 .84 59.3 5.8 BENTOMAT® ST LL-27-2023 5224 .85 35.7 4.1 BENTOMATO ST LL-27-2023 5241 .83 35.7 6.6 BENTOMATO ST LL-27-2023 5258 .86 35.7 5.3 BENTOMAT® ST LL-27-2023 5275 .84 35.7 11.1 BENTOMATO ST LL-27-2023 5292 .85 35.7 7.2 BENTONITE CLAY CERTIFICATION The Bentonite Clay used to produce package 55079238 was tested in our production facility lab and yielded the following results. Clay Lot # Moist Swell Fluid Loss ASTM Test Method: ASTM D2216 ASTM D5890 ASTM D5891 Required Value: 12 - % 24 - ml 18 - ml L-177-23-C 9.17 35.5 10 L-177-23-D 9.76 28.5 12 L-177-23-E 9.81 27 14.6 GEOTEXTILE TEST RESULTS FROM MATERIAL SUPPLIERS The GCL in certification package number 55079238 was manufactured with geotextiles which were tested and yielded the following results. BASE GEOTEXTILE Material Roll Number Mass Area oz/yd2 Grab Strength lbs 01-9865 2012830358 3.24 187 01-9865 W2794493000 3.24 164.25 01-9865 W2794489000 3.24 164.25 01-9865 2012830819 3.2 181.3 01-9865 2012830830 3.39 183.1 COVER GEOTEXTILE Material Roll Number Mass Area oz/yd2 Grab Strength lbs 01-9514 2027136839 7.07 171.05 01-9514 2027429527 7.02 169.43 01-9514 2027136841 6.95 177.35 01-9514 700340401 6.43 112 01-9514 2027136837 7.07 171.05 01-9514 700355928 6.73 75 01-9514 2027248271 6.61 164.93 01-9514 2027371252 6.9 158.46 01-9514 2027136840 6.95 177.35 01-9514 2027136842 6.95 177.35 01-9514 2027136844 6.95 177.35 01-9514 2027402258 6.51 128.18 01-9514 2027136856 6.8 176.32 01-9514 2027136885 6.94 172.81 01-9514 2027136805 6.51 163.23 01-9514 2027136845 6.95 177.35 01-9514 700355800 6.15 88 01-9514 2027136846 6.45 160.07 Certifications from our suppliers are on file at our production facility. A& AMERICAN COLLOID COMPANY y Carrier : DND RUNNER CONSIGNED TO : WASTE CONNECTIONS ANSON LANDFILL 375 DOZER DRIVE POLKTON NC 28135 Phone : Trailer Type : Flatb Driver Phone Number Sold To : 851626 Ship To : 851627 Consigned PO : 6115-23-0002 Truck # : 4316 Trailer # : 63898 / Shippers No : 55080095 Delivery No : 32844316 COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC 2870 FORBS AVENUE HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60192 Ship Date : 07/15/2023 Via : TRUCK FOB : Shipping Point Shipping Plant: COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC LL1 92 HIGHWAY 37 PO BOX 428 LOVELL WY 82431 Product Lots : Seal # : Container/Pro # : Global Comments : Carrier is responsible for cargo securement and protection from loss and damage... **ATTENTION RECEIVING** Do not sign for this shipment until you have thoroughly inspected for any shortages/damages. No recourse for shortages/damages with shipper, unless noted on delivery receipt. Customer Comments: MUST CALL 24 HOURS PRIOR TO DELIVERY SITE CONTACT TYLER FITZGERALD 704-690-3240 27000.0000 FT2 27000.0000 FT2 BENTOMAT® ST 32670.0000 110 , CLOTH,FABRIC OR PIECE GOODS,NOI,OTHER THAN FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF CLOTHING: CLASS 65 / ITEM 49265 SUB 10 15.0000 EA 15.0000 EA VOLCLAY® CG-50 750.0000 012 , CLAY-BENTONITE-GROUND CLASS 50 ITEM 48170 / 3295232 3295232 Gross: 31320 Tare: 0 Shipped Qty: Subject to section 7 of conditions, if this shipment is to be delivered to If the charges are to be prepaid, the consignee without recourse on the consignor, the consignor shall write or stamp here, "Prepaid." sign the following statement: The carrier shall not make delivery of this PREPAID shipment without payment of freight and all other lawful charges Shipper liable for the linehaul charges COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL only. COD charges to be paid by: Consignee TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC Total Net Weight: 31320 Mark with an 'X' to designate hazardous materials as defined in title 49 of the code of Federal Regulations. Received Subject to the classifications and lawfully filed tariffs in effect on the date of issued of this billing of lading, the properly described above in apparent good order, expect as noted (contents and conditions of contents of packages unknown) marked, consigned, and destined as indicated above which said carrier (the word carrier being understood throughout this contract as meaning any person or corporation in possession of the property under the contract) agrees to carry to its usual place of delivery at said destination, if on its route, otherwise to deliver to another carrier on the route to said destination. It is mutually agreed as to each carrier of all or any of the said property over all or any portion of the said route to destination , and as to each party at any time interested in all or any said property, that every service to be performed hereunder shall be subject to all the terms and conditions of the Uniform Domestic Strig ht Bill of Lading set forth (1) in Uniform Freight Classifications in effect on the date hereof, if this is a rail or a rail -water shipment, or (2) in the applicable motor carrier classification or tariff if this is a motor carrier shipment.able motor carrier classification or tariff if this is a motor carrier shipment. Shipper hereby certifies that he is familiar with all the terms and conditions of the said bill of lading, set forth in the classification of tariff which governs the transportation of this shipment, and the said terms and conditions are hereby agreed to by the shipper and accepted for himself and his assigns. (i�'ACarrier: This is to certify that the above named materials are properly classified, described, packaged, and labeled and are in proper condition for transportation according to the applicable regulations of the department of Transportation. Per Placards Required? Yes/No Supplied? Yes/No TECHNOLOGIES MINERALS PACKING LIST ..... O ,I PURCHASE ORDER NO: 6115-23-0002 ORDER NO: 55080095 BOL NO: 3428151 SHIP FROM: COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC ORDER DATE: 14-JUL-2023 92 HIGHWAY 37 DELIVERY DATE: 15-JUL-2023 PO BOX 428 LOVELL, WY 82431 US SHIP TO: WASTE CONNECTIONS SOLD TO : WASTE CONNECTIONS (KNOXVILLE, TN) ANSON LANDFILL ATTN SUSAN REID 375 DOZER DRIVE 11400 PARKSIDE DRIVE SUITE 500 POLKTON, NC 28135 US KNOXVILLE, TN 37934 US PACKING INSTRUCTIONS: ORDERED UOM1 SHIPPED PRODUCT DESCRIPTION LOT# LOT QUANTITY BATCH / WEIGHT(Ibs ) QUANTITY QUANTITY I ROLL# 15 EA 15 VOLCLAY® CG-50 L 15 BATCH2619 750 PALLET COUNT: 0 UNIT COUNT: 15 SECONDARY UOM : EA 27000 FT2 27000 BENTOMAT® ST LL-27-2023:5172 2250 BATCH7659 2570 LL-27-2023:5180 2250 BATCH7659 2595 LL-27-2023:5185 2250 BATCH7659 2565 LL-27-2023:5186 2250 BATCH7659 2545 LL-27-2023:5212 2250 BATCH7659 2575 LL-27-2023:5213 2250 BATCH7659 2535 LL-27-2023:5189 2250 BATCH7659 2540 LL-27-2023:5190 2250 BATCH7659 2535 LL-27-2023:5205 2250 BATCH7659 2510 LL-27-2023:5211 2250 BATCH7659 2530 LL-27-2023:5188 2250 BATCH7659 2525 LL-27-2023:5187 2250 BATCH7659 2545 PALLET COUNT: 0 UNIT COUNT: 12 SECONDARY UOM : RL TOTAL WEIGHT: 31320 COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC Page 1 of 1 Report Date:16-Jul-2023 11:23 •A& AMERICAN COLLOID COMPANY Carrier : D&E CONSIGNED TO : WASTE CONNECTIONS ANSON LANDFILL 375 DOZER DRIVE POLKTON NC 28135 Phone : Trailer Type : Flatb Driver Phone Number Sold To : 851626 Ship To : 851627 Consigned PO : 6115-23-0002 Truck # : 297 Trailer # : 48558 / Shippers No : 55080097 Delivery No : 32842833 COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC 2870 FORBS AVENUE HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60192 Ship Date : 07/15/2023 Via : TRUCK FOB : Shipping Point Shipping Plant: COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC LL1 92 HIGHWAY 37 PO BOX 428 LOVELL WY 82431 Product Lots : Seal # : Container/Pro # : Global Comments : Carrier is responsible for cargo securement and protection from loss and damage... **ATTENTION RECEIVING** Do not sign for this shipment until you have thoroughly inspected for any shortages/damages. No recourse for shortages/damages with shipper, unless noted on delivery receipt. Customer Comments: MUST CALL 24 HOURS PRIOR TO DELIVERY SITE CONTACT TYLER FITZGERALD 704-690-3240 38250.0000 FT2 38250.0000 FT2 BENTOMAT® ST 46282.5000 110 , CLOTH,FABRIC OR PIECE GOODS,NOI,OTHER THAN FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF CLOTHING: CLASS 65 / ITEM 49265 SUB 10 Gross: 44605 Tare: 0 Shipped Qty: Subject to section 7 of conditions, if this shipment is to be delivered to If the charges are to be prepaid, the consignee without recourse on the consignor, the consignor shall write or stamp here, "Prepaid." sign the following statement: The carrier shall not make delivery of this PREPAID shipment without payment of freight and all other lawful charges Shipper liable for the linehaul charges COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL only. COD charges to be paid by: Consignee TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC Total Net Weight: 44605 Mark with an 'X' to designate hazardous materials as defined in title 49 of the code of Federal Regulations. Received Subject to the classifications and lawfully filed tariffs in effect on the date of issued of this billing of lading, the properly described above in apparent good order, expect as noted (contents and conditions of contents of packages unknown) marked, consigned, and destined as indicated above which said carrier (the word carrier being understood throughout this contract as meaning any person or corporation in possession of the property under the contract) agrees to carry to its usual place of delivery at said destination, if on its route, otherwise to deliver to another carrier on the route to said destination. It is mutually agreed as to each carrier of all or any of the said property over all or any portion of the said route to destination , and as to each party at any time interested in all or any said property, that every service to be performed hereunder shall be subject to all the terms and conditions of the Uniform Domestic Stright Bill of Lading set forth (1) in Uniform Freight Classifications in effect on the date hereof, if this is a rail or a rail -water shipment, or (2) in the applicable motor carrier classification or tariff if this is a motor carrier shipment.able motor carrier classification or tariff if this is a motor carrier shipment. Shipper hereby certifies that he is familiar with all the terms and conditions of the said bill of lading, set forth in the classification of tariff which governs the transportation of this shipment, and the said terms and conditions are hereby agreed to by the shipper and accepted for himself and his assigns. Carrier: This is to certify that the above named materials are properly classified, described, packaged, and labeled and are in proper condition for transportation according to the applicable regulations of the department of Transportation. Per Placards Required? Yes/No Supplied? Yes/No TECHNOLOGIES MINERALS PACKING LIST ..... O ,I PURCHASE ORDER NO: 6115-23-0002 ORDER NO: 55080097 BOL NO: 3428180 SHIP FROM: COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC ORDER DATE: 14-JUL-2023 92 HIGHWAY 37 DELIVERY DATE: 15-JUL-2023 PO BOX 428 LOVELL, WY 82431 US SHIP TO: WASTE CONNECTIONS SOLD TO : WASTE CONNECTIONS (KNOXVILLE, TN) ANSON LANDFILL ATTN SUSAN REID 375 DOZER DRIVE 11400 PARKSIDE DRIVE SUITE 500 POLKTON, NC 28135 US KNOXVILLE, TN 37934 US PACKING INSTRUCTIONS: ORDERED UOM1 SHIPPED PRODUCT DESCRIPTION LOT# LOT QUANTITY BATCH / WEIGHT(Ibs ) QUANTITY QUANTITY I ROLL# 38250 FT2 38250 BENTOMAT® ST LL-27-2023:5257 2250 BATCH7659 2645 LL-27-2023:5291 2250 BATCH7659 2550 LL-27-2023:5292 2250 BATCH7659 2555 LL-27-2023:5258 2250 BATCH7659 2650 LL-27-2023:5259 2250 BATCH7659 2655 LL-27-2023:5260 2250 BATCH7659 2625 LL-27-2023:5261 2250 BATCH7659 2645 LL-27-2023:5262 2250 BATCH7659 2640 LL-27-2023:5263 2250 BATCH7659 2640 LL-27-2023:5266 2250 BATCH7659 2685 LL-27-2023:5268 2250 BATCH7659 2615 LL-27-2023:5269 2250 BATCH7659 2590 LL-27-2023:5271 2250 BATCH7659 2590 LL-27-2023:5274 2250 BATCH7659 2645 LL-27-2023:5277 2250 BATCH7659 2590 LL-27-2023:5280 2250 BATCH7659 2645 LL-27-2023:5254 2250 BATCH7659 2640 PALLET COUNT: 0 UNIT COUNT: 17 SECONDARY UOM : RL TOTAL WEIGHT: 44605 COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC Page 1 of 1 Report Date:16-Jul-2023 11:23 •A& AMERICAN COLLOID COMPANY Carrier : MANAS EXPRESS CONSIGNED TO : WASTE CONNECTIONS ANSON LANDFILL 375 DOZER DRIVE POLKTON NC 28135 Phone : Trailer Type : Flatb Driver Phone Number Sold To : 851626 Ship To : 851627 Consigned PO : 6115-23-0002 Truck # : 34686 Trailer # : 111 / Shippers No : 55080098 Delivery No : 32842832 COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC 2870 FORBS AVENUE HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60192 Ship Date : 07/15/2023 Via : TRUCK FOB : Shipping Point Shipping Plant: COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC LL1 92 HIGHWAY 37 PO BOX 428 LOVELL WY 82431 Product Lots : Seal # : Container/Pro # : Global Comments : Carrier is responsible for cargo securement and protection from loss and damage... **ATTENTION RECEIVING** Do not sign for this shipment until you have thoroughly inspected for any shortages/damages. No recourse for shortages/damages with shipper, unless noted on delivery receipt. Customer Comments: MUST CALL 24 HOURS PRIOR TO DELIVERY SITE CONTACT TYLER FITZGERALD 704-690-3240 38250.0000 FT2 38250.0000 FT2 BENTOMAT® ST 46282.5000 110 , CLOTH,FABRIC OR PIECE GOODS,NOI,OTHER THAN FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF CLOTHING: CLASS 65 / ITEM 49265 SUB 10 Gross: 44205 Tare: 0 Shipped Qty: Subject to section 7 of conditions, if this shipment is to be delivered to If the charges are to be prepaid, the consignee without recourse on the consignor, the consignor shall write or stamp here, "Prepaid." sign the following statement: The carrier shall not make delivery of this PREPAID shipment without payment of freight and all other lawful charges Shipper liable for the linehaul charges COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL only. COD charges to be paid by: Consignee TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC Total Net Weight: 44205 Mark with an 'X' to designate hazardous materials as defined in title 49 of the code of Federal Regulations. Received Subject to the classifications and lawfully filed tariffs in effect on the date of issued of this billing of lading, the properly described above in apparent good order, expect as noted (contents and conditions of contents of packages unknown) marked, consigned, and destined as indicated above which said carrier (the word carrier being understood throughout this contract as meaning any person or corporation in possession of the property under the contract) agrees to carry to its usual place of delivery at said destination, if on its route, otherwise to deliver to another carrier on the route to said destination. It is mutually agreed as to each carrier of all or any of the said property over all or any portion of the said route to destination , and as to each party at any time interested in all or any said property, that every service to be performed hereunder shall be subject to all the terms and conditions of the Uniform Domestic Stright Bill of Lading set forth (1) in Uniform Freight Classifications in effect on the date hereof, if this is a rail or a rail -water shipment, or (2) in the applicable motor carrier classification or tariff if this is a motor carrier shipment.able motor carrier classification or tariff if this is a motor carrier shipment. Shipper hereby certifies that he is familiar with all the terms and conditions of the said bill of lading, set forth in the classification of tariff which governs the transportation of this shipment, and the said terms and conditions are hereby agreed to by the shipper and accepted for himself and his assigns. Carrier: This is to certify that the above named materials are properly classified, described, packaged, and labeled and are in proper condition for transportation according to the applicable regulations of the department of Transportation. Per Placards Required? Yes/No Supplied? Yes/No TECHNOLOGIES MINERALS PACKING LIST ..... O ,I PURCHASE ORDER NO: 6115-23-0002 ORDER NO: 55080098 BOL NO: 3428178 SHIP FROM: COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC ORDER DATE: 14-JUL-2023 92 HIGHWAY 37 DELIVERY DATE: 15-JUL-2023 PO BOX 428 LOVELL, WY 82431 US SHIP TO: WASTE CONNECTIONS SOLD TO : WASTE CONNECTIONS (KNOXVILLE, TN) ANSON LANDFILL ATTN SUSAN REID 375 DOZER DRIVE 11400 PARKSIDE DRIVE SUITE 500 POLKTON, NC 28135 US KNOXVILLE, TN 37934 US PACKING INSTRUCTIONS: ORDERED UOM1 SHIPPED PRODUCT DESCRIPTION LOT# LOT QUANTITY BATCH / WEIGHT(Ibs ) QUANTITY QUANTITY I ROLL# 38250 FT2 38250 BENTOMAT® ST LL-27-2023:5201 2250 BATCH7659 2545 LL-27-2023:5293 2250 BATCH7659 2570 LL-27-2023:5294 2250 BATCH7659 2545 LL-27-2023:5206 2250 BATCH7659 2500 LL-27-2023:5209 2250 BATCH7659 2530 LL-27-2023:5216 2250 BATCH7659 2595 LL-27-2023:5218 2250 BATCH7659 2605 LL-27-2023:5219 2250 BATCH7659 2595 LL-27-2023:5222 2250 BATCH7659 2640 LL-27-2023:5223 2250 BATCH7659 2695 LL-27-2023:5231 2250 BATCH7659 2750 LL-27-2023:5246 2250 BATCH7659 2635 LL-27-2023:5265 2250 BATCH7659 2625 LL-27-2023:5270 2250 BATCH7659 2580 LL-27-2023:5282 2250 BATCH7659 2630 LL-27-2023:5283 2250 BATCH7659 2570 LL-27-2023:5192 2250 BATCH7659 2595 PALLET COUNT: 0 UNIT COUNT: 17 SECONDARY UOM : RL TOTAL WEIGHT: 44205 COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC Page 1 of 1 Report Date:16-Jul-2023 11:23 •A& AMERICAN COLLOID COMPANY Carrier : DND RUNNER CONSIGNED TO : WASTE CONNECTIONS ANSON LANDFILL 375 DOZER DRIVE POLKTON NC 28135 Phone : Trailer Type : Flatb Driver Phone Number Sold To : 851626 Ship To : 851627 Consigned PO : 6115-23-0002 Truck # : 2246 Trailer # : 800 / Shippers No : 55080099 Delivery No : 32842834 COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC 2870 FORBS AVENUE HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60192 Ship Date : 07/15/2023 Via : TRUCK FOB : Shipping Point Shipping Plant: COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC LL1 92 HIGHWAY 37 PO BOX 428 LOVELL WY 82431 Product Lots : Seal # : Container/Pro # : Global Comments : Carrier is responsible for cargo securement and protection from loss and damage... **ATTENTION RECEIVING** Do not sign for this shipment until you have thoroughly inspected for any shortages/damages. No recourse for shortages/damages with shipper, unless noted on delivery receipt. Customer Comments: MUST CALL 24 HOURS PRIOR TO DELIVERY SITE CONTACT TYLER FITZGERALD 704-690-3240 38250.0000 FT2 38250.0000 FT2 BENTOMAT® ST 46282.5000 110 , CLOTH,FABRIC OR PIECE GOODS,NOI,OTHER THAN FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF CLOTHING: CLASS 65 / ITEM 49265 SUB 10 Gross: 44370 Tare: 0 Shipped Qty: Subject to section 7 of conditions, if this shipment is to be delivered to If the charges are to be prepaid, the consignee without recourse on the consignor, the consignor shall write or stamp here, "Prepaid." sign the following statement: The carrier shall not make delivery of this PREPAID shipment without payment of freight and all other lawful charges Shipper liable for the linehaul charges COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL only. COD charges to be paid by: Consignee TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC Total Net Weight: 44370 Mark with an 'X' to designate hazardous materials as defined in title 49 of the code of Federal Regulations. Received Subject to the classifications and lawfully filed tariffs in effect on the date of issued of this billing of lading, the properly described above in apparent good order, expect as noted (contents and conditions of contents of packages unknown) marked, consigned, and destined as indicated above which said carrier (the word carrier being understood throughout this contract as meaning any person or corporation in possession of the property under the contract) agrees to carry to its usual place of delivery at said destination, if on its route, otherwise to deliver to another carrier on the route to said destination. It is mutually agreed as to each carrier of all or any of the said property over all or any portion of the said route to destination , and as to each party at any time interested in all or any said property, that every service to be performed hereunder shall be subject to all the terms and conditions of the Uniform Domestic Stright Bill of Lading set forth (1) in Uniform Freight Classifications in effect on the date hereof, if this is a rail or a rail -water shipment, or (2) in the applicable motor carrier classification or tariff if this is a motor carrier shipment.able motor carrier classification or tariff if this is a motor carrier shipment. Shipper hereby certifies that he is familiar with all the terms and conditions of the said bill of lading, set forth in the classification of tariff which governs the transportation of this shipment, and the said terms and conditions are hereby agreed to by the ship er and accepted for himself and his assigns. Carrier: This is to certify that the above named materials are properly classified, described, packaged, and labeled and are in proper condition for transportation according to the applicable regulations of the department of Transportation. Per Placards Required? Yes/No Supplied? Yes/No TECHNOLOGIES MINERALS PACKING LIST ..... O ,I PURCHASE ORDER NO: 6115-23-0002 ORDER NO: 55080099 BOL NO: 3428179 SHIP FROM: COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC ORDER DATE: 14-JUL-2023 92 HIGHWAY 37 DELIVERY DATE: 15-JUL-2023 PO BOX 428 LOVELL, WY 82431 US SHIP TO: WASTE CONNECTIONS SOLD TO : WASTE CONNECTIONS (KNOXVILLE, TN) ANSON LANDFILL ATTN SUSAN REID 375 DOZER DRIVE 11400 PARKSIDE DRIVE SUITE 500 POLKTON, NC 28135 US KNOXVILLE, TN 37934 US PACKING INSTRUCTIONS: ORDERED UOM1 SHIPPED PRODUCT DESCRIPTION LOT# LOT QUANTITY BATCH / WEIGHT(Ibs ) QUANTITY QUANTITY I ROLL# 38250 FT2 38250 BENTOMAT® ST LL-27-2023:5250 2250 BATCH7659 2645 LL-27-2023:5281 2250 BATCH7659 2600 LL-27-2023:5284 2250 BATCH7659 2570 LL-27-2023:5286 2250 BATCH7659 2550 LL-27-2023:5287 2250 BATCH7659 2550 LL-27-2023:5288 2250 BATCH7659 2570 LL-27-2023:5289 2250 BATCH7659 2595 LL-27-2023:5290 2250 BATCH7659 2600 LL-27-2023:5252 2250 BATCH7659 2625 LL-27-2023:5264 2250 BATCH7659 2645 LL-27-2023:5272 2250 BATCH7659 2605 LL-27-2023:5273 2250 BATCH7659 2790 LL-27-2023:5275 2250 BATCH7659 2620 LL-27-2023:5276 2250 BATCH7659 2580 LL-27-2023:5278 2250 BATCH7659 2610 LL-27-2023:5279 2250 BATCH7659 2630 LL-27-2023:5285 2250 BATCH7659 2585 PALLET COUNT: 0 UNIT COUNT: 17 SECONDARY UOM : RL TOTAL WEIGHT: 44370 COLLOID ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY LLC Page 1 of 1 Report Date:16-Jul-2023 11:23 Date: 06-Jul-2023 22:23 Purchase Order: 6115-23-0002 ORDER NUMBER: 55079238 WASTE CONNECTIONS (KNOXVILLE, TN) ATTN SUSAN REID 11400 PARKSIDE DRIVE SUITE 500 KNOXVILLE,TN,37934 To Whom It May Concern: Please find the enclosed Manufacturing Quality Assurance/Manufacturing Quality Control (MQA/MQC) test data package for Geosynthetic Clay Liner (GCL) shipments to WASTE CONNECTIONS (KNOXVILLE, TN) . Questions regarding this information should be directed to CETCO® Technical Services at eptechservices@cetco.com. Sincerely, NICHOLLS, RYAN J Quality Assurance Coordinator CETCO® Lovell Plant GEOSYNTHETIC CLAY LINER MANUFACTURING QUALITY ASSURANCE DATA PACKAGE PROJECT NAME: CUSTOMER P.O.: 6115-23-0002 ORDER NUMBER: 55079238 PREPARED FOR: WASTE CONNECTIONS (KNOXVILLE, TN) CONTENTS: • Product Certifications • GCL Order Packing List and MQA Tracking Form • GCL Manufacturing Quality control test data • Bentonite clay certification • Raw Material Test results PREPARED BY: NICHOLLS, RYAN J Quality Assurance Coordinator CETCO® AMERICAN COLLOID COMPANY 92 HIGHWAY 37 LOVELL, 82431, WY Telephone: 800-322-1159 Email: Ryan.Nicholls@mineralstech.com PRODUCT CERTIFICATIONS PROJECT NAME: CUSTOMER P.O.: 6115-23-0002 ORDER NUMBER: 55079238 PREPARED FOR: WASTE CONNECTIONS (KNOXVILLE, TN) The GCL Manufactured for the above -referenced order number is certified to meet the values listed in the tables below: GCL PROPERTY SPECIFICATIONS FOR BENTOMAT® ST Test Method Test Method Property Test Frequency Certified Value ASTM D5890 Bentonite Free Swell 50 tons 24 - ml ASTM D5891 Bentonite Fluid Loss 50 tons 18 - ml ASTM D6496 GCL Peel Strength 40,000 sq ft (4,000 sq m) 3.5 - lbs/in ASTM D5887 GCL-Index Flux 250,000 sq ft lx10-8 - m3/m2/s ASTM D5887 GCL-Hydraulic Conductivity 250,000 sq ft 5x10-9 - cm/s ASTM D6243 GCL Hydrated Internal Shear Strength 1,000,000 sq ft 500 - psf ASTM D5993 Bentonite Mass/Area 40,000 sq ft (4,000 sq m) .75 - lbs/sq ft ASTM D6768 GCL Grab Strength 200,000 sq ft (20,000 sq m) 30 - lbs/in All tensile testing is in the machine direction using ASTM D 6768. All peel strength testing is performed using ASTM D 6496. An "*" indicates non-standard testing, frequency, or certified value. NEEDLE DETECTION AND REMOVAL PROCEDURE CETCOO hereby affirms that all BentomatO geosynthetic clay liner material manufactured for this project is continually passed under a magnet for needle removal and then screened with a metal detection device. CETCOO certifies BentomatO to be essentially free of broken needless and fragments of needles that would negatively affect the performance of the final product. Sincerely, NICHOLLS, RYAN J Quality Assurance Coordinator CETCOO Lovell Plant GCL PACKING LIST AND MQA TRACKING FORM Listing of finished and raw materials used to produce certification package number 55079238 GCL GEOTEXTILE CLAY BENTOMAT® ST 01-9514 01-9865 CG 50-BLK Order GCL Lot# GCL Roll# Length Width Weight Sq. ft Roll # Tested Capl Roll # Basel Roll # Clay Lot # 55079238 LL-27-2023 5164 150 15 2585 2250 5156 2027136839 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5165 150 15 2585 2250 5156 2027136839 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5166 150 15 2580 2250 5156 2027136839 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5167 150 15 2575 2250 5156 2027136839 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5168 150 15 2585 2250 5156 2027136839 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5169 150 15 2550 2250 5156 2027136839 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5170 150 15 2585 2250 5156 2027429527 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5171 150 15 2580 2250 5156 2027429527 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5172 150 15 2570 2250 5156 2027429527 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5173 150 15 2585 2250 5173 2027136841 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5174 150 15 2640 2250 5173 2027136841 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5175 150 15 2640 2250 5173 2027136841 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5176 150 15 2620 2250 5173 2027136841 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5177 150 15 2645 2250 5173 2027136841 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5178 150 15 2635 2250 5173 2027136841 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5179 150 15 2565 2250 5173 2027136841 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5180 150 15 2595 2250 5173 2027136841 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5181 150 15 2545 2250 5173 700340401 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5182 150 15 2570 2250 5173 700340401 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5183 150 15 2575 2250 5173 700340401 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5184 150 15 2570 2250 5173 700340401 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5185 150 15 2565 2250 5173 700340401 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5186 150 15 2545 2250 5173 700340401 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5187 150 15 2545 2250 5173 700340401 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5188 150 15 2525 2250 5173 2027136837 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5189 150 15 2540 2250 5173 2027136837 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5190 150 15 2535 2250 5190 2027136837 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5191 150 15 2515 2250 5190 2027136837 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5192 150 15 2595 2250 5190 2027136837 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5193 150 15 2560 2250 5190 2027136837 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5194 150 15 2530 2250 5190 2027136837 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5195 150 15 2515 2250 5190 2027136837 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5196 150 15 2545 2250 5190 700355928 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5197 150 15 2505 2250 5190 700355928 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5198 150 15 2515 2250 5190 700355928 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5199 150 15 2490 2250 5190 700355928 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5200 150 15 2505 2250 5190 700355928 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5201 150 15 2545 2250 5190 700355928 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5202 150 15 2555 2250 5190 700355928 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5203 150 15 2565 2250 5190 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5204 150 15 2520 2250 5190 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5205 150 15 2510 2250 5190 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5206 150 15 2500 2250 5190 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5207 150 15 2560 2250 5207 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5208 150 15 2575 2250 5207 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5209 150 15 2530 2250 5207 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5210 150 15 2540 2250 5207 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5211 150 15 2530 2250 5207 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5212 150 15 2575 2250 5207 2027371252 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5213 150 15 2535 2250 5207 2027371252 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5214 150 15 2530 2250 5207 2027371252 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5215 150 15 2530 2250 5207 2027371252 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5216 150 15 2595 2250 5207 2027371252 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5217 150 15 2605 2250 5207 2027371252 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5218 150 15 2605 2250 5207 2027371252 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5219 150 15 2595 2250 5207 2027371252 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5220 150 15 2590 2250 5207 2027136840 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5221 150 15 2630 2250 5207 2027136840 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5222 150 15 2640 2250 5207 2027136840 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5223 150 15 2695 2250 5207 2027136840 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5224 150 15 2670 2250 5224 2027136840 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5225 150 15 2745 2250 5224 2027136840 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5226 150 15 2740 2250 5224 2027136840 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5227 150 15 2720 2250 5224 2027136840 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5228 150 15 2725 2250 5224 2027136842 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5229 150 15 2705 2250 5224 2027136842 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5230 150 15 2710 2250 5224 2027136842 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5231 150 15 2750 2250 5224 2027136842 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5232 150 15 2745 2250 5224 2027136842 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5233 150 15 2740 2250 5224 2027136842 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5234 150 15 2765 2250 5224 2027136842 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5235 150 15 2745 2250 5224 2027136842 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5236 150 15 2705 2250 5224 2027136844 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5237 150 15 2710 2250 5224 2027136844 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5238 150 15 2670 2250 5224 2027136844 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5239 150 15 2690 2250 5224 2027136844 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5240 150 15 2695 2250 5224 2027136844 2012830819 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5241 150 15 2775 2250 5241 2027136844 2012830819 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5242 150 15 2720 2250 5241 2027136844 2012830819 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5243 150 15 2645 2250 5241 2027136844 2012830819 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5244 150 15 2650 2250 5241 2027402258 2012830819 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5245 150 15 2640 2250 5241 2027402258 2012830819 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5246 150 15 2635 2250 5241 2027402258 2012830819 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5247 150 15 2625 2250 5241 2027402258 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5248 150 15 2615 2250 5241 2027402258 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5249 150 15 2620 2250 5241 2027402258 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5250 150 15 2645 2250 5241 2027402258 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5251 150 15 2650 2250 5241 2027402258 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5252 150 15 2625 2250 5241 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5253 150 15 2620 2250 5241 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5254 150 15 2640 2250 5241 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5255 150 15 2650 2250 5241 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5256 150 15 2650 2250 5241 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5257 150 15 2645 2250 5241 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5258 150 15 2650 2250 5258 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5259 150 15 2655 2250 5258 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5260 150 15 2625 2250 5258 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5261 150 15 2645 2250 5258 2027136885 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5262 150 15 2640 2250 5258 2027136885 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5263 150 15 2640 2250 5258 2027136885 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5264 150 15 2645 2250 5258 2027136885 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5265 150 15 2625 2250 5258 2027136885 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5266 150 15 2685 2250 5258 2027136885 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5267 150 15 2640 2250 5258 2027136885 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5268 150 15 2615 2250 5258 2027136885 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5269 150 15 2590 2250 5258 2027136805 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5270 150 15 2580 2250 5258 2027136805 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5271 150 15 2590 2250 5258 2027136805 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5272 150 15 2605 2250 5258 2027136805 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5273 150 15 2790 2250 5258 2027136805 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5274 150 15 2645 2250 5258 2027136805 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5275 150 15 2620 2250 5275 2027136805 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5276 150 15 2580 2250 5275 2027136805 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5277 150 15 2590 2250 5275 2027136845 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5278 150 15 2610 2250 5275 2027136845 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5279 150 15 2630 2250 5275 2027136845 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5280 150 15 2645 2250 5275 2027136845 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5281 150 15 2600 2250 5275 2027136845 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5282 150 15 2630 2250 5275 2027136845 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5283 150 15 2570 2250 5275 2027136845 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5284 150 15 2570 2250 5275 2027136845 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5285 150 15 2585 2250 5275 700355800 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5286 150 15 2550 2250 5275 700355800 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5287 150 15 2550 2250 5275 700355800 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5288 150 15 2570 2250 5275 700355800 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5289 150 15 2595 2250 5275 700355800 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5290 150 15 2600 2250 5275 700355800 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5291 150 15 2550 2250 5275 700355800 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5292 150 15 2555 2250 5292 2027136846 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5293 150 15 2570 2250 5292 2027136846 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5294 150 15 2545 2250 5292 2027136846 2012830830 L-177-23-E Total Sq Ft: 29475 0 Total Number of Rolls Certified: 131 GCL MANUFACTURING QUALITY CONTROL TEST DATA The following rolls in GCL certification package number 55079238 have been tested in our production facility lab. Product Lot# Tested Roll# Tested Mass Area Grab Strength Peel Strength ASTM Test Method: ASTM D5993 ASTM D6768 ASTM D6496 Required Value: .75 - lbs/sq ft 30 - lbs/in 3.5 - lbs/in BENTOMAT® ST LL-27-2023 5156 .87 46 6.3 BENTOMATO ST LL-27-2023 5173 .83 46 7.9 BENTOMAT® ST LL-27-2023 5190 .83 46 4.1 BENTOMATO ST LL-27-2023 5207 .84 59.3 5.8 BENTOMAT® ST LL-27-2023 5224 .85 35.7 4.1 BENTOMATO ST LL-27-2023 5241 .83 35.7 6.6 BENTOMATO ST LL-27-2023 5258 .86 35.7 5.3 BENTOMAT® ST LL-27-2023 5275 .84 35.7 11.1 BENTOMATO ST LL-27-2023 5292 .85 35.7 7.2 BENTONITE CLAY CERTIFICATION The Bentonite Clay used to produce package 55079238 was tested in our production facility lab and yielded the following results. Clay Lot # Moist Swell Fluid Loss ASTM Test Method: ASTM D2216 ASTM D5890 ASTM D5891 Required Value: 12 - % 24 - ml 18 - ml L-177-23-C 9.17 35.5 10 L-177-23-D 9.76 28.5 12 L-177-23-E 9.81 27 14.6 GEOTEXTILE TEST RESULTS FROM MATERIAL SUPPLIERS The GCL in certification package number 55079238 was manufactured with geotextiles which were tested and yielded the following results. BASE GEOTEXTILE Material Roll Number Mass Area oz/yd2 Grab Strength lbs 01-9865 2012830358 3.24 187 01-9865 W2794493000 3.24 164.25 01-9865 W2794489000 3.24 164.25 01-9865 2012830819 3.2 181.3 01-9865 2012830830 3.39 183.1 COVER GEOTEXTILE Material Roll Number Mass Area oz/yd2 Grab Strength lbs 01-9514 2027136839 7.07 171.05 01-9514 2027429527 7.02 169.43 01-9514 2027136841 6.95 177.35 01-9514 700340401 6.43 112 01-9514 2027136837 7.07 171.05 01-9514 700355928 6.73 75 01-9514 2027248271 6.61 164.93 01-9514 2027371252 6.9 158.46 01-9514 2027136840 6.95 177.35 01-9514 2027136842 6.95 177.35 01-9514 2027136844 6.95 177.35 01-9514 2027402258 6.51 128.18 01-9514 2027136856 6.8 176.32 01-9514 2027136885 6.94 172.81 01-9514 2027136805 6.51 163.23 01-9514 2027136845 6.95 177.35 01-9514 700355800 6.15 88 01-9514 2027136846 6.45 160.07 Certifications from our suppliers are on file at our production facility. CEr cdwd Mioun! y ia2w" Camay u[ PRODUCT CERTIFICATIONS PROJECT NAME: CUSTOMER P.O.: 6115-23-0002 ORDER NUMBER: 55079238 PREPARED FOR: WASTE CONNECTIONS (KNOXVILLE, TN) The GCL Manufactured for the above -referenced order number is certified to meet the values listed in the tables below: GCL PROPERTY SPECIFICATIONS FOR BENTOMAT® ST Test Method Test Method Property Test Frequency Certified Value ASTM D5887 GCL-Hydraulic Conductivity 250,000 sq ft 5x10-9 - cm/s ASTM D5887 GCL-Index Flux 250,000 sq ft Ix10-8 - m3/m2/s Product Lot# Tested Roll# Tested Index Flux Hydraulic Conductivity ASTM Test Method: ASTM D5887 ASTM D5887 Required Value: 1x10-8 m3/m2/s 5x10-9 cm/s BENTOMAT® ST LL-26-2023 5121 3.8x10-9 1.3x10-9 BENTOMAT® ST LL-27-2023 5232 6.9x10-9 2.6x10-9 Date: 06-Jul-2023 22:23 Purchase Order: 6115-23-0002 ORDER NUMBER: 55079238 WASTE CONNECTIONS (KNOXVILLE, TN) ATTN SUSAN REID 11400 PARKSIDE DRIVE SUITE 500 KNOXVILLE,TN,37934 To Whom It May Concern: Please find the enclosed Manufacturing Quality Assurance/Manufacturing Quality Control (MQA/MQC) test data package for Geosynthetic Clay Liner (GCL) shipments to WASTE CONNECTIONS (KNOXVILLE, TN) . The enclosed data package includes results for all MQC tests required by ASTM D5889, with the exception of index flux/hydraulic conductivity. This test, which is run according to ASTM D5887, is normally performed once every 250,000 sq./ft. of GCL produced, unless a higher frequency is required by the project specifications. Because of the GCL's low permeability, this test can take several weeks to complete. The index flux/hydraulic conductivity results associated with this lot of material will be provided under separate cover as soon as they are available. Although the index flux/hydraulic conductivity test results are not yet available, CETCO® accepts responsibility for our GCL should the index flux/hydraulic conductivity test produce unacceptable results. If, upon delivery and prior to installation, individual rolls of GCL are found to be nonconforming to accepted project specifications, CETCO® will replace the nonconforming material at no charge. Questions regarding this information should be directed to CETCO® Technical Services at eptechservices@cetco.com. Sincerely, NICHOLLS, RYAN J Quality Assurance Coordinator CETCO® Lovell Plant GEOSYNTHETIC CLAY LINER MANUFACTURING QUALITY ASSURANCE DATA PACKAGE PROJECT NAME: CUSTOMER P.O.: 6115-23-0002 ORDER NUMBER: 55079238 PREPARED FOR: WASTE CONNECTIONS (KNOXVILLE, TN) CONTENTS: • Product Certifications • GCL Order Packing List and MQA Tracking Form • GCL Manufacturing Quality control test data • Bentonite clay certification • Raw Material Test results PREPARED BY: NICHOLLS, RYAN J Quality Assurance Coordinator CETCO® AMERICAN COLLOID COMPANY 92 HIGHWAY 37 LOVELL, 82431, WY Telephone: 800-322-1159 Email: Ryan.Nicholls@mineralstech.com PRODUCT CERTIFICATIONS PROJECT NAME: CUSTOMER P.O.: 6115-23-0002 ORDER NUMBER: 55079238 PREPARED FOR: WASTE CONNECTIONS (KNOXVILLE, TN) The GCL Manufactured for the above -referenced order number is certified to meet the values listed in the tables below: GCL PROPERTY SPECIFICATIONS FOR BENTOMAT® ST Test Method Test Method Property Test Frequency Certified Value ASTM D5890 Bentonite Free Swell 50 tons 24 - ml ASTM D5891 Bentonite Fluid Loss 50 tons 18 - ml ASTM D6496 GCL Peel Strength 40,000 sq ft (4,000 sq m) 3.5 - lbs/in ASTM D5887 GCL-Index Flux 250,000 sq ft lx10-8 - m3/m2/s ASTM D5887 GCL-Hydraulic Conductivity 250,000 sq ft 5x10-9 - cm/s ASTM D6243 GCL Hydrated Internal Shear Strength 1,000,000 sq ft 500 - psf ASTM D5993 Bentonite Mass/Area 40,000 sq ft (4,000 sq m) .75 - lbs/sq ft ASTM D6768 GCL Grab Strength 200,000 sq ft (20,000 sq m) 30 - lbs/in All tensile testing is in the machine direction using ASTM D 6768. All peel strength testing is performed using ASTM D 6496. An "*" indicates non-standard testing, frequency, or certified value. NEEDLE DETECTION AND REMOVAL PROCEDURE CETCOO hereby affirms that all BentomatO geosynthetic clay liner material manufactured for this project is continually passed under a magnet for needle removal and then screened with a metal detection device. CETCOO certifies BentomatO to be essentially free of broken needless and fragments of needles that would negatively affect the performance of the final product. Sincerely, NICHOLLS, RYAN J Quality Assurance Coordinator CETCOO Lovell Plant GCL PACKING LIST AND MQA TRACKING FORM Listing of finished and raw materials used to produce certification package number 55079238 GCL GEOTEXTILE CLAY BENTOMAT® ST 01-9514 01-9865 CG 50-BLK Order GCL Lot# GCL Roll# Length Width Weight Sq. ft Roll # Tested Capl Roll # Basel Roll # Clay Lot # 55079238 LL-27-2023 5164 150 15 2585 2250 5156 2027136839 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5165 150 15 2585 2250 5156 2027136839 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5166 150 15 2580 2250 5156 2027136839 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5167 150 15 2575 2250 5156 2027136839 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5168 150 15 2585 2250 5156 2027136839 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5169 150 15 2550 2250 5156 2027136839 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5170 150 15 2585 2250 5156 2027429527 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5171 150 15 2580 2250 5156 2027429527 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5172 150 15 2570 2250 5156 2027429527 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5173 150 15 2585 2250 5173 2027136841 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5174 150 15 2640 2250 5173 2027136841 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5175 150 15 2640 2250 5173 2027136841 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5176 150 15 2620 2250 5173 2027136841 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5177 150 15 2645 2250 5173 2027136841 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5178 150 15 2635 2250 5173 2027136841 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5179 150 15 2565 2250 5173 2027136841 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5180 150 15 2595 2250 5173 2027136841 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5181 150 15 2545 2250 5173 700340401 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5182 150 15 2570 2250 5173 700340401 2012830358 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5183 150 15 2575 2250 5173 700340401 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5184 150 15 2570 2250 5173 700340401 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5185 150 15 2565 2250 5173 700340401 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5186 150 15 2545 2250 5173 700340401 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5187 150 15 2545 2250 5173 700340401 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5188 150 15 2525 2250 5173 2027136837 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5189 150 15 2540 2250 5173 2027136837 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5190 150 15 2535 2250 5190 2027136837 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5191 150 15 2515 2250 5190 2027136837 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5192 150 15 2595 2250 5190 2027136837 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5193 150 15 2560 2250 5190 2027136837 W2794493000 L-177-23-C 55079238 LL-27-2023 5194 150 15 2530 2250 5190 2027136837 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5195 150 15 2515 2250 5190 2027136837 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5196 150 15 2545 2250 5190 700355928 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5197 150 15 2505 2250 5190 700355928 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5198 150 15 2515 2250 5190 700355928 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5199 150 15 2490 2250 5190 700355928 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5200 150 15 2505 2250 5190 700355928 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5201 150 15 2545 2250 5190 700355928 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5202 150 15 2555 2250 5190 700355928 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5203 150 15 2565 2250 5190 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5204 150 15 2520 2250 5190 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5205 150 15 2510 2250 5190 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5206 150 15 2500 2250 5190 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5207 150 15 2560 2250 5207 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5208 150 15 2575 2250 5207 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5209 150 15 2530 2250 5207 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5210 150 15 2540 2250 5207 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5211 150 15 2530 2250 5207 2027248271 W2794493000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5212 150 15 2575 2250 5207 2027371252 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5213 150 15 2535 2250 5207 2027371252 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5214 150 15 2530 2250 5207 2027371252 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5215 150 15 2530 2250 5207 2027371252 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5216 150 15 2595 2250 5207 2027371252 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5217 150 15 2605 2250 5207 2027371252 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5218 150 15 2605 2250 5207 2027371252 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5219 150 15 2595 2250 5207 2027371252 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5220 150 15 2590 2250 5207 2027136840 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5221 150 15 2630 2250 5207 2027136840 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5222 150 15 2640 2250 5207 2027136840 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5223 150 15 2695 2250 5207 2027136840 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5224 150 15 2670 2250 5224 2027136840 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5225 150 15 2745 2250 5224 2027136840 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5226 150 15 2740 2250 5224 2027136840 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5227 150 15 2720 2250 5224 2027136840 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5228 150 15 2725 2250 5224 2027136842 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5229 150 15 2705 2250 5224 2027136842 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5230 150 15 2710 2250 5224 2027136842 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5231 150 15 2750 2250 5224 2027136842 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5232 150 15 2745 2250 5224 2027136842 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5233 150 15 2740 2250 5224 2027136842 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5234 150 15 2765 2250 5224 2027136842 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5235 150 15 2745 2250 5224 2027136842 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5236 150 15 2705 2250 5224 2027136844 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5237 150 15 2710 2250 5224 2027136844 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5238 150 15 2670 2250 5224 2027136844 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5239 150 15 2690 2250 5224 2027136844 W2794489000 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5240 150 15 2695 2250 5224 2027136844 2012830819 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5241 150 15 2775 2250 5241 2027136844 2012830819 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5242 150 15 2720 2250 5241 2027136844 2012830819 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5243 150 15 2645 2250 5241 2027136844 2012830819 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5244 150 15 2650 2250 5241 2027402258 2012830819 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5245 150 15 2640 2250 5241 2027402258 2012830819 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5246 150 15 2635 2250 5241 2027402258 2012830819 L-177-23-D 55079238 LL-27-2023 5247 150 15 2625 2250 5241 2027402258 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5248 150 15 2615 2250 5241 2027402258 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5249 150 15 2620 2250 5241 2027402258 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5250 150 15 2645 2250 5241 2027402258 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5251 150 15 2650 2250 5241 2027402258 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5252 150 15 2625 2250 5241 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5253 150 15 2620 2250 5241 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5254 150 15 2640 2250 5241 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5255 150 15 2650 2250 5241 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5256 150 15 2650 2250 5241 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5257 150 15 2645 2250 5241 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5258 150 15 2650 2250 5258 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5259 150 15 2655 2250 5258 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5260 150 15 2625 2250 5258 2027136856 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5261 150 15 2645 2250 5258 2027136885 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5262 150 15 2640 2250 5258 2027136885 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5263 150 15 2640 2250 5258 2027136885 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5264 150 15 2645 2250 5258 2027136885 2012830819 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5265 150 15 2625 2250 5258 2027136885 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5266 150 15 2685 2250 5258 2027136885 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5267 150 15 2640 2250 5258 2027136885 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5268 150 15 2615 2250 5258 2027136885 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5269 150 15 2590 2250 5258 2027136805 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5270 150 15 2580 2250 5258 2027136805 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5271 150 15 2590 2250 5258 2027136805 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5272 150 15 2605 2250 5258 2027136805 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5273 150 15 2790 2250 5258 2027136805 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5274 150 15 2645 2250 5258 2027136805 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5275 150 15 2620 2250 5275 2027136805 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5276 150 15 2580 2250 5275 2027136805 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5277 150 15 2590 2250 5275 2027136845 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5278 150 15 2610 2250 5275 2027136845 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5279 150 15 2630 2250 5275 2027136845 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5280 150 15 2645 2250 5275 2027136845 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5281 150 15 2600 2250 5275 2027136845 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5282 150 15 2630 2250 5275 2027136845 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5283 150 15 2570 2250 5275 2027136845 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5284 150 15 2570 2250 5275 2027136845 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5285 150 15 2585 2250 5275 700355800 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5286 150 15 2550 2250 5275 700355800 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5287 150 15 2550 2250 5275 700355800 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5288 150 15 2570 2250 5275 700355800 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5289 150 15 2595 2250 5275 700355800 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5290 150 15 2600 2250 5275 700355800 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5291 150 15 2550 2250 5275 700355800 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5292 150 15 2555 2250 5292 2027136846 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5293 150 15 2570 2250 5292 2027136846 2012830830 L-177-23-E 55079238 LL-27-2023 5294 150 15 2545 2250 5292 2027136846 2012830830 L-177-23-E Total Sq Ft: 29475 0 Total Number of Rolls Certified: 131 GCL MANUFACTURING QUALITY CONTROL TEST DATA The following rolls in GCL certification package number 55079238 have been tested in our production facility lab. Product Lot# Tested Roll# Tested Mass Area Grab Strength Peel Strength ASTM Test Method: ASTM D5993 ASTM D6768 ASTM D6496 Required Value: .75 - lbs/sq ft 30 - lbs/in 3.5 - lbs/in BENTOMAT® ST LL-27-2023 5156 .87 46 6.3 BENTOMATO ST LL-27-2023 5173 .83 46 7.9 BENTOMAT® ST LL-27-2023 5190 .83 46 4.1 BENTOMATO ST LL-27-2023 5207 .84 59.3 5.8 BENTOMAT® ST LL-27-2023 5224 .85 35.7 4.1 BENTOMATO ST LL-27-2023 5241 .83 35.7 6.6 BENTOMATO ST LL-27-2023 5258 .86 35.7 5.3 BENTOMAT® ST LL-27-2023 5275 .84 35.7 11.1 BENTOMATO ST LL-27-2023 5292 .85 35.7 7.2 BENTONITE CLAY CERTIFICATION The Bentonite Clay used to produce package 55079238 was tested in our production facility lab and yielded the following results. Clay Lot # Moist Swell Fluid Loss ASTM Test Method: ASTM D2216 ASTM D5890 ASTM D5891 Required Value: 12 - % 24 - ml 18 - ml L-177-23-C 9.17 35.5 10 L-177-23-D 9.76 28.5 12 L-177-23-E 9.81 27 14.6 GEOTEXTILE TEST RESULTS FROM MATERIAL SUPPLIERS The GCL in certification package number 55079238 was manufactured with geotextiles which were tested and yielded the following results. BASE GEOTEXTILE Material Roll Number Mass Area oz/yd2 Grab Strength lbs 01-9865 2012830358 3.24 187 01-9865 W2794493000 3.24 164.25 01-9865 W2794489000 3.24 164.25 01-9865 2012830819 3.2 181.3 01-9865 2012830830 3.39 183.1 COVER GEOTEXTILE Material Roll Number Mass Area oz/yd2 Grab Strength lbs 01-9514 2027136839 7.07 171.05 01-9514 2027429527 7.02 169.43 01-9514 2027136841 6.95 177.35 01-9514 700340401 6.43 112 01-9514 2027136837 7.07 171.05 01-9514 700355928 6.73 75 01-9514 2027248271 6.61 164.93 01-9514 2027371252 6.9 158.46 01-9514 2027136840 6.95 177.35 01-9514 2027136842 6.95 177.35 01-9514 2027136844 6.95 177.35 01-9514 2027402258 6.51 128.18 01-9514 2027136856 6.8 176.32 01-9514 2027136885 6.94 172.81 01-9514 2027136805 6.51 163.23 01-9514 2027136845 6.95 177.35 01-9514 700355800 6.15 88 01-9514 2027136846 6.45 160.07 Certifications from our suppliers are on file at our production facility. APPENDIX C Section 3 GEOCOMPOSITE % September 1, 2023 Customer: Waste Connections Inc Customer P.O.#: 6115-23-0002 ■ Project: WCI Anson Phase 4 Cell 2, NC Product: TN 270-2-8 We hereby certify that the TN 270-2-8 drainage geocomposite, meets or exceeds the project requirements as stated in the specifications. The properties listed in this section are: Property Test Method Unit Value lQualifier Geonet3 Thickness ASTM D 5199 mil 250 MAV6 Carbon Black ASTM D 4218 % 2.0 MAV Tensile Strength ASTM D 7179 Ibs/in 55 MAV Melt Flow ASTM D 12382 /10 min 1.0 Maximum Density ASTM D 1505 cm3 0.94 MAV Composite Ply Adhesion ASTM D 7005 lb/in 1.0 MAV Transmissivi 1 ASTM D 4716 mz sec 5.0 x 10-4 MAV Geotextile' 14 Fabric Weight ASTM D 5261 oz dz 8.0 MARV' Grab Strength ASTM D 4632 Ibs 225 MARV Grab Elongation ASTM D 4632 % 50 MARV Puncture Resistance ASTM D 4833 Ibs 130 MARV Water Flow Rate ASTM D 4491 m ft2 110 MARV AOS ASTM D 4751 US Sieve 80 MaxARV UV Resistance (Certi Only) ASTM D 4355 %/hrs 70/500 MARV Notes: 1. Transmissivity measured using water at 21 + 2 ° C (70 + 4 ° F) with a gradient of 0.1 and a confining pressure of 10,000 psf between steel plates after 15 minutes 2. Condition 19012,16 3. Geotextile and Geonet properties are prior to lamination. 4. Geotextile data is provided by the supplier. 5. MARV is statistically defined as mean minus two standard deviations and it is the value which is exceeded by 97.5% of all the test data. 6. Minium average value too Quality Approval VVAD& P I&5 571 Industrial Parkway, Commerce, GA 30529 * Ph : 706-336-7000 * Fax : 706-336-7007 * Email: contact@skaps.com Product: TN 270-2-5 xAA Project: WCI Anson Phase 4 Cell 2, NC y We hereby certify the following test results for the above referenced product/project Geocomposite Geonet Roll Number Ply Adhesion (lb/in) Transmissivity (m2/sec) Resin Lot Number Density (g/cm3) Thickness (mils) Carbon Black (%) I ensue Strength MD Transmissivity (m2/sec) Side "A" Side "B" 134021010001 2.76 3.58 7.72 x 10-4 CCBX071419 0.9531 274 2.61 74 134021010002 CCBX071419 0.9531 134021010003 CCBX071419 0.9531 134021010004 CCBX071419 0.9531 134021010005 CCBX071419 0.9531 134021010006 CCBX071419 0.9531 134021010007 CCBX071419 0.9531 134021010008 CCBX071419 0.9531 134021010009 CCBX071419 0.9531 134021010010 CCBX071419 0.9531 134021010011 CCBX071419 0.9531 134021010012 CCBX071419 0.9531 134021010013 CCBX071419 0.9531 134021010014 CCBX071419 0.9531 134021010015 3.05 3.22 CCBX071419 0.9529 267 2.64 77 134021010016 CCBX071419 0.9529 134021010017 CCBX071419 0.9529 134021010018 CCBX071419 0.9529 134021010019 CCBX071419 0.9529 134021010020 CCBX071419 0.9529 134021010021 CCBX071419 0.9529 134021010022 CCBX071419 0.9529 134021010023 CCBX071419 0.9529 11340210100241 CCBX071419 0.9529 571 Industrial Parkway, Commerce, GA 30529 * Ph : 706-336-7000 * Fax : 706-336-7007 * Email : contact@skaps.com f, Product: TN 270-2-8 * Project: WCI Anson Phase 4 Cell 2, NC Y� We hereby certify the following test results for the above referenced product/project Geocomposite Geonet Roll Number Ply Adhesion (Ib/in) Transmissivity Z (m /sec) Resin Lot Number Density (g/cma ) Thickness (Mills) Carbon Black (%) l ensile Strength MD Transmissivity (m z/sec) Side "A" Side "B" 134021010025 CCBX071419 0.9529 134021010026 CCBX071419 0.9529 134021010027 CCBX071419 0.9529 134021010028 CCBX071419 0.9529 134021010029 CCBX071419 0.9529 134021010030 3.11 1.99 7.87 x 10-4 CCBX071419 0.9528 264 2.66 80 134021010031 CCBX071419 0.9528 134021010032 CCBX071419 0.9528 134021010033 CCBX071419 0.9528 134021010034 CCBX071419 0.9528 134021010035 CCBX071419 0.9528 134021010036 CCBX071419 0.9528 134021010037 CCBX071419 0.9528 134021010038 CCBX071419 0.9528 134021010039 CCBX071419 0.9528 134021010040 CCBX071419 0.9528 134021010041 CCBX071419 0.9528 134021010042 CCBX071419 0.9528 134021010043 CCBX071419 0.9528 134021010044 CCBX071419 0.9528 134021010045 3.85 2.02 CCBX071419 0.9527 273 2.52 78 134021010046 CCBX071419 0.9527 134021010047 1 CCBX071419 0.9527 134021010048 1 CCBX071419 0.9527 571 Industrial Parkway, Commerce, GA 30529 * Ph : 706-336-7000 * Fax : 706-336-7007 * Email: contact@skaps.com Product: TN 270-2-8 , r !f Project: WCI Anson Phase 4 Cell 2, NC We hereby certify the following test results for the above referenced product/project Geocomposite Geonet Roll Number Ply Adhesion (lb/in) Transmissivity (mZ/sec) Resin Lot Number Density (g/cm3) Thickness (mils) Carbon Black (%) iensue Strength MD Transmissivity (mZ/sec) Side "A" Side "B" 134021010049 CCBX071419 0.9527 134021010050 CCBX071419 0.9527 134021010051 CCBX071419 0.9527 134021010052 CCBX071419 0.9527 134021010053 CCBX071419 0.9527 134021010054 CCBX071419 0.9527 134021010055 CCBX071419 0.9527 134021010056 CCBX071419 0.9527 134021010057 CCBX071419 0.9527 134021010058 CCBX071419 0.9527 134021010059 CCBX071419 0.9527 134021010060 1.98 3.71 8.03 x 10-4 CCBX071419 0.9532 266 2.44 75 134021010061 CCBX071419 0.9532 134021010062 CCBX071419 0.9532 134021010063 CCBX071419 0.9532 134021010064 CCBX071419 0.9532 134021010065 CCBX071419 0.9532 134021010066 CCBX071419 0.9532 134021010067 CCBX071419 0.9532 134021010068 CCBX071419 0.9532 134021010069 CCBX071419 0.9532 134021010070 CCBX071419 0.9532 134021010071 CCBX071419 0.9532 134021010072 CCBX071419 0.9532 571 Industrial Parkway, Commerce, GA 30529 * Ph : 706-336-7000 * Fax : 706-336-7007 * Email: contact@skaps.com Product: TN 270-2-8 �"I Project : WCI Anson Phase 4 Cell 2, NC We hereby certify the following test results for the above referenced product/project Geocomposite Geonet Roll Number Ply Adhesion (lb/in) Transmissivity Z (m /sec) Resin Lot Number Density a (g/cm ) Thickness (mils) Carbon Black (%) Tensile Strength MD Transmissivity 2 (m /sec) Side "A" Side "B" 134021010073 CCBX071419 0.9532 134021010074 CCBX071419 0.9532 134021010075 3.98 3.73 CCBX071419 0.9530 276 2.50 79 134021010076 CCBX071419 0.9530 134021010077 CCBX071419 0.9530 134021010078 CCBX071419 0.9530 134021010079 CCBX071419 0.9530 134021010080 CCBX071419 0.9530 134021010081 CCBX071419 0.9530 134021010082 CCBX071419 0.9530 134021010083 CCBX071419 0.9530 134021010084 CCBX071419 0.9530 134021010085 CCBX071419 0.9530 134021010086 CCBX071419 0.9530 134021010087 CCBX071419 0.9530 134021010088 CCBX071419 0.9530 134021010089 CCBX071419 0.9530 134021010090 3.06 3.29 7.4 x 10-4 CCBX071419 0.9531 275 2.65 76 134021010091 CCBX071419 0.9531 134021010092 CCBX071419 0.9531 134021010093 CCBX071419 0.9531 134021010094 CCBX071419 0.9531 1340210100951 1 CCBX071419 0.9531 1340210100961 1 CCBX071419 0.9531 571 Industrial Parkway, Commerce, GA 30529 * Ph : 706-336-7000 * Fax : 706-336-7007 * Email: contact@skaps.com Product: TN 270-2-8 Project: WCI Anson Phase 4 Cell 2, NC We hereby certify the following test results for the above referenced product/project Geocomposite Geonet Roll Number Ply Adhesion (lb/in) Transmissivity (m2/sec) Resin Lot Number Density (g/cm3) Thickness (mils) Carbon Black (%) I ensue Strength MD Transmissivity (m2/sec) Side "A" Side "B" 134021010097 CCBX071419 0.9531 134021010098 CCBX071419 0.9531 134021010099 CCBX071419 0.9531 134021010100 CCBX071419 0.9531 134021010101 CCBX071419 0.9531 134021010102 CCBX071419 0.9531 134021010103 CCBX071419 0.9531 134021010104 CCBX071419 0.9531 134021010105 2.43 3.94 CCBX071419 0.9527 270 2.63 81 134021010106 CCBX071419 0.9527 134021010107 CCBX071419 0.9527 134021010108 CCBX071419 0.9527 134021010109 CCBX071419 0.9527 134021010110 CCBX071419 0.9527 134021010111 CCBX071419 0.9527 134021010112 CCBX071419 0.9527 134021010113 CCBX071419 0.9527 134021010114 CCBX071419 0.9527 134021010115 CCBX071419 0.9527 134021010116 CCBX071419 0.9527 134021010117 CCBX071419 0.9527 134021010118 CCBX071419 0.9527 134021010119 CCBX071419 0.9527 134021010120 3.61 3.99 7.14 x 10-4 CCBX071419 1 0.9528 265 2.49 75 571 Industrial Parkway, Commerce, GA 30529 * Ph: 706-336-7000 * Fax: 706-336-7007 * Email: contact@skaps.com if Product: TN 270-2-8 Project: WCI Anson Phase 4 Cell 2, NC We hereby certify the following test results for the above referenced product/project Geocomposite Geonet Roll Number Ply Adhesion (lb/in) Transmissivity Resin Lot Density Thickness Carbon Black I ensue Strength Transmissivity (m2/sec) Number (g/cm3) (mils) (o/o) MD (m2/sec) "A" "B" Side Side 134021010121 CCBX071419 0.9528 134021010122 CCBX071419 0.9528 1 134021010123 CCBX071419 0.9528 571 Industrial Parkway, Commerce, GA 30529 * Ph : 706-336-7000 * Fax : 706-336-7007*Emafl:contact@skaps.com Customer Name: Project Name: Geocomposite Manufacturer: Geocomposite Production Plant: Geocomposite Brand Name: POLYETHYLENE RESIN CERTIFICATION Waste Connections Inc WCI Anson Phase 4 Cell 2, NC SKAPS Industries Commerce, GA TN 270-2-8 We hereby certify the following test results for the above referenced product/project: Resin Manufacturer Resin Lot Number property Test Method Units Resin Manufacturer Value Tested Value Osterman and Company CCBX071419 Density ASTM D1505 g/cm3 1 0.9500 1 0.9482 Melt flow Index ASTM D1238(a) g/10 min 1 0.30 1 0.18 (a) Condition 190/2.16 * Data from SKAPS Quality Control 571 Industrial Parkway, Commerce, GA 30529 * Ph : 706-336-7000 * Fax : 706-336-7007 * Email : contact@skaps.com r Geotextile certification / Product: TN 270-2-8 Project: WCI Anson Phase 4 Cell 2, NC We hereby certify the following test results for the above referenced product/project ROLL# SIDE oz/yd2 GRAB lbs. (MD) GRAB ELG % (MD) GRAB lbs. (XMD) GRAB ELG % (XMD) PUNCTURE lbs. ADS us sieve WATER - FLOW 9Pm/ft2 Side A 8.50 231 74 238 83 134 80 110 134021010001 Side B 8.53 226 67 233 76 138 80 110 Side A 8.51 235 73 237 81 132 80 112 134021010030 Side B 8.27 232 65 239 85 136 80 112 Side A 8.51 235 73 237 81 132 80 112 134021010060 Side B 8.27 232 65 239 85 1 136 80 112 Side A 8.38 234 69 234 78 131 80 110 134021010090 Side B 8.30 225 66 241 80 139 80 112 Side A 8.36 227 68 230 84 137 80 112 134021010120 Side B 8.38 234 69 1 234 78 131 80 110 571 Industrial Parkway, Commerce, GA 30529 * Ph : 706-336-7000 * Fax : 706-336-7007 * Email: contact@skaps-com APPENDIX C Section 4 LEACHATE COLLECTION COMPONENTS & STORMWATER SidesloperTmPumps Manufactured by: GunnCo Pumps & Control, Inc. MEMO MEMO MEMO MEMO MEMO IIIL� MEMO MEMO MEMO MEMO MEMO MEMO ' MEMO t� MEMO MEMO MEMO MEMO MEMO MEMO MEMO MEMO 0 20 40 60 8D 100 12D 140 FLOW RATE (GPM) Model Max. H.P. Est. Weight* Max. Pump Dia. Discharge Size Est. Length Pump & Motor" Carrier Size P21<75.3 2.0 40.0lbs. 4" 2" 31.0" A5 P21<75.5 3.0 70.0lbs. 4" 2" 4" 2" 39.1" C5 P21<75.8 5.0 80.0lbs. 57.0" E5 * Estimated pump with single phase motor and carrier. Add estimate of .5 lbs. per foot for cable and discharge piping. Consult manufacturer for carrier dimensions. ** Length is based on bare pump and single-phase motor. Does not include carrier or any fittings. GunnCo pumps are provided with male cam -lock discharge fitting unless specified other. Curves are based on stainless steel with Teflon® bearing and seals. MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION Leachate Pumps Pump Model P2K 75-5TSN Check Valve Housing Check Valve Diffuser Chamber Impeller Suction Interconnector Inlet Screen Pump Shaft Stra ps Priming Inducer Coupling Check Valve Seat Top Bearing Impeller Seal Ring Intermediate Bearings Shaft Washer Split Cone Split Cone Nut 304 Stainless Steel 304 Stainless Steel 304 Stainless Steel 304 Stainless Steel 304 Stainless Steel 304 Stainless Steel 431 Stainless Steel 304 Stainless Steel 304 Stainless Steel 329/431 Stainless Steel Teflon/316 Stainless Steel Teflon/316 Stainless Steel Teflon/316 Stainless Steel Teflon/316 Stainless Steel LCP (Vectra®) 304 Stainless Steel 304 Stainless Steel G u n n C o Sidesloper TM MODEL P2K MOTOR DATA 3 HP, 3/460V/60 HORSE POWER 3 hp PHASE 3 VOLTS 460 volts FREQUENCY 60 Hz SERVICE FACTOR 1.15 FULL LOAD AMPS 4.8 amps AMPS @ SF 5.5 amps Line to line Resistance 7.2 — 8.8 Ohms Locked rotor amps 31.0 amps ■■■■■■■■■■■■ Stainless 0 Applications These motors are built for dependable operation in 4" diameter or larger water wells. Basic Features ■ Corrosion -resistant Stainless Steel Exterior ■ Stainless Steel Splined Shaft ■ Hermetically -sealed Windings ■ Anti -track Self -healing Resin System ■ Filter Check Valve ■ Water Lubrication ■ Kingsbury -type Thrust Bearing ■ Pressure -equalizing Diaphragm ■ Built-in Lightning Arrestors (All Single-phase; 200 & 230 V Three -Phase) ■ Removable Water Bloc Lead ■ Franklin -manufactured Control Boxes Available for Single -Phase Motors ■ UL 778 Recognized (North American Voltages) ■ CSA Certified ■ ANSI/NSF 61 Certified ■ Industry Standard NEMA Mounting Dimensions Special Features ■ No flow inducer sleeve required in water up to 860F (30°C) for motors through 2 Hp. ■ Two -wire motors are split -phase designs with integral starting components and do not require a control box. They feature Franklin's patented 2-wire BIAC starting switch which provides Reverse Impact Torque to aid starting in adverse environments and prevents extreme fast cycling (e.g. water logged tank). ■ Three -wire motors through 1 Hp use Franklin's exclusive 3-wire QD (Quick Disconnect) Control Box with the patented QD Relay. This relay provides the ultimate in operational life. ■ Single-phase motors can be used with Pumptec products to protect against dry -run and other installation conditions that can damage motors and/or pumps. See Single-phase Protection Devices for details. Constant Pressure Options ■ Use Franklin's MonoDrive controller with 1 1/2 Hp three -wire single-phase motors to provide constant water pressure. ■ Three-phase motors can be used with SubDrive controllers to provide constant water pressure. Pollution Recovery Option ■ Pollution Recovery motors are equipped for use in monitoring and recovery wells in which hydrocarbons and other chemicals may be present. ■ Special Viton® rubber parts and other chemical resistant materials as listed in Construction Materials chart. 3 MENEEMENEEN I Stainless 4-Inch Super Stainless Motor Specifications 60 2-Wire 1/3 - 1.5 0.25 - 1.1 2 3450 86°F / 30°C Continuous 50 2-Wire 1/2 - 1.5 0.37 - 1.1 2 2875 86°F / 30°C Continuous 60 3-Wire 1/3-3 0.25 - 2.2 2 3450 86°F / 30°C Continuous* 50 3-Wire 1/3-3 0.25 - 2.2 2 2875 86°F / 30°C Continuous* 60 3-Phase 1/2-3 0.37 - 2.2 2 3450 86°F / 30°C Continuous" 50 3-Phase 1/2-3 0.37 - 2.2 2 2875 86°F / 30°C Continuous" 4-Inch Pollution Recovery Motor Specifications 60 2-Wire 1/3 - 1.5 0.25 - 1.1 2 3450 86T / 30°C Continuous 50 2-Wire 1/2 - 1.5 0.37 - 1.1 2 2875 86°F / 30°C Continuous 60 3-Wire 1/3-2 0.25 - 1.5 2 3450 86°F / 30°C Continuous 50 3-Wire 1/3-2 0.25 - 1.5 2 2875 86°F / 30°C Continuous 60 3-Phase 1/2-2 0.37 - 1.5 2 3450 86°F / 30°C Continuous 50 3-Phase 1/2-2 0.37 - 1.5 2 2875 86°F / 30°C Continuous `3 Hp motors require 0.25 ft/sec flow past motor 4-Inch Construction Materials End Bells Stator Shell Shaft Extension Fasteners Seal Cover Seal Diaphragm Slinger Lead Wire (or Cable) Lead Potting Lead Jam Nut Specifications subject to chan< Viton@ is a registered trademE Tefzel® is a registered tradem 304 SS over Iron 301 SS 17-4 SS 300 Series SS Acetal Nitrile Rubber Lip Nitrile Rubber Nitrile Rubber XLPE - Epoxy 300 Series SS - le without notice. Contact Franklin Electric if c rk of DuPont Dow Elastomers. ark of E.l. du Pont Nemours and Company. CCW Facing Shaft End Electrically Reversible CCW Facing Shaft End Electrically Reversible 304 SS over Iron 301 SS 17-4 SS 316 SS Tefzel® - Viton Viton® - Viton Lead not furnished with motor Lead not furnished with motor Lead not furnished with motor urrent material types are required for bid specifications. 4 ■■■■■■■■■■■■ Stainless 4-Inch Dimensions and Weights LEAD AREA 1.00 \ 45° 3.00 3.438 3.435 4 STUDS 5/16 -24 UNF-2A THREAD INLET FILTER (UNDER COVER) Single-phase Motors - 2-wire 1/3 0.25 8.76 16 7.3 1/2 0.37 9.51 18 8.2 3/4 0.55 10.64 21 9.5 1 0.75 11.73 24 10.9 1.5 1.1 15.10 31 14.1 Single-phase Motors - 3-wire 4x4.375x16 4x4.375x16 4x4.375x19 4x4.375x19 4x4.375x21 1/3 0.25 8.76 17 7.7 4 x 4.375 x 16 1.48 1/2 0.37 9.51 19 8.6 4 x 4.375 x 16 MAX .50 MIN. FULL SPLINE 3/4 0.55 10.64 21 9.5 4 x 4.375 x 19 .030 R 1.508 1 0.75 11.73 24 10.9 4 x 4.375 x 19 MAX 1.498 1.5 1.1 13.60 28 12.7 4x4.375x21 .97 2 1.5 15.10 33 15.0 4x4.375x21 .79 3 2.2 19.04 41 18.6 6x6x25 161 MAX LEAD BOSS HEIGHT Three-phase Motors 3.75 DIA. L" SEE TABLE r M 1/2 0.37 9.51 18 8.2 4 x 4.375 x 16 3/4 0.55 10.64 21 9.5 4 x 4.375 x 16 1 0.75 11.73 24 10.9 4 x 4.375 x 19 1.5 1.1 11.73 24 10.9 4 x 4.375 x 19 2 1.5 13.60 28 _ 12.7 4x4.375x21 3 2.2 16.04 35 15.9 6x6x22 All dimensions listed above are for models supplied with lead. Consult factory for other models. 5 APPENDIX C Section 5 GEOTEXTILE A' SKAPS Industries (Nonwoven Division) 335 Athena Drive i Athens, GA 30601 (U.S.A.) f Phone (706) 354-3700 Fax (706) 354-3737 gr:�� E-mail: contact@skaps.com June 7, 2023 Waste Connections 11400 Parkside Drive, Suite 500 Knoxville, TN 37934 PO: 6115-23-0002 Dear Sir/Madam: This is to certify that SKAPS GE180 is a high quality needle -punched nonwoven geotextile made of 100% polypropylene staple fibers, randomly networked to form a high strength dimensionally stable fabric.SKAPS GE180 resists ultraviolet deterioration, rotting, biological degradation. The fabric is inert to commonly encountered soil chemicals. Polypropylene is stable within a pH range of 2 to 13. SKAPS GE180 conforms to the property values listed below: PROPERTY TEST METHOD UNITS M.A.R.V. Minimum Average Roll Value Weight ASTM D 5261 oz/s /mz) 8.00 (271) Thickness* ASTM D 5199 mils (mm) 100 (2.54) Grab Tensile ASTM D 4632 Ibs (kN) 225 (1.00) Grab Elongation ASTM D 4632 % 50 Trapezoidal Tear ASTM D 4533 Ibs (kN) 90 (0.40) CBR Puncture ASTM D 6241 Ibs (kN) 650 (2.89) Permittivity* ASTM D 4491 sec-1 1.26 Permeability* ASTM D 4491 cm/sec 0.30 Water Flow* ASTM D 4491 gpm/ft2(1/min/m2) 100 (4074) AOS* ASTM D 4751 US Sieve (mm) 80 (0.18) UV Resistance I ASTM D 4355 %/hrs 1 70/500 Notes: * At the time of manufacturing. Handling may change these properties. KOUROSH SABZEVARI QUALITY CONTROL MANAGER www.skaps.com Product: GE18O-180 ROLL # WEIGHT THICKNESS MD TENSILE MD ELONG XMD TENSILE XMD ELONG MD TRAP XMD TRAP CBR PUNCTURE AOS WATER FLOW PERMEABILITY PERMITTIVITY ASTM METHOD D5261 D5199 D4632 D4632 D4632 D4632 D4533 D4533 D6241 D4751 D4491 D4491 D4491 UNITS ozlsq yd (mils) lbs. % lbs % lbs. lbs lbs. US Sieve gpmlft2 cmisec sec' TARGET 8.00 100 225 50 225 50 90 90 650 80 100 0.30 1.26 76 440.1 1 8.25 125 229 69 239 77 98 109 659 80 103 0.43 1.37 *All Values are MARV. s aPs Manufacturer's Contact: Mr. Kourosh Sabzevari (Quality Control Manager) 335 Athena Dr. Athens, GA 30601 Telephone: (706)354-3700 Fax: (706)354-3737 Customer: Waste Connection Project/PO#: 6115-23-0002 - Anson Phase 4 Cell 2 Product: G E 180 Dimensions (W"xL'): 180 1 690 Area per Roll (SY): 1150 Roll#s: 76640.1 FSKAPS Manufacturer's Contact: Mr. Kourosh Sabzevari (Quality Control Manager) 335 Athena Dr. Athens, GA 30601 Telephone: (706)354-3700 Fax: (706)354-3737 Customer: Manufacturer's Contact: Mr. Kourosh Sabzevari (Quality Control Manager) 335 Athena Dr. Athens, GA 30601 Telephone: (706)354-3700 Fax: (706)354-3737 Customer: Waste Connection Project/PO#: 6115-23-0002 - Anson Phase 4 Cell 2 Product: G E 180 Dimensions (W"xL'): 180 1 690 Area per Roll (SY): 1150 Roll#s: 76640.1 APPENDIX D CONFORMANCE TESTING RESULTS APPENDIX D Section 1 HDPE GEOMEMBRANE TESTING, RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND FIELD SERVICES VTR I Austin,TX - USA I CA -USA I SC- USA I Gold Coast -Australia I Suzhou -China I Sao Paulo, Brazil I Johannesburg -Africa ENVIRONMENTAL September 8, 2023 Mail To: Bill To: Susan Reid <= Same (P.O. # ) Waste Connections email: susan.reid@wasteconnections.com Dear Ms. Reid: Thank you for consulting TRI/Environmental, Inc. (TRI) for your geosynthetics testing needs. TRI is pleased to submit this final report of the laboratory testing for the sample(s) listed below Project: Anson County Landfill 3 & 4 TRI Job Reference Number: 23-003335 Material(s) Tested: Six, Skaps Industries 60 mil Textured HDPE Geomembrane(s) Test(s) Requested: Thickness (ASTM D5994) Asperity Height (GRI GM 12) Density (ASTM D1505) Tensile Properties (ASTM D6693) Puncture Strength (ASTM D4833) Tear Resistance (ASTM D1004) If you have any questions or require any additional information, please call us at 1-800-880-8378 �Sincerely, Mansukh Patel Laboratory Manager Geosynthetic Services Division Page 1 of 7 The testing herein is based upon accepted industry practice as well as the test method listed Test results reported herein do not apply to samples other than those tested TRI neither accepts responsibility for nor makes claim as to the final use and purpose of the material TRI observes and maintains client confidentiality. TRI limits reproduction of this report, except in full, without prior approval ofTRI. TRI Environmental 1 9063 Bee Cave Rd., Austin, TX 78733, USA 1 512-263-5944 1 www.tri-env.com TRI TESTING, RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND FIELD SERVICES 46Atsntin TX - USA I CA -USA I SC -USA I Gold Coast -Australia I Suzhou -China I Sao Paulo, Brazil I Johannesburg -Africa ENVIRONMENTAL GEOMEMBRANE TEST RESULTS TRI Client: Waste Connections Project: Anson County Landfill 3 & 4 Material: Skaps Industries 60 mil Textured HDPE Geomembrane Sample Identification: 3101402001 TRI Log #: 23-003335 PARAMETER TEST REPLICATE NUMBER STD. 1 MEAN DEV. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Thickness (ASTM D5994) Thickness (mils) 61 60 60 61 61 61 62 60 61 61 61 0 60 «min Asperity Height (GRI GM 12) Asperity Height (mils) - Side A 34 34 36 36 33 33 34 38 34 34 35 2 Asperity Height (mils) - Side B 30 30 33 32 34 29 32 34 31 32 32 2 Density (ASTM D1505) Density (glcm3) 0.947 0 947 0.947 0.947 0.000 Tensile Properties (ASTM D6693, 2 ipm strain rate) MD Yield Strength (ppi) 182 162 179 176 167 773 8 TD Yield Strength (ppi) 184 185 173 182 183 181 5 MD Break Strength (ppi) 135 186 189 195 174 176 1 24 TD Break Strength (ppi) 136 124 124 118 122 125 7 MD Yield Elongation (%) 20 22 21 23 23 22 1 1 TD Yield Elongation (%) 21 22 20 19 19 20 1 MD Break Elongation (%) 186 504 475 509 455 426 136 TD Break Elongation (%) 230 408 127 202 70 207 129 Puncture Resistance (ASTM 04833) Puncture Strength (Ibs) 152 152 156 152 157 154 2 Tear Resistance (ASTM D1004) MD Tear Strength (Ibs) 56 58 57 61 57 57 58 65 56 54 1 58 1 3 TD Tear Strength (Ibs) 59 60 66 61 63 58 58 65 62 57 1 61 3 MD Machine Direction TD Transverse Direction Page 2 of 7 The testing herein is based upon accepted industry Practice as well as the test method listed. Test results reported herein do not apply to samples other than those tested TRI neither accepts responsibility for nor makes claim as to the final use and purpose of the material, TRI observes and maintains client confidentiality. TRI limits reproduction of this report, except in full, without prior approval oFTRI. TRI Environmental 1 9063 Bee Cave Rd., Austin, TX 78733, USA 1 512-263-5944 1 www.tri-env.com 4L\TRI ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING, RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND FIELD SERVICES Austin,TX - USA I CA -USA I SC- USA I Gold Coast -Australia I Suzhou -China I Sao Paulo, Brazil I Johannesburg -Africa GEOMEMBRANE TEST RESULTS TRI Client: Waste Connections Project: Anson County Landfill 3 & 4 Material: Skaps Industries 60 mil Textured HDPE Geomembrane Sample Identification: 3101402011 TRI Log M. 23-003335 PARAMETER TEST REPLICATE NUMBER STD. MEAN DEV. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Thickness (ASTM D5994) Thickness (mils) 62 61 62 62 63 60 61 62 61 61 61 1 60 << min Asperity Height (GRI GM 12) Asperity Height (mils) - Side A 32 33 37 36 32 32 34 33 34 31 33 2 Asperity Height (mils) - Side B 32 35 32 32 32 33 34 33 34 33 33 1 Tensile Properties (ASTM D6693, 2 ipm strain rate) MD Yield Strength (ppi) 170 170 180 174 176 174 4 TD Yield Strength (ppi) 177 178 172 173 174 175 3 MD Break Strength (ppi) 135 216 148 149 153 160 32 TD Break Strength (ppi) 128 135 132 130 130 131 3 MD Yield Elongation (%) 17 19 19 19 19 19 1 TD Yield Elongation (%) 18 16 15 18 16 17 1 MD Break Elongation (%) 185 561 159 100 192 239 183 TD Break Elongation (%) 76 169 295 111 155 161 83 Puncture Resistance (ASTM D4833) Puncture Strength (Ibs) 151 147 153 144 146 14B 4 Tear Resistance (ASTM ❑1004) MD Tear Strength (Ibs) 55 56 65 57 52 56 55 64 57 53 57 4 TD Tear Strength (Ibs) 60 58 63 55 64 54 56 65 59 56 59 4 MD MJa,;hine Direct.= TD Transverse Direction Page 4 of 7 The testing herein is based upon accepted industry practice as well as the test method listed. Test results reported herein do not apply to samples otherthan those tested TRI neither accepts responsibility for nor makes claim as to the final use and purpose of the material. TRI observes and maintains client confidentiality. TRI limits reproduction of this report, except in full, without prior approval ofTRL TRI Environmental 1 9063 Bee Cave Rd., Austin, TX 78733, USA 1512-263-5944 1 www.tri-env.com 46TRI ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING, RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND FIELD SERVICES Aus6n,TX - USA I CA -USA I SC- USA I Gold Coast -Australia I Suzhou- China I Sao Paulo, Brazil Johannesburg -Africa GEOMEMBRANE TEST RESULTS TRI Client: Waste Connections Project: Anson County Landfill 3 8.4 Material: Skaps Industries 60 mil Textured HDPE Geomembrane Sample Identification: 3101402021 TRI Log #: 23-003335 PARAMETER TEST REPLICATE NUMBER STD. PAEAN DEV, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Thickness (ASTM D5994) Thickness (mils) 62 61 61 61 62 60 60 63 62 60 61 1 60 << min Asperity Height (GRI GM 12) Asperity Height (mils) - Side A 34 36 34 33 34 32 33 34 34 35 34 1 Asperity Height (mils) - Side B 33 32 32 34 33 32 30 32 33 32 1 32 1 Tensile Properties (ASTM D6693. 2 ipm strain rate) MD Yield Strength (ppi) 174 171 170 173 167 171 3 TD Yield Strength (ppi) 163 167 172 175 174 170 5 MD Break Strength (ppi) 195 211 142 207 204 192 28 TO Break Strength (ppi) 174 150 131 154 188 159 22 MD Yield Elongation (%) 18 18 19 21 19 19 1 1 TO Yield Elongation (%) 16 17 16 16 18 17 1 MD Break Elongation (%) 480 523 271 523 537 467 112 TD Break Elongation (%) 498 254 104 406 491 351 169 Puncture Resistance (ASTM D4833) Puncture Strength (Ibs) 144 147 151 141 141 145 4 Tear Resistance (ASTM D1004) MD Tear Strength (Ibs) 60 59 60 54 55 55 55 60 59 59 68 2 TO Tear Strength (Ibs) 60 62 66 59 57 55 60 64 58 57 60 3 MD Machine Direction TO Transverse Direction Page 6 of 7 The testing herein is based upon accepted industry practice as well as the test method listed. Test results reported herein do not apply to samples other than those tested. TRI neither accepts responsibility for nor makes claim as to the final use and purpose of the material. TRI observes and maintains client confidentiality. TRI limits reproduction of this report, except in full, without prior approval of TRI. TRI Environmental 1 9063 Bee Cave Rd., Austin, TX 78733, USA 1 512-263-5944 1 www.tri-env.com LA TRI ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING, RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND FIELD SERVICES Austin, TX - USA I CA -USA I SC- USA I Gold Coast -Australia I Suzhou -China I Sao Paulo, Brazil I Johannesburg -Africa GEOMEMBRANE TEST RESULTS TRI Client: Waste Connections Project: Anson County Landfill 3 & 4 Material: Skaps Industries 40 mil Textured HDPE Geomembrane Sample Identification: 3102402001 TRI Log M. 23-003375 PARAMETER TEST REPLICATE NUMBER STD. MEAN DEV, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Thickness (ASTM D5994) Thickness (mils) 42 42 43 41 39 41 40 43 44 40 41 2 39 « min Asperity Height (GRI GM 12) Asperity Height (mils) - Side A 28 26 26 26 26 27 29 28 26 28 27 1 Asperity Height (mils) - Side B 27 27 26 27 28 27 28 28 28 26 1 27 1 Density (ASTM D1505) Density (g/cm3) 0 948 0.948 0.948 0.948 0.000 Tensile Properties (ASTM D6693, 2 ipm strain rate) MD Yield Strength (ppi) 109 114 116 114 119 114 4 TD Yield Strength (ppi) 116 117 125 113 118 1 118 4 MD Break Strength (ppi) 127 154 166 152 136 147 15 TD Break Strength (ppi) 111 125 89 113 90 106 16 MD Yield Elongation (%) 17 20 19 20 19 19 1 TD Yield Elongation (%) 17 17 19 18 20 18 1 MD Break Elongation (%) 450 569 607 552 481 532 65 TD Break Elongation (%) 438 474 60 440 63 295 214 Puncture Resistance (ASTM D4833) Puncture Strength (Ibs) 107 107 106 119 110 110 5 Tear Resistance (ASTM D1004) MD Tear Strength (Ibs) 41 41 42 43 39 41 45 42 40 39 41 2 TD Tear Strength (Ibs) 41 41 44 42 43 42 43 47 44 40 1 43 2 MD Machine Direction TD Transverse Direction Page 2 of 2 The testing herein is based upon accepted industry Practice as well as the test method listed. Test results reported herein do not apply to samples otherthan those tested. TRI neither accepts responsibility for nor makes claim as to the final use and purpose of the material. TRI observes and maintains client confidentiality. TRI limits reproduction of this report, except in full, without prior approval ofTRI. TRI Environmental 1 9063 Bee Cave Rd., Austin, TX 78733, USA 1 512-263-5944 1 www.tri-eny.com TESTING, RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND FIELD SERVICES LAITRI Austin, TX - USA I CA -USA I SC- USA I Gold Coast -Australia I Suzhou -China I Sao Paulo, Brazil I Johannesburg -Africa ENVIRONMENTAL September 8, 2023 Mail To: Bill To: Susan Reid <= Same (P.O. # ) Waste Connections email: susan.reid@wasteconnections.com Dear Ms. Reid: Thank you for consulting TRI/Environmental, Inc. (TRI) for your geosynthetics testing needs. TRI is pleased to submit this final report of the laboratory testing for the sample(s) listed below. Project: Anson County Landfill 3 8r 4 TRI Job Reference Number: 23-003375 Material(s) Tested: One, Skaps Industries 40 mil Textured HDPE Geomembrane(s) Test(s) Requested: Thickness (ASTM D5994) Asperity Height (GRI GM 12) Density (ASTM D1505) Tensile Properties (ASTM D6693) Puncture Strength (ASTM D4833) Tear Resistance (ASTM D1004) If you have any questions or require any additional information, please call us at 1-800-880-8378 �Sincerely. I ' Mansukh Patel Laboratory Manager Geosynthetic Services Division Page 1 of 2 The testing herein is based upon accepted industry Practice as well as the test method listed. Test results reported herein do not apply to samples other than those tested TRI neither accepts responsibility for nor makes claim as to the Final use and purpose of the material. TRI observes and maintains client confidentiality. TRI limits reproduction of this report, except in full, without prior approval ofTRI. TRI Environmental 1 9063 Bee Cave Rd., Austin, TX 78733, USA 1 512-263-5944 1 www.tri-eny.com LA T TESTING, RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND FIELD SERVICES ■ R I Austin, TX- USA I CA -USA I SC- USA I Gold Coast -Australia I Suzhou -China I Sao Paulo, Brazil I Johannesburg -Africa ENVIRONMENTAL GEOMEMBRANE TEST RESULTS TRI Client: Waste Connections Project: Anson County Landfill 3 & 4 Material: Skaps Industries 60 mil Textured HDPE Geomembrane Sample Identification: 3101402006 TRI Log #: 23-003335 PARAMETER TEST REPLICATE NUMBER STD. MEAN DEV. Thickness (ASTM D5994) Thickness (mils) 1 2 61 61 3 60 4 60 5 6 62 61 7 8 9 10 61 61 62 60 61 60 1 << min Tensile Properties (ASTM D8693, 2 ipm strain rate) MD Yield Strength (ppi) 176 172 177 168 179 174 4 TD Yield Strength (ppi) 172 171 175 185 179 1 176 6 MD Break Strength (ppi) 147 189 157 140 146 156 20 TD Break Strength (ppi) 141 138 142 113 143 135 13 MD Yield Elongation (%) 17 19 17 19 19 18 s TD Yield Elongation (%) 19 19 19 18 18 19 1 MD Break Elongation (%) 109 481 319 80 409 280 179 TD Break Elongation (%) 390 234 414 137 135 262 134 MD Machine Direction TD Transverse Direction Page 3 of 7 The testing herein is based upon accepted industry practice as well as the test method listed Test results reported herein do not apply to samples other than those tested. TRI neither acceptsfospony64ityfor M makes claim as to the final use and purpose of the material. TRI observes and maintains client confidentiality. TRI limits reproduction of this report, except in Full, without pr or opprmul ofTRI. TRI Environmental 1 9063 Bee Cave Rd., Austin, TX 78733, USA 1 512-263-5944 1 www.tri-env.com LA TESTING, RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND FIELD SERVICES TRI Austin, TX- USA I CA -USA I SC- USA I Gold Coast -Australia I Suzhou -China I Sao Paulo, Brazil I Johannesburg -Africa ENVIRONMENTAL GEOMEMBRANE TEST RESULTS TRI Client: Waste Connections Project: Anson County Landfill 3 & 4 Material: Skaps Industries 60 mil Textured HDPE Geomembrane Sample Identification: 3101402016 TRI Log #: 23-003335 STD. PARAMETER TEST REPLICATENUMBER MEAN DEV. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Thickness (ASTM D5994) Thickness (mils) 60 61 62 62 63 62 61 60 62 61 62 1 60 << min Tensile Properties (ASTM D6693, 2 ipm strain rate) MD Yield Strength (ppi) 173 181 181 172 179 177 4 TD Yield Strength (ppi) 176 172 168 168 161 1 169 6 MD Break Strength (ppi) 163 175 134 150 181 161 19 TD Break Strength (ppi) 135 171 164 126 132 146 20 MD Yield Elongation (%) 18 19 16 18 18 18 1 TD Yield Elongation (%) 17 19 20 19 18 1 19 1 1 MD Break Elongation (%) 206 418 237 307 446 323 107 TD Break Elongation (%) 64 463 425 68 270 258 190 MD Machine Direction TD Transverse Direction Page 5 of 7 The testing herein is based upon accepted industry practice as well as the test method listed Test results reported herein do not apply to samples other than those tested. TRI neither accepts responsibility for nor makes claim as to the final use and purpose of the material. TRI observes and maintains client confidentiality. TRI limits reproduction of this report, except in full, without prior approval of TRI. TRI Environmental 1 9063 Bee Cave Rd., Austin, TX 78733, USA 1 512-263-5944 1 www.tri-env.com LA* T TESTING, RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND FIELD SERVICES ■ R I Austin, TX - USA I CA - USA I SC - USA I Gold Coast - Australia I Suzhou - China I Sao Paulo, Brazil I Johannesburg -Africa ENVIRONMENTAL GEOMEMBRANE TEST RESULTS TRI Client: Waste Connections Project: Anson County Landfill 3 & 4 Material: Skaps Industries 60 mil Textured HDPE Geomembrane Sample Identification: 3101402026 TRI Log #: 23-003335 STD. PARAMETER TEST REPLICATE NUMBER MEAN DEV. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Thickness (ASTM D5994) Thickness (mils) 62 62 62 62 62 60 61 63 63 62 62 1 60 << min Tensile Properties (ASTM D6693, 2 ipm strain rate) MD Yield Strength (ppi) 181 180 171 175 168 175 6 TD Yield Strength (ppi) 178 171 175 179 176 176 3 MD Break Strength (ppi) 196 140 180 185 171 174 21 TD Break Strength (ppi) 133 172 127 136 141 142 18 MD Yield Elongation (%) 19 19 19 21 19 19 1 TD Yield Elongation (%) 17 16 15 16 17 16 1 MD Break Elongation (%) 480 337 457 462 441 435 57 TD Break Elongation (%) 413 467 177 106 326 298 153 MD Machine Direction TO Transverse Direction Page 7 of 7 The testing herein is based upon accepted industry Practice as well as the test method listed Test results reported herein do not apply to samples other than those tested, TRI neither accepts responsibility for nor makes claim as to the final use and purpose of the material. TRI observes and maintains client confidentiality. TRI limits reproduction of this report, except in full, without prior approval ofTRI. TRI Environmental 19063 Bee Cave Rd., Austin, TX 78733, USA 1 512-263-5944 1 www.tri-env.com APPENDIX E INTERFACE FRICTION ANGLE TEST RESULTS A� �Cb--e ik 2- Q '`--'7 7 d z-�) Michael Monteleone r From: Nelson Breeden <Nelson.Breeden@WasteConnections.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2020 4:35 PM C To: Michael Monteleone Subject- FW: (Fin)54814-Oasis Anson LF Phase 3 Cell From: Chiado, Eric [mailto:echiado@cecinc.com] Sent., Tuesday, May 26, 2020 4:17 PM To: Nelson Breeden; Brown, Scott; Mitchell, Tim; Bivins, Nathan Subject: RE: (Fin)54814-Oasis Anson LF Phase 3 Cell Yes and No. Yes, the peak and large displacement (LID) shear strengths exceed the minimum required peak and LID shear strengths required by the CQA Plan and permit design, respectively, with the exceptions noted in red fill. There are substantial increases in the LD shear strengths in this round of testing, relative to the original tests. No, in that the peak shear strengths in this round of testing were generally lower than the complementary interfaces evaluated in the original tests. Not sure why that's the case. However, as noted above, the peak shear strengths are still acceptable, and there are large increases in the LID shear strength. Long story short, these results are acceptable, as are the rolls covered by these samples. PEAK SHEAR STRENGTH Min. Required GCL Peak Shear GCL ( Woven (Nonwoven Normal Strength Side) vs Clay Side) vs 60 Stress (psf) (psf) (CL-01) mil HDT Liner 500 235 325 331 2,000 462 732 1,171 5,000 1,154 2,778 10,000 2,309 2,382 5,327 LARGE DISPLACEMENT SEAR STRENGTH Min. Required LD Min. Shear Required Strength per Peak Shear Slope Normal Strength Stability Stress (psf) (psf) Analysis (psf 500 235 115 2,000 462 461 5,000 1,154 776 10,000 2,309 1,302 Complete Complete Liner X-Sec Liner X-Sec (PC-01 (PC-02 Borrow) Vulcan) 337 396 824 1,002 2,101 1, 549 3,618 3,443 See Note 1 I See Note 1 GCL Complete Complete GCL(Woven (Nonwoven Liner X-Sec LinerX-Sec Side) vs Clay Side) vs 60 (PC-01 (PC-02 (CL-01) mil HDT Liner Borrow) Vulcan 325 275 337 395 663 791 824 990 1,608 1,948 1,912 2,377 2,867 3,583 3,443 See Note 1 I See Note 1 Note 1. Samples sheared at GCL vs clay interface at all normal stresses. Eric D. Chiado, P.E. / Vice President Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. NEW ADDRESS 4350 Northern Pike, Suite 141, Monroeville, PA 15146 Toll -Free: 800-899-3610 • Fax: 724-327-5280 Mobile: (724)462-8265 - liu ).' x%w.cecinc.com Senior Leadership • Integrated Services • Personal Business Relationships From: Nelson Breeden <Nelson.Breeden@WasteConnections.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2020 2:41 PM To: Chiado, Eric <echiado@cecinc.com>; Brown, Scott <sbrown@cecinc.com>; Mitchell, Tim <tmitchell@cecinc.com>; Bivins, Nathan <nbivins@cecinc.com> Subject: FW: (Fin)54814-0asis Anson LF Phase 3 Cell This appears much better. Thoughts? 2 From: Michael Monteleone [rrr eai[to:mmarlteleone oases-rs.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2020 2:18 PM To: Bivins, Nathan (nbivh cecinc.cam) Cc: Nelson Breeden; Saeed Abdolpour Subject: FW: (Fin)54814-Oasis Anson LF Phase 3 Cell WARNING: This email is from outside of Waste Connections; Exercise caution Nathan Attached are the 4 interface retests. Can you pass along to the engineers at your end to review and evaluate. The numbers are better. The asperity heights are also better. I think these should all meet the design requirements but going on memory. Regards Michael Monteleone, P.E. Executive Vice President, Director of Engineering mmonteleone oasis-cs.com OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES 45 Woodstock Street I Roswell, Georgia 30075 0:678.739.2400 1 F: 770.552.5550 1 M: 404.307.2680 w w oasis-rs.com This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual(s) named If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate distribute or copy this e-mail Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing. copying. distributing or taking any action in reliance slab the contents of this information is strictly prohibited Z&TRI TESTING, RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND FIELD SERVICES A..; -Tx Uif ENVIRONMENTAL Client: Project: Interface Shear Strength of Geosynthetic Clay Uner by Direct Shear (ASTM D6243) Oasis Consultant Services Anson Landfill GCL - woven side down vs. CL-01 (Clay Sample) 12,000 10,0m N a 8,000 e e,000 m 4,000 2,000 c 0 2,000 4,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 12,000 Normal Stress (psf) 500 psf -2000 psf A5000 psf 10000 psf 2.500 2.000 y 1,500 N Ol rn 1,000 Tn IF 500 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Displacement (inches) TRI Log #: 54814-8 Richard S. Lacey. P.E. 5/26/2020 Analysis 8 Quality Review/Date Test Results, Linear Regression Mohr -Coulomb Peak Large Parameters Displacement Friction Angle Degrees 11.8 12.0 Y-intercept psf 192 i 162 or Adhesion - Minimum Degrees 11.2 11.2 Secant Angle ,.-, v.,i„ems oe.. t—1 fnr 3 n innhen of Disolacement Test Conditions Upper GCL - woven side down Box Lower CL-01 (Clay Sample) Box w = 26.6 % yd = 86.3 pcf Wet - Loading applied and Interface Conditioning flooded for a minimum of 24 hours prior to shear, Shearing Rate inches/minute 0.04 Test Notes Shearing occurred at the interface at all stresses. Specimen No. - 1 2 3 4 Normal Stress psf 500 2,000 5,000 10,000 Box Edge Dimension in 12 12 12 12 Bearing Slide Resistance Ibs 13 27 56 103 Shear stress psf 325 732 ✓ 988 ✓ 2,382 Peak Secant Angle deg. 33.0 20.1 11.2 13.4 Large shear Stress psf 325 ✓ 663 98 2,3771 deg. 33.0 18.3 711.2 13.4 Displacement Secant Angle N6-4b, Are -- Page 1 of r ✓ —c� u try.• Iwatmy nr,nm r. tIlu1wmcm�I.�cnanccoannpwsNm0nlwid . 1pa tlo L%l0le#d„,GVt �uu[1i,10.r c,. C,I nF.— pp—.1 TlUm n�✓rtKNlY�vUl�.iy TRI ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 906:3 e[C CAVCS Ro. - AUGTIN. TX 76733 - USA l PM: E300.000.TEST UR 2.263.2101 � TESTING, RESEARCH, CONSU LTI NG AND f:l ELD SERVICES 6//� Asti,, i X . UJ ;r.. I -A USA I SC L15A ' G-Ld Cur rhr,.nerdNrg ACrco ENVIRONMENTAL Interface Shear Strength of Geosynthetic Clay Liner by Direct Shear (ASTM D6243) Client: Oasis Consultant Services TRI Log #: 54814-7 Project: Anson Landfill Richard S. Lacey, P.E. 5/18/2020 Analysis & Quality Review/Date 12,000 10.000 8,000 s,00o m U) 4,000 2,000 6,000 5,000 GCL - nonwoven side down vs. TXGM (3111001740) - shiny side up 0 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 6,000 10.000 112,0oO Normal Stress (psf) 500 psf -2000 psf 05000 psf 10000 psf a 4,000 91 3,000 1 L 2,000 CA 1,000 -, 0 —` 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Displacement (inches) Test Results, Linear Regression Mohr -Coulomb Peak Large Parameters Displacement Friction Angle Degrees 27.7 15.1 Y-intercept psf 107 207 or Adhesion Minimum Degrees 28.0 16.0 Secant Angle w- t .....w R[nntnn-m %1,1ove 0nnnr7ud fnr 3-n inohas; of 01soiacemeni Test Conditions Upper GCL - nonwoven side down Box Lower TXGM (3111001740) Box shiny side up Wet - Loading applied and Interface Conditioning flooded for a minimum of 24 hours prior to shear. Shearing Rate inches/minute 0.04 Test Notes Shearing occurred at the interface at all stresses. Specimen No. - 1 2 3 4 Normal Stress psf 1 600 2,000 5,000 10,000 Box Edge Dimension in 12 12 12 12 Bearing Slide Resistance Ibs 13 27 56 103 Shear Stress psf 331 ✓ 1,171✓ 2,778 5,327 Peak Secant Angle deg. 1 33.5 30.4 29.1 28.0 Large Shear stress psf 275 ,/ 791 ✓ 1,608 2,867 Displacement secant Angle deg. 28.8 21.6 17.8 16.0 Asperity Height, Avg. of 5 Meas. mils 30 1 30 1 30 1 30 Page 1 of 1 1lrr rout, aecnplaws vMwtty nraclKe �. wni+tla ttwr twt r,r th,ad ;- . lrat ,vowtu ,pporic,] KQ.. 0V rVt �Pcgy t4 —Pre omn Ilw I7mi I�u [t•LL im n. plltli +et�nla ,Ci{�d.i.Wi' IIJ nru ri IhvF c 1N+ M to Ilxo•ud uu, WU Mq(.nrwr of Il+r h+�lrr,nl 1i11 vl.KkVm nrr�l r++.+mt.irita.:lcnl cIXJrJenluwlY Tf111�r�1s rtl[K�r✓.fN-r �i IfNtl r,hx,rl, ��,vM xr IUF r„nann nr�a MV�rrr.J �I l lit TRI ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 9063 0— CAVCS RO. - AU-- TX 713737 - USA I PR: 000.930.TEST — 51 2 263.2101 TRI T'ESTcING. RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND'FIEL❑ SERVICE'S 4L\ENVIRONMENTAL Multi -Layered Interface Friction Test (ASTM D6243 Modified) Client: Oasis Consultant Services TRI Log #: 54814-5 Project: Anson Landfill Richard S. Lacey, P.E. 5/18/2020 Analysis & Quality Review/Date PC-02 (Vulcan) vs. DSGC (0095361010172) vs. TXGM (311001776) - dull side up vs. GCL - nonwoven side up vs. CL-01 (Ciay Sample)❑ 12,000 10,000 N a e,o00 6,000 M rn 4,000 2,000 0 2.000 4,000 6,000 0,000 10.000 12,000 Normal Stress (psf) 500 psf -2000 psf n5000 psf 10000 psf 4,000 3,000 a 2,000 �n L 1,000 Tn o -- 0 0.5 1.5 2 25 3 Displacement (inches) Specimen No. Normal Stress Box Edge Dimension Bearing Slide Resistance Peak shear stress Large Asperity Shear stress Secant Angle Top Bottom Test Results, Linear Regression Mohr -Coulomb Peak Large Parameters Displacement Friction Angle Degrees 17.7 17.6 Y-intercept psf 307 300 or Adhesion Minimum Degrees 19.2 19.0 Secant Angle KIM. _ I � . nia I—Amnnt values Ranorted for 3.0 inches or usplacement Test Conditions Upper Box PC-02 (Vulcan) - Tamped in place Floating ' DSGC (0095361010172) TXGM (311001776) - dull side up GCL - nonwoven side up Lower Box CL-01 (Clay Sample) a) = 26.6 % rd = 86.3 pcf Conditioning Wet - Loading applied and Interface flooded for a minimum of 24 hours prior to shear. Shearing Rate inches/minute 0.04 Test Dotes Shearing occurred at the GCL vs clay Interrace at an stresses. 1 2 3 4 psf 500 2,000 51000 10,000 in 12 12 12 12 Ibs 13 27 56 103 psf 396 1,002/ 1,949 3,473 deg. 38.4 26.6 21.3 19.2 psf 395 990 1,912 3,443 deg. 38.3 26.3 20.9 19.0 mils 28 30 29 32 mils 30 30 30 28 Page 1 of 1 ASR� y awn fM-lrGlnN{[wiN-r•lnM+U rp�r '�YI'tl! mtlunny pll Ilb nwlvWall TNlablom�vCr Ir..rl rrml u,rccl„mlrr[NJido, Y•I nl 1—Li 40 a'!•+l: "r Ynw l','—pI m' Iu11aJ.n lnrul p.ld npp � vN.11 f1111��tf Iw ncr m W,n Wunl lr ln.M. 4 A Inv r 4 pinpo�c a rr TRI ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 9063 0E[ Cn rs Rp- - A— N, TX 79733 USA I pm.- E100.00O.TEST on 51 2.263 2101 Z b Ze TRH TESTIINGI, RESFARCH,CON SUJLTING AN DoF'1E1_D SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL Client: Project: Multi -Layered Interface Friction Test (ASTM D6243 ModMed) Oasis Consultant Services TRI Log #: 54814-6 Anson Landfill Richard S. Lacey, P.E. 5/21/2020 Analysis & Quality Review/Date PC-01 (Borrow) vs. DSGC (0096361010172) vs. TXGM (311001776) - Dull side up vs. GCL - nonwoven side up vs. CL-01 (Clay Sample) 12.000 10.000 19 8,000 N N iq 8,000 1a a, W 4,000 2,000 0 2,000 4,000 8,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 Normal Stress (psf) 500 pal -2000 psf c5000 psf 10000 psf 4,000 3.000 Q N m 2,000 a) m U 1,000 0 0 05 1 1.5 2 25 3 Displacement (inches) Test Results, Linear Regression Mohr -Coulomb Peak Large Parameters Displacement Friction Angle ! Degrees ` 19.3 19.0 Y-intercept psf 192 169 or Adhesion Minimum Degrees 19.9 19.7 Secant Angle ki 1 . o nic 1h mo,r 1/al lam Parulrlad fnr 3n Inches of Disolacement Test Conditions Upper Box PC-01 (Borrow) - Tamped in place Floating DSGC (0095361010172) TXGM (311001776) - Dull side up GCL - nonwoven side up Lower Box CL-01 (Clay Sample) w = 26.6 % yd = 86.3 pcf Conditioning Wet - Loading applied and Interface flooded for a minimum of 24 hours prior to shear. Shearing Rate inches/minute 0.04 Test Notes Shearing occurred at the GCL vs. Glay interface at all stresses. Specimen No. - 1 1 2 3 4 Normal Stress psf 500 2,000 5,000 10,000 Box Edge Dimension in 12 12 12 12 Bearing Slide Resistance Ibs 13 27 56 103 Shear Stress psf 337 824 2,101 3,618 Peak Secant Angle deg. 34.0 22.4 22.8 19.9 Large shear stress psf 337 824 1.948 3,583 Displacement Secant Angle deg. 34.0 22.4 21.3 19.7 Asperity ITOP mils 1 30 31 1 31 34 Height' Bottom mils 33 33 33 38 Page i of 1 ilw• Io.Ilnp IWIVn K IwtuU up., ue p1l 1 u1du 11y {nw:ln;v es •n cll p,. 1 l nl Ilur Imd nlnlhud Inlled lonf ro dip Iepmisd hcltlnl mn1 Innml-m clmnl confick loMy 1/11 du nol 4pply b anny.Ias ulhm lluu. 111 I in lulll will!oul ll ulp,ul JC2 � pl Tfl11uWJlly lunllo Icpladvcllon u1 Ihm Icpart, ercep poor o{rpl Ip, ncl mMec duun m In Ihr. I,ml _ oral Pmpnoc nl IIM n 1 abro,vvc TRI ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 9053 BEC CAVCS Flo. - AUST TX 707301 -- USA I pM, 800.800.TEST OR S 1 Z.263.2101 e� a�- e--- Michael Monteleone From: Brown, Scott <sbrown@cecinc.com> Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2020 8:05 AM To: Michael Monteleone; Nelson Breeden Cc: Bivins, Nathan; Mitchell, Tim Subject: RE: ENV data Good morning, Based on Eric's and Tim's discussion last night, they believe that we have justification to use an average value for the geosynthetic interfaces. This is because 5 of the 6 failures of for the interface shear strength testing for the entire liner cross section, occur at the GCL versus geoFnembrane interface. Also, we have interface testing specifically for the GCL versus geomembrane interface. Using the average values, we prepared updates to the slope stability analyses previously prepared (Section C), and prepared one additional stability section oriented in the North -South direction for Phase 3 Cell 2. The results of the additional runs are as follows: To adhere to the calculations submitted in the permit, we need to demonstrate a seismic FS of 1.0 using the large displacement properties. As shown we do that at all of the above sections, with the exception of the stability run that uses the worst case lab results in Phase 3 and design values in Phase 5. The FS for this run is 0.992. Yes, this is below a FS of 1.0, but the difference of 0.008 is within the error tolerance for the stability models. Therefore, our opinion would be that the stability models meets the requirements of the permit. Moving forward, we would recommend: 1. Accept the material currently at the site and continue installation activities; 2. Prepare a calculation brief/memo to memorialize this evaluation; 3. Run new interface friction tests for the new material for the lower portions of the cell; a. Make sure the testing includes testing at 500, 2,000, 5,000, and 10,000 psf nonnal loads; and b. Run this testing prior to shipping the material to the site. Let us know if you would like to have additional discussions on this matter. Thanks Scott L. Brown, P.E. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 3701 Arco Corporate Drive - Suite 400 - Charlotte, NC 28273 Toll -Free: 855-859-9932 - Direct: 990-260-2102 - Fax: 980-237-0372 Mobile: 704-773-6465 - hi : www.cecinc.corn Senior Leadership - Integrated Services -_ Personal Business Relationships From: Bivins, Nathan <nbivins@cecinc.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2020 3:51 PM To: Brown, Scott <sbrown@cecinc.com> Subject: FW: ENV data Forgot to cc you on the below. Nathan T. Bivins, P.E. / Project Manager Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 3701 Arco Corporate Drive - Suite 400 - Charlotte, NC 28273 Direct Line: (980) 260-2113 - Mobile: (919) 28.0-3637 � htt :,1.,v w wXeeinc.0 L Senior Leadership - Integrated Services • Personal Business Relationships From: Bivins, Nathan Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2020 3:49 PM To: Michael Monteleone <rnrnonteleone oasis-cs.com> Cc: 'Nelson Breeden' <nelson.breeden wasteconnections.com> Subject: RE: ENV data Mike, We reviewed the interface shear strength test results. Below are summary tables showing the design requirements and the tested values for the peak and large displacement results. PC (Vulcan) 'PC (Borrow) vs. VS. Geocomposite Min. Geocomposite vs. Normal Load Required vs. Geomembrane (psf) Shear Geomembrane vs. GCL vs. Strength (psf) GCL vs GCL vs. vs. GCL vs. Subgrade Subgrade Geomembrane Subgrade Peak Strength Peak Strengthl Peak Strength Peak Strength 500 235 Not Tested Not Tested Not Tested Not Tested 2,000 462 Not Tested Not Tested Not Tested Not Tested 5,000 1,154 2,487 2,903 2,169 1,948 10,000 2,309 4,581 5,108 3,938 3,648 16,000 3,694 7,205 8,644 7,373 5,959 PC (Vulcan) PC (Borrow) vs. VS. Geocomposite Min. Geocomposite vs. Normal Load Required vs. Geomembrane (psf) Shear Geomembrane vs. GCL vs. Strength (psf) GCL vs GCL vs. vs. GCL vs. Subgrade Subgrade Geomembrane Subgrade LD Strength LD Strength LD Strength LD Strength 500 235 Not Tested Not Tested Not Tested Not Tested 2,000 462 Not Tested Not Tested Not Tested Not Tested 5,000 1,154 2,155 1,490 1,400 10,000 2,309 3,838 16,000 3,694 7,162 4,115 Values not meeting the design requirements are highlighted in red. As shown, there are several values that do not meet the design requirements. We would recommend any of the following: 1. Retesting the interfaces; 2. Running additional stability analysis to detennine the impacts to slope stability using the actual lab data (and including the 500 and 2,000 psf data points); or 3. Finding alternate materials. Given the material has shipped/arrived, I don't think option 3 above is viable. Also, in addition to the values not meeting the design requirements, there are a few other issues that need clarified, as follows: e The permitted slope stability analyses specified interface shear strength testing at ttonnal loads of 500, 2,000, 5,000, and 10,000 psf. The current lab results do not include test at 500 or 2,000 psf. This is a potential compliance issue with the site's permit, and there is a potential that a regulator could comment during review of the certification report for the cell_ • Also, it is important to clarify how the GCL was orientated during the interface testing. Specifically which side of the GCL, woven or nonwoven, was against the other liner system components for each of the tests. This may be responsible for failing tests, as this is the critical interface. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Nathan Nathan T. Bivins, P.E. / Project Manager Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 3701 Arco Corporate Drive - Suite 400 - Charlotte, NC 28273 Direct Line: (980) 260-21 13 • Mobile: (919) 280-3637 • hltn:!Jw",A1%vxecinc.com Senior Leadership • Integrated Services - Personal Business Relationships 9 From: Michael Monteleone <mmanteleone oasis-cs.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2020 11:50 AM To: Bivins, Nathan <nbivins cecinc.com> Cc: 'Nelson Breeden' <neison.breeden wasteconnection5.com> Subject: RE: ENV data Thanks Michael Monteleone, P.E. Executive Vice President, Director of Engineering rnmonteieone oasis-cs.com OASIS !: L CONSULTING SERVICES 45 Woodstock Street 1 Roswell, Georgia 30075 0:678.739.2400 1 F: 770.552-5550 1 M:404.307.2680 www.oasis-cs.com This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individuals) named If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing. copying. distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited From: Bivins, Nathan <nbivins cecinc.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2020 11:45 AM To: Michael Monteleone <nrimonteleone( oasis-C;-Com> Cc: 'Nelson Breeden' <nelson.breeden wasteconnections_com> Subject: RE: ENV data Mike, We'll have our testing results analysis to you today. Nathan T. Bivins, P.E. / Project Manager Civil & Enviromnental Consultants, Inc. 3701 Arco Corporate Drive • Suite 400 - Charlotte. NC 28273 Direct Line: (980) 260-21 l3 • Mobile: (919) 280-3637 • ha :;!www.ccclnc.coin Senior Leadership - integrated Services • Personal Business Relationships From: Michael Monteleone <mrnonteleone oasis-cs.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 202010:10 AM To: Bivins, Nathan <nbivins@cecinc.com_> Cc:'Nelson Breeden' <nelson.breed en pwasteconnections.com> Subject: RE: ENV data Nathan Just following up, any word on the interface data, they are putting out today. It looked fine tome, but wanted to make sure from the design side LA ��� TESTING, RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND FIELD SERVICES ynpn, i7(-USA CA • VSLI SC • V54 eaod Came • A :oraLP Su.-ou - China Sao Paulo, Brazil Johannesburg-Afr ca ENVIRONMENTAL Multi -Layered Interface Friction Test (ASTM D6243 Modified) Client: Oasis TRI Log #: 54814-1 Project: Anson Landfill Richard S. Lacey, P.E. 5/13/2020 Analysis & Quality Review/Date PC -Al -Vulcan Composite vs. Skaps TN 270-2-8 (0095361010001) vs. Skaps TXGM 60mil HDPE (3112004270) vs. Cetco Bentomat ST (1501) vs. Subgrade 20.000 15.000 a N In 10,000 a) CA 5,000 0 5.000 10,000 15.000 Normal Stress (psf) 5000 psf -10000 psf n 16000 psf 8,000 7,000 6,000 a m 5,000 m 4,c00 1a (n 3,000 2,000 1,000 0■ 0 05 1 15 2 25 Displacement (inches) 20,000 Test Results, Linear Regression Mohr-Uoulomb Large Peak Parameters ❑is iacemerli Friction Angle Degrees Negative interne is Refer to per -normal -stress _lnterce T or Adhesion psf secant angles Minimum Degrees 21.5 710.9 Secant Angle Nlnta _ I arna nisnlacement Values Reported for 3-0 inches of Displacement Test Conditions Upper PC -Al -Vulcan Composite Box Tamped in place Skaps TN 270-2-8 (0095361010001) Floating Skaps TXGM 60mii HDPE (3112004270) Cetco Bentomat ST (1501) Nonwoven side up Lower Subgrade Box w = 26.6 % yd = 86.3 pcf 'Wet - Loading applied and Interface Conditioning flooded for a minimum of 24 hours prior to shear. Shearing Rate inches/minute 0.04 Test Notes Shearing occurred at the TXGM vs. GGL Interface at o,uuu PST and 16,000 psf. Shearing occurred at the DSGC vs TXGM interface at 10,000 psf. Specimen No. - 1 2 3 Normal Stress psf 5,000 10,000 16,000 Box Edge Dimension in 12 12 12 Bearing Slide Resistance Ibs 56 103 160 Peak Shear Stress psf 2,169 3,938 7,373 :Secant Angle deg. 23.5 21.5 24.7 Large Displacement Shear Stress psf 1,400 1,923 4,115 .Secant Angle deg. 15.6 10.9 14.4 Asperity Height* Top mils 22 25 1 24 I Bottom Imils 1 25 Page Q41 1 24 IB Iw rq, ning her +dies bdeuplPuuatry PSliI0leLII�meM1lwu lnlblllry ob�TRI cem e1. (he c otlrpoaI the mlrilM7rwInnN GPIAYIdllyiil lnc npalnof I¢paeCDnuoWoPPV TRI ENVIRONMENTAL. INC. 9063 BCC CAVCS Ro. - AUSTIN. TX 7B733 - USA i Rm. Boo.BBo.TEST oR S 1 2.263.2101 Z&TR1 TESTING, RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND FIELD SERVICES A Wn, TX - USA CJ . iJSA I SC • USA Gok Coa St -sl u 61 NIQ I Suxhm - Chink 5ev�uulg. Praxu 3:-1...:., ENVIRONMENTAL Multi -Layered Interface Friction Test (ASTM D6243 Modred) Client: Oasis TRI Log #: 54814-2 Project: Anson Landfill Richard S. Lacey, P.E. 5/13/2020 Analysis & Quality Review/Date PC-1-Borrow Composite vs. Skaps TN 270-2-8 (0095361010001) vs. Skaps TXGM 60mil HDPE (3112004270) vs. Cetco Bentomat ST (1501) vs. CB-01- Subgrade 20.000 ❑Peak oLarge Displacement 15.000 a rn 10.000 Y 5.000 ti —o 0 0 5,000 10.000 15,000 Normal Stress (psf) 5.000 5.000 ii 4,000 N N 3.000 r 2000 1 000 0 0 5000 psf -10000 psf n 16000 psf 20,000 05 1 1.5 - 25 3 Disolacement (inches) Test Results, Linear Regression Mohr -Coulomb Large Peak Parameters Displacement Friction Angle Degrees 20.1 11.2 Y-intercept psf 77 70 or Adhesion Minimum Degrees : 20.0 11.4 Secant Angle hint= _ I mrr,o nicrtlacerrlard Valdes Reported for 3.0 inches 0t Ulsplacement Test Conditions Upper PC-1-Borrow Composite Box Tamped in place Skaps TN 270-2-8 (0095361010001) Skaps TXGM 60mil HDPE (3112004270) Floating Cetco Bentomat ST (1501) side up - Lower CB-01- Subgrade Box w = 26.2 % Yd = 86.3 pcf Wet - Loading applied and Interface Conditioning flooded for a minimum of 24 hours prior to shear. Shearing Rate inches/minute.0.04 Test Notes Shearing occurred at the l MiM vs. vLL Intertace at aii stresses. Specimen No. 1 2 3 Normal Stress psf 5,000 10,000 16,000 Box Edge Dimension in 12 12 12 Bearing Slide Resistance Ibs 56 103 160 ;Shear Stress Peak ;Secant Angle psf 1,948 3,648 5,959 deg. 21.3 20.0 20.4 Large 'Shear Stress psf 1,072 2,025 3,247 deg. 12.1 11.4 11.5 Displacement .secant angle Asperity Top mils 24 25 25 Bottom mils 25 A ,Z 24 Height* Thn ino4 nil herein le based upon ecutplod induolry pre chile as well ae the taal method Ilsted. Teel reaul le roponad herein do not apply to semploc &W- than Ihose leeled TRI neither accopls re.p... lblllty tar rrw r gas claim es to the final urw ar1<I purpose of the materiel. TRI observes end maintains client conlid-lily. TRI limit ropraduellon of 1f1ra ropprt, except in lull. wllhout poor npprovN of TRI. TRI ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 9063 9CC CAVES RD. — AI.ISTIN, TX 76733 — USA I PH: e00.SS0.TEST Ora 51 2.263.21 o l 46TRI TESTING, RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND FIELD SERVICES . AuStiR Tx _USA CA • USA. SC - U�La Gold Coast - A4 StrzG4 Suehou -China Sao PauLo, Brazil Johannesburg -Africa ENVIRONMENTAL Interface Shear Strength of Geosynthetic Clay Liner by Direct Shear (ASTM D6243) Client: Oasis TRI Log #: 54814-3 Proiect- Anson Landfill Richard S. Lacey, P.E. 5/13/2020 20.000 15.000 N a In U) 10.000 5.000 0+ 0 9,000 13,000 7,000 a 6,000 5,000 U) 4,000 `m r 3,000 rn 2,000 1.000 0 0 Analysis & Quality Review/Date Cetco Bentomat ST (1501) vs. Skaps TXGM 60mil HDPE (3112004270) - Shiny up oPeak oLarge Displacement I 5.000 10,000 15,000 Normal Stress (psf) 5000 psf -10000 psf o 16000 psf 20,000 05 15 2 25 3 Displacement (inches) Test Results, Linear Regression Mohr -Coulomb Peak Large Parameters Displacement Friction Angle Degrees 27.7 8.5 Y-intercept psf 136 749 or Adhesion Minimum Degrees 27.1 11.1 Secant Angle Nlr,to _ I nrno nlenlaramant values Reported for 3.0 inches of Displacement Test Conditions Upper Cetco Bentomat ST (1501) Box Nonwoven side down Lower Skaps TXGM 60mil HDPE Box (3112004270) - Shiny up Wet - Loading applied and Interface Conditioning flooded for a minimum of 24 hours prior to shear. Shearing Rate 1 inches/minute 0.04 Test Notes Shearing occurred at the interface at all stresses Specimen No. - 1 1 2 3 Normal Stress psf 5,000 10,000 16,000 Box Edge Dimension in 12 12 12 Bearing Slide Resistance Ibs 56 103 160 Peak shear• Stress psf 2,903 1 5,108 81644 Secant Angle deg. 30.1 27.1 28.4 Large Displacement shear Stress psf 1,490 2,267 3,143 secant Angle deg. 16.6 12.8 11.1 Asperity Height, Avg. of 5 Meas. mils 21 26 33 nnpp Page > of > nt lI heer no, n, t es rcle m as to the final uee uW Ipurpon,e al the meleriell TRI abseas the e enddmnlniNn eclient —1 denliellel result. r. lV. TRI limile rehemln do not prod cllon of to hie fepoIhm A except In lull, without priorrTFII rnpp ant of Tql. siblllty TRI ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. yo63 act: C;Avcs Ixo. - Ausreti. Tx 7a�32 - Us.a I P.. eoa. seo.resT as s l z.ae,n.x ro l LATRITESTING, RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND FIELD SERVICES A,,:ten .rx . �}� 4 . - USA I SC - USA Cold Coeu - rw:tralo 15uj how - Chinp Sac -auto- lsi e:Ii Sansone:.:.1 Ar. ; ENVIRONMENTAL Interface Shear Strength of Geosynthetic Clay Liner by Direct Shear (ASTM D6243) Client: Oasis TRI Log #: 54814-4 Project: Anson Landfill Richard S. Lacey, P.E. 5/13/2020 Analysis & Quality Review/Date 20.000 15.000 `a (n 10,000 5,000 0+ 0 8,000 7,000 6,000 a 5.000 o) m 4,000 3,000 co L 2,000 1,000 0 0 Cetco Bentomat ST (1501) vs. Subgrade ❑ Peak o Large Displacement 5,000 10,000 15,000 Normal Stress (psf) 5000 psf -10000 psf n 16000 psf 05 1 15 2 25 Displacement (inches) 20,000 Test Results, Linear Regression Mohr -Coulomb Peak Large Parameters Displacement Friction Angle Degrees 23.2 Negative Intercept Refer to per- normal -stress Y-intercept psf 323 secant angles or Adhesion Minimum Degrees 24.2 21.0 Secant Angle mmr . I —a nicnin—pnt vale Inc; RneodRd for 3.0 inches of Uisplacement Test Conditions Upper Cetco Bentomat ST (1501) Box Woven side down Lower Subgrade Box = 26.2 % Yd = 86.3 pcf Wet - Loading applied and Interface Conditioning flooded for a minimum of 24 hours prior to shear_ Shearing Rate inches/minute 0.04 Test Notes Shearing occurred at the interface at all stresses. Specimen No. 1 2 3 Normal Stress psf 5,000 10,000 16,000 Box Edge Dimension in 12 12 8 Bearing Slide Resistance Ibs 56 103 76 Peak Shear Stress Secant Angie psf 2,487 4,581 7,205 deg. 26.4 24.6 24.2 Large Shear Stress psf 2,155 3,838 7,162 Secant Angle deg. 23.3 21.0 24.1 Displacement Page 1 of 1 Tin 1e 1,np herein Is based upon acoepled In dualry pre ctiee as well es the tool melhod Its ad. Teat results , dad herein do nr,e a, ■tv asmplea oven than Ihoae Issued. TRI nallhw are pls responsibility maMee clam as to the Ilnal use end purpose of the malarial TRI observes and maintains chant conlid-1 lity TRI Iirrlitu raptOlfuCl ion oI thls report, except in lull, wIlhaut pit- oppn-W of TRI. TRI ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 9063 BEE CAVES RD. — AUSTIN, TX 7a733 — USA I PM: BOO.BBD.TEST OR 51 2.263.2 1 0 1 �� ��� � � �� �Q��� t, k,.--- \TRI ENVIRONMENTAL Client: Project: 20,000 15,000 n 1n i� 10.000 GO 5.000 TESTING, RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND FIELD SERVICES Aa 6,,,Tx-USA J''_:. U&a. I SC - USA GddCwse • Autlrslia l Suzhuu -C'wv SauPdrl�o. BrnxH Johan--�esCu� "!I. Interface Shear Strength of Geosynthetic Clay Liner by Direct Shear (ASTM D6243) Oasis TRI Log #: 54814-4 Ancnn I nnrifill Richard S. Lacey, P.E. 5/4/2020 0 4- 0 8.000 7,000 6,000 N a 5,000 N m 4,000 3,000 L rn 2,000 1,000 Cetco Bentomat ST (1501) vs. Subgrade ciPeak o Large Displacement 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 Normal Stress (psf) 0011 0 05 1 15 2 25 3 Displacement (inches) Analysis & Quality Review/Date Test Results, Linear Regression Mohr -Coulomb Peak Large Parameters Displacement Friction Angle Degrees 23.2 Negative Intercept Refer to per- normal -stress Y-i ntercept psf 323 secant angles or Adhesion Minimum Degrees 24.2 21.0 Secant Angle Ah1e . I — . nic 1—m-1 Vail IP.R Rannnld for 3-0 inches of Ulsplacemenl Test Conditions Upper Cetco Bentomat ST Box (1501) Lower Subgrade Box CO = 26.2 % yd = 86.3 pcf Wet - Loading applied and Interface Conditioning flooded for a minimum of 24 hours prior to shear. Shearing Rate inches/minute 0.04 Test Notes 71 Shearing occurred at the interface at all stresses. Specimen No. - 1 2 3 Normal Stress psf 5,000 10,000 16,000 Box Edge Dimension in 12 12 8 Bearing Slide Resistance Ibs 56 103 76 Shear Stress Peak Secant Angle psf 2,487 4,581 7,205 deg. 26.4 24.6 24.2 Large Shear Stress psf 2,155 3,838 7,162 deg. 23.3 21.0 24.1 Displacement Secant Angle Page 1 of 1 The n'1 r 1inrnek herein nlm es to the onel luee industry Practice he mo Well as TRI the teet method tulle Wad. eeelires aon fi �ts n �N lyeTRl Ilrein dmll�!oW dYi [lion of l rnrryorlh_cepl inan th— llullw I holu[ pno rnryl�ro 0 al TRI. blllty purpose o TRI ENVIRONMENTAL, INC- 9063 BCC CAVES RO. - AUST , TX 7B733 - USA I pN BOO.BBO.TEST OR 51 2.263-2101 V 4A\�� I TESTING, RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND FIELD SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL Interface Shear Strength of Geosynthetic Clay Liner by Direct Shear (ASTM D6243) Client: Oasis TRI Log #: 54814-4 Project: Anson Landfill Richard S. Lacey, P.E. 5/4/2020 Analysis & Quality Review/Date Cetco Bentomat ST (1501) vs. Subgrade 20,000 ❑Peak o Large Displacement 15.000 a m U) 10,000 r 5,000 0 0 5,000 10,000 15,D00 20,000 Normal Stress (psf) 6.000 7,000 6,000 a 5,000 rN 4,000 N 3,000 L rn 2,000 1,000 0 0 05 l 15 2 25 3 Displacement (inches) Test Results, Linear Regression Mohr -Coulomb Peak Large Parameters Displacement Friction Angle Degrees 23.2 INegativeIntercept Refer to per- normal -stress Y-intercept psf 323 secant angles or Adhesion Minimum Degrees 24.2 21.0 Secant Angle nl..le _ I nidnhrarnant volt lac F2annrted for 3.0 inches of Displacement Test Conditions Upper Cetco Bentomat ST Box (1501) Lower Subgrade Box = 26.2 % rd = 86.3 pcf Wet - Loading applied and Interface Conditioning flooded for a minimum of 24 hours prior to shear. Shearing Rate inches/minute 0.04 Test Notes Shearing occurred at the interface at all stresses. Specimen No. - 1 2 3 Normal Stress psf 5,000 10,000 16,000 Box Edge Dimension in 12 12 8 Bearing Slide Resistance Ibs 56 103 76 Shear Stress Peak 5ecanl Angle psf 2,487 1 4,581 7,205 deg. 26.4 24.6 24.2 Large Smear Stress psf 2,155 3,838 7,162 deg. 23.3 21.0 24.1 Displacement Secant Angle Page > of I Tpe 1exlmp hnroin 19 hexed upon ¢stapled Induelry praelice 96 well as the 1¢el method listed. Teat reeulte reported herein do not apply to aemp$- Wlle than those leated TRI neither acerpta r-ponsibddy }ra• np ,mgkpa cloml as Io Ilm final ulw end purpose of the meledel. TRI obeerves and melnleme cIienl conlidenliellty THI limits reproduction of ltn lapprt, ezcepl in lull, without poor app.wa! eI TRI TRI ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 9063 BEE CAVES RD. — A.STI . TX 7B733 — USA I PM: BOO.BBO.TEST Da 51 2.253.Z 1 O1 Z&TRI ENVIRONMENTAL Client: Project: 20.000 15.000 N d N N (n 10.000 co U) 5.000 TESTING, RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND FIELD SERVICES Interface Shear Strength of Geosynthetic Clay Liner by Direct Shear (ASTM D6243) Oasis TRI Log #: 54814-3 Anson Landfill Richard S. Lacey, P.E. 5/6/2020 o+ 0 9,000 8.000 7,000 n 6,000 5,000 4,000 m L 3,000 rn 2.000 1,000 0 0 Analysis & Quality Review/Date Cetco Bentomat ST (1501) vs. -7 Skaps TXGM 60mil HDPE (3112404270) Shiny u ❑Peak o Large Displacement 5.000 10,000 1s,000 Normal Stress (psf) 5000 psf -10000 psf o 16000 psf 05 1 15 2 25 Displacement (inches) 20,000 Test Results, Linear Regression Mohr -Coulomb Peak Large Parameters Displacement Friction Angle Degrees 27.7 8.5 Y-intercept psf 136 749 or Adhesion Minimum Degrees 27.1 11.1 Secant Angle KIM. _ I o niter 1hr nt \/all lea RpnortAd for 3.0 inches of Displacement Test Conditions Upper Cetco Bentomat ST (1501) BOX Lower Skaps TXGM 60mil HDPE Box (3112004270) - Shiny up Wet - Loading applied and Interface Conditioning flooded for a minimum of 24 hours prior to shear. Shearing Rate inches/minute 0.04 Test Notes Shearing occurred at the interface at all stresses. Specimen No. - 1 2 3 Normal Stress psf 5,000 10,000 16,000 Box Edge Dimension in 12 12 12 Bearing Slide Resistance Ibs 56 103 160 Shear Stress psf 2,903 5,108 8,644 Peak Secant Angle deg. 30.1 27.1 28.4 Large Shear Stress psf 1,490 2,267 3,143 Displacement Secant Angle ,Asperity Height, Avg. of 5 Meas. deg. mils 16.6 21 12.8 26` 11.1 33`-��j��r- J Page 1 of 1 The lesling herein is based upon eccepl„ d Induelry precllce for nor makes cl mm es to the Ilna urn nId purpose of the as well es the Iasi method Ilsled. Teal reaulls reported herein do not apply Io samples other then malarial. TRI observes end maintains client conldenllelly. TRI limits reproduction of Ihs rapod, (hose leolatl TRI nelri eepls -1 T81 iblliry escepl in lull, without prior apprpve of TRI TRI ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 9063 BEE CA— RD. — AUS N. TX 78733 — USA I pH: 600.B80.TEST — S 7 2.283.2 1 O I Z&TR1 ENVIRONMENTAL Client: Project: 20.000 15.000 CL 10,000 fo U) 5.000 8,000 7,000 6,000 N CL 5,000 N N 4,000 r 3,000 rn 2,000 1,000 0 0 w / 4,rx_7 sai._� Q���,„, TESTING, RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND FIELD SERVICES Austin, TX- USA i CA -USA i SC -USA Gold Coast -Australia i Suzhou -China Sao Paulo, Brazil Johannesburg -Africa Multi -Layered Interface Friction Test (ASTM D6243 Modified) Oasis TRI Log #: 54814-1 Anson Landfill Richard S. Lacey, P.E. 5/6/2020 Analysis & Quality Review/Date PC -Al -Vulcan Composite vs. Skaps TN 270-2-8 (0095361010001) vs. Skaps TXGM 60mil HDPE (3112004270) vs. Cetco Bentomat ST (1501) vs. Subgrade 0 5,000 10,000 15 000 Normal Stress (psf) 5000 psf -10000 psf n 16000 psf 20,000 05 1 1.5 2 25 3 Displacement (inches) Test Results, Linear Regression morlir-Uoulon'llo Peak Large Parameters Displacement Friction Angle Degrees Ne alive Interce is Refer to per -normal -stress Y-intercept or Adhesion psf secant angles Minimum Degrees 21.5 10.9 Secant Angle ni,, _ I c, r)t r lmr nl Vnh Ipc PpnnriP.d for 3.0 inches of UISDlacemeni Test Conditions upper PC -Al -Vulcan Composite Box Tamped in place Skaps TN 270-2-8 (0095361010001) Skaps TXGM 60mil HDPE Floating (3112004270) Cetco Bentomat ST (1501) Lower Subgrade Box (0 = 26.6 % Yd = 86.3 pef Wet - Loading applied and Interface Conditioning flooded for a minimum of 24 hours prior to shear. Shearing Rate I inches/minute 0.04 Test Notes Shearing occurred at the t XSLUim vs. uuL- Inienace ai o,uuu NCI and 16,000 psf. Shearing occurred at the DSGC vs TXGM /121-1 interface at 10,000 psf. Specimen No. - 1 2 3 Normal Stress psf 5,000 10,000 16,000 Box Edge Dimension in 12 12 12 Bearing Slide Resistance Ibs 56 103 160 Peak shear Stress Secant Angle psf 2,169 1 3,938 7,373 24.7 deg. 23.5 21.5 Large Shear Stress psf 1,400 1,923 4,115 deg. 15.6 10.9 Displacement Secant Angle 14.4 Asperity Top mils 22 25 24 mils 25 24 Height Bottom 24 W nw *rN� hnrnlalis m as 1 the final Occupied ind,B" pu po. of he mnl-let TRI abeervee enda, the feel d lialad etin moanet cl—i oml.t�ntW Iyed aTFI limit, reproduction aP Inn, n. except icli'm than those n fullwith olul p InrpppWnl of lb 7g1�s161111y ee c purpose o TRI ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 9063 eCC CAVCS RD. — AUSTIN. TX 79733 — USA I pH: 800.88O.TEST OR S 12.263.Z 1 131 Pc y7�rf'bt� �� --,,T i TESTING, RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND FIELD SERVICES ENVIRONN Mufti -Layered Interface Friction Test (ASTM D6243 Modified) Client: Oasis TRI Log #: 54814-2 Project: Anson Landfill Richard S. Lacey, P.E. 5/8I2020 Analysis & Quality Review0ate PC-1-Borrow Composite vs. Skaps TN 270-2-8 (0095361010001) vs. Skaps TXGM 60mil HDPE (3112004270) vs. Cetco Bentomat ST (1501) vs. CB-01- Subgrade 20,000 oPeak *Large Displacement 15,000 a N N N 10,000 5,000 �- 0 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 Normal Stress (psf) 5000 psf -10000 psf n 16000 psf 0,000 5,000 a 4,000 N 3,000 2,000 1,000 20,000 0 , F- 0 05 1.5 2 2.5 3 Displacement (inches) Test Results, Linear Regression Mohr -Coulomb Peak Large Parameters Displacement Friction Angle Degrees 20.1 11.2 Y-intercept psf 77 70 or Adhesion Minimum Degrees 20.0 11.4 Secant Angle KInF- _ 1 11 . nlcnlaeamant Valuna Renorted for 3.0 inches of Displacement Test Conditions Upper PC-1-Borrow Composite Box Tamped in place Skaps TN 270-2-8 (0095361010001) Skaps TXGM 60mii HDPE Floating (3112004270) Cetco Bentomat ST (1501) Lower CB-01- Subgrade Box CO = 26.2 % Yd = 86.3 pcf Wet - Loading applied and Interface Conditioning Flooded for a minimum of 24 hours prior to shear. Shearing Rate inches/minute 0.04 Test Notes Shearing occurred at the Txum Vs. UL;L Interrace at all stresses. I Ilo Ip:nnp Ilerpn 1a 6 ..d upon n<c.ry�l W ,ndun11Y Ralrcl• —well nc 0" loci nlullwd L.IN lesl lonullo I VWImu nanau, o•� •• = ••� �••�""+II.� 1!•�rl. Vll+au W+teal. 11Y Iwlllwy .���'t OppDllnlh,l!>' IM uor mnMnc 4101T rt In Ilwl 111u1 Ilk -d pill puaU of Ilw nl of w rm ob xn Y.Y n d Innlnlrvna <=' c0ul,Mrnpnhly till xnu l!, Icp�oJuCWnnl unn ,nppll, nr[1ry11 m 104 n 0l 1 r,nn, ,rpp1Wu161 !il TRI ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 9063 f3E C.— RAUST— TX 76733 USA I PH: C300.000 TEST OR 51 2 263 2101 APPENDIX F GEOMEMBRANE DOCUMENTATION APPENDIX F Section 1 SUBGRADE ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATES Product: 60-HD-1I-BLK-BLK-AVG-STD-24.00 QC'd By: VvAlvah pG{, d Project : WCI Anson Phase 4 Cell 2, NC Date: September 6, 2023 Customer: Waste Connections Inc. Cust PO: 6115.23-0002 We hereby certify the following test results for the above referenced product/project Thick Thick CB Disp Asperity Tensile Elong Tensile Elong Tear Punct Carbon Resin ness ness Density (Views Height at Yield at Yield at Break at Break Resistance Resist Black OIT MAV MIN (g/cc) ° in Cat Count Roll Area (mil) (mil) (mil) (ppi) N (ppi) (%) (lb) (lb) (/0) 1 or2) (Minute) Resin Number (sq ft) Lot # ASTM ASTM ASTM D 7466 ASTM D 6693 ASTM D 6693 ASTM D 6693 ASTM D 6693 ASTM D 1004 ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM D 5994 1 D 5994 Side A Side B MD I TD I MD I TD I MD I TD I MD I TD MD TD D 4833 D 1505 D 4218 D 5596 D 3895 01 3101402001 11,520.00 61 59 26 29 154 156 18 17 174 158 463 437 54 55 147 0.947 2.5 10 249 23E1254 02 3101402002 11,520.00 61 58 26 30 160 163 17 15 197 160 530 430 54 57 148 0.947 2.5 10 249 23E1254 03 3101402003 11,520.00 61 59 27 31 160 163 17 15 197 160 530 430 54 57 148 0.947 2.5 10 249 23E1254 04 3101402004 11,520.00 60 58 28 29 160 163 17 15 197 160 530 430 54 57 148 0.947 2.5 10 249 23E1254 05 3101402005 11,520.00 60 59 27 29 160 163 17 15 197 160 530 430 54 57 148 0.947 2.5 10 249 23E1254 06 .1 3101402006 11,520.00 60 58 29 28 152 163 17 16 202 170 547 447 54 57 148 0.947 2.6 10 249 23E1254 07 3101402007 11,520.00 60 59 28 29 152 163 17 16 202 170 547 447 54 57 148 0.947 2.6 10 249 23E1254 08 3101402008 I11,520.00 60 57 29 31 152 163 17 16 202 170 547 447 54 57 148 0.947 2.6 10 249 23E1254 09 3101402009 11,520.00 60 59 25 29 152 163 17 16 202 170 547 447 54 57 148 0.947 2.6 10 249 23E1254 10 3101402010 60 57 26 31 152 163 17 16 202 547 447 54 57 148 1 0.947 2.6 10 249 23E1254 11 3101402011 111,520.00 11,520.00 61 57 25 30 159 158 17 17 177 I`170 1 176 423 419 52 56 146 0.947 2.5 10 249 23E1254 12 3101402012 11,520.00 61 58 28 30 159 158 17 17 177 � 176 1 423 419 52 56 146 0.947 2.5 ' 10 249 23E1254 DCN: SKAPS LOG 014 SKAPS Industries Phone: 706-336-7000 Effective Date: January 07,2022 571 Industrial Parkway Fax: 706-336-7007 Rev 2 Commerce, GA 30529 E-Mail:contact@skaps.com f Product: 60-HD-1 1 -BLK-BLK-AVG-STD-24.00 QC'd By: Wa k& NAd Project : WCI Anson Phase 4 Cell 2, NC Date: September 6, 2023 Customer: Waste Connections Inc. Cust P0: 6115-23.0002 We hereby certify the following test results for the above referenced product/project Thick Thick Asperity Tensile Elong Tensile Elong Tear Punct Carbon CB Disp Resin ness ness Height at Yield at Yield at Break at Break Resistance Resist Density Black (Views OIT Roll Area MAV MIN (mil) (ppi) N (ppi) N (lb) (lb) (g/cc) , ( �0) in Cat (Minute) Resin Count (mil) (mil) 1 or 2) Number (sq ft) Lot # ASTM ASTM ASTM D 7466 ASTM D 6693 ASTM D 6693 ASTM D 6693 ASTM D 6693 ASTM D 1004 ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM Side A Side B rs MD TD MD TD MD TD MD TD MD TD D 5994 D 5994 D 5994 D 5994 D 4833 D 1505 D 4218 D 5596 D 3695 13 3101402013 11,520.00 61 59 I 25 31 159 158 17 17 177 176 423 419 � 52 56 146 0.947 2.5 10 249 23E1254 14 3101402014 11,520.00 60 58 27 32 159 158 17 17 177 176 423 419 52 56 146 0.947 2.5 10 249 23E1254 15 3101402015 111,520.00 60 56 25 30 155 153 17 15 199 157 536 418 52 56 146 0.947 2.5 10 249 23E1254 16 3101402016 11,520.00 61 57 26 29 155 153 17 15 199 157 536 418 I 52 56 146 0.947 2.5 10 249 23E1254 17 3101402017 11,520.00 61 56 25 30 155 153 17 15 199 157 536 418 52 56 146 0.947 2.5 10 249 23E1254 18 3101402018 11;520.00 60 58 27 30 155 153 17 15 1 199 157 536 418 52 56 f 146 10.947 , 2.5 I 10 249 23E1254 19 3101402019 11,520.00 60 58 26 30 155 153 17 15 199 { 157 536 418 52 56 146 0.947 2.5 10 249 23E1254 20 3101402020 11,520.00 62 59 28 30 160 166 17 16 198 161 533 412 55 58 152 0.946 1 2.5 10 249 23E1254 21 3101402021 11,520.00 60 58 29 28 160 166 17 16 198 161 533 412 55 — 58 152 0.946 2.5 10 249 23E1254 22 3101402022 11,520.00 60 57 26 30 160 166 17 16 198 161 533 412 55 58 152 0.946 2.5 10 249 23E1254 23 3101402023 11,520.00 r6l 59 L 26 28 160 166 17 16 198 161 533 412 55 58 152 0.946 2.5 10 249 23E1254 24 3101402024 11,520.00 60 54 28 29 171 167 17 15 190 146 489 289 55 58 152 0.946 2.7 10 249 23E1254 DCN: SKAPS LOG 014 SKAPS Industries Phone: 706-336-7000 Effective Date: January 07,2022 571 Industrial Parkway Fax: 706-336-7007 Rev 2 Commerce, GA 30529 E-Mail:contact@skaps.com Product: 60-HD-11-13LK-BLK-AVG-STD-24.00 QC'd By: Vva,&ah Pa d Project : WCI Anson Phase 4 Cell 2, NC Date: September 6, 2023 r + , Customer: Waste Connections Inc. Cust P0: 6115.23-0002 We hereby certify the following test results for the above referenced product/project Thick Thick CB Disp Asperity Tensile Elong Tensile Elong Tear Punct Carbon Resin ness ness (Views Density Height at Yield at Yield at Break at Break Resistance Resist Black OIT MAV MIN ° in Cat Count Roll Area (mil) (mil) (mil) (ppi) (%) (ppi) (%) (lb) (lb) (glcc) (/°) 1 or 2) (Minute) Resin Number (sq ft) Lot # ASTM ASTM ASTM D 7466 ASTM D 6693 ASTM D 6693 ASTM D 6693 ASTM D 6693 ASTM D 1004 AS ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM D 5994 D 5994 Side A Side B MD TD MD I TD MD I TD MD I TD MD I TD D 4833 1 D 1505 D 4218 D 5596 D 3895 25 26 3101402025 3101402026 11,520.00 60 11,520.001 61 59 55— 26 26 26 30 171 167 17 17 15 15 190 190 146 146 489 489 289 289 55 55 58 58 152 152 0.946 0.946 2.7 2.7 10 10 249 — 249 23E1254 23E1254 171 167 G 27 3101402027 11,520.00 60 56 26 30 171 167 15 190 I 146 489 289 55 58 152 0.946 2.7 10 249 23E1254 17 28 3101402028 11,520.00 60 57 27 31 171 167 17 15 190 146 489 289 55 58 152 0.946 2.7 10 249 23E1254 29 3101402029 11,520.00 61 59 29 33 162 f 167 16 15 183 i 162 451 421 55 57 150 0.947 2.4 10 249 23E1254 DCN: SKAPS LOG 014 SKAPS Industries Phone: 706-336-7000 Effective Date: January 07,2022 571 Industrial Parkway Fax: 706-336-7007 Rev 2 Commerce, GA 30529 E-Mail:contact@skaps.com Formosa Plastics FORMOSA PLASTICS CORPORATION, TEXAS z01 FORMOSA DRIVE PHONE:( 888 )FPCUSA3 PO BOX 700 POINT COMFORT TX 77978 Certificate of Analysis (CONFIDENTAL) CUSTOMER:SKAPS INC. S/O NO : E36A751 571 INDUSTRIAL PARKWAY CUSTOMER PO : 30131230100 DATE SHIPPED: 7/14/23 COMMERCE GA 30529 LOT NO : 23E1254 PRODUCT :HL3812 WEIGHT (LB) : 182,100.00 RAILCAR TCMX200083 CUSTID:FT04342 SPIDMI CLEANING/INSPECTION NO: 200083052123 DATE OF PROD: 5/22/23 Test Method Spec Min Spec Max Actual Melt Index,g/10min ASTM D1238 0 .1 .068 HLMI, g/10 min. ASTM D1238 9 15 11.3 Density, g/cm3 ASTM D1505 .935 .939 .9372 L"�' Kr'z QC SUPERVISOR Product: 40-HD-1 1 -BLK-BLK-GRI-STD-24.00 QC'd By: VvlAivah plz t L Al Project : WCI Anson Phase 4 Cell 2, NC Date: September 6, 2023 Customer: Waste Connections Inc. Cust P0: 6115-23-0002 We hereby certify the following test results for the above referenced product/project Thick Thick CB Disp Asperity Tensile Elong Tensile Elong Tear Punct Carbon Resin ness ness (Views Density Height at Yield at Yield at Break at Break Resistance Resist Black OIT MAV MIN (glcc) ° in Cat Minute Count Roll Area (mil) (mil) (mil) (ppi) (%) (ppi) (%) (lb) (lb) (/°) 1 or 2) (Minute) Resin Number (sq ft) ASTM D 7466 ASTM D 6693 ASTM D 6693 ASTM D 6693 ASTM D 6693 ASTM D 1004 Lot # AS ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM D 5994 D 5994 rSide A Side B MD I TD MD LTD MD TD MD I TD MD FTD1D 4833 D 1505 D 4218 D 5596 D 3895 01 3102402001 17,160.00 40 35 25 25 109 114 16 14 130 116 1475 434 37 39 113 0.947 2.4 10 249 23E1254 02 3102402002 17,160.00 38 35 25 25 107 112 17 15 141 118 530 498 37 40 107 0.949 2.5 10 249 23E1254 DCN: SKAPS LOG 014 SKAPS Industries Phone: 706-336-7000 Effective Date: January 07,2022 571 Industrial Parkway Fax: 706-336-7007 Rev 2 Commerce, GA 30529 E-Mail:contact@skaps.com HALLATON ENVIRONMENTAL LININGS 1206 SPARKS ROAD - SPARKS, MD 21152 (410) 583-7700 - Fax (410) 583-7720 Certificate of Subgrade Acceptance Project No.: 23027-01223 Project Name: Anson County Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Project Start Date: 45174 Project Location: Polkton, North Carolina I, the undersigned, duly authorized representative of the installer, do hereby accept the soil subgrade surface conditions. I do not accept any responsibility for the conditions or character of the subsurface soil, or any effect the subsurface soil might have on the liner system. Area to be Accepted: Date Installed: 9/8/2023 Panels Installed: P-1 to P-10 Quantity of Installed: 70,872 1SQFT Description of Area: FLOOR fa a 9/8/2023 QC Hallaton Signature Date Title 9/8/2024 CQA Third Party Signature Date Title GC/Other (if applicable) Date Title HALLATON ENVIRONMENTAL LININGS 1206 SPARKS ROAD - SPARKS, MD 21152 (410) 583-7700 - Fax (410) 583-7720 Certificate of Subgrade Acceptance Project No.: 23027-01223 Project Name: Anson County Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Project Start Date: 45174 Project Location: Polkton, North Carolina I, the undersigned, duly authorized representative of the installer, do hereby accept the soil subgrade surface conditions. I do not accept any responsibility for the conditions or character of the subsurface soil, or any effect the subsurface soil might have on the liner system. Area to be Accepted: Date Installed: 9/11/2023 Panels Installed: P-11 to P-16 Quantity of Installed: 41,352 JSQFT Description of Area: FLOOR fab/p 6alkfif Hallaton Signature Third Party Signature 9/11 /2023 QC Date Title 9/11 /2023 CQA Date Title HALLATON ENVIRONMENTAL LININGS 1206 SPARKS ROAD - SPARKS, MD 21152 (410) 583-7700 - Fax (410) 583-7720 Certificate of Subgrade Acceptance Project No.: 23027-01223 Project Name: Anson County Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Project Start Date: 45174 Project Location: Polkton, North Carolina I, the undersigned, duly authorized representative of the installer, do hereby accept the soil subgrade surface conditions. I do not accept any responsibility for the conditions or character of the subsurface soil, or any effect the subsurface soil might have on the liner system. GC/Other (if applicable) Area to be Accepted: Date Title Date Installed: 9/12/2023 Panels Installed: P-17 to P-32 Quantity of Installed: 36,805 SQFT Description of Area: SOUTH SLOPE fadlo 6alkm� Hallaton Signature Third Party Signature 9/12/2023 QC Date Title 9/12/2023 CQA Date Title HALLATON ENVIRONMENTAL LININGS 1206 SPARKS ROAD - SPARKS, MD 21152 (410) 583-7700 - Fax (410) 583-7720 Certificate of Subgrade Acceptance Project No.: 23027-01223 Project Name: Anson County Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Project Start Date: 45174 Project Location: Polkton, North Carolina I, the undersigned, duly authorized representative of the installer, do hereby accept the soil subgrade surface conditions. I do not accept any responsibility for the conditions or character of the subsurface soil, or any effect the subsurface soil might have on the liner system. GC/Other (if applicable) Area to be Accepted: Date Title Date Installed: 9/13/2023 Panels Installed: P-33- to P-40 Quantity of Installed: 12,216 JSQFT Description of Area: SOUTH SLOPE fa /0 61alkfiFj Hallaton Signature Third Party Signature 9/13/2023 QC Date Title 9/13/2023 CQA Date Title HALLATON ENVIRONMENTAL LININGS 1206 SPARKS ROAD - SPARKS, MD 21152 (410) 583-7700 - Fax (410) 583-7720 Certificate of Subgrade Acceptance Project No.: 23027-01223 Project Name: Anson County Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Project Start Date: 45174 Project Location: Polkton, North Carolina I, the undersigned, duly authorized representative of the installer, do hereby accept the soil subgrade surface conditions. I do not accept any responsibility for the conditions or character of the subsurface soil, or any effect the subsurface soil might have on the liner system. GC/Other (if applicable) Area to be Accepted: Date Title Date Installed: 9/19/2023 Panels Installed: P-41 to P-53 Quantity of Installed: 87,552 SQFT Description of Area: FLOOR fo610 ealk��s Hallaton Signature 9/19/2023 QC Date Title HALLATON ENVIRONMENTAL LININGS 1206 SPARKS ROAD - SPARKS, MD 21152 (410) 583-7700 - Fax (410) 583-7720 Certificate of Subgrade Acceptance Project No.: 23027-01223 Project Name: Anson County Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Project Start Date: 45174 Project Location: Polkton, North Carolina I, the undersigned, duly authorized representative of the installer, do hereby accept the soil subgrade surface conditions. I do not accept any responsibility for the conditions or character of the subsurface soil, or any effect the subsurface soil might have on the liner system. V Third Party Signature GC/Other (if applicable) Area to be Accepted: 9/19/2023 CQA Date Title Date Title Date Installed: 9/20/2023 Panels Installed: P-54 to P-60 Quantity of Installed: 19,320 SQFT Description of Area: FLOOR fa /0 6alkm� Hallaton Signature 9/20/2023 QC Date Title APPENDIX F Section 2 GEOMEMBRANE PANEL DEPLOYMENT LOG OASIS ( ISULTING SERVICES GEOMEMBRANt PANEL DEPLOYMENT LOG PROJECT # : 235005 OWNER: Waste Connections PROJECT DESCRIPTION : Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 OASIS ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting PAGE# PROJECT LOCATION: Polkton, NC ;; i... ': CONSULTING SERVICES INSTALLER: Hallaton LAYER: RI R SECONDARY OTHER PANEL ROLL DATE AMB Length Width Area Avg. CIA COMMENTS/PANEL LOCATION # # TEMP A rox. Approx. A Approx. A rox. pp Thickness mil Mon SPECIAL SHAPE P 3 0 q4 23 `j( 't 23 ro 42V 61 �►� Z 3ral 94, 21 S Z3 to, z 4�0 K10 P'� ©2-012- q 8 S P OZo13 � - a $ 23 (© f�G © - t,-� P� 61007 9- Ff ' ( Z3 � � � � 01007GV q-� U2,3Q I z0 �j F$ bZoa Q-f a jdZ 2 �3� 6 P9 Iz z.3 P(o Ozoo q6 (61 23 . PAGE APPROX. TOTAL (SQ FT): f REVIEWED BY: DAILY TOTAL (SQ FT): '� DATE: 10/ ACCUMULATED TOTAL(SQ FT):_" �, R"gl OASIS r '�SULTING SERVICES GEOMEMBRANr PANEL DEPLOYMENT LOG PROJECT # : PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 235005 Anson Landfill - OWNER: Waste Connections r� Phase 4 Cell 2 OASIS ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting PAGE# G PROJECT LOCATION: Polkton, NC P, CONSULTING SERVICES INSTALlE Ha ri _f LAYER: PRIMARY SECONDARY OTHER PANEL ROLL DATE AMB Length Width Area Avg. CIA COMMENTS/PANEL LOCATION # # TEMP Approx. Approx. Approx. Thickness Mon SPECIAL SHAPE 000 old 0-&3 90 2c (67 i? 2—f 23 4�0` 2-02p 15, 276 d dal 16 !2!1q- r Qo 4-7 c� 1 23> qa"—> /-0j PAGE APPROX. TOTAL (SQ FT):©3� DAILY TOTAL (SQ FT): d 3 , 2) ACCUMULATED TOTAL(SQ FT): , 2.6.�— REVIEWED J DATE: ligll53 OASIS C `,SULTING SERVICES GEOMEMBRANL PANEL DEPLOYMENT LOG PROJECT # : 235005 OWNER: Waste Connections PROJECT DESCRIPTION : Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 OASIS ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting PAGE# PROJECT LOCATION: Polkton, NC'' r�- _ -' CONSULTING SERVICES INSTALLE", alla#vn LAYER: PRIMARCONDARY OTHER PANEL ROLL DATE AMB Length Width Area Avg. CIA COMMENTS/PANEL LOCATION # # TEMP Approx. Approx. Approx. Thickness Mon SPECIAL SHAPE P1 202 - I--l2��3 7/ t�3 Z 39 0 F14 20 9- 1z— C1 .b ?�-3 G© F1 d! ts- I 60 calf 20 y I, 705- G d> 0 21 z6'Z-1Z 91 ? 2 1 9 Z/ 61 0 9-r2 g y 34v� (0l 0 2-3 'Z6 R -iz qS 26 23 Egg- 4(0 b 01 25 �_,p22. 9•-12 ' ;L025 1'-1z 7,02, e13 l0 76) 6 ® l'7/ FjR-oq�zs s��� Z � � 63 1� 2018 87 PAGE APPROX. TOTAL (SQ FT):- 32, -7 l+0 REVIEWED BY DAILY TOTAL (SQ FT): Sq,640 DATE: ACCUMULATED TOTAL(SQ FT): tg44i G / 02- OASIS'--ISULTING SERVICES GEOMEMBRANL PANEL DEPLOYMENT LOG PROJECT # : 235005 OWNER: Waste Connections PROJECT DESCRIPTION : Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Y'=' OASIS ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting PAGE#� ' CONSULTING ES INSTALL7�R Ha n PROJECT LOCATION: Polkton, NC LAYER:IMARY SECONDARY OTHER �. DAILY TOTAL (SQ FT): -;?a ) Q ACCUMULATED TOTAL(SQ FT): 144, 7 0Z DATE: u PROJECT # : 235005 PROJECT DESCRIPTION : Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 PROJECT LOCATION: Polkton, NC now ;0 all "10 ��wm rmp, E��mm MAM mm mm PAGE APPROX. TOTAL (SQ FT): /Z. 35 t DAILY TOTAL (SQ FT): ACCUMULATED TOTAL(SQ FT): 15 OASIS C 'SULTING SERVICES GEOMEMBRAN,- PANEL DEPLOYMENT LOG OWNER: Waste Connections OAS IS ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting PAGE# -� CONSULTING INSTALLER: Hallaton SERVICES LAYER: -V�-1-MAR' SECONDARY OTHER h Width Area Avg. CIA COMMENTS/PANEL LOCATION Approx. Approx. Thickness (mil) Mon SPECIAL SHAPE 2-3. V -4iJ z r 6 K&C 2-3 � �� ktj -7 6 ? 15VD 6l �-,N I 2,6 /*J REVIEWED BY : DATE: % � Z a N PROJECT # : 235005 PROJECT DESCRIPTION : Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 PROJECT LOCATION : Polkton, NC PANEL q,3 44 Yzft Pq7 P �g d" P 5-5 ROLL o2-0( 9 o26z D2zZ. Q,e)23 6262-32-3 6202-7 62,62�, b2Z (-7 OASIS (-'SULTING SERVICES GEOMEMBRANL PANEL DEPLOYMENT LOG OWNER: Waste Connections OASIS ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting PAGE# CONSULTING INSTALLER: Hallaton tie�:'•,'s SERVICES .w LAYER; PRIMA SECONDARY OTHER DATE AMB Length I Width Area Avg. CIA COMMENT /PANEL LOCATION Approx. A Thickness TEMP A pp Approx. Approx. 1 ,i% Mon SPECIAL SHAPE F-M-23 2-3 S mi Z,' D q—� 01 2.5-- 2-3 -7 � (9 8/ 1,0 2-3 23 11 6Z> Kra -19 82- 91 2-7' q— T 0'17 3 cT3 2 �0 z �- Za23 q, qr 97 3S;7,::::, z3 ,:g'q - & i N ��b 2-3 Fj An) 0' 23 Zfl,67 KN 9 �� d�" 2-3 61 PAGE APPROX. TOTAL (SQ FT): C DAILY TOTAL (SQ FT): (D [ ACCUMULATED TOTAL(SQ FT): 9-43 L� REVIEWED BY: DATE: OASIS ( __'''SULTING SERVICES GEOMEMBRAIN, PANEL DEPLOYMENT LOG PROJECT # : 235005 OWNER: Waste Connections PROJECT DESCRIPTION : Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 OASIS ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting PAGE# CONSULTING INSTALLER: Hallaton PROJECT LOCATION: Polkton, NC =]y SERVICES LAYER: PRIMARY SECONDARY OTHER PANEL ROLL DATE AMB Length Width Area Avg. QA COMMENTS/PANEL LOCATION # # TEMP Approx. A rox. pp A pprox. Thickness Thickness Mon SPECIAL SHAPE P.5'2 zo L- -2 51 �P,.> �Zo �� 7 1�7 6 8l boo s P � Pu/ 7 q—W -72 Z3 2/ 9,� 6eD KK P7 tZOI-7 q ZO ? ff q3 2. -2135 60 P� 6a009 c,-2C> �b �. 2 °�� i ;c OZo -2,0 2 �a 2Z)°d �� //a PAGE APPROX. TOTAL (SQ FT): REVIEWED BY; DAILY TOTAL (SQ FT): 20Q DATE: Q ACCUMULATED TOTAL(SQ FT):1 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES OASIS Geosynthetic Inventory Control Log CONSULING SERVICES Page ' of PROJECT NAME: Anson Landfill PROJECT NUMBER: 235005 MATERIAL TYPE: GEOME�MBRANE GCL p DATE OF ARRIVAL: q- 9 - �-) 3, MATERIAL MANUFACTURER: TRUCK TYPE: 7 I7 INSTALLER: f�A L Lr Tt> 1,1 OWNER: Waste Connections ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting GEOCOMPOSITE p DATE OF INVENTORY: I QA MONITOR: V N CONDITION IN TRUCK: &ODD UNLOADING METHOD: # BATCH OR LOT NO. ROLL NUMBER MATERIAL DIMENSIONS QC CERT Y/N CONF SAMPLE Y/N REMARKS LENGTH Ft I WIDTH (Ft) THICKNESS OR WEIGHT 2 �_, z �o Y 3 �� ( 2'1 �i C) Y r 4 2- J-7 60 y �:-4 s zad n 7 2D 1 !U 90 a C> y 8 z� �- 9 10 ,1z1b ., 6 t 7 -AD vv6 L y 12 24--rn 2- -71!�Lu 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 TOTAL LENGTH ft TOTAL AREA (ft) REVIEWED BY: DATE: 6ASIS COid5 U NG sRvx:B PROJECT NAME: Anson Landfill OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Geosynthetic Inventory Control Log Page _ of PROJECT NUMBER: 235005 MATERIAL TYPE: EOMEMBRANE GCL DATE OF ARRIVAL: q—� MATERIAL MANUFACTURER: SP✓ TRUCK TYPE: 46>C INSTALLER: L-L- [� OWNER: Waste Connections ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting GEOCOMPOSITE DATE OF INVENTORY: 7 " QA MONITOR:�i CONDITION IN TRUCK: UNLOADING METHOD: ;57 A E�5 BATCH OR LOT NO. T ROLL NUMBER MATERIAL DIMENSIONS QC CERT Y/N CONF SAMPLE Y/N REMARKS LENGTH (Ft) WIDTH Ft THICKNESS OR WEIGHT 1 1 A?C, 21 2c. j � 3 4 2t9� 5 6 7 8 i 1c 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 TOTAL LENGTH ftCf TOTAL AREA ft REVIEWED BY: DATE: BASIS SEFV CL'S I-ROJECT NAME: Anson Landfill PROJECT NUMBER: 235005 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Geosynthetic Inventory Control Log Page 1 of t MATERIAL TYPE: GEOMEMBRANE DATE OF ARRIVAL: q— II Z MATERIAL MANUFACTURER: 55 TRUCK TYPE: _RAT RE% INSTALLER:((�`r�� OWNER: Waste Connections ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting GCL GEOCOMPOSITE DATE OF INVENTORY: Z3 QA MONITOR: CONDITION IN TRUCK: UNLOADING METHOD: :5`lP # BATCH OR LOT NO. ROLL NUMBER MATERIAL DIMENSIONS QC CERT Y/N CONF SAMPLE Y/N REMARKS LENGTH (Ft) WIDTH (Ft) I THICKNESS OR WEIGHT 1 6 20 44 !Fv 2--I- Vm,j,. y _ 2 2-01 W-OD 7-14 115 x dr 3 Z-a_I b -2-4 Y 4 Zg 1 -7 p Y 5 6 i �] 7 a CZ4, � 2Ix Ca 2a D a ly 12 coo 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 TOTAL LENGTH ft TOTAL AREA ft REVIEWED BY: DATE: APPENDIX F Section 3 GEOMEMBRANE TRIAL SEAM LOG PROJECT # : 235005 PROJECT DISCRIPTION : Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 OWNER: Waste Connections OASIS ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting CONSULTING CES INSTALLER: Hallaton •' SERVI PROJECT LOCATION : Polkton, NC DATE: CJ— 2- PAGE#�� FUSION WELD EXTRUSION WELD TF/TX ID # Ir2-'t'30� TIME p AMB TEMP. C MACH, ID # �C( V I WELD TECH �1 C SPEED �j�j WEDGE SET �C� PRE HEAT BARREL SET PEEL VALUE Ibs/inch INSIDEIIS/ SHEER VALUE Ibs/inch 153 160 /V 1S / �i P/F CIA Mont. COMM ENTS OUTSIDE INSIDE III ��10 18�jfp 2_ OUTSIDE grip Y-7 .Z7 %j io� INSID 1/5 t OUTSIDE Ij fl� ), ?I2- II22 lJ� �� ��� — _ INSIDE 1 i 1-3-7 / Ib� 1�1 /S�-F /SZ �� 1 �r i �/� 1' p� �, I3F1p qZ 9:7 !i I34 /7� JINSIDE OUTSIDE INSIDE OUTSIDE INSIDE OUTSIDE INSIDE OUTSIDE FUSION MINIMUM PEEL VALUE: FUSION MINIMUM SHEER VALUE: EXTRUSION MINIMUM PEEL VALUE. EXTRUSION MINIMUM SHEER VALUE: REVIEWED Y DATE: PROJECT # : 235005 OWNER: Waste Connections PROJECT DISCRIPTION : Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 OASIS ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting a CONSULTING INSTALLER: Hallaton PROJECT• •N : Polkton,■ • • • iffiviffiffiffiEffieffil �11 NMI m- Immumm -.0 mm., mm- mmmmm mmm No MEMNON MENOMONEE• •No MINNOMMENEERM,mmmmmmmmENOMMENCIEN MOMMENINSIMMMMMMENEON ®----- IMM • •0 MEN EMMIMMINE MMMMME ON 0 Emommomom FUSION MINIMUM PEEL VALUE: FUSION MINIMUM SHEER VALUE: EXTRUSION MINIMUM PEEL VALUE: EXTRUSION MINIMUM SHEER VALUE: REVIEWED BY :� DATE : f 9 PROJECT # : 235005 OWNER: Waste Connections PROJECT DISCRIPTION :Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 �+<<�y` OASIS ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting PROJECT LOCATION: Polkton, NC CONSULTING SERVICES INSTALLER: Hallaton i DATE: 4-- JJ- 23 PAGE# FUSION WELD EXTRUSION WELD TF/TX TIME AMB MACH. WELD SPEED WEDGE PRE BARREL PEEL VALUE Ibs/inch SHEER VALUE Ibs/inch P/F 1 CIA COMM ID # TEMP. ID # TECH SET HEAT SET Mont. ENTS -�p� ,i Ir- l 13" iJ� 9 /� 0-- �r 5� �bo INSIDE OUTSIDE 104 ��7 ( zk 1D3 (8p/ / I I� p '/ '` /� / �to �T� 1Tl l�� 156 r I52- QQ f RV 5b �6� INSIDE OUTSIDE p (�S fl1 167 /DD /� / )(3 �`�D !S2 153 1 5,-2 �J' p 5� .��0 Ub� INSIDE OUTSIDE �fZ IZ � Z1 �(� �� n /1 124 13a 'l�/ 9 �!� �S� l� 1CQ (S�? �SZ P �� _ 1/1 INSIDE OUTSIDE INSIDE OUTSIDE INSIDE OUTSIDE INSIDE OUTSIDE INSIDE OUTSIDE INSIDE OUTSIDE FF INSIDE OUTSIDE FUSION MINIMUM PEEL VALUE: FUSION MINIMUM SHEER VALUE: EXTRUSION MINIMUM PEEL VALUE: EXTRUSION MINIMUM SHEER VALUE: REVIEWED BY: DATE: PROJECT # : 235005 OWNER: Waste Connections PROJECT DISCRIPTION : Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 ;;;;; OASIS ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting PROJECT LOCATION : Polkton, NC i-. CONSULTING SERVICES INSTAL R: Hallaton � ": ` : -` DATE: — I �. r 2 3 PAGE# "T �! FUSION WELD EXTRUSION WELD TF/TX TIME AMB MACH, WELD SPEED WEDGE PRE BARREL PEEL VALUE Ibs/inch SHEER VALUE Ibs/inch P/F QA COMM ID # TEMP. ID # TECH SET HEAT SET Mont. ENTS y-r 11' i two g� �j D� 6C' �� �y 96 — INSIDE GO(, (�� (c3 OUTSIDE /69C 107 L0 1*' 1 140 tqg l'iy /'(6 1 N SS �^ F2- ��cl� ��W (� r �b RV S.D �� — INSIDE 10 eLS�/ (Cq �/ &cl ),s /,/� OUTSIDE 1 j�4 I (C, 1 &� j65- 141 (JCZ '! 140 (*3 T 3 y /�W�� �� 8� QG ��� y O D INSIDE 1 � tp2 ('� j I 1 �( r' OUTSIDE 17i5 1Zi� (15 1Z_7 12,1 ��� I �7i ��' r�j7 p /� 1 �i �% ��+� ��� �+ 7f5 4 12,0 / 1S V R 3� Oi� — INSIDE 3 Z 1-3S 1-3 _ OUTSIDE � 1� /3f. I Z 1?j7 15-3 15 " � l �� C/ �� o G 3i�o (!E7 � — — INSIDE lb� lD � I (I j��oe1 (7j ' I OUTSIDE (0 1O / L a� I �S (� ` 7 1 �� .1�i j� Y . Il /T KN �[ l INSIDE OUTSIDE INSIDE OUTSIDE INSIDE OUTSIDE INSIDE OUTSIDE INSIDE OUTSIDE FUSION MINIMUM PEEL VALUE: FUSION MINIMUM SHEER VALUE: EXTRUSION MINIMUM PEEL VALUE: EXTRUSION MINIMUM SHEER VALUE: REVIEWED B DATE : 1 PROJECT # : 235005 OWNER: Waste Connections PROJECT DISCRIPTION : Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 OASIS ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting rfik- . . , CONSULTING INSTALLER: Hallaton PROJECT LOCATION: Polkton, NC * ' . SERVICES DATE: PAGE# FUSION WELD EXTRUSION WELD TF/TX TIME I AMB MACH. WELD SPEED WEDGE PRE BARREL PEEL VALUE Ibs/inch SHEER VALUE Ibs/inch P/F CIA COMM ID # TEMP. ID # TECH SET HEAT SET Mont. ENTS TF 1 0062 �1 (Z Q� W 1 p �v 6 INSIDE OUTSIDE II J �� Iv 1643 II S IDS' 11 c1 /67 Ila Z)� �7� �/y f'`-'T ' D 15� 115-7 IV � � Ivy/ 7 l�� li �13� �Z �� �� 3� / Sb(� — INSIDE OUTSIDE ggf1'3 Il -7 ��/ jq/ 134 1Z3 1�� 140 �� 22- �'T� �F3 '��3� ?3 9 1SG j�p F6 INSIDE OUTSIDE lQ�j 160 (�� 116 16 9yc'� �� PGa IIZ 11a ! 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I � Ili 11 I� 221 j%� `L !K� 1� I� !� l q r l�?i y � ) T'-a" SIT 1(m 1-7t AA S� S�0 INSIDE OUTSIDE Q� - �� 11� — 116 L 1 �7 — / 1 / -7 I !�/S '`t' s� �q1� te� - 7,T 1 71 P, 95b Set) NSIDE OIUTSIDE 130 — 131 — 1Zb /31 12-97J'- -143 3 `T /Q 'AlN j INSIDE OUTSIDE INSIDE OUTSIDE INSIDE OUTSIDE FUSION MINIMUM PEEL VALUE: FUSION MINIMUM SHEER VALUE: EXTRUSION MINIMUM PEEL VALUE: EXTRUSION MINIMUM SHEER VALUE: REVIEWED BY: DATE: Z- PROJECT # : 235005 OWNER: Waste Connections PROJECT DISCRIPTION : Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 OASIS ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting CONSULTING INSTALLER: Hallaton PROJECT• • •• ®®®PEEL VALUE lbs/inch SHEER VALUE lbs/inX 1010010110 MEN OEM NEI FUSION MINIMUM PEEL VALUE: FUSION MINIMUM SHEER VALUE: EXTRUSION MINIMUM PEEL VALUE: EXTRUSION MINIMUM SHEER VALUE: REVIEWED BY: C�2� DATE:' PROJECT # : 235005 PROJECT DISCRIPTION : Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 PROJECT LOCATION: Polkton, NC OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES OWNER: Waste Connections ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting INSTALLER: Hallaton DATE:_ -7— / rl — 2- 3 PAGE# TF/TX TIME AMB MACH. WELD ID # TEMP. ID # TECH FUSION WELD SPEED WEDGE SET (EXTRUSION WELD PRE BARREL HEAT SET PEEL VALUE Ibs/inch SHEER VALUE Ibs/inch P/F CIA COMM Mont. ENTS INSIDE i ®® (� � I � ��' jYJ ey l I�Z I�� I�I't r�s P 9411s%s OUTSIDE Lb1 D () % 0$- INSIDE 10/ 1D3 112 IlV1— 1116 1GD Igel 16• OUTSIDE H6 11- l0 1o7 ► q- / cc 7 INSIDE 13 ) )3C, f . C> 160 1551 15 OUTSIDE 132 I / 72j�. I2-7 -z INSIDE 114" I?j 1 � 1 138 1SS I SZ 1Sy ILLl�i �l% OUTSIDE I 30 I..� Iz IZ� INSIDE OUTSIDE INSIDE OUTSIDE INSIDE OUTSIDE INSIDE OUTSIDE INSIDE OUTSIDE INSIDE OUTSIDE FUSION MINIMUM PEEL VALUE: FUSION MINIMUM SHEER VALUE: EXTRUSION MINIMUM PEEL VALUE: EXTRUSION MINIMUM SHEER VALUE: REVIEWED BY: <5� DATE : 4 PROJECT # : 235005 PROJECT DISCRIPTION : Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 PROJECT LOCATION: Polkton, NC L" OASIS CONSULTING a SERVICES OWNER: Waste Connections ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting INSTALLER: Hallaton DATE: 9 — 2-6 " 7-3 PAGE# TF/TX ID # r� !� -Z TIME �21� 12-1 AMB (MACH. WELD TEMP. ID # TECH /� Sd i�G . If® �� ©e FUSION WELD SPEED WEDGE SET 55b L{�S�O //� 55-6 x� D .EXTRUSION WELD PRE BARREL HEAT SET ! i PEEL VALUE Ibs/inch SHEER VALUE Ibs/inch P/F CIA COMM Mont. ENTS INSIDE 113 11-3 7 /0 ( OUTSIDE /ZZ 1�, I3� �./�j�i I I%G ISO %�]�' ��� Y NV INSIDE 15 1 Z7 j20 132p C� )v T OUTSIDE ?i7 121 /3J 2. /2_»6 17� 07 1 i f2i D) U �� l INSIDE �1(Z�G?� / OUTSIDE !l� �l� 11 �Z(� /ZC1 J�? /%r &3 INSIDE `Lg 27 ? Z�ile S 11 OUTSIDE fl /36> 3,c �JS-D INSIDE 1'3(, 12-7 /2 7 12 5 f/ ( f �Z j/�� OUTSIDE .- — _ INSIDE OUTSIDE INSIDE OUTSIDE INSIDE OUTSIDE INSIDE OUTSIDE INSIDE OUTSIDE FUSION MINIMUM PEEL VALUE: FUSION MINIMUM SHEER VALUE: EXTRUSION MINIMUM PEEL VALUE: EXTRUSION MINIMUM SHEER VALUE: REVIEWED B DATE : /O PROJECT # : 235005 PROJECT DISCRIPTION : Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 PROJECT LOCATION: Polkton, NC FUSION WELD EXTRUSION WELD OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES OWNER: Waste Connections ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting INSTALLER: Hallaton DATE: 9 Z./ — Z-?� PAGE# musafflaffismPEEL VALUEVALUE m4l mmm MIMMMMUffimm"V, immommoom ee■ ■ON■E® mmmmmENNEEMME ■■®__No no FUSION MINIMUM PEEL VALUE: FUSION MINIMUM SHEER VALUE: EXTRUSION MINIMUM PEEL VALUE: EXTRUSION MINIMUM SHEER VALUE: REVIEWED BY: DATE: APPENDIX F Section 4 GEOMEMBRANE FUSION AND EXTRUSION SEAM LOG OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES PROJECT NUMBER: 235005 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 PROJECT LOCATION: Polkton, INC MACHINE # �9 OASIS CONSULTING ���VICES GEOMEMBRANE FUSION SEAM LOG PASSING TRIAL SEAMS NO. TIME TECH ID --I C, ?P-2. )3( OWNER: Waste Connections ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting INSTALLER: Hallaton DATE d-3 DESTRUCTIVE SEAM LENGTH CARRY-OVER FROM PAGE # ( -a7) 'ter PAGE NUMBER: SEAM NUMBER • SEAM SECTION START ' FINISH POINT POINT APPROX. START TIME AMB. AIR TEMP WELD TECH MACHINE SETTINGS APPROX. LENGTH WELDED LENGTH FROM PREVIOUS DESTP, LOCATED DESTR. NO. CA MON- REMARKS PASSING - NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING MACH SPEED DIGITAL SET INDICATOR WEDGE WEDGE TEST DATE TECH ID P/F CA MON, l E - des CZ � �� d U 60 IC- 6 15J&C2a �� c, b 5- �Cr�1 q 4 4- y Tc, P K"j 3 / SE-t>5 w Z b Q If-- 5_0V 5- a 9"� rU CTC. K-n� l Q6 SE65 • 01os q& 496- 6 a 66 z-?,- T6 r�rr 'r o bs - iid`5 (6z z etc-> 0 5Sa f<7a 467 27 6 OJ 9 J 3 S — KN - P wt REFERENCE SEAM ENDPOINTS FROM END OF SEAM (EOS), PAGE TOTAL: DEFECT NUMBER OR A POINT LOCATION ON A SEAM PAGE DESTRUCTIVE LENGTH CARRY-OVER DAILY TOTAL WELDED (FT) DAILY DESTRUCTIVE LENGTH CARRY-OVER DATA TO BE COMPLETED BY THE DATA REVIEWER ONJLY, J REVIEWED B DATE: OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES PROJECT NUMBER: 235005 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 PROJECT LOCATION: Polkton, NC NO. OASIS CONSULTING b-rWICES GEOMEMBRANE FUSION SEAM LOG PASSING TRIAL SEAMS TIME TECH ID OWNER: Waste Connections ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting INSTALLER: Hallaton DATE: 9- D `23 DFRTRI IC.TIVF RFAKA I F-Mf'T" CARAV_n%/Co MACHINE# r— -6 13 O g FROM PAGE # Z PAGE NUMBER: 9 y b& SEAM NUMBER SEAM SECTION START FINISH POINT ` POINT APPROX. START TIME AMB. AIR TEMP WELD TECH MACHINE SETTINGS APPROX. LENGTH WELDED LENGTH FROM PREVIOUS DES . LOCATED DESTR. NO. CA MON. REMARKS PASSING - NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING MACH SPEED DIGITAL SET INDICATOR WEDGE WEDGE TEST DATE TECH ID P/F QA MON. IF � �_ PG 7 i P � C ` �s yes • Nis c 31 t o v 0tj Y/ V v 5-;7D a '640 5& a 66 V6 d 16,to o 6l G o a 2z 3S .2 05- — K 9- q-9 q_ ��� L & vG ,j & P ,p P 4N k.rJ k� �N Pf 0 iza�s •ISM D R V do 60 6 v 2 2 3 i i JJ ' REFERENCE SEAM ENDPOINTS FROM END OF SEAM (EOS), PAGE TOTAL: 1 rj�Z DEFECT NUMBER OR A POINT LOCATION ON A SEAM PAGE DESTRUCTIVE LENGTH CARRY-OVER DAILY TOTAL WELDED (FT) DAILY DESTRUCTIVE LENGTH CARRY-OVER " DATA TO BE COMPLETED BY THE DATA REVIEWER ONLY, % REVIEWED BY: DATE: SIS CJA�4 ULTING SERVICESS PROJECT NUMBER: 235005 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 PROJECT LOCATION: Polkton, NC NO. OASIS CONSULTING v�•I<VICES GEOMEMBRANE FUSION SEAM LOG PASSING TRIAL SEAMS TIME TECH ID OWNER: Waste Connections ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting INSTALLER: Hallaton DATE: ('all —2-3 DFSTRIJr:TIVF AFAM I FK]rT€-I f APf2V_f)%M0 MACHINE # FROM PAGE # (8—) S&E PAGE NUMBER: SEAM NUMBER Yq if/ E SEAM SECTION START ` FINISH POINT " POINT - Ks APPROX. START TIME AMB. AIR TEMP WELD TECH 06 MACHINE SETTINGS APPROX LENGTH WELDED 1 LENGTH FROM PREVIOUS DESTR. LOCATED DESTR NO. 6 QA MON. REMARKS I y PASSING - NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING MACH SPEED 5.7S DIGITAL SET INDICATOR WEDGE X6 WEDGE g 0 TEST DATE �. I TECH ID so P/F CIA MON. p I2 bS " (9 ar dC 6- 9,60 60 --0 � — IDS 9- NO ( 3 , l . 16 ,P H 6 S 6 S hi�S SOS W D P-� r� : 3 : 9 ! , r0 15•t0 q "7 C)616-.5 6 061515 06 5 1 �;-s S-' 0 60 960 8d 0 6 o a� o �60 F 0 1 b e m I 112 / / i -� S �W- 10 �� ID5, Z.Jr 2 /1 g. I �- I 7,1 sr -c G e� - REFERENCE SEAM ENDPOINTS FROM END OF SEAM (EOS), PAGE TOTAL: Ilb/39 DEFECT NUMBER OR A POINT LOCATION ON A SEAM PAGE DESTRUCTIVE LENGTH CARRY-OVER DAILY TOTAL WELDED (FT) DAILY DESTRUCTIVE LENGTH CARRY-OVER ` DATA TO BE COMPLETED BY THE DATA REVIEWER ONLY. REVIEWED BY: B DATE OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES PROJECT NUMBER: 235005 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 PROJECT LOCATION: Polkton, NC NO. OASIS CONSULTING b-.-,VICES GEOMEMBRANE FUSION SEAM LOG PASSING TRIAL SEAMS TIME TECH ID OWNER: Waste Connections ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting INSTALLER: Hallaton DATE: 5. 11- 2e)z3 nFATRI ICTI\/F CFOM I FN(,TI-I (ADDV-n%/CD 13,o3 V FROM PAGE # ( ..2__.) -7/"' T7: — MACHINE # •M PAGE NUMBER: SEAM SECTION SEAM START FINISH NUMBER POINT POINT I 1 / 17, l JI 13 0905 WEbS APPROX. START TIME 13: Z 17,: 1 : AMB. AIR TEMP 4,5 95 y WELD TECH RV ! V MACH SPEED 3 3.5 MACHINE SETTINGS DIGITAL SET INDICATOR WEDGE WEDGE 00 0 g60 960 6a APPROX. LENGTH WELDED Z Z ZZ g LENGTH FROM LOCATED PREVIOUS DESTR. DESTR. NO. 40/ kz 2f� 1= QA MON. REMARKS 2 ..PASSING -NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING TEST TECH P/F CIA DATE ID MON. f-/1 r6 P I 1 � 'S iVE05 1#09 25 75 RIB V 3.5 55 5-5 960 860 0 6e) a e 960 940 2 6173,DF — Dl� Q / SC WOOS 1433 " REFERENCE SEAM ENDPOINTS FROM END OF SEAM (EOS), PAGE TOTAL: Z DATA TO BE COMPLETED BY THE DEFECT NUMBER OR A POINT LOCATION ON A SEAM PAGE DESTRUCTIVE LENGTH CARRY-OVER DAILY TOTAL WELDED (FT) ® DATA REVIEWER ONLY L DAILY DESTRUCTIVE LENGTH CARRY-OVER REVIEWED BY``T� COAS IS C014SULTJNG SERVICES PROJECT NUMBER: 235005 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 PROJECT LOCATION: Polkton, NC MACHINE* F6 NO OASIS CONSULTING �_I�VICES GEOMEMBRANE FUSION SEAM LOG PASSING TRIAL SEAMS TIME TECH iD 7-- `Z Izd0 6V OWNER: Waste Connections ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting INSTALLER: Hallaton DATE: /.IZ'2oz DESTRUCTIVE SEAM LENGTH CARRY-OVER FROM PAGE * 4 ) q � PAGE NUMBER: SEAM NUMBER SEAM SECTION START FINISH POINT POINT APPROX START TIME AMB. AIR TEMP WELD TECH MACHINE SETTINGS APPROX LENGTH WELDED LENGTH FROM PREVIOUS DESTR LOCATED DESTR. NO QA MON. REMARKS "PASSING - NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING MACH SPEED DIGITAL SET INDICATOR WEDGE WEDGE TEST DATE TECH I D P!F QA MON. l 9 SE2S (0 ci ¢ 1 �I � — 9- i 2 39 P IG►-� 20 IA/tM-5oS )Z•44 cr6 RV 1 10b0 $b© z 7,31 — j-/z je, e N 2 2 i Z 'W !Z :� ! V 3„ O 60 96� 2 Z 2 6 — b� o - Iz �B P 2 i Z,3 6146 -5 13,03 CM AV S. 5 0 A610 Z7-,51 �- )2 J-13 r-N Z I i Z Z / 590S 13"05 65 RV 5. 60 &60 i Z9- 4 03 — Dp, 0 - 1Z J? F ,-N 2-6- / 2 V � e 6 0 2?� 2.S — q - I Z ,TB KN Z 4- / 2 24- / 25 n/o5 •5 ros /V5--os `5fzZ I3: � 13,30 L75 Y AV �. -6-S `® gb95 �S6,a Ae 1 1 Z b KIN — Dr. I l D� D E 2 3 � - r 2 �- � Z �� .se F P K� 2 itZ iVC&5 .5 go-5J3:`i$ 916 V 5•� bfD 8'60 a) a6fo 21 2Z 32z 3¢4, —1 DIv rz 01-I2- SB To P Kra I ZI i 30 �V,60 • W5 1¢:06 r1;5 .5 T 9 i '!j I AV`E65 • S" I¢'-13 45 NV S.S S-60 3 2 3-74- 6— bC v-IZ J_i3 F�,.► Ps 13 Z iSfi I /Vr--n5 `5 "05 WTO - 14-,1 4-: 15 el, 6 A Y RV 5.5 b (�/C -�3Cd �60 71 '. 2- ¢¢7 — — 1)G °-Z , IZ T r?> TQ 4' Ktj 3 I i S l 'W 6` t, 14 R5 3.0 060 2 2 I — Dr q• Z 1r? P Dg 0 isr W60 5 1 :5 2 __AV RV 3.0 0 22 i¢ .p� 13 P9 I 2T `REFERENCE SEAM ENDPOINTS FROM END OF SEAM (EOS), PAGE TOTAL: UN—g] DEFECT NUMBER OR A POINT LOCATION ON A SEAM PAGE DESTRUCTIVE LENGTH CARRY-OVER DAILY TOTAL WELDED (FT) DAILY DESTRUCTIVE LENGTH CARRY-OVER " DATA TO BE COMPLETED BY THE w` DATA REVIEWER ONLY. 1,0 REVIEWED BY: DATE: — � , ,�� QAsiS COlJSULTIrrG SERVICES PROJECT NUMBER: 235005 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 PROJECT LOCATION: Polkton, NC MACHINE # v 1 NO. OASIS CONSULTING :,_f4VICES GEOMEMBRANE FUSION SEAM LOG PASSING TRIAL SEAMS TIME TECH ID - l O , fF -3 Tr- S E5G OWNER: Waste Connections ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting INSTALLER: Hallaton DATE: q • 12 ' 2 023 DESTRUCTIVE SEAM LENGTH CARRY-OVER FROM PAGE # ( 3 ) I PAGE NUMBER. 6 SEAM NUMBER SEAM SECTION START FINISH POINT POINT APPROX. START TIME AMB, AIR TEMP WELD TECH MACHINE SETTINGS APPROX LENGTH WELDED LENGTH FROM PREVIOUS DESTR. LOCATED DESTR NO. CA MON. REMARKS "PASSING -NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING MACH SPEED DIGITAL SET INDICATOR WEDGE WEDGE TEST DATE TECH ID P/F QA MON. 1 N z, q5 OC �.)5 0 e m 6 m - � q-lz 7e 20 Z-1 N " 5 1 _15 gb© (g�GO 0 6 - DF -12- 76 K46 19 i 21 IN 13:8! W OC 960 'ESbe 6¢ 22 - n -)z J$ Kral IV PA55) - 5F45 13:1 6.5 60 960 _.3 2 2 D,r -tz 2 i z �►/ Eo5 • S aS :1 �r5 6� 3.� 5 960 C" O 3 Fl '27-0 — -12- T-6 p 4 2z Z •Biro I z3 qS 5 (?60 )2A 3�4- — G NeO • S a,:3j c,S ©C S5 q6o S-60 20 -14 —Pr_ 1.2- 76 'L� i 2 N�0�6S I � C_ �•� �56� 8 O I y IZ AC 2 N - 2 uB 2S' Zh S. s 13:5,5 Ci5 aL 6.3 ate) NO I 1 $3 — D �-1Zl+3 P e tJ ti 3 i 37, of 5 SE05 1v b�5.515� I¢:40r 4, Ir, 4 oC O Cs-- 5.1 5 60 Ap 560 S66 71 5o T 3e>4 _ Dr - ri. z P 1)9 REFERENCE SEAM ENDPOINTS FROM END OF SEAM (EOS), PAGE TOTAL: DEFECT NUMBER OR A POINT LOCATION ON A SEAM PAGE DESTRUCTIVE LENGTH CARRY-OVER DAILY TOTAL WELDED (FT) DAILY DESTRUCTIVE LENGTH CARRY-OVER DATA TO BE COMPLETED BY THE 3 DATA REVIEWER ONLY. ® REVIEWED Bli DATE:( Z OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES PROJECT NUMBER: 235005 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 PROJECT LOCATION: Polkton, INC OASIS CONSULTING ---VICES GEOMEMBRANE FUSION SEAM LOG PASSING TRIAL SEAMS NO. TIME TECH ID =_2 120C� V MACHINE # 8 OWNER: Waste Connections ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting INSTALLER: Hallaton DATE: 1—' 2 J 21.023 DESTRUCTIVE SEAM LENGTH C RY-OVER FROM PAGE # (-5—_) 1 PAGE NUMBER: 7 SEAM NUMBER SEAM SECTION START FINISH POINT POINT APPROX. START TIME AMB. AIR TEMP WELD TECH MACHINE SETTINGS APPROX LENGTH WELDED LENGTH FROM PREVIOUS DESTR. LOCATED DESTR. NO CA MON. REMARKS PASSING - NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING MACH SPEED DIGITAL SET INDICATOR WE WEDGE TEST DATE TECH I❑ P/F QA MON. 2 iS St l 26 1 S W o5 • - s WtO- Vf-OS I4; 5 k� Iry RV 3,0 3.0 0 9be 9 z 2 z 2 — 9- iz ,a Vir q-5 / � 5 P �b5 - W 6ZI rV,65 15:m ItO5 q[6-1 �V 3.0 3.0 C-6er 96o 22 az, 3 95 pe 12, e w ZZ i� �S 15:0q V 3.0 gio g6o ZZ 1 ! - -- e, - 1Z 0 Z 1 i �/f,65 • WS J5: 3 qM Av 43.0 g'60g 22- 129 — AE _ 12- T9 I 1 iS 1 g W605 •JfO 1�16 .15, 1A, r 46 RV y 3.0 0 66 9CO 566 960 140 9 pf 2- -1 SB J-B • 05 15:?.Q} 4 V 3.0 bP 960 ZZ 12f— D. 9— oz JB 1= i i i i REFERENCE SEAM ENDPOINTS FROM END OF SEAM (EOS), PAGE TOTAL: © DEFECT NUMBER OR A POINT LOCATION ON A SEAM PAGE DESTRUCTIVE LENGTH CARRY-OVER DAILY TOTAL WELDED (FT) DAILY DESTRUCTIVE LENGTH CARRY-OVER '• DATA TO BE COMPLETED BY THE ® DATA REVIEWER ONLY. 0 REVIEWED EIY. ��— DATE: OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES PROJECT NUMBER: 235005 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 PROJECT LOCATION: Polkton, NC MACHINE # g� OASIS CONSULTING :>_RVICES GEOMEMBRANE FUSION SEAM LOG PASSING TRIAL SEAMS NC) TIMF TF( I -I In �— pz�•— I - 2 DR3S t' 0 2') OWNER: Waste Connections ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting ''jj INSTALLER: Hallaton DATE: • 13. Z02-3 DESTRUCTIVE SEAM LENGTH CARRY-OVER FROM PAGE # ( ! ) PAGE NUMBER: SEAM NUMBER SEAM SECTION START FINISH POINT POINT APPROX. START TIME AMB. AIR TEMP WELD TECH MACHINE SETTINGS APPROX. LENGTH WELDED LENGTH FROM PREVIOUS DESTR. LOCATED DESTR- NO. QA MON. REMARKS ••PASSING - NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING MACH SPEED DIGITAL SET INDICATOR WEDGE WEDGE TEST DATE TECH ID P/F QA MON. t 3 N • S I: f 3 �5 RV S S 9 �0 40 3¢ i 5>ro5 •NHS S S55 AV 5. 5 K�0 3 ¢ — 1JE q l B A 3 i SCos $5 S. 6® 810 �r5 4-? V3 tfB P pG i Stl 3 i -5-rL t,IF EI;aS Vjtjo •5 0L '0:33 3,71, cl 4 FtV V 3 3-0 �6& Zv Zz 3 4j/ � — D15 b /V ! B _+a Y p E 6 w505 - VS 10'44 V 3•A) Ste �6,v 2 Z 2 tiJ 05 - I m' 0 v3.e fsd 6 g 50 S-r wFq3 w I0: g v w- a 960 z z -?- z 3 / 5"0 31 / W-/ '-\/Sro5 j�ft,< VvEC5• M 1O;F ►.: f q 6 q 0 Rv RV 3.6 -3.0 NO g o F' e> g re -6 6 z — — D15 or- 1.l 3 TP P p PC Dr, +0 i 5T! WEDS - fpgps [6�5 q& AV 3-0 134 t 96o 2Z Im4- -7-13 �A F_ i i REFERENCE SEAM ENDPOINTS FROM END OF SEAM (EOS), DEFECT NUMBER OR A POINT LOCATION ON A SEAM PAGE TOTAL: PAGE DESTRUCTIVE LENGTH CARRY-OVER DAILY TOTAL WELDED (FT) ! DAILY DESTRUCTIVE LENGTH CARRY-OVER •- DATA TO BE COMPLETED BY THE DATA REVIEWER ONLY REVIEWED BY:r� DATE: OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES PROJECT NUMBER: 235005 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 PROJECT LOCATION: Polkton, NC NO OASIS CONSULTING b�r2VICES GEOMEMBRANE FUSION SEAM LOG PASSING TRIAL SEAMS TIME. TECH ID OWNER: Waste Connections ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting INSTALLER: Hallaton DATE: "I. 13 •Z023 DESTRUCTIVE SER LENGTH CARRY-OVER FROM PAGE#{]'7 MACHINE # �( PAGE NUMBER: MACHINE SETTINGS LENGTH PASSING -NON SEAM SECTION APPROX. AMB. DIGITAL SET INDICATOR APPROX FROM LOCATED DESTRUCTIVE TESTING SEAM START FINISH START AIR WELD MACH [LENGTH PREVIOUS DESTR. QA TEST TECH P/F QA NUMBER POINT POINT TIME TEMP TECH SPEED WEDGE WEDGE WELDED DESTR. NO. MON REMARKS DATE ID MON. 3 � 4 3 cos. Ne5 1: ¢v 05 DIC 5-S 6 0 8 - 3 88 — 5',1 TB p 35 i 3C S - ro5 I0:01 S55 S �.5 0 e `6-5 4173 — I Dt-_ 7.13 Ts P 9E_ 3 i 3S S Os - IdaIdO5 10J/ F5 Q C 5-5 660 8b 2 4T136 - W P9 +A t 13 s P 38'-5 oS - 85 bC E.5 �6(a $bm 9¢ D 7,13 ip PE 3� 5 r-P 05 03) qe) D C 3.5 0 9bo ¢ ) 4-3 -19 5.13 is t% i i i i i i ' REFERENCE SEAM ENDPOINTS FROM END OF SEAM (EOS), PAGE TOTAL: 33 -- DATA TO BE COMPLETED BY THE 3 DEFECT NUMBER OR A POINT LOCATION ON A SEAM PAGE DESTRUCTIVE LENGTH CARRY-OVER DATA REVIEWER ONLY. DAILY TOTAL WELDED (FT) DAILY DESTRUCTIVE LENGTH CARRY-OVER I� REVIEWED B DATE: OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES PROJECT NUMBER: 235005 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 PROJECT LOCATION: Polkton, NC MACHINE # M v l OASIS CONSULTING ;,,zRVICES GEOMEMBRANE FUSION SEAM LOG PASSING TRIAL SEAMS NO. TIME TECH ID 7'P_ 1 12, 4 f a 0(1 OWNER: Waste Connections ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting INSTALLER: Hallaton DATE: q , Ig . 7,oz3 DESTRUCTIVE SEAM LENGTH CARRY-OVER FROM PAGE # ( ) 1 43 PAGE NUMBER: 1 0 SEAM NUMBER x SEAM SECTION START ' FINISH POINT POINT APPROX START TIME AMB. AIR TEMP WELD TECH MACHINE SETTINGS APPROX. LENGTH WELDED LENGTH FROM PREVIOUS DESTR. LOCATED DESTR. NO. QA MON. REMARKS PASSING - NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING MACH SPEED DIGITAL SET INDICATOR WEDGE WEDGE TEST DATE TECH ID P!F QA MON. N 80 06 3. ( - � ZZ 165 - De �� "C7 15 i t 1( 1 16 i Z 4 6 ��p - H/ oS fiiFo5r • 1-rf05 Er'S - WAS S 13.b 3 : 2e I :2 4-:13 W 8B 9e> 80 0(,�� CSC OL 06 &. 5 5.5 3. g6® k6o Q> O gbo gGe V60 S-Go I R 7-5 4(VF z _k4- 151 Z aq — E 16 DE D/= p C 4 - Z0 9- 26 q1& I.7a io ' c 7C ' er P D I .17p_ 1C i 44 W S U - G l f:L6` ¢ 3Z e) TO 0(_ CC 5,� 5,5 W 6a F'6 6 , I A-1: 36 U� b1; 15 W •Z ' h : e7 P Q15 D r✓ 0 5 - fz'03 )¢:4-5 �a 0c 5.5 g6D i�_60 3¢Z U3 - Dr 5 '(11 r' 3 i o 'w rZ - 56o 15 , w Oc 15.5 n e YWO 0- 3y3 1J q.Z10 C_ p 52/ 5 +q 0 A/65 - 1�S w&S •rI 05 :Z 16:46 O 'jd'e 0C- CMG 5 5•5 �6Cb 960 S-60 60 vt 13X k 1 — Dr W-- �•�� SC, jZ P r 1 w rO5 ' 96055 1.5 :52 80 0C G 5 g6.o 60 12251 s671 P F 8 / 51 N,4505 � 5•V-) 0 Z58" 991 je Df7-1 D-L 6P q-Zo -p Or% i i REFERENCE SEAM ENDPOINTS FROM END OF SEAM (EOS), PAGE TOTAL: DEFECT NUMBER OR A POINT LOCATION ON A SEAM PAGE DESTRUCTIVE LENGTH CARRY-OVER DAILY TOTAL WELDED (FT) DAILY DESTRUCTIVE LENGTH CARRY-OVER DATA TO BE COMPLETED BY THE © DATA REVIEWER ONLY. I 0 REVIEWED BY DATE: f CONSULTING SERVICES OASIS CONSULTING oLzRVICES GEOMEMBRANE FUSION SEAM LOG PROJECT NUMBER: 235005 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 PROJECT LOCATION: Polkton, NC PASSING TRIAL SEAMS NO. TIME TECH ID 17 : 169 MACHINE # "l D MACHINE SETTINGS SEAM SECTION APPROX. AMB. DIGITAL SET 7 INDICATOR SEAM NUMBER 43 i f START FINISH POINT POINT 5 E05 " A/CC6 START TIME 13 •.1 b AIR TEMP g 0 WELD TECH 3 F, MACH SPEED 3 ..6 4 5 E F,05 • w E6 13 •-� go -6- 6 3. 0 +2, / 4-5 W 5 •',ifDS 1346 ''() T 13 5.5 ¢ Z/ 4-¢ VW• 9 K0S 13 : 2 ?0 j-B 5-• 5 4-1 / 43 k4 COS • eW5 ► 4-: 3 V-(o it 4SS 4-C) 51�05 -IVV05 I ¢: 3 TO jJ5 3 S0 / 15i NS0 SFF05 4?- / 4 ► v905 1� >EqS 05 15='Z I �6 .� 5.5 15 Vj 1�0S ,) 88 ,5 i Z �J S• I G -/0 r 3> 5• � J51 52 \11 "CEOs 1 : I 56 REFERENCE SEAM ENDPOINTS FROM END OF SEAM (EOS), DEFECT NUMBER OR A POINT LOCATION ON A SEAM WEDGE I WEDGE �. , ,i ININE, OWNER: Waste Connections ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting INSTALLER: Hallaton DATE: I Z erZ'3 DESTRUCTIVE SEAM LENGTH CARRY-OVER FROM PAGE # (_9_) 104- PAGE NUMBER: I ` LENGTH APPROX, FROM LOCATED LENGTH PREVIOUS DESTR. WELDED DESTR. NO. Z I )Z6 MAO 71. 1 22� r I MEN f" mmi Lm ®.„lfi ftiongm f am, PAGE TOTAL: PAGE DESTRUCTIVE LENGTH CARRY-OVER DAILY TOTAL WELDED (FT) DAILY DESTRUCTIVE LENGTH CARRY-OVER QA MON. REMARKS D,rl 1Je, D6 -PASSING - NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING TEST I TECH P/F CA DATE ID MON. � 10 10 X q, 0 ;�C7 p� Z� �0 ple q. Ze TCp D6 yZO vE R •70 ' h 9t 7 D>v DF- ;Ims 1w: m®r MMi r - ®E DATA TO BE COMPLETED BY THE DATA REVIEWER ONLY. REVIEWED BY: DATE: D OASIS CONSULTING _ . SERVICES PROJECT NUMBER: 235005 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 PROJECT LOCATION: Polkton, NC OASIS CONSULTING z>.=RVICES GEOMEMBRANE FUSION SEAM LOG PASSING TRIAL SEAMS NO. TIME TECH ID MACHINE # J' l �4 OWNER: Waste Connections ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting INSTALLER: Hallaton DATE . ` Z40L 710?1) DESTRUCTIVE SEAM LENGTH CARRY-OVER FROM PAGE # ( I I ) +Cf 6 PAGE NUMBER: 12 SEAM NUMBER F SEAM SECTION START FINISH POINT ' POINT APPROX. START TIME AMB. AIR TEMP WELD TECH MACHINE SETTINGS APPROX. LENGTH WELDED LENGTH FROM PREVIOUS DESTR. LOCATED DESTR. NO QA MON. REMARKS -PASSING -NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING MACH SPEED DIGITAL SET INDICATOR WEDGE WEDGE TEST DATE TECH I P/F QA MON. 5 i 5'S 56 /5 /V S- S OS 'WOOS - S 10; I )0 �2 0 �0 �'B S 5. .5.6 0 6 0 P b0 9'�/ 9Z 13 z3 — �, 6 Z� ,zo 5 h ,61 F D i V OS ` 65 10:40 7-0 -to) 5.5 g 8 0' c, 2 23 q.zo C D 53 i ,0 WE05 - s .S$ E.g & ( 5-P1 4T Z7 -7 5-70 3C7 53 / 5l Vf05 ` A].-O? ;� 0 6-9 5-15 E60 She 65 3 if? P 15Z / 5 ►Vt05 - 11:12 �'S JI.3 5,3 9-60 S60 4l Z4-1 D 9.Z 1c-, P 154 , 4-10 SE05 - N-P-517-:01 ? $B 5. 5 �(6e) O 4-? 36W rfz!5 D6 6Y C7 .Zo Sh ' REFERENCE SEAM ENDPOINTS FROM END OF SEAM (EOS), PAGE TOTAL: �j DEFECT NUMBER OR A POINT LOCATION ON A SEAM PAGE DESTRUCTIVE LENGTH CARRY-OVER DAILY TOTAL WELDED (FT) DAILY DESTRUCTIVE LENGTH CARRY-OVER "- DATA TO BE COMPLETED BY THE �� DATA REVIEWER ONLY. REVIEWED BY: DATEq3A' 5 (66c� ONSULTING SERVICES PROJECT NUMBER: 235005 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 PROJECT LOCATION: Polkton, NC MACHINE# A� NO OASIS CONSULTING aLRVICES GEOMEMBRANE FUSION SEAM LOG PASSING TRIAL SEAMS TIME TECH ID OWNER: Waste Connections ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting INSTALLER: Hallaton DATE: 20 DESTRUCTIVE SEAM LENGTH CARRY-OVER FROM PAGE # ( 10 ) rya PAGE NUMBER: 13 SEAM NUMBER SEAM SECTION START ` FINISH POINT POINT APPROX START TIME AMB. AIR TEMP WELD TECH MACHINE SETTINGS APPROX. LENGTH WELDED LENGTH FROM PREVIOUS DESTR. LOCATED DESTR. NO. CA MON. REMARKS "PASSING - NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING MACH SPEED DIGITAL SET INDICATOR WEDGE WEDGE TEST DATE TECH ID P/F QA MON. 5 i 5� //1;(,-6 -S S 16:33 70 OC 3. $ obe) ZZ 3z — - Dg ak .Z,(B �. Z� (7 C-r � be L i 54 140S `.5 O5 10,'SSI 70 OG 3.5 9bb Y&D 2 52 53 i �1 A16G5 •S 10:4.5 � oG 3.5, 6� $��a Zz 4 6 P vr_ 5 i 40 IVL 05 SCO5 450 3. 5 3'6 0 g6o 2 Zo F, 6/ 60 wf 5`- w 1& OC -5 b ZI 1-5/ - De Z® sc P �- 7 i 60 511 �05 • pj�DS V566 ZO W I ) : 7a 11,A37,0 : Z 7-0 b O C 0(13.5 C 3. 3.3 k6o 0 te 9A , Z 0 3 D 1 i5Fs 17$ - - b e: C(. to 127 jC 2Z i 61 Vi f,06 i1):3Z-5 OC 3 -C 6e 1 •67 P fk, Z3 r - • 1f05 11.5+ ?5 C 3 .15 9:ZO sU 0 6V46; 11: g C 3.5 99,0 360 7-1 2 - DC `-ZO 50 5 W -- s : 41 C 3.5 6® 2 3 2 C - 7.20 3O P C 3.5 '60 40 Z -1 jqr ZIP 3c_7 i 5 WADS - 1: I ��5 o C 3' S y6 e oC e> 2 31 c� ` REFERENCE SEAM ENDPOINTS FROM END OF SEAM (EOS), PAGE TOTAL: ® DEFECT NUMBER OR A POINT LOCATION ON A SEAM PAGE DESTRUCTIVE LENGTH CARRY-OVER DAILY TOTAL WELDED (FT) DAILY DESTRUCTIVE LENGTH CARRY-OVER • DATA TO BE COMPLETED BY THE ® DATA REVIEWER ONLY. REVIEWED BY: DATE: OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES PROJECT NUMBER: 235005 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 PROJECT LOCATION: Polkton, NC MACHINE # NO OASIS CONSULTING 6cI4VICES GEOMEMBRANE FUSION SEAM LOG PASSING TRIAL SEAMS TIME TECH ID 7r- 13� cab aC, OWNER: Waste Connections ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting INSTALLER: Hallaton DATE: f , 7,0• ZoZ3 DESTRUCTIVE SEAM LENGTH CARRY-OVER FROM PAGE # ( 13- ) _ 31 ,�, PAGE NUMBER: ' SEAM SECTION APPROX. AMB. MACHINE SETTINGS APPROX. LENGTH FROM LOCATED PASSING - NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING DIGITAL SET INDICATOR SEAM NUMBER START • FINISH POINT POINT START TIME AIR TEMP WELD TECH MACH SPEED LENGTH WELDED PREVIOUS DESTR. DESTR. NO. CA MON. REMARKS WEDGE WEDGE TEST DATE TECH ID P/F QA MON. 1 / .;'g W 5%:5 -1✓ F0� I r,56 7S 6C 9,6 4 5+z F, T W • F Cb 13'10 P3 QG 3.5 0 i6 z¢ 6 ' DC- -65 \„/ 5 T3. I � ?5 b C 3.5 V66 00 2 4' ZO ' 6 f' 3>5 / 15Z 0,05 ' 99OS 13: IF( 3.5 O �66 14- - re,'L0 s �� 3 & / W w ` " 13: 24 705 bL 3 39 ZO ' h 3 / 59 W 05 r s 13.2 7 C 3.- 960 8 6 Z¢ 46 Z - DF, ,Z® 7C � � ' 13: .Sl 3C� P p y S w�b5 • I% Fps 13:37- 76 O(, 3.156� 2 4- M uf16 D 5 (,q Y I • zr � 67 b Orb 1405 134) J5 QC 35 960 35 - r� Z� 74 •� 54- 1.151 �V F,6 •� 13.4.5 bC 3. *0 90 1-7- rz) : 7 - E Zb SCE P b� 55 / 55 WW- 13'.¢ �5 b6 M 960 giO 2 DE q.to A / 511 05 -f-W5 14-,14 -.7 5 CC 3.5- 90 Z - DG Del 14-:111 75 QC 5.5 a o 22 1S3 2@ 16 P Q1; D .Z,:� r)9__ Sb / Sn Vf,05 14.Z •'5 60 �10 �72041e ` REFERENCE SEAM ENDPOINTS FROM END OF SEAM (EOS), PAGE TOTAL: ® DATA TO BE COMPLETED BY THE DEFECT NUMBER OR A POINT LOCATION ON A SEAM PAGE DESTRUCTIVE LENGTH CARRY-OVER DATA REVIEWER ONLY. DAILY TOTAL WELDED (FT) DAILY DESTRUCTIVE LENGTH CARRY-OVER REVIEWED 9Y; DATE: APPENDIX F Section 5 GEOMEMBRANE DEFECT, REPAIR, AND VACUUM TEST LOG OASIS COP.- "TING SERVICES GEOMEMBRANE EXTkub'ION SEAM AND TEST LOG PROJECT # : 235005 OWNER: Waste Connections PROJECT DISCRIPTION : Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 OASIS ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting PROJECT LOCATION: Polkton, NC ..:_ M _~ CONSULTING INSTALLER : Hallaton DATE: -� SERVICES PAGE#� CARRY OVER FROM PAGE # (�) FT MACH ID # � '�? EXTRUSION SEAMING VACUUM TESTING SEAM SEAM SECTION START AMB WELD APPROX LENGTH FROM LAST DESTRUCT LOCATION QA NON DESTR. TECH SEAM SECTION REMARKS P/F CIA # START FINISH TIME TEMP TECH LENGTH DESTRUCTIVE # Mont. TEST DATE ID START FINISH Mon 3 E a Sf ess Ai 000 -78 PfA 2-2- ItM %ry 5;-7Z Lm Al, S =�L P2- !D % AP- .4a — K4V L-M g- S � lveos sc-;D P 79 ET 79 4R fVC-es- s�=ds, P �v P / E-T r N01e>-S- I pr5<1 r7j Ark 2.2- NO LPA KE- �.1 >P5- 6T S Pjaz" 1 c, 8'0 Ak 1 Z2 13,2-- e ft �= �- 1q,=,. s67efl� I -p PAGE TOTAL r �� PAGE CARRY OVER 3� DAILY TOTAL WLDED 1 3 Z- DAILY CARRY OVER ! �� REVIEWED BY. DATE: .�] OASIS COI�' ',TING SERVICES GEOMEMBRANE EXTkuSiON SEAM AND TEST LOG PROJECT # : 235005 PROJECT DISCRIPTION : Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 OASIS PROJECT LOCATION : Polkton, NC CONSULTING SERVICES MACH ID # OWNER: Waste Connections ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting INSTALLER : Hallaton DATE:' I. 14.7,0z,3 PAGE# 'A - CARRY OVER FROM PAGE # ( 1 ) 132 FT SEAM # 1 E I SEAM SECTION START FINISH START TIME �'.5 ( AMB TEMP 8S WELD TECH A APPROX LENGTH � �" EXTRUSION SEAMING LENGTH DESTRUCT QA FROM LAST LOCATION DESTRUCTIVE # Mont. 141 / 1 bx- ( Q NON DESTR. TEST DATE 1.14 VACUUM TESTING TECH SEAM SECTION ID START FINISH Tr-7 S o5 NLos P/F P CIA Mon DE REMARKS 15t/ S EOS .Sfbs VCD5 NUs 1: 91.16 5 as 13 - r 1.14 j-(.. 67 S 66 S [05 pzos N P r � � - PAGE TOTAL PAGE CARRY OVER DAILY TOTAL WLDED DAILY CARRY OVER 5 Z 4-5 REVIEWED BY: DATIE Q Z7 OASIS COS- )TING SERVICES GEOMEMBRANE EXTRuSION SEAM AND TEST LOG PROJECT # : 235005 OWNER: Waste Connections PROJECT DISCRIPTION : Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 OASIS ENGINEER: Weaver Consulting PROJECT LOCATION : Polkton, NC r�l ,V _ CONSULTING SERVICES INSTALLER : Hallaton DATE: 2. Z0- PAGE# 3 MACH ID # hL CARRY OVER FROM PAGE # ( _Z-FT EXTRUSION SEAMING VACUUM TESTING SEAM SEAM SECTION START AMB WELD APPROX LENGTH FROM LAST DESTRUCT QA LOCATION NON DESTR. TECH SEAM SECTION REMARKS P/F CIA # START FINISH TIME TEMP TECH LENGTH DESTRUCTIVE # Mont. TEST DATE ID START I FINISH Mon Sri 56 5"5 n/f4f IS: -7�5 %R 13 �� — D� -�/ T� sus �► (' tI 5fz5 n/60S I5'.4-1 75 A P, z 2 � O °I- Zl 5i � Nis 4p f-rt 5T 5 fO IV505 I5:51 -7-5 A- ZZ 10� D� y-21 �e r Q N 5Z S 905 16: r¢ tiR 5czs ay,- T rN 5f 5 Ib135 A+Rp r,Z1 J3 P PT 45 $' CO * 16.49 45 AR Z z 16`6 — Dr, aB scn5 P w ff I 6 S 5 tvws' Z z — `�-z► �� S��S �s P � ft I ¢3 S (Z?5 I NP'05 w zr 75 Z ti 2 �T) 41 S605 /l P.0 ITYP 75 22 724/� j)k _Z) jg � m� P Y-►� t5 .5 5 R' 7-S _0 6 - D� q-zl -rm 15&-Z5. fcet P K� PAGE TOTAL I PAGE CARRY OVER DAILY TOTAL WLDED I Ct DAILY CARRY OVER REVIEWED BY DATE APPENDIX F Section 6 FUSION AND EXTRUSION DESTRUCTIVE SAMPLE TEST RESULTS iC TING, RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND FIELD SERVICES Aii USTIN, TX - USA ANAHEIM, CA - USA ANDERSON, SC - USA GOLD COAST - AUSTRALIA SUZHOU - CHINA DESTRUCTIVE SEAM QUALITY ASSURANCE TEST RESULTS TRI Client: Oasis Consultant Services Project: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Material: 60 mil. HDPE SAME DAY Peel and Shear (ASTM D 6392/GRI GM19/D 4437/NSF S4/882 mod.) TRI Log#: 79169 TEST REPLICATE NUMBER PARAMETER 1 2 3 4 5 MEAN Sample ID: DF-1 I Weld: Heat Fusion Side: A Peel A Peel Strength (ppi) 128 130 145 130 137 134 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Side: B Peel B Peel Strength (ppi) 117 120 149 121 123 126 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Shear Shear Shear Strength (ppi) 182 188 201 182 186 188 Shear Elongation @ Break (%) >50 >50 >50 >50 >50 Sample ID: DF-2 I Weld: Heat Fusion Side: A Peel A Peel Strength (ppi) 130 124 141 129 121 129 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Side: B Peel B Peel Strength (ppi) 121 119 137 129 132 128 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Shear Shear Shear Strength (ppi) 181 175 199 185 186 185 Shear Elongation @ Break (%) >50 >50 >50 >50 >50 TYr!• tneUng herein is based upon accvjHed industry practice as well as the test method listed. Test results r7�pporlyd herein do nal Applyy to samples vlhw than those tested. TRI neither accepts responsibility for r1°r ges claim as to the final um and purpose of the material. TRI observes and maintains client confldvrltlellty. TRI limits nepraduclion of Ihle report, except in full, without prior approval of TRI. TRI ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 9063 BEE CAVES RD. — AUSTIN. TX 78733 — USA I PH: SOO.BBO.TEST OR 51 2.263.21 O 1 Page: 2 of 6 Z44TESTING, RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND FIELD SERVICES AUSTIN, TX - USA ANAHEIM, CA - USA ANDERSON, SC - USA GOLD COAST - AUSTRALIA SUZHOU - CHINA DESTRUCTIVE SEAM QUALITY ASSURANCE TEST RESULTS TRI Client: Oasis Consultant Services Project: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Material: 60 mil. HDPE SAME DAY Peel and Shear (ASTM D 6392/GRI GM19/D 4437/NSF 54/882 mod.) TRI Log*: 79169 TEST REPLICATE NUMBER PARAMETER 1 2 3 4 5 MEAN Sample ID: DF-3 I Weld: Heat Fusion Side: A Peel A Peel Strength (ppi) 129 125 139 126 138 131 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Side: B Peel B Peel Strength (ppi) 117 114 129 117 116 119 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Shear Shear Shear Strength (ppi) 180 180 197 183 183 185 Shear Elongation @ Break (%) >50 >50 >50 >50 >50 Sample ID: DF-4 i Weld: Heat Fusion Side: A Peel A Peel Strength (ppi) 150 144 153 144 138 146 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Side: B Peel B Peel Strength (ppi) 126 117 132 120 138 127 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Shear Shear Shear Strength (ppi) 183 183 202 186 189 189 Shear Elongation @ Break (%) >50 >50 >50 >50 >50 The leelh�p herein is based upon accupted induslry practice as well as the test method Wed- Test resullc roponed herein do ml aZ to samplae olhal than those tested. TRI neifhor uccepla responsibility for P r*lPkes claim as to the final uac and purpose of the material. TRI observes and mnlntelns client cm+fldentiallty. TRI limiln rop uclion of thla report. except in full, without pnor appr°Yal of TRI. TRI ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 9063 BEE CAVES Ro. — AUSTIN, TX 78733 — USA I PH: BOO.BBO.TEST OR s 1 2.263.21 O 1 Page: 3 of 6 TESTING, RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND FIELD SERVICES AUSTIN, TX - USA ANAHEIM, CA - USA ANDERSON, 60 - USA GOLD COAST - AUSTRALIA SUZHOU - CHINA DESTRUCTIVE SEAM QUALITY ASSURANCE TEST RESULTS TRI Client: Oasis Consultant Services Project: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Material: 60 mil. HDPE SAME DAY Peel and Shear (ASTM D 6392/GRI GM19/D 4437/NSF 54/882 mod.) TRI Log#: 79169 TEST REPLICATE NUMBER PARAMETER 1 2 3 4 5 MEAN Sample ID: DF-5 I Weld: Heat Fusion Side: A Peel A Peel Strength (ppi) 123 127 144 131 145 134 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Side: B Peel B Peel Strength (ppi) 117 123 129 120 117 121 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Shear Shear Shear Strength (ppi) 179 176 198 180 182 183 Shear Elongation @ Break (%) >50 >50 >50 >50 >50 Sample ID: DF-6 I Weld: Heat Fusion Side: A Peel Strength (ppi) Peel Incursion (%) Peel Locus Of Failure Code Peel NSF Failure Code Side: B Peel Strength (ppi) Peel Incursion (%) Peel Locus Of Failure Code Peel NSF Failure Code Shear Shear Strength (ppi) Shear Elongation @ Break (%) 131 128 137 126 <5 <5 <5 <5 SE SE SE SE FTB FTB FTB FTB 141 121 133 118 <5 <5 <5 <5 SE SE SE SE FTB FTB FTB FTB 184 183 201 183 >50 >50 >50 >50 Peel A 128 130 <5 SE FTB Peel B 119 126 <5 SE FTB Shear 187 188 >50 The iveklnp herein is based upon ao pt°d industry practice as well as the test method listed. Test results ttporlod herein do M1 AGdv to sample¢ alhor than those tested. TRI neiOw aac*pta responsibility for nor makes claim as to the final une end purpose of the material. TRI observes and maintains client o°nlid°nliality. TRI limit& m r uclion of tllic report, except in full, without prior approval of TRI. TRI ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 9063 SEE CAVES RD. — AUSTIN, TX 7B733 — USA I PH: SOO.SSO.TEST OR S 1 2.263.21 O 1 Page: 4 of 6 TESTING, RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND FIELD SERVICES AUSTIN, TX - USA I ANAHEIM, CA - USA ANDERSON, SC - USA GOLD COAST - AUSTRALIA SUZHOU - CHINA DESTRUCTIVE SEAM QUALITY ASSURANCE TEST RESULTS TRI Client: Oasis Consultant Services Project: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Material: 60 mil. HDPE SAME DAY Peel and Shear (ASTM D 6392/GRI GM19/D 4437/NSF 54/882 mod.) TRI Log#: 79169 TEST REPLICATE NUMBER PARAMETER 1 2 3 4 5 MEAN Sample ID: DF-7 I Weld: Heat Fusion Side: A Peel A Peel Strength (ppi) 150 133 143 133 142 140 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Side: B Peel B Peel Strength (ppi) 134 130 142 117 143 133 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Shear Shear Shear Strength (ppi) 181 181 197 184 183 185 Shear Elongation @ Break (%) >50 >50 >50 >50 >50 Sample ID: DF-8 i Weld: Heat Fusion Side: A Peel A Peel Strength (ppi) 120 130 146 135 133 133 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Side: B Peel B Peel Strength (ppi) 115 113 131 120 134 123 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Shear Shear Shear Strength (ppi) 179 177 199 183 183 184 Shear Elongation @ Break (%) >50 >50 >50 >50 >50 The tooting herein is based upon accoptod industry practice at woll as the test method listed. Test resullo eoportod herein do not apply to samplas othm than [hose tested. TRI nelthaf acmIplo responsibility for nm Makes claim as to the final uce and purpose of the mutenal. TRI observes and maintains client eonlldrmlailty. TRI limilc reproduction of %hie report, except in full, without prim appmvai of TRI. TRI ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 9063 BEE CAVES RD. — AUSTIN, TX 78733 — USA I PH: BOO.BBO.TEST OR S12.263.2101 Page: 5 of 6 TESTING, RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND FIELD SERVICES AUSTIN, TX - USA I ANAHEIM, CA - USA I ANDERSON, SC - USA I GOLD COAST - AUSTRALIA I SUZHOU - CHINA DESTRUCTIVE SEAM QUALITY ASSURANCE TEST RESULTS TRI Client: Oasis Consultant Services Project: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Material: 60 mil. HDPE SAME DAY Peel and Shear (ASTM D 6392/GRI GM19/D 4437/NSF 54/882 mod.) TRI Log#: 79169 TEST REPLICATE NUMBER PARAMETER 1 2 3 4 5 MEAN Sample ID: DF-9 II Weld: Heat Fusion Side: A Peel A Peel Strength (ppi) 153 151 167 149 154 155 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Side: B Peel B Peel Strength (ppi) 130 132 141 131 125 132 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Shear Shear Shear Strength (ppi) 180 181 201 185 186 187 Shear Elongation @ Break (%) >50 >50 >50 >50 >50 Sample ID: DF-10 i Weld: Heat Fusion Side: A Peel A Peel Strength (ppi) 125 124 140 128 132 130 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Side: B Peel B Peel Strength (ppi) 115 115 127 122 119 120 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Shear Shear Shear Strength (ppi) 176 176 193 180 179 181 Shear Elongation @ Break (%) >50 >50 >50 >50 >50 The testing herein is based upon aacepted industry practice as well as the test method listed. Test results rvporled herein do riot apply to sample° albor than those tested. TRI neither accepts responsibility for nor makes claim as to the final uae and purpose of the material. TRI observes and maintains client conli tlakty. TRI limits reproduction of thla report, except in full, without prior approval of TRI. TRI ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 9063 SEE CAVES RD. — AUSTIN, TX 7B733 — USA I PH: BOO.BBO.TEST OR S 1 2.263.21 0 1 Page: 6 of 6 TESTING, RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND FIELD SERVICES AUSTIN, TX - USA ANAHEIM, CA - USA ANDERSON, SC - USA GOLD COAST - AUSTRALIA SUZHOU - CHINA DESTRUCTIVE SEAM QUALITY ASSURANCE TEST RESULTS TRI Client: Oasis Consultant Services Project: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Material: 60 mil. HDPE SAME DAY Peel and Shear (ASTM D 6392/GRI GM19/D 4437/NSF 54/882 mod.) TRI Log#: 79188 TEST REPLICATE NUMBER PARAMETER 1 2 3 4 5 MEAN Sample ID: DF-11 I Weld: Heat Fusion Side: A Peel A Peel Strength (ppi) 120 125 119 119 123 121 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Side: B Peel B Peel Strength (ppi) 115 123 132 120 125 123 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Shear Shear Shear Strength (ppi) 174 178 175 177 176 176 Shear Elongation @ Break (%) >50 >50 >50 >50 >50 Sample ID: DF-12 1 Weld: Heat Fusion Side: A Peel A Peel Strength (ppi) 127 124 130 117 130 126 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Side: B Peel B Peel Strength (ppi) 122 117 116 117 118 118 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Shear Shear Shear Strength (ppi) 179 176 174 176 176 176 Shear Elongation @ Break (%) >50 >50 >50 >50 >50 Thq 1ettr�p herein is based upon accepted industry practice as well as the test method listed. Test results roroppoorlod herein do not apply to samplpe Who than those tested. TRI neither nacwa responsibility !or ner wles claim as to the final use and purpose of the material. TRI observes and maintains client conlltlonti0ty. TRI limits reproduction of thlu report, except in full, without pddr oppronal of TRI. TRI ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 9063 BEE CAVES RO. — AUSTIN, TX 7B733 — USA I PH: BOO.BBO.TEST OR S 1 2.253.21 01 Page: 2 of 4 TESTING, RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND FIELD SERVICES ALJSTIN, TX - USA ANAHEIM, CA - USA ANDERSON, 60 - USA GOLD COAST - AUSTRALIA SUZHOU - CHINA DESTRUCTIVE SEAM QUALITY ASSURANCE TEST RESULTS TRI Client: Oasis Consultant Services Project: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Material: 60 mil. HDPE SAME DAY Peel and Shear (ASTM D 6392/GRI GM19/D 4437/NSF S4/882 mod.) TRI Log#: 79188 TEST REPLICATE NUMBER PARAMETER 1 2 3 4 5 MEAN Sample ID: DF-13 I Weld: Heat Fusion Side: A Peel A Peel Strength (ppi) 147 155 144 141 156 149 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Side: B Peel B Peel Strength (ppi) 145 152 139 155 145 147 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Shear Shear Shear Strength (ppi) 171 166 166 173 172 170 Shear Elongation @ Break (%) >50 >50 >50 >50 >50 Sample ID: DF-14 I Weld: Heat Fusion Side: A Peel A Peel Strength (ppi) 124 123 123 127 122 124 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Side: B Peel B Peel Strength (ppi) 114 115 117 135 133 123 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Shear Shear Shear Strength (ppi) 174 172 170 172 174 172 Shear Elongation @ Break (%) >50 >50 >50 >50 >50 Tlx• C--Ii,-i herein is based upon accepW industry practice as well as the test method listed. Test results mppoonod herein do nol apply to samples other than those tested. TRI neither accapla responsibility lui nor u:.r•es claim as to the Final uo°nd apurpose of the material. TRI observes and maintains client conflden110dity. TRI limits reproduction of Info report, except in full, without paw approval of TRI. TRI ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 9063 BEE CAVES RD. - AuSTIN. TX 7B733 -USA I PH: BOO.BBO.TEST oR 512.2r.3.21131 Page: 3 of 4 TESTING, RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND FIELD SERVICES AUSTIN, TX - USA ANAHEIM, CA - USA ANDERSON, SC - USA GOLD COAST - AUSTRALIA SUZHOU - CHINA DESTRUCTIVE SEAM QUALITY ASSURANCE TEST RESULTS TRI Client: Oasis Consultant Services Project: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Material: 60 mil. HDPE SAME DAY Peel and Shear (ASTM D 6392/GRI GM19/D 4437/NSF 54/882 mod.) TRI Log*: 79188 TEST REPLICATE NUMBER PARAMETER 1 2 3 4 5 MEAN Sample ID: DF-15 i Weld: Heat Fusion Side: A Peel Strength (ppi) Peel Incursion (%) Peel Locus Of Failure Code Peel NSF Failure Code Side: B Peel Strength (ppi) Peel Incursion (%) Peel Locus Of Failure Code Peel NSF Failure Code Shear Shear Strength (ppi) Shear Elongation @ Break (%) Peel A 152 136 139 143 155 145 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 SE SE SE SE SE FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Peel B 137 142 124 139 140 136 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 SE SE SE SE SE FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Shear 167 173 165 164 167 167 >50 >50 >50 >50 >50 The!°nlirrg herein is based upon accepted industry practice as well as the test method listed. Test results to otlod herein do not apply to sampl°n oliwr than those tested. TRI neittw µm" responsibility log n.or makes claim as to the final use and purpose of the material. TRI observes and maintains client confl onflahty. TRI limits rop oduclion of lhlr, report, except in full, without pdolaPPF&W of TRI. TRI ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 9063 BEE CAVES RD. — AUSTIN, TX 7B733 — USA I PH: BOO.BBO.TEST DR S 1 2.263.21 01 Page: 4 of 4 TESTING, RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND FIELD SERVICES AUSTIN, TX - USA ANAHEIM, CA - USA ANDERSON, SC - USA GOLD COAST- AUSTRALIA SUZHOU - CHINA DESTRUCTIVE SEAM QUALITY ASSURANCE TEST RESULTS TRI Client: Oasis Consultant Services Project: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Material: 60 mil. HDPE SAME DAY Peel and Shear (ASTM D 6392/GRI GM19/D 4437/NSF 54/882 mod.) TRI Log#: 79260 TEST REPLICATE NUMBER PARAMETER 1 2 3 4 5 MEAN Sample ID: DF-16 1 Weld: Heat Fusion Side: A Peel A Peel Strength (ppi) 135 133 129 129 135 132 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Side: B Peel B Peel Strength (ppi) 117 118 116 117 117 117 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Shear Shear Shear Strength (ppi) 167 176 183 188 191 181 Shear Elongation @ Break (%) >50 >50 >50 >50 >50 Sample ID: DF-17 I Weld: Heat Fusion Side: A Peel A Peel Strength (ppi) 128 134 133 137 132 133 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Side: B Peel B Peel Strength (ppi) 121 120 138 118 122 124 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Shear Shear Shear Strength (ppi) 185 183 179 184 188 184 Shear Elongation @ Break (%) >50 >50 >50 >50 >50 TIw 1oaUng herein is based upon amopted industry practice as well as the test method listed. Test resutta Ieportod herein do not apply to samples Etlwf than those tested. TRI neither al:aapla responsibility tar nw B as claim as to the final usa and purpose of the material. TRI observes and maintains client L WvllRmhty. TRI limits reproduction of"topart, except in full, without pdor aypr°val of TRI. TRI ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 9063 BEE CAVES RD. — AUSTIN, TX 7B733 — USA I PH: SOO.BBO.TEST OR 51 2.263.2101 Page: 2 of 8 TESTING, RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND FIELD SERVICES AUSTIN, TX - USA ANAHEIM, CA - USA ANDERSON, SC - USA GOLD COAST - AUSTRALIA SuZHDu - CHINA DESTRUCTIVE SEAM QUALITY ASSURANCE TEST RESULTS TRI Client: Oasis Consultant Services Project: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Material: 60 mil. HDPE SAME DAY Peel and Shear (ASTM D 6392/GRI GM19/D 4437/NSF 54/882 mod.) TRI Log#: 79260 TEST REPLICATE NUMBER PARAMETER 1 2 3 4 5 MEAN Sample ID: DF-18 I Weld: Heat Fusion Side: A Peel A Peel Strength (ppi) 131 143 129 129 133 133 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Side: B Peel B Peel Strength (ppi) 124 121 127 135 123 126 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Shear Shear Shear Strength (ppi) 182 182 182 187 189 184 Shear Elongation @ Break (%) >50 >50 >50 >50 >50 Sample ID: DF-19 I Weld: Heat Fusion Side: A Peel A Peel Strength (ppi) 124 130 137 122 130 129 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Side: B Peel B Peel Strength (ppi) 137 146 137 127 132 136 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Shear Shear Shear Strength (ppi) 182 181 179 166 165 175 Shear Elongation @ Break (%) >50 >50 >50 >50 >50 The Ipcting herein is based upon accepted industry practice as well as the test method listed. Test resulfc wporled herein do not apply to sampl°a other than those tested. TRI neigMr acCapla responsibility For nor makes claim as to the final uae and purpose of the material. TRI observes and maintains client coulidanhalify. TRI limits reproduction of thlc report, except in full, without prior oppn3wt of TRI. TRI ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 9063 BEE CAVES RD. — AUSTIN, TX 7B733 — USA I PH: Bo O.BBO.TEST DR S 1 2.263.21 O 1 Page: 3 of 8 z4iTESTING, RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND FIELD SERVICES AUSTIN, TX - USA ANAHEIM, CA - USA ANDERSON, SC - USA GOLD COAST - AUSTRALIA SUZHOU - CHINA DESTRUCTIVE SEAM QUALITY ASSURANCE TEST RESULTS TRI Client: Oasis Consultant Services Project: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Material: 60 mil. HDPE SAME DAY Peel and Shear (ASTM D 6392/GRI GM19/D 4437/NSF 54/882 mod.) TRI Log#: 79260 TEST REPLICATE NUMBER PARAMETER 1 2 3 4 5 MEAN Sample ID: DF-20 I Weld: Heat Fusion Side: A Peel A Peel Strength (ppi) 113 117 114 120 113 115 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Side: B Peel B Peel Strength (ppi) 130 124 126 125 131 127 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Shear Shear Shear Strength (ppi) 175 178 174 176 180 177 Shear Elongation @ Break (%) >50 >50 >50 >50 >50 Sample ID: DF-21 I Weld: Heat Fusion Side: A Peel A Peel Strength (ppi) 133 140 134 137 139 137 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Side: B Peel B Peel Strength (ppi) 125 125 124 127 125 125 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Shear Shear Shear Strength (ppi) 187 185 186 190 194 188 Shear Elongation @ Break (%) >50 >50 >50 >50 >50 Tfw Isatirlg herein is based upon accoplod industry practice as well as the test method listed. Test results reparied herein do not apply to sample other than those tested. TRI neither asccpin responsibility Inr nor makes claim as to the final use anu purpose of the material. TRI observes and maintains client ccni nllaliTy. TRI limits rap, rcrion of INC lepert, except in full, without prior approval of TRI. TRI ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 9063 BEE CAVES RD. — AUSTIN, TX 78733 — USA I PH: BOD.BBO.TEST OR S 1 2.263.21 O 1 Page: 4 of 8 TESTING, RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND FIELD SERVICES AUSTIN, TX - USA ANAHEIM, CA - USA ANDERSON, SC - USA GOLD COAST - AUSTRALIA SUZHOU - CHINA DESTRUCTIVE SEAM QUALITY ASSURANCE TEST RESULTS TRI Client: Oasis Consultant Services Project: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Material: 60 mil. HDPE SAME DAY Peel and Shear (ASTM D 6392/GRI GM19/D 4437/NSF 54/882 mod.) TRI Log#: 79260 TEST REPLICATE NUMBER PARAMETER 1 2 3 4 5 MEAN Sample ID: DF-22 I Weld: Heat Fusion Side: A Peel A Peel Strength (ppi) 151 143 143 139 133 142 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Side: B Peel B Peel Strength (ppi) 119 147 139 126 140 134 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Shear Shear Shear Strength (ppi) 177 176 178 183 180 179 Shear Elongation @ Break (%) >50 >50 >50 >50 >50 Sample ID: DF-23 I Weld: Heat Fusion Side: A Peel A Peel Strength (ppi) 125 133 126 131 126 128 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Side: B Peel B Peel Strength (ppi) 132 140 133 140 134 136 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Shear Shear Shear Strength (ppi) 178 184 181 187 190 184 Shear Elongation @ Break (%) >50 >50 >50 >50 >50 I/ - rvo toss np herein is based upon accepted industry practice as well as the test method kctad. Test resullc roporiod herein do not apply to samples o1lwr than those tested. TRI neither ameplc responsibility li r �•::i �,+.J..ea claim as to the final use and purpose of the material. TRI observes and maintains client oonlitlentiali ty. TRI limits reproduction of thls report, except in full, without prlor approval of TRI. TRI ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 9063 BEE CAVES RD. — AUSTIN, TX 78733 — USA I PH: BOO.660.TEST OR 51 2.263.2101 Page: 5 of 8 TESTING, RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND FIELD SERVICES AUSTIN, TX - USA ANAHEIM, CA - USA ANDERSON, Sr.- USA GOLD COAST- AUSTRALIA SUZHOU - CHINA DESTRUCTIVE SEAM QUALITY ASSURANCE TEST RESULTS TRI Client: Oasis Consultant Services Project: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Material: 60 mil. HDPE SAME DAY Peel and Shear (ASTM D 6392/GRI GM19/D 4437/NSF 54/882 mod.) TRI Log#: 79260 TEST REPLICATE NUMBER PARAMETER 1 2 3 4 5 MEAN Sample ID: DF-24 I Weld: Heat Fusion Side: A Peel A Peel Strength (ppi) 125 117 125 121 124 1.22 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Side: B Peel B Peel Strength (ppi) 156 123 151 125 142 139 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Shear Shear Shear Strength (ppi) 177 174 173 180 179 177 Shear Elongation @ Break (%) >50 >50 >50 >50 >50 Sample ID: DF-25 I Weld: Heat Fusion Side: A Peel Strength (ppi) Peel Incursion (%) Peel Locus Of Failure Code Peel NSF Failure Code Side: B Peel Strength (ppi) Peel Incursion (%) Peel Locus Of Failure Code Peel NSF Failure Code Shear Shear Strength (ppi) Shear Elongation @ Break (%) 129 130 131 130 <5 <5 <5 <5 SE SE SE SE FTB FTB FTB FTB 148 149 157 160 <5 <5 <5 <5 SE SE SE SE FTB FTB FTB FTB 181 160 184 181 >50 >50 >50 >50 Peel A 133 131 <5 SE FTB Peel B 157 154 <5 SE FTB Shear 190 179 >50 The le�Sing herein is based upon accepted industry practice as well as the test method listed. Test results reported herein do nol apply to samples ollmr than those tested. TRI neither accepts responsibility tar r+or rtwkas claim as to the final use and purpose of the material. TRI observes and maintains client c°nlidrmtial,ty. TRI limflc rpproduelion of Ihir report, except in full, without prior approval of TRI, TRI ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 90153 BEE CAVES RD. — AUSTIN, TX 78733 — USA I PH: f300.Bf3C.TEST OR S 1 2.253.21 O1 Page: 6 of 8 TESTING, RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND FIELD SERVICES AUSTIN, TX - USA ANAHEIM, CA - USA ANDERSON, SC - USA GOLD COAST - AUSTRALIA SUZHOU - CHINA Z" DESTRUCTIVE SEAM QUALITY ASSURANCE TEST RESULTS TRI Client: Oasis Consultant Services Project: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Material: 60 mil. HDPE SAME DAY Peel and Shear (ASTM D 6392/GRI GM19/D 4437/NSF 54/882 mod.) TRI Log*: 79260 TEST REPLICATE NUMBER PARAMETER 1 2 3 4 5 MEAN Sample ID: DF-26 I Weld: Heat Fusion Side: A Peel A Peel Strength (ppi) 139 152 141 162 143 147 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Side: B Peel B Peel Strength (ppi) 149 135 129 150 152 143 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Shear Shear Shear Strength (ppi) 177 178 177 182 184 180 Shear Elongation @ Break (%) >50 >50 >50 >50 >50 Sample ID: DF-27 i Weld: Heat Fusion Side: A Peel A Peel Strength (ppi) 135 146 142 136 153 142 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Side: B Peel B Peel Strength (ppi) 151 156 159 158 138 152 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Shear Shear Shear Strength (ppi) 191 190 190 193 195 192 Shear Elongation @ Break (%) >50 >50 >50 >50 >50 The testing herein is based upon avcapted industry practice as well as the test method listed. Test results leporSod herein do n°! ap to samples othar than those tested. TRI neilhpr ucepts responsibility for nor makes claim as to the final use °l1C purpose of the material. TRI observes and maintains client cool llellty. TRI limits uction of thin eoport, except in full, without prim ailpwvgl of TRI. TRI ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 9053 BEE CAVES Ro. — AUSTIN, TX 78733 — USA I PH: SOO.BBO.TEST DR 51 2.263.21 01 Page: 7 of 8 TESTING, RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND FIELD SERVICES Au STIN, TX - USA ANAHEIM, CA - USA ANDERSON, SC - USA GOLD COAST- AUSTRALIA SUZHDU - CHINA DESTRUCTIVE SEAM QUALITY ASSURANCE TEST RESULTS - SINGLE TRACK TRI Client: Oasis Consultant Services Project: Anson Landfill Phase 4 Cell 2 Material: 60 mil. HDPE SAME DAY Peel and Shear (ASTM D 6392/GRI GM19/D 4437/NSF 54/882 mod.) TRI Log*: 79260 TEST REPLICATE NUMBER PARAMETER 1 2 3 4 5 MEAN Sample ID: DX-1 I Weld: Single Extrusion Side: Peel Peel Peel Strength (ppi) 112 115 105 116 107 111 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Shear Shear Shear Strength (ppi) 167 170 165 166 167 167 Shear Elongation @ Break (%) >50 >50 >50 >50 >50 Sample ID: DX-2 I Weld: Single Extrusion Side: Peel Peel Peel Strength (ppi) 134 144 122 155 123 136 Peel Incursion (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Peel Locus Of Failure Code SE SE SE SE SE Peel NSF Failure Code FTB FTB FTB FTB FTB Shear Shear Shear Strength (ppi) 168 165 165 164 164 165 Shear Elongation @ Break (%) >50 >50 >50 >50 >50 The testing herein is based upon accvlpt°d industry practice as well as the test method listed. Test results reported herein do ml pppiy to samples 01bir, than those tested. TRI neither accepts responsibility for nor makes claim as to the final uma and purpose of the material. TRI observes and maintains client confidentiality. TRI limits ioproduction of this rop°d, except in full, without prior approval of TRI. TRI ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 9063 BEE CAVES RD. — Au STIN, TX 78733 — USA I PH: BOO.68O.TEST DR S 1 2.263.21 O 1 Page: 8 of 8 APPENDIX G DAILY FIELD AND DENSITY TESTING REPORTS OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 06/12/2023 Activity Type: Earthwork Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Comments: On this day the undersigned arrived at Anson Landfill as scheduled for Pre -Construction meeting and to observe daily construction activities. All stakeholders were present and participated in the Pre -Construction meeting at the landfill site office. Waste Connections, Oasis, and Anson Contractors personnel were represented at the meeting, after which a tour of the cell 2 area was taken. Anson Contractors were already working on the new access road, placing structural fill with 2 trucks, 1 excavator, 1 sheep's foot compactor and 2 dozers. Oasis representative observed above mentioned activities. Site Photo's Fill placement on access road outside cell limits Page 1 of 3 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 06/13/2023 Activity Type: Earthwork Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Comments: On this day the undersigned arrived onsite to observe Cell construction activities. The contractor continued fill placement on the access road and on the eastern edge of cell 2 using material excavated from the west borrow area. Equipment used included 1 pan, 1 excavator, 1 sheep's foot compactor, 2 dozers and 2 off -road trucks. CQA personnel observed all activities and checked for efficacy of compacted soil with a probe rod and the results were satisfactory. Site Photo's Stripping and excavating grass and unsuitable materials from cell edge Page 2 of 3 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 06/14/2023 Activity Type: Earthwork Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Comments: The undersigned arrived onsite to monitor Cell construction activities Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Anson Contractors resumed fill placement on the western edge of the cell using soil from the west side borrow. Compaction of placed material was achieved with a CAT 815 compactor. The contractor, under the direction of CQA personnel , also dug test hopes on the eastern half of the cell to determine the stability of the wet area. The wet unsuitable material identified by Oasis CQA personnel will be removed at a later date. Oasis representative monitored and documented above mentioned activities. Site Photo's 4!01=100r, r Checking the wet areas of the cell for stability using test holes. Page 3 of 3 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 06/15/2023 Activity Type: Earthwork Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Comments: The undersigned arrived at Anson County Landfill to monitor Cell construction activities. The contractor continued to place fill in the middle and west sections using material excavated from the west borrow. Equipment used included 4 trucks, 2 dozers, 2 excavators, 1 compactor and 1 water truck. Additionally, Anson Contractors undercut the wet unsuitable area as identified by representative yesterday. Oasis personnel monitored all activities, checking compacted fill with the probe rod with satisfactory results. Weather was sunny, 64-86 degrees Site Photo's Undercutting the identified unstable wet area on the east side of cell 2 Structural fill placement in the middle of cell 2 Page 1 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Activity Date: 06/16/2023 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activity Type: Earthwork Comments: The undersigned arrived onsite to monitor cell construction activities. Anson Contractors placed fill on the eastern side of the cell using 3 trucks 2 dozers,1 water truck, 2 excavators and 1 sheep's foot compactor. They also performed additional undercutting of unsuitable material adjacent to the east tie in, depositing the excavated soil outside the cell on the north side. Oasis representative monitored all construction activities and checked the efficacy of placed fill and the results were satisfactory. Weather: Sunny with 67-85 degrees temps. Site Photo's Watering in place fill prior to the next lift placement Page 2 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 06/19/2023 Activity Type: Earthwork Comments: Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu On this day the undersigned arrived at Anson Landfill to observe Cell construction activities. The contractor resumed fill placement on the eastern section while the also continued to undercut the wet unsuitable material from the east area near the tie in. The excavated unsuitable material was relocated outside the cell on the north side on the outside slope. Equipment used included 3 trucks, 2 excavators, 2 dozers, 1 water truck and 1 compactor. Oasis personnel monitored above mentioned activities, checking in place fill for firmness with satisfactory results. Weather: 65-84 degrees, Rainy Afternoon Site Photo's Conditioning Page 1 of 1 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 06/20/2023 Activity Type: Earthwork Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Comments: On this day the undersigned arrived onsite to observe daily construction activities. Due to an overnight rain event and yesterday's storms, the site was too wet for activities, so the contractor went home. Weather: Cluody/rain 1.25" overnight Site Photo's No activities Page 1 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 06/21 /2023 Activity Type: Earthwork Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Comments: On this day the undersigned arrived onsite to monitor Cell construction activities. Due to another 1.0" rain overnight, the site was too wet for construction, so the contractors worked on their equipment and went home Weather: Cloudy, 68-77degrees. Site Photo's Maintenance activities, No construction. Page 2 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 06/22/2023 Activity Type: Earthwork Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Comments: On this day the undersigned arrived onsite to monitor construction activities. The contractor tried fill placement after blading the haul road but had to quit after 30 loads due to wet conditions. So far this week over 3" of rain has fallen. Oasis personnel monitored all activities. Weather: Rainy, temps 65-70 degrees. Site Photo's The Wet area of Cell 2 Page 1 of 1 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 06/23/2023 Activity Type: Earthwork Comments: Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu The contractor did not perform cell construction activities today due to wet conditions resulting from continued rain through the week. Anson Contractors however, setup pump on the eastern end of cell 2 and began dewatering the low spot of the cell. Weather: Cloudy, 66-75 degrees. Site Photo's Pond #9 Full Storm Water Page 1 of 1 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 06/26/2023 Activity Type: Earthwork Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Comments: On this day undersigned arrived onsite as scheduled to monitor daily activities The contractor resumed work on the eastern section by undercutting the wet area as a result of last week's 4-day rain events. They excavated good drier material from the west borrow source and backfilled the undercut area. Anson Contractors also placed an 18" HDPE pipe under the access road outside the cell on the north end as storm water control structure while placing fill on the perimeter slopes outside the cell on the north end. Oasis personnel monitored all construction activities. Site Photo's Page 1 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 06/27/2023 Activity Type: Earthwork Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Comments: Oasis representative arrived at Anson Landfill to monitor all construction activities. Anson Contractors resumed mucking out the wet area near the east tie in while backfilling same area with dry soil from the west borrow source. They also began receiving protective cover soil from Vulcan and stockpiled same outside the cell on the north side. Oasis personnel in the company of client representative Tyler , went in search of possible clay liner borrow locations and were able to find two possible places. Oasis representatives monitored all construction activities. Site Photo's Page 2 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 06/28/2023 Activity Type: Earthwork Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Comments: On this day the undersigned arrived onsite as scheduled to monitor daily construction activities. The contractor resumed structural fill placement on the eastern section of cell 2 using material excavated from the west borrow source They also began excavating and exposing the liner edge along the east tie in using a flat bucket excavator. A third party contractor, Blue Max, continued to haul and stockpile protective cover material from offsite supply. CQA personnel monitored above mentioned activities. Site Photo's Watering the subgrade during placement. Page 1 of 1 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 06/29/2023 Activity Type: Earthwork Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Comments: Oasis representative arrived onsite as scheduled to observe cell construction activities The contractor continued placing structural fill on the eastern side of the cell using material from the west borrow source. They also resumed exposing liner edge along the eastern edge next to the existing cell with a flat bucket mini excavator. Additionally, Blue Max Hauling continued delivery and stockpiling of protective cover. CQA personnel monitored above mentioned activities and performed density testing of processed fill identified as numbers 7 through 14, all of which were in compliance with project specifications. Site Photo's Smooch Drum Compacting Structural Fill Page 1 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 06/30/2023 Activity Type: Earthwork Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Comments: On this day the undersigned arrived onsite as scheduled to monitor daily cell construction activities Anson Contractors resumed placement of structural fill on the eastern section of cell 2 using soil from the west borrow area. They also, with the direction of Oasis personnel, went to search for additional borrow source for clay liner, while they continued to receive and stockpile protective cover sand from Vulcan. CQA Representative monitored all construction activities, and performed moisture/density tests numbers 15 through 20 and the results were satisfactory. Additionally, Oasis personnel obtained two bulk samples of clay liner from the northwest borrow for laboratory testing. Site Photo's Searching for Clay Liner Borrow Source Page 2 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 06/28/2023 Activity Type: Earthwork Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Comments: On this day the undersigned arrived onsite as scheduled to monitor daily construction activities The contractor resumed structural fill placement on the eastern section of cell 2 using material excavated from the west borrow source They also began excavating and exposing the liner edge along the east tie in using a flat bucket excavator. A third party contractor, Blue Max, continued to haul and stockpile protective cover material from offsite supply. CQA personnel monitored above mentioned activities and performed density testing of compacted fill material numbers 1 through 6 and the results were satisfactory. Site Photo's Watering the subgrade during placement. Page 1 of 3 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 07/03/2023 Activity Type: Earthwork Comments: Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu The contractor continued placing structural fill on the Easter section of the cell with excavated soil from the west borrow. Compaction was achieved with the CAT 815 sheep's foot. Blue Max Haulers continued to deliver protective cover material from Vulcan. Personnel monitored above mentioned activities. Site Photo's Structural fill placement on the eastern section of cell 2 Page 2 of 3 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 07/05/2023 Activity Type: Earthwork Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Comments: On this day the undersigned arrived onsite to monitor daily construction activities The contractor resumed placing structural fill on the eastern side of cell 2 using soil from the west borrow source. They also continued excavating and exposing existing liner edge along the east tie in of the cell. Blue Max Hauling also continued delivering and stockpiling protective cover sand outside the cell. CQA monitored all construction activities and performed density testing #28 through 37, and the results were satisfactory Site Photo's } x Excavating the Liner Edge at the East Tie In Page 3 of 3 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 07/06/2023 Weather: Sunny, 72-94 degrees Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived onsite to observe daily construction activities The contractor resumed structural fill placement on the east side of cell 2. Material used was excavated from the west borrow source, spread out with two dozers and compacted with CAT 815 sheep's foot compactor. The water truck was used to add the necessary moisture as needed. Anson Contractors also resumed exposing liner edge along the east tie in with a flat bucket mini excavator. Blue Max Haulers continued to deliver and stockpile protective cover soil from Vulcan Oasis CQA personnel monitored all construction activities and performed density testing identified as 38 through 47, all of which were in compliance with the project specification. Contractor: Anson Contractors Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: Kingsley N. Page 1 of 1 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 07/07/2023 Weather: Sunny, 73-93 degrees Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived onsite as scheduled to observe daily construction activities. Anson Contractors resumed fill placement on the eastern end of cell 2 using soil material excavated from the west borrow pit. In place fill was spread out with 2 dozers while compacting with an 815 sheep's foot compactor. Blue Max Haulers continued to deliver and stockpile protective cover soil outside the cell on the north side. Oasis CQA representative monitored all construction activities and tested processed fill by drive cylinder method. The tests performed are identified as #48 through #56 and the results were satisfactory. Additionally, CQA personnel collected and shipped protective cover samples PC1, PC2, PC3, and PC4; as well as structural fill sample SF3. Contractor: Anson Contractors Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Page 1 of 1 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 07/10/2023 Weather: Mostly Cloudy, 70-85 degrees Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day, Oasis personnel arrived at Anson Landfill to observe cell construction activities. Anson Contractors continued to place structural fill on the eastern section of the cell with soil excavated from the west borrow source. They placed material with two dozers while compacting was achieved with two compactors. They also began removal of the existing access road and used they material as fill in the cell. Blue Max Haulers continued to deliver protective cover soil. Oasis personnel monitored all activities and tested processed fill identified as #57 through 67 and the results were in compliance with project requirements. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's Compacting in place fill soil. CQA Personnel: KN Page 1 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 07/11 /2023 Weather: Sunny, 73-91 Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Activities: Oasis arrived onsite as scheduled to monitor construction activities. Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Anson Contractors resumed placement of structural fill on the east side of cell 2. Material used was excavated from the abandoned/cut road adjacent to the current cell. Additionally, ACI used the hammer to break the rock identified and located on the southwest area of the cell. They also removed the rocky material from the cell. Blue Max Haulers continued to stockpile protective cover outside the cell on the north side. CQA Representative monitored above mentioned activities and tested in place fill numbers 68 through 78, results of which were in compliance with project requirements. Contractor: Anson Contractors Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's Breaking the rock inside the cell. CQA Personnel: KN Page 2 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 07/12/2023 Weather: Sunny, 74-95 degrees Activities: Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu The contractor placed structural fill on the eastern side of cell 2 with soil excavated from the west borrow pit. They also placed structural fill on the truck pad outside the cell. Blue Max Haulers resumed stockpiling of protective cover outside cell 2 CQA personnel observed all construction activities and tested all processed fill #79 thru 89 and the results were satisfactory. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork / Geosynthetic Installation Site Photo's Placing structural fill on the east end of the cell CQA Personnel: KN Page 1 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 07/13/2023 Weather: Sunny, 74-95 degrees Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived onsite to observe cell construction activities The contractor continued placing structural fill on the east and central sections of cell 2 with material excavated from the west borrow source. They also used 1 excavator and 1 dozer to clear the newly designated borrow area on the northwest side outside cell 2. Anson Contractors also began delivering gravel for the leachate collection system and stockpiled it on the west side outside the cell, using a third party contractor. Lawrence Surveyors shot top of subgrade on the northern and middle sections of cell 2 for certification purposes and staked the test pad location on the northeastern side of the cell. Oasis personnel observed above mentioned activities and performed density testing of compacted soil identified as #90 through #101, all of which were in compliance with project requirements. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork VA CQA Personnel: KN Site Photo's Page 2 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 07/14/2023 Weather: Mostly sunny, 75-91 degrees Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day, Oasis Representative arrived onsite to monitor cell construction activities. The contractor installed the 48 inch storm water CMP pipe across the access road on the north side outside cell 2. They also began clay liner installation on the test pad as required by the project specs. The soil was excavated from the west borrow, placed using 1 dozer and watering was done with the water truck. No processing of the liner was done, as they plan to start processing on Monday. Anson contractors continued to place structural fill on the middle and west sides of cell 2 and contacted in place fill using the CAT 815 compactor. Oasis personnel monitored above mentioned activities and performed tests #102 through #111 and the results were satisfactory. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's Clay Liner placement on the the test pad. CQA Personnel: KN Page 1 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 07/18/2023 Weather: Sunny, 77-98 degrees Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: Oasis personnel arrived onsite as scheduled to monitor daily construction activities. The contractor resumed clay placement on the test pad, competing lifts 2 and 3 of the test pad. Material was plowed, watered, and compacted for both lifts and this concluded clay placement on the pad. They also placed structural fill outside the cell on the access road. Anson Contractors receive 3 loads of GCL from CETCO and unloaded same using straps. Then ACI continued to place lift 1 on the remainder of cell 2. Blue Max Haulers continued to stockpile protective cover soil outside the cell on the north side. CQA Representative monitored above mentioned at and collected 2 Shelby tubes from the test pad. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 2 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 07/19/2023 Weather: Sunny, 75-98 degrees Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived at Anson Landfill to observe cell construction activities. The contractor had run out of clay soil from the west borrow area. So they began around 9 a.m to clear and strip an area adjacent and to the northwest area for use as new borrow. They stripped and removed trees and vegetation from the area. No additional clay liner was placed inside Cell 2. ACI also has received and unloaded 1 truck of 17 roll GCL. Blue Max Haulers continued to stockpile protective cover soil outside the cell from Vulcan. Oasis representative monitored all construction activities and collected and shipped samples SF4, 5 as well as CL5, 6 to the Oasisi lab along with Shelby tubes ST1,2,3. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: Kn Page 1 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 07/20/2023 Weather: Sunny, 71-93 degrees Activities: Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu The contractor resumed placement of clay liner as lift 1 on the north sections A and B, east side section C lift 1, and west side section D lift1. Clay material used was excavated from the west borrow, undercutting areas that had previously been excavated. Blue Max Haulers continued to deliver protective cover material. CQA personnel monitored all activities and performed density testing of processed clay identified as #130 through 142, results of which were satisfactory. Additionally, two Shelby tubes CC1 and CC2 were obtained for laboratory testing. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 2 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 07/21 /2023 Weather: Sunny, 75-94 degrees. Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day, the undersigned arrived onsite to monitor clay placement activities. The contractor placed lift 2 of clay on the north side in section A, and began lift 1 on the south side, which will be finished on Monday. They also resumed structural fill placement on the west end. All materials were excavated from the west borrow area Blue Max Haulers continued stockpiling of protective cover from Vulcan quarry. Oasis representative monitored all construction activities and performed density testing of structural fill #143 thru 150, and clay placement #151 to 152. All the test results were satisfactory. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: Kn Page 1 of 1 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 07/24/2023 Weather: Partly Cloudy, 73-90 Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived at Anson Landfill as scheduled to monitor clay placement activities. Anson Contractors continued to place and process clay liner as lift 2 on the eastern side, section C. They also installed clay as lift 2 on the west, section DB east. Material used was excavated from the west borrow source. ACI also received and unloaded one truckload of GCL. Blue Max Haulers resumed delivery and stockpiling of protective cover from Vulcan. Oasis Consulting Services CQA personnel monitored all construction activities and performed density testing numbers 153 through 159 with satisfactory results. Additionally, CQA personnel obtained Shelby tubes CC3 through CC5 for laboratory testing. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's Placing clay in section DB of cell 2. CQA Personnel: KN Page 1 of 4 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 07/25/2023 Weather: Sunny, 75-91 degrees Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: The undersigned arrived onsite as scheduled to monitor daily construction activities. The contractor completed lift 2 of clay liner in section DB, placed and processed lift 3 on the east in section A. They used material used was excavated from the west borrow source. They also cleared additional area for possible clay borrow source. Blue Max Haulers delivered additional protective cover material from Vulcan. Oasis Consulting Services CQA Representative monitored all construction activities, collected and shipped LCS gravel sample for laboratory testing. In addition, personnel shipped 3 Shelby samples CC3, CC4, and CC5 to the laboratory for testing. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 2 of 4 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 07/26/2023 Weather: Sunny, 72-96 degrees. Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: Oasis personnel arrived at Anson Landfill to monitor cell construction activities. The contractor placed additional soil on the east end section C as lift 3. They plowed and watered it, then compacted it with both sheep's foot as well as smooth drum compactors. Soil material was excavated from the west borrow source. ACI also cleared additional area near the current borrow source for clay excavation. Then they placed and processed clay on the west in section DB west. Blue Max Haulers continued to deliver and stockpile protective cover soil. CQA Representative monitored all construction activities and performed density testing identified as #165 through #170, and obtained Shelby tube CC6 for laboratory testing. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's Compacting in place clay with a sheep's foot compactor. CQA Personnel: KN Page 3 of 4 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 07/27/2023 Weather: Sunny, 74-97 degrees Activities: Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu The undersigned arrived onsite to observe clay placement activities. Anson Contractors resumed placement and processing of clay as lift 3 on the west side in section DB west using material from the west borrow. Then they placed clay as lift 1 on the south side in section E. They also placed and processed lift 1 in section F on the west side. Finally, ACI started placing clay as lift 1 on the west end in section G but did not finish it. Blue Max Haulers continued to haul and stockpile protective cover from Vulcan. Oasis CQA representative monitored above mentioned activities, testing in place processed material identified as # 171 through # 181, results of which were satisfactory per project specifications. CQA personnel also obtained Shelby tube CC7, CC8 and CC9 for laboratory testing. Contractor: Anson Contractors Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's Delivery and Stockpiling protective cover from Vulcan. CQA Personnel: KN Page 4 of 4 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 07/28/2023 Weather: Sunny, 75-96 degrees Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived onsite as scheduled to monitor clay placement activities. The contractor resumed clay installation as lift 2 on the east side in section E, after which they placed and processed lift 2 in the middle, section F. Blue Max Haulers continued to stockpile protective cover from Vulcan. Oasis personnel observed all construction activities and performed density testing numbers 182 through 190, all of which were in compliance with project requirements. Additionally, samples CC6 through CC9 were shipped to the lab Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's Remorow *"W"l ram. 3 CQA Personnel: KN Page 1 of 3 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 07/31 /2023 Weather: Sunny, 73-96 Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: The contractor placed clay on the west as lift 2 and east as lift 3 in section E. They also began liner edge excavation along the south tie in using a flat edge bucket. Blue Max also resumed stockpiling of protective cover. Oasis representative monitored all construction activities and obtained 1 Shelby tube CC10 for laboratory testing. Additionally, CQA performed test numbers 191 through 197 and they all passed. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN i Page 2 of 3 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 08/01 /2023 Weather: Partly sunny Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day, the undersigned arrived at Anson Landfill as scheduled to monitor clay placement activities. ACI placed and processed clay as lift 3 in the middle section as well as in the east section G using clay material that was excavated from the west borrow source. Clay soil was placed in two halves, plowed with the chisel plow, watered and then compacted first with the sheep's foot before the smooth drum compactors. They also continued to excavate and expose liner edge along the south tie in with the existing cell. Blue Max Haulers continued to deliver protective cover from Vulcan quarry. CQA Representative monitored all activities and performed moisture/density testing of processed clay using the drive cylinder method as identified by #198 through #204, all with satisfactory results. In addition, Shelby tube # CC11 was obtained for laboratory testing. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's Exposing the liner along the south tie in with existing cell. CQA Personnel: KN Page 3 of 3 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 08/02/2023 Weather: Sunny, 70-88 degrees Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: Oasis personnel arrived at Anson Landfill to observe daily construction activities. The contractor re -rolled the two sections where they installed clay yesterday using the smooth drums. They also continued to cut fill from areas designated for cut next to the existing cell 1 and moved the cut material outside the cell. This cut material was placed outside cell 2, using same as fill on the truck pad. Anson Contractors also attempted to excavate and expose more liner edge along the eastern tie in but the activity was suspended due to wetness. Blue Max continued to deliver protective cover. Oasis representative observed above mentioned activities and shipped Shelby tubes CC10 and CC 11 that were collected yesterday for lab testing. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 1 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 08/03/2023 Weather: Cloudy, 71-80 Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived at Anson Landfill as scheduled to monitor construction activities. The contractor continued to roll previously processed clay in all sections of the cell using 2 smooth drum compactors while they resumed structural fill placement on the access road and the truck pad outside the cell. The material used was excavated from the west borrow area. Compacting of in place fill was done with 1 sheep's foot compactor. Blue Max continued to stockpile protective cover soil outside the cell on the north side. Oasis personnel monitored all activities. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's Re -rolling of previously processed clay inside the cell. CQA Personnel: KN Page 2 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 08/04/2023 Weather: Cloudy, 69-85 degrees Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: Oasis representative arrived onsite to observe daily construction activities. The contractor resumed structural fill placement on the truck pad using material from the west borrow source. No clay was placed today. Blue Max delivered more protective cover from Vulcan. Oasis personnel monitored all construction activities. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 1 of 3 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 08/07/2023 Weather: Sunny, 73-98 degrees Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Activities: Oasis personnel arrived onsite to monitor construction activities. Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu The contractor continued to place structural fill on the truck pad as well as on the access road outside the cell using fill material from the west borrow source. In place fill was compacted with the CAT 815 sheep's foot compactor. ACI also resumed watering and rolling the already processed clay as part of clay maintenance. Blue Max Haulers delivered more protective cover soil from Vulcan. In addition, Lawrence Surveyors took final certification shots of the subgrade on the south end and the east tie in as scheduled. CQA personnel monitored all construction activities. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's Structural Fill Placement On The Pad. CQA Personnel: KN Page 2 of 3 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 08/08/2023 Weather: Sunny, 70-93 degrees. Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived at Anson Landfill as scheduled to monitor clay placement activities. The contractor resumed clay placement on the east end of the cell using soil from the west borrow source. Clay placement on the east slope was processed on the flat surface near the test pad and pushed down the slope with the dozer. Blue Max Haulers stockpiled additional protective cover on the north side outside the cell. CQA representative observed all construction activities and performed moisture/density testing identified by #205 through #208 and the results were satisfactory. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's At 7 Watering the Clay during processing. CQA Personnel: KN Page 3 of 3 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 08/09/2023 Weather: Sunny, 72-94 degrees Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived onsite as scheduled to monitor clay placement activities. ACI resumed clay placement activities by placing lift three on the east end of cell 2. They processed the material on the flat area and pushed same down the slope using a dozer and compacted with a sheep's foot compactor. Anson Contractors also used an excavator to reinforce and buildup the operational berm on the active cell on the slopes east of cell 2. Blue Max Haulers continued to stockpile protective cover outside cell 2. Oasis personnel monitored above mentioned activities and performed density testing of processed clay identified as 209 through 212, all of which were in compliance with project requirements. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's Compacting in place clay on the east slope of the cell. CQA Personnel: KN Page 1 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 08/10/2023 Weather: Cloudy/Rain; 73-89 Activities: Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu The contractor resumed clay placement on the east tie in using material from the west borrow source. They also continued to place more structural fill on the access road and the truck pad. Construction was disrupted by morning rains mid morning and forced them to discontinue activities. Blue Max also continued delivering protective cover from Vulcan. Oasis Consulting Services representative monitored above mentioned activities. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's Fill placement on the truck pad. CQA Personnel: KN Page 2 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 08/11 /2023 Weather: Sunny, 70-90 degrees. Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived onsite to monitor clay placement activities. The contractor resumed clay placement on the south tie in as lift 1 but did not finish processing it. They also continued to place structural fill on the access road and the truck pad using material from the west borrow source. Blue Max Haulers continued to deliver protective cover from Vulcan on the north side outside cell 2. Oasis CQA personnel monitored above mentioned activities. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's Placing clay material on the south tie in. CQA Personnel: KN Page 1 of 1 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 08/14/2023 Weather: Sunny, 73-95 decades Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived onsite to observe clay placement activities. The contractor resumed placing on the south side of the cell as lift 1 in sections H, I, and J. Material used was excavated from the west borrow source. Blue Max delivered and stockpiled additional protective cover material outside the cell from Vulcan. CQA personnel monitored all activities and performed density testing of processed clay identified as 213 thru 223 and the results were satisfactory per project specifications. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 1 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 08/15/2023 Weather: Mostly sunny, 80-03 degrees. Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: Oasis representative arrived at Anson Landfill as scheduled to monitor clay placement activities The contractor continued to place and process clay on the south side as lifts 2 and 3 in sections H, I, J with soil excavated from the west borrow area. Additionally, Blue Max resumed protective cover delivery outside the cell on the north side. CQA personnel observed above mentioned activities and performed moisture/density testing of processed Clay numbers 224 through 237 and the they were in compliance with project requirements. Also, Shelby tubes ST13 thru ST15 were obtained and shipped to the laboratory. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's Aft 471 1b 2 OVP a. CQA Personnel: KN Page 2 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 08/16/2023 Weather: Mostly sunny, 78-90 degrees Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived at Anson Landfill as scheduled to monitor clay placement activities. Anson Contractors resumed clay placement on the southwest area in section I as lift 3 using material excavated from the west borrow source. They also placed structural fill on the north access road outside cell 2 using fill material from the cell access ramp which was undercut this afternoon. Blue Max Haulers continued to stockpile protective cover outside the cell from Vulcan. Oasis personnel monitored all construction activities and performed density testing numbers 238 through 243, all of which were in compliance with project requirements. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's Stockpiling the protective cover outside cell 2 CQA Personnel: KN Page 1 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 08/17/2023 Weather: Mostly sunny, 73-93 Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived at Anson Landfill as scheduled to monitor clay placement activities. The contractor resumed clay placement activities by excavating the excess/cut area on the southeast corner of cell 2. They used 2 excavators to remove soil material from this area and hauled it to the active phase. Anson Contractors also placed additional structural fill on the access road outside the cell on the north side. Blue Max Haulers continued to deliver protective cover on the north side outside cell 2 CQA representative monitored above mentioned activities. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's Excavating the southeast corner of the cell CQA Personnel: KN Page 2 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 08/18/2023 Weather: Sunny, 76-93 Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Activities: Oasis personnel arrived onsite to monitor clay placement activities. Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu The contractor continued to undercut the excess fill along with unsuitable material near the southeast corner of cell 2 using 2 excavators and 4 off -road trucks. They hauled the unsuitables to the active phase of the landfill while the clean material was stockpiled for future use. Anson Contractors also used the water truck and the smooth drums conduct clay maintenance activities on the cell floor. Blue Max Haulers continued to deliver and stockpile protective cover from Vulcan. CQA representative monitored above mentioned activities. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's Rolling activities on already processed clay on the west side of cell. CQA Personnel: KN Page 1 of 1 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 08/16/2023 Weather: Mostly sunny, 78-90 degrees Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived at Anson Landfill as scheduled to monitor clay placement activities. Anson Contractors resumed clay placement on the southwest area in section I as lift 3 using material excavated from the west borrow source. They also placed structural fill on the north access road outside cell 2 using fill material from the cell access ramp which was undercut this afternoon. Blue Max Haulers continued to stockpile protective cover outside the cell from Vulcan. Oasis personnel monitored all construction activities and performed density testing numbers 238 through 243, all of which were in compliance with project requirements. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's Stockpiling the protective cover outside cell 2 CQA Personnel: KN Page 1 of 4 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 08/18/2023 Weather: Sunny, 76-93 Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Activities: Oasis personnel arrived onsite to monitor clay placement activities. Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu The contractor continued to undercut the excess fill along with unsuitable material near the southeast corner of cell 2 using 2 excavators and 4 off -road trucks. They hauled the unsuitables to the active phase of the landfill while the clean material was stockpiled for future use. Anson Contractors also used the water truck and the smooth drums conduct clay maintenance activities on the cell floor. Blue Max Haulers continued to deliver and stockpile protective cover from Vulcan. CQA representative monitored above mentioned activities. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's Rolling activities on already processed clay on the west side of cell. CQA Personnel: KN Page 2 of 4 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 08/21 /2023 Weather: Sunny, 76-97 degrees Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day, Oasis personnel arrived onsite as scheduled to monitor construction activities. The contractor completed excavating and undercutting the southeastern section and placed it on subgrade elevation. They also placed additional clay material on the western end where insufficient clay was observed on the final lift. Blue Max Haulers continued to deliver more protective cover outside the cell from Vulcan. CQA representative observed above mentioned activities. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's r - r _ - x Rolling the final lift of in place clay liner on the west end of cell 2 CQA Personnel: KN Page 3 of 4 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 08/22/2023 Weather: Sunny, 75-98 degrees Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: CQA personnel arrived at Anson Landfill to observe daily construction activities. ACI resumed structural fill placement outside the cell on the north access road, with soil material from the west borrow source. Placement was done with 2 trucks, 1 doz and 1 compactor. In addition, they received 1 truckload of HDPE dual contained leachate force main pipes. Anson contractors also continued to undercut and remove soil from the southeastern corner of cell and hauled the material to the active phase of the landfill using 1 excavator and 2 trucks. Lawrence Surveyors took final certification shots of the subgrade to the southeast area and along the tie ins east and south of the cell. Oasis personnel monitored above mentioned activities. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's Unloading the HDPE force main pipes outside the cell. CQA Personnel: KN Page 4 of 4 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 08/23/2023 Weather: Sunny, 73-90 degrees Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived at Anson Landfill as scheduled to observe construction activities. The contractor continued to place structural fill on the north access road with fill material excavated from the west borrow source. They also took delivery of the HDPE sump. Blue Max Haulers hauled and stockpiled additional protective outside the cell. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's Unloading the HDPE sump CQA Personnel: KN. Page 1 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 08/24/2023 Weather: Sunny, 74-97 degrees Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived onsite to monitor construction activities. The contractor resumed placement of structural fill on the access road as well as on the truck pad. The material was excavated from the west borrow source. They also resumed excavation of fill from the southeast area. Blue Max stockpiled more protective cover from Vulcan. Oasis representative monitored all construction activities. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork -- CQA Personnel: KN Site Photo's Page 2 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 08/25/2023 Weather: Sunny, 77-90 degrees Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived onsite to monitor daily construction activities. The contractor resumed structural fill placement on the truck pad as well as on the access road north of the cell outside the cell limits. Material used was excavated from the west borrow source, placed with 1 dozer and compacted with 1 sheep's foot compactor. Blue Max haulers continued to deliver and stockpile protective cover outside the cell from Vulcan. Oasis personnel monitored above mentioned activities. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 1 of 1 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 08/28/2023 Weather: Partly sunny, 73-88 degrees Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived at Anson Landfill to monitor construction activities. Due to 2" of rainfall overnight, the site was too wet for normal operations and as a result the contractor could not conduct normal business. However, they used 1 dozer to blade the access road for protective cover haulers. They also took delivery of 1 load of PVC conduit pipes. CQA representative observed all activities. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 1 of 1 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 08/28/2023 Weather: Partly sunny, 73-88 degrees Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived at Anson Landfill to monitor construction activities. Due to 2" of rainfall overnight, the site was too wet for normal operations and as a result the contractor could not conduct normal business. However, they used 1 dozer to blade the access road for protective cover haulers. They also took delivery of 1 load of PVC conduit pipes. CQA representative observed all activities. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 1 of 3 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 08/29/2023 Weather: Sunny, 77-91 degrees Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived onsite to monitor daily activities. Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu The contractor used 1 dozer to reinforce operational berms on the eastern slope on the active phase because of the washouts from recent rain events. The southeast corner of the cell was filled with storm water and the contractor could not continue activities in the area until it's pumped out. Blue Max continued to haul and stockpile protective cover from Vulcan. Oasis personnel monitored all construction activities. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 2 of 3 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 08/30/2023 Weather: Cloudy 72-80 Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived onsite as scheduled to monitor Cell construction activities. Due to the wet conditions on the southeast area of cell 2, there were no activities inside the cell. However, the contract bladed the roadways, allowing for protective cover stockpiling while Waste Connections used a tanker to pump storm water out of the southeast corner. Blue Max Trucking continued to deliver protective cover. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 3 of 3 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 08/31 /2023 Weather: Partly Cloudy, 72-81 Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived at Anson Landfill to monitor construction activities. Due to the wet conditions resulting from Hurricane Idalia's rain events the contractor could not work on the southeastern area. However, they used 1 dozer to work some loads of protective cover onto the existing stockpile and then went home. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 1 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 09/01 /2023 Weather: Sunny, 67-83 degrees Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived onsite to monitor clay placement activities. Anson Contractors began fine grading of clay liner on the northern and central sections of cell 2. The clay surface was also rolled using the smooth drums. Blue Max continued to deliver protective cover soil. CQA representative monitored above mentioned activities. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 2 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 09/05/2023 Weather: Sunny, 68-95 degrees Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: The undersigned arrived onsite as scheduled to observe daily construction activities. The contractor continued to fine grade in place clay liner on the west and south sides of Cell 2 using 1 dozer and 1 smooth drum roller. They also used 1 smooth bucket excavator to clean the east tie in of silt deposits resulting from last week's storms. Lawrence Surveyors returned and took certification shots of the 18 inch clay liner on the north and south sides of the cell. Additionally, Hallaton Environmental, the HDPE installer, was onsite over the Labor Day weekend and prepared sandbags in preparation for liner installation. Their superintendent came and took count of GCL delivered for the project. Waste Connections personnel used a tanker to pump out storm water from the southeast area of the cell. Oasis Consulting Services representative monitored above mentioned activities Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 1 of 3 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 09/06/2023 Weather: Sunny, 71-94 degrees Activities: Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu The contractor resumed fine grading of the in place 18" clay liner with 1 dozer and 1 smooth drum roller. The also hauled out the clippings from the fine grading while using the a water truck to keep the subgrade maintained. Anson Contractors began trenching activities for leachate force main on the west side outside the cell. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 2 of 3 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 09/07/2023 Weather: Partly Cloudy, 71-91 degrees Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived onsite as scheduled to monitor Cell construction activities. The contractor resumed leachate force main installation activities by extending the 4" deep trench southbound from the middle of cell 2as marked. They added #57 stone as specified at bottom of the trench. Anson Contractors also began welding of the HDPE 8" dual contained force main pipe in preparation for installation while at the time, gluing together the PVC electrical conduit pipe ready for installation inside the trench. Also, ACI undercut and hauled out wet silty material from the southeast corner after the area was dewatered by the owner. The wet unsuitable material was deposited in the landfill active area using off road trucks. Dewatering activities were performed by the owner using 1 tanker truck using a 3" pump. CQA personnel monitored all construction activities listed above. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 3 of 3 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 09/08/2023 Weather: Sunny, 72-95 degrees Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived onsite to monitor liner and force main installation activities. ACI continued to trench for force main on the west side. They also placed part of the welded pipe inside the trench, having placed gravel at the bottom of the trench as required. The third party contractor resumed pipe welding activity for the force main. Hallaton began liner installation with a 10-man crew. They deployed 69,897 sf, using machines #89 and #86. Prior to HDPE deployment, they deployed GCL.. Oasis CQA representative monitored above mentioned activities Contractor: ACI and Hallaton Environmental Activity Type: Earthwork / Geosynthetic Installation Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 1 of 1 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 09/09/2023 Weather: Cloudy/Rainy Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day, the undersigned arrived at Anson landfill to monitor Geosynthetics installation. Hallaton performed pressure testing of yesterday's deployment P1 through 10 and they all passed. They used extruded #26 to repair all the defects as well as seamed P1 through 10 along the east tie in. Then Hallaton used the vacuum box to test all the repairs and the extrusion seams with satisfactory results. They also cut out 5 destructive samples DS1 through 5 for laboratory testing. CQA personnel monitored and documented above mentioned activities. Contractor: Hallaton Environmental Activity Type: Geosynthetic Installation Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 1 of 4 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 09/11 /2023 Weather: Sunny, 68-90 Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived onsite as scheduled to monitor daily construction activities. Anson Contractors dressed up the subgrade for liner deployment using 1 skid steer and 1 smooth drum roller. They also used 1 vacuum truck to dewater the silt from the southeast corner of cell 2. Then they used the excavator and 2 trucks to haul out the muck ACI also continued to install the 8" dual contained leachate force main outside the cell on the west side. Hallaton Environmental resumed liner installation by deploying P11 through P16 covering 40,365 sf. They used fusion machines 86 and 89 to seam in place liner totaling 712 Lt and 1138 Lf respectively. All seams were pressure tested with passing results. Oasis employees observed and documented above mentioned activities and marked destructive samples DF6 through DF10 for laboratory testing. Contractor: Hallaton, ACI Activity Type: Earthwork / Geosynthetic Installation Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 2 of 4 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 09/12/2023 Weather: Mostly cloudy, 72-90 Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: The undersigned arrived at Anson Landfill as scheduled to monitor Cell construction activities. ACI continued to dewater the southeast corner of cell 2 with the vacuum truck and later with the excavator and trucks. The wet material was hauled off to the active area of the landfill. They also took delivery of 1 load of Geocomposite from SKAPS. Hallaton Environmental resumed HDPE deployment by installing P17 through P32, covering 34,640 sf of clay. They also used fusion machines #86 and #89 to seam 1096 sf and 794 sf respectively. Pressure testing of today's seams began but will be completed too. CQA representatives monitored and documented all activities. Additionally, Oasis personnel shipped destructive samples DF1 through DF10 for laboratory testing. Contractor: Hallaton, Anson Contractors. Activity Type: Earthwork / Geosynthetic Installation Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 3 of 4 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 09/13/2023 Weather: Partly cloudy, 71-84 Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived onsite to monitor daily construction activities Anson contractors continued dewatering of the southeast corner using the vacuum truck, excavators, off road trucks and a mini excavator. The wet material was deposited in the active landfill area. Hallaton Environmental deployed liner panels P33 through P40, covering 12,351 sf. They seamed all the panels using machines #86 and #89 which seamed 419 Lf and 338 respectively. They also pressure tested all seams and repaired all defects as marked. Hallaton also vacuum tested repaired defects with passing results. Oasis personnel monitored and documented all construction activities Contractor: ACI, Hallaton. Activity Type: Earthwork / Geosynthetic Installation Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 4 of 4 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 09/14/2023 Weather: Sunny, 72-85 Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived onsite to monitor construction activities. Anson Construction continued dewatering of the southeast corner with the excavators, trucks and vacuum trucks. Hallaton began deployment of Geocomposite on the north side of cell 2. They also seamed liner on the east tie in, connecting the new cell to the old liner. The seaming was done by extruding the two panels using extruded #26 for a total of 62 feet. They also performed vacuum testing of the seams on the east tie in and the repaired defects. Oasis personnel monitored above mentioned activities and marked destructive samples for testing. DX1 was identified and tested with satisfactory results. Contractor: Anson Contractors, Hallaton Environmental. Activity Type: Earthwork / Geosynthetic Installation Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 1 of 6 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 09/15/2023 Weather: Sunny, 65-84 degrees Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day Oasis Consulting Services employees arrived at Anson Landfill to observe construction activities. Anson Contractors resumed dewatering of the southeast corner and excavation of fill from same area. They used a 2 inch pump to pump out water while using 1 excavator and 2 trucks to load and haul out the wet material to the active phase of the landfill. Hallaton Environmental continued to deploy geocomposite on the northern section of cell 2. The panels were zip tied every 4-5 feet and 1 foot at cross seams while they used a sewing machine to seam the non woven fabric together. Oasis CQA personnel monitored above mentioned activities while directing the excavation of the southeast corner in search of the three connected existing cells. Contractor: ACI, Hallaton Environmental. Activity Type: Earthwork / Geosynthetic Installation Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN, DE. Page 2 of 6 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 09/16/2023 Weather: Partly Cloudy, 67-78 Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: Personnel arrived at Anson Landfill as scheduled to monitor liner installation activities. Hallaton continued to deploy geocomposite on the southern tie in and south slopes. The coverage approximately 8,500 sf of the lined area and suspended activities. The panels were zip tied every 5 ft and 1 foot intervals along the cross seams and then machine seamed as required. CQA representatives observed and documented all deployment activities. Contractor: Hallaton Environmental Activity Type: Geosynthetic Installation Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN, DE. Page 3 of 6 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 09/18/2023 Weather: Sunny, 63-80 degrees. Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived on site as scheduled to monitor Cell construction activities. Anson Contractors used a vac truck, 1 excavator and a skid steer to dewater and clean up the southeast corner. They also used the smooth drum to roll the cell floor. Hallaton Environmental continued to deploy geocomposite on the south slopes and along the south tie in. They also cut and cleaned the geocomposite along the east and the south tie ins and later staged material throughput the cell in preparation for HDPE deployment tomorrow. Oasis representative monitored above mentioned activities. Contractor: Anson Contractors, Hallaton Environmental. Activity Type: Earthwork / Geosynthetic Installation Q - CQA Personnel: KN Site Photo's Page 4 of 6 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 09/19/2023 Weather: Sunny, 55-85 Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived onsite to monitor daily construction activities. Anson Contractors completed cleaning and exposing the edge of liner on the east tie in and used manual labor and skid steer to dress the clay surface near them. They also began placement of protective cover inside cell 2 starting on the northern edges. Hallaton resumed liner deployment, placing panels P41 through P53 for a total of 86,549 sf. They used fusion machines 86 and 89 to seam 1891 Lf and 1874 Lf respectively. A total of 6 destructive samples were marked for testing later. Oasis representatives monitored and documented all construction activities. Contractor: ACI, Hallaton Environmental Activity Type: Earthwork / Geosynthetic Installation Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN, DE Page 5 of 6 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 09/20/2023 Weather: Sunny, 70-84 degrees Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived at Anson Landfill as scheduled to monitor cell construction activities Anson Contractors continued to place protective cover soil on the northern half of cell 2 with 2 dozers, 2 trucks, and 1 excavator. The trucks backed in on a 36" access road while the dozer spread out the cover material, making sure there are no geosynthetic wrinkles. Hallaton concluded 60 mil HDPE deployment by placing panels P54 through P60 covering a total of 20,056 sf. All panels were seamed using fusion machines 86 and 89 which seamed 867 and 693 linear feet respectively. They used extrusion machine 26 to seam a total of 194 Lf along the east tie in. Additionally, the contractor performed pressure testing of yesterday's and today's fusion seams and the results were satisfactory per project specifications. Oasis representatives monitored and documented all activities and destructive samples DF22 through DF27 as well as DX2 for laboratory testing. Contractor: ACI, Hallaton Activity Type: Earthwork / Geosynthetic Installation Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN, DE. Page 6 of 6 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 09/21 /2023 Weather: Sunny, 63-79 degrees Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived onsite to monitor liner installation as well as other construction activities. Anson Contractors continued to place protective cover on the north side of the cell with 2 trucks 1 dozer and 1 excavator. Hallaton Environmental used Extrusion machine #X26 to repair defected liner locations while vacuum testing the repairs. They also continued to deploy geocomposite liner in the middle of cell 2. In place composite panels were sewn together after they were zip -tied every 4-5 feet as specified. Oasis employees monitored all construction activities and shipped 14 HDPE destructive samples for laboratory testing to TRI Environmental. Contractor: ACI, Hallaton Activity Type: Earthwork / Geosynthetic Installation Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN, DE. Page 1 of 3 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 09/22/2023 Weather: Sunny, 65-83 degrees. Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived at Anson Landfill to monitor cell construction activities. Anson Contractors did not place protective cover inside cell 2, but they used the pan and a dozer to stockpile fill soil for the cell berm. Hallaton Environmental continued deployment of geocomposite in the middle and east tie in, including the east slopes. In place panels were zip tied and sewn together with 2 sewing machines. They also used strips of non woven fabric and heat to cover the cross seams. Oasis representative monitored above mentioned activities. Contractor: ACI, Hallaton Environmental. Activity Type: Earthwork / Geosynthetic Installation Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 2 of 3 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 09/25/2023 Weather: Sunny, 64-85 degrees. Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: The undersigned arrived onsite as scheduled to monitor daily construction activities Anson Contractors resumed protective cover placement on the east side using 2 trucks, 1 dozer and 1 excavator. They also continued to evacuate the trench for leachate force main on the west line outside cell 2. No pipes were placed but they placed gravel at the bottom as required. Then ACI excavated the trench for the leachate sump outside the cell and placed gravel at the base but did not install the sump. Hallaton Environmental concluded primary liner installation by completing geocomposite deployment on the west end. They cleaned up their work area and demobilized late in the afternoon. Oasis personnel monitored all construction activities. Contractor: ACI, Hallaton Environmental Activity Type: Earthwork / Geosynthetic Installation Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 3 of 3 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 09/26/2023 Weather: Cloudy, 62-77 degrees Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived at Anson Landfill to monitor Cell 2 construction activities. Anson Contractors resumed protective cover placement in the cell using 3 trucks, 2 dozers and 1 excavator. They also placed and partially backfilled the temporary prefabricated HDPE sump near the northwest side outside the cell and welded the 12" HDPE pipe that extends into the cell LCS pipe. They used the services of Piedmont to weld the 12/8" connecting pipes. Oasis representative monitored all construction activities Contractor: Anson Contractors, Piedmont Services. Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 1 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 09/27/2023 Weather: Cloudy, 63-72 degrees Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day, Oasis personnel arrived at Anson Landfill as scheduled to monitor daily construction activities. ACI resumed protective cover placement in cell 2 working from the north towards the south. They also excavated the leachate force main trench up to the existing sump near cell 1. Then Anson Contractors resumed backfilling of the trench near the new sump north of cell 2. Piedmont Industrial resumed welding of HDPE force main pipes in preparation for connecting the new force main to the existing sump. CQA representative observed all cell construction activities. Contractor: Anson Contractors, Piedmont Industrial Services. Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 2 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 09/28/2023 Weather: Partly cloudy Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Activities: CQA personnel arrived onsite to monitor cell construction activities. Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Anson Contractors continued placing protective cover inside cell 2 on the middle section using material from the stockpile. Using the services of Piedmont, they welded HDPE leachate force main connecting pipes and resumed backfilling of the trenches near the new sump. They extended the the electrical conduit and placed marking tape before completing the backfilling in that section. Oasis Consulting Services representative observed all construction activities. Contractor: ACI, Piedmont Services. Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 1 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 09/29/2023 Weather: Partly cloudy, 61-77 degrees Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived onsite as scheduled to monitor daily construction activities. Anson Contractors continued to place protective cover on the middle section of cell 2 using material from the stockpile, hauled in with 3 trucks and graded with 1 dozer. They also continued to backfill force main trench around the newly installed sump. The soil around the sump was compacted using a vibratory tamping mechanism. Piedmont Services also welded more fittings to be connected to the existing sump. Contractor: ACL Piedmont Services. Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 2 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 10/02/2023 Weather: Sunny, 63-82 degrees. Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: CQA representative arrived onsite as scheduled to monitor cell construction activities Anson Contractors continued to place protective cover on the west side of cell 2 with material from onsite stockpile. In place sand was graded using a CAT D6 dozer.They also excavated about 20 ft of the existing leachate force at the existing sump in preparation for connecting the old and new pipes. Piedmont Environmental, using "T" connector, connected the the two force main lines at the sump. They also constructed a containment box 1 inch thick HDPE measuring 60" X 24" X 16" inside which the contractor connected a valve attached to a 4" pipe. Finally Piedmont began the process of connecting the two lines through the "T" to the existing sump. Oasis personnel monitored all cell construction activities. Contractor: ACI, Piedmont Environmental. Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 1 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 10/03/2023 Weather: Sunny, 59-83 Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived at Anson Landfill as scheduled to monitor daily construction activities. The contractor continued to place protective cover on the west end of the cell using 1 dozer, 2 trucks. Anson Contractors also resumed backfilling the force main ditch and finally worked to the existing sump. They also began work on the LCS line by placing 8oz fabric, then 4-5 inches of gravel, and finally the 8" pre -welded HDPE pipe. Using the services of Piedmont Environmental, the welded the fixtures and connected the LCS to the new sump along with the a valve and clean out pipe near the sump. Oasis personnel monitored above mentioned activities. Contractor: ACI and Piedmont Environmental Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 2 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 10/04/2023 Weather: Sunny, 67-83 degrees Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived at Anson Landfill as scheduled to monitor cell construction activities The contractor resumed protective cover placement on the west and south slopes with 2 trucks 1 excavator and 2 dozer. They continued LCS installation by placing additional gravel on the in place 8" perforated HDPE pipe, wrapped the pipe and gavel in the already placed fabric. Piedmont Industrial Services continued force main piping activities by placing a tape over the metal connectors at the existing sump where CQA noted liquid leak yesterday. They also loosened the newly installed valve near the sump and adjusted the angle of the valve lever as suggested by CQA. Oasis representative monitored above mentioned activities. Contractor: ACI and Piedmont Industrial Services Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 1 of 1 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 10/05/2023 Weather: Partly cloudy, 57-83 degrees Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: Oasis Consulting Services personnel arrived onsite to monitor cell construction activities. Anson Contractors began fine grading of the in place protective cover on eastern section using 1 dozer. The also started installation of the perimeter berm on the northern side of cell 2. Fill material used was hauled from the west borrow area and placed with an excavator while it was graded using a mini excavator ans a skid steer. Anson Contractors, used a third party vendor, Jetclean America to jet clean the 8" leachate collection system LCS pipe and then video recorded the entire length measuring approximately 349 ft as specified in the project requirement. CQA representative monitored all construction activities. Contractor: ACI, Jetclean America. Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 1 of 1 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 10/06/2023 Weather: Partly cloudy, 65-80 degrees. Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived at Anson Landfill to observe cell construction activities. Anson Contractors continued to fine grade protective cover on the west side using 1 dozer, 1 excavator and 2 trucks. Excess material was hauled back to the stockpile. They also removed the temporary north access road into cell 2. Piedmont Industrial covered the valve box near the existing sump and sealed it with screws and silicone before they demobilized. Oasis CQA personnel observed above mentioned activities. Contractor: Anson Contractors. Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 1 of 1 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 10/09/2023 Weather: Sunny, 50-79 degrees Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived onsite to monitor cell construction activities. The contractor resumed perimeter berm construction along the edge of cell 2 on the west side. They used soil material from the west borrow source and placement was achieved with 2 off road trucks, 1 excavator and 1 skid steer. CQA personnel verified the thickness of graded protective cover throughout the cell and six locations were checked with the following readings: 24.2", 24.5", 24.1", 24.4", 24.2", and 25". Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's I CQA Personnel: KN Page 1 of 1 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 10/10/2023 Weather: Sunny, 56-80 degrees Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day, the undersigned arrived at Anson Landfill as scheduled to monitor cell construction activities. He contractor resumed construction of perimeter berm by removing the northwest ramp into the cell and extending the berm through that location. They used soil material from the west borrow source and placed with 1 excavator and 1 skid steer. Dust control was achieved on the roads using the water truck. Oasis personnel monitored above mentioned activities. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 1 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 10/11 /2023 Weather: Partly cloudy 55-78 degrees Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: CQA personnel arrived onsite to monitor daily cell construction activities. The contractor dressed up the perimeter berm around cell 2 using 1 mini excavator. They also used manual labor to backfill the leachate force main around the existing sump but left the newly installed valve box open for easy access when the new line goes live. Oasis representative monitored all construction activities. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 2 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 10/12/2023 Weather: Rainy, 60-70 degrees Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived onsite to monitor daily construction activities. Due to an ongoing rain event which began overnight, the site was too wet for activities and therefore there were no construction operations today. The contractor went home. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 1 of 1 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 10/13/2023 Weather: Mostly sunny 61-80 degrees Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived onsite to monitor daily construction activities. The contractor, at the instructions of the client, used 1 dozer and 1 excavator to move the trash adjacent to the new cell at the southeast corner into the void below the trash. The in they used fill material near the trash to cover the displaced trash. Oasis personnel monitored all construction activities. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 1 of 1 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 10/16/2023 Weather: Mostly cloudy, 50-69 degrees Client: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Project: 235005 Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived at Anson Landfill to monitor construction activities. The contractor installed the required 4"X4" "Edge of Liner" markers around the the cell . They also began placing gravel aggregate base on the northern section of the new access road using 1 truck, 1 dozer and 1 excavator. No processing of in place material was done today and rock placement will be done at a later date. CAA personnel monitored all construction activities. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 1 of 2 OASIS CONSULTING SERVICES Daily Field Report Roswell 45 Woodstock Street Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 678-739-2400 Activity Date: 10/17/2023 Weather: Mostly sunny,45-70 degrees Client: Project: Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 235005 375 Dozer Dr. Anson County Landfill, Phase 4 Cell 2 Polkton, NC 28135 375 Dozer Dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Technician: Kingsley Nwaogwugwu Activities: On this day the undersigned arrived onsite to monitor daily construction activities. The contractor graded the ditches and slopes on the north and west sides of outside the cell. They also installed the check dams along the storm water ditches as specified and placed a rip rap on the outlet of the 48" CMP on the north access road. CQA representative monitored above mentioned activities. Contractor: ACI Activity Type: Earthwork Site Photo's CQA Personnel: KN Page 2 of 2 APPENDIX H LEACHATE COLLECTION LINE INSPECTION VIDEO and CD JETCLEAN AMERICA HIGH PRESSURE WATER JETTING 1660 SEA BREEZE DRIVE EXPLOSION PROOF VIDEO INSPECTION TARPON SPRINGS, FL 34689 VACUUM TRUCK SERVICES T: 800-226-8013 / F: 813-926-4616 WWW.JETCLEANAMERICA.COM JETCLEANAMERICA@YAHOO.COM Anson Contractors, Inc. Anson County Landfill Phase 4 - Cell 2 - Expansion New HDPE Leachate Piping Work Performed October 2023 Conducted By: Jetciean America 800-226-8013 JETCLEAN AMERICA HIGH PRESSURE WATER JETTING 1660 SEA BREEZE DRIVE EXPLOSION PROOF VIDEO INSPECTION TARPON SPRINGS, FL 34689 VACUUM TRUCK SERVICES T: 800-226-8013 / F: 813-926-4616 WWW.JETCLEANAMERICA.COM JETCLEANAMERICA@YAHOO.COM REPORT DATE :10/6/2023 TO : Jason Price, Devin Sikes — Anson Contractors, Inc. FROM : Ralph Calistri Oetcleanamerica@yahoo.com) SUBJECT : Anson County Landfill - Phase 4 - Cell 2 Expansion - New HDPE LCS Piping Jetclean America completed the high-pressure water jetting and explosion -proof video - inspection of the new Phase 4 - Cell 2 HDPE leachate collection piping on 10/5/2023. Included with this report is the applicable Jetting Log, CCTV Survey List, Pipe Graphic Reports, and videos in .mp4 format for complete detailed reference. Hip-h-pressure Water-iettinz: As the below jetting log documents, the new Phase 4 - Cell 2 HDPE leachate collection piping was jetcleaned in its entirety. LOCATION DISTANCE ft Phase 4 — Cell 2 350' (x4) Explosion-proofVideo-inspection: After jetcleaning was completed, the above piping was video -inspected in entirety using certified explosion -proof equipment (see included CCTV Survey List, Pipe Graphic Reports, and Video Footage). All areas of the piping viewed with the inspection camera appeared to be in good condition, with no defects noted. Please call us with questions or concerns. Regards, ('�yk i Ralph Calistri - Jetclean America - 800-226-8013 Pipe Graphic Report of PLR PH-4 CELL-2 HDR X for Anson County LF Work Order Anson County LF Contract Video Setup 1 Facility Operator Supervisor Van Ref INC VAN Surveyed On 10/05/2023 Street Name City Polkton NC - Location type Surface Survey purpose Pre -acceptance - normally new sewers for adoption or pri- Weather Dry Pipe Use Foul Water Schedule length 349.6 Ft From PH-4 CELL-2 HDR Depth r Shape Circular Size 8 by ins To CELL-2 LCO-HDRX Depth t Material Polyethylene - High density Joint spacing Ft Direction Downstream Lining Year laid 2023 Pre -clean Y Last cleaned 10/5/2023 General note PeirPoint Camera Structural Service Constructional Location note kllscellaneo�is Hydraulic Start of Survey 0.0 Ft Manhole/Node [PH-1 CELL-2 HDR] 0 Ft Water level 0 349.6 Ft Manhole/Node [CELL-2 LCO-HDRX] 349.6 Ft Finish of Surveys [End Of Pipe Survey Abandoned] Jet Clean AmericaPhone:800-226-8013 LEAC ATE COLLECTION COMPONENTS SUBM11`i-AL LOG Project Name: Anson County Landfill - Phase 4 Cell 2 Project Number: A-1136 Project Manager: Devin Sikes Last Updated: June 22, 2023 1:30 PM Anson Contractors, Inc. PO Box 796 Wadesboro, NC 28170 GC I Sub Specification Date Date Number Number Number Submittal Description Status Issued Approved Comments 1 Dwg 8, 9, 10 Leachate Collection System Components Submitted 6/22/2023 1 Lee Supply Co., Inc. PE4710 HDPE TYPICAL PHYSICAL PROPERTIES PROPERTY Material Designation TEST TYPICAL VALUE* PPI TR-4 PE4710 UNITS - Cell Classification Density ASTM D3350 445574C PROPERTIES PIPE ASTM D1505 0.96 - g/Cm3 Melt Index (190112.10g) ASTM D1238 0.08 - 0.15 g/10 min HDB @ 73-F (23"C) ASTM D2837 1,600 psi HDB @ 140°F (60"C) ASTM D2837 1,000 psi HDS @ 73"F (23`0 PPI TR-4 1,000 psi [HDS @ 1407 (60°0 PPI TR-4 630 psi Color -Carbon Black UI/Stabilizer Tensile Strength @ Yield (21n/min) ASTM D3350 PROPERTIESMATERIAL ASTM D638 2 min 3,400 - 4,000 psi Elongation @ Break (2 in/min) ASTM D638 >700 % Flexural Modulus ASTM D790 110,000-160,000 psi Hardness ASTM D2240 62 - 64 Shore D PENT (INCLUDES ENVIRONMENTAL STRESS CRACKRESISTANCEJ Thermal Expansion Coefficient ASTM F1473 THERMAL PROPERTIES ASTM D696 >500 I 1.0 x 104 hrs i in/in/•F Brittleness Temperature ASTM D746 <-103 'F Vicat Softening Temperature ASTM D1525 255 "F L E& E Q U r ��++ PENNSYLVANIA SUPPLY Co. 1NV. CORPORATE OFFICE McElventryDivision CHARLEROI DOWNINGTOWN 800-353-3747 800-220-2073 24-HOUR EMERGENCY SERVI SOUTH CAROLINA WESTVIRGINIA WEST COLUMBIA BEAVER 803-476-7348 868-353-3747 E T, . 7)n_A sz-.2_7mr; r-c-, _._ :pry` IL WPpl(Pnd;) APPLICABLE STANDARDS • A5TM F714 (4 'and larger) • AWWA C906, NSF/ANSI 61 ASTM D3350, Cell Classification, PE44SS74C PPI TR-4 Designation, PE471 D • Iran Pipe Size OD (I PS) (1' to 54') Ductile Iron Pipe Size OD (DIPS) (4'to 42') • Solid Black/Color Striping Available ------ - - - - -- These standards are specifically related to theAWWA (901-20 Update and r Municipal Applications only. • ASTM D3035 0 "TO 3') r • AWWA C901, NSF/ANSI 61 ---------- -- - - - - "Typical Values listed are for comparing polyethylene piping resins. "Values determined an samples taken from pipe may vary. leesupply.com ,ci 10489_PE4710_TPR_0223 f a PE4710I RD N Pl P E SlZ E (I PS) n/ormallonshownwlthfnoteas0aving ti Pressure Ratings are calculated using 0.63design factor for HDSat73'Faslisted IIPPITR-4 6hbedPrattn#aritlbAFokdah�dbadar�& for PE 4710 materials. HDPE can accommodate up to 1.5 times the pipe pressure rating (P E3408) 1 sprr)ftsalfyedafe f6hWAWIM t'90t rDilpdarr for a recurring surge and up to 2.0 times the pipe pressure rating for an occasional surge. 1 54• DIMENSION DATA I WAdKx4dNfAapAo fts I Temperature, Chemical and Environmental use considerations may require use of additional design factors. 7NuminalIPSOD PRESSURE RATING (in) 335 MIn' WnII r 1' 7.0 250 I' Avg.I I Wt. 1 Min' Avg.ID (in) (Ibo)1 Wall (in) 9.0 II I' 11.0 Wt, Min. Avg ID Nit Obs/R) l'�) (in) (Ibv t) 160 1' Min. Aallvg.ID Wt. (in) (in) ak&) 1' 17.0 MIn' Avg.ID Wt Wall (in) (Ibt/ft) 100 ' Min. 6n) 1' 21.0 Aallvg. ID Wt, (in) (Ibs/h) :1 I' Min. Avg.ID Nin1 (in) 26.0 Wt, (Ibs/ft) I' Min. Avg.ID Wall n) (in) 32.5 Wt. (IbVft) 1- 1.315 1 . 0.120 1.06 0.197 0.097 1.10 0.163 1-1/4"' 1,660 0.237 1.158 0.46 #0.184 1.270 0.37'11 D.151 1.340 0.31 0.123 1.399 0.26 1-1/2" 1.900 0.271 -1.325 0.61 V111...IIA53- 1111A,. 0.173 1533 0.41 0.141 1.601 0.34 2' 2.375 0.339 1.656 0.95 10.264 1.815 0.77 0.216 1.917 0.64 0.176 2.002 0.53 0.140 2.078 0.43 3" 3.500 0.500 2.440 2.06 4;3;j9 W_5... 3.440 4,S 2.75 0.318 2.826 1.39 0.259 2.951 1.16 0.206 3.063 0.94 4- 4.500 0.643 3.137 3.4010700 0.409 3.633 2.31 0.333 3.794 1.92 0165 3.938 1.55 0.214 4.046 1.27 6"' 6,625 0.946 4.619 7.37 0.736 5.065 5.96 U.602 5349 5:00 0.491 5.584 4.15 0.390 5.798 3.36 0.315 5.957 2.75 0.255 6.084 2.24 0.204 6.193 1.81 81" 8.625 1.232 6.013 12,50 0.958 6.594 10.11 0.784 6.963 8.47 0.639 7.270 7.04 0.507 7.550 5.69 0.411 7.754 4.66 0.332 7.921 3.80 0.265 8.063 3.07 10" 10.750 1.5361 7.494 19.42 1.194 8.219 15.70 0.977 8.679 1 13.16 0.796 1 9.062 10.93 0.632 9.410 8.83 0.512 9.665 7.24 1 0.413 1 9.874 5.91 0.331 110.048 4.77 12" 12.750 1.821 8.889 27.31 1.417 9.746 22.08 1.159 10.293 18.51 0.944 10.749 15.38 0.750 11.160 12.43 0.607 11.463 10.19 0.490 11.711 8.31 0.392 11.919 6.71 14 14.000 2.000 9.760 32.93 1.556 10.701 26.63 1.273 11.301 22.32 1.037 11.8021 18.54 0.824 112.253 14.98 0.667 12.586 12.28 0.538 12.859 10.02 0.431 13.086 8.09 16" 16.000 2.286 11.154 43.01 1.778 12.231 34.78 1.455 12.915 29.15 1.185 13.4881 24.22 0.941 14.005 19.57 0.762 14.385 16.04 0.615 14.696 13.09 0.492 14.957 10.56 18' 18.000 2.571 12.5491 54.43 2.000 13.760 44.02 1.636 14.532 36.89 1.333 15.1741 30.65 1.059 1S.75SI 24.77 0.857 16.183 20301 0.692 16.533 16.57 0.554 16.826 13.37 20- 20,000 2.857 13.943 1 67.20 2,222 15.289 54.34 1.818 16.146 45.54 1.481 16.860 18.544 37.84 1.176 17.507 30.58 0.952 17.982 25.07 0.769 18.370 20.45 0.615 18.696 16.50 22" 22.000 3.143 15.337 81.32 2.444 116.819 65.75 12.000 17.760 55.10 1.630 45.79 1.294 19.257 37.00 1.048 19.778 30.33 0.846 20.206 24.75 0.677 120.565 19.97 24- 24.000 3.429 16.731 96.77 2.667 18.346 78.25 2.182 1 19.374 65.58 1 1.778 20.231 54.49 1.412 21.007 44.03 1.143 21.577 36.10 0.923 22.043 29.45 0.738 22.435 23.76 26- 26.000 2.889 19.875 91.84 2.364 20.988 76.96 11.926 21.917 63.95 1.529 22.759 51.67 1.238 23.375 42.36 1.000 23.880 34.57 0.800 24.304 27.89 28" 28.000 3.111 21.405 106.51 2,545 22.605 89.26 1 2.074 23.603 74.17 1.647 24.508 59.93 1.333 25.174 49.13 1.077 25.717 40-09 0.862 26.173 32.34 30- 30.000 1 1 3.333 22.934 122.27 2.727 24.219 102.47 2.222 25.2891 85.14 1.765 126.2581 68.80 1.429 26.971 56.40 1.154 27.554 46.02 0.923 28.043 37.13 32" 32.000 3.556 24.462 139.12 2.909 25.833 116,581 2,370 26.976 96.87 1.882 28.010 78.28 1.524 28.769 64.17 1.231 29.390 52.36 0.985 29.912 42.24 34- 34.000 3.778 125.991 157.05 3.091 127.447 131.61 2.519 28.660 10936 2.000 29.760 88.37 1.619 130.568 72.441 1.308 31.227 1 59.11 1 1.046 31.7821 47.69 36' 36.000 4.000 27.520 176.07 3.273 129.061 147.55 2.667 30.346 122.60 2.118 31.510 99.07 1-714 132.366 81.21 1.38S 33.064 1 66.27 1 1.108 33.651 53.46 42- 42.000 3.818 .33.906 200.84 3.111 35.405 166.88 2.471 36.761 134.84 2.000 37.760 110.54 1.615 38.576 90.201 1.292 39.261 72.77 48' 48.000 2.824 42.013 176.12 2.286 43.154 144.38 1,846 44.086 117.81 1.477 44.869 95.05 54- 54.000 1 1 1 1 3.176 147.266 1 222.90 2.57-1 48-549 182.73 2,077 49.597 149.10- �.1 .662 50.477 120.29 This size and dimension chart is intended for reference purposes. It should not be used in place at the advice from a licensed AWWA C901-20 Update & Impact On HOPE Piping Products (Notice Date - 0712020) - Effective. 0212021 y Professional Engineer. Pipe weights are calculotedin accordance with PPI TR-7. Average inside diameter is calculated using IPS 01) STANDARD UPDATE: 1 and Minimum wali plus 646 fnr use in estimating flmd flaws. Actualit) will vary When designing components to fit the pipe ID, A111111111111A CM - Describes the standards for PE pressure pipe and tubing Intended for use in pDrable wate r, rtclai rn ed wa ter 3 r: d waste wAioi service, This standard refer to pipe dimension and tolerances in the applicable pipe manufacturingspeoh(olion. I R]!F covers PE pipe and tubing of nominal sizes 314'through 3'. Some PE piping Is manufactured to meet AWWA C901 and so KWby the update. 1 8 afl0 I•AWWAC901-20- Now indudesONLrDR9sgrsmzrcc3►ntedmateials.• DoesnatindudeackuseAvsMidskesospreVbusydonefnAWWA-C90t-17. QUALITY PEOPLE - PRODUCTS • SERVICE -Since 1954 LEE SUPPLY PROVIDES: LE I PENNSYLVANIA •FEPiping tomeetAWWAC901.20Standards - Sizes Yandsmaller available inDR9sizes and made with CC3LEE (orporateOffice • Charleroi • 800-353-3747 leesupply.Com •PEPiping tomeet ASTIAD3035Standards -Sizes Yandsmaller atother DRsbut donot need tobecertified toAWWAC901orhave (Crating markings, / McElvennyDivision • Downingtown -800-220-2073 •PEPiping tomeet AWWAC906Standards-Sizes greater than 3-that remain unafkded by this update. SUPPLY ©O lLM CD. INC. SOUTH CAROLINA • W. Columbia • 803-476-7348 I•itreplpemaladalflrktlne(aMioryarCCmHrrAdewihesamatcridYmMarivererlrfanrerodrkrlrwwNhC()repRrmHngNxhlghertpeAarmrraMaewIMASTMR263: �r WESTVIRGINIA - Beaver • 888-353-3747 1 rorMerhoel6rlvahatkrgrhetYleatbatrdsranaafr�lyethyknr(Pq atperoChkrtnoted N4tx lwx' PE1]lo IP51 022) �' '� � � � '�' "- - - - - - - - s -r - - - - - - - - 24-HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE - T: 724-483 -7035 (after Spin, evenings& weekends) m I if SIDE VIEW 112" TK HDPE SHEET STOCK SPACERS 40' - 10' - WELDED TO CARRIER PIPE (TYP) t 4 IN HDPE DR1' ENDVIEW IN HDPE DR11 X 8 IN HDPE DR17 DUAL CONTAINED PIPE THIS DRAWING/DESIGN PROVIDED BY AND PROPERTY Of 'LEE SUPPLY CO, INC " IT IS INTENDED FOR MANUFACTURE, INSTALLATION, AND IDENTIFICATION USES OF PRODUCT DEPICTED AND SHALL NOT HE CIRCULATED OR REPRODUCED WITHOUT SPECIFIC PERMISSION FROM MANAGEMENT OF"LEE SUPPLY CO INC '---ALL RIGHT RESERVED 10, - 10' - - PRESS FIT SPACERS EACH END FOR SIMULTANEOUS WELDING DRAWINGS MUST BE SIGNED FOR APPROVAL. ]NCE APPROVED ALL MATERIALS ARE NON ;ANCELLAHELINON RETURNABLE. ALL FABRICATIONS WILL BE BASED ON kPPROVED DRAWINGS. 8 IN HDPE DR17 PRESS FIT SPACER LEE 1 / SLli'PLY CO. INC/ � DRAWN BY: DATE APPROVED BY: REVISIONS MATTHEW MARCH 8,2018 - — — 40' — 10' 10' a--- 10' -- � T 10' -- J r I I j E•� t ` SIDE VIEW PRESS FIT SPACERS EACH END FOR SIMULTANEOUS WELDING 1/2" TK HDPE SHEET STOCK SPACERS WELDED TO CARRIER PIPE (TY P) 8"HDPE DR11 —� %ry ry� f END VIEW 12'' HDPE DR1 PRESS FIT SPACER DRAWINGS MUST BE SIGNED FOR APPROVAL. I CUSTOMER: 8" HDPE DR11 X 12" HDPE DR17 DUAL NCE APPROVED ALL MATERIALS ARE NON LEE DRAWN BY: MATTHEW CONTAINED PIPE ANCELLABELINON RETURNABLE ;s PPLY COINC DATE: MARCH 8,2018 THIS DRAWINGIDESIGN PROVIDED BY AND PROPERTY OF "LEE SUPPLY CO, INC." IT IS ALL FABRICATIONS WILL BE BASED ON DRAWINGS. APPROVED BY: INTENDED FOR MANUFACTURE, INSTALLATION, AND IDENTIFICATION USES OF PRODUCT PPROVED REVISIONS: DECTED AND SHALL NOl BE CIRCULAI ED OR REPRODUCEU WIIHOU 1 SPECIFIC PI PERMISSION FROM MANAGEMENT OF"LEE SUPPLY CO, INC."-ALL RIGHT RESERVED 1-800-353-3747 PERFORATION: 3/8" HOLES 5 ROWS (1-60°) 6" CENTER NON -STAGGERED (NO HOLES ON BOTTOM OF PIPE) 60° l HDPE PERFORATION PATTERN PERFORATION PATTERN 60° CEN TER 600 F PI IE PHIS DRANlIN&TIF>I GN FROVIDF) B) IIJD PF.�PERTi OF'LEE SUPPLY CO INC' IT IIATE14DFD FOR MANUFACTURE IIJ,,TnLLFTION AIJO IDENII FICr,11ON 1I5E5 (iF PRIOM)CT DEPICTED r ND SHALL NOT BE .IRI.IJLATFO OR, RFFRUDJCFD WTHICUT SPFI:IFIC PERr,W,JOIJ FPCM MANAGEMENT OF LG 6UPPI Y Cu INC - -AI I RIGHT RESERVED 60° ONCE APPROVED ALL MATERIALS ARE NON CANCELLABEL/NON RETURNABLE. 'ALL FABRICATIONS WILL BE BASED O N APPROVED DRAWINGS. `EXTRUSION WELDS ARE NOT PRESSURE RATED `DRAWINGS MUST BE SIGNED FOR APPROVAL, 3/8" H LEE I SUPPLY CO. INC. I _ Reid _3-9-2022 LOOSE FIT / MIDDLE DUAL CONTAINED CENTRALIZER -DESCRIPTION: LOOSE FIT / MIDDLE CENTRALIZER, DC PIPE -MATERIAL: HDPE -THICKNESS: 0.5° -0.20" OF I.D. *EXTRUSION WELDS ARE NOT PRESSURE RATED f I LOOSE FIT DUAL CONTAINED "DRAWINGS MUST BE SIGNED FOR APPROVAL. LEE CUSTOMER. CENTRALIZER DETAIL ONCE APPROVED ALL MATERIALS ARE NOW CANCELLABLE/NON-RETURNABLE. SUPPLY CO. Tsuvnvcoiu,,Iraomuto FOR'p-eRT.vF .LEE E rr mNTI iION.AN DRAWN BY: REID STALL I ICATIOGCFOR FPROMICT OFVRvruc� 'ALL FABRICATIONS WILL BE BASED ON DATE: 3-15-2022 DEPICTATON,ANOIOENTISECIONUSES REPROOUCEOWRHOUiSPECIFICIERMISSIONFRCM APPROVED DRAWINGS 1-Sql}-353-37A7 REVISIONS: R DOE£MOENTOF' LEE SUPPLY LOINL'—ALLRIGHT LEE' �Su PLY CO. QUALITY PEOPLE • PRODUCTS • SERVICE Since 79S4 . af!:' , 305 1" Street • P.O Box 35 • Charleroi, PA 15022 - T: 724-483-3543 • F: 724-483-0577 1-1100-353-3747 • E-MAIL: info@leesupply.com • www.leesupply.com HDPE BLIND FLANGE NOMINAL PIPE SIZE OUTSIDE DIAMETER BOLT CIRCLE DIAMETER NUMBER OF HOLES HOLE DIAMETER 1 4 1 3 1/8 4 1/2 1 1/2 4 3 1/8 4 1/2 2 6 4 3/4 4 5/8 3 7 1/2 6 4 3/4 4 9 7 1/2 8 3/4 6 11 9 1/2 8 7/8 8 13 1/2 113/4 8 7/8 10 16 14 1/4 12 1 12 19 17 12 1 14 21 18 3/4 12 1 1/8 16 23 1/2 21 1/4 16 1 1/8 18 25 22 3/4 16 1 1/4 20 27 1/2 25 20 1 1/4 22 29 1/2 27 1/4 20 13/8 24 32 29 1/2 20 13/8 1 IN CHARLEROI, PA • COEBURN, VA • DOWNINGTOWN, PA • WE57 COLUMBIA, SC • SHADY SPRING, WV Material: HDPE - PE4710/3608/100 Minimum Wall Thitkeness and Maximum Hub Hei h 2" - 63" SIZE Sms 7 9 11 13.5 15,5 17 19 21 26 3Z5 T-1 T-2 T-1 T-2 T-1 T-2 T-1 T-2 T-1 T-2 T-1 T-2 T-1 T-2 T-1 T-2 T-1 T-2 T-1 T-2 2 a34 a50 a26 a50 a22 Q45 0.19 Q45 j 0.15 Q45 a14 1 D.45 0.13 045 Qll 0.45 0.09 0.45 Q07 0.45 3 0.90 0.70 Q39 a70 a32 0.67 0.26 Q6! 0.23 a67 Q21 Q67 am a67 0.17 Q67 aLl a67 an a67 4 a64 L12 a50 112 a41 a90 a33 a90 0.29 0.90 0.27 0.90 0.24 ago a21 a90 a17 a90 a14 0.90 �6 G95 L34 Q74 1.34 40 a49 a.9D (143 OM Q39 ago Q35 a9D Q32 Q90 1125 a9D 1120 a9D �8 1-23 182 Q96 182 Q78 L12 a64 1.12 _ a56 172 a51 US L12 L43 0.45 132 U57 I L01 a41 1151 112 I LOl 0.33 0.41 L12 104 a27 1133 L12 101 16 154 2.24 1-B 163 a96 11.46, Q8D L46 I ON 145 12 182 155 142 210 L16 173 a94 1.73 0.82 1.73 a75 L73 a67 1.12 a61 1,12 0.49 1.2 a39 L12 14 2m 2ffi L% 224 1.27 191 L04 1% Q90 191 a62 L82 a74 123 a67 123 am im a43 L23 16 2.29 3.25 178 2S0 146 113 1.19 213 1.03 213 a94 2-13 a84 1.35 a76 135 a62 1.35 0.49 L35 18 257 An 20D 2.M 1.64 2.35 133 236 L76 235 10s 224 as 1.40 Qa6 L40 of L40 a55 MID 2D 2-86 3.88 222 374 1.82 255 1.48 255 L29 2.55 I 1.18 252 1,05 1-56 a95 1.s6 aw 156 a62 LS6 22 1bt 419 244 417 100 275 163 275 L42 2.75 129 2.75 116 L70 105 L70 a86 L70 a68 170 24 143 4.61 267 4.61 218 j 3-15 178 115 LSS 315 i 141 3.00 126 1.87 1.14 1-87 a92 187 0.74 187 26 171 4W 2 M AM 236 3,21 3.93 121 L68 121 153 121 1.37 L92 1.24 192 L00 L92 0.8D 192 28 4.00 525 3-11 525 ZSS 3.43 207 3.43 L81 143 165 343 1.47 206 t33 206 108 2.06 Q� 2-06 3D 429 5,61 3.33 561 273 166 222 165 194 165 177 365 L58 121 143 Z21 1-15 2.21 Q92 221 32 3,56 5.96 Z91 3.89 Z39 3,89 I 207 1 3.89 188 3.89 169 2.36 1.52 I 136 1 123 236 i (199 2.36 34 178 632 109 411 252 AU Z19 An 200 411 3.79 249 L62 Z49 1.31 1 249 L05 Z49 35 ( I 4.00 15.68 &27 1 4.34 267 4.34 2.32 4.34 232 1 4.34 L90 2.62 1.71 262 139 1 Z62 [ M 2.62 42 3,82 502 111 1A2 271 5.02 247 502 221 IM Z00 101 LQ 1 101 L29 101 48 4.36 &75 355 5,71 3.10 5.71 2.82 l 5.71 253 1 3.41 229 141 1.61 3,41 1 148 3.41 41 1 12 639 Za4 1E0 257 3M 209 1 310 166 3M Co _ 3.71 j 7.41 132 4.40 100 1 4.40 242 1 4.40 L94 4.40 Ongoing engineering design efforts may affect the technical information listed in our puhications. A A Meets Dimensional Requirements: ASTM D3261 (28"& up"); AVMA C906 (26"& up") Meets Requirements: AW WA C901(2"-3") ; AW WA C906 (W-24") ; ASTM D2513 (2"-24") ; ASTM F2890 (2%24") ; ASTM D3261(2"-24") Flange Adapter Dimensions Size Type L OD-1 OD-2 L R 2 IPS T 2,38 4.00 60D 025 3 IPS 3.50 5.00 600 0.25 4 IPS 4,50 6.60 6,8D 0.38 6 IPS 6.63 8.50 800 0.39 8 IPS 8.63 10.60 1 9 OD 0.38 10 IPS 10.75 12.80 10.75 0.3E 12 L 14 IPS IPS 1 12.75 15.25 11.00 0.38 140D 1 50 1100 0.50 16 IPS 16.00 1 20.00 12,00 0.50 18 IPS 1S.OD 21.10 12.00 0.50 20 IPS 20.00 23.50 12.01D 0.50 22 IPS 2200 25.60 12.00 0.50 24 I PS 24.00 27.90 14.00 0.50 26 IPS 260D 29.75 14.00 0.50 28 I P5 28.00 32.00 14.00 0.50 30 IPS 30.00 34.00 14.OD 0.50 32 IPS 32,00 3&13 14.00 0.50 34 IPS 34.00 38.13 14.00 QSO 36 IPS 36,C0 40-50 14.00 0.50 42 IPS 4Z00 47.33 ZLOD 0.50 48 IP5 1 48-00 53-50 21.00 0.50 54 IPS 54.00 59.63 2100 0.50 63 IPS I G3.OD 66.79 21.00 0.50 'SDR7 20" OAL- 12.750", SDR7 22" OAL- 13.000", SDR9 36" 0AL-16,500" t 2 1 Material: Ductile Iron, ASTM A536, 65/45/12 �•6 RMIJIGN HISTORY Rriv DESCR1rT1D pAY . OER 2 AM15DR11 1 Irattr�FSGffE 3 A Ytl,, ?3 , _� tt Graff LEE 7os r si.r" ao7s, tt,��"o� ra non 4 EDrr SD CaUNO 051i82 Matt Graff r 77d._B3.35n • 1 7]! NLO517 5 EUIT PER PHYSICAL FLANGE / 13 poem Pelerson CHANGED 5DR26T65 Rl7 AMD SDfiL97os0 MIT JEREMY GAF bfia0.353-37G]• w.walenupply .om t VAL1D • oR1G f1A ] 29II l_ MaR .fall 7 innrvottr 1WPSj to.,031ni a jG10 to 42 14 JEREFIY GA_RZA D 8 4 UPDATE DIMENSIONS 7/11/2014 CRISTfAN� u SANGiE2 Page 1 of 2 Dimensions Pipe Belt Hole Pressure Diameter Bolt Bolt Hold Grde Weigbt Class FM - (in) SDR O.D. T LD• Count Size (H) (BC) R (lbs) (PC) Appr-d 1/2" - - 3 asaa Q . - asps z 38R (?.lam � �ijA - 1.6 N/A 3/4" 7 3AW 0. 1. 4 0.66 _Z_750 _ CL13D 3.130 Qi90 1i N A 1" 4,250 O: O 1, � d 625 11/4" 7 463fl 0.6313 I 4 Q62- 35001 Q1901 1A! 339 N/A ;5= 1. 4 0.6.25 3.880 0.250 1 2" 0: � 1. 33 N/A 2" - 71 6.0GDj 0.7A2. 4 OL7501 4,7501 03101 2.3 335�hI.XDAsil e ' 1.5 F 1 si o 2" J4 6.000 O. 2: 4 0.750 4.750 0.200 21/2" 7 7.0001 DIM 2. 4 OL7WI 5.5L11l 0-mo 4Ai FM2000sij 4. F sl 3w 7 7.Sd0 0.940 3.600 A. a750 C-go 0.4001 3" llL 7.SOD� 0. 3-75( 4j IL7501 (i00131 CM01 2.51 2W FM183psi) 5.01 335 F 200psi 4" 1 9= 0.9M 4.6M 8 a,7501 7.500 0:4001 4" 11 9-OMI 0. 4 8 OL7501 7.500! WMI 3, FIIKl60ps1) 5" 7 10.000 0.940 . 5:690 8 ❑875 8 Q : 6. 33 F sli 7.11 335 FM200psi) 6" 71 11A)MI In 6.750, 81 0.8751 9L50DI Q4001 - i 4.5 F4160psi) 10.61 3351FM2o0psi) T I.D. 1 60 11.0mi. 0. rsml. 81 0.875 9.5001 Q2901 8" 7 .13.5001 IAA &750' 8 (1.875 11.750 DL4001 8" 11 _13.5001 0. 8.8ml 81 0.875 SL750 0.280j 8.0 200 FM(1 si) �H 10' 71 16.OMI 1. 10. 121 L00D1 14.250 Q4001 15.71 3351FM200psi) k 10 16,000 0.2011. 12 - 1.000 14,2501 0.3101 12.0200 FM(160ps1 I1 17' 71 19.0001 1. 12.9W 121 1.0Wl 17.0001 Q4001 24.6 3351FM200psi) 20A 2001FM(160psi) R- 12, ni, 19,0001 1. 13.130 12 1.0001 17.0001 0,2801 14" 7 21.000( 1. 14JM 12 L1251 laMl Q400 35.7 3351FPAW1psil -'B.C. 14" 11 21,000 1,3& 14.380 ;4[__LMi 1&MI 0.3101 30.01 2D0IFM(1ftsi) 53.6 335!FM2DDpsi) 0.D. 16, 71 23-9ffll IM 16.190; 16( 1.125,1 21.2501 0.4001 40. 2001F-M(160psi) 16" 11 23;500 1.650 16.380 1. 11z51 2L2501 0.3501 1S' 71 25.0001 1.911 1&200 161 12501 2Z7501 (14001 49.8 3351FR1(Mpsi) !S" ]1 25.000: 1. ]8.380 16 12501' 2275d 0.3501 41.d1 200)FM[fl60psi), 20' 7 27Sm 2.125 205 20 37 1-25DI 25.�1 Q310 61.2i 335!FN4200psi) �- Smpprve Piping Products'CngH s mate w A 7&5 335.FMMCPsi) C207, ANSI B16.5 and ANSI B16.47, as appropriate. Specificabions not 20 8 8 0Q-and 27, 71 29.5001 2. 22.375 20 LM! 212MnL 0-3101 65.0 2oo:FMIBOpsi) stated In these standards follow Internal specirications z2" 31 295001 2• 22.380 20 L 27T500 0,370 ORA W N Matt Graff 7/29/2011 PPIMPROVED 7eremy Garza 7/25/2014 P1P1164G PRODUCTS INC A @n ' �e T r Matia T12512014 gUP-SDR DI Convoluted Flange / Backup Ring a�,F Submittal Sheet Ongoing engineering design efforts may affect the technical information listed UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, y in our publications. ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES C BUP_SDR submittal SCALE REV 8 1 SHEET 1 S ] vat / 30515' St., P.O. Box 35, Charleroi, PA 15022 SUPPLY Co• INC. T:724-483-3543 • F:724-483-0577 1-800-353-3747 ■ www.leesupply.com PERAWMAMM AM QUALITY A DIVISION Of CHEVRON Pmulps CHEMICAL COMPANY LP Molded Butt End Cap DriscoPlex° MDPE and HDPE Molded Fittings are available to meet your needs in compliance with ASTM D2513, D3261, F2897 and AWWA C901 and C906 product standards. Made in the USA and produced from high quality MDPE and HDPE material, DriscoPlex° Fittings are manufactured from PE 2708 and NSF-61 /Annex G approved PE 4710 resin as listed in PPI-TR4. DriscoPlex° PE Fittings Advantages ✓ Durable ✓ Light Weight ✓ Chemical Resistant ✓ Leak Tight ✓ Impact Resistant ✓ Life Cycle Cost ✓ Excellent Flow ✓ Fusibility ✓ Toughness ✓ Easy Install ✓ Corrosion Resistant ✓ Environmental .PProper-ties Property Standard Material Designation ASTMF714 HDPE Typical Values PIE 4710 MDPE Typical Values PE2708 Cell Classification ASTM D3350 44SS74C 234373E Density [4] [2] ASTM D1505 0.960 g/cc 0.939 g/cc Melt Index [4] [3] ASTM D1238 0.08 g/10 min 0.18 g/10 min Flexural Modulus [5] [4] ASTM D790 >120,000 psi >90,000 psi Tensile Strength [5] [3] ASTM D638 Type IV >3500 psi >2800 psi SCG (PENT) [7] ASTM F1473 >2000 hours >2000 hours H D B at 737 (23°C) [41 (31 ASTM D2837 1600 psi 1250 psi Color; lJVstabilizer [C] [E] ASTM D3350 Black - Yel I ow This is not a product specification and does not guarantee or establish specific minimum or maximum values or manufacturing tolerance for material or piping products to be supplied. Values obtained from tests of specimens taken from piping product may vary from these typical values. Bulletin PP 5.011 January 2014 www.pedormancepipe.com 0 2014 Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP Performance Pipe. a division of Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP 1 5085 W Park Blvd 1 Suite 500 1 Plano, TX 75093 1 Phone: 800-527-0662 1 Fax: 972-599-7329 PERFORMAAWPIFE A DIVISION OF CHEVRON PHRUPS CHEMICAL COMPANY LP LEE I 305 is' St, P.O. Box 35, Charleroi, PA 15022 SUPPLY CO. ING r: 724-483-3543 • F: 724-483-0577 1-800.353-3747 • www.leesupply.com QUALITY Molded Butt End Cap L utt End Caps DR/Wall Bulletin PP 5.011 January 2014 www.pe6omiancepipe.com 0 2014 Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP Performance Pipe, a division of Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP 15085 W. Park Blvd 1 Suite 500 1 Plano, TX 75093 1 Phone: 800-527-0662 1 Fax: 972-599-7329 IPS Fabricated Dual Containment Line Tee "Where Fabricated HDPE Fittings Are Endless" (Dimensions in Inches) 1124 Horicon St. Mayville, WI 53050 • P: 920-387-0200 / F: 920-387-0300 • infinityplasticsl@gmail.com Nominal Size Carrier DR Containment DR L (in) B (in) C (in) Weight (lbs) 4" x 8" 11 17 23.6 4 9.5 24 NOTE: SPECIAL/CUSTOM FABRICATIONS NOT SUBJECT TO RETURN OR CANCELLATION .2 - PLEASE NOTE I I - SPECIFICATIONS - DIMENSIONS IN INCHES • Dimensions and appearance are subject to change without notice due to design, production modifications or other various factors affecting production. Dimensions are approximate. Angle tolerance for fabricated elbows is +/- 2 degrees. All fittings are subject to Infinity Plastics "Standard Terms and Conditions." A copy of this drawing must accompany all purchase orders for this fitting. All other dimensions are to tolerances of+/- 1.0" HDPE Fabricated Fittings supplied by Infinity Plastics are designed to meet AWWA C901/C906 fitting requirements and are manufac- tured from PPI and NSF listed resins in accordance with the material specifications PE4710 listed in ASTM D3350 with a cell classifica- tion of 445574C or better. Suitable for butt welding to pipe manufactured to ASTM 02513, D3035, F714 with similar resins. 'Pressure Ratings are calculated using 0.63 design factor for HDS at 73°F as listed in PPI TR-4for PE4710 materials. TOP VIEW LL- SIDE VIEW B DUAL- CONTAINMENT END TERMINATION (FABRICATED) NOMINAL SIZE CARRIER DR CONTADIRNMENT L (IN) A (IN) B (IN) WEIGHT Tx3" 11 11x17 8 31/2 I 11/4 13/16 1"x4" 11 11 x17 8 4112 1114 1 3/16 1.5" x 4" 11 11 x 17 8 4 1 /2 1 29/32 1 5/16 2" x 4" 11 11 x 17 8 4 1 /2 2 3/8 11/2 2"x6" 11 11x17 8 6518 2318 21/2 3" x 6" 11 11 x 17 8 6 5/8 3 1/2 3 4" x 6" 11 x 17 11 x 17 8 6 5/8 4 1 /2 4 1 /2 4"x8" 11x17 11x17x26 8 8518 41/2 5 61,x10" 11x17 11x17x26 8 103/4 65/8 9 �j8"x12" 11xl7x26 11 xl7x26x 8 123/4 85/8 14 32.5 8"x14" 11x17x26 11x17x26x 8 14 85/8 16 32.5 10"x14" 11 x17x26 11 xl7x26x 8 14 103/4 20 32.5 10"x16" 11 xl7x26 11 xl7x26x 9 16 123/4 26 32.5 12"x18" 11x17x26 11x17x26x 9 18 123/4 32 32.5 18"x24" 11 x17x26 11 xl7x26x 10 24 18 75 32.5 HDPE DUAL CONTAINED END TERMINATION DETAIL THIS DRANIHGIDESIGN PRONOEO DYAW YROPE 'LBC M P✓•LY CO WO - IT N .NTENDED YOIL LUIMOC1 INSTALLATH AI.a IDEM111 CATION L Ea Oi RRCW DEPICTED AND SHALL NOT BE CIRCULATED OR REPRODUCED IMTHOUT SPECIFIC PERMISSION FROM WIA A.SFHFNT OF -LEE SUPPLY CO INC'—ALL RIGHT *EXTRUSION WELDS ARE Ni 'DRAWINGS MUST BE SIGN[ ONCE APPROVED ALL MATE CANCELLAB LE/N ON-RETU RI 'ALL FABRICATIONS WILL BI APPROVED DRAWINGS. DT PRESSURE RATED ED FOR APPROVAL. CCU LEE , CUSTOMER: TRIALS ARE NON- VABLE.DRAWN SUPPLY CO INC, BY: REID BASED ON DATE: 3-15-2022 1-800-353-3747 REVISIONS: INFINITY PLASTICS "Where Fabricated HDPE Fittings Are Endless" IPS Fabricated 45' Lateral Reducing Wye, Unreinforced (Dimensions in Inches) IPS Size 6"X4" 6"X4" 8" X 4" ��-T'X4„ 81, X 6.. -e X -6.1 -- 10" X 4" 10" X 6" t0" X 8" 1L A4 l2"X4" 12"X6" 12" X 8" 12" X 10" A B MAIN BRANCH WPR Weight Pipe O.DJI.D. Pipe OMA.D. A (in) B (in) t C (in) SDR (psi) (Ih5) (in) i (in) J 6.625/5.798 4.500/3.938 28.00 1 7.0 28.0 1 17 50 28 6.625/5.349 4.500/3.633 28.00 7.0 28; 0 11 80 30 8.625l1.550 4.500/3.938 30.00 8.0 30.0 17 50 49 8.625/7.550 4.500/3.633 30.00 8.0 7 30.0 11. 80 50 8.625n.550 6.625/5.798 30.00 1 8.0 30.0 17 50 50 8.625/6.963 6.625/5.349 30.00 8.0 1 30 0 11 80 51 10.75018.679 4.50/3.938 31.00 8.0 31.0 17 50 54 10.750/8.679 6.625/5.349 31.00 8.6 31.0 11 80 76 10.750/9.410 8.625/7.550 31.00 8.0 31.0 F 17 -50 53 12350/10.293 4.50/3.938 33.00 ; 11.0 33.0 17 50 80 12.750/10.293 4.500-633 33.00 11.0 33_0 F I 80 118 12.750/11.160 6.62515.798 33.00 11.0 33A 1 17 50 84 12.750/11.160 8.625(7.550 33.00 f 11.0 33.0 j 17 50 86 12.750/11.160 10.75/9.41 33.00 1 11.0 33.0 11 17 50 95 NOTE: Reduced Branch may consist of multiple step reducers. Placement of Reducer on Branch can be fused light to crotch as possible upon request. PLEASE NOTE!! - SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions and appearance are subject to change without notice due to design, production modifications or other various factors affecting production. Dimensions are approximate. Angle tolerance for fabricated elbows is +/- 2 degrees_ All litfings are subject to Infinity Plastics "Standard Terms and Conditions."A copy of this drawing must accompany all purchase orders for this fitting. All other dimensions are to tolerances of+/- 1.0" KDPE Fabricated Fittings supplied by Infinity Plastics are designed to meet AWWA C901JC906 fitting requirements and are manufactured from PPI and NSF listed resins in accordance with the material speciGcation PE4710 listed in ASTM D3350 with a cell classification of 445574C or better. Suitable for butt welding to pipe manufactured to ASTM D2513, D3035, F714 with similar resins. *Pressure Ratings are calculated using 0.63 design factor for BDS at 73"F as listed in PPI TR-4 for PE4710 materials. INFINITY PLASTICS 1124 Horicon St., Mayville, WI 53050 P 920-387-0200 / F 920-387-0300 / infinityplasticsC sbcrlobal.nel INFINITY PLASTICS "Where Fabricated HDPE Fittings Are Endless" IPS Fabricated 450 Lateral Reducing Wye, Unreinforced (Dimensions in Inches) C B MAIN BRANCH T WPR ght IPS Size Pipe O.DJI.D. Pipe O.DJI.D. A (in) B (in) C (in) SDR (psi) (Ibs) 14" X 4" 14.00/11.301 4.50/3.633 42.00 ; 11.0 1 42.00 11 80 175 14" X 6" 14.00/11.301 6.625/5.349 42.00 I 11.0 142.00 11 80 178 14" X 8" 14.00111.301 8.625/6.963 42.00 11.0 42.00 j 11 80 182 14" X 10" 14.00/11.301 T 10.750/8.679 42.00 11.0 42.00 11 80 184 16" X 6" 16.00/12.915 6.625/5.349 44.00 1 13.0 44.00 11 80 240 16" X 8" 16.00/12.915 8.625/6.963 44.00 j 13.0 44.00 11 80 245 16" X 8" 16.00112.231 8.625/6.594 44.00 13 0 44.00 9 ] 00 289 16" X 10" 16.00/12.915 10.750/8.679 44.D0 13.0 44.00 11 80 250 16" X 12" 16.00/12.915 12.750/10.293 44.00 1 13.0 44.00 11 80 255 18" kW;-- 18.000/14.532 6.625/5.349 57.00 1 14.0 57.0 11 80 410 18" X 6" 18.000/14.532 6.625/5.349 57.D0 14.0 57.0 I I 80 410 NOTE: Reduced Branch may consist of multiple step reducers. Placement of Reducer on Branch can be fused tight to crotch as possible upon request. PLEASE NOTE M - SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions and appearance are subject to change without notice due to design, production modifications or other various factors affecting production. Dimensions are approximate. Angle tolerance for fabricated elbows is +/- 2 degrees. All fittings are subject to Infinity Plastics "Standard Terms and Conditions. " A copy of this drawing must accompany all purchase orders for this filling. All other dimensions are to tolerances of +/- 1.0" HDPE Fabricated Fittings supplied by Infinity Plastics are designed to meet AWWA C901/C906 fitting requirements and are manufactured from PPI and NSF listed resins in accordance with the material specification PE4710 listed in ASTM D3350 with a cell classification of 445574C or better. Suitable for butt welding to pipe manufactured to ASTM D2513, D3035, F714 with similar resins. Vressure Ratings are calculated using 0.63 design factor for HDS at 73°F as listed in PPI TR-4 for PE4710 materials. INFINITY PLASTICS 1124 Horicon St., Mayville, WI 53050 P 920-387-0200 / F 920-387-0300 / inlinitvplasticsra'sticglobal.net ,10 LEE 1 305 1" St., P.O. Box 35, Charleroi, PA 15022 SUPPLY G0. INC. T:724-483-3543 • F:724-483-0577 1-800-353-3747 • www.leesupply.com • . Rim UNDERGROUND (NARKING TAPE Manufacturing Specification Data Sheet STANDARD DETECTABLE Property Test Method U.S. Value Metric Value Overall Thickness ASTM D-2103 5.0 Mil (Nominal) 0.125 mm Foil Thickness ASTM D-2103 0.35 Mil 8.89 microns Weight ASTM D-2103 25 Ibs/1000 ftZ 12.3 kg/100 m' Tensile Strength ASTM D-882 7798 PSI 53.8 MPa 35.1 Ibs/in width 156.1 N Elongation ASTM D-882 110% 110% Printability ASTM D-2578 > 40 dynes > 40 dynes Key Features and Benefits * Three layer lamination - aluminum foil between two plastic layers * Identifies, protects, and locates buried lines * Locatable by inductive and conductive methods *Suitable for open trench applications * Lead free pigments maintain color vibrancy in the soil * Acid and alkali resistance enhances long term integrity in the ground * Environmentally safe buried print ensures long lasting warning message * Meets American Public Works Association (APWA) National Color Code * Available in blue, green, yellow, red, orange, and purple background with black lettering Approvals * U.S. DOT, Office of Pipeline Safety x NTSB, Prevention of Damage to Pipeline Study * OSHA, Location of Underground Utility Lines Regulation ' API, Recommended Practice For Marking Buried Petroleum Pipelines * GSA, Public Buildings Mechanical & Electrical Equipment Specification * REA, National Electrical Safety Code for Underground Construction IEE I / 305 11' St., P.0 Box 35, Charleroi, PA 15022 SUPPLY CO. IN/C. T:724-483-3543 • F:724-483-0577 1-800-353-3747 • www.leesupply.com OPTIMA I - Columbus, Ohio Service Center Optimas OE Solutions Certificate of Conformance Customer: Lee Supply Company Purchase Order All Zinc Stud Kits Date Description Material Specification 05/22/19 Full Thread Studs Zinc Plate A307 Carbon Steel 05/22/19 Finished Hex Nut -Carbon Steel Zinc Plate A307 Grade A 05/22/19 U55 Flat Washer Carbon Steel Zinc Plate ASTM F844 Grade A307 We hereby certify that the above is correct and that all the parts and ! or material turnlshed nave been manuracturea in accordance with applicable quality requirements. We also certify that all parts and / or materials conform to the applicable drawings, specifications, and conditions set forth on the purchase order as contained in the records of this company. John Tillman Columbus ,Ohio Service Center 412-249-2024 fohr.tittman o lima .cam 30A 1' St. PO Aoi 35 .hadtmi. PA K012 �/ LP — Co. !1 t 724 J37-SSJ3 • F 724 483 0511 1 1.800-353.3747 • www,I-wPPN• mm 1 / Oil Resistant Nitrile Sheet — Black Nitriles are special purpose rubbers with superior oil and solvent resistant properties compared to most other polymers. Style 35 — Commercial Commercial blend nitrile is offered in a range of five durometers: 40 thru 80 duro, in order to perform in a wide variety of applications. Designed to meet ASTM specifications for 1 BE material. Physical Properties Duromaler Thickness Width Hardness Per Style Inches Inches Shore A s5 40 Tenslle Bo tiatbe Temperature Lk. Feet 35' Finish Specfllealloas ASTM D-2000 SAE J200, IBE 408 35 1/16 thru 1 36 8 48 800 350 300^ —207 to +170°F 1/8-2.5 1/8-2.6 'Smooth 35 1/32 thru 1 36 & 4B 50 800 —207 to +1707 'Smooth ASTM D-2000 SAE J200, IBE 508 35 1/32 thru 1 36 8 48 60 900 300 —20`F to +1707 118-2.6 'Smooth ASTM D-2000 SAE J200, IBE 609 35 1/32 thru 2 36 & 48 70 1000 200 —201F to +1707 118-2 7 "Smooth ASTM D-2000 SAE J200, IBE 710 35 1/i6 thrul/4 36 80 1000 100 —207118-2.9 to +170°F 'Smooth ASTM D 2000 SAE J200, IBE 810 'Also available in Matte Finish. Style 36 — Premium Premium nitrile is formulated to give maximum oil resistance. The higher cost is offset by longer service life in demanding applications. This is a warehouse stock item in 60 durometer. Other hardnesses are available on a made -to -order basis. Physical Properties durometer Thickness Wldlh Ilerdness Wt. Per we Inches Was Shore A sb Toadle Benpatlon TempereEsre Um. Foot W Fkkh SpeeliftNene —40"F ASTM D-2000 36 1116 thru l/4 36' 60 1300 300 to +180°F 1/8-2.4 Smooth 6BG 613. A14, 914, E014, E034, F17 *48 inch width available on request. kJ LEE' /icsrs�.Pa3v�sc..ir•�ars,uIE yy� y r, �. r nJ ees-35A •. il: IBJ.0511 El New Design Features • Redesigned degree position indication plate for Lever type valves • Molded valve body tag holes • Increased internal sealing performance Standard Features (Sizes 1-1/2" - 14") • 316SS Stem with full disc engagement • Full seat design eliminates gaskets • Seat overtightening prevention • Lockout-Tagout - lever handle molded padlock provision and 2-molded valve body tag holes • Highly visible 0° to 90' position indicator with 19 fine adjustment locking positions • ISO 5211 F07 - F14 bolt circle on top flange • Polypropylene stem retainer • Spherical disc design • Non -wetted stem and body - Isolated from the media • Plasgeaffm operator Options • Pneumatically and electrically actuated with accessories • 2" square operating nuts • Stem extensions • Chain operators • Manual limit switches - Speed HandleTm - For Plasgearrm operator Parts List (Lever: Sizes 1-1/2" - 8") PARTS NO. DESCRIPTION PCs. MATERIAL 1 Body 1 PVC, CPVC, PP, PVOF 2 Disc 1 PVC, CPVC, PP, PVDF 183 Seat bush (A] 1 PVC, PP, PVOF* 1641 Seat bush [B) 1 PVC, PP, PVDF* 3 Seat 1 EPDM, FKM, NBR 6 0-ring (C ] 1 EPDM, FKM, NBR 185 0-ring [I] 4 EPDM, FKM, NBR 7 Stem 1 Stainless Steel 316 B Stem Retainer 1 PP 1571 Screw IF) 4 Stainless Steel 304 is Handle 1 PP 16A Metal Handle Insert 1 Stainless Steel 316L 17 Handle Lever 1 PPG 18 Pin 1 PPG 19 Spring 1 Stainless Steel 304 Washer [AJ 1 Stainless Steel 304 L21 Bolt [B) 1 Stainless Steel 304 22 Locking Plate 1 PPG 23 Screw [B] 4 Stainless Steel 304 24 Cap [A] 1 PP * Used for CPVC and PVDF Parts List (Gear: Sizes 1-1/2" - 14") _ PARTS NO. DESCRIPTION 11PC5. MATERIAL 1 Body 1 PVC, CPVC, PP. PVDF 2 Disc 1 PVC, CPVC, PP, PVDF 183 Seat bush (A) 1 PVQ PP, PVDF* 184 Seat bush [B) 1 PVC, PP, PVDF- 3 Seat 1 EPDM, FKM, NBR 6 0-ring (C) 1 EPDM, FKM, NBR 185 O-ring (I) 4 EPDM, FKM, NBR 7 Stem 1 Stainless Steel 316 FB Stem Retainer Screw (F) 1 PP Stainless Steel 304 57 4 Gearbox 1 Plesgearm E282 Bolt(C) 4 Stainless Steel 304 Gasket 1 El * Used for CPVC and PVDF ASAHI/AMERICA www.asahi-america.com • asahi@asahi-america.com - Tel: 800-343-3618.781-321-5409- Fax: 800-426-7058 Rev. 11-22 Cv Values Nominal Size ICV values at various opening degrees Inches mm 30° 1 60° 1 90° 1-1/2" 40 4 43 71 2" 50 7 73 120 65 15 153 250 3° 80 18 183 300 4" 1 100 28 287 470 5" 125 49 506 B30 6" 150 66 671 1100 B" 200 150 1525 2500 10" 150 232 2355 3860 12" 300 342 13477 57DO 14" 350 386 13921316440 Wt. Obs.) Nominal Size PVC CPVC i PP PVDF Inches 1 mill Lever Gear Lever Gear Lever Gear Lever + Gear 1-1/2" 40 1 2.9 7.5 - - 2.4 6.8 3 7.7 2" 50 3.3 7.7 3.3 7 B 2.6 7.3 3.7 8.4 2-L/2"j 65 3.8 8.4 - 3 7.5 4.2 j 8.8 3' BO 4-2 8.6 4.2 8.6 3.5 8 4.9 93 4" 1DO 5.5 10 5.5 10 4.4 8.8 6.4 10.8 5" 125 10.8 14.3 - B.8 12.3 12.6 16.1 6" 150 12.8 16.3 13 16.5 10.1 13.7 15.2 18.7 B" 200 20.5 23.6 1 20.5 24 16.3 19.6 24.3 27.6 10" 250 - 32.4 35 27 41 12" 300 61.7 65 53 76 14" 350 67 1 58 t 81 Vacuum Service - Lever Nominal Size Inches of Mercury Inches min 1-1/2" 40 -29.92 1 2" 50 1 -29.92 2-1/2" B5 -29.92 3" 80 -29.92 4" 100 -29.92 5" 125 -29.92 6" 150 -29.92 B" 1 200 1 -29.92 1 Vacuum Service - Gear Nominal Size Inches of Mercury Inches mm 1-1/2" 40 1 -29.92 2" 50 -29.92 2-1/2" 65 -29.92 3' 80 -29.92 4' 100 -29.92 5' 125 -29.92 6" 150 -29.92 ' B" 200 -29.92 10" 250 -29.92 12" 300 -23.62 14" 350 -23.62 Pressure vs. Temperature (psi, water, non -shock)* Body PVC PVC PP,PVDF CPVC CPVC PP PP,PVDF PVDF PVDF Disc PVC Nominal Sae 31'F 120T 30°F 12G°F 121°F 140°F 30°F 140°F 141°F 161°F 16o'F 1781E 177-F 195-F •5°F 140°F 141°F 175°F WF 140°F 141T 175-F 178°F 210°F 211°F 250°F . Inches min 1-1/2" 40 150 150 70 150 100 150 100 85 75 2" 50 150 150 70 150 120 100 55 150 100 150 100 85 75 2-1/2" 65 150 15D 70 150 100 150 100 85 75 3" 80 150 150 70 150 120 100 55 557 150 100 150 100 10D 85 85 75 75 j 4" 10D 150 150 45 150 120 100 150 100 150 5" 125 150 150 45 150 100 150 100 85 75 6" 150 150 150 45 150 1 120 100 55 , 150 100 150 100 95 75 8" 200 150 150 40 1 150 120 100 55 150 85 150 85 75 60 10" 250 150 150 40 150 120 100 50 150 85 150 85 75 60 12" 300 100 1DO 30 100 90 70 40 100 60 100 60 45 30 14` 350 100 1D0 30 100 45 100 45 30 15 ' FKM seat butterfly valves have a low temperature limit of 23°F. regardless of body/disc material •'For Lug style data consult factory ® www.asahi-america.com - asahi@asahi-america.com •Tel:800-343-3618 •781-321-5409-Fax:800-426-7058 ASAHI/AMERICA Rev 11-22 !•� jilt � 1 Dimensions (Sizes 1-1 /2" - 14") (in.) I A2 i Nominal Size I 7Cn Class 150 Number Gear Boxd of handle Te lInches I mm h i D D1 02 03 L H H1 H2 H3 f Al A2 notations 1-1/2" 40mm 1.77 3.88 4 0.62 5.91 2.133 4.80 1 6.30 1.54 5.12 1 2.95 3.-14 3.54 8.27 6.57 2.52 1 2' 50mm 2.2#5.50 4 0,75 6.50 3.23 4.80 630 1.65 5.51 3.25 4.13 354 8.66 6.57 2,52 2-1/2" 61 2.7 4 0.757.28 3.78 4.80 8.3D 1.81 5.91 3.64 4.53 3.54 9.06 6.57 2.52 3' 80mm 3.0 4 0.751 8.31 4.17 4.80 6.30 1.81 6.50 4.15 5.12 3.54 9.65 6.57 252 4' 100mm 4.02 7.50 8 0.75I 9.37 5.31 4.80 6.30 2.20 7.09 4-69 5.71 3.54 10.24 6.57 2.52 Type 241 5" 1125mm 508 8.50 8 0 88 10.39 6.69 14.80 630 2.60 1 7.68 1 5.20 6.30 3.54 3.54 10.83 6-57 2.52 9.5 6" 150mm 5.91 9.50 8 10.88111.22 7.52 4.80 6.30 2.80 8,27 1 5.61 6.89 11.42 6.57 2.52 P. 8" 200mm 7.68 11.7 8 0.88 13.39: 9.53 4.80 6.30 3.43 9.49 6.691 8-11 3.54 12.64 6.57 252 10" 250mm 9.84 14.25 12 11.00 16.57 11.89 4.80 6.30 4.33 10.67 8.31 9.49 3.62 14.02 6.57 2.52 12" 1300mm 11.93 17.0 12 11.00 19.21 14.17 7,40 11,81 5.08 13.39 9.61 11.73 4.25 3.9D Type 1243 14" 1350mm 13.82 78.75 12 1.12 21.22 .15.47 7.40 11.81 5.D8 74.45 10.63 12.80 4.25 20.35 10.71 3.90 Note: The shape and appearance of assembly differ a little with nominal size compared to the drawing ® www.asahi-america.com • asahi@asahi-america.com - Tel:800-343-3618 •761-321-5409 • Fax: 800-426-7058 ASAHI/AMERICA Rev 11-22 �k% 305 1" St., P.0 Boa 35, Charleroi, PA 15022 ~ ID — Si PLY Co- INC.,/ T: 724-483-3543 • F. 724-483-0577 1.800-353-3747 • www.leesupply.com T r - OD - - Lee Supply Co. Valve Spacer IPS _ NOMINAL SIZEOD (IN) ID (IN) THICKNESS (IN) (IPS) ` 2" 4" 2.375" 1 1/4"or 2" 3" , 5" 3.5" 1 1/4"or 2" 4" I 6.56" 4.625" 1 1/4"or 2" 6" 8.5" 6.56" 1 1/4"or 2" --� 8" 10.56" 8.5" 1 1/4"or 2" 10" 12.75" 10.625" 1 1/4"or 2" 12" 15.5" 12.5" 1 1/4"or 2" 14" 17.5" 14.625" 1 1/4"or 2" 16" 19.875" 1611 1 1/4"or 2" 18" 21" 17.75" 2" 20" 23,375" 19.75" 2" 24" 28" 23.75" 2" 1nh ""WnprONpn la Re�deO ey ,Fd [YaWr /., �C.n...e-��r.c � • ._ T:er.wNt:, Wnh[a. Y,r. • d.wigs"uLL9e51pnedFnbpos+l L6 % Faosnw�oea +ramp Lee Supply Co., Inc. •Onu pF�wdN Wlem Me P�IHC A 1a 1Natle0 Forf„na,rRaL ]nMalimn, Nm9naN�le! rbmP,lumiEk. •.e �.Inw �, a...i..o ps,er,,,,e • Ni VALVE SPACER CUT SHEET u ADJUSTABLE HANDLE EXTENSION 3" to 10" ASAHI BUTTERFLY VALVES Outside Housing TOP VIEW V ternal square housing ith 2locking baits at atom , not shown 7.5" Carbon steal 1" ayu—s.s. tuba Internal square housing 2'Carban steel 4 - Q BASE VIEW Internal Sleeves 1.75" found As. tuba All external sleeves are made From ASTM A-500 Grade a carbon steel Allexlernal sleeves are powder coated OUPONT500powder coating systems All internal material Is 304 Stainless Steel All hardware Is 18.8 Stainless Steel All dlmenslonsvory on length of riser and sire of valve Handle Extension Dimensions 1836 - Range of motion ----- --1S" collasped to 34" extended 3672 - Range of motion---•—••-36" collasped to 70" extended 60120 - Range of motlon--------60" collasped to 118" extended TOP VIEW BASE VIEW C) O O seammn•Yer O O n Lee Supply Co., Inc Charleroi, PA 3.-800-353-3747 45' • ti PRESS FIT SPACERS 1 - 8" HDPE DR17 , ` f 4" HDPE DR11 r 10-8" 62, pRAVANGS MUST BE SIGNED FOR APPROVAL. CUSTOMER: 4" DR11 X8" DR17 HDPE DUAL CONTAINED ELBOW 45° DNCE APPROVED ALL MATERIALS ARE NON LEE' % DRAWN BY: MATTHEW ANCELLABEL/NON RETURNABLE. ,WPPPLY CO INC. DATE: OCTOBER 19,2017 ALL FABRICATIONS WILL BE BASED ON APPROVED BY: THIS DEED FOR MANUFACTURE, , IN T AND PROPERTY OF "LEE SUPPLY CO, INC"PRO IS APPROVED DRAWINGS. INTENDED FOR MANUFACTURE, INSTALLATION, AND IDENTIFICATION USES OF PRODUCT REVISIONS: DEPICTED AND SHALL NOT BE CIRCULATED OR REPRODUCED NATHOUT SPECIFIC IV/ PERMISSION FROM MANAGEMENT OF"LEE SUPPLY CO, INC "-ALL RIGHT RESERVED 7-1300-353-374 PRESS FIT SPACERS 8" HDPE DR17 ---_ 4" HDPE DR11 4" DR11 X8" DR17 HDPE DUAL CONTAINED ELBOW 90" THIS DRAVIINGIDESIGN PROVIDED BY AND PROPERTY OF "LEE SUPPLY CO, INC," IT 15 INTENDED FOR MANUFACTURE, INSTALLATION, AND IDENTIFICATION USES OF PRODUCT DEPICTED AND SHALL NOT BE CIRCULATED OR REPRODUCED WITHOUT SPECIFIC PERMISSION FROM MANAGEMENT OF"LEE SUPPLY CO, INC.-ALL RIGHT RESERVED WINGS MUST BE SIGNED FOR APPROVAL. APPROVED ALL MATERIALS ARE NON :ELLABEL/NON RETURNABLE FABRICATIONS WILL BE BASED ON ZOVE'D DRAWINGS. SUPPLY INC DRAWN BY: DATE: PPROVED BY REVISIONS MATTHEW POBER 19,2017 1 2' TK x 46" RD HDPE BLIND FLANGE W/ 4" ZINC - HARDWARE AND NEOPRENE GASKETS (TYP.) 1 "' TK x 46" RD HDPE BOLTING FLANGE , (32 BOLT HOLES / 8" HOLES / 42 BOLT CIRCLE) 18" 2" S.S. L 36" DR32.5 HDPE 33 B" I. D. 48" DR32.5 HDPE 44 e" I.D. 36" BUTT WELD END 1 Z' TK x 60" SQ HDPE BASt wi cjutizjt i 36" x 48" DR32.5 HDPE D.C. LEACHATE SUMP us"cleDucuou Kai Edna nii9?R VE W-Z UI C C'Ltt PMV CRNC -ALL OT&O µ4W(�jl��l CF' LEf SLPPLI CO INi"—PLLigB� SEAL PLATE 311 x12"DR17 D.C. HDPE EXTRUSION WELDS ARE NOT PRESSURE RATED f I DRAWINGS MUST BE SIGNED FOR APPROVAL. L EC G FIV CUSTOMER ]NCE APPROVED ALL MATERIALS ARE NOW SUPPLY CO. IN 2,1 :ANCELLABI_EINON-RETURNABLE. DRAWN BY: ALL FABRICATIONS WILL BE BASED ON DATE: kPPROVED DRAWINGS. ANSON COUNTY REID 6-16-2023