HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ_ConsolidatedWasteReport_2023_04_15Annual Report to the North Carolina General Assembly -. r�o n �w1,0UNf. DEp�rhY�allL'Of �a1dR01M1YElllil Qu�1RCy Division of Waste Management Division of Environmental Assistance & Customer Service April 15, 2023 N.C. Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management Division of Environmental Assistance & Customer Service https://deq.nc.gov/ 11Page Roy Cooper, Governor Elizabeth Biser, Secretary N.C. Department of Environmental Quality Michael E. Scott, Director Division of Waste Management Jamie Ragan, Director Division of Environmental Assistance & Customer Service DEQ 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1646 (919) 707-8200 2 1 P a g e Executive Summary: In accordance with General Statute 130A-309.06(c), the Department of Environmental Quality's Divisions of Waste Management and Division of Environment Assistance and Customer Service shall provide a report on the status of solid waste management efforts in the State. Session law 2017-10 (SECTION 4.14 (a)) added additional programs to the report. This report is to include: • An analysis of solid waste generation and disposal. • Total amounts of waste recycled and disposed during the previous calendar year. • An evaluation of the development and implementation of local solid waste management programs and county and municipal recycling programs. • A look at the successes of each county in meeting municipal solid waste reduction goals • Recommendations concerning existing and potential programs for solid waste reduction and recycling that would be appropriate for units of local government and State agencies. • Evaluation of the recycling industry, the markets for recycled materials, the recycling of polystyrene, and the success of State, local, and private industry efforts to enhance the markets for these materials. • Recommendations to the Governor and the Environmental Review Commission to improve the management and recycling of solid waste in the State. • A description of the review and revision of bid procedures and the purchase and use of reusable, refillable, repairable, more durable, and less toxic supplies and products by both the Department of Administration and the Department of Transportation. • Review of North Carolina Scrap Tire Disposal Act implementation. • A description of the management of white goods in the State. • A summary of the report by the Department of Transportation on the amounts and types of recycled materials that were specified or used in contracts that were entered into by the Department of Transportation during the previous fiscal year. • A description of the activities related to the management of abandoned manufactured homes in the State. • A report on the recycling of discarded computer equipment and televisions. • An evaluation of the Brownfields Property Reuse Act. • A report on the Inactive Hazardous Waste Response Act. • A report on the Dry -Cleaning Solvent Cleanup Act. • A report on the implementation and cost of the hazardous waste management program. These requirements are fulfilled in the following report. 3 1 P a g e Table of Contents Chapter1: Brownfields...................................................................................................................................................10 A. Executive Summary.................................................................................................................................................. 10 B. Program Output......................................................................................................................................................... 10 C. Program Background................................................................................................................................................ 10 D. Program Status and 2 New Grants Awarded............................................................................................................ 11 E. Program Inventory.................................................................................................................................................... 12 1. Recorded Brownfields Agreements...................................................................................................................... 12 2. Active Eligible Projects.........................................................................................................................................12 F. Improving Effectiveness............................................................................................................................................13 G. Outreach to Local Governments................................................................................................................................14 H. Meeting Technical Challenges in Vapor Intrusion....................................................................................................15 1. Evolution of Future Work........................................................................................................................................... 15 J. Fund Status................................................................................................................................................................. 15 K. Further Information................................................................................................................................................... 16 ChapterII: Dry -Cleaning Solvent Cleanup Act...........................................................................................................17 A. Executive Summary.................................................................................................................................................. 17 B. Program Activity....................................................................................................................................................... 18 1. Assessing Health Risk at Sites and Conducting Site Cleanups............................................................................ 18 2. Sites in the Program.............................................................................................................................................. 18 3. Site Prioritization System..................................................................................................................................... 21 4. Vapor Intrusion.....................................................................................................................................................21 5. Investigation of Potential New Sites..................................................................................................................... 21 6. Identified Contamination Sites............................................................................................................................. 22 7. DSCA Contracts................................................................................................................................................... 22 8. Customer Service Initiatives.................................................................................................................................22 C.. Facility Compliance................................................................................................................................................ 23 D. Program Financial Status and Projections................................................................................................................ 25 1. Fund Receipts and Disbursements........................................................................................................................25 2. Estimated Future Assessment and Remediation Expenditures.............................................................................26 E. DSCA Administrative Costs..................................................................................................................................... 28 F. Actions to Ensure Fund Solvency............................................................................................................................. 29 ChapterIII: Hazardous Waste Program.......................................................................................................................30 A. Executive Summary..................................................................................................................................................30 B. Hazardous Waste Management Program.................................................................................................................. 30 1. Hazardous Waste Generation, Management, and Remediation............................................................................ 30 2. Compliance and Enforcement............................................................................................................................... 33 3. Information Management..................................................................................................................................... 33 4. Hazardous Waste Program Development............................................................................................................. 33 5. Hazardous Waste Reduction Initiatives................................................................................................................34 C. Resident Inspector Program...................................................................................................................................... 35 1. Executive Summary..............................................................................................................................................35 2. Program Description............................................................................................................................................. 35 4 1 P a g e 3. Program Funding.................................................................................................................................................. 36 4. Program Results.................................................................................................................................................... 36 D. Mercury Switch Removal Program........................................................................................................................... 37 1. Executive Summary.............................................................................................................................................. 37 2. Program Description............................................................................................................................................. 37 3. Program Funding.................................................................................................................................................. 38 4. Program Results.................................................................................................................................................... 39 ChapterIV: Inactive Hazardous Sites........................................................................................................................... 41 A. Executive Summary..................................................................................................................................................41 B. The Inactive Hazardous Sites Inventory and the Inactive Hazardous Waste Sites Priority List .............................. 43 C. Sites Using the Inactive Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund.......................................................................................... 44 D. Pre -Regulatory Landfills.......................................................................................................................................... 47 E. Federal National Priorities List Sites Requiring a State Cost Share......................................................................... 50 F. Responsible Party Voluntary Site Remedial Action................................................................................................. 57 G. Imminent Hazard Sites............................................................................................................................................. 62 H. Summary of the Inactive Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund (Funds 6372 and 6379) and the National Priorities List Cost Share Fund (Fund 6375) for FY 2021-22.............................................................................................................. 67 Chapter V: Solid Waste and Materials Management...................................................................................................70 A. Executive Summary.................................................................................................................................................. 70 B. Solid Waste Management......................................................................................................................................... 71 1. Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and Construction and Demolition (C&D) Landfill Disposal ............................. 71 2. Coal Combustion Residual (CCR) and Product (CCP) Generation, Disposal, and Reuse ................................... 73 3. Solid Waste Tax.................................................................................................................................................... 74 4. Per Capita Disposal Rate...................................................................................................................................... 75 C. Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Capacity................................................................................................................. 75 1. Industrial Landfill Disposal.................................................................................................................................. 76 2. Composting and Mulching................................................................................................................................... 76 3. Land Application.................................................................................................................................................. 77 4. Medical Waste...................................................................................................................................................... 77 5. Household Hazardous Waste................................................................................................................................ 78 6. Facility Inspections............................................................................................................................................... 80 7. Non -Facility Inspections and Evaluations............................................................................................................ 80 8. Facility Operator Training and Public Outreach................................................................................................... 83 D. Local Government Waste Reduction Activities and Recycling Markets................................................................. 83 1. Source Reduction and Reuse Programs................................................................................................................ 83 2. Local Government Recovery................................................................................................................................ 84 3. Recovery of Particular Materials.......................................................................................................................... 85 4. Recovery of Traditional Materials........................................................................................................................ 86 5. Recovery of Construction and Demolition Materials........................................................................................... 87 6. Plastic Recycling in North Carolina..................................................................................................................... 88 7. Collection of Commingled Recyclables............................................................................................................... 89 8. Public Electronics Recycling................................................................................................................................ 91 9. Types of Public Recycling Efforts........................................................................................................................ 93 10. Public Curbside Recycling Programs in North Carolina.................................................................................... 93 11. Specialty Waste Management............................................................................................................................. 94 12. Yard Waste Management................................................................................................................................... 97 5 1 P a g e 13. Recycling Markets and Prices............................................................................................................................. 98 14. Recycling Market Developments in FY 2021-22.............................................................................................101 E. Scrap Tire Management Program...........................................................................................................................102 1. Scrap Tire Management......................................................................................................................................102 2. County Tire Disposal..........................................................................................................................................103 3. Tire Disposal and Recycling...............................................................................................................................104 F. White Goods Management......................................................................................................................................108 1. White Goods Tax Collections and Distributions................................................................................................108 G. Abandoned Manufactured Homes (AMH) Program...............................................................................................110 1. AMH Grants Awarded by Fiscal Year...............................................................................................................110 2. AMH Program Statistics..................................................................................................................................... Ill 3. Program Participant Highlights, FY 2021-22.....................................................................................................112 4. Additional Information on the AMH Program...................................................................................................112 H. Electronics Management Program..........................................................................................................................113 1. Manufacturers' Responsibilities.........................................................................................................................113 2. Retailer's Responsibilities..................................................................................................................................113 3. State Agencies and Governmental Entities Responsibilities..............................................................................113 4. Registration of Facilities Recovering or Recycling Electronics.........................................................................114 5. Recycling Rates Within North Carolina.............................................................................................................114 6. Compliance and Enforcement of Electronics Laws............................................................................................115 7. Electronics Management Fund...........................................................................................................................115 8. Types of Equipment Recovered by Local Programs..........................................................................................116 I. Additional Documentation from the N.C. Department of Administration and Department of Transportation .......118 Tables Chapter I: Brownfields Table I-1 Brownfields Property Reuse Act Implementation Account Balances .................................................. 16 Chapter II: Dry -Cleaning Solvent Cleanup Act Table II-1 DSCA Certified Site Status (through June 30, 2022).......................................................................... 19 Table II-2. Classifications of DSCA Certified Sites (June 30, 2022)................................................................... 20 Table II-3. DSCA Site Cleanup Statistics............................................................................................................. 20 Table II-4. DSCA Fund through Fiscal Year 2021-22......................................................................................... 26 Table II-5. Historic DSCA Fund Statistics........................................................................................................... 27 Table II-6. DSCA Fund Trends............................................................................................................................ 27 Chapter III: Hazardous Waste Program Table III-1 Corrective Action at RCRA facilities................................................................................................. 32 Table III-2 Hazardous Waste Legislative Report Financials................................................................................ 35 Table III-3. Resident Inspector Program Commercial Hazardous Waste Facilities' Data FY 2021-22 ............... 37 Table III-4 Mercury Switch Removal Program Summary of Data 2012-2022.................................................... 39 Chapter IV: Inactive Hazardous Waste Table IV-1 Inactive Hazardous Sites Inventory List of New Sites During FY 2021-22...................................... 43 Table IV-2 Inactive Hazardous Sites Inventory List of Sites Assigned No Further Action Status During FY 2021-22................................................................................................................................................................. 44 Table IV-3 Summary of Inactive Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund Expenditures FY 2021-22............................. 45 Table IV-4 North Carolina National Priorities List Sites..................................................................................... 53 6 1 P a g e Table IV-5 Voluntary Party Remedial Actions Under Administrative Agreements During FY 2021-22 ........... 57 Table IV-6 . 66 Ongoing Division -Directed Responsible Party Assessments/Cleanups not Under Agreements 60 Table IV-7 Summary of Imminent Hazard Sites.................................................................................................. 62 Chapter V: Solid Waste Materials and Management Table V-1 Coal Combustion By -Products and Impoundment Excavation........................................................... 73 TableV-2 N.C. Dept. of Revenue Solid Waste Tax Distribution.......................................................................... 74 Table V-3 North Carolina's Per Capita Disposal Rate......................................................................................... 75 Table V-4 Permanent HHW Facility Collections FY 2021-2022......................................................................... 79 Table V-5 Local Source Reduction / Reuse Programs in FY 2021-22................................................................. 84 Table V-6 Local Government Recovery (Tons) FY 2017-18 through FY 2021-22.............................................. 85 Table V-7 Types of Local Government Electronics Recycling Programs in FY 2021-22................................... 91 Table V-8 Local Government Specialty Waste Management FY 2021-22.......................................................... 96 Table V-9 Local Government Yard Waste Management FY 2020-21 and FY 2021-22...................................... 97 Table V-10 Calculation of MRF Blended Material Value, Summer 2022........................................................ 100 Table V-11 Distributions of Scrap Tire Tax Revenue........................................................................................ 103 Table V-12 Scrap Tire Management Account.................................................................................................... 103 Table V-13 Final Disposal/Recycling of Tires (tons)......................................................................................... 104 Table V-14 Scrap Tire Cost Over -Run Grant October 2020-March 2021 Grants Awarded July 2021 ............. 105 Table V-15 County Scrap Tire Cost Over -Run April 2021-September 2021 Grants Awarded January 2022ApplicantCounty........................................................................................................................................ 107 Table V-16 Illegal Tire Dump Clean -Up Costs................................................................................................. 108 Table V-17 White Goods Tax Collections/Distributions.................................................................................... 108 Table V-18 Counties Ineligible to Receive Tax Proceeds Distributions............................................................ 109 Table V-19 Counties Ineligible to Receive Tax Proceeds Distributions............................................................ 110 Table V-20 AMH Grants Awarded by Year....................................................................................................... III Table V-21 AMH Units Deconstructed in FY 2021-22...................................................................................... III Table V-22 Active AMH Grant Program Participants During FY 2021-22....................................................... 112 Table V-23 Electronics Collection by Weight.................................................................................................... 114 Table V-24 Electronics Collected (Tons) by County and Municipal Collection Programs by Fiscal Year....... 114 Table V-25 Overall Recycling of Electronics..................................................................................................... 115 Table V-26 Electronics Management Fund........................................................................................................ 116 Table V-27 Electronics Management Distribution FY 2021-22......................................................................... 117 7 1 P a g e List of Figures Chapter I: Brownfields Figure I-1 Cumulative Brownfields Projects in North Carolina Cumulative Brownfields Projects in NC ........... 13 Figure II-1. Known dry-cleaning solvent -contaminated sites in North Carolina ................................................. 19 Chapter II: Dry -Cleaning Solvent Cleanup Act FigureII-2. DSCA Fund Trends........................................................................................................................... 27 Figure II-3 DSCA Administrative Expenses........................................................................................................ 28 Chapter IV: Inactive Hazardous Waste Figure IV-1 Pre -Regulatory Landfill Program Funds........................................................................................... 69 Chapter V: Solid Waste and Materials Management Figure V-1 MSW and C&D 20-Year Disposal Forecast...................................................................................... 71 Figure V-2 Feedstocks Composted / Mulched...................................................................................................... 76 Figure V-3 Gallons of Septage Pumped Per Year................................................................................................ 77 Figure V-4 Tons of Medical Waste Processed by Fiscal Year............................................................................. 78 Figure V-5 Household Hazardous Waste in Tons by Fiscal Year........................................................................ 79 Figure V-6 Hurricane Incident GIS Tracking Tool.............................................................................................. 81 Figure V-7 Tax Certification Applications Received and Approved................................................................... 82 Figure V-8 Estimated Value of Business Equipment Certified as Tax Exempt ................................................... 82 Figure V-9 Characterization of Local Government Recovery.............................................................................. 85 Figure V-10 20-Year Local Government Traditional Recyclable Material Recovery (Tons) .............................. 87 Figure V-11 Public C&D Recycling (Tons) FY 2006-07 to FY 2021-22............................................................ 88 Figure V-12 20-Year Plastics Recovery (Tons).................................................................................................... 89 Figure V-13 20 Year Reporting of Commingled vs. Separated Recycling Tonnage ........................................... 90 Figure V-14 Constituents per Average Ton of Commingled Recyclables in NC FY 2021-22............................. 91 Figure V-15 Public Electronics Recovery FY 2008-09 to FY 2021-22............................................................... 92 Figure V-16 Local Government Curbside Recycling Programs & Households Served FY 02-03 — FY 21-22... 94 Figure V-17 Local Government Specialty Waste Tons Collected FY 2017-18 through FY 2021-22 ................. 96 Figure V-18 Local Government Diversion of Yard Waste from Disposal FY 1995-96 to FY 2021-22.............. 98 Figure V-19 Quarterly MRF Blended Material Values........................................................................................ 99 Figure V-20 Market Prices Received for Fiber Materials by Major North Carolina Processors Since 2002... 100 Figure V-21 Market Prices Received for Select Container Materials by Majo NC Processors Since 2002 ..... 101 Figure V-22 Final Disposal of Scrap Tires in NC.............................................................................................. 104 8 1 P a g e Appendices Chapter I: Brownfields A. Brownfields Agreements Finalized Between January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022 ........................ 119 Chapter II: Dry -Cleaning Solvent Cleanup Act B. Sites with Dry -Cleaning Solvent Contamination by County and City and Sites Certified into the DSCA Programby County and City.............................................................................................................................. 120 Chapter IV: Inactive Hazardous Waste C. Inactive Hazardous Waste Sites Priority List................................................................................................. 132 D. Inactive Hazardous Sites Inventory - Site Status.......................................................................................... 169 E. Inactive Hazardous Sites Inventory — Pre -Regulatory Landfills.................................................................... 211 Chapter V: Solid Waste and Materials Management F. Landfill Capacity Report FY 2021-2022....................................................................................................... 229 G. Public and Private Construction and Demolition Disposal, FY 2021-2022.................................................. 247 H. County Population, Waste Disposal, Per Capita Rate and Percent Reduction FY 2021-2022..................... 249 I. NC Waste Disposal Report FY 2021-2022..................................................................................................... 253 J. Municipal Solid Waste and construction and Demolition Waste — Exports and Imports FY 2021-2022 ..... 352 K Industrial Waste Disposal FY 2021-2022...................................................................................................... 353 L. Public and Private Municipal Solid Waste and Construction and Demolition Disposal FY 2021-2022...... 354 M. Public and Private Municipal Solid Waste FY 2021-2022........................................................................... 358 N. Public and Private Tipping Fees FY 2021-2022............................................................................................ 361 O. Transfer and Mixed Waste Processing Facilities FY 2021-2022.................................................................. 367 P. Recycling and Solid Waste Management Report for Highway Construction, Maintenance Projects and Office Products............................................................................................................................................................... 374 Q. Department of Administration Environmentally Preferred Purchasing......................................................... 380 9 1 P a g e Chapter I: Brownfields A. Executive Summary This report to the General Assembly is required by the Brownfields Property Reuse Act of 1997 (G.S. 130A-310.40 et seq.) and describes the activities and status of the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality's (DEQ) Division of Waste Management Brownfields Program (program) for the period of January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2022. The program is pleased to report continued success in the state's efforts to revitalize and safely reuse brownfields properties. B. Program Output The Brownfields Program produced 48 finalized brownfields agreements during the reporting period, bringing the total number of finalized agreements since its inception to 705. For the current reporting period, totals for the measures tracked by the Program are: • Applications received: 94 • Brownfields agreements finalized: 31 • Acres of Brownfields revitalized to safe, productive reuse: 986 • Estimated committed capital investment for projects completed during 2022: $1.70 billion All these economic development benefits are produced without any state -appropriated funds. The Program operates on fees from the prospective developers and cooperative agreement funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Since the Program began, it has created thousands of jobs and facilitated nearly $27 billion in private investment in the redevelopment of brownfields properties across North Carolina, without cost to state taxpayers. C. Program Background Brownfields are abandoned, idle or underused properties where environmental contamination hinders redevelopment due to concerns about environmental liability. Redevelopment of brownfields properties has become increasingly popular as developers and local governments realize that these properties offer viable opportunities to bring economic growth, public health protection, jobs, and quality -of -life benefits to cities and rural areas. The Brownfields Property Reuse Act of 1997 (BPRA) gives DEQ the authority to enter into brownfields agreements with prospective developers who did not cause or contribute to site contamination. The BPRA modifies the environmental liability barrier for prospective developers, motivating them to bring these properties and their hindrances to the DEQ's attention. Under this authorization, the Program works in partnership with the prospective developer to evaluate the potential environmental risks associated with site contamination and then negotiates a brownfields agreement stipulating the steps necessary to make the site safe for a specific intended reuse or suite of uses. The result is a redevelopment project that fuels economic growth while protecting public health and the environment. Redevelopment projects that are undertaken via the Program's brownfields agreement process, and the developers who advance these projects, enjoy several benefits. Developers work with the Program to define the actions they must complete to make the property safe for the intended reuse. Lenders are more willing to make loans on these projects because the cost to complete these actions is not an open-ended proposition. Additionally, if developers make and maintain the site safe for the intended reuse, they receive liability protection against future state enforcement for existing contamination. The same liability protection extends by statute to lenders, tenants, occupants, and future owners as long as these entities did not cause or contribute to site contamination. Finally, owners of property with a brownfields agreement have access to a special property tax exclusion whereby property tax is phased in over five years, resulting in a property tax savings of approximately 50 percent over those first five years. These tax savings can be 101Page used to offset the costs to complete the actions required by the Program that make the property safe for reuse. The BPRA allows DWM to distinguish between prospective developers of brownfields properties and the polluters of those properties. Instead of mandating that the site be remediated to unrestricted use standards, the BPRA requires developers make the site safe for a specifically identified reuse. The Program evaluates site contamination and identifies the potential risks that residual contamination may pose to public health and the environment. DEQ then determines what actions the prospective developer must take to ensure safe redevelopment. These actions can range from land -use restrictions to cleanup, or a mixture of both. In addition to holding prospective developers accountable to their agreements, DEQ reserves the right to enforce against those parties responsible for the original contamination. The overall result is a winning scenario for both the environment and economic development. Risk reductions and cleanups are achieved at sites that could have harmed the public or environment, and prospective developers capitalize on opportunities to redevelop abandoned properties that once had little hope for productive reuse. The public benefits are job creation, improved quality of life in the surrounding neighborhoods, local tax base expansion and contribution to the general fund. From program inception through the end of calendar 2022, an estimated $27 billion in capital investment will have been committed to redevelop these abandoned, idled, or underused brownfields properties that afflict both urban and rural landscapes. The program also supports smart growth and sustainability and motivates the real estate market to recycle these sites back into safe, productive reuse, while preserving or reducing the use of pristine or undeveloped "greenfields" properties. Every project that reuses property — whether it is in an urban center or a rural area — preserves green space, reduces suburban sprawl, and supports sustainable urban development. The 705 properties that have received completed agreements (or major amendments to agreements that facilitate higher uses in some cases) represent more than 13,000 acres of recycled land and, wherever possible, buildings that have historic or aesthetic value. This is acreage that is being recycled into reuse, sparing more pristine lands from development and risk for future contamination. D. Program Status and 2 New Grants Awarded The program experienced significant staff attrition in 2022. This, along with difficulties in the hiring of new staff and a banner year for new sites applying for agreements caused a major backlog in assigning projects to the program's remaining project managers. The program took steps to alleviate this by developing self-implementable guidance for brownfields assessments for prospective developers and assigning two experienced project managers to give initial assessment guidance to those sites in the backlog. In further response to this human resource issue, the program applied for two separate U.S. EPA grant funding opportunities and was successfully awarded the full requested amounts for both. The first, known as the MARC grant, was for $2 million over five years. This will allow the program to work with local government partners in disadvantaged areas of the state to conduct environmental assessments at brownfields properties to lay a foundation for their redevelopment. More details on this grant are provided in Section G below. The second grant was the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) Brownfields Grant. The Brownfields Program was one of twenty states awarded this grant in January 2023 and was the only one funded for its 11 IPage full application amount. The grant total is for $5.8 million over 5 years, with funding for 2023 at $1.19 million. North Carolina's grant application was for the development of site stewardship processes that include land use restriction monitoring through the program's Property Management Unit. With more than 700 agreements and amendments, compliance stewardship tasks are ever-growing. This grant will help the program provide the needed resources for this stewardship and provide a potential model for the U.S. EPA to build upon. During the reporting period covering January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022, the program completed 31 brownfields agreements. Additionally, the program received 94 applications for projects seeking entry into the program. This is the second highest number next to the previous reporting period, when 101 applications were received. These numbers reflect the continued strong demand for brownfields services as real estate developers invest in North Carolina as the economy grows beyond the Covid-19 pandemic. E. Program Inventory A map of the Program's cumulative inventory can be found in Figure I-2 below and shows the following categories of sites: 1. Recorded Brownfields Agreements Recorded brownfields agreements are projects with brownfields agreements or major amendments to previous agreements that have been completed, signed, and recorded at their county register of deeds. Since its inception in October 1997, the program has finalized 705 brownfields agreements across the state and 31 were completed during this reporting period.. A list of those brownfields agreements finalized during this reporting period is provided in Appendix I -A. 2. Active Eligible Projects Active eligible projects have been deemed eligible for a brownfields agreement under BPRA statutory criteria. Developers are working with staff in some stage of data gathering, analysis, or agreement negotiation. As of December 31, 2022, there were 248 active -eligible projects. Projects at this stage receive guidance from DWM as the developers gather the additional data needed to ensure the protection of public health and the environment. Once site assessment is complete, the Division analyzes the data, evaluates risks, determines what actions must be taken to adequately address the risks, drafts and negotiates the terms of the brownfields agreement with the prospective developer, and then approves initiation of the statutory 30-day public comment period. 121Page Figure I-1Cumulative Brownfields Projects in North Carolina Cumulative Brownfields Projects in North Carolina Blacksburg Roanoke Kingsport f • ' •�` • • �{ Johnson City 7is 4 Knoxville01 '9 • H �• � f `t`L � �] � �f�,,..rt-y— .�•i .. �•. � i.. rl tt L� � {'4 •r � 'f � ! S' Greenville J. Cumulative Brownfields Projects As of December 31, 2022 Recorded (675) Agreements + (30) Amendments Active Eligible (242) Macon Warner Robins Savannah F. Improving Effectiveness Charleston Leveraging Resources into Private Sector Investment y Richmond Lynchburg Virginia Beach F• 44 RONA �+ 1 j � ;�• Pamlico � Souid �. r 1.- •-..•� � YY� �y✓ �Jacksonviile Jy� ��• .JW0151 t tan• N W E S 0 37.5 75 150 Miles Esri, HERE, Garmin, FAQ, NOAA, USGS, EPA, NPS Another measure the program tracks is committed private investment facilitated by brownfields agreements. Developers provide the estimated investment figure in their application for entry into the Program. The total private investment facilitated by the program from its inception is approximately $27 billion. Of that total $1.70 billion is attributed to work during this reporting period. Generally, investments in the redevelopment of these properties would not have happened without the liability relief provided by a brownfields agreement. Throughout its existence, the program has provided a very high economic development value for North Carolina through a federal grant and not state appropriation. The high ratio to which the funds have been successfully leveraged into private development dollars for brownfields redevelopment is just one measure of the effectiveness of the BPRA. The economic activity and increased tax base generated by the construction and subsequent use of these brownfields projects substantially exceed the use of public funds. 131Page The program was designated the first DWM program to develop a data management system through DEQ's permit transformation process. The program worked with the Division of Information Technology to map its processes and lay the foundation for developers to develop a comprehensive data management and tracking system, including both internal and public -facing components. Work on this data management system will continue through 2023, with estimated completion in 2024. When complete it will provide efficient data management, data transfer, and project tracking for further improvements in program effectiveness and efficiency. G. Outreach to Local Governments The Brownfields Program has worked in partnership with many local governments to educate, encourage and support their applications for an EPA Brownfields Grant. These are nationally competitive grants provided directly to local governments for activities related to brownfields properties, including an environmental assessment and/or cleanup. The program has provided letters of support for 19 local governments, councils of government, or nonprofits who applied for these EPA Brownfields Grants for the 2022 grant cycle. Twelve grants of $500,000 were awarded EPA grants in May 2022. Recipients include Duplin County, City of Laurinburg, City of Lenoir, City of Lumberton, City of Morganton, City of New Bern, Piedmont Triad Regional Council, City of Statesville, Triangle J Council of Governments, Warren County, Town of Wendell, and the City of Wilson. . The program will continue to work with grant recipients on their brownfields efforts. However, this is not the only outreach effort for the program. This year, states were offered the opportunity to apply for Brownfields Assessment Grants for the first time. North Carolina applied and was one of 20 states nationwide to be awarded an assessment grant. This grant is for $2 million for 5 years. This grant will allow the state to work with local government partners in three disadvantaged areas of the state to conduct environmental site assessments at brownfields properties in order to lay a foundation for their redevelopment. These areas include the Appalachian region, the Lumber River Valley, and Northeastern Coastal Plan. These partners include Beaufort County, Belhaven, Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, Mainspring Conservation Trust, Mid -East Commission Council of Governments, North Wilkesboro, Rocky Mount, and the Town of Pembroke The state was awarded these funds in September 2022 and plans on identifying sites and starting environmental assessments with its this first set of local government partners in 2023. This work will expand to other local governments throughout the five years of the grant. As part of public outreach efforts, DEQ Brownfields staff routinely attend EPA states and tribes meetings, EPA grantee kick-off and progress meetings. Additionally, staff review assessment work plans in cooperation with EPA Brownfields staff and conduct informational sessions with interested parties including municipalities and non -profits. In the summer of 2022, the Program hosted 2 interns through the Department of Administration Council for Women and Youth Involvement Program. The interns conducted internal technical data mining and also conducted various community engagement tasks that assisted the program in locating and engaging partners for its assessment grant. Due to their excellent work, the program hired one of these interns full-time after their graduation in Summer 2022. 141Page H. Meeting Technical Challenges in Vapor Intrusion Over the last decade, contaminant vapor intrusion has become a focal point for numerous cleanup programs at commercial/industrial sites of all kinds. Facilities are often over or near groundwater contamination that can act as a source of contaminant vapors that enter buildings, much like radon. However, contaminant vapor detection and mitigation are more complex than radon. Contaminant vapor intrusion is a dynamic technical issue with new knowledge continuously arising for assessment, mitigation, toxicology, and risk assessment. Because site reuse is inherent in brownfields redevelopment projects, the program must be technically sound regarding vapor intrusion to protect the users of these properties. Because there are more than 600 completed brownfields agreements, the North Carolina program has more varied experience with vapor intrusion than any other in the south or mid -Atlantic states. The program is meeting this challenge through its Property Management Unit to ensure mitigation systems are properly designed and installed. The program is also at the national forefront of technical assessment and mitigation of sites for contaminant vapor intrusion. I. Evolution of Future Work Because the Program has completed 705 agreements since 1998, the need for more post -agreement work continues to rise. This includes work on compliance assistance for all completed agreements as well as work that arises from new owners seeking land -use changes on existing agreements or new information regarding contaminants on properties that may affect public health. When public health protections rely on land -use restrictions, a robust compliance monitoring and assistance program is an absolute must. With the substantial and sustained increase in the numbers of existing brownfields agreements, the program saw a growing need to rebalance some of its expenditures toward compliance monitoring and assistance. As such, the program created the Property Management Unit in 2018 to address all post -agreement activities to manage the continued effectiveness of the land -use restrictions at brownfields properties without compromising the production of new agreements. The program soon realized that additional funding would be needed for this and made this site stewardship effort its centerpiece for the BIL Grant it applied for from the U.S. EPA. The grant application was successful, and the program was awarded BIL grant funds for this public health stewardship effort in January 2023. Through these funds, the property management unit will expand to meet this challenge. The emerging short-term risk of trichloroethene (TCE) and the subsequent Immediate Action Level guidance from the Secretaries' Science Advisory Board has affected the resource requirements on brownfields agreements and their monitoring. Because TCE is a common vapor intrusion contaminant with potential short-term impacts on human development as well as longer -term impacts on human health, sites with TCE in groundwater or soil vapor are requiring more assessment, more mitigation, and a higher level of effort from the program and prospective developers than ever before to ensure risk mitigation. Through the BIL grant the program has received, it will be able to purchase portable VOC monitoring equipment which can detect TCE at the necessary levels at or below the SAB Immediate Action level in real-time. This will allow a significant technical advance in public health protection for sites with TCE vapor Intrusion issues. J. Fund Status The Program receives no state appropriation and exists through two funding sources: federal cooperative agreement funds and program fee receipts. All of the brownfields fees charged by the program are deposited into the Brownfields Property Reuse Act Implementation Account and used to fund the program's operating costs as required under the statute. - 15 1 P a g e For the state fiscal reporting year from July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022, the Brownfields Property Reuse Act Implementation Account had a beginning balance of $2,320,586, fee receipts of $2,217,793, and disbursements of $1,653,501. This yields the state fiscal year 2022 ending fund balance of $2,884,878. From July 1, 2022, through December 31, 2022 (first half of Fiscal 2023), there has been revenue of $1,025,500 and disbursements of $1,070,395. Therefore, as of December 31. 2022, the fund has a balance of $2,839,983. Table I-1 below shows the fund status for the last eight years. Table I-1 Brownfields Property Reuse Act Implementation Account Balances Date Fund Balance June 30, 2015 $1,756,737 June 30, 2016 $2,246,664 June 30, 2017 $2,252,333 June 30, 2018 $2,528,388 June 30, 2019 $2,674,401 June 30, 2020 $2,433,134 June 30, 2021 $2,320,586 June 30, 2022 $2,884,878 Dec. 31, 2022 $2,839,983 The statute authorizes fees equivalent to the cost to the state. The fund balance serves not only to generate brownfields agreements but also implementation and monitoring, per the statute. For the long-term health of the fund, the program is developing an appropriate fee increase that represents the cost to the state, as there has not been an increase since 2008. Regardless, the program plans to continue to fully use its brownfields implementation account to increase its staff capacity as demand for brownfields agreements and their long- term stewardship continue to increase. K. Further Information For additional information on the Brownfields Program, please visit the Program's website at: www.ncbrownfields.or . The website contains a map of all completed and active sites in the program, which also serves as a portal to the electronic records for each site within the program. The program also posts information about properties being redeveloped or other relevant programmatic news items via DEQ's Facebook and Twitter channels. 161Page Chapter II: Dry -Cleaning Solvent Cleanup Act A. Executive Summary As required by the Dry -Cleaning Solvent Cleanup Act (DSCA) of 1997 and amendments (G.S. 143- 215.104A et seq.), this report provides an annual update on activities conducted in the DSCA program in fiscal year (FY) 2021-22. The DSCA of 1997 and its amendments created a fund for the assessment and cleanup of dry-cleaning solvent environmental contamination at dry-cleaning and wholesale distribution facilities. It also authorized the program to develop and enforce rules relating to the prevention of dry- cleaning solvent releases at operating facilities. Since the start of the DSCA Program began, 549 sites with known or suspected dry-cleaning solvent contamination have been reported to DEQ's Division of Waste Management (DWM). Of these, 496 have been certified into the DSCA Program. During FY 2021-22, the DSCA Program continued to make significant progress in all aspects of program implementation. Highlights of DSCA's accomplishments in remediating sites, protecting human health and preventing future releases, include: • Issuing No Further Action (NFA) notices for 12 remediated sites, with 13 additional sites identified as ready for NFA status • Deploying air purification units at three businesses and one residence to address vapor intrusion • Installing subslab depressurization systems at five businesses and two residences to address vapor intrusion • Reactivating soil vapor extraction systems at two businesses to address vapor intrusion • Monitoring vapor mitigation systems and control measures at 18 residences and 36 businesses • Maintaining well water filtration systems for four residences • Issuing a total of 234 work authorizations to the program's independent contractors for work at certified sites • Issuing work authorizations for contamination assessment activities at 123 DSCA sites • Issuing work authorizations for groundwater monitoring at 45 DSCA sites • Conducting 257 compliance inspections at 242 active dry cleaners • Performing outreach visits to educate and assist new business owners/operators with environmental compliance • Distributing 223 perchloroethylene compliance calendars to assist dry cleaners with record - keeping requirements • Developing and implementing a self -inspection checklist and process for dry cleaners using regulated petroleum solvents. Distributing 236 self -inspection packets to hydrocarbon dry cleaners. The DSCA Fund continues to be solvent with an end -of -fiscal year fund balance of approximately $13.7 million and encumbered funds totaling $11.3 million. The increase in the fund balance over last year is attributed to a decrease in expenditures resulting from effective cost -control measures. Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the dry-cleaning industry, receipts to the DSCA Fund have decreased over the past few fiscal years and are anticipated to remain at that level in the next fiscal year. The program is using its resources efficiently, and expenditures are closely monitored to ensure adequate funding is maintained. Based on data regarding site cleanup costs in North Carolina and the nation, cleaning up the 496 sites that have been certified in DSCA will cost an estimated $248 million. DEQ estimates there may be as many as 1,500 contaminated dry-cleaning sites in North Carolina. Projected costs to clean up 50 percent of those sites are expected to exceed $350 million. To ensure that the program and funding remain viable to adequately address sites certified and new sites yet to be discovered, House Bill 399 was signed on Nov. 1, 20 e extended the DSCA Program and funding for an additional 10 years. B. Program Activity The General Assembly enacted DSCA to 1) clean up contamination from dry-cleaning solvents at both retail dry cleaners and wholesale solvent distribution sites, and 2) protect human health and the environment by preventing future dry-cleaning solvent contamination. The department made significant progress during FY 2021-22 in implementing the cleanup and compliance components of DSCA. 1. Assessing Health Risk at Sites and Conducting Site Cleanups During the past fiscal year, DWM directed significant energy toward the assessment and remediation of sites with contamination from dry-cleaning solvents. DWM continued to implement initiatives to ensure the protection of human health by assessing and mitigating vapor intrusion (indoor air pollution from solvent contamination in the soil or groundwater) and providing clean water supplies to affected residents. During FY 2021-22, DWM staff and the program's three independent contractors performed the following activities: • screened sites for imminent hazards, such as threatened water supply wells and vapor intrusion into buildings • abated indoor vapor hazards from contaminated soils and groundwater • continued testing and maintenance of vapor mitigation systems installed at businesses and residences • investigated active and abandoned dry-cleaning sites with potential dry-cleaning solvent contamination • provided temporary clean water supplies • conducted comprehensive site assessments delineating the extent of contamination • remediated contaminated soil • remediated contaminated groundwater • performed operation and maintenance of remediation systems • evaluated site risks and prepared sites for closure 2. Sites in the Program Twenty-three new sites were certified into DSCA during FY 2021-22 as compared to 12 sites in FY2020-21. The increase in sites applying to the DSCA Program may be attributed to increased property transactions as COVID issues resolve. Table II--1 provides current and cumulative statistics for sites certified into the DSCA Program. A site becomes certified when a petitioner enters into an assessment and remediation agreement with DWM. Figure 1 depicts the number of contaminated dry-cleaning sites participating in the DSCA Program. A list of certified sites, along with current site status, is provided in Appendix A. Table II--2 provides the distribution of certified sites by classification and operating facility size. Following certification, the risk to human health, safety, and the environment are assessed, with specific emphasis on the risk posed by contaminated well water and vapor intrusion into buildings. During FY 2021-22, the DSCA Program issued 234 authorizations and/or change orders to the program's independent contractors for work at certified sites, 123 of those were for assessment of impacted groundwater and/or vapor intrusion risk and 45 were for groundwater monitoring. Another 66 work authorizations issued were for interim actions such as soil excavation or installation of indoor air filtration units to mitigate vapor intrusion, operation and maintenance of remedial systems or water filtration systems, risk assessments, and closure activities. 181Page Rules that establish a risk -based approach to assessing and cleaning up certified sites in the DSCA Program became effective on Oct. 1, 2007. These rules and associated guidance allow program staff to determine the risk posed to human health and the environment at each site and, if necessary, to calculate the appropriate cleanup levels for soil and groundwater. During FY 2021-22, DWM issued No Further Action (NFA) notices for 12 contaminated dry- cleaning sites in the program, bringing the total to 128 DSCA sites that have been given NFA status since the risk -based rules became effective in October 2007. DWM is recommending no further action at an additional 13 DSCA sites ("Sites Pending Closure" in Table II-4). The program anticipates issuing between 6 and 8 NFA notices in the coming fiscal year. Preparing a site for No Further Action involves completing an assessment of the extent and magnitude of contamination, evaluating the risks posed by the contaminants, mitigating any unacceptable risks, remediating contamination as needed, ensuring the stability of the groundwater contaminant plume, preparing a risk management plan, soliciting public input, and recording notices to ensure that site conditions remain protective. In accordance with DSCA statutes, the program provides the proposed risk management plan and associated notices to the appropriate local governments (counties and municipalities) and announces the availability of the plan to the public through local newspapers, direct mailings to property owners on or adjacent to the contamination site, and by posting a notice at the site. Table II-1 DSCA Certified Site Status (through June 30, 2022) Certification Status Mq FY 2021-22 Cumulative Contaminated Sites 23 549 Certified 24 496 Determined Ineligible - 5 Not Certified - 48 Certified Sites Pending Closure 13 - Certified Sites Closed 12 128 Figure II-1. Known dry-cleaning solvent -contaminated sites in North Carolina 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Zb o'v ocb o°� do �� o� off' ob off' o� off' moo' ti~ ��% �^�' tip` ��' tie ��' �� ��' �o' ti~ ■ Discovered Sites ■No Further Action Sites ■ Sites Certified in DSCA 191Page Table II-2. Classifications of DSCA Certified Sites (June 30, 2022) Classifications AML Number of Sites Percentage Abandoned 337 68 % Wholesale Distribution 3 1 % Operating 156 31 % Small Size (1-4 employees) 88 56 % Medium Size (5 - 9 employees) 39 25 % Large Size (> 10 employees) 29 19 % Table II--3 provides a summary of the actions undertaken to address direct threats to human health and the environment. During FY 2021-22, the DWM continued to supply clean water to four residences where municipal water is not available. In total, the division has provided municipal water to 68 residences and 12 businesses that have had their water supply wells impacted or threatened by dry-cleaning solvent contamination from 20 DSCA sites. Table II-3. DSCA Site Cleanup Statistics Accomplishments I FY 2021-22 1 Cumulative J Water Supply Provided Municipal Water Connection -residences - 68 ................................................................................................. _............................. ............................. Municipal Water Connection - businesses12 .....................................................................................................................................................................................................:.........................................................................:............................................................................ Temporary Water Supplied - residences - 32 ....................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................:...................................................................................................................................................... Temporary Water Supplied -businesses - 6 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Number of DSCA sites involved - 20 Vapor Intrusion (VI) Mitigated VI Control System Installed - residences 2 21 ................. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... :......................................................................... ,............................................................................ VI Control System Installed - businesses 5 90 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Number of DSCA sites involved 7 68 Active Remediation Implemented Number of DSCA Soil Remediations Implemented - 109 ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................:.........................................................................:............................................................................ Number of DSCA sites involved - 97 Number of DSCA Groundwater Remediations Implemented - 76 ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................:.........................................................................:............................................................... Number of DSCA sites involved - 55 Addressing indoor air pollution from tetrachloroethylene (PERC) releases and breakdown contaminants continue to be a high priority since many DSCA sites have occupied structures on or adjacent to PERC contamination. During FY 2021-22, the program: • Deployed air purification units at three businesses and one residence to address immediate action vapor intrusion concerns • Installed subslab depressurization systems at five businesses and two residences to address vapor intrusion; • Reactivated soil vapor extraction systems at two businesses to address vapor intrusion. Since 2006, DWM has installed vapor control measures at 90 businesses and 21 residences because of dry-cleaning solvent contamination from 68 DSCA sites. 201Page During FY 2021-22, the program monitored the effectiveness of groundwater remedies at 29 DSCA sites and maintained active groundwater remediation systems at three sites. During the life of the DSCA Program, DWM has implemented 109 soil cleanup actions at 97 DSCA sites and conducted 76 groundwater cleanup actions at 55 DSCA sites. 3. Site Prioritization System The DSCA Program requires that site cleanup disbursements be made on higher -priority sites first. Data from the program's vapor intrusion investigations indicate that this type of direct human exposure is a threat at several DSCA sites. To ensure that this health concern receives appropriate attention, the program has revised its prioritization method to include potential indoor air threats. Due to the growing number of DSCA sites and the complex nature of assessing and remediating PERC contamination, the DSCA Program continues to evaluate and implement cost-efficient measures to ensure the fund's solvency. 4. Vapor Intrusion Among states with dry-cleaning programs, the North Carolina DSCA Program continues to work at the forefront in addressing vapor intrusion issues at dry-cleaning solvent -contaminated sites. Due to the volatility of PERC — one of the most common dry-cleaning solvents — the potential for vapor intrusion exists at many dry-cleaning sites. The DSCA Program has shared its large library of North Carolina vapor intrusion data with the EPA to supplement data it uses to establish attenuation factors and screening levels. The EPA welcomed North Carolina's data from commercial structures in the southeastern United States. An issue that continues to affect some contaminated dry-cleaning sites involves the presence of trichloroethylene (TCE) in indoor air. Not only is TCE a chemical produced by the breakdown of PERC in the environment, but TCE is also a spotting agent in the dry-cleaning industry as well as a common solvent in many industrial settings. At contaminated sites, health threats from volatile contaminants in indoor air are often associated with long-term (chronic) exposure to chemicals migrating from the subsurface into indoor air. Recent studies along with other toxicological information suggest that short-term (acute) exposure to TCE in indoor air may raise the risk for fetal heart malformation during the first trimester of pregnancy. Staff from the division's cleanup programs, including DSCA, worked with the department to develop protocols to promptly address acute exposure situations. When site data suggest that there is a potential for exposure to unacceptable levels of TCE in indoor air, staff provide immediate notification and educational resources to affected parties. The DSCA Program promptly mitigates risks to indoor air quality when dry-cleaning solvent contamination in the environment is causing unacceptable risks in indoor air. Since 2006, DWM has installed vapor control measures at 90 businesses and 21 residences because of dry-cleaning solvent contamination from 68 DSCA sites. DSCA is currently performing monitoring and maintenance of vapor mitigation systems and control measures at 18 residences and 36 businesses. 5. Investigation of Potential New Sites In 2007, DSCA was amended to allow the program to spend up to 1 percent of the DSCA fund balance each year to investigate active and abandoned dry-cleaning sites that the program believes may be contaminated. If dry-cleaning solvent contamination is found, the potentially responsible party is given the choice of entering the program as a petitioner or allowing the site to be addressed under the Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch. If they choose the latter, the responsible party may be required to reimburse DSCA for the investigation costs. Under this provision, the program conducted a limited investigation at two potential dry-cleaning contaminated sites during FY 2021-22. Since 2007, DSCA has investigated 123 sites for potential dry-cleaning solvent contamination, with 89 becoming certified into the program. 21 IPage There has been an increase each year in the number of sites with potential dry-cleaning solvent contamination identified or referred for investigation. A number of these do not get investigated due to the spending limit for investigations. The DSCA Program and stakeholders recommend that the money allotted for these investigations be increased to 3 percent of the DSCA fund and will seek this change in future legislation. The DSCA Program continues to partner with other agencies to identify new sites and coordinate assessment and cleanup efforts to ensure the effective use of state resources. Data provided by DEQ's Underground Storage Tank Section, Brownfields Program, Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch, Public Water Supply Section, and municipal environmental programs reveal monitoring wells and supply wells with contaminants that may be from dry-cleaning operations. DSCA staff compare contaminated well locations to known locations of more than 2,000 active and abandoned dry- cleaning facility sites to help identify potential dry-cleaning contaminant sources. The program also shares data and coordinates assessment and cleanup activities with other DWM programs, such as the Brownfields Program and Underground Storage Tanks Section, to ensure that remedial strategies are protective and implemented effectively. 6. Identified Contamination Sites A total of 549 sites known or suspected to be contaminated by dry-cleaning solvents have been reported to the department. The DSCA Program has certified 496 of these sites into the cleanup program, as noted in Table II-1. Appendix A lists, by county, the sites with known or suspected dry- cleaning solvent contamination reported to the department and sites certified in the program. During FY 2021-22, the DSCA Program certified 23 new sites into the program. The program's 1 percent investigation allowance was used to identify contamination at two of the sites certified during the fiscal year. As noted above, the program anticipates that additional dry-cleaning solvent contamination sites will be discovered using the investigative allowance in FY 2022-23. 7. DSCA Contracts The program currently manages three contracts with state -led environmental engineering firms, with a total end -of -fiscal year encumbrance of approximately $11.3 million. The contracts establish terms and conditions under which qualified environmental engineering firms assess and remediate contaminated dry-cleaning sites in the DSCA Program. 8. Customer Service Initiatives During FY 2021-22, the program continued to promote the DEQ mission of excellent customer service by making public records more accessible, providing easy access to DSCA site locations, engaging communities affected by dry-cleaning solvent contamination, assisting property owners, lenders and interested parties with property transactions, and sharing program updates with interested stakeholders regularly. The program uses its website to provide a variety of information including, but not limited to maps, public records access, forms, rules and statutes, updates on sites of interest, stakeholder meeting information, and staff contact information. a. Public Records Improving the accessibility to public records has been a high priority for all DWM programs. To date, all of the DSCA Program's current and legacy records have been digitized, and the frequently requested document types have been uploaded to the Laserfiche document management system. Laserfiche is available through DEQ's and DWM's websites and allows users the ability to search and download public records. b. Site Location Information The availability of site location information is important to the public and many decision - makers, including property buyers and sellers, lenders, municipalities, and state and local 221Page environmental programs. The program continues to maintain location data on a web -based map viewer on the DWM website. In addition, the program has consistently supported and been involved in the development of DWM's well -permitting support system, which is an online site locator tool based on the ARC-GIS Online platform. c. Meetings and Presentations The division continues to encourage stakeholder involvement in the DSCA Program. The existing stakeholder group is comprised of representatives from the dry-cleaning industry, environmental organizations, attorneys, environmental consultants, and the public. Program representatives hold semi-annual meetings to report on accomplishments and initiatives, solicit feedback on topics that affect the program, and present remediation projects of interest to the attendees. Virtual stakeholder meetings were held in October 2021 and April 2022 due to COVID-19 safety concerns. In the upcoming FY 2022-23, it is anticipated that stakeholder meetings will continue to be held virtually or will be a hybrid of in -person and virtual meetings. The virtual stakeholder meetings have increased participation since stakeholders, particularly dry cleaner owners/operators can participate from their hometowns and do not have to leave their businesses to travel to Raleigh to attend. The DSCA Program continues to participate as one of the original members of the State Coalition for the Remediation of Drycleaners (SCRD). The coalition was established in 1998, with support from the EPA's Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation. It is comprised of representatives from 13 states with established dry-cleaning remediation programs, and 12 additional states with representatives who are considering developing a dry-cleaning remediation program or are managing dry-cleaner remediation under other authorities. The coalition conducts regular conference calls throughout the year to provide a forum to share and discuss program information, remediation technologies, case studies, state initiatives, or state and federal hot topics. d. Property Assistance The DSCA Program provides continuous assistance to property owners, prospective buyers/developers, lenders, and interested parties to facilitate transactions that provide for the reuse of the contaminated property. Correspondence and phone calls are frequently provided to explain the DSCA Program or the status of a site already in the program. This allows a comfort level for interested parties to move forward with property transactions. C. Facility Compliance The Environmental Management Commission has been authorized under the Dry -Cleaning Solvent Cleanup Act to develop rules that operating dry-cleaning facilities must follow to prevent environmental contamination by dry-cleaning solvents. During FY 2021-22, the DSCA Program had three inspectors performing outreach visits, inspections, and enforcement at dry-cleaning facilities and wholesale distribution facilities statewide. In addition to the program's Minimum Management Practices (MMP) regulations, enforcement authority is delegated to the DWM for violations of applicable air quality rules. The division's Hazardous Waste Section has granted authority to the DSCA Compliance Program to inspect dry cleaners for compliance with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Hazardous Waste regulations. This allows one program in DEQ to ensure compliance with all environmental regulatory requirements and gives dry-cleaners and the public a single DEQ point of contact for compliance questions or concerns. 231Page Educational Assistance Visits During FY 2021-22, DWM inspectors conducted two educational assistance visits at active dry-cleaning facilities. To date, DSCA inspectors performed 818 educational outreach visits at active dry-cleaners — many of which had not previously been inspected by a DEQ program. This outreach educates owners and operators regarding the MMPs, hazardous waste and air quality regulations. Inspectors also use these visits to thoroughly document all observed compliance issues. Inspections and Enforcement The DSCA Program conducts unannounced, full compliance inspections at regulated dry-cleaning facilities and wholesale distribution facilities to ensure that dry-cleaning facilities are compliant with all applicable regulations. In setting inspection priorities, the program considers multiple factors including facility -specific compliance history, business owner/operator changes, emerging solvents or equipment, and regulatory changes at the federal, state, or municipal level. During FY 2021-22, there were 393 dry-cleaning facilities subject to inspection by the DSCA Program. The goal of the compliance program is to inspect facilities at a minimum of once every 2 years. In May 2022, a self -inspection checklist and process were developed for dry-cleaning facilities using hydrocarbon solvents. These facilities pose less of a threat to the environment than facilities using perchloroethylene solvent and compliance can be managed in a more efficient manner. This allows inspectors to concentrate on perchloroethylene cleaners. Due to the implementation of this self -inspection process for hydrocarbon dry- cleaning facilities, the goal will be to inspect all perchloroethylene dry-cleaning facilities at a minimum of once a year. During FY2021-2022, the DSCA Program staff conducted 257 inspections at 242 facilities. Some facilities require repeat visits accounting for the difference of 15 inspections/facilities. This inspection rate represents a 125% increase in the number of inspections compared to FY2020-2021. The rate of increase in inspections is attributed to returning to regular inspections post-Covid. Common violations identified were the failure to install spill containment under dry-cleaning machines and waste solvent storage areas, failure to seal waste solvent containers, failure to inspect dry-cleaning equipment, and failure to record and maintain National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants recordkeeping logs. To be eligible to participate in the DSCA Program, all operating dry-cleaning facilities and wholesale distribution facilities must be compliant with the DSCA MMPs. During FY 2021-22, DSCA staff inspected 4 active facilities seeking entry into the cleanup program and 17 certified active facilities to ensure that cleanup funds are being used at facilities where owners and operators are diligent about preventing future dry-cleaning solvent releases. Additional Compliance Outreach The DSCA Compliance Unit continues to evaluate and implement enhancements to improve compliance rates among the regulated community. Since 2007, the DSCA Program has produced a PERC compliance calendar that provides all applicable rules, recordkeeping, guidance, and reference information in one document for the convenience of facility owners and operators. The calendar has received positive reviews from North Carolina dry-cleaners and industry officials in other states, where it has been praised for its comprehensive scope and functionality. In 241Page December 2021, the program mailed or hand -delivered approximately 223 PERC calendars to dry-cleaning facilities statewide for the 2022 calendar year. The calendars include instructions in Spanish and Korean. Since the 2016 calendar year, the program had also produced a petroleum solvent compliance calendar for cleaners who operate dry-cleaning machines that use regulated petroleum solvent. Through collaboration with stakeholders and DEQ small business assistance personnel, it was determined that a self -inspection checklist required to be submitted annually by dry-cleaning facilities using regulated petroleum solvent could be an efficient way to manage compliance at these facilities that pose less of a threat to the environment regarding contamination. The self -inspection checklist will be used by the compliance inspectors to prioritize inspections at these facilities. Submission of the checklist does not exclude any facility from inspection by the DSCA Program and it is still the goal of the program to inspect these facilities at a minimum once every two years. In FY2021-2022, the program mailed or hand -delivered approximately 236 self -inspection checklist packets to dry-cleaning facilities statewide to be returned January 2023. The packets also included informational materials, such as an emergency information form, facility change status form, regional inspector map, etc., to assist dry-cleaning facilities with compliance. The packets are also available in Spanish and Korean. The DSCA Program has access to a hazardous waste inspector who speaks Korean fluently and translates outreach materials and regulations to better serve North Carolina's regulated community. Reducing language and cultural barriers helps improve communication and compliance among Korean -speaking dry-cleaning owners and operators. The Korean -speaking members of the dry-cleaning community have responded very positively to DSCA's efforts to improve communication. The program continues to evaluate ways to better enable compliance among all North Carolina dry-cleaners and wholesale distribution facilities. D. Program Financial Status and Projections 1. Fund Receipts and Disbursements The primary funding sources for the dry-cleaning solvent cleanup fund are a tax on dry-cleaning solvents, the state portion of the current sales tax on dry-cleaning, and co -payments from petitioners participating in the cleanup program. Disbursements consist primarily of payments to the program's independent contractors for site assessment and remediation and program administration costs. DSCA Fund receipts and disbursements for the FY 2021-22 and for the life of the DSCA Program are shown in Table II-4. 251Page Table II-4. DSCA Fund through Fiscal Year 2021-22 Receipts Solvent Tax Revenue Sales Tax Revenue Petitioner Payments Miscellaneous Rebate Interest TOTAL FY 2021-22 $ 62,489.56 $ 7,766,731.11 $ 116,916.32 $ 23,386.96 $ 0 $ 0 $ 7,969,523.95 Duration of Program $ 12,482,991.89 $ 153,768,350.28 $ 2,160,803.86 $ 195,051.93 $ 28,870.11 $ 7,522,262.17 $ 176,158,330.24 Disbursements Dept. of Revenue' $ 0 $ 57,272.02 Petitioner Reimbursements $ 0 $ 1,963,993.23 Contracts $ 5,835,117.02 $ 126,091,046.97 Well Permit Fees $ 80,500.00 $ 731,590.00 Hazardous Waste Fees $ 86,975.00 $ 1,886,828.41 Transfer to Inactive Hazardous Sites $ 0 $ 400,000.00 Transfer to Green Square Project $ 0 $ 1,291,035.00 Transfer — Budget Shortfall $ 0 $ 6,475,812.93 DEQ Administration $ 1,511,656.44 $ 23,539,040.05 TOTAL $ 7,514,248.46 $ 162,436,618.61 Fund Balance $ 13,721,711.63 Funds Encumbered in Contracts $ 11,280,615.78 'Represents the actual amount charged by the N. C. Department of Revenue for its expenses. The Department of Revenue is authorized by DSCA to charge no more than $125, 000 per year. 2. Estimated Future Assessment and Remediation Expenditures During FY 2021-22, fund expenditures directly related to the implementation of DSCA increased slightly from the previous fiscal year (see DSCA-Related Disbursements in Table II--5 and Figure 2). As the fund balance continues to decrease, the program continues to implement control measures to ensure that funds are available to address sites that pose greater potential risks. The DSCA Program closely monitors expenditures to ensure adequate funding is maintained to assess all sites, perform mitigation and remediation activities when needed, and move sites toward closure. Site work expenditures have reduced the fund balance from its peak of $37.6 million in 2008 to a low of $5.6 million in 2016. DSCA Fund receipts for the past thirteen years have been relatively stable, ranging between approximately $8 million and $9 million per year. The total FY 2021-22 receipts from the solvent tax, sales and use tax, and petitioner payments dropped 9.6% from the FY2020-21 receipts, compared with 5% the previous fiscal year. The drop in receipts is attributed to the decline of the dry-cleaning industry during the pandemic. Due to the ongoing impacts of the pandemic on the dry- cleaning industry, including business closures, the DSCA Fund receipts for FY 2022-23 are expected to be significantly lower than FY 2021-22. 261Page Table II-5. Historic DSCA Fund Statistics Fiscal Year Receipts Total Disbursements DSCA-Related Disbursements Fund Balance FY 03-04 9,487,233.94 489,024.96 489,024.96 13,547,987.50 FY 04-05 9,660,612.84 1,806,911.93 1,806,911.93 21,401,688.41 FY 05-06 9,913,615.29 2,126,835.62 2,126,835.62 29,188,468.08 FY 06-07 10,687,669.06 4,184,051.63 4,184,051.63 35,692,085.50 FY 07-08 10,307,477.83 8,413,240.75 8,413,240.75 37,586,322.59 FY 08-09* 9,513,473.12 22,818,089.84 14,803,890.84 24,281,705.87 FY 09-10* 8,147,167.40 16,812,337.01 16,808,702.01 15,658,644.76 FY 10-11* 8,627,803.92 11,371,154.52 11,222,140.59 12,915,294.16 FY 11-12 9,124,256.44 8,208,478.47 8,208,478.47 13,859,866.72 FY 12-13 8,580,621.94 9,835,705.15 9,835,705.15 12,604,783.26 FY 13-14 8,190,699.90 11,958,967.35 11,958,967.35 8,836,516.06 FY 14-15 8,181,706.31 10,939,433.40 10,939,433.40 6,078,788.97 FY 15-16 8,284,815.52 8,741,519.44 8,741,519.44 5,622,085.05 FY 16-17 8,393,644.71 7,349,688.20 7,349,688.20 6,666,041.56 FY 17-18 8,681,394.03 7,429,454.53 7,429,454.53 7,917,981.06 FY 18-19 9,063,204.11 7,801,661.38 7,801,661.38 9,179,523.79 FY 19-20 9,180,783.26 7,970,265.54 7,970,265.54 10,390,041.51 FY 20-21 8,717,494.34 5,841,099.71 5,841,099.71 13,266,436.14 FY 21-22 7,969,523.95 7,514,248.46 7,514,248.46 13,721,711.63 * Difference in total disbursements and DSCA-related disbursements due to non- DSCA-related fund transfers. Table II-6. DSCA Fund Trends $40 - $35 00 % Using the $30 ` - — $25 $20 J* $15 o, r. $10 -• $5 v 0 o�O o� ;�° o'�, o°` o`) o� o'v o� o� tiZ, tiff tiff ��, ti° ��, ti� ��, ti� ��, ti° �1 ti1 �1 ti1 �1 ti1 ti1 11 ti\ �1 ti1 �1 ti1 �1 ti1 �1 4� Receipts — -Disbursements — — Fund Balance 271Page DSCA Program's state -lead cleanup costs and national estimates of total average costs to clean up contaminated dry-cleaning sites, the program can project the estimated costs to address the sites currently certified in the DSCA Program. Using an estimated average total cleanup cost of $500,000 per site, it will take more than $248 million (not including DEQ's administrative costs) to address the 496 sites that have been certified in the program. Based on data from the N.C. Department of Labor, there are at least 2,000 active and abandoned dry-cleaning facilities in the state. Investigations performed across the nation indicate that contamination is present in at least 75 percent of all dry-cleaning operations. Applying this percentage to the number of current and former facilities in North Carolina, a total of 1,500 contaminated sites may be present, equaling an estimated $750 million in cleanup costs. If only 50 percent of these contaminated sites are accepted into the DSCA Program, the projected total cleanup cost (adjusted for inflation) would be approximately $350 million. E. DSCA Administrative Costs According to DSCA, up to 20 percent of annual revenues deposited into the fund may be used by DEQ and the North Carolina Attorney General's Office to administer the program. The administrative costs-to- B.revenue ratio has been relatively steady, fluctuating between 17 and 19 percent since FY 2018-19, and is shown in Figure II--3. The current administrative cost -to -revenue ratio is at 18.9 percent and is expected to slightly increase in the coming fiscal year. The dry-cleaning industry is declining in general and is accelerated with the pandemic. As the DSCA fund revenues decrease because of a decrease in receipts, the administrative costs -to -revenue ratio may continue to increase as it has in FY 21-22. If the 20 percent of annual revenues to administer the program is not adequate in the future, a legislative change to increase the administrative percentage may be necessary. Figure II-2 DSCA Administrative Expenses Hazardous Waste Legislative Report Financials July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022 25% 20 15% 10% 5% ow o° do titi titi ti'' ti°` tih ti° ti� �� ti° ,yo ,yti titi o� ow o°, do titi titi ti1�r ti°` tih ti� ti� ti� ti� yo titi tAdministrative Expenses Percentage Administrative Cap 281Page F. Actions to Ensure Fund Solvency Between 2008 and 2011, the increased expenditures on -site cleanups substantially reduced the fund balance (Figure 2). The program continues to experience an increase in the number of sites petitioning into the cleanup program, along with an increase in vapor intrusion -related assessment and mitigation. As demonstrated during previous years, the program continues to closely monitor and adjust expenditures to ensure that funds are available to address certified sites. The DSCA Program's prioritization strategy ensures that sites requiring remediation are addressed in priority order while maintaining fund solvency. As noted above, total collections for FY 2021-22 were approximately $7.8 million. The fund has a balance of approximately $13.7 million, with contract monies encumbered or pending encumbrance totaling $11.37 million. The DSCA Fund is solvent. Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the dry-cleaning industry, receipts to the DSCA Fund are anticipated to be significantly reduced in FY 2022-23. The DSCA Program implements measures to closely monitor expenditures and prioritize spending at identified dry-cleaning contaminated sites to ensure that potentially reduced funds are sufficient to address risk to human health and safety. The DSCA Program is entirely receipt funded by taxes on dry-cleaning solvents and the dry-cleaning related sales and use tax. These taxes are appropriately used to assess and remediate dry-cleaning solvent contamination. Given the DSCA Program's broad support by the dry-cleaning industry and its success in cleaning up contaminated dry-cleaning sites, mitigating risks and preventing future releases, legislation was signed Nov. 1, 2019, to extend the program and the funding for an additional 10 years. The sunset date for the DSCA Program is now Jan. 1, 2032. The dry-cleaning solvent tax was extended to Jan. 1, 2030, and the sales and use tax transfer was extended to July 1, 2030. The DSCA Program provides a cost-effective means of protecting the public and the environment from risks posed by dry-cleaning solvent contamination and provides property owners and dry cleaners the opportunity to allow site contamination to be remediated at costs that they can afford. 291Page Chapter III: Hazardous Waste Program A. Executive Summary This annual report describes the activities of North Carolina's Hazardous Waste Management Program, Resident Inspector Program, and Mercury Switch Removal Program from July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022. It is prepared pursuant to N.C.G.S. 130A-294(i) and is presented to the General Assembly and its Fiscal Research Division. North Carolina's Hazardous Waste Management Program protects human health and the environment from the risks presented by the potential mismanagement of hazardous waste. • Hazardous waste received by the nine commercial hazardous waste facilities in North Carolina in state FY 2021-22 amounted to 29,746.31 tons. The hazardous waste received data is from the Resident Inspector Program. • Hazardous waste generated by businesses and industries in North Carolina in state FY 2021-22 totaled approximately 137,694 tons. Hazardous waste generated data is from the EPA's RCRAInfo database system. • The number of small -quantity generators decreased while the number of very small -quantity generators increased in FY 2021-22. The quantity of hazardous waste generated by these facilities is not available since there is no regulatory requirement for these facilities to report hazardous waste generated. • Inspection, compliance assistance, and enforcement activities at hazardous waste facilities resulted in the safe management of an estimated 628 gallons and 66,910 pounds of hazardous waste, 215 gallons and 73 7, 100 pounds of non -hazardous waste, 1,139 gallons of used oil and 1 pound of universal waste. In addition, the program continues to make significant progress in cleaning up contamination at permitted hazardous waste management facilities. The national goal is for final remedies to be constructed and fully operational at 95 percent of these facilities nationally; although, this does not necessarily mean remediation will have been completed. Currently, in North Carolina, 71 percent of facilities have had a remedy constructed. It is important to note that three (3) additional facilities have been added to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) universe in FY21-22. B. Hazardous Waste Management Program North Carolina was authorized to implement the federal hazardous waste regulatory program in lieu of the EPA in 1980. Federal authorization is the process through which EPA delegates primary program implementation and enforcement responsibility to states while maintaining an oversight role to ensure national consistency. The federal program, established under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Subtitle C, regulates the generation, transport, treatment, storage, disposal, and recycling of hazardous waste. The program also governs the environmental remediation of hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities that have been contaminated by prior waste management activities. The North Carolina hazardous waste program is administered and enforced by DEQ's Division of Waste Management's Hazardous Waste Section. 1. Hazardous Waste Generation, Management, and Remediation Generation Hazardous waste is defined as industrial material destined for disposal or recycling that may be ignitable, corrosive, reactive, and/or toxic and, as such, poses a risk to human health and the 30 1 P age environment if improperly managed. The comprehensive hazardous waste generation data is available biennially through RCRA Info (see Information Management Section). In state FY 2021-22, there were approximately 403 (as of January 9, 2023, source RCRAInfo) North Carolina large quantity generators'. The amount of waste generated in FY 2021-22 was approximately 137,694 tons. In state FY 2021-22, there were approximately 1,740 (as of January 9, 2023) small quantity generators2 in North Carolina and 5,722 (as of January 9, 2023) very small quantity generators3. These generators are subject to reduced reporting and regulatory requirements because they are often small businesses for whom periodic reporting could be overly burdensome. They are also subject to reduced reporting because the amounts of waste generated at each site are less likely to present significant risks to human health and the environment. However, these facilities collectively generate a significant amount of hazardous waste that must be managed properly and in compliance with applicable rules. Significant resources are devoted to technical assistance, outreach, and compliance activities at these facilities. Staff conducts compliance assistance visits or other types of inspections as a way of outreach to help facilities with the RCRA hazardous waste regulations. Management Comprehensive hazardous waste generation data is available biennially. In state FY 2021-22, North Carolina's nine commercial hazardous waste facilities' received and processed 29,746.31 tons of hazardous waste from offsite generators. Remediation There are 71 active hazardous waste treatment, storage, disposal, and corrective action facilities in North Carolina. They are permitted RCRA facilities. Each facility is governed by a permit, an enforceable order, or another operational control mechanism for the management and/or remediation of hazardous waste. There are 86 facilities (3 new facilities added this year) subject to the RCRA Corrective Action Program, which addresses the remediation of environmental contamination at permitted hazardous waste facilities. These 85 facilities are sites with waste releases that must be remediated and include Federal Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments -only sites that are no longer active facilities but have permits to remedy past releases. The Hazardous Waste Program tracks the remediation progress at these sites using five environmental indicators: • Human exposure controlled • Groundwater contamination controlled • Cleanup remedy constructed • Ready for Anticipated Use • Remedy completed 11-arge quantity generators generate any of the following amounts in a calendar month: greater than or equal to 1,000 kg of non -acute hazardous waste, or greater than 1 kg of acute hazardous waste, or greater than 100 kg of any residue from a cleanup of acute hazardous waste. 2 Small quantity generators generate any of the following amounts in a calendar month: greater than 100 kg but less than 1,000 kg of non -acute hazardous waste, and less than or equal to 1 kg of acute hazardous waste, and less than or equal to 100 kg of any residue from a cleanup of acute hazardous waste. 3 Very small quantity generators generate less than or equal to the following amounts in a calendar month: 100 kg or non -acute hazardous waste, and 1 kg of acute hazardous waste, and 100 kg of any residue from a cleanup of acute hazardous waste. 4 Commercial hazardous waste facilities are permitted facilities that receive hazardous waste from off- site generators and store, treat, and dispose of hazardous waste. 31 IPage The program continues to make significant progress in overseeing the remediation of contamination at permitted hazardous waste management facilities. The national goal is for 95 percent of these facilities to meet three EPA environmental indicator priorities. Currently, in North Carolina, 97 percent of facilities have human exposure controlled, 92 percent have groundwater contamination controlled and 71 percent have a remedy constructed. It is important to note that beginning this fiscal year EPA has granted states the ability to add sites to the RCRA Corrective Action Universe, which reflects lower completion percentages in comparison with previous years. In addition, EPA set goals of 32 percent of the facilities completing all remediation and identifying facilities that are Ready for Anticipated Use (RAU CA800). Currently, 28 percent of North Carolina facilities have all hazardous waste remediation completed. The Hazardous Waste Section summary of corrective action at RCRA facilities is summarized in the below table. Table III-1 Corrective Action at RCRA facilities RCRA CA725 CA750 CA800 CA900/999 CA550 Corrective CA050 Human Groundwater Ready Performance Remedy Action Universe Assessments Exposures Releases for Standards Construction Tracking Controlled Controlled Reuse** Attained FY 21-22 1 0 0 0 2 4 Accomplishments Total Accomplishments 84 83 79 61 14 24 through FY21-22 State % Final (Cumulative / 98% 97% 92% 71 % 16% 28% Baseline *The universe of current Corrective Action facilities is 86. Three added in FY-21-22 **this code is notequivalent to a no further action decision or final cleanup of a facility Strategy to achieve the goals listed above: The Facility Management Branch (FMB) evaluates and projects these goals for the FY 2021-22 multiple times per year: during the EPA Work Plan development stage, at the EPA End -of -Year Reporting stage, at each review, and during the regular supervisor/employee meetings. Facilities that have not met the Human Exposures Controlled and Groundwater Contamination Controlled projections have been evaluated and have been notified concerning information needed to meet the goals, including the newly permitted facilities. The Remedy Constructed indicator is very dependent on the facility, not necessarily the Hazardous Waste Project Manager. The facility team needs to have done a sufficient job assessing the contamination before they can propose and implement what could be considered a final remedy. One needs to remember that fully assessing groundwater contamination and remediating groundwater contamination is not an easy or inexpensive proposition. The Remedy Constructed goal required extensive discussions between the FMB and facilities to identify and approve remedies that are 321Page protective of human health and the environment and meet the appropriate media standards. The selection of the proper remedy and implementation of the remedy may require a large investment of time and money at each facility. For the FMB to meet the goal of 95 percent, no more than four facilities can miss the goal. EPA is aware that it is unlikely that the branch will meet the 95 percent Construction Complete goal. However, the FMB continues working to meet these goals. The FMB continues to evaluate facilities that appear to have the necessary elements required for the RAU CA800. Once evaluated and a positive RAU CA800 is determined, theproper forms will be completed. To meet the All RCRA Remediation Complete goal, a facility must meet the appropriate clean-up standards for all media: soil, groundwater, surface water, and air. Typically, groundwater cleanup is a multi -decade process, depending on the constituents and concentrations that need to be remediated. However, the Risk -Based Remediation of Industrial Sites legislation enacted through Session Law 2011-186 and revised by Session Law 2015-286 allows for a risk -based approach to the soil, groundwater, and air standards as long as the remedy still provides for the protection of human health and the environment. 2. Compliance and Enforcement The Hazardous Waste Program is responsible for implementing inspection, compliance, and enforcement activities. The environmental benefits achieved through compliance and enforcement activities are identified each year to measure the overall success of the program in meeting environmental goals. During FY 2021-22, the Section's actions ensured the safe management of an estimated 628 gallons and 66,910 pounds of hazardous waste, 215 gallons and 737,100 pounds of non -hazardous waste, 1,139 gallons of used oil and 1 pound of universal waste, which otherwise may have been mismanaged. These actions also ensured the protection of staff at affected facilities, emergency responders, nearby general public, and environmental receptors who could have been adversely affected by mismanaged waste. Information Management Comprehensive information about North Carolina's hazardous waste facilities is entered and stored in the national hazardous waste database known as Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information (RCRAInfo) a system that gives EPA and state environmental staff access to RCRA and Biennial Report information. The RCRAInfo database was developed by the EPA and the states, and it is managed by the EPA. RCRAInfo contains comprehensive information on facilities that generate and/or manage hazardous waste in the state as well as all the Hazardous Waste Section's activities affecting these facilities. RCRARep is an EPA computer system developed by EPA Region 1 and designed for read-only programmatic use. To view environmental information for specific hazardous waste sites in North Carolina, visit https:Henviro.epa.gov/. For details about the DEQ Division of Waste Management and its Hazardous Waste Section, visit the division's website: https:Hdeq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste- mans em�ent, or the Section's website: hiips:Hdeq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/hw. 4. Hazardous Waste Program Development The Hazardous Waste Program will continue to ensure safe hazardous waste management in North Carolina by: • Supporting opportunities for waste minimization, including source reduction and recycling, as well as supporting annual generator workshops that educate hazardous waste generators about hazardous waste regulations to help these generators achieve and maintain compliance. 331Page • Maintaining a variety of easily accessible online guidance documents to educate all generators about hazardous waste regulations that help them achieve and maintain compliance. Visit the Section's Guidance Documents website: https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste- management/hw/technical-assistance-education-guidance/documents. • Continuing to seek EPA authorization to maintain the Section's authority to implement the federal program. • Maintaining high -quality hazardous waste data for hazardous waste trend analysis and sound decision -making. Utilizing the EPA's RCRA Integrated Targeted Assistant online dashboard that incorporates the Section's data to identify potential at -risk facilities. • Participating in the EPA rulemaking process. Examples include the automatic incorporation of the Modernizing Ignitable Liquids Determination rule (effective on the federal level and in North Carolina on September 8, 2020. 5. Hazardous Waste Reduction Initiatives The Hazardous Waste Section promotes waste minimization, including source reduction and recycling in all its programs. Some of these activities include: • Incorporating pollution prevention and sustainable materials management training into annual generator workshops, industry meetings, and enforcement settlement negotiations. • Reviewing facility requests for alternative management practices for hazardous waste (use/reuse, reclamation, substitution, reclassification, and delisting). • Ensuring that generators continue to develop programs to minimize or reduce the volume and quantity or toxicity of hazardous waste when staff conducts compliance assistance visits and during facility inspections. 341Page 6. Cost of Hazardous Waste Management Program Table III-2 Hazardous Waste Legislative Report Financials July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022 Receipts Appropriations Federal TOTALS Salary and Fringe $2,627,638.43 0.00 $1,816,848.85 $4,444,487.28 Purchased Services $161,454.27 0.00 $199,559.21 $361,013.48 Supplies $8,289.34 0.00 $4,434.23 $12,723.57 Property Plant and Equipment $5,262.08 0.00 $67.85 $5,329.93 Other Expenses and Adjustments $45,463.88 0.00 $185,876.58 $231,340.46 Intragovernmental $0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Transfers TOTALS $2,848,108.00 0.00 $2,206,786.72 $5,054,894.72 C. Resident Inspector Program Executive Summary The Resident Inspector Program has been operating for more than 25 years and is administered by the DEQ, Division of Waste Management, Hazardous Waste Section. The program uses a multimedia approach during required regulatory inspections involving hazardous waste management and treatment requirements, workplace safety, air emissions requirements, and wastewater treatment and discharge requirements. Resident inspectors also evaluate commercial hazardous waste facilities for potential violations in other regulatory areas, such as the North Carolina Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Act and the North Carolina Department of Transportation's hazardous materials transportation regulations. The program inspected the state's nine permitted commercial hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities during this period. For FY 2021-22, the Resident Inspector Program operated with a staff of 3.5 positions paid from the fund. The program's operating fee -based budget collected $421,570.40 and program expenses totaled $469,345.59 Program staff conducted 435 multi -media inspections with three notices of violation. 2. Program Description The Resident Inspector Program was established "... to enhance the ability of the department to protect public health and the environment by providing the department with the authority and resources necessary to maintain a rigorous inspection and enforcement program at commercial hazardous waste facilities" [G.S. 130A-295.02(f)]. The program monitors all aspects of commercial hazardous waste facilities in North Carolina, provides facility support through assistance and education, assures compliance with laws and rules administered by NCDEQ, and may include enforcement of laws or rules administered by any other state agency through a memorandum of agreement. The Resident Inspector Program is part of the Hazardous Waste Section's Compliance Branch. For FY 2021-22, the program was comprised of three resident inspector positions, one administrative 351Page assistant, and one (half-time) program supervisor. During FY 2021-22, Resident Inspector Program staff conducted 435 multimedia inspections at North Carolina's nine commercial hazardous waste treatment and storage and disposal facilities. This performance exceeded the statute -mandated minimum of 432 inspections. [See Table III-4 for details.] 3. Program Funding The Resident Inspector Program is intended to be funded solely by fees collected from commercial hazardous waste facilities [G.S. 130A-295.02(h)]. These fees are based on each facility's category ranking and the volume (tons) of hazardous waste received. For FY 2021-22, facility ranking fees totaled $287,712same and tonnage fees ($4.50 per ton) equaled $133,858.40. [See Table III--1.] The program's expenses totaled $469,345.59. 4. Program Results Resident inspectors offer compliance assistance routinely — often in the form of education, technical assistance, and recommendations or comments during the site visits. Since the inspectors visit these facilities at least twice a month, they become familiar with facility management, operations, and site conditions. Inspection rates are based on facility ranking, which is based on the facility's size, what type of treatment they do, what type of waste they manage and how much, their enforcement history, their locations, and what reclamation they may conduct. Resident inspectors visit these sites two to eight times per month, depending on the facility's ranking. Resident inspectors can easily identify potential problem areas and work with the facility toward a permanent solution. If a facility begins to have operational or compliance problems, the inspector reviews these problem areas during each visit to provide assistance and keep the facility's compliance awareness high. Inspectors communicate frequently with facility management and front- line workers to address conditions or behaviors before they become a compliance issue. The inspectors also communicate to clarify permit conditions and current regulatory requirements and explain the reasons for the requirements as well as the potential risks and costs of noncompliance. During the past fiscal year, resident inspectors issued three notices of violation. [See Table III--1 for details.] The Resident Inspector Program staff members continue to provide rigorous oversight of commercial hazardous waste facilities in the state. The staff constantly seeks new approaches and initiatives to ensure that commercial hazardous waste facilities can protect public health and the environment. The Resident Inspector Program staff has also worked with the commercial facilities to maintain compliance during times of economic challenge. Economic pressures can cause hazardous waste facilities to operate with fewer staff members and provide employees with less training. All of these factors can lead to non-compliance. The Resident Inspector Program continues to work toward a high level of compliance at the commercial hazardous waste facilities in North Carolina through facility education, technical assistance, and regulatory oversight activities. 361Page Table III-3. Resident Inspector Program Commercial Hazardous Waste Facilities' Data FY 2021-22 COMMERCIAL TREATMENT/ Minimum Actual HW Tons HW Tons Notices of Notices of Compliance STORAGE/ Facility Number Number Received Received Deficiency Violation Orders of Ranking Inspections FY2020- FY 2021-- DISPOSAL Inspections Conducted 21 22 Issued Issued Issued FACILITY CLEAN 3 72 72 3711.98 3855.83 0 0 0 HARBORS Clean Earth/DART 4 96 97 9912 4705 0 2 0 Republic/ECOFLO 3 72 74 8773.15 9348.51 0 0 0 Univar/NEXEO 2 48 49 12117 9308 0 0 0 SOLUTIONS SK-ARCHDALE 1 24 24 56.6 44.43 0 0 0 SK- CHARLOTTE 1 24 24 4.2 5.26 0 1 0 SK-RALEIGH 1 24 24 17.14 17.6 0 0 0 SK-ST. PAULS 1 24 24 23.5 24.87 0 0 0 VEOLIA E. S. 2 48 48 1796.77 2436.81 0 0 0 TOTAL 432 435 �69412.34 299746.31 0 3 0 D. Mercury Switch Removal Program 1. Executive Summary The Mercury Switch Removal Program (MSR Program) has been operating for 17 years and is administered by the NCDEQ's Division of Waste Management's Hazardous Waste Section. The program continues to inspect the end -of -life vehicle dismantling, crushing, and shredding facilities. For FY 2021-22, the Mercury Switch Removal Program operated with a staff equivalent to approximately 3.5 positions supplied by the Hazardous Waste Section's Compliance Branch. The program's operating budget is funded by fees collected as part of the N.C. Department of Transportation's application for a certificate of vehicle title fee. The program's total operating costs this year were $521,415.21. Those costs include switch reimbursements of $5 for every mercury switch removed and recycled or disposed of as RCRA "Universal Waste." A total of $33,685 was disbursed to the dismantlers, crushers, and shredders for mercury switch reimbursements. Program staff conducted 82 inspections during FY 2021-22 to determine compliance with state and federal RCRA regulations. One notice of violation or notices of deficiency was issued. Program Description Through S.L. 2005-384, as amended by S.L. 2007-142, the General Assembly acted to reduce the amount of mercury entering the state's environment. As stated in G.S. 130A- 310.51, the purpose of the program is to reduce the quantity of mercury released into the environment by removing mercury switches from end -of -life vehicles and creating a removal, collection, and recovery program for those switches. The mercury switches control convenience lighting in the trunk and under the hood. Specifically, the law requires all vehicle dismantlers, vehicle recyclers, vehicle crushers and/or 371Page vehicle scrap processors to remove, collect and recover mercury switches contained in end -of -life vehicles prior to crushing, shredding, or smelting the vehicles. To ensure compliance with requirements established in G.S. 130A-310.50 through 310.55, NCDEQ's DWM's Hazardous Waste Section created the MSR Program, which is coordinated through the Section's Compliance Branch. During FY 2021-22, the MSR Program inspectors conducted 82 inspections in North Carolina. The site visits are used to evaluate whether the facility was subject to the law and acquaint those regulated facility operators with the legislative requirements. Additional compliance assistance was provided by the inspectors, as needed, regarding the MSR Program and other RCRA and Clean Water Act regulated requirements. In accordance with the National Vehicle Mercury Switch Removal Program (NVMSRP), North Carolina's MSR Program receives support from a corporation, End -of -Life Vehicle Solutions (ELVS), which was formed by and represents the major automobile manufacturers. ELVS provides the following support to North Carolina's vehicle dismantlers/recyclers, vehicle crushers, and scrap processing facilities: • Educational materials regarding mercury switch removal, guidance on which vehicles contain mercury switches, and instructions on how to locate, identify and remove mercury switches. • U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) appropriate storage/shipping containers, including. applicable labeling and shipping documents necessary for the shipment of the mercury switches • Transportation of the mercury switches in a timely fashion to an RCRA-permitted mercury recycling/disposal facility. • Recycling of the mercury switches by a qualified mercury retort facility or, when recycling is not feasible, for the proper disposal of the mercury switches at an RCRA-permitted disposal facility. • Indemnification from liability for participating vehicle dismantlers, scrap processing facilities, vehicle crushers, and others once mercury switches are collected by the ELVS contractor. With this level of support from automobile manufacturers, dismantlers/recyclers, vehicle crushers, and scrap processing facilities can effectively remove the mercury switches from end -of -life vehicles before crushing, shredding, or smelting them. When the switches are removed from the vehicles, they are placed in the supplied DOT container, which is labeled with the date the first switch was placed in the container and with the words "Universal Waste — Mercury -Containing Equipment." When the container is full, with a maximum of 454 switches per container, or the date on the container approaches one year, the container is shipped to the ELVS-contracted receiving facility (shipping is paid for by ELVS). ELVS continues to provide new containers and supplies as needed. 3. Program Funding The MSR Program was funded by fees collected as part of the DOT fee for the application of a vehicle title certificate. Twenty cents of each $40-per-vehicle certificate of title fee is now given to the Division of Waste Management for this program. (Formerly, fifty cents of each fee went to the now -defunct Mercury Pollution Prevention Trust Fund). Under G.S. 130A-310.54(b)(1) and (bl), the Mercury Pollution Prevention Fund, in part, reimburses the MSR Program with • $5 for each mercury switch removed and properly recycled or disposed of via the NVMSRP, 381Page paid to a vehicle crusher, vehicle dismantler, vehicle recycler, or scrap vehicle processing facility; and costs incurred by the department to administer the program. Operationally, the funding provided for approximately 3.5 full-time equivalent positions, travel, and equipment expenses plus mercury switch removal reimbursement payments. Program duties are, on a part-time basis, spread among these staff and others, including a chemist and supervisor. FY 2021-22 revenues were approximately $483,194.90. Reimbursement paid to the vehicle dismantlers/recyclers, vehicle crushers, or scrap processing facilities, for removal of the mercury switches with proper recovery and disposal ($5 per switch) totaled $33,685 and total administrative costs totaled $487,730.21. The fund balance did not see a net increase due to changes in legislation for the fiscal year. 4. Program Results As directed by ELVS, the contracted facility receiving the collected mercury switches supplies data to the MSR Program detailing the number of switches received, the date the switches were received, and the name and location of the facility that shipped the switches (dismantler, crusher, shredder, etc.). For FY 2021-22, 6,724 mercury switches were removed from vehicles and received by the ELVS contractor from North Carolina vehicle dismantlers/recyclers, vehicle crushers, and scrap processing facilities. This waste is managed as a universal waste. A total of 14.79 pounds of mercury (from the 6,724 switches) was prevented from being released into the environment in North Carolina as a result of mercury switches being removed from vehicles this year. Table III-4 Mercury Switch Removal Program Summary of Data 2012-2022 Calendar Year Switches Collected Pounds Collected North Carolina National Rank 2022 6,724 14.79 2021 7,192 15.82 2020 9,417 20.72 3rd 2019 8,927 19.64 5th 2018 12,020 26.45 4th 017 12,180 26.80 4th 2016 12,470 27.44 4th 2015 30,381 66.84 2nd 2014 38,479 84.66 2nd 013 39,195 86.24 2nd 2012 49,561 109.05 2nd 2006-11 289,636 637.26 TOTAL (2006-22) 516,182 1135.71 lbs. 391Page In the 17 years, this program has been in place, a total of 1135.71 pounds of mercury has been prevented from being released into North Carolina's environment from metal processing and smelting of scrap vehicles. North Carolina's national rank is calculated based on the mercury recovery performance ratio. This is calculated by dividing the number of mercury switches received by the ELVS Federal program contractor from North Carolina for the fiscal year, by the number of mercury switches available for removal in North Carolina for that same period. The same calculations are made using the total national switch collection and availability, allowing ELVS to rank the state programs. S.L. 2017-57 was rewritten to change the sunset date of the Mercury Switch program from June 30, 2017, to June 30, 2031, by repealing Part 6 of Article 9 of Chapter 130A of the General Statutes. The law also ended the transfer of funds into the Mercury Pollution Prevention Fund from the N.C. Highway Fund, removed most of the dollars from the fund and transferred all remaining funds to the NCDEQ, Division of Waste Management. All activities of the program in North Carolina, including education, assistance, inspections, and switch reimbursements, will cease as of June 30, 2031. 401Page Chapter IV: Inactive Hazardous Sites A. Executive Summary The N.C. General Assembly created the Inactive Hazardous Sites Program in the Department of Environmental Quality's (DEQ) Division of Waste Management (the division) to identify, investigate and clean up properties contaminated with hazardous substances. The program also manages the assessment and cleanup of old pre -regulatory landfill sites that have environmental contamination and predate modern hazardous and solid waste landfill standards designed to prevent contamination. This report satisfies the requirements, set out in G.S. 130A-310.10, for an annual report to the General Assembly. To date, a total of 3293 chemical spill or disposal sites and old, unlined dumps or landfills (pre -regulatory) have been cataloged in North Carolina. Of this number, 2605 still require work to address public health or environmental hazards. Of the 2605 remaining open cases, 631 are old, unlined landfills that predate solid and hazardous waste permitting laws. By state law, approximately 45 percent of the proceeds of a statewide solid waste disposal tax is directed to address contamination at these pre -regulatory landfills. The division contracts with private firms to assess and remedy the contamination at pre -regulatory landfill sites. The Inactive Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund (Fund) receives an annual $400,000 appropriation to address the non -landfill inactive hazardous waste sites. At the end of FY 2021-22, the uncommitted cash balance of the fund was $4,869.03. The following provides the status of sites cataloged by the Inactive Hazardous Sites Program. Catalog of Contaminated Sites: Total Number of Inactive Hazardous Sites Cataloged 3293 Chemical Spill or Disposal Sites 2630 Pre -Regulatory Landfills 663 Total Number of Sites Requiring No Further Action 688 Chemical Spill or Disposal Sites 656 Pre -Regulatory Landfill Sites 32 Remaining Open Sites 2605 Chemical Spill or Disposal Sites 1974 Pre -Regulatory Landfills 631 41 IPage Program Activities Completed or Ongoing During FY 2021-22: Chemical Spill or Disposal Sites: Oversight of Responsible Party Cleanup Actions - Total Registered Environmental Consultant (REC)-Supervised Remedial Actions Staff -Supervised Remedial Actions under Administrative Agreements Additional Staff -Supervised Owner/Responsible Parry Actions Spill Response Actions Inactive Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund Actions Contaminated Site Assessments or Abatement Actions Completed or Ongoing Sites With Homes Provided Alternate Water or Treatment Systems Maintained Testing Conducted by Staff Water Supply Wells Sampled at Non -Landfill Sites Sites with Other Testing (soils, surface water) New Site Screenings Sites Screened Sites Added to Inventory Sites Reopened Sites Evaluated for No Further Action (NFA) Status Sites Evaluated NFAs Granted for Entire Site Pre -Regulatory Landfill Sites: Remedial Investigation Ongoing Remedial Investigation Completed Local Government Assessments Ongoing Remedial Design Ongoing Remedial Design Completed Remedial Action Ongoing Remedial Action Completed No Further Action Assignments New Site Evaluations Homes Provided Alternate Water or Treatment Systems Maintained Number of Water Supply Wells Sampled 268 105 69 66 28 13 5 0 3 57 43 0 20 11 30 3 10 37 3 5 3 3 0 9 73 421Page B. The Inactive Hazardous Sites Inventory and the Inactive Hazardous Waste Sites Priority List The Division of Waste Management's Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch implements the Inactive Hazardous Sites Response Act of 1987 (IHSRA). The IHSRA requires the division to maintain a catalog of inactive hazardous substance or waste disposal sites. The program has cataloged 2630 chemical spill sites and 663 old unlined landfills. provides a list of sites added to the inventory. A total of 43 new chemical spill sites were added to the inventory of sites in FY 2021-22 (Table IV-1). No chemical spill sites were reopened based on additional evidence of contamination. A total of 688 sites now has all work completed and are assigned "No Further Action" status. Of those, 14 have completed all work and were assigned "No Further Action" status in FY 2021-22. Table IV-2 provides a list of the "No Further Action" sites. N.C.G.S. 130A-310.2 requires the division to prioritize sites cataloged in the Inactive Hazardous Sites Inventory based on the threat to public health and the environment. Sites are first cataloged in the "Evaluations Pending" category of the Inventory until the division ranks the site based on rules found in 15A NCAC 13C .0200. Once ranked, sites are transferred to the Inactive Hazardous Waste Sites Priority List. The priority list is provided in Appendix B to this report organized in order of the threat to public health and the environment. The purpose of this list is to prioritize full-scale (complete) contaminant remedial actions at sites without responsible parties. The rank or absence of a site on the priority list does not limit the division in conducting abatement actions at sites with immediate hazards. N.C.G.S. 130A-310.10 requires reporting of the location of each inactive hazardous waste disposal site, the type and number of hazardous substances or waste known or believed to be located at each of these sites, last action taken at each of these sites, and date of the last action. Due to the large number of contaminated sites, most of the sites have not undergone complete assessments needed to provide complete information. Appendix C provides the required supplemental information to the extent available. Table IV-1 Inactive Hazardous Sites Inventory List of New Sites During FY 2021-22 Chemical Spill/Disposal Sites: ID Number Site Name City County NONCD0003197 3M MINERAL - MONCURE MONCURE CHATHAM NONCD0003164 ARDMORE COMMONS WINSTON-SALEM FORSYTH NONCD0003190 ATLANTIC AVE METALS ROCKY MOUNT EDGECOMBE NONCD0003185 AUTO TOP MANUFACTURING CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NONCD0003191 BAILEY PROPERTY RALEIGH WAKE NONCD0003184 BANK ST TCE CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NONCD0003199 BLYTHE BLVD HOSPITAL PROPERTY CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NONCD0001429 CAPE FEAR AUTO WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER NONCD0003195 CENTRAL AVE PESTICIDES AND VOCS CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NCDO80892441 CHAMPION PRODUCTS INC CLAYTON JOHNSTON NONCD0003192 CHINA GROVE INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX CHINA GROVE ROWAN NONCD0003167 CORMETECH, INC. KINGS MOUNTAIN CLEVELAND NONCD0003179 CRAYTON PRINTING CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NONCD0003194 DURHAM MAIN SUBSTATION DURHAM DURHAM NONCD0003183 ELIZABETH AVE PCE CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NONCD0003193 FARM CHEMICALS RAEFORD RAEFORD HOKE NONCD0003196 FAULKNER'S GULF GREENSBORO GREENSBORO GUILFORD NONCD0003168 FORMER UNION 76 STATION RALEIGH WAKE NONCD0003174 GRAHAM WWTP DISPOSAL AREA GRAHAM ALAMANCE NONCD0003175 GUARDSMAN CHEMICALS INC HIGH POINT GUILFORD NONCD0003201 HENDERSON LAUNDRY HENDERSON VANCE NONCD0003173 HOOPERS CREEK ROAD VOCS FLETCHER HENDERSON NONCD0003200 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE TCE WENDELL WAKE NONCD0003187 KOURY ENTERPRISES COMPANY LLC GREENSBORO GUILFORD NONCD0003169 LAKEFILL ROAD CONTAMINATION CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 431Page NONCD0003182 LIBERTY ST METALS WINSTON SALEM FORSYTH NONCD0003178 LUDWIG MUSSER FACILITY MONROE UNION NONCD0003177 MT GILEAD COTTON OIL CO MOUNT GILEAD MONTGOMERY NONCD0003202 N ROXBORO ST PCE DURHAM DURHAM NCR000179606 N&B CO. - TERMINIX JAMES CITY CRAVEN NONCD0003176 OCEAN HILL COMMERCIAL SITE COROLLA CURRITUCK NCD000613273 PRAXAIR SURFACE TECHNOLOGIES CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NONCD0003188 RENFRO CORPORATION MOUNT AIRY SURRY NONCD0003166 ROBB PROPERTIES RALEIGH WAKE NONCD0003170 ROZZELLES FERRY RD PCE CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NONCD0003171 SANITARY LAUNDRY RALEIGH WAKE NONCD0003172 SHOWROOM PROPERTIES HIGH POINT GUILFORD NONCD0003163 SOUTH TRYON STREET PCE CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NCD986205953 SOUTHWOOD CORPORATION CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NONCD0003181 THOMASVILLE PLANT B THOMASVILLE DAVIDSON NONCD0003198 W MARTIN STREET TCE RALEIGH WAKE NONCD0003186 W SOUTH ST TCE RALEIGH WAKE NONCD0003180 WEBB METALS DALLAS GASTON Table IV-2 Inactive Hazardous Sites Inventory List of Sites Assigned No Further Action Status During FY 2021-22 Chemical Spill/Disposal Sites: ID Number Site Name NONCD0002776 CSX-ROSINDALE NONCD0001621 DIXIE YARNS PIEDMONT NONCD0001680 EMERSON LEATHER (FORMER) NCD095118212 GENERAL FOAM PLASTICS CORPORATION NONCD0002718 HWY 98 DIELDRIN CONTAMINATION NCD000770487 JOHNSON CONTROLS GLOBE BATTERY NONCD0002848 LOXCREEN NONCD0002404 RITTER MILLWORKS SHOP NONCD0002451 SCHOONMAKERS-DECORATIVE TIN BUSIN NONCD0003061 URETHANE INNOVATORS INC NONCD0002908 WILMINGTON MATERIALS PLANT #1 Pre -Regulatory Landfill Sites: ID Number Site Name NONCD0000307 AIRPORT LF NONCD0000311 J.H. WINSTON DUMP NONCD0000339 LITTLETON DUMP City County CLARKTON BLADEN BELMONT GASTON HICKORY CATAWBA TARBORO EDGECOMBE BUNN FRANKLIN KERNERSVILLE FORSYTH ROXBORO PERSON CASTLE HAYNE NEW HANOVER WATHA PENDER NEW BERN CRAVEN WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER City County WINSTON-SALEM FORSYTH YOUNGSVILLE FRANKLIN LITTLETON HALIFAX C. Sites Using the Inactive Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund An annual appropriation of $400,000 is used to address the highest -risk chemical spill sites without responsible parties that can pay for the cleanup. More than 400 sites are confirmed to have no financially viable responsible party available to pay for contaminant testing and cleanup. Of these, almost 90% are identified as higher risk because they are used for residential purposes, have contaminated water supply wells, or have a drinking water source within one -quarter mile of the site. The total number of orphan sites in the entire inventory of sites is unknown and is expected to be a high percentage of the remaining open cases. It is difficult to prove who caused the contaminant releases at these sites. When it is known, those responsible parties are often no longer in business or are financially unsound. Determining whether a responsible party exists (and thus, whether state funds will be needed for assessment and cleanup) most often requires research, inquiry, and sampling. Due to the level of effort required, the division performs responsible parry research for sites that are next in priority for action. The Inactive Hazardous Waste Sites Priority List helps determine priorities for cleanup. Responsible parties 441Page for top -priority sites are encouraged to voluntarily clean up their sites. When a responsible party does not comply with a request and subsequent order to clean up a site, the state must perform the cleanup using the Fund. The demand for state funds to conduct site cleanups depends on two factors: (1) how often responsible parties refuse to comply with orders to conduct cleanup and (2) the risks associated with sites that lack financially viable responsible parties, also known as "orphan" sites. The Fund is used to (1) address imminent hazard sites; (2) pay for assessment and cleanup when responsible parties do not comply with orders to clean up sites; (3) pay for assessment and cleanup of orphan sites; and (4) pay for preparation of a notice of Inactive Hazardous Substance or Waste Disposal Site if the owner does not comply with orders to record a notice. When a financially viable responsible party exists, the state must attempt to recover its expenditures from the responsible party. The Inactive Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund was used to address several sites this year. A summary of the work is provided in Table IV-3. Table IV-3 Summary of Inactive Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund Expenditures FY 2021-22. FY 2021-22 Site Name City/ County Activity Fund Expenditures* Allen Lane Hillsborough/ Maintenance of treatment system installed on $ 3,624.11 Contaminated Orange contaminated residential well. Wells Averette Road Wake Forest/ Soil gas testing on residential property to $ 7,145.48 Solvents Wake assess potential vapor intrusion risks. Bendix Salisbury/ Soil gas testing on source property to assess $ 17,398.89 Corporation Rowan potential vapor intrusion risks and downgradient groundwater sampling to assess contamination migration. Brekenwood Pleasant Maintenance of treatment system installed on $ 2,547.59 Subdivision Garden/ contaminated residential well. Guilford Busick Road TCE Reidsville/ Maintenance of treatment system installed on $ 2,834.80 Rockingham contaminated residential well. Chemical and Greensboro/ Soil and groundwater teting to assess $ 19,693.01 Solvents Guilford contaminant levels. Cinderella Knitting Kings Indoor air and groundwater sampling on the $ 24,664.73 Mills Mountain/ source property to monitor contaminant Cleveland levels. Groundwater, surface water, and sediment sampling to assess environmental conditions on an adjacent municipal park. 451Page Eastern Car Care Murfreesboro/ Soil gas testing on four properties (daycare, $ 27,347.15 (FRMR) Hertford residence, office building [former daycare], restaurant) adjacent to the source property to assess potential vapor intrusion risks and groundwater testing on the office building (former daycare) property. Kaiser Fluid Charlotte/ Soil gas testing on residential property to $ 20,524.13 Technologies Mecklenburg assess potential vapor intrusion risks. Kinston Shirt Kinston/ Lenoir Soil gas on properties (residences) $ 10,509.49 Factory downgradient of the source property to assess potential vapor intrusion risks and groundwater water testing on a downgradient school to assess contaminant migration. Mullinex Grocery Troy/ Abandon contaminated water supply wells. $ 7,851.56 Montgomery Pantry #219 Sanford/Lee Soil gas testing on residential property to $ 26,699.40 assess potential vapor intrusion risks and groundwater testing to assess potential contaminant migration. Pilot Mills Raleigh/Wake Soil gas testing on residential property to $ 8,362.48 assess potential vapor intrusion risks and groundwater testing to assess potential contaminant migration. Priddy Property, Lawsonville/ Maintenance of treatment system installed on $ 2,508.71 Winifred Stokes contaminated residential well. South Tunnel Road Asheville/ Groundwater testing to monitor contaminant $ 6,828.96 Solvents Buncombe concentrations. Southern Charlotte/ Soil gas testing to assess potential vapor $ 26,740.56 Resources Scrap Mecklenburg intrusion risks and surface water testing to Metal assess potential impacts. W.E. Garrison Co Raleigh/Wake Maintenance of treatment system installed on $ 2,541.38 contaminated residential well. Walgreens/Former New Bern/ Groundwater testing to assess potential $ 23,886.71 Glam-O-Rama Craven contaminant migration from source property. Alternate (bottled) water provision $ 214.45 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $241,923.59 *Authorized expenses that were not yet invoiced in FY21-22 — $256,380.22 461Page D. Pre -Regulatory Landfills Session Law 2007- 550 established a statewide tax on solid waste disposal, half of which goes to address the hazards posed by landfills that predate federal and state rules on solid waste disposal. The portion of the solid waste disposal tax received by the program may be used only for addressing the pre -regulatory landfill threats. The division received $11,959,297 in tax revenue in FY 2021-22. Nineteen percent of the tax revenue may be used for administrative expenses. Included in the administrative expense allowance is $390,670 for administration of the non -pre -regulatory landfill portion of the Inactive Hazardous Sites Program and $500,000 for programs in the Division's Solid and Hazardous Waste Sections, leaving approximately $869,556 for administration of the Pre -Regulatory Landfill Program. The division has cataloged 663 unpermitted, unlined landfills. Initial work at each site involved confirming the location, determining the current use of the property, and identifying the use of surrounding property to help prioritize the sites for action. The list of sites by county are in Appendix D. Based on inspections conducted as part of that work, 80 percent of the sites have been determined to have a water supply source, residence, school, church, day care or park on or within 1,000 feet of the landfill. The division established contracts for contaminant assessment and mitigation of the sites. Using these contracts, the nature and extent of the contamination was defined through testing. A remedy is then designed and implemented to address the exposure risks. The division also provides review and approval of contaminant assessment work being conducted by local governments at these sites and reimburses the cost of that work from the tax proceeds. In FY 2021-22 ten contaminant assessments were being conducted by local governments with division oversight and reimbursement. FY 2021-22 actions: • 40 Ongoing remedial investigations, including both PRLF contractors and Local Governments • 3 Remedial investigations completed • 37 Ongoing remedial design/actions • 3 Remedial designs completed • 5 Ongoing remedial action • 3 Completed remedial actions • 3 NFAs issued • 73 Private water supply wells on or near unpermitted landfills sampled • 9 Homes provided alternate water supplies or maintenance of treatment systems for wells with unsafe levels of contamination. • 0 New sites were screened for program qualification and added to inventory. The assessment and cleanup process is complex. Exposure caused by contaminated water supplies, contaminated vapors entering buildings, methane gas posing explosion risks and exposed wastes on residential property must be addressed. Difficulties can arise in attempting to gain access to affected properties at each site and with illegal dumping during investigation and remedial action activities. PRLF staff coordinate with current property owners to determine the acceptable safe usage of each impacted parcel based on current and planned activities. In January 2017, the division executed two pilot study contracts with professional engineering firms to implement independent environmental investigations and risk -based cleanup of four sites. The firms were 471Page required to develop effective and stable risk -based remedies in a manner consistent with applicable statues. Work was conducted independently, and the engineering firms under contract certified the quality of work. The division verified compliance before authorizing payment on associated invoices. A final report was drafted, outlining the findings and conclusion of the pilot study. Pilot Study Sites: Bostic Refuse Disposal Bostic, Rutherford County Bunn Dump Bunn, Franklin County Burnt Mill Creek Landfill Wilmington, New Hanover County Sims Legion Park Landfill Gaston, Gaston County Remedial Investigation Ongoing during FY 21-22: Burgaw Dump Burgaw, Pender County Cary Dump Cary, Wake County City of Fayetteville Landfill Fayetteville, Cumberland County *Dare County Dump Manteo, Dare County Denver Landfill Denver, Lincoln, County Fishburne Landfill Arden, Buncombe County Greenville City Landfill Greenville, Pitt County Grifton Dump Grifton, Pitt County *Hillsborough Dump Hillsborough, Orange County Hurley's Dump Biscoe, Montgomery County Jackson Lake Road Landfill High Point, Guilford County Knightdale Dump Knightdale, Wake County *Les Myers Park Landfill Concord, Cabarrus County Manteo Dump Manteo, Dare County Miller Street Landfill Gastonia, Gaston County Mooresville Dump Mooresville, Iredell County Mooresville Landfill Mooresville, Iredell County *Mud Creek Dump Hendersonville, Henderson County N Davidson County Landfill Midway, Davidson County Old Allegheny County Landfill Sparta, Alleghany County *Old City of Burlington SW Disposal Burlington, Alamance County Old Durham County Landfill Durham, Durham County Old Hickory Landfill Hickory, Catawba County Old Raleigh #9 Landfill Raleigh, Wake County Old Raleigh #5 Landfill Raleigh, Wake County Old Raleigh #8 Landfill Raleigh, Wake County Old Richmond County Landfill Rockingham, Richmond County *Oxford Dump Oxford, Granville County *Pilot Mt. Refuse Dump Pilot Mountain, Surry County *Plymouth Refuse Dump Plymouth, Washington County Pond Road Landfill #2 Ashville, Buncombe County Princeville Dump Tarboro, Edgecombe County *Reidsville Landfill Reidsville, Rockingham County Rowan County Landfill Salisbury, Rowan County Southern Pines Dump Southern Pine, Moore County Swannanoa Landfill Swannanoa, Buncombe County Waxhaw Dump Waxhaw, Union County Westgate Park Landfill Cherryville, Gaston County Winnabow Landfill Winnabow, Brunswick County *Yadkinville Refuse Disposal Yadkinville, Yadkin County 481Page *Local government sites Remedial Investigations Completed in FY 2021-22: Angier Refuse Dump Angier, Harnett County Fishertown Dump Kannapolis, Cabarrus County Trenton Refuse Disposal Trenton, Jones County Remedial Design Ongoing during FY 2021-22: Albemarle Dump Albemarle, Stanley County Beaufort Refuse Dump Beaufort, Carteret, County Belltown Road Dump Belltown, Craven County Bingham Park Landfill Greensboro, Guilford County Bud Holding Company Landfill Greensboro, Guilford County Burnt Mill Creek Landfill Wilmington, New Hanover, County Charlotte Motor Speedway Landfill #1 Concord, Cabarrus County China Gove Dump China Grove, Rowan County City of Wilson Landfill — 1 Wilson, Wilson County City of Winston-Salem Landfill Winston-Salem, Forsyth County Clayton Ball Field Landfill Clayton, Johnston County Danbury Dump Danbury, Stokes County Durham County Landfill Durham, Durham County E. H. Glass Landfill Greensboro, Guilford County East Wake Landfill Knightdale, Wake County Edgecombe County Landfill Tarboro, Edgecombe County Elon College Landfill Elon College, Alamance County Fishertown Dump Kannapolis, Cabarrus County Gaston County Landfill Mount Holly, Gaston County Greensboro City Landfill Greensboro, Guilford County Henderson County Landfill Hendersonville, Henderson County Hickory Grove Road Landfill McAdenville, Gaston County Hominy Creek Landfill Asheville, Buncombe County Jacksonville WWTP at Sturgeon City Jacksonville, Onslow County Kinston Demolition Kinston, Lenoir County Monroe Landfill Monroe, Union County Nash County Landfill Red Oak, Nash County Old CharlotteNanguard Center Charlotte, Mecklenburg County Old Raleigh #11 — Dorothea Dix Raleigh, Wake County Old Raleigh #4 Landfill Raleigh, Wake County Rocky Knoll School Site Durham, Durham County Sims Legion Park Landfill Gastonia, Gaston County Stanley Refuse Dump Stanley, Gaston County Statesville Road Landfill Charlotte, Mecklenburg County Tarboro Landfill Tarboro, Nash County Tin Mine Landfill Lincolnton, Lincoln County UNC Old Sanitary Landfill Chapel Hill, Orange County Remedial Design Completed in FY 2021-22: Franklinton Dump Franklinton, Franklin County Gibsonville Properties Landfill Gibsonville, Alamance County Stedman Landfill Stedman, Cumberland County Remedial Action Ongoing During FY 2021-22: Buncombe Co. Landfill Enka, Buncombe County 491Page City of Lumberton Landfill Gibsonville Properties Landfill NC Dept of Agriculture Landfill Reynold's School Road Landfill Lumberton, Robeson County Gibsonville, Alamance County Raleigh, Wake County Canton, Haywood County Remedial Action (Construction) Completed in FY 2021-22: Buncombe Co. Landfill Enka, Buncombe County City of Lumberton Landfill Lumberton, Robeson County NC Dept of Agriculture Landfill Raleigh, Wake County Remedial Action Completed (No Further Action Status) in FY 2021-22: Cannon Mills Landfill Kannapolis, Rowan County Hookerton Dump Hookerton, Greene County NC Dept of Agriculture Landfill Raleigh, Wake County E. Federal National Priorities List Sites Requiring a State Cost Share Establishment of a Federal and State Superfund Program Thousands of contaminated sites exist nationally due to hazardous waste being dumped, left out in the open, or otherwise improperly managed. These sites include manufacturing facilities, processing plants, landfills, and mining sites. In the late 1970s, toxic waste dumps such as Love Canal and Valley of the Drums received national attention when the public learned about the risks to human health and the environment posed by contaminated sites. In response, Congress established the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) in 1980. Hazard Ranking System (HRS) is established as the principal mechanism for evaluating the environmental hazards of a site. In 1982, the EPA published the Hazard Ranking System (HRS) as the principal mechanism for evaluating the environmental hazards of a site. HRS is a numerically based screening system that uses information from preliminary investigations to assess the potential threats that sites pose to human health or the environment. CERCLA, or the "Superfund," allows EPA, working with NCDEQ Division of Waste Management Superfund Section staff, to clean up contaminated sites. It also forces the parties responsible for the contamination to either perform cleanups or reimburse the state government for EPA -led cleanup work. When there is no viable responsible party, Superfund gives EPA and the State of North Carolina 90 percent of the funds needed to clean up contaminated sites. CERCLA makes states responsible for the remaining 10 percent of the cleanup funds needed at these sites. Goals of the EPA and state Superfund program are to: • Protect human health and the environment by cleaning up contaminated sites • Make responsible parties pay for cleanup work • Involve communities in the Superfund process • Return Superfund sites to productive use 501Page State Superfund Cost Share Fund (SSCSF) Session Law 1999-237 Section 15.6 established that the NCDEQ may use available funds, with the approval of the Office of State Budget and Management (OSBM), to provide the 10 percent cost share required for Superfund cleanups on the National Priority List (NPL) sites having no viable responsible party to pay the operating and maintenance costs associated with these Superfund cleanups. These funds may be in addition to those appropriated for this purpose. The Session Law also required NCDEQ to report to the Environmental Review Commission and the Joint Legislative Commission on Governmental Operations the amount and the source of the funds used. North Carolina currently has 40 hazardous waste sites out of a nationwide total of 1329 sites on the EPA NPL. Two of them, Reasor Chemical and New Hanover County Airport, were delisted. The 38 active sites ranked as the nation's priority to clean up actions. There are no viable responsible parties for 18 NPL sites in the State of North Carolina, and a combination of federal and state public funds are used to conduct remediation at these sites. The Hazardous Response Trust Fund (the federal Superfund) contributes 90 percent of the money for the remedial action, and the state contributes the remaining 10 percent. The state also is obligated to conduct operation and maintenance (O&M) at NPL sites after the EPA completes its remedial action. Summary of North Carolina Superfund Cost -Share Fund Status as of June 30, 2022 • Amount of cost share funds distributed in FY 2021-22: $211,992 • North Carolina's 10 percent cost share for past, ongoing, and pending cleanups (based on signed contracts): $12,391,630 • Fund balance as of June 30, 2022: $3,925,026 • Amount currently committed in contracts for future cost share payments and operation and maintenance of remedies: $1,712,324 • Remaining Amount Encumbered on Cape Fear Wood Contract $56,746 • Unobligated Fund balance as of June 30, 2022: $2,155,956 *In the future, this obligated amount will increase. Cleanup cost estimates are not available for sites that are currently in various stages of Remedial Investigation, and for which contracts are not yet signed. New sites may be added to the National Priorities List; some of which will require a state cost -share. Also, increases in remedial costs that differ from the original state/EPA contract amounts can occur. Notably, Record of Decision documents for six federal trust fund lead/state cost share NPL sites were signed in recent years waiting for funding to start remedial actions. Four of these sites will be funded by Federal Infrastructure Bill Fund. Sites funded under this bill will not require the state to pay a 10% cost share. The State Superfund Contracts (SSC) were signed for these four sites: Ram Leather ($17,221,300); ABC Cleaner ($5,446,900); Hemphill Road TCE ($7,939,772); Holcomb Creosote ($7,209,778). An SSC amendment was signed for GMH to switch the remaining amount of $3,057,630 to the Infrastructure Bill funding and de - obligate 10% of the state share from the original SSC. The SSCs for Cristex Drum Site ($10,159,863) and Cape Fear Wood Preserving ($20,549,537) will be signed after the 30% Remedial Designs are completed and approved. The funding for these two sites may still be provided by the Federal Infrastructure Bill funding if the fund is still available when the Remedial Designs are completed and approved by the end of March 2024. The Record of Decision for Ore Knob site has not been finalized; the draft Proposed Plan is still in review, and the first phase of remediation will cost more than $40 million. The cost of phase II and III remediation will also be substantial. The state cost share for the site, especially for phase II and III remedial actions will be required. 51 IPage Operation and Maintenance for the following sites are being managed by North Carolina and paid for using the SCSF at this time: • FCX Statesville in Iredell County • Cape Fear Wood Preserving in Cumberland County • Davis Park Road TCE in Gaston County • Potter's Septic Tank Service Pits in Brunswick County Anticipated site O&M transferring to the State in 2023 and 2024: • Barber Orchard in Haywood County • Blue Ridge Plating in Buncombe County • Ore Knob in Ashe County • Carolina Transformer O&M obligation at these 8 sites involves sampling wells and preparing reports, site/well maintenance, sampling impacted 17 water -supplying wells at Ore Knob site, and maintenance of the filtration systems at the water supplying wells. The estimated O&M cost for all these sites is about $350,000 per year. Table IV-4 provides a list of the North Carolina NPL sites and the following information for each site: location, investigation/cleanup status, estimated costs and projected start dates for cleanup. Part I of Table IV-4 includes those sites where the federal trust fund/North Carolina cost share is required. Part II of Table IV-4 includes the status of responsible party -funded cleanups. 521Page IV-4 North Carolina National Priorities List Sites Part L• Sites Where Federal Trust Fund/North Carolina Cost Share is Required NPL Site City/County Operable Unit Cleanup Status Cleanup Cost Work Phase Start ABC One Hour Cleaners Jacksonville, Onslow OU1-Groundwater RA $4,481,077 In Progress OU2-Soil RA $1,675,548 In Progress OU-3 Soil and Groundwater RA $5,556,900* In Progress Barber Orchard Waynesville, Haywood OU1-Soil Complete $24,300,000 Complete OU2-Groundwater O&M Pending Benfield Industries Waynesville, Haywood Entire Site $6,729,200 Soil Complete Complete Groundwater In Progress Blue Ridge Plating Arden, Buncombe Entire Site $2,275,200 Soil Complete Complete Groundwater 0&M Pending Cape Fear Wood Preserving Fayetteville, Cumberland Entire Site $24,407,574 Soil Complete Complete Groundwater 0&M $56,746 In Progress Soil & Groundwater RD ($20,549,537)* Carolina Transformer Fayetteville, Cumberland Soil/Sediment Complete $22,328,300 Complete Groundwater 0&M Pending Cristex Drum Oxford, Granville All RD ($10,159,863)* In Progress Davis Park Road TCE Gastonia, Gaston Entire Site RA Complete $3,873,299 Complete Groundwater 0&M In Progress FCX, Inc. -Statesville Statesville, Iredell OU1-Groundwater 0&M $1,460,315 In Progress OU2-Soil Complete $5,787,620 Complete FCX, Inc. -Washington Washington, Beaufort OU1-Groundwater 0&M OU2-Soil/Surface Water/Sediment Complete $255,791 Complete GMH Electronics Roxboro, Person OU1-Public Water Supply Complete $2,158,550 Complete OU2-Entire Site RA $4,724,626 Complete $3,057,630* In Progress Hemphill Road TCE Gastonia, Gaston All RD $7,939,772* In Progress 531Page NPL Site City/County Operable Unit Cleanup Status Cleanup Cost Work Phase Start Holcombe Creosote Company Yadkinville, Yadkin Soil and Groundwater RD $7,209,778* In Progress North Belmont PCE Belmont, Gaston Groundwater RA $7,535,000 In Progress Ore Knob West Jefferson, Ashe Entire Site Phase I PP Not Determined In Progress Groundwater O&M Pending Potter's Septic Tank Service Maco, Brunswick Entire Site $8,350,000 Soil Complete Complete Groundwater O&M In Progress Ram Leather Mint Hill, Mecklenburg Entire Site Interim RA $2,244,800 On Hold RD $17,220,000* In Progress Sigmon's Septic Tank Statesville, Iredell Entire Site $1,329,400 Soil Complete Complete Cleanup Status Legend O&M - Remedy Operation and Maintenance RD - Remedial Design RI - Remedial Investigation OU - Operable Unit RA - Remedial Action RI/FS- Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study PP — Proposed Plan *Indicates the Funding will be provided by Federal Infrastructure Bill *() Indicates sites in the process of finishing of RD; these sites are anticipated to be funded by Federal Infrastructure Bill after the RDs are complete and approved. 541Page Part 11— Responsible Party -Funded Cleanups NPL Site City/County Operable Unit Cleanup Status Aberdeen Pesticides Aberdeen, Moore OU1 and OU4 - Soils -All Sites Complete 01.13-Groundwater for FC, TS, F6 O&M 01.15-Groundwater for Rt 211 and McIver 0&M Aberdeen Contaminated GW Aberdeen, Moore OU 1- Town Well Replacement Complete OU 2- Groundwater RI Bypass 601/Martin Scrap Concord, Cabarrus OU1-Soil/Sediment at Martin Scrap 0&M 01.12-Off-Site Soil/Sediment Complete 01.13-Groundwater O&M Celanese Corporation Shelby, Cleveland OU1-Groundwater 0&M OU2-Soil Complete Surface Water Complete Charles Macon Lagoon and Drum Cordova, Richmond Soil Complete Groundwater 0&M Chemtronics Inc. Swannanoa, Buncombe Soil RD Groundwater RD CTS of Asheville Asheville, Buncombe All RA FCX Inc. Statesville, Iredell 01.13-Burlington Industries Site RA Geigy Chemical Aberdeen, Moore Soil Complete Groundwater O&M General Electric/Shepherd Farm East Flat Rock, Henderson Soil 0&M Groundwater 0&M Surface Water/Sediment Complete Horton Iron and Metal Wilmington, New Hanover All RD ladco-Hughes Belmont, Gaston Soil/Sediment 0&M Groundwater O&M 551Page NPL Site City/County JFD Electronics/Channel Master Oxford, Granville Kerr-McGee Chemical Navassa, Brunswick Koppers Company Inc. Morrisville, Wake National Starch and Chemical Salisbury, Rowan New Hanover County Airport Wilmington, New Hanover NCSU Lot 86 Raleigh, Wake Reasor Chemical Castle Hayne, New Hanover USMC Camp LeJeune Jacksonville, Onslow USMC Cherry Point Cherry Point, Craven Ward Transformer Raleigh, Wake Wright Chemical Corporation Riegelwood, Columbus Operable Unit Cleanup Status Soil Complete Groundwater 0&M OU 1 Soil Only Complete Delisted OU 2 Soil Only RD In Progress OU 3 Marsh RI In Progress OU 4 Operation Area RI In Progress OU 5 Groundwater RI In Progress Soil Complete Groundwater 0&M Surface Water Complete OU1-Groundwater in Western Part of Site O&M/RI OU2-Trench Area Soil/Surface Water Complete OU3-Area 2 Groundwater/Wastewater Treatment Area/Surface Water/ Sediments in NE Tributary 0&M OU4-Area 2 Soil/Wastewater Treatment Lagoon Area 0&M Groundwater Complete/Delistec Soil 0&M Groundwater 0&M Soil Complete/Delistec Groundwater Complete/Delistec Multiple Units Various Stages Multiple Units Various Stages OU1-Downgradient Reaches RA Complete OU2-Plant Area and Groundwater FS Time Critical Removal Complete Not Determined RI 561Page F. Responsible Party Voluntary Site Remedial Action When the Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch requests that a person responsible for contamination at a priority site take action to address the risks, some parties agree to voluntarily conduct a cleanup. Some responsible parties and owners also initiate an approved assessment and/or remedial action on their own. Due to the number of voluntary remediation projects and limited staff resources, the General Assembly authorized the division to privatize oversight of voluntary remediation activities at lower -priority sites. The division continues to provide oversight for assessment and remediation at sites that present more severe public health threats or other concerns. The privatized portion of the voluntary cleanup program is called the Registered Environmental Consultant (REC) Program. Under this program, a responsible party hires a private consultant to conduct the site assessment and cleanup and to certify that those activities comply with regulations. The REC's certification replaces division oversight of the assessment and cleanup. Firms must meet certain requirements to qualify as an REC. Division staff conduct REC certification, training and performance audits each year to ensure program integrity. The division has the authority to sanction an REC where necessary. These staff are funded through fees collected from the voluntary program participants. A current list of the 174 sites where assessments and cleanups are underway in accordance with an administrative agreement with the state is provided in Table IV-5. There are 105 REC-directed and 69 division - directed actions. Table IV-6 is a list of an additional 66 division -directed responsible party assessment and cleanup actions pending administrative agreements. Table IV-5 Voluntary Party Remedial Actions Under Administrative Agreements During FY 2021-22 (105 REC and 69 Division Directed) ID Number Site Name City County NONCD0000040 ABBOTT LABORATORIES LAURINBURG SCOTLAND NCD045924339 ACME UNITED CORPORATION FREMONT WAYNE NONCD0001226 ADAMS-MILLIS PLANT 2/33 - NONUST MOUNT AIRY SURRY NONCD0001245 ALLEN-BECK NON -PETROLEUM GRANITE FALLS CALDWELL NCDO02464691 ALLIANCE CAROLINA TOOL AND MOLD ARDEN BUNCOMBE NONCD0001257 AMERICAN TRUETZSCHLER CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NONCD0001273 ANSELL HEALTHCARE TARBORO EDGECOMBE NONCD0001275 AO SMITH ELECTRIC MOTOR MEBANE ALAMANCE NONCD0002881 ARDEE/TRANSLITE SHELBY CLEVELAND NCD986188787 ASHEVILLE COAL GAS PLANT #1 ASHEVILLE BUNCOMBE NONCD0000032 ASHEVILLE COAL GAS PLANT #2 ASHEVILLE BUNCOMBE NCDO03193588 BARBOUR BOAT WORKS, INC. NEW BERN CRAVEN NONCD0003099 BASF HOLLY SPRINGS WAKE NCDO03149705 BASF WAYNDOTTE CORPORATION CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NCD083673590 BENDIX CORPORATION* CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NCD054412283 BLACK & DECKER PLANT (FORMER) TARBORO EDGECOMBE NCDO03189024 BORDEN CHEMICAL FAYETTEVILLE PLANT FAYETTEVILLE CUMBERLAND NONCD0000002 BURLINGTON COAL GAS PLANT BURLINGTON ALAMANCE NONCD0001400 BURLINGTON HOUSE REIDSVILLE PLANT REIDSVILLE ROCKINGHAM NCD986171965 CARO-KNIT WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER NONCD0001186 CARR MILL MALL CARRBORO ORANGE NCD000608117 CELANESE CORPORATION/FIBERS TECH CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NCD986188803 CHARLOTTE COAL GAS PLANT NO. 2 CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 571Page NCD981861214 CHARLOTTE TRANSPORTATION TERMINAL CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NONCD0000041 CIBA-GEIGY CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NCD061801361 CIBA-GEIGY CORPORATION GREENSBORO GUILFORD NONCD0001509 CLAIRE MANUFACTURING CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NCD986230688 COMMERCIAL VEHICLE GROUP, INC STATESVILLE IREDELL NCD982116477 CONAGRA FOODS, INC GARNER WAKE NCD986197333 CONCORD COAL GAS PLANT CONCORD CABARRUS NONCD0002304 CONOVER CHAIR COMPANY CONOVER CATAWBA NONCD0001544 COOKSON FIBERS ANSONVILLE ANSON NONCD0001097 COPES-VULCAN, INC CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NCD003195161 CORNING GLASS WORKS RALEIGH WAKE NONCD0001551 COTTON MILL SQUARE - SOLVENTS GREENSBORO GUILFORD NONCD0001061 CP&L NORTHERN DIVISION COMPLEX GARNER WAKE NONCD0002990 CROWN ACURA GREENSBORO GUILFORD NONCD0002216 CROWN AUTO DEALERSHIP GREENSBORO GUILFORD NONCD0001901 CROWN FORD FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE CUMBERLAND NONCD0001569 CROWN HONDA & CAMCO GREENSBORO GUILFORD NONCD0001262 CROWN PONTIAC-SOLVENT GREENSBORO GUILFORD NONCD0001420 CSX HAMLET DIESEL SHOP HAMLET RICHMOND NONCD0001182 CUMMINS ATLANTIC -GENERAL OFFICE BLDG CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NCD057454670 DIAMOND SHAMROCK CORP/OCCIDENTAL CASTLE HAYNE NEW HANOVER NCD981861743 DUKE POWER/GREENSBORO GAS PLANT GREENSBORO GUILFORD NCD000813519 DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM DURHAM NONCD0002818 DUPONT-KENTEC GRIFTON LENOIR NCD986173938 DURHAM GAS PLANT DURHAM DURHAM NONCD0001661 EATON CORPORATION LAURINBURG SCOTLAND NCD004520136 EATON CORPORATION ROXBORO PERSON NONCD0001662 EATON CORPORATION - SANFORD SANFORD LEE NONCD0002853 EATON MANUFACTURING SELMA JOHNSTON NCD986197267 ELIZABETH CITY COAL GAS ELIZABETH CITY PASQUOTANK NONCD0001681 EMPIRE BRUSH FACILITY GREENVILLE PITT NCD003201837 ENCEE CHEMICAL SALES, INC. BRIDGETON CRAVEN NONCD0001683 ENERGY CONVERSION SYSTEMS DUNN HARNETT NONCD0002903 ENGINEERED CONTROLS INTERNATIONAL WHITSETT GUILFORD NONCD0002904 ENGINEERED CONTROLS INTERNATIONAL ELON ALAMANCE NONCD0001137 FABCO FASTENING SYSTEMS/DIXIE YARNS STANFIELD STANLY NONCD0001700 FAIRCHILD INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS CO. WINSTON-SALEM FORSYTH NCD062566047 FASCO CONTROLS CORPORATION SHELBY CLEVELAND NCD986197341 FAYETTEVILLE COAL GAS/RAY AVE FAYETTEVILLE CUMBERLAND NONCD0002854 FIBER DYNAMICS HIGH POINT GUILFORD NONCD0000017 FLAKT PRODUCTS WINSTON-SALEM FORSYTH NONCD0001726 FLOWLINE CORP. WHITEVILLE COLUMBUS NONCD0000092 FUNDER AMERICA MOCKSVILLE DAVIE NCD986188829 GASTONIA COAL GAS PLANT GASTONIA GASTON NONCD0001757 GB LABELS, INC. BURLINGTON ALAMANCE NCD051322980 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NCD003163730 GENERAL INSTRUMENT CORP. FAIRVIEW BUNCOMBE NONCD0001779 GLENN MANUFACTURING/DECORATIVE HOME ACCE MORVEN ANSON NCD986197309 GOLDSBORO COAL GAS PLANT #1 GOLDSBORO WAYNE NONCD0002891 GOLDSBORO MILLING -MILL #1 & #2 GOLDSBORO WAYNE NONCD0002822 GRAY & CREECH (FRMR) RALEIGH WAKE NONCD0001089 GREENSBORO COAL GAS PLANT #1 GREENSBORO GUILFORD NCD986188886 GREENVILLE COAL GAS PLANT GREENVILLE PITT NCD981922362 GREIF, INC BLADENBORO BLADEN NONCD0001064 GUILFORD MILLS PLANT FUQUAY-VARINA WAKE NCD051739209 HARRELSON RUBBER COMPANY ASHEBORO RANDOLPH 581Page NONCD0001084 NONCD0001085 NCD986188837 NONCD0002602 NCD048401087 NCD054283189 NCD003215696 NONCD0001888 NONCD0001902 NONCD0001907 NCD986215465 NONCD0001948 NONCD0001951 NCD000653576 NONCD0001953 NONCD0001118 NCD097361018 NCD986197366 NCD980729677 NONCD0001173 NCD986197358 NCD982084113 NCD062552989 NCD055359079 NONCD0002992 NONCD0002068 NONCD0002085 NONCD0003047 NONCD0002030 NCD986197259 NONCD0002802 NONCD0002236 NCD057248759 NCD055162069 NONCD0001425 NONCD0001939 NONCD0003150 NONCD0001020 NCD040047425 NONCD0002128 NONCD0002345 NONCD0002350 NCD062548995 NCD986188894 NCD986188902 NONCD0001087 NONCD000I I08 NONCD0001171 NONCD0002391 NCD986182582 NONCD0002404 NONCD0001154 NONCD0001157 NCD986197325 NCD986197317 NCD041466525 HENDERSON COAL GAS PLANT HICKORY COAL GAS PLANT HIGH POINT COAL GAS PLANT HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL HOOKER FURNITURE HOOVER MACHINE SHOP HUNT MANUFACTURING HYDROLABS, INC. (ALLIED COLLOIDS) INGERSOLL RAND INTERNATIONAL RESISTIVE CORP. JMC USA INC KAYSER-ROTH - ASHEBORO KERN POLYMERIC KERN RUBBER CO. URETHANE PLANT KEYSTONE POWDERED METAL COMPANY KIDDE TECHNOLOGIES KIN PROPERTIES ABANDONED DRUMS KINSTON COAL GAS PLANT KNOB CREEK FLYASH DISPOSAL LEBANON CHEMICAL LEXINGTON COAL GAS PLANT LINAMAR FORGINGS/CAROLINA FORGE MALLARD CREEK RD/UNION OIL CO OF CA MASONITE CORP. FIBERBOARD DIV. MCCULLERS WALK PROPERTY MICROMATIC/TEXTRON FACILITY* MITSUBISHI ELECTRONICS MOUNT HOLLY STEAM STATION (FRMR) MYERS BROTHERS RECYCLING (FORMER) NEW BERN COAL GAS PLANT NEWLAND PESTICIDES SITE OLYMPIC PRODUCTS PATCH RUBBER POND* PELTON & CRANE PLANT (FORMER) PETERBILT OF DUNN "A" PARCEL PETRO EXPRESS NO. 56 POWERSECURE MANUFACTURING INC PRECISION FABRICS GROUP, INC PRILLAMAN CHEMICALS PURINA MILLS PUROLATOR PRODUCTS, INC. QUALITY FOREST PRODUCTS QUORUM KNITTING RALEIGH COAL GAS PLANT NO. 1 RALEIGH COAL GAS PLANT NO.2 REIDSVILLE COAL GAS PLANT RENTAL UNIFORM SERVICE RENTAL UNIFORM SERVICES REXAM CORPORATION - B RHONE-POULENC (RHODIA) RITTER MILLWORKS SHOP ROBERT BOSCH TOOL CORP ROBERT BOSCH TOOL CORP ROCKY MOUNT COAL GAS PLANT NO. 1 ROCKY MOUNT COAL GAS PLANT NO. 2 ROCKY MOUNT FIBER DUMP* HENDERSON HICKORY HIGH POINT MAIDEN PLEASANT GARDEN GASTONIA STATESVILLE ALBEMARLE DAVIDSON BOONE RTP ASHEBORO SALISBURY SALISBURY CHERRYVILLE WILSON CHARLOTTE KINSTON BREVARD HERTFORD LEXINGTON WILSON CHARLOTTE SPRING HOPE RALEIGH SWANNANOA DURHAM MOUNT HOLLY GREENSBORO NEW BERN NEWLAND GREENSBORO ROANOKE RAPIDS CHARLOTTE DUNN KINGS MOUNTAIN RANDELMAN GREENSBORO FAYETTEVILLE WILSON FAYETTEVILLE ENFIELD WEAVERVILLE RALEIGH RALEIGH REIDSVILLE ASHEVILLE CLINTON GREENSBORO GASTONIA CASTLE HAYNE LINCOLNTON GREENVILLE ROCKY MOUNT ROCKY MOUNT ROCKY MOUNT VANCE CATAWBA GUILFORD CATAWBA GUILFORD GASTON IREDELL STANLY IREDELL WATAUGA DURHAM RANDOLPH ROWAN ROWAN GASTON WILSON MECKLENBURG LENOIR TRANSYLVANIA PERQUIMANS DAVIDSON WILSON MECKLENBURG NASH WAKE BUNCOMBE DURHAM GASTON GUILFORD CRAVEN AVERY GUILFORD HALIFAX MECKLENBURG HARNETT CLEVELAND RANDOLPH GUILFORD CUMBERLAND WILSON CUMBERLAND HALIFAX BUNCOMBE WAKE WAKE ROCKINGHAM BUNCOMBE SAMPSON GUILFORD GASTON NEW HANOVER LINCOLN PITT NASH NASH EDGECOM 3E 591Page NONCD0002431 RUS WINSTON-SALEM FORSYTH NONCD0002438 SALEM UNIFORM SERVICES FACILITY WINSTON-SALEM FORSYTH NCD986197283 SALISBURY COAL GAS PLANT #1 SALISBURY ROWAN NCDO03234549 SCM PROCTOR SILEX/WEAREVER SOUTHERN PINES MOORE NCN000407206 SHULIMSON BROTHERS SCRAP YARD ASHEVILLE BUNCOMBE NONCD0002511 SOUTH BRUNSWICK MIDDLE SCHOOL SOUTHPORT BRUNSWICK NONCD0002491 SOUTH SEA RATTAN GREENSBORO GUILFORD NCD058517467 SOUTHERN WOOD PIEDMONT COMPANY WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER NCD053488557 SOUTHERN WOOD PIEDMONT COMPANY GULF CHATHAM NONCD0002531 STANLEY FASTENING* SANFORD LEE NCD986197291 STATESVILLE COAL GAS PLANT STATESVILLE IREDELL NCD024895864 STEWART-WARNER CORP/BASSICK-SACK WINSTON-SALEM FORSYTH NCD083669952 STORY BURIAL AREAS/UNION CHEMICAL CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NONCD0001101 STRONGHAVEN WAREHOUSE MATTHEWS MECKLENBURG NONCD0002575 TAKEDA - BASF WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER NONCD0002985 TOTAL AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE BREVARD TRANSYLVANIA NONCD0002787 TRAVIS KNITS, INC (AKA MOHICAN MILLS) CHERRYVILLE GASTON NONCD0002633 TRINITY AMERICAN CORP. GLENOLA RANDOLPH NONCD0002843 TRION, INC SANFORD LEE NCD082362989 TUNGSTEN QUEEN MINE/ATLAS MINE TOWNSVILLE VANCE NONCD0002833 UMICORE CSM NA MAXTON SCOTLAND NCR000010272 UNC-COGENERATION FACILITY CHAPEL HILL ORANGE NONCD0002645 UNIFIRST WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER NONCD0002646 UNIFIRST CORPORATION (FRMR TEXTILEASE) GOLDSBORO WAYNE NCD000822957 UNION CARBIDE CORP/EVEREADY BATTERY ASHEBORO RANDOLPH NONCD0002871 UNITED METAL FINISHING GREENSBORO GUILFORD NCD980557623 UNIVERSITY OF NC/ARPT WASTE DISP CHAPEL HILL ORANGE NCD053485991 VARCO-PRUDEN BUILDINGS KERNERSVILLE FORSYTH NONCD0001139 VERMONT AMERICAN BOONE WATAUGA NONCD0002676 VITAFOAM, INC. HIGH POINT RANDOLPH NONCD0001103 WALTER KIDDE PORTABLE EQUIPMENT MEBANE ALAMANCE NCD986197275 WASHINGTON COAL GAS PLANT WASHINGTON BEAUFORT NCDO01493931 WECK, EDWARD INC. RTP DURHAM NCN000407582 WEST PHARMACEUTICAL SERVCES KINSTON LENOIR NCD986188910 WILMINGTON COAL GAS PLANT WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER NCD093334209 WILSON, RALPH PLASTICS FLETCHER HENDERSON NCD986188845 WINSTON-SALEM COAL GAS PLANT NO. 1 WINSTON-SALEM FORSYTH NCD986188852 WINSTON-SALEM COAL GAS PLANT NO. 2 WINSTON-SALEM FORSYTH NCD982156812 WYSONG & MILES GREENSBORO GUILFORD * - Remediating party conducting cleanup of a portion of the site only. Table IV-6 . 66 Ongoing Division -Directed Responsible Party Assessments/Cleanups not Under Agreements ID Number Site Name NONCD0001263 AMP, INC. - BUILDING 54 NCD980844518 AMP BUILDING 68 NONCD0002205 AMP, INC-BLDG 090 NCD047257472 APPLIED RESEARCH GROUP, INC. NONCD0001862 BETA FLUID SYSTEMS NONCD0001133 BOWMAN GRAY-FRIEDBURG CAMPUS NONCD0001434 CAPRI INDUSTRIES, INC. NONCD0003035 CAROLINA ASBESTOS COR City County CLEMMONS FORSYTH CLEMMONS FORSYTH KERNERSVILLE FORSYTH CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG REIDVILLE ROCKINGHAM WINSTON-SALEM FORSYTH MORGANTON BURKE DAVIDSON MECKLENBURG 601Page NONCD0001408 CARTER WOODSON CHARTER SCHOOL WINSTON SALEM FORSYTH NCD046148540 CENTRAL TRANSPORT CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NCD003221868 CENTURY FURNITURE HICKORY CATAWBA NONCD0001162 CHAMPION FINISHING CO ASHEVILLE BUNCOMBE NONCD0001473 CHAMPION -PIGEON RIVER SEEP CANTON HAYWOOD NONCD0001486 CHAPEL HILL POLICE DEPARTMENT CHAPEL HILL ORANGE NCD991278680 CHEMCRAFT/SADOLIN PAINT PRODCUTS WINSTON-SALEM FORSYTH NONCD0001206 CITY OF CHARLOTTE CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NCD006556963 CR INDUSTRIES GASTONIA GASTON NCN000410174 DALY-HERRING COMPANY/PRILLAMAN KINSTON LENOIR NONCD0001141 DIAZIT COMPANY YOUNGSVILLE FRANKLIN NONCD0002996 DICEY MILLS SHELBY CLEVELAND NONCD0002624 DODSON EXTERMINATIORS/US CELL JACKSONVILLE ONSLOW NONCD0001625 DOMINION TEXTILES (USA) HICKORY CATAWBA NONCD0001663 EATON FACILITY (FORMER) FLETCHER HENDERSON NONCD0001679 ELOX CORPORATION FACILITY DAVIDSON MECKLENBURG NONCD0003196 FAULKNERS GULF GREENSBORO GREENSBORO GUILFORD NCD067178707 FAWN PLASTICS MIDDLESEX NASH NONCD0002956 FIE TOP ROAD SALT PILE MAGGIE VALLEY HAYWOOD NONCD0001720 FLEET SUPPLY COMPANY - NONUST WINSTON-SALEM FORSYTH NCD003154960 FLEMING LABORATORIES CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NONCD0003119 FORWARD HIGH POINT PROPERTY HIGH POINT GUILFORD NCD050409150 GENERAL ELECTRIC WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER NCD043679349 GENERAL TIRE & RUBBER CO CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NONCD0001219 HARLEE AVENUE CONTAMINATION CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NCD062571658 HONEYWELL MICRO SWITCH DIV. MARS HILL MADISON NCD000770487 JOHNSON CONTROLS GLOBE BATTERY KERNERSVILLE FORSYTH NCD986194579 LAWRENCE INDUSTRIES HAW RIVER ALAMANCE NCD055167324 MITCHELL-BISSELL PLANT ROSMAN TRANSYLVANIA NCD091572073 NATIONAL STARCH & CHEMICAL CO LELAND BRUNSWICK NONCD0002873 NELLO TEER QUARRY-DENFIELD DURHAM DURHAM NONCD0001655 RENTAL TOWEL AND UNIFORM GRAHAM ALAMANCE NONCD0002427 ROYSTER-CLARK FERTILIZER FACILITY STATESVILLE IREDELL NONCD0003105 SAAB BARRACUDA FACILITY LILLINGTON HARNETT NCD095458709 SCHRADER AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS DIV. MONROE UNION NCD093338119 SCM CORP. GLIDDEN CINGS & RESINS CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NCD000616516 SCOVILL INC/SECURITY PRODUCTS MONROE UNION NONCD0003172 SHOWROOM PROPERTIES HIGH POINT GUILFORD NCD986180917 SPANN PROPERTY HENDERSONVILLE HENDERSON NCD003951878 SQUARE D COMPANY ASHEVILLE BUNCOMBE NCD091567065 STANADYNE, INC/DIESEL SYSTEMS WASHINGTON BEAUFORT NONCD0002579 TALON ZIPPER FACILITY (FORMER) STANLEY GASTON NONCD0002583 TAYLOR SALT & CHEMICAL CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NONCD0002238 TERMINEX PEST CONTROL WINSTON-SALEM FORSYTH NONCD0002587 TEXTILE PIECE DYEING LINCOLNTON LINCOLN NONCD0002595 THOMSON CROWN WOOD PRODUCTS MOCKSVILLE DAVIE NONCD0002599 TICAR CHEMICAL ASHEVILLE BUNCOMBE NONCD0002600 TILLETT CHEMICAL, INC PINEVILLE MECKLENBURG NONCD0002611 TOWN CENTER PROJECT CORNELIUS MECKLENBURG NONCD0000088 TRANS TECHNOLOGY (LUNDY) CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NONCD0002972 TRIUMPH ACTUATION SYSTEMS CLEMMONS FORSYTH NCD003184249 UNION CARBIDE CORP/EVEREADY GREENVILLE PITT NONCD0002648 UNITED CHEM-CON-NONUST LANSING ASHE NCD089903983 UNIVAR USA, INC GREENSBORO GUILFORD NONCD0000003 VAN WATERS & ROGERS CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NCD003195963 WESTINGHOUSE ELEC METER & LIGHT RALEIGH WAKE 61 IPage NCDO03183571 WINTERVILLE MACHINE WORKS, INC. WINTERVILLE PITT NONCD0002760 WORTH CHEMICAL CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG Note: Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch staff are conducting work at many other sites not listed in Tables IV-5 and IV-6. Such work includes (1) assessing and abating risk from contaminated drinking water wells and indoor air where there are no identifiable responsible parties, (2) investigating responsible parties at higher priority sites, (3) preparing bankruptcy claims and overseeing contractor work conducted with receipts, (4) responding to requests for "No Further Action Status" reviews, (5) responding to spills, (6) screening of newly discovered sites and (7) responding to public inquiries on sites. G. Imminent Hazard Sites The division and the EPA are committed to addressing imminent hazard sites when identified. Table IV-7 provides a list of 17 sites where potential imminent hazards were reported, or where abatement activities continued in FY 2021-22. Their location, a site description, status and funding source are also provided. Table IV-7 Summary of Imminent Hazard Sites Catyl Funding Site Site Description Status County Source 210 Nottingham Cary/ During unloading/loading of The spilled paint was contained using Responsible Drive - paint spill Wake paint, 50 gallons of paint were spill booms, and the parking area was party spilled onto an asphalt parking cleaned up. A Remedial Action area that drained toward nearby Completion report was submitted stream. August 2021. No further action is required. Brenntag-SouthChem Durham/ An unknown amount of Soil sampling was performed to Responsible Durham sulfuric acid vapor/mist was determine extent of off -property Party released from a faulty valve on impacts. Dead trees were removed, a rail car. The mist migrated damaged grass was removed, soil was off property killing several amended to adjust pH and the median trees and damaging grass in the re -seeded. No further action is median of NC 147. required. Carolina Biological Elon/ Alamance Trichloroethylene from an An initial groundwater and soil vapor DWM/ York Rd. - Residence unknown source has investigation indicated additional Owner contaminated groundwater and assessment activities are needed at drinking water wells in the nearby apartment complexes to area. determine if there is a risk of structural vapor intrusion. Access delays and funding issues required the work to continue in the next fiscal year. Davidson Asbestos Davidson/ There are two operable units On October 2021, IHSB staff worked Responsible and Carolina Mecklenburg for this asbestos -contaminated with EPA on the final fact sheet for the Party Asbestos site. The breaching by erosion assessment and removal event. This and wildlife of an earthen cap fact sheet along with letters to owners resulted in the release of were distributed in 2022. Staff asbestos containing material continued to provide guidance to (ACM) from a former pending projects within the site manufacturing facility onto a boundaries including a major NCDOT public road. This portion of the Road project in December 2021. site is known as the Carolina Asbestos Corp. ACM was also identified on nearby residential properties. This portion of the 621Page site is known as Davidson Asbestos. Geltman Corporation Conover/ In 1992, concentrations of The results of the soil -gas sampling DWM Catawba trichloroethylene (TCE) indicated TCE, PCE, and cis-1,2-DCE (18,000 µg/L) and levels that required indoor air perchloroethylene (PCE) sampling. In June 2022, indoor air (1,000 µg/L) were detected in sampling indicated TCE and cis-1,2- groundwater. Consequently, DCE were detected in all samples and orphan contract work was at concentrations that required initiated in May 2022, for the immediate mitigation. Staff deployed sampling of five (5) monitoring six (6) air purification units and wells onsite and for the conducted confirmation indoor air installation of four (4) soil gas sampling. Additional air sampling was points. performed to ensure indoor air levels were within acceptable risk thresholds. IHSB staff helped coordinate a meeting with site facility officials, North Carolina DWM staff and toxicologists from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) for risk communication. Industrial Drive TCE Wendell/ A March 2022 Phase II ESA Property owner is conducting vapor Responsible Wake prepared for the UST Section intrusion assessment activities at the Party indicated that high Site concentrations TCE were detected in a monitoring well located near an occupied building at concentrations exceeding vapor intrusion screening levels. The TCE was never fully investigated. Kayser -Roth — Graham/ During routine groundwater Soil gas and groundwater sampling DWM Graham-C Alamance monitoring, unexpectedly high was conducted in area to confirm solvent concentrations were results and plan future work. detected in a groundwater Awaiting analytical results from monitoring well near DSCA & laboratory. IHSB sites. The concentrations detected were much higher than previous results in that well. Kinston Shirt Factory Kinston/ Groundwater is contaminated DWM conducted confirmation DWM Lenoir with petroleum compounds and sampling after finding chlorinated chlorinated solvents, including solvents in soil vapor and groundwater trichloroethylene. at an adjacent residence and elementary school. The results of the confirmation sampling did not indicate a risk of vapor intrusion at either property and no further work is planned at this time. Mallard Creek Charlotte/ On February 18, 2022, the The valve to the pond was closed Responsible Polymers Styrene Mecklenburg IHSB was notified of a release which prevented styrene from leaving Party Release of styrene due to a product line the facility and allowed for the gasket failure at a 150-acre chemical to be recovered. IHSB staff facility. The total calculated issued an abatement request letter on discharge was 8,253 gallons, February 18, 2022. Between February most of which was observed to and April 2022, staff received frequent have been released into the updates and provided guidance on 631Page secondary containment area. abatement actions. IHSB staff received However, a crack in the the final abatement report, on April 5, secondary containment, 2022, and approved the abatement resulted in a discharge of actions. The IHSB closed the spill styrene to the surface and into incident and sent a no -further action a nearby sump. The sump letter to the responsible party on May contained a pump that 25, 2022. discharged to the facility's wastewater treatment center which overfilled, causing additional styrene runoff to flow to the on -site sediment pond. Martin Street TCE Raleigh/ Prior to purchase of several The HVAC system was adjusted and Owner/ Site Wake buildings on Martin St, TCE VOCARB units were placed in the Developer was detected in soil gas and impacted apartments. Site is in indoor air samples. Indoor air process of obtaining a Brownfields results in two apartments Agreement and additional exceeded TCE action levels. investigation and remedial measures will be implemented. Mullinex Grocery Troy/ Chlorinated solvents DWM sampled three wells on an DWM Montgomery discovered in drinking water adjacent property where chlorinated wells during a UST solvents had previously been detected. investigation. The property is connected to public water._ Two of the three wells were abandoned following sampling due to elevated contaminant concentrations, DWM plans to abandon the third contaminated well on that property. Owners of other properties in the area that may be affected by the groundwater contamination will not grant DWM access to sample their wells. Pantry #219 Sanford/ Chlorinated solvents were Groundwater and soil gas sampling DWM Lee detected at UST site. were collected at the apartment Concentrations pose potential complex. Results showed low vapor intrusion threat at an concentrations of volatile adjacent apartment complex. contaminants in both groundwater and soil gas. However, soil gas risk was not exceeded. No further work planned. Pilot Mills Raleigh/ The site is a former mill that DWM sampled soil gas at a preschool DWM Wake had been redeveloped through located on an adjacent property. the NC Brownfields Program. Results indicated that soil gas is not Groundwater was found to be contaminated at levels that indicate an contaminated with chlorinated indoor -air risk on that property. No solvents, but no off -site further sampling is planned at this assessment had been conducted time. to determine if nearby properties were affected. Red Wolves Fertilizer Clyde/ Haywood On July 14, 2022, a truck Abatement measures were hampered Responsible Discharge hauling liquid fertilizer by frequent rain and the need to close Party overturned on the side of the I- one lane of Interstate 40. 40 eastbound lane. 2,700 Consequently, abatement was not gallons of liquid fertilizer was initiated until August 23, 2022. Top discharged onto the shoulder of soil was excavated at the discharge the road. The discharge was site. Stream and sediment sampling loacted approximately 350 feet indicated the contamination had not from Walters Lake. impacted Walters Lake. The discharge 641Page incident was entered into the IHSB inventory as an open site because an undetermined volume of contaminated soil could not be removed without impacting the interstate roadway. Rosemary Complex Roanoke Rapids/ A former textile facility has Future work will include groundwater, USEPA Halifax chlorinated solvent soil vapor, and surface water sampling contamination in groundwater, on site, along the site boundary, and including PCE and TCE. The down -gradient of the site in order to source property is entering the characterize offsite contamination. Brownfields Program, but there is a concern that groundwater contamination may move off - site and pose a vapor intrusion concern at the residential and commercial structures. Saddler Road — Charlotte/ On June 10, 2022, IHSB IHSB communication with the Responsible Turpentine Release Mecklenburg received information that a owner/landlord to confirm the Party landlord applied turpentine to application and request that a water the perimeter and crawlspace sample be collected from the water of a home at 4818 Sadler Road supply well at property. A sample was as a pest control. Due to the collected by Mecklenburg County vapors entering home,the Groundwater Services on August 4, tenant contacted the local fire 2022 and received on August 24, department and IHSB . 2022. No analytes were detected and the incident was closed. Southern Road & Swannanoa/ A release of latex occurred as a IHSB provided the responsible party Responsible Bridget Latex Spill Buncombe result of vandalism of a tanker oversight in conducting containment Party truck at a tandem lot. IHSB and abatement of the surface media coordinated response to the impacted. IHSB received a final spill with EPA and NCDEQ- abatement report in July 2021. DWR and provided guidance Following review of this report, the to the RP. The discharge IHSB closed the incident and sent an traveled to an unnamed no further action letter to the tributary to the Swannanoa responsible party on August 21, 2021. River. TMI Services Inc. - Charlotte/ A spill of approximately 350 Staff provided an abatement notice of Responsible Paint Release Mecklenburg gallons of "Water Born Paint' regulatory requirements. Staff also Party occurred in April 2022 at an worked with the RP as they conducted exit ramp. The contaminant of the cleanup and sampling. Various concern was methanol with the delays, due to the need for traffic media affected being soil. controls, slowed the progress of cleanup work. Final abatement actions were completed on September 20, 2022. Trans Technology Charlotte/ The property owner submitted Indoor air was re -sampled in August Owner Corporation (Lundy Mecklenburg indoor air monitoring data with 2021. In late September 2021, a copy Financial Systems) elevated chlorinated volatile of the sampling data was provided to organic compounds. the IHSB. All results were below acceptable risk thresholds. A final report of the data was submitted to the IHSB January 2022. A Remedial investigation (RI) of the source of contamination is continuing.in a phased approach with phase II of the RI report having been submitted in first quarter of 2022 651Page Walgreens-Glam-O- New Bern/ Groundwater is contaminated Groundwater was sampled on DWM Rama Craven with PCE and TCE from an property formerly occupied by a dry - unknown source. cleaning facility to determine if this property was the source of contamination detected on adjacent property. Results showed former dry cleaner was source property. Based on this data, property owner decided to perform remedial activities under DSCA Program Weaver Fertilizer Winston-Salem/ Historical operations at this As part of the IHSB's initial Owner Fire Forsyth facility included the blending involvement with this site, a meeting and storage of fertilizers used was held with the RP and their in agriculture applications. On consultant on March 22, 2022. Based January 31, 2022, a fire on this meeting, it was determined that occurred at the facility. a phase I enviromnental site Consequently, several NCDEQ assessment (ESA) was warranted to agencies were involved in identify recognized environmental managing the environmental concerns. On May 6, 2022, the phase I risks. Following the ESA report was received and extinguishment of the fire, the subsequently approved. On June 1, IHSB was tasked with 2022, a phase Il ESA report was overseeing the assessment of received. On July 18, 2022, a remedial the site. investigation work plan was received and approved. Field activities in support of this remedial investigation are anticipated to be completed by the end of January 2023. 661Page H. Summary of the Inactive Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund (Funds 6372 and 6379) and the National Priorities List Cost Share Fund (Fund 6375) for FY 2021-22 Inactive Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund (6372) FY 2021-22 Beginning Cash Balance $92,673 Deposits (FY 2021-22) Appropriations $400,000 No Further Action review fees $10,500 Bankruptcy income $0 Total Deposits $410,500 Expenditures (FY 2021-22) Orphan priority site sampling/remediation/alternate water supplies $241,924 Total Expenditures $241,924 Ending Cash Balance $261,249 Obligations Remediation, laboratory and bottled water contract obligations* $256,380 Total Current Obligations $256,380 *-Encumbered under contracts. Available Untasked Funds at End of FY 2021-22 $4,869 Revenue Dedicated to the Pre -Regulatory Landfills (Fund 6379) FY 2021-22 Beginning Cash Balance $18,516,482 Deposits (FY 2021-22) Tax (actual total income) $11,959,297 Administrative expense overcharge refund $0 Total Deposits $11,959,297 Expenditures (FY 2021-22) Contracts $9,443,068 Local government reimbursement $59,825 Transfer to DWM Solid & Hazardous Waste Programs $500,000 Operating budget: PRLF operating budget $869,556 Inactive Hazardous Sites operating budget $390,670 Combined operating budget $1,260,226 Total Expenditures $11,263,119 Ending Cash Balance $19,212,660 Total Current Contract and Local Government Obligations (Encumbrances not yet Paid) $10,445,065 Current Effective Cash Balance $8,767,595 671Page A portion of a solid waste disposal tax established by the legislature is dedicated toward contracting assessment and remediation at uncontrolled pre -regulatory landfills and to fund staff to implement the program. These funds are also used to fund a portion of the staff overseeing work at other Inactive Hazardous Waste Sites and other positions in the Division of Waste Management. A table and graph depicting the fund income and expenditures by years follows. Fiscal Year Annual Receipts Disbursements Fund Balance 2008-09 $ 3,904,260.91 $ 46,846.21 $ 3,857,414.70 2009-10 $ 9,338,017.99 $ 749,888.22 $ 12,445,544.47 2010-11 $ 9,175,887.91 $ 2,846,727.53 $ 18,774,704.85 2011-12 $ 9,521,021.27 $ 2,824,888.81 $ 25,470,837.31 2012-13 $ 8,850,589.92 $ 4,273,171.09 $ 30,048,256.14 2013-14 $ 8,097,660.71 $ 7,834,699.76 $ 30,311,217.09 2014-15 $ 9,094,712.92 $ 10,629,385.28 $ 28,712,428.51 2015-16 $ 9,173,960.00 $ 8,832,144.00 $ 29,054,245.00 2016-17 $ 9,816,029.45 $ 7,378,389.70 $ 31,491,884.47 2017-18 $ 10,113,745.73 $ 12,918,429.82 $ 28,687,200.38 2018-19 $ 10,509,092.00 $ 22,422,020.00 $ 16,774,272.38 2019-20 $ 11,560,035.01 $ 13,447,047.00 $ 14,887,260.39 2020-21 $ 11,464,201.14 $ 7,834,580.96 $ 18,516,880.57 2021-22 $ 11,959,297.00 $ 11,263,119.00 $ 19,212,660.18 2022-23* $ 11,500,000.00 $ 15,000,000.00 $ 15,712,660.18 *Projections for fiscal year 2021-22 were estimated using current project activities. 681Page Figure IV-1 Pre -Regulatory Landfill Program Funds S_ �T ,Vag? .� T 41 e —Ar--AnnuaI Receipts Disbursements (Fund Balance * Historic data provided from fiscal years 2008-09 through 2021-22. Projections for fiscal year 2022-23 were estimated Busing current project activities. Work activities may not be oompleted and invoiced in the same fiscal year. National Priorities List Cost -Share Fund (Fund 6375) FY 2021-22 Estimated cost of federal trust fund/North Carolina cost -share cleanups $123,916,300 North Carolina's 10 percent cost -share for pending/ongoing cleanups Total fund disbursements for cost -share payments Balance as of June 30, 2022 Encumbered amount of the fund balance for cost -share payments Encumbered amount for Cape Fear Wood contract Effective Cash Balance $12,391,630* $9,640,974 $3,925,026 $1,712,324 $56,746 $2,155,956 C *Cleanup cost estimates are not yet available for all sites. The cost -share figure will increase as cost estimates become available. Other sites may be added to the National Priorities List that will require a state cost -share. This account is also used to pay for the state's operation and maintenance obligations at these sites. The fund has no continuing source of income. 691Page Chapter V: Solid Waste and Materials Management A. Executive Summary North Carolina General Statute 130A-309.06 (c) requires the NCDEQ to annually report the status of solid waste management efforts in the state to the North Carolina General Assembly's Environmental Review Commission and Fiscal Research Division. The Demographer's Office in the N.C. Office of State Budget and Management reported that North Carolina's population increased by 0.89 percent between FY 2020-21 and FY 2021-22, while the amount of waste disposed of in municipal solid waste landfills and construction and demolition landfills increased by 0.54 percent from an adjusted disposal amount of 13,949,017 tons in FY 2020-21. A total of 14,024,453 tons of solid waste was disposed of at in -state and out-of-state facilities — an increase in disposal of 75,436 tons from the previous fiscal year. During FY 2020-21, the rule review and readoption process required by G.S. 150B-21.3A and initiated in 2013 was completed for the solid waste management rules in Title 15A, Subchapter 13B of the Administrative Code. As a part of the readoption process, the rules in Section .1700 of Subchapter 13B pertaining to coal combustion by- products were updated to be consistent with changes made to the General Statutes in the Coal Ash Management Act of 2014 (CAMA), including changes made to the annual reporting requirements. CAMA required in G.S. 130A- 309.204(c) that annual reporting on the generation of coal combustion residuals (CCR) and coal combustion products (CCP) was required for public utilities only, and not for other generators of CCR or CCP. Two current North Carolina public utilities generating CCR and CCP reported that they disposed of 110,460 tons of CCR in municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills and did not dispose of any CCP in structural fills in FY2021-22. CCP was instead sent for beneficial use within STAR® Units located at Duke Energy's Buck, Cape Fear, and H.F. Lee facilities. Disposal of produced and excavated ash material in coal ash monofills, which are special landfills that contain only coal ash waste, has increased as excavation of ash basins continues across North Carolina in accordance with the Consent Order signed in February of 2020 directing Duke Energy to excavate more than 80 million tons of coal ash from open, unlined impoundments at several locations and place the excavated coal ash in onsite lined landfills. During FY 2021-22, 5,054,836 tons of CCR were placed in coal ash monofills. Data used in this report, along with other subsidiary reports, is available online at: https://deq.nc. gov/about/divisions/waste-management/solid-waste-section/solid-waste-facility-lists-presentations- and-annual-reports/solid-waste-management-annual-reports. Key Findings FY2021-22 • The in -state and out-of-state Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and Construction and Demolition Debris (C&D) disposed of in North Carolina plus the waste that was generated in North Carolina and disposed of in out-of-state facilities amounted to 14,024,453 tons in FY 2020-21. • The 73 sanitary landfills permitted and operating in North Carolina reported disposing of a total of 13,113,226 tons of MSW and C&D solid waste, including waste imported from out-of-state. • Municipal and C&D solid waste reported as disposed of in North Carolina originating from South Carolina was 243,986 tons and Virginia was 44,251 tons for a total of 288,237 tons from out-of-state sources. • Waste exported to Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia amounted to 644,024 tons. 701Page • The remaining capacity for the 41 active MSW landfills in North Carolina calculates to approximately 20 years of municipal solid waste at the FY 2021-22 rate of disposal. • Industrial waste disposal amounted to 679,501 tons for FY 2021-22. o North Carolina industrial waste is now predominantly from producers of paper products (pulp and paper sludges) with contributions from the electric energy industry (CCR). • The per capita rate of North Carolina waste disposed into in -state and out-of-state MSW and C&D landfills has remained steady at 1.33 tons per person for the last 2 fiscal years. • Coal ash disposal in a MSW landfill did not affect the per capita disposal rate in FY 2021-22 as shown in Table V-1 below. • Excavated Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) from Duke Energy coal ash impoundments totaling 4,168,852 tons were reported as disposed of in onsite landfills in FY 2021-22. • Flue gas desulfurization (FGD) waste produced from Duke Energy coal -fueled plants totaled 708,526 tons; however, 802,929 tons of produced and excavated FGD waste were credited as beneficially used. • Local government recycling programs diverted 430,212 tons of household recyclables (glass bottles and jars, plastic containers, metal cans, paper, cartons, and cardboard), which resulted in greenhouse gas savings of 1,136,754 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. • Additional recyclables recovered by local government programs totaled 1,067,310 tons which include yard waste, food waste, scrap metal, tires, electronics, textiles, construction and demolition debris, and other hard -to -recycle materials such as batteries, paint, automotive fluids, and chemicals. • DEQ recycling grants continued to support important market investments, including material recovery facility (MRF) upgrades, plastic recycling expansions, glass recycling improvements, and food waste diversion. Departmental Considerations and Recommendations • The General Assembly is encouraged to consider ways to support the increased recovery and recycling of wastes and food waste which is estimated to make up nearly one -quarter of residential landfilled waste. • The General Assembly is encouraged to consider the new tire advanced disposal fee to better support local recycling programs. B. Solid Waste Management Waste types handled at North Carolina facilities include municipal solid waste, industrial waste, construction and demolition waste, land -clearing waste, scrap tires, medical waste, compost, and septage. Coal combustion residuals, or CCR, classified as industrial waste generated at North Carolina's six electric power plants, have received much study and attention because of the Coal Ash Management Act of 2014, which requires that the surface water disposal impoundments are removed and the ash be placed into lined landfills or recovered. In recent years, CCR has primarily been disposed of in onsite industrial landfills at power plants or recovered for beneficial use. 1. Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and Construction and Demolition (C&D) Landfill Disposal North Carolina generated and disposed of a total of 10,556,299 tons of waste (generated during the fiscal year) into MSW and C&D landfills within the state and out-of-state. This represents an increase of 75,436 tons of waste from the previous fiscal year. displays the history of disposal of waste since 1991. For each fiscal year, the tonnage figure represents the material that was generated during that year that entered disposal facilities. Figure V-1 MSW and C&D 20-Year Disposal Forecast 71 IPage 18,000,000 ACTUAL FORECAST 17,000,000 � 0 a 16,000,000 N 15,000,000 14,024,453 14,000,000 c f6 c 0 Y 13,000,000 a 0 a 12,000,000 10,556,299 �N 11,000,000 ' 10,000,000 9,000,000 000 8,000,000 Waste Disposed �,000,000 Population 6,000,000 5,000,000 'b001 V1111 V^111 V15 V19 -y0ti5 1610- 16101 1z^1 190- 1011 1gg9 190 1gg9 Id", kill Ids, 1611 1610 1610 1031 1033 1035 10,6E 10,69 10P'1 Note: Population data is from the North Carolina Office of State Budget and Management (OSBM) State Demographer website [https://www.osbm.nc.zov/demo /Q county proiectionsl for Annual County Populations using the July 2021 data available at the following web link: https://www.osbm.nc.jzov/population proiections-ae-group-data/download?attachment Solid waste exported from North Carolina generators to out-of-state landfills located in Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia totaled approximately 644,024 tons in FY 2021-22. During that period, North Carolina landfills received and disposed of approximately 288,237 tons of waste that originated from South Carolina and Virginia. In addition to normal MSW and C&D wastes, other post-industrial or business cleanups that are safely disposed of in lined MSW landfills include petroleum -contaminated soils from leaking storage tanks under the Division of Waste Management's Underground Storage Tank Section and wastes from development at industrial facilities under the Division of Waste Management's Brownfields Program. In past years, the cleanup from tropical storms created noticeable spikes in waste generation and disposal. Tables related to waste disposal per county, facility, and per capita can be found at: https://deq.nc. gov/about/divisions/waste-mana,gement/solid-waste-section/solid-waste-facility-lists- presentations-and-annual-reports/solid-waste-management-annual-reports. 721Page 2. Coal Combustion Residual (CCR) and Product (CCP) Generation, Disposal, and Reuse Current North Carolina public utility generators of CCR and CCP, during FY 2021-22, recorded 110,460 tons of generated coal ash disposed of in MSW or non -coal ash industrial landfills. Produced and excavated ash material removed from coal -fueled plants and coal ash impoundments were reported as not used in structural fill projects. The reporting of zero placement of CCR and CCP within structural fills is a result of being governed by the Coal Ash Management Act of 2014, beneficial use within STAR® Units located at Duke Energy's Buck, Cape Fear, and H.F. Lee facilities, as well as better recovery systems. Disposal of produced and excavated ash material in coal ash monofills has increased as excavation of ash basins continues across North Carolina. Within FY 2021-22, 5,054,836 tons of CCR were placed in coal ash monofills. Table V-1 shares information on the disposition of coal combustion wastes that intersected with landfill disposal. The information is derived from reporting of the two public utility companies that generate ash at their facilities across North Carolina. Table V-1 Coal Combustion By -Products and Impoundment Excavation Coal Combustion By- products (tons) generated Ash (tons) Generator Annual Reporting FY 2021-22 excavated from Ash Gypsum impoundment Total produced 628,190 708,526 4,168,852 Used as Structural Fill - - - Other Beneficial Uses 1,020,014 802,929 284,108 Disposed in MSW and Industrial Landfills [not Coal Ash monofills] 110,460 - - • Recycling efforts continue to increase at industrial facilities statewide. • Management of CCR, which consists of bottom and fly ash, is produced from coal-fired electric power plants and disposed of in onsite CCR landfills. Coal combustion products (CCP) in the form of ash are predominantly reused as an ingredient in cement. • Flue gas desulphurization (FGD) residuals, or synthetic gypsum, is the primary ingredient in drywall. • Fly ash, slag, and bottom ash can be used as construction material such as gravel or fill. • Session Law 2016-95 revising the Coal Ash Management Act of 2014, required that Duke Energy provide ash beneficiation projects capable of processing 300,000 tons of ash, reclaimed from surface impoundments, for cementitious products. The STAR® Units have been placed in service. Duke Energy has been addressing production challenges and will continue to take measures to improve feed ash quality as well as pursue equipment modifications to increase production. • Duke Energy has three recycling sites in North Carolina located at the Buck Station (Spencer, N.C.), HF Lee Station (Goldsboro, N.C.) and Cape Fear (Moncure, N.C.). • Duke Energy reported in FY 2021-22 that 802,929 tons of gypsum were sent to the drywall or wallboard industry for reuse. 731Page 3. Solid Waste Tax The N.C. Department of Revenue reported solid waste tax distribution of $23,661,520.28, which equates to 11,830,760 tons of taxable solid waste going into landfills within North Carolina and through transfer stations to landfills in neighboring states. The gap between reported disposed tonnage and tax -paid tonnage was due to waste at federally owned landfills on military bases and some specific waste streams received at MSW facilities (for example, biosolids) that are exempt from the solid waste tax. In addition, the large amount of excavated CCR impoundment wastes was not taxed because they were not transferred through a permitted solid waste facility. Revenue from the solid waste tax was distributed to: Inactive Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund — 50 percent is used to fund the assessment and remediation of pre-1983 landfills Local governments —18.75 percent to counties and 18.75 percent to municipalities to assist with their waste and materials management programs • General Fund —12.5 percent The Solid Waste Tax proceeds and distribution are summarized in TableV-2 below. TableV-2 N.C. Dept. of Revenue Solid Waste Tax Distribution PROCEEDS 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Totals PROCEEDS AVAILABLE FOR DISTRIBUTION BEFORE COST $ 6,061,915.00 $ 6,231,426.19 $ 5,943,597.15 $ 5,506,671.87 $ 23,743,610.21 LESS: REIMBURSEMENT UNDER SESSION LAW 2007-543 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - LESS: COST OF COLLECTING $ 19,681.25 $ 21,267.09 $ 20,215.92 $ 20,925.67 $ 82,089.93 PROCEEDS AVAILABLE FOR DISTRIBUTION $ 6,042,233.75 1 $ 6,210,159.10 1 $ 5,923,381.23 1 $ 5,485,746.20 1 $ 23,661,520.28 DISTRIBUTION OF PROCEEDS INACTIVE HAZARDOUS SITES CLEANUP FUND (50%) $ 3,021,116.88 $ 3,105,079.55 $ 2,961,690.62 $ 2,742,873.10 $ 11,830,760.15 AMOUNT AVAILABLE TO DISTRIBUTE TO CITIES ( 18.75%) $ 1,132,918.83 $ 1,164,404.83 $ 1,110,633.99 $ 1,028,577.41 $ 4,436,535.06 AMOUNT AVAILABLE TO DISTRIBUTE TO COUNTIES(18.75%) $ 1,132,918.83 $ 1,164,404.83 $ 1,110,633.99 $ 1,028,577.41 $ 4,436,535.06 GENERAL FUND (12.5%) $ 755,279.21 $ 776,269.89 $ 740,422.63 $ 685,718.28 $ 2,957,690.01 TOTALS $ 6,042,233.75 $ 6,210,159.10 $ 5,923,381.23 $ 5,485,746.20 $ 23,661,520.28 COMMENTS: 1. Solid waste disposal taxes are levied pursuant to Article 5G of Chapter 105 which provide fora per capita distribution of the proceeds. 2. A city or county is excluded from the distribution under Article 5G if it does not provide solid waste management programs and is not responsible by contract for payment for these programs and services, unless it is served by a regional solid waste management authority established under Article 22 of Chapter 153A of the General Statutes. Note: totals do not match DEQ budget reports for FY21-22 due to the timing of distributions from N.C. Department ofRevenue (NCDOR). The table above was compiled using the following NCDOR data: • 1st Quarter FY20-21: hops://www.ncdor.eov/solid-waste-disposal-tax-distribution-quarter-ending-9-30-2021 • 2nd Quarter FY20-21: https://www.ncdor.�zov/solid-waste-disposal-tax-distribution-quarter-endine-12-31-2021 • 3rd Quarter FY20-21: https://www.ncdor.gov/solid-waste-disposal-tax-distribution-quarter-ending-3-31-2022 • 4th Quarter FY20-21: https://www.ncdor.gov/solid-waste-disposal-tax-distribution-quarter-ending-6-30-2022 741Page 4. Per Capita Disposal Rate Table V-3 below shows the history of North Carolina's per capita disposal rate, including the impact of including excavated CCR on that rate. The table shows the baseline measurement of solid waste disposal in the benchmark years of FY 1990-91 and 1991-92 as well as the most recent 15 fiscal years. Two calculations were performed to determine per capita waste this fiscal year - one showing disposal per capita for wastes generated during the fiscal year and the other including both generated waste plus excavated CCR. Table V-3 North Carolina's Per Capita Disposal Rate Fiscal Year NC Population MSW and C&D Disposed [tons] MSW per Capita [tons] Coal Ash Disposed [tons] MSW minus Coal Ash Disposed [tons] MSW minus Coal Ash Disposed per Capita [tons] 2021-22 10,556,299 14,024,453 1.33 0 14,024,453 1.33 2020-21 10,587,440 13,949,017 1.32 0 13,949,017 1.32 2019-20 10,508,254 13,916,869 1.32 127,005 13,789, 864 1.31 2018-19 10,401,960 13,846,258 1.33 32,809 13,813,449 1.35 2017-18 10,283,255 11,651,999 1.13 643,808 11,008,191 1.07 2016-17 10,155,942 11,385,939 1.12 1,678,882 9,707,057 0.96 2015-16 10,056,683 11,323,734 1.13 743,822 10,579,912 1.05 2014-15 9,953,687 9,635,874 0.97 Not Measured Prior to FY 15-16 9,635,874 0.97 2013-14 9,861,952 9,273,571 0.94 9,273,571 0.94 2012-13 9,765,229 9,149,130 0.94 9,149,130 0.94 2011-12 9,669,244 9,443,380 0.98 9,443,380 0.98 2010-11 9,586,227 9,467,045 0.99 9,467,045 0.99 2009-10 9,382,609 9,395,457 1.00 9,395,457 1 2008-09 9,227,016 9,910,031 1.07 9,910,031 1.07 2007-08 9,069,398 11,284,712 1.24 11,284,712 1.24 2006-07 8,860,341 11,837,104 1.34 11,837,104 1.34 2005-06 8,682,066 11,765,183 1.36 11,765,183 1.36 1991-92 [Benchmark] 6' 781,321 7,257,428 1.07 7,257,428 1.07 1990-91 6,632,448 7,161,455 1.08 7,161,455 1.08 Note: MSW disposal data were updated based on additional report submittals. C. Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Capacity The total remaining capacity of North Carolina's 41 active permitted MSW landfills measures approximately 377 million cubic yards, equating to approximately 221 million tons based on a calculated average compaction rate of 0.59 tons of waste per cubic yard of air space. The capacity does not account for imported or exported waste. The state capacity calculates to 20 years of waste disposal should the rate of landfill use remain steady at last fiscal year's rate of approximately 11.1 million tons per year for all active MSW landfills. Continued efforts to increase recycling and material diversion will help maximize landfill capacity. Overall, current and future landfill capacity in the state is sufficient, and all regions have access to adequate disposal capacity. However, the state's landfill capacity is not uniformly available statewide due to permit conditions, franchise arrangements, service areas, population densities, and distances. Some regions have limited disposal options and may be subject to higher disposal costs and possible disruptions in service should facilities close or fuel costs become prohibitive due to transport to distant facilities. As shown in Table V-3 above, the disposal of coal ash in MSW landfills did not occur in FY 2021-22. The downward trend for the past several years has favorably affected MSW landfill capacity in the State. 751Page Tabulation of MSW and C&D landfill capacity can be found in the FY 2021-22 Landfill Capacity Report contained on the following website: https:Hdeq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/solid-waste- section/solid-waste-facility-lists-presentations-and-annual-reports/solid-waste-management-annual-reports. 1. Industrial Landfill Disposal In North Carolina, 11 out of 13 active permitted industrial landfills disposed of various types of industrial waste originating from internal operations. The majority of industrial landfills are located where the waste is produced. The largest volume of waste disposed into industrial landfills is at electric power plants and from the paper product industry, which disposes of sludge and wood ash. Tabulation of landfilled industrial waste can be found in the FY 2021-22 Solid Waste Management Annual Report folder, located online at: hllps://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/solid-waste-section/solid-waste-facili . -lists- presentations-and-annual-reports/solid-waste-management-annual-reports.. 2. Composting and Mulching A total of 58 composting and an additional 16 permitted mulching operations continued to divert organics from the municipal solid waste stream. Composting operations diverted 18,469 tons of food residuals produced from industrial food processors with an additional 34,263 tons of yard waste, wood waste, biosolids, and other wastes. The combined composting and mulching operations managed more than 480,000 tons of feedstocks in FY 2020-21. Waste diversion through these operations continues to grow in importance. Currently, food waste diversion accounts for only 11 percent of feedstocks processed — an increase of two percent more than last year. These facilities have the available capacity to increase food waste diversion in North Carolina. Figure V-2 shows the fractions of materials used as feedstocks. Figure V-2 Feedstocks Composted / Mulched Food Waste & Food Processing Residuals, 11% Grease Trap Waste, 8% Wooden Pallets. 2% Sludge & Biosolids, 13% Animal W 10% Feedstocks Composted / Mulched Other, 5% Sawdust, 1% Yard Waste, 45% Clean Wood, 6% A 761Page 3. Land Application Septage waste land application is accomplished through staff permitting and compliance activities for more than 600 septage haulers, 187 septage detention or treatment (dewatering) facilities, and 115 land application sites (representing 1,768 acres). While most of the land -applied waste is septic tank, portable toilet, and restaurant grease trap waste, the program also assists waste generators with other wastes and by-products to determine if they are suitable for beneficial use through land application. Examples of beneficially reused waste include wood ash and tobacco dust. Best management practices are followed for each by-product to assure the protection of public health and the environment after evaluation by staff and are included in the site operational plans. Since septage haulers are permitted on a calendar year basis, the volumes of septic tank (domestic septage), portable toilet, and grease trap wastes pumped are reported for the previous calendar year. Approximately 234,498,657 gallons total of domestic septage, grease septage, and portable toilet waste was pumped in the calendar year 2021 compared to 245,963,533 pumped in the calendar year 2020. The decrease in total septage pumped from 2020 to 2021 was primarily due to a reported decrease in the amount of domestic septage pumped. The reported decrease in domestic septage pumped may reflect a start in the return of the workforce back from being home -based to a workplace during the pandemic. Figure V-3 below shows the gallons of septage pumped per year. Figure V-3 Gallons of Septage Pumped Per Year MILLION GALLONS SEPTAGE PUMPED PER YEAR Domestic Grease fPortableToilet 160,000,000 140,000,000 120,000,000 100,000,000 80,000,000 60,000,000 40,000,000 20,000,000 0 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 d. In 2019, two Firms reported over 10,000,000 gallons each of portable toilet waste pumped. The extra 20,000,000 gall Ions is suspected to be a reporting error. 4. Medical Waste During FY 2021-2022, four permitted medical waste treatment facilities that receive waste from off -site operated in the state. There are also nineteen alternative medical waste treatment technologies approved for use in the state that operate using a combination of waste shredding and steam sterilization, chemical, infrared, ozone, and heat to treat medical waste at individual generator locations. 771Page Figure V-4 below shows the tonnage of medical waste treated at North Carolina's permitted medical waste treatment facilities during FY 2021-22. A total of 17,117.15 tons of medical waste generated in North Carolina and 9,682.33 tons generated from other states, totaling 26,799.48 tons, were treated. A total of 19,448.55 tons of treated medical waste was disposed of in landfills with a waste tonnage reduction to (incinerator) ash of 7,229.85 and 121.07 tons of cardboard recycled. Figure V-4 does not include medical waste treated from healthcare facilities that treat waste on -site. These healthcare facilities are regulated by the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services; although, DEQ may address specific concerns regarding medical waste treatment such as packaged stored medical waste awaiting shipment and treatment device operation. 40,000.00 35,000.00 30,000.00 25,000.00 20,0U0.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 o.00 Figure V-4 Tons of Medical Waste Processed by Fiscal Year ■■■A■■■■■■■■■■■■ �� ■■ni inn■■■■n■■■■■ ■i ii ii ii ins■ni i■■�nw Mill ii i i u iniiii i i NO iiol on I 00 --��%IIti�_�-�AA� N%Nl 5. Household Hazardous Waste Household hazardous waste (HHW) is household items that are toxic, ignitable, corrosive or reactive. Household hazardous waste includes items such as household cleaners, pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, pool chemicals, paints, automotive fluids, and batteries. These waste types are dangerous to human health and the environment. The Solid Waste Section recommends that citizens properly dispose of HHW at an approved collection site. Units of local government HHW collection sites may be temporary one -day events, commonly conducted in a physical structure, or permanent ongoing collection sites at bricks and mortar locations. Twenty-three counties in North Carolina have permanent HHW collection sites (30 sites total). These 30 permanent sites are permitted facilities and collected 7,274,717.00 pounds or 3,637.36 tons of household hazardous wastes as shown in Table V-4 below. 781Page Table V-4 Permanent HHW Facility Collections FY 2021-2022 Household Hazardous Waste Pounds Various paints 4,992,387.00 Flammable liquids and solids 710,617.00 Automotive oil, filters, and antifreeze 597,029.00 Lead -acid, cadmium, lithium and alkaline batteries 116,007.00 Mercury containing fluorescent light bulbs and other mercury -containing materials 118,647.00 Compressed gases 114,508.00 Poisonous materials such as insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and pool chemicals 170,761.00 Corrosive materials 183,882.00 Oxidizing substances 104,975.00 Aerosols 103,075.00 Smoke Alarms 0.00 PCB/Ballasts 500.00 Pro ane tanks 3,646.00 Fire extinguishers 23,914.00 Thirty-five counties, eleven municipalities, and two businesses held 48 one -day temporary HHW collection events during FY 2021-2022. The 48 events collected a total of 728,082.00 pounds or 364.04 tons of household hazardous wastes. Figure V-5 below illustrates the amounts of HHW collected annually since FY 2010-11. A complete listing of locations of permanent HHW sites as well as current one -day events can be found at: https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/hhw. Although the collection of HHW is a costly endeavor, increasing numbers of units of local govermnent as well as civic organizations, and private industries are arranging for this valuable service for North Carolina communities. The fiscal year total collected is 4,001.40 tons and the collection cost reported by units of local government for temporary and permanent collection events is $6,627,937.47. Figure V-5 Household Hazardous Waste in Tons by Fiscal Year r3,000.00 5,000.00 4,000.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 .yes ;LO 17 L 791Page 6. Facility Inspections The Division of Waste Management's Solid Waste Section is responsible for conducting inspections/site visits at the following variety of solid waste management facility types: • C&D Landfills over pre -regulatory MSW Landfills • Closed Post -Closure Landfills • Compost Facilities • Construction & Demolition Landfills (C&DLF) • Industrial Landfills • Land Application Sites • Land Clearing and Inert Debris Landfills (LCID) • LCID Notification Landfills (open and closed) • MSW Landfills • Transfer Stations • Coal Combustion Product Landfills and Structural Fills • Household Hazardous Waste Collection Sites • Material Recovery Facilities • Medical Waste Treatment Facilities and Incinerators • Septage Detention and Treatment Facilities • Septage (hauler) Firms • Tire Monofills • Tire Processing / Collection Facilities • Treatment and Processing Facilities • White Goods Collection • Yard Waste Notifications 7. Non -Facility Inspections and Evaluations In addition to the facility types listed above, the Solid Waste Section also provides inspections and evaluations for the following: IllegalDumping_ The Solid Waste Section provides technical assistance to residents and businesses on the proper management, recycling, or disposal of solid wastes. It investigates complaints of solid waste illegal dumping, working to have the sites cleaned up and taking enforcement action when necessary for the protection of human health and the environment. The Solid Waste Section also works with local governments to establish and maintain ordinances and programs that address littering and indiscriminate dumping in their communities, and to avoid illegal dumping by communicating disposal procedures and locations to residents, especially following a storm or other disaster. Disaster Response and Preparation: The Solid Waste Section collaborates with federal partners, N.C. Department of Public Safety's Division of Emergency Management, and local governments to support the Federal Emergency Management Agency's National Response Framework Emergency Support Functions related to solid waste debris removal (ESF-3), oil and hazardous materials response (ESF-10), and animal mortality (ESF-11). DEQ staff assisted with preparation and response for Hurricane Ian in 2022 by continuing to develop and improve GIS (Geographical Information System mapping) tools for reporting, sharing, and summarizing information about the environmental incidents that DEQ handles during an emergency response. DEQ also worked to develop GIS tools for locating waste management facilities to assist with preparation in the storm's projected path and for disposal. 801Page Figure V-6 Hurricane Incident GIS Tracking Tool /JSFf1±i Hurricane Incident Tracking Appticauon aims . �• �ry}lii.11 7f� e-. � . Kid. . . _06 dw wnw .e... • �••»••• turrennr dvearr nuaau f The Solid Waste Section continues to work with local governments to foster the message that disaster preparedness is essential, given the history of storm destruction in North Carolina, and encourages communities to establish pre -approved temporary debris storage and reduction (TDSR) sites for vegetative and demolition debris prior to an emergency or disaster. The department maintains a record of more than 650 of these pre -approved TDSR sites. The Solid Waste Section assisted with response and clean-up following Hurricane Ian; evaluated and coordinated the review of five new TDSR sites with the State Historic Preservation Office and Natural Heritage Program; and coordinated with local governments and FEMA for the activation and subsequent clean-up of six TDSR sites. It also provided technical assistance with the proper disposal of storm debris. Because DEQ already had systems in place to communicate and conduct debris site reviews using virtual means and GIS tools like the one depicted above, it was able to continue activities remotely, with minimal interruption of the normal procedures. Tax Certifications: The Solid Waste Section processes certification applications (see Figure V-7 below) for special tax treatment of facilities and equipment used in recycling of a solid waste or resource recovery from a solid waste. The Solid Waste Section has been processing these applications since the mid- 1970s at no cost to the applicant. Recently the Solid Waste Section has launched a new online application tool that allows for a more efficient application process and helps the Department track applications as they go through the process. In the past seven years, the Solid Waste Section has processed approximately 1,200 certification applications. Figure V-7 below shows applications received and approved for the past seven years, while Figure V-8 shows that these approximately 1,200 applications resulted in an estimated value (as reported by the applicant) of $950 million in business equipment being exempted from local government property tax assessment. This amount does not include the value of the land and facility areas also exempted from local government tax assessment in that time frame since this data is not available. The department estimates that Solid Waste Section staff collectively spend time equivalent to two staff positions reviewing and processing tax certification applications, providing technical assistance, and conducting site visits for these facilities to determine whether the requested items comply with the general statutes and administrative code regarding special tax treatment. The estimated staff time does not include time spent by the department's Division of Environmental Assistance and Customer Service staff providing additional technical assistance for these applications. 81 IPage North Carolina's Tax Certification program is very robust and provides property tax benefits to numerous companies and business types. Solid Waste Section personnel have reached out to environmental regulatory authorities with other Southeastern States (Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, and Virginia) to ascertain how their Tax Certification programs are similar (or differ from) North Carolina's. North Carolina receives far more applications to its program than any of the other states contacted, with 160 to 200 applications being received in a typical year. Of the States contacted, Arkansas was the next closest with 60 to 70 applications in a typical year. Tax Certification programs in other states appear to place more restrictions on the type of business that can apply. For example, in Louisiana and Arkansas, a company must be a commercial recycling business and in Florida, an applicant must be either a local/municipal government, or a private entity under contract with a local/municipal government. Figure V-7 Tax Certification Applications Received and Approved ■ Applications Received ■ApplicationsApproved 252 205 200 191 195 184 1B1 172 0 166162 152165 16116P is 150 137 a 222 d 0 v loo 2 50 0 201516 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 Fiscal Year Figure V-8 Estimated Value of Business Equipment Certified as Tax Exempt ■ Esti hated Value of Certified Equipment (not including land or facility spare) "$200,000,000 "$180,000,000 5173,716 85 $181i813,935 "$150,000,000 5155,2.21,149 "$140,000,000 $133, 324,855 "$120,000,000 $112.024,074 "$100,000,000 $91,349,765 $98,729,752 S®U,000,000 $60,ow,000 $40,ow,000 $20,ow,000 $0 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 20143-20 2020-21 2021-22 FiscalYear 821Page 8. Facility Operator Training and Public Outreach The Solid Waste Section is committed to the protection of public health and the environment through education, inspections and compliance, and environmental monitoring. The section has a long-standing history of promoting training for the regulated community and public as required by statute as well as through technical assistance, collaboration, outreach activities, and customer service. D. Local Government Waste Reduction Activities and Recycling Markets Each unit of local government is required to report to DEQ annually about their solid waste management programs and waste reduction activities per G.S. 130A-309.09A. The Solid Waste and Materials Management Reports help produce a picture of waste reduction, recycling, and materials management efforts in North Carolina. This data offers information that helps gauge the breadth and relative effectiveness of local government programs in diverting materials from disposal and delivering them to industry for reprocessing. Data from these annual reports also helps document the trends in recycling and reuse program implementation, and the evolving nature of public materials recovery efforts in North Carolina. The reporting process was modernized in FY2021-22 to allow local governments to complete the report online, consistent with annual reports for permitted solid waste facilities. The new reporting process improved the efficiency of local governments to complete reports and for DEQ staff to receive and review reports. 1. Source Reduction and Reuse Programs Operating a source reduction or local reuse program can be a cost-effective way to help citizens reduce the amount of solid waste that is discarded. These programs are typically popular with residents and have the potential to be a low-cost opportunity to engage the community, creating awareness about strategies that can be used to reduce the cost of disposal. Despite these benefits, only 45 of North Carolina's counties and 42 out of 452 municipalities reported operating these programs. The number of total programs in the state has remained steady over the past five years, ranging from 87 to 92 local governments reporting source reduction and reuse programs each year. In general, waste prevention through source reduction and reuse does not seem to be a high priority for most communities. Table V-5 below examines the types of source reduction and reuse programs operated by local governments during FY 2021-22. 831Page Table V-5 Local Source Reduction / Reuse Programs in FY 2021-22 Number of Program Type Programs __AM Backyard Composting 39 33 Education Programs 18 Compost Bins Sales (2,505 total bins sold Public Reuse 17 Swap Shop Programs (67 swap shop locations) 29 12 Paint Exchange Programs (25,134 gallons paint reused) 2 Reusable Dish/Utensil Loan Programs 7 Others (e.g., book swaps, pallet exchange, swap events) Source Reduction 23 Promoting Food Waste Reduction 32 Promoting Single -Use Plastic Reduction 62 36 Promoting Junk Mail Reduction 43 Promoting Reuse and Donation 5 Promoting Other Source Reduction Activities 87 Total Local Governments with Source Reduction or Reuse Program 2. Local Government Recovery Table V-6 below compiles local government materials recovery operations over the past five years. Local government recovery showed a small decrease in FY 2021-22 when compared to the previous fiscal year. Recovery of most materials was steady with a slight decrease in all material types collected except for construction and demolition debris. Factoring in the annual population growth results in a decrease in the amount recovered per capita. Recovery totals for the past three years are lower than previous years due to a change in the methodology used to calculate the breakout of paper, plastic, metal, and glass from commingled recycling collection programs. Beginning in FY 2019-20, a portion of the commingled recycling tonnage is assumed to be contamination, or non -recyclable material, that gets removed and sent to the landfill for disposal. This results in a lower total recovery reflected in Table V-6 Local Government Recovery (Tons) FY 2017-18 through FY 2021- but is a more accurate estimation of true landfill diversion. Decreases were also seen in the recovery of electronics and tires. Collection of these materials may continue to be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, which affected local government waste management programs beginning in FY 2019-20. Some local governments temporarily suspended special collection programs or reduced operational hours to maintain safe working conditions for staff, and services in these areas may not have returned to pre -pandemic levels. Total recovery results from the past five years reflect a mature public recycling system that has maintained resiliency despite recycling market challenges beginning in 2018 and through the COVID-19 pandemic. Local governments operate a base level of programs and have maintained public participation in terms of material capture, even as the "evolving ton" of traditional recyclables generated in households becomes lighter over time. Highlights from Table V-6 will be examined in greater detail throughout this chapter. 841Page Table V-6 Local Government Recovery (Tons) FY 2017-18 through FY 2021-22 Material FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 Total Paper 356,202 322,959 285,848 311,703 291,418 Total Glass 130,511 124,632 104,659 91,164 85,865 Total Plastics 38,388 40,611 39,444 38,185 36,993 Total Metal' 75,889 76,140 87,167 91,515 82,153 Total Organics2 756,951 925,289 817,307 828,155 786,205 Special Wastes 9,010 9,400 8,720 9,693 8,839 Electronics 13,353 13,444 11,736 10,624 8,908 Construction and 104,654 102,240 86,973 90,586 98,165 Demolition Debris Tires3 147,694 153,645 139,104 118,165 97,899 Other 4,034 2,004 2,118 961 1,078 Totals 1,636,686 1,770,364 1,583,076 1,590,751 1,497,522 Per Capita Recovery 318.32 340.39 301.30 300.50 283.72 (lbs.) Recovery Ratio 0.15 0.13 0.11 0.11 0.11 (Recycling: Disposal) 1 Includes white goods, aluminum cans, steel cans and other metals. 2 Includes yard waste, pallets, wood waste and food waste. 3 Tons of tires listed as recovered includes only those tires originating from within North Carolina that were processed in North Carolina. Data on the recovery of North Carolina -originated tires that were exported outside of the state is not available. 3. Recovery of Particular Materials Public recycling programs play an important role in providing recovered materials to the supply chain for private manufacturing. Figure V-9 below provides a material -specific look at those materials diverted from disposal to economic use by local government recovery operations in FY 2021-22. Figure V-9 Characterization of Local Government Recovery Organics, 52.5%_.- Glass. 5.7%_. _ __. C&D, 6.6% , 5.5% ber, 19.5% Other, 0.1% lectronics, 0.6% Specialty 'astes, 0.6% 851Page The single largest category of material recovered by local governments continues to be organics. This category includes vegetative debris, clean wood (unpainted and untreated dimensional lumber), pallets, food waste, and oyster shells. The recovery of vegetative debris or yard waste is accomplished through public and private mulching and composting, though boiler fuel and other energy markets are also an important destination for yard waste collected by local governments. For a detailed look at the management of yard waste in FY 2021-22, please see the section titled Yard Waste Management. The annual recovery of organic materials can be erratic because yard waste recovery can vary widely from one year to the next due to weather conditions and storm events. During FY 2021-22, organics constituted more than 52 percent of the total local government recovery. As in past years, fiber, or paper products, constituted the next largest category of recovered materials at 19.5 percent. However, construction and demolition debris contributed the third -largest percentage of recovered materials, surpassing tires due to the decrease in tire recovery and increase in construction and demolition debris recycled. 4. Recovery of Traditional Materials Traditional recyclable materials are the items or materials that most citizens think of when reflecting on recycling. These materials include fiber or paper (corrugated cardboard, magazines, newspapers, office paper, and residential mixed paper) and containers (aluminum beverage cans, glass bottles, and jars, plastic bottles and containers, and steel food containers). These materials are common in households, though they are also found in the workplace, bars, restaurants, and away -from -home settings such as parks and other public venues. In FY 2021-22, North Carolina's local government recycling programs reported recycling 430,212 tons of traditional materials (glass bottles and jars, plastic containers, metal cans, paper, cartons, and cardboard). The EPA has provided the Waste Reduction Model to help estimate the carbon dioxide equivalent emissions avoided from recycling instead of landfilling discarded materials. In most cases, manufacturing products from recycled material use less energy than manufacturing products from raw materials, which translates to fewer fossil fuels burned and reduced emissions of greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. Recycling instead of landfilling these traditional materials resulted in greenhouse gas emissions savings of 1,136,754 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, which is equivalent to removing the annual emissions of 241,349 passenger vehicles. The total amount of traditional materials recovered by weight by public recycling programs in FY 2021-22 decreased 6.1 percent compared to the previous fiscal year. While this represents a small decline, the recovery of fiber and containers for the past three years is lower than in previous years due to a change in methodology beginning in FY 2019-20. In previous years, all materials collected through commingled recycling programs were allocated as recycled fiber or container materials. However, a portion of the collected commingled mix is known to be contamination, or non -recyclable material, that gets removed for landfill disposal. Beginning in FY 2019-20, a percentage of the commingled mix is subtracted as contamination to provide a more accurate estimate of the true recycling resulting from commingled programs. In FY 2021-22, nearly 20 percent of commingled tons were removed as contamination, as discussed in Collection of Commingled Recyclables below. Fiber recovery during FY 2021-22 decreased by 6.5 percent compared to FY 2020-21. This decrease follows a 9 percent increase from the previous fiscal year, which resulted from a spike in cardboard and mixed paper recapture influenced by market prices and an increase in shipping boxes from e-commerce during the COVID-19 pandemic. This year's decrease likely indicates a return to typical rates of fiber recovery. 861Page Container recovery during FY 2021-22 decreased by 5.3 percent compared to the previous year. This follows the overall trend of decreased tonnage for traditional materials, which is partially due to the expanded practice of "lightweighting," in which product manufacturers and distributors reduce packaging and use lighter materials to increase energy efficiency in shipping and processing. The decreased weight of materials entering the recycling stream can lead to a decrease in overall tonnage despite similar levels of participation and collection. Furthermore, the collection of glass for recycling has declined in recent years as some communities have removed glass from the mix of commingled materials accepted in curbside recycling. Efforts to counteract this trend are discussed in Recycling Market Developments in FY 2021-22 below. The overall changing make-up of traditional materials recovery is known in the recycling industry as the "evolving ton," and this phenomenon is not unique to North Carolina. Figure V-10 below documents the trend in the recovery of traditional materials over the past 20 years. As discussed previously, FY 2019-20 was the first year calculating and removing a portion of the commingled recycling tons as contamination. Figure V-10 20-Year Local Government Traditional Recyclable Material Recovery (Tons) 600, 00❑ 500,000 l 400,000 300,000 200, 000 100, 000 o'' 5;k Q 00 a� tia w� N� � �° ti`' ti� � 1.11 o°x o°�' o°° o°<' off° a°� off' oN o"1ti 6N, 6^11 ova Z"; -SN 6N 13N 611; a�° k k k k k 4 k k k k k At k k k k k k k ■ Containers 2, Fiber Contamination 5. Recovery of Construction and Demolition Materials Local government recovery of C&D debris includes the capture of materials generated by construction and/or demolition activities. Materials in this waste stream include shingles, vinyl siding, sheetrock, carpet, and aggregate (brick, block, and other rubble). Clean lumber and wooden pallets, corrugated cardboard, and scrap metal may also be generated as a result of construction and demolition activities, though for the sake of this report when these materials are recycled by local governments they are included in categories for organics, metal, and paper. 871Page Local governments have increasingly looked to the C&D waste stream for recycling success, and this has increased as new construction remains strong across the state. Recycling efforts focused on the C&D waste stream can yield impressive tonnage results. A large makeup of C&D recycling tonnage can be attributed to the recovery of aggregate such as concrete and brick. This material is relatively easy to recover at disposal facilities such as C&D landfills, and it can be processed into a gravel substitute that can provide substantial cost avoidance through a decreased need to purchase new gravel. Construction and demolition recycling in FY 2021-22 increased slightly from the previous year, with 98,165 tons reported. Figure V-11 below illustrates the change in the amount of C&D materials captured by public programs since FY 2006-07. Figure V-11 Public C&D Recycling (Tons) FY 2006-07 to FY 2021-22 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 � 00 d0 00 0o ON Off' O,' OS' O, ISN Off' Off` Off' O��IZ O� L y L L 1 y'L y'1, y Y ,ti kT 6. Plastic Recycling in North Carolina Total plastic recycling by local governments in North Carolina decreased from 38,185 tons in FY 2020-21 to 36,993 tons during FY 2021-22. This continues a general trend of declining plastic recovery since FY 2015-16. This decrease may be explained in part by the continued light -weighting of consumer bottles, occurring because plastics manufacturers are advancing packaging designs to use less plastic to create containers that are the same size. This means that more plastic bottles need to be collected to achieve consistent recycling tonnage. A national 2020 Post -Consumer Plastic Recycling Data Report also shows a general declining plastic bottle recovery trend following a peak in 2014. The report estimates a 27.2% recycling rate for plastic bottles nationally in 2020. In North Carolina, FY 2018-19 has been the only year since FY 2015-16 that plastic recovery by local governments increased. Figure V-12 below illustrates the public recovery of plastic over the past 20 fiscal years. 881Page Figure V-12 20-Year Plastics Recovery (Tons) Plastic bottles made of PET and HDPE combine to represent 91 percent of all plastic materials recovered by local governments in FY 2020-2. They have strong markets in North Carolina and the southeastern U.S. non -bottle plastic containers such as cups, tubs, and `clam -shell' style plastic containers (collectively known as Other Plastic Containers) along with larger bulky rigid plastic durable items such as buckets, totes, and carts had been a growing sector of total plastics recovery but has slowed in the past few years due to weaker markets for those materials. However, recycling processors are putting more emphasis on capturing polypropylene so recovery may grow in the coming years. 7. Collection of Commingled Recyclables The nature of public recycling collection has changed substantially during the past two decades, with the public recycling system moving from the collection of source -separated (sorted) materials to the collection of commingled or mixed recyclables. The recycling industry uses the term commingled to describe when commodities of different types are mixed for collection and processing. The collection of mixed recyclables is commonly known as single -stream recycling. The benefits of single -stream recycling include increased collection efficiency and public participation due to the ease of use. The transition to a single -stream collection system has been enabled by the establishment of mechanized Materials Recovery Facilities (MRFs) where mixed recyclables are processed, sorted, and prepared for sale in the recovered materials marketplace. North Carolina is home to 17 MRFs that process the recyclables collected by public recycling programs. As communities across the state moved to the collection of mixed recyclables, they have become less connected to or aware of the constituents in the mixed or commingled materials that their programs collect. Those constituents are the traditional recyclable materials, or cans, bottles, and paper that are discussed in the earlier section, titled Recovery of Traditional Materials. When local governments submit their Local Government Solid Waste and Materials Management Reports to the state, they are asked to provide data on the amounts and types of recyclable materials that they have collected. Increasingly, the 891Page materials are not reported by individual commodities but instead as "commingled" tons. Figure V-13 below examines the reporting of commingled versus source -separated tonnage by communities over the last 20 years. Figure V-13 20 Year Reporting of Commingled vs. Separated Recycling Tonnage When communities report commingled recycling tonnage, it becomes necessary to make assumptions about the constituents of those commingled materials to project recycling by individual commodities. As explored earlier in the Recovery of Traditional Materials section, the changing makeup of the traditional material stream is known as the evolving ton. There are a variety of forces acting on the mix of materials in the commingled ton from the adoption of paperless news consumption to changes in the types of packaging used in consumer goods. Each year, the MRFs processing the commingled materials in North Carolina are asked to voluntarily provide data on the composition of the commingled materials they process. This information is used to produce an average materials composition that is then used to project the recycling of individual materials — from paper and plastic to aluminum and steel cans to glass bottles and jars. The influence of the determination of the make-up of the commingled ton has become increasingly important as more recyclables are reported as commingled. The fiscal year 2019-20 marked an important change in the calculation of commingled tons to project the recovery of individual materials. Beginning in FY 2019-20, contamination is factored in as a percentage of the commingled mix. Contamination is defined as non -recyclable items that are placed in the recycling bin and cannot be recovered for recycling. Common examples include plastic bags, takeout containers, food waste, rubber hoses, wires, and textiles. While contamination has always been a part of the commingled mix of recyclables, more attention and focus have been placed on efforts to reduce levels of contamination in the past few years and better information is being collected to measure the amount of contamination. In FY 2021-22, MRFs reported an average contamination level of 19.7 percent. This proportion (68,694.03 tons of contamination) of the total commingled recycling tonnage (349,029 tons) is assumed to be removed by the MRFs and sent for landfill disposal, decreasing the actual recycling tons to 901Page 280,335. Figure V-14 below shows the constituents of the average ton of commingled recyclables collected in North Carolina in FY 2021-22. Figure V-14 Constituents per Average Ton of Commingled Recyclables in NC FY 2021-22 Contamination 20% Mixed Plastics 1% Mixed Paper HOPE Natural 30% 1% HOPE Coloreds _ 196 PET 41 - 4% Steel Cans 2% Ca rd boa rd Glass 18% Alurninum Cans 21% 1% 8. Public Electronics Recycling North Carolina residents continue to have wide access to recycling programs collecting electronics and televisions. Local governments operate electronics recycling programs in response to citizen demand for responsible e-waste management options as well as to help the public comply with the state disposal ban on computer equipment and televisions that went into effect July 1, 2011. During FY 2021-22, 161 local governments indicated that they operated an electronics recycling program — many in partnership with another community. For example, in FY 2021-22, 33 municipalities indicated cooperating with their respective county to provide electronics recycling services, with the municipality collecting electronics from residents within their jurisdiction and then delivering the material to the county for further management. Table V-7 below describes the different types of electronics recycling services that communities offered in FY 2021-22. Table V-7 Types of Local Government Electronics Recycling Programs in FY 2021-22 Number of Electronics Recycling Collection Method Programs 108 Drop-off Program 392 Total Drop-off Sites Operated 33 Curbside Pickup 30 One -Da Event(s) 10 HHW Program 161 Total Local Governments Operating a Public Electronics Recycling Program 91 IPage As indicated above, the most common strategy used to collect electronics is to accept them at staffed recycling sites or convenience centers. During FY 2021-22, 108 communities operated a combined 392 individual recycling sites statewide for electronics collection. Data on the amount of material collected by public electronics recycling efforts measures the collection of televisions, computer equipment, and other electronics, including printers, scanners, cell phones, stereos, video players, and other low-grade electronic devices. The combined total tonnage of electronics recovered by local governments during FY 2021-22 decreased by 16.2 percent from FY 2020-21. Although this decrease may demonstrate continuing impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic, during which many local governments suspended or limited special collection services, it also reflects the general national trend of declining electronics recycling tonnage, due in part to advancing technology and lighter material content of computerized electronics. Figure V-15 below examines public electronics recycling efforts since FY 2008-09 and shows the relative amounts of televisions and other electronics recovered each year, with computer equipment broken out separately from other electronics beginning in FY 2019-20. Figure V-15 Public Electronics Recovery FY 2008-09 to FY 2021-22 18,000 Television and 16,000 computer landfill ban 14,000 12,000 i 10,000 o 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 Ny'1 1"5 'gyp, 'y? -y§ -11 ti1 ti� .p :1> CY yL 00� 0Zp O,O.N O�ti O�Z 013' C)N (Z S' 'sN ,;, o' ON OHO' O.yti �,ti �yti F1� �yti �yti 'qk' '�ti �yti �rti �q,ti �qyti �yti F�ti a Televisions ■ Other Electronics ■ Computer Equipment The collection of computer equipment increased by 10.2 percent from the previous year, with other electronics collections decreasing by 22.5 percent. The collection of televisions decreased 18 percent, from 6,848 tons last year to 5,614 tons this year. Television recycling has been tracked separately since FY 2008- 09. Each year from 2008-09 through 2015-16, televisions constituted a proportionally larger amount of the total electronics collected and managed by public programs. The proportion of televisions remained relatively steady between 70 to 74 percent of total electronics recovery between FY 2015-16 through FY 2018-19. In the past three years, that proportion declined and now makes up 63 percent of total electronics recovery. It is likely that FY 2015-16 marked the peak in the recycling of Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) televisions in North Carolina. Compared to more modern Flat Panel Display (FPD) televisions, CRT televisions are substantially heavier and more difficult to handle for public recycling programs. 921Page 9. Types of Public Recycling Efforts Public recycling programs employ different strategies to recover a range of materials, including the operation of curbside recycling programs, drop-off recycling programs, and other recycling programs that collect traditional recyclable materials from parks, schools, businesses, and multi -family properties. Public recycling programs also manage specialty wastes to divert potentially toxic materials from disposal. In addition, public recycling programs offer services that target specific waste streams such as construction and demolition debris, scrap metal, yard waste, and other organic materials such as food waste and oyster shells. Finally, North Carolina counties are statutorily responsible for providing services to collect and manage white goods and scrap tires, though in some cases these services may also be operated by municipalities on behalf of a county. In addition to providing the types of services listed above, local governments can also implement policies and employ strategies that encourage or facilitate private -sector recycling activities without necessitating that public recycling programs directly or contractually provide a recycling service. Examples of these strategies include local disposal bans on materials, such as corrugated cardboard, mandatory recycling ordinances, and licensed hauler systems where service providers are required to offer recycling collection as a condition of doing business in a jurisdiction. These types of strategies encourage the growth of private sector recovery activities and infrastructure. In FY 2021-22, local governments reported the recycling of 1,503 tons of recyclables through these types of strategies. 10. Public Curbside Recycling Programs in North Carolina Curbside recycling programs are facing challenges from increased processing and contamination charges from recycling processors following the transition to domestic recycling markets and cost models. North Carolina local governments reported 311 publicly operated curbside recycling programs during FY 2021-22, as shown in Figure V-16 below. This represents a net decrease of one compared to the 312 curbside programs reported in FY 2020-21. A summary of changes is provided below. • Two municipalities began new curbside recycling programs: o Marvin began providing curbside trash and recycling services to its 1,950 households in April 2022. o Reidsville launched a voluntary subscription curbside recycling service during FY 2021-22 after the city-wide recycling program was ended in 2019. By the end of the fiscal year, approximately 400 of the City's 5,600 households have subscribed. • Eight municipalities ended curbside recycling programs, including: o East Laurinburg dissolved as a Town at the end of FY 2021-22, thereby ending municipal recycling services for its 124 residences. o Gastonia ended its curbside program for 24,513 households due to contamination problems and increased costs. o La Grange ended its curbside program for 1,250 households to avoid increased costs. o Leland ended its curbside program for 10,744 households to avoid increased costs. o Manteo ended its curbside program for 502 households to avoid increased costs. o Pine Level ended its curbside program, which served 895 households. o Ruth ended its curbside program for 159 households due to low participation and contamination. o Saint James ended its curbside program for 3,992 households to avoid increased costs. • Two local governments (Dover and Stokesdale) mistakenly did not report curbside programs in years past and were corrected in the FY 2021-22 data. • Three municipalities now report curbside programs in Davie County due to a change in the recycling contract. Before this fiscal year, residents in Davie County and all of its municipalities received curbside 931Page recycling service through the County. Recycling contracts were renegotiated at the beginning of FY 2021- 22 and each municipality (Bermuda Run, Cooleemee, and Mocksville) now contracts for its curbside recycling program for residents. This results in three additional curbside programs being reported, even though they are not new programs. With the cancellation of eight curbside recycling programs, residents in the affected communities must take recyclables to a drop-off collection site or independently subscribe to recycling collection service with a private company, if available in their area. The NCDEQ's Recycling and Materials Management Section in the Division of Environmental Assistance and Customer Service continues to work with municipalities that are interested to identify recycling solutions. In addition to the canceled curbside recycling programs described above, the City of High Shoals suspended its curbside recycling program after operating for most of FY 2021-22. It will be counted as discontinued if not reinstated during FY 2022-23. Despite the issues described above, curbside recycling continues to be the most popular way for citizens to access public recycling services in North Carolina. Through the 311 active programs, it is estimated that 2.21 million North Carolina households have access to publicly operated curbside recycling services. Excluding yard waste, just under half of all public recycling tonnage, or 48.5 percent, was collected by curbside recycling programs in FY 2021-22. Figure V-16 Local Government Curbside Recycling Programs and Households Served FY 2002-03 — FY 2021-22 2,500,000 350 300 7,000,000 250 E v 0 200 1,500,000 ` fl- cn -0 150 0 QJ 7 1,000,000 u = 100 500,000 50 0 - °3 5§1 Ah °IO A� Z% °� �° ti� �`' arc tit y� yg yo titi .4� a' 1 °� °D h °ao O'1 e 0 y° yti titi �b ti��i �V yA' �V ��a y0° y° y° y0 y4 k0 ti �D �O �O yD k0 ti0 �O ti° ry0 yD yO k� es� Local Government Curbside Recycling Programs -Households Served 11. Specialty Waste Management Many counties and municipalities in North Carolina offer their residents the opportunity to recycle a wide range of additional materials beyond the traditional paper, bottles, and cans commonly collected in curbside and drop-off programs. These `specialty wastes' include automotive -related materials such as oil, oil filters, and antifreeze as well as other ubiquitous household items such as cooking oil, dry cell batteries, and fluorescent lamps as shown in Table V-8 below. Recycling services for specialty wastes are typically provided at staffed collection locations such as county solid waste convenience centers or municipal public 941Page works departments. Some communities only collect specialty wastes at temporary HHW collection events or programs, while others collect specialty wastes year-round. Specialty waste tonnages can be affected by a range of factors, including a program's implementation or discontinuance, scheduling of special waste removal in relation to market price, and changes in local record - keeping and reporting. The scrap or reclamation value of a particular special waste can also impact its collection rate. For example, when the scrap value of lead is down, communities generally collect more lead acid batteries; whereas, when the scrap value of lead is high, residents are more likely to bring used lead acid batteries to private scrap yards where the batteries can be sold. Two types of HHW programs are operated by local governments: temporary and permanent. Temporary HHW programs, also known as one -day events, are designed to collect HHW at a temporary location approved to be used for a single specific date or specified date range if concerning disaster debris cleanup. Permanent HHW programs are for the collection of materials year-round at a facility permitted by the Division of Waste Management. Some local governments accept materials from Very Small Quantity Generators (VSQGs), or businesses that generate small amounts of HHW and are not required to report to the Solid Waste Management section. Five local governments collected HHW from VSQGs in FY 2021-22, totaling 11,202 pounds of material. Information about HHW collection programs is available in the Household Hazardous Waste section above. Table V-8 below shows the recovery of specialty wastes by local governments during FY 2021-22 and Figure V-17 shows a trend over the past five years. The most notable change in FY 2021-22 from the previous year is a reduction in the amount of HHW collected, although it is comparable to the amount collected in FY 2019-20. Some local governments described unusually high turnout to HHW events during FY 2020-21, resulting in an increase in HHW tons collected. This spike could be a result of more residents cleaning out houses and garages during COVID-19, in addition to catching up after some HHW collections and events were canceled early in the pandemic at the end of FY 2019-20. The overall amount of specialty wastes diverted through local government programs, including HHW programs, decreased by 9 percent from FY 2020-21. 951Page Table V-8 Local Government Specialty Waste Management FY 2021-22 Specialty Waste Type Number of Programs Tons Collected Automotive Used Motor Oil 112 2,975.24 Oil Filters 88 86.19 Antifreeze 64 95.49 Batteries Lead Acid Batteries 69 385.46 Dry Cell Batteries 27 23.34 Paint Paint Recycling 14 594.29 Paint Reuse (Exchange Program) 11 144.52 Pesticides Pesticides 18 42.75 Pesticide Containers 45 122.65 HHW Permanent HHW Programs 22 3,637.36 Temporary HHW Events 28 364.04 Other Lights Containing Mercury 49 60.47 Propane Tanks 32 96.96 Used Cooking Oil 61 194.62 Other 11 15.36 Total Total Specialty Waste Recovery 147 8,838.75 Figure V-17 Local Government Specialty Waste Tons Collected FY 2017-18 through FY 2021-22 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 20 20-2 1 FY 2021-22 ■ Automotive 0 Batteries - Paint ■ Pesticides a HHW i Other 961Page 12. Yard Waste Management The overall amount of yard waste managed by local programs in FY 2021-22 decreased by 5 percent from FY 2020-21. Of the 890,211 tons managed by municipalities and counties during FY 2021-22, 768,404 tons of yard waste were diverted from disposal in four main ways: delivery of materials like leaves to gardeners and farmers (end -users); processing by local government mulching and composting operations; mulching and composting of locally collected materials at private facilities; and sale of yard waste materials to boiler fuel and other energy markets. Table V-9 below examines the use of these strategies in FY 2021-22 and compares that to FY 2020-21. A portion of locally managed yard waste is disposed of in LCID landfills, which is allowed under the disposal ban. However, as in past years, not all the material delivered to LCID facilities may be disposed of. Some of it may be converted by LCID operators to mulch, compost, or biomass fuels, undercounting actual total diversion. Table V-9 Local Government Yard Waste Management FY 2020-21 and FY 2021-22 Destination of Materials FY 2020-21 Tons Managed FY 2021-22 Tons Managed End Users (direct delivery) 46,976 34,823 Local Mulch/Compost Facility 589,553 595,178 Local Government Yard Waste Diverted to Private Mulch and Compost Facilities 138,345 108,771 Wood/Yard Waste Fuel Markets 33,966 29,632 TOTAL DISPOSAL DIVERSION* 808,839 768,404 LCID Landfill* 146,437 121,807 YARD WASTE TOTALS 955,276 890,211 * Yard waste tons delivered to LCID landfills are not included in diversion calculations. The total amount of yard waste diverted from disposal since the implementation of the state's yard waste disposal ban in January 1993 is now at 16.9 million tons of material, which is equivalent to 27.3 million cubic yards of landfill space. This is shown in Figure V-18 below. 971Page 1.000,000 9oo,ao-o 800,00(1 7oo,aao eaa,DGO 700,000 400,ffG0 300,a00 200,Off0 100,000 Figure V-18 Local Government Diversion of Yard Waste from Disposal FY 1995-96 to FY 2021-22 Hurricane 13. Recycling Markets and Prices Recycling commodity prices fluctuated throughout FY 2021-22 but remained well above previous years' values following a substantial increase in FY 2020-21. After a year of skyrocketing fiber values, FY 2021-22 saw a slight decrease overall in fiber prices, with corrugated cardboard falling from $171 to $163 per ton. Aluminum cans and PET plastic saw the greatest increase in value this year, rising by approximately 14 percent and 22 percent, respectively. However, HDPE prices for both colored and natural materials were cut nearly in half, showing market variability between different plastic materials. Figure V-19 shows a five-year history of the quarterly blended value, or weighted average price, of a ton of single -stream material at MRFs and Table V-10 below shows the calculation of the MRF blended value. Figure V-19 Quarterly MRF Blended Material Values, FY 2017-18 to FY 2021-22 981Page $160 $140 o $120 F d p $100 0 $80 m $60 m $40 $20 I$- oti��N'6 yD1$ �y{�1��� `+�9't 5Q c'Ji� �R�ce �Ji�' �`{�� 5 �ai�' �`��e 41 51f Although market values of most commodities improved or stayed relatively steady during the course of the year, it is important to consider the makeup of the traditional recycling mix, as provided in Table V-10 below. Glass and contamination make up 40.8 percent of the weight of the commingled mix, both of which have a cost to manage. Although the blended value of a commingled ton remained higher than in previous years and ended the fiscal year at $103.35, it still does not exceed the cost for MRFs to process the materials meaning that most local governments are charged a tipping fee to drop off recyclables. In addition to the cost, contamination continues to be an operational challenge for MRFs. To meet the expectations of domestic markets and the stricter standards of international markets, these facilities have added labor, slowed production lines, and invested in equipment to remove contaminants and produce higher -quality outgoing commodity bales. While the improved quality of recycling is favorable, these adjustments require increased per -ton processing costs which are directly passed on to customers, including local governments. 991Page Table V-10 Calculation of MRF Blended Material Value, Summer 2022 Material Percent of a MRF Ton Market Price Per Ton Proportional Value in a MRF Ton Aluminum Cans 1.4% $1,720.00 $24.86 Steel Cans 2.2% $174.00 $3.91 PET 4.2% $660.00 $27.56 HDPE Natural 0.8% $1,040.00 $8.35 HDPE Colored 1.3% $580.00 $7.45 Corrugated Cardboard 18.3% $163.33 $29.90 Mixed paper 30.0% $78.33 $23.52 Glass 21.1% -$39.87 -$8.42 Contamination 19.7% -$70.00 -$13.79 Total $103.35 Figure V-20 below shows the history of paper pricing throughout the past 20 years, demonstrating the fluctuating aspects of commodity markets. The value of cardboard and mixed paper remained high after improvements during FY 2020-21, maintaining prices experienced before global market fluctuations caused by China's National Sword policy in 2018. Figure V-20 Market Prices Received for Fiber Materials by Major North Carolina Processors Since 2002 225 200 175 150 125 CZ 0 � 100 yr 75 Vd50 25 0 -25 N en It In l0 r+ 00 M O ri M rn -ct in k.0 r- 00 M O r1 N O O O O O O O O 1- H 1- 1- I .--1 H .--i .--i .--i H H 1 l nl r l C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Cardboard —Mixed Paper Figure V-21 shows 20-year pricing for three key container materials: aluminum, PET, and HDPE. Aluminum and PET values increased while HDPE colored and natural values decreased by nearly half after hitting record -high values in the fourth quarter of FY 2020-21. 1001Page Figure V-21 Market Prices Received for Select Container Materials by Major North Carolina Processors Since 2002 2500 — 2000 1500 0 1000 Soo ,�Al LA VY N O C m v n In n ao al o ti N m O O O O O O O a -I 1i '-I vi 1- C G C C C C C G' C G' C C In n co al o N N 1- ei ei a -I 1N N N C C C' C C —Aluminum —PET —HDPE - Natural —HDPE - Color 14. Recycling Market Developments in FY 2021-22 North Carolina's private -sector recycling economy continued its strong momentum during FY 2021-22. The state's longstanding recycling grant programs supported key infrastructure investments, including several MRF facility upgrades. American Recycling (now Sonoco Recycling) in Candler received grant funding to purchase an optical sorter to capture polypropylene bottles and containers that were previously going to landfill. North Davidson Garbage Service in Lexington received grant funding to purchase a wheel loader to manage incoming recycling loads more efficiently, allowing the company to grow the business and handle more recycling volume. Sonoco Recycling in Raleigh received grant funding to purchase an optical sorter to remove contaminants from the fiber stream to produce higher quality and more marketable products. Improved efficiency and automation will allow the state's MRFs to stay competitive, handle increasing recycling volumes as the population continues to grow, and adapt to the evolving ton. Another focus area of the state's recycling grant programs during FY 2021-22 was the diversion of food waste, which makes up 24 percent of landfill disposal according to national data from the Environmental Protection AgencX. With support from state recycling grants, seven local governments and three private businesses made investments to recover more food waste for composting. Henderson County and New Hanover County made upgrades to their permitted compost facilities. Durham is expanding a curbside compost pilot, and Chapel Hill, Cary, Davidson, and Asheville/Buncombe County launched compost drop- off sites. Crown Town compost expanded its compost collection service in the Charlotte region and McGill Environmental and Gallins Family Farm made upgrades to their permitted compost facilities in Sampson and Davie Counties. Efforts to continue reducing food waste will be bolstered in FY 2022-23 with the launch of the statewide Use the Food NC campaign which promotes eating, donating, composting, or anaerobically digesting food before landfilling. Beyond MRF upgrades and composting, the state's Recycling Business Development Grant program continued to build more domestic markets for materials affected by international import bans, specifically mixed paper and non -bottle plastics. Twelve of the 15 business grants awarded in the calendar year 2022 qualified as priority projects and will expand recycling markets for target materials. Seven of those project 101 IPage support equipment and infrastructure purchases to increase the quantities and types of recyclable plastic the companies process, including styrofoam, plastic films, large rigid plastics, and other manufacturing and industrial plastic scrap. Grant funds in FY 2021-22 also supported equipment purchases for a start-up copper smelting facility in Shelby. With the buildout of the new facility, AMES Copper Group will invest $70 million and create 130 jobs to support the smelter plant which will recycle and purify more than 50,000 tons of scrap copper annually. Another major facility investment was completed during FY2021-22 by Liberty Tire who opened a new state-of-the-art rubber mulch manufacturing facility in Sanford. The facility employs 27 staff with plans to grow and produces 70 million pounds of rubber mulch annually using recycled tires. An important part of supporting North Carolina's recycling infrastructure is connecting generators of recyclable materials with markets. G.S. 130A-309-06 directs DEQ to maintain a directory of recycling and resource recovery systems in the state. In May 2022, DEQ staff updated the longstanding North Carolina Recycling Markets Directory to include an interactive mapping feature and improve overall user experience and functionality. The directory complements the work of staff allowing generators to discover nearby recyclers to keep materials out of the landfill and advance the state's circular economy. As referenced in Table V-6 above, recovery of glass bottles and jars through local government recycling programs has declined over the past five years. To slow and potentially reverse the downward trend, staff from DEQ's Recycling and Materials Management Section engaged industry stakeholders beginning in the Spring of 2021 to develop strategies for increasing the amount of glass recycled. DEQ held a series of meetings during the first quarter of FY 2021-22 with industry partners including Anheuser-Busch, Ardagh, the Glass Recycling Foundation, the Glass Packaging Institute, Owens-Illinois, Sierra Nevada, the Southeast Recycling Market Development Council, and Strategic Materials. The group agreed that investment was needed to improve the process for sorting glass at MRFs and to bring glass recycling back to communities that had removed it. As a result, DEQ launched a new Glass Equipment and Infrastructure recycling grant opportunity in October 2021. With a set of five competitive applications received, DEQ leveraged partnership funding from the Glass Recycling Foundation which contributed $35,000 in addition to the $200,000 available from the state. All five applications were funded in May of 2022, including three grants to expand or establish community glass recycling programs and two grants to purchase glass cleaning equipment at MRFs. Combined grant funds and applicant matching funds will result in an investment of more than $600,000 and positively impact recycling programs for nearly 2.6 million North Carolinians. E. Scrap Tire Management Program 1. Scrap Tire Management Whole scrap tires were banned from disposal in landfills by G.S. 130A-309.10 in 1990. The Solid Waste Section administers the Scrap Tire Management Program, part of which is the Scrap Tire Disposal Account Fund. The Account Fund was created to provide each qualifying county that incurred a Program deficit with additional funds for the disposal and recycling of scrap tires. To fund the 1993 statute, the General Assembly imposed a 1 percent tax on the sale of new large tires (bus, tractor -trailer, and construction equipment tires) and a 2 percent tax on the sale of new small tires (automobile tires). The statute requires that each county provide at least one collection site at no cost to the public and businesses for the disposal of qualifying scrap tires. Counties receive a quarterly tax distribution from the DOR to be used for scrap tire program operational 1021Page costs. In the past, some of the tax collected was allocated to the scrap tire disposal account fund. However, Session Law 2013-360, Senate Bill 402 eliminated the tax money allocated to the scrap tire disposal account fund. Currently, money is distributed to the Account Fund annually from the General Fund. Table V-11 shows the revenue and distribution of the taxes FY2021-2022. Table V-11 Distributions of Scrap Tire Tax Revenue Net Tax Collections by the N.C. Department of Revenue $24,556,442.88 Dept. of Revenue Cost of Collecting $325,343.56 Amount distributed to counties (70%) $16,961,769.50 Amount distributed to the General Fund (30%) $7,269,329.82 Money allocated to the Division of Waste Management from the General Fund is used to provide additional funding to counties in the form of a grant for the cleanup of illegal tire dumps and for county -incurred deficits in their scrap tire management programs. Scrap tire legislation requires the Division of Waste Management to consider county efforts to avoid free disposal of out-of-state tires and other ineligible tires and county program efficiency in using allocated funds when making decisions about grant awards. Table V-12 below provides an overview of the Scrap Tire Disposal Account Fund. Table V-12 Scrap Tire Management Account Balance of Funds as of July 1, 2021 $231,100.06 Cost Overrun Grants to Counties July 2021 [$229,033.14] Cost Overrun Grants to Counties January 2022 [$201,897.50] - Clean Up Grants to Counties [$2,133.53] - Total Debits [$433,064.17] Transfer from General Fund $420,000.00 Total Credits - $420,000.00 Ending Balance June 30, 2022 - $218,035.89 2. County Tire Disposal Eighty-five county programs, including one regional program (the Coastal Regional Solid Waste Management Authority, which serves Carteret, Craven and Pamlico Counties), applied for the Scrap Tire Disposal Account Fund Grant during the fall and spring (a total of two grant cycles) of FY21-22. It was reported that they collected 107,523.46 tons of scrap tires and spent $11,028,669.62 on disposal costs and received $7,916,492.48 from the scrap tire disposal tax. The counties requested $2,926,511.17 in grant requests and received $430,930.64 in grants. The average contract disposal cost is $93.64 per ton; however, that cost can vary based on tonnage, contract agreement, and distance from the disposal and recycling facility. The maximum contract disposal cost reported is $197.87 per ton. The FY 2021-2022 Local Governmental Annual Report (LGAR) submitted by each county shows that they collected a total of 208,171.72 tons of scrap tires and spent a total of $19,713,033.65 for scrap tire management and disposal and recycling. County reports state that they received a total of $16,460,400.19 in revenue to operate the scrap tire management programs The average contract disposal cost is $197,130.34 however the cost can vary based on tonnage, contract agreement, and distance from the disposal and recycling facility. The maximum contract disposal cost reported is $2,081,127.64. 1031Page 3. Tire Disposal and Recycling In FY 2021-2022, North Carolina tire processors reported they received 210,639.26 tons of scrap tires from North Carolina counties and 73,423.52 tons of scrap tires from other states. Some tire sellers bypass county scrap tire collection sites and have scrap tires taken directly to processors. Reuse or disposal is shown in Table V-13 and Figure V-22 below. Scrap Tire Cost Overrun Grants are summarized in Table V-14 below. As shown in those tables, each county that applied for a grant award was awarded a percentage of that amount. The tax proceeds distributions are a combination of two quarterly distributions dispersed by the N.C. Department of Revenue. Table V-16 below shows the Illegal Tire Dump Clean -Up Costs for the fiscal year. Table V-13 Final Disposal/Recycling of Tires (tons) Scrap tires disposed (landfill) 143,883.29 Scrap tires used as fuel 55,175.09 Scrap tires used as crumb rubber 43,813.35 Scrap tires re -used or re -capped 14,496.98 Scrap Tires used in civil engineering 0 Scrap tires used for other purposes 9,797.97 Scrap tires used as mulch 8,741.15 Scrap tires stockpiled 9,379.72 Scrap tire stockpiled after FY end [1,224.77] Total scrap tires received 284,062.78 Figure V-22 Final Disposal of Scrap Tires in NC ■ TiresDisWsed (iandfill) ■ Tires used asfue] ■ Tiresused ascrumb rubber ■ Tires re -used or re -tapped ■ Tires mulched ■ Tires used for other purposes 1041Page Table V-14 Scrap Tire Cost Over -Run Grant October 2020-March 2021 Grants Awarded July 2021 Requested Cost Two -Quarterly NCDOR Count Over -run Amount Tax Distributions Awarded Amount Grant Period [six- Disposal Account Disposal Applicant County months] Tax Proceeds Fund Grant Amount Account Fund from NCDOR Requested Grant Awarded Alleghany $7,364.62 $8,129.78 $810.90 Ashe $17,810.56 $22,755.96 $2,252.50 Avery $11,615.28 $7,719.72 $593.60 Beaufort $30,393.97 $24,931.51 $2,252.50 Brunswick $91,733.60 $5,278.75 $540.60 Carteret, Craven, $119,984.93 $45,507.44 $3,975.00 Pamlico Catawba $102,274.99 $90,580.93 $15,407.10 Cherokee $18,832.53 $8,502.49 $810.90 Chowan $9,060.66 $38,706.30 $4,505.00 Clay $7,464.58 $1,092.23 $180.20 Cleveland $64,119.14 $18,970.46 $1,802.00 Columbus $36,039.51 $6,211.47 $630.70 Duplin $38,474.94 $13,511.35 $1,351.50 Forsyth $242,498.86 $14,365.33 $1,621.80 Gates $7,659.36 $16,301.08 $1,802.00 Graham $5,560.96 $3,863.34 $360.40 Guilford $343,496.24 $31,074.82 $4,869.38 Halifax 32,828.13 $16,615.27 $1,802.00 Haywood $40,425.35 $32,249.50 $3,941.88 Henderson $75,238.47 $13,361.93 $1,351.50 Hertford $15,286.05 $25,846.84 $2,703.00 Iredell $116,018.78 $2,886.84 $324.36 Jackson $28,193.68 $6,531.98 $630.70 Lenoir $36,505.32 $43,014.41 $5,068.13 Macon $23,415.06 $25,499.75 $2,703.00 Martin $14,756.81 $11,513.93 $1,351.50 McDowell $29,747.47 $15,822.75 $1,802.00 Mecklenburg $704,710.76 $236,698.15 $41,976.00 Mitchell $9,704.58 $12,497.98 $1,351.50 Nash $61,567.73 $1,381.15 $180.20 New Hanover $149,331.31 $97,856.46 $16,218.00 Onslow $132,793.91 $93,825.10 $15,407.10 Pasquotank $25,599.35 $36,223.23 $4,505.00 Perquimans $8,803.71 $2,928.40 $270.30 Pitt $116,166.15 $86,915.24 $9,730.80 Rockingham $58,862.37 $32,808.95 $2,782.50 Rutherford $44,111.51 $30,717.72 $3,941.88 Scotland $22,917.21 $16,069.06 $1,802.00 1051Page Requested Cost Two -Quarterly NCDOR Count Over -run Amount Tax Distributions Awarded Amount Surry $47,087.09 $25,531.46 $2,703.00 Vance $29,084.30 $19,794.14 $1,802.00 Wake $695,389.31 $275,514.15 $47,636.40 Warren $12,732.06 $2,062.00 $270.30 Watauga $36,566.18 $24,873.32 $2,252.50 Wayne $80,597.58 $13,755.76 $1,378.53 Washington $7,761.23 $15,006.77 $1,272.00 Wilkes $44,884.86 $27,544.06 $2,703.00 Wilson $53,040.80 $39,831.32 $5,406.00 Totals: $3,908,511.85 $1,642,680.58 $229,033.14 1061Page Table V-15 County Scrap Tire Cost Over -Run April 2021- September 2021 Grants Awarded January 2022Applicant County Grant Period [six -months] Tax Proceeds from NCDOR Disposal Account Fund Grant Amount Requested Disposal Account Fund Grant Awarded Alleghany $9,247.45 $10,583.40 $1,275.00 Ashe $22,363.97 $20,085.22 $2,125.00 Beaufort $38,164.44 $64,421.94 $5,525.00 Carteret, Craven, Pamlico $150,660.09 $26,730.79 $3,300.00 Catawba $128,422.42 $127,894.51 $21,450.00 Cherokee $23,647.23 $5,331.10 $510.00 Chowan $11,377.09 $57,301.47 $6,375.00 Cleveland $80,511.73 $10,714.08 $1,275.00 Dare $30,250.13 $16,902.87 $1,700.00 Duplin $48,311.36 $25,332.15 $2,550.00 Gates $9,617.55 $13,292.24 $1,275.00 Graham $6,982.65 $16,197.99 $1,700.00 Guilford $431,313.85 $10,746.78 $1,950.00 Halifax $41,220.92 $14,408.52 $1,275.00 Haywood $50,760.41 $34,567.00 $3,718.75 Henderson $94,473.81 $9,787.94 $1,100.00 Hertford $19,194.06 $19,948.60 $1,700.00 Iredell $145,679.94 $54,667.98 $7,562.50 Jackson $35,401.63 $1,025.98 $170.00 Lenoir $45,838.21 $54,501.60 $7,562.50 Macon $29,401.33 $24,298.76 $2,125.00 Martin $18,529.49 $15,904.22 $1,700.00 McDowell $37,352.66 $1,563.52 $170.00 Mecklenburg $884,875.75 $117,712.47 $30,600.00 Mitchell $12,185.64 $15,887.14 $1,700.00 Onslow $166,743.75 $28,008.02 $3,300.00 Pasquotank $32,144.03 $23,423.70 $2,125.00 Perquimans $11,054.47 $6,246.64 $595.00 Pitt $145,864.97 $110,403.67 $18,975.00 Rockingham $73,912.04 $34,394.68 $3,718.75 Rutherford $55,388.96 $3,795.54 $340.00 Scotland $28,776.19 $10,961.90 $1,275.00 Vance $36,519.88 $22,313.64 $2,125.00 Wake $873,171.30 $186,630.06 $48,450.00 Watauga $45,914.63 $12,037.12 $1,275.00 Washington $9,745.46 $12,364.28 $1,275.00 Wilkes $56,360.03 $27,952.26 $2,550.00 Wilson $66,601.11 $35,490.81 $5,500.00 Totals: $4,007,980.63 $1,283,830.5 9 $201,897.5 0 1071Page Table V-16 Illegal Tire Dump Clean -Up Costs County Check Date Amount Iredell 812112021 $163.00 Iredell 811912021 $24.00 Iredell 1012912021 $232.00 Mecklenburg 511912022 $1,580.78 Iredell 312312022 $32.50 Iredell 611112022 $101.25 $2,133.53 F. White Goods Management 1. White Goods Tax Collections and Distributions White goods are defined in G.S. 130A-290 as: "refrigerators, ranges, water heaters, freezers, unit air conditioners, washing machines, dishwashers, clothes dryers and other similar domestic and commercial large appliances." In 1993, the North Carolina General Assembly passed a white goods management law because white goods were difficult to dispose of and contained greenhouse gasses particularly chlorofluorocarbon refrigerants (CFCs). To fund this statute, the General Assembly imposed a $3 tax on new white goods. Counties are mandated to manage white goods by providing at least one disposal site, at no cost to residents, and to arrange for the removal of CFCs. The FY 2021-2022 LGAR submitted by each county shows that they collected a total of 38,195.78 tons of white goods and spent a total of $5,555,379.04 on white goods management and recycling. County reports state that they received a total of $9,537,590.84 in revenue to operate the white goods management programs. Much of the white goods tax revenue is distributed to county governments for use in administering their programs as shown in Table V-17 Table V-17 White Goods Tax Collections/Distributions Net Tax Collections by the Department of Revenue $8,097,582.98 Department of Revenue Cost of Collecting [$320,640.31] Total Revenue Available for Distribution $7,776,942.67 72% of Revenue - Available for Distributions to Counties $5,599,398.73 Funds Forfeited from ineligible counties (Sent to the General Fund) [$1,644,645.64] Total Distributed to Counties $3,954,753.09 Funds Forfeited from ineligible counties (Sent to the General Fund) $1,644,645.64 28% of Revenue - Sent to the General Fund $2,177,543.94 Total Sent to the General Fund $3,822,189.58 County governments with an undesignated ending balance exceeding 25 percent of the tax proceeds received, or would have received if eligible, during the preceding fiscal year and those counties that failed to submit reports demonstrating their eligibility were ineligible to receive tax proceeds. The forfeited funds went to the North Carolina General Fund. 1081Page Table V-18 below summarizes ineligible counties per distribution quarter. The county fund information is from the North Carolina Department of Revenue — White Goods Disposal Tax Distribution Reports issued in August and November 2021 and February and May 2022. Prior to July 1, 2017, county governments could apply for grants from a White Goods Disposal Account for white goods program cost overruns, white goods cleanup activities, and white goods -related capital improvements. The White Goods Disposal Account was repealed effective June 30, 2017. Table V-18 Counties Ineligible to Receive Tax Proceeds Distributions August 16, 2021 August 16, 2021 November 15, 2021 November 15, 2021 Alleghany Jones Alleghany Jones Anson Lenoir Anson Lenoir Ashe Lincoln Ashe Lincoln Bertie Martin Bertie Martin Bladen Montgomery Bladen Montgomery Burke Pender Burke Pender Cabarrus Perquimans Cabarrus Perquimans Caswell Person Caswell Person Cherokee Randolph Cherokee Randolph Cumberland Robeson Cumberland Robeson Dare Sampson Dare Sampson Duplin Stokes Edgecombe Surry Edgecombe Surry Forsyth Transylvania Forsyth Swain Halifax Union Graham Transylvania Harnett Warren Halifax Union Haywood Wilkes Harnett Warren Henderson Haywood Wilkes Hertford Hendeson Hoke Hertford Hyde Hoke Hyde 40 Counties 36 Counties 1091Page Table V-19 Counties Ineligible to Receive Tax Proceeds Distributions February 15, 2022 February 15, 2022 May 16, 2022 May 15, 2022 Alleghany Haywood Alamance Jones Anson Henderson Anson Lenoir Ashe Hertford Cabarrus Madison Bertie Hoke Caswell Martin Bladen Hyde Cherokee Mecklenburg Cabarrus Jones Columbus Montgomery Caswell Lenoir Cumberland Northhampton Cherokee Martin Dare Pasquotank Cumberland Montgomery Duplin Pender Dare Pender Edgecombe Person Edgecombe Perquimans Forsyth Randolph Forsyth Person Graham Richmond Halifax Randolph Granville Robeson Harnett Robeson Halifax Rowan Sampson Harnett Sampson Surry Haywood Transylvania Transylvania Henderson Union Union Hertford Warren Warren Hoke Wilkes 34 Counties Wilkes Hyde 39 Counties G. Abandoned Manufactured Homes (AMH) Program As established in G.S. 130A-309.111, the Division of Environmental Assistance and Customer Service (DEALS) operates a grant program that provides a portion of the Division's annually appropriated grant funding to North Carolina counties to facilitate the identification, deconstruction, recycling, and disposal of abandoned manufactured homes which are deemed unfit, unsafe, and hazardous. The Abandoned Manufactured Homes (AMH) Grant Program Request for Proposals (RFP) was originally developed and made available to North Carolina counties in October 2009. FY 2021-22 was the 13th year of grant program operation.] AMH Grants Awarded by Fiscal Year Table V-20 shows the number of grants awarded during each of the 13 years of the program's operation and funding allocated to those grants. 1101Page Table V-20 AMH Grants Awarded by Year Fiscal Year Number of AMH Grants Awarded Grant Funds Allocated FY 2009-10 10 $385,000 FY 2010-11 3 $105,000 FY 2011-12 4 $150,000 FY 2012-13 3 $117,500 FY 2013-14 4 $80,000 FY 2014-15 3 $74,500 FY 2015-16 6 $69,000 FY 2016-17 4 $35,500 FY 2017-18 5 $49,000 FY 2018-19 0 0 FY 2019-20 8 $100,000 FY 2020-21 3 $32,000 FY 2021-22 4 $40,000 During FY 2021-22, DEACS held a third round of AMH grants under a competitive cycle. Staff developed and released the Request for Proposals (RFP) in September 2021. Four AMH grant applications were received, and all were approved for state contracts by March 2022 totaling $40,000 in grant funding. All applications received met the criteria of the RFP guidelines and were approved with all or partially requested funding for Alamance, Ashe, Henderson, and Yadkin Counties. Except for Yadkin County, all the grantees are repeat grantees who received cleanup grants. Yadkin County received a planning grant for the maximum amount of $2,500 and is a first-time grantee. 2. AMH Program Statistics As required by G.S. 130A-309.117, each AMH grant program participant must submit an annual report to the state every August that documents and summarizes county program information from the previous fiscal year. Based on the August 2022 grantee reports, Table V-21 below shows the total number of AMH units deconstructed under the program and the resulting amount of waste disposed of and materials recycled in FY 2021-22, including mercury thermostats, which are required to be removed before disposal. Program statistics do not include deconstruction activities conducted in counties without state grant support. Table V-21 AMH Units Deconstructed in FY 2021-22 Statistics for AMH Program for Fiscal Year 2021-22 Units Deconstructed 14 Units Materials Landfilled 287.7 Tons Materials Recycled (percentage of total tonnage) 30 Tons (0.8 %) Mercury Thermostats Recovered 0 Thermostats Minus the three planning grants, there were seven AMH program grants active during FY 2021-22. The number of units deconstructed during FY 2021-22 decreased significantly when compared to FY 2020-21, from 46 units to 14 units. Thus, the tons of materials landfilled decreased in FY 2021-22. Total recycled materials also decreased, and the overall percentage of materials recycled decreased from 13.2 percent in FY 2020-21 to 0.8 percent in FY 2021-22. Table V-22 below presents the individual AMH grants that were active during FY 2020-21 and provides details from those programs. No thermostats were recovered during FY 2021-22. 111 IPage Table V-22 Active AMH Grant Program Participants During FY 2021-22 County Contract Start Date Contract End Date Grant Award County Costs during FY Responsible Party Fees Collected # Units Deconstructed with Grant Support during FY 2021-22 Alamance 3/l/2022 3/1/2023 $12,500 $0 $0 0 Ashe 6/l/2022 5/31/2024 $15,000 $0 $0 0 Henderson 3/l/2022 2/28/2023 $10,000 $0 $0 0 Nash 3/1/2021 3/l/2023 $27,000 $26,220 $6,140 12 Jones 3/l/2021 9/1/2022 $2,500 $2,588.73 $0 0 Robeson 5/I/2020 5/l/2023 $10,000.00 $3,000 $0 2 Rockingham 3/5/2020 3/1/2023 $10,000.00 $0 $0 0 Warren 3/5/2020 3/l/2023 $10,000.00 $0 $0 0 Wilson 3/l/2021 9/l/2022 $2,500 $2,172.71 $0 0 Yadkin 3/7/2022 2/28/2023 $2,500 $0 $0 0 3. Program Participant Highlights, FY 2021-22 Four grantees completed work on AMH grants during FY 2021-22 - Jones, Nash, Robeson, and Wilson Counties. Five grantees - Jones, Robeson, Rockingham, Warren, and Wilson Counties used grant extensions to continue work on AMH grants. Four new AMH grants were approved for Alamance, Ashe, Henderson, and Yadkin Counties. All of these new grants are repeat grantees except for Yadkin County. Yadkin County's grant allows it to conduct planning grant activities to determine the extent of the AMH issues in its county. The total expenditure by counties associated with the AMH grant program in FY 2021-22 was $33,981.44. This expenditure is lower than the previous year, due in part to several of the FY 2021-22 being new grants and to slow progress at demolitions due to COVID-19 and other factors. The total amount of funds contributed by responsible parties in FY 2021-22 was $ 6,140.00, which is down from the previous fiscal year. As shown in Table V-22 above, Nash County accounted for all of the responsible party fees collected. 4. Additional Information on the AMH Program Three counties — Jones, Iredell, and Wilson — are expected to apply for AMH grants during FY 2022-23. DEACS continues to assist potential applicants and grantees with information and assistance in program development. An examination of the fiscal year county reports submitted by grantees showed that there were significant delays from the COVID -19 pandemic, economic issues related to the recovery, and employment instability in the counties and their contractors. These factors impacted the progress of demolitions during FY 2021-22. Every AMH County has been impacted resulting in delays in getting work completed. DEACS will continue to work with the grantees as needed to assess the impact of these issues and to assist as practicable. Grantees are allowed to apply for up to two (2) no -cost grant time extensions, which may be amended in their contracts on a case -by -case basis. Warren County and Robeson Counties both had two (2) time extensions each. The authorizing legislation for the AMH program is found in G.S. 130A-309.111 through 130A-309.117. The legislation states that the AMH grant program expires on October 1, 2023. Therefore, the final grant round will be held during FY 2022-23 unless action is taken to extend the grant program. 1121Page H. Electronics Management Program North Carolina General Statute 130A-309.130 established the Electronics Management Program. The program directs manufacturers of electronics, retailers, consumers, and state and local governments to share accountability for the responsible recycling and reuse of electronic equipment. The law applies to computer equipment and televisions intended primarily for consumer use. Computer equipment includes computers, tablets, gaming systems, monitors, video display units, printers, scanners, combination printer -scanner fax machines, and other peripherals (except for keyboards and mice). Items such as mobile telephones, video recorders, cable, and satellite boxes, and all commercial devices such as printers and data -networking systems are not covered devices under the law. 1. Manufacturers' Responsibilities Before selling computer equipment and televisions in North Carolina, manufacturers must register with the state and pay a registration fee, which is dependent upon the type of equipment manufactured and, for computer equipment, a recycling plan (level I, II or III) is required. Television and computer equipment manufacturers have different recycling obligations under the law. Television manufacturers are assigned an annual target weight by the Division of Waste Management to recycle based on their market share. Computer equipment manufacturers are required to have a plan in place to make the recycling of computers available to consumers. The law is designed to provide electronics recycling opportunities for the consumer, which is defined as an occupant of a dwelling who used the equipment primarily for personal or home business use. A nonprofit organization with fewer than 10 employees is also considered a consumer. Television manufacturers pay an initial fee of $2,500 plus an annual fee of $2,500. Each television manufacturer is obligated to recycle or arrange for the recycling of its market share of televisions and must annually report the weight of televisions they recycled or arranged to recycle for the previous fiscal year. Computer equipment manufacturers' responsibility: • Pay an initial registration fee of $10,000 to $15,000, followed by an annual registration fee of $2,500 to $15,000, depending on the level of recycling plan chosen. • Computer equipment manufacturers must provide a plan, through which consumers are provided free and reasonably convenient recycling. • Recycling and transportation must be accomplished using environmentally sound management practices. • Manufacturers must provide consumer recycling education and a toll -free phone number. • Each registered computer equipment manufacturer must also submit an annual report detailing the total weight of computer equipment collected for recycling and reuse for the previous fiscal year, summarizing the actions implemented from the approved plan. 2. Retailer's Responsibilities Retailers in North Carolina may only sell computer equipment and televisions that display the manufacturer label of a registered manufacturer in compliance with the electronics management law. 3. State Agencies and Governmental Entities Responsibilities State agencies and governmental entities in North Carolina may only purchase computer equipment and televisions that are produced by registered manufacturers in compliance with the electronics management law. A list of manufacturers that are compliant can be viewed at: https://edocs.deq.nc.izov/WasteManaizement/DocView.aspx?id=l390200&dbid=0&repo=WasteMana e_ mien 1131Page 4. Registration of Facilities Recovering or Recycling Electronics Facilities that recover or recycle covered devices or other electronic devices diverted from the waste stream for transfer, treatment, or processing must register annually with the Department on or before August 1 each year. 5. Recycling Rates Within North Carolina Data on the recycling of computer equipment and televisions come from two primary sources: manufacturer reports and Local Government Annual Reports (LGAR). Table V-23 below presents information reported by manufacturers registered with North Carolina. Table V-23 Electronics Collection by Weight Computer Equipment Television Type of Collection Manufacturers Manufacturers (lbs.) (lbs.) Mail -back Program 911,218.70 0 Retail Collection 0 0 Scheduled Collection Events 0 0 Permanent drop-off through local 268,324.00 13,214,434.00 government programs Permanent drop-off sponsored by 268,626.00 3,140,406.36 manufacturers Total lbs 1,448,168.70 16,354,840.36 Permanent drop-off locations are the option most offered to consumers for their electronics recycling. Drop- off operations can be at local government locations and via manufacturer -sponsored sites, such as retailers, thrift stores, and temporary collection events. Mail -back programs are an important option for rural areas with fewer drop-off locations available, although, the weight collected through this collection method continues to be relatively small. Almost 80 percent of televisions being recycled by consumers are brought to local government programs. Table V-24 and Table V-25 below show the recycling of electronics collected by county and municipal collection programs as well as overall collection programs by fiscal year. Table V-24 Electronics Collected (Tons) by County and Municipal Collection Programs by Fiscal Year County and Municipal Collection Programs Televisions Computer Equipment** Other Electronics Total FY 2012-13 8,739.47 5,419.81 14,159.28 FY 2013-14 9,314.94 5,470.99 14,785.93 FY 2014-15 10,025.66 5,050.77 15,076.43 FY 2015-16 12,057.66 4,623.86 16,681.52 FY 2016-17 11,137.81 4,656.75 15,794.56 FY 2017-18* 9,833.78 3,519.09 13,352.87 FY 2018-19 9,912.60 3,531.48 13,444.08 FY 2019-20 7,742.63 1,145.35 2,847.79 11,735.77 FY 2020-21 6,847.92 1,121.02 2,655.35 10,624.28 FY 2021-22 5,613.34 1 2,058.54 1 1,235.70 1 8,907.58 * A correction was made to the FY 2017-18 local government television and other electronics tons in the FY 2018-19 report. ** Local governments were asked for the first time in FY 2019-20 to report computer equipment separately. In previous years, computer equipment has been combined with other electronics. 1141Page Table V-25 Overall Recycling of Electronics Manufacturer Television Tons Collected Manufacturer Computer Equipment Tons Collected Local Government Television Tons Collected Local Government Other Electronics Tons Collected ** Total Tons Total Pounds Per Capita FY 2012-13 1,624 2,099 8,739 5,420 17,882 3.7 FY 2013-14 2,460 1,843 9,315 5,471 19,090 3.9 FY 2014-15 2,834 1,193 10,026 5,051 19,104 3.8 FY 2015-16 1,743 1,598 12,058 4,624 20,023 4.0 FY 2016-17 2,086 694 11,138 4,657 18,575 3.8 FY 2017-18* 2,901 725 9,834 3,519 16,979 3.3 FY 2018-19 1,507 516 9,913 3,531 15,467 3.0 FY 2019-20 250 829 7,743 3,993 12,815 2.4 FY 2020-21 150 465 6,848 3,776 11,239 2.1 FY 2021-22 1,570 1 590 5,613 1 3,294 1 11,068 2.1 * A correction was made to the FY 2017-18 local government television and other electronics tons in the FY 2018-19 report. ** Local government other electronics include computer equipment. 6. Compliance and Enforcement of Electronics Laws Manufacturers that have not paid their annual fees or submitted required documentation are ineligible to market their products in North Carolina. Residents and government agencies can check the DWM website https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/DocView.aspx?id=1390200&dbid=0&repo=WasteManagement& to determine which companies may sell in North Carolina. The Division of Waste Management and DEACS have been coordinating with manufacturer stakeholder groups, as well as a national consortium of states with electronics programs - Electronics Recycling Coordination Clearinghouse (ERCC), to seek ways to streamline and automate reporting requirements for North Carolina. Manufacturer reporting requirements vary greatly from state to state. North Carolina has joined with other states in allowing manufacturers to register via web access at: https://ecycleregistration.org/Default.aspx. 7. Electronics Management Fund The Electronics Management Fund, administered by DWM, is funded by computer equipment and television manufacturers' initial registration and annual fees. Fees paid into the electronics management fund are used to support approved electronics management programs within North Carolina counties. Table V-26 reflects the fund's balance and payout for FY 2021-2022. 1151Page Table V-26 Electronics Management Fund Balance of Funds as of July 1, 2021 $ 479,279.81 Debits February 2020 Distributions to Local Government Programs * [$ 535,499.21 Cost of Market Share Data [$ 7,155.50] ERCC Membership and participation in e- Cycle Registration [$6,500.00] Administrative and Salary Costs [$78,296.69] Total Debits $627,451.40 Credits Computer Equipment Manufacturer Fees $568,000.00 Television Manufacturer Fees $ 61,300.00 ARPA Bonus Reimbursement Total Credits $1,453.2F$630,753.28 Ending Balance June 30, 2022 $482,581.69 *Fund balance in mid-Januaa prior to distribution o�funds was approximately $804,473 8. Types of Equipment Recovered by Local Programs Based on information reported from local governments in FY 2021-2022, the full cost of electronics recycling through local government programs is estimated to be approximately $0.38 per person. Local governments can become eligible for funds by implementing an electronics management plan, submitting the plan and required plan elements as a Fund application, and using an electronics recycler/vendor that holds the e- Stewards or R2 certification. Although costs to operate local government programs vary significantly, the calendar year 2022 fund monies distributed covered approximately 18 percent of the estimated costs to operate programs that made themselves eligible to receive funds. Because of consolidation among electronics manufacturers and an increasing number of computer manufacturers choosing to register with a Level II plan, the distribution amounts may vary in the future. Electronics programs are required to demonstrate to DWM that all recycling of computer equipment and televisions is being conducted by R2 or e-Steward-certified facilities to receive future distributions. The funding must be used only for the management of electronics. The 58 local governments with approved electronics recycling plans received their pro rata share of a total of $535,499.21 in distributions from the Electronics Management Fund in February 2022. The list of local governments that received funds last fiscal year is shown in Table V-27 below. 1161Page Table V-27 Electronics Management Distribution FY 2021-22 Unit of Local Government Fund Amount Alamance $11,613.51 Alexander $4,927.80 Ashe $3,601.08 Brunswick $14,760.67 Buncombe $9,571.31 Camden $1,828.97 Catawba $8,238.91 Chatham $9,002.72 Chowan $1,630.91 Cleveland $22,757.93 Craven $2,888.45 Cumberland $8,045.59 Davie $1,285.96 Durham, City of $14,394.88 Gaston $2,653.43 Gates $1,296.39 Granville $6,216.61 Guilford $25,599.00 Halifax $1,180.77 Haywood $10,055.56 Henderson $12,930.75 Hertford $171.52 Iredell $16,772.54 Jackson $768.54 Lee $6,568.19 Lenoir $657.19 Lincoln $14,669.70 Madison $151.62 Martin $284.29 McDowell $4,705.10 Mecklenburg $68,374.26 Mitchell $1,776.85 New Hanover $18,770.20 Orange $12,793.34 Pasquotank $2,826.85 Pender $12,615.18 Perquimans $1,104.01 Polk $1,128.65 Randolph $2,105.68 1171Page Unit of Local Government Fund Amount Richmond $1,101.17 Robeson $183.84 Rockingham $2,327.44 Rowan $6,823.11 Rutherford $663.35 Scotland $1,229.10 Stanly $3,200.23 Stokes $5,354.25 Surry $8,628.39 Transylvania $2,937.73 Union $12,888.10 Vance $6,064.99 Wake $106,960.88 Warren $92.87 Watauga $610.28 Wayne $5,590.21 Wilkes $1,639.44 Wilson $8,180.15 Winston-Salem, City of $20,298.77 Total: $535,499.21 I. Additional Documentation from the N.C. Department of Administration and Department of Transportation Please refer to these links for reports from the North Carolina Department of Administration and Department of Transportation that summarize the environmental and resource conservation programs provided by those agencies. The N.C. Department of Administration promotes the purchase and use of sustainable, efficient supplies and products. As the department progresses with this effort, more of those types of products are being added to statewide term contracts and agency -specific term contracts awarded through open market bids. For more information, visit the Division of Purchase and Contract's website at: https://ncadmin.nc.gov/about- doa/divisions/purchase-contract. G.S. 136-28.8(g) and G.S. 130A-309.14(3) mandate that the N.C. Department of Transportation prepares an annual report on the amounts and types of recycled materials specified or used in construction and maintenance projects during the previous state fiscal year and review of bid procedures, respectively. The types of recycled materials incorporated into the report would routinely contribute to the consumer and industrial waste streams, compounding the problem of declining space in landfills. 1181Page A. Browntields Agreements Finalized Between January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022 Site Name City County Project Number Acres 1 South & Hollis LoSo Charlotte Mecklenburg 24062-20-060 2.6 2 Durafiber Salisbury Rowan 22030-18-080 515.28 3 Dilworth Auto Service Charlotte Mecklenburg 24051-20-060 2.283 4 Clawson Radiator II (RN) Charlotte Mecklenburg 25026-21-060 0.86 5 Former Nebel Knitting Charlotte Mecklenburg 23086-19-060 2.05 6 Textile Piece Dyeing Lincolnton Lincoln 21035-17-055 21.96 7 The Mechanic Man Charlotte Mecklenburg 25002-21-060 0.71 8 East Cama St Charlotte Mecklenburg 24036-20-060 0.56 9 Mt Gilead Cotton Co Mt Gilead Montgomery 25054-21-062 3.55 30 Liggett & Myers Tobacco Durham Durham 22063-18-032 2.791 11 Rogers Oil Raleigh Wake 23043-19-092 3.78 12 Northern Telecom Durham Durham 23079-19-032 94.89 13 Rocky Mount Mills Rocky Mount Nash 20025-16-064 109.72 14 University Place Mall Chapel Hill Orange 22047-18-068 39.4 15 Kindley St Raleigh Wake 25025-21-092 10.136 16 Pelton Crane Amendment Charlotte Mecklenburg 09034-05-060 43.84 17 Pelton Crane Amendment Charlotte Mecklenburg 09034-05-060 3.104 18 GFP Assesmbly Warehouse Charlotte Mecklenburg 24043-20-060 2.44 19 True Textiles Greenway Elkin Surry 20080-16-086 Amendment 20 ReVenture North Charlotte Mecklenburg 19085-15-060 110.681 21 Adams Property Charlotte Mecklenburg 21022-17-060 1.9808 22 77 Center Drive Amendment Charlotte Mecklenburg 16048-12-060 Amendment 23 Vernon Packaging Winston- Salem Forsyth 24050-20-034 4.03 24 East Side Truck Service Fayetteville Cumberland 25009-21-026 3.39 25 Orange County Print Shop Chapel Hill Orange 23027-19-068 0.66 26 Almont Shipping II Wilmington New Hanover 23051-19-065 2.97 27 Erwin Mill Erwin Harnett 22058-18-043 55.25 28 Primrose School Apex Wake 23066-19-092 2.82 29 South Street Condos - East Raleigh Wake 23006-19-092 0.83 30 Seaboard Station Raleigh Wake 22075-18-092 6.72 31 Sir Walter Gun Range Knightdale Wake 23068-19-092 46.21 Total 986 1191Page B. Sites with Dry -Cleaning Solvent Contamination by County and City and Sites Certified into the DSCA Program by County and City (Certified Sites are bold, Site Status definitions follow Appendix B.) COUNTY CITY ID NAME ADDRESS STATUS JURISDICTION Alamance (14) Burlington 10002 Workman Property 1361 Church St 1HSB Burlington 10003 A Cleaner World 2781 Church St Monitoring DSCA Burlington 10004 RE Boone Cleaners 306 Main St Assessment DSCA Burlington 10006 McPherson Cleaners 2469 Church St NFA DSCA Burlington 10008 Norge Laundry & Cleaning Village 2102 Webb Ave Assessment DSCA Burlington 10009 Boston Cleaners 2182 Church St Monitoring DSCA Burlington 10010 Regal Cleaners 1603 Church St NFA DSCA Burlington 10011 Westbrook Cleaners 1030 Williamson Ave NFA DSCA Burlington 10012 Boston Cleaners 1902 Webb Ave Assessment DSCA Burlington 10013 One Hour Klean 1785 Webb Ave Monitoring DSCA Burlington 10014 Fifth Street Cleaners 232 Fifth St IHSB Burlington 10015 Professional Klean 918 Church St Assessment DSCA Graham 10001 Harden Cleaners 220 Harden St Closure DSCA Graham 10005 Impressive Cleaners 226 Harden St Monitoring DSCA Bertie (1) Windsor 80001 Williford Cleaners 108 Sterlingworth St Assessment DSCA Brunswick (2) Calabash 100002 Love Cleaners, Inc. 9956 Beach Dr NFA DSCA Southport 100001 Towngate Cleaners 715 Howe St Closure DSCA Buncombe (12) Asheville 110001 Swannanoa Laundry 22 Church St Assessment DSCA Asheville 110004 Swannanoa Cleaners 712 Merrimon Ave Assessment DSCA Asheville 110005 Nu -Way Cleaners 167 Patton Ave Assessment DSCA Asheville 110006 Blue Ridge Cleaners 1378 Hendersonville Rd NFA DSCA Asheville 110007 Swananoa Cleaners 1336 Patton Ave NFA DSCA Asheville 110008 Crisp One Hour Cleaners 121 Biltmore Ave Assessment DSCA Asheville 110009 Hour Glass Cleaners 85 Tunnel Rd Monitoring DSCA Asheville 110010 Norge Laundry & Cleaning Village 713 Merrimon Ave Assessment DSCA Asheville 110011 Bon Ton Cleaners & Laundry 650 Haywood Rd Assessment DSCA Asheville 110012 Mayflower Cleaners 732 Haywood Rd Assessment DSCA Asheville 110014 Thru-Out Cleaning & Pressing 2 London Rd Assessment DSCA Weaverville 110002 Quonun Knitting 115 Reems Creek Rd IHSB Burke (3) Morganton 120001 Ferree Cleaners 406 Sterling St Assessment DSCA Morganton 120002 Jordan's Cleaners 302 College St Monitoring DSCA Morganton 120003 Superior Cleaners 242 Fleming Dr Monitoring DSCA Cabarrus (3) Concord 130001 Fuller Supply Company 191 Crowell Dr Assessment DSCA Concord 130002 Caldwell Cleaners 800 Church St Assessment DSCA Kannapolis 130003 Jay's One -hour Cleaners 1803 Main St Petitioned DSCA Caldwell (1) Lenoir 140001 Jordan Cleaners 220 Morganton Blvd NFA DSCA Carteret (2) Morehead City 160001 Coastal Dry Cleaners 3000 Arendell St NFA DSCA Morehead City 160002 Sunshine Cleaners 1612 Bridges St NFA DSCA Catawba (3) Conover 180001 Conover Cleaners 430 Conover Blvd Assessment DSCA Hickory 180002 One Hour Cleaners 1925 12th Ave Monitoring DSCA Hickory 180003 A Cleaner World #107 1009 2nd St Assessment DSCA Chatham (2) Chapel Hill 190001 Cole Park Cleaners 11552 US Highway 15 501 NFA DSCA Siler City 190002 Chatham Cleaners and Laundrette 401 Third St Assessment DSCA Cleveland (5) Shelby 230001 Folks Dry Cleaners 1165 Marion St NFA DSCA Shelby 230002 Folk's Cleaners 200 Marion St Assessment DSCA Shelby 230003 Bills One Hour Cleaners 410 Lafayette St Assessment DSCA Shelby 230004 One Hour Martinizing 300 Marion St Assessment DSCA Shelby 230005 Boulevard Cleaners 1510 Dixon Blvd Interim Action DSCA Craven (2) New Bern 250001 Carriage House Cleaners 422 Pollock St Assessment DSCA 1201Page New Bern 250002 Glam-O-Rama Cleaners and Laundromat 715 Degrafenreid Ave Assessment DSCA Cumberland (18) Fayetteville 260001 Mayflower Laundry And Dry Cleaning 512 Russell St NFA DSCA Fayetteville 260002 Easy Wash Dry Cleaners 5308 Bragg Blvd Monitoring DSCA Fayetteville 260003 Smitty's Dry Cleaners 3060 Owen Dr Assessment DSCA Fayetteville 260004 Kore-o-mat Laundromat 3311 Bragg Blvd Assessment DSCA Fayetteville 260005 Davis Cleaners 1672 Owen Dr NFA DSCA Fayetteville 260006 One Hour Koretizing Cleaners 4924 Raeford Rd Assessment DSCA Fayetteville 260007 Parker Cleaners 4950 Bragg Blvd Interim Action DSCA Fayetteville 260008 Verne's Cleaners 6341 Bragg Blvd NFA DSCA Fayetteville 260010 Highland Cleaners 2609 Raeford Rd Assessment DSCA Fayetteville 260012 Hamont Cleaners 5228 Bragg Blvd IHSB Fayetteville 260013 A&H Cleaners 4515 Bragg Blvd IHSB Fayetteville 260014 Scotty Cleaners 244 Robeson St NFA DSCA Fayetteville 260015 Glam-O-Rama 5701 Yadkin Rd Assessment DSCA Fayetteville 260016 Prestige Cleaners 3120 Raeford Rd Assessment DSCA Fayetteville 260018 One Hour Cleaners 1303 Fort Bragg Rd Assessment DSCA Fayetteville 260019 Al's Glam-O-Rama 401 Hope Mills Rd Investigation DSCA Fayetteville 260020 Norge LaunDry and Dry Cleaning 818 Elm St Assessment DSCA Spring Lake 260009 Crown Cleaners 115 Main St Monitoring DSCA Dare (3) Manteo 280001 Ange Speed Wash 118 US Highway 64 Assessment DSCA Manteo 280002 Outer Banks Cleaners 414 US Highway 64 Assessment DSCA Southern Shores 280003 Outer Banks Cleaners, Inc. 5593 Croatan Hwy NFA DSCA Davidson (5) Lexington 290001 Country Club Cleaners 972 Main St Monitoring DSCA Lexington 290004 J&J Cleaners 5901 Old US Highway 52 UST Lexington 290005 J & J Dry Cleaner 9 Plaza Pkwy Assessment DSCA Thomasville 290002 Young's Cleaners 501 Randolph St Assessment DSCA Welcome 290006 J&J Dry Clean and Laundry 5891 Old US Highway 52 Certified DSCA Davie (3) Advance 300002 K&R Cleaners 5289 US Highway 158 NFA DSCA Advance 300003 Village Cleaners 110 Commerce Pi Assessment DSCA Mocksville 300001 Fallies Dry Cleaning 899 Main St IHSB Durham (38) Chapel Hill 320016 Carolina Cleaners 2214 Nelson Hwy NFA DSCA Durham 320001 One Hour Koretizing 4404 Roxboro St Monitoring DSCA Durham 320002 Plants Unlimited 3535 Hillsborough Rd Assessment DSCA Durham 320003 Triangle Laundromat & Cleaners 4871 NC Highway 55 Assessment DSCA Durham 320004 Eakes Cleaners 827 Morgan St IHSB Durham 320005 American Dry Cleaners 4711 Hope Valley Rd NFA DSCA Durham 320006 American Drycleaners 700 Mallard Ave IHSB Durham 320007 Model Laundry 1001 Holloway St Assessment DSCA Durham 320008 W.P. Ballard 639 Junction Rd Assessment DSCA Durham 320009 TNT Cleaners 5308 Roxboro St Monitoring DSCA Durham 320010 Weavers Cleaners 1212 Fayetteville St Interim Action DSCA Durham 320011 Scott And Roberts Dry Cleaners 733 Foster St Monitoring DSCA Durham 320012 Shannon Dry Cleaning and Laundromat 3710 Shannon Rd NFA DSCA Durham 320013 One Hour Martinizing 1103 Club Blvd Assessment DSCA Durham 320014 Hollywood Cleaners 3823 Guess Rd Assessment DSCA Durham 320015 Durham Dry Cleaners 2526 Erwin Rd Closure DSCA Durham 320017 Rambo Cleaners 4306 Roxboro St Interim Action DSCA Durham 320018 H & S Cleaners 105 NC Highway 54 Assessment DSCA Durham 320019 New Method Laundry & Dry Cleaners 1201 Chapel Hill St Assessment DSCA Durham 320020 White Star Laundry and Cleaners 637 Broad St NFA DSCA 121 IPage Durham 320021 A Cleaner World # 203 5700 Fayetteville Rd Assessment DSCA Durham 320022 H & S Cleaners 4015 University Dr Assessment DSCA Durham 320023 Regency Cleaners 3912 University Dr Closure DSCA Durham 320024 White Star Cleaners 904 9th St Monitoring DSCA Durham 320026 Durham Dry Cleaners 810 Peabody St Assessment DSCA Durham 320027 Model Laundry and Cleaners 808 Washington St NFA DSCA Durham 320028 Model Cleaners and Laundry 1910 Chapel Hill Rd Assessment DSCA Durham 320029 One Hour Koretizing Laundry 1016 Main St Monitoring DSCA Durham 320030 New Method Laundry and Dry Cleaners 400 Cleveland St Assessment DSCA Durham 320031 Bernard's Formalwear 734 9th St Assessment DSCA Durham 320032 D W Dry Cleaners 314 Driver St Assessment DSCA Durham 320034 Sunshine Cleaners 3300 Guess Rd Assessment DSCA Durham 320035 Indio Montessori School g 1101 Main ST Federal Remediation Durham 320036 Boykin and Roberts Dry Cleaners 2510 Fayetteville St Assessment DSCA Durham 320037 Classic Cleaners 5300 Roxboro St IHSB Durham 320038 White Star Laundry and Cleaners 610 Lakeland St Assessment DSCA Durham 320039 Triangle Laundry and Cleaners 3117 Guess Rd Assessment DSCA Durham 320040 Eakes Cleaners 229 Gregson St Certified DSCA Edgecombe (5) Rocky Mount 330002 Thorne's Dry Cleaners 502 Rose St NFA DSCA Rocky Mount 330003 Prestige Cleaners 620 Thomas St Interim Action DSCA Rocky Mount 330006 Quality Laundry & Cleaners 242 Tarboro St NFA DSCA Rocky Mount 330007 Rocky Mount Laundry and Dry Cleaners 219 Washington St Assessment DSCA Tarboro 330005 Deluxe Cleaners 2223 Main St Assessment DSCA Forsyth (35) Clemmons 340042 Village Cleaners 2600 Lewisville Clemmons Rd Assessment DSCA Kernersville 340004 Hooker Furniture 210 Main St rHSB Kernersville 340007 Camelot Cleaners 820 Main St Assessment DSCA Kernersville 340021 Modern Cleaners 211 Main St Assessment DSCA Kernersville 340022 Warren Cleaners 129 Church Ln Assessment DSCA Kernersville 340031 A Cleaner World #175 611 Main St NFA DSCA Winston Salem 340002 Shores Cleaners 692 Hanes Mall Blvd NFA DSCA Winston Salem 340003 Rodem Cleaners 1221 Academy St IHSB Winston Salem 340005 $2.75 Cleaners 1322 Hawthorne Rd Assessment DSCA Winston Salem 340006 Young Cleaners 4309 Liberty St IHSB Winston Salem 340008 Hour Glass Cleaners 5955 University Pkwy Monitoring DSCA Winston Salem 340009 Smith Dry Cleaners 310 Martin Luther King Jr Dr Assessment DSCA Winston Salem 340011 Camelot Cleaners 1218 Waughtown St Assessment DSCA Winston Salem 340012 A Cleaner World 3251 Healy Dr Assessment DSCA Winston Salem 340013 A Cleaner World #161 101 Peacehaven Rd NFA DSCA Winston Salem 340014 Camel City Cleaners 2808 Reynolda Rd Assessment DSCA Winston Salem 340015 Camel City Laundry 501 3rd St Monitoring DSCA Winston Salem 340016 $2.50 Krystal Cleaners 357 Jonestown Rd NFA DSCA Winston Salem 340017 Trade Street Cleaners 426 Trade St Monitoring DSCA Winston Salem 340018 U.S. $2.09 Cleaners 3915 Country Club Rd Monitoring DSCA Winston Salem 340020 XL Cleaners 3001 University Pkwy NFA DSCA Winston Salem 340024 Sunshine Cleaners 5013 Country Club Rd Monitoring DSCA Winston Salem 340027 Davis -Frye Cleaners 704 Waughtown St Monitoring DSCA Winston Salem 340028 One Hour Martinizing 4332 Old Walkertown Rd IHSB Winston Salem 340029 One Hour Martinizing 4001 Country Club Rd Monitoring DSCA Winston Salem 340032 Club Haven Cleaners 5013 Country Club Rd Monitoring DSCA Winston Salem 340033 Jarrard's Self Sevice Laundry 807 Marshall St Assessment DSCA 1221Page Winston Salem 340034 Camel City Dry Cleaners 285 Stratford Rd Assessment DSCA Winston Salem 340035 $2.50 Cleaners 3604 Reynolda Rd NFA DSCA Winston Salem 340037 South Fork Cleaners 3900 Country Club Rd Assessment DSCA Winston Salem 340038 Bee Cleaners 5395 Shattalon Dr NFA DSCA Winston Salem 340039 NS Farrington & Co 2355 Farrington Point Dr Assessment DSCA Winston Salem 340040 The Cleaners 200 Jonestown Rd Assessment DSCA Winston Salem 340041 A Cleaner World #150 3735 Peters Creek Pkwy Assessment DSCA Winston Salem 340043 One Hour Martinizing 3520 Yadkinville Rd Assessment DSCA Franklin (1) Louisburg 350001 401 Cleaners 608 Bickett Blvd Assessment DSCA Gaston (8) Belmont 360001 Untz Drycleaners 514 Woodlawn Ave NPL Belmont 360005 Prestown Cleaners & Laundry 91 McAdenville Rd Assessment DSCA Belmont 360008 Belmont Dry Cleaners 111 Main Street Assessment DSCA Gastonia 360002 Carsons Drycleaners 401 Chester St Brownfields Gastonia 360003 Deluxe Cleaners 2529 Franklin Blvd Assessment DSCA Gastonia 360004 Union Road Cleaners 2210 Union Rd NFA DSCA Gastonia 360006 One Hour Martinizing 143 Franklin Blvd Monitoring DSCA Gastonia 360007 Carson Cleaners 1328 Franklin Blvd Assessment DSCA Granville (1) Oxford 390001 Oxford Dry Cleaners 700 Hillsboro St UST Guilford (56) Greensboro 410001 Cleaner Image 4711 Lawndale Dr NFA DSCA Greensboro 410002 Cinderella Cleaners 2043 Martin Luther King Jr Dr NFA DSCA Greensboro 410003 U.S. $1.75 Cleaners 2900 Randleman Rd NFA DSCA Greensboro 410004 Columbia Laundry Corp 2507 Battleground Ave IHSB Greensboro 410007 Master Kleen 5320 Liberty Rd NFA DSCA Greensboro 410009 Everhart Dry Cleaners 1000 Summit Ave Assessment DSCA Greensboro 410010 Glam-o-rama 719 Market St IHSB Greensboro 410011 O Henry Cleaners 3210 Summit Ave IHSB Greensboro 410014 Master Kleen Cleaners 3402 West Gate City Blvd Assessment DSCA Greensboro 410015 Quality Cleaners 4117 Spring Garden St Assessment DSCA Greensboro 410017 Premier Cleaners 513 Summit Ave Monitoring DSCA Greensboro 410018 Dry Clean America 403 Meadowview Rd Assessment DSCA Greensboro 410019 Burnetts Cleaner And Laundry 1932 Market St Assessment DSCA Greensboro 410022 Fordhams Cleaners 1900 Spring Garden St Monitoring DSCA Greensboro 410023 A Cleaner City 2804 Battleground Ave Assessment DSCA Greensboro 410024 A Cleaner World #162 4506 High Point Rd Monitoring DSCA Greensboro 410026 A Cleaner World #168 1949 Battleground Ave Monitoring DSCA Greensboro 410028 Columbia Laundry 920 Bessemer Ave NFA DSCA Greensboro 410029 Presto Cleaners 4625 High Point Rd NFA DSCA Greensboro 410033 A Cleaner World #182 531 College Rd Assessment DSCA Greensboro 410034 Village Laundry 707 College Rd Assessment DSCA Greensboro 410035 The Cleaners 829 Lee St Assessment DSCA Greensboro 410038 Phoenix Supply Company 2701 Branchwood Dr Monitoring DSCA Greensboro 410039 One Hour Martinizing 2519 High Point Rd IHSB Greensboro 410040 Yong's Cleaners 1901 Westridge Rd NFA DSCA Greensboro 410041 New Era Cleaners 2840 Randleman Rd Assessment DSCA Greensboro 410042 Model Laundry of Greensboro 1600 Gate City Blvd NFA DSCA Greensboro 410044 Blue Bird Cleaners 3134 Kathleen Ave Assessment DSCA Greensboro 410045 Crystal Cleaners 2943 Battleground Ave Assessment DSCA Greensboro 410046 A Cleaner World #184 2282 Golden Gate Dr Closure DSCA Greensboro 410047 Odorless Cleaners 219 Lewis St Monitoring DSCA Greensboro 410049 Lucas Cleaners 1101 Gate City Blvd Assessment DSCA 1231Page Greensboro 410051 Tops Cleaners 2702 Battleground Ave Assessment DSCA Greensboro 410052 Wades Dry Cleaning 607 Elm St Assessment DSCA Greensboro 410054 Prestige Dry Cleaners and Laundry 3204 Randleman Rd Closure DSCA Greensboro 410055 ALS Laundry & Cleaners 3015 Spring Garden St IHSB Greensboro 410056 Master Kleen 4534 Market St Monitoring DSCA Greensboro 410058 Fox Cleaners and Laundry, Inc. 3704 Old Battleground Rd On Hold DSCA Greensboro 410060 Florida St One Hour Cleaners 815 Florida St Assessment DSCA Greensboro 410062 Burnetts Glam-O-Rama Cleaners 719 Market St On Hold DSCA High Point 410005 Dutch Laundry Inc. 833 Main St Assessment DSCA High Point 410006 Eastgate Cleaners 101 Greensboro Rd Monitoring DSCA High Point 410013 Banner Laundry 2117 Main St Assessment DSCA High Point 410016 Pro Clean 2406 Main St Assessment DSCA High Point 410021 Gingiss Formal Wear 906 Main St NFA DSCA High Point 410030 $2.50 Cleaners 1310 Centennial St Assessment DSCA High Point 410031 A Cleaner World #102 2517 Main St Monitoring DSCA High Point 410043 High Point Cleaners & Hatters 206 Martin Luther King Jr Dr Assessment DSCA High Point 410050 Star Cleaners 723 Main St Assessment DSCA High Point 410053 Tinsley's Cleaners 3811 Tinsley Dr Monitoring DSCA High Point 410057 Quality Dry Cleaners 501 English Rd Assessment DSCA High Point 410059 Daniels Cleaners 660 Main St Assessment DSCA High Point 410061 Leonard Cleaners 435 Wrenn St Assessment DSCA Jamestown 410008 A Cleaner World 102 Main St Assessment DSCA Jamestown 410048 $2.75 Crystal Cleaners 5011 Mackay Rd Monitoring DSCA Stokesdale 410032 Stokesdale Cleaners 8604 Ellisboro Rd Monitoring DSCA Halifax (1) Roanoke Rapids 420001 Oakland Cleaners 1190 Julian R Altsbrook Hwy Monitoring DSCA Haywood (3) Waynesville 440001 Central Cleaners 44 Church St On Hold DSCA Waynesville 440002 American Cleaners 72 Depot St IHSB Waynesville 440003 Dovers Cleaners and Laundry 94 Depot St IHSB Henderson (4) Hendersonville 450001 Blue Ridge Cleaners 503 7th Ave NFA DSCA Hendersonville 450002 Carolina Cleaners 120 Barnwell St Assessment DSCA Hendersonville 450004 Superior Cleaners & Laundry 826 Locust St Assessment DSCA Hendersonville 450005 No Way Cleaners 414 Main St Assessment DSCA Hoke (1) Raeford 470001 Smitty's Cleaners 214 Main St NFA DSCA Iredell (9) Mooresville 490010 U.S. $2.50 Cleaners 2785 Charlotte Hwy Assessment DSCA Mooresville 490011 Kim's Cleaners 250 Main St Assessment DSCA Statesville 490001 Smiths Dry Cleaners 225 Gordon St IHSB Statesville 490002 Johnson Cleaners, Inc. 1563 Broad St NFA DSCA Statesville 490003 Brookdale Cleaners 975 Davie Ave Monitoring DSCA Statesville 490007 Iredell Laundry 213 Tradd St Assessment DSCA Statesville 490008 Sloan's Cleaners 109 Water St Monitoring DSCA Statesville 490009 Smith's Cleaners 225 Gordon Ave Monitoring DSCA Troutman 490004 Campbell's Cleaners 171 Wagner St NFA DSCA Johnston (3) Clayton 510003 Clayton Village Cleaners 10183 US 70 Business Hwy Assessment DSCA Clayton 510004 Barrett's Cleaners 261 NC Highway 42 Assessment DSCA Smithfield 510002 Glam-O-Rama Cleaners 716 Market St NFA DSCA Lee (3) Sanford 530001 Dryclean Express 1117 Spring Ln NFA DSCA Sanford 530002 Twin City Cleaners 102 Trade St IHSB Sanford 530003 Crystal Cleaners 133 Horner Blvd Monitoring DSCA Lenoir (2) Kinston 540001 Vicks Cleaners 2405 Herritage St Monitoring DSCA La Grange 540002 The Cleaners 603 Washington St NFA DSCA 1241Page Lincoln (3) Denver 550003 Lowe's Cleaners 3866 NC 16 Business Hwy Assessment DSCA Denver 550004 US $2.50 Cleaners 7558 NC 73 Hwy IHSB Lincolmon 550002 Lincoln Laundry and Dry Cleaners 1220 Main St Assessment DSCA Martin (2) Robersonville 590001 Williford Cleaners 203 Academy St Assessment DSCA Williamston 590002 Town & Country Cleaners 617 Washington St IHSB Mcdowell (1) Old Fort 560001 Nichols Laundry And Dry Cleaning 91 Catawba Ave Monitoring DSCA Mecklenburg (95) Charlotte 600001 A Cleaner 5333 Monroe Rd Monitoring DSCA Charlotte 600002 American Dry Cleaning Company 309 Morehead St NFA DSCA Charlotte 600004 Minute Man Cleaners 3058 Eastway Dr Monitoring DSCA Charlotte 600005 Mitchells Formal Wear Warehouse 115 Scaleybark Rd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600006 Peoples Cleaners 1930 Beatties Ford Rd IHSB Charlotte 600007 Quail Dry Cleaners 8538 Park Rd NFA DSCA Charlotte 600008 Sno-white Cleaners And Launderers 4400 Sharon Rd NFA DSCA Charlotte 600009 Springfresh Cleaner 9800 Monroe Rd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600010 Boggs And Company 3931 Glenwood Dr Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600011 Sno-white Cleaners 7629 Pineville Matthews Rd NFA DSCA Charlotte 600012 Domestic Laundry - CAMDUS site 801 Mcdowell St Monitoring DSCA Charlotte 600013 Cunningham Cleaners 104 Sharon Amity Rd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600014 One Price Drycleaning 816 Arrowood Rd NFA DSCA Charlotte 600015 Carriage Fine Dry Cleaning 8020 Providence Rd NFA DSCA Charlotte 600016 60 Minute Cleaners 9100 Tryon St Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600017 Gateway Village Development 700 Trade St IHSB Charlotte 600018 Dynasty Cleaners and Laundry 3145 Sharon Amity Rd Petitioned DSCA Charlotte 600019 Cunningham Cleaners 2909 Davidson St Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600020 Midtown Square One Hour Valet Dry Cleaners 401 Independence Blvd Brownfields Charlotte 600022 Rainbow Cleaners 8500 Pineville Matthews Rd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600023 Prestown Laundry And Cleaners 6214 Idlewild Rd Monitoring DSCA Charlotte 600024 60 Minute Cleaners 4447 The Plaza Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600026 Sno-White Cleaners 901 4th St Monitoring DSCA Charlotte 600027 Charlie Browns Dry Cleaners 3701 Freedom Dr Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600028 Sharon Cleaners 4724 Sharon Rd Monitoring DSCA Charlotte 600029 Abra Costumes 1611 Central Ave Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600030 Village Cleaners 7221 Albemarle Rd NFA DSCA Charlotte 600031 Sno-white Cleaners 5669 Farm Pond Lane Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600032 Eastway Quick Clean Service 3052 Eastway Dr NFA DSCA Charlotte 600033 Jones Dry Cleaning 1601 4th St Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600035 Ivory Cleaners 2511 Westerly Hills Dr Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600036 Faulk Cleaners 2615 Westerly Hills Dr Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600037 Dryclean Carolinas 2508 South Blvd Monitoring DSCA Charlotte 600039 Providence Cleaners 631 Sharon Amity Rd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600040 People's Dry Cleaners 2133 Beatties Ford Rd NFA DSCA Charlotte 600041 Holiday Cleaners 2241 Beatties Ford Rd Monitoring DSCA Charlotte 600042 Holiday Cleaners 3221 Monroe Rd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600043 Douglas Furrier and Cleaners 1200 Charlottetown Ave NFA DSCA Charlotte 600044 Gay Laundry and Cleaners 1101 Brevard St NFA DSCA Charlotte 600045 Carillon Building 227 Trade St Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600046 Arrow Laundry & Cleaners 4735 Monroe Rd Brownfields Charlotte 600048 Dan Meigs Cleaners 1101 Central Ave NFA DSCA Charlotte 600049 Starmount Cleaners 6215 South Blvd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600050 Plaza Cleaners 9002 JM Keynes Dr NFA DSCA 1251Page Charlotte 600052 JFR Cleaners 9710 Monroe Rd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600053 Prosperity Cleaners 3020 Prosperity Church Rd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600056 Zenith Cleaners 2301 South Blvd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600057 Myers Park Cleaners 1027 Providence Rd Monitoring DSCA Charlotte 600058 Seneca Dry Cleaning 5020 South Blvd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600059 Coachman Cleaners 4001 Park Rd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600060 Arrow Laundry & Cleaners 1933 7th St Brownfields Charlotte 600061 Derita Dry Cleaners & Laundry 2414 Sugar Creek Rd NFA DSCA Charlotte 600063 King's Cleaner 632 Sugar Creek Rd NFA DSCA Charlotte 600064 New Image Cleaners 5655 Tryon St Monitoring DSCA Charlotte 600065 Tryon Mall Cleaning Center 451 Sugar Creek Rd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600066 Hickory Square Cleaners 5724 WT Harris Blvd On Hold DSCA Charlotte 600067 Blue Band 1 Hour Cleaners 2216 Statesville Ave Monitoring DSCA Charlotte 600068 Swan Cleaners 7201 Independence Blvd NFA DSCA Charlotte 600069 Coleman Dry Cleaners 2557 West Blvd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600072 TC Cleaners, Inc. (US $1.85 Dry Cleaners) 5109 South Blvd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600073 R & R Cleaners 3601 Tryon St IHSB Charlotte 600074 ChilDress Dry Cleaning 9101 Monroe Rd IHSB Charlotte 600075 A Cleaner World 1650 Pacific St Monitoring DSCA Charlotte 600076 Regal Cleaners 7143 South Blvd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600077 McCorkles Cleaners 1437 South Blvd Monitoring DSCA Charlotte 600078 Harts Cleaners 2040 Graham St Brownfields Charlotte 600079 American Dry Cleaners 1806 Graham St Interim Action DSCA Charlotte 600080 Carriage Fine Dry Cleaning 1338 Cross Beam Dr Monitoring DSCA Charlotte 600081 Alpine Cleaners 9205 Baybrook Dr Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600082 A Cleaner World 4701 South Blvd NFA DSCA Charlotte 600083 Holiday Cleaners 8920 Nations Ford Rd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600085 Sno White Launderers 3712 Independence Blvd NFA DSCA Charlotte 600086 Four Seasons Cleaners 4314 The Plaza Interim Action DSCA Charlotte 600087 One Price Dry Cleaning 1636 Sardis Rd NFA DSCA Charlotte 600088 Dutch Cleaners and Laundry 4405 The Plaza Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600089 One Hour Martinizing 1941 7th St Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600090 Press Club Dry Cleaners 3305 South Blvd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600091 60 Minute Cleaners 6315 South Blvd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600093 Wash Zone Coin Laundry 1622 Trade ST Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600094 Countryside Cleaners 5516 Independence Blvd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600096 April Showers Dry Cleaners 5616 Farm Pond Ln Closure DSCA Charlotte 600098 Cambridge Cleaners 8006 Cambridge Commons Dr NFA DSCA Charlotte 600100 Myers Park Cleaners 425 Providence Rd IHSB Charlotte 600101 Bennett Ultra Cleaners 2826 Sugar Creek Rd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600102 Strawn's Cleaners 3512 Wilkinson Blvd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600103 Master Cleaners, hic. 1809 Commonwealth Ave IHSB Charlotte 600108 Longs Cleaners and Laundry 918 Morehead St Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600109 Sunrise Cleaners 9013 Albemarle Rd Petitioned DSCA Huntersville 600095 Family Cleaners 102 Statesville Rd NFA DSCA Matthews 600003 Crossroads Dry Cleaners 3607 Matthews Mint Hill Rd Monitoring DSCA Matthews 600025 Ho Cleaners 3116 Weddington Rd NFA DSCA Matthews 600034 Ho Cleaners 10420 Independence Blvd NFA DSCA Matthews 600097 Preslar Dry Cleaning 110 Matthews Station St Assessment DSCA Pineville 600021 Hearts Dry Cleaners 9101 Pineville Matthews Rd NFA DSCA 1261Page Pineville 600107 Griffin Dry Cleaners 105 Dover St Assessment DSCA Moore (7) Aberdeen 630002 Carters Laundry and Cleaning 1389 Sandhills Blvd NFA DSCA Aberdeen 630004 Soapy Bubbles 1906 Poplar St NFA DSCA Aberdeen 630007 Neighborhood Dry Cleaners 1680 NC 5 Hwy Assessment DSCA Pinehurst 630001 Pinehurst Hotel Cleaners 250 Mccaskill Rd Assessment DSCA Southern Pines 630003 Carters Laundry And Cleaning 155 New York Ave Monitoring DSCA Southern Pines 630005 Dry Clean Express 1930 Poplar St NFA DSCA Southern Pines 630006 Valet Cleaners 205 Morganton Rd NFA DSCA Nash (9) Nashville 640009 Acme Cleaners and Laundry 200 Boddie St Assessment DSCA Rocky Mount 640001 Clean -clean Dry Cleaners 120 Winstead Ave IHSB Rocky Mount 640002 Clean Clean Dry Cleaners 627 Tarrytown Ctr IHSB Rocky Mount 640003 One Hour Koretizing Cleaners 129 Church St Assessment DSCA Rocky Mount 640004 Clean Clean Drycleaners 2408 Sunset Ave NFA DSCA Rocky Mount 640005 VIP Cleaners 3468 Sunset Ave Closure DSCA Rocky Mount 640006 One Hour Koretizing 1691 Northern Blvd Assessment DSCA Rocky Mount 640007 Bishop's Laundry 301 Church St Assessment DSCA Rocky Mount 640008 One Hour Koretizing 202 Falls Rd Interim Action DSCA 19 Hanover Wilmington 650001 Modern Dry Cleaners And Laundry 1104 Fordham Rd NFA DSCA Wilmington 650002 Coastal Dry Cleaners 4502 Shipyard Blvd Closure DSCA Wilmington 650003 Coastal Dry Cleaners And Coin Laundry 4701 Oleander Dr NFA DSCA Wilmington 650004 Coastal Dry Cleaners 2629 Carolina Beach Rd Assessment DSCA Wilmington 650005 Williams Cleaners 6845 Market St NFA DSCA Wilmington 650006 Williams Fabricare Inc 5521 Carolina Beach Rd NFA DSCA Wilmington 650007 Coastal Dry Cleaners - Ogden Plaza 6840 Market St NFA DSCA Wilmington 650008 Kings Laundry 4615 Market St NFA DSCA Wilmington 650009 Coastal Cleaners 7 Kerr Ave NFA DSCA Wilmington 650010 Modern Laundry & Dry Cleaners 118 17th St Assessment DSCA Wilmington 650011 $2.50 Cleaners at University Square 810 College Rd NFA DSCA Wilmington 650012 Three Dollar Crystal Cleaners 7336 Market St NFA DSCA Wilmington 650013 Winter Park Dry Cleaners 1437 College Rd Closure DSCA Wilmington 650014 Williams Cleaners 1402 College Rd Assessment DSCA Wilmington 650015 Carter Coin Laundry and Cleaners 1018 3rd St IHSB Wilmington 650016 Modern Laundry and Dry Cleaners 3607 Oleander Dr Monitoring DSCA Wilmington 650018 Heritage Cleaners 522 Third St Assessment DSCA Wilmington 650019 Liberty Cleaners 5424 Oleander Dr Assessment DSCA Wilmington 650020 Coastal Dry Cleaners 545 Castle St Petitioned DSCA Onslow (12) Jacksonville 670001 ABC One Hour Cleaners 2127 Lejeune Blvd NPL Jacksonville 670002 Southern Cleaners And Laundry 820 Court St Assessment DSCA Jacksonville 670004 Coastal Dry Cleaners 1170 Henderson Dr NFA DSCA Jacksonville 670006 Al Cleaners 327 Henderson Dr Assessment DSCA Jacksonville 670007 Quality Cleaners and Laundry 701 New Bridge St NFA DSCA Jacksonville 670008 New River Cleaners 1215 Hargett St Assessment DSCA Jacksonville 670009 Southern Cleaners and Laundry 415 Chaney Ave Assessment DSCA Jacksonville 670010 Quality Cleaners and Laundry 955 Lejeune Blvd NFA DSCA Jacksonville 670011 Coastal Cleaners 345 Western Blvd Assessment DSCA Jacksonville 670012 Coastal Garment Care 2155 LeJeune Blvd Monitoring DSCA Midway Park 670005 Village Cleaners 175 Freedom Way Closure DSCA Swansboro 670003 Coastal Dry Cleaners 628 Corbett Ave Assessment DSCA Orange (14) Carrbom 680007 Hangers Cleaners 127 Fidelity St Assessment DSCA Carrbom 680008 Webster's Cleaners 302 Main St Closure DSCA 1271Page Carrboro 680009 MEM One Hour Martinizing 408 Weaver St Assessment DSCA Carrbom 680012 Village Laundry & Cleaners 106 Greensboro St Monitoring DSCA Chapel Hill 680001 KSP Cleaners 1490 Fordham Blvd Interim Action DSCA Chapel Hill 680002 American Dry Cleaners 201 Estes Dr Assessment DSCA Chapel Hill 680003 Deluxe Cleaners 227 Elliott Rd NFA DSCA Chapel Hill 680005 Midtown Shops 750 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Assessment DSCA Chapel Hill 680006 One Hour Koretizing Cleaners 301 Franklin St Monitoring DSCA Chapel Hill 680010 Chapel Hill Cleaners 422 Franklin St Monitoring DSCA Chapel Hill 680013 Village Plaza Dry Cleaners 115 Elliot Road Assessment DSCA Chapel Hill 680015 Carolina Cleaners 400 Franklin St Assessment DSCA Chapel Hill 680016 Carolina Cleaners 406 Franklin St Assessment DSCA Hillsborough 680014 Webster's Cleaners, Inc 114 US Highway 70 Monitoring DSCA Pasquotank (1) Elizabeth City 700001 Southgate Koretizing 1409 Ehringhaus St Assessment DSCA Pender (1) Hampstead 710001 Hampstead Village Dry Cleaners 302 Hampstead Village Monitoring DSCA Pitt (13) Ayden 740002 Ayden Plaza 144 Third St NFA DSCA Greenville 740001 Koretizing Cleaners 2105 Charles Blvd IHSB Greenville 740003 Better Look Garment Care 600 Greenville Blvd IHSB Greenville 740004 Bowen Cleaners 2480 Stantonsburg Rd Closure DSCA Greenville 740005 Bowen Cleaners 3114 Evans St Assessment DSCA Greenville 740006 Rabo Cleaners 701 Hooker Rd Assessment DSCA Greenville 740007 One Hour Martinizing 111 loth St Assessment DSCA Greenville 740008 Stadium Cleaners 205 Tenth St Closure DSCA Greenville 740009 Cleaner Look Garment Care 622 Greenville Blvd Monitoring DSCA Greenville 740010 Scott's Cleaners Ill loth St Monitoring DSCA Greenville 740011 Scott's Cleaners 1699 Farmville Blvd Monitoring DSCA Greenville 740012 Bowen Cleaners 3400 Memorial Dr Assessment DSCA Greenville 740014 Fabric Care Center 2512 Memorial Dr Monitoring DSCA Polk (1) Tryon 750001 Brocks Cleaners 46 Maple St Monitoring DSCA Randolph (1) Asheboro 760001 Kizer's Automatic Self Service Laundry 133 Taft Ave Assessment DSCA Richmond (2) Rockingham 770001 L & L One Hour Cleaners 1305 Broad Ave Monitoring DSCA Rockingham 770002 Champion Cleaning Center 1300 Broad Ave Interim Action DSCA Robeson (1) Fairmont 780001 Stevens Dry Cleaners 117 Center St IHSB Rockingham (3) Reidsville 790001 Hicks Poly Clean Center Self Service Laundry 812 Scales St Monitoring DSCA Reidsville 790002 Ace One Hour Cleaners 1601 Scales St Assessment DSCA Reidsville 790003 Complete Dry Cleaners 1537 Freeway Dr NFA DSCA Rowan (9) Kannapolis 800011 Jay's One -Hour Cleaners 1803 Main St Assessment DSCA Salisbury 800002 Avalon Cleaners 124 Avalon Dr Monitoring DSCA Salisbury 800003 WMS Cleaners 712 Jake Alexander Blvd NFA DSCA Salisbury 800005 M&S Cleaners 1729 Innes St Monitoring DSCA Salisbury 800006 Highlander Center Laundry 2000 Statesville Blvd NFA DSCA Salisbury 800008 Vogue Cleaners 106 Long St Monitoring DSCA Salisbury 800009 Cress Residence 8207 Old Concord Rd IHSB Salisbury 800010 Vogue Cleaners 402 Ines St Assessment DSCA Spencer 800001 Shaping Cleaners 400 Salisbury Ave Assessment DSCA Rutherford (1) Forest City 810001 Forest Dale Cleaners 139 Depot St Assessment DSCA Sampson (2) Clinton 820001 Acme Cleaners 209 Beaman St Monitoring DSCA Rosebom 820002 Brown's Cleaners and Laundromat 317 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Assessment DSCA Scotland (2) Laurmbmg 830001 One Hour Cleaners 1514 Main St Assessment DSCA Laurinburg 830002 Village Cleaners 1691 Main St Assessment DSCA Stanly (2) Albemarle 840001 Dry Clean Express 636 NC 24 27 Byp NFA DSCA 1281Page Norwood 840002 Garment Care Center 560 Fork Rd NFA DSCA Stokes (1) Walnut Cove 850001 Klean Rite Cleaners 318 Main St NFA DSCA Surry (4) Elkin 860002 White Swan Rentals 204 Market St Assessment DSCA Elkin 860003 Lawrence Dry Cleaners 221 Main St Assessment DSCA Elkin 860004 Ray's Cleaners 1558 Bridge St Monitoring DSCA Mount Airy 860001 Modern Laundry And Dry Cleaners 526 Lebanon St Assessment DSCA Transylvania (1) Brevard 880001 Rainbow Cleaners 249 Caldwell St Assessment DSCA Union (2) Monroe 900001 Prestown Presto Clean 405 Sutherland Ave Monitoring DSCA Monroe 900002 Mills Cleaners 1305 Skyway Dr Assessment DSCA Vance (1) Henderson 910001 Henderson Laundry 341 Chestnut St IHSB Wake (73) Apex 920030 Best Dry Cleaners 1781 William St NFA DSCA Apex 920052 Martin Cleaners 540 Williams St NFA DSCA Apex 920065 A Cleaner World #209 1250 Williams St Assessment DSCA Cary 920004 Medlin -Davis Cleaners 1207 Kildaire Farm Rd NFA DSCA Cary 920011 Medlin -Davis Cleaners 107 Edinburgh Dr Assessment DSCA Cary 920029 Galaxy Cleaners 101 New Waverly PI NFA DSCA Cary 920037 Avalon Cleaners 686 Cary Towne Blvd Assessment DSCA Cary 920038 Medlin Davis- Shoppes at Kildaire 173 Cary Pkwy Assessment DSCA Car.y, 920040 Village Cleaners 6420 Tryon Rd NFA DSCA Car.y, 920041 Martinizing Dry Cleaners 4246 Cary Pkwy NFA DSCA Cary 920063 Karr Cleaners 101 Ward St Assessment DSCA Cary 920064 Village Cleaners 113 Maynard Rd Monitoring DSCA Cary 920076 Merit Cleaners 1301 Buck Jones Rd Assessment DSCA Garner 920051 Carriage House Cleaners 537 Plaza Gar Monitoring DSCA Knightdale 920009 Knightdale Cleaners 1013 Smithfield Rd NFA DSCA Raleigh 920001 Pro Cleaners 8377 Creedmoor Rd Remediation DSCA Raleigh 920003 Rainbow Cleaners And Laundry 2915 Essex Cir NFA DSCA Raleigh 920005 DJ Cleaners 3591 Maitland Dr IHSB Raleigh 920006 Hilkers Cleaners 4043 Wake Forest Rd Monitoring DSCA Raleigh 920007 Brothers Cleaners 6144 Falls Of Neuse Rd NFA DSCA Raleigh 920008 Johnsons Dry Cleaners 3534 Wade Ave Monitoring DSCA Raleigh 920010 Fu0er Supply Company 421 Eby Dr Interim Action DSCA Raleigh 920012 Newtons Cleaners 2023 Cameron St NFA DSCA Raleigh 920013 Medlin -Davis Cleaners 2028 Cameron St NFA DSCA Raleigh 920014 Glam-o-rama Cleaners 3165 Capital Blvd Assessment DSCA Raleigh 920015 Emporium Cleaners 3501 Capital Blvd NFA DSCA Raleigh 920016 New Hope Cleaners And Tailors 3901 Capital Blvd NFA DSCA Raleigh 920017 Brothers Cleaners 4221 Six Forks Rd Assessment DSCA Raleigh 920018 Ace Dry Cleaners 4701 Atlantic Ave NFA DSCA Raleigh 920019 Sanitary Laundry 417 McDowell St IHSB Raleigh 920020 Sherrill's Dry Cleaning And Laundry 7463 Six Forks Rd Closure DSCA Raleigh 920021 T And J Cleaners 2423 Crabtree Blvd Interim Action DSCA Raleigh 920022 Medlin Davis Cleaners 4434 Creedmoor Rd NFA DSCA Raleigh 920023 Popes Dry Cleaners 7713 Lead Mine Rd NFA DSCA Raleigh 920024 Pleasant Valley Cleaners 4112 Pleasant Valley Rd Monitoring DSCA Raleigh 920025 Hilkers Cleaners 6325 Falls Of Neuse Rd NFA DSCA Raleigh 920026 Ideal Cleaners 7209 Sandy Forks Rd Interim Action DSCA Raleigh 920027 Eagle Cleaners 900 Spring Forest Rd NFA DSCA Raleigh 920028 Joy Cleaners 4503 Fayetteville Rd Assessment DSCA Raleigh 920031 The Cleaners 3209 Avent Ferry Rd NFA DSCA 1291Page Raleigh 920032 Greenbrier Cleaners 4207 Fayetteville Rd Interim Action DSCA Raleigh 920033 Courtesy Cleaners 8111 Creedmoor Rd Assessment DSCA Raleigh 920034 S & S Cleaning 425 Chapanoke Rd NFA DSCA Raleigh 920035 Barrett's Cleaners 5563 Western Blvd Assessment DSCA Raleigh 920036 North Boulevard Cleaners 5141 New Hope Rd NFA DSCA Raleigh 920039 Brookside Dry Cleaners & Laundry 1028 Brookside Dr NFA DSCA Raleigh 920043 Ideal Cleaners 2403 Wake Forest Rd NFA DSCA Raleigh 920045 Holden Cleaners 702 Martin St Assessment DSCA Raleigh 920046 Flints Laundry and Dry Cleaning 430 Salisbury St Assessment DSCA Raleigh 920047 Southgate Cleaners 1969 Rock Quarry Rd Monitoring DSCA Raleigh 920048 Rollins Economy Cleaners 407 Peace St Assessment DSCA Raleigh 920049 Glam-O-Rama Cleaners 1601 Cross Link Rd Monitoring DSCA Raleigh 920050 Hidden Valley Dry Cleaners 2315 Lynn Rd NFA DSCA Raleigh 920053 Hilkers Cleaners and Laundromat 3612 Spring Forest Rd Assessment DSCA Raleigh 920054 Litchford Ivory Cleaners 8320 Litchford Rd Assessment DSCA Raleigh 920055 Roberts Drapery Service and Dry Cleaners 2205 New Hope Church Rd Monitoring DSCA Raleigh 920056 Reaves Spic & Span 219 Franklin St Assessment DSCA Raleigh 920057 Royds Drive In Cleaning 719 Person St Assessment DSCA Raleigh 920058 Medlin Davis Dry Cleaning 121 Jones St NFA DSCA Raleigh 920059 One Hour Martinizing 707 Person St Assessment DSCA Raleigh 920062 Best Price Cleaners 6820 Davis Cyr Interim Action DSCA Raleigh 920066 Hilkers Cleaners 7486 Creedmoor Rd Assessment DSCA Raleigh 920067 Rainbow Cleaners 5265 Six Forks Rd Assessment DSCA Raleigh 920068 Glam O Rama 3801 Western Blvd Assessment DSCA Raleigh 920069 Peggy's Cleaners 1605 New Bern Ave Assessment DSCA Raleigh 920070 Lake Boone Cleaners 2508 Wycliff Rd Assessment DSCA Raleigh 920071 Honeycutt Cleaners 605 New Bern Ave Certified DSCA Raleigh 920072 Pope's Dry Cleaners 1408 Corporation Pkwy Assessment DSCA Raleigh 920073 Pope's Dry Cleaners 3075 Medlin Dr Assessment DSCA Raleigh 920075 Acme Cleaners 331 New Bern Ave Investigation DSCA Raleigh 920077 VIP Formal Wear 3801 Wilmington St Certified DSCA Wake Forest 920061 Best Dry Cleaners 12231 Capital Blvd Assessment DSCA Zebulon 920074 Zebulon Dry Cleaners 131 Vance St Assessment DSCA Warren (1) Manson 930001 Boyd's Cleaners 295 Manson Drewry Rd IHSB Watauga (2) Boone 950001 High Country Cleaners 396 King St Assessment DSCA Boone 950002 Trailway Cleaners, Inc. 320 King St NFA DSCA Wayne (5) Goldsboro 960001 Penny Dry Cleaners 214 Ash St Assessment DSCA Goldsboro 960002 Penny One Hour Cleaners and Laundry 433 Berkeley Blvd Monitoring DSCA Goldsboro 960003 Goldwayne Dry Cleaning & Laundry Co 607 Mulberry St UST Goldsboro 960004 Paramount Cleaners 225 Walnut St Monitoring DSCA Goldsboro 960005 Terry One Hour Cleaners 1515 Ash St Assessment DSCA Wilkes (1) Wilkesboro 970001 Wilkesboro Drive -In Cleaners 513 Main St NFA DSCA Wilson (8) Wilson 980001 Koretizing Cleaners 1313 Ward Blvd NFA DSCA Wilson 980002 Discount Cleaners 700 US Highway 301 NFA DSCA Wilson 980003 Exclusive Cleaners 725 Goldsboro St Assessment DSCA Wilson 980004 Exclusive Cleaners 1513 Ward Blvd Assessment DSCA Wilson 980005 Friendly Cleaners 605 Pender St Brownfields Wilson 980006 Exclusive Cleaners 1673 Parkwood Blvd Assessment DSCA Wilson 980007 Exclusive Cleaners 2700 Ward Blvd NFA DSCA Wilson 980008 Cokes Cleaners 305 Nash St Assessment DSCA 549 Sites Identified 496 Sites Certified 1301Page DSCA Site Status Definitions Petitioned: The DSCA Program has received a petition to enter the program and is in the process of completing the required paperwork. Certified: The DSCA Program has entered into an agreement with a petitioner and is in the process of assigning a state -hired, independent environmental contractor to conduct a prioritization assessment. Assessment: The DSCA Program's independent environmental contractor is determining the extent of soil and groundwater contamination at the site. Monitoring: The DSCA Program's independent environmental contractor is monitoring the levels of contaminants in the groundwater at the site. Remediation: The DSCA Program's independent environmental contractor is performing cleanup at the site. Interim Action: Site conditions are favorable for source removal or for conducting a pilot study for remediation. Emergency: The DSCA Program has determined there is an immediate need for corrective action to abate a potential hazard to human health or the environment. On Hold: Please contact the site's project manager for more details. Closure: The extent of contamination is defined and considered stable. The DSCA Program is developing and implementing a risk management plan to protect human health and the environment from remaining contamination. NFA: No Further Action Required 131 IPage C. Inactive Hazardous Waste Sites Priority List NCDOI8181219 CAROLINA GALVANUING CORP. HR'Y 221 E AEERDEEN MOORE 63.73 soul, meta]; zroundn'atu, memo NOIC OD02379 REA CONSTRUCTION -WEST RALEIGH 5a01 CHAPEL HILL ROAD RALEIGH WARE 59.98 awl, VVCl zroundn'atu, 4VOC2 zroundn'atu, SIVOCs aafacen'atu, VOCs NCNO 0407672 EHACON NUUMFAC URINCr 2425 US H LrY 7O SWANNANOA BUNCOMBE 53.93 suJfare waier, meals zroundn'atu, VOCs zroundn'atu, SV OCs soil, metal.; zroundn'atu, meals NOIC]0002'34 UTffl&IRGTCN FKRTrt= COMPANY 1702 NORTH 6TH STREET WILIA IGTON NEW BU NOVKR 57.4+! gmmndurter. kwpmi s NOIC]0002'36 4bMIENGTON SHffPY,3RD (FORMER) 1500 POINT HARBOR RD. WILIJI IGTON NEWEANOVER 57.49 soul, VOCs groundrmtm. memo SOS1, metals SOS1. S10OCS NCI)ME 4710 CAROLINA CREOSOTIND OORPORATION EASTEROOS ROAD LELAND BRIlNMICK 5.17 soul, 3VOCS zroundn'atu, SV OCs NCI)NO60530 FEDERAL AL PAPER BOARD CO.. INC. 965 JO@I L RIEGEL RD RIEGELWOOD COLUMBUS 56.08 goundurter. mecaL zroundn'atu, WCa froundn'atu, SVM NOIC OD01250 ALMONT SHIPPM 919 N FRONT STREET 3[B.IsENGTON NEW HANOVM 56.01 soul 9k-OC3 soft, metals 2_rOundnatu, V OC2 2rOundnatu, meals 2rOundnatu, rno¢gam{S NCDO544O4150 Cffi S.L. ELECTRIC 00,1VILhAINGTON I DOI CASTLE HAYNE RD WB.hJINGTON NEWHANOVER 55.76 eroundwatei. VOCs NCDO74511361 AQUAIR CORPORATION 1330E SAMNEELY RD CHARLOM MECEL&NBtRG 55.35 Ummdurter. VOCS groundn'atu, metals SOD. VOCs soil, metal NONC]ODOIOPS NATIONAL =ILES, LLP REEP DRIVE MORGANTON BURIIE. 54.94 scffare Racer, V'OCs 2_rOundnatu, VCC3 SOD. V OCa 1321Page „3 eIDJ}Q &WMmre mess Ci[p Coven. &norr li ec um, Cvneambfam NCNM0001892 RIDLYONT H%753EAST (CEDAR CREW FAYEI'IE4'ILLE CL141BERL42ND 53.76 sokVOC- sauzdaaier. VOCs NCS7051745685 HOLDINGPOMFORSGA=fL'SS 500BROMMRD GR=BORO GUMFORD 53.06 Sod-MA31 annssdmaaer. SVOCS soil, SVOCS sod: Pe tmdes.Hei6i�ides MUf3M Rater, SVOCS S17Ff3ee R`a1er, meta' NCD003_29355 SCM PROCTOR-SII E4r9 TY' REVER HAY ST MOUNT AIRY SURAY 53.02 puund%arer. mera� :ac_ metaL- =flee natal_ metal: ledan'M ._ VOCS Medoneat metals Fonudmater, VOCs sm_ rocs NCN00041)7584 SOUTH I METALS RECYCLING,12 C 13)X'M r ST V43J. MNGTON NFW H, . iOVEK 52.56 -oil, metal. gtoundmaaer. mel3is NCD981027915 I STREET FLYASH DISPOSAL SITE SR1769 ERA`PT HAR--= 52.48 sow metal.; NCD9M166692 HART,S'ECL ROAD SEPTIC PIT BF—kn AND IOHND RGADS GASTONLA GA= 5237 Ervtii=t metals MZf3M Rater. VOC- soil metaL- saal_ SVOCs sail VOC% Mumdaeater SVOCS ennudnaaer. VOCs NCDO03167780 5PRAGUE ELECTRIC COMPANY HWY 194 L ANSING A2M 5233 puutdmaaer. VOCs MVM!&WU meta:s kL� metal- NONCDOM2857 ASERDEENFLC IST&G-AME,+CENTER 5005SAND1TILJ-SBLVD ABERD EN MOORE 52.02 goundwaaer,VOCs NCN00W7[ 75 ROYST£RFER7TTiTFR 1690NEROY=RD LE-4LND BRUNSMCIC 52.02 paundmaaer.met . soil, metaL- 30a1 SVOCS .WffiCe T43tet, Met3h MUUnd?.-dWJ. SVOCS VOC - vokable cyanic compound S C C - semi-votatlle organic compound 1331Page Siw LDN& Sue?VfMV Address NCDOSS563242 MUN SANTO COMPANY-ROHAI & HA...S =AR CREEK RD NCN000407333 TRIAD USED AUM SALES 1510 -4i AMA -NC€. CHURCH RD NONCD0001025 TO{L= PROPERTY 1020 HICKORY GROVE ROAD NO-NTCDC001967 30MERIL'ANDISTTT.TATRX�LINC 11594NEROYSTERRD NONCDOOD 15S4 COS DODGE (FOF,%,=) 1501 LIPSCObfB ROAD NCD982117540 CUSTOM PROCESSING AND MANUFACTURING 1110 SUR 5= DRIVE NONCD0000016 CMC LANDFILL NCD986178226 FE3s'FI I NDU• .TRMS. INC NONCDOM1141 D=COMPANY NCDG93338119 9LkA CORP. GLJDDEN COATLgGS & REUNS NCD986I72518 OLD IM 79T HOLLY ROAD PCP. SITE NONCDOM2835 PRIldE EQUEP9'= CO `JOC - volatile organic compound SVOC - semi -volatile organic compound EAST MAIN '=T 601 HOFFERDMTE us 3926 GL.ENWOOD DRIVE OLD MT HOLLY RD & FREEDMf DR 1020 N FRONT ST Cite Counm .SCOT¢ Medium, Contammont Fr4YI~TIE.VIT T F CUIMRS 3-'D 51.78 _edament MHU moundviater. VOC: GREENSBORO G=ORD 51.53 movadsatar.54`OCs sAEL SVOCs mouadssater. metals :AEL metal: SPRR;GVV0OD GASTON 51.23 saiLpeshcidesllerbicidas _ oundwatar. VOCs EEDUDdwateff. svoci soil, SVOCs LEL4LND ERUNSVOCK 51.07 soil,SX10Cs -m L VOCs Pg. m ,,dwater. met315 SAIL Meta]s WILSON ARLSON 51.D5 vurfaee water; VOCs gouodwaoer. VOCS :Aii VOCs am n dwata.. SVOC.s HIGH POINT GUMFORD 5L.04 soi,TVDCs noimdwatzr. metals grouodwats. VOCs F.T.RN SURRY 51.02 &A VDCs gmum3ccater. VOCs FAYETIEL'1>< T F C2TND RLA-ND M.55 poua6waAu: VOCs roil VOCs YOUNGSVI1.LE FRA24EI- l 50.34 surface niter. TO)Cs soil VOCe T.r. andwater. VOCs CHAR3_OT'iE. hiECE— LTRIG 50.29 mvuudccaoer. VOCs C'HARLD= NMCKT ENRURG 50.26 grouadsaoe_r: SVOCS moundwatu. VOCs OETL'ti'IDIGTOV NEWHLNOL'ER 50.19 prouadsaras.VOCs 1341Page giwLDV& Sife21mae NCDDD3231545 WCK)DTREATING CO..INC NCDO47371794 COASTAL LUI4LSLR 00 NONMOOD25fA ATIFNSFARM SUPPLI NONC DOWOWA STURGEON CLTii SITE (NO5 =PRLF PORTION) NCD038551263 =A--OUNTYCON2iU M COLLEGE NCD996176444 STROH'C19=FARM, NCDDDG8135R2 GA -PACIFIC CORPfM%;D SAW NONCD0001052 Tf-lCMLSVrTT.F.F[,7U4rT1LRp NCDODG'7T2l6M MOBIL, OIL CORPrKOCHREFIIING _ ld&ess 1660 SMAS CREEK PKq'AY 934 N CR :b']EDI ST 511N3RDST 4COURT STREET 4FF US 64 F SOUTH OF NC 1 5066 OV£RDALE RD PLYWOOD DR 151 SNIETHPORTI)MT 3334 RIVERRD NCDO01279710 WOODY WILSONBAITEIZY-ASHLEYHEIGHTS FLSL'Y211 NCD986171379 =L T AVENDRR'ETCE 1, HAVENDR1VE NCDO46148540 CEC TIRAL TRANSPORT COMPANY 600 D4ELYNDA ROAD VOC - volatile organic compound SVOC - semi-volatle organic compound Ciy Lout m. .Scare Miedium Cowem imm WIN" TON-SALEM FCJRSYTH 49.78 groundwater. mebLs iaiL me --. NEIVBERN CRAVE_"T 49.73 pDundvrat .. me pma 'mL IDMF K- All-k L GTON NEWHLNOVER 49.72 gmuchwater_ VOCs grGundRarer- metaL JACSSONLT.r.E ONSLOW 49.67 ;ems P r. metals ammdstater. VOCS MURPHY CHEROKEE 49.66 grourdwater VOCs Md. VOCS WTISTOM-,,A .Ebi F(aSYIH 49.56 groundwater. VOC: md, VOCS PLYMOUTH WASHINGION 49.53 gr�- melals sDiL metals saffial t SVOCs sod SVOCs sEdunenr mcaalc lam. P�sticidesTiei;xicid� say!_ Pe tieides'Iier�s�cidec exouadwates. VOCs NEST JEFFERSON 4-c 49.51 groundwater,VOCi wd. mmul pumwlnater. SVOCi Mr'. iDUPMG VGTL EL GTDN NE9P1iANMTR 49.07 Uoundwater.VOC, soEL metals '. meta.°s A.SHLEYHEIGHI'S HCEE 49.02 smLSVDCs 3wk mwt3h GASTO NIA GASTON 48.9E pnundwater. VOCi CFIARM= MECEI-laI BURG 48.84 groundwater SVOCi pwmdRater mcfpnim -%doieuL metals 1351Page S}ICLuJYQ S76p 1FLre Address cio. Cau"m ,Score M,&ilifl, Cvnwmmm d pOuodwaazr: meCS15 PoLmdwatef. Voss NCSFNMW074 NCK3RlTl 1EMUSEUM 3l6FKCL2'TST S£AUTORT CARTEAET 49.84-edimmLPe tmmkJHubicide5 sedIIii w. V005 ems. metrls NONMOM2381 REDMCK FU:v GAMS, D C. 3062 WEST lYL-UN STREET VMLLO STON t AFL= 4S.83 }oundaater. VOCs NCD986175fi36 ASPtE PATTERN SHOP 9V L11FR) 4411 BEATY ROAD GASTONIA G.' =N 4S.82 es+n+,rdnater. SVOCs pouud%a,t2r. VOCs NCD98618009 SHELBY DYEltiG & F LSHING 1038 SPIM LATMORERCAD SHELBY CIEVELAND 4S.8' VOCs -0L. VocS AL me�Ls moumawatees metals NONMOM1233 LOFTLNPROPERTY 2361LENN0XLZLL£RD1025 SEAL,FORT C.AR=T 48.58 Erauadnater.metadss sort, metal NCD984729412 L-kKOLINA TANKCLEANLYG CON2ANY NC HWY 68 GREEI BORO GUMFORD 48.53 :cA VDCs sciL metal NCNCD0044485 )ONES & PRESNELL STU'M 433 LAW IDN ROAD CMLuu = Ty EC'KLEN zURG 46.48 pow dRa�: SVOCS pzimdnateer VOCs NCD986175b28 LEES 1,MOR WORKS 4415 BEATY ROAD GASTCNIA GASTON 48.48 sod, SS OC: poussdssawr. SVOCS 73rbce Aster, VOCs moundwate1_ VCCs X LL. VOC: NCDODOL623223 MA.RT11+iM1 NCFACTLIRJNGTROPER= EMAIN STL'S17 tiiiE-LIANMTON MARMI; 48.40 an�_VOC; Eroimdnatu_ metal NCD986186518 OLD ATC REFEN RY N I SURRY STF= 'WIL41L�iGTO-N NEWFL-HOVER 49.40 su(S VOCs DM - ME12L poimdaeates. mewls NCD042269L34 SOUTHERN SCREW7ARLEY METAT S 1225 BAR�i D STATESVR.iF. =ELL .A..L MEW 4$_40 �mL bases pond—: cyanide ` CC - volatile organic compound SV0C ponndsratzr: UM!Ml - semi -volatile organic compound 1361Page 5]}e ID Nc Si[e N uae Udress city County Seore Medium, Comm inmr V-MmdKater, SI,O s soil metuis tiCD78147415S S rr= TLYCREEICDRU.1d= 215SWEETD%'CREEkROD ,i.s== BU CO10E 48.40 soilawtak WD04133041S AUPL1CORPOII= 3-QXF=SiT£iSRO.AD BT=V-&ALEM FOESFTH 48.35 soil a omLy .wa SFOC: sarrfnss eater. metals scaLiiacnd, Wera& soot, fi,awds sca wwnl. ,- a—Jds NCD48618&027 CH4WIOVLeLNDFILLAV 3 SR 1550140 C'lW'OJY ILlYWOOD 45?5 soil mstuls ,VaVCDM135 MY-,VV7T5T 5151d£71TST MLEVGlahr VEWILlI40L'F_'R 48.21 groumdmws4,.I04--- grmmdKatsr, ms&71N grnundKater, SYOCs NnVCD"0 1550 h'C T3GiRL4EBLVD&US17 MRNEBLI'D&LSIT JAC1B1OAFj'iT.T.F OA'sww 4S.11 pouymdaatex,meauLs soil STfOCs gToundKater, VOCS soil metaLs soil L'aes gromd+arsr, SFOCs N030600449 SED,a'C. RAMRRaID 500k4a4RROAD GRE 'SSORO GLITi.FORD 48.18 soil STfOCs ?uCD003163983 FIEVREDClVFZ7tATIFE•7t£ 400HEN7EWXRD MORC-LNTO.r B= 4d.1gynamdKatty, SFOCs soil metuL- sedimeW. Si cs soil SFOCS gmmAwtsr; VOCv NCD0031P8520 HO.'YTYWFLL, PiC P21 HOLLOT-I STREET DF,5R4 1 DUME-LU 48.1' soil STfOCs soil ZOCa gnnmdKatsr, vOCs V-MmdKu SFOCs soil mewLs NLkNCD000y028 U4LLL. D GRIPFI:•YLUMER 1304 F VEI?VaV.AI'E 1 TZMV LE:rOL4 48.14 soil I'OC-- grwmduater; F OCs MaYCDU00236S F iSIER-V CAR C E alUM -03 E 3LdW ST kidj�LFREESBORO tfE4FfORi7 46.10 groamd 4atEr. YOCs gnn mdKatsr, SYOCs YOC - vciudie organic Compound SVOG -semi-wouiiiie organic compound 1371Page Ri&LDka Siie?4gnae NONCDO002995 3OFINS MANV1=LDFL NCDO414147SO FIED]CRFST bUlI S INC.NC FINISHING NCDO91572073 NATIONAL. STARCH & CFFEhi1C U COLIPA-N Y NCDO45924032 UTSTP4Lt'TFEPPEREL ALAMAC NCD065288847 CFNrrROUEN.INCORPO AIID NONCDM01843 =C LFS NCDC24477556 VVINSTON CON'TAINERCOMPANY NONCDOW1094 A11150FIhi7NIIFACTURE4GC0 NONCD00006_3 C 4ROLINA P&L 04. FAYEPSEl7= 4ddreas SI -TAY CH{.= RD US29.70N 2_171 APII}REW JACKSON HF kr ' 1885 AL.Ahi4C RD RWY45 9 DAW3 DMT 4732 MORRIS FIELD RD 930 OLD CHARL.C= ROAD CUh�-N'D RD & OWEN DR NC}NMX01058 ELECTROMCS COVIDONF-%'L CORPORATION 20019-EC7RONICS PARKW4LY NONMOM2201 NLW'S & CBSM1?ERhiECH BLV-SPILL 1400 MECHAMCAL BLVD. 608 NONCD0003105 SAAB BARRACUDA FAL'II ITi' E ST NONCD0002-852- CLAYTONFARhiS IE33LOOP RD VOC - volatile organic compound SVC C - semi -volatile organic rampound CiLy Cau", Scare hir&um, Cantefummt hL1k= SCOTL.AND 48.10 pv�. metals girnmdvrater, VOCs SPENCER ROWAN 48.07 ;oiL SVOCs Emundseatei. SLgOCs soumdacaws. metals sail metals L.EL —11D SRUNS); I= 48.04 pumiclwater. VOCs LUNMFRTON R05E5ON 48.02 sail, VOCs soil, SVLxs mil metals Emundnater. VOCs eourdseatP�. SS'OCs VimgTON HERTFORD 47.99 groi�. meta`s Soil metal- DURHAM DURIL4LI 47.93 p uadwater. VOCs vxf3ce ix -Au, V'OCS C IARLD= 14I3;C a-ENBURG 47.59 yaiL metals soil, S4rDC3 ALBFkLkRLE. STANLY 47.97 sail,17DCs sail SL"}Cs mumdwater. VOCS FAY TIEVIL L.E CUMBERRIAND 47.79 pumdwawx. SVOCs sml, SVOCs smface water, SVOCs BURGAA' PK�OER 47.79 puunduater, VOCs GARI%aR WAKE 47.78 gmuudwater, VOCs L.ILLRIGTON HAR-N= 47.72 aoundaatsr. VDCs C1,4= JOFiVSTcr T 47.63 pmmdwater. pe:366 - soi. xstci p—lerbiades 1381Page SiteIDItic& SiteNOWe 9&&kass Ceti COURM, Sacra mefiEmm, Canmminmtr NONCD0002420 APAC MALVTE.NANCE SHOP (FR.41R) 240 CENTER ST JACKSONVI i F ONSLOW 47.59 sail, merL- uoundaal r. uatils NCN0004-NS81 PAYNE RD SOLT6=S 105 PAYNE RD BESSEI1IER C= GASTON 47.59 --roundAaaer. VOCs xc, Voc- NCNCDO001200 CO+1S'rrfraFINNFRDPERTY 503N'F-JTST W'ILtv-NGTON NEW HLIIOVER 47.44 gnuuawater.IOC- ffr6imimatu- llletdL. NCD99069MG1 MONARCH PURhIlTUiIE CORPORATION 301 SCIE =C ST JAhiESTO1[w:.q Gun-YOM 47.40 groundwater. meTa-- IDA- metaL-. NONCD0001550 COTTMANTRA{ISRMSION 14-5-147 S. COLLEGE ROAD %TLMD�GTON NEW HLNOL'ER 47.30 groundwater. SVOCs anuodmater. VOCs sod- VOCS NCD9S61 S0917 SPANN PROPERTY US 1-HGH FAY 25 HKiDEiISCN %- ZE HENDERSON 47.26 known s, NONCD0001029 R & D LAM- I IATORS I;*AC HDL.LOMAN ROAD (SR 1197) AHOSM HERTFORD 4721 g oundwater. VOCs NCDa37160439 TOASTMAS= INCORPORATES} 17160 PL A-1,URD L.A RINBURG SCOITL.AiND 47.08 grmmdwater. cyanide prnrndwateT clEtals xL metaL :ca. CyMde Qou dwnu. SVOCS m'OaT/d%ver. VOC- NENM0001952 KERRFkCTL=-AHOSKZE 228JOIRL'iYMITCHE LRD. AHO= HERTFORD 46.99 smardaarer VOC:: NCD986176030 RHODERIA DRIVE WELLS L KE"WOOD & RHODERA DME STALLINGS UNION 46.98 :oti metal. mwmdwarer. VOCs NCDO4444735 CROMPTON&Iii0A4=CORP. SPENCER MT RD LOVG'ELL GAS= 46.97 :od.VOCs pound% -Au. uiefa3 P'Oand9ratel. VOCS NCD936231967 TOM SADi,ERii AD V09-LS TOM SADL.ER RD CHARLOTTE 4I£CPT E[d$URG 46.92) vrm�: metals sml, VOCS Ail SVOCs poundwater. VOCs S4 metaL NCDO03183571 V4k="j'IL,L.E MACHL*IE R'ORSS. D C. 2672 MILL ST WT =Tv-= FTTT 46.90 saiL VOCs VC C - wo6atle organic oompound SVOC - settuudable organic campound 1391Page Srm LD Nd9L Sne Awe NCNOU0407198 US 1-15-'501 AAE,RI7EEN NONMK0)0S1 TRITON-INC NCD0671S73(2 FULL EY NCD003233673 HCC4�ER REPAIR SHOP NCD980518211 IRTiMM C CfRPORAFION NCNMOM2874 MCEA'PTK4TARASTAN NCNMON 1685 EAST 14L4IN STREET PCE NONCDOLD2-779 APAC-CASTLEHAIIIEASPFLALTPLA-] ' NCD99EOM2470 KAISER FER7Tr FTFR PLANT 517 5 SriMEILT S BLk) 16 TO SOUTH lyATiD SEND ,;M AIR BOSS PKVMT -061: i SOUTH STREEI S_T�1669 4101 S 145 2007 DICE INSON AVE. EAST MAIN ST 4909 NCOLLEGE RD DM. EC HR'Y 87 & SR. 1870 NONCDOOD1156 CLFA-F-CLEANDRY CLEA-NERSIVIPCLEANERS 627 TARRYTOWN CIR NONCDOOD3025 WORLD MOD PRODUCTS 1?045 OLD H%rY 70 W VOG - volatile organic compound SVDC - semi volat le organic Gompound Ct w Coertn- Scare Vs&uzu, comw .imm soil, S%-Ws soiL... bl� soil cyanide ErCUDd 'dtef. VOCs ABE3iDEE114T MOORE 46.88 mE�, i OCs _quun wateS. VOCS mdwle i. mEtaL- nKLME t_ VOCs mrf3ee U-Nbu, S Ocs sciL MOLL WMSON MLSO1N 46.84 groundwater.;'OCs mnundscam_r. SVOCs anuadvcam_r. metals SCOTLAND NECK HALIFAX 46.73 s. undw te•_ lW-- MI AIRY SURRY 46.64 P.,OKIN teF. metah Mo , cvamde goundW=F. cp-ide soil metaL. CHARM= MECKiE ,MURG 46.67 =wwlvmtm. metals GREENVULLE PITT 46.�7 a vumlx w,. metals soil, metaL Md. SVOCs KfUREREESBORO HERTFORD 46.66 grousdWateF. VOCs CASTLE H AYNE NF HANOVER 46.65 }uusdsvater. Z,'OCs sail, VOCa md, metak RIEGELWOOD COLLMEBUS 46.65 g<oundscater. VOC.s moimdssate . margamc- mm mamatm_ metals mvuawwe. SVOCs RDCKYMOLLYI' N.4SH 46.63 g.oundveatff; VOCs soil. VOCs COVE CITY CRAVEN 46.53 soil, metal 1401Page Site ID NG. `mite Name .ddresx 'Va CD0001153 D G PROPERMS-SLiUf:FfiPAHOTZEPARC'EL ROFSIPR BD NCD07101I354 SNGERG'O:FL7tY='IE'DIVTEC EY&TON SMIIPRO.iDIJ-5 NONCD"100 1601 V CLWG f 01 ST NCDd43137636 GLVLP-iL TrOOD PRES-ERIZNG CD., WC. RWF74i76 ?FGNCD090jW6 HFDECOLr�..N73rCOLRTROUSE MOYSTER ('= FlnRT F \FCD041519364 FE US'GUF CHLWCiL5 CO-k;P-lNY 30614ORTH NCD0931&4244 UNMYCARSIDECORPTiT'RL1DY&ITTERF ?VOWD"315? kOL3�FL"TERFRL5E5 GO3AP�llaYLLC NC5210022000 UMi Rt;SEfti'E=.VYBOItlkE CORPS O,�r—DU00104P LF-JDGIO-VFLR\TfclRELWD PLN VO7 NONCD" 402 SOL7HSEAR=AY-F_ilRF-ffRO-1D VOC - voratr?e orgsnto compound SVOC- semi-vela-ble oigonie compound 264 BFP_dS&MNS ST'F LV M29 WM TON ST 405 FISHER ST 178 LFI COMPLEYLL4,NE 1 02 & J .-O F 41Rr_iX RO.3D City County Smre 1Lc<fium, Contaminant sai4 ST Oc graurcdualer, 3Rrg=L gTaifiCdliVl6Y, gi'Or1fId5N7te1F, ZIGli?a8S3 13RLWSWICK 40.57 :oa mstaLs gF'RlRidriaffii; memL- CHOCOt3ZiTT5' BLILFORT 4 .57 :edhviwt, SVOC gT0Vnd1L'af6F, SYOII: groundueotsr: mstaL- geoeendx'orsr: Psstieidesr7iarberida> soil. STVC• GOIDSBORO R'_� nT 46.56 gnvvndkatsr, VM LELi.IVI3 TiRMIERWE 45.56 sail SPOCs grmmd,rarer. SVOes SWANOLIARTER RYDP 4d.36 grn dxtire� pestiridssksrfifcidu sorb pestic9desrhsi{neide: AURORA BLIDFOAT 4i .56 :ak P.nrides?Hea,Nridas srurface wate T. ,mrataL7 safe ma sedairant, YOCs gTmmdwiwfi Pestuudes.'Hcvbiardss s6Y ma wt, "W&ILS gFvunduafai, P'OCs GRF 4�' L FITI 46j2 gTowdwater,V CS ginund+rater. metals GREENSSORO GEMMED 44.51 soft. VOCs gfn jndxawlr. P'OCs sort, SYOi - EFMMCfl'atBF, STfOCT 4f01=1D C1TF CIRTERET 46.51 frnaxre.'.Twpec d, LE'_IP GTO-V D_3YIDSON 4b.43 grnu ad+rafeQ, svocs gfaLmch4ea F, metals GREE:qSSORO GEMMED 4d.43 grnto i sum i 141 IPage SVrIDaYa &WNmve Address NCD980944336 UNION CARBIDE RATlEFLY 5400 H0%7S ROAD NCNCDD001778 GLEN RAVEN MILLS (FORMER] 143 GLEN RAVEN ROAD NCNOW409811 ELECTRIC MC31OR & TRA_NSFORSIBR 1900 S SAL`NI]BRS ST NONCD0001128 RESOLUTION PACICAG NG 468 CAROLaU A.3IE NONC'D0001023 HEAVYEQUUMLh .'T SCHOOL HEAVY EQLT3MENI ROAD NCDDD3149663 RADIATOR SPECIALTY COWANY 19M ArnIMNSONBLVD NCDO49772D23 H & S PROCESSORS, INC. NC HICHWAY 159'WRST NCDO03216462 LNIION CARBIDE COR-EVEREADY BATTERY 8t10 ALBEMARI F RD NONCDO002555 3L'I3F--ILLE$UN1PF3 &GLASSffORM R) 924V47STTMFFERSONST= NCDO03213030 DOUGL.AS BATTERY MANUFACTURING CO. 590BATIECtY DR NCD144L92.606 PrR�-MYTH TAYLOR STREET NCNCDD002969 WUN OF EDE�= STREET DEPT 120 W MCKS ST NONCDM01074 OLD FORD BLDG FIFFH ST ` OC - vo4atle organic compound SVOC - semi -volatile organic compound Cw Comm Scare medzum, Canrcn IMMI -WLI vacs seiL meta . CHr.RI-= MECKLENBURG 46.30 w*memla Vacs smfam ware, rum6 aver. vacs POWKIwau: metals G-EN RAVEN AL 1bIANCE 46.24 a mmdwatea, metals gtrnmdaratu. voc-- RALIIGH WAKE 46.21 moon h teF. VCCs 'Da. %HOC: poundwatzr, SVOcs h,IA2 CN %fCIDO YELL 46.21 gtouz&wer. mecis CI-IARL=- �iECTU-ENBURG 46.20 groundwater SVOC: eoundwater. %rOCs CHA LOTSE. 4IECE LENBURG 4616 �mhmmt. metals -X4 S%rocs Poumdsraw Vr 7Cs elm,*Mt svocs -wd mewls ILICOL;TIUN LINCOLN 46.I1 goua&=ror. VDCs ASHEBORO RANDOLM 45.97 groundwater- VC)Cs SC4 %rocs WHITEVD.IE COLUMBUS 45S6 5, metals eoundwates. VOCS VGIIdS I GNS dI Ehi FDF SYrH 45.69 eraundaater. metal- ABERT EEN NiODRE. 45.67 groundwater. VOOCs ED NiON CHGWA-V 45.63 3ouudwatu_ VOCs TABOR= COLUMBUS -5.6 raabx�. metals a.. oc: 1421Page Sue La No. Sive' faw AdcArrss Cw Courew Srv7e Uediunl. Cams umm NCD98101S746 CAROLINA AIUNDNUI L ERRRRT TAILOR SR 1125 ROPER WA.SBINGTON 45.33 soil VOC: NCD024600579 SUPERIORPROD= COMPANY 4S01 BLZtL1tIGTONRD GREENSBORO GUI FORD 45.25 3DE aetaL. NCN000409779 WAYNE AGRICULTURAL WORKS 700 S IOHN ST GOLDSBORO WAi'_^,'E 45.25 gm md,,Au. metal; gmmdwara. VDCs NONCDON1485 CHATHAM1i=,E--FC_ 480}TI-LSBOROSTREET PITTSBORO CHATHAM 45.21 grovrzlwate3.VOCs NCWMO 01174 ARROW LkUNDRY 4735 MONROE RD CHARLOTTE MEC LENBURG 45.15 g mmdwater. VOCs sail, VOCs NQNCDW-96R CAPITAL INN 1525 CAPITAL BLVD 909 RALEIGH WAKE 45.15 souudaakr. VDa NONMOOD2821 C0ldP}ZfF AUTO CENTER CAPITAL BLVD RALEIGH WAKE 45.15 a uadaater. VOCs E70lIhliWdtef. svocs MiL VOCS NQNCD0002-177 PA7SL WAREHOUSE 710SCNNYVALEDR T GILMLIMTON NEW H-'NO%TER 45.I3 sail, VOCs vu mdwakr. VOCs NCD98J473150 CHERRY NIT S-=TDRUM 602 CHERRY MDUNTALY FORESI CITY RUTHERFURD 45.07 mil, metiL-• NCN0004D7S30 CLOR!0XCHF-1 FCAL SU0 GESCO ST CHARLOTTE ] iMCPIENBURG 45.07 urEwE water. Pe devNa ��M �a sed=Lmt SVOCs PeThcl --U a�bicidAn .IIhoe water, SVOCs suiface miL PesticidevHaibwides soil: 5G oCs snit, metak sed�k mebls NONCD00o1022 GIBBSELECTROPULTING-OLDLOCATION :229NDAVIDSON CIARLO= N1EOC-ENtURG 45.07 vaiLmetrls mmulwaias_ VOCs =Mdnater. metals NONCD0001S99 INESCOSITE 800iVHITFTELDRD. HW FAtETIE-= CUMBERLAND 45.07 2urdnate=.VOCs NOI CDWO109'_ L-,aw ri?(PARCEL.1) 268 ELFDT SUi2RY 44.S5 sail metals ero�. Voc- sass. VOCs umclwaiez. msetin `JOC - volatile organic compound SVOC - semi -volatile organic compound 1431Page Sxw LDlNaL Sue'Vaure Addrm City• Coulav Scow lfediarm, Cvalaminaai sedime=. V-OCs NCD980728745 OSI-=S FLY ASTi SR 1510 BREVARD TRANSYLVANIA 44.80 laovra mgear NCDO03528825 FEal)7tFST hiii7 S LTC. WALPAT RD Shi17T1F1)=T�>3 JOEL"ISTCN 44.79 grouadaater, ViDCs NONCDW01011 JCNG CORPOR-4TTON 718-72C RlYU—=lAL P:#FS FLIT ASi E 3OF,0 FA24DOLPH 44.77 pvuujmatu, VOCs NONCDOMI169 LIREF17YFABRIC&(FORMER) US64 SANfE.SVIiLE xfAR= 44.72 g=1mater, VOCs NCD98622Wj4 KA NAPOL.ISPCE SPILL LINOCH-V=R.O_AD KA,lDF LIS ROWAN 44.?l paundwatEn, VOC NCD981863228 SCITFRFR R.P. 2021 E. ROOSEVEI.T BLVD. hiC�E UNION 44.71 said G,Ws grouodwotu, 4'OCs NCD99()734055 =C)DFINA.C.APE L MLTSTRIFS 46W HA'Y421 N V0LNM-lTGT1p�I NEW RkNOVE4C 44.62 roil metal motmdwatea. WKS }auu3scafer. metals sail, VOCs NONCDOM2792 MARSHAL T>KERG BOAT YARD 1290 & 1295 UARSHA LBERGRD hiARSH.A LBERG CARTERET 44.57 sad metal mrous3waLPs. VOCs NONMOM2623 RED APPLE htUJKF-.TS 44 rAR] 925 h Ma1ORLM1L DR SHORTCUT AHOSKIE HERTFORD 44.52 gtouadarater, VOCs NCDO93334969 S & S METALS RECYCLING COMPANY ROAD SK2455 GOLD HILL CABARRUS 44AR -urhQe watermetal mit metals NCUCDOW2612 -DDVVNOF CAROLLVAI3FACFI 496 S. DOW ROAD CAROLINA BEACH NEW HA_NOVER 44.49 :;iA SVOCs ZDA VOCs suit metals NONCD00000 O WATTS REGLLAT0R:-GENEEl4L AIIJES SITE RRTHAOWROAD FOREST CITY RUTkDaU`OIRD 44.49 scii metal. NCD982480152 PEE DEE. TMfBERCO 230 L['BIZZE.T L ST L.AUUNEURG SCOTL.4' Nl7 44.48 water_ metals wit m etala NONCD000i116 RE.PUBLICSERV=OFNC 312JACK SFIEI{.1�ANRD ROUGEMCNT PERSON 41.48 grouadscatps_ lW-- NCD442091215 RJR TECH COMPANY 841 AVOCA FARM RD LIERRYHEI BERTIE 44.48 :ate VJC s NONCDO000lA' LES UYEKS PARK LAAeNDALFAL'E%TUE EXT. CONCORD CABARRUS 4.42 mil metL VOC - volatile organic compound SVOC - semi -volatile organic compound 1441Page ,file lD NEL -I;iwA ime Address Ciy County ,Score 3.{echam, Cvnlcmmmml NUNCD0402_228 OAK 1SL4110 POLICE DEPT_ 4621 E. 0--ILK ISLAND DRIVE OAK FS -UQ BRIINSRICK 44.36 pmmdwalu. pe2dci&-,-lminzia-- Mik SVOCs soi4 pEsUmdes4mtimdes arnt'redwater, SVOCs NCD98192NSS I=INDk- STRIES.INCNEWBERN SR B17AX SCHSIRE.l;f NEWBERN' GRAI'Ell 44.30 maundoaoer. VOCs Mwwldwaror. SLrOCs NCDO84167444 STANADY?FE INC'DiESEL SYST12leM 4,05'57 iI'E ST JACKSONVII3.E ONSLOW 44.22 soil, SVOCs soi4 V005 NCD772003635 ATHOL MANUFACTURING COhMANY C & 2LND ST BUT_IER GRANVILLE 44.14 groundwater, V005 aaface hater_ SVOCS erou�dnahAs. SL`OCs M aL r SVOCs NCD980537631 i.I WIRE ELEC CO+CAUFMN14 SPRAY 10 W SOUTH GEiORGE STREET GOLDSBORO WAY1•lE 44.16 uounawat . pe ticid� beitaeid� mis Pest M&--Errbcrid-- NCD)06390561 Ax70NOR7.F COATINGS, Nr- 1431 PROGRESS ST HIGH POINT GUIUORD 44.13 soil SVOCs pvmwiwater, SVOCs groundwakr VCCs sui4 VOC s NONCD000^_838 WACC-*JAWTRANSPORT (FDRhlER) 1106 S 2ND ST 7kU-%2gGTO2i NEW HA-�cON ER 44.12 pDumiwater, VDCs Wi!, VOCs �nu3ccaror. m�j5 NCD OE3674713 HULL SEKITCE STATION.•PHILIPS 66 MGHWA-Y 274 SOUTH V-�LE IINCOLN 44.07 Vuundnater, VOCS NONCDOOD1178 PACKER PROPERTY US 701 & JEWEL ST CALLUS 43.99 grouBdwaror. VOCs NONM0001432 THE CAPE GOLF COURSE 535THE CAPEBLVD NEW IIANOI,'ER. 43.99 groumdwarer, metals vrn,,,.,7wzw. Pesticides`Heroicid�. NCNM0001054 }yrr.r.iAUSAUMCENTER 401DSTREET CRAVEN 43.93 soil metals NONCD0004038 AYCOCK PROPERTY SR 1162 A 1103 WILSON WILSOT+T cDumawaror. ame+al- 43.92 groundciatex. Pe:T c — Heilaciv-- NONMOM2711 UrESTPOINTSTEVENSAEiPORTROAD WAGRAM SCOTLAND 43.92 7mmiwater, V 005 dOC - volatile organic compound SUC>C - semi -volatile organic compound 1451Page &WED N& sif a 2apm Address COP C"Umn- Score ]kfe&UM 6MWALin 9 NCD003164464 y,NDI OYA.L R4C4,�IIItOYAL CEEMICAL 214W RUBY AVE GAS"TONIA GASTON 43.79 :oil mEbLls miy SXWS NONCD0002977 RI SIN-41L CORPORATION 302 WA-= ST SEVERN NOR.THA)APTON 43.77 erovadtiiater. SVOC> zroundcsater. L'UC mx„*meter. axial; NONCD0002543 STES.ECO=FABRICS COMPANY 60IO a2 iNGTUNROAD WALLACE DLMLZ 43.75 groundsaw.VOCs sail. V005 NONCDM029S i TRIPDDTE-CAROi.DiA FRIIGRl ntUM 3500 YC1= ED 1LMI.IIGH WAKE 43.75 P u•iwate•. L'OCs NONCD0002777 APAC-GOLDSBORD 451ii4L.T PLANT 2421 ARKNGTON BRIDGE iiD GOILDSBOR4 AAY-'FE 43.72 sail, VOCs ommuhaater; VQCs NONCDOM1922 AIKALI SCREEN PFXi-= 64MAMSTERDAMWAY NEW HA�NOVER 43.48 knomwmTecrerL NCD009305899 GTE SYLVANIr, INC. LNDUSTRIAL PARKDK Sl=HFiFT rY JOFLVSTON 43.47 ground=ter. VOCs Sail VOCs NONCD04d1391 33EM-TSRADIATOR SERVILE 2136A'RIGH-SV=Al'P ViTll GT4tiI NEWHANOVER 43.39 soi" metal; NONCDOOg1397 BLRKARTC_AROLINA DAB--'lEYI)RI4-f HE,'DERSON VA.;ICE 43.38 pourdcsatv.VCX-- soil VOCS 43.35 soil NCD053487765 STRATFORD LfFT'AL FRZSHL &. INC_ 807 S MARSHAL.L ST WINSTON-SA.LEM FORSYTH metal: NCNOM410290 GREAT LAKES CARBON CORPORATION H7JAXffiSTOANROAD MORGANTON Eli= 43.36 pxmmdwata nieraL gD mQR vff. VO-cs NCD062571658 HONI Y%rELL NECRO S' 6UFCHDIG'. 1 HICKURYDRiVE MARS HIU MADISON 43.33 sniL ma 14 soiL, VOCs NCD0S2363102 =NAQHEINIICALCOIdPA—Y D321RARELY hlALJ-OYRD LALRINBURG SCOTLAID 43.32 saymeL& mmmdceaier. Pe hcrdes'Her`aici�. NONCD0001M B&HRECYCiERS 7256 US 74A POLK ON ANSON 43.32 grow tiz. VOCs NCD06031)6727 - ICHARDS, WIC CONFANY_ INC_ 101 EAST MAPLE STREET ABERDEEN yfL)ORE 43.31 sail, VOCs Soil metrls NONCDOW2531 SIAN=FASTEMNG 2903 LEFAVE SAITORD LEE 43.31 a miwabu. VOCs VOC - volatile organic compound SVOC - semivolatile organic compound 1461Page .&R LD N6L jfle Hum Address ch)- court . &cPre Mediwnr, Cana nimant NCD986211274 STO-= FORK CREEK DRUM DUMP S= MT_ 2'ION RO AD DEEP CHAP R'ILKES 43.31 knovn u d NONCDO001168 RIL'ERCITY ODNSTRUCTION CO 3534CT-=YR,N RD WASHEiGTON BFALTORT 43.30 ffmundwater_ VOCs Eroumaaamr. SVOCs saa4 VOCs grotmdsrams, oar�ls soul metrls NCD9S6232676 ROCK-TEINbMRiON FOLDING 33BLRGINIST MARION LICDOWELL 413C enusdnarenmetals NONM0001491 COU=PERSONAL 14MSTORAGE 723HWY117NBYPASS GOLDSBORO WAYVE 43.19 pwmdwater.metals soi€ metal; NCNMOOD1564 CRIBBS HOBBY 6225 CAROLINA BEACH RD. A%T—NIPiGTON NEWHz'*IOVER 43.19 smua3scate.VOCs NCNM0001138 DECTSCHRIIAYS 20'_1GARDNERDR VTd�tiC.TON NEAPHANOVER 43.19 g:ourdmatu.A.'UCs NONCDM01095 MOSES CONE h�MORIAL PARK HLLE RIDGE PKA'Y &LOWL1IG ROC{ WAT_AUGA 43.I9 sod, metal NCD981022072 BETIZS PROPERTY 1 2 MI. E OFBEITLS RD do EARL CF EVEI AND 43.16 kw%-m suqoe--Wd. NONCDOOM7 ME7DOA'GgA'Ro .-%D ?4iEADOWVIEWROAD 240E GFEE1SWRO GUILFCIRD 43.04 avu2a%-jer. VOCs NCD966172617 FORBES ROAD W=-RNUCH LkID FORBES ROAD GA.SrONIA GASTON 43.02_ pwandwater. VOC's an$ace hater, VOCs sail: VOCs NCWMOW1677 ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE 2103 US Hl W 13 SOUTH AHOSS.'IE IEETiTFORD 4=.94 grousdnater. SVOrCs satsdmater, VOCs NONM0002553 STUiErv`=FL`i UIURE CONTANY 525 SOUTH FaNaY STREET STCKEA-= RO�I 42.93 grouadaca . VOCs soiy vOCs NC3TMWO'-'798 TOWN AND COUNTRY CLEAlUERS 617 WASHINGTON ST IiALLUAMSTON MARTIN 42.91 soiL VDCs solmd ate. L"OCs NCDC,03230836 DUKE RFFINDtG CORPORATI()N 2020 JASRF'I? STREET HIGH POINT GUILFORD 42.97 soil S VOC s m4auent. vOCs grouadaafier, VOCs grounawares. sVUCs NONCD000-) 42 STEVENS CLEANERS IONA ANDMAIN STREET FAIRMMONT ROBESON 42.87 sni! A-OC.; eoundscares. VOC's VOC - voistile organic compound SVOC - semi -volatile organic compound 1471Page NONODOd0166a CORER COTTD'NTGLN 1511NENG0 CHLTRL�H RD lUNGO SAMPSON 42.26 soil iaoeeamies poundWafet. iWrg3MCS ero3I]dwitet. V OCs NONCDOM1539 CONFLANDEYLYC. 3620CHAD$OURNHLGHWAY VI'1RTEV= COLLMBUS 42.84 saiLueUl4 enundwater. mEt& NONCDOODII13 SOUTHERN STATES (FORV1ERj 125 LDM AVE GRED%A L3; FITI 42.81 soil, SVOCs Moumdacatet. Pe hcides$ie36icim�. NCNCD00D0025 RANGE ROAD SLAIN STIE RANG€.ROAD BUT -NEE GRA ,' =E 42.SO sail, metal NONCDOOd 109G OM MILL SLAG MI FOURTH AVE EAST HKlq}EBS(N'VILLE H=EKSON 42.75 g mmdwatet, L`OCs NCNOD0407I47 LEAKY BROTHERS STORAGE (FORMER) VIRGl'4A & BROAD STREET' EDENTON CHOW--' 42.74 suJ, SVDCs wl metal mvwxl calu. Voss e Tum1eeatet. metals sodd, pest cldas:l bieides NCNCD000i0l6 ROYSTER-CL4RK FERTILR PLk Ti 1538 HINES RD OAISCiTi MARTIN 42.74 soil, invrg=s ro3>adecate t. 14CQ g iLn ezm3ndscatet. Fesacides'Heioicid� NCEK%61587' AW INCORPORATED 1260 SHANNON-SR_ADLEI lD GASTONIA akSTON 42.7, soi . SVTDCs you metaL- 3oundwares. nwials NCD981014517 DYNATECH TOO'�iE1. AVE CHARLOTTE lfE'ClFNRU1 G 42.60 - wamew. nxetaL S43 xlwatet. mElal5 NCNCD0001105 Vo=GIACHTS 4022'rL61UaT STREET A['I.%lD;GTO� NEW HANO''-TK 42.60 grousdwwe3. met3is mLk metals NCI)DO708126 CONSOLIDATED R°AR=OUSE S300 MOORES CHAPEL RD CHARLOTTE 34Pf T3URlG 4258 gtouadseater, V C3 sail, VCCs aniace w7w. VOCs NCD:A31M67 F',ENI RAL F.TFx TRTC OOICAROUNA 900N GEORGE ST GOLDSSCRO WAYNE 4253 eroundeeates. metls NCDO51853547 AUSTLNFOOD5 E CHUH&I i ST GARY WAKE 42.43 grou*dWa+=r. Pesbaidr+Herhicidea grow locator. VIDCs sml, VCCs VOC - volatile organic compound SVOC -senu-volatile organic compound 1481Page Sve DN& SrleN47MZ 9dUrrss C* C-RL v Soarr 1Fediunr, Confver MOf xd. Pe5tieide&TIatwidm erauadsraaer. SVOCs sm], WOCs NONCDON1330 B3:.C'.LLERBLLDERS SGPPLYCOMPAiiY 4614MARKE.T STREET NEWHANO= 42.43 pmmdsraaer. SVOCs NONCDC001430 DEI X MOORE PROPERTY 5815NTiI-SBOROUGHST RALEIGH WAKE 42.43 pm,*daaaer,SVOC:s giDuedsars: VDCs Solt VOCs NCNOD0409855 FOR5HAA' CHE ICAIS 65D STATE ST CHARLOTTE �.I'HI-1�M1I�URG 4243 smI, ambl sail, SVDCs mnhm water, SVOCs aat3ce water, metah :ad_ Pesti6deslBkybwi 3 mwhm water. PestiodeslHerbimder NONCDOW2091 M 78EHE 6 D ILkRINE (FOR.=) 4971 ARLN'DELL ST MCR=i D CIT3[ CAR=l 42.37 pauednaaer. metal: =,u arer. VOC s NCSFN0407140 CARDINAL CONTA]NERSERVICES 138WALSERRO?D L=GTON DAVIDSON 42.30 p,*dnars.masbLs arnrxdnaaes. VOCs NCNOD0409854 ROMATLC MANLfAC U' IS G 402 E ROSE ST SANFORD LEE 42.37 -w7 t metals dmamr SVOGs NONCDO002124 WELDON NBU TRMR) E I iTH ST & SYCAMORE ST WELDOId HAi1FAX 42.15 Lnowmemq*c6e3 NCDO43711977 =11CAL i EAM N TANK LDMS. WC. 6604 %= K§RRET STREET GREENSBORO GLIIIFORD 42.C5 mzuedmarer. VOCa NCNCD0001072 I & C DYEING 1000 %= GR' OSFER STREET SHELBY C EVEL.AND 41.98 sml, metal- mDu dwaaar. VOCs anuLds4arer. metals NCD 2571438 ABCENGR_4I,= 724N0R.THI-85 CHARLOTTE NIECKLkNSG-RG 41.91 :o6.metaL- mvurdmaau. VOCs poundsrarer auerals NONCD0002-880 PATCHES BODY SHDP 1903 E Gl= ST HIGH POINS G4,=ORD 41.91 groimdw". V OCs NCD981932023 TAR&ORO-EDGECOI iBE AIRPORT HWY44 T.4..U()KO EDGECUNOE. 4I.81 sad, SVOCs NCNOD0407343 iCOODi S SALVAGE YARD 4139 C=ON RD VANDE.R CT MERLL 4NM 4I.20 lmawi 'mg cbai VOC - volatile organic compound SVOC - seua--volaMle organic compound 1491Page site mN0. Siw Name Address City Coumb- Seure _lichom,CData inant NGDO03155587 SCOTT ,iT,14 aV OF M0--\ROE/TOOL SF1RY 30 W- CRGW= ST _WONTOE G'_NYC. V 41.73 3a1{ mBtaL: gRxmd%at6J, STOCE groun6iater, VCCS 24Z R 2SJ472 -iPPLiEDRESE.IRCHGROUP BYC. 2221 N 1ZdMSONMEET CTLiRL.OTFE 1&CIIEMLSRG 41.66 grouxd�myar. SVOCs gro-undaater, Ma gromaadxarer; mettrL soil 57OC: snit metuL- NGD98103157S R4i1B0IPD2iYEBATTERF a1646 1C�LVVfpGL15 C.iRi1RRiJS 41.66 sai�nwtaL NONC'D4001248 LW= ULVlGE BClITERCL7PL,LN1T$' M4,%'0=R•iPlDS HILIF-LY 4112 scik mstaL- NCD981030803 Sf1JS}C CLLBPESTiC E .SITE SE QLZ3DIL-iSTOF.ViT US 17 w=-Lk£STCIk' kf = 41.51 sail Pesarddes }TerbEridas =9� 0127S730 SOLMFEB&SONS FLOU'£RSRD KLMLYIFLV_iLOOT JOJD=-V 41.61 graum,rahv, MCz41-52 NCZVC:D000,NPQ RIf ERS JUNK IRD 5501 DOGWOOD SrSOUTH C.ILiRI.OTIE BRUME;ucr knawnr arspsrle� NONCD40000:'3 H 31 FT DEF£7LVEbRE GRAHt;dSTR£EI102Sii'EST RALEIGH -kLECAZLNBL'RG 41.50 rrmmdkaw Y'OC% 7VO.NC'D0001125 kl=H TT_i-DMEO-VP.-LRCEL _4 ST FAKE 41.50 graLmda-aw BOCK said rreargarri�: sail memL groundwarer, SFOCs 7VO.NC'D0001126 RiLETGHTTA-DME0-?qP.-LRCELB s;1=ST R LEIGH �T-iLE 41.50 graLmduaw BOCz soil SFOCs grounArarer, SFOC- YCD980,ii78M FVC: UG.IR.I PESIMUYS 3595 OLDNC II AY= P1TI 41.44 saik 51'OC's sate Pesrimdes.`Hsrhirides 1rO.VCD0001490 LlVDERSfORC,,LVCI-MUSPRY 2005NOTHSTIREEI VGT0-r NEWILLYOi'ER 41.42 saik metaL grwa"dunter, metal groundyrarer; inmznnics NaW-D00 I1 7 RiLEjGHTT. DII.LQ?FP.IRCFL C 110 & 602 H xdA877 LT E--=GH FAKE 41.40 grarmdwatar, ;IOUs grawidkater; SIOCs VCD055165609 P_iAWOTE INC. FID&Cakip0l' D DIV 1508 S MMM ST HICLORF CATAYMA 41.38 gr o-unatirarer memL- VOC - w h9of?a organic compound 3VOG - see*-Mauie orpok compound 15O1Page NCNCDW01176 NnTKFREESBOROlT2%TF.R 307-N TAT) ST bfuRFREE$RORO HERTFORD 4137 grc�+ dwarar_ VFOCs NCD991278755 3+iAICTTNS BATTERY SALVAGE_ U C. 5500 ASHL.AND RD SA.I NAPOLIS CA1BARRUS 412' some m0als NONCDOMXA7 MEADS r1IRFI11 D PESTICIDES SR 1100 G'E=1i.f.= PASQi OTANIS 41.22 soil Pestici&:,Hukmdes NCD9861714-45 BENI= CiHEL%?IICALS OLD CANTO.\ CTYUE H% Y CANTON HAYWOOD 4L.20 mA mebl mid VOCs smi PesucidPJHk7tievdm NONCD00010P9 C & L S€,RFLUS 1969 H%Y64 W )1AYfEvTt.T.,=. CLAY 41.20 sedimmt metLls NCD9E0M8782 MADISONCOUNTY CYANIDE SITE 7735NC 63 H4G'F LIICESTER MADISON 41.20 said metals pvwwiwates. cyanide soiL cyamde etouad=ter. E-13"'s NCD062664B83 KELHCO CI-E ICAL OM PANY EAST 11 ST ROANOEF-RAPIDS HALIFA3C 41.=0 gtoundseatu- VOCs wile SVOCs NCDO'24817827 HEIU1 F URNTTURE ALT4PASS ROAD SPRUCE FINE '%ITICH= 41.13 soi4 metrL NCD9S6195154 PENDER PLATING COMPA_NFV IIOWHAYFS ST. BUFG-AW PE',DER 41.19 soi4metrL NONCD0001313 POLYLOK D C.-'6GZLLytiGTON SEARS 30M ANACONDA RD. TARBORO EDGECOA'LBE 41.09 gtouedacatas, VOCs smL VOCS NCNCDOW 1295 HOLT STREET DUMP HOLT ST MEBANE ALAhiANCE 4L_08 soil VOCs potm hV0. S'`OCa mmmlimvu. metals soil metals NONCD00 2—'22 ]IFFY MART 1801 NRALEIGH ST RIOCKY OLT_NT EDGECOMBE. 41.04 gtoundaeatEF: VOC3 NCD0017049S0 '9OIIhffN&TO� SRANCFL-BORDEN.'S'= DCrl GL NAVASSA ROAD NAVASSA BRUNSR'ICK 40.81 saikpesticide-•'he b cider soil metals g<otimdwaw: Pen -ma - Hukcid-. soi4 svocs erousdWater_ a9DC.s VOC - volatile organic compound BVOC - semi-volati le organic compound 151 IPage siteLDNa Sihl4uara _ld&ess Cuj' Courm, Stem Mrdioow Cmi m mmmu NONCDG001107 CONE NEILS-FLORIiVCE. PLANT FLOFENCE Sr DEPOT RDS FOREST CrEY RUTHERFORD 44.75 wmm dwa u: VOCs pail, VOCs NONCD0001077 C_ATA54'5SA LLTI ER CO 301 LOCUST ST IYEST JEFFERSON .4= 40.72 pummhrAw SVOCs NONCD0002915 C-AROLINA CHEIECALCCaR.P (FOR-kE 1) 6600 WARDBL),'D WILSON WILSON 4C.71 so[, pesti€udes$erbimdrs md- metals pu d"s wer: pe tides heaaLeide mzund%-au. L"OCs NCDO75570820 FLYMOLTiHWOOD TREAT3 iGCOMPANY NHWY45 PLYMOUM WASHINGTON 4-0.68 p=dssater metmL NCD982119463 DAYCO LA' DFTLL CRY'4SE. COVE ROAD SR 1134 WAYI+IFSV= H.AYWOOD 40_S'' ucundssatas SV OC; NCD991927909 KIDD LANE BATIERYDISPOSAL 3607 KIDD LANE CHARLOTTE 144ECSI.ENBURG 40.49 �,Drl metal NCD003235066 NEW AGE FGJIITUSE CO.M LLER TOOL PROSFECTINDliM AL PARK L=TGrT0N DAVIDSON 4C.42 p urdsratu: metals NCUCDOW2379 REA C ON STRUCTION-RD= MOG`NT SR1401 RO=I CU-11T EDGECOiviBE 40.19 growodwaros VOC�i NCD990638379 ROVE C ORP PROPERTY-BOTJUGNY STFE 433 W NIOREHEAD ST CHARLOTTE b1PiELENBURG 4U.18 mil metal pourdw=u: merass NCNMW01832 HB FLTLLERCO. 3905 HCLTS CHAPEL ROAD GRER%iSSORO GLTITFORD 40.07 goumdwier VOCs sort, pestinde;$erbicides soul, VOCs sas1., S VOCs sod[, oaetaL aroundsxams. SV OCs aUUDdT.-A r. metals avundviater. coma& NONCDOW1124 RALEIGHTTA-WIISOCti PARCEL 200 S T%4TST ST R-AL GH WAKE 44).07 poundoarex %'CC- NCDOD3158094 GLEN RAVENh= EAST MAIN STREET BLRNSVILLE Y.ANCEi' 40.02 miLmetaL-. NCD986166379 PILOT MOWTAIN TIRE FIRE DAITaNPORT MAD PILOT N1C1',--1TA1N SUR RY 39.94 b mmm'm--peoted- NCSFNC40011 CARpLINri ASSOCIATED MILL, 766 HVL'Y 10 W NEL6'TON CATAWBA 39.88 soil metals 557:?Cs sot[, VOCs poimdssaras. metals VOC - volatile organic compound SVDC - semi -volatile oroamc compound 1521Page W UP M N.. &W Nmve NCND00407700 SPRINGS ROAD GO CART TRACK NONCD000001? [Ci-IITtS GTIAVEI. PIT NCD986223170 MCBESSINDC;STRIES NONCDOOD 1188 SI-=Y BODY SHOP NCD980839757 INDIANGRr? VE GAP DRLThi DISPOSAL NCD986172500 MCLEANBROTHEi1_ FARM NCD04995M15 KE:l.T Y SPRINGFIELD IIRE CO'GOOD'tTFAR NONCD00D041 i ITYJ .r bMJ� SHOP N(NCDOOD 1483 POPE PROPERTY NCODOI402213 FL3 LS MNK YARD AddreFs 4254 SPRDVGB RD 1515 HR'Y 49 SCUM OLD HWY 321 1904 E DIXON BLGZ] APPROH 2 h9L N OF SR 1513 SR 1415 NAVASS.A RD 300OL-3030 SOUrHBLVD SD4 S WILSON AW NEED -MORE DMT NONCDOOD1697 =ONCOlRPO1C6.FIDN 3340R1VERROAD NCDC45924487 CAR0UNAADLl-hiEASMALFII+IlTY GODMETCALF ST= NCDD79O6Q33 LL OIRREFEUNGCOMPAN'Y 263 PENNTONAVENW NCDO03-116397 MGM -AND INDUSTRIF.SWT,=%GT0-NLND_ 2L5DRULMONDST.'SR'1089 NCDO03154960 FLEh Il Z LABORATORIES 221i THRIFT ROAD NCD981863?77 PERRY BLTff- RS - RALFICH RD 2M6 RALEiGH RD VOC - volatile organic compound SVOC - semi-vdat le orgame compound G'w CaLugP Sears Medhunr, Cmieaeutmd CON(A ER CATAWBA 39.86 sedimew. VOCs =fKe hater. VOCS sedrm®f. SVOCS sauce water, S VOCS CONCORD C RARRUS 39.83 -DA metsl HIGH SHOALS GASTON 39.75 rei, t meta]s sod, SVOCS SB=Y CT3;'G'ELAND 39.74 goundwamez, VOCs L.ENOIR CALDi4'F'.T 7. 39.64 surface aster, metalS WAGRAM SCOTLAND 39.67 sad, SVOICs DmL Pestadez lleYvKlde: FAYETTEVH= CUI BERL'AND 39.64 sail: SVOCs CHARLOTTE h[EC13I.II TjRG 39.62 sod. VOCs Mundwata. VOCs DUiN HAT—= 39.58 armmdwau.ic� po wai r, VOCs HAYF-VW= CLAY 39.52 SASVocs saLl metals 'Wfl2klM;GTtO-N NHWHkNDVER 39.43 groundwater, VOCs AlNDDiN HERTFORD 39.31 g,atmdm3tE!r, VOCs LENOIR CAT rI XELL 39.26 aci4 SVl7Cs KER-=4'II.LE FORS y TH 39.25 Soil VOCs pmua wawr. VOCS CHARLOTTE MECSLEC~i TjRCr 39.24 sot4 metals EoimdnateS. VOCS gmuadneter, WOCL gLVUadW3VT. metal: HEVDERSONI VANCE 39.05 smite water, metals. 1531Page Sim EDNa S}teN47MO Address Cily Caunr4' Seore A{etum, C4=lff &laH! NCNM0001143 PRESTIGE LABELS 151INDUSTRSALDR BLRGAR' PLIDER 38.97 sourndara#es.VI1Cs NCDC33979396 ATEC 5MUSTRIES PERE dS DRA'E R03MORO PERSON 3B.9' pouvdmatu. mouLs =ounawawr. VOCs SEA metals mik VOCs NCD982I 15& 0 PERRY BI m 7]FR S - hfDBI E TRACT NICHOLAS ST & &=NES AVE H }ERSON VA?ICB. 39.91 slufare nester, metals NCNO00407686 C-AR-ALEIGH PHOSPHATE A*«'D FER== 1601 LAKE )WHEELER ROAD RALEIGH WAKE 38.S7 suit, metal NCDOE9914311 51[Ti1►�R BRLI% GCX) CON�L DAD 1900 BARNES ST RIIDSTkTU LE ROCBDL G fAM 38.85 sui. Pe3tkidz.'Herim 3a- Erouodscater. PesticidesHei$icide NCDO75582I97 AMDRB'WORTRCHE�'HCAL 24ISFAST PI:.TTIGREW ST DURILAM DURH.AM 3B.B^- ovundaater. VOCs soil. VOCs 38.78 soil NONCDOOM I SI'AXYLYSNEAS &.TRESS 237W NORTH STREET ALBaiARLE ST-ANLI NCD000S27S32 ELECTRICAL i]T1=S'CD BB&T 319ANDERSON AVE FARl T.F. PM metals 39.70 _mausdwater. Voc- NONCDOOO112 CABARRUS ROUNMABOUI' CABARRUS AVE & OLD CHARLOTTE CONCORD CABIARRUS 38.69 s. metals NCD003520361 0),=ASH .l3ACHINE SHOPANC_ 865 CONNOR STREET STATESVI7 L FE =ELL 38.69 Imoma sated, NCD195797922 TECTL'%lBILTfDI4 OF A=A ER FASTPFACE ST NEL6'I'ON CATAi%rRA 38.61 suiL SVOCs mvm±cater. VOCs suit, metals NONCDOW 10I a H%"f 49 BATTERY DUMP NC HIGHWAY 49 C'IIARL= MECKLENBURG 39.47 snit metals ¢oundaaroer. mebis NONMOOM015 CECI-R.0 TRANSPORT COIWANY 215 SAMPSON ST VT—lllr GTO-N NEW HANO'47;R 38.45 ssface Hater, metals NONCIDOCAON4 CHEMICAL AND SOLVENT'S, INN 28O4 PATTERSO*: STREET GREENGBORO GLMFORD 38.45 suit VDUs NCD986lK239 CHEROKEEOrL 925 SOUTH SUIr=- AVE CHARLDTIE MECKLENBURG 3S.45 suiLmetals NCD9S62323 79 GRESH4NIS LAKE EI)USTRIAL PARK 3_20NCRIHSIDEDRIVE RALEIGH WAKE 38.42 soiL VDCs gruuedscatu. VOCs MoUndcater. SVOCs VOC - volatile organic compound SVOC - semi -volatile organic compound 1541Page Sim LDNa S}teN4 a Address Ce)' Ceuuelr Score _lETeKHM C�vs iffuA! NCDC52553641 IL'Eh-�SERCO`LF%gS ON RUTY308W LEWISTON HERTIE 39.3S soil. metal: NONCDOW 1121 R & K PL6,nNG OLD l4'II.NfiNGFON RD SFHITE.S LE COLLAEKL S 3.9.37 -o L m mh NONCD0W1&69 HOCI ER ROAD CONTAIAINATONT Il 1 SOUTH HOOVER ROAD DURHAM DGiZHAm 38.26 Try adwa .. VOCs sail, VOCs mik aws NONM0002816 R-ADC= -MA= aMVA=BOATS) IMrY264SYPASSN SELHAVEN BE4LFORT 3B?O ffmuvdseates.vDCs NCDo0187185& FK EHAUF TI-4ILERCORPC(RA' TI )-N 310DALTON CHARLOTTE kfECELENBURG 38.12 mvaDdsato. VDUs NONCDO000055 Cd3SSONENTERFRLSES HWY903 GREHNSULE PITT 38.12 kwum:u=ecte�- NONCDM03175 GUARDSMAN =f[CALSLVC 2147SREVARDRD FUGHPDLU3 G=DRD 3Em poimdwaoeJ_V6Cs suit VOCs NONCDOOD1076 SOUrHS=MTSI-4Ti:NTSLLC =Sl0=BLVD CIiAI3LOTiE IMCRLENBURG 3E.05 soikmetrL mit SVOCs eroundsaws. VOC- PmmdwjW. m=13 NONCTD0000003 VAN WATERS & RDGERS ATANDO UDUSTRIAL PARK CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 38.05 m VOCs eotm�Narer; VOCs NONCDOOD0030 CDIl.U4S AND AI Mi4N 327EAST Eiji ST. GRABAM ALAMANCE 38.04 pounihn r. ti°OCs NONMMD0066 'WAKE AUTO PARTS (FORIN'lER) 3520 TRYONRD R3L.EIGH WAKE 38.03 suii --bl NCD980503148 SOUTHCf-IFM LANDFII.L 750 EAST MAYICHA-M AVE DLZiF-%i4 DURHAM 37.98 surface water, Pestioiles9aiLieides suriam water. SVOCs md, PeshcideslIierbmides suface wa6er_ VOCs sediment. Pestieida-JFi bieides NCD480-559993 PPG IND_, MC..riVM 52 A'A-<il- LFRN SWITCH ROAD SH= CIME"LAM 37.89 Emovrn+smveda L NCUMOM2301 PIEDMONT C =ITS T=COAM- Ml NERTOUND CREEDMOOfR GRA`iV= 37.94 groundsabu: VOCs NCD00314W89 CHAbMONINTERNATIOtiTAL_CANTCKMriT.T. STREEL CANTON H LYWOOD 37.79 gouud%-o : SVOCs NCDC42423087 APOLLO CHE,IICAL CORPORATION 1105 SOVTFiERLAND STREET GRAHAM ALAMANCE 37.72 soil, VOCs VOC - volatile organic compound SSJOC -semi-volatile organic compound 1551Page &wLDNo- Sime1Vke AaT&,ers City. CaLm"n Scare Medium, Cat umkmr P ZU dictator- VOCS NCDO53010724 ICE -AhiEl2ICAS, INC. 2130NTRYON CHARLOTTE 'AECSLENI3TJRG 37.67 _vumdssaw.VCCs s R-.b., V. OCs NCN000409780 INDUSTRIALN=AL ALLOT' 20 EACADIA AVE AD ST'ONSALIM FORSYTH 37.67 soil metls mdunmt_ metrl NCNMO000074 TEit"l'R.R CHEWCAL FACIJ= �V STREET CHARLOTTE MECEIDgBURG 37.60 MZvadaater. VOC9 NONCDKC1192 EAKESCLEANEIZS(FORM R) 827WNlC3RCdL'4ST DURIVLM DURHAM 37.59 g ,,, la-atu-I'pCs said VOCs SVOCs NONCDXC12855 PATT ON PROPERTY 900 JEFFERSON ST ROANOECE RAPIDS HALTFAX 37.59 suimebi m undssates. SVOCs PT„ouzloam.. mew groundwater- VOCS wit, SL'OCs NONCE)ON2973 TONYSA1-0MOT3VE 2396 N &ARNETT ST 1L-4DERSO i'A CT 37.57 mikX'OCs gruund{4at•'J. VOCs NCNODDW564 WATHA FIRING RA FCxE 3311 SHIL)DE RD Wl ATHA PLIDER 37.54 gouodxatu: met& NCNCDO0D0024 C kFrHFR TRANSOUFROPERTY 1202 GUiLFORD COLLEGERD GREENSBORO GUiLFORD 37.52 mik mebl M* SVOCs NCD98617133S PE,ELE.CO. PESTICIDE DISPOSAL NC 42 EAST Chi' YTON JOm13Tcr T 3?.13 soil metrL- sD9. PesricEde ,Hi bKude— NCD101750305 3NDUSTRLALPLA_TICS. WC. CLOVER & MCONNELL ROAD CIiE; NSBORO GUIIFORD 36.97 grout dwato. metals 36.% NCD996166759 91ETLSON SEPTIC PITS SK 1131 HICKORY CATAWBA soil metals NCN00 1 WS3 WGTIIT N ROBERTS 2LAN T ai 202 MAPLE AVE SANI�)RD LEE 3628 smL SVOCS NCDO67428821 SIE1fLN5-Ai.La INC'SWTICHG1LARDIV 5O04 WOMACK ROAD SANFORD LE.E 36.86 rgm niwaiaF metals NCD981022298 C&T REFLV Y 480O SOb7H BOTMEVARD CHARLOTTE IMCEI.EN&URG 35.50 SVOCs gtouodwatEF- VOCS vOC - volatile organic compound SVOC - sem�volable organic compound 1561Page &V LD 1a Site hamre NCDOB13MOO INX{FOi MER) FACEJTY NCD9S2W5093 JAYS CLEANERS NCDO03196847 NATIONAL SPRTNING COAiPA 'Y NONCI}0OO1297 APACWASI-DNGT4�IASPHALT PLA4T NCE@4147639 CRChi N CFI L PF_TRiOJ-ELM CORP. Address 3200 & 3210 CUMLMALNL AVE 1543 N &LAIN ST REST 3RI} STR= DIRT RD 7720 MOUNT HOLLY ROAD NCDO24577421 NORTH CAROLINA SALVAGE CO_ HS6'Y 117 SOUTH NCD9861 SW1 CHA.M iON EVrERNATiOX L LA_41)FILL. NO I SR 1571 & 1573 NCD9S4712038 SFD, UFC. SWDIG CULTRT SArDTG COURT NONCDO000065 CLU MUSTRIES 31A EASI MAIN STREET' NONCzaOMIM SINGER PLANT 42 NCD9S6I88019 CHAMPION LA{TDFTLLNO NCDO41466906 PEM IPS PLATL:G NC13981015585 L4R.OlJNAPRODUCTIONF]NISI- G NCNCEPOOO1814 HAhIILTONBLACFLPROCTORSF1 VOC - votable organic compound SVOC 4'IRGPUA S1TiEf.T SR 1539 US 17 FIWY NORTH 10 FAIRITEM RD OFF SR 1509, NEAR WAS HINGTON A Cie} Courm, &core _Uediw% Conzaminon[ CHARLOTTE :,IECFI.E URG 36.75 ;aLl. VOL- meraL KARNAPOLLS ROWAN 3635 sMl VO.Cs Wry SHEITGTON BFAL'FORT 36.51 moundaramr. SVOCs aouodwatu, VOCs WA=GTON BF.ALFORT 36.59 g=dscarer. VOCs CHARLOTTE h ECF.=URG 36.59 avundavaaar. VOCa SVICs YYrn�. wo& meah ZqA. VOCe GOLDSBORO WAYNE 36.38 soiL metals CANTON HAYALrOOD 3635 saiL VOCs GREENSBORO GUE_F'ORD 36.34 LnolNu-m *cam E= SURRY 36.25 }ounda vu. VOCs so0, L-OCs a undwatu. svoCs soil S%Ws LENOIR CALDATLL 36.99 z *aw-tPr_ VDCs CANTON HAYWOOD 36.94 scA VOCn BRTDGFrO1V CRAVEN 36.04 :oily mewls pwmudwatar. >1bq3L- ASHEV= BUNCC&ME. 35.86 nawater_ VOC: ffrolmdn ater_ metals W-ASHL!:GTON RFALF'ORT 35.84 D amduatec VDCs -vA 5G'[]Cn soiL V' OCs ,mi metals Trrn�v3s�Por_ �/����/1++SL�'IIPl{1Si1� a uodwatEr. SNIC)Ci 1571Page Sj1eLD Na Sne:4aate NCD981021702 CALF, LEONARD PROPERTY NONCDOW 1130 SOUFE hL4IN1 ST SE%9 R LLIE I T NONCD0002561 9LTN0C0BLZKTER_h1LNAi NCD07M I9911 TELEDYNE ALLVAC 14ICNROE PLANT NGNCDOOD1598 DE114 MN NGNCDOX272S WILL-LUM . F. W. FACRTFY Address SR 2226 4660 FOLLANSBEE RD FILER ROAD 2020 ASHCRAFT AVE 413 AIRPORT BLVD. 8200 AMID 8U50 FAYETTEGgLERD NCDO67437400 GULF OEL C ORPOR4TIO: i 5955 ROCK CREEK DAIRY RD 802 NCD003216413 RALEIGH ROAD FURNIPLJRE CORP.+STANILEY WESI C1iV ROAD NONCD0000488 TRANSTEC NOLOGY 5535%rnYMNSONBLVD NCDO4 4515211 HAY-ES-ALBIO_V CORP.BFUGG5SHAFF-MR NON CDOM2836 RABO CLEANERS NCDO44514602 RJR ARCHER INC_ NCD108702606 HARTSOEBATTERY NCD)03I S3480 UNION CANT CORPORATION NCDD41466525 R.D=MOUNT FIBER DUJP NCD(244594^ 1 C4M-DDN BATT3?RY S7'R ,T= NCN000407265 M-COUNTY AIRPORT NCD06179M% LN1TE3i CHE aC'Ai S ltFY` _v latilp nrnanir rmmrni irri'Z NdW 3760 KIhiAELL DR. 70 I HOOKER RD CUMIU NGHAh4 AVE 2513 LINAAL'E 524 BROGDEN RD ATLA_'MC AVE EiE'TE� UON HU6'1' ul S NC 561 520 BRCK)N E RD Ciir COUMN Score Medium. Caniamutant mmun dwate i. lnwg ami cz EARL CLE.VELAND 353R=e� VOCs 35A WINSSTON-SALEhi FORSYTH s,il.me�Ls AgLNffNGT0N NEW KA_VOL'ER 35.41 gtovadseates_ VOCs snit, VOCs MCNROE UNION 35.37 sail metals MOlRRI5l= WAKE 35.29 mvauccatror_V4Cs RALEIGH RAKE 35-29 sod Si OC3 vnmmlwa�: 5VOCs �,UIL VOCs MTundmate?. %''OCs MCLT.ANSVII_3.E GUILFORD 35.22 -surface niter. meml L=GTOV DAVIDSON 3522 known+ssu eared, CHARLOTTE MEC2=1% LU 2G 35.19 sail, 4OCs ffrnmdwatal, 5VflCs gfoundwatg_ VOCs WINSION-SALEM FORSYTH 35.17 soil, metal GREE2A LE PIIT 35.17 knovra•s Tearzd, WINETON-SALEhi FORSYIH 35.04 knovra tiaectzd KANNAPOLIS RMAN 35.01 soiz, metals ShETF1F Tx JOKITSTOVV 35.01 known+mgxeted ROCTLY wIOLTi1T EISGECOhIaE 34.94 known+sn CTLLDBOi,R- COLGLMUS 34.92 sml, metals AUL4NDER HE .TFORD 34.92 suit, Pe f _?= If,6ieides GREENSBORO GURIORD 34.91 gfoi�- VOCs 1581Page SaZLDIX& SMwNMea Addren civ Cauren. Score 've urf, CvaPceeenmv NCD981023732 -NE.UVn.LE SOCK PROPERTY US 64,70IA0ACCESS ROAD 10'-'0 H LDEBRJL� BURKE 34.80 meals NCROD0135418 ZNR- WC CORPOiL-kTION PKRIY RALEIC3i WAKE 34.69 oil metaL- NC NCDO001038 BR ANT FARM DRM i DUMP W OF NC 86 400 FT S OF VA LLNE. GATEWCCD CASA`E1.L 34.61 l noa u used NCDO00616219 GA -PACIFIC CORD HWY 177 S a:��ILEI RICIBLIO1,1D 34.61 knower s��eCted NONCDOMIC49 1.=GTON FURNIMIRE LM. PLNT NO - 3979 OLD LINWOOD ROAD I.=GTON DAVIDSON 34.53 poimdsea : VOCs "� vocs fir, aw, NONCDOCOM75 FOAM='RM-'ES BRCQ-= 1880I OLD STA=T -J.E RD 6190 CORNELIUS �MCKLENBURG 34.50 m* VOCs NONCDO002156 'K DX ASPHALT MATERIAL TEST I LAB NO 2 NEW BERNHWY MAYS1'ILI.E ONnOW 34.50 sod VOCs aoimdseater VOCs :off SVOCs moimdsea&ff SVOC: NCD986557672 PEIT C0L-TI `UT1I.=L-',DFILL PART TEU]D;AL RD GREENVILLE PIIT 34.38 l=wm�su ue%d- NC0001206473 GLEN RAVFNd= TUCKER STREET C Bi,RLLVGTON A .AliANCF 3427 groun,daatu. VOCs NCD0836T3681 SINGER OC.XRARFOTTDIV FUGHWAY70 BLACKW7,NTAIN BUNCOMBE 3424 seg, VOCs NCD99GS67855 FAWN PLASTICS CO__ DiC. 401 JEFFREYS ROAD ROCKY IMOUlr" I' NASH 3423 hww&lnLj&&ed, NC 4424M AFFLOQLIP 8171PLANER%=RDCOIT'nY 1iMDLFSEK NASH 3427 povadnams.VOCs NCD09313207 VOICE OF AMERICA RELAY STATION ROAD 1212 GREENV= PITT 3421 knoau�Eugm ai NGDO98765506 SINGER CO:FUiL� M-RE DIV BRYSON BRISCOIWALK BRYSON C= SO IAL4 34.16 poundvvaAw. SVOCs a0ucd%afff metals NCNMON1109 FR=ti'DLYCTF02= 605S_PEVDERST WILSON IMLSOiN 34.I4 sukVOCs NCXS3673616 REESTS BROTHERS RAILROAD AVE RiTH%.BFORDTON RUT=CRD 3410 sad VOCs aawmbNater Voss NCDOOD006361 SUPER 0R ELECT.F FLMHES 115 EAST OORUM ST KERXIE1t,Si,'II.I.E FORSSTH 34.04 seal. wEt3l NONCDON'-413 ROCKY POINT TRADING, POST ICE I ISCOV 8160 US HWY 117S_ RO= POU41 BURGAW PLNDER 33.99 mamcl%-v s. VOC: VOC - vokatile cyanic compound SVOC 1591Page sarLD NOL &eNkew Address Cig• Comm. Score :lfedium, Conraroeuranr NONCDM01151 MATTHEWS BLDG SUPPLY+ESIUL TOOL 215 ANIE5 ST NfATI=,s IAECEI.EF MU-RG 33.98 soi: VOCs groundwater. %-Ws NCD986249575 CARDIRAL {EyQCAL AREHO-L'$EFERE, NC 211 &c NC 72 LLJ%OF-RTON R013ESON 33_96 WL Fesacsder"Hesiiade: NONL- WD I I14 CONOVER METAL PRODUCTS 315 S M[= CRC RD CONOVER CATAWBA 33.96 sail, metals NONCDOOD1991 i.EEk - kTAMANCE CO PLANT-NCNUST 2727 TUCKER ST. E %J BL7i£. NGTQN ALAMANCE 33.78 pu=lwatw. %'OCs 33.72 NONCD000007S CALROLINA=AL AND ALLAYS 1016 E. SPRLTGFIELI}AVENUE HIGH POINT G=ORD sail. metals NCD990715658 SOUTBERN h LNTUFACTL-RING. INC. 1000 SEABOARD ST CHARLOTTE )dECKI—BURG 33.72 maL mimics NCD446I4&318 TESsACOINCIPAA' CR= 4I0 S_1DIER RD CHARLOTTE bfECXLENEURG 33.72 kaowmdmq dW4 NONCDW01150 C3iARIOTTP. SATTERI 2926 YOLNG13LOGD SI CHARTOTTE 1dECKLL.ENRURG 33.57 knowa+,-m ed6ed, NCDiA3146143 P= ML'STRIES_ INC. 2210 E PETIIGRL% ST DURIiW DURHAM 33.157 known+smgmmed, NONMON30B I HYDRO EXTRUSION USA $LOGS ? AND 3 1512 AND 1516 LN'DUSTRY DR BURII%VGTCQ4 AL.A'IjefANCF 33.151 said mebls soil SVOCs giant_ VOCS NCDO03162500 CONSOLIDATED E!�,FGRAVERS CORP. 311 E 12TH ST CI3ARLDTFE MECELENBURG 33.51 _Ennlwliatei. VOCs muface imatEF, metaL- sci� mebl sedwoenL V OCs =fhce water. V OCs grouadu-atK, =Ebl Moil. VOC& mdanenr_ metals NCD065245495 I=IWTdSSIGNS 401PATETOR'NRD GOLI}SBORO WAY'-V')= 33.41 groundsater;VOCs WE. VOCs NO14C IDOODMA M00RES CUMPANY US I BL-II,1ESS & SR 1001 171 + H NDERSON VA`,TICE 33.35 sail VOCs NCDO55550560 GULF AD=IVES & RE&INS- ERSL"; S WARD STREET HIGH POINT GUI FORD 33.33 grmludvatu. VOC. NCDD00281832 SANFORD PL.ATNG C04lPANi' SR 1466 SANFORD LEE 33.3' :al, ides 1601Page Siw LDNOL Srrrh4uare Addreu cP Cowen, Sacra Madmen, CMrM&Mf NONCDOM)097 MOR1xIS, NORNIAN 1UGHSCAY 8714ORTH ELON COLLEGE ALrLiLkNCE 33.23 sm4 metals NCNMOW1119 EDWARDS PROPERTY FOiNDRY&kND 10209 R OZZELLES FERRY RD CiiARI;C= MECdL UR:G 33_Ig sail- metsl NCDO54417308 COASTAL CHE111C-U CORP. NC 42 CLA=ON IOINSION 33_11 soil- Pesacidesrlieraicides NONCDOOOOO96 NiASO'IDRW STORAGE 42 FIBEREi.E. SI=HWY CANYDN HAYWOGD 32-W k=mvu+mg)ecoed. NCD981928385 JDHNDE:ERE TRACTOR: 601 AND S&1413 hiOC3CS= DAME 3295 lmcwm�m4 eoted- NONCDW01167 COOPERAGE IRACT NC 99 & US 264 BELiiAVEN BEAUFOR:T 3294 pambdwdu VOCs anun,dnatr, mvrpmim NONCD0Wl l23 RALEIGH TTA-SE PARCEL S A= Sr & MORGAN ST RALEIGH WAKE 3294 Vuunduater, VOCs NCD072918252 GENERAL ELECTRIC COiNM STEh' M. TURBIN OCLD K 4' LEIGHRD DURHAM DUR ALM 32.88 uoundnater, VOCs NCDO93783876 VANIER GR4=S CORPORATION 655 NlE DOA RI] E13E i ROC[I NGBL6-M 32. 86 sod G'OCs pvussdnatr, GOCs NCD984729479 CAROLAICiICOMPAATY 1426 W IiOUNTALN ST KEF- EKSVIiLE FORSYTH 32.81 m* VOC: NONCD0001723 FLLti'T BIAS RESOURCES-CEfi S1TE. 3 330 MTR R:IOAD 'NlLNM GTO�T NEW I.1AN'0G EIi 32.62 sin-hm yr ter, VOCs Eroumdaat2r. VOCs NCD001388965 LACKAWANNALFATHERGO, I�W. BlL'Y70AveFm CONCriRR CATAWBA 32.48 gnoundaater,mebls NCD991472624 US 70 DRUM DLT.MP Us 70 MORGANTON BUIU E 32.4I soil, VOCs sail- SVOCs NCNCDOW1036 JOYCETONWATER INC1RKSWELLS '_&9 NOFSWANSONED LENOIR CALI9WELL 3238 EroundNatu.VOCs NCD9805102B32 CREE. B=K;ErBOR:DE2N =IECAL US FIR'Y24-87 ({ROVE ST) FAI TTE -= C IfGERL,4N11 3235 lmoxwmgecteR NCDO95470332 THDNIT A S2dMONS COMPANY 1IRN STEELE CREEK ROAD CHARLOTTE 'M=-ENSURG 32.33 sod SVOCs metal NONCD0402558 319 S W= ST DarfLOFNM4T 3I4 WEST ST RALEIC7T1 WAKE 3227 soil: VOCs soil, SG'OCs NCD0S0885551 DAUGIERTY CHEvIICtA.L CO4&ANY 307 WAI= STREET DURHAM DITII-L i 3227 soul- metsl NCD9S0S48766 GIBES FT FC'IROPLA=G 521GI5216HOVIS ROAD CHARLOTTE. n+fECKLE URG 3227 smi, metals 161 IPage sdefDNa Si1e14"aare 4a'& ss NCD9908471?3 HURTRESIDENCE HWY64 NO14CD0002r0 S%E ATIRM HP & BOBBY TAYLOROIL CCl- PANSO4=ATERDM E NCDO03193167 LUNG hQ2%TL FACTURLVG 111 FAIRVIEW STREET NCD98'U98774 CAL -TONNE PAINTS 5115 NEW BERN AVE NCD991279680 CS3EMCR FT.+S DOLLT P.' M PRODUCTS 3950 NEW Wri1RE. T%)V6r4 RD NCDO03221M CFST ,RY FURNMRE CONTANY 42012TIi S qW NOIMOo00084 TFIEFLMO PRODUCTS,D,3C. NoKLIM5 STREET NCD986799019 CHEROKEE OIL 1101 RF.RRYBILL ROAD NCDO53010732 PARKS-CFAb ER COMPANY 2W S BLVD N01+MOD00059 TIAYCOCOCEUANLANDFILL RTIHYATTCREEKROAD NCSFNM7143 AMr RICANELI M ENTS MO W4i-IAC:E ST NCD986186883 CCTC PESTICME DISPOSAL 607ll i MROUGH STREET NCD981476709 CTI OF NC. INC ION S FRONT ST NCD990557847 KAISER ACMEFARNIARICEF SR1870 VOC - volatile organic compound SVOC - semi -volatile organic compound C* CeaenN Seere _M{ed4um, C"lnrrei�t MORGANTON &URKE 32.27 siA VOCs FrIYE='I= CUNrrxIxr ND 32.27 sate,; VOCs sou. VOC s roundsatet. SVOCs goum3scares. MSE31� TARBORO EDGECO: BE 32.13 gmundnatu, VOCs s.,:: SVOCs K=GH RAKE 3194 soal metals gmumdwates. mebt AYNSTON-SALIM FOKSYTH 31.9? }ouudsrarer, SVOCs �otmdsPatet. metals s04, avetals A�L VOCs Dmundwats_ VOCs HICKORY CATAWBA 31.90 sail metal DN'Ta7N DAVMSON 31.77 su* VDCs -mL, metals CHARLOTTE MBCKLENSURG 31.76 sail, VDCs mufm water, meals soil metals CTIARLOTIE �MK]a,]EjaUEG 31.73 anvndcGater, metals g�va . VOCa WA=VIi iR HAYWOOD 3I.71 gr umda- . VOCs FARMVII I,E PITT 31.68 soil, metals O%TORD GRAB = 31.67 saqmdeL 1%II2kM GTO�I NEW EIANOVER 31.63 -vi!. VOCs grDuu3—. VOCs =GE.LWC)OD CALLAEKUS 31.60 so0,Imtmde5�1k6+M+m uoundwatu. SVOCs 1621Page Sif9LDNo- site Aume _ zMress Cio. Coumv Scare Medium, Coniamum! pnimdaarer. L-Ws NONCD0001177 ALCOA-P2FERDRAVRTEDISP0Sr7L PINERD STANLY 31.53 scAimcTpu;, soiL cyanide soil VOCS soiL SVOCs SUL mebi NCD990945119 BL33iORN PESTiCIL1E5 NC 581 & NC 42 AfILSON %rf SON 31.36 ;ok VOCs sm1 PE=&sHerb idea NCDOD0829566 TARTANNLUINE PROPERTY NC IRGHWAY 77 & SR. 2032 HL= RIC1IlMOND 3133 soar. owul NCI7981S63814 L NC ASTER PLATING 802 EDWARDS ROAD LILLINGTON HARN'E.TI 3132 sco. metal NONED0001415 MARYCIRCLE BATTERY ZIONCFIURCH&MARYCRL CONCORD CABARRUS 31.18 Sob!uaetrl NCDO45451473 ACE CHR4fiCALCORPORAT20N 9MI S TRYOON ST CHAR10= MECKLENBURG 31.05 sod OC- �adararer pnuVOCs e701mvhvamr.. MKS NCD049845266 ST. --= CASE GOODS (FORMER) H%TY?1I AFEST LND h,MORE 3I.01 poundsrawr. VOCs NONCD0000619 SIR WALTER GUN CLUB US64 RALEIGH WAKE, 30.96 :od.metaL• NCNCD0002788 ALLOWAYRESIIIENCE 405 PAR-ADBE LANE SHAI.I.= BFlTJNSR'ICK 30.88 puwxaearer VOCs NONCD0400670 BEN= SANITATION SERVICE 1B09 W FRONT ST STATE<SVI= MEDELL 30.S7 1mov Ekt L d- NCD99OH3460 GRANT CREEK R7STP CRUSE ROAD SALiSBURY ROWAN 30.66 sml VOCs NCD003195963 V EST]NGHOUSE ELEC METER & LIGHT US l N R-=GE RAKE 30.57 scat, owul a,Ai VOC- puaudsrarer, 4'OCs NONCD0041060 DIM MA -CHINE & TOOL CD 2204 PATTERSON S GRREENSBORO GUM FORD 30.4-6 soa , VOCs NCDC24740433 EC KkNUFACT[IRDG 413 -N. POLL STREET PIIdEiFTi.T F h¢.CELENBURG MA5 sAal nwtaL 30.43 NONCDG001033 AMMCANCONTRACT COAUNGSS HlXY55 APEK WAKE komvn/—pected NONCDC001067 CC DICKSCLN 15')4 SOUFHBOL=4RD CHARLC= h€E.CPIMMURG 30.43 soil SVOCs pumdwarer SS`OC.s 1631Page sifemlva SiWNZMP NCD003938586 CDR*tNGGLA&SiWORYS NCO 00998336 CP PROPERTIES N014CDO001595 DEA`IS PICELES, FMR CATES NCD4006165 % SCOT�-'IIL INC'SEC-LE= PRODUCTS Address 310 NORTHCOLLF.GE ROAD 2356 BRO94N RDAI} 354 i I. FAISGN AVF- HS4'Y 74 E NCD003186UD3 INTERNATIONAL PAPFR,RICfMfO1{D CaAVURF 2215 5_ %'SLI► INGDON STREET NONCDOW1175 MDTOV4W SQUARE VALET DRY CLEANERS 401 S I EPE }ML;CE Fd.VD NCDO2476266S NUSR BROT= PLATING INCIGREER NONCDO002999 PARRI.S & N MAIN ST SOLVENT" NCD980557722 HARRISBURGSATTERY NCDO67342175 TRJLVCO.INC. NCD991277724 MITCI-=L. SYSTEMS_ DiC. NCDO57249759 13ATCH RfBBETR PUN D NONCDOW27BI ADAMS FAINTING SERVICE NCDO03213568 LIBERTY E'l'RI•iII'U-RE COFPiCHFLOMCRAFT NCNM0002797 KOCHNORTH PARAX-fLF" - 107NEMARF;ET ST 2300 BLOCK N MALi1 ST= 2609 MGHWAY 49 SR 1611 ALTAP ASS RD GRAD. BOULEVARD 722 WELLINGTON AVE 330 N GREENSBORO ST 3225 RIVER RD Ci,y Comma ! Score 3Sedapim cfMwAuMMf avumd9Patel. vic5 saik G OCs WIIMI VGTON NEW HANOVER 3037 known+Rl' f142Y4 SAN ORD LEF 30.23 MA metal Mdm=L metals SVDGs FAISON DUFLL� 30.23 }oua& atu: Fnorgame, MO ROE UNION 30.21 soiL SVOCs Mrnmduater. metals MA VOCs yoiL ometals ernmdeeatez. Voc- RALEIGH WAKE 30.10 i VOCs PTUD V aror. VOCs CHARLOTTE. ME'CE1—J:NBTjRG 30.06 xiL LO7Cs e vLmdwatef. VOC: ammdAatPs. ametajs REIDSVI F ROCRLti HAM 30.05 kaowL-3u4 eroe�i HIGH POINT GUif FDRD 30.05 groumlwatei, VOCE HARRISBURG CABARRUS 30.00 soii,M.Ebi CONNE3 r Y SPRL, GS BLJ= 29.87 soil SVOCs 29.S2 SPRUCE PINE ]�II7CHELT soil. metal R.DANDIG= IL-iLPIDS IIAI..IFAX 2912 sail. VDCs ¢oimdssatel. Vo Cs GTLI GTD�+ NEW HLNOVEii 29.71 l now¢, LIBERTY RANDOLPH ntqxLn4 29_60 sail WLNffi4GTO:i NEWHANOI'TR SwocmcL,VoCs eY m3watei.; : 1641Page SiWLDNdl SiLe Noma _ Akess c* C--T Sarre MarlmE4 6Mft KkMl NCD986170679 WOOD ROAD DRUM BLEIAL CIR= WOOD RD.SR'64i GASTONIA GASTON 29.44 knuwn+suspeded, NCD04!3EZSU RF.EZiH01D CHENaC_46L.. INC. SR 1916 MONULRE CHATHAlf 2933 mi� VOCs 29.31 NONCDW02863 BABY DLLFER SERI ICE 1819 SFRE%TGrGA32DEN ST GREENSBORO GUUFORD soiL VOCs m,mmi%ver. VOCs ovindnaoer. ha -es NONCDW280 PCS NITROGEN. FINIRLY ARCADTAN 2830 H%rY 421 NORTH VT-,-GTONT NEW HANMTR 29_0 groundnaLer. matg rs NCDOD3218161 CORtiIEI.i-DIIBITJERFTFx' CNICS 265211ALYRUNiPLESTILEIT[ SANFORD LEE. 29.02 pouadnarer VOCs mo. vOCs NONCDOOOI I06 MCROFRONABRASWES, INC 10424 RODNEY ST PIND TLLE MEC KLEN URG '_8.94 uounanaaer: VOCs mod, SS'�7Cs pvmciv aw SVOCs NCD991278714 C-AROCHF-bi INC. 540 GLZF ST DURFUILM DURHAM 28.72 md� VOCs NONCDON1055 L. MNGTO>; FURNITURE Eili7. PLNT NO 12 3301 COTTONGROG'E LANE L=CrTON DAVIDSON ^_8.59 soil, VOCs NCD984S43528 TOWNCF=RD2[ ONAL04RTP HEUG'TOWNROAD SALISBURY ROWAN 2S.50 known+s 400rel NCD0481 &951 BL=GTDV HOME CHAIR HIGHWAY 2f 8 RONDA ATiJTE_ 28.49 kucwm sv d. NCDOOO828616 U SS AGPd-CHIMCALS FARM SERVICE HIFY 701 V[tFIIFEv= COLLKSUS 2S.45 lrnoRu mzpeck-cL NONCDOOO1S05 =ONPTFF.TSNF RlLTRRD L.ELAND 13RUNSWICK ?8.3' 3nucamwu.VOCs2834 NCD991277922 GASION C GU-= DYIM4G hL4LCIR E CA. 200 S MAIN ST STANLFY GASTON giu mdwater_ VOG ernuadsr,ItEr Marganrr. NCDO03149291 GASTON C{H = DYBNGhtkCEEM CO. HVVY27EAST MOUNT HOLLY GASTON 2$.34 p=cl%-Aer. morpmcs NCDO03186178 COASTAL CHEMCAL CORP. EVANS ST= Gl � PI1T 26.33 sml, Fesucide +I1ex3ncide NONLD OW1985 7 4—NON CIIF- CfC.kT CORPORATION 1-665 HIGHWAY 64EAST US PLYMOVFH WASFIINGT'ON 2S22 grrnmdaafer. maagaaic: NCD991278591 B-L�LLwGTDV FLT 2ZTUXE? NMERPL 64 EAST L=CYTON DAVIDSON 2S.12 kmmm�mmpecred_ NCD99OU3275 NT= f.T N Cl-MOCAL COWANY DENNIS STREET EiK'TENSION E1,TF T7 HALT k 28.04 38t1 �Bielsdz'Her�nrides 1651Page &02LU & SiWNZMr .9ddre3s City COLEMW Score Me um, Canwinvianr Sm4 SVOCs NCDDD3151651 V4 LARD SN21TDfG CO. 101 -'NE%SE1iN SF CHARLD"PFI; Iv ECELENBURG 27.96 scaL metal NCD991279839 NORTH STATE CHE'ti•IICAiS 6211 H LT_\Tr RD PLEr &kNF GARDEN GUILFORD 27.60 sod, VDCs saLk metals PotimdRatex VOCS NONCDO001030 MLR 2911 LEEAVE%= SANFORD LEE 27.50 poundwater VOCs so* VOCS NONCDO000013 CAROLINA HARDWOODS 15S FACTORY STREET VOLi_LANMON MARIDT 27.49 --m-hreu-aw.matL-. NCINCDOW 1166 CENTRAL GRAIN-MORGANS COEINER 1332 HASSELI RD ELIZ BFM CRY P.ISQUOTANK 272E guundstater. aietis noundwares. me vanir notisdshaYer. SVOCa o . metals sal inarrm ns NCDO24770125 B`u=GTOS FJ1dgr1'U- E ATOAH STREET ROSSiNSV'lI3.E GRAIL-%M 27.I0 soil: SVOCs NONMD)00091 DUKE POWE&•'WALNUTCOVE P046'ERHOUSE X0-%D WALNTil TCOVE. STOKES 26.95 knownl-us ected- NCDC24 6959 + CHARLOTTE STEEL DRUM 2904 WEST TRADE STREET?14 CHARLOTTE hf X, URG 26.67 knower ,-uTBued NCD99 i278304 LTIITED DRUM VA RELL%N;CE U`iIV_ BERKL_FY ST HIGH PAINT GUILFORD 2655 }oum3water, V'OG e7oamdnater_ metals NCDOD3213981 BEN= CORPORATION I-S5 INNES ST EXIT HIGHWAY SALISBURY ROWAN 2636 soLL metal NCD986166288 WOODYS TaE FIRE 321 GA-STONIA GASTON 2635 kmowc'y, cte�- NCD99OB69168 INMOhTI' CORPgIA F CORPORATION 1701 W WESTLNGHOL SE BLVD CTIARLOTTE MECiL URG 2623 grouedsater V.°OCs AL. WOGS NONCDOW''529 BASSETTFGR=4RE-VL'£L4fANPLANT 1603 LEOnARDST RA24l= RANDOL.PH m.05 knawusv�med NCD003218492 CAROUNARUBBER HOSE CO'iGANY 1301SOUTHRILMAD SAIJSBUAY ROWAN 26.04 a4SV0Cs VOCS sod metals NONCDON2988 PE_trii3ROKEF_kRNIHOIrEE& G�BDEN 302 W M SF PEi ROSE ROSESON 26.02 groundaater. mcvrpm c:3 1661Page SiffiFDN& SileNo" _dddre U C* Ceroxly Snare Msdiarr, Cov &Rimmu NCD00346V65 VAUGHAN-SAS=FkLT—,TiLIRE. CO. ELKIN SURRY 25.93 smL' SVDCs ROUTE 268 EAST N0NCDO001039 OVERCA.SFI GRAVEL & GRADING CO. INC. 1150 SHELTON ROAD CONCORD GABARRUS 25.71 Lmowal NCD980602791 SALVAGE OEL OF Al=CA 1227 MCLEjOD STREET R.0=G1IALN RICIEMCRIM 25.68 soil, VOCs sol SVOCs NCD000822130 ILkRRELS0NRi,BBER(DOWANY HVVY 220 SOUTH ASHEBORO RANDOL.PH 25A5 Lnowal-.L ezred. NCD003200656 FEATHER PROCESSORS, iNC HR'Y 117 NORTH R)SE t1II.L. DUP N 2530 saaL meraL, NCDO031497n DAYLOCORP RATSAMRD WAYNEWELIE HAYWOOD 2526 Uovndwatu,VO-Cs sail V005 pm m lwam SVbCs SOL SVOCs NCSFN0406894 STAiLLNGS SALVAGE SECRESTAVE MQVRDE UNION 24.89 known;oigmcieL NCD067191 }62 FIRF3T!]I`lE T1SiE AND RUBBER C0MPANY HR'Y" 301 %TLS0N 'WILS0N 24.45 -mb . %K�Cs NCD077821296 SOUTHERN RBSEVUS INDUSTMES LIC 1510 DENTD 4 ROAD THOhiASVl= DAVIDSON 23.62 gioimd wu. SVOCs NCDO77839599 THOMASVffLLE FOREST PRODUCTS CLARIGSBURY CHRUCH ROAD THDhiA.SVF—E A41IDSON 23.10 sil mEt3L NCD980838551 MCDOWE€.L FEL7MLN ASSOCIATION SITE SR 1214 (9JM l= ROAD M UION MCD0F4= 23.09 I,nowwmg*c L NCD096158696 BiRI- tiGTON LVDUSTRIELS, DIC. 60 8 HIGH POLII' RD GFEEKSBORO GUILFORD 22_43 geoimdwaier VOCs ummawater SVDCs SL, base,Sy,, bl P ..dwk,.m sail VCC5 NCD071579528 FORHU5,HMETAL SPEER BRIDGE ROAD YADE3NVII_I_E YA= 21.90 ,DiL cvamde mi], metal• soil Mcs NCS9D0IXh i8 CROWDERS MOUNTALi STATE PARK CROWDERS MOLNTAIN STATE PARS GASFONIA GASTON 21.57 1uowa?-aspected, NCD003236941 W ARLICK PAL' T COI PAYY 945 MONRCE ST STATFSVII.I.E. IREDELL 21.47 Lnowm-'-.0 erred. NCD9962321-13 SUMM RESC= �L!LN4G Tf 35101 GRIBBLERQ-�D STALLINGS UNION 2L45 s4 SVOCs safacena6a, VOC's wil LFOCs VOC - volatile organic compound SVOC - semi-vokatile organic compound 167 P a g e Si&?EDNdz- S}fs Ak" lddrdss Ci!T C-2Q Scare medimae, Commminaul iaiL in xp=-- NCD054284518 STAMIARD PACKAGING CORPORATION HWY 73 w Mr GILi? kD MONTGOMERY 2I.07 laoau sn�ec�ed NCDD03214574 SPRUANCE SOUTFffM--T, ETC. 115 E F .LYR DR DAVIDSON 20.81 lmuww NCDO4614%19 EQSTRANDGIiEhfICAL.D�C. HVVY9 LENODI C.ALD);= act-oe[L 20.72 NCD9SO559637 BEAT -Nil CORROYLNG& FlMK-M;G T INEBERGER STREET L4tiL'E€..L GASTUN $nonm'suspected_ 19.99 NONCUON1005 TRANSEASTERN CORP. S09 S LODGE ST T%S-ILSON A`II SON knovkmsu-pected, 19.E-6 NCDO48462881 ARMOLOYCOOFNC.•HI-TECH 16035AL.15BURYROAD STAL=VII_LE. =ELL. knanmsuspeCMd- 19.37 NCD98I921083 SWIFT ADBF'Sl3 9724 LUDUSTRIAL DRAT SR P1NEVn T F NMNDKLENBURG Hd&2 1 NONM0000014 BOLSE CASCADE 1916 MOVC21iE Ca4lH--d 18.96 bwww'.mmxe red NCDO57037178 PFIZER LkTC COTY DILZSION COTE MI -L RD & HiG'Y 4' E SA14FORD LEE 18.48 povadna : VOCs soil VOCs NCDD67178707 FAWN PLASTICS CO_, ETC. 10235 US 264A hIDDLESEY NASH 17.,34 gauadseaias. VOCs sail VOCs NONCDON003 4 ASHE'1JITS. MUSTRIES 20 GLEN BRIDGE RD'SR3495 ARDL"T 3UNCONME. 1630 sod VOCs Md. MkaL NONCDON'_498 SOUTHE.RNGRAPIECSSYSTEMS 2406N. 23RD ST= R1L LEGTOST NEW-HgJNOL'E8 1592 goundna . metal s NONCDOOOO453 CAROLINA MARBLE CO. LZLkNMOUND ROAD 28M .1LBi3rFiARLE STANLY 1529 L-nawnimg*dz. NONCD0000009 PARTCNSMOTOR CONTAYY SOLTHYORKROAD HG6Y GASTONIA GASTON 1521 h3mm'm NONCDONOW22 CAPE YEAR CHEARCALSBL BRICE 701 5 FT2763=057N BLADEN 11.49 sail. Pesticides-Herkode; NONCDOM3193 FARM =11CALS RAE.FORD 2274 ST_ PATfi S HWY RAEFORD HCEE sod pE-,tindrjhnzbncides 1681Page D. Inactive Hazardous Sites Inventory - Site Status Note: Upon discovery, sites are added to the evaluations Pending or Pollutant Unly Site -Open categories of the Inactive Hazardous Sites Inventory. As resources are available, the sites are ranked and transferred to the Sites Priority List (Appendix A). The Sites Priority List has information on contaminants and contaminated media and a score used to determine the order of full-scale remedial actions at sites without responsible parties, providing funds are available for such. If a party volunteers to clean up a site and enters into an agreement with the Division, the site is then transferred to the Voluntary Action category. Once cleanup is complete, the site is transferred to one of the "No Further Action" (NFA) categories. Other information on sites activities this reporting year can be found in sections II -V of this report. A list of the pre-1983 landfills by county can be found in Appendix C. Site ID No. Site Name Street Address City Category AL.i3LiSGE i7C5°-315'_ Akr= IN CA-4NI £r.ECDISFL*ION 7C4V1 R=73 G1L#HA-M hF . NC.,CDC 12!9 ANI.LLI{rrED 2609TUCKERST. BURLENGTON Eval.P ad -me NO'rCDC-'-KUS ANYPD3ENHo=YBLDG 7L-NORTHPa.ARAI-E BURIMIGT N Etial.Pauhms NONCDC:•03275 AOSMrrHELECTRICMOTOR. MCPBERSOVDR- 4ff33�*rE i-c:--rf(.iA) NCD04'==23087 APOLLo CHE4HCAL coRPORAnm I LOS SOT TMERIANI) STREET GRAN 4Si SPL NONCDC05'--933 B & C GROCERY 942 E HAKISEN &T GRAHAM EvaL Peodivo NONCDC003456 HR-4DLEYSTSOLVMgrS 7C4BRADLEYST BURLLNGT()N Esal.P dmy NONCDCOMCO2 BLRI,NGTON COAL Gh&PLAiNJr L205N CHURCH Sr BTMLPfGTON Vohmtuy( A) NCDCS�'--69}69 SLRlJ-NGTDNINDUST ES,INC_ 664GnMERSTREET 6TMUNGTON NFA Nc :::091443 CAROUM4`B30LOG3CALYORERD. -RPSB71'VGE2?00YORKRD. BURI.INGTON Eral.Awdine NO�,:::*YM030 COLLINS AND aTa&AN 327EASTELMST. GRAI-MM 5PL NC�Z:DCMIC44 ODb4SEERCLiIAEVIN 2600 PARX RDADFEL. BURLLVGTON NFA NCD::.1=67099 CONE b= CORNGKANTrr FLVl=G OLD HWY 70 HAW 3A`ER NFA NC�Z:D4001313 CORTUU6F.BEWS 316SVLEikMOr.gTDR SWPSONral.E ElaLP dma NCB:Z*M2944 E�IGLVFEREDCONTROLS PiTERNATIONAL 194REGODR. H3AN VoNuWjffA) NCN:DCM1757 GB LABEL S,INC. 1070 S, RIVERVIEW DRnrE BnU.JNGTON Vaimmy( A) }v310 GM,3CN'V1UE. CITYOF E TOYN RST GMSON4rI= Eval. Rmuhme NC{'::. =: °=-3 GL=3{R4 E'f ]{3LLS TUCKER &=TC BURLINGTON Sm 7 G== i 3L41=_ 3'_L13 - CUNSU_M R PROD DLV - C ALl_46H_k _iTl L 4]QN UT,i�4FULW Era1 Peudine G_ S'_ZLS [FORM3X� 142 GLE''~ -W: ROAD G_-- 1L `%1LN &PL NOS :_ :::::T4 GRi-iSd AWTPDLUN)S-41.,3RT-4 1204E GZBR-NTH ST GRiXILM Etia1 3=diue NCB -- ::::'36 i3_RDLY CIX-k ]FRS 2.10 W 3 LkRDLV ST GR.iFAM EraL Peodme HOITSTREET DT.r_1{P HOITST NIEB NE SFL NCD:::.-:::4 HYDRO EETRUSIONUSABLDGNO.1 13073NDU&TILYDRYVE BURLIN€.TON E-wlP®dine In-DRo ERTRUSION U5,i HL7 GS 2 AND 3 13 32 AND 1514 ESMSTRY DS BURLENGTON SPL KAI-GER-RJOTH -GR.iIL4M-C 2L9 W.HARDHN ST. GRAHA.M Etal. Paudme NCB -- :::.:S 0 FFJNG STREET SOLY'EYr COVTA_APfATIOR+I SW KING &T BURLINGTON Etial. Paodme L4WP.ENCE 3NDU5TRIPS #49 TROLLINGWOOD RD HAW RIVER Eml. Peodine NC :D:•15159] 1.'R CV4-,SI.,�i3SL4`VCE COPLANT -1+1Q3]M 2TO TUC',6ERST. ZTr BURLINGTaN 5P= NCB : D4]0'-C43 M.ASSEY RESIDENCE GLEN 540 TROLLINGWOOD ROAD LL46W RIVER Etial. Paodme NC�1::D*50'--M3 MCDOV__4I.DRPSIDE:VVCT;FITL4BETH 3560MT. HER_Ii:UVROCK CREEK RD GRiIULM EZal.Pomdme NOY--' ?53M EMP3.!D1TH-WMPTJN INGCOMPANY 334NMAXISTREET BL'RIXNGTaN EsaLAwdme NOy :_ : " `".CST l 03=. NORMAN 1-11 GHWAY a7 NORTH ELAN COLLEGE SPL NCy -- :::' :18 MR TEE '121 S FISHER ST BURLINGTaN EsaL P uLma N GRiF_kM HC PED LE RID CONTAMLd4TIOV N GRAHAM HOP 11 U E RL BTMIJNGTON EsaL P n"g NCY :_ ... .37 NCDOT - EIIE =23 3:IF.FFArR31CH d[�r 1121 FRJPFMAN wJ= FJ BURIJNGTQN Eca1.Pomdma NCB -- :::=:40 VCDor - 51TE = 2 E I'-iRTINMALKIEIT?ZBURLLNG 1671 HUFPMAN MLL R7 BURLINC,TaN EVA Peodine NCB i D :.::":9 P_�NTRY 16 L - SOII z-'M 1431 HWY 67 NOIT:H P1AN NFA NCD9&53-` __-4 RED CAP DOG FOOD CHARCH A -VD GR. %r S STREEr& B-TRLINGTON NFA NONCDC01,2392 RML4<NE-UnITYPMMR� 200REDNIANCROSSINGROAI) bMA-{E NFA NONCDO0165 S RENTAL T)WHL AND UNNO&M 6 LO WOODY DR GRL -k.M EtiaL Am"e NONCDOM428 RUDD RESIDENCY. GEOR.GE 1263 N. VC 67 ELON COLLEGE E7A PM3AMS NOMCDC -466 SHIPI &MOBILEFOMIPxAF{ 1341HWY 67 NORTH -ONCO=GE EraLPndiue NONCD0002571 SY ES RISIDEICE. ROROnE 1456 GAPTT ROAD GRi-3Si EtiaL P®diue NOMCDOCII03 V.-UT=R MD= PORTABLE EQUU%M IT 1394 5 rHM ST =dFE k�� Vdmzwxy VL%) NONCD0=6H WASHINGTON STREET @ICIDHNT& R18,920,926 4i-C%11 bIGrOV STREE GR:LF 42M E7a1 Peudme NONCDWP-TL0 AESTFOINTHOR,IE.INC. -UA-MANCP 2516INDU&TILYDRYi?E BLRLZiGTOT 1TA - MCDN03220969 4'E•DTE FURNITIMECO. 701 E CENTER ST MEBANE NF3 NCD144212701 WOODY DRIVEVOC& 609 WOODY DRIVE GL LtM EraLAm"e NONCDC002759 WORX-VA dPMPELrY 1361-1375 NORTH CHURCH STREET BLR1XNGT() I EsaL Aln"c - NONCD000'--767 WRIGHTP248jaKY MTf.T R 4o5 50UTH LL41V SrFj Er G3LARA- i NTA NCD0032--23799 CLANTON-MAR_CUSCO.,INC. HWY L27N BETHIF= NF3 Evan NFA — Vo Fm-AsTAcrioLJ SPL - Silas FnM4 List NTT —'lkFra70JeTAcdopi xthpn pmrft-usenu&ictms V-aim moo (Ai)— VotrmrmyAcdap, -Nbi-- ;m Sete-Xo?0jamW43'0 rs M'3SMWW sire 1691Page NCD481932932 PCB CDNTANINAiTiOnUr LL5 ROUTE 12 B03E479 TAYLORSL'TLLP NEAT JLIJ GIMMY xfCD3S2119636 L4LTF.ELSPPiVGS HWY l8 1,A.UR1 SPRLVGS NFA 'YONCDOODO b SPAiRTA LVDUSTTRES US HAY 2 L SPARTA NFA 'YCDM 66505 SPARTAMUSTRIES-NEWPLANT 1731USHTi4Y2LSOUTH SPARTAi NFA ANS 01% *fONCD0001046 BAHRECYC7.MS 7256US344i POLETUN SPL *fCD480S79M1 CTIFbIICviL SECfJP1CTCSYSrfbLS SR 18123TS0T1lQile NFA NONCD0001197 COFFINGH01SU 2020COUNTRY CLUB RI} W-4DESEIORIO NFAw Rzitr. NONCD0001544 COOKSONFIBERS HIGHWAY 12 NORTH NSONVILLP VOL-=y( A) NONCD0001 L42 FLYNT'RrA4SCNk ONE WANS0731A PLACE W-4DFSBORO EsaL Poadiao NO=0001M G=sYti.S[4.iUFACl=GMECOR4TIVEHOR, ACCEI{%Y 12 A RATLIFP GINLO4D MORTdEN VOL-� NCDM17L9N GO. -IT PASiTJREROAD SR Lll-4 W-4DPSBORO NFA NCDM171932 FLGE TOW-R ROAD SR 1101 W-4DPSBORO NFA A13HE NONCD000107 C{T_ rk-BL-lIUI(BERCO 30]LOCUST ST WEST]EFFERSON STiJ. NONCD00017R3 GREEK! PROPERTY, RICHARD 1SY2MULATTO MOUNTAIN ROAD WEST IEFFERSON EvaL Poadme NONCD000'3150 NCDOI - SITE 473 16H HIGHWAY 221 NORTH TEFFEaSON EhaL Poadma_ NONCD000'33Q2 FIFIMO" CONCRETE DLAD0]IHCONCRETE R126BEAVER CREFEROAD WEST JEFFERSON NFA NCDW316-60 SP1L%1fILjEFI.EC= COWAiNY HWY 194 IANSING SPG NONCD00D1032 THOMA.SVI LEFTfRNTRTHE MI S.�THPORTDRIVH WEST JEFFERSON SPL *fO=0002648 U-V= CHF ff-co ]-Ncrmu,3T 193MCNEMRD- 1-4NSING EmL P%ndmo &%T±RY *f0*ICD00011Q2 BLUE RIDGE AUTO SALES 7796LI} VILLE FALLS HWY 4lTA-VO7.W4 EvaL Awdme NO?ICD000'3192 NCDOT-YRA?fELtih EMIDLNCE OFF 181, Kr 2 -NERLAND Nan-Haz:36 NO?ICD000'39k2 NFW1L4<ND PPST]CIDkES SITE 1339 NE7> 12LgD H rY VP119,37 D Vary �zk) BL4LF0RT NOnCDW01203 4.PAc- isHmGr0YAsPHALTPL-4`VT DIRTRD 44-rHINGIcN SPL NONCDOW1164 O cpER-4GPTRAcr NC4A&US264 BELFL4VEN SPL NONCD0001S14 H_MSII.TQNREAC7•LTEACTORSSLEY OFF SR15099NEAR WALSHLVGTDNA W-t5HINGrOST SPL NONCDW01285 6iASON LUMBER CO (FRMR) 1935 Wi STM ST W SHINGrON NFA .TCDM1MS47 V47=O ALSPDQZNGCONPANY WEST 3Q°STRE2T W SHINGrOV SPL XrOnCDW01055 PERTI_VS = BODY REPAIRSHOP 5TEE;T T 4—'4-11+1GrOV NFA XrOnCDOOKSLS RAI:C-- FEM 821E (PRIVATEER BOATS) HWY 264BYP43SN BELL-L4VEN SPL. *rO=0001168 RRTK CITY CDNSTRUCTION CO 3534 CHERRY RUN RD W lS=GrO3i SPL 'YCDO.DL23M SINGERCO-7UF.PIlTUKH DIVWiASHNGTON STATE3i_iDLL75 CHOCOAZxRT'c' SPL NONCD000'25 L0 SOLTHSIDE HOME A GARDEN NC HZ-" 33 P CHOCOU-DTITF E- aL P=uhmo NCDC93 567065 STANAD}ATE_ INC-DIPSFL SYST bM CL.iRKS N=CK RD WASHINGrOV E-vaL P=Ufma_ NCD0415L33M TMEASGU1F CHEM]CALS CONPAI Y HIkY 3CIS NORTH AURORA SPL NCD48 lRM5 WASHINGTON COAL GAS PLANT WEST 3"' STREET Q. CSHINGTUY Vohmtuy (AA) BOERTIF NOMCDOOD1904 BAiZEMORE GEACERY novroi=i D REPUB1,WAN EvaL P=ubmo NONCD0002176 NCDOT ASPHALT TESTING LOB SITES 50 SE 01TNCI 7 A HC301 LEU3STOV E4aL Poadiao Y-N-DCOD2326 PONCE .4`ND STOKES, Rw P-OBOR 3GR 'W]NDSOR E%mL Amdmo -:'?L2]5 RJR TECH COMPANY 641 AVOCAFALRM RD MERRYHILL SPL• - ::'_{'3' ROXOBEL IFF-4CO 102 N MADT ST R.OXOBzL EhaL Pond -me - ::' ==J WFi => liA-E 1SEe ClagZ ESTDN HWY 308 W LPWISTOV SFL BL4LDEN NONCD000002 CAPE F'iRCTOU A S-T-IL BRICEE HWY 701 S F1TLlBETHTDUrN SPI NONCD00D1803 COLLEGE Sr? EET SOLVENT RELEASE COLLEGE ST AND GR= ST CLAXKrON EvaL Patio NONCD00D1139 CONC-,L% EIXZABPTHTOr%-N 3100WEST E6P..O1DSTREET ELIZABETHTOWN E-aLPoadiao_ NONCDOOD2776 CSX-ROSLVDALE 7 MI EAST OF CLAKKTD?T CLARSTON NFA s Ra:tr. NCD981922362 GREIF, LVC 409EELMST BL DEVBORO VaLrxbLrq GkAj NOMCDOM467 HWY S3MRTILkNOL SML. KLCR HWY 97A DUPONT RR SPUR NFA BRUN-9 tiICK NONCD000'--786 MaOUrAY RFS]DE4CE 40PAS L4DISE LIVE SHALIOTTE SPL NONCD00DlR67 kMESMAN DISTILLATION, INC 1690NE ROYS77RRD LELAk[D SPL NCD98 206+1 kXCHERDQNIpIS MII7LAND PCB 1730E MOORS ST SOUTHPORT NFA NCD0031W-10 CARIOLLYPiCREOSOTING COFFOR TION E_43rEROOKKO.4D LELAND SP4 NCD0915704M CAiROLPfA P&L CO. BRUNSWICK STFA-lel HW 4 a3 SOUTHPORT NFA NC00001931(13 CHIMCAL CARTAGE CONPANY 141 OLD FAYETTEVTL,LERD. LELAND NFA NONCDOW1155 D&G F&OPEELTIES-SLAUGHTERHOME PARCEL ROYSTEEL RD 3LklbrASSA SPL• NONCD0001190 DUPONT DMEP NORTH OF SK14341 XAVALSSA Excel Poadnae NONCD00019k5 E=O", Pa)E<T� RXERRD LELAND sm NCDC93137636 G--f=R_-V- WOOIr PRESERVING CO., INC. RWY 74�76 LELAND m NONCD00D1?J9 GREC,-RYPCvLEEQUIPME TP CO, 111 BAC 01! RD. LELAND S NFA NCD045920279 HO=7--qGP0V7FORWASTE-USS 100-QUALrPYDR 3LkVASSA NFAw Rcatr. EVz_ PaFmh?fg—f%wlLuno1L'.PBIJdngg NFA — No FuFA erAcIJOR &PL — 'sites Pt7mj7 v rjs1 FA i4 f Bez-&_ — Q 1r' ERY�Jd� ��OfJ 1Li1 PTO EFtI=dGS fYS1J7a'l aw VodeJrJs ivy (AA) — Volwira7y Ac220lJ .5,re — Sm � subs=nee srle 1701Page NONCDCW274 NCD0&54a995 NONCDWO2361 NONCDOODI LN NONCDOOD30H NONCd0002978 NONCd00026215 NCdO-S25521 I3 NCVOOD-W-206 NONCDOOD2038 NC d O83 673681 NONCDOCU L63 NONCDOOD2483 'f0'f{'d04p122 ] N.dr:'?`.LB36 '--::_-- 4LS6 v31t9 NC 42'-- NONCDC :•v' € € - NONCd00p2679 NONCDO002R22 NONCDO0p1145 I NONCDOODUM NCV000410096 NONCDOOl11434 NCd091?53517 NCDM62334-0 NONCd00816a9 NONCDOODI76-5 NC qDM LO288 NCDW3163886 'fCd9E064N 23 NCd04999T78d 'fCd9&5176477 NCDW3167996 NONCDOODIM NCDN1 p2373'_ NCd9B6215499 NCd0551 LI66 NONCd005_ ` 373 Ni NCd486197333 NCd991277773 NCDO03152659 NONCd0411IN15 NONCd0091581 NONCDO0p1594 NONCDOOD29C3 NONCD053? l3 NONCDOOD15 1 PATTIES BOOK SWAP QUORUM KNITTING F DIOSRACKPROPERTY RENTAL U_V7OR-1{ SERVICE RIVERSIDE DM E CONIALMgATION ROEMRTS STHATCHERY ROILRIM ST ORGANICS SAYLES-BILTMORE BIER' 9F= SHULI6dSON BROTJ33Rs SC R.S T S RD SILVrfR-NL LV PROPERTY SINGER CO,REAiRFOTT DIV SIUM'S AEKOSP_4 CE S]SIOLVY 1dOU_VTALV VACBINE SOUTH TCTgNnROAD SOLVENTS SQUARED COMPANY SAr,iNN NOADTIDPFROPERTY S-EETFVCREEKDFUM.SITE SWEETF4 CR= ROAD CO1NrTAI6dDLk= SYB,P_ON 4RD E9 PLANT T:CAR CT[EdHC4L CO --".A RESJDLVE Y4ID AMORNE CORPS 4•u_4'OCO'VSTRU'TLdNEqun%ENT TR R) VULCAN MATElRL4 LS AVnOCH FOOD MART RUJM COUVTY SCHOOL PROPERTV SURFS 1dLLLS, INC`- BuRi LIGTON CAPRIIMiUSTRIES, INC. DA-gA C ORPO RA TION DURACIZL II+TTl. IHHUdd SYSTEMS ETi4_N ULFYFACILIrYOORMZIL) GEO HLDEBF-km El.Ll{. SCHOOL GREILT -uass Cvi.F.SOV CORPOR-4`If7OV HMTLE74V FJRiZTURE HURT 3.E =rCE ]NMONTCORD IA31'CORPORAT]ON L_k EJAMF5=ERWATERBOX MATI CVTI PI4`VO CO LVC-4VPVK,I4INC NATIOr.;LL TEXTILES, S, LLP V] ArI LE SOCK PROPERTY PARKER INDUSTRIES PT COMPOM24TSINC RCMAXCO-LTD. T&T SUPERM.s31= TRAMCO, INC. US 74 DR UM DUMP V-4]DFSEMEDICAL OEPLICEBLDG VINCENTE WELL 1478PAiTTORd 4L'E. RMIS CREEK RD 111 OLD BEE TREE ROAD 1V9=-%ME EON9r'R.T.T' RD F.arf srrrFDR L44KOBERTBST L09ROBERTSST SWAiNNANOA RD 1 EHADOW ROAD -49 SWANSUNDA RIVER RD HIGHWAY 74 401 SWEFrHN CREE%PfD.PK. 64NICINTO•'9 RD. 1 SOUTH TL-NNEL RD 12813LqGfi4aV RD WOODLAND DR 1 L5 SWEETEN CREEK ROAD 1 L40 SWEETEN CREEK RD 95 GLENN BRIDGE RD4d PO BO- 4205 224 LOUISLUNA '2169 HENDERSONIFELLE RD FA. BOY 156 '2M NC 16 NC 126 & WATER I MI GLEN 119 STPxLL4G ST. 104HLIRKE ST 1401 BURKT-ly1cur 41.7E 10'S ArAVSUTTA MILT ROAD LOVELADY LN 1 L85 DR]=,i7:ZL RD. GEORGE HI DEER ND SCH. RD. 347 J6ibLmm WN Rjam 400 B226 ON RD irwy 64 H geY 70 W KEEP DRT4'P US 54-70 140 ACCESS ROAD 067 REDNEY ROAMS ONECHAJI DR RO]L41CO RD 261 WESTFlEV3NG DRIVE SR 1611 US To- 720MA COLddSLT19) 17701 STORE PATH LANE BR_4,RE iPERTS �FOR1ER) 1579 HIGIE AY 29N BR-4`VC11BATTERY -65aSLm- ER12`*TI}ROAD BRPY N[CNAK U-%- P VC R%Y 49 NK US HWY 601 BRUT= AVE YE & CHUCH STN SKUNfLE3' A%='fE & CHURCH STN CARARRVS ROUNDABOUT CAB.4JRRli5 AVE & OLD CHARLOTTE CHEESM-4-V PROPERTY 32 51 GTREGORY ROOD CHESTNUT A%? SOIL CONY4Lti INATION 243CHE-sT-gUT,iVE CLINE PCB CONTAbT[dATEDRELL 26M CES-=GRDL'PRO41D CONCORD COAl G4,S PI +LVT I&IACiDE1{YAVENUENSF CONCORD ROCKY RIVER REGIONAL B=l%- LUST CONCORD T=LEPHONEIMCHHOLD C`=3CAL 1 ; SJ=F-UOAL'L= CDOR PROPERTY COLD SPRINGS RD4d DA MOORE CORPOKATION 2 36 OAiK DRT1.'E dB PE--,MNGTON ESL4.TE 669 WEST C sr. FE RR = = PROPERTY 1 L 40 & 115l1 117-Y CLINE RD FISH-i 143NEU RDT OIL CO. 6428 HGFY -49 N FREDR_CK3O-'lT'AOTORSE7PPCE 2244FITTSSCHOOL RD ASJ`LEL'1LLE NFA V43blM cyfAA) SVrANNA-1444 EvA Pbuibmo AsHELmia V43h—Y�AA) WOOI)lgN EvA.Pondma 4SHEVLI.LE ErA Pmuimo 45ILEVILI.P EsaL Pondino ASHEVMLE NFA AMEVLLLE VaLmitmy AA) 4SHEVRIE ErA Pambmo BLACK ]LIOUNTAPf €PL 4SHPTf71l.x ETA. Pondmo 45Hm 1 p EsaL Pondino 4SHFL'D1E ErA Pondino 4IHFLMIM EvA Po3idmi2 S' AN VLNCA NFAw Ro:tr. 45Hnln- p SP]- 4SITY% 1.F E-mL Pondmo 4RDEY NFA 4SHE1.T1.1.A EvaL Pondmo 4SHmrni.x 14FA AmF6 1.1.A E-mL Poadino MNKA EvaL Pondino MORja-kl%MN EvaL Poadino MORM4.NTON NFA 1.'4]'DESE EvaL Pondmo RHOIMISS EvaL Pondmo MORGANTON E-mL Poadino_ dS+, Rja-4.WMN NFA V_4LDESE NFA V_ J.DESE EvaL Pbn&mo C01Qu -LF SPRINGS Ptia]. Pandiag MORGANTON 5P_ MORGANTON 2P_ MORGANTON 5P_ MORGANTON E•:al. Paadmo GLEN ALFJNE NEA MORGANTON N-FA MORGANTON sp_ H3LDEBRAN M. CONNELLYSPF-WGS NFA MORGANTON NFA MORGANTON NFA MORGANTON E4aL Pam hmo CONlgELLLYSPRL4GS SPL MORGANTON SPi RUTHERFORD COLLEGE NFA CCXwn 1F SPJRL'{GS Eta]. Par m g CONCORD EvaL Pondino CONCORD NFA CONCORD NFA CONC03 D EvaL Poadiao CONCORD SP1 ROCK%= NFA LL4-VNAPOLIS E-mL Poadino_ LL4NVNAiPOIZ NFA CONCORD Vobmtuyf A) CONCORD NFA CONCORD NFA CONCORD NFA CONCORD NFA LL4-VNALPOLIS EvA Pondino CONCORD NFA MT. PLEASANT EvaL Poadino CONCORD EvA Pondino .EVz?- PerxhiT — Evah idteOTL' P8llt{n —�& FurAdrJAi'wpy SPL — &mm pr7 j4 'Lia w/Ro:IY_ — Ai01i urfOnwAcdOf1 mitt pnrmtl'-use pmh7i*cm l7biwaxy (A4) - Vahawxy Achari -Nh3--Hm Seta-?r'ove eras sJ is�am�e sifa 171 IPage N0NCDMl L L `_ I IKY _ _-UU! LO=YG RUN FARM RD MQLT�7 T PLEASANT NFA NCD980517 22 3I-LU SHULGBATTIELY 2609HIGHlkAY 4P E-MILKISK-EG SP7. N0NCDOOD2966 HOSdETOVr24 CON9TF=YIEYGE L6I0 9&30E FKANXJJNST _ T PLE_ksANr E,•aL P®d-no N0NCD00D193`_ HWY 603 AND HWY2V27,16Ml-4`M Ham-Y W3 AND HWY24#27 }TILL-'LN-D EVA Pond me N0NCD00D13W 361 ,kH4r f73 CHL0RINATED SOL%f=S 46B2DAV0&ONH%Y CONCORD El.A Pand-me N0NCD00D1933 romgSOV CONCF=-lP2PD0L10NT BLOCK L06 OLD DAVIDSON PLACE NW CONCORD E4aL P=Lne N0NCD000D842 LES 5n-ERS PARS I-kW4D ILE AVENUE EICT_ CONCOILD SP7. NCD983031511 LOVEBA7-IFP-FSTCP US HIGHWAY29A1MAVE CONCORD NFA NCD99327L4755 MAXTLVSHATTERY SALVAGE; INC. 5500 ASBIAM RD EC4'93'TAlPOIZ SPL N0NCDC NIX5 MAAYCIRCLE B-k7T-'3LY ZL3N CHUJLCH EEMAILYCRL CONCORD SP2. NONCD[ :::'C79 MI]gI-MART 1250 OLD CHARLOTTE RD. CONCORD EraL Po 3Ama NONCD(:::=L&7 VCDOr _C%M i S1TP-1 X A -M 3S XM4.LS) N OF H `Y 73, 5 OF I-65, W OP H CONCOIID El. -AL P amg N0NCD(:::'L68 VCdOi C%IIALT SIIE-!%5LYTHE M. 7430P0PIARTINTTROAiD CONCORD ExaL PmmhLa NONCD[ ::: I C39 OVERCA.SH GR4 4 PI. Se GRADING CO. INC_ l L 50 &HFI TOV ROAD CONCORD SYL Nc"E".:-:: ?97 PATTFF.SONAVE BA =RYEKIMP PAil'IERSONAirL.E & BONNIEST -SE CONCORD ExaL Po L&ELF NC`.... -------- A PHOENIX hffqE PHOENIX CIR CONCORD NFA. RADMOW DRIi•'E BATTERY Sxldm EUNNAlPOLIS SPL NCD , °'- :: K LEY BAT EELY STTP DI LEK&T DR VE CONODKD 10A NONCD(:::=4C5 ROACH. LYC(H.IUT31ULEL.) 133S1TirPYCLINE ROAD CONC0LO EraLPundime NCD04'::-?59 SA5METALS RECYCLJNGCOlV-4-'TY SH0KTCUTR44D-SR2433 GOIDEILL m NC'4==:::=460 SERVCOSTATIO­.q(FORIffR) 520NCANNON BLVD LL4NNAlPOL.IS E4aLAwd-ne N{L=::-'=S`_1 SOUTHHKNL- =CORP. 379CENMgLDLFVZ CONCORD NFA NCN__:.:_`,33 STAR AMEKICAiINC -MTPLEASANT S45SNCHWiY49N MT. PLEASANT E,:AAwd-me NON= ::=823 STOGNFRRESIDENCE 61CoFL0= ST CONCOIID EvaL Ptindme NONCD(.::=512 TUF =Y ROAD PCE Tuy= RD EUNISAPOLIS E,:A P oAmm NONCD[ :::'E39 TUSCARJD AY4,RNS,INC. 67ME. FR,iNI[LIN ST- Mr. rILEk&4VT E42LL PmmhLR NCVOD}-.: `33 VffJ-k JISP�BAT7ELYDUNP IRENE AVE. &vENimsr EC4VNA.PO_IS EkaL P utmo NCN 4 L ::: 12 L 5 IkAYVP'& A TITO SALV 4G£ 11601 MCP0RESMLE 1tD DAVIDSONEVA Pom3ino NCN-v::;30I2 WHJTESGRAVEL Prr 1515HWY495OUrH cmcCKD S,PL CALDR7 u N0NCDM1243 AUEN-BECK NON-PETROLEEW HWY 321 N. GF- N]CE FALLS 1ioLmitm}• (iA) NC'4CC4110100 AFPA.I.ACEL4V CHREC LCOMPANY &_R I159, WIMB-PRICE ROID GRANITE FALLS E-aL Paadime N0NCDC0015R7 AL'PRY DF_Y_YISON �FMX PA-YAR CORP) 950 GHF-VAN Sr ly-NOIR EraL PmmhLa NCD003153R79 I3E0-gH. STfLWMLfRECO. PLANT 92 VIRGLVL4<ST LENOIR NFA. NCD993275466 BR.OYHIUruyLbU URE IELIXL FALL NC36S 3-E--fO3R iSTA NCDC4'-'tl-9-0 Buss gUTO1dAT707+TINC0RPORATED 51L CREEE A 4YDF WW LFINOR EraL Poubma N0NCD(:::14L6 CAIDWELLYKEIGHTLINES 25mi-acK03lYBOULEVAMSOUTHWEIENOEL ETAP=&Li NCD9 }-:: L42 CALIY%ILL INDLISTRIAL � 'aS,INC &PAXTAROAD -V HUDSON NFA NCDC-::- .46 CEIEb9CAL COATINGS IEGH SAY 301 EVYP_4,S& HUDSOV NFA. NCN :- ::: I L39 CRDSMADS OIL 320 EIXEAB= &T LI KOEIL ErA Paadiao NCN :_ :::3C7I D-4FC03B4VL•ON EI) T07RS 26H HICKORY BLVD HUDSOV ElaL P uhmu N{L-:=-:--56 ClIME-MLDRUMGM C714]GMOUNTIJNROAD GANZ ELL NFA NONC D, .:: IOU I-LIb l0KY F.1VC iIIS FU LNT[•URE 2963 ]LD= RD QUIE%ILL NFAi NCDO :-r}-9 H[STR NDCHEKQCAI,INC. R-wy 9 LE`fO3R &PL. -`_7 3NDLtk, GRAVE GAP DRUM DE 41, AFPR_03E2 YLSN OF SR.3513 1EY03R SPL NCN :_ ::: I C36 TOYCPTOV WAiTIR WOREF.SA7:I.LS 2 & 9 N OF SWANSONRD IEY03R SP2. NC :: : :: ° ° s33 LENOM BEF]NING C 0104-N Y 2 3 PHNNTDN AVE NW IT-140 R &PL 5LIR_SF A-LM0NErY-BUCY.FC WISHING HWY 321 NORTH IE!TOR NFAi NONCD[ ::' L45 3TL7iC'0 PLAINT TRC ENV CONSULTANTS LF_'f OFF NFAi NCDMI?CKG 0.111E-1--_ PCB. &R L719 IZN033L ISTA NCDC `-3 7C9 Hl1 FJ=k i E UNIV RS 4L OP KENTUCKY 1713 MAIN STF.EET'4W LENOIR NFA NCDC5=563k35 SINGER CO-TUKNITLRHDISF567 2424NOKAr00L ST-H% 3'-1S I NOIIL NFAi NCDC-}=5C4a30 SINGERCO-7TJKNITLMD1VPLi 1 140P WE&T COLLEC-=Al,'E, &Ar IZNC)R NFAi NCD0,Y2?'='-22 SINGER CO-TURNI URHEIVPLT&3 g04viR.GN_ALsr EET LP-NOIR EvaLPndme NONCv'... I CW SINGER PrLIXT -22 V`IKGM4, ST? EET LLN033L &PL N{L:'-_::- 0 THOddiSL'ILL.EFGKNJILrFEENDS7.LT03R 3:L5171i_iBEIE ST NW LEY03R NFAi 30:c. nc : vL' lJ 03: l;k`IElqB=EL PROPERTY LVOKEY GLEEY RO iD GANZWELL 34FAi C AJRTERJET NC5690 =61- 4-VT USCG F0RT V CON SIAITON F0RT VACON R0AD ITLA ANTIC BF-gM NFA N0NCDCOD12A AT_.VNT'IC-UM S_4LVArGE 5973 H%-Y"C EAST NEWPORT Ek-A Paadiae N0NCD00D1466 HE4CHSrJE0.'=ON 2430ARES-DEL_ ST MORpIMAD CTPY E,.aL Poubma N0NCD00D3 L49 G_4`L:VST L A rrn rn 293 W B m- -Al,-f 0 K I RD ERT BEAUF0RT EvA. Pmmimo NCD9805l--W2 GUT-3FM,E3U%lESTPKOPKLTY 2wuTOpIlrm'R NEWPORT NFAi NONCDOODlKO HAY-CS0NINTFFdAT70NAL 199UTOPL4.LR-170B iIaNS0NDR VPA'PORT NFAi N0NCDOD1213 LOFTa4PJlOPERTY 236E LE.q-*TOR-IZLERD BEAUFORT &R. N0NCD000'M Ma,aS�lZEERGBOAT YARD 1290&I2953'kUH-ILLBERGRD MRSH ILBERG SPL N0NCDOOKC96 MORpIEAD CrrYD- V 5347HgeY.70ArEST MORpHEAD CITY NF,i F-,,1NFA -?&FWA03rilm on SPL - &fAm pnmv av NFA w/Ri sr- - No FraAarAadorf %ith propfft -arse reshwt om Volm my (AA)- Voi mtrayArtioc -N,fvxr Site - VaPr-+irum:daerssr&awco site 1721Page NONCD:::_::: }'C --JE_ DM-ULN-E LFOLMER', -033 . RENIXELLST _,ly?EHEAD CTi c `P= NC3121-'::Yv `;' TONALlLula-EEmHFF.IESSI1Kv. _KENDELLSTREET E-EAUFORT NFA NCSFN:-: "1 i fit }is l{S DEL d 3LOFRONT ST BEAUFORT �P_ NON=:: ,2268 ?_-LRI FR HONDA-3,i17 S;JBISHI 5343 HWY 74 WEST :40REH AD CITY" Ecal. Pudmc - NC52:v;=:?Dfi USA RESEILVEYCIDAXE ORNECORPS 403F=RST t40REH ADCM_' rX NCN' D A 347 E43L PRJDPERTY 2371 L1 Nw_ 3EV .F RD BEAUFORT Nam{ CAER-ELL NONCDCi,01038 RR.YAVI PAR]Id DRUM DU}d[P W OF NC 8fi 400 FT S OF VA LINE GA7EWOOD �pl_ NONCDON1401 RURl]2*iGTONDTD.-'%_ff=I[SBUR.GPLANT SR11 0 ddATUNS EvaLPomditie_ NONCDON3015 CALF SPRING 16 6920 CHERRY GRCAM RD REMSVILLE NFA NONCDOOR24L] CORBETTRIDGE GROCERY 4a87 CORBETTRIDGE RD FANCElF77ILLE E-aL Pondme NONCDO001M H7 LN SFSQUiC=_.%IAXT finJ OLD HIGHWAY 86 PROVEDENCE EsaL Pandmo CATAWBA NONCD0001213 2;r" STREET NE SOLD -M L L062Km STREET NE, 11To AVE N HICKORY EsaL Pandimo NOMCD0001244 .il=ALEPUFU'=PLEPIANTJ�3 C005HlikAlLOWEST HICKORY EVAPond:mc NOMCD00013M BACHS LdH?S'_TE BACH RD &HWY 154E SHERIELLS FORT} EraL Poad3e NONCD0001328 BEAMRFSIDENLE50mil;rUNMDON) 3367SifACz42NEYSTREET d=EN Eral.Poad3e NCDM 662 n3 BRDI iL_ F UJR T[.: RE 2349 NORTH COLLEGE AVE NEWTON N-FA NONCD000'--735 BLROI -3L_ FL72NITURE 13R_4 ilDS 409 -0„ ST PLAICE SE CONO%9M :E-.al. Pond3c NCS NOr 6911 CARCLTtiA 3SSOCIATED L= 766 H%-f 14 W NEWTON �pl_ NCDC4-=�" 96 C.AROLLYA.SOLV1NMINC. 227415TSTSE HICKORY N-FA CO COG'l,7E PANT ORTF RR •.aJ. PondmeC3PFFVTER NCD4•::-y426 GARTER-'ar-EBERIMTC. HICJLORY'PLANT 1120IATT BLL'D HICKORY N-FA NON= ::1-LE1 CATA%BACOU= 3C'E`OO1 BUS G.ALAGE-SOMM2#40VOIL H MAIN AVENUE VPR'70N EtiaL 33=u so NO*ICD:::. CA TAM -BA TRUCK RJ= 7. -�CT GRO TF} 3350 N. OXFORD ST. C AJUEMC *TJ: EraL Pendimo CENTURY FUXqr= ca&fl3AgY .42012TRSIV4' HICKORY SPL Nv'%':= :::2304 CD-XrMER CHAIR COMPANY 214POURTH ST COR+MM Vuhmtm-}-�k_k} Nv'%':= ::''I LL4 CD'TM'ER METAL PRODUCTS 315 S MCL]NCE.EEE RD COR+MM SPL Nv'%':D::•4lfL9 D=YARNS-NEWTON 101EAST11T"STREET VEA'TDN EraLPadima Nv_1,: DCG0] f2 ° DOdENMN M TMES (USAF) 115 215T STREET NW EDCKORY El•aL Pomdiao NCNy7Cl2lf3: DOUGWHIM AUTO ddART 33 31 EUGHWAY 70E NEWTON ETAPondma NONCDC-NI 6-5 DUDE INC 117 SOUTH MCLIN CRE R ROAD CONOT4'FR Eca1 Pond mi NONCDC _",I E42 DJ--gmcRE FUR2NJTURE 1243 32DST=T'fE HICKORY EsaL Pondma NON= : J E `_6 a-IST L Irm &TR@ET 1O0 EAST 11Tk STREET NEWTON EI•aL Pomdm! NONCDGI016K EMIERSONLErLTHERLTOXMERj K613n'STREET NE HICKORY ISTAn• Ra:tr. No'kr 7C.}21-z3 FOAb31YLFI-CONOI3>JR 409SOUTHMCTIidCR=ROAD CONO'km E72LP=ALmo FOREST CITY TOOL 6io 23"D ST NR, LONG11= E73L Pendimo FRYECREEK @ US 311 N S OF Us 321N& 7T"A6'E3%rR HICKORY" EsaL P®dsc NONCDO01159 G-7!lL4wiCORPOEkTION 1-!mPLVEUTLA'ST, SE CONOVER EsaLPtm 3m NONCD000].N5 E-ECKCRY COAL GAS Pl-U4T 625 12TM.^TI= DMENW EDCEORY iPaLmtmr k��r NONCDCO0---W MCK03-Y 11= �AKk MO6ER PROPT2M 1711 11TM AVE SW HICKORY E%aL P®dme NONCD0O01997 HICK0RY-LL4`COL;70VHW`YIXMLSfS7 MUQ H]CKOILY-LJNCOLNIONHA'3CAROCKYNEWTON EsaLPoadme NCDO0O6 L6_-%53 HI{ RESEARCH CORP{1R1TION 4O8 LENOIi4 HDGKORF NFA NONCD00026M HOVEY'R'=Mr.MR AT1ORLiL LS45MTIH]ERS RD MAIDEN Volvos 4iI} NONCDO00'--C40 HWY 70 PCE (MCKCR.I. 6S S,FKVWIE) 1 27 HOrY 74 SW HICKORY EvaL Poad3o NONCD0001K2 J&GB,AOF.PPS-SOI.V =+tTS 75016TKSIRFET-m HICKORY EsaL Poadmo NONCD4001915 LkCKSQNLF_k-T0LUE�rE.AST 1701 BaGHWAY 74EAST CONOV R EsaL Pendmo NCDCO2MRM5 IACFAW ANNA lEATHER CO., INC. HAY 70Ai WEST CONOVFS SPL NCDO790494O4 L_4NRCO. INC.. VENTUR-EFUTd%UCURE DEBORAH=)!LAN RD CONOVFS 1TA NCDO44440642 LANE COMPA]TY, INC. 37NINTHSTRPiTP1ACI�SP HICKORY 1TA NONCDOMR17 I-ANE T692TR7F.E PLANT L4 1405 DEBORAiH HER -MAN RD CONO%Tz EsaL Pondino NONCDOM033 MARKET B-OMT - SOLVENTS 093HIGd{WAY L6 CO2+]OTJER EcaLPondino NONCDOM035 BdARTMFOOD CENTER-SOLit= 715ONCHIi:H `AY 10 WEST. 6AW- A L_4LE Kcal. Pondine_ NCDR91279I I6 NE DI7&73UPDA, INC. ST J-BJMFS CHURCH RD NEWTON NFA OO2 NONCDO477 ddILLS YARN, L4C. 1125 7TR kVE N_W HICKORY EsaL Pondme NONCD00012M MOSS FARM RDPCE 1993MOSSFARMID HICKORY Ec2LLPondi.3e NONCDOOR2L03 MOUNTAIN 1=M_lRKE7PL4CE 2341 KOCKSH3RHLANE LOFT 127 S HICKORY El•aL P®dimc NONCD0002LL8 NA730d31 P4. =ONS & L*TTEPDOFS (FORl EX)321 EASTJSTFFEI MAIDEN E72L Pcmdmc NONCDOGO'- L62 VCD0T .4.SPBALr =I UO (AYAC) 1520 I CK AVENUE SE HICKORY E72L Pudmc NONCDC40'--020 NORTf7k_ESTBLVDPCECONTAMINATION 2950NORTHWEST BLVD NEWTON EsaLPand-ne NONCDO002234 OLD SE4`IEST DAELY SOLLM4T" 2115 HWY 74 SF_ HICKORY EcaL Pand--.,e NCDOSS161" PANT.A50TE INC_F M-1C0lR3OUVD DIV. 1108 SCENTERST HICKORY �pl_ NONCDO002919 PERFECT MAGECrHE) LN7 3PDAV'3NUE DR NW HICKORY E%mL Pomdme NCD466304627 PREMIUM COATLVGS, INC_ HWY 70A E. HLGKORY NFA NONCDO0131NO3 REGAL b&ANTHACTUMG 2 L2 12TK AVE HICKORY EsaL A md:me NONCDOOD2323 ROB,ERT E� ELF SS 606 LENOIR R1 _.qE BLVD HICKORY EsaL Amdmc NONCD4002434 SAW CHMMAL -SOLVENTS OLD US 70Ai CGNQTkm EVIL Paad3c -Eve_ Fer,da'Mg - F rx�uativrL Fending _�FA -; No F uF-lheT.2efiopi SPL - Si1es Fnmjr ris1 EI x-/Awl_ -,%k Funs i rArdopj %iA propem-arse nuff -Amw Vodea mxy ( - Vb�wjrivyeoe MH= Sete - VovEhamuJvrrs _-L&Wmce sire 1731Page E"-4aNDAIRY FARNL LOVGRUN FARM RD N ',-r _ ?LE_LS.iNT NFA Nc -LkKFZSELRG B A7'J=R.4 '_C09 HICd{�iAY �J iULKEIB RG SPL NONCD00. _: `.5 HOMITO N CORy .-EYE'lCE L610 S&W E FR NIMN Sr hiT PLF-k� ANT EvaL Poadtio NONCD00D] y5 ° HWY 601 AND HWY 14 2%LdIDLCgD HAY 601 AND HU Y 24?27 bdIMIXkM EvaL P=itie NONCD00018fi0 161A HWY73 CHLORINATED SOL%=S 46Q DAVIDSON HWY CONCOI D EvzL Pundme NONCD00fl1933 TOHNSOV COVCR=-THMMC)NT B.I.00K L06 OLD DAVIDSON PLACE NW CONCO D EaaL Poad-mc_ NONCDWM902 LES h ERS PARK L--L%-VD41E AVENUE RYT. CONCORD SPL NMR11131511 LD7fE BA TEELY SITE US HIGHWAY 29 A 1JSi AVE CONCORD NFA NCD991279755 MAILT VS BATTERY SALVAGE, NC. 5500 ASHLAND RD ILUMAPOLIS 6P1 NONCDOW10L 5 MAILY CIRCLE SATTREY ZION CHURCH & MARY CRL CONCCKD SPL NONCDOM079 MLNI-MART 1250 OLD CHARLOTTE RD. CQ'~ L CKD E4aL Poadmo NONCDOML67 MM0r t%MALT SITF84 NA �L}dLYER-U-S) N OFHWY 73,S OP I-61,WOF H CC -_ =RD EvzL Peadime NONCDWP-L68 VCDOi ASPHALT SITF84(�Mlc= M. 74JOPOPMa TLESTTROAD CC : =RD Evil. Poadiae_ NONCDOOD1039 01MCASH GlLL'PL & GRADING CO. INC- 1150 SHELTOV RO":LD CC'- " = RD 5P_ NCVO00"1LC937 PATTIKSONAIM BA TERYDUMP PArTERSON A3E & SON M ST-SE CC;'-" =KD EvaL P®ditie_ NCVO:M-Mm PHOE hiNE PHOENIX Ca CON;vE7 NFA NCDM]i]31576 Rr31 B0 W DME &&TTERY SR 16M R43FAAPOLIS En NCD98623270fi RILL BATTERY LITP DlLETigDK:.E CCON -CRD NFA NONCDOOD2406 ROACH, INC (EMI TILULPR.) 13351T`E3" CLNE ROAD CC;'-" :?I:; EvaL P &mc NCDO93334969 S & S ddEi-A:.5 ELEC'YCUNGCCEPRVY SHORTCUTKO4D-SR 2455 GC_:: HELL SPL NONCDOOD2460 SERLrCOSTAT"OV(FORIER) 520 N CANNON RL;rD LLL-�'?JPOLIS ErzLPbadimo NCD9807296K SOUTHIERNL4`7EYCORP. 379CF?T4.L.DRI9TE CONCORD NFA NONCDOOD2133 STAR, MERICA INC -MT PLEASANT 3455 NC HAS-'-qgN ddT. PLEASANT EvaL P®dme NONCD00023,23 STOGNHRRESIDRVCE E500FLO4E5 Sr CONODILD EvaL Amdme NONCD000 M 7UR= ROAD PC'H TUR= RD M-NNAPOLIS EvaL Pomd:me NONCD00D'--639 TUSCARDRA Y 4RNS INC. E760 E. FRA-N]J-JN ST. Mr. PLEASANT EaaL Pomdme NCMM10583 IMJ-kWGL ArMlYDUEdF IRENE AIM & IMNXE 3T KILN fAPOIB E-kL Pcmd-mc NONCDOOD12 L 5 WAYYE'S AUTO rJMV4GP 11901 MDDR 61MIE FIE. DAVIDSON EvaL Pond -me_ NONCD0000012 WHITES GRAlk-7L PIT 1515 H9eY -09 SO JTH CONODRD SPL C .UDWELL NONCD0001245 ALLR4f-BECK NON-PETROLETJLd HU Y 321 N. GRAN]TE FALLS VoLaatf V A) NCN0C091010U MPALACHL42NCH3MUCUCOMP N'e' SK 115R, R'EEIB-PRICE ROlD GRAt+IlTE FALLS E-aL PoadmE NONCD00U1597 AL'PRY DEYVISON (F4fRPA3LARCORP) 450GER-MAN ST LENCIR EvaL Poadmo NCD003150979 BERTH ILTFURNMRECO.P_RYT*2 VHIGMkSr LENCIR NFA NCD99127S46fi BKOYHIU FUR-NUMME Lit -ER HIU NC ] 6 5 LENOIR NFA NCDO45456134 UUM 4UTO3,{A77OV INC ORPORATED 5 L L CREED'4Y DR MW LENOIR EvaL Poadimo NCNi DM1416 CALDDe-EI-I FREIGHT LINES 2590 HICKORY BOULFV 4RD SOUTHTIi'FLENODI EaaL Amdme Nay==SP3744142 CALDW-= INDUSTRIAL SERL']CES,INC &P-UTA-iRCLAD HUDSO.T KF-A -- :- L46 CHE]Sd]CAI. COATINGS HIGHWAY 301 E[YP-4,SS HUDSOV KFA N-C': -- :: A L39 CROSMMS OIL 320T+rIZABEIR ST LENOIR EtiaL Pbad-mc ?{'v''• -- :::_ :-_ DAFCOAB-4—gDONNED TOTES 2691 HICKORY BLVD HUDSOV EvaL Poadme G"4MEW- I.1 DRUM SITE MUG MOUNI Al ROAD GAME ELL NFA NON{::: H"MNORY-F..DW IDFURNITCUF.E 2961ROCKY ED GUh[EVal NFA NCD04d14�"-: HISTR,3NDCHE1{ICAL,INC. Rlry9 LENOIR Apr NCD980639-'- IN IAN GRAVE G4,PDRUM DISPOS4L APPROK2 MIS OF SR 1513 LENOIR '"•P_ TOYCETU"TWATER WORKS WELLS 2 & 9 N OF SWANSONRD LENOIR U- K." = : "= : t t::: LMTOIR RITLglTG COMP LW 263 PENNPON AVENW LFNOIR 5]3-- 53,3P�H VONFYBUCKET Qi lG HWY 321 NORTH =EtiCIR NFA NCBy�6} =LS`_ VEPTCOPLANT rKoEWVCONSU1TkYf5 _E DR NFA NCDM1908H OAFd-=PCB SR1719 __�---IR NFA NCDO53009510 FJ= NCE UNLTi•�R.S41 OP LF. }aT'UCKY L713 MART 3TREE7 -W' _Eti vIR NFA NCD4625fi803S L,LtfGERCO7?1F.NFTUREDIV567 2424NORWOOD C•I-H Y3'-15 ==�-vIF, NFA NCD00MN3M SINGER CO-iUKNITUREDIVPLL 1 L409likFSL COLLEGE.417- SW _M CIR NFA NCDOOM04322 SINGER CO-TUKHITUREDIVPLTS3 90#T,7R"GMASTREET _=NCIR EVZLPoadi= NONCDO001NO SLNGER PO-4XT in '57MGMk STREET 1"OIR SPL NCD0%290T, 0 THOESASVIILLE FUII-Nrn E mSri wow 3 L 511 TfAAEIH 5T NW LENOIR N rA s; Roitr. NONCD000103 ] WIENBEILGEM PROPERTY L V OE EY GREEN RO-4<D GA"1=LL N rA C3RTIM ET NC16903M62 4VT USCG FORT V-AXON STATION FORT MACON ROAD ATLANTIC EE-4,CH NFA NONCDOOD1298 4TlANTTC A.UTO54LVAGE 3S71 HMY 70FAST VPA'PORT EvaL P &mc NONCDOOD1466 HEACB191 =ON 2410 ARE!k=LSL MOREHEAD CITY E-kL Poadme NONCD00D3 L49 GAIL NT L xa -aff 2930i BEAUPORT RD EST BE-UTORT EsaL. Poadmo_ NCD980557&6'- GUTHRIE, EFNESTPPAPERTY 260Ul0Pl-lDRF6'P VPA'PORT NFA NONCDO001NO H"42VR]SOR+ItTrEF.NArIOR+AL 199UTOFI-1DIL-170HANEI ISONDR VPA'PORT NFA NONCDOD1233 LO= PR..O?ERTY 2361 LE'NW .ILLE RD BEAUFORT SPL NONCD00D2793 NJ"kRSE"-iL--3ERG BOAT YARD 12% & I2P P MARSELULBERG RD MAPSH LLBERG SPL NONCD00D'--096 Sd0REHEAD CITYD-VV 3w) HQ-Y. 701 EST ddORRBMdD CTT'd NFA -Emd -lfiA --?&F As3r lelropj L�PL - Silas Am'i * Lra lfi A-KVAiutr" - No Fuy-AarAcuorr wirh propm-its-mw ravnc r m i7ai mimy ( - Vai m my Action Aro.H.Kirasrra 1741Page NCD043'-'-a0R7 SAW CHE76JDa LS,INC_ OLD QUARRY ROAD &E MCSOR.Y NFA 'lOnCD0401a06 SHERD ]ILS FORD RD CONT_UdINAiTION SHEF.Rrr T 5 FCRD ROAD =RRIUS FORD EtiaL P®dimo NONCD0402474 &HURTAPETECHNOLOGIES 16MMGEMAY0 AAE.,NE HICROR.Y E4aL Paadimc nOnCD04H3106 SLYTEENTH STPCE TCE 14M 16T" 57 -'r= MCROR.Y EcaL P®ditic nCD4FS16632 SCf=HRNDESK 1720FIH-':T_ VEN TP_SA' HXZOR.Y NFA 'lOnCD04R2i16 SPECTRUM DYED YARNS 42215'STREET SW MCKOR.Y EcaL P®dima NCNCD04R2aW SPMG& ROAD 76 2M 12Ta AT.'E NE MCKOR.Y EcaL P®dima NC'gQ0C 1077N SPRINGS ILOAD GO CA ILT TILMM 42 74 SPRING& RD CONOV R &PI. NCNCD00R2124 S,PRIr1G&ROAD &OLL'ENCS 336p SPRING&RO4D WE H3CRORY NFA NONCD000-133 STA9KNESMOBIIEHOME 2111311TAiVEDKNE HICKORY EcaLPoadivo_ NCD00322M3 STYLE UPHOLSTERLYG, INC. 33 233'°S4'ENE MCROR.Y NTAi NCDLO37g7922 7EC rgMILTETV O0= ll=TARER EAST PEACE ST NEWTON Sm NCD0K. 32991 TREND 1LYEFCr1iIdlrUKE CORP. 641 4m M7=PLACESYi CONOVER NTA1 NCDO:- 54843d TREND LJNEFURId]TU E CORP. Yi HOLLY ST MADDEN NFA NC€_:N131526 USA RE&EIVERVMA]RBORNECORPS 110012T-STNW MCSOR.Y NFA NODS k51€€;19 W`]LS4N SEprx PITS SR 1131 HICKORY SPL GH_kTH-kU C C703p31g3 3ddr- +QAr. MDNCUPP 4L91 H31-f a7SOUTH MONO R.E. E4aL Pomdme NCD09.4U449 d1.1.T813CMdW-U,CORP.TEPFOR_NI NCEFIBERS MPEA RHIGEROAD NEW HILL EraLPomd-mc NOnCD0 D0014 BDISPCASCADE S,'R 19145 MONCIM SRI NCDME30919 CAROLINAP&L CO. CAPE FRAILSTM SR 1916 MONCU R11 NFA NOnCD04p1495 CHATHAMMILLS, INC. 490HIIL&HORO STREET PITTSRORO S,PL NCDM 234879 CHATH_4M NOVELTYPS ODIVANY & CHATHAM ;E SILER = NFA NOnCDN01614 D'EIEA 79000R=RCAD MONCU31E EcaLPonditio_ NCD07I53LI26 H_ XR.E SOXaUBEka-a COOL nw SO=CHArH4MAiENJP SILERC773E NFA NCNCD04031 L6 H aT FfJRV17UPR CO 420 E 3RD 5T SILER CITY EtiaL Pomdima MONCD00011i9 HYDRO TUBE SO= 1733HIL14BORO Sr PIITSSORO EtiaL Pomdimo MONCD0OD1362 IkY&HYDRAULICS (FILME) 1P11 NCHWiY90 PIITSBORO E-aL Pomdimo =D0001994 1FY P %rWG7TCDOT3Ma SUGARLASERD. [SR17141 caRJFM%' [:Flii55REPA.DSEtiaL Pomdimo =:049641546 REICHHCLD CHE]%fQCAlI,INC. &1191fi MONCTLPE SPL SOUTHERN WOOD PIEDMONT CONPANY SX21H GULP V13inatZLL7 AA) -' TOWNTSE73M Er. MCCRARY 1101 AND L200 P THIRD Sr SILER CIPY E4a1 Paadimo WEYRRIiABUSER CCIVOVCURE STATE ROAD LRI6 MONCURZ NFA A'OODSON-TENETLABOIL41DRIE& 175T0HWYRM GOLDSTON NFA C F=Ri-IaF L 534 BPPUSINC{FR1dR] 3750AEOPMTRD AqDREWS EvaLPomdimo *iCD0899a! 917 EMERSO;T ELECTRIC COMPANY U& 64 MURPECY Era1 Ponditio *ICD03851L263 7RI-COUNTYCOdLVLTVTTYC0112GE OFF US 64E SOUTH OF NC 1 MURPHY &PL LHOWAK xfC. CDO"Ovl4S6 CHOWAN VENDER CO 2i4 AND 262 COKE AVMRM 3DENMN EtiaL Pomdimo N NC70'_ ::: E' EDEVTON DYEING & FL*IISHNG (F� 12 S DYE PLANT RD =EVTON EcaL Pomdima - - • •-- GRAMPION BOAT WORKS SR 119 =::EUON NFA JAJM kiARSH SPILL HWY 17 R HW Y 37 SO. =NMN NFA - - LE_4RY BROTHERS &IORAGE [DORMER} VIRGL'MTL4FsBR.OAD STREET H.D-NTO011 SPL KDAP"OBISTLONGT7PFRLdR 609 SOUNDSME RD =�E'_VTON Ev2LPoadiae KO CDOJp'M TOWN OF EDENTON STREET DEFT 120w HICKS ST aDE'4TO011 Sm CLAY NONCD0401099 C-& LSURPLUS 13aH%%Y 64W HAYFSVD.L,E Sm NC00Q1402213 FIX JUNKYARD NEEDMORFDRSVE HAYESVD.LI! Sm CLi'i'PLAWD I sL-,I==TTE.IPESTATE SR2211 E.%HI. NFA. T -A VSLT[E 639 WASHBURN &A'1TCH RD SBTJLB3f TiPolunffiy � A) --- `• -_ PH= '.51IE OFB=&RD Cf EARL &PL kL cC "..: K; -D '_=DAL 15U EET=HI'1{ ROAD KI!4rS MDUNTAIN EtiaL PmAiae 'k _ ": _ . _ _ -''_ CAMP, L='NARD PROPERTY &R 2226 EARL Sm Y :':::: -: -_ A CINDERELLA MM77NG MILL& 502 MTrCHILLL Sr ---IGS MOUNTAIN EtiaL Pomdimo 'w : `%: I :::::E 7 CORMETPCH, INC_ 304 LWWOOD ROAD MOUNTALY 5:21 Pamd_ g 'ki'CNC D02M DICEY IMIS 434 NE7SLER ST -BY Esal. Paodmo NONCDW02970 ELIAMILL 1OL2&WASHINGTONST :=16Y Eral.Paodmo NCD06i566447 FASC4CONTROLS C4RPCRATION 1L44.iIRPORTRI} BY Tool -may( A) NCD984729354 FOOTPddINFR4I. OFT SOUTH SER%rICE RD --.SsbuN NFA NCD98M175631 G1F1T IL.M rEM MILLS 1141L4XTX CIRCLE = •;S MOUNTAIN NFA NCNCDOOO14T2 I %R C DYEING 10O '%T-ST GROVFR STREET SrZLBY SPL NCNCD40U1423 JENX MTS FOODS 2119 NEW HOUSE ROAD SHELBY EtiaL Pomdimo 'lCD0W62a24A FONGS MOLMTAD P-OT CREEK A4'3P ROUTE 74 WEST F.1VG5MOUNTAIN NFA NONCD04p1959 KMGS LdOl.-",T_ & 53Li&TWAY U.S. 74 AND N.C. lfil KI!gGS MOUNTAIN EtiaL Pomilimo *fCVO.54�0-489 L-UMILon REeO -ERY -601 LINEBERGER ST SHELBY Eva1 Pon a Eva?.pmm ?fK - NFA -MaFaar-thep- r iopi 5PL - &tos Priie 7* £.rs1 FA x/AmAr_ -No Fw-10Jsr-Acdon xitA proparti arse resfriatopw Volm rivy ( - Volmsmy _ctzor, Hm Sirs - am-hazo4low sub =?u a sirs 1751Page NONCD00D2 L63 VCDOi -UMUr SITE d22 { UPHALT PAVING HA f74,'LONG BRANCH ROAD ^FFJx' EvaL Po ubmiz NONCD00U1939 PETROEXPIL=SS NO.56 225CLPVFLANDA4'P KLgGSMOUNTAIN Votmto{[_k:k] NONCDOM323 POSTROU;:TP E2N.P0srED SHFJX' EvaLPoadmiz NCDM5lM3 PPG IND,DiC.•lk-K& 52 SkASH11URN =CH ROOD SHEIBY m NONCD0ND1 L88 SHELHY BODY SHOP 1RO# E DIXON BLTdD SHELBY SPL NCD9Wl9 969 SH LBY DYEING & P1VSEDTG 10M Sail{ L4.=ORE ROAD SH LBY SPL NONCDND2778 SHEI YFAPJ>V=MARKET 200A'WARREN SL S=BY EvaL Amdmo N0NCD00p24C # SHELHF RDAD PCP SITE 1103 SHELBY RD KINGS LdOUNT.iIN E-•aL P®dm0 NC7-%T000410427 SPECTRUM DYED YARNS 136 PRTTERSOV RD KINGS MOUNTAIN EvaL Pma g NCD9805laK3 SULTz R-RUTI, INC. R'WY 2R NORTH GROVER NFA COLL-IOUs NCMWM714-1 C,A.RTR=TTE FIELD RINY 441 S CH DHOUR_V NFA NCNOC 7241 CHADBOURN IkArLEg'f US M-7-4 & NC 41 G CH DHOUR_V NFA NCDM166460 CELUBOURNrMl!FIRE WILSON,BR0%-1,2%% & 31° CH DBURN NFA N-DNCDM15R OC'�LkN-DEYINC, 36M C ADEOUR�TH]GH4 kT wH17 mi' E &FL NONCDM1611 D15r-E351- M FNFRGY (FOR_lEER COUJE& QU) U.S. HWY 701 HUSRMS Tl3BOR CITY Esal Poadmo NCDOODMI303 FEDE F- L PAPIM BOARD CO_ INC. 60 JOH N L• L EGEL• HI] RIEGEL1Ti'OOD SPi. NONCDM1726 FLa%-LnLECORP. 1E4rMUSTRIALDRIVE WE—DTELTJlH Vohmtuy(AA) N==6L3d0U GA-PACIFICCORP CHIP-N-SA E:GEWAY74R'EST WH]TEL'D1,E NFA `":D000613543 G_k-PACIFIC CORA?-4— ELBDRR.D E:GHQ+AY US 74-76 WE—DTE% 1-F NFAi ". }7613 57 C�4-PACIFIC COKA71-YWOOD '_R. L435 WHTTEL= EPA :_:--S256A GA -PACIFIC CORP-gVBER AESiRAI]gSTREET WHTTLA.T11.F NFAi GL7`TTON B kTIEILY SPRVICE RWY 401 S CH DBOURV SP'L 542 JRHE-kTHPROPERTY }L46OLD STAGREll e'(HWYS'7) RIEGELWOOD EtaLAmdivo D5 75378�7 1LUSERACNE FARI{A=i SR1870 RIEGELWOOD SFL N-D480642470 ILUSERFEKTILE FRPLANT INTSEC HA'YE7 8' SR L270 RIEGELWOOD SPL NCDM69 L039 L_UTIEY II+II)[TMM W IREHOUSE FLOE LOG ROAD wELT=7^ lE NFA NONCDC002734 METAL RECYCLING SERVICES 5L92 TANIS 1kE=HWY wEiT=%C=1H N rA NONCD0001074 OILD FORD RLDG FIPTH ST TAB OR y ITY SPL NCSFN04U6906 OLD Si AM RO.4D OLD Si KE RO 4D CHL-ID 8 cUB-N NFA NONCD00U1L78 PACKERPROPERT3C US Nl A MWEL ST FEL]=L'r i.Jr SPL N-DNCDOOU'3919 PLANTER'S WAF2HOUSE 1003 PIPE4 A} RD T4.EOR Cii'F NFA NONCDM1121 R & R PIArING OLD A-nlhHITGTON RD W'EI17EVMLH SPL NONCD000UC& SR 1943 ERTTEELYDUNIP SR 14M3 V_4KE4-k NFA NONCDW02669 STEPHENS =FIRE -6721 C•IAR£NDON CHADBOURN RD CHADBOUR4 EvaL Pwnd-mo NCD000629b16 USSAGRI{HELd]CAIZFAF.LJSPR't•7CP HwY701 WEIILEL"D&H SFL NCSFN04U6962 %ll]N2G4R HILL 1= SITP HWY 701 N TABOR CITY NFA NONCDCON07 WALTS, Ln-IPROPERTF 103 P IR L•T3FFROAD TIBOR CITY NFA NONCDXMJJ 3 '%TZiEL'II.L£ EUMM & GLASS (FOFJ d=) 624 WEST rF'a a'aa ON STREET WFDT-:.'�'T 1.F SPL CR_4<ITU 1fONCD00U1651 _ MERICAN DFL'ELOP>1dfl+Tf CORP (FR1TR) 1456 ST3TE CAUP RD V_4.NCEBORD E4a1 A dmo NCDO45924065 AM-HATTERAS YACEM 110 N GLMMURNEE RO ID NEWBERN NFA w Rp: r. N-DNCDM1274 ANTHONY SCARANO RESIDENCE (DRIB-G-W MM)E -1 "_ T4-E5i NEW BERN EsaL Po ub3m NONCD00U'3790 APAC•-CL.iRKS ASPRALT PIAM OLD US 'M-T 70 C iRKS N rA NONCD00U1249 APAC-NZW BERN SMALTPL.iNi 514SGLESBU1LqgRD V=R'BHKN NFA NCDOORRI] 586 BARBOUR BOAT WORKS, INC. 527 TRYON PALACE DR ME BERN V ohmtuy (A A) NONCD0ORU3 BIDDLE STREET-11C4 1104 FIDDLE ST 'f W BEEN EmL Poahtio NONCDOOD29M BRIDGPTON HARBOUR MARINA 1101 NORTH H ST aRIDGETON EvaL Amuhmo_ NCDW-371794 COASTAL LUMBER 00 934N CRk%.M'TST VPR'BERN SPL NONCDM1032 CDC A COL-k BQT=G WORKS INC HIGHWAY L- NEW BERN NFA N0NCDN93LL4 DLROGPFSCORP 1914 NEUSE BLVD VPR'HERN E4aLPmidma NONCDMD1644 DUVV PROPERTY 240-24-6 CR4`LTH STRMT NEW BERM E4aL A dmo NCDO0320LS37 IDTCEP CHEMICAL S.iLES, INC_ RWY 17N BRIDGETON Vuo -� (AA) NCDO-0i319G564 PL'ERH_4.Ri lummPR C00FANY SR L 117 V=R BEEN NFA N0NCDND1�] G3LUL M DIXON PROPERTY 2 KO HIGHWAY 17 NORTH BRIDGPTON EvaL Ammo_ NONCDND109 3423US TRUCKING EC�U25,= (FOR_1TER', 50M US R'wy 70E VER' EERN NFA NONCDNES28 H_IL'EILOC AUTEWATER=kTIEENT 304NORTH lACKSONDRIVE NEW BERN NFA NONCD0001 LR1 bdDL:kCLE UrATER REFLYERS HWY r4 H_4 VELQCS EmL Poaditio =37U01796M N&B-CO. -TE ti+= 2201 E US 70HR'i" TANIES CITY EvaL Ammo LSS6] P7259 NEW BEEN COAL GAS PL -I- 50<lTRYON P,3LACE DKNE NEWBERN V otoaiar{ ffi.+l) - "v]d PHII= RATING US 1-HR'YxfORTH BRIDGETON m - 3:0 PHOENIX RECYCLING HWY r4 SE PINE GRO'o-'E RD H_4 VELQCS EmL Poaditio - s{= ROWE&CORNER DRUI{DUMP Sr& ldli-UM 16L7 R019FESCORNER NFA SALT ♦FOOD PRODUCTS, NC. 1IN5 01D RVY 70 W CO4E CITY EsaL Ammo SCOTTS CR-S E ATTEST SITE 40 HO MILL ROAD NEW BERN NFA SWISS BEAR LNC TEYhCO NC. 200-206 F FRONT ST 76MW BERN NIVrA SE T= TNDL =S, INC.NEA' BERM SM 1317-BOSCH STREET NEWBERN SPL .E-6v!_ Pew fng7- fwlLu t20}L7 P8lJ dJ77Q WA — Furd*ff A rm lJ SPL - &f= Ptid?7Jy L,rS! NFA ?4if 1yiu _ - P YID 1 iJ?7+ m-Acdopi %th pir7 Lop Fmin{7JAPCS V0kwim' l - VOlwJfM' ACtim Xon-- Site - }40PP-+J[:w:do 5 �-"b i m-o 51f6 1761Page NONCDOOD31M: URETHANE MVP N]TOVATOKS INC 403 INDU5THLiL DER NEW BERM NFA s- Rs.tr. NONCDOOD] C `.4 W LLLdLMS AUTO CENTER 401 D STREET BRIDGFMN m NONCDGN3025 WORLD WOOD PRODUCTS 12045 OLD HWY 70 Yi COVE CITY &Pl.. CUXMRLAND NONCDW30(9 44A f'LFAN= 4515 BRAGG BLVD PAY'Err VILE Eva1 Pondmc NONCDMI131 Add3CAN R]:F R MrEbM IfURCHISOV ILD PAY'Err VILE E%•aL Pond -me NONCDON1342 BE TCON TRUCK &ER6ICE E_4SrERN BLVD. PAY'EZ'I'FVILE Eva1 Nnd-mg NCD98] 932073 BED119 T.T. FAIEM &1 16OR LINDEN NFA NCDC41467267 BLACK ANDDPCF'. MGENERAL r+r.WMC HWY 301 & F_#}ETIEV! E NFA NCB::' : °{:: - BORDEN CHI'MIC L P YF TE:VEL PLANT 14L ] INDU&THL41s DK FAYE E Voka=y (AA) HIL4GG BL'%13 SOI%ENT'& BIL4GG BLVD F_kYETTEV LLE aa1 Pane BPFNDAE-4.LERPROPER.Tf HIGHWAY 30I-`SR2243 HOPE ME-I NFA BRIDGE NO.116 REFL+ICE1UNT'14CSI RS HILLSBORO ST FAYETTEVELLE EvaL Paaffiao NC':, :.-.: BUTLERWARlk,-fRGE-xfELkTNGPLANT CLUSTER. AIL =(n1723) FAYET EVILLE EralPumdLvo C,3RGIT.L. HEXANE RELL4.5F 1754 RI :'ER RD FAYETTEVI E ET L P=dlvo_ C,3ROLN9iP&1 CO.FA��TTE 'D1E 'L MBERI-LkMRD � OR�xfDR FAYETPFSFII.IE &FL I%M __ : :;434 CHASON DIESEL INJECTION SERF. 2M GILLEDST. FAYErTEVILE NFA NCB _ _ : AM CE0L.OhE-R]TP PLATING FACILITY 514 SOUTHEASTERN BLVD FAYiErrEVILE EvaL Patio_ NCDC=='-`_:33 CLARKE & PROCT R.TU FENTINP CO. 331-249 WORTH ST FAYETTEVILE NFA NCN = _ : A L99 COTTO3i FIRE DEPT 4618 CALICO ST HOPE dm.L& NFA NC. :=397 CRLEKERIDGE-BORDIENCHEIDCAL VSHWY 24$3(GROVE ST) FAYETTEVILE &PL AN] CROWN FORD FA=TF-VR LE 236 &Rr41V ST FAYETTEVILLE VaNEtUy VLk) NC`,:L::31S9] D-1V'IDH_4LL(SZM NSKI)PROPERTY- 5033 HADDOCK STREET FAYETTEVELLE EvaL Pmulimg NCDCw319S934 FASCO NDUSrFM, NC. 610 GILLESM ST FAYETTEVELLE NFA MCDMIR7341 FAYETTR;rnLE COAL GAS•'RAy AVE RAY ArkM--qP FAYETTEVELLE Valbag f�A� NCD981926Lr21 HOL ZTGSS'WORTH PROPERTY 307, BROADF00T gL%'E FAYET7ETJII.T.E NFA NONCDO0 IM ]CLDUPONT EM-Y 53 EAST (CEDAR CREEK) FAYETTEVILE &W NONCDMIB99 LNESCD S]TE SO0 VVHITF= RD. FAYErPFVILE &M NONCDM3162 JUDSON CHURCH ROAD TRUCE REPAIR 120 JUDSON CHURCH RD FA'fEr EVlL Eva1 P®duo_ NCDMP1363 5 FJn.LY-SPRLVGFIEILI) TIRE CO•'GOOD}M43L NA USA RD FAYETTESFH.I.E &FL NONCE: ' A 7F 1AKRRIM SOLVENTS RLMR.OAD & S NDRA STREET FAYPT7EVELLE EvaL Pand-me 1663 MCGILL'S MUFFLER SHOP 58ffi YADLF. N RD F_ YETTEVILE Esa1 Pand-me_ MONS ANTO CONPAN f TOHM ,fe i-14S CEDAR CREED RD FAYETTEVELLE &PL ::21.69 Nmor durur =3�47-Tku-vC-n= +J36SH.iRr.YMl RD -_AYETL'EV LLE E-aL Pand-me PARKER FARM &TRIMU-A-1D BRIDGE &1 L403 FAYETTFVJL NFA ::2993 PARS; BLDG SUPPLY-TER2F=:--X OWF-q DR & ENTEYTRI&E AVE FAYETTEVELLE EvaL Pand�me ::3019 PEPSICOLA 131 P ?MLANE FAYET EVILE NFA ::2N9 PLANTERS CHEMICAL 636ROBESON &T FAYRr EVILE aa1 Pindmo N{=:- :-"425 PRILLAMAN CHID60CALS 334 WORTH STREET FAYETL'FVILLE V43Lmita3-y(.iA) ::2345 F111ROLATOR P7LODUC'r&41NC. 32GO NATAL. STREET FAYETL'FVILLE VaLmxlm 7 (AA) ::31.35 QU4LTTf CoN BETE 1187lk-ff.14HC+1GTDNHAY FAYFrrEVJL EvaLP®d�mo MCI:, _ :: j'_370 5V?­EEC9kATFS A'!HP &BOBBY L43fLO1L OIL C06'TP_4N51MTR'9LTER DRN'E P 4}Er EVlL &PL NC= : } J623199 TEXACO NCFAYET FVMU i►9'2 SHAWL RD FA): ErrFVJL NFA T=L`{DU&TRIPS, INC 401 HOFMDME FAYETTEVELLE &PL NC=:::: ::300 T' SL=E}" MOTOKS 3203 BRAGG ffi%.'D FAYETTETJILI.E EvaL Pand�me NC=:::: ::29r,, V ND=RSOUTH 113EV SLI SYN 711 JOHN B CAIL ER-M FAYETL'FVJ E EnLL Pand-me NC':::: ::1-670 VaMCO 3{USTC-L4P.PLYNN 3542 GILLESSPIE- 37R-T F YI!TTFVILE E4a1 Pand-m_o ::I-9w %�-71ERAV'SP,3RK 401 BRAGG BLri,D -_A1=TIEVILE NFA NCN,= : :-73: W_ADE— ODWIN LDFL &TSK-CuLBRETH RD W.-LD= NFA NONCE: :-' -:: V"ELhiiN FIB RINDUSTRIPS HWY 13 CfMU CREEK. EvaL Nnd-mg NCVC•_•_ -. _43 W OODYS SALVAGE YARD 4 L39 CLUMN RD V _4NDER &PL. NONCE: _,3W YADKNRD CIUMM K 6489YADKIN RD FA3lETTEVILLE E-7A Amd�me CL7REI'L'C cK NONCDOOD1339 BLUfRU n M MWE R-WY L68 MOYOCS Eva1 Ptnd�me NCD9&5166 N CUR=CS PHOSFHORU& ' &T SIDE OF MEMORLA.L BRDG POINT E-M11101 NFA NONCDND3O46 MOYOCK MUSCLE CA]i-gL KE HWY mcryOCS EvaL Pand-me NONCDOOD'_ L93 VCDOT-FORJi[ER ASPHAIT TH&TJN37 HWY 1 S8 AT NLAI E SR# SIDE 1O_4D POWfZLS POUrC EvaL Pandme NONCDWD3 L76 OCEAN HILL COEfIF-RCL4L SITP 1215 POhrrON L %T COROLLA Eva1 Pand-no NONCDWD2640 PD'%='& PONT REST SLOP PPM,j 6364 CA3LITOE{E HR' e' POWEI_1S POINT Eva1 Pondmg NONCDWDI US SIATE 1NP HONDA 134 C Y-kTOKE HA' e' mc)YOCS E4a1 Pond -me_ MCD980603001 UMUESE AD BEACH, LI JEHONNA CORP CDR01.1A 1 EAT COROLLA NFA DARE NC 1.69030233 CAPE H.A=RA.S NATIONAL SEASHORE R417LdN= NFA N-DNCDMIC43 CAPE HAT' ERAS SCHOOL HIGHWAY 12 BL�ZLCY NFA NONCD000141.] CAKOIT-TA TELEPI-[ONE-ELLLY-CON 49161 NC 12 HWY BL�ZO:V EvaL Pand�me NONCDOOD1768 DPCATUR P,3RTNEP SLIP SrM 1013 US 264,N 5LkL TEO NFA NONCDOOD2499 KILL DETrfL HILL& AMOCO 'US 1511 & EDEN ST 1171_ 1 n-m HILL& E7A Pand-me fl.rd_ Pmwlwg-fvalnotioru Poidixu 0A-NoFEvAorActwpi SPL - Srla Primo: L&I NFA -,)o Fun�mA pj %ith propep71"use res&klicm Volwmmy (AA)- VbAmcuy_ Mori r Site -:roar-0jamu&msxz&A w al.9 1771Page NONCD0001 L47 MCDH61RL799 NONCDOOD2032 NONCD0001640 NONCDOOD2 L30 NCD9U17- L304 NONCDOOD2344 MC617002746D DAVIDSON NONCDWD006' NONCD00D1332 NONCD0O0137-0 NCD9912--Sn1 NC00011633 56 NCSFN0407]40 NONCD00D2 3 NCD06D299M NONCDOODII12 NONCD00026&] NCD03912W7 NONCDMI707 NCD077627244 NONCD0 I727 NDNCDM12R NCD L 15990574 NCDMIR7356 NONCDM1050 NONCD0001048 NONCDWD1049 NCD0006 L63M NCD003'_337M NONCD0002 L36 NCDW3231066 NONCDOOD2303 NCDW32 L6413 N{ {CDM01034 NL= : ::.4574 NL= : -:_ FSo D {fig NONCD0002 L23 NONCD000176 NONCD0000C2 NONCDOOD2195 NONCDOOD2116 DLMP NONCD0001195 NCD00-12CC-5! d NCNti DO:y='49 NONCDNOJ+`_3 DLTaLk 1 NCDM172#d9 NCD0735K 197 NONCD0 O20M NCN000 I03 ID NONCD00D1337 NCDO47372 503 NONCDOOD1404 NCD9U17L072 LIGHTHOUSE S]9RT11IC13 CENTER H1kY L2 A UGH7$OUSE RD BUXTON E4a1 A md:mc MA TCEO DRUM SITE dd ihTEO NFA MARIGNLF.LI= -FOR_=R CArME DIP VAT JLTMORROAD FRISCO Esa1 Pomd me_ NAGS HEAD SH11L 3643 S. CROAr-4—q H%"f NACTS HEAD N1ErA NCDOT - FOR;_1LER ASPHALTIC TES= SrM 62 WE DRIFTWOOD DRIVE MANTEO Eva1 Pamd_mc OREGON INLET B=-ICH CONTAINER AT OREGON LV=EI NFA PUGH& CAR CARE CENTER 2209 501,TE C ROATAN HIGHWAY �LkGS HMAD E,; L Pamd-mc USAF DARE COUNTY RANGE SE-ILO:T_k HW 264 NFA ASTOR<DEI DENTON NFA BELL RESMENCI; JOHV Liom-faT H i R i &CH. THOILgSVILLE Esa1 Po uKmo BO%= ESTATE 107 S. URBAN STREET THONIA{SV LLE Eva1 Pomdimo BURIMTGTONF[JR_21TrURF-4U_1[BERP1 USd4EAST LEUIGTON &PL ELY'ERLY DR ITM SOL A 503 CAR-k%.Mfn LI'NllTGTON NFA CARDINAL CON AL47M SERVICES 138 W I.SFR ROAD LE53NGTON &PL CARTER. LUMBER 747 OLD I-4RGRAVE RD LE53NGTON E4a1 Amukmo CIAMIC FUR-NITURE CORPORATION ZION CHURCH RD IHO-V-gSV= NFA COUNCIL. KA-SrI 2-DENTON 1 L16 NORTH M- LV STREET DE24TDN NFA DlAMONDB-UM PRODUCTS, INC 40 W 12" AVE I=GTON Eva1 Pamdimo - DUPONT RIDE NE MOUR S & CO. ROUTE a DENTON NFA F,'<IMY BOLAT CFV7ER BADDT LAKE HA'Y 0 HR'Y 8 BADEN I-kKE NFA FLEEY T]L4`VSPOR<T CO., INC. lam S MA-N- ST I=GTON NFA IrGAM TECK INC. 117 C£DAR LA E DRAM 1P-NINGTON EVA Pamdimg INGR M PLYWOOD LVC 7L8 MUSE TT 7RIi� THOMASrV LLE EsaL Pouhmo I1d0PJ-4<TLYG FROSPECTLSDUSTMAL PARK LESZYGTON NFA 1.13MNGTON CC•_iL GAS PLANT SR2001-CM35PLANT` ROAD 1E_aNGTDN Votmtmy (AA) LF3M%TGI--N E-7 ;ZJRE ISM. PLNTVO 12 3301 COTTOR+ GROVE L4`�TE LE33hfGTON SPL LF33VGICN FT-'ZJRE ISM. PIN TVO 2 3979 OLD LLNWOOD ROAD LE33hfGTON SPL LF3IVGTON FL7+UY_TJRE IND. PLNT VO 7 179 LFI COMPLF-M LANE LE_51VGTC)N SPL LD+1,} CO. DRJMRECO=*TD PL4`VT TR]3%iT4 AVENUE THOVAS5VrLLE NFA MASON17E CORP. CUSTOM COMPONENT }W MASO0! WAY THCVASVILLE NFA NCDOr-=NO16LE3ZNGT0NASPILgIT CITY DIMPROAD LE53NGTON Eva1.Amdimc NE4 AGE FL'FtiMURE CO-IME11 .ER TOOL PILOSPECT INDUSTRIAL PARK L=GTDN &PL• PImmCNT _%!=-T L5 OLD H%"f 29 IF CgGTON E,; L Poad:me_ R_iLEIGHKC-AD FUK IJURE COFFST_LN= 60211rE&TCENTERROAD 1R5lTGTDN SPL S- XM ST R3SMEI+T I 1 DUMB L2 S SAID d 5T THOVASVJLLE E- a1 Po uLme SNIKDER Rz-;7J=, ROT 3142NEW CUT RD. 1 -11 IqGTON Eva1 Po uLme SOUTE3ER-N KESLxi-'U& LVDUSTRIE& INC 1510 DZgTON ROAD THO1USVJLLE &P_ SP -4VCE SOUTHERN. INC. 113 EELLERDR w- THERMO PRODUCM INC. 600 JONES STREET DENTON &PL Tf OVA&VILLE FOREST PRODUCTS CL.iR&SBURY CHRUCH ROAD THOMASV LLE &PL LHO_,Lt&Tb'II.LE PLANT B 3 LO FISHER FERRY 5T THO-N[AS'V LLE E%- L Pomdime T?JP=E PIATING, INC 27 Rr VAJN 5T TH4MASVI LE NFA aKvr1ai 1mLS't3 314'%L4JN ST COOLFF Eva1 Poa&mo FALLIE& DRY CLEhNL'TG SOUTH der ST. @ S;.iJ-J<g. UR.Y Sr. MOCKSVUJZ E4a1 Poadimo FUNDER AIDERJCA 2M FUNDER RD MO T-TOLCP V okmitm f {AA) TOFU DEERE TRACTOR HUY 601 AND SR 1-413 MOCKSVILLP &PL THOMSON CROWN WOOD PROD= 390 HPTHAL CHURCH ROAD MOCTISVELLE EsaL Pamdimc TOWN OF MOCSSVJI.LE _NLAR+1TE CNCE SHOP 337 SANFORD AVP MOCJkSV1LLE. NFA DEANS PICLF.I,ES, FhM CA ES 314 N. F,3ISOV kVF- FFATEERPPACESSO 5, INC H`W L]-NORTH GA -PACIFIC CORP$$IWD SAW &R HD1 GRADY FARM SERVICE V•ARR MIT RD(NCSiL 1101) SAFETY-SI=-q CORP 3-031-3 R-WY 41CL &TEVECOENTC FABRICS CO1WAVti 6C L CoZ3Z; GTOV ROAD WA11-kCE SOLVENT CONTA-%dIt+LkTL-N ] L4 E'NtUA ST AIRCO MUSTRLiL GASES a MORL WORTH CHE%GCAI. RF SL Y AVERrELL& BECF—)LA+N DURHAM SANDEFUII BENCEL%LAR7€ MATERI 1 C BRFhRa A&'SOUTHCHEdd RURLLqGION INDUSTRIES (FORMER) BURNH M SERVICE CORP. F.iISON ROSE HILL BO4r73ENS F.iIEON tb'ALLACP WALLACE 4r'XUACE TTJANGLE DRI4rE RTP 24A E_45T PELT]GRERr ST 7JJi.E AM 3034-3036 HOI.LO`WAY SiF= DUK-L M 3333 B1DU&TF.L41 DEXE DURFAM 311 S. KUM &T DUX1--k i 2000 E. PETTIGREW ST. DURFAM WEST MAN ST 7LKa-im 3211 hialMIEOULE -ARD DTjRa4M &PL &PL NFA &PL• E-al Pomdimc NFA 5,P_ E4aL. Pomiim Esa1 Pamd-me Eva1 Pamd-mc Eva1 Pomd: me Esa1 Poad me_ NFA -E-krai PsufhMg-.Errabmadf"L7PerJdix NFA - 3k Fw-.OJer,1eliopi SPL - Sri Px40?-iv List NFA x/AaR sr_ -11k FwAer-lceopi xllh prow- -uw nmh7cALwu Vahol y(AA) - VohmfxyAcHori N rhH=.site-?off-haapdmaFsasmrmcasite 1781Page NCD991279714 C.iROCHM&INC. 540G=ST DURHAM SPG NOMCDM3133 CHATHAM PLAZA PROPERTIES 1 LM E MAIN ST DURKkM NFA NONCDC0113 L39 CLASSIC ClFA14M 53C0 N ROXBORO Sr DURH-Ui NFA NONCD00Q M3 C2..USIC IOYOTA 4513 CHAML HILL RD DURHAM Eeal. P=dimo NCDM17LOM COLETO=q-1ffCHA IICS 30MBWJ-NS0N ROAD Dl RH—IM YFR NCDO91MR279 CONTLNENTAl FOREST= FEDEK-U P_i.REIC 923FRAVF.IL4STREE T DURH.-Uf YFA Nc.gDmlu52 DAV_"1'- ROBERTS-INTERSTATE S? 29I5' AYCR.OSS RD D J-KH kM EvaL P=d-3o NCDm6Siill D-VJGHERTY CFEMCALCOMPA-MY 307VALK R &=T 7JRFAM SPL NOMCDM1639 DUKE MIDICAL CENTER (Bal B ILDLVG) TF.ENC DR= Dl,-K .AM Era]. Awdme NCD000613519 DUKE UNA ERS= HWY 711 GATT! L I D J-3E_AM Ta::Mticry 0-Aj NCDMI?1096 DUKETJ7A'PS= TF iNSPORMERSTORAGE TOWER17EW & RrANNAM-ULIM DU —Uf N-FA NCDM173936 DU J-AM GAS PIANT 6L2M-41J IUD AVENUE DJ?E_i.ki Vu" mtmrv(AA) NONCDM3 L94 D4F.HAM VAIN SUBSTATION 947 WA&BI]�TGTCFN ST DURHAM a L Pomd:me NOMCDOW-918 DUKE" PUBLIC SPRIVICECO PROP (FOUNI R) 309BLACK1 ELLST DURHAM a-zl P%md:me NONCDC031LK E_ FaS CLEA--�ER5 (FORMER) 62,E MORGAN ST DURHAM SPl NCD991278324 F-q%IRO f -U REC3ECLILVG CO. 1901 PEABODY ST DURHAM 's-FA NOMCDOC1341 FR.:-UDENHERG-.q0], R GVEN& 97JAR) 3440 LNDUSTRI-U DR DURHAM E•: al. P'omd:me NCDO72O L9252 G-fER_41 ELECIPIC CO.%MD STEAM TCTRSLY OLD RAIFIGH RD DURHAM r_•P- NCD065d11599 G:-LYOSS•�N FI4EMOORE DM7E DURHAM \-A NCDM17L060 GLIDDE_N P_4LYT 27I7 �-ECS DRIL'P DUPd-L-I L N-A NONCDOMIU6 H_URIS SE 61]CONDUCTOR P_4CM=(SEE COMB M3026 COR7TR AILIS E.D 3TP E•.al. Pandne NONCDW01843 HERCTJLES 9 DAVIS DRRrE 711RFL45ui 5P= NONCDOOD1739 HILLS * SOUTMIOLNT LOTS 129 A 129 SOUTH REND DR DURHAM NTA NCD003199KO HUVPyRrEu, INC P2I HOLLOWAY STREET DURHAM u- NONCDOOD1169 HOOVER RCL D CONIA bdLgATION 211 SOUTH HOOSM ROAD DUKH-W 5P- NC5-DND30S6 HUNT STCHROLUUMCONTAMINATIOV 214AND 2L6HUNT ST DURFL4hi E%aL Ptmdne NCD-� �52 L1465 Imc USA INC ONE LYVOVATION DR RTP V okays ui{} UGGPTTAND MYM C01 PANY 700w 36L4LVST DURH_W NFA NCB _D:::=:-- MATTHEWS,VCEMIDKNTCE 34261UGHWAY 55 DURFL4M EvzL P%md:me NCB 7 mclqc 3021 COILNW-q-U S ROAD DURHAM E4a1 PomLnF mris ionEil PLECTROIncs iF= DlAJMOND LANE. DURIL4M To'ohmt2irj (A -k) N R03MOR1D STPCE 5238NROSBoRo ST DURHAM Ev2L Pandino NCHCD:::3:Li NC M-Y 54CONTAMfATION 4001 AND 4L51 I'4STNCH%-Y 54 DURHAM EV2L P®dmF NO*ICY :'.2573 N--C TEER QUARRY-DLVFIELD 5013DENFIEI.D Sr DU3H_4hi Ev2L Amd:me NCN:-::'127v 1y-=4TEER-,--4MDE1+IAVP 1433CANDLVAILT DUTJLgM EraLAmdme NCN, D::.}_' L9 NORTHERN rEUCOM-CEM.TANK SOLV 4600 EMMMOR BLVD. MOmST.''II.LE Ev2L Pimdme NONCDi:::'_'6] PANTRY -L�24 5274 NORTH RO�MORO ROAD DUEXA i NFA PBM GRAP9LCS 49M PROSPECTUS DM7E DURHAM NFA NcD::" .: y:93 PIFFR DMUSTRIPS, mc. 2214E PETTIGREW ST DURHAM SPL POND9r'IESk I-QU. PC Nln]E9r L4YP DUK-UL •i Esa1.Pumamo NO.NK::':::2338 PSNC OPERATION& AND GARAGE 3001 HARV RD AlOngUE DURHAM EmL P®dimg NCN _-:::3L07 RIGSBEE AVE CRIN SOIL 730AND 723 RIGSBPEAVENU`F- d'_ DURHAM Ev2L Prime_ NODS �,:1_:: -16 RRrERDALE HOME3,TA L GETTS 404 RAM11DALP DRK'E DUKagM NFA NONCD[ ::_: "-1 ROCHELLE STREFTVELLS 2503ROCHELLE ST DURHAM Ev2L P m ime NONCD[ ::=v'4 RPM mSS_Mq 3930 CH,4LM HILL BLLTdD DURHAM Ev2L P®dbo_ NONCDL_,:2449 SCARSOROUGH & HA1?LGPTTFUNE3L41 HD-VF 306 SO= ROXBORO STREET DURHAM N A. NCD037160I16 SCNE-GLIDDEN METAL F=HERS 260I �-ECK=f RTP NFA NCDMIC3146 SGUTHCHEM LANDFILL 750EAST M-q F.E•L4MAVE D13RH_45,i SPL NONCDC -.,`-119 S=HTS AUTO SERVICE CENTER 4723 FAYETTEVD..L,E ROAD DURHAM Ecr L Pomdimo Nc:!f 71`_ :: SL 76 SUPREME FL47SH 1G FOUNTAIN STREET DURH_4M NFA NC -- :::5020 TKIANGLE CHURCH OF CHA IST STATE ROAD 1110 KIP NFA NCN _ - :: ,}627 TRLiNGLE FUR]TrfU R STK]3y NG ETC 75 LA NC 54 DURHAM Ev2L Pomdimo U�TIONT CARBIDE COR>hAGRIC PROD 2 - 7W ALEILCqDPR DR KIP 1%TA NCN _ _ :: 13 L SF U.glrVR k& FORD 60I lk-Ts..kRD ST DURTi45•i EmL Pumdbo U 75,70.= 4F NC AT CH_4FE1 HnL FLYLE4' GOLF COURSE RD EsmL P®dima_ NC6685v� :452 US EPATECH CENTER HlGEVAY 14 & ALEXANDER DR RIP NFA NC921511-- S7 USA RESEFLVE IDAIRBORNE CORPS U#FOSTPRST D IC-1-im NFA NC4=? 5. =:5?l USA RESELVE Y; M AIRBO£IE CORPS L228 CARROLL Sr D11M:-1 i NFA NCN _-:: ,2e3 WAND. IOSEPH PROPES.Tf 2101 ENGLEArOODDRIVP Dl RH4M EvA.P admo NECK, EDIIIARDINC. AVE CSDR 3TP Vohmtzy(AA) NCN _ _ :: ,2 50 lk'HITNEF fi TERPRISES CHEF RD &-]OII.AND TERRACE DJRE.W Ev2L Pondime_ NCHCDL--02769 4YNqL',LkYPROPFRTY(FORMER; 905DANBUILYST DU3fikM NFA FDGECOIMF NOMCDCOD1273 ANSELL EEFAT r =CARE 29W ANACONDA ROAD TARBORO V olm} G4-k) NONCD0063 L90 AT -UMC A%% - MET_4 A 1110 AT7-4VTIC AIM ROCKY MOUNT Esa1 Pomdne NOMCD00613LO B.3=RE;:D=SCE 2704 ANACONDA ROAD T_4RBORO EV2LP®dme NCDQ'e - HZ2 3 BI ACS%k 7=C KRPLANT FORMER} 3101 M-UNST T_4RBORO T4otmmtmr) �A-k) -E-ka? P6%d0 ng — -5uizu 7 opz PE?J[{JT FA —j'1SO F6 r&ff A wro pr L — smm PtiC?71�v Lis, -VFA vLVBoSs'_ — Ai0 Fup-MerAcdolJ With Pr0 =UW MSf17aliOM Valwinvy ( - Vo[railrrn• _fiction Site - Non- 01a_aF dew smE - f m-s Lum 1791Page NCN _ _ . ... -i 3R1 s NT. ROY PROPERTY SK 1144 & 100 SHARP53LRG NFA N£L: 7S1=,111pORrCR2.OSOTE SM1201 PLNErOPS NFA NCD09:.. _--= Cr L-r7ELU EDAM PL3ST7CS C0KPOI�-ITID:*T 501 D ANIEL ST Ems]' TARBORO NFA NONCD: :: -s.' G145 E3aamS MART 1617 ELARNM ST ROCKY _MOUNT NFA NONCD,. :: :_ JL=Ft-LL4.RT 1901 N RALEIGH ST ROCKY MOUNT SFJ. - BANOrT UNLD DING STATION VANCE STREET ROCKY MOUNT E4aL P ubmo N-:::.:::'. - IJ =%T{r NULWH. CTURI24G 1 L ] FAIRVIEWSTREET TARBORO SFL NONCD: ::: 5 NHV _LV.AR DECOR_4.TTUE SURFACES 2901 ANACONDA ROAD TARBORO NFA NONCD'. PLNETOPS IENE NSCLEANERS IM 82`SI PINETOPS E%aL P dmo NONCD: : _3 L9 POLYLOL_ LYC.'R'ELL3NGTON SEARS 3006 AN AXON A RD. TARBORO Sm NONCD: :: - M:k CON5TK7JC'TION-KOC YMOUNI SA 14411 ROCKY MOUNT SPL NONCD: : _- _ _ ?T ENB 33U< _UPI DENCE 1631 VA_NCE ST. ROCKY MOUNT E%aL Pondiae NCDC4_-:.`..15 RC,-KY%!0JV7F:BFRDUI[P AM42= LVPERT'ENSION ROCKY MOUNT SFL NONCD: ::13m SLEEK:,-X E� 5 E % NO] ANACX)NDA RD T4.P2GORO EaL Pomdimo NCD9i:::=723 TA_ L3CRO-aDG=,'Off= AIUVIT H`WY 44 TARBORO SFL NC-'=' :: `_ 711 TRINTI}" LET GSIRES, INC. 1529 STANCE ST ROCKY M0UVT NFA N{ L:::: _:5}i USA RESERVE 3n4III AIRBORNE CORPS 604 P_4.IiLVIE1Y RD ROCKY MOUNT NFA XrC75Fa64,'413 Vi'UMENSGNPROPERTY BATTERY SITP 3552C13GLSP'FJNGROAD ROCKY MOUNT NFA FORSYCH NONCDC004964 L400 RLDCK S MAIN 5I S0L:'ENTS 1400 BLOCK S MAIN ST WINSTON-SALEM E4aL Pond:se NONCD0001W 2STm STRIMT TCP COVTCMINATION 2500 BLOCK OF STOLFM AVE WINSTON-SALM EaL Pomd-Me NCDCW24134 RCLEANER. W0RLD 1221'WACADEMYST A'INSTON-9AIJM Era1Pondi3o NCD083 d]9IA UMUr N RgKg & COATINGS CORP. 3755 F16!WM L DR 4r'iNsrON-&,;ijma NFA NCDME44516 AMP NCORPORATED 47% FM+T IAMON ROAD CLFEd_1dONS Eta1 Pomdivo NCDC4123MI E kMP LVCORPORATED 39{)O RFD} %,'R LE PA 4D WINSrON-S,;LM SP7_ NONCDM01263 kMP, LTC. -BUILDING 54 6399 _ mp DRI4rE CLEEd_1{ONS EcaL Poadimo NONCDW01264 kMP, DW. BUILDING IN 344: %YEELIEEDRIVE W3NSTON-&ALM NFA NONCD000}205 AMPXgC-BLI :t 090 37 ° W 901rEN-i-LA-bluA ST EfERNIMVILLE EcaL P uhmo NONCD0003L64 ARDMORE CO MON& 14!: EBELtT 5TRaHT WINSTON-&ALE ! EEaL PoadiLo_ NCD000276186 BEATJNTC CORP. PRNT PLANT 3£4: LMfTi 'L WINSION-SALM NFA NONCDM1 L33 BOATMAN GRAY-FRIFDBURG C US WE -?_ARE ROAD Vi INSTON-SALEM EEaL P ufmo NONCDM3013 Bum ST504VENT8 1C== Bil-K{ST WINSTON-SALEM EEaL P ufmo_ NONCDM1713 C,3PDDLU, SHOPPING CENTER 2200 V" CLEMMONSVTT.T.F RI} 1 3N9TON-&AlJEM NFA NCD980729479 C,3ROLA II M CONPANY L426' MOUNTAIN ST KERNA-R v LLF SPL NCD08]-127890 CAROLINA lHTAI=G CO._ INC. 1925 VARGR_lT.'E STREET 4r 3NSTON-&ALEM NFA NONCDND14N CARTER G. WOODSON CEL4`RrER SCHOOL -120 GOLDFLOSS Sr Qi ]NSTON-S,3I.M EtaL Pondimo NONCDND27-3 7 CAYUGA ST & 'T LIBERTY ST PCE 4212 N GLOWN AVE 4r'B,18TON-S,;LEM E4aL Pondimo NONCDOOD1469 CENTRAL PARK-SALEMAAMNUH CTTe' YARD DR WINSTON-S,;LEM E4aL Pomdimo NCD9912736W CCRA T-S kDDLLY P_4 LVT PRODUCTS 3950 NEW WALKEKTOWN RD ViINSTON-SALM SPL NONCDOOD11M CL MUTH PROPERTY 21. ] 1 _#CKE 1R4ZT Z]GL4.R ROAD W]NSTON-S,;LM NFA NCDMIOL966 COLLING4r OOD F JRHEIU E L%TDASTKMS 166: MAKTIN IXUTfEEK KNG D WINSTON-SALM NFA NONCDND2l64 C7DNSIGNIEE'VT FURNITURE 399 S STXA FORD RD W3NSTON-S,;r.M NFA NONCDOOD30L ] DAVIS ACRZ5 LAVE DA%-M ACHES L_ -241 WINSTON-SALM EaL P utmo NCDW3211030 DOUGL3S BATTERY MANUFACTUF NG CO. 500BATTFICYDR WINSTON-SALM SPL NONCDC ..A 613 DO77r _%TTD4')T DnrELOPLIENT PROJECT FIHSI ST @ CHURCH ST @ I-44 WINSION-S,;LM NFA NONC-: ::1634 DO4'VTOR"r1OEDDLPSCHOOL 290SOUTH LBURTYSTREFC WINSTON-SALM E4aL PLod-me NC_:::: ::2765 DUDLEY PRODUCTS 1080 OLD GREF-gSHORO RD KERVFRSV= E4aL P LOLMF :1035 DUKE ENERGY-'DgSTO;T-&ALM POWER SoUTH BROAD STREET WINSION-SALEM NFA : 2974 EAST 27 34 ST MET -US COR+1T_4,EENATION 740E 27' Sr WINSTON-SALM EtiaL P imd c NCB i = : :: `-' EDY. UDS SEAT COVERS -SOLVENT 947 N. LIBERTY STREET WINSTON-SALM EvA Pandmo NONC_ : :. ":: F_3IRC=]NDUSTI 1 PRODUCTS CO. 3920?E5IPOLVTBLVD. W]NSTON-SALEM VoLmitm} �:LAj NC`":= : :=533 FAIPM=RD SOLT.'ENC-BOWINBRANCH 1L'}` F_URCE-M RD WINSTON-&ALM E4aL Pomdno ::1997 FAIRYi ,YONE STOP NO.5 Lt`_3N=:8ERTYST WINSTON-SALEM E4aLPomLmo Nv=::= : ::1?1] FAV=SyR_-FP gNELSY. FFNNE= ST. LFML%T_c L.SVnLE EsaL Pomdmo NCN,= : :: ^ - FLART PRODUCTS 300LGWERYSTR22T WINSTON-SALM VoLmitmq �: Aj NONCD: :. FLEET SUPPLY CONPANY-STONUST 2744 W. MOU'TTALY ST. WINSTON-SALM E4aL Pandno NONCD: :;134 FOODS1 HP_Uri%TRS-WAUGHTOW'q 59TWAUGHTOWNSL WINSTON-SALEM E4a1.Poadmo_ NOHC-: ::1749 G_AF.I)NER ASPEUILT 1664 MARTIN L THER KLqG DR. WINSTON-&ALEM NFA NC': -- : ::2743 H&S OIL,COMPMAY 52MI-EIGHT POINT RD Ef.ER]4IKSV= Eca1 Poadimo NC B-L:�}9'45 I-LCNTSEIL4`NM LVDUSrFJALFAcn= 700 SOUTH STR_4.TTORDRD WINSION-&AlJ A E4aL Poadttio_ NCDC44515211 H-AYLS-AIMON CORP.'HRIC.GS-SH-UFNER 37M E16!WM L DR UTINSTON-9AIJ M SFJ, NC:T-]9}LdW? H]GH1_4`VD BMUSTF.IESHUPIIVGTOXUfD. 213DRU_1 MONDST'SR2099 ER_kRSI-= sm NCN : DC-001S68 HOOKER. FUJRNITGP31 CORP. - NONUST 2 LO N. MADT ST. KER' HIP.TiLF NFA NCN _- : D2937 1-H INDUSTRIAL PARK 1640LOWERY ST WINSTON-SALEM EcaL Poadimo N{-::=--i4364 IMC-NTR:9_qkTIOVU-NON RiUA C fM GLEEN AVENUE P7CTg 9bY_q W NSrON-&ALM EcaL Poadimo xc`:::•k1U&780 ]ND` 9TR1AI. '%.ET_A1, ALLOY 20 E AC_ DLk AVE W3NSTON-&ALM SFL NCD0 077C487 JOH!NSO V CONTROLS GLOBE BATTERY 2701 JOHNSON CONTROLS DRIVE KERNA-R &TrTT-T-F NFA fin? PepidJ ?fg7- JEi12zut2 oFL' P67j ar 77 NFA -Na Fu &ff A aw pi L - J'd6 PYiO?TJ'�' NFA w-1 Bas&_ - No Furt JerAvdo1! %ill pirgj l7 --myv F& tfic cm VOILOM ' ( - VolmiSmy ALtim -�WrHm &te - :YORE-ha:ar ow _yabs m-e 5J76 1801Page NCD986232163 ISC GRA DC ARTS 3wPFPILUIERBLLD Si'I2NSTO2N-SATLEM WA NONCD00DM48 Klli lLLDRSOLVENT CONTA MSUTTO3T 3M F3MIMLDR W3NSIO2N-S,L�u EvA Poadimo NONCDND1&_0 KR]SPY KYJD rn 17W17.YATkTgM WI NSTO24-SALEM E4aL PmuLmR NOMCDND2003 LIBERTY GROUP 709 N. LLA]VV STREET WI NST02N-SALEM WA NONCD0003 L32 LIBERTY ST NIET_US 1105 N LIELEKY ST WI NSTO2N-SALEM E4a1 Pand:me NONCDGWKL0 LI2+1F ROAD SITE 1725LINK ROAD i1iItNSTO2N-SALEM E4aL Pmad<ae NCDC03233111 MARSH FURhfITM COMP_C4Y 1001 E C=NTEI+1NIAL ST HIGH POINT EraL Poadino NONCDW03039 MODERNINFINM 1100PETER3 CREEKPS4_' WINSTON-&ALEM EvA Poadiac NONCDWF_L38 NCDOT-^SITE ;k24RA_=CONST..gUH LT PATTE3.501,1AVE. WI NSION-SALEM E4aL Po uLme NONCD00DN45 2NCDOT- SITE �54THOb S02TARTHURASPHALTAG0 INTLk AAIM. WINST02+SALEM E4aLPoadme NONCDOOKL46 2NCDOT-SITE ;k55PAPCO-SHEPLR.IIJ-ASPHAIr CRAFT D3T47f W[NSI02N-SALEM E4a1 Pmaditic NONCD00D204 2NCDOT-SITE ;�9P,3PCOA X-ALI SK L120 YINSTON-SALEM EraL Pmmamo NONCDOOD3076 NORTH IMUTY ST SO? VE�� T� : ] 00 BLK 1 L00 A.T.T€ 2NORTH LIDERTF ST WI NSTON-SALEM E4aL Pmadimo NONCD00R22 L8 NORTH LIBERTF- TR "I PROPERTY -9 :3.q d& CUTR2NORTH LIBERT} STREET WIN&TO24-&ALEM EvA Pand-mc NONCD0003078 VORTH PATT-RSv�,' _-�t-ESOLD EtiM 3506 BLK 3591 NPATTERSONATi,E Vi'W57,-N-SALEM E4aL Pend:mc NONCDOOD2229 OGBUR*FDRY L==ANCS 4F-CR_-MWeVNEHOUR -13It OLD W UKIR7OW."TRO4D Vi'R+`__:;N-SALEM EVA PendMe NONCDXD2F75 OLD LEU%FGIO2N RD PCE COVT.AINUNATIO2N 21 M-2390 OLD LE3MNGTC.T RD Vi'W+ _=''N-SALEM E4a1 Pmaditie_ NONCDOOD2146 0%.TYMALE104DM4NIF TATDYN(PRCPCI3EDO%'E>1DULEROAD Y`'R+`_.-_;N-SALEM WA NCNDX L0?491 P&BDISTPIBUTION CHE3d]C,3LFIRE 144 CHATHAM RD ViCI`_-:;N-SALEM NFA NONCDOOD1691 PARKWAY SHTI I. &TATION- UALTIY OIL L63U S.ILAS CREEK PSR-- Vi'g+ _• -:;N-9ALEM EvA Pomdmc NONCD00D1_-'!4 PARSON AVE SOLTo-'= PATTER.SON ATOE WINS. _; N-SALEM E4aL Poad_3e_ NONCDND229`_ PENN E�TGrU-ERJNG 2400 LO7 ERY SIR= WI NSTO2N-S,9 LEM WA NONCDND2291 PEPSI COLA -4 LVSTOV SuiTFbi 34251rfER LEE DRIVE WI N&TON-SALEM WA NONCD0001140 PIMMONI HAWTHORNE 31H7 N LIBERTY ST WIN&TON-S,ALEM NFA w 3a:tr. NONCD00R2328 PRPCISIONCOVC M GROUP 2701 BOULDER PAKK COURT WI NSTCaq-&ALEM WA NONCD00R2349 QLCALMM METAL -OLD R'INSTON RJO OLD ViINSTON RD Vigil&TON-&ALE &I EvA Poad-mc Ni'V0004Q73&1 QUARTER bLASTFR AUTO DETAIL 1239 OLD &kLIM RD K RNMVn.r.F WA NONCD00D23:' R_ J. RE)ENOIDS - ARCHEZ BLDG. 40-B 120016LART:-07BEIL WICNSTON-SALEM EnLP®d�.c NONCD00D23:4 R I. RE}-ITOLDS -Q A= BLDG. L00 € CH=SINUTST. WIN&T02N-SALEM EvaL POULMS NONCD00D2926 REICH ST PESTICDE-PAHI CONTAMINATION 4000BLCC RP]CH 5T WIN&TON-SALEM E4aL Pmadimo NCD000G L64M REYNOLDS Rl TOBACCO C0WAVf 5' ST is PATTERSOV AVE WI N&T02q-&ALEM WA NCDOW6 L6474 REY2NOLDS RJ'IOE ACCO COW-424i 71 ST & T rcDEN Sr WIN&TON-S,3IM WA NCD06744L394 RM ARCHM INC_ 220 EA&T POLO ROAD WI NSI02N-SALEM E-k A Poadiao NCD044514W2 RJR AR f FEE INC. CUNNI'fGELAM AVE WINST024-SALEM En NONCDWD2431 RII5 3rF5L4i}USTRLUDR_ WI NSI02N-S.ALEM Votmitmy (AA) NONCD00D243' &AIJ d ELECTRIC 601 BPIHESDA ROAD WI NSION-S,ALEM E4aL Pmadimo NONCDOOD2438 8,3IJ2d LNIFORM SKMVICES FACILITY 4013NORTH CHERRY STREET WI N&TON-SALEM VoLmtm-M) NONCDOM439 SALVAGE BUILDING MATERIUS -SOLVENT 00 N. LEBELTF STREET WIN&TO24-9ALEM Eaa1. Pondmc NONCDOM442 SAMERSON NISSA N-NONUST 3475 MYER LEE DRIVE WIrNSTO2N-SALEM E4aL Pend:me NONCDOM443 SA TCARO HOT DM ASPE•LALT PLA*FI n% TERSPCTicrq of VC HIGHWAY 66 F_MNEF.SVILLE E4a1 Pand:.Mc NCDC03211545 SH RWOOD TREATING CO, INC. 1660 S.ILAS CREEK PKWAY WI N&IO2N-SAIM& &PSI NONCD00R2487 50MRSFC COURT @ UMg3 4TY PLAICE CAMERO N AL'DTn V INST02-SJ LER NFA NONCD0001130 SOUTH MAIN STSFWZK=M 4660FOILANEBEERD WINSION-SALER &PSI NONCDN9293S SPATCO PACILIT'e' 16SOLOWRY &T WIN&TO24-9ALE M E-TA Poadino_ NONCDND21 H 6PPCLiL CHILDR N•S SCHOOL P= POWER) 1480 SOUTH BRO 4D STREEr V INSTO24-&,iLEM NFA NCD02460864 STFQAKT R',3R26M CORP'BLA58]]CK GACLU 2941 INDIANA AVT_ WIN&T02N-ULEM Votcaffig (AA) NCDO53-18---65 STF ATPORD MET U Fa�USKKGS, INC. 607 & VARSFUI.L &T VilNST02N-&,3LKM &PL NONCDNDD071 STROH BREWERY CCF 4000 OLD MILW iUEEF UNH WI NSION-SALER E4aL Pmadimo NCD9861 -6444 STROH.CHITTYFARM 50M M-FRDALP RD ViI NSTC24-S,iIM &PL NCD08142a104 SUN CHEM CORPO]LkT]OV-'GPF DF4 2400 01D imaNGTON ROAD WIN&TO24-9ALEM WA NC--. 71 _�? T SL7mOR ELECTRC FDT=s 115 EAST CORUM ST K RNERSVn.r.F &PL TAVGLER'D0DPARK NLAINTEX-04CE-SOLVE TP4061 CGE1ffONS P_O.iD C.FNDdOVS WA h'--' -- . TERIENLIE PUT CONTROL 1495 LEO Sr W[ NSTQN-S,9 LEM E4a1 Pond me_ NC D;'? THIELP-LNGD,3HL, INCORPORATED L L00 F IR C1= RD WI NSi024•&ALEM WA NONC D :: 1,2 153 THOU{ iSVILLF FUKgITURE-riGMrDN SALEM 1201 NORTH PATTERSON AiVEN[JP WI N&TO24-SA135M E4a1 Pandmc NONC D :: ;2E2! TRIADWAREHOUSE AND COLD STORAGE OR GIUVFS STREET KpFNEUVILLE WA NONC D ::.'2E =3 TRIANGLE MACEMA A MwECTRON]CS 705 NNULN STREET KEENEKSVII LE E-•aL Pomdme TRrLr.MPH ACTUAT]O N SYSTEMS -13201-UMPTKrU D C.FbDiONS E4a1 PouL3e NON{ D ::: _L'9 TWIN CITY INDVSTRLU CENTER 60 CH.-ITHA3d RD WMSF SALEM E4a1 Pmadmo U_V1TFD FL7F.NCTTJRF INDUSTRIES 401 W K NES M]LL BLVD WI NS O N-S,ALEM ETA Pmaditie NOD`.' -=P991 L'_ARCO-PRUI3ENB=IhFG.S 1L40PERRY RD KERNE SVILLE Vokaitms �k_k) 2,:2 _: _ - ::11294 1>r'ACHOV IA CENTER TOlikER L0-0 WORTH ELALV WIN&TON-&ALE &I EvA Pomi-3c WARPFNCLpxNERS 12' CHL=LANP KENIMBVI R E4aL Pomdme 2;v:" :D: -.nc 9 WEST 7TrSTGRGUNDWATPRPCE CONIAMINATIO301 EST7„ STREET WItNST02N-SALEM E-aL Pemd 3e_ NCD000772176 V'T&TINGHOUSE: ELECUUC-WLgSTON-&A Ud 3050 V-E�ILYGHQTJSZ E-D WI N&T02N-SATLEM WA NOMCDOOD2738 lk=N PEST CONTROL 401 RESI END B DL=AF.D WI NSTON-SALE] E4aL Pmadmiz NOMCDM02746 AkINSTO2N-SALE r BUSINESS, INC. 3 L90 CENTRE P_kRK BLVD. WI N&T02N-SALEM WA -EmaL Pomhng - f-k-aluation: Pepjarh g RFA -,)o FwAsTACl7on SPL - arms Priario asr WA -,%k FmAep-Acdopi %th prapaa -arse piesrrktom Val m .my ( - Folwmar,}' _fiction .Seta - srle 181 IPage NCD986188845 'UMST414-L4.LMN COAL G.0 PLiNI V0. 1 BErW= E_4,ST 3`0 & 4TM WINSTON-&A LEU Va6ntay (AA) *fCD486lUK2 ViIN&T414-L4r.Tru COAL G4,SPLANT VO. 2 HIGH STREET & BLANCH AVE WINSTON-&ALEU Vahntuy(AA) YF-J 1X = NOMCD0001368 BOSTON GEAR 506 SOUTH BLCI€EtT BOULPVALD L OUIMUR_G EvaL Pandiao NONCD0001448 C,iR_OLEq-k TELEPHONE-TA-00R.O C= C OMMMTLS] 13 E FLA.M L N Sr. LOUI5 UILG EvaL Pandiao NOMCDO001141 DLiZTC C0WAVF Ia& 1 FOUNCSViLLE &FL - NONCDOMR52 ErS QUICK STOP 5703 NC HWY 96 A'PST YO NGSVn J H EVA Poadiag NONCDC=713 HWY 9SDEELTYRINCONT-kMI fATI0N 462 HIGHWAY 96 (POROY N) Llim NFA NONCDCOUJ 3 SOUTHERN STATES FA CO 324 S. HICKEIT Z:OULMUSG EvaL Pandimo NONCDOMM45 STERLING COTTON MILL 106E ORffia ST FR NYLENTON EvaL Pondino NOMCDO00'3721 '%=R FARK GALL ROUTE 2, BOX175 FRANKLENTON Ev2L Pond:ne GA.&TO]K NOMCDC093117 ABC TDA'LVG OF THE CAKOLOU S .613E `•ECO-ND ST G_4,SrONLk EsaL Pondme N-DNCDOOB-2715 AFFORD .U$LE AUTO RERUK 300 W F&.iN! IMT BLrL-D a4STOVLk EsaL PmLme NONGD0002930 a-4akMA AVE PCH AL-4JBAMA AT.'E & 11TH ST BESSF-1ER CITY Eva1 Pondme N'N::*]01243 =37S SOQ.TiMVTS AL3XISHIGH SHOALS ROAD AL= EvaLPoaditio_ k30--gCORPORATTD 1260 &HANNON-BRAMEFRD GASTONLk &P4 ...5 L&HE PATTERN SHOP (FOKMRR) 4411 BEhTY ROPED G_4SrC(AM, &P4 NLNL32 BEAM CONSTRUCT]l0-TC0 B,ESS ROADFACILTTf BESSE_-S EX CITY EvA Pandas NCD9&6539637 BEA= CORP.-`DYING & FI ifSHLVG L ]NIKFRGER STREET LOWFT.T. &P4 NOMCDO00133 BELMONT DYERS 19 L=TONE DOL 7E BELMONT EvaL Poadiaa NOMCDO0D1336 BELTEXCORPOILAT]4V 345MC.iDENIMLE ROAD BELMONT EvaL P=Amo NONCDCO03L60 BIEL -MHJ 130PE11FOR-VANCEDR BELMONT E4aLP=Ama_ NCD99127912d RE5S'EN RCEffOAKS CREF '%-WrP SOUTH LLTH &TBMTEXT. BESSE_MER CITY NFA NONCD0001344 BESSEMER CrFY ROAD PCE SITE B,ESSE ER CITY RD BESSE_MER CIIF E-kaL Pandino NONCDON1353 BLANTONTI HU PCE STPE 1038 OLD CHURCH ROAD GAS EvaL Poadi3e_ NCDC6 -435925 RU L Jr TGrDN INDUSTEM, INC_ EAGLE KC AD CRAM RION NFA NONCD4001453 CA SG%TSDRY CLEANERS (FO01MER) 44O CHES-R.-IVEICTWTPHR_4`VSI G_4,STOVL4. E4aL Pondmo N-DNCDOOD1146 CEDAR GROVE DRIVE SJTR 6C9 CE�AF, -a3O4'F DR alSTO.T-4< E7a1 Pandme NC.000409869 CERTIFIED PLATING 27-38 E OZ s LIti P=LTING GAS 7O.f_l E-kaL Pending NOMCDOOD1472 CEAM13IONPROMIIFS 1661 FEDE_U _-.-E GAS 7 Cl.T--1 EvaL Poad:me NONCD04014K CH1iRL= PAINT COMPANY L6041-431-= R:-_i-D MT. FO=_4_ EvA Poad ne NONCD40014R5 CHOICI US-k 6CRE.FK-l-N •:LINBLVD G_4STO-Y_4` E4aL Poad--ne NOMCDON1302 CIL=E B379 - SO'LV= 101 VOU7TTHDLLY ROAD BEI-MONT EvaL Pand-me NONCDON1506 CTrY OF GASTON A 2ND AVE. P4.RYJNG '-ND AVENUE G.4.370:YL-k Ev2L Pandino NOMCDO0DIR24 COMPONENT 3-EMANJFACTUENG SPECLUMT61224ISLEY I3K G:urCl.T-4< aaL Poadina NONCD0001553 COUNTY L]NE ROAD SOLVENT" 2383 COUNTY LWE ROAD K7NG{S MOUNTAIN EvaL Poadino NCDQ-X556M3 CR-LVDUST= 4328 &YORKHA'Y G.SSTONu E-vaL Pond na NCD0+4-W733 CROMPTON A SNOOZES COSP. SPENCER MT RD LC1iTI.I. &FL NCSD ODD478 CROWDER 5 MOUNTAIN STATE PARK CILOWDHRS MOUNTAIN STATE PAKK G.s 5TCNLk Sn NOMCDOODII34 D ULE-NORJUAN TIRE COMPANY �-2 3701 DA]LU-HIGH SHOALS RD D S.LLAL EvaL Poadina NONCDOMIJ95 DAUASMACHI ECOMPANY dLOE. i33R=AVE G4,STO.v-t NFA NONCDC091507 D A-q-4LE'{ FACILITY 50L E. _iLAB.ibS,1AVE BESSE= CITY EtaL Poadima NOMCD0001467 DE9.TAMILIS-FORbEERR_4dGAITLDFL O4TE5 M.N -lK HWY 274 G4,5TO.--4 ETZL Pandino NCDC,52512335 DEYNTIrSON MANUFACTURING COMPANY 1W E kRGROT.'E AVE G4.S7ONL4 NFA NONCDOM947 DLSTHICT 12 HEADQUA3kIP1C.5-NCFS NC273 MOI.N T HOLLY NFA NONCDON1621 D0='fARN9P]FDMOOwTC Moo RI1 _]CDR em-licSr NFA NONCD000' BN DUKEENERGY-ALUM SIT-4M '253PI-kNT_iLL.FNRD BE=},ICNT Eva L.Paadina NONCDONIW2 E-WILEFLA Ti' (RL. STORE, JM) z-lG_E1'2-L RD CRrl-%E3TON E7a1 Poad Ll N w 004044i5l E3GH]f]AVENUE EXTS4-I'EN S E=GFTH.M.TEXT CR AM-KrON EvaLPonriino_ MCDO-013110562 FIRSSTOVF mxuaL CO3L7}ANY 1101 W SEC9.qD PAVE G S7ONIlk NFA %rCD&86172617 FORBESROAD WnLS1AUCHIND 3408FORJBE&ILOA1) G.4,5TO.fA &FL NONCDCO01C45 FRlIGHTLD%HX 1600 N MALV ST MT HQ==F NFA NONCD000179I G.4LY,-f q COUNTY Dn9MOPMEVT CORPOR_4<7TOVCOURI DR. w,5TO.v--k Esal Paadiao NCDM1929JOD G.s _• _ _ N COUNTY DRUM ROBE_RTS DRIVE GAS NFA NCD99127M2 GA- _ - N COUNTY D'1=G NL40UNE CO. 200E _K-UN &T STA_K-M—Y &PL NCDM3149'91 GA`- Cr-%7+'TFD'1=G V-4CHWE CO- HWY -'- EAST ddOUN7 HOLLY m NONCD4001752 G A `• _ _ ' . - --. TF PUBLIC WORKS- SOLVENTS MAR:ET7.4 STREET AND LONG 4VFNfIGASICNIA E4aL Pondma NOMCD0001753 G4L =; �F--- 2-'9'W FILE-gKLL BLVD wSTO.f_4 E4aL PMALl NCDM13=9 G4,STOmm COAL G4,S PLANT 3"9-_4!lLA- IfTTARD Cz4STO.f_4 V43ton=7 (AA) NOMCDOD1767 GEORGE MAI'CHIr-WS PCP WE '- L:': D.;==SAS STAVL,F4' HIGHWAY ST 42V-M— - EsaL Poad:se NONCDOODM41 GOBL.E WML -4411CGLME ST G_4,STO.T-k EsaL Amd:me NONCDND1313 H-4LLU9al PciP=CEKCIAD MT. HO=_4- EsaLAmdm_e NCD9&S1d6 2 H 4R TI.L ROAD SEFITC PIT HE_'LTY -C'O IOHN D ROADS w,STO r--i &FL NOMCDO001930 H_4<4r THOYNF ROAD PCE SITE HAWTHORN Am MILL &TREFT BELMONI EvaL P®dme NOMCDO001012 H_k''kS, A DnISION OF ROMAC HWY 7 RANLO NFA NONCDONW9 HODGSTG'q=TILECHELd]CALS 233TUCS,3SHEGEEROAD MT. HOLLY EsaLPoad:mc EvaL Pm*ng — -Eva?f anopL' P6pjdffjg YFFA — 1Fo 1�� leF CJ70lJ &PL — Silals ignmo £.l5! NFA NoJrw7+JcrAc60lJ mthpo-'opep-i=uwFdEJ7lali0 u VOl@J7m' l — Volwav' _ cti0}J -cyj- sits —Ro"-oJa:mdgw sa, skpla-a Elie 1821Page HCDC `4263 L89 H00%'PR MhCHM SHOP RATCHFORD ROAD CzkSf ONLk Va mtm NC.CD0Dl 0 HL7gSUCKERI ELL 1 L L FIEl r<MESTDRTL'E STANLEY ETZL Pendzmc NOxrCDC-]D1924 IFM&INS METAL CORPORkT]OV P36 - LO01 NORTH M AKETTA STRE GASTONLk EvaL Paodmc NONCDC-3KM = DUNG AV HE_ATTNG & COO= N2 50M HICK01Y GRM E RD MT. HOLLY EraL PaodmR NONC7Cr-7151,3 KZYSLOVPPOA'7=RED METAL COMP-4-NY 103CO5•$IL CEDRI E CHFJLL3fVD.LE V.otmxtm% NONCDC4)] k4 EJJ= FOVNDR}"_ FO?.LdEEL 7 L ] EAST FPAN-TF.IXq ELVD C 4UTOVLS< E7a1 Pandme NCD9&5]71: 26 LIM MOTORR'ORKS 4415 REATYROAD CM3TOVLt &PL NONCDC:'D29:9 MAILVE ST TV RCGNT-CNMkrATION 4)"VU'kE ST GASTONLk Ev2L Paod-mc NONCDC-])'--M MAULIDINWEL1 31@VJTCB= Sr BELMONT E-•aL Paodmc NCDM22317-0 MCBEM LVDUr r-= OLD HWY 321 H]GH SHOALS 5P= NCDCB`_D330W MOORE CO.. LVC=JLSCOHAND TOOLS ISLEYRD GASTONLk NFA NCDSM]971141 d0R-N=TG5IDED.MEDT%fP M0K% CCT=EDRRT Mr. HOLLY NFA NONCDonw- mcL�iHOl].I STFLI{ STALLDN(FR'x} 599,'ib=C20ST MOU' 7 HOLLY Vaimit q �i{} NOMCDCGD'-LC! NITEF-YDRATmcs 10 CEECK.SAWROAD ICTW.'PE G_45T'--_-1 E-kaLAwdmc %KDgi,517-H-P N=W HAVEN ='f ICE NEW -1-1%M I M'R G_45T'-- _-1 5P1 Nc.wDCG)2213 PAINTER IVELL 108B.-LKYTS�IlGEET BEL"I -=kT E-•aLPaod:mc NONCDCr -0'64 PARS STREET SOLI= SM INTERSECTIGN OP NC 273 AND VIL 3'- -'w i EaaL PaodmF NONCDCODDC59 PAKTONS MOTOR COMPANY MW SOUTH YO3S ROAD GA, -'�� � &Pl Nc. CE-Y =CS "s3] PAYNE RD SOLiT= 10 PAYNE RD 3I .rm--ME L CITY SPl NONCDC--D2298 PHARILYARN&-Sr RUNG 217&TERlZTGST BELMONT EvA Paodim NONCDCG)2239 PHARILY4AN& SLUDGE L4NDF]LL NR4RINTERSECTION HWY 7 k SK22 MCADFNV LLE E-•aL Paodmc NONCDCGD2341 F ]3LLCSERVICECO.-MALlErrA-SOLVENTS MNORTHV-=TTASTREEi GASTONLk E-•aLPand:mc NONCDCG7'_351 QUA =--%ET_uS INC. 1111 OATESRO,3D GASTONLk EraL Amdmc NON£'DCOD2942 K.L. STOVE MILL 5 -:`MM 1 CHROV]CLE b]ni s) 416 E CATAWILk SI BELMONT ET2L Amdme NONCDC:'D'-3`_9 ]LACHEL &TKEETPCE SITE lulu mL•ST Mr. HOLLY E4aL Poodmc NOMCDC-DD2349 ELkkMO DUMP RANLOAVE RANLO NFA xrOxrCDC-])23H REECE MOSS RESIDENCE 1630ARMSTRONGFORD RD BELMONT ErA Paad:mc MCD&85162!12 RHQbT-P0ULENC {PHODM 207 TELEGRAPHROAD GAS TDVLk Vehmtm-% } xrCDMl9L807 RO5S ROAD TMEFIRE ROES ROAD CHERR3r4ILLE NFA NONCDC'])2443 SANDS ACOMP.4NY-SOLVENTS 3L12NORTH4rESTBOULEVARD CMSTONLk ETaLPmdime NON£'DC422527 SELT.FF&SEKV]CH STATION 7202DAL1-45 CHERR}-VILLEHR'Y CHERRYT.TLLE E4aL Pand-me NONCDCC-52459 HXVCO GISTONIk-SOLVENTS 16]2'-ESTFIL4NFaMTBOU]-.PT.A D CMSrONLk E4aL Paodmc NONCDC:'55C04 SOUTH G4SLO'V REMDENrI L WM L 4804 HEMPHILL RD G24.SrO TLk E4aL Pendmc NONCDCG2502 SOUTH TRE.gMNSTREET SOL,VENT& SOUTH TRENTON STREET GASTONLk EVA Paodmc NONCDCG)24jR3 SOUTH-tm?mNILQUET CLUB 2913E NDRICKROAD Cz4,STONLk EVA Paodmc NCD9M1--d43D SOUTHR4SrE NFJ9 OPOLTSHDTG +J315NM-URTETTA &T C43TOVLS< ET2L Pandme NON£'DCOD2399 STALElM SCRAP METAL MI SOU H YORE HOr-f CMATONLk E4aL Pand:me NONCDC:'52:39 STEELSPECLkLd7"f 5907'a-nMU^ONBIXD BELMONT NFA NONCDC:'v_s-9 LALO*rZIPPER FACILITY �FOR-MR) IGOHMM3-OAD SiAN1PY E;a1P233A.3c NONCDC::.:_s TOOMEYPKOP'F Ty 1C20HICSORFGRMEROAD SFRNGWOOD S]rl NONCDC::: "S- -7-ki IS KNITS. LNC (AY t MOHIC AV M=S ] 117 TIT�T ACADE1Sff ST C1-:EKK %-UlE TM oh=tuy �AA) =:Y.gROAD 122 F.=--T0NE ROAD G: 57O5GA E4aL Poaditio NCDC:`: `--'- --LOYAL INC,'UNIKOY,3L CHEMICAL 2L4R' RUBY AVE G:ts7O5GA SPL NONC AT.'FPCE CONTAbMNArION 6TH ST& VIRGLYLkAVE 3E55=30=3 CI]'i E4aL Poad_3c NCD470626:"- 44'ARNM -k S'WASEY =VCH- CO_ HWY 274 BE55E_1EE3 CITi NFA WATSON TRANSPORT WELL 4127EI1+I+IGSVOUVTADTHIGHWAY BE55L'%.ER CIT4 Ev2L Paodmc NONCDC_.: _ 7 WEBB 1ICALS 1303PBILADELPBIACHUILCHRD DALLAS E72L Paodmc NONCDC-..--5 OrT5iDAVIDSGNAVE CO=YTAALkFATION EDI&ONDR,'NDWDAVIDSON AVE CMATOY-1 E4aLPaod:me NONCDC? _": WHXIN&VILLE &PDT_%nNGRL*rG COMPANY 148SOYR'OODL lqE CMS7O5f_? E4a1.Pond_ME NONCDC431525 Ord{MTK010NCORP-0L90:*TPLAJIT 132.3&_l{ARIEITAST CM5TO5f_{ NFA NONCDC-32932 1TIKFILTRkTIONCORP-OZAR £ PLUqT 1341 OZ R7C ATOM Cz45TOYA. Ezal P®doae NCDg85170676 'WOOD ROAD DRUM SCRLiL CIRCLE'S OOD RD-SR 264 L G.43TOY { &PL NOMCD0002M6.3 WOODLkllNST-L80HLOCKSOLVENTS NO BLOCK WOODL Ur.kr&T BELMOHL E-•aLPoadoae NCDM1d6286 'WOODYS TI EFUM HIGH' AY 121 GASTOVL-1 �Pl GATES NCDH14113868 C AROLINPi ALUMLVUM STATE FD 1128 DUMP SK 1129 PTTRP NFA GRANA3I NCDU47M125 BURL JNGTON FURVTCUT.E ArX4H STREET XORRI ' SVILLE Sm GR]il4VU22 NCDO72001635 ATHOL 1L4-ILTPACTUKLNG Comp-l- i' C A 22'D ST BVEN- lL. &M *rCD&8 lSM3 COFC FP nciDEI}ISPOsm. 607HILL&BOROUGH STREET OXFORD &P'L *rCC001:W57: HORSESHOE CREEK ROAD HORSESHOE CREEF. ROAD C RFFr MOOR NFPi fCD99]}7S70 MEAD CONTAI*rER.S'R' 'R'ixElrSERPAPER HWY 56 3L7YR NFA NONCDCO2 L 54 VGDOT 19 5R 110fl MqD 1171 3UTATER NFA NONCDCG)23C,] FIF MONT CIRCUITS TFL Clb&V DR. C'RREEDMOOR S]ri. NONCDCOXC25 RANGE ROADRlRVSTP RANGEROAD BTJENFR &Pi. NCD09157C0i 3 ZAPATA LVDS INC`.l%EWTO'V LVSTRUb= 111 EAST A &T BTJLVER NFA .Eva?-Pffpia7?Pg—fvalLut2oFzPepiar gg -NFA —Jti&Fw-dmw-ACa7Opi &PL —slla5 PY]m4 rj51 W'-A x-/Ra Ar- -j)Tb ' urYhaTAcdOlJ 1LZf J BItI�ZLSR J�1&S1T7a�]d4f5 VoiLmLu' ( — VOlEvJrm'_ ctio J Abri-Hm silo 1831Page G3=1! M0MCD0001ig9 M0*fCd0001735 M0MCD000'_267 MCdgE]466931 GVJI,FDRI} MOMCDCOKM7 MCDO'1 i67374 MCD4t45632SS MCD90639+}561 MOMCDC001g10 MOnCD0001252 MCDOA6160262 MCD0617R3253 NCDN3467974 NDNCDC001261 NONCDGM02 5 MOMCDC01r2M MOMCD0001277 MOMCDLti701283 M0MCD0?�30 S 3 MOMc _ : MOMC _ : '2363 MOMC = : :] 31S M0MC1C:21351 MOMCDCO01375 NDNCDMI376 MOMCD0001377 NDNCDCOU1393 MOMCDC033 L21 MCD09`_:':E9d MCN -- . :=339 MC�k=:::1529 NONC�::;,1535 NCDCCO77691i MCD99137S169 NOMCD0001ii l MOMCDCW_9% NOMCDC0032 L6 MOMCDCO01569 NDNCDCODII69 NDNCDCOU1176 MCD057037760 NCD9192117390 MCd003214319 NOMCDO01 W MOMCD4J0161S NDNCDOOD163 5 MCd9SIML743 X=323N3d MOMCd00DD063 NDNCDOOD1649 E T.,ANDi:PORD SIO3CE H&G PRDPE RTY:01 PARSER HANWI191N CORPORA9I0N WGM SSFETY AGATRA DRR'P AGRICO 92-BELL MAETN LrMrOCE AIR PRODUCTS AND =MCAL&, INC. uo MQHL,E CO 4,TDwm, INC. dlJ_EN` BR.iDLPF CO AMERJCAN COATINGS .qbdEKDaAN PETROYI]RAMErG W-71ITTFR S.YACHTS qMP LYCORPORATAD AMP, DIC. BUR.TING I L kM- REA DRRT CONTAIMWAT]G)i -NTIQLM U ARRHOUSP APA.C-CiROLIMA, INC. _ X.ATEX SERVICES _ -U GTON STREET CONTA31MATIOM .4.S1-Z�V7 PzTROLEUM COMPANY AS�CC_k= MECHANIC_4.L CONMlCrORS -RY = NINON BABY I:I.LmER RFR1= BARBER PARK BILLER PROPERTY BR_4.7170-N LNTERNATIOMAL - C B1.1170M INTERNATIONAL C>OLLECCJON, INC. SRFF.E}d ODD &IMDIViSbDN` BRLN MONT CHELS]CALS, INC_ BSC HOLDE4G6 BURLINGTON INDUSTRIES, INC_ CA DL AL C=CAl CAROIMq_JL METAL AND ALLOYS CAROLLNAT_iZ, CLEANING COIWANY C',,3RQUEST R-7?I_ F.3(=Y CE 0fITH CO CENTRAL TRANSPORT C>ORMAN3E CHE MCALAND SOLVENTS, INC. CHEMICAL LEAMAN T4`VS LINES, INC. CHEMONIC CIBA-GP]GY CORPORATION COBLE PROPERTY COLORWOR33S COMM NTrY PLINELYG & HEATING CORqEMTT.T CORP.TR3NC A'ORE5PL CONE dUl,LS CORAr%_HT OAK FLAW_ CONVERTERS LMK C00D3,4__Ny COTTONb.T. SQUARE -SOLVENTS CRO7 NACURA CROWN AUTO DE_gl A A SHE? CLOWN DODGE - NONUST CAO1Ir'V HONDA a C-gMC0 CROWN PONTL4"OLVEITC CULP TICF. LTG CUSTOM FIMHLR.S,INC. CUSTOM PROCESSING AND M_N T_4,C U WG DEPOT DESOTO. LVCORPOL4TaD d17EE MACHLVP is TOOL CO D13EE SALES AUTO REPS- B DRAPER CORPORATION - NONUST DUDE POWZR.-GREKgSWKO GAS PANT DUKE REFINING CORPORATION DL CZE#NFRS DWIGGD;� PROPERTY, CffiMTOO?HER_ NCN3 & OLMILNI?BVQ.LLRD 302 F R, nxo 4 D sT 310 EINGOLD ROULE A RD HIGHWAY 259 AGATH- DR= 408 PATTON AVE4CIE 1 L 5 SOUTHER4 04YGE N RD 1431 PROGRESSST 3925 5U_'Yl dTr AVE 506 A RADAR ROAD 7115 GfEST LL4RKET ST '2 100 ElrPETT DR 11M CHDR_CH ST 1124 N.CHURCH Sr. 101 ANDREA DR. 1302 AND L306 4i GATH CITY BLVD DULUTH LOOP KOXD 34g TEACUP ST. 1109 ARILYGTON ST ♦5311 RIM_"ITT POPLAR ROAD 307 SWDM ROAD 2303 SOD1i Ax sr 1619 SPRING GARDEN ST 1500 DANS RD . S- EUG£V£ ST. MO E. SWATHMOREAVENUE 263 SWA<TJi1dOREAVM UE 2103 E. BR� OOD COURT 3R21 SPRING GARDEN ST GTJlIFORD COLLEGE RD 60% HIGH POINT RD 17 L 5 GRAYTON RD 1016 E. SPRJNGFJPI.D AVMTUE 1023 NC HikY fig 53071 MAREETST 3704 OLD BATTLEGROUND RD 2304 PATTERSOH 57? E=T 6600 VESTJ, -UKET STREET 1316 OAKLAND A:"ENrUE 410 SWING RD 2611 HT sEi.cw S Sr 3010 =CLlT rE DR_ 301 SWDM ROAD 1600 FAIR.VIEA' STREET 2420 FAIRVIEW STREET S= 305 FRIENDSHIP CTK 60l tUER>trrDIRE 35in W 'W`ENDMTX AVE 3607 W %FqDOL'ER VE 37LO 1W. VEi+TDOV'ER AVE. 3633 W. li�FNDOVER AVE. 39041WUE75MOVPR VE 7109 R-%Y LIS 2213 SHORE ST 1110 SURRETTDRrVE 234 E. WAS=GTON STREET 1025 HOW ARD ST 2204 PATTERSON ST 327lik]TLEGROUND AV'LVUE 5W HORNADAY ROAD 320 EAST FRIENDLY AVENUE 20M TAXREIL STREET SOUTH BL=STREFIT 125 W. LEE STREET OKLLUf Lr= E4a1 Paadiao W_4J TSOVBUXG Eta1 Pondino SN43k HILL NFAir- Rp:tr. SNOW HILL NFA STOKSDA1.A EvalPondino GREEVSHORIO NFA GREEqSHORO NFA HIGH POINT SPL GREENTSHORD E4aL Po uRma GREE-.qSHORO Eva1 Pm3,ima_ GRE='•=B =PLO NFA H]G = _ _ -' NFA GRE---. •,B vR.O EvaL Paad:3c GLEE. '.BvRO E4a1Pm3A-3c _ _ 17: E-a1 Pond -Mc GRE="; 6:7_O Eval PuLd-3c GREENSBOR O Esa1 Paad.Mc GREENSBORJO Eva1 Pm3A-3c GRIMNSBOILO E4a1 Paadmc - _3=:SBORLO NFA --="AORX) EvaL Paadiao ==="AORD NFA _3_:=;''Bolo SPL GREE-_qSHORO NFA iv Kp:tr. GREE SHORD Eva1 Pm3A--me H]GH POINT NFA HIGH POINT NFA PLL4 SANT GULDMiml. Pamdmg GREM45BORD EVA P®dMo TAMZSrO'Q-N Eta1 Poadino GREENSBORD SPt, GREE-NSE1010 Eval Po»dimo HIGH POINT Sn GREENSBORD SPL GREENSBORJO Eva1 PmuhiSo GREENSWRD Eva1 Pondimc H]GH POINT NFA GRELVSBORO SPL GREM45BORD SPLL GREEgMORX) Eval Paadiao GREENSHORD Vabmiary(AA) GREENSBORO Eva1 Poadimo GREENSHORD Eva1 Poadino GREENSBORO Eva1 Paadiao GREEVSEORD NFA GREENSBORO NFA GREENSEORD NFA GREENSBORD Vohmtmr}(AA) GREE-NSH010 VoLatiry(AA) GREM4SHOILO VoL-may(A.A) GREENSBORO NFA GRELVSSORD Vahad-y (AA) GRELTSBORX) VahMt-Y(AA) STOF.M.11 A EVA Pmuhmo HIGH POINT NFA HIGH POINT SPLL GREE-.qSHORO Eva1 Pondino GRELVSHOR O NFA GRELNISHORLO SPL GREM4SHORD E4a1 Po - c GREENSBORD Eva1 Pod -me GREENSEORD Vnhmt-y {.'L-k) HIGH POINT SPL H]GH POINT NFA GRELNEBORD Ezal Poaurne F> mil_ Pouh'Mg — Fwlaqtions Pepadrxw FA —; ko FurYhiw A rlio F i SPL — Silas Jz�iovr�v Lis! YFA wIFLip--k. —?& FmOier1lcaopi %irh prape r-mss FwP r o= ;1alwirmy ( — Maiwmivy Aefiopi Site—'vove-+heap dms --m5s=ncw sire 1841Page NONCDO0D1670 EDMUND&bi4`MACTURINGCONPAiNY 1016BATTLEGROUND AVE. GRELVSSORO EcaL Paodme NONCD0093L44 RM STDCAiCONTA-MINATION '223NORTH ELM ST HIGH POINT EVIL Pandme NONCDOOD2N3 EdGtEZXEDCONi3LOLSINTERNATIONAL 1239ROCK CR=D4>RYRD WHTISETT Vokmltms0--k) NCD003'-3ON3 FANODUKr, W P CO. 403 B 4Y-+lEF A% = GREENSBORO NFA NONCDOOp3l96 FAULMRIER S GULF GRERVSBORO 29I0IWEST C-ArZ BLVD GREENSBORO EvA Peodime NONCDOOD2914 FIMERDYSLUECS 200SOL-MWE&TPOLVTAT6E H]GH POINT VoteitmyuCk) NONCDOOp3 L L9 FOOxWARD H]GH POINT PROPERTY 720 N M-4`�T ST H]GH POINT EtiaL P=3e NONCDWD1745 GABMS CORPORATION 4001 BATTLEGROUND kVli. GRERVS&OPA Esal. Pandme_ NONCDOON024 G.4-TTH£R TRiNSOUPRA?ERIY 1202 GUIL17ORD COLLEGFRD GREE:!iSWRA &PL. NONCDM3CO3 G AT-, CTL'F MOTOR COI!P.kN C 300 N CaURCH &T GREENSBORO E%-A Pomd_3e NONCD0517-56 G?.EE%SBORO _kUTO AUCTION, INC BMW 4EAIDOVER A1,'H G.UENS13CRA Ecal. P®dmo NONCDC-DACS9 G-U-E%SBORO COAL G_43 PL W- 4 CHURCH STREET G.UENSBCRO VohmtEr)-�i ) NONCDM17M G-UENSHORO, CITY OF - CITY GAPAZE-H 401 P_4<TTONAVE. G.UENSBvRO EEaL Pundimo NONCDM3175 G;J-JMSNE.42V CHEMICA1S INC 2147 BREVARD RD E-EG9 POINT 5PL NCD0T391221 GUAMSM NS CHE MCAIZ,INC. 2147RiEV--4FD ST H]GH?DINT NFA NONCDOOD1647 GUILFO 1'-Z'_S -FISHMAN SOLVENTS 4R23IFUTM- RYZT:3=T GRE=—q'SWKO Etial. Pandme NONCDMI754 GUILFORL P=-JLMG 33IS N C EURCH Sr GREENSWKCI E%al. PandMe NCD9'8079Wp GUILFORL SPZL GROOlMTOA'NROAiD GREMEWRO 14TtA NCD05355056p GUIIF ADHE3�V=S & RISINS-PEKKIVS 1717'WARD STREET H]GH:POI TT 5Pa NCDCS--' 400 GULF OILCORPORAi7ON S955ROCLLCREEK D MYRD MCLEAN&VIL,LE &P1, NONC::::v'_826 H4dU.TON STREETPR.OPERTY-EL 330NHAAELTDN ST H]GH POINT Eml Poadmo NONC::::fISL9 EL43B RMrAUF TNT - BR4.S&FIP1,DSHOPPING CE 37414-JRATIlEGRAUND AVENUE GFL=N"=C.R0 EmL.Pwabz Nl- :L::fI832 HBFTj-=CO. 3005HOLiS CHAPEL ROAD GFJa--NBW O &PL N" - : 71515383, H]GH POINT COAL G_4,S PLANT CENTETNI.iL Sr -CqD RM'ETP DOCILE H]GH POINT VoLotry (AA) Nl- ::*--522N9 HIGH POINT ENTERPRISE 2 LO CHURCH AVE H]GH POINT EtaL Pondime_ N" = : ': -= ". I HOIDD4G POND FOR WASTE'US& 500 BROOME RD GFJa--gSE4ORO &FL HOSdETOQ#I CASH AND CARRY 301I SPRING GARDEN GRIMNEWRO EtiaL P®dimo NCDC4�-::: - HOOKER FURN rUlB. 1212 THRO4?-fR RJD4D PLL4CANT G_4 RDLVL'a}m" --;A, NCDM I `,E' S FOOLER_ UV3L'FFSAIL, INC. 1131 HL NDW OOD CIRCLE H]GH POINT NFA NCD980729669 HUBE]1T ATEIId& PROPERTY :04 ROUTER GRFRVSWRO NFA NCDlOi 750305 n%MU&TRL4J, PLASTICS, INC. CLOSTER & MCONNELL ROAD GRERVSI3ORO &PI, NONCDOOD1914 J_4 X'S USED AUTO PARTS 4N7 YANCEYVI.E ROAD BROWNS SrJdL1H•C EtiaL Pandme NONCDOOQ3314 IOHNSONPROPERTY' 114STAiGE COACH TIULM GRERVSEORO Ev2L Pandme_ NONCDOOD3197 KOURY=13LURISESCOMPANYLGC 10 1WINSTONST GXEE�TSI3CRA Sn NONCDMI857 EURTZ FRCPL4!i-4. ST-aE MA 7000 EIVETTP HOUSE RD GIB&CNVILLE E4a1 Pandme NONCDOO 174 LACY 41_R- F.4`F.Ld SUBDA9MON AVTTA I-q. GXER�TS&ORO E4a1 Pandmc NONCDOOQ3001 L.E1195 PROPE3TY, MACE 7182 &OCLo'E L ROAD EL DN COLLEGE E4aL Pandme NCD00323203fl LILLYCO.,L*TC. 1717 ENGLISH ROAD H]GH POINT NFA NONCDOOD-C47 1dMIT'ORJQUP P-4 CII.IT'e' 7615 BOEING DRArE GREE V- RO NFA NONCDW02OL45 LO3TGVMW GOLFC0UR&H 4532I HALLINGER10.4D GRERVSW O EcaL Paodme NONCD00NM LOT:el i 4NKS - 3a80161M. NUE -RD 3a80 Ana sNrrF! ROAD GF.PFVSEORO NFA NONCD0002187 LWY GROOME&TOWNECIMD 3611 GRODITET01191 D GRERVSI3ORO Ev2L Paodme NCNOOD443952 M SA KET STREET STD]L GP 3934'W MARKET ET ST GREMgBBORO EvA Pandm_e NCD L0799J 186 MEADOWLARK SOAlRJNG SCHOOL 6504 BLR1.NGTON KD EMrY 'p WHTTSETT NFA NONCDODON' MEADOWrie ROAD bU-ADGr%lIER' ROAD GXEE`-NBWRO 5PL NCDO5Ma6395 METAL PLATING &FABRICATLqGL*TC. 1539W FAA F=RD H]GH POINT NFA NONCD0002784 MG]{ TRANSPORT CORD 1264 L$MK S LAKE RD H]GH POINT NFA NCDO032Li621 }lLER. DES& INC. 1212 LINCOL'r DR H]GH POINT NFA NONCD00p'-- 22 MOCK JUDSON VOTHRLNGER -MILL 2610 O.iFiL4-YO '<'.T GREF�iSEpORO E-a1 Pandme NONCD00p'--M MODEL 1JNRqSFRT171CP-S 120'W.LEWI&STRE=T GREE- RO EZaLPindmF NONCDOOD3041 MODERN GA 7,3,AGP SER17ICP 4ID2 W WE NDOV aR GFJa-45HORO EtiaL Paodme NCDMES300I MONARCH EuR-%,TruEnCOOT.POHATSON 301 S=-=ST I.WESiOUN &PI. NCD0 157-103d MORFLF s CJ =-,IIC.0 CO. LVC-PP= 2110 HIGE POINT RD GRERVSI3ORA NFA NONCD00p2L09 WYATTPR-OP-RTY 1ME.1G=:SERD- H]GH POINT EEaLPeadimo NONCD0002034) MYERS BROTHE M RECYCILYG �FMMER) 3303 &PRL C: GARDEN &T GREFVSWKCl E4a1 Pending NONCD00Q3 L L4 �L4J MAiYR'ELL PROPERTY 612IND STFU iL _WD OF GREMgSWKCl E4a1 Pomd.Me NONCD0002 L20 N nONS BA NK - MAMkY RD. 5013 LL4<MAY RD. GF.PFVSEGORO E-L A Pand.Mc NONCDOCK L35 NCIDOL - SITE =I C ANIESTOWV 4SPH.ALT 3730 RI4'ERD4LE DR- TA MESiOSN EcaL Ptndme NONCDOM L39 NCDOT - UTE ='-' 1'_iRT'D M-UIEIT 4 GBORO 62 51t4.F.IETTA RD. GREMgMORO Era: Pandice NONCDOM LU NCDOL - SIIE ai L NCR: OLF SQUiHPRN+I'H1 LW%I 124 S. HOLDEN ROAD GRE E- RO EvA Pandmc NONCDOM149 NCDOT - UTE -!72 LhRCO-SLOAN 1330 OLD IAiCRSON I All ROOD H]GH POINT NFA NONCDOM133 NCDOi - SITE -!6 STOLFERD- LH ASPH-4,LT 45026 US HAY 15a STCKp47 At �+ EtiaL Pandme NONCDOO 197 NEW GE*TE3L4<T]DNYA.RN 12#8 &PFWGWOOD CHURCH RD GIBSONVILLE Ev2L Plodme NCDM5030M NORTH BUST 1OPO1LUTION CONTROL WHITE STREET GRELVSI3ORO NFA NCD99I 21M 9 NORTH STATE CHE3d[[C41S 15211 HUNT RD PLEASANT G-4 MEAT &PL NONCDO0223I OHESTRY CEEA247—?5 3210 &TJl{4IITAaV9N[JE GXEFVSSORO E4a1 Pend:me fwL Pm —.E%u? ut201L' P,,,rJi —�'J�o !J>'7+JEF CIJOlJ Volmmy (AA)— Vo[LmFw',4ILt70lJ -MwHim &to — �OPf-+J��l7aO6G5 SlJ�>S07fa�E 5l16 1851Page NONCd00p2236 NONCd00p2RH NONCd00p2217 NONCDND29&6 NONCDND2999 NONCDND2&&0 NONCd00p193- NCDM503096 NONCd0002865 NONCd00p23 L3 NONCd00p2211 NCNTC0O-1 L0-?7 NONCDOOD1020 NONCOC•592_979 NL`::D�:4'_332 NL' :: DCm336 1 D03,219433 NONCd00Q}35 5 NONCD00p247-9 NONCd00p'_391 NCD986ISMI NCd003 5'_ L96p NCd99I }'7896 NONCd00p3 L39 NONCDCO02440 NCd980600449 NCd9807 L2036 NONCDO -_417 NCd071561864 NONCDON3172 NONCO00R2473 NCd980503114 NONCDOM478 NONCd00Q}4RI NONCd000'_492 NC-gDM1031 d NONCDO0p2101 NONCDO0p2132 NONCd00p2134 NONCd00p'_13 7 NONCd00p1365 NCDW3'_'_W- D NCDC_+5CG579 NONCD: NCN _ D: _ :_.' 3 NC_ ...... NCdSx: _ "y3�p NCd06I79569d NCDf 5??03983 NONCd00p'_6�' NONCdO-0p'_E80 NONCd00�'_E 3# NONCDC•D23" NONCDC :•D'_04 NCd04`_I75:_- NCd58=15d8:' NONCDWD1435 OL's-HPIC PRODUCTS OVP HOUR 6dARTIhfP= PANEL. CONCEPTS PARRS 5T.2ZUKLPUM HOLDINGS PARRI&,R V MAIN &T SOLVENTS PATCHES BODY SHOP PATRICIAN FUFJTlI`U 1-RAVINE PF=LYC•BF 17ESTADlum PIEDMONT A R.T-AHCCARGO PITTILLO PROPERTY, C.V. - B PIZALiNT G4RDE*T RD CONTAMI]kL4TTDV PLEASANT G_4RDE*T RD PCE @ 4710 FREC]SIONPABRICS GROUP, LTC PRICES'%= PROPERTY PRI4'ATE P-0M PROCTOR & GAMBLE -a-EIGH SCALE& PROPERTY SHOP OF THE TRIAD, INC- PUGH METAL FINISHING COMP 7-'W. MCCOLLUM CO., INC. - B RAILYARD P_4KEING LOr REXAM CCIRPOILLYMN-B ROSS AL'EYUEPROPERT4' ROYAL DIMMOPN NT CO., INC. ROYAL DIM DP3kNT CO., INC. RTC HILL BLDG SED, INC 1ODARROAD SED, INC Slf--'IG COURT 5HE3LF= RD 1I'-LS SHERR7VV R'I1mn!s COMPANY SHOV-ROOT{ PROP-tR= &DRKA ?ROPERTY SIPET:_ =_iRl{ COLFAXY3 nT --us INCE,L'uCy S+OLZ E SENT RATTAV SOLZE SEA RATTAV-FATR-ABROAD SOLIE!'U, ME.JXOWS SUBDnrISIOV SOLI E =4 PLASTICS ENTGLqEERLYG STAPLES. LP. STARI{OUNT CO-C RE>:I+ VULEY RD STATE STREET -'JKOPERTIE5 SIPS"=COKN-T -FABRICS COEdP-4-gY-E 5I>LkSDB=R1G-TGLgEER2VGLAB S SC7PEII=S•3 PRODUCTS CONPAYY - OMA� B.C=7 BUSES-NONU&T _? `_•HERfiaOODLLC PROPERTY -3iD V ED AUTO SALES TZ OSBORNE WA&TEQrATER PLANT UVIOV CAW CORPORATION U1, Tm DRUM T i. REUUNCE u_%av LTNTEFD Mzr-u F= ffiNO UNITES CHMECALS UVI4 AR USA_ TNL UVI4'FF.SII'c" "Quv':- US ATR7>r AY" _,LiL'TE;ONCE I-4VGAR-B USA R=1= %VE _-URBORIdE COMPS C"`: A KEESER% = %= _iIRBORIdE COMPS 1' S ISPAR CORPOR_47O2'1 L'ALSPAR 1ORROR COATINGS w & C Dd4'ESTNffI 5 - C Vi.1, AUTO SERVICE '�L"ALFFR JIVE CURB MARKET PMRY % AM M!MOML4L STADIUI{ 'a"ESTINGHGUSE ELEC•UREMBORO ATLCO 930L WYS+ONG & AILES YORY-SHIRE DRITVE -Evai Perjih'rsg - furinat20 y povar ng SPL - Sims Pnivrio- list i7olmwivy ( - l7o�wjsa7y Achori 4100PLE_kSANT C-A=EZ' 2119HIGE P-Ell RD 413INE5T', =:?F F,:: 2307 & 33D5 N SEA_" ST 2300BLOCL{N'%I:�---q STREET 1903E GR= ST L L05-1107- W IL YXZr CENTER DR 4100 BLOCK OF HMH POINT 6415 AIRPORT PSTL'I' 1007CLEBUR2c 5T. PLEASANT GARDEN RD & LAUREL -17]OT?IZAS -xrr GARDEN RD 301 MR-4D011 02W ROAD 6Ll6HICKORY C•,R=RD ROUTE L 6200 ER3EA2N P_4RE ROAD 5443 FERIGUSON 3LOAD 602 WEST GATE CITY BOULEVARD 107 W.MIl-4DOlXr IERT RD. 120BARI%ZHJ RDI 5T 2619 PHOHNIY DRT4F 604 KOSS AVE NLTP 1417 COURTESY RD 325 KETT=G DR 662 N RAIEIGH ST 3 LOI SUMMIT AVE. SCO R_4DAR ROAD &R'LVG COURT Si.FrFFTPr.TS ROAD 113 STAGECOACH TRAIL & ELM ST A W RUFAELL Al E 725 S,ELM STT.EFT SR 2007 215 STAGECOACH TRAIL 200 E. SENECA RD. 1702A I709F-gWARROAD SOLI ff RN TAT+ IDDIKS DRTir'E 4643 N.H%WY 29 105 R_4GSdALE I D. 702-NO GREEN VglLEYRr STATE ST. 2602 & ELM ST HIGHWAY 73 WEST 4901 EURILgGTONRD 412-R] MIDGEWAY PLACE 2001 &HERO OOD ST 1120 ALANLIENCE CHURCH RD HC`FL'V= 3rrrL RD 1003_s:.}D LERD 2L4 BER: -Y 3T 133 B1L-EBELL RD 520HROOMEI D 3600�•-E5I'%-ENDO% R AVE 630 U'ESI _I!ARSET STREET SL I R_4J_UR ROAD 1 L20 CHI.= 5T Lib P_-ULU3 AVE 164 E'4G-:SHRD 3 L23 5PRLti G G_i3L3EN STREET SI S"825 W GATE CFI Y BLVD 129 M9-q ]Z.IEU AVENUE 43-'441 SPRING G_4RDEN ST 5LC 4 - CEi'L'TT.T.F STREET 406 B.4_�T_*TFR AVE 36L0'i VENDOVRRAVE -0820 us HWY 24 N 3LCOYOMS.SHIFE DR G- 4SB CKO '4 3-mil { LA) G-=4SB0RO E%a'L.PonJfiva G-=45BORO NFA ELGH POINT EsaL P=Ldimo HIGH POINT sn HIGH POP,T Uy H3GH POINT ', FA -w; p: r. GREEqSHORO N-A GRTF*TMOPO EvaL Poodimo GREMSTEZOR0 ETaL.Poodma PLE_45ANT G=—NT- -&_ Pamdmff ?LI'dSANIG0R=rE al.kadiaz GRTF*lAORA VdL j {? HIGH POINT EvaL PouLme STOP'.ESD_4LE NFA BROU94S SCIbildiC EvaL Pmmimo 11BE RTY NFA GK] FVSEOR.O NFA GREH24SEORO EvaL P®dimo GKEENSEORO EvaL P®dimo GREH24SEOR4 '4 otontf (iA) GREMgSEORO NFA HIGH POINT NFA LDGH POINT NFA GREMgSEORA EmL P®dmo GREF*T I O EvaL P®dLmo GUEE'NSEORO 5P1 GREEVSEORO 5F1 COLFAX EmL PamdLmo GREMgSEORO EvaL P®dLmo HEGH POINT EmL Pm2&mo GREEVSEORO EsaL Paod-me COLFAX NFA GREEgMOR0 EsaL Pood-me GUM-NOORA V otm=y Ui4i GREE-NOORA sn STOF'.MALE EsaL Poodimo GKEENEWRO EsaL PoodiMo TA1IESLOWI EV& P®dm- GREEVSEORO EsaL.P®dmc_ GREEBCRO NFA GRE-ISBCKO EvaL PmuLmo GREENSBCRO NFA GRE-TSHCILO m HIGH POINT EmL Poadmi2 GREE-NSBOILO E4aL Pond -me GREMgMORO Eaal. P Lodmo JIAL�SLCl1>r' T F—A HIGH POINT 6P_ GREEVSEORO '4 oL-.s j -k? GREMgRBORO Sm GREM4001 O EmL Pmd-me GRTE-NRCI O EvaL Pmd-me GREE-N TaCI O EvaL Pamd-me GREMgMCIO NFA HIGH POINT NFA HIGH POINT EvaL Poodime GKEENS ILO EvaL Pond mp GREEVSEORO EsaL Pond -me GREKgSEORA EsaL Pond -me GYJM-.q 'ROI O EvaL Pond -me GUM-NOCI O EvaL Pond 3e_ GUM-NOCIO NFA GREENSBOKO EML Pmlim GUM-NOORA V otobtan• (_i4} GKF-KgSWR10 EML P Lodmo YEA -3ro FEo7+JerAofiopj NA w/Bo rr--jMoFw-i0JarAciOlJ xitFr op� ��asaresrrh�i s b. &t.-'fore-ha-" o s =?rce sile 1861Page NOMCDOOD1007 HAL 7AX NONCDND2RL6 NONCDND147-] SfO'TCDM7I f•56 •:- NCD4007- NCD Ig3!75 NCDOCOH5705 'fCD457'--g87-59 SfONCD4ND2&1 5 SfCDMfi02 L63 NONCD00D2310 NONCD00D306 NONCD00D1248 NONCD00HL24 NONCD00D27-16 H.ARI+ETT NONCD00D2367 NONCD00D307 NCD9861&3496 NONCD00D1693 NONCD00D1697 NOMCD00D10L0 NCD98I B279I5 NO*fCD00D103 NCD98I 66381-1 NONCD00D2 &5 NONCD00D142 5 NONCD00D14L9 NONCDND1433 NONCD00D3L0S EAYWOOD NCO000 L91701 NCDM17L445 NCDMlEgWl NCDM 143889 NCDMlUOlg NONCD00D1473 NONCD00DDM9 NCDM 1-49-99 NCDM11W3 NONCD00D291S NCDNI333859 NONCD00MM NOMCD00D2262 NCDM4652675 NOMCD00D24 9 NCD9U23L52D HENDEFSON NOMCD00Q2569 NCDO24-617324 NCD454362272 NONCD0001447 NCD4U31505M NONCD0001%3 NOMCD00D1663 NCD403111405 NOMCDMI722 NONCD0001652 NOMCDW03173 NONCD4003C97 Md1[ERbLA`2TAND ASSOCIATE& COASTAL LUM MER DO]! -SPUN ACEEaDDRUG STORE E DH_ S RESIDENCE, FRANK FULFL EX GAS F."LRbi}'p PROPERTY GA -PACIFIC COFJhTMWID SAW GA -PACIFIC CORD-TI]MBEK " EtiA CM11CP T. CONPAMY Eti�fV?�l�T �_ LYC. PATCH P_UBHE K POND PATTER&ON PROPERTY PCB SPn i 5 QU_4, FOREST PPADUCTS Rmco CHESdIC 41. COm p_c4y RO=tRy COIa= Ulf= 13.uVA<GE AE=70� l97L MLMTR) WEST '_• ME FOOD MART (IrORER) HET'_•4" IOEL*1SOV REGIONAL HOSPITAL CF?EiDYdID4 FANR D4J -;Lk-HUILr PNOOTE& CO E`.VZ- R G Y C ONVER.SIONSYSTZNTS ERWZ'T MI LLS-BURLLYGTON IND. HU= SEPTAGE FARM I SIRE=T FLIX 5F[ DISPC&U SITE =E FIRE Y]Gff= W3TCASTER PJ_A L'fG VGDOT ASPHALT =E =32:JOHNSON BRAS PETERBILTOF IrL-N�, '_V P_A.RCEL PETERBILTOF IrL-N�, 'B'PA CEL• POPE PROPERTY & kAB S3RRACUD A P A.CII.IT4' .kC. LA W_TM4CE TEkTHEK CO BEIFIEL- - — ':'AM CHAMP:::: _ '_?_ ATIONA1, LANDFILL NO 1 CHAMP: _ : : _ -_?_ AT3ONA1,_C NYLON.%= CHAM?_ - —s ZFZL WO 2 CHALV: - '• L�LgDPILL VO 3 CHAMPICN PIGEONHJVER SM D AYCO COCHRLA`V LANDPELI, D-A<'fCO CIDHP DAYCOL-A`VDFILL CRYIE CO 7E ROAD FIE TOP ROAD SALT &M HOLSTOV ENERGY INC.'HOLSTON FUE1. M MCr.q DRUM &TDIL4ZE PANTRY -0}L PORIM &CHUL,HOFFER JUNM- I D INK BOYDLwT43=_M N75 7OE LABS 1112 WEST M-UU ET STREET 1772 TRUEBI)D OD RD GERHS AVE 1943 E.107" &THEFT SK 1615 500 AIR BOAS PKV- DOUG H___ FA�%J RLD (SR 1100) & DEI%K'_ 37 EXTENSION SOUTH D ZS ST=EMT. DM ff S '_•I1L=EI EXTEqWON HEC DER _- 7 isTRIAL P_im GRACE HOUL.RVA D 900JEFPFHSON Sr '- L0 _IFB.E& 01T NC HIGHWAY HWY 301 EAST HST 12(0 HENRY &T BUTTERCUP L_A`VE E LLTMSTA SYCA-VORE &T GLEWIEW RD GFXENUE LO NFA 1T'E1DON EsaL Paodmc H41LTS7=K NFA ROAT+O E FLkPIDSEsaL Paodmc D=R 7C-TO'f E-aL Paod-me SCDTI NECK &PL SCDTLkMNECK NFA EVPIfI.D NFA w; RcRtr. ENPIEW NFA M=3 rpn 3L-_A_Ny'Iti= RAP M T L RL _ice y 3L47IDG EP1 R' _ ; y [ti= RAPIDS NFA —4FIDL7 TdoLmtmf (AA) 3L_�; y[ti= RAPIDS &FL R' _ ; y FLA_XIDS EsaL Poad mu 3G_i y [ti= RAPIDS 5P1 WELDON 5P1 mq=D Eva1 P®dime 600TILGH!'kt4=R DU_k:`T E-aL.Pomd= 306 E MCI,.-E1 ST _L=L*TGT4N E-mL. Pomdma OFFS ' `S tL-_ATS NFA 1 MdORGA i=DRIVE Dili T TdoLmltms �kk) SOUTH BLRI,LVGTO N ST_ =RRm Esa1 Pomd 3e_ =HMIILD 3LEE5CREEK NFA 811769 - WL &PL 141 JUNKY RD s VGZ--R NFA E02 EDWARDS ROAD _L_LVGTON &PL P_O. BOX 415 _L_D4GTON EsaL P®dimm 1185&,3D=RD 7:fwN Vohldm70A) 1365 SAD=RD DUNN EmL P®dimo 600 S WIISON AVE DUVN &PL d0B E LdCNEIL Sr l.n.i EgGTON &PL L00 'WT_&T 1L441 SIRM HAZELWOOD NFA OLD CANTU%T CLYDE HWY CAI+ITOV &PL &R 1571 & 1573 CANTON &PL NEWFO.?ND STREET CANTON &PL &R L29 CANTOV &PL &R L550 140 CANTON &PL CANTON bM.T. CANTON EsaL P®dimm RT 1 HTATT CREEK ROAD w-kyNEgvnu 5P1 BALSAM RD 4` kyNmS'VD a &PL &LTI" 4` AYNESVILL.E &PL PIE TOP I D MA GGIE Td -UI HY EsaL Pie 14119 GREAT smoKE:y inw mamAY 4` AY NE9VILLE NFA 42 FaiFP_ miz STREET CANTON &PL P_ O. EQX 14LO CA TCOV E-kaL P®dmc HOWHLL EZL ROAD W_kYNR9%'nJ.R E4aL Paodmc +JOHOWFLm aLRD 4`A3fMMILLE EvaLPaodmc HIGHWAY L9•'23 C ANTOV NFA AX17IN IU-M03 , LwC 10W RDCELWHU DR BELDING CORTLCELI-3 THREAD CO. US64W CAROIZLkLOGBLI}G5.INC. HG ARD GAPRD eIDUSMA`V'S G_A.RAGE 6352E MON,r=ROAD CL4-fSIONPRINT UORSS COMPANY U&25 DlAMONDBRAND CANVAS PAODUCTS H1GHWA} 25 EATON P kCl= (FORJldFR) LANE CREEK INDUSTRIAL PLC. FEDERAL PAPER BOARr CO- INC. 200 TABOK RD. SK ]804 FLETCHER PUBLIC'WORKS SITE 3 L HOWAID GAP RD. H]GHWAF 2 5 =A-5I W IGHT SIAT]OV H]Glf A} 26 EAST 15 bM MAKK HOOFER&CREEK ROAD VOCS HOOFERS CREEK ROAD MAIN STSO1 ENT CONTAMINAT]OV-500 BLOCK510TO 520S MAINSTRPPT FLETCHER E•.al. Pomdmc FLETCHER _k FLETCHER ..al. Paodmc ETCEER T-k V.4P"_�S E•.7 L Pomdmc FLETCHER E%mL.P®dmc RA3TFL_kTROCS NFA FLETCHER E4aL Paodmc VA.P]m E4aL Paodmc FLETCHEK EvaL PaodmR HIDVI}FRSONVII.LPEraL Paod-nc f rr?_ Psrm'a'rrg - �lriat�orL Paridir�g NFA -moo Fur&ffAetkpj SPL - Saes PncrY4 L.rsf FA w/Afmv_ -. I& Furihor le$opi xith prapert4-arse pim&xviom Volwirivy ( - Polwamy Action NrwHm Site -None4ia:-m4doa zai s=nca srls 1871Page N0N{'G:::2471 NC-: "411 NCN _ _ :: ;3 L30 NCB: s..::S17 NCDG6= : -2391 NONCDL A'_617 NCDO933342N EI±RTrF03M NCDG45924467 NCDG632MM7 NONCDM14U NONCDMI695 NONCDO0Q M NONCDO M677 NCDO97724306 NOMCDG001932 NC::tS_92RA5 NCN _:X051 L'-S NCB -- :::_:`_:• NON:_-: NON:--: HO1Z NONCDG003 M NCDMML5-M NONCDG001948 NCOW1279710 NONCDGONC03 NONCDMIaN IR1rdPJ.d. 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DR NC Sal iffir-HE , ROAd BURlZTGTON INDUSTRIES low TL7F.NPIE'.E KD FARM C'HEIMCATSR_U2ORD 2274 ST.PAUL&HWY KOPPERS BOR3_01x' PIT RT. '_ L I LI!CrgARD THOMPSON GKO%MS SALV 4GP) T C JONTES ROAD 'WOODY WILSON BATTERY _ MMET HEIGHT& HWY 211 'WOODYWIlSON-MCCAIN SH1213 & M219 HYDE COUNTY COURTHOUSE 30OYSTER CREEF RD V_4PLES EvaL Peodimo HEqDE r,OV 'II.LF &FI: EAST FLAT ROCK NFA HENDE1C5OVL'ILLEEsaL Po uLmR HEgDfX5OV%-'II.LP&PI: FLETCHER NFA FLETCHER EvaL. Po3 mo FLETCHER Vohmtzirf(.iA) WINT(M &PI. W N70V &PL SiURFF.PESBOKO NFA tfURFREEOOKO &PL• 4fURFREESBORO &PL• -MOGRIE &PG -MOSKIE NFA -MOSKM &PL AH�� NFA hfLRtFRIT-SHORA &PI UYI03T EvaL Amd:me -MOSM &PG -1BOS M &PG MOSKM ETmL Amdme 3H05[fIE E%- L Pomdme AUTANDER €m -4BOSKIE NFA RAEFORD E4aL P Lodge -LUTORD El2L Paod-Me ASHLPY HEIGHTS NFA RAEFORD EEaL Amd:me �5E{LE'f HEIGHT& &PI. MCCATN EvaL PomhmR SWAN QU•U= SM AG LNUIDS 2504 DAi7IE AVENUE STATESVILLE .UMOLOY CO OP VC-BI-TPCH 1603 S iLLSBURY ROAD STATESVILLE B 24F= SANITATION SER67CE 1609'Ti MYNTST STATESVILLE BINE-!L73cC P_q]NT-gNDBODY SHOP SR2ME STATPSMLP BIEUNRARTF `RNr URECO. PL,,3NTz!S HWY 21 TROUTM,3N BURLLVGTON INDUSTRIES 476 SOUTH MAINT STREET MOOMI.T IE CTEARLOTTE HIGRVAY A H1,IS CELARL TTE HIGHWAY -4M COMMIUMDORP.S 7ILLH CLARK EQUIPhiFI+TC CODFAVY AXLE DF4. I40 & I77 STATES MLE COD C]AL VaFrME GROUP, INC 2227 OLD SAJISTUTpY HWY (US 74) STATES M12 D&G MART SOL> MgTS 792 HRAW7LE'Y SCHOOL ROAD MOORESVI I.E GMU-R- 1. STORE SOL'51- S S49 OAMMIDGE FARM R_CLqD MOORS VI .I E GTE PRODUCT&CORMULTIOV SK23M TROUTM N HUNTNANUFAL-rURLAG 2101 &F=SALLKOJ4D STATPSVIME INGERSOLL RAND 6G0-A SE4Ti" RD. DAVIDSON IREI}ELL COWrYFIM TR_gLVLqGGRND5 MURDOCEROD TROUTMAN J_43rME 1WELL- G.L.AILSON VILSONPxRFf ROAD SIATPSML.E JOHN BOYLE PACE= &TATEn= Sr 41TESVILLE MARTLV PROPERTY 232E DAVIE AVA 97A1ESVILLE MEREHANTSMETALS IPRODUCTS) 165F,3NIGYRD 91AITSMLF VCDOTkSPHA.TSITE z!6&AP,3C 164HOSTIANBRIDGE 131(OFF BUT STATESVILLE NIEM,3NDIIIDU&TRIPS 25011WESTFRONTSTHEET STATESVILLE VORTEX L4T RNAT]OV.ql, INC 523 PATTERS93T AVE MOORESVILLE NORTH gbdMCANFRODUCTS 1459 CMMFORDRD STATESVEJ-E 0 W SL-ME GLASS WHLL 606 MECEAM ROM STATESMLE OLD MOUNT4DT & BUFFALO SHOALS RDS %qLL OUFFALO SHOALS & OID MOUNTALYSTATE&[''= OLD MQL--Vl.ADT RDWATER SUPPL'f WELLS OLD MGUNT4LV RD & N MA V Sr TROUTLtiiAN M,TXCASH 3ULCHINE SHOP, LYC. 665 COxf_YORSTREET STATESVILLE PERTH RO u PCE SITE 1116 PEILTH RD TR OU T i N PETRO E=- 55:3 L 111 7URNERMURG IM7 ;HW'e'21} STATESIMLP FILCH, LVC �FCRMMXLYFEARTRFPRD) PILCH RD TROMMAN PSNC ETLI G MOORE&TJIL,I.E, FORbER L L ] a & 1122 NORTH NMJN STREET MOMMULE Epv�A Paodme N4 S,P4 tEza1 Pom�3e NFA E4aL P®d mo EtaL Po u me NFA Vohmt=7 (AA) Eve L Pie EcaL Pie NFA Vo Yff ++ M)++yy Vo�-L - ) NFA EEaL Paodme EEaL Paodme EcaL Pbodmc E-vaL AwdMe EvaL Paoditio_ NFA NFA EtaL Paodme EvaL Paodme EcaL Pbodme EvaL Pbodme &PI: EvaL P Lodme E4aL P Lodme E4aL Paod-me EEaL Paodme Ertxl -�FA-j'&FurrirarAampi SPL - Sims PKG'ri�y Lw FA x-/Amtr_ - Ma Fw-disrAcdopi xith Propgptt-u w res,trrafow i7a[w wy ( - VoAwmy Actions 1ori-Site - yourija:auiow --ubs&mcs sirs 1881Page 'TO'TCDND2342 PrxFtr.rr. SERVICE COLOANY0FNOXM CiROLINA433 DILtU STREET STATE;lm-i E72L P®dim 'TO'TCDND242' ROY&TER CLARK F£R.TJLMFRFACMrFY 3214 TAYLORSTdII.LE HIGHWAY ST.A.7= 1m-= EvaL Pm"c NONCDND2} 5 S.B=Y'raJ ALVS - &TArEVJILLEPLAN T 4013{E-AfHANlROAD STAT=;lZ== EsaL Poaditic 'TO'TCDND2481 SLUMS DRY CLEANERS 92 223 GORD•DNAVfNUE STATE 5lZ=E EvaL Poaditie_ NCDC4226913-1 SOUTHERN SCREW YARLEY METALS 1225BAR LEYRD STATE 5lZ=E &FL NOMCD0003033 SPRING&IND-UV]GLAS&IND. 133 CONFER }T. STA7=;lZ=E EvaL Pmtio NCDMl!k7291 SrAr2nTlE COAL GU PL+LVT dl? SOUTH y ESTER STREET STAT=S L ZLP Votoatmy ffiA) NONCDND2196 rH9NEPFROPERT J2 RZS= 5T- =7 ANDM+ETIrG STEM STA<7E51Z== EvaL Pondma NOMCDMD2635 TROUrMANPULVWOOI)N2 1L6U-=ldL=RD STAT=511=11 E73LPmtio NONCDOOD2649 UV]TFD ENGL4VING 320-dEACHA- iROAD STATESVILLE EsaL Pondmo NCD043236841 Vi dRTTCKPAETrCOOVAVY +J45MON OE Sr STA<TH11MLE &FL NCNCDOOR=7-- AMDWOOD LDD? 133-137 WILDWOOD LODP STATHVILLE EraL Pudmo_ JA.-C SO NO'TCDND1630 DOT CSPEALT IESTEdG 4.TE A18 SL1377 DnLSHORO E-�:a1 Pamdme JDHN'STO NOMCD4Op3 L U 3C PAMkGIVG 10M CC DRIL'E CLAYTOV E-•a1 Pomdimo NCDQW'1043'- AM RIC +LN PETROFN-k VKTG SR 192R SELMA NFA NONCD00p1208 APAC4TFLqCETCrq ASPHALT PLA.TI 1288 R,3LIS MnJ. RD PRLYCET03T NFA NCDO42SU23D d.SMCORPOLkT]OV 1211 &FIRSTST SMrF=1.D NFA NONCD0001340 BENSON NESk &PAPER PRINTING d L ] CEDCOPEF ROAD BENSON EvaL Pond= NCD07555"26 BPOMVzUI.FPRODUCT'S I]QLTS]OV WMSON'SMILL RDSR1D03 SELMA NFA NONCD0001405 ELU]ULLVGTON IM}U&TRIES-SMlrHF1 D 1303 GRAM STREET. PO BOX 01 SMITHFIELD ETzL Pond mm NONCD0001463 C ST EBO Ry PROPERTY 411 EAST MART STREET CT-k):TON E"L Pon Lw NCDM6D2441 CHAMPION PILODUCTS INC 31OArKIN&ON &T CLA):-TON EvaL Poadme_ NONCDND2&12 CLAYT9V FARMS 1&B LOOP RD CLATTOV Sm NCD0'44L7-306 COASTAL CHE3d]CAI. CORP. NC42 GT. YTON &PL 2fCDCW330412 DATA GENERAL CORPORATION NC42 E CIA):-TCN NFA NONCDO002913 EATON VANUF ACTURLVG 11CO E PRESTON ST SEIRLA Va6mi-y AAA) NCD00352U25 FUTI.DCREST bM.IS IVC. ' ALPAT RD SMITHFIELD Sm NCDM3434599 GT]' SYLVA7LI.L, INC. IND'U&TRI.M, P43LK DR SMITHFIELD Sm NCNOM L0293 GUR]6DCO CHIMCAL& 9710 HUFY 70 E PRrTCETv-V EvaL Pondi= NONCDO003079 rJNDER MORCz4`V SELMA SPILL 2200 W OAK ST S MMA EvaL Poadivo_ N-DNCDN02076 LELLERS AU75DSALES A513 USHIGH4rAY 74 CLA}TOOT NFA NO'fCDND28&, NC DOT BRIDGE X71 BUFFALO CRS & VC96 BRIDGE 5EI.Mri E72L Pa A= NONCDND2 L36 NCI30T SELMA 71ANP P-L ] P=TN &TRMA.G. LEE TRUCK ST SELMA EvaL Poadmo_ NCDM6171336 PEELPCO. PESTICIDEDMPOS-UNC42 E_4.ST CLAYTOV &PL NONCDO0p23715 RAYS GAP AGE 6133 FQGHWAY 301 SOUTH FOUR OAKS E�a1 Poaditio NONCDO002447 SAVCEDG PKCIP. - NCDOT SF[E M69 US HWY. 74] VER'TO*f GROT6 E E-aL Polo NCD991279730 sczfl= ££h SONS FLOORS RD RMILY &PL NCD043163480 U;nQN CAW CORPORATION 524HROGDENILD SMITHIMI-D &FL NO'TCDNDlL48 U4I0-MCiRBIDE HB-iY 42 CL+lYTOW &PI. xfOxfCDO D2M WEST CI.AYTOV MOBn.E VILLAGE OLD US 70119MT GlAyrOV NFA JONES NONCD00p1274 LTDRE DDCO2Q 123 GIHBS LANE 7?�VTOV Ev2L Poadimo_ LEE NONCDO0p1030 BLR 2911 LEPA<L'ENVE SANFORD &PJ. NCD llPnS RUCKHOLV ROAD 2427 HUCKHORN ROAD SAIgFORD NFA NONCDO DC49 C. E. SMITH PROPERTY' 1404 TILUM 'A<} ROAD SAI+TFORD NFA NCDMI9248] 3 C R3CV%TCrq FLO.-ID DRUM SITE 29L6 CARBDNCON ROAD SAI+TFORD NFA N-DNCDOOD1416 CAIU R RE-1 -Ja L} ST=I{5 i300 GAK PARS SAEYORD EvaL Pomdme NONCDO0p3095 COCA CO -A. 5 S V-y-RTr 1603 RAIWEII+IS AVE SAI+TFOPD Eva1 Pomd mm NCDOW 2 LS1 dl CORNEI L-D LBL1=-RELE=Q +IICS 2652 DALYRUMPLE STREET SANFORD Sm NCDMI'4-.-9M C0% MT-1 KOAD P-kTLVG 37B COY MILL ROAD SANFORD NFA NC004D998d 36 CP PRCtiPERT -S 23 M BRCP -T ROAD SANFORD &PL NONCDOOD1662 EATON CO3FCRATION-SAXFORD NoLF£AVENUE SANFORD VoLmtmy(AA) NONCDOOp3 04 1FE AVE PCE CO='TANERATION 2MLEE AVE SAI+TFORD EraL Pomdimo NOMCD00p19S8 LEE Pal-IG- NCDOT S=N3L SR L179 �ROCKYPORK CHRD) SAI+TFORD E-a1 Pond NONCDND20L3 LOCK ON 1106LANDIS STREET SANFORD ETzL Pomd-me VOxfCDND2M3 MAKEPE CPPROPERTY 1214HAWKINSAVENUP SANFORD E"L.Pomd_w NO'TCDND2M MOEN - &ANFOPD 2609 COX MILL RD. SAl4FORD NFA w Ra:tc. -TO'TCDND2 L88 VCDOT SITE :J44'QU qM RIDGE QV.4dL RIDGE DR- SANFORD ETzL Pud-me NOMCDMD3065 PANTRY 21D 14L3 BROADWAY SANFORD Eva1 Amdmo NONCD0002914 PANTRY 363 3420 VTCFEK SI SAWDILD Eva1 Pudme 'TCD053037136 PFITPRINQCCrFYDM&U-q COY Mnd.BD &HUFY-42 E SANFORD &P1 NCV0004%f:4 ROMATLC MANUP 4JZ!r wG 402E ROUSE ST SANFORD &PL N-DNCDOOD243-S &AIDEN TECHNOLOGIES 1618 CLYDERHYNE DRIVE SANFORD EnL Pendme NCDMIHL652 S.iNLEEPAXK PL4.dPL*fG STATION RD-NC15141 SANFORD NFA E►uLPepm'x E-f-wiiatiopirPoJ[{J7 -�FA-AbFurrharArtivu SPL - -sjus Prim? Lisf FA m,/- o-rtr- - AO Fw-ther- AelbOlJ % lh p operh -apse pw 77a hcm Vahormy (old,+ - l ohommy Action A4 .Site - Nbff-hamp dow sakWn-cca sits 1891Page NCNt _•-05763 NONCD0002M LE-"IR NONCDOM176 NONCDM1521 NONCDM1324 NONCDOMN4 ?726I8 N :1O'371l77 _=D53b1&735d .,CNCDND3031 NCDM214484 NONCD00p2428 NONCDOOp2SS6 NONCDND2PL5 NC7-4O{U4W7583 NONCDOM7'5 S EmwoI LN NONCDO001627 NONCDM1093 NONCDC.091526 NON( : ?71577 NON( : " ": r . 9 N''- NONCDNDIC-69 NON{ Da:,:_3 x5 NONCD00p1 L `,{ NCNOM LO43 p NONCDO-0p2SS' NONCDWDD009 NONCDOOp--&2# NCDM741242 NONCDOOp2696 h§ACOOK NONCD0001 73' NONCDOOD296' LtADISOIs NONCD0002" 5 NONCDOOD1543 NCNQaMLM1 NCDOa57L656 NONCD00813a4 NCD98064&763 UARMN NONCDM123 3 NONCDOOON13 NONCDM1169 NCDOOM23223 NCD98193MB NONCDNDl L6: NONCDND233: : ILNE _ F- ?"-krL%TG C0MP.4NN &R 1466 SANFORD LAP: "A MMLS 311 EAST ROSE STREET SANFORD EMN'---N-ALLP3,INC-Mr-HGEARDIV 5ON'WOMACRROAD SANFORD SINCrERCO-TURNITURHDIV &ANPORD 133 CHARLOTTEAT5T SANFORD &PA l%rCO NDUST= I&M BOON TRAIL RD. SANFORD SrAN AD}=TP, INC. COX IMIL• RD SANFORD SrANlZ P 4,Sr3NNG 2RB LEE A %E SANFORD nuoN,INC lal MCNEILLRD SANFORD WI TCIN ROBERTS PL ANT ;k2 342 MAPLE AVE SANFORD WICKER Sr �4FTEi41ENE 22!k ll ICKER 5I SANFORD C,i&R''PLLCEk=RESEARCH PAiR3d 2413WVER%rONAV2 KMrON COASTAL L LUMBER CONIPANY - KIVSTU V S A4i bMJAflO HULL ROAD R-:15TOV COCjLCO12Lw-u ROUSE -4L91' VERNONAil'P : STON COLONIAL ICE COMPA_f (FRMK) 4MEMGST K:�:STON DALY-HaRRDfGCOMPAiNY.TRUJAA iN MUSE RD K--gSTOV DUPONT-EE'.= BR4=0-NRD (5R 1EN) GRIFTON HUGH D. R'A UER-TLAV MJM 224 E W ASHINGTON ST 1A GIL4NGH FF.II+1&ToN COAL G45 PLA m SOUTH CE HERITAGE STRnn E'MrON E1N&ToN SHIRT P 2LCrORY 541 E C,3SWM L ST E'.LVSTO`3T E3N&TGN TORNADO SITE STATE ROAD LK1 E'MrON hSAIJ-qRD GRIFFLV LU3ffiER 1304'WVE"GN AVE KINSTON SALE FORD 1143 US Erwy 259 Fd NSTON SUTTON PROPERTY 223 H WASHINGTDN &T Ll GIL4NGH WEST PHARVACEUTIC LSErVCF-% 2525ROUSE RD EYT LF-mrcV 'WOODS SERVICE STATION -FOR3S@R 109W.5kASHNGTON &Tl= LAiGR_4VCTE 4BERNr= TE AiCO PCH 5791 E HWY L 50 LLVCOLN7KN ASPEN 5T&FPT PCE N = &T LZVCOLV7OV COCHR iNE FU N. DQV :d LS 442 SOUTH FDWARD6 ST LLVCOINTO=Y CULP, INC. (FOR_MEKLY ARTEP NDUSTRIES) 19N INDIAN CREEK ROAD L,NCOLVTO=q E_Or UNODLN FIRE SrATLf7)i-TRI'_3; 7654NCELWY 73 STANLPY Mq%-'MO=C3 BURN SITE ASEB RY CHURCH RD IRONTON F.kO;. -um LANE 12 5 F IRL ND LANE LNC0LVT0=V UL ACE ROOD 4RA-gDCN DDRUA& SR 1355 I,NCOLNMN GE�r=RAL _l'_#RBIA COMPANY 350 NORTH GENERALS BLT.'D L,NCOLVTO=q H do 5 PROCESSORS, INC. NC HIGHWAY 110''EST LNCOLVTO=V f -:,ILR R'ELL 5420 BIG CREEK H013- 4.R gly-ym =0003i CHAPEL CHURCH LANE 22 TA235I- EKWDON CHAPEL CHURCH LNCOINTO"T H-JU SERVICE STATION-PEn IP 66 IfIGHWAY 274 SOUTH V1LE F.EL'fSkRDTCIRCIE TCESITP REiNu3nDTC1RCL.E IRON STATION RHYME 5,•I113 . INC. HWY 150,LINCOLNTON L,LVCOL�T110V ROBPRT B0&CFI TOD'L CURD 129 LEGION IRE RD LINCOU TON 5017THSLDEROAD LVCIDERr SOUIESMERD & SOUTHFORKRD L TCOQ.NTO"T rERTLE?=CE 71=NG HIGHWAY 321.NORTH SYP4SS LNCOLNTO=+T rRE�,-D=N=-LR~TILRECORP. 321INDUSTRIAL PARKROAD 1ZVCOI.NTGV US i_'. °G L LE-i -E1; 75 % KOFY 73 DMER V'ERMO'_r7 _i.6UK, AN CORPORATION M IDE*f IM-Y 32 L N LNCOLVTO-q V"ARLICKS GROCER]' 2673 PLAIMAU ROAD VALE FR.4N"F=gUARRT-NCDOT-&M *15 HIGHWAY" PA&R-L_1i PROPERTY-DESOTO TRAIL 3370 BRYSON CITY RD AND KEWSPiT4TSOINMTTAHLEASR 17-2SANDRLWSAV7E COOKS P U.M A-kM GARDEN 4MO NC HIGHWAY 2p8 DERRLYGER DRIVE DRRRL4GRK DRIL'E HCNTE'E-U L MICRO SWTrCH DIV. 1 HICKORY I FXn HWY 23 ACETIC UCD &FILL HIGHWAY 23 MADISOV COUVT4' C'i WIDE SFr£ 7735 NC 63 HUY ALgUAC KNITS (D-TERM ILGCORP.) NCIM-Y 125 CAROLNPi HARDWOODS 158 FACTORY STRIMT LIBERTY P SIC& (PORMER) US 64 ILL-ILLTLV bL NUFAiCTURING PROPEYMS E MAIN &T US 17 NEUS:C CLUB PESTICIDE STOP &H4 [VADK NI OF ItTI US 17 PEME"5 SERVICE STATION-HONOILkKA dt NG 2771 OLD HWY454 3EIIDICS XWGANTS, INC. 3002'WEST bLgL�T STREET s 1 EVA Pomdiac &Pl NFA EmL P°mdma NFA Sn °E=Azu'l j A) 5- EtaL Pandmo EsaL A mdmc EmL Pand:.nc NFA E-aL Pbmdmo EsaL Pbmdmc E7& Pandmc Vokotuv �-iA) Eral. Pandmc NFA &PL NFA EvaL Ptodmc Vohmmn• �-iA) EmL Pand�c E-aL Pomdmc EsaL Pbmdmc EraL Pamdmc EsaL Pcmdmc E-aL Pand-mc E-aL Pandmc EsaL Paod:mc NFA EsaL Pomd-mc &PL E-aL P°mdmc EaaL Pcmdmp 5PL E-aL Pomd-me EsaL A mdmc E-va Pcm" EsaL Pbmdmc NFA EraL A mdimc blTA EsaL Pomd-mc EraL Paodmc E-aL Pandnc HOTSPRI2gGS E-aL Ptodmc KA -SHLL E-va Pandmc M RSHq-LL EraLPaodlnc MARS HM.L &Pl MARS HILL E-aL Ptodmc 1=5TER 4PL H_4EdII.rON E-�:aL P®dLmo WILLLg5TOx &FL IA-VHSIr.r.F &M WILLL4MSTON Sm WILLLgmTON &FL r--UvE 'i•IIT LE EsaL Pom fmc WILLL4MSTON S,PL -Ewl_ Pe?m nK — EuLb flap Pamdrmg 2QFF —,'0 FupAewAollopi SPL — Srfas Pno?,jv Lk NFA wlAom&r- —})o Funha Acdopi Ruth pvivpa?-�•-apse pwir-iclicaw Valwamy (AA) — 11alemar,}'Actimi -Nkxr Sits—Xm4azwadoms s =nca srls 1901Page NONCDO00IOL6 ROY&TER-[LARKFERTnrrFRPLANT 159E102ESRD OAK CITY Sm NONCDWP-798 T0W_%T 4ND C0UNM} C1-L4*fEP S d L7 WASHI24GrON ST WE.ukMSTON Sm NCDM]744616 U.q= ORGANICS RrII.LL4.Ed±5TON NFA WCDO031043M WEST PCCfTPEFPERE 1 HAMMrOV HWY L23 ELLNEI.iON NFA UCDGR= NCDW3157377 AblERICAN THTEiD-SFfIHR PLANT 630 A11HRIC UN TBIFx13 RD dd,+ crq NFA it E, itr. NONCDGM309 APACHER'ELLS "0A,P_4dCHE PATH MJm03T EvaL Pandino NCVCOML0250 ETHANALLEN FJR}QTURE RWY 70 OLD PORT NFA NCDO745 LO726 ETHAN A,T.T.FW LNC:BLUE RIDGE DIV. COMMERCE STREFL 01D PORT NFA NONCDM1071 HIGGINB IO'WN&HIP FIRL*TG R.tVGE NC 226 51ARIOV NFA NCDME31351 MCDO1Ti'ELL FDU AN AMOCIArION SITE SR 1214 GREEN IEE ROAD M RDYA SPl NCVCO� L0M METAL INDUSTRIES HWY 70 WEST MARLO=Y EvaL Pomdne NONCD02433 MYPAL'ORITE 1L#RnNTRUCKACCIDENT US 22 „L S Ri OF WAY hL o--q EvaL Pudme NONCDC']21 L28 RFSOLUTIO*i PACEL4.GLVG 46S C AROLIRA AVE hfARIOW Sm NCD536232676 ROCS-TENN UUJON FOLDING 33 BURGIN ST MARDYA SPl NCD0!9140-*4 TILAiM-.q01 LABS, INCORPORATED IrWY 221 N MARDYN NFA NONCDC-]7L10LO UNITED M RCHANTSX)LD FORT PLANT NORTH OF Df=TSTE 411 OLD PORT EvaL PoadLma 1XCElM_BLRG NONCDM1211 200NORTH TRYON STREET 2NN_TRYON STREET CT{AF.LOTTE EvaL PondLme_ NCDOM571436 ABC ENGRAVER.S 724 NORTH I$5 CHARLOTTE m NCDO2440327 ACiDEMYSTEEL DRUM 3213RIDGE RD MATTHEWS NFA wc Rp:tr. NCDC45451473 ACE CE[E76S]CAT CORPORATION +J601 STRY4NST CHARLOTTE SPL NONCDMI231 AILS LIgUIDE 2414 SOUTH BOULEVARD CTLgRLOTTP EsaL Poadimo NONCDM1251 ALPHAa43LY CORP 9635INDUSTRLU DRISn'E PI1x-n-ILL12 EvaL PomdLne_ NCDCBMK311 gMMC AN COLORS INCORPORATED 831 LdOREi2 AVE CTLkR .OTTE NFA NONCDM125 S MERW iN PENCE SOLVENTS 3605 SOUTH TRYON STREET CHARLOTTi EvaL Pond -me NONCDM1217 UdERICviN TRUETCSCHLER 12300 MOORPS CHAPEL ROAD CH.iRLOITi TdoLM3tMs �Ck1 NC'O L _9168813 �VlLOE ROLL COMPANY 4M WALLACE VL4J, RD CHARLO TR NFA N{ _ :-7257472 APPLIED RESE-UCH GROUP, LVC. 2221 N. T1_4<VIDSON SIRPFT CT[ARLOTTP Sm N{ _ : "'='1 L361 AQU_ IR CORPDRhTION 133M S" VEPI.Y RD CT[ RLOrTE Sm 1282 AF+ILEAFACII=(AILhiALRK) 2321WILKINSON HILT} CHARLOTTE EmLP urms 1L74 AR]LO1 I-AUNDRY 4735bl07MRORKI) CHARLOTTE 5PL NO';C�: : 1992 AT_4` IX) AVE SOLVFSTP CONdT_4J1dIDU9ION 527 AiTANDO -LVH CHAFI OTTP E4aL PomdLtio NC_,' __ : :M95 AUTO TOP MANUFACTURDTG 1132 S IRYONST CHARLOTTE ET2L PemdLme N'v-'• _:: :1301 AUTO VEERS 19M CO'IdON'%TAiLTH 4LENUE CHARLOTTE ET2L PemdLme NC-' _- : :'-GL9 ZUEALiNECONT_4J0*fA rION HAY, &AZALL4.LN CHARLOTTE EmL PemdLtie NCN, _ : :1 L32 BAJLDOR ELECTRIC COMPANY 3821 F xARINGER RD CHARLOTTE E4aL Pond me NO%rC::: :2934 BAJNCROFT ST GROUNDViA I R CONTA_VIN+L70OVLSGd BAiNCRJOFi ST CHARLOTTE EvaL Pomdme NCN _- : :3L04 BANK ST TCE 3331 GRIFFITH ST CHARLOTTE ET2L Pandme N'v-'• __ : :'Ices BAR.ON-BL RLSIEEDIVISION 1223AT AND AVE CHARLOTTE NFA N(_: :.- BAM 1x 1_.ql) ?TTE CORPORATION 4330 CHESAiPL4KELR CHARLOTTE Votontmy (AA) :.:2 5 BEACH.LI{ PROPERTY 420 W TRE1d0r.6TT 3VL_k,7�E CHARLOTTI ETzL Pm"c NONC::: :3375 BEATTIESFORD RD PCECONTAMINAr[ON RK TTIESFORD RD CHARLOTTE ETzL Poad:3e NONC::: : 1314 BEI.LSOUIH WORK CENTER SOLVENTS 24' STREET CHARLOTTE EvaL Poa�3e NO'{C::: :1958 BELTOOTSTREFL SOL%M,%M BnrON Sr dcGREYSTONERD CT[ARLOM ET2L Poad 3e NCN __ : :1338 BE1+DEL CORPORAL3O}T -40ZNORTH C,Rs HAM STREET QtiRLOm ET2L P uLmi2 N{L: _:: ": `9] BE14Z7T7C CORPORATION 70L NORTH I-S5ACCESS RD CT[ RLOrTE Ev2L P ULME °5'6 BENNETrSTT.FRT(316) CONTAMIN.uncV 316B,ENNETi SL CHARLOTTE ETzL Pamdmg NONC::: :1352 BlFLq_gMArOODL_43I'P 146N BnGLgMWOODLAVE CH.iRLOTTP E4aL Pomd_3e NONC::: :308 BLAND STREET CONTAbd VAiTION 322 W_BLAlND ST CHA1?LOTTP EvaL Pomdme NONCE: :3C29 BLOCK42 500N COLLEGE ST CI{ARLOT'TP ET2L Pomd_me 3L99 BLYTFE SLL'D HOSPITALPP_OPERLY 1130BLYTHE BLVD CiLdRLOTTE ET2L Pomd-me NON: _ : :1360 BLYTF = CONSTRUCTION-PINFVILLE 10M O=7'NAITC",; FORD ROAD PI1+LE4u LP EsaL Pend -me :1366 BOND• DISTRIBUTING- SOLSF= 1 M 7 BLUL4RD L3E- ROD CH.iRLOM EsaL P®d�3c_ NCDG#=---'_ �5 BORDE_ti CHE_%(ICALPRTNBTTING INS 3013 GRIFFITH ST CHARLOTTE NFA NCNI- : :'t-' BOIFRIEKTILEMACHEMILYCO 1OWVESTM0R7_--IL�1kSTREET CHARLOTTE ET2L P®dime N--'' -- : :: BPL T3G SOUTHE_4.Si 11750 FP L3EH_ TJT DR CI{ARLOT'TE ET2L PendMe BRrVAKD & -0TM ST5 CONTAMI!q TION BH.EVAiPD 2VD # a STS CHARLOTTE E%•aL Pemik3e NO'fC_ : :...: HRIDGESrO--gLT=SiONE RELY SEILVICES 530 STILYONSTREET CHARLOTTE ETzL Pan�e NCN _ _ : :... BPAOE{A'OOD DETVELOPME�rr 301 SOUTH COLLEGE STREET CHAILLDTTP E4aL POmdLLe Ny_ : ".: ': _' BUDD LEE PALlNGCaMP_CVf 6121 MT. HOLLY RD CHARLOTTE NFA NC-'• _ - : :1413 C B-A= WELL 6505 VISTER1k D-mm CHARLOTTE EsaL. P®dma_ NC1s7�_._=_36 CrcTR Frr%ffXY -4aWSOTJTHBOIJ ARD CHARLOTTE Sm NO?fC::: :=e34 CAS-MDEN,SINGSTON, & P_4RR SOLTTF_ ' SINGSTON AVE& C'A161DENRD CHARLOTTE ETzL P n&mm NCN __ : :_-05 CAROLL]LAALSBESTOS CORE 30L DEPOT ST DAVIDSON E%•aL P n&mg NCI: _:.: L=r]6 CAROLINAiCOSTNG•S, INC. 711 PRESSLEYRD CHARLOTTE NFA NONCDCv51 LC4 CAiTO FAiRMS 11415 TOM SHORT ILOAD CT[ RLo= Evil. pwuue _Elt7i pepiding — -Evabuffopu pEllf{J72a NFA —�& Frd7+JEJ''ACIiOR L-Jlfa.iPfi7AP7J,Lim EI?4i{, ar.-NoFura ffAcdOTJ%,Irhp'OpEltp-mmJrmiritaw Volwirm' l - i7olm a7y Ai220l1 ?irr,�H= Site - Vo?F4jamW4:b r8 -MlZ& CV S116 191 IPage : E 7 cc DICKSON 1524 SOUTH BOULEVARD CFiB3.OTTP Sn - CELA2qESE CORPORATIONTIHERSTECH 2300ARCHDALFIFR CF iRLDrTE VaLuuta3ry- :Lk) : 129 CFNTRAL AVE METALS 1400 CENTRAL AVE CFiRLOTTE EsaL Pondino - C. � LS 3 CMT0t �iL Air'E PESTICIDESAND VOCS 1512 & 3534 CIDTTHALAVE CFi RI OTTE EsaL Poadiao N:::C4614&.'4-0 CT24TRAL TRAN5PORT COMPANY -6MVE1.'fVDAROAD Ci- kRLOTTE 5P1 NCNCDG-0p30L2 C�,'iDI30T11CT GOTECA,�d, LYC JORDAN PL is DAir`IDS0N ST CI AaLOTTE EsaL Pondine NO'krCD00p1478 CHARLOTTE AIRCRAFT z!3 7705 EAST 3k.T. H AA RIS BLVD CH-AaLOTTP EvaL Pondino XrONCD0O01 00 CHAR C= BATTERY MM YOUVGBLOOD ST Ci- k31.OTTE &n NCD98 lMl1 CTLi.RLOTTE COAL G_4.SPLANTNO. 1 200 SOUTH COLLEGE STREET C1F-k31.OTTE EvaL Pondimc NCDMlUW8 CHARD= COAL Cz4SPL.iNT VO. 2 1400 SOUTH -kRD C7-,-k5LDrTE Vnkox=% 0A) ' =N :*)91490 C•HAFIOTCE DOUGLAS AIRPORT 7 1101 JOSH BIRMDfGRA M PARKWAY CF k3l.OTTE EsaL Poad 3e_ C7LkRLDTTE STEEL DRUM 29W WEST TRADE STREET CI AaLOTTE Sn -_--1fL21# CRA3J-J= TLiNSPOIT-1 VTERI1AL 22415 OLD S=E CREEK RD C7-'-k5LDrTE VnL� -L;L) }51437 CH3!bL' kTR_ON 5216 HOVlS PA AD Ci- k33#TTE EvaL Poad 3e --X7 C`HEM-TEl�MNIRjAShCLASSIC COFFEE 1DW&1024MONT.WADR Ci--k33#TTE EsaLPoadLmc ALL s:-=:::5 CTEROSEF OIL 1201 HER-RYYIDL ROAD M- i3S.OTTE SPl 'fCDM1t::=? CTEEROSEF OIL 92 5 SC= SVMMIT AVE Ci- kRLOTTE 5P1 NONCDG421S96 CE ILDI PSS DRY C EANING'1GiiEYL'YN BUS PS 9101 MC',MDE RD Ci- kRLOTTE EsaL Poadiao NONCDOD1499 CRT FACRJTY'd-2 WAMMOUSE 5W OLD PINEVILLE ROAD Cf--iRLGrTE EaaL Pondine NO'fCDWD0041 CIBA-MGY I ESTLYGHUL'SEHLTrD CFiB3.OTTE 'MoLmitmrj-(.iA) NONCDOOD1101 CTP_GT.E K 5 111 - SOLVENTS 2&33FREEDC�IL DME CF kRLOTTE EsaL.Poadmo NONCDOOD12M CTP4' OF CH-ULOTIT DOT STRM MADVI'M4ANCE4600SWEDENRD CI iRLOTTE EML Pondino NO'fCDW02805 CITY OF CH-ULOTTf-SIC LEYB. R glIM 3610 SOUTHHLTM� do CL4XMNRD CFi.RLOTTP E4aL Po3di3o NONCDON1107 CITY PLUMlk'fG & HEATING CID 211 TUCK SEEGEE ROAD Ci- iRLOTTE EvaL Po3d:3e N0'fCDM1509 CLAM 1{ANUFACTURNG 2120 NORTH CHURCH SIRM CIF-iRLOM Vokoiitms AAA) NONCDOM994 C-UMONSTREET CONT_4MINATION 908S CTL4`F.ESON ST CFkRIDITP EvaL Amd:mc NONCD0092345 CLAWSON 1D4,DM.TOR TORIR) 108 li�EST P-4 ES RD CFi.RLOTTE EmL Amd:mc NONCDW01515 C71NHPAD 7101 M-ACFAREAM:+BLVI) CFk3j.?Dr E EvaL Pond -me_ NCN03M7TM CLOROYCHEMCAL 600GES.CO ST CFk3I.OTTE 5P1 NONCD00U153I COMMERCE BUSINESS PARS S. CONEMERCE BLVD. CFk3S OTTE E4aL Poadiao NONCDM3103 C:0MMC-';MiLrH A'bM4UE DRY CLEANERS 1049 COMMONR'EiLTH AVE CF kRljD 'CE EsaL Pondino MCDW3162500 CONSOLE ATED IDTG3A M&COPP. 311 E 12'ST C7-'-iBS.O'ITE €Pl NCD L307%] 26 CONSDLMATED W-UMHOUSE 6100 MOORPS CHAPEL RD CFi.RLOTTP 5P1 NONCDON107 CDFE',Sa-V�ULCAN,INC 601' SUMMITA�'E CH_iRI.OTTE Vokortmy(AA) ' OnCDM3G60 COK"g7L17fS ARTS CT24= 21326-21MlC4T-4<4'11AAVE COR-I EIm EvaL Poaditio 'f0'fCDM3L79 CRAYTONPRITCING 2101,2121,1127DISTRMUTION cTf RLOTTP EMLPoadmc NONCDM1563 CRMCTNC FMC - C R2NM JS'k2 16014S7. 3lS` =E ROAD CORNELI S E%aL P03d:3e_ NCDO44447&W CTOW"-qc=7 iL PETROLEUM CORP. 7720 MOUVT HOLLY ROAD CHARLOTTE &M NONCDMlM CSX1L MROAD SOUTH CED.iRSTPFPT CF-kalo= E-wL Poad_3c NONCDM1191 CTfMdb= ATLANTIC-DISTRIBUTOR.,HIP 3700 JEFF ADAMS DR CF iRLDTTE NFA w 3a:c. N0'fCDM1192 CTfMdMINS ATLANTIC-GIDTFR4]. OFFICE BLDG 11101NAT193m FORD RD Cf--iRLOIT£ Fako=5 {:Lk) NONCDMI 134 D-43L4. TRA-N5PORT F-UM rrY [FORMiER1. 72 54 MT HOLLY RD C7- ARLC= EmL Po i&mo NC2dG l`:'_ DAVIDSDNASBPSTOS DEPOT,FOEgSLOAN,A'AT&ON-ACRANEDA',,MSON ESaLPoaditio NONCDC::::: = =' 3U'R.G STREET SOLVENTS DELBURG ST 2K-300 EMOCK DAVIDSON EvaL Pondino_ NCDMI-. _-: ---'.'ARC45iPA-'kY 3300MONROPROAD CT[ RLOTTP NFA 3L-KDRII'E PCE DENBURDRAM CHA LOITP EML.Poadiaa_ NCD06t5 " ::: : _-MDND S k IROCK CORP•'Ff NRE • FROCES 3300 WESTINGHOUSE BLVD CIiA LOTTE NFAL NOnCDC::.: `-i 1-�JITRICSNC 404ARMOURSTRFPT MkVIDSON EaaL Poad_3c 'f0'fCDC - ' . `: ' DIRTY LAUNDRY CLEANE3L& kTORM R NMON PR0511, 513, 511-WEST TRADE STREF CHAKLDTTE EV2LL Poad 3c NONCDC::..`: 3 DISCOVER} PLACE 301 N. TRYON STREET CIE iRLDrTE EvaL Pondmc 'fONCDC.-.y1'3 DFVFRSE'c"WATERTECHNOLOGIES 1201SOUTHGR.:ILkMSTREET CFiBl.OTCE EsaLPond�e NO'fCDWD1617 DEGE TRUCMNG- SOLVENTS 36MNORTH GRAHAM STREET CFiB3.OTTE EvaL Poadmc NCD07451a0l DOW CTOM C L CORWALL•!PT C=CAL 202 E WOODL--LW-.q RD, BLDG 2 CFkRLD TE NFA 'fCDM14114517 DY'0.TECH TOOMEY AVE CFiRLDTTE &PL NONCDM3146 EAST 36"" ST LEAD CONTAML4ATTON 430E 36"ST CFkRLDrCE' E%aL Poailiao NONCDND1617 EAST GISBOV ROAD 2727 AND 2731 EAST GIBBON ICJLD CF iRIOTTE EvaL Poad mo NONCDOOD2 +i0 EASTOiAY DRTS•T & THE PLAZA SOLVENTS EASTWAY• DR do THE PLAZA CF k-RLOTTE EsaL Pondine NCD02474C433 PCM-4`NUTACTCIFWG 413N.POLY, STREET PL _s ILL 01 NONCDG0p1 L LP EDWALRD& PROPERTY FOUNDRY SAND 10M ROZLEUE'S FERICY RD CFiRiom &n NONCDO0p1676 ELECTO 1412 VEST CILMGHE4,D RCU' D CK RLOT'CT EvaL Pondino NOnCDWD1943 ELFCTROLU3T,ILr=CO dSOlIDATPI) MERRL1-4`V AVE CHARLOTTE EsaL Poaditio xrONCDOOD3 L33 EUZU ETH AVE PCE 16W ELIZABETH AVE CHARLDM EsaL Poad mo xrONCDOOD1678 ELMWOOD CTP = ELMWOOD CIRCLE CRA LOTTE EsaL Poad mo nOnCDW01679 E1.03ECORPO>DMONll-qfn TF GFJFFITH STREET ELAXIDSON Eral. Pondino MCD09121MM PSE =E CHARLOTTE SERVICE CTL 33G0 PIPER I.N CTLiRLOTTE 21YA xrONCDOOD16 6 EU[ON4-3524SOL6'E & 11206 RDEPENDIDTCE BLVD CHARLDT'CE EsaL Poadimo NONCD0 K&A F T W LIAAMS TRUCKINGFACILTfY IDOIAW9 ROZZEIAM FEFL'FRO-4D CHARLOTTE EsaL Poadimo fw? 2qFA--?&FLff'&dfACl1Qpy ,qpL - aas pnmj1 - 1j.71 Wes! w/. Rdmb-- --?& F' ur&T cdopi -with prgmrty-use v&7fficWLw S Voiw xy (AA) - Vo�wjyaxyActio}1 vori-lks &ts-MfHljm GS --ubs mee 5116 1921Page NONCDO001702 F.iIHFAX PROPERTIES (FORMER REH TS) 6900 FME A M DRIVE CIiARLO TP Evz L Amdmc NONCDWM029 FLEET 3EP_OSPAC1!CORP,AERONCA BLOOF.PORD STREET CF-UUDTTE NFA v- 3a:tc. NCD062513490 FLEET TFL�LNSPOAT CO., LqC. 6712 FMI>C1[ DRIVE CF -uuo '[E EvzL Amdmc NCDO031 `.4965 FLE3dLVG LABORATORIES 2215 THRIFT RO_kD CH kRLOT'[E SP1 NCDO93=-:-=- FLORIDASTEEL CORPORATION I.AF.FL'IEW RD ClLkRLDTTE NFAmi; Rvstr. ND LD:':::•�-`_ F06 MEXRMTSHROTHFAR LS801 OLD STATES6'Dd2RD COO NELIUS SPL =S-55 FORSHMW CHMEQUZ 650STATE ST CH.-URLOTTP SP1 NCDC=T- =13 FROEBLING AND ROBERTSON. INC. 31AN GRAHAM ST Cf ARLOITE NFA NCDW'' :i`_-4 FRUEEIALYTR��R CORPORAI-ION 3LODALTON Cf -URLOITE SPL NONCDWO1741 FULTO3i WELL 6501 OLD CONCORD I[DAD Cl- i&LOi C- EsaL Amd:.mc NONCDC001743 G. =E P.�LET CO. (PORMIX) 3324 GIBBON ROAD DORMER ADDRF Cl- i&LOTTE EsaL Amd:.Mc NONCDON1715 GAT:1%'_JLY V[UAGE '%­E�I nLU E � TREED & N CEDAR Cl- iRLOTTE EsaL Amd:.mc NONCDC0017n G- 5 Fv OD STORE - S0LVE3T75 3&Y- TJCF-k •EEGEF ROAD Cl- iRLOTTE EsaL Amd:.mc NCDOA 322980 GAF s ELECTH-FC' CO. 33:8 aMHT ? D Cl- kRLOTTE VoLmtm• (_i#) NCDNI-1302 56 G--,=F s— - JLTEX A CHT-V CX)E.P (Olr NQ 2323 N. DAVIDSON ST Cl- iRLOiTE NFA NONCDW61229 GH—=F s- 5= DRUM CORP 4100 SOUTH HLVD CH-ARLOTTE ELaL Pomdino NCDO43679349 G =F s- TIRE & RUBBER CO 1900 CONTINENTAL BLTVI) CH-ARLOTTE ELaL Pmuhmo NONCDC001764 G _'L = P.4-RTS COMPANY 1 124 ATANDO AL'ENUE CH-iRLOTTE E4aL Pmuhmo NONCDC001769 G-R_a U0 TIME 11252 LJLWYM ROAD CH-ARLOTTE Erg. Pomima_ NCDMFr48765 G[BB'_ ___ . _ _ATING 5210-1216 HOVM ROAD CF-UUDTTE SPL NONCDO001022 GBB'____:=RLPLATING - OLD LDCATION 2229NWVIDSON CF-uuDru SPL NONCDO001776 G_Z-:�• _ _A-K=VCE CLINE PROP SOLVENTS) 11431 US HUFF 29 CF iRIOTTE NFA NDNL Df = ] GM llLkLiLVG CEVT K 3300 N TRYON SUBgi Cl- kRLO TE EsaL Pomi3e GF:%IITEvnLLE TWD SITP 2508 LUCENA STREET CF iRlOTTE EL aL Paad-Mc GREEN CROSS DRY CLEANERS 9101 MONROE RD: ST_ i00 CF iR1.OM Ev2L Paodmc NCB __ ::: L L 0 GREENSBORO SU TCE 4101 GREENSBORO �T. Cf iRIDITE EsaL PaodmF NCB -- :::'W3 GRINNEL SUPPLY S 41 2 143] W MOp armor AD 5T Cf iRLOITE EsaL Paodme NC'N:- :::,:C73 H. M. WADEFU'RNITURE SCRUM GR.iHAMSTREPT Cl- ARLOTTE SPL . _ _ .::: S23 I-CNS.iRD DRIVE 132 H,3N&A D DRR7E & 10 LEE DR Cl- kRlO M Ev2L Amd:.mc H_4F.LEE 4ArEN J'f CONT.iMDL4,TIDN 3701 H .RLEF AL'E Cl- ARLOTTE E73L Amd:.Me NCN _ _ ::::C}3 I-ULM CORP. OF Al MICA it 1 CROMPTOV STREET Cl- iRLOTTE 1+7A EiAEPHL CRAWFORD BAG CO. 4K PA4FKW OOD AL'E CF iRLOTTE 1+7A NON L D:::: S3: HR2LTH WELL 2231 BEILLMEr3DE ROAD Cl- A RLOTTE EsaL Pmad:mc NONCD(- :: C23 HP-2VL7 EgUIPhfENr SCHOOL HE Wf EgUlPb= RO6iD CH-ARLOTTE SP'L NDNC D::::536 HEFNER VELL 509 W. SUGAR CF= Cl- ARLOTTE EvzL Amdmc NCN _ _ :::: S39 HESTDEH ON WMF L 9744IDIE% D ROAD CH-ARLOTTE EvzL PaadmF NCD59'=--..: 62 HF KEL CORPORATTON 600 E SUGAR CREED RD Cl- i.RLOTTF NTFA NO*ICD[ _ :: 4--9 HERTRON INTERNATIONAL 3C6 CLATTTON RD CF iRLOTTE EsaL Paadmm NO*ICD[ _ :: S64 HOMESTEAD OLD MT HOLLY PDWEST AVE CF -U .DLTE EsaL Paadmm NCDM I'-: =" HOSKINS MILL 201 S. HOSSINS MILL ROAD CH kKLOTTE NFA NO'kr-CD(_ :' : - ` HOVIS RD SOIL COVM—MINATION 3205 Havis ILD CliAKI )m- EsaL Paodmc NCy _ :'::.:-= HUGHS Sr}PPLYtN39 190 SOUTH TLYON STREET Clf-kRLOM EsaL PaodmF NCB -- :::. �L: HUVTERAVENUE HUNTER[ 4VENUF Cf iRLOITE EsaL Paodmc NCB -- :::: C L9 HUTTIG SASH AND DOOR COMPANY 1018 JAY STREET Cf iELOITE NFA '_'Y=D::J1418 ffW 49BATTERYDlf.MP NCHIGHOrAY-19 Cl--iB1.OITE SPL IWV CORPOLATION 1o0I w.U. H_4F.Ri3 Brim CI- ARLOTTE h7A ICI-ALIERICAS, INC. 2130N IRYON ClL RI.DT'[E SPL NO%r-CD(.:_ 57 DX.E 'ILD RD CARBON TTTILgjMORIDE 13101IDLE4`ILD ED W TTHILL ELaL Amd:.Mc NCN _= :::_:: 5 INDFPEN3IDTCE PROPELTY 3030E INDEPENDENCE BLVD 0tAKLOTTE EsaL Amd:.Mc INDUSTRULL a TL TIL SUPPLY 1300 L law STREET C1i.iRLDTU ELaL Amd:.mc INMSM4I.DRIL7E 1121 INDUSTM4LL DLEVIE MArrH7WS EsaL Amd:.me NON L DCO-31.243 B4 USTR U DYNAMIC& CORD_ (IDC) 5361ETTDN ST D-JLVIDSOV E4aL Amdmc NCD990615S166 INMONTCORP'HASF CORPORATION 1701 R<i '%­ESTINGHOUSEBLVD CI-LiRLOM SP1, NONCDOOD1909 R+TLFF.STAIT V. BUS. PILK 2200 A 2233 LV'TFltriA E N_ DRIV CIiURLOTTP EsaL Amdmc NCDMI 33290D RqX DORMER) PACTI.IT4' 3200 A 3210 CLI LAIAN AVE CF -uuD= SPL NCDM5 L3211 IRT•T&NI CORPORATION 41GI S I-5 CF -uuo '[E SPL NONCD00D19L7 JWGOTCH WELL 4W RANDOLPH ROAD CH.-uuoT'[E ELaL Amdimo NONCD00027-94 JET LINE PRODUCTS, INC 720 KLLT'TSE G _'VINT HILL RD M+IUTHEWS NFA NONCDC001932 IOHN P1.rrxr= 4642 SHAP_0N L= ROAD CF ; ROM EsaL Pondimo NONCDC00L1CK JO=YES & PRlS3TM L STUDID -q33 LAWTON ROAD CF iR1.OM SP1 NCDO0246241-3 IO_'fES CHMEC us [No- O1<NORTH C_41.011 610 M(3NINCH STREET Cf ARLOITE NFA NONCDCOD1938 JO E3 ELECTRIC REPAIR CO 42 51 GOLF ACRES DR Cl- iRLOTTE EsaL Pmd:.mc NONCDC0DIW E_kISERYWID TEC[DMLOGIFS 334EiST SUGAR. CREEK ROAD Cf iRLOITE Ev2L Amd:me NONCD0003069 E_qLPBINDEXI24C HAWKINS AND DOGGPTT STREM Cl- iRLOTTE EsaL Amd:mc NCDM729145 F.M.LY R.OALk' kAnF4- PROPERTY 29O5 EEI LY RD Cl- iRLOTU NFA NONCD0001954 EFC-UI+TC4rEKS=PARK SHOPPING CENTER 2L21 REATTIESPOPD ROAD CF iRLOTTE Ev2L Amd:.mc NCD981927906 F.IDD 1-424E BATTERY DISPOSAL 3607 EII}D L --%TP CHLiRI.DT'[E SP1 fit?_Peimhng-fmz?agi2opuPcpidi77n FA- lT'w-tkiwAChO7 SPL - s'ifes Pviovi*Li51 NA x;/Aaas'_ - AFb Furkff A*opiu-ith pr=Lue ndsffic�om5 7m' Volw (AA) - Volmilm' _ ctiotI Nr,'.H. &ts - XORF hzZardom -7mlzmncw 571d 1931Page NCN' Dr '1 S `..5 [tiZC s? E D_ E SITE R=k E ERnIE CHARLOTTE EsaL Pomdime_ NC::::-: 2, ?RwPERTES _AJ3kNrONED DRUMS 910Ek5TWAY-DRR= CHARLOTTE Vokmxtm% {_10) NCN _ _ :::: SE: [=TY DM'E -1 L16 KITTY DRI:T CTLiRLOTTE EvaL PWid g NC11y D::: 1 ES° -2,L3RT AUTO SERVICE FACILITY (m_%ER) 2609 FREEZOM DR CHARLOTTE EsaL POLE= NCDO9.'=-=:33 [tiO?PEKS COMPANY, LNCROCHASPH,3LT 6030 OLD MOUNT HOLLY RD PAW C3111111 NFA NCh = :::::1973 KYSOR-5ECH. F]MT DI5F1;5193T 5019 HOiIS MaAD CHARLOTTE ELaL Pond 3e_ NC [ ::. ' =: 10? L-UU U717 F P_UXNEX ,, LLC IIALL..iRhN7 Y & OUT%rELL ROAD CHARLOTTE NFA NCN _ _ ::: _ :.` - L_qF.EFJLL ROAD CONTAMINATION L-4r€EFn.L RD CHARLOTTE E7A P®dLmo NCN _ _ :::: «: LAY YEKS ROAD WELLS 12315 L_kWY M ROAD CTL RLOTTE EIML PoL Ltio NCN _ _ :::J m L3 FOST M (FOR.MER', 1623 h 1701 ST_k ITA ROAD CHARLOTTE EvaL Pamditio NONC D:: ''2 9 L21;DE GASES, FORMER 2HO WEST TRADE STREET CHARLOTTE EvaL Pamdino NONCD1:: ''20L 1 L_TTOV.4JMTRON 1201 CONTT?TIMAL BLVD. CHARLOTTE. EvaL. Po ubna NCN :-::',}0L2 L_: NGSTGNE COATINGS CORPORATION '240RH' Rja_4D CHARLDTTE EvaL P®dimo NCN : _ :: ,2 5a4 L'i--qfi LIGHT R4JI. T.T}JF CH R1JC TTF TRANSP 210 E TRADE &T CFLiRI.0m EvaL P®dimg NCN _ _ :: ,2022 LYONS RES1DENCE 3500 GLEVt7r'OOD DRlro'E CTLiRLDTTE EvaL Patio NCN; D:: ,2024 M AGLA PRODUCTS 1 404 NORTH CHURCH STRFPT HLrV=1711E EvaL P®dino NCD06:' =?SP MALLARD CREEK RD-UNION OIL CO OF CA 1470p MALLARD CREEK RD C L RLOTTE VoLmy=7 �:Uk) NONCDi:::::== MAMMOTH OAKS V?ATER SUPPLY WELL MAMMOTH OAKS DR CHARLOTTE EvaL P®dLmo NONy D::: _' :: bihP_GAPET 4 4,IL CE RO4D :3M 3134 MARGARET WALLACE RD MATTHEWS EvaL Patio NCN _ _ ::::: 5,L;XKE_M CORPORATION L L401 WMMAIL BOULEVARD CTL F.LOTTP NFA NON,'D :::: +a'-s bL;Y SH LL ATirE PCE 3616 MA SH LL AVENUE CHARLOTTE EVA Pouutie NONCD1:::I L11 LUTTHEWS BLDG SUPPLY.-FSTUL TOOL '_ L 5 AMES ST MATTHTWS SPL NCN _- ::''2M MATTHEWS COUNTRY CLUB 463 SAMNEWEILROAD MATTH1TWS EvaL Pomdino MCKEITdF e' hTIMATES -614$ ST JOH215 L_4`VP CHARLOTTE E4aL P®dimg NONCD1:: ''21M6 MCLEAN RO AD 2532 MOLE N ROAD CHARIL TT= EvaL P®dino_ NC D9 �,t . _r 933 MECKIENBURG CO. 00L SPILL B.-UIN CKPE -626 MILLER STREET CHARLOTTE NFA NCN : _ :: ''2320 MELATEX INC (PORMI R MELODY CHEMIC BLS) 3a18 NORTHMORE ST CHARLC TTE EraL P®dino NCN : _ ::: =: e' MERID]AN CORPORATE CPIxT-� 6501 MM DFJVE CH RLC TTE NFA NCD.:` .`_--Y MET_U 3APRM'E61ENT COMP_iNY 10M OLD PINE%.MLE RD PjbinI L_ 1STA NCN : _ :::J LX dMF : TILON ABiL#PILES, INC 1042-4 ROD14EY ST PiNnULTC &PL NCN,'D::::'_'I N'T~T:'.4 'SQUARE TrALET DRY CLEANERS S 401 S LVDEPZgDENCRBIAD CILt LOTTE Sm NONCDi::: _' :: - .:- • T "- TC= CO__VFA ]1 Ar]ON L500 BLOCK S &AIN'T ST CHARLOTTE Bwl Pamditie NCN'-:::IG4: _•1_ _=._La3ECMEEL LMSOUTHHOUIE4 &D CHARLCTTE NFA NCN _ _ :::3 L34 .: =x? == RD ORG AN1CS -4726 MONROE RD CT{ARIL TTE EraL P®dLmo NC : _ :: ',} 574 MONROE RD PCE CONTANINATLON 4102 MONROE ROL.4D CHARLC TT= EvaL Patio NCN,' D:::3 L09 MON-KCI= RD %.'OCS 3412 LdOVP_OP RD CTLiRLOTTE EvaL Patio NCD(_4-::S48 MOREL4NI) MC ESSON COMPANY 7901 HROOKrLHM BOUM,3RD CHARLOTTE NFA MO1LqINGS]I)Ei.-ffJ_,GE,3PTS 1418-1420IRISDR CTL RLOTTP EraL P®dLtie MOUNT HOPE FACI3.TTY 2000 DONA D ROSS ROAD ClL F.LOTTE NFA w Ro:tr. NONCD1:: ,2 L 11 hd4'm WIDIL 14217 SPPINGWATER DRIVE MATTHEWS EvaL. P®dma NONCDi:::3 L24 N COLLEGE ST LffT_U S IN GW 300 N COLLEGE ST CHARLOTTE EvaL Poid3e NONCD,:: ,2 L12 N. T]LYON _MALL (CLEA-NMG) -411 E SUGAR CREEK RD CTL RLOTTP EvaL Pomd 3e NONCD,:: ''2490 N knCrq-U PL,FFT SUPPLY" 6613 STATEn= RD CHARLOTTE EvaL Pamd:.me NONCD:: ''2 L L9 '%LkT]Crq_U TR,3NSPORT r} 601 JOHNSO(N ROAD CHARLOTTE EvaL Pomd_3e NCN _ _ :: ''2 L2 ] N AT]ONS BANK —SOL% = 20L NORTH TRYON STHBET C�Ty{�A�E��IrD�LTTE EvaL P®dLmo NCN _ _ :: ,2 L59 NCDOT ASPHALT SITE =14 LDHALT O3LkT]]DNS FORD RD Pnq Y1E EvaL Pold:3e NCN : _ :: ,2 L60 NMOT ASPHALT C•IIE = LT LYTHE DL%?J DPM NOFP OF ELVJN 1-4`VE - 9110 ROIYNE PTj}fEVI T E EvaL Poid-me NONC D::: _:E: NMOT ASPHALT SITE =2 (CRO1193ER C_QN&T) CROWDER CDN&T, H%Y 16.6433 BR CHARLOTTE EvaL PouL3c NONCD:::_: : NMOT ASPHALT C•IIE =`. -7XA CaNSTRUCT]ON) 1220NORTH VENDO-L'PRROAD CHARLOTTE EvaL Pold-mg NCN __ :::_: : NCDOT ASPHALT'_•IIE =M BLYTFE 1ND. 2911 NORTH GRAHAM STREET CHARLOTTE EsaL Pmmkma NCN,'D:::=: = NCDOT ASPHALT SITE=I?-REACO:NSTRUCTIO 2701 YGUNGBLOOD COURT CHARLOTTE EvaL P®dLmo NONCDi:::5 L74 NMOT ASPHALT SITE =0 1 L333 YXIAMES ROAD CHARLOTTE EvaL Pomdbg NONCD,:: ,2 Lib NCDOT ASPHALT SITE NO 13_RaA COrTISR 6001 OLD DOWD RO ND CHARLOTTE EvaL Pamditio NONCDC ::'_ L77 NCTSOT HPIDGB 106 GRAHAM STREET BRIDGE O''fR RR T CHARLOTTE EVaL P®dmg NCN _-::,2L79 NMOT DI5' LOPCM ITY (FORMffR) 1L19E SUGAR CREEK RD CHARLOTTE EvaL P®dimo NCN __ ::''2324 NMOT PROPER Y-P,3P_CE_ now.4-11 ST CHARLOTTE EvaL Poulin NCN _ _ :::3 Li4 NEBEL FZVTPTLYG 121 %L EST BIVD CHARLOTTE EvaL Pamd:.me NCN3D::''2104 VI5M--ZPRDPERTY 3M GRIFFITH STREET CHARLOTTE EvaL Amd-me NONCD::,'3034 NORFOLK SCI,TFMRNI24TERMODA1, 325P_4RKWOODRVE CHARLOTTE EvaL Amdme NCN _-::,2111 NORFOLK SOTJTF�RNFtat�4 a1 SOQ.�EMT'P TNLQPIiAtiL00NORTHTR.YON ST. CHARLOTTE EvaL Pamdmo NCNyDti:2G83 NORTH GRAHAMST 50_17L=S -122 1 GRAHAM ST CHARLOTTE EsmL Pomditie NONCD00R2232 OLD C0LO_fL4,L M_ {RT.F 93#3 PACkL4JJD ST PJNE4ULE EvaL Pamditio NCD986172 516 OLD MOUNT HOLLY ROAD PC E SITE OLD MT HOLLY RD & F EM OM DR CHARLOTTE SPL NONCD0001333 OdN]SOURCH SE'AULUNTIC SCRAP & PROCESS -4 LO ATANDO AVE CHARLC TT= EraL Poid-me NONCD00R2243 ORR ROAD (REEDENTI L) ORK ROAD CTiARLC TT= E73L Pold-mg NONCD0000048 OZ9NIC INTERNATIONAL 2033 SOUTH HOUIEVARD CHARIL TTE NFA NONCDOOD1604 P-3 600 CH-UMOTTP P_4JL hfn IMODAI. STATION51 L W TP_4DE ST CHARLOTTE EvaL Poid-me -Evul NA )O FurdiarAn- on SPL - Baas PviadjJ ' Lisr NFA w/Ek-fr_ -No Fw-Am-Acdom )Gth p opep-n-L& a P ES&71 haw volEamm' l - Vahmmy Ait20}J Vcyj-1m Seta - N6"4janodow sJIbl5Yd7fa39 SJJB 1941Page NCD000628905 PACKAGE PRODUCTS COMPANY 1930 C MDE*TiLD CH_iRLOTTE NFA NONCDC ",__ s 5 PALOM3NO CLUB 9607 ALBkRLE RCU D CH.-UMOTTE EraL P'omLmc NONCD(:: _ =.` : PANTRY 624 SOLVENT" 692 S NATIONS FORD RD" CILARLOTTE E-vaL Pomd-mE NONCD(:: _=" : PARSEILWALLU-nL 6TU2-H SiATB3%M ERD CH_iRLOTTP Er2L Pemdine PARKS-C1 _4.MPRCOMP2LM " 20M S.BWD CHARLOTTE SPL NCNCD(_ . -S -S PARSWOOD STATION 1721 N C,3IIM-fLL ST CItiRLOT'CP E4aL Pemdine NOMCDC=.y,t PAa= DRRrE CONIALM'TATIOV 312P-k'%9 VDRXR CH-41MOTTf EvaL Pbadimg NCDC"1 E 2'?Sa PELrO--qk CR_4.NE P'LA-krr (FORMER) 200 CL ANTON ROAD C LARIOTTE T4 oLonffi'r• f Lk) NOMCDC='=_L- PEOPLESCLE-LNERS1930 BRATTIES FORD ROAD CHARLOTTE E4aLP®ditie_ NONCD(:: _L:: PEP BOYS 150 II41 S E nq EFENDM4CE BLVD B&ATTHEWS NFA NCNCD(::_293 PERFECTING SERVICE DBVISLON 332ATANDO AVENUE CTLiRLDITE Er2L P Emo NONCD(:: �C44 PERFECTION DRY f'T-FANER & LAUNDRY 1423 E 4Tk ST CHARLOTTE E-•aL Pbadimg NCNCD[ _ : _'94 PERIGON 107INDUSnUAl DME B&ATTHEWS Er2L Patio NCNCD[_:==�5 PETR:OLEUbdTANK SERT.'ICE;2 7331ORRROAD CILkRJATTE EraLPbadimg NONCDC:::::' ►TF�EMONAT6E SITE E CR4.IaMADRl & ?E�Jad0NAVE CTLUJATTE Ev2L Pomdimo_ NCDgW5;57.9 Pf{O= RESOURCES, INC. L373 E MORfHE-U � TR=ET CliiRLOTTE NFA NCDO 9144199 PHOTO CORPORATION OF AME UCA 80] CRESIDA1=1 AVE MATT-Eff S NFA NCDON309113 PIEi] ONTEIE.hT TREATING CORP 3311 GRIP= _=EI CH_k-uo 'TP NFA NONCD00Q23 LO PINE ISLAND DRTL'E 10135 LITTLE F-" D RD CH-41MO= E4aL Pumd:3e NONCD00NOO PLANE ROAD-UNIONC MBME OLD PL_NKRD CH_ARIOTTE NFA NONCD0=327 POaTLL'_�J!L 9E3LCOMP4-V4 CR B=N S=�I CH_-Umo P EaaL AmLme NCDOM13273 PR_4.r. & 5UR= .b-CE TPCHNOL0GMS 6501 OLD STATES%MLE RD CTUUMOTTE Er2L Pbmdme NONCDOOR-331 PRIME EQ JayM= COMPANY 1901 SOUTH TRYON STREET Ci-L-UMOTTE EtiaL Paod:me NONCD00029L2 VRTMAOSE sL E PCE CDNTAMI!gATION 2310 OLD S=ECREEK RD CT[.iRJATTE Er2L Ptimd-me - NONCDO001ON PKL47L;TGTECHNOLOGY LCW CAILMET STREET CH_ARIOTTE NFA NONCD000'--348 QU_glY-Y 2519DIS=UTION STREET CHARLOTTE EsaL PomE3e NONCDO00299] QU_4.F.I.ES FETRGLEum-w r cR xjmEAD RD 1509 W C`3B]GFM4D RD CTUR .OTT= Etial. Pandme NCD079MI027 QUEENS PROPERTY RE&EA CHDRRrE CliiRLOTT= NTA NONCDOOD3074 RAND R ClZAN`ERS 3601 STSYONST C LABJATTE E-val. Pendtie NONCDOOD2356 RH.BDULIGNY k2 2320 NORTH DAVIDSON STREET CILARLOTTE E4aL P®ditie_ NCDM 149663 F-UMrOR SPECI.UrY COIDANY 19W '% "ON HLVD QiiRJATTE S,PL NONCDOOD2369 RP-Nl= PRODUCn 3701 PERFORNEANCEROAD C LARIOTTE ET2L P=d-,3e NONCDOOO2373 RANGER 1R L]IMPORi a- L1 6624 LAE'.EVIEW RD C ARLO= Etial. Pandne NONCDOOD1201 REEVES BROTHERS-E xn FY RD DUMP EL,3II..E'i RD COR},ZIJUS >wT� s• Rpac. NCD00 MIM3 MCHHOLDCHEMICAL- LYC. DORLL422TROAD PINEVILLE NFA NDNCDOOo'_099 RET=Y LAVE 504%MNTS FXri, DY LANE bd rrHE4'S NFA NONCDOOD23K EL%L:t dPUMJ.TY,FORM R 700 CRESTDALE ROAD BdATTHEWS EnL.P®dma NONCDOOR2392 ?EYNOLDS & SON CONSTRUCTION L L4011ALWT RS ROAD b=HILL EaaL P®dme NONCDCW-397 RH} ROAD RHYNEROAD CHARLOTTE Er2L Pend:me NCNOM L0302 3II GE LANE RD DERDRJN CONTAMNATI0A RIDGE LANE RD CIi4RJATTE &aL Pand:me NONCDCW-l93 E S-'STS. LLC PROPERTY -PARCEL 32 L320 S GRkUA-M SL CT=iBJJDM E-•aL Pend:me NONCDCW-4L9 FOMd Cs HA_4 S 2 LS LAOr TON ROAD CH_ARIOTTE ET2L P=dimo NONCDOW423 ROUNTREE PLANTATION GARDEN CES]TER 5 L7 ROUN TREE. R.C-4J] CH_iRLOTTE E4aL P® o - NCD980635379 ROWE CORD PRAPERTY'BOULIG ql- SITE 433 W 1{OREEEAD ST C LARIOTTP SPL NONCD0003170 ROZZE1.1 E15 FERRY RD PCE BUNGALOW & F.1d7,7"LES FERRY RD CIiiRLOTTT Er2L P dmc NONCDOM433 RY RSON FACIIJT4', FORMER 5431 HOVIS ROAD ClLABJATTE E-•aL Pond -me NONCDOOEf3295 S WNT FIBNCES DRIB E CONTA-MI1 AnON 5916 &AINi' FRANCE& DRIVE CiLkRLOTTE E4aL PamdL3e NCD000d04 % Sc-kCMECALSERTaCES,BTC. WA&NEVER BUILT QiiRLOTTE NFA NC-40MIC441 WERE d31'ZLLROBJNWOODDR 5101 ROBINRkOOD DKWE C LARIOM E4aL P®dime_ NCD093335119 SCNI CORP. GLIDDENCQ4<T5TGS &RESINS 3! 2M GLMMOOD DRJie'P CHARLOTTE SP1 NONCDOOD2456 SEARS 9075 SOLVENTS 11407 GRANITE Sr Cm-iRLOTTP Er2L Poadme NONCDC="='-= SMES T ESWENCE 336FIPLDINGROAD cmkRlo= Er2L Pond -me_ SIGNART C LABJJD= NF3 591 SINCI�4IIL AND >'AII.E}dTINE CO. 513 S TURNER AVE CH_ARIOTTE NTT W 3a:R. SMITH MlT dl i! IRON COMPANY 712 W 3' ST CH-ARLOTTE ]TAT NONCD( :: _4U SONOCO C AXrC('T FACILTI'F, FORIdfR Sam SOUTH BOULEVARD CH_ARIOTTE NT3 NONCD( :: I M SOUTH BOULEV _ YLD SOL'rL.= COY74`f[NATION3000 HILCK SOUTH BOULEVARD Cm-i. LO.m Etial. Pamd:3e NONCD( ::: 163 SOUTH TRYON STREET PCE 4500 SOUTH TRYON STREET Cm-iRLOTTTE ENaL Pendme_ NCDTZ4-::' 55 SOU ffF ISTERN EBTFB.dUNPiTMG CO. 4037 E INDEPENDRYGE BIND CHARLOTTE NFA NCD9&}-::51-0 SOUTHf_45TPRN POLLUnON CONTROL 13DEVRLP NFA NONCD( ::=+97 SOUTHERN CAST 601 PIC-42NAT.'ENUE CILARLOTTE ET2L P®ditie_ NCDW2-: "5s6 SO=--m'RNMANQFACTURING, INC_ 10M SEABOARD ST CHARLOTTE SP1 NONCD(:: _ P00 SOTJTF a;:N L'IF ALS - SOLToM-Y75 2200 DONAID BOSS ROAD QiiBJATTF Ev2L Poadime NONCD( ::' L12 SOTFCF-?NRESOURCES SCRAP MIET- . 3B26F..A=GH STR= CILkRLOTTIE E72L P®diva_ NONCD( :: I CO3 SOLTif :ANTE 4450 SOUTH BOULEVARD CH_ABJATTE NFA NONCD( :: I C76 SOTFCf SIDE INSiESTWWT" 1W 2222 SOUTH HLVD CH_ARIOTTE SPL NCD4&S'-v ° ' 3 90=-U, OOD CORP03 ATION 47M WESTINGHOT2SE HLVI) CHARLOM E4aL P®dimo fval- P8ll hng7 - fi dagi2 01L' PElIdrJ2e WA --?& Fw-i*ffAcilia py SPL - Slf&s PviLvio LiSf NFA }4/Amu - -?& FurdyffAcdopi )i th pro -Lua n3sfr"oru ValwiYmy ( - ValmiYmy Actif Fl NkWHM &ts - an-hzzarjmff Sl1llSYOncs 511d 1951Page NOMCDOOD2120 &PEWMAN PROPTRTY 480I saABERi _kvEmn CHARLOTTE EvzL P®d miz NOMCDOOD1334 STANDARD=ORM 600PH3LIPD417SDot CHARLOTTE EvzL Pondimo NDNCDO002540 SITFLE CREIX ATD SAM NEELY RDS &TEE1,P CR= & S A_1{ NM!LY IDS CHARLOTTE E4aL PondimR .TO'TCD0001549 STORK PFJNT qh=C ANA 3201 KVr RY DR. CHARLOTTE EsaL Poad mg NCDMM9952 STORY BURIAL AREAS-UMONCMDaAL M01 ORR ROAD CLARLDTirE VaLaM±-f�k{) NONCD0001LOI &TRONGHATi,EN A'AF.PILOUSE 433FAST JOFM Si MATTHEWS VahM±-y .'L4) NCDM503155 SUM]ar AVENUE STLE 420 &OVPH EV-MMIT ATE CHARLOTTE EPA NONCDO00'_160 SUNOCO&I-1475-SOLVENTS 1138N TRYON STREET CHARLOTTE E-aL Pcmdmo MONCDOOD2325 SLRSETDRISrE SOLVENTS SUNMDK b=HILL EvaL Amd:mo NONCD0002363 SLTEFLOR INS C DMPA TY 4920 KCOZELLS FERRY ROAD CHARLOTTE EvzL Ptadme NONCD00D2368 SWARTZ -'c SONS (S-= METAL & DIANV W. 3mAND CEDAR CIARLDl'C71 EvzL PLodme NDxfCDWD1314 S'WTDE; RD PCE 4710 h 4746 SV_EDE*T RD CHiRLDiTE EvaL Poadms xfCD48I42LU3 &A'IET kDHESIVE.S 4)724 DC1 U&TR NJ, DRIVE Pn%MTii1LE SPL. NCDM557763 &A'IFT A.DEESl% 5 & COATDNCTS-VH_4PLOTTE 2917YOUNGBLOOD STREET CHARLOTTE NFA xfOMCDOOD2183 T YLCR S aT A CHEMICAL 2 3915 GLMMOOD DRIVE CHARLOTTE Evz L P Lod:mo xfDMCD0D0}585 C-70R_M-1R. %MgTJL4j 2711 U-f=SON BLVD CHARLOTTE E4aL Pkodmo .TO'TCDWD1927 TM"ECO -ALBE_NL RLE & LAlik- S RD CP PCE 70M ALBPbLARLE RD CKARLOTTE EsaL PLodmp xfOMCD0OD11M L=RM=OF CiARLOiTP 2001 &TRYONST CHARLOTTE EvaL Pand:mo xfDxfCDCMOi I L=RR= MACFMgI! SHOP 3004-3 930 SOUTH BLt'D C1ARLOl'CB &FL xfCDC45148316 T=-MJ<COLYC-PAW CREED 4LOSADLERRD C{.iFLDl[E &FL xfCD0007?001d T-MM CITY REF %MqG C0MP4NY 7325 OLD Mr HOU KD PAW CREPE EvaL Poadimo_ xfOnCD0OD0074 T E CHE%eaCAL E CUlTY GRAELA ! STREET C{.ARLOM SPL xfDxTCDOD'_389 THMD AND CHURCH STREET IT IKD AND CHURCH STREET CIARLDITE EvaL Poaditio NONC7f4�„--�: TAOMA&CO`TCRETE 3701 N GRAHAM STREET CHARLOTTE EsaL Pondimo_ NCDC :'- : :_ T-IONITAiSIM]VOVS COMPANY 1L906 S=13 CREEK ROAD CHARLOTTE &PI, NCB __ :::_°t•� TILLPTT CHEk{ICAI,INC- 316 COLLEGE STREEL pn%l nTLLE DmL Pondimo TODD%.=OPE3L iIONS.-DUKEPOR'ES fi10TODDVILL1' ROi.D CHARIJOTFE NFA NCDc _3 L961 TOM &ADLER ROAD RrE.L& TOM SADLER RD CHARLOTTE &PL xfD L�C]0}6C9 T4hi1{'4�ALTT01{OrFVE-S4L1�F}}�T& fi0C0TE{EPLAZA C{A LDTTP EtalPoaditio NOMCDOOD26L I TOWN CENTEX PROXECT 20101 N MAIN ST COR}dEI & EsaL Pondino NOxfCD00026L8 TRADEM RT,3SSOC Tna= PROP 100 BLOCL. S COLLEGE STREET CHARLOTTE ETzL Poadiao MONCDOM620 T? il+E: SERLZCE FDmT 4500 M DRRTS FIELD DRIVE CHARLOTTE EvA Amdmo_ NONCDWN0H TRANS TECHNOLOGY 3133 Wn=ON BLVD CHARLOTTE sn NONCDOMM42 TRYON ATD v AiHPSm PCE CONTA-mid nom 114 M_4.TH3:SOV PAVE CHARLOTTE E-; L P Lodmo NONCD00DMN TRYON SLRHEI TCE 2321 SOUTH TRYON &T CHARLOTTE EvaL Pandmo NC0001290E57 TRYON STREET U-HAUL 1224 NORTH TRYON &TRM CHARLOTTE NFA MCDME4433 d UVIOV CARBIDE BATTERY 54CO HOVIS ROAD CHARLOTTE SPL MCD00d623207 UNIONCARBIDE-LDCDE DA'SION 6017BELMAVEN BLVD CHARLOTTE NFA NCDC%fiQ 82 UV]O:q OIL CO. SE TEEM PAW CE 7300 OLD MT IPOLLY RD PAW CaJMK EvaL P Lodme NONCDOOD2395 UVT= SCRAP. LTC. 36€U PR1iR_OS'EEVE CHARLOM EvaL Pcmd-me NONCDOOD2614 U%175r'FF.9,AL ST-UNIESS lMl W3T0V5 FORD KOAD PngErk IILE Evd. Poadmc NONCDOD2616 UNOCAL-GO-D-DE ]C{ 12M GOODRICH I)RRf CHARLOTTE E-caL P admit NOMCDOOD2617 US AI3L r AY3 !LLUTrENAN_ CE FACIIJTY 5CM HANGAR ROAD CHARLOTTE E-caL Poabno_ NC32100213N USA RESERl E XV0AIRBORNE CORPS 141ZQESTMTRDR CHARLOTTE NFA NC62IM22905 USA RESERLz Kti _ID AIRBORNE CORPS 1300U_fSTMER DR CHARLOTTE NFA NONCD0000043 V 4NNAMS & RAGERS hi4`TDOLULUSTRLAL PARK CHARLCiTP &P-L NOMCDON3132 ULROADS 201 CROMPTOV 'sT CHARLOTTE ETzL PLodmo NDNCDWV-674 CAROLINA FREIGHT LINE& 42 R0 C_UVFR7 STREET CHARLOTTE E4aL Pvad_ g NOMCDOD2675 li-NJ= CO. PL_CTT 1022 PM&LEY ROAD CHARLC TT= EsaL Poaditio NONCD0OD26M WAfILXARRZSIDEI,TCE 3MSHAMROCKDRAT CELARILTT= EvzLPondimE NDNCD0002690 W ALDOV KOAD 'WALDON ROAD EE FIFTR ROAD CH.ARLC TTH 15. L Pmdmc NONCDGM697 W ARPE:Y LOAD 'WAREE4 ROAD-'NT_iR CH_AR-DOUG ACLARD TTE EvaL Paad_mg NONCDOM1437 WEST BLVD 224 & 226 WEST BLVD CHARLOl'CP ETzL Pond-mo NONCDO003L45 1 EST COON G£90NDA'STESCONIA.MDTSTION306 %'EST CARSOV BL%.0 CTLARLCTTE' E43L Poadiac NONCDOD2705 WESTIMDEILST 235V_fSTLIDDELLSiFE-ET CL RLCTT= EsaLPoadmiz NO'TCDWD3090 'WEST MORIHMAD ST GILOUNIYWATII:K PCE CONTAMD:70 TO -'27C 11 _MOREHEAD ST CHARLOTTE EvaL P nd-me NOnCD0003%3 WEST MOREHEA,D &TGRAUNDIVATERTCECON7A-V=I30'W MORIM=-ID 3T CTLARLOTT= EvaL Poaditic_ NONCDC001C+R1 WEST MOIEH[E DSTPEST]CIDE L4-, W MOREHE_ D ST C{.ARLCTTE NFA NOMCD0003 L L I QEST rFXM0NT CONTAMINATION 513 AMID 527 WEST TRMIONT AVE CHARLO TTE EvaL Poad:3e NOnCD0002708 QESnNGHOUSE & CORDAGE WE&TINGHOU&E HV da CORDAGE &T VCRARLC TTE EvaL Amdmc xfDnCDC-000026 OrESTINGHOU&E DQ&=U`TION CF}aTE1L 200I W MORI HEAD ST CHARLC TTE NFA NONCDOM709 WESTOVER SHOPPING CENTRE L505 - L 55D WEST BOULE4 A&D CT ARIL TT! E-caL Pudme NOMCDOM724 Ora GROVE ERPRE3S-SOLVENTS L0102 UBEP.1AR1 ROAD CHARLOTTE ETzL Pandme xfDnCDWM725 UT -GROVE MOBILE HOME PARS AlBIEPLqYL1E RD CHARLOTTE E4aL PLodmo NONCD0003131 SON BLL'TD METALS 1015 likZILKLYSON BLVD CHARLOTTE RLOTTE EsaL PUdme NOMCDON3126 QiRYUNSON RIArD PCP 2601 AND 26D SON BLVD CHARLOTTE EsaL Amdmo MCDO0311 L651 LARD RylI L= CO. 101 NE9r-ElE112q Sr CHARLOTTE m EvmL Pffpmr K-pepid77 _�Fjl —P&Fw-10jmrAu opJ Sa - SJldz Pfi70P7* List _�F.l w-/AsR J7'_-�kFER7+ eTAcdopi nilh praper7J'-arse nufrji'J o?w VOlmmy l - VOl@Jta7y Action _l&yj-1m Site - m�>bmy 5J'!6 1961Page NONCDO003L61 '%7NONA STREET CONTAAENATION 131 117NONA ST CHARLOTTE EvaL Paadiae NCDO24477556 WIN&TON CONTAINER COEO_4NY 4732 MOTIRTR FIFL.D RD CHA LDTTE SPL NONCDOOO2713 WOODL_4<WNCENTERPROPPETY L600WOODLkWNRO6iD CHARLOTTE EsaLPeaditie NONCD0003716 WOOD1Ti'ARD NTCRhTES 1R714 &TOUGH FAR1d ROAD CORNFLIEES EsaL P=d:3e NONCD0002 760 WORTH CHE]Sd]CAL 6LEGTUC LASEEGEER)AD C71ARLDTTE EvaL PwuLmc NONCDOOD23A YARD& SAT NODA 400 E MUST CHARLOTTE EvaL Peaditio NONCDOO[2771 Y=ORF FREIGHT SYSTEM 3 11001 RTrAMES ROAD CHARLOTTE Evz L Peadiae NONCDM1031 YCT_4 RA-E= D]STB23U nON CM 3713 N. OLkVIDSON Sr. CHARLOTTE NFA LmcllfflL NONCDOODD028 CAKOlZ4-kP&L CO. SPRUCE PINT MX}UNTAINLAUREL DR SPRUCE FLOE EPA NCD9U133795 C,3RTERSRIDGE RO DSITP C, 1L=&R3DGPRLOAD SPR_UCEFra-E NFA NCDM171171 EM TAII N-5PRUCEPL*]P 2 0ETHA-VAL2NDRnrE SPRUCE FLAT NFA NCDO246 LTB27 HZgREDO"MT FUR- TIVRE ALT._4<PASS ILOAD SPRUCE FLAT &PL NCDPSI P-P37S HUMPBACK MOUNTAIN SOL4,D D UM 4 bE EAST OF SPRUCE PngE SPR "TCE PINT NFA NCD99]'_77-.'_ 1 MITCHILL 53f' T-mAS, WC. ALT_ YAKS. I D SPR-JCE PLSE VL NONCDO0D3950 LIMMINCRYSTAL PLANE Lad CRYSTAL DR SPR_LTCE PLYE E,;A Poadtve - 11O TGoloRy NONCDOOD2962 ALCOA SHOOTING iLkNGE LJCFjmTo,%NRD NFA xrO'TCDOODlNl ALCOA-NAFJWWSICWEII=lvL"5= PLAT5TR-I NFA NONCDOOD1476 CA PPEL FARM SITE 229S:r 1 =R SPRINGS ILD CANDOR EvaL Poaditie NONCDOOD'_LO6 hfULuffx GROCERY 3079 EIGEL- AY L09 TKO E4aL PoadLtic NONCDOOD3 L? MT GII EAD COTTON OIL CO 299 L11DUSTIL'f DIL MT GILL -4,D Era L. Pend:3e NCD042-64516 &TANDX DPACEL4GLNTGCORPOR4TIDN HWY 73w MT G=4,D Sm uooRF NONCDOMP-917 -U=EENFLORIST & GARDEN CENTER 500S S_CgDHLLLS BI3,D AHERDEEN &PL NONCD0003L15 BRPRrMRfPAIR SHOP 6325NC H9Y 7V E-kGLE MINI& EvaL P mdime_ NCD4481612]6 CA1LOlZq-kGAI.V NLZI G CORP. HWY 221 E ABERDEEN VL NONCDN E1528 CQLOIgAL ABR,3SJVES 3L2SOUTH PM STREET ABERDEEN EvA P®dime 'EO_NCDO0017L6 FIRST BANM PRJDPMTY-= DLr4lP OFF HRrY 21 L PIhT KST E-7A P®dime_ '1CDOd0291051 HOW E-14 PRPRISPS TAYLOR STREET NFA NCD L441MOM PARSER-ZE TFH T4<Y14R STREET ABERDEEN m NCDM306727 RICH4lD5,' C COHRA Y,INC. IL EATl&LPLL STREET ABERDEEN m NONCDWMCgS4 ROYF.BURTLYTEPFRISES F�-y L`,•50L CARTHhGE NFPA NCDO03'-34149 SC PRO CIOR &aX-T kT-iRE4TR 575 YADRIIa RD SOLITEIERs Puiu Vokawy ffi..+Lj NONCDOOD2461 SEVEN' L_4.=ATLI,43 NC211 SFi-LK1 MS. EvalPtmrh-Q NCD049H12M &TANLETCASE GOODS (FOShER) HWY 211 WEST LVD &PG NC-00M7186 US 1-li Ml UMRDEE'w 517 E S_4`VDHLLLS BI3,D AHERDEEN m NCDMI92R391 V-439TRUCKWRECK 41S 1 VASS NFA Ey {SH NCD950733189 ABBBOTTLABS Hlik-Y 301 N ROCKY MOUNT Era1 Poadme 'ECD040042426 AEROQUIP 6 L71 PI NFR ME FAD 51IDDLESEY Sn 'IONCDM1247 ALLIED S1G3L4L'Fhd1C SEE" -%. Hge'-f301SJU M,'WESLEY AN Bl%rD N ROCKY ]6dOLNT EvaL Pond mo NONCDM1258 A31EB1,M SPILL PDEGOY60 BATTLEBORO EvaL Paodme NONCD0001O47 BA= &if9ST4 ncrq NC 561 SOUTH BA= NFA NONCDW01343 BOBBY DfUP3LtY T YOI3 397 WESLEYAN BLVD ROCKY MOUNT E4aL Poadmz NONCDOOfl1473 BONE FARM PFSTICIDEAXFA HWY 5a'&R1717 7+L4SHiT]L'= NFA NONCDON1443 C,3ROLLNLk FMGHT ROC F.Y MOUNT 1431'WE&LEYA;i BLVD ROCKY LdO J 4 f ETaL Poadimo NONCDON15I I CLAY S.rFJ P:L_4`qD-7.X E FiVER 12145 M CEDONLk ROAD (ST. HAY L SPRJNG HOPE EmaL Pond mo NONCDON1156 CIZAN-CIZ N DRY CLEA ERS-VO CIX-4`VM 627 TARRYTOWN CTR ROCKY 3dOUNZ &PL NONCDON1571 CS MDgRY TI LINSFER 92,3 2440 N. CHURCH Sr. ROCKY MOUNT ETzL Peadiae NCDO67179707 F_4RN FLkSTICS Co -INC. 14235 US 264A 5,i1 DLE= VL NCDME67855 PI_iSTICSCo-INC. 401 JEFFREYS ROAD ROCKY MOUNT VL N-DNCDWC1710 FQ'%T_4=T =1PTH WEEn (FORMER) 3U3 SOUTH CHURCH STREET ROCKY MOUNT hFA wc Rimr. NONCDM1762 GE247E-Y PRINTING 1021 THORPESCOD ROCRYIMUNT EvaL Pendou NONCDON1794 GOLD RACK rMkCO RT 1 BOX 161 GATT ERORA E-r 1 Poad<va NONCDM3440 GOODYE-V, 2056 2438 STONE ROSE DRAM ROCKY MOUNT E- L Peadiae NONCDM10M GRIFFLti FE FULL R 5FTI .T. GREEN HILLS ROAD ROCKY MOUNT NFA NONCDWCI&31 H4 }--Vr- S RUBBER & SUPPLY COMPANY 942 NORTH CHURCH &THFPT ROCKY MOUNT NFA NCD9W630476 HO=qn-U'ELL LYTER.NATION L INC 3473 N WES=.UN BLVD ROCKY MOUNT ETaL P®dimo NONCDONlW6 Irwy 47 W. ROCKY MOUNT EvaL Pondimo_ NCO0001RP43 ID&N Y GREEN MET-415 BARN HILL CHURCH ROAD T-113H%mia NFA NCD055319079 BLUONITP CORP.PIBEFEOARD DIV. HWY 64A SK 1306 SLR-TGHOPE VoL* t ; (AA) NCD0426P1663 MITCHFIL ENGR CO-VECO BLDG. DIV. BYPASS 3D L ROCKY MOUNT NFA w Rost. NCDM1g7325 ROCKY MOUNT CCLU GAS PL4`�Tl NO. 1 '9rYE STREET ROCKY MOUNT VoLmnbay (AA) NCDMI!k7317 ROCKY _MOUNT CCLU GAS P1-42TI NO. '- LOO EAST iaGINIA STREET ROCKY MOUNT VoL* olan• (fiA) NCD381 933M ROCPY4" MOUNT, oij) AmPORT U& 30 L BUSINESS ROCKY MOUNT NFA w Ra:tr. NONCDOOD3062 &EFR_O RESEARCH AXD TECHCAMPiES 16013 WATSON SEED FARM RD 1T.H11TAE'= ETzL PendLme E.try_Perifh'aeg—EvtzZwtlo}L'Pe?jarnig -�FA—NoFurfi wAcriori SPL — Saes P?icaj4 Lra -�FA 14VAs v_ —?& FwAa-Acdorr wih p ?.-arse piesmehaars Voice' ( — Vol mar yAction Alc�Hm .Sire—.Voar-Oia::ar doarssr mmwa srle 1971Page NONCDCM592 TAU L',i= APARTMENTS 23-'LT, ST=4LD AIMNUE ROCKY MOUNT EvA. A mLmc - NCD0720MS251 TORPEDOvaEA STRTp, INC. lNSTK7J3iENT DR ROC'S'e'MOUNT NFA NONCD 712 V•ESTRIDGE VILI AGE SHP Crg ME N CUMLN 120 S UrNSTE-4D AVE R0CKY M0U-NT EvaL Pomdm_c L9EA' BVLN v7R NONCDOX278] 4DgM&P_4.LVFEkTGSE_RVICE 722W ILTNGTOVAVE 4rMbd]hfGTON &PL NCDN17-R337 .U-422MALEDR4002CH3INaC- IS 4GM—hL.42qD.-V-EDFAT- 4rmbdlkTGTON NFA NONCDCOOMU ALDEKLLkN PRDPERTY{19. POINT HARBOR 1400PCL TI-L RBORRD 4rxmngGTON NFA NONCDOMIR22 AL-A.ISCREJENPRINTING 6420AM3T'RDaMWAY 4rmbdlkTGTON SFL NONCDCMJ454 AL_EN"s F U.M SUPPLY 511 N M ST W[Lbdl%TGTON &PI. NONCDC001270 ALMO TSHIPPING 4291%rFP-ONTSTRI=FT ViLbdDTGTON &PI, NONCDCOU1253 iId C11_47TE C0RPOR4,TLDN 202 R LEIGH ST. '%Mb ]NGTON Esal Poadivo_ NONCDOMT79 AP_#C-CASTLE H_4XNEAS?EL41TPLANT 4909IN CDLLEGF RD CASTLE FMYVF &PI. NONCDM1305 B kK AUTO &FRVICE& 5R32 CAROLDN, BEACH ROAD Vi LbdDTGTON NFA NONCDON1330 BECfERBUILI7ERSSUPPLY COMPANY 4614MARF-TSTREET ViLbd3hfGTON m NONCDWO3073 BCH SNGPOTM-IC ilIINEW CENTRE DR 4rmbdl%TGTON EvaL Pamdivo - NONCDC001391 BROW -AS RAINATORSERVICE 21360r`RLGHTS%,"=,>LTdE WMbdINGTON &Pl- NONCDCO01429 C.3PEFLAR.V= 4222OIL E-4`VDERDR 4rMbd]hfGTON EsaLPamdimo KCD9U17L9fi5 CAR *T!T &bflTH CREEEPKA'Y & 23RD Amhff*TGTON Vohmta}-i LLj NONCDCO0'-961 CAR=COINL-4.LNDRY & CIY- b= 101EN 3RD &T 4r' 51NGTON EvaL Pomdmo NONCDCO0ML5 CENTRAL 7RANMRTCOVIPANY P15S_4`1aDsOVSr Wm5f TGTON &FL NONCDM1200 COASTLINE INN PROPERTY 5G3NUTTSr Wm5f TGTON &P7. NONCDCW-a5I COCA -COLA BDTTI.INGFACILITY 11302PRINCESS Sr WMMNGTO'{ NFA NCDM557813 CIDNTAINEXPRODUCTS CORP. 1223N. 23RD STREET WMMNGION NFA NONCDC003LO] CORBETTFUML4GF C!ILIT'c' 2541BLUE CIAYRD WJ-3LGTON EsaLPondimo_ NCDC0343MM CMITNGGLAM A'O= 310NORTH COLLEGE ROAD A:L}.it*fGTCPN &PL NONCDCO011 % COT'CEd A*f TRANSMISSION L45447 S. CO=C-=- ROAD WMMlgGT4N &PI. NONCDC -- 1117 CP&L TRANSFORMER STLID HWY 421 N., VLYI TO S=CV PL A WE 3lNGTON E;aL PomdLmo NO*fcL:::1164 C LIBHS HOBBY 6223 CAIWLMU, BR4CH RD. W2-} t*fGTCPN &PI, NCB: = :: ,I Las CSR-NUTT ST 515 I%r= ST Wm5INGTON &PI. Ny=: _:-"E-06 CTI OFlfC, LTC 1= &FROVTST VIL3M GTON sm 579 C'YPTfS&GROVE SUBDIVI&ICrq LE>`TP-N NT CONGLETOVRCLAD WM!L tiGTON P73L Pomdoae Nc::t:°:: LI1fl DEPOORTEREC03PORATI+O`N 244C4,5TLERAYNERD VmmLgGTON NFA NONC:: A L38 DEUTSCH RELAYS 2Q21 GARDNER DR VM!L til'GTON &PI. NCD04=390523 D]AMOND &H -VROCTL CORP.%LkRMrr 4 &R L002 CASTLE E-LkYVE aaL Pomdiao NCDO57454CH DLiM DND &H,il{ROCK CORP,'OCCIDEVT 1 SR L002 CASTLE E-MT5 E VoLmitmy CAA) NONCDOOD1628 DOR= B.JOHNS4ITSCHOOL Y41D LLODMCRhY STREET ViMbdINGTON EsaL Amd-me NCDM537-8'-1 DOW CHEkW 4L PLANT C kPE FEAR MOTSU BUFFER ZONE CAPE FF13P_ NFA NONCDND3LL2 E4' GODUrLgPROPER_TF 1233 CASTLE HAYNERD ViMbd]NGTON EsaL Pud-mc_ NONCDODI69" E-=XrCORPOR4.TIOV 334ORT67ESROAD ViIL dWGTON &Pl NONCDCO23CE4 E=ON WOOSTER ST FRMR 315 AuosrRK S7 4i ILMI]MTGTON EvaL Pudmc NONCDN21-" mur FZLSRESOURCE&-4mlTSITE 3334RIVE$ROAD 4rM dINGTON &PL NCD0O409L`_� G--rz�Lkl ELECTRIC CD-'RMNONGiON 3"1 C,3SMEHAYNE RD 4r'II.bmGTON &PL NONCDC0DM2 - F.4340%'ERCENTER METAL& 1301 INDEPENDENCEBiLVD 4rMbd]hfGTON EsaL Pud-mc NCD99073#fl`_5 HERCOFIRAXLUT EtWU&TRIPS 46MHWY 421 N 4r'II.bmGTON &PL NONCDND106 HILT N HOTEL 30L NORTH WATER STREET VimbmGTON EvaL PuLmc_ NCDM5 ;- 33 P = ]. BASIC WE S FLC )�TTT�M RL QUARRY 5635 HOL- Y 3HML ER 3O 4D CASTLE E-LkYVE NFA NONC7C=v�SE= I=F-FOUNTAIN TIRE SALES& SERVICE 4400 OLE42'17ER.7R WIL INGTON EvA Pomd-me NONC7C}vl4'9} Lti=-D-RMOlG.UN-r,H3MSEILV 2005N6T:H 3T-E=T 4rMbdlNGT4N &Pl -, , SCOOTERS 501 N 3RT 5I Vi II.bQVGT4N EvaL Paodmc NO'{'DC'D22-5 sOCHNORTH PARA-XY EI+TE 3225RIL'=R3D 4r'II.bmGTON &PI. NONCDND5W 3�T ST GROUNDWATER PCP C0NTAMM4<TION7964 5LkF-KET SI 4r ahaNGTON E ml. Paadmc NONCDCOU'_452 MCCARTHY COIdPIAI T 1411 AIRLIF ROAD 4r iLbdllTGTON NFA NONCDOM074 6dnLER R T4•T= RADIATOR SERi7CF 1915 CASTLE STKEEI 4r' bdWGTON EvA Pud-mc NCDCCO772M MOBIL OIL CORPTOCHA NG 3334RIL'ERRD VM51 NGTON &PL NONCDC00493] MUDDYWATERSPROPERTY 145a L25HAITLESHIPRD Vi'1<S, NGTON EsaLPud-mc NONCDCO01S75 -RMOi MAINTIEMANCE STATION(frMl) 124D17br S1ON DR VM!L l'GTON EvA Pud-mc NONCDCOU'3LN NC&PRBLDG C-1 2242SURVPTTBLVD Vi'1 !L GTON EsaL Pud-mc NONCD000300 NEUWIRTHMOTORS 219S. COLLEGE RD VM!L GTON EsaL.Pudmo NCDMID'-L157 NEW ffiCNO;'ERCOUVT4",3IRJ3ORTBURN GARDN RDRI6'E 4rm dNGTON NFA NCD! 5MIM5I6 OLD ATC REFI!S-ERY 6C] SURRY &TR= WMbENGTON &PL N-cN,DM0}27' PA=WAREEOUSE 710SUNNYVALEDRI4E WM5f TGT4N &W NCN : DND22SO PCS �ITCROGE! . - 3LY -4RC'ADIAN 20M HG'-f 421 NORTH WmL 1'GTO N m NCN : DNDI-Ill PEAR;SOV PRCLELTF _43r OL'EPFRLL 7402 JHFR OV STF.FET WMHN'GTCN EvaL Poadivo PORTERS NEC K RCALD UNFMW-T SOURCE INCIDEN719 POR_THR 5 NECK ROAD SCOTT& HILL EvaL Poadivo_ POTTER'S 11, 7kll'KSEK%9cE LL3SONBOMDLOOP RD 4r'L INGTON NFA NONtiDC031-2`- PR=Equajm 7CO lC20NFIONTST WMbdINGTON &PL NONCDOOD2404 RTTTER 'ke[ILLWO-M& SHOP 39L3 CASTLE RAYNE RD CASTLE H_4<Y5E NFA w Lmtr. -Evul NFA —MoRrYbeT,Irliopi SPL — Sim Pi i'odja v Liss FA x;/ :jLr_ — No FwAcr Acdopi %ith proem (v-Lse resrricrio w Vahminy ( — Vohairm'Acdou -Nkw-h Site—'Vo?iL4j=zio= sr =m-o vis 1981Page NONCd00R-426 RDY&TER TR_4NSFORT CO., INC. 306 SHIPYARD BLVD 4.'Z-,i GTON ErA P mEme NCOC:.11£1_15 SHACSLEFORd BANKS DRUMS WZ-,iZti;SIC' NFA NCDSs:Y::-,- SHEP RDCHRIHC41.R'ORR;S 320EA971X'OODRD [SWY 71j Wj-,- GICN NFA NONCDCI- : _-�9 SOUTH ATLANTIC SERi{ICES, INC 3527 HWY 421 N WjZ i GTON ETA P mEme NO2;CDC= : _542 SOUTH COLLEGE Rd PCP SPILL 14!147 S COLLEGE RD W2- ,i GTGN E4a1 Pending SOUTHERN GR-APHICS SYSIEWS 2406 N. 23Rd STREET Wj-3mTGTGN SHPL Nc-q :: -: "' = SOUTHERN d&EfALS RECYCLING, INC B WRIGHT ST Wa-S ti 'TON SHPL NCDC'� : "-t'. SOUTHERN WOOD PIEDMONT COMPANY GREENFIELD S.T W]LhM 'TON Vok-tuy{AA) NONC7G•= : _ t44 STETo- P BF.3ILSFOOID CO TT 216 Pm GROUP DRIVE W]LdM;' T-'N EsaL P ndimo_ NONCdC_v_P6-] SUNOCOBULK TER-NiIN.iL RIVER -ROAD WILL ti:rTC11 5P1 NONCDO002575 T K DA-BASF 101 VITAMIN DRIVE WILEdINGTON V a k mitm y{AA) NONCDO0D1432 THE CAPE GOLF COURSE 533THE CAPE BLVI) WILMI]gGTON SHPI, NONCd00026L2 TOWN OPCAROLINA10-ACH 4WS,DOWRO D CAROLINABEACH SHPI, NONCDC002643 UNIFY r 1921 D.+LViSON STREET WILddDYGTDN V a k mitm y{AA) NCO210021929 USA RESERVE 3nID AIRBORNE CORPS 2144 IY-=ORE DR wnbU fGTON NFA NONCDC001473 USCG LDFUN STATION C AR0UN A BEACH 9001 RIVER RD WILMDT&TON NFA NONCDC002938 WAOCUMAW TRANSPORT (FOR EER) 1106 S2ND 5T WILMEITGTON SHPL NONCd0001 L05 WETSIG YACHTS 4022 MARKET STREET WILSmTGTON SHPL NONCD04D2--V WHTTP RESE'ENCE 406T-INDEN 1-4`VE WILEdDTGTON NFA NCD986IM]D WILML%TGT:", CO MG.iSPIANT CASTLE & SURRYSTS wnbUNGTON Vohmtuy AA) NONCD00R2734 aA J6[NGT:--, FER_Tn rrFR comPAiNY 1702NORTH 6TH STREET W1L5mTGTON Sm NCNTOOM07302 W1LML%TG7:-', GUN CLUB -TORMER) M LrL4<RY CLTOFF ROAD WZ}LfGTON NFA w Rp:tr. NONCD0001 L79 a-ffJ DTGT:-" IRON WORKS [FORMP-R) S WA ER- [ FRONT. & ORANGE ST'd W2-3- LION NFA NONCDC002908 4rlLMI*TGTC� M-kTEXlAl.S PLANT K 3612 N 42: E VY Wa-3 *TGTON Sm NONCDCO -733 WILMLVGTONRESOURCES 22W C5 EdY42L N Wa-3mTGTON EvA Peadino NONCD00D2736 RORM R� 1500 PCLST H_iRBOR RD_ Wil. ,� GTGN Sm NONCDC001042 WIT-MD4GTON SOUTHLINE & SERVICE YD 6RT4 C,3R_OL�Tk BF-gJCH ROAD WIL-Ii GTGN NFA NONCD00Q M WE HOBBS BP SrIM 2461 C,3R_OLLV A SE -UM ROAD W ll. •, *lGTGN ErA P md-me *fONCD0002799 WRIGHTST.'ILLEAVE 2i01-2MRW] ]GHTSVILLE AVE WIL51INGTON E4aL Pead-me NORf'['ELAUFTOH *fCD0443W] 5 GA -PACIFIC CORE HDHD AA'IPAC RD CONWAY EvA Pead-me *fCD980519975 GA -PACIFIC COR]3�RESIN DIV AMPA4C RD CONWAY NFA NONCDOOD2333 FRODIUCaX S,FRTrD= Er SUPPLY HWY Lab M4WARD E4aL Pead-me NONCD0002M RESLV_4LLCORPOR,iTION 302wATERSr SEiTERN Sm NCDM22?965 STOLLER CHE]Sd]CAL -SEVERN HIGHWAY 35 SESTFRN NFA ONSLaw NC-40 4 L0765 ROPC 10 CAMP LETEMgE ALTERNATE OFF -BASF I_41LAWiA BLVD is NC24 IACLf.SONVILLP E4a1 Pendine NONCDOOD2420 APAC VAR=ANCP SHOP TRbg� 240 CE[+Tm Sr TACKSONVILLE Sn NONCDOOD1079 BELGRADE POND PESTICIDE DRUMS OFF HELGE DP-S4i,3NSaORO RD MAYST.'n.T.F NFA NCDMI195M BOSTIC DRUM US HWY 17 HOLLY RIDGE NFA NONCDOM624 DODSON abEN,iTORS-US CELLULAR 2961 RLCHI. qDG HW} TACKSO0dA,'IL1E E-a1 Pendine NONCD0001a76 HUBPRTP,3RYaMPO(ND 145HlA6Rq EYRD. TACLf.SONVILLE E-a1 Pendinu NONCD0001995 L5TOIRAUTO PARTS 304NEWi ER JDGE ST. TACLf.SONVILLE E-a1 Pendine NONCD04D2 L16 NCDor Ammur mATERim, TEST LAB NO 52 6 LN NEW BEEN HR'Y Ei AYSVILLE Sn NONCDOOD2150 NMOT bdARAqE BLVD & US 17 MA NE BLVD & US 17 TACKSONVILLE Sn NONCD04IL2303 P,3DGE CT PROPERTIES, LLC 2043 LEIEUNZ BLVD TACKSONVILLE Era1 P d-me_ NCDM72a6B7 REI+TROH HIGHWAY 50 AND LLO D Sr HO1LY RIDGE NFA *4CDMI6744-1 STANADY-4 , DTOVIPSEL SYSTEbn 4014'11ITH ST TACKSONVILLE S,PL NONCD0002RLO STANCILPROPERTY 540 RICHLANDS HWY TACKSONIMLE EvaL Peadine NONCD0000004 STURGEON CTli' SITE --AO-f-PRLF PORTION) -4 COURT STE= TACK50N IL LE Sn NONCD00R--W8 TONXYPOL1-4RD PROPERTY, PARCEL NL TNT xsECT]OVOP HWY. 24 & 53 TACK50N ILLS E-aL Peadine ORANGE NONCDO0D2203 UIXN LANE CONT TATED WELLS ]COUS 70 BYPASS HndAoDROUGH E4a1 Pumd-me NONCDCOU1316 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD PURHLLV SER;ZCPCHIGHWAY LS-501 CHAPEL HILL NFA NONCDONUM C,3RRMILL Nt4LL 29ONGRPENSHOLOST CUKRBORO Votmtrry( A) NONCDC0014M CHAPIEL HILL POLICE DEFT 629-NI RTIN LUTHER KL�TG Ig BLVD CHAPEL HILL E4a1 Pumdtie NO}; L d:'001370 CROWN HONDA AND VOLVO 1730 NORTH FORdH-:L%L BOULEVAM CHAPEL HILL NFA NL '• ---Ir1.53 EUBiIMSRDCCNTA-NM AIFD R= 1621 EUBANKSRd CHAPEL HILL E-aL Pondtie Y =R3 FLYI+Tf FABILICS -N[ILL 202 S NASH ST HIL TROUGH E-a1 PUmdtie NC dC. -:'_ -.4 GEC iL=IELTFLC CO3EBAI+TE OPER 6W] LNDUSTRLiL DR [dES4.NE I+T A KM C E2ST3- GE03GE PROPERTY 606 MILLHCI 5E RJO AD CHAPEL HILL E4a1 Pumdtie NONCDC _-v: _S 5 ETC ErkY 66 _lEET_US CONT TATION LRM TO 203 2 ETC HWY 66 HIL_SBOROUGH E-vaL Pending NCD59'-'- --7 Nc NiDdGRIAL HO&PFr-41. SHiLxREYG DFXVf CH.4`un HRI NFA - _ :' tiS ] NORTH hiPRRTIT MILL RD PCE CDNTALdDUTI0-%Pf'T0E RTTT _MILL RD AND W FFANKI CEL EEL F-r L E-vaL P®dime NONCD0329L8 OAKWOODSTP-TrWELL CONr_ TATION 6LSOAKWOODSTEXT '_m9k%3= ErAP®ditie NCD98b20i839 ORANGE COUNTY -SCHOOL BUS GAIL4GE 211 HOLMANDR -9-M=SBOROUGH E-vaL P®ditiu_ NONCDOM247 OWASA-VPILO TE-1 QUARRY HIGHWAY % CARBORRO NFA EvaL ParjdFng—Eval"atzorL Pendrr;Q T'A—j'&Fur-dierArtiopi SQL — Si= Pri'orr.�: List ATA w13Ras _ —,%k Fw-MerActropi % th propepi�"erss rmtric cm Vaiwmivy (AA) — Volmax H AcHopi Abl-Irizz .Sits—Novr-+ia.7m&w srib =mva 511e 1991Page NONCD0072254 PAR-LITE 6508EASTGWAMUNGTONSr. MEBANE E-•aLP®ditie NCD08.41-`_-IS ROGEF ,-TU- EM SIC .;AfErEKMCLAM 501 S GREENSBOROST CiRRBORa NF-A NONCDCr- T_4d3LRT5F oi: \EARL id (OLD) RT 1 CH.iFELHILL E-vaL Ponditio fO*fCDCG:_°1] TOddIM C*LCXb-LU 6 (SEECOdLI{=) 137NORTH CHUglONSTREET Sri ROUGH E-vaL Poaditio *fCRpp0:::_"_ UYC-COG12NEFt4_TIDNMCTIITY 575Wi CAMERON AVE CHAPEL HILL Vohmtuy fiA) *f0*1CDC_-:_,C3 UYC-PHILLL3� [-'_ALL 120E CAMERON ALT CHAPEL HEI Era1 P=&mo NCD9805S-&3 UVINFF.SM-OF NZ UL'&T WASTE DI&P AIRPORTRD CHAPEL HILL Vohmtuf(AA) NCD003203213 UNTAFFF.SIT'c'OF NvRT:i CAROLINA B-STd•EN.iBLEMUL CHAPEL HILL NFA NONCD0002552 USADUTCH, INC M4 &OUTHIMNDR EFLAVD E-vaL P®dime NONCDO0LL2538 WEST I-LUdFTONSLBDA'ISi0=YLOT-!9 201 WESTHAMPTONW Y CHAPEL HILL NFA NCDC0.3131816 A'= FURNTrURP CO. HIGHWAY 70A EAST HILISBOROUGH NFA P-43J MD NONCD0001614 D= CHE7,d]C LS 13495 W- 55 HA'•Y A1,LMNCP Era1 P=&mo NONCDOM402 PUJCZKY PRICE SERVICE STATION 3287 H` Y 305 & kF iPl3HOE EvaL Poaditie_ P ASQCO'TA YK YONCD0001166 CENTRAL GRAIN-_MORGANS CORNER 1312 HASSRU RD ELIZABETH CRY &PL NONCD000103 CIEE&APLAK RrODD PRODUCTS CO-WANY W 0 0 D TM4.MNG P3 A-W ELIZA.BETH CTTY• EvaL Poadivo_ NCD98]929316 EL.MUE143 cm ABAN oNm Ik mm I BRIDGES RD SK 1223 ELLZAB=TH=f NFA NCD986147267 ELIZ4,3ETH CITY COAL G4U WARD AND FOURTH &=TS =A Bm-T l CITY Vohmtuf t A) NONCD0002958 E1.1Z4,EETH CITY SHIPYARD 722 FlVERX[DE AVE E=A.B=T=� CITY EvaL Poadiao NCDM15--'057 FORTRE4& RrODD PRODUCTS 669 POR-ikN EL-.kMy RD RIIZAB=7H C]T Y EvA P®ditio_ NCD986166163 MOUNGS (DOM) PROPERTY 215 M-LAL_ DRr%E FT.TT.AR=THCITY NFA NONCDOOp[1043 b0-AD5_LIIFF=PFSTlC]= SR_llfl0 wTZK3lZ_= 5PL NONCDOOM29 NCDDT -ATL ldfi OFPNCSK 1367, NEAKIT . CM EL.IZA,BETHSTY Era1 Poadiao NONCD00205 NCDDTASPHALT lJJ3&ITFNO.71 NORTHEME ROAD�-M-f-1 N) ELIZAiBETHCITY Ev2LPoaditio NCDRW175610 POPLAR DILL E DRUM DUMP POPLAR DRn'f EI.IZA 'R H CITY NFA NONCD00[-165 SWAIN PROPERTY 2733 PEiRTP.EE RLAD ELIZ,3BETH CITY Eta1 P=&mo NONCDCOD2745 WINSLOWME_MORLUHOLE 1700WEST EHRLVGHUA SSTREET E1,IZAIBETH CITY NFA NONCDOOD2905 Y-9 D]TCH EL]Z4,BETH Sr= 400 E EZ_IZABETH Sr Cr 501 PE-UL E1,iZ,3BPTH CITY NFA PFNDFlt NONCD0001996 ANMUCiN MIN FOOD GROUP 140INDUSTp ML DR BURGAW NFAi it Rottr. NCDO 6T7273 CIMM L LEkSLILN1 T4<NSLLYELL�fC. 120 COWPEN LANDING VAXWILbBNGTON NFAi NOMCD000175 DURWOOD GROCERY 23585USRWY-421 Wu. -km Eval P®dme xfONCD000103S HUCTROM03 COMPQN qT CORPOR-4T1ON 200 ELECTRONICS PARKWAY BURGAiW &PL *fCD985195154 PE 4DER PLAMG COMPANY 110 Wi HAYES ST. BURG' W 7- .rOMCD000307F PHOEI+--% 3C5 TRAVEL CENTER 13493NCRWY 210 ROCS:" P'MT E-.al P®dme - NOMCD0001143 PREST GE __JLBHS 151 1M USnU L DR 3URGALA' �•P_ NONCDOM413 RD= PO-21f! TR-4,DL4G POST TCE DISCOV 6160 U& HGWY 1175, ROCKY POLYP 3URGAUr 5P_ NONCD0002451 SCHOO*f lKERS-DECOLATAMTLVHUSIN. T2SC_4AMKIRKWOODRD WATHA FA NONCDOOp-RL3 WALl-UM AIRPORT 250Blaq=ONFIELD RL WALLACE &-al. PQodm_e NCNTQ0D4p7364 WArffikF7MTTGR-4`VGP 3111 &HILOHRD 9rAMA 5P= NONCDOD2691 'WOOD TM4<TERS, INC 224 SAW DUST RD ROCKY RoLgT ETA P-kodme PFRQL•MLiws NONCDOODI L67 CENTRAL GRAIN-CHAPANOKE 647 CELAP4VOLF.E RD ART= ORD EvaL Pond -me NONCDOOp1L73 LEBAiNONCHEDEC L ei RE+%LARI..E Sr H=FT= ORD VoL= a NONCDOO R31 RRTXRO-4D RnEJi-M H=ItT= ORD NFA NONCD0003443 &DUTHFRN&CRAFDISPOSAL AREA 2a95HARVEYPOINT RD H=FT=ORD NFA NONCD00LT2683 TO HU RD DISPOSAL AREA 2931 H.iRVEY POINT RD H=F T ORD NFA PERSON NCD003194271 ALUb kKKCORP.'PRJYTERDOUGL3S, LTC HWY 101 & RCOMRJO NFA NCD03397&Wd ATEC ]NDUSTRIES PERFLVS DRIC'E 30 CFLO SPL NONCD000304 BROMIL-ILVC 22aIDLTFJr LM RD ROOLECRA EvaL P®dmo NCNOCO410335 COUNTRY CLUB 1A`TfE CONTAb1IN-.L JO3T 192 COUNTILY CLUB LAVE ROOLECKO E-vaL Poadime NCDC04520136 1-4.7%DNCORP03-iTION RD=501 SOTITH R=DKO Vohmt2c7(AAl) NONCDOOD2348 L03D REEN RT Mi S R03MORD NLTAi NONCDC001 L L6 RE3?1 UC SEgVEC',E& 01; NC 312 JACK MIMA" RD ROUGEMONT Sn PM KCSFN0407143 AM RIC N Ei,El. 500 ViALL"4 CE 5T FAYJJV]LlE &P4 NONCD00D301 AYDEN DDESEL MO JOLJ Y IL AYDEN Ekal Poadive - NCD003166176 COASTAL C13Eb9C-u CORP. EVANS Sr EMT GMEENVELAZ Sm YCD984dCO951 L4,ST CiROLLY-JL=- :CAL SCHOOL GREFSn= NFAi NCDOWSM32 ELPCTRIC 4L LZLLiIIEs CO BE&T 3Q9 Atian=OV AiT.'E FARIL%']LLE Sm NONCDOOD1691 EMP]F.EERUSf ?-{CD"II'F 1*1 STAiTONROAiD GRE]2q%" dH Vakm=y CAA) YCD9845578`_"a Fl{C-V]hG 4FA PEMCmES 3593 OLD NC 11 AYDEN &P4 NCDMI463622 FORK SA kM? GEL4`DY WHITE EOAiT &R L725 Al -DEN NFAi NONCDOOpp055 G1MONEl" Z HWY 903 GF.EFVVDI,E Sn NONCDOO MI GRANDE A%'E PCE GRANDE A%= & DICKMO`q AT69E GREM4VIUE E4a1 P®dime -Evan -WA —})ToFEv-A Acholl &PL — Srles Pri'mo Lis! NFA xf�R :tr-—MoFw-ther•Actuopi xithpropfftv-uw msffk o w Volwjrcay ( — T'olwitary Aoteofl Vcyj- m Seta—.Vo4r-+lcemziow srib kpfcs Lute 2OO1Page NCD9&517L296 GRAY FARNI &ITE &i I S•13 STO as NFA NCD9&518888d GKEEH M12CO.UG,3S PL_4NT PLANT STF= G3-EEwaLE V43h=LEY( A) NONCDCM30215 HUMS & ROGPP 5 rOEk'iCC4 SALES = &T GR]EE"n• aLH E'ka1 Pie NCD0951IM(I MCGRAW EDISON COMPANY 251 IN DUSTR1iL BLVD GREEY_ `ILLS NFA NONCDO0f 974 MOHAWK-SAR STJLV 2007 DICKINSON VE GREHwaLH &Pl, NONCD00023X VC DOT BRIDGE t60 BLACK CRE & STATONMRG RD SRGFUR % `ILLE aa1 Poke NONCDOOD2901 PITT COUNTY SCHOOL HITS GARAGE 901 1t4LL DRI9r'E GRE 'II1P NFA NCD380517-672 PITT COUNTY UMIT Y LANDFILL PORT TERIHI+IAL RD GRE_-,mraLH &PI. NCDO 2D20399 PROCTER & GAbIInX PAPER PROD& CO_ 1ON OLD CREEK ROD GRE_-,R'D1,E NFA NONCDCOD2336 R,3BO C13'gNEP;~ 7 0 L EDOFMRRD G3EFYvD.L,E &PI. NCDO75575191 I= NATION- LCORPOK-4`TION SFIPIDS ST =_k3L%naLH NFA NONCDW01157 ROBERTBOSCH TOOL CORP 3LO &TATONRD G? :_:_lT i.F iTakmxtmf(.iA) NONCDW01113 SOUTHERN STATES TORMER) 125LINHAVE G.=fI'11.F &FL NONCDCM179S SOUTHERN &TAIIS COOP 3649 SOUTH FDTI.D& ST --u-M1ZLE EmL Poafivo NONCDWM042 SOUTHMELINC_ NORTH GREENE STREET G3E 9=E NFA NCDMla53ll STARLING 13AVMPROPERTY HWY 2SSN HFA NONCDOOfl245 5 &TATOV ROAD SOLVENT CO=4TA_NMgArION STATOV RD G_ mriLLE EvaL Poke NONCDWM0N UVIOV CARBIDE (FOR1ffR; 14TH AND COTANCHE &TiFPFT.0 GREE__'R LF NFA NCDO03164249 UVION e.tx3KDE CORFF4FREADYRATTERY 2E4B7fPASS"EVA_NS ST E= GRIMNVE LE &PI. NONCD0003055 Lr4XPROPIMTY 200w9TH ST G3EEN%D-LH araL Poke NCa2I0022044 USA RESERVE 3 IDA RBORNE CORPS 1391 N NMI DR GREEmmia NFA NCDO93132207 VOICE OF,3blPF.ICARIELAYSTATION COUNTY ROAD 1212 GgFF4VII22 &PI. NONCDC003017 WINNER CHE4'ROLET 6245 NC 11 SO rtl AYDEN Eva1 Polo NCD00310571 1T I TTER'V= MACHIAE WORKS, INC- 2672 MRL Sr Vi'QfC &P4 POIX NCD99I2780 5 RECDN DRUM C010ANY ROUTE L COLUS,i$US NFA NO�fCD00D12L2 ' OODIA'NI)MILLS CORP 402I f.4_' INE MILL SPRENG EvaL Amd:mc R NDOLPH NONCDCOOH2 BALFOURBP I,!! Y ?A3_ETTETrnJ EST ASHEBORO EmL Amd:mc NONCDOOf17S29 B SSETTFUrRNIT=-A'a1diN PLANT 160! LEONSRD Sr RAMSFUR &FL NCDMIC9433 BEAM_ N CORP. 30 `..0 =7 -1'% Y 421 LIBERTY EvaL Poke NCDONS22064 EIURI,LVGTONDlDU5=S,INC- "91S' L= 1_B_4LAV NOE q=BORO NFA I{ONCD00D2465 CARBON BS.ACKHO= I90:. � Fs1=TTEi'R.T.F Sr dSIMBDRO NFA NCNR=[)40532 CAR DK-% = TIE �L 2241 C AF� DRT4'E A.SHEBORO EvaL Poakao NONCDOOD1470 CEYMUTRANSPORT-SOLVENTS 2L19UW[---U=ROAD ARCHD LE E%•aLPoafitio NONCDC001541 CONIIP_ON AWOL.+ RD. TRINITY EmL Poafitio_ NONCDCOU1115 COX MOBILE HOME PARK ROCKY KNOLL RD. ASHEBORO NFA NONCDOODH36 FuSTSD}E GROCERY L339 E SALISBURY &T ASHEBORO NFA NCCC0131 I212 GRAi-T'& PROPERTY FORT CREEP MILL ROAD SF--LGRO F NFA NCDMI246M GREGSOH FCN ITUER LVIDUSTRI]E& 206 E F11.4_= AVENUE IMERTY NFA NONCD00P_h4 H_4_VCOCS COUNTRY GAMS 3484NCH%Y 22N FR NKLINJILE EvaL Poaibme NCDOMP-213D I-L1 REI SOxf RUBBERCOMP_4`Vf HliVY 220 SOUTH ASHEBORO &FL NCD0A'39X9 H4RRELSONRUBBER COMP_4_YY 40 TELEFHOREAVE ASHEBORO V9-xtmfCAA) NCDO03221620 HIGH PCM_TFURVITLTRE INDUSTRIES LL2I COR.PORATIONDRIL'E ARCHDALE NFA NONCDOOD101I TUNGCOR1:1CIL_4.TION 7L8-7M RMUSTR UP_4JRZ kt"R ASHEBORO &PI. NONCD00D1948 KAYSEIL-ROTH - ; MMORO I L VW. BALFOUIL AVE. ASHEBORO V43h-t rf (AA) NCD003'--L3566 L'IBEP_TYFL1F.NITURE COR -UHRO-MCR_4FT MON GF=SBORO &T IMERTY &FL NC2+OONL0733 LIBERTY, TOWN OF-PUELIC WnL BUTLE.K AVE. LIBERTY EmaL Poadma - NCV00W07301 LOFLIN GO1D MINE LOFLIN HILT. RD TRINITY NFA NONCD0=142 NCDOT- SITE M2APAC09-ALTPI.4_VT FINE VIEW 3.0gD ASHEBORO EmL Poadttio NONCDOOf12143 NCDOT - SITE M3 RILEY PAVING AS,Hi41 T H` Y 421 LIBERTY EvaL Po 3&mo NONCDOOD22n PFRDUEFARbB - LIBERTY -SOL;'PI+TIB 2607 OLD HIGETWAY421 STALH'f EvaL Pmdma NONCDC003LIO POGVMR.SECUMM_CVUP4,CrUXINGINC 141000LTRANEMILL i:D RANDMId.AN Voto=f(fiA) NONCDOOf12371 RANDOLPH ELECTRIC HVi'Y 42 @ PATTON STRmr A.SIDBORO NFA NONCDOOf123T2 RhNDOLPH €CH. -13US CgXAGH-B 2234-AENTF PRM ST_ ASHEBORO EmL.Poaliao NCV00 4 LOM4 SIALEY PCE-BROA'V'S GROCERY 64U'd BITES CEL4YEL RD STAIFF EvaL Poahvo NCDOW 22_6160 STEVENS 3P AND COI&P-4_NY, INC. N_4OMI STREET RANDELM.iN NFA NONCDOOD2114 STOUT CHAR F_4CE= M4 E ST EDdE AVH LIBERTY EvaL Poad ma NONCDOOD3051 5WAIM =ALS -414HpRIKrLFTSr EDGH POINT Eva1 Pond:ao NONCDOOD2&U TRLYIT4"ALSPP3C,iN CORP.. 5275 GLENOILA IND- DR G'-EtfOLA Vamdm VLA) NCDP8I 6WI4 UL4H B ATTHXY-! L4LrT= PILES SR 121+J-'DM4H RD UE EBOXO HFA v 3a:tr. NCD0006'-1g57 UVIONCJlRBIDE:CORFF4FREADYRATTERY ARTBR. 4VDR A sFEBORO Vakmrtmf(.iA) NCD003'-16462 UMON C'iR39IDE CORFTT.'FaFADYEATTERY ONALEESLLRTF RD A sFEBORO &PL NONCD00D2676 %T[AFOAM,INC. 2222SURRETTDRIVE HIGH POINT Vokurtm} �L+l) NONCDOOD2766 WRIGHT OlrTHOMASVI A-HONUST OR L619 THOVAn= aaL Po3&mo_ RICH61OFB NONCDND2&6' ATY.LV^ON ST CONTAMM4.ITON 109,E rMSON &T ELLN]LET EvaL Pmdma E'er Penehng-Per,dix kFil-j'&FerthiwA liopr SPL-SilasPrici4-L.rsl NFA w/-Rimy_-�&Fun'harAcimpfw*hpropep-n-uaresrl rites Valw vy (A* - T'olravxy _ cteou Nrr,�H= Sets srle 201 IPage NCDG7100147 NONCDW1420 NCDGON16219 NONCD00R2632 NONCD00Q2164 NONCD0002400 3fCD980602791 3fO'fCDM1712 RcESO{q NCDM079231 *fCD097726000 *fCD98620 375 NONCDM1540 NCD06I 094246 NCDW20Q91N NONCDW01232 NO*fCD0001947 NONCD0001S62 NONCD0001 L3 5 NONCD0002C 49 NONCD0002369 NOMCDOOD29M NCDOT454571 NONCDOM444 NONCD00fl1Q14 NOMCDOM542 NC92I D022043 NCDO45924032 R0CB31K6ELiM NOVCDOOD1216 NCD*611MODD NONCDOOD1348 NONCDC00139,0 NOMCDOOD1400 NCDO24?62666 NONCD00D2310 NONCD0003123 NOMCDC001715 NCD003'- L920 NCDOW 530076 NCDM914311 NCDOS3-'M310 NOnCDC = : _ -47 NOnCDC - :: C93 NOnCDC NONCDC = : _' f 00 NONCDC4223n NONCD 979 %rOnCD 346 %rCD093'63576 NONCDW1r-a94 ROWAN NONCDWM098 %rOnCDCOM036 %rCDM 2 L3881 %rOnCDOOD1427 %rCD0493'_ L9492 Nc.gom10516 NOMCDW01494 %rOnCD0003192 NONCDO0Q2921 NONCD0001367 NOMCDWC15U NOMCDOOD1601 NOMCDOOD1626 CLARK EQum= COW my CSIE HAMLET DIESEL SHOP �4<-PACIFIC CORD FTWY L77 TCE NCDOr ASPHALT SITE -!3-%KO'W-N PAT69NG RICHMOND APPA -- TRUTT OF TEIP LOOM SALE AGE On CF 4 -%'=CA SQLEN= DrD1.:7,T kL LUBRICANTS T.4aT_ N „iiB1F= PROPERTY BARNEti PROPERTY CALMELL SCUP CAR]DII U CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE FIRE CDN G;E2x7 RLY-LlfM BERTON ODN17ERSE CHUCK T AYL€ K SITE CROFT MET lu I DUSM4L k 2LGRICULTUR,3L CHEMICALS KAYSER-R.OTH LUMBERTGA DYE CO LUMBERTONMlWCIPAL A=ILT MAXTON OIL Cz FE3LT. CO. - PIX4T NCDOr ASPHALT TESTING SITE *7-0 PEIMROSEFARM HOME & GA DMT ROYAL DE4ELDPMENT CO., LTC. SANFAIEX SOUTHERN STATES LXAZEieTON FHR'r'R= USA RESER17T 3nrM AIRBORNE CDRPS WEST POINT FEPPERELT._lLAMJ4.0 HIGHWAY 74 WEST NC 177 Hsi 3f 173 S 106I HINT 177 urTERSECTIOV OF SR I M5 AND fW' Hsi 74 WEST 1227 MCLEOD STREET 709 AIRPORT ILD NC HIGHWAY 77 & SR 2032 ROLM 2 HFGH AY 71 NORTH VC211&NC72 HESIER.7OWN RDAD (SR 2202) 4019NC723kES7 HUY 71 S 2042 BUIE-PHILiDnFUS RD 3707' . Im Sr FIRST AND iCFWN COMMON STS 163 SPORT BLVD 207 N mcNAIR ST H`WY 74 302 Wi 3"D ST H`wy 71 w HIGHWAY 211 673 OLD WI-1r E%•—_= RD IONA ND _%Lka STFIHEI 1400 CARTT-L-1GE RD 1685 AL.AMAC RD MER3)TX TOEL:kCCO CO. -NONUST 301 N.SCALES STREET BETA FU L_, C SY- TEMS 1209 FRFPRW4<Y DR BIG A ")L= F 3L%J SUPPLY -SOL'rpM-- TS 407 5RrMARKET STREET BR1OW'1. FR-42,', E; AND Li KY SObUM WELLS 3M NC 150 BURLNGI-,� E'-CBE R=L'n.0 PLANT TP 2362 HOLIDAY LOP ROAD BUSH BROTFa-u R--ITLVG INC-URM 107 NE mARK T ST BUSICE ROAD rCE EIUSICR RD =-UT }L#DO'W ROAD PCP 663 EAST MZADVW ILD REST BLANKET MILL WAREHOUSE STREET FIELD,'PEST MILLS LTC. 326 STADIUM DRIL'E GTE PR0DUCTSC0XPOR-ATIOW 1704BAR-VE5 STREET MT7.T.FA BREWING CO; CONI DRY 19M BAR_VES 5T kiir.rx BREv-jNo m+RRnLip MORRIS 663E MFADOW RD NCDOr - SITE �:59 ViEI+ TVORTH -45, .r T H4TY 65.17 REIDSL'ILLE COAL GASPLLkrr 623 WAY STREET R IDSL'11.1.F INDUSTR-IAL PARS US HIGHWAY 29 BYPAM REICSVI Lfi=L'I..LE vCDOR+AlD'S 665 S SCALES ST RENTZ OIL CO.-=- 4—V TR_4`VSPORT 2102 RDaFL4BD SON DIL STONEL'I-LP-FURNITURE COMPANY 525 6DUTH E— RY STR= rAl 101 ROAD II-nM 601 TAYLOR RD T'%M.LkfC '2MVANCE L•T V.42%rX3 GR RMCS CORP0R_4<TIOV -655 MEADOW RD VFW RO;D CONTA-VINAT79V VFW ROAD ABEX CORP. US 29 SOUTH BALFOUR. RO.#D BArTFRY BALFOUR ROAD BENDDC CORPORATION I-85 ngNE& ST EAT CANNON BLVD SOn'irdT SIZE 29M BLOCK CANNUN BLVD CAROLINA RUB= HOSE COMB-4-NY 1901 SOUTH RAnj o 4D rHAmR. STREET B kTTERY DULY CZAP L STREET CHEVRON 1823 J_4M Ar EXA1%TDI!R BLVDWEST CHINA GROILT D%r DUSTl]AL COMPLE-Y 308 E THOM ST cH A GROT`rE TOYi V MAufnngAN`CE AREA d L8 S ALTSHUILY ST CR=S� PROPERTY-BOSTLANHEIGHTS SDLVENTSS207 OLD CONCORD 101D DA:JGHER.TF KO AD DAUG{3PRTT RO 4D D-'R= TRUCK STOP k2 FEELER ROAD AND I-85 DO3d=N YARN - CORLLY PIA TT -414 NORTH MARIAH STREET ROCSINGELAM H-4bdLET H_4MLEr H_ bl ET ROCKDgGHAM ROCS]VVGHAM ROCxlkrGHA-lT ROCS]VVGHAM HAMLET F_ MMONT 3•Li%Tcrq _L173EFTON _L-MBERTON _USIHERTON IMESER BRIDGE RED SPRJIGS IVNBERTON LUMBERTON LUMBERTON MAXTOV LUMBERTON PEMBROKE RED SFRJIGS RED SPRINGS luMBERTON F_ MMONT IU3�MERTON LUMBERTON REIDSV LLE REIDS;rR.T.F 3EIDSVILLH 3EIDSVILLH 3EIDSVILLH 3EIDSVIL,LE .=&VILLE =DEhf =DES =DES REIDs'M T.F REIDS'�'T1.T.F =DES W='!TR'DR.itI REIDSVILLE REID&VILLF REIDSVILLE RSVn .T.F STONEVn.T.F Srg-qav .T.F =SVn.T.F EDEN REIDST`raLE NFA V43km=y (AA) SPL. E-k-aL Pond:mc E-aL Pomd-mc Evil. Paodmc r P- 'N-FA r.P- N -A N-FA m EvaL Pondimg EvaL Pmmdimo NFA E%-aL P®dLmg E%•aL Pom>3Ltio E%•aL Pmmdimo EsaL Poa,Rtio EsaL Poa,Rtio EsaL Poa,Rtio €•PL NFA EsaL Pmmdimo EsaL Pmmdimo SFL NFA 6PL EvaL Pomdiao E%•aL PoaRtio E�•aL Poadis� EsaL Poadae V oLmatzry (AA) S,PL EvaL Pomdiao ET -A. Poadiaa E4aL Pomdiao NFA NFA SPL NFA amL Pomdimo EvaL Pmukmo E4aL Pomdiao EvaL Pmukmo SPL EsaL Pmukmo EvaL Poadimo_ S,PL EvaL Poadimo LkIISB :fXY NFA GR-�'kZTE QU_4<RRYNFA SAL:�B'JXY 5111-1 L-4-Yti APOLIS EvaL Pomditio SEAL--_B'JXY sm LL4�Yti APOLIS N rA S.AL--�B:fXY N[FrA CHIN.t GROVE E4aL A mdmc CHINA GROVE EvA Pomdmc SA.LISBURY EvA Pomdmc L.AhfDIS E4aL Pomdnc SA.LISBURY EvA A mdme L4N DIS EvA A mdmc full AFA--?&Furd*arAction SPL - Sijas Pxibriry Lisp NFA wlAm&- - Na FwA.93rAciopy with propart�-ease Fa me nop Volemrmy (AA) — i7ohmmy Achopi Hm Site — No"-oirevlrdoars su6smm-e sire 2021Page NONCD0001618 E_43T RIDGE ROAD NDNCDC001664 EBENEA l •UTHE L4N CHURCH NONCD00R=420 FCK CHMMIC-US gXbflj FIELDCRHSlPMILT SINC.•NC FLYlSHING NC :: : - 322 ] ] 7 G•ENERA 41 ELE CTP.] C C O.i4I.'!< OILY NC G: -=•6#3 GRAM CREES %-%TP I-LUXISBATTERYAND METAL CO. NC7 I-MATSOEB,ITTERY N0'{CG:::Ia?2 HOTSPOT SCENT" JAJ EALEF-4-VDERBLVD SITE NC :: = _ _ :: 1=193 JAYS CL.E_4qEKS NON -Di -•H336 JOHNSOVRTU NCD98622SOM Kcg3L4P011SPOESPILL NONOD0001951 EE£NPOLYMMO NCDM5357i5 KERN RUBBER M.URETHANE PLA-ITT' NOMCDW03153 FIRMER IM.1. NONCD00QP073 MILPORDHIIISPOESITE NONCDOM093 MOORES RENTRl 42 NONCD00QP110 IT'e E>IS BROTHERS GIN SOL'ri,-= NONCD00Q2165 --qCDOT ASPHALT SITE 435 NCB"•33410966 OAK HA TrfW bff3P NC= :-ID517755 O1KiSILL•L&4-ISBURY BOAC PLT NC.="'r3•384] PAUL LOVE'S PIT :2616 PEACH ORCH_4RDL_CNZ NC.: -_-:: ?43 PROCTOR CHEMICAL CDINOWAiTIONAL STA NC=::= : :=4.0 ROCKW LLlikTI.L003 ROR'LAI D WELL SALISBURY .r PHALTPLhNL•= #43 - = 33 SALISBURY COATI. GAS PLANT #1 NC'=-: :2SU STATEsynJ-E BLVD CORdf 4bdlNAiTPDN NOxiCZ:: :2`,62 SUNSHINEMFG-PCH NCB,-=":-:'_: TOW-gCREEEREGIONAL WWrP NC z:; _ : ' -: = UNITED HOUSE OF PRAYER DRUM SITE NC52:M•: _=_ L' USA RE;EK7 - AIRBORNE CORPS NCNL::�_33048 'WAL[=-X DRUM DISPOSAL NCN=700D2898 WOOD-EAF & RIDGE PCE N ==1,=700027% WOOD_=A,F ROAD SOL%F= SITE RIT -jORD `-v1~=700[r2547 RURlEVGTONINDUSTRIES NC�= 5]CC#11 C UMPBELL PROPTRTY DRUM CTORRY bd:TSTREET DRTJ1{ NCB=��•2;1 LL 7 CONE bMJA - FLORENCE PLANT NCN=70001562 CRELLIN CORP. XCD03162971 E MORI; CORP THE NODn]D0]957 FII'NSONl.&fDFIU NO'TCD00D2237 OMC FACE II'd (EORNMAv NCDW5D7S31 POLYSARNCRESDZ DIV NCD0 67-345 d REETo'ES BROTHERS NDNCDOOD2151 STORdECrJi'fER ]A= CORPORATION NDNCDC002603 TIMK NUSCORP. NONOD0002R% WATTS Ib+IDUSTRIES NONCD000D060 'WATTS REGULATOR-GENEF.rr. UMSSITE SAL[PSON NONCD00D1S53 RLCtTEL NDNCDCOD166S COKNERCOTTO"-NTGDT NONCD00D18L5 EMAnTONBEACH-PROOT01SILEX NONOD00DIRM INTERPANEGLASS COMPANY NONCD000101 =A],UNIFOR_1{ SERVICES NCD981424797 SAMPSON COU S Y TRASH DURPS7ER NONCD00Q2504 SOUTHERN STATES COOP SPILL NONCD00Q W V.CT.q CROSSRC _= NOD00060364 WIST POINT PEPP-?ELLCLINTOV SCO7Il " NONCD00MM ABBOTTLABOKkTORIES 115 EAST RIDGE ROAD SALISBURY Eta1 RMUHME JCI OF OLD BE-4,=FORD RD AND ROCK ELL E4aL Pie ELUMAC RD SALISBURY EvaL Po ubmE US NrMN SPENCER SPL 500HItdl= L4'YE SALISBURY NFA 1114 OLD CONCORD &D SALISBURY NFAi CRUSE ROAD SALISBURY SPI, 300 W Mmir-4RY ST SALISBURY NFA 21L3LINAAVE KA-SWAPOLIS SPI, b13D4r AYDRWI! -CND SOUTH L AJN STSAL]SB4]RY E;a1 Pie SR L956 { LC0 FT. S OE SRI BARBER BIFA L704J41U AIJDLkMEKRLVD S SALISBURY EraL Paadino - 1903NMALNST 1-4gNAPOLIS SPI, 135 DILLON STREET CHII•]A GROVE ErkaL Paadimo ENOCHV=RROAD K-CgNAPOLIS SFG '65 -AIRPORT ROAD SALISBURY Vat sitmy(AA) L4:5 J_41f.E AIJDLkMlgLRD S SALISBURY Vakmdzo y(AA) ='3If. MARTIN LUTHER.KLVGJIRA L;LLISBURY E4aLPoufivo 5P'RLYGAND COLUNIALDRIVES S-UISBURY EVIL Paadino 615 NORTHMAN STREET L LISBURY E4aL Pondino 3 L6€ Vr OODIC-4= ROAD SALISBURY EVIL Poadmo 500L1T1" TFL4_ AVE ROCSRTLL ETA Pondino 775 A,IKK RT RD SALISBURY NFA OLD U5 25 N v 6LTH SPE*rCFR NFA SPENCER NFA PEACH GR ELL- r LN ChHARDER. Sr SALISBURY E-kaL Paadino 237LU1]FRS7RPET .SALISBURY ETA Pomdino HlTiY 52 ROCSATLL EVIL Poadi.mo 1703 DNI LL STF= K-CgNA,POLIS E4a1 PondimE J_4RE IJ5Z 2NDEIBLVD SAIMURY Eral.Poadme 324 EAST LIBERTY STREET SALISBURY v okrstary t kA) 2620 STAITESL7I.LEB,LVD SALISBURY E4aL Pondino HIGHWAY 52 SOUTH ROCSATLL EVIL Pomd_tio_ E=:C-rOI'TROAD SALISBURY SPL 50 L CL.D CONCORD ROAD SALISBURY NFA 112 V OODLE4F RD SALLSBURY NFA WYArTS CHU]KCH GROVE ROAD GOLD HLLL NFA 3150WOOME-41 RD SALISBURY E-kaL Pomdme 202I'WOOD1E-4P ROAD SALISBURY E4aL Poadmo 1181 OLD C iROLEEI+I RD STATE ROAD LUl fi02 CHERRY MOUNTAIN FLORENCE A DEPOT RDS FINE ST_ 204OAS STREET US HIGHWAY 221 SOUTH 160 EXECUTIVE DRIVE dSS VANCE ST RAILA OAD AST: 300 D LL4S STREET 15 LOI-UGHWAY 221 SOUTH L00'WA r S RD '%TrHK0Ar ILO AD 510Co-No a fHST 151 '-M GO CHURCH RD lWAYOYTALV3 STREET 520EA4 TR_4ILROADSTFEEr 117' ELIZ BErH STREET NECK 5PWFrS CORaR 9111301UNUY RD ROAKORE MVD CHURCH KOADS HlTi Y 421 HG•YS 401 AND 15-50I FOREST CITY E-a1 Pudme RUT1-=ORD70`i NTT FOREST CTPi 5,P_ FOREST C]TY SPL SI.F�R MILISEvaL Pomd:c_ SPINDALE NFA FOREST CITY NFAi n^ 3a:tc. RUTT=01LDTONE v2L PomLu F=T CITY NFA RLT'-=ORDTON SPL SPLi-DALE E4a1 P®dme RUTHERFORDTONEsaL Pomdmo SI=ALE Esa1 Pond.Mc FOREST CFrY SPI, CLINTON EtaL Pomdi3o bdINGO SPL CLIk+ cK EvA Pondino CL Crq EsaL Poadino Cd.Ik+TfON Vak-t iri.A) DU`4N NFA CT.i}FfON Noo-HazNFAa C=ON E-vaL Pondino CLINE O:V NFA L<4TI3JN13UlLG V o key (AA) E1 AA -�& Fwvv ,-Act Olf SPL — S1fes p'o"* Lrm -%Fl nV Resdr_ —�& FuF-djm AcSopj ,with prapert -Lase ravrkvom Vb m7a7y (L4) - Vol m xy Actia" Vorrl .Site-Nom-hazotAmas --ubs mve side 2031Page MCDM35UM AILMSTRONG RUBBER COHPA-xrY STATE ROAD 1304 LAUREL HILL YFA NONCDC='5I574 CSK-GID3S01,TRADTDE>L.dnha24T HIGHWAY 79 GIBS4hf YFA NON{' -I:: ;] 661 F—ALTON CO31OR_AT]DN R-WY 401 BYPASS NORTH LAURDMUR.G '-z.:mrtxry (AA) NCD98::: &m GM.SONARIGHT DUH3MTGSITE OFFHIGHA-AY Ml GIBSDN NTA N{"DGi:'_.":3'_ HMZfA CHEMICAL COMPANY 17321 fi4FRY'—%LULOYI D LkURINBURIG LASS L A-gDFILL HWY 74,k SR -369 LAUR_T111&URG NIFAi s Rj :&-. TOL3*PS LSd.,iN9= Lnn SKYWAY CHURCH RD dd+3XTQN SFL NON{' -I::: _; ': 5LkYTON OIL & FE&r. CO. - SHAW F_4 EM SR. L4--1 4` ALIGRAM EvaL Poadimo_ NCD3E5: "=' :: me-EALA SROTEiM P_um SR. L415 4r ALGRAM 5P1 NCD48:::: _' _ EPEE 7=E =ER CO 230'WB1 T.T. ST 1-4<UR-MU3-G 5PL NONC-I:: ; _: ; FILSINGTON-LIBBY OQ. z*T FORD 'US IfIGIr AY 74 EAST L.AiURMUR.G Ev2L1 Pom imo NCDW-:'--- PLANT b&4MAGERSPROPERTY SRL614 1-4U3-11%MURIG NFA NONC-I:: `,}74 LiM ROAD FRICTION PRODUCTS 13601 kMPORT RD b AXTON EmL A mdimo NON{' -I:: ;'_4L8 RCGOSIN {'C "RTFRS (SORDS_A USA) 10461 OLD lZUE ROAD LAUREL HILL E-caL Po i&mg NOxL{'-I::.2!;49 SCOTT_kND CCL77L Y PRISON TRJdR) 2260D WAGRAEd RD W ALGRAM EVIL Poadmg NC-: `-'. `:434J TDuTALASTfjL LgCORPORATFD 17I6D PLANT RD LAURmUKG SPL Ub&ICORE C333-NA 17180AIRPORT RD bdAXTON Vohmtuy� A) NCN _ _ :: A L53 TJ'-NTCJIa AGRI PRODUCTS OISTRIBXMON 17221 OLD V AXTON RD 1,AiUHJRilaUR.G E%- L A mdmo NCN : _ :: '2693 'WAGRA,M LYTE T1T+.3'NAL DUM? OFF 4411 tx AL1GRAM EvaL A dmo_ NCN :-: VESTFOLNT STEVENS AQLPORT ROAD 1T ALGRAM SFL 5T LNLY NOYCD051238 UBEILARLII CTTY EM.LL=ANSIOT 144NORTH SECOND STREET LB S ARLE EvaL Pm&qo NON: _ : .:: ALCOA-PLYP R.D RAVINE DIS O&AL PINE RD SPL ALL1. ON MANUFACTURING CO 930 OLD CJ3ARLO= ROAD -UBaSLARLE &K NCB : = :::J 297 ADREYrTA YLOR WELLS. 244" EHGHW-kY J2 uB =1�.F EvaL Poaditie_ ARLOWO4D, LNC 13183INDULN MOUND ROAD VOK OOD NFA N0NC::l:::13 L9 BAFMOOT-C AROLINA OIL 630 SOUTH SECO-ND STREET LI BIM 3&LE EvaL A throe BKO0KArOOD INDUSTRl L CHA R.TTIS ROAD] -UBaFMO-UH Evil. A ditto_ C,3 1DLLVAILURSLECO. INDU NMOUNDROAD U311TARL u- NCN : _ :: ;] 536 CONCORD TELEPHONE 210 N 1R ST -U-SEN[ RLE \TA NCN _ _ :: '2!U6 CONCRETE SUPPLY COMPANY 115 A <ZUJADALE DR AilBER]SMJLF- EvaL Pondina NCB : _ :: ;] L20 }' ATON AiEROQUIP, LTC (FORM374 fi60 T. ANI R I D N4RWOOD E4a1 Ponce A L37 FABCO FAST]T1+TING SYST7=1dS-DI7= YARNS -614 NC ElWY 20II S ST ANYIFLD VoLmts y (AA) NON{' -I:: `'2242 FLAMa REFRACTORIES, INC 152 A M[ERIC AL_N DR 0 ALSBORO EvaL A ditto NON{' -I:: '1388 ffk-DROI_ABS, INC. Ai111 MD COLLDLDcS) 2428 EMCC-�LfT DRIlrE RLBED {RLE Vohatuy �A A) NON{' -I:: ;] 93 5 F]] K HOSIERY BI OWNS FZL RD LOCUST E72L Pondae NONC-I:: %2018 LDL'SLUIM R CONPAiNY=3 30I WESTSTANLY STRM STAVFIELD EsaL Poaaq NONC-I:: ;2026 KAIN STR-T SOLVENT SITE VAST M.ALY STREET LOCUST EsaL Po i&mg NOxLC'-I:: %'-M MORr-4-q 3.r r TSB (DA WSON FLLVr td) 2CO HMY 34-27 AIL,HEMAR1E EraL A dmg NCY -- :: `,2LOO MOKTONTL=SLT] C'E H%rY'_OO, SOP ST NFIELD STAN IELD E-caL A mditio OLD S-ALi59 UILY ROAD V ID -IS OLD S ASBURY RD ALBE5 ARLE EraL A ditto_ OLDCnMCORPT-AIILOIXRA 5OLITE RT 2 -5R 2001 VOK OOD NFA NOY _ _ :: %2912 Q NIXALLS PERKY RD SUPPLE ArRUS 17586 RAND L1S FERRY RD VORW OOD EvaL A ditie NCN __ :: %23E4 REEVESBBJDTLI3M, INC_ 1L35MONTGOOMRY k%'P ;1BE&LARLE E%- L A mdimc STANLY NEWS & PRESS 217 W NORTH STREET -11BENLARLE 5PL - NON{' -I::: -==? STANLY ST ALTIUM SHOPP DTG CLN= 636 NC ElW e' 27 P UBEF LURLE EvaL A mdimc NONC-I:: 112f5 ] T74TCJaL SCREEN PF.INTER54INC. BROWNS HILL ROAD LOCUST EvaL Pomditio Nc-- ---.4 USA RESER6'S$LrMARBORNECORPS L&I6EMAIN ST ALIZEBLAME NFA NCY : D : :2749 3kI&C ASSETC TELLS 213 MONTGONZKY AVK!4UE -11BELLUUE E-caL A mditio NON:7L42}70 Y ALDKIN BBB COO VANY 44266 MOSS 1-4-qE VPAr LONDON Ev2L Pond 30_ SWSES NONCDCO0]6,4 7-LV'S 76 3390 USH%Y 3 L L N PINE HALL 'Eval. Pomdmo - NONCDOOD00I C_ POwaL-,wAL=COVE POWER HOUSE ROAD WA1AMCOlhm rP_ NONCDOMI-199 'Ds=C-=}"'S GROCERY 6L48NC 66 SO= KING N-FA NONCDOOK2330 PR MDY PROPERTY. WINffRED 4707l[IGIT AY a N. LAArSO�'IUE E•.aJ. Poadimo - NCDM250430 REYNOLDS, RJ' TOBACCO CO -BROOK ODT`rE BLOOKE C01r70 STREET SR144I GERMAkrrG%-N NTA NONCDOOK&72 WA1-;=COVE TIRE CEI7ER,LNC 1293USHWY 3LL W-41-gLTICOVE E%-2LPoukmo NONCD000F6R2 AkALNUT COL']; TOWN 01r,7?URLIC SUPPLY A-fLI3LLALV STREET 1T gl-NUT COVE EvaL Pmm&mg NONCD00017-96 WATTS7M'RNS 4461 NC HAr$ 6N D.4-%TBURY E%-2L Poadimo SI.-R*t' - NCN : -: " :1 226 ALDALMS-MI .IJ i F1-4-NT 2133 - NONUST 838 S. VAIN ST. MOrJNf AIRY V ohmtuy (AA) NON'-::::'.'5 CNIC LANDFILL EAST MAIN STREET P1,SIN SFL LNIDRUM CLF4-VLYGAREA 200BLANKET L-4-VE F= NFAs Ra:tr. NCY'-:::ILS= CNII FLYASH DIMSAL TAiR-CEL2) HWY 268 PLS1]T YFA—;'Ra:tr. LNI It+MSTRIPS 3C4 EAST I5d_ALN STREET ELKIN L•P_ C1{I'ar-wTP (P-ULCELl) HWY 2" Eax. *T 5P- NCB y -:::. : = FL.AV OR-O-R]CH 1607 U%-fST PINE STREET MT. AIRY EtiaJ. Pomdmiz -b-W- Pending - EmdL dtiou Poicii2a -�FA -Afo 'err *ffAeioe SPL - Silds Prbplj�V bi -�FA w/Awtv--No 1T urlOnwAct u iv&6 hpropero-o n?.T&w-hL,?u 2041Page NONCD0001748 G4NT STATIDV_ FORMER 102 R'FST LEBANON STREET MOUNT 4mY E-•a1 Pondima NONCDW61921 H_4Y_gTkSHOP_N[A ERRESIDMgCE 194A1R4RATLONG=ROAD PILOT MOUNTAIN EvA Pondino NCD003'_3W3 HOOFER REPAY SHOO? 461 N SOUTH STREET 5R1669 MT AIRY SP1 NONCDOOD1446 INTEUTATE SIGN CO 1444RCCRFORDST MOUNT AIRY Ev2LLPondino_ NONCDOW-044 E_40FSTEFRTILi2ER 5PIL1 515WKAPPST DOBSON E72L Poadino NONCDOM125 NC FOAM INDUSTRIES-NONUST 511 C4,RTPR ST. MOUNT 4MY E-va1 Pondino NONCDOM15I NCDOT-STJF.RYCOUVTY HWY 601 NORTH DOBSON E-•a1 Poadino NONCDOOK'306 PIKEELECTRIC, LVC. 418 LMITH STREET Mr._4]RY EsaL Pondino_ NCD9U166379 PILOT MOUNTAIN TIRE FIRE EALl—M -10XT ROAD PILOT MOUNTAIN Sn NONCDOOR'_3 ] ] FLtfE STATE F2M`W=L K - C 00INDEPENDENCE RL MOT TNT -4JRY Ev2L Pondino NONCD0003 L88 RENF O CORP0R_'4T=.-V fill IZ4_V T.T.F ROAD MOUNT SLY E72L Pomdmo NCDO03'_'_R356 SCMFH.00TOR-yZ=-%,EARF[R+R H-kyST MOUNT -4JRY SP1 NONCDO402136 STATE ROAD GR'-:EFLY 1930Us21 STATE ROAD Ev2L Pomdzno NCDM1 LZM SORRY CGUNri 7IRE —OkL H;kY 2" DOBSON NFA NOVCDOOp'_i88 7HP smm-SILD4-V 3069 S,II.OAM ROAD smaA-M E% L Pond --no NONCDOOp27R] THE TRIBUNE '_ L4 E M_Uq 5T ELKIN 5•21 Pond-mF NONCDWp2652 U TIM THCHNOLOGIESAiUl`Ol&Cr rH 5 L I HAY ST. MOUNT SLY Era1 Pondino NCDM464765 i UGEL4M-B.iSSETTFUHI+MJRE CO. ROUTE '_68EAST mzlw Sm NONCDOM632 lik'lflTESWANS RENTALS 204EMA:0=ST PT EsaL.Pondiao NONCDOM772 YOCO RENTAL PROMTY 110- UAEZLROAI) MT. qxY EmL.Pending 9WAI K NONCDOM190 NCDOTSITE iMR HEW=RD W-4XTAHALA NFA NCDM761506 SINGER CO3' URIS CTURE DrV B.KYSON BXYSON 1k Al Fi ERICSON CITY m TRANSYLYA�ZS NCDMM2827 BXOWN ;�] SR L 504 L'4NDPRBILT RD PISG_4H FOREST NFA s., Rp:tr. NCDM72RI37 CAIF STRAUSS ELOLV FSTONH]CHWhYSR276 BRE I RD NFA NONCOM1123 COATS AldERICA}d-MV1N PLANT 01D US 64 ROSINUOT Esa1 Pondino NCDRW?2ft77 IZqOB CREEKnYALSH DISPOSAL SR L`--W BREVA.RD Vu mmtmyWo NCDO33167324 P_JUNT HWY US 64 ROSNLdLq EtaL Amdino NONCD0002 L92 NCDOT FJDSMA -SALT STORAGE SR L386 ROSNL N Nam-Haz NCDM729745 OSHIELDS PLY ASH SR 1510 BREVARD m NCD98050307'_ O%_mfS 1_4VDFTL1l�OLIN OSWILNE ROAD BRE I RD NFA NONCD0029S� TOT-4LAUTO REPAIR& SERVICE 325ROSMANEL4kY BREVARD Tdotmtxr} UiA) NONCDOOD103 TO]E41k AY TAN14MG 00 mAiN ST ROSMAN E-•a1 Pomdzmo NONCDOOp'_621 TRANS NIERICAiNIDICALRUILDING 158MCC XANROAID 5MrAiRD E72L Pond -no NCNTCOMLCON TR.iNSYLVA IIAT4V*TLYGCO SSI.Trf STMf,>1L7:NUE BMrA.RD E'•a1Poadmo NMA DD22045 USA RESERVE = _kMBORNE CORPS E FRENCH BROAD ST BRIEVAED NFA TYRRELL NONCDOOD1105 CITYMOTORPARTS HWY C4 COLU3�m_4 Esa1 Pondime NONCDOOD1638 SCL_rF=N STATES COOP US 64 & TRAMS RD Co U3JE_4 E72L Pomdino NONCDOOp2677 VO_7'3OIL COMP_4NYSTPP 24]'WA ERSTTIFPT COLu7L 11_k Esal Pondino_ UNION NONCDM1223 4D MCGEE 5212LEE kLik-SPYRD W_km4l ' NFA NONCDWO1155 BLOOMSBURGNaLLSPLANT -SO14= NCO STITT 5T MONROE ETaL Pomd:mc NONCDOOD1116 CLONTZREHDENCE 53041AM- SFORD RD M.iRSH%MLE E-a1 Ptmdmm NONCDND1943 COli4RIiDUSTR3PS-_.YZL%II.L2 K4TIUrA,R.P 9L3CURTUST MONROE Ek2L Amdmo NONCDOOp2393 CONCRETE SFRVICHCO-%CP_1ff7 1E_4DYN3M -4246'i UNIOR+Fd•ILLP E%MlA-VTIL4IL MIdLVTT9.rTr NFA NONCDOOp'_423 COOPEILTOOLF LLC 3412MASON Sr MONRQH E% L Poaditio NONCDO0p17L7 FIRST CIIL?1=w5 B.-LqlK 2743W. ROOMM-T BL'rvID MONROE 5•21 Poaditio_ NCD086672082 GIDTCORPPRIIT9FORLDINC 2a11ROCKY'3Mr,ER ROAD MONROE NFA NONCDO0p3L78 LUDWIGMUSSERFAiCfflrY 2604,k 26p6VAEON ST MONROE Esa1 Pond:mc NONCDOOp'_039 MALSONRPSIDENCE 409BMEd5 RD MONROE EsaL P=L.nR NCDM1416A MCGEEBROS.-OARRIK R RD-SOLVENT 46M CARRIKER RD MONROE NFA NONCDOMC92 MON OR ICE AND FUEL (S 0 LVENT S) fi4i NORTH CH4RLCl=ATL.'f MONROE E% L Pond nR NONCDOO112093 MONROEI{L]V]CIP4I.SFRVICE 2401'W LEUPAVE MONROE E7a1 Pondine NONCDOM122 MORGAV _IOZL RD CONTAMLgA=_ 5613MORGAV MTLLRD MONROE E% L Pondino NONCDOM157 VCDOT ASPHAI r 81TENO L2 SOGGS 23LE CONCORD HWY MONROE E'•a1 Pond -'Mc NO*fCDO003M OLD CH_4RLOTTPHR e'PCE 3600 BLOCK I&MB C}CKOLI} CHAR O=HUY MONROE E% L PoaL'no NONCDO0112329 RUM PHILLIPS H 1601 ROOM= AVE MONROE E-ka . Pomd:so NCDM176030 RHODERM, DI 5r'P WELLS LARTT 'OOD -A RHODFF +l I)= STAB miGs '-•p_ NONCDOMK9 ROCKY RIVER RD PCE 3501 N ROCKY RIVER FM MONROE E•: al. Pomd_so NCDgt1663226 SCEIEF_-E, Rom. 2421 E. ROOSEVELrBLvD. MONROE �P" NCD09M59709 SCERC4DaL U`TOvOTFVE PRODUCTS DIV. 1609AIRPORT ROAD MONROE E-•a1 Poadino NCDO03155587 SCOT rAVIATION OFMONROLTOOL SERV 3490f. CROWZILLST MONROE 5P1 NCDCM1651fi SCOVIll INC.LSECURITY PILCIDUCTS HWY ?4E MONROE m NONCDOMP28 SKYWAYDRPCP 1OL25KTWAYDR MONROE E-va Pondino NONCDOM527 SQU.iRFD- CATCH BASIN 1309AIRPORTRI? MONROE E72L Poadino F1tL Pamd ng--Eva utiopif PepJdp, NFA-,VoFuFAeTArfrapi &PL. — Saes Pi o"4- Lis1 NFA w/Aria'_ — A:b FEvAiw_Ac9wp1 -with prgpffm-ms.F mSiTh hem Voirairvy ( — Vodw,rrrry Actim Ycyj-Hm Site —?,'o?r4ja:m4low sr hs=?wo sire 2051Page NCSFN0463-94 STALLINGS SALVAGE SECREST Al,?_ MONROE 5P= NCDRUIRL4*4 STOUT INTERN AT] UXAJ, OP NC. INC HIGHWAY 74 EAST MONROE Era]. A mdmo NCDM232213 SUMN11 RESOURCE 3L4XAGE]LS}rNT 3101 GFSHBLE ROAD ST_g11,LVG5 SP_ NDNCDOOD23M SCT 0--q PARK GROCERY 2701 WALKUP AVE MONKOF E%ml. A mdL3o NCDO706 L9911 TELED [ZIE di.LVAC MONROE PLANT 3420 ASHC3iFT _AVE MONROE 5P= NCDM] 430217 UNION COUNTY DR17M SOUIHERLLN _4 %-E.TL = MONROE NTA NCNCCU4L=5 U IO=NITLLEANDI.iN TRAIL DRUM RIDGE RD Se JYO_'R-12-LVDlA_q MONROE EraL P m&mo_ NCDHIl]3G&M GWA3aL4,W STORAGE TCIM NW CDRNERSPROVIDENCE ST W.k3a lw NF,A VANCT NDNCDMI371 HOR1{_42NBODY SHOP(FREDS) ST. ANDREWSCHURCH RD HMMERSON EmLP+mR3e NONCDC0U1397 SU7E<.ART CAROLINA DABt=DMrE H=NDERSON m NONCDC0UM27 CCFF=f, SARA PROPERTY 339WEST YOUNG 4VMf E H= XERSON EsaL Poad me NONCDOMR 4 E_17ERSON COAL G0PLANT Y4D9JNSr PITY 'F—"Ir SOV Vdmutu,-Wo NONCDM3201 Em-17ERSON I_Ul DRY 341 N CHEST!RT ST AE�MERSON EmL Pomdiao NCD9U2 L1697 0_uumrRUCKSpiu PAK]LiM 3y'_iD HESMERSON 1STA NCDO53527,170 L1JR NS GLSS-BALL ][NCOV GLASS PACK US 1 SOUTH HES]CERSOV NFA NONCDOODUI54 MCCM COMPANY U& 1 BQSLESS & SK 1Co] `1EAI:ERSON SP= NONCDC00'-222 NOL'K GENE 1219 OAF R117GEAV _ rFFSON EraL AmdL3o NCDMI L304U PERRY BUILI]ERS -1 oRiL,E TR cr NICHOLiS ST A SEENFS A7 z ]EsrmcV SPl NCD981663277 PERRY BUILI]ERS-RALEIGH RD 2W R LEIGH RD m NONCDC-OD2232E SPURSTATION*]26d 404N. GAR'IETT ST. H= TERS:'V E4aL Poad 30_ NONCDMIC62 SAWAE1M TRUCK RAXTS Cs SERVICE WELCOLH 3Al� r__NrEmll-N NF,A NONCDC0Q3973 TOV}-3 AUTOMOTIVE 339E N GARNETT ST H=NTERS SFL NCDM362M TUNG8TIESTQUEEN bLDMATIASMINE SRL346 7011-4AZLP 'doLmtmyi A) NCOM1122142 i RNCE COUNTY DRUM FIRE Hr'-f 39 N IrERSON NY A WAICE NONCDC902119 3 L9 S A'ESr Sr Dn`ELOPN= i L& A'EST ST RiLE_GH m NDNCDN01033 A MUCAN CONTRlACTCOA LNGS HV'Y 33 APEX m NONCDC0H022 AMETHYST RIDGE DRIL'PSOLTJF? & 4.hifTHY&TRIDGEDR R-v--_:G-9 E4aLPomdiso NONCDWO12M 001ESTOR4GE 5450BUSH STREET 3_-'LL=_QrE EraL Poad mg NONCDC-002946 4.FE7{ AMlAGE 500-610 WILLIAMS ST A.? EX EsaL Pondme_ NONCDC _' l '. lRRORr DPIVE{R4,BTREE CS FRS AF.P_04`' DR & GLENWOOD AVE 3__,LL=_G _3 AIFA 4.UBURNCHURCH ROAD DRUId AUBURN CHURCH ROAD 1STA NCD05:!': AUSTIN FOODS E CI-LATFA?i 3T C_ RY 5P1 NONCDC _ ::: 1 AVERETIT 104.D SOLVENTS 4CC A%T_RETTE ROAD W.4= F0_RE Sr EsaL PomdL3o NONCDC _ :' :5-3 BAILEY PROPERTY p LC'_ F_ULS OF _NEU&E I D R-V_E_GE EraL PomdL3o NCD9&5]E°_°5 BAKER ffAGGIEjPROPERTY LI-)PTRN=R04D R__=__vH 1STA NONCDC _ ::3 L 1 BAKER R00FING 611 MAYWOOD ,AVE R_v_=_L = EmL Pomdmiz NONCDC _ ::322 B AILWEI.L ROAD R'FLLS CHARLES ST & ANN AVE 3_-'LL=_L E EvaL Poad mp NONCDC _ :: C" BASF 73N ROUSE RD ACILLY 57RTNGS Vubmtm NONCDC _ ::32 S B, ZEMORE W4KE LLC SITE +J440 DUK NT ROAD 3ALE_GE 1STA NO*fCDC _ 223 BROOKS STREET TCE E1R00L s ST WAKE FOREST EL aL P®dme NO'_k == ::::3S9 BURKE'S H 4RIY ARE 3227 HILLSHOROUGH STREET EAL-&.__! EsaL Pomdmp NC::5-= : " "° 54 RuRLLqGrDN W!} mms, II']C_ US I NORTH R_A<=_v E 'ETA CAL -TONE PAINTS 3113 NEW BERxf ,AVE R_=_L = � P= CAP741INN 1625 CAPPTT.-1 Sl%rD R_-=_v = 5m= "iA C,3R4I.FIGHPHOSPHATT AND =TMMTK 1601 LAKE WH£ELERRO_4D R_v_-LE �P- NC D�9_ 2-SLN CAROLLYA P&L CO. HAFRIS NUCLEAR PL SR 3134 VETS' ] LLI NT3 NONCDC0 3W C,AR_O__r4AFRMAV2CONr_U0NATDDN 405C42OLINA PINES AVE R_iL-GH EmL P®dm_e NONCDMI07 CARPENTER. BATTERY DUMP CARPENTER FLU STATLOV R0AD C_ RY 1%F3 NDNCDMI460 C,AR'i SEt'BClA D-_4{AY_%L4F.D PLAZA 1403 S.E. M,A'['4ARDRA4.D C_iRY EsaL PomdL3o NONCD0001461 CARP T.'IId.AGE 6E 1101 WALNUT ST. C_ RY E42LL PoadL3o NONCDC001468 CC IiANGUM-HIGHWAY 54 15105 CFL;?EL HILL ROAD R_iL-,sH EsaL Pomdimo MCDCW694645 CHLORIDE,AUTOM0=I3ATrM= 3523.21ID2334)NOBLINRD RILE=GE EraLPoadimg NONCDND30L4 CITY O0= R3IEIGH V=LE M-UTP. 401 C.-u-TAL BLVD R_iLE_GE EmL Poadimo_ NONCDC002360 C-MM - [ ART 603 5 CKAA _ FMJ ROAD '-_i1Rti" 1STA NONCDUMK I CD AK ETP AUTO CINTEK 409 C RT_iL EkLVD -GH 5P1 NCDMI16477 CONAGR,A FOODS, INC 4951 Ji NTE S &kUS.AGE RD Tti,, -R ' ukaatm y iAAj NONCDG=973 ODNIMPORARF ART MUSEUM 409 W M RUN &T 3__,LL-GH EraL Poadimo NONCD0M"3 CORNELL DUBLIER ELECTRONICS 072MR) L LS E JO ES ST -U: U s -C_iFMN A EsaL Pomdimm NCDM 193 ]El CORNING GLASS FORK.& 3RW ELEICTRONWS DRrVH 3__,LL-GH VoLmitmy (AA) NDNCDOBIC61 CP&LNORTHERN DI'MMNC05OLUE 902li�Tr=RD; SR' -GC G.A�LYT3 VoLwitmiAA) NONCDC0U14LI CHASIAND PROPERTY HIGH HOUSE RD & D-A71; DR CART" 1STA NONCDMIIM DRLkT FN 4 L3 AIRPORT BLVD. MORRIS;MLE m NONCDC0U1430 DELL ]{GORE PROPERTY 5&1 S HnJMOROUGH S7 'iLJLLEIGH 5P1 NONCDCOU1573 DOLOTHE_kDIRPROPERTY- UMSTRADDR RALIDGH EaaLPoadimo NONCDC001642 DUM,AS ESTATE 15 L2 OLD GUUgER ROAD RALEIGH EraL Pomlimm .E%t?Lp6ph "g - fwJ'lidt2m, PB,Ic{i,, -j'& lr' ura* lFAL on L - Sjla5 Pn cnJ v I&I ?4if Aw&- -No lr' Lo-A qT A c w FJ -%rdh p?0 =Lue F h 7a h cm V0l6V1 iuy (AA) - Volwita7y Action N;o &t oSlibsY wca S116 2061Page NONCDCOV209 NONCDC-) NO37 NCDC=:.-7466 NCB_L:-33L47 Ncy z:c:li -0 NONCDON3 L13 NONCDOW3 L68 NCDMI92rZ#3 NONCDO0p1790 NONCDO0p2222 NCDS8b2323 79 NONCDOD1064 NONCDOOD111 I NONCD00p1303 NONCD000'--:9U NONCD0003 LN NONCD00p1 -44 NONCD0001865 NONCDOOP- &4 NONCD00pi200 NCD003166€04 NONCD0001Q21 *fCD0Xd L627fi *fCDOX616284 *fS *rC•50.1L43d9 NONCDOOD].M NONCD00{13067 NONCDOM992 NONCDOMM63 NONCD00ft-W NONCD000232 NONCD0002 LN NONCD0002 L l6 NCD99I 2778A NONCD00p2 LRI NONCD00pi049 NONCDO002M NONCDCOP-201 NONCDOO N077 *fCD9u2293 59 *fCDS&51C�€]'1 'TONCDO0p1393 'TONCDC0p2!}43 'TONCDC0p1 59 *fCd1332$p NCD4F I&V. 94 *fCD48518594'_ NCDO459L5366 NCD99] 2 7892p NONCD0001L25 NONCDOW1126 NONCDM1127 NDNCCON1123 NONCDGM1124 NONCDOOP-363 NONCDOOP-374 NONCDOOP-377 NONCDOOR-179 NONCD0093 LM NONCD0092416 NONCD0001203 NONCD00fli L2 5 NONCDOOD L7I DUVWT, R-F. PROPEIrY DURANT PARK EAST CAROLLVAlffT_4LTREAiT,INC. EAST KARTLN 5T 5011.TNf CONTAMINATION BECTRIC MOTOR & TL4VSFORMER ESE LYC T-=E CORPORATION FAST FARE 581 FORCER CONOCO PHILLIPS 66 FORCER UbWN 76 STATION GILLCRESTRam DRumiaIDNIGHT GLTVN`OOD X%-D JE GRAY & CREFLH T.WR) GREFL4_lr-S L s IE IND U 373L#L PARK G{f>=tiRI _lr_Z_SPLiNT H-4D_Et-PRAPERTY (FORMER] H-42RELL &IGN COMPANY HZ==�RD FOREST HIL=70P RD CONTAMDULTDdN HODGE I D & SATTE3 '%= DR WELLS HOSE�TFJLD VILIAZE MOBILE HEd PEA HWT ---)ix :104BLOCK SOLVENTS aouG TRL41. IkLnIR TCE INCERIC4r1ONAl PAPELRI=O*fD GRAVURP ISLEY EsrATE FIT CORPORAnON ITT CORPORATION L4_lES Al;� EM XlE LAN-O-SkMEN. LAC. LErrH CHRYSLER EEP MCC'.1f LEY St WAL1, PR.O?E3TY MCVEILS GROCERY bdICROArA %rE L4BORAIORIPS, INC. Ld1TCHELL PROPERTY (FORME MURRAY, C H iRLES - N. BLVD NL4PAAXCCEL4MY'S BODY SHOP (FORMER) NCDAPESTIc'lDE _4B STORAGE NCDOT SITE-C.C. M.L GUM US 64E NMOT-130I BILE RIDGE RD '5=' 1ORE GMr:IL4L STORE NIVS & OSSEH17 RVECH BLit-SFILL 01D STATELi0 PEDEN FAMr-Y-LLC PHOTO CHEMICAL MTEMS, INC PHOTO CHEMDak •SYMTEMS, LYC. PIERCE auk-mN) PROPERTY PILOT MILLS POOLE ROAD PCE POr%=OUSE SgUARR PRECMION ALLOYS RALEIGH COAL G_45 PLiNTVO- 1 IL-d=GH COAL GAS PLANT VO-2 -J=GH M17AL PROCESSORS -U-E:GF' EUSPRIVERRrR'TP -UnC-F TTk-0ILLON P-4ICEL A -A.LSC-F TT—Da.LON P-4ICEL H F-3.MGF 7TA-0ILLox P4ICEL C RALIIGF TTA-SE PARCEL RAMGE rl-I-AILS+ON PARCEL RAMG: WE-D-AG WORKS 9OR MffRj RAY P, VPV —rSFO-OJDL IMFOOD LMRT RC MOTOR. CO-1CPAL*rf REA CON 57RJCTIGN-WEST LkLEIGH ROBB PROPERr ES ROGERSREA=TY PROPFR7Y ROYAD`CROU-N PC'_ rI`IAC SALTS KY STREET CONTAMINATION SANITARY LAUNDRY 6e425 GL--lWOOD AT.'E DURAA1%T ROAD 1010 S. r-•AL�rERS Sn= 213 SQUIB PERSON ST 1RW &S_4<UNEERS ST 25 10 NORTH HOLfLEro-'-J0KD 272I ]dCNEIL STREET .60M GLLWOOt ALVENJE 6101 GLE-V�OOt ALVENJE GILLCREST ROAD -4L3SOUTH GLENWOOD AVENUE 6024 GLENWOOD AA'E 3220 NORTHSIDE Ir10 200 DICFMYS ROAD 20LORD BERK ROAD 7503 GREEN HOPE SCHOOL RD 5601 HILLIOP RD HODGERD & SATIERla9=DR 7434 CAP7T L BL%D. U&HW4' 7011TST 430IMMUSTRIAil DR 22I5 &. GTLM1NGr03i STREET 5640 'ESTGATE ROAD 12M FIO-STI 37 B_7G s 3GO4ISEl:rTKI--'LL DRBDGD 7534 J_4hMS A STEN ROAD 201 DICKENS RD 55COCAPITAL BLVD SR 1010 & OLD MCCL'L1ER5 RD 2237 OLD USHWY l 6417 GLMMOOD Al�r]E. 3601 DOYLE R04D 3204 NORTF BLVD. 1301 mGHw-AY mu9mr BLUE RUDGE RIOAr 5201 OLD US 64 EAST 1301 BLUE RIDGE RD 1921 BASS L4EFZ RD 1407 MffiCH -LAICAL BLVD. -950 H. CHATHAM SrRM 1059 CAPN 4X BLVD 1W POREST DRnrE 11 N. PAVE STREET ROUTE I 1121 ILILYYPS Sr POOLE RB JOKES 6,'L-E�T SIR=EI& 1M CCR_-<-R-ATlCH PILRrF SMCDO'CELLCfW C EURRU&Sn WO llk'E'_ T C ABARRUS STREET 2310 G-AB-k,-fR RD BATTLE-BRLI]GE RD SR 2352 102SWE&TST &lik-E&TST 5l0 k {-0O W MARTIN Sr SUFEST 57 a MORGALNST 200SRE37ST 4L4 &CL-THEASr STREET 9R5DURHAM RD R21 CAFfC A1, BLVD 5601 CILU FIL IM L ROAD 130DA 319 CAPITAL BOULEL'4YLD 502 W MORGAN ST 2501 CAPn U BLVD -616 SOUTH SAiLISBURY ST 417 &MCDOWELL Sr RiLEIGf E-vaL Pondmo RiLEIGf NFA '�-iLEIG>= NFA RALEIGH Eaa1 Pandmp -RALEIGH SPL R -GH NFA R -GH Er2L P nd me RA: -GH Er2L Pond-mo -U-GH Era1 Pondmo WAKE FORE&r NFA -4LEIGf E-vaL Pondimo RALEIGH Va mmto}-(AA) RiLE3GH SPL QUkY-V'4F.L*fA Voto=5 �kk) R-Lr--GH E%-A Pondino -iLEGH EraL Pandino C iRY EraL Poadma RALEIGH Es -A. Pandlnc E0PGHFTD-UE N-FA ]LiLE:GF N-FA G.4_R`7ER E-•aL Pond-mo W=NDFLL EVIL Pond -me R.iL-GH SPL RALEIGH NFA RALEIGH NFA RALEIGH NFA WILLOW SPRINGS ET L Pandme FUQUAY-VA INA EraL P uLnR JT.F1Cdi E-•aL Pondmo -JMEIGH i' a oltm 5 �t4I APEX E-•aL Poaditic -UE:GH NFA Z:BL:_OV NFA R LE:GF E-•aL Pondimo ,; s R~-E3 E-vaL Pondino_ R L-GH 'S FA R-ILL=:GH ET L Pamise RA-' -GH EraL Pand:.nc FCC UAY-VAKINA Eaa1 P &mp G.4-R'-ER S,FL RALEIGH E-'aL Rudmo EZqIGH-TDABLE NFA WEgD= NFA -APEK NFA R.kLE3GH Era1 Pondiao -iLEIGEL EvA Pondiao E%-A Pondiae N_ A R -L-GH i' oLmmtu o-4) RALEIGH EraL Pam&nR RALEIGH E-•al. Pomdmo RALEIGH 5P_ RALEIGH 5P_ RALEIGH SP_ RALEIGH 5P1 RALEIGH SPL RAL_GH EraL Pand_se w.ji F FOREST E7a1 Pond:no RALEIGH ET L Pand_se RALEIGH SPL RALEIGH EaaL Pam&nR RALEIGH E-•aL Pomd_mo -ALEIGH NFA RALEIGH Er2L Pondino RALEIGH Er2L Pondiso EvaL P6pA* rg - Emilm Zopi Periling FA -j'& Fw AerArliopi SPL - Sims Pxio?!o ,gist NZFA m; Aw&- -No P'rnh.mrAotopi xith pralaaatv=Lase res&&WLru i7ohmmy (A* - T o1wiYa7yActiopi mhsawca sna 2 0 7 1 P a g e NONCD00U'_40 SBI FACIL,IT4' 121 EAST TRYONRD -AL-GH EmL Poadino NONCD00UUOL9 SIR Qi'AL= GUN CLUB US fi4 -ALE-GH SPL NONCD0003475 SI = nNGEPFREST LAB 5625 TRIANGLE DR_ -ALEIOH E4a1 Pondino NONCD0003C0I L%dC)KZYHOLLOW WESTAND PE-4CE STREETS -AL-GH E7a1 Pond-mo NONCDO093OLS SOUS{ BLOUNTSTREET SOI.%MgT" &BLOUNT & S PERSON 575 -AL-GH E7a1 P®dme NCVO{0402 A3 STACKPOLE COMPOENTS'ARK-LES LABS 3400 YORdKM PDAI} -AL-GH EmL Pand-mc NONCD00D2%6 STOCK BUIIDDTG SUPPLY 1701 NORTH SA EM ST- E=7 ??El EmL Pand=o NONCDOOD30M STORAGE MAX in 1932 WAKE FOMT RD -AL-C-E EmL Pand-mo NONCDOOD2 - SURTROVJCS ELECTROPL_kTLVG 4001 BERYL RD -AL`_:C E EvzL Pend-m_e NCD5iD2Z:'_5 Ts1=vR'SPOND TO;1Z+lF[OUSES 1LSBRIGHTLE_4,FCOURT _.A=_" NFA NCDM32e -4I ='V--ICO L4C-Am 2232 iEV TEN PD ?=l NFA NCV0C4-110526 rEAVICKRD'BOVD Sr TF tGICKKD - ==G = EvaL Poadme NONCD00p298: i? L POLVT-C iRGLL*f3 FRF'GH'[L,L2TER 3500 YOB KERS RD SPL NONCD000300 7.U-;-xfGLE RENT -A -CAR 5401 HILT SWILOUGH ST -Ai-t H EsaL Paad-me NONCD000'_629 r-uL%rGi-E 3E5EhRm & DEvELopmE-f 2602 S EI.M Sr RALEIGH EvaL Poad-mc NONCD00p3 L40 T3YON �E:L- DR SOLVEVT CONTA_li NAt1]ON 90S TRYON HILL DR -ALEIGH EvaL Pond-mo NONC000p283I TWIN 1-4ZES SUBDIVISION 223 ROPE WALK COURT MORRUT19 .F NFA NC92IN20,32 USA RES=RS=2nMAIKE10KlECORPS 3115'WESTERNBLVD SALIDGH NFA NC42I N229p' USA MEK1 = %-VM AMBORIgE CORPS 2417 W GARNER ST G.4.FER NFA NONCDOOp3 L98 W MAR 7L4 STREET TCP 3 U W MAXrIN Sr -Uz-22GH E7a1 P®d-me NGNCDNDB LS6 w SGUil: ST LCE d L L W SOUTH ST -ALE:GH EvzL Po3d3e NONCD00p2653 W.E. G,3RAMCV COMPANY I=FA'cFTTELT 1 F KO LD -AL-GH EmL Poadmo_ NONCD0 DDM WAKE AUTO PAiR75 (FORJldFR) 3120 iRYON RD -ALEIGH SPL NONCD052- wSS WAKE COUNTYHOM-01 -0 -ALEIGH E-mL Pondmo NONCDWD2639 WAKE COUVTI-SCHOOLS-NOBLE ROAD PORb1EK MA503 NOS_= KOA D -ALEIGH EVIL Poaditio_ NONCDOM672 WAKE EN- ERPRISES, INC 5133 AIR P.13UL RD -7. QUA}-VARLYPi YEA NONCDMI403 WAKIETIEID CC' GO 33 GUN'Yt-MOOR RD -ALE:GH E•: al. Pondino NCDM3302267 Qi -U E ]+IDUSTKm -1Nk CP-4.FM'kL4`V DRRE E_u-Gy ;kF3 NCDME43I M 4iEA_=i-=P SFIE D PLACE CONDONO IUI{ 174 WTArFERGREF ='P E_u-GH NFA NONCDOW-701 WEAR 7EYXC0RPOF-kTION LLn!] CAPITOL BOULEVARD WAKE FOREST NFA NONCDOM707 TliESTGATE PROPERTY 6720 FIE> T SERL'ICP DRISrF -ALEIGH NFA NCDW3195963 WESUNGHOUSE ELEC MITER & LIGHT US 1 N RALEIGH SPL NONCDOW728 {Err L LMS, R. W. FACILITY 6200 AND 92H FAYETT]!Tb F RD RALEIGH SPL NCVO:v-P4406 WOODLIEF ROAD TCE 9008'WOODLIEF RD WAKE FOREST E7a1 Pondino_ NCD54:_--307 WOOLF0111 CHMECAL WORKS 1kILSONROD W`LrVDELL NFA ZESdA CORP. 55 L4 CHr3PPL HILL RD. RALEIGH EmL Poadimo_ NCRp00: a 5= L 3 2Nlvl INC 10M CORPORATION PKA'Y RALEIGH SK WAFMN NONC::!,-23e ROYD'S CLEANERS M 3L43ONDREWERYRD DIANSON EvaL Poad-mo CAKOL 1 TELEPHONE V RPLY COUNT US HA'-f 158 WARRE?Tl'ON E4aL Amd�me NONCDO_'v-_:: CSX]Lq WA}, NOPIDULTOLITTLETDN RSTI ACKNORL TA iO LdTrL,E15DN EvzL Amd-me WASBKWTON NCDSB]pL°::= C{ROLINAALUbMNM SIArE RD 1126DUMP SS 11261.7MI1ES SOUTH O CMWELL LL NFA NCDS 1 ".- CAROLIN?i,il.UNMTM'HERHERT rAYLOR SR 1125 ROPER 5P- NONCI:.::. °== DO7 NINGRESIDENCE 5 L I MONROE STREET PLYPAO= Ecal. PomdLmc NCDWjS13'"_ ',A -PACIFIC CORP'TDWD &AIX' PLYWOOD DR ?L L3dc rF u- NONCDO-"::_` -=-iNOVCHEEdDCui1.COKPOKAI-ION 1665HIGHWAY64•FAST ?L17.iCU1F u- ?-_-MOUTH SHOPPING CENTER HIGHWAY 64A32 ?L17iCUrF NTA NCDO-11,-;S:,: PLINOUTHWOOD TREAnNG COWANY NHWY45 r3LI-Mol;TH 5P- WATAUG& NONCD00 IM BOONE E_4L SSA I POLARIS gRMR,j 524 E EING ST BOONE EvaL Poadme NONCDMI32 S H- MMON RESIDENCE, L-URY 5191 OLD HIGHWAY 321 SUGAR GROVE EvaL Po uhme NONCDMI907 ItTCERALA.iIONA1- ESBTA'2 CORP. 736 GRE> }TRAY RD. B0ONE VoLmtzry (AA) NCD9 22S757 KAPLA_N ETHn ET3=1 DRUMS 1410 BEECH MOUYTALV PYWY. BEECH MOUNT IN%TA NONCD0001095 MOSESCONE 5dPZdO3 AL PARK BLUE RIDGEFK%Y 3L01TINGROCK SFL NONCDOOD1004 NAPA AUTO REP.iIK-7ODD GPZENE PROPERTY 578 E EING Sr 30ONE Eva1 P=dLme NONCDX@2L4I VCDOT -SITE M:5BKOWNBROTHERS ASPF ALT HWY L05 30ON11 EvA Amd-me NONCD0001LL2 OLD JOHN'SR ERROAD DURF Mn.al{AREER'-96.1,B,RPKWY 3LOWINGROCK NFA NONCDMIR30 PANTRY 14 L 77L B10R-24G ROCK RD 30ONE EvaL P®d-me NONCDOM370 RANf3AT L HONTEYCUZT 1045HLNT--S GHIIIS L4NE 30ONE EsaL Awdmc NONCDON1203 TO}IOTA OF BOONS 664 E E NC- 5 T 30ONE EvaL Pmd mo NONCDCOU1119 VEKMOxfTAI=C,iN STATE F.iR_3L?D 30ONE Vohmt yj�it} NONCDMIG13 i{EMONTAL=CANCORP-$'OODPROP BLO4ZNGROCK NFIL R ATM NCDO45924339 A=UNI=CORPORATION HWY117 FROdOVT Vuhmtuy(AA) NONCDM3023 AIRBORO =-kCO {FKMN 1619 S SL-C1CUNm Si GOLDSBORO NFA NONCD000277 APAC— OLDSBORO ASPEU J T PLANT 2421 AXEJ IGTOV BRIDGE RD GOL,DSBORO SP'1. L.PL—Wr`11d5 P 0P7�'L51 -NFA ltlAe--b'_ — lr'En7+JerAcdopi liLrhpT0-m&sr&vn dmw Vol m my ( — Voloirmy Action Site —?ti*ovr-�icLenadoars sribsrom�e sere 2081Page NCN*DD4D4504 HEST S. MD -A GILA%71 N[ INC. SHOP L L7 HEST SAND JM GL4<i'31, ROAD GOLDSBORO Esa1 PondaF NCDG0063W1 CAROLINAP&L CO. LEESTL4`l{ELEC SK LM7 GOLDSBORO bWA NO?1CDG9p1694 CITY OF GOLDSBORO MAIWEEN.iNCE CiD.)G .EX1601 N CLINGM-42q ST GOLD�30RO SPE, NONCDX021n COOPEELBUSSt•AN 2LGD=TL43L GO=1:7,30RO NrA NONCDG00149l COUSM PERSO'gUM nSTORAGE 723H4 d 117NBYPASS G0=D530RO SP4 NONCDG001118 D.4NIELS PROPERTY 2CONM_iI,LOR_YST GO--I:--,30RO ami Poadme NCDOME13M GA -PACIFIC CORP CHIP-N-SAW OLD MOUNT OLAT HIGHWAY v==E4- N rA NCDOW6I3679 GA -PACIFIC CORP COMPLY OLD MOUNT O]. MBIGHRrAY DUD=E4- NTrA xfCDMI{y:5- GEV'F_PAJ,ELECTIUC CO-�CIR.141JNA 9CON GEORGE ST GOLD�30RO SR. *fCDS85] { -: 5 G01L�560R0 CO L GAS PJ-4 NT '1 V$GLVL4 �hf!} T.m:E &TR1ET" GOLDSB0RG VaL�y ( A) NONCDC--:::43 GOLDSBORO IRGASr. METAL RGI NJOH3TST GOLDSBORO E-w L Pmidiaa xf0?[CDC::_557 G01J7560R0'1{ILLINGMIL3s*]*2 9381dILLFRSCHAPEL, HD GOLDSBORO VaLoltm-ffriA} i �74] H117 S GOLDSBORO NFA it R&itr. NONCDG--:::3-5 HOLCOMBE HERBICIDE FIRE 1717NCH'WY 561 PIT€EVILLE E-kaL Pon&ao N _N _DC=v"ALS ICI MIERICIS (FOR3IR_) 743NOR-AMR0_-'.ID PIEZVI R N rA Y:_ :: :37631 l.d5r'EW1REELEC MICALIFORlIUA SPRAY 1004 SOL"TF GORGE STREET GOLDSBORO SPE, "f `2 VC CONSOLIDATED HIDE CO. HRJCK ROAD GOLDSBORO N rA L: _ -=J NORTH CAROLINA SALVAGE CO_ H-iY 117 SOUTH GOLDSBORO S,PL tiC 3DGOR053 PARR-MOUNTCH3!VROLET 3300HWY 70HYPASS EAST GOLDSBORO NFA NONCDG00'2639 PERRY UrM'YQUYGRES3DENCE 4172 US 117 SOUTH DUDLEY NFA xfCD& I&W43 PPfE' OODDUMPS]IE 302NESFHOPEROAD GOLDSBORO NFA xfONCDXp2795 RDPATEE5r.ArR 101 EM,3IVST PIE ILLS E4aL Poadae NONCDG002C I ROHR =•.rry.U, INC. 04 SH UMA.V = ORR EST RD. GOLDSBORO E-kaL Pone NCDCdS291495 T=DAFRES5=ONS 401 PITETOTL; RD GOLDSBORO S,PL NONCDXD246 UN]FIRST CCIL-ORATION (FXMLTKYTILAM aW SOUTH IDiV STREET GOLDSBORO VaLmxtmy( A) NCNT1ooQ9i ��9 WAYNE GKICUL1TJRU'WORBS 7G0 SJOHN ST GOLDSBORO S,m ik70��5 xrONCDG000439 AJBTPIBI-PR]CECORP01L4<TDOV US269 RQARLVGPA'ER NFA *rOxrCDG001214 AAMUCANDREWi PLANT 12 11014ESTD STREET 'NORTH W3LKESBOROEta3Pwff g xrONCDNpl?�-O ARTHURLOWE JUNKYARD 1502R1VEKLIBERTY i'Fr'r .CH GKV NORTH WILKESBORO NFA 'NCDM164411 HTJPI,LMTONH010CH-4IR HIGHWAY268 RONDA SPE, NCDG-0 22L462 GUINERMIF.R-OKCORPORATION HWY268E NORTHWILMBORO NFA NONCDG0G000 HWY 268 MIRROR. WASTE DUMP H-iY 268 NORTH WILKISBOR0 1,Fi , keb NONCDGOp2474 SINSPILOPERTY, CHARLES V NCE STREET NORTH 1ILKE5BOR10Eta3Pao.3mg NCDM2 l Lt 4 STONEY FORK CR IM DRUM DUMP SITE MT. ZI ON ROAD DEEP GAP S,PL NONCDGOp2?I9 1 ILHOLV PROPERTY. GARFIE LD 2366 RED, lik= A_ND BLUE ROAD RQAR.LVG RIVER EvA Poadiao ik74,SO3s NONCD9900038 AYCOCKP30PERTY SR IM2 & 1L03 %-ff-SON S,R. NONCDGMI15 BDYETT-E PROPERTY 403FQREST HILLS RD WILSON EsaL Poadiao NCDME451141 RUCK--9CRV ?ESTICIDES NC 36'L A NC 42 WILSON S,R, NONCDGOQP615 CAR4=L4A-_=MICI1 C0RP-�E0FX Rj 6600TkARDRUVI) WILSON SPE, NONCDG001447 CARDI.LVAT=PHMIE-ELM CITY 101SRAZZOAD ST IR,1I CITY Eva1 Poadiao NONCDG001334 CDX D013G= -TORMERj 1501 LBaSCO10 ROAD WILSON SPE, NONCDN91297 CL4,DYCOURT SITE 77WCRADYCOT STANTONSHURG NrA 'tiv'lCDC-?21 36 E?"HDG•S.LVC. 390L yTONST. WILSON NFA =52 FDI Z-STOP TIRE -42Na 3lJBB%ZLCOMP.42NY R-Wy IN WILSON S,PL -3` =O�TERFO.UI;3GLASS 2200FIHFSTORdEPARKWAY WILSON EvA Poadiae ..:{9 _R=LY CLEANERS dG` 5. P=17E]i 5I WILSON SFL i;C +iE'iBROTHER560DYC0. HF-7. VGIV'E&P1rVDER.ST WILSON EvaLPoadiae - y9 JOH:fNIORRELL & CO '_4C:'k�.CO HLVD S WILSON EvA Poodme . __.-...._ - K-43SERAGRICULrU LC�CiI4PRLR) 5L0fBA1- Si WILSON E�al.Pand�c KIDa7E TECF5TOLC DIES 4200 AIRPORT DR WILSON VoC.:.� G A) - vy4: i 3 LRgA kia.A FQRGINGS-SCIROLIVI FORGE MI STArONSBURG RD SOUTHEAST WILSON T4 oLGan- U A) ?22023 M t gmOCO (STOP & SHOP) -WARD BL VD (U.S. HU e'. 3D Q WIUDN EvA Poabmo NITIOVM.PLIT 811572Ti76CJhDYCOURT SARATOGA NFA _=S3 PARKER HANNIFIN-IUMSON 26NI>+MCOBLV'D. WILSON NFAv Raitr. - :' - - • _ • _ _ = 3 FjADTA --,A= RWy 341 SOUTH WILSON V.oLm=y (AA) ti y 15 x.-6�9-SD ROCK gUARRY FARM DRUM BURIAL l rZg SW SR_LO L4M INT Hied CTi e' NFA NONCDGM265 SOUTHERN STATES COOP-WQ. ON SERVICE 6601 TkABD S=T.'Z} WILSON EsaL Poadiao NONCDCOV-128 STAWQQIE~T 4SPH LT-7-27 SR. L301 (GFJE N PMORD) SLVS E-kraL Poadivo xfCD5U16 �p0 TOISNQT SSFAM[P PINE STREET WILSON N rA v Raitr. NONCDND1001 iF iNS,H,iSTERNCORP. 5 0•S LODGE ST WILSON SYL 3%rONCDXD009l r=N, INC L630 SOUTH WARD BLV''ID WILSON SP L NONCDOOD2740 WILSON TECH -FIRE TRAINING HWY10I & 47HITXYROAD(42) WILSON E-kaL Pouhmo YADIM NCD47137R326 FORH4SHIMAL M. RBKIDGEROAD ygD13NVI LE S1}l. Eras WA-ArbFw-Ai3TAcdopi SPL - Saes Pvfc"4- Ljs! NFA m.V Amsr. - No Fw-Ae?-Actropi Oih property -use mirk om Volmiemy (A4� - VolwjymyActeopi NoQr-ffm Site - N6n-hampy jus s-i b- amca site 2091Page NONCDOODU73 HOW -UM STREET %= NOWDOOD3033 P.iRPISHTIM YA CFv NOWDON1345 t%,T iD_3IELmis-HLGHIWE NOWDOOODD21 CUBTREE ME iDO &DUIT NCDO0.31IRM GLEE' R_ %7N MILLS NONCD04R2OM OW -BOMB 4F.DIER NGNCDGNlM4 TOTON HILL SCHOOL ����_ Pand4�eg—F���riat�orL Peridix� SPL — Sr= Pxvnj�v L&I 163HCfWAKDSTREIT B04NMU E-caL Poad ma 547INMTOV ROOD IGNFSVILLE EsaL Pomd mo 700 REST N{_ JN STREET UURNSVEUE E-•aL Pomd mo SLUE RIDGE PSA'Y MP 340-2 NFA E_4,ST MAIN STREET UURNSVIUE Em 1 OMC DRWR BURNSVIUE E% L Pond mo - TIFTDN HILL SCBZPGL RGAI) BURNSVEUE NF3 WA — M; Fun*mr.lo iorj NFA w--/A sue_ — ,%k FurtharAodopj % th prop i� --mss rayneFioves �r� Site—?ro4r-��a�daers sr��arn�a s1�a 2101Page E. Inactive Hazardous Sites Inventory — Pre -Regulatory Landfills COUNTY: A3I ULkNCE S ite ID City Street Address ATAMANCE GARRAGE SERVICE. NON'CDOCM101_ BL=GTON FREELAND TRAIL CAWCENTSRAREA NONCDONW726 GRAHAM GOLEYSTREFT DURHAM SI LDFL NONCDON 0723 BLTJ.INGTON DURHAM STREEI E7►'T. ELONCOLI.EGE L.DFL-A_VIICKRD NONCD0C{10730 ELON COLLEGE _LNECKRD GIBSON-VI.T EPRdPERTIES NON'CDOO70819 GIBSONVI= _3LtV'ANCE STREET AT GRAEALM DIS130fSAL NONCDOC{10104 GRAHAM COOPER RD (M 2 10) HANOVERRDLDrFL NOWD0000721_ BL=GTGN HANOVER ED W-B N-TEDU4? NONCD0000101 XiEEi.4NE COR.RiGIDORROAD OLD CITY OF BLTJJNGTO� SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL NONCDOW0106 BL=GTGN ANTHONY ROAD PORTERAVESUE LDFL NONCDOW0717 GrRAHAM PORTERAVENLE S VIEB kNE STLDFL NONCDOW0724 B=GTON S NEBANEST STONE. QUARRY RD LDFL NONCDOW0721 BL=GTON STONE QUARRY RD Number of Sites: 12 COLYff: _ALE_X_t'%_DER S ite ID City Street Address BEIHLEEF-M CCNM!L I'Y DUMP NONCDOCM10a 13ETHLEHI d SHII.OH CHURN RD OLDAI.EKNDERCOUNTYLFMIf►3aj NONCDOIW111 TAYLOESIVILL,E W-AR E"%ACRESLANE ROGERS PROPERTY NCDM1021090 BIDDEhTFE '-56]EFFWAIKERLANE SANITARY PICK-UP SERVICE NONCDOW010D IAYLORSV'II.I.E 4dW RREI;M TAYLO SVILLE DUMP NONCDOCW112 IAYLOKV,FIILE CARSONCIiAPELRD Number of Sites: 5 COLYff: ALLEGE k\_Y S ite ID City Street Address OLDALLEGHANYCOUNTYLF NONCDO W113 SPARTA SOUTHSIDEDR SPARTA REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCDOCW114 SPARTA 371 GRANDV'IE{4 AVE Number of Sites: 2 COUNTY: A.NSON S ite ID City Street Address BRONSO'N SAND & GRAVEL LANDFILL NONCDOCW119 LII.ESVILLE CL,A RLMOLNfAINROAD MORVrEN DUMP NONCD0000116 MMV E ; ROS=4L LrEN ROAD PEACHLANDDrUMP NONCDOW011a PRA HLAND GER]MAN HILL ROAD POLETON DUMP NONCDOW0115 POLILTON BILLCLMLEEROAD (SR 1415) WRBOQtiSAL 41 NONCDOW077' L,IIESVILIE HAILb S FERRY ROAD WRBONSAL #'_ NONCDOW07 74 LILESVDrLE HAII.EY'S FERRY ROAD R'ADE,SBORO LANDFILL NONCD00001 17 WADE5BORO MAPLE LANE Number of Sites= 3 COUN'M XSEE S ite ID City Street Address ASHECOUNTTYLANDFILL NO(MCDO W120 JEFFE,FSON WADE BARE RD Number of Sites= 1 COUNTY: AN'ERI S ite ID City Street Address CROSSNORE REFUSE DUMP NONCDO W13'_ CBASSMORE HORIONRD EI-KRARKI)U 9 NON'CDOW123 ELK PARE Nd5-19E GREENVrAT.T.F'YD}U_MP NONCDOW121 SPRUCE PLYE. BILUSITYCREEERD NER ,IND REX'USE DUMP NONCDOM134 �,EWLAND HICKORY �Ivr GAP Number 0 Sites: 4 211 IPage COLN'IY : BE WFORT S ite ID C ity Street Address AUROU DLTN P NONCD0440126 SR 1921.1 MILE EASTGF BATH D` W NONCDO00012a BATH POSSUM HILL ROAD (SR 1743) BELBAVEN Dl;.W NONCDO000111 BELK4L Lr. N BUSMSS US M4 AND CHOCOVLUI% 5' D to NONCDO000127 CHOOO4rm'TIT'f OLD US I HIGHWAY SOUTE OLD BEAUFORT COUNTY LF NCDM6lM73-4 WAUM GTON FLANDE.RS FILTER ROAD PANTEGO DLL NONCDO000110 BELKN EN OLD COUNTRY ROAD (SR 1706) PANTEGO REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000113 PANTEGO 25179 US HIGHWAY 264 EASI PUNGODUVP NONCD0000131_ PANTEGO NC HIGHWAY 9PNORTH SUEURBA SANITATION SERVICE DUMP NONCDO000125 WASHI GTON OLD BATH HIGHWAY TOWN OF WASHINGTON PARK DUMP NONCDO N135 14ASHI GTON KE'r'.SVILLE CHURCH RD. (SR R-ASEINGIONDLMP NONCDOW12D 14ASHI GTON PL'kNOL7I`HSTREET '%ASEINGTO,NPARKDUNlP NONCDMN134 14ASHLNGTON RIVERROAD (SR 130 - N umber of Sites: 12 COUIt'W: BERME S ite ID C ity Street Address COIERAINRE.FUSE DISPOSAL NONCDOCN14'_ COL.ER_4IN NC 42 E.AST KELFORD DLL NONCDOW0116 EIIFOF HARRELLS SIDING ROAD [SR LEWISTON RETUS6DISPOSAL NONCDOW014D LEl7rISION 551 BLACKJACK ROAD (SR RDX❑BE,L REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCDOW0139 ffi OR HAFBELLS SIDING ROAD [SR WINDSOR REFUSE DISPOSAL AREA NONCDOW141 {4INDSOR EASI ELM STREET N umber of S ites: 5 COUNTY: BEET S ite ID C ity Street Address BLADENBORO REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD044014a BLADENBORO 'LIST BLADR STREET CZAR%T(Y\ REFLEEDISPOS)M NONCD0000147 CLARATON BRDUNMAFLSHROAD (SR DUBLIN REFUSE DLL NONCDNN144 DUBLL; RICE POND ROAD E I7ABETHTO9iNRFFI:SEDLSPOSAL NONCDOCN145 ELIZABETHTOWN QUEEN STREET TARHEEL REFL SEDISPOSAL. NONCD0000143 TARHEEL TAR HEEL FERRY ROAD (SR 'L=LAKE REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000146 IA=T.,x EASI IkMJJ S STREET N umber of Sites: 6 COLN'M BRLMMICK S ite ID C ity Street Address BOILING SPRD;GS LAKES DUMP NONCDON016I) BOILING SPRINGS INTERSECTION OF LUEEiE BOIIVIAREFC;SE DISPOSAL NONCDOW014D BClJVLA 161 DANTORDRD. SE.(SR 1513) GRISSETT01 N LANDFILL NONCDON015D SEASIDE ANGE.L'S CLUE DRIVE LATSG BEACH REFUSE DISPOGs U NONCDOW01-55 LONG BEACH 411 D AIB_FORT ROAD OCEAN ISLE DLL NONCDOOM-56 OCEAN ISLE HALE S` Al+IPMAD SFLALLOTTE REFUSEDU-ig NONCDOW0159 SHALI OTIE NC 130 SFALLOTTE SANTFARI LANDFILL NONCDOW015'_ SHALI OTIE 293D POC(YN D TF .IL, SW SUNSYPOINI BASE LA--DFTL.L NONCDOCMID SOUTHPORT SUNNY POINT ROAD UT4NABOI4 LANDFILL NONCI)0000151 WENNABOW S719 BEII1 MhT ROAD hF YALPONBEACH DU`MP NONCI)MM15a OALK ISLAND hn:�MIEKY STREET Number of Sites: 14 2121Page COUNTY: BUNC03ME Site In City Street Address AZALEA FA ROAD LANDFILL NMCDOW07-3 OTEEN HARDESTY RD BLAJMMCKJNTAIN NONCDODW166 BL.ACKMOU-STAD 11 TOM BROWN RD BUNGl NME CO LF-II CANTON L ROLD CEANEL1t LF NONCDOMOdNy ENS 4 Lr= PIN[EY RD CANDLER DISPOSAL AREA NONCDODW162 CANDLER 1413DA:SgL RIDGE RD ELK MOUNTAIN LDFL-AS VILLE CITY LF NT{TD9$O55NlR A =E ELK PARK DR FAIRVIEWL.ANDFIL. NCD9$0557946 F_-UR%9E G' HOLIYWCDDKD. FISHBUFNE LANDFlL NCD9$0557953 ARDE� 39 3RADLET BRANCH RD. FISH3URNE FFFUMDU.;V LSO CDOM0163 ARDE� 13RADLE'YBRANCH RD GROPE. STCNMLF NCDD90557913 BL.A�KMOU.',-TAD a42 OLD US EM7 70 HOMLYY CF= LF NCI}4$055am ASHn=E 190 HO)M CREEL{ RD. MONEY-Vi`OR_IFI, D C. NCI}OSUP276 SWANNANOA US TO EASI PEARS BRDCEDLL NONCDOXMil ASHEVILE 690MT.R511}EDR POND ROAD LF :pi NCDPZOS SN27 ACE -9 AND $0 POND RD. S ANNANOALkhDFLLL NCDP90557937 Sx4ANNANOA MOUSIAINRIDGERD. VCR-kL'ERVI RLANDFILL NONCDOON161 4r'EAVERVII.LE LAKESFIOFERD Number of Sites: 15 Site ID City Street Address BRISIOLCRE,EK COMM. DUMP NCINCDOD0016a CHESTERFIELD 1180SUNDANCE LANE DREXE,L DL-MP NONCDOD00172 DRE3= 524 BRYANT RD DYSARTSYLLIEL UNP NONCDODW169 DYSAILTSVILLE 5391 MORND G STALL CHURCH GLEN ALPISE. DUbdP NONCDODW173 GLEN ALPINE 2414 CONLEY BUN AFNER RD HENRYRLL'ER COhIM. DLL NONCDODW171 EIDEBRAN 430DHENFRi' RI';,'ERRD HICKORY LANDFILL NONCDODON51 1139CKOKY CIT Y OF HICKORY REGI AL HIIJ) EIR'L DISPOSAL AREA NONCDOD00170 Em EBRAN TEXSFISH CANT RD MORCTA�,-=WDLW NONCDOM0177 NIDMAN-TON FINE ARDK� RD VALDESE lEFUrxE.DLhV NONCDOON174 VAI.DESE 140DFAL.LS RD Y Number of Sites: 9 Site ID City Street Address ARTHUR AT.T.M NDUW NONCDOD30799 CON ORD 3224 POPLAR TENT RD. CARARRUS DISPOSAL. DUMP NCI)MOST'_85D CONCORD ZIGN CHURCH RD. CHARLOTTE MOTOR SPEEDWAY LSAI NONCDODG0182 CON ORD LOWES M=lt SPEEI)WAY CONCORD L.ANDFIL. NONCDODW18D CONCORD a5O WARREN COLE-)Lt BLVD. E.AR]KHAEDT ROAD DUMP NONCDODUO17a rXNNAPOLIS DICKENS PLACE FISHERTO'97N DLW NONCDODUO17D rJLNNAPOLLIS ROME ST. FRANK LAMES DUMP NONCDOM0797 KANNAPOLIS 621DHILLTOP AVE, GURLE3i DRIVE L.DFL NCINCDOM IC2a CCXr+fCDRD 292 GURLEY DR- IES )n-m PARR NONCDOM02 CCXN DRD 339 L.AWNDAL.E AVENUE L.INKE,RPROPERTIES NONCDODXMIa CON DRD 5225FTF.E3RICSLANE MOU-STPLLASANTDLRP NONCDOD00181 VIO NTiPLE.ASAN-r MOU.'% TPLEASANT RD. (SR Number of Sites: 11 Site ID City Street Address BLOWING ROCK LF NONCD0000194 BLO'%T� G ROCK PACK HILL RD CHASRLIEIF=RDL.DFL NOItiCDOODO715 GRAN]TEFALLS DUDLEYSHOALS RD CHESTE.RREFUSEEDISPOSAL. NONCD0000127 LE'-\OIR DTIE CHESTER DR DUDLEY SHOALS L.DFL 2 NONCDOON771) DUDLEY SHOALS 621 DUDLEY SHOALS DUDLEY SHOALS RD LDFL NCINCD0000764 DUDLEY MALE DUDLEY SHOALS RD GARLE.SREFUSE DL30 NONCDOON18B L'tiOIR I250GAR:SESPL.ACE GRANITE FALLS DU. lV NONCDOG00186 GR AN]TE FALL$ -QUARRY RD HELTONREFUSE DLW NONCD0000191 GRANIIEFALL$ 5351CANNON DR LENOIRDUI NO CDOG00193 LFNOIR BEARD COLLET'I'STV'n.T.F RD RHODHISS DCRO NOttiCD000019D RHODHISS PARKPLACE SHEx4 REFL'SEE DISPOSAL. NONCD0000195 SR 1143 W WALSHREF'USE DLW NONCD0000189 LE OIR 2171 PINEY GROVE CIRCLE Number of Sites= 12 2131Page COUNTY: C.A.XMEN Site Id City Street Address NETaWS TRASH SERVICE DUMP NONCDOW0196 C BEN SOUTH MILL DAM ROAD Humher of Sites: 1 COLNTY: C.JLRTERET Site ID City Street Address ATLLNZTCREFUSEDUM73 NONCDOON19D ATLANTIC CORESOUNDLAOPROO BEALFORTP=E DUMP NONCDO000200 BEAUFCRT FREEDOM P4RE ROAD CAPE C ART'EREI DLW NONCDO000213 CAPE C ARTERET HOLL AND POINT ROAD CARTERETCOUN7 LF-MOUS;IRUSSEL NONCDO00020D NFIA PORT LANDFILL RD. F-) ERAL ISLE DUMP NONCDO00021'- LNEERAIDISLE 671'- ENEIL4= DME HAE=S ISLAND BEFUM DISPOSAL NONCD0000207- HAIL .:F'R R ISLAND WIMI21S RIDGE SLBDIM-ON MARSHALLBFRGDUMP NONCDO000203 -'kR.SHA LBERG gR1348 ND.L -RE,ET REFUSE DUMP NONCDO000204 -MILL CREEK MILL CT+.EEE ROAD (SR. 1154) MOREHEAD CITE' REFUSE DUMP NONCDOW0205 -NR)REHFAD CCf'f 25TEISTREET OTI4AY CO�i'dU�Tf'i REFUSE DUMP NONCDO00019a OT4JAY 574 FIRE IOVTR ROAD (SR 1325) RAI- OR GARRA.GE. DISPOSAL DUMP NONCDO000211 ROGUE 29 BOGUE LOOP ROAD STACS' REFL SE DUMP NONCDOC 06 Vi9MTONHILLLF NONCDOMID ATLANTIC U9MTONDRIVE Humher of Sites: 13 COCIVW: C L.SM] LL Site ID City Street Address CASyi'EL.L LF NONCDOOM 16 MMT SL A.UGHTE.R RD. (SR 1555) MILES GARE}kGE DL30 NONCDOOM15 YANCEYT,FR.T.F HIGHWAY 61 Humher of Sites: 2 COLIVrTY-: CAI MR-1 Site ID City Street Address CATAWBA DLID NONCD000021; CLAIRMONT OLD CATA[1rBA RD. (SR I722) CONCvLERDLW NONCDO00021a CONOVER 20S HER]NWN SIDERD_ LA G L'IE{4 REFUSE DLIW NONCDO000219 HICKORY US HIGHWAY ?0 MAIDEN DUMP NONCD0000220 'iAIDE� SOUTH FSI'REEI NEW TON LANDFIL.L NONCD0000221 'NEW-roN, BOSTON'RD. OLD HICKORY LANDFILL NONCDOW079 HICKORY USHIGHfL-AY 71) MIETWATER ROAD DUMP NONCDOW0793 HICKORY 15TH AIVE. SE Humher of Sites: 7 X11111ilbVMhF.AlR:WkTI Site ID City Street Address BYYL'MDUMP NONCDOOM2,4 BYIRN EDIIE.PERRY R.DAD GOLDSTON DL-W NONCDOOM27 GOLDSTUN ST. LUKE CHURCH ROAD PITTSBORODUMP NONCDO000742 PIP[oORO PITT"}BOROFIRE T(MERROAD MERCIT3i DL-W NONCD0000225 Sala CITY WATER PLANT ROAD Humher of Sites: 4 COCK-Y': CTIROKEE Site ID City Street Address ANDREWS DLW NONCDOCti 31 Ah-DRE9LI5 CON-SAHETAA4-ENLE LAKE HTWASSE.E RESORT DUMP NONCDD 23 ) LT= NC'_94 WEST MURPHY REFUSE DUMP NONCDO4MJ0 -WiT= TEItiANAROAD Humher of Sites: 3 COUNT: CIO 1�:� N Site ID City Street Address EDENTONL4NDFILL NONCDD J3 EDENTON OFF POPL 3 NECK ROAD J.W. BR.ADLEY DUMP NONCDODD0212 EDENTON 206 OAK GROVE ROAD PERQLIhi0I`S-CH014ANLF NONCDOC 3-4 TYNER 600SANDYRIDGE ROAD Humher of Sites: 3 2141Page C OLN-TY: =_EL..-� Site ID City Street Address BOILL;GSPRD�03DUMP NC}' .:"i7,41 BOU-MSPRINGSCLE-ARI4ATERRD. CHERRYY =E DUMP NM, - _ - :: T J'3D CHERRYVILLE THOM SON DR. =OF SHELBYLANDFILL (STLBBS) ND'k: _ OO MPR STLBBS AIRPORT RD. CrEYOFSHELBYL.F NCO:: SHE.LBY UTSI GROVE STREET EZ- SANITAlTO\ DUMP ND'k: _ :::-236 LATTIMORE PLATOL.EE RD. (SR 1315) KINGS MOUNTAIN LANDFILL ND'k : _ ::: a75 KINGS ` 01,WCAIA :00 POIYS CREEK RD. ICINGS MOLNTAIN LANDFILL R'- NOl; _'_-:.�B03 CGS.-iO4NfAEK NORTH CANSLER STREET KINGS MI'ti. DL.--%f P NONCDOOM23R EINGS MDLNfAIN INDUSTRIAL DR. (5R2312) LATTIMORE DUB NUN-- °:°: `0'-37 LATTIMORE 3947 ART'E. RD. (SR 1314) PATTERSON SPRWGS DLL ND'k : _ ::: _4g EARL IE=RD. (SR 221'-) POLLI'ILLEEDUMP ND'k : _ POL.l VILLE 2406W. STAGGECOASH TRAIL UPPER.CLEVEL4ND DUMP ND'k: _ FALLSTON BUCICHAV� COLRT WAC0 DL-. ND'k: _ :: }'43 WAC0 143 STROUP RD. Humber of Sites: 13 Welliz1WWI) lkillI.1 Site ID City Street Address BOLTONDLW NONCDOM5'- BOLTIDN TRAM ROAD CiADBOURNDLIW NONCDOD40254 CHADBOURI; BRCM; dSTREEI•(NC 41D) I AEE WACCAMAW- DUMP NONCDOD30253 LAEE WAC CA -MAW DUPREE LANDING ROAD RHONE 4h11 MON LDFL NONCDOD{10715 LUfIIIT:L'n T.F. OAT TREE LkNE RMGELUWD DLIW NONCDOD3(Q51 RIEGELWOOD, SAND HOLE ROAD (SR I SA6) TABORCPI'Y DUhT NONCDOD3(Q57 IABORCTT'f HINSOQI TRAIL Vila==DLW NONCDCD30256 LUfHIEL'ILLE, MILSTREET H umber of S ites: 7 C OL-Yry: CR- NNI Site ID City Street Address BELLTORW ROAD DUMP ND_k: _ :: -_: _k�,ZELOCK 302BELLTOW RD. CRAVE2; COU= ND'k: _ :: -_,i _k4 MLOCK USHArV 7D DOVER. REFUSE. DL-W ND'k : _ :.73D DOlwER 13530 OLD US '0 MATIHES4S POL'Z'DU1IP ND'k: _ :: =-31 HAGMLOCS hEW BERN SANITARY DUMP NDIk ti _ _ : ;_ 263 XEW BERG US HA'V. 70 AND PE_BROEE. VANCE,BORO DLlW NOQ+ICDO000260 VANCEBORO SR 1637 VANCEBORO LANDFIL NONCDOW0262 VANCEBORO OLD LANDFILL ROAD Humber of Sites: 7 COUNTY : CUMBER LAND Site ID City Street Address CrIYOFFAITTIE ILLE LANDFILL NONCD00U ?N FAYETT rlLLE SHAU1 Ni1T.T. RD. =OF FA'IETTE6'II.I.E L4Lh_DFILLg2 NONCD0040740 FAYET'TEL'ILLE U`ILKE.5RD. (SR 321C'- CUMBE.RLAND COUNTY LANDFILL NOY,' ^•0000741 HiOPE'aL5 SMOI{EY CANYON DR- 00},1ERLAND COUN7V L.ANDFIL.L-BEAVERDAM NCi, _00735 AUTRi'L'ILLE NC 310 C07fl3ERLAND COUNTS' LANDFILL -BONES CREEK ND'k : _ :: _1'• 33 FAYET'T rIUE IkMMARD COVE RD. CUM ERr iND COUNTY LANDFIL- TRAILER. TOW ND'k : _ ::: !''34 FAYETM'IL.LE DISTRIBUTION DR. CUMBERT AND COUN S' nIFFDALE LF NCT ::::_?00 F'YETTEVILLE RUMARD COVE RD. FA3ETTEL'IZIE OIfYLF NO'_k : _ ::::,_67 Fz1�ITE'ti'II LE CLAL E LE-RD. FAYETI'EVIL.FLDFI, NCDS305'`?34 F'YETTEL'II..LE NOITHEASTERN BLVD. HOPE MILLS DUMP NONCDO000264 HOPE _MLS CDZILY CIRCLE HOPE MILLS LANDFILL NC_D'— ?640'9S3 HOPE _ILLS 1 NE SOL TH OF M I M3 L.E U CHAPEL SCHOOL RUBBLE STUMPSTI'E ND'k: _ E.000125 FAYETTEVILLE SK.IBORD. (US 401 BYPASS) L.IEBERSAN'ITATIONDLW NO'k _ - 00002266 FZIETTE't''ILLE SHAUf MILL R.D. MIL N i'ARD LANDFILL NCO : ' ` :?'. 1 FA ETTEL'ILLE MILAN RD. STEDMANDL30 NC ti= _: ;:-_63 STED__U4L NC''-10 STEDMAN LANDFILL NONCDODM75 STE.DVLAN PAGE ROAD Number of Sites: 16 COUNTY: Cl,-RRITUCK Site ID City S treet Address INDEPENDENT TF 4SHSFRVICEDUMP NONCDODM6D VLAhIE SR ] I' Humber cf Sites: 1 2151Page COUNTY: DARE Site ID City Street Address ERTKIONDL-W NCDN1751425 B,'A-DDN 47W BL='ON BACK ROAD BURTONDL-WTWO NONCDNN765 B4'ATON 47371 BTXTONBACKROAD DARE COUNTY DUMP NONCDOOM71_ 3iIAN- EO 139 S. CALH0K%ZAL.A�E. ]ENNETIE'S DUMP NMCDOW0273 13Ll= NC HV&T. 12 KILL DEV➢LS T-M I DL30 NONCDO000271 =U DE4II. E-M I 1541 COLS GTON ROAD MANTEODL-W NMCDOOX274 VLArITEO S1RFi'.&I.TERRALIIGHSTREET Number Gf Sites: 6 :��111►1 Iwo■ F��� 116]�I Site ID City Street Address DE'NTONDU`HP NONCDOOX275 DES {'GRUBSDR DENTONLA DFILl NMCDOOM76 DES-J%)`+ S MMIRVIII.ECHLROHRD DE.VrON-GRUBSDRL N-DFILL NONCDOOM77- DHST=* GRUBSDR N DAVIDSO CO LDFL NONCDOW0717- VIII}W-Ai' 227 SPRY RD NICOMAPARK NONCDOW0791 DISSN' NICOMA SUBDIVISION SCARL.ETTLANDFILL NONCDNNSO4 HOLLYGKOVE LANDFILL RD Fi' DAVIDWN CD LDFL NONCDOWO676 L= {GTON 3104 HMESHOE -ST.CK ROAD aglE .T FRS SAND ROCK PIT DLW NONCDOD006='- HIGHPOLS-T 1001'WESIOVE.R DR. Number of Sites= 9 C OUNIY: D AVIE. Site ID City Street Address CL.ENiII+ffREFUSE DUMP NONCDOD002SD VMDCKSN= WFALKEKROAD DALTONREFLt`i-E DLW NONCDODOO274 MDCK13y T_F_ DALWN MAD (SR 1605) Number of Sites: 2 C 0L�- i-; ILL.-PLL; Site ID City Street Address BE.ULATP'I= DLW NONCDO4002S3 BEULAVITF_ H94'S' 111 FATSONDUMP NONCDO4002S7 FAISON TAY ORTOU7NROAD (SR 1354) KENAN"VZLE DUMP NONCDOOOC233 =ANSVI= CHURCHSTREET RIA OLIA DUMP NONCD0000236 VAGNOL.IA NASH JOINSON'S PON-DRD ROSE F=DU.IV NONCD0000281 ROSE. HILL LAKE TUIROAD(SR 1146) W-ALT-kCE DUMP NONCD000020 41ALLA.CE Ii ASTEE TREATMENT PLANT RD W-ARSAR- DUMP NONCDO000285 S4ARSA14 Ii ORKS FARM ROAD (SRlMd) Number of Sites= 7 COUNTY: DUMUI Site ID City Street Address DURHAM COUNI3YLANDFILL NONCDOWM89 OAK C,ROLrF 1245 WREY RD DURI"LAND DISPOSALAREA NONCDOW0291 DT,Rl-lkM 1233CAMDENAVE 11A.dRBERY NONCD0000786 D RFULM BENSOWRD. MCI=LFAR-M NONCD0400735 DURFIAM CHEEKRD OLDDURH.AhiCOLNTYL.F NONCDOo0429O DURELAM E.LECTRAROAD ROCKY KNOLL SCHOOL SITE. NONCDO400797 DURELAM BENBOWKOAD W. C. BEjCK PROPERTY NONCDOOM05 DURK4LM A1dRERL_EYDRIVE Number of Sites: 7 COUNTY: EI ECOMME Site ID City Street Address CONETOE REFUSE. DISPOSAL AREA NONCDOW0295 C OhTTOE NC HIGFM AY 42 EDGECOVIBE COLIrTY LANDFTL NONCDODOO4= 3 TARBORO C=I.A T- ROAD (SR 16011) MACCL.ESFIELDDLID NONCDOW0296 VLACC-lEVIEI.D SOUTH FOUNTAIN ROAD (SR OLD RO=MOUS-TLF NONCDOW0299 10CK'IMOUNT L.EGGEITROAD PINETOPS REFUSEDLW NONCDOW029a PLSEETOPS TEWE11 NCE HALL ROAD (SR PRLtiCEV= DLW NONCDOON297- IARBORO TENMINS STREET (SR. 16M RD= _I+IOLT+IT' LDIT. (L.IFBERS) NONCDOOOO' I D R1DCK3i MDTJN- ' GAY ROAD (SIU269) TARBOROLAND= NCDH0I5R33D IARBORO BAI1ERSTTfi 1ERTE'%SION(SR Number of9ites= 9 2161Page Site ID City Street Address AIRPORI LJXDFILL NONCDOOM07 %MSTIDN-SALEM AIRPORTRD BECK EL RO.LD DUMP NONCDOOMO'- WMTDt4-SALEM 4974 BECY.EL RD RUDDY ROE N5LAN--DFILL NONCDOW0306 WMTDt4-SALEM 345D THOMASVILLE RD BUILDING RUMBLE IF NONCDO000300 WMTD -S- L d D18H ZE.LWOOD DR CENTRAL PARK LDFL NONCD0000781 WMTDt4-S- L d S -MAIS A SALEAI PAT CII'Y OFVL'INSTON- -)1 NONCD0000743 14MTO -SALEM DG'EF.LkALERD CITY OFVG'INSTDN S-M NONCDOW0744 14MT01--SALEM 1000SILA.S CRE.ERI}K'%rI CII'Y OF'%rMTON SV! LF NONCDOW0309 WMTO -SALEM EBERT 51' CDLTs- i GARBAGE LANDFILL NONCDOW0301 RLTAL FUI.L 645 VDDNTROYAL RD KER'%TMVI=DLIWP NONCDOW0303 EERNERS%PIT7F. 720MCSAUHANST KE1L\TRSVI T.F. RUBBLE DURIP NCDPE050318D KE3UgERS%? F. GREEN ST Number of Sites: 11 CO[TPffY: FR ANKLIN Site ID City Street Address BUNK DLNip NONCDOOM 12 BLNN HOI4ARD TANT ROAD FRANELNTON DLW NONCDOW031I} FRANSLUTION PARKERS WAY IR UWSTONDLL NONCDOW0311 YOLNGST47IL E La\GMILJ ROAD (SR-1134) LOUISBLRGDLTMp NONCDO0003IS LOLISBLRG EAST RIVER RD(SRMOD) LQLiSBLRG SII'E jt2 NONCD0000555 LOLISBLRG EAST TOED SON 5TTFF.1' LQLiSBLRG SIIE ftl NC +fCDOWOdS; LOLISBLRG SEABORD ST Number of Sites: 6 COUNTY: GASIO Site ID City Street Address BESSEIdERCCI''FDUMP NONCDOOM25 BESSE ER CFI'Y 521 S. PINC RACK AVE, BRUCE,S COUNTY LANDFILL NONCDOOM20 GASTDNLk 4604 S YORKRD GASTON CO. LF W. HOLLY LF) NONCDOOM21 -w. HOLLY OLD H%;Y NC 27 GASTONIA REFL SE DLTM?NONCDOOM59 CR STIONIA ATLENRD HA DIN REFUSE DLW NONCDOOM 17 DALLAS 129 DAi'TOfS RD HICKORY GROVE ROAD TCE NO0000995344 -)K.ADE\L'II.LE 201 MCKISNEY CIR HIGH SHOALS DUMP NONCDODM19 DALL S 701 S. LINCCIL.NST L M7EIL REFUSE DLL NONCDOW0323 LOWELL 1101 LCUELL SPENCER MdTN MCADENVILLE DLL NONCDOW0319 -)KADE.S MCADENlrILLERD MILLER STREET NCI CDOW0245 CR ST NJA 937 �rfII.LERST SIMS LEGION PARK L.F NCKCDOW0766 CRASTIONUL M-k=TTA ST STAN= REFU `SE. DLL NO CTDOWO 16 STANLES' 524 BLACKENA2{E ROAD '%TSIGATE PARK LANDFILL NONCDOOM 17 CHERRYVI L.E• 1109 W. CARR OL STREET Number of Sites. 13 COUNTY: GATES Site ID City Street Address GATESVIL.L.E•DUMP NONCDOCM26 C,ATESVI T.F. 157 CARTERS ROAD Number of Sites. 1 COUNTY: {_ RARA Al Site ID City Street Address ROBBnTSVD:LEDLM? NONCDOM2P ROBBDkSvT.TF. 569OLDTALLULAHRD USF-MASSE3i BRANCH NONCD0M47 ROB13D;T 'II..LE MASSEY BRANCH RD Number of Sites: 2 COUNW: GR.A TII Site ID City Street Address CrTYCF =ORD LF NONCD0000593 OI'ORD EAST P�DUST'RY Df+r E CREEDMOREDUVM NONCDOOM33 CREEDMOCIR PARKAVE 03U=DUMP NONCDOOM31 OXFORD E.ASI D�DUSTRY DRr E STOVALL DLW NONCDOOM30 STOVALL CRA-%FORD CURRIN ROAD (SR Number of Sites. 2171Page .1�i�� IM �'i�7 47 � �1 ■ Site ID City Street Address HOO=TDN DLW NONCDDM35 HOOKERTON BEHLN-DHOOKFRT'ON %-% I1} SNOW HILL DLW NONCDDM37 SNOWHILL DANIEL RD. W-ALSTON-BC4RGDLW NCINCDDM3,4 14ALSTONBLRG NCIIGH94-AY1'-1 N umber of Sites: 3 C OUNT Y': GL=ORD Site ID C ity Street Address BM GHAM PARE NCINCD00002244 GREENSBORO 400 BLZ GH.4vI ST BUD HOL.DLZG COMPANY NONCD0400473 GREE SBORO SHARPS AIRPARKCI GLASS EH COU-S-TYLF NCD480557607 GFEENSBORO 1103 NEALTOVN RD GREENSBORO CIT k LANDFILL NCD991279027 GREENSBORO 219gl;4'H1TE STREET JACKSONLkKE ROADLAN-DFILLNCINCDOW0910 HIGHPOEST 1315 JACKSON LAKE ROAD N umber of Sites: 5 Site ID C ity Street Address ENFIEL.D REFUSE DISPOSAL NON,D0440 0 ENFIELD HV;'Y 3a1Y HALIFAX DEW N0 ' --:-) 70343 HALIFAX DOBBS STREET LITTLFPON DCRP N0 ' --:-) 7033R LITTLEION HAC= STREET ROA:S OKE ILJLPIDS CTI'y' LF N0 : --:-)@ 10347 THELJM A Hlo;,v 152 ROAN OLE L40ME LANDFIL• N0'4 ' --'i)M41 ROANOKE RAPIDS GODLEY STREET (SR 1452) ROANDKE L41ME IF (HENWN STj NO-4 11 ROANOKE RAPIDS HLC SON ST SCOTT.AND'NECK DLW NON -_: -- SCOTLAND NECK MARY CHAPEL ROAD (SR 1117) STRICKLAND CIRCLE LF NO' k _ _ _ :: _-_r RJOANCKE RAPIDS STRICKLAND CIRCLE & ❑TL.DON CITY LANDFILL NO'; : _ _ :: _: -= 14'ELDCN 112a COU-ST Y ROAD (SR 16DO) RTL.DDN F EF USE DISPOSAL NO-4 - - I IL J03-- 14'ELDON H i'Y 3015 Number of Sites: 1G COUNTY: H-AW iEIT Site ID C ity Street Address A, GJER REFUSE. DLW NONCDO{F7034') ANGIER.RAELS CHLRCH ROAD (SR BUIES CREEK DU?O NONCDOM4a elg,S CBEE,iti KEITH HILLS ROAD COATS MODIFIED LDFL NONCDOON745 COAT'S MCGE.E B,ABFFOOTROAD COATS BEFU SE DIISPO`rAL NONCDODJO351 COATS NC HAT ' t7 DU.S'i-ERI4liDU` iP NONCDOW0352 ER%9N OLD HAMILIONROAD JOHNSON ILLEMODIFIEDI.DFL NONCDO00074-P JDHNSDN-VILLE CANERONHILL,FD L.II.LlNGTONDLW NONCDO000350 I.ILLLZGTON EAST DUNCAN STREEI LI LINGTON MODIFIED L.DFL NONCDON0746 L.Tf .T TL GTON US HVTY 401 MASONS STORE. MODIFIEDL.DFL NCINCDOW0747 NMh= TIM Cti= ROAD Number of Sites COUNTY: RALIVOOD Site ID C ity Street Address HXZELW-CCDDU4? NONCDOOG0355 14AYNESVILLE HFATT CR=RD. (SR 116D) HOCEENREFUSE DISPOSAL. NONCDODMOa 14AYNESVILLE 160 >A=RIDGE (SR 1338) RFI- OLD'S SCHOOL ROAD NONCDODMI3 CANTO! M- OLDS SCHOOL ROAD TO%;`N OF WAYNE` VIL LE DU?a NONCDOM0356 14A=VILLE BIBLE. BAPTIST RD. N umber of Sites: 4 COUNTY: Y': EKIMERSO-N Site ID C ity Street Address HENDERSON CO. LANDFILL NCDM0557961 HESDERSONI'ILL.E. STONT-YMOUNTAINRD. HFNDERSONDLTM? NONCDOOG035R HESDERSONI'ILLE. RqLLIALMS ST. MISTY VIEW DR L.F NONCDOLti40761 HESERSONVIUE MISTY VIEW DR MUD CREEK DLrMP NONCDOC*079a HESDERSO.\l'ILLE. LINCOLNClRCLE SALLDA REFUSE DUMI} NONCDOON505 SALUDA CHESTNUT ST. Number of Sites: 5 2181Page COUNTY: HERTFORD S ite ID C ity Street Address .aHOSKIE DL-W NONCDOOM61 iF308SIF LEE fERNIGANROAD (SR 1101) AULANDERREFUSE DISPOSAL NCNCD004013a AULANDER SR1112 HERTFORD CDL.DFL NCNCD000071a UNION SR 11a9 M4,T=SBO1 O DUMP NONCDOWW6'_ V1MFBEE.5BORO OLD US 25E PO'%'=n'I LE SEFZ M DISPOSAL NONCD0000117 AMSEIE 406 MOOREIOLG N R= V9MONDUMP NONCDOW0360 IA M-Tc] ti SE 1174 Humber of Sites: 6 COUNTY: HOI E S ite ID C ity Street Address CLYDE. LE-ACH DUMP NCNCDODUO363 -ARABIA A= LOOP RAEFORD DUhD NOMCDOM64 1LA.E,FORD VASS RD. (SR 1303) RAEF= DUAD N'2 NONCDOM01 R_AE,FORD U i�01 BYPASS (FAYETTEV F' Numb-er of Sites: 3 COLD-TY: Hn'DE S ite ID C ity Street Address ENG EH RD MW NONCDO000367 ENGLEHARD US HWV. 264 EAST F UU= DUMP NONCDOW036i FAIRF= NC HWY 9M NE14 HOLLA DDUMP NONCD000036a 514ANQUARTER 205771:9 EM7Y. 244 EAST OC ACOSE DLL NONCDOW036D OCRACOKE SR 1359 SOTJ'%D SHORES LOTS 12 & 19 NONCD0000775 OC ACOKE SOTJ'%D SNORES SWAN QUARTER DUMP NONCDOOM66 S{4ANQUARTER SR 1127 Humber of Sites: 6 COUNTY: IREDELL S ite ID C ity Street Address ALBERTMCCLLREBALL FIELD NCNCDOMM23 SIATEStr= 123DhdUSELM RD COLT.%7f GARBAGE NONCDOOM7' SIATERM-LE T%T OAFS RD HAR]MUN-i REFUSE DISPOSAL NCNCI)OW037D 1A RIMONY TOM L%RD h1ARBLEROAD DISPOSAL NONCDOW112P SIATERMLE. MARBLE feIAYLORSVI.I.E MOOBEnMLE DUhT NONCDOWW 76 M)DORESVILLE 439 F1NT- LARDTRI) MOORESVILLE LANDFILL NONCD0000374 )IOORES','n.I.F 2586CHARL0TTEHWY OLD LAVE VAI.LES' DUMP NONCDOW016 � LO E VA1I.F5' M&VIL.ANE. STATESVI LLE DLW NCNCD004Q371 SIATESL'ILLE. 402 5IG1tiA L HILL. DR Humber of Sites: 9 COUNTY: JACKSON S ite ID C ity Street Address CAS=S REFUSE DISPOSAL NMCDOW03-7 CASHIERS NC HAW. 107 SYLVADUMP NONCDOw037a Si'LV L GUN SMOKE RD. WOODEN CREEK DLW NONCDOW0796 SYLVL M RIaHDR. Humber of Sites: 3 COUNTY: JOHITSTO S ite ID C ity Street Address BENSONREFUSE MID NONCDOMS4 BENSD� IWASEENGIU FARM ROAD CLAI-DONBALLFIELD NCDHOa44'1'_ CLANTON CIT'£ROAD FOUROAFSDMAP NOMCDOW-03-D FOUR DABS 123 CT4TITAN RD KENLY DUMP NONCDOWMSD EESZ'f S. RAILROAD STREET NE94 TON GROVE DTJMP NCNCDOW055D NF TON GROVE HARPERS HOUSE. ROAD (SR OLD S.NgTHFIE T3 LANDFLU NONCDOW0777 S-Nff 111F EELD E. RLRaTL.E'Y ST. PINE LEL'EL DUh0 NONCDO000351_ PL\E. LEVEL 7714 RAINS CROSSROADS PRI3XFTpNDU)1P NONCDO0003S3 PRINCETON PROGRESSIVE CHURCH ROAD SEL-MA REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000351 SEL`dA 1661 NC HM'V M N. ShETHFIELD REFUSE DLL NONCDOW03Sj S-NffT11F= E. RUNTLE'Y ST H umber of S ites: 10 219IPage COUN- : JO- ES Site ID City Street Address MAYSVI[12 REFL SE DISPOSAL NONCDO000387 NLAYSVILLE UTSI SEUH STREET POLLO(KSVILLE. DUMP NONCDOOMSa K4LySV= 144 Ul= OAS FITTER ROAD POLLOKK.SkTIII.E DUMP R'- NONCD0000776 POUOCK7y, T.F. 235 BEAUFORT RD. TREE-'OItiREFUSE DISPOSAL NONCDOCMS6 TRENTON 504L -N-DFILLRO?kD Number of Sites: 4 COUNTS: LEE. Site ID City Street Address BROAD` -AY DUMP NONCDOW038D BROADI4A'i DALRYNME FARM R.OAD LEE COUNTY- LF NCTIMM301 i SANFORD LANDFILL RD SANFORD DC1hfP NONCDOOM90 SANFORD VALLEY ROAD Number of Sites: 3 COUNTS: LE NOIR Site ID City Street Address CARTER HILL SANITATION NON-CD000061 i KINSTON BF lrTISH ROAD CARS REFUSE DISPOSAL NC:ti000a0758a KINSTON T,A STREET [ASg,'FT.T SCHOOLDU}IP NONCDO000393 KINSTON HULL ROAD DOBBS FARM DUMP NONCDOW0391 KINSTON M60 D013BE FARM ROAD a'E.RETT G RRAGE SERVICE DLL NONCDO000396 KINSTON END OF HENRY BLVD. KENNEEDY HOME DUMP NONCDO000393 KINSTON CEDAR DELL LANE (SR 133a) KINSTONDEMOLITIONLF NODO'fi$a913 KINSTON DAVIS STREET LA GRANGE REFL xE DISPOSAL NONCDOD00394 LA GRANGE KING STREET PINK HILL DUMP NO NCDO00039? PL K HILL SR 11 D3 SEVEN SPRIG G5 DUMP NONCDO00039a SEVEN SPRINGS JONT-S ROAD N umber of Sites: M C OLD%-M INK-OLK Sitc- ID City Street Address ABATTOIR LNNDFILL NONCDO00O401 LINCOLNTON 2457INDUSTRIAL PARS RD. DERV ER LJNDFILL NONCDOOMOa DES-VER 3585 NORTH HW`Y. 16 HO14ARD CREEK L -N-DFIL - NONCDOONMOI-_ LINCOLNTON M I ALF HOOD RD. JONES AIRPORT L4hDFILL NONCDO00O400 LINOOLNTON 5LRT�Y HILL DR. (SR 1650) LINOOLNTON REFUSE DDaNMAL. NONCDOOMOi LINCOLNTON FRI; GERM DOD LANE MACEPELAH LANDFILL NONCD0000407 IRON STATION MOUE T EIGN CHLRCH RD. NORTHBROOK LANDFILL NONCDOOM03 VALE NORTHBROOK #3 SCHOOL RD. TIN MINE LANDFILL NONCDOOM06 LINCOLNTON TIN )ENE. RD. Number of S ites: 8 COUN-TY: NUCON Site ID City Street Address HIGHLANDS REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCDO00O413 HIGHLANDS 1080RICH GAPRD LEDFORD PICK-UP SERVICE NONCDOW0411 FR NKLIN GEOR.CTIA RD Number of S ites: 2 COLTN- : XUDMON Site ID City Street Address HOT SPRINGS REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCDOONM16 HOI SPRINGS COGDIMS DR MARS TM I REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCDO00O41i YL4RS HILL PARKDRIVE MARSHAIL REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCDO00O414 I+L4RSHALL COTTON hffU HE I RD Number of S ites: 3 2201Page COUNTY: XURM S ite H.5_I+ID.TON DU P HOBGOOD DU.MP JAN[ESL'ILLE DUMP OAK CITY DLT iP ROBEESONI'ILLE DU)V '%TJlLM3T0N'DL-.MP Humber of Sites: 6 •��iH41 ��47 4� �11M3�� � w S ite GREE j F POTHOLES LINT T.T F. F_knS REFUSE DISPOSAL LITIT.E SI IIEERLAND LANDFIL• MARIONREFLEE DISPOSAL OLD FORT REFUSE. DISPOSAL Humber of Sites= 5 S ite DA%?'MW\ L ANUFIU DAb'M50L S kNITAILY LAN DFIL I. D0LIlLE OAKS LAINTSFILL MCALA NE CREEK PARS OLD CHARLOTTE LDFL+VAN CTUNRD CENTER SOUTHSIDE PARS 1 ANEFIL STATESTdII.LE• RD. L.F Humber cf Sites: 8 C OUN-TY: MUC.'FTF" i .T . S ite BAKE S=E REFUSE DISPOSAL SPRUCF PST REFUSE DISPOSAL Humber of Sites COLY : MONTH S ite BISCOE OLD TOWN DUMP CANDOR DU.M P HURLEY'S DUMP MOU-VT GH RAD DUW TROT' LANDFILL• Humber cf Sites: 5 COLWTY : MO<FX Id NONCD000041 a NO+fCD0000345 NO+fCD0000421 NONCD000O417 NONCD0000421) NONCDOOMID ID NONCDOM795 NONCDO00O423 NO+fCDOM22 NO+fCD0000425 NO+fCDOOM24 Id NONCD000042a NO+fCD0000154 NO+fCD0W0906 NONCDO00009 NOQtiCD000106i NONCD0000427 NOQtiCD0000807 NCI)WO60509 ID NO+fCD0000431 NO+fCD000O432 Id NOQtiCD0000672 NOtiCD0000433 NOtiCDO(XM35 NONCD0000 14 NOQtiCD0000435 City Street Address HAVLION JOHNSON BRIDGE ROAD (SR HOHGOOD NC 125 E fA--VF`JVI= AS=& ROAD OAS CITY a505 NC HWV 1'_5 1LOHER SONVILLE NC HVirY 9a3 S l4MI L MSTGN US 64 E City Street Address NULRION OLD GRE.ENLEE RD LII `V= FALLS NC HVi"f I a3 I.IITL,E H%rV 32&A NIARION H%rV 2M OLD FORT LA=-TO$'F RD City Street Address DAVEDSON CTRE3' RD. (S .241) DAViDSGN FISHER RD. (SR 241 D) CHARLOTTE DOUBLE OAICSRD CHARLOTTE al I YONROE RD CHARLOTTE 77 CEVIEE P1s3FV'1T.T.F EAM NEEKS RD. (SR 3638) CHARLOTTE 7645 TOO= AVES- E CHARLOTTT 3200 NORTHTRI.Y RD. City Street Address BASEIVILE VLrI- . OAK RD SPRUCE PL E. BEAVER CREEK RD City BISCOE C A10011 BISCOE MT =kD TROY Street Address 303-KkRTIN RD UTSI RID GELANT. ALTERNATE Hi` 220 HR.AiRNE FARM ROAD (SR 1129) MOUNT OLIVE CHURCH ROAD Site ID City Street Address ABERDE.ES; DUMP NO+fCDODXA43 4BRDEEN 517 SOUTH SANDI-M-I BLVD. CA-'&.RON DUMP NONCDOC-'042 CANERON KELLY RD. CARTHAGE DUMP NO+fCDi-:: CARTHAGE SUNSEIDR. EAGLE SPRINGS DUW NOtiCDi-:: EAGLE SPRINGS NC 311 MOORE COLWWFL-CARTHACE NOtiCI)CC —1-2a CARTFULGE JOEL RD. (SR 1933) OLD RDBBD S-HIGH FALLS L.F NOtiCDr -::::145 R MD S RTTTfR RD. PINE BLLTF DLNP NO+fCDr-::::14a PLSH.BLUFF UTST BOSTON AVE. ROBED 5 D4. NONCDi-::: =L�37 ROBED; S CHE3'EN T RD. SOUTHEILl PINES DUho NO+fCDO . -J-62 SOUTHE.RN PINES VLTSI MOR ANTON RD. SOUIHEICN?INESLANDFI T NONCD04:C447 SCUTHE.RNPINFS WF0O5TEIRD. VASS DLL'_? NO+fCDODYA41 VASS RDLIINS DR_ %UT END DUW NO+fCDON0439 WESTEND CARTIULGE RD. WICKER. PARK I NDFIL.L NONCDOM7a PISTE MMSI ]NOLUS OLI I D. Humber of Sites: 13 221 IPage COUNTY: N N.SH Site ID C ityr Street Address BAMEY DUMP NONCD0D00=-54 B_III..Ey STON-EHERIfAGEROAD (S.R. BATTLEBORA DUB NONCDONOV-51 BATTLEBORO 752 W. BATTLEBGRO AVE. CASTALIAREFUSE DUMP NONCDOM044a C.ASTAIIA SDVLMONS ROAD MIDDLE 5E3i DUMP NONCDOD3WR )=LESEK BAINES LANE NASH COUNTY LF (ELM OAK LF) NCDH055R33D RED GAS RED OAK - BATTLE,BDRO ROAD NASH COUNTY LF (SPRING HOPE) NCIM055R355 SPRING HOPE GFF S.R. 1145 NA,SH3'ILLE DUMP NONCDDDO(A56 NASHVR T E I.W. GLOVERMEMORIAL PARF� ROCKI MOUNT LANDFILL NONCDGD I55 Ito= M OUST COMM=DRRE SHARPSBURG DLW NONCDOD I5D SHARPSBURG LANGLEY DM'E MZINGHOPE DUMP NONCDOa30453 SPRING, HOPE NC 591. CP&LPDLE Z%Ml4 =AKERJS DUMP NONCDOQ40453 17r=AKERE US 30I N GRTH, NEAR PERRTS Number of Sites: 11 COUNTI : NEn IULN01E.R Site ID City Street Address BARFlET D'S DUMP NONCDODYA-5 Wllj INGTO-% SGUTHERLANDS AVE. BLUE CLAY RD. LF NONCDON0465 JUVEN-ILE. CENTER DR - BURNT NEI L CREED LF NONCDOWM95 WII.MIItiCiTON STAN7rEi' ST. CAROLLSABEAj=REFLSEDISPOSAL NONCDOOM5a CAROLBdABEACH I OS4 RD. CASTLE HAiNE SERVICE DUMP NONCDODYA59 CA STE L HAIENE 5 MILES OFF HR7Y 17 OFF SR EAST LAKE SHORE DRIVE LF NONCD0000757 1ZM.N[INGTON EAST LAKE SHORE. DRIVE FLENIIZdGT NLF NCDH0503056 mZMJAINGTO� ?A5 EL- TON STEAM PLANT KURE BEACH REFUSE DISPOSAL NOliCD0)M61 KLTE BEACH SUNNY POINT SAFETY ZONE MCILNE. STREET LF NCD%6171973 mZxM;C;TON MCRAE. ST MIT.L AKYCL-DOFFLANDFILL NONCDODNA6'- R-j-NiII;GTO� 62OOLD MAC CU-�iBER. NEW HANGTJFRCO & CARGLDABEA-CHLANDFILL NCEtK071507D CAROLINABEA-CH I)OW RD. NEW HL G�'ER CO. LANDFILL NONCD0D4(463 C AROLINA BEACH I)OS4 RD. OPTI.4IISI BALLPARK NONCD0400760 mZMJAINGTON SGUIHFRONT STREET RUTLA . GARBAGE SERVICE. NONCD00046? SR 1534 TALT-MAN CLAY PIT NONCDO400755 m'II.MII+fGTON 16TH STREET TOWN OF VLRIGHT5VILLE. BE. j= OLD LANDFILL NONCD000404 mZMJAINGTO- 910 OLD-MCCUMBE.R STATION UT—)UNGTON L -'%DFILL NONCDODYA66 mZMJAINGTON N ARTIN LI.Z'HER. SING RU—NI +PGTONLDFZ(KIDDERST) NONCDO400756 m'II.MII+fGTOY 122513THST. %;I5T=A DR- LF NONCDOD0075a RZMB+fGTOy 2126 WISTERIA DR. WRIGHTSI'ILLEBEACH DUMP NONCD0000464 v&Tl:GHT5lLrlLLE. MOPARM I2 BLVD. Number of Sites: 20 COUNTY: ItiORTFLAWFON Site ID City Street Address CONWAY REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCDOOM7D CONWAY DELGAICH NH-T ROAD (SR GASTON REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCDOD40475 GASTON PORCHDRIVE{SR 1311)) JACKSON REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCDODM0 IAiCKSON L.A_N])FIU ROAD (SR 1378) RICH SQUARE REFUSEDI"SPOS.dL. NONCDODOOd73 RICHSQUARE HART SWAW ROAD (SR 11Dd) SEABOARD REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCDOD40471 SEABOARD PEAN-n MARKET ROAD (SR SE7 EFNREFUSE DISPOSAL NONCDOOMT-l- SEVEM '- 59 ROYAL WATSON RI) PC WOODLAND REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCDON046a WOODLAND BAUGHAN DRIVE (SR 1533) Number of Sites: 7 COUNTY: ONSZO t�� Site ID City Street Address CAMP DAVIS LANDFILL NONCD000003 HOLLY RIDGE NC A HENDERSON'DR. LDFL NONCDOMS4 IACKSOQ+fT4'n.T.F HEhDERSON DRIVE &MMR HOLLY RIDGE REFUSE DISPOSAL. NONCDDM7a HOLLY RIDGE E. OCEAN BLVD. PC 5D) JACKSONVILLE DUMP NONCDOM79 IAiCKSONT= US 17 AND CHLNT-Y CREEK JACKSONVILLE LF-GEGRGETOWN F.D. NCDM0502991 JACKSONVILLE GEORGETOWN RD. JACKSONVILLE Ib`%`TPLANDFILL ATSTLTXjECN NONCDOM79 JACKSONVILLE LOYOI-k DRI3'E & 14ARDOL A. KERRC=PARK NONCDOM7a JACKSONVILLE KERR STREET GNSLOWPINES RD. L.DFL NONCDOMM1 JACKSONVILLE GNSLOWPINES ROAD PHILUS PARK LANDFILL NONCDOMM77 JACKSONVILLE HIGHWAY 17NORTHAND RAYS RURAL DUMP NONCDOD I81 JACKSONVILLE BRIDGEI LANE RICHLkN-DE REF[; sE DISPOSAL NONCDOM77 RICHLANDS ILMliY PO'%'= LANE MANSBORODUMP NONCDOM76 SI4ANSBORO GLA CYROAD (SR 1359) Number of Sites: 12 2221Page COLN-TY: 01LANGE Site In City Street Address CHAPEL HE I.LANDFILr NONCDOOMS4 CHAPEL HILL 1NDESTE.SDRIVE EYMNSION HE SBOROUGH DUMP NONCDMM93 HILLSBORGUGH TOFAD STREET UNIVER.= OF NC+OLD SANITARYLF NCDH0557615 CHAPEL BILL M N+fICD?AL DRIVE Humber of Sites: 3 COUNTY: P_Ji1kfHC0 S ite IU C ity Street Address ARAPAHOELDFL NCNCDWN717 AFAPAHOE LEES LANDING RD BAYBORO DUMP NONCDOMNSi BAYBORO NEALS CREEK ROAD DRIED, TAL DUMP NONCDODOO 86 ORIENTAL SR 11M Numb-pr of Sites= 3 EOLN- Y: PEER S ite ID C ity Street Address ATM SO_ti DUNT NONGDOMS9 AT}-NSOE SLO{LIiTRAIL (SR1IN) BUROAR- DUMP NONCDOOMM B 4RGA4, PL%T.I WOODS RD. (ER 1216) KIMC .. ND'S DUMD NONCDOM91 HASTE-A.0 PERKINS RD. Humber of Sites: 3 COLNTY: PERQTTU--NS S ite ID C ity Street Address HI:RTFORC EL -Ng NONCDODD(AP'- }ERTFOR D HWY. BUS.17 AT BEAR Humber of Sites: 1 COLN-M PERSON S ite ID C ity S [reek Address R07IORODUMP NONCDOI)MM ROOMORO NGLr\TAINROAD Humber of Sites- 1 C OLD-i': PIIT S ite In C ity Street Address AYDENREFl:SE.DLIMP NONCDOM-0502 AYISEN NORTHEASTAVENUE BE.THE,LREFUSE DU_VIP NONCDODG0501 BETHEL BIGDAAROAD FALELANDD1:Mp NONCDODOO49a FAT YJAND Ii9N.222 FARMIL'ILLE.REFUSEDISPOSAL NONCDOD (AP7 FARRIVILLE HAY 121 FOUN TADREF';SEDISFOS,&L NONCDODOOM96 FGUNTAIN SOUTH LYNCH STREEI GREENVILJ-E.Q.I'S' IF NCDM035-d9a MEYN%r LLE 5TH STREET AND C'EVIF='i GRIFTONDU1+IP NONCDO N50D GEIFItiON CREEK SHORE DRIVE GRIMESLAND REFUSE DUMP NONCDODD(APS GRIMIESLA T , GRIMESLAND BRIDGE ROAD T.rrT-EFIEr.r3 LDFL NONCD00OW06 LLTTL.FIEtD SR 1906 GARRIS ROAD UNKNOR7+ M -PIIT NCNCDOOOM61 NORTH GREENE STREET UNKNORN#2-PILT NONCDOOOO460 GREEN VILE PACTOLUS HIGHWAY C33) RM+ITERVII.LE.DUMP NONCDO00049D UMTERI:TLLE REEDY BRANCH RD(SR 1131) Humber of Sites- 12 COUN Y : POLIO S ite ID C ity Street Address BURT BLA.='EIL RD DUMP NONCDO000332 MILL SPRD G BURTBL,.CMA LRD COLLRIB S REF. SE DIRMSAL NONCDO000503 COLUNMUS W-ATERT UN DR. LXF= 3iIOLZtiiARr L.DFL NONCDOOO 1056 COLU!IBUS SR 15,'-I -LITTLE XI. RD. TRYON REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCDOD00504 IRYGN NEW MA EE.I RD. Humber of Sites: 4 2231Page COL -MY: RXNMLFH S ite ID C ity Street Address ASHEBOROMLR+TICD7Ai. LF NCD480557557 ASHEBORO OFF OLD US 64 CA. BOIkTM DLR0 NONCD000051 O TRIh1T'r' 3904, 3906 FULLER MILL RD CDT ERTDGE NONCDOWO663 COLERIDGE 493DNC .2ZNC42 FRANia>7+TktD•1—DU.MR NONCDO00050a F1L4LNlUlN Z.LF .S N5E.TAVE. LIBERTYDUMP NONCD0000512 LIBERTY 5976 SANDY CREEK C•HURCI MODERN GARBAGE DUMP NONCDOCOO513 R-&hELEMAN 12M FDX OOLNMY OLI) RkIr-DLENA� ID'i&'% DUMP NCD4H6197-374 R4LN-DLENAN F-kNI�V1AN LAKE RD PLEASANT RIDGE (BURGESS DLW NONCDO000662 RAMSEUR PARKVL'OOD RD RAMSEUR NONCDO000506 RAMSEUR 339 IULMSEUR rULLkNRD RANDLEVL&N DUMP NONCD0000511 IL NDLEMAN 3475 APPLEWOOD RD SEALROVE DLRP NONCDOON507 SEAGEME E OF 5377 RIDGE RD Numb -prof Sites= 11 ,111111Mbvl4701*13color S ite ID C ity Street Address EIIERBE DLW NONCDOW0516 FrLERBE R-kU-ROAD STREET HAVII.ETDLW NONCD0000515 HAVEET 4(12 LA=SIDEDME H4_V=T TR_JLSH DISPOSAL AR RA NONCDOCOO51 D HAVff ET 133 CHALE ROAD OLD E LERBE DUV? NONCDOW0304 E LERBE MAD STREE r OLD RICHMOND OOL14T'Y LF NONCDOW0594 ROCKTNGHAM 1d6PCORY SEED DR R0,CKJ TGHAViDLM? NONCDOM0517 ROCKINGHAM ORAL BESSIE LANE SUBURBAN WASTE & GARBAGE CO. DUMB NONCDCN051a ROCKINGHAM COUVU1i H❑ E ROAD T(M;N OF Hk)nZT LDFL NONCD0N0750 BAY� ET EAST HA-lp=AVEhlL1E Number of Sites= 8 COUNTY: ROBESO S ite ID C ity Street Address CTT'f OF LLMERION LDFL NONCDOON' 12 LU)1BERTON ODLM ROAD (SR 1526) FAIR BLUFF D[T'P NONCDOC 55 F-JdRBLLFF NC 904 FAIRMONT DLRW NONCDOD30521 FARIMONI INDUSTRIAL DRT6'E (SR23M IDS DEBRABI LAFAYETTE TRA_N SP. LDFL NONCDOCW713 ROUZkh-D BRIGGS ROAD (SR-115R) LUVMEK BRIDGE REFUSE DTSI"AL NONCDOCG052'_ LLN= BRIDGE MC1\70SH ROAD (SR 17(15) LUMBERTON DLL NONCD0000527 HESTEKTOWN SR 159 MAXTONDLW NONCD0000524 VL�'T'ON US 74-B' PASS &NC 71 PARKTON DLL NONCD0000521) PARKTON SR 1731 PENIROKE DLRP NONCDON0525 PE BROKE DEEP BRANCH ROAD RED SPRINGS DUMP NONCDOW052P RED SPR.D GS GRER HILL DR_ ROV.LANDREFL,SEDLL NONCD0000523 RDUq-kND CHEE1RY STREET SANITATION SERVICE LF NCDP90503106 REN=T COVPGTDN FARM ROAD (s TOVL;N OF MAXTON LDFL NONCD0000714 -)r+L�'TIDN M kXTON POND RID. Number of Sites= 13 COLN'TY : ROCI►aN ILAM S ite ID C ity Street Address DRAPERDLW NONCDDM531 DRAPER PARK ST HOPKINS GARBAGE. DUMP NONCDDM535 EDEN 333 BARNES RD LEAKSVILL.E LkNDFIlL NONCDDM34 EDEN 105DKLYCEST MADIS(X.\ T..iI,R1FTT.T NONCDDM36 )LkDTSON OLD COLrEFFD BRIDGE RI} MAYODA DISPOSAL NONCDOWN16 3+LkYOELIN 79ODNC HWY 135 REID'VI LLELAt5DFIZL NONCDOWC537 RED+i= GOLDWATFRTFAEL SFRAYDU.AP NONCDOWCL533 EDEN 7437HW'Y14 STCrl%-E .LE DLW NONCD000053'_- SIONEVI T.F. ENEAD RD Number of Sites: 8 2241Page COUNTY: ROWAN Site ID C ity Street Address CANS ON N[IL ; LANDFILL NCDCO]162666 FJLN-NAPOLIS 614 STH STREET =A GROT4'E DUMP NONCDO000540 CHINA GEnT KIRK STREET EASI SPENCER DLI ? NONCDO000541 EAST SPEC CER BRCMZd STREET {AKA SOUTH I-asLA_NDFILL NONCDON0763 SALBBURY REAVIFRCIRCLE. L ANDIS WASTE DISPOSAL AREA NONCDO00053P CHB+iA G$JCiL'E }50 MIMB ALL ROAD ROWAN COUS-TY LANDFILL NCM9055774a S.ALISBUR't NATIONAL GUARD ROAD SAL ISBURY LANDFILL NONCD0000543 SALISBUR't 192D OLD AaEE SBORO ROAD SPENCER LAND DISPOSAL AREA NONCD0000543 SPENCER SOWERS FERRY RD. Humber of Sites: 8 COL-N—M RCTHERFORD Site ID C ity Street Address AIEY-Ah-DER AM-LS DUMP NONCDO000551 FOREST CIW US HIGHWAY 2' 1-A ARROW DOD DUMP NCNCD0000'Sa FOREST CIW 470 OLD HE24?=A RD. BOSTIC REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000546 BOSTIC 399'%UTCHLRCH ST. CL.D?FSIDE] IUU DUMP NONCDO000544 CLD=FSIDE, PEA RIDGE ED. (SR 196D) CT.IFFSIDE REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCDO00075S CLIFFSIDE USHIGIWA't 221-A FOREST CITY DUMP #1 NONCD0000554 FORESTCTTY RIVERSIDE DR - FOREST CITY DUMP #2 NONCDO000107 FOREST CITY 14O 152 US 74 BL MSUS HATar'KB+TB REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCDO00054a FOREST CIY''f CL.IFFEME. STREET HAINES REFUSE DU'9 NONCDO000553 FOREST CIW 414 AVONDAL.E LANDFILL RD. HENDRICKS DUMP NONCD000054P FOREST CRY BROOKLYN RD. HORS OPENDLL NONCDOOM64 FOREST CITY 124 WESTTRADE ST. LAKE LLRE DUMP NONCD00005-51- LASE LURE ISLAND CREEK RD. M3B'DALE REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCDOOM21-_ SPISDALE 1060OLD RAT I. PARR RD. Humber of Sites= 13 COLIS-TY : &A19SO Site ID C ity Street Address AUTRYVIL E LDFL NONCD0000560 AUTRYVILLE SR 1233 ClItTTONDL-W NONCD000055a CLINTON ROYALLANE DUNN REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCDOCD0.331 DL aT US FM'V 421 GARLAND DUMP NONCDO00O562 GLAND ER 1133 KEENER LANDFILL NCDN1031693 CLI1ufON 10TANGELWOODLANE ROSED010 DUMP NONCD0W0561 ROSESDRO NC 242 ROWAN ROAD LANDFIL NN 00040 -I96 CLINTON ROWAN ROAD SALEIMBURGDUN9 NONCDOW05 SALEIMURG BUMA GLTMP LANE SAMPSON CO L.DFL (CARTERS BRIDGE) NONCDO000706 GARLAND SR 1134 SAMPSON OD L.DFL M GOLD) NONCDOD00702 D GOLD E.ZZE,LLROAD (SR 1142) SA?9SON 00 L.DFL (IVANHOE-) NONCD0000703 IVANHOE lVAN- iOE M D (sR I100) SA10SON00 LDFI. (Wr GELE-4D) NONCD0000701 MT GILEAD U5421 SAAGSON 00 LDFL (SPI= CORNER) NONCDODN'00 SPINETS CORNER HUDSONTOW ROAD (SR 1634) SARMON 00 LDFL (SL-OITO -N) NONCDO000704 EL-ITONTOWN PREACH HENRY ROAD (SR Humber of Sites: 14 Site ID City Street Address GMS0'- REFUSE DUMP NONCDO000564 GD38DN HUB SUCKER RD. LALT2MURGDLW NONCDO00056i LALRL B-,;RG HALL ST. SCOTT.AND COLl%riY CONM. DUMP NONCDO000563 LALRL B-,;RG 122a1 BAX�TSBRIDGE RD. SCOTIAND COUNTY SANITARY LANDFILL NONCDODOOB04 LALRLSMRG HIGHLANDRDAD Humber of Sites= 4 2251Page COUNTY: STANT Site In City Street Address ALBEMARLE DUMP NONCDOW057-1 ¢T.RF}L T.F 32311 YtiANNYDRIVE AQL"ADALE DUMP NONCDO00056B QUADALE 12423 OLD AQUADALE ROAD CTT'f OF,xLBEMARLE DUMP NONCDO40O'=1 =-1,?LkRLE. CO= AV124ZJE NORWOOD D120 NONCDOW05-0 N ORWOOD HVi'Y 53 OAEBORO DLW NONCDOW056D OAIMCRO 125M GREENE ROAD RICB=D DLL NONCDOW0566 RICHFIE[.D STATE, .3=T ST,��T:ELD DL3iP NONCDOW056 - SIANFIEL.D SR 1147 Humber of Sites: 7 COUN-T ': STOKES Site In City Street Address DANBURY DLW NONGDOMS?5 DANBLRY SHEPPARD MIL RD. GORDON'S SUMP NONCDOW0576 PL NACLE. 1290PERCH RD. (SR 1147) KINGS DUMP NONCDOW057'- KING BRMNRD. (SR 112S) MONROE CRAIGL.F NONCD0000'='_ WALNUT COVEE BRAYRD. WALNUT COVEDL-hW NONGD000057 WAL2%UtCOVE MIDDLETONLOOP(SR 190D) Humber of Sites= 5 Site In City Street Address BEALIAH COi DU-w NONCDONOS?5 LG"WG_�� 124 PAUL.A LANE ELKIN LANDFILL NONCDOWOSS1 1 _, BECdGE DRIVE GARBAGE WILVICE.EUMP NONCDOCOOSSO MT ': PESETE RR CEDRI E MT. RYDU-)g NONCDOCOOSS4 MT ': CITY1,'IES4 DRIVE PILOI )f. REFUSE DUMP NONCDOWMS3 = -C L }iT MliO LANE T%'OBRIDGES L.F NONCDOWMOD EL:!; ST.-N-sRD ST. '%ASTEW)LTERTREATVF%-TROAD LANDFILL NONCDDOW0597 NiO-NTAIRY Q-ASTEW-4LTERTRE_4LT-MF-VT al-' 4LE.USERLF NONCDOW0586 LL~- 124GE�iRYROAD Humher of Sites: 8 C OUNT k : Sid ALY Site In City Street Address MALN C0LW'YDUMP NONCDOM5% BRi'SONCI-rY BUCKNERBBANCHRD Humher of Sites: 1 COUNTY: TkMgSlT XNLA Site In City Street Address BREViRD DUMP NONCDOO Oa BMrARD ILLAHEE POINT (SR 1124) DAVMSON RI,,'EBD hlP NONCDNN591 PEGAHFOREST POPLAR LANE L.1I{E TONAWAYDLW NONCDOW059'- LAKE. TOXAWAY CATATOGARESORT ROSM.4NDL-W NONGD0000590 ROMIAN OLD H 7i. 64 Humher of Sites: 4 COUNTY-, 'n=LL Site In City Street Address COLLMBLA DUMP NONCDOW0595 COLUM$IA HOWARD STREET SCUTPEYIMNGCOMM. DL-W NONCDNN596 SC u-pPERtiONG CHAPEL HILL ROAD (SR 1114) Number of Sites= 2 COUVTTi': LTMON Site In City Street Address MARSH6'IIZ,E. DL-W NONCD00MOO MARSHE VILLE HASTY RD. (SR 1901) MONFOELANDFIL.L NONCDOW059P VDNROE FJCHdRDSO[ti ST. UNION COU�7117YLF NC'DM0503163 NfONROE AUSTINCHANEYRI}" F-AX'HAWDUMP NONCDOW0599 S4AXHAUi ad25 RICHiRDSM-E3NGRD. Number of Sites: # 2261Page COUNTY: V .JLNCl Site ID City Street Address CLOSED CITY OFHENDEKSONL.DFL NONCDOW1001 =DEKSON' NC 39 RAM5EYSTF T DLW NONCDODX%14 H DEKSO TER-NMT S OF R.-NiSEi' STREET Humber of Sites: t COLN-T : WART Site ID City Street Address APEX SANITARY L.F NCDM0503793 Amx 451 14 IFI LT I BE ST BENTL r'14OODSSITE NONCDODM6D RALEIGH SE. 2006 OF. PERRY CREEK RID CARYDL3D NONCDOD30602 CART' 313NDD=ST EAST S4AY.E COUNTY L.F NONCDOLti40614 KNIGHTDALE SK 2655L- US f4 ELU GOD PISES DLTMP NONCD0Lti40'29 HOLLY S=GS 190 NE SPAPER WAY F UQUAY VARINA NONCD0C MO6 FUQUAY lhkR.D A NO ANGaa RD GAILNER TRASH DEW NONCD0Lti40604 GARNER 1175 BENSONRD {ILL STREET P_kRK NONCD0M01 ZERULON NGILL ST HOLLY SPRINGS DUNIP NONCD0C{10605 HOLLYSFF.LtiGS BASS LAKE RD ICNMIrFDALEDU`VIP NONCD0M03 ENIGHTDALE ROBERTSO-N MANGUM ESTATES NONCDODYME-1 S4AKEFORE.ST LEDBURYWAY NCIUEPI.OFAMUCLLTL-RE.L.F NONCDOD3JM07 RILEIGH 5R 165fiTF1TTYRD. OLD HOLLYSP TT1 GS DUMP. CART' SANITARY LFL NONCD0C M65 HDLL i 4PRD GS HOLLY SPRINGS RD OLD P-UZTC 3==-HOWARD IOHIti SOS CILUTREE NCT)HwAsm RILE:C 3 '_ 10'_ CENTURY DRAT OLD ELkLE: 3 == FL Rl I-DOR.CITHEA DLIZ NONCDO:"C,S 1 a F LE:C 3 DOROTHEA DIX HOSPITAL OLD EL�II.E:C3 LF =]. NC2fCDG:: ^x4 =_zLE:C 3 143D 5 BLOUNT ST OLD ELILE:C 3 LF =].0 NONCD0' ' Dj93 -_ZLE:C 3 '_ 11 SIX FORKS RD OLD ELkLE: 3 LF42 NONCDODj94 -_zLE:C l S9IRL.EY SI OLD R-UZ:G 3 LFQ NONCDG:,j35 -_zLE:C l 1-0 l CAPITAL BLVD OLD LF =3 NONCDG:: ::`. = zLE:C 3 1;09BROOESCIERD OLD F- .E:C-H LF' =A NONCDC,:: :: " `; LE:C H 1917 CAPTfAL BLVD OLD R-U.E:C-H LF' =5 NONCDG:: ::. RALEIGH 2M5 WADE AVE OLD F- .E:C-H LF' =5 NONCD4:: '.:. RALEIGH BLUFFST OLD F-UZ 1G 3 I =7 NONCD4::.::: RNLFIGH 2226 =ALBLVD. OLD F- .EY-HLF4 NONCDC -Di91 RNLFIGH INDL:STRLUDR OLD 9L°A LTOS'S DUMP NONCD4::D-=3 -VK❑RFSSTdILI.E 10310 C;HAPFL HILL RD ROLE Rrf LLE DUMP NONCDC-;;C,SOI Rf3T.F51n'fT.TR HIVY401 ROVL'LAND LF NCDD65300113 ]LkUIGH 3000GItESHA'd IAEE RD SOUTH SAUSDERS STDUMP NONCD0M6R IL L.EIGH 2603 SAUSDEILS & 641 W-ALTOY'S SANITATMN SERVICE DLW NONCDOM96 NDMUSS 5$0 CHURCH ST UT BUFFALOS, 3R PRIVATE DUllp NC fCDUCtiF0U67 GARNER. US-70 '%INDELL DLID NONCDUCMOD lk=ELL LA%E. GL4LD RD ZEBL7 ON DCRD NONCDUC MO& ZEBULON 509 HORION 5T Humber of Sites: 33 COUNTY: ll :kRREIti S ite ID City Street Address MACULA DUMP NONCDOM17 U4LCON DOC THOMPSONROAD (SR NORL2 A DLL NONCD0Cti70615 Y ORLD A ROSE. STREET (SR 11 M) W-ARREN DUB NONCD0Cti70616 WARRENfON HA -LIE MILL ROAD (SK 1602) Humber of Sites: 3 C OLN'ITi': 11 ASHLYGTO-N Site ID City Street Address CRESVLTLLRE.FUSE DISPOSAL NONCDUM2—D CRESAT.LL MAIN STREET AND MAQCFVS DUMP NONCD0Lti40 N LANDFILL ROAD PLY.MOUTH REF:SE,DU-M? NONCD0Lti40621 PLY.MO17] WATER STRE.EI ROPERREFUSE DISPOSAL NONCDOM I ROPER CROSS STREET -ACROSS Humber of Sites: 4 2271Page C OLIlh'IY: WAYNE Site ID O ity Street Address CHERR'l HOSPITAL DUMP NONCDODOW27 GOLDSBORO W. ASH STRE.EI EUREKA REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCDODX632 EURE.KA MTSI CHASE STREET FRE.MONT REFUSE.DISPCISAL NONCDOM29 FREMONT Sit 1359 GOL.DSBORO'DL1 P NONCDOWO63I} GOLDSBORO USHIGE AY 117 BYPASS GOLDSBORO MUSICLPALL.F NOD98055-M49 GOLDSBORO USHIG]T AY 117 BYPASS KER-N=GLRL.Fi' DUMP NONCDOWMM GOLDSBORO BUCK S9i'AVDROAD MT OLIVE L.DFL NONCDOWO'OD VIOLRdT OLIVE KELLY SPRINGS ROAD MT. OLIVE REF LSED SPOS,U NONCDOCOM11 VIOLRdT OLIVE EAST fAMES STREET PIKEVI= DUMP NONCDODOW2D T+TRF4TfTS.F. PH EVZJ-E L.DFL NONCDOCOOM PIEEG'II.L.E. L.ED5HL}ME Number of Sites: lO COUNTY: W=S Site ID C ity S tree[ Address BETHEL DUMP NONCDOCOO'93 fD.\.S= 314 Y ORTH MER RD N. %TL.i;ESBORO DU .MP NONCDODX4]4 Y OKTH FM'ER L.I ERTI' GRO' E SONEKS ROAD DUMP NCIM147731a HAND TMfk,= 2646 SOIESS ROAD WILKE5BOR0 REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCDODX433 14'II.i;ESBORO KEL.LYHILLRD Number of Sites: 4 COUNTY: WILSOIti Site ID C ity Street Address BLACK OFEEKDUMP NONCDOOM16 BL.ACKCREEK NEAR SR Lana CITY 017'% LSONL.A LANDFILL-1 NONCDOOM74 I7MS(Y\ 10 GOLDSBORO ST.�,E CITYOF'%T SONL.DFL-'_ NONCDOOM02 UMS(yll' 5741 WARD BLVD ELM CITYREFUSE DISNAAL NONCDOOMIa ELM C,1fY NORTHR-k=OAD STREET SARATOGADUMI} NONCDOWO637 SARATOGA 734DCABIN BRANCH RD.(SR SIMS REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCDOWOM ELMS 7402 BRUCE ROAD STATONSBLRG DUMP NONCDOC■70635 SIANTONSBUR.G 5345 NC H%rV 222 W LSON SANITARY LF NONCD0C■XYi4{M WIL50N 4545 NW AIRPORT DRIVE Number of Sites: 8 C OLIN—M I ADKT Site ID O ity Street Address ARLD� GTON DUMP NONCDOCDO544 ARLJNGTON- 345 SOUTH vQdN STREET BOON ILLEDUM? NONCDOW0545 BOONVILLE MT-RBEND MAD CH,-VIBERI.AND-HODGE DL30 NONCDODK642 YADKINTi.IL .E FALL C-7EEK OOMM. DUMP NONCDOC■ W1 BOONVlLLE PULLULM TOAD I0YNER REFU SE DUliP NONCDOW0546 YADKB+f[.'II.LE. 1425 OLD STAGE. ROAD OLD YADKIN COU.S-TY LF NONCDOC■X&B YADIr.II+VMIE. SIZEMORE ROAD YADKINVI F REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCDODUM47 YADKII+VMIX 1141 TENMSSEE STREET Number of Sites: COUNTY: YXNCE Site ID C ity S tree[ Address BURNSvI=DUMP NONCDODX649 BURNSL'ILLE. OLD FORKRD Number of Sites: 1 2281Page F. Landfill Capacity Report FY 2021-2022 F r „ ; r. r F Cobles 4 &b Landfill Alexander County tPl f Awery County C&b Landflll 011 Da#e 1.41251149R Qpen Mtf� 111 f 19M ()pen Date 7ellAg4a Si.rvey date' 6{2112021 Survey aate!i 5130/2022 Survey date 4P 11=2 Y12nM Ckp n 23.7 v£brl Open 1 24.4 YenrS 07rcn 25.8 FiS,tdl Year TM 11.,M-08 FISC31 Year TOMI 4,4155.6A FiSCAI YearTOnS 33.84 Total Tons Disposed to date 737,705-47 Total Tons Dispamed to Date 76rU16.fi4 Total Tons Orsposed to- pate 537-00 Average Tans per Ycar 31,078.08 ' Auerap2 Tons per Year 3,114.50 ` Average Tons per Year 20,81 VNUMC Used L353,433 Violvw Used 253,274 Volume USCd 2 Z7Z 165,551 VolumeConstructed 201,250 Vol umeConstructed >t606,176 VolumeConstrurted Total Permitted Volume 5,935,9Q3 Total Permitted volume! 269,193 Total Permitted Volume 328.454 * Compaction Densh y 0-{2 * Compactlon Density: 0.56 * Com paction Density 11-24 * Remainingvolume fair Future 421:543 * Remaining Valume for Future i l.291 * RemainI%Volume far Future M.N9 Constnrction Construction Construction { Rpmdlnine PLvrnitted volumei 5,75z2,270 * Remaining Permitted Volume 225,919 ' Remaining Permuted Volume 1.25,178 ' Approximate Constructed 252,72,8.9 ' Approximate Constructed 6,143.5 Approximate Constructed 47,029-5 Remarnlag In Tons Remaining in Tans; Remalnlng In Tons ' Ap culmare consrructe d a.�r * approximate Cnnstfucred 2jo ' Appi-mlmar- Constructed 2,2$9.y Remaining In vemej Reahaining in Yenr5 Rerun §Irving In vp$rs ' Remaining Corrvtrutted in Fiscal 23.3 ' Rcn*aininit Cwrtructed in Fiscal I 1.4 ' Remaining Constructed in fisud 11389,8 YebrTons' Year TIMS: Yeai-Toris ' Approximate Total Permitted 3,S85,132 ` Approxi mate TOta I Permitted I S7,A92 ' Appraximate Total Permitted S3,458 Volume Remaining inTons_ Vrolume Remaining in Tons_' Volume fketnainiing in Tons * ApprmimateTotal Permitted 115.4 * lkpprmrmate Total Permitted 1$.$ ' Approximate Total Permitted Ufa.& Vgtump RPmalnGng In Y-ears Vnlidw Ramaining In Years Volume Rernalning la YPars ' Appr•baimate Total Tonnage' 317.5 ' ApproximawTotg1 Tonnia$e I 13.0 ' Approximatc Total Tonngt 1.579.7 Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons! r Remaining io Fiscal Year Toros: MEMOpp I Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons p p Bru nswicktaumy CDLF Buncombe County CAD Unit iSLlrke County Johns Riwer Waste Manageanent Open date 7f 111F193 Open Erato! 1/21j1998 Open date 117/1998 5urwey Date 711412022 Survey U31ej Sf3112022 Survey Date 61211=2 24.4 Years Qpen 24.5 Years Open 24.1] Years Open FI*nIYear Tnr,s 15,( '4.10 FiScal Yeor TOM go,1567.74 FEgrrlYear Tpns 7r3$9-fs6 Tnta1 Tons Disposed to Date MR,511.06 Total Tons b1sposed ra oats 8G0,424.00 total Pons DKposed to bate grg05-00 3S,327,10 ' Averaitc loos per Y4ar 405108 " Avcralge Tors per Ycar 29,051,S3 ' Average Tons per Year volume Uk'd 1.0300457 V401LIW USCd 11363,699 volueme Used 15,370 Volume Constructed 1,045,23S volumefonstracted, 1,432,300 VotumeConstructed 322.496 Total Permitted Volume 1.146,1130 Total Permittkd Volume; 7,729,600 Total Permitted Volume 322,+496 * tompaetWn t}emity 0-68 * Campactlnn Derls" 10.61 * Coal pactzn bensI4 11-513 • fLeriminlingVolume for Future 14,778 * Remaining VoNma for Future 68.501 * kerna4ning volume far Future 304.126 Construction Construction Construction • Rprmmining Permitted Volum(, 115,643 * F!eMinlriS P�rmitteft Vohtme Ir360,90f * Rernalniag Permitted Volume 304,126 ` Approximate Constructed 10,017-5 ' Approximate Constructed : 43.283.7 ' Approximate Cortstrumed 163.983.0 Remaining in Tons. Remaining in Torts: Remaining in Tons * Approxif ate ConLIFUlled 1 0.3 * Approximate Cnn9trueted 1-2 * Approximate{ondructed 404.R Berani ing In Tear$i Remaining In Year$ Rpm9lflin$ In TenrS " RemaininB constructed in Fiscal 0.6 ' Remaining Consructed ir+Rswl 0.5 * Remaining constructed in fiSt9I 22-3 Year Tons: Ycar TonS� YCarTons * Approximate Total Perwwned 7"M * Approxlmate Tam Permlcted 85a,559 ' Approximate Total Permitted 1163,9a3 Volume Remaining in Tons Volume Remainine in Tons Volume Remaining in Tons `ApptrtximatitTotnl PerrnitttA Z,7 ' AOprb [m4teT4tA ftemittted - Z4,3 ' Apptox5matit Total Permitted 404.8 Volume Remaining In Years 1ro6upne Remaining In Ye.arsl Volume Remaining In Yeurs ' Approxmate Total Tonnagt• 4.7 ' AwrftimateTotar Tonpv$e ! 9.4 ' Appeoxirn to Total Totinao 22.3 RcmainitiX in Fiscal Year Tons. Remaining in FiSMI YeaF Tons; Remaining in Fiscal YaarTons 2291Page � ■r ��. r , ii _� r talon rus County CIUF IIg1rWaY a5tblk Landflll & taecycling Gree.y waste WarAburn Re_wureelteoovery MDTedlity Open Date 17fSj7C05 Ow ❑aW: 414PCM Open Date toll/2007 SJ,rvey Drte 5127/2022 Survey Mte 613012022 Survp.V date. i/Sil rD2 Years DI 1S_5 Years Oplll 22.2 Vears Open 19.6 Fiscal Year Tons 15.549.84 Fiscal Year Tars 147,777,89 Fiscal Year Tans 49.399,76 Total Tons Disposed tip bats 369,065.00 Total Tans disposed to Date 2,061,28L00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 66a,571.00 Average ions peF Year 23,850,20 ' Average Tons per Year 93,596.19 ' ,overage Tons per Yea r 33.845.7 3 VNumc I 6A4,361 Volume LMedj 3,135,1Z9 volume used 11074,299 3,936,671 Voturne Constructed 1,449,006 Volume Constructed MOSS Volumefionstrurted Tatai Permitted Volume7 876.SSi Total Permitted Volume S,995,186 Total Permitted Volume 1.449,000 * CarmpactPon l?enslly D-51 * Compaction Dens" 0.66 * 1_orm pact;on l3enslty 0_65 * FLemalning Valumefor Future 66,d94 * Remaining volume for Future 801,542 * Rernalning Volume for Future 428.701 Construction Construction Constnnction ' Remaining Petmltted Volume- 231,$70 * Flerri,4nlng Pprmi"ied Vniti,me 7,650,piy * Remaining Pevnitte-d VolUrne 429.701 `ApproximateConstructed 381061.i `ApproxirnateConstructed 532,210.5 'Approximate{onstructed 278,813.9 Remaining in Tons; Remain ing in Tons Remaining in Tons ' Approximate Constructed 1.6 * Appri wMrnate Constructed 5.7 ' Approximate Constructed 8.2 RernalnYng In Year51 Rewalning In Years Remaining In Years i Remainine CnrWniCted In 11 2.4 ' R, Winlng Crm0rur.I:M In I I 3.5 * Rernalaln$ CpngtrUCted in FIV_HJ 5.6 Year Tans, Yew Toms Year Tans ' ApocoximateToW PcrTnimd 132,695 ' A4promienitI2Tbtj1 Pe mittittl U98,G74 ' Approximate Total Permitted £78.814 Volume Remaini in Tons; Volume Remain in in Tons VoNmr Remaining in Tons * Approximate fatal Permitted 5.6 * Approxi mate Total Permitted I 20.3 ` Approximate Total Permitted 8.2 Volume Remalnlni; In Years Volume Remaining In Years! Volume Remaining In Years * Approximate Total Tonnage 3.5 ' ApprgxlrrrateTntal Tnnnav 12.5 * ApprnsimiI Total Tonnage 5.6 III iinift in Fev.51 Year Torls. Cleveland 23CII-CIDLIF-1997 CID Remaining in Figtgl Year Tor,$ Cumberland I Re,painii% in Ft5C21 Year Tpng Cli inland CowwdY ColF CumbwLvwCountk C&D Unit WFIZ CourdY 091) Landfill Open Date 1J111998 Open Date 111119W Open date 1111EJ1995 Survey date 7f1312022 Survey Date 31IU2022 _ Survey pate 4/iJ(]_d2.2 Years CII 24.5 Years Open' 24,2 Year& 41pen 2GA Fiscal Year Tons! 72,771.76 fiscal Year Toml 41,422.76 I Fiscal 'rear Tons 17,545.04 Total Tons Disposed to Date- 1,21S,75i.00 Total Tans Disposed to Date! B23,450.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 438,347.00 - Average Tons per Year 49.565.132 * Average Tons per Year 34,015.92 * Average Tons per Year 15y99.92 Volume Usr-d 1,297,922 Volume used 1,188,£50 Volume used 1,1S7,982 voltrmeconStrWed d.W04DO VolumeCormnActed 1,f97,77$ Vol UmeCAngkructed 1478,100 Tatai RermlMd Vnlurne. 2,655040 Total Fprmltted Volume 21026,570 Total PwmIIII Vpiume #,1)440300 ' Como�dion D-rmi;v 0.-1 ' Compaction Density 0.69 ' Cumpastion Density 1138 ' RemainlosVolumefor Future Constru tiI l,347,478 ' Remaining Volume for Future Construction 500,523 • Iteltraining Volume for Future Construction 3Z0,118 ` Remaining Permitted volume 1.347,478 ' Remaining Permitted Volume 837,920 ' ftemaining Permitted Volume 1,886,318 ' ApprWiniate Cpostrurt4-d I.WR,154.5 * Appro>tmate Constructed 392.31 1.R ' Approx1irrate Constructed 121,1717 RenWinlog In Tnng Rernglning In Tome Remgkning In Tong Approximate Constructed 2S.5 * Apprbximate Cvnitructed 10.4 Approxim�ltvConstruct4d 7.3 :Remaining in Years, Remaining ii Years Remaining in Years * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 1 17.3 k2mainirig Constnitted in Fiscal 9_5 ' Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 6.9 Year Tons! Year Toms Year Tons ' Appr4ximakeTotal PermitW I l,26%2,170 ' AppranimettTatai Permitted seu,aes ' Approximate Total Permit" 714,054 Volume RemainIN; In tonsl, VolumeAemalning In Toms Volume Remaining In Tons Approximate Total Permitted I 25-5 * Approximate Total Permitted 17.1 ' Approximate Total Permitted 43.0 Volume ReMMIrling irk veal Volurm Rtmainin in Years, volume Rcmainin in Years } hppraxinrate Total Tonnage 17.3 -Approximate Total Tonnage I 14.6 ' Approximate Total Tonnage 40-0 RemamirMg in Fecal Year ions :Remaining i In Fiscal Year Toms; _ -Remaining In IF III Year Tons 2301Page fdgecombe County COLF Wlnston-5alerq Clty of Old Sallsbury goad GULF C,astan County Cdb landfill Open pate 1200J1997 open ease. V1 f1936 Open Dite 71511999 .oprei y Date 71112022 Survey Date: S jgge2M2 Survey DwU 6f 6f 2022 Years Open 2415 Years Open 25.4 Years Open 23.3 FiyC:51 YeorTpng 14,555.77 Fisni Yt,arTms; 76,525.70 Fiscal Year Tons 85.757.00 Total Tans Disposed to Date 496,792-00 Total Tons Disposed to Gabe 1.662,i01.04 Total Tons Disposed to date 1.278,2C0.00 Average Tarns per Year 20.235,52 ' Average Tnns per Year 65,341.22 Average Tons per Year 54.M.21 Volume Used 919,956 VUlvrrie Used, 3,169,058 Volume Used 992,4CO Val LimeConsrructed 1,704,000 VolumeCoostrvcted' 4,030,000 VDLumeConstructed 1,482.196 T9tai Permitted Volume IL-M,004 Total Permitted volume; 4,030,0O0 Total Permitted Volume 1,48Z.196 * Compactwn Oenslty' 0.54 * [ompactlan Density' 0.52 * Campattion Density 1.29 * Remaining Volume for Future 7SO,044 * kemalrung Volume for Future 84G,942 * Rernaening Volumefnr Future 489,796 Construction ConAruction Construction * Rpm$Ining Perrnllted Volume 7J irl.044 * RKmaining Permitted V4)lLrme 9d4,942 * Remaling Permitted V41ume 489.796 ApproximatE Constructed 42U,388.4 ' Apprimimate Constructed 438,291.6 ` Approximate Constructed 630.851.7 Remaining in Tansr Remaining in Torts Remaining in Tons Approximate Constructed 20-6 * Approxdrnate Constructed 6-7 ApproximateCanstructed 11.5 Rernalning In Years Remaining In Years Remaling In Years * Remaining Cpn<strkl ed in Rwal ; 79.9 ' Rem"iniflg CgnstrurJep In FJSGal 1-5.5 * Rernalaing Cpn5trucred in Flscm 7.4 Yer,rTong: YeMTDM Year Tans ' Approximate Total Perrr„ttcd 420,388 ' Appro%imatcTo1al Peeroikted 438,292 ' Approximate Total PuFnitted 630,852 Volume Remainifig in Tons Volume Remain inly in Tons Volume ReTnining in Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 20-8 Approximate lotal Pennicted 6.J ' Approximate Total Permitted 11.5 Volume kemalning In Years volume 17emaining In fears Volume kemalning In Years * Approximate. TMkl Tonnage 2R-4 ApormimateTntarTonmregg 16.5 * Appens6rnate Total Tpnnagp 7.4 "airling In Final YearTdn$ (Remaining in RSWI Year YOM Remaining in FK01 Year Tom Greene ico GoiffvFd 411&CDLF-Za12 Gro+anp Count CDLF Grcena4oro, My c4 White S#roat LanAII WI High point tiodfill, I.LC Open bate lf1/1998 Open bate VV1948 Open date 2)4j'2004 Survey Date; 3{11,12022 Survey Wtel 611712022 Survey date 11612022 Years Open' 24,2 Years Open I 245 YCor€ O'peh 17.9 Fiscal Year Tons 1,82915 Fiscal Year Torts: 50,733.OB Fkxal Year Tons 75.907.27 Total Tans Disposed to Date 52,143.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 2.01-1.903-00 Total Tans disposed to- Date 52,5+12.00 Average Tons per Year 21155.515 * Average Tons per Year a2,262.i.3 ' Average Toms per Year 2,931.73 Volume Used 174,007 Vol erne Used 11679.M Volume Used DD4,957 Vol umeC4nstruded 471,4M Volume Constructed, 7r370,OD0 Vo+umeConstructed 71467,437 Total Permitted Volume 471.466 Total Permitted Vblumel 2r370,OW TOTRI Permitted VairJrne. 4,773,968 ' Compaction Density 4.311 ' Compaction Density i.47 ' Compaction I ensity 4.513 + Ac-n t iniria VOIun lop, Futtwe 297,453 + Remaining Vorume for FutUr,,, 493r167 ' Frc nvi niejt VOlurrle for Future 2.362,400 ConstnxtWn' _ _ ranstruttlon ConstrkKM_n_ Remaining Permitted Volume. 297AS19 * Remaining Permitted Volume +493.167 ` Remaining Permitted Votume 4,669,G11 ' Arppmxlmate Constructed 89,136-7 * Approximate Constructed 52S,65A.7 ' ArrpmxlmateTronstructed 1,1$2,669-3 Remnining InTongi iRemair ing InTain Ftenwlning In TonS ` Approximate Conslrumd 41.4 ' ARPrommarte Onnstructed 6.4 ' Appraxirrlotc CuF%stru=d 403.4 Remaining in Years. Remaining in Years Remaining in Years Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 48-7 Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Iffel * Remaining Constructed in fiscal i5-6 Year Tons. Year Torts Year Tons ` Approximate Total PCrrrWix! 89,137 ' Approxi rrl.DTt Toth1 Permitted 520,559 • Approximate Total Permitted 2.337,330 Volume Remaiining In Tons Volume Remaining In 7a4us Volume Remaring In Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 41-4 * Approximate ToW Permitted I &A ' Approximate Total Permitted 797.3 Volume Remaining in Years V011irire RM110if1M in YCor9' Volume RCmj)inin in Y4!j)rS ' Appro*nnate Total Tonnage -18.7 ` Approximate Torat Tunrrage 1 10.4 ' Apprommate Total Tonnage 30-B Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Remaining In Fiscal Year TUMI Remainina in Fiscal Year Tons 231 IPage r rr: i I r � ■r r r A-15androsk C&D landfill 41allfax County LandfIll Hamett CakwFty Dunn -Erwin = landfill Operl vote 4/1917009 Open DSe' 611PO15 Open Date IM/1998 Airwey Date 4f 19/2027 Survey' B41tp' 3/19/2022 Surrey Date 6)9/2022 Years Open 13A Years Open GAVear, Opcn 24A Ascal Year Toms 1134,313.00 Fiscal Year moss 4,538.66 Fecal wear Tans 34,983.95 Total Tans Oisposedto Date 1,085,976.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date; 4,552.68 Total Tons Disposed to- Date 425,120-00 Average tares per Year: 83,S41.01 '.Average Tons per Year' 743.35 ` Average Tons per Yea r 17337.77 Volume I.isrtl 1,844,408 Volume LUdj 13,700 Volume used 818.654 V19UME ConsLructed 2,240,000 VolumeConstruL:- 73.129 Volume Constructed 2.047,985 Total Permitted Volume 2.240,000 Total Permitted V4lrrme' 73.129 TDWI PerrniUEd Volume 2,047,905 * Campaetbon berisky 0-59 0 CDmpactlan Dens" 0.21 * Compaction Density 4-52 * fernaining Volume for Future 395,592 * kemalrgng volume For Future -W.i329 * f[enimning Volume for Future 1,229,391 Construction CowTurtion Construction ' Remaining Permliterl Volume 395,592 * Remaining PPrmitterk ValrrmP i9,429 * Remaining perralrte0 Uelt,me 1,229,331 `Aporaximate Constructed 232,922.1 Approximate Constructed • 19,M9.4 ' Approximate{anstructed 630,381.0 Remaining in Tons. Remaining in Tons f[emaining in Tons Approximate Constructed 1 2.S * Approximate Constructed 26.6' Approxlmatetaistrvcted 36-7 Remaining In Yedr51 Remaining In Years Remaining In Years * Remaining CarloAkCterk In FPWEkl 2.7 ' Remaining CrmStriji: i rn RSpI 1 4.4 * Remalning Cpn5tr46te0In Fl*u4 20.5 Year Tans. Year Y0,41 Year Tons ' AppcoximateTotal perrnirttd 132,922 ' ApprbsimAmT(AM Fcrroittcd I 19.749 ' Approucimate Total PCrmitted 638.381 Volume Remaini in Tans Volume Remaining in Torts. Volume Remakning in Tons ' Approximate fetal Permitted La ' Apprcxr mate Total Permitted 26.6 ' Appraxlmate Total PermltLed 36-7 Varume Remalning In Years VDltime Remaining In Vears Volume Remaining In Years * A,ppromilmate Total Tannage 2.7 ' ApprgxlrrlateTatal Tanfuge 4-4 ' Apprnscrnate Total Tannae 211155 Rem.)ining in F- 51 Ye*rTpn-,. HillinneLt 430-M.F-1997 CC] Remaining in Fi$�Al Yt�yr Tpm,, Jones I i RewinMg In Heal Ye$rTons ■D Harnet# Co. Andtw&aon Crtwk CAD LinAfiIF TMi! MiYSv 111116 d1MArutH4n iAhd DbrtY811Hdr1 f:af+diilr Lenvlr County CFSLF Open (I 12/V19% Open Date 4{612O15 Open Date 11111998 Survey pate 619}2022 Survey Oate 7{2312424 _ _Survey Date WSJ` 0ZZ Years Oprn 25.9 Years Open 5.3 Y"* Ckptn 24A Fiscal Year Tans 16.957.81 fiscal Year Torts 69,150.85 Fiscal Year Tons Total Tans f?ispasedto Date 259,689.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 52,631.52 Total Tans Disposed to Date 365,223.60 ' Average Tans per Year 1p,176.10 * Average Tons per Year 9,972.42 * Average Tans Per Year 24,971.71 Volume used SM.1i19 Volume used ".112A volume used M2.iM Vol umeConstruded 618,779 YoluenecorWruoed 797,097 VoIConstrutte0 W,437 Total Perrnll#ed Volume 1,121,43D Teal PprmlttM Volume 5RFr754 Total Pennljted Volurne. 1,126,540 ' Compaction Density I1.44 ' Compaction Density 0.80 ' Compaction Density 4-62 ' RerwinlrrgVolume f4r Future 30,460 ' Remalning Volume lot Future, 731,049 ' FInlnjYolume for Future 2%Z98 ConstrucMn Construutlan Canstructtnn Remaining Permitted Volume 533,611 * Remaining Permitted V-olume 520,726 * Remaining Permitted Volume 524.406 Apprrwllmate Constructed 13,445- * Apprin6mate. C-Anetrdrted 194,1343.5 ' ApproxlmatglronstruCterl 17,1u.3 R-malining InTonS. Remaining In Tans "mining In Tans ' Apprwiniatr Construa 1.3 ' Approximate Constructed 18,5 ' Approximate n 1.1 Remaintng in Yea Remaining in Years Remaining in Years ` Remaining Constructed in Fiscal I 0.0 ' Remaining Caustructed in Fiscal 2-7 * Remaining Constructed in Fis€a1 0.6 Year Tons. Year Tarts Vear Tons ' ApptoximateTotol perir.ttrd I 235,540 ' Approsim.DtrT01-M Permitted j 416r590 ' Approximate Total Pcrmttted 318.078 Volume Remalnl,kg In tone; Volume Remalning In iradisl Vokame Remaining In Tons _ ' Approximate Total Perrnitted' 23-1 * Approximate Total Permitted 4E.a * Approximate Total Permitted 21.2 Volume Remaining in yea m Volur'nr Reviiiiining in Years° Volume Rcmi)iffing in Ytiari * Approximate Total Tannage 13.9 ' ApproximaLe Total Tonrtage , 6.I 'Approximate Total tannage 14.9 Remaining in_Fq€al Year Ton. Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons! fkemaining in Fiscal rear Tons 2321Page 5901-CVLF-1995 CID Lphi7 ►#arrnan Landflll f idlsorl C009y C&D Unit Martin CwntyC&O Lan011 Open date 3125{i999 Open Oahe 1 :LV112006 Open date 3123{i994 _ Survey 6ateL Years C1penj il/YfW_i_ 22.7 Survey Oahe Years Open 5__}16j2d22 15.5 Survey Data Years Open V20202l 2619 Fiscal Year ronsl S3,4O3.39 Fiscal Year fans, 1,230.99 fl_ctal Year Tans 4,639,46 Total Tons Disposed to D5te 11372AM-00 Total TOMS Dl%*a - d 10 D81le 32,269.00 Taal Tons Disposed to Date 12561700A0 ' Average Tons per Year 50.443.44 * Average Tons per Year 2,07fi.87 * Average Tons per Year 4r70737 volume Used 2.217,987 volume used 131,600 volume used 0 VolumeConstructedo 2,727,347 VolumeCor4tructed 21 Vol ume Constructed 365,353 Torsi Permlrt d vnlurntr� -1,271,010 Thal P4-rrnrtt0d Vplum� 2D9r70p Soxal Permltt Yn1Wme 177,yy¢ ' Compaction l}ensityr 0.62 ' Compaction density 0.25 ' Cum paction Density 4.00 • Rt#wirli%Volumefor Fvtwe 509,#fn • Remaining Volume For Future 78.100 ' Rf`rlX7inirlgl Volume for Future 165,353 Com#r #ipn [arrtruttlon Cpnstri ctban * Remaining Permitted Volumel,, 1 053,113 * Remaining Permitted volume: 78,100 ` Remaining Permitted Volume 177.696 * Appmxlmat- Egnstrury d: Fw Iwinin In Tpn�! 315 Sfi.O * Approximate CAnstrur:tpd RemOle ing in Tqa S: 19,1905 ' ApproxlmareUnnstrurr(L{i ffiWining in Tpm$ 0.11 Approximate Construdted 5,2 ' Approxmarte Constructed 9.2 ApproximateCorLAruLied 0.0 Remaining in Years Remaining in Years Remaining in Years * Remaining Corstructed in Fiscal 5.2 • Remaining Constructed in Nsml 15.6 * Remaining Cunstru€ted in fiscal 0.0 Year Tons' Year Tots Year Tons * Appeoxlmatetctal Pernytted 651,795 * Approximate tatai Permitted 0.151 Apprnxlmate Total Permitted 6 Volume Remainldg In tons volume Rernalning In tonsl Vatume Remaining In Tans 3-2 'ApproximMeTotal Permitted 0,0 'AppraxImoteTotal Perrritttd 10.0 'A:pproKimatrTotaAPermitted Volurnt flicmiMFling in Vtara Volume R[rrleir.in in Y"r3 V61umc RcmMnin in YCbti * ApproMmate Total Tonnage 12.2 ' Approximate Total Tonnage 15.6 ' Approximate Total Tonnage 0.0 Remarning in Fiscal Year Tons .r ■� r * Remaining In Fiscal Year Tarts, , * r Remaining In Fiscal Year Tons r r err Greertwsy waste 5olutloms of Floaft me€k Madre County CAD rani -- mash tjoirmiy C= LandMI Open Date! 311WW6 CO M Pate 101111993 Open Da#e 11312000 5,jrveyDate 6POI2022 5urury We 7IW2011 SurWpyDare 7f112022 Years open 163 Years open 27.8 Years Qpen 225 Fiscal Year Ton-, 122,217.61 Fiscal Ytar Tw 29,313,13 Fiscsl Year Tons 14,9i3.26 Total Tons DiSpose4 to Date 1,779,-970.% Tntal Tnn-L Di$ppfed t4 Date 7%313.13 Total TOMS D*pMed to Date 2$70173_¢0 Average Tons per Year i09,192,82 ' Average Tons per Year 1,05S,88 ' Average Tons per Year 12,543.7S 59.572 Volume Used 830,116 Volume Uscd ZFA!51581 Volume - Used Volume Consbructed 3,1Ai,00Q Volume[onstructed 2,MO.Ow Volume Constructed 936.406 Total Permitted 'Volume 3,1A1,40U Total Permitted Volume 2,SU0.W0 Total Permitted Volume 2,405,368 * ♦=ompaction t]enslty. D.70 * C;ompactlnm Density, 0.49 * Compaction Density D34 • Remaining volume for Fixture 591,419 * Remaining volume for Future 2r440,42A • ftemalningvolume for Future 106.290 Construction Construction Construction • RemOlning P{w,r,ltted Voider* S91,419 ' Riw,ainlm$ PIrrr,itteO volsLMt 7,441 • itpm5imin8 PerMilled VO4LJme 1,575,7Q Approximate Constructed 412,894.5 ' Apprmdrnate Constructed L200,042.4 `Approximate{onstructed 36,124_2 Remaining in Tons: Remaining in Torts ftermining in Tans ' A,p,prmxlmate constructed I 3.9 * Approximate tonstru€ted 1,127.3 ' Approximate Constructed 24 Remaining In Wearsi Remaining In Years Rernalning In YeaN • Rem58lning QaStepcted Ir1 FWal 3.4 T "MainiN Cor,Strud d M Fiscal I 41.0 * Remaining Constructed in FIfAw ZA Year Tans, Yt4r Tons Year Tons * Approxlmate-Tctal Permitted 412,895 * Apprmlmate Total Permitted 4200,842 Approximate Total Permitted 535.364 Vol ume Remaining in Tons: volume Remain ing in Tons Volume ften aini in Tons • ApdroxirnolTotal Peffd+itTM 3.8 • ApproKimbTeT" Perfflirted 1,737.3 ' Appro&imate Total Permitted 42-7 Volume kemalning In Years Volume Remaining In Years volume Remaining IrtYears * Approwi-Me T9t�kI T4nndge 3.4 ' ApprotlmatCToi Tgnnagt: 41.0 ' Appnpa- #p Total Tonnag-e 3519 R{Ym.1iniryt in FPS,,-51 Yebr Tbmt Remain ine i n Figeal YNP, TOOK ReLm mining in Fiy21 Year Toms 2331Page ■ i arillt Ccurrly CMLF Fva mmirik Cjp m y C-Lp Landfill Clir D Landfill III Open Date' S{9112005 Open Date, 4111190M Open date 5 f V2001 Survey Date; 612712,322 Survey Date W412022 Survey Date 712912= Years Open' 173 Years Open M.2 Years Open 21.2 Fiscal Year Tons 22,7".17 Flsral Year Toren 17,194.77 Fiscal Year Tans 22.962.67 Tptr'I Tons M&IpefeR t4 DWe 160,406-47 Te al Tnmc DigpOW FO GakP' 17,194.77 Total Tons Disposed to Date 1J40 ` AweragP. Too& per YeAr 9,-iII • Average Tnns per Year] rA55.57 • Average Tau per Year Q-OS volume Used 330,831 valtrme Lisol 1r065,499 Volume Used 1 ValurnrConskfuctetl 474,0p0 YblumeCortistruCted 1r149,313 ViNumeConskructed j,541,089 Torsi Perrnlrted volume' 7.F9,750 Total Pem Med V-0Ium4: aK"5r382 Toear Permlrted vowns, 1,$R$11$$ Compaction Density 0.49 ' Compaction Dermity 0.132 ' Compaction Density 1.00 ' RtmaimM8 Volumt, #or Fvkuxr 93,169 ' Remainins Volume for Future 93,713 ' Fk r Qi ni" Voluwm2 for Future 1,541,088 Cons.tnectton _ Cprs=ctlan Canstnuetfon _ ` Remaining Permlited Volume 458,419 * Remaining Permitted Volume! 379,883 ' Remaining Permicted Volume 1,888,155 Approximate «ncrruct,-d 45,19E.4 * Approximate C,nnsrrurted 1,350.1; ' Appmxlmar- Constructed 1,.541,Er8$_0 RpmI in Tpix Rernaieing inTeW;: R(Lnuining in Tpm ` Approximate Constructed 4.0 ' Approximate Constructed 2.1 ' Approximate Constructed 32,G06,510.8 Remaining in Years. Remaining in Years Remaining in Years { RemafningCwrstntcted In Fiscal 2.1) `R,emainitsg Constructed in Flsml 13.1 • Remaining Constructed in FF3Ta1 45A Year 'TDins Year Tons Year Tans * Appraxlmatetotal Pernvtted 222,39b * Approximate total Permitted 6,130 * Approximate Total Permitted 1,8A,155 Volume Remalning In T-ans volume Remaining In tom Volume Remainlryg In Tans `ApproxinlateTotalPerMtttd 7.3.7 'ApprasimatrTatWPermirted 9.4 'ApproximiITotal Permitted 39194%792..9 Voiumc Remaining in Ycars. Voluim%i� P&Mainiri ih Yr~drf. Volume Rcmainin in Yc3rs * Appi-MmateTotal Tonnage 9.8 Approximate TotalTonnage I Q.4 * Approximate Total Tonnage 53.6 Remaining In Fiscal Year Tons Remaining In Fiscal Year 111M Ftemaining In Fiscal Year Tons Randolph r, r r21 Ywall Reryding t33LF CID Robeson 790 Roktesan [uunty[OtF ■r RutheKard 11103-MU-2130Z Rutheaford County CAD Operl Date 1II 04+ee1 Dat 1/2119M OOen Date 1{1/2001 FArrwr:y DI 211w2022 SUrLMy 60tP 5f3112027 Survey Date 7f7f2027 Years Open, 20.3 Years Open 24.93 Years Nen 21_5 Fiscal Year Tons: 27,131,07 II Ytar TotIS 2!J,733.25 Fiscal Year Tons 15,179,95 Tgt$I Tong lk�.po5e4 t4 Date 233A57_95 Tfiral Tons DI$IiOMf d t4 E}df{ 515,475.00 T4t?il Tons o+5pgaed to Dote i5r179-95 Average Tons per Year 13,943.84 ,overage Tans per Year 21,160.12 901,379 ` Average Torts peF Year Volume Used 705.67 91031 Volume Uscd 496.633 Volume Llsed Volume Constructed 551,951 Volume -Constructed 2r341AC4 ilnlurne Constructed 360,000 Total Permitted 'Volume 1 104,617 Total Permitted V-olume 2,341,464 Total Permitted'volume 30D,000 *-rompactton benslry 11-57 * Compaction Density+ 0.53 * Compaction E enslty 1.68 * ilemeiningvolumefor Figure 55,129 * Remaining Volume For Future 1,360.0 5 * Rernal nIng Volume for Future 290,969 Construction' Constructionj Constructton • R¢rri�irring Pe4mlred Volume &D7,9�14 * Resrmeinlmg P4�m7ltt&d Vi)ILIM(L ir361I * Rem5i)iing Perrnitted VOILh)e 790.969 • Approximate Constructed 31,573.3 Approximate Constructed 71S,77&4 Approximate Constructed 489.091.S Remaining in Tons Remaining in TI Remaining in Tans ` Approximate Constructed 2.3 * Approximate Constructed 33.a ` Approximate Constructed 693.1 Remwlning to YeaM Remaining In Years FWnAlning In Y-PAns * RBm8i8irl� Cer1S[ruCtCCi in IFI y.2 ReMining CortStruCtt*d In Rg�jI #4.1 * Re maliniq Construoed in Fryc-ai 37-7 Vein Tons i Year Tprnsi Yeaffons * AppriaxlmateTotal PeroytLed ` 347.IM * Apprmlmate Total Fefmltted 715,778 * Approximate Total Permitted 4M. t1 Volume Remairift in Tons: Volume Remain ing in Tors Volume Remairift in Tons *Ap0d6;cI ateTWWPerswttiM 24-9 *,1pproiiiwteTOINPeemiited 33.5 •AppromimoteTotal PermiI T}93,1 Vatume Remalnrng In Years Volume Remaining In Years Volume Poemalntng In Years * AppeokimMe Tgt$I Tgnnege ' 17_g ` AplSrgxlm7ak T4k81 T nepge 74.1 * Apprpxirnatis Total Tgmneg 7-2 RemoinirlR in FiVSI Year Tomb Pertaining in FiStaI YLMeTofti Ru�eWinirj in FimW YCerTons 2341Page sampwn 1 i1 I 1 Manly 13401-031-F-1997 Sampson County OlWsal, LLt ! 5catland County CDO Alhemarle, DIY ofC13tF Open Dbte 911611996 Open NFe 1/111998 Open Date SN/19% W-ey Dote 11517022 Surmv�Y a&Te W(P 2 5U-eV Date IV17PO27 Years Wen; 25.3 Years Open 24.4 Years Open 24.0 2,175.76 Frscal Year Tons 17198k,12 fiscal YcarTons: 52178 Fiscal YearTDR" Total Tons dlsposedto b 74,118.00 fatal Tansl}Isposed to Date 336,07.00 Total tons Disposed to Date 416�462.00 ' Average Torts per Year' 4928.RB * Average Tons per Year 13,759.59 `Average Tons per Year 17,3}9.04 Volume Used Z49.809 Volume Used 53S,668 Volume Used 827.380 Volume Constructed 1.054,182 Volume CamstruCtied lr144,442 Volume Constructed 2,390,900 Total Permitted Volume Z180,581 Total permitted Volume 1ri44,442 Total Permltted Volume 2,390,900 * Golti gMtion Density 4.30 ' Compaction Dem"StY O,53 * Lam Putinn i}enSityr 4.5n * FLemainingvalumrfor Future R04,374 * Remaining voli,rne forFurum 9Wr774 * Rrrnainingvnlume for Future l.W4,520 ConstN€twn Canstrvctlon Construction Remaining Permitted Volume 1 931,878 ' Remaining Permitted Voluame 508.774 ' Remaining Permitted Volume 1.563,520 ' Approxlmare Constructed 239-9Z1.1 * Approximate Constructed 269,012.3 ' Approxlmatetorrstruiwd 186.9W.3 Remaining In Tons Remaining In Toils Rentiaining In tons ' A"Fowimme Cbh3truCMd 01.9 ' Apo mmirekMe Conslrueed 19.6 ' ApproKimaleCWMAtketl 45A Rtrnaining i14YCPr5 R€rpwining in Years ittmainiing in Ycllrs ' Remaining Constructed in FF- ial 452,9 Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 37.5 ' Remaining Constructed in Fis€a1 43.8 xearTons Yekw Tons Year Tans * Approximate Total pernutted 575,SM * Approximate Total Oermitted 269,022 ' Appmlmate Total Permitted 156,998 Volume Remaining In Tans Volume Remalning In Tons) Volume Remaining In Tons ' Approxlrrrake Total Perrnikleri 196.5 ' ApprpKlmA[eTOral PermlltM I 19.6 ' ApprMimake Total Permittert 45A Volume Remaining in Yrarx. Volumr Remainlrlp in Ye 0r5 Volume Remaining iei Years ` Appromrnate Total Tonnage 1.086-3 'Approximate Total Tannage 37.S ` Approximi to Total Tonnage 43.13 Remaining in Fiscal Year Tans umlaki 1 sr Remaining in Rsral Year lair i 19226-COLF-ZOI]i Remainft in Fiscal Year Tons CID Union [aunty tea Shotwell Landilil, Inc Red Rack blspoml CAD Landflll Operr Date 11MAMR OPM Dale 10/1V1997 Open DMe i3J1917001 .'AjrMey Dare 711112027 Survey note 6/412022 Survey axle 116/2P22 Years [)pen 24.5 Years Open 24.fi Years Nen 20.1 Fiscal Year Tons 75.183.93 Fi=l YNrTotes 139,683,48 Fiscal ►car Tons 42SI688.56 Tmzkl Tong l iwmf) to Date frf+ A"00 ToUlTon?, pijpoSoM 10 Dare 1,524,691.6¢ Tmal Tons nismed to Date 3,227,634.00 ` Average Torts per Year 27.013.25 'Average Tons pei Year 6]_877.CB ` Average Isms per Yea r 160,398.14 Volume Used LS14,421 VvILime Used 3,9181139 Volume Used 51065,514 Volume Constructed 1525,700 Volumetonstrurted Sr3marow Valuate Constructed 6,907,990 Total permltted volume 1,673,SOO Total permitted Valume 91900)OOm Total Permitted Volume 19,177,1s0 "[rrmnaCtinn DP.n5I1V 0.4E * fprnpac#Ign O ar (7.39 * Companion I)enSrFy 0.53 • Remaining VOIUWefOr Future 11,279 * RernalmIng volume for Future 061-Ml ' Rernaming Volume f-or Future 1,522 476 Constmction Consmurtiim ConstrKction 5,381,861 _ _ ` Remaining Pcrrnitted Volume 14,0911 596 ` Rcmaining P&mittM Volume 159.379 ' Remaining Permit[ed Volumt 1 Approximate Constructed * Appmximate Constructed 527,722.9 ' Approximate Constructed 1, i56, 74fx4 Remaining In tans Remalning In Tars Remaining In runs ' Anroximalt GpnSCructed 03 ' ApproximMe Con5lruCted 017 ' AVprftIM je-OWkStrt+GleO 7.7 Rerribirlim$ 0 year RCrniinimo in Ytam ReMIM R it YPbrS + Remaining Constructed in Fiscal _ 0.1 `Remamimg Con5tructe+d in Fiscal 3.0 ' Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 2.7 Year Tans Year Tons Year Tons * Apdrlrxlrmate Total Perrnirte4 69.736 * ApproKimateTOTal Pprmllfed 7rZ66)W ' Aprsri)36mare Total Permitted g.W,n97 Val Lime Remaining In Tons volume Remalning In Tara vahume Remaining In Tons ' Approximate Total Permitted 1.6 ' Approximate Total Permitted 37.0 Approximate Total Permitted 5S.6 Volume Remaining in Yew& volrjrnt in Yearn VglUrrme Remaining in Years ' Apprmumi to Total Tannage 0.9 Approximate TotaL Tonnage 1 16.4 ' Approximate Total Tonnage 21.0 Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons, Remainine in Fiscal Year Toms Remainiree in Fiscal Year Tons 2351Page r MIR I MET+ i r breermaY Waste 5alutlons of Apex, iLLC Brownfield madCBD LandFlll Washinginn Courfq C&0laadilll Open Dwr 1(vino07 Open DMttl 10/T,/2003 Open Datc 111,/1996 WrveY Dare 613W2022 S4r"y wtei 11,50022 Survey date 4PIPI P1 Years Open 19.7 Years Open 18.3 _Yeas Open 25.3 Fiscal Year Tons 81,362.U3 Fiscal Y"rTOT. S 3841853,33 Fiscal Year Tons 737,94 ?atal Tons Disposed to bate 1,1574359.00 rotal raps blspo-xi to ba�c 2,566,53&00 Total Tons Disposed to bate 1.00 * Average Torts per Year 94.79T.S1 * Average Tons per'Year 140,i27.?1 * Average Tans per Year 110+1 Volume Used 3.017,407 Volume USEC d,O08,484 'Volume used 0 Val LimeWistiucted 3,190,000 V4lume[aFLStFUCtEG 6raos,700 Volume Constructed 77r142 latai Permltted volume. 3,130,d00 Total PermIttadvolumel 9,d25,F40 Total Permitted Volume 147,Q76 " i oWp Ctron Denclry 0.55 ' Compaellon ❑erISRY 0.64 • ComWWII Dengrly 0-170 * Remaining Volume for Future I17,533 * Remaining Volume for Future 2,145.216 ' Renlalning Volume forFulure 77r142 Construction _ Construction _ _ _ Constru€Lion _ ' Remaining Permitted Volume 11Z553 ` Remaining Permitted Volume 4,+41f1,315 ` Remaining Permitted Volume 147,076 Approximate Constructed 62,477.9 * Apprwamate Constructed 1,406,W4.7 * Approximate Constructed O.f} RemaLning In Tone Remalning In tons Rernarning In Tons Aporcmlmate C4Msteucted : 0.7 ' ApprOHiniate C&MSINCted 10.0 ' APpr IrnAleCdr+Stru[ted 0.0 ikCrnaining in Years' Rcrnoining in Yearn Remaining in VuDrs ' Remaining Consxnrrted in Fiscal 0.8 ' Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 3.7 ' Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 0.0 Year Tons Year Toros Year Tons * Approximate Total Perrnitted 52,478 * Apprmi Mete Total Fermltted 2r631,479 ' Approxlmate'fotal Permitted 0 Volume RemalnlAg In tons Volume Remaining In tons Valume Remaining In Tons * Approxlmate Total PerraiNeO 0.7 * AT,prpximate T0lfu Permitted 70.1 * Apgrgxlmate Total Permitted 0.4 Vokime Romi)iminS in Years VOW rrte Fl rW FI in Ye** Volume RemNirling is Years * Apprmumate Total Tonnage : 0.8 ` Approximate Total Tonnage 7_4 ` AppF-ommate fatal Tannage 0.0 Reamainifkg in FiscaI Year Tonsl -r r (Remaining in fiscal Year Torts i r a■r Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons r a aYne County CbLF 7�� WAMM County 1 hntsIIde C8D iandlflll duke Energy progress - Asheville open pate 7 1f M1996 Open Date 191412004 I Open Date 41if 2021 Sidrvay+L]are 6{18f24Q7 Suru"Date 4/7f2O22 Survey Date IW2V2022 wears Open 24_5 Years Operl 17.5 Years Open 1.2 FisC7I Year Tons 27.470.30 Fiscal YCawTom 27,432 86 Fscal Year Tons 1,057,828.00 Total Tons EWsposeA to Date 703,547M ToIarTons QIsOwed ro pate 474,537.44 Total Tons Dispmed to Dale 1,76,7515= ' Average Tons per Year 28,769.6S ' Average Tons per Year 27,107AI ` Average Toms peF YEi r 1r042,733.£6 Volume Used X796,437 Volume Used 64,031 Volume Used 1,115,423 Volume Constructed 2,73b,223 Volume Constructed 472,650 Volume Constructed 1,262 S15 Tptal Permitted Volume] Z736,993 i Total AwrriiitLed Volume 2r002r070 TvW Permitted Volume 1,262,515 * C70mpnCtion D(-nSI D-39 ' Cornpactlnn D-erKRY 7.41 * rompaetion u6enslty- 1_13 * Remaining Volume for Future 940,8Ab * kemalning Vokime for future A%r529 * ReroaLning Volume for Future 1".092 Canstnr€tio. Construction Constnx-bon 1.9381039 ' Remaining Permitted Volume 145,092 ' Remaining Pomittcd Volulrici 944,846 * RCrnaiMin@ Ptrmittcd Volume ' Approximate Constructed 35M-W.0 * Approximate Constructed 3,029r373.1 ' ApproximateCarutrucbm 15S'2jN.2 Remainlfeg In Tons femalning In Tares Reniainlng In Tons ' Amrovim'qte rongfLlcted 12.0 ' APPMxirriate cpngtructed 111.7 * Appr"Irnite Constructed 0.7 RCm3iHing in Yfidr9 Remaining in Years Remaining in Years ' Remaining Constructed in Fiffcal 13.+4 Remaining Constructed in Fiscal I 210.4 ' Remaining Constructed in Fiscaa 0.2 Year Tons Year Torts Year Tons * Aptirgxlmete ToW Pr:rro;tted .35R,550 * Apprpxima#e70TN Permitted 14134219ig ' Apprmirnare Tpt.al Per mitten 165.209 Val ume Remalning In Tons Volume Remaining In Tans Vaiume Remaining In Tons ' Approximate Tcrtal Permitted 12.8 Approximate Total Permitted 529.9 Approximate Total Permitted 0.2 Vplume Remalrling id Years. hlolarnt, Rewlekln in Years VolumeIIPmalMing Ire Years ' Appromarnate Total Tonnage' 13.4 ' Approximate Toter Tonnage 523. 6 ` Appromfmate Total Tonnage 0.2 Remaining in Fiscal Year Ton ' kemainine in Fiscal Year Tonsl Remainirre in Fiscal Year Tons 2361Page Duke Energy, Carolinas - mamshalk Industrial Open pate V712011 %rYex NO. 5/9/2U27 Years Open' 11.2 Fiscal Year Tond 1,306,356.00 Total Ions 6rsposedto date, ' Average Tans per Year Volume Used 4,i0i,04S.d0 367,044.03 M03,938 Volume Constructed 3,829,021) Total P-errnitted Volume la,679,Od0 + 1 34 * Rematning Vplumrvfar Future Construction Remaining Permitted Volume * Approxmate Constructed Remarnlrag In Yons • A,dprNiMate CDrlStrudtd i RCmaining in YCbr3' ` Remaining{onstrertted in Fiscal YearTons- * AppsnxlmateTotal Permitted j Volume Remaining In Tans; * ApWnklmate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Year ` AWaxsnrate Total Tonnage Re-mainirre in Fiscal Year Tons 425,CFA2 15,279,062 512,136.4 1.4 0.4 Irrternstlnnal Pap{ -Survey sate; Years Open - —-Fis[al Year Tprrg rfltal Tans disposed to date * Average Tons perl'ear Volume Used, Volume[aristru[ted. Total Pazrmmed Volume Cnnrparl ion Density * Remaining Volume far Future Construction Remaining P£rmittedVolume * Approximate Constructed Remalnang In Tuns * Appro4mate C+2nstruCted Remaining in YCar5 ' Remainitlg Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons, 12130/2002 412512o72 19.3 2,179,138_00 112,801.89 1,150.866 2,290,150 2,290,1W 1.8g Duke Energy, twolinas -Allen Open pate 171912009 Survey Date 50412MI Years Open 1115 _ Fiscal Year Tons 30,54Z,00 Total Tons 8rsposed to babe 4 Average Torts per Year Volume Used 1,56d,915.00 136,342-27 1,253,760 Vatume Constructed 2,019�500 TDW Permittedya4ume fi.W,700 + r..+..,,.rF:.,., r.,.,w, 1 20 4139, W * Remaining Valu" for Future _�_ Construction 1,139,Zii4 ' itemaining Permitted Volume 2,157,207.E 'ApproximateCatstru[ted Remaining In Tans 19,1 'AopeoxlmattComtructed Remaining in Years 23.3 ' Remain ing Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 1ar403,307 ' Approximate Total Permitted 1 2,157,2M Volume Remaining In Tans: Appr¢Kim3teTCK4 Permitted ! 19.1 Yolti-e Remaining in Ynrxj 141 k Approximate Total Tonrrage 23.3 Remainine in Fiscal Year Tara t+lue Fddge Paper Products, lnr. — — Operr P&t(- 3128/1984 Sa,rvey Dare 312 t{202 2 Years Open 38_fl Fim.51 Vear Tons 35219150.00 Total Tans Disposed to Pate Average Tons per Year_ Volume Used 9,317,961.00 2AS,342.07 5,M,731 Volume Constructed 4317,DOD Total Perraltted Volume 8,317,000 * Corn a Fnn Dencll 1 9 P - Y * Remaining Volume far Futwe 2.243,269 (onstRictlOn ` Remaining Pcrmitted Volume Z13431269 - Approximate Constructed 3,655,084.1 Rematnlrkg In tans. - approximate Constructed' 14.9 Remaining in Years! ' Remaining Constructed in Frscal 20.4 YearT.ons. * Approximate Total Per,nitted 3,665,464 Volume RaamalnIng In Tans. ' Approximate Total Permitted 14.9 +1Wurnc Remaieling In Year's ' lipproxirlrate Total Tonnage 10.4 Remainine in Fiscal VearTonT duke Energy [arollnas - McSulre Opear Rate 71MIJ1997 Su'velr Bate 5/r,/2m2 Years Open 29.9 Pistal Yew Tw L134,74 TI)tal T-orls DISpOS1*d t0 171-8Iel 77,734a70 ' Average Tons per Year Z426.95 Vulvrne Used. 75.509 volume tanstru[Ged: 140,fl00 Total Permitted Volume) 14M(M `Cplrpaetioo oeri-ay! 0.94 * Remaining Voiume lqr Future 83,G91 Construction ' Remaining Permitted Volomel 63,431 * Approximate Constructed M.943A Remaining In tars * ApprO>tima#e CAnst rutted Z4.7 FI€,r,-Dining in Yews ' Remainitlg Constructed in Fiscal 52,8 Year Tans; * ApprOKPnutF-TOT&I Perrairted I 59,443 volume Remalning In Dots, `Approximate Total Permitted 1 24.7 volu core Re+nAGnInQ in Years! Approximate Total Tonnage 1 52.8 Remainine in Fiscal Year Torts, R2.8.74€} 4.786,940 I.M.318.7 7.6 33.8 `Approximate Total permitted 5.965,191 Volume keanarning In tons * Approximate T¢t81 Permitted 43-7 VaIUme Remaining in Years ` ApproArnate Total Tonnage 155.2 Remainim in Fiscal fear Tons Duke Energy progress- Roxboro Oper, Mite 1125j2U43 ..,l,rvpy Date1412'R27 Years [)pen 18.5 F-rwal Year Tons L1392,256M Total Tons Wispose0 to pate 8 773,930.00 ` Average Tacks per Year 475,466-08 Volume Used 9.114,202 Valurne Constructed 9.41211130 Total Permitted Volume 9,47..2.000 * C:gmpaKtiipn6enrIq rt-46 • Itermining Volume for Future 297,7 Constwticn ' Rtmainmg Permittcd YWume 297,798 ` Approximate Constructed 286,676.1 Remalning In tons ' approximate COmtructf+l 0.6 Remairling in Years ' Remaining Constructed in fiscal 0.3 Year Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 2n,677 Volume ReararnlAg In Tans ' Aporaximate Total Permitted 0.6 Vplurt7e Rer"siniing Id Years ` Apprm6rnate Total Tolmage 0.3 Remaininiz in Fiscal Year Tons. 2371Page Person r r 0, FnEfUS lauke fner&y, Maya Steam ElecMic Plant DulatEmirgyr CaroUnas-Flugerr ike Energy Carolinas- BzIwm Gmek,CraiRRoad Lanffl Open date: Open Datel 91712010 Open date 111512007 Survey date 5}912022 Survey bate! SM12022 Survey date 5 f9}2022 Years Open Y(-Bns Open it.7 YNF'S pprn 14.5 Flseal Wear Tons 294,1199.00 Fiscal Year Torre 1,3iyD,fiA3.01} I'Mal Year tons 153,502.00 Total Tong Mposkdt6 Daft: 934,G44 00 Total Tons DiSpbvtd tb Nbfi 4,815,444,06 Total Tortes IN5IJ65cd ka Dakc 1,628,896M ' Avemge Tw per Year ' Aver T-ong per Yeor. 47T.676.25 * Average Tom 5 perY"i 18t,7pb.$7 Volurne. LAF d 8ig,6.37 Vnlirnw L.16Mj 3,700,420 Vnlorne Used 7,345,444 VOILAME Canstrurted L592,000 VolumeCorrstrwtedl 4,3 77,C00 VaiumeConstructed 6,321,890 Timm Pcoydittd Volume 27,720.24.0 Total P6ermittMV0IuMt 13,343,000 Total Permitted Volume 24,52118% * Compaction density 1.14 * Ckmpattlon density 1.20 * Campanian Denslity 1.12 ' Remaining Volume for Futrae 773.303 ` Remaining Volume For Future 628,5R0 ` Rernainingvolume for Future 3.980,441 ConStrlJ,(:tion COnSlruetl0ei Cortistruckion * Oernalning PerraItted Volume 16r901,551 * RemaLning NrmLtted Volume g,634r. Hw * itemalning permitted Volume 22,280r441 ' Approximate Comstrumd 882,821.1 ' AppmAmatt Constructed 816,214,G ` Approximate {anstrwdmd 4,4491M.2 Remaining in Tans; Remaining in Twos Remaining in Tans ' Approximate Construced * Approximate Constructed 2.0 ' Approximate -Constructed 24_7 iternalning In Yea Rematnlng In Years Remaining In Years * Rernalning CorkitfLKted In FLwml 1.1 ' Remaining Cbnstrii[ted In Fiscal ILS * Rernslaing Constructed in FI%m 2q_i Year Tons; Vex Tonsi Year Tons ' Apoloximake Total Ptn*iMM 19,295.213 ' ARpro%i -Me TMI Permitted I 12,510,556 F Approximate Total Permitted 25p151591) Vol urnt Remaini in Tons Volume Remaining in Tops; Vahxmc "ainirig in Tons * Approximate Total Permritted * Approximate Total Permitted 30.3 ' Approximate Total Perrnined 138.1 Volume fiemalmng In Years m volu e kemakning In Years VOJIJme Remalning In Years ' Approiwite Total Tonnage 67,13 • Apprgtlrnatp Tnkal Tonnage 9.7 * AppeiniI n,,ate Total Ti)nnage t 63.0 Remaining In F-escal Year Tons Remaining in Rs[al Year TOMI Ft ainlr%in Fincai Wear Tons Stokes M, ( r OIAM-MSWCF-19M PAWN EnerwCarolinas - &clews Creek, Craig Road Lartdfill, DunTwr PaparCampan9LandfJN, Lined403 klanrwme County Austin Quarter Road Landfill Facil4 Open date 11N2007 Open IMbe 1VU/20M Open Date Sj1A/1994 Survey date 519)X22 Survey Date' 02012022 Survey date 3{_i512022 Years ORen 14.5 Years Open 21.3 Years Open 28.0 Fiscal Year ions -265,109.00 Flsral Yrtar Tons; 1,917.13 Fes€aI Year tans 130,664A4 total Tons E%posedto date 470,227A0 %W Tons disposed to Date! 951,575.00 Total Tons drsposed to date 2,421,176.00 ' A.4eFgge Yw per Year 55.875.90 * AverMe Tons per Year 44r57fi.47 ' AvF-rW. TM per Yew 96.495.94 Volume Used 590,A96 Volwsw Used, 2,233. 4 Volume Used 1,22Z,385 VolLme Constructed UM1000 VolumeCnnstntrw 2,592,063 Volume Constructed 3,694,758 TOSoi Permitted VOlurrrc U000000 Total Permitted Volume iQ749,ODO Total Permitted Volume 100982e1w * Compaction densitp 1_64 ' Compaction density 0-43 * Compaction Density D_75 ' Remaining Volume for Future 909,104 ` Remaining Volume For Future 4SU99 ` Ikernaining Volume for Future 472.373 COM$Mctrpn C4nsifu( loeJ Uristrwtion • kemalning P4rrnitted Volume; 909, lob * RernaMing Permitted Volume 8,515,636 * Remalning Permitted VoJurne ?.Mo 415 ` Aoorooximake Constructed' 1.492.711 5 * ApproN innate Constructed 195,131.0 ' ApprmimAe {onstrumbd 354,922,9 Remaining in Tans Remaining nlTom I Remaining in Tons 4.4 ' Approximate Constructed 4.1 * Approxxmate Constructed, 22.3 * Approxrimate Constructed Remaining In Years: Remaining In Years Remaining In Years * Remaining Constructed In FSscal 0.6 ' Remaining Constructed In Rccal 1111,9 * Remaln7ngConstructed in FIs[al 2.7 Year Tons Year Tom Ynr Tony * Approximate Total Permkied 1.492,711 Approximate Total Permitted 3,627X" ' Approximate Total Penmined 5,830,877 Volume Rtmainin in Tans Volume Remaining in TOriS VOLwmc Rl`rrraini in Tons *ApprpYlrnaPeTotal PerrtiHed 27.3 *ApprnzimatF-TatniPermltteLd 4t.4 'ApprnxlmakeTotal PermitPefl 67A Volume Remalning in Years VDIu roe Remaining In Years: volume Remaining in Years * Npproxiirnate. Total Tonnage 0.0 ' Approximate Total Tonnage 1,R41.9 * ApprnAmate. TrAal Tonnage 44.6 "aininginF*e RlYear Tons Remain insinFlceailYearTwm- RPmliniekuInFiGNVeer Tons 2381Page •r4 ria4. ra"254 •Tr4r.�crrrcira .+.e..0 rr oou .r�..a.Y.• ro..u.... a.ur,P�r+T •a'FRr'M. 4,ar• r•».o• •co• av r.a-rrrr. O' Axtsdn lswAll Asho County Landfill EaitQrolina Rewidrral Landfill Open date IV121200D Open date 2VIV1993 Open date SPW1993 Surrey bats. 2}V21322 Survey Tame 6j3{M2 Survey Date IV22JM21 Years Dpen 21_2 Years Open 28.6 Years ¢pen 29A Fls€al Year tone: 97g,452. M Fls[al Year tons 25,286.fi8 Fiscal Year tons 555,813_26 Total Tans Croposee to Date 9,234,596,00 Total Tons Di5POW to Date! 531,M.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 14,7271847.O1) ' Asreragr TgM per Year "fi,693.95 * Aver Ton$ per Year: 1$F 73.i4 * Aver@oToe* per*ettr 519,aili-s1 volume used, 1U,660,406 Volume U:iedl 1r646.647 volume Used Volume Constfuctendj 15,1721,074 Volume Cor`stroctedi 1,159.714 Volume Clonst+umrd 15,974,OOD Tatar Perrnl"d V01UM! 21,6a4,fi37 Total T0t81 P&mltted Volume 24,2l)o.om *CompactionDensity 0.87 CompactionDensity O.51 *CompattionDensity� 0_98 ' Remaining Volume for Future . 4,360,666 ' Remaining Volume for Future l 113,067 ' Remaining Volume for Future 650,497 CpnOwtiom: C4nStwurrti4n C0n5tr1Kti4n Remaining Permitted Volumed i0r980,224 * Aentalning permitted Volumel 502,153 * ftemalnlmg Permitted Volume $,17f"497 " Aoorftlfflallt CbnStruttM 1 3,779,480.2 ' Appr-bxim kr C,BnstfuttCd 57,3157.4 ' ,4pproxierim- CwtruCted 537.685.3 _ _Re_mini_ning in Tons] Remaining in Tons _ Remaining in Tons Apiproximate Constructed 8.7 * Apprflx3maite Constructed 3.1 ApproximateConstrucked 1.2 Remaining In Years Remaining In Years Itemalning In Years * Pemalning Constructed In FFscal 9.9 Remaining Constructed In Fiscal 2_1 * Remaining Constructed In Flscai 1.1 YearTpm$1 Year Tgas YearTnne • Appe"Imate Total Perfl*te-d I 9,516,384 ' AppYpkifnateTpygl Perntigtrp 264,780 ' Approximate Total Permitted 8,4t15,642 Vol ume Rtmaini in Tons Volume 1SCmdin in in Tor } Volume "ziniN in Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 1 21-2 * Approximate Total Permitted 13.7 Approximate Total permitted 17.3 Volume Remaining in Years Volume Remaining in Years Volume Remaining in Years * AppraxSrnate Total Tonnage 9.7 ' ApproxlmateTatal Tumnage 1Q.1 * Approximate Total TonnW. 1ei.2 "ainlAg In FLV;kl YeArTpms Remaining re F15C01 Year Tpra1 "fminleg in FKCiil Year Tnng i 9untomba iountyr Nt W Land[Ml 9FI4horlatts Mir Spc*dway tandfill V Fo0Wills En411'ow"ritA "Mdilll Open Date g{2-W1997 Open Date: 31611992 Open Date 8{26f1998 Survey Date 513V2422 Survey Mimi 121912021 Survey date 1219f2021 1 29,8 Years Open 23.3 Years QWn 24.7 Years Opera Fiscal Year Tons i4b P38_i32 flstal Year Toast x.1X,920-07 Fkxal Year Tons 37i,.726.73 Total Tons disposed Go- date 3,236r311.00 Total Tons Diseased ko Daker3S,OBQ074.00 Total Tons Disposed to- Date 6,211,032.0d A-epragr Tons per Year 131,194_52 * Avem&R LTons prrYearl 1,279,553.5� * AverageTrw3s per Year 294,279.R5 volume Used 5,OD9,D00 Malvme Used, 37,955,691) Volume Used 9,317,832 Vahime Constructed 511 ,5DO Volu1rneC"StruLt01 4-0.819,582 Votume Constructed 9,90%1300 Tpral Permitted VOIUtne 13,477,0pp Twat Permittedvohune 50,$fi9,PO4 Total Permitted volume i8)W,004 ' Compaction Density 13_65 ' Compaction Density 1.01? • Caanp&ffon Density 4.64 ' RerNining Volume for Futu-re 596,500 ' Remaining Volume for Future 2,B63,692 ' Rermining Volume for Future 171,168 CwFlnictron CpnStfUttlgn CanstrW.Hnn * itemalning Permitted Volume 7A68,D00 * Remaining permitted VDIUme 1z913,111) * itemalning Permitted Volume 9.30L,169 ApproxiMaleC0nStrUdEd. 365,398.2 * Approsfimyte romtructed 21633A61.4 "AppeftirnaltCon"rtlew 110,779.8 Remaining in Tans. ' - _ Remaining in Tans Rrrnalning in Tons ` Approximate Constructed 2.9 * Approximate Constructed 2.2 ` Approximate Constructed 0.4 Mmalning in Years Remaining in Years Remaining In Years * Remaining Constricted In Fiscal 2.7 * Remaining Constructed In Rscal 2.4 * Rerrialning Constructed M fIZL€al 0.3 Year Tons. Year Torts Year Tans ApproximateTertalPermitted 4,825,D69 AVprwimateTDWPermitted 12,955,359 'ApproximateTotal Permitted 5,346,404 Vdlwme Fttm;;6411 in Tans VOWMCLReMallflhe Ifi TOMI Vokvr lti "6miea in Tarns * AppeoximateTrrtal Permdtted 35,6 * Approgl`Wte VAJ Permlrted 10.1 ' Approximate Total Permitted 19_$ Volume ke_maining in Years _ Volume Remainin ig n Years volume Re_m_ainin� in Years * approximate Total tonnage 34_3 ' Approximate totat Tonnagk 14.R * Approximate total'tannage i4A Remalnly% In FILmal Year Tans Remain ing In F15ral Yeae Tgns ". mainlgg In FKrA Year Toms 2391Page _i rr i ia Blarkburn Nesource Rerowery Facklay Cfierokee County MSW wMity Cli weland County Landfill Self-McNeMy Open Date 12130/1997 Corn [gate 119119% Open putt 511312CC9 -eV Date 51130077 Su"y14te ¢ft17QQ7 Su�+ey+aaee 7f13174Q7 Years Open 24.4 Years Open 24.A Years Open 13.2 Fiscal Year Tons 173,994.40 Fiscal Yeer Tons 18,758,42 Fiscal Year Tons 99.427.20 Total Tons disposed to- bate 9,661r19d.CO Tfltal Tans blsposed to bate 436,6m.O0 Total tons Disposed to bate 1,.166,G02.M ` Average Tons per Year 150,252.99 * Average Tons per Year 17,995.15 ` Average Tans per Year 68,641.85 Volume Used S,7S2.979 Volume Used 720,871 Volume Used 2,217,537 volume Constructed 9$75.160 Yolume{=alitructed 1,149.449 ValLime Constructed 1.234,000 Total Perrnitted Volume 46A42.0Ud Total Permitted Volume 1r93d,065 Total Permltted Volume 9,474,004 * Cwpwtion perish), 11.54 * Gompattlnn nenoty 10.61 * CAmpactidn PenSltp 0.53 * Rentainingvnlumefar Futeere. 3,142,n21 * Remalning Volume tqr FIJr,Jre 52"79 * Fternainingvglumefor Future 1110145,463 Co_nstn_xtion Construction Constn¢Gan Remaining Permitted Volume 39,688,021 ' Remaining Permitted Volume 1.213.1m `Remaining Permitted Volume 7,25Z472 ' Approximate Constructed 1,739,585.6 * Approximate Constructed 982,520.2 • Approximate Construcwd 534,7401 Remalning In Tons Memalndng In tans Remalning In tans * AOOPWWQte CJDMStruCttd 1 11-5 • llpprom;mMe Cnnskrueted 21.3 ApprMim0leCo"wk& -5,0 RCmaining in Wears! PeTnaining ih Y"rs RCrnmrlirlj� ir, ycars ' Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 19 ' kerminiTLI; Constructed in Fiscal 20.4 ` Remaining Constructed in fis€al 5.4 Year Tans Year Toms Year Tons * Approximate Total permitted 21,S2T,252 * Approximate Total Permitted 738,282 ' Approximate Total Permitted 3,815,381 Volume Remainl% In Tans Volume Remalning In tans. Volume RemarnIng In Tons * ApproxlmateTotal Permitted t43.7 * Approiv mateTrrTgl Permltted 41.6 ' Approximate Total Permitted 43_1] VUJUme RCm)ining In Vein%, Vole nw Remainlrig in Years Volume Remaining In wears ` Approxemate Total Tonnage 1.233 ` Approximate Total Tannage I 39.4 ` Approornate Total Tonnage 30.4 Re mainirk� in Fu4-al Year Tons: Remaining in Fiscal Year Tars Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons CRSwAAA- Long Terre Reglonal Landfill — Aunt Street Cumherlemd County Landfl11 - „-: oauldsan County M51,df Lined Londilil Opert Date SWIM open Dare iVt7/i997 Open poke IN111994 %M-y 6P112022 SurveyMta. 31JR12022 SurweVDMe 414P022 Years Open 22.6 Years Opera: 24.2 Years Open 27.5 Fiscal Vear Tons 237,143-47 Pistal Year Tars 139,077.26 Fie Year Tons 168,430-49 Tool Tons ?iSwe'3 to DZkte 740,966.00 Total T40rlf DIgPOSed to D-aS4` 3.459.611.00 Total Tons Di;pOie4 to pate 30061r096.00 ` Average Tans per Year 10,559.04 ' Average Tons per Year 14Z669.40 ` Average lanes per Year 111,.203.57 Volume Used 306,625 Volume Usecl 5,035,076 Volume Used 5,171080 volume [onstfucted 7,O49,3tlO Volume{anwaicted 5rt39,Ml Vatume Constructed 5.96a i62 Total Permitted Volume 13,946,740 Total Permltt,eciVciIvme 6,739AX j Total Permltted Va4ume 12,BDO OM * CWjpp lion 0pnclky 0-79 ' pnmpartIM Density Q.bR * CrrmpaCtipn 06enslty D-59 * Re4MiIMIrg V4lumafor Futiere 6,742005 * Remaining volume For Future 197,1R6 * Remalning Volume for Putuie eg2.192 Construction Construction 1,7fl3,324 _Construction ' Remaining Permuted VON= G,8284020 Remaining Purnittcd Volumc 13,642,1075 ' Rc.nerning Permitted Volume ' Approximate Constructed 5,249,275.3 * Approximate Constructed 133,450.0 * Approximate Constructed 409.676.2 Remaining In Tons Remalnang In tans Remalning In Tans ' ApPro60211le Constructtd WS-9 • Apprnaimate COnstructed a9 ' Approximate{orb%truCted 3.7 REML%irlirla in YOOrs PeTeltiMlnp ih YC&t ROMOirlirle ir' Y{ ari ' Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 223 ' Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 1.0 ' Remaining Constructed in fiscal 2.4 Year Tons. Year Tons Year Tons •ApprnsdmateTotal Periv:rted: MJ21,77f, *Apprp,rimate. Tolail PermlttCd 1,1711.125 *Aplywirt50teTotal Pern7ltterl 4,i5410245 Volume Remaining In Tons: volume Remalnang In Tars Vakume Remaining In Tons ' Approximate Total PermrtLed 1,01.5.4 `Approximate Totad Permitted 8.2 ' Approximate Total Permitted 363 volume Remalning In Tea l4 Volume R{Lm.�inleg in YeOm VpdUme Ftem2hlming In Years ' Apprm6niate Total Tonnage I 45.2 ' Approximate TotalTonnage I 9.4 ` Approximate Total Tonnage 2A_d] Remaining in Fscal Year Tans Remainine in Fiscal Year Tons, kemainina in Fiscal Year Tons 24O1Page Hanes Mill Rued LaedtRl Gaston County Landfill oxford Subtitle a mSwLF Open Date' 417/1597 Gli WMI 7/111997 Open Date 5JV2O13 Survey Date; 1,,1017077 5uruey 113 e; 6j8pm-2 SUrveV Date 7151?n72 Years Open 24-8 Years Open 24.9 Years Open 9.2 209,458,63 Frqzal Veer Tons 35,85id,26 Fiscal Year Tons 297,426.14 Fise8l VearTon*, Total Tons Nsposed to Date 4,176,08.00 Total Tans Disposed to Erate 3.164,6220U Total Tons bisposed to date 35),64A-00 ` Average Tarts per Year, 169,7i6.17 ' Average Tons per Year 134,928.43 ' Average Tans Per Year MATS? Volume Used 6.278,348 Volume Used 5,579,251 Volume Used 591.971 Volume Constructed 7,526,04O Volume Constructed M01,672 Voll Constructed 6W.000 Total Permitted Volume 13,700,0D0 Total Permitted Yalume: 10.471,872 Total Permitted Volume 16,886,000 ' Q-vwion Censlry. 13-67 Derl$Ryl 0.60 * G4mpDOOM gPn811Y 9-69 * Reniatning Volume for Future l 1,247,11 * Remaining Volume forFururg 72,fi21 e for * Porn eatnlag VolumFuture sar129 Construction Construction. Construction Remaining Permitted Volume 7.421,652 ' Remaining Permitted Volume, 4,892,fi21 ` Remaining Permitted Vaaume 1G,294,129 * Approximate Constructed 630,061.9 * Approxrmate Constructed i 13,641.0 ' ApproxImateConstrucLed 40,615.1 Rematning In Tone Remaining In ns to. Remaining In Tans ' Wrmlmate Constructed. 4.9 ' AGpras;make Constructed 41 ' Approrimale Coeskrurled 1.1 lternaining in YcarsI Remainingin Ye,3rs Remaining in Years ' Remaining Constructed in Fiscal . 2,8 ` Renwining CmIstructed in Fiscal 4-1 ' Remaining Constructed in Fisca 1 1.1 Year Tans Year Torn Year Tons * Approximate Total Pernrtted , 4.937,262 * Appraximate Total Permitted 2r950,543 ` Approximate Total Permitted 9,713,74a Volume Remaining In Tons Volume Remaining In Tans i Vatume Remaining In ions * Approximate Total Permitted 24-3 * Apprprimale Tg18J Permitted M.9 ' Approximate Tc)kal Permitte4 257.6 Volume -Remaining ieL Vc-il Volu w 11einail it wears Volume Rt-mainingl in Years * Approwmate Total Tonnage 16-6 ' Approximate Total Tonnage i4.1 ' Approomate Total Tannage 271.0 Reanairin,g in Fiscal Vear Tons Remain31ng in Fiscal Year Torts Remaining in Fiscal Year Tans iIII iilgb PoIntr City of Kersey Valley Laedtlll lillIII,I'l1 Greensboro, City of White Street MMLF - Heywwd En WUh to Oak 1anmVlll Open Date, 10/, 111 1M Open Moe 121911997 Open Oats iW1511993 Survey Date 612112M2 SuruRy Mtp fil3712022 SUrvey I 121912cul Year&Open 28-7 Years Open i 24.5 YwfsOpen 28-2 Il Year Tons 125,669-1fi Fixal Yew Tim-, 13.380.62 Fil Ynar Tans 179,034.37 Total Tons Disposed to DAre 3,285,3M.00 Total Tads D15p*k-d to Will 7 406.C67.Op Total Tans 4ispme0 to pate 7,218r725,M ' Average carts per Year 114,391.98 ` Average Tons per Year 9g,151.fr4_ `Average Tons per Year 16,816.31 Volume Used 5,AS7,5A7 Volume Used 3,483,789 Volume Used 31383,511 Volume Constructed 5,917,954 volume Constructedl 5,058,660 Volume Consuucted un,707 Total Permitted Volume 10,530,795 Total permitted V43lume, 5,05$,Ow Total Permitted Volume 9,3w,O7a * C1tmPartton n-Fn * rnmpartlnrr DerISAY 0.59 * Ipavion Deml n-Fifi * Rrmaining Volume for Future . 43i1,407 4 Remalrung Volume for Future 1,57E,21t. * Remarning Volume for Future 472.196 Construction! Construction Construction ` lkcmaining Permitted Volume 5,043,248 ' Remaining PcrmMed Volume 1,574.211 ' Remain;ru� For'mitted Volume 6.036,567 ' Approxxmate Constructed 257,690.7 * Approximate Constructed 1 d2 U0$. L ` Approximate-Constructed -M,345.2 Reri ning In Tons Remaining In Tons Remaining In tans ' .a"Mvimare Wnstructed ?.3 * Appr,)Ama#e Constructed 11.1 ' appr imar a+t4krwcke4 4.4 Rrrnalni FlewinirlQ in Yeam fterni3iming in Well ' Remaining Constructed in Fiscal l 2.1 ` Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 122-5 ' Remain ing Constructed in Hsu 1 1.8 Year Tons Year Tors Year Tons * Apprgxlrmke Tatar PerrnitlM 31019,345 * Apprp9imZteTgl4 Permitted 1rO87r5QlF • Approimate TpkAl Permitted 4.005,814 Volume Mrilalning In Tans volume Remalnlng In Toms Volume Ilematning In Tons ' Approximate Total Permitted 26-4 ` Approximate Told Permitted IM Y Approximate Total Permitted S6.8 Volume RemRlriind in Years Vplu w RE ining in ►'ears Volume iternainma In Years ' Approaemate Total Tonnage 24.0 Approximate Total Tonnage 122-5 Approximate Total Tannage 22.4 241 IPage iFedell C.omnty5enitaryi P lohnsitanCaunty MSWLandfill Lereatr County M5w Landfill! Open Date 101' I993 Ow Oall 10I1}1997 Open Bate 7YV2004 7 %nrPV Dite 512712I(P? 5u"Y Dote! 314PQ2a ` 10-ey Dote 5R15PIll Years Open' 28-6 Years Open; 24.4 Years Open 17-9 Fiscal Year Tons M,211.97 Fiscal YdmrTosrsl 148.916.60 Fiscal Year Tons 13.00 Total Tans drsposedto date' 5,146,309.60 Total Tons blsposed to date 2.6 4,5d5.O0 Total tons Disposed to bate S94,637M Average Torts per Year 119,736.98 * Average Tans per Year 1O8,28T.44 ` Average Tarts per Year 32)&%.16 Volume Used 7,371,497 Volume Used; 4,34G.737 Volume Used 533,357 VolumeConstrurted 13,767,533 Valuma{on-IlltridEted, 6r927,217 vaIConstructed 578,789 Total Permuted Voiume 13,797,533 Total Permitted Volume: 1i6,8O9,727 Total permitted Volume 3.IM6,592 ' -CorvlpagCtion prnylty 11.7O * CpmpaCTI x3 Density 0.51 * Cnmwtian 4ensllp 1.10 * Rpmaining volu me tar Fuhmi. 5,416,045 * Remain ing volume Ill Furore 2r56OAM ' ltttmaining VglumP for Future fd ."2 COnstnxtron Construction_ Construction Remaining Permitted Volume 6,416,046 ' Remaining Permitted Volume) 14,462,99O ' itemaining Permitted Volume Z563,235 Approximate Constructed 4,479,28b.1 * Approximate Constructed 1,569r958.2 ` Approximate Constructer! 157.M.4 Remalning In tons kemalning Intl Remalning In Tone Approximate Ckmstrueed I 24-9 * Appr4)eimpte Constructed 14.5 Appri�.ximOteCMMruCC& 4.8 Rcrnaining in Years Rc"Oining in Ynrs RCmaiminl is Years ` Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 17-1 ' Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 1O.5 ' Remaining Constructed in fiscal 0.0 Year Tons Year Toms Veal -Tons * Approximate Total permitted 4,479,290 Approximate 1oW Permltted S #99,251 * Approxlmate Total Permitted 2,8w,679 Volume Remalning In Tons Volume Remalning In ions Volume Remalning In Tons * AplofoXl neteTotal Perml 24-13 * Appr4ximateTMjM Permitted I $t.3 ' Approximate Total Perm0:ted wo Volume Remaining in Years Volijme Rcmairaing in Yearn Volurne Remaining in rears * Approximate Total Tonnage 17-1 ` Approximate TotalTonnage I 59.1 ` Appromrnate Total Tonnage 0.0 Remaining In Fil Vear Tons! Remaining is Fiscal Year Tomsi Remaining in Fix al Year Tons LIMICAnCaunty Landfill ! Maum County Larrdflll IDpem meckliemhuug County Lamdflll Open Date, 71V1593 Ow Datel V111542 Open Dale NOW8 %rwr`Y DIr1P 6f312r122 Suruev DaflL. 5f202022 5urwaY safe 3(412022 Years Open 28-9 Years Open 30.1 Years Open 21-9 Fiscal Yeal-Tons! 45,726,38 Pistol Year 1`0113 43,415.83 Fiscal Year Tons 140,953,33 Total Tong pidpose# to Date 1,196,060.00 TrrlatTon', Disposed to Date' 43r7R4.O0 Total Tons oispoie0 to Date �,431r917.44 ` Average Tarts per Year 41.353.74 Average Tons per Year 3.1u.O9 ` Average Toren Per Year 110,934S1 Volume Used 2,635,272 Vulume Used 2132IB39 Volume Used 41548,733 volumeConstiucted 2,539,0OO ValumeConstructed 4795,5n Val ume Constructed 5,346,500 Total Permlitted.Volume 4,437,700 lotal PermlPtLed volulmel 4,9454;25 Total perrnitted4dume 211 * Cmpwl• nn 0 mIly 4.45 . CArnpacflgn Dem4ty 0.46 * Compartinn Density D-53 * Remainlril for Futrere -96,2 72 * Remalning Volume For Future 1r592A6$6 * Re -mil Nag Volume far Future 797.767 Cunstruction Construction Constmction Remaining Permitted Volume 1.802,428 ' Remaining Permitted Volume 4 7421686 ' Rcmain+ng Permill Volume 16,1751817 a Approximate Constructed 43, S •1.6 * Approximate Constructed 732,42s.9 1 Approximate Constructed 426,S14.2 Remaining In Tons Remalning In torts Remalning In Tons ApproaIMMte ConStrUCte4 1.: ' Approximate Constructed 73610 ' ApproximateCon�tructe4 3.& ReMMrlirIg in Years. ReMaiMimj in Years RICIMOimirlg in Y{"rs ' Remaining Constructed in Fi seal 0 S• ' Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 16.9 ' Remaining Constructed in Fiscai 3.0 Year Tons Year Tarns 'real -Tons • Appwnylrmatr+TMal Perrnitfetl aiR IMI * ApprpximafeTainI Permitted 1r7R1-W9 • Aror"Irnete Total Permitted R.648,1S$ VOlvme Remaining In Tons Volume Remalning In Tam. Voklme Remalning In Tons ' Approximate Total Permitted I 19-8 ` Appraxi mate Toted Permitted 702-6 Y Approximate Total Permitted 780 Volume Remalning In Y arS. VOloA%e Rim.0011Vlg in YedrS. Volume Remglning le )rears ` Approllomate Total Tonnage 1 17-5 ' Approximate Total Tannage I 50.2 ` Approximate Total Tonnage 61A Remaining in F6ca1 WearTonsl RemaininE in Fiscal Year Toms) Remaining in Fix ad Year Tons 2421Page Uwharrie Env, Reg, Landfill flow HanoworCounty Landfill Carnp"wwi a RUW Iandfill Open Date 141111995 Open batel 1}2212d29 Qpen date. 1j1j1998 Survey Date 12/912621 --- Survey babe 5IMM2 Survey date 61277202Z YPars 6pPn 2617 Yearg Open 71-3 Year. Open 24-5 Fiscal Year Tans 558,-099.33 Fiscal Year toes 374.154.72 FM&I '?ear Tons 16,876.54 TWal Tons Disposed to Datr 1G,192,963.00 Total Tons Dinpom-d to Liam 1,777.70400 Total Tons Disposed to Dge 910,895.00 ' A4erage Taro per rear 672,904.66 * Aumge Tons per Year) 536,616.85 "AweMgeT4rr5 per Year 37,707,77 Volume LkPrl 1%252,441 Vnlvnw LJ.W 2,t177AI1 i Volume Used 59r55o Vohrme Constructed 21,305,O0d Volume ConstruiWiti 2,922,716 Volume Constructed 31150,346 Taral PCFrnitted Yalumc 33,385,ODG Total PtrmLttedValvmt 15,779,090 Total Permitted Volume 4108%004 * Compaction Density t.94 * Compaction density 0.86 * Compaction benslty L5.29 ' Remaining Yolume for Futwe, Z452,459 ` Remaining VOrume far Future B15,298 Y Remaining Volume for Future 3,090,766 Construct:onl Constructlan Canstnuctron • Remaining Permitted Volume; 24,532.4-99 * Rernalning Permitted Volume L1,741,572 723,344.9 • Remaling Permitted Volump, AppmximateCvrtstruL d 4,029,420 47,253,496,1 Approximate Constvud d I 117Zb,286,0 ' Approxirn8te Constructed Remaining in Tons. Remain ing in Tons Remaining in Tons ' Approximate Constructed 2.9 * Approximate Constructed 1-3' Rppraelmate Constructed 1.270.2 Rernalneng In Years Remaining, In Years Remalnmg In Years * Rernalning C0n5rruCted In Fiscal: 3.1 ' Rf maini ng Cgmstrui;tM In Rscal I 1.9 * Remaly Ing Constructed In F15ca I 2,.5M.3 Ye2kr Ton5l vem Tart•Si Yw Tong ' AppeoximakeTotol Pcrm: W i 12,222,988 ' ApprosirrrottTOM PeeMittCd 11,734,899 ' Approximate Total PCrrnitted 61,6041705 Volume Remaining in Tons! Volume Remain ing in Toes Vakime Remaining in Tons ' Approximate Tfltal Permkiad 19-63 ` Appr=mate Total permitted 21.9 ' Approximate Total permitted 1,655.9 Volume Pemalning in Years Volume ft&maining In Years Volume Remaling In rears * Apprpxcrmate Total Tonnage: 21.9 ' Apprq&IrnateTptal Tpnr"gP .31.3 ' ApprpAernate Total Tonnage 3,2{i3.5 R4imoining irl F-4Cgl YK.prTan3: RernDinins in Figcol Y{,)r Tar's pemaining in FiwoI YeprTom$ I OnslowCountY Subti-tre D LandRll Upper Piedmont Regional Landfill [xdt Oak Landfill Open date VVIL 2 Oxen Date 713W1997 Open date i2}29121116 Survey bats 5JG12022 Survey Date LU10021 Survey Date 2�6 2022 Years Open 24-3 Years Open I Z4.4 Years Open 5.0 hs€al Year tone 1790494-33 Fiscal Year Tons 345514.23 Rseal Year tans 725,976-63 Total Tans Cimpasedta Date 3,939465.00 Total Tons disposed to date 5,644,971.00 Total Tans Uispnsed to Date 2r579,4".OD * AwerbgeTOM per Year 124,9Pi.17 ` Ate, W Tons per Ye*r 731, 53.5.E * Awer&geTM►5 Mr Ye&r 5331047-99 Vadume Used 4,305,2496 Volume Used 7r,025.477 Ynlume wed #.790,745 1U400000 VcOdme Constructed 7.160,621 Voume Construrted 4,792,784 Volume {onstrrt6ed ToW Permitted Valume 9_,9,25,630 Total PernyMM VoluAbe: 17,400,000 Total P&MIlted Volume 3B,414,389 * CwDartion Density "I ' Companion Density 0.80 * Compaction Oenslty D-71 ' RemainiF%Volume for Future 486,894 ` Remaining Vo6urne far Future 4,314523 ' Rerro3ininVolume for Future 3,369,876 CGMV tFCtiorl G4nsiNola„ Canstrtr 04)m * fdernalning Permitted Volume 5,619,740 * Rwmalning Permitted Volume 18,374,523 * Remaling Permitted Vc4urne 34,622,E-04 'AP0hUIFrlaktC6n9h'ucttid 343,736.0 'ApprbAimattGonskrutted 3,466,719.4 ',4 ri-xi"It-tCiMstruCkId 2.M.937.6 Remaining in Tons _ Remaining in Toros Remaining in Tons ' Approximate Consructed 2.8 * Approximate Constructed 15.0 • Approximate[anstrurted 4.5 Rernalning In Yearsi Re malning In Years Poemalnrng In Year!; * Remaling CanstnrGted In Fiscal 2.11 * Rernainingironstruded In Fiscal 1f1.0 * Remaling Constructed In Fiscal 1.2 YPAF Tong. V" Tart Year Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 3.967'"1 ' Approximate Total FeFMitted ' 8,335,+}30 ' Approximate Total Permitted 24,473,320 Vdlumc Remaining in Tons Yalumc RCmain ing in Tar. s Volwr'nc lW-0ini in Tons * ApproxinnaleTotal Per"Mpd 31-6 * ApprnrrmateTmal Perrnit#ed I WD • Approximate Total Permitted 45-9 volume remaining In Years. Volume Remalning.In Years volume Remaining In Years * Appraid mate Total Tonnage 22.9 ' ApproxlmatgTutal Tannage 24.1 * Approximate TMihl Tannage 33.7 "Wing In FBI Year Tom Rernr in ino I n FMal Ya-ae Toml WLwinhu in F�,91 Yeae T4)mS 2431Page { Robeturt Cvurrty Landfill Rocldrghipm County Landfiill Rowan County Lalydfill Open bate: viji!g96 Open SNi995 Open date 12,i1,119R9 Survey Date: 5{311202Z Survey babel SliWG22 Survey Date S{23}2022 Years CAppn 24_4 Years Open 17.Li Years Open 32.5 Fiscal Year Tans 127,1111.21 Fiscal Year Tars 110.263.as Fkual Year Tons 185,316.131 Total Tons Disposed to once 2,146,387.00 Tf)W T4jns DispaRA to Dort 2.199,159 00 Total Tons Di9pG#ed to Mate 194,944.00 " Average tors per wear: 87,978.70 * AvefW Tons per rear 81,347.05 * Average Tans per Year 6X3. T4 VQIIlF77P. used 7,441,721 Vnlirm,eL)se[r 3,953,77(l Volume L)5ed 5,1is2,9R7 Volume Commuted 4,421,333 Volume Constructed 8,930,117 VOLUMEConsducted 5,437,004 Total Femitted Volume; Bj 124,298 Total Perr*iitted Volume 9,930,717 Total Permitted Volume 13g7114DD * f_am¢aetlion density 13_73 ' Compaction Density 0.56 * Compaction tensity G_04 * Rearraining Volume for FuGare 1.479,612 ` Remaining Volume For Future 4,977.447 Aernai rill Volume for Future 274.01.1 Construcl:W Consilel a Construction ' 9Rernalning Perrnlilted Volume 3,1FL2,577 * Remaining Permitted Volumel 4r977,447 * Remaining Permitted Volume 9,9G$,01� `Approximate C4nstrumd 21O79578.9 ' ApprvAmatc Constructed 2,768,097.0 � AppruximattCat4;tructed 10134115.2 Remaining in Tons. Remaining in Tons! Relm3inir�g in Tans ' Approximate Constructed 12-3 * Apprimrnate Constructed 34.G ` Approximate Constructed 1.7 Rernalnrng In Years Remaining li Years kemalning In Years * Remaining fprxli-WPed In Fiscal R.5 `Remaining Cwstrut:trai In Flsral I Z5.1 * Remaining Constructed In Fkwai (3.1 Year TpnS yew To-S V"r TormS ' ApptoximateTotal PcrrWtted 2,322,124 ' ApproKFM,1teTOU Feeroirtetl 1 21760,897 Approximate Total Permitted 374,107 Volume Flervaining in Tons Volume Remaining in Teas Volume Remaining in Tons * Apprwdmate Total Permitted 26-4 *ApprnximateTotal Permltted 34.0 Appraxlmate Total Permitted 62.3 Varume Rernalning In Years Voltintie Remaining In Vears Volume Remaining In Years * Approuirnate Total Tonnage 10_2 Appr4xirriAleTotal Tpmnpge 75.1 ' Apprnxcra%te Total Tonnage 11) Remaining in FBI YearTon5. Sarapson {, Remaining in Fig al YNr'Tpr-,- RL�mainiv%in FiSeN Year Tons Sampson CouorY Dlspodb LLC Albeukwlle, City of Landrlll Sul" Cbuaty MSwAF Open Datel 2{22{1999 Open Ome S12011999 Open bate Lvlj1998 Survey Date' 1 Ge2022 Survey Date 612712022 Survey Date 7112}202.Z Years Open 22.9 Years Open 23.1 Years Open 23.6 Flseal Year Tons. 1 853,960.43 Fiscal Year tots 3A)G07.41 Fiscal Year tons 65A631.52 Total Tans thsposedto Date- 25,4433,526.10 Total Tams blspaaed to bate 1,0S6.826.00 Total Tans Disposed to bate L462,927.00 Average Toni per Vep 1,114,179.78 * Average Tons per Year 47,929. M * Average TOgc per YeV 011959-445y Volume Used 29,122,913 Volume Used lr$EEr2)57 Volume 1.4ed 2,E47,686 2,740,403 Vaiumt+C,onstrutted 5,93Z426 Volume Constructed 39,266,951 Volume{oi6tructed T15wj PRE MI ed Volumel 56,600�DD0 Total Permitted Volume 4,970,842 Total Fermft!d Volume 5,332,026 * CempaetLan Density 0_91 • Compaction Density 0.59 * Compaction Density 0_55 ' Remaining Volume for Futu-re 11,144.036 ` Remaining Volume For Future 874,13E ' Re•rnainin&Volume for Futll*e 3,264,340 rAhsStwtion 0mrtrtictio„ Conathvction ' Remaining Permitted Volume. 28,477,067 * Remaining Permitted Volume, 3r2'14, 75 * Remaining perrnitted VeAurne 3,264,340 " Approximate CorlAtUa d� 10,1390,149. 6 * App+ax�mbte Cbnstructetl 513,739.5 w Aoproxienw Cor►str ALW 1, 79D,124.9 Remaining in Tan Remaining inThns Rerrtainirgt in Tons 3 Approximate Constructed 9.1 * Approximate Constructed 10.8 ' Approximate Constructed 28.9 lternalmrng In Years Remaining In Vears l k2malning In Years ' Remaining Constructed In FEscal I 5.4 * Remaining Constructed In Flsral 9- * Remalning Constructed In A cal 27_; TeEkr Ton$: Yegr TM YRar Tons ' Approximate Total Pensdtted 2E,SO4,460 * Approxri mate Total Permitted 1)324,593 ' Approximate Total Permitted 1,790,125 Volume Rcmainin in Tons: Volume Rumairlinij inTm5l Voh,rtie Remaining in Tans * Approximate Total Permitted: 23.2 * ApprnxrmateTotai Perrnljte� IRA • Apprrrximate Total Permitted 29-4 volume Remalning In Year&. volume Remaining In Years; Volume Remaining In Years * Approi6mate Thal Tonnage 13.9 * ApionwimpteTatatTwluge , 333 * Approximate Total Tonnage 27.3 FLemainiAg In Fiwal Wear TOMS RemaininR In Fist$I Year ywl R¢mai!IIMA in Fig,31 Ve8rT4)m5 2441Page i r Transylvania County Landfill 1A'ako Cowrtyr South Wake MSWLF Wayne Cownty LandfiS Open date) 611311W Ow babe 2 I20M Open date 1pfig9" Survey date' SfL312022 Survey Date 7Ji712G22 Survey date 6{LV2022 Years pppn 32,11 Y4arS Upe— 14.4 YPdre ppem 24-4 PlscalYear Tons 31.258.20 Fiscal YearTms. 545.071.16 %cal Year Tans 97r3,61.34 Total Tons Disposed to Date 685,35d.00 Total Tons Dispo-Cd to Date: G,541,833 00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 1,947,775,p0 ' Average Toeks per wear T1,417,31 * Ave+age Tans per Yearm 453,05%3,57 * AvemVTods per Year 79,881.W vrllume LJspd 1,229,i41 VnlulSw UgFd' 4r33d,731Q Volume Llsed 2,nf{ 753 Volume Constructed L387,0413 VolumeConstrurtedi 4,450.739 V131ume Consrnurted 3,37i,831 Taws Permitted Valumc t 337,090 Total Permitted Volume- 3LU75y312 TptSll PLeMittM Volume 5.365,695 * Compaction density G_56 * Compaction Dens4i 0.70 * Compact on Density 0_70 4 Remaining Volume for Futwe 157.941 ' Remaining 1+13lume far Future 116,009 fie mai ning Volume for Future 575.078 Construction COnSMU[tloe CoestrueNcin • Remaining Perrnll#e�d Volume: 157,949 * Rem>aWng Permitted Volume. 23,740,012 * Remaining Permitted Volume 2,569,942 `ApproximateConstrudtd, 88,U70.4 'App.oximateConstructed 1 61,2993 1 Appmxirhate{orstructcd 400.508.2 Remaining in Tons' Remain ing in Tors: Remaining in Tons ' Approximate Constructed' 4.1 * AppraNamate Constructed 0_2 ' Approximate Constructed 5.1) Remalnrng In Tears, Rematning In Years Remaining In Tears * Remaining ConStruGted In Fiscal 2.6 ' Remaining [q.utruCNO In F45eal 0.1 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 4.1 Year Tans: Yp4r Ton*: YearTons ' Appraximatc,Total PerrWdz j 88,070 ' AWprosimateTatai PeeMitted 15,235,856 ' Approximate Total Permitted 1.789,118 Valume Remaini� in Ton Volume Rcmain ing in Tons! Vahime Remaini in Tons * Approximate Total Permkted I 4.1 ' Appraxi mate Total Permitted ' 35.6 ` Approximate Total Permitted 22.4 Volume Remaining m tea VDIu me Remaining In Years: volume Remaining In Years * Approximate TgtAI Tonnage' 2.$ • ApprMimatpTotal. Tannage I 28.4 * ApproAirnate Tpfal Tgnnae 1M ReMainirlg in Fvy_al Year Tarns i Remaining in Fiscal Year Torres! Ri�mbinie4 in WB-1 YedrTans Wilkes CouTgty MSWLf Open date 1017IL993 5urvey Date 3{21{2&Z2 Years Open 28.5 Fiscal Year tons 57,295.84 Total Tons brsposed to date 1,515,999.00 ' nwer,age Tom per Year 53,783.16 vadume LJspd 3,20$,271) Volume Constructcd 3,72G,224 Total Permitted Volume 4,W9,5132 *Compaction density GA `Remy+ningYolume farFutuse 519.954 COnStr4Ction * Remalntng Permitted Volume 1.423,222 ` Aproximety ConstwttA 245,846.3 Remaining in Tons ' Approximate Constructed 4.6 Aemalntng In Years! * Remaining Connstruoed In Pimal A.7 YearTpnS. * AppfoximateTotal Permitted 672.937 Vol UrmcRemo ini in Tons * Approximate Tnt+al Ppnrottpd 12_5 Volume {remaining In Years. * Apprp#mate Total Tnnnage 10,n Remaining In FkSCRI YearTpnF, 2451Page tWcOmed Values- Average Tons = ITutat Tuns Rereiuedl,i (Mears Open) Number of Reports; 100 kpitt� The data for these calculations are frmpartinn Drnsity = (TCHdi Ttim[I WnIn lh If") odllotted morn Annual FmilikY RCRarts. Remaining Volume for Future Constructlon - (Volume Constructed - lValume Used) Remai ning Permitted Vol ume - IVolume Overall E - (Vatume Used) Thy caloilalidns Rife NSed pn hlStnrK ,Approximate C.LhastruitMd Remaining In Tons = (Volume Ea6mrLCt'P.0 FLemainingl K {companion Density) [-on;mge anti tompar0on den ity Approximate Cori strurteri Rernalikingin Years = (Val Lime C,onsf ructed Remalrting in iar-sf I (A,mrage Fans] Approximate data. The apprnxlmations may be Lanstructed in Fiscal Year Tang = (Vorume Constfuctt!d Remain ing in Tprks4 / (Fiscal Year Tansy affected icy changes in operations 440proximate Total Pererufked Volriw RM7oiniM$ in Tans ={Volume Overall Rerriv+nrngE s jCornp waste Qtpam CharRoewisfir5 or grewth. Approximate Total Permitted Volume Re maining in Years s ('Volume Overall Remai ning in Tons)1 {Average Tonsy Approximate Total Tonnage Remaining in Fiscal Year Tans - (Volume Overall Remaining in Taos f (fiscal YEar Tons) 2461Page G. Public and Private Construction and Demolition Disposal, FY 2021-2022 Permit N Facility 2021-2022 2020-2021 Tons 2019-2020 2019-2019 2017-2019 0 104-C D LF- 1993 Austin Quarcer C&D Unit 3,422 0105-CDLF-1998 Cables C&D Landfill 11,292 14,556 17,412 19,487 112,41111 0201-C1)LF-1997 Alexander County CDLF 4,416 4,032 4,960 3,20S 1,336 0603-CDLF-1996 Avery County C&D Landfill 34 4,480 4,194 2,991 4,261 1007-CDLF-1997 Brunswick County CDLF 16,689 18,967 17,007 25,840 14,450 1107-CDLF-1996 Buncombe County C&D Unit 90,967 47,12J 37,232 33,760 43,569 1203-CDLF-2014 Burke County Johns River Waste Management 7,360 8,005 8,629 9,071 7,804 1302-CDLF-2006 Cabarrus County CDLF 15,550 17,968 21,089 19,804 16,845 1306-CDLF-2000 Highway 49 C&D Landfill & Recycling Greenway Waste 147.778 139,872 114.958 114,348 98,166 1803-CDLF- Blackburn Resource Recovery C&D Facility 49,399 51.808 46,920 37,075 33,85E 230 1 -C DLF- 1997 Cleveland County CDLF 72,772 56,182 53,191 102,902 62,934 2601-CDLF-1997 Cumberland County C&D unit 41,413 44,394 52,066 61,291 39,193 2803-CDLF-1995 Dare County C&D LandFili 17,846 13,127 12,345 13,464 11,491 3301-CDLF-1997 Edgecombe County CDLF 14,556 13,946 12,671 9,663 9.111 3412-CDLF-1995 Winston-Salem, City of Old Salisbury Road CDLF 26,626 48,733 54,269 57,938 38,646 3606-CDLF-1995 Gaston County C&D Landfill 85,757 91,753 78,902 76,965 71,645 4002-CDLF-1997 Greene County CDLF 1,629 2,112 2,005 3,388 1,159 4103-CDLF-1998 Greensboro, City of White Street Landfill 54,733 66,938 46,391 44,900 39,617 41 16-CDLF-2012 WI Hugh Point Landfill, LLC 75,807 54.350 45,776 51,1 18 32,1327 41 17-CDLF-2008 A -I San drock C&D Landfill [04,313 109.411 94,394 108.030 85,471 4204-CDLF-1998 Halifax County Landfill 4,986 5,828 4204-CDLF-2013 Halifax County Landfill 4,537 8 8 4302-CDLF-1996 Harnett County CDLF 19,621 23,368 4302-CDLF-2018 Harnett County Dunn -Erwin C&D Landfill 30,984 23,241 19,532 4303-CDLF-1997 Harnett Co. Anderson Creek C&D Landfill 16,958 13,166 15,267 13,856 7.085 5103-CDLF- Johnston County C&D Landfill 17,066 77,208 53,949 46,846 5203-CDLF-2013 The Maysville Construction, and Demolition Landfill 68,151 20,543 49,452 108,229 2,964 5403-CDLF-1997 Lenoir County CDLF 29,293 0 13,340 9,804 8,631 5503-CDLF-1999 Lincoln County C&D Unit 0 8.674 7,628 2471Page Permit ## Facility 0 104-C DLF- 1993 Austin Quarter C&D Unit 0105-CDLF-1998 Cobles C&D Landfill 0201-CDLF-1997 Alexander County CDLF 0603-CDLF-1996 Avery County C&D Landfill 1007-CDLF-1997 Brunswick County CDLF 1 107-CDLF-1998 Buncombe County C&D Unit 1203-CDLF-20 f 4 Burke County Johns River Waste Management 1302-CDLF-2006 Cabarrus County CDLF 1306-CDLF-2000 Highway 49 C&D Landfill & Recycling Greenway Waste 1803-CDLF- Blackburn Resource Recovery C&D Facility 230 1 -C DLF- 1997 Cleveland County CDLF 260 1 -CDLF- 1997 Cumberland County C&D Unit 2803-CDLF-1995 Dare County C&D Landfill 3301-CDLF-1997 Edgecombe County CDLF 3412-CDLF-1995 Winston-Salem, City of Old Salisbury Road CDLF 3606-CDLF-1995 Gaston County C&D Landfill 4002-CDLF-1997 Greene County CDLF 4103-CDLF-1998 Greensboro, City of White Street Landfill 41 16-CDLF-2012 WI High Point Landfill, LLC 41 17-CDLF-2008 A -I San drock C&D Landfill 4204-CDLF-1998 Halifax County Landfill 4204-CDLF-2013 Halifax County Landfill 4302-CDLF-1998 Harnett County CDLF 4302-CDLF-2018 Harnett County Dunn -Erwin C&D Landfill 4303-CDLF-1997 Harnett Co. Anderson Creek C&D Landfill 5103-CDLF- Johnston County C&D Landfill 5203-Cf?LF-2013 The Maysville Construction and Demolition Landfill 5403-CDLF-1997 Lenoir County CDLF 5503-CDLF-1999 Lincoln County C&D Unit i uns 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-7019 2017-2018 3,422 1 1,292 i 4,556 17,412 19.487 12.411 4,416 4,032 4,960 3,205 1,336 34 4,480 4,194 2.991 4,261 16,689 18,967 17,007 25.840 14,450 90,867 47,121 37,232 33,760 43,569 7,360 8,005 8,629 9.071 7,804 15,550 17,968 21 r089 19,604 16,845 147.778 139.872 1 14,958 114.348 98,166 49,399 51,808 46,920 37,075 33,858 72,772 56,182 53,191 102,902 62,934 41,413 44,394 52,066 61,291 39,193 17,846 13,127 12,345 13,464 11,491 14,556 13,946 12,671 9,863 9,1 1 1 26,626 48,733 54,269 57,938 38,646 85,757 91,753 78,902 76,965 71,645 1,829 2,112 2,005 3.388 1,159 50,733 66,938 46,391 44.980 39.617 75,807 54,350 45,776 51,1 18 32,827 104,313 109,411 94,394 108,030 85,471 4,986 5,828 4,537 8 B 19,621 23368 30,984 23,241 19,532 16,958 13,166 15,267 13.656 7,085 17,066 77,208 53,949 46,846 68,151 20443 49,452 108,229 2,964 29,293 0 13,340 9,804 8,631 0 8.674 7,628 2481Page H. County Population, Waste Disposal, Per Capita Rate and Percent Reduction FY 2021-2022 County population July 2021 1991-1992 MSVV and CC) Tons Disposed 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018 Per capita Rate Base Year FY 1991-1992 2021-2022 % Change from 1991-1992 2020-2021111, Alarvm;igce 174,212 99,302 166.616 153,229 142,462 155j68 125,669 0.91 0.96 5% Alexander 36.325 25.716 29.270 28.255 27.605 25,056 20,662 030 0_81 -10% Alleghany 11.120 14.131 12A09 11,330 9.936 9,916 9,22.2. 1.45 1.08 -26% Anson 21,586 14,229 34,965 27,612 26,536 25.559 21,999 0.61 1.62 166% Ashe 26,701 I 18,089 25,332 24,648 24,892 22,409 18,768 0.81 0.95 17% Avery 17,951 11,130 27,726 23,813 19,804 18.093 4,644 0.74 1.27 71 % Beaufort 44.561 41,796 43,649 45,550 61.092 58,135 53.415 0.99 0.98 -1 % Bertie 17.214 17,372 46,540 18,905 32.715 29,328 19,930 0.86 2.70 214% Bladen 29,402 I 25,048 66,145 62,486 47,607 59.198 55,944 0.86 2.25 162% Brunswick 143,550 78,123 196,190 217,430 2.22,287 225,786 181.602 1.48 1.37 -8% Buncombe 271,454 159.040 288.61 1 352,181 303,257 1,027,266 931.478 0.90 1.06 18% Burke 87,812 78,006 78,703 80,856 80,657 83,980 78,997 1.02 0.90 -12 Cabarrus 231.230 95,215 294.511 3D3.333 283.506 290,693 251,046 0.94 1.27 35% Caldwell 80,820 65,532 95,900 98,540 87,960 88,870 89,945 0.92 1.19 29% Camden 10.663 1,850 5,125 5,081 4,846 4,235 4,297 0.31 0.48 55% Carteret 68,284 86,894 131.060 130,709 153,301 197,552 81,995 1.62 1.92 18% Caswel l 72,402 5,136 10,704 9,516 1 1,210 10,873 6,996 0.25 0.48 91 % Catawba 161.736 151.559 222.495 230,450 220,359 191 J 10 186,771 1.26 1.38 9% Chatham 77,420 33,235 110.600 41,523 43,672 42,890 36,500 0.84 1.43 70 Cherokee 28,964 16,020 18,758 20,852 19,102 21.225 17,941 0.78 0.65 -17% Chowan 13,707 13,692 18,570 17,889 15,949 14,058 13,177 0.99 1.35 37% Clay 11,258 1.172 5.989 5,710 4,131 5.676 4,955 0.57 0.53 -7% Cleveland 100.934 I 73.138 249.768 219,971 175.539 231.285 166.481 0.86 2.47 188% Columbus 50,369 45,199 42,655 47,164 42,451 44,977 38,809 0.91 0.85 -7% Craven 101,988 86,549 152,744 96,941 97,426 143,478 3,340 1.05 1.50 43% Cumberland 342,082 227,302 378.993 419,958 408,242 378,930 345,190 0.81 1.11 37% 2491Page County Population MSW and CID Tons Disposed Per Capita Rate Base Year FY % Change from 1991-1992 July 2021 1991-1992 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020 2014-2019 2017-2018 1991-1992 1.00 2021-2022 0.54 2020-20211* -46% Curricuek 29,602 13,792 15,975 30,034 53,571 7,870 8,79 k Care 37,481 51,300 97,800 99.123 91,924 89,253 87.812 2.23 2.61 17°I Davidson 170,907 139.617 184,657 184,344 164,884 164,457 150,430 1.08 1,08 0% Davie 43,280 19.348 35,443 37.531 23,474 31,224 21,733 0.68 0.82 20% Duplin 48,754 33,310 90,522 86,237 68,771 93.995 61,607 0.82 1.86 126% ❑urharn 327,957 218,972 367,219 524,081 453,449 371,241 301,377 1.17 1.12 -4% Edgetombe 48,311 71,471 68,729 67,761 68,245 55.994 51,224 1.25 1,42 14% Forsyth 384,063 304.290 477,857 543,944 486,031 473,8$7 398.513 1.14 1.24 9% Franklin 71,220 28,702 73,792 51,532 65,487 46,238 42,531 0.76 1_04 36% Gaston 232,709 165.100 372,008 362,287 401,402 346,215 298,994 0.93 1.60 72% Gates 10,393 5,897 8340 8,852 8,549 7,583 6,076 0.63 0.82 30% Graham 8,044 4,508 7,225 7.078 7,779 6,544 6.666 0.62 0.90 45% Granville 61,150 54,548 50,929 64,230 61,052 54,956 54,156 1.39 0.83 -40% Greene 20,124 7,428 10,304 15.070 10,375 11.203 8,46E 0.48 0.51 7% Guilford 542.,451 471,541 4306,989 781,197 735,647 709,033 650.240 1.35 1.49 10% Halifax 48,214 54,907 90,963 87.535 90,302 90,470 68.668 0.98 1.89 93°l Harnett 136,820 69,073 135,004 125,964 108,718 109,074 97.185 1.01 0_99 -2% Haywood 62.495 57,842 101,343 83,282 71.404 69,022 66.645 1.21 1.62 34 Henderson 116.710 81,498 .38.539 65,086 76,164 118,446 124.581 1.14 0.33 -71 % Hertford 19,803 14.288 56,087 21.435 57,808 20,122 20.653 0.63 2,83 350% Hoke 53,713 18,331 40,670 39,203 38,834 34.936 28,718 0.80 0,76 -5% Hyde 4,603 2.762 4,836 4.984 12,239 4,751 5,95E 0.50 1.05 1 10 lr.Qdcll 191,752 114,539 283,614 276,569 264,183 261,912 201,72E 1.19 1.48 24% Jackson 42,613 18,661 37,344 39.597 37,135 41,629 36.735 0.68 0.88 29% Johnston 226,661 74.169 177,006 215,143 218,138 189.833 155.487 0.88 0,78 -1 1 % Jones 9.202 4.360 6,424 5.645 4,914 9.322 9.091 0.47 0.70 49°! Lee 64,068 48,341 71,648 105,728 101,108 89.812 77,390 1.16 1.12 -4% Lenoir 54,851 67.693 54,692 69.332 68,657 60,286 58,876 I 1.17 1.00 -15% 2501Page County population MSW and CD Tans Disposed Per Capita Bate Base Year FY % Change from 1991-1992 July 2021 1991-1992 44,442 2021-2022 68,597 2020-2021 75,157 2019-2020 75,097 2019-2019 73,300 2917-2018 60,565 1991-1992 0.87 2021-2022 0.77 2020-2021�* -12% Lincoln 89,556 Macon 37,347 19,738 43.484 40,777 38,116 40,148 40.779 0.82 1.16 42 Madison 21,446 11,676 12,827 12,674 12,768 12.974 11.720 0.66 0.60 -12% Martin 21,661 30,112 24,366 26,819 21,994 19,319 18,363 1.19 1.12 -5% McDowell 44,688 29,180 43,822 46,767 4h,655 47,267 44,321 0.82 0.98 20 Mecklenburg 1,1Z1,482 677,573 t,765,703 1,639,517 1,712,436 1,587,153 1,435,270 1.29 1.57 22% Mitchell 14,933 15,768 14,149 13,247 12,555 12.151 11.490 1. I I 0.95 -15 % Montgomery 25,782 28.873 51.784 49,627 43.443 48.272 54.007 1.23 2.01 63 Moore 102,517 74.062 105.338 104,386 105,348 106.895 94.995 1.23 1.03 -16 Nash 95,465 84.594 I 1 I ,341 140,545 135,401 137,194 126.43 t V09 1.17 7% New Hanover 229.943 157,647 402.416 413,138 421.188 471,098 306.013 1.28 1.75 37% Northampron 17,116 19,528 9,490 14,042 11,011 13,026 13,130 0.94 0.55 -4 I % Onslow 206,530 158,344 335,022 260,934 318,613 255,727 173,084 1.04 1.62 56% Orange 148,197 I 131.067 75.140 96,571 94,842 87.640 83.383 1.36 0.51 -63% Pamlico 12,334 I 8,541 17.302 16,628 16,228 26.308 107.788 0.75 1.40 87% Pasquotank 40,629 30,150 52,596 24,468 49,563 46,022 45.268 0.97 1.29 33% Pender 62,978 18,188 46,680 45,379 44,975 78,695 14,428 0.60 0.74 24% Perquimans 13.251 7,520 8,219 23,34-4 23,304 6,967 8,256 0.73 0.47 -36% Person 39A86 24.249 50.554 52,451 58.182 54.968 52.805 0.80 1.28 60% Pitt 172,014 132,696 172.395 193,026 159,551 162,189 138.146 1.21 1.00 -17% Polk 19,559 9,327 24,528 22,987 29,598 24.147 23,509 0.63 1.25 99% Randolph 145.044 78,663 126,724 125,751 126.533 146,150 119,036 0.73 0.87 20% Richmond 42,522 60.752 65.362 67,469 71,785 78,132 68.443 1.35 1.54 14% Robeson 116,485 104,700 185,047 181,971 f 59,954 177,927 l 38,583 0.99 1.59 60% Rockingham 91.706 71,461 149.807 136,795 148,918 170,601 153397 0.83 1.63 97% Rowan 147,799 90,081 207.496 199,527 t71,653 142,744 130.404 0.80 1.40 75% Rutherford 64,263 89,175 62.981 67,976 57,393 48,164 47,459 1.56 0.98 -37% Sampson 59,019 33,545 65,614 67,679 62,633 64,655 53.672 I 0.70 IA 1 59% 251 IPage County Population July 202J MSW and CD Tons Disposed 1991-1992 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019.2020 2018-2019 2017-2016 Per Capita Rate Change from Base Year FY 199 1 -1992 1991-1992 2021-2022 2020-2021 ** Scotland 33.292 39,867 36,643 42,855 38.861 41,464 22,571 1,17 1.10 -6l 5tanly 62,659 69,288 84,753 79,432 75,169 72,492 65,967 1.32 1.35 2% Stokes 44,884 17.976 17,327 11,515 11,239 10,716 21,115 0.47 0.39 -181 Surry 71,401 73,595 66,716 67,676 63.69i 60,839 56,411 1.18 0.93 -21l Swain 14,284 5.651 9,516 9,619 8,851 8,233 9,222. 050 0.67 33% Transylvania 33,361 30,072 34.516 32,258 23,204 26,056 38,757 1.16 1.03 -11l Tyrrell 3,226 2,985 2,461 2,537 2,867 2,916 2,952 0.79 0.76 -3l Union 242,948 77,847 380,424 378,443 343,465 289r218 262,641 0.90 1.57 74% Vance 42.270 43,267 44,334 57.296 52,801 48,617 33,386 1.11 1.05 -6l Wake 1.150,722 569.622 1,826,769 1104.283 1,658,603 t,487,916 1.242,118 1.29 1.59 23% Warren 18,850 10,978 9,309 9,515 9,785 6.858 10,602 0.63 0.49 -22% Washington 10,789 11,699 7,709 8,946 24,594 10,492 7,937 0.84 0.71 -15% Watauga 54,361 36,755 63,415 68,316 66,285 63.505 53,068 0.99 1.17 18% Wayne 117,662 106,149 188,043 145,265 144,872 138,852 117,229 1.00 1.60 60% Wilkes 65,809 56.812 67,846 61,469 61,395 61,082 57,243 0.97 1.03 6% Wilson 78,559 120.870 148,315 214,120 184,777 189,967 144,724 1.82 1.89 4% Yadkin 37,164 20,779 35,370 41,846 31,439 33.716 34,197 0.67 0,9.5 42% Yancey 18,470 15,576 16,262 27,537 26,436 14.423 13,512 1.01 0.88 -13% N,C. Waste - Cherokee 16,322 19,054 16,114 17,367 15,789 Reservation N.C. Waste - Unspecified 156,839 110,645 440.627 155.979 3,478 County State Totals 10,556.299 7,257,428 14,024,453 13,949,017 13,926,676 13,855,649 1 1,6a6,351 1.07 1.33 24% °" Percent Change formula: (current year per capita minus base year per capita) divided by base year per capita 2521Page I. NC Waste Disposal Report FY 2021-2022 CaltulMed Arrr-JrlL ur waste diipc1&iM byCounLy = JMSW LarWli■€- CDdalydlit11] • IWa&Le ENIJOALId Jul. of County Lin fe yelirigiaeRity 8f trardfar € 6oril- lWa&te impckied Into county to recyc ngfacility cctransferstatim] fan df ilfed baste solid waste tandfltled In the ciunty's name: Waste Total Imsw 135,802.95' rCD 12,220-3 FaF-iRias Listing-CoLinty as SoIJPie of haste Exported Waste 5alid waste sentoualde the cauntyto trarWer station Dr rwpuing facility and �r�hxrt}urntty landFlllrm:11: Tota' h Svv 18.506.61 CD 85.69 Faill1tVName _ Tons FleoelvedITom Transferred O104 WWI F 159r ararnafK3P COW" 130.66444 f (00, Ausdn Quarter Road LarONi FadRtV I 7CL]i75{DtF-]99B t�aGles C&d LBdltltlll So�19.� � OApI i '-M'SWLF-200Chambers tb"f0-00! 'Developmeryt 4f N (;}rplrna, ire jAn5on LarOfi■E �j1�6r1.F.t5�LF-199�9f+-�harinerrller I 57�R3�Q�O. rdwayi. Ma■w .32i4T-rap,MSFER-2M1 Rorie Park CDU+t 2,825.79 f 2.7M.013 Transferstatlan 343d-TAN15fER-ZOlO A6oey Green ESASI RSAA rra rvd- r StaMm 411€{DLF•2412 WI High Poini Landrdl, LLC 192.72 1 OAo -0117{�d A-S Sartifirfxx cW Landflh V69L79 I U-UU' i1GT•�1+HaFEp- �IshaR�oa�Xransfer 612DT-TRANSFER- Gr aeflsttxa, Utyr Ran5ier SAaliOM1 -_ 5204-MSWL I'A M U-1110a*Ie Er+u, Aeg. Landfill 73014ASWL:r-1497 Upper Piedrrwru 9E�ieraal rerltl�lll 7606{DLF-2aZ1 Wall RecycWgCI3LF %074ISWLF4015 Gr4mt OALWWfiill LF-19H Rowan County Landfill I.F 2MO'&wpX4n Cwnt4 Imported Waste 50d waste received In the caunty at transferstatlan orrecgllrafa€lW and -mbumnrnrly larrdfiatd: I tri.-ll. Q.r 1�,533rOd � 15,$t$,24 SU9.51 f M-51 U05110M 2,756AS 11.131) S23.38 { a.DD 174,37 { O-DO 1.86 J 13.131) 115M68 f 0•01) 2531Page ALI ey n d e r Dirulated Am-Ainr of um5w di5losed by ccunty - [USW Larmdfif5 t CID I arKm Is] r [W,3F Emptrted out Of pquntY vi rerycling *34ity or IrarM{rr ctakiunj - [Wa5ra iFnPQFW Into Lwnly to a rerr+c:ng facility ar transfer elation] Larldfilrnd Vv,-Istfi Solid x %bL FandliNcl in rhranunry's Warne: Total- 29,065,931 Waste Tatar Ifa]S1fd 24AS0-39 ICD 4A15-64 Wastem +SadWHLrsenLv tsidethe! ttiLFAWLo rr Wkm sldtion ui rucpJ ng facility and suCswently landfllled; Total; I 203.92 .Msw 203.92 Fa cIrl ties L.ist,ng County a- Sou rf F of Wasta FaclluyName Tons Received �TLSrci Transferred OMI-COLF-1997 Rlexan0er Caunty C61F 4A 15. W 14.04 P202T-TRdNSF£R-199R AlnKandp+Caunry I' 24,7AI..W j 24,iR7ALI ITM"Frr Stalmn 1403-NISWLF-79M Faakhllls FivItonmental 24,55019 f 0.-70 LaNthip iF6M-TGWNSFEA•XMi GUS Amy¢ng lrlwk5s f 193•.0 UlAT-TRAWFik. C"rdalrRoad Tran%Fer 10.W f 30-60, StaGan Imp<srtcd W;;a tf} ToAhl waste rater d in Lhe county A Ifunsrer tAutivn or reLycling facility grid Subsequently Iandfllled: 2541Page lfehanr 12,00881 11,1201 lAS Calculated 1,mnunt of waste dlspased dy county = IM5W LaMiEs+ C6 LamHl - Ls I • lWaste Exported out of aunt-y to reLyclIng bV'Ity or trardff statlonf - [Waste Imparted irrrp pDunty i4d rpcy - ng Faril Loy 4;c tran5F4?r$tRt+On] t.andfilfed Waste Exported Waste Imported Waste Solid waste lar a 4c! In the Qount'%S name; Solid waste sEnt outslde the county to SiAd waste received In the cou" at Total_ 111921-45 —Waste Totali LM SW 11. 9 21.45I trawJ& stationer reWrgfacllltk and SutL eguenllr laudFilled: + Tgtak 87.315 Waste Total MSS 37.36 FacffEtfF±s 135t01aCow nty aS 5tatlrteu.f 4Waste FacllltyName Tolapeeehredl7orte Transferred If4;T-TFCAWPE11.1. 4dltgghnnyC�nry 12,MS.44)j12,009.40 Transfer Fatlllty !B04-ht5WLF-1991 BR-Ua-rlatte Mtr 19.55 } 4-00 Speedway 1amMlk V 1463-F.UWLF•1491 kmrhiII%Emiam nhd IE,901!.h301o.nf] ;LarWiilt T-TMN5FEfi-CvE!rdA Mead Transfer 57.35� P.36. in transfer statlon or FeLydlnR fac%ft-y acid subsequenkly Inndfilk-d: hhhhhhhhhhhhh. Total. 0-00: 2551Page r... • r non 34,965.34 21,586 1.G2 Calwlatad .4nwnt uvv ante riisporE d by munty ` IUSW I ariffifb+ CD tang&] + pdstt upwted out Of gqunty t4 rp4yrling +an Iitq nr qmnSFEr St+tlunj , jWpst4 imp"d Into wunLy to a recyrbnig failliay ar transfer stasimij Lao dolled Wastp Solid s %LPlaodfiWed in the: InLq's nanie: Total_ 34,659.02I Waste Total FRILfiCies usthig County as $aurae of Waste faellilyrtlame 4403-hSSIMI-F-2014 Chambers 'Ll"Moprnsnt of NWO Carulina, Inc. Iknsnm IanrtGvl l':�44-M SWLF-1972 6R-Mafflatte MLr Sp+e dwgtmYt.I11 SXMT-TRANSFER-1993 Wama- than. - Le Cu. Trausrn 51.Rieri URN! •hl WLF-1995 Uwharrre Env. Ite¢. I ai-thl. UD2-f •SWLF-20G} Sainpsofi Cowily Gihpusa , LLC JUla-TRAN5FER-201A Waste ConmClum Monroe Transfer Station Exported Wirmc' Solid waste 5nr1 MiBitle Ole county Lu [raiullm s7ation bi rm-rdiir& faciliLy and Robseguervth landfllleb: Total: 306.32 � wastp Fofall ' MSVV 306.32 Tons Received f Torwi Tranirerred 31<911.40 f 4.04 7 lb! Q.00 L20 1-20. 99.15 f 11100 2,UL35 i 4.U0' -293.a3/ 305.12 Import(,d WastF. 3,taiill ate ri v i�d in Ne-couidp al h arurer %tatiun Or recycling facility amd subsequently landfllMd: i tat if l 0, 00 2561Page (Aver �2,726.041 17,9511 +1.27 Calculated Awwnt of hraste tlispesed by county = I-t5W Land ilA • C61afhIM51 • I Waste UPMed out of county sa fecycling tadtltty or transiler stationl- [Waste Imparted irtp C,Ninty to d reryong Farilily" tranyF4r sta+ron] Landfilled Waste Exported Waste Imported Waste Solid waste larHAwed In themuntl s name; Solid wastesentcsmlde the CQLrltyto Sdhtwmtie reulved In the coWMy a! Total: 22,724_97 Waste Total .M5w 20.906.43 M Sw 1.281.45 M 5w 603.25 CID 33-84 vansfer statlon Dr rw4irrg fadlity and subc&Venily laudrilleil: Total: 1.07 Waite Total FaC. ties ListingCorinty as SCfLJFC-e of Waste - - --Lirlllw. ir�me - � -- - - TnricOm-nlunrl i Tn�..� Tr�nrrn rrna �6iY3{.DLF-199SAyrryCmintyCAD Lwidnll 33i1410.010 .OW3-TRANSFER- Awry CauMVTfansfer 20.931.641 Z0.931.54 MaFmn i443-M51A'LF-lgM Fnnrhills Enwggrrniqnral fi0.3 }S ew lauKill 180-TRAN9FER-a041 G05 Reseyntrig 9.13 11.07 5e r Aims U0035-MSWLF- Srlsta LanAlr VA ZR805.43 / 4.40 LrG119-MSWLF- Eco Win Landfxl 11281L.4$ I tiransfer station or recycline faci irty and subS"enLlq IalndfiUed: ToT;,iI: 0.00 2571Page Beaufort 43,E48392 44,561 0,98 C rlwlwWd Anxwnt 4F x Ve diyposM by murrty = [MSW I ard6lll[� rt CD tpnd611g] r [Wa" FepuotM out cr o9unky to FecVGling fadkty nr lmmlpr lfirtionj • rWas; a impff"d Irrto tounlq to a recy&mg raellity or transrer stett m] landfllled Wasto Exported IJIlastp IMportod WastP. Solid waue kmrh fed iei the u0unly's hank: Solid W&9 Uh acnl AUtsiLie lire CoLu IIV Lo Sc%d w;we re6eiy,5d in Lhe touirty at Total, 34, 683-88I Waste Total F sw 32 r'48-$.4 CD 2,535.34 Fadlitres tistangCpul3Xy as �pur�eTlf Waste uawln statiun 01 rxWirhg laeililyf nd subuquertly laadfllled: Total: 10, 344.93 wAstt, Totaa msw 10,344.93 Faeillrf Name Tans Received i Torts Transferred IiI0_ M-TUNSFER-2012 9ealrfart[Transfer 29.U233 i Z9,8UM- Wywkm f0$li -W WLF•1493 Fayt:'amlinx FLely mal 22,14R.54 f p.00- ILandfill .7404-r-MWIF-1996 PRt County Tfanslef 7.381722 3 =�takian I- TkAMMrR..20M Elf knryrGng t0,967.SS likd37.7.3 f �Fr¢ ILA fir .s+t x k i rxl 17407-C.p0•21[104{:Y D Lamdffl Inc. ?'r,27 5S910.00 9228-CULF-2W.1 Md Roo asposal C&D LmiG-M I an ifil! U ansrei %La Iiun ur reL.ytling lari iLy and suhsequermy lalydfllkd: ?otill: 1,384,03� VQastp Total MSVJ 1,380-03i 2581Page Le 46,540140 17,214 I Calculated Amount of waste disposed by county - [MSW Landfills . CD Landfills) • [Wame Exported nut of county to recydingfacility or transfer station - (Waste imported into County to a recycling facility or tra nsfer station) Landfiiled Waste Sol id waste landfilled i n the county & name: Totai= 46,532,41 Waste Total m5w 1,979,39 MSW 15,148,94 CD 29,404,09 Exported Waste Solid waste sent outside the county to transferstation or recycling facility and subsequently IandFlled: Total; 7. Waste Total Msw 7. 3 Imported Waste Solid waste received in the county at transfer station or recyci ing facility and subsequently IandFilled: 2591Page • 1 1 1 4 JBIaden 66,146.32 ` 29,402 2,25 Calculated Amount of waste disposed by county I (MSW LandFdfs + CD Landfills) r [W=e Exported out of rounty to rerydi ng faril ity or transfer station] - lWaste imported into county to a recycling facility or tra nsfer st ationj Landfflled Waste Solid waste landfilled in the county's name: Total- 61,941.95 Waste Total A+fSW 61,939.55 CD 2.10 FadMes Listing Co Fatuity Name as Source of Waste %T-TRANSFER-1995 Bladen County nsfer Station k9-TRANSFER- Fayetteville, Gtw at rider Station )2WSWLF-7oD0 Sampson County posal, Lif &{DLF-7001 Red Rock Disposal C&D Exported Waste Solid waste sent outside the county to transFerstation or recyclingfarility and subsequerrtly landFLlled: Total: 4,203.37 Waste Total IMSW 4,203.37 Tans R,ereived I Tons Transferred 23.421.00j 2 f,S97.00 M13337 / 4.20337 6"39.8s f D-DO 7.10 f D.09 Imported Waste Solid waste received in the county at transfer station or recycling Facility and subsequently landfilled: 7Ura: L 0-00 260IPage Brunswick Icylated Total, pulativn. Tonsf Pefiscn; Calculated Amount of waste disposed by county S [MSW Landfills • CD Landfills] a [Waste Exported out of county to recydingfacility Or transferstation I - [Waste imported into county to a rerycling facility or tra nsfer station] Landfllled Waste exported Waste ifxlpofted Waste Sal id waste landfilled in the county-s name: Sdid waste sent outside the county to Solid waste received in the county at transferstatian or recycling facility and transfer station or recycling facility and suhsequeuutly landfilled: subsequently landrulled: Total: 1 196,1$9.65 Total: 0.17 Total: I om Waste Total IMSW 179,496.15 CD 16,693,54 Waste Total MSW CIA 261 IPage Buncombe 288,G10,92 2-71r454 Ealrulmwd Amr„int oFvrasm. dinpnsr+dbymunry = [iASW Landf7s-t EDLandhlk] + [Wz"Emportwd out nFgxwntyla rerydingf"ity ortmmhrslationj • Wastm ianporMd Irstacountytoarecy faciftycrtransferstasm] LandtilPQd WasCe Exported Mite Imported Waste Wd waUelandfLilled In thecounty's name: SaIIE wecteSect twksltle'me eorray'tQ SwawrMte received lnthe county as trance& station or reWng feewayFand transtee station or recyclinglaci8ty and 5utsequem.1y lamdfllled; subiewertlylandfided: t #�E; O0.571,0 rQwi, Total: 2.2,060.271' Waste Total M Sw 4,129-27 M Sw 205.1574,58 Ca 90,867.24 EadIiiiies ustingCounty as Source Df Waste fadllty dame flans peaelt+ed }Tares Transferred .1104-711A11SFPR-199�Waste Man%-ement I 101,434.0E f I0i�a35AE= ' I11OF-1DlT-M!3SlWneomtreCountyCSD Unit 91}85i +IJO017; I1107-M:5WI FA 996 L4unpwnb+ Cznunty 14A),?ARA 7 f (?AW)- ;MSW Landfill! I1109T-TRANSFER-1996 Flumeornhe Cmunty 167,914-M0 167,91+49O [Transfer staalon ;13 A-M5WLF-194F 8P.-MUIotte MV 6 5.2 1 � 1DA9 ,ipnrdway I.;uKD V I i14Ck .4ASWLF-1qW kwthilk Enuipwmant;d ] 01 AS f Offl ;LaaGflll I 44}7-Nt5WLF-1993 Hayrwoatl Ca VAITe Oak 64.I:34.9EYCO4 ii-amflll %20-PASWILP1999 Uwharrie Env. Reg- I 9.35 {O.(xi 1_ 7l .MSWI F ?01'a Orp-at OakaaWfil U)D66ap1SWLF` Union County tandtllr tiha LipslakeREgional LanMi;I SC W35te MSW Tina I 12,050-171 135.97 { 0.00 4,1Z9.27J0.1313 2621Page r ■ ■ .i.n•ysarKr .,.ter. . wirr.M—... ter. �. ..- Calculated An -writ aFwafw dlspased 4y G7u" - [MSW Lar-dflRs 1 CD LarOlb] r [wasw Upprted aut aF auuntV to regcllrlg f3W1t4 or warmer statlanl - t&asw Wmxmd irrha bNri[yr trr 11 reqr lg fdulky a Lfamsfer slalim] Lan dflilled Wage a' xpQrted WA5tE? Imported waste Solid wvxlr tar-dfillyd in themunL4'x name: Snhd waxtr srni nutxiririfrn countyto Snidwmin rrrrivrd intlw cour&r al trarrsfn elation m rrx.ydirrg Facility and &LdNewerstly laatlfllled: Total- 78,562.561 + T-Dta I: 140.48 Waste Total blaste 1ao+ 1y+1sw 72,202,90 `Msw ' 140.48 7,359.66 tocilitfe5 uwng County as Source i f Wrote facilitx 11am■ Torn, I;ww6ad � Torm Transflrrod 11243-1Dff-2DIf1 &u;" Coumtk Jodlrrs River .4h'aste Marra3ement &rimsf-Er AKANSFO-1 Rurke4aurrty Padilly i4U3-MSWLF-1996FawhillsCfiwifcc) menkal Larwlfill 1 05-tF ISFER-2{701 OID5 meceopig Servbes 3606- MSWL F-1997 Caston{4zvntytandFlll 7,359.M 14At71 G��'1,74152,�sa. 7a 7120.11 Y 4AOr 1.19MA 114448; 2.391600 transrYr station or regclinLo iaaLtp mrid sub€ecrdeetly+IandfliNd: Total: 0.GO 2631Page I ~ 1 Ca ba rrus 294,510.751 231r 0 1.27 CaiculaebEd AmEunt of waste dlspasEd by countp = IAA5W Lsndti%.4 CD iarmW6 1 + IMEW ExportEd out of c untyr km3 recycling tadil" Or Vamter statlonj- IWastE Imported Into Pmnly toa reumirre fao11g1 cc rramsfErstatwl LMIJ51FECt V4fEFVE 5alld waste hp-00ed In the aounry's r3ame, TaLa1. 271,Q 1_$3 W2151e Total INISW 129, 8G5.9'0 IM 141,195.91 Exported Waste 5did waste sent outside me mu" to transfer station ar r ing facility and n:{6erqurrL* Jd31dfillLd: f o1 �31' i---' 23r448.92 wast�- Toni m5w 23r448,92 Farikies Usting County as 5DilFCE` Of Waste t-arlllwName _ Tbn0ecewedt1Dn&TrahFferred ,1}e4'EEdpl F;L OF fi" C3f91irrd, 111L IMsaa Landti+tl iS DD2{OLF-2009 Cmharrus Cmii yf CULf 75 sa9.Ad f Q00 13D9-6i5th'LF•19929f;-GIRI ttEMtr 125,0101610.00 SPeed4�ay+Jarod$M V -130fi{0LF20Ud Frrdliway 49 DID L dndr3l 135,S79.jo-i i M. '& Recgdrrrg Greemay W 9wI e J3M-TRANSFER-2W113P5 FIBIT p W 552.21 J 53.00 .SEF%f IDES 3416T-TRANSFER-Overda4fRoad -fr8h6fer fr9.27 M27' �LktrPn A116-EaS•31GS d W I I ti gh P b lr r Ldn.0 C, LLE 3-FA } .3_Q17 kll?-CLxF20WA-tSanGr.00c$1}LmdlH I in!U.OU Imported Waste Sma waste reoalved In the county at transferstatlan 3rrecVd111afadMtV and subSequrnHy h3ndfi0nd'. r at.; I 'SSQ41:131 F•14991�m1r NnrrTQrn Ian&v1 �.AR In.% '6414-TRANSFER-201M Queen Cltq rra4,ider 6.771.24 f 6.6UM ,5lation C," 1 RANiFF R J11. (I'l r•.ary newkii rr M3.8A 1O3.NN- 'Rrr3w•ry(rntrr ,683&-TRANSFEPr262A South Chark3de -—U7.91 j 31P.25 warder Svtion 6204-M5WLf-1995 UwhaffleInv. deg 34.76 f 0110 UndPil 74i9Q1LV4V1 VMll ArgcingCMF 19VO,f51} 7M?- 15WLF-2D15 Great Oaa L fWM 24.5710.00 !&M8 ,"i f .1 %t HR&F-P {mini y L frnrlrill 1.41 f a.00 2641Page Caldwell a . 95,9�0, 31 8�0.820 1, lg .- Calculated Axw-mnt of waste di%pusecl by caurrLy = JMSW LandliM. * CI? lamlriih.] + [Waste EKperted ouk of county Co reeyclinKT&Aity or Iramfer %tation] - lWaxte impxted Into county go- a rec anR facility cr transfer statscn] 1.a9dfi c.:.' %.Vas_, Exported VWaste Imported Wasto Solid waste FanOtled In the-0ounty's name: Solid waste sentodtslde Me cauntyto SMill waste received In the county at 1 GO, MM,651 + Waste Total IM 5W 95, 615-65I Fable ties Listing County as 5oilrce -of Waste scar-stef siatlan or recwuing facility aro 5ik,$egkieroly N nelfillyd: rota]; 1 284,66 Waste Total Facllky dame Tons Fleaelved f Tons Transferred 1:dU M.;W1 F-1992 BFI-CJrarinttr Fdrr 181AO /a.QfI- S e9way Lan MOM 14E3-MSWLF-19H FMthills EnyircAmental gm3 l5i f 4A0 La mil 1RI%-TMN1%FER .2U01 GO% Fu yriry 2,47A.9.:� 12PA.f6 �nrvipex transfer station or recycling 4aciM and subwwently laMfillvd: 2651Page CalculatedAummntnlwaste disposed laycou" = jMSW Landflls+ EDLarrdNlts] + [Waste Expon d out of count'+ to recycling tea" ortramterstatlanj- (waste Imported lrrto rAwnty to a reurdm fxIIA r cff traFlafer states] Landfilled Waste Exported Waste Imported Waste Solid wastelaWflrled In khemunty's name; Sated waste se toutside the countytD SoNdwws a received In the cour`ty at Tatar.. 1,Q-17 Waste Total M 1,69` A7 srar`s+er "Ion or r"lrrd facility and %ubhequer.1 tp Iaudrilled: T o-ri; - 1 3,434.42 ,vv J t - Total MSW 3,321.68 CD 112,74 Fab1te5 Listing CGLImy as Source Df Waste Facility Name Ions Received I Uns transferred I)7MT.TRAN6F;R-1946 CurritirGk Tfarnfrr Staelon 705-TRAN5FER-20d3 day Mpaul, LILC 13a- 0 f 112.74 ?= Cfx F.7946 Pm5gUgtank {oiu" [Ab zb7641 1 o-Or $n�rill IUMr-TRANSFER-IM PasauotMR County 3,33553 f 3,3ZDA7 Maingfer Station 9228-CDLF-RC03 Red Rock Disposal C&D 13.301 GAt3, ransferstatian orrergcling tacit" and subsryuenLly Iandfitled: ri inN1: 0.QO 2661Page l arteret num 131,059.79 68,284 2.92 Calculated hrixwrit of M aste dlspased dy county = IM5W Lardii IIS- CD LaNMPIs1 4� lWaste EXparted out of iaunt4 to reMling iaNlty or tramtet statlonE - lWaste ieopwted into npiintytoa R'cl*nl4farilrl or tran5fer5tat#m] Larldfil4ed Waste Exported Waste Imported Waste Solid waste Fandfltled In the cmnWs name: Solid wasteseatautslde the cauntXto SMwaste received In the county at Tatal_ 13,750-7 Waste Total M5 116,727.88 IGD 19D22-5 � tr-RwARr "Ion or recyding facility and subenqueMfp laldFillnd: Total: 1.11 Waste Total MSW I 1.11 Fadlikies U51ing County as Source of Waste Fa�IIItYT1�me tonsReaelvedI7oltstransferred $r7��•t�FSUutF•i 93Fa�ti mlin�A��gna1 A8711IC.On -LaRMiU L6p1-TRAN!STER-1993CR5y MA-Cartamt 114567SV 1119 7-93 +[minty Transfer 5i tlan 1AvgdlrAE 16,653.96� Transfer Ttartgn I .25d9-ht5WLF-L499 CRSWMA-Loi j Terra 115,337.16 1 O-W Re0iona+ Lam 111 '5203-CDLF-2C 13 Maysville C & D 19,011M 14.90 fi90.i r - t RANsFER-m3 P�vni rn (.qu r{tV 1.11 1 1.11 Transfer Station 7W7-CDLF-2C(19 C !i D torAil Inc 11.53 J 4.-30 •J -MSwIF }OCOfdmp"nC4Unly I 90a.63 (0.00. f1I5pp5at, I I {. I ttansferstation or recycling iadi" and subsrqur.ntIfInr-d illed: tttttttt� Total: 4,fa91.79 Waste Total MS4W 3,37537 Ca 1,316A21 2671Page Caswell r �� r ' 10,703,E 27,407. 0.48 Calrulwwd Arrxxinr nF waor diNpnsr'd by county = [USW LandfillILL+ CD Camlfilh] t [W;iQr F.Kpnrtrd nur of axunry to rvgcling fadiirp or lraracfr'r station] - [Wamw impex•ied Into oounLy -A a rec' - rg faclliry or transfer station] Lan dfilled Vvi}s_e Solid waste OrndfiWed in the c3unty's name. v astrl Toim M 5W 8-42-39 Leo 322-17 Exported Waste Solid Waste. sefliOUBMELMe oauntVto transfer slatlonor recydiV facility and 5ulmeQwenth' Iandillled; T V LO I. I 9,5 a9.13 vv;25t,- Total Far4ldes Usbrig Counter ;3s S-Durce of Wostn Fadlfty Name Toni Hemlyed f Tarr* lrransfemed OA16r-TRANSKR-4rerd* Poad YranFWr d.ti9 eA.1 dtetion M17-CDLF-NO9 A-i Sandfock {bar} LOF40II 317-N 10.00 L4118T-TRAIUW-k P�5hnp tread irarr5Frr 1, 74M1 11146i.'2 ;rtawin :7'MII#SWLF-i937 UpperPiednorrt 84239 EOM IlpagFatlal Lar din .3231-CDLF-2412:l3roswnfleld Road C&D 5.17f OMI :Ianrtfilt ILHMG7 TRANrr Fir%? Pieedmont [ixiraw*ipn t} r}57 €Z f SCQb7 ?I IBZMoltlTr'ara€fer Statipl Imp-Drted Waste Soil *Mte receiued In the courev el txenOer Aulan or feo4cIing facility and sub€ewerrtlK h3rrdfilred: Imo■ �okal: — Q 2681Page �F Catawba ML 222,494.6SE 161,736 1,3� Calculated AmAmunt of kraste dlspased by counter = [M5W LandSds+ Ca lan[jfirls] + lWaste Exported out of aocinty M ►eryding tacit" or vans+.er station! - IWaste PnDwted Irrtfl tprnky So a rAxp¢ng F.RGilMy 4r trapi5fer st;~] Lanldfi+led Waste 5olld waste IarwOMEd In khe ilUnty's name: Total. 2 r0 Q_1 wrote Total :m sw 174, 540.8 5- iCD 50,509.28: Exported Waste Solid waste sentcuksldE the cauotyto tramfer statlonor r In facility and su6ceyuemly Iaudrilled: Total- 5.09 Waste Total ms;w 9.09 Fabi%es Listing -County as Source-Df Waste FaEllltr+lame Tons Reoekred f 7:Dr4s Yran5ferred j1W4, tir'h'LF•199] FJFr•fharinttrttdrr 1190 �AL%- pee0way Lammov IM463-MSWLF-1999 F4otI11115 ErAvirc AWn'tal 335,39 �4A4: �La rl IM I il@MrC[PL F• 91a�k1Mrm HR94urm Aerow'rY Fir!} Faciliky 1803-PA WLF-1997 61ac'vbum Resource lRemwimy Landf9l FadUty ISM -TRANSFER -MI G d 5 Rec}rcf ng :5e ry KW PINT-]FEANSF1ER•Hirlrary,Ci Pf1raraF*r eU� '36IM-MIULF-1997 Gaston Oxinbf 13t1dr111 5$OA-4Crxf AR4 rake Hgrrnan I pndfill I - 173y94.40 10.00 17,51Z.77 �2,052.d4 ?,619.7 )A, 7d�.�lfi 33.38 / 4.] 1df19.79 0.(A) Ilrlported Waste :5i Adwaske recelved In the county ai ifansfermition or►ecvdlrikfa€mtv and subsequently Iand511ed: AAAAAAAAAAAA. Total-- 2.S63-58; Waste Total m5w 2, 56 3. 58 W14-TRAN5FfR•JfXr9 pupnn Cab *ran¢irr 8.?0 f $.154 5�Ci0n 62A4-M5WLF-1945 LWhaaleErn. Red- 14.5210.00 Landfill 70 MSWI F-?1)$5 Iirlpin Oak 1arrelfilt 41.6310.00 LM4MLF-19955ampsan County Msposal, G.73 J 0.00 2691Page 'Chatham � 1�.���. �7,410 1.41 CalrulMrd Anvvunt of wmie dixpaxed bymunly = IMSW Landfig%- C❑{andiils] r [Waste [Kpi)-Ird uuL urax)unty to m..ryrlingfacility or trarmlim xtationj- [Waite impvrled Into nadno to- a recycling fatllltV or transfer station] LandfWed Waste Solld waste lap I.V led in the cwnty's name,. Total: $4, 0,4 Waste Torah msw 84,12-01,134 CD 7&D,43 Exported Waste Salid waste sent cukslde the cavity to trartsler station or recyailrtg facility and $ eWirntlp landF IPA: Total:S,f+7 Waste Total MSW J 25,6'99,47 FarilftiEs Listing County as Source -of Waste FaC111ty N:IMG Tons Reoel'ved l sorts Transferred 030S, fiULF Ig7R fcblm CA 11 L andfilr ;R7M 1(00' 1913-TP-2A22 rrl@d TransferStatlon NSFFR-201.; Sanf ird 7rrn5frr JE,115.dliO�16%-Q 2-7d1 5204-M5W1F-1445U*hordeEnW.Re& tendflll 42i7-TR1 SPIR-2{174Ourham, City of 2,677A2 j2,{r59 59 1 rnnxFrr FhatKi n 3214T-TRANSFER-21015t1oneP3ik Courn Transfer Statlan 1415T-7RAN5FER-Gverdaie Road Transfer 4lnunn 4 11 ?-1DLF-2MR A-1 Sartah crA (AS uh drill 4124T-TRiAN5FER-UfeErn5trari},CKN of Transfer Station S31x4T-TRANSFER-1443 WdnLe Mbn. - Lee &tr. Tnwiafer Starien F-2021 WsllRPCVWgfil]LF' 7,fK7175 J7,563.72 I7W-?- SWLF-3015 Great Oak Lar,tl4ll 31.77 { 31. 77' 190L94 DAO I CE 1.W 4,309 E7 � 9,309-87 IlTlpo€tcd Waste SWill waste received In the county er tramfer station or retkding ladAty and ,uhWqugntlq larr1511�d: TL71a1: O.1 6,12Ck i 4 115,120.15 2.714.132 f 0.00 124.97 { 13.00 78,539.37 f OA4 13202-MPNI-F-213dO5wnpson{aunty ' 2,9fiFi,65{0.00 IDiTnxjll, L I C. I921ST-T RAHSFF4I-1994 Waste 1154.7O � 13-29 IMm2g ewent0 raalelghJDuMarti Transfer 5#�CI6M1 92313{0Lr-2001 9e3 RoCk Dlspcsal CYO 02.a4 { p.pp �I a�dfill 2701Page Cherokee - - 1.8,758.42 - 28,9640 0.65 calculaded AMDu ,t of %�.a5te dlspo3M ny [aur5ty = VM5W Landf n4 CD Landfills] + [Wasm Fxparted out of cwnt4 to recvcling f3cil q or lranster statlonj- lWa5t2 Imported iMP wunityh4d rec .ng brilrtycctranyrvrst2tp Fl] Landfille-d Waste Exported Waste Imported Waste Solid wasteFnbflMed In thecount�s name; Solid wasteientoutslde me cauntyto 5NiPwaste recelve l In the county at tramirer station or rec;dlrrg facility and subse+quervily IwidFlled: Tatar_ 18r7 _d oral: 0. [? Waste Tota4 IM 5w 18, 759.42I Faririties u51iing County as S;Durce of Waste tiaclllty Name_ Tons Fieoelved J Toro Transferred it" -TAANd PFA,2001(30S Serri€,es 2M-MSWLF-1998 C'hefoicee CauntyrtNSW ib,35BA2 �G.W IFa[IIIty 1?M)-TNA1d$FFR-�WPCOMnAfli8pppJ S,] 0 15.1W.44 'ono Moto transfer station or regcllny iao" and subsequenkly Iandiilled: Total: O-GO 271 IPage IChowan - jz '5159-851 13,707 Calculated Amount of waste disposed dycouniy . IMSW Landflns+ CD t3 Mili] a (waste Expa�ted out of county M recycling fa€liftyy or tramfer statlonj - [WaMe Irnported into Uminty Nam rrt-n7rng Fariluy 4w tnmFer %tatxrn] i i-ed Wrote EKported Waste Imported waste Solid vm5t£ PaWi ded In the ownty's narnir: Solid waste swntovlaide the r:uLml f to SoNd waste remiwRLd inthp county aq Taita l : 7, 546-54I M 51- 7r546.54 FdCMI!RhUq Listing-LooMy As SpurCi- of VVAa t� trarrcfpr 5latinn #r r"I g Fprihty and st�segWentfv lantlfllled' I -ota l: L 11,023.31 waste Total IMSW 11,023.32 Fbtilily Name Tore, Reeeiwd I Tom Transferred P&M-MSWLF-1993 East Eamllna Regi w 4ACI lRn#fill JOIT.TRAWFLER-30M Fdmnlml Tpvm 4F Alf?AA7 J.;r%3AA} r�Fer SZ�t4n I rf=-iRANSFER-1995 Perqulrnars- 1-1,657.52 J I.I.M.11 Irnowan-Gates Transief tr.3wh r 4tation nr recycling 04Frty and subsequentlylandilll & Total: 0-00: 2721Page Clay T,$� 1�,zs i +. Calaalated AnaInt OFLcnte dhswsed by munty =[SSW landfils * CD l amfflkk] * [Vias�e Fmpc ted vut of i�wnty N Fpgding Welty or krinskr stadanl - [Waste I-ww"d Irdo rouneq to a recySq farilitX cr Lrensfer ste%wj LarldtI" 0•rj wkste Lxpoftpd VVaSti, Irnport pd WastL? Solid vedsLeldndfilled in theaxiunLy's ndnie: Solid wahte%enloutsi&the cuwity to SuAiJwaake reaeieed in the [ounLy d! Total; 5.988.C,81 + Waste Toni s SA-8-1581 tram Fei Madan ui recr&"S FaCilily and u ansfur statiun or mLyding dad buy and sL&sequerrtIW landfllled: subsegderrtlylaMf led: TiDta 1; Tot zi I - O.OD 273 1Page • � F r i ■ � Cleveland E 29,767.96 10+0,934 2.47 Calculated Amount of wan* dispasw t1Y county - IMSV1 Landitj + CD LaNMPIs] + Iwast-E EKparted out of countV IDo recycling fadatty or tramter statlonl - Iwaste Impa+•ted into mcinry Sna rrrprhng Far.ilrrnrtranxFr.rxtatmm] Lan dfilled Waste 501id w,;%fL Ianeillpd in thegcMinty'S nano Total_ 249, 045.43I Waste Total A+1 sw 176,254, 74 CD 72,790.69 Fa6N[Ies UST ing'CaLi My a� source? of waste Exported Waste ?klid waste- sentgitsidt- thk, Gp1nrtY14) tmr*(La Aeition or rein$ fatality and Sumewamiy 18llddlll6d: Total: _ 722.55 Waste Total Im5w 722.55 Imported Vtlaste Spad+vaatq r"iw*d inth4 tnu" a: tr.rn%for *;tirign nr nppyGling f�inL" and Subsequently labdtlwd: r_ T atal: 0.04 Facility Name Tom Rmmiwed } Tom Trun%rarred pdm-fASWLF-2Al0 aarnners 5rD m5.50 } am 2ME4RANSHR-L993 Wwce Management iGCvetNmRnt [rf Ncxth Carplina, Irx Of �arganarg IlAnBpn I.;n 111 - — -- --- - -- 113INI-hItSINI.P-1992 OR-MADtte Mtr MI 39 r MOO; �r6U7�.i5u4lf,?Qz5 Grrrrk paK I arri511 edway Lmmififf V 1W34MSINLF-1999 F mihills CWviiemimenlBl 1Larulfrll =T5MSFER-NO1 6L75rIevyd%rkg I— {ievclarrd ChuuLytDLF M-MSW LP-20M Cleveland County Ir�ltll Self-Mr;Hel� SG6GkF 7945 Ga€ign Opvaty' C&n Il,.�rlu 1997 GasLO11fwrrtr faadfill LIM / m 72,771.76 { GAG 16.43 � OAI] 730.53 { 719.9d ]S9 911 { 0.00 2741Page r ■ ■ Columbus 42,655,120 50369 1 0.135 Calculated Aapnnt aFwaste di!?rmed byrnunty _ [i' &W Iandflst CDUrKW a] * [Waste Emported out uFcountyrto recyclingWiltyort►armfer station] • [Wa5te Fknpmted into aaur,ty to a mec facility or treader aavan] landflilpd VMStO Exported V05te Irnportpd Wa5ti:3. Sulid stiasle IarLM led in IhL caunryfs narnr: Solid watkrmint cutsidL the coiriLyIu Sdidvraete rmeiucd in the courrty at Total: 42,191461 Waste. Terkal CD 70- 1 7 f4D 31-70 000OP.5 UStingCoUnty a5 So(jrrP of VV,3sTP trairJo %ationur rmyding Facilitrand Wmequer" Iandfilled: Total: 462.66 wa.Ste. foTail IFncility Name Tons Rvueived{Tam Transferrmd '24COTr-71RANSFER-1997 Columbus County 40."5.691 39.3M.71 �ransFer Station I AO- AM Nrmteuilk, city 04 469-f-6 f A6) 46 TrairwfeF StffWn -MSWLF-i995 Uwharrie Erie. Re& L72 f f}-00 'Lafwllt 7w•hl Wr4013 Great0-ak Iandfil *B;N SOX jd tGtF.]9%SampsonCountyrDisposal, Imc I -U5WLF-20D0 Sampscri County `Disposal, I K r l0?4# IN E M;Iri" Co. C & n "olamotion 9 31.70 I Oon 42A47.79 f f}A4 70.17�0-00 1r ansFcr AtAiun or reLyLling facility and subsequently IarrdfllRd: -'ot a 1: 0. 00' 2751Page Craven V 152,744.E Calculnir.d wn:).jrit of wasir. c1hpu!,m] by Lounly = IVISW LarA[15.- CD L-aruFfilLj t [Waste EKperLed ouL oruvunty Co rrrgdingiaaiiLy or lram&r siutionr- lWasic iFnpurled Into mintV5a a recyc rgfacility flrtrariskrstat-ml Lan dfiiled VV@sre Experted Waste Imported Waste Solid waste Iariflllled In theao+anty's name: Solid wastesentouuIde the Calatyrtin SoMwwe reeelved In the county at TOtW _ 147r693,7-6 Waste T-DcV m sw 144, 297.84 CD 3, 395-92 transfer slatlan or recyrula@ facility and sullzequemly landFillyd: rotas: 5,050,30 Waste Total rVTSw 3,733.98 CD 1,316.42 Facilities E75tingCakinty asSoUree -of Waste Ndlltyftlame IonsReoelwed}lord Transferred 11)701 T,7RAn15FE R-?ntY Brwlrfnrt Trw!;Frr -- �LqA I EA St a tran gem-MMVI.F-1993 East Carolina Repwal 39,155.77 J OA01 Land 111 -1&M-TRMISFER.i49�C%L5WMAiArtrrrl frrunty T ransfrr Sdation a,375`37f3,375-aT 11W7-TW!9FEA-2r?14GFeE39N9ry'LJIrMR L,AirpA2{1,3i Af: frramferStatlan .2509-WSWLF-1999 CR5VMA- LAnjl +erm 103,756.73 {0.44' X,Hymal tanrrill 2S10T 7RahJ5FCR-1997 Ch&rryr Point 3,131-74 13,i31-24- 'Transfer StatFan M3-cuu-2v1i "Saville i & R 3,214 43 ? 4.00 :-TUNSFCR-Z41SDmp Rurq TrAmNF 262-28 J27&M1 Slatiuri TA4NSFF4l-7gg1 Pamlico Cnw" er Station MWP-19M Pit County TrwifeF transfer stavan or reLycling iaci 10 amd suh+rrurntly lardfr:hnri: 1a1 11 ().no 7f5M 176.30 2.58 f 2.51 7407�=F.301T3 C. & d L3rndFlll me 7Rtr.97 fO.W 7EG7-MSWLT-F1)15 Great Oak Landflli 5a.51 J 0.00 S2UZ-M5WLF•2UW 5i"np5an Upunty 1.32AA3 f 0.13D IOiWMN?11, Uf' -COLF-20Di Aral W-Tk Disipmal C&D :III Z0.98 f 0.06 2761Page lCumberland 7sf 43,44 34 , i.f1 C.plrulwN-d ArrKunt of waatr di%rxrarrcl by mki" = [*A$W Lardlfiif 4 f:D "ndUk] + [4.'acrr f Kr,nrtrd nur nF axxunry rn rr.ryrling fmdlily nr Irpncfer atationl IWA%tr imrx)m and Irrto rmnkytoa rec}+e:YM fatllkyroftrainsferit iswj Lain dfIded Wast€p 5611d WAMPltirWMBM iel IhteWry[y'i Marne Total. 416, 6W.64 waste Total m5w 375,04$_$3 CD A1,631_$1 FOblitres Listing CCP4inty as 5pur[-0 -Dt tiNaste Lxportad Wastn 5@lid wjSLaseat outside Ltie tGuBllf Lu [raf a6f 5ta[iOn-Or ra4diiiQ f3dlily and 5ubsequepc* lmdfllled; Importod Waste Solid waste r6miwed in the toum at Var er U.860 S ur fttytlirg Jacimy wd subsequently I@ndfllFed: Total: 1,171.50 Total; +haste Total waste Total fa[ilityf Name Toni Rebeived f Tfn s TfamLfefred IO403-V5WLF-201G Charnber5 410 r 4A0. SWZ- ULF-1995 Sampsari Cour%tg Disposal, 128.33 { OBD 1bf-wHWmnn# nF kcxih Carolina, Inr.. LLf. !IAarann IanrKi[ - $2l'S7diSlMU�-fSflti �Sxlnracgn{irlmty 2�3,752.9${L1.fiiS 4601-CDLP-097 f w4wrlapnd County CFD +I> gi2.*5{Q.0O: bl5lrrr�pl, Uf �Lhril 830148LF-1997 RALIand County CDLF A 17 { O.W 126DI-Fr SWLF-1997 Ar)n 543eeL Culnberkbnd 13"77.26 4A0I ICtunky Landfill �4 RR-CMIF•7nflnAMRcxkdlarxraalCAD R2.55{O.Of? I2fif19-TKAI ER-FaVetteti'llke,MYof 15fx584"1156,584g4 I�and�ll Ih. rarwW 5Uton l5XMr-TRAN5FCR-19G2 WaaLr Man. - Lee 23.73 r 23.73 TranOm Slaliuri h305-TRMSFER-2013 Sanford 7ra+r-fer ha tlfln I, I+t7 77 11,147.77 f12N. WWLP-1555 Uwharrle Env. IGeg 1.89-541440 Landfill Grmt Oak Lbndfil �315 29 I4.d0 2771Page lCurrituck 15,974.540 29,602 Calcul&Led Arrxunt of urasie.. di%p ed by munty = WSW Lar,dMI6 t ED Landffitts] + [Wa%te EKpv trd out of wunty to recycling fmilily or lramW %tation[ - IWaxoe impUCIrd Into carinty oo a re€y€Fng facllITy flr transfer statlm] Lars df i Dell Waste Solid waste ka WAtled In the u3untM's name: 1 Gtat-. 36r276=97 Waste To[a� msw 7, 30D .891 m5w 28, 976.08- Facilities U5ting CAju nty as Sou me -of Waste Exported Waste Salid waste senteurslde the cou-ityto transfer station or recyding facilityano ai,bRpglil�ratF� IandFillsd: 0.00 parli* #lame ions Aemlved } tora Transferred KWA)3-tykEWLF,1993East(Arnlina4 gigm;o I 79,976jmIQ.On -2743TTRJ NSREfF1996Lurrlhxl(Transfer 311,025.83130,169-32, .StMm ?X)ST.1RANSF€RQ011Soundiidr,CAD 3,194A7f ,911.42I V: A%tr TranKkr 8 N-cycling Center MA-TROISFER-2013 Sal' I)Uosal, LLC 15.Q0.73 i UAM.fr# -UOD39-M3WLF• Atla•nN WasteDIWsal, r.300 09 r d.00 ,Inc. WA 44F.. ? I m p-Drted Waste 5oildwime received In the county at transfer stallan or recycling iaciW and %ijh zrunrtIy Iandfillvd: 20,302,43 11 ',11'.]: -L, Total mSW 1.343.02 C D 18,S59.41 2781Page t 4 ■ Da re 97,799.590 37,4310 2AI Caleulated,am mnt of waste dlspased by county - IM5w Landflls+ CD iaWfUls] * [waste Expca d alit of aauntk to recycling %dircy or transfer statlonl - lwaste Imparted into muntytoa reupdkrhE FarlittXortrangFerstgtlom] Lan dfilled Waste Exported Waste Irnported Waste Solid wastelandflNed In theavuntyrs name; Soird waste sent cubIdE the county to 5olydwmte reoelved In the coup at 7ntdI: Waste Total M sw 60, 301-27I CD 17, 846.041 FaF-4%es U51ing County z5 Source of Waste transfef station ar r lrkifacllitvantt sAA- eEquerl h1 IandFlled: I MAI: � 19,652.27 Waste Tola, msw 1,352.52 CD M299.74 fadlltV Tlame tans pe_wived } Tara Transferred Yp7i7C�T-fpAdlSFFk•2n1] FleavNxt TransFtr 11,10e 13.10 lsta,. aGn I 6sm-NUWLF-1993 East Carolina NgFoml 60,301.27 f Gm. 'L3lsdflll '- - .?MT TkANWI-R,19% OrritUrt TrandL r '0-16 � 1„�41.4? . tahnn 2707-TRANSFER-21U1 SaundsldeCAW Waste Transfer & Recwding Center 2705-T MSFER-2013 E3y Rt5 mmi, [LC ?M4'.GL& 1995 Gore £nur" M Lpndrill ;290T-TRANSFER- Lure CauntV Traraler Istarlarr +f�3S.Br7 � 3,86159 17,275.4+3 � lA,A38�,i' 37,WApl f Il 0.913.19 f M.913-18i transfer station or recycling radbity and subsequently Lard rilkd: Total: 0-DO' 2791Page Davidson C.alrulwWd AnwAint of "-.te dirpmr.d by muro = [dASW Larrlflllc* M Landfills] * [W2i%tr f Kpnrtr-d out nF c)wnty In recycling f;tdil tV orlrarafrrr stalionj - [Wa" impor"d Ifrto county to a fe€ gAag fatlliq (w transfer stator[] Lafldt1110 W M' Export[id Wam3 Imported waste Solid waStf FafbMi[k'd in IN! COUnty's Mffla: Solid The ebwAyf L6 Sold waste temivatl im [he tbufr4p at Total; 176, 711.921 wash? Total M51N 17:5,102.15 m5w SM-85 Ci? 827,92 [raihAef ilalirih Err raCydirl¢ facility And SWsequertly Iandnlled; Tota l; 7,9 24, 83 waste Total ,MSW .4,465.13 Cr) 3,45!a.7Q Facilities Cistang County as Sou Coe of Waste _ Facilityidbrllt Ter, Ramiwd}Tbru jr— BM r;rf_efl 1004-f fSVr'LF-1942 BM4Marlotte lM7 424 CO � 0s7O- !5ppr,fway LanaG6PV 2906-M$LWF-?QCftM6i&wrfliuntyN5W t5FtOO.491OW rLrnoed LanrISH 3415T-1RANWER-GVerdale Road-ransfer 2X[L&44 12,001.40. .Starjan 1I6d.11if,*l? WI Fligh Pnint WndW, ELC 3 Iw IQ-w. '4i l T OR F-.XL1R A-1 SAnrJr:>,,k C& O LwKifill 123." 1 W �11213T-TKAN5FER-13mmslsafcs CIty of 22.55 j 2255 �rd'rSFrr Stalr4n WIDT.TfAKOFR.?Qt)WI9vmtPnplar ;1424i I�,A%.in! :Tr?kmFar I1C r 4-K WLF-L995 Uwharrfe Ena. Reg, 4,36i1O edM Wall Reeydlrig CDLF 1`,?f11S Great Qat twidfill -19M Rowan 09Urrty Landfill UnrSxr-�r &Lbtibn or retyding g8bib1 Md subsequerdw L3ndi[Iled: T•TRAN$FFf1 1"5 Fast SgMrrrrr 4Ua44 i{r Fprility FL A 8 Landri II MAI f ODD t,Aw£ s{O.OD 9.72 f 11.131) 11"1.16 f 2,4".38 fluor f f].fx] 2801Page �Davie 35,4-Q.79143,2800 �082 Calculated Amount of waste dlsmsed bw courtly • [M5W Landit + CD{andArls] • [Waste EXported out of cGuntk ka recycling facil" or transfer statlont - lWaste Imparted intgc9unlylgarrr.ycIngFar.ililycA trans FdlrxtatW] Larldfille4 WEMte Solid +mpste lased In the nt4'5 name Total. 31, 571.231 Waste Tokal MSW 31443,92 CD 27.31 FaclHkles t.+stlrgCoklnty as -5�oiij rCe of Waste RuciliLy Name IYA-M WLF-199QBFFUarlatteMtr �pcgwmwIawl V 1WA TiRAN9FFk-20 i SUS Fimycing 4rreirr5 3d15T-TRANSFEFL-",erdaleRoad Transfer Radon A71 7fiQLF 2WR A:1 Sanr.rrrir f$ IS famcifin LxpOdE!d Waste $valid way#p, y"t omrlslde lh4 Cqunty to rranOu c"tign ar r¢ydirrg Faphty and sLbseq ie"0' landfllled: Total: V71.56 W-Rste 'Total INISW 1 3,771,56 Torn Rmmived j Tnrs& Transrerred 13193 � C.W 3rW?r-77 f 3,097.77 77.�1 � fr.Q�Oi 4120T-TRANSFER- Grernx6nr�. fiiry of 3.951 Transfer Stadon -BIJW-MS4r'LF-19E9 RAwan Cormty 13Jldllll 31 51L.991 am J 3Mr-TRANGFER-1.43S Easi Sprncer Wasle I 2.36.71 f 7.v fkll rrrauwFer Tarilily Imported Waste ,,, fArl-wske rFSRiwed in tFm roki" a9 transfer srahnn nr rccyr.lins fankt} and Subs-equentiy laacililked: Tat71 GO 281 IPage 1L D u p I falculwbrd brrAxint aF wastr dispcim-d by rnunty = [M1,W Larrlf1c t CD InwilfiW] r [W.lgr i apnrl nri nut nF 4xwnty to r4uyuling fPPW$y or tmrzslw rtatign] • [W4sW Into raunty %a a recy€.;rLg fatlll .y [sr trafrsfer station] Landtil1e0 VVR;;99 Lxported Waste Imported Waste SBIid *UtL%U&dW irr Me!4dunrq'S ndni8: Solid w8!,Le!w L eumitl6 ffi8 enuAtyf to Said waste rK)eiui�d in the Lburav at Tclta f- 84. 476.441 Utila5te Tlatal jmsw 84,469.89 D 6.55 Sraiisfry suti8nelf rBC dingfacilitVdrld sOme-quentty ImcIfllled; Total; 6,045.34 wast-E Total ft+ sw 15,045- F2614ies OSTMA CO Linty as 5ourco of Waste Fheility Name TBfsxReCkiVtdtl ItrtiTrarliferred 26G9-TRANSFER- FayeMvIlle, CAV M 1.31sD 85 f 1,344,&5 Tran%FPr Stakinn �iA3:IribilSfER-]Q(i'x�4rPlinOWmly 47,R5*.r7� d#!4774$i TranxFrr StaWn 544A-TRfNSFER-M4 Deep Run Transfer 4,2WA1 {4,474-13- RaWn "DL&I"5Sanw*urcOaurrty Di5gxal, &551WX LLC i4MQ 66WLF•2OrDSmmpwmCmmtV FAAF[4A9fa.¢fl Il�sposat LLC B�T-TRANSFER-2W Black frea Road 237A-9 123436 Tram!Z" StWm UAM5.fer StBubn 8r feLydirig 13d1t4 Ind subseWentIVlandf Ed: Total: 0,00 2821Page Durham 367,218,780 327,957 0 1,12 CaloulkrLed Arn writ of "61c.. disposed by county = [MSW Landfills + CD lAndriits] + [Wa%te CKpsr tr•.d out or ixwnty to nerpding (adlity or rrerafri mationl- [Wasee impurSrd Into codntV to a recy cGrW faclllW or transfer stat•o+l] k—widfilled Vvasto Exported Waste Imported Waste Solid waste laMlllled In thecounty's name: Saud wage ie11todtslde the comity to SMdwaate received In the county at trar►stei station -or ree}+dlrtg facility ana transfer EUCan or recycling iaciRty and su}nrguer-tlyIandrilla¢: -5ubw anrrtlyIandfilled: 1 ot�.I: 464r174.80 rotal: - — 4.788,29 i t�[a1: 102,344,321 Wast-E Tatar MSW 365.556.24, CI] 99.218-5 61 Fe C[fi ti e5 Li5t+ng {au nth+ as Sou roe of Waste Wastc• Total W;3Sle Total MSW 4,788.29 MSW 102,344,321 Faculty Hame tans Received f rtons transferred j1."-M$WLFr1g92 RFk 1r�lnkt�i41tr LS .fiA 4.cx1 medway LandOV 3212-TRAMFER-211114 Durhanl, Cltyr of 145,919.-01 f 14A,9 2 9A -Transfer StaWn 3214`r .1 RAKW MfM Qonr Park C.niat 1 I,ASS.f�i } 1,U,591.97 lranxrrr Stmkin 3901-N45WLF-2(I.0 CWord 5utrHtleD 4Sd IG.M. MWLF 4117-CMI-MI3R-1 Sanck"C&DLmdPol DUU1C.94 ,731MA&SWLF-1997 Upper PiedmornL 27,464.12 j 11d0 !ReKkon34 LanON -TaN-NrSrh'LF-2Q15 Great Oak Landfill 21.03 14 M ti M-10LF399fi 5arrWmm County Diip"I, t-9d I DAO Ur @2f124A5WIF21 S�mprnn{mintr 347,$9(. pffF.114 Dlspasal, LLC 9215T-TRANSFER-1994 Wacte 1913K532 j 2,4m.93 MaAaRgement CA slalelglRJDLnMaln Transfer 4taitinn 9223.CVLF-2001 Fed Rock 1315PCGRI-MD ",1)3,5310.00 landflll 9231-41ML17-2012 WnwmAeld Road C&D 43.1310.01) t.eedflll 9242 TRAMSFLE-202GWall Pesydmg 2,517.11 / 2.32 7.30 SarnQr Road 2831Page r ■ ■ MIM `a+ r r , E d B o m b e 69,728.97 48,311 1,42 C.mIrrrlatwd Amryint nFvasty di%pnsrdbyrrurntp - [USW Landfidct CD L#ndFAk] t [V:aspe1mpmtid nut of muntyIn wyclirgfacility ar lrarmferitationl - [41faof imported Into cmntp +k a rewAng facility ar transfer station] landfllled Waste, Exported Waste Imported Waste Solid vast-&laai itled In rhecounry's name: Solid Waste senturLsldethe rawityrto sad wmte received in the eaunq at sander station of recyding faellitp and transfer staslon or recycling iadRty end 5trbsequewthw IandlIlled; subsequerftivtal;dfllled; T001; 463973.8 total; F--22,664,5U WOMEN 1 atal: 332,91! Waste Total Waste Total waste Total m5w 2,595.43 iti sw l 22,664.50 M-sw 332-91! M Sw 29.210-48 --- CD 14, 591.87 Farilitie5 Listing County as Source of Waste FadlltvName Tons Received f Tons Transfe rre d '-hLSVr'4P-S99U'EastCarolina fr49UMILLF 21,621.28{ i VIA -'+1SWI-P-2 SmPpsan4�wn� Lan¢Iil± Dls�osal, LLC 33DI-IDLF-3997EdgecornbeCouilty 34,555.77{C..20 92264MLF-2(]DiRea R-ckDisposalL&G terltlflll •TfIAN%- K 19%: FdzecPrP*e wrrI:v 1'a.119--�� ? I q,084 Y' V-j0A,N.4EFiL• �4ck Creek FluM . . ITrddLSFirStalton Transfer Stahnr• s64�ti r -(R NSFER-PD4i Rocko Mwirik a1' 17.339.7a 17,339.88 L0 24-MSWU- CrinswAick Waste ,9 TransferST,3dorl R2 MnrogerneotFacllIgLI-C VA -7404T-MWP-19% PILL Caundv TraRIef 19E,79 1191. 90. j tekWrl ?W4Rl NUFF0fol EI€ Rrpirring TMmfer Sta,Jan FaI77-CDIF-2W9C&D IaMtl- Inc JW7-h S64LF-201<S f rrat (Ink LanrfHl �R.Cr4� 35.90 33.29 r c.00 GA1 { ODD �,7154.� T � 5,096,83 2,995.43 { D.DD 2841Page � * t r � '- t lForsyth ln=-477,957.1 384,063 1.24 Calculated drnlwnt of waste dispused bq county = [M!&VI Landfills + CD landfills] t [Waste EKpwted out of county eo recycling fydiity or tramfer %tationi - [Waste impur7ed Into cwntvtoa re€yc;-nRfatlIftyoftransfer itatWl LandfiUed Waste Solid waste landfill led In the caunty's name-. Waste Total m SW 427.115.35 mSW 131,96 C4 82,5M f Exported W;3ste 5olld waste sent-mulde the Lountyrto translef 5CAIcinor recycling facility and Wbsequemfly 1mr illed: Total, 15,224.39 Waste Total mSW 14,16D.65 CD 1,068.73 Facfffties Listing County as Sou me of Waste Facillty flame Tons Recehred I ton€ transferred '3 (52-hk';WlF-1991 Hanes Mill itrmd tmndfM )9S�¢RS $9 O.Qfl 12{1Y-F-1995WIM[on-5aleM.CITY-t 25,625.70 0a70 Id5a1l.SbL*N Road CALF :34tAT-7RaraSF=Fr.-6vwrdxlk Ponad 7ran%Fer 90,62.1.7AI Ni 621.1R L5tatinn 3424-TRMF5FER-2EFZ4Abbey Green 54.942.29f 54,942.02 Transfu Station 1115{IXF-Z41Z WI MIRK Rolrt LaWfill, LLG ZFi,294.27 0.04 A117{OtF-200RA-1 SandicrkC&D ►mdfill I 27,1134.71 �ODO a112AT-TRANSFER-r3ifeenstrffr%titY of 14.10.65 j 0.164.W Trimfer5taflan 4122T-TRANSFE t-2012 WI &.irnt Poplar 1,057AO { 1,069-73 Transfer LLC Imported W;3ste SMvwaste received In the Launty at transfer station of recyding 4adM and 4uhserlugntl4 larwifilled: T0I Al: WasEe Total MSW 46,914.12 CD 286.26 I6204- IS I p I NS Muho rriL� Mv. Aeg R?•.37i..33 f O.m !L2gtlrlll 71506{rDLF-2421 Mall Recyct�ng EDLF 1,82A.87 j O.l7d 7-607,MSWLl` 01S Grrwr Oat Wriwifill 631fr61.74101M) jWO3-MSWL1`1488 Rowan County Landfill M.45 J 0.4G ,92Z6jMl.F-24D1 ReU ROCK DlsPMal C&U 7.32 f O.00 Landfill Iuau�&�41i14i� R & l5 Landfill 111.26 0.00 I 2851Page lFranklin 73,731,57 71.2-20 Calculated lruxwnt of ,caste dlspasetl my caurrN = [15W Lantlil& ♦ ca Landfllks] • jwaste Exported out of count4 m recoing iaci9" or tramier ssationl- (waste ImpNmi:1 lntd vmno ro a mvper ng Farilry Qr transFer statw] Landfilled Waste Exported Waste Imported Waste Solid waste larigHed In thecmnt4's name; Solid waste sentoutslde ttie cc.wtytD 5NOwmte remmed In the cour`ty at trarnf& station -Dr resW- Ir4jfacility and transferstatlan orrei;VcIingiaaM" and t.u6nngtieMlK IandFllral: subscqurnklylandfilled: Total- 6906-4 + rotal. 3, 3 i.3G ri 7oral. 33-24 Waste Total Waste Total Waste Total IM5Yw 51,255.29 m5w 3,571.13 N9sw 33.24 JCD 19.631.16 CD 367.23 Facfllties Listing {aunty as Source of Waste *atiIIItY-Name Tons fiemlyed{Tons Transferred .3c4;-YAANSFFr2, Franklin GwnkyrTrmvFer 49,557.6$I 54r259A7 9?.34-TkdN.WFa-2012 Waki-Tran7W 367.?3/ 367.24 Stat60 station 139M-M WLF-2012OHiortlSUMItleU 777-90%OAM 92 Z-TRM5FEf-3020WallRetrdk@- 100.84{1157.21 ;Fds)NLF I (GarnerRaed )3(A-MSWI P•199? Opprr Pir*nurht 46,551.191OLM kPgio-nal r ands 92D2-MdWLF-2DM 5ampmrr CoLaity 3,q3i20 j OAOI oispeaa4 LUE 9107r-AANSFER-1597'darrce County 3,394}JO { 3,3� r rar*fer Stakgn -}71$T.TpdN5FFFt i9U Wastr■ 71ip4 f! }-M M.3mWmealt Of irale*hMurham Trerlsfer Station - -3210-ILHF-2MI Fled kuu� Dmpmal LMD 44IL22 / 4A0 LaMfI 9231-Ck7LF-2012 kowrrfleld Paad CAL 16,19ri,9M { ¢.Obi Lan,YRn 2861Page Gaston _ 372,W7,9623Z,789 N Calculated Arrrxint of vraste di%poxe+d by, munty = [Fi SW Landfi!1115.+ CD iamViilh] r [Waste EKpvrted uul uF wunty to Perycling fmality or tramfer siationj - [Waste impufud Into «nty m a necyciNnR facility 4m transfer starml Landfillelf Wa:Ae Exported Waste Imported Wiste SOIItl waste ilamomed In mecnunty's name-. 5alld waste sentcursi& the couatyto SN1uwaste receldred In the county at transfer station -or red_ycilnig facility and 5Uh5rquEntly IanriFilIO: ratat: 383,244,71 rnlm: ' 8,296.53 Waste Totar Waste M SW 47,09RAO 'M5 W MSW 251.591,54 CD 74.564,37 Facilities Listing County as Source of Waste *acillty flame Tans Aeaelved } Tans Transferred •.^4 -MAWLF•300Chnnthgrs S1,492A30IC�¢rh L7eveWWrnent or NcM Carolina, Ir+C (Anson Lanudatf 1_:WSWLF•1992EFl-a3T.IbUtMtF 15,237.mfQM: Speedway Lan -AD V 1403-WYYLF-1996r0othllls Eny'ronmerftal _I 1,F34u2ICoo I�ar�Filt iSLD6-TRANSFER-20131GDSReeyeialq 4U.25 15253 krvims �666-CblF • ]',19S Gaston CoL-P -} ♦ &D 15,31Q6 / O W I �ir�filF 3EfM-l1SWLF-i999 QstoeCo„nt4 iandnlr 193,53BA3IOM' rW9-TRANSFER-]993Waste Management 34,798.6313-0,294.13- Carolinas W4-CMF-1999 Gake Norman Landfill 10.00 Iota] R,2-9 ,53 transferstadan orrecyrlinglacidtV and suhcRqu4rftIglwnelfillpd: '�YY Tr)[.11: Waste Total IVISW 19,533-281, 6034,FRANiUA-3Oii3 [WFTn Oty Transiwr ?,!)44.fA f 2.0^.21 Statlal5 BZO4JMSMLF-1995 Urfia�tle frn1. FS4.A5 f 4.41? Landfill 91514-FRAN.9jRr2OlA LUoulr Frsmrrt�nns 1.1O f 3.15 Munro Fran0mr gatinn 1UDC45-TRANS-Fort Mill TransfustatlanSC 5,742.89 5.337.62 UC05i?-NI5141T- Rlchland _2 ndflll, Inc. Sc 17,41!0.$11 f ODD 2871Page Gates 9,540.370 10,393l M7 Calculated &-wnt r]F wa5fie diWMed 4y rQUrrt' = [PASW Wrrlfiffs * (1)1 jimOrl ] r rWage Fep4rted Out vF 4Pupty 14 FecWling rt6' ur JFdmfef statiunl - [Wa5t4 rmp inl-D eaunty to a recyeing facilhy ce Vender station] larldfllie.d Vvristq xportpd Oia_5irv. Ifnpr)rtpd 4lWasti?. Solid weal a Iandfilled in thr ajunLy'S panic: Solid wash 3en1 uuhide the cowityr lu SAd vrmte rrueiw-d in the county al Totals. 1, 309.13� vva$?p Torril IMSW 1309-131 0brftlps Usling County Rs c4urcp of Warta tramfeR station -or re^- a ing Facility and SLFNiKuerM1tIV landfllleu; Total: 7,231.24 W.R.5tP Tnial MSw 7,2.31.26 fbcililyr Wame Tom. Ple mir*d f Tom Trensftrred '0M-FASWLr-i993 EaaQrollne R%aniw I "119.13 1OM: I nndirll •77 T-Tr+AraSF-k,1 Fkriquirnan6 I 7,""717,131-241 i-h45mn�iate5 Trans'rer t+ansrer Autian or reLyding facifitV acid subsecmerjtl4 Ian4flimd: ri Tota 1. 0.00. 2881Page Graham 7,225,11 -�,naa 0.90 Calculated Amwnt of waste disposed by county + [M5w Larjdii Ws + CD Landli irs] F [Wast-E FxMrted aut of county to rergdlrWr facially or trawler 5tatlonM - Iwaste Imparted into pmnry 1oa rpgycAng Fariliixrx Frnn%Ffrxtati4M] landFilled Waste Exported Waste Ilwiported Waste Solid vm-teIondfised IF, the vwnWs --v; Salk +~cote sent 041Ys1de fne SQunty t4 5ard ale r"iwk-d In t1 a raU" of tran5far Action ur rppr4ng Fasilitxand transFprstalion orngGyrlirtgfgc3" and st&sequentty landtllled: subsequently IandiilYed: 74ta1: 7,225.1.1 T-L) izi1- 0.00 7ot„I- Waste Total MSS! 7,225,13.1 2891Page R • • Granville 50r92.251,10a Calculated &-wnk 4Fwa5w di51Ki-5?d byrraurrty : [iASW Idrdfil5* CDUmOU61 + [WaAe Fepurted uvt oFcQwnty k4 regrhngfaWity ur tmm r Ltationj - [ti'wa5N imported into bwnry to a recyc" facility or trander stetwMj urldf1119A Wasto ixperred Wasip. Imported waSrp. 5blid Ym%Ie lavMWed in Me xrunrp'S nerric Sulid waste3cniculsidrthe! cowilyIu Soiidrraete rvociwcd in the county A Tvta I : 40.421.761 €��W.;.rylfi raraI M 7V4r 60,396,09 ICD 25-67 F�acwrikrP.s LiSIMg �oLlnty a5 SekJF -Of W,31;t� traials sletionur rw-ydin$ hiciliLX-dnu 5tysewently Iandfllleu; Total: 10,507.48 `a+W,4.;tr TotAl IMS4l' I 10r507.48 Fncilily Hama Tons Rmmi"d } Tom Truri0wrrd 3212-TRANSFER-2Ls1,3 Durham City of 4,309.E9 l 4,28L15 �mnsfpr $#ahan ~taT-1rPA a5F*P-200j Sti3nt park C4� t ST3 ZB J ll7kl 5s ilanaFer S#alkm j3901-fASWLF-3(112 Oxford Subtitle D 37,210.543I OM MS1MLh A15V��F- 443 kjpW;Piwdmarst kle*D I OM '�e¢�a� 4araui�l VW-rr.iwi F-?OCO$ampvon Cnunhr 0.56 f 00). -Disposa . LLC i i91U2T-TRANSFER-19&7 Wmeei&.jnt4 �r 104.79}b,1EU M jransfpr $takion RM-Mr-2MI;Wd "rk Nspw;I C&k 1 25.6710.00 �Lars¢f R v ansrer sliliun or recycling laci9itq acid subsequerrtly omfllhed: ri - of-11: 0.00 2901Page lGreene - -ION10,303.7aM 12 0.51 Caleulated,lrnaunt of waste disposed by county _ INISW Landiiys 4 CD iandI11151 + [Waste Bpofted out of cDunty to recycling 4a€ialty or ramler stkion[ • lWaste inipaned IRty Dmncyhoa reryomng bribly0ctransferstvwq] LandfPled ifin e Solid waste lard L%cl In 5heavunty's name; 1 n5a1- 1r$37-59 VVast,e Total cD 1,M7.591 Farili ies listing County as Source Df Waste Exported Wa5te Solid waste sent flertslde the county t-D trar► fe* station -Dr rec;ding facility and subne4erer0V liwdlilled: Toral: 8,415115.1!� waste Total msvv i 8,466.19 Faclllty Name Tons Reoelved } Tons Transferred AOM-CDLJR71"J-5nermrC.armrFCdtF --- 7,$1"jOXI 54�12!-TRANSFER-ZM Deep RunTrarlsfef 2,853,4313,042-28 FSterfon 17404 r•UWP 19%Fitt County Trrntfrr 1,574�$ � 1.01-32. . itatinn �7�ft+ N5FER-2M.l Ell Recvcllgg 33.15 J 31— 5- ,Tragsfer 5ta';on 74OF-111i-209 C & D LafrJii' Int & 54 10.00• {hWT.1RAN4;K 2N'M HI. -irk frwrt R.mom I ,9 � 4d i X$71- i Tr-amrerstd,Jorr Imported Waste "d wmite reselved In the county at transferstation 3rrecVcllriKfacJKV and Subsequently IandfUmd: r_ I nral. 291 IPage ■ 1 ♦ •+ r 4 y + 1 r. 'GuilI M I ford 806r989,22 542.451 1. 9 Ealruhfwd Am-.unt of wasir di!6pmmd by rnunty = [USW Lartlfillills+ CD lamfrilk] r r Wave EKprxtrd nur of county In mryr.ling ianliry nr Iramirr tiiation' - lWame impcxtrd Into rwrity to a recwirng facllrty or transfer 5tati0fll Landfilled Waste. Exported V ;irte Imported Waste solid wastelar ivied in theoauncy's name: Solid westesentOutside isle county Ca SMihr sse received in the CaLIRty at sransletAklonor recoing facility and subsequendl' Iall�tllled; TotA 807,006,62 + TOW; 40,240,29 Waste Tot,:, waste Total M$W 631,912-94i MSvv I 40rO53,49 I CD 175,n93-681 CD I Facifities Listing County 2115 SouFCe Of Waste F E1111tM'larm Tans Received 1Tom Transferred WCS-bta]"sO*IinC kDka-rdflll 91.016.(N) fits LFa-lla Chambers 490.70 GAO eilFlarA+BhC Ot Korth C3folina, Ifr— !l+rnsorl Landfill INA-rrt WLt-I942BF'•ti7arIMeMt1 4523110M Speedway LarHAf V ISM-TRAN%[R-2dl01 {OS Rrcirdhg Servk)ee 321AT-TRRN5FER•2bEl1 Slane rarrk GDL-t lransfer5ta7on 3416T-TRAN5F1R-O,rerdAERoad -iimlet i Lati+]rr 3424-TRANSFER-ZG20Abaey Green Transfer5tatmn 4103-CW-199SC,reensbaro, City of White S51 eekLandFlll 121. 4 f 14A6 I T2 11. 74 40.037.26 i 40,437.26 1E6M { iBfi.BL] 50123M91000 transfer station or reckdirLE iadlity and iubsg-wenkly IandfirYed Total., 40,257.68. Waste Total M$w 35,717-741 4,539.94 41044MSWLf--1991 I Leh font, Uty of 1 5,66916 f 0.04 Yfer3ey VBMEVLmdiili 411Z• ASWLF-1497 GreeesCarp, ❑tyof BAEaUjQAO White Rreet MONLF 4116-( ril F Pni ) Wr Hqh PCMr I ;IrWfilk I 1 f. 4A,1W.?010.00 41Z74MLF-2009 Art 5wdrock MD Landf111 72,642.45 J 0.00 4116T-TRANSFEFL- aIOW Mad 'Transfer 132,9M.70 StOinr, 442¢T•T-RANSFEfi-Grgrnsharo, ur 222,434.A41222,439AA Transter Station I+122T-Tf44H5FER-Z41Z WI Burnt PDVar 58,575.41 1 59,202.90 IrransferLLC 6204-dSWLF-1995 UwhwTirfrn. Reg. 24311515 4 113.00 2921Page Halifax 9a,962.94M 49,214 1.89 ['.al[ulatrd brrDunt disrxxrmd by munty = [MSW lardM11%* C.0 lmnrtfilk] r [Wm;tr E Kpprtnd out nF munly In muyuling fadiFry or trarnftr Uati4nl - [Wartc impcxtrd Into oounLy mo- a fEcyrdr[g facllky or transfer stetim] Landfill9d VVastla Expofted Waste Imported Waste ielld taste Lori& li6ed in the 4munty's Herne: solid wade sent oumide'lihe roomy to Solid waste reLeiv-dd in [hie tuuiA-V dL EM101ief itdli0n 01 ruCydiitg Fa[iliLy 9nd sWG'8Fauermy IandFllled, Tit61' 100.189.1 + Total-. I 44.11 vV25ty Total W,3st-e Total MSw 38,057-19 imsw 44.11 m5w 57,589-99 CD 4,54L95 U ansrer sla tidn ur reuvr ling 4adlirp and subseQventlw laro&lced: TutaI- 9,270.40 Waste Tot@ I mSW 9,270.401 Fat411itiLas Listing COUnty as 5o,iroa of Waste f8tility Name TonkReuivedyTonn TrBnd erred OM-WSINI-F-093 East Carolina pelacnai 25132 a 0-00 I92.26-CLLF-2001 Ned Rock disposal €&0 13.103 { O.DD 'I mrKiiill II a ndFill , 3OT NSFER•iOAF: €dg*rnmbrCaunky A4.111".t7 1 2AMSVAF•6runswidWpge i J,9 ii 2ifl-CO �ED3!?-MS)hIT,- 'TrmrrsFrrStaymn rn nagaFnl FarilityLLC' wA I-02CA-IMY-2a13 Halifax County Landfill 4,536.E f 0.00 Atlantic Wasve I}isposdl, 8,22&371 13.131) II ac. VA 056Z 7EF73�aiifa� Cuir<d1' I 7K,d-�fi.R6� t8,4�S.A1;, Q r421jr'T-TIIAMFiR-i94F Wr•klnn, lovn nF 47,9-;5.Fa j Ir'rmsfer Fa�lllty ;7�03{a[F-2009C;& DiaWAN Ine S f ID-00 2€1i7-F.C5y4[ F,9g75 Gmat nak I anrINI .34.99 / (?.On VSWLF-ZGM 5ampmn County 57,290.Ea il 0-00 r sposa4 LL{ 2 9 3 1 P a g e �II��TaealM.' �a��1�[Jgrr' Tor�sJP�r�rr; ■NONE= Calculated rarrw,fnt of &ante dIspased lay county .NSW Lardfl1& 4 CD Lar`[MIIS] , lwaSW EttprxtEd aut of county 4a reQrIInk fad Ilty ar trardfer statlonj - lWaste Imp"d into rrintylaa r&cycwng Fariliky4-A tramFfr$htsrwr] tia,dfi,te 1 aAe Expagted unite Imported Wa5ke Solid mp5tp Ian4iLed in the inty'5 narnr: Solid wa"SL ntpat5idpthp rpLprtyto cjkdwaxtn rp"iWd int1W (-aunty at TGta I : 126, 950-30I Waste Total M SW 7;9. 616,2 2 lIPabIICIP.S LISSifjl; f.00nly a5 $ourcp of WaSxA tram frr 14ion or rvvpVinE Facility and subsequefrtt IM0111ed'. Total: 8,053. 30 waste roof MSW 8,053.30 tfan%fvr 5ta7inn nr nprycling {adFty and subsequently laf►dillled,. ri Tul:ll. 0-00: Farility Name Toms Reoti,ned � Tf3m TrOmArred 26W-TRANSFER-Fxrextevllle,CAVol 2,754.S7�2.75497 F32N-M5WLF-1995 UhvhafrIL- Eny. Re& 63.00}4.DD 1 mmFpc Station L andFill A11.7-CMf-)MRA-1Samr*prltabLandfill 1)MfWX $742-ih1F-1996Samp%mCountyrA-;pp%al, �.66IO.Cr� II,C 43M-F-DLF-7C1B HafnetzCaurfN Dunn- 3UE3.95y0. 0 92014YiSWLF-2DGU SampaonCodnL} 7.9.553.22 f 0.00 Erwin UD laodit alsKsal. LLC 4? I-CULF•1997 HanXtrCA Arrctrr m 1fa,9571$i f CLW 9UR-CMLF4001 Hod Ro khispo%al CAD au.&S f 0.00 Cmr.k C ILD Larsdfill 4fi,625. 22 ",825.52 LandFll I4142-TRAN.VfRr202LjWall Rm-Fling- 4S9.361461.71 A.Wr-TRANSFER-14471-urrnMI Czwnbr Transfer Radon IGafner Road 4XST-TRANSFER-Andemm Creek LanLifr+ 35,50.74 135.565.74 Trnsri-r Statkin 2.(kB.74 12,089.75' .;-W4T-TRANSFER-199.1 Wa_tiLL Man. - Lre r,rr. Trun5i'm Statiun 2, 7AB 88 } F, 7m.es: 530-TIRMUFER-2013 5anfeed Tla I.Er 5tabart 2941Page lHaywood 101,343.4 152r495 1,62 Calrulatnd AnsDarnt nr uraatr dixlx ed bq murdy = [*ASW LandfiBF t UP LamKili a] - [Wa%hr fKpnrrrd nur nF nmanty In rrryr.liny {an Iit4 nr trjim(nr-amtianj . lftwr impend Irrtoncwntytoare ycin;facility ortransferetebmi LairIdflil-Rd WasU2 Cxportnd Wastr± Importad Wastf! Solid wau& laAdfiPed in the ewnr4's nerne: Solid waste Sent outside Ille Chufity Lu Sdid waste reroeived in the enum et [r MJS4 ga[i0n 4r re4diiig FaLi ily and sL.Mequer tly Iandfllled; Total, 101,194.1�1 + Total: 145.29 Vvry.;M Total Waste Total! m5W 25_43 msyy I M5W 100r961.53 M SW 207.17 FabiItreS List ing COW nty Rs 5041MV Of WaSt-P f-ar:IIiIVName ToftFleeeived {T6r'd irMLMtred 1101-TRANSFEFI-1993 Waste M1anagernerrt 145.28 } 149_28• lF A�Lr�.illa 4403-MSWLF-19% H"nmi Co Whim Oak - I K9615.�1 � pX10. I ��rV I UM38-MSWLF-Tt E 9 Lendnil I �07.1-7 AGM IYW$-MM P Union C.nunty LaraYdl dha I 25.AII I(VI0 LgMatr Rngipnal LandFill Var15rer Uatitmi ur retVCliNFaCiity Bird subseQverdlY erL0red: natal: (31.00 2951Page Fenderson 38,539.452 116,71Q CF, 33 tdlr:ulsird ,SrmyJrlL of wash. dispasrd by county = IMiW LandSis+ Ca 1andVis] + [Waste Ercpprted uuL uF cccunty to nerpding fadiity or tram(ex station` - lwasie impwed Into cwnty zGa recrr-ng facility or transferstaSm] Landfilled Waste Exported Wiiste Imported W;3ste Solid waste tar&hiled in thetaunty's name. Solid waste sent cutsldetile cowtyrt-D Solidwasee remlved In the county at transler ssatlon or rerming facility and S.Ulmrcµnmtly IandFillvd: Total 2 7r5-64 + TOsZi1: j Waste TotiI Waste Tom m5w 21,3A-11 MSW 11r008'a' Msw 6,210_29 co 2,24 Facfl�tEes Listing {aunty as Source of Waste FaCllltr.lame Tons Fleoelved I TDM -fransferred 04ffl. 9'.SwL.FQ0]0CharrRhars 1.?34 f111f:.w Development of Norm Cafollna, IM1C lAuon Landiial 1UM-TRANSFER-1993 WBslk Ma-ra6rrnrrd _ iq 992.44 � 1 Q,99�_99 Of Asheville .1$054A015F.M.2W1 Gin RCcvong , ja. }5 115 -Sz ,SQrti+kes ;A407-hlS I-F-i993 Haywood Ca Mile aA La�eliu �OSfi#T-xkanLSPEk-]9 L�endersnnuelCY Fer �aslllty {�fiD7 MSWLF-20 5 Greae Oak Landlal 5202•C131-F-19965arnasm County Disposal, I( I tl)DA8 M %Wl F 11 nirun f nLLngy I.pn46ll dba I ILnvtn r ki ginr-ql Landfill W. 4�82.40 {�.i10 116,00,23 j I n.019 1 L1 I U.00 21,319,11l0 vanster station or rerycling iacim-Y and ajhwrinnntly landfillvd: i ptal: 0-00 2961Page H r ford 56r08 19.803 2, C ilriilxtrd Amminr oFwave diW-;rd hq rnunry = [a.13W landfi Ili - CD landfiik] - [WasM FKpu"r4;I nur of manly ro Feryr.lirto frriliry or Iraniisr sinrinnj - IW;%I%f impuTt-d Into wuntyto. a recy42�ng facility or transferstaticn] undfl1ll}a waste Exportlid �NastLa. Impoirted Waste Solid waste FnndfiSed in the munt4's narne: Solid waste sent oulsi&e dhe County to Said waste renewed in the County at Tbtak 54, 772.48 Waste Total WSW 36r435_20 Im SVw 18.337.28 Fac.1hl;jes t]sting f-Owlitr as $dufce of waste Era MILef itatiun 61 reLlr{fing fstili Ly4Rnd slbsequeMly landfllled; Total: 1,314.21 Wastr Total m5w I 1,314.21 f8[IlltyName Tom Reveiwd}Tons ifaMArred 030-WSWLF-1993 East Carallna Reoanarl 1B,337.zs } 0m: lI an.t ill -AN7,1RAN41FR-M7 Wrldno, Tpwn of 1,304 521 1rifH-S7 1 ram.Frr far.ility aS---2T-TRAN5F`f -1Y_s5 Fmertlard County 1,97U_99 f I.SM39- Tra95rEr Station W2MTMEAh15FERAt %P-t-rquimarW 5,R IA,691 f.in6won,45" 7Tamfwr 114JAq •M4;U LF• Allanue. Wartr Disposal. r 001 Irw. YA 1562 t,ensrer Uakiurl Or re!LyL:Iiq idiAFny and subseglrerrtlp IarrdiliFed; 0. Q4 2971Page i *rs r r t r Hoe .40,i569,7 59.173 0, Calrulwted AFw-)unt of "At! dixpused by county = LMSW LardSls* CD iarKI061 + [Waxte Erporlyd oul oFcounty to rerycling Cidlity or lrarafrr-%tationj - [Vaxte impxled Into cointwtoa revocaufacifty4rtransfer stat-anl Lain dfilled Waste Exported Waste Salld wa5taaLimM M In the-munty's name: 5011d Waste sent aralslde the cauntyto trarnsler statlonor recydlrlg fadlitand 5L*5pqugntly landfillrd: Ialla1: 39,204,29 + rotal; 1r46S,48 waste Totah WastE! Total IMSW 39,204-29I M5W I 1,465.48 Faioties Lin ingCounty as Source of Wane RaCIllty dame tans Received } 7ar& Transferred :?€M-TFAN%FF.R- FwMggvilYr, ntynf ird37AA 11,497,641 Transfer Ststlan 702-TRMSFER-MA Hake Ca1;uW 38,M1.81 J 39,458.00 aster Sta&nn IS.UA-TP"'%FFR,AM3Sanfor4i TrwnxFrr .21.02 j 27.Ck rSratuin -VSWLF-1995 UWharrie LnV. Reg mL42IOAU �Lar.Ufllt 1fM-M5WLF-20D2 Salnpsan COL my 3BA151,91 f 490 'hixpmmJ, LLC 4.;MT-'T"NSFER-1N7 Sr..ndand Cnimmy 01" f O.S2 Trimfer Sta;Lan Imported Waste SMwaste reaelved In the faun y at Vansfef staUan or recydlr%4ad" and 5Ubuma prMyrlandflllpd: 1rli�j1: 0.Wi 2981Page FHy d e 4,936.2SE 4,603 1.05 CalCUlaUd ArMMnt of *ante disposed dv {oUnty - 1* 15W Lantl$tls» CD {aryrt fl • lWast.E Exported out of county Rn retwtling f3cillt4 or tramter statlonj- (Waste Imported Imp cmntV ra a recyr4ng Facllpry cc transfer stairon] Landfilled Waste Exported Waste Imp.Dned Waste Solld waste Fan lkted In the cwntVs name; Solid waste SentGutslde the r6untwto Sosldwaate re -Delved In the county at Total_ 4,778_00 Waste Total Ims w 4,763.11 !CD 14.99 transfer station -Dr recrdlnQfacllltyrand 5ut,eequerM Fy ImdFlled: Total: waste T-Dial M5W I 59.25 FadrftEE5 L151ing County as Sou rc-e of Waste tacilltlr vame Tons Tons transferred OM;T -TR4N5FF R•9017 RPaicRwf Tran%Ffr _ReoelwedI ;6.-N I OC 79 M650 GBM-M5WLF-19g3 Easi Urollna RegianaJ 4,763.11 j OA}i Landfill r4(*T-1RAN54R X*j FIE FWcyrcfing P2.77171_a6, 1'mnSFfr StAl;on i7d47{DLF-2l09C& D LaM1i hd 14391OMI transfer Aaltlan or recy EllnR Tao" and subsequr.nkly landtilkrd: Total. ()_GO 2991Page F • ! r rr� r i !Ir-ed.ell 283,514,4 191,752 F1.4 CaloulwLv..d AcrxwnL of Brame diwised by murry = JMSW Landfills- CD Lmrnifi%ls] • L m to [Kpvrtrd out of county Co recycling facility or Iramler siationi - LWAIte imp fted Into cwnkyso-a recycAngfatlll%yortransfer staSw] Lan dfiilp�-d Waske Exported Waste Imported Waste solid waEwiiandflned In Eheaounty's narne,. 5alid waste sent -Iksldethe eauntytto SM%431te retelued In the county at translar 5ulon-or recyning faellltyrand transfer station or retyElingbuity and $i Pijw?rntlV IandFllo: 51jhwgU1r tly lanifirled: totaP. 281,248,14 + rata1: 1 2,366.31 1ni01: Waste Total Waste Total msw 281.18a.87 MSW 2,366.31 CD 67.37 Fa61%es USting COUM r a5 Source of Waste Faclllw4ame Tons Recelwed}fiora7ransferred -hLSIARF•?n]OChpmtwm 5R.301500 EY7m-TOAFL1rFrP.-JM 7d.iRANSFFR-2fNNCWPWnOtyTrimrcr 14W54jIaM.m ;oev"ment at halm Carolina. the atlofti imson Lars nvi -3 rvi a,r,roar—a QA as r'YA 7a • 'LV4-MSWI-F-1992 RFl-nailoLIeMfF wwayispe lalyd�IM Y 1 9-Tp-5FER•2001 (305 Re4romn$ :SerYW!, 13605{DLF1995 GAsttim Ca" CAD Ld uffi I :3605•WWL1`1997 GaatonGruntvlandFlll MSW L F-19913 Iredell Lard Ly San l t s� T-7RANSFEIF1998 Iretleld County nranafe� $tako6n f74F-1%9 Iakr- f+vrman 14ndffil 19,227A9 f Q00 Recover4 Center IIi1AR-IFRANSFER•202fFSnuthF.hulotC■ 12.56 601.62 ! 71e.76t rranNfxr Statinn 76074ISWLF-21)15 Great Uak LwWfIl • Y3. 4 / d.Da 017 j 4im. Sp]3-IN5WLf-1958 Rowan Caunty Landfill 1.6m.72 f 0.00 �-10 a 0m. !SM4T•T-RAHSFER-1935fast Spencer WA e 251,221.g7ICLW *fans-ferFaclllty I 9223-CDLP-2001 pea Rcckblspatsal C&D 63,735.33f Ea,765-33 -.andilll V-591 IIAM; 2,010.12 12.0E-0.20 3.86 ! 0.00 3001Page Cali Pgpuf atJbni 1.OPAIl sa": 6 Calculated,4maint of waste dlspasM lay cauritV E j Asw Larxtltmis+ CI} Lawgu(s] s [wasteuparted aut of county to rerytling fabFlty ortrara!er 5tatlanj- [Waste knparted Into rwnCy 14 d rp nrg F.RGH V Qr tran5fgr 5katr4n] Landfilled Waste Exported Waste Irnported Waste Solid wastelandAged In theavunty's name; Solid wasteseatoutslde the county to &Ad waste received In the county a. transkiir statlon or rervain¢ facllity and F.4160qur" landrillcd: rotat. 7r 9-1 + Total- ' 15.14 Waste Total Waste Total M 5w 5 Z6.941 IMSW 15.14 M 5W 36, 703.15 Faciit¢les Listing County as Source of Waste faclllttr-lame Tons Received I Uns tranderred a1Q -'rft c,FFR V491 Wrstr Mmagn-mamt 1$.34f 15.14 4f Asheville �4707-Fa' WLF-1993 Meywootl CO MITe T79k 62ROO � 4AO ILandffll :5MT•TPArd5F*R- I;KkSgn IvuLsnTVS-CM !{rink Tmrvdtr Statinn �32-M:PNLF- R & 9 Landfill 34,95E-09/ 3Ag5&C)9' BUDILL5 J OAa! vansferstadon orreuillrixfwmv a-nd iuhsnqu�ntly I�ndfilied- rot I o_QOj 301 IPage • r r ' r� r r - y Pohnston 177,005.67 226.661 D.7$ Calculated Anw-unt of u asie dispoard by munty = [MSW Landfills+ CD I andfilb] + rWasbe Uported out of auunly to Pecyr Iing %g fly or lramfrr station) - [Waste impaled Into Ewnty to- a revonR facli tr ar transfer stat5cn] Lan dfilled Waste Exported Waste Imported Wi3ste Solid waste Iardtllled In shemunty's name: solid waste sent onsidene toL,ntyto SAIIIwaste rerelve01nthe county at transfer "Ion or regyulrtg facilityaro $ equently IandFIl*d: TrEA, 157r644,55 + r -Otal; 29,361.12 WastL- 7otai Waste Total M SW 157, 538.77 MSW j 19,361.12 CD 105.78 FaCi[fkles List ing Cou nty as 5or_Irce of Waste farllllIV flame Tons Received { Tans Transfemed :6Q4 THluISFER- F alfauilk hr 2,242AM 12-F42*3 Transfer 5tetlan 5103-M5WLF-KMn5ton [aunty MSW 14Ey16.Fi0 jOM Lan�flll ',. T• TkAr6FS k-199.3 Wastr Man. • Lrw 12.15 i a.15 rc,. T ansfnSrmtinn 53O5-TUN5FER-Z0035anfurd Transfer 14.16 j ].0.16 5tatlan Yr2Ga44541LF-1995 Uwtrarrle Env. Red 45d41 j0.90 .Landfill 7607-M!S WLF-20F5 Great O-Ak LanArdl B4.?F j0.00 ;=-WWLF•213COSarnp5on County 11,06149 1O.d7- Ospo6a.. LUC [g213T-TKANSFEk-1M Waste 3,23Q-29 jd1I)M. rMorhapment or Rak*Fl1Dui harp Tra-,s6er Statics, 7B-rfil P-?rim FIME kgrl, flkrmsal CA1`1 nd•ill 31-CDLF-20LZ Orawnlield Road Cdda transfer station or recycling lacialty and zuhs vmgntly Iar4lfilYgd: Total: 0.00 5S.n6 f O.rNS 50.72 f 0.10 9242, rRAN..wER.2afft Wall km:yding • 1a4.06 { 12A.5R r;:wnrr Rrsad -TRANSFEiR-MMWackCreekRoad 15,276.22f 1UM8.1Z erstation 3021Page f ■ ■ J o n e5 15,421 .9.202 10, 70 CaleulatedAnwmnrof waste disposed lay counbl = [M5W Landhills+ CDLaimMM) +[waste Export -Ed aLrE of cuaaty to reLVEIinghWlry-ortrarWasstatlonj- Iwastelrnpxte-d Ir+ta rwnPfW4 , regK*m fRGIF"VtraFlsf4rst;it3vrij Lndfilred Waste Expormd Waste Imp-orted Waste Solid waste iamMued In [hecounty's name: Solid wastesentwtslde the coucitytD Sotig waste rec-2Ned In the courO at r ur a! . R ��wast� Total yy 1 ;co 1,72-3-95 transfer "Ion or req,Wlnrt facility and euhee�urMFy IaudFillyd: .3,471.25 was [E' fi+t-al 'MSW 3,471.25 Far-0r6es USrirlg- Co Linty as Saurc-- -or Waste facllltrflame _ _ _ tons Received � TDINS fransferred :)S{A-W;W1 F-79g4 q'f %W0AA -nnjjT"m — - - --- fgnx.; :Mpmad LaW.51 '-UDIzziLF2Q13 May1mille L 16 0 T,723.9514A4 5+1 8 T9 f�i#1{SI4Q"p Kim Ir-are5FLr M I J,A71. A ; t■rrnn 7W7-di5WLF-21315 Great Gaktdnditl a'a37 4_ 9 P-FA:SWLF-2UD25ampsw County R78f LM transfer statlon or rei:vcllnk iac" and cubrm-u,enUy hi dkbed: 3031Page Lee 71,64a.279 64,D68 = 2.12 Calculated,atrint of Yvaste dlsposm ny county - [M5W LandMB CD LaMM11151 + IWaste BpXted out of county to reeyoing fa€atty or tramfer statlont - Itivasta Imported Irytvomntyto a ring Fa c i I ft oF t r-a ri 5fe F -Ft 0 tIPM ] LandfHied Waste Exported Waste Imported Waste Solld wasteh�mMWed In theaaunWs name; Sand wastesent-Dutsldeme COLMYtD ScAd wave reoelued in the courYty at Total: ip 1,161-019 waste Totah M sw 100.792,621 Ca 368,47 t►arkOer statlonor reNdlry facility and %Wma-yuenlf� Iwidrik u: Tota l: 189.45 waste Total MSW 175.68 CD I 13.77 Facikties Listing County as Source of Waste facllltr Hame Tons peoetwed { Ions transferred ?" •TAAiHSFFR- FaMrttevilW. QIv of 175M 1 175AR Transfer Staelon 342A-TRMSFER-2QM AbGey Green 13.77 j 13.77 7mrLsf er Staslon g 7T,7kAN5FSfc.19"** %rr- Min. IFr 17,231.411TJr)$1.-07r .fit, IraRsFMStation LBM-TRANSFER-24135arrfNd Trrnsfer 42.R97.DO f 42,QW.O0i StBdon 52E4-M. SWLF-1995 U,vharrle Eno. Re& M131.30 I OMI I sr: idr ?k)7 MAWI F'•afs15 Great Oak Landil IOM 9390-M3WLF-3OD}Sarnpsw County 59,795.151p.Opr Oi5pCd2 , LLC W7$ SDI V XOI Fled Rom Impmal IAO 0 ? 1 OMI I'IMM transferstation orrecycIlnRTacillity and subseufuently londfilird- ri Iot;71: 29,702-2?1 waste Total M5W 29,702. 27: 3041Page FLenoir 11 -J�fjtL3Z.�t-30 -3-*r.MJ-L M I 09c, C.alujlati-d Amount or veavm di3rytxrd by rnunry = IM&W Landfitl%» M LanrKlh] - [Wa3pn EKpWrd mir of rnunty to rpryr.lirg fadiity or lrmmfppr stationj • lWa%?* imputed Into county to a recyang fatllhY 4r transfer station] tandfilleo k^1,7s_o Exported baste Imported l+Vaste Solid wastetan8lililed in theoounry's name: Solid waste sent outsldethe romitjto SOMIll* to rfeoelved In the roLJWLV et vatrslet vutlan or feeyding fadlity and transfer station or recycling lacifity and SLbSeWL-nYfy IandFllleo: subw%uer4lvlandiflUed: TpCdI; 69r20m,7 Total; 31,92' talal - 14,54-5.14� Waste Total wastI. Total VVas:e Total F1 sw 69,137.33 Msvv 31.97 fV1sw i�r54�.141 CD 68.3A Fat:ilfkre5 U56ng County as Sourc,- of Waste facility Name Tans Received } Tara Transferred 49[k5- 6w4F.t 93Fastfi�rvllna4k rnal �9,963-54IOLOO. E7R7•M5WIr-TOOOS;mnp5vn Cixurity jLanCfM DIW&al, L1.0 "-CDLF-if?13Maysvllle-E&C7 65.101GM' MR41IDLF-.2MRed PovekElipmalC&13 L andflll 54osr-TFzaNSf#ft 19981envir(nijirt} Trxn$frr Farility 54M-TIMISFER-M4Deep RunTraftsfes 21,M6.311 ZZ35DA7' :5tatlan S4a'9-MSW LF- Lenoir County MSW LandfJll -am { ID. GO :?MAT-UWP-19% Pin Cu+nty Trandia 771 ?ir.98 Matron 7AAMTRANSFER-2101 BE rtecycllgri 1 c(I r 0.9d Transfer Station M07-MLF M09 C & D iardri : Inr 23M 1 Ildc 39,1T3F9 f 4.00 P.1fa I nno 3051Page s.p�1NrP}rti+ vw.. +.rparrP•+V4ri 4a 1�1 r=ravrr- i Calculated,N7wunt of waste dlspased by cou" c M5yy Landflls+ CO UmMllsj a- [Waste Upai ttd Out of county m recyi:11 g la€iatt4 or Yramiler siatlonf - lWaste Imparted Irgp to in94 a4d recr ins fmciIMY4rtramsf4rsta1mr] Lan dfilled Waste Exported 1Vaste Imported Waste Solid waste farmtNed In the 9ar.l Ws name; Solid waste sent outsldE Vie rountw to "d waste received In the counts' at Total: 66,343.38 Waste 7atal m sw 59.305.11: CD 7,038.27 trarrsiler station s•r rer.Wine faculty and xuinrquvn1Iy Iwidrilled: Total: 2,253.35 Waste Total msw I 2,253.3-11 Facifities Listing Cou nty a5 Sou rcE-of Waste Facility dame Tons Aemlved J fons Transferred } *M.h45W1F-?rlla(hprnhara if17.70/Q-Qfl 6eveR*imrft of harth Carolina, IFw- IAnsaf; Lanlriitif 1304-M:5WLF-1M AFF{IiarIbLMo-#dtF UM IDM t5�eed�'aw tandflf V IAA-WINLF-1996 Faothllls Enwlfanrmarrtal 796 EO {.`40' Lar011 -19H)S-Tr"SFER-2001 GDS Rrc}w43iFg 717. SO i E4.N. .Sr.rviuex -MC6-CDLF-1M155asmn CountyMD 1A79C7 C-W Larvdil'• 3Gl]5-MSU�'LF.1943 Gorton jaunty imidfill i IA34.14 f r�.ilU :3GIMI-TRANSFER-11993 Mime MariMmnrnr 775J66 f iGa a3 V Carolinas ;550A-WwLF-1935 uncollnCounty Lmdllll Au25M f o.m transfer station or recychrim rac"ity and suh.ryuantly IandfiW: ri total:0.00 I5 50A, I F.1499lak[' Nprrnan larrdhil— -- 5,55f�.xd {n.pn I&D14-Try%NSF'ER-2OD9 Queen Cl[y 7r -W Er F— 1,4.S13311,40R.6P 15'Lati015 IupG4},-J BANS- Fprl Mill TrwsF4!rS#alipn V.. Z13 f i.S$ 3061Page r Macon 43.483,53 37,347 1,1 C.altulawd Arru>-InL of "61e disposed by munty = LMTW Landfi16- ED aAndfiFls] - [Waste Exported out of county to Ferycling ina lity or tramfer 61dtionj - lWaste imported Into minty to- a recycling failliTy of transfer statsm] Lan dfillea Waste Exported Waste Imported Waste Solid waste IarAArted In Ihemunty's name: 5alid waste sent outside the courltyrto SMviast,e retelved In the county at transfer station or recyding fatllltyr and transfer station or retycIlrg iaciWy and 5035Pgw?ntly IandFlhrd: 5uhwn1lQntly Iandfiltpd: f I fA81 : Waste Taal Im sw 43,483-53I FaL:FfFkies ljsting County as 5ourr-e of Waste 11'ac111tyr 11arm flans Received { Uns Yransferred ,t l-PAWLF-1992ihFF-CiIarHCrtrUty 4.701QoO. peetlway+t,amME V 4074ASWLF-1443 Haywoa6 ❑p Willite Glatt ULU f 4A0 ;13Rdflll 'SF17[3-t t+&WLF.t992 bAnrnn f.olalty Lamirik I 4-1A14A3 f Q.M. {]pwn ;5764T-;FtAN5FER-2DOG HljhlaAds TrarLOL-c I 11,375.03 j 51,375M tla °5tan 3071Page r ■ ■ r IMadison 12,826.35M 21,4460 Da6D Calculated AFfbWnt of waste dlspased by courltV = Ivlsw Lantllilts+ CD lan ffi;h I + lWast-E Exported out of County to reeVcling TacJJlty or tramiler Stationk - IWaAe Imported Into 4441nty 10 a mf,y g FaCiRw pr tranVer soon] Landfilled Waste Exported Waste Imported Waste Solid wastelandflded In thecounty's name: Solid waste sentoutslde t+ie cnuntytD 5ardwanw received Intha county at transfer station -Dr rec;dinig facility and sulnryuem Y IaudFlled: TotaM t,8 b_85 waste Total M 5W 11,598.12 M15W 7.74 CD 1, 230"N Facilities Listing County as 5flurce of Waste Fadllty dame Tons Roxived J tons transferred 1.Vm-MJ wi F-1992 M-ChwintrL,ldlr 7.74 (?-W. SNMway Lac SVT V 58d -CDLF- 95 MadMn C13Lmtyr 17A0 Unit 1,230.99 GM N T TRAN$FFR. PC*? Marlkrm (nunty 11.018.311 ��17ikal Ir;pn!5Ftr 11O1}51-M5WLr• Lakewa'f RecyclingaW 11,589.12 MOO SanicatiDa transferstadon orrergdingfxi" and subsequently Iwndfik-d: I [rt 11: 0-001 3081Page Martin 2*365.57 21,661 1.12 ��._ • _ Calculated Ammnt of waste dlspersed by county ■ [MSW Landfltls + CD Lari&hi Is] + Iwast-E Exported out of county iD3 rerVdlnR faditt4 or transfer st3tlonl - lWasta Imparted intn r-Ainkylaa rrc rArtE Facility 4w transFrrxtatwn] Land filled Wbste Expoirted Warne Imported waste Solid waste Imn4fiW in 1hecount'js name: Snhd wa3teipntpilSi*'dhe raw-tyto Sobdwa3lp rp"iv4d inthp rounty at Total: 16,241.251 Waste Total Im5w 10,288,291 0r.111the.S Living Cokinty as S-otjrce -of Wastp. transflr �latinn-Dr r".}-4ing Ha ihty anp sutrsequeatfp 18adfllled,. Total.. 8,124. 32 Waste total MSw 8,124.32 f4161ilyr Name Tons Rnoeired f Toro Transferred 0743T-TRANSFER•21)12 Beaufort Transfer 2.57 r 7.57 4t-gign WQ ,KEN WLF-19klfustOmlinzfggicc y 1♦1,286.191ON r;h ill 59D1-EDI-F-M5 Martin CouniVfAD 4fi313A5 GAO Larfflih '14(AT-Iv WP•19% Pitt Cou" Trarrfrr 71.so j 7pE02 Braman 7406T-7RdN5EER•2O[t1 E IF F4rryrrling H 543.19 1 A,1351.64, .Transfef Radon 7407CDLF-MODC$DLarb0iIn[ X9135 AaIDb4, i9275-EDLF-ZMIL Red Rost fhspmal CILD I 7.76 1 am. frq lam trpmfor grarign nr rRgCling faci4tp anti subsequently Iaadlilled,. r_ Total: 0-00. 3091Page McDowell a�,>#�z,�5 44,6891 0.98 rAlrulated Aenrwnt nF vamp di%W ircf by rnunty = [NAW LandfiMi* CD tarwlfilk] + [WmKtq f P!pprted mit nFrxxinq 9n mryr.liny fanility or lramIrr siatinn' Iuf,%t4- imr mied Into imnkyWa recyang fadliTY4Y traneferstatkm] LaildfiJlo.d VvasEo. Eyported W-r)sm Impofttd Waste Solid w8ite 1AR&W-d in ehecounty's eame'. Solid waites8nioutsi&pmhe eoumy to Safi recei,rcd in lh-eaumq at Totkh: 41618.86 Waste Total m 5W 3.17 M sw 43,615.69 Fac&!;ies L4s34ng County as SOgjfu of Waste. rraMl& nation -of reCVding f8tiliTy and sL-tsequently Iandfllled; Total: 203.49 waste~ Total 'MSw 1 203.4% fECilityr Hanle Toes Received f'forts ifarldErred •IA 3-NrSWLF-19N Faathllls Etwlmmentai 43f615.69 10.00 A arwKll .IN)$-TOlHSFEIi•Mt GEIS Rrce ang 1�7if_a0 f 2M.A9 $rrArRs ;5E-07T-7PANS FER-1995 Nk6awell Ca 05,939.09 J 95.939.09' .77ansferfadllty itKW A$rl l$11WI.F Lhrrnn Cmmty Londfrll Mw 3 17 Ip-pir lups#alg Rsgipnpl LandFill SC. WrliFef Sl8udh Or retyrliq tefiliLy Md subsemently landfllled; 3101Page Mecklenburg-- 1,765,702.57 L121,482 1 1.57 Calrulwwd drrwrant of vmstr. dislxosed by mur&y = [iAM Landfills+ Cb Ursdrilh] + [Waste Empc"ted out of county to rergdinli f ility or Irarn(er station' - lWame irnporled Into rotlnEy*jo a mKyo6ngfaclll•yrortransferstaUM1 Lars df Nied VV aste Solid waste Iarfffilletl In the munty's name: 1 otaE: 1,6 2,09 Waste Total m 5w 17. 077.57 FA Sw 1,441,924.12 ICD 185.740.40 Exported Waste Solitl waste sent odtsinevne coumyto Iransler station or reEydlag facility and 5isl3%Mkmrtfy IandFllyd: Total: I 1",721,74 waste Total m5w I 144,7�-1,74 FaciIfdes LlstingCounty as Sou rceof Waste C-adllty Narne ?ons fieoelved I Ions Transferred 04M. MSwL F-Miq fharni)ars -05p,50B.90 f (?M- Oeaefaprn,ent of fraftil Carolina, Inc IA,nson LancM1[ 1XVII-M644LF-1992BR-U&lotteMt1 SRFS,12U.41 QAO. 5peedN3VLurm 01f 1': tlWt LF-2C00 H1gtWM 49 C&D Lanedl 22,149.221 OLOO & ReoycOms Greenwav titi+aste IBM-TRANSFER-2001 GDS Rtitpdng 7,1C2130 f 247A5. { �r,rices i6W4,'DLF-11954anton C4Urvty C&D 10,942-B7 1600 I�rflftlr 368i3-M5WLF-1997 GasLan♦ icumlVLmdrlll id�F363 OBOj 3RA-TR NSFER-1993 Waste Mariapenent 15,547.09115.32 fig; :)f, ir)hnag V.(A-CM F. 14451 akr• hpxnon I andf ll 4f59.57 1 am &D13-(dIF.M21 {,raYnwayAraslr 5oludonsol North Me€X 6C14-TRAN9MR-ZOO Queen CltfTransfer Station SM9-&SSW F fM Urcklrnfrirg r.nunty Landfill OW91FRANSFER-20E2 dLeary Resource Recovery Center EL M-TRANSUR-20211 Muth Charlotte Tramfe..r S"Hon 6Zf]"SWI-PrIMS VwEanie Env. Re,& Lmdflll 7304-MSWLF-1DW Upper r'Iedngnk Aulonal-andilll 3606-CDLF-3431 Wall Rm-fchrig CDLF Imported Waste 5milwww reoelwed In the county a[ tfansfersWillan or reeVilingiadBN and #Whwgp-vrgly larKlfilh-d: Tat -al: 23,761.26I Waste Total f4 sw 23,761.261 170.Sfi3.9d i 2�e,545.36 133,17fi.A9 �fI.fHS �7�23.Fi9 � 33.955,11 135.78F.i0 / i31,22$.3Fa 39.Nd f O.DB E-9.82 f 0.04 1&19210.00 311 IPage `i lllt hells 14,348,7Q 14,g33 a, C.alnjlwwd brn,7.inr nF wastr dixrynsrd by rnWnty = [MSW LarwlBllic+ f.D inndnk] r [Wx6tr FKpnrtrd our of r4unly to rfryuling ficilily ar trarrnlr-r statinnj - wantr imp"d Into uruntw to a regrc*rLg fatllky-Dr transfer staSwl La{1dt11IO 1 VVI.Sle ixpof ted vvaSte Imported waste Solid wa!,* rarMRed in the oa.,nWS ftriie: Solid waBte &aA1 OuE2id-V2a touniY LO Sad rdaSte r6Ceived in the County at Total L 191.43 Waste Tana[ M sw 377-261 Msw 814-27 Facility fl8me .LOOBT-TRANSFER-1995 Yancey-Mitdlell 'Tr;hmrL-r ctatinn ;14M-hAbWL 1`49% Fouthllls Enymmawnts? Idarwffill 11905-TRAH5TER-ZOOL GIDS ReCyartg ,SertiriCeS 14kxY�$•MSWLF f5rivgl�anrfiFi�uA rrMrOff Ste Liorl 6i rr5-yallg facility dnd sAsegdentlW landfllled; T -Dia 1: 12,957.27 VV ast C. Totai #sr sw I 12,957.27 Tom Received I Tans Transferred 11.109.631 12,SFZ639 Al 4.17 f Oflfi Z63.52 J 30M v8nsrer sLaGdri ur reLyding4arRiL4 amd subsequerrtlylandtvd: Tat.iI- O.00j 3121Page Montgomery -Caiculated ioraf. F�ojataon: TartsjPeFi;on: Calrulaied hrrwwnt of uraAe! dispuaed by murdy = [MSW Landfiet+ CD 1nnJFi%j i [Waste EKpartrd uut of uc:until to mcycling facility or tramfrr %tationl - IWaxte imported Into cauntvto a rftWnRfatllltdnrtransfer staum] Lain dfilled 44aste Exported Waste Imported Wi3Stc Solid waste lamftEd In thecmunt4's name: Solid waste sent Outside Re carMtytD SoYdwaste received In the county at transfer station or recyVing facility arrd transfer station or re[vcllrkg iadM and sutm lurntly1wrilillyd: iuhm..MientlyI;hndfillpd: TOTO: 53'4a7- ] r,l�l 336.27 Ir�lal 0.00. Waste Total *mtt Total msw 51,43534 MSW 336.27 l,D 12-26 Facikies Listing County as Sourl=e -Df Waste Faclllty Hama toms Received { 1crkS Transferred It.W+r•F.I WL P, 9+j2 1F1-(�h WInttr l itr .75 f (F QQ Speedway+1aWfIF V ,UM-TRANSFER-MUL Gas RegArig 2.337.49 1332.54 ISE aloes i2GM=rRA ISFFR• F ryr+tq�iltr, tj v4 �1I3 f �1L3 7nnxFrr.statrnn i.19.ZOT-TRANSFER-Greensboro, UN of .9901090 -Transfer Station ."-hIWWLF-1945 Uwh.?r ie Env. Reg 5;429.s J G.M. jun-rtfilt {1)LF•2U21 Wall Reuy.Jing CDLF I 12-215 jam, 3131Page Eo r e 105,337.51 102,517 Calculated,amvwnt of waste dlspased by county = [NASW Landii05+ CD Tandffltls] + lWaste Ekported out of flaunty w re[vding ia€i Iltk or trawler statlonf - IWast-e Imparted IrrtojxwntyWRrei7n6Faikjyixtrdnsfersta$9n] LandfilledWaste Exported Wa5te Imported Waste Solid waste lam MNed In thesauntVs name; Solid waste sentv0sldeVie cowlyto SiAd waste received lathe cou" at Total: 92,97:1.451 Waste Total ;(M�■ryS 63,454,64 4..■.F 29,416M teaWer "Ion -Dr rev,+dllrg facllityand suLeeyueniIV lurdFilled: T�#aa: 12,45f�.0� Waste Totai M5W 12, 6.06 Fa&Iities Listing County as S-Durre of Waste xacilltY dame Tarts Received { Torks Iransferred fkl�.3-ht.SrArl F-%fl7{F e7n,�rryF�wrx },-0$1.�0 � Q-�l Oeueropraent of North Carolina, Ire. IAnsaa Lartarliol 2609-TFM!9FER- Faylruilw, Cky rb1 S,377jD2 j S.377-62 'Traasfer5tatron 53LbT-TRANUER-17`k3 Waste Man. • Lee 2,330 EA J 2,3M.fr4 .{a Transfur ta6gn 'r-TIUNSFER-2M3SanFwdTransfer jU50.A0 f 4,750i4o tarmn 62Cr1-MSWLF-1995 Uwharrie Env. f4eF_ 6M72.04 f 0.00 ILaN AW Q01-CO-1992MmrzCcWneyC8Z 29,31}.13/O-W ILarAfiu fi302-TRNISFER-19g4iJwhArrw Cnr 55.707.06: 55,707.06 IlroUMDare CLW Transfer 5taGan ;7WtuLFL203LWalMRecwdlrw Ci)L# LUb laou Vansfersta0an orFecycling Taco" and iubsewently landfillyd: I OM I: 0.00 So-p%w (4unty DkppLal, LL C 9226-8LF-20d1 9ed Rock Disposal C&D Lawiflll 1a.d7 { O.fHti 92.76 J 110C- 3141Page Nash 111,340.58 95,465 1.17 CnlrulaWd Amxmrit of vrasic dispmrd by munty = [MSW Landfill- CD tanKilh] + [Wj%te EKprrtrd out of county Co rrryrlinµ faalky or iraraler sintion' - lWaxi-e irnpurwd Into cowntvWa reelanRfaclllwcrtransfer statiran] Lain dfilled VV;3gc Exported Waste Imported Waste Solid waste 1aWflNed In the raunty's name: Solid waste sent outsldF the county to Soled waste received In the county at. trar 0ef matlon or recydlrlg facility and si-Fxrqur-rtly landfillpd: + L Waste Total waste Total msw 88.490.87j IM5w I 24,813.71 CD 15. 375.88 FacHities Listing County as-�aurce of Waste *acllfty dame Tons Fleoe1wed l Torts *randerred 480--M;WI F-199a FaxtC'arnlina RoVenw R1.554.49 f Q pl ,LaM1d;' M ,3342T-TRANSFER-1WE E,d"comdeCountk 35.5-D13550 TransferStaU n f ilk3fifxF 2MO Haafi Cminty CRUD UnM9 U 1d 922.2ra � il_i10 6K T-7RM1NSFER-FD41 Rocky Mwnt; ON SB.M.51 j Ea,244.05 �Yf'Transfer Station 42 7AQ4T-M41'n-199C Pltt CaurvtyTrart fu D00}0.00 Siatinn 74CU-TPANSFEk-2041 1JE Nrny cling 3. Ea / 3.A7 Transferstaban 7407-GULF 2009-C& D LaNdU In[ 4qgQ03 0.00 ?W7-MSWLF-ZA] 9 Grua[ flak LanItFSI I 1310.28 1 OM -M4; f1 F,�DM Sampxnnfinnnty Isal, LLC Ned Rock DisposalC&D transfer stallan or recycling ta€INty amd sufeseM.PnrlyfandfilEpd: y Waste Total m5w 17, 339-98! i,ROtF.dO { O.CH7 23.59 f O.pa 9242.TRAN.9-1R-P1121r wad krryrJwg UY.74) IMA.r, Gafner Rnnd -TRANSFER-MOD Black C'reeksloaid 24.989.28 � 24,538.09 ier Station 3151Page f ■ a a i ,New Hanover 2,41S.66 229,9431 1.75 Calculated hn►rmnt of waste dlsposEd by county = [M5W Landfiis 4 CD landlRls] +[waste a xpafted out of runty to retytling bcialty or tramler station[ - Iwa5te iotiporied into mxlnh/toa rrcy'chne brilrll'or#ran5ferstation] Landfilled Wa5ze Exported Waste Imported Waste Solid waste Fan-afllled In thecount4's name; Solid waste sent outside tine cauntVto Simwraate reaalved In the coupo as transfer "Ion Dr r"Ing faclllty and �7 rryy} ��y}} C£ ��yy 5mb% iiereily I>wdrilled: Q i + T0131 - 9-56 W st=- TcEa; Waste Total mSW 402,064.191 M5w 79.17 JCD 261.91. CD 10.39 Fai:FlftiE5 Listing County as source -of Waste FacIIItV flame Tans ReoelMed { TDr4s Transferred F604, tSWl POM7 PYm Hannvnr CmmrX Land ill fi712-TRANSFER-2Q16 Tolkstbne E&D 10.39 1099 Retycling CollettlOO-Fransler Far Mry +M31-TItArd FK1990Nmdrr{ounty 98-06f74.t7 IransF�rita n ?W7-CDLF-2009 C & D Lamft Inc d355 10A0 S20Q{DLF-399658rn 1 County Disposal, 232.311Oml I:f A2W-PAW P•?OCr3atmpson Gawit1 - 7t�99b.F�3 J(} flQ Disposa!, LLC 9228 CDO-Kai Red Rat* Ot PM1 C&D 5AM I OMI Lanatin transferstaUan orrecyclingiadi" and subsequently lan,dfilled: Tntal. 0_C10 3161Page 1 t Y 5 f Northampton 9,489.560 17,1160 C1,55 f.alrulwwd Amount Owwe di%pmr-d by mu" = [dV11S1W Lanrlfils+ M Landl ll�] + [Wwe f Kprrrtrd nur nF nninr4 In mnTling fanliry nr transfer strrinnj - lWimr imptxird WAD ixmnty to- a recyang faclMy or transfer station] Landtlare# Vvaso Solid was7.-&rarrdlifled in theudunry's name: TdtUk: 1,528,931 Waste Toral Msw 1,528_93 F;301itIP.S UST ing County as SoLlfce of Waste Expgfted va�3�te Solid waNLesutaduide The! emoQW Lo Cr8infev €taliun ui rw-Ning Facility ar)d 5L,nequentry Iandflliem Total; 7,960.63 Waste Tora'i If, sw 7, 3 FBtility+l8me TenxReceiwed f Tara Transrerred .OM-&t54WLF-1943 East Carolina ReRlpnai U29-53 a 0-00 I Troll AMT-FRAN$FLR•1947 WP-I41nn, lawn nF 719Kfa 17.9w.63 17gh"Frr Fnrility IMported Waste Sold waste received in the murity at U.3nifer €Laic-3ri Cir Oetytlin 18cility wd subsecuerrtly Iandfllled; TL7tol. 0.00 3171Page 10*od Wal'. PgIPy Tons/Persor • i. r Cal dated Ambunt oFv ustc daposed by county = [MSW Landfills+CD LandFNlil * lYWaLW Lxpi out 4iTtC3unty td recyd4Vfadlltyor!mnsFerstationj • [Waae inpartec antsumptylaa reryclingfacilityortransWitatkmj Lwndfilled U4aS[e ExparLed W-@Ue IrrlparLa41 LrWas(v SAlld++rtelandillledLn thar4onty� name: 5aEd m7h,sp.MosMethe oount4to "IIKIYAF*tp recplapd In tttiewL-tyat Total_ �37,171.11 Waste raaE h+Fsw 293,233.7E. CID 44,027.40: F&dIdles Lisdrkg CaLJmy as 5auroe aFWimli! trdn1fdf.518 ital Or rz2VtliM&fathlyWd c-ilxpr!rmrtrly Lavin illvd: Tp aI: 962.n Wa Ste Talc I MLf 962.76 Faellley Name Tmn Receiued? Tune Trarslerred 5209-MU-2013 MaM-le-I & 0 43,94}.ld 10.00 2024ASWLF-20M Sww&url CauntV JP'spmal, RC -,,WMTRAN5FFR--M14Lppp Rk,n Tra-iFipr RI95.74 (451.RJ Station r,?W-M5WLF-IM1 Larep Lrjvu-in GSM I"1ra.54IUXIEI Laidm1 d709--M*SW[F199] Dmsbw Uurnty LandQlll 17I194.83I0.ca FJl7•TRA,NWER•7{ILbfalkstnnp 0113 1LJ-IM7.3H I A.HW.AR RetyClipg CWkmtionf`rmsier Facility P Fender County 13-x3121AA Transfer 56TWi 74417 •r!}I F-?rxig r A n l ar4dfpl lnc 9q.IR I Limn KNU-[GIF IYMSampson ibunty04pod. ]Si?d.(Id LLC LiBn!iei 51,6,�{4,8,n Or retyClirg fae litp AMd ;kmu LmrLtly landflllRrl: Tot a:: I 3,111-4$ W;!Gte Total 3181Page 1 i 'Orange 75 , ia9.99v +148,07 O.Si Cakdated Arnovrt of v sto daposed by ocunty = I h75w Landadls - LU Landfitel - jWms:v I-Kpwted mt o7 county to recy+d" fadllty flr trarukr s#a[ron] - rwaste Impirtrd I+ISD {o j y ko � ne[yclIM laclllty 4r traf*Lw simicnI LATi 00ILjO IN-.l ,• Solid wwtelaN41lied+n the multy,; name m5W CD =.xpa:rle(i Wi9s:e 5aEd waste sent aoUMe ine County t-p trAnOer st8tion OrreKvding fmAty arid ,mb%pgtrenthy unafrgad: rworld: 5011915•24 'NH ',LTui1.1 m5w 50,395.14 Fat.11itir-, Li_111LK Cot,1,jy a-b 5nurri- 13F Warty Facility N&nr_ Tor& Nmmlvetl f Tbni Tee niterrad 153itS•L'aLF l-Iqil D3WS L&D1ondi111 tE55A �D.dLI 171;-TR.AN5FFR-XI4 T)umam. my nt TrawOet 5tzrbah 9714T•TRARSFEB. MrU Stara Parlr r'ar,rr Tranbltt Stator} 411LLI-MAN5F"• Bishop hand ir3nstr- Sk�tl�l 5"'M$W1F•1V95 UY&Mmrrl�LFrru. Rig. Lmrdllh &9U-IMLF•2 WS Omer C•punly =LR 7MM-FAMLF-1997 Upper PIP m m Regltxmil LaddGll 7i9r 7.MSV: I r-?nI N r raxr Cl•Irk I andflll A:2.313 07 f 43. 717.216 2MLW f2.20.11 3.071R'] 27,199.17�om Ei-T+5 f 51•fk7 IiN alEiaip mHWm-W 1LF-AlCU&aWmr1 rrumy I'01 Rxrsal, LLC 17 ]ST-TRAW5FFR-1411 Was1L- FFM8 Wr4errt OF rWlipVWtF mY, Vansiit 5tzhan 2L${fxF•27G1 Red Rack mpasa•C&G alnrKrll IripmIe{i WdS1F 5ollO waste mcel oed in [N bounty at trdnsiersu&anar raryclingfaclllLYand jk, Ut Upri ly IarxifIIIPd: G.M �d, ya e 0 nu 1,a95.$9 f 0 aL, 3191Page IPamllco 17.31021A 12r33-0 ni- CiI[datcd AmountoFvrmta ftr%3 rd byonunYV - [m9w I;indNkl mLandflIkI [waawEeprxird cut nfmmi:Vto rmyrl"fadllty tw cramfnr s-atinn] . [W;N%tr impartnri into Cour%rf to a feLyellfgt ia6lity Of lfamrer SLalionl LEmjjHIl�d WA5tC- FAPa t-ed V as# ImppTte �Nasr Solld w,,uce land4illed in the counrrr+s name. SOW wasue serf[ outside the county L4 Wlfl wrote mKeiyed in the WWLy a[ transfer station Dr recycling fa[frtyand sibsequeotle landtillE4' T-Dta' 17.372.20 + Total- 7.34 V.'a,�tr- iota' Wa5tr Tf)i-rll m 5w 17,359. CD 7-3A C❑ 12-77 facilities Listing Caunty am Source of Wa5te 250R-mSWLF-Im CRSWIVIA- loIrlQTKm 17,354A3 IBM kegienal Landfill 6712-TRANSFER-2O16 Falk5lN&C&D —-7.3417.34 PoarKJlrg1�r.L"IWtff .ndprF�Lrmty M31r-TRANSFER-1993 Pamlico CUL+nLY 16909-F9 f16.909.79 Tramfrr 8r;rrmn 7407{ULF 2W9 C.& a 1aiwirill inc IZ7T a OJXI ti mrsfersiitranarrecyclinSfacilityand submg imfl1 landfilled. Tc6ta - 77.41 Ir �w i 77.41 3201Page Pasquotank 52,5 .4 40,625 1_29 i alrilat" Arnmir.taFwasta dapnsr,d bymuotq o [MSW LandflllerEDLarditlk[* PwauvWmted pert9(muityto rwcok -FacilltyorkrarrJoraanrnj-jum5to Imporhed intocounLytoafeCV 6ATaCilitpOfLraMrefs[al."I I fxportf.d Waste Impcirtr7d We5te 5rlidwaa[eland{illedin t"counWi name; SoW wasu sen[ou[side lyre Wun[y Lc Midwarste received in the COWLvat aka' 55,369.73 Waste mal m5w n,2W.59 m5w 10,643-24: 15,517-90 transfer station crrcfcling facility and !�dbsBguerrt" L"*"ed: tttt� Total: 548,17 YvaStf Total m5w 1.25 CD 546-93 Faciliities Lis_ti_rig County as Source of Waste Fi{IIIty NdmR ---_— - T4}n6Re*FWL-d{TpngTgmpre-pd D9D3-M5WLF-1493 EastCaroina REilmal 10)E-03.2d J0,Q0 Landfill 2703T-TT!,4hSFER-1995 {urritvu 7 nnsrer 03D a 0.39 5tetL- DO&TRANSFER-Z0?3 Bay Dispesal, LLC ffA.4A 1 5".g3 710102-OU-1996 Pasquaa+7k Coun[y CaD 15 5i7,9a I mini Landfill 7003T-TTinNSfCR 199� PuoquatanRCounty 34-9453 F2-,473.CA Tr n;4r Stator ThDZT-T1k4HSFER-195u PeMLbrrnam- D92�0. tpaan.C�dcr Trarnfgr LIIIONA SWLF AHOW.c44astebspm31, 29,20.01Im If%L VI ;552 transfer s7atan ar recydrrlg facility and PAsEgwrKlp Iai dfilled; tttttttt. Tota', 1 3,320.47 Wa" rota~ IM5W I 3,320,47 321 IPage ender ,68O- 62,978 G-7 C21adsted Avneunt of wasta ftpused by caun`y = [MSW Landfills+CD Landbial + lwaslt-e txp rind out ae mumty to recokn fadlltg or;ransfer station] • [waste Impartad Wo €wi v 10 a reLvdint iatlllty or trarflfet staNm[ LondfilllJd Wa$te Expurted WHs7F Impnrtpd WAsrF 5olld waste lavidilled 0 the count (13 Marne: 506d waste send OvUlae the aunty 10 50111P waste recmed in the wmty at Tokai-- uwasrp PA Sw 43,676,70 TOO al ,377.93 Cl) 2W.77 Iransferst2itian Drrcgcling fac6lyand 5jMmentlY Idngftll?d: TON I: 3,093-75 W.a;i- TpTRI Ca 3,093.75 Fa ci liti-n List_iM County as 5a a rre of Waste Fatlllty N4rnm 7rAnRacplvrdITr3ncTran4amd 529-34MLF-3013 M3V% *lC& 1} 21]•5111O.G3 5504-M5wLF-2Ol2 Fie&v Hamav& Caumy 127fr. I6I O.CO Landfdl 5712-TRANSFER-2016 FORSI me C&O .3�,%3.75 3,a93:�5 Keigxllrg Cdledionrf racier F;rcllrtw 71MT-7RAWER-1990 vender Courdy 3711154191 Z9,965.67 TrarrSlet Statkwa LM2-C,dLF-19 6 ShM9klMCtunty0hpOW, 92.691a.DO I I is 92U2-MSWLF-2DM Sarnp %UrurkIV 47-01.271 ODO MspmaI. LLr: !M-C6LF-2001 fled Rock DIspoeal L&Lr 456!O.m LandOn transfer stators ar recycling fadlity and RA5KkRnr l4Iardfillpg: Totai : wave TohJ 3221Page lPerquimans .5,219.022 13,2si 0- 77 CaIcda ed ,4rnount of vmta dkspas d by county = [MSW Lanh'dk - c.G Landf"G * lWasle Lxpuied out rf county to mcoirLE facility Dr!ransfr.r station] • (Wastr Imparted Sato €ouf tyr io a fe[ycllrrg lacllltp or tra%f$t statinni �OrWi1l-rd Wa$tli- ExpmtRd WASte Irnppfted VVag�� solid Wwe landilled M the€OLMW'S nafile. SOM k�asteSent Mt5idethe CAUflty to SOIIOwaste ►ecmed In SN-w eiCMat traosFar station cr mgcling facklyr and wbse"e" Land died: Totot 24,479.12, 11111111111111111111 Tata 1, �.00 Wa5tk' TEIt& 11,015W '24,479.12 Facilities Listing Courty as Source of Waste Facllrty Nam■ TpnsRmIYW f -h;mFTrmdprrd 4M3-mWLF-1293 East{-aro{na FtdlDrral ZgAr79 12 j@M L]ndFilF 7MU-TRANSFEA-MG Perciu-midru- if.224.76 �M4H.D7 rnown n t;,atos 1 r2rxFnr transfer ststaoa ar recycling facility and sUasequerKlyF lar•dfllled r_ Tea; 18, 260. i4 It5w 1 1�,MO. 10 3231Page Person yar d x, {alCdaled AMOrunL$rxa5re M&MSM br CCumv a [MSW Umddills-EDLaftdWSF4I%Yasief.pdrKhd DUE 0corMry10 retycliMA Wili[y or'far55Fef Vali6flj -[wa5[e 411100fred mtoccurdyto a recycling faolrtyortranxForstationl LDndfllled VYaste -Expomed Waste Imported Waste Solid wastr land{dlyd in the munly s name: Sobd waste serrt autslde the oou" to Solid waste rucrived in the aou rtg art rotal: 49 727.05 waste ,ci[al PASW 414,225.05 CID 2.00 Fa el Iftbas Llstl rtg Ca IjAkyr as So u r [� -a F Was he transferika[Io-7 xte€VtliniraciFir and subsequently wndfilled: �a 5 f i I ow I. 826-63 wo sty 104a I mSw 826.63 FamiltM Mane TbiiiPieteIved�TCMITfMifftym 411?-MLF-2DM ii-1 Sandntk UD LandFti- 2A13I0.IX 7 MWI F.I kAl LI{rppr Pi4+1rmrfi g9.P71.7o � 0 Potgiumal LAndrlll 7.U?•FA5AA'LP-21)15 Eirv2tUnk Landfill A.3s Ia.L7a =07-9PANS• First hedno-nt Carparatrcri V&Ga f �M.G2 RinU61d T.anSfei 5rarifo) Lransier siauon or recxling facllikr and si-bsrquen;Iy landfdled: 0.w 3241Page P#.+ i ■f ■i F � I L L 172, -1 17.2.014 1-0 {alcu+atetl Ama,lnt of wasre dl6posed by COin;x - [M5W Lantl'llls L {D Lar+ap�sl _ Nvasle E-parled out-OtoAty to reC3+€I� fa€ill[v or sransfer s�aslo+ll ['Haase ImparC�0 intDcu:antyloa recycling facility artransferstatic-N Landfilled Waste Solidwastrland911edin thecoLmty's -lbrne: i Otal, 190,434,06' ~Haste Total .MS w 161,373,15 b4' 29,060,911 Explarbed Waste SOFA waste sent outslde the county to transfgr atatlpn nr rx-Eprjmg faGmp anq hihequt! lLfy rdidFilled: I Ota I: 2,387-56 Wa5te Total �nsw 2,387,56 Imported Waste Salldwwte mcel4ed in thecountyat tranSiQr ctaiiangr rprycllrggbClllty ;inrl Sutsequer:ly landfilletl: Total: I 20,426.49 Waste Total �M5V4f - I 20,426.49 Fail Iities Listi rtg Courrtyr as 5au rce at waste _ _ _ -- - - - FX1111y' Nam! Tb.n6RKi!lved#TllnSrrWSrF NfflT-TRANSFEF-AGIZ AeadfoA Transllel 1.323Ut d 1.323.4] O2,MMF-2GwSagvSOh Uwfv.y OQQ Station OlH-1, LLC 08113-MSWLF-iW3 East Cetb&d Regimal i5S,02.16I Off 229{151-F•20M Red Rutk bis ,t C&D i91 { f1On Lan*Nl landfill 54MTRANSFER-2O24 Deep Run rearIsfer 5.69 f 6.0 OST-TRA45FER•,2OAU91atkCreek Rwd 1.073.561XO5851 Station Itransfrr Mallon 7104IT-,fWIP4996MCouMyTra►rSfer +36,63A 78; $33.291.19 Stbtkki ?49ET-TR W,FER-2A01 EJE R"trite 11,4gL22 ]q d31.33 Tran;fnr Rtzhun 740-MLF-21MY C& DLaMfillVif 29,054.5BIa U 75b�-MS'irL"-�O1S Grail Oak Landfill 3,237.011Off 92�{8U-194fi SarnFson {OunL}r 6ap�fel, 4A4 f O.l3O LLC 3251Page Polk — {alCwXLm A limpi of Wa I-E apposed Uyr caun" ■ (m5W LaWllls+CD LaMfpls[ _ lWame;Ekp rxed wt d [auintV to r"IkV fatlllsr w aranOer nation] -[waste Import -ea intacou"toa recycling facilltkartrarmFerstatkml Landfil led VY ante Salid waste land`illed in the countX�i -iarne: Total, 24.528.41 _ waste TotaM _ ms w 24,52&41 Exp-DrtAd Waste Said wtsteserrt-bi-ftldethe munt4 t6 transfpr ar;itiDn 4RFl r3ingt;iG1115r ant evlidequerSLFr Ieeardl�J: I crttil. 0.00 Fa cI IRties_Listi ng Co L`ntyr a:s So u rre of Masts _ Td,nr.Rpraluadl fTrmc7rardarrfrl 75MY-1RAMWEW-ZU45PcACmrtV .21.34193 r2s.341J3 Transfer Station UQ64 4AMLF— Uniem CoLwy Landfill dbb 2,521S 41J O.M Lrpbacv RaVonal Undfh 3C I mporked Waste Solid wrote rftelued in the i minty at 11r3rn5iPR-;i.mnogr rgry4llr�gfacllity m e submquenrlp letldrilled: :L[D I 3.00 3261Page lRandolph 126,723.8 • , • 145.D" 0.87 Calkdated Amcgjntof wste uaposed by mun-y = [MSW Lain dfills-COLandrdis + IWage LPorled out cf eauntyto recydirtSfa iIIty ortransfer seatlan]-[u.`astelmpormd into county toa nmWllrrgfacilityor trarssFer,#atlonl La,mdfillad a t fxpCi-TLed Waste- Irr1pd1LPd 1Na!;lL- S011p+pstelarrdfllledin tl*caimi i name: 543W wasteserrtok+tsrdeMe aunty M Wit,v,-rcte receraed in th4?mW .pt ttsir-dMe Jtadw d'rlXYdini; FatilyAnd -;,rbRaqua" lanriNlod: Total: I 126,&94.49 + Tl3t;q1: �9-39 Vvi;sln t&ml yvaste Taial msw 101,458.76 MSVV 57M 23,1 5,73 CD 11.51 FdLilikl+?9 Listing CdLyay as :SolJrie 0Fv a� bft Facillry Name Tans Race Iwed / Tom s T-em&flcked a105-MLP-1999 C3bies = Landfill 12a.6d i a.00 I'LW-MSWIF-TWV RFi•Charxrl#a Mtr 21.97i1.DO SpweAwar Landfill V 34161-TRANSFER- {luerd.iIr. Raid Transfri 4.76 f 3.113 51at6) 411&4MLF-2012 66rM Hl bikifnt Landllll, LLC 1MIR14.00 A 317• LIi-71'16H A•1 Sandrna rA6 Landfall 1,267.53 i el.in 412df-MAN9IR- Greensboro, CIb7 W SC ] I U12 Transfer Rkion A 1?7T-TRAN$FFR-Ml7 WI ilWmt r-npW I I" J I1.!Ll TraillNi LLC F2U4•MSWLF-l995 uxirarrl■ Env. PomC. 1 r, 7 L 7.40 f O DO Ldrr(Iflt ST-TRUISRR-2.012 A-icboo, C lY of '�g,f�Wr'Trar�ctsr S1r1gn FXrkFJO71 Wall RnryclingCO F P-2US Great Oak Llndrlll taalifei €tcLdr, de Mitycllrig ra811ty And ,rtrsaquanely landf dlari: Tc..t:_,- 0.00 11,939.3L) 12,91214 i l,fz35. iF f [1i1I7 MS. r1!).l`3 F ofJD 728-CD0 1Qt Red Ratk arsp6W C&D 47.46 f DAD andjlll 3271Page r ■ � lRichmond f `i ■ t ■ -1althlaled Amouriof wmN deposed byrcowuy ■ [MSW Landlift L CDLandfak-3l • IWasle E■poned ouc4 [oL-�tyto recKlieg faclllty*rtmrJerslallon] - EWaste Imported IntD cDurrtlr W a recyclingfadligartrarrsferstatranl Larldfilled Waste Solid wasteland'-Illedin tFemuntX�s name: Total., I 6�.EP5,117 WaMe You; Altsw 63,784.26 Exported Waste Sated watteserrtaul#idethe county to trar`afpr atatlW prrE-�VplmgfaCmt and WbdequeA0v landfilled: I otal: 1,557-16 We5te T_atal _ m5liv L■557.16 Fa,dIWes Listing Caunty asSou rzeofWaste FVIIty Naime TomF RK4!lul?d f TES Twsfem*d DWI-M5WLF-2019 Chambers lievelapment of Narth Cardma, Inc lAn•■j)R 1ADOfl111 360-TRANSPIR- Czf"e■ille, City of 7rardf-Er Raton rj,W qT-TRa,N5FFN-1'Y93 waste Ivan - I e4 Ca. Transfer Srab&r 5:11CIN4RANyFER-20I1-.Mfrwd Trandw Sratlin G294-MSWIJf-1495 LFrvhanle Env. Reg. Iandfdf 7F*7•M5WI F-ap] 5 Qnpat pak L jLndflll TXI3V-TRANSFER-1994 Rjchmond Cnurrty Ti anger FaOKV MMT-TRANSFER-1997 Scotland -101inty Tr5n5Fer 9tathn Imparted Waste Salluwmte received in thlmu-ityat tiranr,fWSIminn or r4pCyClIngtolltypnd lA&"uerWv IdrMilled! 22.21 m 1 am a-TRANSFER-201d WavE Conveccions 7.72 { &06 Munroe Transfer Stallun 222-CEU-20M fled RoLk Dispum ULD 2:0.81 f MID 4SO.72 { 480.12 I anrtrill mr�,I9�81-5•IA m.0 f 1}57.5R 41,969A41 &W 1,117 � PW 3d,21,1AA F:{1J,rs24A8 0.22 a e-72 3281Page Robeson AS,046.63 � if�r+�� 1.' CmiciJa," AmDum of wsstp ftrsnsad by rrun;y _'LM%W Land -fill, =CD Landfirls[ — Iwasl.. Eapodpd mit & noirrty to raryding fa.111ty or rraraf*r s-tlnn] . [waits Imporhnij intUCUJnLy.0afeLyfIiMld[IlilyOrLfafr6rW5L OOMI I dnrltilled 1Waim send wa e:Iaminim m rr a €aunty& name- WO5TF - 4W31 m 5w 13913 ..25 EkpfkrLed astr Sf d vd"IeSerfLOuL6idt?Ihk €OufiSy ID trander station or re: Iin&hrttyfand : JiMegdapitfv Laadfnled 7n-L;1 15,744.59 LN;451 p TptaI F-idkies Ustir?g Cot mry as Source Of WffST�- FXIMVNdrpe — Trn5RPr41w�1i7p+1�rsa *Frk%d DW3-MSWLF--M1C Mambmi U().%�@.Du 9rd3ppmmE9raprth fascia, Inr_ Wic- rti.ar4ft111 260-MANSI'L9.tmVmftntle_Utyof 15,pd��d I&M9.04 TrapS�er Station ?%7.M4Yr9F:-?.Ul5 Grvat(],nk Iandilll 2] ?9 Timm IF-1SM7FbabprhnrnWncyf3MF 29-7751O.rm 7H H rd'L)Nl= IW37 ltofxmn raunty Lmrhll 1273A 1-2] I d.00 �a0r+county LlTxpl, :2.(a 10100 M2-MWIr:.7CQn Sampmr. -rnu Styr 114313AI ll.gil dl&pcml. LLC 63 -MLF-1447Stollaud Cdu■ILYCW 2iiU5 iam Impflfted wavE 5011d waRa re€eived in ENfLLhnLyat transfer sin or mmj�cllrtg facility and im!pKwrvd,r Ia1�tlr�Uer1; -r1raq I 0 MINT-7RANSFElk ISIP RDI]md Cowpiy 74041173555 ransra t�alJon 22-CU -2'. iPrd R3t;kD;3pjW CILd ik961 IxGO II.R"mf}ll 3291Page ugowm :Rockingham 14%806.}) gl..lo6j i-;IrrLwtwl ArnWrntof waacte iMpau d Weuwnrq - rMSW Landfills- €MLardfuixl * IW;i;hfi Erprrerd nut nEmisity to rrr.-elirLE FAcdltg rwu- nmfor vatlnn] ,jWad•r Imported IOtu€WrIPFRDaliKyClIftlaCiNEVOf Ef4N%r&HaLicrrl I.alrfitilkfd V.'.iTAP fMpUrif3d WaC .je Irnp rtp{1 a51E solidwag(L. in weto ntyry5 naMt� SoW ;vasw-mrdouuldelhe caum-Ft� WidwdU retelued in IN iNpOEy8L tranffer statran or re,rgding farbty and s,,bseques lk randlilled• = 145,754.32 11111111111 Total: 4,05ZA5 M 5W 145, � 16-79. Msw 4,052, 45 to 5�17,53- FarllhFIEs Llsiln-E Caunrw as 50urre ur a5t2 FX1I1q' HT'n4 T4n4WUP.1yodi 'rnncTrin0rriMj ai17-ELF-2DMA-15an+JrEKkC&DLM-d1- 40826?10.00 '79-WWU-1995 Tlovilr9311am Cauay Larrd111I 411dtr-TRr4F+SFLR-9i91dp Man Trbnsir 2.15iaajoJ,AZ7.1a P104,SWLF—MMSaMbur Caudtg 5t,-�Inn Iwl. I r � 41.21Y •TRANSFER• Gfeensbaru, {iey ul b5.Z f 65.42 `LI 16 4T-TRANS 5,SE PiedlrclnLCarpoFabui, Tran;frr !,Yatxrn ,nirwld 1rnr.iFrrsalmn 52(M-MSWr'LF-IN5 UvAaniE Eno, Ru 215.4IF CM L331dfih 7WG--COLK-.2D21 Wag Rmy6qng CULF 179.77a.M ')6p7•MSWw'LF-ZMGteetGeNLKdml 34pM. DI0JM •09621-TRAN3.4A.1991kcuMnglLam la?4-L5 f l.ir{.f.S WANTrardef FxJilly f4ik9i-TRkr€SLLR•7991 Ld", C" or i�.DdaA616,MA.46 TYgriOer 5twWr, transirrstatar;orrrr.+ ingfacilityarid a,�seq�enElY lal�r�ueEs: 11�,?53,86 �40G 9i�.79 f 0-flD 2,15334 f 7-10.14 3 3 0 1 P a g e 4 i IRowan 207,49153.4 147,799 i. a C2Icrdwtrd Ammunt of wWr i1apasrd by ccurity = [MSw Landlillls+CQ LandFml lw3ua+apcvlcd ciLA d 4courky to recpcIH-S fadltty or transffr s!3tian] - [waste Impart#d Wo €ow+ty 1a a feLWIIng iacility or transfer sraliani U-ndfallvd Waste Solid waii[e la-Ididled:n the €ola '6 name: Total: �34,fa41,18 Waste Tpt i3I Ar 5w 234,562.24 U) I 3;�.94 Fad liti-Es ListiRE CCunly as Sour{R of Waste Expnrt.pd WOMP 50d waste umt oud3lde Lhe GaWncy ro transferstatimi errmclingtacbtyrand wbaegrlLw" L3nufRled: Tgtpl: 127.19 W.qA Tr)Tal FYlllty NarnF TrimR*crlWnd f TnncTranda[nd W3-h 5WlF-2014 Rarnl*rs L6A414 4 Dmmbpn--mnL of North Cardma, Int. Wr,on -,3r iftlrl — kM4-MSWLF-1492 I#FI•Cha"tte Mtr 3,,S(6 A210.00 SpeedW,WOn"filly TW5-TRA,N5FFR•7tlr}7 s;CS Rmycling I,rY'R u f L71.F,9 5erviees 34161•TAAWFEFLChn U[wRoad Trandw 5.A9ISAR 5tatim S504-MLF-1499 Labe Namwn Landfill 4.34 O.Od $7(4t-MMNlF•ti945 L154IarTll? EnV. R%. sm-01 �Lq.W L"M 766610IF•2071 Wall Rarydmg MI 94.57Q.pC -MMIF-2015 Great Oak Landfill 03,557A910.0 L 3-"51bl F-I9JW Roman ONray Landrd GmpLxtPd WiWF 5ollU waste fecelaed in the wmtq at transirr r=mn ar recycling facility and sAsKwrOy landfilted: ToCai: 1 27,231,92 tiNaF,k F TptaP Imsw I �7,731-97 1A9,547.12 14 q4 �NOMTRANSFER•190 East Somcer Mve IS.M44 j 1&17934 ,Tranxiwr FXdIIty 331 IPage lRutherford'Ziouz uq,flm-1 m a.98 inaIcdated dmount Qf u wta dlkpased by tcun-y = (ms'u Land'ills = co Lardfiki * rWaar LVorled out of muoty to rrcWirig fadlltp :!r'nnsFer s'aucinj - PVlartr Imported Wocwitrwaretycliagiaciiityal tramrefRaEionj LanijI'd l-ed VY-;j�,tF 5alldw2melandlilledW the comtolsrlam& Tota 1 62,974.721 Vas#� FQtal rLA 5W 97,730.17 cD I 15,179J.95• E xF ICl rr(,.ci '4'.' am E Sold WaAesent out5ideThe cGuoly E4 transfer statlon Drrecydmgfacibtyand SUb6eQpEntl� WnAled: Tnt�l: 6-10 vu;35le. TE)gal m5w f _1 Fadliti-esListing CauRly as 5gurce of Wa5te F=Illtu Nam■ Ta c Rornlund J Tangy Fr Efmarad 13IA-M15WLF-19P . B-�--Cha+lotte W 1 �9 4•�4 SpmewayLar,dfill w id43-.1SWLF-MMRpaENAISErKirwmwrnA 47,72BAB0.qXl LandhIF 1805-TRANSFER-2M-305 ReLycling 5d.95 E,10 SerAres 8103-MLF-3LU2 RuMelford Cuunly = 15,179.95IS.Du 13IW-TRANSFER-1993 fiuthe lmd Cuuity AH.14lk 31 f aM.31 Trancrnr Farmip UOG48-MMF- Union Counry LamuTiill dba 64.10 � 0.DO ups:axe ReVnnal Lardfif SC IrnrmrtNrl Wa.,,F Willy mte receiaed in the coumyat transfb statnan ar recycling facilitp and sabsequemly lar�tulea; IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII� 7�-A.Fi. 4,Q4 3321Page Sampson 65,fx14,1 59,G19 1 1.21 OreLdmed Amount aF waste drsp]ied by aoanty = [MSW LandlIB -CD Landlrittl + lWa" L.p6rted cut & rumty to retvdiq Facility tr USM3Mr vsdonl -[Mute Imparted Jan cm" Ina rcr.rcllrkgiadlltynrtrarwfiwrstatWWj LafIdfll led ~baste fxPorted waste I rnporteti Waste Solid wbbtrleMdQlledIn the olalty+sribrrit. SbW YdMe leML 5utdidethe WuiVy L& SWidvne5te r&Cei%PM in the MLw)Ly kL Total: fo,922.61 waste To#aw M5W I W,845,02 CA 77,59- Mimfor station orragrimgfar.6lyrand "Mkquendy Landfdled. Tota l: 4,691.53 W95te Total MS N 4,691.55 Faeiliti-es Listing CQkLPiy as Sourreof Wast-a Fadltty Narnr TXrn%RourlvltdITrnGTrans(RFe*d 29Q?-TRAN5FER-F"e,VIFe%i2tgDf 4.J91.5314,6791.53 TrbMWer Stabdr+ &M-COLF-1938 5drlp&W Courdy DapOSM, d4.fiD O. f Lic ON2-M5!r,'LF-2OW 5DrviwD+Cwrdv 60.845d7IC.W 0153osal, LLC 97?H-rTAE,7WI RM RLCk Pl,pp;aI OD 47-991 C.W L.udfll' transivrgt hanarmvocllrgf;idittyand 5A&KUaWJY lal'orillea; T7ta: 0,00 3 3 3 1 P a g e Scotland 36,64.3.433.3.292 1,io CoUAAL.d Ammetof waste deposed Urf cownjy - [M5W Lafld4ill5 - CDLar1Jl sl • 1Wa51eE*cned wL.0{owltyto revoke fartlllkyorkrarrsferwilon]- �Warste Imported into cwrrty to a regcling facillty artransfer statlonl Landfilled Waste f;sported Taste Imported Waste ShcldwawelandlllledIn thecb"1snwnm: Sold mommsent& tSidethe ohuntyto Salldw&te receiued In the tolrltyat Total: ! 37,1639,07 Waste Total _ 'MSW _ _M890,511 tramferctatlpnprre,pp¢mgfacmr and Wh;1quML11 Iandllled: 101m. 210.96 waste TMI. m5w -—210.96 Facilities Listing CouMy. as Sourre'ofWaste D;03-MSWLF-241fl nalmbers 2W.51)I4.W development of north Carolma, Ino IA1n5onl anofaq — — 2GM-TT AMPM- FaVE-ML-nlle' Otyraf 2100M 121046 Trafrster 51ati0n [.M-MSWI F-1995 LJw ;irrla Rio. RRZ. a 59Qfi1 j 0-po Lmudfili R2CL2-MU 49EXb` mpmon+burny D4P;paral, 9.4471W4 Li- MI-LW-1997 Smtland County LuIL �4,2GSZ i d.m P017r.1RANSFFR-19975mtund"nilrtiiyr gl�X6749�79,'j5g.d1 Tiarufn SBLiark brander stoan ar ruWhrig facility and jubs"Wwly larr filled: iota. 736,60 _ waste T-atal 3341Page Stanly CalUia'Ged i+mmnof YFwtf mpow bywinly - [M5W LardJills , CDLarr NUS • lwaste E,Prrted WtfllmAtyto recKlirg facility Dr cramfer madonl- (Waite Imported into r cluntyr to a regeding facility artrarrsfer statronl Lafldfilled Waste Exported waste Imported Waste -531idw3stelandrllled in tFecauntr�s MaM&. Safcd watmierrtgL&idethe oaunlyrtb-kildw8re recelued in the �ouitym Total,. I 80,85f ,38. _ Waste Tuta� 'MEW — - — - 62,836,16- gD 1.9,020.22, Facilities Usti rkg Ca u M. as Sourr-eof Taste tran&rstatlur Or ding farRjy�na hubeemently lendfdled: rotal: 3,896.15 Waste To 7a I T�1�Y� 3,896,1� trancfeF ,jA"rh or rq(Wling fdC1IIt4 and 3LjbMuertt1y lendfilled: FK111ty Horne Tpn5 Rp{fIwed f Tgn5 TWEfUrgd GQ3405WLF-2010 Chambers 2&AV O.00 401-MAY F-1959 A,ltierrrarle, City V 54.047 IL1 f D Oa Dewelopment of north Cardlna, Inc LantlQll lAA1,On !.ar+pf--ul -TRANSf ER-2.D14 Wwte CorrNwftva ILAW6 111159 IN"SWLFt992 Mi-Charratte Hltr :0011O.m mrnrwTramrrpr*vatlnn 5p$euWxE Larrdf III Y [.a144-m5wi F1495 UkwgrrlP FYrr. R*2- $ 779.74 0.44 Landhl! 76C&MP-21UT UM RocydbM MLF 36.10 f ObO fM.-MSWLF-19MfEawanCauntyiandfill 13f4�4.60 %[V4F-TRAM$FFP-74 F.a�TSPrnrar gFtP 3a79$.i�f97rP.5tS TraFisret Fa[iiitq H112•M3WLF-2tCVJ Samlwon{:auny 1.ALL{Uxu Disposal, LLC 9*1 -MI F-19WFAlpsmare,MYofCOL F 17,95A•12 0.PD 3351Page f M1 �.Stokes 17,326.59 44,884 4.39 CaIcuLated Amount of wshe dspowd by county = [MSW Land911s * CD LandFdel T lWasle LMDMed o-.Jt Cf -aLrdv to mxvelielg Fxdity =r `.ransfer s-aRianl [Waste imported Into cc j sty l4 d nec6ling ia6111ky or trdr*-* itd kml Liindfillod Utiast� Exp€utc�,.d Wa�,tL�, IrnpOrt-2d VJ A:�lp %olldwa,teNNAlledan thk foUrT -name: yard m5tp ,enF ;lde tha mr,nry M 5olldw,4ke rKelaed In the cowite at U4HSlL�l fatal MSw 16,491.2131 Fab lWiN Liloirkg CourLty as ScyurLtiP. bf was IP. Lrarak!f station or rneytling_ F80!lce dm] s.jFAagiiput f LanrlFdlad: To1rl1: 6AL 4 4rrie Tt312l MShv 642-04 F3el11tp N&Mr TraliRefelrtdUfmiTf31Sftrtled ;4:32-MSS+rLF-1997 Hanel brill Road taro Fb 1rJ 4b31 j d.Ob :jkir,T.TRAN5FER. %14nrdalQ Rnari TraIISFar W9.ILI f W9.1p R&Ek r5 411J-d34-2bMA 1 Sandrir:kc$L undfarl immis jd.M 4-LWT-TRAWEk-Greens6ar 6Oty?A 3.J4f 32.94 Traml -r SGrtlon 7EAF7-MSWLF•7rMrWAtflak LandBll 1-03.5r)JCUM kbN.M&WLF.2Ll 0 Sampson County TA§IO.1M DiWal, UC transfer Elation or retptlirig facility and SrJrsagLranAy bindflllad: {a!ta : 1 0.00 3361Page C-a1Icu4atEd Total: P4pMOOLt,'Gon_ Tgn51per5gri. r CaliLOALd "ounlof wast-e d>Spo€ed tvfwun;y ■ (M5W Lafidllll& L CDLafl4*sI o Iwa teEVoged wisdfo,ontu to recoieg fix Ifit y nrsramfer €;aUonj-91fiffite Imported intdccurrtywanegxlingfacII4artranderstatk it Laniifilled Waste Exported Waste Imported Waste Salidvmteland9lled in the county& numm SD&d waste sent auhtidethe c untytc SdIldwmte received i8 tFx6ounty at Total, I 66,425.05 Waste Total M Sw 529.71 M 5 _ 65,890.39. CZ) 4.95 tranSfer st;iEIW 4rre"Gingtar&tp and Wtde4dtr1t4' kuidrJleid: 1 o1a1'. 290.55 We ste Tota I "Sw 290.55 Fad litles UstirM$ County as Souriv-of Waste 1AO3-MSWLF-199LO Foothill&Envlronrrremaf 258.97 1O.-CO Landfili 3difrT-TAANSRR-Ovtrdele, Mad TraniFtr 2209d 129435 5tatkm 4117-CdLF-2DM A.ISandrack{&ataMI ll 4.95 O.UO 5-MSWLF-19AA- r"CoAt4 NI5WLF 65,53152(IOU t14Qri1-M50JLF- Lakewey Ret}ellri$ Md 529.71 0.0 tiarwrwtlan lyjm fer h;rMngrrQryrlingfa{Illtyand lubi"LieMy landFilled: r_ Iata'. 0.00 3371Page Swain 9,5 16.17PI 14,284 {alcui-3wd firnauni or waale & osed W cuun;M z [MSW Landfills, CCU LandMI * Nam E.lj�orted OUL V Lounly LO rftlOrUi� 1xilfty or trensNr sCauan] - MAISIE iMPOREd rota cajnty [a a nnrfcling fadltty artranafer %tatwnl La-nd ll-ed waste Exlparted Waste Imported Waste Sated waste laridlllled in the courdy's name: & id wash Gerd autslda the countyto- 5edlif waste recelved in the county st fA:1, -9,51 r.3 bask. rani. h+ sw 4.407.01 Far=iIi1I-es Li!&tirlg COLMtyr aS�OUrr-e aFVWdsLC srarreferikasiori orre€y0ifil datki4 and w6sequer* IandlIlled. 1 Olaf: a-oo Faelllt Herne Tom& Reim Ived {Tons T-emsfe,red 4M2-M&WLF-1993 Naywaed Ca White bak 109.iG I Led I.jndW EL74177-TRANSrFR-'Aw urn C,plik47ransfpr %513-AT j43,973.4] rel?Ky LiCHFAS MLAR&F R fL 9 L nnc ill 4,AD?Al31 j 15.DD bwsier siaYori of recy€I7g fa€Illly and subsequemly landfilled: 3381Page ,Transylvania M,515.8 33,361 1.03 f.alcWatPd Ammirl of wN04i rbspowd hyorunsy c [MtiW Ianl;lll LtCDUndhki = l' ;mhs ijfprrtad rat r.f rnijityin rnr.)"irkE facility rr`.mmf-pr gmhmn) [Waste Imported a4LO CC+urly lO d feiydil�g lalifty Oi LfdnSref 3LaLiCnj LandNiled Ma,S s Exported WaSO: Imported w59#e 501idwaVelarid4illedi0 McCOurLVI nd•ne. SOFA wa5le3effi o-juide Lhe Wur'ly LO S4I0Wffite reCENECI io Mei0ve'Lw3L transfer statlon Drr"clirigfac-Myrand wdsequentlx landluled. 33,�13.11 + Tntal, 902.76 'u'.':l.iir •:.I n' l',1r,lr Tyr:»I m 5w 3 �.� 13.1 ] MSw 902.76 Facilities Lis!iRg County as 5auroe of Waste E7Oa-TPAHSFER-199314asie Fllal+yjemem 5U2,75 f 902.715 of Asheville 4442-MSWLr-1493 Hdywacd Lo Mit= Oak 354.911Q.m IMAM MI-MSWLF-1991[1 Tr*amylwaAia Cu-in.y 33,256.20 j 0.{9 Lam dfi II transfer st;btan ar rerpclInS fadllty and ikrbsE uenr.ly ldlArige& 7ti'Z.n • 0.00 3 3 9 1 P a g e Tyrrell _� , r F 46Q.s 3,22670796 bkdxMd Arnmiritofurxta rlapasad hymun-;y n (msw I;in 1�IIIs. -mLardfrlsr* IWasta Fyrrxtad r;_rt rsf nnrsrtytn rnrydIrkEfacllltygrtransfQr cr;it inn) [YYactp Impprtgd if i) WjMy t6 d felyClifyt IaCilily Of Lfai,Sfer SLa RMI La+i+dfilled Waste Exported wane Imported Wig5te solid "Le landdilled44 tl-eKo mLyrs ndrie. 5oid wasLe ienL mside the Wuf y la 5olidwaSLe reCeiued in SI'reWulllydL Total-- i 2.434.91 Uya;te Totak M 5w 2,-339.12I CD 1 95,E transfer station Drrrorohng fao#tyand :�atk9equentlr laodlilled. Total; 25.59 mL- msw FacilttiesLisLingCountyrasSouroeofWaste _ — _ E - 11K. u— R843-MSWLF-1593 Ea5iCaroua Reglwal �339 12 f 10M Landfill 74436T-TR1 WFA-201 PE MRcgq V-iS f 25.59 Transivr st2tipn 74+117{9LF-20179 C & D LAndtill IM transfusWtanor rermchrgfacility and ;t bsequen lr lai'Villed; Tti�t a ' 0.00 3401Page —I Union {altldai*d Arnmrit of wwW Mzporard by ciaunty= (MSW Land+llls. -M LarrdFiA:;l _ JMWD Lwcrtrd c it tf , alrlty to revohlg fadllty or'ransfcr s;atlon) - [Waste Imported •n[acadnLWtoa rerKllltgbillltVor tramferstitkml L H nd Frl Ipd WHsti:3 Expc1 r rLd %v dw: r I m,ielrl L'iJ Wii.urF Solid waste Iavldillled in the €omty`s name. SoLd waste mnL OLY[Ae Lhe wuiv.y to Solid w.We iwelaed in [IV f+ WLy at transfer statical tr recycling fat �Ty ant transfer stst+an ar ruc cling facility and 5Jt+'ipWem If IandPdled 5uIBcA lufn!I4 IRMI'lliem Dta� 386,935.17 + T❑tal: 2,861-76 ti —Nj4 9,373,01 I. R� y�U4 r]h�"r •:ll ,il i� a: r4l SW Fi3ciMie.3 UstiRg CoLrrttyr as Source of if asv5 WdIty N;OM D TMn5RprQl4ad) TWLTrmn �d NMI-W;WIF•2010 []~lambed 3DaA57.70 0•Li0 Gerelaprrm t 9 h mEK Camkvis, IMIL lAelvir 'AMhlq 13104•fdSih ff�1%2 6! i-el h41r 53S Bi i w7 5pwqwa� tartgflUY gEAH-TRAN9FFR-19k3W4-;if MarggamnRl 7 5fj� .SJ Of Chi Olin& W14 1RANSFERLAID9QuL-re 31;y Trarwfrr mom h3.9p SLB"i LdiFMSwIF•duf10 Meckldrltwrg {:ountlr 2.�+LA� � O.Ol7 L,�nQtiry 6�F3'Tf2fiH5FFR'x4M�1�1:larM Fr95PIfC4� 1i1.17 J i19,g1 Rebtryj!ry [motet Ed3H•1RAN5FER Charlrsrtr &.-Aj ;.73 TrarWei 5Lali0r% F;FZM-MYWLF-1995 U11Alal rle Fnv r4 t 3P J 0 00 Landfill' �FR-IV15WL F-205 f3ri-U Oak tawdflll I014[CPtF199a1 "CoUrkly rein Mbr-TRANSFER- 9PLiRufrCtuntp rrawfi r3taalon -zAAgLuu-2a1A wute Cnrmmums ate 3ranYTmr Slatrrn 5-TTlAN3-Ftrtfilll TrditSflf Stdti8n5C 53-55 f ROD 75,"333 f OAD 157.927.55 i 152,327 65 9Q,io?..761 S&OD u 2,723.02 1 5]i0..8E 341 IPage s - 44,334,09 42,270*1.05.- {aL<Wwtsd Amavntof waste dsposrd g'f rr„n-y= [MSW Land' ill s rML.aidfdsi * lWaste Exported autut D3Lmtyto recoirtgfadlltyor-nnshrrstatlanJ - ( ante Imparted WD €adrltF la a rfLy€lift fadlity Oi UaMter'RaLienj Landtilled W;37,tf EXFIFirti�d Wasl�, ImportNiJ WaM- salld wake Iamililled+a the €aunty's -erne SaLJI waste sent auUWe the aouruy to Salld waste received in [l,e caurlt� at hansfer statlrn or nxfrJing racAly and transfer statian ar rerycling facility and 5tltrFe gUe'frtL1' �n�+le4� 5t�seQuerK14 lar4tu�p: Total- 55,519,64 Total: Q.2a �s�r,�;: I-—11,185,76 VSrastP Total tib'rlsri- TOW Wash, TotaG roS1L'Lr 55,519.60 mStihf 0.25 jWW I 11,U5.76 Fadliti-es Listing COLLntw as 5aurce of Wa5te Fxlll[y Name Tpnx Nrmrtivrtd f Trnc Mnsimrad 3%1-M5WI F-2917 uAwd 5utniiv D ZM7.3R j 0.94 MSWU: 4MV-1PANSFER-1997 Y4esdon, Tumor 0.2510.25 transfar Pv" 7304-MSWLF-LW7 UIpper Rie4o�Ir1 51272.23�4.�70 Regional landfill 'iIW?-M5wLF-2415 Great Oak Lmd P 17,35 jCLW 8�7�-MSWLF-�00058MFsar €saunLX 367.32j4.C4 01snaaal, L I [: .902T-TRANSFER-1997 Varue CounLy 3B,430 N f Ail]0.30 Transfer 4tatun 3421Page Wake Calmdated Arnount of wmte deposed by manly = [MSW Landfllls+Cb LanclFi&sj * lWaAe Eporeed out of oolnty to req+dirLS Facility or transfer s-.3uDnj • r4.Oste imparted into cwrrtY to a nevolm facllitV or transfer stat"I L aind Fil Ipd V4 air c. Expc rted Waste, I rnpar L P.d +N@SW, Solid waste IandUlled in the (aicnty'5 narnp: 546d waste serrt "Ide the wunty to WHO waste recelved In the rain 41t I {}i H._ 1,79-5,744.63- tiNaste is LAP MSw M Sw 887,967.35 CD 9CO8,617-73 rramrer iraticM Crrxytling Fatilhyrand wh,;Pgrrprrtty Ianrtrr od: Ti71lI I: 37r7�1_�1 askD TOP MSw P_abfth2s Listing CaulAy a�5nLIrM 0FViast-9 FwIlUy Name Tw!. R>teBlveel) Twi TemIerreM L0Od-MSANLF-092 BfrChaFlatte Mtr 0.74 f O.M 5pee dwa�- r,arsdf III V P17-TRANSFER-Wk4Ki rhipm, My d 9A619.90 Tr0n1hr SLbtidrl i11417 TRANSFER•;!Hol hInnkv Park Cant 39231.22 f V.EW.dS Tlarger Ration MM-rltAN!XM FrankLr Caonry Transfer 32_F8 f 33.24 5G3t0i SAPTTRANSFER-14EM WnKt! Man.. r Po 15.N r ] 5.74 Ca. rrarrseer Srdti&o G234-M&WLF-1995 Uwmarrre�rnw. Flag. LIA Id.bJ t,�ndUlt T.WA-r.M5 IF-IrOp LJppiPr PlPnrmm 117,7545-97IQ.pp Rftional Laudrrll 7EAIrYCULF•3E21 wan HPiydrng MLF IAGIn.w 17,751-a1 1ranSTerstatidrldr recyKllrigiadlltVand vhonquarrelyr landfdlarl: �..�� Tot RJ: 7,717_36 waste T&A 7,3 -11 - 367-23 7f Tivl9wLF 3CIL'�Great Oak Landfill 90,T94.94 f 0013 9R4P-CM F. 19%�zmpvm Druntf LTIgr4al, UL70 f 4-0a LLC H=40.SWLF•MM ampmn County 144,22RI3 f ObD 92117-7RAN SFEFk-99MC3ry, Tbwn ti 1521$9i462194 Trsrrfer y;mlr}n 921ST•TFtA NSFER- 3944 W;i-"r 77,495. J7 f 9,N17 9F, Martazeftwruof Aalew%DurKam -'e msler 5t htrun 9217-'TRANSFER-199a Wl Gamer Trensrer soffprx► 39,4054 � 3gA[53d 9223#A54riLF- WakeCOurRY51)rlllL 5A5,471.W04D Wake U6WLF 9zM-ClAF-M2D 5hmmmd1 UnAflll, Irre 339,693,40 f 0A13 3431Page CalcWadeed A-impi of wmte awosed t y coun-r - [M5w Landallls - {D Laadf2ri1 - lwa:Ae E. e"ed oui-f county to recsKlirl Nxilky ae srarrsfer shim] - 6Warste Imparted Into corrrtyrlo a regrcling facility ar transfer statronl Larldf it led V4 aste Exported waste I MPOTted Waste Solid wmteland9lledin [Fecounty's name: Solid vottesent aLrttMethe muntyte 58I1dwaste recelved in tFmwuntyat Total. 7 r;i3 A d'w ime rora, m5w 7,618.41 'CD - 4I transfer SkatlCfn V rPc.iCaing fBr.1 .V anrd sA-. eft lMLFy'andrillcd: 1010l.. 1,686.07 WF5te Total MSS+ 1,686.07 Fad litl-Es Usti Rg Co umy a_s_Sau rye of Wa stye F$rlllty NY me T'rkn5 RKEIwed {TCnS TrWoeWi d K92T-MANSFER-1997 Vance Gawty LiM.071 1,W.D7 Transfer Staten 922e{ULF-2001 Red Ruck Diobsal UP, 4id14.w I .andfU 9M2T•TRANSFER-1995 XdWan ULP)EM 7,608 SDIk6w.54 Iransfer Swum U032't-MMF-Brllnswrck Wien a TE9,41 i GTJO MaaagdLmeit Fdtdity LLCVA tr.3ncfar gtxl-gn nr rerycling faculty And �L#5iequeu!I4 IdrrJFilleG: 3441Page Washington 7,7❑R.S5 10,7$9 0.71 {alck,41el A,naa.'Latwalu 06poktl tvr ccuo:V - MW LandilllE}CC? Lardfftj+f'r+weEvoned out [ably to recgli v fxllltyflruivsfer uaclon]- (Waite Imparted rntoccuraytD a reryclIngfacility ar trarraferstatr[n1 Lan.dfll led Waste Exported Waste ImporteO Waste Solid wave land+llledin thamuiitXh name: Said wamn2ent-*,=idethe eaurrlVto-Wldu=[e received in the fiouityat lranogrgatlWpr FMriingfaphjyranp trancfpc5jaj:gnorr.PnXllrgfdSllltyarid whdequtmtfx landfilled: JulbMuerFlIy, Iendtilled: Tata: 75 76.38' + f ata l : 132.17 eta+ 0.00 Waste TutaG W3 Ste Tota I M 5w 6,834.92- VISW 132.17 CO - 741,4E Fa d Gti es Listi Dg Courrtyr as Sou rce of Wa Ste MCI-MSWLF-2993 EaSi{arat�a Regi+r�al 6463a,�J7�4,00 Landrdl 74&&i<-rRAK Fra-2DM rJE fl ytirlg 14&22) 132.17 Tranafpr Statk7n 7407-ODLF-20U9 C$ Dumirill Inc 3.5210.00 LantOHR 3451Page Watauga 63,45•�.7;� 54,361 1.13 {alcio&Led A-noual of waste C6poka w Cflua-Y - LMSW Laeldlift - CD Larr]h5r � IW@rAe £kpotlred out-0 wuvitV to recyrlrW raclllt4 of wai7sfer s4asionl - [Warste Irnportle0 Intacojntyko a recpclingiacilitpartranzFer staticnl )-1'If ;In,j-.N3sre Exported V-'a:"Le Imported Waste Solid waste landlllledin theenamty�l name: Said wamnsemeuesldethe county tD-Wirlwrbsl:e retelued In the cowityat Total, Waste M 5w - - - M5 M5W 63,211.16 Total 51,i5�,Ffi 32,057.30 5ranFf4r sratlUl 4r ►ecVdIng facoly mo !WIXetWftdhg ree�NIed: waste Total MSw 20154 Facllit_i_es Listing County as Source of V1aste -- r—lll Fu Pj—. T—ne 1-4 IT—T—.f—,-d 1A03-MMI.F-UM Foot) Wli EnvlronrnEmid 1#,057.31?i(IM Landfill IN5-TRANSPER-MftGD5 fEetidinR LTA&77) W3.54 5pry IrEK 45d3T-TRANSFEF-AG6 Watauga Ca fmnsfar racwy umm-M5wLF-eNstnwiandfIII VA Uoii&UI514LF Feb SAP-LandFd 5fk822M } 50,9Z2M 0A 0eM 5�,153A6f Q.t�O transfer statron or nFrWdlrg fdclllty and .5uht"uerwly 16MIFIlled! iiW'. I 0.00 3461Page Mayne 188a -1 117,662 7 Calcdaled Amimntortiras[-e mposetl by owfov = [M5W Land'.ills-CDLdrwdrikst4 I%Yasae EVcrted cu[.0 Lom[yw reepcIFN ra€ili[p areransMr staeion] -[Was[e impor[ed Intocnurrtyrtoa recycling faclI tyartomeFerntatw'nj La ndf-1 lr-d W ascc rxp&t-ed Wastc- I rr-Ipo rted Waste talld •waste bnd'dlyd 4n the murrtlr s namD: Soo waste serrt autilde the oountq to Sflllr" waste mcelurd in the D3" at ].at x 172,667.46 Waste Total MSW 14�1,025.19 Cc 19.582.27 Fig e11162S UstirtS CaLrrhty a-� 5crurm of Waste F&MICY Neale D203-rmG.WLF-1993 EaatCarD+na Regional Land 5 TRANSFFR-X t4 DpT Run Tr;kgdpr 5tdtw 6M4,M9%U IVLN Lhwharrla Erns. R#g. Layldf II MII-LbLMM CA G Landfill Inc 7K7-rA5WIF•7r]15 5FAwrLlak I ;in&.Il R?fI2-r.M%WLF-7Datl 5aminn Cmun11r DjWWal, LLC R2-CPLF-MOI Red Rock Dlsomal{&D LandfLU 47314711 F-7p17 Wwr4@W Poaad {&rf Lfndrill sranifef imlal v re€ycAiq racfiy and r.ibmwerrtF landrillyd: I OLA: 1$r435.71 Waste Total msw 15,435.71 LraWersl*arhor recKilrefacJlikraad sLbsequenehf landfilled: Lttttt� >[d•: I 0.CIQ Tbft RecelYed? Tun4 TYM&IHVM r.-il J0.00 242-TRANSFIFL-2020Wall Revfokwig,- 199.56r lu-S4 arner Road .,JH45A7 f3,375.12 — — - - — - — '95a1.{ImF-199714aynp�UrrrV(431F 77.4-2 554ALLY 1].D13 '1SWLE-1' m%V" r 3Lmty Landfill 92.Ml.3A r DOD 3.nj al 0 77-TfWNSFER-3-W Gddshorq-Ity rO 22.751.ft j U YSIA3 r:'M'IT-TRAPJ5FFFt-?nQn IT.nTjg.QII MaoCn?P*Rgari 13.109.77)1;1.97505 7famJer AWOn A4i14V.791 C1.DO 7,1 G6.75 j r1.40 3471Page e■ 157'pp qq a ■ - m y 7 {alcdated fugWIILOr,raSM &I OWJ DYCOun7y 4 LM5W LaIdfill€-CDLargdF+al - NVasneZW rtM WE-0 LaunlyIQ f&-Wlirg: raKill[Y ararafflftr s:aUon] -['Nas[e imixfLed into cocirdy to a recycling fadlrty ar transfer statical Landfilled Waste Sand wastr larrdfllled trr the m"T s name: I OLA 67,840.47 waste 101a4 PA Sw $7,"0.47' Fig Cl Listing CoUnty as SnurCtx of ~+baste ixported waste Sail waste seFit autslde the Doun[yr to uamhu SWIM Df reCyOriR h0l� and s,,bsegL uTtl, mndrIlesl: 7atal: 5-1 Taste Total I svv 5-71 FetJllty Nerve Tams Fierelred j Teas Timiitowr NW3-MSWLP-2DId aarnbers 12fi616.00 Pe,*bprrRnt of Wr#h Cardmla, In lAnsan LandRlll 1403-MSWLF-IM Faolhllls fnvlwtnewvJ 505.9Q f O,f?4 LandfrlF 3416T-TRANSFER-Ouerdale PooedTransre: 5.7k15.71 5r Rr n 6K4-MSWlJr-1995 LMirarrie FMY. 416g1elm Landfill 5Zw-MY0YL---2000 Sarrlpr.DAC6dmN 160410.00 hlsoosal, LLL 370d-MSWLF-IM9 wl-kba Carartq MTANF 67,295,04 j 0.m Imrmfted waste Solldxote recelued In theca"at trans+ersmorbor ri3c+,+€I1rtiiacllitYand srbm querKly landfdled: A Ld 0.00 3481Page �I�If tr��: ��sulat6an: rL�rts�P�r�e,nx CiIourstr+d AmrwntaFw;Ktl Mpasad hyrrnunzzy _ [M5W Lanilfllk+cmLandfwat+ jwashExpnrYad out eFmiirtgto recVdIFtSfarIlIty rwcranafarvapmrj-jYFp#ji-1mporMd inmcounrywa retyCliaRf8iblitpbr LralkslefRRI.iiMl �arldfilled 1 -we ExPurt-ed Waue Import-ed Waste Solid waiLeland4llledin thetowty"5 ume. Soil waSLe Seni. ouiside the {Aunty L4 Willw4nte received in lChe{4unLyat Total 211, 717.89 Taste TcLtiat f41$L'J 2,23-2,47' hdS W 1��,048-�3' 0� 27,476.99 Fa- iIW-es Listirtg CouDtyr as 5ourF-e of Waste transfer station ovrreyohngfacility and wbsegdently laaMiled. Tota l: 510.26 Waste Total m5Vy 51026 transfer statan ar req+cllrg facility and iL�SQgL�fIrS14 larrdf illed� :53,913.31 vja�,tF T.7!I;L, lww I fi3,91.3.31 F;XllltyIYWe TpnpReCRIwed{Tran,Tra IP-eld D80a-M5WLF-IW3EasrUrcArlaRegiofial 1231h10,00 �1604{OLF-MNVillsonCoumy Wes]5ide g7,&32.86ir0(ID Landfill BUD LardFld 3MU-TRANSFER• 1998 I emmhr Ctunty 259.M f 2S3.30 LjOD24-MSWLr- Brunswick Waste 22.23147 f DAfS Tr-mfarS mir. 'M;IrsREarnardFacility 1LL.WA 7447-ODLF-2D09 C& D Ldhdfill lilt 315JUAIf,O 7E*7-M5WLF-2415 GreaT Oak LBndlill 9.23 10.f30 9M7-MSWLF-2" 5amu!an€ounEy iG19�$37�O.t+U nlgaasal, LI{ M&IMILF-2001 Wed R6Xk Dle li&D 8.11j4jim Landfill 42A2-1 RA NSFL R-M2D Wall RecFcling - 2 P7.91 f 25CIL Gartner R&M 960RT-TRANSFER-20M Mack (seek Rcxrd Ei $4p.91} BQ fi93.97 TranSfgr Ration 3491Page IYadkin 5,37Q,0 3�,164 !D-95 QIcdatM Amrwnt a1' Yomtp ftpci a,d by rrwn-,,y z [MSV: Landflllc+CM Landfd'ai - Iwa-Lto E rprxsa,d nut rf minty to rcryyrng *villty nr-ramfor s-.; lnn] . [Wastc impnrtrrd ;nSOCouricywa feLyr{lifK`IaLililyOf Lrarr6rer9LaLi4Ml �dndfall. d Waste Fxpc ed Wa5w IrnRGYted Wi]5tF Solid wasrelarrd4llledin tl ecowtyls name. SOW MaUeseffiOuUide Lhe Wufrty L& 5010 waSte reCeived in OWIOWLyat Total' A-6 5-9,49 Waste .CEtdl RASW 34,657.76 co 0.33. transfer staticrr or recycling fadrty and transfer statarr ar recycling facility and wbsegdeitly landtilled. iubsequeraly Iandf IleO; Tatar: 711,9E ri Tote+, I 0,00 WA StY Total Facilities Listir_tg_ CcL ayr as 5curte of Waste Lrllrev rl�n�a - - --- --- T�rne laeraluer� iTrre Tr�i�n�rl JMM-M5WLF-IW2 BFCRaMORE Msr 1+.12 ?am Speedway Landfill V IM3•MSWLF-IM Ftdthilla Euuirorrm_mA 3X 353.671 Q.DD I.undflli 1M-TRANSFER-ADI GGS Retycliug 529.27 f 62.03 Npr4lcrs 3416F-TRANSFE51-Owrdale Road Tfamre-' 649,95 f 60.45 itatlan 7627-k1EWI-F-IMS Grezi[03k 1-6ndFl1 3,2d936IO.M ROM-MSWLe-i.GM P.,mdn CuunLyt-drnlflll D59IQ.M IMU CALF- 2031 fEcd sack Dimccal L$L' Q d3 f O.bo Lmdlhl 9MT-1Te,4WER-1104 Taehn Ibuntyf 69,615A4f GO.G2S.94 Tran;fpr Far,ry 3501Page Yancey 16 262.04 18r470 .o.ss Ulcdate•d AmDurt&%vmte dspusud by ccunq = [r.7SW Land'dls•- CDLarbMisl * Iwns4a L-Kpuied out & oaLmtyta rrcy+diRgfadllty Dr!mnsfrrs5han] - (W stmImpurbW In[o county to a reckcllrkt ldcilO or ifamfar station) Larpd Tided War rs Solid waste land+Illed in the €ow7ty+s name. Tgtal= wv5b� Ts,raf m5w I 29,1$$.43 Fxpurte d %351k� 5W vraste sect *Ldslde the couf1tr to [ramfer station rx nearcUng ray DiV and 9AIEGrle+1thl Landjilled: Tntal: 0.00 Facilities Listirtg Countyr as 5oume of Waste Fatlllty Nam■ TnngRroralvid fTrnr.Tramdlvreaed tODUT-TRANSKR-I995 Yaf[ey Wche l 14,5M 501 1-5,53.49 Trarmfer 9bmturk MM-M UL 19S9 F4SthOls Envittmme niA 2%10D.19 10.0 Landmi 4-dJ-M5WLF-1293 Haywood Co WhRe Oak RB.24 0.00 L3mdfi5 I rnpprt pr Wam'r• SollO;raste recel4ed in Meiourityat brans.fuststanar reopoingfacllitgand iabsequerKIv Iar011lem ri Tota, 1 VVE13tu Tat.! IfUL5115!' I 12,9zc;-39 351 IPage J. Municipal Solid Waste and construction and Demolition Waste — Exports and Imports FY 2021-2022 Im po its BFI-Charlotte Mtr Speedway Landfrg V 5C MSvv 161,172.65 Upper Piedmont Regional Landfill VA MSW 44,250.93 Chambers Development of North Carolina, Inc. (Anson SC MSW 42.735.10 Landfill) Lake Norman Landfill 5C CD 15,007.78 South Charlotm Transfer Station 5C MSVV 1 1.442.55 Mecklenburg County Landfill 5C msvv 5.070.57 Waste Managentient Of Carolinas 5C MSW 2,764.77 Wasm Corrne•crions Monroe Transfer Station 5C MSW 2,647.513 O'Leary Resource Recovery Center SC MSW 1,161_51 Scotland Counrx CDLF SC CD 665.39 Queen City Transfer Station TN MSW 520.64 QuBen City Transfer Station SC MSW 497.54 G175 Recy-Lling5ernces 5C MSvv 82.22 Toud 306,039,31 Exports FinirtMill Transfer 5raaon SC SC MSvv l39,755.7S Urriort County Landfill dba Upstate Regional Landfill 5C SC M51N 125.157.10 Adantic Waste Disposal, Inc. VA t562 VA MSVV 83.14`1." R & B Landfill GA MSVV 69,561.35 R,&land Landfill, Inc. SC SC MSvv 66,945.20 Bruriswick Waste Managament racility LLC VA VA MSVV 61436.09 cco Safe Landfill TN MSVV 52,425.31 Bristol Landfil I VA VA MSVV 21,190.86 ,.akeway Recychng and Sanitation TN MSVV 12,1 17.83 First Piedmont Corporation Ringgold Transfer Station. VA MSVV 11,051.39 Twin Chimneys Landfill SC 5C MSvv 151.36 Mahon Co. C & D Reclamation SC 5C CD 70.17 Total 644,024.04 3521Page K Industrial Waste Disposal FY 2021-2022 Permit #f Status Facility 2021 -2022 2020-202 1 201 9-2020 2018-2019 201 T-201 B 1119-INDUS-2020 Active Dyke Energy Progress • Asheville 1,057,828 370,123 l912-INDUS-2008 Active Duke Energy Carolinas - Marshall, lodustrial 1,306.356 31 1,584 359,736 350,613 441.692 2402-INDUS-21005 Active International Paper 92AS8 56,101 60,321 141,531 41.008 3612-INDUS-2008 Active Duke Energy Carolinas - Allen 30.542 50,898 77,044 37,822 74.501 4204-INDUS-1994 Post -Closure Halifax Counry Coal Ash Landfill 6.528 4406-INDUS-1904 Active Blue Ridge Paper Products, Inc. 352,960 285,929 326,342 359,795 370,991 6004-INDUS-1981 Active Duke Energy Carolinas - McGuire 1.134 5,617 2,990 2.774 2,377 6512-INDUS-2016 Post -Closure Duke Energy Progress - Sutton Energy Complex 1365,371 2,885,004 1,885,383 7302-INDUS-19BB Active Duke Energy Progress - Roxboro 1,092.256 671.081 345.759 265.809 240,46E 7305-INDUS-2012 Active Duke Energy, Mayo Steam Electric Plant 284,699 71,670 224,685 67,314 94,917 7906-INDUS-2016 Post -Closure Duke Energy Carolinas - Dan River 317,166 1,238,469 902-529 8106-INDUS-2009 Active Duke Energy Carolinas - Rogers 1.360.685 537.242 252,929 259,979 403,389 8504-INDUS-2007 Active Duke Energy Carolinas - Belews Creek. Craig road 153.502 184.835 167.323 106.927 99,403 8505-INDUS-2008 Active Duke Energy Carolinas - Belews Creek, Craig Road -284.108 -64,679 15,605 68,427 1,132 9401 - I N D U S-20-08 Acuve Domtar Paper Company Landfill, Lined #3 1.917 1,468 939 1,874 2,762 9703-INDUS-1981 Active Louiskana-Padfic Corporation 6.278 8,905 9,770 Total Al) Landfills 5,450,229 2,4.81,869 3,022,4130 5,795,242 4,578,851 Notes: • 8505.INDUS- Duke Fnefry Coro. -Eerews Creek FGD Residue LandrPl has recovered tonnave From the kndfrH for reuse resuhrnE, rrr a net negative dosposaf the post: 2 Frscaf Years. 3531Page L. Public and Private Municipal Solid Waste and Construction and Demolition Disposal FY 2021-2022 Permit facility 2021-2022 2020-2021 Tons 2019-2020 2018-1019 2017-2018 0104•CDLF-1993 Austin Quarter C&D Unit 3,422 0104-MSWLF0994 Alamance County Ausan Quarter Road Landfill Facility 13D.664 129,889 1 18.024 116.1363 93.543 011}5•CDLF-1998 Cobles C&D Landfill 11.292 14,556 17.412 19.487 12,41 I 0201 •CDLF- 1997 Alexander County CDLF 4,416 4,032 4.5160 3,205 1,336 0403-MSWLF-2010 Anson Landfill 979.453 893,176 500.151 797.245 688,282 0501 •MSWLF• 1993 Ashe County Landfill 25.287 24,595 23.3S5 22,353 18,712 0603•CDLF- 1996 Avery County C&D Landfill 34 4,480 4.194 2,991 4.261 0803-11SWLF• 1993 East Carolina Regional Landfill 555,1313 527,992 528,641 495.066 493.364 1007•CDLF- 1997 13runswrck County CDLF 16.689 18,967 17.007 25340 14AS0 1 107•CDLF-1998 Buncombe County C&D Unit 90,1367 47,121 37,232 33,760 43.569 1 107-MSWLF-1996 Buncombe County M5W Landfill 140.738 185,387 1 B9,039 158.150 139.886 1203-CDLF-2014 Burke County Johns Rrver Waste Management 7,360 13,005 8,629 9,071 7,804 1302-CDLF-2006 Cabarrus County CDLF 15,550 17,968 21.089 19_1304 16,845 1304•MSWLF-1992 BFI•Chafiotte Mtr Speedway Landfill V 1.200.920 1,072588 1,215,991 1.253.897 880,863 1306-CDLF-2000 Highway 49 C&D Landfill & Recycling Greenway Waste 147.778 139,872 1 14,358 114.348 98.166 1403-MSWLF• 1996 Foothills EnWronmental Landfill 371.727 385,653 359.543 383.003 384.722 1803-CDLF- Blackburn Resource Recovery C&D Facility 49.399 51,80E 46.920 37.075 33,8S8 1803-MSWLF-1997 Blackburn Resource Recovery Facility 173.994 177,352 159,175 157.455 153.207 2002-MSWLF-1998 Cherokee County MSW Facility 18,758 20,630 18.573 20,491 17.941 2301 •CDLF-1997 Cleveland County CDLF 72,772 56,182 53,191 102.902 62.934 2301 •MSWLF•2009 Cleveland County Landfill Self-Mc1Veilly 99,427 95,171 95348 113.580 91.867 2509•MSWLF• 1999 CRS MA - Long Term Regional Landfill 237.143 230,367 244,010 326.054 199.102 2601 •CDLF. 1997 Cumberland County C&D Unit 41,413 44,394 52,066 61.291 39,193 2601 •MSWLF-1997 Ann Street Cumberland County Landfill 1311,077 139,318 136,850 134.999 144,366 2803- CDLF- 1995 Dare County C&D Landfill 17.846 13,127 11345 13.464 1 1,491 2906-MSWLF-2008 Davidson County M5W Lined Landfill 168.430 166,162 151.9B1 149.294 137.226 3301 -CDLF- 1997 Edgecombe County CDLF 14,556 13,946 12.671 9_863 9.1 1 1 3402•MSWLF• 1997 Hanes Mill Road Landfill 297.426 281,228 276,064 283.949 259.420 3541Page Permit Facility 2021-2022 3020-2821 Tons 2019-2028 241E-1019 2017-2016 3412-CDLF-1995 Winsion•5alem, City of Old Salrsbury Road CDLF 26.626 48,733 54-269 ST938 36.646 3606- CDLF- 19 95 Gaston County C&D Landfili 85,757 91,753 78,902 76.965 71.645 3606-MSWLF• 1997 Gaston County Landfill 209.459 195,126 191,123 188.991 161.347 3901- CDLF- 1997 Granville County CDLF 0 3901 - MSWLF -20 12 Oxford Subtitle D MSWLF 35,B50 43,809 43.998 47-597 41.326 4002-CDLF-1997 Greene County CDLF 1.829 2,11t2 2.005 3,388 1',159 4103- CDLF- 1998 Greensboro, City of White Street Landfill 50,733 66,93B 46.391 44.980 39.617 4104-MSWLF-1991 High Point, City of Kersey Valley Landfill 125.669 137,642 154,932 135.807 116.024 41 t 2- MSWLF- 1997 Greensboro, City of White Street MSWLF 0.881 7,584 8.285 7-533 6.663 4116-CDLF-2012 WI High Point Landfill, LLC 75.807 54,350 45,776 51,118 32.827 41 17-CDLF-2008 A -I 5arndrock C&D Lan dfi11 104.313 109,41 1 94.394 108.030 8S.471 4204-CDLF-1998 Halifax County Landfill 4,986 5.828 4204-CDLF-2013 Halifax County Landfill 4.537 B 8 4302•CDLF-1998 Harnett County CDLF 19,621 23.368 4 3 02- CDLF-20 18 Harnett County Dunn -Erwin C&D Landfill 30.984 23,241 19,532 4303-CDLF-1997 Harnett Co. Anderson Creek C&D Landfill 16.958 13,166 15,267 13,856 7.085 4407-MSWLF-t993 Haywood Co', bite Oak Landfill 179.034 159,304 160.354 143.683 160.479 4903-MSWLF-1993 Iredell County Sanitary LF 261.212 251,172 240,738 237.964 194.480 5103-CDLF- Johnston County C&D Landfill 17,066 77,208 53.949 46.846 5103-MSWLF- Johnston County MSW Landfill 148.917 175,706 112.223 106.880 89.595 5203-CDLF-2013 The Maysville Cofistructlon and Demolition Landfill 68. 151 20,543 49,452 108,229 4964 5403-CDLF-1997 Lenakr County CDLF 29.293 0 13,340 9,804 8.63t 5503- CDLF- 1999 Lincoln County C&D Unit 0 6.674 7.628 5503-MSWLF-1986 Lincoln County Landfill 46.727 49,965 Sid 14 41,173 33.085 5504•CDLF- 1999 Lake Dorman Landfill 53.408 45,519 56.489 42.731 48.382 5703-MSWLF-1992 Macon County Landfill Open 43.416 40,775 38,1 14 40,135 40.779 5803- CDLF- 1995 Madison County C&D Unit 1.231 1,215 1.429 2.444 1.654 5901 •CDLF- 1995 Martin County C&D Landfill 4.636 5,636 4,402 4.972 2.427 6013- CDLF- 1993 Greenway Waste Solutions at Plorrh Meck 1 12,655 1 16.104 97.607 88.336 6019-MSWLF-2000 Mecklenburg Count} Landfill 140.952 154,005 144,609 128.944 153.467 3551Page Tons Permit# Facility 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020 201E-2019 2017-2018 620 ,MSWLF• 1995 Uwharrie Env. Reg_ Landfill 558.099 491,999 456.366 464.672 461.92LS 6301- CDLF- 1992 Moore County C&D Landfill 29.313 27.317 30.816 32.107 26.884 6403-CDLF-2000 Nash County C&D Landfill 14.922 20,876 15.749 13.663 9.433 6 504 • MSWLF- 198 1: New Hanover County Landfill 37,395 286.808 296.861 6504•MSWLF-2017 New Hanover County Landfill 374.355 374,871 359,867 164.634 6708-MSWLF-1997 Camp Lejeune MSW Landfill 18,1377 21,609 55,949 26,694 23.308 6709 • MSWLF- 1997 Onslow C.aunry Subtitle D Landfill 173.494 181,803 178,768 175.750 117.400 68N.CDLF-2005 Orange County CDLF 247W 23,629 12,398 12.795 9.517 7002- CDLF- 19 96 Pasquotank County C&D Landfill 17.195 16,654 17,050 14,600 13.425 73D4-MSWLF-1997 Upper Piedmont Regional Landfill 345.514 319.794 270.889 254.42D 256.920 7407-CDLF-2009 C & D Landfill Inc 33.963 35,828 31,715 37.803 31.327 76D6-CDLF-2001 Wall Recycling CDLF 19.149 22,76D 15.039 76D6-CDLF-2021 Wall Recycling CDLF 27.131 20,993 7607.14SWLF-2015 Great Oak Landfill 725.977 643.036 559.029 556.126 4D1,733 7803-CDLF-1997 Robeson County CDLF 29.733 313,042 31,323 34,853 27.301 78D3.MSWLF.1997 Robeson County Landfill 127.341 117,755 108.328 115.689 96.403 7904 MSWLF-1995 Rockingham County Landfill 110.264 107,759 126,046 137.337 99.783 BOD3 - MSWLF- 1986 Rowan County Landfill 185.317 175,954 150,707 142.631 138.284 8103-CDLF-2002 Rutherford County C&D 15.180 11,662 8,463 8.254 8.189 B2D2=CDLF-1996 Sampson County Disposal. LLC 530 3,966 16.876 3,480 2.184 82D2-MSWLF•2000 Sampson County Disposal. LLC 1.853.380 1.740,095 1,615,337 1.767.087 1.656.397 B301-CDLF-1997 Scotland County CDLF 7.176 8,587 11,672 24,157 7.735 8401- CDLF- 1997 Albemarle, City of CDLF 17.984 113,962 20.621 10,910 1 1.378 B4D I -MSWLF-1999 Albemarie, City of Landfill 54.007 52,2D4 47.796 54,137 50,67D 86D6- MSWLF- 1998 Sorry County MSVVLF 65.632 67,398 63,402 59,413 55.706 B8D7-MSWLF-1990 Transylvania County Landfill 33.258 30,227 23.160 25,385 25.551 9001 •CDLF- 1998 Union Count} C&D 75.184 63,489 53.031 44,971 34.991 9222-MSWLF-2008 Wake Count} South Wake MSWLF 545.071 552,767 529.070 506.581 463.683 9226-CDLF-2001 Shorwell Landfill, Inr. 142.470 91.016 9226-CDLF-2020 5fiotwell Landfill, Inc 139.683 161,192 149.836 3561Page Permit # Facility 2021-2023 2020-2021 Tons 2019-3020 2018-2019 301 7-2018 922B-CDLF-2001 Red Rock Disposal C&D Landfill 425.689 449,167 416,806 350,1354 160.093 9230-CDLF-2014 Greenway Waste Solutions of Apex. LLC 81,362 1 12,20E 98,458 88,405 102.044 923 1 - CDLF-2012 Brownfield Road C&D Landfill 384.856 201.742 2G5.309 199.998 143.431 9404-CDLF-1996 Washington County C&D Landfill 736 1,461 16,950 3,600 1,025 9601-CDLF• 1997 Warne County CDLF 27.470 79,949 35,802 38,451 22.229 9606-MSWLF4998 WayneCounty Landfill 97.561 37,145 91,377 82,1307 75.429 9704- MSWLF- 1993 Wilkes CountyMSWLF 67.296 61,439 61,392 61,061 57.243 9809-CDLF•2004 Wilson Counny Westside C&D Landfill 27,433 213,455 U0024-MS LF- Brunswick Waste Management Facility 62.436 57.589 139,992 145.416 122.188 U0033-MSWLF- Pine Bluff Landfill 0 2,448 5,676 11.513 U0035-MSWLF• Bristol Landfill VA 45613 21.191 1 B,105 15,506 14,873 U003S-M5WLF- R & B Landfill 69.S61 79,386 413,102 1336.469 720.501 U0039-MS LF- Atlantic Waste Disposal, Inc_ VA #562 83.150 52,759 48,732 28,518 U0047-MSWLF- Ea4e Point MSWLF GA 4058-017D 6,500 U0048-MSWLF- Union County (SC) Landfill SC 444244 1 -110I 125,157 204,372 148.318 191.489 146.521 U0050-M5WLF- Richland Landfill, Inc_ 66,945 101,704 99,914 86,754 95,398 LJ0051-MS LF- Lakeway Recycling & Sanitation, Inc -TN #32-0280 12.118 1 1,347 11,338 10501 9,992 U01 I I-M5WLF• Waste Management -Hickory Hill Landfill #272401-1 10 0 42 976 480 U01 17-CDLF• Hampton Roads Recovery Center VA 4603 0 20,825 U01 IB-MSWLF- Advanced Disposal Eco-Safe Landfill 52,435 55,073 51,147 UOI 20-MSWLF- Twin Chimneys Landfill SC 151 540 30,886 37.975 40.421 U0124-CDLF- Marion Co. C & D Redama;ion 70 5,59E Total All Landfills 13,990,212 13,435,231 13,455,217 14.009.671 11,761,184 Includes out-of-state Jandf7rs that received North Carchrio waste. A)so Odudes air -of state waste disposed rn North Corchria facilities 3571Page M. Public and Private Municipal Solid Waste FY 2021-2022 Tong Permit # Facility 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-20119 2017-2018 0104-MSWLF-1994 Alamance County Austin Quarter Road Landfill Facility 130.664 129,889 1 18,024 11S,B63 93.543 0403-MSWLF-2010 Anson Landfill 979.453 893,176 800,151 797.245 688.282 0 50 1 - MSVVLF- 1993 Ashe County Landfill 25.287 24,595 23,355 22.353 18.712 0803-MSWLF-1993 East Carolina Regional Landfill 555,813 527,992 528,641 495,065 493.364 1107.MSWLF-1996 Buncombe County MSW Landfill 140.738 IS5,387 189,039 158.150 139.886 13 04- MSWLF- 1992 BFI-Chariotte Mtr Speedway Landfill V 1.200.920 1,072,SBB 1,215,991 1,253,B97 880.863 1403-MSWLF-1996 Foothills Enwronrnental Landfill 371.727 38S.653 359,543 383,803 384.722 1803-MSWLF-1997 Blackbum Resource Recovery Facility 173.994 177,352 159,175 157.455 153.207 2002-11SWLF-1996 Cherokee County MSW Facility 18.758 20.630 18,573 20,491 17.941 2301-MSWLF-2009 Cleveland County Landfill Self-McNeiliy 99.427 95,171 95,948 113.580 91.867 2 509- MSVVLF- 1999 CRSWMA - Long Term Regional Landfill 237.143 230,367 244.510 326.054 199.102 2601-MSWLF-1997 Ann Street Cumberland C.ounry Landfill 139.077 139,31 B 136.550 134.999 144.366 2906•MSWLF-2008 Davidson County MSW Lined Landfill 168.430 166,162 15I'M1 14%294 137.226 3402-MSWLF-1997 Hanes Mill Road Landfill 297.426 251,22E 276,064 283.949 259.420 3606-MSWLF-1997 Gaston CountyLantlfFll 209.459 19S.126 191.123 188.991 181.347 3901-MSWLF-2012 Oxford Subtitle D MS LF 35.850 43,809 43,5198 47.597 41.326 4104-MSWLF-1991 High Point, Ciq of Kersey'Valley Landfill 125.669 137,642 154.932 135,807 1 1.6.024 41 12-MSWLF-1997 Greensboro, City of White Street MSWLF 801 7,564 3,285 7,533 6.663 4407-MSWLF-1993 Haywood Co Write Oak Landfill 179.034 159.304 160.354 143.683 160.479 4903,145WLF-1993 Iredell County Sanitary LF 261.212 251,172 240,733 237.164 194.480 5103•MSWLF- Johnston County MSW Landfill 148.917 175-706 1 12,223 106,880 89.595 5503-MSWLF-1986 Lincoln County Landfill 46.727 49,985 SU 14 41.173 33.085 5703-MSVVLF-1992 Macon County Landfill Open 43.416 40.775 38.1 14 40.135 40.779 6019-MSWLF-2000 Mecklenburg County Landfill 140.952 154,005 144,609 128.944 153.467 6204-MSWLF-1995 Llwharrie Env. Reg. Landfill 555,095E 491,999 456,366 464.672 461.928 6504-MSWLF-1981 New Hanover County Landfill 37-395 286,E05 296,B61 6504-MSWLF-2017 New Hanover County Landfill 374.355 374.871 359-867 164.634 670B-MSWLF-1997 Camp Leleune MSW Landfill 18.877 21,609 55,949 26,694 23.308 3581Page Tons Permit # Facility 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020 20 18- 101 9 201 7-2018 6709-MSVVLF• 1997 Onslow County Subatle D Landfill 173.494 181,803 178.768 175.750 117.400 7304•MSWLF- 1997 Upper Piedmont Regional Landfill 345.SI4 319,7514 270,8139 254.420 256.920 7607•MSWLF•2015 Great Oak Landfill 725.977 643,036 559,029 556.126 401.733 7803-MSWLF.1997 Robeson County Landfill 127.341 117,755 108,328 115,689 96,403 7904•MSWLF• 1995 Rockingham County Landfill 110.264 107,759 126.046 137.337 99.783 B003-MSWLF-1989 Rowan County Landfill 185.317 175,954 150,707 142.631 138.284 B202-MSWLF•2000 Sampson County Disposal. LLC I,1353,380 1,740,095 1,61S.337 1.767.087 1.656.397 8401 •MSWLF- 1999 Albemarle, City of Landfill 54.007 52,204 47,796 54.137 50.670 8606-MSWLF• 1998 Surry County MSWLF 65.632 67,398 63,402 59.413 55.706 8807•MSWLF• 1990 Transylvania County Landfill 33,258 30,227 23,160 25.335 25,551 9222-MSVVLF•2008 Wake County South Wake MSWLF 545.071 552,767 529.670 506581 463.683 9606-MSWLF, 1998 Wayne County Landfill 97.561 97,145 91,377 82.807 75.429 9704•MSWLF,1993 Wilkes County MSWLF 67.296 61,439 61.392 61.061 57.243 U0024-MSWLF- Bruns kck Waste Management Facility 62.436 57,589 139,992 145.418 122.188 U0033-MSWLF- Pine Bluff Larndf0 2.448 5-676 1 1.513 U0035-MSWLF- Bristol Landfill VA4588 21.191 18,105 15,506 14.823 U0038-MSWLF- R & B Landfill 69561 79,366 413.102 838.469 720.501 U0039-MSWLF- Atlantic Waste Disposal, Inc- VA 4562 83.150 52,759 48,232 28.518 U0047-MSWLF- Eagle Point MSWLF GA 4058-012D 6-500 U0048-MSWLF- Union County (SC) Landfill SC 4442441.1 101 125,157 204,372 [48,318 191,489 146,521 U0050-MSWLF- RichlaDd Landfill, Inc. 66.945 101,704 99.914 88.754 95.398 U0051-MSWLF- Lakeway Recycling & Sanitation, Inc -TN 932-0280 12.118 1 1,347 11,338 10,501 9.992 U01 I I MSWLF. Waste Management -Hickory Hill Landfill #272401.1 10 0 42 976 480 U01 18-MSWLF- Advanced Disposal Eta -Safe Landfill 52.435 55,073 51.147 U0120-MSWLF- Twin Chimneys Landfill 5C 151 540 30-886 37.975 40.421 Total All MSW Landfills I I,rr67,564 11,108,629 11,164,724 11.763.150 I0.I72.577 lrrdudes ouzo f state Jundf rlrs that received NDrdi COroUnQ waste. Permit 4's beginning wah "U' represerrr unpemrrtted Dr out-of-state facirities 3591Page Permit # Facility 202 1-3022 2020-2021 3019-2020 20 18-2014 2017-2018 6709•MSWLF• 1997 OnSbW C.aunry Subride D Landfill 173.494 Ja1,803 178.768 175.750 117.400 7304-MSYVLF• 1997 Upper Piedmont Regional Landfilk 345,514 319,794 770,8139 254.420 256.920 7607,MSWLF-2d 15 Great Oak Landfill 725,977 643,036 559.079 SS6.126 401.733 7803.MSWLF• 1997 Robeson County Landfill 127.341 1 17,75S 108.328 115.689 96,403 7904-MSWLF, 1995 Rockingham County Landfill 110,264 107,759 176.046 137.337 99.783 B003 - MSYVLF- 1988 Rowan County Landfill 185,317 17S,954 I S0,707 142-631 135,784 6707-MSWLF-2000 Sampson County Disposal, LLC I ,B53,380 1,740,095 1,615.337 1.767.087 1.656.397 8401 •MSWLF-1999 Albemarie, City of Landfill 54,007 57,704 47,796 54.137 50,670 8606-MSWLF-1998 Sorry County MSWLF 65,637 67,398 63,402 59.413 55.706 8807-MSWLF-1990 Transylvania County Landfill 33,758 38,277 73,160 75,385 25,551 9777-MSVVLF•2008 Wake County South Wake MSWLF S45,071 552,767 579-670 506 581 463.683 9606-MSVYLF• 1998 Wayne County Landfill 97,561 97,145 91,377 82,807 75,429 9704-MSWLF, 1993 Wilkes County M5WLF 67,796 61,439 61.397 61.061 57.243 U0024-MSWLF- Brunswick Waste Management Facility 62,436 57,589 139,9-92 145.418 122,186 U0033-MSWLF- Pine Bluff Landfrl1 0 7.448 5-676 1 I ,513 U0035-MSWLF- Bristol Landfill VA 458E 21,191 1 B,105 15,506 14.823 U0038-MSWLF- R & B Landfill 69,561 79,386 413,102 838.465, 720.501 U0039-MSWLF- Atlantic Waste Disposal, Inc- CIA 4562 83,150 52,759 49,732 78,518 U0047-MSWLF- Eagle Point MSWLF GA 4058.017D 6-500 U0048-MSWLF- Union County {SC) Landfill SC 4442441.1 101 125,157 204,372 148,318 191.489 146,521 U0050-MSVVLF- Richlaod Landfill, Inc. 66,945 101,704 99.914 88,754 95.398 U0051-MSWLF- Lakeway Recycling & Sanitation, Inc -TN 437.0790 12,1 l a 1 1,347 11,338 10,501 9,992 U01 I 1-MSWLF. Waste Managerent-Hickory Hill Landfill ;I772401.1 10 0 47 976 480 U01 18-MSWLF- Advanced Disposal Eco-Safe Landfill 52,435 55,073 51,147 U0120•MSWLF• Twin Chimneys Landfill 5C 151 540 30-886 37.975 40.471 Total All MSW Landfills 11567.564 11,108,629 11,164,724 11.763.150 10,172577 Includes out•a f stote Jondjrlls that receoved North CIRChFIQ waste. Permot #'s beginning wrth " Li" represerrt unpermrned ur out -instate facilities 3601Page N. Public and Private Tipping Fees FY 2021-2022 -ripping ,County Alamance Permit Number 0102-1 NC I N-M- Permit Na roe Sterrcycle, Inc. Facility Type Medical Op Incin $0.00 N/a Alarnance 0104-MSWLF-1994 Ala mance County Austin Cl!uarter Road Landfill Facility MSW LF $40.00 Yes Alarnance 0105-CDLF-1998 Cables C&D Landfill CD LF $38.00 No Alamance 0105-TP- Cables C&D TV CD TP $38.00 No Alamance 0106-TP-2012 Carolina Resource Recovery LCID T&P Facility LCID TP $0.00 N/a Alexander 0201- CDLF-1997 Alexander County CDLF CD LF $55.OD Yes Alexander 0202T-TRANSFER-1998 Alexander County Transfer Station MSw Trans $65.0D Yes Alleghany 0303T-TRANSFER-1994 Alleghany County Transfer Facility MSw Trans $75.0D Yes Anson 0403-MSWLF-201D Chambers Development of North Carolina, Inc. (Anson Landfill) MSw LF $49.15 Yes Ashe 0501-1VISWLF-1993 Ash County Landfill Msw LF $62.OD Yes Avery 0603-CDLF-1996 Avery CountyC&D Landfill CD LF $55.00 Yes Avery 0603-TRANSFER- Avery County Transfer Station MSw Trans $55.OD Yes Beaufort 0703T-TRANSFER-2012 Beaufort Transfer Station MSw Trans $79.7D No Bertie 0603-MSWLF-1993 East Carolina Regional Landfill MSw LF $95.43 Yes Bladen 0904T-TRANSFER-1995 Blad en County Transfer Station MSw Trans $55.00Yes Brunswick 1007-CDLF-1997 BrunswickCounty CDLF CD LF $59.D6 Yes Brunswick 1fl10T-TRANSFER-1997 Brunswick County Transfer Station MSw Trans $59.OD Yes Buncombe 1104-TRANSFER-1993 Waste Management Of Asheville MSw Trans $47.50 Yes Buncombe 1107- CDLF-1998 Buncombe County C&D Unit CD LF $43.75 Yes Buncombe 1107-MSWLF-1996 Buncombe County MSW Landfill Msw LF $43.75 Yes Buncombe 1108T-TRANSFER-1996 Buncombe County Transfer Station MSw Trans $47.75 Yes Buncombe 1111-TP- Riverside Stump Dump at Asheville LCID TP $0.00 N/a Burke 1203- CDLF-2014 Burke County Johns River Waste Management CD LF $40.OD Yes Burke 1205T-TRANSFER-1998 Burke Cou nty Tra nsfe r Facility MSw Trans $73.00 Yes Cabarrus 1302-CDLF-2006 Cabarrus County CDLF CD LF $39.0D No Cabarrus 1303-TIRELF-1988 USTire Recycling Partners LP Trre LF $0.00 No Cabarrus 1304-MSWLF-1992 BFl-Charlotte Mtr Speedway Landfill V MSw LF $76.34 No Cabarrus 1305TP-TP- Stericycle Medical TP $0.00 No Cabarrus 13D6-CDLF-2000 Highway 49 C&D Landfill & Recycling Greenway Waste CD LF $43.5D Yes Cabarrus 1306-TP-2019 Highway 49 C&D Landfill & Recycling Greenway Waste LCID TP $35.5D N/a Cabarrus 1307-TP-2009 Tarheel Bark Company -A Division of Garick LLC Indus TP $70.OD N/a Cabarrus 1310-TIRETP-2012 USTire Recycling Partners LP Tire TP $0.00 Yes Caldwell 1403-MSWLF-1998 Foothills Errvironmental Landfill M5W LF $46.95 No Carteret 1604-TRANSFER-1993 CRSWMA-Carteret County Transfer Station M5w Trans $52.5DYes Carteret 1607-TRANSFER-2019 Green Recycli ng Tra nsfe r Stat i o n CD Trans $53.50 Yes Catawba 1803-CDLF- Blackburn Resource Recovery C&D Facility CD LF $27.OD Yes Catawba 1803-MSWLF-1997 Blackburn Resource Recovery Landfill Facility M5w LF $37.22 Yes Catawba 1803-TP- Blackburn Resource RecoveryT&P Facility LCID TP $18,0D N/a 361 IPage Catawba 1805-TRANSFER-20D1 GDSRecyclingServices MSW Trans $37.22 Yes Catawba 1808T-TRANSFER- Hickory, City of Transfer Station MSW Trans $0.00 N/a Chatham 1912-TP-2022 Triad Transfer Station CD Trans $45.00 Nfa Cherokee 2002-M5WLF-1998 Cherokee County MSW Facility Msw LF $57.04 Yes Cherokee 2003-TRANSFER-2020 Regional Disposal and Metal MSW Trans $90.00 No Chowan 2101T-TRANSFER-2001 Edenton, Town cf Transfer Station MSW Trans $49.74 Yes Clay 2202T-TRANSFER-1997 Clay County Transfer Station MSW Trans $96.00 Yes Cleveland 2301-CDLF-1997 Cleveland CountyCDLF CD LF $29.14 Yes Cleveland 2301-MSWLF-2009 Cleveland County Landfill Self- McNe i lly MSW LF $51.51 Yes Cleveland 2304-TP-2020 Shelby, City of T & P Facility LCID TP $0.00 N/a Columbus 2403T-TRANSFER-1997 Cal um b us Cou nty Tran sfer Station MSW Trans $56.93 Yes Columbus 2404-TRANSFER-2020 Big D T&P Facility CD TP $0.00 N/a Craven 2509-MSWLF-1999 CRSWMA - Long Term Regional Landfill MSW LF $40.00 Yes Craven 251OT-TRANSFER-1997 Cherry Point Transfer Station MSW Trans $0.00 No Cumberland 2601-CDLF-1997 Cumberland County C&D Unit CD LF $36.00 No Cumberland 2601-MSWLF-1997 Ann Street Cumberland County Landfill MSW LF $38.00 No Cumberland 26D9-TRANSFER- Fayetteville, City of Transfer Station Msw Trans $52.42 Yes Currituck 2703T-TRANSFER-1996 Currituck Transfer Station MSW Trans $0.00 Yes Currituck 2705T-TRANSFER-2011 Sou ndside C&D Waste Transfer & Recycling Center CD Trans $75.04 Yes Currituck 2706-TRANSFER-2013 Bay Disposal, LLC CD Trans $78.44 No Dare 2803-CDLF-1995 Da re County C&D Landfill CD LF $65.00 No Dare 2805T-TRANSFER- Dare County Trap sferStation MSW Trans $75.94 No Davidson 2906-MSWLF-2008 Davidson County MSW Lined Landfill MSW LF $36.00 Yes Davidson 2908-TP- Todco, Inc. Wood Recycling Type I TP $26.00 N/a Duplin 3103-TRANSFER-20D7 ❑uplin County Transfer Station MSW Trans $55.00 No Durham 3212-TRANSFER-2014 Durham, City of Transfer Station Msw Trans $49.00 Yes Durham 3214T-TRANSFER-2001 Stone Park Court Transfer Station MSW Trans $47.50 Yes Durham 3217-MWP-2019 Wall Recycling Holman Street Facility CD TP $38.00 N/a Edgecombe 3301-CDLF-1997 Edgecombe County CDLF CD LF $46.04 Yes Edgecombe 3302T-TRANSFER-1998 Edge combeCountyTransferStation Msw Trans $61.50 Yes Forsyth 3402-MSWLF-1997 Hanes Mill Road Landfill MSW LF $34.04 No Forsyth 34D9-TP- Overdale Yard Waste Facility Yw TP $32.04 N/a Forsyth 34412-CDLF-1995 Winston-Salem, City of Old Salisbury Road CD LF CD LF $33.00 No Forsyth 3416T-TRANSFER- Overdale Road Transfer Station MSW Trans $58.00 Yes Forsyth 3419-TP- Lowder Recycling And Disposal, LLC LCID TP $38.00 N/a Forsyth 34422-TP- Slater Industries Treatment and Processing Facility LCID TP $20.00 N/a Forsyth 3424-TRANSFER-2020 Abbey Green Transfer Station CD Trans $45.00 N/a Forsyth 3425-TP-2011 Winston-Salem, City of Treatment & Processing Site YW TP $0.00 N/a Franklin 3503-TRANSFER- Franklin County Transfer Station Msw Trans $65.00Yes 3621Page Franklin 3505-MWP-2020 Wall Recycling ea MatRecovery $50.00 Nja Franklin 3505-TP-2D20 Wall Recycling CD TP $50.00 Nja Franklin 35D7-TIRETP-2016 PRTI, INC. Tire TP $0.00 No Gaston 361)6-CDLF-1995 Gaston County C&D Landfill CD LF $30.00 Yes Gaston 36D6-MSWLF-1997 Gaston County Landfill MSw LF $38.00 Yes Gaston 9609-TRANSFER-1993 Waste Management Of Carolinas M5w Trans $55.62 Yes Gaston 3615-TP-2D18 Trilogy Medaste Southeast LLC Medical TP $75.00 Yes Gaston 3617-MWP-2016 Daniels Sharpsmart, Inc. Medical TP $0.00 Nja Graham 38D3-TRANSFER- Graham CountyTransferStation M5w Trans $60.00 Yes Granville 39D1-MSWLF-2012 Oxford Subtitle D MSWLF M5w LF $3B.00 No Granville 3903TP-TP-20D9 John Bryan Yard Waste Recycling Yw TP $45.00 No Greene 4OD2-CDLF-1997 Greene County CDLF CD LF $46.00 Yes Guilford 41D4-MSWLF-1991 High Point, City of Kersey Valley Landfill M5w LF $44.00 Yes Guilford 4116-CDLF-2012 WI High Paint Landfill, LLC CD LF $37.00 Yes Guilford =116-MWP-2012 High PaintC&D Waste Reclamation MatRecovery TP $37.00 Nja Guilford 4117-CDLF-2008 A-1 San droc k C&D Landfill CD LF $42.00 Yes Guilford 4118T-TRANSFER- Bishop Road Transfer Station M5w Trans $55.00 Yes Guilford 4119TP-TIRETP- Guilford Cty Scrap Tire & White Goods Collection Facility Tire TP $80.07 Yes Guilford 412OT-TRANSFER- Greensboro, City of Transfer Station M5w Trans $44.00 Yes Guilford 4122T-TRANSFER-2012 WI Burnt PoplarTransfer LLC CI] Trans $44.00 Yes Halifax 4204-CDLF-2013 Halifax County Landfill CD LF $63.43 Yes Halifax 4204-TRANSFER-2013 Halifax County Landfill M5w Trans $63.43 Yes Halifax 42D5T-TRANSFER-1997 Weldon, Town of Transfer Facility M5w Trans $62.50 Yes Harnett 43D2-CDLF-2018 Harnett County Dunn -Erwin C&D Landfill CD LF W.00 Yes Harnett 43D3-CDLF-1997 Harnett Co. Anderson Creek C&D Landfill CD LF $48.00 Yes Harnett 43D4-TIRELF-1992 Central Carolina Tire Monofill Tire LF $0.00 No Harnett 43DTF-TRANSFER-1997 Harnett Co unty Tra nsfer Station M5w Trans $46.00 Yes Harnett 43D8-TIRETP- Central Carolina Tire Processing Tire TP $0.00 Yes Harnett 43D9T-TRANSFER- Anderson Creek Landfill Transfer Station M5w Trans $48.00 Yes Haywood 44D7-MSWLF-1993 Haywood Co White Oak Landfill M5w LF $25.50 Yes Haywood 4408-MWP- Haywood County MWP Facility MatRecovery TP $55.00 Yes Henderson 45D4T-TRANSFER-1998 Henderson CountyTransfer Facility M5w Trans $60.00 Yes Henderson 45D7-TP- Riverside Stump Dump at Mills River LCI❑ TP $0.00 Nja Henderson 45D8-TP-2D20 Garbage Pal, LLC CD TP $51.OD Nja Hertford 46D2T-TRANSFER-1995 Hertford County Transfer Station M5w Trans $80.00Yes Hoke 4702-TRANSFER-1994 Hoke County Transfer Station M5w Trans $52.75 Yes Iredell 49D3-MSWLF-1993 Iredell County Sanitary LF MSw LF $38.00 No Iredell 49D4T-TRANSFER-1998 Iredell County Transfer Station M5w Trans $48.00 No Jackson 5OD3T-TRANSFER- Jackson County Scott Creek Transfer Station M5w Trans $64.00 Yes 3631Page Johnston 5103-MSWLF- Johnston County MSW Landfill MSW LF $40.00 Yes Johnston 5106-TP-2019 West Farms Wood Products T&P LCID TP $0.00 Nf a Jones 5202-TP-2012 Maysville C&D Recycling & Recovery Facility CD TP $51.00 Yes Jones 5203-CDLF-2013 Maysville C & ❑ CD LF $51.00 Yes Lee 5304T-TRANSFER-1993 Waste Man. - Lee Co. Transfer Station MSW Trans $53.83 Yes Lee 5305-TRANSFER-2013 Sanford Transfer Station MSW Trans $65.70 Yes Lenoir 5403-CDLF-1997 Len air CountyCDLF CD LF $45.00 Yes Lenoir 5405T-TRANSFER-1998 Lenoir CountyTrain sfer Facility MSW Trans $50.00 Yes Lenoir 5409-TRANSFER-2014 Deep Run Train sferStation MSW Trans $54.06 Yes Lenoir 54D9-MSWLF- Lenoir County MSW Landfill MSW LF $50.00 Yes Lincoln 5503-MSWLF-1986 Lincoln County Landfill MSW LF $41.00 Yes Lincoln 55O4-CDLF-1999 Lake Norman Landfill CD LF $55.65 No Macon 5703-MSWLF-1992 Macon County Landfill Open MSW LF $66.00 Yes Macon 57O4T-TRANSFER-2008 Highlands Transfer Station MSW Trans $74.75 Yes Madison 5803-CDLF-1995 Madison County C&D Unit CD LF $45.00 Yes Madison 5803T-TRANSFER-2002 Madison Cou nty Tra nsfe r MSW Trans $55.00 Yes Martin 5901-CDLF-1995 Martin County C&D Landfill CD LF $40.00 Yes McDowell 5602T-TRANSFER-1995 McDowell Co Transfer Facility MSW Trans $60.00 No Mecklenburg 6013-CDLF-2021 Greenway Waste Solutions of North Meck CD LF $55.00 Yes Mecklenburg 6014-TRANSFER-2009 Queen City Transfer Station MSW Trans $70.00 Yes Mecklenburg 6016TP-HHW-TP North Mecklenburg HHW Facility YW TP $28.00 Nlfa Mecklenburg 6017TP-HHW-TP Hickory Grove H H W Recycling Facility YW TP $28.00 Nf a Mecklenburg 6019-MSWLF-200D Mecklenburg County Landfill MSW LF $52.50 Yes Mecklenburg 6021-TP- Metromont Natural Recycling Center LCID TP $0.00 Nf a Mecklenburg 6025-TP- Soil Supply, Inc. LCID TP $0.00 Nfa Mecklenburg 6029-TRANSFER-2012 O'Leary Resource Recovery Center Msw Trans $axo Nfa Mecklenburg 6034-TP-2016 Kamps, Inc. LCID TP $0.00 Nfa Mecklenburg 6037-TP-2020 Greenway Recycling of North Meek, LLC CD TP $55.00 Nf a Mecklenburg 6036-TRANSFER-2020 South Charlotte Transfer Station MSw Trans $70.00 Yes Montgomery 6202MRF-MWP- Uwharrie Environmental M R F MSw MatRecovery $130.18 Nfa Montgomery 62D4-MSWLF-1995 Uwharrie Env. Reg. Landfill MSw LF $56.94 Yes Montgomery 6204-TP-2011 Uwharrie T&P Facility YW TP $34.27 No Moore 6301-CDLF-1992 Moore County C&D Landfill CD LF $59.50 Yes Moore 6301-TP-2013 Moore County Yard Waste Collection Units YW TP $29.00 Yes Moore 6302-TRANSFER-1994 Uwharrie Env Inc/Moore Cty Transfer Station MSw Trans $52.72 Yes Nash 6403-CDLF-2000 Nash County C&D Landfill CD LF $48.00 Yes Nash 6405T-TRANSFER-2001 Rocky Mount, City of Tra nsfe r Station #2 MSW Trans $67.00 No New Hanover 65D4-MSWLF-2017 New Hanover County Landfill MSW LF $48.00 Yes New Hanover 6504-MWP-2016 New Hanover County Materials Recovery & Recycling Facility CD MatRecovery $48.00 Yes 3641Page New Hanover 6511-TP- American Property Experts LCID TP $0.00 N/a Onslow 67DB-MSWLF-1997 Camp Lejeune MSW Landfill MSW LF $26.33 No Onslow 67D9-MSWLF-1997 0nslowCounty Landfill MSW LF $57.00 Yes Onslow 6712-TRANSFER-2016 Folkstcne C&D Recycling Collection/Transfer Facility CD Trans $64.00 Yes Orange 68D4-CDLF-2005 Orange County CDLF CD LF $42.00 Yes Pamlico 69D3T-TRANSFER-1993 Pamlico County Transfer Station MSW Trans $52.5D Yes Pamlico 9226- CDLF-2020 5hotwell Landfill, Inc CD LF $65.0D Yes Pasquotank 7OD2-CDLF-1996 Pasquotank County C&D Landfill CD LF $53.0D Yes Pasquotank 70D3T-TRANSFER-1994 Pasquotank County Transfer Station MSW Trans $72.00 Yes Pender 7103T-TRANSFER-1990 Pender County Transfer Station MSW Trans $78.OD Yes Perquimans 72D2T-TRANSFER-1995 Perquimans-Chowan-Gates Transfer MSW Trans $70.01D Yes Person 73D4-MSWLF-1997 Upper Piedmont Regional Landfill MSW LF $46.64 No Person 7306-TIRECOLL-2014 Person County Recycling Center Tire Collection $0.00 No Pitt 7404-M WP-2016 Pitt County Materials Recovery & Recycling Facility CD MatRecovery $45.0D N/a Pitt 7404T-MWP-1996 Pitt County Transfer Station MSW Trans $50.0D N/a Pitt 7406T-TRANSFER-2001 El RecyclingTransferStation MSW Trans $53.25 Yes Pitt 74D7-CDLF-2009 C & D Landfill Inc CD LF $43.OD Yes Polk 75D4T-TRANSFER-2005 Polk County Transfer Station MSW Trans $55.0DYes Randolph 4117-TP-2D09 A-1 San droc k Treatment and Processing Facility CD TP $42.0D Yes Randolph 76D5T-TRANSFER-2002 Asheboro, City of Recycling/SW Transfer Station MSW Trans $0.00 Yes Randolph 7606-CDLF-2021 Wall Recycling CDLF CD LF $38.01D Yes Randolph 7606-TP-2021 Wall Recycling Facility CD TP $36.0D Yes Randolph 7607-MSWLF-2015 Great Oak Landfill MSW LF $37.93 No Richmond 7703T-TRANSFER-1994 Richmond County Transfer Facility MSW Trans $61.75 Yes Robeson 78D3-CDLF-1997 Robeson County CDLF CD LF $36.5D No Robeson 78D3-MSWLF-1997 Robeson County Landfill MSW LF $38.5D No Rockingham 7902T-TRANSFER-1991 Rockingham CountyTransfer Facility MSW Trans $37.0D No Rockingham 790BT-TRANSFER-1991 Eden, City of Tran sfer Station MSW Trans $37.0D N/a Rockingham 79D4-MSWLF-1995 Rockingham County Landfill MSW LF $37.00 No Rowan 80D3-MSWLF-1988 Rowan County Landfill MSW LF $0.00 Yes Rowan 80D4T-TRANSFER-1995 East Spencer Waste Transfer Facility MSW Trans $50.22 No Rutherford 8103-CDLF-2002 Rutherford County C&D CD LF $47.0D Yes Rutherford 81D4T-TRANSFER-1998 Rutherford County Transfer Facility MSW Trans $54.00 Yes Sampson 82D2-CDLF-1996 Sampson County Disposal, LLC CD LF $46.71 Yes Sampson 82D2-MSWLF-20M Sampson County Disposal, LLC MSW LF $48.71 Yes Scotland 83D1-CDLF-1997 Scotland County CDLF CD LF $47.25 Yes Scotland 83D2T-TRANSFER-1997 Scotland County Transfer Station MSW Trans $57.75 Yes Stanly 84D1-CDLF-1997 Albemarle, City of CDLF CD LF $41.OD No Stanly 8401-MSWLF-1999 Albemarle, city of Landfill MSW LF $41.0D No 3651Page Surry 8606-MSWLF-1998 Surry County MSWLF Msw LF $47.00 Yes Surry 8607-TIRETP-2013 New River Tire Recycling, LLC Tire TP $125.00 No Swain 8702T-TRANSFER- Swain Cou nty Tran sfer Facility Msw Trans $2.00 Yes Transylvania 8807-MSWLF-199D Transylvania County Landfill Msw LF $62.OD Yes Union 9001-CDLF-1998 Union County C&D CD LF $36.OD Yes Union 9005T-TRANSFER-1999 Union County Transfer Station Msw Trans $42.OD No Union 9014-TRANSFER-2014 Waste Connections Monroe Transfer Station Msw Trans $72.00 Yes Vance 9102T-TRANSFER-1997 Vance County Transfer Station Msw Trans $64.24Yes Wake 9211T-TRANSFER-1990 Cary, Town of Transfer Station Msw Trans $0.00 Wa Wake 9215T-TRANSFER-1994 Waste Management Of Raleigh/Durham Transfer Station Msw Trans $51.72 No Wake 9217-TRANSFER-1994 WI Garn er Tra nsfer Stat i o n Msw Trans $40.14 Yes Wake 9222-MSWLF-2009 Wake County South Wake MSWLF Msw LF $32.00 Yes Wake 9223TP-TP- Ruffaloe Wood Recycling Facility LCI❑ TP $0.00 Nf a Wake 9224-MWP-2012 Wake Reclamation, LLC CD TP $40.O0 No Wake 922TF-TRANSFER-2012 Thornton Road Mixed Waste Transfer and Recycling Center CD Trans $0.00 No Wake 9228-CDLF-2001 Red Rack Disposal C&D Landfill CD LF $40.00 No Wake 9230-CDLF-2014 Greenway Waste Solutions of Apex, LLC CD LF $43.5D Yes Wake 9231-CDLF-2012 Brownfield Road C&D Landfill CD LF $60.00 No Wake 9233T-TRANSFER-20D8 Raleigh, City of East Wake Transfer Station M5w Trans $41.0D Yes Wake 9234-TRANSFER-2012 Wake Transfer Station CD Trans $65.00 No Wake 9237T-TRANSFER-2020 Capitol Waste Transfer, LLC CD Trans $58.0D Yes Wake 9240-MWP-2017 Elite Waste Services Pristine Water Facility CD MatRecovery $38.OD Nf a Wake 9241-TRANSFER-2020 Morrisville Transfer Station Msw Trans $64.OD Yes Wake 9242-MWP-202D Wall Recycling - Garner Road CD MatRerovery $36.0D Nf a Wake 9242-TRANSFER-2020 Wall Recycling - Garner Road M5w Trans $50.OD Nf a Warren 9302T-TRANSFER-1995 Warren CcuntyTransfer Station M5w Trans $67.00 Yes Washington 9404- CDLF-1996 Washington County C&D Landfill CD LF $60.00 No Watauga 9502-LCID-2016 Watauga County Landclearing LCIo TP $59.ODNfa Watauga 9503T-TRANSFERt-1996 Watauga Co Transfer Facility Msw Trans $59.00 Yes Wayne 9601-CDLF-1997 Wayne County CDLF CD LF $31.50 No Wayne 9606-MSWLF-1998 Wayne County Landfill Msw LF $31.5D No Wayne 960TF-TRANSFER-1997 Golds bora,City ofTransfer Station M5w Trans $31.5DYes Wilkes 9704-MSWLF-1993 Wilkes County MSWLF M5w LF $43.OD Yes Wilson 9808T-TRANSFER-2004 Black Creek Road Transfer Station M5w Trans $62.5D Yes Wilson 9809-CDLF-2004 Wilson County WeStside C&D Landfill CD LF $40.00 Yes Yadkin 9903T-TRANSFER-1994 Yadkin County Transfer Facility Msw Trans $70.OD No Yancey 10003T-TRANSFER-1995 Yancey -Mitchell Transfer Station Msw Trans $58.68 No 3661Page O. Transfer and Mixed Waste Processing Facilities FY 2021-2022 Permit # Facility 2021-2022 Disposal Destination Permit # 0105JP- Cobles C&D T&P 643 Foss Recycling Recycling 0202TJRANSFER-1998 Alexander County Transfer Station 24.187 Foothills Environmental Landfill 1403-M5WLF-1998 0303TJRANSFER-1994 Alleghany County Transfer Facility 12.005 Foothills Ennvironmental Landfill 1403-M5WLF.1998 0603-TRANSFER- Avery County Transfer Station 20.932 Bristol Integrated Solid Waste Management F U003S-MSWLF- 0703TJRANSFER-1994 Beaufort County Transfer Station 31.262 East Carolina Regional Landfill 0803-M5WLF-1993 0904TJRANSFER-1995 Bladen County Transfer Station 21,597 Sampson County Disposal, LLC 8202-M5WLF-20DO 10003T-TRANSFER-1995 Yancey -Mitchell Transfer Station 28,842 Foothills Environmental Landfill 1403-M5WLF-1998 1010TJRANSFER-1997 Brunswick County Transfer Station 159.678 Sampson County Disposal, LLC 8202-MSWLF-20D0 1010TJRANSFER-1997 Brunswick County Transfer Station 9,374 Sonoco Recycling Recycling I ID4JRAI SFER- 1993 Waste Management Of Asheville 58,717 Unron County Landfill U0048-MSWLF- 1 104JRANSFER-1993 Waste Management Of Asheville 54.778 Haywood Co Whroe Oak Landfill 4407-M5WLF• 1993 1 10®T-TRANSFER-1996 Buncombe Count} Transfer 5tabon 109.484 Buncombe County M5W Landfill 1 107-MSWLF-1996 1 I08T-TRANSFER-1996 Buncombe County Transfer Station 58.431 Buncombe County C&D U n i c 1107-CDLF-1998 1205T-TRANSFER-1998 Burke County Transfer Facility 62.555 FoothdIs Environmental Landfill 1403-M5WLF-1990 1604JRANSFER- 1993 Coastal Regional Solid Waste Management Autho 115.043 CRSWMA • Long Term Regronal LandU 2509-MSWLF-199-9 1607-TRANSFER-2019 Green Recycling Transfer Station at Hibbs Road 17.970 Maysville C&D Recycling & Recovery Facility 5202-TP-2012 180SJRANSFER-200I GDS Recycling Services 4.616 Blackburn Resource Recovery Landfill Facility 1603-M5WLF-1997 1808T-TRANSFER- Hickory, City of Transfer Station 26.244 Blackburn Resource Recovery Landfill Facility 1803-M5WLF-1997 1912-TP-2022 Triad Transfer Station 16.423 Great Oak Landfill 7607-MSWLF-2015 2003-TRANSFER-2020 Regional Disposal and Metal 3.235 Pine Bluff Landfill GA UO033-MSWLF- 2003-TRANSFER-2020 Regional Disposal and Metal 1.926 Whitestone Valley C & D Landfill GA LJOIZS-CDLF- 21 D I T-TRANSFER-2001 Edenton, Town of Transfer Station 3.634 East Carolina Regional Landfill 0803-M5WLF-1993 2702T-TRANSFER-1997 Clay County Transfer Station 5,801 R & B Landfill GA 1-11 038-M5WLF• 24D3T-TRANSFER- 1997 Columbus County Transfer Station 39.849 Sampson County Disposal, LLC 8202-MSWLF-2000 2404-TRANSFER-2020 Big D T&P Facility 5,865 Marion Co. C & D Reclamation Ulf 124-CDLF- 2510T-TRANSFER-1997 Cherry Paint Transfer Station 3.131 CRSWMA • Long Term Regional Landfrll 7509-M5WLF.1999 26D9-TRANSFER- Fayetteville, City of Transfer Station 193.044 Sampson County Disposal, LLC 8202-MS LF•2000 2609-TRANSFER- Fayetteville, City of Transfer Station 2.391 5onoco Recycling Recycling 2609-TRANSFER- Fayetteville, City of Transfer Station 8 Wheelabrator Poresmouih Inc VA U0108-INCIN. 3671Page Permit # Facility 2021-2022 Disposal Destination Permit # 2703T•TRANSFER-1996 Curriturk County Transfer Station 28.976 East Carolina RVonai Landfill 0803-MSWLF-1993 7703T.TRANSFER-1996 Currituck County Transfer Station 2.038 Soundside C & D Waste Transfer & Recycling 2705T•TRANSFER-201 1 2703T-TRANSFER-1996 Curritutk County Transfer Station 447 Sans Metal Management VAD= 986207619 2703T-TRANSFER• 1996 Currituck Couricy Transfer Station 77 5P5A Regional Landfill Recycling PBR•072 2705T-TRANSFER-701 1 Soundside C&D Waste Transfer & Recycling Gent 6,773 ALlantic Waste Disposal Inc VA U0039-MSWLF- 2706-TRANSFER-2013 Bay Disposal, LLC 73,094 Centerville Turnpike CDD Landfill VA U01 17-CDLF- 2706-TRANSFER-7013 Bay Disposal, LLC 2,590 RDS RECYCLING 2706-TRANSFER-7013 Bay Disposal, LLC 2.285 ' heelabrator Portsmouth Inc VA U010B•INCIN- 7805T-TRANSFER- Dare County Transfer Station 60.913 East Carolina Regional Landfill 0803-M5WLF-1993 3103-TRANSFER-7007 DupIia County Transfer Station 40,775 Sampson C.ounry Disposal, LLC 8202-M5WLF-20H 3212-TRANSFER-7014 Durham, City of Transfer Station 157.414 Sampson County Disposal, LLC 8207-MSWLF-2000 3214TJRANSFER-2001 Durham Transfer Station 186.281 Sampson C.ouncy Disposal, LLC 82-02-M5WLF-2000 3714TJRANSFER-7001 Durham Transfer Station 30,737 Red Bock Disposal C&D Landfill 9228-CDLF-2001 3214TJRANSFER-7001 Durham Transfer Station 4.B78 Wake Reclamation, LLC 9274-MWP-20Q 3214T.TRANSFER-7001 Durharn Transfer Station 579 Wheelabrator Portsmouth Inc VA U010B-INCIN- 3217.M P-2019 Wall Recycling Holman Street Faciliry 61,099 Red Rock Disposal C&D Landfill 9228-CDLF-2001 3302T-TRANSFER-1998 Edgecombe County Transfer Station 1%418 East Carolina Regional Landfill 0803-M5WLF-1M 3416T•TRANSFER- Overdale Road Transfer Station 83.977 Uw+harrie Env_ Reg_ Landfill 62-04-MSWLF-1995 3416T.TRANSFER- Overdale (toad Transfer Station 53,615 Great Oak Landfill 7607-MSWLF-2015 3424-TRANSFER-7020 Abbey Green Transfer Station 26,456 A -I Sandrock C&D Landfill 41 17-CDLF-2008 3424-TRANSFER-7420 Abbe} Green Transfer Station 25.946 WI High Point Landfill, LLC 41 16-CDLF-2012 3424-TRANSFER-7020 Abbey Green Transfer Sration 2.726 Hanes Mill Road Landfill 3402-MSWLF• 1997 3503-TRANSFER- Franklin County Transfer Station 46,446 Upper Piedmont Re -tonal Landfrll 73-04-M5WLF• 1997 3503-TRANSFER- Franklin County Transfer Station 1.1300 Barham Farms Agricultural 3503•TRANSFER- Franklin County Transfer Station 1.110 5onoce Recycling 3503-TRANSFER- Franklin County Transfer Station 771 Central Carolina Tire Processing 4308-TIRETP• 3503-TRANSFER- Franklin County Transfer Station 75 Freindship Used Clothing Reuse 3503-TRANSFER- Franklin County Transfer Station 52 Noble Oil Energy 3503-TRANSFER- Franklin County Transfer Station 28 Meterfr Electronic Recycling Electronics 3503-TRANSFER- Franklin Counry Transfer Station 4 Greasecycle Grease 3 6 8 1 P a g e Permit # facility 2021-2022 Disposal Destination Permit # 3505-MWP-2020 Wall Recycling 24.926 Brownfield Road C&D Landfill 9231-CDLF-2012 3505-TP-2020 Wall Recycling 24.926 Brownfield Road CID Landfill 9231-GDLF-2012 36013-TRANSFER-1993 'Haste Management Of Carolinas 52.899 Richland Landfill, Inc. Sr— U0050-MSWLF- 3608-TRANSFER-1993 Waste Management Of Carolinas 9t9 BFI,Charlone Mtr Speedway LandNI V 1304-MSWLF.1992 3803-TRANSFER- Graham County Transfer 5tarion 7.082 Haywood Co Whrte Oak Landfill 4407-MSWLF-1993 3803-TRANSFER- Graham County Transfer Station 193 Pine Bluff U0033-MSWLF• 41 16-MWP-2012 High Pomt C&D Waste Reclamation 1.1 16 WI High Point Landfill, LLC 41 16-GDLF-2012 411 BT•TRANSFER- Bishop road Transfer Station 153.861 U harrie Env. Reg- Landfill 6204-MSWLF-199S 411 BT-TRANSFER- Bishop Road Transfer Station 402 Great Oak Landfill 7607-MSWLF-2015 4120T-TRANSFER- Greensboro, City of Transfer Station 236.885 Great. Oak Landfill 7607-MSWLF-2015 4122T-TRANSFER-2012 Burnt Poplar Transfer Station 63.660 U harrie Env. Reg- Landfill 6204-MSWLF.1995 4122T-TRANSFER-2012 Burnt Poplar Transfer Station 83 Sampson County Disposal, LLC 8202-MSWLF-2000 4204-TRANSFER-2013 Halifax County Landfill 16.447 Atlantic Waste Disposal Inc VA U0034-MSWLF- 4205T-TRANSFER-1997 Weldon. Town of Transfer Facility 57.206 Sampson County Disposal, LLC 8202-MSWLF-2000 4 3 07T-TRANSF ER- 1 39 7 Harnett County Transfer Station 46.B26 Sampson County Disposal, LLC 8202-MSWLF-2000 4309T-TRANSFER- Anderson Creek Transfer Station 35.S66 Sampson County Disposal, LLC 8202-MSWLF-2000 440B-MWP- Haywood County M;1'+fP Facility 22.506 Haywood Ce White Oak Landfill 440 7- M SWLF - 1993 4504T-TRANSFER-1998 Henderson County Transfer Facility 116.013 Upstate Regional Landfill, Union C.ouncy 442441,1 101 45019-TP•2020 Garbage Pal, LLC 3.717 Buncombe County Transfer Station 1 108T-TRANSFER• 1996 45013-TP•2020 Garbage Pal, LLC 2.345 Twin Chimneys Landfill 5C U0120-MS LF- 4506-TP-2020 Garbage Pal, LLC 1.200 Henderson County Transfer Facility 4504T-TRANSFER, 1998 450B-TP•2020 Garbage Pal, LLC 326 Enterprise Material Handling SC U0129•CDLF- 4602T-TRANSFER-1995 Hertford County Transfer Station 1.970 East Carolina Regional Landfill 080 3 - M SWLF - 1993 4702-TRANSFER-1994 Hake County Transfer Station 38,458 Sampson County Disposal, LLC 8202-MSWLF-2000 4904T-TRANSFER-1998 1red eII County Transfer Station 63.765 Iredell County Sanitary LF 490 3 - M SWLF - 1993 5003T-TRANSFER- Jackson County Scott Creek Transfer 5tarion 34.959 R & B Landfill GA U0038-MS LF- 5202-TP-2012 Maysv4le Recycling and Recovery SZB32 Maysville C & D 5203-GDLF-2013 5202-TP•2012 Maysville Recycling and Recovery 34 CRSWMA • Lang Tcrm Regioral Landfill 2509-MSWLF-1999 5304T-TRANSFER-1993 Waste Man- • Lee Co. Transfer Station 31542 Great Oak Landfill 7607-MSWLF.2015 5305-TRANSFER-2013 Sanford Transfer Station 53.231 Sampson County Disposal, LLC 8202-MSWLF-2000 3691Page Permit # Facility 2021-2022 Disposal Destination Permit # 5305-TRANSFER-7013 Sanford Transfer Station 4.855 Sonoce Recycling Recycling 5405T•TRA`+.SFER- 1998 Lenorr County Transfer Facility 29.793 East Carolina Regionai Landfill 0803-MSWLF• 1993 5408-TRANSFER-2014 Deep Run Transfer Station 34,737 Sampson County Disposal, LLC 8202-M5WLF-70H 5408-TRANSFER-2014 Deep Run Transfer Station 1.1331 Sonoco - Hartsville, SC Processing 5408-TRANSFER-2014 Deep Run Transfer Station 338 Onslow County Solid VVaste Recycling Recycling 5607T-TRANSFER- 1995 McDowell Co Transfer Facility 85.939 Foothills EnOronmenral Landfill 140 3 - M SWLF- 1998 5704T-TRANSFER-2008 Hightands Transfer Station 11.175 Macon County Landfill Open 5703-MSWLF-1997 5803T-TRANSFER-7002 Madison County Transfer 12.018 Lakeway Recycling & Sanitation, Inc. U005 I •MSWUL 6014-TRANSFER-2009 Queen City Transfer 5rauon 266.233 Chambers Development of North Carolina, 10403-M5WLF-7010 6014JRANSFER-7009 Queen Ciry Transfer Sracion 12.512 Richland Landfill, Inr. SC U00H•MSI+VLF- 6019•TRANSFER-0012 O'Leary Resource Recovery Center 35.343 Chambers Development of Noah Carolina, 10403-MSWLF-7010 6029-TRANSFER-2017 O'Leary Resource Recovery Center 706 BFI-Charlotte Mir Speedway Landfill V 1304-M5WLF• 1997 6029-TRANSFER-2012 O'Leary Resource Recove ry C ente r 37 Queen Crty Transfer Station 6014-TRANSFER-3009 6037-TP-7020 Greenway Recycling of North Meck, LLC 1.101 Highway 49 C&D Landfill & Recycling Careen 1306-CDLF-7000 6037,TP-7020 Greenway Recycling of Noah Meck LLC B76 Mining Road Landfill U017B-CDLF- 6038-TRANSFER-7070 South Charlotte Transfer 5iauon 134.919 Chambers Development of North Carolina, 10403-MSWLF-701.0 6038-TRANSFER--2070 South Charlotte Transfer Station 7.694 Richland Landfill, Inc. SAC U00H-P' SWLF- 6207MRF-MWP- Uwharrie Envaronmentat MRF 2.837 GDS Recycling Services 1805-TRANSFER-3001 6207MRF-MWP, Uwharrie Environmental MRF 128 Sonoce Recycling 6207MRF-MWP- Uvwharric Environmental MRF 58 D H Grrffin Wrecking Co Inc Recovery 6707MRF-MWPI• Uwharrie Environmental MRF 6 Electronic Recycrers Electronics 6307-TRANSFER-1994 Uwharrie Env IndMoore Cty Transfer Station 55.707 Uwharrie Env. Reg. Landfill 6204-M5WLF-1995 6405TJRANSFER-2001 Rocky Mount, City of Transfer Station #2 34.262 East Carolina Regional Landfill 0803-M5WLF-1993 640ST•TRANSFER•2001 rocky Mount, City of Transfer Station 42 2.322 Sonoco Recycling 6504.11VVP-2016 New Hanover County Matenals Recovery & Recy 2.175 New Hanover County Landfill 6504-MSWLF-2017 6717•TRANSFER-7016 Folkstone C&D Recycling Collection/Transfer Stat 72,979 Maysville C&D Recycling & Recovery Facility 5282-TP-7012 6903TJRANSFER-1993 Pamlico County Transfer Station 16.987 CRS MA - Long Term Regronal Landfill 2509-MSWLF-199-9 7003T,TR-ANSFER-1994 Pasquotank County Transfer 5taaon 27.4-43 Atlantic Waste Disposal Inc VA U0039-MSWLF- 7003T•TRANSFER-1994 Pasquotank County Transfer Station 767 East Carolrna Regional Landfill 0803-MSWLF-1993 7003T• R-ANSFER-1994 Pa5cluotank County Transfer Station 61 Brunswick Waste Management Fad Iity LLC U0024-MSWLF• 3701Page Permit # 7003T•TRANSFER- 19'94 fiiFl� � � 1r �1 � 1ti y q :� C1wL•! 7103TJRANSFER- 1990 7 202T-TRANSFER-1995 7202T,TRANSFER- 1995 7202T•TRANSFER- 1995 Facility Pasquotank County Transfer Station PasquotankCounry Transfer Station Pender Count} Transfer Station Perquimans-Chowan-Gates Transfer Perqumans -Chowan,Gates Transfer Pe rq uimans-Chowan-Gates Tra nsfe r 7202T•TRAN5FER-1995 Pe rq uirnans-Chowan-Gates Transfe r 7202T•TRANSF ER-1995 Pe rq uimans-Chowan-Gates Transfe r 7202TJRANSFER-1995 Perquimans-Chowan-Gates Transfer 7202TJRANSFER- 1995 Perquimans -Chowan-Gates Transfer 7404-MWP-2016 Pitt County Materials Recovery & Kecycling Facilit 7404T-MWP• 1996 PFCt County Transfer Station 7404T, MWP-1996 Pitt County Transfer Station 7404T•MWP-1996 Prrt County Transfer Station 7404T-MVVP-1996 Pitt County Transfer Station 7404T•MWP• 1996 Prrt -County Transfer Station 7406T•TRAN5FER-2001 EJE Recycling Transfer Station 7504TJRANSFER-2005 Polk County Transfer Station 7605T•TRANSFER-2002 Asheboro, City & Recycling/SW Transfer Station 7605TJRANSFER-2002 Asheboro, City of Recycling/SW Transfer Station 7606-TP-2021 Wall Recycling Facility 7703TJRANSFER- 1994 Richmond County Transfer Facility 7703T,TRANSFER- 1994 Richmond County Transfer Facility 7703T•TRANSFER- 1994 Richmond County Transfer Facility 7703T•TRAN5FER-1994 Richmond County Transfer Facility 7703T•TRANSFER-1994 Richmond -aunty Transfer Facility 7703T•TRANSFER-1994 Richmond County Transfer Facility 7703T•TRANSFER-1994 Richmond Counry Transfer Facility 7703TJRAN5FER-1994 Richmond Counry Transfer Facility 7902TJRANSFER- 1991 Rockingham CountyTransfer Facility 2021-2022 Disposal Destination Permit A 15 Empire Recycling of Morgan's Corner Recycling 8 Hi -Tech Recycling & Sales Recovery 30,056 Sampson -County Disposal, LLC 8202-MSWLF-2000 26.811 East Carolina Environmencal regional Landfill East Carolina Regional L 654 Central Carolina Tire Processing 4308-TIRETP. 521 SIMS Metal Management 481 RDS 116 Strategrc Materials 78 Chowan Metal 35 American Greenz 29573 C & D Landfill Inc 120 525 East Carolina Regional Landfill 6,1370 Craven Wood Energy 3,636 NC Mulch 3,528 Central Carolina Tire Monofill 01111151 2%474 24,342 13,464 349 20,821 35,251 889 186 182 65 30 10 7,175 Craven Ag Service Composr Facility East Carolina Regional Landfill Union County Landfill Upsrare Reg LF SC Great Oak Landfill North Davidson Recycle Wall Recycling CDLF Uwharrre Env- Reg- Landfill Central Carolina Tire Processing Crass Creek Meral Scrap Metal Recycl ing Glass Metal Electroncis 7407-CDLF- 2009 ltfs€11k3QI? *J12111P.91«! Recovery Mulch 4304-TI RE LF - 199 2 2514-COMPOST-2014 0803-M5WLF-1993 1-100413•14SWLF- 7607- M S LF- 2015 Recycling 76 06-CDLF-2021 6204-M5WLF-1995 4308-TIRETP- Mctal Uwharrre Environmental Recycling Oil Mill Salragc Recyclers, Inr: Metals Heritage Crysral -lean, LLC Recyclings Southern Environmental Solutions of the Car Recovery Green Energy Non Permitted Rockingham County Landfill 7904-M5WLF-1995 371 IPage Permit # Facility 2021-2022 Disposal Destination Permit # 7903T•TRANSF ER- 1991 Eden, City of Transfer Station 6.784 Rockingham County Landfill 7904-MS LF• 1995 8004T•TRANSFER-1995 East Spencer Waste Transfer Facility 45,178 Great Oak Landfill 7607-M5WLF-7015 8004T•TRANSFER-1995 Easy Spencer Waste Transfer Facility 733 Winston-Salem Recycle Center Recycling 8104TJRANSFER- 1998 Rutherford County Transfer Station 48.140 Foothills Environmental Landfill 1403-MSWLF• 199B 8307T•TRANSFER-1"7 Scotland County Transfer Station 30,690 Uwharrie Env. Reg. Landfill 6204-MSWLF-1995 8707T,TRANSFER- Swain County Transfer Facility 9.313 R & B Landfill GA L10038-MSWLF- 9005T-TRANSFER- 1999 Union County Transfer Stauon 152,928 Chambers Development of North Carolina, 10403-M5WLF-70t0 9014JRANSFER-2014 Waste Connecooris Monroe Transfer Station 103.715 Chambers Development of Norr_h Carolina, 10403-MSWLF•2010 90t4-TRANSFER-2014 Waste Connections Monroe Transfer Station 4,501' ReCommunrty Republic MRF Recycling 9107T•TRANSFER-1997 Vance County Transfer Sration 49,616 Upper Piedmont Regional Landfill 7304-MSWLF-1997 9211 T-TRANSF ER- 1990 Cary, Town of Transfer Station t,622 Wake County South Wake MSVYLF 9272-MSWLF-7008 921 ST•TRANSF ER- 1994 Waste Management Of Raleigh?Durham Transfer 13,535 Great Oak Landfill 7607-MSWLF-7015 9217-TRANSFER-1994 WI Garner Transfer Station 39,404 Sampson County Disposal, LLC 8202-MSWLF-2000 9224•MWP•2012 Wake Reclamation, LLC 41.307 Brownfield Road C&D Landfill 9231 •CDLF-7012 9727T.TRANSFER-2012 Thornton Road Mixed Waste Transfer and Recycl 59,712 Upper Piedmont Regional Landfill 7304-M5WLF-1997 9727T•TRANSFER-2012 Thornton Road Mixed Waste Transfer and Recycl 87 Wake County South Wake MSWLF 9272-MSWLF•7008 9227T.TRANSFER-2012 Thornton Road Mixed Waste Transfer and Recycl 74 Brunswick Waste Management Facility LLC U0024-MSWLF, 9233T•TRANSFER-2008 Raleigh, City of East Wake Transfer 5cation 354,762 Wake County South Wake MSWLF 9277-MSWLF•7008 9734-TRANSFER-2012 Durant Road Transfer Station 38,582 Brownfield Road C&D Landfill 9231-CDLF-2012 9237T,TRANSFER-2070 Caprrol Waste Transfer, LLC 30.088 Shotwell Landfill, Inc 9276-CDLFa7020 9240-MWP-2017 Apex - Wall Recycling, LLC 45,768 Red Rock Disposal C&D Landfill 9278-CDLF-2001 9241-TRANSFER-2070 Morrisville Transfer Station, LLC 49,710 Shatwell Landfill. Inc 9276-CDLF-7020 9241-TRANSFER-2020 Morrisville Transfer Station, LLC 12,592 Upper Piedmont Regional Landfrll 7304-NSWLF.1947 9741 •TRANSFER-2D70 Morrisville Transfer Station, LLC 11.005 Red Rock Disposal C&D Landfill 9278-CDLF-7001 9241 •TRANSFER-2070 Morrisville Transfer Station, LLC 7.802 Brownfield Road C&D Landfill 9231-CDLF-7012 9741 •TRANSFER-2070 Morrisville Transfer Station. LLC 1,754 Lunet►burg County Sanitary Lf VA U0127-14SWLF- 9247-MWP-2020 Wall Recycling - Garner Road 71,155 Brownfield Road C&D Landfill 9231-CDLF-7012 9247-TRANSFER-2070 Wall Recycling - Garner Road 23,102 Upper Piedmont Regional Landfill 7304-MSWLF• 1997 9302T•TRANSFER-1995 Warren County Transfer Station 7,609 Brunswick Waste Management Facility LLC L10024-MSWLF• 9307T•TRANSFER-1995 Warren County Transfer Stauon 1,050 Vance County Transfer Stauon 9107T-TRANSFER.1997 3721Page Permit # facility 2021-2022 Disposal Destination Permit # 9503TJRANSFER-1996 Watauga Co Transfer Facility 50.873 Eco-Safe Landfill Thl U01 1 B,MSWLF• 9607TJRANSFER-1997 Goldsboro, City of Transfer 5tauon 12,500 Warne County Landfill 9606-MSWLF• 1998 9607T.TRANSFER-1997 Goldsboro. City of Transfer Station 75t Sonoco Recycling Recycling 9808TJRANSFER-7000 Black Creek Road Transfer 5ratian 142.780 Sampson Cauncy Disposal, LLC 8202-MSWLF•7000 9808TJRANSFER-7000 Black Creek Road Transfer Station 1.878 Sonoco Recycling Recycling 9903TJRANSFER-1994 Yadktn County Transfer Facility 60.616 Foothrlls Environmental Landfill 140 3 - M SWLF- 199B U0045-TRANS- Fort Mill Transfer Station SC #453323-6001 172.B74 BFI-Charlotte Mtr Speedway Landfill V 1304-MSWLF-1992 U0045-TRAINS- Fort Mill Transfer Station SC ;tM53373-6001 8.733 Lake Norman Landfill 5504- CDLF- 19911 U0107•TRANS- First Piedmont Corporation Ringgold Transfer Sta l I ,053 Upper Piedmont Reg Landfill 7304-MSVWLF-1997 Total 6.048.828 AtlrrdL Os begriming with -LJ- reppesent out -of stoze facdAves 3731Page P. Recycling and Solid Waste Management Report for Highway Construction, Maintenance Projects and Office Products. FY 2021-2022 North Carolina Department of Transportation Materiels and Tests Unit 4 Resource Conservation Program Recycling and Solid Waste Management report For Highway Construction, Maintenance Projects, and Office Products State Fiscal Year2021-2022 For more information regarding this report, please can tart: Steven 1_ 6olyard at919-329.4601 or sibolyardOncdotgov 3741Page "N.N o rth Carol ina lie p artment o F'Transportati o n M ate ruts a n d Tests girt a, " Resource Co ns ervatimi Program INTRODUCTION Th is report is a summo ry of th e r ecycling and solid waste management a fforts cn hig hway construction and rri ain to nance p rojeots wi th in the North Carol ina Departmen C of Tra nsporta tion (IBC DOT) for Stake Fiscal Year (Fly) 2M (J my 1, 2021 - Flu ne 30, 202 2 ) as required by MG General Statue (G.S.) 13B-28.8(g) and G _S_ 130A.309.14(3 ). These statutes mandate that the Department prepare an annual report on the amGunts and types -of recycled rna teri als specified or u sped in construction and rna.in tenan ce projects dub ng the preuiou s skate riscal area r a nd review of bid proccedu res, re specUvely. The types of recycled materials in ccrporated in to this report would rcut3nely con to bute to the cunsu mer and i ndu stria I waste streams if not reused?recycled. compounding the problem of decl ini ng space i n landfill s_ and resou roes. Efforts to u ti line recycled a nd solid waste maker i a Is are in respon se to the reg uirements mof G. S 136-28.8 (b ) Which m and ates th a Departm en t o s,e recycled matena Is In highway projects. where possi ble. All appl Icatlons of recycled materials are to be consisten 1. With economic feasi bil ityr. appli-a We engi neenng a nd en ui ronrnental quali.ty stands rds. I n add ition. the Departrn ent ountin ues to ccmpl yr with C ha Ater 136 of the Genera I Statues to encou rage the pu r chase or u s,e of reusable, re fi Ila ble. repaira ble. more du rabl e, a nd less tonic supplies, and products. I n addi tion to recycled recyclable maton als from Npa rtment construction 8 na main to nan ce actin Ines, this report al so oontai ns informatio n regn rding common recyclable i temp such as g lass, plasti cs. al umin um ca ns, office paper. etc. that were previousl Y reported separatel yr. Requi rements f or the su bmiasion of th is office a nd rest a;ea data are required by G.S. 13OA-300.07 thrflUgh 309.14, G.S. 14MB_2(Q, and Executive finder 156. One new component that is nGW being included in thiis annual report is the addition of recycfi ng data from the NCIDOT Roadside Environmental U nirs (REU) Litter Cleanup Programs. There are a total of five programs that remove both litter and recyclable materials that are oollected along the Right -of -Way of Various NC CBOT roadways every year- Only the recycled portion of which is being reported here. RESEARC H NGDOT is Conlin uou sl y Iookl ng for new a nd in nova tine ways to reuse M atena Is, reduce waste, recycle u sed prod ucts, and use products oo rnprrsed of recycled content. To imprvwe the types of maten als recycl ed, their qu antities, aad i m prove ove rail ay.uracy of data oollection. the Resource Conservation Frog rare (RC P) En€gi neer has been seeki n€g fund ing vppvrtun ities fof new research ideas_ However, due to recent events rega rding the COVI D-1-9 situation and cu rrent funding Iimi totians, fu rther pursuit of th is proposed research project has been puI on hold. The FRCP Engineer will cunklnue to evaluate possible changes to the composition of the recycled material data oullected without a forma I research projer.C_ 3751Page �`" No rth Carol ina lie partm-ent of 1'ranspartati o n Materials a Il d 'rests Unit NIP Resource Conservation Program BID PROCEDURE REVIEW The Department continues to review bidding procedureu and processes yearly to encourag a th a pUFcha and u se -of recycled a nd reusable products and practices in construction and ma intenance projects. Section 104.13 of the N C DO T Standard Specifications for Roads -and Slruclure5 encourages ContractVfs to not only{ use recycled or solid waste matenaIs in their projects, but also allows them the opportunity to Inrtrate and develop the use of recycled products and construction methods that p-romotes su sta ina tail ity+. F u rthexrnore. the contractor is required to report the use of recycled m a Lena Is by Ju ly 1 s� each area r. DATA COLLECTION All offices sut�mitted data for this report via an onllne webform. The online vwebform is separated into two sechGns, one f-of the-Constrdction and maintenance" data, and one for "DOTIDLI } Offices and Rest Areas' -data (formerly the "3R Report" )- The totality -of data included in [his report comes ficrn three sep.aiate sources: 1. HiOAM C (H ighway Con struction and Matenals System) oa to base. 2. Vaoous NCDOT Offices (entered in a SnarePolint form), an❑ 3. NCC OT Roadside En won mental Units Li [ter Cleanup Progra ms The data reported in Table 1 From HICAMS is denoted by an asterisk (*). HpCAMS is NCD DT's mai n repository of project and ma terial I evel I nforrnatdon. The "I CAM information, howeaet, is not conclusive, as manor county maiMena nce project materials ate not included- The onl i ne data collection form th at wa s i m plemeAted i n FY 2017 was adjusted to collect these materials that would ri-ot Itaditlori ally he found in H iCAMS- Con tractor data repor4n-9 ounbr1 ues to be an area in which the RCP Eng ineet is VWorki ng ce additional metriods to increa rnpliance. NCDOT Standard Specification Section 1 -13 states th a t con tractors a re to report the g uan Li Li e:5 of reused or recycled matena Is For each con track and any prachce that m ini m iaed the environmen to I impacts by .J my 1 s' each year, but the reporting respon se r a le remai ns low - The data reported in Table 1 are al I rcun ded aovwn to the nea r est whol a number for each item. Several important paints regarding data collection need to ue made fcs clarification ano consistency purposes: 1. Th is is th a fi rst year that Recl aimed Aspaa It Pavement (RAF' 1 quantities and Recl aimed Asphs It Slii ngles (RAS ) quantities are being reported as one item- Th is is necessary si nce cna n9es were mad e to N C DOT'S H ICAMS do to base tha t now requi re the corn b in ed reporting of these two con s ti Luents. 2. The glass beads (Section 5 ) contai ned i n paaernent ma rkings Ca n clime from recycled scurces. however the exact percentage and guaAhty is not Vompletely known. Therefore, the entire quantity -of glass beads is currently listed as a recycled1recyc lable product. 3. The Plastics section (Section 6) includes products that contain recycled components and products that could be recycled in the future- The plastic pipe _76Page `sfq `'\ North Carolina Department of Transportati on Matp. ria ER an d 'Tprtc I In it .. Resource Conservation Program ovrnponent. Is oomposed of all dimensions and compoKsitions of plastic plpe- The exact amount of recycled pl stir- and recyclable pla56c can not be determined given the limited amount of data present. Therefore, all plastic pipe types and sizes were combined in a single oaitepry_ 4. The Metals section (Section 8) is presUrned to be composed of steel. However. various grades and types of steels are me lulled, and our office cannot verify that th is section d ues not ind ude other meta Is such as Alurnlnu rn- F urtherrnore. the matena Is listed do not specify a recycled content amou nt- The malerl-als are included as a product that vAIJ be, or oould be recycled in the future, and one that r-ontains an unknown quantity of recycled meta Is presently. It is ther&ure included as both a recyclable product and a recycled prcduct- 5. Scrap rnelal i•s listed as one I ine item in Section 8, Some of the scraps are presu med to be recycled gun rdrai I, sheet p ile s. and pipes, but their ind 1-rid uAl qua ntities c annct be determi ned at th is ti me. 6. Section 3 (Goal C om bUslion Products) con Iai ns Ry Ash q uan ti ties that a re derived from H!CAMS, but do not currently include those quantities that are Incl uded in concrete mix dosig ns, and an y that may be conta ined in pre -cast concrete pipes or structural elements - Table 1: hlOOOT Rocycl ad -Prod acts & Sci id Wasle Ut ilJzat on in Construction & 1�1jr}Inrctiei�`n Qrn��r•L� P rDdu ct Cat -ego r-N J Des GnpltUn Qua"Liii v Unit of Measure 1-As haK: Reulaimsd Asphalt PaYern. snl ?RAP' 1,975,724 • Tom. R-9daimt-d As halt Shingles RA51 2-Or artict: NtuV- i wood 22,955 Cu laic Yards Mu" ram ulr-h 7,275 Bale s Earth?uatl Fill not for o ost 54,0113 Toni VegetativEr B bris not for c 43 Tans $ip Fe-nce P6sts 8,570 Each Scrap MoiY1LumhWn1e5JPDS1s 618 Tun: 1Mb01F Pailais 25 Each Sign Poets 2,282 Each 3 It Cambusti on PrDiJu cis: ;:iv Asn so T on-2 Recycled Eanc:rele 3 -233,178 T on=_ Glass Beads 7.H8 T uns GAS sdta: Plastic Gua rdrai I Off set Noc.ks 273,219 Each Plastic Pt All Types arml Sizes IM,255 Linear Feat Type ill BaTriradas 30,3131 Linear FeeL �-R�trtrer: Fre Sidewak A 65.9:40 Each 3771Page North Carolina Departmi`nt of Transportation Materiaks and 'r-csts tlnit Resource Conservation Program �', 41 MiscellanEmus Rubber 27 Terns B4'igr I& SLoel Boa ms 851 Each Si al Heads %49 Ear,t- Scra U61ai 5BB Tan i Cebae Guidwail 398,561 Li near r r_ t' Guardrall 31d:5,491 Linear t,_ E I I)s Ls 45,051 Each Si r. 44 Tom: SheeL Piles 33 Tan== 94 Iftur: Com in led I Lams 37 1 Tan Data puAmL' from KCAMS ,is of 9fr3f2072 f �`] Data pvAfiq J Pm MCAMS and ecua-ibimO with dat.Yr-spo rdd by NCDOT PmW 016Css on 912S 2022 The data reported in Table 2 are all rou nded down ko the nearest Whole number for each item. Several offices and rest areas report their recycling report data as com ingleb recycling_ As Such, it is not possible to determine the quanhhes of each constituent matcria 1. a nd therefore 8 '•com ing led r produd line in Jisled in Table 2. Table 2: NCDOT Recyc I ad Materials from NCDOT Cr ficos and Rest Amos PtOdUtC Categ cry 0tiaTV Khj U n ii of Measure •JLFira Papm 55,443 Fminds rtiJuminur'n Cans 1+4,219 Pounds alasbc- aod,a;Drunk 9fa1tk:L 21,3+44 Pounds Plastic - Other than Bottic-_ 26,743 Pounds Glass 430HUis 7,424 Pwnds Cardboaffd 214.130 Pounds Fluorescent Light Bulbs 365 Each. Applianoes Venous 6 Each Toner C-arlrid B42 Each Pelr� ProduclA 14,242 Gallons Pes dde Containers 1,255 Each Baulmila5 29,M9, Pounds Cormn led R lirrg 29,752 Pounds The total weight of office and rest area recycling Is 3-98,624 pounds. This total does not Intl ude I terns for which the unit of measu re for a recycled items was I isted as ea ch or gallon. Table 3 contains the reported recy-Ang data From the NCDOT Roadside Environments I Uni is various li tt,er cleanu p prog rams. 3781Page N o rth Carol ina Department of Trans ports d o n- M ate rials a n d Tests U n it Resource Conservation Program Table 3: -Com i n g Iiod Rocyc EIng front MC a OT Reatssid a En wiron niv ntal to nit' S Litter MU P rag ram Qua raw lhs.I Ado r-A-Hi hwa ''; .255 Cantraded Removal 145,410 NCDOT Personnel 21.1-05 8pcinsw-A-Hbqhway' 7Q.925 OIh-ar 2.895 TOTAI 427,590 FUTURE PLANNED WORK Future data collection and reporting efforhs VAII Include several updates to th-e current date col lection and rap-orting formals. These planned ohanges include: * Adding charts and graphs of the past several reports' r ohnq tcotaIs to depict recycling trends in such products over time * A sapara tion Into three d Istlnct tables of the following product cslegones: c P roduola ourreriffy recycled by NCDOT Recyclable products that Carrfcou Id be: recycled in the future a Pt-Oduots wha-,h Were recycled by other entities in conjunction with NCDOT projects Modifftng the data inputs and reporhhg capabilities of the NCDOT HiGAM system to better capture: constituent data, and thereby increasing the granularity -of date ienaludead in this report. o The Fly-Mh category will be changed to lncor to fly -ash used in all oancrete mixes and pre -cast elernarits a The RAP and RAS will eventually be separated oft into two different constituents Gain o Additional changes may occur to the reporting of regyoled concrete and glass beads consti tuenLs as well 3791Page Q. Department of Administration Environmentally Preferred Purchasing Depanment of Administration ErMrorlmentalhy Pr erred Purchasing S For more information regardmg ibis spoil, please Eonlact David O'Neal, Slate PUrchgsin5 Offlicerand DirecS'orofthe N-C_DTMrasion of Purcha=-eanctContract. =a 494-2S6-0210 or dawid_o-nealfl-�doaanc. gow. The N.f-Departrne4t:oTA,drninistra ao prornoteF the purchaseand Use of 9Ustainable. e5L ciemc suppFies and prodtbct . As the deparrment progresses Yvith Thi-- e'fort, more these praduors are being added to siatewideterm contracts and agency speci6jc term con[racu awarded thraw9h open marls b:ds Forrnarp inforrnacion, visit the Drwisiar, of Purchase and Qbrb-pces webs�te at brans:!?r lirsif��c_goti+,f� avt�oa�diMrsians,<purchas-&-comraa_ SoliftafiGm adwarliwd by the Division to Cmrnply with NC G_S- 130A - 3QV_14(a 1 ) E icis adve&ised In [he TJ.C_ Division of Purchase and Contract contain a Recycling and Source Reduc6on5ecciGn irrshe IrLs-rrucci-Dns'co Bidders. Also, in theSusralnehilrtyrseccion,the 61V1S:On encourage-- bidders To support its sustaima bi4rt ef%rls by requesting bidders to reduce Use of paper and non-rRofdable erernents in their bid submiss;an_VVen deMelop:njla:d ;nvitation language, requirerrrerit and speci5cation=-,purchasers oon[iriL eTo rook at siternative methods and prod ucL2that resuli::n wasteraduc6orr, praCtieality, and casr-effVCkiregE57- Recycling and =ourcereduC{ion irtforrn�[ian prbvFdedby Ehecontrackorsoribid=_ recelvd during the 2Cr21-226scal year indp'EStethe s,is¢a;nable ieaeures or Ana oTthase pmducr_ Sustaicab'PI ry de--crlptic+ns inckide reusable, more durable, enargy efFcierrT, yuaper efraent, wa5hab4e, used, refillable, reparable, refurbishedfrebuiIt, les=_+ c, longeraast;ng, and racydable_ Table I I!Tmthe IPS purchase awards by the #ype and dollar amourvts awarded by t'n: N C. Chvision of Pun:hase•and Contract Table- 1 rP3 PUrctrase try bli) Type Number or Awarls by B'ld Type Pert erYtage oiAtivards by NO Type Award Doi Iars by Bid Type Pe—ozntage of Award Do liarti�y Bid Type AgencV RFP [Including Services 52 9% S508,S62,974.95 43% contractuaI Soviae 2 <1% SI,765,90Ei.75 <1% Opm Market Pumhasc 3SF 6 S6,412,341.55 1% Purtnasefrorn Quote 74 I 531,493,05E1.0.2 3% Sate TErm Contract 20 5% $292,483,209.S7 25% Wavier of C.ampedi3on 494 75% $348,811569.44 29% Grand TDtai w lobe 1,1H%849,445.59 100% 3801Page i r F_3 uit"Lilp t C • 1' 1 . 1 NC. C Praattrerrnerd 0 Your SoMce Department of Admin1s abon Envi ronmentaNy Preferred Purcbasing As of February 13th, 202a, the enterprise-wid-e•sy Ewm has 97tu75 registered vendors, 133 Ariba Sayi rrg Users, 25 Ariba contract users and 25 Ariba SqurcMg users who represent 133 ertititi es acmes the Slaw. This includes stake agenoes, hQspi_a and 161mitutions, communky colleges, K-12 public ==Chao' universities, and local goverhrner+ts. NC ePra--urement tohdrlUes ba contribute to a sLr=-taanable environmentthmugh signiFlEant reducti.Dns in hard copy document repraducti.Dn (Pape{. print-ers, and supplies] by-ltilixing electronicbwsiness[ransactionsand elecrron[cdoc,rrnemts_ NC ePra=urerngnt also continuesto support Srta priorrtiesibr eovi+nonrnentally preferable Products yM' n over 9,527=atalag Fte =,dearly marked as' Racyded" afthe total 351?,45' {atalorg items. Prtrchasing Cnrrolance Revievn Noah Carolina Adminimi-alive Coda (61 KfCAC GE .1605) mandates that th,a Division of Purchase � Contract (p&Qconduct cornpl sn=revi s on purchasing practices of all state agencies �deparcments, Irvvitutians, hosphars, conhrnunitycotleges_ and universities) - All Compliance re-Oevs, except univer===_i es, are cor+ducted using dma frartf the NC f=-PmEUrement systern. Electronic data reduces the necesBtty of conducting most Qhases oftJ7e analysis on -site, aherebg increasing efnciii�rrcy as well as reduang travel costs fuel emjs5iorra and operating expen=-es. In addition, arl F&C camplianc!afles are mairttainEd e'ewon+fatly, improving sustainab i1it~y_ r W14 11L.;Jd.F4_ r. Cr_d.+ 1 The Division of Purchase & Contracr'3 {p&q ado. =atibn prflgrams _nffe r North Caro I -Ina p ub.11 C prtCWremertpersonnelznd contract adminis€ratorsthe sUbnecefsaryto carry out theirdutier efFic:erdy and 2fFectively. The classes are orfere d free of charge. 1' ke an ly Costs +nrurred by North Ciaroiina agencies anatra�ted-related expenses. To mini m'LZC- irnpaCt 4o aganr=y business operc—oona anor travel -related axpense=, the classes are tiered regionaNythroughoutthe stare. NC E-procurement web -based trainings are also wairlable for thcze_ who are Un-Bble to travei. 0Veralil, R&C's training program prepares purchasers avras3 the st34ato rEcog-nine a -rid se-ek out cppertunities to provide reused, recycled, and sustainable items to sa4sFy the state's needs. In its mntinued commitment to efficiency. the Eiivlr4on of purcha==-e and Contract will merge funCtiena" of the zwTent gjE IPS- and NC BIDS sy-cemE into Grip efFaent pWtform#o eptimizethe way staw purchasers and vendor=- do business_ Among other improved functi arcs, tine na`w &a wilt increase trarsFarenry ttlrough enhanced public Venda* searCh featuFes, ran solidat,e-rendar arccaunr data, aLrtamate bidioomract - Kten===ion postingsv and strear+tiirle HUB and NCSBE certification procOsses_ StAIMW40 Term CDmads As axis6ng term zontracks are re -bid and navy terra Con#rafts are devetop,ed, the —Ute Division of Purr_ ease and Contract continues to improve cortracu by offering a wide range of sustainable or e?nvironmentall+y friendly prrducts. PecyclA content is erncouraged pursuant to G_S. 143-58.2_ Exampres of the sUsiainabae Feai7..rres of rheseterm cvrfsa=-aria listed,W=iow. - Cnrrecji Xh-En aprise ProdLoct!�, 001A -f3is, Lubrkmr� Creases, and ArFdfieaze - Correction Enterprise offer= syrnthe7Cand syntn26z: haend Iuhricanrchoice=. Syrnthe6cIubricantsare tongar-lasting then conventional ones. JJnder this 1-Urrtract, the Tollowing $pathetic I ubticanU 381 IPage Deparliment of Admini.sLT-a#ion Environmentally PreFerred Purchasing �j wera purchased= 5yrrthetic blend rnovr oil, _vrrthetjc Inowr oil, synthetic gear CFI pant. syntheti� autor ia6c transm issicn fl uid, ai-6 reexe and synthetic grease- As biodee radabke lubricants are better f+3r the environment, the Fall -ow -mg types were pUrchased= bar & c wim all, two--yde oil, hydraulic oil and tractor traasinissiori fluid. 5eweral fluids are also awailalal9 ih b;c:- syrr6 3tic formu4atkons: two---rde a'l, rnotor of 1, hyd raulic of l and marina oil- State Surplu` Propeny disposes of was<e o>1 and arc freeze Cruder contract. it Ram Barrels - These rain ba rrels are mad a from recydeb pidds barrels. ■ Ri-11phokfiny Semi=- ReEoviaring ruirri ure prolongs its eeT%mce life, = FrVAC Air F &ere. 031A- f ndQd-surFace and eleExrostatically-enfia„r=ed fiN--r offerings result rn 1•:--ower HVAC pressure drop, resuWng in Mess energy use, Emended -surface Flters-lso last mLech looseri0antraditional parcel fifers. = Ai MwFKAi ►e, hvh+sftel PLm and SupPies� U60A- *me products ;rich, dP d have rer=yded rr}ateriat=- y,�rth 10 percer+t-20 ptrcert post-consuME3 mnter+t- acge Gaiucrkm, 06M • TVp;c.�il lead -acid bd[terie{ contain 60 - 190% recycl ed lea d and pqas;i c, accord ing the EPA Eh buery cars- s (sFent batter,eS} arc consider-d an enMrronmental hazard (G.S- I30A�309. 70 proh ibits the landfil ling or ii-&i ru�ratjcn of lead -acid b=erie-c) znd are atherwuFse exp ensive to properly re move- AN State ager6es are rEq U iced tc d,sp,Ds'e of L.attery cores tind er 3 =-aparate battery recycl E contract � LABO82714] ad mir i37e red by the State SLrplus prcperry Agency. VeWEM; a70,iQ- P�_-rthe Steel Recycling InstituiiE, 66% of a typical vehicle ;s meel or irorr. Of [ha# peel or 'Fun, 25% oFthe shell of aviahide is recycled rrraterial. Neady T00% of the steel and iron of a retired vehi d e is recycled- T#tie current can Tract foeusr--- on prom ding Fue I-EFIcient VeNtl!s,Whilt al=o reducing rvssil-fweI reliancethrotighalteRrlati'refue4sjE8S ethanol Flex-ftirelr CNG ovrngressed natura,l gas, LPG liquefied petroleum gas {propane), AFV gasolinehelecbrit= MybritiE, aNflectric, 1120 biDd'Lesel), and meeting strict emissions standards. ■ Cars: All netier'ar made Is �2017-20 2j q.as- yodel se-dans are "I rider oom pacts ar m'hd-sued, witf, DOCIFLNivr EB`---apable orCNGAPG-Eapebte en-qines (FDrd f r-FJs, Ford Fusion). AE=_o avaalebGe are hybrids (Evrd !�4" l; hevraiet Valt). Gas model ernFssions are rated LlLEV II lultra-Iow-ernissicn Me�ricle�. ■ 5UVs: All newer mod el= (M 7-2022) have an option far CN17-1I-PG-capable engines and include a 4-cyli rider crotsower (Dodge Joum-Fy) and a "i rider mid,siae (fkssan Path9rrder)- Ga=- model emissions- are rated ULEV I I {uktra-law-errvssion Vehaete}. Vaxw Ftassenger trahs all hatire an option for C'ING�LPG-capable engines and irdUde a 4-cyl inde r compact {U dgz Ca rawan ). pl ar_ f, klf fzi� 6—cyfrnder mo-dAs wich E65-capab4e gnJrti -a ( Ford Transit Wagon, roFd TransR 150� Cargo vans alsq all have ar5 cipbGn for 1LPG-capable engines and indude a cylinder compact �Nissari NV200) with an ern:ss+ars+sang ofSULEV II l!sup3�Fu1sra-Iow---m1ss:on Mek+icle), plr,sfull size6-cylfinder models with E$5-capable engines (Ford Transit 250, Fond Transit 35% The cube van 31so has an op#inn o-r n MGfLPG-capable err9ine. The mob-PIrgr van for- wheetchair trar+sp�rt has an EE5-cap3ble ertigihe, w;t an option for a CNGAPG-capable anginc, 3821Page Department of AdfnInistraiaon Frsvi ron men tally Preferred Parch-aseng r# hlMmmn+A L-oFor rnct r Pi&-upvnjwks. T#resetn.rd-- include a &-ryHnder{{Ford F156]. or J3-cylinders with an option far, ultra -law sulfur or UO fuel capabirity (Fc?rd F250, Ford F3,5% All pick-ups have a+n eptian for C;NGfL-PG-rapa6e ersgirnr---. Gas model ernrssiens are raped LE1f LI �Ibw-a mission vehicl��. + Lmw 2drwioa em Vu4 idlm: Requi 6 mq mane povw-r Tor pursuit purposes, there as stlrl a b-cylinder sedan and a 6-cylinder SUV, in additiar7 to 13-cylind& models, TheirEare aptiarks for l=$5{opalale-or CNCVLPCrcapabJe engines. Gas rnodel em+ssions are raked ULEV II il Ultra -I ow-emisaior+ vehi chL ■ Cab and Ch'si�-. Tnxksi 07DE: Most pasol ine ve^:4ons may be p urcha--D--d as di-e-Sls with ultra - tow sulfur aF- f21) fuel capability. and al I versi arts have an olnbDri far a CNC/LPGcapable engime, C,a=_ madeos{ emir=ions are raced LEV MI �Iouo-erra=lion veiricle� A convehtionil cab truck With diesel erredne r$ also available- ■ Type C(Ccimmngrx� Sd cJ and Acivityr &zm% (IllC- Vehid-e$typ;cally =antain Tipp roxi mately 20% posk-consurner recy ;loci material by wei.ght and 80 peroer t of the vehicle by wei.9ltit is recovered for muse. Use-d sch ua l Lutes ar= Usually sol d tar are used for spare Pa its (the Department of Public In-Irucrion, TransportatiorT Services Section Gsts t,=-Ed school buses far sane on d eir weh5ite)_ Thera is an option to have a p r43pane-p veered engine. • Uffity, Tmn4wiffuriDu $c GcPF Vehicles & Rebwd rfhna=iiiiiies, E*y,k Pam and sen-231T; OMG These contracts cover an as=-ortrnert of eJectri c vehid}e§, all of w6ch are quiet and release no emiss,on=- = i low Cc vcrin s and rnstallatioFm Services, 360A- Recycled err recyciablie contents regiimd by the carpet covered yuithin the r�yl-pm carpet $pacification = PmFww-4113A- gropana'rstl-,e th rci most pupuaar vEhidsfuel :nthe world. It is p{odueed as a by-p(oduet of p-mulourn ref;rtinq or natural ga=- processrmg, w• + abo,n 90%ofthe US sLip pEy prodtii-Ed dorrrestieally- Pnapane is a cleaner. and &Lmperfuel than tha Din iartym, with a �gher-octane ratirig. • QnosL4, 405E - This contra CZ covers biodiesei � B20) and i,Itra-love-Frifut diesel � U LSD � 12. E120 bl ended fuel oantaiFls b0% diesel fuel and 2G% virg,'n soy or reprocessed Vegetable nil. resuktim9 in a reducti on c%F crude qrl cnrlsum ptian. Compared to regular diesel, fill} biodiesel reducers emissiDns aS fo4ows= unhumed hydrocarbons - %, .=arbon mon ox;de - 12%. PS rticulate matter- 12%. Nearly 2 bi Ili on gallons of hiodiesel we re produced in the U. S. �m 2015- Ultra -tow sulf�,r diesel has 'Ira parts per m4li-on Rp'm} of suFiur content compared to 540 parts per million suaFif canter}t of the diesel pused in the past, resPiating )n less black sodt and srnel I. Addixi,)nal Iyrr use of OLSD enablies the use of advancsd errriss ons control devices that reduce the precursors of axone. • Ga!Pohof, 405C . a .pis ture of gasol ine .and ethanal, the ethane" zoptent redikCES er6ro CIrrs. Under the right oorrd itiors, carbQn m on oxide emis:5rans may bE sad aced by u p to 30%. Ethar,cI is derived from biomass, inducing crop waste chat veaWhi otherwise be daft iri the field. As such, etha nor is a renewable srrergyr source that reduces dependence on fossil fuzjs, El 0 f 10% ethano l) is =Mpatibl a with any ga==-Ol in-- ve hicle. E$S �85% ethanol Is fit flex -fur l vEhi_Ies(FFV) only. 3831Page Emn-ronmen Lally Preferred Purchasing ■ NaturW Gas, 4D5N - OrlgjhalGy an unwanted by-product of profJU�jng ojf, na#tirA gas used to be burned afi at the oii fields if cost-effeciive'trarPspprtat;on for it arras not available_ Today, iz ;s consjd�red a valued cornmicditythat is oFten returned to its resehv�bir for future recapture if Eranspa+xation is PrQblemaizc. Natural _qas produce$ Gees 0"Eiri dioxide Per joule of energy delivered than oil (2 tess) and cozi (44% lessk F urik ire, All Typvs�.42M Contain=- cabinet= wfth lC recycled cofltiertit ivorruga[-ed ❑afdboard boxes contain 5l}% past -consume r waste and are 100% recyclable aFter use_ V&E3 d farnirLdM-mar+Lifacturer=- suppKx t sUstai naJbil Ity through d hTerer+t practices, althQUgh the end prou does not canin rearfled ion#ent b�rt �s made from a renPwa6le source_ PackaQin 'a recycled. blood scraps are turned into- mukh-, blanket wrapping is teed €or shipping and wood 'Ls recycled ro make particleboard. Salad rjood'furviture is aFsta more e. Ergonomic chain, contain rnttal parts and wood seat pen can to disaaserilbled, and recyclyd. Some furniture contains 65% post ConsUMer recycled content. 95% potal recycled oanrem. 4 M- Mahressos comprised of innersprings �hike the tyke used prirnariiy :n ti-ie resjdzrftlal amd hospi aiity bedding i n d ustries) now "cii-re successful eMal uati on to the 16 CFR Part t6?3. the Consurner Prod ucta-re tyrcrmmission'.E new m3ktres flamrnahil testing standard, "Standard for the Flamrr-Fibiljty (Open Flame) of Mattress Sots." Su-lcesJul evaluatjon of prcdUc*s Offered c nyi-roue to require the 15 CrR Part 16a2. Standard for the Flarr*mabifity of Batt nos and Mattress pad=_'{directed toward r-i9are to ignirbon bf manras==-es' The remised speafitatians promG4e increased aaFeky and durabil ircy to extend pry uct We. • Ardptoked Fshm" DefiWkirticws VMJ and Aorem orris; -46I$ - Defl br+l lacers can be redurb:sired and pa a in_q maL-rials can be recyded_ t Phodairls DisftillxAinkirk 475A - lWms vvi4i _f-, were offered under the #allowirxq cont:rac_ are noyo ebvered under this cantrgct baifast= (42-613), Er%ergyaau+ng fdeVoces r426C} Lamps maycanrain up to 65%recycled ^ontenr, ;r;dudingglass and rnemury. Lamp packag;r�g that may contain 7a% recycled eortent- Sorrm oithe lamps are love mercury (TCLP carnpliant), non- haaardaus. Low flaw PI vmbing _ [XtUFaa RIFE DFfeied tc. reduze water consumpti on. flWlla�js- E�edrtan+ctfpes are available that are up to 3 mare energy eifiaem. lam Iarlger, support variable illwmi nation and reduce electramagneti c radikation compared to the abder magnetic o+ies. Electronibc h-aAases odrrtain no. PCBs and can be disposed -on the trash_ reduced product shape and size (form facror) also rninimixes packaging and metal endas„re requirements. ■ LELic�rq-vn[racQ con_�'st#lamp= for caul tigFiiinq, area lightj+�q, dov�nirghts, troffers, and wall packs employing LE[)1ilurninaticil for c-nergy savihtigs_ Packaging is 60% recycled materials_ LED Flluminaxiori uses a-096less unergsy than in=andescenc bulls and lasts lip to 25 times longer. ErmmWSavirtiq Deuicm - Cori#ract intiudes T8 siZL-ta,bularfluorescem retrofit fzits� LED exit signs, LED exit si.9n retrofit kits,.occupan--yhacancy sensors, alectronir dirnenable h;4.msts, And controls. ProJWct� u=-e FE€d ill urn ination and dimmable ballasts For erne" sav~ngs T 4iu4rEscerrt tig�ti n-9 provides hi gher e+tergy effic ie n cy and tess hea: generation than older 7` 2 lighting. 3841Page Department of Admin1sUatjQn ErMtonmentally Preferr Purch-asing Grain FAaivrranae FgiiprneM 22708 - Acrordingi Ro the NC C,eneral Statute 143- $-2, fit Ls *he P o1 icy or thJs State to a nce ura-ge anch promote the purc ase of produ= xYr6 recycled concern and to purchase items that are re-usabla, refillable, repairable, more dgrable and I---- WMEt0 the exterrtt+rat sh-e purchasE or usE ;s p;raictkabte and cost effective. E r;WZ;ndudes, walk hahind products/equipment, mowers and Iawn and garder3 tractor=, hand-held eq-i,pmerrr, tractprs, utility vehicles, goo and turf -equipment, and cither equipment_ This eq-i pment typically cone ins 20% recycled feel and plastic • Lathe & Iklirta NvorkirigWilad-rine, 545A- Var+ous recyclabkecamponertits. ■ F rarrrc Conarol L7Evicesi, 461 ♦ A - Su5tainabl e p rod urt with srnal I ertvironmerrta I irrmpart. P,er-yclad maeenals make up #-D 60% -of tt,e prAuct and 29% of the comperents are rapidlyr renewable materials, primarily frorn pine trees. Other natural resources used come i,om cotmn, sunflowers. and soya. The intermix beads are m3dairom rE-rycl2d glass. • Vehsde Dodkoted & M+uel Propane Cnrrrr rsion I Aco2mwRiesy Fuel h*astructiree and Insudb6cuir IA • This contract enables existing vehicles to be converredfrorrt 10R gas: -line -fueled intod-eaner-burrninq praparre ocnabiral qar-fueled. • OWmzeS Mies, 61&A- Contaihs recycled products, Rernarldfactured Toner Cartridge=- are Refij1@ ble and avz i d being add ed t D tha waste stream- ptastiz pans, recycled copy Paper. Cardboard bacges, for shipiping are made vrith 100% recycled rnaK-rcri�jl�, • N4Auns} BaiihFucxnTtmrne, PaperTawellsamd Ta11et Seat C worm 6'4[)tf't- Cot+taiiti=- 209r50`Xc Post-Cansurner Recycled Content; 1 a0 % Recycled Cortten#. Some Products are Cert�fiL5d, EPA C:-rnpliant, and C*+Iorine t ree- ■ CTiice• Paper, 645A - Comm cis berth I ODS and SD% post cDnsu mer and ctrlori ne free dopy paper - In addition. all Paper on this contrartcontains a renad'n % of recycled products. LDwest_ c.�rbciv footprint iFl alil catie,]orlei of US made carpet tile 3crDrdrng io published EPO data- AgricLhuiral ChE4nimK 675A- Recyr{sble containers are eneowraged van avaiilabhe ■ Arnmurytion and Firearm ti 45M- Brass Shur caur1gs can be saved and recycled, and other sings can be rroloadn=l. • Law Er,§ovue..antVehide Lkyl5m& Irr=dbtiion 5enrkles, 613M -Vendors hired by the end user shall be respor+-�blt for any cost 4direct or indirect} assccrated wkh damage anrd(or -Eleanup of a hazar-dcius substance andlor oil spill caused by the Vendor ❑r their agent. Ill responsibq'% shal I extend to frei ght carriers who wdere hired by the Vendor to deliver the corn mod or servire to -the end user. While an an d user pi-amisei, the Verrdo r shall ca mply with al l local, State and Federal requ nement for the proper trandJing of hazardous substance- and{or gil- Far thepease pfth- 3ecticin, hazardous substances shall be defined as array substance, other than oil. which when diar-harged in any quantity may present an imminent and substantial danger to the public healch, welfare AND/OR -E-nMironrnent Ca:l shalJ tie defined as any oih Qf any kind and in any Form, including bwt speaTically not limited to petroleum, crude oil, dies ail, fuel -oil, asolFne, lubfiCat+Orr�Dil: ail r�efi,se~. rul mixed •nth ot�er waste, aFl sludgia, petroleurn relatedprodutts arby-produEts, and aIt other �1iquid hydrocarbons, regard less 45pzcific gravrtyr, whet4er =ir,g ly a r :n combination with other subskances. In addition, the Vendor agreest-n Irp:lemniFy and+iatdthe emit user harmless against all claims, liabilities, and row, 3851Page Do panmerrt of AdrnInistraticn { *A br�r i i�t+tit Environmentally Preferred Pu rch asirkq including 4ttorrrey's fee-9, incurred in the defiense of any darm brewght agaPMSTthee nd .j=er resuFSnq from such 35 sprli. • ManA i o% Ame = ie% Sofiwae'& Services 185A- Vadous recyrdabile rompanerr�s ■ VeterinagSupp9m & Equipmcra, SfC 675A- post ■nsurnw reeled conxem 8G%and total recycled carYerrt 80 ■ AucJim Visual arxi l'Ftvtxx raphic f qui )rrw nt and Accesyones, SIC B - Packagi mg is recycled- ■ Recydarg services forBecrasric LcltepmeM 7612D • North Cara kna regvirLFs that its r--ryrded el ectron ics not cartri b-ute to trnmff and envi rc nmenta 1?yr dam aging prc.cessing practices- The purpcyse of tF ire con4rart is-ta assist a errcie= in complying wiih th a store's electronic recydinrg regUirernenn (G S, 13OA-aO?.130 Thru _142) by proM'�di-iy recycling =ervlce opktrrs Fnr end -of - Life ele=_-b u-mc eq uipment, In cl ud irrg the rollection, de-manu4acruri ng_ and recyc l ng -f ccwrvpWter-rncnMD:rs, ale'lisrorLsr dEsktbp CPUs. Faptop computers, pnnters, =_carrhers, keyboards and mice, ropy n-kacF%ines, tables, D [:� Flaye-s, VCRs, stereo systems, tape ptayena- Cd players, radios,-tAephnneF, cell phones, readers, network equipment, servers, faK Mack rrEs, eLeczrorric Sames, cabh� :and Yvi re, hEr i rl'es, and oihe;r consumeF el =fkmni Es generated by State of Wrth Ca r€ l ina agencies and other eligible user Bigi Isle contract users indude county aril municipal grnlernmarts, lacal education a_qeririg=r ramrnrvnity collegbs, skate unjvers 6es, Arid =her local public agemQes or acnhoritik---, 5ogw recyded prvduc*= generete.a revenue stream that may tie used to pay for the recyeling of-7ttr-L='r produrts. ■ PrecurernonL Card, 94 A- Cards ara node from rmojrciable plastic. ■ Phannacewkai Returned Goods Piriacessina ` 4M-Verxdor waLl work, wrrF, End Users to I im i-r .4azardoLiE Waste nVien proce=sing returns. ■ Dizx un- em ❑estnctim Serwiaes� 9 -Adl shreddEd mroterials aFe recyclable- * Vehicle Rental Sarviioim� 975B - An-orrg tFe: veh:cLes available ire ca mpa cts, hYbridt, and alternatiwe Fuel vehicles. ■ F rrtPwrs 983A-Vaeiclus heeled pr-oducts, tTsrtzlr aluminUrn. 3861Page Department of Administration isiawa K�� Environmentally Preferred Purchasing 1 ' J Iterns Aiding Waste Redudi m Purchased by Stale ,games through Teem ntract—s and Open Market Purch&w5 he folLgMing items Purrhased tDy state agenc.es rrieett�e sri Eria fur.aidFnj waste reducion by being rc-usaibl er refill able, *e pair abl e, rr are d ur able, and)oh Les==- Dpkic tharr their Lrad6urial munterpa m: Reusable Re{r+gerarrr 'RIEEOreryr System ffi4tevs reusable refrigerant), Recyrted Carpet Cher, Re-reFjned Motor N, Recycled Paper Fiber, Recycled ArytifreQze, Recyded Conger( FurnituTr. (not tradit}onal Tiuod), Printers, Toner Cart*idges, Uniforms More dura6k� Abov-e-Groun d Vguhed Fuel -torn ge Tanks. Classroom Furnitwre, ElectrarHc Larrrps: & BakI:as%, Vacuum Cleaners_ Fla,vr Fakish, grader Slope Avachrrentr Plastic Lumber, Manresses, VarrioaJ File Cabinet, Wood Case Gaoxds, Wocd Lkbrary FurniVjre, LEDLighting ErWrtW FJfioeM- Efrergy Star Audio YEval System, CF.anpeable Mersape Signs-_SolaT Poveered, bght'rng FiAtklf-as, Lamps, WarninLq Light=- - VehiIles Sa", WateFC0139ers Water f}figent - LoW Row Pkm%4" Fred D.5 GPM lavawry ferret nozzles and 1.5 GPM s+howerh$ads support [He Governor's crater conservation initiative during severe water mstrictians UhroughoLc the smbE_ Reojded carierrt GF-';ce Paper, Napbns, paper Towels, Rathroo rn Tissue, Toilet SW Ccwers, Plastic Tra=h bags, sires hacks, Vehitle$, F,mriirtvre Ra-reFned Mir Oil, recycled Ant4rreeze, Storage Bator=vies, Traffic Co nes, Tares RefiRa le Arrimon`16on - CarOdge +Refill$ Drums � Steel, Tice Extingu-sheen, Cylinders fair Y&Idang, Me&cal 4 s Specialty Gases Fuel Tanks, Se•!L- ODnraLned Breathing Apparatus, loner Cartridges Reppiakoe Defi6r,Ilatc s, I4usic-81 Instruments I m-d Sweeper, 0eavy t arhinery, HPI-copters, Orin+ing Press Vehicles Ja utomobjl: s, hires and TrUc s), Piano, Ceneratar, Farklik Got= Cart. F2ai I Car V ..r, 3-Position Fill Statiarr, P4ffkuill:idiedW.EbtAk Heart h.+lronitar, UttTasiokind: DeFF6,r'ILlat6rs & ECG Mc'nitors, Beds, Femarrufactured Tcw&er Cartridges I r LaAinq Floor tA@'4mPnarTcO Machine Eatteriea, L;brary Furhiwre, Aluminum Notsand bale - non -ruing alk:iy", Fluorescent Electronic $allaets perrnii lairger lamp idle. LED lighting, eAtended-&wf�ce HVAC,a,ir Filters, Synthetic Ltubrieants._ Traffic Cones, Tares LESS TCRuc ,4khema6ye Fuel: VehirtEs,Compact VekkleE,t yu;id Vehicles, Electric Vehicles, Dry Cell Batteries, Fle=n:E Lamps & 1341asts, Ferbl:zerslf%.-m hernical=, finks• for printing (using non-pevoleurn based 'enks), Jnatru Cti❑ nal A,rt Maserial s, Markerboar� Markers, Mattressies, 5rierrtloc Praducts �ell'rn:nadng Freun), Refrigeration and A/C Fquipment, Synthetic and biodegradable Lubr carsb, Ch4oTine-free Sanitar� Paper Prt}ducm �napkinsr, paper towel=, bathroom tissue, toilet Beat covers, Clearer Fuels flora -pane, gasahoi, natural gas, bio-diesel), 01esde1 Erhaust FllAd, Velricle fuel C.onversivn K'rL--, DisposallRecyrLe Programs (rna;ct+ry contsm, eledtronirs, all, arnffreeze, pallets, t rE5r batte*ies, ste-EQ WKYdaNe Corr Moc!4 Pac"ing, Commodity Metal Enclaswres & Parts, Plastics, Sreel & peinforqed Concrete Pipe, Chain Link Ferrying, Elertriral Wire, i mated Ldlmber, t-LVAC & Re+r garaTion Ec�uipmenr - Refrigerants. Toner Cartr'dgea. Motor Ul. Antffre-um 387IPage