HomeMy WebLinkAboutCarter G. Woodson_2015-01-29 2nd Woodson Indoor VI Report-OCR SUMMARY REPORT OF SECOND INDOOR AIR SAMPLING FOR VAPOR INTRUSION EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT CARTER G. WOODSON SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOL BUILDING 420 GOLDFLOSS STREET WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared For: Ms. Ruth Hopkins School Administrator Carter G. Woodson School 420 Goldfloss Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27127 Ms. Hazel M. Mack President Challenges of the Twenty-First Century, Inc. 420 Goldfloss Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27127 Prepared By: Mid-Atlantic Associates, Inc. 409 Rogers View Court Raleigh, North Carolina 27610 January 29, 2015 SUMMARY REPORT OF SECOND INDOOR AIR SAMPLING FOR VAPOR INTRUSION EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT CARTER G. WOODSON SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOL BUILDING 420 GOLDFLOSS STREET WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA January 29, 2015 Mid-Atlantic Project No. 000R2592.02 Prepared for: Prepared by: Ms. Ruth Hopkins MID-ATLANTIC ASSOCIATES, INC. School Administrator Carter G. Woodson School 420 Goldfloss Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27127 William Service Ms. Hazel M. Mack Senior Environmental Toxicologist President Challenges of the Twenty-First Century, Inc. 420 Goldfloss Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27127 Daniel H. Nielsen, P.E. Principal Engineer TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 SUMMARY ............................................................................................................ 1 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION ................................................................................... 1 3.0 AIR SAMPLING .................................................................................................... 1 4.0 RESULTS .............................................................................................................. 2 DRAWINGS Drawing 1 – Topographic Site Map Drawing 2 - Air Sample Location Map TABLE Table – Vapor Intrusion Exposure Assessment – December 30, 2014 APPENDICES Appendix A - Meteorological Data - December 30, 2014 Appendix B - Laboratory Results and Chain-of-Custody Form Appendix C – Report of First Round Indoor Air Sampling 1.0 SUMMARY On December 30, 2014, Mid-Atlantic Associates, Inc. (Mid-Atlantic) collected indoor air samples at the Carter G. Woodson (Woodson) Middle School. The Woodson School site has been entered into the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Waste Management (NCDWM), Brownfields Program as an eligible Brownfields Project as of September 4, 2014. Sampling was conducted as a follow-up to vapor intrusion sampling conducted at the school on July 11, 2014; results of which are contained in a report dated August 7, 2014 (attached in Appendix C). Sampling methods, locations and laboratory analysis for the December 2014 sampling were summarized in an Indoor Air Sampling Workplan dated October 30, 2014 and are identical for the July 2014 and December 2014 sampling events. The work plan was approved by Sharon Eckard of the Brownfields Program on November 6, 2014. Tetrachloroethylene (PCE), trichloroethylene (TCE), and trichlorofluoromethane had been identified as contaminants of concern (COC) in groundwater and in soil vapor on the site. Indoor air was sampled for those analytes and results are compared to the residential indoor air screening levels established by NCDWM. There were no exceedances of residential indoor air screening levels in any of the six indoor air samples collected in this sampling event. Trichlorofluoromethane and PCE concentrations detected were at least an order of magnitude less than the NCDWM indoor air screening levels for all samples. Trichloroethylene was not detected in any of the indoor air samples. Similarly, there were no exceedances of NCDWM screening levels in the July, 2014 indoor air sampling event. 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION In a “Phase II Environmental Site Assessment” conducted by Hart & Hickman, dated May 16, 2014, PCE and TCE were detected in groundwater monitoring wells in the vicinity of the Woodson Middle School building in concentrations that exceeded the NCDWM Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels for groundwater (January and June 2014 versions). On June 13, 2014 the EI Group, Inc. conducted a “Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment” at the school and reported groundwater concentrations of PCE in excess of the DWM vapor intrusion screening limits for PCE in the vicinity of the Middle School. Sub-slab soil gas samples collected for the same report at the Middle School showed soil vapor concentrations of PCE in excess of the DWM residential vapor intrusion screening level. Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon) was detected in two of the EI Group Phase II soil gas samples but not at concentrations that exceeded residential soil gas screening levels. 3.0 AIR SAMPLING On December 30, 2014, six indoor air samples were collected in the Middle School building and one outdoor air (background) air sample was collected upwind of the Middle Summary Report for Vapor Intrusion Exposure Assessment January 29, 2015 Carter G. Woodson Middle School Building Page 2 Winston Salem, North Carolina School building (Drawing 2). Samples were analyzed for the site COCs – PCE, TCE, and trichlorofluoromethane. The indoor and outdoor air samples were obtained using seven 6-liter evacuated Summa canisters fitted with 8-hour flow regulators. Each of the samples was collected over an approximate 8-hour sampling period at breathing zone height of approximately four feet. Sampling locations were selected, in part, so that results would be obtained from each area of the building that is served by a separate heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. Sample locations are as shown in Drawing 2. In order to approximate worst-case vapor intrusion circumstances, the following conditions were in place during sampling:  The building was unoccupied and remained closed (including operation of doors and windows) throughout the sampling period.  Sampling was conducted during winter the high temperature (37 °F) was lower than the average low temperature for that date (48°F) (see attached Meteorological Data) in Appendix A.  HVAC systems were operated in heating mode throughout the sampling period. Samples were analyzed using U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Compendium Method TO-15. Only chemicals of concern were analyzed for and reported as recommended in DWM Vapor Intrusion Guidance (April 2014). Tetrachloroethylene was selected as an analyte because groundwater samples and a soil gas sample concentration exceeded DWM residential vapor intrusion screening levels (Hart & Hickman, and EI Group Phase II reports). Trichloroethylene was selected for analysis because it was detected in groundwater at concentrations that exceeded DWM residential vapor intrusion screening levels (Hart & Hickman report only). Trichlorofluoromethane was not detected in groundwater or soil gas at concentrations that exceeded DWM residential vapor intrusion screening limits in either of the Phase II reports. However, because trichlorofluoromethane was detected in groundwater in both Phase II reports and was detected in soil gas in the EI Phase II report, it was selected as an indoor analyte for this sampling event. 4.0 RESULTS Vapor sample results are summarized in Table 1. Results are compared to the NCDWM “Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels (June 2104)” for indoor air which use a target cancer risk (TCR) = 1.0E-06 and a non-cancer target hazard quotient (THQ) = 0.2. None of the indoor air samples collected had concentrations of target analytes that exceeded NCDWM vapor intrusion screening levels for indoor air in residential environments at target cancer risk TCR = 1.0E-06 or target hazard quotient THQ = 0.2. Summary Report for Vapor Intrusion Exposure Assessment January 29, 2015 Carter G. Woodson Middle School Building Page 3 Winston Salem, North Carolina Low levels of trichlorofluoromethane and PCE were detected in each of the indoor samples. Trichloroethylene was not detected in any of the samples collected. All of the results for PCE and trichlorofluoromethane were at least one order of magnitude less than the NCDWM vapor intrusion screening levels. The results for TCE were below the laboratory analytical method detection limit (MDL) for all six indoor samples. The MDL for TCE (0.057 ug/m3) is approximately 13% of the NCDWM vapor intrusion screening level for TCE (0.417 ug/m3). DRAWINGS ´ TOPOGRAPHIC SITE MAPCARTER G. WOODSON SCHOOL420 & 437 GOLDFLOSS STREETWINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA DRAWN BY:DATE: ENG. CHECK: JOB NO: APPROVAL: DRAFTCHECK:GIS NO: DWG NO: REFERENCES:SCALE: DAVIE FORSYTH GUILFORD DAVIDSON STOKES YADKIN SURRY RANDOLPH ROCKINGHAM ROWAN §¨¦I85 §¨¦I40 §¨¦I73 §¨¦I40 F AREA SHOWN WITHINFORSYTH COUNTY JANUARY 2015 000R2592.02 02G-R2592.02-11 1. WINSTON-SALEM EAST, NC DIGITAL RASTER GRAPHIC, USGS. SCANNED FROM 1:24,000-SCALE WINSTON-SALEM EAST, NC TOPOGRAPHIC MAP, PUBLISHED 1997, USGS.2. INSET MAP DIGITAL DATA FROM 2002 NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION ATLAS, BUREAU OF TRANSPORTATION STATISTICS, WASHINGTON, D.C.3. PROPERTY BOUNDARY DATA FROM FORSYTH COUNTY GIS. CONTOUR INTERVAL = 10 FEET 0 2,000 4,0001,000 Feet SITE 1:24,000 #0 #0 #0 #0 #0 #0 #0A-7 A-3 A-2 A-1 A-4A-5 A-6 ´ AIR SAMPLE LOCATION MAPCARTER G. WOODSON SCHOOL420 & 437 GOLDFLOSS STREETWINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA DRAWN BY: DRAFT CHECK BY: ENGINEER CHECK BY:APPROVED BY: DATE: DECEMBER, 30 2014 JOB NO.: 000R2592.01 GIS NO.: 03G-R2592.01-2 DRAWING NO.: 2 REFERENCE: PARCEL AND ROAD GIS DATA FROM FORSYTH COUNTY GIS. 2012 AERIAL IMAGERY FROM NC CGIA. MID-ATLANTIC FIELD NOTES. #0 AIR SAMPLE LOCATIONAPPROXIMATE INDOOR FLOORPLAN 40 0 4020 Feet LABORATORY COMPUTER ROO M BREAK ROOM LOCKERS GYMNASIUM ROOM105ROOM104 ROOM103ROOM102 ROOM101 BATHROOMS TABLE NC D E N R D W M Re s i d e n t i a l I n d o o r Ai r S c r e e n i n g L e v e l (u g / m 3 ) TC R = 1 . 0 E - 0 6 TH Q = 0 . 2 A- 1 ( G y m ) A- 2 ( R o o m 1 0 5 ) A- 3 ( R o o m 1 0 3 ) A- 4 ( B r e a k R o o m ) A- 5 ( C o m p u t e r La b ) A-6 ( R o o m 1 0 1 ) A-7 (Ambient) Sa m p l i n g D a t e 12 / 3 0 / 2 0 1 4 5: 2 3 P M 12 / 3 0 / 2 0 1 4 5 : 4 0 P M 12 / 3 0 / 2 0 1 4 5 : 4 4 P M 12 / 3 0 / 2 0 1 4 5: 4 3 P M 12 / 3 0 / 2 0 1 4 5 : 4 6 P M 12/30/2014 5:48 PM12/30/2014 5:53 PM Te t r a c h l o r o e t h y l e n e ( P E R C ) 8. 3 4 0. 2 4 0. 3 4 0. 3 2 0. 1 8 J 0. 2 5 0.22 J N D ( 0 . 0 6 8 ) Tr i c h l o r o e t h y l e n e ( T C E ) 0. 4 1 7 ND ( 0 . 0 5 6 ) N D ( 0 . 0 5 6 ) N D ( 0 . 0 5 6 ) N D ( 0 . 0 5 6 ) N D ( 0 . 0 5 6 ) N D ( 0 . 0 5 6 ) N D ( 0 . 0 5 6 ) Tr i c h l o r o f l u o r o m e t h a n e 14 6 4. 9 1. 8 1. 8 1. 9 1. 8 1.8 1.4 NO T E S : ND = N o t d e t e c t e d a b o v e t h e l a b r e p o r t i n g l i m i t s s h o w n i n p a r e n t h e s i s . Va l u e s i n bo l d e x c e e d t h e N C D E N R D i v i s i o n o f W a s t e M a n a g e m e n t ( D W M ) R e s i d e n t i a l I n d o o r A i r S c r e e n i n g L e v e l s ( J u n e 2 0 1 4 ) . EP A T O - 1 5 WI N S T O N - S A L E M , N O R T H C A R O L I N A MI D - A T L A N T I C J O B N O . R 2 5 9 2 . 0 2 TA B L E 1 VA P O R I N T R U S I O N E X P O S U R E A S S E S S M E N T - D E C E M B E R 3 0 , 2 0 1 4 CA R T E R G . W O O D S O N S C H O O L O F C H A L L E N G E - M I D D L E S C H O O L Pa r a m e t e r SA M P L I N G I D ( L O C A T I O N ) Pa g e 1 APPENDIX A METEOROLOGICAL DATA DECEMBER 30, 2014 Woodson School Indoor Air Sampling Meterological Data Weather History for Winston-Salem, NC Tuesday, December 30, 2014 Temperature Mean Temperature Max Temperature Min Temperature Degree Days Heating Degree Days Moisture Dew Point Average Humidity Maximum Humidity Minimum Humidity Precipitation Precipitation Sea Level Pressure Sea Level Pressure Wind Wind Speed Max Wind Speed Max Gust Speed Visibility Events Actual 34 °F 37 °F 30 °F 32 31 °F 86 93 73 0.07 in 30.34 in 7 mph (NE) 12 mph 18mph Smiles Rain Averages and records for this station are not official NWS values. Average 48 °F 30 °F Record 76 °F (1981 10 °F (19T -() Click here for data from the nearest station with official NWS data (KGSO). T =Trace of Precipitation, MM= Missing Value Source: NWS Daily Summary F Temperab.ire DetM Point .l\verage Higi1/Lcw~ c :~ 30 25 20 midnight1 -------------------~ ; ~---~~~----~---~--~~~~~~~~ .1 -4 I I I I I .7 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 9 10 11 noon 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 9 10 11 in Hg Barometric Pressure hPa 30 .5 ~ ~ 1033 30 .4 ----------------------1029 ""0., --------------------------------10?6 .J . .J ~....__~ .. ~~:~ ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~~~: midnight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 9 10 ll noon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 mph \.f~lncl Speecl '1Jlilml Gust 25.0 ~ 20.0 15.0 10 0 ------/""--. ,,...,.---__ .--.... . ~ ---...,_,.....-.../ ~ -----------......... ____ /"·-...... ____ 5·0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~------;--,-.... 0.0 j ij ,_ 0 midnight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 noon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ·10 ·11 :~Ht ~Ulnd Dir (cleg) ... .. . . . . . . .. . j 0.0 .. I ., ·, I •, I •, , micfnight1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 9 10 11 noon 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 9 10 1~lfmtlilr Reference: Weather Underground (Weatherunderground.com) http://www.wunderground.com/history/airport/KINT/2014/12/30/DailyHistory.html?req_city=NA&r eq_state=NA&req_statename=NA APPENDIX B LABORATORY RESULTS AND CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY FORM 39 Spruce Street * East Longmeadow, MA 01028 * FAX 413/525-6405 * TEL. 413/525-2332 Page 1 of 18 15A0046_1 Contest_Final_IHSB_MDL_DUAL 01 08 15 1603 39 Spruce Street * East Longmeadow, MA 01028 * FAX 413/525-6405 * TEL. 413/525-2332 Page 2 of 18 15A0046_1 Contest_Final_IHSB_MDL_DUAL 01 08 15 1603 39 Spruce Street * East Longmeadow, MA 01028 * FAX 413/525-6405 * TEL. 413/525-2332 Page 3 of 18 15A0046_1 Contest_Final_IHSB_MDL_DUAL 01 08 15 1603 39 Spruce Street * East Longmeadow, MA 01028 * FAX 413/525-6405 * TEL. 413/525-2332 Page 4 of 18 15A0046_1 Contest_Final_IHSB_MDL_DUAL 01 08 15 1603 39 Spruce Street * East Longmeadow, MA 01028 * FAX 413/525-6405 * TEL. 413/525-2332 Page 5 of 18 15A0046_1 Contest_Final_IHSB_MDL_DUAL 01 08 15 1603 39 Spruce Street * East Longmeadow, MA 01028 * FAX 413/525-6405 * TEL. 413/525-2332 Page 6 of 18 15A0046_1 Contest_Final_IHSB_MDL_DUAL 01 08 15 1603 39 Spruce Street * East Longmeadow, MA 01028 * FAX 413/525-6405 * TEL. 413/525-2332 Page 7 of 18 15A0046_1 Contest_Final_IHSB_MDL_DUAL 01 08 15 1603 39 Spruce Street * East Longmeadow, MA 01028 * FAX 413/525-6405 * TEL. 413/525-2332 Page 8 of 18 15A0046_1 Contest_Final_IHSB_MDL_DUAL 01 08 15 1603 39 Spruce Street * East Longmeadow, MA 01028 * FAX 413/525-6405 * TEL. 413/525-2332 Page 9 of 18 15A0046_1 Contest_Final_IHSB_MDL_DUAL 01 08 15 1603 39 Spruce Street * East Longmeadow, MA 01028 * FAX 413/525-6405 * TEL. 413/525-2332 Page 10 of 18 15A0046_1 Contest_Final_IHSB_MDL_DUAL 01 08 15 1603 39 Spruce Street * East Longmeadow, MA 01028 * FAX 413/525-6405 * TEL. 413/525-2332 Page 11 of 18 15A0046_1 Contest_Final_IHSB_MDL_DUAL 01 08 15 1603 39 Spruce Street * East Longmeadow, MA 01028 * FAX 413/525-6405 * TEL. 413/525-2332 Page 12 of 18 15A0046_1 Contest_Final_IHSB_MDL_DUAL 01 08 15 1603 39 Spruce Street * East Longmeadow, MA 01028 * FAX 413/525-6405 * TEL. 413/525-2332 Page 13 of 18 15A0046_1 Contest_Final_IHSB_MDL_DUAL 01 08 15 1603 39 Spruce Street * East Longmeadow, MA 01028 * FAX 413/525-6405 * TEL. 413/525-2332 Page 14 of 18 15A0046_1 Contest_Final_IHSB_MDL_DUAL 01 08 15 1603 Page 15 of 18 15A0046_1 Contest_Final_IHSB_MDL_DUAL 01 08 15 1603 Ph o n e : 41 3 - 5 2 5 - 2 3 3 2 AI R SA M P L E CH A I N OF CU S T O D Y 39 S P R U C E ST Page _L ot _J_ 41 ~ ~ · Fa x : 41 3 - 5 2 5 - 6 4 0 5 RE C O R D EA S T LO N G M E A D O W , MA t1021 DOC#284 Em a i l : in f o @ c o n t e s t l a b s . c o m \5 A O O Y 0 Rev. Feb 2014 "Hg Please fill out Co m p a n y Na m e : M r t> - Al l . AN t 1C . . As s o c . Te l e p h o n e : q1 q - a s - o - q q 1 J AN A L Y S I S .. orqiletety, aign, date I L and retain the yellow Ad d r e s s : Y a ' l ft O C z 6 R$ CT . Pr o j e c t : J 11 . . ~ ' i S ~ . Q Q RE Q U E S T E D n I coov for your record. V ; t l V I i F II S U11111lil canisters and EA L ~:l 6 l:: l . N l :: J . 1 G lo Cl i e n t PO 'I t i flow conlrollss RUil be ,. - . . R i n I t\ • returned wtttm 14 days At t e n t i o n : MJ J: L. L ~ e n. v: r c . € DA T A DE L N E R Y (C h e c k on e ) : a a c ""' • at receipt or rental fees DF A X ~ MA I L OW E B S I T E CL I E N T ~ I I I will apply. 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NE L A C & Al HA - L A P , LL C Ac c r e d i t e d / W B E /DBE Certified Page 18 of 18 15A0046_1 Contest_Final_IHSB_MDL_DUAL 01 08 15 1603 Page 2 of 2 Login Sample Receipt Checklist (Rejection Criteria Listing -Using Sample Acceptance Policy) Any False statement will be brought to the attention of Client Question 1) The coolers'/boxes' custody seal, if present, is intact. 2) The cooler or samples do not appear to have been compromised or tampered with. 3) Samples were received on ice. 4) Cooler Temperature is acceptable. 5) Cooler Temperature is recorded. 6) COG is filled out in ink and legible. 7) COG is filled out with all pertinent information. 8) Field Sampler's name present on COG. 9) Samples are received within Holding Time. 10) Sample containers have legible labels. 11) Containers/media are not broken or leaking and valves and caps are closed tightly. 12) Sample collection date/times are provided. 13) Appropriate sample/media containers are used. 14) There is sufficient volume for all requsted analyses, including any requested MS/MSDs. 15) Trip blanks provided if applicable. Doc #278 Rev. 5 October 2014 Answer (True/False) T/F/NA f...\0. \ \.... '\\''.:\ t()P.. 10A -l T I T I T \ \ T 0f\ Who notified of False statements? Log-In Technician Initials: Pr:, Comment Date/Time: Date/Time:\\£\\ S- \cl'. dGj APPENDIX C REPORT OF FIRST ROUND INDOOR AIR SAMPLING SUMMARY Elevated levels of chemicals were recently discovered in groundwater and soil gas at the Carter G. Woodson (Woodson) Middle School. Tetrachloroethylene (PCE), and trichloroethylene (TCE) exceed residential screening levels established by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Waste Management (NCDWM). Trichlorofluoromethane was repeatedly detected in soil gas and water samples, although at concentrations below screening levels. Vapor intrusion guidance from NCDWM recommends that indoor air sampling be conducted to measure indoor exposure from constituents of concern (COCs) when screening levels are exceeded. As a result, Woodson School administrators and officers of Challenges of the Twenty-First Century, Inc. (the owner of the property) contacted Mid-Atlantic Associates, Inc. (Mid-Atlantic) to collect indoor air samples in the Woodson Middle School. On July 11, 2014, six indoor air samples were collected for analysis of PCE, TCE, and trichlorofluoromethane. There were no exceedances of residential indoor air screening levels in the air samples for the detected COCs. TCE was not detected in any of the samples. The NCDWM residential screening level for PCE is 8.34 micrograms per cubic meter (ug/m3). Indoor PCE concentrations ranged from 0.16 to 0.38 ug/m3 (less than 2% of the screening level). The residential indoor air screening level for trichlorofluoromethane is 146 ug/m3. Trichlorofluoromethane concentrations ranged from 1.5 to 1.6 ug/m3 (approximately 1 % of the screening level). The levels were very similar to levels of PCE (20 ug/m3) and trichlorofluomethane (1.3 ug/m3) detected in outdoor, ambient air at the middle school. Based on the findings of the indoor air sampling in comparison to current NCDWM guidance for vapor intrusion, elevated levels of PCE, TCE and trichlorofluoromethane in groundwater and soil vapor at the Woodson Middle School grounds do not pose unacceptable risk to building occupants by the vapor intrusion pathway. PROJECT INFORMATION In a "Phase II Environmental Site Assessment" conducted by Hart & Hickman, dated May 16, 2014, PCE and TCE were detected in groundwater monitoring wells in the vicinity of the Woodson Middle School building in concentrations that exceeded the NCDWM Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels for groundwater (January and June 2014 versions). On June 13, 2014 the El Group, Inc. conducted a "Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment" at the school and reported groundwater concentrations of PCE in excess of the DWM vapor intrusion screening limits for PCE in the vicinity of the Middle School. Sub-slab soil gas samples collected for the same report at the Middle School showed soil vapor concentrations of PCE in excess of the DWM residential vapor intrusion screening level. Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon) was detected in two of the El Group Phase II soil gas samples but not at concentrations that exceeded residential soil gas screening levels. The April 2014 "Vapor Intrusion Guidelines" published by NCDWM recommend indoor air sampling if groundwater and/or soil gas concentrations exceed the applicable screening levels. Mid-Atlantic has prepared this indoor air sampling report for a vapor intrusion Summary Report for Vapor Intrusion Exposure Assessment Carter G. Woodson Middle School Building Winston Salem, North Carolina August 7, 2014 Page2 exposure assessment that was conducted on July 11, 2014 at the Carter G. Woodson Middle School building located at 420 Goldfloss Street, Winston Salem, NC (Drawing 1 ). BUILDING ASSESSMENT On July 7, 2014, in preparation for indoor air sampling, the Woodson Middle School building was assessed by Mid-Atlantic with the following objectives: • Identifying indoor sources of air contaminants that could influence sampling results, • Documenting that worst-case vapor intrusion conditions were established in the building prior to and during sampling; and • Qualitatively assessing the susceptibility of the building to soil gas intrusion. The Woodson Middle School building has approximately 16,000 square feet of floor space (Photographs 1 and 2). Each classroom in the building has at least one operable window (see Photograph 3). The building gymnasium (Photograph 4) is served by four roof- mounted HVAC systems. The classroom and office areas of the building are served by four zoned HVAC systems located in the building attic (Photograph 5). Each of the systems has mechanically-provided outdoor air ventilation that serves to pressurize the building relative to the outdoors. The building foundation is slab-on-grade. The building slab and flooring appear to be in good condition with no visible cracking. Cleaning supply rooms, restrooms, the school science and computer laboratories, and the school kitchen were inspected in order to identify consumer products, cleaning supplies, laboratory supplies or other products that could contain chemicals that were identified for indoor air sampling (PCE, TCE and trichlorofluoromethane). There were no products or materials identified in the building that contained any of these chemicals. Scheduled cleaning and maintenance of the HVAC systems that serve the building was postponed until after indoor air sampling was completed. Several characteristics of the building and mechanical systems suggest that the building has a relatively low susceptibility to vapor intrusion and that the building sub-slab to indoor attenuation factor is likely to be lower (i.e., greater attenuation provided) than the default sub-slab to indoor air attenuation factor (AF=0.03) used to calculate residential sub-slab soil gas screening values. Some of those building characteristics include: • HVAC systems with mechanical provision of outdoor air that serves to pressurize occupied building space. • Commercial slab-on-grade construction. • Relatively young building age with flooring and slab in good condition. • Large building volume per building footprint relative to residential buildings. Summary Report for Vapor Intrusion Exposure Assessment Carter G. Woodson Middle School Building Winston Salem, North Carolina AIR SAMPLING August 7, 2014 Page3 On July 11, 2014, six indoor air samples were collected in the Middle School building and one outdoor air (background) air sample was collected upwind of the Middle School building (Drawing 2). Samples were analyzed for the site COCs -PCE, TCE, and trichlorofluoromethane. The indoor and outdoor air samples were obtained using seven 6-liter evacuated Summa canisters fitted with 8-hour flow regulators. Each of the samples was collected over an approximate 8-hour sampling period at breathing zone height of approximately four feet. Sampling locations were selected, in part, so that results would be obtained from each area of the building that is served by a separate heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. Sample locations are as shown in Drawing 2. In order to approximate worst-case vapor intrusion conditions, the following conditions were in place during sampling: • The building was unoccupied and remained closed (including operation of doors and windows) for at least four days prior to sampling and throughout the sampling period. • Sampling was conducted in mid-summer on a day when the high temperature (89.6 °F) was greater than the average high temperature for that date (84 °F) (see attached Meteorological Data). • HVAC systems were operated in cooling mode at least four days prior to and throughout the sampling period. Samples were analyzed using U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Compendium Method T0-15. Only chemicals of concern were analyzed for and reported as recommended in DWM Vapor Intrusion Guidance (April 2014). Tetrachloroethylene was selected as an analyte because groundwater samples and a soil gas sample concentration exceeded DWM residential vapor intrusion screening levels (Hart & Hickman, and El Group Phase II reports). Trichloroethylene was selected for analysis because it was detected in groundwater at concentrations that exceeded DWM residential vapor intrusion screening levels (Hart & Hickman report only). Trichlorofluoromethane was not detected in groundwater or soil gas at concentrations that exceeded DWM residential vapor intrusion screening limits in either of the Phase II reports. However, because trichlorofluoromethane was detected in groundwater in both Phase II reports and was detected in soil gas in the El Phase II report, it was selected as an indoor analyte for this sampling event. Summary Report for Vapor Intrusion Exposure Assessment Carter G. Woodson Middle School Building Winston Salem, North Carolina RESULTS Air Sampling August 7, 2014 Page4 Vapor sample results are summarized in Table 1. Results are compared to the NCDWM "Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels (June 2104)" for indoor air which use a target cancer risk (TCR) = 1.0E-06 and a non-cancer target hazard quotient (THQ) = 0.2. None of the samples collected had concentrations of target analytes that exceeded NCDWM vapor intrusion screening levels for indoor air in residential environments at target cancer risk TCR = 1.0E-06 or target hazard quotient THQ = 0.2. Low levels of trichlorofluoromethane and PCE were detected in each of the samples (including the background sample collected from outdoor air). Trichloroethylene was not detected in any of the samples collected. Sample A-2 (Gaines Class) had the highest PCE and trichlorofluoromethane concentrations detected. For sample A-2, the cumulative non- cancer hazard index (assuming similar critical health effects of both compounds detected) is Hl=0.01 which is approximately one percent of the target Hazard Index of 1. The sum cancer risk for sample A-2 is 3.SE-08, which is between one and two orders of magnitude lower than the target cancer risk of 1.0E-06. The levels of PCE and trichlorofluoromethane found in indoor air were very similar to the levels detected in outdoor air. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Results of the sampling indicate that indoor air concentrations from vapor intrusion at the Woodson Middle School building are considerably lower than the NCDWM residential screening levels for vapor intrusion. The highest concentrations detected in indoor air samples are less than 2% of the screening level concentration for the corresponding compound. Indoor air concentrations of target analytes are similar throughout the school and outdoors. The mean indoor concentration for PCE was 0.27 ug/m3 and the outdoor concentration was 0.20 ug/m3. The mean indoor concentration for trichlorofluoromethane was 1.6 ug/m3 and the outdoor concentration was 1.3 ug/m3. Although concentrations of indoor air contaminants, from either subsurface or indoor sources, can be expected to vary considerably over time, the multiple lines of evidence from this study indicate that that vapor intrusion is unlikely to present unacceptable exposure risk in the Woodson Middle School building. TABLES Mid Atlantic Engineering & Environmental Solutions DRAWINGS Mid Atlantic Engineering & Envir-onmental Solutions PHOTOGRAPHS Mid Atlantic Engineering & Environmental Solutions 1. Middle School Building (Exterior -North Elevation) 2. Middle School Building (Exterior -South Elevation) Mid Atlantic Engineering & Environmental Solutio ns 3. Classroom Interior Showing Operable Window 4. Middle School Gymnasium Mid Atlantic Engineering & Environmental Solutions 5. Middle School Attic (Showing One of Four Zoned Air Handling Units) Mid Atlantic Engineering & Environmental Solutio ns METEOROLOGICAL DATA JULY 11, 2014 Mid Atlantic Engineering & Environmental Solutions