HomeMy WebLinkAbout14006 Classic Coffee Rqt Add Assessment 201205011646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 Phone: 919-508-8400 \ FAX: 919-715-4061 \ Internet: www.wastenotnc.org An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer May 1, 2012 Sent Via E-mail Victor Kung Pearl Pacific Properties, LLC 1016 Montana Drive Charlotte, NC 28216 victork@royalpacific-usa.com Subject: Request for Additional Assessment Classic Coffee Concepts 1016 & 1024 Montana Drive Charlotte, Mecklenburg County Brownfields Project Number 14006-10-60 Dear Mr. Kung: The North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources (DENR) has reviewed the recently submitted Report of Environmental Assessment prepared by AMEC dated March 16, 2012. Based on the report and recent public meeting held on April 23, 2012, we have determined that additional assessment is necessary to complete the brownfields risk assessment. • General: The most recent Inactive Hazardous Sites Program Guidelines for Assessment and Cleanup should be followed (http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wm/sf/ihs/ihsguide), which in turn relies upon EPA's Environmental Investigations Standard Operating Procedures and Quality Assurance Manual. Request Level 2 QA/QC data packages from a N.C. certified environmental laboratory. • Stream Sampling: The Brownfields program is requesting that a thorough assessment of volatile organic and inorganic compound contaminant in surface water and sediment be conducted for Stewart Creek near the subject property. The objective of this assessment is to address community concerns about possible contamination of the creek and resulting human health risk caused by groundwater contamination at the Classic Coffee Concepts property. Collect surface water and sediment samples from Stewart Creek during ambient flow conditions. If possible, collect an upstream location on the adjacent property also owned by Pearl Pacific Properties. See the attached map for approximate sample locations and make field adjustments, as needed. Collect field parameters for temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, and conductivity. Stream sampling methods should be consistent with Mecklenburg County Land Use and Environmental Services Agency (LUESA), Water Quality Program Standard Operating Procedure for Direct Grab Surface Water Sample Collection, guidance document is attached. • Indoor Air Sampling: Collect indoor air samples. Submit a work plan for review prior to conducting field work for approval by DENR. Methods should be used that are consistent with the following guidelines and information: 9 EPA Compendium Method TO-15 (EPA/625/R-96-010b). (8- 24 hour sample duration). North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Dexter Matthews, Director Division of Waste Management Beverly Eaves Perdue, Governor Dee Freeman, Secretary May 1, 2012 Page 2 of 2 9 Section 3.0 of the “Assessment of Vapor Intrusion in Homes near the Raymark Superfund Site Using Basement and Sub-Slab Air Samples”. 9 DRAFT Vapor Intrusion Guidance, NCDENR Brownfields Program March 2012(attached) • Laboratory Analyses: Submit samples to a NC-certified laboratory. Ensure laboratory method detection limits are below applicable standards. Provide complete original laboratory reports and associated laboratory QA/QC documentation in the final report to DENR. • Surface Water: Analyze surface water samples for the following: volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Methods 8260, semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270, and metals (antimony, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium (trivalent and hexavalent), copper, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel, selenium, silver, thallium, and zinc, (see section A.7.1.2 of the Inactive Hazardous Sites Guidance referenced above). In addition, include the following tests: Fecal Coliform Bacteria, E-Coli Bacteria, Enterococcus Bacteria, Ammonia Nitrogen, Nitrate + Nitrite, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus, Total Suspended Solids (TSS), USGS Suspended Sediment Concentration (SSC) Test, Turbidity (Lab), Hardness, Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Chemical Oxygen Demand, and Oil and Grease (HEM) • Sediment: volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Methods 8260, semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270, and metals (antimony, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium (trivalent and hexavalent), copper, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel, selenium, silver, thallium, and zinc, and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) • Vapor: Analyze vapor samples by TO-15 Method. • Report and Figures: Submit an assessment report with a description of field activities, tabulated data (including historical data), the laboratory data packet, and information requested in above bullets. Provide a site plan with well locations, stream sample location, estimated locations of previous soil boring, and current site structures. Provide summary analytical table for contaminant detected by the laboratory versus the state standard and include historical data, if available. Please have your environmental consultant contact me to discuss this work plan. Once these activities are complete, we will determine if any additional information is needed to complete our evaluation of site risks and preparation of the draft Brownfields Agreement. Sincerely, Carolyn Minnich Carolyn F. Minnich Brownfields Project Manager Division of Waste Management Enclosures cc: Project File ec: Bruce Nicholson, DENR Will Service, DENR Lisa Corbitt, LUESA Rusty Rozzelle, LUESA Rob Foster, AMEC DRAFT Vapor Intrusion Guidelines of the Brownfields Program Division of Waste Management NCDENR March 2012 Intended Use This document was developed for use by DWM Brownfields Project Managers, and Prospective Developers of Brownfields properties and their consultants to assist with investigation and mitigation of vapor intrusion into buildings on Brownfields projects. Vapor Intrusion Screening Vapor intrusion screening should be a step-wise process. At most sites contaminants are volatilized from groundwater, move through the vadose zone, collect beneath a building slab, and enter the building through the building slab or foundation. Screening should follow the same path. Assessment should begin with groundwater. If groundwater contaminant concentrations exceed vapor intrusion screening levels, soil vapor should be assessed. If contaminant concentrations in soil gas exceed vapor intrusion screening levels, indoor air should be assessed. On some projects, the developer and project manager may agree to forgo some of the assessment steps and proceed directly to vapor intrusion mitigation, which will still require some form of assessment to verify adequate mitigation system performance. Modifying this stepwise process for other reasons should be done only when dictated by exceptional circumstances. Step 1. Groundwater Screening Migration of vapor contaminants into indoor air should be considered for Brownfields projects whenever there are soil or groundwater contaminants present that are sufficiently volatile and toxic to potentially create health risk for building occupants. The Division of Waste Management (DWM) Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB) maintains tables of vapor intrusion screening levels which identify those contaminants and provide health based screening concentrations for vapor intrusion for groundwater, soil gas and indoor air in residential and industrial environments. Project managers should follow these steps to screen groundwater for potential vapor intrusion issues: 1. Compare Groundwater Contamination to Appropriate Screening Values Compare groundwater contaminant concentrations to those on the IHSB 1 Residential or Industrial/Commercial Vapor Intrusion Screening Tables (http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wm/sf/ihs/ihsguide). If contaminants are not found in the IHSB tables but are present on the US EPA Regional Soil Vapor and Indoor Air Screening Tables (http://www.epa.gov/reg3hwmd/risk/human/rb- concentration_table/Generic_Tables/index.htm), see the program toxicologist for calculation of a groundwater screening concentration. Use the more conservative Residential Screening Concentrations if proposed use for the site is mixed residential/industrial, if site use will involve repeated and prolonged use by children (e.g., school, daycare, camp), or if final use is uncertain. 2. Consider the Building Footprint. If groundwater contaminant concentrations exceed the appropriate IHSB vapor intrusion screening concentrations and if any of the existing or proposed buildings on the site are within 100 feet of the contaminant plume1,2, soil vapor or sub-slab soil vapor monitoring should be conducted. If groundwater concentrations are below the IHSB screening concentrations, and the contaminants are not present in soil, or if there are no existing or proposed buildings within 100 feet of the contaminant plume1, vapor intrusion need not be considered. 3. Consider Soil Contaminants. If contaminants listed on the IHSB vapor intrusion screening tables are present in soil but are not present in groundwater, consideration for vapor assessment and/or monitoring should be made on a site-specific basis. 4. Consider off-Property Receptors. Determine if there are off-property receptors through site visits and receptor survey. Vapor intrusion screening for off-property receptors should be considered using a similar technical basis to those on-property. However, source attribution may also become an important factor in determining the need for off-property screening. Decisions about off-site VI screening should be reviewed by the NCBP Program Manager. Footnotes 1. Project managers may use site-specific information to adjust the default plume-to-building screening distance (100 feet). Variables such as plume flow direction, geological conditions (e.g., fractured rock), depth to groundwater, plume depth (with presence of a clean groundwater lens above), soil porosity, contaminant characteristics and other factors may be considered. 2. Lesser separation distances may be considered for petroleum-only contaminant plumes. Step 2. Soil Vapor Assessment/Screening If groundwater screening as described above indicates additional assessment is necessary, soil vapor assessment should be the next step. For development of vapor monitoring plans and collection of vapor samples, contractors should use the NC DENR “Indoor Air and Soil Vapor Sampling for Brownfields Projects Guidance” (Appendix A). 2 If existing buildings that will be used on the site are located within the default or site- specific plume-to-building screening criteria described above, sub-slab vapor sampling should be conducted for each building. If there are no existing buildings, soil vapor sampling should be conducted in areas of planned building footprints. Sampling should be conducted where vapor concentrations might be expected to be highest under the building footprint (over the contaminant plume for example). Sub-slab soil vapor sampling, as opposed to near–slab or soil vapor sampling from open areas is the preferred method of collecting soil vapor samples wherever the building slab is in place. Soil vapor test results should be compared to the appropriate IHSB residential or industrial/commercial soil vapor screening levels as dictated by intended reuse of the property. If soil vapor contaminants exceed the appropriate residential or industrial/commercial screening levels indoor vapor sampling should be conducted. In situations where there are representative sub-slab vapor data, it may be possible to apply the default screening sub-slab-to-indoor air attenuation factor (0.1) to estimate indoor air concentrations and the corresponding risk range for indoor exposure. If estimated exposures are within the acceptable risk range for the project, it may be possible to rule out the need for additional VI assessment or mitigation. This practice cannot be used where there are near-slab soil vapor or open area soil vapor data only. Because soil vapor contaminant distribution beneath a building slab can be expected to be spatially variable, sample plans should provide for numerous sample locations to account for this variability. While indoor air sampling may be conducted concurrently with sub slab sampling, in many circumstances it may be advisable to conduct soil vapor sampling first so that the soil vapor data may be used to determine the need for indoor air sampling. Indoor air sampling may not be necessary if sub-slab or soil vapor concentrations are low enough to indicate that vapor intrusion is not a health risk issue, or if they are high enough to suggest that vapor mitigation will be necessary. Indoor air sampling should not generally be conducted prior to soil vapor sampling or in the absence of soil vapor data. Generally, having sub-slab soil gas and indoor air data allows for a more thorough evaluation of vapor intrusion risk. Step 3. Indoor Air Vapor Assessment/Screening If soil vapor concentrations exceed screening limits, indoor air sampling or another means of estimating indoor air contaminant concentrations will usually be required. For development of indoor air monitoring plans and collection of indoor air samples, contractors should use the NC DENR “Indoor Air and Sub-Slab Soil Vapor Sampling for Brownfields Projects Guidance” (Appendix A). Wide temporal variability in vapor intrusion rates, and the presence of background (indoor or ambient source) VOC’s present a challenge for collection and interpretation of indoor air data. Reliable sub-slab vapor data is useful for assisting with differentiation of ambient source contaminants and contaminants present as a result of soil vapor intrusion. 3 Careful cataloging of indoor contaminant sources also serves to identify indoor source contaminants. Multiple sampling events and longer term sampling periods should account for seasonal variation, building and mechanical systems use variation and other factors. The end result should be adequate, repeatable human exposure data. Indoor air test results should be compared to the appropriate IHSB residential or industrial/commercial soil vapor screening limits. If indoor vapor concentrations exceed the IHSB screening limits at 1.0E-06 LICR, or a non-carcinogenic hazard index of 1 (HI=1) for all detected VOC’s in combination, repeated indoor sampling should be scheduled. Alternatively the PD may choose to forgo additional assessment and proceed to vapor mitigation. Indoor sampling should be scheduled in accordance with the requirements for indoor sample scheduling in Appendix A. If repeated monitoring data indicate that indoor vapor concentrations exceed 1.0E-04 LICR, or HI=1 for all detected VOC’s in combination, vapor mitigation systems should be put in place as described below. Consult with the Brownfields Program toxicologist for site-specific recommendations. Step 4. Mitigation The objective of soil vapor mitigation is to reduce vapor intrusion rates and, as a result, indoor exposure to volatile organic compounds. For new and existing buildings, the default method for vapor mitigation is active sub-slab depressurization. If a decrease of indoor vapor concentrations of less than one order of magnitude is needed, other methods including passive sub-slab ventilation, membrane barriers, and building ventilation may be considered. For active sub-slab depressurization (SSD) vapor mitigation systems, plans should be designed and sealed by a licensed Professional Engineer and should be submitted to the Project Manager for approval prior to installation. For installation of the approved SSD mitigation systems, use of contractors listed by the National Environmental Health Association Radon Proficiency Program may be considered (http://www.radongas.org/mitigation_template/NC.shtml), but installation should be overseen by an engineer to ensure the installed system meets the sealed specified design. SSD systems should be designed and installed using methods that are consistent with the following guidelines and information: • “Engineering Issue: Indoor Air Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Approaches”. US EPA EPA/600/R-08-115. http://www.clu-in.org/download/char/600r08115.pdf • “Guidelines For The Design, Installation, and Operation of Sub-Slab Depressurization Systems”. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. December 1995. http://www.mass.gov/dep/cleanup/laws/ssd1e.pdf SSD system plans should include a description of methods for initial and long-term verification of SSD system performance using methods consistent with those described in 4 “Engineering Issue: Indoor Air Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Approaches”, including one or more of the following: • indoor air sampling • pressure differential testing (see appendix D) • maintenance, calibration, and testing of mechanical systems For mitigation by building ventilation, the specifications for building ventilation should be described in a plan prepared by a licensed Professional Engineer. The plan should include a quantitative description of how ventilation will mitigate vapor intrusion, and should include information such as: • outdoor air ventilation rates • air change rates • designed building pressure differential • methods for testing and verifying initial and long term ventilation system operation and performance • methods for performance assessment of the ventilation system to demonstrate that the system adequately interrupts the vapor intrusion pathway Passive barriers such as sheet membranes and/or spray-on barriers may be used to reduce vapor intrusion for newly constructed buildings, particularly where lower rates of attenuation of vapor intrusion (e.g., less than a single order of magnitude reduction of indoor concentrations) are necessary. Passive barriers should be planned and installed using methods that are consistent with those described in “Engineering Issue: Indoor Air Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Approaches”. US EPA EPA/600/R-08-115. Passive barrier performance must be verified by vapor monitoring. Sealing of slab cracks, utility penetrations, sumps, drains and other slab openings is an effective and necessary means of enhancing performance of sub-slab depressurizations systems. Slab sealing as a means of inhibiting vapor intrusion is generally not effective when used in the absence of depressurization systems. Slab sealing should not be used as a standalone mitigation method when significant vapor intrusion reduction is needed. 5 Appendix A Indoor Air and Soil Vapor Sampling for Brownfields Projects Guidance Objectives: 1. To provide guidelines for information gathering during indoor air (IA) and soil vapor (SSV) sampling for Brownfields Project (BFP) vapor intrusion assessment. 2. To provide guidelines for creating worse case vapor intrusion conditions during BFP vapor intrusion sampling. 3. To develop information about environmental conditions, building characteristics and building ventilation during a BFP indoor air sampling event, in order to judge how those variables might affect IA and SSV results. Application This information should be used as a guideline for data and information gathering during indoor air and sub-slab soil vapor sampling for vapor intrusion assessment. This information should be used to judge the degree of variability in indoor ventilation and other conditions that might be anticipated in the building in question and whether worst-case conditions for vapor intrusion were in place during the sampling event. Sampling and Analysis Methods For indoor vapor, outdoor vapor (background), and sub-slab soil vapor sampling, methods should be used that are consistent with the following guidelines and information: • EPA Compendium Method TO-15 (EPA/625/R-96-010b) http://www.epa.gov/ttnamti1/files/ambient/airtox/to-15r.pdf • Section 3.0 of the “Assessment of Vapor Intrusion in Homes Near the Raymark Superfund Site Using Basement and Sub-Slab Air Samples” (http://www.epa.gov/ada/download/reports/600R05147/600R05147-fm.pdf ). • Appendix E of “OSWER Draft Guidance for Evaluating the Vapor Intrusion to Indoor Air Pathway from Groundwater and Soils (Subsurface Vapor Intrusion Guidance)” Methods described by the contractor in a work plan and approved by NC DENR Brownfields Program. Soil Vapor Sample Leak Detection For soil vapor sampling, a tracer gas such as helium should be used to detect leakage of ambient air into the soil vapor sample. A shroud should be placed over the sample probe into which the tracer gas is introduced prior to sampling. Air should be drawn from the sample zone and analyzed for the presence of tracer gas using a direct reading monitor. The presence of a tracer gas in the sample zone indicates leakage of ambient air into the 6 sample probe. Leakage should be corrected prior to sampling. A concentrated tracer gas atmosphere should then be maintained, measured and recorded (mean concentration for the sample period) in the shroud during the soil vapor sampling period. The tracer gas should be among the analytes measured in the sample submitted to the laboratory. If the measured tracer gas in the sample is more than 10% of the mean concentration measured in the shroud, the sample should be considered invalid as a result of ambient air leakage into the soil vapor sample. Sample Periods Longer sample duration in indoor sampling allows for averaging of wide temporal variation in indoor air contaminant concentrations. Indoor air sampling should be done so that the longest possible sample times may be used, such as 8 hours for Suma canister sampling. Passive samplers may be advisable in some situations because they may allow for sample times of days or even weeks. See also Appendix C, “Radon Sampling to Estimate Sub-Slab to Indoor Air Attenuation Factors”. For sub-slab or soil vapor sampling, shorter sample durations may be used (e.g., less than one hour) which will allow for efficient use of tracer gasses for leak testing. Sampling Schedules When multiple indoor sampling events are planned, sampling should be scheduled to account for seasonal effects on sample results. Sampling should be conducted once during the winter (December 15 to February 15) and once during the summer (June 15 to August 15). For winter sampling, the high temperature for the day when samples are collected should be no more than 5 degrees Fahrenheit (f) warmer than the mean average high temperature for that date at the sampling location. For summer sampling, the high temperature for the date of sampling should be no more than 5 degrees f cooler than the average high for that date at the sampling location. Work Plan Submittal Prior to the start of any sampling, assessment or mitigation activity related to vapor intrusion, a work plan should be submitted to the DENR Brownfields program. No work should begin until that work plan has been approved in writing by the DENR Brownfields Project Manager. 7 Appendix B Vapor Intrusion Sampling Checklist Weather *Temperature • Measure ambient temperature near the start of the sampling period, near the middle of the sampling period, and near the end of sampling period. *Precipitation • Report recent precipitation trends and conditions during sampling. Building *Floor plan with sample locations • Report indoor air sample locations relative to sub slab sample locations, HVAC system zones, and local exhaust ventilation systems. (In addition to spatial relationship to soil vapor data.) • Report building floor area and volume. • Report if the building is vacant with no operable systems. Natural ventilation Operable windows and doors, and other openings in the building envelope. • Report size and locations of operable doors and windows. Windows and doors, and other openings in the building envelope should be closed during the sampling period. Heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) system HVAC systems • Provide mechanical drawings for HVAC system that include air handling unit (AHU) location and AHU service area. • Describe blower operation (cycled or continuous). • Describe mechanical outdoor air ventilation that is provided through the HVAC system including the outdoor air ventilation (OAV) rate in cubic feet per minute(describe whether the designed or measured rate is provided). 8 If the OAV rate is variable, the OAV control should be set to minimum during sampling. The cooling or heating system should be operational during sampling. Exhaust ventilation Whole building exhaust ventilation (including appliances and fireplaces). • Provide the volumetric flow rate (designed/measured) • Is there a makeup air source? • Consult with BFP manager about whether to operate the system during sampling. Large whole building exhaust ventilation systems may depressurize the building if there is not adequate makeup air, which could increase vapor intrusion rates. The same circumstances could create increased air change rates, particularly if there is adequate makeup air, which would minimize building depressurization, and could reduce indoor vapor concentrations significantly. Consider whether to operate the system during sampling on a case by case basis. Local exhaust ventilation • Provide the volumetric flow rate (designed/measured) • Is there a makeup air source? Operation of exhaust systems may depressurize the building, particularly where there is no provision for makeup air, and may create a worse case condition. Alternatively, exhaust ventilation may increase air change rates which could reduce VOC concentration. Indoor VOC sources • Identify and catalog indoor sources of volatile organic compounds that could influence indoor vapor sample results. Provide locations of sources on building floor plan in relation to sample locations. Outdoor air background sampling • Outdoor or background sampling should be done concurrently with IA sampling. • Outdoor samples should be collected upwind of the buildings where sampling is being conducted. *Information required for sub-slab vapor sampling. 9 Appendix C Radon Sampling to Estimate Sub-Slab to Indoor Air Attenuation Factors Concurrent measurement of sub-slab and indoor air radon gas concentrations may be used in order to estimate building specific sub-slab to indoor air attenuation factors. Radon measurement may be particularly useful where indoor sources of contaminants of concern make it difficult to determine the proportion of indoor air contamination that is attributable to vapor intrusion. The following procedures should be followed when using radon concentrations to estimate a building specific sub-slab to indoor air attenuation factor. • Sub-slab sample procedures outlined Appendix A of these guidelines should be followed for preparation of the sub-slab sampling point when preparing to collect sub-slab radon gas samples. • Sub-slab radon gas samples should be collected using “Pump/Collapsible Bag Devices” protocols described “Indoor Radon and Radon Decay Product Measurement Device Protocols”. 1 • Grab sampling should be used for sub-slab radon sampling. Sorbent samples should not be used for sub-slab radon sampling. • Indoor air sampling procedures outlined in Appendix A of these guidelines should be followed when collecting indoor air radon samples. • In order to account for variability in indoor radon concentrations caused by building use and ventilation operations changes in the building, and in order to provide a conservative attenuation factor estimate, indoor radon sampling should be conducted under conditions that approximate worst case conditions for radon and vapor intrusion into the building. Methods for approximating worst case conditions for indoor sampling are described in Appendix Bof these guidelines. • Indoor and sub-slab sampling radon should be conducted concurrently, though indoor radon sampling periods may extend into days or weeks while sub-slsb sampling periods will usually be eight hours or less. • The number and location of sub-slab samples should be chosen on the basis of site-specific parameters and objectives. Sub-slab samples should generally be collected from locations where there is exposure concern (e.g., occupied spaces), and in proximity to the spatial extent of groundwater or soil contamination. • The mean of sub-slab radon concentrations should be divided by the mean of indoor radon concentrations in order to estimate the sub-slab to indoor air attenuation factor. 10 • Sub-slab vapor concentrations obtained from sub-slab sampling may be multiplied by the estimated attenuation factor in order to estimate an indoor air concentration resulting from vapor intrusion. • If indoor vapor concentrations, estimated using a radon derived attenuation factor, are less than indoor screening limits at the 1E-6 lifetime incremental risk (LICR) or Hazard Quotient =1, and if DENR is satisfied that with sampling conditions and methods, then the vapor intrusion pathway may be considered incomplete. REFERENCES 1. USEPA, EPA 402-R-92-004, July 1992. Office of Air and Radiation: “Indoor Radon and Radon Decay Product Measurement Device Protocols “. http://www.epa.gov/radon/pubs/devprot3.html#2.6 11 Appendix D Pressure Monitoring to Measure Performance of Sub-Slab Venting/Depressurization Systems In some circumstances it may be possible to use pressure monitoring and data logging to measure the performance of sub-slab venting or depressurization systems. With these systems, it is necessary to create a pressure differential between sub-slab air and indoor air adequate to interrupt the vapor intrusion pathway. If pressure is continuously and adequately lower in the sub-slab area than in the occupied area of the building, then air movement - always from higher pressure to lower pressure - will be from the occupied space to the sub–slab region, which is opposite the direction necessary for vapor intrusion to occur. In most vapor mitigation systems, the pressure differential is created by mechanical exhaust ventilation of the sub-slab vented area (sub-slab depressurization). In some circumstances it may be possible to pressurize the occupied area of a building using HVAC equipment. Although this option is generally much more expensive to operate than a sub-slab depressurization system, it may be preferred by building operators where continuous building pressurization is part of normal building operation. Dedicated manometers with data loggers may be used to measure these pressure differentials to verify adequate performance of sub-slab venting/depressurization systems. The following are recommendations for performance monitoring of sub-slab depressurization systems: • Install at least one dedicated micromanometer per 500 square feet of vented floor area. A single manometer should be used to measure the sub-slab/indoor pressure differential. Manometers should be sensitive to plus/minus 0.1 Pascal (Pa.). • A minimum of a 2 Pa pressure difference between the sub-slab venting space and the indoor space directly above that point (lower pressure in the sub-slab) is considered significant for the purpose of interrupting the vapor intrusion pathway. In general an adequate pressure differential should be demonstrated for 95% of the monitoring period. This percentage may be adjusted depending on the concentration of contaminants in the sub-slab, the sensitivity of the population exposed or other factors. 12 • Pressure monitoring data should be captured at 10 second intervals or less. Ten second data may be averaged, and 1 to 5 minute averages should be recorded. Pressure differentials should be presented graphically for each monitoring period. • Monitoring should be conducted for three discreet monitoring periods, or for a seven month continuous monitoring period. o For three discreet monitoring periods, the first monitoring period will be for 30 consecutive days with at least 15 of those days in July. The second period will be for 30 consecutive days with at least 15 days in April or October. The third monitoring period will be for 30 days with at least 10 days in January. The three monitoring periods may be conducted in any order. Monitoring data should be reported at the end of each monitoring period. o Alternatively monitoring may be done continuously for a seven month period that includes all of July and January. Data should be reported every 60 days and submitted to your NCBP Project Manager. References 1. ASTM Designation: E 2121-03. Standard Practice for Installing Radon Mitigation Systems in Existing Low-Rise Residential Buildings. 2003. 2. Bill Brodhead: 12th Annual International Radon Symposium in Reno, NV. Designing Commercial Sub-Slab Depressurization Systems. 2002. 3. USEPA. EPA/600/R-08-115. Engineering Issue: Indoor Air Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Approaches. 2008. 4. ITRC Technical and Regulatory Guidance. Vapor Intrusion Pathway: A Practical Guideline. 2007. 5. USEPA. EPA/625/R-92/016. Radon Prevention in the Design and Construction of Schools and other Large Buildings. 1994. 6. Massachusetts DEP. Guidelines for the Design, Installation and Operation of Sub-Slab Depressurization Systems. 1995. 7. DJ Folkes and DW Kurz. Proceedings: Indoor Air 2002. Efficacy of Sub-Slab Depressurization for Mitigation of Vapor Intrusion of Chlorinated Organic Compounds. 2002. 8. Jim DiLorenzo. NARPM Presentation July 2002. Ending the Vapor Intrusion Confusion: Practical Points for Remediation. 2002. 13 Appendix E Vapor Intrusion Screening Limits in Occupational Environments With a few exceptions, the use of occupational exposure limits including OSHA Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs), National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health Recommended Exposure Limits (RELs), American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists Threshold Limit Values (TLVs), or other occupational exposure limits, are not appropriate for evaluating vapor exposure resulting from vapor intrusion, including where property reuse is industrial, for several reasons: • Industrial and manufacturing workers tend to be healthier than the general population, which excludes some susceptible subpopulations from those workplace environments such as children, elderly and those with existing chronic respiratory illness, or other existing health condtions. Industrial buildings that include office or commercial use can be expected to have employees that are more susceptible to exposure than manufacturing or industrial workers. • Occupational exposure limits are a single component of exposure control regulations in the workplace. Medical monitoring, hazard communication training, and other requirements are placed on employers for comprehensive exposure control in the workplace. These controls will not be in place as a result of environmental contamination. • Process chemicals and other chemicals used in industrial operations offer benefit to the business and to the employee by extension. The presence of environmental contaminants from vapor intrusion offers no benefit to the employee or the employer. • OSHA PEL’s are outdated standards that in many instances are not adequately protective of human health in the workplace1. Very specific circumstances may occur where occupational exposure limits may be considered for evaluating vapor exposure resulting from vapor intrusion. In industrial or commercial environments where volatile compounds are in use that have similar toxicological properties as those presented by vapor intrusion, exposures and risk resulting from industrial processes may overwhelm those caused by vapor intrusion. If occupational exposure limits, rather than risk-based screening limits are to be considered for risk management in these circumstances, the following should be documented if occupational exposure limits are to be applied: 14 15 • A description of the chemicals in question that are used in the industrial process, and the quantity and frequency of use of those chemicals. • Workplace exposure monitoring or similar data to demonstrate that workplace exposure does or is likely to overwhelm exposure caused by vapor intrusion. • A description of the toxicity of the chemicals in question. Compounds will be considered similarly toxic by NC DENR if they present similar risk, and have similar toxicologic properties including carcinogenic or non-carcinogenic effects. If NC DENR determines that the chemicals used in the industrial process are similarly toxic and that occupational exposures are likely to be much greater than those that might occur as a result of vapor intrusion, then vapor intrusion may be ruled out as an exposure pathway. Deed restrictions may be necessary to ensure that building use change does not result in conditions where VI exposure may become problematic. If building use changes such that the similarly toxic chemical is no longer in use, the vapor intrusion risk should be reevaluated using risk based screening limits and exposure limits, and mitigated as needed. If material substitution for the purpose of reducing workplace hazards results in the removal of chemicals from the workplace that are similarly toxic to environmental contaminants, DENR may choose to forgo the requirement for reassessment of vapor intrusion risk at that point in time. Occupational exposure limits will not be used if NC DENR determines that the site operator has substituted for a compound that is a contaminant of concern or has similar toxicologic properties as contaminants of concern in order to avoid vapor intrusion assessment and/or mitigation. With exception of situations specified above, NCDENR will use risk based screening limits for evaluating vapor intrusion at industrial and commercial sites. 1. 54 FR 2332, Jan. 19, 1989; 54 FR 14909, April 13, 1989; 54 FR 28154, July 5, 1989]. “Industrial experience, new developments in technology and scientific data clearly indicate that in many instances these adopted limits are not sufficiently protective of worker health.” DIRECT GRAB SOP; Rev. 1.4 Effective Date: 9/08/11 Page: 1 ftp://ftp1.co.mecklenburg.nc.us/WaterQuality/Policies%20and%20Procedures/QAPP/ ATTACHMENT 2 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE DIRECT GRAB SURFACE WATER SAMPLE COLLECTION Mecklenburg County Land Use and Environmental Services Agency Water Quality Program Jon Beller Sr. Environmental Specialist Project Officer Jeff Price Environmental Analyst QA/QC Officer Rusty Rozzelle Water Quality Program Manager City of Charlotte Engineering and Property Management Storm Water Services Steve Jadlocki Sr. Water Quality Specialist Daryl Hammock Water Quality Program Manager Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services Charlotte, NC DIRECT GRAB SOP; Rev. 1.4 Effective Date: 9/08/11 Page: 2 ftp://ftp1.co.mecklenburg.nc.us/WaterQuality/Policies%20and%20Procedures/QAPP/ Standard Operating Procedure Modification / Review Log Version Eff. Date Author Summary of Changes Approved Date 1.0 2/26/07 Jeff Price Original Draft Jeff Price 7/27/07 1.1 1/1/08 Jeff Price Formatting changes – minor Jeff Price 1/1/08 1.2 1/1/09 Jeff Price Field Validation, minor formatting changes. Jeff Price 1/1/09 1.3 4/23/09 Jeff Price J. Beller comments included. Jeff Price 4/23/09 1.4 9/08/11 Jon Beller Minor updates Jeff Price 9/8/11 DIRECT GRAB SOP; Rev. 1.4 Effective Date: 9/08/11 Page: 3 ftp://ftp1.co.mecklenburg.nc.us/WaterQuality/Policies%20and%20Procedures/QAPP/ 1.0 Scope and Applicability 1.1 This SOP is applicable to the direct grab sample collection of representative surface water for the analysis of chemical, physical, and bacteriological parameters. 2.0 Summary of Method 2.1 Representative surface water samples are collected directly from either free flowing or impounded water sources in certified clean, pre-preserved bottles suitable for relevant laboratory analysis. All samples are submitted to a NC State certified laboratory for the analysis and quantification of surface water parameters. 3.0 Health and Safety Warnings 3.1 Surface water sampling poses a number of inherent risks, including steep and hazardous terrain negotiation, deep and/or swift moving water, stinging insects and occasional contact with wild animals. Caution should always be exercised and personal safety considerations must be considered paramount. 3.2 Universal precautions should be exercised when exposed to urban surface waters with unknown potential for contamination. Always wear gloves when sampling and decontaminate hands frequently using a no-rinse hand sanitizer. 3.3 Sampling activities conducted from a boat pose additional risks related to boating accidents and drowning. Always obey all boating safety regulations and wear Personal Floatation Devices on-board at all times. 3.4 Sample collection containers utilized by Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services and the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Laboratory are pre-preserved. Some of these containers are preserved with approximately 2ml of concentrated acid. Caution should be taken when opening, storing and transporting these containers. Always make sure caps a tightly screwed in place. 4.0 Interferences 4.1 Improper sample collection location. Great care must be exercised to identify a well-mixed zone in free flowing waters so that samples are representative. 4.2 Improper sample technique. Sample bottles used in this procedure are pre- preserved. Great care must be exercised to fill the bottles without overfilling. Too much sample in a pre-preserved container can dilute the effectiveness of the preservative. VOC samples must have no air bubbles trapped in the bottles. DIRECT GRAB SOP; Rev. 1.4 Effective Date: 9/08/11 Page: 4 ftp://ftp1.co.mecklenburg.nc.us/WaterQuality/Policies%20and%20Procedures/QAPP/ 4.3 Always wear non-powdered gloves. Powder from the gloves can contaminate samples. Keep in mind that protective gloves protect the sampler, not the sample. Protective gloves are not certified-clean or sterile. Any contact with the sample or with the sample container will potentially contaminate the sample. 4.4 Cross-contamination of samples during transport. Always place filled samples collection bottles (samples) upright in the cooler so that the neck and cap are above the level of the ice. Drain ice melt-water from coolers periodically to ensure that sample bottles are not submerged. 5.0 Equipment and Supplies 5.1 The following equipment is generally needed for Direct Grab Sample Collection of representative surface water: • CMU Lab Chain of Custody Form (Attachment 11.1) • CMU Sample Collection Bottle Selection Guidance Chart (Attachment 11.2) • Certified clean, pre-preserved sample collection bottles appropriate for intended parameter analysis (provided by CMU) • Sample bottle self-adhesive labels • 4-liters of lab distilled/de-ionized reagent grade water • CMU lab sterilized buffered bacteriological blank solution • Sharpie, pen • Map Book • Cooler • Ice • Non-Powdered Gloves • Hip waders, rubber boots • Hand sanitizer • Hand-held temperature probe 6.0 Field QC Blank Collection 6.1 Label the blank bottles with the approximate Sample Collection Time (+/- 5 minutes). 6.2 Remove the cap from the distilled/de-ionized reagent grade water or the sterilized buffered bacteriological blank solution as appropriate. 6.3 Place the blank collection bottle(s) on level, stable surface. Remove the caps and fill the blank collection bottle(s) to the bottom of the neck or to the indicated mark with the appropriate blank solution, approximately 80-90% full. Be careful not to DIRECT GRAB SOP; Rev. 1.4 Effective Date: 9/08/11 Page: 5 ftp://ftp1.co.mecklenburg.nc.us/WaterQuality/Policies%20and%20Procedures/QAPP/ overfill the blank collection bottles unless the blank is for VOC parameters. VOC blanks should be overfilled as described in 9.4. 6.4 Replace the sample collection bottle cap(s). For VOC blanks, follow the cap replacement guidance detailed in 9.5-9.7. 7.0 Chemical / Physical Direct (Grab) Sample Collection 7.1 Label the sample collection bottles with the approximate Sample Collection Time (+/- 5 minutes). 7.2 Locate the appropriate sample site, bearing in mind the sampling considerations outlined in 4.1 and 4.2. Note: Make sure sampling site is located upstream of any immediate disturbance to the stream, including the YSI probe if utilized for field measurement collection, unless the impact of the disturbance is the reason for sampling. 7.3 Remove the sample collection bottle cap. 7.4 Tilt the sample collection bottle down at approximately 45° angle, and submerge ½ of the bottle mouth, facing upstream from where you are standing. Fill tapered sample collection bottles to the bottom of the neck, approximately 80-90% full. Do not “scoop” sample as this may stir the sediment on the bottom and affect sample. Do not overfill bottle! 7.5 Hold the filled bottle upright and replace the cap. 8.0 Bacteriological Direct (Grab) Sample Collection 8.1 Carefully open the sterile sample collection bottle cap. Be sure not to contact any inside surface of the bottle cap or the bottle. There are no longer cap tabs. 8.2 Holding the bottle by the sides, tilt the bottle at approximately 45° angle. Dip the bottle mouth ½ submerged, upstream from where you are standing. Submerge until the bottle is full to the indicated 100ml volume. Note: For stream samples, do not overfill bottle. However, for lake samples fill the bottle above the line to collect extra volume. Leave only a small headspace. If bottles are accidentally overfilled, it is acceptable to pour out a small amount of sample volume, just be sure not to lose the preservative/dechlor pellet or powder! 8.3 Hold the filled bottle upright and replace the cap. DIRECT GRAB SOP; Rev. 1.4 Effective Date: 9/08/11 Page: 6 ftp://ftp1.co.mecklenburg.nc.us/WaterQuality/Policies%20and%20Procedures/QAPP/ 9.0 Volatile Organic Chemical (VOC) Direct (Grab) Sample Collection 9.1 Carefully open 2 sample collection bottles (vials) for each sample collected by removing the red caps. 9.2 Tilt the base of each sample collection bottle down at approximately 45° angle. 9.3 Submerge each entire bottle in an upright position, facing upstream from where you are standing. 9.4 Fill both VOC sample collection bottles to the top (100% full), plus a meniscus. 9.5 Hold the filled bottles upright to replace the caps. 9.6 Carefully displace excess sample water from under the cap as you tighten. 9.7 Turn the sample collection bottles upside down and check for any trapped air bubbles under the cap or in the bottle. If any air bubbles are present, discard the sample from the vials and repeat beginning at step 9.2. 10.0 Post-Sample Collection 11.1 Using the hand-held temperature probe, measure the water temperature directly from the surface water source, not from the sample collection bottle. 11.2 Record the water temperature on the appropriate lab COC form. 11.3 Place all sample collection bottles (and blanks) upright in the cooler. Do not submerge sample bottles in ice-melt water as indicated in 4.3. 11.4 Complete the COC. 11.5 Deliver all sample bottles in the cooler on ice to the CMU Lab for analysis. DIRECT GRAB SOP; Rev. 1.4 Effective Date: 9/08/11 Page: 7 ftp://ftp1.co.mecklenburg.nc.us/WaterQuality/Policies%20and%20Procedures/QAPP/ 11.0 Attachments 13.1 CMU Chain of Custody Form (Example) 13.2 CMU Sample Collection Bottle Selection Guide Attachment 2 Water Quality & Sediment Monitoring Locations on Stewart Creek Legend: Stream: CMSWS Monitoring Sites (Water Quality Only): CMSWS Monitoring Sites (Water Quality & Sediment): Classic Coffee Monitoring Sites (Water Quality & Sediment): Site #:Stewart 1 Site #:Stewart 2 Site #:Stewart 3 Site #:Stewart 4 I-85 Site #:Stewart 5 Site #:Stewart 6 Site #:Stewart 7 Site #:Stewart 8 Brookshire Freeway 8