HomeMy WebLinkAbout15032_800 Chatham Rd_Manifest Waste Disposal_20101229Please print ortype.(Form deafened for useonelite (12-pitch)typewriter.)II h'S9Z9/Form Approved.OMB No.2050-0039 O UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST 1.GeneratorIDNumber ertcyResponsePhone 4.ManifestTracking Number 5413362 JJKNcF>\2Db\D\%u 5.Generator's NameandMailing Address Generator's SiteAddress (if different thanmailing address) Generator'sPhone: 6.Transporter 1Company Name 7.Transporter2CompanyName 8.Designated Facility Name andSiteAddress 9b.U.S.DOTDescription(including ProperShipping Name,Hazard Class,ID Number, andPacking Group fifany))HM i t Vili ur»5/7*fV*^frf {i<^?<h~l>i) y 14.Special Handling Instructions andAdditional Information Aw tf*|S7 3 lb.3)4-315^ 10.Containers No.Type D/'n Dm Df U.S. EPA IDNumber I l^f fffrc333^> U.S,,EPA!DNumber U.S. EPA IDNumber &6PgSfr9o-??J 11. Total Quantity 15/?/ ISO */<*<; 12. Unit WUVol. / f P 13.WasteCodes E&el Pool Ppz?Z fr&D PQ^fU.593 15.GENERKTOR'S/OFFEROR'S CERTIFlCATtON:Ihereby declare thatthecontents ofthisconsignment arefully andaccurately describedabovebytheproper shipping name,andareclassified,packaged, markedand labeled/placarded,andareinall respectsinpropercondition.fortransport according toapplicable internationalandnational governmental regulations.Ifexport shipment andIamthePrimary Exporter,Icertify thatthecontents ofthis consignment conform totheterms oftheattached EPAAcknowledgmentofConsent a * Icertifythatthe waste minimization statement identifiedin40CFR 262.27(a)(if Iam alarge quantity generator)or(b)(ifIam asmall quantity generator)istrue. Generator's/Offerer's Printed/Typed Name 16.International Shipments I I.•l_lImport toU.S. Transportersignature (for exportsonly): 17.TransporterAcknowledgment ofReceiptofMaterials 18b.Alternate Facility(orGenerator) Facility'sPhone: 18c.Signature ofAlternate Facility (orGenerator) •Exportfrom U.S.Portofentry/exit: Dateleaving U.S.: Residue I IPartial Rejection Manifest Reference Number U.S. EPA ID Number 19.Hazardous Waste Report Management Method Codes(i.e.,codesforhazardous wastetreatment,disposal,andrecycling systems) m. ;notedinesignatedFacilityOwherorlOperatorCertificationofreceiptofhazardousmaterialscoveredbythemanifestexceptasnotedinlten/1 L Month Day Year I//\&\'Q Month Day Year IFull Rejection Month Day Year EF^Fom\5700-g2y(Rev.3-05)Previous editions areobsolete.DESIGNATED FACILITYTO GENERATOR y Please print or type.(Form ctaflSfor use on elite (12-pitch)typewriter.)^7(J>f //J ~///oi<3 7 G *JJ Form Approved.OMB No.2050-0039 *l UNIFORM HAZARDOUSWASTE MANIFEST 21.Generator ID Number />.„>,„.^,\&/\22.Pag<£I 23.ManifestTracking NumBerUNIFORMHAZARDOUSWASTEMANIFEST (Continuation Sheet)JJ&/>l?J>t>l0/*6>22.Page2 Of ^nr4/?J^2L TTTTf: 24.Generator's Name .,WtiMMte^l *J^)k£t7j \1 nj^fr?**I<^>»V*-" v,j.25.Transporter __^Company Name ^pu&l;.XC ^g Syc-r|-R^c;GROUP;LLC 26.Transporter.CompanyName 27b.U.S.DOT Description (including Proper Shipping Name,Hazard Class,ID Number, andPackingGroup(ifany)) 19 IF ^ is V / 32.Special Handling Instructions andAdditional Information 33.Transporter 7 Acknowledgment ofReceiptofMaterials 28.Containers No.Type ~r Uik EPAIDplumber ". U.S. EPA IDNumber 29. Total Quantify >& 30. Unit Wt/Vol.31.Waste Codes Printed/Typed flame A/?*hl*k: Signatui I U-aJiO,£-S Month Day Year 2JIL\a± 2 34.Transporter • Acknowledgmentof Receiptof Materials Printed/Typed Name Signature 35.Discrepancy 36.Hazardous Waste ReportManagement Method Codes (i.e.,codes for hazardous waste treatment,disposal,and recycling systems) EPAForm 8700-22A(Rev.3-05)Previous editions areobsolete. Prints5 .Month Day Year l-^l l- DESIGNATED FACILITY TO GENERATOR % Please print ortype.(Form deSRJned for useonelite (12-pitch)typewriter.)v-/ / / rr-ii 1 j /c -v-,-7/*>• --••••'7 /Form Approved.OMB No.2050-0039 |UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST (Continuation Sheet) 21. GeneratorIDNumber -i ..-/22.Page''23.ManifestTracking NumBer ,-r4J i Z I -,)\)K 24.Generator'sName ',,••'/••)<.':•...'•,', '••••:..>•••. U.S.EPA ID Number25.Transporter Company Name :.}...,:]{.r;i{,.yi_*s"tr f•**'-i.!iii^<IIt ,i/;*•;ff'f $":'t',*-t '"Vt. U.S.EPA IDNumber26.Transporter CompanyName 27a. HM 27b.U.S.DOT Description (including Proper Shipping Name,Hazard Class,ID Number, andPacking Group (ifany)) 28.Containers 29. Total Quaptify 30. Unit mJVol.31.Waste Codes No.Type / / t. --i .-. ...( > . -. / / cc 1 UJ / / // UJ o // / / ^- it / / f / / / / 32.SpecialHandling Instructions andAdditional Information T q.33.Transporter 5 AcknowledqmentofReceiptofMaterials UJ Printed/Typed Name ,,.-Signature y Month Day Year |,'/l/>.l/7 $34.Transporter AcknowledgmentofReceipt ofMaterials /^Printed/Typed Name Signature 1 Month Day Year 1 1 1 EDFACILITY "S J^36.Hazardous Waste Report Management Method Codes (i.e.,codes for hazardous waste treatment,disposal,and recycling systems) 8 1 III 1°1 III EPAForm 8700-22A (Rev.3-05)Previous editions areobsolete, f'r-\t,t:J? GENERATOR'S INITIAL COPY //'\ OMB No.2050-0039Pleaseprintottype.(Form designed fee use onHite (12-pitch)typewriter.)^^C^Qn -\1 /Q^-O C*-TO /Form Approved.f IUNIFORM HAZARDOUS 11-fff0^US?1**/„,^.c .12.Page1of I3.Emergency Response Phone 14.Manifest TiacWng Number11wastemanifest|Ntfteowc?\%u \3,|(gn>)flV'??^00541338! myiiiivtft itawruujjnuillWf 005413383 JJK 5.Generator's NameandMailingAddress.,• ,__.<,,',".^Generator's SiteAddress (ifdifferentthanmailing address) 3wo>******ytfS ffoK<8D°c^^^ u;.'f^*H-*A Uwv //l_*1 »O / Generator'sPhone: 6.Transporter 1Company Name U.S. EPA IDNumber I NcOlfUd-32 2* Transporter2CompanyName,__f __r .r*0\.U.S.EPA ID,Number B.DesianatedFadWNameandSiteMdfeg^p^j^g #*.Jf #<„f CP*)If Facility'sPhone: U.S. EPAIDNumber HM y y / 4M-*Vd Id ,/>«*#V^ 8b.U.S.DOT Description (includingProper Shipping Name,Hazard Class,IDNumber, and Packing Group (ifany)) \jjf,i\e ^fJS<3/&/3.1,uvtlso ti/AJj/T/Arvs^Able Liquids,p/0 u<viti3 P6-:rj e^M^i2f *.5, ytv*u"o.s.i,UriS^uff P^~& %w c 14.Special Handling InstructionsandAdditional InformationJ 10.Containers No.Type DF Df D^ &P I P/)J>flgS £9*?S"fa 11. Total Quantity IP >0 12. Unit WUVol. r to f> 13.WasteCodes 2W Dm/ t>O0/ £t>vz 15.GENERATOR'S/OFFEROR'S CERTIFICATION:Iherebydeclarethatthecontentsofthisconsignment arefully andaccuratelydescribed abovebythepropershipping name,andareclassified,packaged, marked andlabeled/placarded,andareinailrespectsinpropercondition for transport according toapplicable internationalandnationalgovernmental regulations.Ifexport shipmentandIam tiiePriiwy . Exporter,!cei%tfoaltfteoonter^1certify that the waste minimization statement Identified in 40 CFR262.27(a)(if Iam alarge quantity generator)p;(b)(ifIam asmall quantitygenerator)Is true. lerator's/pfferqr'sPrinted/Typed Name / 16.InternationalShipments r~n.I IImporttoU.S. Transporter signature (forexportsonly): 17. Transporter 1Printed/Typed Name Transporter2Printed/Typed Name 18.Discrepancy 18a.Discrepancy IndicationSpace P"]Qijantitv I IExportfrom U.S.Port ofentry/exit Dateleaving U.S.: •Type •Residue Manifest ReferenceNumber. •Partial Rejection Month Day Year \/?\ts \/o Month Day Year \/x M V* Month Day Year I xlVal\^ •Full Rejection £18b.Alternate Facility (or Generator) .JFacffit/sPhone: U.S.EPA IDNumber 8 18c.SignatureofAlternate Facility(orGenerator)Month Day Year 19.Hazardous WasteReportManagement Method Codes(i.e.,codesforhazardouswastetreatment,disposal,andrecycling systems) WEnn-i itm. 3. MM.20.Designated FacilityOwnerorOperator.Certification ofreceiptofhazardous materials covered bythemanifest exceptas noted inItem 18a Prtntedflyped Name ^ Signatui Month Day Year EPAForm 8700-22 (Rev.3-05)Previous editions are obsolete.DESIGNATED FACILITY TO GENERATOR -\$S* Please,print or ^.(Form designed<tetee^fT%lite (12-pitch)typewriter.)^JO^O////€>£•<?6^/v +1 UNIFORM&AZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST 121-Generator ID Number rTr 1,22 Page /I 23.ManifestTrack!UNIFORMiHAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST (Continuation Sheet) I.GeneratorUJNumper fy!cP\3o (,t bit u 23.ManifestTrackingNumber DOS Q/3 3 (,3-J^Tf< FormApproved,OMBNo.2050-0039 2A.Generator'sName TvU i ,V C»f *f ^r^duS-t^'/V/^77Ac^ 25.Transporter 3 CompanyName£'^•ekfrld CWV*#^-0.f\C 26.Transporter Company Name iForm 8700-22A (Rev.3-05)Previous editions are obsolete U.S. EPA IDNumber5-EPAIDNur A/vTV 0SMl£6)fc>q U.S. EPAID Number DESIGNATED FACILITY TO GENERATOR Please printortype.(Formdesigned Ibnfegonelite (12.Ditch)tvoewrite,)&lKfof4^}f Jc2Jd£9^/ k FomiApproved. 0MB No.2050-0039 |UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST (Continuation Sheet) 21.Generato^£jbep fiafrlOftk*'22.Pagjg>1 01'>J 23.Manifest TrackingNumber 24.Generator'sName /&£) U*Vl U.S.EPA ID Number25.Transporter ^CompanyName BEpuBLIC £m SyS (TRfiNS GROUP)LLC |PAD382661301 U.S. EPA ID Number26.Transporter Company Name I 27a.127b.U.S.DOTDescnptlon(tncluding'PropeTShippingName;Hazard Class,ID Number,'*28.Containers '•29. Total ' Quantity 30.IMf" WUVol.31. Waste Codes 'HM andPacking Group(ifany))No.Type J) / x . , , , t / / / <t£'r'''."...'.v / OS 1 UJ a / z UJ CD / / / / 12 .•i r Y.•"••i.•••:-.:.... •/ '/ ;-. 32.Special HarfSling Instructions andAdditional Information (j.33.Transporter,UJ iAdcnm«ledqm8rt'OfRec4felofMaterials ui Printed/Typed Name y Signature *>_^Month Day Year te x^/r?n*i ^*j%L1^\oi\i^j S2 34.Transporter Acknowtedgment ofReceipt ofMaterials ' «|Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Day Year -, ..-.-.,..-.;r.,,-,•••:;•••..'i-r ^••;•••••••••••.•'-<••••-•••••(••i••••••-\-H -i 35.Discrepancy _i o 5 36.Hazardous Waste ReportManagemenFMetfiKfeCodes (i.e.,codes for hazardous wastetreatment,disposal,and recycling systems) §1 1 I 1 DES EPAForm 8700-22A(Rev.3-05) Previouseditionsareobsolete. Prints5 DESIGNATED FACILITYTO GENERATOR