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Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. May 7, 2021 ELECTRONIC SUBMITTAL donna.wilson&ncdenr. gov Donna Wilson Engineering Project Manager, Solid Waste Section Division of Waste Management North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Dear Donna: Subject: Response to Comments Anson County Landfill (Permit No. 0403-MSWLF-2010) Phase 5 Expansion CEC Project 165-276 C&D LF Facility Plan Comment #1 - Discussion of the requirements of 15A NCAC 13B .1618. Requirements have been listed in table format including each section they are discussed in the report. Comment #2 - The regional characterization study map and the local characterization map, and a text discussion of the maps for the items listed in 15A NCAC 13B .1618 (c) (1) and (2). (Section 2.3) The Regional Characterization study map (Exhibit 1) and the Local Characterization map (Exhibit 2) are located in Appendix A. The regional Characterization study text is in Section 2.0, the Local Characterization Study text is in Section 3.0. Comment #3 - Address compliance with the location restrictions listed in 15A NCAC 13B .1622, which are airport safety, floodplains, wetlands, fault areas, seismic impact zones, unstable areas, cultural resources, state nature and historic preserves, water supply watersheds, endangered species. A few specific comments: a. Cultural resources - the original reports and correspondence have been located and are on laserfiche, two files dated 1-1-1998 and 1-30-1996. The original report investigation included the expansion area. Provide a summary discussion of the original investigation as it relates to the expansion area. I did a file search and review of this information, for the expansion, and my comments are in a file dated 3-30-2020. 3701 Arco Corporate Drive, Suite 400 1 Charlotte, NC 28273 1 p: 980-237-0373 f: 980-237-0372 1 www.cecinc.com Anson County Landfill Phase 5 Site Study NCDEQ Comments CEC Project 165-276 May 7, 2021 b. Floodplains - the landfill waste boundary should be drawn onto the map. Also the map should have a key relating to the floodplain areas, identifying which areas are in the 100 floodplain. Cultural resource reports are located in Appendix E and Appendix F. Floodplains are shown on Exhibit 2 and Figure 1, Comment #4 - Please provide the finalized wetlands permit. We have the March 5, 2020 pre -final authorization that was not yet signed Finalized jurisdictional assessment permit has been attached in Appendix D. Comment #5 - A traffic study for the expansion, in accordance with NCGS 13A-195.5. A letter or email from a DOT is Division Engineer for the traffic study, that the site expansion will not have a substantial impact on highway traffic. Appendix H includes DOT documentation. Comment #6 - The EA report: a. The acreage is inconsistent with the information we have for the facility. The facility property should be stated as 875.7 acres, instead of 1100 acres. You can also say that Chambers owns additional property surrounding the landfill property, for a total of x acres. b. The tons accepted per day and year should be updated. c. EA - Hours listed for site operation are not consistent with approved plan. d. Include the traffic study information and letter from the DOT Division Engineer. e. Discussion of wetland impacts and endangered species, and attachments, and references to figures, should be updated regarding the more recent correspondence and permitting, of 2019 and 2020. EA report was updated with the requested information. Please let us know if you need any additional information in support of this review. Sincerely, CIVIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. -V�" � 6b6 ;f ?<��� Nathan Bivins, P.E. Scott L. Brown, P.E. Project Manager Vice President Attachments Civil & Environmental Consultancs, Int. SITE STUDY APPLICATION ANSON COUNTY LANDFILL PHASE 5 ANSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared For: CHAMBERS DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC., A WHOLLY OWNED SUBSIDIARY OF WASTE CONNECTIONS, INC. Prepared By: CIVIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. CHARLOTTE, NC ,t1�11111I,F, SEAL ' s Q39114 x 5/7/2021 511V ON Q rG. `T�' Nathan Bivins, P.E. Project Manager North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors License No. C-3035 CEC Project 165-276 NOVEMBER 2020 REVISED MAY 2021 C�- Scott L. Brown, P.E. Vice President Ar rimmo.1-1 Civil & Environmental Consultants. Inc. 37D� AFCO CnrpomEe OrI-re, 5uIu- 40O 1 C1,41-443ELe, MC 7A773 1 p: 494-237-0373 I.7913-237-0372 1 www.1ennc.c11FF1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................I 1.1 Project Description.................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Compliance with State and County Solid Waste Management Plans .................... 1 1.3 Purpose and Scope.................................................................................................. 2 2.0 REGIONAL CHARACTERIZATION STUDY 15a NCAC 13B .1618C(1) ................3 2.1 Topography and Features(.1618(c)(1)(A))............................................................. 3 2.2 Proposed Landfill Facility Location (.1618(c)(1)(B))............................................ 4 2.3 Public Water Supply Wells, Surface Water Intakes, and Service Areas (.1618(c)(1)(C))...................................................................................................... 4 2.4 Residential Subdivisions(.1618(c)(1)(D)).............................................................. 5 2.5 Waste Transportation Routes (.1618(c)(1)(E))....................................................... 5 2.6 Public Use Airports and Runways (.1618(c)(1)(F))............................................... 6 3.0 LOCAL CHARACTERIZATION STUDY 15a NCAC 13B.1618C(2)........................7 3.1 Disposal Site (.1618(c)(2)(A))................................................................................ 7 3.2 Existing Land Use and Zoning (.1618(c)(2)(B)).................................................... 7 3.3 Location of Private Residences and Schools (.1618(c)(2)(C)) ............................... 7 3.4 Location of Commercial and Industrial Buildings (.1618(c)(2)(D)) ...................... 8 3.5 Location of Potable Wells(.1618(c)(2)(E))............................................................ 8 3.6 Historic Site(.1618(c)(2)(F)).................................................................................. 8 3.7 Existing Topography Features(.1618(c)(2)(G))..................................................... 8 3.8 Site Hydrogeologic Report (.1618(c)(3))................................................................ 9 4.0 LOCATION RESTRICTIONS(.1618(c)(4)).................................................................10 4.1 Compliance with Rule .1622 (2)(a) - FloodPlains................................................ 10 4.2 Compliance with Rule .1622 (3)(a)(iii) - Wetlands .............................................. 10 4.3 Compliance with Rule .1622 (4)(a) - Fault Areas ................................................ 10 4.4 Compliance with Rule .1622 (5)(a) - Seismic Impact Zones ............................... 10 4.5 Compliance with Rule .1622 (6)(a) - Unstable Areas .......................................... 10 5.0 GOVERNMENT APPROVALS.....................................................................................11 6.0 PROPOSED FACILITY PLAN.....................................................................................12 6.1 Purpose and Scope................................................................................................ 12 6.1.1 Introduction and Facility Information........................................................12 6.2 Waste Stream -15A NCAC R ULE .1619(E) (1)................................................... 12 6.2.1 Types of Wastes.........................................................................................12 6.2.2 Disposal Rates............................................................................................14 6.2.3 Service Area...............................................................................................14 6.2.4 Waste Segregation.....................................................................................14 Types of Waste........................................................................15 Weighing and Control of Waste Volumes...............................17 Inspection.................................................................................17 Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -i- Site Study Application - Anson County Landfill Phase 5 November 2020 Equipment and Staffing...........................................................18 6.3 Containment And Environmental Controls - 15A NCAC RULE .1619(E) (3).......................................................................................................................... 18 6.3.1 Leachate Migration....................................................................................18 6.3.2 Landfill Gas Management..........................................................................18 6.3.3 Soil Resources............................................................................................19 7.0 TRAFFIC STUDY...........................................................................................................20 8.0 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY.......................................................................21 APPENDICES Appendix A — Figures and Characterization Study Exhibits Figure 1 — Vicinity Map Figure 2 — USGS Topography Map Figure 3 — Wetlands Map Exhibit 1 — Regional Characterization Map Exhibit 2 — Local Characterization Map Appendix B — Engineering Drawings Appendix C — Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report Appendix D — Jurisdictional Delineation Report Appendix E — Cultural Resources Report Appendix F — Protected Species Assessment Report Appendix G — Government Approvals Appendix H — NCDOT Certification on Highway Traffic Appendix I — Environmental Impact Study Appendix J — Other Related Documents Civil & E n v i ro n m e n c a I Consultants, Inc. -ii- Site Study Application — Anson County Landfill Phase 5 November 2020 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. (CEC) is submitting this Site Study Application for Phase 5 of the Anson County Landfill (Landfill) on behalf of Chambers Development of North Carolina, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Waste Connections, Inc. (WCN) to the North Carolina Department of Environment Quality (NCDEQ). 1.2 COMPLIANCE WITH STATE AND COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLANS This report demonstrates compliance with the rules and regulations 15A NCAC 13B .1618 Site Study for MSWLF Facilities set forth by the NCDEQ. The findings and conclusions of this report are supported by technical studies which are included as Appendices in this report. ' Report 15A NCAC 13B. 1618 (a)- Purpose Section 1.3 15A NCAC 13B .1618 (b)- Scope Section 1.3 15A NCAC 13B. 1618 (c)(1)- Regional Section 2.0 Characterization Study Exhibit I 15A NCAC 13B. 1618 (c)(2)- Local Section 3.0 Characterization Study Exhibit 2 15A NCAC 13B. 1618 (c)(3)- Site Hydrogeologic Appendix C Report 15A NCAC 13B .1618 (c)(4)- Location Restrictions Section 4.0 15A NCAC 13B. 1618 (c)(5)- Local government Section 5.0 approvals 15A NCAC 13B. 1618 (c)(6)- Proposed Facility Section 6.0 Plan Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -1- Anson Landfill Phase 5 Site Study November 2020 1.3 PURPOSE AND SCOPE This site study is to demonstrate that the portion of land, within the landfill property, chosen for Phase 5 is suitable. The proposed expansion will be built adjacent to (the west of) the existing landfill. The said portion of land is currently mostly wooded and an existing stream originates from this area as shown on Figure 1 (Vicinity Map). Using field survey, desktop review, and previously approved site study for this property, this report will show that the proposed expansion area will not impact public health and welfare and the environment. The author of this report is a qualified environmental professional and has sealed and signed this report. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -2- Anson Landfill Phase 5 Site Study November 2020 2.0 REGIONAL CHARACTERIZATION STUDY 15A NCAC 13B .1618C(1) The regional characterization study area includes the landfill facility and a two mile perimeter measured from the proposed boundary of the landfill facility. A regional map is presented as Exhibit 1 in Appendix A. 2.1 TOPOGRAPHY AND FEATURES (.1618(C)(1)(A)) The general vicinity and topography of Anson County Landfill (Landfill) is shown on Figure 2 (USGS Topography Map). The figure shows that the existing landfill is situated on a ridge that is bounded on the west by Brown Creek and on the east by Pinch Gut Creek. The CSX Railroad bounds the property to the immediate south and US Highway 74 further south. Features within two (2) miles of the property are shown on Exhibit 1 in Appendix A. Within this buffer, the surrounding area is rural and primarily wooded. The Town of Polkton is located within this buffer to the west. A portion of the Town of Wadesboro is also located within this buffer to the east. Residential, commercial, and industrial properties are scattered throughout the remaining 2-mile buffer area. The topographic features of the site and the immediate adjacent areas as shown in Figure 2 depict series of rolling hills that reach the heights of almost 350 feet above sea level. The lowest elevation is 250 feet above sea level before water drains to Brown Creek and Pinch Gut Creek. For a complete discussion of site topography and surface drainage, the reader is referred to the Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report, prepared by Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. (dated March 2018). A copy of this report (excluding appendices) is presented in Appendix C. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -3- Anson Landfill Phase 5 Site Study November 2020 2.2 PROPOSED LANDFILL FACILITY LOCATION (.1618(C)(1)(B)) The Landfill is situated in the south-central portion of Anson County, North Carolina, north of US Highway 74. Entrance is at the southern end of the landfill on Dozer Drive, which is accessible from US Highway 74. The Landfill is currently comprised of four phases with a combined area of approximately 133 acres. The proposed expansion, Phase 5, will add approximately 66.90 acres over an area that is presently hilly and wooded southwest of the existing phases. The existing Landfill has been developed incrementally in phases. Within each phase, smaller cells were developed where the timing of construction were dictated by the owner and waste capacity. Phases 1 and 2 were permitted to construct in 2000 and 2008, respectively. Both are currently operational. Phases 3 and 4 were permitted to construct in 2018. Cell 2 of Phase 3, adjacent to Phase 4 (see Engineering Drawing C100 in Appendix B), is most recently constructed and is actively accepting waste. This site study is part of the permit to construct the proposed Phase 5 portion of the Landfill. Phasing and timing of Phase 5 construction will be established as has previously been upheld. Engineering drawings, provided in Appendix B, show the proposed design and progression of the landfill including the expansion area. The drawings depict floor grades, leachate conveyance, waste and final cover grades, erosion and sedimentation control measures, and stormwater management system. The projected life of Phase 5 is approximately 11.61 years based on the anticipated average incoming waste rate of 3,000 tons per day. 2.3 PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY WELLS, SURFACE WATER INTAKES, AND SERVICE AREAS (.1618(C)(1)(C)) Based on the Preliminary Siting Criteria map prepared by GZA Environmental in 1992 for the initial permitting and the GIS data from Anson County website*, public water supply wells, waterlines and fire hydrants are shown within two (2) miles of the property. They are Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -4- Anson Landfill Phase 5 Site Study November 2020 represented as blue dots, black dashed lines, and red open circles, respectively, on Exhibit 1 in Appendix A. *(http://www.co.anson.nc.us/252/GIS-Data-Downloads) The nearest water supply wells are located within the Landfill property. Other water supply wells near the landfill are located outside of the landfill property lines, a minimum 1200 feet distance. 2A RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS (.1618(C)(1)(D)) Residential subdivisions are identified within 2 miles of the property but are scattered within the two mile buffer. Tighter clusters of residences are located within the Town of Polkton and Wadesboro closer to the outermost limit of the 2-mile buffer. 2.5 WASTE TRANSPORTATION ROUTES (.1618(C)(1)(E)) Waste materials are transported to the site using trucks and other suitable waste transport vehicles. Access to the site is directly from US Highway 74. The site access road is approximately 2,500 feet in length from the intersection of US Highway 74 to the scale area. This provides staging distance for waste transport vehicles arriving simultaneously. Waste loads contained in open top containers are inspected prior to reaching the scale area. If hazardous or other unacceptable waste is detected or observed, the load will be rejected and directed to leave the site without being allowed to deposit the waste material. Waste vehicles transporting acceptable waste will be weighed and allowed to pass the scales. The recycling building, tire processing area, yard waste composting area, and sanitary landfill are accessible from the main road, beyond the scale area. Vehicles will be directed to the appropriate waste processing area by site personnel and informational signs. After waste transport vehicles deposit their loads, they will exit the site using the main access road. All vehicles must pass by the scale area and be logged out. If necessary, vehicles can pass through a tire - Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -5- Anson Landfill Phase 5 Site Study November 2020 wash area to remove mud or dirt prior to reaching US Highway 74. Any mud that reaches the public road will be promptly removed. 2.6 PUBLIC USE AIRPORTS AND RUNWAYS (.1618(C)(1)(F)) The nearest airport to the Anson County Landfill Solid Waste Management Facility is the Anson County Airport which is located approximately 4 miles northeast of the site. The proposed expansion will not affect public use of airport and runway as it is beyond the 10,000 foot setback requirements for turbine powered aircraft and 5,000 foot setback for the piston powered type aircraft. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -6- Anson Landfill Phase 5 Site Study November 2020 3.0 LOCAL CHARACTERIZATION STUDY 15A NCAC 13B .1618C(2) Local characterization study includes the landfill facility and a 2,000 feet perimeter from property boundary of the landfill facility. Exhibit 2 in Appendix A presents the 2,000-ft perimeter and an aerial photo as background. 3.1 DISPOSAL SITE (.1618(C)(2)(A)) The limit of waste within the property is shown on Exhibit 2 (Local Characterization Map). It shows the 2,000 foot perimeter as measured from the property boundary as well as the aerial photo which was taken from NCONE Map aerial imagery data, dated 2019. There are no on -site easements identified at the time of study. 3.2 EXISTING LAND USE AND ZONING (.1618(C)(2)(B)) Land use and zoning of the site and surrounding area of the Landfill have not been zoned in local zoning classification systems (Anson County GIS). The original permit included a letter from the Anson County Board of Commissioners stating this fact and is included in this report in Appendix J. However, since the original permit was approved in 2000, the site has been developed as a sanitary landfill. A portion of the site and areas located along US Highway 74 are zoned for light industry, commercial and residential purposes (Anson County GIS). Zoning areas, residences, commercial buildings, utilities, roads, wells, and water courses are shown on Exhibits 1 and 2. 3.3 LOCATION OF PRIVATE RESIDENCES AND SCHOOLS (.1618(C)(2)(C)) Private residences are located within 2,000 feet of the perimeter offset. They are represented as green dots on Exhibits 1 and 2. Local schools are not located within the 2,000 feet perimeter offset. They are represented as red diamonds on Exhibit 1. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -7- Anson Landfill Phase 5 Site Study November 2020 The expansion is designed to be, at minimum, 500 feet away from all residences and occupied buildings as required by Rule .1624 (b)(3)(B). 3A LOCATION OF COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS (.1618(C)(2)(D)) There are no commercial or industrial buildings located within the 2,000 feet perimeter offset. Commercial buildings are shown, as pink dots, outside of this buffer on Exhibit 1. The expansion is designed to be, at minimum, 500 feet away from all residences and occupied buildings as required by Rule .1624 (b)(3)(B) which applies for this condition as well. 3.5 LOCATION OF POTABLE WELLS (.1618(C)(2)(E)) Locations of potable wells are shown on Exhibits 1 and 2 (blue dots). Historical locations were taken from a preliminary siting criteria map prepared by Riley, Park, Hayden & Associates, Inc. for Chambers Development of North Carolina, Inc. in January 1992. The map is presented in this report as a reference in Appendix J. 16 HISTORIC SITE (.1618(C)(2)(F)) A Cultural Resources report is presented in Appendix E. It describes the history of investigations at the site and provides an updated assessment of the sites in the proposed project area. 3.7 EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY FEATURES (.1618(C)(2)(G)) Existing topography of the Landfill is partially developed into the now operational Phases 1, 2, and 3. Surface water runoff from these developed areas are collected by temporary diversion ditches and perimeter channels that flow to existing basins before draining to surface water Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -8- Anson Landfill Phase 5 Site Study November 2020 tributaries to Pinch Gut Creek. The portion of land where the proposed expansion development is currently wooded and drains to tributaries to Brown Creek. The 100-year floodplain is shown on Exhibit 1 and wetland areas as depicted in National Wetlands Inventory is shown on Figure 3. On August 2, 2016, Carolina Wetland Service (CWS) performed a site visit to delineate jurisdictional waters of the US. Wetlands and streams were identified in the project area. Of the jurisdictional streams, Stream A will be impacted by this project, consisting of approximately 1,466 linear feet and 0.08 acres of stream impact. This Stream A is shown on figures in the Jurisdictional Delineation Report in Appendix D. Streams B and C, and the wetlands identified in the CWS report will not be impacted by this project. Based on this proposed impact on Stream A, the Owner is currently preparing permitting documents for an Individual Permit with the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), in accordance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. This Permit Application is submitted contingent on the Owner obtaining an Individual Permit for the stream impact area. 3.8 SITE HYDROGEOLOGIC REPORT (.1618(C)(3)) The site Hydrogeologic Report is presented in Appendix C and fulfills the requirements set forth in Rule .1623 (a). Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -9- Anson Landfill Phase 5 Site Study November 2020 4.0 LOCATION RESTRICTIONS (.1618(C)(4)) 4.1 COMPLIANCE WITH RULE .1622 (2)(A) - FLOODPLAINS The proposed expansion is not located in the 100-year floodplain. The limit of waste versus the 100-year floodplain limit are shown on Exhibit I in Appendix A. Grading in the proposed expansion maintains positive drainage to stormwater treatment BMPs and then to existing tributaries. All waste materials will be contained within the Landfill by means of cell berms and proper waste compaction. 4.2 COMPLIANCE WITH RULE .1622 (3)(A)(III) - WETLANDS Jurisdictional wetlands study is presented in Appendix D. 4.3 COMPLIANCE WITH RULE .1622 (4)(A) — FAULT AREAS Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report for the Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area presented in Appendix C provides a detailed discussion of site geology and seismicity. 4A COMPLIANCE WITH RULE .1622 (5)(A) — SEISMIC IMPACT ZONES Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report for the Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area presented in Appendix C provides a detailed discussion of site geology and seismicity. 4.5 COMPLIANCE WITH RULE .1622 (6)(A) — UNSTABLE AREAS Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report for the Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area presented in Appendix C provides a detailed discussion of site geology and seismicity. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -10- Anson Landfill Phase 5 Site Study November 2020 5.0 GOVERNMENT APPROVALS Per the requirement of 15 NCAC 13B .1618 (5), a Franchise Agreement is presented in Appendix G which shows the agreement between Chambers Development of North Carolina with Anson County and provides information regarding public hearings held prior to obtaining said agreement. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -11- Anson Landfill Phase 5 Site Study November 2020 6.0 PROPOSED FACILITY PLAN 6.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE 6.1.1 Introduction and Facility Information Anson County Landfill (Landfill) is located in Anson County between Polkton and Wadesboro on US Highway 74. The site is bordered to the northwest by Brown Creek, the east by Pinch Gut Creek, and the south by the CSX railroad. The facility location is presented on Figure 1 Vicinity Map. The Landfill currently operates under Solid Waste Facility Permit Number 0403. 6.2 WASTE STREAM -15A NCAC RULE. 1619(E) (1) 6.2.1 Types of Wastes The Landfill will not accept types of waste prohibited by 15A NCAC 13B, which include: • Hazardous wastes as defined within 15A NCAC 13A to include hazardous wastes from conditionally exempt small quantity generators; • Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) wastes as defined in 40 CFR 761; • Liquid wastes except as provided by 15A NCAC 13B .1626(9); • Untreated regulated medical wastes; and • Petroleum contaminated soils. The following waste types will not be accepted for landfilling, but may be accepted at a drop-off for alternative processing: • White goods; • Used oil; • Lead -acid batteries; • Petroleum contaminated waste; Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -12- Anson Landfill Phase 5 Site Study November 2020 • Whole scrap tires; • ABC Container Recycling; • Electronics; • Fluorescent Lights; • Mercury Containing Thermostats; • Oil Filters; • Plastic Bottles; • Wood Pallets; and • Yard waste. The Landfill will accept all types of municipal solid waste (MSW) and special wastes, to include: • Spoiled foods, animal carcasses, abattoir waste, hatchery and other animal wastes; • Asbestos waste; • Treated medical wastes which are not hazardous, liquid, infectious or radioactive; • Wastewater treatment sludges; • Construction/ demolition wastes; • Ash (non -medical); Coal ash may be accepted for disposal after approval of Anson County and the Solid Waste Section; • Industrial process waste; • Off -specification, outdated commercial products; • Barrels and drums which are empty and have been perforated sufficiently to ensure that no liquid or hazardous waste is contained therein, except for fiber drums containing asbestos; • Laboratory waste (non -hazardous); and • Other non-MSW wastes not excluded above. Acceptance of special wastes will be subject to provisions of 15A NCAC 13B, the special waste acceptance procedures defined in the Operations Plan included in this application. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -13- Anson Landfill Phase 5 Site Study November 2020 The landfill operator shall be responsible for screening wastes to ensure that hazardous or unacceptable wastes are not disposed in the landfill. Screening of special wastes shall be performed in accordance with the Operations Plan. Landfill management reserves the right to establish acceptance criteria and procedures for certain non -municipal solid wastes. These may be more restrictive than required by law based on quantities and characteristics of the waste stream, current operating status of the Landfill, and characteristics of waste streams previously received. Acceptability will be based on judgment of the landfill operator's technical personnel with respect to regulatory requirements, physical and chemical qualities and other technical considerations. 6.2.2 Disposal Rates An October 5, 2016 Franchise Agreement limited waste acceptance of 3,000 tons per day. The facility will accept only those items listed in 15A NCAC RULE .1619(E) (1) that have not come in contact with hazardous constituents, petroleum products, or lead based paints or waste determined as acceptable by the Department based on the submittal of a waste characterization report and will screen the incoming waste in accordance with 15A NCAC RULE .1619(E) (1). 6.2.3 Service Area In accordance with the agreement between Anson County and WCN, the Landfill will serve Anson County and other parts of North Carolina and South Carolina. 6.2.4 Waste Segregation Incoming waste will be observed to verify it is acceptable in content and origin. Accurate and current records will be maintained for all accepted waste and all Landfill operations. Waste handling procedures and normal operating procedures will be implemented to prevent disposal of unauthorized waste. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -14- Anson Landfill Phase 5 Site Study November 2020 Types of Waste The Landfill will only accept solid waste as described in 15A NCAC 13B and will not accept wastes as described in Section 2.2.1. The Landfill may accept special wastes and handling procedures will be implemented by waste type. The special wastes that may be accepted include: o Bulky Waste- Bulky waste such as furniture, appliances, and other over -sized items will be handled such that compaction is maximized and management at the working face is prompt. Bulky wastes will typically be crushed on the ground prior to disposal. If crushing or other size reduction is not possible, bulky wastes will be placed at the base of the working face and run over with the landfill compactor to reduce their size. The bulky waste will then be placed at the toe of the working face and covered with other waste. o Low -Density Wastes- Waste types such as agricultural wastes, loose plastic film, foam rubber, plastic scraps, and plastic shavings require special handling. These materials present problems because they rebound after being compacted by the equipment. In order to achieve maximum densities, light -weight materials should be spread into layers between one (1) and two (2) feet deep before being covered with regular waste and compacted as usual into the base of the cell. o Powdery Waste- The Landfill may accept powdery waste such as ash, sawdust or exhaust trappings. Since these wastes are dry and powdery, they require special management to minimize dusting and blowing. The principal means of controlling these wastes will be wetting or quickly covering with other waste. If conditions warrant, landfill workers managing these wastes will wear protective clothing and respirators as determined by the site safety officer. o Sludges -The Landfill will accept neither municipal sewer sludge nor sludges containing free liquids, as determined by the Paint Filter Liquids test. The Landfill will accept all other sludges subject to the requirement of the Operations Plan's Special Waste Quality Assurance Plan. Sludges that are determined to be acceptable will be mixed/ bulked with municipal solid waste or other solid waste at the working face. Sludges will be stabilized, digested, or heat treated prior to disposal. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -15- Anson Landfill Phase 5 Site Study November 2020 The amount of sludge managed on a daily basis will be dictated by operating conditions. A maximum ratio of one (1) ton of sludge to five (5) tons of solid waste for daily intake of sludges will be employed. o Free Liquids- The Landfill will not accept solid wastes that contain free liquids as determined by the Paint Filter Liquids Test. However, liquid waste may be treated by solidification, or thickening, to make the waste suitable for landfill disposal. Solidification of liquid waste will be conducted in leak -resistant containers or steel tanks partially buried within an active landfill cell. Incoming liquid waste will be deposited directly into the containers with a solidification agent. Solidification may be accomplished using soil, mulch, wood chips, etc. The liquid waste will be mixed with the solidifying agent in the tanks using a backhoe or other appropriate equipment until free liquid is no longer observed. The solidified waste will then be removed from the tanks and disposed at the working face. The number and location of mixing tanks will be dictated by the Landfill operations. The requirements of this section do not apply to leachate recirculation or landfill gas condensate management. o Putrescible Waste- Animal carcasses, in small volumes, may be managed at the Landfill. If a large volume is delivered to the Landfill, they will be accepted in a designated area away from the working face and promptly covered. o Asbestos Containing Material- The Landfill will contain areas designated for the management of asbestos waste. The management of asbestos waste will follow the procedures described in Appendix D and Appendix E of the Operations Plan. o Tires- The Landfill will not accept whole tires for disposal. Tires pulled from waste loads delivered to the landfill will be temporarily stockpiled in piles not exceeding five (5) feet high, or in trailers. Proper management of collected tires will be arranged as needed. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -16- Anson Landfill Phase 5 Site Study November 2020 Weighing and Control of Waste Volumes All landfill users entering the disposal area must stop on the scales at the entrance gate for security check -in. The load weight, customer, and charges will be recorded for all trucks delivering waste to the disposal area. The Landfill will promptly repair any malfunctioning scales. Vehicles will be directed to the appropriate disposal area by signs. However, verbal or other instructions may be given if necessary. All open topped waste loads will be inspected for hazardous or otherwise unacceptable wastes by the gatekeeper from the observation platform above the gate house. All other waste loads will be inspected at the active face by the equipment operators Inspection A plan will be implemented by the Site Manager to prevent the onsite disposal of unauthorized hazardous wastes. The plan will contain an inspection program to be staffed by personnel who have been trained to recognize unauthorized hazardous wastes. At a minimum, the following shall be included in the inspection program: • Periodic vehicle inspection of loads at the gate and at the landfill face that document all suspicious materials, the hauler, and if possible, the generator; • Random monitoring of organic vapors from open top loads using suitable instruments; • Thorough inspection of suspicious loads; • Training of personnel to recognize regulated hazardous wastes; and • Establishment of specific procedures for notification of proper authorities if a regulated hazardous waste is discovered. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -17- Anson Landfill Phase 5 Site Study November 2020 Equipment and Staffing The Landfill will provide the appropriate level of equipment and staff to address the needs of a landfill that accepts a maximum of 3,000 tons per day. If waste acceptance changes, the equipment and staff levels will change accordingly. All employees associated with the waste management operations will be properly trained for their respective duties. Additional geotechnical testing and analysis throughout construction and operations will confirm the quantities and types of materials required as construction commences and operations continue. 6.3 CONTAINMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS - 15A NCAC RULE .1619(E) (3) 6.3.1 Leachate Migration Leachate migration will be controlled by a base liner system, leachate collection system (LCS), and final cover system. Daily and intermediate cover may be removed to the extent possible prior to placing additional refuse vertically during operation of the landfill to promote percolation downward to the LCS. Downward migration of leachate into natural ground will be prevented by the base liner system and LCS. The base liner system complies with the requirements of 15A NCAC Rule .1624(b) (1) (A), comprising of a composite liner system and an LCS. 6.3.2 Landfill Gas Management A LFG management system minimizes gas pressure exerted on the closure cap system, eliminates uncontrolled emissions, reduces the potential for odor conditions to develop, and reduces the potential for subsurface migration of landfill gas. The Landfill's LFG management is based on a Landfill Gas Master Plan prepared by SCS Engineers dated November 20, 2007 and revised by Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. for this Permit Application. The Landfill Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -18- Anson Landfill Phase 5 Site Study November 2020 Gas Master Plan has been updated for the entire Landfill facility, Phases 1 through 5. LFG management will use an active gas extraction and collection system with auxiliary gas management features. The LFG will be collected using vertical extraction wells installed in the waste which will be connected to collection piping under a constant vacuum generated by a dedicated blower system. Collected LFG will be combusted in the onsite landfill gas flare(s), which will consume the hydrocarbons present in the LFG, reducing hydrocarbon emissions and global warming potential. Vertical extraction well installation will begin once the closure cap is constructed. However, wells may be installed prior to final grades, if the operator determines they will provide effective gas collection capability. Gas migration monitoring is required at the perimeter of the Landfill property line and must be performed in accordance with the requirements of 15A NCAC 13B .1626. 6.3.3 Soil Resources Cut and fill soil volumes were calculated for construction, operations, and closure for Phase 5. The cut and fill soil volumes include construction of base grades, compacted soil liner, protective cover, daily and intermediate cover, perimeter roads, and closure final cover. Approximately 5,415,641 cubic yards of soil fill material will be needed to complete the construction, operations, and closure of the Landfill. An existing onsite soil borrow area and other areas that could be used as borrow areas are available for production of the required soils. Chambers Development of North Carolina, Inc. has recently purchased an adjoining parcel of approximately 300 acres that could be utilized for soil resources in the future. Alternatively, alternate daily cover approved by DEQ may be used to reduce the amount of daily intermediate cover required. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -19- Anson Landfill Phase 5 Site Study November 2020 7.0 TRAFFIC STUDY An electronic correspondence letter from the Division Engineer of the North Carolina Department of Transportation is included in Appendix H. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -20- Anson Landfill Phase 5 Site Study November 2020 8.0 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY An Environmental Impact Study is presented in Appendix I of this application. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -21- Anson Landfill Phase 5 Site Study November 2020 APPENDIX A FIGURES AND CHARACTERIZATION STUDY EXHIBITS m 8 7 LEGEND 0/ \ /° A / EXISTING PROPERTY LINE ADJACENT PARCEL 2-MILE PERIMETER OFFSET 2,000-FT PERIMETER OFFSET NORTH d 1 1 a I — — — — — — — — 200-FT PERIMETER SETBACK o\ / \\ — — — — — — — — PROPOSED LIMIT OF WASTE PROPOSED EXPANSION AREA q\ \\ \ /• \\ RESIDENCE (WITHIN -2,000 FEET) C/ \\ \ \\ WATER SUPPLY WELLS \ / /lb\\ o HYDRANTS SEPTIC WELL O\ COMMERCIAL BUILDING \ / - I \ � ` � \ ♦ SCHOOL /\ I RAILROADS J - - - - - - - - - - - - EXISTING WATER LINE - - EXISTING WASTEWATER LINE 100-YEAR FEMA FLOODPLAIN / • \ / EXISTING STREAM LINE TOWN LIMITS swoop swoop 5,000-FT PERIMETER SETBACK swoop swoop � 10,000-FT PERIMETER SETBACK N\ 1 \ _ ^\ \ j v ` 9 SURFACE WATER FLOW DIRECTION i \ / \ • I LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (LI) ZONING A� o\ \ _ - I (ANSON CO GIS) HIGHWAY BUSINESS (HB) ZONING (ANSON CO GIS) swoop conso "%06` I - RESIDENTIAL (R-20) ZONING o I (ANSON CO GIS) • I SS o 1 RESIDENTIAL - AGRICULTURAL (RA) ZONING OF`\\\ o \ ��lfs3 (ANSON CO GIS) �� I 0 °\ ANSON COUNTY AIRPORT I 0-- \\ \ o 9' �L O I O • • � \ ( \ I I _ TOWN OF POLKTON LIMITS • • �� • I \\ ,� \ \\ •REEK �`���_�� \\ III \ v ROWN e o » 1 °v \ r \ °:,v I I I I I -_cri -5 / v� �� `� ' �' I REFERENCE \ / / i / ��' /, I • \ : C o\ 1. DATA FOR PARCELS, CITY LIMITS, FIRE HYDRANT LOCATIONS, _ : / • I COUNTY ZONING LINES, COUNTY WATER LINES, COUNTY Q II WASTEWATER LINES, AND RAILROADS WERE TAKEN FROM ANSON - J Z �i ° �', / / ' o I• • US H/�,+yw • �� O \ II COUNTY PUBLIC RECORDS (GIS DATA DOWNLOADS), ACCESSED ` OCTOBER 5, 2020. -__0_ swoop wo ow, h/ • II 2. STREAM LINES AND 100-YEAR FEMA FLOODPLAIN TAKEN FROM I ' �4 �I • 41 FEMA NATIONAL FLOOD HAZARD LAYER VIEWER, ACCESSED low^ ����{ OCTOBER 5, 2020. 1/ ♦ 3. WATER WELLS WERE TAKEN FROM PRELIMINARY SITING CRITERIA PREPARED FOR CHAMBERS DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA, 0 INC. BY RILEY, PARK, HAYDEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. OF ATLANTA GEORGIA IN JANUARY 1992, AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY WAS FLOWN J II OCTOBER 1991. I \ 11 4. SCHOOL LOCATIONS WERE VERIFIED VISUALLY USING GOOGLE 1 1 °� d\ MAPS. � �� swoop��� ��� \\ 61 ,-b - - - ZZ \ 0\ d ° ° °\\� ° 0 0 0 0 II0 0\ •/ I I II o 0- 0 °O °o 0 0 / - I q I 0 0 / 1 ° �° O 0_ O a 1 I TOWN OF WADESBORO LIMITS ° ° o ° I ° o 0 0 ° 0 I� • 1 q o ° I o o ° o o o ° 0 0 0 / ° c cc O w o cc F Z m O U) w N ❑ W CC 0 z CU cr) �..� N 00 Z � = n O cM i O W t n N ci 1 o � 1= o 1 rl CI O X 1 1 Ili .S N M 1 1 Zo � � cm O d N O .� Q a) a W ) O v ~ l~ O Q c Z LL O .1O ,= U Z v aJoC Q Lu m Z - J a a v a — Q Z O Z L H Lu J 0 lo Z V :5 CC 0 � Z W ov J c � cc_ z Z 0 mo~C0V0 �0C.) Q Z Z Z C.) c C—C C cn Z Qa Lu Q a r O Z r co O r m Q M T N V � a W U P Z ul Q T- W Q J U °C J O Q CC O a � a W CC Z G NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF EXAMINERS EXHIBIT: SCALE IN FEET FOR ENGINEERS AND 00100 SURVEYORS LICENSE 0 2000 4000 NO. C-3035 00 LL n LL N T m } ❑ Y U w 0 U N 0 o uJ cV ~ O F- U Z o N a G 0 8 1 1 5 1 4 1 3 8 1 7 1 6 1 5 I ^ 3 F E WE r BI M 1 1 s J 8 e jp- r ! aW 7 pi�� j�f'j`�-�.,[ �`�;�•a �.. ,.• � t �� � ilia., -•- lb - . •gam r `` w O • Y ' I EXISTING WATER LINE EXISTING WASTEWATER LINE w 100-YEAR FEMA FLOODPLAIN 0 / \ Q EXISTING STREAM LINE lilliw ;. ;:•*- .-�.' ram. r_ �: o \ _ LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (LI) ZONING Z (ANSON CO GIS) HIGHWAY BUSINESS (HB) ZONING • NSON CO GI RESIDENTIAL (R-20) ZONING N (ANSON CO GIS) co ��( 5� Q� iommom m� RESIDENTIAL - AGRICULTURAL (RA) ZONING +� Z 2,000 FT PERIMETER OFFSET _ ��Ull 200 PROPERTY LINE SETBACK i" 1, 3?�1 (ANSON CO GIS) �"i ToF r - � PROPERTY LINE \ ti c-4 • (,i N PROPERTY LINE ' ' / \ i 1 p / _ O co E - /.. O 200 PROPERTY LINE SETBACK '• d.r� LOW (D cn / A• U i M LIMITS OF WASTE \ `` +' 1 1 �y •i l EXISTING PHASE 3 ` ca EXIS77NG L . U 2000' PERIM I �/ �.. -• rf -- \ V � DER Ov � 0 ,TER OFFSET- i•> C : -' \ n•I M \ ■ EXISTING \ d ■ PHASE 4 ` PHASE 2 - S .v� milftftft .. -� ._ �d��7! �. � ' \ � '� 1 W O I ' ' - LL cn ®qp ..� , � Q cj W Z a Q dmv�1'r' REFERENCE j c , LA-w./ / ■ 4: I I EXISTING c 1 ZONING LIN S, COUNTY LINES, COUNTY WA. DATA FOPARCELS, CITY LIMITS, FIRHYDRANT STEWATER EWATER LINES, a L F_ ' ' ■ / I CEMETERY , I AND RAILROADS WERE TAKEN FROM ANSON COUNTY PUBLIC J 0 U RECORDS (GIS DATA DOWNLOADS), ACCESSED OCTOBER 5, 2020. J -M PHASE 5 ■ EXISTING ' r, ' . Lu O Z 0 PHASE 1 _ ,-- ' ti • 4_^:��°``� 2. STREAM LINES AND 100-YEAR FEMA FLOODPLAIN TAKEN FROM FEMA > M Qcc Z / / : / ' • s ------ q Y t _��j• NATIONAL FLOOD HAZARD LAYER VIEWER, ACCESSED OCTOBER , li J R 5 W Q 3. WATER WELLS WERE TAKEN FROM PRELIMINARY SITING CRITERIA cn V v♦ T INA, INC. BYEPARED FOR RILEY, PARK, CHAYDEN S&DASSOCIATES INC. EVELOPMENT OF NOF ATLANTAORTH GEORGIA i Z 0 Z IN��JANUARY 1992, AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY WAS FLOWN OCTOBER W _ ♦ ♦ D V a 0 v 4. SCHOOL LOCATIONS WERE VERIFIED VISUALLY USING GOOGLE MAPS. W O O 0 V EXIST/NG STREAM 0 Z 5 M NCONEMA DATED 201 AERIAL PHOTO WAS TAKEN FROM P 9 Z I \ PROPBPG� ACCESSED OCTOBER 5, 2020 � � O EXPANSION AREA `� % } V cn G cn doo dos Lu 4MM•� a < N de cm Lf) - _ T 0 Qco do - ,/ - co �/ SCALES AND I I SCALE HOUSE / _ cv) _ Lu I Z Y Z �LU U ,. iLLI s ❑ N O o J N o U= OFFICE _ oLL T - - () O a O w o J J Z p N U ~ LU Z U) W o LU (D � Ir kkL NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF EXAMINERS �x"�B�� ' SCALE IN FEET FOR ENGINEERS AND 2 '-. SURVEYORS LICENSE •ilk i 0 400 800 NO. C-3035 7 6 5 4 ', NORTH EX/STING PHASE ,3 / PHASE 4 / EXISTING FACILITY US � ENTRANCE �4 SCALE IN FEET REFERENCE 0 1000 2000 LEGEND PROPERTY LINE CURRENT PHASE BOUNDARIES 100-YEAR FEMA 1. AERIAL PHOTO TAKEN FROM NCONEMAP, DATED 2019, ACCESSED OCTOBER 5, 2020 EXPANSION AREA I �: �:7 CHAMBERS DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. ANSON COUNTY LANDFILL - PHASE 5 PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT APPLICATION Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. ANSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 3701 Arco Corporate Drive - Suite 400 - Charlotte, NC 28273 Ph:980.237.0373 Fax:980.237.0372 VICINITY MAP www.cecinc.com DRAWN BY: PAB I CHECKED BY: DRAFT APPROVED BY: DRAFT I FIGURE NO.: DATE: OCTOBER 20201 DWG SCALE: 1 "=1000' PROJECT NO: 165-276 1 ti Y a �.s u 4.4. NORTH Z CAMERON RD c°v 4 v -ram BROWN CRE `�- ` = `''` o —, CAMERON RD —� r` - 3�J SIT PROPERTY fz� LINE POLK N J� �{ / PROPOSED LIMIT OF Richmond - WASTE Sturdivant G t' - `"-- Cem PINCH GUT CREEK �• it �41.L -L4 �y/. � .,� 0 aD � Z i 74 US V\ ' noa 7 RUSSELL LLE Shy REFERENCE SCALE IN FEET 1. U.S.G.S. 7.5' TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS: a. POLKTON QUADRANGLE, NC DATED: 2019; 0 2000 4000 b. RUSSELLVILLE QUANDRANGLE, NC DATED: 2019. f1A ,�,� CHAMBERS DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. ANSON COUNTY LANDFILL - PHASE 5 PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT APPLICATION Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. ANSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 3701 Arco Corporate Drive - Suite 400 - Charlotte, NC 28273 Ph:980.237.0373 Fax:980.237.0372 USGS SITE LOCATION MAP www.cecinc.com DRAWN BY: PAB I CHECKED BY: DRAFT APPROVED BY: DRAFT I FIGURE NO.: DATE: OCT 20201 DWG SCALE: 1 = 2,000 PROJECT NO: 165-276 2 M r N , O A i r 1:29,338 4 0 0.25 0.5 1 mi N 0 0.4 0.8 1.6 km 0 October 6, 2020 Wetlands Freshwater Emergent Wetland Lake ® Estuarine and Marine Deepwater 3 � Freshwater Forested/Shrub Wetland Other g Estuarine and Marine Wetland Freshwater Pond Riverine SCALE IN FEET i REFERENCE o 2000 4000 1. WETLANDS DATA TAKEN FROM NWI WETLANDS VIEWER, ACCESSED OCTOBER 5, 2020. i AAw A A 7 Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 3701 Arco Corporate Drive - Suite 400 - Charlotte, NC 28273 Ph:980.237.0373 Fax:980.237.0372 www.cecinc.com DRAWN BY: PAB I CHECKED BY: DATE: OCTOBER 20201 DWG SCALE: DRAFT APPROVED BY 1 "=2,000 PROJECT NO: LEGEND This map i Service is base data be used in Wetlands I PROPERTY LINE CURRENT PHASE BOUNDARIES EXPANSION AREA CHAMBERS DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. ANSON COUNTY LANDFILL - PHASE 5 PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT APPLICATION ANSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA WETLANDS MAP DRAFT I FIGURE NO.: 165-276 3 APPENDIX B ENGINEERING DRAWINGS 7 5 PHASE 5 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR CHAMBERS DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. ANSON COUNTY MSW LANDFILL (PERMIT No. 0403=MSWLF=2010) ANSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA TEl o V, REFERENCE 1. U.S.G.S. 7.5' TOPOGRAPHIC MAP, POLKTON QUADRANGLE, NC DATED: 2013. 2. U.S.G.S. 7.5' TOPOGRAPHIC MAP, RUSSELVILLE QUADRANGLE, NC DATED: 2013. VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1'= 1,000' DECEMBER 2018 LIST OF DRAWINGS: C000 COVER SHEET C100 OVERALL SITE PLAN C300-C301 TOP OF SUBGRADE PLAN C302-C303 TOP OF CLAY LINER PLAN C304-C305 TOP OF PROTECTIVE COVER PLAN C400 LEACHATE CONVEYANCE PLAN C401 BORROW AREA PLAN C500 FINAL COVER PLAN C501 STORMWATER DRAINAGE PLAN C502-0503 LANDFILL OPERATION FILL PROGRESSION PLAN C600-C606 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS C700-C702 LEACHATE DETAILS G100 GENERALIZED TOP -OF -BEDROCK CONTOUR MAP G200 SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER CONTOUR MAP G201-G204 HYDROGEOLOGIC CROSS -SECTIONS BEFORE YOU DIGI CALL 1-800-632-4949 N.C. ONE -CALL CENTER IT'S THE LAWI NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF EXAMINERS FOR ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS LICENSE NO. C-3035 yyiryyyy��iefa y ' • �EAL Q39T14 i J,At ■ e"AW� �qN i,,` , . i'y, 0 U Z W o CL Z °C U 0 C/) w � p W w no • U T_ T VL 00 N � Z ti o 0 ti �I m N C o Q � E o . 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EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY WITHIN WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS PROVIDED � �--- / \ \ — ) l- I lIl�ll -/ -, / / \/ \ \ \ < /�' L \\ v — - o \ I I //// /) / I I I \ \ \ \ �\ \ \ c _ �� )�� % \I / / - \ I \\ \ \ \� \ �`7- �_�_ - \\(� �� /J / ,J o AT 2-FT CONTOUR INTERVALS BY GPI (JOB NO. 18-006); DATE OF AERIAL I \ _� / / \ \ _ \ \ \ \ \ � / \ \\\\\ / = /J ) \ \ '" \\ \ c \\ / v'^>� e PHOTOGRAPHY JANUARY 15, 2018. // � -\ \ \ \ \\', \ N/ \� / / -' \ -- 1 \\ \ I / \ \ \ \ \, \ \ �� /i \ 1� G I ,'I/ 1 i ��\ 1 \ \i 1) 1 \ `� I 1 I) ) 1 \ l I � _< -- \ ` / / 2. LIDAR TOPOGRAPHY OUTSIDE WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS ACQUIRED /� �ll� I I IIII �_-- / \ \-` \ \� \� �� / \�� J \ ( \ / /r I I t ( J /) I ( ) 1 I I 1 l I / \ \\ �") ( L N FROM NC DOT GIS. - -_ IIII \ \ -/ \ \1_ \`/ \ \„_ \ ( \ \\ \ \ / IIII 1 / c _ l l I I \\ \ Ill (/ \ , I I / \�\/ 1 3. WETLANDS INFORMATION PROVIDED BY CWS ON AUGUST 8, 2016. __ 1 1 I 1 I I \ \ ___ �\ \`_____ ---\ \ � -, \ - " oo\\ ��`'/ EX/STING LEACHATE I� I \ I 1 \ \�J / / I l I I l \ '-�� cI-) _ � -'-,-/ -I / I 1I \--_ \ \ \ // \ \ \ \\ \ 1 III \\ \ I \ \\ / / 1 I I I < ��,- ��\ 11 I I 1 --- /---\ I \ \� �\ �. STORAGE AREA 1 IIII ) )1 r__ I \ __, / / I I I \ -_ 0 4. FEMA FLOODPLAIN INFORMATION FROM NCFLOODMAPS. MAP NUMBERS: \ I I / / I l L„� \\ __J '\ i / /- - _ _\\ ) __ ( ,1, \ \ ��� I I I (( \-------__ / ) I I I 1\ � \ `\ 3710644500J, 3710644600J, 3710645500J, 3710645600J. 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W Z Z = = W O W0W(.) aVo Z 0cccc 0 m Z <<< U = m n m U Z N � 7- Q J r a LV mo Z Y �_ Q W _ = ❑ U o o CC W 0 c N T J cc w m w O a `"IttloIplot 1, ,��Lv � UAIQg � ;' SEAL ;s a- 039ru - o o a �Z-Z1'Ir .. 44 ib '�qN a ' DRAWING NO.: ci 00 T. ,.. I' � 11 {iL� ; SHEET 2 OF 30 7 4 3 2 Ul cp 5r_ l PZ5-18S 60 \ \\ 280 NORTH 31 OUTLET A - \ //// / /_/ /// //// //ice -�'- �1 ����_ \� I.L / �.\ \ W U 6060 PERIMETER DITCH 14 28 2930 C4 C4 `L4'o �� �L�o C604 CULVERT 7 �\ \ OC _ A ) 28 29 PERIMETER DITCH 16 z C604 C604 o \ INSTALL EROSION CONTROL 33 J /%j/�/�// �//\270 W MATTING AT 3H.1V C605 ' PERIMETER DITCH 13 28 / PERIMETER SLOPES TYP. I , / / / / /' o / ( / / / 1 �IC604 C604 / \ CULVERT 6 30 iI I I / ( //// I 0 \\�\�\\ �I I I o PHASE 4 I I \ \ \ I I O� / C604 I ( /ry / , _ \\ I 34 1 I I i I i \ CELL 1 i\ \\\ \\\I I % / 2�p 28 29 PERIMETER DITCH 15 OUTLET B 31 -SI ROCK CHECK DAM ry 30p I I I I I I \ \ \ 1 1 / / /r 1 C604 C604 \ - C604 - TYPICAL C605 I I III / \ \ \ l \ 1 / / / _ I I I 1 \\\\\ \ ��\ o31 OUTLET D MW-13s C604 BASIN 12 23280 \ \ � 0 27� N PZ5-16D 90 PZ5-15S / � r 04 4.;l N CIS z N 2IZ ti \- � - - /— 1 p v o \ / / PERIMETER DITCH 12 28 29 �- / \ I ZaD C604 C604 o O PHASE 4 ,\\ \ \ �(�. 1 0a0) E CELL 2 \\ \ Q o j%// 100 1 30- PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED PHASE 3 LEGEND � 1 1 � ? c � \ — — ,�/� //// /„ /, / / / / PROPERTY LINE N /�/gv/////�// / 10 / CD v ,4�0 i �4� _-��� 00 S�� o / / 300' PROPERTY BUFFER '� a ` PERIMETER DITCH 11 28 29 ' / / // �o ,/ J���,- -\�\ / / EXISTING STREAMS CL 11 lI 0604 C604 �- i �\ \ / / 50' STREAM BUFFER a a \\\� \_ U — 300 -- EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR O SEEDING SCHEDULE PZ5-14S 7 J�IJ� j��l\ \ MW�15D O PZ5-27D O I / \ /co PZ5-14D I I 1 /J lI C605 / .�� �o//BOO \I I I \ � JJI// / / l EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR '> cy) I > i� j� FM - EXISTING LEACHATE FORCEMAIN 1 //%/��-- 100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN p 1 \ \ \ J/ ///��r o \�PHASE 1 � � � � MAJOR CONTOUR DGE OF LINER �� \ I I C.)CULVER5 21 (( PZ5 MINOR CONTOURC6Y�� \ Z PERIMETER ROAD W Q OUTLET B 31 w \ \ IN �� \\ r'- / (((\ / r �\ �\ Z Z / 00 o N o \\\ \ \�/ / / \ \ r, —► PERIMETER DITCH V) C604 ti �°' . No o \\ \\\ \ --\ �� \\ / IPERIMETER 28 29 15 . \\\ \\\ \ fi \ \ \ / �- ' \\ \\ INTERCELL LIMIT O DITCH 9 I \ ) / -- i� i ST CULVERT C604 C604 N \ \\\ PHASE 4 \1 / �/ �)\ / / / \\ \\i� Z (� Q / 28 29 �� CELL 3 j / j/��_ / PERIMETER \\ \ \ � ® RIPRAP APRON O � ®PZ5-2S / / DITCH 10 J = V // / PHASE 5 SHALLOW PIEZOMETER J O \\ v P11 ®PZ5-6D PHASE 5 DEEP PIEZOMETER Q \ \ V Z �\,,/j;ERIMETER DITCH 8 28 29 \ \ \� \ / \�//� / \/ \\ �\ i - =_ SHALLOW MONITORING WELL 0 INSTALL EROSION CONTROL 33 2604 C604 �� —,i - __ ®MW-19S FOR PHASES 3 AND 4 J Z L,L O MATTING AT 3H:1V I DEEP MONITORING WELL Z ®MW-15D _/ /-- FOR PHASES 3 AND 4 J W PERIMETER SLOPES (TYP.) C605 \\���\\\\\\�\ PZ5-13D y00 / / \ (� �p \/ 310 / j / —/ .� ��— ) / — — _--------_' NOTES � 300 MW-16S / /I (� \ / / ///---------- \\ ~ Z N a 0 �� o-/ 1. THE PHASE DIVISION LINES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND MAY VARY O = CULVERT 4 30 60 \ \ r- 52 �) 0 / l �- = J / / \\ _ IN SIZE AND LOCATION TO SUIT FIELD CONDITIONS AND TIMING OF Z �/�j�/'/j C604 `LSO boo \ \, \ _�c�0� �� / ��= % -> // /-------�\ \\ WASTE ACCEPTANCE. TEMPORARY INTERCELL BERMS MAY BE = W _-__ / / ( CONSTRUCTED TO DIVIDE PHASES INTO SMALLER CELLS. THESE WILL O O OUTLET A 31 _ �`b / J J \ / �- / / ///\� -\�!�� \ \ /,/ - BE INSTALLED AT THE DISCRETION OF ANSON COUNTY LANDFILL. W C //�310� /�\�C a U / �/ // J C� I 2. REFER TO DRAWINGS C502-0503 FOR THE LANDFILL OPERATION C / �!1' / ( llI r ` L! \ / PLAN. Z (/� Z 310 O 0 3. REFER TO DRAWING C500 FOR THE FINAL COVER PLAN. W L//i— —__ �/ -' � J� � _--,/j � \ i \ / / ;%,�i l \\ / / \�\ I (,�dc� - � m V) j 1 7 1 / - �_ -�^ Jr /!//�- \ / 1 / \\I / ///- Ili ~ \� \J \ \\/j 4. REFER TO DRAWINGS C304 C305 & C400 FOR THE LEACHATE Z Z IIII 1D �p0 - I \ //�I 1 / / \I\ / ��`� �\ I \ \ //� / COLLECTION PIPING PLAN INSIDE LINED AREAS AND LEACHATE �./ '0,\ \ / / II / \ II I I I / \ 1 voo ell / \ \I \\ \ -\ j j i / / TRANSMISSION PLAN OUTSIDE LINED AREAS. = Q � 5. REFER TO DRAWING C500 FOR THE LANDFILL GAS SYSTEM PLAN. a PERIMETER DITCH 7 28 29 PZ5-12D / /�( / / / / / I ��� r�/` ��� �����\\� �� I 1r/ (1 I / / \\I \\1\l\ I \ \ �i� \ ✓ j� 6. REFER TO DRAWINGS C501 FOR THE PERMANENT EROSION, SEDIMENT r PHASE 4 CELL 4 /�j, ��, AND STORMWATER CONTROL SYSTEM PLAN. N \ \ \ ¢, - o - _ 17�1 �`\1 `-"� ) �J ��� I I I \ \ \\\ }� \\ \ 1 �� \_ / 7. MONITORING WELL LOCATION INFORMATION PROVIDED BY CIVIL & o 00 �4�� �\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -� ///// / ) \ \ ,� �1II I�111 > /\\ \ ,/ �� ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC IN THE DESIGN HYDROGEOLOGIC T N \ \ I \ // l ` �) I REPORT DATED 2018. 111 \ A\ -/^ j 8. EXISTING MONITORING WELLS AND PIEZOMETERS LOCATED WITHIN THE \ \� S /! I 1 / I \ �I I I \ \ \ I ( \ _ --- ��= - GRADING AREAS SHOWN THIS SHEET SHALL BE ABANDONED Z \\I( ��� I I \ I\ ACCORDING TO THE PROCEDURE LISTED IN THE DESIGN a / --% HYDROGEOLOGIC REPORT 2018 BY CIVIL & ENVIRONMENTAL J P/�SISE 2 a — CONSULTANTS, INC. Q `L o 90 - J� ii�/iNi/( \\ MW-17S \ o - �� \ \ 1 1 I I I \\ % -/Jco � / zLu tip— / �� 310 I I�I \ /��-- / a w I -%- _ � PROTECTIVE (OPERATIONAL) COVER z:- o lv'ATCHLINE SEE SHEET C301 FOR \\ \ \\ I I I I %_�%%ice GEOCOMPOSITE NORTH CAROLINA m o0 0 1211 _ — ! o o M NTI — / DRAINAGE LAYER c� O PZ5-1 1 D \\ \ C \ ---.- � � r o PZ5-10D-R- oo \ \ I l� \ y '1 0 \ \ \ I , �j �' BOARD OF EXAMINERS m \ \ \ SCALE IN FEET FOR ENGINEERS AND Lu LA �I o 100 200 SURVEYORS LICENSE LL 0° 3 D 90 - \ \ o — — — l `i/� — %j�� ��__,�� / // // / j // // / j // NO. C-3035 a u _ ��' /" w p I I j� 2- \ \ MATCHLINE SEE SHEET C301 FOR CONTINUATION N 0 I�/���li i / / I / I I `�iiL o I �II 1II \II, II, IIIIIIIIL (II\I�\1'1�,II 1.I��<`�o`�1�.I�1!1Ii►,I�X�r=�___g—�--_��--�'�—�__%'- _�----�- _ - \\//\ \\//\/\\ //\/ \/ \/\/\ //\/ \\ /\/\\ /\\\// :.•`a��.• Q`',�ti�+'L,�C��A��I�q,O , CiT•;- w oPHASE 5 CONTOURSI r REFERENCE I(ITHIS z oCELL 3 >1. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY WITHIN WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS PROVIDED 1 AT 2-FT CONTOUR INTERVALS BY GPI (JOB NO. 18-006); DATE OF AERIALT�Wjll • :: w o �FIL PHOTOGRAPHY JANUARY 15, 2018. o a Q IDAR TOPOGRAPHY2. LOUTSIDE WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS ACQUIRED,li(x 039i14 A m DRAWING NO.: N FROM INC DOT GIS.�'�"f•���'I',�'' •��i' DI ` BEFORE YOU G! C300 3. WETLANDS INFORMATION PROVIDED BY CWS ON AUGUST 8, 2016. CALL 1-800-632-4949 4. FEMA FLOODPLAIN INFORMATION FROM NCFLOODMAPS. MAP NUMBERS: LINER SYSTEM DRAD ING QEY N.C. ONE -CALL CENTER "' Ila N 3710644500J, 3710644600J, 3710645500J, 3710645600J. IT'S THE LAWI SHEET 3 OF 30 a 8 1 7 6 - 4 3 1 e 5 4 1 3 2 o — MATCHL IVE g\ \� N ` MW-17S o LEGEND \ EE C\ \ — o_ /�_ --�\\ SHEET C30o I /� I 31 > I I�I — —% — — PROPERTY LINE � FOR CONTINU -- ��,—� � ' ATION 300' PROPERTY BUFFER \\\ \ \ PZ5 \ 1 1 D� EXISTING STREAMS MATCHLINE SEE SHEET — 1 50' STREAM BUFFER o C300 FOR CONTINUATION � �� / /.� �_ -�;-- " _ _ " 2g \ \ o �) `\\� `�i- =�� �% EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR �IIN h// j��� _� EXISTING LEACHATE FORCEMAIN "o� PHASE 5 V NLu o CELL 3 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN 0ZPHASE LIMIT/EDGE OF LINER 001 O oI / )111I111 �1I ce_/ 300 MAJOR CONTOUR > \\ \ 1 \ 11 11 I I I \ \ \ \ \1 I1 I 1I I II11I MINOR CONTOUR 300\\\\\ I � PERIMETER ROAD INSTALL EROSION CONTROL 33A 33 2so „ \ /I/ / / / / (I '1\/•MATTING AT 3H:1V _�/ S PERIMETER DITCH ZG IPERIMETER SLOPES (TYP.) 605 C605 \ 0 0o INTERCELL LIMIT W I l// PERIMETER DITCH 6 28 29 �// \�,�'� CULVERT C6ii,/ �/I\` \I II ( PHASE 5 / \ \ \ PHASE 5 sT /®OUTLET D C604 C614 PZ5-24D CELL 4 V \cn 1 C604 MW-18S RIPRAP APRON23 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY o PHASE 5 SHALLOW PIEZOMETER L 0T000' PZ5-2S CELL 6 PHASE 2\ \ o N� PZ5-6D PHASE 5 DEEP PIEZOMETER p o \ \\\\\\ /PZ5-8D �///� I / , I _ / / / \\ \\\\\\\�\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ®MW-19S FOR L PHASES 3 AND LOW G4WELL \ \\\ \ \\\ \ \\\\\\\\ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ DEEP MONITORING WELL FOR PHASES 3 AND 4 \ \ \ \\ ®MW-15D 310 \ - / PZ5-7S `V \ --- PROTECTIVE OPERATIONAL COVER F III i 260 O %i% lM� C\ /— / J \ \ -� \ I I I I I I / I 1 I I I I / / / ( ) N 2 8 / 7 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY C603 �/ / ///,/ o c PZ5-1 OD l l l / / /� / /i i/// 37 I / NORTH / / // //, / ,% ///�,, PZ5-1OD o I I IIIII/ OUTLET D 31 l� II I I / I /BA13 23SIN \� / I 1 11 11 I C603 `� /lll ll„ II� / /,,,, I , /lllllllll I,II IIII IIIII I I �'I PZ5-9D PZ5-6D 0)\ - // GEOCOMPOSITE \ // It/ / // // / / I/ / / / / DRAINAGE LAYER 1 2 TOP OF SUBGRADE LAYER 310 (I ) PZ5-6S / / C600 C600 (BASE LINER SYSTEM) \� \\ �- _-- ,\ I I I I/ / / / / / / / / / / 1 I��/I<� jJIL� J I I / / / l l / / / / / /HDPE LINER CLAY LINER /04 PZ5-MW23D04 // 1 _ _ _ \ \ 1 f321) �, M/' , / // ///% //% CONTOURS 300 _ �\ / J I I I I �(// THIS PLAN77 \\\`mod° PHASE CELL 310 II IIII \ _) / / / I \ I I IIIII IIII IIII 11\\\\\ \\\\\\\\ /\� I I II II II III // 1 1 I I l l I 1 I =—_—PZ5-5D- / 1 //////�/�/ ///� lIl / / / IIIIIIIIIIIIIII N 270 / , 1 _ ,_ _ / / / / / / I / / 1, / / /IIII I I I o V ) 1 \ ��� � ( / _ ,1 II ( // PZ5--5s / / / // o / —_—_4 \l// /// to l �/I LINER SYSTEM DRAD ING OEY /ice NOTES 4/ PZ5-20D / / _/ - ) / //// / / ( / / / / �/ J/ / I/ // // / / // //� // / / / 1. THE PHASE DIVISION LINES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND MAY VARY I PZ5-20S I / / I I I I /. / / /j/ i�/�/'l/i I/�- 310 //// / / , / J / / �j /, // / / IN SIZE AND LOCATION TO SUIT FIELD CONDITIONS AND TIMING OF �//�) I / � \ � / � / / / / / / /// WASTE ACCEPTANCE. TEMPORARY INTERCELL BERMS MAY BE MW/) // / CONSTRUCTED TO DIVIDE PHASES INTO SMALLER CELLS. THESE WILL BE INSTALLED AT THE DISCRETION OF ANSON COUNTY LANDFILL. INSTALL EROSION CONTROL 33A 33 PZ5-4D 1 I I ( J 2. REFER TO DRAWINGS C502-0503 FOR THE LANDFILL OPERATION MATTING AT 3H:1V / / r o / / I I q / / \ \\i%/// /�/ / �j// / / i / / /� / / PLAN. PERIMETER SLOPES TYP. 310 C605 C605 / / / / / I / // / / / / / / / �i/ / �i/ �� �/i�� / 1 // / / / / //i�i ��// /�% ��//� %�ii 3. REFER TO DRAWING C500 FOR THE FINAL COVER PLAN. PHASE 5 l / / \- / / / / / �i / ���� / �/ / /ii ��/� // i 4. REFER TO DRAWINGS C304-C305 & C400 FOR THE LEACHATE CELL 2 / / -i �� ��/�///� // /� COLLECTION PIPING PLAN INSIDE LINED AREAS AND LEACHATE PZ5-3S TRANSMISSION PLAN OUTSIDE LINED AREAS. o - \\ i / / / / /ii // �i / /� 5. REFER TO DRAWING C500 FOR THE LANDFILL GAS SYSTEM PLAN. /X'xz' 6. REFER TO DRAWING C501 FOR THE PERMANENT EROSION, SEDIMENT /� AND STORMWATER CONTROL SYSTEM PLAN. D 28 29 \ \ \ - // / PHASE 5 / / // i /� // / /�� /// / �/ / / 7. MONITORING WELL LOCATION INFORMATION PROVIDED BY CIVIL & PERIMETER DITCH 5 _ - / / �� \ // // / �/ / �/ /�i/� / �/ l /l/ / / // // / / /� / \ \ \ \- // / / / _�--- CELL 1 // / i // / / /i i / / /// / // 7 / / / / ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC IN THE DESIGN HYDROGEOLOGIC C604 C604 //� \\\ \\\\\\\ - / // / / //' /� �' /) �� %i/ /iii�/ /��� //// //��/ I I //%j� REPORT DATED 2018. _ �i /ice i //// PZ5-2S/j /�i/ ��/iii �� / -j ,// PZ5-1D' / / i� / / / / �� /��/���/�� / //// / / / 8. EXISTING MONITORING WELLS AND PIEZOMETERS LOCATED WITHIN THE GRADING AREAS SHOWN THIS SHEET SHALL BE ABANDONED 5� ��- / I ��' � / //// � ACCORDING TO THE PROCEDURE LISTED IN THE DESIGN �-7-� / / �� / /// ////i�/ / / / / EX/ST/NG / / // HYDROGEOLOGIC REPORT 2018 BY CIVIL & ENVIRONMENTAL // / / CONSULTANTS, INC. \ \\ \ \ PERIMETER ROAD 14 � PHASE 1-1 \ \� C60 - l / //�'//i// \ / / / - \ I I / X \ \ \ 280 \ // // �/ /// /�/i/ / / / / / /// / / \\ / / PERIMETER DITCH 3 300 \ / �/ / I l_\ I l \ \ / ( \ I / / / / / / //� // / / /// ROCK CHECK DAM.604 34 0 290 --//� / / / C605 300 / I MW-8S ���\\\\\ \\\ \\\ \\ \ TYPICAL \\ \\\ \ \ \ \ � \ \ 1 \ o \\\ \ \ \\ \ \ \ o / / / / �\ \\\\\\\ \ \ \\ \ g INSTALL EROSION CONTROL 33A 33 M o 0 / / / \ / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \\ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \\\\ \ \ \\ \ MATTING AT 3H:1 V \ \ \ \ \ \ \ // // ,/ / �\�\ \\ \\\ \ \ \\\\ \\ \\f\ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ N C PERIMETER SLOPES (TYP.) C605 C605 \ \ \\\ \\\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \\ \ \\ CULVERT 2 30 / / / \ \ PERIMETER DITCH 4 28 29 \ // \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \\\ \ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \\ \\\\ \ \ \ \ C604 PZ5-19S \\\\\ \\ \,� 31 29 28 29 PERIMETER DITCH 1 \ \\ \\ \ \ \\\ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ \ \\ \ OUTLET A PERIMETER DITCH 2 28 \ \\ \ \\\\ \ \ \ \\\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ `\� \ C604 C604 \ \\ \\\ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ CULVERT 1 30 \ \\\\� \\\ \ \ \ EX/ST/NG ACCESS ROAD \ \\\ \\\ \\ \ \ \\ \ \\ \ \\ \ \ \\ \ \\ \\ \\\\\ \\ \\\ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ \\\ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \\ \ o \\ \ \ \\ \\\ \ \ \ \ \\\\ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ 31 ;60 30 olllll�`�I C.i � T co04 4.y��y 0 � Z ti o 'y O i �C ti M N U U E 1 � � Q = ViMU � o L U i ° � M N W� a c a m �► U 0 0 T U zaa°C O aJw= azo0 aJ�z Q WVWC� a L0 Z Q WaZ_ � J Q00 J c� Q J = V W � Z Z = W = O o z 0 I= u W m Z QaQ U = m N m U Z cJn r �290 \\Lu ZI \ \\ \\ \\ \\\\ \\ \\\\ \ \ \ Q OUTLET C w ---- --- - - 2 \ \\ \ \�\\\\ \ \ \ Q ------- - \�� \ \\\ \� z 00 OUTLET A 31 NORTH CAROLINA m r c \ \\ \ \ \ \ SCALE IN FEET it C604-__ \ �` �� 23 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY 'lo r \ \—\ \\\�\\\ \ \ \ \ BOARD OF EXAMINERS BASIN 15 \ — \\ \ \\\\\\ \ \\ FOR ENGINEERS AND LL 23 C603 \ \ \\\ \ \� w r \ l \ \\ 0 100 200 \ I r \ C603 = \\ op \ / _ o \ — — — — — — \ I r / / �� - / - �� \ \\\ 3 \ \ \ \ \ \' w _ 1 \ \\\\ l`; \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \\ \ \\ \ SURVEYORS LICENSE ` oo \\\ \\ \�\\ \\\\\\ �\\�\�\' NO. C-3035 a w O o REFERENCE �\ �� / �— — —�_�� \� --- \�\\ \\\\ \ \ \ \\ t•'QLot Rp�%,w -�� \ - \ \ \ \ a o 3 1. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY WITHIN WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS PROVIDED �� \�� \\ / �� \ -= \\ \ \ \\\ \ \\\ \ \ \ 4 wV7 -1. ¢ w o AT 2-FT CONTOUR INTERVALS BY GPI (JOB NO. 18-006); DATE OF AERIAL \ \ \ - - - - - ,? w o PHOTOGRAPHY JANUARY 15, 2018. \ �\ �� \ �-� __- ---- _-` / o �� \ \ ---- / / / / ��,^ \ \ \ ( 0 0 \\\\ \\ \\ BEAD - o M ¢A-) 039r14 cc 2. LIDAR TOPOGRAPHY OUTSIDE WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS ACQUIRED n A � DRAWING NO.: N FROM NC DOT GIS. \ \\'L'•., .'.c • 3. WETLANDS INFORMATION PROVIDED BY CWS ON AUGUST 8, 2016. �� \��� ��—----�� __ -- / �� \ \ ��\\�\ \ \�\�" BEFORE YOU DIG! '.�`'���••'''�.�' \_/ CALL 1-800-632-4949 '���gi1l T. C301 `O 4. FEMA FLOODPLAIN INFORMATION FROM NCFLOODMAPS. MAP NUMBERS: —�� ��--'� �— — ,� ----- ,� _ _� \ ��\��\_ \. �� \� N.C. ONE -CALL CENTER "' "`� N 3710644500J, 3710644600J, 3710645500J, 3710645600J. IT'S THE LAWI SHEET 4 OF 30 a 8 7 6 5 4 1 2 L 6 4 2 Go 5r -260 70- NORTH 31 OUTLET PERIMETER DITCH 14 28 29 C604 C604 �'j 0�° 30 CULVERT 7 \ 28 29 R DIT( PERIM 5- c6n < ss \ INSTALL EROSION CONTROL 33�� MATTING AT 3H:1 V / I I //// /' / '' o C605 ( PERIMETER DITCH 13 28 29 / PERIMETER SLOPES (TYP.) \ \ 107/�/// 2604 C604 I \ / CULVERT 6 30 �_J 1\I\\ ?g\\ I j PHASE 4 I / /,o Aso CELL 1 28 29A\ IfDIT, 31 1 U LU o ;H 16 It IL \\ Z �\ \\\\� U w \\ W o w 0 U Z 0 0 ,H 15 OUTLET B - \ I III / / / / 30p I I \ \ / / �'� C604 C604 0 0 OUTLET D 31 /�. I I I \' \ \\ \\ \ \ \ "' \\ ����\ Lu El ,'x� � BASIN 12 23 ��� ti \ I ` �` \ \ o / I \ z H 9° Zg0 280 ~ n // �%/ �/ �cP \ \gyp / \ \ / cm / \ PHASE 4 � Z ti 29 CELL 2 J \ \ / Z o PERIMETER DITCH 12 28 29 0 C ~ / C604 C604 // \ U00 Sop 2go / Q x U ro 0 /, // / / i \ 01 M �I / / / �I m o PERIMETER DITCH 11 28 29 ///� / ^o PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED PHASE 3 / / •� a a) a. `�\I/�0 37p \ 1�1 I ��� \ \ 1 I)�I(Il / AI U LEGEND o �00l�\jir o I - - PROPERTY LINE 300' PROPERTY BUFFER / `L / o � // ( A' \ EXISTING STREAMS �l 50' STREAM BUFFER CULVERT 5\\ 1 \ �\ C604 /2 �-3oo-- EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR i 8 /i `� I \\ \\�� I J/ Z 31 / / \ EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR Lo TLET 6 o \\���� ? / / I // ` \ \ FM EXISTING LEACHATE FORCEMAIN W a Z_ Z 15 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN J J PERIMETER 28 29 / j/DITCH 9 C604 C604 No $0 \\\\\ PHASE 41 \\\ \\ / \\\ �o /� � -PHASE LIMIT/EDGE OF LINER = � O D I -/ / // CELL 3 i/ - \\ / \ \ �- �i 300 MAJOR CONTOUR Z a.a %/ 'PERIMETER 28 29 / ' C604 C604 MINOR CONTOUR O _ 1 DITCH 10 J V /// PERIMETER ROAD J 310 PERIMETER DITCH 8 28 29 1 1 2 TOP OF CLAY LAYER \ \ ��\, o —► PERIMETER DITCH O o C600 C600 (BASE LINER SYSTEM) �� i� V Q Z INSTALL EROSION CONTROL 33 \ `�\ C604 C604 \ \\`V // �� i /n / ���� ��\_ / INTERCELL LIMIT J � MATTING AT 3H:1V \\\\\ \\ \ �__ _ j a Z Z ST CULVERT PERIMETER SLOPES (TYP.) C605 \\\�\\\\\\\ / / �� Z > `� / ��� o � '� ® RIPRAP APRON a J Z .+ NOTES Q W 300 l/ / / r- 320� I 2g0 /�� / I \\ =� j 1. CONTOURS SHOWN AS TOP OF CLAY LINER INSIDE THE CELL AREA. / // // CULVERT 4 30 6° 61 01/ OUTLET A / / \ ' (� W �310 Lu a c ^�, =� \ Z � dC ��p��J \ \ \\/, PROTECTIVE (OPERATIONAL) COVER It O O `� W (i� 7 _� 7 GEOCOMPOSITE /ly \I \ \ Z 310- \\ 11 / '� \\ \ \ (((/ �c '/= CONTOURS DRAINAGE LAYER Z a Q w i . �✓ \ ( \) % l I (\ I / i ii THIS PLAN Q ` PERIMETER DITCH 7 28 29 // / / �/ / �� ( ^� _ 7 r� ,� \\ �� _ I 1 rl \ /k l \\ 1l ` \ \ / / / _ � / � � � �\\ ( \ / , (^� I\J �,�JS�\\C v � / \ 1 I \ \\1i\ \ \\ i \ ,✓ C604 C604 I I I / // \/ \� `i/ I \i—, PHASE CELL 4 Io\ I \ \ 1 I \\ \\ // CLAY LINER / / o \\ _�/ j �'/ // I \\l > 1u / , ( / \ �i h ~/� I /I \� \J / III \\ 1 \ \ i//�/ �i / / / / / / /' N v z n cJi� / \ � 1 \\ N \ \ \ \ \ / // / / _ < / - ail) J I = \ \ \�\\ /i 'i / ° �\ \ 11� / 1111✓r / \ \ / / / to N / i�\ \ \\ \ / \ �\\ �,�/ /III \ \ \\ �`_ �J/\ \� C/� II < �� II \ 1 EXISTING N;� JLSL I II I I/I II IIIlI \ \\ \\��,—�I \'�%)►J/I � \ III I1 \ /--PHASE 2 Z ?90 310 Jj Q a LINER SYSTEM DRA 0 ING EY Z W Z uj MATCHLINESEE S ET \ \\��_ _= ____ = J _ 03 FOR CONTINUA \ \ '\ o �� ���:—/_�' %' i %—__— — %__—_--_- O _ — �J / _ _iii— i� �_ —' _ _i— INORTH — o C3 NVATION \ \\ I W \ ( \ I -�i��— i,� _�——_—_==—_I ��� BOARD OF EXAMINERSLQ o o \ \ 1 I—/-- --- J I T N I ► ; ► I 1 III, ----IN / _/ SCALE IN FEET FOR ENGINEERS AND U � r 3 ° l l / -i _ \ _ /�_ �;�,/-- -- __, _ — _ SURVEYORS LICENSE m /0 ^° 1 I ) I / // ��_ _ \ \ _\--- UL MATCHLINE - -/l% C303 FOR CONTINUATION i �"�—_ - — ` %�'��-_�� _ =— -- _--_� w \ SEE SHEET —' _ — _ NO. C-3035 Lk Lu IL �1)�}X O PHASE 5 CELL 310 I/ f^^ ` III I I► `IIIIIII, I,I'I I IIII I'IIIIIIII\I \I, I I II\II, I III \(�IX /','� =_—o� _-_�—_.�',�__-�_-__-- _--'�_—___ _-_- ___�_�— __-_ —�\\\\\,\`\ \I\ :..?�. CA �, wREFERENCE ¢ °z o" •fi$&o••7. -qv. U >1. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY WITHIN WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS PROVIDED wAT 2-FT CONTOUR INTERVALS BY GPI (JOB N0. 18-006); DATE OF AERIAL w EAL PHOTOGRAPHY JANUARY 15, 2018. Q 'Q 3. WETLANDS INFORMATION PROVIDED BY CWS ON AUGUST 8, 2016. N0N III1s,�2. LIDAR TOPOGRAPHY OUTSIDE WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS ACQUIRED 30p I\IA )$"' v � ,• ,, :;" DRAWI NG NO.: NC DOT GIS. PHA��0—_�'•'g` ---�� V 11III IIII IIIII1 I _��,� \�� �— \ � \ \ \\ BEFORE YOU DIGI kW`. \ CALL 1-800-632-4949 , 9N 1.C302 4. FEMA FLOODPLAIN INFORMATION FROM NCFLOODMAPS. MAP NUMBERS: \\\VN.C. ONE -CALL CENTER 3710644500J, 3710644600J, 3710645500J, 3710645600J. \ \ \\ ITS THE LAWI SHEET o a Q 5 OF 3• 6 I 5 4 I 3 I I 1 i i \ \ \ / ./ 5 4 3 ET C302FRCHLINESEE SHEi" \ f NTUATIONo All MATCHLINE SEE SHEET C302 FOR CONTINUATION AM PHASE5 CELL 3 ' 1II\/1iIIIIIIII 1I/IIIII II I\I/II I II ( I1 II\/II\II II IIIIIIIII(1 300\30 11 x/ INSTAL33 I IIIlIII I 1III III1III�II1I IIIII \\I PHASE- HArI 1sIISE 2 L \ I;— II�/11:II I ' i I IIII I II (MATTING AT 3H:1V G / 605 / /III\11 PERIMETER SLOPES (TYP.) \\\��/j/// / PERIMETER DITCH 6 28 29 604 / I\ \ /\J \IV \I � I1 I I \II II I I II1�1 f CELL 4 23 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY PHASE 5 \ \ I I I I I —_ — // /'— / —// CELL 6 / CA \ \ \ \ \ \ N o 320 II IIII II F 31p I III oI-Q'i //11 l l \ / / \/— i BASIN 14 23 0 E C603 \ OUTLET g r3l 8 7 / / � NORTH OUTLET D 31 //// <I1ijI l / /C604 /BASIN 13 23 \� I C603 31 OUTLET D i i0/,ji/Il i ,,JIIlI l I1I\ II\I\II . 37 320 Jilll I I I I I I �31017 / I IIII I111 1 III �/ 11/ I /1III I l / /,�to l / l 1, N 30 M CULVERT 3 I I / �X/ 310 J N / 300 PHASE 5 / / /�/ INSTALL EROSION CONTROL 33A 33 CELL 2 MATTING AT 3H:1V C605 C605 290 \ ---- j310 iii PERIMETER SLOPES (TYP.) // ol PERIMETER DITCH 5 28 _2 9 -- PHASE 5 \ \ \ \— / — \ \ \ \ \ \ __ / / / / 00 _� - / /// / /// C604 C604 _' -- / 3 �_ / �--- CELL 1 // / // / / // / — / / / �� i//'ii/ /� iii /// / —7 / i / /i/ �/// EX/SR/NG '/ PHASE 1PERIMETER _30ROAD 14 ------- o 0- �/,_T�7,_ 60 jI \ % I l \� ll� / / // // // /// 28 29 PERIMETER DITCH 3 \\\\\\ \ \ / � II Il/// C604 r1o300 INSTALL EROSION CONTROL 33A 33 \ \ \ _ MATTING AT 3H:1 V to \ \ _ \ \ N C PERIMETER SLOPES (TYP.) ULVERT 2 _ \ C30 28 29 \ \ \ PERIMETER DITCH 4 C604 C604 �__-- \\� / / 0 310 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \\\ \ \ \ \ \ C604 31 29 28 29 OUTLET A PERIMETER DITCH 2 28 PERIMETER DITCH 1 \\ a — \ \ �� \ �\ ► C604 C604 \ \ \ \\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ N \ \ \ \ \ I I I \\ C604 C604 \ \ \\ \ \\ \\\ I I CULVERT 1 30 G25 60 EX/Sr/NG ACCESS ROADo \ \ \ \ \\\ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ NX 0 37 290 — _ .270 OUTLET C 31 C604 g — —----=—\--_ -- -_�_ — — =28 OUTLET A 31 — — — 1 — -- 1`604 BASIN 15 23 00, � 23 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY — — — — — / \�\ '90 REFERENCE \ \\ 3 1. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY WITHIN WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS PROVIDED �� \\ \ — AT 2-FT CONTOUR INTERVALS BY GPI (JOB NO. 18-006); DATE OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY JANUARY 15, 2018. \ ���� \� \`—i i� — — — — — 2. LIDAR TOPOGRAPHY OUTSIDE WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS ACQUIRED N FROM NC DOT GIS. 3. WETLANDS INFORMATION PROVIDED BY CWS ON AUGUST 8, 2016. �\\ \\`— �� \� --- �� ---``— / jai �\ \ \\\ \\\ /� /\ \\�\��\ `O 4. FEMA FLOODPLAIN INFORMATION FROM NCFLOODMAPS. MAP NUMBERS:�—_�' N 3710644500J, 3710644600J, 3710645500J, 3710645600J. \ - — \� ' N, a 8 7 6 5 4 flj `J o 1127 00 / N 0 1 2 TOP C600 C600 (BASE LINER SYSTEM) \ \\\ \ \I L>,l '-'-� l, \ , i \ \ PHASE 5 CELL 5 272 2 LEGEND PROPERTY LINE — — — 300' PROPERTY BUFFER EXISTING STREAMS 50' STREAM BUFFER - — 300 -- EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR FM EXISTING LEACHATE FORCEMAIN — 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN BUFFER - PHASE LIMIT/EDGE OF LINER MAJOR CONTOUR 300 MINOR CONTOUR PERIMETER ROAD — ----- PERIMETER DITCH INTERCELL LIMIT CULVERT ST ® RIPRAP APRON NOTES 1. CONTOURS SHOWN AS TOP OF CLAY LINER INSIDE THE CELL AREA. CONTOURS THIS PLAN PROTECTIVE (OPERATIONAL) COVER GEOCOMPOSITE N DRAINAGE LAYER DPE IL NER/ CLAY LINER \Ni\\'i\\'Vice\'i\\'i\\'i\ \'i\\'ice\'i\\" LINER SYSTEM DRAG ING 0 EY 1 0 Ir U W o Z O 0 W c o 0 0 U Z 0 0 W m m Lu Q N 0 v � T ril co � � Z ti o O ti m M N 1 U00E U o ILL .S: U � ViMU � ' M � 1 1 i � M O N Y o "'' a c � � Q t W� a m �► U 0 0 o T U � Z Q Lu ch Z_ J a00 J zaa°C UQ O — J = V aJ�= UOZpr azo0 Q�_Z Q W m — Z aZ = = W O WVwC) a o Z O I= 0 cnMZ QaQ U = m N m U Z cJn r Q a W J NORTH CAROLINA J SCALE IN FEET BOARD OF EXAMINERS U FOR ENGINEERS AND LL 0 100 20o SURVEYORS LICENSE O NO. C-3035 a0 .•`�•�ti+L CAIq a ?� , ' SEAL • 039i14 �• •� DRAWING NO.: } m mLu o Y w w Cc U O O N TO � II W r m W U w 0 BEFORE YOU DIGI 1 `'17��•�'t� CALL 1-800-632-4949 -�. C303 N.C. ONE -CALL CENTER e� N�T�� IT'S THE LAWI SHEET 6 OF 30 1 t 7 4 3 2 V,'165 26p ��o �270,z NORTH '�%�'%�%/%�,i' ;;;;� — / 0 2� \, -- 31 OUTLET A \ - PERIMETER DITCH 14 28 29 �\ U z 30 CULVERT 7\ \ 1 a /� / C604 C604 // \ /i / �j/ / �_ C604 ) 28 29 PERIMETER DITCH 16 Z 0 w N o INSTALL EROSION CONTROL 33/�//�/ ��/ -♦\ \ I I - \ I \ �� -- \Lu MATTING AT 3H:1V PERIMETER SLOPES (TYP.) C605 PERIMETER DITCH 13 28 29 / ♦ �� \ \ \ \ I i l / //// �,- o "I10/ C604 C604 / CULVERT 6 30 - J \ \\\�\\\ \ I I I / / / 0° / ' \ \ N ♦ PHASE 4 w C604 m DITCH 15 cn IIII II( \ ♦\ \ \ \\ \ \/\ \\ \ I / � C60wOUTLET B 31 300 Lu El C604 0) j° OUTLET D 2a BASIN 12 23 ��- `L \ I I I I I 0 C603 ! ao 0 I o \ \ 2 g 1 \ \♦\♦\ \ 2-0 `\ go ` I.4 1. r /� $k \♦ \\ � CV // / 2 ♦\ T/1 0o cm PHASE 4 l \ \♦\ / \/� p ti �� CELL 2 cal\ \X♦\ / / / l I iCi ca N \ / PERIMETER DITCH 12 28 2o 9 _ �. % \ I \♦ \ / 1 0 �j C604 C604 = o ♦� �\ 290- _ / \ 1� \♦\ / / LEGEND 1 cn E / / //� �/ 3 \ - v rl Q U \ / / / 00\ v -- _ _ - - PROPERTY LINE CIS _d cv ci / i%LEACHATE 48 j�� i��, \♦\ i�-- -- \ 111 LL � //�/ + \\♦\ -- 300' PROPERTY BUFFER N M a) FORCEMAIN C70 \ ti C) /jjj/' TRENCH c,\♦\ EXISTING STREAMS MC \ / Dij� DINER SYSTEM 3 No 310\`�\ / �90 / 1 ANCHOR TRENCH C6OO " -� \ \♦\ �,\\ - - 50' STREAM BUFFER 1 M - \ - '�� EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR L c / / \♦ \ // •r1 \♦♦\ / a c PERIMETER DITCH 11 28 29 /� /� �o ��/-_- 1 1 CELL DIVIDER BE \\♦\ / EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR ', 1 C604 C604 r �' ' -�/ \♦\ EXISTING LEACHATE FORCEMAIN a E LEACHATE 38 ,_�yII II It( I / k� C60 \\\\N\\ I �p \♦♦\ �/ -o 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN h+■1 U CLEANOUT (TYP.) C700 I I I o0 3 \\\�I o / O� 1 )�/ �L PHASE LIMIT/EDGE OF LINER 1 LEACHATE 41 300 MAJOR CONTOUR •� RISER (TYP.) C70 • rl PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED PHASE 3 / MINOR CONTOUR U VV\ -� PERIMETER ROAD \ \ 1 � � PERIMETER DITCH INTERCELL LIMIT C.)CULVERT 5 0 o / S7 CULVERT RIPRAP APRON Lu a Z OUTLET B 31 oI (/� ZJ J LEACHATE COLLECTION PIPE AND CLEANOUT Q O O IPERIMETER 28 29 \ \ / �� \ I \ ' l Ij DITCH 9 C604 C604 N �p ////PHASE 4 \\� ��° / LEACHATE SUMP AND RISER Z a U \ \ /� / CELL 3 / / LEACHATE FORCEMAIN 0 = V �///�/PERIMETER 28 29 �\ / 310 / ./, DITCH 10 C604 C604 0 �\ \\ \ �09' //i / J r _ / o \ '\ /i/ /ii _ / o NOTES V FL Z 1. CONTOURS SHOWN AS TOP OF PROTECTIVE COVER INSIDE THE CELL 0 PERIMETER DITCH 8 28 29 \ // , 1 AREA. SLOPES DEPICTED NUMERICALLY ARE PROVIDED ONLY FOR J Z W O REFERENCE. 2604 C604 �90 \ �)\ `�� ///_ O �� I / _ aQ�Z INSTALL EROSION CONTROLr33 � \ MATTING AT 3H:1V C605 \\ �` \ \ \ / \� \�\JlI �\ ( /�- i 2. LEACHATE PIPE SLOPES VARY DEPENDING ON LINER CONTOURS. a J PERIMETER SLOPES (TYP.) \\\\\\\\\ / Q W \\ jj/' ��/�/ - 8"0 SDR-11 ----- �' 3. ALL LEACHATE PIPING UPSTREAM OF SUMP TO BE PERFORATED. HDPE LEACHATE PIPE --------// 300 T_YP-ICAL----------- \ CC- G 0 / -------- M=I _-- r30CULVERT 4 CONTOURS a ti - - ----- ---\ THIS PLAN �W O OUTLET A 31 ° \ \ //�- / '-�PROTECTIVE (OPERATIONAL) LLI O \ \ COVER _ j/LEACHATE COLLECTION o � W V N /// /�j/i C604 \� �L \ I / / C700/ PIPE (TYP.) ���/�\��C \\ \f- GEOCOMPOSITE N a (Z r 10 OPERATIONAL DRAINAGE LAYER C BERM (TYP.) ' � j j/�\\ I I �\\\\1 I \_ _ O \ jj / m Z 31 N I 0 k° 37 LEACHATE /�// `•/ ��" _� \�( / I %J \ \\ o COLLECTION SUMP / 1 3 ,� /� \� (( \ / �\ \ N C700 AND RISER TYP. I I 0 (��\` / / \� J� r I\ \ , i PERIMETER DITCH 7 28 29 (TYP.) /// I o ��� ,� \� ��� /// �/ Ir/ o 'i C604 C604 �/ /,/ v ( / \ /�. �\ \ I, / j j \ \ I(�lil\ i \\ \� \� \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \� n m \ / PHASE 4 I I �\ \ \ \ \ III \ 1 \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ = m m CELL 4 /// \�L� _ _ \ - //� I I \ \ / ( \ \ ( \\ \ \ \ \ .//\//\//\//\//\//\//\//\//\j V Z cn / �, � � \ / � �1 \\ Z r / /i I T /// loll 31 o ti \\ \\ \ — / �/ \\\\\\\\\�a. Lj J // \\I( �� _ \ \\\ 1\PHASE 2 LINER SYSTEM DRAB ING OEY W //�'/ \ \ J✓` /�// — --� / I� / �/l / i // __ __% jam= U m p B 9 CELL LINER SYSTEM � - _- Y C60 TIE-IN W Q w ° _ arc _- NORTH CAROLINA > 0M HNSEE `SHE' o LWAY 05 U_ 1211 CC NU / \ \ \� /� I � �_��� ' _' '_— '_ _ SCALE IN FEET FOR ENGINEERS AND W IN II < SURVEYORS LICENSE O Lu m ,/ o _ _ _ r / / o�/___ _ --!_—_// �,�_! _ %—_—_—_ �; NO. COO -3035 a W C ` /� — o / MATCHLINE SEE SHEET C305 FOR CONTINUATION REFERENCE /i/ /� I 320 I I I I I1 I I I I I / �0�= ` L Cp ( ' ` a / / PHASE 5 I I I I // 6�_ •OQ'• • ''+ `'.. ui `° 3 // \ /// CELL 3 I IIII IIII (I \ I I (((/ _.— / _--- _%—/ a �$&ip ••. 7� H Q 1. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY WITHIN WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS PROVIDED w / / / - �/ - ". /, \ o / // \ III�_ — /_—_/--_--_C•; c, > o AT 2-FT CONTOUR INTERVALS BY GPI (JOB N0. 18-006); DATE OF AERIAL _ / o // ? 1 (I ( I I I I III / // �3�0� _� - �� _ _--_ \\ ;� v> w o �_- _ _ PHOTOGRAPHY JANUARY 15, 2018. / ° ,� �` I \ I IIIII I 1 II 111I1 ( j/ 38 _� - - o o a ¢ /// /, 09 /� III I\II \ I I \ I ��/ /��0� _— —__--- \ \\\ s a 2. LIDAR TOPOGRAPHY OUTSIDE WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS ACQUIRED // / III > I I IIII I I\' \ 1 I I II , I i //�/ =� _ _ =---- ���� - `\ I I S A / // 1 \\\ \ /,/ %A S \ / III I i (/,//i 3Q0 ____-_ =��f_- ___---^\ IIII I `` DRAWING NO.: N FROM NC DOT GIS. _ - \ � i // \ \ \ /// /- J �O / / CA 9 CELL LINER SYSTEM / / _---- _-- \ I o '►y •�'V Gib •� I �/ I of \ ` BEFORE YOU DIG! '� ���•''•� ` 3. WETLANDS INFORMATION PROVIDED BY CWS ON AUGUST 8, 2016. / I /// F / / o \� 1 TIE-IN ( / _-- _-= - �� �'• / ►•� � \ .•' /J \ / I I C60 �� / / /��� ---- �� -- �1 \ 11� \ \ CALL 1-800-632-4949 qN T. e C304 `O 4. FEMA FLOODPLAIN INFORMATION FROM NCFLOODMAPS. MAP NUMBERS: /// //// o N 1 I I ' ' 1 ` ` III I / ( _-_ _-- \ -• �► s►` N 3710644500J, 3710644600J, 3710645500J, 3710645600J. //// / / I I \ C\ '/ /// / �► I \I III, I. II 11II lil II li li I\III I II I1111� \I\\I\\\� I�\\\\�\\\\1\ \I\�\\\\\\� `� \ ��O !�— ��- ---\\\ 1\ `1\\\ \\\\\ \ N.C. ONE -CALL CENTER ��i i��►� SHEET OF 1 ,c _ 1 \ ITS THE LAWI 7 30 8 6 5 4 3 1 8 7 5 4 3 ,// /4/// / \ \ \ \\ \ ♦/ ///_/ / /i - LEGEND 290 PROPERTY LINE I MATC/oHLINESEESHEET 300' PROPERTY BUFFER C30 EMERGENCY SPILLWA'- CONTI2EXISTING STREAMS ION 50' STREAM BUFFER =N RTMATCHLINE SEE SHEET C304 FOR CONTINUAOEXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR 370 OUTL31 I / / — " M EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR _-i-- C604 �� � � " �i /i / / I III / 1 / /� / r-/ // / � _ _ _ _�; \ / ♦i � � / rI J \ ► I 1 1 I (/1 I r �'� i0• �� ��-- I EXISTING LEACHATE FORCEMAIN I IIIII / II IIII I/III / //�/ � /%%/i♦/ \\�\\' \ •+ \ � //// I20 II II I II �// PHASE 5 / 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN \ \ w /////////d�/I/ /// %/�/// /� /////l// /�// /�l l //I l/ �lI//Il I I!�/l , Il/l�l/IlI ll`�llll I�ll�IlIl llI Irl \l„I 11I�1 1I1 1IrI 1 I1IIIIiI /I I /,I I IlI /I/ Il I�I II l I Il I/ I/II// iI I1l1II /1 1IIlI 1 /II1 / l //II1/ /I` /\/ I1 I\ I\ / II/ , �I �\\,\,-\�� /�\/ \/\/ i\ \/\ \, \\ 0\ \�\\\ � 1 290/' /// //�``/\�\_\ �f \ / /\\�`\\I. i\\�\ \�\�\3`\0�\n 0 -\�\ >/ /l I 1 / // --/— - lamI� -�-—`- _---— -=—\ -'-- — - \---�,/// -/ // �I /♦/I //♦/ i// /\// ///\ I \ \ // �/ /\ /\\1\ \I \ \\\II \ \ \\ ,\\\� \ o \\ \�. / /♦// ////♦/////i/ / ♦\ � \, /// /� -/'�/ 7/C—� /EL/jL/3 I I I \ I I I III III\ IIIIIIIIIIIIII 11II\+ I1 \I IIII\IIII\IIII\III\IIII II1III\II \ I\ II \\ 1 II\I1 1II1I\I1 III\i 1II1\II II \ 1\II I 111\ II IX\� I1I ; 1, -__----- -------- PHASE LIMIT/EDG E OF LINER7,0 BASIN 13 23 09 300 MAJOR CONTOUR CO3 45, MINOR CONTOUR oLINER SSTEMI ItI 300 /♦/ TIE-IN PERIMETER ROAD INSTALL EROSION CONTROL \kN _ PERIMETER DITCH MATTING AT 3H:1V C0 C5 �00 o G 60INTERCELL LIMITPERIMETER SLOPES (TYP.) EX/ST/NG SI PERIMETER DITCH 6 28 29 PHASE 2ST CULVERT 631 OUTLET D 60PHASE 5 CELL 4 RIPRAP APRON 23 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY % / / / � � � ♦/ , / / / / /// � i � \ IIII I \ \ \\ \ \\\ \------------- OPERATIONAL BERM C60PHASE 5�\\\- 8'0 SDR-11 CELL 6 HDPE LEACHATE PIPE, LEACHATE COLLECTION PIPE AND CLEANOUT \\\ TYPICAL\\\\\� LEACHATE SUMP AND RISER /// , l \ / / I \ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\� LEACHATE FORCEMAIN \�\ %�/ / A / I / // / \�\ \ / / /♦/ /, L / / \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\\\ \ \ LEACHATE FORCEMAIN `\\ \ ///�i`jI/ //// / i / //// oN / / l �\` \�\ / �'\- \ l Il I1 /�I / /// /� 0 �- ♦//♦//// / v \48 PIPE (TYPTRENCH C70 35 LEACHATE COLLECTION ,\ NOTES C70\ " 1. CONTOURS SHOWN AS TOP OF PROTECTIVE COVER INSIDE THE CELL / I / AREA. SLOPES DEPICTED NUMERICALLY ARE PROVIDED ONLY FOR \\\ 330 I I I I I Il REFERENCE. cv �_ \� / / ^� \ / \ F 26o �O -- \`\\ I \`�\ \ \ \ /♦ / �/ \ - �L^ j ,^ =1 )) - /1\. I IIII I / I I I I I ( / ' 2 LEACHATE PIPE SLOPES VARY DEPENDING ON LINER CONTOURS 38 ;700 41 70 0 37 LEACHATE 280 C700 COLLECTION SUMP AND RISER (TYP.) \�\ \vim 3. ALL LEACHATE PIPING UPSTREAM OF SUMP TO BE PERFORATED. 1 � � � // l I � 1 l / / l l/ / I / I '_2TOP OF PROTECTIVE COVER LAYER 2600 ('600 (BASE LINER SYSTEM) \) \\ \_ �� \ LS�/� / \Ill ` / / // � I I I / / / / / ��\ �./f�� \iJ/L= CONTOURS THIS PLAN PROTECTIVE (OPERATIONAL) COVER 71 \ \ \\ /1 I\I//—\ /\ \�♦ / // II I IGEOCO�MPOSITE DRAINAGE LAYER - - III / PHASE 5 l l CELL 5 // / //HDPE LINER / N /Q BASIN 14 23 7 \ \_�\\\ / / / � 0 // / / \ 11 c \� %/ 320 `��\ / OUTLS 31 / / //� \\\ / / \�\ ET 310 0 / / / I I � /�// o CELL DIVIDER BERM �\ // CULVERT 2 0 w C04 C60 10 OPERATIONAL BERM TYP. INSTALL EROSION CONTROL 33A 33 LINER SYSTEM DRAD ING DEY MATTING AT 3H:1V \\\ _� / / 11 / \` \ \\_i/// / o C605 C605 \�\ \�\ / / / / / c� (TYP. ) \\,l \�\\ \� /// PERIMETER SLOPES / / / / //// / //� //ii //i/i PHASE 5 / 310 / / �i/ / / /ii /�//ii� �/ /i /�i /i / I / CELL 2 8 0 SDR-11 00 / TYPICAL HDPE LEACHATE PIPE 3�' // \` \ / p ` \�\ / / / \ PERIMETER DITCH 5 PHASE 5 CELL 1 // / / // / / // / -///�i // I 04 / / EX/ST/NG /j� \ ,/ PERIMETER ROAD 14 �9 \ //i/ / / / ♦ l l l / / / / 00 1 //�/ /' �� ���//ii% PHASE 1 j �[ / cl / l PERIMETER DITCH 3 C604 30 —2 / // INSTALL EROSION CONTROL 33A 33 MATTING AT 3H:1V C605 C605 "' / \�\ \ \\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \\ \\f\ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ PERIMETER SLOPES (TYP.) \ / / / / `,o \ \ \ \\ \\\ \\ \ \ \\ \ \ \\\ \ \ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ PERIMETER DITCH 4 28 29 \� \ C604 C604 ,� 310 28 29 PERIMETER DITCH 1 \ \ \\ \\\ \ \\ \ \\\ \\\\ \\ \ \ \ \ OUTLET A 31 PERIMETER DITCH 2 28 29 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ \\\ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ C604 \\ C604 C604 C604 C604 r \ \ \ \ I I \ N\ I I IIII I, \ I I. II --- ��' CULVERT 1 \EXISTING ACCESS ROAD \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ 2s 2s 1 0 IIr U LU o z O � W c o 0 0 U Z 0 0 W m m Lu a N 0 C) I -I T ril co � � Z ti p 4 o o i M m N 1 U U E L o 11 � ._ U ViMU ' M 1 i M � O N Y o a c � t (L W� m �► U O 0 T U � Z Q WaZ_ U) J moo J z aa UQ °C O J = U aJ1== U M azo 0 LL. Q W — Z aZ = = W O W0LuU a o Z p o O cn °° Z QaQ U = U m Z N m cn r a - — _ =270 �\\ _ \ \ OUTLET DIL 60 B \\ i ----- — -------___ _= �� OUT A 31 —\ \ \ \ \\ W } o B - z 2 Lu C604 _ \ � 90 O Q w o \`——// //// \� \\� ~�1/ \� NORTH CAROLINA Lu c c SCALE IN FEET � r l \ \\ BASIN 15 23 BOARD OF EXAMINERS FOR ENGINEERS AND U m Co SURVEYORS LICENSE W 3o w -3035 Lu REFERENCE 23 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY � IIL I \ �'�� / ^\ ��\\� \ �� � 2 1. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY WITHIN WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS PROVIDED \\ \� \ / - --- /-- \�_� \ C603 �� \ \ �� %.`}�[ CA/�0�[��.,` m a AT 2-FT CONTOUR INTERVALS BY GPI (JOB NO. 18-006); DATE OF AERIAL ^\\ \\ ��� '�^ \\ / ���� d `� OQ;'• • Blp �j►'%. _j Zz o o PHOTOGRAPHY JANUARY 15, 2018. \ \\ \ --� / \ \ \--= \�\ \ \ \ p + .!ae;�'"+ v v 2. LIDAR TOPOGRAPHY OUTSIDE WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS ACQUIRED \ \ \\ _-----` _-` / / / / ��^^ \ \ \ ( 0 0 $�A4 w _ _ p IL i FROM NC DOT GIS. M S ` • ' o o a / 039I14EL A 3. WETLANDS INFORMATION PROVIDED BY CWS ON AUGUST 8, 2016. \ \ ��--�� \�- / / �� / // \\� \ \\ \ J$'it'it DRAWING NO.: 4. FEMA FLOODPLAIN INFORMATION FROM NCFLOODMAPS. MAP NUMBERS: - BEFORE YOU DIGI C305 3710644500J, 3710644600J, 3710645500J, 3710645600J. \� �� _/ /�- `---_ �/' \ ��\�\\ \ \ CALL 1-800-632-4949 N.C. ONE CENTER N IT'S THE LAWI SHEET 8 of 30 R 8 7 6 5 4 1 7 1 1 5 1 4 1 3 / / = �ii�%ii %-, �� -_ r'� / i ! / ��, \ i - \� \, ti / I `�\\ LEGEND / - - PROPERTY LINE / \ \ / / / / / 4" HDPE LEACHATE ` /� 82 0 2,0 260`2� ��\ � � \ \ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\\• — 300' PROPERTY BUFFER \ / / CONVEYANCE PIPE (TYP.) \ o `V� �077; ;Jp ) \\�I/� \, \k \ \ \) \ \ �\, EXISTING STREAMS __ \ \ \ / �/ __/' 0) 2,0 l I \ 50' STREAM BUFFER I /IIII//%%i j%�/ �� N ���� �,\ I r \ \ \ \ IN AND48 %�=� / Z/1;11� /ems �� �° `�� \�� a\\` 0 260 � / rl \\ \ o / \ DO \ ELECTRIC CE CONDUIT TATRENCH /Xi%/,//i �'% 2> R� �- ��� �\\ I / ) N 1 EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR NORTH \ C70/// / \� l \\ ° 1 /1 /J / EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR / \ � /1-' ///// ii o h \ \ \ I �i' �6 10 �%, '� �� TIE-IN TO EXISTING LEACHATE FORCEMAIN / % '/ // � EXISTING LEACHATE FORCEMAIN -� r o / -� N,I, %\ i I i I I V 0 N PHASE 4 60 ry // `/ /' /' ) �b BASIN 10 I \ / / /-/ / EXISTING WETLANDS / � �� � \ / / � / ��o O � 0 3po � CELL 1 �\ � / ` �,,' / ,/_,- � - ��_ /�1'6,�p��� cv 280 , I \�\ // � // \\c_ 50' WETLANDS BUFFER �O 2a tia 280 \I/ \ \ \ / / / ��� / I - 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN 1/ / \ \ - / / BASIN 12 2 g0 290 j\ \ \\\ / // / g°� 9� 2_0 \ I r/'N __j \ / // J/ I-,- / (I I j PHASE LIMIT/EDGE OF LINER /� 2aA �' Gvo I 1 (\lv I) \ \ / � I--- \-1 \ _ / 300 MAJOR CONTOUR Z \ /j/r/%��; o ap GoN1I I \\ 1 // o \�' I \ / / \ ( ///,- 0 2 I III /I Q _ - MINOR CONTOUR / / e//// j//i ��<� / 1 I // \� / 1 (- PERIMETER ROAD � /IIII /i /�__ � � I ) / r� / )/ �,__ ) / iiiii O/ /ice �- /ii�iii/ /IIII �, pp i / / / � ////�iiOi/ii/i/i PHASE 4 v � �=v /,. � � PERIMETER DITCH — /- *// //%//-/ - o `300 \ \ �j�j�//� j//,//; CELL 2 1p / I I\ J\ \\\ - INTERCELL LIMIT l /// // IIII/ i 0 \ \ \ /o iii/� ii //, I N ti 1- \�� , X \ 6 0 / %�� 3j0 v� �`�o / } \ % 5,�t I- `', �iii� ti� ��019',-, i `� _ / oo // / ;/J / \�)\\\� i 1 /(n II r % \C� ) ST CULVERT \ /// �// ( _\ / �- \ /\ \� (�I(� I�I/���� /� �� b ® RIPRAP APRON l /IIII o �o _�lV _-- \ �_ IllIll////ii'//�ii� ���A\\� �o PERM/TTED--��'�r ��' \� ��L `� -S �l� III I/ �� 2 / PREY/OUSLY \ _____________ I - \ ---------------- //� �o ,/��po 3 (� o , \ i�-� -�(\ I)� �)� \\ -OPERATIONAL BERM ///- co wi�•.�/,p �O >>)/ PHASE ,3 / ) \�/^ /i� \\ � I \� � _ 1)/�j "/ \ 1 '� ��.25 \\ \ \ i� \� / 0 LEACHATE COLLECTION PIPE AND CLEANOUT \ `ti /// '� � 3 , -\\' 2 `Jo _I (- I ii ��- EXISTING \\ I� � -, \ \ - \tea -- \ - JI (\ II 0 �/ BASIN 3 11 \ " \ �'J� LEACHATE SUMP AND RISER \ \ � //� - -�'\\ I I (' -J/ �1T \ I., \�,� \ \_\ FM — LEACHATE FORCEMAIN /// /�IIII/ // °0 00 ��, Z:) o ��� \ // 1 11 \ /ii//i IIII/ I o o_ II %i9�; 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Ill I 1 I \ \ \� \-` \\ \\-<- , \11 _ �,,//j% �' ��'� / IIII l / /// �__-\ l l ( \/J / r I r,) I 1 1 / 1 I r \ \����1) IL 8 1 1 6 T 5 1 4 1 3 NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF EXAMINERS SCALE IN FEET FOR ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS LICENSE 0 200 400 NO. C-3035 BEFORE YOU DIGI CALL 1-800-632-4949 N.C. ONE -CALL CENTER IT'S THE LAWI 0 cc U W 0 cc a Z 2_, O U cf) uj c o w 0 0 Z 0 1 0 W 2 m 0 w � � Q R N O z 6 � I n 4-._0 N 0 Z cm rl 4) M *III' o O ti i m M N 1 1 = U c U E 10- 4 Q i< 0 1 cd °' 1 1 �i U 0 ma ViMU -.� Q) ' M §1 >c �� 6M OYN1 o ;> a c 3- PIP a) a m a U 0 0 c) T OF -I Q C) L!) Z Q Waz � a00 J J z aa uQ °C 0 — ' J = V aJ�= UaMcr a z� z aJ� Q � W r � � IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Z a Z = = W O WUWC) a Z � Z c OW(n ZmZ Q Q = U x V m Z r- � m N ZT W Z Q .. CO m o B > W � U W 0 U Z 0 oc c o II U N � II W � w 2 r Q = w U (U w 0 ,,11,,,,,,1,,, • s C pRi�` . a W 0 r .``p�� I.- Ill-, 1. ~. Qzo U _ 1 •P • : W U U) � W > O .Sim. - o o a %12-2f'ii DRAWING NO.: C400 gNT.e ' iii uLSp SHEET 9 OF 30 1 7 6 5 4 X. XX NORTH//// // , = ,\\ \ /i��/'/ij/ _ � I �Rz- �/,/�//SIN 1123 C603\'�- IIII/// //Zy�/ � � // I I I I 111 _ 0�51 / // /// / / / / \ �/ii �i�/� l l l I I/ SKIMMER 35 I 10 � BASIN C605 \ II II I INSTALL EROSION CONTROL 33 I l I\ 1 MATTING AT 3H:1V C605 \\\\�"PERIMETER SLOPES (TYP.) /i�'/ PERIMETER DITCH 14 28 29Ul F ou 0. OUT \ I CULVERT 7 \ ^� �� l<\�� I \ \ / 260 I / 28 29 PERIMETER DITCH C604 C604 / I I I /I \I \\ I I 3 h BASIN 10 2603cb PHASE 4 I I \ �Ic\ \ \ I I CELL 28 29 PERIMETER DITCH 15 C604 C604 \ IA ill/v\ \ 1 _) (I I 000, j IN PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED PHASE 3Jr/`v N I I \ / 1 - �%- /��\\\� �\ �/ I j IIIII ( N I I III / I �-� ,-- j % \ I\► VI IIIII I I s l I / EXISTING BASIN 3 \ I 'I � Ire' 1 ( \ o > I \ \ 1 B V I III II I I L' ----- \ \ o \ L_- ------ _- � _ I I I I I I I I \\\.�_-_ , r/ h REFEREN-_-_-_--- ,, \ \ \\ \ \ \ 11 III 1 I III \ \ ���I \ \ / - / / / l I _� a 1. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY WITHIN WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS PROVIDED --- EX/STING PHASE 2— o AT 2-FT CONTOUR INTERVALS BY INDEPENDENT MAPPING CONSULTANTS (IMC \\ \ \\\ \ \ I I III II I✓ \ \ \ \ // _ \ //j/ I / j o JOB N0. 16030); DATE OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY FEBRUARY 27, 2016. i 2. LIDAR TOPOGRAPHY OUTSIDE WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS ACQUIRED A FROM NC DOT GIS. 3. WETLANDS INFORMATION PROVIDED BY CWS ON AUGUST 8, 2016. 4. FEMA FLOODPLAIN INFORMATION FROM NCFLOODMAPS. MAP NUMBERS: 0 3710644500J, 3710644600J, 3710645500J, 3710645600J. 7 6 5 4 3 2 LEGEND PROPERTY LINE — — EXISTING STREAMS 50' STREAMS BUFFER EXISTING WETLANDS 50' WETLANDS BUFFER EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN PHASE LIMIT/EDGE OF LINER MAJOR CONTOUR 300 MINOR CONTOUR PERIMETER ROAD — ----- PERIMETER DITCH DOWNCHUTE CULVERT ST ® RIPRAP APRON NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF EXAMINERS SCALE IN FEET FOR ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS LICENSE 0 goo 400 NO. C-3035 BEFORE YOU DIGI CALL 1-800-632-4949 N.C. ONE -CALL CENTER IT'S THE LAWI U W o Z O Lu c o 0 0 U Z 0 0 W m m Lu Q N C) co04 Z � ti o oti i m M N 1 1 0 U00E C U o CIS LML � ViMU 1 i � M O N Y o a c � t Wa a m �► U O O T U � Z Q WaZ_ U) J Q00 J zaa°C c.) Q O J = V aJ�= C�Oz�— azo0 aJ�z Q W — m Z Z = � = W O WVWC) a z�z C OW(n zmz Q=Q U 2 V 'ar Z ) m N r Q a Q } m m o Lu Y B W � z U W Q � U 0 o 0 O o N 0 II n Ix cc w m 2 r Lu m o ~. U • SEALw U U) U W > O 039114 - in a DRAWING NO.: C401 T. ' it Ila SHEET 10 OF 30 5 3 (51 0 5' LEACHATE FORCEMAIN AND ELECTRIC CONDUIT TRENCH %//// /// % ; I \\ ( I ✓ N NORTH / - � //„/// ��, � ��,t o / I l/��///�i//ice o v �`' / / =250 III'r� ,ryoj% 300 ^�b BASIN 10 / BASIN 12 2�0 2$ 9° \\\�\\ (\ / \\\\ ! / j 1 / FINAL COVER ANCHOR TRENCH 7 \\ AND LINER TERMINATION BARREL SUMP AND 50 �0 CLEANOUT CONNECTION C70 / ,� �1 �0 , 0' / �� ✓ \\\ / ) iV ti 40r g n l \ \ CLOSURE SYSTEM RISER 43 \ PIPE PENETRATION (TYP.) C701 ! ) �p0 1._ 2ly�p0 '� II I fir 1 \ N� lo w/ �90 TOP OF FINAL covER'F 5 6 7Y (CAP SYSTEM) F F � _/ � / � � � - �, � • / 1111�II�jll11�� � \ `� � J`� \��� � i ��� �i l � r � / WWI LANDFILL TYPICAL BASIN 13 / \ 5go I�I� 1� I I \ I // IV\\\\ \ l/o/ r (lj/\ \ ( o PHASE 2 4) E (TYP.) 300Am 0 / / h I w N o 0 0 o o ✓ I I ?s 'l I✓ \ / / / I \ \`1 0 cn� \\ V1 qv\ _ I o00o I1 II O/ 11 (/ ✓ rn I % �j� L1 11�/ / / 1 ///�' • '//s�op�H / --j r� � � �� - (�-p ♦ \ 'll v S60 BASIN 14 LN D PHASE �. sso / 11\ I IIII\\11 / / / /s\�\\ ! //\I\\��\`� I Iljlllllllll 7I > \ /cr �,., // aw X//// hoe PERIMETER ROAD f/; ° �- / Ew-z2,// Az 0 3//// // / ll /// //// //j / / / 1 I /ti/ / /// So �lllll / /ll l (I l�/ //////`'//� \ -—j ) �\\\\ 60 — \ "' 340 ,//�%/ / //�// ll/ ��Il l//l/ l �j�/////j/ /1 I 00 // '%// EX/SnNG t r \)\\`\` \ `30 33o EX/STING / l ��/ //%�lf// jl )II/�%////// /� / , 1, j0.//�/ j / CEMETERY' t I I / \�\ \\a \ \ \ _ \ 0 31 PHASE 1 l/ll / // // ( / / I / 0 / 10 \ go X/z �i/�1Il/1rll I �� BASIN 15 30 \\\\ / ! ° \ \ \\\ \\�/// /// // ,0 / / \ I 1 - �j� A/ r/rii x/m,////�9�� lEw s c �kl\ \\\ \ \ / — — / / — —— M� EX/ST/lVG ACCESS ROADS \/ / �/ �31 IL /wfs / �, I///�// l/ / / - \\ / 1 \ \�\ III 11 JI \ J \ \ ----- -\\�. �\ \� / l /// \\I / /-�1 Z 1 0 \ �� ---� / \ \� �\\� �\\ \\�\�\� \\\//i 1 / l �/ ///// Ill\\—/ \ \ \ v \ Ew , / / EXISTING \ 1\ \ , , v l < ( I I�j� �✓�/, ��/i) , J ,/-. N 1 TING LEACHATE \I w STORAGE AREA 1 o REFERENCE 1 II /Il(%I (ilI i�\ h EXISTING RAILROAD 1. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY WITHIN WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS PROVIDED 3 AT 2-FT CONTOUR INTERVALS BY INDEPENDENT MAPPING CONSULTANTS \�;II I ) (IMC �i // / — 1 \-- \ ��� / //�/ I ° \ ) I I / / - / _- l \ 1 III �- I , / \ 1 I �--- \ \ l \ � �' `.� � ( / / \ \\�I/ � IIIIIII /� � / / /,'-� o JOB N0. 16030); DATE OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY FEBRUARY 27, 2016. �� — / J' \ \ �� o - _/ �/ / / / - l / I 1 I \ I \ ° 1\ \--� IIIII l / ( \ \/>) I �,• i 2. LIDAR TOPOGRAPHY OUTSIDE WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS ACQUIRED / / I / / / /— —_/ \ \ \ �\ \ J7 \ (�\\\\� \— �I ( III II I ! / I / \ \- \� > - � \ \`\ �'\\\"`" .-=� '\`�\`\�\`'\, \ • \\�- J,am.,_ \\\\�//// // /// �I 11\ \ III II II� J/ `�� —11 1 I(I IIIII!\II 1II11I1 1/,I\,- --/ \/ ��\ I \`-_- -/_/I - \\\ \r\ \�\ \ �\\ _ \ � \�\~�\`�\��\\��oo \ `\ \\�� �o^�i\/,'/y'Ii111\\C \ >� ->o�\II\ FROM NC DOT GIS. 3. WETLANDS INFORMATION PROVIDED BY CWS ON AUGUST 8, 2016.I/Zn4. FEMA FLOODPLAIN INFORMATION FROM NCFLOODMAPS. MAP NUMBERS: 3710644500J, 3710644600J, 3710645500J, 3710645600J. --_---/ 7 1 \— l ,I \ ,I✓ I , 6 5 4 3 i i LEGEND — — PROPERTY LINE EXISTING STREAMS 50' STREAMS BUFFER EXISTING WETLANDS 50' WETLANDS BUFFER — — 300 — EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR p EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR 0 U 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN LU o PHASE LIMIT/EDGE OF LINER Z 0 300 MAJOR CONTOUR —cn o MINOR CONTOUR W Ir PERIMETER ROAD o PERIMETER DITCH o ST CULVERT ® RIPRAP APRON LANDFILL GAS WELL a � NOTES o 1. THE FINAL COVER SYSTEM WILL BE INSTALLED IN INCREMENTS AS DICTATED BY FIELD CONDITIONS, AND HAVING SUFFICIENT CONTIGUOUS AREAS TO CLOSE THAT PROVIDE LOGICAL CAPPING SEGMENTS AND TEMPORARY TERMINATION LOCATIONS. U 2. SLOPES DEPICTED NUMERICALLY ARE PROVIDED ONLY FOR REFERENCE. � n 3. REFER TO DRAWINGS C502-0503 FOR LANDFILL OPERATION PLANS. ,� r 00 4. REFER TO THE LANDFILL GAS MASTER PLAN IN APPENDIX F FOR THE N LANDFILL GAS SYSTEM PLAN. U Z 5. REFER TO DRAWING C501 FOR THE STORMWATER DRAINAGE PLAN. l '-' o O ti i M � N 1 1 co Uco E Q K o U Vi M U � 0 N Y o c wE m �► U 0 0 o T Z `0 —_ Q Lu U) Z_ J QUO J ZaaLL O J =V Q J _ C�OzCC a�0 z Q�z a� a�W>_ ~~aZ Z = J W O WVLuU a o Z 0 12 0 cnmz aQQ U =mr U Z N � T NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF EXAMINERS Q J a Lu j O m❑ m w w r o � SCALE IN FEET FOR ENGINEERS AND J C u SURVEYORS LICENSE Q m r 0 200 400 NO. C-3035 Z_ LL w `�45441111f 1�Rtt U > W W O c onn4 ; o o a DRAWING NO.: BEFORE YOU DIG! CALL 1-800-632-4949 '��. rqN T. B� C500 �� ,�``��� N.C. ONE —CALL CENTER IT'S THE LAWI SHEET 11 OF 30 F 7 6 5 4 p 2s0 ti��i�/ LEGEND "gyp ��/ice BASIN 11 23 C603 � \ — — PROPERTY LINE /j% � �� l\ 1 \ 300' PROPERTY BUFFER %� pdr \ II 1 EXISTING STREAMS I\ I SKIMMER BASIN 10 35 50' STREAMS BUFFER J \ / ,j—\ \\1\�II(( (/i (I I \�C605 lEXISTING WETLANDS NORTH /, _ \ \ I � \ \ ��\\�� 50' WETLANDS BUFFER \ BASIN 10 23 2603 \ / \ -- EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR Ca EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR / \ \ / DOWNCHUTE PERIMETER 22 17 270 260 ��-_�1 \ \� \ \ 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN BUFFER \ / / CHANNEL INTERSECTION C60 C60 280 260 ho 27011' \\ \ \ \ \ \ M PHASE LIMIT/EDGE OF LINER IL\ I 300 MAJOR CONTOUR — P� ETER DITCH 14 28 29 ��0 30 CULVERT 7 28 29 PERIMETER DITCH 15 Coo 0 / ,) \\ \ o PERIMETER ROAD 14 C604 C604 A� C604 C604 C604 �� ✓ / I N MINOR CONTOUR \ \ PER DITCH 13 27 C60 0 \ �h`� h/ / PERIMETER ROAD / \ V 1" ! / `� �� _ 28 29 / % _// PERIMETER DITCH N ME% \ PERIMETER DITCH 15 � CULVERT 6 30 � � �, �° C604 j j 0 �6,0 V / / � C604 ry 0' , C604 C604 _ // / - DOWNCHUTE BASIN 12 23 --'2S0 , Illil // ,0/�/ ^�. /��/ / / / ST CULVERT RIPRAP APRON TACK -ON DITCH If 2 y 16 21 DOWNCHUTE\ I I `� I I/ / NOTES 0 0 ) L PERIMETER DITCH 12 28 29 '��' � � � �1�� � I 'I � � 1. CONTOURS SHOWN AS SUBGRADE INSIDE THE CELL AREA AND C604 S�° �� \ l�l) li J ) PERIMETER GRADING OUTSIDE THE CELL AREA. SLOPES DEPICTED C604 ,%/ / NUMERICALLY ARE PROVIDED ONLY FOR REFERENCE. /// 29 % /� f I 2. SILT GAGE SHALL BE INSTALLED UPON SEDIMENT POND _ / \ PERIMETER DITCH 1148C604 C604 �0 p �� ) �^ �\\ \ CONSTRUCTION. ti �1 \\ 1 c,'j 3. RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION SHALL BE PLACED AT THE OUTLET OF THE PERIMETER DITCHES IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE INSTALLATIONS OF �` IrII //�� / I ` /�/o \✓\�\ \�• I �j,THE DITCHES. - //►. (� / 0 3 p \-�,��� 4. CHECK DAMS SHALL BE INSTALLED AS THE DITCHES ARE o� CONSTRUCTED. i CULVERT 5 30�/ 5. SEDIMENT BASIN 10, CULVERT 7, AND PERIMETER DITCHES 14 & C604 6°� //��� / 300 �t�0 15 AND ACCESS ROAD SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH PHASE 4 - I'r CELL 1 CONSTRUCTION. 10 off' / �� �°r°='/�'J II ►f ,r \ , \\�� c�5° )/cJ \ II ) I \�_�/ \ 6. SEDIMENT BASIN 12, CULVERT 6, PERIMETER DITCHES 12 AND 13 PERIMETER DITCH 9 28 29 / / 1� AND PORTIONS OF THE ACCESS ROAD SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH PHASE 4 - CELL 2 CONSTRUCTION. (PERIMETER DITCH 10 28 29 N AA° III ( \\ IIII 1/i \ / '7. SEDIMENT BASIN 13, CULVERTS 4 & 5, PERIMETER DITCHES 9, 10, 1 I�� _ �I C604 C604 w h9° IIII ` \ /' III ( \ // & 1 1 AND PORTIONS OF THE ACCESS ROAD SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH PHASE 4 CELL 2. / \ f� 28 J T / PERIMETER DITCH 8 8. SEDIMENT BASIN 14, CULVERT 3, PERIMETER DITCHES 5, 6 AND I ° I L\� \ \ \�_/� I / PORTIONS OF ACCESS ROAD SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH PHASE C604 C604 5� ° r 111�\��\\\ \ ry I (/ 5 - CELL 3 & CELL 4 CONSTRUCTION. AV-\\\\�\ \ \��� 1`� //� / l I 9. THIS DRAWING DEPICTS THE STORMWATER DESIGN DURING FINAL CULVERT 4 30 L O // \ �\ \ /�—/ \ /// / / \\\ \ �/ / / / CONDITIONS. E/ C604 10. DIVERSION CHANNELS, TACK -ON SWALES, CULVERTS, OUTLET e / 11lllllllll�,�\ \\ \�—� PROTECTION, DOWNCHUTES, AND OTHER FEATURES WILL BE I \ / 111i11 PERIMETER DITCH 7 28 29 �/) I /% / JI CONSTRUCTED AT THE APPROXIMATE LOCATIONS SHOWN AND/OR AT 1 C604 C604 I OTHER LOCATIONS DETERMINED BY ANSON COUNTY LANDFILL. 0 B/A�SIN 13 �u � / -� � �0 C603 / - I `� I \ \ I // / ) \ \ \/// \ 11. REFER TO DRAWINGS C600-C605 FOR CONSTRUCTION DETAILS AS (, '// o (IIII` III l I yr / / i �.\j /�( 50 NOTED ON THESE PLANS. r11177 /j����i%tip �p� / / ti� �,"�,�°°�° o `` i► II II J /// /J (� �• f III I TOP OF LANDFILL PERIMETER DITCH 6 29 29 TOP OF FINAL COVER 5 - \ / / �° J n DITCH TYPICAL ( 3 0 0 w �,, �,, N o III I N I V (CAP SYSTEM) C600 // h )/ 1 ` I 3 f o U' cr o 0 0 o I 1 I C604 C604 300 � / / i / / h o �)� I \ `I .� � N � it'�� AVI//IIll w No0o I I TOP OF LANDFILL ` DITCH -TYPICAL 4%h, (ill I I — \\ wo /r, o BASIN 14 23 TOP OF LAN ITCH N CULVERT 2 30 0 3 C604 o Ss2o\ �o INSTALL EROSION CONTROL 33A 33 r,, SOo o MATTING AT 3H:1V C605 C605 % o �90 o \ PERIMETER SLOPES (TYP.)\`\\ 480 / \\ SILT FENCE 32 2g0 4�0 440 PERIMETER DITCH 5 28 29 430 C604 C604 4420 PERIMETER ROAD 14 �90 3g 0 \ \`_ C60 2 28 29 PERIMETER DITCH 3 '380 PERIMETER DITCH 4 28 29 35�0 C604 C604 \ N' 3340 PERIMETER DITCH 2 28 29 0 3? 28 29 PERIMETER o ( \ \ \ CULVERT 2 30 0 / `• C604 \�i\ III C604 C604 C604 C604 \\�\ CULVERT 1 30 \ \ —�� \\\ a LrI REF�EENC� - \� — — 1. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY WITHIN WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS PROVIDED °o AT 2-FT CONTOUR INTERVALS BY GPI (JOB NO. 18-006); DATE OF AERIALBASIN 15 23 PHOTOGRAPHY JANUARY 15, 2018. �'f \\_=`=��J / C603 2. LIDAR TOPOGRAPHY OUTSIDE WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS ACQUIREDLrI FROM NC DOT GIS. 3. WETLANDS INFORMATION PROVIDED BY CWS ON AUGUST 8, 2016.Jo 4. 0 4. FEMA FLOODPLAIN INFORMATION FROM NCFLOODMAPS. MAP NUMBERS: �� \� \\�—� �� ��� /�� \\� \ 3710644500J, 3710644600J, 3710645500J, 3710645600J. �� \ �\� � �� --� ��----- � �\��: 7 6 IIVIV�I�'J ///,ti L / 210/� // I Vy0/ /,6x / _ 011 / / ^W/ / /\ \q l�lili�////�/ /�///�✓ / - \ ) ► I } >>/�,�I \ �� �//////z z/��/�/�_� ll�lll/ / / //// //ll 11I l// //� % /////// / I I /ry/ f�/�///�/ ��__�^/ \ I I /� �� �z / 1 / l �l 111/ill/� /�/ /i I /�/ /o /��A// // 1 I (( li s ) 0 10: U z LU o Z O cn o W Ir o w 0 U Z O 0 W m 0 a � ❑ d 1 U � n corn rlcm ) � M O iy M N 1 1 U rn E aXo LPL .E- U � 0 N a 0) � t W E a d �► U O O T U Lf)ZQ Lu � Z_ QUO J J Zaa� 01 J =V Q J _ C� O Z pc CL z LL. Q W Z = M = W O WVwC) a o Z p 1= 0 � °° Z aQa U 2 U m Z n � m N ZT J W a Z r m r m ❑ Q z <W Y / �yii o./// /iij/// / \�� I I 1 I 1�,i1/ / NORTH CAROLINA 0 o l //�// / // // / ,x oi/ /i/ / / ^ H 1 / )ll/ll//l l /////// % ,,�j( �ll�, l / \ /// /////'?/j ��/////// / �� I \\� °�N/(I)1// BOARD OF EXAMINERS C.? o ///i/il llll ly//��/ / ��I) )tll / lr/ / /���r/ ,0 .// / / �� f I \ ) cc N / l/ // // / / / / /(//JJ (I / /�/ �// 3�`�0/// / /i-- / I I / `-� \ �/) SCALE IN FEET FOR ENGINEERS AND W II SURVEYORS LICENSE W T /// // /, / /� // // % /// �/ /� /� / I \ I I ✓��)) III)/)) �\ �� m 110V0 200 400 a /o� NO. C-3035 / / �/� / o \ I \ 1 ` w / 1/ Lu J \ \ \\\\ ////l/////�////////,r/�/j/�/ �� I //j/(�/// //��/ �� l\ ( �\ \ I I I II \\ \1\\��(� �Il�ll\ \J� I) I\p r/ J( �/" ,.�`: t%UAF Hcn } �i� t�• o F- w /.;. LLJ SEAL 03 0 9�Z�4 ❑ ❑ � a 29 // �— '�\\\\ (� �� /! 1 �\ \ �11\\ \ III )� \J \ (l �e I • DRAWING NO.: o /i�c_ \\ - \ IIIIII t 1\ lZ'-='\\\\\�\\\�\��/////�//I-i iI o\,��II l1 \ 1 I� •.�11•`'!�!��t��•"� JJ \\ \\\ \\\ \\\\\\\ \\\/// l / o \ \\ \ \�� \\\\��\\�Jj l / l /////// ( I �\ \����j r \\\\\\ / / 1 1 \ \ 1 I I I) BEFORE YOU DIG! �, J ^ \ \ \\ \\\ C / / I \ I Il I�)f J I \\ )J / ( CALL 1-800-632-4949 �,Y'gIV T. �� C501 / r c� / \ \ \\��✓_ N.C. ONE CENTER /// 1 I / / / ( 1 CJ I IrI��(j)\��J1)) I J ) IT'S THE LAW( I I Jr r /�- \ SHEET 12 OF 30 5 4 3 G F 7 6 F 4 3 LEGEND PROPERTY LINE I 300' PROPERTY BUFFER EXISTING STREAMS ✓✓ / \ \ �s �� ./ / /z,/^ I 50' STREAM BUFFER /%i\��\\ ` �i i I // / �'sp EXISTING WETLANDS NORTH _ /� `� NORTH _ _ %ij�s Nis \ / 1 /����� �. s r, l l ) 1 Iva /'J\ 50' WETLANDS BUFFER 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN Ole HE jai 'i IV EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR �' 1 1 \ \\ EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR 0 "' /� /,� \ •\ /� //N' 2�C,�6 \'L\ ry PHASE LIMIT/EDGE OF LINER 2 (�/00 2 v ,o /1 _\ 0,1 li / 3p0 N 0• ,\4> ° J \ \` / -� Sp / 3p �i �ltQ ^4' O 1 \ CELL LIMIT � \ � � MAJOR CONTOUR / GRE Zoo Za o0 BROWN / -2 t200 �. "� - A i ((� ) / i BROWN ,N/ Zg0 0 ,A\� h� MINOR CONTOUR / I �-a PHASE 4 J I (��2 // 0 0 \\ WASTE FILL/CLOSURE AREA i FLOOR LINER SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION AREA \ �o 60 PHASE 3 �/ /��, o ��o PHASE 3 , \ NOTE: INTERMEDIATE FINAL COVER SLOPES BETWEEN PHASES ARE `� 10 � � / � o i�o r� �// \\� NOT SHOWN. MAXIMUM INTERMEDIATE SLOPE SHALL BE \ / p'"�� ° �G ` v, 10 �aQ i/ oG �j o r7 r//yam \��� 3.5:1 . �/0 3 o `tiL\•tip' 3 f �`LO i� I / /^ti�•�� 30 / I I l�/ o cb V J 1 \ I EXISTING I 0" ��' O � C� �� W M oN I` � PERIMETER ROAD � O rn oo \\ � \ �lii II PERIMETER ROAD / � � w QO o � �-- , � \ I \ � o � EXISTING p' \\ 1 \ I BASIN 3 �I BASIN 3 I / w �N \\\ \ I J I 0 0 III I+ II` 7 \ � � S11 �� ( o // �► 1�\max l�'i I�� II` � /IIII I �— �1I► 1 I % � / 2 �•' / °/ g0, I � �111 IIIII \\�\ \ \, , i % -� 2�� � � °� \ ii � � � � �- __--� // - ' 310 r6o ��o� ` oo // •09 I Iliii�\ \� \ \� �� �% ' o �� `�� 400 �° (l �i •o� ` I �I \� \ \� I/__ / / �/ / � / �, � I � � I I III � I �/ / / / � / o, � ° � % � I III � ► � � � / N, o . II �I ��� I IIIII�IIII \ ✓,_ ��/� ://%�/��� tio� '0 90 IN � o '1 310 1 � _ _ IIIIII �✓ l/,, � �� � �o� 0 90 �N � o \- J � � IIIII���✓ �/,, J/ L EXISTING PHASE 2 7 I o � NP 0000' i E_X —�ISSTI�NGW EXIST V 61///BASIN 2 l 2so vjoo IrM- W \I\ /, 2s 28o=2so — / �0 1\\\���_ �_ — o 3� 1 '� � } �\\\\ .2so co o 0 O�C330� �✓ \\\ o ' 3I0 0/330 `" 260 N o°` / o o a2 ► I 1 \\� � 310 0 0tr 31G3-�2��32 cSom. cc 320 320 /// ► ° ���- o2`� ////E� X/STING \ BASIN 1 '510- / ///�///,\\\ 29p N � ������ //` (``�/,•,����` ``\\ 29p N / � ������ /�o � ( ��\`\\� -�//� 5111 I ; I /� / / Zg0 9 0 .� o --� / // � / �i �� / �j/�( )/�/� _ ��(�,\ 1(( 2go � o .� O � _,. / // � / �i �� / � � //f ( �/�/� - ��(I✓� \ � �/� <\ som90 280 r 300 / C / 1\ ' l l I �j%/ EX/STING ��y \ _ ��p0 280 Q� 2Q� \ �� / / �( \ 2g 2 300 f \ /\ / / \��/ l EX/STING I I 1 ( I \ 9 /�/ CEMETERY (ltf l Il ll ��° 0 00 300 o p o. \ ( `\ / l / / IIII CEMETERY % l ) \ �_ \ "> \ / // Al / / / ! /"\ - )\ \\\�� �'\ \\ \ \ \ / / // \ \\ _ \\ 3p `�O \ \ \ / / / I / \/- v \ \\ ��-� \\ 30 \coo \ \ \ / -\ EX/STING // PHASE / /%.jEXISTING o PHASE 1lt// 29p 9 /j/ 0• 29 290 \ / / 1 / / �300 N \ l // /%/ PROPERTY - \3 0 �\\�\�. \ \ %�\I� �/, �IC,I //�/� ��� �_ - 3 0 -�\\�\ \ / f II `i %�/ \ \\I� i �/� \\\\I -�� \ \. l f / \� I / //����\��`�' LINE ERTY �a EX/STING ACCESS ROAD �� \\ \Iz ) \ \ )� LINE i _ EX/STING ACCESS ROAD ( / \\ \\\ / / z lob- \ I J IIT, << N 111\I 111OV 111 \I\ III III I\ll 1 % �` I (\ cD� EX/STING RALEXISTING :/STNG RAILROAD Q�Ir(\ EXISTING �MA/NTENAN,CE.�\ \ \\\\ MAINTENANCE IIIBUILDING � \ \ l \ \ EXISTING .� `� \_ EXISTING - \\� LEACHATE ���\ii ` ''� _ rllll �� _ I \ I IIII I \ - LEACHATE l I t� \�\� \^_ / —' \���-� "1(I I I \\�i \�_ _/ r / \_ L \. STORAGE \ / I II I (� \ \ \ �- l I �\ j I I I - \ \ \ \ STORAGES l III \ \ \ \ \l - \ I - - I I \-- \ AREA \� I l III \ l / / II III 1 I�-- ; _-\ \ /-\ \ AREA �� \ I \� I 1 \� I\ \ \\li N PHASE 3 TO PHASE 4 FILL PROGRESSION PHASE 4 TO PHASE 5 FILL PROGRESSION mm REFERENCE 1. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY WITHIN WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS PROVIDED AT 2-FT CONTOUR INTERVALS BY GPI (JOB NO. 18-006); DATE OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY JANUARY 15, 2018. 2. LIDAR TOPOGRAPHY OUTSIDE WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS ACQUIRED FROM NC DOT GIS. 3. WETLANDS INFORMATION PROVIDED BY CWS ON AUGUST 8, 2016. 4. FEMA FLOODPLAIN INFORMATION FROM NCFLOODMAPS. MAP NUMBERS: 3710644500J, 3710644600J, 3710645500J, 3710645600J. 0 cc U W o a_ z O Fn o W c o w 0 z z 0 0 W co Lu El o a o � o 1�U1 ^ T cocm cm rl ) co o is ��yy iy m N 1 1 U co E �--i Q x o LL ' M 1 � 0 N a9) W � a d �► U 0 O T U ,^ Z a Lucn Z J QUO J zaa� J C� O Z p� azo0 aJ�z Q W ~~Mz Z = � = W O WVwC) a in Z 0 1= cnMz aQa U m n m V Z N N (D T Z Z J Oa Z � a rm r O m� Z w We Q W NORTH CAROLINA a0 W cn o BOARD OF EXAMINERS J o c SCALE IN FEET FOR ENGINEERS AND J C3 N II SURVEYORS LICENSE ILO w r a 300 60o NO. C-3035 Z a w a� J J_ w 0 �• %14 CAR. LL a ,; �o •Fs�Q •y�-, Q ° o ;q U C/) U w > 0 C.I. �� — If • 039i14 - o o L Q ' --'�� DRAWING NO.: BEFORE YOU DIG! '4�E•t��;�, e'eee C502 CALL 1-800-632-4949 qM T. �� ��'` N.C. ONE -CALL CENTER IT'S THE LAWI SHEET 13 of 30 6 5 A 7 6 1 1 1 3 1 21 IZ REFERENCE 1. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY WITHIN WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS PROVIDED AT 2—FT CONTOUR INTERVALS BY GPI (JOB NO. 18-006); DATE OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY JANUARY 15, 2018. 2. LIDAR TOPOGRAPHY OUTSIDE WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS ACQUIRED FROM NC DOT GIS. 3. WETLANDS INFORMATION PROVIDED BY CWS ON AUGUST 8, 2016. 4. FEMA FLOODPLAIN INFORMATION FROM NCFLOODMAPS. MAP NUMBERS: 3710644500J, 3710644600J, 3710645500J, 3710645600J. NORTH _ � EEC BROWN PERIMETER ROAD I / C c,+ /ov o r 290 290 ma 1 gy% �— ���� PROPERTY — 3 Ij//j \\� �`_�_` LINE / �_i EXISTING ACCESS ROAD 11 ;l (j I� I(Irll/11��11\�� \ \ 1111\III \ II\l l 1 %ice ) —� � � %��✓ \\ I Ao\ //- � —EX/SRNG RAILROAD Nx\\I 1x FINAL CLOSURE FILL PROGRESSION jEX/STING BASIN I //�i �) " 0 ho \�JrtJl°(( 1 � i ��l` ✓� � hil - `� LEGEND PROPERTY LINE — 300' PROPERTY BUFFER EXISTING STREAMS 50' STREAM BUFFER EXISTING WETLANDS 50' WETLANDS BUFFER 100—YEAR FLOODPLAIN -- EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR fa fa ffffffffa ffffffffa ffffffffa PHASE LIMIT/EDGE OF LINER CELL LIMIT MAJOR CONTOUR MINOR CONTOUR WASTE FILL/CLOSURE AREA NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF EXAMINERS SCALE IN FEET FOR ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS LICENSE 0 300 600 NO. C-3035 0 cc U z W o Z 0 w F❑ W c o w U Z O cn m 0 ro a � no 1�U1 ^ T co � z � ti oU. i. iy m N 1 1 U rn E ' i Q x o 111CIS � � ._ U ' M 1 � 0 N a coi m IL PIP a o 0 o T z_ Lo Lu Z Q00 —1 J Zaa� O =VJ z � 0 IL a�z Q W ~~aZ Z = � = W O WVLu a in Z 0 1= cnMz aQa U U Z f.V N 4n (D 7- Z Z J Oa �Z Q 0 r m Z r m ❑ w W (n � a � W = 0 W J J �R ❑ U N O M O p � c m r Za W a� J J L) w 0 LL 444441111Af IfRt g� CAr' O rf U U > i . I SEAL• c� (r t I 039t14 - o o Q DRAWING NO.: BEFORE YOU DIG!","� •'Q�Et�' �' CALL 1-800-632-4949 ''rqMT�f�����'`�. C503 N.C. ONE —CALL CENTER 'l ' IT'S THE LAWI SHEET 14 of 30 11 5 E:3 7 BASE AREAS ISIDE SLOPES l� 5 4 3 BASE AREAS ISIDE SLOPES 2 F DOUBLE -SIDED HEAT -BONDED DRAINAGE GEOCOMPOSITE TRANSMISSIVITY > 5X10-4 m%ec) LANDFILL WASTE--"/ 3 1 WITH 8 OZ/SY NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE ON BOTH SIDES. SLOPE VARIES (2% MIN.) N 24" PROTECTIVE COVER `14PROTECTIVE COVER (PERMEABILITY > 1.9X10-4 CM/S) COMPACTED SOIL LINER/ (PERMEABILITY < 1 X 1 O-7 CM/S) 60 MIL. TEXTURED HDPE PREPARED SUBGRADE, NATURAL GEOMEMBRANE UNDER INORGANIC SOIL OR COMPACTED GEOCOMPOSITE STRUCTURAL FILL SOIL BACKFILL CMPACTED TO 95% OF THE STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY j j w V) w o �I J COMPACTED LOW PERMEABILITY FILL 2% SLOPE FOOT SLOPE 3' Nl�)BASE LINER SYSTEM C600 BASE LINER SYSTEM C600 N.T.S. 4'-0" Of z w J cf) w 0 n o � w I 0 w w c� z ol J w w 0 w c� 0 N 4 3 LINER SYSTEM ANCHOR TRENCH C600 N.T.S. FINAL COVER ANCHOR TRENCH AND LINER TERMINATION C600 N.T.S. DOUBLE -SIDED HEAT -BONDED — DRAINAGE GEOCOMPOSITE (TRANSMISSIVITY > 5X10-4 WITH 8 OZ/SY NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE ON BOTH SIDES. LANDFILL WASTE SLOPE VARIES (2% MIN.) f 24" PROTECTIVE COVER N eo j/ // j 18" CLAY LINER COMPACTED SOIL LINER/ (PERMEABILITY : 1X10-5 CM/S) PREPARED SUBGRADE, NATURAL INORGANIC SOIL OR COMPACTED STRUCTURAL FILL LOCATION LINER MARKER PERIMETER CHANNEL (SEE DETAILS 28, 29 ON SHEET C604) 3 1 � � / _// � / / REINFORCED GOESYNTHETIC CLAY LINER (GCL) -(K : 1X10-9 CM/SEC) UNDER GEOMEMBRANE 60 MIL. TEXTURED HDPE GEOMEMBRANE UNDER GEOCOMPOSITE 2 ALTERNATE BASE LINER SYSTEM C600 N.T.S. 4 ANCHOR TRENCH LOCATION MARD ER C600 N.T.S. PROTECTIVE COVER (PERMEABILITY > 1.9X10-4 CM/S) /6" TOP SOIL 18" PROTECTIVE COVER /�\/ 12" INTERMEDIATE COVER / WASTE 5 CAP SYSTEM C600 N.T.S. DOUBLE -SIDED HEAT -BONDED GEOCOMPOSITE (TRANSMISSIVITY > 5X10-4 mec) WITH 8 OZ/SY NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE ON BOTH SIDES. 40 MIL. TEXTURED LLDPE GEOMEMBRANE (PERMEABILITY < 1X10-5 CM/S) \✓ 14/ v �✓ %6'` TOP SOIL/�/��/\�/� DOUBLE SIDED HEAT -BONDED GEOCOMPOSITE (TRANSMISSIVITY > 5X10-4 18" PROTECTIVE COVER WITH 8 OZ/SY NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE ON BOTH SIDES. — — — — — — — — — — — — - ------------- 40 MIL. TEXTURED 12"INTERMEDIATE C� ER LLDPE GEOMEMBRANE REINFORCED GOESYNTHETIC CLAY LINER (GCL) (K < 5X10-9 CM/SEC) UNDER GEOMEMBRANE s ALTERNATE CAP SYSTEM C600 N.T.S. NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF EXAMINERS FOR ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS LICENSE NO. C-3035 U w 0 d Z 0 0 w c� W c o W 0 U 00 0 w o Q� o� O Iz C� ICI ti r N W OO +'� N Z � *- O o r• MN 1 1 U a) E 111 L .� 1 � Q N co y t W c a o 0 1 r V U Ln Z WaQ Z ch Z J QC)0 J zaa°C 0 =VJ Q U0= azo0 aQ�z Q J w Z = = W O WVWU a p Z 0oc0 V / uj Q Q Q = U m n m 0 Z N N Lb W r W m p Z m w w Y U 0 Lu o U U b� I= m w z in Z 2 U 0 U w CA r r+ 0 fn •Q •. U U > R b� _ ' w U O w 0 O o�rla - o o Q A DRAWING NO.: 5 I 4 3 BEFORE YOU DIGI CALL 1-800-632-4949 N.C. ONE -CALL CENTER IT'S THE LAWI ` C600 SHEET 15 OF 30 1 M. 5 2 H EXISTING CELL NEW CELL 1 CONTINUOUSLY WELD NEW GEOMEMBRANE C600 TO EXISTING CELL GEOMEMBRANE F E W M EXISTING GEOCOMPOSITE LINER EXISTING PROTECTIVE COVER j/ / ��/�// EXISTING / / EXISTING CLAY LINER / GO MEM B RAN E LINER PREPARED SUBGRADE, NATURAL- INORGANIC SOIL OR COMPACTED STRUCTURAL FILL 9 CELL LINER SYSTEM TIE-IN C601 N.T.S. 4' q CELL DIVID R BERM 11 CELL DIVIDER BERM C601 N.T.S. UPSTREAM OF PROPOSED CELL 14 PERIMETER BERM AND HAUL ROAD SECTION C601 N.T.S. BERM MADE OF PROTECTIVE COVER MATERIAL GEOCOMPOSITE 1 o OPERATIONAL BERM C601 N.T.S. (COMPACTED TO 95% OF THE STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY) DOWNSTREAM OF PROPOSED CELL 24" PROTECTIVE COVER AS NEEDED EXISTI GROU 6" PL,., 11 HDPE PIPE /EN UEU I F-A I ILE FHDfRIU W/ 2' OVERLAP (SURROUNDING AGGREGATE) 12 TYPICAL SECTION PERFORATED PIPE UNDERDRAIN C601 N.T.S. w I ///- LABEL a_ .. 4"X4" TREATED WOOD POST PAINTED YELLOW MANUALLY COMPACTED BACKFILL NOTE: UNDERDRAIN PIPE LOCATION MARKER TO BE FIELD LOCATED AT END OF UNDERDRAIN 1'-O" MIN. PIPE DOWNSTREAM. 13 UNDERDRAIN PIPE LOCATION MARO ER C601 N.T.S. NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF EXAMINERS FOR ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS LICENSE NO. C-3035 0 Ir O W p LL a Z 0 O 0 w F W 0 w 0 U Z O W co m 0 m m W o Q � N C� ^ r N 0o -4-D N � Z C-4 0 n MN 1 1 U a) E 111 L .E � M Q N m co y t W c a a> o 0 rn 1 r V U � Z Waa zZ cn J a00 J ZaaCC O =VJ U0=cc aZLL. 0 aaI_Z Q JCL w Z = = W O /WVWC.) li Q Z 0 1= cn m z Z Q Q Q = U = m n m 0 z N u L0 W r J_ Q W m 0 Z } m W w Y U O Lu o U m w z H m c Z v O U w %14 CA r Olaf r+ •Q •. U U U w > O brw, EAL ' — LLI U 0 oC 039r14 - o o Q DRAWING NO.: 8 7 I 6 5 I 4 3 BEFORE YOU DIGI CALL 1-800-632-4949 N.C. ONE —CALL CENTER IT'S THE LAWI C601 SHEET 16 OF 30 E:3 C� CI 3 2 G E 6.8' w CENTERLINE OF TACK -ON SWALE3 FLOW DISCHARGING FROM TACK -ON SWALE LOW POINT 3 1 0 3 1 Z I , - � \ \ INTERIM 19 \\ TACK -ON \ SWALE C60 GEOMEMBRANE LINED DOWNCHUTE 2 \ \ \ \ \ \ G4 cn I NOTE: UNDER INTERMEDIATE SLOPE CONDITIONS, THE DOWNCHUTES WILL I� BOTH BE LINED WITH GEOMEMBRANE. I \ TOP OF INTERIM TACK -ON BENCH ACpK �N CHARGING FROfN 2 SWALE LOW PAINT 1 — �7 — C GEOMEMBRANE LINING CENTERLINE OF TACK -ON SWALE FLOW DISCHARGING FROM CAP GEOCOMPOSITE 2 , - � \ U' INTERIM 19 \\ TACK -ON \ BENCH C60 ry \\\ \ \ FLOW FROM TOP OF FINAL COVER SOIL _ C' Asom— cn NOTE: UNDER FINAL SLOPE CONDITIONS, THE TACK -ON BENCHES WILL BE VEGETATED AND THE DOWNCHUTES 1 WILL BE LINED WITH GEOMEMBRANE. 1 40-MIL GEOMEMBRANE LINING 1� N �1 �o. 3 3 4' / SECTION ANCHORMITRENCH 15 DOD NCHUTE - INTERIM C60 N.T.S. SCARIFY SURFACE AND STRIP VEGETATION PRIOR TO FILLING FOR SWALE AND BERM INSTALL SC150 MATTING ON 2:1 BERM SLOPE AND TOP SCARIFY SURFACE AND STRIP VEGETATION PRIOR TO FILLING FOR SWALE AND BERM INSTALL SC150 MATTING ON 2:1 BERM SLOPE AND TOP WASTE INTERMEDIATE COVER SOIL INTERIM TACO -ON SO ALE - TYPICAL N.T.S. WASTE INTERMEDIATE COVER SOIL FINAL TACO -ON SO ALE - TYPICAL N.T.S. INTERIM LANDFILL ci nor LOW POINT DRAINS TO DOWNCHUTE C600 C600 1 3 3 1 6' 3:1 0 GEOMEMBRANE LINED DOWNCHUTE DOWNCHUTE GEOMEMBRANE TO BE REMOVED OR ABANDONED IN PLACE PRIOR TO CAP INSTALLATION 4' SECTION 16 DOD NCHUTE - FINAL C60 N.T.S. I DOUBLE GEOMEMBRANE LINING I I I Icn cn I I I I I I I 2 LAYERS OF 40-MIL GEOMEMBRANE LINING 1'x1' (MIN.) ANCHOR TRENCH 1 3 NOTE: CHANNEL OR PIPE DOWNCHUTES MAY BE INSTALLED IN THE LOCATIONS SHOWN ON SHEETS C500 & C501. GEOMEMBRANE LII BAS H ETS I� PERIMETER CHANNEL f l 1 DOD NCHUTE[PERIMETER CHANNEL INTERSECTION PLAN VIED C60 N.T.S. GABION I_ 4, MIN -� BASHETS GEOMEMBRANE LINING CHANNEL 10' MIN. WALLS PROJECTED ❑ ❑❑ ❑ ❑❑ ❑ ❑❑ CLASS A-1 GROUTED RIPRAP ❑ ❑ ❑❑ 18 DOD NCHUTE[IPERIMETER CHANNEL INTERSECTION PROFILE VIED C60 N.T.S. 24" TEE 24"0 HDPE SMOOTH WALL 24"0 HDPE SMOOTH WALL FLEXIBLE FLEXIBLE PIPE MITERED _ _ PIPE CONNECTED TO 24" TEE TO 2H:1 V SLOPE (TYP.) 10' (MIN.) 18" PROTECTIVE COVER MOUND 18" PROTECTIVE SOIL — COVER OVER TOP OF PIPE 2 1 5 6 FINAL COVER SYSTEM C600 C600 SECTION A -A )0 NCHUTE N.T.S. i� 24"0 HDPE SMOOTH WALL FLEXIBLE PIPE CONNECTED TO 24"x24"x24" TEE SIZE VARIES- HDPE SMOOTH WALL FLEXIBLE PIPE S40" opw�cy�TE 27y 28 y 29 i PERIMETE AnAArrniArrf)AJ CHANNEL Sal szu 0 3 SIZE VARIES-HDPE 6" - 12" DIA. WELL -GRADED RIP -RAP TEE FOR ENERGY STONE FOR CHANNEL LINING AT OUTLET, DISSIPATION UNDERLAIN WITH 8 OZ/SY NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE NOTES: 1. THIS OUTLET DESIGN TO BE USED AT ANY LOCATION WHERE THE SLOPE OF THE DISCHARGE PIPE IS GREATER THAN 5%. 2. LARGER STONES (12"-18" DIA.) TO BE USED AROUND TEE DISSIPATOR AS THRUST BLOCKS. 22 SIDE SLOPE DOD NCHUTE OUTLET DISSIPATOR C60 N.T.S. NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF EXAMINERS FOR ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS LICENSE NO. C-3035 f0 O w o GC a Z 0 w O w cn 0 W 0 w 0 U Z 0 r 0 w m a � o � O z ci 1 ^ T coN }� N Z ti *- O 0 n mN 1 1 U a) E h. o irl N cr)N ;§ 1 1 > O ��yy f� M Q ,i N C a a) y t W c a a> O O O 1 r U Ln Z WaQ � Z Z J Q�0 J Z (L 0 J = V C� 0 Z azo0 aQ�z QJw Z = = W O WVWC.) a. 0 Z cn Z 0oc0 cn m z Z aQQ = U m n m 0 Z N fn 6 co r J_ Q W m 0 Z } m w w Y U 0 o U U b � � C14 w z � m Z U 0 U w � r .0. r+ Q 0 •Q •. R U U U w > O _ w � 039r14 - o o Q DRAWING NO.: 8 I 6 5 I 3 BEFORE YOU DIGI CALL 1-800-632-4949 N.C. ONE -CALL CENTER IT'S THE LAWI ` C602 'rr A1, T. B III IA N �r `` SHEET 17 OF 30 E:3 C� 5 CI 3 2 E C604 DRY SEDIMENT BASIN PLAN VIEW TOP OF 5' MIN. BASIN LENGTH STORMWATER EMBANKMENT "A" RUB N OFF PRINCIPAL SPILLWAY (SEE DETAIL BELOW) EMERGENCY SPILLWAY "B" ;?�� -� (SEE DETAIL) 25-YR WATER SURFACE ELEVATION "C" RISER CREST "D" ROCK 31 EARTHEN DAM BERM BAFFLE HEIGHT "E" OUTLET 4'x 1 ' CLEANOUT C604 PROTECTION D I 1 FBASIN BOTTOM."G E �2 K I BARREL 24 ANTI -SEEP COLLAR RISER ANTI - FLOATATION C603 ORIFICE F LAII -1 - -BASIN BOTTOM SLOPE (0.5% MIN.) 25 SKIMMER :603 DRY SEDIMENT BASIN SECTIONAL VIEW 26 CLEANOUT STAKE SEDIMENT BASIN DESIGN TABLE SEDIMENT BASIN NUMBER/NAME A (FMSL) B (FMSL) C (FMSL) D (FEET) E (FEET) F (FEET) G (FMSL) SKIMMER SIZE (IN.) SKIMMER ORIFICE (IN.) BASIN VOLUME (CF) DEWATERING TIME (DAYS) NO. OF SKIMMERS 10 250.00 249.00 248.22 4.00 2.00 1.00 244.00 5.00 5.00 747,550 2.99 1 11 250.00 249.00 248.32 4.00 2.00 1.00 244.00 2.50 2.50 83300 2.64 1 12 290.00 289.00 288.28 4.00 2.00 1.00 284.00 2.00 2.00 37,509 2.24 1 13 284.25 283.00 282.47 4.00 2.00 1.00 278.00 4.00 4.00 356,920 3.33 1 14 266.00 264.00 264.37 4.00 2.00 1.00 260.00 2.00 2.50 83,876 2.91 1 15 296.00 294.00 294.29 8.00 2.00 1.00 286.00 5.00 5.00 1,045,570 3.96 1 SIN -1 ILI ' I LI EMERGENCY SPILLWAY DETAIL DRY SEDIMENT BASIN - GENERAL NOTES RIP -RAP, 10-INCH D50 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC SPILLWAY WIDTH Sw (FT) BASIN 10 20 BASIN 11 20 BASIN 12 20 BASIN 13 40 BASIN 14 20 BASIN 15 20 RIP -RAP STABILIZATION TRASH RACK AND ANTI -VORTEX DEVICE RISER END C INSTALL SKIMMER INTO ORIFICE DHOXo BARREL I pp I PVC TI PRINCIPAL SPILLWAY DETAIL BASIN 10 BASIN 11 BASIN 12 BASIN 13 BASIN 14 BASIN 15 RH = RISER HEIGHT (FT) 4 4 4 4 4 8 DR = RISER DIAMETER (FT) 4 3 3 4 3 3 DH = ORIFICE DIAMETER (IN) 5 2.5 2 4 2.5 5 D= BARREL DIAMETER (FT) 2 2 2 2 2 2 1. SEDIMENT BASINS SHOULD NOT BE PLACED IN WATERS OF THE STATE OR USGS BLUE -LINE STREAMS (UNLESS 6. INSTALL SKIMMER AND COUPLING (AS NECESSARY) TO RISER STRUCTURE AT ORIFICE ALONG BOTTOM OF THE APPROVED BY FEDERAL AUTHORITIES). PRINCIPLE SPILLWAY'S RISER STRUCTURE. (REFER TO SKIMMER MANUFACTURER FOR INSTALLATION PROCEDURES AND SKIMMER SPECIFICATIONS.) 2. SEDIMENT BASIN'S SIDE SLOPES SHALL BE SEEDED AND, WHEN NECESSARY, STABILIZED WITH VEGETATIVE OR SYNTHETIC MATTING TO PREVENT THE FORMATION OF RILLS AND GULLIES. 7. SKIMMER SHOULD BE EQUIPPED WITH A MECHANISM, SUCH AS A ROPE, TO ALLOW EASY ACCESS TO SKIMMER TO UNCLOGGED ORIFICE OR PERFORM OTHER NECESSARY MAINTENANCE. 3. INSTALL THREE (3) ROWS OF POROUS BAFFLES WITH A MINIMUM SPACING OF 10 FEET. BAFFLES SHOULD ULTIMATELY BE PLACED TO MAXIMIZE THE SPACE BETWEEN EACH ROW OF BAFFLES AND THE BASIN'S 8. STORMWATER RUNOFF ENTERING THE BASIN MUST BE DIRECTED INTO PROPER BMPS TO PREVENT EROSION INLETS/OUTLETS. ONLY TWO (2) ROWS OF BAFFLES ARE NECESSARY FOR BASINS THAT ARE LESS THAN 50 ALONG SIDE SLOPES AND TO PREVENT SCOUR AT THE BASIN'S INLETS. FEET IN LENGTH. 9. THE ELEVATION OF THE EMERGENCY SPILLWAY SHOULD BE AT LEAST 1 FOOT BELOW THE TOP OF THE 4. POROUS BAFFLES SHOULD BE COMPOSED OF COIR-BASED MATERIALS OR TRMS WITH A LIGHT PENETRATION EMBANKMENT. THE EMERGENCY SPILLWAY SHOULD NOT BE LOCATED ON FILL MATERIAL, WHEN POSSIBLE. RIPRAP (OPEN SPACES) BETWEEN 10-35%. THESE MATERIALS SHOULD NOT HAVE LOOSE STRAW. SILT FENCE MAY NOT AND GEOTEXTILE LINER SHOULD BE PLACED ON ALL SPILLWAYS THAT MUST BE LOCATED ON FILL MATERIAL. BE USED AS POROUS BAFFLES. 5. EACH POROUS BAFFLES SHALL BE INSTALLED ACROSS THE ENTIRE WIDTH OF THE BASIN AND ALONG THE BASIN'S SIDE SLOPE UNTIL THE HEIGHT OF THE BAFFLE INTERSECTS THE SLOPE. 23 SEDIMENT BASIN C603 N.T.S. 1'-0" MIN. BAND OF HELICAL PIPE COLLAR TO BE ED TO CENTER ROD AND LUG ELICAL PIPE BAND PARTIAL ELEVATION END VIEW EMBANKMENT PVC ELBOW 'VC END CAP 1/2" HOLES SIDE SCH 40 PVC PIPE WELD 1 1/8" x 1 1/8" x 1 1/8" ANGLES TO COLLAR OR BEND A 90' ANGLE 1 1/8" WIDE AS SHOWN IN DRAWING. 1 1/8" 1/8' L SHEET METAL COLLAR SHALL BE CUT TO FIT CORRUGATIONS OF HELICAL BAND, AND WELDED WITH A CONTINUOUS WELD. ISOMETRIC VIEW 24 HELICAL PIPE ANTI -SEEP COLLAR C603 N.T.S. TOP VIEW WATER SURFACE PROVIDE PROPER HORIZ. CLEARANCE FROM SLOPE IN ORDER TO PROVIDE FREE MOVEMENT OF SKIMMER IFLEXIBLE HOSE f� �1 NOTES: 1. FOR DETAILS OF FABRICATION DIMENSIONS: MINIMUM GAGES, SLOTTED HOLES, AND NOTES, SEE DETAIL. 2. FOR BANDS AND COLLARS: MODIFICATIONS OF THE DETAILS SHOWN MAY BE USED PROVIDING EQUAL WATER TIGHTNESS IS MAINTAINED AND DETAILED DRAWINGS ARE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO DELIVERY. 3. TWO OTHER TYPES OF ANTI -SEEP COLLARS ARE: A. CORRUGATED METAL, SIMILAR TO UPPER, EXCEPT SHOP WELDED TO A SHORT (4FT.) SECTION OF THE PIPE AND CONNECTED WITH CONNECTING BANDS TO THE PIPE. B. CONCRETE, SIX INCHES THICK FORMED AROUND THE PIPE WITH #3 REBAR SPACED 15" HORIZONTALLY AND VERTICALLY. 4. SIZE AND SPACING OF SLOTTED OPENINGS SHALL BE THE SAME AS SHOWN FOR CM COLLAR USE RODS AND LUGS TO CLAMP BANDS SECURELY TO PIPE. PVC VENT PIPE BOTTOM SURFACE TTT_ -III- -� FRONT VIEW AFTER SKIMMER IS INSTALLED CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTE SIZE OF ORIFICE INSTALLED W/ A PERMANENT MARKER - NOTATION TO BE VISIBLE OUTSIDE OF BASIN OSURE UNIT SCHEDULE 40 PVC PIPE NOTE: 1. REFERENCE NCDEQ EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL, SECTION 6.64. 2. SKIMMER SHALL BE AS MANUFACTURED BY JW FAIRCLOTH OR APPROVED EQUAL BY THE ENGINEER. 25 SO IMMER C603 N.T.S. SCHEDULE 40 PVC PIPE ORIFICE PLACE PVC TEE BEFORE YOU DIGI CALL 1-800-632-4949 N.C. ONE -CALL CENTER IT'S THE LAWI NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF EXAMINERS FOR ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS LICENSE NO. C-3035 O w o GC a Z 0 O W w w cc 0 U Z O r 0 w r r co m 0 m w o a � 0 N 0 z I --I ti ^ T N 0o }� N � Z C-4 *- O 0 n mN1aE--� t_6 Q11 ,L .L) cr)N 4' ' N § 1 � � M Q N a 0) � y t W = a a> o O a) N 1 r U L Z Waa Z ch Z J a00 J Z (L 0 j = J V QJ I= _ V0= azo0 a�z IL Q J w m Z = = W O a.Uu-J 0 Z 0 oc 0 � m � Z Q Q Q U m n m V Z N CD r J_ Q W m 0 Z m m w w Y U 0 Lu o U U b m w z m U) Z 2 U 0 U w 1,1111110110" r 0��S�af 'r ¢ Zz o dQ• U W U w > o is SEA4. = w o a 439Y14 = o o � a %� DRAWING NO.: ` ,�mF-1-`;�e��3 C603 4tjT. fell N01� SHEET 18 OF 30 8 6 5 CI 3 E:3 7 t� BAFFLE MATERIAL 5 HEAVY DUTY PLASTIC TIES 4 2 G E u SUPPORT ROPE OR WIRE TO I PREVENT SAGGING 1.25 LB/FT STEEL SUPPORT POST 24" INTO BOTTOM OR SIDE SLOPES STAKE FOR SUPPORT WIRE \-- COIR-BASED MATERIALS OR TRMs, TRENCHED INTO BOTTOM AND SIDE SLOPES CROSS SECTION VIEW POROUS BAFFLE ROW NON -CONCENTRATED OUTFLOW I��I I� II BOTTOM OF SEDIMENT BASIN OR TRAP --SIDE SLOPES OF SEDIMENT PERSPECTIVE VIEW BASIN OR TRAP 1.0' MIN. COVER COMPACTED' �� 2-2/3'k1/2" UNCLASSIFIED �000000 CORRUGATIONS FILL (D+2') 16 GAUGE (MIN.) (MIN.) 6" THICK (MIN.) UNCLASSIFIED PIPE BEDDING SECTION A -A W2 END OF FLARED W1 END OF APRON PLAN COMPACTED OR -J UNDISTURBED SOIL NATURAL GRADE 26 POROUS BAFFLE C604 N.T.S. COM PAc BAFFLE MATERIAL FLAT -BOTTOM TRENCH DETAIL HEAVY DUTY PLASTIC TIES BAFFLE MATERIAL COMPACTED EARTH --\ BAFFLE MATERIAL V-SHAPED TRENCH DETAIL (ISE DETAIL 27 HAS BEEN OMITTED CULVERT SCHEDULE PEAK CULVERT INLET LOCATION OUTLET DISCHARGE DIAMETER NO. LENGTH SLOPE NO. LOCATION (CFS) (IN) BARRELS (FT) M 1 PERIMETER ITCH 1 & BASIN 15 152.05 48 2 126 12.70 2 2 PERIMETERS ITCH 3 & BASIN 15 159.04 36 2 184 1.08 3 PERIMETER DITCH 5 & BASIN 14 37.49 24 1 132 6.06 6 4 PERIMETERDITCHITCH 7 & BASIN 13 171.18 36 2 104 3.85 5 PERIMETER DITCH 9 & PERIMETER DITCH 7.71 18 1 159 1.26 11 10 6 PERIMETERIDITCH 12 & BASIN 12 17.95 18 1 130 1.54 7 PERIMETER DITCH 14 BASIN 10 166.81 48 2 123 9.75 3o CULVERT C604 N.T.S. OUTLET LET La) W1�) W �) T25) H d50121N) dMAX (IN) 4o.o 48 0 24 0 2 61N) 18o B 10.0 16.5 4.5 1.125 6 12 18.0 C 15 17 6 1.125 6 6 9 D 10 12 6 1.125 6 6 9 NCI LM r/AOMIU LAP (IF NEEDED) ELEVATION SECTION B-B NOTES: 1. CLASS OR MEDIAN SIZE OF RIPRAP AND LENGTH, WIDTH AND DEPTH OF APRON TO BE DESIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND ARE SUMMARIZED BELOW. 2. RIPRAP SHOULD EXTEND UP BOTH SIDES OF THE APRON AND AROUND THE END OF THE PIPE OR CULVERT AT THE DISCHARGE OUTLET AT A MAXIMUM SLOPE OF 2:1 AND A HEIGHT NOT LESS THAN TWO THIRDS THE PIPE DIAMETER OR CULVERT HEIGHT. 3. THERE SHALL BE NO OVERFLOW FROM THE END OF THE APRON TO THE SURFACE OF THE RECEIVING CHANNEL. THE AREA TO BE PAVED OR RIPRAPPED SHALL BE UNDERCUT SO THAT THE INVERT OF THE APRON SHALL BE AT THE SAME GRADE (FLUSH) WITH THE SURFACE OF THE RECEIVING CHANNEL. THE APRON SHALL HAVE A CUTOFF OR TOE WALL AT THE DOWNSTREAM END. 4. THE WIDTH OF THE END OF THE APRON SHALL BE EQUAL TO THE BOTTOM WIDTH OF THE RECEIVING CHANNEL. MAXIMUM TAPER TO RECEIVING CHANNEL 5:1. 5. ALL SUBGRADE FOR STRUCTURE TO BE COMPACTED TO 95% OR GREATER. 6. THE PLACING OF FILL, EITHER LOOSE OR COMPACTED IN THE RECEIVING CHANNEL SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED. 7. NO BENDS OR CURVES IN THE HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT OF THE APRON WILL BE PERMITTED. 8. FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE INSTALLED ON COMPACTED SUBGRADE PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF RIP RAP. 9. ANY DISTURBED AREA FROM END OF APRON TO RECEIVING CHANNEL MUST BE STABILIZED. 31 OUTLET PROTECTION C604 N.T.S. GR(" 'm "'A' ` BE T (SEE CHANNEL SCHEDULE BELOW) 28 TRAPEDOIDAL TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT CHANNEL C604 N.T.S. T FINISHED GRADE 'ADE (STING GROUND EXISTING GROUND (SEE CHANNEL SCHEDULE BELOW) 29 TRIANGULAR TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT CHANNEL C604 N.T.S. CHANNEL SCHEDULE CHANNEL DESIGN DEPTH (FT) BO BOM WIDTH (FT) TOP WIDTH (FT) APPROX. SLOPE M SIDE SLOPES (Z1/Z2) CHANNEL LINING PERIMETER DITCH 1 3.5 6.0 25.0 2.00 3/3 NAG SC250 MATTING PERIMETER DITCH 2 4.0 0.0 25.0 8.00 3/3 N/A PERIMETER DITCH 3 2.0 0.0 12.0 8.00 3/3 N/A PERIMETER DITCH 4 4.0 6.0 30.0 3.60 3/3 NAG SC250 MATTING PERIMETER DITCH 5 2.0 0.0 12.0 2.80 3/3 NAG SC250 MATTING PERIMETER DITCH 6 2.0 6.0 18.0 8.00 3/3 NAG SC250 MATTING PERIMETER DITCH 7 2.0 0.0 12.0 8.00 3/3 N/A PERIMETER DITCH 8 3.5 6.0 27.0 2.10 3/3 NAG SC250 MATTING PERIMETER DITCH 9 2.0 0.0 12.0 8.00 3/3 NAG SC250 MATTING PERIMETER DITCH 10 2.0 0.0 12.0 2.00 3/3 NAG SC150 MATTING PERIMETER DITCH 11 2.0 0.0 12.0 8.00 3/3 NAG SC250 MATTING PERIMETER DITCH 12 2.0 0.0 12.0 5.70 3/3 NAG SC250 MATTING PERIMETER DITCH 13 2.0 0.0 12.0 5.80 3/3 NAG SC250 MATTING PERIMETER DITCH 14 2.0 6.0 18.0 6.00 3/3 NAG SC250 MATTING PERIMETER DITCH 15 2.0 6.0 18.0 2.00 3/3 NAG SC150 MATTING PERIMETER DITCH 16 2.5 6.0 18.0 6.00 3/3 NAG SC250 MATTING f2' MIN ' nnunnnTrn rn i 29T TEMPORARY DIVERSION DITCH C604 N.T.S. NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF EXAMINERS FOR ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS LICENSE NO. C-3035 O W p L a Z 0 O U) w W cc 0 w 0 U Z 0 r 0 r co m 0 m w o Q � N 0 Z ICI ti T co }� N z ti - o 0 n MN to 1 U a) E 111 , L .E ;� 1 � M Q N m co W c a a> O O � N 1 r • rl U � Z Lu � Z Z J a00 J zaa°C 0 J = V va= LL azo0 aa0z Q J w m Z = = W O WVLu 0 Z 0oc0 Z a Q Q = U 2 m r m U z N � co r W m Q Z } m o w Y U 0 Lu o U 00 m ul z � 00 Z 0 0 U w ��tir�uu��yr r ;Q U v) U w > o i_ ' H0 0 d 439I14 o o a %���$1.1 i � DRAWING NO.: BEFORE YOU DIG! +' N6',t�g' CALL 1-800-632-4949 �''-'qN T. �� ,�``C604 N.C. ONE -CALL CENTER �� IT'S THE LAWI SHEET 19 OF 30 7 0 5 E:3 I1 1 LI lei 2 H DEFINITION: CONTROLLING RUNOFF AND EROSION ON DISTURBED AREAS BY ESTABLISHING PERENNIAL VEGETATIVE COVER WITH SEED. PURPOSE: TO REDUCE EROSION AND DECREASE SEDIMENT YIELD FROM DISTURBED AREAS, AND TO PERMANENTLY STABILIZE SUCH AREAS IN A MANNER THAT IS ECONOMICAL, ADAPTS TO SITE CONDITIONS, AND ALLOWS SELECTION OF THE MOST APPROPRIATE PLANT MATERIALS. G E ■:3 SEEDBED REQUIREMENTS: ESTABLISHMENT OF VEGETATION SHOULD NOT BE ATTEMPTED ON SITES THAT ARE UNSUITABLE DUE TO INAPPROPRIATE SOIL TEXTURE (NC EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL, 1988), POOR DRAINAGE, CONCENTRATED OVERLAND FLOW, OR STEEPNESS OF SLOPE UNTIL MEASURES HAVE BEEN TAKEN TO CORRECT THESE PROBLEMS. TO MAINTAIN A GOOD STAND OF VEGETATION, THE SOIL MUST MEET CERTAIN MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS AS A GROWTH MEDIUM. THE EXISTING SOIL SHOULD HAVE THESE CRITERIA: - ENOUGH FINE-GRAINED (SILT AND CLAY) MATERIAL TO MAINTAIN ADEQUATE MOISTURE AND NUTRIENT SUPPLY (AVAILABLE WATER CAPACITY OF AT LEAST .05 INCHES WATER TO 1 INCH OF SOIL). - SUFFICIENT PORE SPACE TO PERMIT ROOT PENETRATION. - SUFFICIENT DEPTH OF SOIL TO PROVIDE AN ADEQUATE ROOT ZONE. THE DEPTH TO ROCK OR IMPERMEABLE LAYERS SUCH AS HARDPANS SHOULD BE 12 INCHES OR MORE, EXCEPT ON SLOPES STEEPER THAN 2:1 WHERE THE ADDITION OF SOIL IS NOT FEASIBLE. - A FAVORABLE PH RANGE FOR PLANT GROWTH, USUALLY 6.0 - 6.5. - FREE FROM LARGE ROOTS, BRANCHES, STONES, LARGE CLODS OF EARTH, OR TRASH OF ANY KIND. CLODS AND STONES MAY BE LEFT ON SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 IF THEY ARE TO BE HYDROSEEDED. IF ANY OF THE ABOVE CRITERIA ARE NOT MET - I.E., IF EXISTING SOIL IS TOO COARSE, DENSE, SHALLOW OR ACIDIC TO FOSTER VEGETATION - SPECIAL AMENDMENTS ARE REQUIRED. THE SOIL CONDITIONERS DESCRIBED BELOW MAY BE BENEFICIAL OR, PREFERABLY, TOPSOIL MAY BE APPLIED. SEEDBED PREPARATION INSTALL NECESSARY MECHANICAL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PRACTICES BEFORE SEEDING, AND COMPLETE GRADING ACCORDING TO THE APPROVED PLAN. LIME AND FERTILIZER NEEDS SHOULD BE DETERMINED BY SOIL TESTS. SOIL TESTING IS PERFORMED FREE OF CHARGE BY THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SOIL TESTING LABORATORY. DIRECTIONS, SAMPLE CARTONS, AND INFORMATION SHEETS ARE AVAILABLE THROUGH COUNTY AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION OFFICES OR FROM NCDA. BECAUSE THE NCDA SOIL TESTING LAB REQUIRES 1-6 WEEKS FOR SAMPLE TURN -AROUND, SAMPLING MUST BE PLANNED WELL IN ADVANCE OF FINAL GRADING. TESTING IS ALSO DONE BY COMMERCIAL LABORATORIES. WHEN SOIL TESTS ARE NOT AVAILABLE, FOLLOW RATES SUGGESTED IN THE SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS SHOWN AT RIGHT. APPLICATION RATES USUALLY FALL INTO THE FOLLOWING RANGES: GROUND AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE: - LIGHT -TEXTURED, SANDY SOILS: 1 TO 1-1/2 TONS/ACRE - HEAVY -TEXTURED, CLAYEY SOILS: 2-3 TONS/ACRE FERTILIZER: - GRASSES: 800-1200 LB/ACRE OF 10-10-10 (OR THE EQUIVALENT) - GRASS -LEGUME MIXTURES: 800-1200 LB/ACRE OF 5-10-10 (OR THE EQUIVALENT) APPLY LIME AND FERTILIZER EVENLY AND INCORPORATE INTO THE TOP 4-6 INCHES OF SOIL BY DISKING OR OTHER SUITABLE MEANS. OPERATE MACHINERY ON THE CONTOUR. WHEN USING A HYDROSEEDER, APPLY LIME AND FERTILIZER TO A ROUGH, LOOSE SURFACE. ROUGHEN SURFACES PRIOR TO SEEDING. COMPLETE SEEDBED PREPARATION BY BREAKING UP LARGE CLODS AND RAKING INTO A SMOOTH, UNIFORM SURFACE (SLOPES LESS THAN 3:1). FILL IN OR LEVEL DEPRESSIONS THAT CAN COLLECT WATER. BROADCAST SEED INTO A FRESHLY LOOSENED SEEDBED THAT HAS NOT BEEN SEALED BY RAINFALL. TEMPORARY SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS AREAS LEFT DISTURBED FOR LONGER THAT 30 DAYS BUT LESS THAN ONE (1) YEAR: Time Period Item Rate of Application (lb./acre) January Ito May 1 Rye (Grain) 120 Annual Lespedeza (Kobe) 50 Limestone 2,000 10-10-10 Fertilizer 750 Nitrogen (March only) 50 Mulch 4,000 May 1 to August 15 German Millet 40 Limestone 2,000 10-10-10 Fertilizer 750 Mulch 4,000 August 15 to December 30 Rye (Grain) 120 Limestone 2,000 10-10-10 Fertilizer 750 Mulch 4,000 If it is necessary to extend temporary cover beyond June 15, the area should be overseeded with 50 lb/acre of Kobe lespedeza in latter February or early March. SOIL AMENDMENTS FOLLOW RECOMMENDATIONS OF SOIL TESTS OR APPLY 2,000 LB/ACRE GROUND AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE AND 750 LB/ACRE 10-10-10 FERTILIZER. MULCH APPLY 4,000 LB/ACRE STRAW. ANCHOR MULCH BY TACKING WITH ASPHALT, ROVING OR A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. A DISK WITH BLADES SET NEARLY STRAIGHT CAN BE USED AS A MULCH ANCHORING. TOOL. MAINTENANCE REFERTILIZE IF GROWTH IS NOT FULLY ADEQUATE. RESEED, REFERTILIZE AND MULCH IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING EROSION OR OTHER DAMAGE. SEEDING SEEDING DATES GIVEN IN THE SEEDING MIXTURE SPECIFICATIONS ARE DESIGNATED AS "BEST" OR "POSSIBLE". SEEDINGS PROPERLY CARRIED OUT WITHIN THE "BEST" DATES HAVE A HIGH PROBABILITY OF SUCCESS. IT IS ALSO POSSIBLE TO HAVE SATISFACTORY ESTABLISHMENT WHEN SEEDING OUTSIDE THESE DATES. HOWEVER, AS YOU DEVIATE FROM THEM, THE PROBABILITY OF FAILURE INCREASES RAPIDLY. SEEDING ON THE LAST DATE SHOWN UNDER "POSSIBLE" MAY REDUCE CHANGES OF SUCCESS BY 30-50%. ALWAYS TAKE THIS INTO ACCOUNT IN SCHEDULING LAND -DISTURBING ACTIVITIES. USE CERTIFIED SEED FOR PERMANENT SEEDING WHENEVER POSSIBLE. CERTIFIED SEED IS INSPECTED BY THE NORTH CAROLINA CROP IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION. IT MEETS PUBLISHED NORTH CAROLINA STANDARDS AND SHOULD BEAR AN OFFICIAL "CERTIFIED SEED" LABEL. LABELING OF NON -CERTIFIED SEED IS ALSO REQUIRED BY LAW. LABELS CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON SEED PURITY, GERMINATION, AND PRESENCE OF WOOD SEEDS. SEEDS MUST MEET STATE STANDARDS FOR CONTENT OF NOXIOUS WEEDS. DO NO ACCEPT SEED CONTAINING "PROHIBITED" NOXIOUS WEED SEED. INOCULATE LEGUME SEED WITH THE RHIZOBIUM BACTERIA APPROPRIATE TO THE SPECIES OF LEGUME. APPLY SEED UNIFORMLY WITH A CYCLONE SEEDER, DROP -TYPE SPREADER, DRILL, CULTIPACKER SEEDER, OR HYDROSEEDER ON A FIRM, FRIABLE SEEDBED. WHEN USING A DRILL OR CULTIPACKER SEEDER, PLANT SMALL GRAINS NO MORE THAN 1 INCH DEEP, GRASSES AND LEGUMES NO MORE THAN 1 /2 INCH. EQUIPMENT SHOULD BE CALIBRATED IN THE FIELD FOR THE DESIRED SEEDING RATE. WHEN USING BROADCAST -SEEDING METHODS, SUBDIVIDE THE AREA INTO WORKABLE SECTIONS AND DETERMINE THE AMOUNT OF SEED NEEDED FOR EACH SECTION. APPLY ONE-HALF THE SEED WHILE MOVING BACK AND FORTH ACROSS THE AREA, MAKING A UNIFORM PATTERN: THEN APPLY THE SECOND HALF IN THE SAME WAY, BUT MOVING AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE FIRST PASS. MULCH ALL PLANTINGS IMMEDIATELY AFTER SEEDING. HYDROSEEDING: SURFACE ROUGHENING IS PARTICULARLY IMPORTANT WHEN HYDROSEEDING, AS A ROUGHENED SLOPE WILL PROVIDE SOME NATURAL COVERAGE FOR LIME, FERTILIZER, AND SEED. THE SURFACE SHOULD NOT BE COMPACTED OR SMOOTH. FINE SEEDBED PREPARATION IS NOT NECESSARY FOR HYDROSEEDING OPERATIONS: LARGE CLODS, STONES, AND IRREGULARITIES PROVIDE CAVITIES IN WHICH SEEDS CAN LODGE. RATE OF WOOD FIBER (CELLULOSE) APPLICATION SHOULD BE AT LEAST 2,000 LB/ACRE. APPLY LEGUME INOCULATES AT FOUR TIME THE RECOMMENDED RATE WHEN ADDING INOCULATE TO A HYDROSEEDER SLURRY. IF A MACHINERY BREAKDOWN OF 1 /2 TO 2 HOURS OCCURS, ADD 50% MORE SEED TO THE TANK, BASED ON THE PROPORTION OF THE SLURRY REMAINING. THIS SHOULD COMPENSATE FOR DAMAGE TO SEED. BEYOND 2 HOURS, A FULL RATE OF NEW SEED MAY BE NECESSARY. LIME IS NOT NORMALLY APPLIED WITH A HYDRAULIC SEEDER BECAUSE IT IS ABRASIVE. IT CAN BE BLOWN ONTO STEEP SLOPES IN DRY FORM. MAINTENANCE: GENERALLY, A STAND OF VEGETATION CANNOT BE DETERMINED TO BE FULLY ESTABLISHED UNTIL SOIL COVER HAS BEEN MAINTAINED FOR ONE FULL YEAR FROM PLANTING, INSPECT SEEDED AREAS FOR FAILURE AND MAKE NECESSARY REPAIRS AND RESEEDINGS WITHIN THE SAME SEASON, IF POSSIBLE. RESEEDING: IF A STAND HAS INADEQUATE COVER, RE-EVALUATE CHOICE OF PLANT MATERIALS AND QUANTITIES OF LIME AND FERTILIZER. RE-ESTABLISH THE STAND AFTER SEEDBED PREPARATION OR OVER- SEED THE STAND. CONSIDER SEEDING TEMPORARY, ANNUAL SPECIES IF THE TIME OF YEAR IS NOT APPROPRIATE FOR PERMANENT SEEDING. IF VEGETATION FAILS TO GROW, SOIL MUST BE TESTED TO DETERMINE IF ACIDITY OR NUTRIENT IMBALANCE IS RESPONSIBLE. FERTILIZATION: ON THE TYPICAL DISTURBED SITE, FULL ESTABLISHMENT USUALLY REQUIRES REFERTILIZATION IN THE SECOND GROWING SEASON. FINE TURF REQUIRES ANNUAL MAINTENANCE FERTILIZATION. USE SOIL TESTS IF POSSIBLE OR FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES GIVEN FOR THE SPECIFIC SEEDING MIXTURE. PERMANENT SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS Time Period Item Rate of Application (lb./acre) August 20 to October 25 Tall Fescue 100 Sericea Lespedeza 30 Kobe Lespedeza 10 Common Bermuda or Pensacola Bahia 10/25 Limestone 4,000 10-10-10 Fertilizer 1,000 Mulch 4,000 to 5,000 February 1 to April 15 Tall Fescue 100 Sericea Lespedeza 30 Kobe Lespedeza 10 Limestone 4,000 10-10-10 Fertilizer 1,000 Mulch 4.000 to 5.000 SOIL AMENDMENTS APPLY LIME AND FERTILIZER ACCORDING TO SOIL TESTS, OR APPLY 4,000 LB/ACRE GROUND AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE AND 1,000 LB/ACRE 10-10-10 FERTILIZER. MULCH APPLY 4,000-5,000 LB/ACRE GRAIN STRAW OR EQUIVALENT COVER OF ANOTHER SUITABLE MULCHING MATERIAL. ANCHOR MULCH BY TACKING WITH ASPHALT, ROVING, OR NETTING. NETTING IS THE PREFERRED ANCHORING METHOD ON STEEP SLOPES. MAINTENANCE REFERTILIZE IN THE SECOND YEAR UNLESS GROWTH IS FULLY ADEQUATE. MAY BE MOWED ONE OR TWICE A YEAR, BUT MOWING IS NOT NECESSARY. RESEED, FERTILIZE, AND MULCH DAMAGED AREAS 33A SEEDING SCHEDULE C605 N.T.S. 1.25 LB./LINEAR FT. STEEL POSTS FILTER FABRIC BACKFILL TRENCH WITH COMPACTED EARTH 6• Mqk ` Sp USE EITHER FLAT -BOTTOM - OR V-BOTTOM TRENCH SEE DETAILS SILT FENCE INSTALLATION PROVIDE SILT FENCE SUPPORT CONSISTING OF 14 GA. STEEL WIRE W/ 6" MESH SPACING OR PREFABRICATED POLYMER MESH OF EQUIVALENT STRENGTH HEAVY DUTY PLASTIC TIE FOR STEEL POSTS (RESTRICT TO TOP 8-INCHES OF FABRIC) BURY FABRIC SILT FENCE — GENERAL NOTES 1. DO NOT PLACE SILT FENCE ACROSS CHANNELS OR IN OTHER AREAS SUBJECT TO CONCENTRATED FLOWS. SILT FENCE SHOULD NOT BE USED AS A VELOCITY CONTROL BMP. CONCENTRATED FLOWS ARE ANY FLOWS GREATER THAN 0.5 CFS. 2. MAXIMUM SHEET OR OVERLAND FLOW PATH LENGTH TO THE SILT FENCE SHALL BE 100-FEET. 3. MAXIMUM SLOPE STEEPNESS (NORMAL [PERPENDICULAR] TO THE FENCE LINE) SHALL BE 2:1. 4. SILT FENCE JOINTS, WHEN NECESSARY, SHALL BE COMPLETED BY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING OPTIONS: - WRAP EACH FABRIC TOGETHER AT A SUPPORT POST WITH BOTH ENDS FASTENED TO THE POST, WITH A 1-FOOT MINIMUM OVERLAP; - OVERLAP SILT FENCE BY INSTALLING 3-FEET PASSED THE SUPPORT POST TO WHICH THE NEW SILT FENCE ROLL IS ATTACHED. ATTACH OLD ROLL TO NEW ROLL WITH HEAVY-DUTY PLASTIC TIES; OR, - OVERLAP ENTIRE WIDTH OF EACH SILT FENCE ROLL FROM ONE SUPPORT POST TO THE NEXT SUPPORT POST. FI NCDOT #5 OR #57 STONE DOWNSTREAM VIEW CROSS—SECTION 34 ROCK CHECK DAM C605 N.T.S. CLASS 1 RIPRAP HEAVY DUTY PLASTIC TIES FILTER FABRIC COMPACTED EARTH00 N I RUNOFF - Zn - N FILTER FABRIC 4" MIN FLAT —BOTTOM TRENCH DETAIL HEAVY DUTY PLASTIC TIES FILTER FABRIC COMPACTED EARTH BURY FILTER FABRIC AT LEAST 12-INCHES V—SHAPED TRENCH DETAIL 5. ATTACH FILTER FABRIC TO THE STEEL POSTS USING HEAVY-DUTY PLASTIC TIES THAT ARE EVENLY SPACED WITHIN THE TOP 8-INCHES OF THE FABRIC. 6. INSTALL THE SILT FENCE PERPENDICULAR TO THE DIRECTION OF THE STORMWATER FLOW AND PLACE THE SILT FENCE THE PROPER DISTANCE FROM THE TOE OF STEEP SLOPES TO PROVIDE SEDIMENT STORAGE AND ACCESS FOR MAINTENANCE AND CLEANOUT. 7. INSTALL SILT FENCE CHECKS (TIE -BACKS) EVERY 50-100 FEET, DEPENDENT ON SLOPE, ALONG SILT FENCE THAT IS INSTALLED WITH SLOPE AND WHERE CONCENTRATED FLOWS ARE EXPECTED OR ARE DOCUMENTED ALONG THE PROPOSED/INSTALLED SILT FENCE. 32 SILT FENCE C605 N.T.S. EROSION CONTROL MATTING INSTALLATION: 1. INSTALL NA GREEN SC250 OR ENGINEER APPROVED EQUAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS AND NOTES BELOW. 2. PREPARE SOIL BEFORE INSTALLING ROLLED EROSION CONTROL PRODUCTS (RECPS), INCLUDING ANY NECESSARY APPLICATION OF LIME, FERTILIZER, AND SEED. 3. BEGIN AT THE TOP OF THE SLOPE BY ANCHORING THE RECPS IN A 6"(15CM) DEEP X 6"(15CM) WIDE TRENCH WITH APPROXIMATELY 12" (30CM) OF RECPS EXTENDED BEYOND THE UP -SLOPE PORTION OF THE TRENCH. ANCHOR THE RECPS WITH A ROW OF STAPLES/STAKES APPROXIMATELY 12" (30CM) APART IN THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH. BACKFILL AND COMPACT THE TRENCH AFTER STAPLING. APPLY SEED TO THE COMPACTED SOIL AND FOLD THE REMAINING 12"(30CM) PORTION OF RECPS BACK OVER THE SEED AND COMPACTED SOIL. SECURE RECPS OVER COMPACTED SOIL WITH A ROW OF STAPLES/STAKES SPACED APPROXIMATELY 12"(30CM) APART ACROSS THE WIDTH OF THE RECPS. 4. ROLL THE RECPS (A) DOWN OR (B) HORIZONTALLY ACROSS THE SLOPE. RECPS WILL UNROLL WITH APPROPRIATE SIDE AGAINST THE SOIL SURFACE. ALL RECPS MUST BE SECURELY FASTENED TO SOIL SURFACE BY PLACING STAPLES/STAKES IN APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS AS SHOWN IN THE STAPLE PATTERN GUIDE. 5. THE EDGES OF PARALLEL RECPS MUST BE STAPLED WITH APPROXIMATELY 2" - 5" (5-12.5CM) OVERLAP DEPENDING ON THE RECPS TYPE. 6. CONSECUTIVE RECPS SPLICED DOWN THE SLOPE MUST BE END OVER END (SHINGLE STYLE) WITH AN APPROXIMATE 3"(7.5CM) OVERLAP. STAPLE THROUGH OVERLAPPED AREA, APPROXIMATELY 12"(30CM) APART ACROSS ENTIRE RECPS WIDTH. NOTE: 1. IN LOOSE SOIL CONDITIONS, THE USE OF STAPLE OR STAKE LENGTHS GREATER THAN 6"(15CM) MAY BE NECESSARY TO PROPERLY SECURE THE RECPS. 2. ALL SLOPES WITH SLOPE GREATER THAN 3:1 THAT CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES HAVE PERMANENTLY OR TEMPORARILY CEASED SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH NA GREEN SC 150 EROSION CONTROL MATTING OR APPROVED EQUAL. 33 EROSION CONTROL MATTING C605 N.T.S. NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF EXAMINERS FOR ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS LICENSE NO. C-3035 0 W o Z O Cn cc 0 0 U z Uj 0 m U) w b N Q N N 0 CU T co 4-A N Z n _ � O to N 1 1 V a) E rl Q X 0 1 Cd -5 1 1 -D LL ,E- U n O 3 � Q N > a rn a W � Q O O O T U Lf) Z Waa zZ � � aC)0 J aa� J O J _ aLLZ= U 0 Z � � Q Q J Z Z � W = Z 0 W 0- =) J LU o>. O Uj U Q Z N Z c OW(n Z�Z Q Q = L) = V m Z n n' m Cn T 7J J_ Q W Q Z m � m o U 0 w � U H w vi U o� N W Z M cn 2 LU 0 U w � ' Q�T ••T� ¢ w ;Q j;• U w 0 �. CO _ 0 0 Cr 0." • - o o IL • JZ-z+'�� ,.y ` DRAWING NO.: CALL 11--800-6 2-4949 BEFORE YOU D101'���'r-,;-AN T. 'O,�;� C 6 0 5 N.C. ONE -CALL CENTER IT'S THE LAWI SHEET 20 of 30 8 7 6 LI 3 2 8 1 7 N. 5 CI 3 2 I G F E 6" FLANGED Di 6"0 SDR 11 HDPE PIPE MOUND BACKFILL MATERIALS ---- AROUND FINISHED WELL EXISTING GRADE INS] IJT"Im(oZelV I BENTONITE PLUG a SOIL BACKFILL C 6"0 HDPE, SDR 11 N SOLID PIPE N N BENTONITE PLUG i a 0 o SOIL BACKFILL U ►0 1" TO 2" DIAMETER WASHED STONI 6"0 HDPE, SDR 11 PERFORATED PIPE 1/2" DIAMETER HOLE SPACED 90' AROUND THE CIRCUMFERENCE OF THE PIPE, AND 3" ON CENTER ALONG THE PIPE. STAGGER ADJACENT ROWS OF PERFORATION ALONG THE PIPE. END CAP EAD ASSEMBLY _1 -0; —2'- 0" MIN. —2'- 0" MIN. 7'-0„ 2'-0" MIN. VARIES 1'-0" MIN. 1'-0" VARIES 1'-0" 3'-0" DIAMETER 36 LANDFILL GAS WELL C606 NOT TO SCALE 4'-0" EMERGENCY SPILLWAY TO INCLUDE IMPERVIOUS LINER TO EXISTING GRADE EMBANKMENT MIN. 5' WIDE LINER TO EXTEND UP SIDES OF WEIR MIN 12" - TYP. 1' MIN BOTH SIDES FREEBOARD 6" MAX WATER DEPTH ACROSS SPILLWAY M CARRY LINER DOWN TO EXISTING GRADE (EDGE OF DISTURBANCE) -_ SEE EROSION CONTROL PLAN FOR DISCHARGE PIPING SIZE & LENGTH TURN EDGES OF J FABRIC DOWN MIN. SKIMMER TO EXIT AT POND 12" INTO GROUND INVERT ELEVATION OR LOWER - TAMP AND IF POSSIBLE COMPACT PROVIDE PROPER HORIZ. CLEARANCE FROM SLOPE IN ORDER TO PROVIDE FREE MOVEMENT OF SKIMMER BAFFLES TO BE 6" HIGHER THAN BASIN DEPTH INDICATED 0 PLAN D KIP —1 BASIN BOTTOM RIP RAP PAD UNDER SKIMMER ASSEMBLY DRY SEDIMENT BASIN SECTIONAL VIEW CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS 1. CLEAR, GRUB, AND STRIP THE AREA UNDER THE EMBANKMENT OF ALL VEGETATION AND ROOT MAT. REMOVE ALL SURFACE SOIL CONTAINING HIGH AMOUNTS OF ORGANIC MATTER AND STOCKPILE OR DISPOSE OF IT PROPERLY. HAUL ALL OBJECTIONABLE MATERIAL TO THE DESIGNATED DISPOSAL AREA. PLACE TEMPORARY SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES BELOW BASIN AS NEEDED. 2. ENSURE THAT FILL MATERIAL FOR THE EMBANKMENT IS FREE OF ROOTS, WOODY VEGETATION, ORGANIC MATTER, AND OTHER OBJECTIONABLE MATERIAL. PLACE THE FILL IN LIFTS NOT TO EXCEED 9 INCHES, AND MACHINE COMPACT IT. OVER FILL THE EMBANKMENT 6 INCHES TO ALLOW FOR SETTLEMENT. 3. SHAPE THE BASIN TO THE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS. PREVENT THE SKIMMING DEVICE FROM SETTLING INTO THE MUD BY EXCAVATING A SHALLOW PIT UNDER THE SKIMMER OR PROVIDING A LOW SUPPORT UNDER THE SKIMMER OF STONE OR TIMBER. 4. PLACE THE BARREL (TYPICALLY 4-INCH SCHEDULE 40 PVC PIPE) ON A FIRM, SMOOTH FOUNDATION OF IMPERVIOUS SOIL. DO NOT USE PERVIOUS MATERIAL SUCH AS SAND, GRAVEL OR CRUSHED STONE AS BACKFILL AROUND THE PIPE. PLACE THE FILL MATERIAL AROUND THE PIPE SPILLWAY IN 4-INCH LAYERS AND COMPACT IT UNDER AND AROUND THE PIPE TO AT LEAST THE SAME DENSITY AS THE ADJACENT EMBANKMENT. CARE MUST BE TAKEN NOT TO RAISE THE PIPE FROM THE FIRM CONTACT WITH ITS FOUNDATION WHEN COMPACTING UNDER THE PIPE HAUNCHES. 5. ASSEMBLE THE SKIMMER FOLLOWING THE MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS, OR AS DESIGNED. 6. LAY THE ASSEMBLED SKIMMER ON THE BOTTOM OF THE BASIN WITH THE FLEXIBLE JOINT AT THE INLET OF THE BARREL PIPE. ATTACH THE FLEXIBLE JOINT TO THE BARREL AND POSITION THE SKIMMER OVER THE EXCAVATED PIT OR SUPPORT. BE SURE TO ATTACH A ROPE TO THE SKIMMER AND ANCHOR IT TO THE SIDE OF THE BASIN. THIS WILL BE USED TO PULL THE SKIMMER TO THE SIDE FOR MAINTENANCE. 7. EARTHEN SPILLWAYS - INSTALL THE SPILLWAY IN UNDISTURBED SOIL TO THE GREATEST EXTENT POSSIBLE. THE ACHIEVEMENT OF PLANNED ELEVATIONS, GRADE, DESIGN WIDTH, AND ENTRANCE AND EXIT CHANNEL SLOPES ARE CRITICAL TO THE SUCCESSFUL OPERATION OF THE SPILLWAY. THE SPILLWAY SHOULD BE LINED WITH LAMINATED PLASTIC OR IMPERMEABLE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC. THE FABRIC MUST BE WIDE AND LONG ENOUGH TO COVER THE BOTTOM AND SIDES AND EXTEND ONTO THE TOP OF THE DAM FOR ANCHORING IN A TRENCH. THE EDGES MAY BE SECURED WITH 8-INCH STAPLES OR PINS. THE FABRIC MUST BE LONG ENOUGH TO EXTEND DOWN THE SLOPE AND EXIT ONTO STABLE GROUND. THE WIDTH OF THE FABRIC MUST BE ONE PIECE, NOT JOINED OR SPLICED; OTHERWISE WATER CAN GET UNDER THE FABRIC. IF THE LENGTH OF THE FABRIC IS INSUFFICIENT FOR THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE SPILLWAY, MULTIPLE SECTIONS, SPANNING THE COMPLETE WIDTH, MAY BE USED. THE UPPER SECTION(S) SHOULD OVERLAP THE LOWER SECTION(S) SO THAT WATER CANNOT FLOW UNDER THE FABRIC. SECURE THE UPPER EDGE AND SIDES OF THE FABRIC IN A TRENCH WITH STAPLES OR PINS. 8. INLETS - DISCHARGE WATER INTO THE BASIN IN A MANNER TO PREVENT EROSION. USE TEMPORARY SLOPE DRAINS OR DIVERSIONS WITH OUTLET PROTECTION TO DIVERT SEDIMENT -LADEN WATER TO THE UPPER END OF THE POOL AREA TO IMPROVE BASIN TRAP EFFICIENCY. 9. EROSION CONTROL - CONSTRUCT THE STRUCTURE SO THAT THE DISTURBED AREA IS MINIMIZED. DIVERT SURFACE WATER AWAY FROM BARE AREAS. COMPLETE THE EMBANKMENT BEFORE THE AREA IS CLEARED. STABILIZE THE EMERGENCY SPILLWAY EMBANKMENT AND ALL OTHER DISTURBED AREAS ABOVE THE CREST OF THE PRINCIPAL SPILLWAY IMMEDIATELY AFTER CONSTRUCTION. 10. INSTALL POROUS BAFFLES. 11. AFTER ALL THE SEDIMENT -PRODUCING AREAS HAVE BEEN PERMANENTLY STABILIZED, REMOVE THE STRUCTURE AND ALL THE UNSTABLE SEDIMENT. SMOOTH THE AREA TO BLEND WITH THE ADJOINING AREAS AND STABILIZE PROPERLY. 12. REFERENCE NCDEQ EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL. 35 SKIMMER BASIN C606 NOT TO SCALE SKIMMER BASIN SECTION VIEW POROUS BAFFLES (DO NOT USE SILT FENCE) (SEE DETAIL 38/C305) NOTE: ALL EMERGENCY SPILLWAYS SHALL BE LINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NCDEQ STANDARDS. FABRIC SHALL BE TERRATEX GS - INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS SEDIMENT STORAGE ZONE INFLOW STRUCTURE "-- RIP -RAP STABILIZATION DEWATERING ZONE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE 1. INSPECT SKIMMER SEDIMENT BASINS AT LEAST WEEKLY AND AFTER EACH SIGNIFICANT (ONE-HALF INCH OR GREATER) RAINFALL EVENT AND REPAIR IMMEDIATELY. REMOVE SEDIMENT AND RESTORE THE BASIN TO ITS ORIGINAL DIMENSIONS WHEN SEDIMENT ACCUMULATES TO ONE-HALF THE HEIGHT OF THE FIRST BAFFLE. PULL THE SKIMMER TO ONE SIDE SO THAT THE SEDIMENT UNDERNEATH IT CAN BE EXCAVATED. EXCAVATE THE SEDIMENT FROM THE ENTIRE BASIN, NOT JUST AROUND THE SKIMMER OR THE FIRST CELL. MAKE SURE VEGETATION GROWING IN THE BOTTOM OF THE BASIN DOES NOT HOLD DOWN THE SKIMMER. 2. REPAIR THE BAFFLES IF THEY ARE DAMAGED. RE -ANCHOR THE BAFFLES IF WATER IS FLOWING UNDERNEATH OR AROUND THEM. 3. IF THE SKIMMER IS CLOGGED WITH TRASH AND THERE IS WATER IN THE BASIN, USUALLY JERKING ON THE ROPE WILL MAKE THE SKIMMER BOB UP AND DOWN AND DISLODGE THE DEBRIS AND RESTORE FLOW. IF THIS DOES NOT WORK, PULL THE SKIMMER OVER TO THE SIDE OF THE BASIN AND REMOVE THE DEBRIS. ALSO CHECK THE ORIFICE INSIDE THE SKIMMER TO SEE IF IT IS CLOGGED; IF SO REMOVE THE DEBRIS. 4. IF THE SKIMMER ARM OR BARREL PIPE IS CLOGGED, THE ORIFICE CAN BE REMOVED AND THE OBSTRUCTION CLEARED WITH A PLUMBER'S SNAKE OR BY FLUSHING WITH WATER. BE SURE AND REPLACE THE ORIFICE BEFORE REPOSITIONING THE SKIMMER. 5. CHECK THE FABRIC LINED SPILLWAY FOR DAMAGE AND MAKE ANY REQUIRED REPAIRS WITH FABRIC THAT SPANS THE FULL WIDTH OF THE SPILLWAY. CHECK THE EMBANKMENT, SPILLWAYS, AND OUTLET FOR EROSION DAMAGE, AND INSPECT THE EMBANKMENT FOR PIPING AND SETTLEMENT. MAKE ALL NECESSARY REPAIRS IMMEDIATELY. REMOVE ALL TRASH AND OTHER DEBRIS FROM THE SKIMMER AND POOL AREAS. 6. FREEZING WEATHER CAN RESULT IN ICE FORMING IN THE BASIN. SOME SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS SHOULD BE TAKEN IN THE WINTER TO PREVENT THE SKIMMER FROM PLUGGING WITH ICE. NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF EXAMINERS FOR ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS LICENSE NO. C-3035 0 cc O LU 0 LL a Z 0 O U) W cl) 0 W 0 w 0 U 0 r 0 W co 0 W o a � o no ICI n ^ T N 0o }� N � Z C-4 a) O 0 n MN 1 1 U a) E 111 ILL .E ;� 1 1 > O ��yyy � M Q N m co y t W c a d O O O N 1 r u U Z Waa c zZ aC)0 J J ZaaCC J = U Q U cc aZ�0 aa�z QJw Z = = W W ILp () Lu Z 0 1= 0 V♦ VI W M V♦ z Q Q Q = U m r m U z N w L0 W r J_ a W m p Z [0 o W Y U 2 o U 00 � � cm w z H m c Z oil U w ,,1«111"'0r. r INIP, ;Q:• i U U U W > O is SEAL = � � o a 439Y14 i= ol o CL CL a 10 % DRAWING NO.: BEFORE YOU DIG! +' N���',t�g' CALL 1-800-632-4949 �''-'qN T. �� ,�``C606 N.C. ONE —CALL CENTER IT'S THE LAWI SHEET 21 OF 30 8 1 6 1 5 3 f 2 II 5 4 3 a G F E NOTES: 1. SECOND LEACHATE COLLECTION SUMP AND RISER PIPE IS OPTIONAL FOR CONSTRUCTION. 2. LEACHATE COLLECTION SUMP PLAN DENOTES SURFACE OF HDPE GEOMEMBRANE LINER. B 3. BEND PIPE OR PROVIDE FITTING AS REQUIRED TO ALIGN CONNECTION PIPE WITH SUMP PUMP AND SIDESLOPE RISER. ALSO BEND OR PROVIDE FITTING AS REQUIRED TO ALIGN LEACHATE COLLECTION PIPE WITH SIDESLOPE CLEANOUT RISER. /0 COARSE AGGREGATE AASHTO NO. 57 OR NO. 67 STONE AGGREGATE TO BE EXPOSED PRIOR TO WASTE PLACEMENT 35 LEACHATE COLLECTION PIPE C700 N.T.S. "Ad& LEACHATE COLLECTION SUMP AND RISER PLAN N.T.S. A� ,11 .ES -/8"w a HDPE PIPE ILV SECTION A -A PERFORATION PATTERN 36 PERFORATED LEACHATE COLLECTION PIPE C700 N.T.S. 4"x4" POST PAINTED BLUE LABELED LEACHATE PIPE CLEANOUT IN 2" BLACK LETTERS (TOP 3" OF NOTES: 1. LEACHATE COLLECTION PIPES SHALL BE CLEANED UPON INCIDENCE OF DECREASED (50%) FLOW FROM A PARTICULAR COLLECTION PIPE. FLOW WILL BE DOCUMENTED AND COMPARED FOR 60 DAYS TO FLOWS FROM SIMILAR CELLS WITH SIMILAR WASTE VOLUMES. DIURNAL FLOWS FROM INDIVIDUAL COLLECTION PIPES MUST BE CONSIDERED. SHOULD THE COMPARISON INDICATE BLOCKAGE IN A PARTICULAR PIPE, IT SHALL BE CLEANED. 2. LEACHATE COLLECTION PIPES SHALL BE HYDRAULICALLY CLEANED USING HIGH PRESSURE WASHERS AS NEEDED. 3. LEACHATE CLEANOUT WILL BE VISUALLY INSPECTED ANNUALLY 3s LEACHATE CLEANOUT C700 N.T.S. a 8" TEE WITH BLIND FLANGE 0 Ir O w o GC a Z 0 O 0 W F W 0 w 0 U Z O r 0 r co 0 Tm m W o m � no ICI n T ^ N co }� N � z C-4 0 n U. M N Ut c� c E a x o ' LL .� U N cr)�..1 M 3 M Q � N W c a a> o 0 rn 1 r V U � Z WaQ ch zZ Q00 J J Zaa°C O J = V Q Ua= azo0 aQI_Z Q J w _ Z a Lu O WV IL wC) p Z D I cn W cn z Q Q Q U = m n m U z N N LA r cn J a } m � m o W W Q Y U W NORTH CAROLINA W 0 C) 00 vi BOARD OF EXAMINERS Q FOR ENGINEERS AND N ~ z SURVEYORS LICENSE V w NO. C-3035 W m w J w 0 ' tttitt�lttitl�! , . •, 0� J O W .�"i �a� ,+ 0 > cf) W O • o Cc .�. 099Z14 o a • s';• JZ'�+'�� �;� �` DRAWING NO.: .41 •� C700 qN T. 6� 0 5 11 BEFORE YOU DIGI CALL 1-800-632-4949 N.C. ONE -CALL CENTER IT'S THE LAWI SHEET 22 OF 30 I m 7 2 G F E 1 W MA COARSE AGGREGATE AASHTO NO. 57 OR NO. 67 STONE OR APPROVED ALTERNATE 42 TYPICAL HDPE LEACHATE C701 SUMP PUMP HOUSING (TYP.) LEACHATE PUMP AND DISCHARGE HOSE ON TROLLEY 0% mo/�0222/e/.", 2' - 0" (APPROX) TRIPLE LAYER OF HDPE FOR RUB SHEET UNDER FLAT STOCK WASTE + 20' 24" ADDED PROTECTIVE COVER OVER SUMP AREA 1" THICK HDPE FLAT STOCK 36 PERFORATED LEA( C701/ COLLECTION PIPE 8 OZ/SY NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FILTER FABRIC (ALL AROUND AGGREGATE) I I • ♦ ♦ • • • • • • • v v 95w X �1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1��1�1 1 11/ / • ♦ ♦ iI1//v �© BASSYSTEM E LINER .11 •11 39 LEACHATE COLLECTION SUMP SECTION C70 N.T.S. 3" HOSE WITH 1/8" STAINLESS STEEL -\\ PULL-OUT CABLE EACH PUMP. ATTACH 18"0 SOLID HDPE SDR-11 PUMP POWER CABLE AT 5' INTERVALS SIDESLOPE RISER (TYP.) TO DISCHARGE HOSE USING NYLON CABLE TIES (TYP.) 1 —74 8"0 SOLID HDPE SDR-11 J w SIDESLOPE CLEANOUT RISER �Lr- UJ �bi0 1 0" + 4" (APPROX.) 1 V 2 41 LEACHATE COLLECTION RISER SECTION C70 N.T.S. 42 ;70 COARSE AGGREGATE AASHTO NO. 57 OR NO. 67 STONE OR APPROVED ALTERNATE 8 OZ/SY NON —WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FILTER FABRIC (ALL AROUND AGGREGATE) WASTE COLLECTION PIPE 24" ADDED PROTECTIVE COVER OVER SUMP AREA 36 18" SOLID HDPE SDR-11 SIDESLOPE RISER PIPE 2" HOSE WITH 1 /8" STAINLESS STEEL PULL—OUT CABLE. ATTACH PUMP POWER CABLE AT 5' INTERVALS TO DISCHARGE HOSE USING NYLON CABLE TIES. 8"0 BEND 1. 1- �1� /11111111111111111111111111/ / —'• --• --• --• --• --• --• --• --• --• --• --• --• — --• ���"� �"� � � — �`ty,`Ty,`Ty,'Ty,'Ty�'T. _ T. — Ty_, -Ty,- : ♦• ♦♦ 1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1� •♦• /`j �i,. j ♦ •.•.•PERFORATED LENGTH _�� ��/G�%1//Ii•�♦♦II�i111/////////►1111111111111111111111111♦'1•♦♦•♦ •- • /�///� • • • 4o LEACHATE COLLECTION SUMP AND RISER PROFILE C70 N.T.S. NOTE: 1. LEACHATE COLLECTION SUMP PUMP SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ONE RISER PIPE. THE SECOND LEACHATE SUMP PUMP MAY BE INSTALLED IN SECOND SIDESLOPE PIPE BASED ON RISER PERFORMANCE, CURRENT LEACHATE PERFORMANCE, AND LANDFILL OPERATIONS. I A \ 1 O 'P furl— 1 I nUrC rlrr- SECTION A —A PERFORATION PATTERN 42 TYPICAL HDPE LEACHATE SUMP PUMP HOUSING C70 N.T.S. 43 CLOSURE SYSTEM RISER PIPE PENETRATION C70 N.T.S. 8"0 SOLID HDPE SDR-11 SIDESLOPE RISER CLEANOUT (PROJECTED) BEFORE YOU DI01 CALL 1-800-632-4949 N.C. ONE -CALL CENTER IT'S THE LAW1 (APPROX.) NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF EXAMINERS FOR ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS LICENSE NO. C-3035 0 Ir U Z w o GC a Z 0 O U) w Fn o W 0 U O 0 W co mo o Eb O ci 1 ^ T N co }� N � Z c'j 0 n MN 1 1 U a) E O 111 L .E ;� 1 1 > O ��yyy � M Q N a) W c a d �y O O O 1 r V U � Z WaQ zZ ch J Q00 J zaa°C O J = V U0Z a zo0 aa�z QJw Z = = W O WVLu IL 0 Z D 1 V♦ W /O) z a Q Q U = m n U z N m cn LA W r 7j J a m � W o C° z o w Y U w cr 2 W 0 U 00 N m W N ~ z Q = U Q W m w J w 0 ��tittu►►►rrfrr gJ4 CA r r+ •Q •. R U U U w > O brw, EAL ' o�r14 - LLI o U o 0 CL oC Q DRAWING NO.: C701 SHEET 23 OF 30 0 11 E:3 7 al G F F ti DHDPE SDR 11 SIE � SIDSLOPE RISER 43 C701 PROVIDE HDPE FLANGED FITTING AND HDPE BLIND FLANGE AT END OF CLEAN OUT RISER N 8"0 SOLID HDPE SDR 11� U LEACHATE COLLECTION � PIPE CLEANOUT RISER 4"0 HDPE VENT PIPE 2"0 HOSE (OR FLEXIBLE PIPE) WITH 1 /8" STAINLESS STEEL PULLOUT CABLE. ATTACH PUMP POWER CABLES AND CONTROL CABLES AT 5' INTERVALS TO DISCHARGE HOSE USING NYLON CABLE TIES. 4"x4"x" PLATE H2 H1 SQUARE BLIND FLANGE (FOR (�•� FUTURE CELL CONNECTION) I I I I 47 VALVE BOX AND COLLAR 70 6" GATE VALVE ce MOTOR LEAD AND LEVEL SENSOR BREAKOUT I I i JUNCTION BOXES I I E TO SdCOND i i PUMP/FLOW METER A RISER PIPE CONTROL PANEL C701 (OPTIONAL) --------- -_— 1—� E I I 2"0 SCH 80 PVC PIPE OR PREMANUFACTURED HDPE PIPE I FLOW METER SENSOR E BREAKOUT JUNCTION BOX 4"0 HDPE SDR 21 LEACHATE FORCEMAIN (CONNECT TO PREVIOUS CELL) I I I I L� N � U 44 LEACHATE RISER PLAN C70 N.T.S. 2"x Y4" STEEL STRAP 3/4" THREADED ROD W/HEX NUTS 9"(MIN.) Dx1.5 N D (MIN. THICKESS) STANDARD CONCRETE BLOCKING FOR HORIZONTAL BENDS (TYP.) VERTICAL BENDS -UNDISTURBED EARTH CONCRETE BLOCKING H2 MIN. BEARING AGAINST PIPE I I I I I I EDGE OF TRENCH HORIZONTAL BENDS PADDL 2"0 DISCHARGE H OR FLEXPIPE NO' PR( INS PIP B/ S/ 18"0 HDPE SDR 11 RISER 0 x 1" FLAT STOCK "0x3" LONG SS EYE JITH SS NUT AND SS R (TYP.) 3/8"0 SS THREADED COUPLING STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS, RS AND NUTS (TYP.) 45 RISER BOLD HEAD AND FITTINGS C70 N.T.S. V �v CONCRETE all, NOTE: DIMENSIONS SAME BLOCKING BLOCKING I ARE CONTROLLED BY A\` DIAMETER OF BRANCH S OPPOSITE SIDE EDGE OF TRENCH\j MAIN C' = BRANCH = C' PLUG I 2" D.I. PIPE STRUT12 I\ 1 6" H2 H1 TEES, CROSSES, & PLUGS D (MIN. THICKNESS) UNDISTURBED EARTH V (MIN. BEARING AGAINST TRENCH WALL) I I -------L ii 8" (MIN.) CONCRETE BLOCKING NOTE: CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKS MUST BE CURED A MINIMUM OF 96 HOURS BEFORE PRESSURIZING THE PIPING. SECTION G—G TABLE OF DIMENSIONS FOR CONCRETE BLOCKING TYPE TEES, CROSSES & PLUGS 90' BENDS 45' BENDS 22 1/2' BENDS 11 1/4' BENDS TYPE PIPE SIZE H1 H2 V D CU. H1 H2 V D CU. H1 H2 V D CU. H1 H2 V D CU. H1 H2 V D CU. PIPE SIZE 4" 28" 16" 16" 16" 3.3 24" 14" 12" 12" 1.6 16" 12" 10" 12" 1.0 12" 10" 9" 12" 0.7 10" 10" 8" 12" 0.6 4" 4g CONCRETE THRUST BLOCOING FOR FORCEMAINS C70 N.T.S. 45 RISER BULKHEAD AND FITTINGS C70 CONCRETE H —Z • • • • ° d ° ° 8 a ° d ° p d I d 4'X4'X6" d CONCRETE ° �' PAD °d G ° ad C ° °d ° ° 44 I \ n d A ° ° 2" 0 SCH 80 PVC PIPE OR PREMANUFACTURED PIPE FLOW _ 48 "0 HDPE SDR 21 LEACHATE C70 ORCEMAIN (CONNECT TO PREVIOUS CELL) 47 VALVE BOX AND COLLAR C70 N.T.S. 4"0 PVC GATE VALVE 3' 3'0 SDR17 HDPE BARREL SUMP 4"0 ELBOW z 4"0 SDR17 HDPE PIPE � 4"0 ELBOW 1' PROTECTIVE COVER SOILJ WASTE 2 BASE LINER SYSTEM C600 C600 3 FLOW TOTALIZER (OPTIONAL) UTI LITY PANEL i PUMP CONTROLLER PANEL ° a e d d° POST a ° a ° d d ° ° de ° d ° d G ° d ° d A v c ° ° d ° ° A ,° d d ° C e 4 ° Ad ° ° A L—Te —Td— Al a // /\ 47 VALVE BOX AN _ f2��//�/ C70 BLIND FLANGE (FOR g\/ \ TURECELL CONNECTION) 4" GATE VALVE 4s LEACHATE RISER SECTION C70 N.T.S. FINISHED GRADE ALL PIPING SHALL SLOPE TOWARD THE REDUCING TEE PLACE ADDITIONAL COVER SOIL BENEATH THE CLEANOUT CONNECTION HDPE LEACHATE CLEANOUT PIPE 3' (MIN.) 0 _I 2 PIPE BEDDING MATERIAL _ NO. 57 OR NO. 67 STONE 8" (MIN.) EXISTING GROUND SURFACE / / 12" (MIN.) COMPACTED SOIL BACKFILL METALLIC PIPE LOCATOR TAPE ELECTRICAL CONDUIT (AS NECESSARY) 4"0x6"0 DUAL CONTAINM SDR 21 SOLID WALL HDPE FORCEMAIN FILL TO SPRING LINE 3"-6" (MAX.) LEACHATE FORCEMAIN AND 48 ELECTRIC CONDUIT TRENCH C70 N.T.S. 4"0 SDR17 ELBOW(S), DETERMINE ANGLE IN THE FIELD 8" 0x8" 0x4" 0 SDR17 HDPE REDUCING TEE ANCHOR TRENCH 5o BARREL SUMP AND CLEANOUT CONNECTION C70 N.T.S. PERIMETER ACCESS ROAD PERIMETER CHANNEL NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF EXAMINERS FOR ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS LICENSE NO. C-3035 U Z W p � a Z 0 Ow w cn o W o W 0 U Z 0 r 0 W m 0 Q10 o � ICI n T co }� N 0 z � C-4 d) O 0 n mN 1 1 U U a) E 111 L .E ;� 1 � M Q N w co W c a d O O O N 1 r U Z Lo Lu ch Z J a00 J aa� U Q O J ~ TU Z U � 0- Q Q J Z Z � W Z O = W � :) J Lu 0 O wC) V 0 Z DocO V♦ W VI co V♦ z Q Q = U 2 m n m U Z � cn to 7j a m � W In } m z cr o W Y U W _ W 0 U 00 N m W fn ~ z Q = U Q W m w J 0 Lu tt{tt��ttirlas C�fiO'r ' } •/� • 4a'� r+ •Qw U U > $� i a • WCc fn W O .�. onrl4 o o a • , DRAWING NO.: ll •� �Nllldll Lw C702 qN T. 6� 0 4 BEFORE YOU DIGI CALL 1-800-632-4949 N.C. ONE -CALL CENTER IT'S THE LAWI SHEET 24 OF 30 7 1 \ NORTH //./� PZ5-14S �" /%x, !�/ �(� 5 4 / / Z5- r'o 310 ,�, • -27D • ^��ZA PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED \ 290 c 0 O v 2 LEGEND PROPERTY LINE 300' PROPERTY BUFFER EXISTING STREAMS / 50' STREAM BUFFER EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR \\ EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR \ IK\\ FM EXISTING LEACHATE FORCEMAIN I I I�� - 100-YEAR FLOODPI AIN PHASE LIMIT/EDGE OF LINER 300 MAJOR CONTOUR MINOR CONTOUR \. PERIMETER ROAD I—► PERIMETER DITCH INTERCELL LIMIT ®PZ5-2S PHASE 5 SHALLOW PIEZOMETER ®PZ5-6D PHASE 5 DEEP PIEZOMETER (&MW-19S SHALLOW MONITORING WELL FOR PHASES 3 AND 4 ®MW-15D DEEP MONITORING WELL FOR PHASES 3 AND 4 TOP OF BEDROCK cc U W p � a z O U) W cf) 0 W o w 0 U Z 0 r 0 w m 0 a � o � I� ti T /j/�j/ `ti/�0/ I ice_ \` �v _ \\ PHASE 3 �/ �j I I " N ///// // 2 /,� \ 280 \ o Ll i/1 00 104 21 s C� ////j /-/ \ \\\ ,�IIIIIIIII IIIIIII 11iQ�j VC N (o o o 26D 4 a) EI Il' PZ5-13D /-�` I I I _ ' ° _ �- \ I II I II III 11 *' L .E �\\i \\ 1 \� 111\1 I II \I �I I \ // - _ _ _ � '� I I I III \ I 1 0 \\�\ \ 1 _ - \ yoo J ��..� 310 �/ - x �-�� (� III, I, I \� �\ I 1 III \ � cn c� U � Jo � Mw-1 / , - -��\ �, /�>��\\\ \\\\\\� 1 II III\I III \\\ 1 I I II , IIII i�"i ❑ c� jo 1\, \\\\\\ \ II IIII \\1\ \\ II I III,III m co 310 // \ \ / I I I I r\ ✓ / / 1 /_ \ \ \ \ 1 I I- /i �\ \ I I II I I I PIPa, ,// / ! �, I r310-7 \\III I I I /� _ 10; // �• \1( IrU I \ \ 1 I I I I I I o 0 1 \ rJ jl ll I i 1 0 PZ5-12D I I N c \ _ll � � / / /� ( , f � I� .o I � \ �I \ IIAI�\ I I I I I I I I III �II I � `y \\\ � III \ �\\ I II I IIII I I •� 'i -:`> o ;/// o I \ � J /��/i� �///% /i//' ,fig / _ _ \ l I I I J �,�►v�� I I __� _ ;%_ _=__-��\\\\ \\ I / 1111 I �/(� c-J -/�i///i �c / N o _ % \ / - __ _ - __- \\\\ ( I I I II 11 III/� U / / \ \310 I \-,_- ��r,=- �-_� ���'- _ --_\\\ \\\\\ \\\ \ 111 I I I i I / — / w-17s \\\\\ ( I I I I , II \ ° -_��� �' - �� - - ���__ _ \\ \ 1 IIIII I I IIII IIIII Lo Z a /PZ5-10D-R p P 5- 1 \\ \\\ \ \ \ I I ( I - - - \ \ \\\\ \ \ \\\� I 1 w �' II IIII \\ \ \\\\ 111\\\ \\\\w I I11�\11 �90� ����I111 I W Z Z s-S�_- =��� ���_�% - -_ \ 1 \ \\\ \\1 \w \ o I I I I I I I J J �- \�\\\ I\ \\\ 1 ti l 1 I I Vi �hQ-�_ _ _ - \ \ I 1 11 c. o I I I I I Q _�_!;_ � - %- -�\�\ \I III I I1� w 111 (I III 1 1\ I , Q l ll / / _ _��-%-�� - - \\ \ I 1 c.rll o III I\\ III ,III = IIII Ill/// //j//�' �i// � I � \, � /> / � 1<<�� / �I I o II (/ ° � _ �_�_:,_-i;-��-__\ \ 11 III � 1\1� � \ 1 (I I �o I.I'I 1 ,� I (III'((, h/ \ \ 1 \ \ \\\ \\I l l /11NIlol D �` / / / / // PZ5-10D o / �/ o N � I I I (►� �- _�, ______�\\ \ \ 11 1 I1� \ \,0, , 1 \ \ I \ I �. I Z a acc \ 111,1 IIII ////%/ �r r ( c // I III II Is60 _, �_=__-,,_ 1 1 I / / I V 111\1 % \ \\� \ o, o \\11 \\ ,\ I 1 I 1 II MINI U a 11,1 //// l l / l I 30 _ "' III I � _ -- _�====-ice-- \\1\\ w \� II/1111/11 1 \\ \\\1\I\I 2� 1 III IIIII / 1 I IIII l / 11// / /l l l i o 2�0 11I III IIII 3 ___ - \\ 1 \ I \ 1\ III I J /4//, 1((`1 I ` II III �3"80 = - ;- _-- ,\\�, � 1 \ \ \\\\1, \ \\\ 11 III IIIII �I J = I Ill ll I I /� _,�\ 1\w o \\lIIIII 11 - -- - PHASE 2 \1 w o I 111\ \ \\\ 1 1 \ \ I 1111 II \ 1 IIII (�_�-� _— - -- \ �\ \ \ I II II I/ \ I II I I \ \ I I - __ __ _ - I,o 1 III\\ \\ \IIIII 11 \ \ II ►IIII 11I111�111111(I ,IIII \\\ _ 1 / / / / �, , , ,, \� / `, IIIII 1111111111\\\1\IIII111111139%,0_— __- �Ilol �\I ,I 'I \V�,6VII \,\ I 1\I II,�IIII1 I \I /II II11 _��/� / / , , // \ I III ,,,\\\ \\\1111111111 III �o ,___ ^_� V1\�r,\\\ , 111\\,llllll I\\ (\\\\ \,I1111I'lll,, 11 I� I►,� ,, ►,►IIII a LL O H PZ5-9D 29p 30 / / / / t I I 1 11 II 1 (IIIII 1 11 11 \ I \\\ 'S` -,�o.� -_- _ \ol\\\�\\I1 III I IIIII,, III\\\1\ I I1 11 I I III (I I I `;/ PZ - PZ5-24D o / /// / / / �� \ I IIII IIII III II II \\\I��\\\\\\\ \\\ \�`�. - \\1�\\ \III,11 IIII ,111 ,II 1\\\ II III (IIIIIII I 111 II (IIII V Q Z %fr�� \`� /� V ,�/ / / // 3 11 III II, II\I III\ 11 `' \\\ \\ \ \�\\� \\\\� � / 1\\ \\\\ \\ \\ ,\ 11 III II 1 1\I\� 1 III I I11,11 I11,111 I111 \ ,I IIIIIII W \\111 1 1 \ \\\\\\ \\\\ \ ( \ \ \ I I1111 III II \11 I J z 0 _ I \ \\ \ \\\ \ \ I \\ \\ \111 \ II II 1 I IIIII II\\\ \\ \\\\\ \\ \ \\\\ I \ \\\ \\\\N \\\ \III IIII IIII IIII IIII I ,1 IIIIIII I\\ IIII\ 1 I1 1 II III I IIII II1�\ II a\\\\\\\\\\ 111 I I \ \\ \11 I IIIIIIIII II IIII II 111 I a H � \\�\\\\ \ \ i� I \\\�\\ \IIII 11 111\\ \ \ 1 I I III 11\ J ., t4, , I . \\ \ \ \ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ \\ \\ \ 11 �11 \ \\\ \\\ 1 11 I I I II I I I \ \ \ D '!� - \\\ \ \ \ \ \\\ I \ 1 III I IIII II I I I III Z \\\\\\���\\��\\\\\\I I1\ 1 \\\\\\\\ \\\\ \I11 1\\\\\ \\\\ \\II IIIIIII IIII I,I 1 III (IIIII a W N\\\\\\\ �\\\\ \ �\\\\\\�I \\\ r--� 111�1\\\ \\\\\IIII\(\\\I\\\\\\\ \\\I II II I I II 111 4 III N �\ \J'\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\ \ \ \\ 11 I \ \ \ I IIIII 1\\ 1 H III I III 1 \II \\ \\\\ \ \ \\ \\\\ \\ \\\\\\\I'I\ 1\ I ( \ 1111 \1\\\\1 II \I\ \ \\\ \\\1\ \\\\1 111 IIII I I I I\ 1 I I \ I �I,1 Z \ I \ \\ \\ 1 \ 111 I I I11 I 1 111 a 'o \ \\ \\ \\\\\\\ \\\�\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\I 111 I ,All IIII 11\I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 11 111II111 III I,\\IIII 1 I I \, 1 I 111 Z O I 280��280Z5-8s / ` \ \ \\\\ \\ \\\\\ \\ 'A A, \,\\\\\ \ \\I�1,1,�c IIII IIII\ \ \\ \\\\ I\\\\III\\ I \\ ,\\ J 1 II 1 1,11 IIII IIIII I 111\) �1\ IIIII \11 \1 \\\\\ \ \�1\ 11 I 1 111\ \\\ 1 IIII I I I I I \\ U ,. , I 1 � \ � 111 \\ \ \ \ \I ,I IIII , \\ 11 I I \\\ � W 310 I I IIIII III 11 ` \III >>> \IIIII \\ \\\ \ \\ \\ \, IIII IIII 1\\\ \ \ III 1 I I \\ 1 I l� `L \I II \ 11 1 1 \\\ \\\IIII \�\ 1\\ I\\ w Lu V \ II I \ PZ5-7 0 2° 33o I I I III (/ /III I I I I I I I II I I I I I I Jll 5� \�) III I 1 1 I I I I I I I \ \ ��1 V I , , 1 I / // I I II I I I I J 1j , I I, ►I \I,1 \�11\'1 I 'IIIIIII \I\\ \I 1 I\ \\ , I 0 c 11 \ 3? 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I L / / / // �' i // / / /// , 1 � � //�i/ iii/ � �i% .L1 �/i/ / �i � � ( // // �/ // / /// 60 r ///////� // / l l H o r \ I ( �_ 260 / // /�///��// -� ii/ s� , / / / /�j / / //lI // / /j/ // // IIII / �� �/ h° ���//////�/// // / / / I l //� ' SCALE IN FEET BOARD OF EXAMINERS Z N u \\\\ \ \ ( \\ \\\ �o \ ,% /////��� / /�/ ��(/ //Xx / i /� %// % % // // /j 5 0 // // / / r FOR ENGINEERS AND _u O / /// /// / / Lu r \� r \ \ \ / 2 �/ �// / //�� /i/�, i 1 / / / / / / / / / / '� / / / / // //// / IIIU\ // / / ///� / //:� Q// /// �� �� w REFERENCE �/ %/ / // i/� l l / / �// / _/ / / / / `yam _ m /'h // / / /�/ ,,- 0 100 20o U �/ SURVEYORS LICENSE J w z5 2 / /-/��%��%���L� �> //i/��i�/�//// // /�5ll /l l/ /�!/ IIII l/�_-- 1. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY WITHIN WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS 9 / IIII / / // IIII / - lci/ // //� ////i // IIII//'�///0// j/ / �i// / / /�_- NO. C-3035 a v PROVIDED AT 2-FT CONTOUR INTERVALS BY GPI JOB N0. 18-006 ; ° 2 /�/// / / // /�/// ( , / / 1 / / ( / /// �/� w MW-8D i / IIII / l// it I I I 1 / // / // 'A DATE W DATE OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY JANUARY 15, 2018. _l 1l/ �j f /%�//��//// ////� ) I \�� // /� 1 II 1 1 /// /l /// ////� I �J i // O 7 / /��/ ��\ ) \ i / / /� / // IIII/ 1 I I I l / / IIII l 1 / / / o // / / / / / / �t,��«���#,,,,��� Z 280IIII i� /%ice IIII / / / / - / / l/ l l / 1 111 I l Ill/ l �jl / IIII l �/ J �// �� / / / �l�//� C,A .,. 2. LIDAR TOPOGRAPHY OUTSIDE WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS /� `// l / /// // /� / /// / �— / l l I 1 / // / l/ / / / / /// // / '/ •• K R �, W } ACQUIRED FROM NC DOT GIS. v 0 300 \ /� / / 1 ` \ l\\\ (� ( / I / / / /�/ IIII/l l//// / /// / //� / //� IIII Q►. , . / ( / - \ \\\\ \ \\ ) J / I I �( < (� I / /� / \ /l l/ l / / l / IIII / / / Ill/ l /// / / // o €s��r•••o � J z o 3. FEMA FLOODPLAIN INFORMATION FROM NCFLOODMAPS. MAP NUMBERS: 300\ \\ \ Al � / ///�/�.'' �i•Q *' ¢ w / / / I o .M \\\\ \\\\\\\\�\� I I I III I \\ \\ \\ \ \ \ l/l / / ///llll/// /// 11////// / / / l /f/ 0 / // i /i Si�A4•: w CD w 3710644500J, 3710644600J, 3710645500J, 3710645600J. \ / \ \ \\ \ \\ \ \ \ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ < / // / / / / / /// / / / // / / / //// / / 0 / / / // // // // - . ��\\\\� \\\\\\� �\ \ \\,\ \\\\ \\\ \ \ \ \ l l/ / IIII,/ 1,//,////l///i /�///Ill �/ / l //'� �,� / /////�///�/),/i�%' // _ = . Q 4. TOP -OF -BEDROCK CONTOURS ARE INTERPOLATED BASED ON THE DATA _ \ �• I \\\ \\\ \\\\\ \ \\ \ \\� \\\ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \\\ \ \\ \ \ IIII l // / / / ///Ill// l I Il IIII/ // // / / / /// \ \ \\\\\\\\ \ \\\\\ \\\\\\\ \ \ \ \\ / // /�/ / // I (// / //// ///�/�/( / I j0�/%�%��///// // c- 439i14 0 0 C a A OBTAINED FROM THE BORING/PIEZOMETER/WELL LOCATIONS SHOULD BE _\\_\\•� �� \\\\ \ \\\\\\\� \ \\\ \\ \\\\ \\�\\\�\\\ \\\ I / / /// / I (I / /// / / /// I �/ / 9 /�// ////// Jy���'�p ; CONSIDERED APPROXIMATE. l/l///�/, //r IIII /((//l� //� IIII / l I l / / �. ///IIII// ��•: g FIGORE A `-�' �d�!•• e�,,• \\ \ \\ / ////// BEFORE YOU SIG! , 5. GROUNDWATER ELEVATIONS BASED ON PIEZOMETER WATER LEVEL (i 11 / / // \ \\ \\ \\\\ \ \ \ \� \ \ \ \ �� / / / l l /l l / IIII/ J// ( l / \ / / / //�// //qN T• �` G 1 OO \\ \ \\\\ \\� \ \ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / / / // / / // / / / // / /// // /J) I I (// / / / , / �,/ / / ///�/ l�///�/ CALL 1-800-632-4949 ., . READINGS ON MAY 31, 2017. TOP -OF -BEDROCK ELEVATIONS DETERMINED FROM AUGER REFUSAL DEPTH AT EACH BORING SITE. \ \\� \\ \ I ((/ I 'III 1'I l - \ \ \\\ \ \ \\\\\\\\ \\\�\\\\\\\\\\\ \\ \ \\\\\\�\\\ \��/�,///// / N.C. ONE -CALL CENTER .\ \ I �\�\ \\\.\\\��\�\\\ \�\\\�\\\\\�\\\ �.\ \�\.\ \\�\ \. /////l�l %� /� ///l/l i/� %l jl�ll /,/ ///� / ��///%/i) I / / �/ , / /// /�/�/h///Op `/ / IT'S THE LAW! 25 30 7 5 4 3 1 7 NORTH r // PZ5-14S /Z �/'o /v PZ5-21 Sol \ 0 0 PZ5-13D MW-1 C //10 ', /" A / PZ5-12D / ` 0) IQ I ///i//// �O 9p N o W-17S \ (////////, PZ5-10D-R _- / — �--'01 `� D PZ5-10D oo ( / \ �/lllllll/IllllllI I I I ( I I I I I I I I/1(I 1 l\1 \` \\�\ \\\ ; PZ5-9D 30 — �\ ((\ \ \ \\\� \\ \---�-//�—�/ PZ5-24D 0 -300 _- 01�286 Z5-8S / O I � � \\ III\ PZ5-7 PZ5-6D 0 310 /l PZ5 6S I 280 ® B MW_ K �' PZ5- 23D PZ5-5D ��� /" ^� 310 P PZ5 5S Z5- OD 310 PZ5-20S ) N I I / r 1 ) 300 MW / I 310� PZ -3S Zg0 / REFERENCE \ ( / \ �\ 1. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY WITHIN WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS PROVIDED AT 2-FT CONTOUR INTERVALS BY GPI (JOB NO. 18-006); DATE OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY JANUARY 15, 2018. 290 \ Z5 2 _\ 2. LIDAR TOPOGRAPHY OUTSIDE WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS ACQUIRED FROM NC DOT GIS. BO 3. FEMA FLOODPLAIN INFORMATION FROM NCFLOODMAPS. MAP NUMBERS: 2� 3710644500J, 3710644600J, 3710645500J, 3710645600J. 3. SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE POTENTIOMETRIC CONTOURS ARE \ 300 INTERPOLATED FROM A CORRELATION OF WELL GAUGING DATA FROM A \ PERIOD OF 2001-2017. OVER THIS PERIOD, SEASONAL HIGH WATER —\ LEVELS WERE OBSERVED IN APRIL 2016. THE GEOMETRIC MEAN - \ 4 DIFFERENCE IN WATER TABLE ELEVATIONS BETWEEN THE SEASONAL HIGH IN APRIL 2016 DATA AND THE APRIL 2017 DATA WAS 1.3 FEET. CONSERVATIVELY, TWO FEET WERE ADDED TO THE PHASE 5 WATER �� ( I I // / PZ5- c� TABLE ELEVATIONS MEASURED IN MAY 2017 TO APPROXIMATE THE DEPICTED SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE SURFACE. 8 7 5 o Z5-1 S 270 NNIQl \\— C14 l MW-13S /i Z5- �o PZ5-15S �' 2g0 N O �00 / N /po - 4D o / �300 �310 LA 00 — ,510 ® _o PZ5-27D i Wo PREVIOUSLY I / U/7 \\ PERMITTED I ` PHASE 3 1I j O \ N � j -26D 310 / _ � -_ _ �%� �����\�� III— llllllll I11 ��_, �IIIIIIIIIIIII I �� 310 // / /'� /� I �I\ I r\ ^I_ \ ✓� // 1 //_,// \\\ \\\\ I III,IIII`I . J -boo %'"I I 1I �1 I \ I Gll % \I 'rU I \\ \\ \ �— �\ \III l I I I I IlllllI Ili I I \ 1\� \ ' c„ -3�� �1/-T _/ �I(IIIII(�J \\ \ \\ — �• �� _�\ / l I I I %�\ �� _�%=� � � �-"__-- —��� � � \\ \\\ l I I � IIII � 310 5a \ \\ \\\\\ I I wl 1 I II IIII \\�\\1\\\\ 111\\\\\\\ \\ \\\\1, \ \\,\�,\\ o (I , 1 I I Iti II 1 IIII I olll I I I II III I 0 IIIIIII I IIII to r / o\1, c \\11 \\ I \\\\ 111 2� 1 III IIINIIo \\ c.A�\oll 1 III v \ I \ \ \\1 III I IIIIII"IIII �— \ 1 / / I I I I `I I Ill`ll IIII► % -- —.�\ 11w o \\\\ \ Ill\\\\\ 1 \\ \\\\ \, I II 1 IIIII 380 =__ —� _ ,— = 11 \�, o \ 1 \ 11 III IIII —'� — '— 1 \ \I1 I 1\\ \ 1 IIIII I \I\ =—=!PHASE 2 I 111\ \ \\\\ I� 11 \ \ \ IIII I11 1111 111`I\ \\II,Ij„IIIIII3 = = — _�` Ilo lll0 1 IIIII\\ \1\,IIII \ 11 IIIIII, I I \I /II Illlllll III I \ 1 \ 11 III I IIII I 1\\ III 1\\ I11 \ 1 I I I ► I I /// / \�\ IIII l (IIIIIIIIIII\11111111\11111�\I11 `'� ;�o.__\10111'\\ \III I\11III111111 IIII\\\\\\,IIIIIII1111IIIII III IIIIIII „/ �/ � \ \� � � ► III► 1 ,II, III ,1 \\\\\\�\1 \\� .�.�1,1 \, 1 II 1,1 ,1,11 1111I1111 ►III II 1; I; II►II;III;' (� - /�,,' 3 ll III► \lI IIII \ , l Ill/ ,\\ \\ \\ \ \\\ \� / /---� \\\\\ 11 I 1 I 1 111 II IIII, I II I \I III 20\\ \\ \\ \\1\ 1 \IIIII I 111111 11,1 IIII II I I IIII 1,11 IIII \ 11 I IIIII IIII �. \\ \\ III II III Ill I I I I I\\ ��\\\\ i A \ \ \ N GJ2k \`\\\\ \ \\\ \\ 1 \\\\I o II1 111 \\\\ \\ \\\\\\ \\\\1 \` \1\\\I\ III II IIII III III II II I IIII IIIII I III 1 11 I I\IIIII IIIIIIIIIII �IIl \\\\ \111\\\\\\\\IIII\1\\\ \\\\ \\11\\\\111111111IIIII111 1\\ II IIIIII IIII� \ \\\ N 11\\\\ I II \\ \ \ \\ \ \ I III II \ \\1 \ II \\ 1 \\\\\ III IIII \\\I\\\\\\\\\ 11 III 1 11I \ `` 33o I 1 I (, / / /•�j�`I I1r I I I I I I I � I II\� I �1�51,1 \I I IIIII\\111\ 11\ 111 IIII 32° I II I111I111/ ///,IIIII Ill/ /llI II►, II II I I IIII ' �c�\1 I III IIII 111111111111IIIIII1111 11\\� \I IIII IIIII\I d l 1I 1I\ 1 I II \ I l/111 l „ ll , l , 1, ll/ 1, I/ I ► I'1� I I I I �I / d��, IIII 111 1111 I 11 l I I III, ,IIIIII \ \ \\ \\ \\,\11,11 I1,1 l/lllll,ll, lllll/l,l,%1, 111►III ► I \��l III►,, IIII I I►I ,IIIIIIIIII,II ,\\\\\\\\\IIII 111�,\\\\\\; 11\1 \11 320 / , ( (, //// //// ////„//�Il/ /,// /,//''%// / I � ►► �-- ►IIIII //IIIIII Illllll IIII ,\\ \\\\ \\\\ \\\\\\11\`\\,1 1, \\\\ 1^ �;, 1v\ I , IIII'/ ♦ / 111 � IIIII II III III Iii1\\\I III I111 11\\\\\\\\\\ \\� 11 \ �10 �� / /, o 0 0 llllllll//, IIII /Ill //llllllll //Illlll l 111`\I„ Illlllll II I111111111 IIIII11111\\\\\\\\\ l 1 ll l 1 _ \\ \ 320 / / M M // lljl Illjl,ll 11111�11, 1 V Il l/11mr — I I IIIIII, �I/ 11 II►I IIII IIIIIII IIIIIIII\11\\ \\\\\111 I (IIIIII1111,1/,�ll ll/ll //1111 IIII Ill 1 / /Il lllll llll \ I /IIIII / //� / l/Ill/jl,l� I I II111, ,111I1111 IIII IIIII\111 \ \\� IIIIII 111/�171I/ ,1(( Ill IIII II11/ Illl/llll I IIIIIII II \ „�I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ,, , 1 I I I II III I l 1I► l l I / // /, // , / // ///�/ ,;IIII// //,, '/,/� IIII/ �lll; l,l ; /,111 / // ///,//, , IIII„ll�l l/l 11/ l ,, Ill / ,I I /Il `II'�Ji/ , o I l� ///) �I / `� o i�l/ l� �i////�� / 0 //0 // / / / f / ,�� / o ,//,` ///,//� �`1 / �/ /�/ / // /// // "Oi//�// i�� ///�ii�ii� %ice /ice / / � / / '• 1 \ � / / /� / / / // // /// / l // 1V ///// / 1 'Z /iii�/��/o/i�/'//�%// f, //� /� /�' .�� / / / / / f IIII/ /i/ //y>3ii / /i/ �/� / �// /j �/ /� / / �/// 1( / \ C / / / /�i- /� D ) / / / / / I / // �`%IIII//j//// /ii�i�il < < 1 — /i�//�� / / / // I/ l / / /// // / r/ / / / / / / / / r IIII,,/////�// j�/ /'� /,�0 /// 1 IIII 1 / / /i%// / /�/-- f i /1/i� IIII/ //� 1 \��� // /rl III I I / / /l/ l l/l /// / ll) (j /�J//// j to / l / / / / //i ) ��//r l I 11// l// l //�% f I / //�� l MW-8D / ���/ / l / I III' II//�/// / IIII / // / //� \\ \\ \\ � � l l /�� < � � r � �i / / / \ --✓- � � l l / / // l IIII / \ \\\ /////,//l o M \\\\\\\\\\\\\\�\�\( 1 I I I I I \\ \ \\ \ \\ 1 Al/// /� //�/ \ \\\ \ < l/ Ill///lj�/j/�ll///////l % �� �'o/ / %� //////// \\\\///// / \\\\\\\\\��\\ \�\ \\\��\��\XZ�� /�j \\\\v .... .1/�� /%'i) 1 /l /�//�/� 5 4 3 2 LEGEND PROPERTY LINE — — — 300' PROPERTY BUFFER EXISTING STREAMS — 50' STREAM BUFFER — —300-- EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR FM— EXISTING LEACHATE FORCEMAIN 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN PHASE LIMIT/EDGE OF LINER MAJOR CONTOUR 300 MINOR CONTOUR PERIMETER ROAD — ----- PERIMETER DITCH INTERCELL LIMIT ®PZ5-2S PHASE 5 SHALLOW PIEZOMETER ®PZ5-6D PHASE 5 DEEP PIEZOMETER ®MW-19S SHALLOW MONITORING WELL FOR PHASES 3 AND 4 ®MW-15D DEEP MONITORING WELL FOR PHASES 3 AND 4 SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER — PHASES 3 & 4 GROUNDWATER 0 Ir U Z W 0 cc a Z °C O U) w Lu W 0 U Z 0 r 0 W m a � o � 0 C� ICI n N (11 co }� N rl ) M - o � o n MN 1 1 UcoE o 1 ,� .0 %qq yy irl N N 4>1 � M Q N m co W c a a> _y w U o O � N 1 r • n•1 NORTH CAROLINA SCALE IN FEET BOARD OF EXAMINERS 0 100 200 FOR ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS LICENSE NO. C-3035 a �•, Q€sl�r 4 • t� •: ' $EAL i ! i ' .. .'yq •��� �+ Q��. Q,►.•��j;. FIGOF BEFORE YOU DIG! CALL 1-800-632-4949 ,';�iV N.C. ONE -CALL CENTER IT'S THE LAW( U � Z Q WaZ � J a00 J zaa°C o J = V Q U�z� aZ�0 aQ�z QJw - Z aZ = = W O W a. VLu%J p. 0 Zno Z cnmz Z aQa U �mn= U Z c� W r W a Z a m 02 cc m Y U Lu 0 U w o 0 '2 V = Z N � W Lc) II T aU Z v 0 0 Q W w p Z m p UI..-w � w o 0 o m a G200 26 30 6 4 I 3 2 IN, NORTH s // l-- 0000 ��� O N \ (///////// //�////Po Z5-10D-R o P 5-1 ` 0, z "% PZ5-10D \ /(IIII I 2�0 IIII 'loll, PZ5-9D 290 PZ — PZ5-24D I 300\ , P D III Z5-8S \ IIIII I 28 \ \ 2 ° I // I PZ5-7 0 PZ5-6D 0)Ild, +p0 1� \ Ill N 1 00 +00 PZ5S 280 6+0 MW-1 0 4+00 PZ5- 23D -7-300 PZ5-5D310— E 290- ' l l \\ \ PZ5 5S 00,I \ \ Z5- OD \ I ( \\ \ \� � PZ5-20S N I � //,��� �1► O PZ -3S Ij p -1D Z5 2 - --—__\ \ 2g0 00 300 3 PZ5-19It it \ t w 340 LEGEND PROPERTY LINE \ / �p 310 ���� —' /�\ \\�\� 300' PROPERTY BUFFER EXISTING STREAMS 50' STREAM BUFFER ((L�, 1✓ / // � EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR J _ \ EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR �� ^�i \ \\\\\\\ 11 EXISTING LEACHATE FORCEMAIN `\ 00 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN PHASE LIMIT/EDGE OF LINER `—�� I I �� \ \\ \\\ 1 ✓ �/ \ \ \ 300 MAJOR CONTOUR \� I I �/ <\\ \\��\ �I1\\\ _� \\ ��i C`---�___��� \ \\ \I MINOR CONTOUR Illl\\i\1( I PERIMETER ROAD —► ------ PERIMETER DITCH INTERCELL LIMIT ®PZ5-2S PHASE 5 SHALLOW PIEZOMETER ®PZ5-6D PHASE 5 DEEP PIEZOMETER o 1�^� <i �� %'�' �'%—��-- =— \ 111 \ \\11w\ 1 I^'ll I MW-19S SHALLOW MONITORING WELL �0� i —--11 1 \ o \ / I1 FOR PHASES 3 AND 4 ,/ / / \\�\\\1 " / ' I /II � I/ / '` II I II I II,�III(IIIIIIIIIII �I r)Il(1I Ij1IIIIIl1III1(II1I J(1,IIIjIIIIIlIIIIIIlIIIIIl1II1II•1\`I1fI1l�1\ \\ l\�\Il\1\ \II\ I1\ I1\I ,I�I\�1\( \I,1\I�I1IIII�llI,II.Il'\I1IIyII16IzI15/I1%I<I1I1rI�—I_I31(I,�I_I1I-0%I 1 �'�(�I1�3,,I18?� �0ic\�3'9\%�—'�_�_ _'_ �_� �_ �_°_—�!___—� —�_: _�=_=--=_= _ ��_—_�_�,_—��__��=_= —�-�=�\�1--0_i �- —•�1�—\ \I�\ l\ ll\yo\\1+ 1\,.\\.1\ \�\o\\\\ \., MW-DEEP MONITORING WELL \ \\\ FOR PHASES 3 AND 4 \\TOP-OF-BEDROCK 1I1 0_PHASE 20I1\SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER Q . II \ 1 \`\\\�\ �\ PHASES 3 & 4 GROUNDWATER \\\\\\\\\��\\\\�.�,C \_ ,o �2 ►I\1\I\I 11\II1\\1I\I1II\ 11lI�II1l\I �I 1 1 \\� REFERENCE \\ \\ A 11 I 1EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY WITHIN WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS S �\\ \\�PROVIDED AT 2-FT CONTOUR INTERVALS BY GPI (JOB N0. 18-006); \ 11DATE OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY JANUARY 15, 2018.\\\\\\11\\\\ \\\ II\\\\\1 \\\\ l \\\\\\\ \1\\ `,\\2, LIDAR TOPOGRAPHY OUTSIDE WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS\\\\�\\\\\\\1\\\\\\\ ACQUIRED FROM NC DOT GIS. 18+Oo X 7+o0 \\\\\\\ ��\1� \3. FEMA FLOODPLAIN INFORMATION FROM NCFLOODMAPS. MAP NUMBERS :\\ lII1III \I3710644500J, 3710644600J, 3710645500J, 3710645600J. 4. TOP -OF -BEDROCK CONTOURS ARE INTERPOLATED BASED ON THE DATA 0 33o "III11 jil, 1 \ I I II \\\l OBTAINED FROM THE BORING/PIEZOMETER/WELL LOCATIONS SHOULD BE I�II 11 I III\\ \ \\\ I I I II I I III CONSIDERED APPROXIMATE. 5. SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE POTENTIOMETRIC CONTOURS ARE 320 / / I (, /// / / / // % / / / / ,, // // // // �/ /// ItI l I Imo_ I INTERPOLATED FROM A CORRELATION OF WELL GAUGING DATA FROM A ,,Jlf I //1�,,1/�%,/l////l/l/lll 11 I/ Illlllll/ \ IIIII((� II III I Illlllll 11\ 11\\\\\ , 41IIIII III III II I Ill\\\ III PERIOD OF 2001-2017. OVER THIS PERIOD, SEASONAL HIGH WATER l 1 / LEVELS WERE OBSERVED IN APRIL 2016. THE GEOMETRIC MEAN ° / o o , lll,l,/l,�//,/�//,�//ll/,l„/,l,l,,,l , t l lllllll �l —1 1„ If I ►I►�II I► I 1 ),1 11 DIFFERENCE IN WATER TABLE ELEVATIONS BETWEEN THE SEASONAL HIGH 320 M M /, 111 11 11///// l l,ll llII�II11 1 /V Ill/lj�llr I f li// Ill/l/l II J/1 JI I IIIIII II (f IIII /l�ll l l/ 11/�/// % I I J) I I J APRIL 2016 DATA AND THE APRIL 2017 DATA WAS 1.3 FEET. l l l 11 II 111 I // l llI/ Ill l 1 //// /// // / Ill l l l l I I ll /) J CONSERVATIVELY, TWO FEET WERE ADDED TO THE PHASE 5 WATER /ll 1 '7\ / l/11�11 J I� \ I / J I f (() J ) 1 I f 11 f /f 11 TABLE ELEVATIONS MEASURED IN MAY 2017 TO APPROXIMATE THE 1X// I I// J l 1 1 �/ l 1 I11 DEPICTED SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE SURFACE. >(J j e4 i III�I�\I, 1, / IIII `\ ti g / / l // / /� / / /l / // / j ///i�J //7� �// // / / / / // �/ir�/ij l��\� � /���% / /i/�i�/�//�i�� /lol/(lam //j/ /// ij�� / / / // //� / // ////�J c l / ✓/ \\\�,\\ / � \\ /i�i 1\ // ) / \ PHASE 1 �/l / // / // , / 1�/ // v17/ //// / //''/ ",// / l �/% o'ii/i�f �l� i i /� / \ /�i//1, / %//// �� / A/ � /�/, ��(, <�\ /� \\%��/ \�\�,\I\`\ \\ / ////// /— I / /// / �/ \ \\ \ \ \\�\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / / / / / / �� \ \\ \\\\\ \\\ \\\J\\�\\ \�\\\\\ \\� \ \�/ / / / \\ \\\\ \ \ \\ �\\ \� \ \ // / l l l� // /j ,/ ll(I (f/ 111 /l/I / //�/j/� I I lAV /90 ��/i�� �/� // \\ 111 I / I .� \\ \ \\\\ \\ \ \\ \�\\\ \ \\\\ \ \\ \ I / / / o \ \\\ \\\\ \\\\ \� \ \ \ \ ///j//l/,llj//j�///�/ / f/�l If(l( / / / l l / / / / \ \ \\\ �\ \\\\\ \ \\\��\ \\ \\ \\\ \ \ \ l l l / // ////i /1/ / / %/ / / /%� o,�// \ �\ \\ \ \\\\�\\ \\ \\\\ \\ �\ \ / / /////ll / 11 l 11 I // ///� / //////�� 1 III/ // //�// 3�,''////// /� I \\ �\\\�\\\\�,\\ \\\\\ \\ \\ \\\ \\ /,/ //// ///, / ,// ///////� , JJ \ / /� �// / /// / / //J1 I / // /ri// 'h/ / \\\\\\\ ,\\\�\\ \\\�\\ \\ \; \\ \ \\\\\ , �/, //�//,,,�//,�, �, /,/ /// , ,/ , / / ///. /o ,\ // // 111//// //,ll, ll/ 1, / ,/%; '1,/,� l,Il 1/ll,Ill/ ; ,/,�//,� /,//�,, /� / / �/ ► I �`I I I \\ \\\ \\\\�\\\\\\ \ \ ��\�\\\ // / / // l // / //// / / / l f/ // / /r / "JI�\ \ \ \\\\�\\\�\\��\\�\\\\\\\ \\\\\— / �// l///l/ �// //////// / // / l l / //%�// A///� \ \\\ /// //// ///// / // ///// // //// / ////// / /// // \ \ \\ \ \ \ / / / / / / /// / / / / // / �� ��\\\�/// / /� SS6, 1/ \\\ / / / \\\\�\\ :/ 340 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + to+ to+ + + + + + + 0+00 1 +00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 1 1 +00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 19+00 20+00 21 +00 21 +91 A -A PROFILE SCALE H:1 "=50'; V:1 "=12' NORTH CAROLINA SCALE IN FEET BOARD OF EXAMINERS 0 100 200 FOR ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS LICENSE NO. C-3035 BEFORE YOU DIGI CALL 1-800-632-4949 N.C. ONE —CALL CENTER IT'S THE LAWI U Lf) Z _L Lu � Z J a00 J Zaa°C 0 J = U C�LLz� azo0 aa�z QJw F m — a z Z o�c=)W= O WVWC.) a.0 Z 0 1= 0 cn m z Z Q Q U = V W Z n N N W Z T 0 IIIII— Lu 'cn �w } m n 0 M m [0 Q W U o W C) C) 00 T cn W ' 1� v 0 N m > J 0 w W a w w 0 ° p m 2 U � W o o 0 o m a 0 cc U W p � a Z OC/) w in o W c o W 0 U z 0 r 0 W F m 0 Q � o � 0 � n ^ N co � N 41 ?oj M � o n mN 1 1 U a) E 111 L .E 1yy > � M Q N y t W c a a) _y w U 0 0 1 r u SEAL 439r14 % FIGORE T.� G201 27 30 8 1 7 1 6 5 11 a F E u c I✓i /0 7 NORTH /// /i/ I//x//////%/o//// `L� �PZ5-10D-R PZ5-10D 01 bVIII, T %\ o. PZ5-9D 29p /$ p D ( (IIIIIII' \\ \ 2g0��280 Z5-8S \\ IIIIIII^ � G \ I I IIIIII \� \\ IIIIIII, l _ \ \\\ \ \\ PZ5-6D j��'� \ PZ5-6S 28p� —300- PZ5-5D 0 )70' , _ - \ \\\\ \\ PZ5 5S l \ \ \ \ Z5- OD o / \ \\ \\\ PZ5-20S N^o PZ -3S 11300 \\\\\ \v\\��� �90 \\ 2 Z �j ZZ 5 4 3 LEGEND PROPERTY LINE 300' PROPERTY BUFFER 310��� —� / �\ \� 1 EXISTING STREAMS 50' STREAM BUFFER —300-- EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR �) 310 \ /j�� I I \ \\ ✓� bl \ l/ �i� �\ \I\\\\\\\ LII FM EXISTING LEACHATE FORCEMAIN yy 1 111 III I 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN \V I(�/ I \ �-�— \ I I I IIIII PHASE LIMIT/EDGE OF LINER III I II3 I 00 MAJOR CONTOUR ��� ICI I�- r/D I 1 \�\ I I /( �� \�1�\\\\ \ ✓�� �/� �\ �-_ \ I I Jill MINOR CONTOUR PERIMETER ROAD /��✓ � � � \ �� I 1 -� \ _���_-��� \ \ IIIII I �\'i t III I Il \\\\ / IIIII (III 1 PERIMETER DITCH INTERCELL LIMIT / - I I �z-2S PHASE 5 SHALLOW PIEZOMETER310 X PZ5 \ \\\\\ \ \\ \\\\C 1 i •III X PZ5-6D PHASE 5 DEEP PIEZOMETER 77'_ \\\ \ I SHALLOW MONITORING WELL U, \ I / / (� > S-3�=-='��% �% —_ \�\\\\ \\\\ \ \ \ w 1111 I (�9 X MW-19s \ 1 �� %%% %— = \ 1 \\\ \ \\ o ( FOR PHASES 3 AND 4 X Jill, I1 MW-15D DEEP MONITORING WELL o FOR PHASES 3 AND 4 TOP -OF -BEDROCK l I I III `1111111`llll III %38Q —_ _ —=�•\ 1�\ 0 1 \ \ `\\\ 11 \ \ \ III III IIIII IIIIII IGH GROUNDWATER PHASE 2 SEASONAL H PHASES 3 & 4 GROUNDWATER0I I \ 11 � \ \ � ► I I, 1 (IIII 1 11 I\\\ \\ � 11� 1 \ '� -'. '-_------ \\ \\ I11j1 I IIIIII I11\ 1 I I IIII I I I ^�� `N� �0 ,I. I I /\ ll�\/\ •l1\ I \ 1II\\ \ II\\\II I\ \\\\I�I \I\\\I\\I\ I\\II\I\\\I�I\\I\I\\\I\\\ \\I \I \\\ �\\\11\\\\ \\\\\\ \\�\\�\\\\ \\\\\\\\\ \\ \\\\\\\\ \\\� \\\\\\\\\\ �\\\\\\\ \ �\�\\\\ \\�\\\\\\\\\\ \\\ \\\�\\\\\\\ \ \\\�\\� \ \ \ \\\\\\\\�\ \\\\\\\�\ \\ \\ \ \\\ �\\ \ \\\`I1\\ ��I \I\ \ \1II(\ II I\I I ( �—�\ \ \\\ \\\\\\�\\ \I \1I\I11\\I\11\\`\\\\1\\\\\\\\\\ \I\\I\\\\\\\\\ \\\\I\\\\I\\ I\\I\ \I\I1 \I\\\I\I\\1I\IIII1II1III1III1IIII I11II1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1III IIII1III1III III II ' 1 1I 1 \\I1 REFERENCE \x \ \\ 1EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY WITHIN WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS S\\\\\ PROVIDED AT 2-FT CONTOUR INTERVALS BY GPI (JOB NO. 18-006);\ \ IIDATE OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY JANUARY 15, 2018.\\\\\ \\ I IIII \\\ \\\\\ \\\\\\\`\II I1 2. LIDAR TOPOGRAPHY OUTSIDE WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS \\IIIIACQUIRED FROM NC DOT GIS.\\\\\\ \\ 1 I IIIIIII I II\ IIIII 3. FEMA FLOODPLAIN INFORMATION FROM NCFLOODMAPS. MAP NUMBERS: 3710644500J, 3710644600J, 3710645500J, 3710645600J. I I I IIII IIII III III I1 1\1\ �1\\�q\ IIIII \\ \\ \\ \\\\\\�1\\IIII IIIII\\\\\ \1 IIII 11 �\ \ III 1\ \\\\\\\ \\ \\ \\ \ 11111 111 III\\\ \\\\ \\\\ IIIIII \I 11 4. TOP -OF -BEDROCK CONTOURS ARE INTERPOLATED BASED ON THE DATA OBTAINED FROM THE BORING/PIEZOMETER/WELL LOCATIONS SHOULD BE 32° I I I I I I l III / / / //)IIII I I l l / / IIII I III IIII a\� ��\ 1 I I I II I I 1111111111111 III III IIII 11 \\ \ \ 11 1 \ 11 \ \ CONSIDERED APPROXIMATE. N1 IIII\ \ \ 5. SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE POTENTIOMETRIC CONTOURS ARE I I I II I I I IIIIII \\\ \\\\\\\ \\\I IIIi11\\\\\ \ INTERPOLATED FROM A CORRELATION OF WELL GAUGING DATA FROM A I \\�\I PERIOD OF 2001-2017. OVER THIS PERIOD, SEASONAL HIGH WATER LEVELS WERE OBSERVED IN APRIL 2016. THE GEOMETRIC MEAN/y// 1 DIFFERENCE IN WATER TABLE ELEVATIONS BETWEEN THE SEASONAL HIGH `1° / o 0 l //////// /// /// / l/ // ///// / /lI/Ill 11 _ I I I1\\ I l I I l II I I I II I I III I I� 11\ IIIII 1 \\ \\� APRIL 2016 DATA AND THE APRIL 2017 DATA WAS 1.3 FEET. ///l / J I II I I I 111 II \ \\ CONSERVATIVELY, TWO FEET WERE ADDED TO THE PHASE 5 WATER j 320 I l I// //I �I�/Ill I I11 I I I IIIIIIIII IIIIII II\1\\� TABLE ELEVATIONS MEASURED IN MAY 2017 TO APPROXIMATE THE !j /) Ill III III/Il/ �ll% �111I �ll Il/ll Il /I// 11 / lI/ l�/l/ IIII \\ I / I //// �/� // / '// lllll,l �l l l I Il I l / /% %III I I I 1 I11 11I DEPICTED SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE SURFACE. / / l l III / IIII/I /ll �\�1111� I l l�ll 1 l I III I I IIII' �� / ,I I I Ill/ 111 I lllllll /l /ll ll 111llllllllllllll Ili Illlllllllllllllll/l�/'//lll�lll�l//I /�1I/�ll�llll Ilt////%lllllf//�/ l /ll�l/ll /ll/IIII IIII//lllllll ////// / / / ) j'� / / /// / / o °I/// // / 1, ;/ �/ 1 /// ///i / /,� /i J/// III► I` \// ,, , // r / N , ^", D/Zwljlj //// �� /j ////�/% //// ////�//��j /l/�i/// �( / ��/�//// �/ / ✓ /�\��\\\\� ��// / /44 /// /i �\�� /f�X \ \ / / //o�i�r / /i/ /i l /� lll�i///�/ y / /// // PHASE 1 / Z / j � / f/ I / / / / /// / / /�I ll l �/ l/ lj l / l / ll //// / // / ///,'h / //i / //i i // / �i/ f� /',f'� Ill/ /j l l / I / l l / ll/ / / / / // o- ' I �� ' %///i i� i//�i/ / %/�/ /��� // / ll ll/ l/ l jlll// /� % / // /�//�// jti ///,// / / / 7 / �� / � l //- /ii ��/ii/ // / / // �� a�/// l l(I l / /l/ //// ///J// /// //I�/��0/// I //// I / �i/// �/ / / / /� / / I / / // -8D l ll 1 -� \\\\ \ \\ (/ I I �r < r (/ /� / \ /l l/ l /, , \\\\\\\\\\\\ �C/I I I II \ \\\\ \1 \� �— / l ll / Ill//l /// \\ \�\\�\ / / �/% / / \--��/�\ f�\� \\\\ b'k/ �— \\� ////ir�� \� �\�k/2/ \\ \ \AN\ \ \ \\ \ \\\\\\\\\\�l /� / 1 0 // I \\\ \ \\\\/Jiill / / 3'-h1%/�/ /� `� I I l l l/ / I l` ' / \\ '/ /i ///ll llI/ii Ii�IIII/ \ \\\\\ \\\ \\ \\\\\ / \\\\\ \\\\\\\�\\\\\\ \ \\ \�\\\\\ // / // //// �i \\\��\\\\\ \\ \\\ \\\\\- / �// l ///l/ oo \ \ \ \ \ \ \\// /// I // ///// / 111 lj �i / / I it// / /�//� // (J � / / ,--ter 1 >>» 1 I I \ I )l (I ) l \\ / / / // / / / // / //// // / / / l / (� j /l �//��/i//���/ill l� l 330 330 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L0 � � � � + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 11+00 12+00 B-B PROFILE SCALE H:1 "=50'; V:1 "=12' 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 19+00 20+00 21 +CZ1 +37 NORTH CAROLINA SCALE IN FEET BOARD OF EXAMINERS 0 100 200 FOR ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS LICENSE NO. C-3035 BEFORE YOU DIG( CALL 1-800-632-4949 N.C. ONE —CALL CENTER IT'S THE LAW( U L Z Oct Lu ch Z a00 J J Zaa°C O J = V Q U�z� azo0 aa�z QJw - Z �Z = W O W a.0 VWC.) Z cn Z oc 0 Lu m z Z Q TQ i U Z O U w cn 'ch'^ V! OM m U 0 O J O W a 2 0 cc U W p cc a Z 0 O w W 7 w c o W 0 U z 0 r 0 W cn 0 o no ci 1 ^ ^ T N vi co � N Z rl � M O 0 n mN 1 1 U a) E K o 111 LL .0 � M Q N m co y t W = a a> _y w U 0 0 rn 1 r �'o 439r14 % FIGORE T.� G202 28 30 = m n N V Z N W r } CO [0 � Y Q w 0 U 00 N T W N m cc > w m w w 0 n 8 I 6 5 11 3 II 4 3 a G F E u I✓i /0 jjjjjjj;�—� NORTH _ � /�"/'%'' /// o01 ////�/ F G2-R 0O PZ5-1 OD /J \1� //l �i 1/I/ IIII II I I I1 1 \\\\ - 29 PZ5-9D 1 �/� P D // I I ,I11,1 \ $p��2 Z5-8S 2 ao \ IIIIIII ` X \ \\\\1 \\ PZ5-6D PZ5-6S N. ° PZ5-5D ` 270 PZ-5 45 \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\\ PZ5-20S N o //- PZ -3S ( yv� 340 LEGEND PROPERTY LINE 300' PROPERTY BUFFER 310 1 ��\ \ III � EXISTING STREAMS 50' STREAM BUFFER NVo\ I — — 300 -- EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR �) 310 // \ / /� ( III" > I r , \ ✓� / / 1 // ��� \ \ \ \ \\ U F M EXISTING LEACHATE FORCEMAIN 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN /�' /�I 1 \ I / % \1/r/� IIIII ����� II \ / I( I�i,, I \ \ �— iii \ I I II I PHASE LIMIT/EDGE OF LINER 300 MAJOR CONTOUR I\4I1�'�� MINOR CONTOUR PERIMETER ROAD 1\ \ G2 3 I\ti_J I _--�\\\1 PERIMETER DITCH �� INTERCELL LIMIT Oaf 310 ��— — ��o� — ��j�'� _---- — \\\\\\\\\\\� �\ \ I I I III X PZ5-2S PHASE 5 SHALLOW PIEZOMETER XPZ5-6D PHASE 5 DEEP PIEZOMETER �%�— \\�\\\\\\\\\\'.\9 SHALLOW MONITORING WELL s,s� _%�%_��� �% '�__ _%-- \\\\\ 1\\\� \ \\ \�\ I 1 ,11 (,, MW-19S 11\ \\ III\I I1\ 0 ( III I I X FOR PHASES 3 AND 4 ' w o I I (I I I I DEEP MONITORING WELL / / �\\� \ _��/,r -�. II/<</�I I—/ \/ -/, �,��I� ��, � III�1III'11II��1II �y o�I IIIIIII II,II IIII1III� I1II1III1IIIIIIIII \I\I1 1�\\1\I 1III I In,\(\I,�\'II�,III1I•I1I, 0%III 3(9II I�QI �I,3I�—'=%�,�==;-- = —_%�--�_,—;—�_—_—i__ _�_�_,;;�;__�_____— __— _o\1 �I"\1�ll\o\\� 1\I \1 \\\I\1\\ \ \,\\Iw1v\III� \I \II1\ 1I `cII oI.I1;IlI1l1l1ilI1 `1l\o\\\ 11\ 1\1lIII\l\cI\,1\1,1\1I\\1I\1\1 oI1\\1\I1\1, I I \\\I\ \�\ I\I \\ \ 1\\1\II`\1 I\ \I\1 I\\I\\\I\\1 \11\ \II 1 I1\\1 1\\\I I\III1111(1I11 1IIIII2 1IIII t III 1I MW-15D Tir41, FOR PHASES 3 AND 4 TOP-OF-BEDROCK IIIIwill I I WtAI\\\ISEASONAL HIGH GROUND WATER I\ PHASE 2 39Q— 11—0 PHASES 3 & 4 GROUNDWATER 4Q III,\1 IIIII I1I(I;III IIIIIII 1 l 111 I I, IIII I II,I I I '. REFERENCE \I11\\\I IIIII �\\ / I \ \\\\\ll\\1\1 IIII ,IIIIII , ,; , III II, \�I\ I �\ \\\ \\\\ 11 \\ I,IIIIII1 \III I I I II I II 11111 IIII II IIII I 111, I IIIIIIII IIII III III III IIIII III 11. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY WITHIN WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS PROVIDED AT 2-FT CONTOUR INTERVALS BY GPI (JOB NO. 18-006 ; DATE OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY JANUARY 15, 2018.\\ IIII IIIIIII 2. LIDAR TOPOGRAPHY OUTSIDE WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS ACQUIRED FROM NC DOT GIS. 3. FEMA FLOODPLAIN INFORMATION FROM NCFLOODMAPS. MAP NUMBERS: \l" 3710644500J, 3710644600J, 3710645500J, 3710645600J. �1 4. TOP -OF -BEDROCK CONTOUR S ARE INTERPOLATED BASED ON THE DATA \\\\IIIOBTAINED FROM THE BORING/PIEZOMETER/WELL LOCATIONS SHOULD BE 0 I(/1/ CONSIDERED APPROXIMATE. 5. SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE POTENTIOMETRIC CONTOURS ARE I I III IIII(I)II II////////l// IIIIII/ IIII INTERPOLATED FROM A CORRELATION OF WELL GAUGING DATA FROM A l/ \ I III111 II\ DIFFERENCE IN WATER TABLE ELEVATIONS BETWEEN THE SEASONAL HIGH II/ ' LEVELS WERE OBSERVED IN APRIL 2016. THE GEOMETRIC MEAN3PERIOD OF 2001-2017. OVER THIS PERIOD, SEASONAL HIGH WATER \•p I1 I I )1 111) I I I II I I111\\\ \\\\\ APRIL 2016 DATA AND THE APRIL 2017 DATA WAS 1.3 FEET. `I1/I`)II I`I(IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIlIljljl/IlIIlljIlIll lIll /Il/lIlllIllI/l//l I I�/l,/ll//I///III�%II1/lI�lI11 ll lI/ �IljllllIIl I�/ �/I /�/lIll lllll/llIl%lll�l1I �llIlllI/l1/11I 1�_ � /\ //\////j/III �/l//Il�,/lI /llll//�lll/// '1/I7/I!/I/I J// // //l lI I /(1II I)1Il(llllIl lI/I IlI lI lIlIII/I lII lIIIlIII/IIfIIIlIlIIlII/IIIllIIIlI) /I lIlIlI�II I IIlIlII,I/II \lIIIIIIlI�i CONSERVATIVELY, TWO FEET WERE ADDED TO THE PHASE 5 WATERV320 If TABLE ELEVATIONS MEASURED IN MAY 2017 TO APPROXIMATE THE l///l1lfi 1 DEPICTED SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE SURFACE. J l/y /\�/j////// //l /,il//yi II// /',/ / / / 1,/'Ip/r J- //�i�,ce �,I1I1►1I,1I 1I`.► . \ \ia l,\ � ' / J / � zr/,// - �i//// //// X//l \,� /j ,J -7 -o/ / / ///, IIII/i/ / // / ////� //////// I I \I ,Vs�?o_�/i//%///�/ /� ///j/�/ //// IIII ////X// / /// z /�% /// K A, BEFORE YOU DIGI PHASE 1 l // / / \ \� /// / / / / // / /�// / / /— — � � I � CALL 1-800-632-4949 � / N.C. ONE -CALL CENTER /r / / / �ii/ ��� /� / //// / /� L / IIII / / �� ,C 1 ) / / // / /' / // IT'S THE LAW! L1/ /'SIIII/// / // /// /� x / / / / /// / // / ///• //0 / / % % / // /�� i I yy � / /i �////�� / 0 NORTH CAROLI NA ll(l BOARD OF EXAMINERS I I \ > I I o �1 // �/ //�/////// �i/ / / / / -�✓ (— / // ll l/ Il /III /11 II Illl ll ll ll/l�i// // / 111 ��i/l �, FOR ENGINEERS AND \`\�</< 1 ( I % /// // // IIII / / l \ �/ Ill / l 11 Illl // 11 11 / / / IIII l \ `\\ IIII SURVEYORS LICENSE �\\\\\\ \\\ J/ I I I I 1 ` \ \ I <( ( \ �_/// // I i �\ \\\ \\\\\� \� \�I �I I 1 I I I\\\\ \ \\� \\\\\ \\ \ `\\ I\ l/I/I% l/� l% / / ///�llll�// �/� j� lll/�////// / // / G// �o/l IIII%/�%/ IIII/// / \_ NO. C-3035 \\�\�\\\ \ �\\\\\\`\ \\�\\\\ \\\\ \\ < l/ / l /� / //ii/ir /— \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ / l / \\\\\\ � \\\\�\\ \\ \ \\\\ \\\ \\\ \ \ \/�/� \\ \ \\\\ \ \ \\ \\\\\ \\\�\ \ \\ \ \ \ I / ( /// / /// I / 9 / / \ \ \\ \ \\ \\ \� \ \ \\ \ \///i/j%JJJ�— \ \ \ \\\\\ \\\\\ \ \\\�//�/i,� SCALE IN FEET \ \\\ \ \\\\�\e \ \\\ \\ \\ \\\ \\ \ / / l / /l r / / \ �\ \\\\�\\\ \\��\ \ \\\\\\ \\ \ \\\ \ \ \\\\ \\ / / /j // /Ill / llI �l//llI�Q/ /� / % // liill i l �� i l ll l i l// ��/)� i �/ / / / / 'S i / � � % .J� 1 ii/, � �i. �i/i i�:�//ii�oo ' / ,' /,� 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 to to to0 0 0 Lo to Lo Lo Lo Lo In + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 17+36 C-C PROFILE 340 0 cc U W p CC a Z 0 O 0 W in c) w c o W 0 U z 0 0 W m 0 m Tmw�__i no �'tir1uu11yr SEAL 439Y14 FIGORE T.� Z_ a Lu ch Z aC)0 J J z (L 0 J = V U0Z azo0 z aa QJw - Z �z Lu O Wa. () Lu 0 Z 0 1= 0 cn m cj) Z Q Q = U Z 0 U w cn 'ch'^ V! 0M m U 0 0 J 0 W a 0 2 = m n N U Z N iw r } CO [0 � Y Q w 0 U 00 N T w N m cc j w m w V w 0 G203 n II SCALE H:1 "=50'; V:1 "=12' 5 4 2 29 30 7 6 5 3 NZ PZ5-18S /- / NORTH \; \� \\\\\l III I /ry0�� i 00 \0 1 k MW-13s Z5- \�V 1 2g0 PZ5 o ZZ // 1 // \ �r�1 PZ5-14S �31 k ,\ \ ry o �°o `\ �0 0 / F \ � po ° PZ5-27D 2g0 i i - \ I 1 xG�O PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED PHASE 3 280 - 1Z5-21 S10 I I/ o %i/ / Q cp oQr I( �° \ o° I I IIII III( / \ ��j /// ///� _ -�. o `v� PZ5-13D 4 ✓ / r ` ► —_-_ - ��\—_� III III( IIII III , 310 -/� //��� � /i / ��,'! r�/i ✓ // / / I � / \ � � \ "Y � \l l`\\ \\ V I II,I IIIII \ II / //310- \ \ IIS I r \ ✓ 1 / \\\\ \ ll /�/ / 9/� V� _10 i/'` \ 111II I I I I III II li I I _ \1( lr(/ I \ \ i� \ 1 I I I III I I IIIII III PZ5-12D —N/0/ ,- //� �\\\/0� 31�� I I riiIIII I I (i I IIIII I I I \ < \I I � or � I\I I 1\\ \ IIIII'�II � I I � _-- _ IIII 1111 \NIJI11�\\1\ I IjIIIIIII(I I !��jj� D i/�// ��� /o 29�Illlllls`>c� III �/�i �/ o N 31 ° / / /. / , o // W-17s /�/ // y`> PZ5-10D-R IIII� I I IIII III III IIIII 111111 Ill Iw 1 I I I __ _ \\ i11 Z.11 t\\ 1 111 I I\\ IIII fllll ylolllll I PZ5-10D �— — — r �/<c�� /� I 0 _---- \ 11 III 1\10. \ \ 1 I 11 w i.l I /ir o / < ( / N III IIII I��'S"��' --- \ \\ 11 �� lwl of\\ \\\ \\\ \Ill ll�/IlNllol I �_— �i --- �� _—--_—_—� O I M N i0 %- / ii— 1 III cn \\\ � 0ll\�11\\ �\ 1 1 I I \\11� 0- _ —_= ;_�-PHASE20\ (\\\ \ / I II1 I\\ \\ \\ III I I I I II 11 IIII I I / / I I I� IIIII111 1\\\\\Ill IIII IIII�3 ;, -- ___ `Ilolllol 11 11,( IIIII\\ \ I\1\ II(I11\II 11,1 IIIIIII I I \I /IIIIIII III / .��l' I,I(,I( 1 IIII III IIIIII\ II,I\II\ I111 (III 11 I III1I 11 1 \ -4o'o 290PZ5-9PZ5-3°o III IIII I1j1' IIIIIIIIIII II II I �\�\� . �`���\\\�\\\\11 I1111 IIIII 111 `III 1 ll IIIII IIII I I :��\����\� �� —�\ 1\\�\\\��`\��\\�I\\1\1►111\I,�II II111�111\I!\\1\Illliliilll��11i11�llillll�(,L�II(.ILI\il�� I�I�IIIIIII � C W m 37n LEGEND — — PROPERTY LINE — 300' PROPERTY BUFFER EXISTING STREAMS 50' STREAM BUFFER EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR EXISTING LEACHATE FORCEMAIN 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN PHASE LIMIT/EDGE OF LINER 300 MAJOR CONTOUR MINOR CONTOUR PERIMETER ROAD PERIMETER DITCH INTERCELL LIMIT X PZ5-2S PHASE 5 SHALLOW PIEZOMETER X PZ5-6D PHASE 5 DEEP PIEZOMETER X MW-19S SHALLOW MONITORING WELL X FOR PHASES 3 AND 4 MW-15D DEEP MONITORING WELL FOR PHASES 3 AND 4 TOP -OF -BEDROCK SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER PHASES 3 & 4 GROUNDWATER REFERENCE 1. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY WITHIN WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS PROVIDED AT 2-FT CONTOUR INTERVALS BY GPI (JOB NO. 18-006); DATE OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY JANUARY 15, 2018. 2. LIDAR TOPOGRAPHY OUTSIDE WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS ACQUIRED FROM NC DOT GIS. 3. FEMA FLOODPLAIN INFORMATION FROM NCFLOODMAPS. MAP NUMBERS: 3710644500J, 3710644600J, 3710645500J, 3710645600J. 4. TOP -OF -BEDROCK CONTOURS ARE INTERPOLATED BASED ON THE DATA OBTAINED FROM THE BORING/PIEZOMETER/WELL LOCATIONS SHOULD BE CONSIDERED APPROXIMATE. 5. SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE POTENTIOMETRIC CONTOURS ARE INTERPOLATED FROM A CORRELATION OF WELL GAUGING DATA FROM A PERIOD OF 2001-2017. OVER THIS PERIOD, SEASONAL HIGH WATER LEVELS WERE OBSERVED IN APRIL 2016. THE GEOMETRIC MEAN DIFFERENCE IN WATER TABLE ELEVATIONS BETWEEN THE SEASONAL HIGH APRIL 2016 DATA AND THE APRIL 2017 DATA WAS 1.3 FEET. CONSERVATIVELY, TWO FEET WERE ADDED TO THE PHASE 5 WATER TABLE ELEVATIONS MEASURED IN MAY 2017 TO APPROXIMATE THE DEPICTED SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE SURFACE. .37n 360 ' EXISTING GROUND ' 360 ^ 350 350 I ` I 340 340 I / UMITS OF WASTE I 330 330 I / IL 320 320 / \_ TOP OF SUBGRADE-\ A 310 310 / 300 \ 300 I_� 290 � 290 280 _ � I 280 270 270 260 I I EXISTING TOP -OF -BEDROCK SEASONAL HIGH - GROUNDWATER I 260 250 250 240 I I 240 230 230 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 0+00 1 +00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 1 1 +00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 19+00 20+00 21 +00 221-000 D-D PROFILE SCALE H:1 "=50'; V:1 "=12' SCALE IN FEET 0 100 200 BEFORE YOU DICI CALL 1-800-632-4949 N.C. ONE -CALL CENTER IT'S THE LAWI NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF EXAMINERS FOR ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS LICENSE NO. C-3035 0 cc U Z LU o GC a Z °C O U) w in cl o W 0 U Z 0 r W co m 0 o Eb O lz 1�C�1 ^ T N 00 � N z ti 4 O � o n MN 1 1 U 00 E 111 5 LL.� irl N M c�i � M Q N a a) PIPc a a) _y w U O 0 > r U 01 q qb ,ri "rj V • SEAL o39r14 FIGORE T.e IIAII L U L Z Oct Lu � Z J a00 J Zaa°C 0 J = V Q U0Z� azo0 aa�z QJw F m — Z aZ = = W O W a.0 (.) Lu cn Z 0 1= 0 cn m z Z Q Q Q U — 0 Z N ul Z T 0 U Lu 'y{ �w } m n 0 m o W w U o C) 00 w 'U_1� v 0 N m > J 0 w W 0 w C.) 0 p m 2 U � w o O 0 o m a G204 30 30 m II 2 APPENDIX C DESIGN HYDROGEOLOGIC REPORT DESIGN HYDROGEOLOGIC INVESTIGATION REPORT FOR THE PHASE 5 LANDFILL EXPANSION AREA ANSON WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY 375 DOZER DRIVE POLKTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28135 ANSON COUNTY FACILITY PERMIT NO.0403 Prepared For: CHAMBERS DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. A WHOLLY OWNED SUBSIDIARY OF WASTE CONNECTIONS, INC. 265 BROOKVIEW CENTER WAY, SUITE 205 KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE 37919 Prepared By: CIVIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 1900 CENTER PARK DRIVE, SUITE A CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28217 CA,aa+N+N�er+H.►,. ti 3- SEAL rf� ; 10310 5- s cQ, y t e H. C� ` •�,a mi ' Edward H. Stephens, L.G. Project Manager CEC Project 165-276 March 13, 2018 OF 0/1116 "t �_ Scott L. Brown, P.E. Vice President Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. Charlotte 1900 Center Park Drive, Suite A I Charlotte, NC 28217 1 p: 980.237.0373 f: 980.237.0372 1 www.cecinc.com TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................. I 1.1 BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE........................................................................ 1 1.2 SITE LOCATION................................................................................................... 2 1.3 PHYSICAL SETTING........................................................................................... 2 1.4 REGIONAL GEOLOGY........................................................................................ 2 1.5 LOCAL GEOLOGY............................................................................................... 3 1.6 LOCAL HYDROGEOLOGY................................................................................. 5 2.0 SCOPE OF DESIGN HYDROGEOLOGIC INVESTIGATION ACTIVITIES......................................................................................................................7 2.1 PURPOSE AND INTENT OF SITE INVESTIGATION ...................................... 7 2.2 RELIANCE ON PREVIOUS DATA..................................................................... 7 2.3 CURRENT SITE CONDITIONS........................................................................... 8 2.4 SITE DATA COLLECTION METHODS.............................................................. 9 3.0 GEOLOGIC DATA EVALUATION.............................................................................14 3.1 WEATHERED RESIDUUM AND ROCK DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS........................................................................................................... 14 4.0 HYDROGEOLOGIC DATA EVALUATION..............................................................20 4.1 SITE HYDROGEOLOGIC CHARACTERIZATION ......................................... 20 5.0 ESTIMATION OF SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE..........................................28 5.1 SHORT-TERM WATER LEVELS...................................................................... 28 5.2 LONG-TERM WATER LEVELS........................................................................ 28 5.3 ESTIMATION OF THE SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE ......................... 29 6.0 CONCLUSIONS..............................................................................................................30 7.0 RECOMMENDATIONS.................................................................................................34 8.0 REFERENCES.................................................................................................................35 TABLES Table 1 — Piezometer/Well Construction and Water Level Data Table 2 — Depth -to Bedrock and Rock Quality Data Table 3 — Historical Water Level Data from Landfill Monitoring Wells Embedded Tables Table 4-1 — Vertical Hydraulic Gradient Data Table 4-2 — Statistical Horizontal Hydraulic Conductivity Data Civil & Environmental Consultants. Inc. -i- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 Table of Contents (continued) Page ii FIGURES Figure 1 — Site Location Map Figure 2 — USGS Topographic Map Figure 3 — Detailed Site Map Figure 4 — Topographic Lineament Map Figure 5 — Generalized Top -of -Bedrock Contour Map Figure 6 — Interpretative Map of Study Area Magnetic Anomalies Figure 7a — Groundwater Potentiometric Map — May 31, 2017 Figure 7b — Groundwater Potentiometric Map — December 14, 2017 Figure 7c — Projected Maximum Seasonal High Water Table Figure 8a — Hydrogeologic Cross -Section Figure 8b — Hydrogeologic Cross-section Figure 9 — Phase 5 Areas Susceptible to Forming Seeps by Lowering Existing Topography Figure 10 — Potentiometric Map Superimposed on Magnetic Survey Data APPENDICES Appendix A — Phase 5 Boring Logs Appendix B — Temporary Piezometer Construction Records Appendix C — Permanent Monitoring Well Construction Records Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -ii- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE The Anson Waste Management Facility is situated in the south-central portion of Anson County, North Carolina. A site location and USGS area topographic maps are presented in the attached Figures 1 and 2, respectively. The landfill facility is classified as a municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill and operates under Permit Number 0403. Development of the landfill facility is progressing incrementally in five phases with each phase being comprised of smaller cells. The general intent is to construct a phase incrementally within the landfill when needed. Permits to Construct for Phase 1 and Phase 2 expansions were issued by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Solid Waste Section (SWS) in 2000 and 2008, respectively. The footprint of Phase 1 is approximately 40.38 acres, and Phase 2 consists of 32.78 acres. Both of these existing phases are currently operational. A Permit to Construct Application for Phases 3 and 4 was completed by Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. (CEC) in November 2016, and has been subsequently submitted to the NCDEQ-SWS for review and approval. Phases 3 and 4 will include a total of 60 acres, bringing the total landfill area to 133 acres. The facility owner has recently initiated the preliminary site suitability studies for the subject Phase 5 expansion landfill area that is the subject of this report. The landfill facility owner, Chambers Development of North Carolina, Inc., engaged CEC to conduct a Design Hydrogeologic Investigation of the subject Phase 5 expansion area that lies adjacent and to the northwest of Phases 3 and 4. CEC performed the hydrogeologic investigation in two stages in general accordance with the approved Work Plan for Design Hydrogeologic Investigation (Revision 1) — Proposed Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area Anson Waste Management Facility dated February 7, 2017, and the proposed additional field studies to fill data gaps verbally discussed with Mr. Perry Sugg, NCDEQ Solid Waste Permitting Section Hydrogeologist, in a meeting on August 30, 2017. The preliminary Phase 5 expansion footprint contains approximately 83 acres. A detailed site map is attached as Figure 3 that depicts the preliminary Phase 5 boundaries and the approximate Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -1- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 locations of piezometers and permanent monitoring wells that were installed during the subject Phase 5 Design Hydrogeologic Investigation. Detection groundwater monitoring wells that were previously proposed for the Phase 3 & 4 expansions were installed during the subject investigation within the subject Phase 5 expansion area at the approximate locations shown on Figure 3. CEC performed the associated field activities in an initial stage from April -June 2017 and a second stage from November -December 2017. 1.2 SITE LOCATION The facility is located in south-central Anson County between Polkton and Wadesboro. The site is situated off Highway 74 at Dozer Road approximately 5,400 feet east of the city limits of Polkton, NC. The general geographic coordinates of the land parcel are 350 00' 05.00" N and 80' 10' 07.60" W. A site location map is provided as Figure 1. 1.3 PHYSICAL SETTING The site is bounded on the northwest by Brown Creek, on the east by Pinch Gut Creek, and on the south by the CSX railroad. The immediate surrounding area is rural and primarily wooded. There is limited residential development south of the landfill facility. Site topographic features are shown on the USGS Polkton, NC 7.5-Minute Topographic Quadrangle Map that is presented in Figure 2. The site consists of a series of rolling hills that reach elevations of±300 feet above mean sea level and low-lying areas adjacent to Brown and Pinch Gut Creeks at an elevation low of approximately 240 feet above sea level. Generally, surface drainage from the landfill facility is to the northwest toward Brown Creek and northeast toward an unnamed tributary of Pinch Gut Creek. 1.4 REGIONAL GEOLOGY The subject site is underlain by rocks of the Carolina Slate Belt (CSB), a region in the eastern North Carolina Piedmont that about 540-600 million years ago was a chain of volcanic islands on the other side of a wide ocean. The volcanoes occurred along an active plate boundary referred to as a subduction zone. The volcanic island arc is believed to have formed close to the western Civil & Environmental Consultants. Inc. -2- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 margin of South America and moved to collide with eastern North America at a later time. Regional metamorphism occurred during the collision. The CSB contains two rock suites — Uwharrie or Albemarle suite confined to lithologies occurring in the Uwharrie Mountains and Virgilina suite comprising the rest of the CSB outside the Uwharrie Mountains. The Virgilina suite is believed to have developed as a = Triassic Basins Figure 1.4 — Regional geologic map of NC showing location of Carolina Slate Belt from Rogers 1999, North Carolina Geological Survey 1998. primitive island arc on oceanic lithosphere. Development primarily in an ocean basin caused the generation of silicic volcanic rocks high in sodium and low in potassium referred to as "felsic" rocks. Most of the volcanic rocks are believed to have originated by consolidation of fragments erupted from volcanoes. Fine-grained volcanic ash accumulations called "tuff' were deposited by air -borne ash clouds. Ash deposits may have also been water -borne. The volcanic rocks later underwent low-grade metamorphism during accretion with the North American plate. Diabase dikes were intruded into the country -rock about 200 million years ago as supercontinent Pangaea split apart and the Atlantic Ocean began to form. Tectonic rifting formed cracks down to magma in the earth's lower crust allowing the upward intrusion of diabase. Diabase is a type of basalt that is fine- to medium -grained, dark in color, and rich in calcium, iron, and magnesium. The exposed dikes produce a strong magnetic signature that is useful for non -intrusive mapping employing geophysical (e.g. magnetic) methods. 1.5 LOCAL GEOLOGY Based on the geologic data collected during the study, the Phase 5 expansion area appears to be solely underlain by CSB lithologies. The predominant rock type is a well -bedded, fine-grained felsic meta -volcanic rock or meta -tuff. Bedding thickness as observed in fresher rock cores varies from a fraction of an inch to several inches. The bedding angle observed in cores typically ranged from subhorizontal to 400. Exposed outcrop exhibits a "slaty" bedding plane cleavage. Weathered Civil & Environmental Consultants. Inc. -3- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 unconsolidated saprolite material and '.i more competent rock were observed to be quite uniform in composition and " texture across the entire Phase 5 area.Ile Surficial unconsolidated materials from the ground surface to a depth of typically five to eight feet below ground _ surface (bgs) are red -brown slightly - clayey silt to slightly clayey sandy silt. Deeper saprolite up to approximately 30 ' feet bgs consist of tan and gray slightly sandy silt. Dense partially weathered rock (PWR) consisting of slightly sandy silt and rock fragments was encountered at various depths from 3.5 feet bgs to 28.5 feet bgs. The observed maximum PWR thickness was 45 feet. In several borings, a PWR zone was not present. Surficial rocks have differentially weathered to form an upper "saprolite" zone consisting of unconsolidated slightly clayey silts and sandy silts transitioning at depth to partially weathered rock (PWR) that contains rock fragments, often contains boulders, and is denser and less weathered than the overlying saprolite materials. Underlying rocks are typically fine- grained and exhibit variable fracture density that diminishes with increasing depth. A detailed site geologic characterization is provided in Section 3.1. Rock cores obtained with an NQ2 core barrel were classified as tan -to -gray, well -bedded, fine- grained felsic meta -tuff. The cores generally contained sub -horizontal and high -angle fractures, with a less frequently occurring approximately 45-degree fracture set. Most observed small - aperture fractures were "healed" by subsequent mineral precipitation. Wider fractures were largely Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -4- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 open and their surfaces were coated with iron and/or manganese oxides. As seen in the inset photograph, fracture frequency was high immediately below the depth of auger refusal, but typically diminished significantly with increasing depth. Figure 1.5c — NQ2 rock core run showing high -density fractures in upper 10 feet. A weathered high -angle diabase dike was observed in a recent cut face in a soil borrow area within the Phase 5 expansion near MW-15 (see inset photograph and mapped location on Figure 6). The exposed dike had a measured strike of approximately N05°E and dip of approximately 60° E. The width of the dike was approximately six feet. The exposed portion of the dike is weathered to an unconsolidated red -brown clay soil with large angular black boulders. The unweathered boulders possessed a medium -grained crystalline texture. The strong magnetic signature produced by the mafic mineralogy of the diabase rock allowed for non -intrusive mapping employing geophysical (magnetic) methods. The magnetic survey data and results are summarized in Section 3.1. 1.6 LOCAL HYDROGEOLOGY Three basic hydrogeologic units have been characterized at the site by others. The uppermost hydrogeologic unit consists of two density -based zones that are unconfined or under "water table" conditions within the saprolite zone. The uppermost density unit consists of unconsolidated clayey silt that grades downward to a more dense, variably cemented slightly sandy silt and silt. The middle hydrogeologic unit consists of dense slightly sandy silt and rock fragments. As viewed in recent on -site exposures, PWR contained boulder -sized rocks juxtaposed in a matrix of more Civil & Environmental Consultants. Inc. -5- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 weathered, variably cemented residuum. The middle unit may be unconfined or locally partially confined. A third lower hydrogeologic unit is underlying fractured bedrock within which groundwater occurs in fractures under unconfined to partially confined conditions. The density of bedrock fracturing and fracture apertures tend to decrease with increasing depth such that groundwater flow is significantly restricted within a depth of 100 to 200 feet. Groundwater recharge largely occurs over broad uplands and gentle slopes. Little recharge occurs in areas of steeper topography. Typically, groundwater occurrence is unconfined and localized within a relatively porous PWR zone (middle hydrogeologic unit), which transitions with depth to bedrock, or it is unconfined or semi -confined in bedrock fractures (lower hydrogeologic unit). Groundwater discharge occurs along area streams (i.e., Brown Creek and Pinch Gut Creek), which converge at the northern corner of the site. A detailed site hydrogeologic characterization is presented in Section 4.1. Flaw ss. u-,w, w, xww�, ea..� Na pe r+e typ� !a Rsrirpe A�'ri In !nr iwrl�[t NelwRi !a eA�wKtwl lhn.Vh F,r��.rcs Figure 1.6 — Model of Piedmont hydrogeologic system from Ground Water Atlas of the US, USGS, HA 730G. Civil & Environmental Consultants. Inc. -6- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 2.0 SCOPE OF DESIGN HYDROGEOLOGIC INVESTIGATION ACTIVITIES 2.1 PURPOSE AND INTENT OF SITE INVESTIGATION The purpose of the Design Hydrogeologic Investigation is to provide a suitable site -specific hydrogeologic characterization of the Phase 5 expansion area at the Anson Waste Management Landfill facility. A secondary aim of the field data collection activities is to provide geotechnical data for use in geotechnical engineering analyses (i.e. stability, settlement, etc.) of the Phase 5 landfill design, which will be provided in a separate report. Generally, the intent of the work performed during the Design Hydrogeologic Investigation was to: • Satisfy the requirements of NC Solid Waste Rules 15 NCAC 13B .1623 (a) Site Hydrogeologic Report and .1623 (b) Design Hydrogeologic Report. • Investigate the proposed landfill area in order to adequately characterize the hydrogeology within and adjacent to the area proposed for waste disposal. The findings of the site hydrogeologic investigation shall be used to: 1. Prepare a Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report, which when combined with the Landfill Siting Study will demonstrate that the Phase 5 expansion site is suitable for the development of a MSW Landfill. 2. Develop a Ground Water Monitoring Plan, which will be included in the Permit Application. • Investigate the landfill area in order to adequately characterize the subsurface conditions and obtain/test samples for use in geotechnical engineering analyses (i.e. stability, settlement, etc.) of the landfill design. The results of the geotechnical engineering analysis will be included in the Permit Application. 2.2 RELIANCE ON PREVIOUS DATA On behalf of the facility owner, CEC recently submitted to the NCDEQ-SWS a Permit to Construct Application for Phases 3 and 4 within which Appendix E includes a Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report prepared by SCS Engineers, PC dated October 5, 2015. This appended report provides a discussion of hydrogeologic data collected at the site since GZA Environmental, Inc. performed initial site suitability work in 1992. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -7- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 TRC Environmental prepared a Phase 1 Design Hydrogeologic Report dated December 1998. The Phase 1 document included the Water Quality Monitoring Plan and deep coring data. The earlier site studies focused on diabase dikes and included borings advanced to depths up to 200 feet. ESP Associates and Davis Garrett & Associates completed the Phase 2 design study between 2003 and 2007. The Phase 2 investigation included 41 soil borings within which 34 piezometers were constructed, including seven nested pairs. In addition, the Phase 2 study included 35 slug tests to determine hydraulic conductivities of the defined hydrogeologic units. SCS Engineers, PC prepared the Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report included in the recent Permit to Construct Application for Phase 3 and 4. The combined Phase 3 & 4 hydrogeologic study included 34 new borings that were advanced to auger refusal to characterize the top -of - bedrock surface. All but four borings encountered the water table such that 30 piezometers were constructed. Rock was cored at three site locations. Previous available information included rock core data from eight earlier borings. Like the Phase 5 expansion area, Phase 3 & 4 areas are predominantly underlain by CSB felsic meta -volcanic rocks. 2.3 CURRENT SITE CONDITIONS Portions of the study area have been used for soil borrow, which altered the original topography. The most current updated topographic map is shown in Figure 3. Also, unimproved drilling access roads were cleared across the Phase 5 expansion area prior to conducting the subject field data collection activities. The study area is bounded to the west and northwest by Brown Creek. Surface drainage across the area is directed toward Brown Creek by a dendritic network of numerous drainage swales and/or channels, most of which are ephemeral. At least one incised drainage channel shown on Figure 4 is a "blue line" stream. The drainage features align with regional jointing and seem to reflect fracture patterns that extend beneath the Phase 5 footprint; thus, making the drainage features logical places to monitor groundwater quality. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -8- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 In -place rock outcrops have been unearthed in the soil borrow area near MW-15 (see photographs in Section 1.5). In addition, rock outcrops were exposed in the Phase 3 and 4 expansion areas by previous soil borrow excavations. Strike and dip measures were taken on fracture surfaces in two outcrop areas of meta -volcanic rock, and the structural orientation was also established of a diabase dike exposed in a recent cut face (see photograph in Section 1.5). These structural data are discussed in Section 3.1. 2.4 SITE DATA COLLECTION METHODS The work plan for the recent site hydrogeologic evaluation incorporates existing data obtained by others in Phases 3 and 4, and provides for the collection and evaluation of geologic/hydrogeologic data from new borings, piezometers, and permanent monitoring wells installed within the Phase 5 footprint. Based on this approach, CEC initially designed for 33 new borings/piezometers/wells to provide data collection points for the hydrogeologic characterization of the Phase 5 area. These initial borings/piezometers/wells were constructed in April -May 2017. Following an evaluation of the acquired data from the initial phase of field activities conducted from April -June 2017, CEC provided a second round of field oversight for the installation of eight additional borings/piezometers to obtain further data to fill data gaps. The second phase of field activities occurred from November -December 2017. The approximate locations of Phase 5 piezometers/wells are shown on Figure 3. A tabulated soil boring completion summary is presented in the attached Table 1. Soil Borings The advancement of soil borings and installation of temporary piezometers and permanent monitoring wells were performed by North Carolina -certified well drillers, Red Dog Drilling LLC and their subcontractor Summit Engineering. Red Dog Drilling employed a CME-45 drill rig mounted on rubber tracks and Summit Engineering utilized a CME-55 drill rig mounted on an ATV buggy (see inset Figure 2.4 — CME-55 drill rig mounted on rubber -tired ATV. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -9- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 photograph). Soil borings were advanced using 2.25-inch I.D. hollow -stem augers to a depth of auger refusal. Sampling of unconsolidated subsurface materials was conducted using an auto hammer per Standard Penetration Testing (SPT) methods as specified in ASTM D 1586 with split - spoon sampling every five feet, in which the first ten feet of each borehole were sampled at 0-1.5 feet, 3.5-5.0 feet, and 8.5-10.0 feet. At two proposed boring locations (PZ5-12D and PZ5-11D) where the terrain was found to be too steep for drilling access, the locations were offset about 100 feet upslope for safe drilling and suitable piezometer installation. Undisturbed soil, saprolite, and partially weathered rock samples recovered in the split -spoon sampler were visually classified and logged by a North Carolina -licensed geologist. For each recovered sample, a sample I.D., sample collection depth, sample description, and SPT blow counts were recorded on a field boring log. Soils were classified in accordance with ASTM D2487-11 (Unified Soil Classification System). Where encountered in a boring, depth -to - groundwater, cave-in depth, auger or roller cone refusal, and other drilling conditions were noted on the field boring log. The Phase 5 boring logs recorded by CEC are provided in Appendix A. CEC engaged Summit Engineering to provide geotechnical testing of representative unconsolidated subsurface material samples. Summit placed a representative portion of each SPT sample in a glass jar upon its recovery for subsequent laboratory classification and testing by Summit. Summit collected bulk subsurface unconsolidated soil samples in bags from 12 new borings for subsequent geotechnical testing. Each bulk sample was taken as a composite of soil recovered from the ground surface to 15 feet below grade in each boring. In addition, Summit advanced Shelby tubes as specified in ASTM D1587 at four selected boring locations (PZ5-3S, PZ5-6S, PZ5-17S, and PZ5-21S. Rock Coring Summit performed NQ2-size rock coring in 14 borings spread across the Phase 5 footprint. The drilling strategy was to advance hollow -stem augers to auger refusal, then set a temporary 0.75- inch-diameter hand -slotted piezometer to the depth of auger refusal to allow time for groundwater recharge. Where a temporary piezometer was later observed to be dry at auger refusal, rock coring was performed to advance the borehole within bedrock to encounter groundwater. Rock cores Civil & Environmental Consultants. Inc. -10- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 were also obtained when four deeper piezometer pairs were installed to provide nested piezometer clusters. Rock coring was performed using an NQ2 wireline apparatus generally for a total core run of five feet. The CEC field geologist performed a visual description, and estimated percent core recovery and a rock quality designation (RQD) value for each core run in accordance with ASTM D6032- 08. Recovered rock cores were organized in sequence and placed in wooden core boxes for later reference, if needed (see photographs in Section 1.5). Rock quality data are summarized in Section 3.1. Structural Measurements on Exposed Outcropping Rocks A CEC geologist employing a Brunton compass made several strike and dip measurements of fracture surfaces within the outcropping rock exposed in the soil borrow areas adjacent to and within the Phase 5 footprint. These structural data are discussed in Section 3.1. Lineament Analysis and Rose Diagram As presented in Figure 4, CEC mapped the topographic lineaments identified on a local portion of the USGS Polkton, NC 7.5-Minute Topographic Quadrangle Map to provide a lineament analysis to evaluate regional geologic structure trends in the study area. Based on frequency count, CEC generated a rose diagram that shows the predominant lineament orientations. Magnetometer Survey for Diabase Dikes The strong magnetic signature produced by the mafic mineralogy characteristic of the local diabase rock allowed for non -intrusive mapping employing magnetic methods. CEC engaged GEL Engineering of NC, Inc. (GEL) to conduct a magnetometer survey within the Phase 5 footprint. GEL technicians performed a total field magnetic survey utilizing a Geometries G-858 Cesium Vapor magnetometer. Specific survey transects were made along available access roads across the Phase 5 area as shown on Figure 8. The magnetic survey data and interpretation are summarized in Section 3.1. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -11- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 Piezometers As previously described, piezometer borings were initially advanced using 2.25-inch I.D. hollow - stem augers to a depth of auger refusal. Then a temporary 0.75-inch-diameter hand -slotted piezometer was set to the depth of auger refusal to allow time for groundwater recharge. Where a temporary piezometer was later observed to be dry at auger refusal, rock coring was performed to advance the borehole within bedrock to encounter groundwater. When groundwater was confirmed in a shallow or bedrock temporary piezometer, the borehole was then thoroughly flushed with clean well water; the temporary 0.75-inch piezometer pipe removed; and a two -inch - diameter Schedule 40 casing and 0.01-inch machine -slotted well screen was installed in the flushed borehole. A sand filter was emplaced in the boring annulus to a height of approximate two feet above the piezometer screen. Bentonite pellets were added to the boring annulus from the top of the sand filter to the ground surface. Each piezometer casing extended to approximately 2.5 feet above the ground surface, and the opening was secured with an expansion well plug or PVC cap. Temporary piezometers were constructed in general accordance with the applicable N.C. Well Construction Standards. New piezometer construction records are provided in Appendix B. A total of 26 discrete data stations comprised of either a single piezometer or two-piezometer well nest were installed during the hydrogeologic investigation for the Phase 5 expansion area. As summarized in Table 1, piezometers were designated either "PZ5-Xs" or "PZ5-xD". The "S" in a piezometer I.D. indicates the screen was installed above bedrock (or auger refusal) and the "D" indicates the screen was installed in bedrock. The approximate mapped locations of these piezometers are depicted on Figure 3. A tabulated summary of piezometer construction data is present in Table 1. Piezometers were installed on hilltops, slopes, and within drainage swales to provide hydrogeology data from the various topographic settings across the study area. Nested Piezometers CEC oversaw the installation of five nested (shallow -deep well cluster) piezometers (PZ5-5S/5D, PZ5-6S/6D, PZ5-8S/8D, PZ5-14S/14D, and PZ5-20S/20D) to provide well pairs to measure vertical hydraulic gradients across the site. Adding in the deeper nested piezometers, a total of 31 piezometers were installed for the Phase 5 study. Mid -points of the screens of the piezometers making up the respective nested pairs were vertically separated a minimum of 10 to 20 feet. The Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -12- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 approximate locations of nested piezometers are shown on Figure 3. Nested piezometer construction details are summarized in Table 1. Piezometer construction records are provided in Appendix B. Permanent Groundwater Monitoring ells In addition to the aforementioned piezometer network, the work plan provided for the installation of eight permanent groundwater monitoring wells within the Phase 5 footprint, which are designed to monitor groundwater quality for the adjacent Phase 3 and 4 expansion areas. With these new monitoring wells, a total of 34 discrete data stations were established as a part of the hydrogeologic investigation for the Phase 5 expansion area. Permanent monitoring wells (MW-13S, MW-14D, MW151), MW-16S, MW-17S, MW-18S, MW-19S, and MW-20S) were installed at the approximate locations shown on Figure 3. The well I.D. designations "S" and "D" indicate the screen was installed above or within bedrock (or auger refusal), respectively. Monitoring wells and piezometers were similarly installed, except that each permanent well was constructed with a two -foot bentonite seal above the sand filter and the remaining annulus filled with cement grout to the ground surface. Each wellhead was completed with a concrete well pad, lockable -hinged protective cover, and well information tag. Permanent monitoring well construction details are summarized in Table 1, and well construction records are included in Appendix C. Piezometer/Well Elevation Survey A North Carolina -registered land surveyor, Lawrence and Associates, P.A., established the map coordinates (as approximately shown on Figure 3) and elevations of the newly installed piezometers and monitoring wells. Top -of -casing and ground elevations were established for each piezometer and monitoring well. Piezometer/well elevation data are provided in Table 1. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -13- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 3.0 GEOLOGIC DATA EVALUATION Field data was compiled and analyzed to: a) provide a detailed description of the geologic units and hydraulic properties of each geologic unit; b) generate geologic boring logs and rock quality descriptions (i.e. percent core recovery and RQD); c) prepare a depth -to -bedrock contour map; d) prepare a groundwater potentiometric map; e) determine horizontal and vertical hydraulic gradients; and f) determine the direction and rate of ground water flow within the uppermost aquifer system. 3.1 WEATHERED RESIDUUM AND ROCK DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS Unconsolidated Saprolite The weathered zone or residuum is generally characterized as consisting of an uppermost soil zone of unconsolidated orange to red clayey silt or clayey sandy silt grading to more dense uniform slightly sandy silts with depth. The near surface zone is highly oxidized; hence, the orange to red - brown color due to the presence of iron oxides. Typically, at depths of five feet, a color change was observed in the subsurface material to generally tan and sometimes gray. Saprolite at this depth was generally characterized by unconsolidated yet typically dense silts and slightly sandy silts. With increasing depth, the silts and slightly sandy silts contained more rock fragments and became increasing more cemented. A representative shallow saprolite profile is shown in the photographs in Section 1.5. Partially Weathered Rock (PWR) Saprolite transitions with depth to partially weathered rock (PWR). Local PWR zones consist of tan to gray variably cemented slightly sandy silts to silts with rock fragments. As viewed in recent on -site exposures, PWR can generally be described as boulder - Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -14- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 sized rocks juxtaposed in a matrix of more weathered unconsolidated material. Observed depths to PWR across the study area are shallow from 3.5 feet bgs to 28.5 feet bgs, with a geometric mean PWR depth of 14.95 feet bgs. The thickness of PWR across the study area ranges from zero feet to 45 feet, with an average PWR thickness of 8.1 feet and geometric mean PWR thickness of 6.1 feet. PWR is important to most hydrogeologist working in the NC Piedmont because this hydrogeologic unit is generally more permeable than the overlying typically clay -rich saprolite zone and underlying fractured bedrock. Thus, PWR is a typical water -bearing zone, and its flow characteristics may preferentially facilitate the movement of groundwater contaminants. Auger Refusal In Piedmont crystalline rock settings, the base of the PWR horizon or the top of competent bedrock is typically defined by drilling resistance called "auger refusal". Auger refusal is a relative term dependent upon auger type, size, and condition, and the applied drilling pressure and torque. For this investigation, auger refusal is defined as the depth of penetration resistance to the further advancement of 2.25-inch I.D. rotary hollow -stem augers rotated with a CME-55 drill rig. Auger refusal during this investigation varied from 9.5 feet bgs to 58.5 feet bgs, with a geometric mean of 26.9 feet bgs and a standard deviation of 11.3 feet. In several cases, dense fracturing and weathering more similar to PWR were observed in rock cores below auger refusal depths (see inset photograph). These zones were typically observed in the upper few feet following auger refusal. Bedrock Description Figure 3.1b — Dense fracture frequency immediately below auger refusal more characteristic of PWR zone. Bedrock has been exposed adjacent to and within the Phase 5 expansion area as a result of soil borrow activities. Photographs of such exposures are shown in Section 1.5 and in this section. NQ2-sized rock coring was performed in 20 borings for which rock descriptions and other rock Civil & Environmental Consultants. Inc. -15- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 quality data are summarize in this section and on the boring logs presented in Appendix A. Bedrock beneath the study area is predominantly a tan to gray, low-grade metamorphosed volcanic tuff; commonly referred to as a meta -tuff. The lithology across the study area is considerably uniform and representative of felsic meta -volcanic rocks mapped in other areas of the CSB. As shown in Figure 5, CEC generated a generalized top -of -bedrock contour map using auger refusal data obtained from 34 discrete borings advanced across the study area. The top -of -bedrock depths and elevations are presented in Table 2. The interpolated contours appear to imply a smooth transitional bedrock surface; however, the actual bedrock surface is more undulating due to localized preferential weathering. Depth -to -bedrock, as defined by auger refusal, was encountered during drilling activities in a range from 9.5 feet to 58.5 feet bgs across the Phase 5 footprint. The geometric mean of the top -of -bedrock data is 29.3 feet and the standard deviation is 13.0 feet. Rock Quality Evaluation NQ2 coring was performed for a depth of 10 to 20 feet after encountering auger refusal in 14 borings including PZ5-lD, PZ5-4D, PZ5-5D, PZ5-6D, PZ5-8D, PZ5-9D, PZ5-111), PZ5-16D, PZ5-20D, PZ5-23D, PZ5-24D, PZ5-26D, PZ5-27D, and MW-15D, and greater than 20-foot total core runs in six borings PZ5-I01), PZ5-lOD-R, PZ5-12D, PZ5-13D, PZ5-14D, and MW-14D. Percent core recovery and rock quality data obtained from evaluating rock cores are presented in Table 2. Percent core recovery ranged from 58% to 100%., with a geometric mean of approximately 92%. The range of calculated Rock Quality Designation (RQD) values was 21% to 100%, with a geometric mean of approximately 71 %. The range of RQD values for the first five-foot core runs was also 21% to 100%, yet the geometric mean was approximately 55%. Bedrock Fracture Orientation Typically, rock cores exhibited a sub - horizontal fracture set and a high - angle (-50°-60°) fracture set. Less frequently, a near vertical fracture set Figure 3.1c — NQ2 rock core depicting fracture dip angles. was observed in a rock core. Most observed small -aperture fractures were healed by subsequent mineral precipitation. Wider fractures were largely open and their surfaces were coated with iron Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -16- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 and/or manganese oxides. Fracture frequency was generally higher immediately below the depth of auger refusal (geometric mean RQD of 55%), but typically diminished with increasing depth. Strike and Dip Measurements on Exposed Outcropping Rocks A CEC geologist made several strip and dip measurements on the joint planes of exposed rock using a Brunton compass. Predominant measured orientations of meta -tuff fracture surfaces were approximately N15°E dipping 5WE and N dipping 62°W. Lineament Analysis and Rose Diagram As presented in Figure 4, CEC mapped the topographic lineaments identified on a local portion of the USGS Polkton, NC 7.5-Minute Topographic Quadrangle Map to provide a lineament analysis to evaluate regional geologic structural trends in the study area. Based on frequency count, CEC generated a rose diagram that shows three predominant lineament orientations that are roughly N- S with a range from N05°W to N120E, N250E to N400E, and N40OW to N55°W. The lineament data appear to be indicative of local and regional geologic structure trends, and these mapped trends correlate reasonably well with strikes measured on locally exposed rock outcrops. Diabase Dikes As shown in the inset photograph in Section 1.5, a weathered high -angle diabase dike was observed in a recent cut face in a soil borrow area within the Phase 5 expansion near MW-15D. The exposed portion of the dike was weathered to an unconsolidated red -brown clay with large angular black boulders. The relatively unweathered boulders possessed a medium -grained Figure 3.1d — Dark diabase boulders in deeply -weathered saprolite. crystalline texture. The exposed dike had a measured strike of approximately N05°E and dip of approximately 60°E. The width of the dike was approximately six feet. CEC observed a second outcrop of diabase boulders in the immediate area of PZ5-15S. The exposed surface width of boulder occurrence was approximate 20 feet; although, the land surface Civil & Environmental Consultants. Inc. -17- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 had been disturbed to allow drilling access. CEC observed evidence for subsurface diabase in boring PZ5-15S as orange to black silty sand and dark gray rock fragments (weathered residuum) occurring over a depth interval from 13.5 feet bgs to 35 feet bgs. The boring intercepted and penetrated through a high -angle dike. CEC engaged GEL to perform a magnetometer survey within the Phase 5 footprint to locate Mesozoic -age diabase dikes and their trends. GEL employed a Geometrics G-858 Cesium Vapor magnetometer operated in total magnetic field mode (see inset photograph). Specific survey transects were made along available access roads across the Phase 5 area as shown on Figure 6. A CEC geologist mapped the approximate location of the total field maximum of each anomaly signal as denoted by D-"x" on Figure 6. These signal peaks are believed to represent individual diabase dikes. Where wider anomalies are depicted on Figure 6, at least two dikes with parallel orientations are indicated by the magnetic signal. The close separation distance between two or more parallel dikes makes it difficult to interpret the continuity of strike for an individual dike from the associated magnetic signal. It is possible that better resolution could be obtained by more closely spaced perpendicular survey transects, which would require further clearing for survey access. The traces of total profile anomalies are mapped on Figure 6 to illustrate the general locations, interpolated strikes, and frequencies of diabase dikes within the Phase 5 footprint. The resulting data indicate the presence of diabase dike sets or dike swarms within the Phase 5 footprint. The interpolated data appear to indicate that the dike swarms predominantly strike in a roughly N-S orientation, with a variation from N050W to N15°E. At each anomaly, short perpendicular survey transects were also performed to determine the approximate dike orientation. These perpendicular surveys support roughly N-S dike strikes. Daniels and others (1983) note that the dikes are considered to be emplaced as two major swarms in the Carolinas, both with near vertical dips. One swarm has an approximate N-S trend and the Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -18- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 other a NW trend. In general agreement, Ragland and others (1983) indicate dike orientations in the area to be predominantly N-S (with a range of variation between N15OW and N15OE) and NW. They also observed that generally longer dikes strike N-S and shorter dikes strike NW. Ragland and Barrantine (1986) indicate that most dips of the dikes are near -vertical based upon field measurements and generally symmetrical ground magnetic profiles. Comparing the observed dike trends with measured strikes and dips of the host rock suggests that most dikes follow the predominant joint orientations in the host rock. CEC determined that the predominant orientations of meta -tuff fracture surfaces were approximately N15OE dipping 500E and N dipping 620W. The decomposed diabase dike that CEC observed in the cut face near MW- 15D had a measured strike of approximately N050E and dip of approximately 600E. In addition, most ground magnetic profiles were non -symmetrical with a long westward ramp up to a maximum peak then shorter ramp down on the west side of the anomaly. These ground magnetic profiles suggest moderate -angle eastward -dipping dikes similar to the observed outcropping weathered dike. SCS Engineers noted for previous landfill phase studies that observed diabase dikes had westward dip angles. North -striking and west -dipping dike orientations would also follow existing joint patterns. Ragland and others (1983) observe that dikes of the N-S swarms are on average longer, wider, farther apart, and more variable in strike than those of the NW swarms. King (1961), Ragland and others (1983), and Bell (1988) all noted that dikes, especially in the NW swarms, seem to occur in sets separated by areas with few dikes. Based on field -measurements and ground magnetic profiles, dike widths likely range from five to ten feet. The widths of the magnetic anomaly traces depicted on Figure 6 are significantly greater than the actual dike widths as a result of the moderate dip angles, and, in some cases, the wide profiles may be due to the presence of more than one parallel -oriented dike, or a dike set. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -19- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 4.0 HYDROGEOLOGIC DATA EVALUATION 4.1 SITE HYDROGEOLOGIC CHARACTERIZATION As briefly described in Section 1.6, three basic hydrogeologic units were identified at the site during this Phase 5 hydrogeologic study and previously by others for adjoining landfill phases (SCS Engineers, Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report — Anson Waste Management Facility Phases 3 and 4, October 2015). These hydrogeologic units are depicted in vertical profile in the hydrogeologic cross -sections presented in Figures 8a and 8b. The uppermost hydrogeologic unit is unconfined or under "water table" conditions and consist of two density -based zones of variably - weathered, fine-grained residuum. Groundwater moves through the porous weathered matrix. The middle hydrogeologic unit is generally unconfined; although, CEC observed the middle unit to be partially confined in some areas as observed by the temporary artesian flow from PZ5-20 and PZ5- 20D at the southeast boundary of the Phase 5 area. Groundwater flow may also be locally facilitated through fractures within the middle hydrogeologic unit. The lower hydrogeologic unit is the fractured bedrock zone where groundwater flow conditions may be unconfined or partially confined. Groundwater movement in the lower hydrogeologic unit is limited to flow within bedrock fractures. As demonstrated by the observed temporary artesian flow in PZ5-20 and PZ5- 20D, portions of the lower hydrogeologic unit are partially confined. The uppermost hydrogeologic unit is the shallow saprolite zone that consists of variably dense clayey silt at the surface grading to denser, slightly -to -moderately cemented slightly sandy silt with depth. It is generally accepted by Piedmont geologists and engineering geologists that the saprolite zone is defined by formation material exhibited SPT resistance values less than 100 blows per foot (bpf). Saprolite zone thickness varied from 3.5 feet to 28.5 feet across the Phase 5 footprint. The middle hydrogeologic unit is the PWR horizon that consists of variably cemented slightly sandy silt and rock fragments encountered at various depths from 3.5 feet bgs to 28.5 feet bgs across the study area. It is generally accepted by Piedmont geologists and engineering geologists that PWR is defined by formation material exhibited SPT resistance values greater than 100 bpf, Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -20- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 which can be penetrated by rotary hollow -stem augers. The thickness of the PWR horizon across the study area ranges from 0 feet to 45 feet. A third hydrogeologic unit is underlying fractured bedrock within which groundwater occurs under unconfined to partially confined conditions. The surface of competent bedrock was defined by the depth of auger penetration refusal. The density of bedrock fracturing and fracture apertures tend to decrease with increasing depth such that groundwater flow is significantly restricted within a depth of 100 to 200 feet bgs. Most frequently, the water table was observed to occur in the middle hydrogeologic unit or PWR horizon; typically, only a few feet above the lower hydrogeologic unit or fractured bedrock zone. If not present above the top -of -bedrock, groundwater was typically encountered in bedrock fractures within the uppermost 20 feet of the lower hydrogeologic unit. The area and Phase 5 footprint are characterized by dissected ridges that follow predominant joint orientations, which restrict groundwater movement to short distances between highland recharge areas and discharge to wetlands bordering the major streams or directly to streams. Groundwater recharge largely occurs over broad uplands and gentle slopes. Little recharge occurs in areas of steeper topography. Typically, groundwater occurrence is unconfined and localized within a relatively porous PWR zone, which transitions with depth to bedrock, or it is semi -confined in bedrock fractures. Groundwater discharge from lower bedrock zones occurs along area streams (i.e., Brown Creek and Pinch Gut Creek), which converge at the northern corner of the site. The site is hydraulically isolated from the surroundings by prominent hydraulic divides including Brown Creek and Pinch Gut Creek, which are regional groundwater discharge features. In the Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report for Phases 3 and 4 dated October 5, 2015, SCS Engineers indicated that no groundwater users exist down gradient of the current landfill or the Phase 5 expansion area, i.e., no residences or water supply wells exist between the landfill facility and its associated groundwater discharge areas. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -21- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 Horizontal Hydraulic Gradients As presented in Figures 7 and 8, CEC generated shallow groundwater potentiometric maps for the Phase 5 study area based on water levels gauged in existing site piezometers/monitoring wells on May 31, 2017 and December 14, 2017, respectively. These water level data are summarized in Table 1. The predominant groundwater flow directions across the site are to the southwest, west, and northwest toward Brown Creek. Locally in the area of MW-15D and PZ5-26D, groundwater initially flows eastward and beneath Phase 3 before ultimately discharging to Brown Creek. Groundwater flow across the Phase 5 area is characterized by local flow regimes dominated by groundwater recharge on ridges, knolls, saddles, and gentle slopes, with groundwater discharge to adjacent incised streams, intermittent creeks, wet/dry swales or draws, and ultimately Brown Creek. As illustrated in Figures 7a and 7b, the local direction of groundwater movement is essentially controlled by local topography, and is a subdued replica of the surface topography. In the southern portion of the Phase 5 area, the groundwater regime is dominated by a broad northwest -trending ridge (i.e. groundwater divide) dissected by northeast -trending drainage swales or draws. In this area, groundwater flowpaths are short and flow is locally restricted from ridge to adjacent swales or draws to the south and an incised stream to the north. In the central portion of the study area, groundwater moves roughly radially away from two adjacent knolls toward adjacent incised drainage swales or a stream to the south. A portion of the radial flow from the northernmost knoll is to the east and beneath the Phase 3 footprint before ultimately flowing back toward the Phase 5 area. In the northeast portion of the Phase 5 area, groundwater movement is dominated by a broad north - trending ridge (groundwater divide) away from which groundwater moves semi -radially to the west, north, and east toward incised drainage swales. As illustrated in the hydrogeologic cross -sections in Figures 8a and 8b, horizontal hydraulic gradients vary considerably depending upon topographic setting. Beneath broad ridges and gentler slopes, the horizontal gradient ranges from approximately 0.01 to 0.06 feet/foot. Beneath steeper Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -22- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 slopes, the horizontal gradient averages approximately 0.1 feet/foot. Horizontal hydraulic gradients are lowest in the south; highest in the center; and moderate in the northeast. Vertical Hydraulic Gradients Five nested (shallow and deep pair) piezometers PZ5-5S/5D, PZ5-6S/6D, PZ5-8S/8D, PZ5- 14S/14D, and PZ5-20S/20D were installed in the Phase 5 footprint to measure local vertical hydraulic gradients across the site. The approximate locations of these nested piezometers are shown in Figure 3. PZ5-8S/8D is located in a more elevated portion of a dry swale. PZ5-5S/5D and PZ5-6S/6D are located in moderately elevated portions of dry swales. PZ5-20S/20D is located in a lower elevated portion of a dry swale. Mid -points of the shallow and deeper screens of the piezometers making up the respective nested pairs were vertically separated a minimum of 10 to 20 feet. Piezometer construction and water level data are summarized in Table 4-1. CEC gauged water levels in the existing nested piezometers on May 31, 2017 and December 14, 2017. As summarized in Table 4-1, the vertical hydraulic gradients calculated for the nested piezometer pairs were upward gradients for PZ5-5S/5D, PZ5-6S/6D, and PZ5-8S/8D indicative of groundwater discharge conditions. A downward hydraulic gradient was observed in piezometer nest PZ5-14S/14D indicating groundwater recharge conditions. With exception of the artesian flow conditions observed in PZ5-20S/20D, the remaining vertical gradient data confirm that groundwater beneath the site moves under non -confined or possibly partially confined conditions laterally away from upland recharge areas to topographically lower areas of groundwater discharge; thus, these conditions can be generally predicted based on a conventional potentiometric surface representation. During piezometer/well gauging events in May (2), November, and December 2017, artesian flow conditions were observed in PZ5-20S. Similar artesian conditions were observed in PZ5-20D during the two May 2017 water level gauging events. These observed conditions indicate that the well screens intercept at least semi -confined aquifer zones at least periodically under elevated hydrostatic pressure at depth resulting in the upward movement of groundwater to above the ground surface. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -23- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 Table 4-1 - Vertical Hydraulic Gradient Data Nested Wells Shallow Deep G.W. L. G.W.L. Vertical Flow Mid- Mid- Elevation Elevation Hydraulic Direction Screen Screen in Shallow in Deeper Gradient Elevation Elevation Well Well PZ5-5/51) 261.88 253.72 272.27 275.51 -0.40 Up PZ5-6/61) 259.22 245.60 265.85 266.92 -0.08 Up PZ5-8/81) 271.61 248.96 274.02 276.48 -0.11 Up PZ5-14S/14D 286.40 267.90 280.40 271.54 0.48 Down PZ5-20/20D 249.97 234.76 Artesian Artesian NM Up Confined of Partially Confined Flow Conditions Transient artesian flow conditions were observed at PZ5-20S/20D. PZ5-20S/20D is located within a topographic swale at an approximate surface elevation of 264 feet. Assuming the top and base of the confining zone can be roughly delineated by the top -of -screen elevation of PZ5-20S and bottom -of -screen elevation of PZ5-20D, the underlying confining conditions are occurring between approximately 255 feet and 230 feet bgs at this location. During the base construction of the Phase 2 expansion landfill, groundwater seeps were discovered at three localities when the existing surface grade was lowered on average by ten feet. Two of the seeps occurred within the upland reaches of draws or swales. A third occurred along the slope of an elevated knoll. It is important to note the potential for temporary seeps or springs to occur due to underlying confining conditions. Temporary seeps or springs are more likely to occur as a result of lowering the present surface grade, particularly in proximity of existing topographic draws or swales. The Phase 5 areas that appear most susceptible to temporary groundwater seeps or springs are shown on Figure 9. French drains can be designed to effectively channel away surface -discharging groundwater beneath the Phase 5 landfill footprint. Further, following the installation of the landfill liner system, groundwater recharge to the area will be significantly diminished; thus, lessening the likelihood of a seep or spring to occur beneath the Phase 5 footprint. Civil & Environmental Consultants. Inc. -24- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 Site Reconnaissance for Springs,Seeps, of Groundwater Discharge Features CEC field personnel performed a site walkover of the several topographic swales or drainage channels that dissect the Phase 5 footprint. The site reconnaissance was conducted in December 2017. No visible evidence for springs, seeps, or the other groundwater discharge features was observed in the topographic swales or drainage channels that are not shown as a "blue -line" stream channel on the Detail Site Map in Figure 3. Note that water table levels were lower by an average of approximately 5.2 feet from the May 2017 water level gauging data. Influence of Diabase Dikes on Groundwater Flow As documented in the boring log for PZ5-2S, a diabase dike was observed to be deeply weathered at the surface to a depth greater than 30 feet to a silty clay residuum. The clay fraction observed in the weathered diabase is considerably greater than in the host meta -tuff; however, the SPT blow counts are significantly lower in the weathered dike material. Being a more clay -rich residuum, the weathered diabase would be expected to be less permeable than the host rock. Yet, being of lower density, its permeability may not be less than the typically denser host rock. CEC observed evidence for subsurface diabase in boring PZ5-15S as orange to black silty sand and dark gray rock fragments (weathered residuum) occurring over a depth interval from 13.5 feet bgs to 35 feet bgs. Apparently, the boring intercepted and penetrated through a high -angle dike. As previously reported by SCS Engineers, the relatively high RQD values for diabase cores indicates that the fracture frequency of the dikes is similar to, if not greater than, the host rock. The water table was encountered in PZ5-2S and PZ5-15S within the weathered diabase residuum. As shown in Table 4-1 above, a review of the hydraulic heads suggests potentially partially confining conditions, which is likely where a deeply weathered clay residuum overlies a fractured diabase dike. Based on geologic observations and interpolated potentiometric data as shown on Figure 9, it appears that the diabase dikes function similarly to the host meta -tuff and do not serve as aquitards or as conductive "conduits" for groundwater flow. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -25- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 Horizontal Hydraulic Conductivity As stated in CEC's Work Plan for Design Hydrogeologic Investigation (Revision 1) dated February 7, 2017, CEC assumes that the available hydraulic conductivity test data is representative of similar subsurface materials that will be encountered in the Phase 5 expansion. SCS Engineers previously performed 24 in -situ permeability tests as discussed in the Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report (October 5, 2015), which is included in Appendix E of the recent Permit to Construct Application for Phase 3 and 4. Like the Phase 5 expansion area, Phase 3 and 4 areas are predominantly underlain by Slate Belt meta -tuff. The ranges of hydraulic conductivity values previous calculated by SCS Engineers are summarized in Table 4-2 below. SCS Engineers used the average hydraulic conductivities to calculated groundwater flow velocities. Given its significant spatial and temporal variability, CEC believes that the geometric mean of the hydraulic conductivity values is more representative. Table 4-2 - Statistical Horizontal Hydraulic Conductivity Data Hydrogeologic Unit Max Value Min. Value Geometric Mean PWR (Middle Unit) 1.09 ft/day 3.95 x 10-4 ft/day 0.018 ft/day Bedrock (Lower Unit) 0.64 ft/day 5.45 x 10-3 ft/day 0.084 ft/day Groundwater Flow Velocity Groundwater flow velocity is determined by multiplying the estimated horizontal hydraulic conductivity (K) by the horizontal hydraulic gradient (i) then dividing by the effective porosity (rle). As discussed in the previous section, the geometric mean K value for PWR is 0.018 ft/day. Horizontal hydraulic gradients ranging from 0.01 and 0.1 feet/foot were calculated from the groundwater potentiometric map shown in Figure 7a. An average Tle of 15 percent was chosen to represent weathered meta -tuff. The calculated groundwater flow velocities for the PWR range from 0.0012 to 0.012 feet/day (0.44 to 4.4 feet/year). As discussed in the previous section, the geometric mean K value for bedrock is 0.084 ft/day. An average Tle of 5 percent was chosen to represent fractured bedrock. The calculated groundwater flow velocities for the bedrock range from 0.017 to 0.17 feet/day (6.2 to 62 feet/year). Civil & Environmental Consultants. Inc. -26- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 Abandonment of Temporary Piezometers The temporary piezometers that were installed during the recent Phase 5 hydrogeologic investigation will be maintained if appropriately located to serve as future permanent groundwater monitoring wells for the Phase 5 expansion. Otherwise, the piezometers will be abandoned by an NC -certified well drilling contractor in accordance with the NC well abandonment rules. CEC will submit Well Abandonment Records to the Section. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -27- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 5.0 ESTIMATION OF SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE 5.1 SHORT-TERM WATER LEVELS As presented in Figures 7a and 7b, CEC generated shallow groundwater potentiometric maps for the Phase 5 study area based on water levels gauged in existing site piezometers/monitoring wells on May 31, 2017 and December 14, 2017, respectively. These water level data are summarized in Table 1. The predominant groundwater flow directions across the site are to the southwest, west, and northwest toward Brown Creek. In contouring these groundwater elevation data sets, some gauged elevations values do not appear to be reasonable based on the local topography and relationship to surrounding values. When gauged, certain well elevations may have not reached static equilibrium due to slow recharge. Semi -confined groundwater flow conditions in certain localities may be reflected in the data. An effort was made to honor the actual water table data value while generating the potentiometric maps provided that the contours could be reasonably drawn within the generally accepted rules of potentiometric map construction and data interpolation. The potentiometric surfaces were generated as a give-and-take between honoring the actual data value whenever possible; otherwise, honoring the basic rules of groundwater flow -net construction where required. 5.2 LONG-TERM WATER LEVELS To correlate the recently acquired water level data with long-term seasonal high water table trends, CEC examined Chambers Development of North Carolina, Inc. — Anson Waste Management Facility groundwater monitoring reports from November 2009 to October 2017 that are available on the NCDEQ Division of Waste Management Laserfiche Weblink. These available reports included water level data obtained by Prism Laboratories (2009-2014) and S&ME (2014-2017) from the existing landfill detection groundwater monitoring well network. The well gauging data are summarized in Table 3. In addition, SCS reported earlier data obtained from the landfill monitoring well network from 2001-2015 providing maximum recorded well water level Civil & Environmental Consultants. Inc. -28- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 elevations over this time period as also listed in Table 3 (SCS Engineers, Design Hydrogeologic Investigation — Anson Waste Management Facility, October 5, 2015). In summary, the long-term maximum water level elevations are generally from the May 2003, April 2015, and April 2016 monitoring reports. Most of the long-term (2001-2015) maximum water levels are from the April 2015 monitoring event. Yet, most of the April 2016 water levels are higher that the April 2015 values from the respective shallow monitoring wells. 5.3 ESTIMATION OF THE SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE CEC conducted two water level gauging events within the Phase 5 footprint in May 2017 that can be correlated with the seasonal high water levels observed in April 2015 and April 2016 in the site landfill detection monitoring wells listed in Table 3. In Table 3, geometric means are calculated for water level changes in the existing landfill monitoring wells between the seasonal high April 2015 values and the April 2017 values and between seasonal high April 2016 values and the April 2017 values. The calculated geometric means for the difference in water levels are 1.30 feet and 1.36 feet, respectively. Based upon the above historical site area groundwater level analysis, we believe that it is conservative to add two feet to the Phase 5 water level values obtained on May 31, 2017 to approximate a seasonal high water table for the Phase 5 footprint. An approximated seasonal high water table contour map is presented in Figure 7c. The approach used to generate the seasonal high water table surface was the same as that described in Subsection 5.1 above. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -29- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 6.0 CONCLUSIONS The purpose of this report is to provide a suitable site -specific hydrogeologic characterization for the Phase 5 expansion at the Anson Waste Management Facility. This report provides the following information: • Detailed description of the hydrogeologic units below the site; • Depth -to -bedrock contour map; • Groundwater potentiometric map depicting flow directions; • Horizontal and vertical hydraulic gradients; • Description of localized partially confined conditions; • Directions and rates of groundwater flow within the uppermost aquifer system; and • Estimation of a seasonal high water table based upon correlation with historical data The work scope for the Phase 5 hydrogeologic investigation included the installation and collection of data from the following temporary piezometers and permanent monitoring wells: • A total of 26 discrete piezometer locations (either single or paired piezometers) were installed on hilltops, slopes, and within drainage swales to provide hydrogeology data from the various topographic settings across the study area. • Five nested (shallow -deep well cluster) piezometers were installed to provide well pairs to measure vertical hydraulic gradients across the site. • In addition to the piezometers, eight permanent groundwater monitoring wells were installed within the Phase 5 footprint. These monitoring wells are a part of the detection monitoring well networks for Phases 3 and 4. In addition to the collection and evaluation of the newly acquired data, the hydrogeologic characterization also incorporated existing data obtained by others in the adjacent Phases 3 and 4 expansion areas. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -30- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 The major findings of this preliminary site hydrogeologic investigation are as follows: • Bedrock beneath the study area is a tan to gray felsic meta -tuff, a fine-grained volcanic rock that has undergone low-grade metamorphism. The lithology across the study area is considerably uniform and representative of felsic meta -volcanic rocks mapped in other areas of the Carolina Slate Belt. Depths to bedrock as defined by auger penetration refusal varied from 9.5 feet bgs to 58.5 feet bgs, with a geometric mean of 26.9 feet bgs and standard deviation of 11.3 feet. • CEC mapped the topographic lineaments identified on a local portion of the USGS Polkton, NC 7.5-Minute Topographic Quadrangle Map to provide a lineament analysis to evaluate regional geologic structure trends. CEC generated a rose diagram that shows three predominant lineament orientations that are roughly N-S with a range from N05°W to N12°E, N25°E to N400E, and N40OW to N550W. • NQ2 wireline coring was performed in 20 exploratory borings. Percent core recovery ranged from 58% to 100%, with a geometric mean of approximately 92%. The range of calculated Rock Quality Designation (RQD) values was 21 % to 100%, with a geometric mean of approximately 71 %. The range of RQD values for the first five-foot core runs (i.e. uppermost bedrock) was also 21 % to 100%, yet the geometric mean was approximately 55%. • The strong magnetic signature produced by the mafic mineralogy of local diabase rock allowed for non -intrusive mapping employing magnetic methods. Several roughly north - south striking, high -angle dipping diabase dikes were identified during the site investigation. • As depicted in Figure 5, top -of -bedrock elevations have been approximated across the landfill site. • CEC identified three basic hydrogeologic units with the Phase 5 footprint: 1) the uppermost hydrogeologic unit (i.e. saprolite zone) is generally unconfined or under "water table" conditions and consist of two density -based zones of variably -weathered, fine-grained residuum; 2) the middle hydrogeologic unit (i.e. partially weathered rock) is generally unconfined; although, CEC observed the middle unit to be partially confined in some areas, groundwater movement in this unit may be through porous media or locally facilitated through fractures; and 3) the lower hydrogeologic unit is the fractured bedrock zone where groundwater flow conditions may be unconfined or partially confined. Civil & Environmental Consultants. Inc. -31- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 • The groundwater surface is generally encountered in the middle hydrogeologic unit or PWR horizon; typically, only a few feet above the lower hydrogeologic unit or fractured bedrock zone. If not present above the top -of -bedrock, groundwater was typically encountered in bedrock fractures within the uppermost 20 feet of the lower hydrogeologic unit. Groundwater conditions in fractured rock were observed to occur under unconfined and locally semi -confined conditions. Semi -confined aquifer conditions were observed to be transitional. • The predominant groundwater flow directions across the site are to the southwest, west, and northwest toward Brown Creek. Locally in the area of MW-15D and PZ5-26D, groundwater initially flows eastward and beneath Phase 3 before ultimately discharging to Brown Creek. Short flowpaths are the norm as a result of local groundwater recharge on ridges, knolls, saddles, and gentle slopes with groundwater discharge to adjacent incised streams, intermittent creeks, wet/dry swales or draws, and ultimately Brown Creek. As illustrated in Figures 7a and 7b, the local direction of groundwater movement is essentially controlled by local topography, and is a subdued replica of the surface topography. • In December 2017, CEC field personnel performed a site walkover of the several topographic swales or drainage channels that dissect the Phase 5 footprint. No visible evidence for springs, seeps, or the other groundwater discharge features was observed in the topographic swales or drainage channels that are not shown as a "blue -line" stream channel on the Detail Site Map in Figure 3. • The site is hydraulically isolated from the surroundings by prominent hydraulic divides including Brown Creek and Pinch Gut Creek, which are regional groundwater discharge features. • CEC recorded four sets of water level gauging data that are documented in this report. Two water level gauging events were conducted in May 2017, one in November 2017, and one in December 2017. • As depicted in Figure 7c, CEC estimated a seasonal high water table based upon correlation with historical site data obtained from 2001-2016. These historical data indicate seasonal high water tables in March 2003, April 2015, and April 2016. The recent April 2015 and April 2016 landfill monitoring well gauging data were compared with April 2017 data to determine geometric means (1.3 feet and 1.36 feet, respectively) of the head differences. The most fitting round of Phase 5 piezometer/well gauging data useful for correlation with the April 2017 area data was collected May 31, 2007. Given the roughly one -month Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -32- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 difference between the correlated data set from April 26, 2017 and the Phase 5 gauging event on May 31, 2017, a conservative hydraulic head corrective factor of 2 feet was subtracted from the May 31, 2017 (see Figure 7a) data set to approximate the seasonal high water table. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -33- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 7.0 RECOMMENDATIONS CEC makes the following recommendations to provide an adequate design hydrogeologic characterization of the Phase 5 expansion area: • The required minimum four -foot vertical separation between the base of the constructed Phase 5 landfill liner and bedrock should be based upon the generalized top -of -bedrock contour map provided in this report. • The required minimum four -foot vertical separation between the base of the constructed Phase 5 landfill liner should be based upon the approximated seasonal high water table contour map provided in this report. • Temporary seeps or springs may occur due to high water table conditions and/or underlying partially -confining groundwater conditions, particularly in proximity of existing topographic draws or swales. French drains can be designed to effectively channel away temporary surface -discharging groundwater beneath the Phase 5 landfill footprint. • If temporary piezometers are not appropriately located to serve as future permanent groundwater monitoring wells for the Phase 5 expansion, the piezometers will be abandoned by an NC -certified well drilling contractor in accordance with NC well abandonment rules. Well Abandonment Records will be submitted to the Section. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -34- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 8.0 REFERENCES Bell, H., III, Map showing Mesozoic diabase dikes in South Carolina described since 1960, U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-2030, scale 1:250,000, 1988. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc., Permit to Construct Application for Anson Waste Management Facility Phases 3 and 4, November 2016. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc., Work Plan for Design Hydrogeologic Investigation (Revision 1) — Proposed Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area, February 7, 2017. Daniels, D. L., Zietz, I., and Popenoe, P., Distribution of sub -surface lower Mesozoic rocks in the southeastern United States as interpreted from regional aeromagnetic and gravity maps, in Gohn, G. S., ed., Studies related to the Charleston, South Carolina, earthquake of 1886 — Tectonics and seismicity, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1313, p. K1-K24, 1983. Domenico, P. A. and Schwartz, F. W., Physical and Chemical Hydrogeology, John Wiley & Sons: New York, Chichester, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore, 824 p., 1990. ESP Associates and David Garrett & Associates, Phase 2 Design Study, 2003 to 2007. Horton, W., Jr., and Zullo, V. A., editors, The Geology of the Carolinas, Carolina Geological Society, The University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville, Tennessee, 1991 King, P. B., Systematic pattern of Triassic dikes in the Appalachian region, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 424-13, article 41, p. 1393-1395, 1961. Morris, D. A., and Johnson, A. I., Summary of hydrologic and physical properties of rock and soil materials, as analyzed by the hydrologic laboratory of the U.S. Geological Survey: 1948-1960, U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 1839-D, 1967. Ragland, P. C., Hatcher, R. D., Jr., and Whittington, D., Juxtaposed Mesozoic diabase dikes sets from the Carolinas: A preliminary assessment, Geology, v. 11, p. 394-399, 1983. Ragland, P. C., and Barrantine, T., Ground radiometric and magnetic surveys of ENA diabase dikes in North Carolina, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 18, p. 261, 1986. SCS Engineers, PC, Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report — Anson Waste Management Facility Phases 3 and 4, October 5, 2015. Civil & Environmental Consultants. Inc. -35- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 TRC Environmental, Phase 1 Design Hydrogeologic Report, December 1998. USGS Polkton, NC 7.5-Minute Topographic Quadrangle Map, 2013. USGS Russellville, NC 7.5-Minute Topographic Quadrangle Map, 2012. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -36- Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report March 2018 FIGURES Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. BROWN / CREEK NORTH r PINCH 1 GUT EXISTING CREEK I PHASE 3 I v � EXISTING PHASE 2 EXISTING l JWFBASIN PROPOSED EXISTING PHASE 5 PHASE 4 t + EXISTING r PHASE 1 { W� ' ;CEMETERY ROPERTY BOYN ROAD BUFFER. �r 0S N W), 1;14 SCALE IN FEET 0 1000 2000 REFERENCE 1. SITE AERIAL PROVIDED BY USGS NC83 DATED: 2012 I AV AVAF IF - IV I 7 Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 333 Baldwin Road • Pittsburgh, PA 15205 412-429-2324.800-365-2324 www.cecinc.com PROPERTY LINE — — PROPERTY LINE 300' BUFFER CURRENT PHASE BOUNDARIES WETLANDS 50' BUFFER WASTE CONNECTIONS LLC ANSON LANDFILL PHASES ANSON, NORTH CAROLINA SITE LOCATION MAP I DRAWN BY: CTH CHECKED BY: NTB I APPROVED BY: SLB I FIGURE NO.: I DATE: MARCH 20181 DWG SCALE: 1 "= 1000'1 PROJECT NO: 165-276 1 N N 4 0 Brown-Cr NORTH a O ' N tJ1 O Richmond �Sturdivant Cern \ Z^^ •`7 300 35- r N 300 - REFERENCE 1. U.S.G.S. 7.5' TOPOGRAPHIC MAP, POLKTON QUADRANGLE, NC DATED: 2013 SCALE IN FEET 2. U.S.G.S. 7.5' TOPOGRAPHIC MAP, RUSSELLVILLE QUADRANGLE, NC DATED: 2012. 0 1000 2000 f1A,=,= WASTECONNECTIONSLLC LANDFILL Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. ANSONONORTH CAROLINA 100E Cen[�r POrO DriD9 O SOi[� A O COOrDaONC 28217 Ph: 980.237.0373 • Fax: 980.237.0372 O SGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP www.cecinc.com DRAWN BY: CTH CHECKED BY: NTB I APPROVED BY: SLB I FIGORE NO.: 2 DATE: MARCH 20171 DWG SCALE: 1 "0 100E PROJECT NO: 165[?76 I I I II 8 1 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 3 G C A4 / (�((///Il ���/'/'' I I l I\ `���\� V/'' / /�// ���/ 1 I ��ll����/�i' IIII I'll /, �r\\\\ \\ /� llll�lll(1/I,\\������/ � _ - \� / / 1 III (/ rl l,ll( I \ _�,��\�� ////// ,1,, ,,//,r 1►IIIIII(, ///// /j�1\\\\� l ll/ 1 IIII ���//, /�//IIII nlll� l' I I \ --- \\\ / .. /A / // // / f / \ \ // / /1 \\-, //� � -/fJllll I �` . /„111 \\- �;� ri�I// l/I II l/ , IIII I111i1/// � I\\\\\\\ \\-�/,-, , �/III►Ilr\\;_j III \\�. �i�/.,I \\�` �/ IIII/// III �I( ll I/ / r / / 1\ \�� / /// I \\� /, IIII �\ /// //I III I ///Ji�/lJJ 11/I� I , \\\\\\ \ �� /�/,�l ,\_�/ - / ll - _= � ���_////�// Illlllll IIII 111�\ //�///��/ l \\\\�\\\\� / / /ii/'%=�_ _%--\_-�/ /,� I III I �111\\ \ -_-_/,��////�,/,,, , \\\\\\�� �_ / / ���; -_/i/ IIII I(\\I 1\\\\�_�_ ��/�/�/�/ir�l IIr�\\� �� - =ice � _ �i//� � I II, \ \\\\ /Mill/ / /�i / 1/ I \ "\ / /// \I \ \�� --_� /�/ i -- / it NORTH /r�_�_- �_ \\\ ���_- -__-„ / ��/ �\ \\ \ / / \ / / // � � \\\ -__��I I t \ \ / \- I�"---� / / / ./ , I \ /' / � '-"'� / _ / /�% �/ �\ / / �� I - FREE /�j / ,�/ ;!� _ I / / BROWN l �/ �/ /jx�' �_- I III/(///ice- ���� �I�Ii1it ,/1 I I \ /%/ //�/�_I�� (il(�' _ _ _-�\ --I I \ ///%'/ // //�/�"%�5-14S '\yid i �_— l // // / / ////////�///�/� /�// _-� ///„� J/((I ( ///I I(1(�/l//r%/� // / /�� IIII IIIIII l // / - \I ////i, /� �; I I I I IIIII I I I I 1 I I I I I I (��— \ 1 / /� 1__ I \ 0 I I \ I j //-\ \11 \ I \ \ I III Ill\\\ \PZ5-14D \ \III 1 rl I l 11 ' 1 / j/%���� = \1 \\I\\\ \\\ \\\ \(� �` \ I \I $ (� III I 1 i ////i///////� \ \\ 1 \ \ \`,, \ ) I I / // //�/ //�_� \\ II11 \\ \\ \4\\ 1\ I \ \\ \_/ I ► 5 ' I1, ,,, �'/ 1 %- �� �z 11 \ \ \II ,111 \\11 \III\\\�\\ /�C I I / /�iai///�i,!�=�\ \\ 111I\\1 loilllllll I� \\\ �\\\\\ \\\\� , iii///�PZ5-21S; \\\\I \I III I\1 \ \�\\ \,_,-/ I 1 1 / l \\'I 1 IIII\\ \ �/ ij�/� _�� \ �N\\\1111 IIII 111\ 1\\ \\\\\\\\-�/� I I �ji �i /�/// �/ice ���\ 111II111\ \111\\\�\\\\\\� j /; /�i�//ice//��i/..//,!//ice \ \\\\\ \\\\\\\ \\ter%I I \ IJ / /�//��/'/// //%//% /PZ5-13D/// * \ \ \ \\ �'Ji� ;PZ5 ---- \� I�// (If(r� // /%��� �,/ i' ,III \\\\ \��\\\� ��\\�\\��\\\ \�\\\\ l'' i/ / I (11\1lljl"I/IrIII( ��/ (/�\ 1 \I \\\\�,��)\\III I\\\\\ t' \ i//� \\\\\\\\\\\111\\\I\111���\\\\\\ \\\\\ \\\��\`JJ\II\(\\\\�\ I) J)irj / ice j \i �\\\\\ \\\\\\\\ ��\1\ \\\\\� \ \\� jI J I \� j'\v/�/� / / _ 1-1 I / ' /' _ (� /(( / /// /// , I I \\ \ \\\\ I / // // /\ I I \ \ \ / � ,/ \ 1 ( \ \ / \ \ I ` I /� / / i -� /� \'\\�\\� IIIIII/ I I Il \\�\ \\I j j\� (I /''�r'' /� \\\ \ \\ \\ 1 III\ �2 tiy° Z/�� ?�\��\�� \\\ �// \ \ \\\ I I\i// l I \\\ \ 1 IS I \ \\\\ / /\ ,_--- �/ // _ \�\��\� \\ \ / / \ I \\ U /// -'\ \\ , \ \\ \ \ ► 1� \ \ \ \ \ l / // - 250 /i/ \\ \ \� \\, PZS-18S \ \\\ / / \ I \ / / // // /iw 260- /�/i /�-- \ \ \ \ \\ / _-- \\ -� /--- \ \\ \ \� \ II \ \ \\\ ///i /i// /�/, / /i/ /-- \ \ \ \ \ 1 1) / // \\ \ �_ _1 1 \ \, \ //' /�ii//ii?,�-' �ij? 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EXISTING PIEZOMETER WELLS WITHIN PHASES 3 AND 4 TAKEN FROM / \� / ��1i / EXIST/NG LANDFILL �E- / ) \� \\\ \ \\�) ( -�/ \ HYDROGEOLOGIC INVESTIGATION REPORT PROVIDED BY SCS ENGINEERS, PC. \ 11( l / i /-� \--/ /�l ` \\ OIL 11IIII ` \\ /// / /j / ( ) 1\\\\ � �� \I\\\\ 1� \ \'\✓- �\ �_ -� \ 2015. 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ANSON LANDFILL PHASE 5 EXPANSION ANSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1900 Center Park Drive - Suite A - Charlotte, NC 28217 Ph: 980.237.0373 - Fax: 980.237.0372 TOPOGRAPHIC LINEAMENT MAP www.cecinc.com DRAWN BY: PNP CHECKED BY: EH APPROVED BY: EHS I FIGURE NO.: 4 DATE: J U N E 20171 DWG SCALE: 1 "=1000 PROJECT NO: 165-276 8 1 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 e 0 N z N a A C /0 \ \ / / 1, _ -- ;�����- ��� __ - �// / 1 / / Z , I�/ / / / �; �i, ;=_ I I I I 1 \ \ \ \ I �/ / / / I I �I/ / / �l � --_ - \\ � wo / // /�/// //- 80' -- / I I I \ \o \ I / / 1 / / / __ \I I I \ / 11--_ \���� \���_ _ ♦ /' /� / //ii//� / I / / /i/ 2 - - - \ ) I I / l I I \ ----%/ \ ♦ \ � %�- / /, i � %� ---_� \I I / l I / I 11 \\ I I I I % /� \ / / \ \ �_� _ / /ii / / Z \ l l \ �_`-_ --/i/ �j / ii /i' ///ii // / // i/ / \ I I PZ5-17S I I 1 \ \III / / \ \ \ ` I \ //� -1 l-- ��= __-�� /' j i \\�_ ���i%�// /i�i//i//////� / //�// - \\ I \ ELEV. i / / \ \ \W v III I / / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I - ���'/ // // I / l (l /I / ////'iz/ �/ ///� / �- \ \ \\ \ I 1257.s8 / l � \ \ J I 1 I I l �,° \ \ \ \\ \\\ \\ \\ / / \_- %/ / /� / / /i / //i / - �o // / 1 / / / 1 III I11 \ / // // / //i /' ///ij/ /'/_ �_ i \I I\III j _\\ \\ \\ I I I j 1 `�/� \\ \ \\\\\\ \ / / --- / / � � ,1 I / / - \ I I \ I I \ \ �/ / ��� __- ,�__-_/ / 1 ��-)\\�\IIIII// //� / / ////,/ -1 pp� --- \ I o (\ \ l \ \ f- /, / ) ~ ///�-� __ 1�\ \(I'I ///� / // /�////? 11 I I I I NI I I I \ \ \\ \MW \13s\ IIII to / / / \ \ \\\\\\ \ NORTH / / — / \^ / /// __ � \ \IIII / //////, -/ -, III I IIII \ \ III I N1 / \ \ \\ \ // �i // / ��_f ��- /i/��i�%��\\ \\\\\ I I // / //// �� i% \ \ \ I O I I 1 \ \ \ �ELEV. \ III I I , \ \ \ \ \ \ r/ ,/ �--�-- �/ -� // // //�-=____�\\�'\\ \\; I I J / //, / // //� "-�- \ I 1 I ►� I I III \ \ \ 23o.s1' J I I , 1 \ \ \ / " /��. �j \ J / / / //310 w I I I I I I I 1 \ N \ I I III \ \ \ \ \\ \\\ \\ /� //_ \\ / //5/ �/� �% ,��.� 1 / / / I // / I I I I I \ \ . \ III I I \ - /--_-�\ \ \ / / // I I I N \ O \ \ I \ `/ --�/ \,��/ /�/ j/�//i,/%�/i- - N?m �.. 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(/� Sty// / // /'��-- - ////i%'�%//////%// l(\ \�,f--` /�� l 1 111 lI/l 11 // / l/// 11 //% I �// / /�j�/ ��' � CONSULTANTS (IMC JOB N0. 16030); DATE OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY - \ \-----_-) / / / , // / - \ ,// / // ) I ) 11l ( ( ( // / //ii/ /// ////// // / I ��/ / /�ll,/ 111 / lIl , l ,,l// ll,l // / , // / //////,// 1 / / /� / / ,/ /%��� —���1� FEBRUARY 27, 2016. �� --� ,i // // / / ---- \ /, // / ,�II NIA \\ ( / // / ///� ///�// ////i/////% / / / l// �/ / l l l l / // /l l l /l // / /// / / l / \ /// / ///�//�// )I \ �� / / / 250 /// / / / / // / / / / r I _��\ \ \\\ \ \\ \ ( l 1 ((( (�( \ ( (��i // -- / / , / / / /// l/ /l / // / /// / / //// / % \ 1 — o l 1 T x / // ,,, ) , / / l( , \ / \ / / l j l r/I l l / l // ll / / /l / / /// / / / l / \ / / / / /, 2. FEMA FLOODPLAIN INFORMATION FROM NCFLOODMAPS. MAP NUMBERS: I L - ,// T / /,/ /// / / 7 / / // // / / / II r-,I � \\\\\\\\\\ \(\( II 1 \ \ \ \ I I \ \\ `\\\\ / -, / / /// /// �/ / // / / / / 37106445O0J, 371O6446O0J, 371O645500J, 3710645600J. --� I i / // // , // / / ,i // // //,/ / / I MW- \ \ \ \ \ ` 1 I \ \\\\ \ \\ /I /l�/, l/ l / , /l // /// //// // / // // / //// // / / / �� // ///% //� / �� - i� \__--/> //// / //%/ // / / ///� / 'i / /i/�/ / / \ \\\ \`- \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\ \ \\\\\ \\ \\\\\ � ;\��\ .-_.,Q?\ '// l/l�l //// /l l/ l /// //l// / // //� / / l �/ // /// //// ==v��\ \ 3. TOP OF BEDROCK CONTOURS ARE INTERPOLATED BASED ON THE DATA \ \ \ -- / / /�///�////// /// 7///� / // -/� �/ / �pl r(( �// ( I I \ \\ �f\ \ \ \ \\ \\\\\\ � \\ \ \\\ \ \\ \\ \\�\\� 'two\�\\ / , \ l/// / / /l / / ///// llI l (/I ((Ill //// // % //,/ // / l I �/ J %�/ �// //---_--- - / 1 \ OBTAINED FROM THE BORING/PIEZOMETER/WELL LOCATIONS SHOULD BE �\ \ \�--_-/I / / / // /� /////// ////� // T / / °I ( \ \\\ \�N�A I \ \\\ , \ \\ \\� \ \\\ \\ \ \\ \\,t\ \ \ \ I ��J\� 1 // / / // /// / //), „II l /l�// ��/// 11 / l J �/ l / / / // ,// -- )_ I I I \ \ - / l / / // / /// /� /ii 0// / / III ( I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \\ \\\\ o\\\ \\ \\ \ \ \ /l�/Il ll / l�/ /// /ll / l) I ( / / // / CONSIDERED APPROXIMATE. .� \�_--1 / / // , ///,/% , Y //// / / /, //�/ //^Jo /' �1 L I \ \\�\� J\ \\\\\\\\\\ \ \ \ \\ \\ \\\ \\ \\o \� �\ \\\\ ( i<\ / ///O /I�// /// / ////// /// ///// // li I /l / //// /l ( l / / // / �// . / /,ji/ _�� I 1 ,�o� --� / 1 I / //// //// / //� / l /// j//�� / %%// �/ / ,PZ5-19S j \1 I 1 I \ \\\\� \\\\ \\\\ �►� \\ \\\ \\\ \ \\ \\\\ �\\ \�w \\\oo\\ \\\ \�\\\ \ \\ Jii ////���/ // l/ / l / / / / / //�/ // /// I I J� I 1 I ���\ /% / / / /rl /ji� / ��7 11 I I 1 4. GROUNDWATER ELEVATIONS BASED ON PIEZOMETER WATER LEVEL I I / / / �/ �/ / / \ \ \ \\\\ \ \ \ \ cQ\ \ `\\ \\ \ \\\\ \\� �/ // 1 / / �,/ //ll/ �// / //////l/ I I //// I / / / / //, READINGS ON MAY 31, 2017. TOP -OF -BEDROCK ELEVATIONS l ( ( l 1 / //// //./ I I // ((( \ /i/// // ELEV. I I 1 \ \ \\ \ \\ \ \ \ \\\ \\ \ \ \\\ \\� \\\o\\\ \ \\ \\\\\\ \\ \\\\ ���// ///l,�//o.111 l 111 //l 11 / /// l /l, ////, ( (( / / l / / / // / /// / / �% 1 I I ) \ I I IIII /l/,////Il ll� \ �---% / //i // /, / / I I \ 1 \ \\\ \\\ \\ \\\\\\ \\ \\ �\ \�\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\��\\\�\� / // // o / / / / // I / 1 // ///, /! / i -\ \ \ I 11 I /11 I /I 1 1,\ �__-- �, X//i/�/ // 252.70'0 / / / (`-_1 \ \ \ \\\ \\\ \ \\\ \ \\\\\\\\ \��\\ \ \\\ \\\ \\ \\ \ \ \\ \v/ / /////a //l�/ l ,/ ll / 11/�lll,/////�!/�l/IIJI /// �� // / / / / /; , ) I I / I DETERMINED FROM AUGER REFUSAL DEPTH AT EACH BORING SITE. \ \ I / I I I . 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EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY WITHIN PHASES 1 AND 2 OF EXISTING LANDFILL -� I ( _ // / / '// / •G / // / / / / / / / // // l ��' I MW_ \\ \\\ \ \\ \\ \ \ ( \ 1 I \ IIII\ \ \\ /// ///// / / // // / / / / / / / / )� / // / / WAS PROVIDED AT 2-FT CONTOUR INTERVALS BY INDEPENDENT MAPPING I \__��% IIII / /// j// ////////%� / ///�/j///// / /��////�/j%/�/ / IIII\ \�- _\ " \\\\\�\\\\\\\\\\ \\`\ \\\\\\\\ \\ \\ \\\\�\�\\ ����� l/ 11///ll//ll/ IIII //IIIII l�l / IIII ///�////�//// l/ I / // /// j/ / �/� / ---- ��\ \ CONSULTANTS (IMC JOB N0. 16030); DATE OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY --\ I �/ /�// / /// /// /�// // / / // / ) / ( //// // / I \\\ \ \\ \\\ \\ , \ \\ \\\ \ IIII\ \\ \\ \\\�\\ \ \\�� /ll�ll l l l //�/Ill / l'l/ �I /// / / IIII / / / / -- \ FEBRUARY 27, 2016. -\ \\ \� // / / / /� //// / �////// ////�1// / ' / / // /3p0 ( (((� ( I I \\\\\\\\�-J�\ \ \ \ \\\�\\\\�� \� IIII\ \ \\\ \\ \ \ �\ f ' `� \ IIII l//�// l l / /l l lI ((Ill / / / / / // / l /� / //X / '--- 1 /// / // // /� \ \\\ I \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \IIII \ \\\���\\\moo\\ \ I 1 // // / / / / / /�/ / (1 /l / / //l I I l / r/ / \\\-%- -/ /� / //�// //%//i/�/ IIII /ii /OOi/ / / / 11 1( ( I I \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \\ \ \\ IIII o\\\ \\ \\ \ \` \/l�jllll�l/l� �/ ////I 1I)I11 /II IIII j�///Ill / l 1 //% / / / /���/ )- 1 I I 2. 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EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY WITHIN PHASES 1 AND 2 OF EXISTING LANDFILL \ \ --- -/ �/ // / / � / / / /' // / /� / //// / / � - l/ I ii �lll/I l / /l / //r/ /// // / / / / / '�--- - \� / / / i ' \ --- - _/ // / / / / - /� --� \ i��ii�/ IIII � � /�ii /I / / / / //// / // IIII / / /// ///j / // l -J / - -�\ \ //i / / / / WAS PROVIDED AT 2-FT CONTOUR INTERVALS BY INDEPENDENT MAPPING \ \ -i / / // / / / / PZ5-1 D // / //� \ ///�//// /� j/��//�i�l < / I j////// j// /j j/�� �° / -- I l �/� / / l // / / // / / / / / \ _ _-/, / / �/ / ,i \ 1 \ —PZ5 2S, // / / // / // ' /, ✓ / / \ \ ) ) / \IIII/ //��//i /i/s S ! / / / /IIII IIII/ k / /l/ I // l/ / /IIII �l/,// / j //,/ ////�/j/�//// �/ / / // // �� \� -\ \-�__ l s / J / CONSULTANTS (IMC JOB N0. 16030); DATE OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY / I \ \ \- \- - - / //// / / /j // /' / GW: / /�/ �� - / /�i /ii - //f / // / ( '�/////�'/ //// / /�/��" p // I/ ! l/ l //l // //� / �/ �// / %� 1 l / ' �\ \ GW: //� / //i / - / J / �/ /�/� j / / /� ///�i//�/i//// // /`L ` _ - /�� �- //�1 /ll/l ll l/ // IIII //// / /�/////Ill/( l /// 1 /i, I /��__ 1) ----- / / �- \ FEBRUARY 27, 2016. - ,� I' I- ---- // //// / / // �286.38 / - \ /,//., ) IIII /%�'//''�i� ��//%/ j'// K////// II �- - IIII / I/// 1 1 1 / / /l IIII / / // //////// /// l 1 / / / /// IIII �� - / - _--2s5.75//�// // / / // / ./ / ---- ��' -� 1 / / / Mw-8D f /ii� J / IIII IIII ///� /� /i�� I1,4 �� // / I I 1 / /IIII/ l/� / �/ / / l // / //\ // G/// / �i= �� ' \ / 2. FEMA FLOODPLAIN INFORMATION FROM NCFLOODMAPS. MAP NUMBERS: '-- '///// /// / // /// / / -- // / I^y \ //� / "//�/'/'/'/' �/ / // /� I ?� /' 1 I I / / / / / ! / // IIII / 11 / Ill/ /// I l / / / / - ' > �/ / /i // / / / / � oo I I ' lh� GW: ( S // // -,- /'''/ii :/i, /. �� I \ \�'� /, I 1 / / //l l // l � // \ // /// /, � � / // t // /// // /, 1 / J , l ! l , ll l// // ///,''/� / ,IIII l �/// / // IIII // -�� 3710644500J, 3710644600J, 3710645500J, 3710645600J. \ ---) > / // /// // / // /// \ / / // )1 I %� l ( ( / // / / // // / / \-/ / Jl / �� l / l ! / / / /// / l / / / // // I i/\ / / / /�� / � � /j //�/// /� �j/// IIII/ / /// ---- / l �/ j /// j/�J1II1 N�A`� 1\ \\\ \ \ I l/ ( // / ///� ///// ////mil //; / -/ /IIIII IIII/ Ill l /� // l /�� /Ill /� /l ////////j///////// l //%/ / /% j// �/ \\ 3. SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE POTENTIOMETRIC CONTOURS ARE �`��o I - �� / / / // / // /// �- / / // //II \�-� \\\\\\\\ \ \ Ill C1 ( , ( \ / ( \ \ (C\\� \\ r� C / / l � // !IIII/// /IIII/ l / /l // l / / / / / \ / / //�j%, \// \--___-- INTERPOLATED FROM A CORRELATION OF WELL GAUGING DATA FROM A I I ` / .G / //// / / // / - �/ // /// // O / / I ( \\ \\ \\\ \ \\ \ \IIII I (I \ \ \ \ \ I 1 \ \`\ \\ / J �- //�//�// / / / /// ///// /�// ////�!// / / ///// /// / // ////, \ /// `� - I / / / // / / / // ° l /lI Mw- \ \ \ \ \ �I \ \\�\ \ l/l / l ll // / / / / / / / / J/ / �/ // PERIOD OF 2001-2017. OVER THIS PERIOD, SEASONAL HIGH WATER \__�/% IIII '/ /// �/ //%� / ///�/ // / / ��l// //%/�/ `L / t \\\\\ \` �� \ \\\\\\ \\ \\\\\ \`\ \\\ \ \\ \ \ \ �\\\ \\ , 1 ill /l l / l /// /Ill l / l// IIII ,/// /IIII/ l / ( / /// IIII; jj� ---'� \ /1/// /// // /i/ / / /// // ( \ Gw: \�\\\\\\\\� \\\ \\\ \\\\ \\\\\\\\�,\\\\\ �,.c��� l/l�Ill/l/ll//// /ll// l(/Ill IIII /// / / /l / // / / i \ I I / / / / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ �� / / // / / 1 / / / / //// / / \ / / / / / LEVELS WERE OBSERVED IN APRIL 2016. THE GEOMETRIC MEAN \ \ \ �---�� / / / / / //// �// // _IIII, / // -'� / / 3(I // / \\ \\\ f \ \ \ \\ \\\\\\ \\ \ \\\ \\\ \ \\ \\�\\ \ \'o \\\\ / \�� \ Ill/ IIII// l l / lI l / l ll / / / // / l // // /// // /-_-J/--- I \ DIFFERENCE IN WATER TABLE ELEVATIONS BETWEEN THE SEASONAL HIGH �\ \ \ -- -/) / / / // / , // // / // ///,/ j, // ° r /// / OO ((((/ I I I \ \\ \ N/A _� \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \\ \ \\ \ \ / l l / / /// i 1 I l ( !/l / / / //l � I // / / --_ APRIL 2016 DATA AND THE APRIL 2017 DATA WAS 1.3 FEET. \\ - / / / / // // / / / °// / �11 1 I I I \ \ \\ \\ I \ \ \\\\\\\\\\\ �\ \\\\\\�\\\\\\\\\\\moo\\\\\\ \\\\ \ l ���\ 1/////��/////�!//� %/ ////// 1Jl)I/II/( IIII %�////l// / l % / /(j/� I ) / / // �� 1 \ �\ \\\\ \ \ \ \\\\o \ \ \ / / // / / 1 (/ / /// / / 1- I CONSERVATIVELY, TWO FEET WERE ADDED TO THE PHASE 5 WATER �`'a' \�_% \ / / I / / / //// /// %%//// / / ///////// X� PZ5-19S� / 11 ) \ \ \ \\ / \ \\\ \ \ \\ \ \\ \\\ \\ \ \ \ \\ l (�\ / /jp //�// l / // / // / / lI / / / / ( l / // / _// \ ( I I o� 1 / / / / / / �// ' I I \ \\ \\ �►\\\\\\ \\\\\\ \\\ \� \\\i9o\\\\\\\ \\\ \ \\ \- _IIII �.l / /� /�/ llj/ /� /%�i/j//� /l IIII/'/// lj I I l�� j�/ IIII / / / / -- 7 I 1 1 1 I / / r / // /// / \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \\ \ �- / I l/ /l / /� /� I 1 / \ / TABLE ELEVATIONS MEASURED IN MAY 2017 TO APPROXIMATE THE _ I I I I l/ // / // / / / // // // / / \ I I I \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\\ \ \ \ \ �'\ \ \\ \\ \ \\ \ i \ - i� //b� Ill / / l / l / // DEPICTED SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE SURFACE. \ - t ( ( / //� Ill I \�---/i%//// / /%/// GW: / ♦ I I l \ \ \\\ - - \ \� \ \\\\\\�\\\�\��\\�� \\ \\\ \\\\\\\\\\�\\\\\\�_ /IIII /Jl�/ // l /l l //� ��/ /�l/� �j/,l J l 1 / // I / / / ////// /� /� 1 l / \ \ \ I I II IIII, �/11/ l (I 1 \ / / ,o / / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ �\ \ \\ \\\\ \ / / /o' / / / /// / / ��/�%, I('(I / // // / / / / 1 l ,�\ \� �-_ \ \\ \ I I I I (I / I[ I I �� 1. \�, ---',-�/, /�//// 2ss.21 / / ( (---�� \1 \. \\\\�\\\\\\ \\�.\ �� \\ �\�\\��\`�ao: �\\\���\\��\\\\� �\ \\\\�\\�� /�����/ i/ �� l�i�/lii%�l / l�l„�� j;�l/l/l I/ "/iiJ'I I (.%� //%/�/// �%////�i%/, .� ----' / O I I 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 cc U w o cc Z 0 0 0 w cn U W cc w a 0 O Z 1�U1 ^ T N � N Z �1 °� M � o M o r• mN 1 1 U co E Q x o 1-4 ,� .� irl N M c�i 4' M � 1 1" > o 0 � ci Q ,i N o ;> a a) 0 , W c a a) _y w U o 0 a) ., 4 1 r .� U Q Z � cc J 0aw 0 Ln Q U � V) Q Q �oaZ pp�.10 z��oc 0�0V F-CnZ W of J ~ Z aO 0 !J LU = Z W OJ V 0 0 0 cn �u.IZZ W�Oa � m daa< V U Z � ul W W r Q 0 Q Z �U } C° m 0 0 Q w w /� V 0 U '_ C V O 00 N o T = Z cc TI a� z Oa a OF } m U) U w w O 0 0 � Q FIGORE 7a G f1 II 0 5 4 3 2 c I✓i ►0 NORTH / // /// , / - _ / / / \ ��/ / / \ -- _ �\ \ \ — \-_ / / / / / /i /i / - / --� \ I 1 \ \ \ 1 l / \ 11 I , / / �� � ___ �\ � - _-/��/ �\ / / / /� � //� 80'' - / il' 1 I I \ o \ I I l l I / / __ ) I % / / i I \\— _ --—_��\�— \ �_---� / / \ // .� /�/ //�/ ,/// ///— � — ) I I / I i \ //i// /� / / //�// \ I I 1 I ( 1 \ \\ -- //iii/ ♦ / /�/�// // /� / / - I / I \ \ \ 1 I I l / l f I / / // �\ - \ \\� - �i� \ /// -//' //ii�// / / _--- I / / I \ I I 1 / \ I I I / --\ � /�/ / /i ii� �'/i' /'/ice' / / /i / / / \ I PZ5-17S 1 I 1 1 \ I I I I I / \ \ \ / / - / / I � - /j / / / / i / // / / ///// / /� \ - / \-__- / // / / / / /// / / / 1 GW: \ v I / / \ \ I ' - __ / \\\ 1 / ( \\ JIIII ! o \ \\ \ \ \ -� ' / `�------- v / I (III ( //�/ /�//i / /// //�� \ \ I I 2ss.3T' I ( \ \ \ \ IIII o \ \ \ \ / 1 I 1 // / /-/ /// i \\ \ \ \ I I ti / \\\I \ c / I 1 \ / // /i/// // - / \ \ I I \ \ I \ \ \ ��•---'-__�_-� I j 1 %O / �jJ \\ \ 1 I I l / / /// //i'/ /'//// 300-'' 7 11 I 1 \ \ I I I / /_� (� I I 1 1I 1 (i \ \ \ \\ \ \ I I 1 1 / / \\ \ \\\ \ \ \ \ \ 1 \ ( /// / / /,/ / -- I I o I I \ \ \ IIII I I 1 / \ \ IIII\ \ \ \ - ii%� -- �� \\ \ I I / / / �i --� I I I c I \ MW-13S \ I /f �� /' / - /�/ — \\\ IIII,\IIII I / / / / / ��� o I NI I I ` I \ \ \- \ IIIII I 1 I \\ \ \ \ \\ \ \ // ` / /\ \ f1 �/ / �,I III \ I I �\ \ \ / - ��/ ��_� - , I //• / / / -- of I I 1 \ \ \ \ \ I / \ -- .�_ / --� / " / /;- \\\ III / / Gw: \ I I I 1 \ \ \ \ r // - - /� \ / / /-' j��-= III / / // //� / // 10� I III I I I \ \ \ 2so.2o' \ \ % 1 I I I I I li \ \ \ \ \ \ \ // / \ / / - /-- --� \ \'1�1 \II�i / / / , // '3 w IIII IIII \ \ I \ \ I �/ / \�, ///// i_- -\, 0 \. / / / / 1 \ III I I \ \ \ \ \ \_ /////� �/� �i, --- �V,Y%- . NI I o 111 I l I o I I I 1 I \ \ \ \ I \ \ / P--/ii�i��ii��„=_�-XPZ5-15Sollp I I °j I I I o�I PZ5-16D I I I I I I I I I \ \ 1 \\ I I \ \ 1 I\ \ I ///��/,1���,— __ 11 1 I I a X IIII I \ \ '��_J I \/' I I I I /' ////i /i / / -- � 1'1'\ �1 I ►� cw: I I I \ I I 1 I 1 / //�/ice /�'iiii%i��% -- _�\ cw: . \l 11111�\11 \ 1 1 \�\� 2s2.45' IIIII I I ( i� '�\\ \ I I I I I 1 I I I I // / / ,/ / �i /�// — _\ 2so.os \\\ I I I I \ % \ ` \ I/� I I ,� I I I I J�/( /j //,� I l �/ /�i/ ,_----?90 \\ �- p� 111N I I 1 \\ I I I I I I N I '/ I I l// �/ // ///l l/l I / //ii �_ _ _ _- \\\\ \� \\� \\ 31 1 I I I I IIII /r\ \ \ \ I /l / I I I " I I / / 1 �\`\ \ \\\ \\\ l l I I I I I 1 \ �\ \ \ \ ► I �L / III I I I f / / / i'�/ii%�-'==II 1 1 = == = ,\'\ I I I I \ 1 I I I I / i/�///�� � III - l J IIII \ \ \ \ \ \ / / 1 III I I / / / �, -- =— I I\ \ I I I I �ii��ii�,i/X,- �III�/j/ \)' C ,�- vV A\ \� ,/-/ I I ( I j I \ \ I � I I I / ��� I I 1 A / /�// // // � / ////� /%- \ \ \\ � �,- __ \\) \ -. \ I I I \ ► I I ► I 1 �/ I 1-/ �� // / "/ , ,': \ ' - - \\\ \ \ \\ \ \r - i� \ \,\ \ /� / III I I I ! 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Pz � 4S j, � 340� \\\\\ \\\\\\\\ \ \\\�---,\�\ I I i'%' ��\�\ \\�\��\\�FJ� /�1 \ \\ \,' '� // % /' /'' /' /_ - / \\ \ \ \ \ \ I \ / ///�/ , N/A,, // \ \\ \\ 1 \ \ 1 1 1\ \ \ / /� // \ s, _ \\ \\\ 1 1 I I / / I I \ \\ \ \ / / / / � / / / / I (� 1 / / / / / / I- �,� \ ,� 1 / / 1 \ \ / 0 / ,,/;/� /, , , / so- \ \ \ I / 1 I I I ,-/ I 11 \ \ / / 1 / ( � �- 1\ / /i�� ///l /// // �//- - - I I ( \ I I I / IIII I I / / / C \C__ \ / 0///_�\ 11I I 1 II / / / \ r� \ \ \ 1 I I 1 \ \ \\ \ �/ I o \ \ \ I / \\�\ I I I II I III / /// 1 \ PZ5-27D I / I I \ \ \ / - \ \ / i '%� \\\\ I IIII I I II PZ5-14D I III '/ 36��\ \ \\ 1�1 > > I I \� \ I / / I I \ o I / ' \\ \ \ 1 1 /\11\III \ I1I1 / \\ / cw: / / \ 11� \ \\ \ / ( C \ \ \ �/ \ \ II ._ \\\ 1 (, -\ MW-15D II I \ l / I \ / / N �\ \ N I 1 \ \ I ' \,II II \\ III I I111 \ \ GW: \ \\� \\ \ \ I I ( I / / - \ \ 1 I - / N A \\\ I I -- I \ \\ l \ \ l /// _/� \\\ 1 \\ DRY \ �1 11 to I I ') I I �-I , Gw: / \��I 1 L \ -� / //oo/ / ! 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EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY WITHIN PHASES 1 AND 2 OF EXISTING LANDFILL \ o\\\\_ -- - 0 �� / / / / / �' I- --� \ //\--\ /- -�/- / /i ///i/i/ / / f// , ////�/ �������\ /! ////j/ /// /,// //// / / /�/ ///'/ / / / / l / /��/ - I \ ' / WAS PROVIDED AT 2-FT CONTOUR INTERVALS BY INDEPENDENT MAPPING \ �\ \ \\ \\ j a��) / / // / // / /, // I / ___ �C - //// /�i/- //i�� i/�//�j� / / / / / / // -__��\ \ >I // / / // //j////, ///////////// /V / / / l I / j/%' -\� l! /�( \n\\\ \\ \�\/ j/// / / / / �� _ `) //// / �i� / i / ///90/ // / // / // / / / / // // CONSULTANTS IMC JOB N0. 16030 DATE OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY l /\` \ `�0\ \ \\\ \_��iii'// // /// // / l / / ///�� // _ / /// / //i �ii i�z ,�, /// 1 / / 5// / J///// //// IIII 11 ///� // / // / /�//x//////// ////// //� / / / / I /,/% 1 I `(/ \ \ \ /�// % / l / l ( )� �2 \ \ \\�=-/- / // / / / / / / / _ \ /i /iii//�-��// �// 7 // / / /,///� / /� —I III \/// // /// / /// // //////// / �% �// //// /� I �l FEBRUARY 27, 2016. / / �e� \ \\ \ -- // l / / / / / /- / //i'-- / ( �% /-i-�—�/� i // ( // ��'--- I I I� I/// // /// //// // / / // /// / / / / //// /� \ \�/ �\\�\� �� //// // / / / \ O \ /- / / / / / / / / / /./ice — / —\�\ ) ` %�// / �— / // /�///•p�0 // _ III 111�/// / // // //// //// X/////"/�/ / / \ / / / / / -/ / o \ \ \� ----��- // / / /� / _ / -- /�--\ \ �) /% j%��- -ii� /�i ��iii �' / // /// / / / / - I/ I /li 111// l / /// //// /// // / / / / // / / i�--_ \ \� - �// / -/ / / / 2. FEMA FLOODPLAIN INFORMATION FROM NCFLOODMAPS. MAP NUMBERS: \`_�/// \ \ \ \\ //// / / PZ5-1 D // - - \ //�%/ /�i/ -�����/ice' I = - /// //// / ///%'j 10 / /^ 111 / / / //// / // //// / / /// / / / l �J / �_� �� ��\; _���/i / / / / i �( l / / / / I I -- // l ///l///// // //////// / / / // //�/ / / / - 3710644500J, 3710644600J, 3710645500J, 3710645600J. ��/i/ \ \ 1 \ \ �—PZ5-2S, // // /� / "Gyy; / / �// ///// // /�� �� ! -- ///// / // / /ll / l / J// / / ///���/�/�/���//�// / / /%// I /�/ \� \ \ - / // /J ,\ \ / I \ // / / / - ) / // ///i //-/� /� j f / / / i / / /� �//i/ /i-/i/�// , //(/" � ll / l / / / 1 // / 1) -�/ �� I \ GW: //�j/ / /// // \284.38 / _ \ \ // r �ii���� ) / /-�%--//--/��--i%/ //// ////////% kk� _- ` - ���////�'%/i I Il/ l / /l //// //////jj///// //% //// //l/ ( 1 //% ///// /%_ /� - / / \ 3. GROUNDWATER POTENTIOMETRIC CONTOURS ARE INTERPOLATED FROM �!� I I \ 283.75''/ // // // // // / / - / ��\ �\ / /� / ll(� ( j '/ / // -' / /�/ / '/// II �i / / / 1 / // /// /�/ / / / l / //\ // G/// //�'i--�� \ \� '\ / I 1 /// / / / / / /-- // / l( l� III MW-8D / /ice / �J-/// �/---/�-/ /�/ii // /J 1l �4zo = �/ / I I I 1 /l l/ //l / / 11 l j / // ///l l l /l/ / l �/ \ /// //// ,i_�\\ THE WATER LEVEL GAUGING DATA SHOWN ON THIS PLAN, COLLECTED ON -- / `--- _ / / // / / \ / / - / - j��- , -- //// /// i// 1 \ _-_/ I l l / / // ) r / / l I I \ - i/�j /// / \ o / S �/ // //ii /i/ // \ - i I l!l ///l // / l //,/ /// / /// l �// / / MAY 31, 2017. - \ \ _--� / ///�/// //�// ////// ---\ \o I // 11(� /`GW: �1 (� ( // / /-ii // / / / // J l / / / �/ / / / ���� / �_.� _ / %// / �`L // // / /�----- \ /// / // / / %Ill- N A_ \\ 1 / / /// /- -i/ / /ii,, / I / , / ! / / /// //// // /// //// //// // /// / // \ / / \ 4. GROUNDWATER POTENTIOMETRIC ARE INTERPOLATED BASED ON THE DATA "'� L \- x' / �// /�//I / / /'/ / / // // /// / / _ / l // / / / / I I r� I --��\ \ \IIII \` \ ( / /(/ (�(((/�� ( /��,- //' / /l /l/l jll�l/ / // l / ! / /// / / /l (// / // j //// // //// 1 / / // /% /"/// %/, / \ // / < ( t / / / , / // /// / / \ \ -� o l / / / / // / / /// / �� ��__� -� )/ /�/ /ll ,1 �► \� \ \\\ \ \ \ \ \ / 11 \\\ \\ l / lj J \� IIIIII l/////l l/ l / /l ///�/ //�j �j/ // / l // // /!/ /\ /// / ------ OBTAINED FROM THE BORING/PIEZOMETER/ WELL LOCATIONS AND I ( \_�- - // / / / , / / / / // / / / 1 I -J( \\ \\ \\\ \ \\ \(\ ( 1 I I 1 \ \ \ \ \ I 1 IIII\ \\`\ / /�//// // // //// /// �/ �/� / // / / // / / / // J/ / / �/' /// - I / // // / / // /// / / / // // // / , / / l /JI \\�\� Mw- \ \ \\\ \ \ \ I \\ \ \\ \\ \ \\ \\\ \ / /// /� / / / // / // / /// / / ( / // �/ // / ---� SHOULD BE CONSIDERED APPROXIMATE. \- _-�> // // / / %/ / // / / �/ / /// / �/ // �/ / t \\ \ \ \ \ \ �\\ \\\ \ \ \ \\\ \\` \ \ \\ \ \IIII \\\ \�\\ �. ccf �\ �/ //// //// /////// /// // / / ! / // / // //� / / / / // // / /// //�% / //' / \ \ I I / //// / /// /// 'Z / / // /-- / / 1 /// // / 1 \ \\\\\ \ \\ \\\ \ \ \ \ \\ \\\ \ \\ \\ \\ \� \\\,r \� \ `� \icy !// // / / / /// //// / �((// // //// / / //// / / \ / --_ 5. MAXIMUM GROUNDWATER ELEVATION IN EACH PIEZOMETER FROM PHASES \ \ \_ �� , / ///// �// //// /, //1 // r / / �01 ((( ( I \ \\ Gw' I\ \ \ \ \\ IIII\\ \\ \ \\\ \ \ \\ \\�\ \ �o IIII /� \ \ �ll�ll�ll ll! / / // //�li l'(lI I l l ll l/l/ // ///l // / l �/ I /�/ /// // -- - / I \ 3 AND 4 GAUGED BETWEEN JANUARY 2015 AND JUNE 2015 TAKEN �\ \ \�_ -I / / / // /� // /// /// �" // T / / 01 I \\ \\\ \� N/A -� 1 \ \\ \\\ \ \\ \\, \ \ \\\ \\\ \ \\ \\�\ \\ \ \ \ / \ // // // / / // / I / // / / / / ! l // // / / / / - I I / / /�/ ''�G,�/ I 1 1 I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ IIII o\\\ \\ \\ \ \ \ / /l�jll 111 / ll l l / / //// I /) J I)I J ll l / / //// l / / (� FROM SCS HYDROGEOLOGY. _� \��_�-\ / / / / // // / /% / //// //' //%//'�00// /� / /' \ \\\ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ / / // / // ' 1 ( \\ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\o \ \ \ / / // I / (l , // / / - 1- I o _-_ l l / //� �/ '� i// / / 1 I I I \ \\ \\ �\ / .�� \\ \� \ \\\ \ \ \\\\ \`-\\IIII\\\ \\ \ \ l\ (�� �,/////,\o///�! / /// / / / / /// , , // !1 J/JI /l /1 //// // (l / /// / / -_ I o� ) 1 I l / //// /// / / / // /,, , / // / / / PZ5-19S� 11 \ \ \\ , \ \\\\,\ \ \ \\ \\ \ \\u� \\ o \\ \ \\ \� / //b� // // l l / l l l /� /////�/ii//i// II 11 //// // 1 I / ^ / / 7 1 \\ \ \ \ \ �,\ \\\\\\ \ \\ \ i \ / / / / // / / \ /I / / 6. GROUNDWATER ELEVATIONS BASED ON PIEZOMETER WATER LEVEL \�_ l /IIII / /////// ,�///// I / ( \ /i/ /�////�/ / /- \ I I I \ \ \\ \\ \\\ \IIII\\ \\ \ \\ \\\ \\o \\ \\�\\ \\ ��\-- //////l�//// �l /l / l// //// //�/////' / �� J III I // / / 1 /� //l / / i// / �� - I I \ ) READINGS ON MAY 31, 2017. TOP -OF -BEDROCK ELEVATIONS \ \ \ ( 1 I I I // // / /// / /( (I --_i- /// // // GW: / / / ( ( \ \ \\ \ \\ \ \\\ \ \ \\ \\ \\\ \ \\ �\ \\\��\ \\ \ IIII\ \\ \� \\� \ \\\ �_� // ,/ / / /// // / / / / //% / I / /,/ / /� / --- \ \ I / Il ( 1 1 \ \ --�- /,/////�/,// 287.21'� / / ( ( \\ \\ \IIII\\\ \\\ \ IIII \\�\\\\\\`�a\\ �� \\\\�\\\\\\ \�\\\\ \\� �\\\\\ ///,/�//%%���/Q�j//� //// /�l�/��lll�/�� / /�/l/ll (� /� //// /// ' 'i, / / - / ) I 1 / DETERMINED FROM AUGER REFUSAL DEPTH AT EACH BORING SITE. \ \ \ IIII I r11 I 1 �I ` \ \ \\ \\�\ \\ �\ \\ \ �� \\o\_ \� \ ,\ \ \ "\\,\ , , .,/// / / / /, / ///� / /�/�j/,/ / - / I --� .\ \ I I I . \ . \� ��_ -/ //. /. , 7 / i - \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ �\ \ .\\\�\ //, /.O� i/, i/// /. /, . i�„ ll/, 1. , �l / 1 ,�// ///// i //,,. i-- ( I 0 cc U w 0 cc Z 0 O U) W cn 0 W a 0 0 Z Z J O a CU _ O z 0 Z W m O W W 0 m m = V 1�c; ^ T ^ N � N �1 Z M � °- o M G n 0 m N U co a) � a .$ LL 0 N M M Ea? o ��yy > 0 � M p o N '� o "'' a co 0 , W E a a) _y U w o 0 rn r r u cc a� W W CCaa 0Oaz a 0 W Z J J J � � oc oa ZU a= J V z � � 0 Q OV u.I Z aO �z Da LL O z z O z a 0 0 U c 5 = U m Z n � cn W r W Qa 02 Z V m m 0 M Z Y II W 0 U T- O T 0 c ,— r � N Z > II r W a r � MOa CQ c 0 m w O 0 0 o a FIGORE 70 G 0 II 1 5 1 4 1 3 2 8 1 7 1 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 A c ►0 \ \ �_,_ - /- e ' t ,— \ —� — — _—� — — �i / / r / i , i/ ,— / \ \ \\� \ I l /, v / /' '\ - /i. / / / /// / �_- \___`�/jf/lam- \ --___ =- �, �� \�� � -- �i� , / / / //� //// /�/�� /� ---'� j I I I 1 \ \ \ \ 1 I // / / / / \ \ I i i t = _<�� � � �_ ♦ / "i /� %/i/i��/,.. i //��� � � ) / �I' I I \ \o \ I l l I / 1 J / _ \� ��_ -��_� �i // / / j/i'i�/i/�j� //�/i/i / i � -� � \ I I 1 / 1 1 \ \ I I / / / / / ��� _ __ - '�/ ` / ,I,," / / /, / :�ii /� // g.370 R �f PZ5-17S / / I I I / / \ \ \ \ \ / - \- _ -� \ _ /i // / / /i // / - - / GW: I / \ \ \ \ J I I I I / / / \ \ \ \ /i// //i//////// �� � o I 2s2.4s' I \ III o \ \ \ \ __ \If / / ` \\ \\ IIIJ / �' \\\\� \ // ��• �' /' � � J \\ \IIIII / /// / / / / �, I 300 \ 1 I l %A I I \ \\ \ \ \\ I III 1 I I / \ \ \ \ -, \ \ NORTH f' � %- -- \\\\\\I III I // / / %' _ \ \ 1 I I INI I I I I \ \ \ \ MW-13S \\ III III 1 I l l♦ \ \ ` \ `\\\\ \ / i /i����� -�\� \\\\\ \IIIII / // / // �i % \ \ \ I O I I I 1 \ \ `. \ \ I / 1 \ \ \ \ r / _ _ \ / /-j _--,� 111/ // �/� /�// / ;31Q� \ \ II 1 I I I I I I j \ \ \\ 25s.3s' \\ %l I ) I li� \ \\ \ \ \ \ / / // �%�%,i__-� \ I \III/ // / / / / / // w I I I I I I I 1 1 \ I \ \IIII I \ \ \ \ \\ \ -��' \���/ /�//ice I- '/% _-- �, �.. ,N I I/ I I I I I 1 I /�� /� �% _-- .N v11 I I R I I o I I I o I I I I I I I \ I\ 1\\\ "�' 1\ /� I I \ \ I P /�. /,iij/�ii/%.- �� Pz5-15S oII 1 I I N I I I I o ,r I o X PZ5-16D I I I I I I I I \ \ ) I\ I I I \ I I I \ 1 /�// /ii%%��--=���cw: �'1�\ \\1 I I 1 Gw: I I I I I I III \ �- I I I 1 I I ' /i�/ ���i�� /i �;� `I 111 \1\ \\\` I 1�\ \ \ �\ I I\ I % \ \\ �/� I I II II /i / - 255.60 � \ \ \\ 274.55 1 I I I I I I \ \ I ,n I ,� II ///i/ /� / / // /� --- 1 \ \ \ \\ ` \ � I ) I I I 1 \ \ I I I I N ) I Jl / ,/ , / / // _ 9p \` \\ \ \ \ _ Q I I I I 1 / 1 I I I J l �lj/�////// - l�11 / / / �� --- _,��•��1. \\ \\\ \� \ `\\ \\ 31 1 I IIII \ \ \ \ I I I I / 1 /i/� I I// / \\\ \\ \ \ I I,r. \ �L � I I 1 / / �/ii/�����--III �i/� -_- o ����\`�\�\� \\ \\�\ 1 1 I I I I\\ \\ \\ \\ 1 I I I�// J I I I I l/ l �i�/�--�1 11 /�/ � ` �, __ �, \ \ t 1 I I \ ��► 1 ��''i ��i�%�� III /I///%' �� ��r�� \ 1��' -= \\\ \\\\\ \\ \ _/ / I I I I I \ \ \ \I I I I 1 I I jIJ I l / // // / i �,/ ,,//� _ J u'I�I ll�,���-- _�o`�C\\ \` \\ J 1 \ \ \\ \ �/ , I I I 1 I \ \ , 1 I I I / \�� J , 1 \ / //// , �/ 1 / ;%/ // % , I \ \ C \ I l � \\\y_ �\ I 1 / / o �/ III /' /// \ \\, \\\-- _ � �z � \ I , 11 I 1 \ I I I I I I 1 �// / / , \ / ,/ ,/ ,/ 1 / ,/6 /////__\\\ \\ \ \- \ \ \ / III \ I / I / l /, /i /�-;�j� I . 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I I I ( I I I J ( / / �/ / / _ � ��/// _- 1 /// i� �� / / __� -- �/ /�/ /l l / / �/ //i///// /%////� // / // // / / / I I "\� ° \_ \ 1 // / / / / / / // / // / > \ / / / //� \ \ \ \ \,- _ 1 II I J / I I I I / /// / /// / GW: // / l / / --_ � 0 / / / ,<-� / //i////,/ii////////,�i�/lJl to��V, \\��� I /// //// / /,/ ��/ /// ///�////////�////////�/ /////%/ �' _ �i \\\ \ /(-\\ `\ ///%/j�\ \ \ \ \ \� Gw: �// / / / / / / //I / // ( /// / (((Mw-2os / __"_- _��\(//�' / / / / / \'l /� 3,7Oi�� ii//i%/'ice i/�/////��s// '��/ J //, ////�//////////, �/////// ////////////////// //// / \\��� \ \ / \ - ARTESIAN / / / / I 1 I I l l �282.01 ��/ //jam/�'� r IJ`-,. / //- , \ �� //il // / l / / _/ C�, ////i/�/ i //� l ������ J/// / l/ // ///// //// ////// / / // \ �` \\ < \ �%/ ) \ \ -� � r /// /,/ / l \ I ( / I I (, (( -� /� / �I (GW: / 1 -__ '/i �/ � /'',-ii'350��/'/ii/ '/� /// / / (( - j��__� // // // /�/ / /// / / / //�//% ��// c \ \ \\ l / I / / I l / \ / / /i / / / ��- > / / / / / // // /// // ////� / //// / // �� \ l \ \\ �/ / / 1 / / // // / / / / l I I I \ \ /// /�' / / / '288.38 ` / � / \ / �/ '//� /ii q0 �i/ . �i/� / ) / / // //�- l / /// // / // / /// ///� / �l // \ �� \\� \ �� \ /% / / / / / // // /� / / / / / l ` I I 1 I I I I 1 \ \ \\---_-'%'�:���/ // /✓ I % � - 1 //%j" // / �' / / /i/�� i%i /6i/�/ ��// �i / // ///�� \1 � /// / / / // // l//// ///////////// // / I //%/ / \\ \ �\ �// I l I / / // �/ // / / / / I 1\ �--- /� /, / J ) l / // 1. / I ('� //�ii / / 5 //�/ i// / /// ////// l/// ////////�///////�// // J //�% // I \ �,/�I 1\\tom Z� \ ;/ / // I / / / / // // // � / // / \ 1 \ \ I \ \ \ __ --- //%- / 1/ / �� / �� / \ / ///// �' / ��" / / /// //i,/ /�/i 3i60 IIII /ice / ///i'�%'.� \_ I l - / /�, / // l / / / \ \ \ �// / / / / / / / PZ5 3s \ \ \ / /// �� / - / Io / //i //i�3 / /� / /�/ /�%--� - \�,� \ / / // //�//////l�//l //ll //// ////// //�/ /// / I % �i n \ __ \ / / / / // �� / // r / i�. \ \ \ \\ �/ - �-, / / / ��_ f \\ _/ ) I J e �<i� z i 16 i / / / //�/ /i !iii—__ -� / //// // / // `/� / \ /// / / I I REFERENCE / r \ \ \ \ %%' / // / ������ / /i �/ ' PHASE 1 \ 1,-,o / / / /// l / � / / / ��� / / / // �/ > // /� _� \ / / /�/// // // /� // /// / //// / l / / �I / / \ / I �\ \ ( GW: \\\\ \ _� —, / / // /// / /\ /_ ���_ � ) // / / //i ii�'� //iii/i� < / / // ) / / //// / / // / // /// / / / / - �- / I / \ \ \/ / / l 259.03 \ \� \ \ �� /j /// / / / - ` �/ / / / //i / i .v i� /ii/i/i l �/ �/ / 1\ , /�j / // //iii%/ /j�/j/ %�// //// /// / l / /� / l / // \-=-///i' , \ `\ \ �\ // /� / l I 1. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY WITHIN PHASES 1 AND 2 OF EXISTING LANDFILL \ \ / y ��-__ _-�-. / %//�-- /// ��� /�//// //'�/�//i ) l �f J// / ///i/ i// `,\\\ \) )) / ' '/ ////// / /� / / ( / / J /�/ I �� �\ \\ \\ \\\moo ��-_ i' / / / // �// / / / / 1 i _ '/��� -�- ///// /�//' ii///%// -- , / // i / //� �i - — \ /l //�///�//// //// //// j , // / / / / / // l / //i/ _ ( \ WAS PROVIDED AT 2-FT CONTOUR INTERVALS BY INDEPENDENT MAPPING / \ \ -,_-_- , , ) / / / / / / __ - �_ � �/�/' ,, /��/�/i� / / / / /0//j/ /�. i i�--_� \ \l / // / / // //// //�/// // / / l I //- -� /l /�( \^\ \ ` \� '/� j/ / / / i( / /\ \ \ \ \\\ /��i'/// ///// / /l / // / �� -_ > J /��j/ /ii'�iii%/ i��ji 1 / / 5 ////�y9/// �///// � I 1� 'Z/ll//////// ///�/-, /jj� /////////////�/ �// /// / / // 1 �//// Il/ \ ` `\ `i!%//' / l l \ � ��- / / / /iii / �� ! / / //0'/� /__ �I III I //// / /� �/ // , / / � / / l ///� \ I \ �� �\ � Ixl // / / / J CONSULTANTS (IMC JOB NO. 16030); DATE OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY \ \ \ \ / / / / /-- / / / \/ / / /// / / // / / / / // / l ` ` /�/ / / / FEBRUARY 27, 2016. \ �__ / / / / / / i i / / \ // /j ji/ / jj/ii// /// 7 // / / -� I I / / / / //// / / // /// // /// / / / \\ \ ////�e�d,\ \\ \ \ '�i/ / l // / / / / / / / //''/ - //'/ - '_ � ) / (`�'' /_5, � / �/� �- / / ///�///k0 /i/� -I III I� ��/, // / ////,/ / /// // / / / /� �~ �/ // - o \ \ \ \� ----' / // / / / /. ,� �� / �`-- % /iiiii� <-_, i�i j� �/ I - / //�/////// 'i 0� -- /I/ J J 111,�1 /%/ l % ///� //// //% /�// /%///,////% % //%% // j / / / /'`---_ ���� ���/%i '/ i' / / ' i - /// \ \ _ _ / / / / / / / / / PZ5 1D// _-- , �i- �\ \ ) //\ ��/�� i/ /�i��i��� / / / //// /� / l�ll` l ///l //// // //////// / / / /// /// / // / / �� \ - // / /� l/� /, 2. FEMA FLOODPLAIN INFORMATION FROM NCFLOODMAPS. MAP NUMBERS: \` - // \ \ _ _ / // / / / / �- / / /,/ /�'/ /���/ ��/S�Si� , J , /,./, j/// //// 1 / /- / lI / /l / ,/ / ,// /// / 3710644500J, 3710644600J, 3710645500J, 3710645600J. �`�/// \ 1� 1 \ \� PZ5-2S �//// /, /� / /// GWt j// -- j��i -` \ ) �// ///////// ,�i �j I 1 /�/ ///�j///// //////%/' /' - / l l / l l l l / /// // // // /// �/ / // / / / __ - �� �`^_- -s / J �// I \ ��_ - - ///// // / / / / ) / // ///i .�%/�/� j f� / / // // , ��ii,i�/i/ /�////�/�"� ///l l l / l l 11 //// / / // //// ////////, / / 1 /%//'" J/� _- 11� / / ' �\ 3. GROUNDWATER POTENTIOMETRIC CONTOURS ARE INTERPOLATED FROM _:7 i I , --GW' /�// / / //// /�' 278.61 ,/ / -- j-� \� \ / /// "' � // / �� //;; /ii : �� , //// l //////% ,ry -- ` - �i�//// // (�lI l / /lll/ /ll / / /// //%/ ///////// // %//// / /�( / //� /// // / %_ �� / / �- I I l 275.60'r ///// �/ // / -- �� / / / \/ MW-8D / / // �� / /// �i / ( i� / l/ 1 // /// �/ / / / / /l / //\ // l//// //�i--�� �� -� / I --- / / / / l l l / / i _� -_\� I / / // //(((� ( / / �J/- // _��-, - /- /�/i, I ) Ill �4?0 _ �/ / I 11 l �// 11 l // ///l l ///�/ / / / / \ DECEMBER 14 2017AUGING DATA SHOWN ON THIS PLAN, COLLECTED ON ,`J,//1 , / /// /// /%' / 11 /// / 00 I I / ��11 %= \ �/� 5 /� , / /, //�/ii i //� j j//j//� j� lI\ �� i' ---/// J J 1I1 / /l /// 11 /// // l 11 / / // I r , \ // /// /j i> / I I \ // r / / / l lr� /` cw: / t / // /// ��// // l l 11 l // //// / / /// l % �// / / // // � . N \__- , / / / / /// / /,----- %/ // // / /%/ll- N A_ \\ ( / / / /// // // / / �, / / / l/l //l /l / /l //// / / /// / // \ /// /r 4. GROUNDWATER POTENTIOMETRIC ARE INTERPOLATED BASED ON THE DATA �'� L � x' / // // ///� %/� /'/ i' /% // /// / / / l //// // / / // JJI I r� I\ _-��\ \ \\\\\ \` \ ( // /(((�/ /�� ( /���/ ,//�, 1 /l /l/l//ll ll/ /� / l /ll / 11 // /ll //ll //// //// // j //// // / l f l/// / / /%/ �, \)i / �\ o l _ �-- ,�(/ / / / , ///// / / --> > / / // l , �► \�\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ 1 \ \ \\ \ / lj lllll l/// l l / / / / / / / / / / 1 / / /��,' ///-----_ OBTAINED FROM THE BORING/PIEZOMETER/ WELL LOCATIONS AND I ( ` /// '// .G / /j/ / / / /// // / / ///I IIj��-�(' _ \\\ \\\\\\ \ (\! I I 11 , \ \\\ \ I I� \\\ \\\�\\\l / ��) �� W l,� �llll 11 �lll/llll�/ /� ///�l //�/// //�//, l/j )/ / / j/�/// /\ �/t / - -� SHOULD BE CONSIDERED APPROXIMATE. --� ) �� / / // // /// / / // /// / / / / / // / ` �_MW \ \ \\\ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ / /// /� / / // / // / /// / / ( / / ,�/ /// / / \ / / / / // / / / / / l / // \\\ \ ,; \\ \\ \ \\ \\ \ \\ \ \\\ \�;\\� �,. c�?� l/ll llllll/lj// / l l / �l//�l ///// / ////// / l /I // /// �/ � /// / _-v��\ 5. MAXIMUM GROUNDWATER ELEVATION IN EACH PIEZOMETER FROM PHASES -\ I \ ----�/ /�// // ////�/� j ��/ %' // / / /%'r/� / // �(j ( /j/ /// l ( \ \\\\\\ \ \\ \\\ \ \ \\\ \ \� \ \\ \\\` \\�\\\ \�\\\'tom\`� \ /' `�\`�� \ //l �l�/l l l ////�// �/ / l/' ! 11 / / // / ' / l /// /� / ///---J�-- / / /•� � 1 \ \ GW: 1 \ \\\\ \ \ ,, \ \ \ \ / / / I (i / / / / // / / I \ \ / //// /� /�// / / N //, ,ppl(�/( I I \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \\\\\\\o\\\\ / /l // /// l l 11 // //l / I l / 3 AND 4 GAUGED BETWEEN JANUARY 2015 AND JUNE 2015 TAKEN \ \ \ ) / // / /// // /// �. // T ( ( \\ \� N/A - 1 \\\ \\ \\\ \ \\ \ \\ \ \\\\\`\ \\\\ \\� \\\ \ / �� 1 /////l////// l // / / / / 11 l J J� 1 I // / / l / / / / // / / �j/ / ---- I I / II 1( I I \ \ \\ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \\ \\\ o\\ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ i/ l l l / // / / l Il I /l / / /// l / / / / 1_ I FROM SCS HYDROGEOLOGY. -VD- %- . / �� / ////�/ //// // ///�'// /�'y// / X / r \1 1 I \ \ \\\ x\/ \ \ \ \\\\\ \ \\ \\ \\,\o\\\\-\ \ \\\\ /, mil 11 / l /%/ /%/// ////, //// l�Jl l ( ////I // �/ / t � - 1 I 1 // / // // /ii o0i/ / / �\ \\\\ \ \\\ \ \\\ �\ \ \\\\\\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ l (�� ///o //// / / / // / / 11 / /�j/ / 1 / / / I ao� -'-) / 1 / //// / / /j� / l // /// / // / / / PZ5 195� / 11 I I I \ \\\\\ \\\ \\ �►\ \\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \\� \\ o \\\ \\ �� �, /// // /// / // / / //� ///�///�/////JI (l/'/// // I I �� / _ 7 \ 6. GROUNDWATER ELEVATIONS BASED ON PIEZOMETER WATER LEVEL ��_� I I I / // // I \ // /j //// // /� / cW: \ I I \ \\ \\\\\ \\\ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\�\,`\\\�o\\\`\\\\�\\�\�\\\ \\\)\ �� ////l /l% 111 / 11 11 11 // l/ /// l J I // / J / \ /// / / // , �� I 1 l ) III / // /�/ / // // / \ \ �� / 1 / / / //� / // / / / 11(r / // / / I / / /(// I _ _ \ \ \\ �\ \ \ \ // //�/0 / / / / // // / I /W �/ �� / / 7 I DETERMINEDNFROMEAUGERIREFUSAL D�PTH ATBEAC�BORINGASITE.S --^ \ \I\ l II / /, , ( I\\ __ �////%//�/'/%' / /282.220 // // ( I �\ \\ \\\\\\\\\ \\�\\\ \\\\\\`\\\``� \\`o\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\�\\\\\�-////l //�/�//l�/l/l l/// 11//lll/llll ////�%/�l/l1 /( // //// / / //� / / ) I / -�`. `\.\.\ 1 I I �( . 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O �y > 0 � M p N � o ;> a U) y W c a a) _y U w O O .,4 orn 1 r .1-4 U cc a� W W CC Q a ZOaz Q a H W 0I Z J J J_ � LL � oa ZU Q = J H V z C) � 0 Q OV WZ aO �z OQ LL O z z O U) z a 0 U U c U V Z N ul W co r a oa Q Z O U I� m m W V W � 0 U W U T O N 00 T N _ c r _n T T W Q Z O ma W W 0 m 0 � 0 o U W 0 0 a FIGORE 70 G m iA C. 1 5 1 4 1 3 2 0 3 F E Q N z N a 0 a 0 I � `---�' - /,1 %- iij��i;� -'I� o ♦e-O X PZ5-16D I IV I I I �_ \ '�\-) I ' '/�////// // / / _ - �� Q O A \ /%'i///j�%�� / - cs 11 , \\�\ to I I o \ \� \ I LEGEND ///� %/ // // J I �, \\\, I I N I I � \ \ 1 \ I I 3\ ..I-- EXISTING PROPERTY // // ///,�/ / //��__ -PZ5-15S \\ \\ �p� I I \ \ 1 I I I / )),l// //�/� IIIII /i �% -_ ���"� � \\\ \\� 3 I I I \\ \ \ \ \ I I / LINE /�/�/�/11 Jtl - 6 \ /17; - -=I�1 / % O \\ 2 \\\\\ \'0\\ / i I 1 I 1\ \\ \i \ \\ \\ I I Imo_ f EXISTING CONTOUR -- 1 '�/ - I I l MAJOR _ // zj 1 I - J / \ \ `y �� I i I II 1 \ 1 I I EXISTING CONTOUR _-_ \ I I I MINOR /�//- FI I-,' /'� __ / ti� _\\ ) \ \ I I \ I j 1 I / -_�� / NORTH�1 - _ /%%��/// - 1 \ j //%/ //i / /�/�j - \� \ \\ \ ----MW\14D/ )\ ��\� % III ' \ 1 I I III �� EXISTING STREAMS //%// / / \\� \\ / �/ \I II /// < I I / 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN \ ---- /%i i�j///j/� / `1`r \� �1 > - \\ �% \ cc \ / -- -o /� _ \ ---\ --_ / c _-- \ I / /___,� � � �// : /i \ J� �__ o / I- _--\\ I / / �_ --_, EXISTING PHASE BOUNDARY \ / / ////j/j/// /i� PZ5-14S / _ \ \ \\ \ \ \ / N I I / '\ ` � —_ �' — \ /// / "I 11 ,/ ,�? / / — ��340� \\\\ \\\ \ �` I -� / j \\ \ \\\\1 � � l PROPOSED PHASE 5 BOUNDARY ), / "___ j�/////j/�/ --00 --7\\ --�\ \ \ \ -�-- /_ I I / / \ I \\\ \\ \ \ �� I POTENTIOMETRIC CONTOUR \ //, �-., //,//� /, /,� ,--\\; \� \ I�— I I ; / / I I \,\I\ \\\\\_ W cc Z 0 c, O F a rr U) w o o— _� /// /1, / ,% / %/ / //( "/// / i -�� \ / \ I I ` / I I I \ \\ \_ TOP -OF -BEDROCK -CONTOUR \ ,,,�_ \\ / I II „ / -_ \ \ I I I I \ \ \ I //�j�// j% \�\IIII III i I I III /�' 36-- 1 \ PZ5-27D I I / 290 I I \ \ \ \ PHASE 5 SHALLOW PIEZOMETER / 1 I \ I\ �\ I ( /,--� \� \ �x I % / I / I l l I \ O X PZ5-2S / �� \ l I \ \\ w I I / \ W .\ 1 1 / /i / \ �— \ \ / III I PZ5-14D I I\I I � / / / -� \ I I `1' MW-15D1 \\\ I I I I\ I - / 0" / / I Z& \ \\ \\ \ N PHASE 5 DEEP PIEZOMETER _ j �/// //j _ -I- \ I L X PZ5 6D 1 ////�/�/� \ III \ \ ` \ Ibl I l / \ I I I I \��I \° �/ / I O \ \ I \ 1 I I 1V) PHASE 3 , //// /� \ �t- _- i \ 1\ \ \ �,' \Ic°I I I I J III r I \ \ I I I /// / // / /- — �\ \ I �� / \ SHALLOW MONITORING WELL � \,�, \\ N I\ \ \ \ _o\ �\ - / / I 1 �� // // I \ \ \ I \ // / /� j�=` �\� \\\%Ql � \\ o �\\' \ \ / / / I Imo, I)J / \f�>\\ �� // / \ \ FOR PHASES 3 AND 4 XMW-19S // /ice//iii�/��/ ��-_��� o,l \ o N \ \\1 \\ �_J i / l \\ \ 1 ?so / / I \ \ \ \ / /// 1\ \\\ \`.// // / /���/,/,//I / \ l ,// IIII // %/ I `�\\ \\ \ \ \\\ \ _ / \ �� I \ \ DEEP MONITORING WELL / ,// //�/�// //� / �- , 1 \\\\ \\ / r I \ 1 FOR PHASES 3 AND 4 XMW-15D / //�j///// //� % / /% j PZ5-21S \ !� \\ \ 1 11\ I o111 \r'o\\\l- — 11 '\ / ) / / //c'/< I / ' \ \ \ \ \ \,"\�,1\11 o\\\\ �o,� j /� \\ 1 \\ \� I I ����//// //�/%�/ %/' %=�3 I \\\ II. \ -ram e) / `(/ �� I SCALE IN FEET �/ mommol o /--------,- /� / // / , `[, ��, r / \ 1 l '--- I I \I(\ \ I \ .�iiiii /,//�i//�/ / // \\ \\\ I 1 \\\� o � \� I � _ L_ \ I I 1 ( -.�' // �'�/ //// `L`°// ////� // %___3 0 �\ \\\\\ \ \\ \I11 I 1 \11 \ \ \\\ / �o, \ ) /�' i� -L- 2-- 1 ���1�\ \ \ I 1 I 0 150 300 I /i//i'i//�i//��//�i// / //�/- `\\\\�V\\\ \1\1�1 \ \\\\\\ o\\\\\ /`. \�! I \1\1 I ` ,/� /%j� I /�/ I I�\ \ I I \ I 0 _/ .r" \ 1 I / ,//ii'�i/ ��i/� i�i//// /// // / _ , \�\\��\ \\ \\\"\\ \ \\ \ / JJI `�/ Jl 1�� / l/ l //1 \ ��\ \ I 1 \ I I ///� // //� / / / \\ \ \ \ \ \ PZ5-26D / IC ( \\ \\ 1 \ ( / // // /\\ \ \\\�\ \\ \ \\\\ \ \ \ / / \ \ \ __� / l l \ \ /%//\ / // 1 % /�i // V \ REFERENCE % l/ j \ I / / I�lI I ///// / /� /' PZS-13D I ( \ \ \\\ \\ \ \�\ �/Y ) -/✓1�,r >\/ �_ ` 1 \ \\\\\ \ \ \ ) I I 1 (/( , Ci ') / / //� \\ I ( \ \`\\\\ I I (I 1 1 ( I I / \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ 1`\ \ 00 \� ` �� \( i \ \ , I \\ \ \\ \ \ \ / \ \ 1. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY WITHIN PHASES 1 AND 2 OF EXISTING LANDFILL \ \ \\ \\V \ \I\ II \ \ \\ \ �i1 \ �1 CC \ \� I \ 1 \ 1,\\\ \\\\�� \ \ \ / WAS PROVIDED AT 2-FT CONTOUR INTERVALS BY INDEPENDENT MAPPING ///,,,/� \ \ \ II�JI H ti \ Ox / / /� /// /� \ \\\ \\\\ \\ \� \�� - \ \\ \ \\\ `1' I \ / 00 I // \\ \\\� , \ \ \ \ \ \ \� N CONSULTANTS (IMC JOB NO. 16030); DATE OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY // /// \\\\ \ \ \ \-- \ -' � r I \ / \ �i/ �i __ \11' \\\\\ \\ ��_��\ \ \'o\ \\, \ �,:,\ _ / � .� I �, IIII\ \\ \ \\ \ \ \ \_\ \ \ 1 o FEBRUARY 27, 2016. J / ,� T_ cal t/� a0 of - \ \ )I \I \\\\ \ \ , '/- i \\ \\\\\�� �, j/ / I \ \ \ \ \ MW-16S- -� I III\\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ I 1 1 2. FEMA FLOODPLAIN INFORMATION FROM NCFLOODMAPS. MAP NUMBERS: //� /�\ -�_ \\ \\\\� ��i / //�//// ) \\ \ \\\ \ \ �- _� ' �`��Z717� _J ��� �y \ \� III l\ 1 \ \ u, \ I I \ o \ 1 I I 3710644500J, 3710644600J, 3710645500J, 3710645600J. +� N U ,�/ // _,,-, - \ / / / \ \ \ \ I - c- �-� _ Io\\\wll I I I o I I I 1 3. SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE POTENTIOMETRIC CONTOURS ARE /// ,/ - (II r/,lI ((( ( �.; n \�� \ I � �� �1�) /T� " \ ��Z� t /'\\ - 1� Il\'�0111 I I I I I 1 1 I I I / INTERPOLATED FROM A CORRELATION OF WELL GAUGING DATA FROM A /i /i/� / // ��-- \\ I \ 1 I I / 11 / / (-� � oii/� 1 I I IIII / I I ~ 4 ti p �\�, /// // //// /,�_- 1\11 \\\ \\�_?70 \ I\ I { ( 1 I ✓r — — \ `� / ,��� I I I PERIOD OF 2001-2017. OVER THIS PERIOD, SEASONAL HIGH WATER /` ` ,,�/, // // / /// // �l ��� \\\ \\\ \ \\ \�?9p_ _ \ / �� i'=f- �� ( \� 1 I I / � \1-/ W \ �>// I I I I I I I II I 1 LEVELS WERE OBSERVED IN APRIL 2016. THE GEOMETRIC MEAN /'\\ �\ \ / 111 \ \ ��- I ) I I p i M /� I "I//" //W/, - -= _ `� �� \ / �/ I I DIFFERENCE IN WATER TABLE ELEVATIONS BETWEEN THE SEASONAL HIGH e �- � �j // /, /�,6 /// �// / �� \ 1 \\\ I -� %//// / / \� ,/// / / -- ,- �� r �'� (�� j 1 �� h/�� \ 1 "� r ) �\ �\ / I I I I I I l J APRIL 2016 DATA AND THE APRIL 2017 DATA WAS 1.3 FEET. , \ ♦ ,/ �}l ,,// /// / / / \\ \ \\ N�\. �� /�/� ///�/ / ,a 1� / / 1 l w �( 1/ ) IL I � I� 1 r_ \� �/ I I I ) �� / // � I 11 / ( �/i CONSERVATIVELY, TWO FEET WERE ADDED TO THE PHASE 5 WATER 1 1 0 V N O 00 / /IIII / //� // // \\� N N N o0 I/ / /// �// / �/ ' /// \ \�\ 1 \ �� Jt\ \� I S / D/ ,z/ �/ / /, 1, . w a ��i ,/ I o \ // ( ( __- Ica I �r I\ \� \( ) , I /// G_.. Z,73)1k�, //� / //// / ,/, / // / // ,- \\o ca �, / %//i / �/ ((t ) >>rl )1 T� \ �r�\1 \ // / f/�> �/=___ TABLE ELEVATIONS MEASURED IN MAY 2017 TO APPROXIMATE THE , \\\ PZ5-1 / / / // 1 � \�I / L`I \ III I 1� / S /, �� __ DEPICTED SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE SURFACE. '/ ///// � j// I // //, l� / (( \\`\ I 1 E Q o d ( IIII / L l 1 / / / // /� / \'\ � (/// ( / ,� I`� �� __ \�_ \ _ I I / ; � �7/ /�_ ,-- ' \ /�=�) 1 II IIII/// j%IIII/ // �3 O\\ . \ .f l� Z� / ^�� \ ��i'=-�Il ////��jj/ /' ///// i, \ \ \ \\\\ \�\\\\\\\ \\ / \\ J I <���1 �r' /^)I / ( � ) ,l /, ,f �_-� L-- 1 III \\- � , " / \ / /-� —`� ✓ /l ) ) \ 1 (� �_��' ---\ �o �_ I --�/// //��—�// /j/// /j/////i \ ' \\ \\\ \\\\ \ �— , / I I J / \J� \ 1 � N M co a�� \ Z, - � ) 7 , I /// // IIII / /// / 'L / ///� , 3� \ \ ?_ \ o \\ /- I \r \--_ �-_ i = \ \ \ 1 �� / / 1 I �� - �) r /(//,�\\��-, I: \\ �,. \ _ _ I ,� \ f /%/,/, /// /,/ / /// ' /�///,,, /i -� ,___ ;-; ,, ;,,. \ — ��5, < ` __1_ , \ c_ ;,� �-� \ l ��` -.. I // / / // / / \ \ \ - % ( \�I \ -r - \\ - I %r\_---- �� \ \ \ I ..� 111� ��'i�� I // /, �/ / IIII / \ \ \ c� --� \ \>jJl \� o 11 -\ I IIIII I / j�\�� � \ -_ N C `� �/i / // \ _� ♦ ��00 -�/ / IIII i ��/ o, �= _�_ \ \� \ ` r \ I o\ ,� > R \ \ 1 l /ii�i /i ///� /i ' �/ /� / /ii''ti�'i/�//� 330, \ \,_ /( ( l \ \ -- -- Z \ \ -%- -- v - \\ \ \ \ \\ \ \ I / I I 1 III111111� Il` \/ /� l IIII/ �/ / /// / /�/// IIII \ - ` ). \ -,/%�� \ \ 1 is a o00 rn / /�//� _ \ \ \\ ) \ \ MW-17S \ \� _ _-_ _ \ � I ,/,_ \\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ IIIIII (/ ( _ ' /// / // //// X, ///�// /// //// /%//% PZ5-10D-R \ \ \ \ \ \ __ __ " ` \ --- -- --- \\ o /� L / — �'��'���'-\, \w1 -\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-_, \ ) I 1 I I I /,� ( _� /� /� // % \ \�\ \� \ �, \ \ - - \ \ __ _ ----,- - \ /� / \ / \.-�/-_ \ N �� \ \ \ \ �� I IIIII IIII / \\ \\�( -- 1 /// I // / // //,\///�jj� �jj,///jj/, j j j,,/ //� \\ �o Pz5-1 )1i\_ \ \\ \ \� __ _- --- �\ \ ) `�' / / 11(\\ \ > ��- ��___/ \w\\ 10l \ \ \ \ � � --> \ I I I � I I I / 1 1\ -� IIIIIII \\ \\ �/ / � / I 1 / 0 4) t a W /// \\\\\\ \\`�\\ - / \\ /t /:-��_ -� w �_ \ - ���__ -- \ �� \ I _ \\\\ \ \\ \ \ ,// / I /// I I I 1 1 / / / // /// �/i IIII / \ I - - \ \ \ \ ( l �/ /-/�� \ of I I \� \\ \__ =-� -- --- `--'' ! 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EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY WITHIN PHASES 1 AND 2 OF EXISTING LANDFILL I � � ♦ /—/ // //// �/ / / / — _ —____ I I I ll / / --_ ( l I WAS PROVIDED AT 2-FT CONTOUR INTERVALS BY INDEPENDENT MAPPING CONSULTANTS IMC JOB NO. 16030 ; DATE OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY ( ) FEBRUARY 27, 2016. IF/ \\ / ////�/�/ //// / / / / 90 / _---_ I ( I l ^ I � o I I / / I I 2. FEMA FLOODPLAIN INFORMATION FROM NCFLOODMAPS. MAP NUMBERS: PZ5-17S I, I \ I I l / \ \ \ 1 ` 3710644500J, 3710644600J, 3710645500J, 3710645600J. /� 3. SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE POTENTIOMETRIC CONTOURS ARE /// INTERPOLATED FROM A CORRELATION OF WELL GAUGING DATA FROM A / / / / / /� f \ \ \ ry \ III 1 / O \ \ \ \ \\ \ PERIOD OF 2001-2017. OVER THIS PERIOD, SEASONAL HIGH WATER // \ \ \ \ I I I N \ \ \ \ LEVELS WERE OBSERVED IN APRIL 2016. THE GEOMETRIC MEAN +p \ ♦ / \ \ \ \ DIFFERENCE IN WATER TABLE ELEVATIONS BETWEEN THE SEASONAL HIGH o \ \ \ III I \ \ ♦ / �� I 1 \ \\\ \I I I 1 / ' / / / / / / // / \ I \ i/ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ APRIL 2016 DATA AND THE APRIL 2017 DATA WAS 1.3 FEET. ♦ //\I 1 I I I / 300 \ 8+ob\ \ \\ \ B \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \\ CONSERVATIVELY, TWO FEET WERE ADDED TO THE PHASE 5 WATER --- / \\\ \\ MW-13S \ TABLE ELEVATIONS MEASURED IN MAY 2017 TO APPROXIMATE THE roc, GURE6B o \ \ \ �- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ DEPICTED SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE SURFACE. 10loo loo N I \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ 1 / / / / _\�\ \\\\\ III Ill l l // / / /10 — \ / 3 � o N N I I I I I I I ► 1 \ \ ,��/%�i 1 I I I 1� \ 1 I I\ 3+00 PZ5-16D I I I I \ \ II \ I \ \ xi////' \� \\ I I l I o p0 , wool,+B 2+00 /GRE ----- I I I N I III 1 \ I / PZ5-15S .\ I►_. / \\\�\ \� \\\ \00 N zij//ice/, __` 1111 // ii /�- /i/ /,//// /// ////// ��� 1\\ 1 I / 280 \ \\ 1 MW-1 / 4D \ --\�\\ / / / / \ �/ \\\ /i�/'/i/ice / / / /// Z5-14S \\\ \\\ \ \\ \I / \ \ \\ / / /Z I I I \ / — \ \ \ \ \ \ -\ // // I / 340- / /// ' I l l / Il ll l � l /l �/ / / / ,---� � ---_\ \ \ \\ \ � / X / \ \ I I I I I / I I ► I I \ \ \ / / / ___ \tl \� \ `'_r � �^ / \ \ \\ \ I I I 3s \ \ \ \\ 1 I \ / I \\1I I I III I I — o \ \ \ \ \ PZ5-27D \ I I I I I I I \ \ \ I /-- \ \ \ \ I I / ) -\ I 111 I III \ � ► � l \I \ \\ �) � I 11 \1 ( I► I I I\ \PZ5-14D MW-15D I / \\ I \ I I I / 28 I / / / I I ^, \. 1 I I 1 / // I✓/ / 0/ /� \ \\ \\\\ o // \J I I \ PHASE 3 \ � � I I /��///,/�///�-—����� \\ 0111 \ oll \ \\ \\ � \\ \ \ \`_- / / I I \ ► 1 J// i � \ I / ,/ , / I I \ I , \ 1 I I I I , \/-//O / // j//// / //////��— \\ \ 11\ `'` I \ \ \ \ / / / ��� / 1� \ 280 / I \ \ \ 1 111 \ \\ \ 1\ \\\ 1i =250' \— ////�ir /- PZ5-21 ,---__ \ \\��`� /% //// II II \ \ 1\ \ \ I1 l // j`/o\ I� � \ \ \ \ \ \ PZ5-2 \/ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / / ��i /i _, / /, //i/ \ \\ \ \ 1 I I 1 1 I / / / / \ 320 320 310 Kcs 80111 EXISTING GROUND PZ5-16D PIEZOMETER WELL (TYP.) PZ5-15S 280 270 SCREEN (TYP.) 260 EXISTING SEASONAL HIGH BEDROCK 250 GROUNDWATER 240 230 -0+50 0+00 1 +00 2+00 3+00 4+00 'Z5-17S 310 300 290 280 MW-135—�, I 270 260 PAR 250 240 230 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+000+21 B-B PROFILE 0 cc U w o cc Zfr O U w TL-, w OC w a O z C.0 ICI ti ^ N co 4.;o N �--• M ) � O � N t U cn E o °•' Li .� � U U) cf) M 0 � N � o a rn W a) a U 0 0 rn T Q Z� � J 0aw O Lf) U Q a �zaz 0 0 Z � � LL 0 O OV F- cnz WLu > J ~ � � Z 0 a 0 ZZ Lu z W OJ V 0 p 0 cn cl)WZZ ma0a m�Z aoQ U 3: U Z N W Z tO T 0 H Lu cn c } m 0 } z < 0 w w U 0 U U co cn r W N cc 0 0 >-> a Lu 0 z o 0 } � o Z m 0 2 U � ~ w w o H O O m d Q FIGORE SCALE H:1 "=50'; V:1 "=25' I I I II 8 1 7 1 6 I 5 1 4 3 f (�(��/���/�j���%� ��� t �- ~�� = /i' /j/j ///�l j l llj /j%�ii�i 11 I I I I�l/��% /i�/ III/\�� \ /lI/ �I II I �l;\�����—% i \ _ / i//�/ii/'/ '� i - NI , \ \ / /� \ I Ill ,I/(((�(I/I�11( 1 1 I I \ �,-7-- /j//�///// /�/�/ //� III / �i/Ir \\\ /// I (III I^\\\�_'� 1 /( /i/ '/ // / / // I( Ill //� / / /� ^( (( (( l� // / I \1 \ \\ / / // /\ 1 I \ \ / /)///II( bull! 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EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY WITHIN PHASES 1 AND 2 OF EXISTING LANDFILL WAS /// _ __- '\ �� � ��� \��\�\\� EX/STING LEACHATE /'/ // //� \\\\ , / / O \\ \ \ \ \ ` \ � 111 ! ti^\ \\ I I 1 \ �/- \\\\ \\, PROVIDED AT 2-FT CONTOUR INTERVALS BY INDEPENDENT MAPPING --- -��� //// _- j / ��� \ \� \ \\� STORAGE AREA /// // / //� \\\ \ / r \ \ I v \ \\\ �� CONSULTANTS IMC JOB NO. 16030 ; DATE OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY -- _ // / /� \ \ ( Z \ !J- \_ \ I \ (_) \ \ \ ( ) / � �\ /� J(y \\ / 1\ /a I\ FEBRUARY 27, 2016. � �_ // _--- "�/� \\ \\ \\\\\�////, r(///// �j // \ \ \( \ ✓ \I I � \ l \ \�_ �- \ �> // _ / � EXISTING ACCESS ROAD ) ) \ \ \ / / r 1 / / / \\ \\ D I I �_ J ) \ \ i I \ �/ 0 2. LIDAR TOPOGRAPHY OUTSIDE OF PHASES 1 AND 2 WAS ACQUIRED FROM NC �� --- /,--- -__-/� fN / \ �\ ��\ ��X/1" /%��/ i� ) \\ \\\ I' O I 1 1(�(r� _ �1/� ( / I�) I- I / / DOT GIS. � _/ / -_---_ __/� �- ^\, �J�/Z///'//-j� /j�� �� \ 111\1 ( II ( (� - / � �_{ - > / _ _ //�- //-\ \ \ \ \ 1 / /-_\ \�\\\\�//// // / / //�� \ \`\\\1\ I ( 1 / ) ��\) 1 III I 1 \\� _' �j `3< - � / r_ \ \\ / 3. WETLANDS INFORMATION PROVIDED BY CWS ON AUGUST 8, 2016. / - / �'` \ / \\\\�// / / // 1 I 1 / / // 1 (I \ \\\\ \� \"�� ) / / <3- -\ �/ r / i--' \�,/ \ ` ////- �. \\\ _ // / /// \ )IIII / ( 1 l\ - / \ 4. FEMA FLOODPLAIN INFORMATION FROM NCFLOODMAPS. MAP NUMBERS: ,_r I ,/ / �� \�_" // \ /// ��� / /� \\)1 / / ?! ( \ — \\ \ \ 1 \ / > N / / / / / \\\ / \ / f — / / \) r '\ \ \ - ,\ e�i 1 l i 3710644500J, 3710644600J, 3710645500J, 3710645600J. --\� I I/ / / / / /'-\�� - / _-- � EXISTING RAILROAD 1 \��/ (l /� \ --/ \\ \ �\ /( \ // �/ / \ OI ��� / / EXIST/NG LANDFILL II�1/Ill \ \ / / / / 1\\� �\�\� \\�� \\ // \ 5. EXISTING PIEZOMETER WELLS WITHIN PHASES 3 AND 4 TAKEN FROM \ I I( / / (/ -� \_-/ /� / \ IIII / / 1 \ \\ ` / \\ \ ( \ , /"- ��� 1 I r / \ 1 I \ / \ c� \_� � �� ,/ GAS TREATMENT AREA II IIII \ \ � / / / / v ) J \ \\ \ I I\\\\ 1 \ ° ' / \``_- HYDROGEOLOGIC INVESTIGATION REPORT PROVIDED BY SCS ENGINEERS, PC. - ' J I -\ I J _ \ �=\ / I( / l / / ! ) \ � _ �i� 2015. I i �,� l \, I ! i \\ /-��- 1 _ \ \ "� � /�i\� �� \ �'� � IVI �) 1 , // // /� /' � \ /\\\�� \ \I i <�/ ( \� �� ��\\_/- — \\�� LEGEND EXISTING PROPERTY LINE EXISTING CONTOUR MAJOR EXISTING CONTOUR MINOR EXISTING STREAMS 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN — 50' WETLANDS BUFFER EXISTING PHASE BOUNDARY PROPOSED PHASE 5 BOUNDARY - PHASE 5 SHALLOW PIEZOMETER X PZ5-2S PHASE 5 DEEP PIEZOMETER X PZ5-6D SHALLOW MONITORING WELL X MW-19S FOR PHASES 3 AND 4 DEEP MONITORING WELL X MW-15D FOR PHASES 3 AND 4 EXISTING PHASES 3 AND 4 BORING/PIEZOMETER � B-13 AREAS SUSCEPTIBLE TO FORMING SEEPS SCALE IN FEET 0 200 400 BEFORE YOU DIGI CALL 1-800-632-4949 N.C. ONE -CALL CENTER IT'S THE LAWI NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF EXAMINERS FOR ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS LICENSE NO. 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L�_ /�%%�\ \ \ \ \�— — 1 I I l / o I / I // —'/ /j// (l(( MW-2os / / �_--- �' / / / / -- / /320i/i /�// // //// / /� /ill/ \i/ \ // / / / // /// / / /// / / / uj ( �i \ / //• //% // // \ \ \\ j , j / / /// / ( — i /� l �I / i / / / i�/iii gQ�i / / xj////� / l ( _ �� �, ////// / / l/l // //�//// ///j//////%/// I %/ //c \\ /// / / / / sMA�L / \ i / / 11� / / / /i �i iii 3 / / / / / / i �� 1 � ` �/ / / / //�///////�// // / / // �// I \ \ \\` - \\\ 1-1 ��/ ( / W m I / // / / / / / / \ ��� / / / ✓ / / �/ \ / //i/����i3gp//./"�"i/�) / / / /ice— l / // // / / // //// ///� / ` // \ �\J ,\� \ `� /////j� / /, > > 0 0 / / / // ///// // / / / ( / I 1 \_ ��:—' �✓ I 1 (-� 1 ` /�/j �� / /�/ii/i'i�''/i j/ i/ </ //\\ ///� / / // // /ll //j/// / /j,// / I //%/ I /\\ �� \//// ) / (� w I / / / / / // // // / / ,/ \ \ i / J ) // / // L I , ( �ii/j��ii�ii3yQ p / j�i / //i�/�/�i� f_� \\\ ( /`' / / / /,// ///////�l/l�l // //// /�// I //�% // ��/� 1 t� \� \ \ \ / //j j%/ / / / ' fY z Y / / // / - 90 / �� / \� ! i / //��i i� ��\ / 1 / / 6/ �i / /i /�� - �_�\ ` / / / l 11 / / \ \ / l / �,/.//� �i / i ��/ PZ5-3s — 2 — / ///` i, /i r / i // // / %—__ / / / / / /�/ l/ 11 l// / / / /� \ \ /- / a Q w / o / / /Oi / /�/i /// / „/// // / /// // , // /I �/ n �/ / // \\_ \ — — \\ i �� i i �/i //// 1/ / / / //i///i/i'�% —� PHASE 1 \ // / //// // / // / / l %l / `/�\�/ / I /// / / REFERENCE \_ o -� j/ //// /��--f _ -- 11 I ) /ice//ice o /// ) / /� / Ai / //� / / / / / _ \ - - � / / // / / �� / / / / / mix / / //l < / // , i / ^_� \,j / / / //// /// // /// / / / l / / / / / I \ \ \ //%� /� 1 r• �\ - / , // /// / / y �� '-�_` ��_` \Z ///ice �'ii�ii,�%% % %� �,- �/) / :ll ////� ////j !; ��\\\\��i )) / /// /// //// / // / / l i \- l %� \ \ \ l // / / / /i/i / /i�j �j//�// // / / / 1 / / Il \ \ \ \ ,//� �/ / l 1 U r o 1. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY WITHIN PHASES 1 AND 2 OF EXISTING LANDFILL J \ // / / / / �� _ ��//, ��//j/,//j///��i/ / /// ///� j //,� /� _��\\\ � l // r/////j /////j, j%///, // // // / / l 1 /�j/� -�-� 1//�( \\n \ \ �� /��/ / / / (� (� � o r WAS PROVIDED AT 2-FT CONTOUR INTERVALS BY INDEPENDENT MAPPING `'� \_ / / / / // / / / / �� -_ - % ////// ��� / ���///% / 5 /9 ////�� 11\l II/%�/ // // /// /�// ///////// '/////// ' / / / / 1 I Il/j I\(/ \\ \ \� j%/ % / l / /l - W w II CONSULTANTS IMC JOB N0. 16030 ; DATE OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY D-10 0 �\ / // / // / / / // �' �/ ' - --- / /� /�// / /jj�� � i i� /-j/` l 7 / / //// �% ///�� —I I 1 \/ // / / / / / /// //r // / / ' / / 1 \ r \� / / / / / // - i /iii/ / i��i� /� 1 (_ / // //0' ��� III / // / //// / //// //�///// // /�� \ / �\ ///% r/ / / //) / z STRONG r'w -- / / / / / / / /./i�� / �� -� ) / (� iii�i� % � %�/ // , ///////.RD / / 11 1�11///�// / // / / /////�///� ///j/ �j// / /�i / l // \ �� �� �� �--i�% / / / / / _ H Z FEBRUARY 27, 2016. /��� l_ / / \ / \ _ -- / / i -- \ % j i/i' / ' / //r/ / / 1/ 1 �i ��ll// l / // / //// /// // / / / / J — /'�—_— ���� %i/ / z / i W ('3 _ / / / / PZ5-1 D // / i ///ii /����i i� i�i�� —�i� � I � — /// /,// / //,/��0 ,-- �I ,/ `,l // / / // /�/ /// //' //�' / / /// / // / J / ---- \ �./ / _ 2. FEMA FLOODPLAIN INFORMATION FROM NCFLOODMAPS. MAP NUMBERS: �`� D-9 --PZ5-2S, / / / // �// / i�i�� \ \ / \�// / ��i /� ��/S 5 I f / `� ////////////�/ �` 111 l / // ////// / /// / / _ - �' �� �`_�// J C l / Q 3710644500J, 3710644600J, 3710645500J, 3710645600J. - / / /j / �� / / / / / -- /�� _� �� / /�//// /� �/� %� ( i- ///�/ / //// 0 /// / ll / l/ / J // //// // // / / / �' _-- j- \ —_— — - / / // / — \ \ I / // //�i /ice ��i i f /� / / / — , /i/�ii'///� /ti ` /� l L. �i, l / ll / l ///// / �// �j// //, /// l /// //%l�I / ice_— \\— % / //� \� 2 _D-8 / / / /-- / / __ ' — f / / /%��� ��� /// i/ /////�, 0 ��/// / %/// IIIII Ill/ /ll / / / // /j j / /�/// //// / / /// l I / / / // / i — /� \ O_ 3. SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE POTENTIOMETRIC CONTOURS ARE �� I / / / /j // // l/l / / / �' // l ( \ 1 ) /� �� / j // /�/ ` / / / l / l/ / / / / / i //\ // /// //�%i--�� `�'' / INTERPOLATED FROM A CORRELATION OF WELL GAUGING DATA FROM A ) �� //� / // / /// / / /� -��� \ // (^IIII MW`\ \ //�/�/%�////i� j%i �;�5iii/�/// ////,III 4?O —_-i ice/ I II 1 /Ill //l IIII 11 / // ///l IIII l /l/l // � � // ///// �\\ \ ' Z /'� / / / / // _ � oo 1I / lh� /` \ / St //i //// //i��/i/�i/ /i/ i/ \ JI 1 //// ///l // / l //// //// / //// l /// / / ,.�� PERIOD OF 2001-2017. OVER THIS PERIOD, SEASONAL HIGH WATER — - \ -J / // / j/ /// / / - _ -- \ �// j/ / �1 \ l%�\ ( ( / �/ / /��/ /// �i//// / I \/ /-- /�lll�/ll ill /Illl l l//// //l�/ ////////////,// /� / //�/// /��' / ��--���/` Z O m I /�� // // / / / /�—_ / // lll'-� Lam\ \\\ \ \ (/ ( / //// /�/ /// / /��,, —/ / // // // // /// . / W w o LEVELS WERE OBSERVED IN APRIL 2016. THE GEOMETRIC MEAN c���`_� / / / r/ �%' //j// / / / ) /l //// // IIIII r l\ l \\ \`\( l�I /(((�(�( �� ((�<��/////( / ( — , %/l//�/�%/////ll/l//l//// / //l//h /// //// //% //// ///I / / / // //j \ Q ?DIFFERENCE IN WATER TABLE ELEVATIONS BETWEEN THE SEASONAL HIGH / / / / / / / �► \!\ \\\ \\ \ \ \ /( \\ \ < �) �� / /// // / / // / / / / / / \ / / /�/%\ ///� \�-----I ` / .G / //// // /�// --> >///�/////o IIj���(' \\\\\\\\\\� (Ill IIII \\\ \\ I 1 \\I\\\\\\�/ �� l��//// //// //lj 11//�/i/�/j///�///////////�/// )/ // // //i/ ,/� > APRIL 2016 DATA AND THE APRIL 2017 DATA WAS 1.3 FEET. --� I i / / /� // // / / / / /j /�//,// o� /" \ MW- \ \\\ \ \ \ \ l \\ \ \\ \\ \ \\\\ /// /� / / / / / / // / // / /// / / // // // / _- �� ` O w o _ \_ —�/ // // /�i/ / �� / //// // �y \ \\ \�- � \�\\\�\ \\\�\\ \\`\\ \ \\ \ \ \\\\ \\\\� \ �� ",--, � c �/ lllll�/l /////j //l l/ l / // / // //� / / l // / /// / i/' — \ \ a � � o cr CONSERVATIVELY, TWO FEET WERE ADDED TO THE PHASE 5 WATER / // / / / \\\ / // // TABLE ELEVATIONS MEASURED IN MAY 2017 TO APPROXIMATE THE \ I \ ~-��� /�// // / // �/ / // /� ) / ' (/ //// // I \\\ / \ \\�\\ \ \ \ \ \\ \\\ \ \\\\\ \\ \� \\\� \� \ \\(� /l//l l l l / / //l/ / //// / //// / \ Q ct a / / // // \ // - / I ( 1 I \\\ ��\ f \ \\\ \ \ \\ \ \ \\ \ \ \\ // // / / /I l ( / / / / / _ 1 0 0 a- Q DEPICTED SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE SURFACE. -\ \ \ --_ —mil / / / // // //// / /7� / / / oo(I (� l \ \\\ \ \�-J \ \ \ �\ \\\ \ \\\\\� \\\\ \ \\\ \\ \\ \ \'o\\\ \ \ f \I ill // l�� /� l� / // / �/ lI l / ll /l // �/ ///l / / l IA /' //�j _-- / / / // / / // % / 0 / i ( I \ \ I \ \ \ \\ , \ \ \ \ \\\\\ \ \\ \\�z \ \ \ / �J` / / / / / // /) ) 1 // // / / // / / I / / �j/ / I I FIGD RE \\ / l / / / i /� , ' Or/ /'�G`/ IIIIL I \ \\\ �\' �\ \ \ \ \\\\\\\ , \\ \\\ \\\�\\\\oo\\��\�\ \\� \ / /l�/�l l l l////// / //1 /� I((/l / / /// l //� / / // 1_ f -� ��_�-� / I / / / / /�// ////' // I/ PZ5-19S` ' / \ 1\ \ \\\ \\\ / \� �►\\ \\ �� \\\\ \\\\\ �\ \\\\\\\\\\\`,flo\\\\\\�� \\\ \\\\\ \lam\ 1�� //,�//,,\o/,/A / ljl / // // /// // / 11 I /I / /j// /l I l i I 4. MAGNETIC SURVEY TRANSECTS BASED ON MAGNETIC SURVEY BY GEL _ ao / // , / / // / / \ \ \ - / / ///,/,//////// /� // //J 1 11 / / I / // / / 1 ENGINEER, LLC. PERFORMED ON 2017. \ 1 1 I / / \\ \ \ \ \ \\ \\\ \\\ \\ \ \ �'\\ \�\\\\ \\\ \ i1\ /b� ///// / � /////// //// I / (/// / I /� / / / // / / / �� \ _ \� l I I 1 I / // /// //� / I j \ �i/1'/ // // /-" / / / / \ \ \ \\\ \\\ \ \ \\\\\ \\\ �\ \\�' \ \ \\ \`��� ////i/l1 l /l//� / lj 1 �/ l / %� �� 7 II \ 0 \ \ - \�\ \ \ � \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \� \ o\\\ \\\\ \ \\ \ \ /// / / / // // /// \\ \ \ \ lI I`1 � �, �/ // / o \\\\ \\ \\ \\\\\\\\\\\\�\\ �\\\\ \\\\ \\ \\\\ \\\ / // l///%/eA//l�///l//// ll�lll/�lll //�/Ki/�l/ly I// /� /// �/ 1 / \\ \ \�\ \� \\_ \ \ \ IIIIIIII II 1(I 1 �- -��/i/ / // // / l I / ^° \\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \ \\�\ \ o \\ \ \\\ /� / / // l / /�j '%'j" / / I \\\ \ \\\ -� \ \ \1 I II \ \�.�,---- �/ / / / \ \\\ \�\� \\ems\\\o� \�\ \\\ \\\\\\ \\ \\ \\ /// //////�//oo�,/,// lI/ //1 111 ll/ ' //,/� �I I ( /// // /� i // ---- / ( I 8 1 7 1 6 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 TABLES Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. Table 1 Piezometer/Well Construction and Water Level Data Preliminary Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Phase 5 Expansion Area - Anson Waste Management Facility CEC Project No. 165-276 March 2018 Well Date Installed PWR Depth PWR Elev. Rock Depth Rock Elev. Well Depth Surface Elev. TOC Elevation TOS Depth BOS Depth TOS Elevation BOS Elevation Sand Pack Well Seal W. L. TOC W. L. Elevation W L. TOC W. L. Elevation W L. TOC W. L. Elevation W L. TOC W. L. Elevation 5/8/2017 5/8/2017 5/31/2017 5/31/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 12/14/2017 12/14/2017 PZ5-ID 4/21/2017 3.5 312.72 18.5 297.72 42.25 316.22 318.86 29 39 287.22 277.22 3042.25 28-30 36.25 282.61 34.48 284.38 40.65 278.21 40.25 278.61 PZ5-2S 4/7/2017 23.5 264.13 41.5 246.13 41.5 287.63 290.05 31.5 41.5 256.13 246.13 2941.5 27-29 6.72 283.33 6.30 283.75 14.79 275.26 14.45 275.60 PZ5-3S 4/7/2017 28.5 259.1 30 257.60 30 287.60 290.19 20 30 267.60 257.60 18-30 16-18 29.85 260.34 29.65 260.54 DRY DRY 31.16 259.03 PZ54D 5/1/2017 23.5 296.12 27 292.62 44 319.62 322.05 30 40 289.62 279.62 2844 26-28 36.48 285.57 35.65 286.40 40.25 281.80 40.04 282.01 PZ5-5S 4/7/2017 24.5 258.88 26.5 256.88 26.5 283.38 286.53 16.5 26.5 266.88 256.88 14.5-26.5 12-14.5 15.65 270.88 14.26 272.27 17.71 268.82 17.43 269.10 PZ5-5D 5/3/2017 N/A N/A 20 263.72 35 283.72 286.69 25 35 258.72 248.72 24-35 22-24 10.80 275.89 11.18 275.51 11.71 274.98 11.73 274.96 PZ5-6S 4/10/2017 N/A N/A 16 254.22 16 270.22 273.93 6 16 264.22 254.22 5-16 3-5 7.81 266.12 8.08 265.85 DRY DRY 15.35 258.58 PZ5-6D 4/19/2017 N/A N/A 16 254.60 30 270.60 273.04 20 30 250.60 240.60 18-30 16-18 5.85 267.19 6.12 266.92 17.45 255.59 16.75 256.29 PZ5-7S 4/5/2017 23.5 300.07 58.5 265.07 58.5 323.57 325.98 48.5 58.5 275.07 265.07 46.5-58.5 44-46.5 48.48 277.50 47.95 278.03 52.51 273.47 52.53 273.45 PZ5-8S 4/5/2017 13.5 275.81 22.7 266.61 22.5 289.31 291.80 12.5 22.5 276.81 266.81 10.5-22.5 8-10.5 18.09 273.71 17.78 274.02 21.95 1269.85 21.76 270.04 PZ5-8D 4/20/2017 N/A N/A 22.7 265.26 44 287.96 290.76 34 44 253.96 243.96 32-44 30-32 14.60 276.16 14.28 276.48 19.30 271.46 19.26 271.50 PZ5-9D 5/2/2017 18.5 290.95 33.5 275.95 57.5 309.45 311.28 47.5 57.5 261.95 251.95 45-57.5 4245 47.80 263.48 42.45 268.83 52.55 258.73 53.11 258.17 PZ5-IOD 5/2/2017 13.5 326.61 28.5 311.61 75 340.11 342.75 65 75 275.11 265.11 63-75 61-63 77.51 265.24 DRY DRY DRY DRY DRY DRY PZ5-IOD-R 11/28/2017 38.5 303.72 58.5 283.72 90 342.22 345.23 70 90 272.22 252.22 68-90 66-68 N/A N/A N/A N/A 77.36 267.87 77.68 267.55 PZ5-IID 4/19/2017 8.5 306.14 23.5 291.14 37 314.64 316.65 27 37 287.64 277.64 25-37 23-25 40.10 276.55 40.07 276.58 40.08 276.57 40.12 276.53 PZ5-12D 5/4/2017 8.5 271.11 9.5 270.11 42 279.61 282.99 32 42 247.61 237.61 3042 28-30 31.70 251.29 30.23 252.76 31.05 251.94 31.06 251.93 PZ5-13D 4/27/2017 23.5 287.64 33.5 277.64 57.5 311.14 313.56 47.5 57.5 263.64 253.64 45-57.5 43-45 48.86 264.70 48.38 265.18 53.30 260.26 52.32 261.24 PZ5-14S 4/5/2017 13.5 315.4 48.5 280.40 47.5 328.90 331.74 37.5 47.5 291.40 281.40 3547.5 33-35 46.35 285.39 DRY DRY DRY DRY 48.50 283.24 PZ5-14D 11/28/2017 13.5 314.4 47 280.90 70 327.90 330.74 50 70 277.90 257.90 48-70 4648 N/A N/A N/A N/A 53.50 277.24 56.36 274.38 PZ5-15S 4/13/2017 N/A N/A 33.5 241.29 33.5 274.79 277.45 23.5 33.5 251.29 241.29 21-33.5 19-21 18.87 258.58 17.36 260.09 21.89 255.56 21.85 255.60 PZ5-16D 4/27/2017 23.5 286.06 26.5 283.06 40.5 309.56 311.90 30.5 40.5 279.06 269.06 28.5-40.5 26-28.5 29.64 282.26 29.45 282.45 35.90 276.00 37.35 274.55 PZ5-17S 4/11/2017 28.5 257.68 28.5 257.68 28.5 286.18 289.18 18.5 28.5 267.68 257.68 16-28.5 14-16 19.41 269.77 20.81 268.37 26.41 262.77 26.70 262.48 PZ5-18S 4/12/2017 3.5 256.04 13.5 246.04 13.5 259.54 262.42 3.5 13.5 256.04 246.04 2-13 1-2 12.95 249.47 13.01 249.41 14.76 247.66 13.62 248.80 PZ5-19S 4/10/2017 18.5 272.7 38.5 252.70 38.5 291.20 294.27 28.5 38.5 262.70 252.70 26-38.5 24-26 5.65 288.62 7.06 287.21 12.05 282.22 12.05 282.22 PZ5-20S 4/10/2017 13.5 250.47 19 244.97 20 263.97 ND 10 20 253.97 243.97 8-20 6-8 ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART PZ5-20D 5/3/2017 N/A N/A 19 245.06 34.5 264.06 ND 24.5 34.5 239.56 229.56 22-34.5 20-22 ART ART ART ART 1.04 264.06 0.90 264.06 PZ5-21S 4/13/2017 23.5 266.28 28.5 261.28 28.5 289.78 292.21 18.5 28.5 271.28 261.28 16.5-28.5 14-16.5 26.87 265.34 26.35 265.86 DRY DRY 30.98 261.23 PZ5-23D 11/13/2017 18.5 297.5 33.5 282.50 45 316.00 319.11 35 45 281.00 271.00 3345 31-33 N/A N/A N/A N/A 41.05 278.06 40.26 278.85 PZ5-24D 11/13/2017 28.5 277.99 33.5 272.99 44 306.49 309.32 34 44 272.49 262.49 3244 31-33 N/A N/A N/A N/A 37.17 272.15 37.04 272.28 PZ5-25S 11/14/2017 N /A N/A 48.5 270.35 48.5 318.85 321.75 38.5 48.5 280.35 270.35 36.548.5 34.5-36.5 N/A N/A N/A N/A 47.76 273.99 47.95 273.80 PZ5-26D 11/14/2017 28.5 300.25 33.5 295.25 55 328.75 331.99 40 55 288.75 273.75 38-55 36-38 N/A N/A N/A N/A 46.35 285.64 46.36 285.63 PZ5-27D 11/15/2017 33.5 275.82 33.5 275.82 39.5 309.32 312.13 24.5 39.5 284.82 269.82 22.5-39.5 20.5-22.5 N/A N/A N/A N/A 30.56 281.57 30.14 281.99 MW-13S 4/17/2017 28.5 235.61 33.5 230.61 33.5 264.11 266.61 23.5 33.5 240.61 230.61 21-33.5 19-21 6.60 260.01 6.41 260.20 10.22 256.39 10.25 256.36 MW-14D 4/26/2017 10 284.44 12 282.44 36 294.44 296.49 26 36 268.44 258.44 24-36 22-24 12.15 284.34 13.84 282.65 18.59 277.90 18.55 277.94 MW-15D 4/28/2017 33.5 1 297.33 38.5 292.33 54 330.83 332.92 44 54 286.83 276.83 42-54 4042 27.80 305.12 26.59 306.33 46.81 286.11 39.30 293.62 MW-16S 4/17/2017 28.5 289.12 48.5 269.12 48.5 317.62 320.03 38.5 48.5 279.12 269.12 3648.5 34-36 45.16 274.87 45.50 274.53 DRY DRY 50.60 269.43 MW-17S 4/18/2017 23.5 273.92 28.5 268.92 28.5 297.42 300.58 18.5 28.5 278.92 268.92 16-28.5 14-16 18.41 282.17 20.95 279.63 DRY DRY 32.14 268.44 MW-18S 4/14/2017 N/A N/A 13.5 267.20 13.5 280.70 283.60 3.5 13.5 277.20 267.20 2.5-13.5 1-2.5 3.70 1 279.90 3.81 279.79 9.58 274.02 9.31 274.29 MW-19S 4/14/2017 28.5 292.18 36 284.68 36 320.68 323.02 26 36 294.68 284.68 24-36 22-24 31.85 291.17 32.11 290.91 37.21 285.81 34.95 288.07 MW-20S 4/14/2017 28.5 280.5 33 276.00 33 309.00 311.61 1 23 33 1 286.00 276.00 21-33 19-21 18.10 293.51 16.94 294.67 23.55 288.06 23.23 288.38 PWR = Partially Weathered Rock TOC - Top -of -Well Casing TOS = Top -of -Well Screen BOS = Bottom -of -Well Screen W. L. = Water Level DRY = No measureable water in well ART = Well under artesian flow at the time of gauging N/A = Not applicable Table 2 Depth -to -Bedrock and Rock Quality Data Phase 5 Expansion Area - Anson Waste Management Facility CEC Project No. 165-276 March 2018 Boring Ground Elevation Drill Method Auger Refusal Boring Depth Depth to PWR Bedrock Depth NQ Core Run 7 Recovery RQD PZ5-ID 316.22 Auger/NQ Coring 18.5 42.25 3.5 18.5 19.0-24.0 4.50 (90%) 1.05 (21%) 24.0-29.0 5.0 (100%) 3.7 (74%) 29.0-34.0 5.0 (100%) 4.9 (98%) 34.0-39.0 5.0 (100%) 3.6 (72%) PZ5-2S 287.63 Auger 41.5 43.5 23.5 41.5 PZ5-3S 287.6 Auger 30 31.55 28.5 30 PZ5-4D 319.62 Auger/NQ Coring 27 43.1 23.5 27 27.5-30.0 2.30 (92%) 1.45 (58%) 30.0-35.0 4.30 (86%) 3.85 (77%) 35.0-40.0 4.85 (97%) 4.50 (90%) 40.0-45.0 4.30 (86%) 3.50 (70%) PZ5-5S 283.38 Auger 26.5 28.5 24.5 26.5 PZ5-5D 283.72 NQ Coring 20 35 N/A 20 17.0-20.0 2.85 (95%) 2.40 (48%) 20.0-25.0 4.20 (84%) 4.20 (84%) 25.0-30.0 4.60 (92%) 3.40 (68%) 30.0-35.0 4.90 (98%) 4.90 (98%) PZ5-6S 270.22 Auger 16 19.5 N/A 16 PZ5-6D 270.6 Auger/NQ Coring 16 30.05 N/A 16 18.5-20.0 1.35 (90%) 1.05 (70%) 20.0-25.0 4.60 (92%) 4.20 (84%) 25.0-30.0 4.70 (94%) 4.20 (84%) PZ5-7S 323.57 Auger 58.5 61.1 23.5 58.5 PZ5-8S 289.31 Auger 22.7 24.65 13.5 22.7 PZ5-8D 287.96 NQ Coring 22.7 48.2 N/A 22.7 24.0-29.0 4.40 (88%) 2.60 (52%) 29.0-34.0 4.85 (97%) 4.00 (80%) 34.0-39.0 4.40 (88%) 3.50 (70%) 39.0-44.0 4.10 (82%) 3.65 (73%) PZ5-9D 309.45 ACoringQ Coring 33.5 59.05 18.5 33.5 32.5-37.5 4.90 (98%) 4.30 (86%) 37.5-42.5 5.00 (100%) 4.95 (99%) 42.5-47.5 5.00 (100%) 4.80 (96%) 47.5-42.5 4.80 (96%) 4.60 (92%) 42.5-47.5 5.00 (100%) 4.75 (95%) PZ5-IOD 340.11 Auger/NQ Coring 28 5 77.91 13.5 28.5 30.0-35.0 3.45 (69%) 1.10 (22%) 35.0-40.0 4.85 (97%) 3.10 (62%) 40.0-45.0 4.60 (92%) 3.45 (69%) 45.0-50.0 4.20 (84%) 2.55 (51%) 50.0-55.0 4.30 (86%) 3.85 (77%) 55.0-60.0 3.40 (68%) 2.50 (50%) 60.0-65.0 4.60 (92%) 4.50 (90%) 65.0-70.0 4.70 (94%) 4.00 (80%) 70.0-75.0 4.50 (90%) 3.50 (70%) Table 2 Depth -to -Bedrock and Rock Quality Data Phase 5 Expansion Area - Anson Waste Management Facility CEC Project No. 165-276 March 2018 Boring Ground Elevation Drill Method Auger Refusal Boring Depth Depth to PWR Bedrock Depth NQ Core Run 7 Recovery RQD PZ5-10D-R Auger/NQ Coring 58.5 90 38.5 58.5 59.0-60.0 0.80 (80%) 0.50 (50%) 60.0-65.0 4.70 (94%) 2.90 (58%) 65.0-70.0 4.35 (87%) 3.65 (73%) 70.0-75.0 4.75 (95%) 4.70 (94%) 75.0-80.0 4.00 (80%) 3.95 (79%) 80.0-85.0 4.70 (94%) 4.70 (94%) 85.0-90.0 4.60 (92%) 3.00 (60%) PZ5-11D 314.64 ACoringQ Coring 23.5 40.3 8.5 23.5 22.0-27.0 4.85 (97%) 4.20 (84%) 27.0-32.0 4.60 (92%) 4.40 (88%) 32.0-37.0 4.75 (95%) 4.45 (89%) PZ5-12D 279.61 Auger/NQ Coring 9.5 43.5 8.5 9.5 8.50-12.0 3.40 (97%) 3.00 (86%) 12.0-17.0 4.10 (82%) 1.70 (34%) 17.0-22.0 4.90 (98%) 3.80 (76%) 22.0-27.0 3.50 (70%) 3.20 (64%) 27.0-32.0 4.30 (86%) 1.95 (39%) 32.0-37.0 4.10 (82%) 3.20 (64%) 37.0-42.0 4.25 (85%) 3.75 (75%) PZ5-13D 311.14 Auger/NQCoring 33.5 59.3 23.5 33.5 34.0-37.5 2.90 (83%) 1.85 (53%) 37.5-42.5 5.00 (100%) 4.70 (94%) 42.5-47.5 4.80 (96%) 4.65 (93%) 47.5-52.5 4.85 (97%) 4.50 (90%) 52.5-57.5 4.70 (94%) 3.60 (72%) PZ5-14S 328.9 Auger 48.5 48.8 13.5 48.5 PZ5-14D NQ Coring 46.5 70 13.5 46.5 47.0-50.0 2.90 (96%) 2.45 (81%) 50.0-55.0 4.30 (86%) 3.80 (76%) 55.0-60.0 4.80 (96%) 3.95 (79%) 60.0-65.0 4.25 (85%) 3.30 (66%) 65.0-70.0 5.00 (100%) 5.00 (100%) PZ5-15S 274.79 Auger 33.5 35.7 N/A 33.5 PZ5-16D 309.56 Auger/NQ Coring 26.5 42.6 23.5 26.5 26.5-30.5 4.00 (100%) 3.40 (85%) 30.5-35.5 4.60 (92%) 3.05 (61%) 35.5-40.5 5.00 (100%) 4.65 (93%) PZ5-17S 286.18 Auger 28.5 30 25.5 28.5 PZ5-18S 259.54 Auger 13.5 16.95 3.5 13.5 PZ5-19S 291.2 Auger 38.5 40 18.5 38.5 PZ5-20S 263.97 Auger 19 20 13.5 19 Table 2 Depth -to -Bedrock and Rock Quality Data Phase 5 Expansion Area - Anson Waste Management Facility CEC Project No. 165-276 March 2018 Boring Ground Elevation Drill Method Auger Refusal Boring Depth Depth to PWR Bedrock Depth NQ Core Run Recovery RQD PZ5-20D 264.06 NQ Coring 19 34.3 N/A 19 17.5-19.3 1.05 (58%) 0.95 (53%) 19.3-24.3 4.80 (96%) 4.00 (80%) 24.3-29.3 5.00 (100%) 4.95 (99%) 29.3-34.3 4.90 (98%) 4.80 (96%) PZ5-21S 289.78 Auger 28.5 31.05 23.5 28.5 PZ5-21D 342.22 Auger/NQ Coring 58.5 90 23.5 58.5 60-65 4.58 (92%) 2.83 (57%) 65-70 4.42 (88%) 3.71 (74%) 70-75 4.75 (95%) 4.71 (94%) 75-80 4.00 (80%) 3.92 (78%) 80-85 4.71 (94%) 4.71 (94%) 85-90 4.58 (92%) 3.00 (60%) PZ5-23D Auger/NQ Coring 33.5 45 18.5 33.5 34.0-35.0 1.00 (100%) 1.00 (100%) 35.0-37.0 1.90 (95%) 2.40 (80%) 37.0-40.0 2.80 (93%) 2.70 (90%) 40.0-45.0 4.80 (96%) 4.80 (96%) PZ5-24D Auger/NQ Coring 33.5 44 28.5 33.5 34.0-39.0 3.50 (70%) 1.90 (38%) 39.0-44.0 4.00 (80%) 2.00 (40%) PZ5-25S Auger 48.5 48.5 48.5 48.5 PZ5-26D Auger/NQ Coring 33.5 55 28.5 33.5 34.0-35.0 0.35 (35%) 0.35 (35%) 35.0-40.0 4.40 (88%) 4.00 (80%) 40.0-45.0 4.70 (94%) 2.90 (83%) 45.0-50.0 5.00 (100%) 3.40 (68%) 50.0-55.0 4.95 (99%) 4.80 (96%) PZ5-27D Auger/NQ Coring 33.5 39.5 28.5 33.5 30.0-34.5 1.80 (45%) 3.40 (75%) 34.5-39.5 4.80 (96%) 2.60 (52%) MW-13S 264.11 Auger 33.5 35.8 28.5 33.5 MW-14D 294.44 Auger/NQ Coring 12 35.4 10 12 12.0-16.0 4.00 (100%) 4.00 (100%) 16.0-21.0 5.00 (100%) 5.00 (100%) 21.0-26.0 5.00 (100%) 3.80 (76%) 26.0-31.0 5.00 (100%) 5.00 (100%) 31.0-36.0 4.85 (97%) 4.85 (100%) MW-15D 330.83 oring ACoringQ C 38.5 57.65 33.5 38.5 39.0-44.0 5.00 (100%) 2.00 (40%) 44.0-49.0 5.00 (100%) 2.75 (55%) 49.0-54.0 5.00 (100%) 1.80 (36%) MW-16S 317.62 Auger 48.5 49.65 28.5 48.5 MW-17S 297.42 Auger 28.5 30 23.5 28.5 MW-18S 280.7 Auger 13.5 16.1 N/A 13.5 MW-19S 320.68 Auger 36 38.45 28.5 36 MW-20S 309 Auger 33 35.85 28.5 33 PWR = Partially Weathered Rock RQD = Rock Quality Designation (Measured in Feet) Table 3 Historical Water Level Data Existing Landfill Detection Monitoring Well Network Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Phase 5 Expansion Area - Anson Waste Management Facility CEC Project No.165-276 March 2018 Well Well Depth TOC Elevation Max. W. L. Elev. from 2001 and 2015 * Date Observed W. L. TOC W. L. Elevation W. L. TOC W. L. Elevation W. L. TOC W. L. Elevation W. L. TOC W. L. Elevation W. L. TOC W. L. Elevation W. L. TOC W. L. Elevation W. L. TOC W. L. Elevation W. L. TOC W. L. Elevation W. L. TOC W. L. Elevation W. L. TOC W. L. Elevation W. L. TOC W. L. Elevation W. L. TOC W. L. Elevation 11/16/09 11/16/09 12/13/10 12/13/10 4/16/12 4/16/12 4/15/13 4/15/13 10/14/13 10/14/13 10/28/14 10/28/14 4/20/15 1 4/20/15 10/22/15 10/22/15 4/4/16 4/4/16 10/20/16 10/20/16 4/26/17 4/26/17 10/24/17 10/24/17 Shallow Wells MW-2S 22.5 318.00 304.99 4/20/15 15.45 302.55 18.35 299.65 14.39 303.61 13.75 304.25 14.39 303.61 16.40 301.60 13.01 304.99 14.44 303.56 12.67 305.33 14.50 303.50 14.22 303.78 17.35 300.65 MW-3S 38.8 295.87 292.09 4/20/15 12.60 283.27 13.45 282.42 10.33 285.54 5.31 290.56 9.30 286.57 9.07 286.80 3.78 292.09 6.71 289.16 5.39 290.48 8.71 287.16 7.18 288.69 9.36 286.51 MW-4S 43.6 294.29 286.05 4/20/15 15.75 278.54 15.18 279.11 14.52 279.77 12.49 281.80 12.39 281.90 11.01 283.28 8.24 286.05 10.10 284.19 8.56 285.73 10.12 284.17 9.41 284.88 11.66 282.63 MW-5S 40.5 282.15 275.95 4/20/15 12.73 269.42 12.57 269.58 11.38 270.77 9.48 272.67 9.46 272.69 8.25 273.90 6.20 275.95 7.51 274.64 5.39 276.76 6.82 275.33 6.39 275.76 8.17 273.98 MW-8S 35.5 311.85 299.64 5/5/03 19.63 292.22 19.96 291.89 19.68 292.17 17.34 294.51 17.71 294.14 19.76 292.09 16.61 295.24 19.16 292.69 16.32 295.53 19.94 291.91 19.34 292.51 21.78 290.07 MW-9 27.7 274.58 NM N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 15.61 258.97 18.42 256.16 16.57 258.01 14.55 260.03 16.75 257.83 14.92 259.66 13.92 260.66 1 15.42 259.16 14.81 259.77 16.04 258.54 Deep Wells MWAD 17.2 309.69 293.95 5/5/03 20.60 289.09 21.46 288.23 20.75 88.94 17.77 291.92 20.11 289.58 22.35 287.34 16.82 292.87 21.16 288.53 18.02 291.67 22.56 287.13 20.43 289.26 19.10 290.59 MW-2D 30.0 317.74 305.37 5/l/07 19.45 298.29 19.13 298.61 17.7200.02 17.30 300.44 17.02 300.72 18.71 299.03 16.06 301.68 17.78 299.96 14.95 302.79 17.31 300.43 15.58 302.16 19.19 298.55 MW-3D 30.5 295.60 289.51 4/20/15 13.41 282.19 13.33 282.27 11.9283.68 r270.93 9.74 285.86 9.60 286.00 9.00 286.60 6.09 289.51 6.12 289.48 6.11 289.49 8.87 286.73 7.88 287.72 10.31 285.29 MW-4D 15.0 294.16 285.48 4/20/15 16.03 278.13 15.68 278.48 15.2678.90 13.17 280.99 12.85 281.31 11.23 282.93 8.68 10.31 283.85 8.72 285.44 10.22 283.94 9.73 284.43 11.91 282.25 MW-5D 30.2 281.94 276.26 4/20/15 12.10 269.84 12.31 269.63 11.01 9.01 272.93 9.14 272.80 8.01 273.93 5.68 276.26 7.21 274.73 5.26 276.68 6.67 275.27 5.11 276.83 8.19 273.75 MW-8D 15.8 311.61 297.60 5/5/03 20.04 291.57 20.64 290.97 18.62 292.99 15.79 295.82 16.99 294.62 19.68 291.93 16.02 295.59 18.52 293.09 15.85 295.76 19.32 292.29 18.85 292.76 2.89 308.72 W. L. = Water Level TOC - Top -of -Well Casing Note 1: TOC elevations from Table 1 of the Baseline Sampling Report dated June 2011 by Almes & Associates, Inc. except MW-9 provided by Lawrence Associates. Note 2: Depth -to -water measurements collected by Prism Laboratories, Inc. (2009 to 2014) or S&ME in the indicated month and year. * Data from SCS Engineers Design Hydrogeologic Investigation Report - Anson Waste Management Facility Phase 3 and 4, October 5, 2015. 4/20/15 W.L. - 4/26/17 W.L. 4/4/16 W.L. - 4/26/17 W.L. Diff GM Diff. I GM 1.21 173 1.55 1.36 3.40 1.79 1.17 0.85 0.19 1.00 2.4 3.02 1.9.30 0.89 Diff. = Difference G.M. = Geometric Mean APPENDIX A PHASE 5 BORING LOGS Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. BORING NUMBER MW-13S PAGE 1 OF 2 ,H�� 1900 A Center Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC DATE STARTED 4/17/17 COMPLETED 4/17/17 GROUND ELEVATION 264.11 ft BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit Engineering WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger BEFORE CORING NA CEC REP MBG CHECKED BY EHS TAT END OF DRILLING 6.2 ft / Elev 257.9 ft NOTES 528hrs AFTER DRILLING 6.6 ft / Elev 257.5 ft 0 ~ > w U o O Q� 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION = a wv 0 w } Lu J a5 2 Z < o >- w 0 0- 0 W U w 0? Q m0> 0 z A SPT N VALUE A 20 40 60 80 PL LL 20 40 60 80 ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 20 40 60 80 260 Light brown to orange clayey SILT, dry, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) Dark red to gray SILT, dry, dense, (RESIDUAL SOIL)X Dark red to dark gray SILT, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) Dark red SILT, moist-, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) Gray sandy SILT, moist-, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) Dark gray to dark red SILT, moist-, dense, (WEATHERED ROCK) Dark gray to dark red SILT, wet, hard, Wet split spoon., (WEATHERED ROCK) 5 SS 1 100 2-1-1 (2) SS 2 83 9-16 30 (46) 255 10 SS 3 15 24-50-2 (52) 250 15 SS 4 55 32-50-4 (54) 245 20 SS 5 15 50-5 240 25 SS 6 43 24-13-29 (42) 235 30 SS 7 20 50-3 230 -M 35 ___F_Dark gray ROCK FRAGMENTS, wet, hard, (ROCK) n SS _T7 (Continued Next Page) BORING NUMBER MW-13S - ` Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. ,- 1900 A Center Park Drive PAGE 2 OF 2 ' �A Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC w o A SPT N VALUE A 0 U } U) w 20 40 60 80 ~ 0-0 = a Lu w 0 0 ? Q PL �L > Q� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION wv J 0� � o 2 Z 0 m0> 0 z 20 40 60 80 w < El FINES CONTENT (%) El 35 20 40 60 80 Bottom of boring at 35.8 feet. BORING NUMBER MW-14D & Environmental Consultants, Inc. PAGE 1 OF 2 fj_j_A_Civil ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC DATE STARTED 4/3/17 COMPLETED 4/26/17 GROUND ELEVATION 294.44 ft BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit Engineering WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger & NQ Core Z-7 BEFORE CORING 12.0 ft / Elev 282.4 ft CEC REP EHS CHECKED BY EHS AT END OF DRILLING NA NOTES Temp. piezometer dry at AR (12' bgs). Core to water table. 288hrs AFTER DRILLING 12.2 ft / Elev 282.3 ft w o A SPT N VALUE A p U = } U w 20 40 60 80 PLMC �L ~ > o_ OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION a Lu J w 0 p? Q Q� 0 wv o-D O- U MO> 20 40 60 80 El FINES CONTENT (%) El w 2Z < W UZ 0 20 40 60 80 Red to brown clayey SILT, dry, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) SS 2-2-2 1 100 (4) 290 Graytobrown mottled SILT, dry, stiff, Slaty cleavage., (RESIDUAL 5X SS 2 100 6-10 16 (26) 285 Gray to tan mottled SILT, dry, hard, Mn staining., (WEATHERED ROCK) 10 SS 31-50-5 3 33 (55) - Gray ROCK FRAGMENTS, dry, hard, (ROCK) SS 0 50-0 280 15 4 Gray SILTSTONE, fresh, massive, Highly competent gray siltstone. NQ 100 1 (100) 275 20 Gray SILTSTONE, fresh, massive, Semi -competent rock with horizontal fractures. NQ 100 270 25 2 (100) Gray SILTSTONE, moderately weathered, slightly broken, massive, Semi -competent rock with horizontal fractures. NQ 100 265 30 3 (76) Gray SILTSTONE, fresh, massive, Highly competent gray siltstone. NQ 100 260 35 4 (100) (Continued Next Page) BORING NUMBER MW-14D - ` Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. ,- 1900 A Center Park Drive PAGE 2 OF 2 ' �A Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC w o A SPT N VALUE A 0 U } U) w 20 40 60 80 ~ 0-0 = a Lu w 0 0 ? Q PL �L > Q� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION wv J 0� � o 2 Z 0 m0> 0 z 20 40 60 80 w < w ElFINES CONTENT (%) El 35 co 20 40 60 80 Gray SILTSTONE, fresh, massive, Highly competent gray siltstone. Bottom of boring at 35.4 feet. NQ 97 5 (97) fff—J—A—Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. BORING NUMBER MW-15D ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive PAGE 1 OF 2 Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC DATE STARTED 4/28/17 COMPLETED 4/28/17 GROUND ELEVATION 330.83 ft BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit Engineering WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger & NQ Core Z-7 BEFORE CORING 38.5 ft / Elev 292.3 ft CEC REP EHS CHECKED BY EHS AT END OF DRILLING NA NOTES 240hrs AFTER DRILLING 27.8 ft / Elev 303.0 ft 0 ~ > w U o O Q� 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION = a wv 0 w } Lu J a5 2 Z < o >- w 0 0- 0 W U w 0? Q m0> 0 z A SPT N VALUE A 20 40 60 80 PL LL 20 40 60 80 ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 20 40 60 80 330 Tan to gray sandy SILT, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 325 Yellow to tan to orange mottled SILT, with sandy, silt dry, hard, 5 SS 1 10 50-4 320 (WEATHERED ROCK) Tan to gray sandy SILT, dry, dense, (WEATHERED ROCK) 10 SS 2 100 39-50 2 (52) 315 Tan sandy SILT, with rock fragments, dry, dense, (WEATHERED 15 SS 3 100 14-32-50-2 (82) 310 ROCK) Tan ROCK FRAGMENTS, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 20 SS 4 10 50-2 305 25 SS 5 0 50-2 Tan to gray cemented SILT, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 300 Tan to gray cemented SILT, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 30 SS 6 7 37-36-50-4 (86) 35 SS (Continued Next Page) BORING NUMBER MW-15D & Environmental Consultants, Inc. PAGE 2OF2 fj_j_A_Civil ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC w o A SPT N VALUE A 0 U = } U) w 20 40 60 80 PL LL ~ > o O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION a Lu J w 0 0? Q Q� wv o-5 0- m0> 20 40 60 80 0 2 Z 0 0 Z w < ElFINES CONTENT (%) El 35 co 20 40 60 80 295 50-0 Tan to gray cemented SILT, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 40 SS 0 50-0 45 290 Gray SILTSTONE, moderately weathered, slightly broken, massive, 8 Very fractured to competent gray siltstone with high angle and 285 sub -horizontal fractures. NQ 100 1 (40) Gray SILTSTONE, slightly weathered, massive, Semi -competent gray 50 siltstone with mostly sub -horizontal fractures. 280 NQ 100 2 (55) Gray SILTSTONE, fresh, broken, massive, Competent gray siltstone 55 but highly fractured sub -horizontal and vertically. 275 NQ 100 3 (36) Bottom of boring at 57.7 feet. fj_j_A_Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. BORING NUMBER MW-16S PAGE 1 OF 2 ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC DATE STARTED 4/17/17 COMPLETED 4/17/17 GROUND ELEVATION 317.62 ft BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit Engineering WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger BEFORE CORING NA CEC REP MBG CHECKED BY EHS TAT END OF DRILLING 47.8 ft / Elev 269.8 ft NOTES 504hrs AFTER DRILLING 45.2 ft / Elev 272.5 ft 0 ~ > w U o O Q� 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION = a wv 0 w } Lu J a5 2 Z < o w 0 0- 0 W U w 0? Q m0> 0 z A SPT N VALUE A 20 40 60 80 PL LL 20 40 60 80 El FINES CONTENT (%) El 20 40 60 80 315 Orange to tan to black SILT, dry, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) SS 1 100 3-4-4 (8) SGray OIL) o tan to red SILT, trace rock fragments, dry, stiff, (RESIDUAL 5 SS 2 88 10-12-12 (24) 310 Orange to white SILT, trace rock fragments, dry, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 10 SS 3 87 15-15-19 (34) 305 Orange to white to red SILT, trace rock fragments, moist-, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 15 SS 4 87 6-7-6 (13) 300 Orange to white to red SILT, trace rock fragments, moist-, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 20 SS 5 57 5-7-14 (21) 295 Tan to gray to orange SILT, dry, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 25 SS 6 57 3-10-12 (22) 290 Orange to gray SILT, dry, hard, Black streaks present., (WEATHERED ROCK) 30 SS 7 20 50-6 285 Light gray cemented SILT, trace rock fragments, dry, dense, WSS (WEATHERED ROCK) 35 (Continued Next Page) fff—J—A—Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. BORING NUMBER MW-16S ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive PAGE 2OF2 Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC p ~ > w U o O Q� 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION = a wv 35 w Lu J o-D 2Z < co o } w 0 O- U U) w p? Q MO> UZ A SPT N VALUE A 20 40 60 80 PLMC LL 20 40 60 80 ElFINES CONTENT (%) El 20 40 60 80 280 Light gray to orange SILT, dry, dense, (WEATHERED ROCK) 40 SS 9 20 50-6 275 Light gray to tan SILT, moist, dense, (WEATHERED ROCK) 45 10 10 50-4 270 1 Tan cemented SILT, trace rock fragments, wet, hard, Wet split spoon., (ROCK) Bottom of boring at 49.7 feet. S 10 50-2 fj_j_A_Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. BORING NUMBER MW-17S ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive PAGE 1 OF 1 Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC DATE STARTED 4/18/17 COMPLETED 4/18/17 GROUND ELEVATION 297.42 ft BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit Engineering WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger BEFORE CORING NA CEC REP MBG CHECKED BY EHS TAT END OF DRILLING 26.9 ft / Elev 270.5 ft NOTES 7-480hrs AFTER DRILLING 18.4 ft / Elev 279.0 ft 0 ~ > w U o O w 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION = a w v 0 w Lu J a 5 2 Z < CO o } w 0 0- 0 w U) w 0? Q m 0> 0 z A SPT N VALUE A 20 40 60 80 PL LL 20 40 60 80 ElFINES CONTENT (%) El 20 40 60 80 295 Orange SILT, dry, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) K�js 100 2-1-2 (3) Orange SILT, dry, dense, (WEATHERED ROCK) 5 X SS 2 38 21-35-38 (73) 290 Tan SILT, trace rock fragments, dry, dense, (WEATHERED ROCK) 10 SS F3 87 14-16-29 (45) 285 Tan cemented SILT, dry, dense, (WEATHERED ROCK) 15 SS 4 57 35-40-50 (90) 280 Tan cemented SILT, trace rock fragments, dry, dense, (WEATHERED ROCK) 20 LS5S26-30 43 42 (72) 275 Tan cemented SILT, trace rock fragments, dry, dense, (WEATHERED ROCK) 25 SS 6 10 50-1 270 = Tan ROCK FRAGMENTS, moist-, hard, (ROCK) Bottom of boring at 30.0 feet. 30 LSS 0 50 0 fff—J—A—Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. BORING NUMBER MW-18S ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive PAGE 1 OF 1 Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC DATE STARTED 4/14/17 COMPLETED 4/14/17 GROUND ELEVATION 280.70 ft BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit Engineering WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger BEFORE CORING NA CEC REP MBG CHECKED BY EHS TAT END OF DRILLING 3.3 ft / Elev 277.4 ft NOTES 576hrs AFTER DRILLING 3.7 ft / Elev 277.0 ft 0 ~ > w U o O Q� 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION = a wv 0 w Lu J o-5 2 Z < o } w 0 0- 0 W U) w 0? Q m0> 0 z A SPT N VALUE A 20 40 60 80 PL LL 20 40 60 80 El FINES CONTENT (%) El 20 40 60 80 280 Light brown sandy SILT, wet, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) KSS 1 100 1-1-2 (3) Tan to orange SILT, wet, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 5 SS 2 100 1-4-4 (8) 275 Light gray CLAY, wet, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 270 ------------------------------ Gray ROCK FRAGMENTS, wet, hard, (ROCK) 10 SS 3 100 5-5-8 (13) 265 Bottom of boring at 16.1 feet. 15 SS 4 0 50-0 fj_j_A_Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. BORING NUMBER MW-19S PAGE 1 OF 2 ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC DATE STARTED 4/14/17 COMPLETED 4/14/17 GROUND ELEVATION 320.68 ft BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit Engineering WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger BEFORE CORING NA CEC REP MBG CHECKED BY EHS TAT END OF DRILLING 35.9 ft / Elev 284.8 ft NOTES 576hrs AFTER DRILLING 31.9 ft / Elev 288.8 ft 0 ~ > w U o O Q� 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION = a wv 0 w } Lu J o-5 2 Z < o w 0 0- 0 W U w 0? Q m0> 0 z A SPT N VALUE A 20 40 60 80 PL LL 20 40 60 80 El FINES CONTENT (%) El 20 40 60 80 320 Orange SILT, trace rock fragments, dry, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) SS 1 100 2-3-4 (7) Tan to gray cemented SILT, moist-, dense, (WEATHERED ROCK) SS 13-32-50-5 5 2 100 (82) 315 Tan to gray cemented SILT, moist-, dense, (WEATHERED ROCK) 310 Tan to gray cemented SILT, moist-, dense, (WEATHERED ROCK) 10 SS 3 33 31-50-3 (53) AL 305 Tan to gray to red cemented SILT, moist-, dense, (WEATHERED 15 SS 4 0 50-4 300 ROCK) Tan to orange gravelly SILT, with rock fragments, moist-, hard, 20 SS 5 20 25-50-4 (54) 295 (WEATHERED ROCK) Tan to orange gravelly SILT, with rock fragments, moist-, hard, 25 SS 6 20 30 50 4 (54) 290 (WEATHERED ROCK) 17 30 SS 7 20 50-6 Tan ROCK FRAGMENTS, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 35 SS (Continued Next Page) BORING NUMBER MW-19S - ` Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. ,- 1900 A Center Park Drive PAGE 2 OF 2 ' �A Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC w o A SPT N VALUE A 0 U } U) w 20 40 60 80 ~ 0-0 = a Lu w 0 0 ? Q PL �L > MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w v J 0� w 0 o 2Z U m 0> UZ 20 40 60 80 w < ElFINES CONTENT (%) El 35 co 20 40 60 80 285 1 Tan ROCK FRAGMENTS, dry, hard, (ROCK) SS 0 50-0 9 Bottom of boring at 38.5 feet. fj_j_A_Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. BORING NUMBER MW-20S PAGE 1 OF 2 ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC DATE STARTED 4/14/17 COMPLETED 4/14/17 GROUND ELEVATION 309.00 ft BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit Engineering WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger BEFORE CORING NA CEC REP MBG CHECKED BY EHS TAT END OF DRILLING 18.7 ft / Elev 290.3 ft NOTES 576hrs AFTER DRILLING 18.1 ft / Elev 290.9 ft 0 ~ > w U o O Q� 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION = a wv 0 w } Lu J o-5 2 Z < o w 0 0- 0 W U w 0? Q m0> 0 z A SPT N VALUE A 20 40 60 80 PL LL 20 40 60 80 El FINES CONTENT (%) El 20 40 60 80 305 Orange to tan clayey SILT, trace rock fragments, dry, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) Orange SILT, dry, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) Gray to orange clayey SILT, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) Dark gray to orange cemented SILT, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 1 Light gray sandy SILT, moist, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) Dark red to light gray SILT, moist-, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) Orange to gray sandy SILT, moist, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) Orange to gray SILT, with rock fragments, wet, hard, Wet split spoon., (ROCK) 5 SS 1 100 2-3-3 (6) X2 SS 100 6-8-11 (19) 300 10 SS 3 100 11-8-12 (20) 295 15 SS 4 33 15-32-46 (78) 290 20 SS 5 80 22-24-20 (44) 285 25 SS 6 50 8-27-50-3 (77) 280 30 SS 7 20 50-2 275 35 SS 10 50-0 (Continued Next Page) BORING NUMBER MW-20S - ` Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. ,- 1900 A Center Park Drive PAGE 2 OF 2 ' �A Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC w o A SPT N VALUE A 0 U } U) w 20 40 60 80 ~ 0-0 = a Lu w 0 0 ? Q PL �L > Q� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION wv J 0� � o 2 Z 0 m0> 0 z 20 40 60 80 w < w ElFINES CONTENT (%) El 35 co 20 40 60 80 Bottom of boring at 35.9 feet. BORING NUMBER PZ5-1 D & Environmental Consultants, Inc. PAGE 1 OF 2 fj_j_A_Civil ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC DATE STARTED 4/10/17 COMPLETED 4/21/17 GROUND ELEVATION 316.22 ft BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit Engineering WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger & NQ Core Z-7 BEFORE CORING 18.5 ft / Elev 297.7 ft CEC REP EHS CHECKED BY EHS AT END OF DRILLING NA NOTES Temp. piezometer dry at AR (18.5' bgs). Core to water table. 7-408hrs AFTER DRILLING 36.3 ft / Elev 280.0 ft w o A SPT N VALUE A 0 U = } >- U w 20 40 60 80 PL �L ~ > o_ OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION a Lu J w 0 0 ? Q Q� 0 wv a5 0- m0> 20 40 60 80 El FINES CONTENT (%) El w 2 Z < 0 W 0 Z 0 20 40 60 80 315 Tan to orange coarse to medium SILT, trace rock fragments, dry, SS 4-6 11 stiff, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 1 100 (17) Tan fine to medium SILT, trace rock fragments, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 5 SS 2 8 50-5 310 Tan fine to medium SILT, trace rock fragments, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 10 SS 3 0 50-1 305 Tan fine to medium SILT, some rock fragments, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 15 SS 4 0 50-1 300 17 ----------------------------- Tan fine SILT, and rock fragments, dry, hard, (ROCK) 20 SS 0 50-0 5 295 Tan to gray SILTSTONE, moderately weathered, slightly broken, 25 massive, Vertical and sub -horizontal highly fractured rock with FeMn 290 staining. NQ 90 1 (21) Tan to gray SILTSTONE, moderately weathered, slightly broken, 30 massive, Competent rock with high angle and sub -horizontal fractures. 285 Color change to gray at 28' bgs. NQ 100 2 (74) Gray to tan SILTSTONE, slightly weathered, massive, Weathered on 35 (Continued Next Page) BORING NUMBER PZ5-1 D - ` Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. ,- 1900 A Center Park Drive PAGE 2 OF 2 ' �A Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC w o A SPT N VALUE A 0 U } U) w 20 40 60 80 ~ o O = a Lu w 0 0? Q PL LL > Q� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION wv J 0- 0 o-5 2 Z 0 m0> 0 Z 20 40 60 80 w < W El FINES CONTENT (%) El 35 20 40 60 80 surface to tan. Medium sub -horizontal fractures with staining in 280 y fractures. One large quartz filled fracture. _ NQ 100 3 (98) " " `Gray to tan SILTSTONE, slightly weathered, broken, massive _ _ 40 275 NQ 100 4 (72) Bottom of boring at 42.3 feet. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. BORING NUMBER PZ5-2S PAGE 1 OF 2 ,H�� 1900 A Center Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC DATE STARTED 4/7/17 COMPLETED 4/7/17 GROUND ELEVATION 287.63 ft BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit Engineering WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger BEFORE CORING NA CEC REP MBG CHECKED BY EHS TAT END OF DRILLING 6.9 ft / Elev 280.7 ft NOTES 744hrs AFTER DRILLING 6.7 ft / Elev 280.9 ft 0 ~ > w U o O Q� 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION = a wv 0 w } Lu J o-5 2 Z < o >- w 0 0- 0 W U w 0? Q m0> 0 z A SPT N VALUE A 20 40 60 80 PL LL 20 40 60 80 ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 20 40 60 80 285 Brown SILT, moist, Organic material, (RESIDUAL SOIL) Ts's 100 2-1-1 (2) Tan to orange to red SILT, with saprolite, dry, soft, Saprolitic gray layers, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 5 X2S 100 5 7-10 (17) 280 Tan to gray SILT, with saprolite, dry, stiff, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 10 SS 3 100 11-16-18 (34) 275 Orange to tan sandy SILT, dry, dense, (WEATHERED ROCK) 15 SS 4 60 44-50-1 (51) 270 Orange to black silty SAND, and silty, clay moist, dense, (WEATHERED ROCK) 20 SS 5 50 37-50 3 (53) 265 Dark gray SANDSTONE FRAGMENTS, moist-, dense, (WEATHERED ROCK) 25 SS 6 33 50 5 260 Dark gray SANDSTONE FRAGMENTS, moist-, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 30 SS 7 33 50-4 255 Dark gray to pink SANDSTONE FRAGMENTS, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 35 SS (Continued Next Page) BORING NUMBER PZ5-2S & Environmental Consultants, Inc. PAGE 2OF2 fff—J—A—Civil ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC w o A SPT N VALUE A 0 U } >- U w 20 40 60 80 ~ o O = a Lu w 0 0? Q PL LL > Q� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION wv J 0- 0 o-5 2Z U m0> UZ 20 40 60 80 w < ElFINES CONTENT (%) El 35 co 20 40 60 80 250 Light gray cemented SANDSTONE FRAGMENTS, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 40 SS 9 0 50-2 Light gray SANDSTONE, wet, hard, Wet spoon, (ROCK) 245 SS 0 50-0 10 Bottom of boring at 43.5 feet. fl—j—A—Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. BORING NUMBER PZ5-3S PAGE 1 OF 1 ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC DATE STARTED 4/7/17 COMPLETED 4/7/17 GROUND ELEVATION 287.60 ft BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit Engineering WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger BEFORE CORING NA CEC REP MBG CHECKED BY EHS TAT END OF DRILLING 28.9 ft / Elev 258.7 ft NOTES 744hrs AFTER DRILLING 29.9 ft / Elev 257.8 ft 0 ~ > w U o O Q� 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION = a wv 0 w } Lu J o-5 2 Z < o w 0 0- 0 W U w 0? Q m0> 0 z A SPT N VALUE A 20 40 60 80 PL LL 20 40 60 80 El FINES CONTENT (%) El 20 40 60 80 285 Orange to tan silty CLAY, dry, loose, (RESIDUAL SOIL) KSjs 100 3-3-4 (7) Red to orange SILT, dry, stiff, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 5 SS 2 100 6-9-13 (22) 280 Dark red SILT, dry, stiff, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 10 SS 3 100 4-6-10 (16) 275 Red to tan SILT, trace sandstone fragments, dry, dense, (WEATHERED ROCK) 15 SS 4 100 2-13-25 (38) 270 Light brown SILT, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 20 SS 5 100 9-21-50-4 (71) 265 Light brown to orange SILT, trace sandstone fragments, moist, dense, (WEATHERED ROCK) 25 SS 6 100 21-21-26 (47) 260 1 Light gray to pink SILT, trace sandstone fragments, dry, hard, - (WEATHERED ROCK)____________________ Light gray SANDSTONE, dry, hard, (ROCK) 30 SS 7 50 6-50-3 53 Bottom of boring at 31.6 feet. SS 17 50-0 8 fj_j_A_Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. BORING NUMBER PZ5-4D PAGE 1 OF 2 ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC DATE STARTED 4/4/17 COMPLETED 5/1/17 GROUND ELEVATION 319.62 ft BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit Engineering WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger & NQ Core Z-7 BEFORE CORING 27.0 ft / Elev 292.6 ft CEC REP MBG CHECKED BY EHS AT END OF DRILLING NA NOTES Temp. piezometer dry at AR (27' bgs). Core to water table. 7-168hrs AFTER DRILLING 36.5 ft / Elev 283.1 ft 0 ~ > w U o_ OO Q� 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION = a wv 0 w } Lu J a5 2 Z < o >- w 0 0- 0 W U w 0 ? Q m0> 0 Z A SPT N VALUE A 20 40 60 80 PL �L 20 40 60 80 El FINES CONTENT (%) El 20 40 60 80 Pink to red SILT, dry, loose, Three inches of organic sandy silt, (RESIDUAL SOIL) KSS 1 100 3-3-4 (7) 315 Yellow to tan to gray SILT, dry, medium dense, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 5 2S 100 5-1319 (32) 310 Pink to tan mottled SILT, dry, dense, (WEATHERED ROCK) 10 SS 3 100 9-16-24 (40) 305 Gray cemented SILT, some rock fragments, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 15 SS 4 50 39-50-3 (53) 300 Gray cemented SILT, some rock fragments, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 20 SS 5 33 34-50-1 (51) 295 Gray ROCK FRAGMENTS, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 25 SS 6 0 50-2 ----------------------------- Gray ROCK FRAGMENTS, dry, hard, (ROCK) SS 7 0 50-0 290 30 Tan SILTSTONE, slightly weathered, slightly broken, massive, Vertical with sub -horizontal fractures and angled bedding. FeMn staining in NQ 92 between fractures. 1 (58) 285 35 (Continued Next Page) BORING NUMBER PZ5-4D - ` Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. ,- 1900 A Center Park Drive PAGE 2 OF 2 ' �A Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC w o A SPT N VALUE A 0 U } U) w 20 40 60 80 ~ o_ = a w 0 0 ? Q PL LL > OO Q� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION wv J 0� � aD 2 Z 0 m0> 0 Z 20 40 60 80 w < W El FINES CONTENT (%) El 35 20 40 60 80 Tan SILTSTONE, moderately weathered, slightly broken, massive, Semi -competent rock with sub -horizontal fractures NQ 86 2 (77) 280 40 Gray SILTSTONE, fresh, massive, Competent rock with horizontal fractures. NQ 97 3 (90) Gray SILTSTONE, moderately weathered, slightly broken, massive, --------------------------------- Semi -competent rock with sub -horizontal fractures. FeMn staining in between fractures. Bottom of boring at 43.1 feet. NQ 86 4 (70) BORING NUMBER PZ5-5S & Environmental Consultants, Inc. PAGE 1 OF 1 fff—J—A—Civil ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC DATE STARTED 4/7/17 COMPLETED 4/7/17 GROUND ELEVATION 283.38 ft BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit Engineering WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger BEFORE CORING NA CEC REP MBG CHECKED BY EHS TAT END OF DRILLING 10.5 ft / Elev 272.9 ft NOTES 744hrs AFTER DRILLING 15.7 ft / Elev 267.7 ft w o A SPT N VALUE A 0 U = } U) w 20 40 60 80 PL LL ~ > o O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION a Lu J w 0 0? Q Q� 0 wv o-5 0- m0> 20 40 60 80 El FINES CONTENT (%) El w 2 Z < 0 W 0 z 0 20 40 60 80 Dark brown silty CLAY, moist, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) SS 2-1-1 1 100 (2) 280 Light ray to orange cemented SILT, dry, very dense, (WEATHERED ROCK) SS 38 45 50 4 5 2 100 (95) 275 Light gray SAND AND ROCK FRAGMENTS, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 10 SS 1 3 0 50-1 270 Light gray SAND AND ROCK FRAGMENTS, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 15 SS 17 4 0 501 265 Gray to orange silty SAND AND ROCK FRAGMENTS, wet, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 20 SS 8-17-21 5 77 (38) 260 Light gray cemented SILT, with rock fragments, wet, hard, Wet split spoon, (WEATHERED ROCK) 25 SS 14-11-50-6 6 50 (61) ------------------------------ Dark gray ROCK FRAGMENTS, wet, hard, (ROCK) 255 Bottom of boring at 28.5 feet. �S 0 50-0 BORING NUMBER PZ5-5D & Environmental Consultants, Inc. PAGE 1 OF 2 fj_j_A_Civil ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC DATE STARTED 5/3/17 COMPLETED 5/3/17 GROUND ELEVATION 283.72 ft BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit Engineering WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger & NQ Core Z-7 BEFORE CORING 17.0 ft / Elev 266.7 ft CEC REP MBG CHECKED BY EHS AT END OF DRILLING NA NOTES 7-120hrs AFTER DRILLING 10.8 ft / Elev 272.9 ft w o A SPT N VALUE A 0 U } U w 20 40 60 80 ~ o O = a Lu w 0 0? Q PL LL > ¢� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION wv J 0- � a5 2Z U m0> 0Z 20 40 60 80 w < W El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 280 5 275 10 270 15 Q 265 20 Tan SILTSTONE, completely weathered, very broken, massive, Highly fractured rock with vertical and sub -horizontal fractures. NQ 95 1 (80) 260 25 Tan SILTSTONE, slightly weathered, massive, Medium to sub -horizontal fractures. NQ 84 2 (84) 255 30 Tan SILTSTONE, completely weathered, very broken, massive, Highly fractured rock with vertical and sub -horizontal fractures. NQ 92 3 (68) 250 35 (Continued Next Page) BORING NUMBER PZ5-5D - ` Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. ,- 1900 A Center Park Drive PAGE 2 OF 2 ' �A Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC w o A SPT N VALUE A 0 U } U) w 20 40 60 80 ~ 0-0 = a Lu w 0 0 ? Q PL �L > Q� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION wv J 0� � o 2 Z 0 m0> 0 Z 20 40 60 80 w < W El FINES CONTENT (%) El 20 40 60 80 Tan to gray SILTSTONE, fresh, massive, Highly competent rock with horizontal fractures. Color change to gray at 32' bgs. Bottom of boring at 35.0 feet. NQ 98 4 (98) BORING NUMBER PZ5-6S & Environmental Consultants, Inc. PAGE 1 OF 1 fj_j_A_Civil ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC DATE STARTED 4/10/17 COMPLETED 4/10/17 GROUND ELEVATION 270.22 ft BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit Engineering WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger BEFORE CORING NA CEC REP MBG CHECKED BY EHS TAT END OF DRILLING 8.0 ft / Elev 262.3 ft NOTES 672hrs AFTER DRILLING 7.8 ft / Elev 262.4 ft w o A SPT N VALUE A 0 U } U) w 20 40 60 80 ~ o O = a Lu w 0 0? Q PL LL > MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w v J 0- w 0 a 5 2 Z 0 m 0> 0 z 20 40 60 80 w < w El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 1 1 20 40 60 80 Tan to orange SILT, dry, loose, (RESIDUAL SOIL) SS 2-3-5 1 100 (8) Gray to tan to orange SILT, dry, stiff, (RESIDUAL SOIL) X SS 100 9-10 14 265 5 2 (24) Gray to tan to orange SILT, moist-, stiff, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 260 10 SS 3 100 5-10-9 (19) Orange to tan SILT, trace rock fragments, moist-, dense, (WEATHERED ROCK) 15 SS 4-19-21 255 4 100 (40) ------------------------------ Tan ROCK FRAGMENTS, moist-, hard, (ROCK) 0 50-1 5 5 Bottom of boring at 19.5 feet. =AIVAAV Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. BORING NUMBER PZ5-613 1900-A Center Park Drive PAGE 1 OF 1 Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC DATE STARTED 4/19/17 COMPLETED 4/19/17 GROUND ELEVATION 270.60 ft BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit Engineering WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger & NQ Core Z-7 BEFORE CORING 16.0 ft / Elev 254.6 ft CEC REP MBG CHECKED BY EHS AT END OF DRILLING NA NOTES 7-480hrs AFTER DRILLING 5.9 ft / Elev 264.8 ft 0 ~ > � w U o O ¢� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION = a wv 0 w J o-5 2Z < o } w 0 0- U W U) w 0? Q m0> 0z A SPT N VALUE A 20 40 60 80 PL LL 20 40 60 80 El FINES CONTENT (%) El 20 40 60 80 270 5 265 10 260 15 255 20 250 Tan SILTSTONE, slightly weathered, slightly broken, massive NQ 1 323 (257) 25 245 Tan SILTSTONE, slightly weathered, moderately broken, massive NQ 92 2 (84) 30 Tan SILTSTONE, slightly weathered, slightly broken, massive Bottom of boring at 30.1 feet. NQ 94 3 (84) BORING NUMBER PZ5-7S & Environmental Consultants, Inc. PAGE 1 OF 2 fl—j—A—Civil ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC DATE STARTED 4/5/17 COMPLETED 4/5/17 GROUND ELEVATION 323.57 ft BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit Engineering WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger BEFORE CORING NA CEC REP MBG CHECKED BY EHS 1 AT END OF DRILLING 47.1 ft / Elev 276.5 ft NOTES 792hrs AFTER DRILLING 48.5 ft / Elev 275.1 ft w o A SPT N VALUE A 0 U } U w 20 40 60 80 ~ o O = a Lu w 0 0? Q PL LL > Q� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION wv J 0- 0 a5 2 Z 0 m0> 0 z 20 40 60 80 w < W El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 Light brown to yellow SILT, dry, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) SS 4-4-5 1 100 (9) 320 Tan to gray SILT, dry, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) SS 100 13-17-29 5 2 (46) 315 Blueish gray to tan to red SILT, dry, stiff, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 10 SS 25 28-50-5 3 (55) 310 Blueish gray to tan cemented SILT, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 15 SS 13 50-6 4 305 Light gray cemented SILT, with rock fragments, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 20 SS 34-50-3 5 10 (53) 300 Light gray cemented SILT, with rock fragments, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 25 SS 6 10 50-4 295 Light gray ROCK FRAGMENTS, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 30 L7 50-5 290 Tan to gray ROCK FRAGMENTS, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) MSS 35 (Continued Next Page) BORING NUMBER PZ5-7S & Environmental Consultants, Inc. PAGE 2OF2 fj_j_A_Civil ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC w o A SPT N VALUE A 0 U = } U) w 20 40 60 80 PL LL ~ > o O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION a Lu J w 0 0? Q Q� wv o-5 0- m0> 20 40 60 80 0 2Z U UZ w < ElFINES CONTENT (%) El 35 co 20 40 60 80 285 Tan to gray ROCK FRAGMENTS, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 40 SS 3 50-1 9 280 Light brown ROCK FRAGMENTS, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 45 SS 3 50-1 10 i 275 17 Light gray ROCK FRAGMENTS, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 50 SS 0 50-1 11 270 Light gray ROCK FRAGMENTS, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 55 SS 0 50-0 12 265 Light gray ROCK FRAGMENTS, moist-, hard, (ROCK) 60 SS 0 50-0 13 Bottom of boring at 61.1 feet. fff—J—A—Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. BORING NUMBER PZ5-8S ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive PAGE 1 OF 1 Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC DATE STARTED 4/5/17 COMPLETED 4/5/17 GROUND ELEVATION 289.31 ft BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit Engineering WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger BEFORE CORING NA CEC REP MBG CHECKED BY EHS TAT END OF DRILLING 16.6 ft / Elev 272.8 ft NOTES 792hrs AFTER DRILLING 18.1 ft / Elev 271.2 ft 0 ~ > w U o O Q� 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION = a wv 0 w Lu J a5 2 Z < o } w 0 0- 0 W U) w 0? Q m0> 0 z A SPT N VALUE A 20 40 60 80 PL LL 20 40 60 80 El FINES CONTENT (%) El 20 40 60 80 Red to orange silty CLAY, dry, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) SS 1 100 3-3-3 (6) 285 Yellow to tan to orange SILT, dry, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 5 SS 2 100 8-13 18 (31) 280 Yellow to tan to red SILT, dry, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 10 SS 3 100 34-43-47 (90) 275 Tan silty GRAVEL, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 15 SS 4 0 50-1 i 270 Red to tan silty GRAVEL, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 20 SS 5 0 50-1 ------------------------------ Tan ROCK FRAGMENTS, moist, hard, (ROCK) 265 Bottom of boring at 24.7 feet. SS 6 0 50-1 BORING NUMBER PZ5-8D & Environmental Consultants, Inc. PAGE 1 OF 2 fj_j_A_Civil ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC DATE STARTED 4/20/17 COMPLETED 4/20/17 GROUND ELEVATION 287.96 ft BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit Engineering WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger & NQ Core Z-7 BEFORE CORING 24.0 ft / Elev 264.0 ft CEC REP EHS CHECKED BY EHS AT END OF DRILLING NA NOTES 7-432hrs AFTER DRILLING 14.6 ft / Elev 273.4 ft w o A SPT N VALUE A 0 U } U w 20 40 60 80 ~ o O = a Lu w 0 0? Q PL LL > ¢� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION wv J 0- � a5 2Z U m0> 0Z 20 40 60 80 w < W El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 285 5 280 10 275 15 270 20 265 Q 25 260 Gray SILTSTONE, slightly weathered, slightly broken, massive, Gray 30 unifrom siltstone with a high angle and sub -horizontal fractures with with Fe and Mn staining. NQ 88 1 (52) 255 Gray SILTSTONE, slightly weathered, slightly broken, massive, 35 (Continued Next Page) BORING NUMBER PZ5-8D - ` Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. ,- 1900 A Center Park Drive PAGE 2 OF 2 ' �A Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC w o A SPT N VALUE A 0 U = } U) w 20 40 60 80 PL LL ~ > o O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION a Lu J w 0 0? Q Q� wv o-5 0- m0> 20 40 60 80 0 2 Z 0 0 Z w < W El FINES CONTENT (%) El 35 20 40 60 80 Competent rock with little to no weathered zones. High angle and sub -horizontal fractures with Fe and Mn staining. NQ 97 2 (80) 250 Gray SILTSTONE, fresh, massive, Highly competent rock with no 40 weathered zones. Gray uniform siltstone with high angle and sub -horizontal fractures with Fe and Mn staining. NQ 88 3 (70) 245 Gray SILTSTONE, fresh, massive, Highly competent rock with no 45 weathered zones. Gray uniform siltstone with high angle and sub -horizontal fractures with Fe and Mn staining. NQ 82 4 (73) 240 Bottom of boring at 48.2 feet. fj_j_A_Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. BORING NUMBER PZ5-9D ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive PAGE 1 OF 2 Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC DATE STARTED 4/11/17 COMPLETED 5/2/17 GROUND ELEVATION 309.45 ft BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Red Dog Drilling WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger & NQ Core Z-7 BEFORE CORING 33.5 ft / Elev 276.0 ft CEC REP MBG CHECKED BY EHS AT END OF DRILLING NA NOTES Temp. piezometer dry at AR (33.5' bgs). Core to water table. 7-144hrs AFTER DRILLING 47.8 ft / Elev 261.7 ft 0 ~ > w U o_ OO Q� 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION = a wv 0 w } Lu J a5 2 z < o >- w 0 0� 0 W U w 0 ? Q m0> 0 z A SPT N VALUE A 20 40 60 80 PL �L 20 40 60 80 El FINES CONTENT (%) El 20 40 60 80 305 Orange to red silty CLAY, moist-, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) Orange to pink SILT, dry, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) Orange to tan to pink SILT, dry, stiff, (RESIDUAL SOIL) Tan SILT, trace rock fragments, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) Tan ROCK FRAGMENTS, with silt, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) Tan ROCK FRAGMENTS, with silt, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) White to tan to orange sandy SILT, moist, stiff, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 5 SS 1 100 3-3-4 (7) X100 SS 2 16 37-50 3 (87) 300 10 SS 3 100 9-26-50-5 (76) 295 15 SS 4 50 39-50-2 (52) 290 20 SS 5 10 50-2 285 25 SS 6 10 50-3 280 30 SS 7 20 50-2 275 35 Tan ROCK FRAGMENTS, dry, hard, (ROCK) SS (Continued Next Page) fj_j_A_Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. BORING NUMBER PZ5-9D PAGE 2OF2 ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC 0 ~ > w U o O Q� 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION = a wv w Lu J o-5 2 Z < Cf)35 o } w 0 0- 0 U) w 0? Q m0> 0 Z A SPT N VALUE A 20 40 60 80 PL LL 20 40 60 80 El FINES CONTENT (%) El 20 40 60 80 Tan SILTSTONE, slightly weathered, slightly broken, massive, Competent rock with little weathering and sub -horizontal fractures. 270 Some Fe and Mn staining. 40 NQ 98 1 (86) Tan SILTSTONE, slightly weathered, slightly broken, massive, Competent rock with little weathering and sub -horizontal fractures. 265 Some Fe and Mn staining. 45 NQ 100 2 (99) Gray SILTSTONE, fresh, massive, Color change to gray. Highly competent rock with no weathering and sub -horizontal fractures. Some 260 Fe and Mn staining. 50 NQ 100 3 (96) Gray SILTSTONE, fresh, massive, Competent gray siltstone. Vertical to sub -horizontal fractures with little Fe staining. 255 55 NQ 96 4 (92) Gray SILTSTONE, fresh, massive, Competent gray siltstone. Vertical to sub -horizontal fractures with little Fe staining. Bottom of boring at 59.1 feet. NQ 100 5 (95) fj_j_A_Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. BORING NUMBER PZ5-10D ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive PAGE 1 OF 3 Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC DATE STARTED 4/11/17 COMPLETED 5/2/17 GROUND ELEVATION 340.11 ft BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit Engineering WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger & NQ Core Z-7 BEFORE CORING 30.0 ft / Elev 310.1 ft CEC REP MBG CHECKED BY EHS AT END OF DRILLING NA NOTES Temp. piezometer dry at AR (28.5' bgs). Core to water table. 7-144hrs AFTER DRILLING 77.5 ft / Elev 262.E ft 0 ~ > w U o_ OO Q� 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION = a wv 0 w } Lu J a5 2 z < 1 o >- w 0 0� 0 W U w 0 ? Q m0> 0 z A SPT N VALUE A 20 40 60 80 PL �L 20 40 60 80 El FINES CONTENT (%) El 20 40 60 80 Orange to tan SILT, dry, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) SS 1 100 3-5-4 (9) 335 Light gray to tan cemented SILT, trace rock fragments, dry, stiff, (RESIDUAL SOIL) Light gray to tan cemented SILT, some rock fragments, moist-, stiff, 5 X2 SS 60 16 40 50 4 (90) 330 (RESIDUAL SOIL) 10 SS 3 50 30-50-3 (53) Dark red to tan cemented SILT, dry, stiff, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 325 15 SS 4 33 50 5 Light gray to brown ROCK FRAGMENTS, with silt, dry, hard, 320 (WEATHERED ROCK) 20 SS 5 10 50-1 Light gray to brown ROCK FRAGMENTS, with silt, dry, hard, 315 (WEATHERED ROCK) 25 IS 6 10 50-2 -------------------------------- Light gray to brown ROCK FRAGMENTS, with silt, dry, hard, (ROCK) 310 SZ _ 30 SS 7 0 50-0 35 (Continued Next Page) BORING NUMBER PZ5-10D & Environmental Consultants, Inc. PAGE 2OF3 fj_j_A_Civil ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC w o A SPT N VALUE A 0 ~ U = } Lu >- U w 0? 20 40 60 80 PL LL > o O Q� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION a wv J w 0 Q � o-5 2 Z 0- 0 m0> 0 Z 20 40 60 80 w < W El FINES CONTENT (%) El 35 20 40 60 80 Tan SILTSTONE, completely weathered, very broken, massive, Highly weathered and highly fractured tan rock with Fe and Mn staining. NQ 69 1 (22) 300 Tan SILTSTONE, completely weathered, very broken, massive, Highly 40 weathered and highly fractured tan rock with Fe and Mn staining. NQ 97 2 (62) 295 Tan SILTSTONE, completely weathered, very broken, massive, Highly 45 weathered and highly fractured tan rock with Fe and Mn staining. NQ 92 3 (69) 290 Tan SILTSTONE, completely weathered, very broken, massive, Highly 50 weathered and highly fractured tan rock with Fe and Mn staining. NQ 84 4 (51) 285 Tan SILTSTONE, completely weathered, very broken, massive, Highly 55 weathered and highly fractured tan rock with Fe and Mn staining. NQ 86 5 (77) 280 Gray SILTSTONE, fresh, massive, Color change to gray siltstone. 60 Competent rock with sub -horizontal fractures. Light Fe and Mn staining. NQ 68 6 (50) 275 Gray SILTSTONE, fresh, massive, Highly competent gray siltstone with 65 vertical and sub -horizontal fractures with light Fe and Mn staining. NQ 92 7 (90) 270 Gray SILTSTONE, fresh, massive, Highly competent gray siltstone with 70 vertical and sub -horizontal fractures with light Fe and Mn staining. NQ 94 8 (80) 75 (Continued Next Page) BORING NUMBER PZ5-10D - ` Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. ,- 1900 A Center Park Drive PAGE 3 OF 3 ' �A Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC w o A SPT N VALUE A 0 U } >- U w 20 40 60 80 ~ o_ = a Lu w 0 0 ? Q PL �L > OO Q� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION wv J 0� � aD 2 Z 0 m0> 0 Z 20 40 60 80 w < W El FINES CONTENT (%) El 2651 75 1 1 20 40 60 80 Gray SILTSTONE, fresh, massive, Highly competent gray siltstone with vertical and sub -horizontal fractures with light Fe and Mn staining. NQ 90 Bottom of boring at 77.9 feet. 9 (70) fl—j—A—Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. BORING NUMBER PZ5-11 D PAGE 1 OF 2 ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC DATE STARTED 4/11/17 COMPLETED 4/19/17 GROUND ELEVATION 314.64 ft BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit Engineering WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger & NQ Core Z-7 BEFORE CORING 22.0 ft / Elev 292.6 ft CEC REP MBG CHECKED BY EHS AT END OF DRILLING NA NOTES Temp. piezometer dry at AR (23.5' bgs). Core to water table. 456hrs AFTER DRILLING 40.1 ft / Elev 274.5 ft p ~ > w U 0-0 Q� 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION = a wv 0 w } Lu J o-D 2Z < o w 0 O- U W U w p? Q MO> UZ A SPT N VALUE A 20 40 60 80 PLMC �L 20 40 60 80 El FINES CONTENT (%) El 20 40 60 80 Light brown to tan to orange SILT, dry, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) SS 1 100 3-3-5 (8) 310 Tan to orange to pink SILT, dry, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 5 SS 2 100 16-19-25 (44) 305 Tan to pink to red cemented SILT, dry, stiff, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 10 SS 3 10 50-3 300 White to orange cemented SILT, dry, stiff, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 15 SS 4 20 50-6 295 Orange to white cemented SILT, trace rock fragments, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 20 IS 5 10 1 50-1 Q 290 ------------------------------ Tan ROCK FRAGMENTS, dry, hard, (ROCK) 25 SS 6 0 50-0 Gray SILTSTONE, massive, Highly competent gray siltstone with some horizontal fractures. 285 30 NQ 1 97 (84) Gray SILTSTONE, massive, Highly competent gray siltstone with some horizontal fractures. 280 35 NQ 92 (Continued Next Page) BORING NUMBER PZ5-11 D - ` Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. ,- 1900 A Center Park Drive PAGE 2 OF 2 ' �A Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC w o A SPT N VALUE A 0 U } U) w 20 40 60 80 ~ 0-0 = a Lu w 0 0 ? Q PL �L > Q� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION wv J 0� � o 2 Z 0 m0> 0 Z 20 40 60 80 w < W El FINES CONTENT (%) El 35 20 40 60 80 Gray SILTSTONE, massive, Highly competent gray siltstone with some horizontal fractures. 275 40 NQ 3 95 (89) Bottom of boring at 40.3 feet. fj_j_A_Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. BORING NUMBER PZ5-12D PAGE 1 OF 2 ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC DATE STARTED 4/11/17 COMPLETED 5/4/17 GROUND ELEVATION 279.61 ft BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Red Dog Drilling WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger & NQ Core Z-7 BEFORE CORING 8.5 ft / Elev 271.1 ft CEC REP MBG CHECKED BY EHS AT END OF DRILLING NA NOTES Temp. piezometer dry at AR (9.5' bgs). Core to water table. 96hrs AFTER DRILLING 31.7 ft / Elev 247.9 ft 0 ~ � > w U o_ OO Q� 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION = a wv 0 w } Lu J o-5 2 Z < o w 0 0� 0 W U w 0 ? Q m0> 0 Z A SPT N VALUE A 20 40 60 80 PL �L 20 40 60 80 El FINES CONTENT (%) El 20 40 60 80 Orange to tan SILT, dry, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) K100 SS 1 1-5-5 (10) 275 Tan to orange SILT, dry, stiff, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 5 SS 2 80 20-50-4 (54) Q 270 Light gray to brown cemented SILT, dry, stiff, (RESIDUAL SOIL) Tan ROCK FRAGMENTS, dry, hard, (ROCK) 10tN 13 50-6 3 50-1 Orange to white cemented SILT, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 97 265 15 (86) ----- ROCK--FRAGM----ENTS—, dr—y—, ha--rd, (—ROCK) — — — — — — — — — — — Tan 260 20 NQ 2 82 (34) Tan SILTSTONE, slightly weathered, slightly broken, massive, Semi -competent tan siltstone with sub -horizontal fractures. 255 25 NQ 3 98 (76) Tan SILTSTONE, highly weathered, very broken, massive, Highly fractured tan siltstone with multiple vertical and sub -horizontal fractures. Some Fe and Mn staining. 250 30 NQ 4 70 (64) Tan SILTSTONE, highly weathered, very broken, massive, Highly fractured tan siltstone with multiple vertical and sub -horizontal fractures. Some Fe and Mn staining. 245 35 NQ 86 (Continued Next Page) BORING NUMBER PZ5-12D - ` Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. ,- 1900 A Center Park Drive PAGE 2 OF 2 ' �A Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC w o A SPT N VALUE A 0 U } U) w 20 40 60 80 ~ o_ = a Lu w 0 0 ? Q PL �L > OO Q� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION wv J 0� � aD 2 Z 0 m0> 0 Z 20 40 60 80 w < W El FINES CONTENT (%) El 35 20 40 60 80 Gray SILTSTONE, fresh, massive, Color change to gray siltstone. Semi -competent rock with sub -horizontal fractures. 240 40 NQ 6 82 (64) Gray SILTSTONE, fresh, massive, Semi -competent gray siltstone with sub -horizontal fractures. Bottom of boring at 43.5 feet. NQ 85 7 (75) fj_j_A_Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. BORING NUMBER PZ5-13D ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive PAGE 1 OF 2 Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC DATE STARTED 4/12/17 COMPLETED 4/27/17 GROUND ELEVATION 311.14 ft BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Red Dog Drilling WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger & NQ Core Z-7 BEFORE CORING 34.0 ft / Elev 277.1 ft CEC REP EHS CHECKED BY EHS AT END OF DRILLING NA NOTES Temp. piezometer dry at AR (33.5' bgs). Core to water table. 264hrs AFTER DRILLING 48.9 ft / Elev 262.3 ft 0 ~ > w U o O Q� 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION = a wv 0 w } Lu J a5 2 z < o >- w 0 0- 0 W U w 0? Q m0> 0 z A SPT N VALUE A 20 40 60 80 PL LL 20 40 60 80 El FINES CONTENT (%) El 20 40 60 80 310 Orange to tan sandy SILT, moist-, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) SS 1 100 5-7 -8 (15) White to orange SILT, some sandy, silt moist-, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 5 X SS 2 100 13-10 12 (22) 305 Pink SILT, moist-, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 10 SS 3 50 44-50-2 (52) 300 Orangish brown to pink SILT, dry, stiff, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 15 SS 4 40 23-50-6 (56) 295 Orange SILT, dry, stiff, Black streaks present., (RESIDUAL SOIL) 20 SS 5 40 8-16-50-5 (66) 290 Tan to gray SILT, trace rock fragments, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 25 SS 6 10 50-2 285 Tan ROCK FRAGMENTS, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 30 SS 7 10 50-3 280 -------------------------- SZ Tan ROCK FRAGMENTS, dry, hard, (ROCK) 35 SS (Continued Next Page) fff—J—A—Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. BORING NUMBER PZ5-13D PAGE 2OF2 ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC 0 ~ > w U o O Q� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION = a wv 35 w J o-5 2 Z < o } w 0 0- 0 U) w 0? Q m0> 0 z A SPT N VALUE A 20 40 60 80 PL LL 20 40 60 80 El FINES CONTENT (%) El 20 40 60 80 275 Tan SILTSTONE, fresh, massive NQ 140 40 1 (139) 270 Tan SILTSTONE, fresh, massive 45 NQ 100 2 (94) 265 Gray SILTSTONE, moderately weathered, massive, Color change to gray at 44' bgs. 50 NQ 96 3 (93) 260 Gray SILTSTONE, moderately weathered, massive 55 NQ 97 4 (90) 255 ------------------------- Gray SILTSTONE, highly weathered, slightly broken, massive Bottom of boring at 59.3 feet. NQ 94 5 (72) fff—J—A—Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. BORING NUMBER PZ5-14S PAGE 1 OF 2 ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC DATE STARTED 4/5/17 COMPLETED 4/5/17 GROUND ELEVATION 328.90 ft BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit Engineering WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger BEFORE CORING NA CEC REP EHS CHECKED BY EHS TAT END OF DRILLING 48.3 ft / Elev 280.E ft NOTES 792hrs AFTER DRILLING 46.4 ft / Elev 282.E ft 0 ~ > w U o O w 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION = a w v 0 w } Lu J a 5 2 Z < CO o w 0 0- 0 w U w 0? Q m 0> 0 z A SPT N VALUE A 20 40 60 80 PL LL 20 40 60 80 ElFINES CONTENT (%) El 20 40 60 80 White to tan SILT, moist, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) SS 1 100 2-4-4 (8) 325 White to tan cemented SILT, dry, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 5X SS 2 45 11-16-17 (33) 320 White to tan cemented SILT, trace rock fragments, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 10 SS F3 10 47-50 4 (54) 315 White to tan cemented SILT, trace rock fragments, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 15 SS 4 10 50 3 310 White to tan cemented SILT, trace rock fragments, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 20 LS5S 10 50-3 305 White to tan cemented SILT, trace rock fragments, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 25 IS 6 0 50-1 300 White to tan cemented SILT, trace rock fragments, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 30 SS 7 10 38-50-3 (53) 295 White to tan cemented SILT, trace rock fragments, dry, hard, LSS (WEATHERED ROCK) 35 (Continued Next Page) fff—J—A—Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. BORING NUMBER PZ5-14S ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive PAGE 2OF2 Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC 0 ~ > w U o O w 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION = a w v 35 w } Lu J o- 5 2 Z < co o >- w 0 0- 0 U w 0? Q m 0> 0 z A SPT N VALUE A 20 40 60 80 PL LL 20 40 60 80 ElFINES CONTENT (%) El 20 40 60 80 290 Tan ROCK FRAGMENTS, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 40 SS 9 0 50-0 285 Tan ROCK FRAGMENTS, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 45 SS 10 0 50-0 ------------------------------- 1 Tan ROCK FRAGMENTS, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) Bottom of boring at 48.8 feet. SS 11 0 50-0 fj_j_A_Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. BORING NUMBER PZ5-15S PAGE 1 OF 2 ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC DATE STARTED 4/13/17 COMPLETED 4/13/17 GROUND ELEVATION 274.79 ft BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit Engineering WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger BEFORE CORING NA CEC REP MBG CHECKED BY EHS TAT END OF DRILLING 18.5 ft / Elev 256.3 ft NOTES 600hrs AFTER DRILLING 18.9 ft / Elev 255.9 ft 0 ~ > w U o O Q� 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION = a wv 0 w } Lu J a5 2 Z < o w 0 0- 0 W U w 0? Q m0> 0 Z A SPT N VALUE A 20 40 60 80 PL LL 20 40 60 80 El FINES CONTENT (%) El 20 40 60 80 Brown to orange clayey SILT, Bulldozer cleared area and pushed 3-5 feet of soil for a stable pad., (FILL) K�js 100 2-3-2 (5) 270 Tan to orange clayey SILT, Bulldozer cleared area and pushed 3-5 feet of soil for a stable pad., (FILL) 5 2S 100 2-1-4 (5) Tan to orange silty CLAY, dry, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 265 10 SS 3 100 3-3-6 (9) Tan to orange silty CLAY, dry, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 260 15 SS 4 100 4-2-2 (4) Tan to orange silty CLAY, moist, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 255 20LSS 100 2-1-3 (4) Tan to orange silty CLAY, wet, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 250 25 SS 6 100 4-8-11 (19) Tan to orange silty CLAY, moist-, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 245 30 SS 100 3 0 (15) ------------------------------ Tan ROCK FRAGMENTS, moist-, hard, (ROCK) 240 35 SS (Continued Next Page) BORING NUMBER PZ5-15S - ` Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. ,- 1900 A Center Park Drive PAGE 2 OF 2 ' �A Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC w o A SPT N VALUE A 0 U } U) w 20 40 60 80 ~ 0-0 = a Lu w 0 0 ? Q PL �L > Q� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION wv J 0� � o 2 Z 0 m0> 0 z 20 40 60 80 w < ElFINES CONTENT (%) El 35 co 20 40 60 80 Bottom of boring at 35.7 feet. fj_j_A_Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. BORING NUMBER PZ5-16D ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive PAGE 1 OF 2 Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC DATE STARTED 4/3/17 COMPLETED 4/27/17 GROUND ELEVATION 309.56 ft BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit Engineering WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger & NQ Core Z-7 BEFORE CORING 26.5 ft / Elev 283.1 ft CEC REP EHS CHECKED BY EHS AT END OF DRILLING NA NOTES Temp. piezometer dry at AR (26.5' bgs). Core to water table. 264hrs AFTER DRILLING 29.6 ft / Elev 279.9 ft 0 ~ > w U o_ OO Q� 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION = a wv 0 w } Lu J a5 2 z < o >- w 0 0� 0 W U w 0 ? Q m0> 0 z A SPT N VALUE A 20 40 60 80 PL �L 20 40 60 80 El FINES CONTENT (%) El 20 40 60 80 Red to tan mottled SILT, some clayey, silt dry, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) SS 1 67 4-6-6 (12) 305 Pink to tan to white SILT, moist-, stiff, Healed fractures, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 5 X2S 100 9-10-24 (34) 300 Pink to tan mottled SILT, moist-, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 10 SS 3 100 10-13-11 (24) 295 Maroon SILT, dry, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 15 4S 100 5-12-12 (2) 290 Pink to yellow to tan mottled SILT, moist+, loose, Color change from red to dark red at 16.5' bgs., (RESIDUAL SOIL) 20 SS 5 100 6-8-8 (16) 285 Tan SILT, silt, moist-, hard, Wet soil cuttings at 22' bgs, hard drilling at 23' bgs, and color change to tan., (WEATHERED ROCK) 25 SS 6 10 50 2 ----------------------------- Tan SILT, moist-, hard, (ROCK) 7 7 0 50-1 280 - 30 Gray to tan SILTSTONE, fresh, massive, Competent rock with near vertical to low -angle fractures. NQ 100 1 (85) 275 35 (Continued Next Page) BORING NUMBER PZ5-16D - ` Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. ,- 1900 A Center Park Drive PAGE 2 OF 2 ' �A Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC w o A SPT N VALUE A 0 U } U) w 20 40 60 80 ~ 0-0 O = a w 0 0 ? Q PL LL > Q� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION wv J 0 o 2 Z 0 m0> 0 Z 20 40 60 80 w < W El FINES CONTENT (%) El 35 20 40 60 80 Tan SILTSTONE, moderately weathered, moderately broken, massive, Highly fractured zone from 32.5'-34.5' bgs. NQ 92 2 (61) 270 40 Tan SILTSTONE, moderately weathered, slightly broken, massive Healed to vertical fractures, quartz vein from 37.5'-40' bgs. Bottom of boring at 42.6 feet. NQ 100 3 (93) fl—j—A—Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. BORING NUMBER PZ5-17S PAGE 1 OF 1 ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC DATE STARTED 4/11/17 COMPLETED 4/11/17 GROUND ELEVATION 286.18 ft BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit Engineering WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger BEFORE CORING NA CEC REP MBG CHECKED BY EHS TAT END OF DRILLING 20.1 ft / Elev 266.1 ft NOTES 648hrs AFTER DRILLING 19.4 ft / Elev 266.8 ft 0 ~ > w U o O Q� 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION = a wv 0 w Lu J a5 2 Z < o } w 0 0- 0 W U) w 0? Q m0> 0 z A SPT N VALUE A 20 40 60 80 PL LL 20 40 60 80 El FINES CONTENT (%) El 20 40 60 80 285 Red to orange clayey SILT, dry, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) KSs 1 100 2-3-4 (7) Dark red SILT, with sandy, silt dry, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 5X 2S 100 3 5-8 (13) 280 Light brown to red sandy SILT, dry, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 10 SS F3 100 5-10-27 (37) 275 Dark red SILT, dry, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 15 SS 4 83 9-13-12 (25) 270 Dark red sandy SILT, trace rock fragments, dry, stiff, (RESIDUAL iSOIL) - 20 SS 5 83 11-16-17 (33) 265 Dark red to tan sandy SILT, trace rock fragments, dry, stiff, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 25 SS 6 43 15 50 1 (51) 260 ------------------------------ Tan ROCK FRAGMENTS, moist, hard, (ROCK) Bottom of boring at 30.0 feet. 30 SS 7 10 50-1 fl—j—A—Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. BORING NUMBER PZ5-18S ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive PAGE 1 OF 1 Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC DATE STARTED 4/12/17 COMPLETED 4/12/17 GROUND ELEVATION 259.54 ft BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit Engineering WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger BEFORE CORING NA CEC REP MBG CHECKED BY EHS TAT END OF DRILLING 11.6 ft / Elev 248.0 ft NOTES 624hrs AFTER DRILLING 13.0 ft / Elev 246.E ft 0 ~ > w U o O Q� 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION = a wv 0 w Lu J a5 2 Z < o } w 0 0- 0 W U) w 0? Q m0> 0 z A SPT N VALUE A 20 40 60 80 PL LL 20 40 60 80 El FINES CONTENT (%) El 20 40 60 80 Dark brown SILT, trace organics, dry, stiff, (RESIDUAL SOIL) � SS 1 67 5-23-20 (43) 255 Tan ROCK FRAGMENTS, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 5 SS 2 0 50-2 250 Tan ROCK FRAGMENTS, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 10 SS 3 0 50-0 i 245 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Tan ROCK FRAGMENTS, dry, hard, (ROCK) 15 SS 4 0 50-0 Bottom of boring at 17.0 feet. BORING NUMBER PZ5-19S & Environmental Consultants, Inc. PAGE 1 OF 2 fl—j—A—Civil ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC DATE STARTED 4/10/17 COMPLETED 4/10/17 GROUND ELEVATION 291.20 ft BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit Engineering WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger BEFORE CORING NA CEC REP MBG CHECKED BY EHS TAT END OF DRILLING 9.2 ft / Elev 282.0 ft NOTES 672hrs AFTER DRILLING 5.7 ft / Elev 285.E ft w o A SPT N VALUE A 0 U } U w 20 40 60 80 ~ o O = a Lu w 0 0? Q PL LL > Q� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION wv J 0- 0 a5 2 Z 0 m0> 0 z 20 40 60 80 w < W ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 0 20 40 60 80 290 Light brown silty CLAY, dry, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) KS'S 100 (2) Gray to orange elastic SILT, dry, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 100 3-5-6 5 2S (11) 285 - 1 Dark red SILT, dry, stiff, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 10 SS 87 31-32-50-6 3 (82) 280 Dark red SILT, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 15 SS 57 32-50-4 4 (54) 275 Dark red SILT, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 20 SS 33 50-1 5 270 Red SILT, trace rock fragments, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 25 SS 15 50-2 6 265 Gray SILT, trace rock fragments, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 30 SS 10 50-1 7 260 Gray sandy SILT, trace rock fragments, wet, hard, Wet split spoon., "SS (WEATHERED ROCK) 35 (Continued Next Page) BORING NUMBER PZ5-19S - ` Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. ,- 1900 A Center Park Drive PAGE 2 OF 2 ' �A Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC w o A SPT N VALUE A 0 U } >- U w 20 40 60 80 ~ 0-0 = a Lu w 0 0 ? Q PL �L > Q� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION wv J 0� 0 o 2Z U m0> UZ 20 40 60 80 w < ElFINES CONTENT (%) El 35 co 20 40 60 80 255 Gray sandy SILT, trace rock fragments, wet, hard, Wet split spoon (WEATHERED ROCK) 40 SS Bottom of boring at 40.0 feet. 9 0 50-0 fl—j—A—Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. BORING NUMBER PZ5-20S ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive PAGE 1 OF 1 Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC DATE STARTED 4/10/17 COMPLETED 4/10/17 GROUND ELEVATION 263.97 ft BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit Engineering WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger BEFORE CORING NA CEC REP MBG CHECKED BY EHS TAT END OF DRILLING 1.6 ft / Elev 262.4 ft NOTES 672hrs AFTER DRILLING ARTESIAN 0 ~ > w U o O Q� 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION = a wv 0 w } Lu J a5 2 Z < -.1 >- w 0 0- 0 W U w 0? Q m0> 0 z A SPT N VALUE A 20 40 60 80 PL LL 20 40 60 80 ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 20 40 60 80 i_ SS 1 100 2-2-3 (5) Tan to dark brown SILT, dry, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 260 Gray to tan to orange SILT, trace rock fragments, dry, stiff, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 5 SS 2 100 2-5-5 (10) 255 Tan to orange SILT, trace rock fragments, dry, stiff, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 10 SS 13-24-50-5 3 100 (74) 250 Gray cemented SILT, trace rock fragments, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 15 SS 4 33 501 245 Gray ROCK FRAGMENTS, wet, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK)_ Gray ROCK FRAGMENTS, wet, hard, (ROCK) Bottom of boring at 20.0 feet. 20 SS 5 SS 20 3 46-50-1 (51) 50-0 6 BORING NUMBER PZ5-20D & Environmental Consultants, Inc. PAGE 1 OF 2 fj_j_A_Civil ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC DATE STARTED 5/3/17 COMPLETED 5/3/17 GROUND ELEVATION 264.06 ft BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit Engineering WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger & NQ Core Z-7 BEFORE CORING 17.5 ft / Elev 246.6 ft CEC REP MBG CHECKED BY EHS AT END OF DRILLING NA NOTES 120hrs AFTER DRILLING ARTESIAN w o A SPT N VALUE A p U } >- U w 20 40 60 80 ~ o O = a w 0 p? Q PLMC LL > ¢� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION wv J O- � aD 2Z U MO> UZ 20 40 60 80 w < W ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 0 20 40 60 80 260 5 255 10 250 15 Q 245 Tan to gray SILTSTONE, moderately weathered, broken, massive, Tan 20 NQ 58 to gray fractured siltstone. 1 (53) 240 Gray to tan SILTSTONE, slightly weathered, massive, Gray to tan 25 semi -competent siltstone. High angle to vertical fractures. NQ 96 2 (80) 235 Gray SILTSTONE, fresh, massive, Highly competent gray siltstone with 30 sub -horizontal fractures. NQ 100 3 (99) 230 Gray SILTSTONE, fresh, massive, Highly competent gray siltstone with (Continued Next Page) BORING NUMBER PZ5-20D - ` Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. ,- 1900 A Center Park Drive PAGE 2 OF 2 ' �A Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC w o A SPT N VALUE A 0 U } U) w 20 40 60 80 ~ o_ = a Lu w 0 0 ? Q PL �L > OO Q� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION wv J 0� � aD 2 Z 0 m0> 0 Z 20 40 60 80 w < w ElFINES CONTENT (%) El co 20 40 60 80 sub -horizontal fractures. Bottom of boring at 34.3 feet. NQ 98 4 (96) BORING NUMBER PZ5-21 S & Environmental Consultants, Inc. PAGE 1 OF 1 fj_j_A_Civil ��� 1900 A Center Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 CLIENT Anson Waste Management Facility PROJECT NAME Phase 5 Landfill Expansion Area PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION Anson County, NC DATE STARTED 4/13/17 COMPLETED 4/13/17 GROUND ELEVATION 289.78 ft BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit Engineering WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger BEFORE CORING NA CEC REP MBG CHECKED BY EHS TAT END OF DRILLING 27.7 ft / Elev 262.1 ft NOTES 600hrs AFTER DRILLING 26.9 ft / Elev 262.9 ft w o A SPT N VALUE A 0 U } U) w 20 40 60 80 ~ o O = a Lu w 0 0? Q PL LL > Q� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION wv J 0- 0 a5 2 Z 0 m0> 0 Z 20 40 60 80 w < W El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 Orange SILT, dry, soft, Bulldozer cleared area for well installation and SS 2-2-2 pushed 3-5 feet of soil for a stable pad., (FILL) 1 100 (4) Orange SILT, dry, soft, Bulldozer cleared area for well installation and 285 pushed 3-5 feet of soil for a stable pad., (FILL) 5 2S 100 -5- Tan to light brown to orange SILT, dry, soft, (RESIDUAL SOIL) 280 10 SS 100 3-5-5 3 (10) Light gray SILT, dry, soft, Black streaks present., (RESIDUAL SOIL) 275 15 100 8- 0-12 4S () Light gray to orange to red SILT, dry, soft, Black streaks present., 270 (RESIDUAL SOIL) 20 SS 5 100 4-8-12 (20) Light gray cemented SILT, dry, hard, (WEATHERED ROCK) 265 25 SS 6 33 50-5 Y 1 Gray ROCK FRAGMENTS, moist-, hard, (ROCK) 260 30 SS 7 0 50-0 Bottom of boring at 31.1 feet. , j—A—V Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. BORING NUMBER PZ5-10D-R / 333 Baldwin Road PAGE 1 OF 3 W Pittsburgh, PA 15205 CLIENT Anson County Land Fill PROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION 375 Dozer Dr, Polkton, NC 28135 DATE STARTED 11/14/17 COMPLETED 11/17/17 GROUND ELEVATION BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD HSA and CC Rock Coring BEFORE CORING - CEC REP MBG CHECKED BY EHS TAT END OF DRILLING 71.1 ft NOTES 7-AFTER DRILLING 77.4 ft z O Q Lu w U =O 0-0 �� C� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION — a ov 0 w ~m g �z < o _ LU > 0 OOP L �z� 0� Q mo> w �w v" d A SPT N VALUE A 20 40 60 80 PL MC LL 20 40 60 80 El FINES CONTENT (%) El 20 40 60 80 Red to orange SILT, with organics, dry, soft, 100% recovery SS Red to orange SILT, with organics, dry, soft, 100% recovery 1 SS Tan SILT, dry, soft, red to orange silt with organics, 100% 2 recovery 5 SS White SILT, dry, soft, white to tan with brown streaks, 100% 3 recovery 10 SS White SILT, dry, very soft, white to tan with no brown streaks, 4 75% recovery 15 SS White SILT, dry, very soft, white to tan with no brown streaks, 5 20% recovery 20 SS Tan SILT, dry, soft, tan to white, 10% recovery 6 25 SS Tan SILT, dry, medium stiff, tan to white, some dark brown 5% 7 recovery 30 SS Tan SILT, dry, medium stiff, tan to white, 5% recovery 8 35 (Continued Next Page) , j—A—W Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. BORING NUMBER PZ5-10D-R / 333 Baldwin Road PAGE 2 OF 3 W Pittsburgh, PA 15205 CLIENT Anson County Land Fill PROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION 375 Dozer Dr, Polkton, NC 28135 z O Q Jv w U =O a 0 �� C� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION — a ov 35 w ~m g FL < o _ LU > 0 OOP W �z� 0 D Q mo> w �w w y v" d A SPT N VALUE A 20 40 60 80 PL MC LL I--�� 20 40 60 80 El FINES CONTENT (%) El 20 40 60 80 Tan SILT, dry, medium stiff, tan to white, 5% recovery (continued) SS Tan silty CLAY, dry, hard, no recovery 9 40 SS Tan silty CLAY, dry, hard, no recovery 10 45 SS 11 50 SS Tan silty CLAY, dry, hard, no recovery 12 55 SS Tan silty CLAY, dry, hard, no recovery, AUGER REFUSAL at 58.5' 60 83 50 Gray SANDSTONE, slightly weathered, fine grained matrix, 2" fracture [RC Gray SANDSTONE, highly weathered, fine grained matrix with 45 degree fractures and iron/manganese staining 92 (57) 65 Gray SANDSTONE, highly weathered, fine grained matrix with 45 degree fractures and iron/manganese staining RC 530 16 (74) 70 Tan and gray SANDSTONE, highly weathered, fine grained 1 matrix with vertical and 45 degree fractures that have iron/manganese staining, and a quartz vein at 73' RC 95 17 (94) 75 (Continued Next Page) BORING NUMBER PZ5-10D-R Alk Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 333 Baldwin Road PAGE 3 OF 3 A Pittsburgh, PA 15205 CLIENT Anson County Land Fill PROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION 375 Dozer Dr, Polkton, NC 28135 w o A SPT N VALUE A z O U w 20 40 60 80 PL MC LL I--�� Q =O 0-0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION — a ~m g LU > 0 z-j 0 D Q �w w n Jv �� Lu FL OOP mo> v" 20 40 60 80 w C� < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 75 20 40 60 80 Tan and gray SILTY SANDSTONE, slightly weathered, tan fine grained matrix at 75' changes to matrix with less fractures and some iron/manganese staining RC 80 18 (78) 80 Gray SILTY SANDSTONE, moderately weathered, fine grained matrix with mainly horiztonal fractures, and quartz at 84' RC 94 19 (94) 85 Gray to white SANDSTONE, highly weathered, fine grained matrix, with 45 degree fractures and heavy iron/manganese staining RC 92 20 (60) 90 Bottom of hole at 90.0 feet. BORING NUMBER PZ5-14D Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 333 Baldwin Road PAGE 1 OF 2 =AIVAAV Pittsburgh, PA 15205 CLIENT Anson County Land Fill PROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION 375 Dozer Dr, Polkton, NC 28135 DATE STARTED 11/28/17 COMPLETED 11/29/17 GROUND ELEVATION BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger & NQ Core BEFORE CORING - CEC REP MBG CHECKED BY EHS TAT END OF DRILLING 71.5 ft NOTES 7-AFTER DRILLING 53.5 ft w o A SPT N VALUE A z O U w 20 40 60 80 Q =O 0-0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION — a ~m g _ LU > 0 �z� 0� Q �w PL MC LL Lu �� ov OOP mo> v" 20 40 60 80 w C� �z < L d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 (Continued Next Page) BORING NUMBER PZ5-14D Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. , J—A—W / 333 Baldwin Road PAGE 2 OF 2 W Pittsburgh, PA 15205 CLIENT Anson County Land Fill PROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION 375 Dozer Dr, Polkton, NC 28135 w o A SPT N VALUE A z O U w 20 40 60 80 PL MC LL I--�� Q =O 0-0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION — a ~m g _ LU > 0 �z� 0 D Q �w w y Jv �� ov OOP mo> v" 20 40 60 80 w C� Ez < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 35 20 40 60 80 40 45 Gray SANDSTONE, moderately weathered, Grey matrix containing quartz, with Iron and Manganese staining at fractures RC 94 (81) 50 Gray SANDSTONE, highly weathered, Grey matrix containing quartz, with a Iron and Manganese staining at a major 75 degree fracture at 52.5' RC 87 (78) 55 Gray SANDSTONE, moderately weathered, Grey matrix containing quartz, with Iron and Manganese staining at fractures RC 96 (79) 60 Gray SILTY SANDSTONE, highly weathered, Highly fractured grey fine grained sand/siltstone PWR from 63.5'-65' RC 85 (66) 65 Gray SILTY SANDSTONE, moderately weathered, PWR continued to 66' then competent to highly competent grey silt/sandstone with one fracture at 67' RC 100 (100) 70 Bottom of hole at 70.0 feet. i BORING NUMBER PZ5-23D Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. , j—A—V / 333 Baldwin Road PAGE 1 OF 2 W Pittsburgh, PA 15205 CLIENT Anson County Land Fill PROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION 375 Dozer Dr, Polkton, NC 28135 DATE STARTED 11/13/17 COMPLETED 11/13/17 GROUND ELEVATION BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD HSA and CC Coring BEFORE CORING - CEC REP MBG CHECKED BY EHS AT END OF DRILLING DRY NOTES AFTER DRILLING 41.1 ft w o A SPT N VALUE A z O U w 20 40 60 80 Q =O 0-0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION — a ~m g _ LU > 0 �z� 0� Q �w PL MC LL Lu �� ov OOP mo> v" 20 40 60 80 w C� �z < L d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 Tan and brown SILT, dry, 100% recovery SS Tan and brown SILT, dry, 100% recovery 1 SS = Red to orange silty CLAY, with organics, dry, medium stiff, 75% 2 recovery 5 SS Red to orange silty CLAY, dry, medium stiff, 75% recovery 3 10 SS Tan and gray CLAY, dry, medium stiff, 40% recovery 4 15 SS Gray ROCK FRAGMENTS, dry, hard, 5% recovery 5 0 20 0 O 0 o OSS 6 Gray ROCK FRAGMENTS, dry, hard, 5% recovery 0 25 0 O 0 S 7 Tan ROCK FRAGMENTS, dry, hard, no recovery 0 30 0 O 0 o OSS 8 Gray ROCK FRAGMENTS, dry, hard, no recovery, AUGER 100 REFUSAL at 33.5' 35 CC (Continued Next Page) BORING NUMBER PZ5-23D Alk Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 333 Baldwin Road PAGE 2 OF 2 A Pittsburgh, PA 15205 CLIENT Anson County Land Fill PROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION 375 Dozer Dr, Polkton, NC 28135 w o A SPT N VALUE A z O U w 20 40 60 80 PL MC LL I--�� Q =O 0-0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION — a ~m g LU > 0 �z� 0 D Q �w w y Jv �� ov OO9 mo> v" 20 40 60 80 w C� Ez < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 35 20 40 60 80 Gray SILTY SANDSTONE, hard, fine grained matrix with some CC 96 pyrite laminations and quartz 10 (79) Gray SILTY SANDSTONE, hard, fine grained matrix with some pyrite laminations, quartz and one major fracture with orange an green staining CC 93 Gray SILTY SANDSTONE, hard, fine grained matrix with some 11 (90) pyrite laminations, quartz and one critical fracture with iron/manganese staining at 39.5' 40 Gray SILTY SANDSTONE, hard, fine grained matrix with some pyrite laminations CC 95 12 (95) 45 Bottom of hole at 45.0 feet. , j_A_F Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. BORING NUMBER PZ5-24D / 333 Baldwin Road PAGE 1 OF 2 W Pittsburgh, PA 15205 CLIENT Anson County Land Fill PROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION 375 Dozer Dr, Polkton, NC 28135 DATE STARTED 11/13/17 COMPLETED 11/13/17 GROUND ELEVATION BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD HSA and CC Coring BEFORE CORING - CEC REP MBG CHECKED BY EHS AT END OF DRILLING DRY NOTES 7 AFTER DRILLING 37.2 ft z O Q Lu w U =O 0-0 �� C� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION — a ov 0 w ~m g �z < o _ LU > 0 OOP L �z� 0� Q mo> w �w v" d A SPT N VALUE A 20 40 60 80 PL MC LL 20 40 60 80 El FINES CONTENT (%) El 20 40 60 80 = Tan SILT, with organics, dry, soft, tan to orange = SS Tan SILT, with organics, dry, soft, tan to orange — 1 SS Tan SILT, dry, soft, tan to white to red 2 5 SS Tan SILT, moist, soft, tan to white to red with dark brown streaks 3 10 SS Tan SILT, moist, soft, tan to white to red with dark brown and 4 dark orange streaks 15 SS White silty CLAY, moist-, medium stiff, white to gray 5 20 SS Tan SILT, moist-, soft, tan to white with black streaks 6 25 SS No recovery 7 30 SS rock and AUGER REFUSAL at 33.5' 8 �Pa�rtiallyathered 35 (Continued Next Page) BORING NUMBER PZ5-24D Alk Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 333 Baldwin Road PAGE 2 OF 2 A Pittsburgh, PA 15205 CLIENT Anson County Land Fill PROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION 375 Dozer Dr, Polkton, NC 28135 w o A SPT N VALUE A z O U w 20 40 60 80 Q =O 0-0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION — a ~m g LU > 0 �z� 0 D Q �w w y PL MC LL I--�� Jv �� ov OO9 mo> v" 20 40 60 80 w C� Ez < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 35 20 40 60 80 Gray TUFF, highly weathered, soft, weathered meta -tuff, more o like partially weathered rock (continued) CC 70 o Y _ 9 (39) O 0 o 40 Gray TUFF, highly weathered, soft, weathered meta -tuff, more like partially weathered rock 0 CC 0 10 o O 0 Bottom of hole at 44.0 feet. , j_A_F Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. BORING NUMBER PZ5-25 / 333 Baldwin Road PAGE 1 OF 2 W Pittsburgh, PA 15205 CLIENT Anson County Land Fill PROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION 375 Dozer Dr, Polkton, NC 28135 DATE STARTED 11/14/17 COMPLETED 11/14/17 GROUND ELEVATION BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger BEFORE CORING -- CEC REP MBG CHECKED BY EHS TAT END OF DRILLING 45.1 ft NOTES 7 AFTER DRILLING 47.8 ft z O Q Jv w U =O 0-0 �� C� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION — a ov 0 w ~m g Ez < o _ LU > 0 OOP W �z� 0 D Q mo> w �w w y v" d A SPT N VALUE A 20 40 60 80 PL MC LL I--�� 20 40 60 80 El FINES CONTENT (%) El 20 40 60 80 Dark red silty CLAY, some organics, dry, medium stiff, 100% recovery SS Dark red silty CLAY, some organics, dry, medium stiff, 100% 1 recovery SS Tan SILT, moist-, soft, tan to white with brown streaks 2 5 SS Tan SILT, moist-, soft, tan to white with brown streaks, 100% 3 recovery 10 SS Tan and brown silty CLAY, dry, medium stiff, tan to light brown, 4 100% recovery 15 SS Tan and brown silty CLAY, moist-, medium stiff, tan to light 5 brown, 100% recovery 20 SS Tan and brown silty CLAY, moist-, medium stiff, tan to light brown 6 with brown streaks, 100% recovery 25 SS White silty CLAY, moist-, medium stiff, color change to white/grey 7 at 295, 100% recovery 30 SS Tan silty CLAY, moist-, soft, 75% recovery 8 35 (Continued Next Page) BORING NUMBER PZ5-25 Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 333 Baldwin Road PAGE 2 OF 2 =AIVAAV Pittsburgh, PA 15205 CLIENT Anson County Land Fill PROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION 375 Dozer Dr, Polkton, NC 28135 w o A SPT N VALUE A z O U w 20 40 60 80 Q =O 0-0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION — a ~m g LU > 0 �z� 0 D Q �w w y PL MC LL I--�� Jv �� ov OOP mo> v" 20 40 60 80 w C� Ez < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 35 20 40 60 80 Tan silty CLAY, moist-, soft, 75% recovery (continued) SS Tan silty CLAY, moist-, soft, 50% recovery 9 40 SS White silty CLAY, moist-, soft, brown streaks, 80% recovery 10 1 45 SS AUGER REFUSAL at 48.5' 11 Bottom of hole at 48.5 feet. , j—A—V Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. BORING NUMBER PZ5-26D / 333 Baldwin Road PAGE 1 OF 2 W Pittsburgh, PA 15205 CLIENT Anson County Land Fill PROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION 375 Dozer Dr, Polkton, NC 28135 DATE STARTED 11/15/17 COMPLETED 11/15/17 GROUND ELEVATION BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD HSA and CC Coring BEFORE CORING - CEC REP MBG CHECKED BY EHS TAT END OF DRILLING 43.2 ft NOTES 7-AFTER DRILLING 46.4 ft z O Q Jv w U =O 0-0 �� C� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION — a ov 0 w ~m g Ez < o _ LU > 0 OOP W �z� 0 D Q mo> w �w w y v" d A SPT N VALUE A 20 40 60 80 PL MC LL I--�� 20 40 60 80 El FINES CONTENT (%) El 20 40 60 80 Dark red SILT, moist, soft, Dark red to orange to gray, 100% recovery SS Dark red SILT, moist, soft, Dark red to orange to gray, 100% 1 recovery SS Dark red SILT, moist, soft, Dark red to gray with black streaks, 2 100% recovery 5 SS Dark red SILT, moist, soft, Red to tan to orange with black parting 3 laminations, 100% recovery 10 SS Tan silty CLAY, dry, soft, tan to gray with black laminations, 20% 4 recovery 15 SS Tan silty CLAY, dry, hard, less than 5% recovery 5 20 SS Tan silty CLAY, dry, hard, no recovery 6 25 SS Tan silty CLAY, dry, hard, less than 5% recovery 7 30 SS Pwr, AUGER REFUSAL AT 33.5' 35 8 CC Gray TUFF, slightly weathered, some iron/manganese staining 33 (Continued Next Page) BORING NUMBER PZ5-26D Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. , J—A—W / 333 Baldwin Road PAGE 2 OF 2 W Pittsburgh, PA 15205 CLIENT Anson County Land Fill PROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION 375 Dozer Dr, Polkton, NC 28135 w o A SPT N VALUE A z O U w 20 40 60 80 PL MC LL I--�� Q =O 0-0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION — a ~m g LU > 0 �z� 0 D Q �w w y Jv �� ov OO9 mo> v" 20 40 60 80 w C� Ez < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 35 20 40 60 80 Gray TUFF, moderately weathered, very fine grained matrix with 45,60 and 80 degree fractures, and iron/manganese staining CC 88 10 (83) 40 Gray TUFF, highly weathered, major fracture 43' with iron/manganese staining, very brittle rock, some 45 and 80 degree fractures CC 93 1 11 (83) 45 Gray TUFF, highly weathered, rock change at 47.5' to a 3" section of highly fractured tan/brown sandstone with dark brown staining, then back to gray tuff with 45 degree fractures CC 100 12 (68) 50 Gray TUFF, moderately weathered, fine grained matrix with 45 degree fractures that have iron/manganese staining CC 99 13 (97) 55 Bottom of hole at 55.0 feet. BORING NUMBER PZ5-27D Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. , j_A_F / 333 Baldwin Road PAGE 1 OF 2 W Pittsburgh, PA 15205 CLIENT Anson County Land Fill PROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION 375 Dozer Dr, Polkton, NC 28135 DATE STARTED 11/15/17 COMPLETED 11/1/17 GROUND ELEVATION BACKFILL DRILLING CONTRACTOR Summit GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD HSA and CC Coring BEFORE CORING - CEC REP MBG CHECKED BY EHS AT END OF DRILLING -- NOTES 7 AFTER DRILLING 30.6 ft w o A SPT N VALUE A z O U w 20 40 60 80 Q =O 0-0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION — a ~m g _ LU > 0 �z� 0� Q �w PL MC LL Lu �� ov FL OOP mo> v" 20 40 60 80 w < L d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 Tan clayey SILT, moist-, soft, brown and black streaks, 100% recovery SS Tan clayey SILT, moist-, soft, brown and black streaks, 100% recovery SS Tan clayey SILT, moist-, soft, brown and black streaks, 100% recovery 5 SS Tan clayey SILT, moist-, soft, brown and black streaks, 80% recovery 10 SS Tan and brown clayey SILT, moist-, soft, brown streaks, 20% recovery 15 SS Gray silty CLAY, dry, medium stiff, gray to tan, 5% recovery 20 SS Gray silty CLAY, dry, hard, gray to tan, less than 5% recovery 25 SS Gray silty CLAY, dry, hard, gray to tan, less than 5% recovery 30 Pwr, AUGER REFUSAL ar 33.5' CC 35 (Continued Next Page) BORING NUMBER PZ5-27D Alk Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 333 Baldwin Road PAGE 2 OF 2 A Pittsburgh, PA 15205 CLIENT Anson County Land Fill PROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER 165-276 PROJECT LOCATION 375 Dozer Dr, Polkton, NC 28135 w o A SPT N VALUE A z O U w 20 40 60 80 Q =O 0-0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION — a ~m g LU > 0 �z� 0 D Q �w w y PL MC LL I--�� Jv �� ov OO9 mo> v" 20 40 60 80 w C� Ez < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 35 20 40 60 80 Gray TUFF, highly weathered, highly fractured meta tuff (continued) CC 97 (53) Bottom of hole at 39.5 feet. APPENDIX B TEMPORARY PIEZOMETER CONSTRUCTION RECORDS Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. WELL CONSTRUCTION RECOIRD-LO—W-All 1. Well cuntmdc orldarmatloe: ark C 7(Z . Wei[ CoarraetorName X7 -a A T[C Wvli Cow C.�ri$tatiaeNambcr CampsayName 2. Wen Canstraction ramt'. List all applicW9 Wellconnn'U=P0r'W& ce UlC, C—"f gme 7rarlmce, e(G) 3. well use (check well asej: Water supply well: Munidpifflublic Agricultural — Gaoth .m (H.M g/Caoiing Supply) E]Miwdentlal Water SuPpIY 41140 TndwwriaVCvmimerdal DRcddctW W"-SnPPtY (0--ld) Ctzo �AgtuferRecbat$e �C.rouod�'&t�r Remediatian �pgn}fe,'StvsagcandRecnvety �Sal�itYHarrier Aquifer Test [3StortnwaW age 3ft'i ..MaiTeehnoiogy [)SobsidM=Contral ]t,cothernmal (Closed hoop) EIIs = =jGcothetnnal n I'm �10—d= lanuundtx#ZI Remarfk�s) 4. Date Well(9) Cdrnplet lb ;u r Twell IDa 7-•s' " 5R. Well Location: V. Can N.C- F,, i&tylOwaerNnme Fesii$ IMVappu-bti) 3 7 s- A llj'e40- JZ ce ll/kix l 'u- Physical Aftc:s. City, and Zip Zle i A Il9at ] C-Wy Pazcoll@emi6ionNa (Flit] +� R rfo cle PotJ _ Parr(.ved e- ft fL Y 4[)iEKFitStnG fo . utd-easedirrHs OR1: &K J lieabk ' FaOM TO ntAbiE1958 T13>r7� MA78$tl1T. 17, SCREEN FROM 1Y► DIAMUM sTtxrstzeTHFCKNM 31 R ;L-im �f ,Yf&TAIRIAL #t R is 1$ GitOD'r WROPA IL -:.--MA1'i<RrAL`=.-.-t1tIrMBITtOD&At1i01iNT Sent eat F� ft R �a 3 a R 3c�s N an•Q _ .or Y�S/It±tDlGitel�Fr•PA[3C d - k -: :,;: . TROM TO itdA'[:sniAT. t g�Cpdsgtrr tlOD . 20 URiI] itttGlG sttachsddidaQslstaa : _ Fxast '[D notz aN6r elk.. � R R iw IL fL ft. R A. R S"ce logs, a GocxhOo rilan . wh44 Ad mac— a- /w*r Sb. Latitude end longitude in dcg _dndnntes(s000nds or dscTmai degrees• 2Z Certification: +- ofwa 6dd one latllaag is soffi6cw) �f�8S34.3.7,.N S. Is(are) ihewrli(s)'�crmanrnt or �F'emporary 3igt seofG:dficdWet)canuanor �e By Jigting lhie forts, 1 herrhy celY� dial !1u xE11(sJ vmN (Neri'J mlui7llelefl l!1 aeoDrdarlCe QYes or Io wlrh 15A MAC 02C _0100 or ISA NCAC 02C .0200 Well Coratraallorr 5randmd* and !hm a 7. Is this a repair to An existing wdl: Iflhts tsa repair. fill out loowaWW aonarnWOM i*nnallan mid srplaln the nature of die copy ofthl, record has hem pmvtd4d to theWllmN,rer. rrPatr wader 021 r markr.recelan or as the h7r3: aflhlr farm_ 23. SW diagram or additional well details: You use the Sack of this page to provide additiattal wen s to details or well 8. For GeoprobeMPT or Closed -Loop Geo�ermal Wells having the same may coashudion details. Yon may also attach additional pages if necessary. coashuction, 0 1 -I is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUhMF R ofwells Brined Cilalt+lri'l'AL R {'PIONS 94 9. Total well depth below lava surface a Zs (fL) 242. Far Ali 'Wells: Submit this form withim 30 days of completion of well For muldple wells /W alldgnhe ttr.We,W (.cmeple- 3@200' and 2@100') eaostnution to the fallowing: 3 • � 00 Division of Water Aesource9, Information Processing Unit, 10. static water level below fop of casing: "+" 1617 Mull Service Center, Raleigb, NC 276994617 �jwater level fs oboe cash+&. an / ft$`Or Cm) 3 t.f �aL 24b. Far zn action wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a 11 Borehole diameter: above. also Submit nne copy of this form within 30 days of complexion of wall 12,Well consfrnetionmethod: > f" .r C6 coamciirmtothe following. (i.. aogo , mtmy, e061q &f9d P136h. eM) Division of Wetter Resonrces,'Clnderg>round Injeefion Control Progralorr FOR WATER Sit1"PLY WELIS QNLY_ 1-4' /1 1b36r&il Service Center, Raleigp, NC 216994636 13a. Yield (9pm) Method of test: 24e For water Srmoly & Inieetlan In addition to sending the form to file addresses) above; also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the caffitY health department of the county Amount: 13b. Disinfection type: - FormGW-1 Noah Carolina D.Fdmcrlt ofEn"m m mto Qoarty-D'aviaan of W—Resaaccc Reva2 2 cd 2-2016 WELL CDN UCTSON 1 L Well CmkadDr r4QrMfi= Mark E rv-s leX` S'R x75i A Nc 4PrIlCuma Ce c�'� Compowwame ZwairJon�a� - LL,r as appfl�de ►�d1 a�trP it8 4. bate WeII(s} compared: 'L /7 wsnmw P LS— �S Call FasilitylOwaarName - - Physi MUMCitY.aDdZIP � S4� JF= Yw#(ffgp ) plo / A Sit. Latitude earl ioegitude � �seoumis or dk�sl [t�veU Set$ oec iet/tong i4 sa�ceerd? SE5'�8a t i`� 4 G3 r w 6. Fs{sre) iht xeD[s ermsae>u ur 3OiA 7. Is this a rcpaQ team gwe&- E3ym or Mo IfrhtsIra rgm4rfrfVaffAhvw"rffconxravdo" rho ramraenfrhe rrpolrundr�d2lrmrarlr*ss+c�ion uroadnebaekafrldtfmn� 6.ForGeoPtobMProrbC er'aWc&bavr these coasltuetion, b y 1 -i is needed. 7ndicato TGrAL NUN OL afmllS - 9. TOW wM dcp& lieiavr laad mr&m � � UP For ontOpk�vr� Urr allul',plhr � %P�- j�Rp�mod7 aC310D'} 10. $,Mfm v am laysl b&w top of asbw- If wnlprlewel Ls abvre aosal� ure +" u. ii0!lhD14 diAmOfCr= G`rso� _ rChQ 3 12 wen zoas{iucMna method: iA VDI f ^ • • �'6 �� (Le. wg , romy. wbkr &redrm% cw-) DaM By slgnmg �1+�1 rpm &,,j' mr* ow ON wet w — (--) --* d' - —rd-- wtth ISAXG4C R2t:.RIRR or 134IVr.4C aZC-Ri00 W-UCb SftmIv* aW thm a OWofMareaaordjwbmy wldedrorhavmffowamw- ZL $ire 49asram or 2d4r[Ho>}sl vre4 detat�3s you may use Otte back of this paw to prnmide add iamal va site details or well oansMxfinn ddM& You may also attach addttionnl PA9w'fn Y- f3liBNal l'IAL t1�l9illC�'[ONS 7A& Far All W - Submit &b form wiffi m 30 daps of completion of well comancamto the fak wine llivisiaa oiwat�zrRrsomses,][efo,matinnPraee�ng43Qlf. 1617MA Sav m Cep, FmIeWPTC 2709-1617 Zan. Far %'eWoa weAs: In addtja m to seadmS dm fmm m the address in 24a abGM also aobu �we copy of this foms svitbin 30 days of oprnplW— of wcu eanwactlon to thefoilowmg: �/ 13ivi.�g of Water B.vmmms,UTit XaWumd L#Cctim Coarse Prow=ma FOR WATER SCIPPLY iS t'2w �(�l IL06 Mai Serv=Cents, i 1�C 276PI)L-16M 24c Far Waftr SUP091A 1 Wclb; }b addi m to surd M the furt to 132. tread {mat) Method of test: Iffie es) ebov% also sahmit ®c copy of this fmm whb in 30 daps of completion of veil Cons0ucfian to ft cumay health department of the county 13n.1T "eel3on qF-- AmwmtvvhereconsErueied Form GW.-1 NmdtCarolinep cntafEamonr talQoaiity-DiviseonofWatsr�esam� RcOsed2-22-2016 WELD r CO UMON FF&M LIMA' LWen 1-ur-aflow a,K E ry j le.-. S'R waitc N— �75`l A NC Well Ca Ca N-*- e-- b Pa :n �. wen usz (ete�t reelL �: F11 �Mraiap�l�ttl=li� � '°°' W.W,& tbf tom) t;alw�str�rty(�} f-MU 0Cammftraw1ic, oftn ttcyftniar 13stotmater Dminw aba 05,E QItMl low) OM-- 4 Date weu(s) Com1�= __LaLi �' w�a wo p'ZS - 52. Wen 1.or S.W F�;titylOwaorName � [tf�} 49 kg �i1 SOILS co-gyi Puteal j►IZR (Pit'f) 56iX.ad4t� Made � muds er dn�tat (ifweR 6etd. aoe 1adlnp8is sutixCirMl W ZC 30 Tr�r sG - Tirl'G�I�C f �. :. To IL { f F� ... FRM To -vim 1� 3a &.5% Ica .-raft- t & a- &mot IL ft IL fL M M �- M IL 2x caffics"In 6 Is(sre)fhewe9(s PtrnueklIIt air M wf'-Y s), && for" l hady CMM�r fkM fhe wrll(d) MW (ver) CaMT&=tod M amordmee 02C.0200 iFelf Cw S7amdmr��dihma i. is this a repa�to aR WdL E3YE9 or jWo MT, l3ANCACDZC_QlIWair lSAIiCAC OOPYafd&rmaxfMxhecnprmddedfvthewrSmvfrer_ aril ueaJilce jrhis u a repWr, fei oaai6roawr,vrjloaruararlfarr ikon � nepatrratder IlZlrermm�aeatlonaroa dieSm�rrrlihf*%- ?3r, �tadragramor adtlLtLrmaE well dd�.+: You W use &e back of this pale t�o paovi&addWand well site ddafl Orwell B Irar(+�piohelARrar�GewTO aL WdkhnittS thesame consmWehaaamisYanmayaLgoadtaeltadtiitittaalpngestftteeessary coaslrucliat, o� 1 -1 is »coded. �iralz'I1�lAI.N1[]MBEi1 of wells dri>le8• 9.fatalweg Ltt4owi®dsarferei 30�d yp 24a. For An WCM9. Submit ibis form within 31) days of rompletimi of well . Fvrmul7e.crJls7taafldepr7u f�e�e(e 3�=�'m�d2(]I00) oonstrocti�fiothe%llncving- + + (�) of waftr8eNowces6Ininzaation Frioeessitrg atilt 10. staltc waits Levelbcbm tap of 1b17MI ASerriaCents.ANC270"-1617 IfwwerkwJisabove=&Awe"+- O ��1 (ire.) t'l Q9 2A L FM In eetioa ells Ln additsm to seadazg the favor to the address in 24a 11,Barchale diameter: above, also submit gate coo of this Came wMa 30 daps of oomptetion of well 12. wen construetioa metltad: tD1 p 1" •� Ca fIc— son%mcdM to t :ffiU0win; (�a anger.EMY, cablr. damt pastyxW-) ivison ofwawrResamces6Uz4o gromrd lnjecOm ConftW Prugsut, FOR WATER M"PLY VIMS 41tII.Y: / 1636 Msii Sw7we Center, PAICV4WC 27639-1636 ¢ 13a Yu3d (gpm} iiletLtod o#1 TAr: For Waftr- HMO & Luier>3an�_t►q& hiadditm to sandingthe form to (om) above ako submit cone ow or this fom willrut 3o days of to lesiwt of weal coasoudiam to bite sty hcaffh deparimwt of the coaaty 13Lt. Disiafestion t5'P� Aomaa>" wht�ecattstrttcted- N�ht:miatma iiapartnaentufFaxvuan�utalQu�Y-DivisivaoE9Vatair 1tn�ed Z Z2 ZOIG Form OW-1 CON�IIG"�U OBD I I. wen CasbsclarIMAW-0ow Qck_ E 5'vi je.r sR . welt Cow MIM- awn ? A NC WeACao�N7°m� jba & .D I I V) DIere- S 2.WeU � #= Comfi: � Y } IJat aUgpptroabk>veXt� � Its 3. well ilea (e2teetttvr>t =* [3ReddoddWater ►() tietwaei3�ply (7 ctzu RedwrBP E3G=,bndR==ymH°m stotWand Nawvrry [33di iy B d. rest teddleehnotw E)swwdw=c,,&ol anal (cwWO LOV) 4.Date WcRs)CompEde& s` 7_L 5a. well LacafiD= �sayrcx>+ F=Tdyrlo(f-ff) nl.C- pftwi 9A C�% MdZi� z® 3r nso4V sb. I,.�t1t�� ;� de�l�o�lds �dram�Al dt: [tiweli F�}.i ane 60/imE is sldRc3eta) To IL ft OR g S),Adfw% 1 hw� aart& rlXu Lb. -war=) war rwavj cwn.=�na tn amo, dzwp- Yes ar v ,atrR IM ATACV2eC-0100 or IFAXCAC0X-02M Well Car v-ftaaX=&udsand ilrwa 7. I9 this 8 rsgan to am a Goad at rkenarmeaftAe If Cher it o rrp�r, ft$a¢nrlrmrvrl �rammrroctimn � aF °Wofdnar=mdkwbewpmvMWfoOn%witawner rppalr carder 1121 rcvtaris secYtmr �� the L� ojNdsjFn+ra- T3. �e or$dtli�tt� wefi ddaiLt Yau may toe thn bark of this page to paovide additional VA site dt�s or web c rr or c - � wa tt� � on delmis_ y� may � a�i r� ifnWAS�rr• CQ6StNCtIOA.O1 1-l>.s>Boede� TT�i�l4�.0���-S c nst �� /5�''t7RtyliTTAT.TtVbiRIICi�OI� I c� 9. Tohtlweli t below land attt T (EL) 2.4a Far AID Wen= Submit this foam witlrm 30 days of co-Plation of well . FormrdRpleweltsAct ettdVkFJd (—rpte-3@2W-and2@IW') eamgmcffmtothe following: 10. sbta� Crater le�ei below og 3 G ,L (L) of Wateriiesomrees,iuformaties g Ufdt, ffw wrtevdoah aiearsii>g are' " 6r s�r�riu.) 3 eac& 1517�1SgvirxC�tet,Ita4egt,NG27699-16I7 24b- For Ig WeRr. in addition to sag the form to the adder in 24a II. Borehole dist�cr: above, also submit we copy of this fHIM vkhin 30 daps of COMAelion of well 12. Wen mast UMB method: •� CQ �omsuacamto thefoiiowins (io. ems may, ca>G &MFZQL Dim ufWgwrBesr►ot ees, U d hvcv ioa CoaadPrOg-w- FOR WATSB SUPPLY was ONLY: /(r/ 1636 i4 A Savlcc Center, 1 ,WC XIM94636 13aiCteld ( ) — Melba oft 24e. Far W Sc ;ft In additimm_ tossudmg the form td the rocs) dxwc� also submit am eappy of this fam within 30 days of caUpletiau of well lion is the County healjh depa=eW of the county Apt~ 13h.AiamfeetioatJpa wheracanstrtt tee Form OW-1 M�ht`arvli�Depmtmmtofinvuoarr> Q. Y'ihvidanoiviT�$rmiaccs Rcviud2-222016 2 LL CONS"rRIICl'ION RECORD 1_ wen confisdor Yabr-adow i le r7 . WCltconkmax ziv? A NC weft c °M-aber 7,ea bO G .D ! Comp&uyNeim /� 2. well ewwwwam Ptx>mt� TWaft wimbb:�dlaonau 3. Wt11 Usc (cbc& wzff Dark (Hea6 S 9} E I f- A wa &I omwe.,t+� List We6erNapplY C tC.zo stuta�s�ulBuaverp ��'`�*�ie" Test c"Tllcd= W Es c + mal (Ctased LOOP) r7 wellm# Z.5— SS 5s. wrB j--' -, Gn FacdirylDwoerNsme FanTuYIDgC�) nsaOj w t?mretlaeauifi No t> &.Awdff&MftvM=Uft deffinew fL ft. a� wh-i n6 _ hmw-.. 4L 14 vr� ULL &Ruu de it �: V v A� • V v �• CL[wclt 6J&®itarl=s is sue) ly �� siesftw�aca �° 4.3s(ars) the �ia�"eet u'' � gj, si�� y lmeby � tEoo� dbs,.ark) ma f�) ar «�.� otaYt w � o wid.lSd11»i1C�2C_011W rY�tNC�iCDiC_oDaniYeBCarlsu�uaa mcdAm+a ,Uth 1�Aara�m lrrooarrr�+w�r�les m orhwbMprvvrdedtvfiftUAawner. ,�,aidei/2f ��eetrrauv orwi uie6arkajQdrfuran 23. Sibe �m ar additiva8i we11 deta� We11a having the same Y. =9 use the ba& of Wis pagh W provide adM-msi well site dcWls or well it. For Gmprdbe M's ar � G 1 coasnuioa A&A, s You maq also atfsdl sdditlonal pages ffneec�atY camstrudion. 1 -1 is taw&& ie&ew TMAL NUhMMt of wrib dreilr�l;CYIRARI7TAY.iIiITRUCPLOI+iS_ �• �• �� �) 24st Ft`r All_ Well Submit [Iris form within 30 dep of GOM1eaan of well - 9,,,.ndlvrdl �lowlaat!smft 3 08'mid1[Q]I007 mmshadiontothefgowi : Fer vnrflipde wit tis! air �plkr %Jd lam- DwwanafWater Reson+Tes, on�Unit, 1Q Sta6c water level &F&mv '+ ail s 1617 Mall Serra C ,1 ,1+iC 276991617 Ijspurer faNel it above caste ire "+" p r 11. Borehole dlameler- I/C�t- ('pp.} Lt �O 24b. For 1n"� eitg: E, addition to seuftg the imm to the addmw in 24u i �dl above ako st$.a. OW -0f OAS E-M wWm 30 days of oowpleffoa of well 12. wen consbvcdm -waob tatl i D_ 1"` •� �6 �— _ _ e�w.l . t d,-, oliowing: �e io6oy, f` cpnds�) ltiv?easnofwatm'Bmm=es,Undmvomsdlwjafi=C0ntfoiPrq"EI4 FOR wATFR 911PPLli w giV1,7(: �(f �� 1636 Mm7 gerwke Cen r, itateigl4,NC 27639-106 13a. Mail Method eite� 24c Far Water S4aroiv & laicedonl Wax In aft as to stag the form to {gpm) the C,l} above also I*mit trots eapy of tip fom VAafin 30 days of tomplciaa aF weg consW,, im to ffic vmmW Im th went of the eot;niy 13h.11isns[ecti4ti f9Pe= A�11aD� WhCd�l�- Form OW-1 NorthCamUnapepacunrntafEavisnnmenm!Q�dY^Div�siunofWsterRes MI= ticvimd2-22-2016 WEI.I. CONS"1RUCHONRSCORD GA--1 1. well Coatsac erYulbromlio : ,q,k. E s�i le r �R X S 1 NCWoIlCaC�N� _ 2.well PcmHft0- PkL1Z rf �;St (dr � i4euCalbrrCG�Wr�* t� t7t� cry. � v -— �� 3. wdl Usc (ch=kwdl —)c (fieaiiagjCoo�iagS�Y) �g�tiaiWstrr �pptyr (�) ommucial Oftad-" watrrsepAY (Sh--) �, GZOlfltri�. hmw rjomml,�ltmftim agetutdltecavay �sall�ly) dTechnology (Ctosea LWQ) 4.Daft WeRS)Comp> a: 5 3 wellml� PZ5—Sb f. well 1,oe.tlow Can � �r /V•�. racaay�oi�ertaa� �,-�s»Cd) rwow &mm;& cox —a TV Soti] -�14.t3t3x+0� bs-IL IL ft fi fL Ay OLI3 sfL > hkvff=ff-w&QW9 It[ wh n6 q- 56 l atlttide sad ordt axial deg-= ,& y 2Z. 1bHi: (rFweII &K a= bvIloaBig sawmw - !G`f`7o3tzC- W1 gst�S��rC 1� -- I nop due the wars) was (-M) mmareer d hi a zord.= Qf 2W DWO"r' wQaasu .Mh HA 1J"CWC SJrW or IYA WAC MC_MW ifefl Cone atotr3aandwrdsmul!&� a lrotkexellom� m tan0Yizrl C°p1`°frhisremndhQrbunpoml lTs impair rmdrrRF! fertlmi ar oArleeb�+taftklsJbP+n. 2�. �tp tlr 8d91�V�1 �1� You mW use Ste back of this page is provide addidmsI wrll site detai13 or well 8. For GoOpro1�1P1' ar (2o�-imp Well�lrgviiigid+: sans �'ls- Yon mayalso attach �1 ps$;es ifneo�aty. consftuction. 1 -I isricedtd Indirate7�DiALifUM�EitofwualLs 9 Total vrdl dcpffi bcbwh ad surfx= ) 24e tQ AB We]W Sam t ztjs foam whWn 30 days of —Milled- of well - For eadapfewc&aaulf ( 3Wm'aW2War) CGU& dtoUtoilicf0loVimv Ieformattaa2m Qtdt, �. Iiivi16 10. Stack water kvrl below lap of ca14g: "}" 7lV A Serves .WC 276N,1617 jf wafer Level it aLove une p �arehole diaaielrr_ �df �'�i+ fm-) 3 Lr / ack 24b. Far l ' " Weas: is addition to stndmg the fm= m the addnm is 24a 11, abav� also �t one WPyf aFthis fain Within 30 days of ivmpleiiaii of well x2. well constrttcoou tsetha b " CU �! man m the sollmvm� (LC emuffy.Qbta,d�P®�ar') s, RaFwattr> aarof�.Umd-w--dInjecti-CaatrelPrQ9sm: WATER PLY YV LIS t)1►li,Y: ArfA 1636 DMServke Cetdw. NC 276WI636 �FOR Yidd (gpm) Method of tt 24, Far Water &W& & iniediN W� is ad" m to acad"mg the form to �e addct (�) � also s i Wt one copy► of dais fiism within 30 days of com& ion of Veil eo�uction to the � beam t of the county l3lr.11isinfee6oe type: dab wh�ecaactcd dorm GW-! NaRtirtmlaen rsmtufFavnananaial Q�mlity-nivi�anafWate[1t 222 2016 WEI,r, CON gTRUc ON itECo 1.well raatracoorIafarma 4rjC S�der �R . wetl cu�emrN�pe x7 s -1 A r�cweucrrl� frs: arl r ranbre,�at rr a � M cavaX Sum Far. w . 3. well Use (a b-kwelt vfi* OMmrierpaUPOhlis (i-1 W,r.ft&.p ) [jR=WcnW Walcr (si'Mft) Mnulmrig Epwgd-dd Flatwslapply(sb—O c `Z4 E3AM,1� �S®lmtiyB' 4.MteWeWS)COm0ft&q I is r7 wa wa 4 rw ►•� • Fecaulrlbwne=Heor Fae�yll�(�') A 56. l.alimde earl bagltede �seaaadsar dt�intal degm= C,fweR se1� � tad4ansu) �s'�tiF43 43 i��tg3?3. z �- w TIA& f rc- fL a fL r'�h r« t� aL 22 CtxtiGcatiorF '� � •- -_ - Daft 6. ls(sre) the vnM(s)Wer=== or ®`Te rary lmrhy r �� vw (pew) emansromd ar aeawdanee Oy- or 7-YS tht+ a+�d'to as vve11: �� rlAenaarm afrl�e �npyhtr.ra arl�bearprwldr�mr7so��Cardsmrdlhma ffrlrrsuarrpdr,,j�Qm�taa�awvr>a�fwontrsrdiwi�b repatrrm1Aertf3lr scatra►Oran &cbj *gFA&fwM ZL Srte Wan or ad9fisnalwdldetafs yea mag l= the barb ofiiouis pe to p additional well site ddarls or well S. ]For GwpmbeMPT ar Cksb&lAop Gwftm val Welk having the same omaftucflm deSa& You msy sW attacdt addWoaal pages ifnecessaty eonst�uatios, ugly Y l is oxdcd Iodfrate'CGCAI,Iy[31VD MafvxHs SIMM rre3 INS# 11Li[T[ON5 drilled N J ^� L -� fi) 9.F Total vvdl lw Lel !ate B: Far AR yV�: Submh ihie fom within 30 days of MMOM® Of well . 3 mrd 2WOn Vj"w# (�F�- ��� OmshacW 6o � to the f011aiwing:orrrmflrpde�vrJLvlGsradt 7 8 (it) was afwafcsRas ces, �h Prdeesdng IItttit, 10. SM& wain Ievel belay top of CM&g: "+' 1617 MaD Sen= Czatm, VA" NC 27699-1617 1f leurl is afmve as aye +� / `i ��C'�L L`f S%W (m.) 7Ab. For Taieetlan WIRE hz aMAiaa to se�dmg the foes w the a Mn= in 24O I1. Borehole diAfsF teF: .3 a o submit C= copy of" ram within 30 dap of conWIctiap of well �t 12.Well canstre anmeONKL' trCml f — ice onmtiscfOlkwb9: (ia eogatmtffiy.w4t4dazd .ese7 BividonorVAOrResonras,if osdL+ =A—CaairolFragrnm. FOR WATER S1MMY W t3NLY 1636 Atal 6eroua Ceatar, Ral ,1'IC 27t�14 i&iti 13s Yield (g{tm) � offish 24c. For Water & i " On W Is ad&6= to s�tng ft form to the (cs) abovr, alm ssbmit Onc cagy of this fwm wrthiO 30 days of of well coadnK ion to the comty heal& depadrnent Of 0te cOuW 13b ljidnfutisntype: Amount wherecanstractO- iVarthl-�olrtm oflw�ironmw�l tZpaliry-Us�ia®nf Waflerfi Aevaed 2-22 20i6 Foffn GVIF-1 WELL CONSTRUG"iZON RECORD LC -11 L wdl Costrar,#trlawmasm WaH cdnftUcMrNM= x7S4 ►4 NC WellCo rC-'N—b- C'mPaWRAM 4. Daft -Wens) r otsplrtea: ' R 3' W., U, P ZS- G Z) Cc3AJ Fac;litylOwaarName _ 4 AFO--A ] N.C. Fi nTdY IMCLtk) sb. dear �r�rt�d aegra= (tf".usadasufficica) 4zq4 9. G 8 N s.Is(sre)1ltewell{s} 'e�as�t IV 7. Is this a repair to as Ming wtll: Dyg or OTO tke nurrue afrhr IfrhtruanpxrfNlaa�rl600Ksv cos►srraataae5 orm as � rrpatr wader Alf fenrmtias0h0 ands the fi-*Ofth&faM S. For r�a+ubelDPl' ari7osed-Imp C.wll�erasalweil9 baYm$�s� enasts+tctioa. a� i. -1 is IsdicaeTOPAl.lr UMTiJ+R of wells drilled: J, f� i 7&vcby Offloy,har weu{s) um {read) cwsftwed rn aceordo= ,vial, M WACo2C_01M orMNGtC 02C.GM W a Con *ar grmwf",Gs=d rhat a ..pyVroffrewrdI=bc=P V&WraAffW fawner_ -7-% SW 4b gtra>aoraddldong sre]i4e4ft you stay = gehacir of this page to pmvide additional v& site deWU or well conshuWan ddar'Ls. You may also attMEEt additional POBAS if> y ti ,III : Iti-I-4t I RIOI } 9.Total WMdCP6 MOW law earr*c- `� � f�1 24a EU Ali w Submit ilns fwm within 3D daps of oampieuos of well . Formrrlr7pk,�dLslLsrdidkyt7ctif {fie 3�2f10'ar�d2®IDO'j consunctkatotbefailowinw IU Static rester level below top of � ' � (L1 tfwxerrecr11ra7mc=&&ram UM +" `r ' ar i�ac 11_BordWediametw. So. Cam.) 3 iZ wen tansiractioH snedw&tt0l t^ A C6 fy— (K: anger, M%Wp. ®bie. rfaw push. Ct) nivisfnn of Water Resnarres, lef4rma� � �� 1bi7Nfafil5es�iceCeiatQ Balelgb,l'IC27699-1ti17 tali For InflEfin wells: In addition to ceding the fmM to tba sAhm in 24a abpM also subot one copy of this fmm withal 30 daps of POMPIction of wdl consintrii on to the fbHm vhm w /� DW on ofwatwR ,1T Iajecffea Comtrvt Irrogrartt, FOR WATERSUPPI.Y VYFd.7 S ONLY: /�/ � 106Ain1 Smke Cems�, RaI�,PIC 2709-106 13a Yrr3d McAhad oft 29F Fvr w� y ' m In adilittm to scudmg the � to (9PM) the addwss(cs) above, also soma ace OW of ibis fart v�tin 34 drys of Amount; rplctim of well � to the coamY health af the MMty 13h Ilisr+nFestiaa type: wbcmcrostt m=& Fo. OW-1 NwihCantina1}eprtmontofEavuvnm ntalQ®Uty-M'vntO°ofWO=Rcmxtas Revind2.22-2016 wELL Gp tUMON BEC LIM 1 1. Wen Cotttndwbbn=f-w —Mark- I Pki ler- S'R vv-.uC,t— v.-sC A Nc WeflN-ibrr zwertomftocamroakft I OW L.0 -eue fce t7t+;co�ry, >re �i 3. Well 17ae(check well=* lrc ammercial �Re�atiai W�r�iy(l tzs ReChasge �(�Reseeclra� ShuagaandRwavmy "lest �oamwaterrl mtstTechnokw ��C�ir01 adfoO edlnop) 4.Date WeR(s)Con S" 1 W.Umw SR. Wen IACS90 : FacitityfOw—W— FsrrftMACrf*Vfra6&} ftdbfAdd=.CiW. -dzip z� s I1 S�l�] r�tealr�.trtrfl 3b. l ati�deat4d�® �atd dsord l (ffweII field. as iaf�ad `fit) f TMALW fL _ _ a Ws-fL 9 i-- k q,6 v tStsA vm.r CX YG, SAS R 4t; iS+' cw yea %fr t}. n i lz fL nlr 2Z motion: 1=0 6. h(we) the weg(s)Mrammm Or & rAgt the wea�rj wm 6wrrl eomn�eered m mapatsdmxe BY �8 �+ne ! hut:5y QYes or Mo a'�/h070 C�f�mRJ 7. Is th(s aiepalr to as t:rbCMg wet1: ljr&IsLrar,�rAa�Jbw�er,�lcooesarauinnirfarniw► the Hamra ofrbe (ilt liC��O1PNCl.fti p Qaf+ r4pdPi ti21 r�nar�ur av ��tlre BmeEafddsla*st 23. Sift gym or addWannl WdIdEtaft Yau may m - the bwk of this paw to pmvide adddinnai WA she details or vial[ L For CwuprobdDPr Or Closcd4LmWCcoffwrmdWdbhaft the sme tonshuctkm dcbuls. You stay also attach addff onA pages if taary. conshucuo]3, Ii-1isneck& ��TOTALNUMBERofwAls drill fiIIBlVt17'1'AI.MNF R[Lc'IYc'A�ts 9. Total well dcpM blow l=d ffw f2= 5v --Aft) 24s. Far AnlclM: Sulu " fom< within 30 days of aompleiien of well . For iplewellsRu�fdepf7aij a :( 3�20Q`rmd2®1A0') �onbotheMmvi Jr' 10. $tatfc water hvd >bdlaw inp of clemg: tit S (Ft) «+" Divistam of Wa wResomr=%InformQfiM Proms Uldt, 1617I4Iai1 Service CwW.As W NC 2709-1617 Brwwerkpd iv abaw mhe wpm tl �`'�W din.} Lf �a 24rs For ItrieeEion Weller in additftm in smdiaq the farm to tfie address iv 74n 11. BOre�letiiamerer: abover also svbznft mm �P9 OF this farm ~ 30 daps of cpropldion of weft 13. wdl Conan mod: �, IQtA! � r -- C6 �_ _.— 6u tq tf�in}]aevmg: Ct.a wem = my. mb%. 9 P35 , dr-)T� FORWATER smpL3f W�.S ONLY- St�C , Ralc%otNC 27ML106 �A=�A�106AUB ll�ethTAcForWxg&r & I " `gg W 3n to sen(Ift the form to Ere adthem(es) above also sabrait aoo ctspy of *k fumr W ' 30 says of complefimr of arell its bo Ilse om iLy Iteatlh md of lbe cotmty Awltctucted Farm OW-1 PdmthCatolmaDcPmun ntufEuvinmw etdQmtity-Divia000fWarrrBesotuns Rieviwd2-2220I6 WELL CUNSTRUCUON RECORD ACM-1 1.wen coutmelorlun mas— _4� E SVolk Catma�or N® A NC well Ccmrars� z. WeU C rffRfit#- P `�s'� ISrt arra,�pricarire.a�awtstrrtrAaopeQmttsr� t71� �, s� �aa;r.. �) 3.WcUU=(&c&WO=)- Y) mmuercW wa6erSupply(shared} ft. YAM Ire - t7 $ 8r ywt: harp wandRWDVW ElsslirtitYBmfa t [3SmmwwzWD=hmV/� kiTecimO)agy �S Cfuelcai (euosed Loop) :,. la �u sltti �i ►n S� .U4-IL 4i+0.T IIZA g I•IL �2/f{` C'i! E-lm m I!'ICYtn:�lir&w�.ss�Yndcatr�eslflaL�e� eotlx�mai(fl OlutgttetUM) JLMff1 fjUUWtruc„QVA. j ! EL D. were) CoMIFIeted: S / v-WeII lD� �Z� 5 4. Date I. 14 Sa. waed Low= C�a fr: PWmI A&heM C$y Weer A9-0A] (v Lace 'ii C-IW5"e '4 E 4 W:a na 4 m rse�s Or aet ifnal sb. �tit�,� 9,aa Ie�+�' CfweA ficJd.rm IWI-6 a mfiuient) m �; Q� — ` _ -A ` 6. h(am) the wdK, er--m2t or ffiftempormy FCF164- 7. Is this a repair to as emfkng tvd h QYes Or Ma 1JfhrsoaWarr JUoetbmmad1cvnrlr>remn fmramfespIaWthe BW—Odd rmpalrmhr I71 nmwbawff—.,a» tdw bacrreflhrsfcYm. & F.r GeaproLdllPr Os -I.AopG I weds haain *c same consw dion,n i -] lammed jmhc TOrALNUNBEKQfwe]ls drMad 9. TOW wen dep& bdow land sm G1cei ;. a as ad3®1a0'i Xurmul6pfe w�erti IW WI dd. pr( 02m, 10. Static water kvd btkW top Of e ) f%waverre►ellyobomca+g;psc +" 11.Borebdietdsmeten C.."Sb 12.wedeous"COM A", ao rm (i.c augmMaw. treble. d`ucd na. -rugd (gpm) A&SWd eftut 13b.DismfecWn types Aum n ft si nzuFf�atif�►Wellcan m ur By croft thrs form I hereby cc* mbar the >aaefrfs) wm fin) cONA"mftl frt acaotdance wirh ISM WP IC =.0100 or IYAMOIC 01C.OM Well a -RaWi rds mtd lW a rnpyafrhtr recandh� lm®+provlda'dm the iorAoaarna_ 23.Stedsgn morsddwnfmlwd defer: You may use the ba& of tlas pW to provide additional well site A-11 Or well cansftuc nnddm-K YOumayalsosttatdfvMWonalpagtsifn y. �A9P1`i'ALINS7'AIJCTiQ 1� 24% For Alt 'OVelia: Sbbmk dhis fam wM io 30 days of cattkple6® Of weU coustfut onto the SolicmhW DbhftnerrwsjWltemams, Tmfiwmationrroce2vingUnk 1617 MM S vks C UDWt F ,NC 27699-1617 241L For 79e[:lan Ia addition to muding the f = to,he address in 24a above, also submit Ode r.OM of this Am w 30 days of wmp7ctiun aF wen uamto thefonmviar, ill WWu u waiw Remumm Uhder&Tv=d Iwecfve Control program, 1636li aserwhrC mi r, R&TcIffi6NCZ7699-106 24c For Wxtor ftF& & IgIgtion In addition to s=diag the fora tO dfc addmss(es) abom also submit ®e copy of Ibis fmm odium 30 days of rompldinn of we➢ txkusftU=hM U the oodutY btdffi d4=ftnemt of the cOunry -%huc conshurtei Fn.m GW-i HurthCmaliam�ofFmYQamnesimlQualiq'-Divisiemot NfaurAeswaaa s Revrsed2 zt 2016 WELT, CONsrRucrYox RECU Gw f L wdt Corcmdur-hfart mam weucmw�*� A NC well Nmatrr lea �o 4) re"ll."1141 CompsayNams awenv��= Dk4s-e. � dt ra,.dr tr�+�rmr-com y..Sb=>r ua) 3. well Use [�wdl tuck itc or al E)gIWcItmlWAWSWPIY(*—XI) tZ mjpmdRecavay E33-wAyBzdw t [)SmwswDmbwV dTecb~ 0sAidwwCadmI (Ckmzd Loor) a.Aate�ve0(s)Cb=pleltd= L6 r' wen. PZs- sp. wellLGMOM FaaXg40waerT&MC Sacs C ) PhyviW Adds. CiR-4rBS— A ns-osi CG=IY t 1�xa (mil (:farctl find, oneleolfa�g is1 314! J1�u�I S ic 3.*L ft- I`f rm-9 EL EL ML •- c�5"Qt� 44 RG-1 C . !� w ,71 r 6.7s(are)ihewCg{e� Ir. fi& s �W-9 Dam BY Aiwf— tha &%- weU+) •w (wm) =ommwd ft amor&— _ Dy- or ale 1SAA�ACV2C1110o nr MATAC WC.t M iPdt C=ft-ff-Sawd-& -d &w a l aue� 7. Is this a repair to an pis n Dw by Wdl amutr+w'dw+ fi#br—,- andagdam pM rAft *die d0P9 Pl rid b� deernPrvrl�d � * leperrmdEl#21 xmufxaodm yr au AM haaFq%EbisjF Zip a or wdl i You may use the back of fftis page to Wide adwell Bite detmlt or well 8.For Gc l"bdDPTor[ -Imp {Wd6bsvingdtesame C*n9ftWfiMdCtwlL Yonmaystso--Iaddido"Pa8'+wif>z ]'- consmwflon, o I -I a ueedod- Mcm TOTAL NUMBER ofwdb 9 Toial wtn d fi&whmd wr&= (IL) 741L For Ali Wear Submit t & farm within 30 days of ComptCkon of welt . reranrrip�e�araruunu�(��2�m'���7 s'4nstEuCh tub �' 10. Static water level tebw lop of (ft) Divider of water RewurCMb&m=fim ProCasiing Un% 1617MagServieei ;32aie ,I�iG17699-I617 JfwxerlewJbabove cuftMW % `rs�+ f) 3 &' eae =' 7Ab6 For Wltc m WeIIs: in additin to smdisa the fnim to die sddmss in 24a I1. $orebde dbunetev. abovC. a1M submit one � of th'm Rom 30 day& of tompigtian of wcL .� e6 _ la Weil Cons armto the fanowing: FOR Vl►ATiiR SIIPPbY W$1.YS aN1.'V ' /r� 3S61VI"a0 Sic C�1sr, l�dgi<,lYC Zi�4-I,�G 24c For Wahm I iWens:Ia ad&fim to wading the form to 13a,7Cield (gpan) Method o4 the addue(cs) dwvc, also submit one uW of this fmm witlim 30 days of COMPICtian of wdl awgmdiog to the comely health dt:}t hnM of iha comLLY 13h 3lisbtfeclon ty A where acted_ Fame CxW-t Nmih Cataluna uepanmcnI1afEuvftuAmcWa QuefdY-Ihviewn of WeterReswucet Revd 2 22 20I6 WELL c N9MUMON RECO -� 1- Wen r.+oaftudOr sue, f le x- �R Well connatmrwmnc 4L'7SY A IOC Wellc1urabr Z-ea Do 'b (';'I•'A lief arl appFrs�re w,dlsnmvaa�+Pr+ ['oraey, Y �) 3. WeU Use (Cbc& well rV&w*mhffi& (HCaa g ) aI W&a3mAt9 (siD&) ommercial W watw q'ZY (shmrcd) C'Z d Welt RCS tvat�rRrnindtalt� Sft3vRpWdRt vvM �]S YBzuder Test bmw7tdmolegy - Ind (cad LIMP) 4` Date WeWs) CO=VIcft : S d� ! ? Wend ZS- `l IN 51. WeRlAw"em Faa�ig�rOwaQNaaa: t'ae7ttyII3�`rz€�pT�%) I! SCs p�,rx0. can �r 5k I,adEnde �d - � degm— rtfweR&Moon107mg1s) ifs �_854 .44 _n IC 3W t(I1,--I Ssf,,- o tz Lf-7f PL- hl- mom 170 DIAMEM 7:SL+I.:,... �Aasiaret nm ntet�s¢tt sr� AM ft- fi. u dvs f SlV—k2.5 (-YL� tits �Ji �a r�t<f' & it. $ . a,zscs IMP 6 Ta(aie) iLewelfrs' a rent or y. rhfffaM I hwdy czno rhae da ww(4 um (wr e) conmuded id aeewdonm QY or IWO with [MAUAC 1l1" C.Olw or 1361VC1C 03G.OM MY � m+d,rnm a 7.1 s this H rt !O as ljrhlalsarr�JNlaar�own�eiloormrirfanwa���"r"rlsenuotw=nl►he °0�'dl��cnrdffi�beuipm�adwd�emdlawncr. r�poi,^ �oedu l✓zr,rmm(as�n orawdg 6umtafNt�f� 23. S:ibe t%m or ad�tolaal Yon may tw &e back of ibis pW to gm Ma arlditiaW well site Befalls Or Walt 8.F�GeopreirdDl os (s p WeltglBER the same n i7s You amyalso allwJiaddfimW palp ifnecessaty. lica oIWA conshuCtion,f►piY I f��-1 is�ede� Ia�is�6cT�1'ALNfIMSF:fzofwe]La mcdc& dn�led' /�Ijj d r1 _ S[iI3RtIPt"i`ALIlY� 9. Total wdll dro bdffw later Saner { ) 241L For An No= t Na bm tivithin 30 daps of ommpptesinn of WaH . For md[ip cwe&&Ialldgdff#-u +F(mmwk-3@200-OW2v10) Eon�uC[loglotLcfolluwio=; lo. Stat[crveter levd bd w tgp oEc&9bW. `r _- _ _.{ii) " Y)ivislun aiWater wncses� xi�a�tiun Psoees9iugUnft. 1617 Mall Servtoe Cesoer, Rat s NC 37699-I617 (fearer revd h aboae oaring, are t 6t Ifc fam to for addms in 29a 11.1Borehola distns bee: Gf1Sor �m,� 3 1 ac& 2Ab_ ForWlertfun Wells: In addition to sending above, also mbmh ®e cVy of lbis fmm wphm 30 days of oomptcdon of welt I2.Well ®nsftrcB nAwtb* : � •► e6�— pmst�vctientathefaIIowin� (i.a- auger, eumsy males dues nth, etc) Iiivis�oa of WaterRfsomres, IIto�tl7ejed'ion C'anital gym• FOR WATER SUPPLY WiifAi OHI.if Jai/ 16361V6� SaviceCter,l(acig ,l�iC 2T�9-1d3G 13a.Yield(gpm) �� � 7AG Fat• Wale: 1� 1 " 7O addition 4r scad'mg the forest 1a the od&ess(es) above„ also V&Mfft am COPY of tills form within 30 days of emnpUtuoo of wM cwmkmdion to the e�ty bealf dgmtmem of the Gamily 136.DisinfeetlontyPe:, - Ate whereQonsh'oceed- Form CrW-! Tio�th Cmaluia SkpeetmeM nfFievu�eatal Qmlay-IJiYisam of W RrsamRs Ravlmd 2-22-2016 WELL CON3TRUCTYONRECORU GW-1 1_ wdl cuntrachrr Iabr ct,k_ E Yv-t Ie a~ SR . weuCO=wmrN - 2P7sL? A NC want'oNc�b� lea DO 2we11cmWacumpe"aftft Pkere- S 3. Weil Use (dmCkWeB isek {may] �wr�sapp�{single) a„umcciEd �wateTs►�pt9{ 1 G'Z [3Gmmdw4,RcmeffiAtim Starwandliecovery E3s9h&.y}3cminr Test KnWT r 0 CGsmA eW (Ctosndl uap) 4. Date wdt(a) Camplde� s +� } wen nw pZ S " lob s�.wen= Fate�uSdOwaer3�Tao� Fsei1'4p IDt'-[cfapplrah�} 317s- CIS* r�t3a i can Comer 0. $J> R I _ u4,141- &Oater- I�ticjq - a40nC Co rev i 7:��'is.-..---:.-.,_.:r:.::-•-.-.-,- .__-_,. S 7r" U. �a m az�'rrt�ir. ft iL fL �stii+mds�racrc �^ a dM 4 3 f. 7 i— 1L ► � D` 6C4 2>� � �� (ifwell field acv� ie>l�is } c{�coaG 83_N !G�f44!3 t°Y A--Snr_ l / f 6. Is(are) the wefl(s}�aemt or C�poxeiY _ DM �r I elan the maN xws FoeroJ ogled in armrdarn�e Ov. or2wo �' w�Li I 030%l Cos am Sinei a owner mrd r7rCrmAaeofr]Fe 7: te' tbbs a repadr to an a Irfepf7mrfrr't.wrO�drerrp' JrrNelrrearulslbsoeoNxnkv�r wo"ftnvWdhahftproVj*dAOffWmm - ora�ai rlrehael•+�d+�farr�OF fialtrl � g� er aerntd�r pBs1 Wkit you mpum�fe hack of this peen to pmmidc addhimO well sfte deteila or well S. For GmproWDYT w ChntUp Geothermal Wells hoeing the smmo conshmCdon dchuls_ Yen rimy aLm atlaeh additiwal paps if aneexaaty. WnsEAICtioD.l►�y 1 I is mn:d d. to WO TMALNUNBEtL ofer Us � t_EMSYMPLA dnned� J / 7S - {f] a 9. Total W& bebw I� surfer i4� tII Aid wdli': 51ba ibis fatm wOd 30 clays of rmmoe iun of wall . ----- or,wlriplaweth![:<affdepely f (e �3[ojl�'mid2®100'j Consftac to thef&owing: 10. static water lend b&w tDp Of ems: 'A R ] Division of Waif p wVrq s, Waymattoa Procewft Ulflf. 1617 Mail Sexvid ccmter,BalebNt 27699-1617 Is abode easb;z rfSOef C+ri-) 3 �t Q� 74b. ForTniextten. wdix to aaditiun to sWdiag the fmm m me aftass in 24a l I. t3orebult above, also -submit Om copy of tlris Rionwi9riu 3(3 days of comptdion of well I& wen emshmcf-a mod: fotlessvmg- (i.a saga mfg15. �4 daeetp�l4 e�a-1 IIIVi�ptt of WBferRs IIII��d �l�e C�hrot Yrogram� IrOR WATSitSOPPLY WEiI80PII.Y: /I 16M Man SenIm C®ter, R&Id^NC V699-106 13a. Yield ] DSNhod oitesh 7AF For Wst� Bimini* & l ieetiun In additim toscnd�g the form to .the ad&e ss(es) above, auo submit an copyCompletion of Y>as feam wrtlrin 3tt Mays of Of welt diva le the oosmtp ma ffi depattmmt of the cam y 131x Aismfeetioo type: _ Amy c�ete oaasicueted NaalhCmoimu ix�t of£uvisannusiat Qoaiitq-Divmafw�rlt Revtcod2 ZY 2n16 Fame [iWd WELL CON UMON RECORD GW 1 I. well C 71z, watt rA� x?$t? A Ncweueaau--d-c .b compmWKIM Z_Well.Caesir=�ese S llaf u]I eppJ� adlawrrtracdorap�ttr (� �G Cep, �� Ymfmsrx etrtii 3. WeHUSC (che&-cg (iicdingJCodifhgstrpply] �VVa�SupplY(simgk) WaLerSnpply (� qtZ RMI-W E]awntaterRemo affm $wnWEEadRcwvc'Y y$-d- Test he w Tadmolm [3s idww cwnvl nua fcwxd Lwp) QT-= a Date Wen(s)C+Or "I t 1? Wamf PZS- I1 a Sw. Wen=�=-`= i! CQa 1rK I{r.<!. 3'7 s AII /ice i1SaN ____.� pmcett�iJxa man C =dtY Sb. %atltiude� hem sec;osdserfl dh�ess: [ffwrsulScld. ayQisa) W_f�� ��c7 w IL FRM To utel�ttsh A? A Fe- =19 'r7D3 �lATFSIIAL 3 r� "7 rr 4!k`a i': r & Mao *-)D, vr�- aS $ 66 IL rem ld aL oir4 � � Wit I►6 1'1�ce+� Q 22. C*sfifieatonr -P, JQ lye Dft 6. ]s(ar e] the�veH(sj �� t or ��° Bj. sgndag lhtf fay I ha*o.� ow t he wao) um (w) tmu—& w ire QYts m 90 with IM IST�IC0 C.DIW or ISd AUAC D2+C.MW WeII C rtw myddw- 7. TS thl9 d LD an el g �PY���mmd8csben+pravlr&+drorlrrsworlJa�>� ]frhla lsafepf�trjlllema�Irnmtrtxftan���P�tlwenmroeofdre tr�otr fardu 03I re ar ormt lhr hr�f of rlWrm 23. Side dbSram or addWmai well deU1il5: you may Om the l� of H is POW pmWe additional MA dtc dcWb or we11 $. For�aprobespr er # -laaop wells havingthe same consMwd m ddmlr. you may" anwhadd onfil paW iffy. constmedon, 1-1]Ls nee" IMAL XUAMER ofwolls dEjUed, 9 Totelwelldepthheftw%asarf 3!?- 9L) 7AL For SUbma 1WS form within 30 days of Campletiw of wen . For wuliOkwd&Z&ffiUdlyflaif4"(m=wphd3@2W'and2@VM Crsa81 uctiwtiDIhcfdbywIw 70. Statle water tevci below tip a F 3 tp. O OL) DivWm; of W8tW ReKrees,bff9TMROM PnWevdng [i" i617Ma0Set ee ,Italelp}f,i!1C27699-i6i7 If.worledisabow vasbZww"+" I�SGr [ ] �� /FOCI 24tL For jnieelion'$reits: h, addhsiva to sa3dm$ she form to the srldresa is 24a ii. l3arelwle ameaei: abom also submit - ropy of this fmm within 30 days of muTicaon of well 12. Wen cam mod: CCFrf�= candnrdimttothoifol (to. fmgccilomY. cab* D wilffipg of Waler $emwseG� Uedrsgmand ]Wjwli- Centroi PYOgram, FOR WAS Saar Y was ONLY. A f A i6XM&a savue Cetrr,>Er, , NC 2709-106 13a.Yidd(gpm) bkOwdof� F �s� %the fwrn to *e cs)h� also me copy vAjhm 30 days of C=Plclim nF Wen cougaudim to Qre ouansy hmldf &pa =aa of the cmmty ]3b.Diat eetiou type:. whehe wnsuucw& Fain, Ow i NahC�,.tioaDgwmentrfFushcame WQua&Y-Divisi-cffWater Rcvised2--2Y-2016 RAELL CONSTRUCnON RECORD GW -1 >_ wOi Carl-&"—sa$: tzrk IE W.0 ti— x7 S g A HeWcH 2.wicncos-, 11ld au applLavhle wtlica,sYd�aP� 11-� [f►� � 5Y� vmi� �) 3. Wen Um (ehectcweg us* Water r Welb- eatmdal - - (�s�y) wahrsoppfy [�? ezfr,.,h,driaVC�oo�l atiai Wea+� sapply [s�� CZ BVMORCGOVM EWMYBOEdw t D5tammww Itaedtov E)sdmwa=cmwd (Ciasui%) E)Tmw .Daaewr>�Es)e= S 41/I1' wens f ZS-(.Z� S& Wen 1AtROM yrow�l+�aa9(aey�a) r am,-d 2* A_ Soli] now Ss- iL $ koL4 Re fL IM � , � nleNnet� 14, bL 30 &1e-f.-t- $ i 11" cz is COMY Fknxl rdadiucsfou NCtwo llwhN Ad hf Zg — sd.lsti�de�d �°� ardm.l deg r �: �'h� (iivrcII fdeld, paalla>tgis sum) ---- G. �s(are) the we8(s esm>tnr°L Rr emparar9 s;�aeaftwalcwftadw DM By agakag rhtr j6v� ! >mnby cnr & dag du wdl(i) low F�+d camp mad to aoeaddm,ca ilea or R with ISA HGtC ow-gloo ar J.M MCAC MCOZ00 waII Ov kn SAmtdmds and did IS Wis a repair W >m e>ar +ram ��lrbfanemidiearbampvnv►d�fathe�e9aearr. ljfhanTdLrnr�utrjulmtt�nornove7lc�vt��°����edmtdu�ojthe r arakr 91f lmaut* aroa rt�e aw rwfr7a: fa m ?3-Amor2ddMudwcHdeftiff= you may we Hie bads of this page: to pmvi& adMassl wail site detaits or we4 S. Far C+eopro„L, oMPT or WeRs bmvivLg ffic same consmxtkm ddmL-. you may also att atlditiaflai pages ifnecessary. LaAStTilGt14D...y-j � LS rim- 7ad�P8tE �1`�.��li a�FletlB dMed, 9. Tatal Weil depth blow lu d mrrm � T o� dC7 IL) 2Qa. BLAB MHF Sabmit lhis fmm wifto 34 days of cwap3etia2 of well _ For mWuplewrBsimau dirob dAFff9w f—+Pl-WM'a'td2won eonsftuctioatothef&minV 3 1 `1 Aft) nbtd M a[ WaterReSMMM*%7efotM&don Prd g Unit. 10. Static Wgftr level bdoW ODP of d 1617MEDSaNkecczkr,Raief&%NC27099-1617 wmerlcvdi,abave die•+- r1 - ar �ocL r fm•1 24b. Fier Inc W� in additim w acadmg &e carat m the adidress is 24a 1x. Bartltale tliam !tw - abom also M*M t GM uopy of thi6 foals! vYithin 30 days of 6Dmpkfian of well 17. welt ooBatrsetiOR me�,,a,.d1,: _ � O t^ -- Ca fL_ _ ontothefonowmg: (� Su� wtaw.Mw�vud m) DhidanofWater ,X dlojecom ControlProzmm, F(3R WATIM SUPPLY Wltl.S MLY A I A 106ltiW Service Centw, lqC 27�I�iG 13%Yield (gFm) -_ Mdlwd of %� 24m For Water A ] " � io ad&t m to sending the fQtm to ft add=Kcs) �y alas mhmit ode raspy of � % vNin 30 days of cootptepau of'►ven t act to t$t sty bmhh dvatunmt of the eamdty 13b. N&Iection tyP= A whtse eaastracted Fam,CsW-L h[athQanotu�a IIepaimieadnflnvidoAmeu�H1 QrmlitY-I)ivi�nn ot�vmrriieswacs Revised 2 22 2016 WELL, COMMUC!`iON RWO" 1. Wdl (,oatt�aWr77oiiart MI ark IE rip, i Ie r- 7R , wdI Catft=vrN— wd S R A NC Wen a. Date WAS) cotxi r,.� ,7 Wmwn Pzs /3D �ISoh] S ,..salads aaa -S dWe_h=�or a -MO deg em (ifweu send. oee hdkW is ) c{Go Cy-s Lc Iv 1 �.$ ?�S"3 . w 6.Is(iie)lhewe0(sj +Permase�t or 7.1s this a reltalr to a� ezh �eelt: Elves or 2W9 Ifthla Lra rrpair, fill awhaommeUeanonabn '+ nepatrunder911its +Gr artl8h®Irafsasf— B. For GeoVohdDPr or ClOstd4noP GCBBrermal Wdb hav'ngthe same coushucUU y a I jiI-I i oeeded. Indiwm TorALNu ofwelb dnlled- f`j Bp sW+iw &UJana; I fimi] ' -r * tbor do wepJi) — 6--4 --ted il" aaca+dwree frith IAA IWAC 02C.0100 or ISd NC4C OC AM W&u Staadar& and Chat a a%y of ddi rnovrdliasbeeApvvvldedYu the wrl OW=r_ 23.�pe �iagratseor adtr�auatwrHdettul� You may use am back of this page to p mvMe add'Komd Wdl site delags or wet! conskurAon ddmb. Youmay also Mach add€ ionalpegcs ifneccmmY. 4. Totd vrll deep& blow land a ( } 1As Far All Wks: Summit this Amin within 30 days of complcdon of well Formrd4*VC97rraaUdep +i +r 3 •aRa2�toa'1 eon tiwtiothefoliowia� lo. Silfuewabslevd bekw top ol'*A�g: .� (fL) IfwwerIV.1isaBowcafft go R 6� �o l 1. Borehole diaatcter: sal mwen eoasfaI&m :,,. AL —CIA, Ca PC— (i.e. an®cr. -b9. Cable, ,, -d9-k eW-) Iilvtsian at Wat�Resto�ces,n Pro�mgTlelt, 1[617?&B Service Craw, BodgkNC 27699-I6I7 24b.For jai ettiQn eUs. is ad&dm to swdsog the fmm to the aridteas is 24a a 0m, also mot erne Dw of ffib film -Wi 30 days of oumpldion of well oonsfincth tothefollowwr /� 1}fv�a of Wmer�m, utUm3wgmuad 1,90CM8 Con" Pragratn, FO1R WATERSIIP) T WEIRS 13ftLY. IV J 1636MBB Spice Canter, Ratd9T',NC 276"406 ?Ae. FOr Water ft& & jd9AM fu ad&am to smrlmg the farm to 13e.Yield(gpm) Methodoftest the (cq) dye, elan saint aam MM of this fm wi8tin 30 days of COMPI&Mof well Ommudiml to the co=Y hmhh dgxubnM of ilte county 13h.DhIBfecfieatyp- 11>ao� vrh�ecattstr- Fame [iVT-1 NadhC�ulmelh�aranemofl~Aviro�euSstQ�lh] 7]iv►sioua£QvaterResamces Revised2-2e-2016 WELL coNSTRUCTtklq REc xn w 1 1- Wen Yaw-t*— pmrisk- e - WcIIC*ft- . a'7Sq A NC WeItCG-ftmA-C-fiffi-4-"-h- COMPOW 3. Wdt Use (c1cc'6,.en —)r Dbw*WWublw (He�iia�Conl'toSY) �wat�r�plx(? lwafnrs+plAr() C-P,o � �ar Smwmatltecavesy Test MwTedmolaff ma( lav) EITMW 4. Date We KS) C-mPltft&T ( ? WeH sea. weu z.adtta�: cc MAC N.C. FrrilttylOvrr�At�a itylDi: (��) tAaa=1.citssRod Ta z�r (ifwcll6el4 oae8ssa0idxr2) frs 1L t IL lam TMO nr �� (Dta c�.4 ft ft. - A It � fL MATT : r tQi a �a tJ� p 3 S' ILY7. 7tf 3-fL 20Cnatttc�l mot► I L 1L IL EL fL ft S lt. s I fL sew rn wh al na hg*Q-.- CL 27L CrrtificAon: _ a •- 6.7s(arc) the vve0(s)ermcnmt or EWkmtparmY 8�� J �ry1' doe ndllsf uru �icegr} m aecordwree Smsdardrand&uo IM tv�: Yes ar � wah1SARC1COXXI6Var1SANCACO2C_UR WrBionuv wPJ'glthlr h�be�Pr dta rlsadl a fhb a ° " andegrimthe mine vfrfie mpoirunder42lr somWorandsbaL*Qfdrlrfmm. 4rAddilon�ailvCll You may mw the bas of this page to pt da additional VmU site Mails or well & ltor waprobdDPf mr Cfosed-Loop Wells h-fttb° �e oon duels youmayaiso atta�tadditional pages ifnec�sm�y. construction.T I %s needed. indite TOTAL NUMSEit ofwaIb CtYICTIaN3 dn7ledJV--�r1'i`Ai.7t1 9. Tout wtU deft bekwimd nor% V 71 ( ) 7As. IW An W� wit this film within 30 days of camptetian of wen . For mrditpkwe&Imalliyd {--Vh,-3@200-and.2®1007 cmtD efnlloWbW 10. Stack watw Leval bona top o£-og: Y` • 3 (ft..) ildvisfeo of Water Rasoattss, Warmatbm Prao Og>iFnit, 16V Mml SU-Wae CEntW Fal NC 27699-IM7 If zsn►er level u above �1n& =e`+" `r �b_ ��-} lep ddc 24h For ldctdn Wdb: In addrdke to smading the Fi to the addraw in 24a 11. Borehole diameter ,3 abffr, also saw O= on" of ttt rs f= wAbin 30 tfa o of compldiou of vvdl 12. WcII CORAMWOU a ode. d_ r •� CG I`�_ consuactirmtGthc"CowmH: (i.e. UUVW. ratty: a6b,, F, - rl-16 arc-) Division of WatEr$ewwas, u Cf�1 Priogrem, /� !�[3RWhTBR7UPPLYWB[d&Dz+T1.Y: /flA jLQ6MsnSwgjmCenter,F ,]gC27'69946:i6 13e.Yteld(gpm) I Cthoduf4esl: 24r. For Wail a NA; hi adftm to scnd[pg Ire fomt to the addam(cs2 abavr„ also MAM"t ems copy at this farm whtaim 30 days of compledcm ofwelt tau to tic ooaaty 7aomm d�timetrt of the cmmty L36 nfeel'eonprAnon= wbererunsftucir l- t[odh(�alianDq toff�viranmeafalQ�mid9-DiviantvofWatrrRrsoacus Revmed2-22-2016 Farm GW-1 CONSTRUtLi'ION RD t.wen cstradollugoa= Mo:zrk_ L S'yi le.r 7R . ��- Wdt CAN— Z7g,? A NC W u C, Conwm Ka" Z W& CbuWRCfi5DPffmft& Kam S LtstallgppT�uliden��1�� �r�� S�4Ym� �% 3 Wen um [ehnckAeH nse)c ommj� M,W,Wotamg may) W"SWbl (su*) dal E3R atwaterSuM&y(sb--) ZO RabarV St andll=vmy red MWTC&ttology - Ds"&=Cm t uW (CW=d LOP) Onaur 5% WdtIocaa= r�;rl3,to Name rani M#Cjf4VHmbk) A it 50ll] �— r�pa� 1p1 sa 1.de>,ntt Ia�taae�a� a''' (,fvmu EGA an hmovs!s=ffk&m) �fG[ qL3 s 13 N t�sfr w 6. Is(ate) the w�(8}'nmt or �emporary �� 7.1s tbl5 s>r ie to dtt 1e�` Oves ar OIo ljrREc [, a rrFulr, jlt! oetdviu�x+natt +�e��laur the rMtrrre of tke rrprm wn� N1! : araa Nic haekaJih<sfa+vt•. $_For C robelDTT awC -I,MP C.emasmA Weis haviugthe consffitctiam.a i tisneeded.IndicateTMALM]1ASERofwWb dtilied: � 9.Totet wm&plla beuwianaearfft= Form�ddple�aelh!ma!l�ptlarrfd� raa�o-3�UD'��1�1 10. Stetl¢ moans lard bdow top q=*W framler few is demo oni+&. mn `+- -7 11: Borehole dieat = _ . Ids . %u) - Zde& M Wed oBnshmeWd M&MO& GOl 2f` C 6 h� (I.e.mv-,-aft. dimest(tasb.me) FOR WATM SUMV VMJS 04LY: ITIA 13a- Yidd (Wm) Mcflmd of test: - 13h. Dismfeeiiva tppw Aft+ FoiniGN-1 NanlbCbc r ucpu--Ufr—'-- .1&0 law IMOUGM qd t! �— a,35a' 3�5 -L_,a. [d fL �. $ � � fL 3i-$ 9A M 12, a ft- a R: IL fL t:. IL EL S'tc (o s a Cacc€#`i�u man . wh• na A—. 2L Cwfiffmfmw. iSes�¢�1► - r,.. gGfccaiffiAwcucmftsaw °Wc .Wh 15A WAC MC JDHtti or ISA WCAC WC.OW WVU 3fm�Wd AW47 capyoJrhiv recaudhdrbean pdavddad m rhswd! a+e� Z3. �c-or�tr]1�d�S9� Yon may use thebacic of this Pageto pmvidie ad al well site details or WCU mnmuchiattdetetH. Yaut�yalsoa!>�taddits®al ifneccssecY 7A9 For AII_ Wgm,%. Smit lbss i otm vtilbeo 30 days of compledon of well coractimto the follaming: IMivTsien of Watrrllesomt�,iffio�anA�ocrsxia� II�t, 1617 bM SerAoe-CMGEff.TXjdgk gC 27694-16V .For 7nieetion_W In addition to smiiag Sae fmm to the ad&= in 4a abuvc4 aiso subwlt me QVY of &S b mt whbit< 30 daps of oawtbefou-dig-. "Wen otf7fw Rmomas. ukdagwmd Mccan Control Frogmm L63&MHRSorvmmCmftr,1C ,PiC276W'06 24c. For WsiT: In adsl m tv sending the fomt to the ad&ms(ce) abovc� IUD submit we copy of *k fi 30 daps of cumpWon ofvmH inn to the ownty health depart of Ilse county v&=conslmctsd- a al(baW-DMskknciWaWResmvcm RevbW222 2016 WEL, CONSTRucrlaN RECORD GW-1 L weR Cast smrlurw—G- 4rkC�i �C 1` S"R • -- wat c„ wa x7 S l A arc wan CaubmwirCmamfimthunba c mpwywmo 2. W+dl i3o>�r1>tiiutmt Paxt�tt#: pitai Idsrafl�y!"aa61ewrJl tr C�+mS:'RUMYarm--) 3. Well Um (the&wM nse): Water We>l:- �Alyrisamtnm'al t l e�l(li�m� alr) �wd-S**(MV-10) -lln w'tQ�iyis) h a�ebmadl�ecavaxy► � slTer�nolti$y t,_t Camp i30sm gyp) 4. ])gW waWs) camplbftd: ` /-)-7 « wwmw P ZS--1 G s�. wee FaciidylOwstxTisme A l IV. C- ��- I?lsysioal Camdy Sb.I,atStadeaad �� ada� atrr aeeimalds� w 35 $- 9L I es ©rr etaa.et.er... _ a 30 V dL &ML 3aA!"�' IL $ IL fl' ,x8 IL I yo3 ft- IL tz IFL a R $ brae . wh', 22. C+a omr. Vr` 6.)55(aCC) the wad[(m:) 't�rm�» or Hy v—y By. IhEs f s6 f bM-bY —'* fTAW Aff WZWS) V= (W—) bn a M4fftte 7_Iuthhatepeirio:n Welk Qxes or Me w7thlSR]VCRCRAC_Oltl[lar►SdJY�afCO3C.D►tlV1}AeR 3 *msdtl�ata �Ypf�aerardbmbeenprm�malm>aeQoxmr Ifrhuisarepnbrfbuawkwmwdlawwwom ho"Mad-asdePlIff"&I-nag Odle rep�rmea�bll!rs to aroatAehorJafddsforaa 236Stie or.a wdlddm-h Yarn may um fieback of this page to provide additiomai wam11 site do" or welt 8. For Gcopsoba:MpT ar mop Geo&er ud Wells having the conamcdon details You may also sttals 8MhOnal p>mges ifnea evvasy: 'pn, opLy I E -1 is seeded. Induicwt; lUrALNUM BER of —Jig MMUMEYAL 9,TOW wadcA below Indsmrfsem 'l a07- ice) 24L YM-AP-W-CLM Smart this farm wiffiin 30 daps of completion of well _ For mrrllfplr-pi s IMagAp*r jf(g o- 3g2biQ'andZUlUd7 Consuud unto the fngovdar. IL SU iewswLwd below ftuo ¢s �4� � (�) 33iv QoSWaterRaao g MaiSs�wCmW.M�,NC2764-1517 VUWSrje-Wisabove cal& m dintateli°r: G SOI (m.) s edc�L 74b. Far Ia'ection efts: in addition to srndin the fmm to the sddmcss in 24a . Boreh8le above also snbm k one cagy of this fmm vvithFe 30 days of con*dxun Of well 12. Weil cassha Il" radMosl: , l L� Q3 f ` •.. C6 PC-consbuc6mto � _ dievvmg. foria 0.- ,wy CmV d=dVuskClr-.— aflQimer ,Undid" CAshd1'rog —, /� FOR WATER MWPLY VMUS ONLY: i(�/ � 106 Ma SUVRC cownw, HNC 2769 IdU 13s. Yield (gpaa) Md6od of st 24a For Wafer & >xtlan W hm add Do s m rmg the fors to dm des) above, also 60WM amm>e ormpy of A& f>m m whImin 36 days of Compk im of men cmaudiom to time rumy hrahh departamit of fise cwmy 133LDiffinli tivaly .. Aumaah wh>sc Couskneftd. Plw&C>rmtloaDcpm-0p noffiavirwuDmsaQmlky DMdanofWatrrRcwmV= RevW!d2-22-2016 Fn"n Caw-! WEIsi. CUNSTRQ Rid ����-1.� � usetl�}r: t_ weu C.oa{raeEpri�oro . 4� IE Sic le.r--. 7R . ...A�- . . . wralCoaueTlame Z 7 $ c,.,cvk RW- 278`l A= roc way tom0emyivema�- ,a. - Z Wdl aaik Edrr alrappl�,�eu �noc�on pug C•r.11� � � YmdmM rae) - - s� t�gA'tg3lqlAL �Ve1l: it► nib . GwtbeamalC�°Iisg9) t�iWster3tipplYt}ft.t' mm 10 asai>aattlt ft NOR.W weiL ��e.-za JL Injresinn ell: S & g1ofP� �R �nPi " smgacmd11t ffcty a$aI} 'H8n14 79.SA1�1DIG1;+�YELPAQt - TO [ � NUTWO pgaiterTest E)Ss> d&weco=d y$ !G f. — Eveff ret�ttol y ai Geotine��{ctmxa),)s-M>�OG C otbea�gelf It n Odw gas} EL COmOde& rr r Wen>� pzs• l7 s � � - 4. Date WaNs) ML sa. Well Lacaflam Afx d. ft- mL JUL 3'7 S` ,q ll f`t- f,Er rv. f. P14yricdAddscss.Gi3,ad P .a _ _.:. __._:.....:. �15'otil stt d S Goc �, P�ti417d cry rn w A6 HekW— 4 5b.1.8tittrde�b"" "x°��°°a�girdaltt ,' =2Co�gs r [igweti9aidoEsi�nBat) `f 78 7C� l `S`17� 4. d7 w - . -N 6.13(are) tLeweH[aj P of or $yam dfIll 1 hrJmby cerrry'&W gee w r&) t'+ J ror�neded rn aaeaislanea 7.1s this a rstr #oo YeIo "oupyISt MACOCi1tU rdcAco2c.om wa c,.sam s *djham a ro Lls adf ownm lfrhL,Is r4wrltllmabm--lc W-19-4°a W� r4m& wou df2T pmmuft sordvaarm dichcm*afd&f—n n S!t a q%8 araddilionA welt deli fife bark lbia 10 podda additiotral VCU site dc"Us at well $.For Ck probemrr or (mod -Le" �I Wd SUMSthe same Yon may. of paW dd8lls- You may UISo aftgrh sddW-W Pages jf M=="Y. consbucdo% a! I 5Y 1 is needed IaftM IDTALNUNOER ufvmua dn7led• / �mg • 'a1. �rjS' 'ituCT[gN5 ae 9. T td wen dqA MOW la>gd entfat:e: * Kr— (&) 24a. Fm' All ells. Submit this fam witL+a 34 daps of OmnOedODof wel4 - FarmulrrpfewelLrBssalldepdis(,ple 3�200'mrd2®100? ctrnsbnzrfiontotheiallntving i 4 • � (�) 111trtst® of WatttlFesa�cct.iu 14. Static water 2eve] hda- tofu of eat . N 1617 mma savke Geateit sNC 27fi9-2617 ymmer kvri [r abam fae +Y / !—vb, (ts.) 3 Lf �O 24k Forinieetien Wells_: Tn addition to a g the fmm m dteaddtts6 in 24a 11.liarehde da mxftr: abavf— also SAMEut 000 copy of #& fmm 30 daO of COMPI, avz of -an 12.Wtff Onst—Foss .� Cail`+L_ cnastcntlitrnlothssfitllawing ram..mSc ,mwy.=blk&TdPUA FOR WATER SUPPLYWSI.I,StflttliY ! � ja6MaSq mmCauftr,Rde'sg 4'N(:27699406 13a Yield (gpm) MOW oft1SO.- _ 24C For Wg—hr &M& & 10 Waft in ad&= to sm(Wg the fc m 10 the addr>mt,,) mow+ also gamit we ropy of i is 2mm wjtbin 30 days of OmV,,6m a ,,a ctmti#cttdl<, to am sty health dqxLdmem Oflhe comity 131� tx,typ A Sf7T1Hi; C[ed- Faun 1i91f 1 l[wthCmolmai3epacEmrntaflovaartmanmlQ®fits-i)ivlSinnofWarerlt s Revisedlal2016 Lwin com adw sub flaw— arjC E Ywt i.er YS R . a�75,? A lC W&> zeb- t F A Lk� Z.weuC�� eft lxt l� wenmm pzZ n?. 4. Ifate Welts) �-----�- r�aytoa�rrls� ca-ty SL. Le#We=d ioeglladtrin or of (,fwealGdd, Coo i&%usis sue) qc 7.Ia this a r�air tO aatt= Dyes or 2lo the rarrns �,he Ifarisa f+l ar� IM&4rJFs f- 8. For rabeMVrw CIWMV l "* G"dherzW Wd %bavmgthe same Wamuctlan,O 1 -1 is aet:dcd IWHc2W'ir "-4LNUfA9MOfWcIls drilled WOW laud satiate: � 3'� V$) R rM di - 3 00'-W2@JW) FarmnriprcwtllrlvraNd�rfd�i=►>�(i� 10. suck Wales bya bcWW � O 17, Gt OIL) IF 11. Borehole dkumtr: 'rS'Ol C .) 3 17-Wellanamudommethod: tIL ���PC— ("Lc.ss zm a msy, cm. Pask cm) By sl&=Z rhts f-IM f herrly aaO that the WdUftJ mus lvav7 caawucmd ae macartfmuw .*h lSA W-4C 02C.0100 or IYAMCAC WC.020D W U S mF dW'ftAWd rhar_a oopynflfi&rmmdh=bmpAmddad ry AM vmffOww- 23.SW diva araddWMWWeUdd You mnso t6 bwk ofthispsge to pwWe additimml well site details or well ay cousunctim detsits. You may also otbmhsmam►d pales ifuaceR y. 24a Far _At] Wells: submi this fmm .Aim 30 days of CmWleflOu of wen _ Audias to the fallow*-,- �fViFiari 6f WB:rri�assas,iuta[�fiORPeneess� 1lDl� 1617 Maff SRvkm Ceatar jW NC27®9-i617 7Als. For iaieeiim We11s: In adMian to scnding the farm to the address is ?Aa above, also submtit sate copy "of this AM ovititirt 30 days of cu upletian of well cctio�rO the follawin� Divhaon aFWaterRIid IeJet GoaEsalYrogram, t e. 1636 Smme C i�Nf'I7 I63G F13b� WATMSilMVWMSOHI.Y: N 24c F a m Bt Ss a to ecndmg the form to _Afethodaftew the des) �alsosnbmh ace copy+ of this £mm within 30 daYs Of armpletiaa Of well iwt to ft aMW htalth depattmetoftheCmuttyDisinfeetiost iy�-- FOMOW-1� wbtae Qmlity-DjvalanafWWrr8 Rcviscd222-2016 ��'�8 IL wen c - is k IE YA- t le r- Well orN� ar7 S `� A Pkas I Wen IIse (Check Weil W* OMW*dftblk gftWMcOdi-gSv*) E]R,4dvafid WMW SUP* (0-*) MnMacia E)RUydenUat WaurSM* (PhM-4 �7(GZi�ls'16[tL. .� L- hary E3Gvouod-AerR=cdiSIiM ageaadRecov=y 13W.Ay Badw t cPWMWdWuaiWP dTecklouw j3Sd"da=C.aWo1 (ChMOILOOP) OM-- . - - --- - 4. Date Wdk2) Cumplaed- [ a t Welly -S& w=n> : C04 16j/V`C` Faae37ryIOVMrNzM0 FmdiWW#CfW 3.7 s AIhrif,42 2X X l r. ►v, C- Mydc9CiW.-drV -kv ca b cMWW � n Sall3 t�lNa (PWj SD. LafiimdeasdloeJade m er deri�l dew !L 3a l r.,&rr-C Pw2 s ZG & am-ft ft stz �A R 2x Cam. 6. is(are) ffievvelt(s)'u or �• a Ifis fours I kr�6y der the(a} wns {wraej s oop (n aaowdmeoa Dyes or Mn Way,rr1pn�dmd0�arerarWICmxarr�e9- d- mrdtl0a 7. is ibis a repair to am exn� 'Pell: (�`fllLi 3SF ►B�irJ�'QIQ�'FOi�179Gijt707=� nc�r+ulwe a1� rep Wr muAr d2Irevrmisreaim. roadehz*fifMlsfMM 23. Me 41129MMOr addiiogafweH dstm's You may um %cba& of ions vp to pwvide additimW WDU site dcM-I$ or well rBW CkscVLoop Ceadwrmd Welbbaving the t�me cQnWHctj,, deM&. you say also aitardt adffgofW pates tf neceasary- L For GeOFMb Or - 1 I , n=&& lactate IWAL NOMBM 4f °Pell$ dC�mt[uedw,odly� rill - 9. Total welt dew Lefo+r feed s 38 fL) 9.TO RRd=rfaW —r 24a. For All Wal= Submit t� form wu 30 days of cospltllon of well - frtpTc�redept aft j@MO,and2@IW) candnactioutod efnilnwinv S, GS (fL) Z)ivision afwais� liesam s,?ndurmaiion prop g Unit. lU. Static Cara below w toP u[ ._ 1617 tW Serviev Certer,l<tsleig� NC2709-1617 jfxpt� 7¢eer is �vre �8. we "-I-'/ 3 of1L4Cf� TAl3.l�m 7 "tdisn ells+ In addttioa iD sndtog the form W 1Le address in 24a 11. Harrhale diasetex: 'at ._ —(m-) above' also =bMit one cagy of obis form winos 30 days of oomPlefi m of well r •� C'6�_ TontotfefoliauQm� 17 welleaasnrar,==a,,d: I�GDi (i.a auger, �F eabl�d'ar�P�A exs) fl+lvt�rn �We�rRsmnmtes.0 injCctiue Conh+olProgeatn, ` r�� FOR WATM SUPPLY VfMJ S [fMY N k636 its Sav7rs C 4�, RafWHC 276946M -mg 13a. Yaeld (gpm) 11 ates� 74e. fjw War Sat M Ak late R'� In addbf m send She dots to hadds(c-) above, also Sabah a= corn of tins lots wffiio 30days of cmnplefiou of well oa OO to flw coemty l cd& of l6e atmty 131LOWnfecfioatype: Aswoub whcmvuasftucbML �`��° of�v6 1tZomtitY-D of Wass' Rcvtsod2-222016 Fmm GW-t W corr�utriox -R .coxn t 0w11 1. w.0 CM&Odurlunwasfi m Qr'�C aF r Je r weutAmam x7S4 Nc W.UC �en �-b r U r l? c�aay tiweu� Pkere I1rralrapplraablc,.�cmatr�R+�f� t7AG � � peu.} 3.WcU n= (dWawdl —): ,,,.K. .. t e. c. ,thetmaiiiiedimglLoormgSomft) � water snppir{single) s s lam TO a Inj18 itvring�i ection Wdl: $' - Ammer �c�viratuse�iotiau -�-s�itiewv��€iPAa • StoK'ap�eantiReoovexY � >a� � vn � & �� �TenimologY � L:osA�mi $ i {Gta9ed P3 OT"m za nx rd t m _ ft fL 4:l)wdl[a)Crised: a IL Sa. Welliecath� x_ SA ,� � f ��Cdspp? Faral'ayyfnwarrHame I _ �} }� S �i J�+C4G R 4e- pbygcalAddres CbY mdrw rK .. wh sb. � � � ryeopnds er d�nmal degtt� 2Z. C (ifweIIGeld.a� ]ar[ioe�gssat) f-{ .01 i n6 hetue- Q f w vrr 6. i sane) the e�(s} 'C�m'smt or offfemrwwy f chin an ,o�rr} ,� {�,r} cmd m www-- 7.lsthi�arepairlvwa QYes or �lo wit7i1382VC.fC42C.610QnrlJA7dCfCOZiC_6ali0FNdl�arab+ea�S�dev�smrdlhafa 7. I s h arrpm , & t u smv x waft err fisareraNeu,mtrl e►pl�+ rLe'°Qrm'e ojrhe .ojrrdr rraar d,}aabrmrpm,dd6d ro rIs awl miner repwwzferVIrwr l&sm&w'Ow a+d.eb�EaJd��+v+ 2:irl�tt��ardwelld Yon may tw IIae buds Of this pW m ire ad&dimd well site detds or weU 8.FurGeoprobeMyrorClosed-LwPGem WeUsbavi°gfeone consaucdon Ym1map�lsoaE�cheddifsonalpagesifnec Y. eansuacmdam, i 1isn� Wio�aTO'fALNf}Ir+OMufvmUs _ IV J e`t 9. TaM wM de#&bcUw land sarfaee" a.O (jL) IAa. Fin- Alt &V S�ntut alis lip within 30 days of eompiegaa of well . For mdfirleweBsUird dVblf ffmw 1 80lad2@100ry con5itRetltlettollefOliuwiw l0.satiewebs kvelbckwtopOf i!u P_ Uivesh,oflf?iVater 1617h m7 servieft cenw. , NC 27699-16i7 if,�rrrlevr! to mare are �'' IL Bogle dl.t . C `1 sit Cm.] 3 a' 24b. Ear 3ti dbu Ardh-, 1n addition to the fam in the addrew in ?Aa abort also s1l,u tone r�PY of ibis femoa within 30 days of comPiCtiOn of well xtiwenm t fla: l4wlQr ._ ea cummetbmtoftfalluwiag QLC. mw,,ter.wbu awdv0 sk�i T DMIRM crwatcrR ,Uad-ZF Ztd ro Vc6— CODUMIVAgrRU4 FOR WATER SUVMY WIM S ONLY: A f 1636MeB sav m c aw, sNC 27649 -106 B od u[ _ 7Ar: ar VY -edtan W to additiae. to sending the farm to 132.Yeeld gym) the c* above, alm srbmit � mu of this fmm wJihoin 30 days of coopktim of well cwsF� 0 an cumAY Meth dqmubncrd of the COuntp 131t_i[)isiafeedon type _ wTnaecungructed. Farm GW-1 Nm+h Cataluta t7e�athncrrt ofEnvimamemal _p;w+dun of WeterResataas Revised 2 22 2016 WELL CON54�'RIICTON RECORD_ [GWE777� Lweft c=bRei"ubrmsttow -, - - ark. C Ski ;It, it r- YR = w'! 10 Watc r+=m* II °f n- .Lp7oa ( A R NCw,RCaoharm cc i5c©IiTS CASt�IG t?R1€dN�R _ :- 1�O�I 10 Di8DiE1� a ca,yx.CA51Gl11 ..... To Kam- rxr�rr�r:�,.�1�r►�ar�shm Fmftmr, Wttter�wppslr +�er�:,, aS� 3Y �� t3 10 �. � ie. Ge�lte�at (� ) Qrxe�ti�t watr:stsppty (sue) _ - " WOW SM*Ytd--d) - LrjediQawe& $ R' L1tl�1rY7 Lj- I�i 4 ;tom 3tift' .51 [r�i d �W� Y�Af Aquif�T c nw 132i[# a1-r« ley � �tawm cltha tr��1i> e. iL ConPle[ed=--,,�- w�nM# Pz � Z1D� I 4. Datewell(s)- IL { S& Wen Locatiew FmTiryrOwr�N FaMMYMACfaPPF mb" ERMM f� s Lac�trUOUldy; �t.� wk n h� C. sb. I.etilnda sad bs � er dui tb iiiwa0 fold anoh�is) � �n¢ / n r GfCAOf&WWtUCODVZCW 6.Na-)the—Kx)S&ermst M or pffit �h ft tlbr �s.adt(s},nns f } in a—jdatae IonSYaadands mtd�hcra 7. Is this a reps to a° = �� °r ° wUh ]SB hC AcmC.OIW or )Sd N mC, 2Ch2B er eHC `°�'� mk rm vrt hvsafw p.vwaed rfrarrr:nnparr,JtHaar�esa++�►t�,run�ur�►s�+u�►�,drxpt�dse'�r°e°�'>:e nywr� w++dar a,?�,�mosed baak��*h�- Z3` l� ri-�gramar additionaiwr�f detaiha Y°° uY use dw bark ofthis paV to pmvide additional well ede details of well tl.For t, coprobdDPPT ur Closed 4.vop erml WsDshavrng tllesame deaft You mayals° aVcheddWOM& pages ifnwcs$ ty. COUShgction,a Al is accac . hadiaateTOTAL NUACHR Gfwcft drilled• 9.TaYaf weII dew 6eluwieudEurrfBe �'S^ i T aAa Yr Aa cRa: Stdmt din fimm w ddn 30 days of camptetinn of well . For murW-WE&1W arl APOis rjdff-'W (aoQa+pda-3@2GO'ar�2(Te 1OD) antothe follovamg n(it) of wetwRamm�,snumnatim Frog fir 10. Staaetvahnr hvd below top of ew=w- 1617 ?Aug SurvilmCerAa, , NC 2709L-1517 kwl we.. �`rsdf 241�. Far%iasiaa GYeAs: in addition to sewliog 8ie fatm to the address in 24a 11. Borehole sisater. abov - also subma a= cagy of this% widim 30 da0 of vampletion of well 12. Welt snuskuc lon methods lQ�ot O r •- C G �`C� _ e mn to tf�efollnvviap, ar- ege . romnG cam,.a-tv-k cw-) *81�Iira�B�ra, Ukdargmand h j Canino'Ysbgrar°, FOR WATER $APPLY VAUJS t) lLy 1636 Matz Smke Cent", rakg%NC 276991-16M 13®.Yrdd (gpm). _ Method rtfi> 24e. M WaMr-gulm & 1spgMWeUm hti adfftim to =ndin8 the form to ffit, address(cs) abovrs also solm tt mm Copy Of tins famm gizil 30 days of ronpletiem of v"n cmwmnfim to dw co=ty h al& depmtnM of Ae County 136.Dlstefeetti Auwwt wheieacted HO���°t oftffviimuncu+ntQoalaY-n wioaaflAFaterlt®um�s Revjmd222-2016 FaamGli�C I wE�, coxsuc.~rioN xEcoxn Gw x ]. wal car h�ara —•-- wd1 t'rf� L NC wdtCo l M ©u ?lei BOG, d c=tRMNSM xn�n Pkase- � ft- Hamm 4 3. Well IIse (checl{.rell ask � 17.�c Z� °• [.� a N& tea WK Ja & ZRc-TOM wra) it mat -we&GzaMC 5fota�aadAecovesy �' TCA ,err Ifeeltaoiaff - mai lclosd laP) g113 (xa- q, Date Wdl(s) sx. LIS f,TtYlOwcerNK= FuarayID�fd ) R na&c.s.Ci mdZipOM Sow] 5h�. Lefltadssad �� lra socafudg er deemral �� (iicva8%la. a� lettiEmgissaiixeieslt� . N 1Gsv3• 4ft- w 6. y,(are)1he wrII(ssrma�nt °r �F�nparsry �� 7. ]s tLis s r lv ttp = E I cs Or nws ebe aJ� ljrhtrisurepafrjrllmul6em�xweQ�� � nepmfrrmder021renw*FsaYkwarauacb&uFafA&fdr . 8. For Q gwabWgWr arCkwml4Aap GMMber=d Wdbl3 g thesame caasUUzff,,MQ 1livamded.bdwateTGrALNUMB'ERafwells drilled•,- �{J -- q.'l'atai weH depth bdawlMW Mn fatty .'Z'� •S ^ [�� For muhlp7e wieTlafls7 aAdepths �fd�+t {�p1e-3®I00'atx/3(a�Io07 ]0. Sfatic wafer lnd 6nlasr top of i.L c ice) ifKwe.-Ievd&rabovecarfiSlaw lZ. well eonshw*M mtAhod: Cce. eager, mtary, ceb]o.due��. �3 �" FOR I?VAtEit9lIFYLYWELISONLY•. l3a.Yield4w a) Mkaduftest ]3h-Dldnfeetimt tYPr- Amount _ Farm Gw-t�a� tGrAS 4.lr; z�:nauor�u�� vq jL IL tz 8 fL JT -- - - 05 By,fvft rhhfmn ) he by camro tam de MOO) w=(WWO OWDOUMVd to a0cardanm .4aISAATCACd2C.Ufouora3AbrAc0,2c.02wwwtbwmffi EmsmRd `rdumra c�yofdd:,peordimbeu,pmv dmshe xdaU=W- Z3. MUdbgram or addUf*u0wcUdrtsft- you may use the hack of this page to Pfa W adMiand WU d" defMds of well cwstmcfipnddwls. You mayalsoatlacisdditiaealPa9sifn r• Rlii09'1'f L litM`RIIC OMM 24s. Far AH Welts: Sdmg ibis farm withm 30 days of eaarpledma of well cOUd Mc6MntDthefdkwia)g Dwisiarr of wxtw Resou ,iafo�atlront ng IIalt, 1617M92SUTMCCEW,1 6NC27699-M7 24k FAW- Sniedlen Ylri In add;>wn to sag do fmu to ciao uddrcsr. in Wa abtm also sub®ut ane coff of .ft ft= within 30 dabs of aotoplfim of wea conanufiftto thefouaw"mg DMdon- fw ewMea r.UUdUvowdhperlDff ca"fi-elyrograls' 1636MA Service Cmtw, R4sglt,MC 27699-16M 7Ar iror �Vxt� & ] ' ells= 7n addition to s�dmg the form is the address(es)above, also sulmk one wpy of this from wifltitr 30 days of compitioa of wen caa UEffoa to dm ca®ty health depmtMag of the rMtY where Gan. no—Divifuaofwae Rcviced2-22-"16 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD GW-1 1. Well Contractor Information: Robert Cassell Jr. Well Contractor Name 4143-A NC Well Contractor Certification Number Summit Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. UIC, County, State, Variance, etc) 3. Well Use (check well use): Willer Supply Well: Agricultural Municipal/Public Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) Residential Water Supply (single) Industrial/Commercial Residential Water Supply (shared) Itri ation Non -Water Supply Well: x Monitoring ElRccoycry [njeclion Well: Aquifer Recharge []Groundwater Remediation Aquirer Storage and Recovery []Salinity Barrier Aquifier Test []Stormwater Drainage Experimental Technology []Subsidence Control Geothermal (Closed Loop) []Tracer Geothermal (Healing/Cooling Return) Olher (explain under 421 Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed- 11 /17/17 Well ID# PZ5-10D-R 5a. Well Location: Waste Connections Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 375-560 Dozer dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Physical Address, City, and Zip Anson County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) N 6. Is(are) the well(s)ox Permanent or []Temporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: []Yes or []No Ifthis is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature ofthe repair under #21 remarks section or on the back of this form. 8. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same construction, only 1 GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells For Internal Use Only: 14. WATER ZONES FROM To DESCRIPTION ft. ft. rt. ft. 15. OUTER CASING for mulli-cased wells OR LINER ifn Ilicnlrle FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL +2 5' ft. 70' ft. 2 in. .040 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER 1711It KSLSS MATERIAL ft. ft. in. ft. ft. In. 17. SCREEN FROM ID DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 70' rt. 90' ft' 2 in. .010 .040 PVC ft. ft. in. 18. GROUT FROM To MATERIAL EMPIAC$.NENTMETHOD &AA10UH'T 66' ft. 0' ft. Ndbb „� �,�r grout plant trimmie 68' ft. 66' ft- time release pellets pour ft. ft. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) FROM I TO I MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 68' rt. 90' ft. #2 well sand pour ft. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM TO DESCRIPTIOY color. hnrdnns. �oillrock tylit. grain size, etc. .5' rt• 2.5' rt• FIRM Reddish Brown Elastic SILT (MH) 2.5' ft. ft. Hard BrownTan and White Sandy SILT (ML) ft. 28.5' ft- SAME 38.5' ft. ft. ft. 58.5' ft' Dense Brown Tan Course Silty SAND (PWR) Partially Weathered Rock 58d' go' ft• Fractured Tan and Gray Bedrock ft. ft. 21. REMARKS 22. Certific W 5-g Signature of Certified Well Contmetor Date By signing this form, 1 hereby certify that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C.0100 or 15A NCAC 02C 0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 90, (B•) For multiple wells list all depths ifdifferent (example- 3@200' and 2@100') 10. Static water level below tll /2g/2017 77.36' fffl op of casing: Ifwater level is above casing, use 11. Borehole diameter: 3" (in.) 12. Well construction method: 21/4" HSA, NW casing, NQ2 Rock Coring. (i e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Ittiection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & ftI ectiutt Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) For IntcrnaI Use Oniy: 1. Well Contractor Information: Robert Cassell Jr. Well Contractor Name 4143-A NC Well Contractor Certification Number Summit Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i.e UIC, County, State, Variance, etc) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) Industrial/Commercial Non -Water Supply Well: Recharge Storage and Recovery Test ental Technology nal (Closed Loop) El Municipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (shared) Groundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier [3Stormwater Drainage Subsidence Control Tracer 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 1 1 /28/17 5a. Well Location: Waste Connections under #21 Well ID# PZ5-14D Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 375-560 Dozer dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Physical Address, City, and Zip Anson County Parcel Identification No (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one ]at/long is sufficient) N 6. Is(are) the well(s)�Ix Permanent or OTemporary W 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: Yes or [3No If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under #21 remarks section or on the back ofthisform 8. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same construction, only 1 GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells drilled: 9. Total well depth below land surface: 70' For multiple wells list all depths ifdifferent (example- 3@200' and 2@100') 10. Static water level below top of casing: 1 1 /29/201 7 53.50' Ifwater level is above casing, rise "+" 11. Borehole diameter: 3" (in.) 12. Well construction method: 21/4" HSA, NW casing, NQ2 Rock Coring. (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc ) 14. ► ATI:R ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. ft. ft. ft. 15, OUTER CASING for multi -cased wells OR LINER if II) )IlrahTc FROM TO D1AtY1S'rtR Ti[t[:K:tit:55 MATERIAL +2.5' ft. 50' ft. 1 2 in. ,040 1 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING(geothermal closed -loop)_ FROM TO DTAAIETER 171i(XI4 S MATERIAL ft. rt. in. ft. ft. in. 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER I SLOT SIZE I TNICKNF.5.5 I MATERIAL 50' ft• 70' ft• 2 i"- 1 010 1.040 1 PVC ft. ft. in. 18. GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL F:11.111LACEMENT METTIOD & AMOUNT 46' ft. 0' ft' PudlsndryPelrbed po der grout plant trimmie 48' ft- 46' ft- time release pellets pour ft. ft. 19. SANDIG RAVEL PACK if u) licablc FROM I TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 48' ft 70' ft• #2 well sand pour 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM TO DESCRIFt'ION (color, hn'rinn s, su ilrrurk) train size, etc.) 5' ft• 2 5' ft. FIRM Reddish Brown Elastic SILT (MH) 2 5' ft. rt, Hard BrownTan and White Sandy SILT (ML) ft 13.5' ft SAME 13.5' rr. 47' ft- Dense Brown Tan Course Silty SAND (PWR) Partially Weathered Rock 47' ft. 70' ft- Fractured Tan and Gray Bedrock ft. ft. 21. REMARKS 22. Ccriifica 3 - - Z'o J9 Signature ofCcrtiticd Well Ca01ftd Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0100 or 15A NCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy ofthis record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Iniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Wales- Supply & Iniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-I North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD GW-1 1. Well Contractor Information: Robert Cassell Jr. Well Contractor Name 4143-A NC Well Contractor Certification Number Summit Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i e. UIC, County, State, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: Agricultural Municipal/Public Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) Residential Water Supply (single) Industrial/Commercial Residential Water Supply (shared) -)Irrigation Non -Water Supply Well: x Monitoring ORecovery Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge Groundwater Remediation Aquifer Storage and Recovery Salinity Barrier Agairer Test [3Stormwater Drainage Experimental Technology Subsidence Control Geothermal (Closed Loop) Tracer Geothermal (Ilealm Cool ing Return) 001hor (explain under #21 Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 11/17/17 Weil ID# PZ5-21 D 5a. Well Location: Waste Connections Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 375-560 Dozer dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Physical Address, City, and Zip Anson County Parcel Identification No (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees. (if well field, one IaOong is sufficient) 22. Certilic 1►I 6. Is(are) the well(s)ox Permanent or Temporary W Snaure ofCcnified Well Conlracwg 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: E)Yes or []No If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature ofthe repair under #21 remarks section or on the back of this form 8. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same construction, only 1 GW-I is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells 9. Total well depth below land surface: 90, For multiple wells list all depths ifdierent (example- 3@200' and 2@100') 11/29/2017 77 361 12/14/2017 DRY=2 10. Static water level below top of casing: (ft.) If water level is above casing, use "+" 11. Borehole diameter: 311 (in.) 12. Well construction method: 21/4" HSA, NW casing, NQ2 Rock Coring. (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) For Internal Use Only: 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. ft. rt. ft. 15. OlffFR CASING for muld-cased Veils OR LINER Ira I iliCAtIIC FROM 7Y] DIAMETER THICKNESS MAT};R1.AL +2 5' ft. 70' ft. 1 2 in .040 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING eolherntal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER Y'li1CIiItiESS MATf.RTAL ft. ft. in. ft. ft. in. 17. SCREEN FROM To DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 70' rt. 90, rt. 2 in. .010 .040 PVC ft. ft. in. 18. GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL F.hli'LkCE&IEN ME10D&ANIOUNT 66' ft. 0' ft. Ponwmiypeil a pmder grout plant trimmie 68' ft- 66' rt' time release pellets pour ft. ft. 19. SANWGRAVEL PACK(it a iieahle FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 68' rt• 90' rt• #2 well sand pour ft. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG (allaeh additional sheets ifii"ess:Iry FROM TO DEscRiPTION solar, hunlnrss. soiltrork it e. Irain size. etc. 5' rt• 2.5' rt• FIRM Reddish Brown Elastic SILT (MH) 2 5' ft. ft. Hard BrownTan and White Sandy SILT ML ft. 23•5' ft. SAME 23.5' ft. ft. rt. 585' ft. Dense Brown Tan Course Silty SAND (PWR) Partially Weathered Rock 58drt. 90' ft. Fractured Tan and Gray Bedrock ft. ft. 21. REMARKS 3-C�--2w Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C.0100 or 15A NCAC 02C,0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy ofthis record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. 1>n ITTA INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For )nieetiou Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. Cor Water Sunnlj• & Inieetion Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Fonu GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD {GW-1) For lltcrnal Use Only: 1. Well Contractor Information: Robert Cassell Jr. Well Contractor Name 4143-A NC Well Contractor Certification Number Summit Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (ire UIC, Counly, Slate, Variance, etc) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: Agricultural Municipal/Public (ic,cIhermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) Residential Water Supply (single) IndustrinllCommercial Residential Water Supply (shared) Irrigation Non -Water Supply Well: Recharge Storage and Recovery Test rental Technology nlal (Closed Loop) alai (Ileating/Cooling Rctum Groundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier [3Stormwater Drainage Subsidence Control Tracer 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 11/13/17 5a. Well Location: Waste Connections under #21 Well ID# PZ5-23D Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 375-560 Dozer dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Physical Address, City, and Zip Anson County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one ]at/long is sufficient) N 6. Is(are) the well(s)oPermanent or Temporary 14, WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. ft. ft. ft. 15.OUTER CASING for multi -cased wells OR L1NI?R if a lirnblr FROM TO DIAMETER 'rllICKNE55 MATERIAL +2 5' rt. 35' ft. 2 in .040 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR. TtJBINC rothermal ctowd•loo FROM TO DIAMETER I THICKNESS MATERIAL ft. ft. in. ft. ft. in, 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER Std}1'SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 45' rt• 35' rt• 2 in. .010 .040 PVC it. ft. in. 18. GROUT FROM ITo MATERIAL EMPIACEMEN7' METHOD & AMOUNT 31' ft- 0' ft. P,dk W(Ypel/bwt pmde, grout plant trimmie 33' rt• 31' ft. time release pellets pour ft. ft. 19.SANDIGRAVELPACk ifa llrnblr PROM TO I MATERIAL I EMPLACEMENTMETIIOD 45' rt• 33' ff• #2 well sand pour ft. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG(al ach additloaal slice 1%irnct:msa FROM TO DFSCRIMION Iralor. hardness, selVrnek lypy. gralip size, etc. 5' ft- 2.5' ft. FIRM Reddish Brown Elastic SILT (MH) 2 5' ft- ft. Hard BrownTan and White Sand SILT �M1 } ft. 18,5' ft. SAME 18.5' ft. ft. ft. 33.5 I'L Dense Brown Tan Course Silty SAND (PWR) Partially Weathered Rock 33d:ft• 45' ft- Fractured Tan and Gray Bedrock ft. ft. 21. REMARKS 22. Cerlif W S. nat Cerliriod Wail ConirasXar 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: E)Yes or [3No If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature ofthe repair under k21 remarks section or on the back of this form 8. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same construction, only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells drilled• 9. Total well depth below land surface: 45' For multiple wells list all depths ifdierent (example- 3@200' and 2@100') 10. Static water level below top of casing: 11 /29/2017 41.05' Ifwater level is above casing, use "+" 11. Borehole diameter: 311 (in.) 12. Well construction method: 21/4" HSA, NW casing, NQ2 Rock Coring. (i.e_ auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) 3-9-2oIN Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C.0100 or 15A NCAC 02C,0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy ofthis record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SURM€1TAL €NSTRUC"I'19N'S 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Iniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. F r Water Supply Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD GW-i For Internal Use Only: 1. Well Contractor Information: Robert Cassell Jr. Well Contractor Name 4143-A NC Well Contractor Certification Number Summit Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: . List all applicable well construction permits (i e. UIC, County, State, Variance, etc) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: Agricultural ❑Municipal/Public Gcotllcrnud (Heating/Cooling Supply) Residential Water Supply (single) Industrial/Commercial Residential Water Supply (shared) -Irrigation Non -Water Supply Well: x Manitaring Recovery Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge Groundwater Remediation Aquifer Storage and Recovery Salinity Barrier Aquifer Test [3Stormwater Drainage Technology Subsidence Control Rrxperimental Geothermal (Closed Loop) Tracer 4. Date Wen(s) Completed: 1 1 /14/17 5a. Well Location: Waste Connections Main under #21 Remarks Well ID# PZ5-25S Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 375-560 Dozer dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Physical Address, City, and Zip Anson County Parcel Identification No (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) 22. C:er • cad N 6. Is(are) the well(s)ox Permanent or OTemporary 14. WATEIt 7XINFS FROM TO DESCRIPTION rt. rt. ft. ft. 15. OtrrEft CA5iNG for multi•eastd wells oti L1NFR if a 1 licnbI FROM TO DIAMF,TF;R THICKNESS MATERIAL +2 5' rt. 385' rt. 2 in• .040 PVC lb. INNER CASING OR TUBING eothermnl ciosetl-loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS M1IA7'L:R1AI. ft. ft. in. ft. ft. in. 17. SCREEN FROM 'ro DIAMETER I 5LOTSIZF: I TuiciI NES.5 I MATERIAL 48.5' ft• 38.5' ft- 2 in. .010 .040 PVC ft. ft. ]It• 18. G Rot rr FROM ITO MATERIAL ENIPIACFMENTMETHOD&ANIOUNT 44.5' ft- 1 0' ft- PoMeMLyp,11be powder grout plant trimmie 46.5' ft-. 44.5' ft. time release pellets pour ft. ft. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK lif a licable FROM TO I MATERIAL EMPI.ACEh1EN'rmf.q IOD 48.5' ft- 46.5' ft. #2 well sand pour it. rt. 21). DRILLING LOG: alto It additional Aerts if neceasa ' FROM TO HFSCRIPTION (color, hprdncts. raivr u 11pe. lZain size. etc.1 5' ft• 2.5' ft• FIRM Reddish Brown Elastic SILT (MH) 2 5' ft. at. Hard BrownTan and White Sandy SILT (ML) tt. 25.2' ff• SAME ft, ft. 252' ft. ft. Dense Brown Tan Course Silty SAND (PWR) Partially Weathered Rock it. 48A rt. Fractured Tan and Gray Bedrock ft. ft. 21. REMARKS Signature of Certified Well Catltracto Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the wells) was (were) constructed in accordance 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: []Yes or [)No with 15A NCAC 02C,0100 or 15A NCAC 02C.0200 Well Construction Standards and that a IfaI is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the copy of this record has been provided to the well owner_ repair under #21 remarks section or on the back of this form. 8. For Geoprobc/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having die same construction, only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells drilled: 9. Total well depth below land surface: 48.51 For multiple wells list all depths ifdifferent (example- 3@200' and 2@100') 10. Static water level below top of casing: 11 /29/20 7 47.761 If water level is above casing, use "+" 11. Borehole diameter:311 _ (in.) (ft.) 12. Well construction method: 21/4" HSA, NW casing, NQ2 Rock Coring. (i e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc ) 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INS7•RUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Infection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. ror Water Supply & Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD GW»1 For Internal Use Only: 1. Well Contractor Information: Robert Cassell Jr. Well Contractor Name 4143-A NC Well Contractor Certification Number Summit Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (Ge. UIC, County, State, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: Agricultural 36cotherival (Heating/Cooling Supply) 1 n d ustrial/Commercial Irrigation _ Non -Water Supply Well: DMolliloring Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge 3Aquifer Storage and Recovery 3Aquirer Test :1Cxperimuntal Technology _JGeothermai (Closed Loop) Municipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (shared) Groundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier [3Stormwater Drainage Subsidence Control Tracer 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 11/13/17 5a. Well Location: Waste Connections under #21 Well ID# PZ5-24 D Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 375-560 Dozer dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Physical Address, City, and Zip Anson County Parcel Identification No (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) N 6. Is(are) the well(s)oPermanent or MTemporary 14.. WATER ZONES FROM TO 1)ESC'RIPTION ft. ft. ft. ft. 15. OUTER CASING for ntultl-cased wells OR LINER if n rlicablc FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL +2.5' ft. 34' tt.1 2 in. .040 1 PVC 16. INNER CASING ORT[IHING colhernia l closed -loop) FROM To I DIAMETER TIIICKNFSS MATERIAL ft. ft. in. ft. ft. in. 17. SCREEN FROM 'I'O DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 44' ft. 34' ft. 2 in. .010 .040 PVC ft. ft. in. 18. GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL LN1PLACE' PENT MYTH On & AMOUNT 30' ft. 0' ft. %diaMtype l/bed p,,&, grout plant trimmie 32' ft. 30' ft. time release pellets pour ft. ft. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) FROM TO ►1A7'EnIA1. EMPLACEMPNT METHOD 44' ft. 32' ft. #2 well sand pour ft. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets if necessary) - FROM TO DESCRIPTION [color, Itardncss. spil/nick!Zilie, grain size, etc. _5' ft. 2 5' ft. FIRM Reddish Brown Elastic SILT (MH) 2 5' IL ft, Hard Brownian and White Sandy SILT (ML) rt. 28.5' ft. SAME 28 5' IL ft. ft. 33.5' ft. Dense Brown Tan Course Silty SAND (PWR) Partially Weathered Rock 33dlft• 44' ft- Fractured Tan and Gray Bedrock ft. ft. 2L REMARKS 22. Cert1r I N 3- 2o,9 Si to a Crriiisrd WoIrContraclur Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance 7. is this a repair to an existing well: [3Yes or QNo with 15A NCAC 02C .0100 or 15A NCAC 02C.0200 Well Construction Standards and that a Ifthis is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature ofthe copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. repair under #21 remarks section or on the back of this form. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: 8. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction, only 1 GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 44' (ft.) For multiple wells list all depths if different (example- 3@200' and 2@100') l0. Static water level below to11 /29/2017 37.17' p of casing: * Ifwater level is above casing, use "+" 11. Borehole diameter:. 311 (in.) 12. Well construction method: 21/4" HSA, NW casing, NQ2 Rock Coring. (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Injection W lls: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supniv & Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Fonn GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD GW-1 1. Well Contractor Information: Robert Cassell Jr. Well Contractor Name 4143-A NC Well Contractor Certification Number Summit Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i e. UIC, County, State, Variance, etc) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: Agricultural Municipal/Public DGeothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) Residential Water Supply (single) Industrial/Commercial Residential Water Supply (shared) Irri ation Non -Water Supply Well: x Monitoring r3Recovery Injection Well - Aquifer Recharge ❑Groundwater Remediation Aquifer Storage and Recovery Salinity Barrier Aquifer Test [3Stormwater Drainage Experimental Technology Subsidence Control Geothermal (Closed Loop) OTracer Gcollienmll (IIcat lnWggolln Relum) Other (explain under #21 Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 11 /14/17 Well ID# PZ5-26D 5a. Well Location: Waste Connections Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 375-560 Dozer dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Physical Address, City, and Zip Anson County Parcel Identification No (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) 22. Cert' ati Internal Use Only: N 6. Is(are) the well(s)ox Permanent or InTemporary 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DINCRIPTiOY rt. rt. rt. rt. 1S. OUTER CASINO for multi-cnsed wells OR LIN1.1 .if a licable FROM 'rO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL +2.5' It. 40' ft. 1 2 in _040 1 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING(geothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS I MATERIAL ft. ft. in. ft. Tt. in. 17. SCREEN FROM To DIAMETER MA)TSIZE TIRCKNESS MATERIAL 55' ft- 40' rt• 2 In- .010 .040 PVC ft. ft. in. 18. GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL FATPl &CKMENTMETIt0D & AMOHNT 36' ft. 0' ft. %alam„ce,lb� powder grout plant trimmie 38' R. 36' ft. time release pellets pour ft. ft. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK if applicablEl FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACE%1 ENT METHOD 55' rL 38' ft. #2 well sand pour fr. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG Inttach addilional sheets if neccssa FROM TO DESCRIPTION (color, hardness. soil/rock Iv e, grain size, etc.) 5' rt• 2 5' rt• FIRM Reddish Brown Elastic SILT (MH) 2.5 rt. ft. Hard BrownTan and White Sandy SILT (ML) ft. 28.5' ft. SAME 28 5' rL ft. ft. 33.5 ' rt' Dense Brown Tan Course Silty SAND (PWR) Partially Weathered Rock 33drt• 55' rt' Fractured Tan and Gray Bedrock ft. rt. 21. REMARKS ►v 3 _ 01-20 A? S' rlalurctrfCcrlilietlWell Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: [3Yes or E)No with 15A NCAC 02C 0100 or 15A NCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. repair under 421 remarks section or on the back of this form, 23. Site diagram or additional well details: 8. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction, only I GW-I is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details, You may also attach additional pages if necessary. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 55' (ft.) For multiple wells list all depths ifdifferent (example- 3@200' and 2@100') 10. Static water level below top of casing: 11 /29/2017 46.35' 1f water level is above casing, use "+ " 11. Borehole diameter: 311 (in.) 12. Well construction method: 21/4" HSA, NW casing, NQ2 Rock Coring. (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc ) SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For lulertion Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: -. Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Simply & lniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD GW-i For Internal Use Only: 1. Well Contractor Information: Robert Cassell Jr. Well Contractor Name 4143-A NC Well Contractor Certification Number Summit Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (Le. UIC, County, State, Variance, etc) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: ]Agricultural ]Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) In dustrial/Commercial ]Irrigation Non -Water Supply Well: Municipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (shared) Recharge Groundwater Remediation Storage and Recovery Salinity Barrier Test [3Stormwater Drainage rental Technology Subsidence Control nial(Closed Loop) Tracer Ilia[ (HcatinR/Cooling Relum) rJOthcr (explain under #21 Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 11/15/17 5a. Well Location: Waste Connections Well ID# PZ5-27D Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 375-560 Dozer dr. Polkton, NC 28135 Physical Address, City, and Zip Anson County Parcel Identification No, (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) N 6. Is(are) the well(s)IDPermanent or Temporary W 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: []Yes or [3No If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under ;21 remarks section or on the back of this form. 8. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same construction, only 1 GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells drilled: 9. Total well depth below land surface: 39.5' ft.) Far mriltrple trolls list 01 dolNhs ifdiffv)vns (examp)e- 3@200' and 2@100') 10. Static water level below top of casing: 11 /29/2017 30.56' If water level is above casing, use " + " 11. Borehole diameter: 311 (in.) 12. Well construction method: 21/4" HSA, NW casing, NQ2 Rock Coring. (i e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc ) 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. ft. ft. ft. 15. OtJTLR CASING for multi rased wells OR LINSR ifa lienbin FROM TO DIAMETER THICKnF»SS MATERIAL +2.5' ft. 29.5' ft. 2 i"• .040 1 PVC 16. INNBR CASING OR'i'1111ING eathCrmal rlesed-loo n FROM 7'0 01AINUTE.R 'THICKNESS I MATERIAL ft. it. in. ft. it. in. 17. SCREEN FROM I TO I DIAMETER I SLOT SIZE I THICKNESS I MATERIAL 39.5' rr• 29.5' rr• 2 1O' 1 .010 1.040 1 PVC fte ft. in. 18. GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL $MPLAL'WF.NTMETHODdIAM Itlti,'r ' rt. 0' it. Nftnd,yce,ibent p-ae, grout plant trimmie 28.5' rr• 26.5' rr' time release pellets pour ft. rt. 19. SAND/GRAYti1. PACK firapplicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENTAI£THOD 39.5' rr• 28.5' rr• #2 well sand pour ft. ft. 20. DR1LLiNG LOG (nus b additional sheets if numso FROM TO DFSCRIPTiON (rolar, hardness, wiltrwit LYFC, XrOin size. etc. 5' rr• 2 5' rr• FIRM Reddish Brown Elastic SILT (MH) 2 5' rr• f` Hard BrownTan and White Sandy SILT (ML) rr• 28.5' rr• SAME ft. ft. 33.5' ft. rt. Dense Brown Tan Course Silty SAND (PWR) Partially Weathered Rock ft. 39A fr. Fractured Tan and Gray Bedrock ft. ft. 21. REMARKS 22. CertilIca ' 3 - 9 - Ia J8 gnalu of ersifial Wcll C:m me nr Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with 1 5A NCAC 02C .0100 or I5A NCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided io the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. S1IBMITTA . 1 sTRuffIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For in'e tian Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water• Supply die Inieetinn Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 APPENDIX C PERMANENT MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORDS Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. WELL CQNSTRIIC U RF.CARU GW-1 gcrc use d.nt�r_ ,_Wen CeatrscforTu%r-afiM YR wellco="w® A NCwen Cc-fifi-k- 75c1}IliEliCi15Ii9G To nrd Tom& 2. With pupas&#tIL Lvtalffawe�Pu� ifJf; t mmry, 3. Wt:1l use(ct>edcwdl �k SUPIftwem- swalcmal� Y) �Wdersnpply[ ) f1r !i . (mdus�aitCommacat wete�se�rlsCi Ys:Gz�r.: =::::-- :�.-:.:.L. __ a�wesa�n+rF i�foti Wart Wd h c[.zaMeAl— ice+ Masi %jeclion'4ic- � tl AquifmRtx . and+ '- Cry j 70 33�- P 4 �#=:�.5: r C� pgtuferrest — t Googol {z: o 1ov) tin! ecowrood - othg lsintmder 21 y/17-/I� W�ma� �' 13S a b,IlateWdll(s)Complct r46 Q t Sa. WdD LOMflnnc IL IL Ferro„ Alkimsir 2-10 • PhydealAdders.chy.-d•rjp 11$'O IV SC.0 �4 S t�► C:a'iG�� cow 'r H0. c +'k wh A6 � ` 51M I.afitadessd iB dtrdfdxl = 22. Ca' QA ctl'we� s�la. aye l is spy f gq- Iv�`s—�ca? ►17 W� a y�d�'t*'� sigmaeeoffkrsilkdWegCio+or Data 6_ Is(are)1he wrS(s�g gy dgrfwm I ho rby cwtP rW fiw -ffl&) was ) eavnowAed fR awodance AcO ejD100ar1SANCAGOW-102 BWdlC� *awdihurn q 7.D arepeirtpan $weir* �Ycs or 2 '�,� w r5trmarrealdaa wm1SRlr �PY� �madlwabsiv+prvvddedmdlicse0a.o� gift&tsu> jlu�f�wevdlamn ,fir o ear. �� a it ZL filft diagram (w add -we U ddxaiis: 3iuu By Uw the hardy a.f finis page to pwac od"mg w X site deeds or weU S. For C,�robdDk'i or [�acd-�P GeoStarmal Welh having the smrAdetails you may eiso attach edddlioual row ifneoes—y- constm "u. dopiy 1 1 is ncmk& Lddl�e TOTAL NL%U C of wells dn7led.� I�Vf ! 9. Tohd weA depth below dens mnfi= 3 3 •� ) Tits Far nw Weil<s: Submik ilris tm wid t 30 datpa of campleffan of well . par msfrtpkwag laraffdWf (je ('Mq*'3@M'mad2.@PM ucd=tothefollcpwiot, t 4- ice) Ditritfmn of Wat�Ilssontcoe:,I�O �nPruee�ing�I 10. Static water laud belmv top eli i517vice CCntcr. ,14C376W1617 141a Ser jwoter k,r! fa aboroe emvrg ,rsa "+" f Cm,) 3 4i �a""� 24b. For I +�fon dis: 3n additivo to g the farm to the addre :s in 24a t L Borehole dliameter- above also a6mg tine copy of lhiS form within 30 tip of weU xz. Well caustraetion +` Co flC-- cmshuctiemtoihefollow-mg C— Mwer HAMY. pusk C) I n of WaigrRoarcEr-, Md hdoefiaii C*Uhml ant, FOR WATEB SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: M6 MaD Sa vEm Cam, ita ,l+IC 2T6' 9406 13% Yield (l�),� ��Od ddts� 24a For Watw & W k addttiou to sending the farm to the addrtsK=) above, also submit me wpy of flit& f� rvtlttia 30 days of letitm of vmR won bo ft 0MIty health df�attatenr of the comity 12lb-DidaSK6011 Me: A=DuNb where dons motcd- lwueolQ�Y-�iv�aa afllVaterRssou�es @evi$d 2 32 2Olb (sinthCamtioal]eparttmeetofF Farm G W-i �VEI,��ONS"�IICIION REC[}RD GW-I For UsethAY- L well CatatEactor� ark L s�� hex- SR ,- 70 wdi caabmCwrw FROM fL 3S $ �o F NC Wdi Qom Mt a. 'IL s a J COnIpY Pkare- Ii: ..... :...._ MAIMMUt, ZWdICWL*Mbm rcmu' t�Cam3:�Y) ia• (� 3 wen um ( -M A:::... :.. _ .:. , ...:.- _ ::.:-:::: ..: i�r;►» so nt watersappzrw AC ft 7C ft- c. c 4% Goothatmel(�°g�PPIF) wmwswr( s '�- J. .7 $ F� i�%�R►tcber g a IL .. _. t+sEn[tm a� fftL 3 C� IL nali3,�IGl [)G GeoWermal (tad ImP) Oiiaoer Gcathroa Rsistm - �md� ICR� cs � iR �!� �. T wen mgw $ 4. Mte Wdl[s) ice: IL sE 5a. WeS 1,amfiaa: IL fL �/ Fata�itylarvtir�won }� ter p,,► -.dZip� Goc.�'+is�7 nsa,v see � r � sb.1.s#itadeaadloHglt&is m e C • (ifwoft &44. one huff b ) `s ! 3.s� L ?$ w f L t ro 08 N 6.Ware) tbevtat-AW—Mt Dr ' �� s• oE{k�6edVleilC�eAos � 1!�, jk fosm,jrhosbyMOfh t,hs.C90Jwwl.Mi fn O1 c� CWBWCM 7.lsthisHrepaietpaHt�tistiogw [3t�ye,.sor EWo wl�ISANfs1C CJ6l06orlSANC/jCO1C.81110i�feUCo or+Siw dse++dthaia GOpy GflbfllBC�7�k� �1'OV�t9�lo the l�T110RAp= Ifthtr trnxpalr j!!! p} }�y'jtitt 'J"'�'r� �E�� ,tor wrder1121Mw1sxectlonmraathebadeafmufwaL 23.; dis t� diEioHalw�1d you may we fire bade of &is page to pwvide adeliticatal weU sde detail or WE 8. For CeoprobdDlr ar Cftwed4�DV W"I-'ing #- d� Yaa may also aMad3additiottal pates if aer y constructiaa,a iseedIaicM'QALNMMOfvcdb m d,t 9. TOW well dIP6 bdHW lead -3 G ) 249. X AII W__e& 3,0,* this tmm vttltiv. 34 days of eompletiam of well . X'oriuedNplewc=lrfBtaHdr ksif � 'md2@JW) c tothe#afloWiDg: l .1t up DIVULM alwatrr i omwe s, l san �ti 30. 51atic wares revel belo9v 6►P o[ = I617MA ServirxOtter, �� 1RC27699-i617 lfww�lg►dtoaLase+ f sat %) d t �O""� 241L For In"eSO eRs To a&Mm to scmding the ftm W dw address in 24a lI. Sunehale d�sJa�ee: above also snbm me ©W of tads &m v" 30 days of vasoglctiam of wdI 1z.weneanstraeRoame�ad: �eIJIO r •� C6/`iC._ oatothcfaU�mg: G.e, m�Y �` � �' �) Divissoa of Wat>s Rcgatrtt:es, iFsd�oaad is�ra C®tmi PragXatn, �. /y �[ FOR WATB�it SUPPLY WELiS OIQi.Y: J"4 16M M.0 Service Centw, RaIdgh WC 2709-106 J 113a.Yield rpm) Dd�hodoe 24 -. For Wa ter Sti -re - In addaiaa to saadfag the farm to the a ,S) abrrvy earn subak am copy of thg � vvidhm 30 days of c004,kijon of vA cgnstraeflon to the comity heal& depatIMM of the Coaaty 13h-Dismfeebaa types vhe=cM9MCM& NeU L�lcoiios ofr=rfionnvzt d Qm&y,Drvisioaaf WaurBe Revved 2 2Z 2D16 Fans t3w-L vau CONMUMON REC01iD GW-i I. wen Caetaetor itor-a" ct,k E Sic �e� �fZ wrll N— x7 s f A NC Wd1Caa DOC CGMPWNsMD 2. wa caaslrA o- 2trraupk�lewr�lc+onrarPMtrC� r �'° 3. Welt use (e>a-&wcB �rr�in�ia$�Y) �WaterSmpply[�) ommercid ;wt EGz%b 0Q=m%.Iw Rmwfid— StafwandRawVas► 09ahaysania rcd 13 =WTeebno%V j3s*6dwoecQdMl 4. Date Wa!(s) CoacpleietL w�ID M w ' ! $' ra 5&wcaucadsw ol fan - l� AF-C- Fj*%WAd&cMQ .Mnd2V $ d S! ASoJL] — Javat sb. ���� artset�rat (tfwc# sell, amtwlwg issul5dM4 lVa f a 3-3 7.-X-- 1 `so 488 •�� w Z ter m wh A6-frame Q 22.0 w- .: r 6. U(are)W mK4a' rM--9 air Eff B. J*dog r&yf) hffgby eel+ dm &a wdl(esl v= (P-J m aaaordo- oyes (r 2wa +�ISda�C�-tllDoarYSdATGCU2C.Q�9�dlSYml�mmdrhuR� Abu waaxaer. 7.1(stlilssrepair taagevia= cord rlsaairueaj� lir7drtsarep�rfdlmul�so�►r�cell��' �q copy4vfwsrewdhwbempvowAdso frlralr corder 921 ems% dw Of am baet4errfaM 23. die disgrsmor *AdftlGwIWeR deftVc $dd"dionaS well sits ddatls or well coonhw asetitsLL d. Far C�eeprabdBi'JC or � GeaHwewiWensbaM9theswc Vofthis"asa hsddi ff � demil4. Yon may aLsv atteci►additiaaal nR canshuctian,o! At �mrrxrrrsi.71�4RRYYCCiOI�s dn7led: / -�.� e� 9. Total wen depth below le■d am�ec �7 . o ( ) 24a. Fwr All WCAM Submit ibis form w� 30 days of COVVictim of weli . FarmvlXpfe�vdh � a�dgpdes �C�a-3�3611 m d1®lt�0'} car i"smnin the foilowkk.- �'�� � #?iv5 = of Water RPsoaroe hlUW"ttM Pt+ars�ng Unli, 10. SEsttew�terlsvel l�elosv cop e[ 1617 Mug Sffvtce Center, > b,NC 27699-1617 ljwa18r inn & above vamb$, we r+" F i Cm.) 3 �d 2sfb_Far7niet� d[Er in ad s tossndtetp <be tbrtn to the sddrt ss in 24a 11. Barel+plt diemeGer: shore} alln sobardt one copy of this ram wilhifl 30 days of eomPhliora'Of well 12. wen rnssuveamu odb,& •• Cam -com&uclhmzo the fnllowia� Cie. ow. Mary, cable. d capmh ems-) iilvMmn of WaWRCS arccs.U*dcrgwund Igj c6m CcobviPrOgmm, FOR WATE1tSI7Pi'LY WELLS ONLY_ 1636 WURSM =e ceaw, RaIdgXMC 27699406 I3a 3Cuetd(gpm}. clhodOOYU 24c EH'�L_dg In adMw to g the f un to the 5[rs} abmw- aim snirm me copy of *h Emu widdix 30 days of comple ma of wen camskuvoon to d= rnoty heath depwhMA of tba cnvntY 13t� DisWeitinnf9� A.t tviwe enmsWcted- 6f�h De�rhnmeiaEEavnvnmealel Quetir]r- Divaian of W�erR s Rc9lwd3 Z2-ZDl6 Farm [iV► ! WE3, ,CO fgMU ONAz—WAD GW i krurJUECEDUILJW%J,,.Y. I war co*� lea �o � �-� •`� 4.Ilatewell(s)Cosojdeted: !-I 1;- W.AMB IM W -IGS �e �/ �tTac''i�yt°`vnaZ'em° - - rhyaQdn &=I6cay.-War 01 5bi. laeasd ID � � s. Ts(ane] the wee(serf>m�t�t Q* �'� �� 7. is this srepair to an eris6sg f3Yes or 2Wo fhs r:�vrs olnc0 Ijthfrisatr�afrf�Iravfirrawn+reUeecrrlwQa► r 021rawg-waw0ruarhahm**l-ftr- S. For CcoproWDPr ar Geo$erst dWe1ta3MVMfhesaate t oaa, t4Y 1 Is m�«1 Tadi�e llffFA7.idUA� ofUe]La 9. Totai wrII ftffi bcUWI and emrffi= Y* `� �R} ForMrlyptewe&&fafrdtr*#I&ffMW( 3@M-amf2100� 16. static watn Level l &ff top of - �1 �t 11.HareTfatedr: Back G Ste+ c�-� 3 12. Wcsi eunstrae" meow& AeIG, � f ` •� Ct� r`�C_ DWO By fnn l be+e6y OA& rhm d e vWrs'I vns (orris) amn&=W m aeaordome .MISAA ZNC01C.f;Wmr1aNCACO2C.OMDVaSaMWd,am"s ea er0+yofrhrsraenrdlQalro®rp�aa mAffuenammor zL SitearaddWoudwiM.d.ehuhm v�i sire dei�u7s or well youmap me &e bark of this page to P�� addiflund Boa demil4 You may also aftch admaoalpap ifnwcmxy. 242Far Ali ce Submit this farm withra 30 dwp of campiedon of well _ canstructiontD the fwlawinr n vis oa egwsWAmmFcM a[arma&npMeeWR9UH% 1617 MUR savkeCam r, h, NC 2709-T617 306 For �'eSEE weir fit adM= bo swding the form to the a8d m in�� abo siso one OW of this farm within 3U days of ao�ldi adim tothefaIlawi4a 1Ti a waterliesMeea.>iFWkgp mzdI:3 c-ftu' Proz—. ------------ Forr wAT E R sUMY wF U 5 oi+�Y: CIA 1a s ma S center, i> ,r1C 2709406 ]3a.3ridd (ppm) Method after 24c. Fi#r wMRW 1 - -ms fn adm to sendingd30 faundays to dre addam(cs) above., also sobmn MW -P9 Of tbls widrm -a COMP I'd. of well aaustrta�im to mC oawly hca& pert of me eamuy 13lr.IJi�nfM9Q1M ilpe+._ vibem e Form (`Vif-1 N�thC:malma of trvimnmontal >tY-� �ofwaUTResuaacs Revi=12 22 201G WEI•L COPiS1'KUCTION RECORD GW-1 1 1ett 8t use vu�y= l_ We11 Coatsactur�� Q4r to To - weuca*a— ZS {'• $' GvlsN iloC.�t am c? A NC We&C C_fi Cz To OR''. - - lfsrdlappliTe+'�fPef�s{a i11� Ca�flan7 Yam �,) is FL i WaierSsiyWcII: 3AW•� �IAll67» �" a� 9QF5{li Water &V Oy (sin*) i ff- s � Wwat.,,s>spply(r,xrr.::-::�Awe�iiu;;W 10 -NWWattr WdL- l,gjeC47a� W E fL fL DAquiferRadimp ���5111�X4►C�6XVBiFACC d . ` : _ _t -....- . c :. = > ' borrowAgitiferTest $fotageaadRecaveey �Ye`,�aoru. %Lr � �3•� �.'�:':�J • �L�l � .�� � "� - Ceeoth�al (Liasod Laa'a) > zo l�o�) u #211 st Co-pltftd a. Date Wdl(s) 5A. WeU I.orstlt m: G,t A fL 317s— ;� �r. N. IL ff d r 2L Cot s {ifweII ffdd aoa lS ii sue) Deft i&2d=8fc=u&dWcucm&mftr b. Is{are) t6ev�(s)' + or vast (urge) m peCpnfinees �. eEtr t ray e go *0 a- war,)Oy" _ 2W or wMMI"C o2C.oloo or J.M lVoACO2C.GM WeUCs mt Smn*Wds WdfTl4fa aova�����na�re°f� �yalditsneaxdBurpftofTeeyrllama reParron�d3Tr �a�lou+txrasadiedrx3rg�L6tsfarsr Xi.Sib! d6gng erg adme1ld You may we flm back of this page to grmride adflitioua4 wtll site details m well B.For GvqwabeMpTnr jAOPGeadwrodWe%baviitgtse ConSWWdmdctgm- Yoamagabmatieth pagsifn Y- consmWdou, t -1 is IWAL N11MQNRYS 8 dfe7ied: J 9. ToW weU dqi& bdow laud satism _ � � ) MMMMhrs;.Rl4rttUCEM 240. For AA Wdlm Snbmit tfim fmm vaithm 30 days of complenon of weii _ Fol-mdVew&sIffail &p& if 3a@2W'fmd2WW) comihudiontothefQuOWP�. lo. static waW hvel below tap eft (it:) 1)Ti+ dus. of Watervesm"M26warmatien Pr €ng Unk 1617 MA Sudw C�� s NC 27699-1617 Irxafer level Is above caste gee'+- _% G'lso; em.) 3 ed,4_ xab-Fnr Iu on— — In addition is sag the fnTm to the add,ess to 24a It. Boreisate disosrlu: above, aiw subak one DW of ads form within 30 days of comi deliaa of welt 12 Wen consftudoo t : — CG r-e— _ - tntbe foflnsvmg Cm mom mtny. cd t4 tWk n of WsmWRewmnofz, Umiwvmmd lnjecom (.'mbA FrogrAm, FOR WATERS[ PLY WEId,St?M-Y 1636i1S ServiceCe�ttr,del :Ntv 27659 i636 MVidd(9p-) Mrthodoft tam For WstW &Oft � Ltrs Webs: h t admium, to sanding the form to the addmss(rs) alive, also sabot ®e Dopy of'"s ftmn sin 30 daps of camp?ctim< Orwell conshuctiae to the comity beaft of the comfy 13h. an ti PG Ash wbere consbumd- Fay GW-t Ha;IhCmo!®TTgt ofl avimnmevml Q�1itY -Sef WsferBs Revised 2 22 2QJ 6 WELL CONS MucnON 1 twdlc shw* rfnbrawfiew 4�k IE wee coN� xC 1lrell cwntrsma<c !tie t-^ 2. WIHGQ t"M 1!rI €=TdyMS Cif= ) A Ikkiv a A AS.Opj . 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Yield (gam)_, meffm of test 24r- For Wa9r 1 tm fn adder 10 smdmg the farm 10 the addm s(cs3 abovs also sobmR am copy of this fmm -wi gm 30 days of ,Mplr dm of we31 corm dim to ibc comely 1u-J& dq-ftaem of Me crnmty 13b.bistafectimOr- . Apt where conshuctelL uo.naw 1 I�orlhG7unliaa73tpet�at ofF n��4�+ri -ifilidoaofWmaRsaIIees Revised2-223016 LANDFILL GAS MONITORING PLAN ANSON COUNTY SOLID WASTE FACILITY SUBMITTED TO: NCDEQ DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT SOLID WASTE SECTION 217 W JONES STREET RALEIGH, NC 27603 PRESENTED TO: WASTE CONNECTIONS, INC. OF NORTH CAROLINA 375 DOZER DRIVE POLKTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28135 Prepared By: CIVIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA CEC Project 165-276 DECEMBER 2017 A� Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 19 10 Center Park Drive. Suite A I Charlotte. NC 28217 1 p: 980-224-8104 is 980-224-8172 1 www.cecinc.com TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................1 1.1 Background Information...................................................................................... 1 1.2 Regulatory Requirements........................................................................................ 2 1.3 Current Site Conditions......................................................................................... 3 1.4 Monitoring Location Criteria.................................................................................. 4 2.0 LFG MONITORING.........................................................................................................5 2.1 Monitoring Devices and Procedures....................................................................... 5 2.2 Monitoring Schedule............................................................................................... 6 3.0 CONTINGENCY PLAN...................................................................................................7 4.0 CERTIFICATION.............................................................................................................8 TABLES Table 1 — Summary of Gas Monitoring Probe Locations ATTACHMENTS Attachment A — Landfill Gas Monitoring Guidance from NCDENR Division of Waste Management Attachment B — Site Figures Attachment C — LFG Well Construction Schematic Attachment D — Landfill Gas Monitoring Field Log Civil & Environmental Consultants. Inc. -i- Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan —165-276 November 2017 1.0 INTRODUCTION The following plan has been prepared as a standalone document in accordance with current NCDEQ Solid Waste Section (SWS) guidance. The monitoring locations, methods, and thresholds for action are based on the SWS document "Landfill Gas Monitoring Guidance" November 2010, available online at h=://portal.ncdenr.org./c/document library/get file?uuid=da699f7e-8cl3-4249-9012- 16af8aefdc7b& -og_upld=38361. The guidance contains specific requirements for well construction, equipment calibration, sampling procedures, and data keeping in a plan that is organized in a standardized format. This document is found in Attachment A. 1.1 BACKGROUND INFORMATION Landfill gas (LFG) is a by-product from the decomposition of organic waste in a landfill, which includes methane, carbon dioxide, water, and other constituents. Methane can be explosive under certain conditions, and LFG migration has been known to transfer certain contaminants into ground water. Subsurface gas normally migrates above the ground water table and is restricted laterally by streams. In the Slate Belt, the partially weathered rock (PWR) zone existing just above competent bedrock is often the most porous subsurkice horizon and can preferentially serve as a gas migration pathway. Man-made subsurface conduits such as pipelines or trenches (if present) can serve as preferential LFG pathways. No occupied structures off -site appear to be at risk for gas migration. The Solid Waste Rules typically focus on the explosive properties of LFG from a public safety standpoint. Methane in landfill gas has the potential to create an explosion hazard. Methane is explosive between its lower explosive limit (LEL) of 5% by volume and its upper explosive limit (UEL) of 15% by volume. Because methane concentrations within the landfill are typically 50% (much higher than its UEL), methane is unlikely to explode within the landfill Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. _1- Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan —165-276 December 2017 boundaries. Oxygen is a key component for creating an explosion, but the biological processes that produce methane require an anaerobic, or oxygen -depleted, environment. Thus, subsurface drilling in the landfill mass is not likely to cause an explosion. As methane migrates and is diluted; however, the methane gas mixture may be at explosive levels. At the surface of the landfill, enough oxygen is present to support an explosion, but the methane gas usually diffuses into the ambient air to concentrations below the 5% LEL. In order to pose an explosion hazard, methane must migrate from the landfill and be present between its LEL and UEL. Such conditions may be present in open excavations, ditches, subsurface utility conduits, or other subsurface confined spaces. Active gas recovery is the primary means of controlling gas at this facility. A Landfill Gas Control Plan was implemented soon after landfill operations commenced. A network of extraction wells installed in the waste are connected to a blower station and the collected LFG flared. Methane monitoring wells (landfill gas probes) are installed above the water table using construction techniques that are otherwise similar to ground water monitoring wells. Components of the active gas recovery system are not to be monitored. LFG monitoring will be performed during the active life of the landfill and throughout the post -closure care period. Quarterly monitoring will be conducted at all probes and in all on -site structures located on the landfill property. 1.2 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS NCAC 15A 13B .1626 (4) (a) requires monitoring for the following explosive gas limits: • 25% of the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) or 5% methane in standard atmosphere within ALL on -site structures, excluding the gas recovery systems. • 100% LEL at the facility boundary Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -2- Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan — 165-276 December 2017 • No detectable concentration at off -site occupied structures. 1.3 CURRENT SITE CONDITIONS The subject landfill is situated high on a ridge bounded on three sides by blue line streams, which act as natural barriers to gas migration. Potentiometric contours reflect the surface topography, which slopes moderately to the north but diverges sharply to the east and west toward the streams located along the facility boundary. Topographic relief near the west stream is steep, with elevation changes from the footprint to the streams on the order of 70 feet with up to 20% slopes, but the land surface slopes gently to the east stream with slopes generally less than 5%. The landfill is lined and is mostly excavated to the approved base grades on the west side, while the footprint is built up with a constructed 15-foot high perimeter embankment along the east side. On -site soils are silt and clay weathered from meta -volcanic tuffs and fine-grained Triassic sedimentary formations typically exhibiting low permeability, which originally extended 20 to 40 feet beneath the surface. The soils gradually transition with depth to a variably thick layer of porous "partially weathered rock" overlying hard, low -porosity non -weathered rock. On the west and north sides of the disposal footprint, deep wide -spread excavation has removed much of the overburden soil. The water table is approximately 10 to 30 feet deep over most of the site, including the up -gradient side of the landfill, except near the streams where water levels are 5 to 8 feet deep. The approved base grades are 30 feet or more above the level of the streams and a minimum of 4 feet above groundwater and/or bedrock. Lateral separation to the streams is 50 feet minimum; these dimensions provide little opportunity for gas to migrate beyond the facility boundary on the three sides bound by streams. The nearest known residence exists approximately 1,700 feet to the south and east of the MSWLF. Other occupied structures include a maintenance building (metal shell on concrete slab) located approximately 500 feet southeast of the footprint and approximately 800 feet east of the gas flare. The scale house (mobile building) is located approximately 1,000 feet south of the waste boundary. A small cemetery exists approximately 400 feet Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -3- Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan — 165-276 December 2017 east of the Phase 1 footprint. The facility offices are approximately one-half mile south of the waste boundary. 1.4 MONITORING LOCATION CRITERIA Gas migration is a process of diffusion through porous media, affected by porosity and permeability, similar to ground water within an unconfined or partly confined porous aquifer. For gas, pressures and concentrations are higher near the source and gradually decrease with distance - unless a distinct conduit is present - thus a "halo effect" is often discernable. The gas can be confined in the soil by lower permeability clay layers and saturated layers impermeable to gas that can occur either above or below the porous layer. At this site, horizontal permeability for ground water flow appears to exceed vertical permeability, due in part to the shape of the saprolite aquifer as it conforms to the topography and upper bedrock surface; true for water and gas. The unsaturated saprolite or PWR is the likely gas conveyance and is the target of the gas monitoring plan. Placement of perforated pipe for gas monitoring above the water table is standard practice. The required horizontal placement for gas monitoring appurtenances (either wells or bar -hole punch locations) is not defined. Considering the similarities of gas migration to ground water, with a compliance boundary established at property lines, a sensible criteria for test locations is outside the perimeter of any gas conveyances (such as recovery system pipelines) and approximately half the distance from the source to the compliance boundary or no more than 150 feet if the property line is more than 300 feet from the source - thus establishing a review boundary. Gas probe locations are shown on Figure 1 (Attachment B). Distances between the probes are approximately 250 feet. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc- -4- Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan — 165-276 December 2017 2.0 LFG MONITORING 2.1 MONITORING DEVICES AND PROCEDURES Equipment: A portable gas monitoring device, e.g. LandGEM 5000 or equivalent gas monitor, shall be used to measure methane gas in the probes. Concentrations shall be reported in the units of percent methane or percent of the lower explosive limit (LEL). The LEL for methane is approximately 5%. General sampling procedures are discussed below, relative to different types of monitoring appurtenances and locations but the instructions for the specific monitoring device should be followed. Occupied Buildings: Monitoring of all on -site structures will be conducted during regular monitoring events at the earliest possible time after the structure has been unused (e.g. early morning). Methane is heavier than air and tends to accumulate in the lower zones with restricted circulations, i.e. crawlspace vents, drainage pipes, and utility vaults. Alternatively, the buildings may be equipped with continuous explosive gas detection devices. Gas monitoring will also be conducted in any confined space requiring the entry of personnel for maintenance or inspection. The monitoring will take place prior to entry by personnel in accordance with OSHA regulations. Within the buildings, atmospheric sampling for methane shall be conducted. Ambient Monitoring: This includes a "walk -around" at the toe of landfill slopes to survey for gas that may be seeping through the intermediate or permanent cover. A key to potential side slope seepage includes stained soil, wetness with visible bubbling, or distressed (or absent) vegetation. Any detection of methane in the ambient monitoring should be noted on a site map and a special notation recorded in the monitoring report. Bar -Hole Punch Locations: Gas monitoring in bar -hole punches will consist of punching a hole with a 3-foot probe. Tubing that is open-ended and perforated on the bottom should be placed in the bottom of the hole, taking care not to plug the bottom of the tubing with soil. The peak methane reading should then be recorded for each bar -hole probe location. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -5- Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan —165-276 December 2017 Methane Monitoring Wells: Permanent gas monitoring wells installed to appropriate monitoring depths, which for this site have been established as 15 feet or the water table, whichever is encountered first. Each gas monitoring well will be constructed with a 10-foot perforated section sealed below a bentonite plug, similar to ground water monitoring well construction with appropriate stickups for visibility and locking covers. Each well shall be "sniffed" with a gas meter (calibrated for methane) equipped with a probe or open-endedtube that can be inserted into the sampling port set within the well cap. Readings should be taken over a five- minute period (or as recommended by the manufacturer) and the peak methane reading should then be recorded, either as percent methane or percent LEL depending on the meter output. SWS guidelines include a well construction schematic found in Attachment C. Record -keeping_: The sampling technician shall record the date, time, location, sampling personnel, atmospheric temperature, reported barometric pressure, and general weather conditions at the time of sampling, in addition to the concentration of combustible gases. The sampling results are to be recorded on a form, such as the example Landfill Gas Monitoring Field Log shown in Attachment D. The records will be maintained in the landfill operating record for the life of the facility. 2.2 MONITORING SCHEDULE The Solid Waste Rules require quarterly monitoring. Landfill gas monitoring will be performed during the active life of the landfill, currently estimated at 20+ years, and throughout the post -closure care period. Civil & Environmental Consultants. Inc- -6- Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan — 165-276 December 2017 3.0 CONTINGENCY PLAN Solid Waste Rule NCAC 15A 13B .1626 (4) (c) specifies that, upon detection of methane exceeding the threshold values (described above), the facility management must perform the following: • Immediately take steps required to protect human health and notify the Division. • Within seven days place in the operating record a report of the methane gas levels and the location of the detection, along with a description of the response to protect human health. • Within 60 days implement a remediation plan for the methane gas release; place a copy of the plan in the Operating Record; and notify the Division that the plan has been implemented. The plan shall describe the name and extent of the problem and the proposed remedy. Civil & Environmental Consultants. Inc- -7- Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan — 165-276 December 2017 4.0 CERTIFICATION The Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan for this facility has been prepared by a qualified geologist who is licensed to practice in the State of North Carolina. The plan has been prepared based on first-hand knowledge of site conditions and familiarity with North Carolina solid waste rules and industry standard protocol. This certification is made in accordance with North Carolina ,Solid Waste Regulations, indicating this Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan should provide early detection of a release of hazardous constituents to the upperinost aquifer, so as to be protective of public health and the environment. No other warranties, expressed or implied, are made. Sig ned: � Printed: &(UJ4rd Al. sk>h*-ll S Date: /2/7117 CA Seal:` ��CE�SFp�-� '►.� SE 1031 : 3 �* �9� ,�: OG\$sr,4'�pl �•�. �a Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. _g- Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan —165-276 November 2017 Table 1 - Summary of Gas Monitoring Probe Locations Probe Location GP-1 Southeast corner of Phase 1, near maintenance building GP-2 South of Phase 1, near gas works GP-3 East of Phase 1, over diabase dike GP-4 South of Phase 1, near southwest corner GP-5 South of Phase 1, near Phase 2 line GP-6 East of Phase 2 GP-7 South of Phase 1, near railroad cut GP-8 West of Phase 3, near future southwest corner GP -9 West of Phase 3 GP -10 West of Phase 3 GP -11 North of Phase 4 GP -12 North of Phase 4 Civil & Environmental Consultants. Inc- -9- Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan — 165-276 December 2017 ATTACHMENT A LANDFILL GAS MONITORING GUIDANCE FROM NCDENR DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT Civil & Environmental Consultants. Inc. NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT SOLID WASTE SECTION LANDFILL GAS MONITORING GUIDANCE NOVEMBER 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1 — Introduction..............................................................................................Page 2 Section 2 — Factors Influencing Landfill Gas Generation and Migration ..............................Page 3 Section 3 - Current Solid Waste Section Rules Pertaining to Landfill Gas Monitoring ..............Page 5 Section 4 — Landfill Gas Incidents and Explosions ........................................................Page 9 Section 5 — Landfill Gas Monitoring Wells..................................................................Page 11 Section 6 — Landfill Gas Monitoring Instrumentation ... ..................................................Page 14 Section 7 — References.........................................................................................Page 17 1 SECTION 1- Introduction North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules 15A NCAC 13B require quarterly monitoring of methane gas (at MSW landfills) and quarterly monitoring of methane and other explosive landfill gases (LFG) (at C&D and other landfills) to ensure that landfill gas does not exceed the lower explosive limit (LEL) at the facility property boundary or 25 percent of the lower explosive limit in facility structures. If the concentration exceeds the specified limits, steps must be taken to ensure the protection of public health and a rernediation plan must be implemented immediately. A landfill gas monitoring plan is necessary to ensure that these performance standards are met and this guidance document was developed to assist in establishing a standardized procedure for the monitoring of landfill gas. Background Organic matter in landfills begins to decompose almost immediately after being placed in a disposal site. Putrescible wastes such as food products and sewage sludges begin to break down by biological processes very rapidly whereas paper, cardboard or cellulose based materials are slower to decompose. However, when conditions become favorable, most organic matter will decompose. The decomposition process typically goes through several stages that depend on conditions such as pH, temperature, and moisture content. The final stage results in the production of methane and although the rate of production may vary, most landfills produce methane. Landfill Gas Generation Landfill gas is a natural by-product of the anaerobic decomposition of organic waste in a Iandftll. The composition, quantity and rate of landfill gas generation are dependent on the types of waste that are decomposing and the level of microbial activity within the wastes. The decomposition of biodegradable waste begins with aerobic decomposition which lasts until the oxygen in the landfill is depleted. The anaerobic phase then begins, resulting in landfill gas production. There are four stages of landfill gas composition: the first stage is characterized by elevated nitrogen levels and occurs when the landfill is new. The second stage is characterized by elevated carbon dioxide levels and occurs for a relatively short period of time after the initial stage is complete. The third and fourth stages are characterized by elevated methane concentrations and represent the active life of a landfill and the post -closure time frame. Landfill gas is generally composed of 50-55% methane (CH4); 45-50% carbon dioxide (CO2); less than 5% nitrogen (N2); and less than 1% non -methane organic compounds. These individual gases generally remain co -mingled and do not naturally separate. The Solid Waste Section (SWS) Rules typically focus on methane (CH4) and its explosive properties due to public safety issues. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is also of particular concern in landfills and is typically recognized by its rotten egg odor. H2S is immediately dangerous to life and health at concentrations of 100 parts per million (ppm). Landfill Gas Migration The production of landfill gas creates a positive pressure within the landfill that forces the gas to migrate. Landfill gas migrates from place to place by diffusion and pressure gradient and will follow the path of least resistance. Subsurface gas typically migrates above the groundwater table and is restricted laterally by streams. Porous soils lying above the bedrock can serve as pathways to transmit large volumes of gas. Underground off -site migration is common and can be facilitated by the presence of pipelines, buried utility corridors or trenches located within or adjacent to the landfill boundaries. Movement depends on soil type and moisture, and migration distances of 1,500 feet have been observed. Barometric pressure also influences movement. Falling barometric pressure allows methane to migrate out of the landfill and into surrounding areas. 2 SECTION 2 o Factors Influencing LandfiII Gas Generation and Migration Factors that affect landfill gas generation and migration through the subsurface include the following: Waste Composition The production of landfill gas is directly related to the amount of organic matter present in waste. The bacteria that break down the waste require small amounts of specific minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and other micronutrients. Bacteria are able to thrive and produce Iandfill gas if the mineral s/mi cronutri ents are present. if the minerals/micronutrients are not present or if substances that inhibit bacterial growth exist, landfill gas production will occur at a reduced rate. Some forms of organic matter such as cellulose break down quickly whereas matter such as lignin breaks down more slowly. The rate at which landfill gas is produced depends on the proportions of each type of organic matter present in the waste. Moisture Content Landfills with higher moisture content generate higher concentrations of landfill gas in earlier stages of development (such as during leachate recirculation). Moisture accelerates the methanogenic process. Temperature Landfill bacteria are temperature dependant. They are able to survive and function below the freezing point, but they also function well at temperatures up to 65°C. Anaerobic bacteria produce small amounts of heat and may not be able to maintain the temperature of a shallow landfill when external temperatures decrease, so LFG generation may exhibit seasonal variations. Saturated landfills may not achieve ideal temperatures because the bacteria do not generate sufficient heat to raise the temperature of the excess water. Higher temperatures promote volatilization and chemical reactions with the waste so the trace gas component of Iandfill gas tends to increase with higher landfill temperatures. Age of Landfill Typically, landfills have an increasing generation of landfill gas for a number of years until closure at which time landfill gas generation reaches a peak and begins to subside. An evaluation of the age of the landfill and use of a landfill gas generation curve can be helpful in determining the likelihood of significant landfill gas concentrations from the landfill. Landfill Cap The type or presence of landfill cover can influence landfill gas generation and migration. Although a low permeability cap will reduce moisture and landfill gas generation over the longer term, initially, the installation of a landfill cap could drive landfill gas migration further from the landfill in the subsurface without proper ventilation (either passive or active). This is especially true in the case of unlined (unvented) landfills. Water Table Landfill gas movement in unlined Iandfills may be influenced by groundwater table variations. A rising water table could cause displacement and force upward movement of landfill gas. Man-made and Natural Conduits Structures such as drains, trenches, and buried utility corridors can act as conduits for landfill gas migration. Geologic features including fractured bedrock, porous soil, and permeable strata also provide conduits for landfill gas migration Landfill Liner Conditions The presence of a Subtitle-D (or equivalent) landfill liner has the capability to limit the lateral migration of landfill gas in the subsurface. Unlined landfills have no barrier to prevent lateral landfill gas migration in the subsurface. Weather Conditions Barometric pressure and precipitation have significant effects on landfill gas migration. Increased barometric pressure yields decreased landfill gas venting from the subsurface, until the pressure within the subsurface is greater than the atmospheric (barometric) pressure. Conversely, as the barometric pressure decreases, the landfill will vent the stored gas until pressure equilibrium is reached. Capping of a landfill can influence the effect of barometric pressure on landfill gas migration. Generally, a more permeable landfill cap will allow greater influence by barometric pressure than a less permeable landfill cap. SECTION 3 — 4Carrrent Solid Waste Section Rules Pertaining to ]Landfill Gas monilkarhi Web link to the 15A NCAC 13B rules - http://portal.ncdeiu•.org/web/wm/sw/iules 15A NCAC 13B .0101- DEFINITIONS .0101 (14) "Explosive gas" means Methane (CH4) .0101(25) "Lower explosive limit" (LEL) means the lowest percent by volume of mixture of explosive gases which will propagate a flame in air at 25 degrees Celsius and atmospheric pressure. .0503 - SITING AND DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR DISPOSAL FACILITIES .0503(2) A site shall meet the following design requirements: (a) The concentration of explosive gases generated by the site shall not exceed: (i) twenty-five percent of the limit for the gases in site structures (excluding gas control or recovery system components); and (ii) the lower explosive limit for the gases at the property boundary; .0543 - CLOSURE AND POST -CLOSURE REQUIREMENTS FOR C&DLF FACILITIES .0543(e) Post -closure criteria. (1) Following closure of each C&DLF unit, the owner and operator must conduct post -closure care. Postclosure care must be conducted for 30 years, except as provided under Subparagraph (2) of this Paragraph, and consist of at least the following: (C) maintaining and operating the gas monitoring system in accordance with the requirements of Rule .0544 of this Section; and (2) The length of the post -closure care period may be: (A) decreased by the Division if the owner or operator demonstrates that the reduced period is sufficient to protect human health and the environment and this demonstration is approved by the Division; or (B) increased by the Division if the Division determines that the lengthened period is necessary to protect human health and the environment. .0544 - MONITORING PLANS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR C&DLF FACILITIES .0544(d) Gas Control Plan (1) Owners and operators of all C&DLF units must ensure that: (A) the concentration of methane gas or other explosive gases generated by the facility does not exceed 25 percent of the lower explosive limit in on -site facility structures (excluding gas control or recovery system components); (B) the concentration of methane gas or other explosive gases does not exceed the lower explosive limit for methane or other explosive gases at the facility property boundary; and (C) the facility does not release methane gas or other explosive gases in any concentration that can be detected in offsite structures. (2) Owners and operators of all C&DLF units must implement a routine methane monitoring program to ensure that the standards of this Paragraph are met. (A) The type of monitoring must be determined based on soil conditions, the Hydrogeologic conditions under and surrounding the facility, hydraulic conditions on and surrounding the facility, the Iocation of facility structures and property boundaries, and the location of all offsite structures adjacent to property boundaries. (B) The frequency of monitoring shall be quarterly or as approved by the Division. f (3) If methane or explosive gas levels exceeding the limits specified in Subparagraph (d)(1) of this Rule are detected, the owner and operator must: (A) immediately take all steps necessary to ensure protection of human health and notify the Division; (B) within seven days of detection, place in the operating record the methane or explosive gas levels detected and a description of the steps taken to protect human health; and (C) within 60 days of detection, implement a remediation plan for the methane or explosive gas releases, place a copy of the plan in the operating record, and notify the Division that the plan has been implemented. The plan must describe the nature and extent of the problem and the proposed remedy. (4) Based on the need for an extension demonstrated by the operator, the Division may establish alternative schedules for demonstrating compliance with Parts (3)(13) and (3)(C) of this Paragraph. (5) For purposes of this Item, "lower explosive limit" means the lowest percent by volume of a mixture of explosive gases in air that will propagate a flame at 25 C and atmospheric pressure. .0566 - OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND CLEARING/INERT DEBRIS (LCID) LANDFILLS 0566(13) The concentration of explosive gases generated by the facility shall not exceed: (a) Twenty-five percent of the lower explosive limit for the gases in facility structures. (b) The lower explosive Iimit for the gases at the property boundary. .1626 — OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR MSWLF FACILITIES .1626(4) Explosive gases control. (a) Owners or operators of all MSWLF units must ensure that: (i) The concentration of methane gas generated by the facility does not exceed 25 percent of the lower explosive limit for methane in facility structures (excluding gas control or recovery system components); and (ii) The concentration of methane gas does not exceed the lower explosive limit for methane at the facility property boundary. (b) Owners or operators of all MSWLF units must implement a routine methane monitoring program to ensure that the standards of (4)(a) are met. A permanent monitoring system shall be constructed on or before October 9, 1994. A temporary monitoring system shall be used prior to construction of the permanent system. (i) The type and frequency of monitoring must be determined based on the following factors: (A) Soil conditions; (B) The hydrogeologic conditions surrounding the facility; (C) The hydraulic conditions surrounding the facility; and (D) The location of facility structures and property boundaries. (ii) The minimum frequency of monitoring shall be quarterly. (c) If methane gas levels exceeding the limits specified in (4)(a) are detected, the owner or operator must: (i) Immediately take all necessary steps to ensure protection of human health and notify the Division; (ii) Within seven days of detection, place in the operating record the methane gas levels detected and a description of the steps taken to protect human health; and (iii) Within 60 days of detection, implement a remediation plan for the methane gas releases, place a copy of the plan in the operating record, and notify the Division that the plan has been implemented. The plan shall describe the nature and extent of the problem and the proposed remedy. (iv) Based on the need for an extension demonstrated by the operator, the Division may establish alternative schedules for demonstrating compliance with (4)(c)(ii) and (iii) of this Rule. (d) For purposes of this Item, "lower explosive limit" means the lowest percent by volume of a mixture of explosive gases in air that will propagate a flame at 25°C and atmospheric pressure. 1626(10) Recordkeeping requirements. (a) The owner or operator of a MSWLF unit must record and retain at the facility, or an alternative location near the facility approved by the Division, in an operating record the following information as it becomes available: (iii) Gas monitoring results and any remediation plans required by Item (4) of this Rule; .1627 -- CLOSURE AND POST CLOSURE REQUIREMENTS FOR MSWLF ACTIVITES .1627(d) Post -Closure Criteria (1) Following closure of each MSWLF unit, the owner or operator shall conduct post -closure care. Post -closure care shall be conducted for 30 years, except as provided under Subparagraph (2) of this Paragraph, and consist of at least the following: (D)-Maintaining and operating the gas monitoring system in accordance with the requirements of Rule .1626 of this Section. (2) The length of the post -closure care period may be: (A) Decreased by the Division if the owner or operator demonstrates that the reduced period is sufficient to protect human health and the environment and this demonstration is approved by the Division; or (B) Increased by the Division if the Division determines that the Iengthened period is necessary to protect human health and the environment. (3) Following completion of the post -closure care period for each MSWLF unit, the owner or operator shall notify the Division that a certification, signed by a registered professional engineer, verifying that post -closure care has been completed in accordance with the post -closure plan, has been placed in the operating record. NOTES: Based on the referenced rules above, the following words / phrases are presently in the Solid Waste Section rules pertaining to methane and explosive landfill gas. Rule .0101(14) states: "Explosive gas means Methane (CH) ". Rule .0503 (2)(a) refers to "explosive gases". Rule .0544(d) refers to "Gas Control Plan " Rule .0544(d)(1) refers to "methane or other explosive gases ". Rule .0544(d)(2) refers to "methane monitoring program" Rule .0544(d)(3) refers to "methane or explosive gas levels" Rule .0566 (13) refers to "explosive gases". Rule .1626 (4) refers to "explosive gases control" Rule. I 626(4)(a-b) refers to "methane monitoring" and "methane monitoringprogram ". Monitoring Goals Landfill design and landfill gas monitoring regulations in North Carolina require that there not be an exceedance of 100% of the Lower Explosion Limit (LEL) (equivalent to 5% methane) at the property boundary, or 25% LEL in on -site structures. These regulations were developed over time to protect the health and safety of the citizens of North Carolina and the U.S. from the asphyxiation and explosive hazards of landfill gas. NC Rule History A review of NC landfill guidance documents and regulations from 1972 to the present indicates that from 1972 through 1982, there was no mention of design requirements regarding the control of landfall gas, nor were there any landfill monitoring requirements for landfill gas. In 1982, the regulations were changed to require that sanitary landfill design prevent landfill gas concentrations of 100% LEL at the property boundary line and 25% inside on -site structures. Although a design requirement was added, no design requirement was established to determine if the design requirement was being met. In 1993 with the establishment of .1600 rules, requirements for designs to limit landfill gas levels to below 100% at the property boundary line and 25% in on -site structures and monitoring of landfill gas concentrations around the perimeter of the landfill and inside on -site structures were adopted. SECTION 4 — Landfill Gas Incidents and Explosions Hazards Involving Landfill Gas Landfill fires may or may not be directly caused by landfill gas. The primary concern with these fires is air contamination from the resulting smoke; however they also present a variety of additional problems. In addition to concerns with containing and extinguishing landfill fires, potential reactions involving unknown chemicals in the landfill can cause uncertain hazards. Discarded consumer products in a landfill, such as pesticides, paints, solvents, cleaners, and other material can be the source of chemical releases. Heat from the fire can cause chemicals to volatilize, breakdown, and enter the environment. Also to be considered is the presence of other combustible gases in addition to methane. Whenever an environmental investigation of a landfill is prompted by odorous compounds or explosive gases, the presence of toxic substances should also be investigated. One example is hydrogen sulfide (H2S) that can cause asphyxiation and is flammable. An analysis should include alkyl benzenes, sulfur compounds, vinyl chloride, and methane, and other products associated with industrial wastes, construction and debris waste, and normal organic and inorganic waste. Fires and explosion hazards become a concern when gases collect in confined spaces. Buildings, basements, and pits are typically regarded as confined spaces. However, landfill gases also collect in and migrate to cracks in the landfill cover, leachate "springs", cracks in adjacent structures, paved parking areas, etc. Fires can occur on the surface and underground. Surface fires involve recently buried waste near the surface in an aerobic decomposing layer, typically I to 4 feet below ground. These fires can be intensified by subsurface landfill gas and spread throughout the landfill. Subsurface fires occur deeper within the landfill, involve material buried for months or years, and can burn for days and months. The following is a brief summary of some incidents involving landfill gas migration from landfills: 2007 Four employees died as a result of exposure to high concentrations of hydrogen sulfide while attempting to repair a leachate pump at a C&D landfill in Superior, Wisconsin (Journal of Environmental Heath 2008). 1999 An 8-year old girl was burned on her arms and legs when playing in an Atlanta, Georgia playground. The area was reportedly used as an illegal dumping ground many years ago (Atlanta Journal -Constitution 1999). 1994 While playing soccer in a park built over an old landfill in Charlotte, North Carolina, a woman was seriously burned by a methane explosion (Charlotte Observer 1994). 1987 Offsite landfill gas migration is suspected to have caused a house to explode in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (EPA 1991). 1984 Landfill gas migrated to and destroyed one house near a landfill in Akron, Ohio. Ten houses were temporarily evacuated (EPA 1991). 1983 An explosion destroyed a residence across the street from a landfill in Cincinnati, Ohio. Minor injuries were reported (EPA 1991). 1975 In Sheridan, Colorado, landfill gas accumulated in a storm drain pipe that ran through a landfill. An explosion occurred when several children playing in the pipe lit a candle, resulting in serious injury. 1969 Methane gas migrated from an adjacent landfill into the basement of an armory in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. A lit cigarette caused the gas to explode, killing three men and seriously injuring five others (USACE 1984). 10 SECTION 5 - Landfill Gas Monitoring Wells Locations Landfill gas monitoring well locations will be site specific depending upon site geology, depth to groundwater, surface water features, on -site and off -site structures and sensitive receptors. The landfill gas monitoring wells must be spaced no more than 500 feet apart depending upon site specifics. A readily accessible, unobstructed path must be maintained so that landfill gas monitoring wells are always accessible using four-wheel drive vehicles. Regardless of site specifics, the permittee must obtain approval from the Solid Waste Section for the design and installation of any landfill gas monitoring well system. Well Construction and Installation Landfill gas monitoring wells are the same as groundwater monitoring wells with two exceptions. Landfill gas monitoring wells are installed just above the water table within the unsaturated zone and are equipped with a stopcock valve or a quick connect coupling on the cap, which allows for accurate landfill gas measurements. The stopcock valve must be equipped with flexible tubing and a barb connection that will fit the gas meter's inlet tube. The stopcock valve or a quick connect coupling must be closed between monitoring events. The landfill gas monitoring well must also be capped, locked, and labeled with a permanently affixed identification plate stating the well contractor name and certification number, date of well competition, total depth of well, screen length and well ID number. See detailed schematics of a landfill gas monitoring well (Figure 1). The depth of each landfill gas monitoring well will be site specific depending upon depth to groundwater. Landfill gas monitoring wells must be constructed the same as groundwater monitoring wells as described in 15A NCAC Subchapter 2C. Typically landfill gas monitoring wells must be installed using 2" PVC piping and screen. The screen length, also site specific, must span the majority of the unsaturated zone while still allowing for proper well construction. A North Carolina Professional Geologist or Professional Engineer must be present to supervise the installation of all landfill gas monitoring wells. The exact locations, screened intervals, and nesting of the wells must be approved by the Solid Waste Section Hydrogeologist prior to landfill gas monitoring well installation. Each landfill gas monitoring well must be surveyed for Iocation and elevation by a North Carolina Registered Land Surveyor. Within thirty (30) days of the completed construction of each new landfill gas monitoring well, the boring log and a diagram of each well including, but not limited to total depth, screened interval and distance above seasonal high water table must be submitted to the Solid Waste Section. The submittal must also include a scaled topographic map showing the location and identification of new, existing and abandoned landfill gas monitoring wells. Nested and Clustered Landfill Gas Monitoring Wells Nested and/or clustered landfill gas monitoring wells may be required in unsaturated zones of 45 feet or more to measure specific depths of the unsaturated zone. Initially, the installation of one long screen shall be sufficient. If a monitoring event shows an exceedance of the lower explosive limit, then the Solid Waste Section may require the installation of nested and/or clustered landfill gas monitoring wells. Abandonment of Wells An abandonment record must be submitted to the Solid Waste Section within 30 (thirty) days of the abandonment of a landfill gas monitoring well. The Iandfill gas monitoring well(s) must be overdrilled and sealed with grout in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0113(d) and certified by a North Carolina Professional Geologist or Professional Engineer. 11 SECTION 6 -- Landfill Gas Monitoring Instrumentation The person using the landfill gas monitoring instrument must understand the principles of operation and follow the manufacturer's instructions. This includes calibrating the instrument according to the manufacturer's specifications. Include the following on the top portion of the landfill gas monitoring form (See example below) : facility name, permit number, type and serial number of gas monitoring instrument, calibration date of the instrument, date and time of field calibration, type of gas used for field calibration (15115 or 35/50), expiration date of field calibration gas canister, date of landfill gas monitoring event, name and position of sample collector, pump rate of instrument being used, ambient air temperature, and general weather conditions. Verification that the equipment was calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications is also required. When determining which field calibration gas to use, take into consideration the expected levels of methane in the landfill gas monitoring wells. If the methane levels are expected to be low, use the 15/15 gas canister (15% CO2/15% CH4). 1f the methane levels are expected to be high, use the 35/50 gas canister (35% CO2/50% CH4). For every landfill gas monitoring well, please include the following: verification of sample tube purge prior to each sample taken (should be one minute), the time pumped in seconds (should be at least one minute), barometric pressure, time stabilized reading collected, percent lower explosive limit, percent methane by volume, percent oxygen, percent carbon dioxide, and any observations or comments. The landfill gas monitoring data form (See example below) and results should be retained in the facility's operating record unless an exceedance has occurred and/or is requested by the Solid Waste Section. Landfill gas monitoring readings from non -calibrated or inaccurately calibrated instruments are not reliable, and will therefore be rejected by the Solid Waste Section. Landfill gas monitoring readings collected with monitoring equipment that was not designed for landfill gas monitoring will also be rejected by the Solid Waste Section. There are several different landfill gas monitoring instruments on the market which may be used in order to obtain all of the information required by the Solid Waste Section. Monitoring Times Monitoring times are also important when conducting landfill gas monitoring. Proper landfill gas monitoring should include sampling during times when landfill gas is most likely to migrate. Landfill gas can migrate and accumulate not only in landfill gas monitoring wells; it can also migrate and accumulate in buildings and other structures. Because subsurface gas pressures are considered to be at a maximum during the afternoon hours, monitoring should be conducted in the afternoon or whenever the barometric pressure is low. Scientific evidence also indicates that weather and soil conditions influence the migration of landfill gas. Barometric pressure and precipitation have significant effects on landfill gas migration. Increased barometric pressure generates decreased landfill gas venting from the subsurface, until the pressure within the subsurface is greater than the atmospheric (barometric) pressure. On the other hand, when the barometric pressure decreases, the landfill will vent the stored gas until a pressure equilibrium is reached. Capping of a landfill can influence the effect of barometric pressure on landfill gas migration. Generally, a more permeable landfill cap will allow greater influence by barometric pressure than a Iess permeable landfill cap. As a result, landfill gas monitoring should be conducted when the barometric pressure is low and soils are saturated. During the winter season when snow cover is just beginning to melt or when the ground is frozen or ice covered, landfill gas monitoring should be conducted when the barometric pressure is low. 14 Landfill Gas Sampling Procedures Any accumulation of landfill gas in the landfill gas monitoring wells is the result of landfill gas migration. The following procedure is a recommended example for conducting landfill gas monitoring well sampling, but always read and follow the manufacturer's instructions because each instrument will be different. Step 1— Calibrate the instrument according to the manufacturer's specifications. In addition, prepare the instrument for monitoring by allowing it to properly warm up as directed by the manufacturer. Make sure the static pressure shows a reading of zero on the instrument prior to taking the first sample. Step 2 — Purge sample tube for at least one minute prior to taking reading. Connect the instrument tubing to the landfill gas monitoring well cap fitted with a stopcock valve or quick connect coupling. Step 3 — Open the valve and record the initial reading and then the stabilized reading. A stable reading is one that does not vary more than 0.5 percent by volume on the instrument's scale. Step 4 - Record the stabilized reading including the oxygen concentration and barometric pressure. A proper reading should have two percent oxygen by volume or less. If levels of oxygen are higher, it may indicate that air is being drawn into the system giving a false reading. Step 5 — Turn the stopcock valve to the off position and disconnect the tubing. Step 6 — Proceed to the next landfill gas monitoring well and repeat Steps 2 — 5. Landfill Gas Constituent Sampling and Analysis Sampling of landfill gas to determine volume percentages/concentrations of each constituent can be accomplished through the use of canisters which are specifically designed for landfill gas analysis. Several analytical methods are available to determine the concentrations of a variety of constituents. Typically, landfill gas analysis of this type is performed to determine the non -methane organic compounds emission rate for Tier 2 testing under the Clean Air Act (Title V Subpart WWW 60.754). Isotropic identification of landfill methane can be accomplished to identify one source of methane from another. In this case, isotopes of carbon and hydrogen in the methane are analyzed to determine the methane source. 15 SECTION 7 - References Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry. "Landfill Gas Primer- An Overview for Environmental Health Professionals. 2001." http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/HAC/landfill/html/toe.htini (accessed February 24. 2010). California Environmental Protection Agency. "Landfill Gas Monitoring Well Functionality at 20 California Landfills, 2008". http;//www.calrecycle.ca.goy/Publications/Organics/2008022.pdf (accessed February 24 2010). Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Gas Management Systems, under Rule 62-701.530. http://www.dei2.state.fl.us/waste/quick topics/rules/default.htm (accessed February 24, 2010). Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Flood Grant Team. "An Analysis of Landfill Gas Monitoring Well Design and Construction, 2007". http://www.clu- in.ore/conf/itrc/directpusl0/prez/Missouri_Study.pdf (accessed February 24, 2010). Missouri Department of Natural Resources. "Design and Construction of Landfill Gas Monitoring Wells". http://www.diii-.missoui-i.gov/t)ubs/oub2O54.pd (accessed February 24, 2010). Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Environmental Monitoring for Landfills, under Chapter NR 507.22, http://www,dnr.state.wi.us/org/aw/wm/information/wiacsss.htm (accessed February 24, 2010). "Landfill Gas -an Overview" Landfill-gas.com. Web, 22, Feb. 2010 littp://www.landfiII--gas.com/webpage -LFG-overview.doc 17 ATTACHMENT B SITE FIGURES Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 8 1 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 2 G % - / / ,/ � %i \\ 1 I 1 - \\ \ , I / //� I 7 � � � � CN 1 \ / \ N / . f ' - � - -_' \ \ / / / - \ 1 / //, )1 / -�\ \ � � o� ) CELL 20 , 1 / 1 � / _l/ / ) / / / / / //� /� //��-= \� \, \\ , , \\ I \ / i 1. � J� s� \ (r I �� )II I I \ �-o i / / / / \ \ / // j//� �\ \\\lk \�� _ ago; l�l/ I I 1 ////,// / J �=-`�' ��� \ �� I �� / 1 „�l/ I I III %-J1 I` ^ �/ / / / / ���\ / \ \ \ / / / a / / \ ; \\\\�- \ \ r /l 11 - 1, I \ / I I I I s I III I / / / / \\ / - \ \ \ \\ /// /'/iii���//ii �i=� \�\ \ \ `���= IIII/ /l I I \-_ � 1// _ o ( / _1' f I �f�i J I - \ n l \ �l / ( / / /� 1 / \ \ i////�/ ��//iij/�///� ���\\�N\ NNN \\\\1}(/ %'- ''�///� I /( �� I �, J �� z l \, �l J (� �_- s�N \III \ \�- ' / / /' //��� \ / \ \ \\ /i /// /�/ /ii / / \ \\\\ I.. 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