HomeMy WebLinkAbout2802_DareCoMSW_LFGMR_DIN28613_20170516Dare County Closed East Lake LandfillFacility Permit Number 2802-MSWLF-1982Semi-Annual Sampling Report (February 2017 Sampling Event) 5400 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 400 Raleigh, North Carolina 27612 tel: 919 325-3500 fax: 919 781-5730 May 16, 2017 Ms. Jaclynne Drummond North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, North Carolina 28778 Subject: February 2017 Semi-Annual Groundwater Sampling Report Closed East Lake Landfill, Dare County, North Carolina Facility Permit No. 2802-MSWLF-1982 Dear Ms. Drummond: CDM Smith Inc. (CDM Smith), on behalf of Dare County, is submitting an electronic copy of the February 2017 semi-annual sampling event report. This letter report presents the results of the most recent semi-annual sampling event that was completed at the Closed East Lake Landfill and constitutes the first semi-annual sampling event for 2017. The groundwater monitoring network consists of 10 wells (i.e. Well #1s, -1d, -2s, -2d, -3s, -3d, -4s, -4d, -5s, and -5d) and a downstream surface water sample location. Additional samples were collected from Well #6s, -6d, and -7s during the February 2017 sampling event to monitor the horizontal and vertical extent of benzene in groundwater. Field activities and sampling results for all wells and the surface water sample are discussed below. Field Activities Groundwater and surface water samples from the Closed East Lake Landfill were collected on February 2, 2017, by Environment One, Inc. (Environment One). No samples or groundwater measurements were collected from Well #4s and -4d. These wells were inaccessible during the sampling event. Monitoring wells and the surface water sample location are shown on Figure 1. Well construction details for the monitoring wells are summarized in Table 1. Groundwater elevations were measured at each well prior to sampling using an electronic water level indicator with an accuracy of 0.01 feet. These groundwater elevations as presented in Table 2 were used to construct a potentiometric surface map for this sampling event. The potentiometric contours are presented on Figure 1. Ms. Jaclynne Drummond May 16, 2017 Page 2 Each monitoring well was measured for pH, conductivity, temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) prior to sampling. The same water quality parameters were measured at the surface water sample location with the exception of ORP. The water quality parameters at the time samples were collected are presented in Table 3. Sampling Results Environment One located in Greenville, North Carolina, analyzed the groundwater and surface water samples for North Carolina Appendix I volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 8260B, metals by EPA Method 200.8, and chloride and sulfate by Standard Method (SM) 4500. Additional samples were collected from the shallow monitoring wells and analyzed for total suspended solids by SM 2540D. Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. (Summit) analyzed select samples for sulfate using EPA Method 300.0 to evaluate matrix interference. Poor matrix spike recoveries obtained by Environment One from these samples did not meet laboratory quality control. Summit’s analyses and quality control data confirmed that there was no matrix interference with the data. In accordance with Solid Waste Section guidelines, the analytical results were reported to the laboratory specific method detection limit (MDL) and are quantifiable at or below Solid Waste Section Limits (SWSLs). All monitoring wells and the surface water location for the Closed East Lake Landfill had detections of analytes above the MDL but below SWSLs. These detections were qualified with “J” flags, which indicate an estimated concentration. The following list presents the analytes detected above the MDL at each sample location. No “J” flag detections are provided. Underlined analytes exceeded the 15A NCAC 02L .0202 (NC 2L) Groundwater Quality Standard, Groundwater Protection Standard, or the 15A NCAC 02B Surface Water Quality Standard for Class C Waters. A complete summary of all detected and estimated concentrations for the February 2017 and previous sampling events is presented in Table 4. The historical data is not continuous but data for select years is provided. The laboratory analytical data reports are provided in Appendix A. Well #1s General Chemistry: Chloride, Sulfate Metals: Arsenic, Zinc Volatile Organic Compounds: None Detected Ms. Jaclynne Drummond May 16, 2017 Page 3 Well #1d General Chemistry: Chloride Metals: Copper, Zinc Volatile Organic Compounds: None Detected Well #2s General Chemistry: Chloride Metals: Arsenic, Barium, Zinc Volatile Organic Compounds: Chlorobenzene, 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Well #2d General Chemistry: Chloride Metals: Chromium, Copper, Zinc Volatile Organic Compounds: None Detected Well #3s General Chemistry: Chloride Metals: Barium Volatile Organic Compounds: None Detected Well #3d General Chemistry: Chloride Metals: Copper, Lead, Zinc Volatile Organic Compounds: None Detected Well #4s General Chemistry: Not Sampled Metals: Not Sampled Volatile Organic Compounds: Not Sampled Well #4d General Chemistry: Not Sampled Metals: Not Sampled Volatile Organic Compounds: Not Sampled Well #5s General Chemistry: None Detected Metals: Arsenic, Barium, Copper, Zinc Volatile Organic Compounds: None Detected Ms. Jaclynne Drummond May 16, 2017 Page 4 Well #5d General Chemistry: Chloride Metals: Zinc Volatile Organic Compounds: None Detected Well #6s General Chemistry: Chloride Metals: Arsenic, Barium Volatile Organic Compounds: Benzene, Chlorobenzene, 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Well #6d General Chemistry: Chloride Metals: None Detected Volatile Organic Compounds: None Detected Well #7s General Chemistry: Chloride Metals: None Detected Volatile Organic Compounds: None Detected Downstream General Chemistry: Chloride Metals: None Detected Volatile Organic Compounds: None Detected “J” flags were not included in the previous list, but several locations had “J” flag detections that exceeded the standards. The “J” flag constituents above the standards along with their locations are listed below. Cobalt: Well #1s, -2s, and -5s Vanadium: Well #1s, -1d, -2s, -3s, -3d, -5s, -5d, -6s, and -7s Equipment and trip blanks were analyzed for quality control. A duplicate sample was also collected for quality control. No VOCs were detected in the trip blank. The equipment blank had estimated detections of chromium and nickel below the NC 2L Standard. A duplicate sample was collected from Well# 1d and had analytes detected at concentrations similar to the parent sample. VOCs detected in samples collected from Well #2s during the February 2017 sampling event were below the NC 2L Standards. Benzene was detected slightly above the NC 2L Standard in Well #2s from Ms. Jaclynne Drummond May 16, 2017 Page 5 August 2007 (2.50 parts per billion (ppb)) to August 2013 (1.10 ppb). Benzene has not been detected above the NC 2L Standard in Well #2s since the February 2014 sampling event. Carbon disulfide, chlorobenzene, and 1,4-dichlorobenzene have also been detected in Well #2s with a majority of the detections below the NC 2L Standards. VOC concentrations at Well #2s show a decreasing trend based on the analytical data. Benzene was detected slightly above the NC 2L Standard (1 ppb) at 1.20 ppb in samples collected from Well #6s during the February 2017 sampling event. Chlorobenzene and 1,4-dichlorobenzene were also detected in Well #6s below their respective NC 2L Standard. These analytes have never been detected above their respective NC 2L Standard. The historical VOC detections in Well #2s and Well #6s may result from an offsite source based on the direction of groundwater flow across the landfill (See Figure 1). CDM Smith will monitor future analytical results to evaluate VOC trends. Metals and general chemistry analytes exceeding the standards are likely naturally occurring based on detections in the background monitoring well (i.e. Well #1s). Elevated turbidity at the time of sample collection may also influence metal concentrations. The semi-annual groundwater monitoring program will be continued by Dare County. The second semi-annual sampling event for 2017 is tentatively scheduled for August. If you have any questions or require further explanation, please do not hesitate to call me at (919) 325-3500. Very truly yours, Mathew F. Colone, P.G. CDM Smith Inc. cc: Edward Mann, Dare County Table 1Monitoring Well Construction SummaryDare County Closed East Lake LandfillPermit Number 2802-MSWLF-19822802-MSWLF-1982 Well #1s 4-Dec-91 Mud Rotary786,899.90 2,924,947.09Surficial 16.0 6.0-16.0 4.5-16.0 2.5-4.5 2.02802-MSWLF-1982 Wells #1d 4-Dec-91 Mud Rotary786,894.30 2,924,945.12Surficial 54.0 44.0-54.0 35.5-54.0 33.5-35.5 2.02802-MSWLF-1982 Wells #2s 5-Dec-91 Mud Rotary786,542.89 2,924,342.14Surficial 12.5 2.5-12.5 2.5-12.5 1.5-2.5 2.02802-MSWLF-1982Wells #2d 5-Dec-91 Mud Rotary 786,544.47 2,924,335.26 Surficial 46.5 36.5-46.5 33.5-46.5 31.5-33.5 2.02802-MSWLF-1982Wells #3s 11-Dec-91 Mud Rotary 787,095.35 2,923,655.58 Surficial 13.0 3.0-13.0 2.0-13.0 0-2.0 2.02802-MSWLF-1982Wells #3d 11-Dec-91 Mud Rotary 787,105.88 2,923,654.23 Surficial 47.0 37.0-47.0 34.5-47.0 32.0-34.5 2.02802-MSWLF-1982Wells #4s 12-Dec-91 Mud Rotary 787,373.17 2,924,609.72 Surficial 15.0 5.0-15.0 3.0-15.0 1.0-3.0 2.02802-MSWLF-1982Wells #4d 12-Dec-91 Mud Rotary 787,377.81 2,924,606.30 Surficial 51.0 41.0-51.0 37.0-51.0 35.5-37.0 2.02802-MSWLF-1982Wells #5s 13-Dec-91 Mud Rotary 787,566.68 2,923,976.73 Surficial 18.0 8.0-18.0 6.0-18.0 4.0-6.0 2.02802-MSWLF-1982Wells #5d 13-Dec-91 Mud Rotary 787,567.14 2,923,985.49 Surficial 58.0 48.0-58.0 46.0-58.0 44.5-46.0 2.02802-MSWLF-1982Wells #6s 9-Jan-96 Mud Rotary 786,605.38 2,924,055.50 Surficial 17.0 7.0-17.0 5.0-17.0 3.0-5.0 2.02802-MSWLF-1982Wells #6d 9-Jan-96 Mud Rotary 786,605.40 2,924,047.91 Surficial 48.0 38.0-48.0 36.0-48.0 34.0-36.0 2.02802-MSWLF-1982Wells #7s 10-Jan-96 Mud Rotary 786,455.09 2,924,691.47 Surficial 18.0 8.0-18.0 6.0-18.0 4.0-6.0 2.0Notes:1. bgs - below ground surface2. msl - mean sea level3. Horizontal Control - North American Datum 1983 State Plane Feet North CarolinaMonitoring Well Diameter (inches)Northing EastingFacility Permit Number Total Depth (feet bgs)Screen IntervalFilter IntervalSeal IntervalMonitoring Well CodeAquifer Monitoring IntervalDrilling MethodCompletion DateDepth (feet bgs)Page 1 of 1May 2017 Table 2Groundwater ElevationsFebruary 2017 Semi-Annual Sampling EventDare County Closed East Lake LandfillPermit Number 2802-MSWLF-1982Date MeasuredFacility Permit NumberMonitoring Well CodeTop of Casing Elevation (feet AMSL)Depth to Groundwater (feet btoc)Groundwater Elevation (feet AMSL)Depth to Groundwater (feet btoc)Groundwater Elevation (feet AMSL)Depth to Groundwater (feet btoc)Groundwater Elevation (feet AMSL)Depth to Groundwater (feet btoc)Groundwater Elevation (feet AMSL)28-02 Well #1s 7.07 6.54 0.53 6.24 0.83 6.01 1.06 6.04 1.0328-02 Well #1d 7.15 6.40 0.75 6.36 0.79 6.21 0.94 6.24 0.9128-02 Well #2s 5.80 5.05 0.75 5.35 0.45 4.63 1.17 5.02 0.7828-02 Well #2d 5.49 4.66 0.83 4.67 0.82 4.62 0.87 4.70 0.7928-02 Well #3s 4.28 3.76 0.52 3.88 0.40 3.81 0.47 3.55 0.7328-02 Well #3d 3.85 3.18 0.67 3.25 0.60 3.00 0.85 3.04 0.8128-02 Well #4s 4.20 5.25 -1.05 5.04 -0.84 3.00 1.20 5.15 -0.9528-02 Well #4d 4.22 3.55 0.67 3.55 0.67 3.37 0.85 3.42 0.8028-02 Well #5s 9.88 8.73 1.15 8.75 1.13 8.72 1.16 9.02 0.8628-02 Well #5d 10.33 9.60 0.73 9.63 0.70 9.41 0.92 9.68 0.6528-02 Well #6s 7.38 5.87 1.515.75 1.63 5.90 1.4828-02 Well #6d 6.88 6.51 0.376.43 0.45 6.50 0.3828-02 Well #7s 5.08 3.98 1.10 3.98 1.10 4.00 1.08 3.85 1.23Notes:1. AMSL - Above Mean Sea Level2. btoc - Below Top of Casing 3. Vertical Control - North American Vertical Datum of 19884. Horizontal Control - North American Datum of 19835. Well #6s and #6d were inaccessible during the August 2012 sampling event.Not Measured2/14/2012 8/16/2012Not Measured8/20/20132/5/2013Page 1 of 3May 2017 Table 2Groundwater ElevationsFebruary 2017 Semi-Annual Sampling EventDare County Closed East Lake LandfillPermit Number 2802-MSWLF-1982Date MeasuredFacility Permit NumberMonitoring Well CodeTop of Casing Elevation (feet AMSL)28-02 Well #1s 7.0728-02 Well #1d 7.1528-02 Well #2s 5.8028-02 Well #2d 5.4928-02 Well #3s 4.2828-02 Well #3d 3.8528-02 Well #4s 4.2028-02 Well #4d 4.2228-02 Well #5s 9.8828-02 Well #5d 10.3328-02 Well #6s 7.3828-02 Well #6d 6.8828-02 Well #7s 5.08Depth to Groundwater (feet btoc)Groundwater Elevation (feet AMSL)Depth to Groundwater (feet btoc)Groundwater Elevation (feet AMSL)Depth to Groundwater (feet btoc)Groundwater Elevation (feet AMSL)Depth to Groundwater (feet btoc)Groundwater Elevation (feet AMSL)6.40 0.67 5.94 1.13 6.14 0.93 6.46 0.616.39 0.76 6.18 0.97 6.23 0.92 6.64 0.514.74 1.06 4.93 0.87 4.91 0.89 5.88 -0.084.66 0.83 4.52 0.97 4.70 0.79 5.27 0.224.32 -0.04 3.50 0.78 3.80 0.48 4.69 -0.413.11 0.74 3.00 0.85 3.14 0.71 4.00 -0.155.04 -0.84 4.45 -0.25 4.62 -0.42 4.39 -0.193.54 0.68 3.21 1.01 3.30 0.92 3.81 0.418.86 1.02 8.81 1.07 8.75 1.13 9.40 0.489.54 0.79 9.55 0.78 9.36 0.97 10.00 0.335.70 1.68 5.76 1.62 5.48 1.90 6.64 0.746.50 0.38 6.41 0.47 6.51 0.37 7.20 -0.323.80 1.28 3.90 1.18 3.80 1.28 6.51 -1.43Notes:1. AMSL - Above Mean Sea Level2. btoc - Below Top of Casing 3. Vertical Control - North American Vertical Datum of 19884. Horizontal Control - North American Datum of 19838/5/20152/19/20158/19/20142/26/2014Page 2 of 3May 2017 Table 2Groundwater ElevationsFebruary 2017 Semi-Annual Sampling EventDare County Closed East Lake LandfillPermit Number 2802-MSWLF-1982Date MeasuredFacility Permit NumberMonitoring Well CodeTop of Casing Elevation (feet AMSL)28-02 Well #1s 7.0728-02 Well #1d 7.1528-02 Well #2s 5.8028-02 Well #2d 5.4928-02 Well #3s 4.2828-02 Well #3d 3.8528-02 Well #4s 4.2028-02 Well #4d 4.2228-02 Well #5s 9.8828-02 Well #5d 10.3328-02 Well #6s 7.3828-02 Well #6d 6.8828-02 Well #7s 5.08Depth to Groundwater (feet btoc)Groundwater Elevation (feet AMSL)Depth to Groundwater (feet btoc)Groundwater Elevation (feet AMSL)Depth to Groundwater (feet btoc)Groundwater Elevation (feet AMSL)5.73 1.34 6.51 0.56 6.10 0.976.22 0.93 6.74 0.41 6.39 0.765.23 0.57 5.63 0.17 4.90 0.904.73 0.76 5.14 0.35 4.65 0.844.15 0.13 4.31 -0.03 3.64 0.643.28 0.57 3.80 0.05 3.10 0.754.87 -0.67 4.49 -0.293.36 0.86 3.65 0.578.88 1.00 9.30 0.58 9.14 0.749.35 0.98 10.00 0.33 9.55 0.785.56 1.82 6.41 0.97 5.49 1.896.38 0.50 7.30 -0.42 6.49 0.393.65 1.43 4.60 0.48 4.10 0.98Notes:1. AMSL - Above Mean Sea Level2. btoc - Below Top of Casing 3. Vertical Control - North American Vertical Datum of 19884. Horizontal Control - North American Datum of 19835. Well #4s and #4d were inaccessible during the February 2017 sampling event.2/18/20162/2/2017Not MeasuredNot Measured8/25/2016Page 3 of 3May 2017 Table 3Water Quality MeasurementsFebruary 2017 Semi-Annual Sampling EventDare County Closed East Lake LandfillPermit Number 2802-MSWLF-1982Sample Date:Facility Permit NumberMonitoring Well CodepH (S.U.)Conductivity (uS/cm)Temperature (degrees Celsius)TSS (mg/L)pH (S.U.)Conductivity (uS/cm)Temperature (degrees Celsius)TSS (mg/L)pH (S.U.)Conductivity (uS/cm)Temperature (degrees Celsius)TSS (mg/L)28-02 Well #1s 6.8 1,535 17 85 6.7 1,259 19 50 6.9 1,382 15 <128-02 Well #1d 7.1 1,005 18 NA 7.1 917 18 NA 7.5 930 17 NA28-02 Well #2s 6.5 1,700 18 134 6.4 1,306 21 55 6.6 1,415 16 2728-02 Well #2d 7.2 1,869 19 NA 6.8 1,383 20 NA 6.9 1,532 18 NA28-02 Well #3s 6.5 2,110 15 40 6.4 1,503 20 31 7.6 995 16 1828-02 Well #3d 7.2 1,004 17 NA 7.0 995 18 NA 6.6 1,535 18 NA28-02 Well #4s 6.9 1,355 15 328 6.8 1,131 20 137 7.0 1,278 14 7228-02 Well #4d 7.1 1,000 18 NA 6.9 881 19 NA 7.3 969 16 NA28-02 Well #5s 6.4 1,988 18 135 6.4 1,526 20 68 6.5 1,598 17 5128-02 Well #5d 7.2 860 18 NA 7.1 768 20 NA 7.7 794 17 NA28-02 Well #6s 6.6 1,577 18 48 -- -- -- -- 6.8 1,395 16 4628-02 Well #6d 7.0 1,644 19 NA -- -- -- NA 7.4 1,338 17 NA28-02 Well #7s 6.3 4,420 18 22 6.2 1,887 20 9.5 6.5 2,700 17 9.328-02 Downstream 6.6 5,190 7 NA 6.6 1,709 24 NA 6.5 3,790 7 NANotes:1. mg/L - milligrams per liter2. uS/cm- Microsiemens per centimeter 3. TSS - Total Suspended Solids4. S.U. - Standard Units5. NA - Not Analyzed6. Wells #6s and #6d were inaccessible during the August 2012 sampling event.Surface Water Sample Location8/16/20122/5/20132/14/20127. (--) Not CollectedPage 1 of 5May 2017 Table 3Water Quality MeasurementsFebruary 2017 Semi-Annual Sampling EventDare County Closed East Lake LandfillPermit Number 2802-MSWLF-1982Sample Date:Facility Permit NumberMonitoring Well Code28-02 Well #1s28-02 Well #1d28-02 Well #2s28-02 Well #2d28-02 Well #3s28-02 Well #3d28-02 Well #4s28-02 Well #4d28-02 Well #5s28-02 Well #5d28-02 Well #6s28-02 Well #6d28-02 Well #7s28-02 DownstreamSurface Water Sample LocationpH (S.U.)Conductivity (uS/cm)Temperature (degrees Celsius)Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l)ORP (mV)Turbidity (NTUs)TSS (mg/L)pH (S.U.)Conductivity (uS/cm)Temperature (degrees Celsius)Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l)ORP (mV)Turbidity (NTUs)TSS (mg/L)6.6 1,693 19 0.60 -108.2 42 63 6.8 2,013 13 0.58 -- 27 526.6 987 17 1.53 86.6 5 NA 7.4 952 14 2.82 -- 11 NA6.6 1,861 21 0.47 -86.5 48 83 6.7 1,899 12 0.73 -- 92 776.9 2,012 21 1.47 137 10 NA 7.3 2,023 15 4.88 -- 24 NA6.7 1,966 22 1.85 -49.9 8 9 6.5 1,833 10 0.76 -- 49 367.4 1,181 22 4.02 125.6 12 NA 7.4 1,102 12 4.53 -- 22 NA6.5 1,414 20 0.39 -61.3 106 110 6.9 1,575 13 0.50 -- 25 1816.9 984 20 0.61 -65.2 9 NA 7.3 987 13 0.54 -- 37 NA6.6 1,525 21 0.60 -36.5 54 76 6.5 2,190 13 0.54 -- 86 1087.4 846 20 3.16 158.9 3 NA 7.4 850 16 2.49 -- 8 NA7.2 1,654 20 0.45 -97.2 0 34 6.8 1,760 13 0.62 -- 80 747.2 1,696 21 5.45 144.5 0 NA 7.4 1,472 13 6.16 -- 1 NA6.5 1,867 21 1.01 54 6 2.9 6.5 4,692 11 0.54 -- 19 186.7 2,424 24 1.48 -- 6.20 NA 7.1 2,220 7 5.88 -- 14.4 NA1. mg/L - milligrams per liter7. mV - Millivolts2. uS/cm- Microsiemens per centimeter 8. NA - Not Analyzed3. TSS - Total Suspended Solids9. ORP was measured inaccurately during the February 2014 sampling event due to a malfunctioning probe.4. S.U. - Standard Units10. (--) Not Collected5. ORP - Oxidation-Reduction Potential6. NTUs - Nephelometric Turbidity Units2/26/20148/20/2013Notes:Page 2 of 5May 2017 Table 3Water Quality MeasurementsFebruary 2017 Semi-Annual Sampling EventDare County Closed East Lake LandfillPermit Number 2802-MSWLF-1982Sample Date:Facility Permit NumberMonitoring Well Code28-02 Well #1s28-02 Well #1d28-02 Well #2s28-02 Well #2d28-02 Well #3s28-02 Well #3d28-02 Well #4s28-02 Well #4d28-02 Well #5s28-02 Well #5d28-02 Well #6s28-02 Well #6d28-02 Well #7s28-02 DownstreamSurface Water Sample LocationpH (S.U.)Conductivity (uS/cm)Temperature (degrees Celsius)Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l)ORP (mV)Turbidity (NTUs)TSS (mg/L)pH (S.U.)Conductivity (uS/cm)Temperature (degrees Celsius)Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l)ORP (mV)Turbidity (NTUs)TSS (mg/L)6.8 1,435 21 0.73 -90 48 87 6.9 1,908 4 0.61 53 411 947.4 954 20 0.79 48 14 NA 7.7 931 3 4.25 103 4 NA6.5 1,617 25 1.68 -80 25 71 6.9 1,600 6 0.74 29 42 796.8 1,775 23 1.68 16 23 NA 7.4 1,980 6 5.10 66 15 NA6.4 1,695 25 0.53 -51 19 34 6.7 2,700 3 0.67 45 41 707.0 1,075 24 3.55 -13 46 NA 7.6 1,119 8 4.70 61 25 NA6.9 1,540 21 0.95 -75 110 96 7.7 1,676 6 0.73 133 238 1486.9 985 19 1.24 -42 15 NA 7.3 1,012 6 0.73 102 64 NA6.4 1,085 21 0.80 -61 80 135 6.7 2,730 9 0.44 35 71 1277.2 792 21 2.04 16 16 NA 7.4 856 7 0.48 75 7 NA6.6 1,452 25 0.64 -96 11 47 7.0 1,512 5 0.50 41 2 606.9 1,546 25 3.97 5 9 NA 7.4 1,673 6 6.62 35 0 NA6.4 1,842 27 0.61 -26 12 7 6.9 5,010 7 0.98 75 40 176.7 536 30 3.52 -- 13 NA 7.5 1,308 3 10.37 -- 5 NA1. mg/L - milligrams per liter7. mV - Millivolts2. uS/cm- Microsiemens per centimeter 3. TSS - Total Suspended Solids4. S.U. - Standard Units5. ORP - Oxidation-Reduction Potential6. NTUs - Nephelometric Turbidity Units8/19/2014Notes:2/19/20158. NA - Not Analyzed9. (--) Not CollectedPage 3 of 5May 2017 Table 3Water Quality MeasurementsFebruary 2017 Semi-Annual Sampling EventDare County Closed East Lake LandfillPermit Number 2802-MSWLF-1982Sample Date:Facility Permit NumberMonitoring Well Code28-02 Well #1s28-02 Well #1d28-02 Well #2s28-02 Well #2d28-02 Well #3s28-02 Well #3d28-02 Well #4s28-02 Well #4d28-02 Well #5s28-02 Well #5d28-02 Well #6s28-02 Well #6d28-02 Well #7s28-02 DownstreamSurface Water Sample LocationpH (S.U.)Conductivity (uS/cm)Temperature (degrees Celsius)Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l)ORP (mV)Turbidity (NTUs)TSS (mg/L)pH (S.U.)Conductivity (uS/cm)Temperature (degrees Celsius)Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l)ORP (mV)Turbidity (NTUs)TSS (mg/L)6.8 1,284 22 4.60 -107 5.13 68 6.9 1,734 13 0.96 11 5 287.4 870 22 6.01 5 4.35 NA 7.8 923 13 6.12 -11 9 NA6.4 1,203 27 4.30 -72 36.5 94 6.9 1,404 13 1.14 -19 32 1166.8 1,210 26 4.93 -7 17.0 NA 7.3 1,645 13 4.84 37 12 NA6.5 974 29 3.63 -47 14.0 13 6.6 1,683 14 2.24 13 95 967.0 886 28 4.47 -20 45.8 NA 7.6 1,038 10 5.34 -49 25 NA7.0 1,341 24 6.44 -73 71.4 77 7.0 1,394 14 0.60 -12 96 927.0 958 23 6.35 -44 18.8 NA 7.3 963 14 0.82 -19 13 NA6.5 1,405 23 6.54 -70 35.3 92 6.6 1,647 10 2.78 60 89 1377.1 740 23 3.81 -71 7.66 NA 7.4 856 14 1.62 99 6 NA6.7 978 29 4.67 -107 1.98 43 6.9 1,135 15 0.76 -34 4 576.9 1,027 29 4.73 -43 1.01 NA 7.3 1,320 14 4.05 16 7 NA6.5 1,760 29 4.99 -10 1.30 12 6.7 3,320 14 2.20 -5 6 136.6 1,524 34 2.97 -- 8.37 NA 6.9 932 8 6.68 -- 2 NA1. mg/L - milligrams per liter7. mV - Millivolts2. uS/cm- Microsiemens per centimeter 8. NA - Not Analyzed3. TSS - Total Suspended Solids9. (--) Not Collected4. S.U. - Standard Units5. ORP - Oxidation-Reduction Potential6. NTUs - Nephelometric Turbidity Units2/18/20168/5/2015Notes:Page 4 of 5May 2017 Table 3Water Quality MeasurementsFebruary 2017 Semi-Annual Sampling EventDare County Closed East Lake LandfillPermit Number 2802-MSWLF-1982Sample Date:Facility Permit NumberMonitoring Well Code28-02 Well #1s28-02 Well #1d28-02 Well #2s28-02 Well #2d28-02 Well #3s28-02 Well #3d28-02 Well #4s28-02 Well #4d28-02 Well #5s28-02 Well #5d28-02 Well #6s28-02 Well #6d28-02 Well #7s28-02 DownstreamSurface Water Sample LocationpH (S.U.)Conductivity (uS/cm)Temperature (degrees Celsius)Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l)ORP (mV)Turbidity (NTUs)TSS (mg/L)pH (S.U.)Conductivity (uS/cm)Temperature (degrees Celsius)Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l)ORP (mV)Turbidity (NTUs)TSS (mg/L)7.0 558 21 0.24 -86 2 71 6.8 1,213 16 0.34 47 32 647.7 446 22 2.88 6 4 NA 7.9 761 16 5.27 133 3 NA6.7 814 22 0.17 -61 25 117 6.7 1,043 19 0.74 -44 77 1057.1 989 22 3.81 20 14 NA 7.3 1,228 19 5.36 58 14 NA6.7 582 23 0.27 -10 37 41 6.6 1,432 11 4.04 56 35 477.2 656 22 0.27 12 22 NA 7.5 940 13 0.49 147 20 NA7.0 1,167 22 0.26 108 61 87 -- -- -- -- -- -- --7.1 779 20 0.20 54 3 NA -- -- -- -- -- -- NA6.7 750 22 0.19 -57 20 106 6.6 1,235 15 0.58 47 69 1477.4 514 22 0.10 31 7 NA 7.2 708 15 0.29 39 8 NA6.8 896 24 0.15 -75 13 110 6.7 843 19 0.49 -71 9 467.0 923 23 -- -5 5 NA 7.1 602 19 3.30 211 2 NA6.6 587 24 0.43 31 1 8.4 6.6 1,131 17 0.64 54 3 47.3 670 25 2.22 -- 4 NA 7.2 823 11 4.12 -- 2 NA1. mg/L - milligrams per liter7. mV - Millivolts2. uS/cm- Microsiemens per centimeter 8. NA - Not Analyzed3. TSS - Total Suspended Solids9. (--) Not Collected4. S.U. - Standard Units10. Wells #4s and #4d were inaccessible during the February 2017 sampling event.5. ORP - Oxidation-Reduction Potential6. NTUs - Nephelometric Turbidity Units2/2/20178/25/2016Notes:Page 5 of 5May 2017 Table 4aDetected Groundwater Constituents - Metals, Volatile Organic Compounds, and General ChemistryFebruary 2017 Semi-Annual Sampling EventDare County Closed East Lake LandfillPermit Number 2802-MSWLF-1982Facility Permit NumberMonitoringWell CodeSample DateAntimonyArsenicBariumBerylliumCadmiumChromiumCobaltCopperIronLeadManganeseMercuryNickelSeleniumSilverThalliumVanadiumZincAcetoneBenzeneCarbon DisulfideChlorobenzeneChloromethane1,4-DichlorobenzeneMethylene ChlorideTolueneChloride Sulfate 1* 10 700 4* 2 10 1* 1,000 300 15 50 1 100 20 20 0.2* 0.3* 1,000 6,000 1 700 50 3 6 5 600 250 2506 10 100 1 1 10 10 10 300 10 50 0.2 50 10 10 5.5 25 10 100 1 100 3 1 1 1 1 NE 2502802-MSWLF-1982Well #1s15-Feb-90104138,1504860.423510552802-MSWLF-1982Well #1s2-Feb-957555,3501,1191892752802-MSWLF-1982Well #1s12-Jan-9665137176062802-MSWLF-1982Well #1s20-Aug-01469.5261.42802-MSWLF-1982Well #1s12-Sep-0243893.52802-MSWLF-1982Well #1s26-Mar-034162132802-MSWLF-1982Well #1s2-Sep-0446171882802-MSWLF-1982Well #1s19-Feb-07252802-MSWLF-1982Well #1s20-Aug-07732802-MSWLF-1982Well #1s25-Feb-08282802-MSWLF-1982Well #1s15-Aug-114366.7J0.18J0.22J0.76J1.7J0.18J6.4J1.5J0.03J2.8J8.7J13096.9J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #1s14-Feb-120.21J5168.2J0.06J0.29J1.1J0.9J791.5J8.5J1.2J6.9J0.03J2.6J37109109J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #1s16-Aug-125169.4J0.10J0.49J0.62J150.34J5.0J1.7J1.2J1610899.4J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #1s5-Feb-132156.4J0.04J0.56J0.47J1.5J0.16J3.8J1.8J1.4J3.1J117188J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #1s20-Aug-135278.4J0.03J0.09J0.25J0.60J5.1J1.3J5.8J2.2J1.1J1.6J4.7J145224J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #1s26-Feb-140.05J3079.6J0.07J0.50J0.49J1.4J0.10J4.3J1.4J0.18J1.6J3.2J1093552802-MSWLF-1982Well #1s19-Aug-143176.6J0.09J0.13J0.66J0.69J9.3J1.4J5.8J1.4J1.0J2.1J9.6J106111J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #1s19-Feb-150.19J2797.3J0.05J0.47J0.72J4.0J0.22J6.5J3.2J0.09J2.4J4.1J134247J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #1s5-Aug-150.43J4074.7J0.06J0.04J0.85J0.76J9.7J0.99J5.4J2.1J3.3J1.2J15117157J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #1s18-Feb-160.46J6.6J85.9J0.07J0.11J0.73J4.0J0.56J9.9J1.5J0.44J2.4J6.7J695372802-MSWLF-1982Well #1s25-Aug-160.08J2082.6J0.06J0.59J0.56J3.2J0.29J5.0J2.0J0.72J2.0J1132512802-MSWLF-1982Well #1s2-Feb-170.06J1993.9J0.15J0.13J0.85J1.3J6.3J0.66J18.2J3.7J0.42J2.9J18944742802-MSWLF-1982Well #1d2-Feb-951,8641,96178142802-MSWLF-1982Well #1d12-Jan-96852802-MSWLF-1982Well #1d20-Aug-0178325675.32802-MSWLF-1982Well #1d12-Sep-021262802-MSWLF-1982Well #1d26-Mar-032942802-MSWLF-1982Well #1d2-Sep-04852802-MSWLF-1982Well #1d19-Feb-072802-MSWLF-1982Well #1d20-Aug-072802-MSWLF-1982Well #1d25-Feb-082802-MSWLF-1982Well #1d15-Aug-110.41J2.7J0.50J0.41J9.2J0.08J710.33J1.4J2849711.2J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #1d14-Feb-120.33J2.9J0.91J0.39J141.9J570.72J0.08J0.42J281948.9J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #1d16-Aug-123.2J10.36J130.62J560.92J2978515.1J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #1d5-Feb-130.08J0.20J2.7J0.76J0.33J9.2J0.36J6.6J1.0J0.12J0.30J2589520.2J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #1d20-Aug-130.07J0.25J3J10.21J232.4J31.1J1.1J0.21J0.38J4239713.7J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #1d26-Feb-140.08J3.2J0.85J0.04J272.7J24.1J0.43J0.30J0.39J4609413.0J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #1d19-Aug-140.38J3.7J10.20J293.1J22.6J0.62J0.09J410972802-MSWLF-1982Well #1d19-Feb-150.84J3.0J0.68J0.23J423.2J15.2J1.3J0.36J0.84J39710510.7J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #1d5-Aug-150.18J3.1J0.03J10.33J0.19J662.2J16.1J0.63J0.13J0.37J79710815.1J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #1d18-Feb-160.25J3.5J0.68J0.17J784.6J11.9J0.61J0.27J0.50J5491027.0J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #1d25-Aug-160.07J3.7J0.49J0.20J592.5J11.1J0.56J0.11J491978.7J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #1d2-Feb-170.10J3.2J0.50J0.20J1204.2J8.9J0.97J1.4J0.39J50310150.9JNorth Carolina 2L or Groundwater Protection StandardSolid Waste Section LimitVolatile Organic CompoundsMetalsGeneral ChemistryPage 1 of 8May 2017 Table 4aDetected Groundwater Constituents - Metals, Volatile Organic Compounds, and General ChemistryFebruary 2017 Semi-Annual Sampling EventDare County Closed East Lake LandfillPermit Number 2802-MSWLF-1982Facility Permit NumberMonitoringWell CodeSample DateAntimonyArsenicBariumBerylliumCadmiumChromiumCobaltCopperIronLeadManganeseMercuryNickelSeleniumSilverThalliumVanadiumZincAcetoneBenzeneCarbon DisulfideChlorobenzeneChloromethane1,4-DichlorobenzeneMethylene ChlorideTolueneChloride Sulfate 1* 10 700 4* 2 10 1* 1,000 300 15 50 1 100 20 20 0.2* 0.3* 1,000 6,000 1 700 50 3 6 5 600 250 2506 10 100 1 1 10 10 10 300 10 50 0.2 50 10 10 5.5 25 10 100 1 100 3 1 1 1 1 NE 250North Carolina 2L or Groundwater Protection StandardSolid Waste Section LimitVolatile Organic CompoundsMetalsGeneral Chemistry2802-MSWLF-1982Well #2s15-Feb-9030547,30010,40015651502802-MSWLF-1982Well #2s2-Feb-95152280,9006234759352802-MSWLF-1982Well #2s12-Jan-9618574211029152432802-MSWLF-1982Well #2s20-Aug-0156276.52802-MSWLF-1982Well #2s12-Sep-021441.47.119351.72802-MSWLF-1982Well #2s26-Mar-0332.625178.02802-MSWLF-1982Well #2s2-Sep-04106445.1222802-MSWLF-1982Well #2s19-Feb-071319.94.52802-MSWLF-1982Well #2s20-Aug-07126462.5024.603.202802-MSWLF-1982Well #2s25-Feb-08153222.6026.204.00323.42802-MSWLF-1982Well #2s15-Aug-119J1140.16J0.90J2.3J8.8J1.4J22.1J0.81J0.03J4.1J381.2017.401.8011414.0J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #2s14-Feb-127J1360.17J1.1J1.8J5.7J1J6.3J0.91J0.43J2.7J251.9023.602.50522802-MSWLF-1982Well #2s16-Aug-128J1340.19J1.1J2.3J101.5J10.4J1.4J0.25J0.11J2.2J471.9028.701.70402802-MSWLF-1982Well #2s5-Feb-131.1J6.7J0.06J0.84J0.29J2.6J0.20J7.4J3.8J0.21J661.3018.702.8042750.7J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #2s20-Aug-130.05J101340.04J0.22J0.85J2.5J5.9J1.2J13J2.4J0.47J2.8J351.100.80J21.501.808111J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #2s26-Feb-140.34J6.6J1310.14J1.5J2.0J6.1J1.1J6.6J1.4J0.71J2.5J2511331.1J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #2s19-Aug-145.5J1380.07J10.77J2.0J5.1J1.8J8.2J1.4J0.69J2.0J220.70J24.802.80726.9J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #2s19-Feb-150.16J4.9J1150.30J0.91J1.9J5.1J0.64J6.9J1.5J0.70J2.1J160.50J13.602.508913.6J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #2s5-Aug-150.21J111130.06J0.31J1.5J2.3J3.8J1.2J10.2J3.6J1.6J0.08J3.0J230.40J9.101.2012711.0J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #2s18-Feb-160.31J121260.06J0.36J1.2J2.4J7.2J1.5J10.7J1.4J2.5J3.1J380.50J14.402.90696.2J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #2s25-Aug-160.10J131300.10J0.26J2.1J2.4J8.7J2.0J9.0J2.6J0.67J3.5J470.40J19.002.40932802-MSWLF-1982Well #2s2-Feb-170.13J151340.09J0.24J2.0J2.7J7.6J2.0J12.2J1.7J1.4J3.1J430.30J18.103.70812.79J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #2d2-Feb-954,886881461502802-MSWLF-1982Well #2d12-Jan-9644639.92802-MSWLF-1982Well #2d20-Aug-01186241037.92802-MSWLF-1982Well #2d12-Sep-0252037.32802-MSWLF-1982Well #2d26-Mar-0341037.22802-MSWLF-1982Well #2d2-Sep-045638537.22802-MSWLF-1982Well #2d19-Feb-07202802-MSWLF-1982Well #2d20-Aug-07212802-MSWLF-1982Well #2d25-Feb-08372802-MSWLF-1982Well #2d15-Aug-110.85J10.5J0.07J103.0J153.8J822.2J0.27J1.7J48543035.4J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #2d14-Feb-120.56J8.4J0.27J241.3J143.4J622.6J0.49J35740545.4J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #2d16-Aug-120.32J0.44J7.9J0.11J201.2J123.8J25.5J2.7J0.35J27941436.6J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #2d5-Feb-130.06J3.2J1160.10J0.27J1.6J1.3J0.24J6.3J1.2J1.2J1110411.3J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #2d20-Aug-130.07J0.86J7.1J0.10J8.5J0.67J165.4J13.8J4.6J0.38J0.20J22538840.5J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #2d26-Feb-140.82J8.7J2270.65J246.2J15.7J1.7J0.66J0.28J27538840.3J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #2d19-Aug-140.92J9.6J0.88J6.8J0.65J224.0J10.7J3.4J0.19J2170.30J42245.5J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #2d19-Feb-151.4J7.7J0.37J8.4J0.60J344.3J10.9J4.9J0.82J0.67J21135842.1J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #2d5-Aug-150.04J1.2J9.8J0.03J0.33J270.68J426.3J13.5J4.8J2.4J0.12J0.24J2711.10J36033.4J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #2d18-Feb-160.10J1.3J8.0J0.35J110.56J577.3J12.4J4.3J1.1J0.48J34234832.4J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #2d25-Aug-160.06J0.72J8.5J0.36J9.8J0.53J856.2J11.2J3.6J4.4J36637038.2J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #2d2-Feb-170.08J0.80J8.1J0.34J250.55J587.0J14.7J5.7J2.4J43840044.6JPage 2 of 8May 2017 Table 4aDetected Groundwater Constituents - Metals, Volatile Organic Compounds, and General ChemistryFebruary 2017 Semi-Annual Sampling EventDare County Closed East Lake LandfillPermit Number 2802-MSWLF-1982Facility Permit NumberMonitoringWell CodeSample DateAntimonyArsenicBariumBerylliumCadmiumChromiumCobaltCopperIronLeadManganeseMercuryNickelSeleniumSilverThalliumVanadiumZincAcetoneBenzeneCarbon DisulfideChlorobenzeneChloromethane1,4-DichlorobenzeneMethylene ChlorideTolueneChloride Sulfate 1* 10 700 4* 2 10 1* 1,000 300 15 50 1 100 20 20 0.2* 0.3* 1,000 6,000 1 700 50 3 6 5 600 250 2506 10 100 1 1 10 10 10 300 10 50 0.2 50 10 10 5.5 25 10 100 1 100 3 1 1 1 1 NE 250North Carolina 2L or Groundwater Protection StandardSolid Waste Section LimitVolatile Organic CompoundsMetalsGeneral Chemistry2802-MSWLF-1982Well #3s15-Feb-90422,47035430502802-MSWLF-1982Well #3s2-Feb-95171620,150391913802802-MSWLF-1982Well #3s11-Jan-962482502802-MSWLF-1982Well #3s20-Aug-0134084.72802-MSWLF-1982Well #3s12-Sep-02242262.72802-MSWLF-1982Well #3s26-Mar-03180283.52802-MSWLF-1982Well #3s2-Sep-048272.02802-MSWLF-1982Well #3s19-Feb-072802-MSWLF-1982Well #3s20-Aug-072802-MSWLF-1982Well #3s25-Feb-08151152802-MSWLF-1982Well #3s15-Aug-115.2J3700.61J1.2J6.0J0.67J2.3J120.41J2.3J1501,61975.4J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #3s14-Feb-121J1580.06J0.15J0.46J0.47J1.7J0.46J3.0J2.9J0.57J1.8J133008.1J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #3s16-Aug-120.06J1.4J1280.07J0.13J0.57J0.74J2.6J0.67J4.0J3.0J0.68J1.5J4329115.3J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #3s5-Feb-130.15J1.4J1150.09J0.32J0.45J0.91J0.10J4.1J3.2J0.11J1.2J3.2J2028.7J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #3s20-Aug-132.6J1380.06J0.50J0.46J3J0.34J5.2J6.8J0.34J0.23J1.2J1161011.1J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #3s26-Feb-140.06J0.56J1300.04J0.07J0.56J0.43J1.7J0.31J3.5J3.1J2.5J2.2J7.0J19311.3J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #3s19-Aug-141.0J1300.08J0.07J0.46J0.69J2.2J0.52J4.3J4.1J2.8J1.6J7.4J2082802-MSWLF-1982Well #3s19-Feb-152.5J1490.06J0.41J0.84J3.7J0.73J5.4J6.6J0.60J3.0J1217413.3J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #3s5-Aug-150.05J1.8J73.1J0.06J0.98J0.48J2.8J0.53J2.5J4.0J1.2J0.04J2.2J1024411.1J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #3s18-Feb-160.07J1.6J1840.12J0.18J0.89J3.3J0.70J5.7J4.1J3.3J3.5J131635.5J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #3s25-Aug-160.92J44.3J0.10J1.1J0.51J2.2J0.61J2.3J1.7J0.82J2.3J7.2J1152802-MSWLF-1982Well #3s2-Feb-170.06J1.6J1540.13J0.12J0.53J0.72J2.1J0.41J7.4J6.4J1.6J2.1J7.6J1680.606J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #3d2-Feb-952,009396185602802-MSWLF-1982Well #3d11-Jan-96171562802-MSWLF-1982Well #3d20-Aug-01527.62802-MSWLF-1982Well #3d12-Sep-0258.12802-MSWLF-1982Well #3d26-Mar-038339.22802-MSWLF-1982Well #3d2-Sep-0412851.32802-MSWLF-1982Well #3d19-Feb-072802-MSWLF-1982Well #3d20-Aug-072802-MSWLF-1982Well #3d25-Feb-082802-MSWLF-1982Well #3d15-Aug-110.82J21.5J0.09J0.07J0.13J306.5J0.50J0.82J0.07J2.2J1839935.1J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #3d14-Feb-128.7J0.16J0.15J273.8J1.8J0.66J0.05J0.69J8111775J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #3d16-Aug-120.17J11.9J0.05J0.13J355.0J2.1J0.90J0.52J7412164.7J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #3d5-Feb-130.07J0.74J4.7J0.09J0.13J254.2J3.0J1.4J0.30J0.25J12112451.8J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #3d20-Aug-130.63J7.9J0.10J0.18J409.8J5.5J1.7J0.25J0.08J0.29J15213773.2J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #3d26-Feb-140.12J6.7J0.06J649.1J2.8J0.50J1.5J0.65J16611054.0J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #3d19-Aug-140.19J10.1J0.18J0.15J419.9J3.0J0.92J0.20J0.22J4412762.8J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #3d19-Feb-150.92J8.2J0.06J0.17J71123.6J2.1J0.52J0.99J14012923.1J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #3d5-Aug-150.03J10.4J0.17J0.16J30122.7J1.2J0.28J0.70J5612039.3J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #3d18-Feb-160.09J7.9J0.10J0.15J62143.5J0.93J0.48J0.74J18210538.5J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #3d25-Aug-160.10J7.5J0.04J0.14J177.8J3.1J0.91J0.17J0.61J18314173.6J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #3d2-Feb-170.06J8.3J0.48J0.24J691419.8J2.1J1.0J0.56J33314775.7JPage 3 of 8May 2017 Table 4aDetected Groundwater Constituents - Metals, Volatile Organic Compounds, and General ChemistryFebruary 2017 Semi-Annual Sampling EventDare County Closed East Lake LandfillPermit Number 2802-MSWLF-1982Facility Permit NumberMonitoringWell CodeSample DateAntimonyArsenicBariumBerylliumCadmiumChromiumCobaltCopperIronLeadManganeseMercuryNickelSeleniumSilverThalliumVanadiumZincAcetoneBenzeneCarbon DisulfideChlorobenzeneChloromethane1,4-DichlorobenzeneMethylene ChlorideTolueneChloride Sulfate 1* 10 700 4* 2 10 1* 1,000 300 15 50 1 100 20 20 0.2* 0.3* 1,000 6,000 1 700 50 3 6 5 600 250 2506 10 100 1 1 10 10 10 300 10 50 0.2 50 10 10 5.5 25 10 100 1 100 3 1 1 1 1 NE 250North Carolina 2L or Groundwater Protection StandardSolid Waste Section LimitVolatile Organic CompoundsMetalsGeneral Chemistry2802-MSWLF-1982Well #4s15-Feb-9028629,4004860.41083202802-MSWLF-1982Well #4s2-Feb-95135,8554221241402802-MSWLF-1982Well #4s11-Jan-96760322802-MSWLF-1982Well #4s20-Aug-011251606.42802-MSWLF-1982Well #4s12-Sep-0258502802-MSWLF-1982Well #4s26-Mar-031445.12802-MSWLF-1982Well #4s2-Sep-0412741282802-MSWLF-1982Well #4s19-Feb-072802-MSWLF-1982Well #4s20-Aug-07502802-MSWLF-1982Well #4s25-Feb-08212802-MSWLF-1982Well #4s15-Aug-113.0J86.5J0.12J0.09J5.2J3.7J5.3J3.0J6.7J1.1J0.15J0.03J6.5J8712012.1J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #4s14-Feb-122.8J1540.19J0.43J8.2J5.3J9.5J4.7J12.4J0.96J0.41J11.3J1151246.4J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #4s16-Aug-122.6J79.3J0.15J0.10J5.7J3.4J4.5J2.7J7.4J1.0J0.25J6.0J781072802-MSWLF-1982Well #4s5-Feb-130.03J0.90J1240.21J3.3J0.78J2.8J0.56J4.1J1.9J3.3J1714018.6J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #4s20-Aug-130.17J2.7J1130.15J0.14J5.7J3.8J6.2J2.5J7.8J2.3J0.52J0.05J5.8J6517719.6J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #4s26-Feb-140.06J1.6J1500.09J5.0J2.1J6.3J1.5J4.4J1.8J0.08J5.3J4420212.4J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #4s19-Aug-140.27J3.5J2220.22J0.98J7.1J6.1J205.8J12.7J2.5J2.2J9.4J23622811.2J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #4s19-Feb-153.5J1780.16J5.5J3.5J4.0J2.1J6.7J4.8J0.24J6.5J4621910.4J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #4s5-Aug-150.05J2.1J1460.06J0.41J4.0J2.4J3.3J1.3J5.1J2.6J0.13J3.3J3918910.7J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #4s18-Feb-160.07J2.3J1510.15J0.06J3.9J2.7J3.2J1.6J5.5J2.5J0.13J5.2J331675.5J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #4s25-Aug-160.05J2.5J1250.15J5.9J2.8J2.9J1.8J5.8J3.2J0.24J5.1J271742802-MSWLF-1982Well #4d2-Feb-951,5432535052802-MSWLF-1982Well #4d11-Jan-969282802-MSWLF-1982Well #4d20-Aug-011108.72802-MSWLF-1982Well #4d12-Sep-021222802-MSWLF-1982Well #4d26-Mar-031542802-MSWLF-1982Well #4d2-Sep-04862802-MSWLF-1982Well #4d19-Feb-072802-MSWLF-1982Well #4d20-Aug-07132802-MSWLF-1982Well #4d25-Feb-082802-MSWLF-1982Well #4d15-Aug-110.38J3.7J0.11J6.3J2.0J0.49J0.28J1.7J167320.8J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #4d14-Feb-120.17J6.3J0.4J0.3J0.22J9.2J1.8J2.6J0.31J1.1J427113.7J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #4d16-Aug-124.8J0.08J0.16J122.5J2.2J0.59J0.25J0.59J127114.7J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #4d5-Feb-130.05J0.46J5.2J0.28J0.14J7.3J0.99J42.2J0.98J0.54J1009413.7J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #4d20-Aug-130.41J5.3J0.03J0.18J16176.3J0.84J0.06J0.52J138017.6J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #4d26-Feb-140.04J6.5J0.15J16248.3J0.48J0.11J1.2J123822802-MSWLF-1982Well #4d19-Aug-140.40J8.6J0.04J0.56J0.22J16112.5J0.78J0.48J109517.0J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #4d19-Feb-150.84J11.2J0.16J0.19J13173.7J1.6J0.05J1.4J1119010.2J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #4d5-Aug-150.03J11.0J0.03J0.61J0.36J0.22J114.4J2.3J0.74J0.59J8.9J11511.2J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #4d18-Feb-160.06J7.3J0.33J0.16J21113.7J0.79J0.06J1.0J182985.5J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #4d25-Aug-168.6J0.10J0.21J153.9J2.8J0.71J8.9J95Page 4 of 8May 2017 Table 4aDetected Groundwater Constituents - Metals, Volatile Organic Compounds, and General ChemistryFebruary 2017 Semi-Annual Sampling EventDare County Closed East Lake LandfillPermit Number 2802-MSWLF-1982Facility Permit NumberMonitoringWell CodeSample DateAntimonyArsenicBariumBerylliumCadmiumChromiumCobaltCopperIronLeadManganeseMercuryNickelSeleniumSilverThalliumVanadiumZincAcetoneBenzeneCarbon DisulfideChlorobenzeneChloromethane1,4-DichlorobenzeneMethylene ChlorideTolueneChloride Sulfate 1* 10 700 4* 2 10 1* 1,000 300 15 50 1 100 20 20 0.2* 0.3* 1,000 6,000 1 700 50 3 6 5 600 250 2506 10 100 1 1 10 10 10 300 10 50 0.2 50 10 10 5.5 25 10 100 1 100 3 1 1 1 1 NE 250North Carolina 2L or Groundwater Protection StandardSolid Waste Section LimitVolatile Organic CompoundsMetalsGeneral Chemistry2802-MSWLF-1982Well #5s15-Feb-9041932,20010,40020720502802-MSWLF-1982Well #5s2-Feb-95141249,6002,2673512902802-MSWLF-1982Well #5s11-Jan-961012673782502802-MSWLF-1982Well #5s20-Aug-0114046.92802-MSWLF-1982Well #5s12-Sep-0212847.62802-MSWLF-1982Well #5s26-Mar-0311435.62802-MSWLF-1982Well #5s2-Sep-04952802-MSWLF-1982Well #5s19-Feb-072802-MSWLF-1982Well #5s20-Aug-07199182802-MSWLF-1982Well #5s25-Feb-08159122802-MSWLF-1982Well #5s15-Aug-11122060.10J0.15J1.2J1.7J6.0J1.4J3.2J1.9J0.04J0.10J5.7J20732802-MSWLF-1982Well #5s14-Feb-12141940.07J0.21J1.6J1.7J135.7J6.7J2.1J5.4J25662802-MSWLF-1982Well #5s16-Aug-12142120.10J1.3J1.7J5.8J2.2J4.5J2.4J4.7J14662802-MSWLF-1982Well #5s5-Feb-130.03J112140.14J0.98J1.6J4.7J1.4J5.8J2.7J0.08J3.8J110.40J822802-MSWLF-1982Well #5s20-Aug-130.08J182450.08J0.22J1.7J2.1J163.6J8.6J2.9J0.03J6.3J240.30J6510.7J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #5s26-Feb-140.28J152060.14J0.20J2.7J2.3J247.9J7.0J2.0J0.03J0.07J6.8J270.40J512802-MSWLF-1982Well #5s19-Aug-14202400.10J0.16J1.9J2.1J163.9J6.6J3.0J6.6J250.30J9611.0J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #5s19-Feb-150.52J162510.11J0.08J1.7J2.2J29128.1J4.4J0.41J6.8J260.30J5411.6J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #5s5-Aug-150.05J202980.08J0.14J2.0J2.2J6.1J1.5J6.0J2.9J4.9J8.6J3111.5J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #5s18-Feb-160.10J182870.14J0.29J1.7J2.3J235.9J8.3J3.0J0.09J7.2J32435.4J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #5s25-Aug-16202490.09J0.14J1.1J1.8J5.6J0.94J7.2J3.4J4.8J9.0J782802-MSWLF-1982Well #5s2-Feb-170.09J182540.18J0.22J2.8J2.4J265.0J10.6J4.1J0.27J6.5J430.50J0.252J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #5d2-Feb-951,8952386582802-MSWLF-1982Well #5d11-Jan-9675112802-MSWLF-1982Well #5d20-Aug-01707.32802-MSWLF-1982Well #5d12-Sep-02625.92802-MSWLF-1982Well #5d26-Mar-03562802-MSWLF-1982Well #5d2-Sep-04562802-MSWLF-1982Well #5d19-Feb-072802-MSWLF-1982Well #5d20-Aug-07102802-MSWLF-1982Well #5d25-Feb-082802-MSWLF-1982Well #5d15-Aug-110.44J3.5J0.32J0.15J8.9J2.8J27.5J0.26J0.08J0.04J1.6J1,7155617.6J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #5d14-Feb-120.3J4.9J0.57J0.17J322.8J26J0.07J0.62J1,557555.5J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #5d16-Aug-124.1J0.49J0.13J302.1J19.6J0.40J0.26J1,3635013.0J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #5d5-Feb-130.06J0.34J3.6J0.39J0.10J240.15J18.1J0.65J0.40J1,0805719.4J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #5d20-Aug-130.30J3.5J0.24J0.14J371.8J11.8J0.67J0.11J0.18J0.47J693752802-MSWLF-1982Well #5d26-Feb-140.02J4.4J0.18J593.0J5.8J0.31J1.0J1.00J625522802-MSWLF-1982Well #5d19-Aug-140.27J4.3J0.31J0.14J322.3J3.2J0.22J0.21J0.22J211536.0J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #5d19-Feb-150.16J0.66J4.7J0.05J0.18J403.9J2.9J0.63J0.75J1.1J1345517.7J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #5d5-Aug-150.02J4.8J0.08J0.13J193.1J1.9J0.36J0.10J0.84J225711.7J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #5d18-Feb-160.80J4.4J0.17J0.14J226.6J4.1J0.62J0.56J1.1J557595.6J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #5d25-Aug-164.6J0.16J125.4J2.5J0.39J19572802-MSWLF-1982Well #5d2-Feb-176.3J0.08J0.17J7.0J6.5J3.8J0.85J0.12J0.46J896022.9JPage 5 of 8May 2017 Table 4aDetected Groundwater Constituents - Metals, Volatile Organic Compounds, and General ChemistryFebruary 2017 Semi-Annual Sampling EventDare County Closed East Lake LandfillPermit Number 2802-MSWLF-1982Facility Permit NumberMonitoringWell CodeSample DateAntimonyArsenicBariumBerylliumCadmiumChromiumCobaltCopperIronLeadManganeseMercuryNickelSeleniumSilverThalliumVanadiumZincAcetoneBenzeneCarbon DisulfideChlorobenzeneChloromethane1,4-DichlorobenzeneMethylene ChlorideTolueneChloride Sulfate 1* 10 700 4* 2 10 1* 1,000 300 15 50 1 100 20 20 0.2* 0.3* 1,000 6,000 1 700 50 3 6 5 600 250 2506 10 100 1 1 10 10 10 300 10 50 0.2 50 10 10 5.5 25 10 100 1 100 3 1 1 1 1 NE 250North Carolina 2L or Groundwater Protection StandardSolid Waste Section LimitVolatile Organic CompoundsMetalsGeneral Chemistry2802-MSWLF-1982Well #6s12-Jan-965024419772109522802-MSWLF-1982Well #6s14-Feb-120.39J0.62J0.06J2.5J0.8J1.3J2.8J1.404.403.103331.4J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #6s5-Feb-130.06J111910.15J0.40J1.3J0.37J4.2J1.2J1.3J2.4J1.505.504.10428.2J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #6s20-Aug-135.9J1640.17J0.20J1.2J0.45J0.05J5.4J0.63J0.03J1.1J2.5J1.103.602.303220.4J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #6s26-Feb-140.11J232160.04J0.11J0.47J1.3J0.58J0.16J3.2J0.63J1.4J3.7J1.705.504.403814.1J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #6s19-Aug-14262480.04J0.04J0.26J1.3J0.29J3.5J0.84J1.2J1.3J1.706.704.803313.3J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #6s19-Feb-157J1781.1J0.31J4.4J0.67J1.4J0.83J1.204.903.402611.6J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #6s5-Aug-150.26J5.2J2080.11J0.54J1.2J0.49J4.0J0.52J0.27J4.3J1.203.501.703213.4J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #6s18-Feb-160.12J181710.05J0.06J0.98J0.46J3.2J0.68J1.6J3.3J1.205.404.10215.7J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #6s25-Aug-160.06J561800.11J0.23J1.8J1.8J0.90J1.0J5.3J0.95J3.5J8.1J1.405.903.60312802-MSWLF-1982Well #6s2-Feb-170.07J191690.07J0.47J0.98J0.21J5.7J0.97J0.94J1.205.904.101040.103J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #6d12-Jan-9649062.52802-MSWLF-1982Well #6d14-Feb-120.15J0.5J0.22J1.5J2.3J0.86J1036860.2J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #6d5-Feb-130.02J1.4J6.6J0.21J0.19J0.72J0.17J2.7J3.8J0.56J8.6J36049.4J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #6d20-Aug-131.3J5J0.18J1J0.03J4.5J3.7J0.25J3.8J33631.7J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #6d26-Feb-140.50J3.9J0.13J0.85J0.03J2.0J1.9J0.42J3729827.3J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #6d19-Aug-140.83J1.1J6.2J0.11J0.21J0.81J2.5J3.0J2031838.0J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #6d19-Feb-151.3J4.9J0.18J0.94J3.3J3.9J0.57J1429538.7J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #6d5-Aug-150.09J0.66J6.5J0.03J0.17J0.62J2.8J2.5J9.8J0.80J32034.0J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #6d18-Feb-160.20J6.6J0.84J0.18J1.5J0.11J3.0J2.2J0.40J7.4J26526.2J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #6d25-Aug-162.3J8.8J0.06J0.23J0.71J3.8J3.6J2.3J0.50J32630.9J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #6d2-Feb-171.2J6.6J0.05J0.22J1.0J4.9J5.2J3.1J32364.4JPage 6 of 8May 2017 Table 4aDetected Groundwater Constituents - Metals, Volatile Organic Compounds, and General ChemistryFebruary 2017 Semi-Annual Sampling EventDare County Closed East Lake LandfillPermit Number 2802-MSWLF-1982Facility Permit NumberMonitoringWell CodeSample DateAntimonyArsenicBariumBerylliumCadmiumChromiumCobaltCopperIronLeadManganeseMercuryNickelSeleniumSilverThalliumVanadiumZincAcetoneBenzeneCarbon DisulfideChlorobenzeneChloromethane1,4-DichlorobenzeneMethylene ChlorideTolueneChloride Sulfate 1* 10 700 4* 2 10 1* 1,000 300 15 50 1 100 20 20 0.2* 0.3* 1,000 6,000 1 700 50 3 6 5 600 250 2506 10 100 1 1 10 10 10 300 10 50 0.2 50 10 10 5.5 25 10 100 1 100 3 1 1 1 1 NE 250North Carolina 2L or Groundwater Protection StandardSolid Waste Section LimitVolatile Organic CompoundsMetalsGeneral Chemistry2802-MSWLF-1982Well #7s12-Jan-9612221084352942802-MSWLF-1982Well #7s14-Feb-120.72J2.7J0.25J4.3J8.1J1.9J6.9J1,190110J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #7s16-Aug-120.08J1.5J62.4J0.78J0.99J2.1J0.14J3.3J4.4J2.0J1156711.4J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #7s5-Feb-130.07J2.6J57.2J0.49J0.95J3.0J4.7J6.6J0.92J4.9J72019.6J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #7s20-Aug-131.4J37.1J0.24J0.79J1.6J0.10J4J2.9J1.1J5J35310.7J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #7s26-Feb-140.04J2.3J90.5J0.03J0.39J0.96J3.4J0.04J6.1J5.7J1.3J2.5J9804292802-MSWLF-1982Well #7s19-Aug-140.24J1.8J52.3J0.06J0.10J0.40J0.89J1.8J4.0J5.3J0.78J3.0J3882802-MSWLF-1982Well #7s19-Feb-153.0J91.9J0.20J1.1J2.4J9.4J8.0J1.6J3.1J5385652802-MSWLF-1982Well #7s5-Aug-150.10J0.78J1200.04J1.6J1.1J1.5J6.3J4.0J2.8J2.1J346105J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #7s18-Feb-160.95J2.5J1030.09J0.12J0.96J2.2J0.22J9.1J5.0J2.1J9.4J3907942802-MSWLF-1982Well #7s25-Aug-1617.9J0.53J0.63J1.8J0.09J2.8J1.5J1.6J3.1J0.60J962802-MSWLF-1982Well #7s2-Feb-170.09J1.7J37.9J0.06J0.05J0.48J0.87J1.7J0.08J6.8J4.7J1.3J3.7J22325.1J2802-MSWLF-1982Well #7d12-Jan-96197523301573105706245Notes:1. Metal and volatile organic compound units are in micrograms per liter (parts per billion).2. General chemistry units are in milligrams per liter (parts per million).3. *-Groundwater Protection Standard4. NE = Not Established5. J - Indicates the analytical result is an estimated concentration between the method detection limit and the Solid Waste Section Reporting Limit.6. Well #6s and #6d were inaccessible during the August 2012 sampling event. - Blank cell indicates the analyte was not detected - Concentration exceeds the 15A NCAC 02L.0202 (North Carolina 2L) or Groundwater Protection Standard Page 7 of 8May 2017 Table 4bDetected Surface Water Constituents - Metals, Volatile Organic Compounds, and General ChemistryFebruary 2017 Semi-Annual Sampling EventDare County Closed East Lake LandfillPermit Number 2802-MSWLF-1982Facility Permit NumberSurface Water Sample CodeSample DateAntimonyArsenicBariumBerylliumCadmiumChromiumCobaltCopperIronLeadManganeseMercuryNickelSeleniumSilverThalliumVanadiumZincAcetoneBenzeneChlorobenzeneChloromethane1,4-DichlorobenzeneMethylene ChlorideTolueneXylenesChloride Sulfate 640* 10* 200,000* 6.5 0.15 24 4* 2.7 NS 0.54 NS 0.012 16 5 0.06 0.47* NS 36 2,000 51* 140 96* 100 590* 11 670 230 NS10 10 100 1 1 10 10 10 300 10 50 0.2 50 10 10 5.5 25 10 100 1 3 1 1 1 1 5 NE 25028-02Downstream15-Feb-9024139460354412907628-02Downstream2-Feb-951,327922,05935028-02Downstream12-Jan-9645120428-02Downstream20-Aug-011788341,400193.628-02Downstream12-Sep-021,32037.628-02Downstream26-Mar-0342561.728-02Downstream2-Sep-041861428-02Downstream19-Feb-0728-02Downstream20-Aug-071528-02Downstream25-Feb-081128-02Downstream15-Aug-115.6J37.7J0.26J8.1J0.05J0.04J180.86J4.4J2,74934528-02Downstream14-Feb-122.6J34.1J0.26J0.22J3.9J0.1J1.6J8.7J1,450149J28-02Downstream16-Aug-120.10J4.0J33.6J0.18J5.2J1.9J6.2J6.0J4.2J5.0J0.24J6.1J5252329.7J28-02Downstream5-Feb-130.03J3.9J22.8J0.49J0.23J3.2J0.26J2.2J120.64J4.8J1,160131J28-02Downstream20-Aug-130.12J2.7J22.9J0.03J1J0.83J2.4J0.50J1.8J6.0J0.81J5.1J57528-02Downstream26-Feb-141.6J18.6J1.6J0.48J2.8J0.70J1.7J4.1J1.2J6.9J54524.1J28-02Downstream19-Aug-144.5J16.1J0.07J60.81J2.8J1.8J1.1J2.8J0.69J1.7J163810.2J28-02Downstream19-Feb-151.9J13.5J0.84J0.27J1.5J0.15J1.4J3.8J0.95J4.0J26212.8J28-02Downstream5-Aug-150.08J2.9J17.1J0.03J0.70J0.71J2.1J0.52J0.87J5.6J0.02J1.4J6.0J10.50J0.50J0.80J61017.9J28-02Downstream18-Feb-160.06J0.89J9.4J0.41J0.17J1.4J0.23J1.0J1.6J0.46J2.8J2016.4J28-02Downstream25-Aug-160.05J1.5J12.9J0.04J0.96J0.25J1.3J0.49J0.86J3.1J22828-02Downstream2-Feb-171.0J10.2J0.97J0.25J0.95J0.38J1.0J3.1J0.64J5.6J22821.3JNotes:1. Metal and volatile organic compound units are in micrograms per liter (parts per billion).2. General chemsitry units are in milligrams per liter (parts per million).3. Standards obtained from 15A NCAC 02B (North Carolina 2B) Surface Water Standards for Class C Waters or are National Criteria per the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (June 2016).4. * - Human Health Standard 5. NS = No Standard NE = Not Established6. J - Indicates the analytical result is an estimated concentration between the method detection limit and the Solid Waste Section Reporting Limit.7. Iron, managenese, and mercury have not been analyzed since the February 1995 sampling event. - Concentration exceeds the North Carolina 2B Freshwater Aquatic Life or Human Health Standard for Class C Waters - Blank cell indicates the analyte was not detected MetalsNorth Carolina 2B Freshwater Aquatic Life or Human Health StandardSolid Waste Section LimitGeneral ChemistryVolatile Organic CompoundsPage 8 of 8May 2017 0.811. #1sWell #1dWell #2sWell #2dWell #3sWell #3dWell #4sWell #4dWell #5sWell #5dWell #6sWell #6dWell #7sMap Data Source: March 2007 Aerial Photograph, Dare County, TerraServerDownstreamPontentiometric ContourContour Interval = 0.2 FeetFigure 1: Potentiometric Surface Map0 100 200Scale in FeetNot MeasuredNot Measured Appendix A cdmsmith.com