HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCB0057_SwiftCreek_CAUpdate_DIN28329_20170725Swift Creek Corrective Action Plan Implementation Monthly Project Update – Prepared by ERM NC, Inc. Report #3 – July 25, 2017 ReUse Technology, Inc. Former Swift Creek Coal Combustion By Product (CCB) Structural Fill, CCB0057 Battleboro, North Carolina Introduction   ERM NC, Inc. (ERM) has been contracted by ReUse Technology, Inc. (ReUse) to implement the Groundwater Corrective Action Plan for the Former Swift Creek Coal Combustion By Product (CCB) Structural Fill, CCB0057 approved by NCDEQ – Division of Waste Management on March 12, 2015. As requested by NCDEQ, ERM will provide monthly updates to summarize site activities including any changes in conditions as the project progresses. ERM has subcontracted Earnhardt Grading, Inc. (Earnhardt) of Lowesville, North Carolina to provide site preparation, excavation, grading, geosynthetic installation and final site stabilization. ERM and Earnhardt have been on the Swift Creek site full time beginning April 24, 2017 for construction activities. ERM has compiled weekly update status reports that are attached for reference. Summary of Activities Since the previously issued Monthly Project Update dated June 26, 2017, ERM and Earnhardt Grading have remained onsite full time conducting corrective action plan activities. These activities included:  Removal of CCB materials from the south end (Phase 1 area) of the project site.  Stockpiling of CCB materials on the north end (Phase 2) area of the project site.  Maintaining erosion and sedimentation control measures per NCDEMLR – Division of Land Quality approved plans (approved March 31, 2017).  Excavation and removal of previously abandoned 24-inch reinforced concrete storm pipe (partially complete).  Maintaining previously stockpiled cover soils area at the south end of the project site.  Using previous stockpile cover soils to establish a raised floor elevation in the Phase 1 area for receipt of CCB materials.  Surveying as-builts for removal of CCB materials and finished Phase 1 raised floor grades.  Removal of previously installed dewatering drain along west side of the project.  Identification of suitable off site soils for use during corrective action construction. Soils proposed for use are from a local farm. ERM collected soil samples for offsite borrow and submitted for laboratory analytical testing (results attached in Weekly Report for ERM NC, Inc. 15720 Brixham Hill Avenue Suite 120 Charlotte, NC 28277 (704) 541-8345 (704) 541-8416 (fax) Swift Creek Monthly Update Report #3 Page 2 July 25, 2017 July 19, 2017). Composite samples were collected for topsoil, sand and clayey soil sources as all may be candidates for use. In summary, all samples were non-detect (ND) for volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) and semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOC’s). Some metals were detected at concentrations that appear typical for this area of North Carolina. For acceptability purposes, we have compared the results to the NC Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch standards for Protection of Groundwater. Based on these standards, metals concentrations are below the standards. At the end of this third month of construction activities, Earnhardt has completed CCB material removal of approximately 90% of the Phase 1 footprint area. Due to heavy rains in the vicinity of the project, there have been several days lost to production due to weather and/or wet conditions. Approximately 50% of the Phase 1 area floor grades have been raised to meet or exceed the elevations contained in the approved Corrective Action Plan. Site Observations  To date there have been no visual indications of dust migration off site.  Since arriving on site, approximately 21-inches of rain has been recorded based on the onsite rain gage and monitoring.  Erosion and sedimentation control measures are functioning appropriately and there have been no observations of offsite sediment releases.  Monitoring wells have been marked with construction fence and maintained throughout construction activities.  The abandoned 24-inch diameter reinforced concrete storm pipe located in the Phase 1 area of the project site was encountered on 6/8/17 while performing CCB material removal along the southeastern portion of the site. At this location the pipe was open and contained water; not full of grout as previously reported by the site owner. As removal of ash continues from south to north, the pipe continues to be evaluated and observed as opened; not abandoned to approximately 100-ft east of the western project limits. A buried concrete junction box has also been discovered at this location. The open concrete pipe has been removed east of this junction box. There was no pipe observed leading into the junction box from the west. As excavation of CCB materials has continued, a smaller diameter 15-in diameter reinforced concrete pipe was discovered appearing to align with the discovered junction box and storm drop inlets along Highway 301. This 15-in pipe is also observed as open. Site observations also report no flow from this open pipe; potentially abandoned closer to Highway 301. The locations of pipe, pipe abandonment and results of observations will be recorded. Reference the attached Weekly Report dated July 19, 2017 for additional information.  ERM discussed the initial discovery of the pipe and conditions with Jackie Drummond of NCDEQ on June 12, 2017. Swift Creek Monthly Update Report #3 Page 2 July 25, 2017 Please let us know if you should have any questions or require additional information concerning this report or attachments. ERM NC, Inc. David W. Wasiela, P.E. Project Engineer Attch: Weekly Update Reports ReUse Technology, Inc. Swift Creek Project Weekly Update – June 28, 2017 Key Items Completed Last Week: Permit Related 1. NCDEQ; DEMLR – Land Quality – Thad Valentine was notified on May 12, 2017 that erosion and sedimentation control measures are in place for an onsite meeting. Thad replied that he would stop by next time he was in the area. No visit has occurred yet. 2. NCDEQ – Waste Management a. On site meeting with NCDEQ is scheduled for August 8, 2017 at 9:00 am. Vertex / Ace Related 3. No additional requests received from Vertex. Project Related 4. Earnhardt Grading and ERM remain on site full time since 4/24/17. 5. ERM prepared the second monthly update for NCDEQ and submitted to Jackie Drummond on June 27th. 6. Excavation of ash materials continues on the south end of the site with transportation to the north end; excavation of Phase 1 area. The bottom of the beneficial fill continues to be identified in the south end of the project (see photos). 7. ERM conducted a health and safety audit at the site on 6/21/17 with ERM’s South Atlantic Health & Safety Director Millard Griffin along with Earnhardt Grading’s Health & Safety Director Anthony Dohmann. No substantial issues were identified during or following the audit. 8. Rain and wet conditions hampered production from 6/21 through 6/26. Due to these conditions production this week was low and the Phase 1 ash removal is approximately 64% complete. Progress Plan attached. 9. Due to rain, no work on site June 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 26th. Photo Log of activities is attached for reference. 10. Earnhardt continues to evaluate removal of the previously installed french drain system along the western side of the site. Based on removal of this system in the northwest corner and visual observations, ash materials may have been used to backfill the subsurface drain. If this continues to be the case, removal of these ash materials may require excavation within 10-horizontal feet of an existing reinforced concrete storm drain line located on the west side. 10 feet within a utility is deemed a “critical zone” within ERM’s subsurface clearance protocols and would require an internal process waiver to proceed with excavation within this zone. Earnhardt is in the process of surveying the location of the storm drain line and establishing a 10-ft buffer to show the “critical zone” on the ground prior to removing more of the underdrain system. Plan attached for reference. 11. Progress Plan attached for reference. Two (2) Week Look Ahead (6/28/17 – 7/12/17): 12. Earnhardt and ERM will remain on site full time. 13. With recent rain events, Earnhardt plans to work through Saturday July 1st and continue excavating ash working routinely from south to north for preparation of Phase 1 area. Anticipate completing Phase 1 removal within the next two weeks. 14. Currently discussing an alternate approach including raising the first half of the Phase 1 floor to receive ash materials as the north stockpile is becoming difficult to manage due to wet conditions. The floor would be raised using on site soils, compacted and surveyed prior to receiving ash materials. 15. ERM will continue to update Full Circle concerning site activities as needed. 16. Earnhardt is proposing to not work Sunday July 2nd through Tuesday July 4th around July 4th holiday. 17. ERM will be preparing June invoice next week for submittal. Schedule Schedule submitted by Earnhardt completes removal of CCR materials from Phase 1 area 10 weeks from beginning mobilization. Currently at 9-1/2 weeks Phase 1 removal is 64% complete with production delayed by rain. St o r m L i n e L o c a t i o n a n d “ C r i t i c a l Z o n e ” ReUse Technology, Inc. Swift Creek Project Weekly Update – July 5, 2017 Key Items Completed Last Week: Permit Related 1. NCDEQ; DEMLR – Land Quality – Thad Valentine was notified on May 12, 2017 that erosion and sedimentation control measures are in place for an onsite meeting. Thad replied that he would stop by next time he was in the area. No visit has occurred yet. 2. NCDEQ – Waste Management a. On site meeting with NCDEQ is scheduled for August 8, 2017 at 9:00 am. Vertex / Ace Related 3. No additional requests received from Vertex. Project Related 4. Earnhardt Grading and ERM remain on site full time since 4/24/17. 5. Excavation of ash materials continues on the south end of the site with transportation to the north end; excavation of Phase 1 area. The bottom of the beneficial fill continues to be identified in the south end of the project (see photos). 6. Removal of the underdrain system on the west side of the project continued. Still identifying ash materials placed above the underdrain system while removal is occurring. 7. Due to difficulties encountered managing the ash stockpile area on the north end, Earnhardt began raising the Phase 1 floor area on June 29th using the onsite stockpiled soils. Soils were placed in approximately 1-foot lifts and compacted as grades were raised. The Phase 1 area grading was complete on June 30th and surveyed on June 30th. Proofrolling of the area was performed on June 30th and July 1st to identify any soft or unstable areas under the observation of ERM. The newly placed fill was acceptable for ash placement following proofrolling and Earnhardt began placing ash materials in the Phase 1 area on July 1st. 8. No work was performed on site July 2nd through July 4th due to the Holiday. 9. Progress Plan and photo log are attached for reference. Two (2) Week Look Ahead (7/5/17 – 7/19/17): 10. Earnhardt and ERM will remain on site full time. 11. With recent rain events, Earnhardt plans to work through Saturday July 8th and continue excavating ash working routinely from south to north for preparation of the remaining Phase 1 area. Anticipate completing Phase 1 removal within the next two weeks. 12. Excavated ash materials will be placed in the completed Phase 1 raised floor area and the north stockpile area depending on weather and site conditions. 13. ERM will continue to update Full Circle concerning site activities as needed. 14. ERM will be preparing June invoice this week for submittal. Schedule Schedule submitted by Earnhardt completes removal of CCR materials from Phase 1 area 10 weeks from beginning mobilization. Currently at 10-1/2 weeks Phase 1 removal is 64% complete with production delayed by rain. The raising of Phase 1 floor grades was scheduled for 10 days and 62% of the Phase 1 floor was raised in 2 days. ReUse Technology, Inc. Swift Creek Project Weekly Update – July 12, 2017 Key Items Completed Last Week: Permit Related 1. NCDEQ; DEMLR – Land Quality – Thad Valentine was notified on May 12, 2017 that erosion and sedimentation control measures are in place for an onsite meeting. Thad replied that he would stop by next time he was in the area. No visit has occurred yet. 2. NCDEQ – Waste Management a. On site meeting with NCDEQ is scheduled for August 8, 2017 at 9:00 am. Vertex / Ace Related 3. No additional requests received from Vertex. Invoice for June is currently being developed. Project Related 4. Earnhardt Grading and ERM remain on site full time since 4/24/17. 5. Excavation of ash materials continues on the south end of the site with transportation to the north end; excavation of Phase 1 area and to the southern end with Phase 1 floor elevation raised. The bottom of the beneficial fill continues to be identified in the south end of the project (see photos). 6. Removal of the underdrain system on the west side of the project continued. Still identifying ash materials placed above the underdrain system while removal is occurring. 7. The abandoned 24-in reinforced concrete pipe was encountered approximately 150-ft from the western edge of the project during ash removal. This section of pipe was observed as open and does not appear to have been abandoned. 8. Progress Plan and photo log are attached for reference. Two (2) Week Look Ahead (7/12/17 – 7/26/17): 9. Earnhardt and ERM will remain on site full time. 10. Anticipate completing Phase 1 removal within the next two weeks. 11. Excavated ash materials will be placed in the completed Phase 1 raised floor area and the north stockpile area depending on weather and site conditions. 12. ERM will continue to update Full Circle concerning site activities as needed. Schedule Schedule submitted by Earnhardt completes removal of CCR materials from Phase 1 area 10 weeks from beginning mobilization. Currently at 11-1/2 weeks Phase 1 removal is 68% complete with production delayed by rain. The raising of Phase 1 floor grades was scheduled for 10 days and 62% of the Phase 1 floor was raised in 2 days. ReUse Technology, Inc. Swift Creek Project Weekly Update – July 19, 2017 Key Items Completed Last Week: Permit Related 1. NCDEQ; DEMLR – Land Quality – Thad Valentine was notified on May 12, 2017 that erosion and sedimentation control measures are in place for an onsite meeting. Thad replied that he would stop by next time he was in the area. No visit has occurred yet. 2. NCDEQ – Waste Management a. On site meeting with NCDEQ is scheduled for August 8, 2017 at 9:00 am. Vertex / Ace Related 3. No additional requests received from Vertex. Invoice for June is currently being developed. Project Related 4. Earnhardt Grading and ERM remain on site full time since 4/24/17. 5. Excavation of ash materials continues on the south end of the site with transportation to the north end; excavation of Phase 1 area and to the southern end with Phase 1 floor elevation raised. The bottom of the beneficial fill continues to be identified in the south end of the project (see photos). 6. Removal of the underdrain system on the west side of the project continued. Still identifying ash materials placed above the underdrain system while removal is occurring. 7. The abandoned 24-in reinforced concrete pipe and a junction box was encountered approximately 100-ft from the western edge of the project during ash removal. This section of pipe was observed as open and does not appear to have been abandoned. The remainder of the pipe run not encountered yet is beneath an access ramp used to transport ash from the Phase 1 area. 8. ERM collected soil samples for offsite borrow and submitted for laboratory analytical testing (results attached). Composite samples were collected for topsoil, sand and clayey soil sources as all may be candidates for use. In summary, all samples were non- detect (ND) for volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) and semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOC’s). Some metals were detected at concentrations that appear typical for this area of North Carolina. For acceptability purposes, we have compared the results to the NC Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch standards for Protection of Groundwater. Based on these standards, metals concentrations are below the standards. ERM recommends accepting the soils as borrow material based on these results. 9. Progress Plan and photo log are attached for reference. Two (2) Week Look Ahead (7/19/17 – 8/2/17): 10. Earnhardt and ERM will remain on site full time. 11. Anticipate completing Phase 1 removal within the next week. 12. Excavated ash materials will be placed in the completed Phase 1 raised floor area and the north stockpile area depending on weather and site conditions. 13. ERM will prepare the next monthly update for NCDEQ next week. 14. ERM will continue to update Full Circle concerning site activities as needed. Schedule Schedule submitted by Earnhardt completes removal of CCR materials from Phase 1 area 10 weeks from beginning mobilization. Currently at 12-1/2 weeks Phase 1 removal is 89% complete with production delayed by rain. The raising of Phase 1 floor grades was scheduled for 10 days and 62% of the Phase 1 floor was raised in 2 days. Additionally, some CCR materials have already been placed in the raised Phase 1 floor area (Activity 6). So i l S a m p l i n g L a b o r a t o r y R e s u l t s S u m m a r y Me t a l s O n l y – V O C ’ s a n d S V O C ’ s a r e N o n - D e t e c t Sulfate (9056A) Sa m p l e I D D a t e S a m p l e T y p e A r s e n i c C a d m i u m C h r o m i u m C o p p e r L e a d M a n g a n e s e M e r c u r y N i c k e l S e l e n i u m S i l v e r Z i n c S u l f a t e 0. 6 8 1 4 . 2 2 4 , 0 0 0 6 2 4 0 0 3 6 0 2 . 2 3 0 0 7 8 7 8 4 6 0 0 N E 3. 0 1 9 6 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 9 4 0 8 0 0 5 , 2 0 0 3 . 1 3 4 , 4 0 0 1 , 1 6 0 1 , 1 6 0 7 0 , 0 0 0 N E 5. 8 3 3 6 0 , 0 0 0 7 0 0 2 7 0 N E 1 1 3 0 2 . 1 3 . 4 1 , 2 0 0 NE OF F S I T E M A T E R I A L - T O P S O I L 07 / 0 7 / 1 7 C o m p o s i t e 1. 6 <0 . 2 5 3. 3 1 . 2 6 . 9 3 7 <0 . 0 8 8 < 2 . 0 < 0 . 9 8 < 0 . 4 9 10 <11 OF F S I T E M A T E R I A L - S A N D 07 / 0 7 / 1 7 C o m p o s i t e <0 . 7 4 < 0 . 2 5 4. 5 1 . 2 4 . 4 1 1 <0 . 0 8 8 < 2 . . 0 < 0 . 9 8 < 0 . 4 9 < 2 . 5 <11 OF F S I T E M A T E R I A L - C L A Y E Y S A N D 0 7 / 0 7 / 1 7 C o m p o s i t e 2. 2 <0 . 2 5 24 5 8. 6 1 3 <0 . 0 8 8 5. 6 <0 . 9 8 < 0 . 4 9 92 2 No t e s : NC I H S B = N o r t h C a r o l i n a I n a c t i v e H a z a r d o u s S i t e s B r a n c h PS R G = P r e l i m i n a r y S o i l R e m e d i a t i o n G o a l mg / k g = m i l l i g r a m s / k i l o g r a m "< " = N o t D e t e c t e d NE = N o t E s t a b l i s h e d On l y d e t e c t e d a n a l y t e s s h o w n . S e e l a b r e p o r t s f o r f u l l r e s u l t s . NC I H S B P r o t e c t i o n o f G r o u n d w a t e r P S R G ( m g / k g ) An a l y t i c a l M e t h o d Me t a l s ( 6 0 1 0 D ) m g / k g NC I H S B U n e r s t r i c t e d U s e H e a l t h B a s e d P S R G ( m g / k g ) NC I H S B R e s t r i c t e d I n d u s t r i a l / C o m m e r c i a l P S R G ( m g / k g )