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Waste Management Plan
Waste Reduction Goal
Options Investigated
Ten Year Strategy
Industrial Waste Landfill Annual Reports
Ash Sold Reports
Coal Combustion Annual Reports
Ash production - Brook Cove
Ash Production - Bailey
Ash Production - Whitaker Park
Ash Production - Tobaccoville
KBK Enterprises, Inc. Evaluation of Ash Reuse
TCLP Analysis
Ash Separation and Reinjection - CP&L
Other Information Resources
Rural Hall Ash Landfill - Permit
requirements for the Rural Hall ash
landfill cost about $20,000 in 1996.
New state regulations, developed with
RJR involvement through an industry
coalition, will allow the company to
demonstrate that the requirement for a
lined landfill with leachate collection is
not necessary by utilizing EPA -developed
modeling. A potential cost avoidance of
approximately $1.5 million can be
realized by not having to line our ash
Alternatives for beneficially utilizing ash
rather than disposal in the company
landfill continue to be explored. Utility
Division personnel have actively explored
several options. Signcant quantities of
ash from the Bailey and Whitaker Park
plants are currently being given to
concrete and block manufacturers, and
for agriculture purposes. An option to
landfilling the majority of our, ash, which
comes from Tobaccoville, continues to
be pursued, This alternative involves
working with the city of Winston-Salem
to use ash as daily cover at the
Municipal landfill. If a long term
agreement can be reached with the city,
then the company's Rural Hall landfill
will be permanently closed.
RJR Rui-al Fla.11 Ash handfill.
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RJR Landfill Management Program
The goal of R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company (RJR) is to eliminate ash
generated at company operated utility plants as a waste material by identifying
cost effective alternative uses for this material. Currently, approximately ten
percent of the ash generated is beneficially reused.
A large percentage of ash generated at RJR is from the Tobaccoville Utility Plant
and contains a high carbon content. High carbon ash is not suitable for many of
the reuse options available for lower carbon ash. High carbon ash results from
the use of low NOx boilers as required by our air permit.
RJR landfills ash by a method that could be argued as beneficial reuse. The
company landfill is located in area where deeply eroded hollows exist. Ash is
used to fill the hollow leaving relatively flat terrain that could be used for crop
land, animal grazing, or other similar use. From 1980 through 1986, the
company operated its' landfill on such terrain at the request of the property
owner who subsequently uses the land for pasture and hay production.
The rate of generation of ash is directly proportional to the volume of coal
burned. No technology has been identified that will reduce the proportional
relation of coal consumption to ash generated. The decision to burn coal is
based on process needs and the value of electricity sold under contract to Duke
Power Company. The cost of ash disposal is not a significant figure in the
decision to burn coal. RJR will continue to investigated alternatives for
managing ash.
RJR Landfilla g-g,
Numerous options for managing ash have been investigated in the past with
several options currently being utilized.
• High carbon ash separation and reinjection (CP&L Challenge Grant Project)
• Use in concrete products.
® Use in agricultural products.
® Use as a surfacing material on unpaved roads.
• Use in structural concrete products.
• Use as an alternative to lime for agricultural purposes.
® Structural fill.
® Use as add material in the manufacture of cement.
Use as daily cover for sanitary landfill.
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It is the company's objective to eliminate landfill disposal of coal ash and close
our Rural Hall landfill. This is an immediate goal and several people in both the
Utilities Division and the environmental group are continually looking for
alternatives to landfilling. Identified alternatives will be investigated and
evaluated for environmental suitability and cost.
Waste reduction is a primary goal in managing all waste materials at R. J.
Reynolds Tobacco Company. Ash has been managed by the company's
Environmental Management and Utilities Groups since 1980 with the objective of
investigating alternate methods of handling this material to reduce
environmental impact and cost. Until a cost effective, reliable alternative to
landfill of coal ash is identified RJR will continue to operate the Rural Hall landfill
for the next ten years and beyond.