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NCD003162542_Badin Business Park_Corrective Action_20220608
DATA COLLECTION WORK PLAN BADIN BUSINESS PARK FACILITY HIGHWAY 740 BADIN, NORTH CAROLINA PREPARED FOR: BADIN BUSINESS PARK LLC 201 ISABELLA STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA 15212 PREPARED BY: CIVIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 2704 CHEROKEE FARM WAY, SUITE 101 KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE 37920 PHONE: (865) 977–9997 CEC PROJECT 300–226 JUNE 2022 -ii- Data Collection Work Plan – BBP Facility June 3, 2022 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................1 1.1 Site Overview.......................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Project Tasks ........................................................................................................... 3 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK............................................................................................................5 2.1 Task 1 – Lithologic Data Collection ....................................................................... 5 2.2 Task 2 – Flow Regime Data Collection .................................................................. 6 2.3 Task 3 – Hydraulic Data Collection........................................................................ 7 2.4 Task 4 – Groundwater Sampling and Analysis....................................................... 7 3.0 FIELD PROCEDURES .....................................................................................................8 3.1 Drilling and Well Installation ................................................................................. 8 Utility Clearance ..........................................................................................8 Borehole Installation and Logging...............................................................8 Site Geology...............................................................................9 Site Hydrology ...........................................................................9 Targeted Unit Identification .....................................................11 Borehole Abandonment .............................................................................12 Well Design and Completion .....................................................................12 Well Development .....................................................................................13 Surface Completion ...................................................................................13 3.2 Surveying .............................................................................................................. 13 3.3 Groundwater Elevation Data Collection ............................................................... 14 3.4 Groundwater Sampling ......................................................................................... 14 Groundwater Sampling ..............................................................................14 Quality Assurance Sampling......................................................................15 Sample Labels ............................................................................................16 Project Code .............................................................................16 Location Identifier Code ..........................................................17 Sequential Sample Number......................................................17 Analytical Methods ....................................................................................18 Sample Shipment .......................................................................................18 Chain–Of–Custody ..................................................................19 3.5 Qualitative Aquifer Testing .................................................................................. 21 3.6 Equipment Decontamination ................................................................................ 22 3.7 Investigation Derived Waste Management and Disposal ..................................... 24 3.8 Field Documentation ............................................................................................. 24 Field Notebooks .........................................................................................24 Field Forms ................................................................................................25 Photographs................................................................................................25 4.0 SCHEDULE AND REPORTING ...................................................................................26 -iii- Data Collection Work Plan – BBP Facility June 3, 2022 FIGURES FIGURE 1 .................................................................................................. SITE LOCATION MAP FIGURE 2 ................................................................................. PROPOSED WELL LOCATIONS APPENDICES APPENDIX I ............................................................ STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES -1- Data Collection Work Plan – BBP Facility June 3, 2022 1.0 INTRODUCTION Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. (CEC), on behalf of Badin Business Park LLC (BBP), has prepared this Data Collection Work Plan (Work Plan) for the BBP facility (Facility) located at 293 Highway 740 in Badin, Stanly County, North Carolina (Figure 1). The purpose of this Work Plan is to present the rationale and procedures for data collection in support of potential refinements to the Facility conceptual site model (CSM). An independent review of Facility documents and current conditions suggested the need for potential refinements to the CSM originally presented in the March 2001 RCRA Facility Investigation and amended in the August 2009 Corrective Measures Study – Phase 1. The CSM, as a representation of a site intended to depict the processes that control the movement of constituents from sources through environmental media (e.g. air, soil, groundwater, and surface water) to environmental receptors, can be refined as new information is obtained throughout the site and/or remedial investigation. For the Facility, the potential refinements target the groundwater flow regime in the underlying partially weathered rock, the groundwater to surface water dynamics, and the processes controlling constituent fate and transport. To support the refinements, a data collection program has been developed to include examining contrasts between fill and native geologic units through the installation and sampling of soil borings and monitoring wells, assessing the groundwater flow regime via the measurement of groundwater data and testing of the water bearing units, and updating the conceptual understanding of constituent fate and transport through groundwater sampling and analysis. 1.1 SITE OVERVIEW The Facility, formerly known as the Alcoa-Badin Works, previously contained a primary aluminum smelting plant (Plant) that began producing aluminum at Badin in 1916. The Plant consisted of two potlines; an electrode plant where anodes and cathodes were manufactured; -2- Data Collection Work Plan – BBP Facility June 3, 2022 casting facilities for producing aluminum specialty ingot products, super-purity metal, coiled sheet, and mold line ingots; a machine shop; and various offices and utility buildings. Aluminum production was curtailed in August 2002. The Plant continued to manufacture anodes and high-purity aluminum until 2007. The Plant permanently closed in 2010. Since then, the former Plant has been redeveloped into a business park for manufacturing companies. Prior to closure, the Plant generated approximately 2,700 tons per year of spent potlining from the production of aluminum metal. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency considers spent potlining a hazardous waste that may pose a substantial hazard to human health or the environment when improperly transported, treated, stored, disposed or otherwise managed. The Facility previously contained two Hazardous Waste Management Units (Buildings 206 North and 206 South) for spent potlining waste (K088). Building 206 North was operated as a containment building, while Building 206 South was operated as a container storage building. Both buildings were closed in July 2012. Since closure of the Plant and the two Hazardous Waste Management Units, the Facility does not regularly generate hazardous waste and does not contain any operational units where hazardous waste is (or will be) treated, stored, or disposed. The Facility was issued a Hazardous Waste Management Permit to store spent potlining on March 30, 1992 and it was renewed on March 24, 2006. The permit required the identification and investigation of solid waste management units (SWMUs) and areas of concern (AOCs) for potential adverse impact to the environmental media at the Facility. A total of 49 SWMUs and AOCs have been identified. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Facility Assessment (RFA) Report includes information for SWMU Nos. 1 through 34 and AOCs A and B. Information for SWMU Nos. 35 through 47 was provided in subsequent correspondence to the State of North Carolina. -3- Data Collection Work Plan – BBP Facility June 3, 2022 As part of the RFA and subsequent processes, it was immediately determined that no further action (NFA) was required for 22 SWMUs. Confirmatory Sampling (CS) was conducted at five units where no further investigation (NFI) was determined. NFI was determined for two units, while 18 units were further investigated under the RCRA Facility Investigation (RFI) process, and two storage units were to be permitted. The results of these extensive investigations were evaluated and summarized in the March 1990 RFA Report, June 1993 CS Report, and March 2001 RFI Report. The RFI Report was approved by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) on December 19, 2007. As a result of the investigations, interim measures (IM) and remedial actions conducted to date, NFA or NFI status has been granted for all or a portion of 43 SWMUs. The two permitted storage units were closed. A portion of nine SWMUs — including the groundwater at the Main Plant Area, groundwater at the SWMU No. 2 (Alcoa-Badin Landfill), and groundwater at the SWMU No. 3 (Old Brick Landfill) — were carried forward to the Corrective Measures Study (CMS). With the December 19, 2007 approval of the RFI Report, the CMS process was initiated to identify and evaluate remedial alternatives to address potential adverse impact to the environment. CMS reports are currently under review by the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ), formerly the NCDENR. An independent review of Facility documents and present conditions suggested the need for potential refinements to the CSM. The potential refinements target the groundwater flow regime in the partially weathered rock (PWR), the groundwater to surface water dynamics, and the processes controlling constituent fate and transport at the former Plant and the Alcoa-Badin Landfill. The purpose of this Work Plan is to present the rationale and procedures for data collection (Project) in support of potentially refining the Facility CSM. 1.2 PROJECT TASKS To support of the objective of potentially refining the Facility CSM, the following data collection tasks have been developed: -4- Data Collection Work Plan – BBP Facility June 3, 2022 • Task 1 – Collect subsurface lithologic data through the installation of soil borings; • Task 2 – Evaluate the PWR flow regime through the installation monitoring wells with targeted screened intervals and collection of depth to groundwater data; • Task 3 – Broadly categorize the hydraulic properties of geologic units through qualitative aquifer testing; and, • Task 4 – Update the current understanding of constituent distribution through the collection and analysis of groundwater samples. -5- Data Collection Work Plan – BBP Facility June 3, 2022 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK Review of Facility records indicate natural homogenous soils were removed over a large portion of the former Plant to facilitate construction and subsequent infrastructure upgrades. Consequently, groundwater in many locations at the Facility occurs within the PWR where flow directions may be controlled by relict structures and rock fabrics, which as documented in the RFI, trend perpendicular (northeast-southwest) to the general downhill ground surface slope direction (northwest to southeast). The proposed scope of work is designed to support development of a refined understanding of soil physical properties and hydrogeological characteristics that control groundwater flow directions and constituent transport. Critical to this assessment is characterization of contrasts in hydrogeological properties between various fill and native geologic units present at the Facility using multiple lines of evidence, including: 1. Lithologic data collection through visual observations and laboratory characterization of soil physical properties to identify hydrogeologic units that control groundwater flow directions; 2. Flow regime data collection through measurement of groundwater heads in the wells screened across the most conductive intervals to refine potentiometric maps and assess groundwater flow directions; 3. Hydraulic data collection to confirm monitoring wells adequately capture the most conductive units; and 4. Groundwater sampling and analysis to refine and update the conceptual understanding of constituent fate and transport in the context of updated understanding of groundwater flow paths. The tasks under the data collection program to be conducted as part of the Project have been designed to satisfy the stated objectives. As with any program, as additional information is gathered, adjustments may be made to the program to account for conditions encountered in the field or as new information is gathered and evaluated. 2.1 TASK 1 – LITHOLOGIC DATA COLLECTION -6- Data Collection Work Plan – BBP Facility June 3, 2022 To collect subsurface lithologic information, up to 30 soil borings will be installed at the former Plant, the Alcoa-Badin Landfill, and in the Town of Badin. Soil boings will be installed using sonic drilling methods to collect high-quality, continuous cores from a subset of locations and to identify and log the conductive interval within the PWR. From the cores, up to 12 fill, soil, and saprolite samples will be submitted to Integrated Geosciences Laboratories, LLC for Hydraulic Conductivity Package and Effective Porosity analysis. The Hydraulic Conductivity Package analyses (via methods API RP40, ASTM D2216, and EPA 9100) include native-state permeability to water (hydraulic conductivity), vertical or horizontal orientation, grain density, dry bulk density, total porosity, air-filled porosity, moisture content and total pore fluid saturation (reported as water only). The Effective Porosity analysis is via modified ASTM D425. No samples will be submitted for chemical analysis. 2.2 TASK 2 – FLOW REGIME DATA COLLECTION To evaluate the PWR flow regime, monitoring wells will be installed in up to 23 soil boring locations drilled under Task 1. Monitoring well locations are selected to provide coverage necessary for developing an integrated hydrogeological assessment across areas of the Facility that have historically been compartmentalized. Screen intervals for the monitoring wells will target the first conductive interval within the PWR, with screens not extending above this interval. Depth to groundwater data will be collected monthly for a period of three months from the 23 newly installed groundwater monitoring wells and 39 previously installed partially weathered rock groundwater monitoring wells identified in the table below. Table 1 – Existing Partially Weathered Rock Monitoring Well Network BF2 MW1 MW8 MW16 MW28 MW108 ABL-PZ1I BF3 MW2 MW9 MW17 MW29 MW109 ABL-P1D BF5 MW2A MW10 MW18 MW32 MW110 ABL-PZ2D BF7 MW3 MW12 MW19 MW103 ABL-MW1 ABL-PZ3I MW6A MW13 MW20A MW104 ABL-MW3 ABL-PZ3D MW7 MW15 MW25A MW105 ABL-MW6 Groundwater data will be used to construct potentiometric surface maps. -7- Data Collection Work Plan – BBP Facility June 3, 2022 2.3 TASK 3 – HYDRAULIC DATA COLLECTION Following the well installations and groundwater elevation data collection events, acquired lithologic and groundwater elevation data will be reviewed to identify wells for hydraulic data collection. Qualitative aquifer testing will be performed on identified wells to broadly categorize the hydraulic properties of geologic units (e.g., high, medium, or low hydraulic conductivity). Details regarding the wells selected for qualitative aquifer testing will be provided as an addendum to this Work Plan. 2.4 TASK 4 – GROUNDWATER SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS Following the well installations and groundwater elevation data collection events, acquired lithologic and groundwater elevation data will be reviewed to identify wells for groundwater sampling and analysis. Groundwater analytical data will be used to update the current understanding of constituent distribution. Details regarding the wells selected for sampling and the analyte list will be provided as an addendum to this Work Plan. -8- Data Collection Work Plan – BBP Facility June 3, 2022 3.0 FIELD PROCEDURES This section describes technical procedures for data collection. Field data collection will be conducted in accordance with standard operating procedures provided in Appendix A. 3.1 DRILLING AND WELL INSTALLATION Up to 30 soil borings are scheduled to be advanced for the purpose of assessing subsurface lithologic conditions and installing groundwater monitoring wells at the approximate locations shown on Figure 2. The final number and exact location of the borings/well will be determined in the field and may be adjusted from the locations shown on Figure 2 based on physical restrictions and/or subsurface utilities identified in the field. Utility Clearance Prior to drilling or excavation activities, appropriate utility locator services will be engaged to identify and locate underground utilities and other subsurface features that could obstruct or be damaged by such activities. Overhead utilities and structures will also be considered with respect to clearance space required by the drilling equipment. As appropriate to clear potential underground utilities and other subsurface features, boreholes will be advanced to a minimum of two feet below land surface (or more as required or needed) with a hand auger or post hole digger prior using mechanical drilling equipment. Borehole Installation and Logging It is anticipated that drilling will be performed using sonic drilling techniques with continuous core samples. The borings will be terminated approximately 10 feet below the first encountered saturated zone in the PWR. Soil cores will be logged by the supervising geologist or environmental scientist in the field to classify the material for color, composition, grain size, relative moisture content, relative density, origin, and other observable characteristics. High-resolution photographs -9- Data Collection Work Plan – BBP Facility June 3, 2022 will be taken to document the cores and detailed photograph logs will be prepared and included in the report deliverable. Site Geology Based on data from the RFI, the general soil profile consists of fill material (in some areas), residual soils (including saprolite), partially weathered bedrock, and bedrock. Fill materials are prevalent in the north end of the former Plant, where they were used to infill an eastward trending natural ravine historically referenced as the Northwest Valley. Filling of the former ravine resulted in a complex stratigraphic sequence of natural and anthropogenic origins, and may serve as a more permeable conduit for horizontal groundwater and constituent migration. The Alcoa-Badin Landfill overlies an ancestral ravine extending from the former Plant south to Little Mountain Creek. Municipal refuse, process material, and soil-based fill material were used to raise the ravine to its existing grade. The current elevation is approximately 13 to 42 feet higher than historic grade due to filling activities. Based on data obtained from borings drilled in the area, the general soil profile consists of fill material, residual soils including saprolite, PWR, and bedrock, with alluvial soils to the south along Little Mountain Creek. Site Hydrology Generally, residual soils and saprolite with high porosity but low permeability can serve as a groundwater storage zone recharged by precipitation. Underlying PWR has lower storage but high permeability due to the prevalence of secondary porosity (e.g. fractures and relict rock structures), and can be a conduit for groundwater flow. As such, the orientation of fractures and relict structures are important controls on groundwater flow directions. Groundwater can exit the PWR at topographic lows or where anthropogenic features (e.g. infrastructure) or streams have incised into hydraulically conductive zones of the PWR. According to the RFI, groundwater in the Plant area occurs in fill materials, residual soils (including saprolite), PWR, and fractured bedrock. Groundwater generally occurs within the fill -10- Data Collection Work Plan – BBP Facility June 3, 2022 material where it is present at a sufficient thickness and depth. Where fill material is thin or absent, groundwater exists within the residual soils and underlying PWR. Saturated bedrock lies beneath the residual soils or PWR intervals. Groundwater potentiometric surface maps for the Facility historically indicated the horizontal groundwater flow potential in these zones is generally to the east toward Badin Lake; however, flow within PWR can be more complex due to preferential flow along geologic structures where transmissivity is relatively higher. As a result, flow within the PWR could follow the predominant orientation of geologic structures. Groundwater at the Alcoa/Badin Landfill is present in the fill materials, residual soils/saprolite, alluvium, and PWR. North of the Alcoa/Badin Landfill, the groundwater potentiometric surface has been historically depicted to reside within soil-based fill materials and residual soils/saprolite. At ABL-MW-1, groundwater was reportedly encountered at 42 feet below ground surface in PWR, whereas subsequent depth to groundwater measurements reported in the RFI and CMS documents were between 16.89 to 27.98 feet below the top of casing elevation. Conditions at ABL-MW-1 indicate groundwater in the PWR is confined with the overlying saprolite and residual soils acting as a confining unit. Long-term groundwater pressure transducer deployments described in the CMS documents indicated downward vertical groundwater gradients at the nearby ABL-PZ-1 piezometer cluster. Beneath the northern and central portion of the Alcoa/Badin Landfill, the groundwater potentiometric surface was represented within the saprolite. Groundwater pressure transducer deployments indicate a downward vertical groundwater gradient at the nearby ABL-PZ-2 piezometer cluster. At the southern portion of the landfill, the historical groundwater potentiometric surface was shown to cross into waste fill materials and then back into the soil- based fill materials. South of the toe of the landfill, the groundwater potentiometric surface was depicted within the alluvium associated with the Little Mountain Creek flood plain. Flowing artesian conditions encountered at ABL-MW-3 coupled with long-term groundwater pressure transducer deployments the nearby ABL-PZ-3 piezometer cluster signify an upward vertical groundwater gradient. South of the landfill, groundwater within the PWR has the potential to exit the PWR at the topographic low of the ancestral ravine or at places where Little Mountain Creek may have incised into hydraulically conductive zones of the PWR. -11- Data Collection Work Plan – BBP Facility June 3, 2022 Targeted Unit Identification Residual soils including saprolite at the Facility may serve locally as confining units above horizontal groundwater flow pathways in the PWR. High porosity and low permeability residual soils can serve as groundwater storage zones, and water level elevations from wells screened in these units do not necessarily reflect the groundwater head in the PWR. To support of the objective of refining the Facility CSM, the PWR will be identified in soil borings and the PWR hydraulically conductive zones will be targeted for the construction of monitoring well screens. The following observations will support identification of target intervals for monitoring well screen construction: • First occurrence of groundwater during drilling, and intervals that produce substantial groundwater during drilling. • Color. Saprolite tends to be brown to greenish at the Facility whereas PWR is typically greyish. • Wet strength test. Clay-rich residual soil and saprolite may have high dry strength but low wet competency. Dry clay-rich material may can be distinguished from PWR by adding water to dollar-coin sized specimen and observing if it can be molded into the consistency of putty. Note, stratigraphically lower intervals of saprolite may have high strength even following a wet strength test, and mineralogical and grainsize observations coupled with occurrence of groundwater may be a more reliable indicator. • Degree of weathering. The following observations of weathering are used to distinguish saprolite from PWR. o Mineralogy. In saprolite, primary minerals are altered to clays which can be distinguished using a hardness test. Clay is easily scratched using a sharp metal point whereas primary minerals are generally more resistant. In PWR, primary minerals are partly altered to clay. Resistant silicified intervals may be present within residual soils and saprolite and should not be mistaken for PWR or rock. o Grain size. Saprolite typically consists of clay and/or silt or matrix supported gravel clasts composed of the primary rock ‘floating’ in fine-grained silt and clay. PWR is rock-like, with medium to high strength, typically less than 10% silt and/or clay, and typical visual-manual soil description methods (e.g., ASTM D2488) are not readily applied. The transition to PWR is a clast-supported deposit where rock fragment boundaries touch and provide a hydraulically interconnected pathway for groundwater flow. -12- Data Collection Work Plan – BBP Facility June 3, 2022 o Fractures. Fractures and joints in saprolite are typically cemented with oxides. In PWR, joints may be stained but typically remain open to fluid flow. Drilling induced fractures are typically clean and unstained and should not be considered in description of the soil/rock unit except to note that they are present. • Drilling resistance. The advancement rate of the drill bit can aid in identifying a transition from residual soil/saprolite to PWR. The time of start and stop of each auger flight should be recorded in field notes to identify decreases in the advancement rate of the drill bit. • Core recovery. Core recovery is typically less for residual soils, saprolite, and fill materials than PWR. Borehole Abandonment Boreholes may be abandoned if drilling refusal occurs prior to reaching the target depth for well construction or if wells are not installed. Abandonment will be performed in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0113 for abandonment of monitoring wells. Wells and boreholes less than 20 feet in depth and which do not penetrate the water table will be abandoned by filling the entire well up to land surface with grout, dry clay, or material excavated during drilling of the well and then compacted in place. Wells and boreholes greater than 20 feet in depth or wells that penetrate the water table will be abandoned by completely filling with a bentonite or cement-type grout. Well Design and Completion The monitoring wells will be constructed of 2-inch diameter, flush joint and threaded Schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) well screen and riser. The screened section of the wells will be a minimum of 10 feet in length with a slot size of 0.010-inch. As the screened section is lowered into the borehole, an appropriate length of riser pipe will be added to case the well to approximately two feet above ground surface to facilitate stick-up well completion. If the well locations interfere with Facility traffic or as otherwise requested, the PVC casing will be cut just below ground surface to facilitate flush-mounted well completion. The screened section of the well will extend at least five feet below the top of the first encountered saturated zone in the PWR to accommodate sampling under fluctuating water table conditions. -13- Data Collection Work Plan – BBP Facility June 3, 2022 A formation stabilizer consisting of medium to coarse silica sand will be placed in the annular space surrounding the screened section. The sand pack will extend to an elevation approximately two feet above the top of the screen and will be overlain by a bentonite seal of a minimum thickness of two feet. Grout will be emplaced to approximately one foot below grade to allow for the installation of a concrete pad at the ground surface. Well Development Following installation, each monitoring well will be developed to improve recharge efficiency, remove foreign material introduced during drilling, and facilitate the collection of representative groundwater samples. Development will be accomplished by pumping, surge block, bailing, or a combination of these methods. Development will continue until a relatively turbid-free groundwater discharge is achieved or until a minimum of three well volumes have been removed, including the volume of the saturated annulus. An attempt will be made to develop wells to less than 10 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU). Water removed will be containerized in 55-gallon drums, labeled, and stored at a secure Facility location pending the receipt of laboratory analytical results to determine appropriate disposal. Surface Completion Each monitoring well installation will be completed by placing a steel or aluminum protective casing with locking cap around the PVC casing at the ground surface. A concrete pad will be constructed surrounding the protective casing and will be made to slope away from the well to prevent surface water infiltration. A reference point will be established on the top of each well casing for water level measurements. 3.2 SURVEYING A North Carolina licensed Professional Land Surveyor will survey the monitoring wells and borings. The horizontal coordinates and vertical elevation data will be collected, including the -14- Data Collection Work Plan – BBP Facility June 3, 2022 ground surface, top of stick-up casing, and top of PVC casing reference point for each of the monitoring wells. 3.3 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA COLLECTION To evaluate the PWR flow regime, depth to groundwater data will be collected monthly for a period of three months from the 23 newly installed groundwater monitoring wells and 39 previously installed partially weathered rock groundwater monitoring wells. Each well will be gauged from the top of casing with an electronic resistivity probe, which measures the groundwater level. The water levels will be measured in all wells before any actions are performed on the well which may affect water levels. The total depth of each well will also be measured. Measurements will be made to a precision of +/- 0.01 ft. The measuring device will be cleaned prior to use in each well. The water levels in the wells will be made consecutively and in the shortest period of time possible to support comparison of measurements and calculated elevations between wells. 3.4 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING Following the well installations and groundwater elevation data collection events, acquired data will be reviewed to develop a targeted groundwater sampling plan. Details regarding the wells and analyte list will be provided as an addendum to this Work Plan. Groundwater Sampling Samples will be collected using a portable (non-dedicated) bladder pump using low-flow purging and sampling procedures. Dedicated air supply and water discharge tubing lines will be used at each well to reduce the level of decontamination required between wells. Each well will be purged at a relatively low rate to reduce drawdown. The purge water will be field-tested for pH, turbidity, specific conductance, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), and temperature. Well purging will continue until the field parameters have stabilized [i.e., ±20 millivolts for ORP, ±3 percent for specific conductance, ≤10 NTU or ±10 percent if >10 NTU for turbidity, ±5°C for temperature; and ±0.20 Standard Units (S.U.) for pH] across three successive readings taken approximately -15- Data Collection Work Plan – BBP Facility June 3, 2022 three minutes apart. If the recharge rate of the well is less than the lowest achievable pumping rate and the well is purged dry, a sample will be collected as soon as the water level has recovered sufficiently to collect the sample, even if the parameters have not stabilized. Samples will be collected directly into laboratory-prepared bottles, labeled, and placed on ice in sealed coolers for delivery to a North Carolina certified laboratory for analysis. Reusable equipment used to collect groundwater samples will be decontaminated before use at another well. Chain-of-custody procedures will be followed at all times of sampling and subsequent analysis. All purge water removed will be containerized in 55-gallon drums, labeled, and stored at a secure Facility location pending the receipt of laboratory analytical results to determine appropriate disposal. Quality Assurance Sampling The following QA/QC samples may be collected in the field during the investigations: • Field Duplicate Samples are independent samples that are collected as close as possible to the same point in time and space. They are two separate samples taken from the same source, stored in separate containers, and analyzed independently. One groundwater field duplicate sample will be collected as part of the sampling event. Field duplicates will be submitted to the laboratory as blind duplicates, that is, the source of the field duplicate sample will remain unknown to the laboratory; • Matrix Spike (MS) and Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) samples, performed by the laboratory, are used to evaluate the accuracy and precision of the analytical method with respect to the sample matrix for organic analyses. MS and matrix duplicate (MD) samples are used to evaluate the accuracy and precision of the analytical method with respect to the sample matrix for inorganic analyses. A MS, MSD, or MD that did not meet the laboratory established accuracy or precision criteria is indicative of possible matrix interference. Only matrix quality control (QC) samples selected from media specific to this Project are to be reported. Procedures for the MS, MSD, and MD are performed according to the same requirements of the U.S. EPA approved methods. One MS and MSD sample will be collected as part of the sampling event; • A Trip Blank [volatile organic compounds (VOCs) only] is a reagent water sample free of VOCs that is placed into a volatile organic analysis (VOA) vial and shipped to and from the field with the sample vials. The purpose of this sample is to evaluate any contamination that may have been picked up in transit and storage. If VOCs analysis is performed, one trip blank sample will be analyzed as part of the sampling event; and -16- Data Collection Work Plan – BBP Facility June 3, 2022 • Equipment Blank (or rinsate blank) is created by pouring reagent water through or onto the sampling equipment following decontamination. This blank demonstrates the cleanliness of the sampling equipment and/or the effectiveness of the decontamination process. A rinsate blank is not collected if dedicated or disposable sampling equipment is used. If non-disposable sampling equipment is used, one rinsate blank sample will be collected as part of the sampling event. Additional QA samples will be analyzed by the laboratory. Specifically, the laboratory will follow the quality objectives for precision, accuracy, representativeness, comparability, completeness, and method detection limits as set forth in the laboratory QA Manual. Laboratory internal QC results will include information about agreement between replicate analyses, spike, and surrogate recoveries. Analysis of laboratory control samples, method blanks, matrix spikes, and duplicates will also be included with each analytical batch in accordance with analytical method requirements. Sample Labels Sample labels are required for properly identifying samples for laboratory analysis. Label information will include the Project name, sample identification number (sample ID), the date and time of sampling, and requested analysis, as applicable. The sample numbering and nomenclature system will be as follows: • Three-digit Project code; • Two to five-digit alphanumeric location identifier code; and a • Four-digit alphanumeric sequential sample number. Examples of a sample label: ABP-MW001-F001 ABP-PZ002-D002 Project Code A unique, three-digit Project code will be used to identify the specific Project. This Project will use the following identifier: • ABP – Badin Business Park (former Alcoa-Badin Works facility); and -17- Data Collection Work Plan – BBP Facility June 3, 2022 • ABL – Alcoa-Badin Municipal Landfill. Location Identifier Code The location code will consist of a two to five-digit alphanumeric value and will correspond with the monitoring well ID; however, hyphens in the well name will be omitted in the location identifier code. In the event that samples are to be collected from locations that are not already established and permanent (i.e., a soil boring or temporary piezometer), then the following five-digit alphanumeric value will apply: the first two digits will indicate the type of location from which the sample was collected and the next three digits will start with 001 and increase sequentially. Location codes may begin with the following two-digit acronym, as applicable: • CO – Container (drum, roll-off, slurry box, etc.) • HB – Soil boring (horizontal) • SB – Soil boring (vertical) • RU, UA, UC, or BC – Monitoring well • RW – Recovery well • SD – Sediment • SS – Surface soil • SW – Surface water • TP – Trench/test pit excavation Location codes are unique to a Project, so if a sample type was previously collected, the three-digit code should follow sequentially with the previously collected samples associated with that specific location code. This means that field teams will coordinate with the data manager prior to going into the field to reduce the chance of duplicate naming of location. Sequential Sample Number The sequential sample number will consist of one letter followed by three numbers. The first digit, a letter, will indicate the type of sample being collected. Valid sample types are as follows: • F – Normal field sample • D – Field duplicate -18- Data Collection Work Plan – BBP Facility June 3, 2022 • M – Matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate • B – Field blank • T – Trip blank • E – Equipment blank The following three digits will be a sequential number starting with 001. For this Project, the initial groundwater monitoring event will serve as the first sequential number, 001, followed by 002 in the following event for each sample collected as part of that event. Analytical Methods As previously discussed, samples will be analyzed in accordance with the U.S. EPA methods or an equivalent procedure by a North Carolina-certified laboratory. Samples collected will be placed into laboratory-prepared containers and preserved as required by the method. Additional details regarding the container requirements and preservatives will be provided as an addendum to this Work Plan. Sample Shipment All samples will be packaged securely and placed on wet ice to cool (reduce the sample temperature to 6° C), and transported to the analytical laboratory following strict chain-of-custody protocol. Packaging will follow the following protocols: • Place each container in a zip-lock bag and seal, squeezing as much air as possible from the bag before closing. Glass jars will be wrapped in bubble wrap. • Tape the cooler's drain plug shut on the inside and the outside. • Place approximately two inches of material, such as asbestos-free vermiculite or perlite in the bottom of the cooler. • Place a large plastic bag (e.g., trash bag) in the cooler to contain samples. • Place the bottles upright in the plastic bag, with enough room for ice bags to be placed among and around the containers; insulate with enough bubble wrap to deter breakage. • To ensure uniform cooling, place a minimum of three 1-gallon bags of ice (double- bagged) among the containers along the walls and at the top of each cooler. When shipping soil samples, place one bag of ice along the bottom of the cooler as well. For water samples, place the bottles upright in absorbent material to provide additional -19- Data Collection Work Plan – BBP Facility June 3, 2022 stability. Additional ice or less samples per cooler will be practiced in order to ensure all samples arrive at the laboratory within the required temperature range. This practice will be of particular importance during periods of warmer summer like weather. • Fill the remaining space in the cooler with inert cushioning material (e.g., asbestos-free vermiculite, perlite, beads, or bubble wrap). Shipment, if required, will proceed as follows: • If shipping via commercial carrier (e.g., FedEx), write the carrier's name and air bill number on the COC form, place the appropriate pages of the COC form inside a zip- lock bag and seal the bag with a signed, dated custody seal. The COC form sent to the lab will be completed with all designated information; the pages will be originals (not photocopies); and the COC will be unique to the samples contained in the cooler. • If a courier from the laboratory is collecting the samples and delivering them to the lab, have the courier confirm that all samples listed are present and then sign the COC form. • Tape the zip-lock bag containing the COC form to the inside lid of the cooler; close and latch the cooler. • Wrap strapping tape completely around the cooler on both sides of the latch. • Affix the shipping label with the address and telephone number of the laboratory and the sampler's office. • Affix signed custody seals on front right and back left of the cooler. The laboratory shall be notified if the samples are being delivered via courier. The lab will be prepared to receive and check the samples and sign the COC form. Chain–Of–Custody Sample custody procedures are designed to ensure that sample integrity is maintained from collection to final disposition. A critical aspect of sound sample collection and analysis protocols is the maintenance of strict chain-of-custody procedures. Chain-of-custody procedures include tracking and documentation during sample collection, shipment, and laboratory processing. A sample is considered to be in an individual's custody if it is (1) in the physical possession of the responsible party; (2) in view of the responsible party after being in their possession (3) secured to prevent tampering; or (4) placed in a designated, secure area that is controlled and restricted by the responsible party. -20- Data Collection Work Plan – BBP Facility June 3, 2022 Custody will be documented throughout all sampling activities on the chain-of-custody record for each day of sampling. This record will accompany the samples from the Facility to the laboratory. All personnel with sample custody are required to sign, date, and note on the record the time when receiving and relinquishing samples from their immediate custody. Any discrepancies will be noted at this time. Samples will be shipped to subcontractor laboratories via overnight air courier. Courier bills of lading (e.g. FedEx air bills and receipts) will be used as custody documentation during this time and will be retained as part of the permanent sample custody documentation. In some cases, samples may be hand delivered to the laboratory; hand delivery will be noted on the COC form. The subcontractor laboratory is responsible for sample custody once samples are received. A label will be attached to all sample containers at the time of sample collection. The label will be preprinted with the following information: • Unique chain-of-custody control number; • Analyses requested; • Preservative used; • Date and time of sample collection; and • Sampler’s initials. COC forms will be used to document the integrity of all samples. To maintain a record of sample collection, transfer of samples between personnel, shipment of samples, and receipt of samples at the laboratory, COC forms will be filled out for each sample/analysis at each sampling location. Information entered on the COC includes: • Project name, Project number; • Name and address of laboratory to receive the samples; • Chain-of-custody control number; • Sample type, sample method ; • Location ID, sample ID; • Matrix code; • Analyses requested; -21- Data Collection Work Plan – BBP Facility June 3, 2022 • Field QC for MS/MSD, if applicable; • Container type, size and number; • Preservatives used; • Turn-around-time for laboratory analysis; and • Comments or notes to Laboratory, if applicable. Any corrections to the COC form entries will be made by a single-line strike mark through the incorrect item, and then entering the correct entry adjacent to the strikeout item. Corrections will be initialed and dated by the person making the change. After the form has been inspected and determined to be satisfactorily complete, the sample collector will sign, date, and note the time of transferal and will reference a shipper tracking number on the form. The COC form will be placed in a recloseable plastic bag and placed inside the cooler after the sample packer has detached or made an appropriate copy of the form. Further custody transfers of samples will be recorded on the chain-of-custody form by signatures of the transferor (relinquisher) and the transferee (receiver). This procedure will be repeated, as necessary, until final delivery is made to the analytical laboratory. 3.5 QUALITATIVE AQUIFER TESTING An aquifer test is a field experiment designed to estimate the hydraulic properties of water-bearing units. In general, the aquifer is hydraulically stressed by extracting water, and the response to the stress, measured as changes in water levels at observation wells, is analyzed to determine aquifer properties [typically transmissivity, storage capacity, and their respective derived parameters (hydraulic conductivity and the storage coefficient)]. Qualitative aquifer testing is a means to broadly categorize hydraulic properties of geologic units [e.g., high, medium, or low hydraulic conductivity (K)]. The method is particularly useful for categorizing and identifying geologic units captured by groundwater monitoring well screens, particularly at locations with lithologies that have large contrasts in hydraulic properties. The method is not intended to quantitatively determine hydraulic properties; however, in some -22- Data Collection Work Plan – BBP Facility June 3, 2022 instances data obtained from qualitative aquifer tests may be used to calculate an approximate numerical estimate of hydraulic properties if field conditions are favorable. The purpose of qualitative aquifer testing is to confirm the geologic unit captured by newly installed monitoring wells screens (e.g. saprolite or PWR). The procedure involves pumping a well at a rate of approximately 0.5 gallons per minute (gpm) and observing if the well purges dry (low K). If minimal drawdown occurs, the pumping rate is increased until drawdown of approximately 25% of the standing head is observed (medium K) or the maximum pumping rate is achieved without drawdown as indicated above (high K). For wells where drawdown is observed, periodic water level measurements until 90% recharge is observed will allow for an approximate numerical estimate of the hydraulic conductivity. 3.6 EQUIPMENT DECONTAMINATION Decontamination of sampling equipment will be per EPA Region IV Standard Operating Procedures. For sample collection equipment contaminated with environmental media, one or more of the following options will be used for field cleaning based on the condition of the sampling equipment: 1. Clean with potable water and Liquinox® or Luminox® detergent using a brush, if necessary, to remove particulate matter and surface films. Equipment may be steam cleaned (detergent and high pressure hot water) as an alternative to brushing. Sampling equipment that is steam cleaned should be placed on racks or saw horses at least two feet above the floor of the decontamination pad. PVC or plastic items should not be steam cleaned. 2. Rinse thoroughly with distilled water. 3. Rinse thoroughly with distilled water and place on a clean surface to air-dry. For well sounders (water level indicators) and tapes, the following procedures will be followed: 1. Wash with detergent and tap water. 2. Rinse with distilled water. Unless conditions warrant, it is only necessary to decontaminate the wetted portion of the sounder or tape. -23- Data Collection Work Plan – BBP Facility June 3, 2022 For downhole drilling equipment (augers, drill stems, rods, tools, and associated equipment) used for drilling activities involving the construction of monitoring wells to be used for the collection of groundwater, the following procedures will be followed: 1. Cleaning and decontamination of all equipment should occur at a designated area (decontamination pad) at the Facility. Potable water for drilling and cleaning purposes should be contained in a pre-cleaned tank. A steam cleaner and/or high pressure hot water washer capable of generating a pressure of at least 2500 PSI and producing hot water and/or steam (200° F plus), with a detergent compartment, should be obtained. 2. Prior to arrival, drilling equipment should be clean of any contaminants to minimize the potential for cross-contamination. 3. Equipment will be washed with potable water and detergent, using a brush if necessary, to remove particulate matter and surface films. Steam cleaning (high pressure hot water with detergent) may be necessary to remove matter that is difficult to remove with the brush. Drilling equipment that is steam cleaned should be placed on racks or saw horses at least two feet above the floor of the decontamination pad. Hollow-stem augers, drill rods, etc., that are hollow or have holes that transmit water or drilling fluids, should be cleaned on the inside with vigorous brushing. 4. Rinse thoroughly with potable water. 5. Remove from the decontamination pad and cover with clean, unused plastic. If stored overnight, the plastic should be secured to ensure that it stays in place. For downhole drilling equipment that contacts the sample media (piston sampler points and shoes, screen point sampler screens and sheaths, and the drive rods when used for groundwater sampling), the following procedures will be followed: 1. Clean with tap water and Liquinox® or Luminox® detergent using a brush, if necessary, to remove particulate matter and surface films. Equipment may be steam cleaned (detergent and high pressure hot water) as an alternative to brushing. Sampling equipment that is steam cleaned should be placed on racks or saw horses at least two feet above the floor of the decontamination pad. PVC or plastic items should not be steam cleaned. 2. Rinse thoroughly with potable or distilled water. 3. Rinse thoroughly with distilled water and place on a clean surface to air-dry. After decontamination, sampling equipment will be handled only by personnel wearing clean gloves to prevent re-contamination. In addition, the equipment should be moved away (preferably -24- Data Collection Work Plan – BBP Facility June 3, 2022 upwind) from the decontamination area to prevent re-contamination. If the equipment is not to be immediately re-used it should be covered with plastic sheeting to prevent re-contamination. 3.7 INVESTIGATION DERIVED WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL Investigation Derived Waste (IDW) will be generated during soil boring advancement for well installation, well development, qualitative aquifer testing, and well sampling. IDW will include excess soil cuttings, liquid residues generated during development, purging, sampling, decontamination activities, and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Soil and liquid IDW and PPE and other expendable items will be containerized in matrix-specific 55 gallon drums and stored in a secure location at the Facility pending the analytical results, and then disposed of accordingly. 3.8 FIELD DOCUMENTATION Field personnel will be responsible for maintaining field documentation, which may include notebooks, forms, photographs, and/or chain of custody forms that document field activities, as described in the following subsections. Field Notebooks Field notebooks will be used to document sampling and measurement activities. Field notes will be recorded using indelible black or blue ink in permanently bound notebooks with numbered pages. Field personnel recording the notes will sign and date the bottom of every page in the field notebook. Changes will be crossed out with a single line so that the original text remains legible; the change will be initialed and dated. Unused portions of logbook pages will be crossed out, signed, and dated by the assigned individual at the end of each workday. The field notebook may include the following information, as appropriate for each task: • Location, date, and time; • Personnel performing the activity; • Weather conditions; -25- Data Collection Work Plan – BBP Facility June 3, 2022 • The numerical value and units of each measurement; • The identity and calibration results for each item of field equipment used; • Sample type and sample collection method; • Unique sample numbers; • Depth(s) from which the sample was collected; • Description of the sample (e.g., color, odor, clarity); and • Identification of conditions that might affect the representativeness of the sample. Field notebooks will be labeled with the Project name, the name of the individual to whom the notebook has been assigned, and sequential notebook number. Upon Project closeout, used field notebooks and electronic field data files will be archived in the Project file. Field Forms When field forms are used to document sampling and measurement activities, all documentation will be recorded using indelible black or blue ink. Forms will include the Project name, date and time, sample location and sample numbers(s), and name/signature of the person completing the form. Examples of standardized field forms that may be used for specific field tasks include, sample collection field sheets, boring log forms, instrument/equipment calibration forms, and instrument/equipment maintenance and inspection forms. Photographs Digital photographs will be taken to document field activities when required. Digital photograph files will be downloaded from the camera and saved in labeled folders containing the Facility name and the date of the sampling event. -26- Data Collection Work Plan – BBP Facility June 3, 2022 4.0 SCHEDULE AND REPORTING Field activities will be completed within the following estimated timeframe: • Task 1 – Lithologic Data Collection completed in twelve weeks; • Task 2 – Flow Regime Data Collection completed in sixteen weeks following completion of Task 1; • Task 3 – Hydrogeologic Data Collection completed in eight weeks following the completion of Task 1;and • Task 4 – Groundwater Sampling and Analysis completed in twelve weeks following completion of Task 1. After completion of the tasks, a data collection memo will be prepared describing the scope of services performed including results of any sampling performed. A submittal describing refinements to the CSM would follow the data collection memo under a separate cover. FIGURES ApproximateAlcoa/Badin LandfillBoundary ApproximateBadin Business ParkBoundary DRAWN BY:DATE:CHECKED BY:DWG SCALE:APPROVED BY:PROJECT NO: FIGURE NO:JUNE 02, 2022 1 SITE LOCATION MAP 0 2,500 5,000Feet Signature on File *1 " = 5,000 '\\svr-fs-knx\Projects\300-000\300-226\-GIS\Maps\300-226.0017 Drilling Locations\300-226.0013 Figure 1 - Location.mxd - 6/2/2022 - 1:01:21 PM (jrickfordobrien)!IIl NORTH Legend Approximate Badin Business Park BoundaryApproximate Alcoa/Badin Landfill Boundary 300-226.0017 SOURCE: WORLD STREET MAPARCGIS MAP SERVICE: HTTP://GOTO.ARCGISONLINE.COM/MAPS/WORLD_STREET_MAP. LAST ACCESSED: 6/2/2022 2704 Cherokee Farm Way, Suite101 - Knoxville, TN 37920865-977-9997 865-774-7767www.cecinc.comJRO MWW JMB* BADIN BUSINESS PARK LLCBADIN BUSINESS PARK FACILITYBADIN, NORTH CAROLINA < < < < < < < << < < < < < < < < < < < < < > > > > > > > MW200 MW201 MW202 MW203 MW204 MW205 MW206 MW207MW208 MW209 MW210MW211 MW212 MW213 MW214 MW215 MW216 MW217 MW218 MW219 MW220 PZ18RD B300 B301 B302 B303B304 B305 B306 DRAWN BY:DATE: APPROVED BY: PROJECT NO:FIGURE NO:2JROMWW300-226.0017 CHECKED BY:SCALE:\\svr-fs-knx\Projects\300-000\300-226\-GIS\Maps\300-226.0017 Drilling Locations\300-226.0017 Figure 2 - Proposed Well & Boring Locations.mxd 6/2/2022 17:02 PM (jrickfordobrien)1 " = 500 ' SOURCE: ESRI WORLD IMAGERYESRI WORLD IMAGERY / ARCGIS MAP SERVICE: HTTP://GOTO.ARCGISONLINE.COM/MAPS/WORLD_IMAGERY. ACCESSED 6/3/2022. JMB* !IIl NORTH June 03, 2022 0 250 500Feet BADIN BUSINESS PARK LLCBADIN BUSINESS PARK FACILITYBADIN, NORTH CAROLINA SITE MAP Legend <Proposed Well Locations >Proposed Soil Borings Approximate Badin Business Park BoundaryApproximate Alcoa/Badin Landfill BoundaryTax Parcels 2704 Cherokee Farm Way, Suite101 - Knoxville, TN 37920865-977-9997 865-774-7767www.cecinc.com Signature on File * DISCLAIMER: PARCEL DATA WAS SOURCED FROM STANLY COUNTY ON 1/30/2020. THIS MAP WAS PREPARED USING THE INVENTORY OF REAL PROPERTY FOUND WITHIN THISJURISDICTION, AND IS COMPILED FROM RECORDED DEEDS, PLATS AND OTHER PUBLIC RECORDS AND DATA. CEC ASSUMES NO LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE PARCEL INFORMATIONCONTAINED ON THIS MAP. APPENDICES APPENDIX I STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES 02-01-01-Drilling Oversight and Logging Page 1 8/2014 02-01-01 DRILLING OVERSIGHT AND LOGGING I. SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY This procedure is applicable to the oversight and documentation of boring advancement in soil and bedrock. This procedure does not detail actual drilling techniques, as these are the drilling contractor's responsibility, and will change on a project-by-project basis. The procedure does detail the responsibilities of the Project Manager and Field Representative to determine that the drilling/sampling method is appropriate for the anticipated site conditions, meets the project data quality objectives (DQOs), do not produce/exacerbate environmental impacts and that information obtained is accurately documented. While the information included herein is tailored to drilling operations, many of these guidelines are also applicable to other means of invasive assessment, such as exploratory excavations/test pits. II. PROJECT-SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS The following information is to be completed on a project-specific basis. A. BORING LOCATIONS: B. NUMBERING SYSTEM: C. DRILLING METHOD(S): D. DECONTAMINATION REQUIREMENTS: E. REQUIRED DIAMETERS: F. BOREHOLE DEPTHS: G. SAMPLE INTERVAL, COLLECTION, AND SCREENING: H. DISPOSAL OF CUTTINGS AND DRILLING FLUIDS: I. BOREHOLE COMPLETION OR ABANDONMENT: J. OTHER REQUIREMENTS: III. PRE-MOBILIZATION REQUIREMENTS The following activities are to be completed before the mobilization of drilling operations to assure proper completion of the activities. Every project shall have a site-specific Health and Safety Plan (HASP) appropriate for the conditions anticipated in the field. Available subsurface information, particularly in the form of prior assessment and investigation reports, should be reviewed to understand expected site conditions and to verify that the proposed drilling method is appropriate and suitable to achieve the project objectives. For projects where prior subsurface exploration has not occurred, limited research of publically available information may be appropriate to understand anticipated geology and hydrogeology of the site. Proposed boring locations should be identified by the Project Manager, typically after an initial site visit and review of existing conditions, project DQOs, and proposed improvements (if applicable). The following criteria should be considered when selecting boring locations: Access for drilling equipment; 02-01-01-Drilling Oversight and Logging Page 2 8/2014 Vicinity of above grade and subsurface utilities and obstructions; Location of the proposed improvements (if applicable, i.e., for geotechnical purposes, including structures, slopes, pavements, retaining walls, etc.); Project-specific DQOs (i.e., due diligence-level presence/absence evaluation or regulatory-driven site characterization); Historic or prior property use and/or development; Location of known and/or suspected contamination plume(s) or groundwater flow directions; and Client-specified location criteria. A numbering system for identifying the borings should be developed. The areas in Item II (Project- Specific Requirements) are to be described in adequate detail to enable the Field Representative to perform the project in accordance with the proposed scope of services and/or work plan (if developed). The Project Manager must assure that the state One-Call center or Common Ground Alliance (phone: 811; web: www.call811.com) is contacted at least 2 to 3 business days before the beginning of drilling, depending on the location of the site, to identify the location of public utilities proximate to the drilling site (i.e., often within and proximate to the public right-of-way). The notification call to the One-Call center should be documented on an appropriate form; email notifications received in response to the One-Call notification should also be retained in the project file. The list of utilities notified by the One-Call center should be reviewed relative to local knowledge to verify that the list includes all of the known and/or anticipated utilities present in the area of the site (if a known or suspected utility is not included, the utility should be contacted directly and this notification documented in the project file). State One-Call contact information is available on Common Ground's website. Contact must also be made with the property owner to identify the location of private utilities on the property because the One-Call services do not locate public utilities on private property or private utilities. If the client cannot provide a contact that is familiar with utilities on the property, it may be necessary to take additional steps to assure the safety of the operation (such as retaining a third party to use geophysical methods to identify utilities). Confirm the sample collection requirements via review of the proposed scope/work plan and/or communication with the Project Manager so that appropriate and sufficient containers are obtained by CEC or provided by the drilling firm or laboratory. Additional considerations are listed below: For geotechnical sampling, the types of samples to be collected should be communicated to the drilling firm (i.e., Standard Penetration Test samples and expected sample jars per sample interval, bulk bag or bucket samples, and/or undisturbed/Shelby tube samples). The field personnel should be cognizant of the proposed geotechnical laboratory testing for the project so that sufficient sample volume is obtained to support the proposed testing. Reference CEC SOP 06-01-04. If environmental samples are to be collected, the laboratory should be contacted to verify the sample volume, container, preservation and holding time associated with each analytical method required for the project and the associated DQOs. Clean, new, single-use sample glassware, labels and chain-of-custody documentation should be obtained directly from the laboratory in advance of the proposed drilling to support the project. Reference CEC SOPs 06-01-01, 06-01-02 and 06-01- 03. IV. METHODOLOGY Before performing any drilling/invasive activities, conduct a health and safety meeting with the drilling contractor as outlined in the Site Health and Safety Plan. Additional pre-drilling and drilling guidance is provided below: A. Prior to any drilling activities, have all buried utilities, tanks and other obstructions located. Also note the location of overhead wires or other possible overhead obstructions. The extended derrick must be greater than 20 feet from any utility lines. 02-01-01-Drilling Oversight and Logging Page 3 8/2014 It may be necessary to relocate a boring to avoid utilities, tanks, or wires. If a boring must be relocated, check the new location with the CEC Project Manager, and perform the same evaluation of potential of access limitation as noted above. B. Confirm that appropriate and sufficient containers are on hand for the retention and preservation of samples (i.e., sample jars, zip-lock bags, bags or buckets for bulk samples, etc.). If environmental samples are to be collected, coolers with ice should be on hand for temporary storage of the recovered samples. C. Instruct the driller as to the sampling interval required, borehole diameter, and drilling methods. D. If the Site Health and Safety Plan requires air monitoring, begin monitoring the breathing zone as outlined in the Plan. E. Observe drilling and record information for each boring on an individual CEC Boring Log Form (SOP 06-02-03, 06-02-04, as appropriate); duplicate and/or additional information/observations may also be recorded in a field logbook, at the discretion of the field personnel. The Boring Log Forms should be filled in completely at the time of drilling, including the following items, as applicable: Client Name, Project Name, Project Location, Project Number Date of drilling operations (started and completed) Drilling contractor, drilling method (if SPT sampling, note whether automatic/hydraulic or manual/cathead hammer) CEC field personnel completing the log Boring location (descriptive with field measurements or GPS coordinates) Boring number Sample depth, type of sample (i.e., SPT, direct-push, undisturbed) and estimated length of recovery Detailed material description based on visual review (reference CEC SOP 02-03-01 and 02-03-02); observe cuttings between samples and record contacts or materials which do not fall within the sample intervals Weather conditions (temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind) Organic-vapor readings Evidence of contamination (visual or odor) Water conditions (including measured water levels, at the time of drilling, at the completion of drilling, and extended reading, if appropriate, noting the time elapsed since drilling was completed) Daily drilling footage and quantities (for billing purposes) Deviations from established plans Conditions in and around the borehole and site Relative ease or difficulty of drilling Unusual or unanticipated behavior of drilling equipment Field measurements (pocket penetrometer, hardness, pH, etc.) F. Collect required soil samples in accordance with SOP 03-01-xx series. G. Confirm that the boring termination depth, either as pre-determined or as a result of refusal conditions, meets the objectives of the project and/or project DQOs, as applicable. In some instances, boring depths may need to be extended to achieve project objectives and/or collect sufficient information to support project analysis/design requirements, or additional borings implemented or alternate drilling/sampling methods used in response to shallow refusal. Examples when the extension of a boring may be warranted include: i) penetrate existing fill material; ii) reach suitably firm soils and/or sufficient depths so as to allow evaluation of alternate 02-01-01-Drilling Oversight and Logging Page 4 8/2014 foundation options in response to poor shallow soil conditions; iii) encounter groundwater to facilitate sampling; or, iv) explore the vertical limits of soil contamination. The Project Manager should be consulted in the event of shallow refusal or uncertainty regarding whether the per- determined termination depth satisfies the project objectives prior to terminating drilling operations at a boring. H. Upon completion of each borehole, measure and record the water level in the hole in accordance with SOP 05-01-01. If any collapse occurs in the boring, the depth afterward should also be recorded. I. If not abandoned after drilling operations are completed, return to the borehole the next day and record the water level (and cave-in depth, if appropriate) again, whenever practicable. J. Complete or abandon the boring as indicated in Project-Specific Requirements. Project manager should consider the potential for settlement, preferential pathway for migration of groundwater or vapors, trapping hazards, cross-contamination, etc. when determining the project-specific requirements. The surface of the boring should be capped as appropriate. K. Document as-drilled location of the boring/monitoring well using a mobile GPS unit by measuring to a minimum of two known points, or other appropriate method to allow location to be replicated in the field within 1 meter. Borings which are to be abandoned should be backfilled with grout (on environmental projects) or backfilled with cuttings (on geotechnical projects), unless otherwise specified. Grout should be tremied to fill the boring from the bottom upward. The grout mixture shall be as specified in the Project-Specific Requirements (Section 2I). Borings which are to be converted to monitoring wells should be handled in accordance with SOP 02-02-01. L. Decontaminate equipment in accordance with SOP 04-04-01. V. PRECAUTIONS AND COMMON PROBLEMS A. Pay close attention to drill cuttings as well as samples. If contamination is present, drilling through a confining bed could allow contamination to migrate to deeper uncontaminated units, and therefore should be avoided unless special precautions are planned and undertaken. The Project Manager should be consulted before advancing any borings in areas of impact through a confining layer to assess the conditions and respond appropriately. Also, contamination may trigger the need to manage cuttings as waste materials, as well as additional safety requirements. In the event of unanticipated contamination, the Field Representative must contact the Project Manager for instructions on proper measures. B. If split-spoon recovery is low, instruct the driller to use plastic basket catchers in the spoons. Drillers should be required to have the plastic basket catchers available on the rig on all projects. For low recovery, it may be necessary to offset and collect additional samples from the corresponding interval(s), after consultation with the Project Manager. C. Observe cuttings between samples to allow identification of contacts or units which may not be observed in samples. Include this information in the boring log. VI. DOCUMENTATION A. Completed boring logs should be placed in the originals file, with copies to the project file and the Project Manager. 02-01-01-Drilling Oversight and Logging Page 5 8/2014 B. Prepare a Trip Report (SOP 06-02-05) to document the drilling effort. Attach copies of the boring logs. Discuss daily progress, delays, downtime, and billing quantities. C. Copy field logbook and/or data sheets and have a scanned version saved on the P:drive. VII. REFERENCES ASTM Methods D 2113-08 and D 5434-12 (or latest versions) 02-02-01 Page 1 9/97 02-02-01 WELL INSTALLATION I. SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY: This procedure is applicable to the installation of monitoring, observation, or pumping wells in unconsolidated material or bedrock. II. PROJECT-SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS A. WELL LOCATIONS AND IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS: B. WELL DEPTHS AND COMPLETION CRITERIA: C. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS Well Material: Well Diameter: Screen Length: Screen Type and Slot Size: Filter-Pack Material: Backfill: Protective Casing: Ground Pad: Special Criteria: D. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: III. METHODOLOGY A. Drill the boring in accordance with SOP 02-01-01. B. Review the boring log to assure that the screen and filter pack will not cross a hydrogeologic contact or cause connection between two aquifers. Modify the depth of the boring if necessary to prevent these problems. C. Assure that cuttings have been removed from the boring to the extent feasible by: For auger drilling, spinning the augers to remove auger spoil from the flights. For air-rotary drilling, repeatedly turning off the air flow and allowing water to fill the borehole, then evacuating the water. For water-rotary or mud drilling, flushing the borehole with clear water to remove mud. D. Assemble the appropriate well materials and lower them into the borehole. Place a cap over the top of the well to prevent material from falling into it. If the well materials float, remove them and clean the borehole again in accordance with Item C. E. Place the appropriate filter-pack material around the screen to the desired level. The top of the filter pack should extend at least two feet above the top of the screen. Pour the material slowly, and monitor 02-02-01 Page 2 9/97 with a weighted tape measure to check the level and determine whether the pack has bridged. For deep borings, shaking the riser pipe may prevent bridging. F. Install a seal over the pack by dropping bentonite pellets in the same manner. For borings less than approximately 100 feet deep, a minimum two-foot thickness of bentonite is required. For deeper borings, the bentonite seal should be at least five feet thick. IF THE BENTONITE IS ABOVE THE WATER LEVEL, ADD SEVERAL GALLONS OF CLEAN WATER TO HYDRATE THE PELLETS. Wait for at least 20 minutes to allow the pellets to swell for shallow borings; allow deeper borings to sit overnight if possible. G. Mix the backfill as specified in Section II.C. Lower a hose or tremie pipe to the bottom of the annulus. Pump grout to fill the borehole to the ground surface, while withdrawing the pipe or hose. For borings more than 100 feet deep, grout in 50-foot stages, allowing each stage to set overnight. H. Check the pH of the water in the well to determine whether grout has migrated into the screen. If the pH is greater than 9.0, proceed with development (SOP 02-02-04) immediately to remove grout before it sets. I. Allow the grout to set overnight, then install the appropriate protective casing and surface pad. The pad should be constructed with a slope so that precipitation will drain away from the protective casing. J. If a flush-mount casing has been installed, the cover should be water-tight and installed as far above grade as practical to eliminate standing water. Holes should be drilled through the outer casing to allow accumulated rainwater to drain. K. Using an indelible marker, place a tick mark on the inner riser. This point will be used as a reference datum for water-level and survey measurements. L. Develop the well in accordance with SOP 02-02-04 after the grout has set. NOTE: If hollow-stem augers or temporary casing have been installed, these should be incrementally withdrawn as pack and backfill materials are emplaced. IV. PRECAUTIONS AND COMMON PROBLEMS A. If the boring is not adequately cleaned, the filter pack will not settle appropriately, and the screen will be badly clogged with mud which may not be removed by development. This can be a particular problem with air rotary. This situation is best remedied while the drill tools are still in the boring. Repeatedly allow water to collect in the boring, then flush it out with clean drilling fluid. B. Grouting of deeper wells must be performed in stages to prevent grout migration into the well screen. C. Monitor grout takes when working in highly fractured material or fill. Grout can migrate around the seal and enter the screen. If a loss of grout is detected, coated bentonite chips (Hole PlugTM), bentonite pellets, or gravel may be used to seal the zone at which the grout take is suspected. Add the materials slowly to avoid bridging and monitor with a weighted tape D. Note on the boring log any unusual conditions during well installation. These may later help to explain problems with well function or water quality. E. When installing clustered wells, install wells from deepest to shallowest. This will reduce the 02-02-01 Page 3 9/97 possibility of grout migration into the screens of the shallower wells. F. Well materials must be compatible with the contaminants present, if free product or very high concentrations are anticipated. The chemical resistance of PVC pipe to various compounds is identified in Exhibit 02-02-01a. V. DOCUMENTATION A. Document the well construction on the Boring Log (SOP 07-02-03). B. Include a discussion of well installation activities in the Trip Report (SOP 07-02-04) for the drilling event. VI. REFERENCES Driscoll, F.G., 1986. Groundwater and Wells, 2nd Ed. Johnson Division, St. Paul, Minnesota. 860 pp. Standard Operating Procedures and Quality Assurance Manual, U.S. EPA Region IV, February 1991. Exhibit 02-02-01a page 1 CHEMICAL RESISTANCE OF PVC PIPECHEMICAL RESISTANCE OF PVC PIPE Acetaldehyde Not resistant Dimethyl formamide Not resistant Nitrous acid Generally resistant Acetaldehyde, aq 40%Moderately resistant Detergents, aq Generally resistant Nitrous oxide, gas Generally resistant Acetic acid, vapor Generally resistant Dibutyl phthalate Not resistant Nitroglycol Not resistant Acetic acid, glacial Generally resistant Dibutyl sebacate Moderately resistant Nitropropane Moderately resistant Acetic acid, 20%Generally resistant Dichlorobenzene Not resistant Oils, vegetable Generally resistant Acetic acid, 80%Generally resistant Dichloroethylene Not resistant Oils and fats Generally resistant Acetic anhydride Not resistant Ethers Not resistant Oleic acid Generally resistant Acetone Not resistant Ethyl esters Not resistant Oleum Not resistant Acetylene Moderately resistant Ethyl halides Not resistant Olive oil Moderately resistant Adipic acid Generally resistant Ethylene halides Not resistant Oxalic acid Generally resistant Alcohol, allyl Generally resistant Ethylene glycol Generally resistant Oxygen, gas Generally resistant Alcohol, benzyl Not resistant Ethylene oxide Not resistant Ozone, gas Generally resistant Alcohol, butyl (n-butanol)Generally resistant Fatty acids Generally resistant Palmitic acid, 10%Generally resistant Alcohol, butyl (2-butanol)Generally resistant Ferric salts Generally resistant Palmitic acid, 70%Generally resistant Alcohol, ethyl Generally resistant Fluorine, dry gas Moderately resistant Paraffin Generally resistant Alcohol, hexyl Generally resistant Fluorine, wet gas Moderately resistant Pentane Moderately resistant Alcohol, isopropyl (2-propanol)Generally resistant Fluoboric acid, 25%Generally resistant Peracetic acid, 40%Generally resistant Alcohol, methyl Generally resistant Fluosilicic acid Generally resistant Perchloric acid, 10%Generally resistant Alcohol, propyl (1-propanol)Generally resistant Formaldehyde Generally resistant Perchloric acid, 70%Generally resistant Allyl chloride Not resistant Formic acid Generally resistant Perchloroethylene Moderately resistant Alums Generally resistant Freon - F11, F12, F13, F14 Generally resistant Petroleum, sour Generally resistant Ammonia, gas Generally resistant Freon - F21, F22 Not resistant Petroleum, refined Generally resistant Ammonia, liquid Not resistant Fruit juices and pulps Generally resistant Phenol Moderately resistant Ammonia, aq Generally resistant Fuel oil Moderately resistant Phenylcarbinol Not resistant Ammonium salts Generally resistant Furfural Not resistant Phenylhydrazine Not resistant Ammonium fluoride, 25%Generally resistant Gas, coal, manufactured Not resistant Phenylhydrazine HC1 Moderately resistant Amyl acetate Not resistant Gas, natural, methane Generally resistant Phosgene, gas Generally resistant 9/97 Exhibit 02-02-01a page 2 Amyl chloride Not resistant Gasolines Moderately resistant Phosgene, liquid Not resistant Aniline Not resistant Gelatin Generally resistant Phosphoric acid Generally resistant Aniline chlorohydrate Not resistant Glycerine (glycerol)Generally resistant Phosphorus, yellow Generally resistant Aniline hydrochloride Not resistant Glycols Generally resistant Phosphorus, red Generally resistant Aniline dyes Not resistant Glue, animal Generally resistant Phosphorus pentoxide Generally resistant Anthraquinone Generally resistant Glycolic acid Generally resistant Phosphorus trichloride Not resistant Anthraquinone sulfonic acid Generally resistant Green liquor, paper Generally resistant Photographic chemicals, aq Generally resistant Antimony trichloride Generally resistant Gallic acid Generally resistant Phthalic acid Moderately resistant Aqua regia Moderately resistant Heptane Generally resistant Picric acid Not resistant Arsenic acid, 80%Generally resistant Hexane Generally resistant Plating solutions, metal Generally resistant Aryl-sulfonic acid Generally resistant Hydrobromic acid, 20%Generally resistant Potassium salts, aq Generally resistant Barium salts Generally resistant Hydrochloric acid Generally resistant Potassium permanganate, 25%Moderately resistant Beer Generally resistant Hydrofluoric acid, 10%Generally resistant Potassium alkyl xanthates Generally resistant Beet sugar liquor Generally resistant Hydrofluoric acid, 60%Generally resistant Propane Generally resistant Benzaldehyde, 10%Generally resistant Hydrofluoric acid, 100%Generally resistant Propylene dichloride Not resistant Benzaldehyde, above 10%Not resistant Hydrocyanic acid Generally resistant Propylene glycol Generally resistant Benzene (benzol)Not resistant Hydrogen Generally resistant Propylene oxide Not resistant Benzene sulfonic acid, 10%Generally resistant Hydrogen peroxide, 50%Generally resistant Pyridine Not resistant Benzene sulfonic acid Not resistant Hydrogen peroxide, 90%Generally resistant Pyrogallic acid Moderately resistant Benzoic acid Generally resistant Hydrogen sulfide, aq Generally resistant Rayon coagulating bath Generally resistant Black liquor - paper Generally resistant Hydrogen sulfide, dry Generally resistant Sea water Generally resistant Bleach, 12.5% active chlorine Generally resistant Hydroquinone Generally resistant Salicyclic acid Generally resistant Bleach, 5.5% active chlorine Generally resistant Hydroxylamine sulfate Generally resistant Salicylaldehyde Moderately resistant Borax Generally resistant Hydrazine Not resistant Selenic acid Generally resistant Boric acid Generally resistant Hypochlorous acid Generally resistant Sewage, residential Generally resistant Boron triflouride Generally resistant Iodine, in KI, 3%, aq Moderately resistant Silicic acid Generally resistant Bromic acid Generally resistant Iodine, alc Not resistant Silicone oil Generally resistant Bromine, liquid Not resistant Iodine, aq. 10%Not resistant Silver salts Generally resistant Bromine, gas, 25%Generally resistant Jet fuels, JP-4 and JP-5 Generally resistant Soaps Generally resistant 9/97 Exhibit 02-02-01a page 3 Bromine, aq Generally resistant Kerosene Generally resistant Sodium salts, aqeous, except:Generally resistant Butadiene Generally resistant Ketones Not resistant Sodium chlorite Generally resistant Butane Generally resistant Kraft paper liquor Generally resistant Sodium chlorate Generally resistant Butantetrol (erythritol)Generally resistant Lacquer thinners Moderately resistant Sodium dichromate, acid Generally resistant Butanediol Generally resistant Lactic acid, 25%Generally resistant Sodium perborate Generally resistant Butyl acetate Not resistant Lard oil Generally resistant Stannic chloride Generally resistant Butyl phenol Generally resistant Lauric acid Generally resistant Stannous chloride Generally resistant Butylene Generally resistant Lauryl chloride Generally resistant Starch Generally resistant Butyric acid Generally resistant Lauryl sulfate Generally resistant Stearic acid Generally resistant Calcium salts, aq Generally resistant Lead salts Generally resistant Stoddard solvent Not resistant Calcium hypochlorite Generally resistant Lime sulfur Generally resistant Sulfite liquor Generally resistant Calcium hydroxide Generally resistant Linoleic acid Generally resistant Sulfur Generally resistant Cane sugar liquors Generally resistant Linseed oil Generally resistant Sugar, aq Generally resistant Carbon bisulfide Not resistant Liqueurs Generally resistant Sulfur dioxide, dry Generally resistant Carbon dioxide Generally resistant Liquors Generally resistant Sulfur dioxide, wet Generally resistant Carbon dioxide, aq Generally resistant Lithium salts Generally resistant Sulfur trioxide, gas, dry Generally resistant Carbon monoxide Generally resistant Lubricating oils Generally resistant Sulfur trioxide, wet Generally resistant Carbon tetrachloride Generally resistant Machine oil Generally resistant Sulfuric acid, up to 70%Generally resistant Casein Generally resistant Magnesium salts Generally resistant Surfuric acid, 70 to 90%Generally resistant Castor oil Generally resistant Maleic acid Generally resistant Sulfuric acid, 90 to 100%Moderately resistant Causticpotash (potassiumhydroxide)Generally resistant Malic acid Generally resistant Surfurous acid Moderately resistant Caustic soda (sodium hydroxide)Generally resistant Manganese sulfate Generally resistant Tall Oil Generally resistant Cellosolve Generally resistant Mercuric salts Generally resistant Tannic acid Generally resistant Cellosolve acetate Generally resistant Mercury Generally resistant Tanning liquors Generally resistant Chloral hydrate Generally resistant Mesityl oxide Not resistant Tartaric acid Generally resistant Chloramine Generally resistant Metallic soaps, aq Generally resistant Tetrachloroethane Moderately resistant Chloric acid, 20%Generally resistant Methane Generally resistant Tetraethyl lead Generally resistant Chlorine, gas, dry Moderately resistant Methyl acetate Not resistant Tetrahydrofuran Not resistant Chlorine, gas, wet Not resistant Methyl bromide Not resistant Thionyl chloride Not resistant 9/97 Exhibit 02-02-01a page 4 Chlorine, liquid Not resistant Methyl cellosolve Not resistant Thread currint oils Generally resistant Chlorine water Generally resistant Methyl chloride Not resistant Terpineol Moderately resistant Chloracetic acid Generally resistant Methyl chloroform Not resistant Titanium tetrachloride Moderately resistant Chlorobenzene Not resistant Methyl cyclohexanone Not resistant Toluene Not resistant Chlorobenzyl chloride Not resistant Methyl methacrylate Generally resistant Tributyl phosphate Not resistant Chloroform Not resistant Methyl salicylate Generally resistant Tributyl citrate Generally resistant Chlorosulfonic acid Generally resistant Methyl sulfate Generally resistant Tricresyl phosphate Not resistant Chromic acid, 10%Generally resistant Methyl sulfonic acid Generally resistant Trichloroacetic acid Generally resistant Chromic acid, 30%Generally resistant Methylene bromide Not resistant Trichloroethylene Not resistant Chromic acid, 40%Generally resistant Methylene chloride Not resistant Triethanolamine Generally resistant Chromic acid, 50%Not resistant Methylene iodide Not resistant Triethylamine Generally resistant Citric acid Generally resistant Milk Generally resistant Trimethyl propane Generally resistant Coconut oil Generally resistant Mineral oil Generally resistant Turpentine Generally resistant Coke oven gas Generally resistant Mixed acids (sulfuric & nitric)Moderately resistant Urea Generally resistant Copper salts, aq Generally resistant Mixed acids (sulfuric & phosphoric)Generally resistant Urine Generally resistant Corn oil Generally resistant Molasses Generally resistant Vaseline Not resistant Corn syrup Generally resistant Monochlorobenzene Not resistant Vegetable oil Generally resistant Cottonseed oil Generally resistant Monoethanolamine Not resistant Vinegar Generally resistant Cresol Not resistant Motor oil Generally resistant Vinyl acetate Not resistant Cresylic acid, 50%Generally resistant Naphtha Generally resistant Water, distilled Generally resistant Croton aldehyde Not resistant Naphthalene Not resistant Water, fresh Generally resistant Crude oil Generally resistant Nickel salts Generally resistant Water, mine Generally resistant Cyclohexane Not resistant Nicotine Generally resistant Water, salt Generally resistant Cyclohexanol Not resistant Nicotinic acid Generally resistant Water, tap Generally resistant Cyclohexanone Not resistant Nitric acid, 0 to 50%Generally resistant Whiskey Generally resistant Diazo salts Generally resistant Nitric acid, 60%Generally resistant Wines Generally resistant Diesel fuels Generally resistant Nitric acid, 70%Generally resistant Xylene Not resistant Diethyl amine Not resistant Nitric acid, 80%Moderately resistant Zinc salts Generally resistant Dioctyl phthalate Not resistant Nitric acid, 90%Moderately resistant 9/97 Exhibit 02-02-01a page 5 Disodium phosphate Generally resistant Nitric acid, 100%Not resistant Diglycolic acid Generally resistant Nitric acid, fuming Not resistant Dioxane-1,4 Not resistant Nitrobenzene Not resistant Dimethylamine Generally resistant Nitroglycerine Not resistant Resistance data are for 73°F. Reference: Unbell PVC Pipe Association, 1991. Handbook of PVC Pipe Design and Construction, 3rd. ed. Dallas, TX. 474 pp. 9/97 02-02-03 Page 1 9/97 02-02-02 WELL ABANDONMENT I. SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY: This procedure is to be used for formal abandonment of wells which are no longer in use. Abandonment is to be done in a manner which prevents the well from acting as a conduit for contaminant migration. II. PROJECT-SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: A. WELLS TO BE ABANDONED: B. OVERDRILLING AND CASING REMOVAL REQUIREMENTS: C. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: III. METHODOLOGY: A. Consult applicable state regulations to determine whether additional special requirements apply. B. Break up and remove any concrete pad around the well. C. Remove the protective casing and riser, if possible. If the casing cannot be removed, it should be cut as far below grade as possible. D. If an ungrouted outer casing is present, remove it if possible. E. If the well is to be overdrilled, instruct the drilling contractor to use a bit of at least the same size as the existing boring to drill out the existing well. F. Prepare a grout mix of three to five pounds of powdered bentonite and five gallons of water to each 100 pounds of cement. G. Tremie the grout mixture into the boring or well, filling from the bottom upward. Record the quantity of grout added and compare it to the borehole volume. H. Allow the grout to settle overnight. Add more grout if necessary. I. Level the top of the abandoned well with soil, pavement, or aggregate, as appropriate. IV. PRECAUTIONS AND COMMON PROBLEMS A. Alignment of the drilling rig is crucial in overdrilling. B. If grout losses occur, coated bentonite chips (Hole PlugTM), bentonite pellets, or gravel may be used to seal the zone at which the grout take is suspected. Add the materials slowly to avoid bridging and monitor with a weighted tape. C. Always review the boring log, if available, before beginning abandonment. 02-02-03 Page 2 9/97 D. If a replacement well is to be installed at the same location, abandon the existing well before installing the new well. V. DOCUMENTATION: A. Record observations, quantities, and grout usage in the field logbook and incorporate the information into the Trip Report (SOP 07-02-04). B. State agencies often have their own forms for reporting well abandonment. An example form (from Pennsylvania requirements) is provided as Exhibit 02-02-03a. VI. REFERENCES Driscoll, F.G., 1986. Groundwater and Wells, 2nd Ed. Johnson Division, St. Paul, Minnesota. 860 pp. Pennsylvania DEP, 1995. Land Recycling Program Technical Guidance Manual. Harrisburg, PA. WELL ABANDONMENT FORM CONTRACTOR/AGENT: Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. REGISTRATION/ID No. __________ DATE: ___/___/___ TYPE OF SITE OR PROGRAM: _______________________________________ 1.WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch on back of this form). Municipality: ______________________________ County: ______________________________ Quadrangle: ____________________________________________________________________ (Road, community, subdivision, lot no.) Latitude: ____°____’____”__ Longitude: ____°____’____”__ 2.OWNER AND ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 3.TOPOGRAPHY: (Circle one.) hilltop, slope, stream terrace, valley, stream channel, draw, local depression, flat 4.USE OF WELL: ____________________ 5.DEPTH OF WELL: _______ feet DIAMETER OF WELL: _______ feet 6.AMOUNT OF CASING REMOVED: Length: _____ feet Diameter: ______ inches Length: _____ feet Diameter: ______ inches 7.SEALING MATERIALS: neat cement sand cement Bags cement ______ ________ Gal. water ______ ________ Cu. yd. sand n/a ________ OTHER MATERIALS AND AMOUNTS: ________________________________________ 8.METHOD OF EMPLACMENT OF MATERIALS: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 9.CERTIFICATION: We hereby certify that this well abandonment record is true and exact, and was accomplished on ____ day of the month of _________________, ______, with our active participation and that we are qualified to participate in such abandonment actions. 1. Signature of Participant: ____________________2. Signature of Participant: ____________________ Date: ____/____/____ Address: ________________Date: ____/____/____ Address: ________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ WELL DIAGRAM 02-02-03 Page 1 12/2013 02-02-03 WELL DEVELOPMENT I. SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY: Well development is conducted to remove residual fluids and fine- grained particles remaining in the well, well screen, and filter pack after well installation. The procedure is intended to re-establish natural hydraulic flow conditions to assure that groundwater can pass freely through the well screen and filter pack, as well as to allow collection of chemically representative and non- turbid groundwater samples, and should not be confused with purging. This procedure is applicable to development of monitoring or observation wells in unconsolidated material or bedrock. This procedure is not applicable to the development of production wells, water supply wells, or large diameter groundwater extraction wells, all of which may require more elaborate procedures. II. PROJECT-SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: A. METHOD: {Specify the preferred method(s), if there is one. Else state “See Section III and use method(s) appropriate for well yield and site conditions.”} B. DISPOSAL OF WATER: {When it is likely that water removed during development will be contaminated, procedures commensurate with the type and level of contamination should be employed for the handling, storage, and disposal of the material} C. OTHER CRITERIA: {Specify if there are criteria such as field measurement of pH, conductivity, and/or turbidity in determining sufficient well development. Specify the desired minimum time that should elapse between well installation and well development, and well development and well sampling. Some states have other criteria such a minimum well volume that should be removed. State any such criteria here as appropriate. If well development includes the addition of water to the well, sampling and analysis of the water source may be required depending on site conditions, client requirements, or the regulatory program governing the site.} III. METHODOLOGY: Development can be accomplished by bailing, pumping/overpumping, surging, jetting, air lift, and backwashing. The effectiveness and appropriateness of a particular method depends on the depth and yield of the well. In many cases, a combination of methods is preferable. Well development should continue until turbidity of the discharge water has ceased to decrease; all drilling water lost has been recovered; and pH, temperature, and conductance have stabilized. Water should be free of visible sediments (e.g. turbidity less than 10 NTU), but this turbidity may not be achievable in very fine- grained materials. If well construction includes placement of liquid grout, the grout should be allowed to cure for at least 24 hours prior to well development. If bentonite chips, hole-plug, or equivalent was used in lieu of grout, allow the material to set a minimum of one hour after hydration prior to well development. Well development should be performed using one or more of the following methods. If adequate development cannot be achieved due to poor yield, water may be added for jetting, surging, or bailing. However, only clean water should be used and all water added must be removed, and the addition of water should be clearly documented on the Boring Log and in the Trip Report, because it may affect results of initial groundwater samples. Equipment should be decontaminated in accordance with SOP 04-04-01. A. BAILING: Development by bailing is recommended for low-yielding wells and as the initial method for most wells to remove the heavier sediments that may clog a pump. A heavy bailer is recommended to 02-02-03 Page 2 12/2013 have sufficient weight to create a surging action. Evacuate the well repeatedly by lowering a bailer all the way to the bottom of the well. To enhance the removal of particulates accumulated at the bottom of the well, rapid short strokes near the bottom can be used to agitate and suspend sediments, allowing them to be removed. If the well can be bailed dry, backwashing or addition of clean water may be employed. Also, if a well is de-watered, it should be allowed to recover and bailing should be resumed. Depending on the depth of the well and the volume to be removed, a tripod and pulley system may be used to aid in lifting the bailer. B. PUMPING/OVERPUMPING: Development by pumping/overpumping is recommended for wells with sustainable yield above 1 gpm. Before pumping, limited bailing should be performed to remove heavy sediments which may clog the pump. A submersible pump should be placed in the well, and pumped at a sustainable rate. Raise and lower the pump slowly through the water column to remove debris from the entire pack. When there is no improvement in turbidity, the well should be allowed to equilibrate and then the process repeated, if possible at a higher pumping rate. Alternate pumping and equilibration cycles until the water is free of sediments and no additional sediment accumulates in the bottom of the well. C. SURGING: Surging is employed primarily for shallow, small-diameter wells which are badly clogged. Surging involves pulling and pushing water into and out of a well screen using a plunger or block. A surge tool is a weighted device with a disk or flexible gasket which fits snugly in the well bore and is attached to a rope or cable. The surge tool is allowed to sink through the water column while water passes through the device by means of a foot valve. The device is then pulled rapidly up against the water column to force water out of the top of the well while imparting a vacuum below the gasket to pull water in through the screen. This technique should be used in conjunction with bailing. Some surging may be achieved with a bailer if the diameter is only slightly less than that of the monitoring well, provided that the bailer is lowered and raised rapidly. D. JETTING: Jetting involves using high velocity streams of water to loosen fine-grained material and drilling fluids from the formation. The material is then bailed or pumped out of the well. This method is useful in wells with a standing water column of more than five feet. Fit a submersible pump with a "T" or capped section of pipe with holes drilled in the sides. This tool, which replaces the discharge line, will allow the pump discharge to be directed toward the well screen. Lower the pump into the well, then raise and lower it slowly through the screen. Periodically stop jetting to bail or pump the loosened material from the well and to allow the pump to cool. E. AIR LIFT: Air lift is useful when the driller is to perform development and wells have a reasonable yield. An air-lift tool (Driscoll, 1986) should always be used; dropping a compressor line into the well and blowing water out in an uncontrolled manner is not an appropriate means of well development, since this forces air into the formation and does not effectively remove cuttings from the well bore. When performed correctly, air is delivered to the well under pressure and brings water to the surface. Because of equipment requirements, this procedure should be performed only by the drilling contractor. Air from the compressor should be filtered to insure that oil is not introduced into the well. Generally, air techniques may be effective at removing debris, but cause very little positive effect beyond the well’s screen. F. BACKWASHING: Backwashing consists of returning a lifted column of water to the well. Water is lifted by pumping or air lift, then, when it reaches the ground surface, the pump is shut off and the water is allowed to fall back to the well screen. After several cycles, the water is then removed by pumping or air lift. 02-02-03 Page 3 12/2013 IV. PRECAUTIONS AND COMMON PROBLEMS: A. For wells with low recovery rates, alternate surging and bailing. After bailing, allow the well to recover before surging again. A bailer of a diameter approximating the diameter of the well can achieve some surging effect. B. Damage to a submersible pump caused by clogging with mud is a common problem. Make sure that the water is fluid enough to pump before using one. V. DOCUMENTATION: The following data should be recorded on a Well Development Field Data Sheet. Also include development method and results in the appropriate space on the Boring Log (SOP 06-02-03). 1. Site name and project number; 2. Name of developer(s); 3. Well number, diameter, screen length, initial total depth, final total depth; 4. Static water level before and after well development; 5. Date and time of well development; 6. Description of development method(s) used; 7. Type, size, capacity, and pumping rate of pump and/or bailer used; 8. Field measurements of pH, conductivity, temperature, and turbidity before and during development; 9. Volume of water removed; 10. Physical characteristics of removed water to include changes during development in clarity, color, particulates, and any noted odors; 11. Quantity of fluids removed and time interval for removal (both incremental and cumulative); 12. Estimate of well yield before and after well development. VI. REFERENCES: Design and Installation of Monitoring Wells, United States Environmental Protection Agency, January 2013. Driscoll, F.G., 1986. Groundwater and Wells, 2nd Ed. Johnson Division, St. Paul, Minnesota. 860 pp. Groundwater Monitoring Guidance Manual, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, December 2001. Standard Operating Procedures and Quality Assurance Manual, U.S. EPA Region IV, February 1991. Technical Guidance Manual for Groundwater Investigations, Chapter 8, Monitoring Well Development, Maintenance, and Redevelopment, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, February 2009. Page ____ of ___ WELL DEVELOPMENT FIELD DATA SHEET Date Time Development Methodi Pump Depth(fta) Pumping Rateb Cumulative Volume Purgedc DTWd pHe Temp.f Spec. Cond.g Turbidityh Other Comments (ex. clarity of water, success of method) Diam: ______; Material:__________; Depth to Screen (ft. TOC): ________; Screen Length: ________; Well Volume (gal): __________; g. Specific conductance, µmhos/cm (or µS/cm). Pump (note type) Bailer Surged with block Weather: ____________________________________________ Job Number: ___________________________Well No. : ______________Static Water Depth (ft TOCa): _________________ Site Name: _____________________________Initial Total Depth (ft TOCa): _____________Handling of Purged Fluids:_______________________________ Well Information: a. Top of casing.d. Depth to water. Developer(s): ____________________________Final Total Depth (ft TOCa): _______________ h. NTU unless otherwise noted. i. Type of development equipment: b. Gallons per minute. c. gallons e. Standard units f. °C, unless °F noted. 02-03-01-Unconsolidated Material Page 1 11/2020 Classification 02-03-01 UNCONSOLIDATED MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION AND BORING/TEST PIT LOG DEVELOPMENT I. SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY This procedure is to be used for the description of unconsolidated materials, including fill, soil, and natural geologic materials. These descriptions should be included on geotechnical and environmental boring logs and test pit logs. This procedure does not apply to material classifications for infiltration testing and/or ecological purposes. Section II.A.4 provides direction where it is no longer appropriate to classify sampled materials as unconsolidated soils in accordance with this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Refer to Section II.A.4 and to CEC SOP 02-03- 02 Rock Classification for direction on classifying weathered rock and bedrock. This procedure is intended for use on projects and for clients where a standard for soil classification and reporting has not been established. Public agencies (e.g. state DOTs, etc.) and to a lesser extent, private entities, may have established reporting procedures. When applicable, review and adhere to those standard reporting requirements. II. METHODOLOGY A. Material Classification and Presentation on Logs Except where noted below, descriptions of unconsolidated materials shall be per the following ASTM International Standard Practices (latest editions): ASTM D2487: Standard Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System). ASTM D2488: Standard Practice for Description and Identification of Soils (Visual-Manual Procedure). ASTM D2487 is a classification system derived from laboratory testing. Each log shall clearly state that: “Soil classifications were derived using the general methodologies presented in ASTM D2488, except where capitalized USCS group names (e.g., LEAN CLAY WITH SAND, etc.) are indicated hereon, if any. Capitalized USCS group names denote the classifications were derived using the general methodologies presented in ASTM D2487.” The following information shall be presented for unconsolidated soil strata on the logs in the order presented. Optional items are indicated below. 1. Color: Subjective verbal description only; color chart not required. Color descriptors shall consist of “common” colors, with light/dark or –ish modifiers. 2. Group Name/Symbol: Grain-size descriptions shall be reported per ASTM D2488 or ASTM D2487 and denoted as indicated herein. Report ASTM D2487 laboratory classification data when available and denote via capitalized group name. Flow charts for the proper naming of fine and coarse grained soils per ASTM D2488 are provided at the end of this SOP. Indicate the group symbol immediately following the group name. Present the group symbol in all capital letters regardless of the method used to identify the soil type. If the materials encountered are not of natural origin, indicate immediately after the Group Name/Symbol using the descriptor “derived from”. For example, “Clayey Gravel with Sand derived from Brick and Concrete Fragments”. If only a percentage of the sampled material is unnatural, do not use the “derived from” descriptor. Instead, add a note following the material classification. 3. Moisture Content: Use one (1) of the three (3) following qualitative indicators: 02-03-01-Unconsolidated Material Page 2 11/2020 Classification Dry: Sample is dusty or obviously dry Moist: Anything that does not fit the definition of dry or wet Wet: Sample contains free water. 4. Consistency/Relative Density: ASTM D2487 and D2488 do not include the preferred method for estimating soil consistency/relative density. ASTM D2487 includes simplistic methods for estimating consistency which may be utilized in absence of preferred field testing methods. Preferred field testing methods for consistency/relative density include the following: ASTM D1586: Standard Test Method for Penetration Test and Split-Barrel Sampling of Soils (latest edition) Pocket Penetrometer testing: Standardized ASTM test methods not available. Follow manufacturer’s product manual for instructions. Example manual: Humboldt Mfg. Co., H-4195 Product Manual Less commonly used field testing methods [e.g., cone penetration testing (CPT), torvane shear testing] are suitable to describe in-situ consistency or relative density. These alternative in-situ testing methods may be reported on the logs and in the geotechnical report provided the testing is performed in accordance with standardized procedures and the reported values adhere to published references. Use N-values from ASTM D1586 as a correlation to the relative density of sands and gravels. The N-value is the sum of the number of blows required to drive the standard penetration test (SPT) the second and third 6-inch increments (sample depth interval of 6 to 18 inches) and is recorded in blows per foot (bpf). For fine-grained, cohesive soils exhibiting plasticity, use a pocket penetrometer (PP) to estimate an unconfined compressive strength measured in tons per square foot (tsf) and then correlate this value to the applicable consistency values indicated below for reporting purposes. The field representative shall determine the adequacy and applicability of PP testing on fine-grained soil. For instance, the lack of an intact sample, the presence of rock fragments, excessively dry soils, or other conditions may negate PP testing on fine-grained samples. If PP testing cannot be performed, if the PP value is determined to be unrepresentative/unsuitable, or in absence of PP values revert to N-values as a correlation to consistency. The correlations below were obtained from the US Army Corps of Engineers, Design of Sheet Pile Walls Engineering Manual, EM 1110-2-2504, dated March 31, 1994. SILTS AND CLAYS (>50% Fines) Consistency N-Value (bpf) Pocket Penetrometer (tsf) Very Soft 0 – 2 <0.25 Soft 3 – 4 0.25 - 0.5 Medium Stiff 5 – 8 0.5 - 1 Stiff 9 – 15 1 - 2 Very Stiff 16 – 32 2 - 4 Hard >32 >4 02-03-01-Unconsolidated Material Page 3 11/2020 Classification SANDS AND GRAVELS (< 50% Fines) Relative Density N-Value (bpf) Very Loose 0 – 4 Loose 5 – 10 Medium Dense 11 – 30 Dense 31 – 50 Very Dense >50 If SPTs, PPs, or alternative in-situ testing procedures are not performed, the methods similar to those described in ASTM D2488 may be used to estimate the consistency of fine- grained cohesive soils. The following criteria may be used for clays and silts: Very Soft: Extruded from between fingers when squeezed in fist Soft: Easily molded in fingers by light finger pressure Medium Stiff: Molded by strong finger pressure Stiff: Cannot be molded by fingers, but can be indented by thumb Very Stiff: Cannot be indented by thumb, but can be indented with thumbnail Hard: Cannot be indented by thumbnail. The field representative may also reference the advancement of boring or excavation equipment in terms of effort to describe the in-situ consistency and/or relative density. Include these observations as notes following the soil description (e.g., “Difficulty augering from approximately 3 to 5 feet.”). Do not use these observations to describe consistency and/or relative density in the soil description. Per the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Part 631, Geology National Engineering Handbook, Chapters 3 and 4: cohesive soils which have N-values greater than 30 bpf or PP strengths greater than 0.625 MPa (~6.5 tsf) may be classified as rock. Similarly, cohesionless soils in which blow counts are greater than 50 bpf may be classified as rock. Materials that meet these criteria, and are also observed to be derived from lithified, undisturbed, natural bedrock, may be classified as “Weathered Rock” and described in accordance with CEC SOP 02-03-02. It is ultimately the discretion of the field representative classifying the materials, and the corresponding project manager to determine whether materials meeting the above criteria shall be classified as soil or rock. Refusal is defined as >50 blows per one, 6-inch interval of the SPT. Samples in which refusal is encountered on lithified, undisturbed, natural bedrock and are underlain by refusal/rock cored samples shall be classified as “Bedrock” and described in accordance with CEC SOP 02-03-02. Samples in which refusal is encountered on natural, undisturbed materials, but are underlain by samples which do not achieve refusal shall not be classified as “Bedrock”. These samples may be classified as “Residual Soil” or “Weathered Rock” per the discretion of the field representative classifying the materials, and the corresponding project manager. Samples which are extended through lithified, undisturbed, natural bedrock via rock coring methods shall be classified as “Bedrock” in accordance with CEC SOP 02-03-02. 5. Structure (Optional): Necessary only if structural features are present. Features which should be described if present include stratification, varves, mottling, nodules, blebs, etc. 6. Odor: Note subjectively only if an unusual odor is present. Notify your project manager or office safety representative immediately if chemical, processed gas or other (potentially) contaminated odor is detected during drilling operations. 02-03-01-Unconsolidated Material Page 4 11/2020 Classification 7. Mineralogy (Optional): Necessary only for medium sands and coarser materials. Identify dominant mineral grains, where clearly visible. 8. Origin: Origin of all materials should be indicated in bold capital letters in parentheses at the end of the description. Appropriate descriptors may include fill, mine spoil, alluvium, colluvium, residuum, glacial till, glacial outwash, lacustrine, etc. 9. Other Features: Other identifiable, pertinent features should be described in notes following the material classification. Features which should be noted if present include angularity of coarse-grained soils, fossils, roots, organic matter, construction debris (e.g., masonry, brick), bioturbation, apparent obstructions, presence of coal, carbonaceous shale, or other potentially expansive materials, etc. The amount of these other features can be described based on the following: “Trace" <5% “Few” 5 - 15% “Some” 15 - 45% Do not make grain-size assumptions unless those particles are visually observed. For instance, it is not suitable to report “Difficulty augering through sandstone boulders from 2 to 4 feet.” or “Refusal encountered on apparent limestone cobbles.” as boulders and cobbles cannot generally be identified in commonly used boring sampling methods, such as SPTs. Indicate “other features” in italics. 10. Format: Format the soil descriptions as follows: Capitalize the first letter of each word in the soil description with the exception of verbs, prepositions and conjunctions; Capitalize the entire USCS group name if determined in accordance with ASTM D2487 (laboratory method); Italicize notes and only capitalize the first letter of the sentences and proper nouns in the notes; and Units of measurements may be abbreviated using letters (e.g., ft., in., psi, etc.). Do not use symbolized abbreviations (e.g., ‘, “, etc.). Examples of appropriate descriptions are presented below. The first soil description is an example of one derived from laboratory testing methodologies (ASTM D2487). The second and third soil descriptions are examples of those derived from the visual-manual method (ASTM D2488). Grayish Brown, SANDY LEAN CLAY WITH GRAVEL, CL, Moist, Hard (RESIDUUM) Trace roots encountered in sample. Yellowish Brown, Poorly-Graded Sand, SP, Light Brown Laminae, Wet, Loose, (ALLUVIUM) Bluish Gray, Poorly-Graded Gravel derived from Slag, GP, Dry, Dense (FILL) Some brick and concrete fragments, and trace black organic material encountered in sample. Difficulty augering from 4 to 6 feet. Describe fill and mine spoil in the same level of detail as unconsolidated materials. Describe color, size distribution, and other qualities just as you would for soils. Record the depths of all samples and samples subject to classification. If consecutive samples obtained at non-continuous intervals result in different descriptors to describe the 02-03-01-Unconsolidated Material Page 5 11/2020 Classification soil strata, the strata interface shall be at the top of lower sample. Consecutive samples may be reported in the same description if the materials are relatively similar. Minor differences in color, moisture and consistency/relative density can be described using the descriptor “to”. For instance, “Brown to Gray”, “Dry to Moist”, etc. Describe a new soil strata description when the changes occur to the following: Group Name/Symbol Origin Significant changes to Color, Moisture or Consistency/Relative Density Use a dashed line on the logs to denote soil strata interface where the primary grain size and origin remain consistent. Use a solid line on the logs to denote soil strata interface where there is a change to the primary grain-size or origin. B. Additional Recordable Information for Items Described Above In addition to soil descriptions, the following information should be noted for split-spoon samples: Blow counts per 6-inch increment Sample length and sample recovery, in inches. Pocket penetrometer reading in tsf (for geotechnical samples), if sample is cohesive. C. Additional Information for Other Samples In addition, other samples obtained during the test drilling shall be recorded, such as: Shelby tube samples: depth, length, recovery, down pressure, etc. Auger cutting samples: depth, amount (approximate volume and weight) Monitoring instrument reading These items shall be recorded in italics as notes. III. DOCUMENTATION Include material descriptions on the Boring Log SOP 06-02-04. IV. FLOW CHARTS ASTM D2488 (Visual-Manual Procedure) is appended to this SOP. Refer to the Standard Practices listed in Section II for additional detail on how to present laboratory classification data. Designation: D2488 -17´1 Standard Practice for Description and Identification of Soils (Visual-Manual Procedures)1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation D2488; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense. ε1 NOTE—Editorially corrected Fig. 2 in March 2018. 1. Scope* 1.1 This practice covers procedures for the description of soils for engineering purposes. 1.2 This practice also describes a procedure for identifying soils, at the option of the user, based on the classification system described in Test Method D2487. The identification is based on visual examination and manual tests. It shall be clearly stated in reporting, the soil identification is based on visual-manual procedures. 1.2.1 When precise classification of soils for engineering purposes is required, the procedures outlined in Test Method D2487 shall be used. 1.2.2 In this practice, the identification procedures assigning a group symbol and name are limited to soil particles smaller than 3 in. (75 mm). 1.2.3 The identification portion of this practice is limited to naturally occurring soils. Specimens used for identification may be either intact or disturbed. NOTE 1—This practice may be used as a descriptive system applied to such materials as shale, claystone, shells, crushed rock, etc. (see Appendix X2). 1.3 The descriptive information in this practice may be used with other soil classification systems or for materials other than naturally occurring soils. 1.4 Units—The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses are rationalized conversions to SI units that are provided for information only and are not considered standard. The sieve designations are identified using the “alternative” system in accordance with Practice E11. 1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter- mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific precautionary statements see Section 8. 1.6 This practice offers a set of instructions for performing one or more specific operations. This document cannot replace education or experience and should be used in conjunction with professional judgment. Not all aspects of this practice may be applicable in all circumstances. This ASTM standard is not intended to represent or replace the standard of care by which the adequacy of a given professional service must be judged, nor should this document be applied without consideration of a project’s many unique aspects. The word “Standard” in the title of this document means only that the document has been approved through the ASTM consensus process. 1.7 This international standard was developed in accor- dance with internationally recognized principles on standard- ization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom- mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. 2. Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards: 2 D653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained Fluids D1452 Practice for Soil Exploration and Sampling by Auger Borings D1586 Test Method for Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and Split-Barrel Sampling of Soils D1587 Practice for Thin-Walled Tube Sampling of Fine- Grained Soils for Geotechnical Purposes D2113 Practice for Rock Core Drilling and Sampling of Rock for Site Exploration 1This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D18 on Soil and Rock and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D18.07 on Identification and Classification of Soils. Current edition approved July 15, 2017. Published August 2017. Originally approved in 1966. Last previous edition approved in 2009 as D2488 – 09a. DOI: 10.1520/D2488-17E01. 2 For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website. *A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. 1 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Wed May 20 17:49:36 EDT 2020 Downloaded/printed by John North (North GeoEngineering Services, LLC) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized. D2487 Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System) D3740 Practice for Minimum Requirements for Agencies Engaged in Testing and/or Inspection of Soil and Rock as Used in Engineering Design and Construction D4083 Practice for Description of Frozen Soils (Visual- Manual Procedure) D4427 Classification of Peat Samples by Laboratory Testing E11 Specification for Woven Wire Test Sieve Cloth and Test Sieves 3. Terminology 3.1 Definitions: 3.1.1 For definitions of common technical terms in this standard, refer to Terminology D653. 3.1.2 cobbles—particles of rock that will pass a 12-in. (300-mm) square opening and be retained on a 3-in. (75-mm) sieve. 3.1.3 boulders—particles of rock that will not pass a 12-in. (300-mm) square opening. 3.1.4 clay—soil passing a No. 200 (75-µm) sieve that can be made to exhibit plasticity (putty-like properties) within a range of water contents, and that exhibits considerable strength when air-dried. For classification, a clay is a fine-grained soil, or the fine-grained portion of a soil, with a plasticity index equal to or greater than 4, and the plot of plasticity index versus liquid limit falls on or above the “A” line (see Fig. 4 of Test Method D2487). 3.1.5 gravel—particles of rock that will pass a 3-in. (75- mm) sieve and be retained on a No. 4 (4.75-mm) sieve with the following subdivisions: coarse—passes a 3-in. (75-mm) sieve and is retained on a 3⁄4-in. (19-mm) sieve. fine—passes a 3⁄4-in. (19-mm) sieve and is retained on a No. 4 (4.75-mm) sieve. 3.1.6 organic clay—a clay with sufficient organic content to influence the soil properties. For classification, an organic clay is a soil that would be classified as a clay, except that its liquid limit value after oven drying is less than 75 % of its liquid limit value before oven drying. 3.1.7 organic silt—a silt with sufficient organic content to influence the soil properties. For classification, an organic silt is a soil that would be classified as a silt except that its liquid limit value after oven drying is less than 75 % of its liquid limit value before oven drying. 3.1.8 peat—a soil composed primarily of vegetable tissue in various stages of decomposition usually with an organic odor, a dark brown to black color, a spongy consistency, and a texture ranging from fibrous to amorphous. 3.1.9 sand—particles of rock that will pass a No. 4 (4.75- mm) sieve and be retained on a No. 200 (75-µm) sieve with the following subdivisions: coarse—passes a No. 4 (4.75-mm) sieve and is retained on a No. 10 (2.00-mm) sieve. medium—passes a No. 10 (2.00-mm) sieve and is retained on a No. 40 (425-µm) sieve. fine—passes a No. 40 (425-µm) sieve and is retained on a No. 200 (75-µm) sieve. 3.1.10 silt—soil passing a No. 200 (75-µm) sieve that is nonplastic or very slightly plastic and that exhibits little or no strength when air dry. For classification, a silt is a fine-grained soil, or the fine-grained portion of a soil, with a plasticity index less than 4, or the plot of plasticity index versus liquid limit falls below the “A” line (see Fig. 4 of Test Method D2487). 3.1.11 fine-grained soils—soils that are made up of 50 % or more particles that will pass a No. 200 (75 µm) sieve. 3.1.12 coarse-grained soils—soils that are made up of more than 50 % particles that will be retained on a No. 200 (75 µm) sieve. 4. Summary of Practice 4.1 Using visual examination and simple manual tests, this practice gives standardized criteria and procedures for describ- ing and identifying soils. 4.2 The soil can be given an identification by assigning a group symbol(s) and name. The flow charts,Fig. 1a and Fig. 1b for fine-grained soils, and Fig. 2, for coarse-grained soils, can be used to assign the appropriate group symbol(s) and name. If the soil has properties which do not distinctly place it into a specific group, borderline symbols may be used, see Appendix X3. 5. Significance and Use 5.1 The descriptive information required in this practice can be used to describe a soil to aid in the evaluation of its significant properties for engineering use. 5.2 The descriptive information required in this practice should be used to supplement the classification of a soil as determined by Test Method D2487. 5.3 This practice may be used in identifying soils using the classification group symbols and names as prescribed in Test Method D2487. Since the names and symbols used in this practice to identify the soils are the same as those used in Test Method D2487, it shall be clearly stated in reports and all other appropriate documents, that the classification symbol and name are based on visual-manual procedures. 5.4 This practice is to be used for identification of soils in the field, laboratory, or any other location where soil samples are inspected and described. 5.5 This practice may be used to group similar soil samples to reduce the number of laboratory tests necessary for positive soil classification. NOTE 2—The ability to describe and identify soils correctly is learned more readily under the guidance of experienced personnel, but it may also be acquired systematically by comparing numerical laboratory test results for typical soils of each type with their visual and manual characteristics. 5.6 Soil samples from a given boring, test pit or location which appear to have similar characteristics are not required to follow all of the procedures in this practice, providing at least one sample is completely described and identified. These samples may follow only the necessary procedures to deter- mine they are “similar” and shall be labeled as such. D2488 - 17 ´1 2 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Wed May 20 17:49:36 EDT 2020 Downloaded/printed by John North (North GeoEngineering Services, LLC) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized. 5.7 This practice may be used in combination with Practice D4083 when working with frozen soils. NOTE 3—The quality of the result produced by this standard is dependent on the competence of the personnel performing it and the suitability of the equipment and facilities used. Agencies that meet the criteria of Practice D3740 are generally considered capable of competent and objective testing/sampling/inspection/etc. Users of this standard are cautioned that compliance with Practice D3740 does not in itself assure reliable results. Reliable results depend on many factors; Practice D3740 provides a means of evaluating some of those factors. 6. Apparatus 6.1 Small Knife or Spatula 6.2 Test Tube and Stopper (optional) 6.3 Jar with Lid (optional) 6.4 Hand Lens (optional) 6.5 Shallow Pan (optional) 7. Reagents 7.1 Purity of Water—Unless otherwise indicated, references to water shall be understood to mean water from a city water supply or natural source, including non-potable water. 7.2 Hydrochloric Acid—A small bottle of dilute hydrochlo- ric acid (HCl) one part HCl (10 N) to three parts distilled water (This reagent is optional for use with this practice). See Section 8. NOTE—Percentages are based on estimating amounts of fines, sand, and gravel to the closest 5 %. FIG. 1a Flow Chart for Identifying Inorganic Fine-Grained Soil (50 % or more fines) NOTE—Percentages are based on estimating amounts of fines, sand, and gravel to the closest 5 %. FIG. 1 b Flow Chart for Identifying Organic Fine-Grained Soil (50 % or more fines) D2488 - 17 ´1 3 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Wed May 20 17:49:36 EDT 2020 Downloaded/printed by John North (North GeoEngineering Services, LLC) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized. 8. Safety Precautions 8.1 When preparing the dilute HCl solution of one part concentrated hydrochloric acid (10 N) to three parts of distilled water, slowly add acid into water following necessary safety precautions. Handle with caution, utilize personal protective equipment and store safely. If solution comes into contact with the skin or eyes, rinse thoroughly with water. 8.2 Caution—Acid shall be added to the water. Do not add water to the acid as this may cause an adverse reaction. 9. Sampling 9.1 The sample shall be considered to be representative of the stratum from which it was obtained by an appropriate, accepted, or standard procedure. NOTE 4—Preferably, the sampling procedure should be identified as having been conducted in accordance with Practices D1452,D1587,or D2113, or Test Method D1586. 9.2 The sample shall be carefully identified as to origin. NOTE 5—Remarks as to the origin may take the form of a boring number and sample number in conjunction with a project number, a geologic stratum, a pedologic horizon or a location description with respect to a permanent monument, a grid system or a station number and offset with respect to a stated centerline and a depth or elevation. 9.3 For accurate description and identification, the mini- mum amount of the specimen to be examined shall be in accordance with Table 1. NOTE 6—If random isolated particles are encountered that are signifi- cantly larger than the particles in the soil matrix, the soil matrix can be accurately described and identified in accordance with the preceding table. 9.4 If the sample or specimen being examined is smaller than the minimum recommended specimen size, the report shall include a remark stating as such. NOTE—Percentages are based on estimating amounts of fines, sand, and gravel to the closest 5 %. NOTE—It is suggested that a distinction be made between dual symbols and borderline symbols. Dual Symbol—A dual symbol is two symbols separated by a hyphen, for example, GP-GM, SW-SC, CL-ML used to indicate that the soil has been identified as having the properties of a classification in accordance with Test Method D2487where two symbols are required. Two symbols are required when the soil has between 5 and 12 % fines or when the liquid limit and plasticity index values plot in the CL-ML area of the plasticity chart. Borderline Symbol—A borderline symbol is two symbols separated by a slash, for example, CL/CH, GM/SM, CL/ML. A borderline symbol should be used to indicate that the soil has been identified as having properties that do not distinctly place the soil into a specific group (see Appendix X3). FIG. 2 Flow Chart for Identifying Coarse-Grained Soils (less than 50 % fines) TABLE 1 Minimum Specimen Dry Mass Requirements Maximum Particle Size, Sieve Opening Minimum Specimen Size, by Dry Mass No. 4 (4.75 mm) 0.25 lb (110 g) 3⁄8 in. (9.5 mm) 0.5 lb (220 g) 3⁄4 in. (19.0 mm) 2.2 lb (1.0 kg) 11⁄2 in. (38.1 mm) 18 lb (8.0 kg) 3 in. (75.0 mm) 132 lb (60.0 kg) D2488 - 17 ´1 4 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Wed May 20 17:49:36 EDT 2020 Downloaded/printed by John North (North GeoEngineering Services, LLC) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized. 10. Descriptive Information for Soils 10.1 Angularity—Describe the angularity of the sand (coarse sizes only), gravel, cobbles, and boulders, as angular, subangular, subrounded, or rounded in accordance with the criteria in Table 2 and Fig. 3. A range of angularity may be stated, such as: subrounded to rounded. 10.2 Shape—Describe the shape of the gravel, cobbles, and boulders as flat, elongated, or flat and elongated if they meet the criteria in Table 3 and Fig. 4. Otherwise, do not mention the shape. Indicate the fraction of the particles that have the shape, such as: one-third of the gravel particles are flat. 10.3 Color—Describe the color. Color is an important property in identifying organic soils, and within a given locality it may also be useful in identifying materials of similar geologic origin. If the sample contains layers or patches of varying colors, this shall be noted and all representative colors shall be described. The color shall be described for moist samples. If the color represents a dry condition, this shall be stated in the report. 10.4 Odor—Describe the odor if organic or unusual. 10.4.1 Soils containing a significant amount of organic material usually have a distinctive odor of decaying vegetation. This is especially apparent in fresh samples. 10.4.2 If the samples are dried, the odor may often be revived by moistening the sample and slightly heating it. 10.4.3 Odors from petroleum products, chemicals or other substances shall be described. 10.4.4 Some fumes emitting from soil samples, especially of a chemical nature, may pose a health risk. Proper safety protocols which may include the use of personal protective equipment must be followed in these instances. It is the responsibility of the user to determine the extent of the health risk and the correct protocols to follow. 10.5 Moisture Condition—Describe the moisture condition as dry, moist, or wet, in accordance with the criteria in Table 4. 10.6 HCl Reaction—Describe the reaction with HCl as none, weak, or strong, in accordance with the criteria in Table 5. Since calcium carbonate is a common cementing agent, a comment of its presence on the basis of the reaction with dilute hydrochloric acid is important. 10.7 Consistency—For intact fine-grained soil, describe the consistency as very soft, soft, firm, hard, or very hard, in accordance with the criteria in Table 6. This observation is inappropriate for soils with significant amounts of gravel. 10.8 Cementation—Describe the cementation of intact coarse-grained soils as weak, moderate, or strong, in accor- dance with the criteria in Table 7. 10.9 Structure—Describe the structure of intact soils in accordance with the criteria in Table 8. 10.10 Range of Particle Sizes—For gravel and sand components, describe the range of particle sizes within each component as defined in 3.1.5 and 3.1.9. For example, about 20 % fine to coarse gravel, about 40 % fine to coarse sand. 10.11 Maximum Particle Size—Describe the maximum par- ticle size found in the sample in accordance with the following information: 10.11.1 Sand Size—If the maximum particle size is a sand size, describe as fine, medium, or coarse as defined in 3.1.9. For example: maximum particle size, medium sand. 10.11.2 Gravel Size—If the maximum particle size is a gravel size, describe the maximum particle size as the smallest sieve opening that the particle will pass. For example, maxi- mum particle size, 1 1⁄2 in. will pass a 1 1⁄2-in. (square opening) but not a 3⁄4-in. (square opening). 10.11.3 Cobble or Boulder Size—If the maximum particle size is a cobble or boulder size, describe the maximum dimension of the largest particle. For example: maximum dimension, 18 in. (450 mm). 10.12 Hardness—Describe the hardness of coarse sand and larger particles as hard, or state what happens when the particles are hit by a hammer, for example, gravel-size particles fracture with considerable hammer blow, some gravel-size particles crumble with hammer blow. “Hard” means particles do not crack, fracture, or crumble under a hammer blow. 10.13 Additional comments shall be noted, such as the presence of roots or root holes, difficulty in drilling or augering the hole, caving of the trench or hole, or the presence of mica. 10.14 A local or commercial name or a geologic interpre- tation of the soil, or both, may be added if identified as such. 10.15 A classification or identification of the soil in accor- dance with other classification systems may be added if identified as such. 11. Identification of Peat 11.1 A sample composed primarily of vegetative tissue in various stages of decomposition that has a fibrous to amor- phous texture, usually a dark brown to black color, and an organic odor, shall be designated as highly organic and shall be identified as peat, PT. Peat samples shall not be subjected to the identification procedures described hereafter. Refer to D4427 for procedures on classifying peat. 12. Preparation for Identification 12.1 The soil identification portion of this practice is based on the portion of the soil sample that will pass a 3-in. (75-mm) sieve. The larger than 3-in. (75-mm) particles must be removed, manually for a loose sample, or ignored for an intact sample before classifying the soil. TABLE 2 Criteria for Describing Angularity of Coarse-Grained Particles (see Fig. 3) Description Criteria Angular Particles have sharp edges and relatively plane sides with unpolished surfaces Subangular Particles are similar to angular description but have rounded edges Subrounded Particles have nearly plane sides but have well-rounded corners and edges Rounded Particles have smoothly curved sides and no edges D2488 - 17 ´1 5 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Wed May 20 17:49:36 EDT 2020 Downloaded/printed by John North (North GeoEngineering Services, LLC) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized. 12.2 Estimate and note the percentage of cobbles and the percentage of boulders. Visual estimates will be based on the percentage by volume. NOTE 7—Since the percentages of the particle-size distribution in Test Method D2487 are by dry mass, and the estimates of percentages for gravel, sand, and fines in this practice are by dry mass, it is recommended that the report state that the percentages of cobbles and boulders are by volume. 12.3 Of the fraction of the soil smaller than 3 in. (75 mm), estimate and note the percentage, by dry mass, of the gravel, sand, and fines (see Appendix X4 for suggested procedures). NOTE 8—Since the particle-size components appear visually on the basis of volume, considerable experience is required to estimate the percentages on the basis of dry mass. Frequent comparisons with laboratory particle-size analyses should be made. 12.3.1 The percentages shall be estimated to the closest 5 %. The percentages of gravel, sand, and fines must add up to 100 %. 12.3.2 If one of the components is present but not in sufficient quantity to be considered 5 % of the smaller than 3-in. (75-mm) portion, indicate its presence by the term trace, FIG. 3 Typical Angularity of Bulky Grains TABLE 3 Criteria for Describing Particle Shape (see Fig. 4) The particle shape shall be described as follows where length, width, and thickness refer to the greatest, intermediate, and least dimensions of a particle, respectively. Flat Particles with width/thickness > 3 Elongated Particles with length/width > 3 Flat and elongated Particles meet criteria for both flat and elongated D2488 - 17 ´1 6 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Wed May 20 17:49:36 EDT 2020 Downloaded/printed by John North (North GeoEngineering Services, LLC) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized. for example, trace of fines. A component quantity described as trace shall not be included in the total of 100 % for the components. 13. Preliminary Identification 13.1 The soil is fine grained if it contains 50 % or more fines. Follow the procedures for identifying fine-grained soils in Section 14. 13.2 The soil is coarse grained if it contains more than 50 % coarse-grained soils. Follow the procedures for identifying coarse-grained soils in Section 15. 14. Procedure for Identifying Fine-Grained Soils 14.1 Select a representative sample of the material for examination. Remove particles larger than the No. 40 (425 µm) sieve (medium sand and larger) until a specimen equivalent to about a handful of material is available. Use this specimen for performing the dry strength, dilatancy, and toughness tests. 14.2 Dry Strength: 14.2.1 From the specimen, select enough material to mold into a ball about 1 in. (25 mm) in diameter. Mold the material until it has the consistency of putty, adding water if necessary. 14.2.2 From the molded material, make at least three test specimens. A test specimen shall be a ball of material about 1⁄2 in. (12 mm) in diameter. Allow the test specimens to air dry or dry by artificial means, with a temperature not to exceed 140°F (60°C). 14.2.3 If the test specimen contains natural dry lumps, those that are about 1⁄2 in. (12 mm) in diameter may be used in place of the molded balls. NOTE 9—The process of molding and drying usually produces higher strengths than those determined using natural dry lumps of soil. 14.2.4 Test the strength of the dry balls or lumps by crushing between the fingers. Note the strength as none, low, medium, high, or very high in accordance with the criteria in Table 9. If natural dry lumps are used, do not use the results of any of the lumps that are found to contain particles of coarse sand. 14.2.5 The presence of high-strength water-soluble cement- ing materials, such as calcium carbonate, may cause excep- tionally high dry strengths. The presence of calcium carbonate FIG. 4 Criteria for Particle Shape TABLE 4 Criteria for Describing Moisture Condition Description Criteria Dry Absence of moisture, dusty, dry to the touch Moist Damp but no visible water Wet Visible free water, usually soil is below water table TABLE 5 Criteria for Describing the Reaction with HCl Description Criteria None No visible reaction Weak Some reaction, with bubbles forming slowly Strong Violent reaction, with bubbles forming immediately TABLE 6 Criteria for Describing Consistency Description Criteria Very soft Thumb will penetrate soil more than 1 in. (25 mm) Soft Thumb will penetrate soil about 1 in. (25 mm) Firm Thumb will indent soil about 1⁄4 in. (6 mm) Hard Thumb will not indent soil but readily indented with thumbnail Very hard Thumbnail will not indent soil TABLE 7 Criteria for Describing Cementation Description Criteria Weak Crumbles or breaks with handling or little finger pressure Moderate Crumbles or breaks with considerable finger pressure Strong Will not crumble or break with finger pressure TABLE 8 Criteria for Describing Structure Description Criteria Stratified Alternating layers of varying material or color with layers at least 1⁄4 in. (6 mm) thick; note thickness Laminated Alternating layers of varying material or color with the layers less than 6 mm thick; note thickness Fissured Breaks along definite planes of fracture with little resistance to fracturing Slickensided Fracture planes appear polished or glossy, sometimes striated Blocky Cohesive soil that can be broken down into small angular lumps which resist further breakdown Lensed Inclusion of small pockets of different soils, such as small lenses of sand scattered through a mass of clay; note thickness Homogeneous Same color and appearance throughout D2488 - 17 ´1 7 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Wed May 20 17:49:36 EDT 2020 Downloaded/printed by John North (North GeoEngineering Services, LLC) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized. can usually be detected from the intensity of the reaction with dilute hydrochloric acid (see 10.6). 14.3 Dilatancy: 14.3.1 From the specimen, select enough material to mold into a ball about 1⁄2 in. (12 mm) in diameter. Mold the material, adding water if necessary, until it has a soft, but not sticky, consistency. 14.3.2 Smooth the soil ball in the palm of one hand with the blade of a knife or small spatula. Shake horizontally, striking the side of the hand vigorously against the other hand several times. Note the reaction of water appearing on the surface of the soil. Squeeze the sample by closing the hand or pinching the soil between the fingers, and note the reaction as none, slow, or rapid in accordance with the criteria in Table 10. The reaction is the speed with which water appears while shaking, and disappears while squeezing. 14.4 Toughness: 14.4.1 Following the completion of the dilatancy test, the test specimen is shaped into an elongated pat and rolled by hand on a smooth surface or between the palms into a thread about 1⁄8 in. (3 mm) in diameter. (If the sample is too wet to roll easily, it should be spread into a thin layer and allowed to lose some water by evaporation.) Fold the sample threads and reroll repeatedly until the thread crumbles at a diameter of about 1⁄8 in. (3 mm). The thread will crumble at a diameter of 1⁄8 in. (3 mm) when the soil is near the plastic limit. Note the pressure required to roll the thread near the plastic limit. Also, note the strength of the thread. After the thread crumbles, the pieces should be lumped together and kneaded until the lump crumbles. Note the toughness of the material during kneading. 14.4.2 Describe the toughness of the thread and lump as low, medium, or high in accordance with the criteria in Table 11. 14.5 Plasticity—On the basis of observations made during the toughness test, describe the plasticity of the material in accordance with the criteria given in Table 12. 14.6 Decide if the soil is an inorganic or an organic fine-grained soil (see 14.8). If inorganic, follow the steps given in 14.7. 14.7 Identification of Inorganic Fine-Grained Soils: 14.7.1 Identify the soil as a lean clay, CL, if the soil has medium to high dry strength, no or slow dilatancy, and medium toughness and plasticity (see Table 13). 14.7.2 Identify the soil as a fat clay, CH, if the soil has high to very high dry strength, no dilatancy, and high toughness and plasticity (see Table 13). 14.7.3 Identify the soil as a silt, ML, if the soil has no to low dry strength, slow to rapid dilatancy, and low toughness and plasticity, or is nonplastic (see Table 13). 14.7.4 Identify the soil as an elastic silt, MH, if the soil has low to medium dry strength, no to slow dilatancy, and low to medium toughness and plasticity (see Table 13). NOTE 10—These properties are similar to those for a lean clay. However, the silt will dry quickly on the hand and have a smooth, silky feel when dry. Some soils that would classify as MH in accordance with the criteria in Test Method D2487 are visually difficult to distinguish from lean clays, CL. It may be necessary to perform laboratory testing for proper identification. TABLE 9 Criteria for Describing Dry Strength Description Criteria None The dry specimen crumbles into powder with mere pressure of handling Low The dry specimen crumbles into powder with some finger pressure Medium The dry specimen breaks into pieces or crumbles with considerable finger pressure High The dry specimen cannot be broken with finger pressure. Specimen will break into pieces between thumb and a hard surface Very high The dry specimen cannot be broken between the thumb and a hard surface TABLE 10 Criteria for Describing Dilatancy Description Criteria None No visible change in the specimen Slow Water appears slowly on the surface of the specimen during shaking and does not disappear or disappears slowly upon squeezing Rapid Water appears quickly on the surface of the specimen during shaking and disappears quickly upon squeezing TABLE 11 Criteria for Describing Toughness Description Criteria Low Only slight pressure is required to roll the thread near the plastic limit. The thread and the lump are weak and soft Medium Medium pressure is required to roll the thread to near the plastic limit. The thread and the lump have medium stiffness High Considerable pressure is required to roll the thread to near the plastic limit. The thread and the lump have very high stiffness TABLE 12 Criteria for Describing Plasticity Description Criteria Nonplastic A 1⁄8-in. (3-mm) thread cannot be rolled at any water content Low The thread can barely be rolled and the lump cannot be formed when drier than the plastic limit Medium The thread is easy to roll and not much time is required to reach the plastic limit. The thread cannot be rerolled after reaching the plastic limit. The lump crumbles when drier than the plastic limit High It takes considerable time rolling and kneading to reach the plastic limit. The thread can be rerolled several times after reaching the plastic limit. The lump can be formed without crumbling when drier than the plastic limit D2488 - 17 ´1 8 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Wed May 20 17:49:36 EDT 2020 Downloaded/printed by John North (North GeoEngineering Services, LLC) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized. 14.8 Identification of Organic Fine-Grained Soils: 14.8.1 Identify the soil as an organic soil, OL/OH, if the soil contains enough organic particles to influence the soil proper- ties. Organic soils usually have a dark brown to black color and may have an organic odor. Often, organic soils will change color, for example, black to brown, when exposed to the air. Some organic soils will lighten in color significantly when air dried. Organic soils normally will not have a high toughness or plasticity. The thread for the toughness test will be spongy. NOTE 11—In some cases, through practice and experience, it may be possible to further identify the organic soils as organic silts or organic clays, OL or OH. Correlations between the dilatancy, dry strength, toughness tests, and laboratory tests can be made to identify organic soils in certain deposits of similar materials of known geologic origin. 14.9 If the soil is estimated to have 15 to 25 % sand or gravel, or both, the terms “with sand” or “with gravel” (whichever is more predominant) shall be added to the group name. For example: “lean clay with sand, CL” or “silt with gravel, ML” (see Fig. 1a and Fig. 1b). If the percentage of sand is equal to the percentage of gravel, use “with sand.” 14.10 If the soil is estimated to have 30 % or more sand or gravel, or both, the words “sandy” or “gravelly” shall be added to the group name.Add the word “sandy” if there appears to be more sand than gravel. Add the word “gravelly” if there appears to be more gravel than sand. For example: “sandy lean clay, CL”, “gravelly fat clay, CH”, or “sandy silt, ML” (see Fig. 1a and Fig. 1b). If the percentage of sand is equal to the percent of gravel, use “sandy.” 15. Procedure for Identifying Coarse-Grained Soils (Contains more than 50 % coarse-grained soil) 15.1 The soil is a gravel if the percentage of gravel is estimated to be more than the percentage of sand. 15.2 The soil is a sand if the percentage of gravel is estimated to be equal to or less than the percentage of sand. 15.3 The soil is a clean gravel or clean sand if the percentage of fines is estimated to be 5 % or less. 15.3.1 Identify the soil as a well-graded gravel, GW, or as a well-graded sand, SW, if it has a wide range of particle sizes and substantial amounts of the intermediate particle sizes. 15.3.2 Identify the soil as a poorly graded gravel, GP, or as a poorly graded sand, SP, if it consists predominantly of one size (uniformly graded), or it has a wide range of sizes with some intermediate sizes obviously missing (gap or skip graded). 15.4 The soil is either a gravel with fines or a sand with fines if the percentage of fines is estimated to be 15 % or more. 15.4.1 Identify the soil as a clayey gravel, GC, or a clayey sand, SC, if the fines are clayey as determined by the procedures in Section 14. 15.4.2 Identify the soil as a silty gravel, GM, or a silty sand, SM, if the fines are silty as determined by the procedures in Section 14. 15.5 If the soil is estimated to contain 10 % fines, give the soil a dual identification using two group symbols. 15.5.1 The first group symbol shall correspond to a clean gravel or sand (GW, GP, SW, SP) and the second symbol shall correspond to a gravel or sand with fines (GC, GM, SC, SM). 15.5.2 The group name shall correspond to the first group symbol plus the words “with clay” or “with silt” to indicate the plasticity characteristics of the fines. For example: “well- graded gravel with clay, GW-GC” or “poorly graded sand with silt, SP-SM” (see Fig. 2). 15.6 If the specimen is predominantly sand or gravel but contains an estimated 15 % or more of the other coarse-grained constituent, the words “with gravel” or “with sand” shall be added to the group name. For example: “poorly graded gravel with sand, GP” or “clayey sand with gravel, SC” (see Fig. 2). 15.7 If the field sample contains any cobbles or boulders, or both, the words “with cobbles” or “with cobbles and boulders” shall be added to the group name. For example: “silty gravel with cobbles, GM.” 16. Report: Data Sheet(s)/Form(s) 16.1 Record as a minimum the following information (data): 16.1.1 Project specific information such as Project number, Project name, Project location if this information is available. 16.1.2 The person performing the soil identification. 16.1.3 Sample specific information including boring number, sample number, depth, sample location, such as test pit or station number etc. if this information is available. 16.1.4 The specimen characteristics which should be in the soil description are listed in Table 14. At a minimum the group name, group symbol and color shall be recorded. NOTE 12—Example: Clayey Gravel with Sand and Cobbles, GC— About 50 % fine to coarse, subrounded to subangular gravel; about 30 % fine to coarse, subrounded sand; about 20 % fines with medium plasticity, high dry strength, no dilatancy, medium toughness; weak reaction with HCl; original field sample had about 5 % (by volume) subrounded cobbles, maximum dimension, 150 mm. In-Place Conditions—Firm, homogeneous, dry, brown Geologic Interpretation—Alluvial fan NOTE 13—Other examples of soil descriptions and identification are given in Appendix X1 and Appendix X2. NOTE 14—If desired, the percentages of gravel, sand, and fines may be stated in terms indicating a range of percentages, as follows: Trace—Particles are present but estimated to be less than 5 % Few—5 to 10 % Little—15 to 25 % Some—30 to 45 % Mostly—50 to 100 % 16.2 If, in the soil description, the soil is identified using a classification group symbol and name as described in Test Method D2487, it must be distinctly and clearly stated in any TABLE 13 Identification of Inorganic Fine-Grained Soils from Manual Tests Soil Symbol Dry Strength Dilatancy Toughness and Plasticity ML None to low Slow to rapid Low or thread cannot be formed CL Medium to high None to slow Medium MH Low to medium None to slow Low to medium CH High to very high None High D2488 - 17 ´1 9 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Wed May 20 17:49:36 EDT 2020 Downloaded/printed by John North (North GeoEngineering Services, LLC) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized. log forms, summary tables, reports, and the like, that the symbol and name are based on visual-manual procedures. 17. Precision and Bias 17.1 This practice provides qualitative information only, therefore, a precision and bias statement is not applicable. 18. Keywords 18.1 classification; clay; gravel; organic soils; sand; silt; soil classification; soil description; visual classification APPENDIXES (Nonmandatory Information) X1. EXAMPLES OF VISUAL SOIL DESCRIPTIONS X1.1 The following examples show how the information required in 16.1 can be reported. The information that is included in descriptions should be based on individual circum- stances and need. X1.1.1 Well-Graded Gravel with Sand (GW)—About 75 % fine to coarse, hard, subangular gravel; about 25 % fine to coarse, hard, subangular sand; trace of fines; maximum size, 75 mm, brown, dry; no reaction with HCl. X1.1.2 Silty Sand with Gravel (SM)—About 60 % predomi- nantly fine sand; about 25 % silty fines with low plasticity, low dry strength, rapid dilatancy, and low toughness; about 15 % fine, hard, subrounded gravel, a few gravel-size particles fractured with hammer blow; maximum size, 1 in. (25 mm); no reaction with HCl (Note—Field sample size smaller than recommended). In-Place Conditions—Firm, stratified and contains lenses of silt 1 to 2 in. (25 to 50 mm) thick, moist, brown to gray; in-place density 106 lb/ft 3; in-place moisture 9 %. X1.1.3 Organic Soil (OL/OH)—About 100 % fines with low plasticity, slow dilatancy, low dry strength, and low toughness; wet, dark brown, organic odor; weak reaction with HCl. X1.1.4 Silty Sand with Organic Fines (SM)—About 75 % fine to coarse, hard, subangular reddish sand; about 25 % organic and silty dark brown nonplastic fines with no dry strength and slow dilatancy; wet; maximum size, coarse sand; weak reaction with HCl. X1.1.5 Poorly Graded Gravel with Silt, Sand, Cobbles and Boulders (GP-GM)—About 75 % fine to coarse, hard, sub- rounded to subangular gravel; about 15 % fine, hard, sub- rounded to subangular sand; about 10 % silty nonplastic fines; moist, brown; no reaction with HCl; original field sample had about 5 % (by volume) hard, subrounded cobbles and a trace of hard, subrounded boulders, with a maximum dimension of 18 in. (450 mm). TABLE 14 Checklist for Description of Soils 1. Group name 2. Group symbol 3. Percent of cobbles or boulders, or both (by volume) 4. Percent of gravel, sand, and fines, or all three (by dry weight) 5. Particle-size range: Gravel—fine, coarse Sand—fine, medium, coarse 6. Particle angularity: angular, subangular, subrounded, rounded 7. Particle shape: (if applicable) flat, elongated, flat and elongated 8. Maximum particle size or dimension 9. Hardness of coarse sand and larger particles 10. Plasticity of fines: nonplastic, low, medium, high 11. Dry strength: none, low, medium, high, very high 12. Dilatancy: none, slow, rapid 13. Toughness: low, medium, high 14. Color (in moist condition) 15. Odor (mention only if organic or unusual) 16. Moisture: dry, moist, wet 17. Reaction with HCl: none, weak, strong For intact samples: 18. Consistency (fine-grained soils only): very soft, soft, firm, hard, very hard 19. Structure: stratified, laminated, fissured, slickensided, lensed, homo- geneous 20. Cementation: weak, moderate, strong 21. Local name 22. Geologic interpretation 23. Additional comments: presence of roots or root holes, presence of mica, gypsum, etc., surface coatings on coarse-grained particles, caving or sloughing of auger hole or trench sides, difficulty in augering or excavating, etc. D2488 - 17 ´1 10 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Wed May 20 17:49:36 EDT 2020 Downloaded/printed by John North (North GeoEngineering Services, LLC) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized. X2. USING THE IDENTIFICATION PROCEDURE AS A DESCRIPTIVE SYSTEM FOR SHALE, CLAYSTONE, SHELLS, SLAG, CRUSHED ROCK, AND THE LIKE X2.1 The identification procedure may be used as a descrip- tive system applied to materials that exist in-situ as shale, claystone, sandstone, siltstone, mudstone, etc., but convert to soils after field or laboratory processing (crushing, slaking, and the like). X2.2 Materials such as shells, crushed rock, slag, and the like, should be identified as such. However, the procedures used in this practice for describing the particle size and plasticity characteristics may be used in the description of the material. If desired, an identification using a group name and symbol according to this practice may be assigned to aid in describing the material. X2.3 The group symbol(s) and group names should be placed in quotation marks or noted with some type of distin- guishing symbol. See examples. X2.4 Examples of how group names and symbols can be incorporated into a descriptive system for materials that are not naturally occurring soils are as follows: X2.4.1 Shale Chunks—Retrieved as 2 to 4-in. (50 to 100- mm) pieces of shale from power auger hole, dry, brown, no reaction with HCl. After slaking in water for 24 h, material identified as “Sandy Lean Clay (CL)”; about 60 % fines with medium plasticity, high dry strength, no dilatancy, and medium toughness; about 35 % fine to medium, hard sand; about 5 % gravel-size pieces of shale. X2.4.2 Crushed Sandstone—Product of commercial crush- ing operation; “Poorly Graded Sand with Silt (SP-SM)”; about 90 % fine to medium sand; about 10 % nonplastic fines; dry, reddish-brown. X2.4.3 Broken Shells—About 60 % uniformly graded gravel-size broken shells; about 30 % sand and sand-size shell pieces; about 10 % nonplastic fines; “Poorly Graded Gravel with Silt and Sand (GP-GM).” X2.4.4 Crushed Rock—Processed from gravel and cobbles in Pit No. 7; “Poorly Graded Gravel (GP)”; about 90 % fine, hard, angular gravel-size particles; about 10 % coarse, hard, angular sand-size particles; dry, tan; no reaction with HCl. X3. SUGGESTED PROCEDURE FOR USING A BORDERLINE SYMBOL FOR SOILS WITH TWO POSSIBLE IDENTIFICA- TIONS. X3.1 Since this practice is based on estimates of particle size distribution and plasticity characteristics, it may be diffi- cult to clearly identify the soil as belonging to one category. To indicate that the soil may fall into one of two possible basic groups, a borderline symbol may be used with the two symbols separated by a slash. For example: SC/CL or CL/CH. X3.1.1 A borderline symbol may be used when the percent- age of fines is estimated to be between 45 and 55 %. One symbol should be for a coarse-grained soil with fines and the other for a fine-grained soil. For example: GM/ML or CL/SC. X3.1.2 A borderline symbol may be used when the percent- age of sand and the percentage of gravel are estimated to be about the same. For example: GP/SP, SC/GC, GM/SM. It is practically impossible to have a soil that would have a borderline symbol of GW/SW. X3.1.3 A borderline symbol may be used when the soil could be either well graded or poorly graded. For example: GW/GP, SW/SP. X3.1.4 A borderline symbol may be used when the soil could either be a silt or a clay. For example: CL/ML, CH/MH, SC/SM. X3.1.5 A borderline symbol may be used when a fine- grained soil has properties that indicate that it is at the boundary between a soil of low compressibility and a soil of high compressibility. For example: CL/CH, MH/ML. X3.2 The order of the borderline symbols should reflect similarity to surrounding or adjacent soils. For example: soils in a borrow area have been identified as CH. One sample is considered to have a borderline symbol of CL and CH. To show similarity, the borderline symbol should be CH/CL. X3.3 The group name for a soil with a borderline symbol should be the group name for the first symbol, except for: CL/CH lean to fat clay ML/CL clayey silt CL/ML silty clay X3.4 The use of a borderline symbol should not be used indiscriminately. Every effort shall be made to first place the soil into a single group. D2488 - 17 ´1 11 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Wed May 20 17:49:36 EDT 2020 Downloaded/printed by John North (North GeoEngineering Services, LLC) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized. X4. SUGGESTED PROCEDURES FOR ESTIMATING THE PERCENTAGES OF GRAVEL, SAND, AND FINES IN A SOIL SAMPLE X4.1 Jar Method—The relative percentage of coarse- and fine-grained material may be estimated by thoroughly shaking a mixture of soil and water in a test tube or jar, and then allowing the mixture to settle. The coarse particles will fall to the bottom and successively finer particles will be deposited with increasing time; the sand sizes will fall out of suspension in 20 to 30 s. The relative proportions can be estimated from the relative volume of each size separate. This method should be correlated to particle-size laboratory determinations. X4.2 Visual Method—Mentally visualize the gravel size particles placed in a sack (or other container) or sacks. Then, do the same with the sand size particles and the fines. Then, mentally compare the number of sacks to estimate the percent- age of plus No. 4 sieve size and minus No. 4 sieve size present. The percentages of sand and fines in the minus sieve size No. 4 material can then be estimated from the wash test (X4.3). X4.3 Wash Test (for relative percentages of sand and fines)—Select and moisten enough minus No. 4 sieve size material to form a 1-in (25-mm) cube of soil. Cut the cube in half, set one-half to the side, and place the other half in a small dish. Wash and decant the fines out of the material in the dish until the wash water is clear and then compare the two samples and estimate the percentage of sand and fines. Remember that the percentage is based on weight, not volume. However, the volume comparison will provide a reasonable indication of grain size percentages. X4.3.1 While washing, it may be necessary to break down lumps of fines with the finger to get the correct percentages. X5. ABBREVIATED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYMBOLS X5.1 In some cases, because of lack of space, an abbrevi- ated system may be useful to indicate the soil classification symbol and name. Examples of such cases would be graphical logs, databases, tables, etc. X5.2 This abbreviated system is not a substitute for the full name and descriptive information but can be used in supple- mentary presentations when the complete description is refer- enced. X5.3 The abbreviated system should consist of the soil classification symbol based on this standard with appropriate lower case letter prefixes and suffixes as: Prefix:Suffix: s = sandy s = with sand g = gravelly g = with gravel c = with cobbles b = with boulders X5.4 The soil classification symbol is to be enclosed in parenthesis. Some examples would be: Group Symbol and Full Name Abbreviated CL, Sandy lean clay s(CL) SP-SM, Poorly graded sand with silt and gravel (SP-SM)g GP, poorly graded gravel with sand, cobbles, and boulders (GP)scb ML, gravelly silt with sand and cobbles g(ML)sc SUMMARY OF CHANGES Committee D18 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (D2488 – 09a) that may impact the use of this standard. (July 15, 2017) (1)Revised various sections to clarify wording. (2)Added D4427 and E11 to Section 2 - Reference Docu- ments. (3)Added definitions for fine grained and coarse grained soils to Section 3. (4)Replaced flow charts 1a, 1b and 2 with clearer versions. (5)Corrected units in Table 1. (6)Updated photos in Figure 3. (7)Expanded Section 10 regarding sample order. (8)Revised Section 16 - Report to conform to D18 SPM. D2488 - 17 ´1 12 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Wed May 20 17:49:36 EDT 2020 Downloaded/printed by John North (North GeoEngineering Services, LLC) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized. ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility. This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below. This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website (www.astm.org). Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, Tel: (978) 646-2600; http://www.copyright.com/ D2488 - 17 ´1 13 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Wed May 20 17:49:36 EDT 2020 Downloaded/printed by John North (North GeoEngineering Services, LLC) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized. 02-03-02-Rock Classification Page 1 4/2014 02-03-02 ROCK CLASSIFICATION I. SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY This procedure is to be used for description of rock, including weathered and incompetent rocks. These descriptions should be included on Boring Logs, Test-Pit Logs, etc. Note that this description methodology should be applied to all rock descriptions, not just rock cores. II. PROJECT-SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: None. III. METHODOLOGY A. Rock Descriptions Each rock description should include the following identifiers, in the order specified: 1. Color: Qualitative, no color chart. 2. Rock Type: See the classification systems discussed below. Record on logs in capital letters. 3. Weathering: Weathering should be identified for each rock type above and including the uppermost stratum of fresh, unweathered rock using a modification of the Wylie (1992) classification system: Completely Weathered - All rock material is decomposed and/or disintegrated. The original rock structure may still be intact. Highly Weathered - More than half of the rock material is decomposed. Fresh rock is present only as a discontinuous framework or as corestones. Moderately Weathered - Less than half of the rock material is decomposed. Fresh rock is present as a discontinuous framework or as corestones. Slightly Weathered - Discoloration or staining indicates weathering of rock material on discontinuity surfaces. Rock mass may be discolored and softened. Fresh - No visible signs of rock material weathering. 4. Brokenness: Describe the brokenness of the rock unit based on the average distance between naturally occurring fractures: Descriptor Fracture Spacing Very Broken <1 in. Broken 1 - 3 in. Moderately Broken 3 - 6 in. Slightly Broken >6 in. 5. Hardness: Identify rock hardness (strength) using the following scale (Wylie, 1992): Descriptor Unconfined Compressive Strength (psi) Criterion Very Hard >30,000 Difficult to break with geologic pick Hard 15,000-30,000 Hand-held sample breaks with one firm blow with hammer end of geologic pick Medium Hard 7,500-15,000 Cannot scrap surface with knife; pick point of hammer indents deeply with a firm blow Soft 3,500-7,500 Cutting or scraping with a knife is difficult; pick point of hammer indents deeply with a firm blow 02-03-02-Rock Classification Page 2 4/2014 Descriptor Unconfined Compressive Strength (psi) Criterion Very Soft <3,500 Can be cut with a knife; crumbles under sharp blows with pick point of hammer 6. Cement/Matrix (for sandstone and coarser-grained sedimentary rocks only): Describe any cement or matrix material which binds the coarser grains together. Typical cement and matrix types include: MATRIX Micaceous - Fine-grained mica flakes which give the rock a sparkly appearance Argillaceous - Clay particles Bituminous - Organic material, black CEMENT Siliceous - Quartz, which is generally very light in color, glassy, and very hard Calcareous - Calcite, dull in appearance and effervesces with hydrochloric acid Pyritic - Pyrite, metallic and yellow 7. Bedding (sedimentary rocks only): Describe bedding thickness using the classification of Ingram (1954): Thickness Classification > 3.3 ft. Massive 1 - 3.3 ft. Thick bedded 4 in - 1 ft. Medium bedded 1 - 4 in. Thin bedded 0.4 - 1 in. Very thin bedded 0.13 - 0.4 in. Laminated 0.03 - 0.13 in. Thinly laminated <0.03 in. Micro laminated Also note cross bedding, graded bedding, ripples, or other bedding features, if present. 8. Structures: Note fossils, bioturbation, paleosols, interlaminae, concretions, or other lithologic discontinuities, if present. B. Rock Classification System 1. Igneous Rocks: A simplified classification system for igneous rocks is presented in Exhibit 02-03-02a. A more detailed system may be necessary for complex igneous sites. 2. Metamorphic Rocks: The classification system for metamorphic rocks is shown in Exhibit 02-03-02b. 3. Sedimentary Rocks: Classification of sedimentary rocks depends on whether the bulk of the rock is composed of clasts, organic material, or chemical precipitate. Clastic rocks, which are made up of mineral and rock grains, are classified according to dominant grain size in a manner similar to unconsolidated materials. Rocks are named as follows: Dominant Grain Size Rock Name Clay Shale if fissile (breaks into laminae); claystone if not fissile Silt Siltstone Sand Sandstone (modified by very fine, fine, etc.) Gravel, Cobble, Boulder Conglomerate if grains are rounded; breccia if grains are angular 02-03-02-Rock Classification Page 3 4/2014 If a mixture of grain sizes is present, the dominant size should be used to select the rock name, and the secondary size is used as a modifier. Examples include silty shale; silty, very fine sandstone. Organic rocks, for most purposes, can be classified into the following categories: Black Shale - Truly black (not very dark-gray) rock which has a high proportion of organic material but maintains a density similar to clastic rock Carbonaceous Shale - Black, soft, low-density rock with dull appearance Bituminous Coal - Black, shiny, low-density rock which breaks along smooth planes Anthracite Coal - Black, shiny, low-density rock which breaks in a conchoidal fracture. Chemical precipitates are classified according their dominant mineral. Common rock types include: Dominant Mineral Rock Name Calcite Limestone Dolomite Dolomite Quartz Chert If the rock contains clasts of another rock type, the modifier "clastic" should be used. If sand, silt, or clay is present, this should be incorporated as a modifier. C. Additional Information for Rock Cores When recovering rock cores, the following information should be recorded for each core run: 1. Length: The total length of the core run, measured in feet. 2. Recovery: The total length of actual core recovered, measured in feet. 3. % Recovery: Recovery divided by the length of the core run as drilled. 4. RQD: RQD is calculated as: where: li = Length of intact core pieces which are more than 4 inches long L = Length of core run as drilled. li should be determined by first determining which breaks in the core are naturally occurring, and which breaks occurred during drilling. Only naturally occurring breaks should be considered. Measure each section of rock between natural breaks, and record all measurements for sections more than four inches long. The sum of these measurements is li. When logging rock cores, the depths of contacts need to be adjusted when %recovery is <100%. The interval or intervals where the lost core likely occurred should be assigned based on professional judgment, using core integrity and drilling behavior. The contact depths should then be logged with a correction for the missing core. For example, if a core drilled from a depth of 40 to 50 feet contains three feet of broken shale overlying five feet of intact sandstone, the contact between the sandstone should be logged as 45 feet, NOT 43 feet. 02-03-02-Rock Classification Page 4 4/2014 D. Labeling of Core Boxes All core boxes must be labeled on the top with: 1. Project No. 2. Project Name 3. Boring No. 4. Drilling Date 5. Range of Core Runs 6. Range of Depths 7. Box __ of __. One side and one end of each box must be labeled with: 1. Project No. 2. Project Name 3. Boring No. 4. Box __ of __. IV. PRECAUTIONS AND COMMON PROBLEMS A. With this system, we will not be using the following terms: Bone coal (now carbonaceous shale) Marl (now clayey limestone) Clay shale (now shale) Fire clay (now claystone, very soft) Compaction shale (now claystone, very soft). B. Use a grain-size chart for silt- and sand-sized materials. C. Do not limit descriptions to core samples. Cuttings should be described also, even though descriptions cannot include information on strength, fracturing, bedding, or structure. D. Do not attempt to log rock cores by just observing the outside of the drilled core, as this can be very misleading. Examine fresh surfaces. Break the rock with a hammer, if necessary, after recording recovery and RQD. V. DOCUMENTATION Material descriptions should be included on the Boring Log (SOP 06-02-03). VI. REFERENCES Wylie, D.C.; 1992. Foundations on Rock. New York, New York. EXHIBIT 02-03-02a IGNEOUS ROCK CLASSIFICATION Texture Phaeritic Aphanitic Glassy Pyroclastic (Crystals visible to the naked eye) (Crystals not visible) Siliceous (light colored)Granite Rhyolite PumiceIntermediateDioriteAndesite Tuff Mafic (dark colored)Gabbro Basalt Scoria Porphyries should be named as the phaeritic rock type if large crystals dominate, or the aphanitic type if fine matrix dominates, along with "porphyry." Example: Granite porphry. EXHIBIT 02-03-02b METAMORPHIC ROCK CLASSIFICATION Foliated Rocks Nonfoliated Rocks Metamorphic Grade Crystal Size Rock Name*Dominant Mineral Rock Name Low Small Slate Quartz QuartzitePhylliteCalciteMarble Schist Hornblende & Plagioclase Amphibolite High Large Gneiss Dark Minerals Hornfels * Dominant mineral may be used as a modifier. Example: Biotite gneiss 03-01-01 Page 1 11/95 03-01-01 SOIL SAMPLING - DRILLING I. SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY: This procedure is applicable to the collection of soil samples by the driller during advancement of borings in soil, unconsolidated materials, fill, and weathered bedrock. II. PROJECT SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS A. SAMPLE LOCATIONS: B. SAMPLE TYPE AND COLLECTION INTERVAL: C. SAMPLE NUMBERING SYSTEM: D. SAMPLES FOR LABORATORY ANALYSIS AND ANALYTICAL PARAMETERS: E. QUALITY-ASSURANCE SAMPLES: F. FIELD SCREENING: G. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: III. METHODOLOGY A. After the borehole has been advanced to the proper depth and the borehole is clear of debris generated by drilling, have the driller collect a soil sample using the procedures defined in the ASTM D:1586-84, Standard Test Method for Penetration Test and Split-Barrel Sampling of Soils. B. For split-spoon samples, record the number of hammer blows for each six inches of penetration. If more than 50 blows are required for six inches of penetration, spoon refusal is considered to have been achieved and sampling of the boring can be terminated. C. Immediately after the sample barrel has been opened, measure the sample recovery as the total length of sample retrieved. D. Immediately prepare any sample necessary for screening identified in Section II.D. E. Classify the sample in accordance with SOP 02-03-01. F. If composite samples are to be prepared, place an equal volume from each subsample into a decontaminated stainless-steel bucket and mix thoroughly. G. Fill any sample jars required under Section II.C. above. Fill VOA vials first (if conducting VOC analyses), disturbing the sample as little as possible. Thereafter, the sample may be homogenized before filling the other sample jars. Immediately preserve the samples in accordance with SOP 07-01-02. H. Prepare QA samples in accordance with SOPs 04-01-00 and 04-02-01. I. Place a representative portion of the remaining sample in a sample jar or sealed plastic bag for archiving. All archived samples, whether stored in jars or bags, must be identified with the following information on 03-01-01 Page 2 11/95 each container: Project No. Boring No. (or other location number) Sample Depth Blow counts (split-spoon samples only) Sample No. In addition, the box in which the containers are placed must be labeled on the top, one side, and one end, with: Project No. Boring or Location No's. Sampling Date. J. Decontaminate equipment in accordance with SOP 01-01-00. IV. PRECAUTIONS AND COMMON PROBLEMS A. Package any samples for analysis of volatile compounds as quickly as possible and with a minimum of disturbance. Never composite samples for volatiles analysis unless specifically instructed to do so. B. If sample recoveries are poor, samples for analysis of non-volatile parameters may be composited. Composite samples should be unbiased, consisting of the same amount of sample from each interval. Compositing should be clearly identified on the Boring Log. C. Unless specifically instructed to do so, do not submit samples from below the water table for chemical analysis. V. DOCUMENTATION A. Identify each sample on the Boring Log. Note the depth of spoon refusal on the log also. B. In the Trip Report for the activity, include the date, time, and method of sample shipment, as well as steps taken to preserve samples. IV. REFERENCES: ASTM Method D:1586-84. 03-02-01 Page 1 4/98 03-02-01 MONITORING WELLS USING CONVENTIONAL PURGING I. SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY: This procedure is applicable to the sampling of monitoring wells which do not contain free product using conventional purge methodology. II. PROJECT-SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS A. SAMPLE LOCATIONS AND NUMBERING SYSTEM: B. ANALYTICAL PARAMETERS AND SAMPLE FREQUENCY: C. FIELD SCREENING AND ANALYSES: Reference appropriate SOPs. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE SAMPLES: Number and type of blanks and duplicates. Reference SOPs 04-01-01, 04-01-02, and 04-02-01 as appropriate. E. FILTRATION: F. PURGE CRITERION AND DISPOSAL OF PURGE WATER: G. WELL KEYS: Indicate whether wells use CEC's standard key H. DEDICATED EQUIPMENT: Indicate whether dedicated pumps or bailers have been installed. I. OTHER REQUIREMENTS: III. METHODOLOGY: Monitoring wells should be sampled progressing from least contaminated to most contaminated to reduce the chances of cross contamination between samples. If a bailer is employed, use new rope for each well. A. PURGING: Purging is performed to remove static water standing in the well bore, thereby allowing collection of a sample representative of water in the aquifer. Unless otherwise specified in Section II.F., well development may suffice for the purge, so long as the sample is collected immediately following development. 1. Measure the water level from the top of the riser pipe at the pre-marked reference point (SOP 06-01-01). 2. Calculate the purge volume using the data presented in Exhibit 03-02-01 and the criterion presented in Section II.F. 3. Remove the required volume of water using one of the following methods. If the well goes dry, the purge can be considered complete unless otherwise specified in Section II.F. However, attempts should be made to prevent the well from going dry during purging, drying the well disrupts the flow regime and can result in the loss of volatile compounds. Therefore: If a well is known to have a low yield, it should be purged by bailing. If a pump is used for purging, adjust the pumping rate to maintain a water column in the well, if possible. 03-02-01 Page 2 4/98 Do not attempt to purge a well to dryness unless it is infeasible to maintain water in the well at a reasonable purge rate. METHOD A: If the purge criterion is specified on volume of water to be removed: a. Remove the required volume of water using a submersible pump or bailer. If a pump is used, a check valve must be installed on the pump to prevent pumped water from returning to the well. Begin purging at the top of the water column. Minimize aeration of the water during purging by pumping at a low rate or lowering the bailer gently into the water. b. Lower the pump or bailer as necessary to continue purging until the well volume criterion is met. METHOD B: If the purge criteria are specified on stabilization of field analyses: a. Measure initial water quality by retrieving a sample from the top of the water column using a bailer. Conduct the field analyses specified in Section II.F. Record these results on the Groundwater Monitoring Data Sheet (SOP 07-02-01). b. Remove one well volume of water by submersible pump or bailer. If a pump is used, a check valve must be installed to prevent water from returning to the well. Begin purging at the top of the water column. Minimize aeration of the water during purging by pumping at a low rate or lowering the bailer gently into the water. c. After one well volume has been removed, conduct field analyses on the groundwater being discharged. Record results on the Monitoring Sampling Data Sheet. d. Repeat steps b and c until the purge criteria have been met. B. SAMPLE COLLECTION: Groundwater samples should be collected immediately after purging , if the well will yield sufficiently. Some low-yielding wells may require time to recover prior to sampling. If the well will not yield a sample immediately after purging, a maximum of 24 hours between purging and sampling is permitted. 1. Collect water from the well by slowly lowering a decontaminated bailer into the water column. 2. Transfer the samples which do not require filtering directly into sample bottles in the following order: Volatile Organic Compounds Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds Pesticides and PCBs Cations and Anions Radionuclides Bacteria. 3. If indicated in Section II.E., filter the required aliquots (SOP 05-03-02 or 05-03-03) and fill those sample bottles. 03-02-01 Page 3 4/98 4. Preserve the samples immediately in accordance with SOP 07-01-02. 5. Conduct field analyses: pH (SOP 05-04-01 or 05-04-04), temperature, specific conductance (SOP 05- 04-02), dissolved oxygen (SOP 05-04-03), Eh (SOP 05-04-08), and any other parameters listed in Section II.C. 6. If a dedicated sample bailer was used, return it to the well head. Otherwise, decontaminate the bailer as specified in SOP 01-01-00. 7. Replace the well cap and lock the protective casing. 8. Collect quality-assurance samples specified in Section II.D in accordance with SOP 04-01-01, 04-01-02, and 04-02-01. 9. Decontaminate samples in accordance with SOP 01-01-00. 10. Pack and ship the samples in accordance with SOP 07-01-03. Samples should be shipped on a daily basis and such that holding time requirements (SOP 07-01-02) can be met. IV. PRECAUTIONS AND COMMON PROBLEMS A. When using a bailer, do not allow the rope to drag on the ground. If necessary, lay out plastic sheeting to catch the rope. B. When using a pump, exercise caution to prevent cross-contaminating samples with the hose. Do not sample from the pump discharge for trace organic compounds. Always use a check valve if not using a dedicated hose. Discard hose if there is a question about whether it can be adequately decontaminated. C. Check the holding times on the analyses to be conducted. The holding time for some parameters is 24 hours. Plan sampling and shipping of these samples accordingly. D. Preserve samples immediately after collection, including keeping them cool. Do not let samples sit in a hot vehicle until the end of the day. V. DOCUMENTATION A. Record information on a Groundwater Monitoring Data Sheet (SOP 07-02-01). B. Prepare a Trip Report (SOP 07-02-04) and include: Time, date, and method of sample shipment Preservation methods and sample handling Description of purge and sampling methods The Groundwater Monitoring Data Sheet. VII. REFERENCES None Exhibit 03-02-01 VOLUME OF WATER IN WELLS (gallons) Standing Water Casing Diameter (in) (ft)1.25 2 4 6 1 0.1 0.2 0.7 1.5 2 0.1 0.3 1.3 2.9 3 0.2 0.5 2.0 4.4 4 0.3 0.7 2.6 5.9 5 0.3 0.8 3.3 7.3 6 0.4 1.0 3.9 8.8 7 0.4 1.1 4.6 10.3 8 0.5 1.3 5.2 11.7 9 0.6 1.5 5.9 13.2 10 0.6 1.6 6.5 14.7 15 1.0 2.4 9.8 22.0 20 1.3 3.3 13.1 29.4 25 1.6 4.1 16.3 36.7 30 1.9 4.9 19.6 44.1352.2 5.7 22.8 51.4 40 2.5 6.5 26.1 58.7 45 2.9 7.3 29.4 66.1503.2 8.2 32.6 73.4 55 3.5 9.0 35.9 80.8 60 3.8 9.8 39.2 88.1654.1 10.6 42.4 95.5 70 4.5 11.4 45.7 102.8 75 4.8 12.2 49.0 110.2 80 5.1 13.1 52.2 117.5 85 5.4 13.9 55.5 124.8 90 5.7 14.7 58.7 132.2 95 6.1 15.5 62.0 139.5 100 6.4 16.3 65.3 146.9 110 7.0 18.0 71.8 161.6 120 7.6 19.6 78.3 176.2 130 8.3 21.2 84.9 190.9 140 8.9 22.8 91.4 205.6 150 9.6 24.5 97.9 220.3 160 10.2 26.1 104.4 235.0 170 10.8 27.7 111.0 249.7 180 11.5 29.4 117.5 264.4 190 12.1 31.0 124.0 279.1 200 12.7 32.6 130.6 293.7 03-02-05 Page 1 6/01 03-02-05 MONITORING WELLS USING LOW FLOW SAMPLING I. SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY: This procedure is applicable to the sampling of monitoring wells which have measurable sustainable yield using low flow purging. II. PROJECT-SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS A. SAMPLE LOCATIONS AND NUMBERING SYSTEM: B. ANALYTICAL PARAMETERS AND SAMPLE FREQUENCY: C. FIELD SCREENING AND ANALYSES: D. QUALITY ASSURANCE SAMPLES: Number and type of blanks and duplicates E. DISPOSAL OF PURGE WATER: F. WELL KEYS: Indicate whether wells use CEC's standard key G. OTHER REQUIREMENTS: III. METHODOLOGY: Monitoring wells should be sampled progressing from least contaminated to most contaminated to reduce the chances of cross contamination between samples. A. PURGING: Low flow sampling is accomplished by pumping the monitoring well at a rate which the formation can sustain without creating significant drawdown in the well. During this procedure, it is important that the static water column be disturbed as little as possible. 1. Measure the water level in the well using an electric waterlevel indicator (SOP 06-01-01), and record the measurement on the Low Flow Sampling Form (Exhibit 03-02-05). Use of other methods is not recommended because these may disturb the static water column. Do not measure the depth of the well, check for DNAPL, or perform other measurements below the water level in the well. 2. If a dedicated pump has not been installed in the well, assemble a low flow submersible pump, discharge hose, support cable, and wiring. Assure that all of these have been decontaminated. If LNAPL is present, install a stilling tube as described in SOP 03-02-02. 3. Lower the pump into the well slowly and smoothly. Set the pump intake at the midpoint of the saturated screened interval. Secure the support cable. 4. Connect a flow-through cell to the pump discharge to allow measurement of pH, temperature, specific conductance, and dissolved oxygen. 5. Measure and record the water level again, leaving the probe in the well afterward. 6. Begin pumping at a rate of approximately 1/4 gpm. Measure the water level every 30 seconds for the first five minutes, and after that, at sufficient intervals to reasonably characterize the water level. 03-02-05 Page 2 6/01 7. Compare the observed drawdown to the maximum allowable drawdown. The maximum allowable drawdown to assure that less than 10% of the sample is contributed by the well casing is: 2max61.0 r qts where q = pumping rate (gpm), t = time (min), and r = well radius (in). Exhibit 03-02-05 presents nomographs for selecting smax. If the observed drawdown exceeds smax, either reduce the pumping rate until the drawdown is sufficiently reduced, or proceed with conventional purging (SOP 03-02-01). If the observed drawdown is significantly less than the allowable drawdown, the pumping rate may be increased. 8. Record field parameters from the flow-through cell every three to five minutes. 9. Collect a sample and measure turbidity every five to ten minutes. 10. Continue purging until all field parameters have stabilized to within 10% over three consecutive readings. If the parameters do not stabilize, proceed with conventional purging (SOP 03-02-01). B. SAMPLE COLLECTION: Groundwater samples should be collected immediately after purging. 1. Collect water directly from the discharge hose. 2. Transfer the samples which do not require filtering directly into sample bottles in the following order: Volatile Organic Compounds Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds Pesticides and PCBs Cations and Anions Radionuclides Bacteria. 3. Samples collected by low flow sampling generally do not require filtration. If indicated in Section II, filter the required aliquots and fill those sample bottles. 4. Preserve the samples immediately in accordance with SOP 07-01-02. 5. If indicated in Section II.C., conduct field analyses. 6. Decontaminate the pump in accordance with SOP 01-00-00. 7. Collect quality-assurance samples in accordance with SOP 04-01-00 and 04-02-00. 9. Decontaminate samples in accordance with SOP 01-01-00. 03-02-05 Page 3 6/01 10. Pack and ship the samples in accordance with SOP 07-01-03. Samples should be shipped on a daily basis. IV. PRECAUTIONS AND COMMON PROBLEMS A. To obtain a representative sample, be careful to disturb the standing water column as little as possible. Do not make measurements of well depth or DNAPL within 24 hours before low flow sampling. Install the pump slowly, using smooth motions. Use methods of water-level measurement which do not agitate or disturb the water column. B. Do not allow the downhole equipment to touch contaminated ground. If necessary, lay out plastic sheeting for staging equipment. C. Exercise caution to prevent cross-contaminating samples with the hose. Always use a check valve if not using a dedicated hose. Discard hose if there is a question about whether it can be adequately decontaminated. D. Check the holding times on the analyses to be conducted. The holding time for some parameters is 24 hours. Plan sampling and shipping of these parameters accordingly. E. Preserve samples immediately after collection, including keeping them cool. Do not let samples sit in a hot vehicle until the end of the day. V. DOCUMENTATION A. Record information on a Low Flow Sampling Form (Exhibit 03-02-05). B. Prepare a Trip Report (SOP 07-02-04) and include: Time, date, and method of sample shipment Preservation methods and sample handling Description of purge and sampling methods Low Flow Sampling Form(s). VII. REFERENCES Environmental Protection Agency, Region III; August 1994. EPA Region III QA Directive: Recommended Procedures for Low-Flow Purging and Sampling of Groundwater Monitoring Wells. Page 1 of 1 TIME FLOW RATE TURBIDITY (NTU)pH ORP Diss. Oxygen (ppm) SP. COND. (µS/cm) TEMP.TDS (ppm) WATER LEVEL DRAW- DOWN (ft) MAX ALLOW. DD (ft) Time: Turbidity (NTU):Volume Removed: Water Level: Well #: Water Level after Pump Installation: Comments: Deviations from SAP: pH:TDS (ppm): Odor: Pump Depth (ft): LOW FLOW SAMPLING DATA SHEET Site: Project No.: Well Diameter (in.):Personnel: Total Depth (ft): Date/Time of Pump Installation: Diss. Oxygen (ppm): Spec. Cond. (µS/cm): FIELD MEASUREMENTS AT TIME OF SAMPLE ORP: Date: Time of Purge Initiation: permanent Pump Type: Date: Static Water Level (ft): Other Field Measurements: 0 102030405060 Time (minutes) 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 Pumping Rate (gpm)EXHIBIT 03-02-05(a) MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DRAWDOWNS FOR LOW FLOW SAMPLING (ft) 2-INCH DIAMETER 0 102030405060 Time (minutes) 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 Pumping Rate (gpm)EXHIBIT 03-02-05(b) MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DRAWDOWNS FOR LOW FLOW SAMPLING (ft) 4-INCH DIAMETER 0 102030405060 Time (minutes) 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 Puming Rate (gpm)EXHIBIT 03-02-05(c) MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DRAWDOWNS FOR LOW FLOW SAMPLING (ft) 6-INCH DIAMETER 0 102030405060 Time (minutes) 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 Pumping Rate (gpm)EXHIBIT 03-02-05(d) MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DRAWDOWNS FOR LOW FLOW SAMPLING (ft) 8-INCH DIAMETER 05-01-01-Water Level Measurement Page 1 4/2014 In Monitoring Wells 05-01-01 WATER-LEVEL MEASUREMENT IN MONITORING WELLS I. SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY This procedure is applicable to the measurement of water levels in monitoring wells and open boreholes. II. PROJECT-SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS A. Required Readings: B. Applicable Methods: III. METHODOLOGY Water levels should always be recorded to +0.01 foot. Determine where the measurement reference point is located. Sometimes it is marked on the well casing, with a notch or a marker pen. Other references can be the rim of the well protector, particularly for flush mount wells. If this is the case, use a straight edge across the well casing to establish the reference elevation. For open boreholes, use the ground surface. Equipment should be decontaminated in accordance with SOP 04-04-00 after each measurement. The following methods may be used: A. Chalked-Tape Method 1. Check records for historic water levels in the well, if available. 2. Rub the first five feet of a steel surveyor's chain or fiberglass tape with carpenter's chalk. 3. Lower the tape into the well until the end of the tape enters the water. 4. Record the tape footing at the wellhead to within 0.01 feet. 5. Pull the tape out of the well and read the tape footage of the water mark to within 0.01 feet. The difference between the readings is the water level. B. Sounding 1. Attach a small float or hollow-bottom weight or sounder to the end of a tape measure. 2. Lower the sounder into the well and listen for the sound of the weight hitting the water surface. 3. When this is heard, pull the sounder back a few inches and redrop it by 1/4-inch increments until the sound is heard again. 4. Subsequent smaller increments of lowering the sounder will allow water-level measurements to within 0.01 feet. 5. Measure the length from the zero mark on the tape measure to the bottom of the weight. Add this value to all field measurements made with the sounder. C. Electric Waterlevel Meter (Solinst or Equivalent) 1. Turn the Solinst on by turning the knob clockwise. This knob is also the volume control. Test the Solinst to see if the battery is dead by pushing the button next to the volume knob. If the battery is charged the Solinst will emit an audible tone and the red indicator light will illuminate. These procedures may be slightly different for different manufacturers. 2. Lower the end of the probe into the well or borehole. The probe will cause the unit to emit the tone and illuminate the light when it contacts water. 3. Pull the probe back a few inches and lower the probe in smaller increments until the water level is measured to within 0.01 feet. 4. The water level is read directly from the Solinst tape, and already includes a correction for the length of the probe on the bottom of the tape. 05-01-01-Water Level Measurement Page 2 4/2014 In Monitoring Wells D. Interface Probe This is the only reliable method for wells with floating free product. 1. Push the On/Off button to turn unit on. Lower the probe into the liquid. The horn will sound a steady tone and the yellow light will illuminate when the probe contacts an oil product. Slowly raise probe until sound stops, lower until sound is heard again to refine the product level. These directions are specific to the Solinst probe; other manufacturers may differ. 2. Read the tape marking and note as the surface level of product. 3. Slowly lower the probe through the oil product, searching for the oil-water interface. When the probe reaches water the tone will switch from steady to a beeping tone and the red light will illuminate. Slowly move probe up and down to refine the oil/water interface to within 0.01 feet. Read the water level directly from the tape. The length of the probe is already considered. NOTE: Auto Shutoff Feature: After approximately five minutes of power on, the unit will auto-shut off. A chirping sound will be heard, warning impending shut off. Press <POWER ON/RENEW> to continue operation. During five minute interval, short "alive" beep is heard. IV. PRECAUTIONS AND COMMON PROBLEMS: A. Be sure to allow sufficient time after development, purging or pumping to allow the well to recover to static conditions. B. Sounding may be difficult with very deep water levels or in noisy conditions because the sound is hard to hear. C. Measurement of water levels in pumping wells or wells/boreholes with cascading water can be difficult. Installing a narrow PVC access tube inside the well casing can make obtaining accurate readings easier. D. Free product floating on the water table depresses the natural water level. If a true water level is required, the product of the oil thickness and the oil specific gravity must be added to the oil/water interface elevation. E. If the well casing is used as the datum and there is no measurement mark on the well riser, add one in indelible ink for consistency with future readings F. Condensation on the well casing can give a false reading, often a fainter signal than the actual water level. Refer to previous readings if available. V. DOCUMENTATION A. Record water levels in a field notebook or Groundwater Monitoring Data Sheet (SOP 06-02-01). Be sure to record the date and time of the measurement. B. Data should be incorporated into the Trip Report (SOP 06-02-05). Method of measurement should be reported. VI. REFERENCES: None EHS Support LLC 1 Procedures for Qualitative Aquifer Testing 1 Summary An aquifer pumping test is a field experiment designed to estimate the hydraulic properties of water- bearing material. In general, the aquifer is hydraulically stressed by extracting water, and the response to the stress, measured as changes in water levels at observation wells, is analyzed to determine aquifer properties (typically transmissivity, storage capacity, and their respective derived parameters [hydraulic conductivity and the storage coefficient]). Qualitative aquifer testing is a means to broadly categorize hydraulic properties of geologic units (e.g., high, medium low hydraulic conductivity). The method is particularly useful for categorizing and identifying geologic units captured by groundwater monitoring well screens, particularly at sites with lithologies that have large contrasts in hydraulic properties. The method is not intended to quantitatively determine hydraulic properties. However, in some instances data obtained from qualitative aquifer tests may be used for more quantitative assessment of hydraulic properties if field conditions are favorable. 1.1 Equipment The primary equipment necessary to perform a qualitative pumping test include a submersible pump, generator or other power supply, a pump flow controller, pump discharge line, a water level indicator, and storage containers for discharged water. The selected pump must be able to maintain a constant discharge rate for extended periods. Control of the pumping rate is an important consideration when selecting dedicated or portable pumps. The pump must also have a check valve to prevent water from flowing back into the well once it has been extracted. Pumping rates are expected to range from 0.5 to over 10 gallons per minute (gpm). A pump that spans this flowrate range is needed. 1.2 Method The qualitative aquifer testing procedure is a variation of a short-duration single-well step-drawdown pumping test where groundwater level data is only recorded from the pumping well. 1.2.1 Pumping Procedures for conducting the test include: a. Collect a water level prior to beginning the test to ensure water levels have returned to static levels. b. Energize the pump to discharge at 0.5 gpm. Procedures for Qualitative Aquifer Testing Issued April 2021 EHS Support LLC 2 c. Record the discharge rate by estimating time to fill the receiving vessel, along with time and water level. Water levels and time should be recorded at a frequency of once every 30 seconds to once every minute. d. Monitor and record the time and water level until drawdown has stabilized. If the well goes dry at a pumping rate of 0.5 gpm, the well is classified as low permeability. Periodic water level measurements, as site work opportunistically allows, should be considered during the day to assess recharge characteristics of the well. e. If no drawdown is initially observed, increase the pumping rate until drawdown of approximately 25% of the standing head is observed. 1.2.2 Recovery A post-pumping recovery test measures rate of water level recovery over time once the pump is de- energized and water levels begin to return to static water levels. To conduct this test: 1. Manually measure water levels in the pumping well until water levels have returned to 90% of the original static water level recorded prior to pumping, or until 20 minutes have passed. Return to the well periodically during the day as site work opportunistically allows for additional measurements. 2. Record the time and water levels in the field logbook or approved paperwork. Procedures for Qualitative Aquifer Testing Issued April 2021 EHS Support LLC 3 2 Documentation Documentation of the pumping test should include (at a minimum): Required site maps and HASP forms Instrument calibration Equipment calibration sheet from rental agency Type of equipment and supplies Well construction details Hydraulic Conductivity Testing Form details o Project name o Project number o Well casing inner diameter o Static water level o Total well depth o Height of static water column o Screen length o Aquifer type: confined or unconfined o Screen type: fully submerged or partially submerged o Well identification o Test date o Field technicians present o Pump description o Pump discharge rate o Test start and end times o Water level measurements Weather observations (e.g., temperature, wind speed and direction, cloud coverage) Any problems encountered or deviations from the project work plan Any problems encountered or deviations from this SOP Summary of daily activities and personnel onsite and offsite times. HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY TESTING FORM Project Name: ____________________________________________Well Identification: _____________________Page: ______ of _______ Project Number: __________________________________________Test Date: ________________________________________________________ Field Technician(s):________________________________________Transducer Serial Number (if applicable): _______________________________ Weather Conditions: _______________________________________Transducer (Make/Model): ___________________________________________ Water Level (Static): __________________________________ft / m Transducer Type: Vented Unvented Total Well Depth: _____________________________________ft / m Test Method: Slug In Slug Out Bailer Step Test Height of Water Column: _______________________________ft / m Constant Rate Water Injection Source: _______________________ Screen Length: __________ ft / m Casing Inner Dia. ________ in / mm Pneumatic Air Test Other: _________________________________ Screen: Fully Submerged Partially Submerged Slug Dimensions or Volume: ________________________________________ Well Type: Monitoring Well Extraction Well Pump Well Pump Description: ________________________________________________ Observation Well Other: ___________________________Depth to: Pump Intake: ___________ ft / m Transducer: ___________ ft / m Aquifer: Confined Unconfined Gas Type: _____________________ Pressure: ____________ psi Test Start Time: ________________Test Start Time: ________________ Step Test, Pump Test, Slug In Test, Slug Out Test Recovery Test, Slug In Test, Slug Out Test Time Elapsed Time Water Level Flow Rate Totalizer Time Elapsed Time Water Level feet / meter gpm / Lpm gallon / Liter feet / meter End Time: _________________Volume Discharged: ________________ gallon/ Liter End Time: _________________ Time Signature: Observations or Changes (e.g., weather, testing problems, traffic)Comment Comments EHS Support Field Form 025Issue Date: Nov. 21, 2015Revision No. 00 Revision Date: HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY TESTING FORM Project Name:Well Identification: _______________________Page: ______ of ________ Field Technician(s):Weather Conditions: ______________________________________________ Step Test, Pump Test, Slug In Test, Slug Out Test Recovery Test, Slug In Test, Slug Out Test Time Elapsed Time Water Level Pumping Rate Totalizer Time Elapsed Time Water Level feet / meter gpm / Lpm gallon / Liter feet / meter End Time: _________________Volume Discharged: ________________ gallon/ Liter End Time: _________________ Notes or Drawings: Time Observations or Changes (e.g., weather, testing problems, traffic)Comment Comments EHS Support Field Form 025Issue Date: Nov. 21, 2015Revision No. 00 Revision Date: