HomeMy WebLinkAboutBurnsville Hosiery Mill_LIMITED GW ASSMT Prepared for Winter Star Corporation Project Number: 2546 Prepared by Altamont Environmental, Inc. 231 Haywood Street Asheville, NC 28801 828.281.3350 Limited Groundwater Assessment Report Former Burnsville Hosiery Mill 54 Ferguson Hill Road Yancey County, North Carolina August 19, 2015 Limited Groundwater Assessment Report August 19, 2015 Former Burnsville Hosiery Mill, Burnsville, North Carolina Page iii P:\Winter Star Corporation\Groundwater Assessment\GW Assessment_SDG edits.docx Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1  1.1 Site History and Characteristics ..................................................................................... 1  2.0 Site Investigation .............................................................................................................. 2  2.1 Health and Safety Information ....................................................................................... 2  2.2 Monitoring Well Installation and Groundwater Assessment ......................................... 2  2.2.1 Monitoring Well Development ............................................................................ 2  2.2.2 Monitoring Well Sampling .................................................................................. 3  3.0 Results .............................................................................................................................. 4  4.0 Conclusions ...................................................................................................................... 5  Figures 1. Site Location Map 2. Sample Location Map Table 1. Groundwater Analytical Results Appendices A. Analytical Data Limited Groundwater Assessment Report August 19, 2015 Former Burnsville Hosiery Mill, Burnsville, North Carolina Page 1 P:\Winter Star Corporation\Groundwater Assessment\GW Assessment_SDG edits.docx 1.0 Introduction Winter Star Corporation (Winter Star) contracted Altamont Environmental, Inc. (Altamont) to perform a limited groundwater assessment at the former Burnsville Hosiery Mill property located at 54 Ferguson Hill Road in Burnsville, Yancey County, North Carolina (Site). The Site is a 2.896-acre parcel located in Burnsville, North Carolina. The Site contains a former manufacturing facility that is currently vacant and reported to be approximately 28,900 square-feet in area. According to the Yancey County Geographic Information System (GIS), the Subject Site is composed of one tax parcel and identified by Parcel Identification Number (PIN): 081016933250000. The Site location is shown on Figure 1. 1.1 Site Background Altamont previously completed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for the Site dated September 22, 2014. The Burnsville Hosiery Mill reportedly manufactured boot socks for the United States Army and was in operation from the 1950s until 2010. The Site has remained vacant since that time. The Phase I ESA identified five recognized environmental conditions (RECs) in association with former operations at the Site. • The historical and long-term manufacturing operations at the Site represent a REC. • At the time of the Phase I ESA, at least four underground storage tanks (USTs) were identified on- Site. Three of the USTs (a 550-gallon UST and two 10,000-gallon USTs) appeared to have been used for storage of heating fuel or fuel oil. Previous contents of the fourth UST (a 1,000-gallon UST) were uncertain. At the time of the ESA visit, this tank was exposed at the surface and appeared to be damaged. No obvious petroleum odors were observed at that time. • Multiple unlabeled drums and containers of unidentified material were located within the interior of the Site structure. The origin of the unlabeled material could not be verified. • Multiple 55-gallon drums and other containers were located along exterior portions of the Site structure on soil surfaces. Many drums and containers were not labeled and the origin of the material was not known. The material was not located within secondary containment and previous undocumented or future releases have the ability to impact both soil and groundwater at the Site. • A heavily stained trench drain was observed within the Site structure. The discharge point of the drain was not identified. The disposal of petroleum, solvent, hazardous substances, or other materials via this drain has the potential to have impacted soil and/or groundwater at the Site. A series of assessments have been completed at the Site in response to the identified conditions detailed in the Phase I report. Most recently, Winter Star Corporation requested that Altamont conduct an assessment to evaluate the potential for the historical Site uses to have impacted groundwater at the Site. Details of that assessment are described in the following sections. Limited Groundwater Assessment Report August 19, 2015 Former Burnsville Hosiery Mill, Burnsville, North Carolina Page 2 P:\Winter Star Corporation\Groundwater Assessment\GW Assessment_SDG edits.docx 2.0 Site Investigation Based on the observation of a stained trench drain located within the interior of the Site structure and the potential for materials that were disposed of through the trench drain to have impacted the Site, Altamont was engaged to complete a limited groundwater assessment within the boundaries of the Site on March 18, 2015. The completed scope of work involved the installation and collection of groundwater samples from three temporary groundwater monitoring wells. Once collected, groundwater samples were submitted for analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs) according to United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) methods 8260 and 8270, respectively. Groundwater analytical results were compared to North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC) 02L .0202 groundwater standards (2L standards). The groundwater data was also compared to the North Carolina Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB), Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels, in order to complete a preliminary assessment of potential vapor intrusion risk into future Site structures. 2.1 Health and Safety Information Prior to initiating field activities at the Site, Altamont and subcontracted personnel participated in an initial review of the Site Health and Safety Plan. In addition, a health and safety “tailgate” meeting was held prior to conducting field work. 2.2 Monitoring Well Installation and Groundwater Assessment Before initiating intrusive activities, Altamont contacted the North Carolina One-Call Center to identify public utilities at the Site. Due to the likely presence of multiple utilities on and near the Site, a private utility locate was also conducted. Altamont observed the installation of three temporary groundwater monitoring wells at the Site on March 18, 2015. Monitoring wells were installed by a North Carolina licensed drilling company. The monitoring well locations are shown as TMW-1 through TMW-3 on Figure 2 and were situated to evaluate potential groundwater impacts caused by the reported disposal of solvent-based compounds into an on-Site trench drain. The three temporary groundwater monitoring wells were installed using 4-¼-inch hollow-stem-auger (HSA) drilling technique. The monitoring wells were constructed of 2-inch nominal inside-diameter (ID) Schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe. A 0.010-inch machine-slotted PVC screen was set to intersect the water table at each well location. Each temporary groundwater monitoring well was then completed by a licensed North Carolina well drilling contractor in accordance with applicable regulations. 2.2.1 Monitoring Well Development After installation, each monitoring well was developed using the surge-and-bail method with a submersible pump. Wells were surged by rapidly moving the pump up and down in the well column. Approximately three to five well volumes were purged from each well to remove sediment from the well and to set the sand filter pack. Limited Groundwater Assessment Report August 19, 2015 Former Burnsville Hosiery Mill, Burnsville, North Carolina Page 3 P:\Winter Star Corporation\Groundwater Assessment\GW Assessment_SDG edits.docx 2.2.2 Monitoring Well Sampling Groundwater samples were collected from each of the newly installed temporary monitoring wells. Groundwater samples were analyzed for VOCs and SVOCs by EPA Method 8260 and 8270, respectively. A groundwater sample was collected from each well, with a dedicated polyethylene bailer, after three well volumes had been purged or the well was purged dry and allowed to recharge. The samples were then collected in laboratory-provided sample containers and placed in a cooler on ice for delivery to the Prism Laboratories, Inc of Charlotte, North Carolina. After water samples were collected, the three temporary groundwater monitoring wells were abandoned by Mountain Evnironmental Services, Inc of Canton, North Carolina a North Carolina licensed well drilling contractor. Limited Groundwater Assessment Report August 19, 2015 Former Burnsville Hosiery Mill, Burnsville, North Carolina Page 4 P:\Winter Star Corporation\Groundwater Assessment\GW Assessment_SDG edits.docx 3.0 Results A sample location map is included as Figure 2. Groundwater analytical data is provided on Table 1 and the laboratory analytical report is included as Appendix A. Groundwater analytical results are summarized below. • Groundwater Sample TMW-1 ° No constituents of concern were reported above laboratory detection limits. • Groundwater Sample TMW-2 ° No constituents of concern were reported above laboratory detection limits. • Groundwater Sample TMW-3 ° Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) was reported above the 2L standard. Limited Groundwater Assessment Report August 19, 2015 Former Burnsville Hosiery Mill, Burnsville, North Carolina Page 5 P:\Winter Star Corporation\Groundwater Assessment\GW Assessment_SDG edits.docx 4.0 Conclusions Concentrations of PCE were reported above the 2L groundwater quality standard in one sample, TMW-3. However, analyzed constituents were not reported above laboratory detection limits in the other samples. The identified concentration of PCE did not exceed the IHSB residential or non-residential vapor intrusion screening level. FIGURES Copyright:© 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed  0 0.25 0.5 Miles 1    ¦ Data Sources: USGS Topographical Quadrangle 2014 Subject Site - Yancey County GIS 2010 Site Location P:\Winter Star Corporation\Figures\Figure 1 - Site Location.mxd   Site Location !U !U !U Storage OfficesManufacturing Floor Dyeing Room Boiler Room Boiler Room Storage Lunch/Break RoomTMW-3 TMW-2 TMW-1 Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community      FIGURE2    ¦  !U Temporary Groundwater Monitoring Well Subject Site Parcel P:\Winter Star Corporation\Groundwater Assessment\Figure 2.mxd        TABLE Table 1 Groundwater Analytical Results Groundwater Assessment 54 Ferguson Hill Road Burnsville, North Carolina Volatile Organic Compounds (8260) Te t r a c h l o r o e t h y l e n e µg/L TMW-1 03/18/2015 <0.50 TMW-2 03/18/2015 <0.50 TMW-3 03/18/2015 1.6 0.7 11.5 48.4 Notes: 1. µg/L - micrograms per liter. 4. Bold = Exceedance of standard. 6. 15A NCAC 02L.0202 Groundwater Standard (April 2013) 3. Only detected constituents are listed on this table. For a complete list of analytes please see the laboratory analytical report. 2. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) analyzed according to US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 8260. 5. Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB) Division of Waste Management (DWM) Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels (June 2014). IHSB Non-Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels 15A NCAC 02L .0202 Groundwater Standards Sample Identification Sample Collection Date IHSB Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels P:\Winter Star Corporation\Groundwater Assessment\Tables\Groundwater Table Page 1 of 1 APPENDIX A Analytical Data Page 1 of 28 Page 2 of 28 Page 3 of 28 Page 4 of 28 Page 5 of 28 Page 6 of 28 Page 7 of 28 Page 8 of 28 Page 9 of 28 Page 10 of 28 Page 11 of 28 Page 12 of 28 Page 13 of 28 Page 14 of 28 Page 15 of 28 Page 16 of 28 Page 17 of 28 Page 18 of 28 Page 19 of 28 Page 20 of 28 Page 21 of 28 Page 22 of 28 Page 23 of 28 Page 24 of 28 Page 25 of 28 Page 26 of 28 Page 27 of 28 Page 28 of 28