HomeMy WebLinkAbout8106_DukeRogers_Phase3_BlastingPlan_FID1390285_20200211DUKE ENERGY February 11, 2020 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 Attn: Ms. Elizabeth Werner Re: Blasting Plan Rogers CCP Landfill — Phases III and IV Construction Permit No. 8106-INDUS Rogers Energy Complex 573 Duke Power Road Mooresboro, North Carolina 28114 Dear Ms. Werner: 526 South Church Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 980-373-2779 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC is providing the enclosed Blasting Plan prepared by Morgan Corp. with cover letter from Wood Environment and Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. for the Rogers CCP Landfill (Permit No. 8106-INDUS). The Blasting Plan will be implemented to remove a known surficial pinnacle located in the Phase III construction area as shown in Exhibit 1. A Post -Blast Report will be provided following completion of blasting activities. With this submittal, Duke Energy requests approval to complete the blasting activities as described in the Blasting Plan. Duke Energy received approval via email to commence construction of Phases III and IV on February 5, 2020. If you have any questions or concerns about this information, do not hesitate to contact me at ryan.czop(a,duke-energy.com or (980) 373-2779. Respectfully submitted, A 49/z, Y-111� Ryan Czop Engineer III — Waste & Groundwater Programs Environmental, Health & Safety att: Cover Letter (Wood E&IS) and General Blast/Safety Plan (Morgan Corp.) Ecc: Larry Frost — NCDEQ David Giachini - NCDEQ Ed Sullivan - Duke Energy Scott Saunders - Duke Energy Zach Cole - Duke Energy Josh Bell - Wood Page 2 of 2 wood. February 5, 2020 Mr. Ryan Czop Duke Energy EHS CCP Waste and Groundwater Programs 526 South Church Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 SUBJECT: BLASTING PLAN ROGERS CCP LANDFILL PHASES III AND IV CONSTRUCTION DUKE ENERGY — ROGERS ENERGY COMPLEX - CLIFFSIDE STEAM STATION RUTHERFORD AND CLEVELAND COUNTIES, NORTH CAROLINA WOOD E&IS PROJECT NUMBER 7812-19-0243 Mr. Czop, As requested, Wood Environment and Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. (Wood E&IS) is submitting this cover letter and attached Blasting Plan prepared by Morgan Corp. (contractor for the Phase III and IV construction) to Duke Energy for submittal to NCDEQ Solid Waste Section. We understand this plan was requested based on a discussion between you and Ms. Elizabeth Werner. This Blasting Plan includes the following components: • Cover letter; • General Blast / Safety Plan (attached); • Exhibit 1— Known Location of Rock; • Exhibit 2 — Daily Blasting Checklist; • Exhibit 3 — Daily Blast Plan Form; • Exhibit 4 — Blast Record Forms; • Exhibit 5 — Drill Log Form; • Exhibit 6 — Palmetto Rock Services, Inc. Licensing and Safety Plan. Currently, earthworks are beginning for construction of Phase III of the Rogers CCP Landfill. During grading to landfill subgrade, rock pinnacles are anticipated that cannot be excavated by conventional grading equipment. A known surficial pinnacle was identified along the west side of Phase III during borrow operations for Phase II construction (Exhibit 1). A review of the adjacent borings indicate this is a pinnacle. Blasting shall be conducted in general accordance with the attached General Blast / Safety Plan provided by Morgan Corp. and Palmetto Rock Services, Inc.. During blasting, vibration monitoring will be performed at the Phase I and II liner system limits and at the nearest monitoring wells (CCPTW-02 and CCR-CCP- Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. 2801 Vorkmont Road, Suite 100 Charlotte, North Carolina 28208 Licensures: NC Engineering F-1253, Geology C-247 T.• 704-357-8600 www.woodptc.com ('Wood' is a trading name for John Wood Group PLC and its subsidiaries) L J Rogers CCP Landfill Phase 111 and IV Blasting Plan Rogers Energy Complex Wood E&IS Project No. 7812-19-0243 February 5, 2020 Page 2 1OD/S/DA). A Post -Blast Plan including pre- and post -blast survey documentation will be submitted within 30 days of completion of blasting activities. If you have any questions concerning this plan, please contact us by email at iosh.bell@woodplc.com or robert.singleton@woodplc.com or by phone at 704.357.8600. Sincerely, Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. Joy a M. Bell, P.E. Robert Singleton, P.G. AS ociate Engineer Geologist Attachments: • Attachment 1— General Blast / Safety Plan — Morgan Corp. Palmetto Rock Services, Inc. Blasting Work Plan Blasting Plan Prepared by Palmetto Rock Services, Inc. For Morgan Corp. for Duke Energy Cliffside Landfill Phase 3 & 4 Project January 27, 2020 The purpose of this document is to provide a Blasting Work Plan for rock blasting of the Cliffside Landfill Phase 3 & 4 Project. Site Eauipment Furukawa HCR 1450 Furukawa 900 ES2011 GeoSonics SSU 3000LC Seismograph Instantel Blastmate III Seismograph Elite Blasting Services, Inc. Vans See Attached Equipment Information Sheets Site Preparation Morgan Corp. will provide and maintain an adequate access road for explosives delivery truck. Maintained so the truck will not scrape or get high centered. Morgan Corp. will provide fuel for PRS drill. Morgan Corp. will provide #789 stone for hole stemming. Morgan Corp. will provide access to track hoe/loader to assist in stemming blast holes on all shots. Equipment & Materials — Weight & Dimensions Furukawa HCR 1450 — see attached Furukawa 900 ES2011 — see attached Subcontractors Elite Blasting Services, Inc. — will be providing and delivering all explosives products for this project. Vibra Tech — will provide vibration monitoring and consulting. Furukawa Rock Drills — will provide drill maintenance, service, and repairs. Morgan Corp. — will provide drill mobilization/demobilization, along with drill maintenance, service, and repairs. Project Coordination Schedule Drilling, Blasting, and Monitoring operations will be directed and coordinated by Palmetto Rock Services Project Manager/Lead Blaster, Chris Broom, and Superintendent/Blaster, Travis Childers. Palmetto Rock Services, Inc. hereinafter abbreviated to "PRS" (See Exhibit 5 for PRS licensing) will provide drilling and blasting services and will be responsible for drill logs, blast plans, and blast records. Chris Broom will be PRS's Blaster of Record. PRS will implement the following Blasting Work Plan and procedures to accomplish the Scope of Work, and to ensure the safety of people and property during the time leading up to, during, and immediately following the use of explosives on this project. This plan will be systematic and follow the below sequence for the project: 1- Morgan Corp. will clear and prepare designated area for drilling and blasting. 2- During excavation activities, seismograph installation and Pre -Blast Surveys if required will be done for all structures identified by Duke Energy to document the existing conditions of these structures. 3- Morgan Corp. surveyors will provide all layout staking, elevations, and depth for all drill holes and drill patterns. 4- Blast Patterns will vary depending upon rock layout, location and depth. Typical mass blast patterns are 7' x T with a blast -hole diameter of 3.50". 5- The blast will be executed and monitored. (See Blast Safety Protocol below) 6- Blast records if required will be submitted 1 business day after a blast Morgan Corp.and Duke Energy. (See Exhibit 3 for Blast Record Forms) Blasts will take place on an as needed basis and will typically be performed at noon. Morgan Corp. will provide all flagging and control all accesses in support of these operations. Furukawa hydraulic rock drills will be used for this project. Drill logs will be kept for each hole that will identify and record any voids or soft seams that may be in the rock and their elevations Drill rate of penetration, cuttings, and driller experience will be used to record voids. Shots will be designed using recommendations from the "International Society of Explosives Engineer's Handbook", Chapters 31 thru 33 and "The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Materials Code", Chapters 10 and 11. Blast designs will meet the vibration standards enforced by the State of North Carolina (Z Curve). The Standard is defined in USBM RI 8507. Non -electric Detonators will be used in the blast -holes and a nonelectric lead-in line will be used to connect the shot to the starter which will initiate detonation. Loading poles used during the loading of explosives will be made of wood with non -sparking connectors. Explosives will be transported to the site the day of blast and all unused excess explosive material will be removed from site. Explosives will be transported per local and federal regulations. Specialty subcontractor Elite Blasting Services will be providing and delivering the explosives for this project. Storage of explosives is regulated under the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (See Appendix 5 for PRS's Federal Explosive License and the attached ATF Regulations which can also be found at www.atf.gov). Transport of explosives is regulated under the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. These regulations can be found at www.fmcas.dot.gov. Additional information can be found at www.nfpa.org. Once explosives reach the site and are to be used, they are under the control of the Blaster -In -Charge. (See Appendix 5 for PRS's employee blasters license, issued by the State of South Carolina). North Carolina does not require the blaster in charge to obtain a blasting license, but does require individuals to be qualified by reason of training, knowledge, or experience. The qualifications can be found www.labor.nc.gov blasting and explosives (13 NCAC 07F .0704). The state of South Carolina requires continued education to renew license each year and identifies qualified blasters within PRS. Blasting operations will be performed in accordance with OSHA 29 CFR 1926, Subpart U — Blasting and Use of Explosives and 29 CFR 1910.109 — Explosives and Blasting Agents. Transportation of explosives will be performed in accordance with DOT 49 CFR Subtitle B — Other Regulations Relating To Transportation and IME 22 — Recommendations for the Safe Transportation of Detonators in a Vehicle with Certain other Explosives. PRS will hire a specialty contractor who will provide seismic and air overpressure monitoring. Pre -blast surveys of locations specified by Duke Energy will be conducted. Blast Safety Protocol Palmetto Rock Services, Inc. will implement the following safety protocol for blasting operations and complete the Daily Blasting Checklist (see Exhibit 1). 1- Prior to start of blasting, signs will be posted in front of entrances to the project. These signs will read: a. Danger -Blasting Area b. Blasting Signals — Five minutes before blast — five long tones One minute before blast — five short tones All clear — One long tone 2- Flag men will be placed 500 feet from the Blast Area and close any construction access roads prior to detonation signals and this will be confirmed before detonation signal sequence begins. 3- Five minutes before detonation a signal consisting of five consecutive soundings of five seconds each will be done. 4- One minute before detonation a signal consisting of five consecutive short soundings of one second each will be done. 5- The blast will be detonated. Er Blast site will then be inspected for any misfires or live explosives. 7- Once it is determined there are no misfires or live explosives present a single ten second sounding will be the "All Clear" signal. 8- Flag men will release traffic. t F q� T�1 } r 9 r Exhibit 2 PALMETTO ROCK SERVICES, INC. DAILY BLASTING CHECKLIST DATE OF BLAST: LOCATION: Review JSA for drilling and blasting activities in morning Confirm the blast is still scheduled with Morgan Corp. & Duke Energy Tour blasting area, identify any on -site problems Discuss & resolve any problems from blasting area tour Post 48" x 48" "Blasting Zone Ahead" at entrance to blast area Post 24" x 48" "Danger - Blasting - Keep Away" around blast site Escort explosive truck to blast site by PRS Quantity of explosives on site: Remove non -essential machines & personnel from blast site Load boreholes per blast plan Quantity of Explosives Loaded: Flagmen stationed at entrance to blast area Blaster in Charge to notify Morgan Corp. & Duke Energy that the blast is loaded Obtain verification that Duke Energy agrees to proceed Verify all explosives, equipment, & personnel are a minimum 500' from the blast site. Connect lead in line to blast Warning Signal: 5 minutes before blast Warning Signal: 1 minute before the blast Blast signal and "Fire in the Hole" Command Verify all charges have been detonated If misfire occurred, proceed as described in the blasting plan. All Clear Signal Notify Vibra-Tech of Blast Quantity of Explosives Leaving Site: Confirm the date and time of next blast. Daily Blast Plan Form (See Exhibit 3) Daily Blast plans for this project will contain the following data: 1- Date and blast number. 2- Blaster license number. 3- Blast drill logs initialed by Blaster. 4- GPS location of the outermost holes of the blast. 5- Distance and direction to nearest structure/road. 6- Type of blast. 7- Estimated total weight of explosives per blast. 8- Estimated maximum charge weight per delay. 9- Borehole diameter. 10-Maximum/Minimum borehole depth. 11-Total number of holes per blast. 12-Decking or delays per hole as applicable. 13-Spacing/burden. 14-Stemming (feet) and stemming type. 15-Overburden. 16-Plan depicting blast pattern, firing order, and delays. 17-Sketch depicting blast -hole components: sub -drilling, stemming, decking charges, explosives, primers or boosters. Exhibit 3 Daily Blast Plan Submission Date: Blast Date: Shot Number: Blaster: License Number: GPS Location: Job Location: Bore Hole Diameter: Number of Bore Holes: Maximum Depth of Bore Holes: Minimum Depth of Bore Holes: Burden Spacing Soil Overburden Depth Stemming Depth Decking or Delays per Bore Hole (as applicable) Stemming Type Approximate Total Weight of Explosives Maximum Pounds of Explosives per Delay Approximate Charge Weight per CYD/Weight per foot of bore hole Seismograph GPS Closest Scaled Estimated Estimated Location/ approach Distance PPV Air blast Elevation to blast for Overpressure Monitoring Location #1 #2 #3 References to Prior Shot Data Blast Record Forms (See Exhibit 4) Blast records for this project will contain the following data: 1- Date and order number of blast. 2- Blasting permit number. 3- Company (permittee). 4- Location of blast. 5- Time of blast. 6- Name of blaster. 7- Blaster License number. 8- Weather data: temperature, wind direction/speed. 9- Type of material blasted. 10-Number of holes blasted. 11-Hole diameter. 12-Hole depth. 13-Sub-drilling. 14-Burden/spacing. 15-Stemming. 16-Overburden. 17-Explosives: type, size and weight. 18-Detonator types and number used. 19-GPS horizontal location for all monitoring stations. 20-Maximum weight of explosive detonated within any 8ms time period. 21-Maximum number of holes detonated within any 8ms time period. 22-Method of firing and type of circuit. 23-Blasting mats or other cover used. 24-Name of person taking seismograph reading. 25-Name of firm analyzing seismograph record. 26-Monitoring equipment's manufacturer number, model and serial number, and last calibration date by location. 27-A narrative of blast observations. Blast records to be submitted a maximum of one day after blast to Morgan Corp. & Duke Energy. Blast records will be reviewed and factored into the next blast plan. Exhibit 4 PALMETTO ROCK SERVICES, INC. BLAST RECORD Blasting permit number: Date: Company (Permittee): Blast No.: Location of Blast: Time of Blast: Name of Blaster: Blasters License #: Direction and distance in feet from blast to nearest gas lines, power transmission lines, public roads, waterways, or structures. Weather data: _ Wind direction and speed: Type of Material Blasted: Temperature: Cloud cover: SHOT DATA No. Holes Explosives Hole Diameter Type Size Weight (LBS.) Hole Depth Sub -Drilling Burden Spacing Stemming Overburden Total Weight (Ibs) Explosive Shot GPS Info. Non -Electric GPS Coordinates: Description of areas Located: Brand & Type: Orica Handidet In Hole Caps: Delay: No. Used: Surface Delay: No. Used: Delay: Delay: No. Used: Total Non -Electric Caps Used: Front Corner of shot Back Corner of shot maximum weignt or expiosrve detonated witmn any s-mb period: Maximum number of holes detonated within any 8-MS period: Method of firing and type of circuit: Mats or other cover used? Yes Was seismograph used?: Yes No Seismic data: T, Location of seismographs: Distance from blast: Name of person taking seismograph reading: Name of person and firm analyzing seismograph record: Signed: If Yes Describe: V, L, DB, No Blast Report Seismic Information Seismograph Seismograph Seismograph Manufacture # Model # Serial # Latest Calibration Date/Location GPS Location/ Elevation Closest approach to blast Maximum Pounds per Delay Scaled Distance for Monitoring Location Estimated PPV Actual Recorded PPV Estimated Air blast Overpressure Actual Air Blast Overpressure Actual Recorded (Total Vector) PVS Comments: Comparison of estimated to actual PPV: Comparison of estimated to actual Air Blast overpressure: Seismograph analysis sheets for each graph will be attached to shot report: Blast observation Drill Log Form (See Exhibit 5) Drill logs for this project will contain the following data: 1- Hole number. 2- Top of rock depth. 3- Length of rock in the hole. 4- Length of voids or seams in the hole. 5- Total depth of hole. 6- Presence of water. Exhibit 5 Drill Loy Location: _ ❑rillerSignature: Drill #: Blaster Sil;naLure: ShoL4 Diameter: Sparing: ft. Burden_ ft. Shift- Day ❑ Night Hole ID: Dale: Ankle: Begin End I Material Total DepL}r Hale ID: Date: Angle: Begin End Material Total Depth Hale ID: Date: Angle: Begin End Material Hale ID: Date: Angle: Begin I End I Material Anomaly Code Anomaly Tvoe SPL Spoil CRK Cracked MDS Mud Seam WTR Water DPM Deep Mine VOID Void (Hole ID: Date: Ankle: Begin End Material Total Depth Hole ID: Date: Angle: Begin End Material Total Depth Hole ID: Date: Angie: Begin I End I Material Hole ID: Date: Angle: Begin I End I Material Geology Code Geology Type SH Shale SS Sandstone SL Slate CL Coal LM Limestone SLD Solid HRD Hard S FT Soft Hole ID: Date: Ankle: Benin End I Material Total Depth Hale ID: Date: Angle: Begin End Material Total Depth Hale ID: Date: Angle: Begin End Material Hale ID: Date: Angle: Begin I End T Material Driller Notes Hole ID: Date: Ankle: Bel;in End MaLerial Total Depth Hale ID: Date: Ankle: Begin End MaLerial Total Depth Hole ID: Date: Angle: Begin End Material Hole ID: Date: Angle: Begin I End I Material Palmetto Rock Services, Inc. Licensing (See Exhibit 6) Federal Explosives License/Permit Notice of Clearance Responsible Person Letter of Clearance — Christopher Broom South Carolina Blaster's License — Christopher Broom: License # FBB.329 South Carolina Blaster's License — Travis Childers: License # FBB.633 South Carolina Blaster's License — Michael Evans: License # FBB.619 U.S. I)rpu rl,nr n t of J usri,r Federal Explosives License/Penni# IIto mil Lol'AWhid, Tolman" Firearms mid Exirimites (1 S U..S C Chapter 40) wuuna fora( am urm iiwa inrn 111 a1—ntnnOc It ill+ the pmeisiuns ut-Tilk X1, Orgnniacd Crime Cenlrul Act nF 1970. aixl the ecgulnlinas ismucd lllcreunder i-'7 C'1R I'm 555}• you Ivry cntwHI: ill IIw activilr specified iii Ihi%litwim or Ixm+it I%ithill IIw li11dull ions nl'Chalticrdl},Tit lc IS, united Slmcs Co& mid ti v ngtdrdions issued tllerlsutdur. inllil the exlimit wit d,itc.6mu. 11[IS LICE NS E I S NOT TRANSFF:RA[1LC UNOF.R 27 CFR 555-". Six- 'WARN]NGS' and "NOTICES" nH rc>,um.. llircelATF ATF- Chit;CiTI.0 4❑lres}+antlewc To 24.1 Nndy I mad M:IF inshurg- Wv 25405=A 31 1-SC-083-33-OH-1 2001 Glnat:I cdcrttl I:, +Idsit'tx I,itwnsiug Ccrite((1+1 Eispi,miun 1 Elrrlc August 1, 2020 Nimic PALMETTO ROCK SERVICES INC Prx•mises Address Iawnipa Nolik lire 11.0 'Ti kao 141'Im" lvf,,re the mime 1 179 BERRY SHOALS ROAD I ■■r"/�tlli Type or1.icco%-or I'm nil lr J 33-USER OF EXPLOSIVES a IIt, rchuxinsCcrt ficalwri Su.nwI Mailing Address (C'IunlEti' Ntdifi Ilse 1li1C ufnut clumge'1.) the liculncc Iv pouthlec mmncd airrtrc droll un¢ n c10 4 Wu li mm IT pmll to as><I"K 11 . I"idlKlr ul•to ceril411fa Idad ay mi 16tice,wi Yolu..dlhe Im r— a iwin 11t M amI widcdl+7.27 C'1'Il I'+at iS3. J}lp mj> tm.n fi utuP he uttrle;nal � rimtulure, ,1 firwal, ncvni •J Ix ¢•lrudlad rnp}• of the }icnlna .tr Ixr,nd u ilh u rtipionrre PALMETTO INC in t •ixkdllr he m11X{gyloi riy,rnlun• re npirrytlnhlr 'Ihr,�iyrmwenfrrM Ix tha �f 1he F.Jcrnl PO 13OX 3273 li"NIII fires bwmu (FP.I.) It I ngr,ra.11tic rearm IIr II a I'll . t volil4 lh+rt 016 I+ u lair SPAFitANBILIAG, SO 2waC14- rrryn' uC+1 licdlw tx prnuil fewed 1 +She lieeum is lxanillce ululxil+rhure to n1 po, In ON Iar nce..dltrinlhrle rw•tliwl: inIn t„"i-rlreul-3.iddl+Cuff4rute." Li c1i xc9 •nu' le +1x1 is +lc 110iiluawit: 11-Ulan 110 C . - I-q- 11 !'dutrtl WilivJT 111tte A 11 t'sl,w to ;cw-, I % rho, I t,i— 11,II1- I,I]I,s-•1Nn NIW„uyt.it.rtl.k,II.I.•,.wMI.N.......-,r, f,s• I,,- 4..,-ern 11 r,,.r,I,n len•,.rd[ M4. ry, ll Fullvrnl E%pht4irel, Ikt41eP (k9.L) (.1141r)turr mt. l7lIII, InfIPlItotlion, Yudvud IiKplunhres Ltruuvhl t CuI}tut Il'G1.C1 'full-hee'I'vinldtune Numhvt 1NY71 �N,i•3,19� Al I- I IFritwyagu wussao[gur xd•I Nerdy 161111 Fax Bfut bat! (1041111fi-iuI Mritlhishurg, wv 2mw,%sm L-wk I IiLurraifglrr (11xnge oGltldree4 [71 ['1•f(�11.+fdnlufll. LlCtll.adesrir patIIllHeng IIHIr Jlltlllg file Ietlll III'IIw{r eIIflVll! 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It 111ih1 lit dilr s liuili Ilie died till w llk:Ii the Slit"a wtt heglo'k lot d,lttr 01 Ille htlsloemm ur up nithimm" tilt llm X 1 1*edevs] kipluth" hlPv awlrvitult lkI?L) Ill ham lilulryl CnIA I Ilk-rg40IHNIill Nwile: FALWTV Rafjk §l;uvIol=9lNV I I f I it sliam milife: ! t.keusellrglllkNunda�i 1.9Q�b59.9�-tl}1-i�dE11 I I.ItelISC IlrtltlH'I-i•#1c"g�=ilg€i1 fir: �>�pLtl±3111k9 E kf lip NNIIN, Aligual I of vi 4 11edtr N,Arr NIA 1•ul 0 Whom §+IIr toot t ml.111r.)1iollMp 4'1?11klsfA-------------- es. n 7nrinrlred Vol rrtrtrr "o,11r1 mow, RY 1UL 1 120 BY: r U.S. Department of Justice Federal Explosives Licensing Center Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives 244 Needy Road ]212912017 Federal Explosives Licensing Center (FELL) Martinsburg, West Virginia 25405 www,atf.gov telephone: (877)283-3352 fax: (304)616-4401 NOTICE OF CLEARANCE for individuals transporting, shipping, receiving, or possessing explosive materials. ISSUED TO: PALMETTO ROCK S£RVICES INC Federal Explosives license/permit no.; I-SC-083-33-OH-12001 Expiration Pate: August 1, 2020 NOTICE DATE; 12l29120] Explosives LicenselPemiit Type: 33-USER OF EXPLOSIVES EXPIRATION DATE: This Notice expires when superseded by a newer Notice which will list all current responsible persons and employee possessors, or when the license or permit expires - whichever comes first. 0 WARNING. Only those individuals listed below as RESPONSIBLE PERSONS and EMPLOYEE POSSESSORS with a background clearance status of "CLEARED" or "PENDING" are authorized to transport, ship, receive, or possess explosive materials in the course of employment with you. ® "DENIED" STATUS. If an employee possessor has a background clearance status of "DENIED", you MUST take immediate steps to remove the employee from a position requiring the transporting, shipping, receiving, or possessing of explosive materials. Also, if the employee has been listed as a person authorized to accept delivery of explosive materials, you MUST remove the employee from such list and immediately, and in no event later than the second business day after such change, notify distributors of such change, as stated in 27 CFR 555.33(a). © CHANGE IN RESPONSIBLE PERSONS. You MUST report any change in responsible persons to the Chief, Federal Explosives Licensing Center, within 30 days of the change and new responsible persons MUST include "appropriate identifying information" as defined in 27 CFR 555.11. Fingerprints and photos are NOT required, however they will be required upon renewal of the license or permit. ® CHANGE OF EMPLOYEES. You MUST report any change of employee/possessors to the Chief, FELL, within 30 days. Reports relating to newly hired employees must be submitted on ATF Form 5400.28 for EACH employee. Premises Address: 179 BERRY SHOALS ROM DUNCAN, SC 29334 Mailing Address: PALMMO ROCK SERVICES INC PO BOX 3273 SPARTANBURG, SC 29304 This'Notice of Clearance' is provided to you as required by 18 U.S.C. 843(h) and MUST be retained as part of your permanent records and be made available for examination or inspection by ATF officers as required by 27 CFR 555.121. If you receive a Notice subsequent to this Notice, this Notice will no longer be valid. In accordance with 27 CFR 555.33, Background Checks and Clearances, and 27 CFR 555.57, Change of Control, Change in Responsible Persons, and Change of Employees, ATF's Federal Explosives Licensing Center (FELL) has conducted background checks on the individual(s) you identified as a responsible person(s) and an employee/possessor(s) on your application, or reported after the issuance of your license/permit. The following is a SUMMARY of the results of the background checks conducted on the individuals you reported as responsible persons and employee/possessors. ATF will be notifying ALL individuals listed on this document of their respective status by separate letter mailed to their residence address, PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT IT IS UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON REFLECTING A STATUS OF "DENIED" TO TRANSPORT, SHIP, RECEIVE, OR POSSESS EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS, Please carefully review this Notice to ensure that all the information is accurate. If this Notice is incorrect, please return the Notice to the Chief, FELL, with a statement showing the nature of the error(s). The Chief, FELL, shall correct the error, and s return a corrected Notice. Number of RESPONSIBLE PERSON(S) : 2 continued Number of EMPLOYEE POSSESSOR(S): 2 w LAST NAME, First Name, Middle Name Clearance Status LAST NAME, First Name, Middle Name Clearance Status RESPONSIBLE PERSONS: 2 0001 BROOM. CHRISTOPHER HASE Cleared } • W02 HALLIGAN, TIMOTHY COLLINS Cleared M.. EMPLOYEE POSSESSORS: 2 JAN 0 8 2018 0001 CHILDERS, TRAVIS COLEMAN Cleared_`i_ 0002 EVANS. MICHAEL ROEBUCK Cleared page 1 of 1 U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Federal Explosives Licensing Center 244 Needy Road Martinshurg, West Virginia 25405 06.!04/20 t 4 SUBJECT: Dear CHRIS 901090: CRRIFI.,S 5400 File Number: ISC12001 IR 32 anse/permit: You have been approved as a responsible person under the above -listed Federal explosive License or perrait. You may lawfully direct the management or policies of the business or operations as they pertain to explosives. You may also lawfully transport, ship, receive or possess explosive materials incidenL Lo your duties as a responsible person. This clearance is only valid under the license or permit referenced above, Sincerely, Gkp.'t R. Christopher R. Reeves Chief, Federal Fxplosives Licensing Center (FELC) FELC Customer Service. If you believe that information on your "Letter of Clearance" is incorrect, please return a COPY of the letter to the Chief, Federal Explosives licensing Center (FELL), with a statement showing the nature of the error. The Chief, FELL, shall correct the error, and return an amended letter to you. Mail: ATF Fax: 1-304-616-4401 Call toll -free: 1-877-283-3352 Chief, FELC Chicf, FELC Attn.: LOC Correction Attu.: LOC Correction 244 Needy Road -Martinsburg, West Virginia 25405 WWW ATEGov 1 V 'J ' M C A. U L I Y A `STATE FIRE This is to certify that. CHRISTOPHER BROOM is permitted or licensed as a: BlasWr Company: PALMETTO ROCK SERVICES INC License or Fermi! #: FBB.329 Expires: 12131 Q019 ' 51 M F1ra MBr6Mll `�YtSTATE FIRE TFms lr. cehiFrtgal TRAV S GHILIDERS Is P=Mhledui I�eisrd as 9k1Aar'._ Cairjouny PALMETTO ROMy( SERVICES INO Llcome of NrrNl R F96.= Explree: IWl WT3 ti- I rs�sa�rrrs Additional Eauiament Information Drill faster ":straighter with the ND712 drifter The Eutkars FD712 drifter =tines p ymrfd penetration with ajlity and easy operation. Eclipped with Teams that maAmize a ficiemy, the FDJ12 difter sees the standrd in Fi jrperformance drilling ■ Lxnl dampersystem maximizes energy transfer to produce strai jater Wes. ti The system aromatically Ones the drifter for maximum performance regardess of the rock condition r ■ Integrated drilling system is comprised of all-Fydadic controls and a reactive damper control system, wiaich work together to accc mmoak4e dhargng rock conditions. Re FOadic controls aLtromatically a justimpact and feed force: wiylethe damper control system reg.fates pressue based on rock l ardaess. ■ Compact Aye design provides rapid valveand piston respa-cefor Thmd performance. is Maxine operator performance with to ultimate in ergonomic cab designs - " 1200 ED cabs are ergonomically friendly ly with features that reduce operato fatigue Cabs Yea (1,1CQom)withPCPS'FOFS standnd In addtioR all cats are air-conditioned and corrinuxtsly pressuized with filtered air tomaintain a comfortable operatingerwirorment Otff feat res indude: ■ Sinje-Iever drilling corltrol for easy operation ■ Large windows maximize operator visibility. ■ Pubber-mounted ergne frame isolates cab from ergne Yibrations ■ HjrdsibilitygLgesallow operator to monitor madrine furdiors wtile remaining focaxed on the drilling ■ Mlk-arnrdgc+rdlevel maihterance prarides faA easy tpkeep or repair. i. le > Combining performance and ecmomy i•.€' Gombinigperfamanceardeconomy,d-eHCR12O0Epistlxperfectdrillfor gmdesa carstructiarsites. Simple, dradeardefficie-CdxHCR12WEpnitheArdbleboom incorporates asdf-adustingdill system datenaues hgfnpnoductidty nomatter dhat d-kdrillirg tr•r jution. By automatically controlling d-k imW face. feed force, rotation for" and dLnl damper pressure. dx HCR1200 mimwsly atpls to dre dmnjrg rock cmida-c, ircreasirgdrilirg ! performance and tlx life of dill tods Wed,creasirgfuel oxNmpdat ■ HCR12:0 E3 feab.res V rods w4daextenclable boom forincreaseddill pattern iT ■Hgh-oL xoanpressaincreasesflwhgair,proidesfasttrdrillirgarddeaeases6itwaear. ■ Lo*emissionTier II erdnes offs low Kiel consumption and meet; US exhar.xtemissions reg.iatioro. ` ■!,danced rotary rod danger allows easy drill rod clrarges. Operators can add and remoee rods utirg a sinje leuer Pods can also be indexed ind-e rack to distribLite mareuenly and red.rcecosts. '+ ■HnV-d.Ayu-dercarriage— featuring apentagonal section design toredreedirt b.ild-tpand track mar — easues strergh and dra6ility. ■ krje indicator for qJck and easy drilling aligment. ■ Nliable dxtcontrol system increases suction capacity andprouides effecdye pre -dearer toreduce escape of drillingdrL An optional dxtaMessiar system is wailable for difficult drillingcardtiars i I ■f �' I r Y_ cU17Jir�-�j] ' - ++ r .2 } 'fir rr •Fit .F J•�. a � -��- + r' 'rr •ice i.: HCR1200" m wo(ght & dimansions OPcrelolg aeghl. Ihs (Kg) 33,515 (15zwl A Ouerdl laxJh, n (Ml 31' 11- (9725} R Gfaild wort I¢roJh. 11 (mm) 9' 1 Yi R780) Omal vnrlh wMh preclearxr, It (mm} 1i' S (3496j harspud mdill h liIwo _ 8.6• (mq L, With cnv b&*c . R (mmj j 7 11- k100) L Vdidhul sfue. Fr rrrn F aer:dl lrarnport l�qti, 11 ok 12' 3- {J7301 Orif ar; L'J69h, its Og 465;2% lMw rat& per ruin 2300 Funtxn rt rocitM per rdn C-190 Ilndarearrlage Cr-rrd rIamnck h MW oscillurrgargle-, (degrees r7', IFUM sPWa m4171 W1 91.9243.1) crAbilryckgces 30 Engine:. Cummins ryPe hYueuuokd d'rac[ hyaLtion. 6sy1n&rs arhocPe ,TiBrlldie5� Ile WWI.spesd. Hp d WM I 2157 M Hz Jcyv&x lorel,3ffftixh"M1k1 6- 4,0114.720021120) MondsplaxnmiI. cuhi: irch it oN 3ril't5.M Hrdraullc pump type 2•'r�iaWB a15phPrt P pePS sWA9 prasslxe oil rot Wier gl and 0141.1-gear pimp forming and dust collxmr. Compressor- PPSF2i5•SST� Free as d2bwry, aitwc rwL min (mlhan) 28G' 18.1} Odraeryar prewim.. F$14AN t.AB LIIIj* deg. w5 VaFI 400 swimpiw a &jws rb3Wbl[ R.%5 EKmluxi kngdt ft W $ 11' 02W a Ili do Sho; Lerglll r ii+mh 25' 6 p600) Feed krxdth ir (nrn) S14 hrglh, h fail 4.11. osm 3mT,v*. d fs4 rlghtllaR 31YW lift a*. ecylv� 170 wide ra69ey w*. degges 90 F47d pul. force bs (kN) 6632 (29.51 Oust coslocuar s)xtiur, 4mily. nLbrc Ioarlmin yFM/ Mrg low DO Cab Type ROPS•FOPS, Aie.Wi fond and pre5suriZW rldl ireEk98r al�r wrm n ya nj 43" {1100 Rvd arralegaplall� Typ _FWd cNnp Firntw d and 8.1 PJariai rplj Gil Aid rod WL ial rL3rr, lcr, irvh pnm) 2%-- 3's' M 49) S' - 4" (76. 102} Fars_ a T38 165 _ _ ... '43d IenJlh ti !rw% 12' (65r) Swu red length. h 1mm) iY • 16, =7. 4071) _ '+pecl2ariorsncludeROFS•FOPS tah,Kilndbiardrod. eu kx 's pdKyrs ane or cminLa mvro LS*Fina may dwage bk. prting FURUKAWR ROCK DRILL 805 Lake Street • Kent. UH 44240.0017 • Tel: 800.358.4476 • Fax: 330.673,8504 www.fur ukaw�r oekdf 111.wfrl i E ■ REVISIONS Bann tilt angyle:2L' Boem fill angle:LS' � S it i B RY 8oam lifl an$1a:0' Bedn slide 900r- Boom slide Omn Sti'�f301 N0" CF Na. Lj ® A=4.37m' 1Cnrering ore. for rerlrral drilling an the porizenrol urea-1 ® A=5.92m' 1Cerering eree for verlirol dril ling.j u _ � ® E% u 1297X4701 w to a 9 +a s 441 as •vile ORPART No- PART NAME DE$CRIPTION 0,1 3 A A Rai a3 is R a. iii ma.Oe1C. IIII.AL CHECK CHECK SCALE • Idol mm y LLI ;ooEa a JE326 ASSSV DWC �NMIE� Is19Ed oR�. ites 100r.P!.11 �ml CNN. I MUM* ASSY. Na, 732613_-_00011 $K. �re� 1aar.Qr.n I C R HCR1200 ED Weight & dimensions Operating weight, Ihs (kg) 33,510 (15200) A Overall length, ft (mm) 31' 11" (9725) $ Ground contact length, ft (mm) 9' 1/' (2780) C Overall width with pre -cleaner, ft (mm) 11' 5' (3490) Transport width, ft (mm) 8' G' (2591) D Width over tracks, ft (mm) 7' 11' (2400) E Width of shoe, ft (mm) 1' 1' (330) F Overall transport height, ft (mm) 12' 3' (3730) FUMAe—'n pokey Is one al MMIM 1111V 1 SpedEMMns naay cnanpe belYlen pnnlnp FunuKewe -'Famik ROCK DRILL 805 Lake StreeL • Kent, OH 44240-0017 • Tel: 800,358.4476 • 330:673.8419 • Fax; 330.673.8504 www. f u ru kawarockd ri I Isom SSU 3000LC The SSU 3000LC is a convenient, easy to use and complete vibration and sound monitoring system designed with the user in mind. Key features include an enhanced tactile keypad, heavy- duty twist -lock metal cable connectors and a heavy -gauge aluminum enclosure with baked enamel finish. The four -line by 20-character LCD and menu -driven programming makes on -site setup easy and permits the user to view numerical waveform data and monitoring results in the field. The timesaving template utility can store repetitive setup information for quickly deployed instruments with pre -defined configurations. The internal lead -acid battery is long lasting and easily charged using the included AC adapter. An integrated timer turns the unit on and off at pre -selected times to conserve battery power. The 2- hertz, high-pass microphone and all other accessories fit easily into the tough, structural -resin carrying case. r Easay ap[eae of .aced Ports for external co-vioat>ons, LEossh-dalatranamlttll st a. bl rnalpowersupply poM1 IMlne fus•brinkrnal circuitry prat Lion, Inshument connection ports come staMard with caps tc prahect mnwcfing pms when not In uaa. Heavy-duty twist -lode metal cable rAnnediona are standard design raaEures on all Ge Soniss• seismographs. The SSU 3000LC has three recording modes: 1) triggered - either seismic or sound, 2) continuous (histogram) and 3) sustained trigger. The internal memory can store up to 220, 1-second events. Sustained trigger mode delays processing and permits collection of consecutive 15-second intervals of waveform data up to a cumulative total of approximately 4.2 minutes. Data can be collected in either imperial (US customary) or metric units. The included basic compliance software package can be used for data analysis and preparation of standard or customized reports. GeoSonics" is a leader in seismograph innovation, design, manufacturing and vibration consulting. Because we use the equipment we design, a user-friendly interface, ruggedness and reliability are not just goals - they are standards. GeoSonics ...always a step ahead! Features & Specifications STANDARD FEATURES: • External geophone meets SEE density recommendations, • Four-lineby20-character LCD and 16-key alphanumeric keypad for on -site setup and data display • Heavy -gauge aluminum case & baked enamel finish, • Heavy-duty twist -lock metal cable connectors, • Iniemal, rechargeable lead acid batteries. • External LED indicators for charging & recording status. • Flexible interlace for custom configurations. • Two (2) independent threshold alarm output ports, GENERAL: • Weight (With Case) ........... ..... .... ..............14.7lbs(67kg) • Dimensions (With Case)....... ..... 12.3inx13.5inx5.0in (31.1 cmx34.3cmx12.7cm) • Weight (Without Case) ...... ........................ 4.51bs (2.1 kg) • Dimensions (Without Case)............ 8.7 in x 7.0 in x 3.61m (22.1 cinx17.8cmx9.2cm) • Operating Temperature: 0 to 130° F (-18 to 54° C). • One (1) year warranty on parts and labor. RECORDING MODES: Seismic Trigger: Sound Trigger: Continuous (Histogram): Sustained Trigger: Resolution: Range: Frequency Response Range: Sampling Rate: Recording Intervals: Accuracy: Calibration: Range (Linear): Frequency Range (3do): Accuracy: Calibration: Vibration Data: Recording Intervals: Sound Data (Linear): Multiple Event Recordings: STANDARD FEATURES (Condnuedl: • PC serial port interface for downloading events data. • Up to 220,1-second waveform data recordings (up to 50. 5-second waveform data recordings), • GPS acquisition feature (NEMA 108eompatible). • Six (6) template locations for recurring set up data. • Imperial and metric operation. • Basic compliance reporting software package induced. • Designed & manufactured in the USA, OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES: • Hydrophones (instrument modifications required). • Accelerometers to 50 g's or higher (instrument modifications required). • Amplifiers (10x-100x). • Optically isolated dual alarm control for dialers, pagers and remote alarm notifications. • Advanced seismic analysis software package. • Extended warranties & service contracts. • Numerous custom configurations - call for details. 0.0025 inlsee. (0.06 mmisec.). Up to 5.120 in/sec. (130 mmisec.)(other ranges available). 2 to 250 Hz (3 d8)12 to 1,000 Hz (Nyquist). Up to 2,0001second Ichannel. 1 to 15 seconds. 5%within one year (multi-Bequencycalibrated). Internal dynamic. 78 to 142 dB (other ranges available). 2 to 250 Hz 13 do)12 to 1,000 Hz (Nyquist), d:10% or 1 dS within one year (muhi-frequency calibrated) Internal electronic. Peak particle velocity and frequency far L, T & V. Selectable:) to 60 seconds. 78 to 142 dB (other ranges available). Consecutive waveform recordings up to 4.2 minutes. a P.Q. Box 086 Warrendale, -9 12999 G e o S o n i c s Ph. 800.992.9395 Fax osoni s.com www.geosonics.com Blastmate III'" Range of Applications: • Blast -monitoring. for compliance • Near field blast analysis • Pile driving • Construction acti vi ty • Demolition activity • Heavy transportation • Bridge monitoring • Structural analysis • Underwater blast monitoring • 4 or 8 channel data aqulsltion • Remote monitoring - Auto Call Ho,i Consultants, engineers and contractors the world overrecognize the Instani Blastmate IL1TM v ibration and overpressure monitor as the most versatile and most reliable full featured monitor available. It provides all of the industry -leading features of the Instantel Minimate PIusTMmonitor, conv entently p ackaged w ith afull keyboard and a high -resolution printer This allows you to setup, add notes and print complete event reports in the field, without a computer. Versatile With standard features like the Instantel Histogram Combom monitoring mode, zero dead -time between events, and flexible sample rates up to 65,536 Sls, the Blastmate III system provides you with control and confidence to monitor reliably in any situation. For added versatility, you have the option to add 4 more channels and extra memory, providing two complete standard monitors in.a single package. .For more demanding monitoring applications, the Instantel Blastware® Advanced Module software provides the capability to monitor a broad selection of vibration and overpressure sensors, as well as sensors forrelated structural and environmental measurements. Monitor vibration, ambient environmental conditions, and the movement of structural cracks, all at the same time, al] using the same Blastmate III monitor. Easy to use The features and versatility of the Blastmate III monitor set it apart, but the fact that it is also easy to use makes it truly revolutionary. The dedicated single use function keys, backlit LCD and simple menu -driven operation make setup and operation quick and easy, even for inexperienced personnel. Tough The Blastmate III monitorhas been builtto survive, with a fully sealed top panel, non- corrosive industrial grade connectors and sealed electronics, all packed in a rugged, water-resistant case. Blastmate III -Reliability and versatility for any monitoring application_ JW Instantel' Key Features • Fast high resolution thermal printer for event reports in the field without the need for a computer ■ Full keyboard simplifies entry ofjob-specific notes and information Dedicated function keys and intuitive menu -driven operation enable quick and easy setup Histogram Combo mode allows capture of full waveform records while recording in histogram mode Samp le rates from 1,024 to 16,384 Sls per channel - up to 65,536 Sls available on a single channel • Available 8-channel option allows for 2 standard triaxial geophones and 2 microphones to be used on a single Blastmate III monitor • Continuous monitoring means zero dead time, even while the unit is processing. • Any channel can be matched to a wide variety of sensors - geophones, accelerometers, or hydrophones. Blastmate III'" Channels Microphone and 7Piaxial Geoph one or I independent user-eonflgurable channels (two Microphones and two TNxial pcophones or 3 independent channels with optional 8-dsalmel upgrade) Vibration Monitoring twith Standard lliaxial Geophone) Range Up to 254 MMA, (10 lnls) Resnlutian 0-127 mmis (0-005 in is) or 0-0 15 9 mmis (O.On0625 iris) wi01 built-in preamp AccumLy 1; SEE 1 DFN) +A- 5% or 0.5 mmis (0.02 inls}. whichever is larger, betw= 4 and 125 Hz 1 DIN 456694 standard Transduccf Dcnsity 2.13 g!cr (133 lbstff) Froquency Rango MEE A DIN] 2 to 2S0 llz, within zero to -3 dB of an ideal flat response 1 1 to 3l5 Hz Maximum Cable Length fISEE 1 DIM 75 no (250 ili A 1,000 m (3,2801!) Air OvcrF—re Mouttorinp Wcolliog Scales Linear Lines Rtmgc 88 to 1,18 dB (500 Pa (0.072 PSI) Peak) Linear Resolution 0,25 Ps (0,0000363 PSI) Linear Accuracy +I- 10% or +1- 1 dB, whichever is larger, bd%,cal •7 and 125 112 Lntear F1'equCucy RespatlsC 2 t0 250 Hz between -3 dB roll 0 poitlW A -Weight A -Weight Range 50 to 110 dBA A -Weight Resolution 0.1 dBA A-Weighl Frequency RUPonse 15 hn8,000 Ilr Record Modes Manua], Singic-shot. Continuous Seismic TnMer 0.127 to 25.1 nrnrls (0.005 to 10 robs) Acoustic Triggm; Linear 100 to 148 d13 A-wcighl 55 to 110 dBA Sample Ratc 1,024 to 16,3S4 S!s per channel drickpcodcrll of record time). up to 65.536 Sls in single-hannel made with advanced software [maximum S.192 &s. per channel for 8 charnels) Ra:ordstop hlode Fixed record time, Instantel't AutoRecord*"1 record stop mode Rand Tiimc 1 to 100 seconds (proeruuuvable in one -second steps or advanced mode, 500 seconds plus 0.25 seconds pre- Aut4Romfil The trigger Auto window progranimable from 1 to 9 seconds, plus a 0.25 so and pre trigger. Event is recorded until activity remains Wow trigger level fuf duration of auto window, orunuiI available memory is filled. Cycle 75me Recording uninterrupted by event processing -'No dead lime Storage Capacity Full Waveform kvents 300 one -second events at 1,024 -`us saimple rate (E, 500 event capacity with optional memory upgrade) Event Summaries 1,750 (8,750 event capacity with optional memory upgrades Record Modes IIislegram and Iuslan let Ilislogr am ComboTrl (m unit or capinrc: triggered wavefurms whi is recording in histogram modc) Recording Interval 2, 5 or 15 seconds-, 1, 5 or I5 minetcs st"r Cxpucity 46.656 intervals - 3 days at 5-second inten°als or 102 days at 15 minute intervals {with memory upgrade - 15 days at 5-seaaed intervals or 540 days at 15 minute intervolO Dimensions 269 X 355 x 165 dim (t 0.6 x 14.0 8 6.5 in) ' Weight 6.4 Kg (14 Ibs) Battery Rechargeable 6 V sealed gel cell - capacity for 30 days of continuous monitoring llser Interface 63 domed tadik keys indicting full kcybomdand dedicated keys for con mon Undims Misplay 4-linex 21) dwaeler. high contrast, bluidit LCD with on]ote help g Printer High resululicar thermal plotter PC Inlc&. RS-232 Auxiliary Inpuls and Outputs Extrntal7Fgger. RaudeAlarm. coordinate download flvnu GP3 Envirorttuental PrinterlLCD Operaling Rmperaturc -10 to 501C(14 W 12M, Eloctronics Operating Tanperature -20 to 5.9-C(A to 131°F) � Remote Communications Cam>Parble w1th Telephone. GSM. Celltt1w. RF. Satellite. 51Krt4haul mWelus. arld Ell lealetA device servers, 8 Automatically transfers evexnswhert they occur through IRStantd Auto Call. HnmoT" %*Fe Additional Features Monitor start/stop timer Electrical Sumdards CE Clan A a C—la—tr OFF.— VS Ofrie�: toll Flee: (doo) 261 9111 � "M I.Mm lxl rp, 8nH Cgnfnv.n.e Rank QH-, I 'feprHx:nt'; (01--1 192 •ICAO I Ottawa, Ontario K?K 3A7 0grieribor!t. New York 136b9 racnmlln' 1613) 592 �Q Rb Canada l7SA Erroll: sales�lrrtanh:l.cam nst(ante ICU3 Kn irk CLYpareGan. ftatajge4 the hataMrl luyu, Auiu CSA' 7fuvre Auturteaud ^� ate n 7iSe0gram r sfdGn! arlu a»t� E se„lrry n�Gck m �ecrrcr, u,G, or ,� amvrres s dM 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING 6 BLASTING Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard Analysis GENERAL INFORMATION EMERGENCY CONTACT NAME EMERGENCY CONTACT PHONE NUMBER Primary Secondary Primary Secondary Contact: Chris Broom Contact: Contact: Contact: Project No. Task Order/Contract No.: New ®or Revised ❑ Date: Duke EnergyCliffside 5/21/2019 JSA / RA Title: Building: Area: Specific Location(s): Drilling and Blasting Work Scope/Description: Equipment Required: • Conduct a Pre -Job Brief Drill — Furukawa HCR 1450 Rock Drill • Conduct a Level 1 Safety Assessment Pickup Trucks • Survey • Drilling • Priming • Loading • Stemming • Blasting JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS A B C ACTIVITY/STEP HAZARDS CONTROL MEASURES eader performs a pre -job brief at the beginning of the job and at the beginning Conduct a Pre -Job Brief derstanding the full scope of work. of each subsequent work shift 1) Continuing to work when you or 1) As a final step before beginning work, ensure you STOP and make Conduct a Level 1 Safety Assessment others individuals don't feel safe. one final self -evaluation that you are ready to begin work. A quick review of your HPI tools: Clear communication, Policies/Procedures, STOP, STAR, Level 1 Safety Assessment, and QVV 1) Uneven Terrain 2) Personnel on ground 1) Watch where you step &drive Survey/laying out shots 3) Wildlife 2) Make eye contact with operators 3) Watch for snakes and other wildlife 1) Uneven Terrain 1) Watch your step 2) Slips/trips/falls 2) 3 points of contact Drilling 3) Lines breaking 3) Watch hoses 4) Noise 4) Ear protection outside cab 5) Rollover 5) Drill perpendicular to slope when possible/boom uphill Page 32 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING 6 BLASTING Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard Analysis 6) Flying Debris 6) Wear safety glasses 7) Pinch Points 7) Wear gloves. Watch where you put your hands 8) Dust 8) Stop work if dust collection system malfunctions. 1) Pinch points 1) Wear gloves/watch where detonator is placed Priming holes 2) residue 2) Wear gloves 1) Uneven terrain 2) Strains 1) Watch your step 3) Chemical contact: 2) Use proper lifting techniques Loading ingestion, eye, skin 3) Proper PPE (gloves, safety glasses, hard toe boots, long sleeve contact. shirt) refer to SDS for treatment. 4) Fire hazard 4) Never fight explosive fire. Evacuate 1) Uneven terrain 1) Watch your step Stemming 2) Strains 2) Use proper lifting techniques 3) Equipment 3) Watch for equipment around loaded holes 1) Exclusion zone, Distance to be determined by Blaster in Charge 1) Flurock and communicated to Morgan and Duke Energy 2) Dust/Fumes 2) An all clear will be given when dust/fumes are out of blast area Blasting 3) Conjestion 3) All personnel and equipment will be moved out of blast zone prior 4) Misfire hazzard to blasting signals. 4) Blast will be visibly checked (detonators) to verify all holes in blast were fired successfully. Note: Insert additional rows or print additional sheets as necessary to accommodate all job steps. Page 33 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING a BLASTING Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard Analysis APPROVALS AND SIGNATURES PREPARED BY Name Company Position Chris Broom Palmetto Rock Services Project Manager APPROVED BY REVIEWED BY CREW Page 34 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING & BLASTING Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard Analysis Generic EHS Hazards (Hazards present throughout the entire job) Generic EHS Preventive Work Practices and Hazard Hazards and Control Methods Ami Human Error Traps Set-up controlled work zone area. Area of entry and exit when different. Usage/ Set-up of Entering and Exiting Job Site signage indicating Trucks/Vehicles entering exiting area. Establish parking and exit routes for employees and visitors. Establish work area safety issues/potential safety issues (daily) Signage indicating Work Zone area requires (PPE) Hard Hat, Safety Vest (DOT Approved), Eye Entering Job Site/ Controlled access Safety Work Protection/Side Shields, Steel Toe Boots, No Shorts/ Body Shirts, Gloves where required/ Practices applicable & "All person(s) "MUST" report to site officials and Complete daily'JSA" program before allowed to enter "Work Zone Area "No Exceptions. Emergency Action Plan(s)-Emergency Response Team Set-up EAP for reporting various levels of accidents/first-aid. Palmetto will be under the Morgan Corp EAP. All operators are PRS safety qualified. All equipment will be equipped with (flashing yellow light/ back —up- alarms & fire extinguishers). Equipment must be completely stopped and turned off, Construction/ heavy equipment/ machinery traffic on site boom grounded, brakes engaged when communicating with personnel on ground or dismounting. Daily walk -a -round safety inspection conducted and documented. Kept on file. Personnel walking in work zone area/ away from vehicle Site Specific. Trained personnel in first aid / CPR will always be on site. First Aid kits are provided and will Insect's bites, snake bites cuts, bruises any injury accompany all PRS company trucks. First Aid kit available in office. Emergency Action Plan in place. Changes in climate / work conditions i.e., rain, heat, dust and snow Daily Safety Task Analysis (JSA) & Tool Box Talks conducted. If work conditions change (Hurricanes/Tornados) (weather, etc.) revised JSA will be conducted with employees ASAP. Refuel only in Duke approved fueling area along with Morgan Corp equipment. PRS procedure in place to have employee tied off using an approved PFAS (personal fall arrest Fueling/ Servicing equipment or working heights greater than (6') system). Chemical spill kits in place as needed. Housekeeping measure, including portable containers in place for disposal or all used and Garbage/ Rags/ disposal of materials discarded materials Horseplay on site PRS Prohibits any type or Horse play. This will not be tolerated. Abusers will be disciplined. Water ways/ Streams spill of chemicals PRS has in place spillage/ material handling process including. Prevention and containment. Minimum of 25' clearance while working near overhead power lines. Spotter used as needed. Overhead Power Lines &Trees All equipment is equipped with back-up alarms. Spotters will be used in extreme cases as Backing Equipment/ Machinery needed. An exclusion zone will be established in the area where drills are actively working. Page 35 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING & BLASTING Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard Analysis PALMETTO ROCK SERVICES, INC. DRILLING AND BLASTING OPERATIONS SAFETY PLAN ROCK BLASTING CLIFFSIDE LANDFILL PHASE III & IV PROJECT Drilling and Blasting Safety Page 36 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING & BLASTING Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard Analysis TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NO. 1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................ 1 2. BLAST SITE.................................................................................................................... 2 3. BLASTER IN CHARGE.................................................................................................. 2 4. HAZARD AND RISK ASSESSMENT........................................................................2,3 5. BLAST EMERGENCY PLAN........................................................................................ 3 6. EXPLOSIVES TRANSPORTATION.............................................................................3 7. BLAST DESIGN............................................................................................................4,5 8. BLAST PLANNING......................................................................................................5,6 9. DRILLING....................................................................................................................... 6 10. PRE- LOADING SURVEY & CHECKLIST................................................................7,8 11. LOADING PROCEDURES............................................................................................. 9 12. INITIATION SYSTEM HOOKUP PROCEDURES..................................................9,10 13. BLAST AREA CLEARING AND SECURITY PROCEDURES............................10-12 14. MISFIRE PROCEDURES..............................................................................................12 15. BLAST REPORTS....................................................................................................12,13 Page 37 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING & BLASTING Analysis Drilling and Blasting Safety INTRODUCTION Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard Palmetto Rock Services, Inc. was formed in 1995 as a specialty subcontractor based in Spartanburg, South Carolina to provide full service rock drilling and blasting services to the construction and mining industries. Our original area of emphasis was North Carolina and South Carolina, but now encompasses much of the Southeast. Our blasting professionals hold state blasting licenses in: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. North Carolina does not currently have state licensure for blasting. Our mining experience includes contract drilling with at the Kennecott Ridgeway Gold Mine in Ridgeway, S.C. and drilling and blasting services in two aggregate quarries located in Greenwood, S.C. and Jefferson, Georgia. Our emphasis however, is construction drilling and blasting for all types of projects including highway construction of new location roads and improvement projects of existing roads, power plants, airport runways, taxiways and aprons, regional retail shopping malls, golf courses, landfills, subdivisions, office buildings, assisted living communities, municipal and private utilities and manufacturing and warehousing facilities. We perform work in both the public and private sector. For all the accomplishments and successful projects we could list, our most cherished record and the issue we take more seriously than anything is our impeccable safety record. Absolutely nothing we do comes before the safety and well-being of our staff, the public at large, the companies we work with and for and the places where we do our work. This is not only in the best interest of our business, it is our deep moral and ethical obligation to take every prudent precaution necessary to insure the safety and well-being of everyone exposed to the hazards of our industry. Rather than being the largest drilling and blasting subcontractor in our region, we strive to be the best. Palmetto Rock Services, Inc. is committed to providing a safe workplace for its employees and all others at or near our work sites. Our goal is to conduct blasting operations in the safest manner possible while minimizing the risk of injuries and damage to property. This blasting safety plan defines our company policy regarding all work in which explosives are stored, transported, and used. This safety policy will be communicated to our employees, contractors, and suppliers through on -site training and regular safety meetings. These policies do not supersede any federal, state, or local regulations regarding Page 1 Page 38 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING & BLASTING Analysis Drilling and Blasting Safety Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard explosives and blasting work. Compliance with these policies and all applicable federal, state, and local regulations will be strictly enforced. 2. BLAST SITE Many policy guidelines refer to the "blast site." For the purposes of this safety plan, and federal regulations, the blast site is defined as: The area where explosive material is handled during loading including an area extending 50 feet in all directions from loaded blast holes or explosive materials. 3. BLASTER -IN -CHARGE The designated Blaster -In -Charge shall have complete authority over all personnel within the blast site and is responsible for all blasting activities that occur at the project. The Blaster -In -Charge shall hold all required blasting licenses, have appropriate experience and training, and generally be responsible for: 3.1. Maintaining an explosives storage and transportation system that is safe and in compliance with all applicable regulations. 3.2. Implementing the specific blast plans that have been approved for theproject. 3.3. Overseeing that all drilling and blasting work is done in a safe and efficient manner. 3.4. Inspecting field equipment to ensure its safety readiness. 3.5. Blast clearing and guarding operations. 3.6. Continuously monitoring the work habits of the blasting crew, and providing corrective actions when necessary. 3.7. Ensuring that all appropriate blasting plans and reports are kept and submitted as required by the project documents and regulatory agencies. 4. HAZARD AND RISK ASSESSMENT The general and site specific blasting hazards and environmental impacts will be defined for each blasting site. Blasting plans and procedures will incorporate all reasonable measures necessary to eliminate negative impacts on persons, property, and the environment. The following general hazard areas shall be reviewed to help identify potential site -specific hazards and controls for each blast site. 4.1. Define public and commercial access, and traffic volumes. Page 2 Page 39 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING & BLASTING Analysis Drilling and Blasting Safety Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard 4.2. Determine the relative location and condition of nearby structures. 4.3. Determine vibration and air overpressure limits per NFPA 495. 4.4. Determine public and regulatory notification requirements. 4.5. Know the location and condition of all nearby utilities that are above and below the ground or water surface. 4.6. Study the local area blasting history with respect to incidents, damage claims, or litigation. 4.7. Determine specific environmental impacts that might require special blasting control measures. 4.8. Define hazardous material notification requirements for employees. SDS books will be placed in each piece of equipment and all trucks. SDS used on daily basis will be discussed in the PJB. 4.9. Electric detonators must not be used! 5. BLAST EMERGENCY PLAN The elements of specific blast emergency plans shall vary based on the unique conditions that exist at each job site. Emergency plans shall: 5.1. Include a posted list of all emergency response telephone numbers including; ambulance, hospital, OSHA or MSHA district office, police, BATF, and home phone numbers of employees. 5.2. Be clearly communicated to and understood by all site workers and supervisors. 5.3. Define notification procedures for contacting supervisors, family, and regulatory agencies based on the nature of an incident or accident. 5.4. For each work site, the location of first aid kits and the identity of trained first aid providers shall be known by all workers at the site. 6. EXPLOSIVE TRANSPORTATION The Blaster -In -Charge will ensure that the Explosives truck will be met by PRS employees at the intersection of Old US Hwy 1 & Corinth Road. Explosives truck shall be escorted to the blast site by PRS employee. All vehicles hauling explosives will be properly loaded and display adequate explosives warning signs as .specified by either OSHA, MSHA, DOT —whichever is applicable. Page 3 Page 40 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING & BLASTING Analysis Drilling and Blasting Safety Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard 6.1. All vehicles will have appropriate safety equipment, as required by state and federal regulations. Working fire extinguishers and spill containment kits. 6.2. Passengers shall not accompany explosives. 6.3. Equipment or other materials must never share the same cargo space with explosives. 6.4. Explosive vehicles, safety equipment, and day boxes shall be regularly inspected, maintained and cleaned. 6.5. All explosives, and any traces of explosives, must be removed from transportation equipment before it is serviced. 6.6. Explosives day boxes shall be properly built and marked as required by OSHA regulations. 6.7. When detonators and explosives are transported in a day box, they shall be separated by a four -inch hardwood, or equivalent, partition. 6.8. Only vehicles that are used for transporting or loading explosives shall be allowed on the blast site. 6.9. Proper shipping papers shall accompany explosives when they are delivered to and from the job site. 6.10. Explosive transportation must be undertaken under the supervision of a driver who is familiar with the hazards involved, and the actions required in the event of fire or other abnormal occurrence. 6.11. No more than the amount of explosives or blasting agents needed for a shift's requirements shall be taken to the blast site. After loading is completed, all unused explosives and detonators shall be taken from the site at the end of each shift. NO EXPLOSIVES SHALL BE STORED ON SITE. 7. BLAST DESIGN In many blast applications, it is often impossible to fully satisfy all of the design objectives. Therefore, some sort of trade-off analysis is needed to balance design sacrifices based on priority. In blast design work, there are usually two general types of goals: 1) safety goals and 2) operational goals. Whenever safety goals conflict with operational goals, the safety concerns shall have the highest priority. For instance, producing minus 36-inch rock might be an operational objective while eliminating flyrock is a safety goal. Since the safety goals must have the highest priority, the blast plan might specify the use of conservative amount of stemming to control rock movement, thus sacrificing rock fragmentation in the collar area. The following guidelines shall be used to evaluate all blast design choices: Page 4 Page 41 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING & BLASTING Analysis Drilling and Blasting Safety General Blast Design Considerations: Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard 7.1. Blast designs shall never compromise safety, and safety goals shall have the highest design priority. 7.2. While satisfying all primary design objectives, blast designs shall be as simple as possible. 7.3. The blast designer(s) must have thorough knowledge and understanding of the blast requirements and constraints for each individual application. If the lead blaster is unfamiliar with a particular application, design, or product, outside help shall be obtained from a consultant or explosive -supplier representative who is familiar with the application or product. 7.4. Blast design geometry shall be appropriate for the application. The geology of the blast site and area control requirements must be considered when selecting hole size, explosive diameter, stemming height, and all other design dimensions. Initiation System Guidelines: 7.5. Initiation systems must provide adequate protection against stray current hazards. 7.6. Delay timing schemes shall be as simple as possible, while providing adequate burden relief and sufficiently advanced in -hole energization to prevent surface cut-off failures. 8. BLAST PLANNING Good advance planning and preparation work will improve blasting productivity and safety. Blast planners shall: 8.1. Determine the number, skill and experience requirements of drillers, blasters, and helpers required to perform the work. 8.2. Prepare a blasting work schedule that allows for unforeseen problems or delays. 8.3. Develop plans for dealing with special environmental conditions might occur during this work. Examples are lightning, floods, cold or hot weather, etc. Palmetto Rock will work under Morgan Corp plan. 8.4. Define and obtain any special equipment that may be needed for the blasting work. 8.5. Plan to have back-up units to replace critical instruments like non- electric initiating devices. Page 5 Page 42 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING & BLASTING Analysis Drilling and Blasting Safety Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard The functionality of all critical instruments like non- electric initiating devices and seismographs. shall be tested the day before each scheduled blast. 8.6. Checked daily by dry firing and Vibra Tech can remotely call the seismographs. shall be tested the day before each scheduledblast. 8.7. Spare batteries and other essential parts for blasting instruments shall be kept at the job site. 8.8. Evaluate local services and carefully screen potential product and service providers. 8.9. Investigate explosive delivery options. 9. DRILLING 9.1. All drillers must have adequate experience and operating knowledge about each drill before they operate it. 9.2. Drillers shall perform and document safety inspections on all drills before they are operated. Any conditions that might cause unsafe operation shall be corrected before drill is put into service. 9.3. Drills must be routinely serviced and lubricated as specified bythe manufacturer. 9.4. All safety equipment, like hose release guards, must be properly installed. 9.5. Drillers shall monitor bit wear and penetration rates, and they shall vary feed pressure, hammer rates, and other operating variables to achieve maximum bit life. 9.6. The -Blaster -In -Charge shall establish a system for marking hole collar locations. Drillers shall collar holes as close as possible to the designed collar location and they shall carefully align the drill boom to guide the drill stem along the intended hole path. 9.7. The driller's primary goal is to drill properly aligned and clean holes. Driller should vary hole - flushing rates and determine which drill settings are producing the cleanest and most accurately placed holes. 9.8. Holes shall never be drilled in any positions where there is any chance they might intersect another live hole. Unless a specific variance is granted, the minimum collar distance from a loaded hole must be greater than the planned depth of the newhole. 9.9. For surface blasting, drillers shall note any unusual conditions or adjustments to the original plan. Drill log information shall be submitted to the Blaster -In -Charge at the end of each drilling shift. Page 6 Page 43 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING 6 BLASTING Analysis Drilling and Blasting Safety 10. PRE -LOADING SURVEY & CHECKLIST 10.1. Safety Review Meetings: Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard The -Blaster -In -Charge shall assemble all blast crew personnel to review JHA for drilling, loading, and blasting activities in morning STA meeting before explosive loading work begins. The following issues shall be addressed at each safety review meeting. 10.1.1. Identify the lead person 10.1.2. Confirm the blast is still scheduled 10.1.3. Review personal safety responsibilities 10.1.4. Review site specific hazards 10.1.5. Review loading plans and procedures 10.1.6. Assign work responsibilities 10.1.7. Review equipment requirements and safe operationprocedures 10.1.8. Review emergency and site security procedures 10.1.9. Review requirement that open flames or sparks must not occur on the blast site, and that smoking is absolutely prohibited. 10.1.10. Confirm that the crew has the proper tools to safely perform loading and site security tasks. Equipment not specifically approved for blasting work shall not be used. Check following (tool requirements will vary): Use of the following personal protective equipment is mandatory: 10.1.11. Protective Head gear — hard hat 10.1.12. Protective Footwear — hard toe boots 10.1.13. Protective Eye wear -- safety glasses 10.1.14. Protective Hand wear — gloves 10.1.15. Skin protection — Long sleeve shirts 10.2. The following protective equipment may be used, and under certain conditions, supervisors may require their use. Page 7 Page 44 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING 6 BLASTING Analysis Drilling and Blasting Safety 10.2.1. Ear Protection — plugs or muffs 10.2.2. Protective clothing 10.2.3. Respirators Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard • Post 48"x48" "Blasting Zone Ahead" caution signs at entrance to the blast zone. • Post 24"06" "Danger — Blasting — Keep — Away" signs around the perimeter of the blast site. • Non -sparking loading poles, powder punches, knives, etc. • Blasting machines or non -electric starters • Mirrors, retrievers • Measuring tapes with non -sparking weights • Warning sirens • Radios, blasting area warning signs, traffic vests, first aid kit, and drinking water 10.3. Blast Site Inspection: The Blaster -In -Charge and loading crew shall inspect the blast site before loading begins. Hazards or conditions that might expose explosives to excessive pressure, heat, or friction shall be corrected prior to loading. 10.4. All needed explosives, stemming material and other supplies shall be brought to the blast site before commencing hole -loading operations. All mobile equipment, not expressly used and approved for hole -loading operations shall always be kept a safe distance away from blast holes once loading begins. 10.5. All equipment and all non -essential equipment and people shall be removed from blast sites once hole loading operations begin. 10.6. Count boreholes, measure drill pattern. 10.7. Blast holes will be inspected prior to loading for depth and for obstructions and for the presence of water. 10.8. If the inspection reveals that blast hole re -drilling is required, the re -drilling shall be done before loading commences. 10.9. All holes shall be drilled sufficiently large to admit freely the insertion of the explosives. Page 8 Page 45 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING & BLASTING Analysis Drilling and Blasting Safety 11. LOADING PROCEDURES Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard 11.1. No holes shall be loaded except those to be fired in the next round of blasting. 11.2. When column separation is suspected, a second primer using the same delay detonator as the first primer shall be loaded into the separated portion of the column. 11.3. If damage to an initiator lead is suspected, the hole shall be re -primed with a similar primer. 11.4. When it is necessary to operate mobile equipment on the blast site, the blaster -in -charge shall closely monitor every movement and setup. Extreme care must be taken to ensure that detonators, initiator leads, and explosives are not run over, snagged, or otherwise damaged by mobile equipment. No non -essential vehicles shall be allowed on the blast site. 11.5. Tamping shall be done only with wood rods without exposed metal parts. Non -sparking metal connectors may be used for jointed poles. Violent tamping shall be avoided. The primer shall never be tamped. 11.6. All blast holes in open work shall be stemmed to the collar with crushed stone. 11.7. No sparking materials or loose rocks shall be allowed to enter blast holes after they contain explosives. 11.8. No loaded holes shall be left unattended or unprotected. 11.9. Crew members shall immediately report any dangerous conditions, such as overloaded holes, to the blaster -in -charge who shall develop measures to safely control the condition. 11.10. If during loading of boreholes any product is spilled on the ground, the contaminated surface soil shall be lifted and contained. Materials will be destroyed in the borehole. If the materials cannot be used and must be transported, it must be properly contained and labeled according to USDOT standards and HAZCOM requirements. 11.11. Blasting operations will be suspended and the area clear of personnel upon the approach of and during severe weather. Lightning within 10 miles of the site. Weather will be monitored by the use of the Skyscan Lightning Storm Detector. 11.12. Records detailing the quantities of explosives brought to the site and used each day shall be accurately kept. 12. INITIATION SYSTEM HOOK-UP PROCEDURES 12.1. Blasting machines and non -electric starters must be stored away from the blast area while Page 9 Page 46 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING 6 BLASTING Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard Analysis Drilling and Blasting Safety blasts are loaded and tied in. 12.2. Only persons designated by the blaster -in -charge shall participate in blast hookups. All other persons shall vacate the blast site. 12.3. Blast crews shall only use connections and hookups that are approved by the product manufacturer. 12.4. The Blaster -In -Charge and one other crew member, shall independently inspect and double- check all hookups. 12.5. To prevent hook-up mistakes caused by rushing to meet a blasting time limit; blasting work schedules shall allow adequate time for careful blast hook-up work. 12.6. When blast hookups are completed more than one half hour before blast time, the hookup shall be inspected again just prior to detonation, by the Blaster in Charge and blast crew. 13. BLAST AREA CLEARING AND SECURITY PROCEDURES 13.1. Pre -blast Review Meeting: Before blasting, the Blaster -In -Charge will notify Morgan Corp. management that the blast is loaded and that all personnel should be notified of the time of the blast. The Blaster -In -Charge will obtain verification from Morgan Corp. management that Palmetto Rock Services may proceed with blasting operations. The Blaster -In -Charge shall assemble all blast crew personnel to review the blast area security plan and blast emergency plan. The Blaster -In Charge shall cover the following issues and responsibilities at each pre-blastmeeting. Make certain all that all surplus explosives are a minimum of 500 feet away from the Blast Site, and all employees, vehicles, and equipment are 750 feet from the Blast Site and have sufficient cover. 13.1.1. 13.1.2. Acknowledge the shot is properly loaded, hooked up, secured, and ready for detonation. 13.1.3. Review the blasting firing time schedule. 13.1.4. The Blaster -In -charge shall specify who shall fire the shot and define the safe shot initiation location. 13.1.5. Review the communication system that shall be used between the Blaster -In Charge and all blast area security personnel. 13.1.6. Specify what signals shall be used to announce: Page 10 Page 47 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING 6 BLASTING Analysis Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard Drilling and Blasting Safety ❑ Pre Blast Warnings 1) Warning Signal: A one minute series of long siren blasts will be made five minutes prior to the Blast Signal. 2) Blast Signal: A series of short siren blasts prior to the "fire in the hole" command to initiate the blast. 3) All Clear: One long siren blast will be sounded after the Post Blast Inspection procedures are complete, and the area is deemed safe. 13.1.7. Outline general emergency plans that shall be used in the event of an accident or other unplanned event. 13.1.8. Review procedures for handling misfires. 13.2. Clearing And Guarding Procedures: The Blaster -In -Charge shall 13.2.1. The Blaster -In -Charge shall coordinate blasts, with all concerned parties, on an approved blasting schedule. 13.2.2. When the area is secure, a primary initiating device shall be connected to the shot approximately five minutes before the scheduled blasting time. 13.2.3. The Blaster -In -Charge shall then have the five-minute blast warning signal given to warn all in the area that a blast is impending. 13.2.4. Four minutes later, the one minute blast warning signal shall be given if all persons, including the shot -initiator, are in a safe location and all guards confirm that the blast area is still secure. 13.2.5. At blast time, if the blast area is secure, the Blaster -In -Charge shall fire or instruct the designated shot firer to fire theblast. 13.2.6. After post blast fames have dissipated. The Blaster -In -Charge shallinspect the shot area. This examination shall look for Dangerous rock conditions (watch for large openings in the muck pile) The presence of undetonated explosives and/or initiators Abnormal blast conditions and any other hazards Page 11 Page 48 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING 6 BLASTING Analysis Drilling and Blasting Safety Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard 13.2.7. If misfires or other hazards are present, the Blaster -In -Charge shall supervise the removal of the hazard by the most appropriate means available. 13.2.8. When the area is clear of hazards, the Blaster -In -Charge shall give the all clear signal allowing work to resume in the area. 14. MISFIRE PROCEDURES When blasting misfires occur, or are suspected, their existence and extent must be carefully established under the direction of the Blaster -In -Charge. 14.1. The Blaster -In -Charge shall provide proper safeguards for excluding all non essential personnel from the blast site. All non -electric tubing shall be carefully traced and a search made for unexploded charges. 14.2. No other work shall be done except that necessary to remove the hazard of the misfire and only employees needed to do the work shall remain in the blast site. 14.3. No attempt shall be made to extract explosives from any charged or misfired hole. A new primer shall be placed in the hole and detonated. 14.4. Expand the blast exclusion zone due to the increased fly rock potential when misfires are re - blasted. 14.5. No drilling, digging, or picking shall take place until all misfired holes have been detonated or the Blaster in Charge has approved that work can proceed. 14.6. Drilling a hole next to a misfired hole in an attempt to fire the hole by propagation is not allowed. 14.7. If the misfire causes the charge to burn, or a burning charge is suspected, the blast site should not be approached for at least 1 hour. 15. BLAST REPORTS Individual blast reports shall be prepared for each blast. Blast reports shall include the following: 15.1. Blast date, time, and location. 15.2. Blast geometry, including, but not limited to, hole size(s), hole depths, drill pattern, number of holes, bench height, and sub -drilling. Page 12 Page 49 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING & BLASTING Analysis Drilling and Blasting Safety Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard 15.3. Blast hole loading summaries, including typical hole loads, explosive types, primers, detonator delays, stemming type and quantity, and total explosive consumption byproduct. 15.4. Shot volume and powder factor calculations. 15.5. Initiation timing scheme, including in -hole delays, surface delays, and planned hole firing times. 15.6. Blast effect monitoring data (if applicable), such as ground vibration levels, air overpressure, and peak water pressures [IF APPLICABLE]. 15.7. Notes about blast results, unusual conditions, occurrences, or special precautions. 15.8. Name and signature of the Blaster -In -Charge. Page 13 Page 50 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING & BLASTING Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard Analysis Calibration Certificate Certificate: 7310 Serial No: 7807 Eaumoment Information Technician: Joshua Hinkle Description: Remote Seismograph Calibration Address: Vibra-Tech Model No: IPSR2 Manufacturer: 2700 Holloway Rd. Ste 113 Geosonics Louisville, KY 40299 Calibrated: 04/03/2019 Frequency: Calibration Summary 12 Months Temp: 77.754°F As Found: OuLgLTolerance Next Cal: 04/03/2020 Humidity: 27% Result: _ Pass Remarks: Long it u dinal Channel Toi Tyne Units As Found Result Procedures GQ005_1.0_3000 Manual Entry in/sec In Tolerance Pass Limits As Found As Left (Cal Status) Desc Nominal 1JJwf11 Lower Actual Error Result Actual Error Result 2 Hz 1.000 1.000 0.740 0.908 -0.092 Pass 1 0.908 -0.092 Pass 4 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 1.010 0.010 Pass 1.010 0.010 Pass 8 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 1.013 0.013 Pass 1.013 0.013 Pass 16 Hz 1.000 1.050 n ar'n 1.005 0.005 Pass 1.005 0.005 Pass 30 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 1.030 0.030 Pass 1 1.030 0.030 Pass Standard Equipment Used Se ri al Number Model Description Cal Due Notes: Transverse Channel Toi Type Units ManualEntry in/sec As Found Result In Tolerance ,Pass Limits Desc Nominal 1JJwf11 Lower 2 Hz 1.000 1.000 0.740 4 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 8 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 16 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 3 0 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 Page 1 of 3 Printed on 4/3/2019 9:57:0 3 AM As Found Actual Error 0.930 -0.070 Procedures G0005_1.0_3000 Result Pass 1.020 0.020 Pass 1.030 0.030 Pass 1.005 0.005 1.015 0.015 As Left (Cal Status) W Error EL 0.930 -0.070 Pass 1.02C777 0.020 Pass 1 .030 0.030 Pass 1.005 0.005 Pass 1.015 0.015 Pass Certificate: 7310 Page 51 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING 6 BLASTING Seri al Number Model Notes: Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard Analysis Standard Equipment Used Description Cal Due Vertical Channel IQL 1= Units As Found Result Procedures Manual Entry in/sec Out of Tolerance Pass GQ005_1.0_3000 L * a As Found As -eft (Cal St atus) Desc NemmRal !In.nfil Lower Actual ErrorResult Actual Error Result 2 Hz 1.000 1.000 0.740 .880 -0.120fds 0.853 -0.147 Pass 1.005 0.005 1. 8 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 Pass 1.015 0.015 Pass L0.963 Pass 1.00 16 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 i -0 . 037 11:0�00 Q qqQQ 8:�20 pPass Passs 30 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 0.943 -0.057 Fal Serial Number Model Notes: Sound Channel To* Tvoe Units Manual Entry dB Standard Equipment Used Description Cal Due As Found Result Procedures In Tolerance jp,'Pas GQ005_1.0_3000 Limits As Found As Left (Cal S atus) Desc Nominal !!n.nfil Lower Actual Error Result Actual Error Result 2 Hz 134 134 130 131 -003 Pass Pass 4 Hz 134 135 132 132 -002 Pass 132 -002 Pass 8 Hz 134 135 1334e; -001 Pass 133 -001 _Pass 16 Hz 134 135 133 133= -001 Pass 133 -001 Pass J 32 Hz 134 135 133 133 Paste 133 ;001 Pass 1 64 Hz 134 135 133 134 006 Pass 134 000 Pass 128 Hz 134 135 133 133 -001 Passm i 133 't -001 —Pass 200 Hz 134 135 132 132 -0q Pass 132 -002 Pass' 250 Hz 134 135 130 131 _nnl� Pass 131 -003 Pas s Standard Equipment Used Serial Number Model Description Cal Due Page 2 of 3 Printed on 4/3/2019 9:57:03 AM Certific ate: 7310 Page 52 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING & BLASTING Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard Analysis Statement of N.I.S.T. Traceability: Vibra-Tech certifies that the above identified item has been calibrated according to manufacturer's published specifications by comparison to standards with accuracies traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology and further certifies that the above identified item meets or exceeds Recommended Performance Specifications for Blast Seismographs, 2011 Edition, as set forth by the International Society of Explosive Engineers. Notes/General Conditions: Standards used in this calibration with associated uncertanties or tolerances aretracebale to the National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST). Calibration Certificates for Standards used during items calibration on file at: Vibra-Tech, 2700 Holloway Rd., Suite 113, Louisville, KY40299. There are no special limitations of use imposed on the calibration item This certificate may not be reproduced, except in full, unless permission for publication of an approved abstract is obtained in writing from the calibrating organization issuing this report. All uncertainties are statistically derived from a random twelve sample set of calibration results over a six month period. *Seismic: The reported uncertainty is based on a standard uncertainty multiplied by a coverage factor k=2, providing a level of confidence of approximately 95%. The standard uncertainty of measurement has been determined in accordance with publication EA-4/02. **Sound: The reported uncertainty is based on a standard uncertainty multiplied by a coverage factor k=2, providing a level of confidence of approximately 95%. The standard uncertainty of measurement has been determined in accordance with. publication EA-4/02. This certificate refers only to the specific calibrated equipment units, not to be extended to any other lots. Approved By: Date: Page 3 of 3 Printed on 4/3/2019 9:57:0 3 AM Certificate: 7310 Page 53 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING 6 BLASTING Calibration Certificate Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard Analysis Certificate: 7312 Eauopment Information Technician: Joshua Hinkle Serial No: 10551 Description: Remote Seismograph Calibration Address: Vibra-Tech 2700 Holloway Rd. Model No: IPSR2 Manufacturer: Ste 113 rancnnirc Louisville, KY 40299 Calibration Summary Calibrated: Next Ca 1: Remarks: 04/03/2019 04/03/2020 Frequency: 12 Months Temp: Humidity: 78.618°F As Found: 25% Result: In Tolerance Pass Longitudinal Channel Too Tyne Units As Found Result Procedures Manual Entry in/sec Pass GQ005_1.0_3000 In Tolerance Limits Desc As Found As -ef t (Cal St atus) omi�r---in IJJmfl Lower Actual Error Result Actual Error Result 2 Hz 1.000 1.000 0.740 0.903 -0.097 Pass 0.903 -0.097 Pass - Pass 4 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 0.988 -0.012 -Q. 01 2 Pass 8 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 1.005 0 aas 0.005 16 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 -0.007 s 0.993 30 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 1.013 0.013 0.013 Pass Standard Equipment Used Serial Number Model Description Cal Due Notes: Transverse Channel Toi TvDe Units As Found Result Procedures Manual Entry in/sec GQ005_1.0_3000 Limits As Found As Left (Cal Status) Desc Nominal Ijjmfl Lower Actual Error Result Actual Error Result 2 Hz 1.000 1.000 0.740 0.848 -0.152 0.848 -0.152 Pass 4 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 0.980 -0.020 Pass 0.980-0.0201 Pass 8 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 1.003 5.5531L Pass 16 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 0.985 -0.015 Pass 0.985 -0.015 Pass 30 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 1.005 0.005 Pass_ 1.005 0.005 Pass Page 54 of 73 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING 6 BLASTING Serial Number Model Notes: Vertical Channel Toi I= Units Manual Entry in/sec Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard Analysis Standard Equipment Used Description Cal Due Cert Result Procedures GQ005_1.0_3000 limits As Found As Left (Cal Status) Desc Nominal !JJmfil Lowe Actual Error Result Actual Error Result 2 Hz 1.000 1.000 0.740 0.893 -0.107 0.893 -0.107 Pass 4 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 0.980 -0.020 0.980 -0.020 Pass 8 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 1.008 0,008 Pass 16 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 1.008 0.008 Pass 30 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 1.028 0.028 Pass 0.028 Pass Serial Number Model Notes: Sound Channel Toi Type UUM Manual Entry dB Standard Equipment Used Description As Found Result In Tolerance Pass Limits Desc Nominal !JJmfil Lower 2 Hz 134 134 130 4 Hz 134 135 132 8 Hz 134 135 133 16 Hz 134 135 133 32 Hz 134 135 133 64 Hz 134 135 133 128 Hz 134 135 133 200 Hz 134 135 132 250 Hz 134 I MOUP 130 aC I Due Procedures GQ005_1.0_3000 A; Found As Left (Cal Status) Actual Error, esult Apj*Ll Err Result 130 -004 Pass 133 _00pp4 - Pass 133 -001 Pass' 134 pp Pass ODD 1'EM 134 000 Pass 134 000 Pass 134 000 Pass' 134 8UU Pass 134 000 Pass E 1 135 Pass 135 001 001 Pass 135 001 Pass I 135 ss 134 000 Pass 132 -002 Pass Pass Standard Equipment Used Serial Number Description Cal Due Page 55 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING & BLASTING Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard Analysis Statement of N.I.S.T. Traceability: Vibra-Tech certifies that the above identified item has been calibrated according to manufacturer's published specifications by comparison to standards with accuracies traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology and further certifies that the above identified item meets or exceeds Recommended Performance Specifications for Blast Seismographs, 2011 Edition, as set forth by the International Society of Explosive Engineers. Notes/General Conditions: Standards used in this calibration with associated uncertanties or tolerances are tracebale to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Calibration Certificates for Standards used during items calibration on file at: Vibra-Tech, 2700 Holloway Rd., Suite 113, Louisville, KY 40299. There are no special limitations of use imposed on the calibration item This certificate may not be reproduced, except in full, unless permission for publication of an approved abstract is obtained in writing from the calibrating organization issuing this report. All uncertainties are statistically derived from a random twelve sample set of calibration results over a six month period. *Seismic: The reported uncertainty is based on a standard uncertainty multiplied by a coverage factor k=2, providing a level of confidence of approximately 95%. The standard uncertainty of measurement has been determined in accordan.ce with publication EA-4/02. **Sound: The reported uncertainty is based on a standard uncertainty multiplied by a coverage factor k=2, providing a level of confidence of approximately 95%. The standard uncertainty of measurement has been determined in accordance with publication EA-4/02. This certificate refers only to the specific calibrated equipment units, not to be extended to any other lots. Approved By: Page 3 of 3 Printed on 4/3/2019 11:03:09 AM Date: Certificate: 73121 Page 56 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING & BLASTING Calibration Certificate Serial No: 9607 Description: Remote Seismograph Model No: IPSR2 Manufacturer: Geosonics Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard Analysis Certificate: 7311 Eauiament Information Technician: Jason Klein Calibration Address: Vibra-Tech 2700 Holloway Rd. Ste 113 Louisville, KY 40299 Calibration Summary Calibrated: 04/03/2019 Frequency: 12 Months Temp: 77.664°F As Found: Out of Tolerance Next Cal: 04/03/2020 Humidity: 25% Result: Pass Remarks: Page 57 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING & BLASTING Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard Analysis Longitudinal Toi Type Manual Entry Channel Units in/sec As Found Result In Tolerance r Procedures GQ005 1.0 3000 Limits As Found As Left (Cal Status) Desc Nominal IIIU2fil Lower Actual Error Result Actual Error Result 2 Hz 1.000 1.000 0.740 0.900 -0.100 0.900 -0.100 Pass 4 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 0.998 -0.002 0.998 -0.002 Pass 8 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 0.995 -0.005 0.995 -0.005 Pass _ 16 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 0.990 -0.010 0.990 -0.010 Pass I 30 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 0.985 -0.015 0.985 -0.015 Pass I I Standard Equipment Used Serial Number Model Description Cal Due Notes: Transverse Channel Toll JX_ Units Result Procedures Manual Entry in/sec Pass GQ005_1.0_3000 Desc Nominal 2 Hz 1.000 4 Hz 1.000 8 Hz 1.000 16 Hz 1.000 30 Hz 1.000 Limits Mu2fiI Lower 1.000 0.740 1.050 0.950 1.050 0.950 1.050 0.950 1.050 0.950 Actual As Found Error Result As Left (Cal Stat is) Actual Error Result 0.885 -0.115 Pass -0.017 Pass 0.005 Pass -0.002 Pass 0.970 -0.030 Pass 0.885 -0.115 Pass 0.983 -0.017 Pass 1.005 0.005 Pass n ggst -0_002 Pass 0.970 -0.030 Pass Page 1 of 3 Printed on 4/3/2019 10:04:53 AM Certificate: 7311 Standard Equipment Used SerialNumber Model Description Cal Due Notes: Vertical Channel Toll Type Uak As Found MUM! Procedures Manual Entry in/sec Ou t of Tolerance Pass GQ005 1.0 3000 Page 58 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING & BLASTING Limits Desc Nominal IJ.Imfil Lower 2 Hz 1.000 1.000 0.740 4 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 8 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 16 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 30 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 Serial Number Model Notes: Sound Channel Tol Tyoe Units Manual Entry dB Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard Analysis As Found As Left (Cal Status) Actual Error Result Actual Error Result 0.885 -0.115 Pass 0.885 Pass 0.995 -0.005 Pass 0.995 Pass 1.000 0.000 Pass 0.988 -0.012 Pass 1.013 0.013 Pass 0.985 -0.015 1.055 0.055 Fail 1.010 0.010 Pass Standard Equipment Used Description As Found Result In Tolerance Pass Cal Due aw Procedures GQ005_1.0_3000 Limits A s Found As Left (Cal Status) Desc Nominal IJ.Imfil Lower Actual Error Result Actual Error Result 2 Hz 134 134 130 132 -002 Pass 132 -002 Pass 4 Hz 134 135 132 134 000 Pass 134 000 Pass 8 Hz 134 135 133 134 000 Pass 134 000 Pass 16 Hz 134 135 133 134 000 Pass 134 000 Pass 32 Hz 134 135 133 Pass. 134 000 Pass 64 Hz 134 135 133 Pass 134 Pass 128 Hz 134 135 133 Pass 134 000 Eass 200 Hz 134 135 132 _ Piss 133 -001 Pass 250 Hz 134 135 130 132 132 -002 Pass -002 Pass Serial Number Notes: Standard Equipment Used Model Description Page 2 of 3 Printed on 4/3/2019 10:04:53 AM Cal Due Certificate:7311 Page 59 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING & BLASTING Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard Analysis Statement of N.I.S.T. Traceability: Vibra-Tech certifies that the above identified item has been calibrated according to manufacturer's published specifications by comparison to standards with accuracies traceable to the National Institute of Standardsand Technology and further certifies that the above identified item meets or exceeds Recommended Performance Specificationsfor Blast Seismographs, 2011 Edition, as set forth by the International Society of Explosive Engineers. Notes/GeneralConditions: Standards used in this calibration with associated uncertanties or tolerances are tracebale to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Calibration Certificates for Standards used during items calibration on file at: Vibra-Tech, 2700 Holloway Rd., Suite 113, Louisville, KY 40299. There are no special limitations of use imposed on the calibration item. This certificate may not be reproduced, except in full, unless permission for publication of an approved abstract is obtained in writing from the calibrating organization issuing this report. All uncertainties are statistically derived from a random twelve sample set of calibration results over six month period. *Seismic: The reported uncertainty is based on a standard uncertainty multiplied by a coverage factor k=2, providing a level of confidence of approximately 95%. The standard uncertainty of measurement has been determined in accordance with publication EA-4/02. *'Sound: The reported uncertainty is based on a standard uncertainty multiplied by a coverage factor k=2, providing a level of confidence of approximately 95%. The standard uncertainty of measurement has been determined in accordance with publication EA-4/02. This certificate refers only to the specific calibrated equipment units, not to be extended to any other lots. Approved By: -- Date: 0 3 •/ ,9 Page 3 of 3 Printed on 4/3/2019 10:04:53 AM Certificate: 7311 Page 60 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING & BLASTING Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard Analysis Calibration Certificate Certificate:7313 Eauiament Information Serial No: 7433 Technician: Jason Klein Description: Remote Seismograph Calibration Address: Vibra-Tech Model No: IPSR2 2700 Holloway Rd. Ste 113 Manufacturer: Geosonics Louisville, KY 40299 Calibration Summary Calibrated: 04/03/2019 Frequency: 12 Months Temp: 79.176°F As Found: In Tolerance Next Cal: 04/03/2020 Humidity: 25% Result: Pass Remarks: LongitudinalChannel Toi Type Units As Found Result Procedures Manual Entry in/sec In Tolerance Pass 00005 1.0 3000 Page 61 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING 6 BLASTING Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard Analysis Desc 2 Hz 4 Hz R H7 16 Hz 30 Hz Nominal 1.000 1.000 1 nnn 1.000 1.000 Li nits Ylmfil Lower 1.000 0.740 1.050 0.950 1_n50 1.050 0.950 1.050 0.950 Actual 0.895 0.985 1.005 As Found Error Result -0.105 Pass -0.015 0.005 As Left (Cal Status) Actual Error Result 0.895 -0.105 Pass -0.015 Pass 0.005 Pass 1.018 0.018 1.000 0.000 0.018 Pass 0.000 Pass t Standard Equipment Used Serial Number Model Description Cal Due Notes: Transverse Channel Toi Tvne Units Manual Entry in/sec In Tolerance Procedures G0005_1.0_3000 Limits As Found As Left (Cal Status) Desc Nominal Ylmfll Lower Actual Error Result Actual Error Result 2 Hz 1.000 1.000 0.740 0.910 -0.090 Pass 0.910 -0.090 Pass 4 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 1.023 0.023 Pass Q.023 Pass 8 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 1.008 0.008 Pass 0.008 Pass 16 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 0.990 -0.010 Pass -0.010 Pass 30 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 0.985 -0.015 Pass -3-5-1-51L, Pass Page 1 of 3 Printed on 4/3/2019 11:20:57 AM Serial Numb er Model Notes: Certificate: 7313 Standard Equipment Used Description Cal Due Vertical Channel Toi Twe Units As Found Result Procedures Manual Entry in/sec In Tolerance Pass GQ005 1.0 3000 Page 62 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING 6 BLASTING Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard Analysis Limits As Found As Left (Cal Status) Desc Nominal Y.lmfll Lowe Actual frrQr Result Actual Error Result 2 Hz 1.000 1.000 0.740 0.930 -0.070 0.930 -0.070 Pass 4 Hz 1 000 1.050 0.950 1.013 0.013 1.013 0.013 Pass 8 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 1.020 0.020 1.020 0.020 Pass 16 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 1.018 0.018 1.018 0.018 Pass 30 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 1.023 0.023 1.023 0.023 Pass Serial "umber Model Notes: Standard Equipment Used Description Cal Due 9.W Sound Channel Toi Tvae Units Result Procedures Manual Eni ry dB G0005 1.0 3000 Limits As Found As Left (Cal Status) Nominal Y.lmfl Lower Actual Error Result Actual Error Result 2 Hz 134 134 130 130 7004 Pass -004 _ Pass 4 Hz 134 135 132 133 -001 Pass 001 Pass- 8 Hz 134 135 133 134 000 nnn Pass■ 134 000 16 Hz 134 135 133 000 Pass 32 Hz 134 135 133 134 000 Pass 134 000 Pass■ 1 qd nnn 11d --- _ RA u, 1 W 1 ZF Inn H7 1114 1 1 Pass 4nn1 Pass 250 Hz 134 135 130 131 -003 Pass 131 -003 Pass Serial Number Notes: Standard Equipment Used Model Description Page 2 of 3 Printed on 4/3/201911:20:57 AM Cal Due ert Cer:tifi cate: 7313 Page 63 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING & BLASTING Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard Analysis Statement of N.I.S.T. Traceability: Vibra-Tech certifies that the above identified item has been calibrated according to manufacturer's published specifications by comparison to standards with accuracies traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology and further certifies that the above identified item meets or exceeds Recommended Performance Specifications for Blast Seismographs, 201 1 Edition, as set forth by the International Society of Explosive Engineers. Notes/General Conditions: Standards used in this calibration with associated uncertanties or tolerances are tracebale to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Calibration Certificates for Standards used during items calibration on file at: Vibra-Tech, 2700 Holloway Rd., Suite 113, Louisville, KY 40299. There are no special limitations of use imposed on the calibration item. This certificate may not be reproduced, except in full, unless permission for publication of an approved abstract is obtained in writing from the calibrating organization issuing this report. All uncertainties are statistically derived from a random twelve sample set of calibration results over a six month period. *Seismic: The reported uncertainty is based on a standard uncertainty multiplied by a coverage factor k=2, providing a level of confidenceofapproximately 95%. Thestandard uncertaintyofineasurement has been determined in accordancewith publication EA-4/02. **Sound: The reported uncertainty is based on a standard uncertainty multiplied by a coverage factor k=2, providing a level of confidence of approximately 95%. The standard uncertainty of measurement has been determined in accordance with publication EA-4/02. This certificate refers only to the specific calibrated equipment units, not to be extended to any other lots. Approved By: -A Date: L/3J�J Page 3 of 3 Printed on 4/3/2019 11:20:57 AM Certificate: 7313 Page 64 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING & BLASTING Calibration Certificate Serial No: 3412 Description: Remote Seismograph Model No: IPSR2 Manufacturer: Geosonics Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard Analysis Certificate: 7583 Eauipment Information Technician: Andrew Meas Calibration Address: Vibra-Tech 2700 Holloway Rd. Ste 113 Louisville, KY 40299 Calil2ra t i Da SymmaOt Calibrated: 05/14/2019 Frequency: 12 Months Temp: 81.192'F As Found: Out of Tolerance Next Cal: 05/14/2020 Humidity: 34% Result: Remarks: I ongitudinal Channel Tolerance Manual (in/sec) Desc Nominal 2 Hz 1.000 4 Hz 1.000 8 Hz 1.000 16 Hz 1.000 30 Hz 1.000 Serial Number ST9014-2 Notes: Transverse Channel Tolerance KAnniml (in/ccrl Desc ominal As Found Procedures In Tolerance Pass GQ005 1.0 3000 limits .Uw2fil Lower 1.000 0.740 1.050 0.950 1.050 0.950 1.050 0.950 1.050 0.950 4s Found Actyal Error 0.890 -0.110 Pass, 1.003 0.003 'ass 0.995 -0.005 Pass 0.995 -n nn5 1 ni � 0.013 Pass Standard Equipment Used Model Descrio tioa ST-1 S Shaketable System As Left (Cal Status) Actual Error Result 0.890 -0.110 Pass 1.003 0.003 Pass 0.995 -0.005 Pass -0.005 Pass 0.013— Pass Cal Due Cert 08/20/2019 AA0003 As Found Result Procedures In Tolerance Pass GQ005 1.0 3000 limits As Found As Left (Cal Status ) !.tamer Low er Acl .YAl frrQ[ Result Acl .Yfil Error Result Page 65 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING s BLASTING Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard Analysis 2 Hz 1.000 1 .000 0.740 0.865 -0.135 Pass 0.865 -0.135 Pass 4 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 0.973 -0.027 Pass 0.973 -0.027 Pass 8 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 0.980 -0.020 PnQQ n cm -0.020 Pass 16 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 0.985 -0.015 Pass 0.985 -0.015 Pass 30 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 0.995 -0.005 Pass -0.005 Pass Page 1 of 3 Printed on 5/14/2019 12:35:05 PM Certificate: 7583 Standard Equipment Used Serial Number Model Description Cal Due Cert ST9014-2 ST-1 S Shaketable Svstem 08/20/2019 AA0003 Notes: Vertical Channel Tolerance As Found Be.s.u..!.t Procedures Manual (in/sec) In Tolerance Pass GQ005 1.0 3000 Limits As Found As Left (Cal Status) Desc Nominal .!J.Jmgr Lower &!Yfil Error Be.s.u..!.t &!Yfil frrQr Result 2 Hz 1.000 1.000 0.740 0.898 - Pass 0.898 -0.102 Pass 4 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 1.015 0.015 Pass_ 1.015 0.015 Pass 8 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 0.988 -0.012 Pass �� 3 -0.0 22 Pass 16 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 0.988 -0.012 Pass 0.988-0.012 Pass 30 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 0.993 -0.007 Pass 0.993 -0.007 Pass Standard Equipment Used Serial Number Model Description Cal Due Cert ST9014-2 ST-1 S Shaketable System 08/20/2019 AA0003 Notes: Sound Channel Tolerance As Found B11.u.!! Procedures Manual (dB) Out of Tolerance Pass G0005_1.0_3000 Desc Nominal 2 Hz 134 4 Hz 134 8 Hz 134 Limits !J.Jmgr Lower 134 130 135 132 135 133 As Found As Left (Cal Status) Actual Error Be.s.u..!.t Actual Error Result 129 -005 Fail 130 -004 Pass 131 -003 Fail -001 Pass 132 -002 Page 66 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING & BLASTING 16 Hz 134 32 Hz 134 64 Hz 134 128 Hz 134 200 Hz 134 250 Hz 134 135 133 133 -001 Fail 135 133 133 -001 Pass 135 133 133 -001 Pass 135 133 132 -002 Fail 135 132 132 -002 Pass 135 130 131 -003 Pass Serial Number Model ST9014-1 ST-1 C Page 2 of 3 Printed on 5/14/2019 12:35:05 PM Standard Equipment Used Description Sound Level Calibrator 134 000 Pass 134 000 Pass 134 134 000 Pass 000 Pass 134 0-07 Pass 133 -001 Pass Cal Due Seri 03/06/2020 AA0002 Certificate: 7583 Page 67 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING & BLASTING Notes: Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard Analysis Statement of N.I.S.T. Traceability: Vibra-Tech certifies that the above identified item has been calibrated according to manufacturer's published specifications by comparison to standards with accuracies traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology and further certifies that the above identified item meets or exceeds Recommended Performance Specifications for Blast Seismographs, 2011 Edition, as set forth by the International Society of Explosive Engineers. Notes/General Conditions: Standards used in this calibration with associated uncertanties or tolerances are tracebale to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Calibration Certificates for Standards used during items calibration on file at: Vibra-Tech, 2700 Holloway Rd., Suite 113, Louisville, KY 40299. There are no special limitations of use imposed on the calibration item This certificate may not be reproduced, except in full, unless permission for publication of an approved abstract is obtained in writing from the calibrating organization issuing this report. All uncertainties are statistically derived from a random twelve sample set of calibration results over a six month period *Seismic: The reported uncertainty is based on a standard uncertainty multiplied by a coverage factor k;;;2, providing a level of confidence of approximately 95%. The standard uncertainty of measurement has been determined in accordance with publication EA-4/02. **Sound: The reported uncertainty is based on a standard uncertainty multiplied by a coverage factor k;;;2, providing a level of confidence of approximately 95%. The standard uncertainty of measurement has been determined in accordance with publication EA-4/02. This certificate refers only to the specific calibrated equipment units, not to be extended to any other lots Approved By: Page 3 of 3 Printed on 5/14/2019 12:35:05 PM ate: Certificate: 7583 Page 68 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING & BLASTING Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard Analysis Calibration Certificate Certificate:7584 Serial No: 10944 Description: Remote Seismograph Model No: IPSR2 Manufacturer: Geosonics Eauipment Information Technician: Andrew Meas Calibration Address: Vibra-Tech 2700 Holloway Rd. Ste 113 Louisville, KY 40299 Calibration Summary Calibrated: 05/14/2019 Frequency: Yearly Temp: 82.524°F As Found: In Tolerance Next Cal: 05/14/2020 Humidity: 34% Result: Pass Remarks: Longitudinal Channel Tolerance As Found Result Procedures Manual (in/sec) In Tolerance Pass GQ005_1.0_3000 Limits As Found As Left (Cal Status) Desc Nominal 11A.fil Lower B.efilll1 Actual Error Result 2 Hz 1.000 i 1.000 0.740 0.855 -0.145 Pass 0.855 -0.145 Pass 4 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 0.975 -0.025 Pass -0.025 Pass 8 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 0.988 -0.012 Pass 0.988 -0.012 Pass 16 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 1.005 0.005 Pass 30 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 1.010 0.010 Pass Pass Standard Equipment Used Serial Number JY1Qge! Description Cal Due Cert ST9014-2 ST-1 S Shaketable System 08/20/2019 AA0003 Notes: Transverse Channel Tolerance As Found Result Procedures Manual (in/sec) In Tolerance Pass GQ005_1.0_3000 Limits As Found Desc Nominal Mmer Lower Error B.01M Pass non Pass 0.950 -0.017 Pass 0.983 1 Pass 0.990 -0.010 Page 69 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING & BLASTING 8 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 16 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 30 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 Page 4 of 3 Printed on 5/14/2019 1:13:53 PM Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard Analysis ®07 Pass 0.993 -0.007 Pass 0.990 -0.010 Pass 0998 ®02 Pass 0.998 -0.002 Pass Certificate: 7584 Page 70 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING & BLASTING Serial Number ST9014-2 ST-1 S Notes: Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard Analysis St: ndard Equipment Used Descrigtion Shaketable System Cal Due Cert 08/20/2019 AA0003 Vertical Channel Tolerance As Found Result Procedures Manual (in/sec) In Tolerance Pass GQ005_1.0_3000 Limits As Found As Left (Cal Status) Qe.§.0 Nominal !!12.w11 Lower Actual Error Result Agu_a! Error Result 2 Hz 1.000 1.000 0.740 0.903 -0.097 Pass 0.885 -0.115 Pass 4 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 0.990 -0.010 Pass 0.978 -0.022 Pass 8 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 0.983 -0.017 Pass 0.973 -0.027 Pass 16 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 1.005 0.005 Pass 0.990 -0.010 Pass 30 Hz 1.000 1.050 0.950 1.038 0.038 Pass 1.020 0.020 Pass Standard Equipment Used Serial Number Model Descrigtion Cal Due Cer ST9014-2 ST-1 S Shaketable System 08/20/2019 AA0003 Notes: Sound Channel Tolerance Manual (dB) As Found In Tolerance Result Pass Procedures GQ005_1.0_3000 Limits As Found As Left (Cal Status) Desc Nominal A.w2fil Lower Actual .Erm! Result Actual Error Result 2 Hz 134 134 130 131 -003 -003 Pass 4 Hz 134 135 132 133 -001 -001 Pass 8 Hz 134 135 133 134 000 000 Pass 16 Hz 134 135 133 134 000 000 Pass 32 Hz 134 135 133 134 000 000 Pass 64 Hz 134 135 133 134 000 000 Pass 128 Hz 134 135 133 -001 Pass 200 Hz 134 135 132 133 -001 -001 Pass 250 Hz 134 135 130 132 -002 Pass 132 -002 Pass Sti ndard Equipment Used Page 71 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING 6 BLASTING Serial Number Model ST9014-1 ST-1 C Page 2 of 3 Printed on 5/14/20191:13:53 PM Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard Analysis Descrigtion Sound Level Calibrator Cal Due Cert 03/06/2020 AA0002 Certificate: 7584 Page 72 of 73 110 PALMETTO ROCK DRILLING & BLASTING Notes: Drilling and Blasting Job Hazard Analysis Statement of N.I.S.T. Traceability: Vibra-Tech certifies that the above identified item has been calibrated according to manufacturer's published specifications by comparison to standards with accuracies traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology and further certifies that the above identified item meets or exceeds Recommended Performance Specifications for Blast Seismographs, 2011 Edition, as set forth by the International Society of Explosive Engineers. Notes/General Conditions: Standards used in this calibration with associated uncertanties or tolerances are tracebale to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Calibration Certificates for Standards used during items calibration on file at: Vibra-Tech, 2700 Holloway Rd., Suite 113, Louisville, KY 40299. There are no special limitations of use imposed on the calibration item. This certificate may not be reproduced, except in full, unless permission for publication of an approved abstract is obtained in writing from the calibrating organization issuing this report. All uncertainties are statistically derived from a random twelve sample set of calibration results over a six month period. *Seismic: The reported uncertainty is based on a standard uncertainty multiplied by a coverage factor k=2, providing a level of confidence of approximately 95%. The standard uncertainty of measurement has been determined in accordance with publication EA-4/02. **Sound: The reported uncertainty is based on a standard uncertainty multiplied by a coverage factor k=2, providing a level of confidence of approximately 95%. The standard uncertainty of measurement has been determined in accordance with publication EA-4/02. This certificate refers only to the specific calibrated equipment units, not to be extended to any other lots. Approved By Page 3 of 3 Printed on 5/14/20191:13:53 PM S��vr-19 Certificate: 7584 Page 73 of 73