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Facility Permit No.: 4117-CDLF-2008
Permit Approval to Operate - Phase 2B
A-1 Sandrock C&D Landfill
October 2, 2017
DIN 28455
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North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Division of Waste Management
Roy Cooper Michael S. Regan
Governor Secretary
1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646
Phone: 919-707-8200 Internet: http://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/solid-waste-section
An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer
is hereby issued a
Permit No. 4117-CDLF-2008, A-1 SANDROCK C&D LANDFILL - PHASES 1 AND 2
located at 2091 Bishop Road (State Road 1116) between the intersections of Bishop Road with
Groomtown Road and Viewmont Road, south of the City of Greensboro, in the Sumner
Township, Guilford County, North Carolina, in accordance with Article 9, Chapter 130A, of the
General Statutes of North Carolina and all rules promulgated thereunder and subject to the
conditions set forth in this permit. The facility is located and described by the legal description
identified on the deeds recorded for this property listed in Attachment 1 of this permit.
Edward F. Mussler, III, P.E.,
Permitting Branch Supervisor
Permit Branch
Solid Waste Section
Facility Permit No.: 4117-CDLF-2008
Permit Approval to Operate - Phase 2B
A-1 Sandrock C&D Landfill
October 2, 2017
DIN 28455
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Permit Number Status Issuance Date Expiration Date DIN
4117-CDLF-2008 Active October 2, 2017 October 03, 2023 28455
DIN = Document Identification Number.
1. This permit is issued by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division
of Waste Management (Division), Solid Waste Section (Section). In accordance with North
Carolina Solid Waste Management Rule (Rule) 15A NCAC 13B .0201(d), a solid waste
management facility permit shall have two parts: a Permit Approval to Construct and a
Permit Approval to Operate. The Permit Approval to Construct must be implemented in
accordance with Attachment 2 of this permit. The Permit Approval to Operate must be
implemented in accordance with Attachment 3 of this permit.
2. The persons to whom this permit is issued (“permittee”) are the owners and operators of the
solid waste management facility.
3. The Permit to Construct (DIN 6225) for the A-1 Sandrock Construction and Demolition
Debris Landfill (C&DLF) unit has been registered in the Guilford County Register of Deeds
on July 28, 2006 in Deed Book R 6573, Pages 1017 through 1027.
4. When this property is sold, leased, conveyed, or transferred in any manner, the deed or other
instrument of transfer shall contain in the description section in no smaller type than that
used in the body of the deed or instrument, a statement that the property has been used as a
sanitary landfill and a reference by book and page to the recordation of the permit in
accordance with Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0204(e).
5. By receiving waste at the facility the permittee shall be considered to have accepted the
terms and conditions of this permit in accordance with Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0203(d).
6. Construction or operation of this solid waste management facility must be in accordance
with the Solid Waste Management Rules (Rules), 15A NCAC 13B, Article 9 of the Chapter
130A of the North Carolina General Statutes (N.C.G.S. 130A-290, et seq.), the conditions
contained in this permit; and the approved plan. Should the approved plan and the rules
conflict, the rules shall take precedence unless specifically addressed by a permit condition.
Failure to comply may result in compliance action or permit revocation.
7. This permit is issued based on the documents submitted in support of the application for
permitting the facility including those identified in the “List of Documents for the Approved
Facility Permit No.: 4117-CDLF-2008
Permit Approval to Operate - Phase 2B
A-1 Sandrock C&D Landfill
October 2, 2017
DIN 28455
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Plan” which constitute the approved plan for the facility. Where discrepancies exist, the
most recent submittals and the Conditions of Permit shall govern.
8. Per N.C.G.S.130A-294(a1) this permit may be transferred only with the approval of the
Section, through the issuance of a new or substantially amended permit in accordance with
9. In accordance with N.C.G.S. 130A-295.2(g) the permittee shall notify the Section thirty (30)
days prior to any significant change in the identity or business structure of either the owner
or the operator, including but not limited to a proposed transfer of ownership of the facility
or a change in the parent company of the owner or a change in the operator of the facility or
parent company of the operator.
10. The permittee is responsible for obtaining all permits and approvals necessary for the
development of this project including, but not limited to, approval from appropriate agencies
for a General or Individual National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Stormwater
Discharge Permit, if applicable and a sedimentation and erosion control permit. Issuance of
this permit does not remove the permittee’s responsibilities for compliance with any other
local, state or federal rule, regulation or statute.
Guilford County, N.C. Register of Deeds
Book Page Grantee Grantor Acres Parcel No.
4378 198
Ronald E. Petty and
Wife Betty B. Petty
Greensboro Cerebral
Palsy Association,
Inc. 69.833
W-007 and 12-03-
149 93 Survey plat
Total Site Acreage: 69.833 acres
Not Applicable.
A-1 Sandrock C&DLF, 4117-CDLF-2008
Permit History
Permit Type Date Issued DIN
Original Permit to Construct (PTC) – Phase 1 February 7, 2004 6224
PTC Modification - Phase 1 June 1, 2006 6225
Permit to Operate (PTO) – Phase 1, Cell A April 17, 2009 7222
Facility Permit No.: 4117-CDLF-2008
Permit Approval to Operate - Phase 2B
A-1 Sandrock C&D Landfill
October 2, 2017
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PTO Modification - Phase 1, Cells A & B February 28, 2011 12797
PTO Modification - Phase 1, Cells A, B, & C November 27, 2012 17552
PTO Amendment - Phase 1, Cells A, B, & C December 06, 2013 20123
PTC Amendment – Phase 2 September 11, 2015 24959
PTO Modification - Phase 2, Cell A September 15, 2015 24996
Life-of-Site Permit Approval to Operate, Phases 1 & 2 October 2, 2017 28455
List of Documents for the Approved Plan
- Site Application Report - Part 1 of 2, Hydrogeologic Investigation and Conceptual
Plan, Construction and Demolition Debris Landfill (South Side). Prepared by: David
Garrett, P.G., P.E. June 2002. Revised 20 August, 25 November 2002, and 6
November 2003 (Including a Drawing set Sheets 1-10).
- Site Application Report - Part 2 of 2, Facility Plan, Engineering and Design
Hydrogeologic Report, A-1 Sandrock CDLF (South Facility), Guilford County, North
Carolina. Prepared by: David Garrett, P.G., P.E. September 2002. Revised 22 January,
12 February, and 30 March 2003 (Including a Drawing set Sheets 1-21).
7155 &
Franchise Agreement between A-1 Sandrock, Inc. and Guilford County, North
Carolina. November 6, 2003. Amended March 17, 2009. Including Articles of
Incorporation, disposal fee limits, property description, and Articles of Amendments.
7272 Letter dated March 20, 2003 approval of the revised Sediment and Erosion Control
Plan dated 22 January 2003 from the Division of Land Resources, Land Quality
- Letter and drawing set describing the delay in construction and a revision to the
phasing and progression of construction for the C&D landfill. Prepared by David
Garrett, P.G., P.E. January 24, 2006.
7076 Permit to Operate Application, A-1 Sandrock C&D Landfill Phase 1,A-1 Sandrock
CDLF (South Mine Facility), Guilford County, North Carolina. Prepared by David
Garrett, P.G., P.E. March 2007. Resubmitted March 2009.
7223 Facility and Operations Plan Update, A-1 Sandrock CDLF (Phase 1) and Processing
Facility, Guilford County, North Carolina. February 2009. Prepared by David
Garrett, P.G., P.E. (Including a Drawing set Sheets 1-10). DIN 7039. Revised on
April 2, 2009.
10016 Six-Month Demonstration Report, A-1 Sandrock, Inc. C&D Landfill and Processing
Facility, Guilford County, NC (Permit #41-17). December 21, 2009. Prepared by
David Garrett, P.G., P.E. including a letter report, photos, and drawings in
compliance with Permit Condition No. 40 of the PTO (Doc ID 7222) issued April 17,
12796 Application for Permit to Construct and Operate, A-1 Sandrock, Inc. C&D Landfill
and Processing Facility, Guilford County, NC (Permit #41-17). Dated November 17,
2010 and revised through January 2011. Prepared by12796 David Garrett, P.G., P.E.
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including a letter report, a permit application for Phase 1 which includes the final
processing facility operation plan incorporating conclusions from the Six-Month
Demonstration Report and DWM Facility Audit Reports (Attachment 1), Geologist’s
Subgrade Report and photos for Cell B (Attachment 2), and As-built survey of
drawings for Cell B (Attachment 3), and an updated Facility Plan Drawing
(Attachment 4) which delineates the correct Phase 1 footprints of 8.18 acres, and
12795 Letter, soil testing results, soil boring logs and a drawing describing and confirming
the soil types of silty sand (SM) and sandy silt (ML) in the base grade for Phase 1,
Cell B of the C&D landfill in compliance with Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0542)2)(b).
Prepared for: A-1 Sandrock, Inc. by David Garrett, P.G., P.E. January 26, 2011.
17547 Application for Permit to Operate, A-1 Sandrock, Inc. C&D Landfill Phase 1C,
Greensboro, Gilford County North Carolina, Solid Waste Permit No. 41-17.
Prepared by David Garrett, P.G., P.E. September 13, 2012 (Doc ID 17289) and
revised through October 26, 2012.
19918 Franchise Agreement between A-1 Sandrock, Inc. and Guilford County, North
Carolina. October 03, 2013 and expires on October 03, 2023. Including Articles of
Incorporation, disposal fee limits, property description, service area, waste disposal
rate, and Articles of Amendments.
20125 Facility and Operations Plan Update, A-1 Sandrock, Inc. C&DLF (Phase 1) and
Processing Facility, Gilford County North Carolina, Solid Waste Permit No. 41-17.
Prepared for: A-1 Sandrock, Inc. Prepared by: David Garrett, P.G., P.E. Received
September 05, 2013 and revised through November 05, 2013. The application
including revised landfill gas monitoring plan (DIN 20132) and water quality
monitoring plan (DIN 20131).
24958 Permit to Construct Applications, A-1 Sandrock, Inc. CDLF, Phase 2, NC Solid
Waste Permit #41-17 (Guilford County). Prepared by SCS Engineers, PC. Dated
January 13, 2015 and revised February 25, 2015. This application that is a
compilation of several comments and responses and e-mail correspondences is a
supplemental document to the approved permit application (DIN 20125).
24938 Design Hydrologic Report, A-1 Sandrock C&D Landfill, Phase 2A, Solid Waste
Permit 4117-CDLF-2008. Prepared by SCS Engineers, PC. Dated May 19, 2015 and
revised through September 04, 2015. The Design Hydrogeologic Report was
approved on September 04, 2015 (DIN 24941) and is a supplemental document to the
approved Site Application Report dated 2003 and includes the revised Ground Water
Monitoring Plan (DIN 24939) and revised Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan (DIN
24995 Permit to Operate Application, A-1 Sandrock C&D Landfill, Phase 2A, Solid Waste
Permit 41-17-CDLF-2008. Prepared by: SCS Engineers, PC. Dated August 13, 2015
and revised through September 10, 2015.
28454 Construction Quality Assurance Document, A-1 Sandrock CDLF Phase 2B. Prepared
by AMEC Foster WheelerEnvironmental & Infrastructure, Inc. (AMEC Foster
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Permit Approval to Operate - Phase 2B
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Wheeler). August 4, 2017. This final document including revised portions of the
Facility Plan, the Closure and Post-Closure Plans and cost estimates and cross-
sections of the Phase 2B final grades.
Not Applicable.
Not Applicable.
Not Applicable.
Not Applicable.
- End of Section –
Not Applicable.
Not Applicable.
A-1 Sandrock C&DLF, 4117-CDLF-2008
1. The following table lists the dimensions and details for each of the four (4) phases of the
C&DLF unit, both existing and planned. The approved gross capacity of the C&DLF unit is
2,240,000 CY, as defined in the Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0537(e)(2)(B); the final cap
elevations are up to 904 feet above mean sea level with the maximum 3 (horizontal) to 1
(vertical) side slope as shown on drawing Drawing No. E5/Sheet No. 6 (DIN 20125).
C&D Unit Acres Gross Capacity (cubic
Phase 1, Cell A 2.54 62,370 Constructed and active to
receive wastes by this
permit approval to
Phase 1, Cell B(a) 3.18 186,242(b)
Phase 1, Cell C(a) 2.46 221,720(c)
Phase 2, Cell A 4.4 250,383(d)
Phase 2, Cell B 3.42 357,809(d)
Phase 3 5.89 647,787 Not Constructed and a
new permit application is
Phase 4 (vertical
NA 505,536
Total 21.9 2,231,847(c)
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a. This permit approves the redefined footprints of Cells B and C at the Phase 1 area
consistent with the revised Facility Plan map Drawing No. E1B/ Sheet No. 3B (DIN
b. The gross capacity of Phase 1, Cell B is reduced to 186,242 cy from the original
approved capacity of 192,470 cy. The reduction of capacity of 6,228 cy resulted
from the as-built grades of Cell B having an average of 2-feet higher than the
originally designed grade over approximately 1.9 acres (DIN 12795).
c. The gross capacity of Phase 1, Cell C is reduced to 221,720 CY from the original
approved capacity of 223,664 CY based on the as-built grades. The capacity
reduction in Phase 1 development results in the new total gross capacity of the
landfill of 2,231,847 CY. (DIN 17547). The originally approved total gross capacity
for the C&DLF unit is 2,240,000 CY (DIN 6225) and A-1 Sandrock, Inc. may not
cede capacity at this permit action.
d. The gross capacity of Phase 2, Cells A & B are revised due to adjustment of the final
base grade elevations at Cell A. The approved gross capacity of 608, 193 CY for
Phase 2 is not changed.
2. Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 130A-295.8(b)(1), construction of any future phases or cells of the
C&DLF unit – Phases 3 and 4 is considered as a “Major Permit Modification” and requires
written approval of the Section. Application for Permit Approval to Construct must be
prepared in accordance with applicable statutes and rules in effect on that date.
3. At the time of issuance of this permit, no additional construction of the future phases or cells
of this C&DLF unit is approved.
Not Applicable.
Not Applicable.
Not Applicable.
Not Applicable.
- End of Section –
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Permit Approval to Operate - Phase 2B
A-1 Sandrock C&D Landfill
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1. Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 130A-309.09A(g), the permittee must not knowingly dispose of
construction or demolition (C&D) solid waste that is generated within the boundaries of a
unit of local government that by ordinance:
a. Prohibits generators or collectors of solid waste from disposing of that type or form
of solid waste.
b. Requires generators or collectors of solid waste to recycle that type or form of solid
2. This facility is permitted to receive non-hazardous solid waste, as defined in N.C.G.S. 130-
290 (a)(35). The permitted wastes received at the facility must be generated by counties
within a fifty (50) mile radius of the site including Alamance, Cabarrus, Caswell, Chatham,
Davidson, Davie, Durham, Forsyth, Guilford, Lee, Montgomery, Moore, Orange, Person,
Randolph, Rockingham, Rowan, Stanly, Stokes, Surry, and Yadkin Counties which is
consistent with the Franchise Agreement (DIN 19918), except where prohibited by North
Carolina General Statutes Article 9 of Chapter 130A and the 15A NCAC 13B rules.
3. The facility operator must complete an approved operator training course in compliance with
N.C.G.S. 130A-309.25. A responsible individual certified in landfill operations must be on-
site during all operating hours of the facility at all times while open for public use.
4. The permittee must actively employ a training and screening program at the facility in
accordance with N.C.G.S. 130A-295.6(g), Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0544(e), and the approved
plan (DIN 24995) for detecting and preventing the disposal of excluded or unauthorized
wastes. At a minimum, the program must include:
a. Random inspections of incoming loads or other comparable procedures.
b. Records of any inspections.
c. Training of personnel to recognize hazardous, liquid, and other excluded waste types.
d. Development of a contingency plan to properly manage any identified hazardous,
liquid, or other excluded or unauthorized wastes. The plan must address
identification, removal, storage and final disposition of these wastes.
5. Pursuant to Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0542(i)(2), open burning solid waste is prohibited at this
landfill facility.
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6. Closure and post-closure activities for any landfill unit at this facility must be conducted in
accordance with the approved Closure and Post-Closure Plans (DIN 20125, 24958, 28454)
and Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0543.
7. The final closure plan must be submitted for approval at least ninety (90) days prior to
closure or partial closure of any landfill unit. The plan must include all steps and measures
necessary to close and maintain the landfill unit in accordance with all rules in effect at that
time. At a minimum, the plan must address the following:
a. Design of a final cover system in accordance with Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0543(c) or
the solid waste management rules in effect at the time of closure.
b. Construction and maintenance/operation of the final cover system and erosion
control structures.
c. Surface water, ground water, and explosive gas monitoring.
8. Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 130A-295.2(g), the permittee must continuously maintain the required
financial assurance for the duration of the life of the facility. The permittee must annually
update and adjust closure and post-closure cost estimates and costs for potential assessment
and corrective action at the landfill facility for inflation according to Rules 15A NCAC 13B
.0546 and .0547(2) and N.C.G.S. 130A-295.2(h).
9. Facility construction, operations or practices must not cause or result in a discharge of
pollution, dredged material, and/or fill material into waters of the state in violation of the
requirements under Sections 401 and 404 of the Clean Water Act, as amended.
10. All sedimentation and erosion control activities must be conducted in accordance with the
Sedimentation Control Act N.C.G.S. 113A-50, et seq. and rules promulgated under 15A
NCAC 4. All required sedimentation and erosion control measures must be installed and
operable to mitigate excessive on-site erosion and to prevent silt from leaving the area of the
landfill unit during the service life of the facility. Modifications to the approved
sedimentation and erosion control activities require approval by the North Carolina Land
Quality Section. The Section must be notified of any sedimentation and erosion control plan
11. The permittee must maintain permanent physical markers that accurately identify the edge of
the approved waste footprint for all active, inactive, and closed disposal units at the landfill
General Conditions
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12. Groundwater, surface water, and landfill gas monitoring locations must be established and
monitored as identified in the approved plans (DIN 24939 & 24940).
13. The permittee must implement the following permit conditions:
a. The permittee must obtain approval from the Section for the design, installation, and
abandonment of any groundwater or landfill gas monitoring well.
b. Each groundwater and landfill gas monitoring wells must be surveyed in accordance
with Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0544(b)(1)(F).
c. Each groundwater monitoring and landfill gas well must have an identification plate
permanently attached to the well, in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0108(o).
d. The permittee must maintain the following documentations in the facility operating
record in accordance with Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0542(n):
i) The report for each monitoring event of the groundwater, surface water, and
landfill gas and pertinent analytical data.
ii) Documents of well completion, development details, repair, abandonment,
and all other pertinent activities associated with each groundwater and
landfill gas monitoring well monitoring location.
e. A readily accessible, unobstructed path must be maintained so that groundwater and
landfill gas monitoring wells, and surface water sampling locations are accessible
using four-wheel drive vehicles according to Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0542(j)(3).
Water Quality Monitoring and Reporting Conditions
14. Groundwater and surface water monitoring at this landfill facility must be conducted in
compliance with Rules15A NCAC 13B .0544 and .0602, and the approved monitoring plans
(DIN 24939). Any proposed modification to an approved plan must be submitted to the
Section and approved prior to implementation.
15. Groundwater quality is subject to 15A NCAC 2L – Groundwater Classifications Standards
and the Groundwater Protection Standards established under Rule 15A NCAC 13B
.0545(b)(3). Surface water is subject to 15A NCAC 2B – Surface Water and Wetlands
16. Unless otherwise specified by the Section, surface water locations, and groundwater
monitoring wells must be sampled at least semi-annually in accordance with Rule 15A
NCAC 13B .0544(b)(1)(D), the approved monitoring plan (DIN 24939), and the current
policies and guidelines of the Section in effect at the time of sampling.
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17. Monitoring reports of the analytical results for groundwater, surface water sampling events
must be submitted to the Section within 120 days of the sample collection date. Analytical
laboratory data must be submitted in electronic format (pdf) and in a spreadsheet format in
an Electronic Data Deliverable (EDD) Template. All monitoring reports must contain:
a. A potentiometric surface map for the current sampling event.
b. Analytical laboratory reports and summary tables.
c. A completed Solid Waste Environmental Monitoring Data Form.
d. Laboratory data submitted in accordance with the EDD Template.
18. The permittee must implement the following permit conditions:
a. For a C&DLF unit. A baseline sampling event for background water quality shall be
performed for each new installed groundwater monitoring well in accordance with
15A NCAC 13B. 0544(b)(1)(D).
b. The report including analytical data must meet the requirements stated in the Permit
Condition No. 17 of Part I, Attachment 3 of this permit and be submitted to the
Section for review.
Landfill Gas Monitoring, Management, and Reporting Conditions
19. A landfill gas monitoring event must include monitoring for all explosive gases and must be
conducted at the facility including interior monitoring of on-site buildings in accordance
with the approved landfill gas monitoring plan (DIN 24940) and Rule 15A NCAC 13B.
0544(d). Any proposed modification to an approved plan must be submitted to the Section
Hydrogeologist for a review and approved prior to implementation.
20. Pursuant to Rule 15A NCAC 13B. 0544(d)(2)(B), the permittee must sample landfill gas
quarterly unless otherwise required for corrective action or specified by the Section.
21. The permittee is responsible to employ properly trained personnel to conduct gas
22. Landfill gas monitoring reports must be placed to the facility’s operating record, according
to Rule 15A NCAC 13B. 0544(d)(3), within 7 days of the monitoring event, and must
include a description of the monitoring method used, the sampling results of each well and
onsite buildings in percent of the lower explosive limit (LEL), date of monitoring, weather
conditions, calibration report, and signature of the sampling personnel.
23. The permittee must comply with the requirements of Rule 15A NCAC 13B. 0544(d), if
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a. Landfill gas monitoring reveals detections of methane greater than 25 percent of the
LEL in onsite buildings or detections of LEL at the compliance boundary, or
b. Stabilized hydrogen sulfide concentration is greater than 20 parts per million (ppm).
24. Copies of this permit, the approved plans, and all records required to be maintained by the
permittee must be maintained at the facility and made available to the Section upon request
during normal business hours according to Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0542(n) and the approved
plan (DIN 24995).
25. The permittee must maintain records of the following. Scales must be used to weigh the
amount of waste received. The daily reports are to be summarized into a monthly report for
use in the required annual reports.
a. The amount of all accepted solid waste materials as (i) C&D wastes, (ii) material
used as alternate periodic cover, and (iii) recyclable material.
b. Daily records of waste received, and origins of the loads.
26. On or before August 1 annually, the permittee must submit an annual facility report to the
Section, on forms prescribed by the Section.
a. The reporting period shall be for the previous year beginning July 1 and ending June
b. The annual facility report must list the amount of waste received and landfilled in
tons and be compiled:
i) On a monthly basis.
ii) By county, city or transfer station of origin.
iii) By specific waste type.
iv) By disposal location within the facility.
v) By diversion to alternative management facilities.
c. A measurement of volume utilized in the landfill cells must be performed during the
first or second quarter of the calendar year. The date and volumes, in cubic yards,
must be included in the report.
d. The amount of waste, in tons from scale records, disposed in landfill cells from April
17, 2009 through the date of the annual volume survey must be included in the
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e. The tons of waste recycled, recovered or diverted from disposal including a
description of how and where the material was ultimately managed, as applicable,
must be included in the report.
f. The completed report must be forwarded to the Regional Senior Environmental
Specialist for the facility by the date due on the prescribed annual facility report
g. A copy of the completed report must be forwarded to each county manager for each
county from which waste was received at the facility. Documentation that a copy of
the report has been forwarded to the county managers must be sent to the Regional
Senior Environmental Specialist by the date due on the prescribed annual facility
report form.
Not Applicable.
A-1 Sandrock C&DLF, 4117-CDLF-2008
1. The life-of-site permit approval to operate, as defined in N.C.G.S. 130A-294(a2), for the
C&DLF unit – Phases 1 and 2 shall expire on October 03, 2023, which is consistent with
the term of the Franchise Agreement (DIN 19918). The permittee may request an approval
from the Section to adjust the permit expiration date to such time a new Franchise
Agreement is obtained by the permittee at which time the term of this permit will be
adjusted accordingly.
2. This permit approves the operation of the C&DLF unit – Phases 1 & 2, as well as the onsite
environmental management, miscellaneous waste management units, and protection
facilities as described in the approved plans. The Phases 1 & 2 of the C&DLF unit have
a. Waste footprint of 16 acres.
b. Gross capacity of 1,078,524 cubic yards, which is measured from the bottom of
C&D waste through the top of intermediate cover at an elevation up to
approximately 846-feet above mean seal level with the maximum 3 (horizontal) to 1
(vertical) side slopes as described in the approved plan (DIN 28454).
3. Operation of any C&DLF future phases or cells, including Phases 3 (the lateral expansion)
& Phase 4 (the vertical expansion over Phases 1, 2 & 3) requires written approval of the
Section and must be constructed in accordance with applicable statutes and rules effective at
that time.
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4. The C&DLF unit is approved to accept up to 300 tons per day or 84,000 tons per year based
on 5.5 working days per week and 52 weeks per year (280 working days per year) in
accordance with the approved franchise granted by Guilford County dated October 3, 2013.
Maximum variance shall be in accordance with N.C.G.S. 130A-294(b1)(1). A recycling
process to reclaim at least ten percent (10%) of the amount of wastes received must be
implemented at the sorting and recycling unit with the landfill facility, in accordance with
the approved Franchise Agreement (DIN 19918) and Permit Conditions in Part VII,
Attachemrnt 3 of this permit.
5. The C&DLF unit is permitted to receive the following waste types for disposal:
a. “Construction or demolition debris” as defined in N.C.G.S. 130A-290(a)(4) means
solid waste resulting solely from construction, remodeling, repair or demolition
operations on pavement, buildings, or other structures, but does not include inert
debris, land-clearing debris or yard debris.
b. “Inert debris” as defined in N.C.G.S. 130A-290(a)(14) means solid waste that
consists solely of material such as concrete, brick, concrete block, uncontaminated
soil, rock, and gravel.
c. “Land-clearing debris” as defined in N.C.G.S. 130A-290(a)(15) means solid waste
that is generated solely from land-clearing activities, such as stumps and tree trunks.
d. “Asphalt” in accordance with N.C.G.S. 130-294(m).
6. Regulated asbestos-containing material as defined in 40 CFR 61 must be managed in
accordance with 40 CFR 61. Disposal of asbestos waste must be in accordance with Rule
15A NCAC 13B .0542 (c)(2).
7. Wastewater treatment sludge is not approved for disposal. Wastewater treatment sludge
may be accepted, with the approval of the Section, for utilization as a soil conditioner and
incorporated into or applied onto the vegetative growth layer. The wastewater treatment
sludge must not neither be applied at greater than agronomic rates nor to a depth greater than
six inches according to Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0542 (d).
8. Wooden pallets as defined in N.C.G.S. 130A-290(44a) are not approved for disposal except
for those pallets generated in C&D activities and may be accepted and managed in the
Construction and Land Clearing Debris Sorting and Recycling Operation Facility according
to the approved plans (DIN 20125 & 24995) and the Permit Conditions in Part VII,
Attachment 3 of this permit.
9. “Yard waste” as defined in Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0101(56) meaning “Yard Trash” and
“Land-Clearing Debris” as defined in N.C.G.S. 130A-290, including stumps, limbs, leaves,
Facility Permit No.: 4117-CDLF-2008
Permit Approval to Operate - Phase 2B
A-1 Sandrock C&D Landfill
October 2, 2017
DIN 28455
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grass, and untreated wood are accepted and managed at the Construction and Land Clearing
Debris Sorting and Recycling Operation Facility according to the approved plans (DIN
20125 & 24995) Permit Conditions stipulated in Part VII, Attachment 3 of this permit.
10. Wastes listed in Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0542 (e) must not be accepted for disposal. The
wastes prohibited for disposal at this C&DLF unit include, but are not limited to; hazardous
waste, municipal solid waste, liquid waste, commercial or industrial wastes, and yard trash.
11. In accordance with N.C.G.S. 130A-295.6 this landfill may use alternative daily cover (ADC)
as the periodical cover material in compliance with the requirement stated in Rule 15A
NCAC 13B .0542(f), if the ADC and pertinent applications have been previously approved
for use at other sanitary landfills in North Carolina. The Section maintains a list of approved
alternative cover material and its appropriate use, which may be referred to, but is not
required to be, in determining ADC types and uses.
12. The use of ADC that does not meet the requirements stated in N.C.G.S. 130A-295.6 requires
approval, prior to implementation, by the Section. Requests for ADC approval must include
a plan detailing the comprehensive use and a demonstration of the effectiveness of the
alternative cover, developed according to Section guidelines. Plans that are approved by the
Section will be incorporated into, and made a part of, the approved documents listed in
Attachment 1.
13. The permittee must maintain records for all solid waste materials accepted and used as
ADC. The records must include: the date of receipt, weight of material, general description
of the material, identity of the generator and transporter, and county of origin. Such records
must be made available to the Section upon request. The application of ADC materials in
excess of normal application of daily cover of the material shall constitute disposal.
Not Applicable.
Not Applicable.
Not Applicable.
Construction and Land-Clearing Debris Sorting and Recycling Unit
1. The unit may accept “recovered material” or “recyclable material” as defined in N.C.G.S.
130A-290(a)(24) and (26), respectively that are generated from the approved service areas
stated in the Permit Condition No. 2, Part I, Attachment 3 of this permit.
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Permit Approval to Operate - Phase 2B
A-1 Sandrock C&D Landfill
October 2, 2017
DIN 28455
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2. Recovered or recyclable material shall be temporary stockpiled in the designated area and
managed as a valuable commodity in a manner consistent with the desired use or end use.
The permittee must operate and manage received recyclables or recovered material at this
unit according to the requirements set forth in N.C.G.S. 130A-309.05(c)(1), (2), (3), & (4)
and the approved plan (DIN 20125 & 24995).
3. Seventy-five present (75%), by weight, of the recovered material stored at the unit at the
beginning of a calendar year commencing January 1, must be removed from the unit through
sale, use, or reuse by December 31 of the same year except for beneficial fill to be used at
the landfill facility.
4. Recyclable or recovered material which will be accepted include construction debris,
selected clean and unpainted demolition debris (including concrete, brick, rock, and asphalt),
LCID, and source-separated and tear-off asphalt roof shingle. The permittee must
implement the established waste screening program according to the approved Operations
Plan and the amendment (DIN 20125 & 24995) and Permit Condition No. 4, Part I, the
Attachment 3 of this permit.
5. Operation of the Construction and Land Clearing and Inert Debris (LCID) Sorting and
Recycling Unit (the unit) must be conducted within the Phase 1 footprint as shown on
Drawing No. E1/ Sheet 2 and in accordance with approved Operations Plan (DIN 20125 &
24995) and must meet the requirements stated in the Franchise Agreement (DIN 19918).
6. The permittee must keep contact information for the contracting shingle recycling company
with the records of incoming and outgoing tear-off shingles which shall be placed in the
landfill facility operating record according to the approved Operations Plan (DIN 20125 &
7. The accepted tear-off ashphalt shingles for recycling must be placed inside roll-off boxes or
similar containers for temporary storage. The maximum storage volume of tear-off asphalt
shingles at the unit at any time is 40 cubic yards. No grinding of asphalt shingle shall be
conducted at the unit.
8. The maximum storage volume of combustible material that can be allowed at the unit at any
time shall be limited to 6,000 cubic yards, and is listed below:
Material Maximum Volume (cubic Yard)
Unprocessed Wates 3,000
Boiler Fuel 1,000
Mulch 2,000
9. The collected leaves or grass are not permitted to be ground for mulch if they are received
separately from trunks or limbs or in bulk.
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Permit Approval to Operate - Phase 2B
A-1 Sandrock C&D Landfill
October 2, 2017
DIN 28455
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10. A minimum of 25-feet distance between the stockpiles of combustible material must be
established and maintained at all times for access. Stockpiles of finished material must be
(i) removed from the landfill property quarterly, or (ii) be wetted and turned quarterly or
when dictated by the temperature which shall not exceed 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
11. All recyclables must be sorted and stored in covered containers or covered stockpiles by the
end of each operating day. All non-recyclables in the sorting area must be properly moved
and disposed in the C&DLF unit by the end of each operating day.
12. The permittee must maintain the minimum of 50-foot safety distances, established by signs,
fences, and/or physical barricades, to separate the waste unloading areas (tipping areas)
accessible by the public and waste sorting/grinding/processing area and the working face of
the C&DLF unit.
13. Inside the unit, the permittee must separate the LCID processing area from the C&D
processing area according to the approved Operations Plan. Commingling interim stage
processed material from the construction debris and LCID waste stream is prohibited except
concrete debris. However, the selected LCID wastes may be combined with similar C&D
solid wastes in the post-processing stage into boiler fuel, mulch, or aggregate.
14. Commingling and stockpiling of the pre-processed and processed concrete debris from the
construction debris and LCID waste stream must be conducted at the designated area as
described in the approved Operations Plan.
15. When either the LCID processing area or the C&D processing area or both are to be
operated over an inactive portion of the C&DLF unit, the permittee must construct a
minimum of a 2-foot thick soil pad, in addition to the installed 2-foot thick interim soil
cover, beneath the processing operating areas including tipping and grinding areas.
16. No grinding of wastes shall take place in the rain.
17. No composting is permitted at this unit.
18. Control measures must be utilized to minimize and eliminate visible dust emissions and
blowing litter. Fugitive dust emissions are prohibited. Windblown materials must be
collected by the end of each operating day, and no windblown material may be allowed to
leave the unit boundary.
- End of Permit Conditions -