HomeMy WebLinkAbout20003_CommScope Industrial_Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15) #C-1269 Engineering #C-245 Geology Phase I ESA Vacant Industrial Property 1545 St. James Church Road Newton, North Carolina H&H Job No. SNL-001 December 10, 2015 i S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Vacant Industrial Property 1545 St. James Church Road Newton, North Carolina H&H Job No. SNL-001 Table of Contents 1.0 Executive Summary ................................................................................................................1 1.1 Property Summary .................................................................................................................1 1.2 Findings, Opinions, and Conclusions ....................................................................................2 2.0 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................10 2.1 Purpose and Scope of Services ............................................................................................10 2.2 Methodology ........................................................................................................................10 2.3 Limitations and Exceptions of Assessment .........................................................................11 2.4 Special Terms and Conditions .............................................................................................12 2.5 Data Gaps and Limitations ..................................................................................................12 3.0 Site and Area Description ....................................................................................................13 3.1 General Site Description and Use ........................................................................................13 3.2 Site Structures and Improvements .......................................................................................13 3.3 Property Owner, Manager, and Occupant............................................................................14 3.4 Vicinity Characteristics .......................................................................................................14 3.5 Physical Setting ...................................................................................................................14 4.0 Records Review .....................................................................................................................16 4.1 Standard Environmental Record Sources – Federal, State and Local .................................16 4.2 Regulatory Agency File and Records Review .....................................................................17 4.3 Interviews ............................................................................................................................19 4.4 Historical Use Information ..................................................................................................20 5.0 Site Reconnaissance ..............................................................................................................24 5.1 Hazardous Substances .........................................................................................................25 5.2 Storage Tanks and Sumps ....................................................................................................26 5.3 Water and Wastewater Issues ..............................................................................................29 ii S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc 5.4 Indications of PCBs .............................................................................................................30 5.5 Indications of Waste Disposal .............................................................................................31 5.6 Surface Conditions ..............................................................................................................32 5.7 Stormwater and Flood Information .....................................................................................32 6.0 Signatures of Environmental Professionals ........................................................................34 7.0 Qualifications of Environmental Professionals Conducting the Phase I ESA ................35 List of Figures Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Site Map List of Tables Table 1 Regulatory File Review List of Appendices Appendix A User Questionnaire Appendix B Catawba County Tax Record Appendix C EDR Reports Appendix D Supporting Documentation Appendix E Site Photographs Appendix F Curriculum Vitae 1 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Vacant Industrial Property 1545 St. James Church Road Newton, North Carolina H&H Job No. VCP-001 T1 1.0 Executive Summary Hart & Hickman, PC (H&H) has performed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) in conformance with the scope and limitations of ASTM Practice E 1527-13 on the Vacant Industrial Property located at 1545 St. James Church Road in Newton, Catawba County, North Carolina (site). Any exceptions to, or deletions from, this practice are described in this report. 1.1 Property Summary A brief summary of the current and former uses of the site and nearby area is provided below: Site • The site consists of one parcel that is 90.77 acres and is developed with a manufacturing building that is approximately 307,626 square feet and a human resources building that is approximately 19,496 square feet. The site also contains a guard shack and fire suppression building. The site is occupied by CommScope, a wire manufacturer, for research and development operations. • The site was vacant and agricultural land in the earliest historical resource reviewed, a 1951 aerial. Site development began with the current buildings in 1981 and continued with additions to the manufacturing building in the late 1980s. The site was occupied by R.R. Donnelley and later Meredith Burda for sales flyer printing operations from initial construction until 1998. Printing operations utilized toluene-based inks that were stored on-site. Ancillary operations to the former printing process included maintenance operations, waste paper burning, copper/chrome plating, UST tank farms, a solvent 2 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc recovery system, a waste water treatment plant (WWTP), a railroad spur for delivery of paper, a cafeteria, and general office operations. Following the cessation of printing operations, the site was purchased by CommScope Inc. for wire braiding operations, which ceased in 2011. CommScope operations consisted of wire stretching/braiding and coating with plastic. The site has been occupied by a research and development operation of CommScope in a small portion of the site since that time. The remainder of the site is unoccupied. The southern portion of the site has been vacant or agricultural land since the early 1950s. • The site has been the subject of numerous environmental investigations and regulatory action over the period from approximately 1991 to 2015, and included Federal and State regulatory agencies. The investigations addressed USTs containing toluene-based inks, solvent recovery USTs, fuel oil and heating oil USTs, a former wastewater impoundment, and other areas of identified or potential releases of metals and solvents. Remedial action associated with the USTs included groundwater recovery, air sparging, and vacuum extraction. Nearby Area • Adjacent properties were residential, agricultural, and vacant land in the earliest historical resource reviewed. The northwest and northeast adjacent properties were developed for commercial operations in the early 1980s and the adjacent properties to the north, east, and south remain residential, vacant, and agricultural land. • The north, east, and south adjacent properties are currently residential, agricultural, and vacant land. The northwest adjacent property is occupied by Sarstedt Group, a laboratory automation machinery manufacturer, and the west adjacent property is occupied by Technibilt, a shopping cart manufacturer. 1.2 Findings, Opinions, and Conclusions 3 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc The purpose of a Phase I ESA is to identify Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) in connection with the site. RECs are environmental conditions that include the presence or likely presence of hazardous substances or petroleum products on the site that indicate an existing release, a past release, or a material threat of a release in structures on the site, or into the ground, groundwater, or surface water on the site. Our findings regarding RECs are based upon our review of historical records and maps; review of regulatory database records and/or regulatory agency files; interviews with persons familiar with the site; observations during the site reconnaissance; and data evaluation. Based upon our completion of Phase I ESA activities, H&H has determined the following: This assessment has revealed no evidence of recognized environmental conditions (RECs) in connection with the site, with the exception of the following: • REC #1 - Groundwater impacts of barium, chromium, and lead were detected above 2L Standards and background screening levels in the manufacturing building, wastewater storage UST, electrical substation, a sanitary sewer manhole at an unspecified location, a former drum storage pad, and the former ink tank farm. The source of the metal impacts on-site is unknown. H&H has identified the metal impacts above 2L Standards as a REC. • REC #2 - H&H observed a hydraulic elevator within the central portion of the manufacturing building that was installed in 1980. A site contact estimated that the elevator pistons extend between 36 and 40 feet into the ground. The general subsurface conditions in the vicinity of the elevator are unknown. Hydraulic elevator fluids have the potential to contain PCBs, which may have been released through a historic failure of the hydraulic system. H&H has identified the hydraulic elevator as a REC. • REC #3 - A Phase I/II ESA completed for the site in 1999 indicated that a methanol spill from a fluid chiller was discovered by site personnel in November 1995 in Area D that consisted of approximately 1,200 gallons of methanol released to the ground surface. Mr. 4 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc Barnhardt indicated that the spill was not reported to NC DENR and soil/groundwater samples were not collected in the vicinity of the spill in 1995. Soil and groundwater sampling was performed in the area in 1999 during Phase II activities and samples were analyzed for methanol. Groundwater impacts of methanol were identified as high as 447,000 µg/L (above the 2L Standard of 3,500 µg/L) in the vicinity of the release. Soil impacts of methanol were not reported. Additional groundwater samples in the vicinity of the spill did not identify methanol impacts, which indicated that the impacts were likely limited in nature. While methanol is known to degrade somewhat quickly in the environment, H&H the 1999 groundwater detection to be an REC. • REC #4 - H&H’s site reconnaissance identified a large hydraulic lift, reported by the site contact to extend 36 to 40 ft below ground surface. The hydraulic mechanism and subsurface conditions were not observable. The elevator was installed during construction of the site building in 1980. Hydraulic fluids used in such piston-type lifts may contain PCBs, and for this reason the hydraulic lift is identifed as an REC. H&H identified the following historical recognized environmental concerns (HRECs) in connection with the site which, based upon our evaluation, we do not consider to be RECs: • HREC #1 - A solvent recovery area previously operated to the northeast of the manufacturing building. Soil and groundwater impacts of toluene were identified above NC DENR Action Levels and 2L Standards and were remediated by use of a soil vapor recovery (SVE) system. NC DENR issued a Notice of No Further Action (NFA) for the release in June 2007. Based on the regulatory closure, H&H has identified the former solvent recovery area and associated toluene impacts as an HREC. • HREC #2 - An Underground Storage Tank (UST) ink tank farm previously operated to the north of the manufacturing building. Soil and groundwater impacts of toluene were identified above NC DENR Action Levels and 2L Standards and were remediated by use of a soil vapor recovery (SVE) system. NC DENR issued a Notice of No Further Action 5 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc (NFA) for the release in April 2003. Based on the regulatory closure, H&H has identified the former solvent recovery area and associated toluene impacts as an HREC. • HREC #3 - A wastewater storage UST was formerly located southeast of the manufacturing building and stored wastewater from a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) within the manufacturing building. Soil and groundwater impacts of toluene were identified above NC DENR Action Levels and 2L Standards and were remediated by use of a soil vapor recovery (SVE) system. NC DENR issued a Notice of No Further Action (NFA) for the release in July 2003. Based on the regulatory closure, H&H has identified the former solvent recovery area and associated toluene impacts as an HREC. • HREC #4 - A surface water impoundment area was previously located southeast if the manufacturing building that collected discharge from floor drains within the printing area of the manufacturing building. A release to the impoundment was reported in 1984 that consisted of water based ink. The impoundment was closed in 1992 and the floor drains capped at that time. Subsurface assessment of the impoundment area in 2013 did not identify soil or groundwater impacts and NC DENR issued a Notice of NFA for the incident in January 2014. Based on the regulatory closure, H&H has identified the former impoundment area as an HREC. • HREC #5 - Groundwater impacts of tetrachloroethylene (PCE) were identified in the southeastern portion of the manufacturing building in 1997. The impacts were remediated to below 2L Standards and NC DENR issued a Notice of NFA for the release in January 2015. Based on the regulatory closure, H&H has identified the former PCE impacts as an HREC. 6 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc H&H identified the potential environmental concerns (PECs) noted below in connection with the site which, based upon our evaluation, we do not consider to be RECs. • PEC #1 - A WWTP historically operated in the lower level of the manufacturing building from the 1980s until it was decommissioned in 1997/1998. Soil and groundwater assessments in the vicinity of the WWTP in 1998 identified groundwater impacts of toluene above current 2L Standards. An additional groundwater assessment in 1999 did not identify impacts of toluene above 2L Standards. Based on the lack of toluene impacts above 2L Standards during the most recent sampling event, H&H considers the potential for the former WWTP to impact the site to be low. • PEC #2 - A 10,000-gallon toluene Aboveground Storage Tank (AST) was previously located in a subgrade vault to the north of the manufacturing building. Groundwater impacts of toluene were identified in the vicinity of the AST during assessment activities in 1998. Additional soil and groundwater assessment completed in 1999 did not identify impacts above NC DENR Action Levels or 2L Standards. Based on the lack of impacts detected in 1999, H&H considers the potential for the former Toluene AST to impact the site to be low. • PEC # 3 - The site contains a 2,000-gallon fuel oil UST and two 50,000-gallon fuel oil USTs to the northeast of the manufacturing building that have been closed in place. Soil and groundwater assessments completed in the vicinity of the USTs in the late 1990s did not identify petroleum constituents above NC DENR Action Levels or 2L Standards. Based on the closure in place of the USTs and the lack of soil/groundwater impacts identified above NC DENR standards, H&H considers the potential for the closed in place heating oil USTs to impact the site to be low. • PEC #4 - An area to the west of the manufacturing building was formerly utilized for empty drum staging. Soil and groundwater samples collected in the vicinity of the drum staging area in 1998/1999 identified soil impacts of total chromium and barium were 7 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc detected but were below current NCDENR Soil PSRGs. Additional samples have not been collected in the vicinity of the former drum staging area and groundwater impacts were not reported. Based on the reported data, H&H considers the potential for the former drum staging area to impact the site to be low. • PEC #5 - H&H observed an area of concrete debris by a railroad spur to the west of the manufacturing building in during the site reconnaissance. Site Contact Mr. Barnhardt indicated that the concrete was the result of removing concrete slabs throughout the exterior areas of the site and the area was utilized for disposal of the concrete. No staining or evidence of a release was observed in the vicinity of the debris. Based on the lack of observed staining, H&H considers the potential for the observed debris to impact the site to be low. • PEC #6 - A former maintenance area is located in the eastern portion of the manufacturing building. The maintenance area previously contained a forklift maintenance pit that was sealed in 2000. The maintenance pit was reported to be in good condition prior to sealing and H&H did not observe evidence of significant staining in the vicinity of the maintenance pit or maintenance area. Based on the reported condition of the pit prior to sealing and the observed site conditions, H&H considers the potential for the former maintenance pit and maintenance area to impact the site to be low. • PEC #7 - A railroad spur to the southwest of the manufacturing building was previously utilized to ship paper to the site. Soil and groundwater samples in the area of the railroad spur were collected in 1999 to assess for the potential of the railroad spur being previously used to ship chemicals that may have spilled. Soil or groundwater impacts were not identified during assessment activities. Based on the lack of impacts identified, H&H considers the potential for the former railroad spur to impact the site to be low. • PEC #8 - Floor drains within the bindery area of the manufacturing building previously discharged to an outfall at the northwest portion of the manufacturing building. Soil and 8 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc groundwater assessments in the vicinity of the outfall in 1998/1999 did not identify impacts of VOCs or PAHs above NC DENR Action Levels or 2L Standards. Based on the lack of impacts identified, H&H considers the potential for the former outfall area to impact the site to be low. • PEC #9 - An electrical transformer substation is located to the south of the manufacturing building. The substation is owned and operated by Duke Energy and no releases have been reported from the substation. One soil sample collected in the vicinity of the substation in 1999 did not contain impacts of PCBs. Based on the lack of reported releases and no impacts identified in 1999, H&H considers the potential for the transformer substation to impact the site to be low. • PEC #10 - A toluene spill consisting of approximately 50-75 gallons occurred in the northern portion of the manufacturing building in 1990 that was not assessed until 1999. Soil and groundwater samples collected in the vicinity of the release in 1999 did not identify impacts of toluene. Based on the lack of impacts identified above NCDENR Action Levels and 2L Standards, H&H considers the potential for the former toluene spill to impact the site to be low. • PEC #11 - Sewer lines within the manufacturing building historically transported wastes to the WWTP. Soil and groundwater samples collected in the vicinity of the sewer lines in 1999 were analyzed for VOCs and no impacts were identified. Based on the lack of impacts identified during the 1999 assessment and the decommissioning of the WWTP in 1998, H&H considers the potential for the sewer drains beneath the manufacturing building to impact the site to be low. • PEC #12 - Technibilt (700 East P Street) is identified in the LUST, IMD, FINDS, and SHWS databases. This facility is located west, adjacent, and topographically upgradient of the site. H&H reviewed NC DENR files for the SHWS listing on the online NC DENR CARA Portal, which indicated that groundwater impacts of 1,1-dichloroethene 9 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc (1,1-DCE), tetrachloroethene (PCE), bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, chromium, manganese, and lead were detected above their respective 2L Standards during a sampling event in 2005. Manganese and bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate were each detected in monitoring wells located nearest to the site. The monitoring wells nearest to the site were resampled in December 2006 and did not contain impacts above 2L Standards at that time. The facility has been issued a low priority ranking and additional sampling events were not available through the CARA portal. Based on the lack of groundwater impacts in monitoring wells nearest to the site during the most recent sampling event, H&H considers the potential for this facility to impact the site to be low. • PEC #13 - H&H identified UST access covers at the site and the site contact advised the two 10,000-gallon USTs were used to hold cooling water circulated through double-wall pipes to cool solvents in the solvent recovery system. The site contact advised no fluid loses other than evaporation were observed and knew of no releases to the cooling system. Because the cooling water had the potential to come into contact with solvents if a leak were present in the piping, these USTs are identified as a PEC. PEC #14 - H&H identified a large AST-like former paper burner device at the site. The burning of printed paper has the potential to leave a metals residue in the burner structure due to the presence of metals used in printing. The burner is constructed on an asphalt paved surface and for this reason, the potential to impact the site is judged to be low. H&H has identified the following Business Environmental Risk (BER) in association with the site: • The 1999 Phase I/II ESA notes that asbestos containing materials (ACMs) were confirmed to be present within the site buildings (floor tile and gaskets). H&H’s identified key for these RECs, HRECs, and PECs are summarized in Table 1. 10 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc 2.0 Introduction This report presents the results of a Phase I ESA conducted on a Vacant Industrial Property located at 1545 St. James Church Road in Newton, Catawba County, North Carolina. H&H conducted this assessment for SHEP Newton LLC in accordance with our authorized scope of work. 2.1 Purpose and Scope of Services The purpose of this assessment was to identify, to the extent feasible pursuant to the processes prescribed herein, recognized environmental conditions in connection with the site. Such environmental conditions include the presence or likely presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products in, on, or at the site, including those which could potentially migrate into a building or structure located at the site: (1) due to release to the environment; (2) under conditions indicative of a release to the environment; or (3) under conditions that pose a material threat of a future release to the environment. ‘Release’ shall have the same meaning as the definition of ‘release’ as defined in CERCLA 42 U.S.C. § 9601(22) and ‘environment’ shall have the same meaning as the definition of ‘environment’ as defined in CERCLA 42 U.S.C.§ 9601(8). In this assessment, ‘migrate’ and ‘migration’ refers to the movement of hazardous substances or petroleum products in any form, including, for example, solid and liquid at the surface or subsurface, and vapor in the subsurface. 2.2 Methodology H&H performed this Phase I ESA in general conformance with current ASTM Standard E 1527- 13, Standard Practice for ESAs: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process. The Phase I ESA is also compliant with the statutory criteria for all appropriate inquiries currently accepted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under ASTM Standard 1527-13. The scope of services for the Phase I ESA includes the following tasks: 11 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc • acquisition and review of data on historical use of the site; • site reconnaissance, review of adjacent properties, and interviews with knowledgeable individuals; • review of environmental databases; • contacts with regulatory officials, as appropriate; • environmental lien and activity use limitation (AUL) search; and • data analysis and reporting. 2.3 Limitations and Exceptions of Assessment The following items were beyond the scope of this assessment, and H&H did not address them in this report: • cultural, historical, and archaeological sites survey; • radon and indoor air testing; • responsibilities of the User of this Phase I ESA to meet all appropriate inquiry as defined in ASTM E1527-13; • asbestos, mold, or lead-based paint survey; • drinking water testing; • rare and endangered species survey; and • wetlands verification/delineation. The User of this Phase I ESA has certain responsibilities to meet all appropriate inquiry as defined in ASTM E 1527-13. H&H provided a User Questionnaire to Mr. Marty Herndon of SHEP Newton LLC. The questionnaire indicates that the User is not aware of environmental liens, activity use limitation at the Site. A copy of the completed User Questionnaire is included in Appendix A. 12 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc 2.4 Special Terms and Conditions The conclusions presented in this report are professional opinions, based solely upon visual observations of the Site and vicinity and our interpretation of the available historical information, documents reviewed, and analytical results as described in this report. They are intended exclusively for the purpose outlined herein and at the site location and the project indicated. This report is intended for the sole use of SHEP Newton LLC. The report may not be relied upon by other parties without the express written consent of H&H and SHEP Newton LLC. The scope of services performed in execution of this investigation may not be appropriate to satisfy the needs of other users, and any use or re-use of this document or the findings, conclusions, or recommendations presented herein is at the sole risk of said user. It should be recognized that this study was not intended to be a definitive investigation of contamination at the site. It is possible that currently unrecognized contamination may exist at the site. Opinions and recommendations presented herein apply to site conditions existing at the time of our investigation and those reasonably foreseeable. They necessarily cannot apply to site changes of which H&H is unaware and has not had the opportunity to evaluate. 2.5 Data Gaps and Limitations H&H identified the following data gap during the course of the Phase I ESA. • H&H was unable to confirm site usage back to 1940, which is a data gap. Based on the use of the site in the earliest historical resource reviewed as vacant and agricultural land, the potential for this data gap to affect the conclusions in this report is low. 13 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc 3.0 Site and Area Description 3.1 General Site Description and Use A general site description and use are noted below: Site Description: Vacant Industrial Property Site Address: 1545 St. James Church Road Newton, Catawba County, NC Parcel Size: 90.77 acres (Parcel # 364910358078) The site consists of one parcel that is 90.77 acres and is developed with a manufacturing building that is approximately 307,626 square feet and a human resources building that is approximately 19,496 square feet. The site also contains a guard shack and fire suppression building. The site is occupied by CommScope, a wire manufacturer, for research and development operations. 3.2 Site Structures and Improvements Structures and improvements identified on the site include the following: Building(s): Manufacturing building – 307,626 square feet Human Resources building – 19,496 square feet Fire Suppression building Guard shack Other Improvements: Asphalt paved driveways and parking lots Exterior fire suppression AST Fencing High tension power lines Construction Type: metal sided with concrete slab floors Interior Finishes: drywall, carpet, vinyl floor tiles, and suspended ceiling tiles in the office areas and concrete floors in the manufacturing building Utilities: municipal water –Newton Utilities and out of use water well sanitary sewage and Stormwater – Newton Utilities electricity – Duke Energy natural gas – Piedmont Natural Gas 3.3 Property Owner, Manager, and Occupant 14 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc Based upon our site visit and a review of the Catawba County tax records, H&H identified the following site owner and contact: Property Owner: Commscope Inc. Property Contact: Mr. David Lantz, Facilities Manager (CommScope) Parcel Size: 90.77 acres (Parcel # 364910358078) 3.4 Vicinity Characteristics The table below summarizes properties that surround the site. Land Use Surrounding the Site Location Property Description North Vacant land (1460 E P Street) East St. James Church Road followed by residences and vacant land (151 E P Street Ext, and 1800 and 1832 St. James Church Road) South Residences and vacant land (1827 St. James Church Road, 1901 Pine Street, and 1466 Smyre Farm Road and no address) West Technibilt (700 Technibilt Drive) and Sarstedt Group (1025 St. James Church Road) and Vacant Land (1235 Lakewood Road and no address) 3.5 Physical Setting The site’s physical setting is presented as follows: Topography 7.5-Minute Topographic Map: Newton South, NC (dated 1993) Site Elevation: 880-910 feet above mean sea level Topographic Gradient: generally south Smyre Creek is located in the southern portion of the site. A copy of the USGS topographic quadrangle map is provided as Figure 1. 15 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc Geology The site is located in the Piedmont Physiographic Province of North Carolina. The land surface of the area is generally characterized as gently sloping, which may become moderately steep to steep where dissected by streams. According to the Geologic Map of North Carolina dated 1985, the subject site lies within the Inner Piedmont Belt. In the site area, underlying bedrock is comprised of biotite gneiss and schist. In the Piedmont, the bedrock is overlain by a mantle of weathered rock called saprolite or residuum. The saprolite consists of unconsolidated clay, silt, and sand with lesser amounts of rock fragments. Due to the range of parent rock types and their variable weathering characteristics, the saprolite ranges widely in color, texture, and thickness. Generally, the saprolite is thickest near interstream divides and thins toward streambeds. In profile, the saprolite normally grades from clayey soils near the land surface to highly weathered rock above the competent bedrock. Hydrogeology The occurrence and movement of groundwater in the Piedmont is typically within two separate but interconnected water-bearing zones. A shallow water-bearing zone occurs within the saprolite, and a deeper water-bearing zone within the underlying bedrock. Groundwater in the shallow saprolite zone occurs in the interstitial pore spaces between the grains comprising the saprolite soils. Groundwater in this zone is typically under water table or unconfined conditions. In general, groundwater migrates laterally from recharge areas to small streams that serve as localized discharge points. The occurrence and movement of groundwater in the underlying water-bearing zone within the crystalline bedrock is controlled by secondary joints, fractures, faults, and dikes within the bedrock. On a regional scale, the direction of groundwater flow is typically from uplands to major streams and groundwater sinks. The saprolite has a higher porosity than the bedrock and serves as a reservoir that supplies water to a network of fractures in the bedrock. 16 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc 4.0 Records Review 4.1 Standard Environmental Record Sources – Federal, State and Local H&H utilized Environmental Data Resources Inc. (EDR), an environmental database search service, for a cursory review of Federal and State regulatory database files regarding regulated sites within the ASTM-specified search radii. Federal, state, local, tribal, and EDR proprietary databases were searched by EDR on October 27, 2015. The EDR report is included as Appendix C. Upon our review of the EDR report, H&H identified and summarized the following information pertaining to the site, off-site properties, and unmappable orphan properties. Site Commscope Inc. of NC, R.R. Donnelley #3, Commscope Cable Tech (1545 St. James Church Road) is identified in the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)-Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator (CESQG), Facility Index (FINDS), Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST), and Incident Management Database (IMD) databases. Meredith/Burda Inc. (St. James Church Road) is identified in the Hazardous Substance Disposal Sites (HSDS), CERCLIS-No Further Remedial Action Planned (NFRAP), IMD, RCRA- NonGenerator (NonGen), and State Hazardous Waste Site (SHWS) databases. No address was provided for the facility, however, this is a known former tenant of the site and the listings are considered to be associated with the site. R.R. Donnelley Print (1345 St. James Church Road) is identified in the UST, LUST, Leaking Aboveground Storage Tank (LAST), and IMD databases. The address provided for this facility by EDR is considered to be a mis-listing based on the identified tenants being formerly located at the site. Therefore, these listings are considered to be associated with the site. 17 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc H&H reviewed North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NC DENR) files for the above database listings, which are further discussed in Table 2. Off-Site Properties Based on our review of the EDR report, H&H determined that the following off-site database listing warrants further discussion based on its proximity to the site: • Technibilt (700 East P Street) is identified in the LUST, IMD, FINDS, and SHWS databases. This facility is located west, adjacent, and topographically upgradient of the site. The EDR report indicates that soil impacts of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) were identified slightly above action levels following the removal of three USTs in September 1989. The UST release was issued a Notice of No Further Action (NFA) in 1990. Groundwater impacts were not reported and the release was issued a notice of No Further Action (NFA) in March 1990. H&H reviewed NC DENR files for the SHWS listing, which are discussed in Section 4.2. Unmappable Properties H&H reviewed a list of unmappable properties presented in the EDR database report. Unmappable facilities do not contain sufficient address information in the environmental databases to plot them on a map. H&H reviewed the unmappable properties and was unable to determine their location in relation to the site. 4.2 Regulatory Agency File and Records Review H&H reviewed the following files provided by NC DENR and the site owner, which are discussed in Table 1 and relevant portions are included in Appendix D. 18 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc Environmental Assessments 1. Phase I/II ESA, ERM (November 1999) 2. Phase I Update, ERM (October 2003) UST Files 3. Closure of 2,000-gallon fuel oil UST, NCDENR (May 1999) 4. UST Closure Report, Trigon (June 2000) 5. UST Closure Report, Trigon (June 1998) 6. Project Status Report, Trigon (February 1999) 7. Notice of Regulatory Requirements, NCDENR (October 2002) 8. Status of Site Investigation and Remedial Systems, Advanced GeoServices Corp. (November 2002) 9. Semi-Annual Active Remediation Monitoring Report and Request for Incident Closure, Advanced GeoServices Corp. (May 2007) 10. Notice of NFA, NCDENR (June 2007) 11. Notice of Regulatory Requirements, NC DENR (April 2003) 12. Wastewater UST Soil Sampling, Advanced GeoServices Corp. (June 2003) 13. Notice of NFA, NCDENR (July 2003) 14. Notice of Regulatory Requirements, NCDENR (February 2003) 15. Ink Tank Farm Soil Sampling, Advanced GeoServices Corp. (April 2003) 16. Notice of NFA, NCDENR (April 2003) SHWS Files 17. Site Inspection, Halliburton Nus Environmental Corporation (July 1991) 18. Comprehensive Site Assessment, Trigon (August 1994) 19. Combined Remedial Investigation and Remedial Action Completion Report, AECOM (December 2013) 20. Remedial Action Completion Notification, NCDENR (January 2014) 21. Tetrachloroethylene Investigation, Trigon (December 1998) 22. Addendum 2, Combined Remedial Investigation and Remedial Action Completion Report, AECOM (November 2014) 23. Notice of NFA, NCDENR (January 2015) H&H reviewed regulatory files for the following off-site property: • Technibilt (700 East P Street) is identified in the LUST, IMD, FINDS, and SHWS databases. This facility is located west, adjacent, and topographically upgradient of the site. H&H reviewed NC DENR files for the SHWS listing on the online NC DENR 19 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc CARA Portal, which indicated that groundwater impacts of 1,1-dichloroethene (1,1- DCE), tetrachloroethene (PCE), bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, chromium, manganese, and lead were detected above their respective 2L Standards during a sampling event in 2005. Manganese and bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate were each detected in monitoring wells located nearest to the site. The monitoring wells nearest to the site were resampled in December 2006 and did not contain impacts above 2L Standards at that time. The facility has been issued a low priority ranking and additional sampling events were not available through the CARA portal. Based on the lack of groundwater impacts in monitoring wells nearest to the site during the most recent sampling event, H&H considers the potential for this facility to impact the site to be low. 4.3 Interviews Fire Department Fire Department Contact: Newton Fire Department H&H inquired with the Newton Fire Department whether fires or hazardous materials spills had been reported for the site. H&H received a response from a representative, who indicated that their records only go back for seven years. The representative indicated that there were no records of chemical spills or environmental releases in their database. Site Contact Site Contact: Mr. David Lantz, Property Manager (CommScope) Mr. Lantz indicated that the site was initially occupied by R.R. Donnelley and later Meredith/Burda for printing operations. Mr. Lantz indicated that the printing operations ceased in the late 1990s and was later occupied by CommScope for fiber optic wire braiding. Mr. Lantz indicated that the wire braiding operations ceased in approximately 2011 and the site has been occupied by a research and development operation for CommScope since that time. Mr. Lantz indicated that he had limited knowledge of the former site operations and structures. Additional information provided by Mr. Lantz is referenced throughout this report in pertinent sections. 20 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc Site Contact: Mr. Chuck Barnhardt, Former Employee (R.R. Donnelley) Mr. Barnhardt indicated that the site was initially developed with portions of the current buildings in 1980 with several additions constructed in the 1980s. Mr. Barnhardt described the former operations consistent with other historical sources and provided background information of the previous releases on-site. Information provided by Mr. Barnhardt is referenced throughout this report in pertinent sections. 4.4 Historical Use Information Aerial Photographs H&H reviewed historical aerial photographs provided by EDR for select years between 1951 and 2012. Year Scale Site Surrounding Property 1951 1956 1966 1”=750’ 1”=500’ 1”=500’ The site is agricultural and vacant land. Adjacent properties are residential, agricultural and vacant land. 1984 1”=500’ The majority of the site buildings are visible in the northern portion of the site. A railroad spur is visible in the central portion of the site and a railroad line transects the central portion of the site. Terracing is visible in the southern portion of the site. The northwest and southwest adjacent properties are developed for commercial operations. 1993 1996 1” = 500’ 1” = 500’ Additions are visible to the main site building and the site buildings appear similar to the current layout. The southern portion of the site is overgrown, however, terracing remains visible. Additional residential development is visible to the east and south of the site. 21 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc Year Scale Site Surrounding Property 2005 2006 2008 2009 2010 2012 1” = 500’ 1” = 500’ 1” = 500’ 1” = 500’ 1” = 500’ 1” = 500’ The previously identified railroad spur in the central portion and terracing in the southern portion are no longer visible. The site appears similar to the current layout. Similar to the previous aerial year. Mr. Barnhardt indicated that the terracing observed in the southern portion of the site was the result of soil excavation to fill the area of the site building to grade. He indicated that certain portions of the building foundations were constructed on substantial quantities of fill materials. User Questionnaire H&H provided a User Questionnaire to Mr. Marty Herndon of SHEP Newton LLC. The questionnaire indicates that the User is not aware of environmental liens, activity use limitations, or previous environmental releases at the site. A copy of the completed User Questionnaire is included in Appendix A. City Directories H&H reviewed city directories as provided by EDR for 1964, 1966, and select years between 1992 and 2013. The results of the reviews are provided in the table below, and the EDR City Directory Abstract is included in Appendix D. Location Address City Directory Listing (Year) Site 1545 St. James Church Road Not Listed (1964-1966, 1992-1999), Inno Therm Products (2003), Cable Technology Center, Comm Scope Network Cable Division (2008-2013) Northwest 700 Technibilt Drive Street Not Listed (1964-2013) Northwest 1025 St. James Church Road Not Listed (1964-1966, 1992-1995), Sarstedt Incorporated (1999-2003), Not Listed (2008), Sarstedt Incorporated (2013) City Directories were not reviewed for the residential and vacant land surrounding the site. 22 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps H&H requested Sanborn fire insurance maps from EDR to also assist in identifying past site usage. Fire insurance maps covering the site were not identified. The EDR Sanborn Map Report stating that fire insurance maps don’t exist for the site is included in Appendix D. Catawba County Tax Record According to the Catawba County Real Estate Lookup tax record, the site consists of one parcel that is 90.77 acres and is developed with a manufacturing warehouse that is 307,626 square feet and a sales office that is 19,496 square feet (see Appendix B). Chain-of-Title H&H reviewed a chain-of-title for the site provided by Ms. Mary Katherine Stukes with Parker Poe. Although a certified chain only dates back to 2004, it appears that Meredith Burda owned the property from 1979 to 1999 when it was conveyed to CommScope. Prior to 1979 and potentially dating back to pre-1900, it appears that the site was owned by the Danner family. Based on review of the chain-of-title, H&H did not identify previous property owners (or previous uses of the site) prior to CommScope that could pose an obvious potential environmental risk to the subject site. Historical Use Summary The site was vacant and agricultural land in the earliest historical resource reviewed, a 1951 aerial. Site development began with the current buildings in 1981 and continued with additions to the manufacturing building in the late 1980s. The site was occupied by R.R. Donnelley and later Meredith Burda for sales flyer printing operations from initial construction until 1998. Printing operations utilized toluene-based inks that were stored on-site. Ancillary operations to the former printing process included maintenance operations, waste paper burning, copper/chrome plating, UST tank farms, a solvent recovery system, a waste water treatment plant (WWTP), a railroad spur for delivery of paper, a cafeteria, and general office operations. 23 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc Following the cessation of printing operations, the site was purchased by CommScope Inc. for wire braiding operations, which ceased in 2011. CommScope operations consisted of wire stretching/braiding and coating with plastic. The site has been occupied by a research and development operation of CommScope in a small portion of the site since that time. The remainder of the site is unoccupied. The southwestern portion of the site has been vacant or agricultural land since the early 1950s. Adjacent properties were residential, agricultural, and vacant land in the earliest historical resource reviewed. The northwest and northeast adjacent properties were developed for commercial operations in the early 1980s and the adjacent properties to the north, east, and south remain residential, vacant, and agricultural land. 24 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc 5.0 Site Reconnaissance Ms. Jordan Thompson of H&H conducted a visual reconnaissance of the site on October 29, 2015. The weather conditions at the time of the site visit were raining and temperatures were in the 70s °F. General images of the site are included as Photographs 1 through 42 in Appendix E. Photographs of the research and development operations have been excluded at the request of the Mr. Lantz due to trademark concerns. The site can generally be divided into the following areas as indicated on Figure 2: • Area A– Human Resources building that formerly contained general office activities and is currently vacant, a guard shack, and parking areas. • Area B– Manufacturing building that currently houses research and development activities for CommScope and previously contained printing with associated ancillary operations followed by wire braiding (CommScope). Specifically, the former printing operations consisted of importing rolls of paper, plating hollow steel rollers with copper and chrome for etching, coating paper in layers of ink by color, drying, cutting and binding sales flyers. A solvent recovery system was in place to recover toluene from the printing and drying operations, and a WWTP operation was utilized to treat wastewater from the plating, solvent recovery, and SVE systems prior to discharging to the municipal sewer. • Area C – Located northeast of the manufacturing building, this area formerly contained toluene USTs associated with an ink tank farm, and a toluene AST in a subgrade vault. The AST and USTs were removed in 1998The remainder of the area consists of vacant land and parking areas. • Area D – Located to the east of the manufacturing building, this area formerly contained a solvent recovery system consisting of USTs, ASTs, and sumps that were removed in 25 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc 1998. Also located in this area are an out of use paper burning silo, a diesel AST for a generator within the manufacturing building, two closed-in-place 50,000-gallon fuel oil USTs for the on-site boilers (which currently use natural gas), and a closed-in-place 2,000-gallon fuel oil UST. • Area E – Located southwest of the manufacturing building, this area formerly contained a wastewater UST that was removed in 1998. Area E currently contains five empty silos that previously contained inert plastic pellets for wire coating operations, a transformer substation, a diesel powered generator, and a fire suppression system that includes a water retention basin and pump house with a diesel AST for backup power. • Area F –This area previously contained a railroad spur and drum storage area to the west of the manufacturing building and an impoundment area that previously collected materials from the floor drains within the printing area of the manufacturing building, and was filled in 1992. The area currently contains parking areas to the west of the manufacturing building. The remainder of this area consists of vacant land with a railroad present in the western portion running north to south, a power line right of way, and a portion of Smyre Creek in the southern portion. 5.1 Hazardous Substances During our site visit, H&H identified the following potentially hazardous materials: Potentially hazardous substances: Diesel Fuel Lubricants Retail cleaning chemicals Water stabilization chemicals H&H observed an air compression system within the basement area of the manufacturing building (Area B). This air compression system supplies the site building with compressed air. H&H did not observe evidence of significant staining in the area of the air compressor system. 26 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc H&H observed retail sized bottles of cleaning and laboratory chemicals in the research and development area of the manufacturing building in Area B (Photograph 12). The materials are stored within a fire cabinet on a concrete paved surface in good condition. H&H observed diesel fuel stored in ASTs associated with the fire suppression system in Area E, and the backup generators in Areas D and E. The ASTs are further discussed in Section 5.2. H&H observed 55-gallon drums of lubricants and water stabilization chemicals within the manufacturing building in Area B, which are further discussed in Section 5.2. 5.2 Storage Tanks and Sumps During our site visit, H&H visually assessed the site for the presence of storage tanks and sumps. A summary of our assessment is presented below. Underground Storage Tanks (USTs): Mulitple closed-in-place UST basins Reports associated with removed and closed-in-place USTs are noted in Section 4.2 and H&H’s observed key findings are summarized in Table 1. H&H observed three large yellow metal caps that were immovable during the site reconnaissance in Area D (Photograph 22). Mr. Barnhardt indicated that the caps covered three approximately 10,000-gallon open loop water cooling systems. The cooling systems were pumped around the outside of pipes associated with the solvent recovery units. Mr. Barnhardt indicated that the cooling water was never in contact with the recovery system fluids and the tanks occasionally lost water due to evaporation and were replaced with municipal water. Additionally, he indicated that the system was not filled or removed due to cost reasons. No staining or evidence of a release was observed in the vicinity of the caps. H&H also observed two large sumps in Area D (Photographs 23 and 24) that Mr. Barnhardt indicated were associated with the former water cooling system. He indicated that bromine and 27 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc chlorine were alternatively added to the water to prevent microbial growth when the system operated. The sump areas were not specifically discussed in previous environmental reports for the area. Based on the lack of reported chemicals (aside from anti-microbials) transported through the cooling system, H&H considers the potential for the sumps and associated cooling systems to impact the site to be low. H&H observed welded steel plates within Area D that were consistent with a layout for two UST basins (Photograph 21). H&H was provided with a closure report indicating that two 50,000- gallon fuel oil USTs were closed in place in 2000. Additionally, a 2,000-gallon fuel oil UST was closed in place in the vicinity of the larger fuel oil USTs in 1998. The closed-in-place USTs are noted in Table 1. Aboveground Storage Tanks (ASTs) H&H identified the following ASTs: AST Contents Capacity Location Use Five Empty Silos Unknown Area E Previously utilized to store inert plastic pellets for wire coating. Diesel Fuel 250 gallons Area E Fire Suppression System backup power source Diesel Fuel Approximately 250 gallons Area E and Area D Backup generator Lubricants, boiler water treatment 55-gallon drums Area B Former chemical storage room and in the vicinity of the boiler units Water Unknown Area E Fire Suppression H&H observed five empty silos to the south of the manufacturing area in Area E (Photograph 19). Mr. Lantz indicated that the silos were installed by CommScope and previously contained inert plastic pellets for coating wire lines. No staining or evidence of a release was observed in the vicinity of the ASTs. H&H observed a 250-gallon diesel fuel AST in the fire suppression building in Area E (Photograph 17). The AST is raised on stilts within a secondary containment unit. The AST is utilized as a backup power source for the fire suppression unit. No staining or evidence of a 28 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc release was observed in the vicinity of AST. H&H observed two diesel-powered back-up generators at the site. An AST for an interior generator is located northeast of the manufacturing building in Area D (Photograph 20) and is stored on concrete in good condition. A generator is also located southeast of the manufacturing building in Area E (Photograph 13) and is stored on a concrete pad in good condition with a diesel reservoir at the base. No staining or evidence of a release was observed in the vicinity of the diesel ASTs. H&H observed 55-gallon drums of lubricants within Area B (Photographs 14 and 15). The lubricants are stored within the former WWTP area on concrete floors overlain by terracotta. Mr. Barnhardt indicated that the WWTP area was formerly utilized to treat wastewater from the copper and chrome plating operations and the toluene recovery system. He indicated that the floor of the WWTP area previously contained an impervious liner so that any spills could be collected within a sump and transferred back to the WWTP system. Mr. Barnhardt indicated that the area has been utilized for limited storage of lubricants since the decommissioning of the WWTP in 1998. Subsurface investigations were previously completed in the WWTP area that are summarized in Table 1. H&H observed 55-gallon drums of water treatment chemicals for boilers in the boiler rooms of Area B (Photograph 16). The chemicals are utilized for water treatment such as pH stabilization. The drums are stored on concrete in good condition. H&H observed leaking fluids from the drums that did not appear to migrate to an unpaved surface. H&H observed a sump area in a former warehouse and distribution area of Area B (Photograph 25). Mr. Barnhardt indicated that this area was previously associated with the solvent recovery system and operated as a toluene decanting room. Mr. Barnhardt indicated that the sump served to deliver toluene saturated water from activated carbon recovery beds within Area D and was decommissioned in 1998 when solvent recovery operations ceased. Soil and groundwater samples were taken exterior of the decanting room in 1999 that did not identify 29 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc impacts above NC DENR Action Levels. Based on the lack of soil and groundwater impacts identified in the vicinity, H&H considers the potential for the former decanting room to impact the site to be low. H&H also observed a paper burning silo in Area D that was formerly used to destroy waste paper from the printing operations (Photograph 18). Mr. Barnhardt indicated that the silo operated from 1980 until the mid-1980s when it was decommissioned due to a lack of efficiency. He indicated that the silo was never removed due to the high cost or removal. No staining or evidence of a release was observed in the vicinity of the silo. The burning of printed paper has the potential to leave metal residue in the burner structure due to the presence of metals used in printing. The burner is constructed on an asphalt paved surface and for this reason, the potential to impact the site is judged to be low. 5.3 Water and Wastewater Issues Water and wastewater use is summarized below. Water Municipal Water: Newton Utilities Water Supply Wells: One on-site out of use water well reported Wastewater Sanitary Sewage: Newton Utilities Septic Systems: none reported H&H observed floor drains located throughout the site buildings (Photographs 26 through 28). Mr. Barnhardt indicated that drains in the former printing area formerly discharged to an unlined retention area to the south of the Manufacturing Building within Area F and the remaining floor drains discharge to the municipal sewer system. The drains were initially connected to the detention area with the intent that if the sprinkler system were to be activated, the water would discharge to the area and be allowed to flow into a nearby creek. The detention area was drained 30 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc in 1992 and closed. At that time, the drains in the printing area were sealed with concrete. One release of a water based ink was reported to a floor drain in the early 1980s and it was determined in the early 2000s that the potential for additional discharges to the detention area prior to closure was a concern. A subsurface investigation was completed in the vicinity of the former detention area in 2014 that did not identify impacts and was granted clean closure. The investigation is noted in Table 1. Based on the lack of impacts identified in the former detention area and the lack of additional reported releases of hazardous substances to the floor drains within the site buildings, H&H considers the potential for the floor drains and former detention area to impact the site to be low. H&H observed monitoring and soil vapor recovery (SVE) wells located throughout the site (Photographs 29 and 30). The wells were installed as part of previous assessment activities at the site, which are further discussed in Table 1. It was reported that a water supply well is located east of the Human Resources building in Area A. H&H did not observe the well during the site reconnaissance, which Mr. Barnhardt indicated was only utilized during construction activities and has been out of use since the early 1980s. 5.4 Indications of PCBs Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are sometimes found in mineral oils used in electrical equipment including transformers. PCBs are a potential environmental contaminant. Transformers: pad-mounted transformers pole mounted transformer Transformers Owner: Duke Energy Other: Hydraulic Elevators H&H observed a transformer substation to the southwest of the Manufacturing Building in Area E (Photograph 32) and a pole mounted transformer along the eastern site boundary in Area E (Photograph 33). The transformers appeared to be in good condition and are owned and operated 31 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc by Duke Energy. The site owner is not responsible for spills or leaks from the transformer. H&H observed a hydraulic elevator within the central portion of the Manufacturing Building in Area B. The elevator contains pistons that the Mr. Lantz estimated extend into the ground approximately 36 to 40 feet. H&H was unable to view the elevator pit to observe the general condition of the hydraulic mechanism and to assess for staining. The elevator was installed during construction of the site building in the early 1980s. Hydraulic fluids can contain PCBs. 5.5 Indications of Waste Disposal Indications of waste disposal are summarized below: Waste Containers: dumpster Other landscaping and concrete debris H&H observed one dumpster located west of the manufacturing Building (Photograph 34). The dumpster contained general office waste, and is emptied by a contracted vendor. No staining or evidence of liquid disposal of waste materials was observed in the vicinity of the dumpster. H&H observed landscaping debris in the northern portion of the site in Area A. Mr. Lantz indicated that the debris was from on-site landscaping activities and consisted of leaves, mulch, and branches. No staining or evidence of a release was observed in the vicinity of the debris. H&H observed concrete debris to the south of the manufacturing building in the vicinity of a former railroad spur line in Area F (Photograph 36). Mr. Barnhardt indicated that the concrete was the result of removing concrete slabs throughout the site and the area was utilized for disposal. No staining or evidence of a release was observed in the vicinity of the debris. H&H was unable to determine if any samples were collected from the concrete prior to storage in this area. Based on the lack of observed staining, H&H considers the potential for the observed debris to impact the site to be low. 5.6 Surface Conditions 32 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc During our reconnaissance of the site, H&H identified the following surface conditions: Interior Surface Conditions: concrete carpet (offices) floor tile (offices) Exterior Surface conditions: asphalt-paved driveways and parking lots grass-covered areas densely wooded areas in Areas C and F. H&H observed de minimis historic staining throughout the manufacturing building that was observed on concrete paved surfaces in good condition. H&H observed a patched concrete area in the former maintenance shop of Area A (Photograph 31). Mr. Barnhardt indicated that this area was formerly a forklift maintenance bay that did not contain a sump or floor drains and was sealed in 2000. Mr. Barnhardt indicated the service pit was utilized on a limited basis. No staining was observed in the vicinity of the sealed concrete. Additionally, Mr. Barnhardt indicated that the maintenance area previously contained a solvent based parts washer and limited machining operations, which typically utilize cutting fluids. The historic waste management practices associated with the maintenance area are unknown. The exterior surface conditions appeared to be in good condition. 5.7 Stormwater and Flood Information The following is a summary of stormwater and flood information: Stormwater Stormwater at the site is expected to flow across paved and unimproved areas to stormwater drains or Smyre Creek in the eastern portion of the site. H&H did not observe obvious environmental concerns associated with stormwater. 33 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc Flood Information FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM): Community Panel # 3710364900J (maps dated September 5, 2007) The FEMA map indicates that the southern portion of Area F is located within Zone AE, which is defined as the 100 year flood zone with base flood elevations determined. 34 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc 6.0 Signatures of Environmental Professionals I declare that, to the best of my professional knowledge and belief, I meet the definition of Environmental Professional as defined in Section 312.10 of 40 CFR 312, and have the specific qualifications based on education, training, and experience to assess a property of the nature, history, and setting of the site. I have developed and performed the all appropriate inquires in conformance with the standards and practices set forth for the environmental professional in 40 CFR Part 312. Environmental Professional Bruce Hickman, PE Principal Engineer Assisted By: Jordan Thompson Staff Environmental Scientist 35 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Report\1545 St James Church Road Phase I ESA (Final Report 12-10-15).doc 7.0 Qualifications of Environmental Professionals Conducting the Phase I ESA Bruce Hickman, Principal Engineer, has over 30 years of experience in environmental engineering, site assessment, and remediation projects, with specialized expertise in assessment and remediation of complex industrial properties. Mr. Hickman is a registered professional engineer. Jordan Thompson, Staff Environmental Scientist, has over three years of experience conducting Phase I ESAs. She has conducted multiple Phase I ESAs on undeveloped, commercial, and industrial properties across the United States. Curriculum vitae for the individuals listed above are included in Appendix F. TA B L E  1 Su m m a r y  of  RE C s ,  HR E C s ,  an d  PE C s Va c a n t  In d u s t r i a l  Pr o p e r t y 15 4 5  St .  Ja m e s  Ch u r c h  Ro a d ,  Ne w t o n  No r t h  Ca r o l i n a SN L ‐00 1 Ar e a  of  Co n c e r n Pr i m a r y  Re f e r e n c e   Do c u m e n t  / Re g u l a t o r y   Re f e r e n c e  (1 ) De t a i l s   RE C  #1 Im p a c t s  to  Gr o u n d w a t e r   ab o v e  NC    DE N R  2L   St a n d a r d s 1 • A P h a s e I I E S A s a m p l i n g e v e n t w a s i n i t i a t e d i n 1 9 9 8 b y a g r o u p r e f e r r e d t o S e c or . R e c o r d s s u g g e s t t h i s 1 9 9 8 S e c o r P h a s e I I E S A R e p o r t w a s n o t c o m p l e t e d . H owever, t h e S e c o r d a t a t a b l e s a n d a r e c r e a t e d f i g u r e d e p i c t i n g t h e S e c o r s a m p l e lo c a t i o n s  we r e  pr o v i d e d  in  a  su b s e q u e n t  Ph a s e  I/ I I  ES A  co m p l e t e d  by  ER M  in  19 9 9 . • T h e 1 9 9 8 S e c o r P h a s e I I d a t a t a b l e s i n d i c a t e b a r i u m , c h r o m i u m , a n d l e a d w e r e d e t e c t e d i n g r o u n d w a t e r a t s e v e r a l l o c a t i o n s , b e l i e v e d t o b e D P T s c r e e n ‐point s a m p l e s , a b o v e c u r r e n t N C D e p a r t m e n t o f E n v i r o n m e n t a n d N a t u r a l R e s o u r c e s ( D E N R ) 2L  St a n d a r d s : Ma n u f a c t u r i n g  Bu i l d i n g  ‐   ba r i u m  (a s  hi g h  as  4, 5 4 0  µg / L ) ;  ch r o m i u m  (a s  hi g h  as  26 6  µg / L ) ,  an d  le a d  (a s  hi g h  as  48  µg / L ) Wa s t e w a t e r  St o r a g e  US T  ‐  ba r i u m  (3 , 3 8 0  µg / L ) ,  ch r om i u m  (1 2 6  µg / L ) ,  an d  le a d  (2 4  µg / L ) El e c t r i c a l  Su b s t a t i o n  ‐   ba r i u m  (3 , 8 9 0  µg / L ) ,  ch r o m i u m  (8 3  µg / L ) ,  an d  le a d  (3 7  µg / L ) A  sa n i t a r y  se w e r  ma n h o l e  (e x a c t  lo c a t i o n  no t  pr o v i d e d )  ‐   ba r i u m  (3 , 9 6 0  µg / L ) ,  ch r o m i u m  (4 1 4  µg / L ) ,  an d  le a d  (4 5  µg / L ) Th e  fo r m e r  dr u m  st o r a g e  pa d  ba r i u m  (a s  hi g h  as  6, 8 6 0  µg / L ) ,  ch r o m i u m  (a s  hi g h  as  21 0  µg / L ),  an d  le a d  (a s  hi g h  as  38  µg / L ) Fo r m e r  In k  Ta n k  Fa r m  ‐   ba r i u m  (a s  hi g h  as  9, 7 4 0  µg / L ) ,  ch r o m i u m  (a s  hi g h  as  13 3  µg / L ) ,  an d  le a d  (a s  hi g h  as  52  µg / L ) Fo r m e r  Im p o u n d m e n t  ‐   ba r i u m  (2 , 2 0 0  µg / L ) ,  ch r o m i u m  (2 7 6  µg / L ) ,  an d  le a d  (6 3  µg / L ) • I m p o r t a n t l y , t h e t a b u l a t e d 1 9 9 8 S e c o r g r o u n d w a t e r d a t a s h o w s r e s u l t s f o r un f i l t e r e d a n d f i l t e r e d a n a l y t i c a l r e s u l t s f o r t h e s e s a m p l e l o c a t i o n s . T he f i l t e r e d s a m p l e s a r e o r d e r s o f m a g n i t u d e l o w e r t h a n t h e u n f i l t e r e d s a m p l e s , s u g g e s t i n g h i g h l y tu r b i d  sa m p l e s  su c h  as  ob t a i n e d  fr o m  a  DP T  s c re e n ‐po i n t  we l l .    Th e  fi l t e r e d  sa m p l e  re s u l t s  do  no t  ex c e e d  2L  st a n d a r d s .    • A b a c k g r o u n d g r o u n d w a t e r s a m p l e w a s c o l l e c t e d i n t h e n o r t h e r n p o r t i o n o f t h e S i t e t h a t c o n t a i n e d t h e f o l l o w i n g c o n c e n t r a t i o n s o f m e t a l s t h a t w e r e d e tected i n t h e a b o v e s a m p l e s o v e r 2 L S t a n d a r d s : B a r i u m ( 6 3 9 µ g / L ) , c h r o m i u m ( 6 8 µ g / L ) , a n d le a d  (4 5  µg / L ) .    Ba c k g r o u n d  so i l  sa m p l e s  we r e  no t  co l l e c t e d .    •   It  do e s  no t  ap p e a r  th a t  th e  sa m p l e  re s u l t s  we r e  re p o r t e d  to  NC  DE N R .    Mo r e  re c e n t  sa m p l i n g  fo r  me t a l  co n s t i t u e n t s  ha s  no t  be e n  co m p l e t e d ,  wi t h  the  ex c eption  of  in  the  vicinity  of  the  former  impoundment  area. * Be c a u s e  cu r r e n t  NC  DE N R  re g u l a t i o n s  in d i c a t e  th a t  on l y  un f i l t e r e d  me t a l  co n c e n t r a t i o n s  sh o u l d  be  co m p a r e d  to  2L  St a n d a r d s ,  th e  cu r r e n t l y  av a i l a b l e  results  are  identified  as  an  REC.   RE C  #2    Me t a l s  Im p a c t s  to   So i l  ab o v e  NC  DE N R   Gr o u n d w a t e r  Pr o t e c t i o n   SR G s 1 • A  Ph as e  II  ES A  sa m p li n g  ev e n t  wa s  in i t i a t e d  in  19 9 8  by  a  gr o u p  re f e r r e d  to  Se c o r .    Re c o r d s  su g g e s t  th i s  19 9 8  Se c o r  Ph a s e  II  ES A  Re p o r t  wa s  no t  co m p l e t e d .   However, the  Secor  data  tables  and  a  recreated  figure  depicting  the  Secor  sample   lo c a t i o n s  we r e  pr o v i d e d  in  a  su b s e q u e n t  Ph a s e  I/ I I  ES A  co m p l e t e d  by  ER M  in  19 9 9 . • Th e  19 9 8  Se co r  Ph a s e  II  da t a  ta b l e s  in d i c a t e  ba r i u m  wa s  de t e c t e d  in  so i l  at  se v e r a l  lo c a t i o n s  ab o v e  cu r r e n t  NC  DE N R  58 0  mg / k g  Pr o t e c t i o n  of  Gr o u n d w a t e r  Soil  Remediation  Goal  (SRG), but  below  the  3,000  mg/kg  Residential  SRG.  These   de t e c t i o n s  oc c u r r e d  be n e a t h  th e  ma n u f a c t u r i n g  bu i l d i n g  (a s  hi g h  as  74 5  mg / k g ) ;  f l oo r  dr a i n  ou t f a l l s  fr o m  th e  bi n d e r y  (a s  hi g h  as  81 6  mg / k g ) ;  an d  th e  ink  tank  farm  (as  high  as  1,350  mg/kg).  • H& H  ha s  id e n t i f i e d  th e  co n c e n t r a t i o n s  of  ba r i u m  in  so i l  du r i n g  th e  pa r t i a l  19 9 8  Se c o r  Ph a s e  II  as s e s s m e n t  as  an  RE C .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  RE C  #3 19 9 5  Me t h a n o l  Sp i l l 1 • A Ph as e I / I I E S A c o m p l e t e d f o r t h e S i t e i n 1 9 9 9 i n d i c a t e d t h a t a m e t h a n o l s p i l l f r o m a f l u i d c h i l l e r w a s d i s c o v e r e d b y S i t e p e r s o n n e l i n N o v e m b e r 1 9 9 5 i n Area D t h a t c o n s i s t e d o f a p p r o x i m a t e l y 1 , 2 0 0 g a l l o n s o f m e t h a n o l r e l e a s e d t o t h e g r o u n d su r f a c e .    Mr .  Ba r n h a r d t  in d i c a t e d  th a t  th e  sp i l l  wa s  no t  re p o r t e d  to  NC  DE N R  an d  so i l / g r o u n d w a t e r  sa m p l e s  we r e  no t  co l l e c t e d  in  th e  vi c i n i t y  of  th e  sp i l l  in  1995.   • S o i l a n d g r o u n d w a t e r s a m p l i n g w a s p e r f o r m e d i n t h e a r e a i n 1 9 9 9 d u r i n g P h a s e I I ac t i v i t i e s a n d s a m p l e s w e r e a n a l y z e d f o r m e t h a n o l . G r o u n d w a t e r i m p a c ts o f m e t h a n o l w e r e i d e n t i f i e d a s h i g h a s 4 4 7 , 0 0 0 µ g / L ( a b o v e t h e 2 L S t a n d a r d o f 3 , 5 0 0 µg / L )  in  th e  vi c i n i t y  of  th e  re l e a s e .    So i l  im p a c t s  of  me t h a n o l  we r e  no t  re p o r t e d .    Ad d i t i o n a l  gr o u n d w a t e r  sa m p l e s  in  th e  vi c i n i t y  of  th e  sp i l l  di d  no t  id entify  methanol  impacts, which  indicated  that  the  impacts  were  likely  limited  in  nature.   • Wh i l e  me t h a n o l  is  kn o w n  to  de g r a d e  so m e w h a t  qu i c k l y  in  th e  en v i r o n m e n t ,  H& H  ha s  id e n t i f i e d  th e  19 9 9  gr o u n d w a t e r  de t e c t i o n  as  an  RE C . RE C  #4    Hy d r a u l i c  Li f t Ha r t  & Hi c k m a n  Ph a s e  I  ES A   (N o v  20 1 5 ) H& H' s  No v e m b e r  20 1 5  Ph as e  I  ES A  si t e  re c o n n a i s s a n c e  id e n t i f i e d  a  la r g e  hy d r a u l i c  li f t ,  re p o r t e d  by  th e  si t e  co n t a c t  to  ex t e n d  36  to  40  ft  be l o w  gr o u n d  surface.  The  hydraulic  mechanism  and  subsurface  conditions  were  not  observable.  The  elevator   wa s  in s t a l l e d  du r i n g  co n s t r u c t i o n  of  th e  Si t e  bu i l d i n g  in  19 8 0 .    Hy d r a u l i c  fl u i d s  us e d  in  su c h  pi s t on ‐ty p e  li f t s  ma y  co n t a i n  PC B s ,  an d  fo r  th i s  re a s o n  th e  hydraulic  lift  is  identified  as  an  REC. No t e s  (1 )  = Se e  re f e r e n c e  do c u m e n t s  in  Ap p e n d i x  D  of  th e  ac c o m p a n y i n g  Ph a s e  I  ES A  re p o r t . Fil e :   S: \ A A A ‐Ma s t e r  Pro j e c t s \ S H E P  Ne w t o n  LL C  ‐   SN L \ S N L ‐00 1  15 4 5  St.  Ja m e s  Ch u r c h  Ro a d \ R e p o r t \ T a b l e  1  bk h . x l s x  Sh e e t 1 Da t e : 1 1 / 2 0 / 2 0 1 5 Table  1  (Page  1  of  5)Hart  & Hickman, PC TA B L E  1 Su m m a r y  of  RE C s ,  HR E C s ,  an d  PE C s Va c a n t  In d u s t r i a l  Pr o p e r t y 15 4 5  St .  Ja m e s  Ch u r c h  Ro a d ,  Ne w t o n  No r t h  Ca r o l i n a SN L ‐00 1 Ar e a  of  Co n c e r n Pr i m a r y  Re f e r e n c e   Do c u m e n t  / Re g u l a t o r y   Re f e r e n c e  (1 ) De t a i l s   HR E C  #1 Fo r m e r  So l v e n t  Re c o v e r y   Ar e a  wi t h  To l u e n e  Re l e a s e 5 LU S T  (M O ‐54 1 3  In c i d e n t  #  18 8 1 1 ) ;  IM D • Lo c a t e d  wi t h i n  Ar e a  D,  th i s  sy s t e m  pr e v i o u s l y  co n s i s t e d  of  a  5, 0 0 0 ‐ga l l o n  me t h a n o l  US T  (c l o s e d  in  pl a c e  in  19 9 4 )  an d  th r e e  20 , 0 0 0 ‐ga l l o n  to l u e n e  US T s  that  were  installed  in  the  early  1980s  and  removed  in  1998. • A t o lu e n e r e l e a s e w a s i d e n t i f i e d i n t h e a r e a i n 1 9 9 3 a n d c o n f i r m e d i n 1 9 9 8 d u r i n g U S T r e m o v a l a c t i v i t i e s o f t h e m e t h a n o l a n d t o l u e n e U S T s . S o i l a n d g r o u ndwater i m p a c t s o f t o l u e n e a b o v e N C D E N R A c t i o n L e v e l s a n d 2 L S t a n d a r d s , r e s p e c t i v e l y , we r e  id e n t i f i e d  in  th e  ar e a .    A  So i l  Va p o r  Ex t r a c t i o n  (S V E )  sy s t e m  wa s  in s t a l l e d  in  th e  ea r l y  19 9 0 s  an d  ex p a n d e d  in  th e  la t e  19 9 0 s ,  wh i c h  op e r a t e d  un t i l  2007. • Fo l l o w i n g  th e  SV E  sy s t e m  re m e d i a t i o n  an d  re d u c t i o n  of  to l u e n e  im p a c t s  to  be l o w  2L  St a n d a r d s ,  NC  DE N R  is s u e d  th e  re l e a s e  a  No t i c e  of  No  Fu r t h e r  Actio n  (NF A) in  June  2007. HR E C  #2 Fo r m e r  In k  Ta n k  Fa r m  wi t h   To l u e n e  Re l e a s e 15 LU S T  (M O ‐65 0 5  In c i d e n t  #  27 0 4 5 • Lo c a t e d  in  Ar e a  C,  th i s  sy s t e m  pr e v i o u s l y  co n t a i n e d  fi v e  5, 0 0 0 ‐ga l l o n  US T s ,  fi v e  10 , 0 0 0 ‐ga l l o n  US T s ,  an d  tw o  12 , 0 0 0 ‐ga l l o n  US T s  th a t  co n t a i n e d  to l u e n e ‐based  inks.  The  USTs  were  in stalled  in  the  early  1980s  an d  remo ved  in  1998.   • S o i l a n d g r o u n d w a t e r i m p a c t s o f t o l u e n e w e r e i d e n t i f i e d i n t h e a r e a d u r i n g r e m o v a l a c t i v e s i n 1 9 9 8 . T h e a b o v e m e n t i o n e d S V E s y s t e m a l s o o p e r a t e d i n t h e a r e a . R e s a m p l i n g o f s o i l a n d g r o u n d w a t e r i n t h e a r e a b e t w e e n 1 9 9 9 a n d 2 0 0 3 i n d i c a t e d th a t  im p a c t s  of  to l u e n e  we r e  be l o w  NC  DE N R  Ac t i o n  Le v e l s  an d  2L  St a n d a r d s .    NC  DE N R  is s u e d  a  No t i c e  of  NF A  fo r  th e  re l e a s e  in  Ap r i l  20 0 3 . HR E C  #3 Fo r m e r  Wa s t e w a t e r  St o r a g e   US T 12 LU S T  (M O ‐20 1 9  In c i d e n t  #  27 4 3 2 ) • L o c a t e d i n A r e a E , t h i s s y s t e m p r e v i o u s l y c o n t a i n e d a 1 0 , 0 0 0 ‐ga l l o n w a s t e w a t e r U S T t h a t w a s h i s t o r i c a l l y u t i l i z e d t o s t o r e t o l u e n e . A t o l u e n e o v e r f i l l w a s r e p o r t e d i n t h e e a r l y 1 9 9 0 s . T h e U S T r e c e i v e d o v e r f l o w f rom a f o r m e r w a s t e w a t e r tr e a t m e n t  pl an t  (W W T P )  wi th i n  th e  ma n u f a c t u r i n g  bu i l d i n g  (A r e a  B) a t  th e  ti m e  of  cl o s u r e .    Th e  US T  wa s  in s t a l l e d  in  th e  ea r l y  19 8 0 s  an d  re m o v e d  in  1998.   • S o i l a n d g r o u n d w a t e r i m p a c t s o f t o l u e n e a b o v e N C D E N R A c t i o n L e v e l s a n d 2 L S t a n d a r d s w e r e i d e n t i f i e d i n t h e a r e a d u r i n g r e m o v a l a c t i v i t i e s a n d d u r i n g later s a m p l i n g e v e n t s o f t h e a r e a . R e s a m p l i n g o f s o i l a n d g r o u n d w a t e r b e t w e e n 1 9 9 9 a n d 20 0 3  in d i c a t e d  th a t  im p a c t s  of  to l u e n e  we r e  be l o w  NC  DE N R  Ac t i o n  Le v e l s  an d  2L  St a n d a r d s .    NC  DE N R  is s u e d  a  No t i c e  of  NF A  fo r  th e  re l e a s e  in  Ju l y  2003. • H &H w a s u n a b l e t o d e t e r m i n e i f a d d i t i o n a l c o n s t i t u e n t s o t h e r t h a n t o l u e n e w e r e a n a l y z e d f o r s a m p l e s c o l l e c t e d i n t h e v i c i n i t y o f t h e w a s t e w a t e r U S T ( i . e . c o p p e r a n d c h r o m i u m ) . H o w e v e r , a s t h e w a s t e w a t e r U S T r e c e i v e d w a t e r f r o m t h e W W T P , it  is  un l i k e l y  th a t  un p r o c e s s e d  wa t e r  wa s  st o r e d  in  th e  US T .    Ba s e d  on  th e  re g u l a t o r y  cl o s u r e  of  th e  in c i d e n t ,  H& H  co n s i d e r s  th e  po t e n t i a l  fo r  th e  fo r m e r  Wastewater  Storage  UST  to  impact  the  Site  to  be  low. HR E C  #4 Fo r m e r  Im p o u n d m e n t  Ar e a 19 SH W S  (N C D 9 9 1 2 7 9 1 1 8 ) • A 2 0 1 3 R e m e d i a l I n v e s t i g a t i o n ( R I ) d o c u m e n t e d t h a t a s u r f a c e w a t e r i m p o u n d m en t w a s f o r m e r l y p r e s e n t t o t h e s o u t h e a s t o f t h e m a n u f a c t u r i n g b u i l d i n g in A r e a F t h a t w a s d e s i g n e d t o c o l l e c t d i s c h a r g e f r o m f l o o r d r a i n s w i t h i n t h e f o r m e r p r i n t i n g ar e a  of  th e  ma n u f a c t u r i n g  b ui l d i n g . • T he im p o u n d m e n t w a s f i l l e d w i t h b o r r o w m a t e r i a l s i n 1 9 9 2 a n d t h e f l o o r d r a i n s w i th i n t h e p r i n t i n g a r e a c a p p e d t o p r e v e n t f u r t h e r d i s c h a r g e . T h e R I i n d icated t h a t i n 1 9 8 4 a s m a l l a m o u n t o f w a t e r b a s e d i n k w a s r e l e a s e d t o t h e i m p o u n d m e n t v i a th e  fl o o r  dr a i n s  an d  th a t  th e  po t e n t i a l  fo r  ad d i t i o n a l  ma t e r i a l s  to  ha v e  be e n  re l e a s e d  to  th e  im p o u n d m e n t  we r e  a  co n c e r n .    • S o i l a n d g r o u n d w a t e r s a m p l e s w e r e c o l l e c t e d i n t h e v i c i n i t y o f t h e i m p o u n d m e n t i n 2 0 1 3 a n d w e r e a n a l y z e d f o r V O C s , S e m i ‐VO C s ( S V O C s ) , T a r g e t A n a l y t e L i s t ( T A L ) M e t a l s , a n d H e x avalent C h r o m i u m . S o i l / g r o u n d w a t e r i m p a c t s a b o v e N C D E N R Ac t i o n  Le v e l s  or  2L  St a n d a r d s  we r e  no t  id e n t i f i e d .    NC  DE N R  is s u e d  a  No t i c e  of  NF A  fo r  th e  in c i d e n t  in  Ja n u a r y  20 1 4 . HR E C  #5 Gr o u n d w a t e r  Im p a c t s  of   PC E 22 SH WS  (N C D 9 9 1 2 7 9 1 1 8 ) • A  19 9 7  ro u t i n e  sa m p l i n g  ev e n t  id e n t i f i e d  gr o u n d w a t e r  im p a c t s  of  te t r a c h l o r o e t h y l e n e  (P C E )  ab o v e  2L  St a n d a r d s  in  a  mo n i t o r i n g  we l l  th a t  wa s  be i n g  sampled  for  toluene  in  the  vicinity  of  the  former  wastewater  treatment  plant  in  Area  B.   • A d d i t i o n a l m o n i t o r i n g w e l l s w e r e i n s t a l l e d i n t h e vi c i n i t y o f t h e i d e n t i f i e d i m p a c t s i n 1 9 9 7 a n d P C E w a s c o n f i r m e d t o b e p r e s e n t i n t h e s h a l l o w w a t e r t able a b o v e 2 L S t a n d a r d s . I t w a s r e p o r t e d t h a t P C E w a s n o t c o m m o n l y u t i l i z e d f o r o n ‐site op e r a t i o n s  an d  th e  so u r c e  wa s  un k n o w n .    Th i s  re l e a s e  wa s  no t  co m m o n  kn o w le d g e  to  th e  Si t e  ow n e r s  an d  th e  mo n i t o r i n g  we l l s  as s o c i a t e d  wi t h  th e  PCE  sampling  were  mistakenly  abandoned  in  2011.   • A d d i t i o n a l t e m p o r a r y m o n i t o r i n g w e l l s a n d s o i l b o r i n g s w e r e a d v a n c e d i n 20 1 4 t o d e t e r m i n e t h e c o n c e n t r a t i o n s o f P C E a t t h a t t i m e . S o i l a n d g r o u n d w a t er i m p a c t s o f P C E w e r e n o t i d e n t i f i e d a b o v e N C D E N R A c t i o n L e v e l s o r 2 L S t a n d a r d s d u r i n g th e  20 1 4  sa m p l i n g  ev e n t .    NC  DE N R  is s u e d  a  No t i c e  of  NF A  fo r  th e  in c i d e n t  in  Ja n u a r y  20 1 5 . Fil e :   S: \ A A A ‐Ma s t e r  Pro j e c t s \ S H E P  Ne w t o n  LL C  ‐   SN L \ S N L ‐00 1  15 4 5  St.  Ja m e s  Ch u r c h  Ro a d \ R e p o r t \ T a b l e  1  bk h . x l s x  Sh e e t 1 Da t e : 1 1 / 2 0 / 2 0 1 5 Table  1  (Page  2  of  5)Hart  & Hickman, PC TA B L E  1 Su m m a r y  of  RE C s ,  HR E C s ,  an d  PE C s Va c a n t  In d u s t r i a l  Pr o p e r t y 15 4 5  St .  Ja m e s  Ch u r c h  Ro a d ,  Ne w t o n  No r t h  Ca r o l i n a SN L ‐00 1 Ar e a  of  Co n c e r n Pr i m a r y  Re f e r e n c e   Do c u m e n t  / Re g u l a t o r y   Re f e r e n c e  (1 ) De t a i l s   PE C  #1 Fo r m e r  Wa s t e w a t e r   Tr e a t m e n t  Pl a n t 1 • A w a s t e w a t e r t r e a t m e n t p l a n t ( W W T P ) h i s t o r i c a l l y o p e r a t e d i n t h e l o w e r le v e l o f t h e m a n u f a c t u r i n g b u i l d i n g ( A r e a B ) f r o m t h e 1 9 8 0 s u n t i l i t w a s d e c o m missioned i n 1 9 9 7 / 1 9 9 8 . T h e W W T P p r e v i o u s l y t r e a t e d w a t e r f r o m t h e o n ‐site c h r o m e a n d co p p e r  pl a t i n g  op e r a t i o n s  an d  to l u e n e  im p a c t e d  wa t e r  fr o m  th e  SV E  sy s t e m  in  Ar e a s  B  an d  D.    • S o i l i m p a c t s o f t o l u e n e w e r e r e p o r t e d b e n e a t h t h e W W T P a b o v e t h e s i t e t a r ge t c l e a n u p l e v e l s i n 1 9 9 8 . T h e i m p a c t s d e te c t e d ( 7 9 0 µ g / L ) w e r e a b o v e t h e c u r rent 2 L S t a n d a r d o f 6 0 0 µ g / L . A n a d d i t i o n a l s o i l a n d g r o u n d w a t e r s a m p l e w e r e c o l l e c t e d in  19 9 9  th a t  di d  no t  id e n t i f y  to l u e n e  im p a c t s  ab o v e  re g u l a t o r y  cr i t e r i a .    It  do e s  no t  ap p e a r  th a t  th e s e  im p a c t s  we r e  re p o r t e d  to  NC  DE N R . • Ba s e d  on  th e  la c k  of  to l u en e  im pa c t s  id e n t i f i e d  ab o v e  2L  St a n d a r d s  du r i n g  th e  mo s t  re c e n t  gr o u n d w a t e r  sa m p l i n g  ev e n t  in  19 9 9 ,  H& H  co n s i d e r s  th e  potential  for  the  former  WWTP  to  impact  the  Site  to  be  low. PE C  #2 Fo r m e r  To l u e n e  AS T  in   Su b g r a d e  Va u l t 1 • Lo c a t e d  in  Ar e a  C,  th i s  sy s t e m  pr e v i o u s l y  co n t a i n e d  a  10 , 0 0 0 ‐ga l l o n  to l u en e  AS T  th a t  wa s  co n t a i n e d  wi t h i n  a  su b g r a d e  va u l t  be t w e e n  th e  fo r m e r  in k  tank  farm  (Area  C) and  the  solvent  recovery  system  (Area  D). • Gr o u n d w a t e r  im p a c t s  in  th e  vi c i n i t y  of  th e  to l u e n e  AS T  we r e  id e n t i f i e d  du r i n g  as s e s s m e n t  of  th e  In k  Ta n k  Fa r m  in  19 9 8 .    • S o i l a n d g r o u n d w a t e r a s s e s s m e n t w a s c o m p l e t e d i n t h e a r e a o f t h e f o r m e r t o l ue n e A S T i n 1 9 9 9 a n d a n a l y z e d f o r V o l a t i l e O r g a n i c C o m p o u n d s ( V O C s ) . I m p a c ts w e r e n o t r e p o r t e d i n s o i l o r g r o u n d w a t e r . I t d o e s n o t a p p e a r t h a t t h e s a m p l e r e s u l t s we r e  re p o r t e d  to  NC  DE N R .    Ba s e d  on  th e  la c k  of  im p a ct s  id e n t i f i e d  in  th e  vi c i n i t y  of  th e  AS T  in  19 9 9 ,  H& H  co n s i d e r s  th e  po t e n t i a l  fo r  th e  fo r m e r  To l u e n e  AST  to  impact  the  Site  to  be  low. PE C  #3 Cl o s e d  in  Pl a c e  He a t i n g  Oi l   US T s 4 US T  (0 0 ‐0 ‐00 0 0 0 2 6 6 9 6 ) ;   IM D • Ar e a  D  pr e v i o u s l y  co n t a i n e d  a  2, 0 0 0 ‐g al l o n  fu e l  oi l  US T  an d  tw o  50 , 0 0 0 ‐g a ll o n  fu e l  oi l  US T s .    Th e  sm a l l e r  US T  wa s  ut i l i z e d  to  po w e r  a  ba c k u p  ge n e r a t o r  and  the  larger  USTs  were  for  powering  boilers  within  the  manufacturing  building  of  Area  B.   • Th e  2, 0 0 0 ‐ga l l o n  US T  wa s  cl o s e d  in  pl a c e  in  19 9 8  an d  so i l  sa m p l e s  co l l e c t e d  du r i ng  cl o su r e  di d  no t  id e n t i f y  im p a c t s  of  pe t r o l e u m  co n s t i t u e n t s .    NC  DENR  issued  a  Notice  of  NFA  for  the  2,000 ‐gallon  fuel  oil  UST  in  May  1999. • S o i l a n d g r o u n d w a t e r s a m p l e s c o l l e c t e d i n 1 9 9 8 i d e n t i f i e d g r o u n d w a t e r i m p a c t s o f e x t r a c t a b l e p e t r o l e u m h y d r o c a r b o n s ( E P H ) b e l o w N C D E N R 2 L S t a n d a rds i n t h e v i c i n i t y o f t h e f u e l o i l U S T s . A n a d d i t i o n a l g r o u n d w a t e r s a m p l e c o l l e c t e d i n 1 9 9 9 di d  no t  id e n t i f y  im p a c t s  of  EP H ,  VO C s ,  or  Po l y c y c l i c  Ar o m a t i c  Hy d r o c a r b o n s  (P A H s ) . • T h e t w o 5 0 , 0 0 0 ‐ga l l o n f u e l o i l U S T s w e r e c l o s e d i n p l a c e i n 2 0 0 0 . S o i l / g r o u n d w a t e r s a m p l e s w er e n o t c o l l e c t e d d u r i n g U S T c l o s u r e a c t i v i t i e s a n d t h e c l o s u r e w a s n o t r e ported t o N C D E N R . H & H i n t e r v i e w e d a r e p r e s e n t a t i v e o f N C D E N R , w h o in d i c a t e d  th a t  th e i r  US T  da t a b a s e  in d i c a t e s  th e  50 , 0 0 0 ‐ga l l o n  US T s  re m a i n  op en .    • B a s e d o n t h e l a c k o f g r o u n d w a t e r i m p a c t s a b o v e 2 L S t a n d a r d s a n d t h e l a c k o f s o i l i m p a c t s d e t e c t e d i n 1 9 9 8 / 1 9 9 9 , a n d c l o s u r e i n p l a c e o f t h e U S T s i n 1 9 9 4 / 2000, H & H c o n s i d e r s t h e p o t e n t i a l f o r t h e c l o s e d i n p l a c e f u e l o i l U S T s t o i m p a c t t h e S i t e to  be  lo w . PE C  #4 Fo r m e r  Dr u m  St o r a g e  Ar e a 1 • A P h a s e I / I I E S A c o m p l e t e d f o r t h e S i t e i n 1 9 9 9 i d e n ti f i e d a f o r m e r d r u m s t a g i n g l o c a t i o n t o t h e w e s t o f t h e m a n u f a c t u r i n g b u i l d i n g i n A r e a F . T h e d r u m s t aging a r e a r e p o r t e d l y s t o r e d e m p t y d r u m s f r o m o n ‐site o p e r a t i o n s . S o i l a n d g r o u n d w a t e r sa m p l e s  we r e  co l l e c t e d  in  th e  ar e a  an d  an a l y z e d  fo r  VO C s  in  so i l  an d  gr o u n d w a t e r ,  an d  PA H s ,  ch r o m i u m ,  an d  ba r i u m  in  so i l  we r e  an a l y z e d .    • S o i l i m p a c t s o f t o t a l c h r o m i u m a n d b a r i u m w e r e d e t e c t e d b u t a r e b e l o w c u r r e n t N C D E N R S o i l P S R G s . V O C s w e r e n o t d e t e c t e d i n s o i l o r g r o u n d w a t e r a n d P A H s w e r e n o t d e t e c t e d i n s o i l . I t d o e s n o t a p p e a r t h a t t h e i m p a c t s w e r e r e p o r t e d t o N C DE N R .    • Ba s e d  on  th e  re p o r t e d  da t a ,  H& H  co n s i d e r s  th e  po t e n t i a l  fo r  th e  dr u m  st a gi n g  ar e a  to  im p a c t  th e  Si t e  to  be  lo w . PE C  #5 Co n c r e t e  De b r i s Ha r t  & Hi c k m a n  Ph a s e  I  ES A   (N o v  20 1 5 ) • H & H o b s e r v e d a n a r e a o f c o n c r e t e d e b r i s b y a r a i l r o a d s p u r t o t h e w e s t o f t h e m a n u f a c t u r i n g b u i l d i n g i n A r e a F d u r i n g t h e S i t e r e c o n n a i s s a n c e . S i t e C o n t a c t M r . B a r n h a r d t i n d i c a t e d t h a t t h e c o n c r e t e w a s t h e r e s u l t o f r e m o v i n g c o n c r e t e s l a b s th r o u g h o u t t h e e x t e r i o r a r e a s o f t h e S i t e a n d t h e a r e a w a s u t i l i z e d f o r d i s p o s a l o f t h e c o n c r e t e . N o s t a i n i n g o r e v i d e n c e o f a r e l e a s e w a s o b s e r v e d i n t h e vicinity o f t h e d e b r i s . B a s e d o n t h e l a c k o f o b s e r v e d s t a i n i n g , H & H c o n s i d e r s t h e p o t e n t i a l f o r th e  ob s e r v e d  de b r i s  to  im p a c t  th e  Si t e  to  be  lo w . Fil e :   S: \ A A A ‐Ma s t e r  Pro j e c t s \ S H E P  Ne w t o n  LL C  ‐   SN L \ S N L ‐00 1  15 4 5  St.  Ja m e s  Ch u r c h  Ro a d \ R e p o r t \ T a b l e  1  bk h . x l s x  Sh e e t 1 Da t e : 1 1 / 2 0 / 2 0 1 5 Table  1  (Page  3  of  5)Hart  & Hickman, PC TA B L E  1 Su m m a r y  of  RE C s ,  HR E C s ,  an d  PE C s Va c a n t  In d u s t r i a l  Pr o p e r t y 15 4 5  St .  Ja m e s  Ch u r c h  Ro a d ,  Ne w t o n  No r t h  Ca r o l i n a SN L ‐00 1 Ar e a  of  Co n c e r n Pr i m a r y  Re f e r e n c e   Do c u m e n t  / Re g u l a t o r y   Re f e r e n c e  (1 ) De t a i l s   PE C  #6 Fo r m e r  Ma i n t e n a n c e  Ar e a Ha r t  & Hi c k m a n  Ph a s e  I  ES A   (N o v  20 1 5 ) • A f o r m e r m a i n t e n a n c e a r e a i s l o c a t e d i n t h e e a s t e r n p o r t i o n o f t h e m a n u f a c t u r i n g b u i l d i n g i n A r e a B . T h e m a i n t e n a n c e a r e a p r e v i o u s l y c o n t a i n e d a f o r k lift m a i n t e n a n c e p i t t h a t w a s d e s c r i b e d i n a p r evious P h a s e I / I I E S A i n 1 9 9 9 a s b e i n g r a r e l y us e d a n d i n g o o d c o n d i t i o n w i t h n o e v i d e n c e o f s t a i n i n g . T h e m a i n t e n a n c e p i t w a s r e p o r t e d l y s e a l e d i n 20 0 0 . H & H d i d n o t o b s e r v e e v i d e n c e o f s t a i n i n g i n t he f o r m e r m a i n t e n a n c e r o o m o r i n t h e v i c i n i t y o f t h e o i l c h a n g e p i t d u r i n g t h e S i t e re c o n n a i s s a n c e . • Ba s e d  on  th e  la c k  of  re p o r t e d  or  ob s e r v e d  st a i n i n g  an d  th e  re p o r t e d  li m i t e d  na t u r e  of  us e  of  th e  ma i n t e n a n c e  pi t  an d  se r v i c e  ar e a ,  H& H  co n s i d e r s  th e  potential  for  the  former  maintenance  area  to  impact  the  Sit e  to  be  low . PE C  #7 Ra i l  S pu r  Ar e a 1 • A  ra i l r o a d  sp u r  is  lo c a t e d  to  th e  so u t h w e s t  of  th e  ma n u f a c t u r i n g  bu i l d i n g  in  Ar e a  F.    Th e  ra i l r o a d  sp u r  wa s  hi s t o r i c a l l y  ut i l i z e d  to  de l i v e r  pa p e r  to  th e  printing  operations  and  was  decommissioned  in  2000.   • S o i l a n d g r o u n d w a t e r s a m p l e s w e r e c o l l e c t e d i n t h e v i c i n i t y o f t h e r a i l r oa d s p u r i n 1 9 9 9 t o a d d r e s s t h e c o n c e r n t h a t t h e r a i l r o a d s p u r m a y h a v e h i s t o r i cally b e e n u t i l i z e d t o i m p o r t c h e m i c a l s o n ‐siteandwereanalyzedforVOCsandSemi ‐VOCs (S V O C s ) . • N o i m p a c t s w e r e d e t e c t e d i n t h e s o i l a n d g r o u n d w a t e r s a m p l e s c o l l e c t e d . B a s e d o n t h e l a c k o f i m p a c t s d e t e c t e d i n t h e r a i l r o a d s p u r a r e a a n d t h e l a c k o f u se o f t h e s p u r s i n c e 2 0 0 0 ( a p p r o x i m a t e l y o n e y e a r a f t e r t e s t i n g ) , H & H c o n s i d e r s t h e po t e n t i a l  fo r  th e  ra i l r o a d  sp u r  to  im p ac t  th e  Si t e  to  be  lo w . PE C  #8 Fl o o r  Dr a i n  Ou t f a l l s  fr o m   th e  Bi n d e r y  Ro o m s 1 • Fl o o r  dr a i n s  wi t h i n  th e  bi n d e r y  ar e a  of  th e  ma n u f a c t u r i n g  bu i l d i n g  (A r e a  B)  fo r m e r l y  di s c h a r g e d  to  th e  gr o u n d  su r f a c e  to  th e  no r t h w e s t  of  th e  bu i l d i n g .    • S u b s u r f a c e a s s e s s m e n t s i n 1 9 9 8 i d e n t i f i e d V O C s i n o n e s o i l s a m p l e c o l l e c t e d i n t h e a r e a b e l o w N C D E N R A c t i o n L e v e l s . A n a d d i t i o n a l s o i l a n d g r o u n d w a t er s a m p l e s w e r e c o l l e c t e d i n 1 9 9 9 a n d a n a l y z e d f o r V O C s a n d P A H s . I m p a c t s w e r e n o t de t e c t e d  in  so i l  or  gr o u n d w a t e r .    It  do e s  no t  a pp e a r  th a t  th e s e  sa m p l e  re s u l t s  we r e  re p o r t e d  to  NC  DE N R . • Ba s e d  on  th e  la c k  of  im p a c t s  id e n t i f i e d  in  th e  ar e a  of  th e  fl o o r  dr a i n  ou t f a l l s  in  19 9 9 ,  H& H  co n s i d e r s  th e  po t e n t i a l  fo r  th e  fo r m e r  fl o o r  dr a i n  ou t f a l l s  to  impact  the  Site  to  be  low. PE C  #9 El e c t r i c a l  Tr a n s f o r m e r   St a t i o n 1 • A  tr a n s f o r m e r  su b s t a ti o n  is  lo c a t e d  so u t h  of  th e  ma n u f a c t u r i n g  bu i l d i n g  in  Ar e a  E  th a t  is  ow n e d  by  Du k e  En e r g y .    No  sp i l l s  ha v e  be e n  re p o r t e d  fr o m  the  substation.   • A  so i l  sa m p l e  wa s  in s t a l l e d  in  th e  vi c i n i t y  of  th e  su b s t a t i o n  an d  an a l y z e d  fo r  PC B s  in  19 9 9 .    No  im p a c t s  we r e  de t e c t e d  an d  it  do e s  no t  a pp e a r  th a t  th e  sample  results  were  reported  to  NC  DENR. • Ba s e d  on  th e  la c k  of  im p a c t s  de t e c t e d  in  th e  vi c i n i t y  of  th e  tr a n s f o r m e r  su b s t a t i o n  an d  th e  la c k  of  re p o r t e d  re l e a s e s ,  H& H  co n s i d e r s  th e  po t e n t i a l  fo r  the  substation  to  impact  the  Site  to  be  low. PE C  #1 0 To l u e n e  Sp i l l  at  Ne w   De c a n t in g  Ro o m 1 • A n i n t e r o f f i c e m e m o r a n d u m i d e n t i f i e d d u r i n g a 1 9 9 9 P h a s e I / I I r e p o r t e d t h a t a p p r o x i m a t e l y 5 0 ‐75 g a l l o n s o f t o l u e n e w a s r e l e a s e d f r o m a t r a n s f e r p u m p t o t h e n o r t h o f t h e m a n u f a c t u r i n g b u i l d i n g i n A r e a C i n N o v e m b e r 1 9 9 0 . S o i l / g r o u n d w a t e r sa m p l e s  we r e  no t  co l l e c t e d  at  th e  ti m e  of  th e  sp i l l . • T w o s o i l a n d g r o u n d w a t e r s a m p l e s w e r e c o l l e c t e d i n t h e v i c i n i t y o f t h e r e l e as e i n 1 9 9 9 a n d a n a l y z e d f o r V O C s . S o i l / gr o u n d w a t e r i m p a c t s w e r e n o t i d e n t ified a b o v e N C D E N R A c t i o n L e v e l s o r 2 L S t a n d a r d s . I t d o e s n o t a p p e a r t h a t t h e s a m p l e re s u l t s  we r e  re p o r t e d  to  NC  DE N R . • Ba s e d  on  th e  la c k  of  im p a c t s  id e n t i f i e d  in  th e  ar e a  of  th e  sp i l l  ab o v e  NC  DE N R  Ac t i o n  Le v e l s  an d  2L  St a n d a r d s ,  H& H  co n s i d e r s  th e  po t e n t i a l  fo r  th e  to l u e n e  spill  to  impact  the  Sit e  to  be  low. PE C  #1 1 Sa n i t a r y  Se w e r  Li n e s 1 • Th e  sa n i t a r y  se w e r  li n e s  wi t h i n  th e  ma n u f a c t u r i n g  bu i l d i n g  of  Ar e a  B  hi s t o r i c a l l y  ca r r i e d  wa s t e w a t e r  fr o m  pl a n t  op e r a t i o n s  to  th e  WW T P .    • F i v e s o i l a n d g r o u n d w a t e r s a m p l e s w e r e a d v a n c e d i n t h e m a n u f a c t u r i n g b u i l d i n g i n t h e v i c i n i t y o f t h e s a n i t a r y s e w e r l i n e s a n d a n a l y z e d f o r V O C s . I m p a cts w e r e n o t d e t e c t e d i n s o i l o r g r o u n d w a t e r a n d i t d o e s n o t a p p e a r t h a t t h e s a m p l e r e s u l t s we r e  re p o r t e d  to  NC  DE N R . • Ba s e d  on  th e  la c k  of  im p a c t s  id e n t i f i e d  in  th e  vi c i n i t y  of  th e  sa n i t a r y  se w e r  li n e s ,  H& H  co n s i d e r s  th e  po t e n t i a l  fo r  th e  sa n i t a r y  se w e r  li n e s  an d  th e  fo r m e r  transport  of  wastewater  within  the  sewer  lines  to  impact  the  Site  to  be  low. Fil e :   S: \ A A A ‐Ma s t e r  Pro j e c t s \ S H E P  Ne w t o n  LL C  ‐   SN L \ S N L ‐00 1  15 4 5  St.  Ja m e s  Ch u r c h  Ro a d \ R e p o r t \ T a b l e  1  bk h . x l s x  Sh e e t 1 Da t e : 1 1 / 2 0 / 2 0 1 5 Table  1  (Page  4  of  5)Hart  & Hickman, PC TA B L E  1 Su m m a r y  of  RE C s ,  HR E C s ,  an d  PE C s Va c a n t  In d u s t r i a l  Pr o p e r t y 15 4 5  St .  Ja m e s  Ch u r c h  Ro a d ,  Ne w t o n  No r t h  Ca r o l i n a SN L ‐00 1 Ar e a  of  Co n c e r n Pr i m a r y  Re f e r e n c e   Do c u m e n t  / Re g u l a t o r y   Re f e r e n c e  (1 ) De t a i l s   PE C  #1 2 Te c h n i b i l t Ha r t  & Hi c k m a n  Ph a s e  I  ES A   (N o v  20 1 5 ) Te c h n i b i l t ,  lo c a t e d  at  70 0  Ea s t  P  St r e e t ,  is  lo c a t e d  we s t ,  ad j a c e n t ,  an d  to p o g r a p h i c a l l y  up g r a d i e n t  of  th e  Si t e .  NC N C  DE N R  on ‐li n e  re c o r d s  in d i c a t e  gr o u n d w a t e r  impacts  of  1,1 ‐Dichloroethene  (1,1 ‐DCE), Tetrachloroethene  (PCE), Bis(2 ‐ethylhexyl)  ph t h a l a t e ,  ch r o m i u m ,  ma n g a n e s e ,  an d  le a d  we r e  de t e c t e d  ab o v e  th e i r  re s p e c ti v e  2L  St a n d a r d s  du r i n g  a  sa m p l i n g  ev e n t  in  20 0 5 .    Ma n g a n e s e  an d  bi s ( 2 ‐ethylhexyl) phthalate  were  each  detected  in  monitoring  wells  located  nearest  to  the  Site.  The   mo n i t o r i n g  we l l s  ne a r e s t  to  th e  Si t e  we r e  re s a m p l e d  in  De c e m b e r  20 0 6  an d  di d  no t  co n t a i n  im p a c t s  ab o v e  2L  St a n d a r d s  at  th a t  ti m e .    Th e  fa c i l i t y  ha s  been  issu ed  a  low  priority  ranking  and  additional  sampling  events  were  not  available  through  the   NC  DE N R  po r t a l .    Ba s e d  on  th e  la c k  of  gr o u n d w a t e r  im p a c t s  in  mo n i t o r i n g  we l l s  ne a r e s t  to  th e  Si t e  du r i n g  th e  mo s t  re c e n t  sa m p l i n g  ev e n t ,  H& H  co n s i d e r s  the  potential  for  this  facility  to  impact  the  Site  to  be  low  and  identi fi es  this  as  a  PEC.  PE C  #1 3 So l v e n t  Re c o v e r y  Un i t   Co o l i n g  Sy s t e m  US T s Ha r t  & Hi c k m a n  Ph a s e  I  ES A   (N o v  20 1 5 ) H& H  id e n t i f i e d  US T  ac c e s s  co v e r s  at  th e  Si t e  an d  th e  Si t e  co n t a c t  ad v i s e d  th e  tw o  10 , 0 0 0 ‐ga l l o n  US T s  we r e  us e d  to  ho l d  co o l i n g  wa t e r  ci r c u l a t e d  th r o u g h  doublewall  pi pes  to  cool  solv e nts  in  the  solvent  recovery  system.  The  site  contact  advised  no   fl u i d  lo s e s  ot h e r  th a n  ev a p o r a t i o n  we r e  ob s e r v e d  an d  kn e w  of  no  re l e a s e s  to  th e  co o l i n g  sy s t e m .    Be c a u s e  th e  co o l i n g  wa t e r  ha d  th e  po t e n t i a l  to  co m e  into  contact  with  solvents  if  a  leak  were  present  in  the  piping, these  USTs  ar e  i dentified  as  a   PE C . PE C  #1 4 Pa p e r  Bu r n e r Ha r t  & Hi c k m a n  Ph a s e  I  ES A   (N o v  20 1 5 ) H& H  id e n t i f i e d  a  la r g e  AS T ‐li k e  fo r m e r  pa p e r  bu r n e r  de v i c e  at  th e  Si t e .    Th e  bu r n i n g  of  pr i n t e d  pa p e r  ha s  th e  po t e n t i a l  to  le a v e  a  me t a l  re s i d u e  in  th e  burner  structure  due  to  the  presence  of  metals  us ed  in  printing.  The  burner  is  constructed  on  an   as p h a l t  pa v e d  su r f a c e  an d  fo r  th i s  re a s o n ,  th e  po t e n t i a l  to  im p a c t  th e  Si t e  is  ju d g e d  to  be  lo w . BE R  #1 AC M  Ma t e r i a l s 1 Th e 1 9 9 9 P h a s e I / I I E S A n o t e s t h a t a s b e s t o s c o n t a i n i n g m a t e r i a l s ( A CM s ) w e r e c o n f i r m e d t o b e p r e s en t w i t h i n t h e S i t e b u i l d i n g s (f l o o r t i l e a n d g a s k e t s ) . Fil e :   S: \ A A A ‐Ma s t e r  Pro j e c t s \ S H E P  Ne w t o n  LL C  ‐   SN L \ S N L ‐00 1  15 4 5  St.  Ja m e s  Ch u r c h  Ro a d \ R e p o r t \ T a b l e  1  bk h . x l s x  Sh e e t 1 Da t e : 1 1 / 2 0 / 2 0 1 5 Table  1  (Page  5  of  5)Hart  & Hickman, PC SITE LOCATION MAP Vacant Industrial Property 1545 St. James Church Road Newton, North Carolina DATE: JOB NO: REVISION NO: FIGURE NO: 11/12/2015 0 1SNL-001 0 2000 4000 APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET N U.S.G.S. QUADRANGLE MAP 7.5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) 2923 S. Tryon Street, Suite 100Charlotte, NC 28203 704.586.0007(p) 704.586.0373(f) NEWTON, NORTH CAROLINA 1993 SITE H W Y 1 8 8 0 SHEA ROAD 2 9 2 3 S o u t h T r y o n S t r e e t - S u i t e 1 0 0 C h a r l o t t e , N o r t h C a r o l i n a 2 8 2 0 3 7 0 4 - 5 8 6 - 0 0 0 7 ( p ) 7 0 4 - 5 8 6 - 0 3 7 3 ( f ) L i c e n s e # C - 1 2 6 9 / # C - 2 4 5 G e o l o g y J O B N O . S N L - 0 0 1 R E V I S I O N N O . 0 D A T E : 1 1 - 1 8 - 1 5 F I G U R E N O . 2 V A C A N T I N D U S T R I A L P R O P E R T Y 1 5 4 5 S T . J A M E S C H U R C H R O A D N E W T O N , N O R T H C A R O L I N A S I T E M A P DENSEVEGETATIONVACANT LAND(NO ADDRESS)VACANT LAND(1235 LAKEWOOD ROAD)VACANT LAND(NO ADDRESS)TECHNIBILT(700 TECHNIBILT DRIVE)PARKING SARSTEDT GROUP(1025 ST JAMES CHURCH R O A D ) P A R K I N G V A C A N T L A N D ( 1 4 6 0 E P S T R E E T E X T ) V A C A N T L A N D ( 1 4 5 1 E P S T R E E T E X T ) V A C A N T L A N D ( N O A D D R E S S ) R E S I D E N C E ( 1 8 0 0 S T J A M E S C H U R C H R O A D ) R E S I D E N C E ( 1 8 3 2 S T J A M E S C H U R C H R O A D ) R E S I D E N C E ( 1 8 2 7 S T J A M E S C H U R C H R O A D ) R E S I D E N C E ( 1 9 0 1 P I N E S T R E E T ) V A C A N T L A N D ( 1 4 6 6 S M Y R E F A R M R O A D ) F O R M E R I M P O U N D M E N T A R E A A R E A C A R E A B A R E A A A R E A F A R E A E A R E A D E M P T Y S I L O S F I R E S U P P R E S S I O N W A T E R A S T D I E S E L A S T F O R M E R W A S T E W A T E R T R E A T M E N T P L A N T FORMER P A P E R B U R N E R MANUFACTURINGBUILDING F O R M E R W A S T E W A T E R U S T C L O S E D I N P L A C E H E A T I N G O I L U S T s F O R M E R S O L V E N T R E C O V E R Y U S T s OBSER V E D S U M P I N TOLUENE DECA N T I N G R O O M O B S E R V E D S U M P S Y S T E M BOILERS W I T H I N T H E BASE M E N T A R E A OBSERVED CONCRETEDEBRIS H U M A N R E S O U R C E S B U I L D I N G G U A R D S H A C K T R A N S F O R M E R S U B S T A T I O N L E G E N D S I T E P R O P E R T Y B O U N D A R Y O V E R H E A D E L E C T R I C A L L I N E S A P P R O X I M A T E E X T E N T & L O C A T I O N O F F O R M E R M A I N T E N A N C E S H O P A P P R O X I M A T E E X T E N T O F B A S E M E N T W I T H I N M A N U F A C T U R I N G B U I L D I N G E L E V A T O R D I E S E L P O W E R E D G E N E R A T O R P A D - M O U N T E D T R A N S F O R M E R F O R M E R I N K T A N K U S T s S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\Figures\Site Map.dwg, FIG 2, 11/20/2015 3:38:35 PM, TDeSa 2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100Charlotte, North Carolina 28203704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f)License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology JOB NO. SNL-001 REVISION NO. 0DATE: 11-20-15 FIGURE NO. 3 VACANT INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY 1545 ST. JAMES CHURCH ROAD NEWTON, NORTH CAROLINA AREAS OF CONCERN AOC #7 CONCRETE DEBRIS HREC #4 FORMER IMPOUNDMENT AREA HREC #3 FORMER WASTEWATER UST PEC #1 FORMER WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT REC #3 1995 METHANOL SPILL HREC #1 FORMER SOLVENT RECOVERY AREA AND USTs WITH TOLUENE RELEASE HREC #2 FORMER INK TANK USTs WITH TOLUENE RELEASE PEC #2 FORMER TOLUENE AST IN SUBGRADE VAULT REC #4 HYDRAULIC ELEVATOR PEC #6 FORMER MAINTENANCE AREA HREC #5 GROUNDWATER IMPACTS OF PCE PEC #4 FORMER DRUM STORAGE AREA PEC #8 FLOOR DRAIN OUTFALLS FROM FORMER BINDERY ROOM PEC #7 RAIL SPUR AREA PEC #9 ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER SUBSTATION PEC #10 TOLUENE SPILL AT NEW DECANTING ROOM NOTES: 1. REC #1 AND #2 (METAL EXCEEDANCES IN SOIL AND GROUNDWATER) OCCUR IN MULTIPLE LOCATIONS 2. PEC #11 LOCATED THROUGHOUT MANUFACTURING AREA BUILDING 3. PEC #12 LOCATED OFF-SITE PEC #3 CLOSED IN PLACE HEATING OIL USTs PEC #13 SOLVENT RECOVERY UNIT COOLING SYSTEM USTs PEC #14 PAPER BURNER S:\ A A A - M a s t e r P r o j e c t s \ S H E P N e w t o n L L C - S N L \ S N L - 0 0 1 1 5 4 5 S t . J a m e s C h u r c h R o a d \ F i g u r e s \ S i t e M a p . d w g , F I G 3 , 1 1 / 2 0 / 2 0 1 5 4 : 0 8 : 0 3 P M , T D e S a Appendix A User Questionnaire ASTM USER QUESTIONNAIRE S:\AAA-Master Projects\SHEP Newton LLC - SNL\SNL-001 1545 St. James Church Road\User Questionnaire\User Questionnaire.doc Project No.:SNL-001 Description of Site:Industrial Property Client:SHEP Newton LLC Address:1545 St. James Church Road Newton, North Carolina In order to qualify for one of the Landowner Liability Protections (LLPs)offered by the Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act of 2001 (the "Brownfields Amendments"), the user must conduct the following inquiries required by 40 CFR 312.25, 312.28, 312.29, 312.30, and 312.31. These inquiries must also be conducted by EPA Brownfield Assessment and Characterization grantees. The user should provide the following information to the environmental professional. Failure to conduct these inquiries could result in a determination that "all appropriate inquiries”(AAI)is not complete. Questions User Response1.Environmental liens that are filed or recorded against the property (40 CFR 312.25). Did a search of recorded land title records (or judicial records where appropriate) identify any environmental liens filed or recorded against the property under federal, tribal, state or local law? Yes No 2.Activity and use limitations that are in place on the property or that have been filed or recordedagainst the property (40 CFR 312.26(a)(1)(v) and (vi)). Did a search of recorded land title records (or judicial records where appropriate identify any Activity and Use Limitations (AULs), such as engineering controls, land use restrictions or institutional controls that are in place at the property and/or have been filed or recorded against the property under federal, tribal, state or local law? Yes No 3.Specialized knowledge or experience of the person seeking to qualify for the LLP (40 CFR 312.28). Do you have any specialized knowledge or experience related to the property or nearby properties? For example, are you involved in the same line of business as the current or former occupants of the property or an adjoining property so that you would have specialized knowledge of the chemicals and processes used by this type of business? Yes No 4.Relationship of the purchase price to the fair market value of the property if it were not contaminated (40 CFR 312.29). Does the purchase price being paid for this property reasonably reflect the fair market value of the property? Yes No If you conclude that, there is a difference, have you considered whether the lower purchase price is because contamination is known or believed to be present at the property? Yes No 5.Commonly known or reasonably ascertainable information about the property (40 CFR 312.30). Are you aware of commonly known or reasonably ascertainable information about the property that would help the environmental professional to identify conditions indicative of releases or threatened releases? For example,Yes No (a.) Do you know the past uses of the property?Yes No (b.) Do you know of specific chemicals that are present or once were present at the property?Yes No (c.)Do you know of spills or other chemical releases that have taken place at the property?Yes No (d.) Do you know of any environmental cleanups that have taken place at the property?Yes No 6.The degree of obviousness of the presence or likely presence of contamination at the property, and the ability to detect the contamination by appropriate investigation (40 CFR 312.31). Based on your knowledge and experience related to the property are there any obvious indicators that point to the presence or likely presence of releases at the property?Yes No USER INFORMATION User Name: Signature: Company/Affiliation: Address: Date: Instructions: Complete the top of the page, circle responses to questions, and complete User Information at bottom of page. Appendix B Catawba County Tax Record Appendix C EDR Reports • Radius Map Report with Geocheck • Aerial Photo Decade Package • Sanborn Fire Insurance Report • City Directory Abstract FORM-LBD-CCA ®kcehCoeG htiw tropeR ™paM suidaR RDE ehT 6 Armstrong Road, 4th floor Shelton, CT 06484 Toll Free: 800.352.0050 www.edrnet.com Industrial Facility 1545 St James Church Road Newton, NC 28658 Inquiry Number: 4449224.2s October 27, 2015 SECTION PAGE Executive Summary ES1 Overview Map 2 Detail Map 3 Map Findings Summary 4 Map Findings 8 Orphan Summary 50 Government Records Searched/Data Currency Tracking GR-1 GEOCHECK ADDENDUM Physical Setting Source Addendum A-1 Physical Setting Source Summary A-2 Physical Setting Source Map A-7 Physical Setting Source Map Findings A-8 Physical Setting Source Records Searched PSGR-1 TC4449224.2s Page 1 Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments. Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2015 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC4449224.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 A search of available environmental records was conducted by Environmental Data Resources, Inc (EDR). The report was designed to assist parties seeking to meet the search requirements of EPA’s Standards and Practices for All Appropriate Inquiries (40 CFR Part 312), the ASTM Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments (E 1527-13) or custom requirements developed for the evaluation of environmental risk associated with a parcel of real estate. TARGET PROPERTY INFORMATION ADDRESS 1545 ST JAMES CHURCH ROAD NEWTON, NC 28658 COORDINATES 35.6394000 - 35˚ 38’ 21.84’’Latitude (North): 81.2091000 - 81˚ 12’ 32.76’’Longitude (West): Zone 17Universal Tranverse Mercator: 481068.4UTM X (Meters): 3943774.5UTM Y (Meters): 898 ft. above sea levelElevation: USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP ASSOCIATED WITH TARGET PROPERTY 5947889 NEWTON, NCTarget Property Map: 2013Version Date: 5947885 MAIDEN, NCSouth Map: 2013Version Date: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY IN THIS REPORT 20120602, 20120627Portions of Photo from: USDASource: 4449224.2s Page 2 19 NATIONAL PARTITIONS 321 EAST J STREET SHWS, LAST, IMD Higher 4699, 0.890, NW 18 GLENN YOUNG GRADING 1051 ST. JAMES CHURC LUST, UST, IMD Higher 1153, 0.218, North E17 AMERICAN MARTINSVILL 550 EAST P ST RCRA-CESQG Lower 1048, 0.198, WSW E16 BALDWIN ENTERPRISES 550 EAST P ST RCRA NonGen / NLR Lower 1048, 0.198, WSW 15 TECHNIBILT LIMITED 700 EAST P STREET IMD, FINDS Lower 817, 0.155, West 14 COMMERCIAL PLASTICS 721 A SHEA ROAD SWRCY Higher 768, 0.145, NNW D13 TECHNIBILT/DIV OF WH EAST PEACE ST SHWS Lower 608, 0.115, West D12 TECHNIBILT PO BOX 309 LUST, IMD Lower 445, 0.084, WSW C11 MEREDITH/BURDA, INC. ST JAMES CHURCH RD SHWS Higher 58, 0.011, NE C10 MEREDITH/BURDA INC ST JAMES CHURCH RD CERC-NFRAP, IMD, RCRA NonGen / NLR Higher 58, 0.011, NE B9 R.R. DONNELLEY PRINT 1345 ST. JAMES CHURC IMD Higher 22, 0.004, NNE B8 R.R. DONNELLEY AND S 1345 ST JAMES CHURCH LAST, LUST, IMD Higher 22, 0.004, NNE 7 R.R. DONNELLEY PRINT ST JAMES CHURCH ROAD UST, IMD Higher 1 ft. Reg MEREDITH/BURDA INC NC HSDS Same 1 ft. Reg TECHNIBILT (DIV OF W NC HSDS Same 327, 0.062, WNW A6 R.R. DONNELLEY #3 1545 ST. JAMES CHURC RGA LUST TP A5 R.R. DONNELLEY AND S 1545 ST. JAMES CHURC RGA LUST TP A4 COMMSCOPE INC OF NC- 1545 ST JAMES CHURCH FINDS TP A3 COMMSCOPE CABLE TECH 1545 ST JAMES CHURCH FINDS TP A2 R.R. DONNELLEY #3 1545 ST. JAMES CHURC LUST, IMD TP A1 COMMSCOPE INC OF NC- 1545 ST JAMES CHURCH RCRA-CESQG TP MAPPED SITES SUMMARY Target Property Address: 1545 ST JAMES CHURCH ROAD NEWTON, NC 28658 Click on Map ID to see full detail. MAP RELATIVE DIST (ft. & mi.) ID DATABASE ACRONYMS ELEVATION DIRECTIONSITE NAME ADDRESS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC4449224.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 TARGET PROPERTY SEARCH RESULTS The target property was identified in the following records. For more information on this property see page 8 of the attached EDR Radius Map report: EPA IDDatabase(s)Site COMMSCOPE INC OF NC- 1545 ST JAMES CHURCH NEWTON, NC 28658 NCR000136481RCRA-CESQG EPA ID:: NCR000136481 R.R. DONNELLEY #3 1545 ST. JAMES CHURC NEWTON, NC 28658 N/ALUST Incident Phase: Closed Out Incident Number: 18811 Incident Number: 27045 Current Status: A IMD Facility Id: 18811 COMMSCOPE CABLE TECH 1545 ST JAMES CHURCH NEWTON, NC 28658 N/AFINDS Registry ID:: 110006541402 COMMSCOPE INC OF NC- 1545 ST JAMES CHURCH NEWTON, NC 28658 N/AFINDS Registry ID:: 110045981425 R.R. DONNELLEY AND S 1545 ST. JAMES CHURC NEWTON, NC N/ARGA LUST Facility ID: 0-026696 Facility ID: 18811 R.R. DONNELLEY #3 1545 ST. JAMES CHURC NEWTON, NC N/ARGA LUST Facility ID: 27045 Facility ID: 0-026696 DATABASES WITH NO MAPPED SITES No mapped sites were found in EDR’s search of available ("reasonably ascertainable ") government records either on the target property or within the search radius around the target property for the following databases: STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Federal NPL site list NPL National Priority List EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC4449224.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 Proposed NPL Proposed National Priority List Sites NPL LIENS Federal Superfund Liens Federal Delisted NPL site list Delisted NPL National Priority List Deletions Federal CERCLIS list FEDERAL FACILITY Federal Facility Site Information listing CERCLIS Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list CORRACTS Corrective Action Report Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD facilities list RCRA-TSDF RCRA - Treatment, Storage and Disposal Federal RCRA generators list RCRA-LQG RCRA - Large Quantity Generators RCRA-SQG RCRA - Small Quantity Generators Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries LUCIS Land Use Control Information System US ENG CONTROLS Engineering Controls Sites List US INST CONTROL Sites with Institutional Controls Federal ERNS list ERNS Emergency Response Notification System State and tribal landfill and/or solid waste disposal site lists SWF/LF List of Solid Waste Facilities OLI Old Landfill Inventory State and tribal leaking storage tank lists INDIAN LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUST TRUST State Trust Fund Database State and tribal registered storage tank lists FEMA UST Underground Storage Tank Listing AST AST Database INDIAN UST Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land State and tribal institutional control / engineering control registries INST CONTROL No Further Action Sites With Land Use Restrictions Monitoring State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites INDIAN VCP Voluntary Cleanup Priority Listing EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC4449224.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5 VCP Responsible Party Voluntary Action Sites State and tribal Brownfields sites BROWNFIELDS Brownfields Projects Inventory ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Local Brownfield lists US BROWNFIELDS A Listing of Brownfields Sites Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites HIST LF Solid Waste Facility Listing INDIAN ODI Report on the Status of Open Dumps on Indian Lands ODI Open Dump Inventory DEBRIS REGION 9 Torres Martinez Reservation Illegal Dump Site Locations Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites US HIST CDL National Clandestine Laboratory Register US CDL Clandestine Drug Labs Local Land Records LIENS 2 CERCLA Lien Information Records of Emergency Release Reports HMIRS Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System SPILLS Spills Incident Listing SPILLS 90 SPILLS 90 data from FirstSearch SPILLS 80 SPILLS 80 data from FirstSearch Other Ascertainable Records FUDS Formerly Used Defense Sites DOD Department of Defense Sites SCRD DRYCLEANERS State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners Listing US FIN ASSUR Financial Assurance Information EPA WATCH LIST EPA WATCH LIST 2020 COR ACTION 2020 Corrective Action Program List TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act TRIS Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System SSTS Section 7 Tracking Systems ROD Records Of Decision RMP Risk Management Plans RAATS RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System PRP Potentially Responsible Parties PADS PCB Activity Database System ICIS Integrated Compliance Information System FTTS FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)/TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC4449224.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 6 MLTS Material Licensing Tracking System COAL ASH DOE Steam-Electric Plant Operation Data COAL ASH EPA Coal Combustion Residues Surface Impoundments List PCB TRANSFORMER PCB Transformer Registration Database RADINFO Radiation Information Database HIST FTTS FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Administrative Case Listing DOT OPS Incident and Accident Data CONSENT Superfund (CERCLA) Consent Decrees INDIAN RESERV Indian Reservations UMTRA Uranium Mill Tailings Sites LEAD SMELTERS Lead Smelter Sites US AIRS Aerometric Information Retrieval System Facility Subsystem US MINES Mines Master Index File COAL ASH Coal Ash Disposal Sites DRYCLEANERS Drycleaning Sites Financial Assurance Financial Assurance Information Listing NPDES NPDES Facility Location Listing UIC Underground Injection Wells Listing EDR HIGH RISK HISTORICAL RECORDS EDR Exclusive Records EDR MGP EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plants EDR US Hist Auto Stat EDR Exclusive Historic Gas Stations EDR US Hist Cleaners EDR Exclusive Historic Dry Cleaners EDR RECOVERED GOVERNMENT ARCHIVES Exclusive Recovered Govt. Archives RGA HWS Recovered Government Archive State Hazardous Waste Facilities List RGA LF Recovered Government Archive Solid Waste Facilities List SURROUNDING SITES: SEARCH RESULTS Surrounding sites were identified in the following databases. Elevations have been determined from the USGS Digital Elevation Model and should be evaluated on a relative (not an absolute) basis. Relative elevation information between sites of close proximity should be field verified. Sites with an elevation equal to or higher than the target property have been differentiated below from sites with an elevation lower than the target property. Page numbers and map identification numbers refer to the EDR Radius Map report where detailed data on individual sites can be reviewed. Sites listed in bold italics are in multiple databases. Unmappable (orphan) sites are not considered in the foregoing analysis. STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site List EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC4449224.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 7 CERC-NFRAP: Archived sites are sites that have been removed and archived from the inventory of CERCLIS sites. Archived status indicates that, to the best of EPA’s knowledge, assessment at a site has been completed and that EPA has determined no further steps will be taken to list this site on the National Priorities List (NPL), unless information indicates this decision was not appropriate or other considerations require a recommendation for listing at a later time. This decision does not necessarily mean that there is no hazard associated with a given site; it only means that, based upon available information, the location is not judged to be a potential NPL site. A review of the CERC-NFRAP list, as provided by EDR, and dated 10/25/2013 has revealed that there is 1 CERC-NFRAP site within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ MEREDITH/BURDA INC ST JAMES CHURCH RD NE 0 - 1/8 (0.011 mi.) C10 26 Federal RCRA generators list RCRA-CESQG: RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Conditionally exempt small quantity generators (CESQGs) generate less than 100 kg of hazardous waste, or less than 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste per month. A review of the RCRA-CESQG list, as provided by EDR, and dated 06/09/2015 has revealed that there is 1 RCRA-CESQG site within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ AMERICAN MARTINSVILL 550 EAST P ST WSW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.198 mi.) E17 41 State- and tribal - equivalent NPL NC HSDS: The Hazardous Substance Disposal Sites list contains locations of uncontrolled and unregulated hazardous waste sites. The file contains sites on the national priority list as well as the state priority list. The data source is the North Carolina Center for Geographic Information and Analysis. A review of the NC HSDS list, as provided by EDR, and dated 08/09/2011 has revealed that there are 2 NC HSDS sites within approximately 1 mile of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ TECHNIBILT (DIV OF W WNW 0 - 1/8 (0.062 mi.) 0 17 MEREDITH/BURDA INC 0 - 1/8 (0.000 mi.) 0 18 State- and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS SHWS: The State Hazardous Waste Sites records are the states’ equivalent to CERCLIS. These sites may or may not already be listed on the federal CERCLIS list. Priority sites planned for cleanup using state funds (state equivalent of Superfund) are identified along with sites where cleanup will be paid for by EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC4449224.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 8 potentially responsible parties. The data come from the Department of Environment & Natural Resources’ Inactive Hazardous Sites Program. A review of the SHWS list, as provided by EDR, and dated 07/16/2015 has revealed that there are 3 SHWS sites within approximately 1 mile of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ MEREDITH/BURDA, INC. ST JAMES CHURCH RD NE 0 - 1/8 (0.011 mi.) C11 34 Facility Id: NCD991279118 NATIONAL PARTITIONS 321 EAST J STREET NW 1/2 - 1 (0.890 mi.) 19 47 Facility Id: NONCD0002118 PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ TECHNIBILT/DIV OF WH EAST PEACE ST W 0 - 1/8 (0.115 mi.) D13 37 Facility Id: NCD105797922 State and tribal leaking storage tank lists LUST: The Leaking Underground Storage Tank Incidents Management Database contains an inventory of reported leaking underground storage tank incidents. The data come from the Department of Environment, & Natural Resources’ Incidents by Address. A review of the LUST list, as provided by EDR, and dated 08/07/2015 has revealed that there are 3 LUST sites within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ R.R. DONNELLEY AND S 1345 ST JAMES CHURCH NNE 0 - 1/8 (0.004 mi.) B8 21 Incident Phase: Closed Out Incident Number: 27432 Current Status: A GLENN YOUNG GRADING 1051 ST. JAMES CHURC N 1/8 - 1/4 (0.218 mi.) 18 42 Incident Phase: Closed Out Incident Number: 17529 Current Status: A PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ TECHNIBILT PO BOX 309 WSW 0 - 1/8 (0.084 mi.) D12 34 Incident Number: 27255 Current Status: A LAST: A listing of leaking aboveground storage tank site locations. A review of the LAST list, as provided by EDR, and dated 08/07/2015 has revealed that there is 1 LAST site within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ R.R. DONNELLEY AND S 1345 ST JAMES CHURCH NNE 0 - 1/8 (0.004 mi.) B8 21 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC4449224.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 9 Incident Number: 13138 Current Status: C State and tribal registered storage tank lists UST: The Underground Storage Tank database contains registered USTs. USTs are regulated under Subtitle I of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The data come from the Department of Environment & Natural Resources’ Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Database. A review of the UST list, as provided by EDR, and dated 08/07/2015 has revealed that there are 2 UST sites within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ R.R. DONNELLEY PRINT ST JAMES CHURCH ROAD 0 - 1/8 (0.000 mi.) 7 18 Tank Status: Current Tank Status: Removed Facility Id: 00-0-0000026696 GLENN YOUNG GRADING 1051 ST. JAMES CHURC N 1/8 - 1/4 (0.218 mi.) 18 42 Tank Status: Removed Facility Id: 00-0-0000004827 ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites SWRCY: A listing of recycling center locations. A review of the SWRCY list, as provided by EDR, and dated 09/24/2015 has revealed that there is 1 SWRCY site within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ COMMERCIAL PLASTICS 721 A SHEA ROAD NNW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.145 mi.) 14 37 Records of Emergency Release Reports IMD: Incident Management Database. A review of the IMD list, as provided by EDR, and dated 07/21/2006 has revealed that there are 7 IMD sites within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ R.R. DONNELLEY PRINT ST JAMES CHURCH ROAD 0 - 1/8 (0.000 mi.) 7 18 Facility Id: 27045 R.R. DONNELLEY AND S 1345 ST JAMES CHURCH NNE 0 - 1/8 (0.004 mi.) B8 21 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC4449224.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 10 Facility Id: 13138 R.R. DONNELLEY PRINT 1345 ST. JAMES CHURC NNE 0 - 1/8 (0.004 mi.) B9 25 Facility Id: 27432 MEREDITH/BURDA INC ST JAMES CHURCH RD NE 0 - 1/8 (0.011 mi.) C10 26 Facility Id: 85697 GLENN YOUNG GRADING 1051 ST. JAMES CHURC N 1/8 - 1/4 (0.218 mi.) 18 42 Facility Id: 17529 PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ TECHNIBILT PO BOX 309 WSW 0 - 1/8 (0.084 mi.) D12 34 Facility Id: 27255 TECHNIBILT LIMITED 700 EAST P STREET W 1/8 - 1/4 (0.155 mi.) 15 37 Facility Id: 85699 Other Ascertainable Records RCRA NonGen / NLR: RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste. A review of the RCRA NonGen / NLR list, as provided by EDR, and dated 06/09/2015 has revealed that there are 2 RCRA NonGen / NLR sites within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ MEREDITH/BURDA INC ST JAMES CHURCH RD NE 0 - 1/8 (0.011 mi.) C10 26 PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ BALDWIN ENTERPRISES 550 EAST P ST WSW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.198 mi.) E16 39 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC4449224.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 11 Due to poor or inadequate address information, the following sites were not mapped. Count: 1 records. Site Name Database(s)____________ ____________ ED’S GROCERY LUST TRUST, UST EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc. N a t u r a l G a s 9 2 0 960 9 2 0 8 8 0 840 8 4 0 9 60 1 0 0 0 1 960 9 6 0 9 2 0 9 20 9 2 0 9 20840 8 4 0 0 8 4 0 8 4 0 84 0 8 4 0 8 4 0 8 4 0 880 8 8 0 8 8 0 8 8 0 880 8 8 0 8 8 0 8 8 0880 8 8 0 8 8 0 8 8 0 8 8 0 8 8 0 8 8 0 8 80 8 8 0 8 8 0 880 880 9 2 0 8 8 0 8 80 8 80 8 80 9 2 0 920 9209 2 0 9 2 0 9 2 0 9 2 0 920 9 2 0 9 2 0 9 2 0 9 2 0 9 2 0 9 2 0 920 920920 920 9 2 0 9 2 0 92 0 9 2 0 9 6 0 9 6 0 9 6 0 9 6 0 9 60 9 6 0 960 9 6 0 9 6 0 960960 8 8 0 8 8 0920 9 2 0 920 2 0 9 2 0 8 8 0 8 8 0 4 0 840 8 4 0 880 8 8 8 0 EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc. 9 6 0 9 6 0 880 840 8 4 0 9 6 0 960 840 840 880 88 0 880 880 880 920 920 920 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search TargetDistance Total Database Property(Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Federal NPL site list 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000NPL 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000Proposed NPL 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPNPL LIENS Federal Delisted NPL site list 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000Delisted NPL Federal CERCLIS list 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500FEDERAL FACILITY 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500CERCLIS Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site List 1 NR NR 0 0 1 0.500CERC-NFRAP Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000CORRACTS Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD facilities list 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500RCRA-TSDF Federal RCRA generators list 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250RCRA-LQG 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250RCRA-SQG 2 NR NR NR 1 0 0.250 1RCRA-CESQG Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500LUCIS 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500US ENG CONTROLS 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500US INST CONTROL Federal ERNS list 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPERNS State- and tribal - equivalent NPL 2 NR 0 0 0 2 1.000NC HSDS State- and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS 3 NR 1 0 0 2 1.000SHWS State and tribal landfill and/or solid waste disposal site lists 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500SWF/LF 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500OLI State and tribal leaking storage tank lists 4 NR NR 0 1 2 0.500 1LUST TC4449224.2s Page 4 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search TargetDistance Total Database Property(Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted 1 NR NR 0 0 1 0.500LAST 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500INDIAN LUST 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500LUST TRUST State and tribal registered storage tank lists 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250FEMA UST 2 NR NR NR 1 1 0.250UST 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250AST 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250INDIAN UST State and tribal institutional control / engineering control registries 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500INST CONTROL State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500INDIAN VCP 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500VCP State and tribal Brownfields sites 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500BROWNFIELDS ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Local Brownfield lists 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500US BROWNFIELDS Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500HIST LF 1 NR NR 0 1 0 0.500SWRCY 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500INDIAN ODI 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500ODI 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500DEBRIS REGION 9 Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUS HIST CDL 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUS CDL Local Land Records 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPLIENS 2 Records of Emergency Release Reports 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPHMIRS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPSPILLS 8 NR NR 0 2 5 0.500 1IMD 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPSPILLS 90 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPSPILLS 80 Other Ascertainable Records 2 NR NR NR 1 1 0.250RCRA NonGen / NLR TC4449224.2s Page 5 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search TargetDistance Total Database Property(Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000FUDS 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000DOD 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500SCRD DRYCLEANERS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUS FIN ASSUR 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPEPA WATCH LIST 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.2502020 COR ACTION 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPTSCA 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPTRIS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPSSTS 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000ROD 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPRMP 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPRAATS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPPRP 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPPADS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPICIS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPFTTS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPMLTS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPCOAL ASH DOE 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500COAL ASH EPA 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPPCB TRANSFORMER 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPRADINFO 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPHIST FTTS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPDOT OPS 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000CONSENT 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000INDIAN RESERV 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500UMTRA 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPLEAD SMELTERS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUS AIRS 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250US MINES 2 NR NR NR NR NR TP 2FINDS 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500COAL ASH 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250DRYCLEANERS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPFinancial Assurance 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPNPDES 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUIC EDR HIGH RISK HISTORICAL RECORDS EDR Exclusive Records 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000EDR MGP 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250EDR US Hist Auto Stat 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250EDR US Hist Cleaners EDR RECOVERED GOVERNMENT ARCHIVES Exclusive Recovered Govt. Archives 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPRGA HWS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPRGA LF 2 NR NR NR NR NR TP 2RGA LUST 30 0 1 0 7 15 7- Totals -- TC4449224.2s Page 6 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search TargetDistance Total Database Property(Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted NOTES: TP = Target Property NR = Not Requested at this Search Distance Sites may be listed in more than one database TC4449224.2s Page 7 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 01/01/1701Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: HICKORY, NC 28603 PO BOX 1729Owner/operator address: COMMSCOPE PLACE SEOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: Not reportedOwner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: (800) 982-1708Owner/operator telephone: Not reportedOwner/operator country: HICKORY, NC 28603 PO BOX 1729Owner/operator address: COMMSCOPE INC OF NCOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: hazardous waste the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from time: 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste; or 100 kg or less of hazardous waste during any calendar month, and accumulates at any from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting land or water, of acutely hazardous waste; or generates 100 kg or less other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any waste; or 100 kg or less of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or month, and accumulates at any time: 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous or generates 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste per calendar month, and accumulates 1000 kg or less of hazardous waste at any time; Handler: generates 100 kg or less of hazardous waste per calendarDescription: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity GeneratorClassification: PrivateLand type: 04EPA Region: SWADDELL@COMMSCOPE.COMContact email: 828-459-5457Contact telephone: USContact country: CLAREMONT, NC 28610 HWY 70 EContact address: DARREN S WADDELLContact: CLAREMONT, NC 28610 HWY 70 EMailing address: NCR000136481EPA ID: NEWTON, NC 28658 1545 ST JAMES CHURCH RDFacility address: COMMSCOPE INC OF NC-CABLE TECH CTRFacility name: 04/30/2012Date form received by agency: RCRA-CESQG: Site 1 of 6 in cluster A Actual: 898 ft. Property NEWTON, NC 28658 Target 1545 ST JAMES CHURCH RD NCR000136481 A1 RCRA-CESQGCOMMSCOPE INC OF NC-CABLE TECH CTR 1004747167 TC4449224.2s Page 8 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 03/16/2012Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. LISTED IN F001, F002, OR F004; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF 2-ETHOXYETHANOL, AND 2-NITROPROPANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS KETONE, CARBON DISULFIDE, ISOBUTANOL, PYRIDINE, BENZENE, THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TOLUENE, METHYL ETHYL. Waste name: F005. Waste code: MIXTURES. BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N-BUTYL THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL. Waste name: F003. Waste code: METHYL ETHYL KETONE. Waste name: D035. Waste code: IGNITABLE WASTE. Waste name: D001. Waste code: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: YesMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 01/01/1701Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: 828-459-5457Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: CLAREMONT, NC 28610 HWY 70 EOwner/operator address: COMMSCOPE INC OF NC TECHNICAL CENTEROwner/operator name: COMMSCOPE INC OF NC-CABLE TECH CTR (Continued) 1004747167 TC4449224.2s Page 9 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N-BUTYL THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL. Waste name: F003. Waste code: METHYL ETHYL KETONE. Waste name: D035. Waste code: IGNITABLE WASTE. Waste name: D001. Waste code: Small Quantity GeneratorClassification: COMMSCOPE TECHNICAL CENTERSite name: 07/27/2006Date form received by agency: MIXTURES. BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N-BUTYL THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL. Waste name: F003. Waste code: METHYL ETHYL KETONE. Waste name: D035. Waste code: IGNITABLE WASTE. Waste name: D001. Waste code: Small Quantity GeneratorClassification: COMMSCOPE TECHNICAL CENTERSite name: 07/31/2008Date form received by agency: MIXTURES. BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N-BUTYL THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL. Waste name: F003. Waste code: METHYL ETHYL KETONE. Waste name: D035. Waste code: IGNITABLE WASTE. Waste name: D001. Waste code: Small Quantity GeneratorClassification: COMMSCOPE TECHNICAL CENTERSite name: COMMSCOPE INC OF NC-CABLE TECH CTR (Continued) 1004747167 TC4449224.2s Page 10 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 04/13/2010Evaluation date: Evaluation Action Summary: No violations foundViolation Status: MIXTURES. BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N-BUTYL THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL. Waste name: F003. Waste code: METHYL ETHYL KETONE. Waste name: D035. Waste code: IGNITABLE WASTE. Waste name: D001. Waste code: Small Quantity GeneratorClassification: COMMSCOPE TECHNICAL CENTERSite name: 07/02/2001Date form received by agency: MIXTURES. BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT COMMSCOPE INC OF NC-CABLE TECH CTR (Continued) 1004747167 Soil to GroundwaterLevel Of Soil Cleanup Achieved: 06/15/2007Close Out: Not reportedClosure Request: 05/30/1998Cleanup: 05/30/1998Date Occur: 05/01/1998Date Reported: NProduct Type: Leak-undergroundSource Type: GWContamination Type: 18811Incident Number: MO-5413UST Number: 00-0-000Facility ID: LUST: Site 2 of 6 in cluster A Actual: 898 ft. Property NEWTON, NC 28658 Target IMD1545 ST. JAMES CHURCH ROAD N/A A2 LUSTR.R. DONNELLEY #3 S105707220 TC4449224.2s Page 11 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 37#5 Minute Quad: Not reportedSamples Include: NWells Affected Y/N: 1999-08-24 00:00:00Priority Update: 170BSite Priority: 1Location: 12Type: 5Operation Type: 4Ownership: CHUCK BARNHARDTOwner/Operator: FLOW-THROUGH PROCESS TANKS IMPACTED SOIL IDENTIFIED DURING CLOSURE OF 18 TOLUENE USTS &Description Of Incident: 1998-07-17 00:00:00Date Reported: 1998-05-30 00:00:00Date Occurred: 18811Facility Id: PIRF: Not reported5 Min Quad: Not reportedComments: CATAWBARP County: NEWTON, NC 28658RP City,St,Zip: 1545 ST. JAMES CHURCH ROADRP Address: 704-465-9488Telephone: CHUCK BARNHARDTContact Person: R.R. DONNELLEY AND SONS CO..Company: MORRegion: BCNRegional Officer Project Mgr: Not reportedTestlat: 35.6399 -81.2080Lat/Long Decimal: FalseValid: Not reportedError Code: 0Error Flag: FalseRPOP: FalseRPOW: 0Reel Num: 386CD Num: FalseRPL: 12PETOPT: Cleanups to 2L.0202 standardsRBCA GW: File Located in ArchivesCurrent Status: 0Release Detection: Not reportedLUR Filed: NoFlag1: NoFlag: NoMTBE1: Not reportedMTBE: Not reportedLand Use: Not reportedSite Risk Reason: Not reportedPhase Of LSA Req: 170BSite Priority: 08/26/2002NORR Issue Date: Not reportedNOV Issue Date: pump and treatCorrective Action Plan Type: LRisk Class Based On Review: LRisk Classification: COMMERCIALCommercial/NonCommercial UST Site: 0# Of Supply Wells: RTank Regulated Status: R.R. DONNELLEY #3 (Continued)S105707220 TC4449224.2s Page 12 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 186CD Num: FalseRPL: 12PETOPT: Cleanups to 2L.0202 standardsRBCA GW: File Located in ArchivesCurrent Status: 0Release Detection: Not reportedLUR Filed: NoFlag1: NoFlag: NoMTBE1: NoMTBE: Not reportedLand Use: Not reportedSite Risk Reason: Not reportedPhase Of LSA Req: Not reportedSite Priority: Not reportedNORR Issue Date: Not reportedNOV Issue Date: Not reportedCorrective Action Plan Type: LRisk Class Based On Review: HRisk Classification: COMMERCIALCommercial/NonCommercial UST Site: 0# Of Supply Wells: RTank Regulated Status: Soil to GroundwaterLevel Of Soil Cleanup Achieved: 04/10/2003Close Out: Not reportedClosure Request: 05/30/1998Cleanup: 11/01/1997Date Occur: 05/30/1998Date Reported: NProduct Type: Leak-undergroundSource Type: GWContamination Type: 27045Incident Number: MO-6505UST Number: 00-0-000Facility ID: 1999-05-17 00:00:00Close-out Report: Not reportedClosure Request Date: Not reportedRS Designation: Not reportedReclassification Report: Not reportedSOC Signed: Not reportedCorrective Action Planned: Not reportedPublic Meeting Held: Not reported45 Day Report: Not reportedNORR Issued: Not reportedNOV Issued: Closed OutIncident Phase: 2007-06-15 00:00:00Last Modified: Not reportedUst Number: Not reportedSource: Not reportedCause: Not reportedErr Type: Min_SoilSource Code: Not reportedRelease Code: Not reportedPirf/Min Soil: 25 Minute Quad: R.R. DONNELLEY #3 (Continued)S105707220 TC4449224.2s Page 13 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation IMD: Not reportedClose-out Report: Not reportedClosure Request Date: Not reportedRS Designation: Not reportedReclassification Report: Not reportedSOC Signed: Not reportedCorrective Action Planned: Not reportedPublic Meeting Held: Not reported45 Day Report: Not reportedNORR Issued: Not reportedNOV Issued: Closed OutIncident Phase: 2003-04-10 00:00:00Last Modified: CUst Number: CSource: Not reportedCause: 2Err Type: Not reportedSource Code: Not reportedRelease Code: Not reportedPirf/Min Soil: Not reported5 Minute Quad: Y7#5 Minute Quad: Not reportedSamples Include: Not reportedWells Affected Y/N: Not reportedPriority Update: Not reportedSite Priority: 1Location: 12Type: 6Operation Type: 4Ownership: Not reportedOwner/Operator: Not reportedDescription Of Incident: 2002-10-04 00:00:00Date Reported: 1997-11-01 00:00:00Date Occurred: 27045Facility Id: PIRF: Not reported5 Min Quad: Not reportedComments: Not reportedRP County: NCRP City,St,Zip: Not reportedRP Address: Not reportedTelephone: Not reportedContact Person: Not reportedCompany: MORRegion: BCNRegional Officer Project Mgr: Not reportedTestlat: 35.6381 -81.2083Lat/Long Decimal: FalseValid: Not reportedError Code: 0Error Flag: FalseRPOP: FalseRPOW: 0Reel Num: R.R. DONNELLEY #3 (Continued)S105707220 TC4449224.2s Page 14 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 5/17/1999Close-out Report: Not reportedClosure Request Date: Not reportedRS Designation: Not reportedReclassification Report: Not reportedSOC Sighned: Not reportedCorrective Action Planned: Not reportedPublic Meeting Held: Not reported45 Day Report: Not reportedNORR Issued: Not reportedNOV Issued: Closed OutIncident Phase: 5/20/1999Last Modified: 18811Facility ID: DWMAgency: 7GPS: 80.0816666666667Longitude Decimal: 35.4225Latitude Decimal: 800454Longitude Number: 352521Latitude Number: -80.08166666Longitude: 35.4225Latitude: Not reported5 Min Quad: Not reported7.5 Min Quad: Soil SamplesSamples Include: Responsible PartiesSampled By: Not reportedWells Contam: Not reportedNum Affected: NoWells Affected: BCNDem Contact: 8/24/1999Priority Update: BPriority Code: 170BSite Priority: Not reportedRisk Site: IndustrialSetting: FacilityLocation: Gasoline/dieselType: Leak-undergroundSource: Not reportedQty Recovered 1: Not reportedQty Lost 1: TOLUENEMaterial: IndustrialOperation: PrivateOwnership: NEWTON, NC 28658Oper City,St,Zip: NEWTONOperator City: 1545 ST. JAMES CHURCH ROADOperator Address: R.R. DONNELLEY AND SONS CO..Owner Company: 704-465-9488Contact Phone: CHUCK BARNHARDTOperator: FLOW-THROUGH PROCESS TANKS IMPACTED SOIL IDENTIFIED DURING CLOSURE OF 18 TOLUENE USTS &Incident Desc: NoSoil Contam: Yes, Groundwater Contamination has been detectedGW Contam: 7/17/1998Submit Date: 5/30/1998Date Occurred: 18811Facility ID: MORRegion: R.R. DONNELLEY #3 (Continued)S105707220 TC4449224.2s Page 15 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation the state of North Carolina. comprehensive information about environmental regulated entities in common facility identifier in order to improve accessibility to (NCDENR) Facility Identification Template for States that provides a is North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources’ NC-FITS (North Carolina - Facility Identification Template For States) discharge does not adversely affect water quality. requirements, and include other provisions to ensure that the limits on what can be discharged, impose monitoring and reporting States are required to obtain a permit. The permit will likely contain discharge pollutants from any point source into waters of the United issued under the Clean Water Act. Under NPDES, all facilities that the Compliance Information System (ICIS) tracks surface water permits US National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) module of transported off-site. these facilities release directly to air, water, land, or that are from facilities on the amounts of over 300 listed toxic chemicals that US EPA TRIS (Toxics Release Inventory System) contains information Environmental Interest/Information System 110006541402Registry ID: FINDS: Site 3 of 6 in cluster A Actual: 898 ft. Property NEWTON, NC 28658 Target 1545 ST JAMES CHURCH RD N/A A3 FINDSCOMMSCOPE CABLE TECHNOLOGY CENTER NEWTON NC 1016632337 corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Environmental Interest/Information System 110045981425Registry ID: FINDS: Site 4 of 6 in cluster A Actual: 898 ft. Property NEWTON, NC 28658 Target 1545 ST JAMES CHURCH RD N/A A4 FINDSCOMMSCOPE INC OF NC-CABLE TECH CTR 1015945157 TC4449224.2s Page 16 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2003 R.R. DONNELLEY AND SONS #2 1545 ST. JAMES CHURCH RD 2004 R.R. DONNELLEY AND SONS #2 1545 ST. JAMES CHURCH RD 2005 R.R. DONNELLEY AND SONS #2 1545 ST. JAMES CHURCH RD 2006 R.R. DONNELLEY AND SONS #2 1545 ST. JAMES CHURCH RD 2007 R.R. DONNELLEY AND SONS #2 1545 ST. JAMES CHURCH RD 2008 R.R. DONNELLEY AND SONS #2 1545 ST. JAMES CHURCH RD 2009 R.R. DONNELLEY AND SONS #2 1545 ST. JAMES CHURCH RD 2010 R.R. DONNELLEY AND SONS #2 1545 ST. JAMES CHURCH RD 2011 R.R. DONNELLEY AND SONS #2 1545 ST. JAMES CHURCH RD 2012 R.R. DONNELLEY AND SONS #2 1545 ST. JAMES CHURCH RD RGA LUST: Site 5 of 6 in cluster A Actual: 898 ft. Property NEWTON, NC Target 1545 ST. JAMES CHURCH RD N/A A5 RGA LUSTR.R. DONNELLEY AND SONS #2 S115637851 2003 R.R. DONNELLEY #3 1545 ST. JAMES CHURCH ROAD 2004 R.R. DONNELLEY #3 1545 ST. JAMES CHURCH ROAD 2005 R.R. DONNELLEY #3 1545 ST. JAMES CHURCH ROAD 2006 R.R. DONNELLEY #3 1545 ST. JAMES CHURCH ROAD 2007 R.R. DONNELLEY #3 1545 ST. JAMES CHURCH ROAD 2008 R.R. DONNELLEY #3 1545 ST. JAMES CHURCH ROAD 2009 R.R. DONNELLEY #3 1545 ST. JAMES CHURCH ROAD 2010 R.R. DONNELLEY #3 1545 ST. JAMES CHURCH ROAD 2011 R.R. DONNELLEY #3 1545 ST. JAMES CHURCH ROAD 2012 R.R. DONNELLEY #3 1545 ST. JAMES CHURCH ROAD RGA LUST: Site 6 of 6 in cluster A Actual: 898 ft. Property NEWTON, NC Target 1545 ST. JAMES CHURCH ROAD N/A A6 RGA LUSTR.R. DONNELLEY #3 S115637850 25031.8165364Area of feature in internal units squared: 600.752079953Length of feature in internal units: 411Sites designated as superfund cleanup sites: 694797.25Y-value coordinate in feet: 1342299.75X-value coordinate in feet: 600.75207519Total perimeter in coverage units: 25031.8125Total area in coverage units: 35 38 20.282673 81 12 49.284614Lat/Long: 105 797 922Superfund ID: FederalSite Type: HSDS: 327 ft. < 1/8 WNW , NC Region N/A HSDS NC HSDSTECHNIBILT (DIV OF WHITTAR)/MEGADYNE S102442514 TC4449224.2s Page 17 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 413082.997805Area of feature in internal units squared: 3250.3380284Length of feature in internal units: 404Sites designated as superfund cleanup sites: 694941Y-value coordinate in feet: 1343701.875X-value coordinate in feet: 3250.33813476Total perimeter in coverage units: 413083Total area in coverage units: 35 38 22.012530 81 12 32.341073Lat/Long: 991 279 118Superfund ID: FederalSite Type: HSDS: 1 ft. < 1/8 , NC Region N/A HSDS NC HSDSMEREDITH/BURDA INC S102442507 UnknownDecode for PSYS_KEY: Single Wall SteelDecode for PCONS_KEY: Single Wall SteelDecode for TCONS_KEY: UnknownLeak Detection Name: -1Leak Detection Key: UnknownSpill Protection Name: 1Spill Protection Key: UnknownOverfill Protection Name: 1Overfill Protection Key: Not reportedOther CP Tank: UnknownPiping System Key: Single Wall SteelPiping Construction: Single Wall SteelTank Construction: NoRegulated: YesCommercial: Not reportedManifold Tank: NoCompartment Tank: NoMain Tank: Not reportedRoot Tank Id: 2000Tank Capacity: Fuel OilProduct Name: 2Product Key: 10/27/1998Perm Close Date: 09/23/1981Installed Date: RemovedTank Status: 1Tank Id: 0Longitude: 0Latitude: CatawbaFIPS County Desc: NEWTON, NC 28658-0289Contact City/State/Zip: Not reportedContact Address2: ST JAMES CHURCH RD PO BOX 289Contact Address1: R R DONNELLEY PRINTING COContact: 00-0-0000026696Facility Id: UST: 1 ft. Relative: Higher Actual: 918 ft. < 1/8 NEWTON, NC 28658 IMDST JAMES CHURCH ROAD N/A 7 USTR.R. DONNELLEY PRINTING CO.U001203144 TC4449224.2s Page 18 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation MORRegion: IMD: UnknownDecode for PSYS_KEY: otherDecode for PCONS_KEY: OtherDecode for TCONS_KEY: UnknownLeak Detection Name: -1Leak Detection Key: NoneSpill Protection Name: 2Spill Protection Key: NoneOverfill Protection Name: 2Overfill Protection Key: Not reportedOther CP Tank: UnknownPiping System Key: OtherPiping Construction: OtherTank Construction: NoRegulated: YesCommercial: 0Manifold Tank: NoCompartment Tank: NoMain Tank: Not reportedRoot Tank Id: 50000Tank Capacity: Heating Oil/FuelProduct Name: 6Product Key: Not reportedPerm Close Date: 01/01/1980Installed Date: CurrentTank Status: 2Tank Id: UnknownDecode for PSYS_KEY: otherDecode for PCONS_KEY: OtherDecode for TCONS_KEY: UnknownLeak Detection Name: -1Leak Detection Key: NoneSpill Protection Name: 2Spill Protection Key: NoneOverfill Protection Name: 2Overfill Protection Key: Not reportedOther CP Tank: UnknownPiping System Key: OtherPiping Construction: OtherTank Construction: NoRegulated: YesCommercial: 0Manifold Tank: NoCompartment Tank: NoMain Tank: Not reportedRoot Tank Id: 50000Tank Capacity: Heating Oil/FuelProduct Name: 6Product Key: Not reportedPerm Close Date: 01/01/1980Installed Date: CurrentTank Status: 1ATank Id: R.R. DONNELLEY PRINTING CO. (Continued)U001203144 TC4449224.2s Page 19 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedClose-out Report: Not reportedClosure Request Date: Not reportedRS Designation: Not reportedReclassification Report: Not reportedSOC Sighned: Not reportedCorrective Action Planned: Not reportedPublic Meeting Held: Not reported45 Day Report: Not reportedNORR Issued: Not reportedNOV Issued: Closed OutIncident Phase: 4/10/2003Last Modified: 27045Facility ID: DWMAgency: 7GPS: 80.1383333333333Longitude Decimal: 35.7072222222222Latitude Decimal: 800818Longitude Number: 354226Latitude Number: -80.13833333Longitude: 35.70722222Latitude: Not reported5 Min Quad: Not reported7.5 Min Quad: Not reportedSamples Include: YSampled By: Not reportedWells Contam: Not reportedNum Affected: Not reportedWells Affected: BCNDem Contact: Not reportedPriority Update: HPriority Code: Not reportedSite Priority: HRisk Site: Not reportedSetting: FacilityLocation: Gasoline/dieselType: Leak-undergroundSource: Not reportedQty Recovered 1: Not reportedQty Lost 1: TOLUENEMaterial: CommercialOperation: PrivateOwnership: NCOper City,St,Zip: Not reportedOperator City: Not reportedOperator Address: Not reportedOwner Company: Not reportedContact Phone: Not reportedOperator: Not reportedIncident Desc: NoSoil Contam: Yes, Groundwater Contamination has been detectedGW Contam: 10/4/2002Submit Date: 11/1/1997Date Occurred: 27045Facility ID: R.R. DONNELLEY PRINTING CO. (Continued)U001203144 TC4449224.2s Page 20 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedRP County: DOWNERS GROVE, NCRP City,St,Zip: 3075 HIGHLAND PKWYRP Address: Not reportedTelephone: DALE KALINAContact Person: R.R. DONNELLEY PRINTING CO.Company: MORRegion: Not reportedRegional Officer Project Mgr: Not reportedTestlat: 35.64085 -81.20927Lat/Long Decimal: 35 38 81 12Lat/Long: FalseValid: Not reportedError Code: 0Error Flag: FalseRPOP: FalseRPOW: 0Reel Num: 0CD Num: FalseRPL: Not reportedPETOPT: Not reportedRBCA GW: CCurrent Status: 0Release Detection: Not reportedLUR Filed: NoFlag1: NoFlag: UnknownMTBE1: NoMTBE: Not reportedLand Use: Not reportedSite Risk Reason: Not reportedPhase Of LSA Req: 170Site Priority: Not reportedNORR Issue Date: Not reportedNOV Issue Date: Not reportedCorrective Action Plan Type: URisk Class Based On Review: URisk Classification: Not reportedCommercial/NonCommercial UST Site: 0# Of Supply Wells: Not reportedTank Regulated Status: Not reportedLevel Of Soil Cleanup Achieved: Not reportedClose Out: Not reportedClosure Request: Not reportedCleanup: Not reportedDate Occur: Not reportedDate Reported: NProduct Type: 1Source Type: GWContamination Type: 13138Incident Number: MO-13138UST Number: Not reportedFacility ID: LAST: 22 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster B 0.004 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 935 ft. < 1/8 IMDNEWTON, NC 28658 NNE LUST1345 ST JAMES CHURCH ROAD N/A B8 LASTR.R. DONNELLEY AND SONS #1 S105912085 TC4449224.2s Page 21 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation RTank Regulated Status: Soil to GroundwaterLevel Of Soil Cleanup Achieved: 07/24/2003Close Out: Not reportedClosure Request: 07/01/1998Cleanup: Not reportedDate Occur: 07/01/1998Date Reported: NProduct Type: Leak-undergroundSource Type: GWContamination Type: 27432Incident Number: MO-2019UST Number: 00-0-000Facility ID: LUST: Not reportedClose-out Report: Not reportedClosure Request Date: Not reportedRS Designation: Not reportedReclassification Report: Not reportedSOC Signed: Not reportedCorrective Action Planned: Not reportedPublic Meeting Held: Not reported45 Day Report: Not reportedNORR Issued: Not reportedNOV Issued: FUIncident Phase: 7/23/2002Last Modified: 0Source Type: Not reportedSource: Not reportedCause: Not reportedRelease Code: Not reportedPirf/Min Soil: Not reported5 Min Quad: Not reported7#5 Min Quad: Not reportedSamples Include: Not reportedSamples Taken By: 0Wells Affected Number: NWells Affected Y/N: Not reportedPriority Update: 170BSite Priority: Not reportedLocation: Not reportedType: 7Operation Type: 5Ownership: Not reportedOwner/Operator: Not reportedDescription Of Incident: Not reportedDate Reported: Not reportedDate Occurred: 13138Facility Id: PIRF: Not reported5 Min Quad: PCE, BUT >2L IN 2 MWS - MONITOR RATHER THAN CAP/CSA. TOLUENE USTS; AT LEAST 6 PRIVATE WELLS ~1/4 MILE FROM PLANT; VERY LOW CONNECTED TO TOLUENE RECOVERY SYSTEM; SEE UST#18811 FOR RELEASE FROM INITIALLY, THIS INCIDENT WAS FOR 4 FLOW THROUGH PROCESS TANKSComments: R.R. DONNELLEY AND SONS #1 (Continued) S105912085 TC4449224.2s Page 22 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedPirf/Min Soil: Not reported5 Minute Quad: S7#5 Minute Quad: Not reportedSamples Include: NWells Affected Y/N: Not reportedPriority Update: Not reportedSite Priority: 1Location: 12Type: 5Operation Type: 4Ownership: Not reportedOwner/Operator: Not reportedDescription Of Incident: 1999-07-01 00:00:00Date Reported: 1999-07-01 00:00:00Date Occurred: 27432Facility Id: PIRF: Not reported5 Min Quad: WASTEWATER UST - SOIL SAMPLING RESULTS RECEIVEDComments: CATAWBARP County: NEWTON, NC 28658RP City,St,Zip: 3075 HIGHLAND PARKWAYRP Address: Not reportedTelephone: MR DALE KALINAContact Person: RR DONNELLEY PRINTING COMPANYCompany: MORRegion: BCNRegional Officer Project Mgr: Not reportedTestlat: 35.6423 -81.2084Lat/Long Decimal: FalseValid: Not reportedError Code: 0Error Flag: FalseRPOP: TrueRPOW: 0Reel Num: 186CD Num: FalseRPL: 12PETOPT: Cleanups to 2L.0202 standardsRBCA GW: File Located in ArchivesCurrent Status: 0Release Detection: Not reportedLUR Filed: NoFlag1: NoFlag: NoMTBE1: Not reportedMTBE: Industrial/commercialLand Use: Not reportedSite Risk Reason: Not reportedPhase Of LSA Req: Not reportedSite Priority: Not reportedNORR Issue Date: Not reportedNOV Issue Date: Not reportedCorrective Action Plan Type: LRisk Class Based On Review: HRisk Classification: COMMERCIALCommercial/NonCommercial UST Site: 0# Of Supply Wells: R.R. DONNELLEY AND SONS #1 (Continued)S105912085 TC4449224.2s Page 23 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation M70H5 Min Quad: Not reported7.5 Min Quad: Groundwater SamplesSamples Include: Responsible PartiesSampled By: Not reportedWells Contam: 0Num Affected: NoWells Affected: AHPDem Contact: 4/27/1999Priority Update: BPriority Code: Not reportedSite Priority: NoRisk Site: UrbanSetting: FacilityLocation: Other petroleum productType: Leak-undergroundSource: Not reportedQty Recovered 1: Not reportedQty Lost 1: TOLUENEMaterial: MiningOperation: FederalOwnership: DOWNERS GROVE, IL 630-963-9494Oper City,St,Zip: DOWNERS GROVEOperator City: 3075 HIGHLAND PKWYOperator Address: R.R. DONNELLEY PRINTING CO.Owner Company: 630-963-9494Contact Phone: KALINA, DALEOperator: TOLUENE USTS; AT LEAST 6 PRIV CONNECTED TO TOLUENE RECOVERY SYSTEM; SEE UST#18811 FOR RELEASE FROM INITIALLY, THIS INCIDENT WAS FOR 4 FLOW THROUGH PROCESS TANKSIncident Desc: Not reportedSoil Contam: Yes, Groundwater Contamination has been detectedGW Contam: 1/13/1995Submit Date: 6/30/1993Date Occurred: 13138Facility ID: MORRegion: IMD: Not reportedClose-out Report: Not reportedClosure Request Date: Not reportedRS Designation: Not reportedReclassification Report: Not reportedSOC Signed: Not reportedCorrective Action Planned: Not reportedPublic Meeting Held: Not reported45 Day Report: Not reportedNORR Issued: Not reportedNOV Issued: Closed OutIncident Phase: 2003-07-24 00:00:00Last Modified: 3Ust Number: Not reportedSource: Not reportedCause: 3Err Type: Not reportedSource Code: Not reportedRelease Code: R.R. DONNELLEY AND SONS #1 (Continued)S105912085 TC4449224.2s Page 24 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedClose-out Report: Not reportedClosure Request Date: Not reportedRS Designation: Not reportedReclassification Report: Not reportedSOC Sighned: 6/12/2000Corrective Action Planned: Not reportedPublic Meeting Held: Not reported45 Day Report: Not reportedNORR Issued: 6/12/2000NOV Issued: Follow UpIncident Phase: 7/23/2002Last Modified: 13138Facility ID: DWQAgency: GPSGPS: Not reportedLongitude Decimal: Not reportedLatitude Decimal: Not reportedLongitude Number: Not reportedLatitude Number: Not reportedLongitude: Not reportedLatitude: R.R. DONNELLEY AND SONS #1 (Continued) S105912085 NoWells Affected: BCNDem Contact: Not reportedPriority Update: Not reportedPriority Code: Not reportedSite Priority: HRisk Site: Not reportedSetting: FacilityLocation: Gasoline/dieselType: Leak-undergroundSource: Not reportedQty Recovered 1: Not reportedQty Lost 1: Not reportedMaterial: IndustrialOperation: PrivateOwnership: NEWTON, NC 28658Oper City,St,Zip: NEWTONOperator City: 3075 HIGHLAND PARKWAYOperator Address: RR DONNELLEY PRINTING COMPANYOwner Company: Not reportedContact Phone: MR DALE KALINAOperator: Not reportedIncident Desc: NoSoil Contam: Yes, Groundwater Contamination has been detectedGW Contam: 7/1/1999Submit Date: Not reportedDate Occurred: 27432Facility ID: MORRegion: IMD: 22 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster B 0.004 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 935 ft. < 1/8 NEWTON, NC NNE 1345 ST. JAMES CHURCH ROAD N/A B9 IMDR.R. DONNELLEY PRINTING COMPAN S105894572 TC4449224.2s Page 25 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedClose-out Report: Not reportedClosure Request Date: Not reportedRS Designation: Not reportedReclassification Report: Not reportedSOC Sighned: Not reportedCorrective Action Planned: Not reportedPublic Meeting Held: Not reported45 Day Report: Not reportedNORR Issued: Not reportedNOV Issued: Closed OutIncident Phase: 7/24/2003Last Modified: 27432Facility ID: DWMAgency: 3GPS: 81.2077777777778Longitude Decimal: 35.6397222222222Latitude Decimal: 811228Longitude Number: 353823Latitude Number: -81.20777777Longitude: 35.63972222Latitude: Not reported5 Min Quad: Not reported7.5 Min Quad: Not reportedSamples Include: SSampled By: Not reportedWells Contam: Not reportedNum Affected: R.R. DONNELLEY PRINTING COMPAN (Continued) S105894572 4000508.00000Person ID: 4430326.00000Contact Sequence ID: 4000312.00000Person ID: 4429411.00000Contact Sequence ID: 4270039.00000Person ID: 4368906.00000Contact Sequence ID: 4000084.00000Person ID: 4357378.00000Contact Sequence ID: 4270042.00000Person ID: 4309499.00000Contact Sequence ID: CERCLIS-NFRAP Site Contact Details: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on existing informationNon NPL Status: Not on the NPLNPL Status: Not a Federal FacilityFederal Facility: 0403171Site ID: CERC-NFRAP: 58 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster C 0.011 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 908 ft. < 1/8 RCRA NonGen / NLRNEWTON, NC 28658 NE IMDST JAMES CHURCH RD NCD991279118 C10 CERC-NFRAPMEREDITH/BURDA INC 1000201420 TC4449224.2s Page 26 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedOwner Company: Not reportedContact Phone: ,Operator: ADDITIONAL INFO. NO FILE AT MRO. INACTIVE HAZ WASTE SITE, CONTACT DWM IN RALEIGH FORIncident Desc: Not reportedSoil Contam: No data entered (data entry person submitted a blank fieldGW Contam: 5/15/2001Submit Date: 5/15/2001Date Occurred: 85697Facility ID: MORRegion: IMD: Low priority for further assessmentPriority Level: 07/18/86Date Completed: / /Date Started: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENTAction: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on existing informationPriority Level: 07/12/91Date Completed: / /Date Started: SITE INSPECTIONAction: Not reportedPriority Level: 12/01/94Date Completed: / /Date Started: ARCHIVE SITEAction: Not reportedPriority Level: 08/01/80Date Completed: / /Date Started: DISCOVERYAction: CERCLIS-NFRAP Assessment History: CATAWBA, NC Not reportedAlias Address: MEREDITH/BURDA INCAlias Name: CERCLIS-NFRAP Site Alias Name(s): 4272610.00000Person ID: 13093726.00000Contact Sequence ID: 4270104.00000Person ID: 4831138.00000Contact Sequence ID: 13002428.00000Person ID: 4779944.00000Contact Sequence ID: 4000275.00000Person ID: 4755356.00000Contact Sequence ID: 4000308.00000Person ID: 4702683.00000Contact Sequence ID: 4000533.00000Person ID: 4538162.00000Contact Sequence ID: MEREDITH/BURDA INC (Continued)1000201420 TC4449224.2s Page 27 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation PO BOX 289Contact address: CHUCK BARNHARDTContact: NEWTON, NC 28658 PO BOX 289Mailing address: NCD991279118EPA ID: NEWTON, NC 28658 ST JAMES CHURCH RDFacility address: R R DONNELLEY PRINTING COFacility name: 04/05/2001Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: Not reportedClose-out Report: Not reportedClosure Request Date: Not reportedRS Designation: Not reportedReclassification Report: Not reportedSOC Sighned: Not reportedCorrective Action Planned: Not reportedPublic Meeting Held: Not reported45 Day Report: Not reportedNORR Issued: Not reportedNOV Issued: NODIncident Phase: 5/15/2001Last Modified: 85697Facility ID: DWQAgency: NODGPS: Not reportedLongitude Decimal: Not reportedLatitude Decimal: Not reportedLongitude Number: Not reportedLatitude Number: Not reportedLongitude: Not reportedLatitude: Not reported5 Min Quad: Not reported7.5 Min Quad: Not reportedSamples Include: Not reportedSampled By: Not reportedWells Contam: 0Num Affected: NoWells Affected: DWMDem Contact: Not reportedPriority Update: NODPriority Code: Not reportedSite Priority: Not reportedRisk Site: Not reportedSetting: Not reportedLocation: Other inorganicsType: UnknownSource: Not reportedQty Recovered 1: Not reportedQty Lost 1: Not reportedMaterial: Not ReportedOperation: Not ReportedOwnership: Not reportedOper City,St,Zip: Not reportedOperator City: Not reportedOperator Address: MEREDITH/BURDA INC (Continued)1000201420 TC4449224.2s Page 28 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N-BUTYL THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL. Waste name: F003. Waste code: SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. IN F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF FLUOROCARBONS; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS USED IN DEGREASING 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE, CARBON TETRACHLORIDE AND CHLORINATED TETRACHLOROETHYLENE, TRICHLORETHYLENE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS USED IN DEGREASING:. Waste name: F001. Waste code: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: Not reportedOwner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: (704) 464-8110Owner/operator telephone: Not reportedOwner/operator country: NEWTON, NC 28658 PO BOX 289Owner/operator address: R.R. DONNELLEYOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: PrivateLand type: 04EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: (704) 464-8110Contact telephone: USContact country: NEWTON, NC 28658 MEREDITH/BURDA INC (Continued)1000201420 TC4449224.2s Page 29 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation BENZENE, DIMETHYL- (I,T) (OR) XYLENE (I). Waste name: U239. Waste code: ETHENE, TRICHLORO- (OR) TRICHLOROETHYLENE. Waste name: U228. Waste code: BENZENE, METHYL- (OR) TOLUENE. Waste name: U220. Waste code: THIOUREA. Waste name: U219. Waste code: METHANOL (I) (OR) METHYL ALCOHOL (I). Waste name: U154. Waste code: MERCURY. Waste name: U151. Waste code: HYDROFLUORIC ACID (C,T) (OR) HYDROGEN FLUORIDE (C,T). Waste name: U134. Waste code: ETHANE, 1,1’-OXYBIS-(I) (OR) ETHYL ETHER (I). Waste name: U117. Waste code: METHANE, DICHLORO- (OR) METHYLENE CHLORIDE. Waste name: U080. Waste code: DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE (OR) METHANE, DICHLORODIFLUORO-. Waste name: U075. Waste code: ELECTROPLATING OPERATIONS IN WHICH CYANIDES ARE USED IN THE PROCESS. PLATING BATH RESIDUES FROM THE BOTTOM OF PLATING BATHS FROM. Waste name: F008. Waste code: SPENT CYANIDE PLATING BATH SOLUTIONS FROM ELECTROPLATING OPERATIONS.. Waste name: F007. Waste code: ALUMINUM. PLATING ON CARBON STEEL; AND (6) CHEMICAL ETCHING AND MILLING OF STEEL; (5) CLEANING/STRIPPING ASSOCIATED WITH TIN, ZINC, AND ALUMINUM ON CARBON STEEL; (4) ALUMINUM OR ZINC-ALUMINUM PLATING ON CARBON (2) TIN PLATING ON CARBON STEEL; (3) ZINC PLATING (SEGREGATED BASIS) FROM THE FOLLOWING PROCESSES: (1) SULFURIC ACID ANODIZING OF ALUMINUM; WASTEWATER TREATMENT SLUDGES FROM ELECTROPLATING OPERATIONS, EXCEPT. Waste name: F006. Waste code: THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. LISTED IN F001, F002, OR F004; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF 2-ETHOXYETHANOL, AND 2-NITROPROPANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS KETONE, CARBON DISULFIDE, ISOBUTANOL, PYRIDINE, BENZENE, THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TOLUENE, METHYL ETHYL. Waste name: F005. Waste code: MIXTURES. BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MEREDITH/BURDA INC (Continued)1000201420 TC4449224.2s Page 30 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: Not reported Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: Not reported Enforcement action date: Not reported Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 08/25/1992Date achieved compliance: 07/30/1990Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: Not reportedRegulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 07/21/1992 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 08/25/1992Date achieved compliance: 07/21/1992Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: SR - 262.34(a)(4),265.16(C)Regulation violated: Facility Has Received Notices of Violations: Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: MEREDITH/BURDA INCSite name: 02/23/1990Date form received by agency: Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: R R DONNELLEY PRINTING COSite name: 09/11/1991Date form received by agency: Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: R.R. DONNELLEY PRINTING COSite name: 01/21/1992Date form received by agency: Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: R.R. DONNELLEY PRINTING CO.Site name: 01/17/1994Date form received by agency: Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: R R DONNELLEY PRINTING CO.Site name: 01/08/1996Date form received by agency: Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: RR DONNELLEY PRINTING COSite name: 11/13/1998Date form received by agency: Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: R R DONNELLEY PRINTINGSite name: 03/01/2000Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: MEREDITH/BURDA INC (Continued)1000201420 TC4449224.2s Page 31 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 02/16/1994Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 09/09/1994Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 07/29/1996Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 02/03/1998Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 03/17/2001Evaluation date: Evaluation Action Summary: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 06/27/1984 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 07/11/1984Date achieved compliance: 06/11/1984Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: Not reportedRegulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: Not reported Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: Not reported Enforcement action date: Not reported Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 08/25/1992Date achieved compliance: 09/02/1987Date violation determined: LDR - GeneralArea of violation: Not reportedRegulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: MEREDITH/BURDA INC (Continued)1000201420 TC4449224.2s Page 32 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation StateEvaluation lead agency: 08/25/1992Date achieved compliance: LDR - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 09/02/1987Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 07/28/1988Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 07/06/1989Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 08/25/1992Date achieved compliance: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 07/30/1990Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 08/07/1990Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 09/05/1991Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 08/25/1992Date achieved compliance: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 07/21/1992Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 08/25/1992Date achieved compliance: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE EVALUATIONEvaluation: 08/25/1992Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 08/19/1993Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: MEREDITH/BURDA INC (Continued)1000201420 TC4449224.2s Page 33 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation StateEvaluation lead agency: 07/11/1984Date achieved compliance: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 06/11/1984Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 07/10/1985Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 07/21/1986Evaluation date: MEREDITH/BURDA INC (Continued)1000201420 Not reportedGeolocation Method: Not reportedLat/Longitude: NCD991279118EPAID: SHWS: 58 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster C 0.011 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 908 ft. < 1/8 NEWTON, NC NE ST JAMES CHURCH RD N/A C11 SHWSMEREDITH/BURDA, INC.S103229330 Not reportedSite Priority: Not reportedNORR Issue Date: Not reportedNOV Issue Date: Not reportedCorrective Action Plan Type: LRisk Class Based On Review: LRisk Classification: COMMERCIALCommercial/NonCommercial UST Site: 0# Of Supply Wells: RTank Regulated Status: Not reportedLevel Of Soil Cleanup Achieved: 03/23/1990Close Out: Not reportedClosure Request: 09/28/1989Cleanup: Not reportedDate Occur: 09/28/1989Date Reported: PProduct Type: Leak-undergroundSource Type: SLContamination Type: 27255Incident Number: MO-2313UST Number: Not reportedFacility ID: LUST: 445 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster D 0.084 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 879 ft. < 1/8 NEWTON, NC 28658 WSW IMDPO BOX 309 N/A D12 LUSTTECHNIBILT S105702970 TC4449224.2s Page 34 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation CUst Number: CSource: Not reportedCause: 2Err Type: Not reportedSource Code: Not reportedRelease Code: Not reportedPirf/Min Soil: Not reported5 Minute Quad: Y7#5 Minute Quad: Not reportedSamples Include: NWells Affected Y/N: Not reportedPriority Update: Not reportedSite Priority: 1Location: 3Type: Not reportedOperation Type: 4Ownership: Not reportedOwner/Operator: TPH. THREE TANKS CLOSED. SAMPLING DETECTED CONTAMINATION OF 1.9 mg/kg PPMDescription Of Incident: 1989-09-07 00:00:00Date Reported: 1989-08-21 00:00:00Date Occurred: 27255Facility Id: PIRF: Not reported5 Min Quad: Not reportedComments: Not reportedRP County: NEWTON, NC 28658RP City,St,Zip: PO BOX 309RP Address: Not reportedTelephone: Not reportedContact Person: TECHNIBILTCompany: MORRegion: PRDRegional Officer Project Mgr: Not reportedTestlat: 35.6386 -81.2133Lat/Long Decimal: FalseValid: Not reportedError Code: 0Error Flag: FalseRPOP: FalseRPOW: 0Reel Num: 25CD Num: FalseRPL: 3PETOPT: Not reportedRBCA GW: File Located in ArchivesCurrent Status: 0Release Detection: Not reportedLUR Filed: NoFlag1: NoFlag: UnknownMTBE1: Not reportedMTBE: Not reportedLand Use: Not reportedSite Risk Reason: Not reportedPhase Of LSA Req: TECHNIBILT (Continued)S105702970 TC4449224.2s Page 35 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation DWMAgency: 7GPS: Not reportedLongitude Decimal: Not reportedLatitude Decimal: Not reportedLongitude Number: Not reportedLatitude Number: Not reportedLongitude: Not reportedLatitude: Not reported5 Min Quad: Not reported7.5 Min Quad: Not reportedSamples Include: YSampled By: Not reportedWells Contam: Not reportedNum Affected: NoWells Affected: PRDDem Contact: Not reportedPriority Update: LPriority Code: Not reportedSite Priority: LRisk Site: Not reportedSetting: FacilityLocation: Gasoline/dieselType: Leak-undergroundSource: Not reportedQty Recovered 1: Not reportedQty Lost 1: Not reportedMaterial: Not reportedOperation: PrivateOwnership: NEWTON, NC 28658Oper City,St,Zip: NEWTONOperator City: PO BOX 309Operator Address: TECHNIBILTOwner Company: Not reportedContact Phone: Not reportedOperator: TPH. THREE TANKS CLOSED. SAMPLING DETECTED CONTAMINATION OF 1.9 mg/kg PPMIncident Desc: YesSoil Contam: No Groundwater Contamination detectedGW Contam: 9/7/1989Submit Date: Not reportedDate Occurred: 27255Facility ID: MORRegion: IMD: Not reportedClose-out Report: Not reportedClosure Request Date: Not reportedRS Designation: Not reportedReclassification Report: Not reportedSOC Signed: Not reportedCorrective Action Planned: Not reportedPublic Meeting Held: Not reported45 Day Report: Not reportedNORR Issued: Not reportedNOV Issued: Not reportedIncident Phase: Not reportedLast Modified: TECHNIBILT (Continued)S105702970 TC4449224.2s Page 36 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedClose-out Report: Not reportedClosure Request Date: Not reportedRS Designation: Not reportedReclassification Report: Not reportedSOC Sighned: Not reportedCorrective Action Planned: Not reportedPublic Meeting Held: Not reported45 Day Report: Not reportedNORR Issued: Not reportedNOV Issued: Not reportedIncident Phase: Not reportedLast Modified: Not reportedFacility ID: TECHNIBILT (Continued)S105702970 On Screen Placement On Georeferenced MapGeolocation Method: 35.63923 / -81.2136Lat/Longitude: NCD105797922EPAID: SHWS: 608 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster D 0.115 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 879 ft. < 1/8 NEWTON, NC West EAST PEACE ST N/A D13 SHWSTECHNIBILT/DIV OF WHITTAKER S103554590 721 A Shea RoadMailing Address: SWRCY: 768 ft. 0.145 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 950 ft. 1/8-1/4 NEWTON, NC 28658 NNW 721 A SHEA ROAD N/A 14 SWRCYCOMMERCIAL PLASTICS RECYCLING, INC. S111444884 Not reportedOperator City: Not reportedOperator Address: Not reportedOwner Company: Not reportedContact Phone: ,Operator: ADDITIONAL INFO. NO FILE AT MRO. INACTIVE HAZ WASTE SITE, CONTACT DWM IN RALEIGH FORIncident Desc: Not reportedSoil Contam: No data entered (data entry person submitted a blank fieldGW Contam: 5/15/2001Submit Date: 5/15/2001Date Occurred: 85699Facility ID: MORRegion: IMD: 817 ft. 0.155 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 879 ft. 1/8-1/4 NEWTON, NC 28658 West FINDS700 EAST P STREET N/A 15 IMDTECHNIBILT LIMITED 1000242969 TC4449224.2s Page 37 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation AFS data are utilized by states to prepare State Implementation Plans used to track emissions and compliance data from industrial plants. information concerning airborne pollution in the United States. AFS is Aerometric Data (SAROAD). AIRS is the national repository for National Emission Data System (NEDS), and the Storage and Retrieval of Subsystem) replaces the former Compliance Data System (CDS), the AFS (Aerometric Information Retrieval System (AIRS) Facility Environmental Interest/Information System 110001146402Registry ID: FINDS: Not reportedClose-out Report: Not reportedClosure Request Date: Not reportedRS Designation: Not reportedReclassification Report: Not reportedSOC Sighned: Not reportedCorrective Action Planned: Not reportedPublic Meeting Held: Not reported45 Day Report: Not reportedNORR Issued: Not reportedNOV Issued: NODIncident Phase: 5/15/2001Last Modified: 85699Facility ID: DWQAgency: NODGPS: Not reportedLongitude Decimal: Not reportedLatitude Decimal: Not reportedLongitude Number: Not reportedLatitude Number: Not reportedLongitude: Not reportedLatitude: Not reported5 Min Quad: Not reported7.5 Min Quad: Not reportedSamples Include: Not reportedSampled By: Not reportedWells Contam: 0Num Affected: NoWells Affected: DWMDem Contact: Not reportedPriority Update: NODPriority Code: Not reportedSite Priority: Not reportedRisk Site: Not reportedSetting: Not reportedLocation: Other inorganicsType: UnknownSource: Not reportedQty Recovered 1: Not reportedQty Lost 1: Not reportedMaterial: Not ReportedOperation: Not ReportedOwnership: Not reportedOper City,St,Zip: TECHNIBILT LIMITED (Continued)1000242969 TC4449224.2s Page 38 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation HAZARDOUS WASTE BIENNIAL REPORTER the state of North Carolina. comprehensive information about environmental regulated entities in common facility identifier in order to improve accessibility to (NCDENR) Facility Identification Template for States that provides a is North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources’ NC-FITS (North Carolina - Facility Identification Template For States) corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource transported off-site. these facilities release directly to air, water, land, or that are from facilities on the amounts of over 300 listed toxic chemicals that US EPA TRIS (Toxics Release Inventory System) contains information of the Clean Air Act. redesign to support facility operating permits required under Title V estimation of total national emissions. AFS is undergoing a major to comply with regulatory programs and by EPA as an input for the TECHNIBILT LIMITED (Continued)1000242969 (704) 538-7608Owner/operator telephone: Not reportedOwner/operator country: SHELBY, NC 28150 PO BOX 246Owner/operator address: ERNEST EDWARD BALDWINOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: 04EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: (704) 465-9936Contact telephone: USContact country: NEWTON, NC 28658 550 EAST P STContact address: ED ROCKETTContact: NEWTON, NC 28658 PO BOX 246Mailing address: NCD986227932EPA ID: NEWTON, NC 28658 550 EAST P STFacility address: BALDWIN ENTERPRISESFacility name: 07/23/1993Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: 1048 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster E 0.198 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 839 ft. 1/8-1/4 NEWTON, NC 28658 WSW 550 EAST P ST NCD986227932 E16 RCRA NonGen / NLRBALDWIN ENTERPRISES 1000832001 TC4449224.2s Page 39 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation No violations foundViolation Status: THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. LISTED IN F001, F002, OR F004; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF 2-ETHOXYETHANOL, AND 2-NITROPROPANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS KETONE, CARBON DISULFIDE, ISOBUTANOL, PYRIDINE, BENZENE, THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TOLUENE, METHYL ETHYL. Waste name: F005. Waste code: MIXTURES. BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N-BUTYL THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL. Waste name: F003. Waste code: IGNITABLE WASTE. Waste name: D001. Waste code: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: Not reportedOwner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: (704) 464-4830Owner/operator telephone: Not reportedOwner/operator country: CONOVER, NC 28613 PO BOX 1179Owner/operator address: DEWEY HOUSTON (PROPERTY OWNER)Owner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: Not reportedOwner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: BALDWIN ENTERPRISES (Continued) 1000832001 TC4449224.2s Page 40 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: Not reportedOwner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator telephone: Not reportedOwner/operator country: Not reported Not reportedOwner/operator address: LADD FURNITURE INC.Owner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: hazardous waste the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from time: 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste; or 100 kg or less of hazardous waste during any calendar month, and accumulates at any from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting land or water, of acutely hazardous waste; or generates 100 kg or less other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any waste; or 100 kg or less of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or month, and accumulates at any time: 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous or generates 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste per calendar month, and accumulates 1000 kg or less of hazardous waste at any time; Handler: generates 100 kg or less of hazardous waste per calendarDescription: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity GeneratorClassification: 04EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: (704) 464-9431Contact telephone: USContact country: NEWTON, NC 28658 550 EAST P STContact address: STEVE TEAGUEContact: NEWTON, NC 28658 PO BOX 1139Mailing address: NCD982083073EPA ID: NEWTON, NC 28658 550 EAST P STFacility address: AMERICAN MARTINSVILLE NEWTONFacility name: 11/02/1988Date form received by agency: RCRA-CESQG: 1048 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster E 0.198 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 839 ft. 1/8-1/4 NEWTON, NC 28658 WSW 550 EAST P ST NCD982083073 E17 RCRA-CESQGAMERICAN MARTINSVILLE NEWTON 1004745288 TC4449224.2s Page 41 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation No violations foundViolation Status: IGNITABLE WASTE. Waste name: D001. Waste code: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: AMERICAN MARTINSVILLE NEWTON (Continued) 1004745288 Not reportedError Code: 0Error Flag: FalseRPOP: FalseRPOW: 0Reel Num: 113CD Num: FalseRPL: 3PETOPT: Not reportedRBCA GW: File Located in ArchivesCurrent Status: 0Release Detection: Not reportedLUR Filed: NoFlag1: NoFlag: UnknownMTBE1: Not reportedMTBE: Not reportedLand Use: Not reportedSite Risk Reason: Not reportedPhase Of LSA Req: 80BSite Priority: Not reportedNORR Issue Date: Not reportedNOV Issue Date: Not reportedCorrective Action Plan Type: Not reportedRisk Class Based On Review: Not reportedRisk Classification: COMMERCIALCommercial/NonCommercial UST Site: 0# Of Supply Wells: RTank Regulated Status: Not reportedLevel Of Soil Cleanup Achieved: 04/06/1998Close Out: Not reportedClosure Request: 03/06/1997Cleanup: 03/06/1997Date Occur: 03/20/1997Date Reported: PProduct Type: Leak-undergroundSource Type: SLContamination Type: 17529Incident Number: MO-5141UST Number: 00-0-000Facility ID: LUST: 1153 ft. 0.218 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 936 ft. 1/8-1/4 IMDNEWTON, NC 28568 North UST1051 ST. JAMES CHURCH RD. N/A 18 LUSTGLENN YOUNG GRADING CO., INC.U003134326 TC4449224.2s Page 42 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NEWTON, NC 28658Contact City/State/Zip: Not reportedContact Address2: 1051 ST JAMES CHURCH RDContact Address1: GLENN YOUNG GRADING CO., INC.Contact: 00-0-0000004827Facility Id: UST: 1998-04-06 00:00:00Close-out Report: Not reportedClosure Request Date: Not reportedRS Designation: Not reportedReclassification Report: Not reportedSOC Signed: Not reportedCorrective Action Planned: Not reportedPublic Meeting Held: Not reported45 Day Report: Not reportedNORR Issued: Not reportedNOV Issued: Closed OutIncident Phase: 1998-04-20 00:00:00Last Modified: Not reportedUst Number: Not reportedSource: Not reportedCause: Not reportedErr Type: PirfSource Code: M70HRelease Code: Not reportedPirf/Min Soil: 25 Minute Quad: 37#5 Minute Quad: 0Samples Include: NWells Affected Y/N: 1998-12-04 00:00:00Priority Update: 80BSite Priority: 1Location: 3Type: 6Operation Type: 4Ownership: GLENN YOUNGOwner/Operator: UPON REMOVAL OF 3 USTS, SOIL CONTAM. WAS CONFIRMED.Description Of Incident: 1997-07-11 00:00:00Date Reported: 1997-03-06 00:00:00Date Occurred: 17529Facility Id: PIRF: Not reported5 Min Quad: Not reportedComments: CATAWBARP County: NEWTON, NC 28658RP City,St,Zip: 1051 ST. JAMES CHURCH ROADRP Address: 704-464-3381Telephone: GLENN YOUNGContact Person: GLENN YOUNG GRADING CO., INC.Company: MORRegion: SGRegional Officer Project Mgr: Not reportedTestlat: 35.6476 -81.2093Lat/Long Decimal: FalseValid: GLENN YOUNG GRADING CO., INC. (Continued)U003134326 TC4449224.2s Page 43 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Single Wall SteelDecode for PCONS_KEY: Single Wall SteelDecode for TCONS_KEY: UnknownLeak Detection Name: -1Leak Detection Key: UnknownSpill Protection Name: 1Spill Protection Key: UnknownOverfill Protection Name: 1Overfill Protection Key: Not reportedOther CP Tank: UnknownPiping System Key: Single Wall SteelPiping Construction: Single Wall SteelTank Construction: YesRegulated: YesCommercial: Not reportedManifold Tank: NoCompartment Tank: NoMain Tank: Not reportedRoot Tank Id: 6000Tank Capacity: DieselProduct Name: 1Product Key: 03/20/1997Perm Close Date: 05/05/1976Installed Date: RemovedTank Status: 2Tank Id: UnknownDecode for PSYS_KEY: Single Wall SteelDecode for PCONS_KEY: Single Wall SteelDecode for TCONS_KEY: UnknownLeak Detection Name: -1Leak Detection Key: UnknownSpill Protection Name: 1Spill Protection Key: UnknownOverfill Protection Name: 1Overfill Protection Key: Not reportedOther CP Tank: UnknownPiping System Key: Single Wall SteelPiping Construction: Single Wall SteelTank Construction: YesRegulated: YesCommercial: Not reportedManifold Tank: NoCompartment Tank: NoMain Tank: Not reportedRoot Tank Id: 8000Tank Capacity: DieselProduct Name: 1Product Key: 03/20/1997Perm Close Date: 05/05/1978Installed Date: RemovedTank Status: 1Tank Id: 0Longitude: 0Latitude: CatawbaFIPS County Desc: GLENN YOUNG GRADING CO., INC. (Continued)U003134326 TC4449224.2s Page 44 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation UnknownDecode for PSYS_KEY: Single Wall SteelDecode for PCONS_KEY: Single Wall SteelDecode for TCONS_KEY: UnknownLeak Detection Name: -1Leak Detection Key: UnknownSpill Protection Name: 1Spill Protection Key: UnknownOverfill Protection Name: 1Overfill Protection Key: Not reportedOther CP Tank: UnknownPiping System Key: Single Wall SteelPiping Construction: Single Wall SteelTank Construction: YesRegulated: YesCommercial: Not reportedManifold Tank: NoCompartment Tank: NoMain Tank: Not reportedRoot Tank Id: 1000Tank Capacity: Gasoline, Gas MixProduct Name: 3Product Key: 03/20/1997Perm Close Date: 05/06/1974Installed Date: RemovedTank Status: 4Tank Id: UnknownDecode for PSYS_KEY: Single Wall SteelDecode for PCONS_KEY: Single Wall SteelDecode for TCONS_KEY: UnknownLeak Detection Name: -1Leak Detection Key: UnknownSpill Protection Name: 1Spill Protection Key: UnknownOverfill Protection Name: 1Overfill Protection Key: Not reportedOther CP Tank: UnknownPiping System Key: Single Wall SteelPiping Construction: Single Wall SteelTank Construction: YesRegulated: YesCommercial: Not reportedManifold Tank: NoCompartment Tank: NoMain Tank: Not reportedRoot Tank Id: 1000Tank Capacity: Gasoline, Gas MixProduct Name: 3Product Key: 03/20/1997Perm Close Date: 05/06/1974Installed Date: RemovedTank Status: 3Tank Id: UnknownDecode for PSYS_KEY: GLENN YOUNG GRADING CO., INC. (Continued)U003134326 TC4449224.2s Page 45 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedRS Designation: Not reportedReclassification Report: Not reportedSOC Sighned: Not reportedCorrective Action Planned: Not reportedPublic Meeting Held: Not reported45 Day Report: Not reportedNORR Issued: Not reportedNOV Issued: Closed OutIncident Phase: 4/20/1998Last Modified: 17529Facility ID: DWMAgency: 7GPS: 81.2088888888889Longitude Decimal: 35.6472222222222Latitude Decimal: 811232Longitude Number: 353850Latitude Number: -81.20888888Longitude: 35.64722222Latitude: M70H5 Min Quad: Not reported7.5 Min Quad: Soil SamplesSamples Include: Responsible PartiesSampled By: Not reportedWells Contam: 0Num Affected: NoWells Affected: SGDem Contact: 12/4/1998Priority Update: BPriority Code: 80BSite Priority: Not reportedRisk Site: IndustrialSetting: FacilityLocation: Gasoline/dieselType: Leak-undergroundSource: Not reportedQty Recovered: Not reportedQty Lost: DIESELMaterial: Not reportedQty Recovered 1: Not reportedQty Lost 1: GASOLINEMaterial: CommercialOperation: PrivateOwnership: NEWTON, NC 28658Oper City,St,Zip: NEWTONOperator City: 1051 ST. JAMES CHURCH ROADOperator Address: GLENN YOUNG GRADING CO., INC.Owner Company: 704-464-3381Contact Phone: GLENN YOUNGOperator: UPON REMOVAL OF 3 USTS, SOIL CONTAM. WAS CONFIRMED.Incident Desc: YesSoil Contam: No Groundwater Contamination detectedGW Contam: 7/11/1997Submit Date: 3/6/1997Date Occurred: 17529Facility ID: MORRegion: IMD: GLENN YOUNG GRADING CO., INC. (Continued)U003134326 TC4449224.2s Page 46 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 4/6/1998Close-out Report: Not reportedClosure Request Date: GLENN YOUNG GRADING CO., INC. (Continued) U003134326 FalseValid: Not reportedError Code: 0Error Flag: FalseRPOP: FalseRPOW: 0Reel Num: 0CD Num: FalseRPL: Not reportedPETOPT: Not reportedRBCA GW: CCurrent Status: 0Release Detection: Not reportedLUR Filed: NoFlag1: NoFlag: UnknownMTBE1: NoMTBE: Not reportedLand Use: Not reportedSite Risk Reason: Not reportedPhase Of LSA Req: 0Site Priority: Not reportedNORR Issue Date: Not reportedNOV Issue Date: Not reportedCorrective Action Plan Type: URisk Class Based On Review: URisk Classification: Not reportedCommercial/NonCommercial UST Site: 0# Of Supply Wells: Not reportedTank Regulated Status: Not reportedLevel Of Soil Cleanup Achieved: Not reportedClose Out: Not reportedClosure Request: Not reportedCleanup: Not reportedDate Occur: Not reportedDate Reported: NProduct Type: 1Source Type: GWContamination Type: 85167Incident Number: MO-85167UST Number: Not reportedFacility ID: LAST: UnknownGeolocation Method: 35.562735 / -81.194084Lat/Longitude: NONCD0002118EPAID: SHWS: 4699 ft. 0.890 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 921 ft. 1/2-1 IMDMAIDEN, NC 28650 NW LAST321 EAST J STREET N/A 19 SHWSNATIONAL PARTITIONS & INTERIORS (FORMER)S104546896 TC4449224.2s Page 47 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 3/16/1992Date Occurred: 85167Facility ID: MORRegion: IMD: Not reportedClose-out Report: Not reportedClosure Request Date: Not reportedRS Designation: Not reportedReclassification Report: Not reportedSOC Signed: Not reportedCorrective Action Planned: Not reportedPublic Meeting Held: Not reported45 Day Report: Not reportedNORR Issued: Not reportedNOV Issued: ASIncident Phase: 1/15/2002Last Modified: 0Source Type: Not reportedSource: Not reportedCause: Not reportedRelease Code: Not reportedPirf/Min Soil: Not reported5 Min Quad: Not reported7#5 Min Quad: Not reportedSamples Include: Not reportedSamples Taken By: 0Wells Affected Number: NWells Affected Y/N: Not reportedPriority Update: 0ESite Priority: Not reportedLocation: Not reportedType: 1Operation Type: 3Ownership: Not reportedOwner/Operator: Not reportedDescription Of Incident: Not reportedDate Reported: Not reportedDate Occurred: 85167Facility Id: PIRF: Not reported5 Min Quad: FINISHING PRODUCTS. PCE AT 16 PPB IN MW2. IN SOIL AT 19 PPB IN ADDITION TO OTHER CONSTITUENTS OF FURNITURE SUSPECTED DUMPING OF LACQUER NEAR A UST. ISOPROPYL BENZENE DETECTEDComments: Not reportedRP County: MAIDEN, NCRP City,St,Zip: Not reportedRP Address: Not reportedTelephone: Not reportedContact Person: TOWN OF MAIDENCompany: MORRegion: Not reportedRegional Officer Project Mgr: Not reportedTestlat: 35.65200 -81.22072Lat/Long Decimal: 35 39 81 13Lat/Long: NATIONAL PARTITIONS & INTERIORS (FORMER) (Continued)S104546896 TC4449224.2s Page 48 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedClose-out Report: Not reportedClosure Request Date: Not reportedRS Designation: Not reportedReclassification Report: Not reportedSOC Sighned: Not reportedCorrective Action Planned: Not reportedPublic Meeting Held: Not reported45 Day Report: Not reportedNORR Issued: Not reportedNOV Issued: AssessmentIncident Phase: 1/15/2002Last Modified: 85167Facility ID: DWQAgency: GPSGPS: Not reportedLongitude Decimal: Not reportedLatitude Decimal: Not reportedLongitude Number: Not reportedLatitude Number: Not reportedLongitude: Not reportedLatitude: Not reported5 Min Quad: Not reported7.5 Min Quad: Not reportedSamples Include: Not reportedSampled By: Not reportedWells Contam: 0Num Affected: NoWells Affected: AHPDem Contact: Not reportedPriority Update: EPriority Code: Not reportedSite Priority: Not reportedRisk Site: Not reportedSetting: Not reportedLocation: Other inorganicsType: UnknownSource: Not reportedQty Recovered 1: Not reportedQty Lost 1: Not reportedMaterial: Public ServiceOperation: UnknownOwnership: MAIDENOper City,St,Zip: MAIDENOperator City: Not reportedOperator Address: TOWN OF MAIDENOwner Company: Not reportedContact Phone: ,Operator: FINISHING PRODUCTS. PCE AT SOIL AT 19 PPB IN ADDITION TO OTHER CONSTITUENTS OF FURNITURE SUSPECTED DUMPING OF LACQUER NEAR A UST. ISOPROPYL BENZENE DETECTED INIncident Desc: Not reportedSoil Contam: Yes, Groundwater Contamination has been detectedGW Contam: 1/12/2001Submit Date: NATIONAL PARTITIONS & INTERIORS (FORMER) (Continued)S104546896 TC4449224.2s Page 49 OR P H A N S U M M A R Y Cit y ED R I D Si t e N a m e Si t e A d d r e s s Zip Database(s) Co u n t : 1 r e c o r d s . NE W T O N U0 0 3 1 3 4 4 5 0 ED ’ S G R O C E R Y P. O . B O X 2 7 2 3 28658 LUST TRUST, UST TC 4 4 4 9 2 2 4 . 2 s P a g e 5 0 To maintain currency of the following federal and state databases, EDR contacts the appropriate governmental agency on a monthly or quarterly basis, as required. Number of Days to Update:Provides confirmation that EDR is reporting records that have been updated within 90 days from the date the government agency made the information available to the public. STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Federal NPL site list NPL: National Priority List National Priorities List (Superfund). The NPL is a subset of CERCLIS and identifies over 1,200 sites for priority cleanup under the Superfund Program. NPL sites may encompass relatively large areas. As such, EDR provides polygon coverage for over 1,000 NPL site boundaries produced by EPA’s Environmental Photographic Interpretation Center (EPIC) and regional EPA offices. Date of Government Version: 03/26/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/08/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 75 Source: EPA Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 07/09/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/19/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly NPL Site Boundaries Sources: EPA’s Environmental Photographic Interpretation Center (EPIC) Telephone: 202-564-7333 EPA Region 1 EPA Region 6 Telephone 617-918-1143 Telephone: 214-655-6659 EPA Region 3 EPA Region 7 Telephone 215-814-5418 Telephone: 913-551-7247 EPA Region 4 EPA Region 8 Telephone 404-562-8033 Telephone: 303-312-6774 EPA Region 5 EPA Region 9 Telephone 312-886-6686 Telephone: 415-947-4246 EPA Region 10 Telephone 206-553-8665 Proposed NPL: Proposed National Priority List Sites A site that has been proposed for listing on the National Priorities List through the issuance of a proposed rule in the Federal Register. EPA then accepts public comments on the site, responds to the comments, and places on the NPL those sites that continue to meet the requirements for listing. Date of Government Version: 03/26/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/08/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 75 Source: EPA Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 07/09/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/19/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly NPL LIENS: Federal Superfund Liens Federal Superfund Liens. Under the authority granted the USEPA by CERCLA of 1980, the USEPA has the authority to file liens against real property in order to recover remedial action expenditures or when the property owner received notification of potential liability. USEPA compiles a listing of filed notices of Superfund Liens. Date of Government Version: 10/15/1991 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/02/1994 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/30/1994 Number of Days to Update: 56 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-4267 Last EDR Contact: 08/15/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/28/2011 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned TC4449224.2s Page GR-1 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Federal Delisted NPL site list Delisted NPL: National Priority List Deletions The National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) establishes the criteria that the EPA uses to delete sites from the NPL. In accordance with 40 CFR 300.425.(e), sites may be deleted from the NPL where no further response is appropriate. Date of Government Version: 03/26/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/08/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 75 Source: EPA Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 07/09/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/19/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Federal CERCLIS list FEDERAL FACILITY: Federal Facility Site Information listing A listing of National Priority List (NPL) and Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) sites found in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) Database where EPA Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office is involved in cleanup activities. Date of Government Version: 03/26/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/08/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/11/2015 Number of Days to Update: 64 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-603-8704 Last EDR Contact: 07/10/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/19/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies CERCLIS: Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System CERCLIS contains data on potentially hazardous waste sites that have been reported to the USEPA by states, municipalities, private companies and private persons, pursuant to Section 103 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). CERCLIS contains sites which are either proposed to or on the National Priorities List (NPL) and sites which are in the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL. Date of Government Version: 10/25/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/11/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/13/2014 Number of Days to Update: 94 Source: EPA Telephone: 703-412-9810 Last EDR Contact: 05/29/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/07/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site List CERCLIS-NFRAP: CERCLIS No Further Remedial Action Planned Archived sites are sites that have been removed and archived from the inventory of CERCLIS sites. Archived status indicates that, to the best of EPA’s knowledge, assessment at a site has been completed and that EPA has determined no further steps will be taken to list this site on the National Priorities List (NPL), unless information indicates this decision was not appropriate or other considerations require a recommendation for listing at a later time. This decision does not necessarily mean that there is no hazard associated with a given site; it only means that, based upon available information, the location is not judged to be a potential NPL site. Date of Government Version: 10/25/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/11/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/13/2014 Number of Days to Update: 94 Source: EPA Telephone: 703-412-9810 Last EDR Contact: 05/29/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/07/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list CORRACTS: Corrective Action Report CORRACTS identifies hazardous waste handlers with RCRA corrective action activity. TC4449224.2s Page GR-2 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 06/09/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/26/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/16/2015 Number of Days to Update: 82 Source: EPA Telephone: 800-424-9346 Last EDR Contact: 06/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/12/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD facilities list RCRA-TSDF: RCRA - Treatment, Storage and Disposal RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Transporters are individuals or entities that move hazardous waste from the generator offsite to a facility that can recycle, treat, store, or dispose of the waste. TSDFs treat, store, or dispose of the waste. Date of Government Version: 06/09/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/26/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/16/2015 Number of Days to Update: 82 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: (404) 562-8651 Last EDR Contact: 06/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/12/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Federal RCRA generators list RCRA-LQG: RCRA - Large Quantity Generators RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Large quantity generators (LQGs) generate over 1,000 kilograms (kg) of hazardous waste, or over 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste per month. Date of Government Version: 06/09/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/26/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/16/2015 Number of Days to Update: 82 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: (404) 562-8651 Last EDR Contact: 06/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/12/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly RCRA-SQG: RCRA - Small Quantity Generators RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Small quantity generators (SQGs) generate between 100 kg and 1,000 kg of hazardous waste per month. Date of Government Version: 06/09/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/26/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/16/2015 Number of Days to Update: 82 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: (404) 562-8651 Last EDR Contact: 06/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/12/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly RCRA-CESQG: RCRA - Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Conditionally exempt small quantity generators (CESQGs) generate less than 100 kg of hazardous waste, or less than 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste per month. Date of Government Version: 06/09/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/26/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/16/2015 Number of Days to Update: 82 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: (404) 562-8651 Last EDR Contact: 06/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/12/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies TC4449224.2s Page GR-3 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries LUCIS: Land Use Control Information System LUCIS contains records of land use control information pertaining to the former Navy Base Realignment and Closure properties. Date of Government Version: 05/28/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/29/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/11/2015 Number of Days to Update: 13 Source: Department of the Navy Telephone: 843-820-7326 Last EDR Contact: 08/12/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/30/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies US ENG CONTROLS: Engineering Controls Sites List A listing of sites with engineering controls in place. Engineering controls include various forms of caps, building foundations, liners, and treatment methods to create pathway elimination for regulated substances to enter environmental media or effect human health. Date of Government Version: 06/09/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/26/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/02/2015 Number of Days to Update: 68 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-603-0695 Last EDR Contact: 08/31/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/14/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies US INST CONTROL: Sites with Institutional Controls A listing of sites with institutional controls in place. Institutional controls include administrative measures, such as groundwater use restrictions, construction restrictions, property use restrictions, and post remediation care requirements intended to prevent exposure to contaminants remaining on site. Deed restrictions are generally required as part of the institutional controls. Date of Government Version: 06/09/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/26/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/02/2015 Number of Days to Update: 68 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-603-0695 Last EDR Contact: 08/31/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/14/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies Federal ERNS list ERNS: Emergency Response Notification System Emergency Response Notification System. ERNS records and stores information on reported releases of oil and hazardous substances. Date of Government Version: 06/22/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/26/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/16/2015 Number of Days to Update: 82 Source: National Response Center, United States Coast Guard Telephone: 202-267-2180 Last EDR Contact: 06/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/12/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually State- and tribal - equivalent NPL HSDS: Hazardous Substance Disposal Site Locations of uncontrolled and unregulated hazardous waste sites. The file includes sites on the National Priority List as well as those on the state priority list. Date of Government Version: 08/09/2011 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/08/2011 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/05/2011 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: North Carolina Center for Geographic Information and Analysis Telephone: 919-754-6580 Last EDR Contact: 07/29/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/16/2015 Data Release Frequency: Biennially State- and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS TC4449224.2s Page GR-4 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING SHWS: Inactive Hazardous Sites Inventory State Hazardous Waste Sites. State hazardous waste site records are the states’ equivalent to CERCLIS. These sites may or may not already be listed on the federal CERCLIS list. Priority sites planned for cleanup using state funds (state equivalent of Superfund) are identified along with sites where cleanup will be paid for by potentially responsible parties. Available information varies by state. Date of Government Version: 07/16/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/16/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 36 Source: Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Telephone: 919-508-8400 Last EDR Contact: 09/16/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly State and tribal landfill and/or solid waste disposal site lists SWF/LF: List of Solid Waste Facilities Solid Waste Facilities/Landfill Sites. SWF/LF type records typically contain an inventory of solid waste disposal facilities or landfills in a particular state. Depending on the state, these may be active or inactive facilities or open dumps that failed to meet RCRA Subtitle D Section 4004 criteria for solid waste landfills or disposal sites. Date of Government Version: 09/28/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/30/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 22 Source: Department of Environment and Natural Resources Telephone: 919-733-0692 Last EDR Contact: 09/30/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/11/2016 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually OLI: Old Landfill Inventory Old landfill inventory location information. (Does not include no further action sites and other agency lead sites). Date of Government Version: 03/27/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/17/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/30/2015 Number of Days to Update: 13 Source: Department of Environment & Natural Resources Telephone: 919-733-4996 Last EDR Contact: 07/17/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies State and tribal leaking storage tank lists LUST: Regional UST Database This database contains information obtained from the Regional Offices. It provides a more detailed explanation of current and historic activity for individual sites, as well as what was previously found in the Incident Management Database. Sites in this database with Incident Numbers are considered LUSTs. Date of Government Version: 08/07/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/12/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/15/2015 Number of Days to Update: 34 Source: Department of Environment and Natural Resources Telephone: 919-733-1308 Last EDR Contact: 08/11/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/23/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly LAST: Leaking Aboveground Storage Tanks A listing of leaking aboveground storage tank site locations. Date of Government Version: 08/07/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/12/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/15/2015 Number of Days to Update: 34 Source: Department of Environment & Natural Resources Telephone: 877-623-6748 Last EDR Contact: 08/11/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/23/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly INDIAN LUST R9: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Arizona, California, New Mexico and Nevada TC4449224.2s Page GR-5 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 01/08/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/08/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/09/2015 Number of Days to Update: 32 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 415-972-3372 Last EDR Contact: 07/31/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly INDIAN LUST R8: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming. Date of Government Version: 04/30/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/05/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 48 Source: EPA Region 8 Telephone: 303-312-6271 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly INDIAN LUST R7: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Iowa, Kansas, and Nebraska Date of Government Version: 03/30/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/28/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 55 Source: EPA Region 7 Telephone: 913-551-7003 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN LUST R6: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in New Mexico and Oklahoma. Date of Government Version: 05/13/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/03/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 71 Source: EPA Region 6 Telephone: 214-665-6597 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN LUST R10: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Date of Government Version: 07/21/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/29/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 76 Source: EPA Region 10 Telephone: 206-553-2857 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly INDIAN LUST R4: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Florida, Mississippi and North Carolina. Date of Government Version: 07/30/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/07/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 67 Source: EPA Region 4 Telephone: 404-562-8677 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually INDIAN LUST R1: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land A listing of leaking underground storage tank locations on Indian Land. Date of Government Version: 02/03/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/30/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 53 Source: EPA Region 1 Telephone: 617-918-1313 Last EDR Contact: 07/31/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies TC4449224.2s Page GR-6 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING INDIAN LUST R5: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land Leaking underground storage tanks located on Indian Land in Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Date of Government Version: 07/28/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/07/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 67 Source: EPA, Region 5 Telephone: 312-886-7439 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies LUST TRUST: State Trust Fund Database This database contains information about claims against the State Trust Funds for reimbursements for expenses incurred while remediating Leaking USTs. Date of Government Version: 07/10/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/15/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/20/2015 Number of Days to Update: 36 Source: Department of Environment and Natural Resources Telephone: 919-733-1315 Last EDR Contact: 07/15/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually State and tribal registered storage tank lists FEMA UST: Underground Storage Tank Listing A listing of all FEMA owned underground storage tanks. Date of Government Version: 01/01/2010 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/16/2010 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/12/2010 Number of Days to Update: 55 Source: FEMA Telephone: 202-646-5797 Last EDR Contact: 07/10/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies UST: Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Database Registered Underground Storage Tanks. UST’s are regulated under Subtitle I of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and must be registered with the state department responsible for administering the UST program. Available information varies by state program. Date of Government Version: 08/07/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/12/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/17/2015 Number of Days to Update: 36 Source: Department of Environment and Natural Resources Telephone: 919-733-1308 Last EDR Contact: 08/11/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/23/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly AST: AST Database Facilities with aboveground storage tanks that have a capacity greater than 21,000 gallons. Date of Government Version: 04/14/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/23/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/17/2015 Number of Days to Update: 24 Source: Department of Environment and Natural Resources Telephone: 919-715-6183 Last EDR Contact: 06/17/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/05/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually INDIAN UST R8: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 8 (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming and 27 Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 07/28/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/14/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 60 Source: EPA Region 8 Telephone: 303-312-6137 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly TC4449224.2s Page GR-7 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING INDIAN UST R4: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 4 (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Tribal Nations) Date of Government Version: 07/30/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/07/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 67 Source: EPA Region 4 Telephone: 404-562-9424 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually INDIAN UST R5: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 5 (Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin and Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 07/28/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/07/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 67 Source: EPA Region 5 Telephone: 312-886-6136 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN UST R1: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 1 (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont and ten Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 02/03/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/30/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 53 Source: EPA, Region 1 Telephone: 617-918-1313 Last EDR Contact: 07/31/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN UST R7: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 7 (Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and 9 Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 09/23/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/25/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/29/2015 Number of Days to Update: 65 Source: EPA Region 7 Telephone: 913-551-7003 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN UST R9: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 9 (Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, the Pacific Islands, and Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 12/14/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/13/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 28 Source: EPA Region 9 Telephone: 415-972-3368 Last EDR Contact: 07/31/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly INDIAN UST R6: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 6 (Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Texas and 65 Tribes). Date of Government Version: 05/13/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/03/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 71 Source: EPA Region 6 Telephone: 214-665-7591 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually TC4449224.2s Page GR-8 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING INDIAN UST R10: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 10 (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 07/21/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/29/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 76 Source: EPA Region 10 Telephone: 206-553-2857 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly State and tribal institutional control / engineering control registries INST CONTROL: No Further Action Sites With Land Use Restrictions Monitoring A land use restricted site is a property where there are limits or requirements on future use of the property due to varying levels of cleanup possible, practical, or necessary at the site. Date of Government Version: 07/16/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/16/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 36 Source: Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Telephone: 919-508-8400 Last EDR Contact: 09/16/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites INDIAN VCP R1: Voluntary Cleanup Priority Listing A listing of voluntary cleanup priority sites located on Indian Land located in Region 1. Date of Government Version: 09/29/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/01/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/06/2014 Number of Days to Update: 36 Source: EPA, Region 1 Telephone: 617-918-1102 Last EDR Contact: 06/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/12/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies VCP: Responsible Party Voluntary Action Sites Responsible Party Voluntary Action site locations. Date of Government Version: 07/16/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/16/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 36 Source: Department of Environment and Natural Resources Telephone: 919-508-8400 Last EDR Contact: 09/16/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually INDIAN VCP R7: Voluntary Cleanup Priority Lisitng A listing of voluntary cleanup priority sites located on Indian Land located in Region 7. Date of Government Version: 03/20/2008 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/22/2008 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/19/2008 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: EPA, Region 7 Telephone: 913-551-7365 Last EDR Contact: 04/20/2009 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/20/2009 Data Release Frequency: Varies State and tribal Brownfields sites BROWNFIELDS: Brownfields Projects Inventory A brownfield site is an abandoned, idled, or underused property where the threat of environmental contamination has hindered its redevelopment. All of the sites in the inventory are working toward a brownfield agreement for cleanup and liabitliy control. Date of Government Version: 10/01/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/07/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 15 Source: Department of Environment and Natural Resources Telephone: 919-733-4996 Last EDR Contact: 10/07/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/18/2016 Data Release Frequency: Varies TC4449224.2s Page GR-9 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Local Brownfield lists US BROWNFIELDS: A Listing of Brownfields Sites Brownfields are real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant. Cleaning up and reinvesting in these properties takes development pressures off of undeveloped, open land, and both improves and protects the environment. Assessment, Cleanup and Redevelopment Exchange System (ACRES) stores information reported by EPA Brownfields grant recipients on brownfields properties assessed or cleaned up with grant funding as well as information on Targeted Brownfields Assessments performed by EPA Regions. A listing of ACRES Brownfield sites is obtained from Cleanups in My Community. Cleanups in My Community provides information on Brownfields properties for which information is reported back to EPA, as well as areas served by Brownfields grant programs. Date of Government Version: 06/22/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/24/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/02/2015 Number of Days to Update: 70 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-566-2777 Last EDR Contact: 06/24/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/05/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites SWRCY: Recycling Center Listing A listing of recycling center locations. Date of Government Version: 09/24/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/25/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: Department of Environment & Natural Resources Telephone: 919-707-8137 Last EDR Contact: 08/03/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/16/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies HIST LF: Solid Waste Facility Listing A listing of solid waste facilities. Date of Government Version: 11/06/2006 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/13/2007 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/02/2007 Number of Days to Update: 17 Source: Department of Environment & Natural Resources Telephone: 919-733-0692 Last EDR Contact: 01/19/2009 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned INDIAN ODI: Report on the Status of Open Dumps on Indian Lands Location of open dumps on Indian land. Date of Government Version: 12/31/1998 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/03/2007 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/24/2008 Number of Days to Update: 52 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-308-8245 Last EDR Contact: 05/01/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/17/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies ODI: Open Dump Inventory An open dump is defined as a disposal facility that does not comply with one or more of the Part 257 or Part 258 Subtitle D Criteria. Date of Government Version: 06/30/1985 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/09/2004 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/17/2004 Number of Days to Update: 39 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 800-424-9346 Last EDR Contact: 06/09/2004 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned DEBRIS REGION 9: Torres Martinez Reservation Illegal Dump Site Locations A listing of illegal dump sites location on the Torres Martinez Indian Reservation located in eastern Riverside County and northern Imperial County, California. TC4449224.2s Page GR-10 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 01/12/2009 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/07/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/21/2009 Number of Days to Update: 137 Source: EPA, Region 9 Telephone: 415-947-4219 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites US HIST CDL: National Clandestine Laboratory Register A listing of clandestine drug lab locations. The U.S. Department of Justice ("the Department") provides this web site as a public service. It contains addresses of some locations where law enforcement agencies reported they found chemicals or other items that indicated the presence of either clandestine drug laboratories or dumpsites. In most cases, the source of the entries is not the Department, and the Department has not verified the entry and does not guarantee its accuracy. Members of the public must verify the accuracy of all entries by, for example, contacting local law enforcement and local health departments. Date of Government Version: 06/01/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/02/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/16/2015 Number of Days to Update: 106 Source: Drug Enforcement Administration Telephone: 202-307-1000 Last EDR Contact: 08/31/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/14/2015 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned US CDL: Clandestine Drug Labs A listing of clandestine drug lab locations. The U.S. Department of Justice ("the Department") provides this web site as a public service. It contains addresses of some locations where law enforcement agencies reported they found chemicals or other items that indicated the presence of either clandestine drug laboratories or dumpsites. In most cases, the source of the entries is not the Department, and the Department has not verified the entry and does not guarantee its accuracy. Members of the public must verify the accuracy of all entries by, for example, contacting local law enforcement and local health departments. Date of Government Version: 05/15/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/02/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/16/2015 Number of Days to Update: 106 Source: Drug Enforcement Administration Telephone: 202-307-1000 Last EDR Contact: 08/31/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/14/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Local Land Records LIENS 2: CERCLA Lien Information A Federal CERCLA (’Superfund’) lien can exist by operation of law at any site or property at which EPA has spent Superfund monies. These monies are spent to investigate and address releases and threatened releases of contamination. CERCLIS provides information as to the identity of these sites and properties. Date of Government Version: 02/18/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/18/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/24/2014 Number of Days to Update: 37 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-6023 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies Records of Emergency Release Reports HMIRS: Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System Hazardous Materials Incident Report System. HMIRS contains hazardous material spill incidents reported to DOT. Date of Government Version: 06/24/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/26/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/02/2015 Number of Days to Update: 68 Source: U.S. Department of Transportation Telephone: 202-366-4555 Last EDR Contact: 06/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/12/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually TC4449224.2s Page GR-11 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING SPILLS: Spills Incident Listing A listing spills, hazardous material releases, sanitary sewer overflows, wastewater treatment plant bypasses and upsets, citizen complaints, and any other environmental emergency calls reported to the agency. Date of Government Version: 09/14/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/17/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 35 Source: Department of Environment & Natural Resources Telephone: 919-807-6308 Last EDR Contact: 09/14/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies IMD: Incident Management Database Groundwater and/or soil contamination incidents Date of Government Version: 07/21/2006 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/01/2006 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/23/2006 Number of Days to Update: 22 Source: Department of Environment and Natural Resources Telephone: 919-733-3221 Last EDR Contact: 07/01/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/17/2011 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned SPILLS 90: SPILLS90 data from FirstSearch Spills 90 includes those spill and release records available exclusively from FirstSearch databases. Typically, they may include chemical, oil and/or hazardous substance spills recorded after 1990. Duplicate records that are already included in EDR incident and release records are not included in Spills 90. Date of Government Version: 09/27/2012 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/03/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/06/2013 Number of Days to Update: 62 Source: FirstSearch Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 01/03/2013 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned SPILLS 80: SPILLS80 data from FirstSearch Spills 80 includes those spill and release records available from FirstSearch databases prior to 1990. Typically, they may include chemical, oil and/or hazardous substance spills recorded before 1990. Duplicate records that are already included in EDR incident and release records are not included in Spills 80. Date of Government Version: 06/14/2001 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/03/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/06/2013 Number of Days to Update: 62 Source: FirstSearch Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 01/03/2013 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned Other Ascertainable Records RCRA NonGen / NLR: RCRA - Non Generators / No Longer Regulated RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste. Date of Government Version: 06/09/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/26/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/16/2015 Number of Days to Update: 82 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: (404) 562-8651 Last EDR Contact: 06/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/12/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies FUDS: Formerly Used Defense Sites The listing includes locations of Formerly Used Defense Sites properties where the US Army Corps of Engineers is actively working or will take necessary cleanup actions. TC4449224.2s Page GR-12 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 01/31/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/08/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 97 Source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Telephone: 202-528-4285 Last EDR Contact: 09/11/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/21/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies DOD: Department of Defense Sites This data set consists of federally owned or administered lands, administered by the Department of Defense, that have any area equal to or greater than 640 acres of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/10/2006 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/11/2007 Number of Days to Update: 62 Source: USGS Telephone: 888-275-8747 Last EDR Contact: 07/14/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually FEDLAND: Federal and Indian Lands Federally and Indian administrated lands of the United States. Lands included are administrated by: Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation, National Wild and Scenic River, National Wildlife Refuge, Public Domain Land, Wilderness, Wilderness Study Area, Wildlife Management Area, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Land Management, Department of Justice, Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/06/2006 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/11/2007 Number of Days to Update: 339 Source: U.S. Geological Survey Telephone: 888-275-8747 Last EDR Contact: 07/14/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: N/A SCRD DRYCLEANERS: State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners Listing The State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners was established in 1998, with support from the U.S. EPA Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation. It is comprised of representatives of states with established drycleaner remediation programs. Currently the member states are Alabama, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin. Date of Government Version: 03/07/2011 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/09/2011 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/02/2011 Number of Days to Update: 54 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 615-532-8599 Last EDR Contact: 05/21/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/31/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies US FIN ASSUR: Financial Assurance Information All owners and operators of facilities that treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste are required to provide proof that they will have sufficient funds to pay for the clean up, closure, and post-closure care of their facilities. Date of Government Version: 06/01/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/02/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/16/2015 Number of Days to Update: 106 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-566-1917 Last EDR Contact: 08/12/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/30/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly EPA WATCH LIST: EPA WATCH LIST EPA maintains a "Watch List" to facilitate dialogue between EPA, state and local environmental agencies on enforcement matters relating to facilities with alleged violations identified as either significant or high priority. Being on the Watch List does not mean that the facility has actually violated the law only that an investigation by EPA or a state or local environmental agency has led those organizations to allege that an unproven violation has in fact occurred. Being on the Watch List does not represent a higher level of concern regarding the alleged violations that were detected, but instead indicates cases requiring additional dialogue between EPA, state and local agencies - primarily because of the length of time the alleged violation has gone unaddressed or unresolved. TC4449224.2s Page GR-13 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 08/30/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/21/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/17/2014 Number of Days to Update: 88 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 617-520-3000 Last EDR Contact: 08/04/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/23/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly 2020 COR ACTION: 2020 Corrective Action Program List The EPA has set ambitious goals for the RCRA Corrective Action program by creating the 2020 Corrective Action Universe. This RCRA cleanup baseline includes facilities expected to need corrective action. The 2020 universe contains a wide variety of sites. Some properties are heavily contaminated while others were contaminated but have since been cleaned up. Still others have not been fully investigated yet, and may require little or no remediation. Inclusion in the 2020 Universe does not necessarily imply failure on the part of a facility to meet its RCRA obligations. Date of Government Version: 04/22/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/03/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/09/2015 Number of Days to Update: 6 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-308-4044 Last EDR Contact: 05/14/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/24/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies TSCA: Toxic Substances Control Act Toxic Substances Control Act. TSCA identifies manufacturers and importers of chemical substances included on the TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory list. It includes data on the production volume of these substances by plant site. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2012 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/15/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/29/2015 Number of Days to Update: 14 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-260-5521 Last EDR Contact: 06/25/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/05/2015 Data Release Frequency: Every 4 Years TRIS: Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System Toxic Release Inventory System. TRIS identifies facilities which release toxic chemicals to the air, water and land in reportable quantities under SARA Title III Section 313. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/12/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/02/2015 Number of Days to Update: 110 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-566-0250 Last EDR Contact: 01/29/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/08/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually SSTS: Section 7 Tracking Systems Section 7 of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, as amended (92 Stat. 829) requires all registered pesticide-producing establishments to submit a report to the Environmental Protection Agency by March 1st each year. Each establishment must report the types and amounts of pesticides, active ingredients and devices being produced, and those having been produced and sold or distributed in the past year. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2009 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/10/2010 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/25/2011 Number of Days to Update: 77 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-4203 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually ROD: Records Of Decision Record of Decision. ROD documents mandate a permanent remedy at an NPL (Superfund) site containing technical and health information to aid in the cleanup. Date of Government Version: 11/25/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/12/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/24/2014 Number of Days to Update: 74 Source: EPA Telephone: 703-416-0223 Last EDR Contact: 06/12/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/21/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually TC4449224.2s Page GR-14 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING RMP: Risk Management Plans When Congress passed the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, it required EPA to publish regulations and guidance for chemical accident prevention at facilities using extremely hazardous substances. The Risk Management Program Rule (RMP Rule) was written to implement Section 112(r) of these amendments. The rule, which built upon existing industry codes and standards, requires companies of all sizes that use certain flammable and toxic substances to develop a Risk Management Program, which includes a(n): Hazard assessment that details the potential effects of an accidental release, an accident history of the last five years, and an evaluation of worst-case and alternative accidental releases; Prevention program that includes safety precautions and maintenance, monitoring, and employee training measures; and Emergency response program that spells out emergency health care, employee training measures and procedures for informing the public and response agencies (e.g the fire department) should an accident occur. Date of Government Version: 02/01/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/13/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/25/2015 Number of Days to Update: 40 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-8600 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies RAATS: RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System RCRA Administration Action Tracking System. RAATS contains records based on enforcement actions issued under RCRA pertaining to major violators and includes administrative and civil actions brought by the EPA. For administration actions after September 30, 1995, data entry in the RAATS database was discontinued. EPA will retain a copy of the database for historical records. It was necessary to terminate RAATS because a decrease in agency resources made it impossible to continue to update the information contained in the database. Date of Government Version: 04/17/1995 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/03/1995 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/07/1995 Number of Days to Update: 35 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-4104 Last EDR Contact: 06/02/2008 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/01/2008 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned PRP: Potentially Responsible Parties A listing of verified Potentially Responsible Parties Date of Government Version: 10/25/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/17/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/20/2014 Number of Days to Update: 3 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-6023 Last EDR Contact: 05/14/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/24/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly PADS: PCB Activity Database System PCB Activity Database. PADS Identifies generators, transporters, commercial storers and/or brokers and disposers of PCB’s who are required to notify the EPA of such activities. Date of Government Version: 07/01/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/15/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/17/2014 Number of Days to Update: 33 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-566-0500 Last EDR Contact: 07/17/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually ICIS: Integrated Compliance Information System The Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) supports the information needs of the national enforcement and compliance program as well as the unique needs of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program. Date of Government Version: 01/23/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/06/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/09/2015 Number of Days to Update: 31 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-5088 Last EDR Contact: 07/09/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly TC4449224.2s Page GR-15 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING FTTS: FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)/TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) FTTS tracks administrative cases and pesticide enforcement actions and compliance activities related to FIFRA, TSCA and EPCRA (Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act). To maintain currency, EDR contacts the Agency on a quarterly basis. Date of Government Version: 04/09/2009 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/16/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/11/2009 Number of Days to Update: 25 Source: EPA/Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances Telephone: 202-566-1667 Last EDR Contact: 05/20/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/07/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly FTTS INSP: FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)/TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) A listing of FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System (FTTS) inspections and enforcements. Date of Government Version: 04/09/2009 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/16/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/11/2009 Number of Days to Update: 25 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-566-1667 Last EDR Contact: 05/20/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/07/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly MLTS: Material Licensing Tracking System MLTS is maintained by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and contains a list of approximately 8,100 sites which possess or use radioactive materials and which are subject to NRC licensing requirements. To maintain currency, EDR contacts the Agency on a quarterly basis. Date of Government Version: 06/26/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/10/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 95 Source: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Telephone: 301-415-7169 Last EDR Contact: 09/03/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/21/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly COAL ASH DOE: Steam-Electric Plant Operation Data A listing of power plants that store ash in surface ponds. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/07/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/22/2009 Number of Days to Update: 76 Source: Department of Energy Telephone: 202-586-8719 Last EDR Contact: 07/13/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies COAL ASH EPA: Coal Combustion Residues Surface Impoundments List A listing of coal combustion residues surface impoundments with high hazard potential ratings. Date of Government Version: 07/01/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/10/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/20/2014 Number of Days to Update: 40 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 06/12/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/21/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies PCB TRANSFORMER: PCB Transformer Registration Database The database of PCB transformer registrations that includes all PCB registration submittals. Date of Government Version: 02/01/2011 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/19/2011 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/10/2012 Number of Days to Update: 83 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-566-0517 Last EDR Contact: 07/31/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies RADINFO: Radiation Information Database The Radiation Information Database (RADINFO) contains information about facilities that are regulated by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations for radiation and radioactivity. TC4449224.2s Page GR-16 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 07/07/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/09/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/16/2015 Number of Days to Update: 69 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-343-9775 Last EDR Contact: 07/09/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/19/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly HIST FTTS: FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Administrative Case Listing A complete administrative case listing from the FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System (FTTS) for all ten EPA regions. The information was obtained from the National Compliance Database (NCDB). NCDB supports the implementation of FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act) and TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act). Some EPA regions are now closing out records. Because of that, and the fact that some EPA regions are not providing EPA Headquarters with updated records, it was decided to create a HIST FTTS database. It included records that may not be included in the newer FTTS database updates. This database is no longer updated. Date of Government Version: 10/19/2006 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/01/2007 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/10/2007 Number of Days to Update: 40 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-2501 Last EDR Contact: 12/17/2007 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/17/2008 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned HIST FTTS INSP: FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Inspection & Enforcement Case Listing A complete inspection and enforcement case listing from the FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System (FTTS) for all ten EPA regions. The information was obtained from the National Compliance Database (NCDB). NCDB supports the implementation of FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act) and TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act). Some EPA regions are now closing out records. Because of that, and the fact that some EPA regions are not providing EPA Headquarters with updated records, it was decided to create a HIST FTTS database. It included records that may not be included in the newer FTTS database updates. This database is no longer updated. Date of Government Version: 10/19/2006 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/01/2007 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/10/2007 Number of Days to Update: 40 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-2501 Last EDR Contact: 12/17/2008 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/17/2008 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned DOT OPS: Incident and Accident Data Department of Transporation, Office of Pipeline Safety Incident and Accident data. Date of Government Version: 07/31/2012 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/07/2012 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/18/2012 Number of Days to Update: 42 Source: Department of Transporation, Office of Pipeline Safety Telephone: 202-366-4595 Last EDR Contact: 08/04/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/16/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies CONSENT: Superfund (CERCLA) Consent Decrees Major legal settlements that establish responsibility and standards for cleanup at NPL (Superfund) sites. Released periodically by United States District Courts after settlement by parties to litigation matters. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/17/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/02/2015 Number of Days to Update: 46 Source: Department of Justice, Consent Decree Library Telephone: Varies Last EDR Contact: 06/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/12/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies BRS: Biennial Reporting System The Biennial Reporting System is a national system administered by the EPA that collects data on the generation and management of hazardous waste. BRS captures detailed data from two groups: Large Quantity Generators (LQG) and Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/24/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/30/2015 Number of Days to Update: 218 Source: EPA/NTIS Telephone: 800-424-9346 Last EDR Contact: 08/28/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/07/2015 Data Release Frequency: Biennially TC4449224.2s Page GR-17 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING INDIAN RESERV: Indian Reservations This map layer portrays Indian administered lands of the United States that have any area equal to or greater than 640 acres. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/08/2006 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/11/2007 Number of Days to Update: 34 Source: USGS Telephone: 202-208-3710 Last EDR Contact: 07/14/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually UMTRA: Uranium Mill Tailings Sites Uranium ore was mined by private companies for federal government use in national defense programs. When the mills shut down, large piles of the sand-like material (mill tailings) remain after uranium has been extracted from the ore. Levels of human exposure to radioactive materials from the piles are low; however, in some cases tailings were used as construction materials before the potential health hazards of the tailings were recognized. Date of Government Version: 09/14/2010 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/07/2011 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/01/2012 Number of Days to Update: 146 Source: Department of Energy Telephone: 505-845-0011 Last EDR Contact: 05/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/07/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies LEAD SMELTER 1: Lead Smelter Sites A listing of former lead smelter site locations. Date of Government Version: 11/25/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/26/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/29/2015 Number of Days to Update: 64 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-603-8787 Last EDR Contact: 07/07/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/19/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies LEAD SMELTER 2: Lead Smelter Sites A list of several hundred sites in the U.S. where secondary lead smelting was done from 1931and 1964. These sites may pose a threat to public health through ingestion or inhalation of contaminated soil or dust Date of Government Version: 04/05/2001 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/27/2010 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 36 Source: American Journal of Public Health Telephone: 703-305-6451 Last EDR Contact: 12/02/2009 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned US AIRS (AFS): Aerometric Information Retrieval System Facility Subsystem (AFS) The database is a sub-system of Aerometric Information Retrieval System (AIRS). AFS contains compliance data on air pollution point sources regulated by the U.S. EPA and/or state and local air regulatory agencies. This information comes from source reports by various stationary sources of air pollution, such as electric power plants, steel mills, factories, and universities, and provides information about the air pollutants they produce. Action, air program, air program pollutant, and general level plant data. It is used to track emissions and compliance data from industrial plants. Date of Government Version: 07/22/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/24/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/02/2015 Number of Days to Update: 40 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-2496 Last EDR Contact: 06/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/05/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually US AIRS MINOR: Air Facility System Data A listing of minor source facilities. Date of Government Version: 07/22/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/24/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/02/2015 Number of Days to Update: 40 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-2496 Last EDR Contact: 06/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/22/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually TC4449224.2s Page GR-18 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING US MINES: Mines Master Index File Contains all mine identification numbers issued for mines active or opened since 1971. The data also includes violation information. Date of Government Version: 05/14/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/03/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/02/2015 Number of Days to Update: 91 Source: Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration Telephone: 303-231-5959 Last EDR Contact: 09/01/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/14/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually US MINES 2: Ferrous and Nonferrous Metal Mines Database Listing This map layer includes ferrous (ferrous metal mines are facilities that extract ferrous metals, such as iron ore or molybdenum) and nonferrous (Nonferrous metal mines are facilities that extract nonferrous metals, such as gold, silver, copper, zinc, and lead) metal mines in the United States. Date of Government Version: 12/05/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/29/2008 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/18/2008 Number of Days to Update: 49 Source: USGS Telephone: 703-648-7709 Last EDR Contact: 06/05/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/14/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies US MINES 3: Active Mines & Mineral Plants Database Listing Active Mines and Mineral Processing Plant operations for commodities monitored by the Minerals Information Team of the USGS. Date of Government Version: 04/14/2011 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/08/2011 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/13/2011 Number of Days to Update: 97 Source: USGS Telephone: 703-648-7709 Last EDR Contact: 06/05/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/14/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies FINDS: Facility Index System/Facility Registry System Facility Index System. FINDS contains both facility information and ’pointers’ to other sources that contain more detail. EDR includes the following FINDS databases in this report: PCS (Permit Compliance System), AIRS (Aerometric Information Retrieval System), DOCKET (Enforcement Docket used to manage and track information on civil judicial enforcement cases for all environmental statutes), FURS (Federal Underground Injection Control), C-DOCKET (Criminal Docket System used to track criminal enforcement actions for all environmental statutes), FFIS (Federal Facilities Information System), STATE (State Environmental Laws and Statutes), and PADS (PCB Activity Data System). Date of Government Version: 01/18/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/27/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/25/2015 Number of Days to Update: 26 Source: EPA Telephone: (404) 562-9900 Last EDR Contact: 06/10/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/21/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly COAL ASH: Coal Ash Disposal Sites A listing of coal combustion products distribution permits issued by the Division for the treatment, storage, transportation, use and disposal of coal combustion products. Date of Government Version: 04/22/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/04/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/15/2015 Number of Days to Update: 42 Source: Department of Environment & Natural Resources Telephone: 919-807-6359 Last EDR Contact: 08/03/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/16/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies DRYCLEANERS: Drycleaning Sites Potential and known drycleaning sites, active and abandoned, that the Drycleaning Solvent Cleanup Program has knowledge of and entered into this database. TC4449224.2s Page GR-19 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 03/02/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/25/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/08/2015 Number of Days to Update: 75 Source: Department of Environment & Natural Resources Telephone: 919-508-8400 Last EDR Contact: 06/25/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/05/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies Financial Assurance 1: Financial Assurance Information Listing A listing of financial assurance information for underground storage tank facilities. Financial assurance is intended to ensure that resources are available to pay for the cost of closure, post-closure care, and corrective measures if the owner or operator of a regulated facility is unable or unwilling to pay. Date of Government Version: 08/13/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/14/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/15/2015 Number of Days to Update: 32 Source: Department of Environment & Natural Resources Telephone: 919-733-1322 Last EDR Contact: 08/10/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/23/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Financial Assurance 2: Financial Assurance Information Listing Information for solid waste facilities. Financial assurance is intended to ensure that resources are available to pay for the cost of closure, post-closure care, and corrective measures if the owner or operator of a regulated facility is unable or unwilling to pay. Date of Government Version: 10/02/2012 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/03/2012 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/26/2012 Number of Days to Update: 23 Source: Department of Environmental & Natural Resources Telephone: 919-508-8496 Last EDR Contact: 06/23/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/12/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies Financial Assurance 3: Financial Assurance Information Hazardous waste financial assurance information. Date of Government Version: 09/14/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/15/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 37 Source: Department of Environment & Natural Resources Telephone: 919-707-8222 Last EDR Contact: 09/14/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies NPDES: NPDES Facility Location Listing General information regarding NPDES(National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) permits. Date of Government Version: 08/01/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/06/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/15/2015 Number of Days to Update: 40 Source: Department of Environment & Natural Resources Telephone: 919-733-7015 Last EDR Contact: 08/03/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/16/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies UIC: Underground Injection Wells Listing A listing of uncerground injection wells locations. Date of Government Version: 08/11/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/14/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/15/2015 Number of Days to Update: 32 Source: Department of Environment & Natural Resources Telephone: 919-807-6412 Last EDR Contact: 08/10/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/23/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies EDR HIGH RISK HISTORICAL RECORDS EDR Exclusive Records EDR MGP: EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plants The EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plant Database includes records of coal gas plants (manufactured gas plants) compiled by EDR’s researchers. Manufactured gas sites were used in the United States from the 1800’s to 1950’s to produce a gas that could be distributed and used as fuel. These plants used whale oil, rosin, coal, or a mixture of coal, oil, and water that also produced a significant amount of waste. Many of the byproducts of the gas production, such as coal tar (oily waste containing volatile and non-volatile chemicals), sludges, oils and other compounds are potentially hazardous to human health and the environment. The byproduct from this process was frequently disposed of directly at the plant site and can remain or spread slowly, serving as a continuous source of soil and groundwater contamination. TC4449224.2s Page GR-20 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: N/A Number of Days to Update: N/A Source: EDR, Inc. Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: N/A Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned EDR US Hist Auto Stat: EDR Exclusive Historic Gas Stations EDR has searched selected national collections of business directories and has collected listings of potential gas station/filling station/service station sites that were available to EDR researchers. EDR’s review was limited to those categories of sources that might, in EDR’s opinion, include gas station/filling station/service station establishments. The categories reviewed included, but were not limited to gas, gas station, gasoline station, filling station, auto, automobile repair, auto service station, service station, etc. This database falls within a category of information EDR classifies as "High Risk Historical Records", or HRHR. EDR’s HRHR effort presents unique and sometimes proprietary data about past sites and operations that typically create environmental concerns, but may not show up in current government records searches. Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: N/A Number of Days to Update: N/A Source: EDR, Inc. Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: N/A Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies EDR US Hist Cleaners: EDR Exclusive Historic Dry Cleaners EDR has searched selected national collections of business directories and has collected listings of potential dry cleaner sites that were available to EDR researchers. EDR’s review was limited to those categories of sources that might, in EDR’s opinion, include dry cleaning establishments. The categories reviewed included, but were not limited to dry cleaners, cleaners, laundry, laundromat, cleaning/laundry, wash & dry etc. This database falls within a category of information EDR classifies as "High Risk Historical Records", or HRHR. EDR’s HRHR effort presents unique and sometimes proprietary data about past sites and operations that typically create environmental concerns, but may not show up in current government records searches. Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: N/A Number of Days to Update: N/A Source: EDR, Inc. Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: N/A Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies EDR RECOVERED GOVERNMENT ARCHIVES Exclusive Recovered Govt. Archives RGA HWS: Recovered Government Archive State Hazardous Waste Facilities List The EDR Recovered Government Archive State Hazardous Waste database provides a list of SHWS incidents derived from historical databases and includes many records that no longer appear in current government lists. Compiled from Records formerly available from the Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources in North Carolina. Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/01/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/24/2013 Number of Days to Update: 176 Source: Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 06/01/2012 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies RGA LF: Recovered Government Archive Solid Waste Facilities List The EDR Recovered Government Archive Landfill database provides a list of landfills derived from historical databases and includes many records that no longer appear in current government lists. Compiled from Records formerly available from the Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources in North Carolina. Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/01/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/13/2014 Number of Days to Update: 196 Source: Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 06/01/2012 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies TC4449224.2s Page GR-21 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING RGA LUST: Recovered Government Archive Leaking Underground Storage Tank The EDR Recovered Government Archive Leaking Underground Storage Tank database provides a list of LUST incidents derived from historical databases and includes many records that no longer appear in current government lists. Compiled from Records formerly available from the Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources in North Carolina. Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/01/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/20/2013 Number of Days to Update: 172 Source: Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 06/01/2012 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies OTHER DATABASE(S) Depending on the geographic area covered by this report, the data provided in these specialty databases may or may not be complete. For example, the existence of wetlands information data in a specific report does not mean that all wetlands in the area covered by the report are included. Moreover, the absence of any reported wetlands information does not necessarily mean that wetlands do not exist in the area covered by the report. CT MANIFEST: Hazardous Waste Manifest Data Facility and manifest data. Manifest is a document that lists and tracks hazardous waste from the generator through transporters to a tsd facility. Date of Government Version: 07/30/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/19/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/03/2013 Number of Days to Update: 45 Source: Department of Energy & Environmental Protection Telephone: 860-424-3375 Last EDR Contact: 05/18/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/31/2015 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned NJ MANIFEST: Manifest Information Hazardous waste manifest information. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/17/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/12/2015 Number of Days to Update: 26 Source: Department of Environmental Protection Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 07/13/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually NY MANIFEST: Facility and Manifest Data Manifest is a document that lists and tracks hazardous waste from the generator through transporters to a TSD facility. Date of Government Version: 08/01/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/06/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/24/2015 Number of Days to Update: 18 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Telephone: 518-402-8651 Last EDR Contact: 08/06/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/16/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually PA MANIFEST: Manifest Information Hazardous waste manifest information. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/24/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/18/2015 Number of Days to Update: 25 Source: Department of Environmental Protection Telephone: 717-783-8990 Last EDR Contact: 07/20/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/02/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually TC4449224.2s Page GR-22 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING RI MANIFEST: Manifest information Hazardous waste manifest information Date of Government Version: 12/31/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/19/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/15/2015 Number of Days to Update: 26 Source: Department of Environmental Management Telephone: 401-222-2797 Last EDR Contact: 05/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/07/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually WI MANIFEST: Manifest Information Hazardous waste manifest information. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/19/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/07/2015 Number of Days to Update: 19 Source: Department of Natural Resources Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 06/11/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually Oil/Gas Pipelines Source: PennWell Corporation Telephone: 281-546-1505 Petroleum Bundle (Crude Oil, Refined Products, Petrochemicals, Gas Liquids (LPG/NGL), and Specialty Gases (Miscellaneous)) N = Natural Gas Bundle (Natural Gas, Gas Liquids (LPG/NGL), and Specialty Gases (Miscellaneous)). This map includes information copyrighted by PennWell Corporation. This information is provided on a best effort basis and PennWell Corporation does not guarantee its accuracy nor warrant its fitness for any particular purpose. Such information has been reprinted with the permission of PennWell. Electric Power Transmission Line Data Source: PennWell Corporation Telephone: 800-823-6277 This map includes information copyrighted by PennWell Corporation. This information is provided on a best effort basis and PennWell Corporation does not guarantee its accuracy nor warrant its fitness for any particular purpose. Such information has been reprinted with the permission of PennWell. Sensitive Receptors: There are individuals deemed sensitive receptors due to their fragile immune systems and special sensitivity to environmental discharges. These sensitive receptors typically include the elderly, the sick, and children. While the location of all sensitive receptors cannot be determined, EDR indicates those buildings and facilities - schools, daycares, hospitals, medical centers, and nursing homes - where individuals who are sensitive receptors are likely to be located. AHA Hospitals: Source: American Hospital Association, Inc. Telephone: 312-280-5991 The database includes a listing of hospitals based on the American Hospital Association’s annual survey of hospitals. Medical Centers: Provider of Services Listing Source: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Telephone: 410-786-3000 A listing of hospitals with Medicare provider number, produced by Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Services, a federal agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Nursing Homes Source: National Institutes of Health Telephone: 301-594-6248 Information on Medicare and Medicaid certified nursing homes in the United States. Public Schools Source: National Center for Education Statistics Telephone: 202-502-7300 The National Center for Education Statistics’ primary database on elementary and secondary public education in the United States. It is a comprehensive, annual, national statistical database of all public elementary and secondary schools and school districts, which contains data that are comparable across all states. Private Schools Source: National Center for Education Statistics Telephone: 202-502-7300 The National Center for Education Statistics’ primary database on private school locations in the United States. TC4449224.2s Page GR-23 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Daycare Centers: Child Care Facility List Source: Department of Health & Human Services Telephone: 919-662-4499 Flood Zone Data: This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2003 & 2011 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Data depicts 100-year and 500-year flood zones as defined by FEMA. NWI: National Wetlands Inventory. This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2002, 2005 and 2010 from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. State Wetlands Data: Wetland Inventory Source: US Fish & Wildlife Service Telephone: 703-358-2171 Current USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map Source: U.S. Geological Survey STREET AND ADDRESS INFORMATION © 2010 Tele Atlas North America, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellectual property rights owned by or licensed to Tele Atlas North America, Inc. The use of this material is subject to the terms of a license agreement. You will be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material. TC4449224.2s Page GR-24 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING TC4449224.2s Page A-1 geologic strata. of the soil, and nearby wells. Groundwater flow velocity is generally impacted by the nature of the Groundwater flow direction may be impacted by surface topography, hydrology, hydrogeology, characteristics 2. Groundwater flow velocity. 1. Groundwater flow direction, and Assessment of the impact of contaminant migration generally has two principal investigative components: forming an opinion about the impact of potential contaminant migration. EDR’s GeoCheck Physical Setting Source Addendum is provided to assist the environmental professional in 2013Version Date: 5947885 MAIDEN, NCSouth Map: 2013Version Date: 5947889 NEWTON, NCTarget Property Map: USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP 898 ft. above sea levelElevation: 3943774.5UTM Y (Meters): 481068.4UTM X (Meters): Zone 17Universal Tranverse Mercator: 81.2091 - 81˚ 12’ 32.76’’Longitude (West): 35.6394 - 35˚ 38’ 21.84’’Latitude (North): TARGET PROPERTY COORDINATES NEWTON, NC 28658 1545 ST JAMES CHURCH ROAD INDUSTRIAL FACILITY TARGET PROPERTY ADDRESS ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE ADDENDUM® TC4449224.2s Page A-2 should be field verified. on a relative (not an absolute) basis. Relative elevation information between sites of close proximity Source: Topography has been determined from the USGS 7.5’ Digital Elevation Model and should be evaluated SURROUNDING TOPOGRAPHY: ELEVATION PROFILES El e v a t i o n ( f t ) El e v a t i o n ( f t ) TP TP 0 1/2 1 Miles✩Target Property Elevation: 898 ft. North South West East 8 7 1 8 7 7 8 9 6 9 1 5 8 9 5 8 9 2 8 8 2 8 5 9 8 6 0 8 9 8 9 1 7 9 1 8 9 4 1 9 5 8 9 4 8 9 4 0 9 0 5 8 8 5 8 9 0 8 9 5 8 8 0 8 6 0 8 4 0 8 6 0 8 9 3 8 7 9 8 7 9 8 8 0 8 9 8 8 7 8 8 4 0 8 8 0 8 7 7 8 6 0 9 1 1 9 2 1 9 3 9 9 5 8 General SSEGeneral Topographic Gradient: TARGET PROPERTY TOPOGRAPHY should contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted. assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, Surface topography may be indicative of the direction of surficial groundwater flow. This information can be used to TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION collected on nearby properties, and regional groundwater flow information (from deep aquifers). sources of information, such as surface topographic information, hydrologic information, hydrogeologic data using site-specific well data. If such data is not reasonably ascertainable, it may be necessary to rely on other Groundwater flow direction for a particular site is best determined by a qualified environmental professional GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION INFORMATION ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC4449224.2s Page A-3 Not Reported GENERAL DIRECTIONLOCATION GROUNDWATER FLOWFROM TPMAP ID hydrogeologically, and the depth to water table. authorities at select sites and has extracted the date of the report, groundwater flow direction as determined flow at specific points. EDR has reviewed reports submitted by environmental professionals to regulatory EDR has developed the AQUIFLOW Information System to provide data on the general direction of groundwater AQUIFLOW® Search Radius: 1.000 Mile. contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted. environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should of groundwater flow direction in the immediate area. Such hydrogeologic information can be used to assist the Hydrogeologic information obtained by installation of wells on a specific site can often be an indicator HYDROGEOLOGIC INFORMATION YES - refer to the Overview Map and Detail MapNEWTON NATIONAL WETLAND INVENTORY NWI Electronic Data CoverageNWI Quad at Target Property Not ReportedAdditional Panels in search area: 37035C - FEMA DFIRM Flood dataFlood Plain Panel at Target Property: YES - refer to the Overview Map and Detail MapCATAWBA, NC FEMA FLOOD ZONE FEMA Flood Electronic DataTarget Property County and bodies of water). Refer to the Physical Setting Source Map following this summary for hydrologic information (major waterways contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted. the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should Surface water can act as a hydrologic barrier to groundwater flow. Such hydrologic information can be used to assist HYDROLOGIC INFORMATION ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC4449224.2s Page A-4 > 60 inchesDepth to Bedrock Max: > 60 inchesDepth to Bedrock Min: HIGH Corrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Hydric Status: Soil does not meet the requirements for a hydric soil. water table is more than 6 feet. Well drained. Soils have intermediate water holding capacity. Depth toSoil Drainage Class: textures. moderately well and well drained soils with moderately coarse Class B - Moderate infiltration rates. Deep and moderately deep,Hydrologic Group: sandy clay loamSoil Surface Texture: CECIL Soil Component Name: The following information is based on Soil Conservation Service STATSGO data. in a landscape. Soil maps for STATSGO are compiled by generalizing more detailed (SSURGO) soil survey maps. for privately owned lands in the United States. A soil map in a soil survey is a representation of soil patterns Survey (NCSS) and is responsible for collecting, storing, maintaining and distributing soil survey information The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Soil Conservation Service (SCS) leads the National Cooperative Soil DOMINANT SOIL COMPOSITION IN GENERAL AREA OF TARGET PROPERTY Map, USGS Digital Data Series DDS - 11 (1994). of the Conterminous U.S. at 1:2,500,000 Scale - a digital representation of the 1974 P.B. King and H.M. Beikman Geologic Age and Rock Stratigraphic Unit Source: P.G. Schruben, R.E. Arndt and W.J. Bawiec, Geology ROCK STRATIGRAPHIC UNIT GEOLOGIC AGE IDENTIFICATION Metamorphic RocksCategory:PaleozoicEra: PennsylvanianSystem: Felsic paragneiss and schistSeries: mm1Code: (decoded above as Era, System & Series) at which contaminant migration may be occurring. Geologic information can be used by the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the relative speed GEOLOGIC INFORMATION IN GENERAL AREA OF TARGET PROPERTY move more quickly through sandy-gravelly types of soils than silty-clayey types of soils. characteristics data collected on nearby properties and regional soil information. In general, contaminant plumes to rely on other sources of information, including geologic age identification, rock stratigraphic unit and soil using site specific geologic and soil strata data. If such data are not reasonably ascertainable, it may be necessary Groundwater flow velocity information for a particular site is best determined by a qualified environmental professional GROUNDWATER FLOW VELOCITY INFORMATION ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC4449224.2s Page A-5 sandy clay loam unweathered bedrock fine sandy loam weathered bedrock silty clay loamDeeper Soil Types: loam very channery - silt loam clay silty clay loam silt loam sandy clayShallow Soil Types: gravelly - sandy loam very channery - silt loam silt loam clay loam loam sandy loamSurficial Soil Types: gravelly - sandy loam very channery - silt loam silt loam clay loam loam sandy loamSoil Surface Textures: appear within the general area of target property. Based on Soil Conservation Service STATSGO data, the following additional subordinant soil types may OTHER SOIL TYPES IN AREA Min: 0.00 Max: 0.00 Min: 0.00 Max: 0.00Not reportedNot reportedvariable75 inches50 inches 4 Min: 4.50 Max: 5.50 Min: 0.60 Max: 2.00 silt. more), Elastic limit 50% or Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED Soils. 200), Clayey passing No. than 35 pct. Materials (more Silt-Clayclay50 inches11 inches 3 Min: 4.50 Max: 5.50 Min: 0.60 Max: 2.00 Silty Sand. Sands with fines, SOILS, Sands, COARSE-GRAINED Soils. 200), Silty passing No. than 35 pct. Materials (more Silt-Claysandy clay loam11 inches 7 inches 2 Min: 4.50 Max: 6.50 Min: 0.60 Max: 2.00 Silty Sand. Sands with fines, SOILS, Sands, COARSE-GRAINED Soils. 200), Silty passing No. than 35 pct. Materials (more Silt-Claysandy clay loam 7 inches 0 inches 1 Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Permeability Rate (in/hr) Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Soil Reaction (pH) ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC4449224.2s Page A-6 No Wells Found STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION LOCATION FROM TPWELL IDMAP ID Note: PWS System location is not always the same as well location. 1/2 - 1 Mile SWNC0118557 6 FEDERAL FRDS PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM INFORMATION LOCATION FROM TPWELL IDMAP ID 1/2 - 1 Mile NEUSGS40000889236 5 1/2 - 1 Mile WNWUSGS40000889186 4 1/2 - 1 Mile WSWUSGS40000889129 3 1/2 - 1 Mile SEUSGS40000889125 2 1/4 - 1/2 Mile SSEUSGS40000889126 1 FEDERAL USGS WELL INFORMATION LOCATION FROM TPWELL IDMAP ID 1.000State Database Nearest PWS within 1 mileFederal FRDS PWS 1.000Federal USGS WELL SEARCH DISTANCE INFORMATION SEARCH DISTANCE (miles)DATABASE opinion about the impact of contaminant migration on nearby drinking water wells. professional in assessing sources that may impact ground water flow direction, and in forming an EDR Local/Regional Water Agency records provide water well information to assist the environmental LOCAL / REGIONAL WATER AGENCY RECORDS ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc. 9 2 0 960 9 2 0 88 0 840 8 4 0 9 60 1 0 0 0 1000 960 1 0 0 9 6 0 9 2 0 9 20 9 2 0 9 20840 8 4 0 0 8 4 0 8 40 840 8 4 0 8 4 0 8 4 0 880 8 8 0 8 8 0 8 8 0 880 8 8 0 8 8 0 8 8 0880 8 8 0 8 8 0 8 8 0 8 8 0 8 8 0 8 8 0 8 80 8 8 0 8 8 0 8 8 0 880 9 2 0 8 8 0 8 80 8 80 8 80 9 2 0 920 9 20 9 2 0 9 2 0 9 2 0 9 2 0 920 9 2 0 9 2 0 9 2 0 9 2 0 9 2 0 9 2 0 920 920920 920 9 2 0 9 2 0 92 0 9 2 0 9 6 0 9 6 0 9 6 0 9 6 0 9 60 9 6 0 960 9 6 0 9 6 9 9 6 0 960960 8 8 0 8 8 0920 9 2 0 920 9 2 9 2 0 9 2 0 8 8 0 8 0 8 8 0 8 4 0 840 8 4 0 880 8 8 0 8 8 0 8 8 0 880 NC TC4449224.2s Page A-8 Mafic GneissFormation type: Piedmont and Blue Ridge crystalline-rock aquifersAquifername: USCountrycode:Not ReportedVert coord refsys: Not ReportedVertcollection method: Not ReportedVert accmeasure units: Not ReportedVertacc measure val:Not ReportedVert measure units: Not ReportedVert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:1Horiz Acc measure: Not ReportedSourcemap scale:-81.2023033Longitude: 35.6340221Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:Not ReportedHuc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: CW-277Monloc name: USGS-353802081120901Monloc Identifier: USGS North Carolina Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-NCOrg. Identifier: 2 SE 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher USGS40000889125FED USGS Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 0 Not ReportedWellholedepth units: Not ReportedWellholedepth:ftWelldepth units: 124Welldepth:Not ReportedConstruction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: Mafic GneissFormation type: Piedmont and Blue Ridge crystalline-rock aquifersAquifername: USCountrycode:Not ReportedVert coord refsys: Not ReportedVertcollection method: Not ReportedVert accmeasure units: Not ReportedVertacc measure val:Not ReportedVert measure units: Not ReportedVert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:1Horiz Acc measure: Not ReportedSourcemap scale:-81.2064701Longitude: 35.6342998Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:Not ReportedHuc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: CW-276Monloc name: USGS-353803081122401Monloc Identifier: USGS North Carolina Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-NCOrg. Identifier: 1 SSE 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Higher USGS40000889126FED USGS Map ID Direction Distance Elevation EDR ID NumberDatabase ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC4449224.2s Page A-9 Not ReportedSourcemap scale:-81.222026Longitude: 35.6420775Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:Not ReportedHuc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: CW-255Monloc name: USGS-353831081132001Monloc Identifier: USGS North Carolina Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-NCOrg. Identifier: 4 WNW 1/2 - 1 Mile Lower USGS40000889186FED USGS 1954 15 Date Feet below Surface Feet to Sealevel ------------------------------------------------- Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 1 Not ReportedWellholedepth units: Not ReportedWellholedepth:ftWelldepth units: 135Welldepth:Not ReportedConstruction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: Mafic GneissFormation type: Piedmont and Blue Ridge crystalline-rock aquifersAquifername: USCountrycode:Not ReportedVert coord refsys: Not ReportedVertcollection method: Not ReportedVert accmeasure units: Not ReportedVertacc measure val:Not ReportedVert measure units: Not ReportedVert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:1Horiz Acc measure: Not ReportedSourcemap scale:-81.2200815Longitude: 35.6345775Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:Not ReportedHuc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: CW-275Monloc name: USGS-353804081131301Monloc Identifier: USGS North Carolina Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-NCOrg. Identifier: 3 WSW 1/2 - 1 Mile Lower USGS40000889129FED USGS 1954 35 Date Feet below Surface Feet to Sealevel ------------------------------------------------- Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 1 Not ReportedWellholedepth units: Not ReportedWellholedepth:ftWelldepth units: 159Welldepth:Not ReportedConstruction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC4449224.2s Page A-10 6 SW 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher NC0118557FRDS PWS 1954 55 Date Feet below Surface Feet to Sealevel ------------------------------------------------- Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 1 Not ReportedWellholedepth units: Not ReportedWellholedepth:ftWelldepth units: 127Welldepth:Not ReportedConstruction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: Mafic GneissFormation type: Piedmont and Blue Ridge crystalline-rock aquifersAquifername: USCountrycode:Not ReportedVert coord refsys: Not ReportedVertcollection method: Not ReportedVert accmeasure units: Not ReportedVertacc measure val:Not ReportedVert measure units: Not ReportedVert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:1Horiz Acc measure: Not ReportedSourcemap scale:-81.1998034Longitude: 35.6476331Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:Not ReportedHuc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: CW-258Monloc name: USGS-353851081120001Monloc Identifier: USGS North Carolina Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-NCOrg. Identifier: 5 NE 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher USGS40000889236FED USGS 1954 45 Date Feet below Surface Feet to Sealevel ------------------------------------------------- Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 1 Not ReportedWellholedepth units: Not ReportedWellholedepth:ftWelldepth units: 120Welldepth:Not ReportedConstruction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: Mafic GneissFormation type: Piedmont and Blue Ridge crystalline-rock aquifersAquifername: USCountrycode:Not ReportedVert coord refsys: Not ReportedVertcollection method: Not ReportedVert accmeasure units: Not ReportedVertacc measure val:Not ReportedVert measure units: Not ReportedVert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:1Horiz Acc measure: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC4449224.2s Page A-11 Violations information not reported. 00000050Population:UntreatedTreatment Class: NEWTONCity Served: 081 13 10Facility Longitude:35 37 40Facility Latitude: NEWTON, NC 28658 RT 4 BOX 491 PIEDMONT GRILL System Owner/Responsible PartyAddressee / Facility: NEWTON, NC 28658 RT 4 BOX 491 PIEDMONT GRILL System Owner/Responsible PartyAddressee / Facility: NEWTON, NC 28658 PIEDMONT GRILLPWS Name: Not ReportedDate Deactivated:7706Date Initiated: NC0118557PWS ID: Not ReportedZipserv:NCStateserv: Not ReportedCntyserv:NEWTONCityserv: Not ReportedPhone:28658Zip: NCState:NEWTONCity: Not ReportedAdd2: Not ReportedAdd1: 50Popserved: GWPrimsrccd:TNCWSPwstypcd: PIEDMONT GRILLName: Location Information: IActivity code: 28658Contact zip:NCContact state: NEWTONContact city:Not ReportedContact address2: Not ReportedContact address1:Not ReportedContact phone: Not ReportedContactor gname: PIEDMONT GRILLContact: PrivateOwner:TNCWSPws type: GroundwaterSource:1Pwssvcconn: 50Pop srvd:ClosedStatus: 37035Fips county:Not ReportedZip served: NCState served:Not ReportedCity served: PIEDMONT GRILLPwsname: NC0118557Pwsid: NCState:04Epa region: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC4449224.2s Page A-12 0%0%100%1.533 pCi/LBasement Not ReportedNot ReportedNot ReportedNot ReportedLiving Area - 2nd Floor 0%0%100%0.557 pCi/LLiving Area - 1st Floor % >20 pCi/L% 4-20 pCi/L% <4 pCi/LAverage ActivityArea Number of sites tested: 7 Federal Area Radon Information for Zip Code: 28658 : Zone 3 indoor average level < 2 pCi/L. : Zone 2 indoor average level >= 2 pCi/L and <= 4 pCi/L. Note: Zone 1 indoor average level > 4 pCi/L. Federal EPA Radon Zone for CATAWBA County: 2 __________________________________ Max pCi/LMin pCi/LAvg pCi/LNum Results Radon Test Results State Database: NC Radon AREA RADON INFORMATION ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS RADON ® TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION USGS 7.5’ Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Source: United States Geologic Survey EDR acquired the USGS 7.5’ Digital Elevation Model in 2002 and updated it in 2006. The 7.5 minute DEM corresponds to the USGS 1:24,000- and 1:25,000-scale topographic quadrangle maps. The DEM provides elevation data with consistent elevation units and projection. Current USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map Source: U.S. Geological Survey HYDROLOGIC INFORMATION Flood Zone Data: This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2003 & 2011 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Data depicts 100-year and 500-year flood zones as defined by FEMA. NWI: National Wetlands Inventory. This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2002, 2005 and 2010 from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. State Wetlands Data: Wetland Inventory Source: US Fish & Wildlife Service Telephone: 703-358-2171 HYDROGEOLOGIC INFORMATION AQUIFLOW Information SystemR Source: EDR proprietary database of groundwater flow information EDR has developed the AQUIFLOW Information System (AIS) to provide data on the general direction of groundwater flow at specific points. EDR has reviewed reports submitted to regulatory authorities at select sites and has extracted the date of the report, hydrogeologically determined groundwater flow direction and depth to water table information. GEOLOGIC INFORMATION Geologic Age and Rock Stratigraphic Unit Source: P.G. Schruben, R.E. Arndt and W.J. Bawiec, Geology of the Conterminous U.S. at 1:2,500,000 Scale - A digital representation of the 1974 P.B. King and H.M. Beikman Map, USGS Digital Data Series DDS - 11 (1994). STATSGO: State Soil Geographic Database Source: Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Services The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) leads the national Conservation Soil Survey (NCSS) and is responsible for collecting, storing, maintaining and distributing soil survey information for privately owned lands in the United States. A soil map in a soil survey is a representation of soil patterns in a landscape. Soil maps for STATSGO are compiled by generalizing more detailed (SSURGO) soil survey maps. SSURGO: Soil Survey Geographic Database Source: Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS) Telephone: 800-672-5559 SSURGO is the most detailed level of mapping done by the Natural Resources Conservation Services, mapping scales generally range from 1:12,000 to 1:63,360. Field mapping methods using national standards are used to construct the soil maps in the Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) database. SSURGO digitizing duplicates the original soil survey maps. This level of mapping is designed for use by landowners, townships and county natural resource planning and management. TC4449224.2s Page PSGR-1 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE RECORDS SEARCHED LOCAL / REGIONAL WATER AGENCY RECORDS FEDERAL WATER WELLS PWS: Public Water Systems Source: EPA/Office of Drinking Water Telephone: 202-564-3750 Public Water System data from the Federal Reporting Data System. A PWS is any water system which provides water to at least 25 people for at least 60 days annually. PWSs provide water from wells, rivers and other sources. PWS ENF: Public Water Systems Violation and Enforcement Data Source: EPA/Office of Drinking Water Telephone: 202-564-3750 Violation and Enforcement data for Public Water Systems from the Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) after August 1995. Prior to August 1995, the data came from the Federal Reporting Data System (FRDS). USGS Water Wells: USGS National Water Inventory System (NWIS) This database contains descriptive information on sites where the USGS collects or has collected data on surface water and/or groundwater. The groundwater data includes information on wells, springs, and other sources of groundwater. STATE RECORDS North Carolina Public Water Supply Wells Source: Department of Environmental Health Telephone: 919-715-3243 OTHER STATE DATABASE INFORMATION NC Natural Areas: Significant Natural Heritage Areas Source: Center for Geographic Information and Analysis Telephone: 919-733-2090 A polygon converage identifying sites (terrestrial or aquatic that have particular biodiversity significance. A site’s significance may be due to the presenceof rare species, rare or hight quality natural communities, or other important ecological features. NC Game Lands: Wildlife Resources Commission Game Lands Source: Center for Geographic Information and Analysis Telephone: 919-733-2090 All publicly owned game lands managed by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission and as listed in Hunting and Fishing Maps. NC Natural Heritage Sites: Natural Heritage Element Occurrence Sites Source: Center for Geographic Information and Analysis Telephone: 919-733-2090 A point coverage identifying locations of rare and endangered species, occurrences of exemplary or unique natural ecosystems (terrestrial or aquatic), and special animal habitats (e.g., colonial waterbird nesting sites). RADON State Database: NC Radon Source: Department of Environment & Natural Resources Telephone: 919-733-4984 Radon Statistical and Non Statiscal Data Area Radon Information Source: USGS Telephone: 703-356-4020 The National Radon Database has been developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and is a compilation of the EPA/State Residential Radon Survey and the National Residential Radon Survey. The study covers the years 1986 - 1992. Where necessary data has been supplemented by information collected at private sources such as universities and research institutions. TC4449224.2s Page PSGR-2 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE RECORDS SEARCHED EPA Radon Zones Source: EPA Telephone: 703-356-4020 Sections 307 & 309 of IRAA directed EPA to list and identify areas of U.S. with the potential for elevated indoor radon levels. OTHER Airport Landing Facilities: Private and public use landing facilities Source: Federal Aviation Administration, 800-457-6656 Epicenters: World earthquake epicenters, Richter 5 or greater Source: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Earthquake Fault Lines: The fault lines displayed on EDR’s Topographic map are digitized quaternary faultlines, prepared in 1975 by the United State Geological Survey STREET AND ADDRESS INFORMATION © 2010 Tele Atlas North America, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellectual property rights owned by or licensed to Tele Atlas North America, Inc. The use of this material is subject to the terms of a license agreement. You will be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material. TC4449224.2s Page PSGR-3 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE RECORDS SEARCHED 7Ke ('R $eriaO 3Koto 'eFade 3aFNaJe Industrial Facility 1545 St James Church Road Newton, NC 28658 Inquiry Number: 4449224.8 October 29, 2015 EDR Aerial Photo Decade Package Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDR) Aerial Photo Decade Package is a screening tool designed to assist environmental professionals in evaluating potential liability on a target property resulting from past activities. EDR’s professional researchers provide digitally reproduced historical aerial photographs, and when available, provide one photo per decade. When delivered electronically by EDR, the aerial photo images included with this report are for ONE TIME USE ONLY. Further reproduction of these aerial photo images is prohibited without permission from EDR. For more information contact your EDR Account Executive. Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments. Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report AS IS. Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2015 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. Date EDR Searched Historical Sources: Aerial Photography October 29, 2015 Target Property: 1545 St James Church Road Newton, NC 28658 Year Scale Details Source 1951 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=750'Flight Date: March 22, 1951 EDR 1956 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500'Flight Date: March 23, 1956 USGS 1966 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500'Flight Date: March 10, 1966 USGS 1984 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500'Flight Date: February 02, 1984 EDR 1993 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500'DOQQ - acquisition dates: January 30, 1993 USGS/DOQQ 1998 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500'Flight Date: March 13, 1998 USGS 2005 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500'Flight Year: 2005 USDA/NAIP 2006 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500'Flight Year: 2006 USDA/NAIP 2008 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500'Flight Year: 2008 USDA/NAIP 2009 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500'Flight Year: 2009 USDA/NAIP 2010 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500'Flight Year: 2010 USDA/NAIP 2012 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500'Flight Year: 2012 USDA/NAIP 4449224.8 2 INQUIRY #: YEAR: 4449224.8 1951 = 750' INQUIRY #: YEAR: 4449224.8 1956 = 500' INQUIRY #: YEAR: 4449224.8 1966 = 500' INQUIRY #: YEAR: 4449224.8 1984 = 500' INQUIRY #: YEAR: 4449224.8 1993 = 500' INQUIRY #: YEAR: 4449224.8 1998 = 500' INQUIRY #: YEAR: 4449224.8 2005 = 500' INQUIRY #: YEAR: 4449224.8 2006 = 500' INQUIRY #: YEAR: 4449224.8 2008 = 500' INQUIRY #: YEAR: 4449224.8 2009 = 500' INQUIRY #: YEAR: 4449224.8 2010 = 500' INQUIRY #: YEAR: 4449224.8 2012 = 500' Certified Sanborn® Map Report Industrial Facility 1545 St James Church Road Newton, NC 28658 Inquiry Number: 4449224.3 October 27, 2015 Certified Sanborn® Map Report 10/27/15 Site Name: Industrial Facility 1545 St James Church Road Newton, NC 28658 Client Name: Hart & Hickman, PC 2923 South Tryon Street Charlotte, NC 28203-5449 Contact: Jordan ThompsonEDR Inquiry # 4449224.3 The Sanborn Library has been searched by EDR and maps covering the target property location as provided by Hart &Hickman, PC were identified for the years listed below. The Sanborn Library is the largest, most complete collection offire insurance maps. The collection includes maps from Sanborn, Bromley, Perris & Browne, Hopkins, Barlow, and others. Only Environmental Data Resources Inc. (EDR) is authorized to grant rights for commercial reproduction ofmaps by the Sanborn Library LLC, the copyright holder for the collection. Results can be authenticated by visitingwww.edrnet.com/sanborn. The Sanborn Library is continually enhanced with newly identified map archives. This report accesses all maps in thecollection as of the day this report was generated. Certified Sanborn Results: Site Name:Industrial Facility Address:1545 St James Church RoadCity, State, Zip:Newton, NC 28658 Cross Street: P.O. #NA Project:Sniter Fleet Services Certification #727A-447B-8CB2 Library of Congress University Publications of America EDR Private Collection The Sanborn Library LLC Since 1866™ The Sanborn Library includes more than 1.2 millionfire insurance maps from Sanborn, Bromley, Perris &Browne, Hopkins, Barlow and others which trackhistorical property usage in approximately 12,000American cities and towns. Collections searched: Sanborn® Library search resultsCertification # 727A-447B-8CB2 UNMAPPED PROPERTY This report certifies that the complete holdings of the SanbornLibrary, LLC collection have been searched based on clientsupplied target property information, and fire insurance mapscovering the target property were not found. Limited Permission To Make Copies Hart & Hickman, PC (the client) is permitted to make up to FIVE photocopies of this Sanborn Map transmittal and each fire insurance mapaccompanying this report solely for the limited use of its customer. No one other than the client is authorized to make copies. Upon request madedirectly to an EDR Account Executive, the client may be permitted to make a limited number of additional photocopies. This permission isconditioned upon compliance by the client, its customer and their agents with EDR's copyright policy; a copy of which is available upon request. Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot beconcluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED ORIMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THEMAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALLRISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OFERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL,INCIDENTAL CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLYLIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risklevels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providingany facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by anenvironmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to beconstrued as legal advice. Copyright 2015 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map ofEnvironmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein arethe property of their respective owners. 4449224 - 3 page 2 Industrial Facility 1545 St James Church Road Newton, NC 28658 Inquiry Number: 4449224.5 November 02, 2015 The EDR-City Directory Image Report 6 Armstrong Road Shelton, CT 06484 800.352.0050 www.edrnet.comEnvironmental Data Resources IncEnvironmental Data Resources IncEnvironmental Data Resources IncEnvironmental Data Resources Inc TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION Executive Summary Findings City Directory Images Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments. Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction orforecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2015 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY DESCRIPTION Environmental Data Resources, Inc.’s (EDR) City Directory Report is a screening tool designed to assist environmental professionals in evaluating potential liability on a target property resulting from past activities. EDR’s City Directory Report includes a search of available city directory data at 5 year intervals. RESEARCH SUMMARY The following research sources were consulted in the preparation of this report. A check mark indicates where information was identified in the source and provided in this report. Year Target Street Cross Street Source 2013 Cole Information Services 2008 Cole Information Services 2003 Cole Information Services 1999 Cole Information Services 1995 Cole Information Services 1992 Cole Information Services 1966 Con Survey City Directory 1964 Miller's City Directory RECORD SOURCES EDR is licensed to reproduce certain City Directory works by the copyright holders of those works. The purchaser of this EDR City Directory Report may include it in report(s) delivered to a customer. Reproduction of City Directories without permission of the publisher or licensed vendor may be a violation of copyright. 4449224-5 Page 1 FINDINGS TARGET PROPERTY STREET 1545 St James Church Road Newton, NC 28658 Year CD Image Source SAINT JAMES CHURCH RD 2013 pg A2 Cole Information Services 2008 pg A4 Cole Information Services 2003 pg A5 Cole Information Services 1999 pg A7 Cole Information Services 1995 pg A8 Cole Information Services 1992 pg A9 Cole Information Services 1966 pg A10 Con Survey City Directory 1964 pg A11 Miller's City Directory 4449224-5 Page 2 FINDINGS CROSS STREETS Year CD Image Source E P STREET EXT 1966 -Con Survey City Directory Street not listed in Source 1964 -Miller's City Directory Street not listed in Source E P STREET EXT 2013 pg. A1 Cole Information Services 2008 pg. A3 Cole Information Services 2003 -Cole Information Services Target and Adjoining not listed in Source 1999 pg. A6 Cole Information Services 1995 -Cole Information Services Target and Adjoining not listed in Source 1992 -Cole Information Services Target and Adjoining not listed in Source TECHNIBILT DR 2013 -Cole Information Services Target and Adjoining not listed in Source 2008 -Cole Information Services Target and Adjoining not listed in Source 2003 -Cole Information Services Target and Adjoining not listed in Source 1999 -Cole Information Services Target and Adjoining not listed in Source 1995 -Cole Information Services Target and Adjoining not listed in Source 1992 -Cole Information Services Target and Adjoining not listed in Source 1966 -Con Survey City Directory Street not listed in Source 1964 -Miller's City Directory Street not listed in Source 4449224-5 Page 3 City Directory Images - E P STREET EXT Cole Information Services 4449224.5 Page: A1 SourceTarget Street Cross Street 2013 1570 ZF LEMFORDER 1651 WORD OF LIFE CHRISTIAN CENTER CHURCH - SAINT JAMES CHURCH RD Cole Information Services 4449224.5 Page: A2 SourceTarget Street Cross Street 2013 650 OCCUPANT UNKNOWN 656 NEWTON CHURCH OF CHRIST 702 OCCUPANT UNKNOWN 703 JENNIFER PARSONS 705 SCOTT STEVENS 712 KEITH DAY 714 TIFFANY YOUNG 740 TOMI WISE 744 DWAYNE HEATH 780 ROBERT MCKINNEY 804 JEFF MCMURRAY OCCUPANT UNKNOWN WARREN KIDWELL 805 JERRY TIBBS 810 OCCUPANT UNKNOWN 812 TOMMY HULLETTE 1025 ELECTRICITIES SARSTEDT 1051 GLENN YOUNG GRADING CO INC 1053 OCCUPANT UNKNOWN 1545 COMMSCOPE INC OF NORTH CAROLINA COMMSCOPE INC OF NORTH CAROLINACABL 1800 NANCY KING 1827 ROWLAND CLAY 1832 SHANE GENTRY 1846 TIMOTHY STINSON 1854 DANNY MONGRO 1869 ROBERT SETZER 1877 LAMM CARMEN OCCUPANT UNKNOWN 1882 WALTER BELLAMY 1893 KELLY ANDERSON 1916 RUBY WELLS 1924 RYAN PEELER 1937 VICKIE MORGAN 1940 JOHN LINGLE ST JAMES LUTHERAN CHURCH PARSONAGE 1955 GARY SUMMEY 1957 OCCUPANT UNKNOWN 1991 JAYNE DRUM 2017 JOE PARKER 2037 JUDY SHERRILL 2053 FRED LITTLE 2071 HAI LAM 2093 ALBERT SERGIACOMI - E P STREET EXT Cole Information Services 4449224.5 Page: A3 SourceTarget Street Cross Street 2008 1570 ZF LEMFORDER CORP 1651 WORD OF LIFE CHRISTIAN CENTER CHURCH 1659 WORD OF LIFE ACADEMY - SAINT JAMES CHURCH RD Cole Information Services 4449224.5 Page: A4 SourceTarget Street Cross Street 2008 650 BARBARA BAKER 702 RENEE JAMES 703 CHARLES JOHNSON 705 SCOTT STEVENS 712 KEITH DAY 714 OCCUPANT UNKNOWN 740 MITCH VIVERETTE 744 DWAYNE HEATH 750 ALLEN MCMURRAY 780 ROBERT MCKINNEY 804 JEFF MCMURRAY OCCUPANT UNKNOWN WARREN KIDWELL 805 JERRY TIBBS 808 OCCUPANT UNKNOWN 810 JON ROSS 812 JOYCE DEES 1051 GLENN YOUNG GLENN YOUNG GRADING CO INC 1053 GERALDINE CLARK 1545 CABLE TECHNOLOGY CENTER COMM SCOPE NETWORK CABLE DIVISION COMMSCOPE INC 1827 ROWLAND CLAY 1832 SHANE GENTRY 1846 TIMOTHY STINSON 1854 DANNY MONGRO 1869 ROBERT SETZER 1877 OCCUPANT UNKNOWN 1882 DONALD BROWNING 1893 KELLY ANDERSON 1937 VICKIE MORGAN 1940 OCCUPANT UNKNOWN STJAMES LUTHERAN CHURCH P 1942 SAINT JAMES LUTHERAN CHURCH 1955 GARY SUMMEY 1957 OCCUPANT UNKNOWN 1991 MARK DRUM 2017 JOE PARKER 2037 JUDY SHERRILL 2053 FRED LITTLE 2071 HAL LAM 2093 BONNIE GANDY - SAINT JAMES CHURCH RD Cole Information Services 4449224.5 Page: A5 SourceTarget Street Cross Street 2003 650 BARBARA BARKER 702 BRANDON WHITT 703 OCCUPANT UNKNOWN 712 MARY NASH 714 GENE LONDON 740 MITCH VIVERETTE 744 DWAYNE HEATH 750 ALLEN MCMURRAY 780 ROBERT MCKINNEY 804 OCCUPANT UNKNOWN 805 JERRY TIBBS 810 ELSIE GEIGER 812 REBECCA YOUNG 1025 ELECTRICITIES SARSTEDT INC 1051 GLENN YOUNG GRADING CO TENA MCINTOSH 1545 INNO THERM PRODUCTS 1827 ROWLAND CLAY 1832 TANYA GENTRY 1846 KENNETH STINSON 1854 OCCUPANT UNKNOWN 1869 ROBERT SETZER 1940 JEFFREY FULBRIGHT 1942 OCCUPANT UNKNOWN 1955 GARY SUMMEY 1957 ROBERT WRAY 1991 MARK DRUM 2017 JOE PARKER 2037 JUDY SHERRILL 2053 ANNIE LITTLE 2071 HAI LAM 2093 BONNIE GANDY - E P STREET EXT Cole Information Services 4449224.5 Page: A6 SourceTarget Street Cross Street 1999 1651 WORD OF LIFE CHRISTIAN CENTER CHURCH - SAINT JAMES CHURCH RD Cole Information Services 4449224.5 Page: A7 SourceTarget Street Cross Street 1999 702 OCCUPANT UNKNOWN 703 OCCUPANT UNKNOWN SCOTT STEVENS 712 OCCUPANT UNKNOWN 714 GENE LONDON 740 PALMA WAGNER 744 DWAYNE HEATH 750 ALLEN MCMURRAY 780 NORMA MCKINNEY 790 OCCUPANT UNKNOWN 805 JERRY TIBBS 1025 SARSTEDT INCORPORATED 1051 YOUNG GLENN GRADING COMPANY INCORPORATED 1650 R R DONNELLEY PRINTING COMPANY DISTRIBUTION 1832 ROBERT HUFFMAN 1846 KENNETH STINSON 1854 OCCUPANT UNKNOWN 1882 DAVID BYERS 1940 JEANIE MARTIN RAYMOND BOST 1957 ROBERT WRAY 1991 MARK DRUM 2017 JOE PARKER 2037 J SHERRILL 2053 FRED LITTLE 2070 OCCUPANT UNKNOWN 2071 OCCUPANT UNKNOWN - SAINT JAMES CHURCH RD Cole Information Services 4449224.5 Page: A8 SourceTarget Street Cross Street 1995 650 BARKER, BARBARA R 702 LEFEAVERS, COY E 703 ISENHOWER, W D 712 OCCUPANT UNKNOWNN 714 LONDON, GENE 716 OCCUPANT UNKNOWNN 754 PRICE, RICHARD 780 PINCHERA, LOUIS H 804 KIDWELL, LANA 812 HULLETE, TOMMY 1051 GLENN YOUNG GRADING CO YOUNG, GLENN 1532 HUNDLEY, JAMES W 1650 R R DONNELLEY CO 1832 HUFFMAN, ROBERT L 1846 STINSON, KENNETH W 1854 STINSON, TIMOTHY 1957 OCCUPANT UNKNOWNN 1991 DRUM, MARK 2017 PARKER, JOE D 2037 SHERRILL, FRED J 2053 LITTLE, FRED A 2071 SERGIACOMI, ALBERT SR - SAINT JAMES CHURCH RD Cole Information Services 4449224.5 Page: A9 SourceTarget Street Cross Street 1992 702 LEFEAVERS, COY E 703 ISENHOWER, W D 712 FOX, DERRICK 714 WARREN, GAIL 744 PANOR, JAMES G 780 WICHMAN, C 1051 YOUNG GLENN YOUNG GLENN GRADING 1300 JAMCO INC 1532 HUNDLEY, JAMES W 1832 HUFFMAN, ROBERT L 1957 INTHAVONGSA, K 1991 DRUM, MARK 2017 HOYLE, KENNETH L 2037 SHERRILL, FRED J 2053 LITTLE, FRED A - SAINT JAMES CHURCH RD Con Survey City Directory 4449224.5 Page: A10 SourceTarget Street Cross Street 1966 - SAINT JAMES CHURCH RD Miller's City Directory 4449224.5 Page: A11 SourceTarget Street Cross Street 1964 Appendix D Supporting Documentation Environmental Assessments 1. Phase I/II ESA, ERM (November 1999) 2. Phase I Update, ERM (October 2003) UST Files 3. Closure of 2,000-gallon fuel oil UST, NCDENR (May 1999) 4. UST Closure Report, Trigon (June 2000) 5. UST Closure Report, Trigon (June 1998) 6. Project Status Report, Trigon (February 1999) 7. Notice of Regulatory Requirements, NCDENR (October 2002) 8. Status of Site Investigation and Remedial Systems, Advanced GeoServices Corp. (November 2002) 9. Semi-Annual Active Remediation Monitoring Report and Request for Incident Closure, Advanced GeoServices Corp. (May 2007) 10. Notice of NFA, NCDENR (June 2007) 11. Notice of Regulatory Requirements, NC DENR (April 2003) 12. Wastewater UST Soil Sampling, Advanced GeoServices Corp. (June 2003) 13. Notice of NFA, NCDENR (July 2003) 14. Notice of Regulatory Requirements, NCDENR (February 2003) 15. Ink Tank Farm Soil Sampling, Advanced GeoServices Corp. (April 2003) 16. Notice of NFA, NCDENR (April 2003) SHWS Files 17. Site Inspection, Halliburton Nus Environmental Corporation (July 1991) 18. Comprehensive Site Assessment, Trigon (August 1994) 19. Combined Remedial Investigation and Remedial Action Completion Report, AECOM (December 2013) 20. Remedial Action Completion Notification, NCDENR (January 2014) 21. Tetrachloroethylene Investigation, Trigon (December 1998) 22. Addendum 2, Combined Remedial Investigation and Remedial Action Completion Report, AECOM (November 2014) 23. Notice of NFA, NCDENR (January 2015) Chain-of-Title 24. Chain of Title (Parker Poe) 1. Phase I/II ESA, ERM (November 1999) 2. Phase I Update, ERM (October 2003) 3. Closure of 2,000-gallon fuel oil UST, NCDENR (May 1999) 4. UST Closure Report, Trigon (June 2000) 5. UST Closure Report, Trigon (June 1998) 6. Project Status Report, Trigon (February 1999) 7. Notice of Regulatory Requirements, NCDENR (October 2002) 8. Status of Site Investigation and Remedial Systems, Advanced GeoServices Corp. (November 2002) 9. Semi-Annual Active Remediation Monitoring Report and Request for Incident Closure, Advanced GeoServices Corp. (May 2007) 10. Notice of NFA, NCDENR (June 2007) 11. Notice of Regulatory Requirements, NC DENR (April 2003) 12. Wastewater UST Soil Sampling, Advanced GeoServices Corp. (June 2003) 13. Notice of NFA, NCDENR (July 2003) 14. Notice of Regulatory Requirements, NCDENR (February 2003) 15. Ink Tank Farm Soil Sampling, Advanced GeoServices Corp. (April 2003) 16. Notice of NFA, NCDENR (April 2003) 17. Site Inspection, Halliburton Nus Environmental Corporation (July 1991) 18. Comprehensive Site Assessment, Trigon (August 1994) 19. Combined Remedial Investigation and Remedial Action Completion Report, AECOM (December 2013) AECOM AECOM 919.872.6600 tel 8540 Colonnade Center Drive Suite 306 919.872.7996 fax Raleigh, NC 27615 December 10, 2013 Mr. Matthew Aufman REC Program Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch Superfund Section North Carolina DENR 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 RE: Registered Environmental Consultant (REC) Program Transmittal of Combined Remedial Investigation and Remedial Action Completion Report Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, Catawba County, North Carolina IHSB Site ID #NCD991279118 AECOM Project No. 60214687 Dear Mr. Aufman: AECOM is pleased to submit the attached Combined Remedial Investigation (RI) and Remedial Action Completion Report for the former Meredith/Burda, Inc. facility. The prior assessment and remedial activities, which were presented and discussed in the Phase I RI Work Plan (AECOM, January 2013) and the findings of the Phase I RI, which are presented and discussed in the referenced document, did not determine the need for additional remedial activities at the Site. Therefore, in accordance with N.C.G.S. 130A-310.7(c), we request that the Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch make a determination that the site has been remediated to unrestricted use standards and that a “No Further Action” (NFA) status be granted. Please find enclosed a check in the amount of $500.00 to reimburse the state for expenses incurred while reviewing this request. If you have any questions regarding this report or our request for NFA status, please feel free to contact us. Very truly yours, AECOM, Inc. William M. “Bill” Bremen, P.E., RSM Walter C. Gerald, PG Registered Site Manager North Carolina Licensed Geologist No. 446 919-239-7205 864-234-8925 bill.bremen@aecom.com walter.gerald@aecom.com cc: Mr. Alan Carter, R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company Attachments: Combined Remedial Investigation and Remedial Action Completion Report Check for IHSB Expense Reimbursement COMBINED REMEDIAL INVESTIGATION AND REMEDIAL ACTION COMPLETION REPORT Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility 1545 St. James Church Road Newton, Catawba County, North Carolina NCDENR Site ID #NCD991279118 Prepared for: R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company 300 Jones Road Spartanburg, South Carolina 29307 Prepared by: AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 8540 Colonnade Center Drive Suite 306 Raleigh North Carolina 27615 December 2013 AECOM North Carolina, Inc. i 60214687 December 2013 Table of Contents Section Page 1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 1-1  1.1 Summary of Data Gaps ................................................................................................... 1-1  1.2 Investigation Objectives ................................................................................................... 1-2  1.3 Document Organization ................................................................................................... 1-2  2.0 Methods of Investigation ............................................................................................................ 2-1  2.1 Borehole Drilling and Soil Sampling ................................................................................. 2-2  2.1.1 Former Fire Sprinkler Basin AOC ....................................................................... 2-2  2.1.2 Background Locations ........................................................................................ 2-3  2.1.3 Borehole Abandonment ...................................................................................... 2-3  2.2 Groundwater Monitoring Well Design .............................................................................. 2-3  2.2.1 Monitoring Well Installation ................................................................................. 2-3  2.2.2 Monitoring Well Development ............................................................................. 2-4  2.2.3 Groundwater Quality Sampling ........................................................................... 2-4  2.3 Surface Water and Sediment Sampling ........................................................................... 2-4  2.3.1 Surface Water and Sediment Sampling – Smyre Creek .................................... 2-4  2.3.2 Sediment Sampling – Storm Water Outfall ......................................................... 2-4  2.3.3 Surface Water and Sediment Sampling Analyses .............................................. 2-5  2.4 Surveying ......................................................................................................................... 2-5  2.5 Sample Handling and Shipping ........................................................................................ 2-5  2.6 Quality Assurance and Quality Control ............................................................................ 2-5  2.7 Equipment Cleaning ......................................................................................................... 2-6  2.8 Investigation-Derived Waste (IDW) .................................................................................. 2-6  3.0 Site Geology and Hydrogeology ............................................................................................... 3-1  3.1 Regional Geology ............................................................................................................. 3-1  3.2 Local Geology .................................................................................................................. 3-1  3.3 Regional Hydrogeology .................................................................................................... 3-2  3.4 Local Hydrogeology ......................................................................................................... 3-2  3.5 Hydrology ......................................................................................................................... 3-3  4.0 Investigation Results .................................................................................................................. 4-1  4.1 Data Validation ................................................................................................................. 4-1  4.2 Soil Field Screening Results ............................................................................................ 4-1  4.3 Soil Sample Analytical Results ........................................................................................ 4-1  AECOM North Carolina, Inc. ii 60214687 December 2013 Table of Contents (Continued) Section Page 4.4 Groundwater Analytical Results ....................................................................................... 4-2  4.5 Sediment and Surface Water Analytical Results ............................................................. 4-3  4.5.1 Sediment ............................................................................................................. 4-3  4.5.2 Surface Water ..................................................................................................... 4-4  4.6 Investigation Derived Waste Analytical Results ............................................................... 4-4  5.0 Phase I Remedial Investigation Summary and Conclusions .................................................. 5-1  5.1 AOC Soils and Background Soils .................................................................................... 5-1  5.2 Groundwater .................................................................................................................... 5-3  5.3 Sediment .......................................................................................................................... 5-3  5.4 Surface Water .................................................................................................................. 5-3  5.5 Gravure Printing Ink Formulations ................................................................................... 5-4  5.6 Conclusions ...................................................................................................................... 5-4  6.0 Cited References ......................................................................................................................... 6-1  AECOM North Carolina, Inc. iii 60214687 December 2013 List of Appendices Appendix Description A Survey Plat – Dedmon Surveys B Site Photographs – AECOM C Field Forms – AECOM D Well Construction Permit and Completion Form – NCDENR E Analytical Laboratory Certificates of Analysis – GCAL Analytical Laboratories, LLC (on compact disk) F IDW Profile and Shipping Manifest – A&D Environmental Services AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 1-1 60214687 December 2013 1.0 Introduction A Phase I Remedial Investigation (RI) was performed by AECOM, Inc., on behalf of R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company (R. R. Donnelley), for the Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility project site (the “Site”). The Site is located at 1545 St. James Church Road, Newton, Catawba County, North Carolina. Figure 1 illustrates the Site location; and the survey plat illustrating the current site layout is presented in Appendix A. This work was performed under Administrative Agreement (AA) Number 12-SF-359, which was executed on October 24, 2012 between R. R. Donnelley and the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), Division of Waste Management (DWM), Superfund Section. The purpose of the RI was to obtain the necessary data to meet the investigation requirements set forth in the Administrative Agreement for Registered Environmental Consultant-Directed Assessment and Remedial Action Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 130A-310.9(c) and 15A NCAC 13C.0300 (Docket Number 12-SF-359). The Phase I RI Work Plan (AECOM, January 2013) was designed to follow the procedures in the Registered Environmental Consultant (REC) Program Implementation Guidance-November 2012 developed by the NCDENR DWM Superfund Section, Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB). Prior assessment activities and reports from environmental consultants and regulatory agencies formed the basis of understanding of the historical site conditions and past operating practices. This historical information and proposed field sampling procedures for completing the RI were presented in the Phase I RI Work Plan. Following a preliminary review of the initial assessment activities and results, additional sampling was deemed necessary. The additional sampling was documented in a letter Minor Deviation to RI Work Plan for Additional Soil Sampling, Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility (AECOM, July 2013). The prior assessment and remedial activities, which were presented in the Phase I RI Work Plan (AECOM, January 2013) and the findings of the Phase I RI, which are presented and discussed in this document, did not determine the need for additional remedial activities at the Site. Thus, this report is being submitted as a combined Remedial Investigation and Remedial Action Completion Report. 1.1 Summary of Data Gaps In July 1995, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) issued a No Further Remedial Action Planned designation for the site that essentially removed the Site from the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) list. As a result, the NCDENR DWM IHSB assumed regulatory oversight. From 1994 to 2007, the NCDENR underground storage tanks (UST) Section assigned three incident numbers to the Site for releases from USTs located on the property. The investigation and cleanup of these incidents were thorough and met the requirements for assessment and cleanup for the UST Section. Consequently, No Further Action (NFA) letters were issued by NCDENR for each incident and the incidents were closed. A review of the assessment and remediation reports from the UST Section indicated that the activities also met the criteria for a complete assessment and cleanup under the IHSB. Thus, to a large extent, most of the Phase I RI technical requirements to identify and delineate waste-impacted soils and groundwater had been accomplished by prior historical Site investigations. Requirements that were not addressed or completed were considered data gaps and were evaluated during the Phase I RI field work. The Final Site Inspection Report (Halliburton/NUS, 1991) indicated releases were reported to have occurred in the early 1980s. In January 1984, a small amount of water-based ink was allegedly poured into a floor drain, which flowed into the 100,000-gallon emergency water impoundment. This impoundment (basin) was designed to receive drainage and contain any water from interior floor drains that was generated by the emergency fire sprinkler system. According to site personnel at the time, the basin was constructed of soil AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 1-2 60214687 December 2013 and had no liner. It was surmised that constituents could have entered into the floor drains in the press room, discharged into the basin, and then could have migrated into the subsurface and affected soils, groundwater, or nearby surface water. Therefore, the former fire sprinkler overflow basin soils, groundwater, and the down-gradient Smyre Creek are considered an Area of Concern (AOC) for the site and were selected for further investigation during the RI. When the former fire sprinkler overflow basin was closed, it was filled with borrow soils and graded to the existing land surface. Other data gaps included the following: • Tentatively Identified Compounds (TICs) from volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and semi- volatile organic compound (SVOCs) library searches have not been evaluated for samples collected from each medium (soil, groundwater, surface water and sediment) in the AOC; • A determination of potential requirements to perform an ecological risk assessment for the former on-site basin has not been made; • An evaluation of naturally-occurring and/or background metals concentrations in soils, including the full Target Analyte List (TAL) metals suite, has not been completed; and • The horizontal and vertical extent of contaminants exceeding the remediation goals (RGs) in near surface (0-2 feet) and subsurface (>2 feet) soils has not been completed at the former basin. During the pre-mobilization site walk (which was held with personnel from AECOM (including the Registered Site Manager [RSM]), R. R. Donnelley, and CommScope), the RSM requested that environmental samples also be analyzed for hexavalent chromium due to its past use at the site in the chrome plating of the press plates. Therefore, hexavalent chromium was added to the RI field sampling program. 1.2 Investigation Objectives The objective of the Phase I RI was to acquire additional site-specific data to evaluate each of the data gaps described above and make a determination as to whether additional assessment or remediation may be required or whether a NFA status can be granted for the site from the IHSB. 1.3 Document Organization This Phase I RI was designed to collect additional information necessary to complete the RI Report related to the Site as defined by the AA. Described herein is an updated description of the site, the environmental sampling field procedures used to acquire the additional information and the results of the sampling of soil, sediment, groundwater and surface water. Also presented is a discussion of equipment cleaning, management of investigation derived waste (IDW), and Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC). This Phase I RI Report has been organized as specified in Section 3.0 of the Guidelines for Assessment and Cleanup, Inactive Hazardous Sites Program (NCDENR, April 2013). The RI Report has been organized as follows: • Section 1 – Introduction • Section 2 – Methods of Investigation • Section 3 – Site Geology and Hydrogeology • Section 4 – Investigation Results • Section 5 – Phase I Remedial Investigation Summary and Conclusions • Section 6 – Cited References. AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 2-1 60214687 December 2013 2.0 Methods of Investigation The Phase I RI was conducted for the Meredith/Burda site to characterize the AOC, which includes the soil and groundwater near the former fire sprinkler overflow basin and the surface water and sediment of Smyre Creek. Smyre Creek is located along the southern property boundary, down-gradient of the former basin. The RI was designed to meet the IHSB REC requirements with respect to the following: • Analysis of TICs from VOC and SVOC library searches for each media (soil, groundwater, sediment and surface water); • Evaluation of potential requirements to perform an ecological risk assessment for the former on- site fire sprinkler overflow basin; • Determination of the horizontal and vertical extent of contaminants exceeding the preliminary soil remediation goals (PSRGs) in near surface (0-2 feet) and subsurface (>2 feet) soils at the AOC; • Evaluation of naturally-occurring and/or background metals concentrations in soils, including the full TAL metals suite; and • Evaluation of environmental data in accordance with the November 2012 IHSB Guidance and its related current screening tables. The following sub-sections of this Phase I RI report present the methods used to address the identified data gaps and characterize the site with respect to potential Constituents of Concern (COCs) in soil, groundwater, surface water and sediment. Variances from the Work Plan During the performance of the RI field work, three minor variances occurred from the Phase I RI Work Plan (AECOM, January 2013): • A concrete storm water outfall was located near the former basin. At the suggestion of the RSM, a sediment sample (SD-4) from below the headwall of the outfall was collected for analysis; • Hexavalent chromium was added to the sampling program because it was used to plate the print cylinders; and • Based on preliminary review of the hexavalent chromium soil data, additional soil samples were collected in the vicinity of the former basin to further evaluate hexavalent chromium occurrence at the site. The addition of the sediment sample and hexavalent chromium to the sampling program was documented in the Minor Deviation to RI Work Plan for Additional Soil Sampling (AECOM, July 2013). A summary of all environmental samples collected by matrix and depth is presented in Table 1. The table also outlines the analytical suite performed for each sample. AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 2-2 60214687 December 2013 2.1 Borehole Drilling and Soil Sampling Soil samples were collected for characterization and chemical analysis from the former fire sprinkler overflow basin and AOC vicinity and from five background locations at the Site (Figure 2). The soil boring locations presented in the RI Work Plan were determined in the field by AECOM personnel using global positioning system (GPS) equipment. 2.1.1 Former Fire Sprinkler Basin AOC A Geoprobe® 7822DT drill rig was used to take continuous soil core samples in the vicinity of the former basin. All Geoprobe® sampling activities were performed by a driller licensed in the State of North Carolina. Borings SB-1 through SB-9 were advanced with the Geoprobe® using Direct Push Technology (DPT). The Geoprobe® soil sampling method used a hydraulic drive unit, a stainless steel sampling point, and a sampling rod to collect in-situ soil samples. The track-mounted hydraulic drive unit was positioned at each sample location and a hydraulic percussion hammer was used to drive a 2.0-inch outside diameter macro-core sampler to collect the soil samples. The macro-core sampler is constructed of a stainless steel tube that contains an inner acetate sleeve. The sampler was retrieved, and the sleeve containing the soil sample was removed from the sampler. The inner sleeve was split open, and the soil core sample was characterized. This process was continued from ground surface to the target depth of each borehole. The limits of the former fire sprinkler overflow basin were estimated based on historic site maps and historic site photographs. Soil borings SB-1 through SB-5 were first advanced in the center of the basin and at each of the four corners. Soil borings SB-6 through SB-9 were then advanced beyond the limits of the basin on each of the four sides. Additional soil sampling was conducted on the down-gradient side of the basin (SB-19, SB-11 and SB-2); on the up-gradient side of the basin (SB-15, SB-16, and SB-17) and within the limits of the former basin (SB-13 and SB-14). The locations of the soil borings relative to the facility and former basin are illustrated on Figure 2. Representative photographs of soil boring locations SB-1 through SB-9 are presented in Appendix B. Soil boring SB-1 was advanced to a total depth of 25 feet using the Geoprobe® rig. Soil borings SB-2 through SB-9 were pushed and sampled to total depths of 15 feet below ground surface (bgs). For soil borings sampled within the footprint of the former impoundment (SB-1 through SB-5) and soil boring SB-8 (located immediately to the north of the impoundment AOC, soil samples were collected from depth intervals of (0-2 feet), (2-4 feet), (8-9 feet), and (13-14 feet) bgs. Borings advanced outside of the limits of the impoundment on the south, east and west sides (SB-6, SB-9, and SB-7, respectively) were sampled from the 2-4 foot and 8-9 foot depth intervals. Soil samples were submitted to the analytical laboratory for analysis of target compound list (TCL) VOCs and SVOCs, and TAL metals. Soils from SB-1 and SB-9 were also analyzed for TCL VOC and SVOC TICs. Two samples from each of the nine borings were also selected for analysis of hexavalent chromium (Table 1). Upon initial review of the analytical data (see Section 4.0), subsequent soil sampling was performed at 10 additional locations from 2-4 feet bgs using a stainless steel hand auger (AECOM, July 2013). Six locations outside of the limits of the former basin (SB-10, -11, -12 and SB-15, -16, and -17) were sampled. Two soil boring locations within the southern and northern limits of the basin were also sampled (SB-13 and SB-14, respectively). Two additional soil samples were also collected from prior boring AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 2-3 60214687 December 2013 locations SB-6 and SB-8. The soil samples from these additional soil borings were analyzed for hexavalent chromium. The initial and subsequent soil boring locations are illustrated on Figure 2. The list of analytical parameters for each soil sample is presented in Table 1. Detailed geologist logs were maintained by the AECOM geologist during all DPT drilling operations. Test Boring Reports were used to record the geologist’s field observations and other pertinent conditions encountered. Soils were described using the Unified Soil Classification System. A Photo-Ionization Detector (PID)/Organic Vapor Analyzer (OVA) was used during the field soil sampling activities to qualitatively assess the concentration of volatile organic vapors present in the recovered soil samples. Headspace screening for potential VOCs was conducted at approximately two foot intervals at the time of sampling by filling a sealable polyethylene bag with soil sample aliquots collected from the designated intervals. After approximately five minutes the PID probe was inserted into the headspace of the bag and the reading was recorded. It was noted during the field effort that excessive humidity and/or moisture was interfering with the PID instrument, yielding high readings. Thus, in the absence of any soil staining or chemical odors, the PID results are not deemed to be representative of VOCs in the soil. Soil lithologic descriptions and PID headspace readings from each soil boring are included on the Test Boring Reports and/or daily reports, which are provided in Appendix C. 2.1.2 Background Locations Soil samples were collected from five areas considered to represent background locations (BG-1 through BG-5) based on their distance from any historic manufacturing operations or chemical handling (Figure 2). Background soils were collected with a stainless steel hand auger at a depth interval of 2-4 feet bgs. This depth interval is considered consistent with the depth of the former fire sprinkler overflow basin. The hand auger bucket was advanced by rotating the auger clockwise until the bucket was filled. The auger bucket was then removed from the ground and emptied of soil. Hand augured boreholes did not exceed approximately 4 feet bgs. The background soil samples were submitted to the analytical laboratory for analysis of TAL metals and hexavalent chromium (Table 1). Headspace readings were also conducted with a PID to identify the potential presence of volatile organic vapors. Representative photographs of the background sampling locations are presented in Appendix B. 2.1.3 Borehole Abandonment Upon completion of the DPT soil borings, the Geoprobe® drilling tools were withdrawn from the borehole and the open holes were abandoned by grouting from total depth to land surface by pumping a neat bentonite-cement grout mixture through a tremie pipe. Boreholes advanced with a hand auger were backfilled and compacted with the soil that was removed during the sampling effort. 2.2 Groundwater Monitoring Well Design As part of the RI Work Plan submittal, a monitoring well installation application was included for the drilling and installation of MW-1 (AECOM, January 2013). A monitoring well construction permit, dated May 2013, was subsequently issued by NCDENR (Appendix D). 2.2.1 Monitoring Well Installation Upon completion of the DPT soil sampling at SB-1, the boring was converted into a groundwater monitoring well (MW-1) by over-reaming the borehole with 8-inch outside diameter hollow-stem augers to a total depth of 25 feet bgs. Monitoring well MW-1 is constructed of 2-inch diameter Schedule 40 PVC casing and 10 feet of machine slotted PVC screen placed from approximately 15 to 25 feet bls. A graded AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 2-4 60214687 December 2013 filter sand was added to the annular space to approximately two-feet above the top of the well screen. A bentonite clay seal was placed in the annular space above the filter sand and hydrated with fresh water. A neat cement-bentonite grout was mixed and injected via a tremie pipe from above the bentonite seal to land surface. The surface completion of MW-1 consists of a lockable steel protective casing set into a two foot by two foot square concrete pad. The location of MW-1 is illustrated on Figure 2. The geologic log (test boring report) for SB-1/MW-1 and the monitoring well construction details are provided in Appendix C. A monitoring well completion form was completed by the drilling subcontractor and submitted to NCDENR. A copy of the well completion form is included in Appendix D. 2.2.2 Monitoring Well Development Upon installation, groundwater monitoring well MW-1 was developed so that it would produce representative groundwater samples. An electric Grundfos® submersible pump was used for the development of the well. Well development was continued until the turbidity, specific conductance, and temperature of the water had stabilized to within approximately 10 percent and pH had stabilized to within 0.2 standard units (su) for three consecutive readings. A copy of the Monitoring Well Development Log is included in Appendix C. 2.2.3 Groundwater Quality Sampling Monitoring well MW-1 was purged and sampled using low-flow sampling techniques with a Grundfos® pump and single-use disposable polyethylene tubing. During well purging, water quality indicator parameters were monitored until they had stabilized within the tolerances stated in Section 2.2.2, above for three consecutive readings. A summary of the groundwater quality field indicator parameters at the time the groundwater sample was collected presented on the Field Data Log for Groundwater Sampling (Appendix C). The groundwater sample from MW-1 was submitted for laboratory analysis for TCL VOCs and TCL SVOCs (including TICs), TAL Metals, and hexavalent chromium (Table 1). 2.3 Surface Water and Sediment Sampling 2.3.1 Surface Water and Sediment Sampling – Smyre Creek Three sediment and surface water samples were collected from Smyre Creek, which is located down- gradient of the facility and the former fire sprinkler overflow basin, along the southern property line (Figure 2). The surface water and sediment samples were co-located, with the surface water samples collected before the sediment samples. Sampling progressed from the farthest downstream location (SW-3/SD-3) and proceeded in an upstream direction towards SW-2/SD-2 and finally SW-1/SD-1. This methodology was used to minimize the chance for cross-contamination of the samples. The surface water samples were collected from the creek by directly dipping the sample bottles into the flowing water of the creek, with the mouths of the bottles oriented in the upstream direction. The sediment samples were then collected using a stainless steel bucket hand auger. Upon collection of each surface water sample, water quality indicator parameters of pH, specific conductance, temperature, dissolved oxygen, oxidation-reduction potential, and turbidity were measured in-situ and recorded. Surface water quality indicator parameters were recorded a Field Data Log for Surface Water/Sediment Sampling and included in Appendix C. Representative photographs of the surface water and sediment sampling locations in Smyre Creek are presented in Appendix B. 2.3.2 Sediment Sampling – Storm Water Outfall During the pre-mobilization site walk, the RSM recommended sampling sediment at an outfall located near the former basin (location SD-4, Figure 2). The outfall reportedly discharges storm water run-off from the southern portion of the facility. Sediment sample SD-4, was collected beneath the outfall discharge, located approximately 200 feet to the west southwest from the location of the basin. A photograph of sediment sample location SD-4 is presented in Appendix B. AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 2-5 60214687 December 2013 2.3.3 Surface Water and Sediment Sampling Analyses The surface water samples from Smyre Creek were submitted to the subcontract analytical laboratory for analysis of TCL VOCs, TCL SVOCs, TICs and TAL metals. The sediment samples from Smyre Creek were analyzed for TCL VOCs, TCL SVOCs, TICs and TAL metals. The sediment sample from the storm water outfall was analyzed for TCL VOCs, TCL SVOCs, TICs and TAL metals (Table 1). 2.4 Surveying A North Carolina licensed surveyor was subcontracted to determine the horizontal location and elevation of the Phase I RI sampling locations. These locations included the soil borings in the vicinity of the former fire sprinkler overflow basin, monitoring well MW-1, the three Smyre Creek surface water/sediment sampling locations, sediment sampling location (SD-4) at a storm water outfall, and the five background soil sample locations (Figure 2). Surveying field work was conducted by Dedmon Surveys, Inc., of Denver, NC in June and September 2013. Northing and Easting coordinates were referenced to the North American Datum 1983 (NAD83) and vertical elevations (ground surface, top of well casing, etc.) were referenced to the North American Vertical Datum 1988 (NAVD88). The surveyed site map was updated with the Phase I RI sampling locations and is included in Appendix A. The base map and surveyed sampling locations were also used as a basis to produce the other figures in this report. Surveyed locations coordinates and elevations are provided in tabular form in Table 2 and are also included on the respective Test Boring Reports (Appendix C), as applicable. 2.5 Sample Handling and Shipping Upon collection, all environmental samples (groundwater, surface water, soil, sediment) and aqueous and soil investigation derived waste (IDW) were documented on chain of custody forms. The samples bottles were then placed and sealed into plastic bags and the bags of sample containers were temporarily stored in a cooler with ice to maintain a temperature of approximately 4 degrees Celsius. Each cooler was kept and delivered to the analytical laboratory under chain of custody protocols. The chilled samples were shipped via overnight express delivery to Gulf Coast Analytical Laboratories (GCAL) for analysis. GCAL is located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and is certified by NCDNER to conduct the analytical tests performed as part of this Phase I RI. Copies of the sample chain of custody forms are included with the laboratory certificates of analysis in Appendix E. 2.6 Quality Assurance and Quality Control Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC) samples were collected during the RI field work and analyzed for the purpose of assessing the quality of the field sampling effort and of the analytical data. These samples consisted of duplicates, matrix spike and matrix spike duplicates, equipment blanks and trip blanks. Duplicate samples were collected to evaluate the laboratory’s ability to replicate the analytical results. Duplicate samples were given an “-a” suffix to distinguish them from the original sample. • Groundwater Well MW-1 MW-1a • Soil Borings SB-5 and SB-8 SB-5-8-9-a and SB-8 (2-4)-a • Background Soil Boring BG-4 BG-4-a • Surface Water Location SW-2 SW-2-a • Sediment Location SD-2 SD-2-a Matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate (MS/MSD) samples were collected to provide an indication if the analytical results were affected by interferences of the sample matrix (e.g., soil or sediment matrix). AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 2-6 60214687 December 2013 MS/MSD samples were submitted from soil boring SB-7 (SB-7-2-4-MS/-MSD) and background soil boring BG-5 (BG-5-MS/-MSD). Equipment blanks were collected of equipment cleaning rinse water to evaluate the effectiveness of the cleaning procedure. A total of three equipment blanks (BG-5-d, SD-1-d and SB-equip) were obtained after cleaning the stainless steel soil augers subsequent to sampling background soil sample location BG- 5, sediment sample location SD-1 and soil boring location SB-11, respectively. The equipment blanks consisted of pouring deionized water across the clean hand augers and collecting the rinsate water in a sample jar. Three trip blanks, containing organic-free reagent-grade water, accompanied the sample bottles during the initial shipment from the laboratory, through the sampling process and shipment back to the laboratory. These blanks were used to evaluate the potential for cross-contamination of the samples by volatile organic compounds (VOCs). 2.7 Equipment Cleaning All Geoprobe® drilling equipment and tooling was cleaned prior to beginning each new soil boring. Cleaning consisted of pressure washing and steam cleaning all equipment that came into contact with the soil. Wash waters and soils were collected and retained on plastic sheeting and transferred to drums as IDW. Hand augers, well development and sampling pumps were cleaned before each use. Cleaning procedures consisted of wiping equipment with paper towels and then washing with de-ionized water and laboratory-grade detergent and rinsing with de-ionized water. Groundwater sampling tubing was made of single use, disposable polyethylene and thus did not require cleaning. Personal protective equipment (PPE) was worn by sampling and drilling personnel in accordance with the Site Specific Health and Safety Plan (AECOM, January 2013). Disposable gloves were changed between sampling locations or as necessary. 2.8 Investigation-Derived Waste (IDW) All soil cuttings from drilling and sampling, and purged groundwater generated during well installation, development, and sampling were temporarily stored as IDW. The IDW was segregated by type and placed in Department of Transportation (DOT)-approved 55-gallon open head drums: • 3 drums of soils • 2 drums of monitoring well purge water • 1 drum of water from the decontamination pad The drums were temporarily staged on the concrete pad near the electrical substation on the southern side of the Meredith/Burda facility. Access to the site is prevented by security fencing and an entrance gate that is manned by a guard on a 24/7 schedule. Used personal protective equipment (PPE), disposable sampling equipment, and other miscellaneous trash was consolidated in trash bags at the end of each day, sealed, and staged at a central location for subsequent disposal as non-hazardous solid waste. Representative samples of containerized soil and aqueous IDW were collected and submitted for laboratory analysis of TCL VOCs and SVOC, TAL metals, and hexavalent chromium (solids sample only). Upon receipt and review of the analytical data, waste profiles were completed so that appropriate disposal options could be developed. All IDW was classified as non-hazardous. A non-hazardous AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 2-7 60214687 December 2013 shipping manifest was prepared and the IDW was transported by A&D Environmental Services for solidification and ultimate disposal at Uwharrie Environmental Landfill, located in Mt. Gilead, NC. The analytical results for the solid and aqueous IDW samples are included in the GCAL report (Appendix E). A copy of the waste characterization form and signed manifest are included in Appendix F. AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 3-1 60214687 December 2013 3.0 Site Geology and Hydrogeology A detailed description of the regional and local geology and hydrogeology was originally presented in Section 3 of the Comprehensive Site Assessment (CSA) report (Trigon, 1994) that is on file at the NCDENR DWM UST Section office in Mooresville, North Carolina. Updated information regarding the seasonal groundwater flow patterns at the Site were provided in the groundwater monitoring reports in the UST Section files (see Table 1, AECOM, January 2013). A summary of the geology and hydrogeology of the site and vicinity from those reports and data generated during the Phase I RI is presented below. 3.1 Regional Geology Catawba County is located in the Piedmont Physiographic Province of North Carolina and contains a wide variety of rock types within its boundaries, including granite, gneisses, schists, quartzites, and limestones. The predominant rock types are metamorphic gneisses and schists, which show a strong foliation or schistosity. Throughout the Piedmont of the southeastern United States, bedrock weathers to form saprolite, which retains the structure of the parent bedrock. The thickness of saprolite can vary considerably depending on location. Typically, a zone of weathered bedrock exists between the overlying saprolite and the underlying competent bedrock. Further in-place weathering of saprolite results in shallow/surficial clayey soils termed “residuum”. Residuum typically occurs in the shallow subsurface and is distinguished from the underlying saprolite by a lack of structural or textural features of the parent rock. According to LeGrand (1954) and the Geologic Map of North Carolina (Brown and others, 1985), rocks in the Catawba County region trend northeastward. Locally, a broad belt of gneiss and schist trends northeastward through the county and is present in the site vicinity. Outcrops of these rocks are rare; the bedrock is covered by a thick layer of red clayey soil (residuum). The City of Newton is underlain by a biotite gneiss and schist that are described as megacrystalline and not equigranular. Occurrences of gneiss and schist are often interlayered with calcite-silicate rock, sillimanite- mica schist, mica schist, and amphibolites. South of Newton, encompassing the Site, the bedrock is an amphibolite and biotite gneiss, which are described as interlayered with minor layers and lenses of hornblende gneiss, metagabbro, mica schist, and granitic rock. 3.2 Local Geology Above the bedrock, saprolite and residuum consist of a tan brown to green grey, micaceous, medium- to fine-grained sandy silt that presumably formed from the in-place weathering of the underlying biotite gneiss (as indicated on the 1985 Geologic Map of North Carolina). Prior subsurface investigations reported a one- to five-foot thick wedge of red brown silty clay that thickens from northwest to southeast. This clay was observed to overlie the residual silts in the vicinity of the manufacturing building, former USTs, and former solvent recovery system. Boring logs from prior investigations are provided in the CSA report (Trigon, 1994). The soil borings advanced at and around the former overflow basin during the Phase I RI (SB-1 though SB-9) indicate that the subsurface consists primarily of slits, sandy slits, clays, and silty sands. In general, the uppermost 4.0 feet of soil on the site consists of a moist, yellowish red to dark yellowish brown silt. From 4.0 to 6.0 feet bgs, a strong brown to yellowish red to red to dark red sandy silt is present. At 6.0 to 10 feet bgs, a moist, a strong brown to reddish yellow, low plasticity clay exists. From 10 to 14 feet bgs, soils grade to light olive gray to light greenish gray, high plasticity clay. At SB-1, soils from 14 to 25 feet bgs, a wet to moist, a light olive gray to light brownish gray to brown to dark yellowish brown, medium to coarse grain, micaecous, silty sand was present, which exhibited relic structures and AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 3-2 60214687 December 2013 became more saprolitic with depth. From the SB-1/MW-1 soil core, saturated soils seemed to occur at approximately 15 feet bgs. Copies of the test boring reports for SB-1 through SB-9 are included in Appendix C. To the north of the site, the shallow soils in the background areas were characterized as brown to reddish- brown clayey residual soils. At background BG-5, which was collected at a similar elevation as the AOC, the soils were similar in color, texture and grain size as occurred near the former basin. 3.3 Regional Hydrogeology Two aquifer units characterize the hydrogeology of the area. The saprolite and overlying residuum serve as an unconfined storage aquifer (water table aquifer) that holds and transmits water downward to the lower semi-confined partially weathered rock (PWR) and then into the fractured crystalline bedrock aquifer unit. Shallow groundwater typically occurs and is stored in the primary porosity of the saprolite and migrates slowly downward into the PWR then into bedrock. The water table typically mimics surface topography, with recharging occurring in the higher elevations and discharge occurring at lower elevations, such as stream beds. The PWR, often referred to as the “transition zone,” is characterized by its ability to transmit groundwater at a higher rate than either saprolite or bedrock due to open fractures and greater porosity from partial chemical weathering. PWR commonly occurs associated with the bedrock aquifer unit. Groundwater movement in PWR flows through open fractures (secondary porosity) and also through the rock matrix (primary) porosity. Groundwater movement in the bedrock is primarily restricted to intersecting sets of water bearing fractures and joints (secondary porosity) and to a lesser extent through the rock matrix porosity, which typically has a low hydraulic conductivity. A survey of over 150 potable wells completed in the gneiss and schist of the county (LeGrand, 1954) suggests that average well depths range from about 200 feet to 250 feet below ground surface with an average yield of about 20 to 30 gallons per minute. A smaller sampling of wells in the Newton area suggests that the potentiometric surface of the bedrock aquifer is 30 to 40 feet below ground surface. 3.4 Local Hydrogeology The unconsolidated saprolite/PWR aquifer was the only aquifer unit encountered during the prior CSA and the Phase I RI. The surficial aquifer extends to depths ranging from 20 to 35 feet below land surface (bls), depending on the bedrock depth. Depth to water measurements and assumed top of casing elevations (based on a 100-foot datum) in the CSA resulted in potentiometric contours ranging from 61 to 72 feet (approximately 30 to 40 feet below land surface). This potentiometric map suggests that shallow groundwater flows toward the south-southeast under an average hydraulic gradient of approximately 0.03 feet per foot (ft/ft). Land surface at the site ranges from approximately 938 feet in elevation at background location BG-1 to the north of the facility building to approximately 852 feet in the vicinity of the AOC located on the south side of the site. Smyre Creek ranged from 836 and 829 feet in elevation between the upstream and downstream sampling locations. During the RI, groundwater occurred at a depth of 8.34 feet bls (843.71 feet in elevation) at MW-1, which is located within the footprint of the former basin and down-slope from the facility. Overall, surface drainage follows land surface topography. Thus, based on these elevations and land surface topography, it is apparent that groundwater movement from the facility is to the south and that Smyre Creek forms the local discharge boundary for the water table aquifer. AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 3-3 60214687 December 2013 3.5 Hydrology AECOM personnel reviewed the United States Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5 Minute Newton, North Carolina Quadrangle Topographic Map (Figure 1) and performed a visual reconnaissance to identify area surface water bodies. Smyre Creek borders the property on the south and is within 1,000 feet of the Site. Smyre Creek flows west-southwest and joins Clark Creek near Maiden, NC. Clark Creek flows into the South Fork Catawba River and then into the Catawba River at Charlotte. The Catawba River continues to flow south into South Carolina where it becomes the Wateree River, then the Cooper River. Ultimately, the Cooper River discharges into the Atlantic Ocean at Charleston, SC. Average annual maximum/minimum temperatures are 69/47 degrees Fahrenheit. Average precipitation for Catawba County is 49 inches per year. Precipitation is fairly evenly distributed throughout the year (NC State University and NC A&T State University Cooperative Extension, 2013). Precipitation that does not infiltrate into the ground runs off to lower elevations and creeks as storm water. Surface runoff from the Site drains toward Smyre Creek via overland flow and several storm water culverts. AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 4-1 60214687 December 2013 4.0 Investigation Results The following sections of this Report present the site characterization results based on the field screening activities and laboratory analyses of the soil, sediment and groundwater and surface water samples. Summaries of the analytical data are presented in Tables 4 through 16 for organics, TICs, and inorganics (metals) by area/environmental media. A summary of the added data qualifiers is presented in Table 17. 4.1 Data Validation AECOM performed independent QC checks of field and laboratory procedures that were used in collecting and analyzing the data. The QC checks verify that the data collected are of appropriate quality for the intended data use and that the analytical data quality objectives (DQOs) were met. The steps and guidelines followed during the data validation process were modeled on the USEPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines for Inorganic Data Review (USEPA, July 2004), USEPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines for Organic Data Review (USEPA, October 1999), and Data Validation Standard Operating Procedures for Contract Laboratory Program Routine Analytical Services (USEPA, July 1999). In addition, method-specific criteria set forth in the compendium of analytical methods found in the Test Methods for Evaluation Solid Waste (SW-846), Update III (USEPA, June 1997) are also evaluated during the validation process. During the validation process, AECOM data management staff discovered the following non-conformance issue: The laboratory failed to provide percent moisture results on several samples of soil and sediment in analytical batches 213052244 and 213082201 prior to sample destruction. As a result, AECOM determined suitable, average percent moisture content for the samples based on a triangulation of the sample location and other nearby samples at the closest comparable depth interval. The locations, triangulation, and rationale used to determine the percent moisture to be used for these samples are provided in the associated Data Assessment Reports (DARs) in Appendix E. The QC excursions encountered during the validation of the data for this site did not result in the rejection of any data. Therefore, the data associated with this investigation should be considered compliant and adequate for its intended use. 4.2 Soil Field Screening Results Recovered soil samples from the Former Fire Sprinkler Basin AOC were screened with a PID. In summary, the observed headspace readings ranged from 2.4 to 896 parts per million (ppm). However, as previously stated in Section 2.1.1 above, moisture/calibration problems were reported with the PID during the field effort, which let to erroneously high readings. Thus, in the absence of any petroleum-like odors or soil staining, the PID readings are not deemed to be representative of impact from volatile organic compounds. 4.3 Soil Sample Analytical Results Recovered soil samples from the initial AOC area borings SB-1 through SB-9 were analyzed for VOCs and SVOCs in accordance with Table 1. The results of the laboratory analyses for VOCs and SVOCs are summarized in Table 3. Detections of the following VOCs were reported in one or more soil samples: • 2-butanone • acetone • bromomethane AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 4-2 60214687 December 2013 • carbon disulfide • toluene • methyl acetate • methylene chloride Many of the above-listed compounds are known to be common laboratory artifacts. Only toluene is known to be site-related. Following REC Program Implementation Guidance (NCDENR, 2012), the results were screened in Table 3 against the applicable North Carolina IHSB Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs). Two types of PSRGs are required to be attained for protection of human health: Health-Based Soil Remediation Goals for unrestricted land use and Protection of Groundwater Soil Remediation Goals. Health-based PSRGs have been developed by the IHSB for residential land use and for industrial land use. To be conservative and allow for the unlikely possibility that future land use may occur at the site, residential health-based PSRGs were used for screening in Table 3. In addition, soil concentrations were screened against protection of groundwater PSRGs. None of the detected VOC analytes listed above exceeded their respective PSRG values. None of the soil samples tested had a detection of an SVOC. The very small areal extent (less than ¼ acre) of this AOC in an industrial area provides a negligible potential for exposures of ecological receptors to surface soil contaminants and precludes the potential for ecologically significant effects. Accordingly, screening of soil concentrations against ecological screening values was not considered to be warranted. Soils from two borings (SB-1 and SB-9) were selected for analysis of tentatively identified compounds (TICs). Seventeen compounds were tentatively identified in the soil samples from boring SB-1 and four compounds were tentatively identified in soils from boring SB-9. Two of the compounds were flagged as also present in the laboratory blank sample. Table 4 presents a summary of the TICs that were detected in the soil samples. Background and AOC soils were analyzed for a suite of 23 target analyte list (TAL) metals and hexavalent chromium in accordance with Table 1. Results of the metals analyses were screened against IHSB PSRGs for residential land use and the protection of groundwater, as described above and the results are summarized in Table 5. Many of the metals were consistently detected above their respective PSRGs in AOC and background area soils. A discussion of the occurrence and concentrations of metals in soils at the site and their relationship to PSRGs and naturally occurring background concentrations is presented in Section 5.0, below. 4.4 Groundwater Analytical Results Groundwater from monitoring well MW-1 was analyzed for VOCs, SVOCs, TICs, TAL metals and hexavalent chromium (Table 1). The analytical results were screened against the applicable North Carolina Administrative Code 2L Groundwater Standards as per the REC Program Implementation Guidance (NCDENR, 2012). The only VOC detected above the reporting limit was carbon disulfide, which was detected at a concentration well below the 2L groundwater standard. There were no SVOCs detected in the groundwater sample from MW-1 (Table 6). For the TIC results, only sulfur dioxide was listed along with one unknown compound in the primary groundwater sample collected from MW-1. However, its detection is not considered site related because sulfur dioxide was also reported in the associated blank samples (Table 7). Eight metals: aluminum, barium, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, and sodium were detected at concentrations at or above their respective reporting limits with only manganese (0.054 mg/L) AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 4-3 60214687 December 2013 exceeding the 2L groundwater standard of 0.05 mg/L (Table 8). The 2L standard was not exceeded for manganese in duplicate groundwater sample. Thus, the reported occurrence of manganese is not considered to be significant in groundwater at the AOC. 4.5 Sediment and Surface Water Analytical Results Sediment and surface water from Smyre Creek were sampled upstream of the AOC (SD-1), midstream near the AOC (SD-2) and downstream of the AOC (SD-3). A sediment sample was also collected down- gradient of the storm water outfall near the AOC (SD-4). Sampling and analysis was conducted in accordance with the summary provided in Table 1. 4.5.1 Sediment The results of the laboratory analyses for organic compounds (VOCs and SVOCs) in sediment are summarized in Table 9. The detected parameters were screened against the applicable North Carolina PSRGs as per the REC Program Implementation Guidance (NCDENR, 2012). In accordance with the guidance, sediment concentrations were conservatively screened against residential health-based PSRGs, derived based on protection of human health from soil exposures, and against ecological sediment screening benchmarks from USEPA Region 3 (USEPA, August 2006). In the three primary sediment samples collected from Smyre Creek (SD-1, SD-2, and SD-3), the only VOC detected above the reporting limit in the primary samples was acetone, which was detected at a concentration below the soil PSRG in all three samples. No SVOCs were detected above their respective reporting limit in the three sediment samples collected from Smyre Creek (Table 9). In the sediment sample collected at the outfall location (SD-4), the only VOCs detected above the reporting limit were acetone and toluene, which were reported at concentrations well below the soil PSRGs (Table 9). Ten SVOCs were detected above the reporting limits in the sediment sample collected below the storm water outfall. Benzo(a)pyrene and indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene exceeded their soil PSRGs at estimated concentrations (Table 9). Chrysene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, and pyrene exceeded their respective ecological PSRG screening values. These four SVOCs, which are also classified as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), are often found in the environment below outfalls that receive runoff from asphaltic pavement or roofing. Their occurrence is not considered to be related to prior manufacturing processes and is therefore not deemed to be significant. Sediment samples from Smyre Creek and the storm water outfall were also analyzed for VOC and SVOC TICs. A summary of the TICs reported in the sediment samples is presented in Table 10. Four compounds were identified in sample SD-1, and the identities of two others were listed as unknown; four other compounds were identified in sample SD-2, with two more being listed as unknown; and three compounds were identified in sample SD-3 along with two unknown detections. Four TICs were identified in sample SD-4, with six more compounds listed as unknown. Nineteen metals were detected in the primary sediment samples from Smyre Creek at concentrations at or above their respective reporting limits (Table 11). Metals concentrations reportedly exceeded PSRGs for three, four and two metals constituents for the upstream, midstream (down-gradient of the AOC), and downstream samples, respectively. Total chromium exceeded its PSRG at all three locations at similar concentrations, which indicates that it may be naturally endemic in the creek sediments and not representative of site-related impact. With the exception of manganese, which exceeded its soil PSRG for residential health and for ecological receptors, there was little difference between the reported concentrations of metals upstream of the site versus midstream and downstream of the AOC. At the storm water outfall (SD-4), eighteen metals were detected in the sediment sample at concentrations at or above their respective reporting limits, with eight of those metals reportedly AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 4-4 60214687 December 2013 exceeding their respective residential PSRGs and five metals reportedly exceeding their respective ecological screening values (Table 11). 4.5.2 Surface Water The results of the laboratory analyses for organic compounds (VOCs and SVOCs) in the surface water samples collected from Smyre Creek are summarized in Table 12. In accordance with the North Carolina REC Program Implementation Guidance (NCDENR, 2012), the detected concentrations were screened against the 15A NCAC 2B Standard for protection of freshwater aquatic life as well as the standard for protection of human health. Carbon disulfide and acetone were the only VOCs detected in the primary samples of surface water at a concentration above their respective reporting limits. However, neither of these two VOCs exceeded their respective aquatic or human health screening criteria. Bis(2- ethylhexyl)phthalate (SW-3) was the only SVOC detected in the three surface water samples (Table 12). Its estimated concentration was approximately 2.5 times higher than the human health screening criterion. TICs were reported for the surface water samples and are summarized in Table 13. Twelve known and four unknown VOC and SVOC TICs were reported among the three primary surface water samples. Sulfur dioxide was detected in all three surface water samples and 4-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-pentanone was detected in two surface water samples; however, they were flagged as also being detected in the blank samples, so their occurrence is not considered to be site-related. Eight metals were detected above their reporting limits in all three primary surface water samples tested: aluminum, barium, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium and sodium (Table 14). Aluminum exceeded the Freshwater Aquatic Life screening criterion in all three samples. Mercury was detected in two samples (upstream and downstream) at low, estimated and similar concentrations, which were above the Freshwater Aquatic Life screening criterion. 4.6 Investigation Derived Waste Analytical Results Soil and aqueous IDW was sampled and analyzed to characterize the waste for disposal purposes. A summary of the analytical results for VOCs, SVOCs and metals from the soil IDW sample are presented in Table 15. Aqueous IDW consisted of monitoring well purge water and water retained on the equipment decontamination pad. A summary of the VOCs, SVOCs and metals from the aqueous IDW sample are presented in Table 16. Based on these analytical results, the IDW was accepted by the disposal facility as non-hazardous waste. Copies of the waste characterization profiles and the disposal manifest are included in Appendix F. AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 5-1 60214687 December 2013 5.0 Phase I Remedial Investigation Summary and Conclusions Soil, groundwater, sediment, and surface water were sampled and screened during the Phase I RI to evaluate potential site-related impacts to the environment and to identify areas that may require additional evaluation or remedial efforts. 5.1 AOC Soils and Background Soils AOC soil samples were analyzed for organic compounds that included VOCs and SVOCs. Seven VOCs were detected in one or more of the AOC soil samples. However, many of the detected compounds are known to be common laboratory artifacts, and none of the detected VOC analytes exceeded their respective residential or protection of groundwater PSRGs (Table 3). None of the soil samples tested had a detection of an SVOC. Therefore, organic compounds are not deemed to be a concern in AOC soils. Inorganic data from AOC soil samples and background soil samples were first screened against the IHSB residential and protection of groundwater PSRGs (Table 5). Inorganic data from the AOC soil samples also were compared against the results from the five background samples (BG-1 through BG-5) to provide an indication of site-related impact. The sampling locations are illustrated on Figure 2. The soils were analyzed for TAL metals and hexavalent chromium. Background samples were collected from 2 to 4 feet bgs, which was deemed analogous to the depth of the former Fire Sprinkler Overflow Basin. Soil samples were collected from within the AOC at intervals of 0-2 ft (fill soils) and 2-4 ft, 8-9 ft, and 13-14 ft (native soils). The analytical data indicate that background soils from 2 to 4 ft bgs at the facility have naturally elevated metals concentrations, with up to 10 of the elements exceeding one or both of the PSRGs in the five background samples. These metals include the following: • aluminum • antimony • arsenic • chromium • cobalt • iron • manganese • selenium • thallium • vanadium Hexavalent chromium was not detected in the background soils samples (Table 5). Analysis of AOC soil samples also determined that some inorganic analytes exceeded their PSRGs in the AOC. Table 18 was created in order to evaluate if metal constituent exceedances in the soil samples collected from the AOC were significant when compared to the naturally occurring background concentrations. Following USEPA guidance, the constituent mean and maximum detected concentrations for all samples within the intervals specified above were determined, and two times (2x) the mean for the set of five background samples was calculated as the background value for each constituent in soil (EPA Supplemental Guidance to RAGS: Region 4 Bulletins, Human Health Risk Assessment Bulletins, May 2000). For individual analytes that were reported as non-detects in a given sample, one-half the detection limit was used as a surrogate concentration when calculating the mean. In Table 18, an asterisk indicates means based on these surrogate concentrations. Metals that are essential nutrients, low in toxicity, and AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 5-2 60214687 December 2013 have no PSRGs (e.g., calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium) were included in Table 18 for completeness but were excluded from the evaluation. Mean background concentrations for ten metals exceeded one or both of their respective PSRGs (aluminum, antimony, arsenic, chromium, cobalt, iron, manganese, selenium, thallium, and vanadium). Soils in the site vicinity naturally contain metals derived from the in-place weathering of the parent crystalline bedrock. The occurrence of these naturally occurring metals in background soil at levels above their PSRGs is a reflection of the conservatism of the PSRGs. AOC soil samples had nine inorganic analytes with concentrations apparently greater than their PSRG (aluminum, arsenic, chromium, cobalt, iron, manganese, thallium, vanadium, and hexavalent chromium). During the initial sampling effort from the AOC, many of the samples analyzed for hexavalent chromium had elevated detection limits and two samples were reported to have valid detections of hexavalent chromium (SB-6-2-4 and SB-8-2-4). These two locations and others from the AOC were resampled to determine the validity of the two detections. During analysis of the subsequent soil samples from the AOC, lower detection limits were achieved for hexavalent chromium (below the PSRG screening criterion). The subsequent sampling did not detect hexavalent chromium in any of the samples, including the resampling of the SB-6 and SB-8 locations. Thus, hexavalent chromium is not deemed to be a constituent of concern in the AOC soils. Out of the remaining eight AOC inorganics that exceeded their PSRG values, only three metals had mean concentrations greater than their 2x mean or their maximum concentrations in the background samples. These three metals are cobalt, manganese, and thallium (Table 18). Cobalt and manganese concentrations varied greatly across the AOC with depth and location (Tables 5 and 18). BG-5 is the background location closest to the AOC area, and soil from BG-5 contained the highest concentration of both metals when compared to the other background samples collected farther to the north of the facility. Thus, the mean background concentrations for the two metals in Table 18 could be biased low. Comparing the average and maximum values of cobalt from the AOC soils to BG-5 soils, only three samples exceeded the 2x mean background concentration, all from the 0-2 foot depth interval (SB-1-0-2, SB-2-0-2, and SB-5-0-2). Cobalt concentrations in these three samples ranged from 26.3 to 38 mg/kg (Table 5). For manganese, six samples exceeded the 2x mean background concentration at BG-5; these were SB-4-0-2, SB-4-2-4, SB-3-8-9, SB-7-2-4, SB-8-8-9, and SB-9-2-4. Only one of these exceedances occurred in surface soil. Concentrations of manganese in these AOC soil samples ranged from 1560 mg/kg to 2830 mg/kg (Table 5). All of these exceedances in surface soil are within a very small, 0.1-acre area on an industrial site where the potential for human exposure is negligible and would not approach the extent of exposure assumed in the calculation of the PSRGs. Consequently, the concentrations of cobalt and manganese in AOC soils are not deemed to be significant. If more background samples had been collected in lower elevation areas more geologically similar to the AOC, these reported concentrations of cobalt and manganese likely would have been closer to naturally occurring background or the 2x mean background concentration. Thallium occurred at relatively low (estimated) concentrations in four of the five background soil samples tested (Table 5). The maximum detected background concentration was 2.47 mg/kg. The mean thallium concentration in background soils was 1.64 mg/kg, which exceeds the residential PSRG screening value for thallium of 0.16 mg/kg. Thallium exceeded the 2x mean background concentration (3.28 mg/kg) in only four out of 29 AOC samples (SB-1-2-4, SB-2-0-2, SB-3-0-2 and SB-5-0-2). Three of the four exceedances were in samples from the 0-2 ft depth interval and one was from the 2-4 ft depth interval. Concentrations of thallium in these samples ranged from 3.44j mg/kg to 4.49j mg/kg. Although these four samples exceeded the PSRG, their relatively low (estimated) concentrations in AOC soils all occurred within a very small, 0.1-acre area on an industrial site where the potential for human exposure is negligible and would not approach the extent of exposure assumed in the calculation of the PSRGs. Consequently, the concentrations of thallium in AOC soils are not deemed to be significant. AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 5-3 60214687 December 2013 To further illustrate this point, Figure 3 presents the areal distribution of cobalt, manganese and thallium in AOC soils by sample depth interval. As can be seen in the figure, exceedances of the 2x mean background concentration for these metals is more frequent in the surface soils (fill material) than in the adjacent native soils. The frequency of exceedances of the screening criteria also decreases with depth. 5.2 Groundwater Groundwater at the AOC was sampled for organic and inorganic constituents and screened against 15A NCAC 2L standards (Tables 6, 7 and 8). The only constituent that exceeded its screening criterion was manganese, and the magnitude of the exceedance was insignificant (0.054 mg/L versus 0.05 mg/L screening criterion). However, the duplicate sample met the screening criterion concentration. Therefore, no site-related impact is deemed to have occurred for AOC groundwater, and no further action for groundwater is recommended. 5.3 Sediment Sediment samples from three locations in Smyre Creek and one location at the storm water outfall were sampled for organic and inorganic constituents and screened against PSRGs (Tables 9, 10 and 11). No organic compounds were found to exceed the screening criteria in the sediments from Smyre Creek. Four PAH compounds exceeded their respective screening criteria from the storm water outfall sediment sample (SD-4). These compounds (benzo(a)pyrene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, chrysene, and pyrene) were not associated with manufacturing activities at the facility and are often found in the environment at outfalls that receive runoff from asphaltic paved parking lots and roofs. Therefore, their occurrence at this location is not deemed to be significant. Metals were detected at some Smyre Creek stream locations at concentrations greater than their respective PSRG (conservatively based on residential exposure to soil) or ecological sediment screening benchmark. As shown in Table 11, some of the exceedances occurred upstream of the site near the St. James Church Road bridge crossing. In general, most metals constituents decreased at the downstream location relative to the two upstream locations. At midstream location SD-2, nearest the AOC, chromium, cobalt, iron and manganese exceeded their respective screening levels. However, chromium and cobalt also exceeded their respective PSRGs in the upstream sample. Iron is ubiquitous in the environment and occurred at all three sediment sampling locations in excess of the residential soil PSRG but below the ecological sediment screening benchmark. The occurrence of iron in stream sediments is not considered to represent a site-related impact. The manganese result for the primary sample appeared to be significantly elevated, but the result was j-flagged as an estimated concentration below the reporting limit. The concentration of manganese from the duplicate sample collected at this location was below both of the screening criteria (Table 11), indicating that the primary sample likely had elevated detection limits potentially due to high water content in the sample. The sediment sample from outfall location SD-4 was first screened against PSRGs. Eleven metals initially exceeded one or both of their respective PSRGs (Table 11). Because SD-4 is located near the AOC and not within a defined creek bed, the data were also screened against the 2x mean background for soils. Only cobalt, lead, and zinc exceeded the 2x mean background soil concentration at the outfall location. 5.4 Surface Water Surface water samples from Smyre Creek were screened against the 15A NCAC 2B Standard for both protection of Freshwater Aquatic Life and Human Health for organic parameters (VOCs, SVOCs) and inorganic parameters (TAL metals) (see Tables 12, 13 and 14). Only four organic analytes were detected in the samples (acetone, bromomethane, carbon disulfide, and bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate). All were reported at estimated (j-flag) concentrations. Only bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate exceeded its health-based screening criterion. A total of eight inorganic analytes were detected in the surface water samples AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 5-4 60214687 December 2013 (aluminum, barium, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium, and mercury). Of these eight, only aluminum and mercury were detected at a concentration above their respective ecological screening criteria. Aluminum exceeded the freshwater aquatic life criterion in all three surface water samples, while mercury exceeded the aquatic life criterion at low (estimated) concentrations in the upstream (SW-1) and downstream (SW-3) sample locations. No samples had elevated concentrations of metals that exceeded the screening criteria for human health. In general, concentrations of detected inorganics remained relatively stable from the upstream to the downstream location. Similar concentrations upstream and downstream of the facility indicate that naturally occurring concentrations exceed the aquatic life criterion and downstream exceedances are not indicative of site-related impacts. 5.5 Gravure Printing Ink Formulations RR Donnelley has reviewed typical ink formulations that are used in the Gravure printing process, which was employed at the facility. Neither of the metals of potential concern (cobalt and manganese) are used in the printing inks. Thus, the inks used in the print room could not have been a source of these metals to the print room floor drains and to the former Fire Sprinkler Overflow Basin. 5.6 Conclusions As previously presented in the RI Work Plan (AECOM, January 2013), USEPA contractor NUS Corporation in 1991 collected 18 samples for analysis that included five surface and subsurface soil, three surface water, three sediment, and two groundwater samples. The study found that detections appeared to be within the range of naturally-occurring concentrations. USEPA contractor Black & Veatch (1994) concluded that the scoring for the site was sufficiently low as to warrant no further action. In a letter dated February 7, 1995, USEPA Region IV agreed with the site prioritization and issued a No Further Action Planned for the site. The Phase I RI was conducted under the REC program to screen soil, groundwater, sediment, and surface water near the former Fire Sprinkler Overflow Basin and evaluate if these environmental media were significantly impacted from historic site operations. Groundwater in the AOC vicinity does not appear to be adversely impacted by historic site operations. Sediments of Smyre Creek were not found to be adversely impacted by organic compounds. Metals were detected at some Smyre Creek locations at concentrations greater than their PSRGs or ecological screening benchmarks. Most metals decreased at the downstream location relative to the two upstream locations. Others were found to be at similar concentrations in the upstream and downstream samples or to not be representative of site-related impact (e.g., iron). The PAH compounds detected in the sediments below the storm water outfall are typical of those originating from asphaltic parking lot runoff. This outfall area does not represent an aquatic habitat or an area where human receptors would receive exposures comparable to those assumed for soil in the calculation of the PSRG. Therefore, the occurrence of exceedances of conservative screening levels in a very small area at this location is not deemed to be significant. Only one organic analyte (bis[2-ethylhexyl]phthalate) from the surface water samples of Smyre Creek exceeded its health-based screening criterion (at SW-3). Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate is a common laboratory contaminant and does not appear to be site-related, so this exceedance is not considered to be significant. No surface water samples collected from Smyre Creek had elevated concentrations of metals that exceeded the screening criteria for human health. Aluminum and mercury were detected at concentrations above their respective ecological fresh water screening criteria; however, mercury was reported at low (estimated) concentrations in both the upstream and downstream samples. Their reported occurrence is not considered to be significant. AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 5-5 60214687 December 2013 Organic compounds are not deemed to be a concern in AOC soils. Metals occur naturally in site soils at concentrations above the conservative PSRGs. However, hexavalent chromium was not found to be a constituent of concern in the AOC soils. Of the eight metals that exceeded PSRGs, only cobalt, manganese, and thallium exceeded their background concentrations. Thallium occurred at concentrations above its PSRG within a very small area, and concentrations of cobalt and manganese varied greatly in background soils and across the AOC with respect to depth and location. The exceedances of background occurred predominantly in the surface soil fill material. None of these metals are considered to be significant with respect to the potential for their concentrations in soil to pose risks to human health. Constituent screening at the AOC and nearby creek at this industrial site was conservatively based on residential soil PSRGs and ecological screening values derived by USEPA and NCDENR. With regard to historic site operations, no organic compounds were detected that would require remediation. Considering the variability of the naturally occurring metals in site soils and sediment and their negligible potential to pose risk, the results of the Phase I Remedial Investigation did not find any significant environmental impact that would require remedial efforts. Therefore, this report is being submitted to the IHSB as a combined Remedial Investigation and Remedial Action Completion Report. AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 6-1 60214687 December 2013 6.0 Cited References AECOM, Inc., January 2013, Phase I Remedial Investigation Work Plan, Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility. AECOM, Inc., July 2013, Minor Deviation to RI Work Plan for Additional Soil Sampling, Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility. Black and Veatch Waste Science, Inc., October 1994, Site Inspection Prioritization, Meredith/Burda, Inc. Brown, P.M. and others, 1985, Geological Map of North Carolina; North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development. Halliburton NUS Environmental Corporation, July 1991, Final Report, Site Inspection, Meredith/Burda, Inc. LeGrand, Harry, 1954, Geology and Ground Water in the Statesville Area, North Carolina, North Carolina Department of Conservation and Development, Division of Mineral Resources, Bulletin Number 68, 68 pp. NCDENR, November 2012, Registered Environmental Consultant Program Implementation Guidance. NCDENR, April 2013, Guidelines for Assessment and Cleanup, Inactive Hazardous Sites Program. NC State University and NC A&T State University Cooperative Extension, 2013, http://catawba.ces.ncsu.edu/catawbacountysclimateinformation/ Trigon, 1994, Comprehensive Site Assessment Report. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), June 1997. Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste (SW-846), 3rd Edition, Update III. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), July 1999. Data Validation Standard Operating Procedures for Contract Laboratory Program Routine Analytical Services, Revision 2.1, EPA Region IV. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), October 1999. USEPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines for Organic Data Review. Publication #EPA540/R-99/008. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), October 2004. USEPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines for Inorganic Data Review. Publication #EPA540/R-04/004. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), August 2006. Freshwater Sediment Screening Benchmarks, Region 3 Biological Technical Assistance Group. AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 60214687 December 2013 Figures 10 Patewood Drive, Building 6, Suite 500Greenville, SC 29615T: (864) 234-3000 F: (864)234-3069 PROJECT NO.60214687 DRAWN BY:RQL DATE:11/07/2012 Figure 1 Site Location Map Former Meredith/Burda, Inc., FacilityNewton, North CarolinaTopo is a seamless, scanned images of United States Geological Survey (USGS)paper topographic maps. Source: http://goto.arcgisonline.com/maps/USA_Topo_Maps Note:5Map Projection: NAD 1983, State Plane,North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet Datum: North American, 1983 0 1,500750Feet 1:18,000 Legend CommScope Property Boundary Path: L:\work\60214687\CADD\GIS\Maps\F1_Commscope_8.5x11.mxd 24 " P I P E SB-8 SB-9 SB-6SB-7 SB-2 SB-3 SB-4 SB-5 SB-1/MW-1 SB-6A SB-12 SB-11 SB-10 SB-14 SB-8A SB-17SB-16 SB-15 SB-13 18" PIPE 12" PIPE 24 " P I P E AND FORMER FORMER NON POTABLE CONCRETE AS P H A L T PAD SUPPORTSCONCRETE METHANOL UST S S S S S S S WELL 15' 15' 15 ' S S S S S S S 100' TRACKS 8" S E W E R L I N E 1 5 " P I P E 12 " P I P E 24" P I P E CONC. OUTLET CONC. OUTLET CONC. OUTLET CONC. OUTLET 15 " P I P E SILOS RET. WALL WATER VAULT GENERATOR S S UST AREAWASTE WATER SILO 20,000 GAL.50,000 GAL. UST'SFUEL OIL FIRE TANK300,000 GAL POLEFLAG ASPHALT PUMP HOUSE SILO104.02' OFFICES ASPHALTPARKINGLOT 8' CHAIN LINK FENCE A S P H A L T D R I V E MANUFACTURING PLANT A S P H A L T D R I V E SB-8 SB-9 SB-6SB-7 SB-2 SB-3 SB-4 SB-5 SB-1/MW-1 BG-1 BG-2 BG-3 BG-4 BG-5 SW-2/SD-2 SW-1/SD-1 SW-3/SD-3 ASPHALT LOT FORMER SEDIMENT BASIN(FILLED IN) ASPHALT LOT ASPHALT LOT 8' CHA I N L I N K F E N C E 10 " W / L SE R V I C E SB-6A SB-12 SB-11 SB-10 SB-14 SB-8A SB-17SB-16 SB-15 SB-13 .. 10 Patewood Drive, Building 6, Suite 500 Greenville, SC 29615 T: (864) 234-3000 F: (864) 234-3069 PROJECT NO.DRAWN BY:DATE: RJS60214687 07/22/2013 NEWTON, NORTH CAROLINAFORMER MEREDITH/BURDA, INC., FACILITY SAMPLING LOCATIONSPROPOSED BORING AND FIGURE 2 FORMER OVERFLOWBASIN SITE (FILLED IN) PROPOSED SOIL BORING LOCATION (JULY 2013) SOIL BORING LOCATION (MAY 2013) MONITORING WELL LOCATION (MAY 2013) SURFACE WATER/SEDIMENT SAMPLE LOCATION (MAY 2013) LEGEND MW-1 SW-1/SD-1 REFERENCE:PHYSICAL SURVEY FOR COMMSCOPE INC., PERFORMED BY DEDMON SURVEYS, DATED 11/13/11. SB-1 SB-14 SB-8 S B - 9 SB-6SB-7 SB-2 SB-3 S B - 4 SB-5 SB-1/MW-1 8 ' C H A I N L I N K F E N C E SB-6ASB-12SB-11 S B - 1 0 SB-14 SB-8A SB-17SB-16SB-15SB-13SB-8 S B - 9 SB-6SB-7 SB-2 SB-3 S B - 4 SB-5 SB-1/MW-1 8 ' C H A I N L I N K F E N C E SB-6ASB-12SB-11 S B - 1 0 SB-14 SB-8A SB-17SB-16SB-15SB-13 S B - 8 S B - 9 S B - 6 S B - 7 S B - 2 S B - 3 S B - 4 S B - 5 S B - 1 / M W - 1 8 ' C H A I N L I N K F E N C E S B - 6 A S B - 1 2 S B - 1 1 S B - 1 0 S B - 1 4 S B - 8 A S B - 1 7 S B - 1 6 S B - 1 5 S B - 1 3 S B - 8 S B - 9 S B - 6 S B - 7 S B - 2 S B - 3 S B - 4 S B - 5 S B - 1 / M W - 1 8 ' C H A I N L I N K F E N C E S B - 6 A S B - 1 2 S B - 1 1 S B - 1 0 S B - 1 4 S B - 8 A S B - 1 7 S B - 1 6 S B - 1 5 S B - 1 3 .. 1 0 P a t e w o o d D r i v e , B u i l d i n g 6 , S u i t e 5 0 0 G r e e n v i l l e , S C 2 9 6 1 5 T : ( 8 6 4 ) 2 3 4 - 3 0 0 0 F : ( 8 6 4 ) 2 3 4 - 3 0 6 9 P R O J E C T N O . D R A W N B Y : D A T E : F I G U R E 3 D I S T R I B U T I O N O F M E T A L S E X C E E D I N G 2 X M E A N B A C K G R O U N D F O R M E R M E R E D I T H / B U R D A , I N C . , F A C I L I T Y N E W T O N , N O R T H C A R O L I N A 1 1 - 2 0 1 3 6 0 2 1 4 6 8 7 C O N C E N T R A T I O N S I N S O I L S R J S S C A L E I N F E E T S C A L E I N F E E T S C A L E I N F E E T S C A L E I N F E E T SOIL BORING LOCATION (MAY 2013)FOLLOW-UP SOIL BORING LOCATION (JULY 2013)(ANALYZED ONLY FOR HEXAVALENT CHROMIUM)MONITORING WELL LOCATION (MAY 2013)APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY OF FORMER FIRE SPRINKLEROVERFLOW BASIN LEGENDMW-1 SB-1SB-14 0-2 FEET 2 - 4 F E E T 8-9 FEET 1 3 - 1 4 F E E T mg/kgJMIL L I G R A M S P E R K I L O G R A M EX C E E D S 2 X M E A N B A C K G R O U N D C O N C E N T R A T I O N ( 0 - 2 F T ) ES T I M A T E D C O N C E N T R A T I O N AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 60214687 December 2013 Tables TABLE 1 Environmental Samples Collected Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina SB-1 (0-2) center 1 1 1 1 SB-1 (2-4) center 1 1 1 1 1 SB-1 (8-9) center 1 1 1 1 SB-1 (13-14) center 1 1 1 1 1 SB-2 (0-2) interior west 1 1 1 SB-2 (2-4) interior west 1 1 1 1 SB-2 (8-9) interior west 1 1 1 1 SB-2 (13-14) interior west 1 1 1 SB-3 (0-2) interior north 1 1 1 SB-3 (2-4) interior north 1 1 1 1 SB-3 (8-9) interior north 1 1 1 1 SB-3 (13-14) interior north 1 1 1 SB-4 (0-2) interior south 1 1 1 SB-4 (2-4) interior south 1 1 1 1 SB-4 (8-9) interior south 1 1 1 1 SB-4 (13-14) interior south 1 1 1 SB-5 (0-2) interior east 1 1 1 SB-5 (2-4) interior east 1 1 1 1 SB-5 (8-9) interior east 1 1 1 1 SB-5 (13-14) interior east 1 1 1 SB-6 (2-4) exterior south 1 1 1 2 (a) SB-6 (8-9) exterior south 1 1 1 1 SB-7 (2-4) exterior west 1 1 1 1 SB-7 (8-9) exterior west 1 1 1 1 SB-8 (0-2) exterior north 1 1 1 SB-8 (2-4) exterior north 1 1 1 2 (a) SB-8 (8-9) exterior north 1 1 1 1 SB-8 (13-14) exterior north 1 1 1 SB-9 (2-4) exterior east 1 1 1 1 1 SB-9 (8-9) exterior east 1 1 1 1 1 SB-10 (2-4) exterior south 4 1 SB-11 (2-4) exterior south 4 1 SB-12 (2-4) exterior south 4 1 SB-13 (2-4) interior south 4 1 SB-14 (2-4) interior north 4 1 SB-15 (2-4) exterior north 4 1 SB-16 (2-4) exterior north 4 1 SB-17 (2-4) exterior north 4 1 TCL VOCs (8260B) TCL SVOCs (8270D) TCL VOCs/SVOCs TICs (8260B/8270D) TAL METALs (6010C/7471B) 15 15 15 15 15 Sample Source Location ID (Depth ft) Location Relative to AOC Impoundment Fo r m e r F i r e S p r i n k l e r O v e r f l o w B a s i n A O C Hexavalent Chromium (SW 7196A) 25 Total Depth (ft) 15 15 15 L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ Table 1 - Environmental Samples Collected.xlsx Page 1 of 2 December 2013 TABLE 1 Environmental Samples Collected Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina BG-1 (2-4) north 4 1 1 BG-2 (2-4) north 4 1 1 BG-3 (2-4) north 4 1 1 BG-4 (2-4) northwest 4 1 1 BG-5 (2-4) northeast 4 1 1 SD-1 upstream 0.5 1 1 1 1 SD-2 adjacent 0.5 1 1 1 1 SD-3 down stream 0.5 1 1 1 1 Storm Water Outfall Sediment SD-4 exterior west 0.5 1 1 1 1 Surface Water and Groundwater Samples SW-1 upstream NA 1 1 1 1 SW-2 adjacent NA 1 1 1 1 SW-3 down stream NA 1 1 1 1 Groundwater MW-1 center 25 1 1 1 1 1 Notes: (a) This sample interval was re-sampled for hexavalent chromium based on a review of the initial results. Sm y r e Cr e e k Se d i m e n t Ba c k g r o u n d So i l s Sample Source Sm y r e Cr e e k Su r f a c e Wa t e r Sample Source Location ID (Depth ft) Location Relative to AOC Impoundment Total Depth (ft) TCL VOCs (8260B) TCL SVOCs (8270D) TCL VOCs/SVOCs TICs (8260B/8270D) TAL METALs (6010C/7470B) Hexavalent Chromium (SW 7196A) TCL VOCs/SVOCs TICs (8260B/8270D) TAL METALs (6010C/7471B) Hexavalent Chromium (SW 7196A) Location ID (Depth ft) Location Relative to AOC Impoundment Total Depth (ft) TCL VOCs (8260B) TCL SVOCs (8270D) L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ Table 1 - Environmental Samples Collected.xlsx Page 2 of 2 December 2013 TABLE 2 Sample Location Coordinates and Elevations Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina SB-1 1343948.0949 694438.3164 852.05 854.73 11.02 843.71 SB-2 1343890.3370 694443.7931 853.75 N/A N/A N/A SB-3 1343966.9663 694489.3504 854.36 N/A N/A N/A SB-4 1344003.8738 694425.1436 850.22 N/A N/A N/A SB-5 1343924.9087 694387.9784 849.82 N/A N/A N/A SB-6 1343981.0944 694401.5596 849.52 N/A N/A N/A SB-7 1343886.4795 694398.8035 851.01 N/A N/A N/A SB-8 1343917.3167 694471.5362 855.1 N/A N/A N/A SB-9 1344004.3486 694467.1983 851.23 N/A N/A N/A SB-10 1344004.2604 694410.9134 849.42 N/A N/A N/A SB-11 1343983.9803 694388.8407 848.24 N/A N/A N/A SB-12 1343958.0243 694393.3124 849.71 N/A N/A N/A SB-13 1343974.4233 694423.9963 850.9 N/A N/A N/A SB-14 1343932.8163 694454.0106 852.88 N/A N/A N/A SB-15 1343899.2057 694455.6648 854.46 N/A N/A N/A SB-16 1343907.4698 694486.2166 859.7 N/A N/A N/A SB-17 1343938.2516 694483.2241 854.31 N/A N/A N/A BG-1 1344007.2767 696655.3292 938.43 N/A N/A N/A BG-2 1344127.2988 696298.2403 935.02 N/A N/A N/A BG-3 1344219.4646 695947.6663 926.78 N/A N/A N/A BG-4 1343484.8719 695903.4116 905.66 N/A N/A N/A BG-5 1344733.5575 694895.5333 845.73 N/A N/A N/A SW/SD-1 1344799.0000 694812.0000 836.54 N/A 0.45* 836.99 SW/SD-2 1343983.2410 693920.0049 832.85 N/A 0.75* 833.60 SW/SD-3 1343100.5980 693780.5508 829.16 N/A 0.75* 829.91 Storm Water Outfall SD-4 1343745.3900 694314.8919 849.05 N/A N/A N/A Notes: N/A = Not Applicable NAD83 = North American Datum 1983 NAVD88 = North American Vertical Datum 1988 * Depth of Water Water Level Elevation (ft NAVD88) Easting (ft NAD83) Fo r m e r F i r e S p r i n k l e r O v e r f l o w B a s i n A O C Depth to Water (feet) Sm y r e Cr e e k Northing (ft NAD83) Ground Surface Elevation (ft NAVD88) Top of Casing Elevation (ft NAVD88) Sample Source Location ID (Depth ft) Ba c k g r o u n d So i l s L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ Table 2 - Sample Locations.xlsx Page 1 of 1 December 2013 Table 3 Organic Analytical Results in Soil Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IHSB Protection of SB-1-0-2 * SB-1-2-4 SB-1-8-9 * SB-1-13-14 SB-2-0-2* Date Collected Residential Groundwater 05/20/13 05/20/13 05/20/13 05/20/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID PSRG PSRG 21305224410 21305224411 21305224412 21305224413 21305224449 VOCs by Method 8260B (mg/kg) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 640 1.2 < 0.000094 < 0.000202 < 0.000165 < 0.000191 < 0.000177 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.56 0.0012 < 0.000101 < 0.000218 < 0.000178 < 0.000206 < 0.000191 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.32 0.0032 < 0.000037 < 0.00008 < 0.000065 < 0.000076 < 0.00007 1,1-Dichloroethane 3.3 0.03 < 0.000056 < 0.00012 < 0.000098 < 0.000114 < 0.000106 1,1-Dichloroethene 48 2.3 < 0.000132 < 0.000283 < 0.000231 < 0.000268 < 0.000248 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 12 2.2 < 0.000177 < 0.000381 < 0.000311 < 0.00036 < 0.000334 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.0054 0.00025 < 0.000165 < 0.000356 < 0.00029 < 0.000336 < 0.000312 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.034 0.000097 < 0.000119 < 0.000257 < 0.00021 < 0.000243 < 0.000225 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 380 0.24 < 0.000097 < 0.000208 < 0.000169 < 0.000196 < 0.000182 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.43 0.002 < 0.000115 < 0.000247 < 0.000202 < 0.000234 < 0.000217 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.94 0.0032 < 0.000044 < 0.000095 < 0.000078 < 0.00009 < 0.000083 1,3-Dichlorobenzene NS 2.4 < 0.000114 < 0.000245 < 0.0002 < 0.000232 < 0.000215 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.4 0.07 < 0.000116 < 0.00025 < 0.000204 < 0.000236 < 0.000219 2-Butanone 5600 16 0.00341 0.0135 < 0.000329 < 0.000381 0.0123 2-Hexanone 42 0.17 < 0.000171 < 0.000369 < 0.000301 < 0.000349 < 0.000323 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 1100 0.43 < 0.00009 < 0.000193 < 0.000157 < 0.000182 < 0.000169 Acetone 12000 24 0.0332 0.0721 0.0512 < 0.000349 0.0693 Benzene 1.1 0.0073 < 0.000029 < 0.000063 < 0.000052 < 0.00006 < 0.000056 Bromodichloromethane 0.27 0.0029 < 0.00006 < 0.000129 < 0.000105 < 0.000122 < 0.000113 Bromoform 62 0.019 < 0.000253 < 0.000545 < 0.000444 < 0.000515 < 0.000478 Bromomethane 1.5 0.048 < 0.000282 0.00897 < 0.000495 < 0.000573 0.00569 Carbon disulfide 160 3.8 < 0.000109 < 0.000234 < 0.00019 < 0.000221 < 0.000205 Carbon tetrachloride 0.61 0.0021 < 0.000109 < 0.000236 < 0.000192 < 0.000222 < 0.000206 Chlorobenzene 58 0.43 < 0.000075 < 0.000161 < 0.000131 < 0.000152 < 0.000141 Chloroethane 2100 16 < 0.000117 < 0.000252 < 0.000205 < 0.000238 < 0.000221 Chloroform 0.29 0.34 < 0.0001 < 0.000215 < 0.000176 < 0.000203 < 0.000189 Chloromethane 24 0.015 < 0.000112 < 0.000241 < 0.000196 < 0.000227 < 0.000211 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 32 0.36 < 0.000066 < 0.000143 < 0.000116 < 0.000135 < 0.000125 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.7 0.0023 < 0.000075 < 0.000161 < 0.000132 < 0.000152 < 0.000141 Cyclohexane 120 NS < 0.000061 < 0.000131 < 0.000106 < 0.000123 < 0.000115 Dibromochloromethane 0.68 0.0019 < 0.000145 < 0.000312 < 0.000254 < 0.000295 < 0.000274 Dichlorodifluoromethane 19 29 < 0.00013 < 0.00028 < 0.000228 < 0.000264 < 0.000245 Ethylbenzene 5.4 8.1 < 0.000106 < 0.000229 < 0.000186 < 0.000216 < 0.0002 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) 270 1.3 < 0.000061 < 0.000131 < 0.000106 < 0.000123 < 0.000114 Methyl Acetate 16000 NS < 0.000294 < 0.000632 < 0.000515 < 0.000597 < 0.000554 Methylcyclohexane NS NS < 0.000087 < 0.000188 < 0.000153 < 0.000177 < 0.000164 Methylene chloride 56 0.023 < 0.000297 < 0.000639 < 0.000521 < 0.000604 < 0.00056 Styrene 870 0.92 < 0.000048 < 0.000104 < 0.000085 < 0.000098 < 0.000091 tert-Butyl methyl ether (MTBE) 43 0.085 < 0.000035 < 0.000076 < 0.000062 < 0.000072 < 0.000067 Tetrachloroethene 17 0.005 < 0.000172 < 0.00037 < 0.000301 < 0.000349 < 0.000324 Toluene 820 5.5 < 0.000062 0.002 J//< 0.000109 < 0.000126 < 0.000117 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 30 0.51 < 0.000069 < 0.000149 < 0.000121 < 0.000141 < 0.00013 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.7 0.0023 < 0.000048 < 0.000103 < 0.000084 < 0.000097 < 0.00009 Trichloroethene 0.88 0.018 < 0.000074 < 0.000159 < 0.000129 < 0.00015 < 0.000139 Trichlorofluoromethane 160 24 < 0.000075 < 0.000161 < 0.000132 < 0.000152 < 0.000141 Trichlorotrifluoroethane 910 9000 < 0.000216 < 0.000465 < 0.000379 < 0.000439 < 0.000408 Vinyl chloride 0.06 0.00019 < 0.000112 < 0.000242 < 0.000197 < 0.000229 < 0.000212 Xylene (total)130 5.8 < 0.000143 < 0.000309 < 0.000251 < 0.000291 < 0.00027 L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ Soil Results T3 and T5 r2.xlsxT3-Organics Page 1 of 21 December 2013 Table 3 Organic Analytical Results in Soil Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IHSB Protection of SB-1-0-2 * SB-1-2-4 SB-1-8-9 * SB-1-13-14 SB-2-0-2* Date Collected Residential Groundwater 05/20/13 05/20/13 05/20/13 05/20/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID PSRG PSRG 21305224410 21305224411 21305224412 21305224413 21305224449 SVOCs by Method 8270D (mg/kg) 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 3.6 0.097 < 0.0101 < 0.0117 < 0.0102 < 0.0111 < 0.0104 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 12 2.2 < 0.0131 < 0.015 < 0.0131 < 0.0143 < 0.0134 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.4 0.07 < 0.011 < 0.0126 < 0.011 < 0.012 < 0.0113 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol 360 13 < 0.0128 < 0.0147 < 0.0129 < 0.014 < 0.0132 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 1200 2.5 < 0.0129 < 0.0149 < 0.013 < 0.0141 < 0.0133 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 12 0.16 < 0.0144 < 0.0166 < 0.0145 < 0.0158 < 0.0149 2,4-Dichlorophenol 36 0.014 < 0.0118 < 0.0136 < 0.0119 < 0.0129 < 0.0121 2,4-Dimethylphenol 240 1.4 < 0.00811 < 0.00934 < 0.00816 < 0.00886 < 0.00835 2,4-Dinitrophenol 24 NS < 0.028 < 0.0322 < 0.0282 < 0.0306 < 0.0288 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 1.6 0.0016 < 0.00836 < 0.00962 < 0.00841 < 0.00913 < 0.00861 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 12 NS < 0.0153 < 0.0176 < 0.0154 < 0.0167 < 0.0158 2-Chloronaphthalene 180 NS < 0.0131 < 0.015 < 0.0131 < 0.0143 < 0.0134 2-Chlorophenol 78 0.0041 < 0.00901 < 0.0104 < 0.00907 < 0.00984 < 0.00927 2-Methylnaphthalene 46 1.6 < 0.00592 < 0.00682 < 0.00596 < 0.00647 < 0.0061 2-Nitroaniline 120 NS < 0.00521 < 0.006 < 0.00525 < 0.00569 < 0.00537 2-Nitrophenol NS NS < 0.0147 < 0.0169 < 0.0148 < 0.016 < 0.0151 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 1.1 NS < 0.0393 < 0.0453 < 0.0396 < 0.0429 < 0.0405 3-Nitroaniline NS NS < 0.00559 < 0.00643 < 0.00562 < 0.0061 < 0.00575 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 0.98 NS < 0.0221 < 0.0255 < 0.0223 < 0.0242 < 0.0228 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether NS NS < 0.0131 < 0.015 < 0.0131 < 0.0143 < 0.0134 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1200 NS < 0.00923 < 0.0106 < 0.00929 < 0.0101 < 0.0095 4-Chloroaniline 2.4 NS < 0.00789 < 0.00908 < 0.00794 < 0.00862 < 0.00812 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether NS NS < 0.00913 < 0.0105 < 0.00919 < 0.00998 < 0.0094 4-Nitroaniline 24 NS < 0.00529 < 0.00609 < 0.00532 < 0.00578 < 0.00544 4-Nitrophenol NS NS < 0.0261 < 0.0301 < 0.0263 < 0.0285 < 0.0269 Acenaphthene 680 8.4 < 0.0126 < 0.0145 < 0.0126 < 0.0137 < 0.0129 Acenaphthylene NS 21 < 0.0084 < 0.00967 < 0.00845 < 0.00917 < 0.00865 Acetophenone 1600 3.5 < 0.0123 < 0.0141 < 0.0123 < 0.0134 < 0.0126 Anthracene 3400 660 < 0.00845 < 0.00972 < 0.0085 < 0.00923 < 0.0087 Atrazine (Aatrex) 2.1 0.025 < 0.00863 < 0.00994 < 0.00869 < 0.00943 < 0.00889 Benzaldehyde 1200 3 < 0.0398 < 0.0458 < 0.0401 < 0.0435 < 0.041 Benzo(a)anthracene 0.15 0.18 < 0.00766 < 0.00882 < 0.00771 < 0.00837 < 0.00789 Benzo(a)pyrene 0.015 0.059 < 0.00515 < 0.00593 < 0.00518 < 0.00563 < 0.0053 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.15 0.6 < 0.00811 < 0.00934 < 0.00816 < 0.00886 < 0.00835 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene NS 7800 < 0.00621 < 0.00715 < 0.00625 < 0.00678 < 0.00639 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1.5 5.9 < 0.00635 < 0.0073 < 0.00639 < 0.00693 < 0.00653 Biphenyl 10 43 < 0.00607 < 0.00699 < 0.00611 < 0.00663 < 0.00625 Bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 36 NS < 0.00717 < 0.00825 < 0.00721 < 0.00783 < 0.00738 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 0.21 0.00014 < 0.0159 < 0.0183 < 0.016 < 0.0174 < 0.0164 Bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether 4.6 NS < 0.009 < 0.0104 < 0.00905 < 0.00983 < 0.00926 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 35 7.2 < 0.00582 < 0.0067 < 0.00586 < 0.00636 < 0.00599 Butyl benzyl phthalate 260 150 < 0.0082 < 0.00944 < 0.00825 < 0.00896 < 0.00844 Caprolactam 6200 18 < 0.0182 < 0.0209 < 0.0183 < 0.0198 < 0.0187 Carbazole NS 0.37 < 0.00794 < 0.00914 < 0.00799 < 0.00867 < 0.00817 Chrysene 15 18 < 0.0089 < 0.0102 < 0.00895 < 0.00972 < 0.00916 Di-n-butyl phthalate 1200 19 < 0.00794 < 0.00914 < 0.00799 < 0.00867 < 0.00817 Di-n-octyl phthalate NS 38 < 0.00544 < 0.00626 < 0.00547 < 0.00594 < 0.0056 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 0.015 0.19 < 0.0059 < 0.00679 < 0.00594 < 0.00644 < 0.00607 L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ Soil Results T3 and T5 r2.xlsxT3-Organics Page 2 of 21 December 2013 Table 3 Organic Analytical Results in Soil Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IHSB Protection of SB-1-0-2 * SB-1-2-4 SB-1-8-9 * SB-1-13-14 SB-2-0-2* Date Collected Residential Groundwater 05/20/13 05/20/13 05/20/13 05/20/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID PSRG PSRG 21305224410 21305224411 21305224412 21305224413 21305224449 SVOCs by Method 8270D (mg/kg) Continued Dibenzofuran 16 5.2 < 0.00781 < 0.00899 < 0.00786 < 0.00854 < 0.00804 Diethyl phthalate 9800 37 < 0.0152 < 0.0175 < 0.0153 < 0.0166 < 0.0156 Dimethyl phthalate NS NS < 0.00639 < 0.00736 < 0.00644 < 0.00699 < 0.00658 Fluoranthene 460 330 < 0.00668 < 0.00769 < 0.00672 < 0.0073 < 0.00688 Fluorene 460 56 < 0.0074 < 0.00852 < 0.00745 < 0.00809 < 0.00762 Hexachlorobenzene 0.3 0.0026 < 0.0159 < 0.0183 < 0.016 < 0.0174 < 0.0164 Hexachlorobutadiene 6.2 0.0087 < 0.0109 < 0.0125 < 0.0109 < 0.0119 < 0.0112 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 74 NS < 0.0871 < 0.1 < 0.0877 < 0.0951 < 0.0897 Hexachloroethane 8.6 NS < 0.0195 < 0.0225 < 0.0197 < 0.0213 < 0.0201 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.15 2 < 0.00989 < 0.0114 < 0.00995 < 0.0108 < 0.0102 Isophorone 510 0.21 < 0.0073 < 0.00841 < 0.00735 < 0.00798 < 0.00752 m,p-Cresol 620 4 < 0.0154 < 0.0178 < 0.0155 < 0.0169 < 0.0159 n-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 0.069 NS < 0.0179 < 0.0206 < 0.018 < 0.0196 < 0.0184 n-Nitrosodiphenylamine 99 NS < 0.00868 < 0.01 < 0.00874 < 0.00949 < 0.00894 Naphthalene 3.6 0.21 < 0.0128 < 0.0147 < 0.0129 < 0.014 < 0.0132 Nitrobenzene 4.8 NS < 0.0214 < 0.0246 < 0.0215 < 0.0234 < 0.022 o-Cresol 620 4.1 < 0.0127 < 0.0146 < 0.0128 < 0.0139 < 0.0131 Pentachlorophenol 0.89 0.031 < 0.00919 < 0.0106 < 0.00925 < 0.01 < 0.00947 Phenanthrene NS 68 < 0.00943 < 0.0109 < 0.00949 < 0.0103 < 0.00971 Phenol 3600 0.23 < 0.0113 < 0.013 < 0.0114 < 0.0124 < 0.0117 Pyrene 340 220 < 0.00576 < 0.00663 < 0.0058 < 0.00629 < 0.00593 L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ Soil Results T3 and T5 r2.xlsxT3-Organics Page 3 of 21 December 2013 Table 3 Organic Analytical Results in Soil Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IHSB Protection of SB-2-2-4 SB-2-8-9 SB-2-13-14 * SB-3-0-2 * SB-3-2-4 Date Collected Residential Groundwater 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID PSRG PSRG 21305224450 21305224451 21305224452 21305224453 21305224454 VOCs by Method 8260B (mg/kg) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 640 1.2 < 0.000153 < 0.000159 < 0.000204 < 0.000199 <0.000193 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.56 0.0012 < 0.000164 < 0.000172 < 0.00022 < 0.000215 <0.000208 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.32 0.0032 < 0.00006 < 0.000063 < 0.000081 < 0.000079 <0.000076 1,1-Dichloroethane 3.3 0.03 < 0.000091 < 0.000095 < 0.000122 < 0.000118 <0.000115 1,1-Dichloroethene 48 2.3 < 0.000214 < 0.000223 < 0.000286 < 0.000279 < 0.00027 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 12 2.2 < 0.000287 < 0.0003 < 0.000385 < 0.000375 <0.000363 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.0054 0.00025 < 0.000268 < 0.00028 < 0.000359 < 0.00035 <0.000339 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.034 0.000097 < 0.000194 < 0.000202 < 0.000259 < 0.000253 <0.000245 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 380 0.24 < 0.000157 < 0.000164 < 0.00021 < 0.000205 <0.000198 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.43 0.002 < 0.000187 < 0.000195 < 0.00025 < 0.000243 <0.000236 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.94 0.0032 < 0.000072 < 0.000075 < 0.000096 < 0.000094 <0.000091 1,3-Dichlorobenzene NS 2.4 < 0.000185 < 0.000193 < 0.000248 < 0.000241 <0.000234 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.4 0.07 < 0.000189 < 0.000197 < 0.000253 < 0.000246 <0.000238 2-Butanone 5600 16 0.0145 < 0.000317 < 0.000407 < 0.000397 <0.000384 2-Hexanone 42 0.17 < 0.000278 < 0.00029 < 0.000372 < 0.000363 <0.000351 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 1100 0.43 < 0.000145 < 0.000152 < 0.000195 < 0.00019 <0.000184 Acetone 12000 24 0.169 0.0322 0.00935 J// 0.0498 0.0818 Benzene 1.1 0.0073 < 0.000048 < 0.00005 < 0.000064 < 0.000062 < 0.00006 Bromodichloromethane 0.27 0.0029 < 0.000098 < 0.000102 < 0.000131 < 0.000127 <0.000123 Bromoform 62 0.019 < 0.000411 < 0.000429 < 0.00055 < 0.000537 <0.000519 Bromomethane 1.5 0.048 < 0.000458 < 0.000478 < 0.000612 < 0.000597 <0.000578 Carbon disulfide 160 3.8 < 0.000176 < 0.000184 < 0.000236 < 0.00023 <0.000223 Carbon tetrachloride 0.61 0.0021 < 0.000178 < 0.000185 < 0.000238 < 0.000232 <0.000224 Chlorobenzene 58 0.43 < 0.000122 < 0.000127 < 0.000163 < 0.000159 <0.000154 Chloroethane 2100 16 < 0.00019 < 0.000198 < 0.000254 < 0.000248 < 0.00024 Chloroform 0.29 0.34 < 0.000162 < 0.000169 < 0.000217 < 0.000212 <0.000205 Chloromethane 24 0.015 < 0.000181 < 0.000189 < 0.000243 < 0.000237 <0.000229 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 32 0.36 < 0.000107 < 0.000112 < 0.000144 < 0.00014 <0.000136 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.7 0.0023 < 0.000122 < 0.000127 < 0.000163 < 0.000159 <0.000154 Cyclohexane 120 NS < 0.000099 < 0.000103 < 0.000132 < 0.000129 <0.000124 Dibromochloromethane 0.68 0.0019 < 0.000235 < 0.000246 < 0.000315 < 0.000307 <0.000297 Dichlorodifluoromethane 19 29 < 0.000211 < 0.00022 < 0.000282 < 0.000275 <0.000266 Ethylbenzene 5.4 8.1 < 0.000172 < 0.00018 < 0.000231 < 0.000225 <0.000218 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) 270 1.3 < 0.000098 < 0.000103 < 0.000132 < 0.000128 <0.000124 Methyl Acetate 16000 NS < 0.000477 < 0.000497 < 0.000638 < 0.000622 <0.000602 Methylcyclohexane NS NS < 0.000142 < 0.000148 < 0.000189 < 0.000185 <0.000179 Methylene chloride 56 0.023 0.00108 J// 0.000689 J//< 0.000645 < 0.000629 <0.000609 Styrene 870 0.92 < 0.000079 < 0.000082 < 0.000105 < 0.000103 <0.000099 tert-Butyl methyl ether (MTBE) 43 0.085 < 0.000057 < 0.00006 < 0.000077 < 0.000075 <0.000072 Tetrachloroethene 17 0.005 < 0.000279 < 0.000291 < 0.000373 < 0.000364 <0.000352 Toluene 820 5.5 < 0.000101 < 0.000105 < 0.000135 < 0.000132 <0.000127 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 30 0.51 < 0.000112 < 0.000117 < 0.00015 < 0.000146 <0.000142 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.7 0.0023 < 0.000077 < 0.000081 < 0.000104 < 0.000101 <0.000098 Trichloroethene 0.88 0.018 < 0.00012 < 0.000125 < 0.00016 < 0.000156 <0.000151 Trichlorofluoromethane 160 24 < 0.000122 < 0.000127 < 0.000163 < 0.000159 <0.000154 Trichlorotrifluoroethane 910 9000 < 0.000351 < 0.000366 < 0.000469 < 0.000458 <0.000443 Vinyl chloride 0.06 0.00019 < 0.000182 < 0.00019 < 0.000244 < 0.000238 < 0.00023 Xylene (total) 130 5.8 < 0.000233 < 0.000243 < 0.000311 < 0.000304 <0.000294 L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ Soil Results T3 and T5 r2.xlsxT3-Organics Page 4 of 21 December 2013 Table 3 Organic Analytical Results in Soil Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IHSB Protection of SB-2-2-4 SB-2-8-9 SB-2-13-14 * SB-3-0-2 * SB-3-2-4 Date Collected Residential Groundwater 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID PSRG PSRG 21305224450 21305224451 21305224452 21305224453 21305224454 SVOCs by Method 8270D (mg/kg) 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 3.6 0.097 < 0.00952 < 0.01 < 0.0111 < 0.0106 < 0.00989 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 12 2.2 < 0.0123 < 0.0129 < 0.0143 < 0.0136 < 0.0127 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.4 0.07 < 0.0103 < 0.0108 < 0.012 < 0.0114 < 0.0107 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol 360 13 < 0.012 < 0.0127 < 0.014 < 0.0134 < 0.0125 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 1200 2.5 < 0.0121 < 0.0128 < 0.0141 < 0.0135 < 0.0126 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 12 0.16 < 0.0135 < 0.0143 < 0.0158 < 0.0151 < 0.0141 2,4-Dichlorophenol 36 0.014 < 0.0111 < 0.0116 < 0.0129 < 0.0123 < 0.0115 2,4-Dimethylphenol 240 1.4 < 0.00762 < 0.00801 < 0.00886 < 0.00846 < 0.00791 2,4-Dinitrophenol 24 NS < 0.0263 < 0.0277 < 0.0306 < 0.0292 < 0.0273 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 1.6 0.0016 < 0.00785 < 0.00826 < 0.00913 < 0.00872 < 0.00815 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 12 NS < 0.0144 < 0.0151 < 0.0167 < 0.016 < 0.0149 2-Chloronaphthalene 180 NS < 0.0123 < 0.0129 < 0.0143 < 0.0136 < 0.0127 2-Chlorophenol 78 0.0041 < 0.00846 < 0.0089 < 0.00984 < 0.0094 < 0.00878 2-Methylnaphthalene 46 1.6 < 0.00556 < 0.00585 < 0.00647 < 0.00618 < 0.00578 2-Nitroaniline 120 NS < 0.00489 < 0.00515 < 0.00569 < 0.00544 < 0.00508 2-Nitrophenol NS NS < 0.0138 < 0.0145 < 0.016 < 0.0153 < 0.0143 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 1.1 NS < 0.0369 < 0.0388 < 0.0429 < 0.041 < 0.0383 3-Nitroaniline NS NS < 0.00524 < 0.00552 < 0.0061 < 0.00583 < 0.00545 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 0.98 NS < 0.0208 < 0.0219 < 0.0242 < 0.0231 < 0.0216 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether NS NS < 0.0123 < 0.0129 < 0.0143 < 0.0136 < 0.0127 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1200 NS < 0.00867 < 0.00912 < 0.0101 < 0.00963 < 0.009 4-Chloroaniline 2.4 NS < 0.00741 < 0.00779 < 0.00862 < 0.00823 < 0.00769 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether NS NS < 0.00857 < 0.00902 < 0.00998 < 0.00953 < 0.00891 4-Nitroaniline 24 NS < 0.00496 < 0.00522 < 0.00578 < 0.00552 < 0.00516 4-Nitrophenol NS NS < 0.0245 < 0.0258 < 0.0285 < 0.0273 < 0.0255 Acenaphthene 680 8.4 < 0.0118 < 0.0124 < 0.0137 < 0.0131 < 0.0123 Acenaphthylene NS 21 < 0.00788 < 0.0083 < 0.00917 < 0.00876 < 0.00819 Acetophenone 1600 3.5 < 0.0115 < 0.0121 < 0.0134 < 0.0128 < 0.012 Anthracene 3400 660 < 0.00793 < 0.00834 < 0.00923 < 0.00881 < 0.00824 Atrazine (Aatrex)2.1 0.025 < 0.00811 < 0.00853 < 0.00943 < 0.00901 < 0.00842 Benzaldehyde 1200 3 < 0.0374 < 0.0393 < 0.0435 < 0.0415 < 0.0388 Benzo(a)anthracene 0.15 0.18 < 0.00719 < 0.00757 < 0.00837 < 0.008 < 0.00747 Benzo(a)pyrene 0.015 0.059 < 0.00484 < 0.00509 < 0.00563 < 0.00537 < 0.00502 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.15 0.6 < 0.00762 < 0.00801 < 0.00886 < 0.00846 < 0.00791 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene NS 7800 < 0.00583 < 0.00613 < 0.00678 < 0.00648 < 0.00605 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1.5 5.9 < 0.00596 < 0.00627 < 0.00693 < 0.00662 < 0.00619 Biphenyl 10 43 < 0.0057 < 0.006 < 0.00663 < 0.00633 < 0.00592 Bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 36 NS < 0.00673 < 0.00708 < 0.00783 < 0.00748 < 0.00699 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 0.21 0.00014 < 0.015 < 0.0157 < 0.0174 < 0.0166 < 0.0155 Bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether 4.6 NS < 0.00844 < 0.00888 < 0.00983 < 0.00938 < 0.00877 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 35 7.2 < 0.00547 < 0.00575 < 0.00636 < 0.00607 < 0.00568 Butyl benzyl phthalate 260 150 < 0.0077 < 0.0081 < 0.00896 < 0.00855 < 0.008 Caprolactam 6200 18 < 0.0171 < 0.0179 < 0.0198 < 0.019 < 0.0177 Carbazole NS 0.37 < 0.00745 < 0.00784 < 0.00867 < 0.00828 < 0.00774 Chrysene 15 18 < 0.00835 < 0.00879 < 0.00972 < 0.00928 < 0.00868 Di-n-butyl phthalate 1200 19 < 0.00745 < 0.00784 < 0.00867 < 0.00828 < 0.00774 Di-n-octyl phthalate NS 38 < 0.0051 < 0.00537 < 0.00594 < 0.00567 < 0.0053 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 0.015 0.19 < 0.00554 < 0.00582 < 0.00644 < 0.00615 < 0.00575 L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ Soil Results T3 and T5 r2.xlsxT3-Organics Page 5 of 21 December 2013 Table 3 Organic Analytical Results in Soil Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IHSB Protection of SB-2-2-4 SB-2-8-9 SB-2-13-14 * SB-3-0-2 * SB-3-2-4 Date Collected Residential Groundwater 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID PSRG PSRG 21305224450 21305224451 21305224452 21305224453 21305224454 SVOCs by Method 8270D (mg/kg) Continued Dibenzofuran 16 5.2 < 0.00734 < 0.00772 < 0.00853 < 0.00815 < 0.00762 Diethyl phthalate 9800 37 < 0.0142 < 0.015 < 0.0166 < 0.0158 < 0.0148 Dimethyl phthalate NS NS < 0.006 < 0.00632 < 0.00699 < 0.00667 < 0.00624 Fluoranthene 460 330 < 0.00627 < 0.0066 < 0.0073 < 0.00697 < 0.00652 Fluorene 460 56 < 0.00695 < 0.00731 < 0.00809 < 0.00772 < 0.00722 Hexachlorobenzene 0.3 0.0026 < 0.015 < 0.0157 < 0.0174 < 0.0166 < 0.0155 Hexachlorobutadiene 6.2 0.0087 < 0.0102 < 0.0107 < 0.0119 < 0.0113 < 0.0106 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 74 NS < 0.0818 < 0.086 < 0.0951 < 0.0909 < 0.0849 Hexachloroethane 8.6 NS < 0.0183 < 0.0193 < 0.0213 < 0.0204 < 0.0191 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.15 2 < 0.00929 < 0.00977 < 0.0108 < 0.0103 < 0.00965 Isophorone 510 0.21 < 0.00686 < 0.00721 < 0.00798 < 0.00762 < 0.00712 m,p-Cresol 620 4 < 0.0145 < 0.0152 < 0.0169 < 0.0161 < 0.015 n-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 0.069 NS < 0.0168 < 0.0177 < 0.0196 < 0.0187 < 0.0175 n-Nitrosodiphenylamine 99 NS < 0.00815 < 0.00858 < 0.00949 < 0.00906 < 0.00847 Naphthalene 3.6 0.21 < 0.012 < 0.0127 < 0.014 < 0.0134 < 0.0125 Nitrobenzene 4.8 NS < 0.0201 < 0.0211 < 0.0234 < 0.0223 < 0.0209 o-Cresol 620 4.1 < 0.0119 < 0.0125 < 0.0139 < 0.0132 < 0.0124 Pentachlorophenol 0.89 0.031 < 0.00863 < 0.00908 < 0.01 < 0.00959 < 0.00897 Phenanthrene NS 68 < 0.00885 < 0.00932 < 0.0103 < 0.00984 < 0.0092 Phenol 3600 0.23 < 0.0106 < 0.0112 < 0.0124 < 0.0118 < 0.011 Pyrene 340 220 < 0.00541 < 0.00569 < 0.00629 < 0.00601 < 0.00562 L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ Soil Results T3 and T5 r2.xlsxT3-Organics Page 6 of 21 December 2013 Table 3 Organic Analytical Results in Soil Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IHSB Protection of SB-3-8-9 SB-3-13-14* SB-4-0-2* SB-4-2-4 SB-4-8-9 Date Collected Residential Groundwater 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID PSRG PSRG 21305224455 21305224456 21305224434 21305224435 21305224436 VOCs by Method 8260B (mg/kg) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 640 1.2 < 0.000177 < 0.000184 < 0.000163 < 0.000169 < 0.000175 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.56 0.0012 < 0.000191 < 0.000198 < 0.000176 < 0.000182 < 0.000188 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.32 0.0032 < 0.00007 < 0.000073 < 0.000065 < 0.000067 < 0.000069 1,1-Dichloroethane 3.3 0.03 < 0.000106 < 0.000109 < 0.000097 < 0.0001 < 0.000104 1,1-Dichloroethene 48 2.3 < 0.000249 < 0.000257 < 0.000229 < 0.000236 < 0.000245 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 12 2.2 < 0.000334 < 0.000346 < 0.000307 < 0.000318 < 0.000329 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.0054 0.00025 < 0.000312 < 0.000323 < 0.000287 < 0.000297 < 0.000308 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.034 0.000097 < 0.000225 < 0.000233 < 0.000207 < 0.000214 < 0.000222 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 380 0.24 < 0.000182 < 0.000189 < 0.000168 < 0.000173 < 0.00018 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.43 0.002 < 0.000217 < 0.000225 < 0.0002 < 0.000206 < 0.000214 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.94 0.0032 < 0.000083 < 0.000086 < 0.000077 < 0.000079 < 0.000082 1,3-Dichlorobenzene NS 2.4 < 0.000215 < 0.000223 < 0.000198 < 0.000204 < 0.000212 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.4 0.07 < 0.000219 < 0.000227 < 0.000202 < 0.000209 < 0.000216 2-Butanone 5600 16 < 0.000354 < 0.000366 < 0.000325 0.0233 < 0.000349 2-Hexanone 42 0.17 < 0.000324 < 0.000335 < 0.000298 < 0.000308 < 0.000319 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 1100 0.43 < 0.000169 < 0.000175 < 0.000156 < 0.000161 < 0.000167 Acetone 12000 24 0.0676 0.0148 J// 0.0827 0.144 0.00997 J// Benzene 1.1 0.0073 < 0.000056 < 0.000058 < 0.000051 < 0.000053 < 0.000055 Bromodichloromethane 0.27 0.0029 < 0.000114 < 0.000118 < 0.000104 < 0.000108 < 0.000112 Bromoform 62 0.019 < 0.000478 < 0.000495 < 0.00044 < 0.000455 < 0.000471 Bromomethane 1.5 0.048 0.00552 < 0.000551 < 0.00049 < 0.000506 < 0.000524 Carbon disulfide 160 3.8 < 0.000205 < 0.000212 < 0.000189 < 0.000195 < 0.000202 Carbon tetrachloride 0.61 0.0021 < 0.000207 < 0.000214 < 0.00019 < 0.000196 < 0.000203 Chlorobenzene 58 0.43 < 0.000141 < 0.000146 < 0.00013 < 0.000134 < 0.000139 Chloroethane 2100 16 < 0.000221 < 0.000229 < 0.000203 < 0.00021 < 0.000218 Chloroform 0.29 0.34 < 0.000189 < 0.000196 < 0.000174 < 0.000179 < 0.000186 Chloromethane 24 0.015 < 0.000211 < 0.000218 < 0.000194 < 0.000201 < 0.000208 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 32 0.36 < 0.000125 < 0.000129 < 0.000115 < 0.000119 < 0.000123 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.7 0.0023 < 0.000142 < 0.000147 < 0.00013 < 0.000135 < 0.000139 Cyclohexane 120 NS < 0.000115 < 0.000119 < 0.000105 < 0.000109 < 0.000113 Dibromochloromethane 0.68 0.0019 < 0.000274 < 0.000283 < 0.000252 < 0.00026 < 0.00027 Dichlorodifluoromethane 19 29 < 0.000245 < 0.000254 < 0.000226 < 0.000233 < 0.000242 Ethylbenzene 5.4 8.1 < 0.0002 < 0.000208 < 0.000184 < 0.000191 < 0.000198 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) 270 1.3 < 0.000114 < 0.000119 < 0.000105 < 0.000109 < 0.000113 Methyl Acetate 16000 NS < 0.000554 < 0.000574 < 0.00051 < 0.000527 < 0.000546 Methylcyclohexane NS NS < 0.000165 < 0.00017 < 0.000151 < 0.000156 < 0.000162 Methylene chloride 56 0.023 < 0.000561 < 0.000581 < 0.000516 < 0.000533 < 0.000552 Styrene 870 0.92 < 0.000091 < 0.000095 < 0.000084 < 0.000087 < 0.00009 tert-Butyl methyl ether (MTBE) 43 0.085 < 0.000067 < 0.000069 < 0.000061 < 0.000063 < 0.000066 Tetrachloroethene 17 0.005 < 0.000324 < 0.000336 < 0.000298 < 0.000308 < 0.00032 Toluene 820 5.5 < 0.000117 < 0.000121 < 0.000108 < 0.000111 < 0.000116 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 30 0.51 < 0.00013 < 0.000135 < 0.00012 < 0.000124 < 0.000129 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.7 0.0023 < 0.00009 < 0.000093 < 0.000083 < 0.000085 < 0.000089 Trichloroethene 0.88 0.018 < 0.000139 < 0.000144 < 0.000128 < 0.000132 < 0.000137 Trichlorofluoromethane 160 24 < 0.000142 < 0.000147 < 0.00013 < 0.000135 < 0.000139 Trichlorotrifluoroethane 910 9000 < 0.000408 < 0.000422 < 0.000375 < 0.000388 < 0.000402 Vinyl chloride 0.06 0.00019 < 0.000212 < 0.00022 < 0.000195 < 0.000202 < 0.000209 Xylene (total) 130 5.8 < 0.000271 < 0.00028 < 0.000249 < 0.000257 < 0.000267 L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ Soil Results T3 and T5 r2.xlsxT3-Organics Page 7 of 21 December 2013 Table 3 Organic Analytical Results in Soil Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IHSB Protection of SB-3-8-9 SB-3-13-14* SB-4-0-2* SB-4-2-4 SB-4-8-9 Date Collected Residential Groundwater 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID PSRG PSRG 21305224455 21305224456 21305224434 21305224435 21305224436 SVOCs by Method 8270D (mg/kg) 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 3.6 0.097 < 0.0106 < 0.0111 < 0.00976 < 0.01 < 0.01 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 12 2.2 < 0.0137 < 0.0143 < 0.0126 < 0.0129 < 0.0129 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.4 0.07 < 0.0115 < 0.012 < 0.0106 < 0.0108 < 0.0108 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol 360 13 < 0.0134 < 0.014 < 0.0123 < 0.0127 < 0.0127 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 1200 2.5 < 0.0136 < 0.0141 < 0.0125 < 0.0128 < 0.0128 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 12 0.16 < 0.0151 < 0.0158 < 0.0139 < 0.0143 < 0.0143 2,4-Dichlorophenol 36 0.014 < 0.0124 < 0.0129 < 0.0114 < 0.0116 < 0.0116 2,4-Dimethylphenol 240 1.4 < 0.0085 < 0.00886 < 0.00781 < 0.00801 < 0.00801 2,4-Dinitrophenol 24 NS < 0.0293 < 0.0306 < 0.0269 < 0.0276 < 0.0276 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 1.6 0.0016 < 0.00876 < 0.00913 < 0.00805 < 0.00826 < 0.00826 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 12 NS < 0.016 < 0.0167 < 0.0147 < 0.0151 < 0.0151 2-Chloronaphthalene 180 NS < 0.0137 < 0.0143 < 0.0126 < 0.0129 < 0.0129 2-Chlorophenol 78 0.0041 < 0.00944 < 0.00984 < 0.00867 < 0.0089 < 0.0089 2-Methylnaphthalene 46 1.6 < 0.00621 < 0.00647 < 0.0057 < 0.00585 < 0.00585 2-Nitroaniline 120 NS < 0.00546 < 0.00569 < 0.00502 < 0.00515 < 0.00515 2-Nitrophenol NS NS < 0.0154 < 0.016 < 0.0141 < 0.0145 < 0.0145 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 1.1 NS < 0.0412 < 0.0429 < 0.0378 < 0.0388 < 0.0388 3-Nitroaniline NS NS < 0.00585 < 0.0061 < 0.00538 < 0.00552 < 0.00552 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 0.98 NS < 0.0232 < 0.0242 < 0.0213 < 0.0219 < 0.0219 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether NS NS < 0.0137 < 0.0143 < 0.0126 < 0.0129 < 0.0129 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1200 NS < 0.00967 < 0.0101 < 0.00889 < 0.00912 < 0.00912 4-Chloroaniline 2.4 NS < 0.00827 < 0.00862 < 0.00759 < 0.00779 < 0.00779 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether NS NS < 0.00957 < 0.00998 < 0.00879 < 0.00902 < 0.00902 4-Nitroaniline 24 NS < 0.00554 < 0.00578 < 0.00509 < 0.00522 < 0.00522 4-Nitrophenol NS NS < 0.0274 < 0.0285 < 0.0251 < 0.0258 < 0.0258 Acenaphthene 680 8.4 < 0.0132 < 0.0137 < 0.0121 < 0.0124 < 0.0124 Acenaphthylene NS 21 < 0.0088 < 0.00917 < 0.00808 < 0.00829 < 0.00829 Acetophenone 1600 3.5 < 0.0128 < 0.0134 < 0.0118 < 0.0121 < 0.0121 Anthracene 3400 660 < 0.00885 < 0.00923 < 0.00813 < 0.00834 < 0.00834 Atrazine (Aatrex) 2.1 0.025 < 0.00905 < 0.00943 < 0.00831 < 0.00853 < 0.00853 Benzaldehyde 1200 3 < 0.0417 < 0.0435 < 0.0383 < 0.0393 < 0.0393 Benzo(a)anthracene 0.15 0.18 < 0.00803 < 0.00837 < 0.00738 < 0.00757 < 0.00757 Benzo(a)pyrene 0.015 0.059 < 0.0054 < 0.00563 < 0.00496 < 0.00509 < 0.00509 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.15 0.6 < 0.0085 < 0.00886 < 0.00781 < 0.00801 < 0.00801 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene NS 7800 < 0.00651 < 0.00678 < 0.00598 < 0.00613 < 0.00613 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1.5 5.9 < 0.00665 < 0.00693 < 0.00611 < 0.00627 < 0.00627 Biphenyl 10 43 < 0.00636 < 0.00663 < 0.00584 < 0.006 < 0.006 Bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 36 NS < 0.00751 < 0.00783 < 0.0069 < 0.00708 < 0.00708 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 0.21 0.00014 < 0.0167 < 0.0174 < 0.0153 < 0.0157 < 0.0157 Bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether 4.6 NS < 0.00943 < 0.00983 < 0.00866 < 0.00888 < 0.00888 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 35 7.2 < 0.0061 < 0.00636 < 0.0056 < 0.00575 < 0.00575 Butyl benzyl phthalate 260 150 < 0.00859 < 0.00896 < 0.00789 < 0.0081 < 0.0081 Caprolactam 6200 18 < 0.019 < 0.0198 < 0.0175 < 0.0179 < 0.0179 Carbazole NS 0.37 < 0.00832 < 0.00867 < 0.00764 < 0.00784 < 0.00784 Chrysene 15 18 < 0.00932 < 0.00972 < 0.00856 < 0.00879 < 0.00879 Di-n-butyl phthalate 1200 19 < 0.00832 < 0.00867 < 0.00764 < 0.00784 < 0.00784 Di-n-octyl phthalate NS 38 < 0.0057 < 0.00594 < 0.00523 < 0.00537 < 0.00537 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 0.015 0.19 < 0.00618 < 0.00644 < 0.00568 < 0.00582 < 0.00582 L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ Soil Results T3 and T5 r2.xlsxT3-Organics Page 8 of 21 December 2013 Table 3 Organic Analytical Results in Soil Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IHSB Protection of SB-3-8-9 SB-3-13-14* SB-4-0-2* SB-4-2-4 SB-4-8-9 Date Collected Residential Groundwater 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID PSRG PSRG 21305224455 21305224456 21305224434 21305224435 21305224436 SVOCs by Method 8270D (mg/kg) Continued Dibenzofuran 16 5.2 < 0.00819 < 0.00853 < 0.00752 < 0.00772 < 0.00772 Diethyl phthalate 9800 37 < 0.0159 < 0.0166 < 0.0146 < 0.015 < 0.015 Dimethyl phthalate NS NS < 0.0067 < 0.00699 < 0.00616 < 0.00632 < 0.00632 Fluoranthene 460 330 < 0.007 < 0.0073 < 0.00643 < 0.0066 < 0.0066 Fluorene 460 56 < 0.00776 < 0.00809 < 0.00713 < 0.00731 < 0.00731 Hexachlorobenzene 0.3 0.0026 < 0.0167 < 0.0174 < 0.0153 < 0.0157 < 0.0157 Hexachlorobutadiene 6.2 0.0087 < 0.0114 < 0.0119 < 0.0105 < 0.0107 < 0.0107 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 74 NS < 0.0913 < 0.0951 < 0.0838 < 0.086 < 0.086 Hexachloroethane 8.6 NS < 0.0205 < 0.0213 < 0.0188 < 0.0193 < 0.0193 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.15 2 < 0.0104 < 0.0108 < 0.00952 < 0.00977 < 0.00977 Isophorone 510 0.21 < 0.00765 < 0.00798 < 0.00703 < 0.00721 < 0.00721 m,p-Cresol 620 4 < 0.0162 < 0.0169 < 0.0148 < 0.0152 < 0.0152 n-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 0.069 NS < 0.0188 < 0.0196 < 0.0172 < 0.0177 < 0.0177 n-Nitrosodiphenylamine 99 NS < 0.0091 < 0.00949 < 0.00836 < 0.00858 < 0.00858 Naphthalene 3.6 0.21 < 0.0134 < 0.014 < 0.0123 < 0.0127 < 0.0127 Nitrobenzene 4.8 NS < 0.0224 < 0.0234 < 0.0206 < 0.0211 < 0.0211 o-Cresol 620 4.1 < 0.0133 < 0.0139 < 0.0122 < 0.0125 < 0.0125 Pentachlorophenol 0.89 0.031 < 0.00964 < 0.01 < 0.00885 < 0.00908 < 0.00908 Phenanthrene NS 68 < 0.00988 < 0.0103 < 0.00908 < 0.00931 < 0.00931 Phenol 3600 0.23 < 0.0119 < 0.0124 < 0.0109 < 0.0112 < 0.0112 Pyrene 340 220 < 0.00604 < 0.00629 < 0.00554 < 0.00569 < 0.00569 L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ Soil Results T3 and T5 r2.xlsxT3-Organics Page 9 of 21 December 2013 Table 3 Organic Analytical Results in Soil Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IHSB Protection of SB-4-13-14* SB-5-0-2* SB-5-2-4 SB-5-8-9 Date Collected Residential Groundwater 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID PSRG PSRG 21305224437 21305224444 21305224445 21305224446 VOCs by Method 8260B (mg/kg) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 640 1.2 < 0.000179 < 0.000193 < 0.000162 < 0.000158 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.56 0.0012 < 0.000193 < 0.000208 < 0.000175 < 0.000171 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.32 0.0032 < 0.000071 < 0.000076 < 0.000064 < 0.000063 1,1-Dichloroethane 3.3 0.03 < 0.000106 < 0.000115 < 0.000096 < 0.000094 1,1-Dichloroethene 48 2.3 < 0.00025 < 0.00027 < 0.000227 < 0.000222 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 12 2.2 < 0.000336 < 0.000364 < 0.000305 < 0.000298 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.0054 0.00025 < 0.000314 < 0.00034 < 0.000285 < 0.000279 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.034 0.000097 < 0.000227 < 0.000245 < 0.000206 < 0.000201 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 380 0.24 < 0.000184 < 0.000198 < 0.000166 < 0.000163 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.43 0.002 < 0.000218 < 0.000236 < 0.000198 < 0.000194 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.94 0.0032 < 0.000084 < 0.000091 < 0.000076 < 0.000074 1,3-Dichlorobenzene NS 2.4 < 0.000217 < 0.000234 < 0.000197 < 0.000192 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.4 0.07 < 0.000221 < 0.000239 < 0.0002 < 0.000196 2-Butanone 5600 16 < 0.000356 0.012 0.0156 < 0.000316 2-Hexanone 42 0.17 < 0.000326 < 0.000352 < 0.000296 < 0.000289 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 1100 0.43 < 0.00017 < 0.000184 < 0.000154 < 0.000151 Acetone 12000 24 < 0.000327 0.0524 0.146 0.00628 J// Benzene 1.1 0.0073 < 0.000056 < 0.00006 < 0.000051 < 0.00005 Bromodichloromethane 0.27 0.0029 < 0.000114 < 0.000123 < 0.000104 < 0.000101 Bromoform 62 0.019 < 0.000482 < 0.00052 < 0.000437 < 0.000427 Bromomethane 1.5 0.048 < 0.000536 < 0.000579 < 0.000486 < 0.000475 Carbon disulfide 160 3.8 < 0.000206 < 0.000223 < 0.000187 < 0.000183 Carbon tetrachloride 0.61 0.0021 < 0.000208 < 0.000225 < 0.000189 < 0.000184 Chlorobenzene 58 0.43 < 0.000142 < 0.000154 < 0.000129 < 0.000126 Chloroethane 2100 16 < 0.000222 < 0.00024 < 0.000202 < 0.000197 Chloroform 0.29 0.34 < 0.00019 < 0.000205 < 0.000172 < 0.000169 Chloromethane 24 0.015 < 0.000212 < 0.00023 < 0.000193 < 0.000188 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 32 0.36 < 0.000126 < 0.000136 < 0.000114 < 0.000112 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.7 0.0023 < 0.000143 < 0.000154 < 0.000129 < 0.000126 Cyclohexane 120 NS < 0.000115 < 0.000125 < 0.000105 < 0.000102 Dibromochloromethane 0.68 0.0019 < 0.000276 < 0.000298 < 0.00025 < 0.000244 Dichlorodifluoromethane 19 29 < 0.000247 < 0.000267 < 0.000224 < 0.000219 Ethylbenzene 5.4 8.1 < 0.000202 < 0.000218 < 0.000183 < 0.000179 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) 270 1.3 < 0.000115 < 0.000125 < 0.000105 < 0.000102 Methyl Acetate 16000 NS < 0.000558 < 0.000603 < 0.000506 < 0.000495 Methylcyclohexane NS NS < 0.000166 < 0.000179 < 0.00015 < 0.000147 Methylene chloride 56 0.023 < 0.000565 < 0.00061 < 0.000512 < 0.0005 Styrene 870 0.92 < 0.000092 < 0.000099 < 0.000083 < 0.000082 tert-Butyl methyl ether (MTBE) 43 0.085 < 0.000067 < 0.000073 < 0.000061 < 0.00006 Tetrachloroethene 17 0.005 < 0.000327 < 0.000353 < 0.000296 < 0.000289 Toluene 820 5.5 < 0.000118 < 0.000128 < 0.000107 < 0.000105 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 30 0.51 < 0.000131 < 0.000142 < 0.000119 < 0.000116 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.7 0.0023 < 0.000091 < 0.000098 < 0.000082 < 0.00008 Trichloroethene 0.88 0.018 < 0.00014 < 0.000151 < 0.000127 < 0.000124 Trichlorofluoromethane 160 24 < 0.000143 < 0.000154 < 0.000129 < 0.000126 Trichlorotrifluoroethane 910 9000 < 0.000411 < 0.000444 < 0.000372 < 0.000364 Vinyl chloride 0.06 0.00019 < 0.000214 < 0.000231 < 0.000194 < 0.000189 Xylene (total) 130 5.8 < 0.000272 < 0.000294 < 0.000247 < 0.000241 L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ Soil Results T3 and T5 r2.xlsxT3-Organics Page 10 of 21 December 2013 Table 3 Organic Analytical Results in Soil Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IHSB Protection of SB-4-13-14* SB-5-0-2* SB-5-2-4 SB-5-8-9 Date Collected Residential Groundwater 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID PSRG PSRG 21305224437 21305224444 21305224445 21305224446 SVOCs by Method 8270D (mg/kg) 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 3.6 0.097 < 0.011 < 0.0105 < 0.01 < 0.00961 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 12 2.2 < 0.0141 < 0.0135 < 0.0129 < 0.0124 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.4 0.07 < 0.0119 < 0.0114 < 0.0109 < 0.0104 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol 360 13 < 0.0139 < 0.0133 < 0.0127 < 0.0121 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 1200 2.5 < 0.014 < 0.0134 < 0.0128 < 0.0123 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 12 0.16 < 0.0156 < 0.0149 < 0.0143 < 0.0137 2,4-Dichlorophenol 36 0.014 < 0.0128 < 0.0122 < 0.0117 < 0.0112 2,4-Dimethylphenol 240 1.4 < 0.00877 < 0.00839 < 0.00802 < 0.00769 2,4-Dinitrophenol 24 NS < 0.0303 < 0.029 < 0.0277 < 0.0265 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 1.6 0.0016 < 0.00904 < 0.00865 < 0.00827 < 0.00792 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 12 NS < 0.0166 < 0.0158 < 0.0151 < 0.0145 2-Chloronaphthalene 180 NS < 0.0141 < 0.0135 < 0.0129 < 0.0124 2-Chlorophenol 78 0.0041 < 0.00974 < 0.00932 < 0.00891 < 0.00854 2-Methylnaphthalene 46 1.6 < 0.00641 < 0.00613 < 0.00586 < 0.00561 2-Nitroaniline 120 NS < 0.00564 < 0.00539 < 0.00516 < 0.00494 2-Nitrophenol NS NS < 0.0159 < 0.0152 < 0.0145 < 0.0139 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 1.1 NS < 0.0425 < 0.0407 < 0.0389 < 0.0373 3-Nitroaniline NS NS < 0.00604 < 0.00578 < 0.00553 < 0.00529 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 0.98 NS < 0.024 < 0.0229 < 0.0219 < 0.021 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether NS NS < 0.0141 < 0.0135 < 0.0129 < 0.0124 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1200 NS < 0.00998 < 0.00955 < 0.00913 < 0.00875 4-Chloroaniline 2.4 NS < 0.00853 < 0.00816 < 0.0078 < 0.00747 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether NS NS < 0.00988 < 0.00945 < 0.00903 < 0.00865 4-Nitroaniline 24 NS < 0.00572 < 0.00547 < 0.00523 < 0.00501 4-Nitrophenol NS NS < 0.0283 < 0.027 < 0.0258 < 0.0248 Acenaphthene 680 8.4 < 0.0136 < 0.013 < 0.0124 < 0.0119 Acenaphthylene NS 21 < 0.00908 < 0.00869 < 0.00831 < 0.00796 Acetophenone 1600 3.5 < 0.0133 < 0.0127 < 0.0121 < 0.0116 Anthracene 3400 660 < 0.00914 < 0.00874 < 0.00836 < 0.00801 Atrazine (Aatrex) 2.1 0.025 < 0.00934 < 0.00893 < 0.00854 < 0.00818 Benzaldehyde 1200 3 < 0.0431 < 0.0412 < 0.0394 < 0.0377 Benzo(a)anthracene 0.15 0.18 < 0.00829 < 0.00793 < 0.00758 < 0.00726 Benzo(a)pyrene 0.015 0.059 < 0.00557 < 0.00533 < 0.00509 < 0.00488 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.15 0.6 < 0.00877 < 0.00839 < 0.00802 < 0.00769 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene NS 7800 < 0.00671 < 0.00642 < 0.00614 < 0.00588 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1.5 5.9 < 0.00686 < 0.00657 < 0.00628 < 0.00601 Biphenyl 10 43 < 0.00657 < 0.00628 < 0.00601 < 0.00575 Bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 36 NS < 0.00775 < 0.00742 < 0.00709 < 0.00679 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 0.21 0.00014 < 0.0172 < 0.0165 < 0.0158 < 0.0151 Bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether 4.6 NS < 0.00973 < 0.00931 < 0.0089 < 0.00852 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 35 7.2 < 0.0063 < 0.00602 < 0.00576 < 0.00552 Butyl benzyl phthalate 260 150 < 0.00887 < 0.00848 < 0.00811 < 0.00777 Caprolactam 6200 18 < 0.0196 < 0.0188 < 0.018 < 0.0172 Carbazole NS 0.37 < 0.00858 < 0.00821 < 0.00785 < 0.00752 Chrysene 15 18 < 0.00962 < 0.0092 < 0.0088 < 0.00843 Di-n-butyl phthalate 1200 19 < 0.00858 < 0.00821 < 0.00785 < 0.00752 Di-n-octyl phthalate NS 38 < 0.00588 < 0.00563 < 0.00538 < 0.00515 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 0.015 0.19 < 0.00638 < 0.0061 < 0.00583 < 0.00559 L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ Soil Results T3 and T5 r2.xlsxT3-Organics Page 11 of 21 December 2013 Table 3 Organic Analytical Results in Soil Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IHSB Protection of SB-4-13-14* SB-5-0-2* SB-5-2-4 SB-5-8-9 Date Collected Residential Groundwater 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID PSRG PSRG 21305224437 21305224444 21305224445 21305224446 SVOCs by Method 8270D (mg/kg) Continued Dibenzofuran 16 5.2 < 0.00845 < 0.00808 < 0.00773 < 0.0074 Diethyl phthalate 9800 37 < 0.0164 < 0.0157 < 0.015 < 0.0144 Dimethyl phthalate NS NS < 0.00692 < 0.00662 < 0.00633 < 0.00606 Fluoranthene 460 330 < 0.00723 < 0.00691 < 0.00661 < 0.00633 Fluorene 460 56 < 0.00801 < 0.00766 < 0.00732 < 0.00701 Hexachlorobenzene 0.3 0.0026 < 0.0172 < 0.0165 < 0.0158 < 0.0151 Hexachlorobutadiene 6.2 0.0087 < 0.0118 < 0.0113 < 0.0108 < 0.0103 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 74 NS < 0.0942 < 0.0901 < 0.0861 < 0.0825 Hexachloroethane 8.6 NS < 0.0211 < 0.0202 < 0.0193 < 0.0185 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.15 2 < 0.0107 < 0.0102 < 0.00978 < 0.00937 Isophorone 510 0.21 < 0.0079 < 0.00756 < 0.00722 < 0.00692 m,p-Cresol 620 4 < 0.0167 < 0.016 < 0.0153 < 0.0146 n-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 0.069 NS < 0.0194 < 0.0185 < 0.0177 < 0.017 n-Nitrosodiphenylamine 99 NS < 0.00939 < 0.00899 < 0.00859 < 0.00823 Naphthalene 3.6 0.21 < 0.0139 < 0.0133 < 0.0127 < 0.0121 Nitrobenzene 4.8 NS < 0.0231 < 0.0221 < 0.0212 < 0.0203 o-Cresol 620 4.1 < 0.0137 < 0.0131 < 0.0126 < 0.012 Pentachlorophenol 0.89 0.031 < 0.00994 < 0.00951 < 0.00909 < 0.00871 Phenanthrene NS 68 < 0.0102 < 0.00976 < 0.00933 < 0.00894 Phenol 3600 0.23 < 0.0122 < 0.0117 < 0.0112 < 0.0107 Pyrene 340 220 < 0.00623 < 0.00596 < 0.0057 < 0.00546 L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ Soil Results T3 and T5 r2.xlsxT3-Organics Page 12 of 21 December 2013 Table 3 Organic Analytical Results in Soil Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IHSB Protection of SB-5-8-9-a SB-5-13-14* SB-6-2-4 SB-6-8-9 Date Collected Residential Groundwater 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID PSRG PSRG 21305224448 21305224447 21305224438 21305224439 VOCs by Method 8260B (mg/kg) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 640 1.2 < 0.000157 < 0.000177 < 0.000163 < 0.000163 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.56 0.0012 < 0.000169 < 0.000191 < 0.000176 < 0.000175 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.32 0.0032 < 0.000062 < 0.00007 < 0.000065 < 0.000064 1,1-Dichloroethane 3.3 0.03 < 0.000093 < 0.000105 < 0.000097 < 0.000097 1,1-Dichloroethene 48 2.3 < 0.000219 < 0.000248 < 0.000229 < 0.000228 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 12 2.2 < 0.000295 < 0.000333 < 0.000308 < 0.000306 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.0054 0.00025 < 0.000275 < 0.000311 < 0.000287 < 0.000286 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.034 0.000097 < 0.000199 < 0.000225 < 0.000208 < 0.000207 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 380 0.24 < 0.000161 < 0.000182 < 0.000168 < 0.000167 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.43 0.002 < 0.000191 < 0.000216 < 0.0002 < 0.000199 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.94 0.0032 < 0.000074 < 0.000083 < 0.000077 < 0.000076 1,3-Dichlorobenzene NS 2.4 < 0.00019 < 0.000215 < 0.000198 < 0.000197 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.4 0.07 < 0.000194 < 0.000219 < 0.000202 < 0.000201 2-Butanone 5600 16 0.00392 J//< 0.000353 0.0216 < 0.000324 2-Hexanone 42 0.17 < 0.000286 < 0.000323 < 0.000298 < 0.000297 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 1100 0.43 < 0.000149 < 0.000169 < 0.000156 < 0.000155 Acetone 12000 24 0.00745 J// 0.00719 J// 0.0891 0.00987 J// Benzene 1.1 0.0073 < 0.000049 < 0.000055 < 0.000051 < 0.000051 Bromodichloromethane 0.27 0.0029 < 0.0001 < 0.000113 < 0.000105 < 0.000104 Bromoform 62 0.019 < 0.000422 < 0.000477 < 0.00044 < 0.000438 Bromomethane 1.5 0.048 < 0.00047 < 0.000531 < 0.00049 < 0.000488 Carbon disulfide 160 3.8 < 0.000181 < 0.000204 < 0.000189 < 0.000188 Carbon tetrachloride 0.61 0.0021 < 0.000182 < 0.000206 < 0.00019 < 0.000189 Chlorobenzene 58 0.43 < 0.000125 < 0.000141 < 0.00013 < 0.00013 Chloroethane 2100 16 < 0.000195 < 0.00022 < 0.000203 < 0.000202 Chloroform 0.29 0.34 < 0.000167 < 0.000188 < 0.000174 < 0.000173 Chloromethane 24 0.015 < 0.000186 < 0.00021 < 0.000194 < 0.000193 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 32 0.36 < 0.00011 < 0.000125 < 0.000115 < 0.000115 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.7 0.0023 < 0.000125 < 0.000141 < 0.00013 < 0.00013 Cyclohexane 120 NS < 0.000101 < 0.000114 < 0.000106 < 0.000105 Dibromochloromethane 0.68 0.0019 < 0.000242 < 0.000273 < 0.000252 < 0.000251 Dichlorodifluoromethane 19 29 < 0.000217 < 0.000245 < 0.000226 < 0.000225 Ethylbenzene 5.4 8.1 < 0.000177 < 0.0002 < 0.000185 < 0.000184 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) 270 1.3 < 0.000101 < 0.000114 < 0.000105 < 0.000105 Methyl Acetate 16000 NS < 0.000489 0.00921 < 0.00051 < 0.000508 Methylcyclohexane NS NS < 0.000145 < 0.000164 < 0.000152 < 0.000151 Methylene chloride 56 0.023 0.00306 J//< 0.000559 < 0.000516 0.00325 J// Styrene 870 0.92 < 0.000081 < 0.000091 < 0.000084 < 0.000084 tert-Butyl methyl ether (MTBE) 43 0.085 < 0.000059 < 0.000067 < 0.000061 < 0.000061 Tetrachloroethene 17 0.005 < 0.000286 < 0.000323 < 0.000299 < 0.000297 Toluene 820 5.5 0.00235 J//< 0.000117 0.0028 J//< 0.000107 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 30 0.51 < 0.000115 < 0.00013 < 0.00012 < 0.00012 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.7 0.0023 < 0.000079 < 0.00009 < 0.000083 < 0.000082 Trichloroethene 0.88 0.018 < 0.000123 < 0.000139 < 0.000128 < 0.000128 Trichlorofluoromethane 160 24 < 0.000125 < 0.000141 < 0.00013 < 0.00013 Trichlorotrifluoroethane 910 9000 < 0.00036 < 0.000407 < 0.000376 < 0.000374 Vinyl chloride 0.06 0.00019 < 0.000187 < 0.000212 < 0.000195 < 0.000194 Xylene (total)130 5.8 < 0.000239 < 0.00027 < 0.000249 < 0.000248 L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ Soil Results T3 and T5 r2.xlsxT3-Organics Page 13 of 21 December 2013 Table 3 Organic Analytical Results in Soil Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IHSB Protection of SB-5-8-9-a SB-5-13-14* SB-6-2-4 SB-6-8-9 Date Collected Residential Groundwater 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID PSRG PSRG 21305224448 21305224447 21305224438 21305224439 SVOCs by Method 8270D (mg/kg) 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 3.6 0.097 < 0.00968 < 0.0111 < 0.00972 < 0.00993 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 12 2.2 < 0.0125 < 0.0143 < 0.0125 < 0.0128 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.4 0.07 < 0.0105 < 0.012 < 0.0105 < 0.0107 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol 360 13 < 0.0122 < 0.014 < 0.0123 < 0.0126 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 1200 2.5 < 0.0123 < 0.0141 < 0.0124 < 0.0127 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 12 0.16 < 0.0138 < 0.0158 < 0.0138 < 0.0141 2,4-Dichlorophenol 36 0.014 < 0.0113 < 0.0129 < 0.0113 < 0.0116 2,4-Dimethylphenol 240 1.4 < 0.00774 < 0.00886 < 0.00777 < 0.00795 2,4-Dinitrophenol 24 NS < 0.0267 < 0.0306 < 0.0268 < 0.0274 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 1.6 0.0016 < 0.00798 < 0.00913 < 0.00801 < 0.00819 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 12 NS < 0.0146 < 0.0167 < 0.0147 < 0.015 2-Chloronaphthalene 180 NS < 0.0125 < 0.0143 < 0.0125 < 0.0128 2-Chlorophenol 78 0.0041 < 0.0086 < 0.00984 < 0.00863 < 0.00882 2-Methylnaphthalene 46 1.6 < 0.00565 < 0.00647 < 0.00568 < 0.0058 2-Nitroaniline 120 NS < 0.00498 < 0.00569 < 0.005 < 0.00511 2-Nitrophenol NS NS < 0.014 < 0.016 < 0.0141 < 0.0144 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 1.1 NS < 0.0375 < 0.0429 < 0.0377 < 0.0385 3-Nitroaniline NS NS < 0.00533 < 0.0061 < 0.00535 < 0.00547 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 0.98 NS < 0.0211 < 0.0242 < 0.0212 < 0.0217 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether NS NS < 0.0125 < 0.0143 < 0.0125 < 0.0128 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1200 NS < 0.00881 < 0.0101 < 0.00885 < 0.00904 4-Chloroaniline 2.4 NS < 0.00753 < 0.00862 < 0.00756 < 0.00773 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether NS NS < 0.00872 < 0.00998 < 0.00875 < 0.00895 4-Nitroaniline 24 NS < 0.00505 < 0.00578 < 0.00507 < 0.00518 4-Nitrophenol NS NS < 0.0249 < 0.0285 < 0.025 < 0.0256 Acenaphthene 680 8.4 < 0.012 < 0.0137 < 0.012 < 0.0123 Acenaphthylene NS 21 < 0.00802 < 0.00917 < 0.00805 < 0.00823 Acetophenone 1600 3.5 < 0.0117 < 0.0134 < 0.0117 < 0.012 Anthracene 3400 660 < 0.00806 < 0.00923 < 0.0081 < 0.00827 Atrazine (Aatrex)2.1 0.025 < 0.00824 < 0.00943 < 0.00827 < 0.00846 Benzaldehyde 1200 3 < 0.038 < 0.0435 < 0.0382 < 0.039 Benzo(a)anthracene 0.15 0.18 < 0.00731 < 0.00837 < 0.00734 < 0.00751 Benzo(a)pyrene 0.015 0.059 < 0.00492 < 0.00563 < 0.00494 < 0.00505 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.15 0.6 < 0.00774 < 0.00886 < 0.00777 < 0.00795 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene NS 7800 < 0.00593 < 0.00678 < 0.00595 < 0.00608 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1.5 5.9 < 0.00606 < 0.00693 < 0.00608 < 0.00622 Biphenyl 10 43 < 0.00579 < 0.00663 < 0.00582 < 0.00595 Bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 36 NS < 0.00684 < 0.00783 < 0.00687 < 0.00702 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 0.21 0.00014 < 0.0152 < 0.0174 < 0.0153 < 0.0156 Bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether 4.6 NS < 0.00859 < 0.00983 < 0.00862 < 0.00881 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 35 7.2 < 0.00556 < 0.00636 < 0.00558 < 0.0057 Butyl benzyl phthalate 260 150 < 0.00783 < 0.00896 < 0.00786 < 0.00803 Caprolactam 6200 18 < 0.0173 < 0.0198 < 0.0174 < 0.0178 Carbazole NS 0.37 < 0.00758 < 0.00867 < 0.00761 < 0.00778 Chrysene 15 18 < 0.00849 < 0.00972 < 0.00853 < 0.00871 Di-n-butyl phthalate 1200 19 < 0.00758 < 0.00867 < 0.00761 < 0.00778 Di-n-octyl phthalate NS 38 < 0.00519 < 0.00594 < 0.00521 < 0.00533 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 0.015 0.19 < 0.00563 < 0.00644 < 0.00565 < 0.00578 L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ Soil Results T3 and T5 r2.xlsxT3-Organics Page 14 of 21 December 2013 Table 3 Organic Analytical Results in Soil Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IHSB Protection of SB-5-8-9-a SB-5-13-14* SB-6-2-4 SB-6-8-9 Date Collected Residential Groundwater 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID PSRG PSRG 21305224448 21305224447 21305224438 21305224439 SVOCs by Method 8270D (mg/kg) Continued Dibenzofuran 16 5.2 < 0.00746 < 0.00853 < 0.00749 < 0.00765 Diethyl phthalate 9800 37 < 0.0145 < 0.0166 < 0.0145 < 0.0149 Dimethyl phthalate NS NS < 0.0061 < 0.00699 < 0.00613 < 0.00626 Fluoranthene 460 330 < 0.00638 < 0.0073 < 0.0064 < 0.00654 Fluorene 460 56 < 0.00707 < 0.00809 < 0.00709 < 0.00725 Hexachlorobenzene 0.3 0.0026 < 0.0152 < 0.0174 < 0.0153 < 0.0156 Hexachlorobutadiene 6.2 0.0087 < 0.0104 < 0.0119 < 0.0104 < 0.0107 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 74 NS < 0.0831 < 0.0951 < 0.0835 < 0.0853 Hexachloroethane 8.6 NS < 0.0186 < 0.0213 < 0.0187 < 0.0191 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.15 2 < 0.00944 < 0.0108 < 0.00948 < 0.00969 Isophorone 510 0.21 < 0.00697 < 0.00798 < 0.007 < 0.00715 m,p-Cresol 620 4 < 0.0147 < 0.0169 < 0.0148 < 0.0151 n-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 0.069 NS < 0.0171 < 0.0196 < 0.0172 < 0.0175 n-Nitrosodiphenylamine 99 NS < 0.00829 < 0.00949 < 0.00832 < 0.00851 Naphthalene 3.6 0.21 < 0.0122 < 0.014 < 0.0123 < 0.0126 Nitrobenzene 4.8 NS < 0.0204 < 0.0234 < 0.0205 < 0.021 o-Cresol 620 4.1 < 0.0121 < 0.0139 < 0.0122 < 0.0124 Pentachlorophenol 0.89 0.031 < 0.00878 < 0.01 < 0.00881 < 0.00901 Phenanthrene NS 68 < 0.009 < 0.0103 < 0.00904 < 0.00924 Phenol 3600 0.23 < 0.0108 < 0.0124 < 0.0109 < 0.0111 Pyrene 340 220 < 0.0055 < 0.00629 < 0.00552 < 0.00564 L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ Soil Results T3 and T5 r2.xlsxT3-Organics Page 15 of 21 December 2013 Table 3 Organic Analytical Results in Soil Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IHSB Protection of SB-7-2-4 SB-7-8-9 SB-8-0-2* SB-8-2-4 Date Collected Residential Groundwater 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID PSRG PSRG 21305224440 21305224443 21305224430 21305224431 VOCs by Method 8260B (mg/kg) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 640 1.2 < 0.000185 < 0.000147 < 0.000171 < 0.000163 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.56 0.0012 < 0.000199 /M/D < 0.000159 < 0.000185 < 0.000175 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.32 0.0032 < 0.000073 < 0.000058 < 0.000068 < 0.000064 1,1-Dichloroethane 3.3 0.03 < 0.00011 < 0.000088 < 0.000102 < 0.000097 1,1-Dichloroethene 48 2.3 < 0.000259 < 0.000206 < 0.00024 < 0.000228 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 12 2.2 < 0.000348 < 0.000278 < 0.000323 < 0.000306 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.0054 0.00025 < 0.000325 < 0.000259 < 0.000301 < 0.000286 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.034 0.000097 < 0.000235 < 0.000187 < 0.000218 < 0.000207 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 380 0.24 < 0.00019 < 0.000151 < 0.000176 < 0.000167 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.43 0.002 < 0.000226 < 0.00018 < 0.00021 < 0.000199 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.94 0.0032 < 0.000087 < 0.000069 < 0.000081 < 0.000077 1,3-Dichlorobenzene NS 2.4 < 0.000224 < 0.000179 < 0.000208 < 0.000197 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.4 0.07 < 0.000229 < 0.000182 < 0.000212 < 0.000201 2-Butanone 5600 16 0.00619 < 0.000294 < 0.000342 < 0.000324 2-Hexanone 42 0.17 < 0.000337 /M/D < 0.000269 < 0.000313 < 0.000297 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 1100 0.43 < 0.000176 < 0.00014 < 0.000163 < 0.000155 Acetone 12000 24 0.0275 J/M/D 0.00681 J// 0.04 0.0339 Benzene 1.1 0.0073 < 0.000058 < 0.000046 < 0.000054 < 0.000051 Bromodichloromethane 0.27 0.0029 < 0.000118 < 0.000094 < 0.00011 < 0.000104 Bromoform 62 0.019 < 0.000499 < 0.000397 < 0.000462 < 0.000439 Bromomethane 1.5 0.048 < 0.000555 < 0.000442 < 0.000514 < 0.000488 Carbon disulfide 160 3.8 0.0038 J//< 0.00017 < 0.000198 < 0.000188 Carbon tetrachloride 0.61 0.0021 < 0.000215 < 0.000172 < 0.000199 < 0.000189 Chlorobenzene 58 0.43 < 0.000147 < 0.000117 < 0.000137 < 0.00013 Chloroethane 2100 16 < 0.00023 < 0.000183 < 0.000213 < 0.000202 Chloroform 0.29 0.34 < 0.000197 < 0.000157 < 0.000182 < 0.000173 Chloromethane 24 0.015 < 0.00022 < 0.000175 < 0.000204 < 0.000194 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 32 0.36 < 0.00013 < 0.000104 < 0.000121 < 0.000115 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.7 0.0023 < 0.000148 < 0.000118 < 0.000137 < 0.00013 Cyclohexane 120 NS < 0.000119 < 0.000095 < 0.000111 < 0.000105 Dibromochloromethane 0.68 0.0019 < 0.000285 < 0.000227 < 0.000264 < 0.000251 Dichlorodifluoromethane 19 29 < 0.000256 < 0.000204 < 0.000237 < 0.000225 Ethylbenzene 5.4 8.1 < 0.000209 < 0.000167 < 0.000194 < 0.000184 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) 270 1.3 < 0.000119 < 0.000095 < 0.000111 < 0.000105 Methyl Acetate 16000 NS < 0.000578 /M/D < 0.00046 < 0.000535 < 0.000508 Methylcyclohexane NS NS < 0.000172 < 0.000137 < 0.000159 < 0.000151 Methylene chloride 56 0.023 0.00128 J//< 0.000466 < 0.000542 < 0.000514 Styrene 870 0.92 < 0.000095 < 0.000076 < 0.000088 < 0.000084 tert-Butyl methyl ether (MTBE) 43 0.085 < 0.00007 < 0.000055 < 0.000064 < 0.000061 Tetrachloroethene 17 0.005 < 0.000338 < 0.000269 < 0.000313 < 0.000297 Toluene 820 5.5 0.00119 J//< 0.000097 < 0.000113 < 0.000108 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 30 0.51 < 0.000136 < 0.000108 < 0.000126 < 0.00012 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.7 0.0023 < 0.000094 < 0.000075 < 0.000087 < 0.000082 Trichloroethene 0.88 0.018 < 0.000145 < 0.000116 < 0.000134 < 0.000128 Trichlorofluoromethane 160 24 < 0.000148 < 0.000118 < 0.000137 < 0.00013 Trichlorotrifluoroethane 910 9000 < 0.000425 < 0.000339 < 0.000394 < 0.000374 Vinyl chloride 0.06 0.00019 < 0.000221 < 0.000176 < 0.000205 < 0.000195 Xylene (total)130 5.8 < 0.000282 < 0.000225 < 0.000261 < 0.000248 L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ Soil Results T3 and T5 r2.xlsxT3-Organics Page 16 of 21 December 2013 Table 3 Organic Analytical Results in Soil Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IHSB Protection of SB-7-2-4 SB-7-8-9 SB-8-0-2* SB-8-2-4 Date Collected Residential Groundwater 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID PSRG PSRG 21305224440 21305224443 21305224430 21305224431 SVOCs by Method 8270D (mg/kg) 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 3.6 0.097 < 0.0104 < 0.00998 < 0.0105 < 0.0102 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 12 2.2 < 0.0134 < 0.0129 < 0.0136 < 0.0131 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.4 0.07 < 0.0113 < 0.0108 < 0.0114 < 0.011 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol 360 13 < 0.0132 < 0.0126 < 0.0133 < 0.0129 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 1200 2.5 < 0.0133 < 0.0127 < 0.0134 < 0.013 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 12 0.16 < 0.0148 < 0.0142 < 0.015 < 0.0145 2,4-Dichlorophenol 36 0.014 < 0.0121 < 0.0116 < 0.0123 < 0.0118 2,4-Dimethylphenol 240 1.4 < 0.00834 < 0.00799 < 0.00843 < 0.00815 2,4-Dinitrophenol 24 NS < 0.0288 < 0.0276 < 0.0291 < 0.0281 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 1.6 0.0016 < 0.0086 < 0.00823 < 0.00869 < 0.0084 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 12 NS < 0.0157 < 0.0151 < 0.0159 < 0.0154 2-Chloronaphthalene 180 NS < 0.0134 < 0.0129 < 0.0136 < 0.0131 2-Chlorophenol 78 0.0041 < 0.00926 < 0.00887 < 0.00936 < 0.00905 2-Methylnaphthalene 46 1.6 < 0.00609 < 0.00583 < 0.00615 < 0.00595 2-Nitroaniline 120 NS < 0.00536 < 0.00513 < 0.00542 < 0.00524 2-Nitrophenol NS NS < 0.0151 < 0.0145 < 0.0153 < 0.0147 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 1.1 NS < 0.0404 /M/D < 0.0387 < 0.0409 < 0.0395 3-Nitroaniline NS NS < 0.00575 < 0.0055 < 0.00581 < 0.00561 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 0.98 NS < 0.0228 < 0.0218 < 0.023 < 0.0222 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether NS NS < 0.0134 < 0.0129 < 0.0136 < 0.0131 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1200 NS < 0.00949 < 0.00909 < 0.00959 < 0.00927 4-Chloroaniline 2.4 NS < 0.00811 < 0.00777 < 0.0082 < 0.00792 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether NS NS < 0.00939 < 0.00899 < 0.00949 < 0.00917 4-Nitroaniline 24 NS < 0.00544 < 0.00521 < 0.0055 < 0.00531 4-Nitrophenol NS NS < 0.0269 < 0.0257 < 0.0272 < 0.0262 Acenaphthene 680 8.4 < 0.0129 < 0.0124 < 0.0131 < 0.0126 Acenaphthylene NS 21 < 0.00864 < 0.00827 < 0.00873 < 0.00843 Acetophenone 1600 3.5 < 0.0126 < 0.0121 < 0.0127 < 0.0123 Anthracene 3400 660 < 0.00869 < 0.00832 < 0.00878 < 0.00848 Atrazine (Aatrex)2.1 0.025 < 0.00888 < 0.0085 < 0.00897 < 0.00867 Benzaldehyde 1200 3 < 0.0409 /M/M < 0.0392 < 0.0414 < 0.04 Benzo(a)anthracene 0.15 0.18 < 0.00788 < 0.00755 < 0.00796 < 0.0077 Benzo(a)pyrene 0.015 0.059 < 0.0053 < 0.00507 < 0.00535 < 0.00517 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.15 0.6 < 0.00834 < 0.00799 < 0.00843 < 0.00815 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene NS 7800 < 0.00638 < 0.00611 < 0.00645 < 0.00624 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1.5 5.9 < 0.00653 < 0.00625 < 0.00659 < 0.00637 Biphenyl 10 43 < 0.00624 < 0.00598 < 0.00631 < 0.0061 Bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 36 NS < 0.00737 < 0.00706 < 0.00745 < 0.0072 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 0.21 0.00014 < 0.0164 < 0.0157 < 0.0166 < 0.016 Bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether 4.6 NS < 0.00925 < 0.00886 < 0.00935 < 0.00903 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 35 7.2 < 0.00599 < 0.00573 < 0.00605 < 0.00585 Butyl benzyl phthalate 260 150 < 0.00843 < 0.00807 < 0.00852 < 0.00823 Caprolactam 6200 18 < 0.0187 < 0.0179 < 0.0189 < 0.0182 Carbazole NS 0.37 < 0.00816 < 0.00781 < 0.00825 < 0.00797 Chrysene 15 18 < 0.00915 < 0.00876 < 0.00924 < 0.00893 Di-n-butyl phthalate 1200 19 < 0.00816 < 0.00781 < 0.00825 < 0.00797 Di-n-octyl phthalate NS 38 < 0.00559 < 0.00535 < 0.00565 < 0.00546 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 0.015 0.19 < 0.00606 < 0.00581 < 0.00613 < 0.00592 L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ Soil Results T3 and T5 r2.xlsxT3-Organics Page 17 of 21 December 2013 Table 3 Organic Analytical Results in Soil Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IHSB Protection of SB-7-2-4 SB-7-8-9 SB-8-0-2* SB-8-2-4 Date Collected Residential Groundwater 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID PSRG PSRG 21305224440 21305224443 21305224430 21305224431 SVOCs by Method 8270D (mg/kg) Continued Dibenzofuran 16 5.2 < 0.00804 < 0.00769 < 0.00812 < 0.00785 Diethyl phthalate 9800 37 < 0.0156 < 0.0149 < 0.0158 < 0.0152 Dimethyl phthalate NS NS < 0.00658 < 0.0063 < 0.00665 < 0.00642 Fluoranthene 460 330 < 0.00687 < 0.00658 < 0.00694 < 0.00671 Fluorene 460 56 < 0.00761 < 0.00729 < 0.00769 < 0.00743 Hexachlorobenzene 0.3 0.0026 < 0.0164 < 0.0157 < 0.0166 < 0.016 Hexachlorobutadiene 6.2 0.0087 < 0.0112 < 0.0107 < 0.0113 < 0.0109 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 74 NS < 0.0896 < 0.0857 < 0.0905 < 0.0875 Hexachloroethane 8.6 NS < 0.0201 < 0.0192 < 0.0203 < 0.0196 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.15 2 < 0.0102 < 0.00974 < 0.0103 < 0.00993 Isophorone 510 0.21 < 0.00751 < 0.00719 < 0.00759 < 0.00733 m,p-Cresol 620 4 < 0.0159 < 0.0152 < 0.016 < 0.0155 n-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 0.069 NS < 0.0184 < 0.0176 < 0.0186 < 0.018 n-Nitrosodiphenylamine 99 NS < 0.00893 < 0.00855 < 0.00903 < 0.00872 Naphthalene 3.6 0.21 < 0.0132 < 0.0126 < 0.0133 < 0.0129 Nitrobenzene 4.8 NS < 0.022 < 0.0211 < 0.0222 < 0.0215 o-Cresol 620 4.1 < 0.0131 < 0.0125 < 0.0132 < 0.0127 Pentachlorophenol 0.89 0.031 < 0.00946 < 0.00905 < 0.00956 < 0.00923 Phenanthrene NS 68 < 0.0097 < 0.00928 < 0.0098 < 0.00947 Phenol 3600 0.23 < 0.0116 < 0.0111 < 0.0118 < 0.0114 Pyrene 340 220 < 0.00592 < 0.00567 < 0.00599 < 0.00579 L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ Soil Results T3 and T5 r2.xlsxT3-Organics Page 18 of 21 December 2013 Table 3 Organic Analytical Results in Soil Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IHSB Protection of SB-8-8-9 SB-8-13-14* SB-9-2-4 SB-9-8-9 Date Collected Residential Groundwater 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID PSRG PSRG 21305224432 21305224433 21305224428 21305224429 VOCs by Method 8260B (mg/kg) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 640 1.2 < 0.00017 <0.000193 <0.000155 <0.000185 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.56 0.0012 < 0.000184 <0.000208 <0.000167 < 0.0002 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.32 0.0032 < 0.000067 <0.000076 <0.000061 <0.000073 1,1-Dichloroethane 3.3 0.03 < 0.000101 <0.000115 <0.000092 < 0.00011 1,1-Dichloroethene 48 2.3 < 0.000239 < 0.00027 <0.000217 < 0.00026 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 12 2.2 < 0.000321 <0.000363 <0.000292 <0.000349 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.0054 0.00025 < 0.0003 <0.000339 <0.000273 <0.000326 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.034 0.000097 < 0.000216 <0.000245 <0.000197 <0.000236 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 380 0.24 < 0.000175 <0.000198 <0.000159 < 0.00019 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.43 0.002 < 0.000208 <0.000236 <0.000189 <0.000227 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.94 0.0032 < 0.00008 <0.000091 <0.000073 <0.000087 1,3-Dichlorobenzene NS 2.4 < 0.000207 <0.000234 <0.000188 <0.000225 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.4 0.07 < 0.000211 <0.000238 <0.000192 <0.000229 2-Butanone 5600 16 < 0.00034 <0.000384 <0.000309 < 0.00037 2-Hexanone 42 0.17 < 0.000311 <0.000352 <0.000283 <0.000338 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 1100 0.43 < 0.000162 <0.000184 <0.000148 <0.000177 Acetone 12000 24 0.139 <0.000352 0.0867 0.0112 J// Benzene 1.1 0.0073 < 0.000053 < 0.00006 <0.000049 <0.000058 Bromodichloromethane 0.27 0.0029 < 0.000109 <0.000123 <0.000099 <0.000119 Bromoform 62 0.019 < 0.000459 < 0.00052 <0.000418 < 0.0005 Bromomethane 1.5 0.048 < 0.000511 <0.000578 <0.000465 <0.000556 Carbon disulfide 160 3.8 < 0.000197 <0.000223 <0.000179 <0.000214 Carbon tetrachloride 0.61 0.0021 < 0.000198 <0.000224 < 0.00018 <0.000216 Chlorobenzene 58 0.43 < 0.000136 <0.000154 <0.000124 <0.000148 Chloroethane 2100 16 < 0.000212 < 0.00024 <0.000193 <0.000231 Chloroform 0.29 0.34 < 0.000181 <0.000205 <0.000165 <0.000197 Chloromethane 24 0.015 < 0.000203 <0.000229 <0.000184 < 0.00022 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 32 0.36 < 0.00012 <0.000136 <0.000109 <0.000131 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.7 0.0023 < 0.000136 <0.000154 <0.000124 <0.000148 Cyclohexane 120 NS < 0.00011 <0.000124 < 0.0001 < 0.00012 Dibromochloromethane 0.68 0.0019 < 0.000263 <0.000297 <0.000239 <0.000286 Dichlorodifluoromethane 19 29 < 0.000236 <0.000267 <0.000214 <0.000256 Ethylbenzene 5.4 8.1 < 0.000193 <0.000218 <0.000175 <0.000209 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) 270 1.3 < 0.00011 <0.000124 < 0.0001 < 0.00012 Methyl Acetate 16000 NS < 0.000532 <0.000602 <0.000484 <0.000579 Methylcyclohexane NS NS < 0.000158 <0.000179 <0.000144 <0.000172 Methylene chloride 56 0.023 < 0.000538 <0.000609 < 0.00049 <0.000586 Styrene 870 0.92 < 0.000088 <0.000099 < 0.00008 <0.000095 tert-Butyl methyl ether (MTBE) 43 0.085 < 0.000064 <0.000072 <0.000058 < 0.00007 Tetrachloroethene 17 0.005 < 0.000311 <0.000352 <0.000283 <0.000339 Toluene 820 5.5 0.00604 0.00213 J//<0.000102 <0.000122 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 30 0.51 < 0.000125 <0.000142 <0.000114 <0.000136 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.7 0.0023 < 0.000086 <0.000098 <0.000079 <0.000094 Trichloroethene 0.88 0.018 < 0.000134 <0.000151 <0.000122 <0.000145 Trichlorofluoromethane 160 24 < 0.000136 <0.000154 <0.000124 <0.000148 Trichlorotrifluoroethane 910 9000 < 0.000392 <0.000443 <0.000356 <0.000426 Vinyl chloride 0.06 0.00019 < 0.000204 <0.000231 <0.000185 <0.000222 Xylene (total) 130 5.8 < 0.00026 <0.000294 <0.000236 <0.000283 L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ Soil Results T3 and T5 r2.xlsxT3-Organics Page 19 of 21 December 2013 Table 3 Organic Analytical Results in Soil Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IHSB Protection of SB-8-8-9 SB-8-13-14* SB-9-2-4 SB-9-8-9 Date Collected Residential Groundwater 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID PSRG PSRG 21305224432 21305224433 21305224428 21305224429 SVOCs by Method 8270D (mg/kg) 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 3.6 0.097 < 0.0101 < 0.011 < 0.00957 < 0.0106 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 12 2.2 < 0.013 < 0.0142 < 0.0123 < 0.0136 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.4 0.07 < 0.0109 < 0.0119 < 0.0104 < 0.0115 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol 360 13 < 0.0127 < 0.014 < 0.0121 < 0.0134 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 1200 2.5 < 0.0129 < 0.0141 < 0.0122 < 0.0135 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 12 0.16 < 0.0144 < 0.0157 < 0.0136 < 0.0151 2,4-Dichlorophenol 36 0.014 < 0.0117 < 0.0128 < 0.0111 < 0.0123 2,4-Dimethylphenol 240 1.4 < 0.00807 < 0.00883 < 0.00766 < 0.00847 2,4-Dinitrophenol 24 NS < 0.0278 < 0.0305 < 0.0264 < 0.0292 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 1.6 0.0016 < 0.00831 < 0.0091 < 0.00789 < 0.00873 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 12 NS < 0.0152 < 0.0167 < 0.0144 < 0.016 2-Chloronaphthalene 180 NS < 0.013 < 0.0142 < 0.0123 < 0.0136 2-Chlorophenol 78 0.0041 < 0.00896 < 0.00981 < 0.0085 < 0.0094 2-Methylnaphthalene 46 1.6 < 0.00589 < 0.00645 < 0.00559 < 0.00618 2-Nitroaniline 120 NS < 0.00518 < 0.00568 < 0.00492 < 0.00544 2-Nitrophenol NS NS < 0.0146 < 0.016 < 0.0139 < 0.0153 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 1.1 NS < 0.0391 < 0.0428 < 0.0371 < 0.041 3-Nitroaniline NS NS < 0.00555 < 0.00608 < 0.00527 < 0.00583 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 0.98 NS < 0.022 < 0.0241 < 0.0209 < 0.0231 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether NS NS < 0.013 < 0.0142 < 0.0123 < 0.0136 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1200 NS < 0.00918 < 0.0101 < 0.00872 < 0.00964 4-Chloroaniline 2.4 NS < 0.00784 < 0.00859 < 0.00745 < 0.00823 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether NS NS < 0.00908 < 0.00994 < 0.00862 < 0.00953 4-Nitroaniline 24 NS < 0.00526 < 0.00576 < 0.00499 < 0.00552 4-Nitrophenol NS NS < 0.026 < 0.0284 < 0.0247 < 0.0273 Acenaphthene 680 8.4 < 0.0125 < 0.0137 < 0.0119 < 0.0131 Acenaphthylene NS 21 < 0.00835 < 0.00914 < 0.00793 < 0.00877 Acetophenone 1600 3.5 < 0.0122 < 0.0133 < 0.0116 < 0.0128 Anthracene 3400 660 < 0.0084 < 0.0092 < 0.00798 < 0.00882 Atrazine (Aatrex) 2.1 0.025 < 0.00859 < 0.0094 < 0.00815 < 0.00901 Benzaldehyde 1200 3 < 0.0396 < 0.0433 < 0.0376 < 0.0416 Benzo(a)anthracene 0.15 0.18 < 0.00762 < 0.00834 < 0.00724 < 0.008 Benzo(a)pyrene 0.015 0.059 < 0.00512 < 0.00561 < 0.00486 < 0.00538 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.15 0.6 < 0.00807 < 0.00883 < 0.00766 < 0.00847 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene NS 7800 < 0.00617 < 0.00676 < 0.00586 < 0.00648 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1.5 5.9 < 0.00631 < 0.00691 < 0.00599 < 0.00662 Biphenyl 10 43 < 0.00604 < 0.00661 < 0.00573 < 0.00634 Bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 36 NS < 0.00713 < 0.0078 < 0.00677 < 0.00748 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 0.21 0.00014 < 0.0158 < 0.0173 < 0.015 < 0.0166 Bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether 4.6 NS < 0.00894 < 0.00979 < 0.00849 < 0.00939 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 35 7.2 < 0.00579 < 0.00634 < 0.0055 < 0.00608 Butyl benzyl phthalate 260 150 < 0.00815 < 0.00893 < 0.00774 < 0.00856 Caprolactam 6200 18 < 0.0181 < 0.0198 < 0.0172 < 0.019 Carbazole NS 0.37 < 0.00789 < 0.00864 < 0.00749 < 0.00829 Chrysene 15 18 < 0.00885 < 0.00969 < 0.0084 < 0.00929 Di-n-butyl phthalate 1200 19 < 0.00789 < 0.00864 < 0.00749 < 0.00829 Di-n-octyl phthalate NS 38 < 0.00541 < 0.00592 < 0.00513 < 0.00568 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 0.015 0.19 < 0.00586 < 0.00642 < 0.00557 < 0.00616 L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ Soil Results T3 and T5 r2.xlsxT3-Organics Page 20 of 21 December 2013 Table 3 Organic Analytical Results in Soil Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IHSB Protection of SB-8-8-9 SB-8-13-14* SB-9-2-4 SB-9-8-9 Date Collected Residential Groundwater 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID PSRG PSRG 21305224432 21305224433 21305224428 21305224429 SVOCs by Method 8270D (mg/kg) Continued Dibenzofuran 16 5.2 < 0.00777 < 0.00851 < 0.00738 < 0.00816 Diethyl phthalate 9800 37 < 0.0151 < 0.0165 < 0.0143 < 0.0158 Dimethyl phthalate NS NS < 0.00636 < 0.00696 < 0.00604 < 0.00668 Fluoranthene 460 330 < 0.00664 < 0.00727 < 0.00631 < 0.00697 Fluorene 460 56 < 0.00736 < 0.00806 < 0.00699 < 0.00773 Hexachlorobenzene 0.3 0.0026 < 0.0158 < 0.0173 < 0.015 < 0.0166 Hexachlorobutadiene 6.2 0.0087 < 0.0108 < 0.0118 < 0.0103 < 0.0114 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 74 NS < 0.0866 < 0.0948 < 0.0822 < 0.0909 Hexachloroethane 8.6 NS < 0.0194 < 0.0213 < 0.0184 < 0.0204 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.15 2 < 0.00983 < 0.0108 < 0.00934 < 0.0103 Isophorone 510 0.21 < 0.00726 < 0.00795 < 0.0069 < 0.00762 m,p-Cresol 620 4 < 0.0153 < 0.0168 < 0.0146 < 0.0161 n-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 0.069 NS < 0.0178 < 0.0195 < 0.0169 < 0.0187 n-Nitrosodiphenylamine 99 NS < 0.00863 < 0.00945 < 0.0082 < 0.00907 Naphthalene 3.6 0.21 < 0.0127 < 0.014 < 0.0121 < 0.0134 Nitrobenzene 4.8 NS < 0.0213 < 0.0233 < 0.0202 < 0.0223 o-Cresol 620 4.1 < 0.0126 < 0.0138 < 0.012 < 0.0132 Pentachlorophenol 0.89 0.031 < 0.00914 < 0.01 < 0.00868 < 0.0096 Phenanthrene NS 68 < 0.00938 < 0.0103 < 0.0089 < 0.00984 Phenol 3600 0.23 < 0.0113 < 0.0123 < 0.0107 < 0.0118 Pyrene 340 220 < 0.00573 < 0.00627 < 0.00544 < 0.00601 Notes: IHSB PSRGs are North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Inactive Hazardous Site Branch Preliminary Soil Remediation Goal for Residential Health based on carcinogenic risk of 1.0E-06 and noncarcinogenic hazard quotient of 0.2. Protection of Groundwater PSRGs are based on 15A NCAL 2L Groundwater Quality Standards and soil-to-groundwater transport modeling (NCDENR, February 2013). 1,3-dichloropropene used for cis-1,3- and trans-1,3-dichloropropene. m-cresol used for m,p-cresol. Bold and shading indicate a detected concentration. Bold outline indicates an exceedance of the NCDENR IHSB Residential PSRG. Dotted and Bold outline indicates and exceedance of the NCDENR ISHB PSRG for the Protection of Groundwater. Vertical Striped and Bold outlined indicates an exceedance of both NCDENR IHSB screening criteria. See Table 17 for definitions of data qualifiers. -a - indicates a field duplicate sample BG - Background Sample mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram NA - Not Analyzed NS - No Standard SVOC - semivolatile organic compound VOC - volatile organic compound * The percent moisture content utilized for this sample was estimated based on the moisture content of nearby samples at a similar depth. For a complete explanation, please see the Data Assessment section in the Phase I RI Report. 7380 7380 7380 7380 L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ Soil Results T3 and T5 r2.xlsxT3-Organics Page 21 of 21 December 2013 Table 4 Tentatively Identified Compound (TIC) Results in Soil Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID SB-1-0-2 SB-1-2-4 SB-1-8-9 SB-1-13-14 SB-9-2-4 SB-9-8-9 Date Collected 05/20/13 05/20/13 05/20/13 05/20/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID 21305224410 21305224411 21305224412 21305224413 21305224428 21305224429 Tentatively Identified Compounds By Library Search (ug/kg)2(5H)-Furanone, 5,5-dimethyl- ND ND ND ND ND ND2,6-Octadiene, 4-methyl- ND ND ND ND ND ND 2-Hexene, 2,5,5-trimethyl- 168 ND 429 240 219 208 2-Pentanone, 4-hydroxy-4-methyl- ND 1400 /B/V 1640 /B/V 1810 /B/V ND 1810 /B/V 3-Hexanone, 2-methyl- ND ND ND ND ND ND 4-Hydroxy-5-oxohexanoic acid lactone ND ND ND ND ND ND4-Methyl-1,3-heptadiene (c,t) ND ND ND 205 ND ND5-Hepten-2-ol, 6-methyl- ND ND 257 ND ND ND 7-Oxabicyclo[4.1.0]heptane, 3-methyl-ND ND ND 223 ND ND Acetaldehyde 1.26 8.16 ND ND 39.7 ND Butane, 2,3-dimethyl-2-nitro- ND ND ND ND ND ND Butanethioic acid, 3-oxo-, S-propyl ester ND ND ND ND ND ND Cedrol 296 ND ND ND ND NDCopaene202NDNDNDNDND Cyclotetrasiloxane, octamethyl- ND 1.01 ND ND ND ND Decane, 5,6-dimethyl- ND ND ND 173 ND ND Furan, 2,5-dimethyl- ND ND 182 448 ND 960 Heptane, 2,3-dimethyl- ND ND ND ND 140 ND Heptane, 2,4-dimethyl- ND ND ND 129 ND NDHeptane, 3,5-dimethyl- ND ND ND ND ND NDHexanal1.95 ND ND ND ND ND Hexane, 3-ethyl-2-methyl- ND ND ND ND ND ND Hexane, 4-ethyl-2-methyl- ND 339 ND ND ND ND Octane, 3,4-dimethyl- ND ND ND ND ND 141 Oxazole, 2,4-dimethyl- 200 ND ND ND ND NDPeryleneNDNDNDNDNDNDSulfur dioxide ND ND ND 3.78 /B/VT ND ND Tetrahydrofuran, 2,2-dimethyl- ND ND ND ND ND ND trans-3,5-Dimethylcyclohexene 220 ND ND ND ND ND Unknown 1450 181 ND ND 201 213 Unknown 223 365 ND ND 258 NDUnknown ND ND ND ND 227 NDUnknown ND ND ND ND 2080 ND Unknown ND ND ND ND ND ND Unknown ND ND ND ND ND ND Notes: See Table 17 for definitions of data qualifiers.-a - Indicates a field duplicate sample ug/kg - micrograms per kilogram ND - Not detected L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ TICs Soil-Sed T4 and T10.xlsxT4-Soil TICs Page 1 of 1 December 2013 Table 5 Inorganic Analytical Results in Soil Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IHSB Protection of SB-1-0-2 * SB-1-2-4 SB-1-8-9 * SB-1-13-14 SB-2-0-2 * Date Collected Residential Groundwater 05/20/13 05/20/13 05/20/13 05/20/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID PSRG PSRG 21305224410 21305224411 21305224412 21305224413 21305224449 Metals by Method 6010C (mg/kg) Aluminum 15000 NS 27700 37800 15300 15400 27100 Antimony 6.2 0.9 3.8 J//6J//< 0.75 < 4.08 5.34 J// Arsenic 0.39 5.8 3.4 J//3.64 J//1.35 < 1.36 2.01 J// Barium 3000 580 364 495 64.7 192 494 Beryllium 32 63 3.52 4.35 0.34 1.78 3.44 Cadmium 14 3 < 0.31 < 0.36 < 0.063 < 0.34 < 0.32 Calcium NS NS 216 318 409 620 154 J// Chromium 0.29 360000 15.6 21.1 25.7 19.7 11.7 Cobalt 4.6 0.9 38 18.7 1.44 4.15 26.9 Copper 620 700 19.4 29.9 5.04 11.8 15.8 Iron 11000 150 53800 65400 14800 8700 52700 Lead 400 270 8.78 9.28 8.03 5.17 5.98 Magnesium NS NS 6560 8540 397 3290 7560 Manganese 360 65 1030 676 186 78.3 1090 Nickel 300 130 9.48 J// 10.8 J// 3.8 10.5 J// 8.9 J// Potassium NS NS 7380 9630 288 3350 9360 Selenium 78 2.1 < 2.48 3.26 J//< 0.5 < 2.72 < 2.56 Silver 78 3.4 < 0.62 < 0.71 < 0.13 < 0.68 < 0.64 Sodium NS NS < 61.9 < 71.3 < 12.5 < 68 < 64 Thallium 0.16 0.028 2.88 J//4.47 J//0.48 J//< 1.36 3.56 J// Vanadium 78 6 155 183 72.2 58.1 150 Zinc 4600 1200 62.2 87.8 9.49 52 72 Hexavalent Chromium by Method 7196A (mg/kg) Chromium VI 0.29 3.8 NA < 7.44 NA < 7.04 NA Mercury by Method 7471B (mg/kg) Mercury 2 1 0.015 0.01 J// 0.018 < 0.0054 < 0.0048 L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ Soil Results T3 and T5 r2.xlsxT5-Inorganics Page 1 of 10 December 2013 Table 5 Inorganic Analytical Results in Soil Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IHSB Protection of SB-2-2-4 SB-2-8-9 SB-2-13-14 * SB-3-0-2 * SB-3-2-4 Date Collected Residential Groundwater 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID PSRG PSRG 21305224450 21305224451 21305224452 21305224453 21305224454 Metals by Method 6010C (mg/kg) Aluminum 15000 NS 22800 34800 53200 32800 26700 Antimony 6.2 0.9 < 3.53 < 3.66 < 4.08 4.37 J//< 3.64 Arsenic 0.39 5.8 2.29 J//< 1.22 3.03 J//3.38 J//4.24 J// Barium 3000 580 80.4 132 427 441 109 Beryllium 32 63 0.72 J// 1.26 2.27 3.23 0.73 J// Cadmium 14 3 < 0.29 < 0.3 < 0.34 < 0.32 < 0.3 Calcium NS NS 556 882 931 376 500 Chromium 0.29 360000 36.2 23.7 15.9 20.8 31 Cobalt 4.6 0.9 5.44 4.82 5.75 24.9 7.28 Copper 620 700 9.51 7.16 16 25.2 9.34 Iron 11000 150 30200 21600 31500 55000 32000 Lead 400 270 11.5 10.3 10.1 8.41 11.1 Magnesium NS NS 594 2830 7130 7290 378 Manganese 360 65 307 226 194 1100 1070 Nickel 300 130 6.02 J// 7.46 J// 5.47 J// 10.7 7.39 J// Potassium NS NS 324 1350 9940 8900 306 Selenium 78 2.1 < 2.35 < 2.44 < 2.72 < 2.6 < 2.43 Silver 78 3.4 < 0.59 < 0.61 < 0.68 < 0.65 < 0.61 Sodium NS NS < 58.8 < 61 < 68 < 64.9 < 60.7 Thallium 0.16 0.028 < 1.18 < 1.22 2.03 J//3.44 J//< 1.21 Vanadium 78 6 103 108 80.9 160 96.8 Zinc 4600 1200 27.6 29.8 67.8 67.4 15.7 Hexavalent Chromium by Method 7196A (mg/kg) Chromium VI 0.29 3.8 < 6.09 < 6.37 NA NA < 6.29 Mercury by Method 7471B (mg/kg) Mercury 2 1 0.037 0.078 0.0094 J// 0.013 J// 0.021 L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ Soil Results T3 and T5 r2.xlsxT5-Inorganics Page 2 of 10 December 2013 Table 5 Inorganic Analytical Results in Soil Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IHSB Protection of SB-3-8-9 SB-3-13-14 * SB-4-0-2 * SB-4-2-4 SB-4-8-9 Date Collected Residential Groundwater 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID PSRG PSRG 21305224455 21305224456 21305224434 21305224435 21305224436 Metals by Method 6010C (mg/kg) Aluminum 15000 NS 32300 12000 26600 26400 14400 Antimony 6.2 0.9 < 3.89 < 0.82 < 3.6 < 3.72 < 3.7 Arsenic 0.39 5.8 2.61 J//0.57 J//1.47 J//< 1.24 < 1.23 Barium 3000 580 180 34.5 143 247 21.9 Beryllium 32 63 1.74 0.25 0.56 J// 1.68 < 0.25 Cadmium 14 3 < 0.32 0.069 J//< 0.3 < 0.31 < 0.31 Calcium NS NS 542 535 754 424 258 /B/K Chromium 0.29 360000 37.1 28.1 34.6 21 35.4 Cobalt 4.6 0.9 10.5 0.45 J//8.51 10.5 0.65 J// Copper 620 700 13.3 6.85 9.71 9.8 3.81 J// Iron 11000 150 28900 5350 36000 19100 34900 Lead 400 270 12.5 6.59 12.7 11 6.75 Magnesium NS NS 636 338 868 559 289 Manganese 360 65 2830 7.72 1560 1750 7.7 Nickel 300 130 11.8 3.38 7.89 J// 10.7 2.74 J// Potassium NS NS 310 237 628 262 181 Selenium 78 2.1 < 2.6 < 0.54 < 2.4 < 2.48 < 2.47 Silver 78 3.4 < 0.65 < 0.14 < 0.6 < 0.62 < 0.62 Sodium NS NS < 64.9 < 13.6 < 60 95.6 J//< 61.6 Thallium 0.16 0.028 < 1.3 < 0.27 < 1.2 < 1.24 1.43 J// Vanadium 78 6 90.5 56.9 109 59.6 113 Zinc 4600 1200 27.9 9.18 18.9 26 4.98 Hexavalent Chromium by Method 7196A (mg/kg) Chromium VI 0.29 3.8 < 6.78 NA NA < 6.43 < 6.39 Mercury by Method 7471B (mg/kg) Mercury 2 1 0.021 0.031 0.055 /J/H < 0.0041 /J/H 0.028 /J/H L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ Soil Results T3 and T5 r2.xlsxT5-Inorganics Page 3 of 10 December 2013 Table 5 Inorganic Analytical Results in Soil Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IHSB Protection of SB-4-13-14 * SB-5-0-2 * SB-5-2-4 SB-5-8-9 SB-5-8-9-a Date Collected Residential Groundwater 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID PSRG PSRG 21305224437 21305224444 21305224445 21305224446 21305224448 Metals by Method 6010C (mg/kg) Aluminum 15000 NS 13600 28600 25400 14600 12100 Antimony 6.2 0.9 < 0.82 5.32 J//< 3.69 < 0.7 < 0.71 Arsenic 0.39 5.8 < 0.27 3.46 J//2.9 J//0.39 J//< 0.24 Barium 3000 580 125 392 252 39.6 30 Beryllium 32 63 1.03 3.41 1.8 0.32 0.25 Cadmium 14 3 < 0.068 < 0.32 < 0.31 < 0.058 < 0.059 Calcium NS NS 830 258 431 412 453 Chromium 0.29 360000 34.2 19.4 19 21.9 22.9 Cobalt 4.6 0.9 23.5 26.3 9.4 0.83 /J/A 0.54 Copper 620 700 16.2 26.3 11.1 5.16 /J/A 3.27 Iron 11000 150 10700 55300 27400 8720 6880 Lead 400 270 4.41 7.47 9.24 5.8 5.23 Magnesium NS NS 1910 7050 2270 712 /J/A 532 Manganese 360 65 167 1150 447 14.4 /J/A 9.51 Nickel 300 130 8.65 12.6 7.61 J// 2.65 2.26 Potassium NS NS 868 8510 2400 438 /J/A 310 Selenium 78 2.1 < 0.54 < 2.55 < 2.46 < 0.47 < 0.47 Silver 78 3.4 < 0.14 < 0.64 < 0.62 < 0.12 < 0.12 Sodium NS NS 34.2 J//< 63.9 < 61.5 20.2 J//< 11.8 Thallium 0.16 0.028 0.71 J//4.49 J//< 1.23 0.77 J//0.61 J// Vanadium 78 6 54.7 163 80.9 58 52.2 Zinc 4600 1200 42 70.5 34.6 9.78 7.8 Hexavalent Chromium by Method 7196A (mg/kg) Chromium VI 0.29 3.8 NA NA < 6.37 < 6.11 < 6.15 Mercury by Method 7471B (mg/kg) Mercury 2 1 < 0.0053 /J/H 0.0057 J// 0.0063 J// 0.025 0.031 L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ Soil Results T3 and T5 r2.xlsxT5-Inorganics Page 4 of 10 December 2013 Table 5 Inorganic Analytical Results in Soil Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IHSB Protection of SB-5-13-14 * SB-6-2-4 SB-6-2-4 SB-6-8-9 SB-7-2-4 Date Collected Residential Groundwater 05/21/13 05/21/13 07/18/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID PSRG PSRG 21305224447 21305224438 21307190101 21305224439 21305224440 Metals by Method 6010C (mg/kg) Aluminum 15000 NS 32400 565 NA 12200 25500 /M/M Antimony 6.2 0.9 < 4.08 < 3.55 NA < 0.73 < 3.84 /M/m Arsenic 0.39 5.8 2.06 J//< 1.18 NA < 0.24 1.33 J// Barium 3000 580 356 4.45 NA 24.7 311 /M/M Beryllium 32 63 3.04 < 0.24 NA 0.11 J// 1.65 Cadmium 14 3 < 0.34 < 0.3 NA < 0.061 < 0.32 Calcium NS NS 3710 < 47.3 NA 554 855 Chromium 0.29 360000 20.3 < 0.59 NA 24.6 19.8 Cobalt 4.6 0.9 20.2 < 0.59 NA 1.02 7.81 Copper 620 700 27.7 < 1.18 NA 4.06 7.39 Iron 11000 150 54300 467 NA 8000 19600 /M/M Lead 400 270 7.56 < 0.89 NA 5.48 8.78 Magnesium NS NS 6450 13.2 J//NA 371 814 Manganese 360 65 805 24.4 NA 14.9 1910 /M/M Nickel 300 130 10.4 J//< 2.37 NA 3.51 7.18 J// Potassium NS NS 6900 < 29.6 NA 190 274 Selenium 78 2.1 < 2.72 < 2.37 NA < 0.49 < 2.56 /M/m Silver 78 3.4 < 0.68 < 0.59 NA < 0.12 < 0.64 Sodium NS NS < 68 < 59.1 NA < 12.1 < 64 Thallium 0.16 0.028 2.95 J//< 1.18 NA < 0.24 < 1.28 Vanadium 78 6 181 1.38 J//NA 54.9 58.3 Zinc 4600 1200 65 < 1.18 NA 5.28 30.2 Hexavalent Chromium by Method 7196A (mg/kg) Chromium VI 0.29 3.8 NA 9.54 < 0.183 < 6.33 < 6.63 /M/m Mercury by Method 7471B (mg/kg) Mercury 2 1 < 0.0052 < 0.0045 /J/H NA 0.035 /J/H 0.015 L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ Soil Results T3 and T5 r2.xlsxT5-Inorganics Page 5 of 10 December 2013 Table 5 Inorganic Analytical Results in Soil Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IHSB Protection of SB-7-8-9 SB-8-0-2 * SB-8-2-4 SB-8-2-4 SB-8-2-4-a Date Collected Residential Groundwater 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 07/18/13 07/18/13 Laboratory ID PSRG PSRG 21305224443 21305224430 21305224431 21307190105 21307190106 Metals by Method 6010C (mg/kg) Aluminum 15000 NS 27000 42500 34900 NA NA Antimony 6.2 0.9 0.97 J//< 3.88 < 3.76 NA NA Arsenic 0.39 5.8 0.65 J//2.4 J//1.63 J//NA NA Barium 3000 580 96.7 93.6 228 NA NA Beryllium 32 63 0.99 0.75 J// 1 NA NA Cadmium 14 3 < 0.061 < 0.32 < 0.31 NA NA Calcium NS NS 995 250 /B/K 688 /B/K NA NA Chromium 0.29 360000 14.8 50 36.7 NA NA Cobalt 4.6 0.9 2.58 6.15 22.1 NA NA Copper 620 700 4.14 15.1 19.7 NA NA Iron 11000 150 12200 72500 66200 NA NA Lead 400 270 6.48 12.7 16.7 NA NA Magnesium NS NS 1810 1710 4840 NA NA Manganese 360 65 57.8 393 945 NA NA Nickel 300 130 4.24 8.47 J// 15 NA NA Potassium NS NS 921 1540 4190 NA NA Selenium 78 2.1 < 0.49 < 2.59 < 2.5 NA NA Silver 78 3.4 < 0.12 < 0.65 < 0.63 NA NA Sodium NS NS 49.4 < 64.6 < 62.6 NA NA Thallium 0.16 0.028 1.49 2.13 J//< 1.25 NA NA Vanadium 78 6 74.6 211 168 NA NA Zinc 4600 1200 20.4 25.9 47.3 NA NA Hexavalent Chromium by Method 7196A (mg/kg) Chromium VI 0.29 3.8 < 6.34 NA 10.6 < 0.2 < 0.203 Mercury by Method 7471B (mg/kg) Mercury 2 1 0.043 0.066 /J/H 0.047 /J/H NA NA L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ Soil Results T3 and T5 r2.xlsxT5-Inorganics Page 6 of 10 December 2013 Table 5 Inorganic Analytical Results in Soil Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IHSB Protection of SB-8-8-9 SB-8-13-14 * SB-9-2-4 SB-9-8-9 SB-10-2-4 Date Collected Residential Groundwater 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 07/18/13 Laboratory ID PSRG PSRG 21305224432 21305224433 21305224428 21305224429 21307190102 Metals by Method 6010C (mg/kg) Aluminum 15000 NS 29200 19800 24700 23400 NA Antimony 6.2 0.9 < 3.71 < 0.82 < 3.57 < 3.94 NA Arsenic 0.39 5.8 < 1.24 < 0.27 < 1.19 5.5 NA Barium 3000 580 429 148 216 18.8 NA Beryllium 32 63 1.71 0.2 J// 1.21 0.47 J//NA Cadmium 14 3 < 0.31 < 0.068 < 0.3 < 0.33 NA Calcium NS NS 603 796 341 313 NA Chromium 0.29 360000 29.2 19.2 22.3 35.1 NA Cobalt 4.6 0.9 11.5 4.1 8.22 < 0.66 NA Copper 620 700 10.2 9.67 5.77 < 1.31 NA Iron 11000 150 22600 12400 21400 121000 NA Lead 400 270 12.1 7.17 9.7 7.69 NA Magnesium NS NS 771 3560 495 295 NA Manganese 360 65 2720 108 2090 14.2 NA Nickel 300 130 11.1 5.89 7.46 J//< 2.62 NA Potassium NS NS 380 2880 283 155 NA Selenium 78 2.1 < 2.47 < 0.54 < 2.38 3.4 J//NA Silver 78 3.4 < 0.62 < 0.14 < 0.6 1.19 J//NA Sodium NS NS < 61.9 28.8 J//< 59.5 < 65.6 NA Thallium 0.16 0.028 < 1.24 0.96 J//< 1.19 < 1.31 NA Vanadium 78 6 68.3 66.4 57.9 76.4 NA Zinc 4600 1200 31.6 44.2 20.6 8.24 NA Hexavalent Chromium by Method 7196A (mg/kg) Chromium VI 0.29 3.8 < 6.41 NA < 6.17 < 6.8 < 0.187 Mercury by Method 7471B (mg/kg) Mercury 2 1 < 0.0047 /J/H < 0.0049 /J/H < 0.0044 0.059 NA L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ Soil Results T3 and T5 r2.xlsxT5-Inorganics Page 7 of 10 December 2013 Table 5 Inorganic Analytical Results in Soil Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IHSB Protection of SB-11-2-4 SB-12-2-4 SB-13-2-4 SB-14-2-4 SB-15-2-4 Date Collected Residential Groundwater 07/18/13 07/18/13 07/18/13 07/18/13 07/18/13 Laboratory ID PSRG PSRG 21307190111 21307190103 21307190104 21307190107 21307190110 Metals by Method 6010C (mg/kg) Aluminum 15000 NS NA NA NA NA NA Antimony 6.2 0.9 NA NA NA NA NA Arsenic 0.39 5.8 NA NA NA NA NA Barium 3000 580 NA NA NA NA NA Beryllium 32 63 NA NA NA NA NA Cadmium 14 3 NA NA NA NA NA Calcium NS NS NA NA NA NA NA Chromium 0.29 360000 NA NA NA NA NA Cobalt 4.6 0.9 NA NA NA NA NA Copper 620 700 NA NA NA NA NA Iron 11000 150 NA NA NA NA NA Lead 400 270 NA NA NA NA NA Magnesium NS NS NA NA NA NA NA Manganese 360 65 NA NA NA NA NA Nickel 300 130 NA NA NA NA NA Potassium NS NS NA NA NA NA NA Selenium 78 2.1 NA NA NA NA NA Silver 78 3.4 NA NA NA NA NA Sodium NS NS NA NA NA NA NA Thallium 0.16 0.028 NA NA NA NA NA Vanadium 78 6 NA NA NA NA NA Zinc 4600 1200 NA NA NA NA NA Hexavalent Chromium by Method 7196A (mg/kg) Chromium VI 0.29 3.8 < 0.198 < 0.218 < 0.191 < 0.202 < 0.203 Mercury by Method 7471B (mg/kg) Mercury 2 1 NA NA NA NA NA L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ Soil Results T3 and T5 r2.xlsxT5-Inorganics Page 8 of 10 December 2013 Table 5 Inorganic Analytical Results in Soil Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IHSB Protection of SB-16-2-4 SB-17-2-4 BG-1 BG-2 BG-3 Date Collected Residential Groundwater 07/18/13 07/18/13 05/20/13 05/20/13 05/20/13 Laboratory ID PSRG PSRG 21307190109 21307190108 21305224408 21305224409 21305224407 Metals by Method 6010C (mg/kg) Aluminum 15000 NS NA NA 18900 31500 36700 Antimony 6.2 0.9 NA NA < 3.68 < 3.89 < 3.96 Arsenic 0.39 5.8 NA NA 2.42 J//5.25 4.2 J// Barium 3000 580 NA NA 21.7 69.3 54.5 Beryllium 32 63 NA NA 0.97 J// 2.17 2.44 Cadmium 14 3 NA NA < 0.31 < 0.32 < 0.33 Calcium NS NS NA NA 66.4 J//< 51.9 < 52.8 Chromium 0.29 360000 NA NA 55.8 9.71 17.6 Cobalt 4.6 0.9 NA NA 4.02 6.02 7.32 Copper 620 700 NA NA 19.7 21.7 26.9 Iron 11000 150 NA NA 48000 93400 92100 Lead 400 270 NA NA 9.97 8.41 9.72 Magnesium NS NS NA NA 342 559 968 Manganese 360 65 NA NA 128 275 386 Nickel 300 130 NA NA 7.75 J// 3.76 J// 7.51 J// Potassium NS NS NA NA 369 344 815 Selenium 78 2.1 NA NA < 2.46 4.65 J//< 2.64 Silver 78 3.4 NA NA < 0.61 < 0.65 < 0.66 Sodium NS NS NA NA < 61.4 < 64.8 < 66 Thallium 0.16 0.028 NA NA < 1.23 2.47 J//2.47 J// Vanadium 78 6 NA NA 94.6 267 256 Zinc 4600 1200 NA NA 24.5 36.4 24.2 Hexavalent Chromium by Method 7196A (mg/kg) Chromium VI 0.29 3.8 < 0.214 < 0.2 < 6.36 < 6.72 < 6.84 Mercury by Method 7471B (mg/kg) Mercury 2 1 NA NA 0.022 0.077 0.055 L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ Soil Results T3 and T5 r2.xlsxT5-Inorganics Page 9 of 10 December 2013 Table 5 Inorganic Analytical Results in Soil Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IHSB Protection of BG-4 BG-4-a BG-5 Date Collected Residential Groundwater 05/20/13 05/20/13 05/20/13 Laboratory ID PSRG * PSRG * 21305224405 21305224406 21305224402 Metals by Method 6010C (mg/kg) Aluminum 15000 NS 41500 36000 30300 /M/M Antimony 6.2 0.9 < 3.77 < 3.79 < 3.58 /M/m Arsenic 0.39 5.8 5.02 J//4.47 J//2.14 J// Barium 3000 580 32.8 31.4 132 Beryllium 32 63 0.96 J// 0.87 J// 1.35 Cadmium 14 3 < 0.31 < 0.32 < 0.3 Calcium NS NS 87.5 J//106 J//1040 Chromium 0.29 360000 66 /J/A 42.2 21.8 Cobalt 4.6 0.9 4.7 5.15 12.7 Copper 620 700 16.8 16.2 10.4 Iron 11000 150 59500 55200 40700 /M/M Lead 400 270 13.3 13.4 8.92 Magnesium NS NS 456 451 1920 Manganese 360 65 527 458 669 /M/m Nickel 300 130 9.62 J// 8.5 J// 7.75 J// Potassium NS NS 391 412 1590 Selenium 78 2.1 < 2.51 2.78 J//< 2.39 Silver 78 3.4 < 0.63 < 0.63 < 0.6 Sodium NS NS < 62.9 < 63.1 < 59.7 Thallium 0.16 0.028 1.38 J//< 1.26 2.29 J// Vanadium 78 6 125 112 114 /M/M Zinc 4600 1200 24 23 25.3 Hexavalent Chromium by Method 7196A (mg/kg) Chromium VI 0.29 3.8 < 6.56 < 6.54 < 6.18 Mercury by Method 7471B (mg/kg) Mercury 2 1 0.067 0.095 0.034 Notes: IHSB PSRGs are North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Inactive Hazardous Site Branch Preliminary Soil Remediation Goal for Residential Health based on carcinogenic risk of 1.0E-06 and noncarcinogenic hazard quotient of 0.2. Protection of Groundwater PSRGs are based on 15A NCAL 2L Groundwater Quality Standards and soil-to-groundwater transport modeling (NCDENR, February 2013). 1,3-dichloropropene used for cis-1,3- and trans-1,3-dichloropropene. m-cresol used for m,p-cresol. Bold and shading indicate a detected concentration. Bold outline indicates an exceedance of the NCDENR IHSB Residential PSRG. Dotted and Bold outline indicates and exceedance of the NCDENR ISHB PSRG for the Protection of Groundwater. Vertical Striped and Bold outlined indicates an exceedance of both NCDENR IHSB screening criteria. See Table 17 for definitions of data qualifiers. -a - indicates a field duplicate sample BG - Background Sample mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram NA - Not Analyzed NS - No Standard SVOC - semivolatile organic compound VOC - volatile organic compound * The percent moisture content utilized for this sample was estimated based on the moisture content of nearby samples at a similar depth. For a complete explanation, please see the Data Assessment section in the Phase I RI Report. 7380 7380 7380 7380 L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ Soil Results T3 and T5 r2.xlsxT5-Inorganics Page 10 of 10 December 2013 Table 6 Organic Analytical Results in Groundwater Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID 15A NCAC 2L MW-1 MW-1-a Date Collected Groundwater 05/21/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID Standard 21305224424 21305224425 VOCs by Method 8260B (ug/L) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 200 < 5 < 5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.2 < 5 < 5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.6* < 5 < 5 1,1-Dichloroethane 6 < 5 < 5 1,1-Dichloroethene 7 < 5 < 5 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 70 < 5 < 5 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.04 < 5 < 5 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.02 < 5 < 5 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 20 < 5 < 5 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.4 < 5 < 5 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.6 < 5 < 5 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 200 < 5 < 5 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 6 < 5 < 5 2-Butanone 4000 < 5 < 5 2-Hexanone 40* < 5 < 5 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 100* < 5 < 5 Acetone 6000 < 5 < 5 Benzene 1 < 5 < 5 Bromodichloromethane 0.6 < 5 < 5 Bromoform 4 < 5 < 5 Bromomethane 10* < 5 < 5 Carbon disulfide 700 1.03 J// 0.812 J// Carbon tetrachloride 0.3 < 5 < 5 Chlorobenzene 50 < 5 < 5 Chloroethane 3000 < 5 < 5 Chloroform 70 < 5 < 5 Chloromethane 3 < 5 < 5 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 70 < 5 < 5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.4 < 5 < 5 Cyclohexane NS < 5 < 5 Dibromochloromethane 0.4 < 5 < 5 Dichlorodifluoromethane 1000 < 5 < 5 Ethylbenzene 600 < 5 < 5 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene)70 < 5 < 5 Methyl Acetate NS < 5 < 5 Methylcyclohexane NS < 5 < 5 Methylene chloride 5 < 5 < 5 Styrene 70 < 5 < 5 tert-Butyl methyl ether (MTBE)20 < 5 < 5 Tetrachloroethene 0.7 < 5 < 5 Toluene 600 < 5 < 5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 100 < 5 < 5 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.4 < 5 < 5 Trichloroethene 3 < 5 < 5 Trichlorofluoromethane 2000 < 5 < 5 Trichlorotrifluoroethane NS < 5 < 5 Vinyl chloride 0.03 < 5 < 5 Xylene (total)500 < 15 < 15 Groundwater Results Rev 1T6 and T8.xlsx\T6 - Organics Page 1 of 3 December 2013 Table 6 Organic Analytical Results in Groundwater Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID 15A NCAC 2L MW-1 MW-1-a Date Collected Groundwater 05/21/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID Standard 21305224424 21305224425 SVOCs by Method 8270D (ug/L) 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 2* < 50 < 51 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 70 < 10 < 10.2 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 6 < 10 < 10.2 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol 200 < 50 < 51 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 63* < 10 < 10.2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 4* < 10 < 10.2 2,4-Dichlorophenol 0.98* < 10 < 10.2 2,4-Dimethylphenol 100 < 10 < 10.2 2,4-Dinitrophenol NS < 50 < 51 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.1* < 10 < 10.2 2,6-Dinitrotoluene NS < 10 < 10.2 2-Chloronaphthalene NS < 10 < 10.2 2-Chlorophenol 0.4 < 10 < 10.2 2-Methylnaphthalene 30 < 10 < 10.2 2-Nitroaniline NS < 10 < 10.2 2-Nitrophenol NS < 10 < 10.2 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine NS < 10 < 10.2 3-Nitroaniline NS < 50 < 51 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol NS < 50 < 51 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether NS < 10 < 10.2 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol NS < 10 < 10.2 4-Chloroaniline NS < 10 < 10.2 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether NS < 10 < 10.2 4-Nitroaniline NS < 50 < 51 4-Nitrophenol NS < 50 < 51 Acenaphthene 80 < 10 < 10.2 Acenaphthylene 200 < 10 < 10.2 Acetophenone 700* < 10 < 10.2 Anthracene 2000 < 10 < 10.2 Atrazine (Aatrex)3 < 50 < 51 Benzaldehyde 700* < 50 < 51 Benzo(a)anthracene 0.05 < 10 < 10.2 Benzo(a)pyrene 0.005 < 10 < 10.2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.05 < 10 < 10.2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 200 < 10 < 10.2 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.5 < 10 < 10.2 Biphenyl NS < 10 < 10.2 Bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane NS < 10 < 10.2 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 0.03 < 10 < 10.2 Bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether NS < 10 < 10.2 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 3 < 10 < 10.2 Butyl benzyl phthalate 1000 < 10 < 10.2 Caprolactam 4000 < 10 < 10.2 Carbazole 2* < 10 < 10.2 Chrysene 5 < 10 < 10.2 Di-n-butyl phthalate 700 < 10 < 10.2 Di-n-octyl phthalate 100 < 10 < 10.2 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 0.005 < 10 < 10.2 Dibenzofuran 28* < 10 < 10.2 Diethyl phthalate 6000 < 10 < 10.2 Dimethyl phthalate NS < 10 < 10.2 Fluoranthene 300 < 10 < 10.2 Fluorene 300 < 10 < 10.2 Hexachlorobenzene 0.02 < 10 < 10.2 Hexachlorobutadiene 0.4 < 10 < 10.2 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene NS < 10 < 10.2 Groundwater Results Rev 1T6 and T8.xlsx\T6 - Organics Page 2 of 3 December 2013 Table 6 Organic Analytical Results in Groundwater Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID 15A NCAC 2L MW-1 MW-1-a Date Collected Groundwater 05/21/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID Standard 21305224424 21305224425 SVOCs by Method 8270D (ug/L) Continued Hexachloroethane NS < 10 < 10.2 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.05 < 10 < 10.2 Isophorone 40 < 10 < 10.2 m,p-Cresol 40 < 10 < 10.2 n-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine NS < 10 < 10.2 n-Nitrosodiphenylamine NS < 10 < 10.2 Naphthalene 6 < 10 < 10.2 Nitrobenzene NS < 10 < 10.2 o-Cresol 400* < 10 < 10.2 Pentachlorophenol 0.3 < 50 < 51 Phenanthrene 200 < 10 < 10.2 Phenol 30 < 10 < 10.2 Pyrene 200 < 10 < 10.2 Notes: 15A NCAC (North Carolina Administrative Code) 2L Groundwater Standard (Effective Date: January 1, 2010). * indicates an Interim Maximum Allowable Concentration established under 15A NCAC 2L.0202. Bold and shading indicate a detected concentration. Bold outline indicates an exceedance of the 15A NCAC 2L Groundwater Standard See Table 17 for definitions of data qualifiers. mg/L - milligrams per liter NA - Not Analyzed NS - No Standard Sample Identifiers: -a = Duplicate Sample MW - Monitoring Well Sample Groundwater Results Rev 1T6 and T8.xlsx\T6 - Organics Page 3 of 3 December 2013 Table 7 Tentatively Identified Compound (TIC) Results in Groundwater Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID MW-1 MW-1-a Date Collected 05/21/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID 21305224424 21305224425 Tentatively Identified Compounds By Library Search (ug/L) 1,2,5,6-Diepoxycyclooctane ND ND 1,3,5,7-Cyclooctatetraene ND ND 1-Butene, 2,3-dimethyl- ND ND 2-Pentanone, 4-hydroxy-4-methyl- ND 3.1 /B/V 3-Hexen-1-ol ND ND 3-Penten-2-one ND ND Benzene, (1-butylheptyl)- ND ND Benzene, (1-butyloctyl)- ND ND Benzene, (1-methyldecyl)- ND ND Butane, 2,3-dimethyl-2-nitro- ND ND Diethyltoluamide ND ND Ethanol, 2-butoxy- ND ND Hexanoic acid, 2-methyl- ND ND Sulfur dioxide 31.1 /B/VT 52.5 /B/VT Unknown 5.86 5.87 Unknown ND ND Unknown ND ND Unknown ND ND Notes: See Table 17 for definitions of data qualifiers. -a - Indicates a field duplicate sample BG - indicates a background sample ug/L - micrograms per liter ND - Not detected L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ TICs GW-SW T7 and T13.xlsx Page 1 of 1 December 2013 Table 8 Inorganic Analytical Results in Groundwater Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID 15A NCAC 2L MW-1 MW-1-a Date Collected Groundwater 05/21/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID Standard 21305224424 21305224425 Metals by Method 6010C (mg/L) Aluminum NS 0.23 0.2 J// Antimony 0.001* < 0.06 < 0.06 Arsenic 0.01 < 0.02 < 0.02 Barium 0.7 0.092 0.087 Beryllium 0.004* < 0.004 < 0.004 Cadmium 0.002 < 0.005 < 0.005 Calcium NS 7.85 7.38 Chromium 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 Cobalt 0.001* < 0.01 < 0.01 Copper 1 < 0.02 < 0.02 Iron 0.3 0.22 0.15 J// Lead 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.015 Magnesium NS 2.37 2.21 Manganese 0.05 0.054 0.05 Nickel 0.1 < 0.04 < 0.04 Potassium NS 2.62 2.4 Selenium 0.02 < 0.04 < 0.04 Silver 0.02 < 0.01 < 0.01 Sodium NS 3.83 3.65 Thallium 0.0002 < 0.02 < 0.02 Vanadium 0.0003* < 0.02 < 0.02 Zinc 1 < 0.02 < 0.02 Hexavalent Chromium by Method 7196A (mg/L) Chromium VI NS < 0.01 < 0.01 Mercury by Method 7470A (mg/L) Mercury 0.001 < 2E-04 < 2E-04 Notes: 15A NCAC (North Carolina Administrative Code) 2L Groundwater Standard (Effective Date: January 1, 2010). * indicates an Interim Maximum Allowable Concentration established under 15A NCAC 2L.0202. Bold and shading indicate a detected concentration. Bold outline indicates an exceedance of the 15A NCAC 2L Groundwater Standard. See Table 17 for definitions of data qualifiers. mg/L - milligrams per liter NA - Not Analyzed NS - No Standard Sample Identifiers: -a = Duplicate Sample MW - Monitoring Well Sample Groundwater Results Rev 1T6 and T8.xlsx\T8 - Inorganics Page 1 of 1 December 2013 Table 9 Organic Analytical Results in Sediment Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IHSB EPA SD-1 (&)SD-2 (&)SD-2-a (&)SD-3 (&)SD-4 (&) Date Collected Residential Ecological 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 Laboratory ID PSRG * Benchmark ** 21305224418 21305224420 21305224421 21305224422 21305224423 VOCs by Method 8260B (mg/kg) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 640 0.0302 < 0.000211 < 0.000174 < 0.000196 < 0.000201 < 0.000187 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.56 1.36 < 0.000227 < 0.000188 < 0.000211 < 0.000216 < 0.000201 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.32 1.24 < 0.000083 < 0.000069 < 0.000077 < 0.000079 < 0.000074 1,1-Dichloroethane 3.3 NS < 0.000125 < 0.000104 < 0.000116 < 0.000119 < 0.000111 1,1-Dichloroethene 48 0.031 < 0.000295 < 0.000244 < 0.000274 < 0.000281 < 0.000262 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 12 2.1 < 0.000397 < 0.000328 < 0.000368 < 0.000378 < 0.000352 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.0054 NS < 0.000371 < 0.000307 < 0.000344 < 0.000353 < 0.000328 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.034 NS < 0.000268 < 0.000222 < 0.000248 < 0.000255 < 0.000237 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 380 0.0165 < 0.000217 < 0.000179 < 0.000201 < 0.000206 < 0.000192 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.43 NS < 0.000258 < 0.000213 < 0.000239 < 0.000245 < 0.000228 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.94 NS < 0.000099 < 0.000082 < 0.000092 < 0.000094 < 0.000088 1,3-Dichlorobenzene NS 4.43 < 0.000256 < 0.000212 < 0.000237 < 0.000243 < 0.000226 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.4 0.599 < 0.000261 < 0.000216 < 0.000242 < 0.000248 < 0.000231 2-Butanone 5600 NS < 0.00042 < 0.000348 0.0117 < 0.0004 < 0.000372 2-Hexanone 42 NS < 0.000384 < 0.000318 < 0.000357 < 0.000366 < 0.000341 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 1100 NS < 0.000201 < 0.000166 < 0.000186 < 0.000191 < 0.000178 Acetone 12000 NS 0.018 J// 0.026 J// 0.0868 0.0394 0.152 Benzene 1.1 NS < 0.000066 < 0.000055 < 0.000061 < 0.000063 < 0.000058 Bromodichloromethane 0.27 NS < 0.000135 < 0.000112 < 0.000125 < 0.000128 < 0.000119 Bromoform 62 0.654 < 0.000568 < 0.00047 < 0.000527 < 0.000541 < 0.000503 Bromomethane 1.5 NS < 0.000632 < 0.000523 < 0.000587 < 0.000602 < 0.00056 Carbon disulfide 160 0.000851 < 0.000243 < 0.000202 < 0.000226 < 0.000232 < 0.000216 Carbon tetrachloride 0.61 0.0642 < 0.000245 < 0.000203 < 0.000228 < 0.000233 < 0.000217 Chlorobenzene 58 0.00842 < 0.000168 < 0.000139 < 0.000156 < 0.00016 < 0.000149 Chloroethane 2100 NS < 0.000262 < 0.000217 < 0.000243 < 0.00025 < 0.000232 Chloroform 0.29 NS < 0.000224 < 0.000186 < 0.000208 < 0.000214 < 0.000199 Chloromethane 24 NS < 0.000251 < 0.000207 < 0.000233 < 0.000239 < 0.000222 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 32 NS < 0.000148 < 0.000123 < 0.000138 < 0.000141 < 0.000132 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.7 NS < 0.000168 < 0.000139 < 0.000156 < 0.00016 < 0.000149 Cyclohexane 120 NS < 0.000136 < 0.000113 < 0.000126 < 0.00013 < 0.000121 Dibromochloromethane 0.68 NS < 0.000325 < 0.000269 < 0.000302 < 0.00031 < 0.000288 Dichlorodifluoromethane 19 NS < 0.000292 < 0.000241 < 0.00027 < 0.000277 < 0.000258 Ethylbenzene 5.4 1.1 < 0.000238 < 0.000197 < 0.000221 < 0.000227 < 0.000211 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) 270 0.086 < 0.000136 < 0.000113 < 0.000126 < 0.000129 < 0.00012 Methyl Acetate 16000 NS < 0.000659 < 0.000545 < 0.000611 < 0.000627 < 0.000583 Methylcyclohexane NS NS < 0.000195 < 0.000162 < 0.000181 < 0.000186 < 0.000173 Methylene chloride 56 NS < 0.000666 < 0.000551 < 0.000618 < 0.000634 < 0.00059 Styrene 870 0.559 < 0.000109 < 0.00009 < 0.000101 < 0.000103 < 0.000096 tert-Butyl methyl ether (MTBE) 43 NS < 0.000079 < 0.000066 < 0.000074 < 0.000075 < 0.00007 Tetrachloroethene 17 0.468 < 0.000385 < 0.000319 < 0.000357 < 0.000367 < 0.000341 Toluene 820 NS < 0.000139 < 0.000115 < 0.000129 < 0.000133 0.00166 J// trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 30 NS < 0.000155 < 0.000128 < 0.000144 < 0.000148 < 0.000137 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.7 NS < 0.000107 < 0.000088 < 0.000099 < 0.000102 < 0.000095 Trichloroethene 0.88 0.0969 < 0.000165 < 0.000137 < 0.000153 < 0.000157 < 0.000147 Trichlorofluoromethane 160 NS < 0.000168 < 0.000139 < 0.000156 < 0.00016 < 0.000149 Trichlorotrifluoroethane 910 NS < 0.000485 < 0.000401 < 0.00045 < 0.000461 < 0.000429 Vinyl chloride 0.06 NS < 0.000252 < 0.000209 < 0.000234 < 0.00024 < 0.000223 Xylene (total) 130 0.0252 (%)< 0.000321 < 0.000266 < 0.000298 < 0.000306 < 0.000285 Sediment Results T9 and T11 r2.xlsx\T9-Organics Page 1 of 3 December 2013 Table 9 Organic Analytical Results in Sediment Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IHSB EPA SD-1 (&)SD-2 (&)SD-2-a (&)SD-3 (&)SD-4 (&) Date Collected Residential Ecological 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 Laboratory ID PSRG * Benchmark ** 21305224418 21305224420 21305224421 21305224422 21305224423 SVOCs by Method 8260B (mg/kg) 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 3.6 1.09 < 0.0117 < 0.0116 < 0.0117 < 0.0117 < 0.0104 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 12 2.1 < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.0134 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.4 0.599 < 0.0126 < 0.0126 < 0.0126 < 0.0126 < 0.0112 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol 360 0.284 < 0.0147 < 0.0147 < 0.0147 < 0.0147 < 0.0131 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 1200 NS < 0.0149 < 0.0148 < 0.0149 < 0.0149 < 0.0133 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 12 0.213 < 0.0166 < 0.0166 < 0.0166 < 0.0166 < 0.0148 2,4-Dichlorophenol 36 0.117 < 0.0136 < 0.0135 < 0.0136 < 0.0136 < 0.0121 2,4-Dimethylphenol 240 0.029 < 0.00934 < 0.00931 < 0.00934 < 0.00934 < 0.00832 2,4-Dinitrophenol 24 NS < 0.0322 < 0.0321 < 0.0322 < 0.0322 < 0.0287 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 1.6 0.0416 < 0.00962 < 0.00959 < 0.00962 < 0.00962 < 0.00857 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 12 NS < 0.0176 < 0.0176 < 0.0176 < 0.0176 < 0.0157 2-Chloronaphthalene 180 NS < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.0134 2-Chlorophenol 78 0.0312 < 0.0104 < 0.0103 < 0.0104 < 0.0104 < 0.00923 2-Methylnaphthalene 46 NS < 0.00682 < 0.00679 < 0.00682 < 0.00682 < 0.00607 2-Nitroaniline 120 NS < 0.006 < 0.00598 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.00534 2-Nitrophenol NS NS < 0.0169 < 0.0168 < 0.0169 < 0.0169 < 0.015 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 1.1 0.127 < 0.0453 < 0.0451 < 0.0453 < 0.0453 < 0.0403 3-Nitroaniline NS NS < 0.00643 < 0.00641 < 0.00643 < 0.00643 < 0.00573 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 0.98 NS < 0.0255 < 0.0254 < 0.0255 < 0.0255 < 0.0227 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether NS 1.23 < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.0134 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1200 NS < 0.0106 < 0.0106 < 0.0106 < 0.0106 < 0.00946 4-Chloroaniline 2.4 NS < 0.00908 < 0.00905 < 0.00908 < 0.00908 < 0.00809 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether NS NS < 0.0105 < 0.0105 < 0.0105 < 0.0105 < 0.00936 4-Nitroaniline 24 NS < 0.00609 < 0.00607 < 0.00609 < 0.00609 < 0.00542 4-Nitrophenol NS NS < 0.0301 < 0.03 < 0.0301 < 0.0301 < 0.0268 Acenaphthene 680 0.0067 < 0.0145 < 0.0144 < 0.0145 < 0.0145 < 0.0129 Acenaphthylene NS 0.0059 < 0.00967 < 0.00963 < 0.00967 < 0.00967 < 0.00861 Acetophenone 1600 NS < 0.0141 < 0.0141 < 0.0141 < 0.0141 < 0.0126 Anthracene 3400 0.0572 < 0.00972 < 0.00969 < 0.00972 < 0.00972 0.0152 J// Atrazine (Aatrex) 2.1 0.00662 < 0.00994 < 0.00991 < 0.00994 < 0.00994 < 0.00885 Benzaldehyde 1200 NS < 0.0458 < 0.0457 < 0.0458 < 0.0458 < 0.0408 Benzo(a)anthracene 0.15 0.108 < 0.00882 < 0.00879 < 0.00882 < 0.00882 0.105 J// Benzo(a)pyrene 0.015 0.15 < 0.00593 < 0.00591 < 0.00593 < 0.00593 0.137 J// Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.15 0.0272 (%)< 0.00934 < 0.00931 < 0.00934 < 0.00934 < 0.00832 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene NS 0.17 < 0.00715 < 0.00712 < 0.00715 < 0.00715 0.164 J// Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1.5 0.24 < 0.0073 < 0.00728 < 0.0073 < 0.0073 < 0.0065 Biphenyl 10 1.22 < 0.00699 < 0.00697 < 0.00699 < 0.00699 < 0.00622 Bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 36 NS < 0.00825 < 0.00822 < 0.00825 < 0.00825 < 0.00735 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 0.21 NS < 0.0183 < 0.0183 < 0.0183 < 0.0183 < 0.0163 Bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether 4.6 NS < 0.0104 < 0.0103 < 0.0104 < 0.0104 < 0.00922 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 35 0.18 < 0.0067 < 0.00668 < 0.0067 < 0.0067 < 0.00597 Butyl benzyl phthalate 260 10.9 < 0.00944 < 0.00941 < 0.00944 < 0.00944 < 0.0084 Caprolactam 6200 NS < 0.0209 < 0.0208 < 0.0209 < 0.0209 < 0.0186 Carbazole NS NS < 0.00914 < 0.00911 < 0.00914 < 0.00914 0.026 J// Chrysene 15 0.166 < 0.0102 < 0.0102 < 0.0102 < 0.0102 0.209 J// Di-n-butyl phthalate 1200 6.47 < 0.00914 < 0.00911 < 0.00914 < 0.00914 < 0.00814 Di-n-octyl phthalate NS NS < 0.00626 < 0.00624 < 0.00626 < 0.00626 < 0.00557 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 0.015 0.033 < 0.00679 < 0.00677 < 0.00679 < 0.00679 < 0.00605 Sediment Results T9 and T11 r2.xlsx\T9-Organics Page 2 of 3 December 2013 Table 9 Organic Analytical Results in Sediment Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IHSB EPA SD-1 (&)SD-2 (&)SD-2-a (&)SD-3 (&)SD-4 (&) Date Collected Residential Ecological 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 Laboratory ID PSRG * Benchmark ** 21305224418 21305224420 21305224421 21305224422 21305224423 SVOCs by Method 8260B (mg/kg) Dibenzofuran 16 0.415 < 0.00899 < 0.00896 < 0.00899 < 0.00899 < 0.00801 Diethyl phthalate 9800 0.603 < 0.0175 < 0.0174 < 0.0175 < 0.0175 < 0.0156 Dimethyl phthalate NS NS < 0.00736 < 0.00734 < 0.00736 < 0.00736 < 0.00656 Fluoranthene 460 0.423 < 0.00769 < 0.00766 0.0151 J// < 0.00769 0.261 J// Fluorene 460 0.0774 < 0.00852 < 0.00849 < 0.00852 < 0.00852 < 0.00759 Hexachlorobenzene 0.3 0.02 < 0.0183 < 0.0183 < 0.0183 < 0.0183 < 0.0163 Hexachlorobutadiene 6.2 NS < 0.0125 < 0.0125 < 0.0125 < 0.0125 < 0.0111 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 74 NS < 0.1 < 0.0999 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.0893 Hexachloroethane 8.6 1.027 < 0.0225 < 0.0224 < 0.0225 < 0.0225 < 0.02 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.15 0.017 < 0.0114 < 0.0113 < 0.0114 < 0.0114 0.175 J// Isophorone 510 NS < 0.00841 < 0.00838 < 0.00841 < 0.00841 < 0.00749 m,p-Cresol 620 NS < 0.0178 < 0.0177 < 0.0178 < 0.0178 < 0.0158 n-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 0.069 NS < 0.0206 < 0.0206 < 0.0206 < 0.0206 < 0.0184 n-Nitrosodiphenylamine 99 2.68 < 0.01 < 0.00996 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.0089 Naphthalene 3.6 0.176 < 0.0147 < 0.0147 < 0.0147 < 0.0147 < 0.0131 Nitrobenzene 4.8 NS < 0.0246 < 0.0245 < 0.0246 < 0.0246 < 0.0219 o-Cresol 620 NS < 0.0146 < 0.0146 < 0.0146 < 0.0146 < 0.013 Pentachlorophenol 0.89 0.504 < 0.0106 < 0.0105 < 0.0106 < 0.0106 < 0.00942 Phenanthrene NS 0.204 < 0.0109 < 0.0108 0.0174 J// < 0.0109 0.0622 J// Phenol 3600 0.42 < 0.013 < 0.013 < 0.013 < 0.013 < 0.0116 Pyrene 340 0.195 < 0.00663 < 0.00661 0.0151 J// < 0.00663 0.241 J// Notes: * NCDENR IHSB PSRG - North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Inactive Hazardous Site Branch Preliminary Soil Remediation Goal for Residential Health based on carcinogenic risk of 1.0E-06 and noncarcinogenic hazard quotient of 0.2 (February 2013). ** EPA Region 3 Biological Technical Assistance Group (BTAG) Freshwater Sediment Screening Benchmarks (EPA, August 2006). 1,3-dichloropropene used for cis-1,3- and trans-1,3-dichloropropene. m-cresol used for m,p-cresol. Bold and shading indicate a detected concentration. Bold outline indicates an exceedance of the NCDENR IHSB Residential Soil PSRG. Dotted and Bold outline indicates and exceedance of the NCDENR ISHB PSRG for the Protection of Groundwater. Vertical Striped and Bold outlined indicates an exceedance of both NCDENR IHSB PSRG and ecological benchmark. See Table 17 for definitions of data qualifiers. -a - Indicates a field duplicate sample mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram NS - No Standard PSRG - Preliminary Soil Remediation Goal SVOC - semivolatile organic compound VOC - volatile organic compound(&) The percent moisture content utilized for this sample was estimated based on the moisture content of nearby samples at a similar depth. For a complete explanation, please see the Data Assessment section in the Phase I RI Report.(%) Xylene, m- was used as a surrogate for Xylene Total; Benzo(b+k)fluoranthene was used as a surrogate for Benzo(b)fluoranthen 7380 7380 7380 7380 Sediment Results T9 and T11 r2.xlsx\T9-Organics Page 3 of 3 December 2013 Table 10 Tentatively Identified Compound (TIC) Results in Sediment Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID SD-1 SD-2 SD-2-a SD-3 SD-4 Date Collected 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID 21305224418 21305224420 21305224421 21305224422 21305224423 Tentatively Identified Compounds By Library Search (ug/kg) 2(5H)-Furanone, 5,5-dimethyl- ND ND ND 136 ND 2,6-Octadiene, 4-methyl- ND ND ND ND 541 2-Hexene, 2,5,5-trimethyl- ND ND ND 369 150 2-Pentanone, 4-hydroxy-4-methyl- ND 1440 /B/V 1470 /B/V ND ND 3-Hexanone, 2-methyl- ND ND ND ND 120 4-Hydroxy-5-oxohexanoic acid lactone ND ND 213 ND ND 4-Methyl-1,3-heptadiene (c,t) ND ND ND ND ND 5-Hepten-2-ol, 6-methyl- ND ND ND ND ND 7-Oxabicyclo[4.1.0]heptane, 3-methyl- ND ND ND ND ND Acetaldehyde ND ND ND ND ND Butane, 2,3-dimethyl-2-nitro- 477 ND 254 ND ND Butanethioic acid, 3-oxo-, S-propyl ester ND 145 ND ND ND Cedrol ND ND ND ND ND Copaene ND ND ND ND ND Cyclotetrasiloxane, octamethyl- ND ND ND ND ND Decane, 5,6-dimethyl- ND 120 ND ND ND Furan, 2,5-dimethyl- ND ND ND ND ND Heptane, 2,3-dimethyl- ND ND ND ND ND Heptane, 2,4-dimethyl- ND ND ND ND ND Heptane, 3,5-dimethyl- 434 ND ND ND ND Hexanal ND ND ND ND ND Hexane, 3-ethyl-2-methyl- 111 ND ND ND ND Hexane, 4-ethyl-2-methyl- ND 411 ND 357 ND Octane, 3,4-dimethyl- ND ND ND ND ND Oxazole, 2,4-dimethyl- ND ND ND ND ND Perylene ND ND ND ND 150 Sulfur dioxide ND ND ND ND ND Tetrahydrofuran, 2,2-dimethyl- 253 ND ND ND ND trans-3,5-Dimethylcyclohexene ND ND ND ND ND Unknown 1320 186 117 1660 133 Unknown 114 421 380 301 136 Unknown ND ND ND ND 1490 Unknown ND ND ND ND 196 Unknown ND ND ND ND 471 Unknown ND ND ND ND 473 Notes: See Table 17 for definitions of data qualifiers. -a - Indicates a field duplicate sample ug/kg - micrograms per kilogram ND - Not detected L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ TICs Soil-Sed T4 and T10.xlsxT10-Sed TICs Page 1 of 1 December 2013 Table 11 Inorganic Analytical Results in Sediment Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IHSB EPA SD-1 (&)SD-2 (&)SD-2-a (&)SD-3 (&)SD-4 (&) Date Collected Residential ECO 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 Laboratory ID PSRG * Benchmark ** 21305224418 21305224420 21305224421 21305224422 21305224423 Metals by Method 6010C (mg/kg) Aluminum 15000 NS 6080 3330 /J/A 10400 2560 21700 Antimony 6.2 2 < 0.86 < 4.31 < 0.86 < 0.86 < 3.84 Arsenic 0.39 9.8 0.35 J// < 1.44 0.52 J// 0.41 J// 1.54 J// Barium 3000 NS 75 96.3 99.2 26.3 201 Beryllium 32 NS 0.59 0.47 J// 0.78 0.28 1.97 Cadmium 14 0.99 < 0.072 < 0.36 < 0.071 < 0.071 < 0.32 Calcium NS NS 743 929 1110 732 1490 Chromium 0.29 43.4 23 30.4 29.6 15.5 32.9 Cobalt 4.6 50 5.41 5.35 7 3.33 16.3 Copper 620 31.6 8.06 5.27 J// 12.4 3.23 32.4 Iron 11000 20000 10800 11400 15700 6180 41000 Lead 400 35.8 3.22 1.84 J// 6.43 1.83 111 Magnesium NS NS 2130 982 /J/A 1950 764 4160 Manganese 360 460 211 1980 /J/A 317 149 648 Nickel 300 22.7 6.28 3.44 J// 9.17 2.54 17.3 Potassium NS NS 1900 605 /J/A 1630 566 4420 Selenium 78 2 < 0.57 < 2.87 0.88 J// < 0.57 < 2.56 Silver 78 1 < 0.14 < 0.72 < 0.14 < 0.14 < 0.64 Sodium NS NS 35.6 J// < 71.8 30.6 J// 42.8 J// <64 Thallium 0.16 NS 0.56 J// < 1.44 0.87 J// < 0.29 1.54 J// Vanadium 78 NS 32.1 31.6 /J/A 46.3 17.1 120 Zinc 4600 121 22.2 15 /J/A 30.8 10.1 359 Mercury by Method 7471B (mg/kg) Mercury 2 0.18 < 0.0055 < 0.0053 < 0.0056 < 0.0054 0.023 Notes: * NCDENR IHSB PSRG - North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Inactive Hazardous Site Branch Preliminary Soil Remediation Goal for Residential Health based on carcinogenic risk of 1.0E-06 and noncarcinogenic hazard quotient of 0.2 (February 2013). ** EPA Region 3 Biological Technical Assistance Group (BTAG) Freshwater Sediment Screening Benchmarks (EPA, August 2006). Hexavalent chromium used for chromium. Elemental mercury used for mercury. Nickel soluble salts used for nickel. Thallium soluble salts used for thallium. Bold and shading indicate a detected concentration. Bold outline indicates an exceedance of the NCDENR IHSB Residential PSRG. Dotted and Bold outline indicates and exceedance of the NCDENR ISHB PSRG for the Protection of Groundwater. Vertical Striped and Bold outlined indicates an exceedance of both NCDENR IHSB screening criteria. See Table 17 for definitions of data qualifiers. -a - Indicates a field duplicate sample mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram NS - No Standard(&) The percent moisture content utilized for this sample was estimated based on the moisture content of nearby samples at a similar depth. For a complete explanation, please see the Data Assessment section in the Phase I RI Report. 7380 7380 7380 7380 Sediment Results T9 and T11 r2.xlsx\T11-Inorganics Page 1 of 1 December 2013 Table 12 Organic Analytical Results in Surface Water Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID 15A NCAC 2B Standard SW-1 SW-2 SW-2-a SW-3 Date Collected Freshwater Human 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID Aquatic Life Health 21305224414 21305224415 21305224416 21305224417 VOCs by Method 8260B (ug/L) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 2500 NS < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane NS 4 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane NS 16 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 1,1-Dichloroethane NS 100 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 1,1-Dichloroethene 1500 7100 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 61 70 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane NS 0.13 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 1,2-Dibromoethane NS 0.1 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 470 1300 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 1,2-Dichloroethane NS 37 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 1,2-Dichloropropane NS 15 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 390 960 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 100 190 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 2-Butanone NS 750000 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 2-Hexanone NS NS < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 26000 160000 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 Acetone 2000 NS 1.66 J//<5 <5 < 5 Benzene NS 51 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 Bromodichloromethane NS 17 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 Bromoform NS 140 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 Bromomethane NS 1500 < 5 < 5 1.19 J//<5 Carbon disulfide NS 20000 2.76 J// 2.02 J// 1.28 J// 1.36 J// Carbon tetrachloride NS 1.6 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 Chlorobenzene 140 1600 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 Chloroethane NS NS < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 Chloroform NS 170 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 Chloromethane NS 96 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene NS 720 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 12 21 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 Cyclohexane 230 NS < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 Dibromochloromethane NS 13 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 Dichlorodifluoromethane NS NS < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 Ethylbenzene 97 NS < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene)250 11000 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 Methyl Acetate 19000 NS < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 Methylcyclohexane NS NS < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 Methylene chloride NS 590 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 Styrene NS NS < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 tert-Butyl methyl ether (MTBE) NS 1500 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 Tetrachloroethene NS 3.3 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 Toluene 11 NS < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene NS 10000 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 12 21 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 Trichloroethene NS 30 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 Trichlorofluoromethane NS 67000 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 Trichlorotrifluoroethane NS NS < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 Vinyl chloride NS 2.4 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 Xylene (total)670 NS < 15 < 15 < 15 < 15 Surface Water Results T12 and T14 r1.xlsx\T12-Organics Page 1 of 3 December 2013 Table 12 Organic Analytical Results in Surface Water Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID 15A NCAC 2B Standard SW-1 SW-2 SW-2-a SW-3 Date Collected Freshwater Human 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID Aquatic Life Health 21305224414 21305224415 21305224416 21305224417 SVOCs by Method 8270D (ug/L) 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene NS 1.1 < 51 < 50 < 50 < 50 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 61 70 < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 100 190 < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol NS NS < 51 < 50 < 50 < 50 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol NS NS < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol NS NS < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 2,4-Dichlorophenol NS NS < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 2,4-Dimethylphenol NS NS < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 2,4-Dinitrophenol NS NS < 51 < 50 < 50 < 50 2,4-Dinitrotoluene NS 3.4 < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 2,6-Dinitrotoluene NS 0.71 < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 2-Chloronaphthalene NS 1600 < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 2-Chlorophenol NS NS < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 2-Methylnaphthalene NS 80 < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 2-Nitroaniline NS NS < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 2-Nitrophenol NS NS < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine NS 0.028 < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 3-Nitroaniline NS NS < 51 < 50 < 50 < 50 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol NS NS < 51 < 50 < 50 < 50 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether NS NS < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol NS NS < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 4-Chloroaniline NS NS < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether NS NS < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 4-Nitroaniline NS NS < 51 < 50 < 50 < 50 4-Nitrophenol NS NS < 51 < 50 < 50 < 50 Acenaphthene 60 NS < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Acenaphthylene NS NS < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Acetophenone NS 850000 < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Anthracene 0.05 40000 < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Atrazine (Aatrex)NS 8200 < 51 < 50 < 50 < 50 Benzaldehyde NS NS < 51 < 50 < 50 < 50 Benzo(a)anthracene NS 0.0311 < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Benzo(a)pyrene NS 0.0311 < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Benzo(b)fluoranthene NS 0.0311 < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene NS NS < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Benzo(k)fluoranthene NS 0.0311 < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Biphenyl 18 860 < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane NS 6000 < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether NS 0.53 < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether NS 65000 < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate NS 2.2 < 10.2 < 10 < 10 5.68 J// Butyl benzyl phthalate NS NS < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Caprolactam NS NS < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Carbazole NS 1.2 < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Chrysene NS 0.0311 < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Di-n-butyl phthalate 9.5 NS < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Di-n-octyl phthalate NS 2500 < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene NS 0.0311 < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Dibenzofuran NS NS < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Diethyl phthalate 1200 NS < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Dimethyl phthalate 3400 NS < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Fluoranthene 0.11 NS < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Fluorene 30 5300 < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Hexachlorobenzene NS 0.00029 < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Hexachlorobutadiene NS 18 < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 0.07 1100 < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Surface Water Results T12 and T14 r1.xlsx\T12-Organics Page 2 of 3 December 2013 Table 12 Organic Analytical Results in Surface Water Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID 15A NCAC 2B Standard SW-1 SW-2 SW-2-a SW-3 Date Collected Freshwater Human 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID Aquatic Life Health 21305224414 21305224415 21305224416 21305224417 SVOCs by Method 8270 (ug/L) Continued Hexachloroethane NS 3.3 < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene NS 0.0311 < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Isophorone NS 960 < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 m,p-Cresol NS NS < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 n-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine NS 0.51 < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 n-Nitrosodiphenylamine NS 6 < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Naphthalene 12 NS < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Nitrobenzene NS 30 < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 o-Cresol NS NS < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Pentachlorophenol NS NS < 51 < 50 < 50 < 50 Phenanthrene 0.7 NS < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Phenol NS NS < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Pyrene NS 4000 < 10.2 < 10 < 10 < 10 Notes: 15A NCAC (North Carolina Administrative Code) 2L Groundwater Standard (Effective Date: January 1, 2010). Bold and shading indicate a detected concentration. Bold Outline indicates exceedance of a screening criterion. See Table 17 for definitions of data qualifiers. NS - No Standard SVOC - semivolatile organic compound VOC - volatile organic compound ug/L - micrograms per liter Sample Identifiers: -a = Duplicate Sample SW- = Surface Water Sample Surface Water Results T12 and T14 r1.xlsx\T12-Organics Page 3 of 3 December 2013 Table 13 Tentatively Identified Compound (TIC) Results in Surface Water Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID SW-1 SW-2 SW-2-a SW-3 Date Collected 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID 21305224414 21305224415 21305224416 21305224417 Tentatively Identified Compounds By Library Search (ug/L) 1,2,5,6-Diepoxycyclooctane ND ND ND 8.48 1,3,5,7-Cyclooctatetraene ND ND ND 4.33 1-Butene, 2,3-dimethyl- ND ND 1.84 ND 2-Pentanone, 4-hydroxy-4-methyl- 1.9 /B/V ND 2.22 /B/V ND 3-Hexen-1-ol ND ND 4.72 ND 3-Penten-2-one 1.88 ND ND ND Benzene, (1-butylheptyl)- ND ND ND 2.7 Benzene, (1-butyloctyl)- ND ND ND 3 Benzene, (1-methyldecyl)- ND ND ND 3.12 Butane, 2,3-dimethyl-2-nitro- ND 1.38 ND ND Diethyltoluamide ND ND ND 8.2 Ethanol, 2-butoxy- ND ND ND 11.1 Hexanoic acid, 2-methyl- ND ND ND 18.4 Sulfur dioxide 45.7 /B/VT 135 /B/VT 429 /B/VT 102 /B/VT Unknown 7.18 1.44 1.5 3.67 Unknown ND 2.52 ND 3.72 Unknown ND 5.1 ND 5.23 Unknown ND ND ND 7.65 Notes: See Table 17 for definitions of data qualifiers. -a - Indicates a field duplicate sample BG - indicates a background sample ug/L - micrograms per liter ND - Not detected L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ TICs GW-SW T7 and T13.xlsx T13-SW TICs Page 1 of 1 December 2013 Table 14 Inorganic Analytical Results in Surface Water Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID 15A NCAC 2B Standard SW-1 SW-2 SW-2-a SW-3 Date Collected Freshwater Human 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 05/21/13 Laboratory ID Aquatic Life Health 21305224414 21305224415 21305224416 21305224417 Metals by Method 6010C (mg/L) Aluminum 0.087 8 0.38 0.3 0.32 0.46 Antimony NS 0.64 < 0.06 < 0.06 < 0.06 < 0.06 Arsenic 0.05 0.01 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 Barium NS 200 0.049 0.051 0.05 0.053 Beryllium 0.0065 NS < 0.004 < 0.004 < 0.004 < 0.004 Cadmium 0.002 NS < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 Calcium NS NS 8.53 8.71 8.68 8.89 Chromium 0.05 NS < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 Cobalt NS 0.004 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 Copper 0.007 NS < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 Iron 1 NS 0.48 0.44 0.45 0.61 Lead 0.025 NS < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.015 Magnesium NS NS 3.96 4.07 4.02 4.16 Manganese NS NS 0.036 0.032 0.033 0.04 Nickel 0.088 NS < 0.04 < 0.04 < 0.04 < 0.04 Potassium NS NS 2.21 2.22 2.17 2.19 Selenium 0.005 NS < 0.04 < 0.04 < 0.04 < 0.04 Silver 0.00006 NS < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 Sodium NS NS 5.12 5.16 /J/A 16.3 5.29 Thallium NS 0.47 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 Vanadium NS NS < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 Zinc 0.05 NS < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 Mercury by Method 7470A (mg/L) Mercury 0.000012 NS 0.000073 J//< 0.0002 < 0.0002 0.000078 J// Notes: 15A NCAC (North Carolina Administrative Code) 2L Groundwater Standard (Effective Date: January 1, 2010). Bold and shading indicate a detected concentration. Bold outline indicates an exceedance of the Freshwater Aquatic Life Standard No detected concentrations exceeded the Human Health Standard See Table 17 for definitions of data qualifiers. mg/L - milligrams per liter SVOC - semivolatile organic compound VOC - volatile organic compound Sample Identifiers: -a = Duplicate Sample SW- = Surface Water Sample Surface Water Results T12 and T14 r1.xlsx\T14-Inorganics Page 1 of 1 December 2013 Table 15 Analytical Results in IDW Samples - Solids Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IDW-55 Date Collected 05/21/13 Laboratory ID 21305224427 VOCs by Method 8260B (mg/kg) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane < 0.000174 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane < 0.000187 1,1,2-Trichloroethane < 0.000069 1,1-Dichloroethane < 0.000103 1,1-Dichloroethene < 0.000243 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene < 0.000327 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane < 0.000305 1,2-Dibromoethane < 0.000221 1,2-Dichlorobenzene < 0.000178 1,2-Dichloroethane < 0.000212 1,2-Dichloropropane < 0.000082 1,3-Dichlorobenzene < 0.00021 1,4-Dichlorobenzene < 0.000215 2-Butanone < 0.000346 2-Hexanone < 0.000317 4-Methyl-2-pentanone < 0.000165 Acetone 0.0243 J// Benzene < 0.000054 Bromodichloromethane < 0.000111 Bromoform < 0.000468 Bromomethane < 0.000521 Carbon disulfide < 0.0002 Carbon tetrachloride < 0.000202 Chlorobenzene < 0.000138 Chloroethane < 0.000216 Chloroform < 0.000185 Chloromethane < 0.000206 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene < 0.000122 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene < 0.000138 Cyclohexane < 0.000112 Dibromochloromethane < 0.000268 Dichlorodifluoromethane < 0.00024 Ethylbenzene < 0.000196 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) < 0.000112 Methyl Acetate < 0.000542 Methylcyclohexane < 0.000161 Methylene chloride < 0.000548 Styrene < 0.000089 tert-Butyl methyl ether (MTBE) < 0.000065 Tetrachloroethene < 0.000317 L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ IDW T15 and T16.xlsx T15-IDW-Sol Page 1 of 4 December 2013 Table 15 Analytical Results in IDW Samples - Solids Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IDW-55 Date Collected 05/21/13 Laboratory ID 21305224427 VOCs by Method 8260B (mg/kg) Continued Toluene 0.00144 J// trans-1,2-Dichloroethene < 0.000128 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene < 0.000088 Trichloroethene < 0.000136 Trichlorofluoromethane < 0.000138 Trichlorotrifluoroethane < 0.000399 Vinyl chloride < 0.000208 Xylene (total)< 0.000265 SVOCs by Method 8270D (mg/kg) 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene < 0.00994 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene < 0.0128 1,4-Dichlorobenzene < 0.0108 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol < 0.0126 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol < 0.0127 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol < 0.0141 2,4-Dichlorophenol < 0.0116 2,4-Dimethylphenol < 0.00795 2,4-Dinitrophenol < 0.0274 2,4-Dinitrotoluene < 0.00819 2,6-Dinitrotoluene < 0.015 2-Chloronaphthalene < 0.0128 2-Chlorophenol < 0.00883 2-Methylnaphthalene < 0.0058 2-Nitroaniline < 0.00511 2-Nitrophenol < 0.0144 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine < 0.0385 3-Nitroaniline < 0.00547 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol < 0.0217 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether < 0.0128 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol < 0.00905 4-Chloroaniline < 0.00773 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether < 0.00895 4-Nitroaniline < 0.00518 4-Nitrophenol < 0.0256 Acenaphthene < 0.0123 Acenaphthylene < 0.00823 Acetophenone < 0.012 Anthracene < 0.00828 Atrazine (Aatrex)< 0.00846 Benzaldehyde < 0.039 L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ IDW T15 and T16.xlsx T15-IDW-Sol Page 2 of 4 December 2013 Table 15 Analytical Results in IDW Samples - Solids Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IDW-55 Date Collected 05/21/13 Laboratory ID 21305224427 SVOCs by Method 8270D (mg/kg) Continued Benzo(a)anthracene < 0.00751 Benzo(a)pyrene < 0.00505 Benzo(b)fluoranthene < 0.00795 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene < 0.00608 Benzo(k)fluoranthene < 0.00622 Biphenyl < 0.00595 Bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane < 0.00702 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether < 0.0156 Bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether < 0.00882 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate < 0.00571 Butyl benzyl phthalate < 0.00804 Caprolactam < 0.0178 Carbazole < 0.00778 Chrysene < 0.00872 Di-n-butyl phthalate < 0.00778 Di-n-octyl phthalate < 0.00533 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene < 0.00578 Dibenzofuran < 0.00766 Diethyl phthalate < 0.0149 Dimethyl phthalate < 0.00627 Fluoranthene < 0.00655 Fluorene < 0.00725 Hexachlorobenzene < 0.0156 Hexachlorobutadiene < 0.0107 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene < 0.0854 Hexachloroethane < 0.0191 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene < 0.00969 Isophorone < 0.00716 m,p-Cresol < 0.0151 n-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine < 0.0176 n-Nitrosodiphenylamine < 0.00851 Naphthalene < 0.0126 Nitrobenzene < 0.021 o-Cresol < 0.0124 Pentachlorophenol < 0.00901 Phenanthrene < 0.00924 Phenol < 0.0111 Pyrene < 0.00565 L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ IDW T15 and T16.xlsx T15-IDW-Sol Page 3 of 4 December 2013 Table 15 Analytical Results in IDW Samples - Solids Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IDW-55 Date Collected 05/21/13 Laboratory ID 21305224427 Metals by Method 6010C (mg/kg) Aluminum 18000 Antimony < 3.63 Arsenic < 1.21 Barium 172 Beryllium 1.13 Cadmium < 0.3 Calcium 1040 Chromium 40.1 Cobalt 6.86 Copper 20.5 Iron 16300 Lead 8.73 Magnesium 2530 Manganese 189 Nickel 8.18 J// Potassium 2130 Selenium < 2.42 Silver < 0.6 Sodium < 60.5 Thallium < 1.21 Vanadium 71.7 Zinc 39.2 Hexavalent Chromium by Method 7196A (mg/kg) Chromium VI < 6.32 Mercury by Method 7471B (mg/kg) Mercury 0.027 Notes: Bold and shading indicate a detected concentration. See Table 17 for definitions of data qualifiers. IDW - Investigation Derived Waste mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram SVOC - semivolatile organic compound VOC - volatile organic compound L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ IDW T15 and T16.xlsx T15-IDW-Sol Page 4 of 4 December 2013 Table 16 Analytical Results in IDW Samples - Aqueous Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IDW-AQ Date Collected 05/21/13 Laboratory ID 21305224426 VOCs by Method 8260B (ug/L) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane < 5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane < 5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane < 5 1,1-Dichloroethane < 5 1,1-Dichloroethene < 5 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene < 5 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane < 5 1,2-Dibromoethane < 5 1,2-Dichlorobenzene < 5 1,2-Dichloroethane < 5 1,2-Dichloropropane < 5 1,3-Dichlorobenzene < 5 1,4-Dichlorobenzene < 5 2-Butanone < 5 2-Hexanone < 5 4-Methyl-2-pentanone < 5 Acetone < 5 Benzene < 5 Bromodichloromethane < 5 Bromoform < 5 Bromomethane < 5 Carbon disulfide < 5 Carbon tetrachloride < 5 Chlorobenzene < 5 Chloroethane < 5 Chloroform < 5 Chloromethane < 5 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene < 5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene < 5 Cyclohexane < 5 Dibromochloromethane < 5 Dichlorodifluoromethane < 5 Ethylbenzene < 5 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene)< 5 Methyl Acetate < 5 Methylcyclohexane < 5 Methylene chloride < 5 Styrene 3.75 J// tert-Butyl methyl ether (MTBE)< 5 Tetrachloroethene < 5 Toluene < 5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene < 5 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene < 5 Trichloroethene < 5 L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ IDW T15 and T16.xlsx T16-IDW-AQ Page 1 of 4 December 2013 Table 16 Analytical Results in IDW Samples - Aqueous Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IDW-AQ Date Collected 05/21/13 Laboratory ID 21305224426 VOCs by Method 8260B (ug/L) Continued Trichlorofluoromethane < 5 Trichlorotrifluoroethane < 5 Vinyl chloride < 5 Xylene (total) < 15 SVOCs by Method 8270D (ug/L) 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene < 50 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene < 10 1,4-Dichlorobenzene < 10 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol < 50 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol < 10 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol < 10 2,4-Dichlorophenol < 10 2,4-Dimethylphenol < 10 2,4-Dinitrophenol < 50 2,4-Dinitrotoluene < 10 2,6-Dinitrotoluene < 10 2-Chloronaphthalene < 10 2-Chlorophenol < 10 2-Methylnaphthalene < 10 2-Nitroaniline < 10 2-Nitrophenol < 10 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine < 10 3-Nitroaniline < 50 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol < 50 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether <10 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol < 10 4-Chloroaniline < 10 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether < 10 4-Nitroaniline < 50 4-Nitrophenol < 50 Acenaphthene < 10 Acenaphthylene < 10 Acetophenone < 10 Anthracene < 10 Atrazine (Aatrex)< 50 Benzaldehyde < 50 Benzo(a)anthracene < 10 Benzo(a)pyrene < 10 Benzo(b)fluoranthene < 10 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene < 10 Benzo(k)fluoranthene < 10 Biphenyl < 10 Bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane < 10 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether < 10 L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ IDW T15 and T16.xlsx T16-IDW-AQ Page 2 of 4 December 2013 Table 16 Analytical Results in IDW Samples - Aqueous Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IDW-AQ Date Collected 05/21/13 Laboratory ID 21305224426 SVOCs by Method 8270D (ug/L) Continued Bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether < 10 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate < 10 Butyl benzyl phthalate < 10 Caprolactam < 10 Carbazole < 10 Chrysene < 10 Di-n-butyl phthalate < 10 Di-n-octyl phthalate < 10 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene < 10 Dibenzofuran < 10 Diethyl phthalate < 10 Dimethyl phthalate < 10 Fluoranthene < 10 Fluorene < 10 Hexachlorobenzene < 10 Hexachlorobutadiene < 10 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene < 10 Hexachloroethane < 10 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene < 10 Isophorone < 10 m,p-Cresol < 10 n-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine < 10 n-Nitrosodiphenylamine < 10 Naphthalene < 10 Nitrobenzene < 10 o-Cresol < 10 Pentachlorophenol < 50 Phenanthrene < 10 Phenol < 10 Pyrene < 10 Metals by Method 6010C (mg/L) Aluminum 2.79 Antimony < 0.06 Arsenic < 0.02 Barium 0.099 Beryllium < 0.004 Cadmium < 0.005 Calcium 7.62 Chromium 0.004 J// Cobalt < 0.01 Copper < 0.02 Iron 2.53 Lead < 0.015 Magnesium 2.69 L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ IDW T15 and T16.xlsx T16-IDW-AQ Page 3 of 4 December 2013 Table 16 Analytical Results in IDW Samples - Aqueous Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Sample ID IDW-AQ Date Collected 05/21/13 Laboratory ID 21305224426 Metals by Method 6010C (mg/L) Continued Manganese 0.075 Nickel < 0.04 Potassium 2.5 Selenium < 0.04 Silver < 0.01 Sodium 4.57 Thallium < 0.02 Vanadium < 0.02 Zinc 0.032 Hexavalent Chromium by Method 7196A (mg/L) Chromium VI NA Mercury by Method 7470A (mg/L) Mercury < 0.0002 Notes: Bold and shading indicate a detected concentration. See Table 17 for definitions of data qualifiers. IDW - Investigation Derived Waste mg/L - milligrams per liter NA - Not Analyzed SVOC - semivolatile organic compound ug/L - micrograms per liter VOC - volatile organic compound L:\work\60214687\WP\Remedial Investigation Report\Tables\ IDW T15 and T16.xlsx T16-IDW-AQ Page 4 of 4 December 2013 \60214687\WP\RI Report\TablesTable17-Data Flags (April 2013) Page 1 of 1 December 2013 Table 17 Added Data Qualifiers Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, North Carolina Modifier Description < Indicates not detected at the reporting limit indicated. “/” Separates the laboratory added data qualifiers from the validation data qualifiers. The laboratory added data qualifiers precede the first “/”. The result qualifiers follow the first “/”, and the analysis qualifiers follow the second “/”. The result qualifiers are a product of the data validation process, and the analysis qualifier defines the type of QC excursion. Laboratory Data Qualifiers Qualifier Description J The analyte was positively identified. The quantitation is an estimation. Result Data Qualifiers Qualifier Description B The analyte was found in an associated blank as well as in the sample. J The analyte was positively identified. The quantitation is an estimation. M A matrix effect was present. Analysis Data Qualifiers Qualifier Description A Percent difference between the primary and duplicate sample exceeded the established criteria. D Percent difference of matrix spike duplicate exceeded the established criteria. m Matrix spike recovery was below established criteria. M Matrix spike recovery exceeded established criteria. T Detected in the associated trip blank. V Detected in the associated equipment rinsate blank. T a bl e 18 Su m m a r y o f M e t a l s E x c e e d a n c e s f o r A O C S o i l s Fo r m e r M e r e d i t h / B u r d a , I n c . F a c i l i t y Ne w t o n , N o r t h C a r o l i n a NC D E N R N C D E N R Ba c k g r o u n d M e t a l s - M e a n a n d M a x Ov e r f l o w B a s i n A O C 0 - 2 f e e t O v e r f l o w B a s i n A O C 2 - 4 f e e t O v e r f l o w B a s i n A O C 8 - 9 f e e t O v e r f l o w B a s i n A O C 1 3 - 1 4 f e e t IH S B P r o t e c t i o n o f M e a n Ma x V a l u e M e a n A O C M a x A O C M e a n A O C M a x A O C M e a n A O C M a x A O C M e a n A O C M a x A O C An a l y t i c a l R e s i d e n t i a l G r o u n d w a t e r B a c k g r o u n d 2 x M e a n B a c k g r o u n d Co n c e n t r a t i o n C o n c e n t r a t i o n C o n c e n t r a t i o n C o n c e n t r a t i o n C o n c e n t r a t i o n C o n c e n t r a t i o n C o n c e n t r a t i o n C o n c e n t r a t i o n Pa r a m e t e r P S R G P S R G C o n c e n t r a t i o n s B a c k g r o u n d D e t e c t i o n s 0 - 2 f e e t 0 - 2 f e e t 2 - 4 f e e t 2 - 4 f e e t 8 - 9 f e e t 8 - 9 f e e t 1 3 - 1 4 f e e t 1 3 - 1 4 f e e t Me t a l s b y M e t h o d 6 0 1 0 C ( m g / k g ) Alu m i n u m 1 5 0 0 0 N S 32 4 8 3 64 9 6 7 41 5 0 0 30 8 8 3 4 2 5 0 0 2 2 4 7 7 3 7 8 0 0 2 1 5 3 0 3 4 8 0 0 2 4 4 0 0 5 3 2 0 0 An t i m o n y 6.2 0. 9 * 1. 8 9 < 3. 7 8 < 3. 9 6 3. 7 6 < 5. 3 4 2. 1 6. 0 0 1. 1 9 1.97 * 1 . 2 3 <4.08 Ar s e n i c 0. 3 9 5. 8 3. 9 2 7. 8 3 5. 2 5 2. 7 3. 4 6 1. 7 8 4. 2 1. 3 5.50 1.1 3.03 Ba r i u m 30 0 0 5 8 0 57 11 4 13 2 32 1 49 4 19 4 . 3 49 5 10 4 429 214 427 Be r y l l i u m 32 63 1. 4 6 2. 9 2 2. 4 4 2. 5 3. 5 2 1. 3 4. 3 5 0. 7 1.74 1.4 3.04 Ca d m i u m 14 3 * 0 . 1 6 < 0 . 3 2 < 0 . 3 3 * 0 . 1 6 < 0 . 3 2 * 0 . 2 0. 3 6 * 0 . 1 9 < 0 . 3 3 0.11 < 0 . 1 7 Ca l c i u m NS NS 32 5 65 0 10 4 0 33 5 75 4 41 4 85 5 27 1 995 1237 3710 Ch r o m i u m 0. 2 9 3 6 0 0 0 0 35 . 5 71 66 25 . 4 50 21 36 . 7 27 . 0 37 22.9 34 Co b a l t 4.6 0. 9 6. 7 13 . 3 12 . 7 21 . 8 38 9. 0 22 . 1 3. 4 12 9.7 24 Co p p e r 62 0 70 0 18 . 6 37 27 18 . 6 26 . 3 10 . 3 29 . 9 5. 7 13.3 14.7 27.7 Ir o n 11 0 0 0 1 5 0 64 8 1 7 12 9 6 3 3 93 4 0 0 54 2 1 7 7 2 5 0 0 2 8 1 7 7 6 6 2 0 0 2 7 9 6 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 2 0 4 9 2 5 4 3 0 0 Le a d 40 0 27 0 10 . 6 21 13 9. 3 12 . 7 9 16 . 7 8. 0 12.5 6.8 10.1 Ma g n e s i u m N S NS 78 3 15 6 5 19 2 0 51 7 3 75 6 0 1 8 5 0 . 3 8 5 4 0 86 4 2830 3780 7130 Ma n g a n e s e 3 6 0 65 40 7 81 4 66 9 10 5 4 15 6 0 92 2 20 9 0 60 8 2830 227 805 Ni c k e l 30 0 13 0 7. 5 15 10 9. 7 12 . 6 7 15 . 0 5. 1 11.8 7.4 10.5 Po t a s s i u m NS NS 65 4 13 0 7 15 9 0 60 5 3 93 6 0 1 7 6 8 . 4 9 6 3 0 45 2 1350 4029 9940 Se l e n i u m 78 2. 1 3. 7 2 7. 4 3 4. 6 5 * 1 . 2 7 2.6 0 1. 3 3. 3 0. 9 6 3.40 * 0 . 8 2 2.72 Sil v e r 78 3. 4 * 0 . 3 2 < 0 . 6 3 < 0 . 6 6 * 0 . 3 2 < 0 . 6 5 * 0 . 3 1 0. 7 1 0. 2 7 1.19 * 0 . 2 1 < 0 . 6 8 So d i u m NS NS * 3 1 . 4 9 < 6 3 < 6 6 * 3 1 . 6 1 < 6 4 . 9 49 . 4 13 2 . 0 2 4 . 5 3 49.4 28.63 < 3 4 . 2 Th a l l i u m 0. 1 6 0 . 0 2 8 1. 6 4 3. 2 9 2. 4 7 2.9 5 4.4 9 0. 9 4. 4 7 0. 7 4 1.49 1.24 2.95 Va n a d i u m 78 6 16 1 32 3 26 7 15 8 21 1 80 . 9 18 3 77 113 83 181 Zi n c 46 0 0 1 2 0 0 26 52 36 53 72 29 . 0 87 . 8 16 32 47 68 He x a v a l e n t C h r o m i u m b y M e t h o d 7 1 9 6 A ( m g / k g ) Ch r o m i u m V I 0 . 2 9 3. 8 * 3. 2 6 (a ) < 6 . 5 3 < 6 . 8 4 NA < N A 2. 2 10 . 6 (b ) * 3 . 2 0 < 6.8 (a )* 3 . 5 2 < 7.04 (a ) Me r c u r y b y M e t h o d 7 4 7 1 B ( m g / k g ) Me r c u r y 2 1 0 . 0 5 8 0 . 1 2 0 . 0 9 5 0 . 0 3 0 . 0 6 6 0 . 0 1 0 . 0 4 7 0 . 0 2 0 . 0 7 8 0 . 0 1 0 . 0 3 1 No t e s : * N o t d e t e c t e d - v a l u e s h o w n i s b a s e d o n u s e o f 1 / 2 t h e d e t e c t i o n l i m i t a s a s u r r o g a t e v a l u e f o r n o n - d e t e c t s . 2x m e a n b a c k g r o u n d s c r e e n i n g p e r E P A g u i d a n c e : E P A S u p p l e m e n t a l G u i d a n c e t o R A G S : R e g i o n 4 B u l l e t i n s , H u m a n H e a l t h R i s k A s s e s s m e n t B u l l e t i n s , M a y 2 0 0 0 . Ca l c i u m , m a g n e s i u m , p o t a s s i u m a n d s o d i u m d o n o t h a v e P S R G c r i t e r i a b e c a u s e t h e s e c o n s t i t u e n t s a r e c o n s i d e r e d t o b e e s s e n t i a l n u t r i e n t s a n d v e r y l o w i n t o x i c i t y . Sc r e e n i n g k e y f o r B a c k g r o u n d S o i l s t o P S R G s : 35 . 5 Ex c e e d s R e s i d e n t i a l P S R G S c r e e n i n g C r i t e r i o n 40 7 Ex c e e d s t h e P r o t e c t i o n o f G r o u n d w a t e r P S R G S c r e e n i n g C r i t e r i o n 16 1 Ex c e e d s b o t h t h e R e s i d e n t i a l a n d G r o u n d w a t e r P r o t e c t i o n P S R G s Sc r e e n i n g k e y f o r M e a n C o n s t i t u e n t C o n c e n t r a t i o n s t o 2 x B a c k g r o u n d 10 5 4 Ex c e e d s 2 x m e a n b a c k g r o u n d (a ) n o t c o n s i d e r e d a v a l i d e x c e e d a n c e d u e t o a l l v a l u e s r e p o r t e d a s n o n - d e t e c t f o r t h e a n a l y t e . (b ) r e s a m p l i n g o f p r i o r d e t e c t i o n s a t t h i s d e p t h i n t e r v a l d e m o n s t r a t e d t h a t t h e c o n s t i t u e n t i s n o t p r e s e n t . L: \ w o r k \ 6 0 2 1 4 6 8 7 \ W P \ R e m e d i a l I n v e s t i g a t i o n R e p o r t \ T a b l e s \ Ta b l e 1 8 - B a c k g r o u n d s o i l s v s B a s i n s o i l s _ T A L M e t a l s r 2 . x l s x Pa g e 1 o f 1 December 2013 20. Remedial Action Completion Notification, NCDENR (January 2014) 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 Phone: 919-707-8200 \ Internet: www.wastenotnc.org An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer - 50 % Recycled \ 10 % Post Consumer Paper North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management Pat McCrory Dexter R. Matthews John E. Skvarla, III Governor Director Secretary January 2, 2014 Mr. Alan H. Carter R.R. Donnelley & Sons 300 Jones Road Spartanburg, South Carolina 29307 Re: Remedial Investigation/Remedial Action Completion Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, Catawba County, North Carolina Site ID No. NCD991279118 Dear Mr. Carter: On December 20, 2013, the Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch received a certified Combined Remedial Investigation and Remedial Action Completion Report and a Combined Remedial Investigation & Remedial Action Completion Certification “For No Action Remedy” for the former Meredith/Burda, Inc. site (Site). Your Registered Environmental Consultant (REC), AECOM, has certified that, to the best of its knowledge, site cleanup levels determined pursuant to 15A NCAC 13C.0308 have been achieved and no significant or otherwise unacceptable risk or harm to human health or the environment remains at the Site. On October 24, 2012, a REC-Administrative Agreement was executed for the Site. Your REC’s certification indicates that all requirements for cleanup under the Inactive Hazardous Sites Response Act G.S. 130A-310, et seq. and the voluntary remedial action Registered Environmental Consultant Program Rules (15A NCAC 13C .0300) have been met. Therefore, the Site has been transferred from the “Responsible Party Voluntary Remedial Action” category to the “Sites Requiring No Further Action” listing. No further remediation will be required at the Site unless the Branch later determines, based on an audit of the Site file, new information, or information not previously provided to the Branch, that the Site has not been remediated to current standards or that the Branch was provided with false or incomplete information. I appreciate your cooperation with the remedial activities that were performed. If you have any questions, please contact me at (919) 707-8348. Sincerely, Matt Aufman REC Program Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch Superfund Section cc: Mr. William “Bill” Bremen, AECOM 21. Tetrachloroethylene Investigation, Trigon (December 1998) 22. Addendum 2, Combined Remedial Investigation and Remedial Action Completion Report, AECOM (November 2014) ADDENDUM 2 PHASE I REMEDIAL INVESTIGATION REPORT LIMITED GROUNDWATER ASSESSMENT Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility 1545 St. James Church Road Newton, Catawba County, North Carolina NCDENR Site ID #NCD991279118 Prepared for: R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company 300 Jones Road Spartanburg, South Carolina 29307 Prepared by: AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 8540 Colonnade Center Drive Suite 306 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 November 2014 AECOM North Carolina, Inc. i 60214687 November 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 1-1 2.0 Field Activities ........................................................................................................ 2-1 Field Investigation Methods for Soil Sampling ............................................ 2-1 2.1 Manufacturing Building ..................................................................... 2-2 2.1.1 Groundwater Monitoring Well Design .......................................................... 2-2 2.2 Temporary Monitoring Well Installation ............................................ 2-2 2.2.1 Well Development ............................................................................ 2-3 2.2.2 Groundwater Quality Sampling ......................................................... 2-3 2.2.3 Surveying .................................................................................................... 2-3 2.3 Sample Handing and Shipping .................................................................... 2-3 2.4 Quality Assurance and Quality Control ....................................................... 2-3 2.5 Equipment Cleaning .................................................................................... 2-4 2.6 Investigation-Derived Waste (IDW) ............................................................. 2-4 2.7 3.0 Site Geology and Hydrogeology ............................................................................ 3-1 Regional Geology ........................................................................................ 3-1 3.1 Local Geology ............................................................................................. 3-1 3.2 Regional Hydrogeology ............................................................................... 3-2 3.3 Local Hydrogeology .................................................................................... 3-2 3.4 4.0 Investigation Results .............................................................................................. 4-1 Data Validation ............................................................................................ 4-1 4.1 Soil Field Screening Results ....................................................................... 4-1 4.2 Soil Sample Analytical Results .................................................................... 4-1 4.3 Groundwater Analytical Results .................................................................. 4-1 4.4 Investigation Derived Waste Analytical Results .......................................... 4-2 4.5 5.0 Investigation Summary and Conclusions ............................................................... 5-1 Soils ............................................................................................................ 5-1 5.1 Groundwater ............................................................................................... 5-1 5.2 Conclusions ................................................................................................ 5-1 5.3 6.0 Cited References ................................................................................................... 6-1 AECOM North Carolina, Inc. ii 60214687 November 2014 List of Appendices Appendix A – Field Forms Appendix B – Monitoring Well Construction Permit and Records Appendix C – Survey Data Appendix D – Laboratory Analytical Data Appendix E – IDW Manifests and Disposal List of Tables Table 1 – Summary of Monitoring Well Construction Details Table 2 – Summary of Prior and Recent Analytical Results in Groundwater Table 3 – Summary of Groundwater Field Parameter Results Table 4 – Summary of Organic Analytical Results in Soil Table 5 – Summary of Organic Analytical Results in Groundwater Table 6 – Summary of Organic Analytical Results in IDW Sample Table 7 – Summary of Added Data Qualifiers List of Figures Figure 1 – Site Location Map Figure 2 – Monitoring Well Location Map Figure 3 – Groundwater Surface Elevation Map (October 2, 2014) AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 1-1 60214687 November 2014 1.0 Introduction The former Meredith/Burda, Inc. facility is under the jurisdiction of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), Division of Waste Management, Superfund Section, Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB). As part of the closure process under the IHSB, the site has been accepted into the Registered Environmental Consultant (REC) program. An Administrative Agreement was signed between R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company (RRD) and NCDENR in October 2012 to conduct a voluntary remedial action at the Site in accordance with the provisions of N.C.G.S. 130A-310.9(c), 15A NCAC 13C .0300, and the “Registered Environmental Consultant Program Implementation Guidance”. Based on the results of the Phase I Remedial Investigation (RI) for the site, which were submitted to NCDENR as a Combined Remedial Investigation and Remedial Action Completion Report on December 10, 2013, the site was given a No Further Action (NFA) status (NCDENR, January 2014). Subsequent to completion of the RI, RRD became aware of an additional incident number assigned to the site (IHS ID: NONCD0002357, GW Incident #13138). This incident related to the historic occurrence of low concentrations of the chlorinated volatile organic compound (CVOC) tetrachloroethene (PCE) in groundwater that were previously detected during a 1997 assessment conducted at the site by Trigon Engineering Consultants, Inc. Based on subsequent groundwater monitoring data, on September 12, 2007, Advanced Geoservices requested that NCDENR issue an NFA determination for the groundwater incident. NCDENR responded to the request on June 2, 2008 that the site did not appear to meet the requirements of the Inactive Hazardous Sites Response Act (IHSRA) for an NFA at that time. In May 2014, discussions with NCDENR representatives indicated that former GW Incident #13138 could be resolved under the current Administrative Agreement with additional limited groundwater assessment. This assessment could be conducted as an addendum to the Phase I RI. In October 2014, RRD was notified by NCDENR that they were correcting a historical error and were merging the R.R. Donnelley Site ID number with the Meredith/Burda Site. RRD was instructed to use the Meredith/Burda Site ID No. (NCD991279118) for all future correspondence, as the R.R. Donnelley Site ID (NONCD0002357) will be removed from the NCDENR site inventory and all files under the R.R. Donnelley Site will be transferred over to the Meredith/Burda Site. The objectives of this limited groundwater assessment, therefore, are to evaluate the current conditions relative to the historic detections of PCE in groundwater beneath a discrete portion of former Meredith/Burda, Inc. facility, screen the data against appropriate standards and to submit the results to the IHSB of NCDEHR to determine if the site qualifies for a final NFA status relating to former groundwater incident number. AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 2-1 60214687 November 2014 2.0 Field Activities The Site is located at 1545 St. James Church Road, Newton, Catawba County, North Carolina. The Site consists of one 327,850 square foot building located on approximately 90.7 acres of land (Figure 1). A detailed description of the site and its history was presented in Section 2.0 of the original Phase I RI Work Plan (AECOM, January 2013). Monitoring well MW-12 was originally constructed in 1994 as part of another groundwater investigation at the site. Due to the detections of low concentrations of PCE in groundwater from the well, MW-15 and MW-16 were installed in 1997, followed by MW-17 in 1998. Monitoring wells MW-12 and MW-15 were originally installed through the concrete floor in the Reel Room as a shallow and deep monitoring well cluster (Type II and Type III construction, respectively). Monitoring wells MW-17 and MW-16 were originally installed through the concrete floor in the adjacent Cylinder Storage Room as a shallow and deep monitoring well cluster (Type II and Type III construction, respectively). Well construction details are summarized on Table 1. The two shallow monitoring wells (MW-12 and MW-17) had historic detections of PCE in groundwater. However, the maximum detected concentration of PCE was only 24 g/L (MW-12). The data indicate that there was a decreasing trend in PCE concentrations in groundwater samples obtained from MW-12 over the three monitoring periods; from February 1997 through October 1998. A tabulation of the historic groundwater quality results from these four monitoring wells is presented on Table 2. To facilitate the sale of the property, these four monitoring wells were abandoned by grouting on April 25, 2011 prior to the knowledge of the open NCDENR groundwater incident number. In order to close out the remaining incident number, additional groundwater quality samples were therefore required to evaluate current groundwater quality conditions relative to PCE and any degradation products. Since the original four wells had been abandoned, AECOM proposed installing and sampling a total of four temporary Type II monitoring wells at the site:  a new temporary monitoring well (B-101) in the Reel Room located in the immediate vicinity of former well cluster MW-12/MW-15;  a new temporary monitoring well (B-102) in the Cylinder Storage Room located in the immediate vicinity of former well cluster MW-17/MW-16;  a new temporary monitoring well (B-103) in the Cylinder Storage Room, located approximately 110 feet in the down-gradient direction of former wells MW-17/MW-16; and  a new temporary monitoring well (B-104) outside of the facility, located approximately 287 feet in the down-gradient direction of former wells MW-17/MW-16. The well locations were chosen to evaluate the original areas with PCE detections and areas down-gradient where CVOCs could have migrated. Due to the lack of detections of CVOCs in the historic groundwater quality data (Table 2), deeper, double cased (Type III) wells were determined to not be necessary to evaluate the current site groundwater conditions. Figure 2 illustrates the locations of the original monitoring wells (MW-12, -15, -16, -17) and the new temporary monitoring wells (B-101 through B-104). Field Investigation Methods for Soil Sampling 2.1 Soil samples were collected via continuous coring for characterization and chemical analysis of the soils beneath and in the immediate vicinity of the facility and to evaluate the potential for a residual PCE source. The soils were screened in the field for VOCs using a photo-ionization detector (PID). The soil zone with the highest concentration of VOCs (if any) were planned to then be further screened in the field for the presence AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 2-2 60214687 November 2014 of PCE using the Color-Tec® analytical method. One soil sample from each borehole was submitted to the subcontract analytical laboratory for analysis of 13 CVOCs by USEPA Method 8260B. Manufacturing Building 2.1.1 A Diedrich D-50 drill rig was used to advance four soil borings in the vicinity and down-gradient of the former monitoring wells (MW-12 and MW-17) in which PCE was historically detected. All drilling activities were performed by a driller licensed in the State of North Carolina. Borings B-102 thru B-104 were advanced using hollow-stem augers (HSA’s) while using continuous split- spoons to sample and characterize soils from near ground surface to the target depth of each borehole. The drill rig derrick was not able to be raised in the Reel Room due to a low ceiling height. Therefore, location B- 101 (near the former MW-12/MW-15 cluster), was sampled via auger soil cuttings, which were collected at 5 foot intervals from the auger flights. Soil boring B-101 was advanced to a total depth of 35.5 feet below ground surface (bgs) using the Dierich rig. Soil borings B-102 through B-104 were drilled and continuously sampled to total depths of 36 feet bgs (Table 1). Detailed geologist logs were maintained by the AECOM geologist during all drilling operations. Test Boring Reports were used to record the geologist’s field observations and other pertinent conditions encountered. Soils were described using the Unified Soil Classification System. A PID was used during the field soil sampling activities to qualitatively assess the concentration of volatile organic vapors present in the recovered soil samples. Headspace screening for potential VOCs was conducted at approximately two foot intervals at the time of sampling by filling a sealable polyethylene bag with soil sample aliquots collected from the designated intervals. After approximately five minutes, the PID probe was inserted into the headspace of the bag and the reading was recorded. Soil lithologic descriptions and PID headspace readings from each soil boring are included on the Test Boring Reports and/or daily reports, which are provided in Appendix A. Since high concentrations of VOCs were not detected in the head space of the containerized soil samples, Color-Tec® screening was not performed. However, representative soil samples were collected for definitive laboratory analysis of CVOCs from depths of 18 feet at B-101, 16 feet at B-102, 5 feet at B-103, and 22 feet at B-104. Groundwater Monitoring Well Design 2.2 As part of the RI Work Plan submittal, a monitoring well installation application was included for the drilling and installation of B-101 through B-104 (AECOM, July 2014). A monitoring well construction permit, dated July 2014, was subsequently issued by NCDENR (Appendix B). Temporary Monitoring Well Installation 2.2.1 Upon completion of the soil borings B-101 through B-104, the borings were converted into temporary groundwater monitoring wells. Each of the four temporary monitoring wells is constructed of 2-inch diameter Schedule 40 PVC casing and 10 feet of machine slotted PVC screen placed from approximately 25 to 35 feet below ground surface (bgs). A graded filter sand was added to the annular space to approximately two-feet above the top of the well screen. A bentonite clay seal was placed in the annular space above the filter sand and hydrated with fresh water. The geologic log (test boring report) and the monitoring well construction details are provided in Appendix A. A monitoring well completion form was completed by the drilling subcontractor and submitted to NCDENR. A copy of the well completion form is included in Appendix B. AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 2-3 60214687 November 2014 Well Development 2.2.2 Upon installation, the four temporary groundwater monitoring wells were developed so that they would produce representative groundwater samples. A combination of an electric submersible Whale pump and bailer were used for the development of the wells. Well development was continued until the turbidity, specific conductance, and temperature of the water had stabilized to within approximately 10 percent and pH had stabilized to within 0.2 standard units (su) for three consecutive readings. Copies of the Monitoring Well Development Logs are included in Appendix A. Groundwater Quality Sampling 2.2.3 The temporary monitoring wells were purged and sampled using disposable polyethylene bailers. During well purging, water quality indicator parameters were monitored until they had stabilized within the tolerances stated in Section 2.2.2 above. A summary of the groundwater quality field indicator parameters at the time the groundwater sample was collected presented in Table 3. The groundwater samples from the four temporary monitoring wells were submitted for laboratory analysis of 13 CVOC’s, including PCE, trichloroethene (TCE), cis-1,2-dichloroethene (DCE) and vinyl chloride (VC) by USEPA Method 8260B. Surveying 2.3 A North Carolina licensed surveyor was subcontracted to determine the horizontal location and elevation of the four temporary monitoring wells located within and adjacent to the manufacturing building (Figure 2). Surveying field work was conducted by Benchmark Surveying, Inc., of Greenville, SC on October 2, 2014. Northing and Easting coordinates were referenced to the North American Datum 1983 (NAD83) and vertical elevations (ground surface, top of well casing) were referenced to the North American Vertical Datum 1988 (NAVD88). Surveyed location coordinates and elevations are provided in Appendix C and are also included on the respective Test Boring Reports (Appendix A). Sample Handing and Shipping 2.4 Upon collection, all environmental soil and groundwater samples were documented on chain of custody forms. The samples bottles were then placed and sealed into plastic bags and the bags of sample containers were temporarily stored in a cooler with ice to maintain a temperature of approximately 4 degrees Celsius. Each cooler was kept and delivered to the analytical laboratory under chain of custody protocols. The chilled samples were shipped via overnight express delivery to Gulf Coast Analytical Laboratories (GCAL) for analysis. GCAL is located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and is certified by NCDNER to conduct the analytical tests performed as part of this Addendum to the Phase I RI. Copies of the sample chain of custody forms are included with the laboratory certificates of analysis in Appendix D. Quality Assurance and Quality Control 2.5 Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC) samples were collected during the Addendum 2 Limited Groundwater Assessment field work and analyzed for the purpose of assessing the quality of the field sampling effort and of the analytical data. These samples consisted of a duplicate, a matrix spike and a matrix spike duplicate, and a trip blank. A duplicate sample was collected to evaluate the laboratory’s ability to replicate the analytical results. The duplicate sample was given an “-a” suffix to distinguish it from the original sample. A duplicate sample was collected at groundwater well B-101 (B-101-a). Matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate (MS/MSD) samples were collected to provide an indication if the analytical results were affected by interferences of the sample matrix (e.g., soil or groundwater matrix). MS/MSD samples were submitted from groundwater well B-102 (B-102-MS/-MSD). One trip blank, containing organic-free reagent-grade water, accompanied the sample bottles during the initial shipment from the laboratory, through the sampling process and shipment back to the laboratory. These blanks were used to evaluate the potential for cross-contamination of the samples by CVOCs. AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 2-4 60214687 November 2014 Equipment Cleaning 2.6 All drilling equipment and tooling was cleaned prior to beginning each boring. Cleaning consisted of pressure washing and steam cleaning all equipment that came into contact with the soil. Wash waters and soils were collected and retained on plastic sheeting and transferred to drums as investigation derived waste (IDW). All non-disposable well development pumps were cleaned before each use. Cleaning procedures consisted of washing with de-ionized water and laboratory-grade detergent and rinsing with de-ionized water. Groundwater sampling bailers were made of single use, disposable polyethylene and thus did not require cleaning. Personal protective equipment (PPE) was worn by sampling and drilling personnel in accordance with the Site Specific Health and Safety Plan (AECOM, January 2013). Disposable gloves were changed between sampling locations or as necessary. Investigation-Derived Waste (IDW) 2.7 All soil cuttings from drilling and sampling, and purged groundwater generated during well development, and sampling was temporarily stored as IDW. The IDW was segregated by type and placed in Department of Transportation (DOT)-approved 55-gallon open head drums:  11 drums of soils  2 drums of monitoring well purge water  1 drum of water/soil that was retained from the equipment cleaning The drums were temporarily staged on the concrete pad near the electrical substation on the southern side of the former Meredith/Burda facility. Access to the site is prevented by security fencing and an entrance gate that is manned by a guard on a 24/7 schedule. Used personal protective equipment (PPE), disposable sampling equipment, and other miscellaneous trash was consolidated in trash bags at the end of each day, sealed, and staged at a central location for subsequent disposal as non-hazardous solid waste. A representative sample of containerized soil IDW was collected and submitted for laboratory analysis of CVOC’s via EPA Method 8260B. Upon receipt and review of the analytical data, waste profiles were completed so that appropriate disposal options could be developed. All IDW was classified as non- hazardous. A non-hazardous shipping manifest was prepared and the IDW was transported by A&D Environmental Services for ultimate disposal at Uwharrie Environmental Landfill, located in Archdale, NC. The analytical results for the solid and aqueous IDW samples are included in the GCAL report (Appendix D). A copy of the waste characterization form and signed manifest are included in Appendix E. AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 3-1 60214687 November 2014 3.0 Site Geology and Hydrogeology A detailed description of the regional and local geology and hydrogeology was originally presented in Section 3 of the Comprehensive Site Assessment (CSA) report (Trigon, 1994) that is on file at the NCDENR DWM UST Section office in Mooresville, North Carolina. Updated information regarding the seasonal groundwater flow patterns at the Site were provided in the groundwater monitoring reports in the UST Section files (see Table 1, AECOM, January 2013). A summary of the geology and hydrogeology of the site and vicinity from those reports and data generated during the Phase I RI is presented below. Regional Geology 3.1 Catawba County is located in the Piedmont Physiographic Province of North Carolina and contains a wide variety of rock types within its boundaries, including granite, gneisses, schists, quartzites and crystalline limestones. The predominant rock types are metamorphic gneisses and schists, which show a strong foliation or schistosity. Throughout the Piedmont of the southeastern United States, bedrock weathers to form saprolite, which retains the structure of the parent bedrock. The thickness of saprolite can vary considerably depending on location. Typically, a zone of weathered bedrock exists between the overlying saprolite and the underlying competent bedrock. Further in-place weathering of saprolite results in shallow/surficial clayey soils termed “residuum”. Residuum typically occurs in the shallow subsurface and is distinguished from the underlying saprolite by a lack of structural or textural features of the parent rock. According to LeGrand (1954) and the Geologic Map of North Carolina (Brown and others, 1985), rocks in the Catawba County region trend northeastward. Locally, a broad belt of gneiss and schist trends northeastward through the county and is present in the site vicinity. Outcrops of these rocks are rare; as the bedrock is covered by a thick layer of red clayey soil (residuum). The City of Newton is underlain by a biotite gneiss and schist that are described as megacrystalline and not equigranular. Occurrences of gneiss and schist are often interlayered with calcite-silicate rock, sillimanite-mica schist, mica schist, and amphibolites. South of Newton, encompassing the Site, the bedrock is an amphibolite and biotite gneiss, which are described as interlayered with minor layers and lenses of hornblende gneiss, metagabbro, mica schist, and granitic rock. Local Geology 3.2 Above the bedrock, saprolite and residuum consist of a tan brown to green grey, micaceous, medium- to fine-grained sandy silt that presumably formed from the in-place weathering of the underlying biotite gneiss (as indicated on the 1985 Geologic Map of North Carolina). Prior subsurface investigations reported a one- to five-foot thick wedge of red brown silty clay that thickens from northwest to southeast. This clay was observed to overlie the residual silts in the vicinity of the manufacturing building, former USTs, and former solvent recovery system. Boring logs from prior investigations are provided in the CSA report (Trigon, 1994). The soil borings advanced at locations in and around the manufacturing building during the limited groundwater assessment (B-101 through B-104) indicate that the subsurface beneath the immediate vicinity of the manufacturing building consists primarily of silts, sandy silts, silts with clays, and silty sands. In general, the uppermost 10 inches of material underneath the building consists of an 8-inch thick slab of concrete, which is underlain by a gravel road base fill. Fill materials consisting of a dry, yellowish red silt with sand to silt is present to about 7 feet bgs. From 7 to 20 feet bgs, a dry, weak red to reddish brown silt with clay with faint relic structure is present. At 20 to 36 feet bgs, a dry to moist, yellowish red to reddish brown, micaecous, saprolitic (gneiss or mica schist in nature), silty sand exists. From these four soil borings, saturated soils seemed to occur at approximately 16 feet bgs at B-102 to 26 feet bgs at B-104 location. Copies of the test boring reports for B-101 through B-104 are included in Appendix A. AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 3-2 60214687 November 2014 Regional Hydrogeology 3.3 Two aquifer units characterize the hydrogeology of the area. The saprolite and overlying residuum serve as an unconfined aquifer (water table aquifer) that stores and transmits water downward to the lower semi-confined partially weathered rock (PWR) and then into the fractured crystalline bedrock aquifer unit. Shallow groundwater typically occurs and is stored in the primary porosity of the saprolite and migrates slowly downward into the PWR and subsequently, into bedrock. The water table typically mimics surface topography, with recharging occurring in the higher elevations and discharge occurring at lower elevations, such as stream beds. The PWR, often referred to as the “transition zone,” is characterized by its ability to transmit groundwater at a higher rate than either saprolite or bedrock due to open fractures and greater porosity from partial chemical weathering. PWR commonly occurs associated with the bedrock aquifer unit. Groundwater movement in PWR flows through open fractures (secondary porosity) and also through the rock matrix (primary) porosity. Groundwater movement in the bedrock is primarily restricted to intersecting sets of water bearing fractures and joints (secondary porosity) and to a lesser extent through the rock matrix porosity, which typically has a low hydraulic conductivity. Local Hydrogeology 3.4 On October 2, 2014, AECOM personnel collected depth to water readings in each temporary monitoring well prior to well purging and sampling. This data, along with the surveyed top of casings were used to develop the potentiometric map of the water table surface, as illustrated on Figure 3. Based on the boring logs from MW-15 and MW-16, the surficial unconfined aquifer unit extends to depths ranging from 37 to 42 feet bgs, where partially weathered rock was encountered. Depth to water measurements resulted in water level elevations ranging from 955.13 to 943.38 feet (NAVD88) (approximately 25 to 35 feet below land surface). The potentiometric map developed from the water level elevation data suggests that shallow groundwater flows towards the south-southeast under a hydraulic gradient of approximately 0.033 feet per foot (ft/ft) toward the Smyre Creek that borders the Southern boundary of the property. AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 4-1 60214687 November 2014 4.0 Investigation Results The following sections of this report present the site characterization results based on the field screening activities and laboratory analyses of the soil and groundwater samples. Summaries of the CVOC analytical data are presented in Tables 4 through 6 by media sampled. A summary of the added data qualifiers is presented in Table 7. Data Validation 4.1 AECOM performed independent QC checks of field and laboratory procedures that were used in collecting and analyzing the data. The QC checks verify that the data collected are of appropriate quality for the intended data use and that the analytical data quality objectives (DQOs) were met. The steps and guidelines followed during the data validation process were modeled on the USEPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines for Inorganic Data Review (USEPA, October 2004), USEPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines for Organic Data Review (USEPA, October 1999), and Data Validation Standard Operating Procedures for Contract Laboratory Program Routine Analytical Services (USEPA, July 1999). In addition, method-specific criteria set forth in the compendium of analytical methods found in the Test Methods for Evaluation Solid Waste (SW-846), Update III (USEPA, June 1997) are also evaluated during the validation process. The result of the data validation process was that none of the data were rejected and therefore, the data associated with this investigation should be considered compliant and adequate for its intended use in assessing the occurrence of CVOCs in soil and groundwater beneath the site. Soil Field Screening Results 4.2 Recovered soil samples from beneath and adjacent to the manufacturing building were screened with a PID for the presence of volatile organic vapors. In summary, the observed headspace readings ranged from 0.6 to 1.7 parts per million (ppm). No signs of any petroleum or solvent-like odors or soil staining were reported in the recovered soil samples, which indicate little to no impact from volatile organic compounds. Soil Sample Analytical Results 4.3 Representative soil samples from soil borings B-101 through B-104 were analyzed for CVOCs. The results of the definitive laboratory analyses for CVOCs are summarized in Table 4. Only PCE was detected in the soil samples collected; at low (estimated) concentrations:  B-102 at 0.00109 mg/kg  B-103 at 0.00075 mg/kg  B-104 at 0.00064 mg/kg None of the reported PCE concentrations for the samples listed above exceeded their respective North Carolina IHSB Preliminary Soil Remediation Goal (PSRG) values. Groundwater Analytical Results 4.4 Groundwater from temporary monitoring wells B-101 through B-104 was analyzed for CVOCs and the results of the laboratory analyses are summarized in Table 5. No CVOCs were detected in any of the groundwater samples tested, including the duplicate sample. The analytical results were screened against the applicable North Carolina Administrative Code (NCDENR, April 2013) 2L Groundwater Standards as per the REC Program Implementation Guidance (NCDENR, November 2012). The groundwater analytical results for PCE were reported on Table 5 as < 5.0 g/L, which is the Reporting Detection Limit (RDL). Because the 2L Groundwater Standard (0.7 g/L) is less than the AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 4-2 60214687 November 2014 RDL, the Method Detection Limit (MDL) was used. The laboratory MDL for PCE was 0.193 g/L for all four groundwater samples. The groundwater analytical results for PCE were all less than the MDL (see GCAL laboratory report, Appendix D). Therefore, there was not an exceedance above the respective 2L groundwater standards. Included with Table 2 is a time-series graph of the historic and current groundwater quality data for PCE from the MW-12/B-101 location and the MW-17/B-102 location. This graph illustrates that PCE in groundwater at these two locations has decreased over the period of record to non-detectable levels. Investigation Derived Waste Analytical Results 4.5 Soil IDW was sampled and analyzed to characterize the waste for disposal purposes. A summary of the analytical results for CVOCs from the soil IDW sample (IDW-SS) are presented in Table 6. Based on these analytical results, the IDW was accepted by the disposal facility as non-hazardous waste. Copies of the waste characterization profiles and the disposal manifest are included in Appendix E. AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 5-1 60214687 November 2014 5.0 Investigation Summary and Conclusions This Limited Groundwater Assessment of soil and groundwater was conducted as Addendum 2 to the Phase I Remedial Investigation. The field activities were designed to evaluate the current groundwater conditions relative to the historic detections of PCE in groundwater beneath a discrete portion of former Meredith/Burda, Inc. facility. Soils 5.1 Soil boring samples were analyzed for CVOCs. PCE was detected in three of the four soil boring samples at low (estimated) concentrations. However, none of the detected PCE concentrations exceeded the PSRG (Table 4). Therefore, based on the field screening and definitive laboratory analyses, chlorinated volatile organic compounds are not deemed to be a concern in soils beneath the manufacturing building and no further action for soil is recommended. Groundwater 5.2 Groundwater from four locations beneath and adjacent to the manufacturing building was sampled for CVOCs and screened against 15A NCAC 2L standards (Table 5). No CVOCs were detected in the groundwater samples and therefore, no site-related impact from CVOCs is deemed to be occurring in the groundwater beneath the manufacturing building. No further action for groundwater is recommended. Conclusions 5.3 As previously presented in the Addendum 2 RI Work Plan (AECOM, July 2014), historic occurrence of low concentrations of the CVOC tetrachloroethylene (PCE) in groundwater were previously detected during a 1997 assessment conducted at the site by Trigon Engineering Consultants, Inc. Based on subsequent groundwater monitoring data, on September 12, 2007, Advanced Geoservices requested that NCDENR issue an NFA determination for the open groundwater incident. This Addendum 2 to the Phase I RI was designed to investigate the areas of historic PCE detections in groundwater beneath the manufacturing building and provide the necessary information to NCDENR in order make a NFA determination for the site. According to the results of this limited additional investigation, groundwater beneath this portion of the manufacturing building is not adversely impacted by CVOCs, including PCE. Therefore, based on the decreasing PCE concentration trend in the historic data set and these recent groundwater quality results, which are below the 15A NCAC 2L standards, there is not any environmental impact that would require remedial efforts. NCDENR should, therefore, have the supporting data necessary to make a NFA determination for the open groundwater incident. Upon receipt of the NFA, the temporary monitoring wells will be abandoned by a North Carolina licensed well driller. AECOM North Carolina, Inc. 6-1 60214687 November 2014 6.0 Cited References AECOM, Inc., July 2014, Addendum 2 Phase I Remedial Investigation Work Plan Limited Groundwater Assessment, Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility AECOM, Inc., January 2013, Phase I Remedial Investigation Work Plan, Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility. Brown, P.M. and others, 1985, Geological Map of North Carolina; North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development. LeGrand, Harry, 1954, Geology and Ground Water in the Statesville Area, North Carolina, North Carolina Department of Conservation and Development, Division of Mineral Resources, Bulletin Number 68, 68 pp. NCDENR, November 2012, Registered Environmental Consultant Program Implementation Guidance. NCDENR, April 2013, Guidelines for Assessment and Cleanup, Inactive Hazardous Sites Program. NCDENR, January 2014, Letter correspondence from NCDENR to R. R. Donnelley, regarding Remedial Investigation/Remedial Action Completion and No Further Action listing. Trigon, 1994, Comprehensive Site Assessment Report. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), June 1997. Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste (SW-846), 3rd Edition, Update III. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), July 1999. Data Validation Standard Operating Procedures for Contract Laboratory Program Routine Analytical Services, Revision 2.1, EPA Region IV. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), October 1999. USEPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines for Organic Data Review. Publication #EPA540/R-99/008. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), October 2004. USEPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines for Inorganic Data Review. Publication #EPA540/R-04/004. Tables Ta b l e 1 Su m m a r y o f M o n i t o r i n g W e l l C o n s t r u c t i o n D e t a i l s Ch l o r i n a t e d V O C A s s e s s m e n t Fo r m e r M e r e d i t h / B u r d a , I n c . a n d R . R . D o n n e l l e y & S o n s C o m p a n y Ne w t o n , N o r t h C a r o l i n a 4" C a s i n g I n t e r v a l 2 " C a s i n g I n t e r v a l S c r e e n e d I n t e r v a l To p (f t b g s ) Bo t t o m (f t b g s ) To p (f t b g s ) Bo t t o m (f t b g s ) To p (f t b g s ) Bo t t o m (f t b g s ) MW - 1 2 * * 6 / 2 9 / 1 9 9 4 30 NA 0 1 5 1 5 3 0 II 2 6 . 0 4 * NA MW - 1 5 * * 4 / 1 8 / 1 9 9 7 44 NA 0 3 3 . 5 0 3 9 3 9 4 4 II I 2 6 . 3 3 * NA B- 1 0 1 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 1 4 35 . 3 9 7 9 . 8 6 0 2 5 . 3 2 5 . 3 3 4 . 9 I I / T e m p o r a r y 2 4 . 7 3 9 5 5 . 1 3 MW - 1 7 * * 4 / 2 3 / 1 9 9 8 30 NA 0 1 5 1 5 3 0 II 2 6 . 8 8 * NA MW - 1 6 * * 4 / 2 2 / 1 9 9 7 51 NA 0 3 9 0 4 6 4 6 5 1 II I 2 9 . 7 8 * NA B- 1 0 2 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 1 4 35 . 3 9 7 9 . 8 6 0 2 5 . 3 2 5 . 3 3 4 . 9 I I / T e m p o r a r y 2 9 . 3 6 9 5 0 . 5 0 B- 1 0 3 1 0 / 1 / 2 0 1 4 36 9 7 9 . 2 6 0 2 6 2 6 3 5 . 6 I I / T e m p o r a r y 3 2 . 1 0 9 4 7 . 1 6 B- 1 0 4 9 / 2 9 / 2 0 1 4 O u t s i d e o f B l d g 3 5 . 8 9 7 5 . 9 9 0 2 5 . 8 2 5 . 8 3 5 . 4 I I / T e m p o r a r y 3 2 . 6 1 9 4 3 . 3 8 No t e s : (* ) S t a t i c W a t e r L e v e l m e a s u r e d o n 1 0 / 1 3 / 1 9 9 8 (* * ) M o n i t o r i n g w e l l s M W - 1 2 , M W - 1 5 , M W - 1 6 a n d M W - 1 7 w e r e p r e v i o u s l y a b a n d o n e d b y g r o u t i n g o n A p r i l 2 5 , 2 0 1 1 . De p t h s a r e i n f e e t b e l o w g r o u n d s u r f a c e ( b g s ) El e v a t i o n s a r e f e e t , N o r t h A m e r i c a n V e r t i c a l D a t u m o f 1 9 8 8 ( N A V D 8 8 ) NA = N o t A v a i l a b l e TO C = T o p o f C a s i n g bt o c = b e l o w t o p o f c a s i n g bg s = b e l o w g r o u n d s u r f a c e Da t e In s t a l l e d We l l Nu m b e r Re e l R o o m Cy l i n d e r St o r a g e R o o m Groundwater Elevation (ft NAVD 88)Static Water Level (btoc) We l l T y p e TO C El e v a t i o n (f t N A V D 8 8 ) To t a l D e p t h (f t b g s ) Lo c a t i o n L: \ w o r k \ 6 0 2 1 4 6 8 7 \ W P \ 0 5 R I a d d e n d u m f o r V O C R e p o r t \ T a b l e s \ Ta b l e 1 & 2 - W e l l C o n s t r u & S u m m a r y o f S i t e D a t a . x l s x Pa g e 1 o f 1 November 2014 Ta b l e 2 Su m m a r y o f P r i o r a nd R e c e n t A n a l y t i c a l Re s u l t s i n G r o u n d w at e r Ch l o r i n a t e d V O C A s s e s s m e n t Fo r m e r M e r e d i t h / B u r d a , I n c . a n d R . R . D o n n e l l e y & S o n s C o m p a n y Ne w t o n , N o r t h C a r o l i n a 15 A N C A C Pa r a m e t e r 2L Sa m p l e L o c a t i o n / N u m b e r G r o u n d w a t e r B- 1 0 1 B- 1 0 2 B - 1 0 3 B - 1 0 4 Co l l e c t i o n D a t e S t a n d a r d 1 / 1 7 / 9 7 2 / 25 / 9 7 4 / 2 9 / 9 7 1 0 / 1 3 / 9 8 1 0 / 2 / 1 4 4 / 2 9 / 9 7 1 0 / 1 3 / 9 8 1 0 / 2 / 1 4 1 0 / 2 / 1 4 1 0 / 2 / 1 4 Vo l a t i l e O r g a n i c C o m p o u n d ( u g / L ) Te t r a c h l o r o e t h e n e 0. 7 22 2 4 7 . 8 2 . 3 < 5 B D L 4. 3 < 5 < 5 < 5 To l u e n e 60 0 3 1 3 6 2 8 B D L A N R 4 8 3 . 1 A N R A N R A N R Ch l o r o f o r m 70 A N R A N R B D L B D L < 5 1 4 B D L < 5 < 5 < 5 Br o m o d i c h l o r o m e t h a n e 0. 6 A N R A N R B D L B D L < 5 2. 6 BD L < 5 < 5 < 5 1, 1 - D i c h l o r o e t h e n e 35 0 A N R A N R B D L B D L < 5 B D L 2 . 7 < 5 < 5 < 5 1, 1 - D i c h l o r o e t h a n e 6 A N R A N R B D L B D L < 5 B D L 4 . 1 < 5 < 5 < 5 Tr i c h l o r o e t h e n e 3 A N R A N R B D L B D L < 5 B D L 2 < 5 < 5 < 5 Me t h y le n e C h l o r i d e 1 5 A N R A N R B D L 10 < 5 B D L 11 < 5 < 5 < 5 No t e s : (* ) H i s t o r i c d a t a f r o m : T a b l e 1 , A d v a n c e d G e o s e r v i c e s , c o r r e s p o n d e n c e o f S e p t e m b e r 1 2 , 2 0 0 7 . 2L G r o u n d w a t e r S t a n d a r d = 1 5 A N C A C ( N o r t h C a r o l i n a A d m i n i s t r a t i v e C o d e ) 2 L G r o u n d w a t e r S t a n d a r d ( E f f e c t i v e D a t e : A p r i l 1 , 2 0 1 3 ) . Bo l d a n d s h a d e d c o n c e n t r a t i o n i n d i c a t e s a n e x c e e d a n c e o f t h e 2L S t a n d a r d a t t h e t i m e o f t h e a s s e s s m e n t r e p o r t . ug / L = m i c r o g r a m s p e r l i t e r AN R = A n a l y t e N o t R e p o r t e d BD L = B e l o w D e t e c t i o n L i m i t s 1/ 1 7 / 9 7 , 2 / 2 5 / 9 7 S a m p l e s A n a l y z e d b y E P A M e t h o d 8 2 4 0 4/ 2 9 / 9 7 , 1 0 / 1 3 / 9 8 S a m p l e s A na l y z e d b y E P A M e t h o d 6 0 1 / 6 0 2 10 / 2 / 2 0 1 4 S a m p l e s A n a l y z e d b y E P A M e t h o d 8 2 6 0 B ( C V O C s o n l y l i s t ) MW - 1 2 a n d M W - 1 7 w e r e T y p e I I m o n i t o r i n g w e l l s a n d s c r e e n e d a c r o s s t h e w a t e r t a b l e . 1 = B e l i e v e d b y o r i g i n a l i n v e s t i g a t o r s t o b e a L a b o r a t o r y A r t i f a c t MW - 1 2 * An a l y t i c a l R e s u l t s MW - 1 7 * 0510152025 1/ 1 / 9 7 3 / 2 2 / 9 9 6 / 9 / 0 1 8 / 2 9 / 0 3 1 1 / 1 6 / 0 5 2 / 5 / 0 8 4 / 2 5 / 1 0 7 / 1 3 / 1 2 1 0 / 2 / 1 4 P C E   C o n c e n t r a t i o n   ( u g / L ) Tim e PC E  Tr e n d l i n e s   PC E  MW ‐12 / B ‐10 1 PC E  MW ‐17 / B ‐10 2 L:\ w o r k \ 6 0 2 1 4 6 8 7 \ W P \ 0 5 R I a d d e n d u m f o r V O C R e p o r t \ T a b l e s \ T a b l e 1 & 2 - W e l l C o n s t r u & S u m m a r y o f S i t e D a t a . x l s x Pa g e 1 o f 1 November 2014 Table 3 Summary of Groundwater Field Indicator Parameter Results Chlorinated VOC Assessment Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. and R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company Newton, North Carolina Sample ID Measurement Date pH Specific Conductance (mS/cm) Water Temperature (°C) Turbidity (NTU) Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) ORP (mV) Saprolite Monitoring Wells B-101 10/2/2014 6.17 0.038 21.70 768.7 7.22 221.5 B-102 10/2/2014 5.81 0.034 23.54 >1100 8.40 253.1 B-103 10/2/2014 5.48 0.038 21.70 653.6 5.64 269.9 B-104 10/2/2014 5.48 0.051 18.93 >1100 5.60 188.9 Notes: mS/cm - milliSiemens per centimeter°C - Celsius NTU - Nephelometric Turbidity Unit mg/L - milligram per liter mV - millivolt L:\work\60214687\WP\05 RI addendum for VOC Report\Tables\\ Table 3 - Field Parameters 2014.xlsx Page 1 of 1 November 2014 Table 4 Summary of Organic Analytical Results in Soil Chlorinated VOC Assessment Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. and R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company Newton, North Carolina Sample ID NCDENR B-101-18 B-102-16 B-103-5 B-104-22 Date Collected IHSB 09/30/14 09/30/14 10/01/14 09/29/14 Laboratory ID PSRG 21410060602 21410060603 21410060604 21410060601 CVOCs by Method 8260B (mg/kg) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 640 < 0.0067 < 0.006 < 0.0052 < 0.0061 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.6 < 0.0067 < 0.006 < 0.0052 < 0.0061 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.3 < 0.0067 < 0.006 < 0.0052 < 0.0061 1,1-Dichloroethane 3.6 < 0.0067 < 0.006 < 0.0052 < 0.0061 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.0051 < 0.0067 < 0.006 < 0.0052 < 0.0061 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.46 < 0.0067 < 0.006 < 0.0052 < 0.0061 1,2-Dichloropropane 1 < 0.0067 < 0.006 < 0.0052 < 0.0061 Carbon tetrachloride 0.65 < 0.0067 < 0.006 < 0.0052 < 0.0061 Chloroform 0.32 < 0.0067 < 0.006 < 0.0052 < 0.0061 Methylene chloride 57 < 0.0133 < 0.012 < 0.0104 < 0.0123 Tetrachloroethene 16 < 0.0067 0.0011 J// 0.0008 J// 0.0006 J// Trichloroethene 0.82 < 0.0067 < 0.006 < 0.0052 < 0.0061 Vinyl chloride 0.059 < 0.0067 < 0.006 < 0.0052 < 0.0061 Notes: mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram NCDENR IHSB PSRG - North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Inactive Hazardous Site Branch Preliminary Soil Remediation Goal for Residential Health based on carcinogenic risk of 1.0E-06 and noncarcinogenic hazard quotient of 0.2 (September 2014). CVOC - chlorinated volatile organic compound Bold and shading indicate a detected concentration. See Table 7 for definitions of data qualifiers. L:\work\60214687\WP\05 RI addendum for VOC Report\Tables\ Table 4&6 - Soil Results (Oct 2014).xlsx Page 1 of 1 November 2014 Table 5 Summary of Organic Analytical Results in Groundwater Chlorinated VOC Assessment Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. and R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company Newton, North Carolina Sample ID 15A NCAC 2L B-101 B-101-a B-102 B-103 B-104 Date Collected Groundwater 10/02/14 10/02/14 10/02/14 10/02/14 10/02/14 Laboratory ID Standard 21410060612 21410060613 21410060609 21410060608 21410060607 CVOCs by Method 8260B (ug/L) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 200 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.2 <5 <5 < 5 <5 <5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.6* < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 1,1-Dichloroethane 6 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.005 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.4 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.6 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 Carbon tetrachloride 0.3 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 Chloroform 70 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 Methylene chloride 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 Tetrachloroethene 0.7 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 Trichloroethene 3 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 Vinyl chloride 0.03 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 Notes: 15A NCAC (North Carolina Administrative Code) 2L Groundwater Standard (Effective Date: April 1, 2013). * indicates an Interim Maximum Allowable Concentration established under 15A NCAC 2L.0202. -a - Duplicate Sample -c - Trip Blank Sample ug/L - micrograms per liter CVOC - chlorinated volatile organic compound Bold and shading indicate a detected concentration. See Table 7 for explanation of data qualifiers. Table 5 -Groundwater Results (Oct 2014).xlsx\T5 - VOCs Page 1 of 1 November 2014 Table 6 Summary of Organic Analytical Results in IDW Sample Chlorinated VOC Assessment Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. and R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company Newton, North Carolina Sample ID NCDENR IDW-SS Date Collected IHSB 10/01/14 Laboratory ID PSRG 21410060605 CVOCs by Method 8260B (mg/kg) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 640 < 0.006 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.6 < 0.006 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.3 < 0.006 1,1-Dichloroethane 3.6 < 0.006 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.0051 < 0.006 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.46 < 0.006 1,2-Dichloropropane 1 < 0.006 Carbon tetrachloride 0.65 < 0.006 Chloroform 0.32 < 0.006 Methylene chloride 57 < 0.012 Tetrachloroethene 16 < 0.006 Trichloroethene 0.82 < 0.006 Vinyl chloride 0.059 < 0.006 Notes: IDW - Investigation Derived Waste Sample mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram NCDENR IHSB PSRG - North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Inactive Hazardous Site Branch Preliminary Soil Remediation Goal for Residential Health based on carcinogenic risk of 1.0E-06 and noncarcinogenic hazard quotient of 0.2 (September 2014). CVOC - chlorinated volatile organic compound See Table 7 for definitions of data qualifiers. L:\work\60214687\WP\05 RI addendum for VOC Report\Tables\ Table 4&6 - Soil Results (Oct 2014).xlsx Page 1 of 1 November 2014 Table 7 - Data Flags (Oct 2014).docx Page 1 of 1 November 2014 Table 7 Summary of Added Data Qualifiers Chlorinated VOC Assessment Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. and R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company Newton, North Carolina Modifier Description < Indicates not detected at the reporting limit indicated. “/” Separates the laboratory added data qualifiers from the validation data qualifiers. The laboratory added data qualifiers precede the first “/”. The result qualifiers follow the first “/”, and the analysis qualifiers follow the second “/”. The result qualifiers are a product of the data validation process, and the analysis qualifier defines the type of QC excursion. Laboratory Data Qualifiers Qualifier Description J The analyte was positively identified. The quantitation is an estimation. Result Data Qualifiers None Present Analysis Data Qualifiers None Present Figures 10 Patewood Drive, Building 6, Suite 500Greenville, SC 29615T: (864) 234-3000 F: (864)234-3069 PROJECT NO.60214687 DRAWN BY:RQL DATE:11/07/2012 Figure 1 Site Location Map Former Meredith/Burda, Inc., FacilityNewton, North CarolinaTopo is a seamless, scanned images of United States Geological Survey (USGS)paper topographic maps. Source: http://goto.arcgisonline.com/maps/USA_Topo_Maps Note:5Map Projection: NAD 1983, State Plane,North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet Datum: North American, 1983 0 1,500750Feet 1:18,000 Legend Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. and R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co. Property Boundary Path: L:\work\60214687\CADD\GIS\Maps\F1_Commscope_8.5x11.mxd 18" PIPE 12" PIPE 24 " P I P E AND FORMER FORMER NON POTABLE CONCRETE AS P H A L T PAD SUPPORTSCONCRETE METHANOL UST S S S S S S S WELL 15' 15' 15 ' S S S S S S S 100' TRACKS 8" S E W E R L I N E 1 5 " P I P E 12 " P I P E 24" P I P E CONC. OUTLET CONC. OUTLET CONC. OUTLET CONC. OUTLET 15 " P I P E SILOS RET. WALL WATER VAULT GENERATOR S S UST AREAWASTE WATER SILO 20,000 GAL.50,000 GAL. UST'SFUEL OIL FIRE TANK300,000 GAL POLEFLAG ASPHALT PUMP HOUSE SILO104.02' OFFICES ASPHALTPARKINGLOT 8' CHAIN LINK FENCE A S P H A L T D R I V E MANUFACTURING PLANT A S P H A L T D R I V E SB-1/MW-1 ASPHALT LOT FORMER SEDIMENT BASIN(FILLED IN) ASPHALT LOT ASPHALT LOT 8' CHA I N L I N K F E N C E 10 " W / L SE R V I C E B-103 B-102 B-101 B-104 MW-12 MW-15 MW-17 MW-16 .. 10 Patewood Drive, Building 6, Suite 500 Greenville, SC 29615 T: (864) 234-3000 F: (864) 234-3069 PROJECT NO.DRAWN BY:DATE: RJS60214687 10/29/2014 NEWTON, NORTH CAROLINAFORMER MEREDITH/BURDA, INC., FACILITY MONITORING WELL LOCATION MAP FIGURE 2 MONITORING WELL LOCATION (MAY 2013) TEMPORARY MONITORING WELL LOCATION (OCTOBER 2014) HISTORICAL MONITORING WELL LOCATION LEGEND MW-1 REFERENCE:PHYSICAL SURVEY FOR COMMSCOPE INC.,PERFORMED BY DEDMON SURVEYS, DATED 11/13/11. B-101 MW-12 FORMER 24" P I P E CONC. OUTLET SILOS RET. WALL GENERATOR S UST AREA WASTE WATER ASPHALT 104.02 ' MANUFACTURING PLANT SB-1/MW-1 B-103 B-102 B-101 B-104 [947.16] [950.50] [955.13] [943.38] 945 947 949 951 953 955 MW-12 MW-15 MW-17 MW-16 .. 10 Patewood Drive, Building 6, Suite 500 Greenville, SC 29615 T: (864) 234-3000 F: (864) 234-3069 PROJECT NO.DRAWN BY:DATE: RJS60214687 10/29/2014 NEWTON, NORTH CAROLINAFORMER MEREDITH/BURDA, INC., FACILITY OCTOBER 2, 2014GROUNDWATER SURFACE ELEVATION MAP FIGURE 3 MONITORING WELL LOCATION (MAY 2013) TEMPORARY MONITORING WELL LOCATION (OCTOBER 2014) HISTORICAL MONITORING WELL LOCATION GROUNDWATER ELEVATION (FT. NAVD 88) GROUNDWATER SURFACE CONTOUR (FT. NAVD 88) INFERRED GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION LEGEND MW-1 REFERENCE: PHYSICAL SURVEY FOR COMMSCOPE INC.,PERFORMED BY DEDMON SURVEYS, DATED 11/13/11. B-101 [955.13] MW-12 23. Notice of NFA, NCDENR (January 2015) 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 Phone: 919-707-8200 \ Internet: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wm An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer – Made in part by recycled paper North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor Donald R. van der Vaart Secretary Via email January 6, 2015 Mr. Alan H. Carter R.R. Donnelley & Sons 300 Jones Road Spartanburg, South Carolina 29307 Re: Remedial Investigation/Remedial Action Completion Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Facility Newton, Catawba County, North Carolina Site ID No. NCD991279118 Dear Mr. Carter: On December 20, 2013, the Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB, Branch) received a certified Combined Remedial Investigation and Remedial Action Completion Report and a Combined Remedial Investigation & Remedial Action Completion Certification “For No Action Remedy” for the former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Site (Site). Your Registered Environmental Consultant (REC), AECOM, certified that, to the best of its knowledge, site cleanup levels determined pursuant to 15A NCAC 13C.0308 were achieved and no significant or otherwise unacceptable risk or harm to human health or the environment remains at the Site. A No Further Action letter was issued for the Site on January 2, 2014. A review of the file with AECOM revealed the R.R. Donnelly & Sons Site (former IHSB Site ID# NONCD0002357) was also located on a portion of the Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Site. The R.R. Donnelly & Sons Site file was subsequently merged into the Former Meredith/Burda, Inc. Site in July 2014. On November 24, 2014, the Branch received a certified addendum to the December 20, 2013 Combined Remedial Investigation and Remedial Action Completion Report. In the report, AECOM certified that, to the best of its knowledge, site cleanup levels determined pursuant to 15A NCAC 13C.0308 have been achieved and no significant or otherwise unacceptable risk or harm to human health or the environment remains at the R.R. Donnelly portion of the Site. On October 24, 2012, a REC-Administrative Agreement was executed for the Site. Your REC’s certification indicates that all requirements for cleanup under the Inactive Hazardous Sites Response Act G.S. 130A-310, et seq. and the voluntary remedial action Registered Environmental Consultant Program Rules (15A NCAC 13C .0300) have been met. Therefore, the Site has been transferred from the “Responsible Party Voluntary Remedial Action” category to the “Sites Requiring No Further Action” listing. No further remediation will be required at the Site unless the Branch later determines, based on an audit of the Site file, new information, or information not previously provided to the Branch, that the Site has not been remediated to current standards or that the Branch was provided with false or incomplete information. I appreciate your cooperation with the remedial activities that were performed. If you have any questions, please contact me at (919) 707-8348. Sincerely, Matthew S. Aufman, Hydrogeologist Division of Waste Management cc: Mr. William “Bill” Bremen, AECOM Appendix E Site Photographs Photograph 2: General overview of the western portion of the Site. SN L -00 1 Vacant Industrial Property 1545 St. James Church Road Newton, North Carolina 2923 S. Tryon Street, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28203 704.586.0007(p) 704.586.0373(f) Photograph 1: General overview of the eastern portion of the Site. Photograph 4: General overview of Area A. SN L -00 1 Vacant Industrial Property 1545 St. James Church Road Newton, North Carolina 2923 S. Tryon Street, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28203 704.586.0007(p) 704.586.0373(f) Photograph 3: Dense vegetation and overhead power lines in the southwestern portion of the Site. SN L -00 1 Vacant Industrial Property 1545 St. James Church Road Newton, North Carolina 2923 S. Tryon Street, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28203 704.586.0007(p) 704.586.0373(f) Photograph 5: General overview of Area B. Photograph 6: General overview of Area C. SN L -00 1 Vacant Industrial Property 1545 St. James Church Road Newton, North Carolina 2923 S. Tryon Street, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28203 704.586.0007(p) 704.586.0373(f) Photograph 7: General overview of Area D. Photograph 8: General overview of Area E. SN L -00 1 Vacant Industrial Property 1545 St. James Church Road Newton, North Carolina 2923 S. Tryon Street, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28203 704.586.0007(p) 704.586.0373(f) Photograph 9: General overview of Area F. Photograph 10: Typical office area within the Site buildings. Photograph 12: Typical fire cabinet chemical storage within the research and development area (Area B). SN L -00 1 Vacant Industrial Property 1545 St. James Church Road Newton, North Carolina 2923 S. Tryon Street, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28203 704.586.0007(p) 704.586.0373(f) Photograph 11: Typical vacant warehousing and manufacturing area (Area B). Photograph 14: Former chemical storage room in the basement of the manufacturing building (Area B). SN L -00 1 Vacant Industrial Property 1545 St. James Church Road Newton, North Carolina 2923 S. Tryon Street, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28203 704.586.0007(p) 704.586.0373(f) Photograph 13: Typical diesel powered generator on-site. Photograph 16: Boiler water treatment chemical storage (Area B). SN L -00 1 Vacant Industrial Property 1545 St. James Church Road Newton, North Carolina 2923 S. Tryon Street, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28203 704.586.0007(p) 704.586.0373(f) Photograph 15: Typical drum storage within the chemical storage room (Area B). SN L -00 1 Vacant Industrial Property 1545 St. James Church Road Newton, North Carolina 2923 S. Tryon Street, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28203 704.586.0007(p) 704.586.0373(f) Photograph 17: Diesel AST in the fire suppression building (Area E). Photograph 18: Out of use paper burning silo to the northeast of the manufacturing building (Area D). SN L -00 1 Vacant Industrial Property 1545 St. James Church Road Newton, North Carolina 2923 S. Tryon Street, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28203 704.586.0007(p) 704.586.0373(f) Photograph 19: Empty storage silos to the south of the manufacturing building (Area E). Photograph 20: Diesel AST for interior back up generator (Area D). SN L -00 1 Vacant Industrial Property 1545 St. James Church Road Newton, North Carolina 2923 S. Tryon Street, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28203 704.586.0007(p) 704.586.0373(f) Photograph 21: Closed in place fuel oil USTs (Area D). Photograph 22: Metal lids likely associated with the former solvent recovery system. SN L -00 1 Vacant Industrial Property 1545 St. James Church Road Newton, North Carolina 2923 S. Tryon Street, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28203 704.586.0007(p) 704.586.0373(f) Photograph 23: Sump likely formerly associated with solvent recovery system (Area D). Photograph 24: Sump formerly associated with solvent recovery system (Area D). SN L -00 1 Vacant Industrial Property 1545 St. James Church Road Newton, North Carolina 2923 S. Tryon Street, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28203 704.586.0007(p) 704.586.0373(f) Photograph 25: Sump in an out of use distribution area of the northeastern portion of the manufacturing building (Area B). Photograph 26: Typical floor drain within the Site buildings (Areas A and B). SN L -00 1 Vacant Industrial Property 1545 St. James Church Road Newton, North Carolina 2923 S. Tryon Street, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28203 704.586.0007(p) 704.586.0373(f) Photograph 27: Floor drain within the former chemical storage room (Area B). Photograph 28: Interior view of the drain within the former chemical storage room (Area B). SN L -00 1 Vacant Industrial Property 1545 St. James Church Road Newton, North Carolina 2923 S. Tryon Street, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28203 704.586.0007(p) 704.586.0373(f) Photograph 29: Typical monitoring well located on the Site. Photograph 30: Typical closed SVE recovery well on the Site. SN L -00 1 Vacant Industrial Property 1545 St. James Church Road Newton, North Carolina 2923 S. Tryon Street, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28203 704.586.0007(p) 704.586.0373(f) Photograph 31: Sealed subgrade area in the former maintenance shop. Photograph 32: Transformer substation to the southeast of the Site building (Area E). SN L -00 1 Vacant Industrial Property 1545 St. James Church Road Newton, North Carolina 2923 S. Tryon Street, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28203 704.586.0007(p) 704.586.0373(f) Photograph 33: Pole mounted transformer along the eastern Site boundary (Area E). Photograph 34: Dumpster stored to the west of the manufacturing building (Area F). SN L -00 1 Vacant Industrial Property 1545 St. James Church Road Newton, North Carolina 2923 S. Tryon Street, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28203 704.586.0007(p) 704.586.0373(f) Photograph 35: Landscaping debris to the north of the manufacturing building (Area C). Photograph 36: Concrete debris to the south of the manufacturing building (Area F). SN L -00 1 Vacant Industrial Property 1545 St. James Church Road Newton, North Carolina 2923 S. Tryon Street, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28203 704.586.0007(p) 704.586.0373(f) Photograph 37: Stormwater drainage to the south of the manufacturing building (Area F). Photograph 38: Creek along the southeastern Site boundary (Area E). SN L -00 1 Vacant Industrial Property 1545 St. James Church Road Newton, North Carolina 2923 S. Tryon Street, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28203 704.586.0007(p) 704.586.0373(f) Photograph 39: Railroad track that transects the southern portion of the Site, running generally north to south (Area F). Photograph 40: Typical adjacent residence and vacant land. SN L -00 1 Vacant Industrial Property 1545 St. James Church Road Newton, North Carolina 2923 S. Tryon Street, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28203 704.586.0007(p) 704.586.0373(f) Photograph 41: Northwest adjacent property, 1025 St. James Church Road. Photograph : West adjacent property, 700 Technibilt Drive. Appendix F Curriculum Vitae CURRICULUM VITAE BRUCE HICKMAN, PE Title: Principal Engineer and Senior Consultant Expertise: CERCLA & RCRA Project Management Experience Summary Mr. Hickman has over thirty years experience managing site assessment, feasibility studies, remedial design, and remediation construction activities for impacted sites across the US, with specializations in RCRA, CERCLA, and Brownfield sites. Mr. Hickman has extensive experience in assessment, corrective action, and redevelopment of former industrial properties. Credentials BS 1981, Mechanical Engineering Old Dominion University, Virginia Magna Cum Laude Tau Beta Pi, Pi Tau Sigma Registered Professional Engineer NC, SC, GA, MS, TN, VA Key Projects Project Director for a $2MM Time Critical Removal Action for a lead contaminated manufacturing site in Illinois, involving extensive use of XRF field screening and stabilization of 15,000 tons of highly impacted soils. Project Manager for feasibility studies and remedial design for a Region 4 South Carolina CERCLA site. The former solvent recycling site is impacted with lead, PCE, TCE, and petroleum hydrocarbons. Approximately 2,000 tons of lead and PCB-impacted soils were removed and disposed off-site. Remediation is on-going for subsurface VOC impacts to soil and groundwater. Project Manager for assessment, feasibility studies, and corrective action for a 300-acre South Carolina RCRA specialty chemical plant with more than 20 solid waste management units, including an on-site 15-acre non- hazardous waste landfill, seven waste lagoons, sludge holding basins, and wastewater treatment facilities. Impacts include primarily PAHs, VOCs, and inorganics. Project Manager for several State-lead assessment and remediation projects in South Carolina. These legacy manufacturing sites with chlorinated solvent impacts are being managed under DHEC active oversight. On-going efforts for the various sites include active remediation, assessment, vapor intrusion evaluations, and monitoring. Project Manager for assessment and closure measures for numerous dump sites including a 20,000 cubic yard textile mill waste dump site; closure design for a 15,000 cubic yard mill waste landfill; and remediation of a 40,000 cubic yard unpermitted dump site for a municipality. Project Manager for assessment and remediation of approximately 8,000 tons of Chromium and PAH impacts at former manufacturing facility. An innovative sub-grade cap was installed above hazardous soils to prevent continuing leaching to groundwater. Project Manager for remedial design of a multi-site pesticide CERCLA project in North Carolina. Activities included investigation, treatability testing, statistical mapping of impacted areas, and remedial design. \\hhfs01.harthickman.local\masterfiles\AAA-Master Marketing Info\CVs\2015 CVs\Hickman CV 2015.doc S:\AAA-Master Marketing Info\CVs\2015 CVs\Thompson 2015.docx CURRICULUM VITAE JORDAN THOMPSON Title: Staff Environmental Scientist Expertise: Phase I ESAs Radon Assessments Brownfields Due Diligence Groundwater and Sediment Sampling Experience Summary Ms. Thompson has approximately three years experience assisting with Environmental Site Assessments (Phase I ESAs) in accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard E 1527. Ms. Thompson performs various phases of field investigations, data analysis, and preparation of technical reports and proposals. Credentials Radford University, Radford, Virginia; Bachelor of Science, Biology/Geology, 2012 40-Hour Health & Safety Training for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response, 2014 Red Cross First Aid and CPR Training, 2014 Key Projects Completed Due Diligence and Environmental Site Assessments in accordance with client-specific and/or All Appropriate Inquiries ASTM protocols for commercial properties, industrial properties, residential, and large tracts of vacant land. Conducted site assessments; historical record reviews and analyses; topographic and geologic map review; federal, state and local agency file reviews; and technical report preparation. Prepared additional due diligence documentation including Environmental Risk Review (ERR) reports and Transaction Screen Reports (TSR). Conducted Phase I Environmental Site Assessments in the eastern and south-western United States with emphasis on the Carolinas and Georgia. Operated as point of contact and managed projects and invoicing for clients associated with national banks as well as local firms. Coordinated site reconnaissance visits and maintained communication and updates on report statuses between clients and regional offices. Provided preliminary review and ensured timely delivery of reports to clients. Coordinated pricing and proposal delivery for additional site assessment activities which were identified as necessary to complete AAI such as Phase II ESAs, Brownfield grant eligibility, Radon, Asbestos, and Lead Based Paint sampling. Conducted due diligence reports for Brownfield properties and coordinated with local agencies for pricing and additional assessment activities. Conducted short-term radon tests at residential and commercial facilities.