HomeMy WebLinkAbout6703_CampLejeuneClosedMSW_Oct2015_2ndSemiAnnual_DIN27463_20160427MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE JACKSONVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Final Report CY-2015 2nd SEMIANNUAL ASSESSMENT MONITORING REPORT CLOSED LANDFILL March 2016 CONTRACT: N62470-14-D-9022 DELIVERY ORDER:0014 MID-ATLANTIC 1 Werner, Elizabeth From:Marshall-Zank CIV James M <james.marshallzank@usmc.mil> Sent:Wednesday, April 27, 2016 10:58 AM To:Werner, Elizabeth Cc:Acosta CIV Lauren D; Townson CIV John R Subject:Camp Lejeune Semi-Annual Landfill Groundwater Monitoring Reports for October 2015 Sampling; Active Subtitle D and Closed Landfills Attachments:Appendix B EDD - 5100529 Camp Lejeune Active LF Semi Annual 13 Nov 15 1643.xls; Appendix B EDD - 5100532 Camp Lejeune Closed LF Semi Annual 13 Nov 15 1431.xls; GW Monitoring Reports- Certified for NCDEQ.pdf Hello Elizabeth,    Per subject, attached and below.    In accordance with North Carolina Solid Waste Management requirements, this  correspondence forwards results from the second semiannual assessment  groundwater monitoring event for year 2015 conducted at Marine Corps Base  Camp Lejeune (MCB CAMLEJ) Closed Landfill and detection monitoring  conducted at  MCB CAMLEJ's Subtitle D Active Landfill.  These reports were  finalized in March 2016 for sampling performed in October 2015 and are  attached in a separate emails due to their file sizes.    Please note that arsenic (wells MW‐B and MW‐ J) and benzene (well MW‐J)  were detected above the 15A NCAC 2L groundwater standard at the Closed  Landfill.  These wells are situated adjacent to one another at the south end  of the landfill.  Historically, these two wells have had past occurrences of  low levels of arsenic and benzene detections and/or exceedances.  A complete  data display of all of the detections can be found in Table 5‐1 of the  report.    Additionally, total chromium was detected at a value above the 15A NCAC 2L  groundwater standard for compliance well MW‐7R at the Subtitle D Active  Landfill, however, the result has the qualifier "B" indicating that chromium  was also found in the associated quality control (QC) blank.    MCB CAMLEJ also sampled active raw drinking water supply wells in October  2015 and the wells nearest to the Closed Landfill, No.s 661 and 606 had no  detections for arsenic or benzene.   The wells nearest to the Active Landfill  had a total chromium detection at well 709 of 2.3 ppb and no chromium was  detected at well 710.    Electronic Data Deliverables files for both landfills are now attached in  this email along with the NCDEQ Solid Waste Section Environmental  Monitoring Reporting Forms.  As previously requested by your office, all  future semi‐annual groundwater monitoring reports for both the Closed and  Subtitle D Landfills will be submitted electronically to you.    If you have any questions, please contact Mr. James Marshall‐Zank,  2 Environmental Quality Branch, Environmental Management Division, G‐F, at  910‐451‐9122.    Regards, James Marshall‐Zank    James Marshall‐Zank  Water Quality Section  Environmental Quality Branch  Environmental Management Division  G‐F, MCIEAST‐MCB CAMLEJ  Phone  910‐451‐9122  E‐mail:  james.marshallzank@usmc.mil    Privacy Act ‐ 1974 As amended applies, this E‐Mail may contain information  which must be protected IAW DoD 5400.11R, and is For Official Use Only  (FOUO).  This email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely  for the use of the individual or agency to which they are addressed.  If you  have received this email in error, please notify me immediately.    For Official Use Only ‐ Privacy Sensitive:  Any misuse or unauthorized  disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties.      Final CY-2015 2nd SEMIANNUAL ASSESSMENT MONITORING REPORT CLOSED LANDFILL MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE Prepared For: NAVAL FACILITIES ENGINEERING COMMAND MID-ATLANTIC (ENVIRONMENTAL) NORFOLK, VA 23511 Contracting Officer’s Representative: Dialis B. Figueroa Arriaga Contract: N62470-14-D-9022 Delivery Order: 0014 March 2016 AH/BC Navy JV, LLC 11837 Rock Landing Drive, Suite 300 Newport News, VA 23606 ASSESSMENT MONITORING SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT CLOSED LANDFILL, MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC TABLE OF CONTENTS AH/BC Navy JV, LLC i Final, March 2016 119-14 ACRONYMS & ABBREVIATIONS................................................................... iii 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................... 1-1 2. GENERAL PHYSIOGRAPHY ............................................................... 2-1 2.1 SITE TOPOGRAPHY .......................................................................... 2-1 2.2 SITE GEOLOGY ................................................................................ 2-1 2.3 SITE HYDROLOGY ............................................................................ 2-1 2.4 GROUNDWATER TABLE ..................................................................... 2-2 2.5 SURFACE WATER ............................................................................. 2-3 3. SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PROGRAM ............................................ 3-1 3.1 MONITORING WELL SAMPLING PROTOCOL ......................................... 3-1 3.2 SURFACE WATER SAMPLING PROTOCOL ............................................ 3-2 3.3 SAMPLE HANDLING, TRANSPORTATION, AND ANALYSIS ........................ 3-2 4. QUALITY CONTROL SAMPLES .......................................................... 4-1 5. ANALYTICAL RESULTS ...................................................................... 5-1 5.1 GROUNDWATER SAMPLES ................................................................ 5-1 5.2 SURFACE WATER SAMPLES .............................................................. 5-3 6. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS ..................................................................... 6-1 6.1 METHODS ....................................................................................... 6-1 6.2 DATA PREPARATION ......................................................................... 6-2 6.2.1 Normality ............................................................................ 6-2 6.2.2 Variance ............................................................................. 6-3 6.2.3 Dependence ....................................................................... 6-4 6.3 METHOD OF STATISTICAL EVALUATION ............................................... 6-4 6.4 RESULTS ......................................................................................... 6-5 6.4.1 Inter-well Statistical Evaluation ........................................... 6-5 6.4.2 Intra-well Statistical Evaluation ........................................... 6-5 6.4.3 NCAC 2L Exceedances ...................................................... 6-6 6.5 DISCUSSION OF STATISTICAL FINDINGS .............................................. 6-6 7. SUMMARY ............................................................................................ 7-1 7.1 INORGANIC SUMMARY ...................................................................... 7-1 7.2 ORGANIC SUMMARY ......................................................................... 7-2 7.3 SURFACE WATER SUMMARY ............................................................. 7-3 7.4 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................. 7-3 ASSESSMENT MONITORING SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT CLOSED LANDFILL, MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC TABLE OF CONTENTS AH/BC Navy JV, LLC ii Final, March 2016 119-14 APPENDIX A. Field Notes – Closed Landfill B. Laboratory Analysis (Provided Electronically) C. 15A NCAC Solid Waste Reporting Limits / SWSL Limits D. Chemstat Output (Provided Electronically) TABLES TABLE FOLLOWING PAGE Table 2-1 Groundwater Sampling Field Data Summary .......................................... 2-2 Table 5-1 Analytical Results Summary of Compounds Detected Above SWSL ..... 5-1 Table 6-1 Data Preparation Summary .................................................................... 6-2 Table 6-2 Summary of Inter-Well Poisson Prediction Limit Evaluation .................... 6-5 Table 6-3 Summary of Intra-Well Poisson Prediction Limit Evaluation .................... 6-5 FIGURES FIGURE FOLLOWING PAGE Figure 1-1 Groundwater Elevation Map ................................................................ 1-1 Figure 2-1 Potentiometric Surface Map ................................................................ 2-2 Figure 7-1 NCAC Groundwater Monitoring & Corrective Action Flowchart ........... 7-5 ASSESSMENT MONITORING SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT CLOSED LANDFILL, MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC ACRONYMS & ABBREVIATIONS AH/BC Navy JV, LLC iii Final, March 2016 119-14 ACRONYMS & ABBREVIATIONS AH/BC AH/BC Navy JV, LLC bgs below ground surface CFR Code of Federal Regulations COC chain of custody CY calendar year DO dissolved oxygen EPA Environmental Protection Agency FD field duplicate GIS geographic information systems i hydraulic gradient k hydraulic conductivity MCB CAMLEJ Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune MDL method detection limit MSL mean sea level MW monitoring wells n effective porosity NAVFAC Naval Facilities Engineering Command NC North Carolina NCAC North Carolina Administrative Code NCDEQ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality PVC polyvinyl chloride RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act RL reporting limit SC specific conductivity SSC statistically significant concentration SSI statistically significant increase SU standard units SW surface water SWL static water level ASSESSMENT MONITORING SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT CLOSED LANDFILL, MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC ACRONYMS & ABBREVIATIONS AH/BC Navy JV, LLC iv Final, March 2016 119-14 SWMR Solid Waste Management Rules SWSL Solid Waste Section Limits µg/L Micrograms per liter VOC volatile organic compound ASSESSMENT MONITORING SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT SECTION 1 CLOSED LANDFILL, MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC INTRODUCTION AH/BC Navy JV, LLC 1-1 Final, March 2016 119-14 1. INTRODUCTION AH/BC Navy JV, LLC (AH/BC) provided groundwater and surface water sampling services at the closed landfill facility at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune (MCB CAMLEJ). This project was completed under Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Contract N62470-14-D-9022, Delivery Order 0014. The closed landfill fa- cility is located on Sneads Ferry Road, and a general layout of the facility is provided in Figure 1-1. North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules (SWMR) initially required assessment monitoring at the closed landfill for the constituents identified in 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 258 Appendix II List of Hazardous Inorganic and Organic Constit- uents (hereafter referred to as Appendix II) annually, and the constituents listed in 40 CFR 258 Appendix I Constituents for Detection Monitoring (hereafter referred to as Appendix I) semiannually. The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) granted the facili- ty a modification of its assessment monitoring requirements. NCDEQ allows the facili- ty to sample only for Appendix I constituents semiannually in monitoring wells, with exception given to MW-I. MW-I must be sampled for Appendix II constituents annually (in addition to sampling for Appendix I constituents semiannually). Additionally, if Ap- pendix II constituents are detected at MW-I, all monitoring wells must be tested for those constituents in the subsequent sampling event. Samples were collected from two background wells (MW-D and MW-F), six down- gradient (compliance) wells (MW-B, MW-E, MW-G, MW-I, MW-J, and MW-K), and four surface water locations during the October 2015 sampling event (conducted on October 27th and 28th). All groundwater and surface water samples were analyzed for the constituents listed in Appendix I. Note that all Appendix II compounds were sam- pled from MW-I during the June 2015 sampling event. Figure 1-1 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION MAP Assessment Monitoring Semiannual Report, Closed Landfill MCB Camp Lejeune, NC ASSESSMENT MONITORING SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT SECTION 1 CLOSED LANDFILL, MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC INTRODUCTION AH/BC Navy JV, LLC 1-2 Final, March 2016 119-14 This page left blank intentionally ASSESSMENT MONITORING SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT SECTION 2 CLOSED LANDFILL, MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC GENERAL PHYSIOGRAPHY AH/BC Navy JV, LLC 2-1 Final, March 2016 119-14 2. GENERAL PHYSIOGRAPHY The general background information in this section was originally provided in the June 2001 Detection Monitoring Report prepared by S&ME. This information has been modified for brevity and updated where necessary to reflect current conditions during this most current sampling event. 2.1 SITE TOPOGRAPHY The topographic relief of the local area surrounding the closed landfill is approximate- ly 10 feet. The highest natural ground surface elevations, at 35 to 40 feet above Mean Sea Level Datum (MSL), occur to the east and northeast of the landfill. In the vicinity of the landfill, the ground surface slopes gently downward to two natural drainage fea- tures; Cogdels Creek to the north and Cowhead Creek to the south. 2.2 SITE GEOLOGY Cretaceous-age sediments immediately overlying the basement rocks are divided into undifferentiated units identified as the Cape Fear, Middendorf (formerly Tuscaloosa), Black Creek, and Peedee Formations. Tertiary-age sediments deposited above the Cretaceous units include the Beaufort, Castle Hayne, and Belgrade Formations. Qua- ternary age surficial sediments consisting of sand, clay, gravel, and peat deposited in marine, fluvial, aeolian, and lacustrine environments overlie the Tertiary units. The soil borings completed at the landfill site were advanced to an approximate depth of 35 feet into Quaternary deposits. 2.3 SITE HYDROLOGY Surficial groundwater flow patterns in the vicinity of the landfill have been evaluated using a series of shallow monitoring wells finished at depths of 35 feet below ground surface (bgs) or less. The depth to groundwater varies from less than two feet bgs in ASSESSMENT MONITORING SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT SECTION 2 CLOSED LANDFILL, MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC GENERAL PHYSIOGRAPHY AH/BC Navy JV, LLC 2-2 Final, March 2016 119-14 the vicinity of Cogdels Creek and Cowhead Creek to 14 to 17 feet bgs in better- drained portions of the site. Shallow groundwater conditions (less than 10 feet bgs) exist in the vicinity of MW-E, MW-F, MW-G, MW-I, and MW-K. The landfill appears to be located on a groundwater divide located between Cogdels and Cowhead Creeks, with groundwater generally flowing from the northeast direction towards the south- west. 2.4 GROUNDWATER TABLE The depth to the groundwater table was measured in two up-gradient (background) wells (MW-D and MW-F) and six down-gradient (compliance) wells (MW-B, MW-E, MW-G, MW-I, MW-J, and MW-K). Each well was examined for its general integrity, including protection from surface water inflow, well identification tag, vented cap, lock, and general well security. Each well was opened and the depth to the water table was measured from a reference mark on the top of the polyvinyl chloride (PVC) well cas- ing using an electronic water level indicator. The water table elevation at each well was calculated by subtracting the depth to groundwater measurement from the sur- veyed elevation of the top of the casing. Table 2-1 shows the depth to groundwater measurements and groundwater elevation calculations for each of the monitoring wells measured during the October 2015 sampling event and the previous sampling event conducted in June 2015. A water table contour map was constructed by plotting the water table elevation cal- culated for each well location on a geographic information systems (GIS) generated base map. Groundwater potentiometric surface contours determined from static groundwater measurements recorded during the October 2015 sampling event are shown on Figure 2-1. Within the vicinity of the landfill, groundwater generally flows in a semi-radial or lobed pattern towards the northwest, west, southwest and south di- rections. Hydraulic gradient and groundwater flow velocity calculation results are lo- cated in Table 2-1. Hydraulic gradients between the most up-gradient background well and each of the compliance wells were determined first by calculating the vertical differences between Table 2-1 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING FIELD DATA SUMMARY Assessment Monitoring Semiannual Report, Closed Landfill MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Sample Event: 10/27/15 –10/28/15 Sampling Date Jun-15 Oct-15 Jun-15 Oct-15 Jun-15 Oct-15 Jun-15 Oct-15 Jun-15 Oct-15 Jun-15 Oct-15 Jun-15 Oct-15 Jun-15 Oct-15 Water Table Data Top of Casing Elevation (ft.)33.33 33.33 32.38 32.38 33.33 33.33 25.92 25.92 25.01 25 18.94 18.94 33.40 33.40 27.94 27.94 Depth to Water from TOC (ft.)11.56 11.86 7.58 5.79 17.36 15.22 5.69 7.28 5.90 6.41 4.15 5.44 14.19 12.95 8.07 7.12 Groundwater Elevation (ft.)21.77 21.47 24.80 26.59 15.97 18.11 20.23 18.64 19.11 18.59 14.79 13.50 19.21 20.45 19.87 20.82 Field Paramaters pH 7.05 4.72 5.24 6.63 7.92 5.19 6.81 5.49 9.25 5.24 6.55 5.75 8.88 6.15 5.74 5.46 Specific Conductance (ms/cm)0.075 0.072 0.099 0.357 0.114 0.13 0.303 0.091 0.311 0.429 0.248 0.809 0.369 0.600 0.232 0.156 Temperature (o C)20.52 18.81 18.88 20.50 20.90 20.36 17.72 20.68 21.12 19.15 19.02 18.96 19.15 20.52 18.20 20.12 Aquifer Paramaters Porosity (ne) 1 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 Hydraulic Conductivity (K)2 0.00207 0.00207 0.00207 0.00207 0.00207 0.00207 0.00207 0.00207 0.00207 0.00207 0.00207 0.00207 0.00207 0.00207 0.00207 0.00207 Hydraulic Gradient (i) 3 0.0025 0.0042 0.0000 0.0000 0.0037 0.0036 0.0017 0.0030 0.0027 0.0038 0.0042 0.0055 0.0024 0.0026 0.0020 0.0024 Avg. Linear Velocity (v) 4 17.6 29.7 0.0 0.0 26.7 25.7 12.2 21.1 19.2 27.0 30.3 39.6 17.2 18.9 14.4 16.8 Notes: MW-D MW-F MW-B MW-E MW-KMW-G MW-I Monitor Well Number Background Wells Compliance Wells MW-J 4 Average Linear Velocity (v) is calculated as shown below; reported in ft/yr. 1.035E06K is conversion from cm/sec to feet/yr. v = -(1.035E06)K*i ne * Surface water samples; no water table data nor aquifer parameters calculated NM Not measured during sampling 1 15% is an assumed average effective porosity value (ne) based on published data (Freeze and Cherry, 1979) 2 Hydraulic Conductivity (K) calculated during previous sampling events; reported in cm/sec. 3 Hydraulic Gradient (i) calculated by dividing the difference between two selected contour elevations (dh) by the horizontal distance (dl) measured between the two elevations (dh/dl); reported in ft/ft. Figure 2-1 POTENTIOMETRIC SURFACE MAP Assessment Monitoring Semiannual Report, Closed Landfill MCB Camp Lejeune, NC ASSESSMENT MONITORING SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT SECTION 2 CLOSED LANDFILL, MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC GENERAL PHYSIOGRAPHY AH/BC Navy JV, LLC 2-3 Final, March 2016 119-14 each wells observed groundwater elevation against the groundwater elevation as ob- served in well MW-F. These values were then divided by the measured horizontal dis- tance from the background well to each of the compliance wells. Hydraulic gradients in the vicinity of the landfill are relatively flat and ranged between 0.0024 to 0.0055 feet per foot during the sampling event. Gradients of these magnitudes are typical for sites with low relief within the Coastal Plain of North Carolina. Groundwater velocities were then calculated by multiplying the hydraulic gradient (i) determined above by a previously determined hydraulic conductivity (k) constant and then dividing that result by the estimated effective porosity (n) of the aquifer. Calcu- lated groundwater flow velocities are summarized in Table 2-1. Based on the calculations, groundwater flow velocities during the October 2015 sam- pling event ranged from approximately 16.8 feet per year between MW-F and MW-K, to approximately 39.6 feet per year between MW-F and MW-I. 2.5 SURFACE WATER The facility is located within the drainage area between two naturally formed creeks: Cowhead Creek and Cogdels Creek. Both Cogdels and Cowhead Creeks generally flow from the northeast to the southwest. Both creeks ultimately empty into the New River and are classified by NCDEQ as tidal salt water bodies within the White Oak River basin. The up-gradient collection point on Cogdels Creek is identified as SW-4; the down-gradient collection point is identified as SW-3. The up-gradient collection point on Cowhead Creek is identified as SW-2 and the down-gradient collection point is identified as SW-1. All sample positions are located in naturally occurring drainage ways and all exhibit relatively low base-flow rates. During the October 2015 sampling event, AH/BC collected samples from each surface water collection point. ASSESSMENT MONITORING SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT SECTION 2 CLOSED LANDFILL, MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC GENERAL PHYSIOGRAPHY AH/BC Navy JV, LLC 2-4 Final, March 2016 119-14 This page left blank intentionally ASSESSMENT MONITORING SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT SECTION 3 CLOSED LANDFILL, MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PROGRAM AH/BC Navy JV, LLC 3-1 Final, March 2016 119-14 3. SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PROGRAM In accordance with 15A North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC) 13B.1634, MCB CAMLEJ is conducting modified assessment monitoring at the closed landfill. This section describes the procedures used for collecting groundwater samples from moni- toring wells. All methods used for sampling are compliant with the NCDEQ Solid Waste Section Guidelines for Groundwater, Soil, and Surface Water Sampling manu- al. 3.1 MONITORING WELL SAMPLING PROTOCOL Prior to collecting groundwater samples, the static water level (SWL) was measured using an electronic water level meter at each location. AH/BC then determined the height of the water column and calculated the well volume for each well. Once the well volume was calculated, AH/BC then purged each well using low-flow sampling techniques which minimize hydraulic stresses on the aquifer during purging and sampling. This technique also ensures the recovery of a representative water sample directly from the aquifer formation as opposed to the static water column with- in the well. A peristaltic pump was then attached to dedicated Teflon® tubing, which had been previously installed in each of the monitoring wells. The pump was then ac- tivated to induce a low-flow condition in which groundwater begins to flow from the aquifer into the screened zone of the monitoring well. The pump is then adjusted such that the rate of discharge is balanced by the rate of recovery. This rate of discharge subsequently results in a minimal drawdown of water levels within each monitoring well. Temperature, pH, specific conductivity (SC), dissolved oxygen (DO), and turbidity were field measured at five-minute intervals during well purging until temperature, pH, and SC stabilized, while turbidity and DO were within ±10% of the previous reading. Stabilization is defined by NCDEQ as a variance of no more than ±0.2 standard units ASSESSMENT MONITORING SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT SECTION 3 CLOSED LANDFILL, MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PROGRAM AH/BC Navy JV, LLC 3-2 Final, March 2016 119-14 (SU) pH, ±0.2° temperature, ± 5.0% SC. Groundwater samples were collected as soon as the water quality parameters met the stabilized condition criteria. The above field measured parameters are discussed in the following sections and are summa- rized in Table 2-1. Additional field notes are provided in Appendix A of this report. 3.2 SURFACE WATER SAMPLING PROTOCOL As described in Section 2.5, Cogdels and Cowhead Creeks are two surface water bodies which receive surface drainage from the closed landfill facility. The up-gradient collection point on Cogdels Creek is identified as SW-4; the down-gradient collection point is identified as SW-3. The up-gradient collection point on Cowhead Creek is identified as SW-2 and the down-gradient collection point is identified as SW-1. The sample locations are shown in Figure 1-1. Surface water samples were collected with the NCDEQ approved “surface grab sample” technique1. 3.3 SAMPLE HANDLING, TRANSPORTATION, AND ANALYSIS After each sample was collected, the samples were labeled and placed in a shipping cooler containing ice. Once sampling was complete, the samples were repackaged with new/additional ice and prepared for shipment to Prism Laboratories, Inc., of Charlotte, North Carolina for analysis. All samples were properly logged on a Chain- of-Custody (COC) form which was included with the sample coolers. Once prepared, a COC seal was placed on the exterior of each shipping cooler’s lid and secured with clear packing tape. All groundwater and surface water samples were submitted for analysis for the constituents listed on the COC (included in Appendix B). 1 As detailed in Appendix E of the Solid Waste Section Guidelines for Groundwater, Soil, and Surface Water Sampling manual. ASSESSMENT MONITORING SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT SECTION 4 CLOSED LANDFILL, MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC QUALITY CONTROL SAMPLES AH/BC Navy JV, LLC 4-1 Final, March 2016 119-14 4. QUALITY CONTROL SAMPLES Quality control samples are often used to demonstrate the adequacy of field decon- tamination procedures (equipment rinsate blanks), assess the potential for cross con- tamination during shipment of the sample containers from the laboratory to the field or back to the laboratory (trip blanks), and to evaluate the consistency of laboratory ana- lytical processes (field duplicate samples). During the sampling event, laboratory-prepared trip blanks accompanied the samples and were analyzed for Appendix I volatile organic compounds (VOCs). No equipment was reused in the field which required decontamination; therefore, no equipment rinsate blanks were collected. In order to verify the laboratory’s level of precision, a field duplicate (FD or “Dup”) sample was collected during the October 2015 sampling event. The analytical results of the blind duplicate sample mostly agreed with its cor- responding matched compliance sample (MW-F). The MW-F/”Dup” set had an abso- lute average relative percent difference of 17.79%2. The analytical results of the du- plicate sample (“Dup”) are provided within Appendix B of this report. 2 This appears to be a relatively high percentage of difference with respect to historical calculations. However, the large difference is attributed to how the lab reports metallic constituents. It has been noted that none of the current metals results in the MW-F/”Dup” pair were found to be above the North Carolina Solid Waste Section Limit (SWSL). As such, there is very little concern over the RPD value. ASSESSMENT MONITORING SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT SECTION 4 CLOSED LANDFILL, MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC QUALITY CONTROL SAMPLES AH/BC Navy JV, LLC 4-2 Final, March 2016 119-14 This page left blank intentionally ASSESSMENT MONITORING SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT SECTION 5 CLOSED LANDFILL, MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC ANALYTICAL RESULTS AH/BC Navy JV, LLC 5-1 Final, March 2016 119-14 5. ANALYTICAL RESULTS The laboratory analytical reports and COC forms are included in Appendix B. The an- alytical results for the organic and inorganic compounds that were detected above the North Carolina Solid Waste Section Limit3 (SWSL) during the October 2015 sampling event are summarized in Table 5-1. Also included in Table 5-1 are results that were detected above the lab’s internal Method Detection Limit (MDL) but below the SWSL Reporting Limit (RL) if the constituent was detected above the SWSL in at least one other well. These values are typically associated with a “J” ‘flag’ to indicate that the data was estimated by the laboratory. However, in some instances, a “J” flag was not assigned to the result as the value was detected above the lab’s internal RL. Results of estimated values (“J” ‘flagged) and results above the lab’s internal RL, but below the SWSL, were not included in the following sections as they do not exceed the SWSL. These types of results (or any value found to be below the SWSL) are not to be included in statistical evaluations as directed by NCDEQ. 5.1 GROUNDWATER SAMPLES Three inorganic constituents were detected above the corresponding SWSL during the October 2015 sampling event: arsenic, barium and zinc. Arsenic was detected above the SWSL of 10.0 micrograms per liter (µg/L) in wells MW-B and MW-J at concentrations of 30.0 µg/L and 16.0 µg/L, respectively. These concentrations are also above the 15A NCAC 2L groundwater protection standard of 10.0 µg/L (same value as the SWSL). These 2L exceedances are reported by MCB CAMLEJ to the State by means of this document and electronic data delivery. With exception to well MW-E (non-detection), arsenic was detected in trace concentrations below the SWSL in all remaining wells. 3 A complete list of SWSL concentrations managed by the NC Division of Waste Management is provid- ed through the following web address: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wm/sw/envmonitoringlist. Additionally, a complete list of SWSLs has been included in this report as Appendix C. Table 5-1 ANALYTICAL RESULTS SUMMARY OF COMPOUNDS DETECTED ABOVE SWSL Assessment Monitoring Semiannual Report, Closed Landfill MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Sample Event: 10/27/15 –10/28/15 MW-D MW-F MW-B MW-E MW-G MW-I MW-J MW-K SWSL 2L Acetone ND ND 1600 ND ND ND 24.0 ND 100 6000 Benzene ND ND ND ND ND 0.98 1.3 ND 1 1 Chlorobenzene ND ND 0.97 ND ND ND 4.3 ND 3 50 Toluene ND ND 20.0 ND ND ND ND ND 1 600 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ND ND ND ND ND 1.2 ND 1 6 MW-D MW-F MW-B MW-E MW-G MW-I MW-J MW-K SWSL 2L Arsenic 0.47J 0.48J 30.0 ND 2.1 2.3 16.0 1.3 10 10 Barium 26.0 8.7 53.0 8.9 140.0 120.0 88.0 44.0 100 700 Zinc 8.7J ND 5.8J 1.9J 12.0 1.7J 0.98J 11.0 10 1000 Legend XXX - Values are above 15A NCAC 2L Groundwater Protection Standards XXX - Values are above NC SWSL Quantification Limits J = result below reporting limit ND = Not Detected Units are in µg/l Inorganic Background Background Compliance NCAC Compliance Organic NCAC ASSESSMENT MONITORING SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT SECTION 5 CLOSED LANDFILL, MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC ANALYTICAL RESULTS AH/BC Navy JV, LLC 5-2 Final, March 2016 119-14 Barium was detected above the SWSL in compliance wells MW-G and MW-I at con- centrations of 140.0 µg/L and 120.0 µg/L, respectively. The SWSL for barium is 100 µg/L. These result are not above the 15A NCAC 2L groundwater standard of 700 µg/L for barium. Barium was also detected at trace concentrations below the SWSL in all other wells. Zinc was detected above the SWSL in compliance wells MW-G and MW-K at concen- trations of 12.0 µg/L and 11.0 µg/L, respectively. The SWSL for zinc is 10 µg/L. This result is not above the 15A NCAC 2L groundwater standard of 1,000 µg/L for zinc. Zinc was also detected at trace concentrations below the SWSL in all other wells with exception to well MW-F. Five Appendix I organic compounds were detected above their corresponding SWSLs during the October 2015 sampling event: acetone, benzene, chlorobenzene, toluene, and 1,4-dichlorobenzene. Acetone was detected above the SWSL at a concentration of 1,600 µg/L in well MW- B. The current concentration is significantly below the 15A NCAC 2L groundwater protection standard of 6,000 µg/L. Acetone was also detected at a trace concentration in well MW-J. Benzene was detected above the SWSL of 1.0 µg/L in compliance well MW-J at a concentration of 1.3 µg/L. This result is also above the 15A NCAC 2L groundwater protection standard of 1.0 µg/L for benzene (same value as the SWSL). This 2L ex- ceedance is reported by MCB CAMLEJ to the State by means of this document and electronic data delivery. A trace level of benzene was also detected below the SWSL in well MW-I. The SWSL for chlorobenzene is 3.0 µg/L. Chlorobenzene was detected above the SWSL in wells MW-J at concentration of 4.3 µg/L. This result is below the 15A NCAC 2L groundwater standard of 50.0 µg/L for chlorobenzene. Chlorobenzene was detect- ed at a trace concentration in well MW-B. However, this detection was below the SWSL. ASSESSMENT MONITORING SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT SECTION 5 CLOSED LANDFILL, MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC ANALYTICAL RESULTS AH/BC Navy JV, LLC 5-3 Final, March 2016 119-14 Toluene was detected above the SWSL (but below the 2L standard) in well MW-B at a concentration of 20.0 µg/L. The SWSL for toluene is 1.0 µg/L, and the 15A NCAC 2L groundwater standard for toluene is 600 µg/L. The SWSL for 1,4-dichlorobenzene is 1.0 µg/L. 1,4-dichlorobenzene was detected above the SWSL in one compliance well, MW-J at a concentration of 1.2 µg/L. The current concentration in well MW-J is not above the 15A NCAC 2L groundwater standard of 6.0 µg/L for 1,4-dichlorobenzene. 5.2 SURFACE WATER SAMPLES Surface water samples SW-1, SW-2, SW-3, and SW-4 were analyzed for Appendix I constituents during the October 2015 sampling event. There were no Appendix I con- stituents detected above the 15A NCAC 2B4 surface water quality standards during the October 2015 sampling event. 4 As determined utilizing NCDEQ’s Division of Water Resources Water Quality Programs map server portal located at: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ps/csu/maps and detailed in rule 15A NCAC 2B.0220.(4). ASSESSMENT MONITORING SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT SECTION 5 CLOSED LANDFILL, MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC ANALYTICAL RESULTS AH/BC Navy JV, LLC 5-4 Final, March 2016 119-14 This page left blank intentionally. ASSESSMENT MONITORING SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT SECTION 6 CLOSED LANDFILL, MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC STATISTICAL ANALYSIS AH/BC Navy JV, LLC 6-1 Final, March 2016 119-14 6. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS This section describes the statistical methods used to evaluate qualified analytical data. Qualified analytical data are classified as values that are free of Data Reporting Qualifiers (such as “J” or “L”) which are also above the NC SWSL quantitation limit for each analyte of interest. According to the Division of Waste Management: “…laboratory analytical results with estimated concentrations (J-flagged) should not be included in statistical analysis.” 5 Statistical analyses were performed on all qualified data which have been collected at the facility since December 1997. The objective of this statistical evaluation is to de- termine whether indications of pollutants in compliance wells have or have not signifi- cantly increased over that of the background well (inter-well changes) or increased relative to their own water qualities (intra-well changes). 6.1 METHODS AH/BC evaluated the historical data using statistical procedures outlined in Statistical Analyses of Groundwater Monitoring Data at RCRA Facilities, Unified Final Guidance (March 2009). Statistical analyses were performed only on parameters that were de- tected above the NC SWSL quantitation limits. This section provides a brief discus- sion of the general steps followed in the statistical analysis. The objective of this statistical evaluation is to determine whether indications of pollu- tants in compliance wells have or have not significantly increased over that of the background well (inter-well changes) or increased relative to their own historical water qualities (intra-well changes). Statistical evaluations were conducted using ChemStat 5 As confirmed by Ervin Lane, Compliance Hydrogeologist, NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources on November 22, 2010. ASSESSMENT MONITORING SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT SECTION 6 CLOSED LANDFILL, MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC STATISTICAL ANALYSIS AH/BC Navy JV, LLC 6-2 Final, March 2016 119-14 version 6.2.1 (Starpoint Software, Inc, 2008) and the resultant output is located in Appendix D. 6.2 DATA PREPARATION Initially, general statistical parameters were computed for any parameter detected above the SWSL standard. These statistical parameters include the sample minimum, maximum, mean, and standard deviation. Additionally, the percentage of non-detects was computed, and statistical outliers (for normal or transformed data sets) were identified. Conditions of each data set’s numerical distribution were evaluated in order to deter- mine which statistical method would be most appropriate. Three conditions were con- sidered in order to determine the appropriate method: normality, variance, and inde- pendence. The percentage of non-detects was also taken into consideration. As con- centration data inherently belong to a one-tailed distribution system, contaminant pa- rameters tend to be positively skewed from zero-concentration towards a higher con- centration. Most groundwater quality data follow normal or log-normal distribution pat- terns. Data sets that are normally distributed are analyzed using parametric statistical procedures. Data sets that are non-normal or un-transformable require non- parametric analysis procedures. Additionally, data sets with a high percentage of non- detects also require non-parametric analysis methods. A summary of the data preparation results is provided in Table 6-1. 6.2.1 Normality The quality of results from statistical tests (based on the assumption of normality) be- comes questionable when data does not follow the normal model of distribution. The first level of method assessment is to determine if each data set follows the normal (Gaussian) model of distribution. Data sets with greater than 50 samples utilize the Shapiro-Francia test to determine normality (this method was used for this report). For data sets with less than 50 samples, the Shapiro-Wilks test is used. Table 6-1 DATA PREPARATION SUMMARY Assessment Monitoring Semiannual Report, Closed Landfill MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Sample Event: 10/27/15 –10/28/15 Acetone Non-Normal Non-Equal Non-Transformable 99.46%Poisson Prediction Yes Benzene Non-Normal Non-Equal Non-Transformable 94.95%Poisson Prediction Yes Chlorobenzene Non-Normal Non-Equal Non-Transformable 90.69%Poisson Prediction Yes Toluene Non-Normal Non-Equal Non-Transformable 98.14%Poisson Prediction Yes 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Non-Normal Non-Equal Non-Transformable 90.16%Poisson Prediction Yes Arsenic Non-Normal Non-Equal Non-Transformable 89.63%Non-Parametric Prediction Limit Yes Barium Non-Normal Non-Equal Non-Transformable 92.02%Poisson Prediction Yes Zinc Non-Normal Non-Equal Non-Transformable 94.69%Poisson Prediction Yes Evaluation Required Inorganic Organic Required Analysis Method Shapiro-Francia Normality Test Levene's Equal Variance Test Transformable Percent Non-Detects ASSESSMENT MONITORING SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT SECTION 6 CLOSED LANDFILL, MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC STATISTICAL ANALYSIS AH/BC Navy JV, LLC 6-3 Final, March 2016 119-14 These methods are suitable for groundwater data in that they substantially weigh the tails of data sets distribution. This is critical as the tails of a data set’s distribution of- ten depart from a normal distribution. When normality tests initially reveal the condi- tion of non-normality, a redistribution-transformation of the data set is attempted. Transformed data sets are reevaluated for normality. If the condition of normality is met, the data set will remain transformed. If the condition of non-normality is present after transformation, the data set is returned to its original form and the condition of non-normality is considered valid. All data generated from this sampling event as well as every preceding sampling event (from both the up-gradient and down-gradient wells) were used in the evaluation of normality. 6.2.2 Variance Many statistical tests are based on the assumption of equal variance among data sets. Each data set’s “spread” or “variance” is assessed in order to determine if the condition of equal variance between each data set exists. The power of parametric testing decreases with an increase in data variance. Therefore, non-parametric tests are utilized when the calculated variance of a data set exceeds a tabulated and ac- ceptable level of variance. Variance of a data set may be evaluated graphically or through computation. The graphic method is qualitative and is only used for an initial approximation of variance or where the variance is assumed to be so small that fur- ther quantitative measurements are not required. The facility’s data sets are evaluated quantitatively with ChemStat. The test of equal variance (homogeneity) compares the measured spread of a group to a tabulated spread at a specified significance level. Where the measured spread exceeds the ac- cepted spread, the assumption that data are of equal variance is rejected and the choice of test type used in statistical analyses should reflect this finding. Where data is found to be normally distributed, the Bartlett’s test for equal variance may be used. Where data is found to have a non-normal distribution, the Levene’s test for equal variance is used. ASSESSMENT MONITORING SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT SECTION 6 CLOSED LANDFILL, MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC STATISTICAL ANALYSIS AH/BC Navy JV, LLC 6-4 Final, March 2016 119-14 6.2.3 Dependence The condition of data set dependence is critical. Most statistical procedures are based on the assumption of data independence. The location of each well assures that the collected samples are physically independent in that the data generated, and ultimately the evaluation, will be independent as well. No formal test for dependence is required. 6.3 METHOD OF STATISTICAL EVALUATION The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a procedural manual called the "Statistical Analysis of Ground-Water Monitoring Data at RCRA Facilities, Unified Fi- nal Guidance (March 2009)". Within the Unified Final Guidance manual, in "Appendix B. - Historical Notes", a reference was made to the EPA's "Addendum to Interim Final Guidance" document stating that the "test of proportions" method was no longer rec- ommended for data sets which have greater than 90% "non-detect" data. The EPA's updated guidance now recommends utilizing the "Poisson Prediction/Tolerance limit" method when working with data sets with greater than 90% "non-detect" results. Methods of statistical evaluation were chosen based on results from the data prepa- ration procedure. During data preparation, it was revealed that the data could not be transformed and normalized. Also, the non-detect rate for this facility averages ap- proximately 95% for constituents detected above the SWSL standard. Thus, the Poisson non-parametric prediction limit method was utilized for bulk analysis due to the constraints identified during data preparation. This procedure was used for inter- well comparisons. The prediction limit was calculated from data collected from the background wells; each compliance well was then compared to that limit. Supple- mental intra-well prediction interval comparisons were utilized in the event that inter- well tests indicated that a statistically significant value was identified. Depending upon the data population of each individual well (passed on percentage of individual well’s non-detects), either the Poisson or Non-Parametric Prediction methods were used. ASSESSMENT MONITORING SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT SECTION 6 CLOSED LANDFILL, MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC STATISTICAL ANALYSIS AH/BC Navy JV, LLC 6-5 Final, March 2016 119-14 A statistically significant increase (SSI) or statistically significant concentration (SSC) was identified when the current data collected during the October 2015 sampling event exceeded the background prediction limit. 6.4 RESULTS The following sections describe the results of the statistical evaluations. 6.4.1 Inter-well Statistical Evaluation Inter-well evaluations were performed for any constituent in any well that had a con- centration determined to be above its corresponding SWSL standard. Three inorganic and five organic constituents were identified at concentrations greater than their cor- responding SWSL in the landfill’s monitoring wells as indicated in Table 5-1. Analysis was performed for each of the following constituents: acetone, benzene, chloroben- zene, toluene, 1,4-dichlorobenzene, arsenic, barium, and zinc. A total of nine potential inter-well SSCs were identified: six inorganic and three or- ganic. With respect to organic constituents, the current acetone and toluene concen- trations in well MW-B were identified as potential SSCs. The current chlorobenzene concentrations in well MW-J was also identified as a potential SSCs. With respect to inorganic constituents, all current detections (six detections total) were identified as potential SSCs. Further analysis of these and the above mentioned potential organic SSCs are discussed in the following sections. See Table 6-2 for a summary of inter-well testing results. 6.4.2 Intra-well Statistical Evaluation Intra-well evaluations were performed on constituents that were identified in inter-well evaluations as potential SSCs. With respect to inorganic constituents, three of the six previously identified inter-well SSCs (arsenic in well MW-B, barium in well MW-G and zinc in MW-K) were found to be a valid intra-well SSCs. With respect to organic con- stituents, only acetone in well MW-B was identified as a valid intra-well SSC. See Ta- Table 6-2 SUMMARY OF INTER-WELL POISSON PREDICTION LIMIT EVALUATION Assessment Monitoring Semiannual Report, Closed Landfill MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Sample Event: 10/27/15 –10/28/15 MWD MWF MWB MWE MWG MWI MWJ MWK SWSL 2L Acetone X 100 6000 Benzene X 1 1 Chlorobenzene X 3 50 Toluene X 1 600 1,4-Dichlorobenzene X 1 6 MWD MWF MWB MWE MWG MWI MWJ MWK SWSL 2L Arsenic X X 10 10 Barium X X 100 700 Zinc X X 10 1000 Legend X - Current concentrations are evaluated as statistically significant compared to background X - Current concentrations are evaluated as not statistically significant compared to background @ the 99% confidence level Organic Background Compliance NCAC NCACComplianceBackgroundInorganic Table 6-3 SUMMARY OF INTRA-WELL PREDICTION LIMIT EVALUATIONS Assessment Monitoring Semiannual Report, Closed Landfill MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Sample Event: 10/27/15 –10/28/15 MWD MWF MWB MWE MWG MWI MWJ MWK SWSL 2L Acetone XPP 100 6000 Benzene 1 1 Chlorobenzene XNP 3 50 Toluene XNP 1 600 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 6 MWD MWF MWB MWE MWG MWI MWJ MWK SWSL 2L Arsenic XNP XNP 10 10 Barium XNP XNP 100 700 Zinc XNP XPP 10 1000 Legend XPP - Poisson Prediction Limit Method - Current concentration evaluated as statistically significant compared to background XNP - Non-Parametric Prediction Limit Method - Current concentration evaluated as statistically significant compared to background XPP - Poisson Prediction Limit Method - Current concentration evaluated as not statistically significant compared to background at a 95% confidence level XNP - Non-Parametric Prediciton Limit Method - Current concentration evaluated as not statistically significant compared to its background confidence level = >90% Organic Background Compliance Inorganic NCAC Compliance NCACBackground ASSESSMENT MONITORING SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT SECTION 6 CLOSED LANDFILL, MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC STATISTICAL ANALYSIS AH/BC Navy JV, LLC 6-6 Final, March 2016 119-14 ble 6-3 for the summary of intra-well testing results. Further analysis is included in Section 6.5 of this report. 6.4.3 NCAC 2L Exceedances The laboratory data indicated that one organic constituents and two inorganic constit- uent were above their respective 15A NCAC 2L standards. Within well MW-B, the current concentration of arsenic (30.0 µg/L) is above the 10.0 µg/L 2L standard. With- in well MW-J, the benzene and arsenic concentrations (1.3 µg/L and 16.0 µg/L, re- spectively) were each above their NCAC 2L standards (1.0 µg/L and 10.0 µg/L, re- spectively). 6.5 DISCUSSION OF STATISTICAL FINDINGS The whole data set for the closed landfill is limited by a relatively small sample popu- lation of target constituents that subsequently have a high percentage of non-detects. Statistical evaluations are also subject to additional non-numeric interpretations. Con- stituents identified as potential SSCs may not be relevant in the context of the regula- tions if the detected value is below published quantification limits. In this regard, quali- fying any concentration that is detected below the SWSL concentration as a SSC would be erroneous as the validity of the result is in question because the detected parameter is below the quantification threshold established by the State of North Car- olina. In these cases, constituents identified in section 6.4 as potential SSCs must be compared against current quantification limits in order to establish the validity of the statistical results. There were no disqualified data identified during this sampling event. As such, four confirmed SSCs were identified through both inter and intra-well testing. A SSI occurs if two successive SSCs are identified in an increasing series from one sampling event to the next. The current SSCs for acetone and arsenic in MW-B were preceded by SSCs during the previous sampling event (June 2015). As such, the cur- rent acetone and arsenic concentrations in well MW-B are classified as SSIs. Of note, the current concentration of acetone is only the second record within the facility’s ASSESSMENT MONITORING SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT SECTION 6 CLOSED LANDFILL, MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC STATISTICAL ANALYSIS AH/BC Navy JV, LLC 6-7 Final, March 2016 119-14 sampling history. The current arsenic concentration has risen approximately 1,400% since the previous sampling event (June 2015). ASSESSMENT MONITORING SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT SECTION 6 CLOSED LANDFILL, MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC STATISTICAL ANALYSIS AH/BC Navy JV, LLC 6-8 Final, March 2016 119-14 This page left blank intentionally. ASSESSMENT MONITORING SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT SECTION 7 CLOSED LANDFILL, MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC SUMMARY AH/BC Navy JV, LLC 7-1 Final, March 2016 119-14 7. SUMMARY In accordance with the 15A NCAC 13B Requirements for Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Facilities rules, groundwater samples were collected from two background wells and six compliance wells during the October 2015 sampling event. Groundwater and surface water samples collected during this event were analyzed for all constitu- ents listed in 40 CFR 258 Appendix I. Note that all required 40 CFR 258 Appendix II constituents were analyzed from well MW-I during the June 2015 sampling event. 7.1 INORGANIC SUMMARY Three inorganic constituents were detected above their corresponding SWSLs in five compliance wells. Arsenic was detected both above the SWSL and 15A NCAC 2L standard in wells MW-B and MW-J at concentrations of 30 µg/L and 16 µg/L, respec- tively. These current concentrations, albeit above the 10.0 µg/L 2L standard, are sig- nificantly lower than the inter-well maximum concentration of 120 µg/L. The current arsenic concentration in well MW-B was determined to be a SSC as well as a SSI. The current concentration of arsenic in MW-J was not identified as a SSC. The current concentration of barium in MW-G (140.0 µg/L) was identified as a SSC. However, the current concentration of barium in well MW-I (120.0 µg/L) was not. In both cases, the current barium concentrations are significantly lower than the NCAC 2L groundwater protection standard of 700 µg/L. The current concentration of zinc in MW-G (12.0 µg/L) was not identified as a SSC. However, the current concentration of zinc in well MW-K (11.0 µg/L) was found to be a SSC. In both cases, both zinc concentrations were just above the SWSL standard of 10.0 µg/L and are significantly lower than the NCAC 2L groundwater protection standard of 1,000 µg/L. ASSESSMENT MONITORING SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT SECTION 7 CLOSED LANDFILL, MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC SUMMARY AH/BC Navy JV, LLC 7-2 Final, March 2016 119-14 7.2 ORGANIC SUMMARY Five Appendix I organic compounds were detected above their corresponding SWSLs during the October 2015 sampling event. Acetone was detected for the second time in the facility’s history in well MW-B at a concentration of 1,600 µg/L. The current ace- tone concentration in well MW-B was determined to be a SSC as well as a SSI. There is some concern over the current concentration as it was found to increase approxi- mately 1,400% since the June 2015 sampling event. Despite the rapid rise, the cur- rent concentration remains significantly lower than the 15A NCAC 2L concentration of 6,000 µg/L. Benzene was detected in well MW-J at concentration 1.3 µg/L. Although this current concentration exceeds the 15A NCAC 2L groundwater standard of 1.0 µg/L for ben- zene, the current concentration in well MW-J was not identified as a SSC through in- tra-well statistical analysis. Chlorobenzene was detected above the SWSL in well MW-J at a concentration of 4.3 µg/L. The current concentration of chlorobenzene was not found to be a SSC through inter and intra-well testing. Also, the current concentration of chlorobenzene in well MW-J does not exceed the 15A NCAC 2L groundwater standard of 50.0 µg/L. Toluene was detected in well MW-B at a concentration of 20.0 µg/L. This concentra- tion was not determined significant through inter and intra-well analysis. Also, the cur- rent concentration of toluene remains significantly lower than the NCAC 2L ground- water protection standard of 600 µg/L. 1,4-dichlorobenzene was detected in well MW-J at a concentration of 1.2 µg/L. The current concentration was not identified as a SSC through both inter-well analysis. Additionally, the current concentration found in well MW-J does not exceed the NCAC 2L groundwater protection standard of 6.0 µg/L. ASSESSMENT MONITORING SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT SECTION 7 CLOSED LANDFILL, MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC SUMMARY AH/BC Navy JV, LLC 7-3 Final, March 2016 119-14 7.3 SURFACE WATER SUMMARY Surface water samples SW-1, SW-2, SW-3, and SW-4 were analyzed for Appendix I constituents during the October 2015 sampling event. There were no Appendix I con- stituents detected above the 15A NCAC 2B6 surface water quality standards during the October 2015 sampling event. 7.4 CONCLUSIONS Well MW-B Acetone, toluene, and arsenic were detected at concentrations of 1,600 µg/L, 20.0 µg/L, and 30.0 µg/L, respectively. The current concentrations of acetone and arsenic were found to be SSCs through inter and intra-well testing. Furthermore, these con- centrations were also found to be SSIs. The current concentration of arsenic also ex- ceeds its corresponding 15A NCAC 2L groundwater standard. This 2L exceedance is reported by MCB CAMLEJ to the State by means of this document and electronic da- ta delivery. Well MW-G Barium and zinc were detected at concentrations of 140.0 µg/L and 12.0 µg/L, re- spectively. The current concentration of barium was found to be a SSC through inter and intra-well testing. The current zinc concentration was not found to be statistically significant. Both current barium and zinc concentrations are significantly below the 15A NCAC 2L groundwater protection standards. Well MW-I Barium was detected at a concentration of 120.0 µg/L. This concentration of barium was not found to be a SSC through inter and intra-well testing. Additionally, the cur- 6 As determined utilizing NCDEQ’s Division of Water Resources Water Quality Programs map server portal located at: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ps/csu/maps and detailed in rule 15A NCAC 2B.0220.(4). ASSESSMENT MONITORING SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT SECTION 7 CLOSED LANDFILL, MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC SUMMARY AH/BC Navy JV, LLC 7-4 Final, March 2016 119-14 rent barium concentration is significantly below the 15A NCAC 2L groundwater pro- tection standard of 700 µg/L. Well MW-J Benzene, chlorobenzene and 1,4-dichlorobenzene were detected at concentrations of 1.3 µg/L, 4.3 µg/L, and 1.2 µg/L, respectively. These concentrations were not found to be SSCs through both inter and intra-well analysis. However, the current benzene concentration does exceed the 15A NCAC 2L groundwater protection standard of 1.0 µg/L. This 2L exceedance is reported by MCB CAMLEJ to the State by means of this document and electronic data delivery. Arsenic was detected at a concentration 16.0 µg/L. The current concentration of ar- senic was not found to be a SSC through inter and intra-well testing. However, de- spite the non-significance, the current concentration of arsenic does exceed its corre- sponding 15A NCAC 2L groundwater protection standard of 10.0 µg/L. This 2L ex- ceedance is reported by MCB CAMLEJ to the State by means of this document and electronic data delivery. Well MW-K Zinc was detected at a concentration of 11.0 µg/L during the October 2015 sampling event. This current concentration was found to be a SSC through both inter and intra- well analysis. Despite the significance, the current concentration was detected just above the SWSL quantification limit. The current zinc concentration is significantly lower than the 15A NCAC 2L groundwater protection standard of 1,000 µg/L. General Guidance By regulation, MCB CAMLEJ is required to declare the following Appendix 2L ex- ceedances identified during the October 2015 sampling event. Furthermore, MCB CAMLEJ is also required to report any SSI concentrations identified as a result of the current sampling event:  MW-B: 15A NCAC 2L arsenic exceedance and SSI concentration, 30.0 µg/L  MW-B: Acetone SSI concentration, 1,600 µg/L ASSESSMENT MONITORING SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT SECTION 7 CLOSED LANDFILL, MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC SUMMARY AH/BC Navy JV, LLC 7-5 Final, March 2016 119-14  MW-J: 15A NCAC 2L benzene exceedance, 1.3 µg/L  MW-J: 15A NCAC 2L arsenic exceedance, 16.0 µg/L According to the NCAC Corrective Action Flowchart (Figure 7-1) the State may or may not ask MCB CAMLEJ to proceed with one of the following options in response to the reported SSI and 2L exceedances: 1. Sample all wells for Appendix II constituents; 2. Resample for detected Appendix II constituents and all Appendix I constitu- ents Semi-annually; 3. Semi-annual monitoring for all Appendix II constituents; 4. Establish groundwater protection standards. Dependent upon the outcome of any additional sampling, the facility may be eligible to retain its current Modi- fied Assessment Monitoring program. Figure 7-1 NCAC GROUNDWATER MONITORING & CORRECTIVE ACTION FLOW CHART Assessment Monitoring Semiannual Report, Closed Landfill MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Establish Sampling and Analysis Program Begin Semi-Annual Detection Monitoring for Appendix I Constituents Is there a Statistically Significant Increase in Appendix I Constituents or a Violation of a 2L Groundwater Standard? NO •Continue Semi-Annual Detection Monitoring 1.Begin Characterization of Contaminant Release; 2.Notify Affected Adjacent Landowners of Contaminant Plume; 3.Start Assessment of Corrective Measures Within 90 Days. YES 1.Sample for All Appendix II Constituents; 2.Resample for Detected Appendix II Constituents and All Appendix I Constituents Semi-Annually; 3.Semi-Annual Monitoring for All Appendix II Constituents; 4.Establish Groundwater Protection Standards. Statistically Compare Appendix II Constituents to Groundwater Protection Standards. If < Background for 2 Consecutive Monitoring Events, Return to Detection Monitoring. If > Background, but < Groundwater Protection Standards, Continue Assessment Monitoring. If Any Appendix II Constituent is > Groundwater Protection Standard; 1.Within 90 Days Initiate Assessment of Corrective Action Measures after Completing Assessment; 2.Provide 30 Days Notice of Public Meeting; 3.Hold Public Meeting with Affected Parties 1.Select Remedy; 2.Within 14 Days of Selection, Submit Application to Modify Permit; 3.Specify a Remedy Schedule 1.Implement Approved Correction Action Remedy; 2.Establish a Corrective Action Monitoring Program; 3.Complete Corrective Action Remedy –If Possible; 4.Submit Report to the Division Stating that the Remedy Has Been Completed, or Cannot be Completed. Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action ASSESSMENT MONITORING SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT SECTION 7 CLOSED LANDFILL, MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, NC SUMMARY AH/BC Navy JV, LLC 7-6 Final, March 2016 119-14 This page left blank intentionally. AH/BC Navy JV, LLC. APPENDIX A Field Notes – Closed Landfill (9 PAGES) AH/BC Navy JV, LLC. APPENDIX B Laboratory Analysis and EDD (46 PAGES – PROVIDED ELECTRONICALLY; EDD PROVIDED ELECTRONICALLY) Page 1 of 46 Page 2 of 46 Page 3 of 46 Page 4 of 46 Page 5 of 46 Page 6 of 46 Page 7 of 46 Page 8 of 46 Page 9 of 46 Page 10 of 46 Page 11 of 46 Page 12 of 46 Page 13 of 46 Page 14 of 46 Page 15 of 46 Page 16 of 46 Page 17 of 46 Page 18 of 46 Page 19 of 46 Page 20 of 46 Page 21 of 46 Page 22 of 46 Page 23 of 46 Page 24 of 46 Page 25 of 46 Page 26 of 46 Page 27 of 46 Page 28 of 46 Page 29 of 46 Page 30 of 46 Page 31 of 46 Page 32 of 46 Page 33 of 46 Page 34 of 46 Page 35 of 46 Page 36 of 46 Page 37 of 46 Page 38 of 46 Page 39 of 46 Page 40 of 46 Page 41 of 46 Page 42 of 46 Page 43 of 46 Page 44 of 46 Page 45 of 46 Page 46 of 46 AH/BC Navy JV, LLC. APPENDIX C 15A NCAC Solid Waste Reporting Limits / SWSL Limits (12 PAGES) Appendix C Solid Waste Environmental Monitoring Reporting Limits and Standards 15A NCAC 2L and SWSL Limits CAS Number Name Other Names 2L Std.GWP* Std.SWSL**SW ID App I * GWP = Groundwater Protection ** SWSL = Solid Waste Last updated: 6/13/2011 8:19:15 AM 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrachloro-NE 1 5 190 I 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane;Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-200 --1 200 I 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Ethane, 1,1,2,2-tetrachloro-0.2 0.18 3 191 I 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-NE 0.6 1 202 I 76-13-1 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane CFC-113 200000 NE NE 398 92-52-4 1,1-biphenyl 1,1-biphenyl 400 --10 421 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane; Ethyldidene Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-6 --5 75 I 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethylene; 1,1-Ethene, 1,1-dichloro-7 --5 77 I 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene 1-Propene, 1,1-dichloro-NE NE 5 85 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane Propane, 1,2,3-trichloro-0.005 --1 206 I 95-94-3 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene Benzene, 1,2,4,5-tetrachloro-NE 2 10 189 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Benzene, 1,2,4-trichloro-70 70 10 199 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene Pseudocumene 400 NE NE 372 226-36-8 1,2,5,6-Dibenzacridine NE NE NE 385 96-12-8 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane; DBCP Propane, 1,2-dibromo-3-chloro-0.04 --13 67 I 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane; Ethylene dibromide;Ethane, 1,2-dibromo-0.02 --1 68 I 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane; Ethylene Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-0.4 --1 76 I 540-59-0 1,2-Dichloroethylene mixed isomers Mixed Isomers NE 60 NE 481 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane Propane, 1,2-dichloro-0.6 --1 82 I 122-66-7 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine NE NE NE 394 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene)Mesitylene 400 NE NE 373 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane; Trimethylene Propane, 1,3-dichloro-NE NE 1 83 106-37-6 1,4-Dibromobenzene p-Dibromobenzene, p-Bromobenzene 70 471 123-91-1 1,4-dioxane 1,4-dioxane 3 --10 422 130-15-4 1,4-Naphthoquinone 1,4-Naphthalenedione NE NE 10 149 87-61-6 1-2-3-Trichlorobenzene NE NE NE 371 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene α-methylnaphthalene NE 1 NE 503 134-32-7 1-Naphthylamine 1-Naphthalenamine NE NE 10 150 120-36-5 2-(2-4-dichlorophenoxy)propionic NE NE NE 352 594-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane; Isopropylidene Propane, 2,2-dichloro-NE NE 15 84 1 Appendix C Solid Waste Environmental Monitoring Reporting Limits and Standards 15A NCAC 2L and SWSL Limits 58-90-2 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol Phenol, 2,3,4,6-tetrachloro-200 --10 193 93-76-5 2,4,5-T; 2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic Acetic acid, (2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy)-NE NE 2 188 93-72-1 2,4,5-TP Acid Silvex 50 NE NE 452 95-95-4 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol Phenol, 2,4,5-trichloro-NE 63 10 204 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol Phenol, 2,4,6-trichloro-NE 4 10 205 94-75-7 2,4-D; 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acetic acid, (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)-70 --2 59 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol Phenol, 2,4-dichloro-NE 0.98 10 80 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol; m-Xylenol Phenol, 2,4-dimethyl-100 --10 95 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol Phenol, 2,4-dinitro-NE NE 50 99 121-14-2 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Benzene, 1-methyl-2,4-dinitro-NE 0.1 10 100 87-65-0 2,6-Dichlorophenol Phenol, 2,6-dichloro-NE NE 10 81 606-20-2 2,6-Dinitrotoluene Benzene, 2-methyl-1,3-dinitro-NE NE 10 101 94-82-6 2-4 DB NE NE NE 350 53-96-3 2-Acetylaminofluorene; 2-AAF Acetamide, N-9H-fluoren-2-yl-NE NE 20 6 110-75-8 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether NE NE NE 358 91-58-7 2-Chloronaphthalene Naphthalene, 2-chloro-NE NE 10 47 95-57-8 2-Chlorophenol Phenol, 2-chloro-0.4 --10 48 591-78-6 2-Hexanone; Methyl butyl ketone 2-Hexanone NE 40 50 124 I 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene Naphthalene, 2-methyl-30 --10 145 91-59-8 2-Naphthylamine 2-Naphthalenamine NE NE 10 151 109-06-8 2-Picoline NE NE NE 390 91-94-1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine [1,1'-Biphenyl]-4,4'-diamine,3,3'-NE NE 20 72 119-93-7 3,3'-Dimethylbenzidine [1,1'-Biphenyl]-4,4'-diamine,3,3'-NE NE 10 94 56-49-5 3-Methylcholanthrene Benz[j]aceanthrylene,1,2-dihydro-3-NE NE 10 138 72-54-8 4,4'-DDD Benzene 1,1'-(2,2-0.1 --0.1 60 72-55-9 4,4'-DDE Benzene, 1,1'-NE NE 0.1 61 50-29-3 4,4'-DDT Benzene, 1,1'-(2,2,2-0.1 --0.1 62 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol; 4,6-Dinitro-2-Phenol, 2-methyl-4,6-dinitro-NE NE 50 98 92-67-1 4-Aminobiphenyl [1,1'-Biphenyl]-4-amine NE NE 20 11 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene NE NE NE 463 101-55-3 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether Benzene, 1-bromo-4-phenoxy-NE NE 10 31 7005-72-3 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether Benzene, 1-chloro-4-phenoxy-NE NE 10 49 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone; Methyl isobutyl 2-Pentanone, 4-methyl-NE 560 100 147 I 56-57-5 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide NE NE NE 388 2 Appendix C Solid Waste Environmental Monitoring Reporting Limits and Standards 15A NCAC 2L and SWSL Limits 99-55-8 5-Nitro-o-toluidine Benzenamine, 2-methyl-5-nitro-NE NE 10 157 57-97-6 7,12-Dimethylbenz[a]anthracene Benz[a]anthracene, 7,12-dimethyl-NE NE 10 93 83-32-9 Acenaphthene Acenaphthylene, 1,2-dihydro-80 --10 1 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene Acenaphthylene 200 --10 2 SW416 Acetic Acid Acetic Acid NE NE NE 416 34256-82-1 Acetochlor 100 490 187022-11-3 Acetochlor ESA 1000 491 184992-44-4 Acetochlor OXA 1000 492 67-64-1 Acetone 2-Propanone 6000 --100 3 I 75-05-8 Acetonitrile; Methyl cyanide Acetonitrile NE 42 55 4 98-86-2 Acetophenone Ethanone, 1-phenyl-NE 700 10 5 50594-66-6 Acifluorofen Acifluorofen 453 107-02-8 Acrolein 2-Propenal NE 4 53 7 79-06-1 Acrylamide Acrylamide 0.008 --NE 429 107-13-1 Acrylonitrile 2-Propenenitrile NE NE 200 8 I 15972-60-8 Alachlor 0.4 469 309-00-2 Aldrin 1,4:5,8-NE 0.002 0.05 9 SW337 Alkalinity NE NE NE 337 107-05-1 Allyl chloride 1-Propene, 3-chloro-NE NE 10 10 319-84-6 alpha-BHC Cyclohexane,1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachloro-NE 0.006 0.05 24 319-84-6 alpha-Hexachlorocyclohexane α-Benzenehexachloride NE 0.006 NE 501 --Aluminum Aluminum NE 3500 NE 454 7429-90-5 Aluminum NE 3500 NE 438 7664-41-7 Ammonia Ammonia NE 1500 NE 435 62-53-3 Aniline NE NE NE 381 120-12-7 Anthracene Anthracene 2000 --10 12 7440-36-0 Antimony Antimony NE 1 6 13 I 140-57-8 Aramite NE NE NE 382 12674-11-2 Aroclor 1016 congener of PCB; see (1336-36-3)NE NE NE 401 11104-28-2 Aroclor 1221 congener of PCB; see (1336-36-3)NE NE NE 402 11141-16-5 Aroclor 1232 congener of PCB; see (1336-36-3)NE NE NE 403 53469-21-9 Aroclor 1242 congener of PCB; see (1336-36-3)NE NE NE 404 12672-29-6 Aroclor 1248 congener of PCB; see (1336-36-3)NE NE NE 405 11097-69-1 Aroclor 1254 congener of PCB; see (1336-36-3)NE NE NE 406 3 Appendix C Solid Waste Environmental Monitoring Reporting Limits and Standards 15A NCAC 2L and SWSL Limits 11096-82-5 Aroclor 1260 congener of PCB; see (1336-36-3)NE NE NE 407 7440-38-2 Arsenic Arsenic 10 --10 14 I 7440-39-3 Barium Barium 700 --100 15 I 25057-89-0 Bentazon NE NE NE 462 100-52-7 Benzaldehyde Phenylmethanal,NE 700 NE 496 71-43-2 Benzene Benzene 1 --1 16 I 122-09-8 Benzeneethanamine, alpha,alpha- NE NE NE 386 92-87-5 Benzidine NE NE NE 383 56-55-3 Benzo[a]anthracene;Benz[a]anthracene 0.05 --10 17 50-32-8 Benzo[a]pyrene Benzo[a]pyrene 0.005 --10 21 205-99-2 Benzo[b]fluoranthene Benz[e]acephenanthrylene 0.05 --10 18 191-24-2 Benzo[ghi]perylene Benzo[ghi]perylene 200 --10 20 207-08-9 Benzo[k]fluoranthene Benzo[k]fluoranthene 0.5 --10 19 65-85-0 Benzoic Acid 30000 28000 NE 395 100-51-6 Benzyl alcohol Benzenemethanol NE 700 20 22 7440-41-7 Beryllium Beryllium NE 4 1 23 I 319-85-7 beta-BHC Cyclohexane,1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachloro-NE 0.019 0.05 25 319-85-7 beta-Hexachlorocyclohexane β-Benzenehexachloride NE 0.02 NE 502 SW347 Bicarbonate (as CaCO3) NE NE NE 347 SW316 Biological Oxygen Demand BOD NE NE NE 316 101-84-8 biphenyl ether biphenyl ether NE NE 10 423 108-60-1 Bis(2-chloro-1-methylethyl) ether; 2,2'-Propane, 2,2'-oxybis[1-chloro-NE NE 10 46 111-91-1 Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane Ethane, 1,1'-[methylenebis(oxy)]bis [2-NE NE 10 42 111-44-4 Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether; Dichloroethyl Ethane, 1,1'-oxybis[2-chloro-NE 0.031 10 43 39638-32-9 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) ether 0.03 NE NE 384 117-81-7 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, bis(2-3 NE 15 111 7440-42-8 Boron Boron 700 --NE 428 108-86-1 Bromobenzene NE NE NE 360 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane;Methane, bromochloro-NE 0.6 3 28 I 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane;Methane, bromodichloro-0.6 --1 29 I 75-25-2 Bromoform; Tribromomethane Methane, tribromo-4 --3 30 I 71-36-3 Butanol n n-Butyl Alcohol NE 700 470 78-92-2 Butanol sec sec-Butyl Alcohol NE 10000 483 85-68-7 Butyl benzyl phthalate; Benzyl butyl 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylicacid, butyl 1000 --10 32 4 Appendix C Solid Waste Environmental Monitoring Reporting Limits and Standards 15A NCAC 2L and SWSL Limits SW418 Butyric Acid Butyric Acid NE NE NE 418 7440-43-9 Cadmium Cadmium 2 --1 34 I 7440-70-2 Calcium NE NE NE 375 471-34-1 Calcium carbonate NE NE NE 464 105-60-2 Caprolactam 4000 NE NE 440 86-74-8 Carbazole dibenzopyrrole, diphenylenimine,NE 2 NE 497 1563-66-2 Carbofuran Carbofuran 40 NE NE 430 124-38-9 Carbon Dioxide NE NE NE 459 SW413 Carbon Dioxide (CO2)CO2 Gas NE NE NE 413 75-15-0 Carbon disulfide Carbon disulfide 700 --100 35 I 56-23-5 Carbon tetrachloride Methane, tetrachloro-0.3 --1 36 I SW348 Carbonate (as CaCO3) NE NE NE 348 7440-44-0 Charcoal NE NE NE 466 SW317 Chemical Oxygen Demand COD NE NE NE 317 57-74-9 Chlordane 4,7-Methano-1H-indene,1,2,4,5,6,7,8,8-0.1 --0.5 339 12789-03-6 Chlordane (constituents) NE NE NE 400 5103-71-9 Chlordane, alpha cis-Chlordane NE NE NE 379 5103-74-2 Chlordane, beta trans-Chlordane NE NE NE 378 5566-34-7 Chlordane, gamma NE NE NE 399 16887-00-6 Chloride Chloride 455 SW301 Chloride 250000 --NE 301 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene Benzene, chloro-50 --3 39 I 510-15-6 Chlorobenzilate Benzeneacetic acid, 4-chloro-(4-NE NE 10 40 75-00-3 Chloroethane; Ethyl chloride Ethane, chloro-3000 --10 41 I 67-66-3 Chloroform; Trichloromethane Methane, trichloro-70 --5 44 I 126-99-8 Chloroprene 1,3-Butadiene, 2-chloro-NE NE 20 50 7440-47-3 Chromium Chromium 10 --10 51 I 218-01-9 Chrysene Chrysene 5 --10 52 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene; cis-1,2-Ethene, 1,2-dichloro-,(Z)-70 --5 78 I 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1-Propene, 1,3-dichloro-, (Z)-0.4 --1 86 I 7440-48-4 Cobalt Cobalt NE 1 10 53 I SW309 Coliform (total) 1 NE NE 309 SW310 Color (color units) 15 NE NE 310 7440-50-8 Copper Copper 1000 --10 54 I 5 Appendix C Solid Waste Environmental Monitoring Reporting Limits and Standards 15A NCAC 2L and SWSL Limits 57-12-5 Cyanide Cyanide 70 --10 58 75-99-0 Dalapon NE 200 NE 355 3424-82-6 DDE o,p-DDE 0.1 472 319-86-8 delta-BHC Cyclohexane,1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachloro-NE 0.019 0.05 26 SW318 Depth To Water (ft)DTW NE NE NE 318 117-81-7 Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, DEHP 2.5 --NE 431 2303-16-4 Diallate Carbamothioic acid,bis(1-methylethyl)-,NE NE 10 63 53-70-3 Dibenz[a,h]anthracene Dibenz[a,h]anthracene 0.005 --10 64 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran Dibenzofuran NE 28 10 65 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane;Methane, dibromochloro-0.4 0.41 3 66 I 1918-00-9 Dicamba NE NE NE 353 79-43-6 Dichloroacetic Acid NE 0.7 NE 480 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane; CFC 12 Methane,dichlorodifluoro-1000 --5 74 60-57-1 Dieldrin 2,7:3,6-Dimethanonaphth[2,3-0.002 --0.075 88 84-66-2 Diethyl phthalate 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylicacid, diethyl 6000 --10 90 60-51-5 Dimethoate Phosphorodithioic acid,O,O-dimethyl S-NE NE 20 91 131-11-3 Dimethyl phthalate 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylicacid, dimethyl NE NE 10 96 84-74-2 Di-n-butyl phthalate 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, dibutyl 700 --10 33 117-84-0 Di-n-octyl phthalate 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylicacid, dioctyl 100 --10 168 88-85-7 Dinoseb; DNBP; 2-sec-Butyl-4,6-Phenol, 2-(1-methylpropyl)-4,6-dinitro-NE 7 1 102 1746-01-6 Dioxin 2,3,7,8-TCDD 0.2 NE NE 441 101-84-8 Diphenyl ether Diphenyl oxide; 1,1'-Oxybisbenzene;NE 100 NE 498 122-39-4 Diphenylamine Benzenamine, N-phenyl-NE NE 10 103 85-00-7 Diquat 20 473 74-82-8 Dissolved Methane Dissolved Methane 456 7782-44-7 Dissolved Oxygen NE NE NE 356 298-04-4 Disulfoton Phosphorodithioic acid,O,O-diethyl S-[2-0.3 --10 104 3648-20-2 Diundecyl phthalate Santicizer 711 100 NE NE 442 959-98-8 Endosulfan I 6,9-Methano-2,4,3-benzodiox-40 NE 0.1 105 33213-65-9 Endosulfan II 6,9-Methano-2,4,3---42 0.1 106 1031-07-8 Endosulfan sulfate 6,9-Methano-2,4,3-NE 40 0.1 107 145-73-3 Endothall 100 474 72-20-8 Endrin 2,7:3,6-Dimethanonaphth[2,3-b]oxirene,2 --0.1 108 7421-93-4 Endrin aldehyde 1,2,4-Methenocyclo-penta[cd]pentalene-2 --0.1 109 6 Appendix C Solid Waste Environmental Monitoring Reporting Limits and Standards 15A NCAC 2L and SWSL Limits 106-89-8 Epichlorohydrin 4 NE NE 443 74-84-0 Ethane- Dissolved NE NE NE 331 64-17-5 Ethanol Ethyl alcohol, Ethyl hydrate,NE 4000 NE 499 74-85-1 Ethene- Dissolved NE NE NE 332 141-78-6 Ethyl acetate 3000 NE NE 444 97-63-2 Ethyl methacrylate 2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, ethyl NE NE 10 112 62-50-0 Ethyl methanesulfonate Methanesulfonic acid,ethyl ester NE NE 20 113 637-92-3 Ethyl tert-butyl ether ETBE, Ethyl tertiary butyl ether NE 47 NE 500 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene Benzene, ethyl-600 --1 110 I 107-21-1 ethylene glycol ethylene glycol 10000 --10,000 424 52-85-7 Famphur Phosphorothioic acid, O-[4-NE NE 20 114 SW334 Ferrous Iron- Dissolved NE NE NE 334 206-44-0 Fluoranthene Fluoranthene 300 --10 115 86-73-7 Fluorene 9H-Fluorene 300 --10 116 16984-48-8 Fluoride 2000 --2000 312 SW313 Foaming Agents 500 --NE 313 50-00-0 Formaldehyde 600 NE NE 445 59-89-9 gamma-BHC (Lindane)gamma-BHC (Lindane) 457 58-89-9 gamma-BHC; Lindane Cyclohexane,1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachloro-0.03 --0.05 27 SW314 Gross Alpha 15 NE NE 314 SW427 Groundwater Elevation (feet)GW Elevation (feet)NE NE NE 427 SW319 Head (ft mean sea level) NE NE NE 319 76-44-8 Heptachlor 4,7-Methano-1H-indene,1,4,5,6,7,8,8-0.008 --0.05 117 1024-57-3 Heptachlor epoxide 2,5-Methano-2H-indeno[1,2-0.004 --0.075 118 142-82-5 Heptane Heptane 400 --NE 432 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene Benzene, hexachloro-0.02 --10 119 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 1,3-Butadiene,1,1,2,3,4,4-hexachloro-0.4 0.44 10 120 608-73-1 Hexachlorocyclohexane isomers 0.02 NE NE 446 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 1,3-Cyclopentadiene,1,2,3,4,5,5-NE 50 10 121 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane Ethane, hexachloro-NE 2.5 10 122 70-30-4 Hexachlorophene NE NE NE 387 1888-71-7 Hexachloropropene 1-Propene, 1,1,2,3,3,3-hexachloro-NE NE 10 123 142-62-1 Hexanoic Acid NE NE NE 485 133-74-0 Hydrogen Gas Dissolved Hydrogen Gas NE NE NE 420 7 Appendix C Solid Waste Environmental Monitoring Reporting Limits and Standards 15A NCAC 2L and SWSL Limits SW338 Hydrogen Sulfide NE NE NE 338 646-07-1 i-Hexonic Acid NE NE NE 486 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 0.05 --10 125 503-74-2 i-Pentanoic Acid NE NE NE 488 7439-89-6 Iron 300 --300 340 78-83-1 Isobutyl alcohol 1-Propanol, 2-methyl-NE NE 100 126 465-73-6 Isodrin 1,4,5,8-Dimethanonaphthalene,1,2,3,4,1 NE NE 20 127 78-59-1 Isophorone 2-Cyclohexen-1-one,3,5,5-trimethyl-40 --10 128 108-20-3 Isopropyl ether 70 --NE 366 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene 70 --NE 367 120-58-1 Isosafrole 1,3-Benzodioxole, 5-(1-propenyl)-NE NE 10 129 143-50-0 Kepone 1,3,4-Metheno-2H-cyclobuta-NE NE 20 130 SW415 Lactic Acid Lactic Acid NE NE NE 415 SW329 Landfill Gas LFG NE NE NE 329 7439-92-1 Lead Lead 15 --10 131 I SW374 m-&p-Cresol (combined) NE NE NE 374 SW359 m-&p-Xylene (combined) NE NE NE 359 7439-95-4 Magnesium NE NE NE 376 7439-96-5 Manganese 50 --50 342 SW335 Manganese- Dissolved 50 --50 335 94-74-6 MCPA NE NE NE 351 108-39-4 m-Cresol; 3-Methylphenol Phenol, 3-methyl-400 --10 345 541-73-1 m-Dichlorobenzene; 1,3-Benzene, 1,3-dichloro-200 --5 70 99-65-0 m-Dinitrobenzene Benzene, 1,3-dinitro-NE NE 20 97 93-65-2 Mecopop, MCPP NE NE NE 354 7439-97-6 Mercury Mercury 1 --0.2 132 126-98-7 Methacrylonitrile 2-Propenenitrile, 2-methyl-NE NE 100 133 SW333 Methane- Dissolved NE NE NE 333 67-56-1 Methanol 4000 NE NE 448 91-80-5 Methapyrilene 1,2,Ethanediamine, N,N-dimethyl-N'-2-NE NE 100 134 72-43-5 Methoxychlor Benzene, 1,1'-40 --1 135 72-43-5 Methoxychlor 40 NE NE 449 74-83-9 Methyl bromide; Bromomethane Methane, bromo-NE 10 10 136 I 74-87-3 Methyl chloride; Chloromethane Methane, chloro-3 --1 137 I 8 Appendix C Solid Waste Environmental Monitoring Reporting Limits and Standards 15A NCAC 2L and SWSL Limits 78-93-3 Methyl ethyl ketone; MEK; 2-2-Butanone 4000 --100 141 I 74-88-4 Methyl iodide; Iodomethane Methane, iodo-NE NE 10 142 I 108-10-1 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone 100 493 80-62-6 Methyl methacrylate 2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, methyl NE 25 30 143 66-27-3 Methyl methanesulfonate Methanesulfonic acid,methyl ester NE NE 10 144 298-00-0 Methyl parathion; Parathion methyl Phosphorothioic acid,O,O-dimethyl NE NE 10 146 2037-26-5 Methylbenzene NE NE NE 461 74-95-3 Methylene bromide;Methane, dibromo-NE 70 10 139 I 75-09-2 Methylene chloride;Methane, dichloro-5 --1 140 I 1634-04-4 Methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 20 --NE 369 99-09-2 m-Nitroaniline; 3-Nitroaniline Benzenamine, 3-nitro-NE NE 50 153 7439-98-7 Molybdenum NE NE NE 397 108-38-3 m-Xylene NE NE NE 409 91-20-3 Naphthalene Naphthalene 6 --10 148 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene 70 --NE 361 110-54-3 n-Hexane 400 NE NE 447 7440-02-0 Nickel Nickel 100 --50 152 I 14797-55-8 Nitrate (as N) 10000 --10000 303 14797-65-0 Nitrite (as N) 1000 --1000 304 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene Benzene, nitro-NE NE 10 156 7727-37-9 Nitrogen NE NE NE 467 55-18-5 N-Nitrosodiethylamine Ethanamine, N-ethyl-N-nitroso-NE NE 20 160 62-75-9 N-Nitrosodimethylamine Methanamine, N-methyl-N-nitroso-0.0007 --10 161 924-16-3 N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine 1-Butanamine, N-butyl-N-nitroso-NE NE 10 162 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine Benzenamine, N-nitroso-N-phenyl-NE NE 10 163 SW426 N-N-NE NE 10 426 SW439 N- NE NE NE 439 621-64-7 N-Nitrosodipropylamine; N-Nitroso-N-1-Propanamine, N-nitroso-N-propyl-NE NE 10 164 10595-95-6 N-Nitrosomethylethalamine Ethanamine, N-methyl-N-nitroso-NE NE 10 165 59-89-2 N-Nitrosomorpholine NE NE NE 389 100-75-4 N-Nitrosopiperidine Piperidine, 1-nitroso-NE NE 20 166 930-55-2 N-Nitrosopyrrolidine Pyrrolidine, 1-nitroso-NE NE 10 167 SW419 No2/No3 (nitrate & nitrite reported NOX NE NE NE 419 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene 70 NE NE 370 9 Appendix C Solid Waste Environmental Monitoring Reporting Limits and Standards 15A NCAC 2L and SWSL Limits 126-68-1 O,O,O-Triethyl phosphorothioate Phosphorothioic acid,O,O,O-triethyl NE NE 10 207 297-97-2 O,O-Diethyl O-2-pyrazinyl Phosphorothioic acid,O,O-diethyl O-NE NE 20 89 136777-61-2 o,p-Xylene NE NE NE 460 95-49-8 o-Chlorotoluene 2-chlorotoluene 100 NE NE 364 95-48-7 o-Cresol; 2-Methylphenol Phenol, 2-methyl-NE 400 10 56 95-50-1 o-Dichlorobenzene; 1,2-Benzene, 1,2-dichloro-20 --5 69 I 88-74-4 o-Nitroaniline; 2-Nitroaniline Benzenamine, 2-nitro-NE NE 50 154 88-75-5 o-Nitrophenol; 2-Nitrophenol Phenol, 2-nitro-NE NE 10 158 SW437 Orthophosphate Phosphorus NE NE NE 437 95-53-4 o-Toluidine Benzenamine, 2-methyl-NE NE 10 197 23135-22-0 Oxamyl 200 NE NE 450 SW336 Oxygen Reduction Potential (mV)ORP NE NE NE 336 96-47-6 o-Xylene NE NE NE 408 60-11-7 p-(Dimethylamino)azobenzene Benzenamine, N,N-dimethyl-4-NE NE 10 92 56-38-2 Parathion Phosphorothioic acid,O,O-diethyl-O-(4-NE NE 10 169 106-47-8 p-Chloroaniline Benzenamine, 4-chloro-NE NE 20 38 59-50-7 p-Chloro-m-cresol; 4-Chloro-3-Phenol, 4-chloro-3-methyl-NE NE 20 45 106-43-4 p-Chlorotoluene NE 24 NE 365 106-44-5 p-Cresol; 4-Methylphenol Phenol, 4-methyl-40 NE--10 344 99-87-6 p-Cymene NE 25 NE 368 106-46-7 p-Dichlorobenzene; 1,4-Benzene, 1,4-dichloro-6 --1 71 I 608-93-5 Pentachlorobenzene Benzene, pentachloro-NE NE 10 171 76-01-7 Pentachloroethane NE NE NE 380 82-68-8 Pentachloronitrobenzene Benzene,pentachloronitro-NE NE 20 172 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol Phenol, pentachloro-0.3 --25 173 109-52-4 Pentanoic Acid NE NE NE 487 7790-98-9 Perchlorate and Perchlorate Salts 2 494 335-67-1 Perfluorooctanoic acid PFOA, C8 2 484 SW307 petroleum aliphatic carbon fraction class 10000 --NE 307 SW305 petroleum aliphatic carbon fraction class 400 --NE 305 SW306 petroleum aliphatic carbon fraction class 700 --NE 306 SW308 petroleum aromatics carbon fraction 200 --NE 308 SW320 pH (field) NE NE NE 320 SW321 pH (lab) NE NE NE 321 10 Appendix C Solid Waste Environmental Monitoring Reporting Limits and Standards 15A NCAC 2L and SWSL Limits 62-44-2 Phenacetin Acetamide, N-(4-ethoxyphenyl)NE NE 20 174 85-01-8 Phenanthrene Phenanthrene 200 --10 175 108-95-2 Phenol Phenol 30 --10 177 298-02-2 Phorate Phosphorodithioic acid,O,O-diethyl S-1 --10 178 96-91-3 Picramic Acid 2-amino-4,6-dinitiphenol NE 0.7 NE 482 100-01-6 p-Nitroaniline; 4-Nitroaniline Benzenamine, 4-nitro-NE NE 20 155 100-02-7 p-Nitrophenol; 4-Nitrophenol Phenol, 4-nitro-NE NE 50 159 1336-36-3 Polychlorinated biphenyls; PCBs 1,1'-Biphenyl,chloro derivatives Method NE 0.09 2 434 9/7/7440 Potassium NE NE NE 377 106-50-3 p-Phenylenediamine 1,4-Benzenediamine NE NE 10 176 23950-58-5 Pronamide Benzamide, 3,5-dichloro-N-(1,1-NE NE 10 179 SW417 Propionic Acid Propionic Acid NE NE NE 417 107-12-0 Propionitrile; Ethyl cyanide Propanenitrile NE NE 150 180 57-55-6 Propylene Glycol NE 140,000 NE 507 106-42-3 p-Xylene NE NE NE 410 129-00-0 Pyrene Pyrene 200 --10 181 110-86-1 Pyridine NE 7 NE 391 SW414 Pyruvic Acid Pyruvic Acid NE NE NE 414 94-59-7 Safrole 1,3-Benzodioxole, 5-(2-propenyl)-NE NE 10 182 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene 70 --NE 362 7782-49-2 Selenium Selenium 20 --10 183 I 7440-22-4 Silver Silver 20 --10 184 I 93-72-1 Silvex; 2,4,5-TP Propanoic acid, 2-(2,4,5-50 --2 185 122-34-9 Simazine 4 NE NE 451 7440-23-5 Sodium NE 20000 NE 322 SW323 SpecCond (field) NE NE NE 323 SW324 SpecCond (lab) NE NE NE 324 7440-24-6 Strontium NE NE NE 465 100-42-5 Styrene Benzene, ethenyl-70 --1 186 I 14808-79-8 Sulfate 250000 --250000 315 18496-25-8 Sulfide Sulfide NE NE 1000 187 3689-24-5 Sulfotep NE NE NE 392 99-35-4 sym-Trinitrobenzene Benzene, 1,3,5-trinitro-NE NE 10 208 11 Appendix C Solid Waste Environmental Monitoring Reporting Limits and Standards 15A NCAC 2L and SWSL Limits SW325 Temp (oC) NE NE NE 325 994-05-8 tert-Amyl methyl ether TAME, 2-methoxy-2-methylbutane NE 128 NE 504 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene 70 --NE 363 75-65-0 Tertiary Butyl Alcohol tert-butanol NE 10 NE 505 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene; Tetrachloroethene;Ethene, tetrachloro-0.7 --1 192 I 109-99-9 Tetrahydrofuran NE NE NE 458 7440-28-0 Thallium Thallium NE 0.28 5.5 194 I 7440-31-5 Tin Tin NE 2000 100 195 108-88-3 Toluene Benzene, methyl-600 --1 196 I SW328 Top Of Casing (ft mean sea level)TOC NE NE NE 328 SW425 Total BHC NE 0.019 NE 425 SW311 Total Dissolved Solids TDS 500000 --NE 311 SW436 Total Fatty Acids Total Fatty Acids NE NE NE 436 E-10195 Total Organic Carbon NE NE NE 357 SW396 Total Organic Halides NE NE NE 396 7723-14-0 Total Phosphorus Total Phosphorus NE NE NE 412 SW343 Total Suspended Solids NE NE NE 343 SW411 Total Well Depth (ft)TD NE NE NE 411 8001-35-2 Toxaphene Toxaphene 0.03 --1.5 198 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene; trans-1,2-Ethene, 1,2-dichloro-,(E)-100 --5 79 I 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1-Propene, 1,3-dichloro-, (E)-0.4 --1 87 I 110-57-6 trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 2-Butene, 1,4-dichloro-, (E)-NE NE 100 73 I 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene; Trichloroethene Ethene, trichloro-3 --1 201 I 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane; CFC-11 Methane,trichlorofluoro-2000 --1 203 I SW330 Turbidity NE NE NE 330 7440-62-2 Vanadium Vanadium NE 0.3 25 209 I 108-05-4 Vinyl acetate Acetic acid, ethenylester NE 88 50 210 I 75-01-4 Vinyl chloride; Chloroethene Ethene, chloro-0.03 --1 211 I 1330-20-7 Xylene (total)(o-,m-,and p-, Benzene, dimethyl 500 --5 346 I 7440-66-6 Zinc Zinc 1000 --10 213 I 12 AH/BC Navy JV, LLC. APPENDIX D Chemstat Output (178 PAGES – PROVIDED ELECTRONICALLY) Page 1 Concentrations (ppb) Parameter: Acetone Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Total Measurements: 376 Total Non-Detect: 374 Percent Non-Detects: 99.4681% Total Background Measurements: 94 There are 2 background locations Loc.Meas.ND Date Conc.Original MWD 47 47 (100%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 ND<1 10/20/2009 ND<1 ND<1 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/2012 ND<1 ND<1 9/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 12/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 5/29/2014 ND<1 ND<1 11/5/2014 ND<1 ND<1 6/8/2015 ND<1 ND<1 10/27/2015 ND<1 ND<1 MWF 47 47 (100%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 Page 2 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 ND<1 10/20/2009 ND<1 ND<1 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/2012 ND<1 ND<1 9/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 12/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 5/29/2014 ND<1 ND<1 11/5/2014 ND<1 ND<1 6/8/2015 ND<1 ND<1 10/27/2015 ND<1 ND<1 There are 6 compliance locations Loc.Meas.ND Date Conc.Original MWB 47 45 (95.7447%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 Page 3 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 ND<1 10/20/2009 ND<1 ND<1 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/2012 ND<1 ND<1 9/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 12/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 5/29/2014 ND<1 ND<1 11/5/2014 ND<1 ND<1 6/8/2015 110 110 10/27/2015 1600 1600 MWE 47 47 (100%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 ND<1 10/20/2009 ND<1 ND<1 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/2012 ND<1 ND<1 9/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 12/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 5/29/2014 ND<1 ND<1 11/5/2014 ND<1 ND<1 6/8/2015 ND<1 ND<1 10/27/2015 ND<1 ND<1 MWG 47 47 (100%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 Page 4 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 ND<1 10/20/2009 ND<1 ND<1 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/2012 ND<1 ND<1 9/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 12/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 5/29/2014 ND<1 ND<1 11/5/2014 ND<1 ND<1 6/8/2015 ND<1 ND<1 10/27/2015 ND<1 ND<1 MWI 47 47 (100%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 Page 5 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 ND<1 10/20/2009 ND<1 ND<1 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/2012 ND<1 ND<1 9/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 12/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 5/29/2014 ND<1 ND<1 11/5/2014 ND<1 ND<1 6/8/2015 ND<1 ND<1 10/27/2015 ND<1 ND<1 MWJ 47 47 (100%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 ND<1 10/20/2009 ND<1 ND<1 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/2012 ND<1 ND<1 9/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 12/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 5/29/2014 ND<1 ND<1 11/5/2014 ND<1 ND<1 6/8/2015 ND<1 ND<1 10/27/2015 ND<1 ND<1 MWK 47 47 (100%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 Page 6 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 ND<1 10/20/2009 ND<1 ND<1 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/2012 ND<1 ND<1 9/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 12/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 5/29/2014 ND<1 ND<1 11/5/2014 ND<1 ND<1 6/8/2015 ND<1 ND<1 10/27/2015 ND<1 ND<1 There are 0 unused locations Loc.Meas.ND Date Conc.Original Page 7 Basic Statistics Parameter: Acetone Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Total Measurements 376 Total Non-Detects 374 (99.4681%) Pooled Mean 5.54255 Pooled Std Dev 82.6385 Compliance Meas.282 Compliance Mean 7.05674 Compliance Std Dev 95.417 Background Meas.94 Background Mean 1 Background Std Dev 0 Background Locations There are 2 background location Location Meas.Non-Detects % ND Total MWD 47 47 100 47 MWF 47 47 100 47 Location Mean Std Dev Std Err Rank Sum Rank Mean MWD 1 0 0 8812.5 187.5 MWF 1 0 0 8812.5 187.5 Compliance Locations There are 6 compliance location Location Obs.Non-Detects % ND Total MWB 47 45 95.7447 1755 MWE 47 47 100 47 MWG 47 47 100 47 MWI 47 47 100 47 MWJ 47 47 100 47 MWK 47 47 100 47 Location Mean Std Dev Dif From Bkg Std Err Rank Sum Rank Mean MWB 37.3404 233.434 36.3404 14.744 9188.5 195.5 MWE 1 0 0 14.744 8812.5 187.5 MWG 1 0 0 14.744 8812.5 187.5 MWI 1 0 0 14.744 8812.5 187.5 MWJ 1 0 0 14.744 8812.5 187.5 MWK 1 0 0 14.744 8812.5 187.5 Analysis of Variance Statistics SS Wells 54310.8 SS Total 2.56092e+006 Kruskal-Wallis Statistics Non-Detect Rank 187.5 Background Rank Sum 17625 Background Rank Mean 187.5 H Statistic 0.222812 H Adjusted for Ties 14.0373 Page 8 Levene's Test for Equal of Variance Parameter: Acetone Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Overall Mean = 8.69851 Overall Std Dev = 81.2923 Overall Total = 3270.64 SS Groups = 199148 SS Total = 2.47816e+006 ANOVA Table Source of Sum of Degrees of Mean Variation Squares Freedom Squares F Between Groups 199148 7 28449.7 4.59386 Error (within groups)2.27902e+006 368 6192.98 Totals 2.47816e+006 375 95% F-Statistic = 2.01 4.59386 exceeds 2.01; assumption of equal variance should be rejected Group: MWD Sample Residual 9/26/1994 0 11/14/1994 0 1/4/1995 0 2/22/1995 0 10/3/1995 0 6/4/1996 0 8/23/1996 0 12/3/1996 0 1/14/1997 0 10/1/1997 0 2/1/1998 0 4/1/1998 0 6/1/1998 0 8/4/1999 0 11/9/1999 0 9/26/2000 0 1/30/2001 0 9/27/2001 0 1/9/2002 0 10/2/2002 0 5/13/2003 0 10/1/2003 0 6/2/2004 0 10/5/2004 0 5/17/2005 0 10/17/2005 0 5/10/2006 0 10/17/2006 0 5/16/2007 0 10/23/2007 0 6/10/2008 0 10/23/2008 0 5/6/2009 0 10/20/2009 0 2/3/2010 0 5/12/2010 0 10/6/2010 0 5/20/2011 0 10/6/2011 0 5/16/2012 0 10/3/2012 0 9/4/2013 0 12/4/2013 0 5/29/2014 0 11/5/2014 0 Page 9 6/8/2015 0 10/27/2015 0 Group: MWF Sample Residual 9/26/1994 0 11/14/1994 0 1/4/1995 0 2/22/1995 0 10/3/1995 0 6/4/1996 0 8/23/1996 0 12/3/1996 0 1/14/1997 0 10/1/1997 0 2/1/1998 0 4/1/1998 0 6/1/1998 0 8/4/1999 0 11/9/1999 0 9/26/2000 0 1/30/2001 0 9/27/2001 0 1/9/2002 0 10/2/2002 0 5/13/2003 0 10/1/2003 0 6/2/2004 0 10/5/2004 0 5/17/2005 0 10/17/2005 0 5/10/2006 0 10/17/2006 0 5/16/2007 0 10/23/2007 0 6/10/2008 0 10/23/2008 0 5/6/2009 0 10/20/2009 0 2/3/2010 0 5/12/2010 0 10/6/2010 0 5/20/2011 0 10/6/2011 0 5/16/2012 0 10/3/2012 0 9/4/2013 0 12/4/2013 0 5/29/2014 0 11/5/2014 0 6/8/2015 0 10/27/2015 0 Group: MWB Date Residual 9/26/1994 36.3404 11/14/1994 36.3404 1/4/1995 36.3404 2/22/1995 36.3404 10/3/1995 36.3404 6/4/1996 36.3404 8/23/1996 36.3404 12/3/1996 36.3404 1/14/1997 36.3404 10/1/1997 36.3404 2/1/1998 36.3404 4/1/1998 36.3404 6/1/1998 36.3404 8/4/1999 36.3404 11/9/1999 36.3404 9/26/2000 36.3404 1/30/2001 36.3404 9/27/2001 36.3404 Page 10 1/9/2002 36.3404 10/2/2002 36.3404 5/13/2003 36.3404 10/1/2003 36.3404 6/2/2004 36.3404 10/5/2004 36.3404 5/17/2005 36.3404 10/17/2005 36.3404 5/10/2006 36.3404 10/17/2006 36.3404 5/16/2007 36.3404 10/23/2007 36.3404 6/10/2008 36.3404 10/23/2008 36.3404 5/6/2009 36.3404 10/20/2009 36.3404 2/3/2010 36.3404 5/12/2010 36.3404 10/6/2010 36.3404 5/20/2011 36.3404 10/6/2011 36.3404 5/16/2012 36.3404 10/3/2012 36.3404 9/4/2013 36.3404 12/4/2013 36.3404 5/29/2014 36.3404 11/5/2014 36.3404 6/8/2015 72.6596 10/27/2015 1562.66 Group: MWE Date Residual 9/26/1994 0 11/14/1994 0 1/4/1995 0 2/22/1995 0 10/3/1995 0 6/4/1996 0 8/23/1996 0 12/3/1996 0 1/14/1997 0 10/1/1997 0 2/1/1998 0 4/1/1998 0 6/1/1998 0 8/4/1999 0 11/9/1999 0 9/26/2000 0 1/30/2001 0 9/27/2001 0 1/9/2002 0 10/2/2002 0 5/13/2003 0 10/1/2003 0 6/2/2004 0 10/5/2004 0 5/17/2005 0 10/17/2005 0 5/10/2006 0 10/17/2006 0 5/16/2007 0 10/23/2007 0 6/10/2008 0 10/23/2008 0 5/6/2009 0 10/20/2009 0 2/3/2010 0 5/12/2010 0 10/6/2010 0 5/20/2011 0 10/6/2011 0 5/16/2012 0 Page 11 10/3/2012 0 9/4/2013 0 12/4/2013 0 5/29/2014 0 11/5/2014 0 6/8/2015 0 10/27/2015 0 Group: MWG Date Residual 9/26/1994 0 11/14/1994 0 1/4/1995 0 2/22/1995 0 10/3/1995 0 6/4/1996 0 8/23/1996 0 12/3/1996 0 1/14/1997 0 10/1/1997 0 2/1/1998 0 4/1/1998 0 6/1/1998 0 8/4/1999 0 11/9/1999 0 9/26/2000 0 1/30/2001 0 9/27/2001 0 1/9/2002 0 10/2/2002 0 5/13/2003 0 10/1/2003 0 6/2/2004 0 10/5/2004 0 5/17/2005 0 10/17/2005 0 5/10/2006 0 10/17/2006 0 5/16/2007 0 10/23/2007 0 6/10/2008 0 10/23/2008 0 5/6/2009 0 10/20/2009 0 2/3/2010 0 5/12/2010 0 10/6/2010 0 5/20/2011 0 10/6/2011 0 5/16/2012 0 10/3/2012 0 9/4/2013 0 12/4/2013 0 5/29/2014 0 11/5/2014 0 6/8/2015 0 10/27/2015 0 Group: MWI Date Residual 9/26/1994 0 11/14/1994 0 1/4/1995 0 2/22/1995 0 10/3/1995 0 6/4/1996 0 8/23/1996 0 12/3/1996 0 1/14/1997 0 10/1/1997 0 2/1/1998 0 4/1/1998 0 6/1/1998 0 Page 12 8/4/1999 0 11/9/1999 0 9/26/2000 0 1/30/2001 0 9/27/2001 0 1/9/2002 0 10/2/2002 0 5/13/2003 0 10/1/2003 0 6/2/2004 0 10/5/2004 0 5/17/2005 0 10/17/2005 0 5/10/2006 0 10/17/2006 0 5/16/2007 0 10/23/2007 0 6/10/2008 0 10/23/2008 0 5/6/2009 0 10/20/2009 0 2/3/2010 0 5/12/2010 0 10/6/2010 0 5/20/2011 0 10/6/2011 0 5/16/2012 0 10/3/2012 0 9/4/2013 0 12/4/2013 0 5/29/2014 0 11/5/2014 0 6/8/2015 0 10/27/2015 0 Group: MWJ Date Residual 9/26/1994 0 11/14/1994 0 1/4/1995 0 2/22/1995 0 10/3/1995 0 6/4/1996 0 8/23/1996 0 12/3/1996 0 1/14/1997 0 10/1/1997 0 2/1/1998 0 4/1/1998 0 6/1/1998 0 8/4/1999 0 11/9/1999 0 9/26/2000 0 1/30/2001 0 9/27/2001 0 1/9/2002 0 10/2/2002 0 5/13/2003 0 10/1/2003 0 6/2/2004 0 10/5/2004 0 5/17/2005 0 10/17/2005 0 5/10/2006 0 10/17/2006 0 5/16/2007 0 10/23/2007 0 6/10/2008 0 10/23/2008 0 5/6/2009 0 10/20/2009 0 2/3/2010 0 Page 13 5/12/2010 0 10/6/2010 0 5/20/2011 0 10/6/2011 0 5/16/2012 0 10/3/2012 0 9/4/2013 0 12/4/2013 0 5/29/2014 0 11/5/2014 0 6/8/2015 0 10/27/2015 0 Group: MWK Date Residual 9/26/1994 0 11/14/1994 0 1/4/1995 0 2/22/1995 0 10/3/1995 0 6/4/1996 0 8/23/1996 0 12/3/1996 0 1/14/1997 0 10/1/1997 0 2/1/1998 0 4/1/1998 0 6/1/1998 0 8/4/1999 0 11/9/1999 0 9/26/2000 0 1/30/2001 0 9/27/2001 0 1/9/2002 0 10/2/2002 0 5/13/2003 0 10/1/2003 0 6/2/2004 0 10/5/2004 0 5/17/2005 0 10/17/2005 0 5/10/2006 0 10/17/2006 0 5/16/2007 0 10/23/2007 0 6/10/2008 0 10/23/2008 0 5/6/2009 0 10/20/2009 0 2/3/2010 0 5/12/2010 0 10/6/2010 0 5/20/2011 0 10/6/2011 0 5/16/2012 0 10/3/2012 0 9/4/2013 0 12/4/2013 0 5/29/2014 0 11/5/2014 0 6/8/2015 0 10/27/2015 0 Page 14 Shapiro-Francia Test of Normality Parameter: Acetone All Locations Normality Test of Parameter Concentrations Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Total Number of Measurements = 376 i x(i)m(i)sum(m^2)sum(mx) 1 1 -2.87815 8.28375 -2.87815 2 1 -2.57583 14.9187 -5.45399 3 1 -2.45727 20.9569 -7.91126 4 1 -2.32634 26.3687 -10.2376 5 1 -2.22621 31.3247 -12.4638 6 1 -2.17009 36.034 -14.6339 7 1 -2.09693 40.4311 -16.7308 8 1 -2.03352 44.5663 -18.7643 9 1 -1.99539 48.5479 -20.7597 10 1 -1.94314 52.3237 -22.7029 11 1 -1.8957 55.9174 -24.5986 12 1 -1.86629 59.4004 -26.4649 13 1 -1.82501 62.7311 -28.2899 14 1 -1.78661 65.9231 -30.0765 15 1 -1.76241 69.0291 -31.8389 16 1 -1.72793 72.0149 -33.5668 17 1 -1.6954 74.8893 -35.2622 18 1 -1.67466 77.6938 -36.9369 19 1 -1.64485 80.3993 -38.5817 20 1 -1.61644 83.0122 -40.1982 21 1 -1.59819 85.5664 -41.7964 22 1 -1.57179 88.0369 -43.3682 23 1 -1.54643 90.4284 -44.9146 24 1 -1.53007 92.7695 -46.4447 25 1 -1.50626 95.0383 -47.9509 26 1 -1.49085 97.2609 -49.4418 27 1 -1.46838 99.4171 -50.9101 28 1 -1.44663 101.51 -52.3568 29 1 -1.4325 103.562 -53.7893 30 1 -1.41183 105.555 -55.2011 31 1 -1.39175 107.492 -56.5929 32 1 -1.37866 109.393 -57.9715 33 1 -1.35946 111.241 -59.331 34 1 -1.34075 113.039 -60.6717 35 1 -1.32854 114.804 -62.0003 36 1 -1.31058 116.521 -63.3109 37 1 -1.29303 118.193 -64.6039 38 1 -1.28155 119.836 -65.8854 39 1 -1.26464 121.435 -67.1501 40 1 -1.24809 122.993 -68.3982 41 1 -1.23724 124.523 -69.6354 42 1 -1.22123 126.015 -70.8566 43 1 -1.20553 127.468 -72.0622 44 1 -1.19522 128.897 -73.2574 45 1 -1.18 130.289 -74.4374 46 1 -1.16505 131.646 -75.6024 47 1 -1.15522 132.981 -76.7576 48 1 -1.14069 134.282 -77.8983 49 1 -1.13113 135.561 -79.0295 50 1 -1.11699 136.809 -80.1465 51 1 -1.10306 138.026 -81.2495 52 1 -1.0939 139.222 -82.3434 53 1 -1.08032 140.39 -83.4237 54 1 -1.06694 141.528 -84.4907 55 1 -1.05812 142.648 -85.5488 56 1 -1.04505 143.74 -86.5938 57 1 -1.03215 144.805 -87.626 58 1 -1.02365 145.853 -88.6497 59 1 -1.01104 146.875 -89.6607 60 1 -0.998575 147.872 -90.6593 61 1 -0.990356 148.853 -91.6496 62 1 -0.97815 149.81 -92.6278 Page 15 63 1 -0.966088 150.743 -93.5939 64 1 -0.958125 151.661 -94.552 65 1 -0.946291 152.557 -95.4983 66 1 -0.93459 153.43 -96.4329 67 1 -0.926859 154.289 -97.3597 68 1 -0.915365 155.127 -98.2751 69 1 -0.903992 155.944 -99.1791 70 1 -0.896473 156.748 -100.076 71 1 -0.885291 157.532 -100.961 72 1 -0.877897 158.302 -101.839 73 1 -0.866894 159.054 -102.706 74 1 -0.855996 159.787 -103.562 75 1 -0.848786 160.507 -104.41 76 1 -0.838054 161.209 -105.248 77 1 -0.827417 161.894 -106.076 78 1 -0.820379 162.567 -106.896 79 1 -0.809896 163.223 -107.706 80 1 -0.7995 163.862 -108.506 81 1 -0.792618 164.49 -109.298 82 1 -0.782366 165.102 -110.081 83 1 -0.772193 165.699 -110.853 84 1 -0.765456 166.285 -111.618 85 1 -0.755415 166.855 -112.374 86 1 -0.745449 167.411 -113.119 87 1 -0.738846 167.957 -113.858 88 1 -0.729003 168.488 -114.587 89 1 -0.719228 169.006 -115.306 90 1 -0.712751 169.514 -116.019 91 1 -0.703089 170.008 -116.722 92 1 -0.693493 170.489 -117.416 93 1 -0.687131 170.961 -118.103 94 1 -0.677639 171.42 -118.78 95 1 -0.671346 171.871 -119.452 96 1 -0.661955 172.309 -120.114 97 1 -0.652622 172.735 -120.766 98 1 -0.646431 173.153 -121.413 99 1 -0.637192 173.559 -122.05 100 1 -0.628006 173.953 -122.678 101 1 -0.621911 174.34 -123.3 102 1 -0.612813 174.716 -123.913 103 1 -0.603765 175.08 -124.516 104 1 -0.597761 175.437 -125.114 105 1 -0.588793 175.784 -125.703 106 1 -0.579873 176.12 -126.283 107 1 -0.573953 176.45 -126.857 108 1 -0.565108 176.769 -127.422 109 1 -0.556308 177.079 -127.978 110 1 -0.550465 177.382 -128.529 111 1 -0.541736 177.675 -129.07 112 1 -0.533048 177.959 -129.603 113 1 -0.52728 178.237 -130.131 114 1 -0.518658 178.506 -130.649 115 1 -0.510074 178.766 -131.159 116 1 -0.504372 179.021 -131.664 117 1 -0.49585 179.267 -132.16 118 1 -0.490189 179.507 -132.65 119 1 -0.481728 179.739 -133.132 120 1 -0.473299 179.963 -133.605 121 1 -0.467699 180.182 -134.073 122 1 -0.459327 180.393 -134.532 123 1 -0.450985 180.596 -134.983 124 1 -0.445443 180.795 -135.428 125 1 -0.437153 180.986 -135.865 126 1 -0.428895 181.17 -136.294 127 1 -0.423405 181.349 -136.718 128 1 -0.415193 181.521 -137.133 129 1 -0.40701 181.687 -137.54 130 1 -0.401571 181.848 -137.942 131 1 -0.393433 182.003 -138.335 132 1 -0.385321 182.152 -138.72 133 1 -0.379927 182.296 -139.1 Page 16 134 1 -0.371856 182.434 -139.472 135 1 -0.363809 182.567 -139.836 136 1 -0.358459 182.695 -140.194 137 1 -0.350451 182.818 -140.545 138 1 -0.342466 182.935 -140.887 139 1 -0.337155 183.049 -141.224 140 1 -0.329206 183.157 -141.554 141 1 -0.321278 183.26 -141.875 142 1 -0.316004 183.36 -142.191 143 1 -0.308108 183.455 -142.499 144 1 -0.302855 183.547 -142.802 145 1 -0.294992 183.634 -143.097 146 1 -0.287147 183.716 -143.384 147 1 -0.281926 183.796 -143.666 148 1 -0.27411 183.871 -143.94 149 1 -0.266311 183.942 -144.206 150 1 -0.26112 184.01 -144.467 151 1 -0.253347 184.074 -144.721 152 1 -0.24559 184.135 -144.966 153 1 -0.240426 184.192 -145.207 154 1 -0.232693 184.247 -145.44 155 1 -0.224974 184.297 -145.665 156 1 -0.219834 184.345 -145.884 157 1 -0.212137 184.39 -146.096 158 1 -0.204452 184.432 -146.301 159 1 -0.199336 184.472 -146.5 160 1 -0.191671 184.509 -146.692 161 1 -0.184017 184.543 -146.876 162 1 -0.17892 184.575 -147.055 163 1 -0.171285 184.604 -147.226 164 1 -0.163659 184.631 -147.39 165 1 -0.158579 184.656 -147.548 166 1 -0.150969 184.679 -147.699 167 1 -0.1459 184.7 -147.845 168 1 -0.138305 184.719 -147.984 169 1 -0.130716 184.736 -148.114 170 1 -0.125661 184.752 -148.24 171 1 -0.118085 184.766 -148.358 172 1 -0.110516 184.778 -148.469 173 1 -0.105474 184.789 -148.574 174 1 -0.0979139 184.799 -148.672 175 1 -0.0903606 184.807 -148.762 176 1 -0.0853288 184.814 -148.848 177 1 -0.0777834 184.82 -148.925 178 1 -0.0702426 184.825 -148.996 179 1 -0.0652187 184.83 -149.061 180 1 -0.0576847 184.833 -149.119 181 1 -0.0501541 184.835 -149.169 182 1 -0.0451348 184.837 -149.214 183 1 -0.0376076 184.839 -149.251 184 1 -0.0300838 184.84 -149.282 185 1 -0.0250691 184.84 -149.307 186 1 -0.0175476 184.841 -149.324 187 1 -0.0100272 184.841 -149.334 188 1 -0.00501359 184.841 -149.339 189 1 0.00501359 184.841 -149.334 190 1 0.0100272 184.841 -149.324 191 1 0.0175476 184.841 -149.307 192 1 0.0250691 184.842 -149.282 193 1 0.0300838 184.843 -149.251 194 1 0.0376076 184.844 -149.214 195 1 0.0451348 184.846 -149.169 196 1 0.0501541 184.849 -149.119 197 1 0.0576847 184.852 -149.061 198 1 0.0652187 184.856 -148.996 199 1 0.0702426 184.861 -148.925 200 1 0.0777834 184.867 -148.848 201 1 0.0853288 184.875 -148.762 202 1 0.0903606 184.883 -148.672 203 1 0.0979139 184.892 -148.574 204 1 0.105474 184.903 -148.469 Page 17 205 1 0.110516 184.916 -148.358 206 1 0.118085 184.93 -148.24 207 1 0.125661 184.945 -148.114 208 1 0.130716 184.962 -147.984 209 1 0.138305 184.982 -147.845 210 1 0.1459 185.003 -147.699 211 1 0.150969 185.026 -147.548 212 1 0.158579 185.051 -147.39 213 1 0.163659 185.078 -147.226 214 1 0.171285 185.107 -147.055 215 1 0.17892 185.139 -146.876 216 1 0.184017 185.173 -146.692 217 1 0.191671 185.21 -146.5 218 1 0.199336 185.249 -146.301 219 1 0.204452 185.291 -146.096 220 1 0.212137 185.336 -145.884 221 1 0.219834 185.384 -145.665 222 1 0.224974 185.435 -145.44 223 1 0.232693 185.489 -145.207 224 1 0.240426 185.547 -144.966 225 1 0.24559 185.607 -144.721 226 1 0.253347 185.672 -144.467 227 1 0.26112 185.74 -144.206 228 1 0.266311 185.811 -143.94 229 1 0.27411 185.886 -143.666 230 1 0.281926 185.965 -143.384 231 1 0.287147 186.048 -143.097 232 1 0.294992 186.135 -142.802 233 1 0.302855 186.226 -142.499 234 1 0.308108 186.321 -142.191 235 1 0.316004 186.421 -141.875 236 1 0.321278 186.524 -141.554 237 1 0.329206 186.633 -141.224 238 1 0.337155 186.746 -140.887 239 1 0.342466 186.864 -140.545 240 1 0.350451 186.987 -140.194 241 1 0.358459 187.115 -139.836 242 1 0.363809 187.247 -139.472 243 1 0.371856 187.386 -139.1 244 1 0.379927 187.53 -138.72 245 1 0.385321 187.679 -138.335 246 1 0.393433 187.833 -137.942 247 1 0.401571 187.995 -137.54 248 1 0.40701 188.16 -137.133 249 1 0.415193 188.333 -136.718 250 1 0.423405 188.512 -136.294 251 1 0.428895 188.696 -135.865 252 1 0.437153 188.887 -135.428 253 1 0.445443 189.085 -134.983 254 1 0.450985 189.289 -134.532 255 1 0.459327 189.5 -134.073 256 1 0.467699 189.718 -133.605 257 1 0.473299 189.942 -133.132 258 1 0.481728 190.175 -132.65 259 1 0.490189 190.415 -132.16 260 1 0.49585 190.661 -131.664 261 1 0.504372 190.915 -131.159 262 1 0.510074 191.175 -130.649 263 1 0.518658 191.444 -130.131 264 1 0.52728 191.722 -129.603 265 1 0.533048 192.006 -129.07 266 1 0.541736 192.3 -128.529 267 1 0.550465 192.603 -127.978 268 1 0.556308 192.912 -127.422 269 1 0.565108 193.232 -126.857 270 1 0.573953 193.561 -126.283 271 1 0.579873 193.897 -125.703 272 1 0.588793 194.244 -125.114 273 1 0.597761 194.601 -124.516 274 1 0.603765 194.966 -123.913 275 1 0.612813 195.341 -123.3 Page 18 276 1 0.621911 195.728 -122.678 277 1 0.628006 196.123 -122.05 278 1 0.637192 196.529 -121.413 279 1 0.646431 196.947 -120.766 280 1 0.652622 197.372 -120.114 281 1 0.661955 197.811 -119.452 282 1 0.671346 198.261 -118.78 283 1 0.677639 198.721 -118.103 284 1 0.687131 199.193 -117.416 285 1 0.693493 199.674 -116.722 286 1 0.703089 200.168 -116.019 287 1 0.712751 200.676 -115.306 288 1 0.719228 201.193 -114.587 289 1 0.729003 201.725 -113.858 290 1 0.738846 202.271 -113.119 291 1 0.745449 202.826 -112.374 292 1 0.755415 203.397 -111.618 293 1 0.765456 203.983 -110.853 294 1 0.772193 204.579 -110.081 295 1 0.782366 205.191 -109.298 296 1 0.792618 205.819 -108.506 297 1 0.7995 206.459 -107.706 298 1 0.809896 207.115 -106.896 299 1 0.820379 207.788 -106.076 300 1 0.827417 208.472 -105.248 301 1 0.838054 209.175 -104.41 302 1 0.848786 209.895 -103.562 303 1 0.855996 210.628 -102.706 304 1 0.866894 211.379 -101.839 305 1 0.877897 212.15 -100.961 306 1 0.885291 212.934 -100.076 307 1 0.896473 213.737 -99.1791 308 1 0.903992 214.555 -98.2751 309 1 0.915365 215.392 -97.3597 310 1 0.926859 216.252 -96.4329 311 1 0.93459 217.125 -95.4983 312 1 0.946291 218.02 -94.552 313 1 0.958125 218.938 -93.5939 314 1 0.966088 219.872 -92.6278 315 1 0.97815 220.829 -91.6496 316 1 0.990356 221.809 -90.6593 317 1 0.998575 222.807 -89.6607 318 1 1.01104 223.829 -88.6497 319 1 1.02365 224.877 -87.626 320 1 1.03215 225.942 -86.5938 321 1 1.04505 227.034 -85.5488 322 1 1.05812 228.154 -84.4907 323 1 1.06694 229.292 -83.4237 324 1 1.08032 230.459 -82.3434 325 1 1.0939 231.656 -81.2495 326 1 1.10306 232.872 -80.1465 327 1 1.11699 234.12 -79.0295 328 1 1.13113 235.4 -77.8983 329 1 1.14069 236.701 -76.7576 330 1 1.15522 238.035 -75.6024 331 1 1.16505 239.393 -74.4374 332 1 1.18 240.785 -73.2574 333 1 1.19522 242.214 -72.0622 334 1 1.20553 243.667 -70.8566 335 1 1.22123 245.158 -69.6354 336 1 1.23724 246.689 -68.3982 337 1 1.24809 248.247 -67.1501 338 1 1.26464 249.846 -65.8854 339 1 1.28155 251.488 -64.6039 340 1 1.29303 253.16 -63.3109 341 1 1.31058 254.878 -62.0003 342 1 1.32854 256.643 -60.6717 343 1 1.34075 258.441 -59.331 344 1 1.35946 260.289 -57.9715 345 1 1.37866 262.189 -56.5929 346 1 1.39175 264.126 -55.2011 Page 19 347 1 1.41183 266.12 -53.7893 348 1 1.4325 268.172 -52.3568 349 1 1.44663 270.265 -50.9101 350 1 1.46838 272.421 -49.4418 351 1 1.49085 274.643 -47.9509 352 1 1.50626 276.912 -46.4447 353 1 1.53007 279.253 -44.9146 354 1 1.54643 281.645 -43.3682 355 1 1.57179 284.115 -41.7964 356 1 1.59819 286.669 -40.1982 357 1 1.61644 289.282 -38.5817 358 1 1.64485 291.988 -36.9369 359 1 1.67466 294.792 -35.2622 360 1 1.6954 297.667 -33.5668 361 1 1.72793 300.652 -31.8389 362 1 1.76241 303.759 -30.0765 363 1 1.78661 306.951 -28.2899 364 1 1.82501 310.281 -26.4649 365 1 1.86629 313.764 -24.5986 366 1 1.8957 317.358 -22.7029 367 1 1.94314 321.134 -20.7597 368 1 1.99539 325.115 -18.7643 369 1 2.03352 329.25 -16.7308 370 1 2.09693 333.648 -14.6339 371 1 2.17009 338.357 -12.4638 372 1 2.22621 343.313 -10.2376 373 1 2.32634 348.725 -7.91126 374 1 2.45727 354.763 -5.45399 375 110 2.57583 361.398 277.888 376 1600 2.87815 369.682 4882.93 Data Set Standard Deviation = 82.6385 Numerator = 2.3843e+007 Denominator = 9.46726e+008 W Statistic = 0.0251847 = 2.3843e+007 / 9.46726e+008 5% Critical value of 0.976 exceeds 0.0251847 Evidence of non-normality at 95% level of significance 1% Critical value of 0.967 exceeds 0.0251847 Evidence of non-normality at 99% level of significance Page 20 Poisson Prediction Limit (Inter-Well) Parameter: Acetone Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Recent Dates = 1 Poisson Count of 94 background Samples = 94 99% t-test = 2.36711 95% t-test = 1.6614 Well: MWB Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.40966 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 2.68496 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 1600 TRUE TRUE Well: MWE Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.40966 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 2.68496 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 1 FALSE FALSE Well: MWG Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.40966 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 2.68496 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 1 FALSE FALSE Well: MWI Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.40966 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 2.68496 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 1 FALSE FALSE Well: MWJ Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.40966 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 2.68496 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 1 FALSE FALSE Well: MWK Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 Page 21 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.40966 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 2.68496 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 1 FALSE FALSE Page 22 Poisson Prediction Limit (Intra-Well Comparison) Parameter: Acetone Well: MWB Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Baseline Samples = 46 Recent Dates = 1 Baseline Samples Date Conc.Cum Sum 9/26/1994 ND<1 1 11/14/1994 ND<1 2 1/4/1995 ND<1 3 2/22/1995 ND<1 4 10/3/1995 ND<1 5 6/4/1996 ND<1 6 8/23/1996 ND<1 7 12/3/1996 ND<1 8 1/14/1997 ND<1 9 10/1/1997 ND<1 10 2/1/1998 ND<1 11 4/1/1998 ND<1 12 6/1/1998 ND<1 13 8/4/1999 ND<1 14 11/9/1999 ND<1 15 9/26/2000 ND<1 16 1/30/2001 ND<1 17 9/27/2001 ND<1 18 1/9/2002 ND<1 19 10/2/2002 ND<1 20 5/13/2003 ND<1 21 10/1/2003 ND<1 22 6/2/2004 ND<1 23 10/5/2004 ND<1 24 5/17/2005 ND<1 25 10/17/2005 ND<1 26 5/10/2006 ND<1 27 10/17/2006 ND<1 28 5/16/2007 ND<1 29 10/23/2007 ND<1 30 6/10/2008 ND<1 31 10/23/2008 ND<1 32 5/6/2009 ND<1 33 10/20/2009 ND<1 34 2/3/2010 ND<1 35 5/12/2010 ND<1 36 10/6/2010 ND<1 37 5/20/2011 ND<1 38 10/6/2011 ND<1 39 5/16/2012 ND<1 40 10/3/2012 ND<1 41 9/4/2013 ND<1 42 12/4/2013 ND<1 43 5/29/2014 ND<1 44 11/5/2014 ND<1 45 6/8/2015 110 155 Poisson Count of 46 baseline Samples = 155 99% t-test = 2.41212 95% t-test = 1.67943 Comparison Samples Date Conc.Sum.Samples Cum. Sum 10/27/2015 1600 1600 1 1600 Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0217391 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 7.9089 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 6.51652 Page 23 Samples Sum 95% SSI 99% SSI 1 1600 TRUE TRUE Page 24 Concentrations (ppb) Parameter: Benzene Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Total Measurements: 376 Total Non-Detect: 357 Percent Non-Detects: 94.9468% Total Background Measurements: 94 There are 2 background locations Loc.Meas.ND Date Conc.Original MWD 47 47 (100%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 ND<1 10/20/2009 ND<1 ND<1 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/2012 ND<1 ND<1 9/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 12/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 5/29/2014 ND<1 ND<1 11/5/2014 ND<1 ND<1 6/8/2015 ND<1 ND<1 10/27/2015 ND<1 ND<1 MWF 47 47 (100%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 Page 25 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 ND<1 10/20/2009 ND<1 ND<1 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/2012 ND<1 ND<1 9/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 12/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 5/29/2014 ND<1 ND<1 11/5/2014 ND<1 ND<1 6/8/2015 ND<1 ND<1 10/27/2015 ND<1 ND<1 There are 6 compliance locations Loc.Meas.ND Date Conc.Original MWB 47 45 (95.7447%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 Page 26 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 1.6 1.6 10/20/2009 ND<1 ND<1 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 2.5 2.5 10/3/2012 ND<1 ND<1 9/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 12/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 5/29/2014 ND<1 ND<1 11/5/2014 ND<1 ND<1 6/8/2015 ND<1 ND<1 10/27/2015 ND<1 ND<1 MWE 47 47 (100%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 ND<1 10/20/2009 ND<1 ND<1 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/2012 ND<1 ND<1 9/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 12/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 5/29/2014 ND<1 ND<1 11/5/2014 ND<1 ND<1 6/8/2015 ND<1 ND<1 10/27/2015 ND<1 ND<1 MWG 47 47 (100%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 Page 27 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 ND<1 10/20/2009 ND<1 ND<1 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/2012 ND<1 ND<1 9/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 12/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 5/29/2014 ND<1 ND<1 11/5/2014 ND<1 ND<1 6/8/2015 ND<1 ND<1 10/27/2015 ND<1 ND<1 MWI 47 40 (85.1064%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 Page 28 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 1.9 1.9 10/20/2009 0.83 0.83 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 1.6 1.6 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 2.1 2.1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 1.4 1.4 10/3/2012 2 2 9/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 12/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 5/29/2014 ND<1 ND<1 11/5/2014 1.1 1.1 6/8/2015 ND<1 ND<1 10/27/2015 ND<1 ND<1 MWJ 47 37 (78.7234%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 ND<1 10/20/2009 1.2 1.2 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 0.33 0.33 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 4.6 4.6 10/3/2012 3.9 3.9 9/4/2013 1.5 1.5 12/4/2013 3.5 3.5 5/29/2014 1.1 1.1 11/5/2014 5 5 6/8/2015 4.5 4.5 10/27/2015 1.3 1.3 MWK 47 47 (100%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 Page 29 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 ND<1 10/20/2009 ND<1 ND<1 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/2012 ND<1 ND<1 9/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 12/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 5/29/2014 ND<1 ND<1 11/5/2014 ND<1 ND<1 6/8/2015 ND<1 ND<1 10/27/2015 ND<1 ND<1 There are 0 unused locations Loc.Meas.ND Date Conc.Original Page 30 Basic Statistics Parameter: Benzene Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Total Measurements 376 Total Non-Detects 357 (94.9468%) Pooled Mean 1.06106 Pooled Std Dev 0.404955 Compliance Meas.282 Compliance Mean 1.08142 Compliance Std Dev 0.466029 Background Meas.94 Background Mean 1 Background Std Dev 0 Background Locations There are 2 background location Location Meas.Non-Detects % ND Total MWD 47 47 100 47 MWF 47 47 100 47 Location Mean Std Dev Std Err Rank Sum Rank Mean MWD 1 0 0 8413 179 MWF 1 0 0 8413 179 Compliance Locations There are 6 compliance location Location Obs.Non-Detects % ND Total MWB 47 45 95.7447 49.1 MWE 47 47 100 47 MWG 47 47 100 47 MWI 47 40 85.1064 50.93 MWJ 47 37 78.7234 63.93 MWK 47 47 100 47 Location Mean Std Dev Dif From Bkg Std Err Rank Sum Rank Mean MWB 1.04468 0.233879 0.0446809 0.0699236 8792 187.064 MWE 1 0 0 0.0699236 8413 179 MWG 1 0 0 0.0699236 8413 179 MWI 1.08362 0.265816 0.083617 0.0699236 9717 206.745 MWJ 1.36021 1.04892 0.360213 0.0699236 10302 219.191 MWK 1 0 0 0.0699236 8413 179 Analysis of Variance Statistics SS Wells 5.11882 SS Total 61.4958 Kruskal-Wallis Statistics Non-Detect Rank 179 Background Rank Sum 16826 Background Rank Mean 179 H Statistic 6.87592 H Adjusted for Ties 47.7279 Page 31 Levene's Test for Equal of Variance Parameter: Benzene Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Overall Mean = 0.108764 Overall Std Dev = 0.372125 Overall Total = 40.8953 SS Groups = 15.7374 SS Total = 51.929 ANOVA Table Source of Sum of Degrees of Mean Variation Squares Freedom Squares F Between Groups 15.7374 7 2.2482 22.86 Error (within groups)36.1916 368 0.0983467 Totals 51.929 375 95% F-Statistic = 2.01 22.86 exceeds 2.01; assumption of equal variance should be rejected Group: MWD Sample Residual 9/26/1994 0 11/14/1994 0 1/4/1995 0 2/22/1995 0 10/3/1995 0 6/4/1996 0 8/23/1996 0 12/3/1996 0 1/14/1997 0 10/1/1997 0 2/1/1998 0 4/1/1998 0 6/1/1998 0 8/4/1999 0 11/9/1999 0 9/26/2000 0 1/30/2001 0 9/27/2001 0 1/9/2002 0 10/2/2002 0 5/13/2003 0 10/1/2003 0 6/2/2004 0 10/5/2004 0 5/17/2005 0 10/17/2005 0 5/10/2006 0 10/17/2006 0 5/16/2007 0 10/23/2007 0 6/10/2008 0 10/23/2008 0 5/6/2009 0 10/20/2009 0 2/3/2010 0 5/12/2010 0 10/6/2010 0 5/20/2011 0 10/6/2011 0 5/16/2012 0 10/3/2012 0 9/4/2013 0 12/4/2013 0 5/29/2014 0 11/5/2014 0 Page 32 6/8/2015 0 10/27/2015 0 Group: MWF Sample Residual 9/26/1994 0 11/14/1994 0 1/4/1995 0 2/22/1995 0 10/3/1995 0 6/4/1996 0 8/23/1996 0 12/3/1996 0 1/14/1997 0 10/1/1997 0 2/1/1998 0 4/1/1998 0 6/1/1998 0 8/4/1999 0 11/9/1999 0 9/26/2000 0 1/30/2001 0 9/27/2001 0 1/9/2002 0 10/2/2002 0 5/13/2003 0 10/1/2003 0 6/2/2004 0 10/5/2004 0 5/17/2005 0 10/17/2005 0 5/10/2006 0 10/17/2006 0 5/16/2007 0 10/23/2007 0 6/10/2008 0 10/23/2008 0 5/6/2009 0 10/20/2009 0 2/3/2010 0 5/12/2010 0 10/6/2010 0 5/20/2011 0 10/6/2011 0 5/16/2012 0 10/3/2012 0 9/4/2013 0 12/4/2013 0 5/29/2014 0 11/5/2014 0 6/8/2015 0 10/27/2015 0 Group: MWB Date Residual 9/26/1994 0.0446809 11/14/1994 0.0446809 1/4/1995 0.0446809 2/22/1995 0.0446809 10/3/1995 0.0446809 6/4/1996 0.0446809 8/23/1996 0.0446809 12/3/1996 0.0446809 1/14/1997 0.0446809 10/1/1997 0.0446809 2/1/1998 0.0446809 4/1/1998 0.0446809 6/1/1998 0.0446809 8/4/1999 0.0446809 11/9/1999 0.0446809 9/26/2000 0.0446809 1/30/2001 0.0446809 9/27/2001 0.0446809 Page 33 1/9/2002 0.0446809 10/2/2002 0.0446809 5/13/2003 0.0446809 10/1/2003 0.0446809 6/2/2004 0.0446809 10/5/2004 0.0446809 5/17/2005 0.0446809 10/17/2005 0.0446809 5/10/2006 0.0446809 10/17/2006 0.0446809 5/16/2007 0.0446809 10/23/2007 0.0446809 6/10/2008 0.0446809 10/23/2008 0.0446809 5/6/2009 0.555319 10/20/2009 0.0446809 2/3/2010 0.0446809 5/12/2010 0.0446809 10/6/2010 0.0446809 5/20/2011 0.0446809 10/6/2011 0.0446809 5/16/2012 1.45532 10/3/2012 0.0446809 9/4/2013 0.0446809 12/4/2013 0.0446809 5/29/2014 0.0446809 11/5/2014 0.0446809 6/8/2015 0.0446809 10/27/2015 0.0446809 Group: MWE Date Residual 9/26/1994 0 11/14/1994 0 1/4/1995 0 2/22/1995 0 10/3/1995 0 6/4/1996 0 8/23/1996 0 12/3/1996 0 1/14/1997 0 10/1/1997 0 2/1/1998 0 4/1/1998 0 6/1/1998 0 8/4/1999 0 11/9/1999 0 9/26/2000 0 1/30/2001 0 9/27/2001 0 1/9/2002 0 10/2/2002 0 5/13/2003 0 10/1/2003 0 6/2/2004 0 10/5/2004 0 5/17/2005 0 10/17/2005 0 5/10/2006 0 10/17/2006 0 5/16/2007 0 10/23/2007 0 6/10/2008 0 10/23/2008 0 5/6/2009 0 10/20/2009 0 2/3/2010 0 5/12/2010 0 10/6/2010 0 5/20/2011 0 10/6/2011 0 5/16/2012 0 Page 34 10/3/2012 0 9/4/2013 0 12/4/2013 0 5/29/2014 0 11/5/2014 0 6/8/2015 0 10/27/2015 0 Group: MWG Date Residual 9/26/1994 0 11/14/1994 0 1/4/1995 0 2/22/1995 0 10/3/1995 0 6/4/1996 0 8/23/1996 0 12/3/1996 0 1/14/1997 0 10/1/1997 0 2/1/1998 0 4/1/1998 0 6/1/1998 0 8/4/1999 0 11/9/1999 0 9/26/2000 0 1/30/2001 0 9/27/2001 0 1/9/2002 0 10/2/2002 0 5/13/2003 0 10/1/2003 0 6/2/2004 0 10/5/2004 0 5/17/2005 0 10/17/2005 0 5/10/2006 0 10/17/2006 0 5/16/2007 0 10/23/2007 0 6/10/2008 0 10/23/2008 0 5/6/2009 0 10/20/2009 0 2/3/2010 0 5/12/2010 0 10/6/2010 0 5/20/2011 0 10/6/2011 0 5/16/2012 0 10/3/2012 0 9/4/2013 0 12/4/2013 0 5/29/2014 0 11/5/2014 0 6/8/2015 0 10/27/2015 0 Group: MWI Date Residual 9/26/1994 0.083617 11/14/1994 0.083617 1/4/1995 0.083617 2/22/1995 0.083617 10/3/1995 0.083617 6/4/1996 0.083617 8/23/1996 0.083617 12/3/1996 0.083617 1/14/1997 0.083617 10/1/1997 0.083617 2/1/1998 0.083617 4/1/1998 0.083617 6/1/1998 0.083617 Page 35 8/4/1999 0.083617 11/9/1999 0.083617 9/26/2000 0.083617 1/30/2001 0.083617 9/27/2001 0.083617 1/9/2002 0.083617 10/2/2002 0.083617 5/13/2003 0.083617 10/1/2003 0.083617 6/2/2004 0.083617 10/5/2004 0.083617 5/17/2005 0.083617 10/17/2005 0.083617 5/10/2006 0.083617 10/17/2006 0.083617 5/16/2007 0.083617 10/23/2007 0.083617 6/10/2008 0.083617 10/23/2008 0.083617 5/6/2009 0.816383 10/20/2009 0.253617 2/3/2010 0.083617 5/12/2010 0.516383 10/6/2010 0.083617 5/20/2011 1.01638 10/6/2011 0.083617 5/16/2012 0.316383 10/3/2012 0.916383 9/4/2013 0.083617 12/4/2013 0.083617 5/29/2014 0.083617 11/5/2014 0.016383 6/8/2015 0.083617 10/27/2015 0.083617 Group: MWJ Date Residual 9/26/1994 0.360213 11/14/1994 0.360213 1/4/1995 0.360213 2/22/1995 0.360213 10/3/1995 0.360213 6/4/1996 0.360213 8/23/1996 0.360213 12/3/1996 0.360213 1/14/1997 0.360213 10/1/1997 0.360213 2/1/1998 0.360213 4/1/1998 0.360213 6/1/1998 0.360213 8/4/1999 0.360213 11/9/1999 0.360213 9/26/2000 0.360213 1/30/2001 0.360213 9/27/2001 0.360213 1/9/2002 0.360213 10/2/2002 0.360213 5/13/2003 0.360213 10/1/2003 0.360213 6/2/2004 0.360213 10/5/2004 0.360213 5/17/2005 0.360213 10/17/2005 0.360213 5/10/2006 0.360213 10/17/2006 0.360213 5/16/2007 0.360213 10/23/2007 0.360213 6/10/2008 0.360213 10/23/2008 0.360213 5/6/2009 0.360213 10/20/2009 0.160213 2/3/2010 0.360213 Page 36 5/12/2010 1.03021 10/6/2010 0.360213 5/20/2011 0.360213 10/6/2011 0.360213 5/16/2012 3.23979 10/3/2012 2.53979 9/4/2013 0.139787 12/4/2013 2.13979 5/29/2014 0.260213 11/5/2014 3.63979 6/8/2015 3.13979 10/27/2015 0.0602128 Group: MWK Date Residual 9/26/1994 0 11/14/1994 0 1/4/1995 0 2/22/1995 0 10/3/1995 0 6/4/1996 0 8/23/1996 0 12/3/1996 0 1/14/1997 0 10/1/1997 0 2/1/1998 0 4/1/1998 0 6/1/1998 0 8/4/1999 0 11/9/1999 0 9/26/2000 0 1/30/2001 0 9/27/2001 0 1/9/2002 0 10/2/2002 0 5/13/2003 0 10/1/2003 0 6/2/2004 0 10/5/2004 0 5/17/2005 0 10/17/2005 0 5/10/2006 0 10/17/2006 0 5/16/2007 0 10/23/2007 0 6/10/2008 0 10/23/2008 0 5/6/2009 0 10/20/2009 0 2/3/2010 0 5/12/2010 0 10/6/2010 0 5/20/2011 0 10/6/2011 0 5/16/2012 0 10/3/2012 0 9/4/2013 0 12/4/2013 0 5/29/2014 0 11/5/2014 0 6/8/2015 0 10/27/2015 0 Page 37 Shapiro-Francia Test of Normality Parameter: Benzene All Locations Normality Test of Parameter Concentrations Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Total Number of Measurements = 376 i x(i)m(i)sum(m^2)sum(mx) 1 0.33 -2.87815 8.28375 -0.94979 2 0.83 -2.57583 14.9187 -3.08773 3 1 -2.45727 20.9569 -5.54501 4 1 -2.32634 26.3687 -7.87135 5 1 -2.22621 31.3247 -10.0976 6 1 -2.17009 36.034 -12.2676 7 1 -2.09693 40.4311 -14.3646 8 1 -2.03352 44.5663 -16.3981 9 1 -1.99539 48.5479 -18.3935 10 1 -1.94314 52.3237 -20.3366 11 1 -1.8957 55.9174 -22.2323 12 1 -1.86629 59.4004 -24.0986 13 1 -1.82501 62.7311 -25.9236 14 1 -1.78661 65.9231 -27.7102 15 1 -1.76241 69.0291 -29.4726 16 1 -1.72793 72.0149 -31.2006 17 1 -1.6954 74.8893 -32.896 18 1 -1.67466 77.6938 -34.5706 19 1 -1.64485 80.3993 -36.2155 20 1 -1.61644 83.0122 -37.8319 21 1 -1.59819 85.5664 -39.4301 22 1 -1.57179 88.0369 -41.0019 23 1 -1.54643 90.4284 -42.5483 24 1 -1.53007 92.7695 -44.0784 25 1 -1.50626 95.0383 -45.5847 26 1 -1.49085 97.2609 -47.0755 27 1 -1.46838 99.4171 -48.5439 28 1 -1.44663 101.51 -49.9905 29 1 -1.4325 103.562 -51.423 30 1 -1.41183 105.555 -52.8349 31 1 -1.39175 107.492 -54.2266 32 1 -1.37866 109.393 -55.6053 33 1 -1.35946 111.241 -56.9647 34 1 -1.34075 113.039 -58.3055 35 1 -1.32854 114.804 -59.634 36 1 -1.31058 116.521 -60.9446 37 1 -1.29303 118.193 -62.2376 38 1 -1.28155 119.836 -63.5192 39 1 -1.26464 121.435 -64.7838 40 1 -1.24809 122.993 -66.0319 41 1 -1.23724 124.523 -67.2691 42 1 -1.22123 126.015 -68.4904 43 1 -1.20553 127.468 -69.6959 44 1 -1.19522 128.897 -70.8911 45 1 -1.18 130.289 -72.0711 46 1 -1.16505 131.646 -73.2362 47 1 -1.15522 132.981 -74.3914 48 1 -1.14069 134.282 -75.5321 49 1 -1.13113 135.561 -76.6632 50 1 -1.11699 136.809 -77.7802 51 1 -1.10306 138.026 -78.8833 52 1 -1.0939 139.222 -79.9772 53 1 -1.08032 140.39 -81.0575 54 1 -1.06694 141.528 -82.1244 55 1 -1.05812 142.648 -83.1825 56 1 -1.04505 143.74 -84.2276 57 1 -1.03215 144.805 -85.2597 58 1 -1.02365 145.853 -86.2834 59 1 -1.01104 146.875 -87.2944 60 1 -0.998575 147.872 -88.293 61 1 -0.990356 148.853 -89.2834 62 1 -0.97815 149.81 -90.2615 Page 38 63 1 -0.966088 150.743 -91.2276 64 1 -0.958125 151.661 -92.1857 65 1 -0.946291 152.557 -93.132 66 1 -0.93459 153.43 -94.0666 67 1 -0.926859 154.289 -94.9935 68 1 -0.915365 155.127 -95.9088 69 1 -0.903992 155.944 -96.8128 70 1 -0.896473 156.748 -97.7093 71 1 -0.885291 157.532 -98.5946 72 1 -0.877897 158.302 -99.4725 73 1 -0.866894 159.054 -100.339 74 1 -0.855996 159.787 -101.195 75 1 -0.848786 160.507 -102.044 76 1 -0.838054 161.209 -102.882 77 1 -0.827417 161.894 -103.71 78 1 -0.820379 162.567 -104.53 79 1 -0.809896 163.223 -105.34 80 1 -0.7995 163.862 -106.139 81 1 -0.792618 164.49 -106.932 82 1 -0.782366 165.102 -107.714 83 1 -0.772193 165.699 -108.487 84 1 -0.765456 166.285 -109.252 85 1 -0.755415 166.855 -110.007 86 1 -0.745449 167.411 -110.753 87 1 -0.738846 167.957 -111.492 88 1 -0.729003 168.488 -112.221 89 1 -0.719228 169.006 -112.94 90 1 -0.712751 169.514 -113.653 91 1 -0.703089 170.008 -114.356 92 1 -0.693493 170.489 -115.049 93 1 -0.687131 170.961 -115.736 94 1 -0.677639 171.42 -116.414 95 1 -0.671346 171.871 -117.085 96 1 -0.661955 172.309 -117.747 97 1 -0.652622 172.735 -118.4 98 1 -0.646431 173.153 -119.046 99 1 -0.637192 173.559 -119.684 100 1 -0.628006 173.953 -120.312 101 1 -0.621911 174.34 -120.934 102 1 -0.612813 174.716 -121.546 103 1 -0.603765 175.08 -122.15 104 1 -0.597761 175.437 -122.748 105 1 -0.588793 175.784 -123.337 106 1 -0.579873 176.12 -123.917 107 1 -0.573953 176.45 -124.491 108 1 -0.565108 176.769 -125.056 109 1 -0.556308 177.079 -125.612 110 1 -0.550465 177.382 -126.162 111 1 -0.541736 177.675 -126.704 112 1 -0.533048 177.959 -127.237 113 1 -0.52728 178.237 -127.764 114 1 -0.518658 178.506 -128.283 115 1 -0.510074 178.766 -128.793 116 1 -0.504372 179.021 -129.298 117 1 -0.49585 179.267 -129.793 118 1 -0.490189 179.507 -130.284 119 1 -0.481728 179.739 -130.765 120 1 -0.473299 179.963 -131.239 121 1 -0.467699 180.182 -131.706 122 1 -0.459327 180.393 -132.166 123 1 -0.450985 180.596 -132.617 124 1 -0.445443 180.795 -133.062 125 1 -0.437153 180.986 -133.499 126 1 -0.428895 181.17 -133.928 127 1 -0.423405 181.349 -134.352 128 1 -0.415193 181.521 -134.767 129 1 -0.40701 181.687 -135.174 130 1 -0.401571 181.848 -135.575 131 1 -0.393433 182.003 -135.969 132 1 -0.385321 182.152 -136.354 133 1 -0.379927 182.296 -136.734 Page 39 134 1 -0.371856 182.434 -137.106 135 1 -0.363809 182.567 -137.47 136 1 -0.358459 182.695 -137.828 137 1 -0.350451 182.818 -138.179 138 1 -0.342466 182.935 -138.521 139 1 -0.337155 183.049 -138.858 140 1 -0.329206 183.157 -139.187 141 1 -0.321278 183.26 -139.509 142 1 -0.316004 183.36 -139.825 143 1 -0.308108 183.455 -140.133 144 1 -0.302855 183.547 -140.436 145 1 -0.294992 183.634 -140.731 146 1 -0.287147 183.716 -141.018 147 1 -0.281926 183.796 -141.3 148 1 -0.27411 183.871 -141.574 149 1 -0.266311 183.942 -141.84 150 1 -0.26112 184.01 -142.101 151 1 -0.253347 184.074 -142.355 152 1 -0.24559 184.135 -142.6 153 1 -0.240426 184.192 -142.841 154 1 -0.232693 184.247 -143.073 155 1 -0.224974 184.297 -143.298 156 1 -0.219834 184.345 -143.518 157 1 -0.212137 184.39 -143.73 158 1 -0.204452 184.432 -143.935 159 1 -0.199336 184.472 -144.134 160 1 -0.191671 184.509 -144.326 161 1 -0.184017 184.543 -144.51 162 1 -0.17892 184.575 -144.689 163 1 -0.171285 184.604 -144.86 164 1 -0.163659 184.631 -145.024 165 1 -0.158579 184.656 -145.182 166 1 -0.150969 184.679 -145.333 167 1 -0.1459 184.7 -145.479 168 1 -0.138305 184.719 -145.617 169 1 -0.130716 184.736 -145.748 170 1 -0.125661 184.752 -145.874 171 1 -0.118085 184.766 -145.992 172 1 -0.110516 184.778 -146.102 173 1 -0.105474 184.789 -146.208 174 1 -0.0979139 184.799 -146.306 175 1 -0.0903606 184.807 -146.396 176 1 -0.0853288 184.814 -146.481 177 1 -0.0777834 184.82 -146.559 178 1 -0.0702426 184.825 -146.629 179 1 -0.0652187 184.83 -146.695 180 1 -0.0576847 184.833 -146.752 181 1 -0.0501541 184.835 -146.802 182 1 -0.0451348 184.837 -146.848 183 1 -0.0376076 184.839 -146.885 184 1 -0.0300838 184.84 -146.915 185 1 -0.0250691 184.84 -146.94 186 1 -0.0175476 184.841 -146.958 187 1 -0.0100272 184.841 -146.968 188 1 -0.00501359 184.841 -146.973 189 1 0.00501359 184.841 -146.968 190 1 0.0100272 184.841 -146.958 191 1 0.0175476 184.841 -146.94 192 1 0.0250691 184.842 -146.915 193 1 0.0300838 184.843 -146.885 194 1 0.0376076 184.844 -146.848 195 1 0.0451348 184.846 -146.802 196 1 0.0501541 184.849 -146.752 197 1 0.0576847 184.852 -146.695 198 1 0.0652187 184.856 -146.629 199 1 0.0702426 184.861 -146.559 200 1 0.0777834 184.867 -146.481 201 1 0.0853288 184.875 -146.396 202 1 0.0903606 184.883 -146.306 203 1 0.0979139 184.892 -146.208 204 1 0.105474 184.903 -146.102 Page 40 205 1 0.110516 184.916 -145.992 206 1 0.118085 184.93 -145.874 207 1 0.125661 184.945 -145.748 208 1 0.130716 184.962 -145.617 209 1 0.138305 184.982 -145.479 210 1 0.1459 185.003 -145.333 211 1 0.150969 185.026 -145.182 212 1 0.158579 185.051 -145.024 213 1 0.163659 185.078 -144.86 214 1 0.171285 185.107 -144.689 215 1 0.17892 185.139 -144.51 216 1 0.184017 185.173 -144.326 217 1 0.191671 185.21 -144.134 218 1 0.199336 185.249 -143.935 219 1 0.204452 185.291 -143.73 220 1 0.212137 185.336 -143.518 221 1 0.219834 185.384 -143.298 222 1 0.224974 185.435 -143.073 223 1 0.232693 185.489 -142.841 224 1 0.240426 185.547 -142.6 225 1 0.24559 185.607 -142.355 226 1 0.253347 185.672 -142.101 227 1 0.26112 185.74 -141.84 228 1 0.266311 185.811 -141.574 229 1 0.27411 185.886 -141.3 230 1 0.281926 185.965 -141.018 231 1 0.287147 186.048 -140.731 232 1 0.294992 186.135 -140.436 233 1 0.302855 186.226 -140.133 234 1 0.308108 186.321 -139.825 235 1 0.316004 186.421 -139.509 236 1 0.321278 186.524 -139.187 237 1 0.329206 186.633 -138.858 238 1 0.337155 186.746 -138.521 239 1 0.342466 186.864 -138.179 240 1 0.350451 186.987 -137.828 241 1 0.358459 187.115 -137.47 242 1 0.363809 187.247 -137.106 243 1 0.371856 187.386 -136.734 244 1 0.379927 187.53 -136.354 245 1 0.385321 187.679 -135.969 246 1 0.393433 187.833 -135.575 247 1 0.401571 187.995 -135.174 248 1 0.40701 188.16 -134.767 249 1 0.415193 188.333 -134.352 250 1 0.423405 188.512 -133.928 251 1 0.428895 188.696 -133.499 252 1 0.437153 188.887 -133.062 253 1 0.445443 189.085 -132.617 254 1 0.450985 189.289 -132.166 255 1 0.459327 189.5 -131.706 256 1 0.467699 189.718 -131.239 257 1 0.473299 189.942 -130.765 258 1 0.481728 190.175 -130.284 259 1 0.490189 190.415 -129.793 260 1 0.49585 190.661 -129.298 261 1 0.504372 190.915 -128.793 262 1 0.510074 191.175 -128.283 263 1 0.518658 191.444 -127.764 264 1 0.52728 191.722 -127.237 265 1 0.533048 192.006 -126.704 266 1 0.541736 192.3 -126.162 267 1 0.550465 192.603 -125.612 268 1 0.556308 192.912 -125.056 269 1 0.565108 193.232 -124.491 270 1 0.573953 193.561 -123.917 271 1 0.579873 193.897 -123.337 272 1 0.588793 194.244 -122.748 273 1 0.597761 194.601 -122.15 274 1 0.603765 194.966 -121.546 275 1 0.612813 195.341 -120.934 Page 41 276 1 0.621911 195.728 -120.312 277 1 0.628006 196.123 -119.684 278 1 0.637192 196.529 -119.046 279 1 0.646431 196.947 -118.4 280 1 0.652622 197.372 -117.747 281 1 0.661955 197.811 -117.085 282 1 0.671346 198.261 -116.414 283 1 0.677639 198.721 -115.736 284 1 0.687131 199.193 -115.049 285 1 0.693493 199.674 -114.356 286 1 0.703089 200.168 -113.653 287 1 0.712751 200.676 -112.94 288 1 0.719228 201.193 -112.221 289 1 0.729003 201.725 -111.492 290 1 0.738846 202.271 -110.753 291 1 0.745449 202.826 -110.007 292 1 0.755415 203.397 -109.252 293 1 0.765456 203.983 -108.487 294 1 0.772193 204.579 -107.714 295 1 0.782366 205.191 -106.932 296 1 0.792618 205.819 -106.139 297 1 0.7995 206.459 -105.34 298 1 0.809896 207.115 -104.53 299 1 0.820379 207.788 -103.71 300 1 0.827417 208.472 -102.882 301 1 0.838054 209.175 -102.044 302 1 0.848786 209.895 -101.195 303 1 0.855996 210.628 -100.339 304 1 0.866894 211.379 -99.4725 305 1 0.877897 212.15 -98.5946 306 1 0.885291 212.934 -97.7093 307 1 0.896473 213.737 -96.8128 308 1 0.903992 214.555 -95.9088 309 1 0.915365 215.392 -94.9935 310 1 0.926859 216.252 -94.0666 311 1 0.93459 217.125 -93.132 312 1 0.946291 218.02 -92.1857 313 1 0.958125 218.938 -91.2276 314 1 0.966088 219.872 -90.2615 315 1 0.97815 220.829 -89.2834 316 1 0.990356 221.809 -88.293 317 1 0.998575 222.807 -87.2944 318 1 1.01104 223.829 -86.2834 319 1 1.02365 224.877 -85.2597 320 1 1.03215 225.942 -84.2276 321 1 1.04505 227.034 -83.1825 322 1 1.05812 228.154 -82.1244 323 1 1.06694 229.292 -81.0575 324 1 1.08032 230.459 -79.9772 325 1 1.0939 231.656 -78.8833 326 1 1.10306 232.872 -77.7802 327 1 1.11699 234.12 -76.6632 328 1 1.13113 235.4 -75.5321 329 1 1.14069 236.701 -74.3914 330 1 1.15522 238.035 -73.2362 331 1 1.16505 239.393 -72.0711 332 1 1.18 240.785 -70.8911 333 1 1.19522 242.214 -69.6959 334 1 1.20553 243.667 -68.4904 335 1 1.22123 245.158 -67.2691 336 1 1.23724 246.689 -66.0319 337 1 1.24809 248.247 -64.7838 338 1 1.26464 249.846 -63.5192 339 1 1.28155 251.488 -62.2376 340 1 1.29303 253.16 -60.9446 341 1 1.31058 254.878 -59.634 342 1 1.32854 256.643 -58.3055 343 1 1.34075 258.441 -56.9647 344 1 1.35946 260.289 -55.6053 345 1 1.37866 262.189 -54.2266 346 1 1.39175 264.126 -52.8349 Page 42 347 1 1.41183 266.12 -51.423 348 1 1.4325 268.172 -49.9905 349 1 1.44663 270.265 -48.5439 350 1 1.46838 272.421 -47.0755 351 1 1.49085 274.643 -45.5847 352 1 1.50626 276.912 -44.0784 353 1 1.53007 279.253 -42.5483 354 1 1.54643 281.645 -41.0019 355 1 1.57179 284.115 -39.4301 356 1 1.59819 286.669 -37.8319 357 1 1.61644 289.282 -36.2155 358 1 1.64485 291.988 -34.5706 359 1 1.67466 294.792 -32.896 360 1.1 1.6954 297.667 -31.031 361 1.1 1.72793 300.652 -29.1303 362 1.2 1.76241 303.759 -27.0154 363 1.3 1.78661 306.951 -24.6928 364 1.4 1.82501 310.281 -22.1378 365 1.5 1.86629 313.764 -19.3384 366 1.6 1.8957 317.358 -16.3053 367 1.6 1.94314 321.134 -13.1962 368 1.9 1.99539 325.115 -9.405 369 2 2.03352 329.25 -5.33795 370 2.1 2.09693 333.648 -0.934398 371 2.5 2.17009 338.357 4.49083 372 3.5 2.22621 343.313 12.2826 373 3.9 2.32634 348.725 21.3553 374 4.5 2.45727 354.763 32.413 375 4.6 2.57583 361.398 44.2619 376 5 2.87815 369.682 58.6526 Data Set Standard Deviation = 0.404955 Numerator = 3440.13 Denominator = 22733.9 W Statistic = 0.151322 = 3440.13 / 22733.9 5% Critical value of 0.976 exceeds 0.151322 Evidence of non-normality at 95% level of significance 1% Critical value of 0.967 exceeds 0.151322 Evidence of non-normality at 99% level of significance Page 43 Poisson Prediction Limit (Inter-Well) Parameter: Benzene Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Recent Dates = 1 Poisson Count of 94 background Samples = 94 99% t-test = 2.36711 95% t-test = 1.6614 Well: MWB Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.40966 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 2.68496 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 1 FALSE FALSE Well: MWE Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.40966 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 2.68496 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 1 FALSE FALSE Well: MWG Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.40966 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 2.68496 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 1 FALSE FALSE Well: MWI Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.40966 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 2.68496 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 1 FALSE FALSE Well: MWJ Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.40966 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 2.68496 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 1.3 FALSE FALSE Well: MWK Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 Page 44 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.40966 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 2.68496 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 1 FALSE FALSE Page 45 Concentrations (ppb) Parameter: Chlorobenzene Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Total Measurements: 376 Total Non-Detect: 341 Percent Non-Detects: 90.6915% Total Background Measurements: 94 There are 2 background locations Loc.Meas.ND Date Conc.Original MWD 47 46 (97.8723%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 6/4/1996 14 14 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 ND<1 10/20/2009 ND<1 ND<1 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/2012 ND<1 ND<1 9/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 12/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 5/29/2014 ND<1 ND<1 11/5/2014 ND<1 ND<1 6/8/2015 ND<1 ND<1 10/27/2015 ND<1 ND<1 MWF 47 47 (100%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 Page 46 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 ND<1 10/20/2009 ND<1 ND<1 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/2012 ND<1 ND<1 9/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 12/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 5/29/2014 ND<1 ND<1 11/5/2014 ND<1 ND<1 6/8/2015 ND<1 ND<1 10/27/2015 ND<1 ND<1 There are 6 compliance locations Loc.Meas.ND Date Conc.Original MWB 47 33 (70.2128%)9/26/1994 11.4 11.4 11/14/1994 7.2 7.2 1/4/1995 6.1 6.1 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 Page 47 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 5.7 5.7 5/6/2009 24 24 10/20/2009 8.3 8.3 2/3/2010 0.27 0.27 5/12/2010 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 3.1 3.1 5/16/2012 43 43 10/3/2012 11 11 9/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 12/4/2013 3.1 3.1 5/29/2014 6.2 6.2 11/5/2014 9.4 9.4 6/8/2015 5.6 5.6 10/27/2015 ND<1 ND<1 MWE 47 47 (100%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 ND<1 10/20/2009 ND<1 ND<1 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/2012 ND<1 ND<1 9/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 12/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 5/29/2014 ND<1 ND<1 11/5/2014 ND<1 ND<1 6/8/2015 ND<1 ND<1 10/27/2015 ND<1 ND<1 MWG 47 47 (100%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 Page 48 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 ND<1 10/20/2009 ND<1 ND<1 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/2012 ND<1 ND<1 9/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 12/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 5/29/2014 ND<1 ND<1 11/5/2014 ND<1 ND<1 6/8/2015 ND<1 ND<1 10/27/2015 ND<1 ND<1 MWI 47 45 (95.7447%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 Page 49 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 ND<1 10/20/2009 0.5 0.5 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 1 1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/2012 ND<1 ND<1 9/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 12/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 5/29/2014 ND<1 ND<1 11/5/2014 ND<1 ND<1 6/8/2015 ND<1 ND<1 10/27/2015 ND<1 ND<1 MWJ 47 33 (70.2128%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 10.3 10.3 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 18 18 6/4/1996 11 11 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 ND<1 10/20/2009 6.5 6.5 2/3/2010 1.1 1.1 5/12/2010 1.4 1.4 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 20 20 10/3/2012 14 14 9/4/2013 6.8 6.8 12/4/2013 17 17 5/29/2014 9.6 9.6 11/5/2014 22 22 6/8/2015 11 11 10/27/2015 4.3 4.3 MWK 47 43 (91.4894%)9/26/1994 8.3 8.3 11/14/1994 9.7 9.7 1/4/1995 5.9 5.9 Page 50 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 ND<1 10/20/2009 ND<1 ND<1 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/2012 ND<1 ND<1 9/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 12/4/2013 4.6 4.6 5/29/2014 ND<1 ND<1 11/5/2014 ND<1 ND<1 6/8/2015 ND<1 ND<1 10/27/2015 ND<1 ND<1 There are 0 unused locations Loc.Meas.ND Date Conc.Original Page 51 Basic Statistics Parameter: Chlorobenzene Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Total Measurements 376 Total Non-Detects 341 (90.6915%) Pooled Mean 1.81481 Pooled Std Dev 3.57997 Compliance Meas.282 Compliance Mean 2.04032 Compliance Std Dev 4.03786 Background Meas.94 Background Mean 1.1383 Background Std Dev 1.34085 Background Locations There are 2 background location Location Meas.Non-Detects % ND Total MWD 47 46 97.8723 60 MWF 47 47 100 47 Location Mean Std Dev Std Err Rank Sum Rank Mean MWD 1.2766 1.89624 0 8235 175.213 MWF 1 0 0 8037 171 Compliance Locations There are 6 compliance location Location Obs.Non-Detects % ND Total MWB 47 33 70.2128 177.37 MWE 47 47 100 47 MWG 47 47 100 47 MWI 47 45 95.7447 46.5 MWJ 47 33 70.2128 186 MWK 47 43 91.4894 71.5 Location Mean Std Dev Dif From Bkg Std Err Rank Sum Rank Mean MWB 3.77383 7.2344 2.63553 0.608296 10654 226.681 MWE 1 0 -0.138298 0.608296 8037 171 MWG 1 0 -0.138298 0.608296 8037 171 MWI 0.989362 0.0729325 -0.148936 0.608296 8382 178.34 MWJ 3.95745 5.78663 2.81915 0.608296 10715 227.979 MWK 1.52128 1.82482 0.382979 0.608296 8779 186.787 Analysis of Variance Statistics SS Wells 539.447 SS Total 4806.07 Kruskal-Wallis Statistics Non-Detect Rank 171 Background Rank Sum 16272 Background Rank Mean 173.106 H Statistic 16.7464 H Adjusted for Ties 65.9129 Page 52 Levene's Test for Equal of Variance Parameter: Chlorobenzene Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Overall Mean = 1.25014 Overall Std Dev = 3.13219 Overall Total = 470.052 SS Groups = 1162.7 SS Total = 3678.99 ANOVA Table Source of Sum of Degrees of Mean Variation Squares Freedom Squares F Between Groups 1162.7 7 166.1 24.2916 Error (within groups)2516.29 368 6.83775 Totals 3678.99 375 95% F-Statistic = 2.01 24.2916 exceeds 2.01; assumption of equal variance should be rejected Group: MWD Sample Residual 9/26/1994 0.276596 11/14/1994 0.276596 1/4/1995 0.276596 2/22/1995 0.276596 10/3/1995 0.276596 6/4/1996 12.7234 8/23/1996 0.276596 12/3/1996 0.276596 1/14/1997 0.276596 10/1/1997 0.276596 2/1/1998 0.276596 4/1/1998 0.276596 6/1/1998 0.276596 8/4/1999 0.276596 11/9/1999 0.276596 9/26/2000 0.276596 1/30/2001 0.276596 9/27/2001 0.276596 1/9/2002 0.276596 10/2/2002 0.276596 5/13/2003 0.276596 10/1/2003 0.276596 6/2/2004 0.276596 10/5/2004 0.276596 5/17/2005 0.276596 10/17/2005 0.276596 5/10/2006 0.276596 10/17/2006 0.276596 5/16/2007 0.276596 10/23/2007 0.276596 6/10/2008 0.276596 10/23/2008 0.276596 5/6/2009 0.276596 10/20/2009 0.276596 2/3/2010 0.276596 5/12/2010 0.276596 10/6/2010 0.276596 5/20/2011 0.276596 10/6/2011 0.276596 5/16/2012 0.276596 10/3/2012 0.276596 9/4/2013 0.276596 12/4/2013 0.276596 5/29/2014 0.276596 11/5/2014 0.276596 Page 53 6/8/2015 0.276596 10/27/2015 0.276596 Group: MWF Sample Residual 9/26/1994 0 11/14/1994 0 1/4/1995 0 2/22/1995 0 10/3/1995 0 6/4/1996 0 8/23/1996 0 12/3/1996 0 1/14/1997 0 10/1/1997 0 2/1/1998 0 4/1/1998 0 6/1/1998 0 8/4/1999 0 11/9/1999 0 9/26/2000 0 1/30/2001 0 9/27/2001 0 1/9/2002 0 10/2/2002 0 5/13/2003 0 10/1/2003 0 6/2/2004 0 10/5/2004 0 5/17/2005 0 10/17/2005 0 5/10/2006 0 10/17/2006 0 5/16/2007 0 10/23/2007 0 6/10/2008 0 10/23/2008 0 5/6/2009 0 10/20/2009 0 2/3/2010 0 5/12/2010 0 10/6/2010 0 5/20/2011 0 10/6/2011 0 5/16/2012 0 10/3/2012 0 9/4/2013 0 12/4/2013 0 5/29/2014 0 11/5/2014 0 6/8/2015 0 10/27/2015 0 Group: MWB Date Residual 9/26/1994 7.62617 11/14/1994 3.42617 1/4/1995 2.32617 2/22/1995 2.77383 10/3/1995 2.77383 6/4/1996 2.77383 8/23/1996 2.77383 12/3/1996 2.77383 1/14/1997 2.77383 10/1/1997 2.77383 2/1/1998 2.77383 4/1/1998 2.77383 6/1/1998 2.77383 8/4/1999 2.77383 11/9/1999 2.77383 9/26/2000 2.77383 1/30/2001 2.77383 9/27/2001 2.77383 Page 54 1/9/2002 2.77383 10/2/2002 2.77383 5/13/2003 2.77383 10/1/2003 2.77383 6/2/2004 2.77383 10/5/2004 2.77383 5/17/2005 2.77383 10/17/2005 2.77383 5/10/2006 2.77383 10/17/2006 2.77383 5/16/2007 2.77383 10/23/2007 2.77383 6/10/2008 2.77383 10/23/2008 1.92617 5/6/2009 20.2262 10/20/2009 4.52617 2/3/2010 3.50383 5/12/2010 2.77383 10/6/2010 2.77383 5/20/2011 2.77383 10/6/2011 0.67383 5/16/2012 39.2262 10/3/2012 7.22617 9/4/2013 2.77383 12/4/2013 0.67383 5/29/2014 2.42617 11/5/2014 5.62617 6/8/2015 1.82617 10/27/2015 2.77383 Group: MWE Date Residual 9/26/1994 0 11/14/1994 0 1/4/1995 0 2/22/1995 0 10/3/1995 0 6/4/1996 0 8/23/1996 0 12/3/1996 0 1/14/1997 0 10/1/1997 0 2/1/1998 0 4/1/1998 0 6/1/1998 0 8/4/1999 0 11/9/1999 0 9/26/2000 0 1/30/2001 0 9/27/2001 0 1/9/2002 0 10/2/2002 0 5/13/2003 0 10/1/2003 0 6/2/2004 0 10/5/2004 0 5/17/2005 0 10/17/2005 0 5/10/2006 0 10/17/2006 0 5/16/2007 0 10/23/2007 0 6/10/2008 0 10/23/2008 0 5/6/2009 0 10/20/2009 0 2/3/2010 0 5/12/2010 0 10/6/2010 0 5/20/2011 0 10/6/2011 0 5/16/2012 0 Page 55 10/3/2012 0 9/4/2013 0 12/4/2013 0 5/29/2014 0 11/5/2014 0 6/8/2015 0 10/27/2015 0 Group: MWG Date Residual 9/26/1994 0 11/14/1994 0 1/4/1995 0 2/22/1995 0 10/3/1995 0 6/4/1996 0 8/23/1996 0 12/3/1996 0 1/14/1997 0 10/1/1997 0 2/1/1998 0 4/1/1998 0 6/1/1998 0 8/4/1999 0 11/9/1999 0 9/26/2000 0 1/30/2001 0 9/27/2001 0 1/9/2002 0 10/2/2002 0 5/13/2003 0 10/1/2003 0 6/2/2004 0 10/5/2004 0 5/17/2005 0 10/17/2005 0 5/10/2006 0 10/17/2006 0 5/16/2007 0 10/23/2007 0 6/10/2008 0 10/23/2008 0 5/6/2009 0 10/20/2009 0 2/3/2010 0 5/12/2010 0 10/6/2010 0 5/20/2011 0 10/6/2011 0 5/16/2012 0 10/3/2012 0 9/4/2013 0 12/4/2013 0 5/29/2014 0 11/5/2014 0 6/8/2015 0 10/27/2015 0 Group: MWI Date Residual 9/26/1994 0.0106383 11/14/1994 0.0106383 1/4/1995 0.0106383 2/22/1995 0.0106383 10/3/1995 0.0106383 6/4/1996 0.0106383 8/23/1996 0.0106383 12/3/1996 0.0106383 1/14/1997 0.0106383 10/1/1997 0.0106383 2/1/1998 0.0106383 4/1/1998 0.0106383 6/1/1998 0.0106383 Page 56 8/4/1999 0.0106383 11/9/1999 0.0106383 9/26/2000 0.0106383 1/30/2001 0.0106383 9/27/2001 0.0106383 1/9/2002 0.0106383 10/2/2002 0.0106383 5/13/2003 0.0106383 10/1/2003 0.0106383 6/2/2004 0.0106383 10/5/2004 0.0106383 5/17/2005 0.0106383 10/17/2005 0.0106383 5/10/2006 0.0106383 10/17/2006 0.0106383 5/16/2007 0.0106383 10/23/2007 0.0106383 6/10/2008 0.0106383 10/23/2008 0.0106383 5/6/2009 0.0106383 10/20/2009 0.489362 2/3/2010 0.0106383 5/12/2010 0.0106383 10/6/2010 0.0106383 5/20/2011 0.0106383 10/6/2011 0.0106383 5/16/2012 0.0106383 10/3/2012 0.0106383 9/4/2013 0.0106383 12/4/2013 0.0106383 5/29/2014 0.0106383 11/5/2014 0.0106383 6/8/2015 0.0106383 10/27/2015 0.0106383 Group: MWJ Date Residual 9/26/1994 2.95745 11/14/1994 6.34255 1/4/1995 2.95745 2/22/1995 2.95745 10/3/1995 14.0426 6/4/1996 7.04255 8/23/1996 2.95745 12/3/1996 2.95745 1/14/1997 2.95745 10/1/1997 2.95745 2/1/1998 2.95745 4/1/1998 2.95745 6/1/1998 2.95745 8/4/1999 2.95745 11/9/1999 2.95745 9/26/2000 2.95745 1/30/2001 2.95745 9/27/2001 2.95745 1/9/2002 2.95745 10/2/2002 2.95745 5/13/2003 2.95745 10/1/2003 2.95745 6/2/2004 2.95745 10/5/2004 2.95745 5/17/2005 2.95745 10/17/2005 2.95745 5/10/2006 2.95745 10/17/2006 2.95745 5/16/2007 2.95745 10/23/2007 2.95745 6/10/2008 2.95745 10/23/2008 2.95745 5/6/2009 2.95745 10/20/2009 2.54255 2/3/2010 2.85745 Page 57 5/12/2010 2.55745 10/6/2010 2.95745 5/20/2011 2.95745 10/6/2011 2.95745 5/16/2012 16.0426 10/3/2012 10.0426 9/4/2013 2.84255 12/4/2013 13.0426 5/29/2014 5.64255 11/5/2014 18.0426 6/8/2015 7.04255 10/27/2015 0.342553 Group: MWK Date Residual 9/26/1994 6.77872 11/14/1994 8.17872 1/4/1995 4.37872 2/22/1995 0.521277 10/3/1995 0.521277 6/4/1996 0.521277 8/23/1996 0.521277 12/3/1996 0.521277 1/14/1997 0.521277 10/1/1997 0.521277 2/1/1998 0.521277 4/1/1998 0.521277 6/1/1998 0.521277 8/4/1999 0.521277 11/9/1999 0.521277 9/26/2000 0.521277 1/30/2001 0.521277 9/27/2001 0.521277 1/9/2002 0.521277 10/2/2002 0.521277 5/13/2003 0.521277 10/1/2003 0.521277 6/2/2004 0.521277 10/5/2004 0.521277 5/17/2005 0.521277 10/17/2005 0.521277 5/10/2006 0.521277 10/17/2006 0.521277 5/16/2007 0.521277 10/23/2007 0.521277 6/10/2008 0.521277 10/23/2008 0.521277 5/6/2009 0.521277 10/20/2009 0.521277 2/3/2010 0.521277 5/12/2010 0.521277 10/6/2010 0.521277 5/20/2011 0.521277 10/6/2011 0.521277 5/16/2012 0.521277 10/3/2012 0.521277 9/4/2013 0.521277 12/4/2013 3.07872 5/29/2014 0.521277 11/5/2014 0.521277 6/8/2015 0.521277 10/27/2015 0.521277 Page 58 Shapiro-Francia Test of Normality Parameter: Chlorobenzene All Locations Normality Test of Parameter Concentrations Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Total Number of Measurements = 376 i x(i)m(i)sum(m^2)sum(mx) 1 0.27 -2.87815 8.28375 -0.777101 2 0.5 -2.57583 14.9187 -2.06502 3 1 -2.45727 20.9569 -4.52229 4 1 -2.32634 26.3687 -6.84863 5 1 -2.22621 31.3247 -9.07484 6 1 -2.17009 36.034 -11.2449 7 1 -2.09693 40.4311 -13.3419 8 1 -2.03352 44.5663 -15.3754 9 1 -1.99539 48.5479 -17.3708 10 1 -1.94314 52.3237 -19.3139 11 1 -1.8957 55.9174 -21.2096 12 1 -1.86629 59.4004 -23.0759 13 1 -1.82501 62.7311 -24.9009 14 1 -1.78661 65.9231 -26.6875 15 1 -1.76241 69.0291 -28.4499 16 1 -1.72793 72.0149 -30.1779 17 1 -1.6954 74.8893 -31.8733 18 1 -1.67466 77.6938 -33.5479 19 1 -1.64485 80.3993 -35.1928 20 1 -1.61644 83.0122 -36.8092 21 1 -1.59819 85.5664 -38.4074 22 1 -1.57179 88.0369 -39.9792 23 1 -1.54643 90.4284 -41.5256 24 1 -1.53007 92.7695 -43.0557 25 1 -1.50626 95.0383 -44.5619 26 1 -1.49085 97.2609 -46.0528 27 1 -1.46838 99.4171 -47.5212 28 1 -1.44663 101.51 -48.9678 29 1 -1.4325 103.562 -50.4003 30 1 -1.41183 105.555 -51.8121 31 1 -1.39175 107.492 -53.2039 32 1 -1.37866 109.393 -54.5826 33 1 -1.35946 111.241 -55.942 34 1 -1.34075 113.039 -57.2828 35 1 -1.32854 114.804 -58.6113 36 1 -1.31058 116.521 -59.9219 37 1 -1.29303 118.193 -61.2149 38 1 -1.28155 119.836 -62.4965 39 1 -1.26464 121.435 -63.7611 40 1 -1.24809 122.993 -65.0092 41 1 -1.23724 124.523 -66.2464 42 1 -1.22123 126.015 -67.4677 43 1 -1.20553 127.468 -68.6732 44 1 -1.19522 128.897 -69.8684 45 1 -1.18 130.289 -71.0484 46 1 -1.16505 131.646 -72.2135 47 1 -1.15522 132.981 -73.3687 48 1 -1.14069 134.282 -74.5094 49 1 -1.13113 135.561 -75.6405 50 1 -1.11699 136.809 -76.7575 51 1 -1.10306 138.026 -77.8606 52 1 -1.0939 139.222 -78.9544 53 1 -1.08032 140.39 -80.0348 54 1 -1.06694 141.528 -81.1017 55 1 -1.05812 142.648 -82.1598 56 1 -1.04505 143.74 -83.2049 57 1 -1.03215 144.805 -84.237 58 1 -1.02365 145.853 -85.2607 59 1 -1.01104 146.875 -86.2717 60 1 -0.998575 147.872 -87.2703 61 1 -0.990356 148.853 -88.2607 62 1 -0.97815 149.81 -89.2388 Page 59 63 1 -0.966088 150.743 -90.2049 64 1 -0.958125 151.661 -91.163 65 1 -0.946291 152.557 -92.1093 66 1 -0.93459 153.43 -93.0439 67 1 -0.926859 154.289 -93.9708 68 1 -0.915365 155.127 -94.8861 69 1 -0.903992 155.944 -95.7901 70 1 -0.896473 156.748 -96.6866 71 1 -0.885291 157.532 -97.5719 72 1 -0.877897 158.302 -98.4498 73 1 -0.866894 159.054 -99.3167 74 1 -0.855996 159.787 -100.173 75 1 -0.848786 160.507 -101.021 76 1 -0.838054 161.209 -101.86 77 1 -0.827417 161.894 -102.687 78 1 -0.820379 162.567 -103.507 79 1 -0.809896 163.223 -104.317 80 1 -0.7995 163.862 -105.117 81 1 -0.792618 164.49 -105.909 82 1 -0.782366 165.102 -106.692 83 1 -0.772193 165.699 -107.464 84 1 -0.765456 166.285 -108.229 85 1 -0.755415 166.855 -108.985 86 1 -0.745449 167.411 -109.73 87 1 -0.738846 167.957 -110.469 88 1 -0.729003 168.488 -111.198 89 1 -0.719228 169.006 -111.917 90 1 -0.712751 169.514 -112.63 91 1 -0.703089 170.008 -113.333 92 1 -0.693493 170.489 -114.027 93 1 -0.687131 170.961 -114.714 94 1 -0.677639 171.42 -115.391 95 1 -0.671346 171.871 -116.063 96 1 -0.661955 172.309 -116.725 97 1 -0.652622 172.735 -117.377 98 1 -0.646431 173.153 -118.024 99 1 -0.637192 173.559 -118.661 100 1 -0.628006 173.953 -119.289 101 1 -0.621911 174.34 -119.911 102 1 -0.612813 174.716 -120.524 103 1 -0.603765 175.08 -121.127 104 1 -0.597761 175.437 -121.725 105 1 -0.588793 175.784 -122.314 106 1 -0.579873 176.12 -122.894 107 1 -0.573953 176.45 -123.468 108 1 -0.565108 176.769 -124.033 109 1 -0.556308 177.079 -124.589 110 1 -0.550465 177.382 -125.14 111 1 -0.541736 177.675 -125.681 112 1 -0.533048 177.959 -126.214 113 1 -0.52728 178.237 -126.742 114 1 -0.518658 178.506 -127.26 115 1 -0.510074 178.766 -127.77 116 1 -0.504372 179.021 -128.275 117 1 -0.49585 179.267 -128.771 118 1 -0.490189 179.507 -129.261 119 1 -0.481728 179.739 -129.743 120 1 -0.473299 179.963 -130.216 121 1 -0.467699 180.182 -130.684 122 1 -0.459327 180.393 -131.143 123 1 -0.450985 180.596 -131.594 124 1 -0.445443 180.795 -132.039 125 1 -0.437153 180.986 -132.477 126 1 -0.428895 181.17 -132.905 127 1 -0.423405 181.349 -133.329 128 1 -0.415193 181.521 -133.744 129 1 -0.40701 181.687 -134.151 130 1 -0.401571 181.848 -134.553 131 1 -0.393433 182.003 -134.946 132 1 -0.385321 182.152 -135.331 133 1 -0.379927 182.296 -135.711 Page 60 134 1 -0.371856 182.434 -136.083 135 1 -0.363809 182.567 -136.447 136 1 -0.358459 182.695 -136.805 137 1 -0.350451 182.818 -137.156 138 1 -0.342466 182.935 -137.498 139 1 -0.337155 183.049 -137.835 140 1 -0.329206 183.157 -138.165 141 1 -0.321278 183.26 -138.486 142 1 -0.316004 183.36 -138.802 143 1 -0.308108 183.455 -139.11 144 1 -0.302855 183.547 -139.413 145 1 -0.294992 183.634 -139.708 146 1 -0.287147 183.716 -139.995 147 1 -0.281926 183.796 -140.277 148 1 -0.27411 183.871 -140.551 149 1 -0.266311 183.942 -140.817 150 1 -0.26112 184.01 -141.079 151 1 -0.253347 184.074 -141.332 152 1 -0.24559 184.135 -141.577 153 1 -0.240426 184.192 -141.818 154 1 -0.232693 184.247 -142.051 155 1 -0.224974 184.297 -142.276 156 1 -0.219834 184.345 -142.495 157 1 -0.212137 184.39 -142.708 158 1 -0.204452 184.432 -142.912 159 1 -0.199336 184.472 -143.111 160 1 -0.191671 184.509 -143.303 161 1 -0.184017 184.543 -143.487 162 1 -0.17892 184.575 -143.666 163 1 -0.171285 184.604 -143.837 164 1 -0.163659 184.631 -144.001 165 1 -0.158579 184.656 -144.159 166 1 -0.150969 184.679 -144.31 167 1 -0.1459 184.7 -144.456 168 1 -0.138305 184.719 -144.595 169 1 -0.130716 184.736 -144.725 170 1 -0.125661 184.752 -144.851 171 1 -0.118085 184.766 -144.969 172 1 -0.110516 184.778 -145.08 173 1 -0.105474 184.789 -145.185 174 1 -0.0979139 184.799 -145.283 175 1 -0.0903606 184.807 -145.373 176 1 -0.0853288 184.814 -145.459 177 1 -0.0777834 184.82 -145.536 178 1 -0.0702426 184.825 -145.607 179 1 -0.0652187 184.83 -145.672 180 1 -0.0576847 184.833 -145.73 181 1 -0.0501541 184.835 -145.78 182 1 -0.0451348 184.837 -145.825 183 1 -0.0376076 184.839 -145.863 184 1 -0.0300838 184.84 -145.893 185 1 -0.0250691 184.84 -145.918 186 1 -0.0175476 184.841 -145.935 187 1 -0.0100272 184.841 -145.945 188 1 -0.00501359 184.841 -145.95 189 1 0.00501359 184.841 -145.945 190 1 0.0100272 184.841 -145.935 191 1 0.0175476 184.841 -145.918 192 1 0.0250691 184.842 -145.893 193 1 0.0300838 184.843 -145.863 194 1 0.0376076 184.844 -145.825 195 1 0.0451348 184.846 -145.78 196 1 0.0501541 184.849 -145.73 197 1 0.0576847 184.852 -145.672 198 1 0.0652187 184.856 -145.607 199 1 0.0702426 184.861 -145.536 200 1 0.0777834 184.867 -145.459 201 1 0.0853288 184.875 -145.373 202 1 0.0903606 184.883 -145.283 203 1 0.0979139 184.892 -145.185 204 1 0.105474 184.903 -145.08 Page 61 205 1 0.110516 184.916 -144.969 206 1 0.118085 184.93 -144.851 207 1 0.125661 184.945 -144.725 208 1 0.130716 184.962 -144.595 209 1 0.138305 184.982 -144.456 210 1 0.1459 185.003 -144.31 211 1 0.150969 185.026 -144.159 212 1 0.158579 185.051 -144.001 213 1 0.163659 185.078 -143.837 214 1 0.171285 185.107 -143.666 215 1 0.17892 185.139 -143.487 216 1 0.184017 185.173 -143.303 217 1 0.191671 185.21 -143.111 218 1 0.199336 185.249 -142.912 219 1 0.204452 185.291 -142.708 220 1 0.212137 185.336 -142.495 221 1 0.219834 185.384 -142.276 222 1 0.224974 185.435 -142.051 223 1 0.232693 185.489 -141.818 224 1 0.240426 185.547 -141.577 225 1 0.24559 185.607 -141.332 226 1 0.253347 185.672 -141.079 227 1 0.26112 185.74 -140.817 228 1 0.266311 185.811 -140.551 229 1 0.27411 185.886 -140.277 230 1 0.281926 185.965 -139.995 231 1 0.287147 186.048 -139.708 232 1 0.294992 186.135 -139.413 233 1 0.302855 186.226 -139.11 234 1 0.308108 186.321 -138.802 235 1 0.316004 186.421 -138.486 236 1 0.321278 186.524 -138.165 237 1 0.329206 186.633 -137.835 238 1 0.337155 186.746 -137.498 239 1 0.342466 186.864 -137.156 240 1 0.350451 186.987 -136.805 241 1 0.358459 187.115 -136.447 242 1 0.363809 187.247 -136.083 243 1 0.371856 187.386 -135.711 244 1 0.379927 187.53 -135.331 245 1 0.385321 187.679 -134.946 246 1 0.393433 187.833 -134.553 247 1 0.401571 187.995 -134.151 248 1 0.40701 188.16 -133.744 249 1 0.415193 188.333 -133.329 250 1 0.423405 188.512 -132.905 251 1 0.428895 188.696 -132.477 252 1 0.437153 188.887 -132.039 253 1 0.445443 189.085 -131.594 254 1 0.450985 189.289 -131.143 255 1 0.459327 189.5 -130.684 256 1 0.467699 189.718 -130.216 257 1 0.473299 189.942 -129.743 258 1 0.481728 190.175 -129.261 259 1 0.490189 190.415 -128.771 260 1 0.49585 190.661 -128.275 261 1 0.504372 190.915 -127.77 262 1 0.510074 191.175 -127.26 263 1 0.518658 191.444 -126.742 264 1 0.52728 191.722 -126.214 265 1 0.533048 192.006 -125.681 266 1 0.541736 192.3 -125.14 267 1 0.550465 192.603 -124.589 268 1 0.556308 192.912 -124.033 269 1 0.565108 193.232 -123.468 270 1 0.573953 193.561 -122.894 271 1 0.579873 193.897 -122.314 272 1 0.588793 194.244 -121.725 273 1 0.597761 194.601 -121.127 274 1 0.603765 194.966 -120.524 275 1 0.612813 195.341 -119.911 Page 62 276 1 0.621911 195.728 -119.289 277 1 0.628006 196.123 -118.661 278 1 0.637192 196.529 -118.024 279 1 0.646431 196.947 -117.377 280 1 0.652622 197.372 -116.725 281 1 0.661955 197.811 -116.063 282 1 0.671346 198.261 -115.391 283 1 0.677639 198.721 -114.714 284 1 0.687131 199.193 -114.027 285 1 0.693493 199.674 -113.333 286 1 0.703089 200.168 -112.63 287 1 0.712751 200.676 -111.917 288 1 0.719228 201.193 -111.198 289 1 0.729003 201.725 -110.469 290 1 0.738846 202.271 -109.73 291 1 0.745449 202.826 -108.985 292 1 0.755415 203.397 -108.229 293 1 0.765456 203.983 -107.464 294 1 0.772193 204.579 -106.692 295 1 0.782366 205.191 -105.909 296 1 0.792618 205.819 -105.117 297 1 0.7995 206.459 -104.317 298 1 0.809896 207.115 -103.507 299 1 0.820379 207.788 -102.687 300 1 0.827417 208.472 -101.86 301 1 0.838054 209.175 -101.021 302 1 0.848786 209.895 -100.173 303 1 0.855996 210.628 -99.3167 304 1 0.866894 211.379 -98.4498 305 1 0.877897 212.15 -97.5719 306 1 0.885291 212.934 -96.6866 307 1 0.896473 213.737 -95.7901 308 1 0.903992 214.555 -94.8861 309 1 0.915365 215.392 -93.9708 310 1 0.926859 216.252 -93.0439 311 1 0.93459 217.125 -92.1093 312 1 0.946291 218.02 -91.163 313 1 0.958125 218.938 -90.2049 314 1 0.966088 219.872 -89.2388 315 1 0.97815 220.829 -88.2607 316 1 0.990356 221.809 -87.2703 317 1 0.998575 222.807 -86.2717 318 1 1.01104 223.829 -85.2607 319 1 1.02365 224.877 -84.237 320 1 1.03215 225.942 -83.2049 321 1 1.04505 227.034 -82.1598 322 1 1.05812 228.154 -81.1017 323 1 1.06694 229.292 -80.0348 324 1 1.08032 230.459 -78.9544 325 1 1.0939 231.656 -77.8606 326 1 1.10306 232.872 -76.7575 327 1 1.11699 234.12 -75.6405 328 1 1.13113 235.4 -74.5094 329 1 1.14069 236.701 -73.3687 330 1 1.15522 238.035 -72.2135 331 1 1.16505 239.393 -71.0484 332 1 1.18 240.785 -69.8684 333 1 1.19522 242.214 -68.6732 334 1 1.20553 243.667 -67.4677 335 1 1.22123 245.158 -66.2464 336 1 1.23724 246.689 -65.0092 337 1 1.24809 248.247 -63.7611 338 1 1.26464 249.846 -62.4965 339 1 1.28155 251.488 -61.2149 340 1 1.29303 253.16 -59.9219 341 1 1.31058 254.878 -58.6113 342 1 1.32854 256.643 -57.2828 343 1 1.34075 258.441 -55.942 344 1 1.35946 260.289 -54.5826 345 1.1 1.37866 262.189 -53.066 346 1.4 1.39175 264.126 -51.1176 Page 63 347 3.1 1.41183 266.12 -46.7409 348 3.1 1.4325 268.172 -42.3001 349 4.3 1.44663 270.265 -36.0796 350 4.6 1.46838 272.421 -29.3251 351 5.6 1.49085 274.643 -20.9763 352 5.7 1.50626 276.912 -12.3906 353 5.9 1.53007 279.253 -3.36321 354 6.1 1.54643 281.645 6.07002 355 6.2 1.57179 284.115 15.8151 356 6.5 1.59819 286.669 26.2034 357 6.8 1.61644 289.282 37.1951 358 7.2 1.64485 291.988 49.0381 359 8.3 1.67466 294.792 62.9378 360 8.3 1.6954 297.667 77.0096 361 9.4 1.72793 300.652 93.2521 362 9.6 1.76241 303.759 110.171 363 9.7 1.78661 306.951 127.501 364 10.3 1.82501 310.281 146.299 365 11 1.86629 313.764 166.828 366 11 1.8957 317.358 187.681 367 11 1.94314 321.134 209.055 368 11.4 1.99539 325.115 231.803 369 14 2.03352 329.25 260.272 370 14 2.09693 333.648 289.629 371 17 2.17009 338.357 326.521 372 18 2.22621 343.313 366.592 373 20 2.32634 348.725 413.119 374 22 2.45727 354.763 467.179 375 24 2.57583 361.398 528.999 376 43 2.87815 369.682 652.76 Data Set Standard Deviation = 3.57997 Numerator = 426095 Denominator = 1.77671e+006 W Statistic = 0.239822 = 426095 / 1.77671e+006 5% Critical value of 0.976 exceeds 0.239822 Evidence of non-normality at 95% level of significance 1% Critical value of 0.967 exceeds 0.239822 Evidence of non-normality at 99% level of significance Page 64 Poisson Prediction Limit (Inter-Well) Parameter: Chlorobenzene Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Recent Dates = 1 Poisson Count of 94 background Samples = 107 99% t-test = 2.36711 95% t-test = 1.6614 Well: MWB Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.70717 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 2.93501 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 1 FALSE FALSE Well: MWE Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.70717 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 2.93501 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 1 FALSE FALSE Well: MWG Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.70717 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 2.93501 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 1 FALSE FALSE Well: MWI Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.70717 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 2.93501 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 1 FALSE FALSE Well: MWJ Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.70717 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 2.93501 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 4.3 TRUE TRUE Well: MWK Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 Page 65 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.70717 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 2.93501 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 1 FALSE FALSE Page 66 Non-Parametric Prediction Interval Intra-Well Comparison for MWJ Parameter: Chlorobenzene Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Total Percent Non-Detects = 71.7391% Future Samples (k) = 1 Recent Dates = 1 Baseline Measurements (n) = 46 Maximum Baseline Concentration = 22 Confidence Level = 97.9% False Positive Rate = 2.1% Baseline Measurements Date Value 9/26/1994 ND<1 11/14/1994 10.3 1/4/1995 ND<1 2/22/1995 ND<1 10/3/1995 18 6/4/1996 11 8/23/1996 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 10/20/2009 6.5 2/3/2010 1.1 5/12/2010 1.4 10/6/2010 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 5/16/2012 20 10/3/2012 14 9/4/2013 6.8 12/4/2013 17 5/29/2014 9.6 11/5/2014 22 6/8/2015 11 Date Count Mean Significant 10/27/2015 1 4.3 FALSE Page 67 Concentrations (ppb) Parameter: Toluene Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Total Measurements: 376 Total Non-Detect: 369 Percent Non-Detects: 98.1383% Total Background Measurements: 94 There are 2 background locations Loc.Meas.ND Date Conc.Original MWD 47 47 (100%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 ND<1 10/20/2009 ND<1 ND<1 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/2012 ND<1 ND<1 9/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 12/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 5/29/2014 ND<1 ND<1 11/5/2014 ND<1 ND<1 6/8/2015 ND<1 ND<1 10/27/2015 ND<1 ND<1 MWF 47 47 (100%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 Page 68 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 ND<1 10/20/2009 ND<1 ND<1 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/2012 ND<1 ND<1 9/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 12/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 5/29/2014 ND<1 ND<1 11/5/2014 ND<1 ND<1 6/8/2015 ND<1 ND<1 10/27/2015 ND<1 ND<1 There are 6 compliance locations Loc.Meas.ND Date Conc.Original MWB 47 40 (85.1064%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 20.6 20.6 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 Page 69 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 ND<1 10/20/2009 1.1 1.1 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/2012 ND<1 ND<1 9/4/2013 8.6 8.6 12/4/2013 1.3 1.3 5/29/2014 11 11 11/5/2014 7.9 7.9 6/8/2015 ND<1 ND<1 10/27/2015 20 20 MWE 47 47 (100%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 ND<1 10/20/2009 ND<1 ND<1 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/2012 ND<1 ND<1 9/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 12/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 5/29/2014 ND<1 ND<1 11/5/2014 ND<1 ND<1 6/8/2015 ND<1 ND<1 10/27/2015 ND<1 ND<1 MWG 47 47 (100%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 Page 70 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 ND<1 10/20/2009 ND<1 ND<1 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/2012 ND<1 ND<1 9/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 12/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 5/29/2014 ND<1 ND<1 11/5/2014 ND<1 ND<1 6/8/2015 ND<1 ND<1 10/27/2015 ND<1 ND<1 MWI 47 47 (100%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 Page 71 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 ND<1 10/20/2009 ND<1 ND<1 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/2012 ND<1 ND<1 9/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 12/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 5/29/2014 ND<1 ND<1 11/5/2014 ND<1 ND<1 6/8/2015 ND<1 ND<1 10/27/2015 ND<1 ND<1 MWJ 47 47 (100%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 ND<1 10/20/2009 ND<1 ND<1 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/2012 ND<1 ND<1 9/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 12/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 5/29/2014 ND<1 ND<1 11/5/2014 ND<1 ND<1 6/8/2015 ND<1 ND<1 10/27/2015 ND<1 ND<1 MWK 47 47 (100%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 Page 72 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 ND<1 10/20/2009 ND<1 ND<1 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/2012 ND<1 ND<1 9/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 12/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 5/29/2014 ND<1 ND<1 11/5/2014 ND<1 ND<1 6/8/2015 ND<1 ND<1 10/27/2015 ND<1 ND<1 There are 0 unused locations Loc.Meas.ND Date Conc.Original Page 73 Basic Statistics Parameter: Toluene Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Total Measurements 376 Total Non-Detects 369 (98.1383%) Pooled Mean 1.16888 Pooled Std Dev 1.58317 Compliance Meas.282 Compliance Mean 1.22518 Compliance Std Dev 1.82541 Background Meas.94 Background Mean 1 Background Std Dev 0 Background Locations There are 2 background location Location Meas.Non-Detects % ND Total MWD 47 47 100 47 MWF 47 47 100 47 Location Mean Std Dev Std Err Rank Sum Rank Mean MWD 1 0 0 8695 185 MWF 1 0 0 8695 185 Compliance Locations There are 6 compliance location Location Obs.Non-Detects % ND Total MWB 47 40 85.1064 110.5 MWE 47 47 100 47 MWG 47 47 100 47 MWI 47 47 100 47 MWJ 47 47 100 47 MWK 47 47 100 47 Location Mean Std Dev Dif From Bkg Std Err Rank Sum Rank Mean MWB 2.35106 4.33599 1.35106 0.273867 10011 213 MWE 1 0 0 0.273867 8695 185 MWG 1 0 0 0.273867 8695 185 MWI 1 0 0 0.273867 8695 185 MWJ 1 0 0 0.273867 8695 185 MWK 1 0 0 0.273867 8695 185 Analysis of Variance Statistics SS Wells 75.0685 SS Total 939.906 Kruskal-Wallis Statistics Non-Detect Rank 185 Background Rank Sum 17390 Background Rank Mean 185 H Statistic 2.72944 H Adjusted for Ties 49.791 Page 74 Levene's Test for Equal of Variance Parameter: Toluene Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Overall Mean = 0.299706 Overall Std Dev = 1.48868 Overall Total = 112.689 SS Groups = 236.416 SS Total = 831.064 ANOVA Table Source of Sum of Degrees of Mean Variation Squares Freedom Squares F Between Groups 236.416 7 33.7736 20.9009 Error (within groups)594.648 368 1.61589 Totals 831.064 375 95% F-Statistic = 2.01 20.9009 exceeds 2.01; assumption of equal variance should be rejected Group: MWD Sample Residual 9/26/1994 0 11/14/1994 0 1/4/1995 0 2/22/1995 0 10/3/1995 0 6/4/1996 0 8/23/1996 0 12/3/1996 0 1/14/1997 0 10/1/1997 0 2/1/1998 0 4/1/1998 0 6/1/1998 0 8/4/1999 0 11/9/1999 0 9/26/2000 0 1/30/2001 0 9/27/2001 0 1/9/2002 0 10/2/2002 0 5/13/2003 0 10/1/2003 0 6/2/2004 0 10/5/2004 0 5/17/2005 0 10/17/2005 0 5/10/2006 0 10/17/2006 0 5/16/2007 0 10/23/2007 0 6/10/2008 0 10/23/2008 0 5/6/2009 0 10/20/2009 0 2/3/2010 0 5/12/2010 0 10/6/2010 0 5/20/2011 0 10/6/2011 0 5/16/2012 0 10/3/2012 0 9/4/2013 0 12/4/2013 0 5/29/2014 0 11/5/2014 0 Page 75 6/8/2015 0 10/27/2015 0 Group: MWF Sample Residual 9/26/1994 0 11/14/1994 0 1/4/1995 0 2/22/1995 0 10/3/1995 0 6/4/1996 0 8/23/1996 0 12/3/1996 0 1/14/1997 0 10/1/1997 0 2/1/1998 0 4/1/1998 0 6/1/1998 0 8/4/1999 0 11/9/1999 0 9/26/2000 0 1/30/2001 0 9/27/2001 0 1/9/2002 0 10/2/2002 0 5/13/2003 0 10/1/2003 0 6/2/2004 0 10/5/2004 0 5/17/2005 0 10/17/2005 0 5/10/2006 0 10/17/2006 0 5/16/2007 0 10/23/2007 0 6/10/2008 0 10/23/2008 0 5/6/2009 0 10/20/2009 0 2/3/2010 0 5/12/2010 0 10/6/2010 0 5/20/2011 0 10/6/2011 0 5/16/2012 0 10/3/2012 0 9/4/2013 0 12/4/2013 0 5/29/2014 0 11/5/2014 0 6/8/2015 0 10/27/2015 0 Group: MWB Date Residual 9/26/1994 1.35106 11/14/1994 1.35106 1/4/1995 1.35106 2/22/1995 1.35106 10/3/1995 1.35106 6/4/1996 1.35106 8/23/1996 1.35106 12/3/1996 1.35106 1/14/1997 1.35106 10/1/1997 1.35106 2/1/1998 1.35106 4/1/1998 1.35106 6/1/1998 1.35106 8/4/1999 1.35106 11/9/1999 1.35106 9/26/2000 1.35106 1/30/2001 1.35106 9/27/2001 1.35106 Page 76 1/9/2002 1.35106 10/2/2002 1.35106 5/13/2003 1.35106 10/1/2003 1.35106 6/2/2004 1.35106 10/5/2004 18.2489 5/17/2005 1.35106 10/17/2005 1.35106 5/10/2006 1.35106 10/17/2006 1.35106 5/16/2007 1.35106 10/23/2007 1.35106 6/10/2008 1.35106 10/23/2008 1.35106 5/6/2009 1.35106 10/20/2009 1.25106 2/3/2010 1.35106 5/12/2010 1.35106 10/6/2010 1.35106 5/20/2011 1.35106 10/6/2011 1.35106 5/16/2012 1.35106 10/3/2012 1.35106 9/4/2013 6.24894 12/4/2013 1.05106 5/29/2014 8.64894 11/5/2014 5.54894 6/8/2015 1.35106 10/27/2015 17.6489 Group: MWE Date Residual 9/26/1994 0 11/14/1994 0 1/4/1995 0 2/22/1995 0 10/3/1995 0 6/4/1996 0 8/23/1996 0 12/3/1996 0 1/14/1997 0 10/1/1997 0 2/1/1998 0 4/1/1998 0 6/1/1998 0 8/4/1999 0 11/9/1999 0 9/26/2000 0 1/30/2001 0 9/27/2001 0 1/9/2002 0 10/2/2002 0 5/13/2003 0 10/1/2003 0 6/2/2004 0 10/5/2004 0 5/17/2005 0 10/17/2005 0 5/10/2006 0 10/17/2006 0 5/16/2007 0 10/23/2007 0 6/10/2008 0 10/23/2008 0 5/6/2009 0 10/20/2009 0 2/3/2010 0 5/12/2010 0 10/6/2010 0 5/20/2011 0 10/6/2011 0 5/16/2012 0 Page 77 10/3/2012 0 9/4/2013 0 12/4/2013 0 5/29/2014 0 11/5/2014 0 6/8/2015 0 10/27/2015 0 Group: MWG Date Residual 9/26/1994 0 11/14/1994 0 1/4/1995 0 2/22/1995 0 10/3/1995 0 6/4/1996 0 8/23/1996 0 12/3/1996 0 1/14/1997 0 10/1/1997 0 2/1/1998 0 4/1/1998 0 6/1/1998 0 8/4/1999 0 11/9/1999 0 9/26/2000 0 1/30/2001 0 9/27/2001 0 1/9/2002 0 10/2/2002 0 5/13/2003 0 10/1/2003 0 6/2/2004 0 10/5/2004 0 5/17/2005 0 10/17/2005 0 5/10/2006 0 10/17/2006 0 5/16/2007 0 10/23/2007 0 6/10/2008 0 10/23/2008 0 5/6/2009 0 10/20/2009 0 2/3/2010 0 5/12/2010 0 10/6/2010 0 5/20/2011 0 10/6/2011 0 5/16/2012 0 10/3/2012 0 9/4/2013 0 12/4/2013 0 5/29/2014 0 11/5/2014 0 6/8/2015 0 10/27/2015 0 Group: MWI Date Residual 9/26/1994 0 11/14/1994 0 1/4/1995 0 2/22/1995 0 10/3/1995 0 6/4/1996 0 8/23/1996 0 12/3/1996 0 1/14/1997 0 10/1/1997 0 2/1/1998 0 4/1/1998 0 6/1/1998 0 Page 78 8/4/1999 0 11/9/1999 0 9/26/2000 0 1/30/2001 0 9/27/2001 0 1/9/2002 0 10/2/2002 0 5/13/2003 0 10/1/2003 0 6/2/2004 0 10/5/2004 0 5/17/2005 0 10/17/2005 0 5/10/2006 0 10/17/2006 0 5/16/2007 0 10/23/2007 0 6/10/2008 0 10/23/2008 0 5/6/2009 0 10/20/2009 0 2/3/2010 0 5/12/2010 0 10/6/2010 0 5/20/2011 0 10/6/2011 0 5/16/2012 0 10/3/2012 0 9/4/2013 0 12/4/2013 0 5/29/2014 0 11/5/2014 0 6/8/2015 0 10/27/2015 0 Group: MWJ Date Residual 9/26/1994 0 11/14/1994 0 1/4/1995 0 2/22/1995 0 10/3/1995 0 6/4/1996 0 8/23/1996 0 12/3/1996 0 1/14/1997 0 10/1/1997 0 2/1/1998 0 4/1/1998 0 6/1/1998 0 8/4/1999 0 11/9/1999 0 9/26/2000 0 1/30/2001 0 9/27/2001 0 1/9/2002 0 10/2/2002 0 5/13/2003 0 10/1/2003 0 6/2/2004 0 10/5/2004 0 5/17/2005 0 10/17/2005 0 5/10/2006 0 10/17/2006 0 5/16/2007 0 10/23/2007 0 6/10/2008 0 10/23/2008 0 5/6/2009 0 10/20/2009 0 2/3/2010 0 Page 79 5/12/2010 0 10/6/2010 0 5/20/2011 0 10/6/2011 0 5/16/2012 0 10/3/2012 0 9/4/2013 0 12/4/2013 0 5/29/2014 0 11/5/2014 0 6/8/2015 0 10/27/2015 0 Group: MWK Date Residual 9/26/1994 0 11/14/1994 0 1/4/1995 0 2/22/1995 0 10/3/1995 0 6/4/1996 0 8/23/1996 0 12/3/1996 0 1/14/1997 0 10/1/1997 0 2/1/1998 0 4/1/1998 0 6/1/1998 0 8/4/1999 0 11/9/1999 0 9/26/2000 0 1/30/2001 0 9/27/2001 0 1/9/2002 0 10/2/2002 0 5/13/2003 0 10/1/2003 0 6/2/2004 0 10/5/2004 0 5/17/2005 0 10/17/2005 0 5/10/2006 0 10/17/2006 0 5/16/2007 0 10/23/2007 0 6/10/2008 0 10/23/2008 0 5/6/2009 0 10/20/2009 0 2/3/2010 0 5/12/2010 0 10/6/2010 0 5/20/2011 0 10/6/2011 0 5/16/2012 0 10/3/2012 0 9/4/2013 0 12/4/2013 0 5/29/2014 0 11/5/2014 0 6/8/2015 0 10/27/2015 0 Page 80 Shapiro-Francia Test of Normality Parameter: Toluene All Locations Normality Test of Parameter Concentrations Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Total Number of Measurements = 376 i x(i)m(i)sum(m^2)sum(mx) 1 1 -2.87815 8.28375 -2.87815 2 1 -2.57583 14.9187 -5.45399 3 1 -2.45727 20.9569 -7.91126 4 1 -2.32634 26.3687 -10.2376 5 1 -2.22621 31.3247 -12.4638 6 1 -2.17009 36.034 -14.6339 7 1 -2.09693 40.4311 -16.7308 8 1 -2.03352 44.5663 -18.7643 9 1 -1.99539 48.5479 -20.7597 10 1 -1.94314 52.3237 -22.7029 11 1 -1.8957 55.9174 -24.5986 12 1 -1.86629 59.4004 -26.4649 13 1 -1.82501 62.7311 -28.2899 14 1 -1.78661 65.9231 -30.0765 15 1 -1.76241 69.0291 -31.8389 16 1 -1.72793 72.0149 -33.5668 17 1 -1.6954 74.8893 -35.2622 18 1 -1.67466 77.6938 -36.9369 19 1 -1.64485 80.3993 -38.5817 20 1 -1.61644 83.0122 -40.1982 21 1 -1.59819 85.5664 -41.7964 22 1 -1.57179 88.0369 -43.3682 23 1 -1.54643 90.4284 -44.9146 24 1 -1.53007 92.7695 -46.4447 25 1 -1.50626 95.0383 -47.9509 26 1 -1.49085 97.2609 -49.4418 27 1 -1.46838 99.4171 -50.9101 28 1 -1.44663 101.51 -52.3568 29 1 -1.4325 103.562 -53.7893 30 1 -1.41183 105.555 -55.2011 31 1 -1.39175 107.492 -56.5929 32 1 -1.37866 109.393 -57.9715 33 1 -1.35946 111.241 -59.331 34 1 -1.34075 113.039 -60.6717 35 1 -1.32854 114.804 -62.0003 36 1 -1.31058 116.521 -63.3109 37 1 -1.29303 118.193 -64.6039 38 1 -1.28155 119.836 -65.8854 39 1 -1.26464 121.435 -67.1501 40 1 -1.24809 122.993 -68.3982 41 1 -1.23724 124.523 -69.6354 42 1 -1.22123 126.015 -70.8566 43 1 -1.20553 127.468 -72.0622 44 1 -1.19522 128.897 -73.2574 45 1 -1.18 130.289 -74.4374 46 1 -1.16505 131.646 -75.6024 47 1 -1.15522 132.981 -76.7576 48 1 -1.14069 134.282 -77.8983 49 1 -1.13113 135.561 -79.0295 50 1 -1.11699 136.809 -80.1465 51 1 -1.10306 138.026 -81.2495 52 1 -1.0939 139.222 -82.3434 53 1 -1.08032 140.39 -83.4237 54 1 -1.06694 141.528 -84.4907 55 1 -1.05812 142.648 -85.5488 56 1 -1.04505 143.74 -86.5938 57 1 -1.03215 144.805 -87.626 58 1 -1.02365 145.853 -88.6497 59 1 -1.01104 146.875 -89.6607 60 1 -0.998575 147.872 -90.6593 61 1 -0.990356 148.853 -91.6496 62 1 -0.97815 149.81 -92.6278 Page 81 63 1 -0.966088 150.743 -93.5939 64 1 -0.958125 151.661 -94.552 65 1 -0.946291 152.557 -95.4983 66 1 -0.93459 153.43 -96.4329 67 1 -0.926859 154.289 -97.3597 68 1 -0.915365 155.127 -98.2751 69 1 -0.903992 155.944 -99.1791 70 1 -0.896473 156.748 -100.076 71 1 -0.885291 157.532 -100.961 72 1 -0.877897 158.302 -101.839 73 1 -0.866894 159.054 -102.706 74 1 -0.855996 159.787 -103.562 75 1 -0.848786 160.507 -104.41 76 1 -0.838054 161.209 -105.248 77 1 -0.827417 161.894 -106.076 78 1 -0.820379 162.567 -106.896 79 1 -0.809896 163.223 -107.706 80 1 -0.7995 163.862 -108.506 81 1 -0.792618 164.49 -109.298 82 1 -0.782366 165.102 -110.081 83 1 -0.772193 165.699 -110.853 84 1 -0.765456 166.285 -111.618 85 1 -0.755415 166.855 -112.374 86 1 -0.745449 167.411 -113.119 87 1 -0.738846 167.957 -113.858 88 1 -0.729003 168.488 -114.587 89 1 -0.719228 169.006 -115.306 90 1 -0.712751 169.514 -116.019 91 1 -0.703089 170.008 -116.722 92 1 -0.693493 170.489 -117.416 93 1 -0.687131 170.961 -118.103 94 1 -0.677639 171.42 -118.78 95 1 -0.671346 171.871 -119.452 96 1 -0.661955 172.309 -120.114 97 1 -0.652622 172.735 -120.766 98 1 -0.646431 173.153 -121.413 99 1 -0.637192 173.559 -122.05 100 1 -0.628006 173.953 -122.678 101 1 -0.621911 174.34 -123.3 102 1 -0.612813 174.716 -123.913 103 1 -0.603765 175.08 -124.516 104 1 -0.597761 175.437 -125.114 105 1 -0.588793 175.784 -125.703 106 1 -0.579873 176.12 -126.283 107 1 -0.573953 176.45 -126.857 108 1 -0.565108 176.769 -127.422 109 1 -0.556308 177.079 -127.978 110 1 -0.550465 177.382 -128.529 111 1 -0.541736 177.675 -129.07 112 1 -0.533048 177.959 -129.603 113 1 -0.52728 178.237 -130.131 114 1 -0.518658 178.506 -130.649 115 1 -0.510074 178.766 -131.159 116 1 -0.504372 179.021 -131.664 117 1 -0.49585 179.267 -132.16 118 1 -0.490189 179.507 -132.65 119 1 -0.481728 179.739 -133.132 120 1 -0.473299 179.963 -133.605 121 1 -0.467699 180.182 -134.073 122 1 -0.459327 180.393 -134.532 123 1 -0.450985 180.596 -134.983 124 1 -0.445443 180.795 -135.428 125 1 -0.437153 180.986 -135.865 126 1 -0.428895 181.17 -136.294 127 1 -0.423405 181.349 -136.718 128 1 -0.415193 181.521 -137.133 129 1 -0.40701 181.687 -137.54 130 1 -0.401571 181.848 -137.942 131 1 -0.393433 182.003 -138.335 132 1 -0.385321 182.152 -138.72 133 1 -0.379927 182.296 -139.1 Page 82 134 1 -0.371856 182.434 -139.472 135 1 -0.363809 182.567 -139.836 136 1 -0.358459 182.695 -140.194 137 1 -0.350451 182.818 -140.545 138 1 -0.342466 182.935 -140.887 139 1 -0.337155 183.049 -141.224 140 1 -0.329206 183.157 -141.554 141 1 -0.321278 183.26 -141.875 142 1 -0.316004 183.36 -142.191 143 1 -0.308108 183.455 -142.499 144 1 -0.302855 183.547 -142.802 145 1 -0.294992 183.634 -143.097 146 1 -0.287147 183.716 -143.384 147 1 -0.281926 183.796 -143.666 148 1 -0.27411 183.871 -143.94 149 1 -0.266311 183.942 -144.206 150 1 -0.26112 184.01 -144.467 151 1 -0.253347 184.074 -144.721 152 1 -0.24559 184.135 -144.966 153 1 -0.240426 184.192 -145.207 154 1 -0.232693 184.247 -145.44 155 1 -0.224974 184.297 -145.665 156 1 -0.219834 184.345 -145.884 157 1 -0.212137 184.39 -146.096 158 1 -0.204452 184.432 -146.301 159 1 -0.199336 184.472 -146.5 160 1 -0.191671 184.509 -146.692 161 1 -0.184017 184.543 -146.876 162 1 -0.17892 184.575 -147.055 163 1 -0.171285 184.604 -147.226 164 1 -0.163659 184.631 -147.39 165 1 -0.158579 184.656 -147.548 166 1 -0.150969 184.679 -147.699 167 1 -0.1459 184.7 -147.845 168 1 -0.138305 184.719 -147.984 169 1 -0.130716 184.736 -148.114 170 1 -0.125661 184.752 -148.24 171 1 -0.118085 184.766 -148.358 172 1 -0.110516 184.778 -148.469 173 1 -0.105474 184.789 -148.574 174 1 -0.0979139 184.799 -148.672 175 1 -0.0903606 184.807 -148.762 176 1 -0.0853288 184.814 -148.848 177 1 -0.0777834 184.82 -148.925 178 1 -0.0702426 184.825 -148.996 179 1 -0.0652187 184.83 -149.061 180 1 -0.0576847 184.833 -149.119 181 1 -0.0501541 184.835 -149.169 182 1 -0.0451348 184.837 -149.214 183 1 -0.0376076 184.839 -149.251 184 1 -0.0300838 184.84 -149.282 185 1 -0.0250691 184.84 -149.307 186 1 -0.0175476 184.841 -149.324 187 1 -0.0100272 184.841 -149.334 188 1 -0.00501359 184.841 -149.339 189 1 0.00501359 184.841 -149.334 190 1 0.0100272 184.841 -149.324 191 1 0.0175476 184.841 -149.307 192 1 0.0250691 184.842 -149.282 193 1 0.0300838 184.843 -149.251 194 1 0.0376076 184.844 -149.214 195 1 0.0451348 184.846 -149.169 196 1 0.0501541 184.849 -149.119 197 1 0.0576847 184.852 -149.061 198 1 0.0652187 184.856 -148.996 199 1 0.0702426 184.861 -148.925 200 1 0.0777834 184.867 -148.848 201 1 0.0853288 184.875 -148.762 202 1 0.0903606 184.883 -148.672 203 1 0.0979139 184.892 -148.574 204 1 0.105474 184.903 -148.469 Page 83 205 1 0.110516 184.916 -148.358 206 1 0.118085 184.93 -148.24 207 1 0.125661 184.945 -148.114 208 1 0.130716 184.962 -147.984 209 1 0.138305 184.982 -147.845 210 1 0.1459 185.003 -147.699 211 1 0.150969 185.026 -147.548 212 1 0.158579 185.051 -147.39 213 1 0.163659 185.078 -147.226 214 1 0.171285 185.107 -147.055 215 1 0.17892 185.139 -146.876 216 1 0.184017 185.173 -146.692 217 1 0.191671 185.21 -146.5 218 1 0.199336 185.249 -146.301 219 1 0.204452 185.291 -146.096 220 1 0.212137 185.336 -145.884 221 1 0.219834 185.384 -145.665 222 1 0.224974 185.435 -145.44 223 1 0.232693 185.489 -145.207 224 1 0.240426 185.547 -144.966 225 1 0.24559 185.607 -144.721 226 1 0.253347 185.672 -144.467 227 1 0.26112 185.74 -144.206 228 1 0.266311 185.811 -143.94 229 1 0.27411 185.886 -143.666 230 1 0.281926 185.965 -143.384 231 1 0.287147 186.048 -143.097 232 1 0.294992 186.135 -142.802 233 1 0.302855 186.226 -142.499 234 1 0.308108 186.321 -142.191 235 1 0.316004 186.421 -141.875 236 1 0.321278 186.524 -141.554 237 1 0.329206 186.633 -141.224 238 1 0.337155 186.746 -140.887 239 1 0.342466 186.864 -140.545 240 1 0.350451 186.987 -140.194 241 1 0.358459 187.115 -139.836 242 1 0.363809 187.247 -139.472 243 1 0.371856 187.386 -139.1 244 1 0.379927 187.53 -138.72 245 1 0.385321 187.679 -138.335 246 1 0.393433 187.833 -137.942 247 1 0.401571 187.995 -137.54 248 1 0.40701 188.16 -137.133 249 1 0.415193 188.333 -136.718 250 1 0.423405 188.512 -136.294 251 1 0.428895 188.696 -135.865 252 1 0.437153 188.887 -135.428 253 1 0.445443 189.085 -134.983 254 1 0.450985 189.289 -134.532 255 1 0.459327 189.5 -134.073 256 1 0.467699 189.718 -133.605 257 1 0.473299 189.942 -133.132 258 1 0.481728 190.175 -132.65 259 1 0.490189 190.415 -132.16 260 1 0.49585 190.661 -131.664 261 1 0.504372 190.915 -131.159 262 1 0.510074 191.175 -130.649 263 1 0.518658 191.444 -130.131 264 1 0.52728 191.722 -129.603 265 1 0.533048 192.006 -129.07 266 1 0.541736 192.3 -128.529 267 1 0.550465 192.603 -127.978 268 1 0.556308 192.912 -127.422 269 1 0.565108 193.232 -126.857 270 1 0.573953 193.561 -126.283 271 1 0.579873 193.897 -125.703 272 1 0.588793 194.244 -125.114 273 1 0.597761 194.601 -124.516 274 1 0.603765 194.966 -123.913 275 1 0.612813 195.341 -123.3 Page 84 276 1 0.621911 195.728 -122.678 277 1 0.628006 196.123 -122.05 278 1 0.637192 196.529 -121.413 279 1 0.646431 196.947 -120.766 280 1 0.652622 197.372 -120.114 281 1 0.661955 197.811 -119.452 282 1 0.671346 198.261 -118.78 283 1 0.677639 198.721 -118.103 284 1 0.687131 199.193 -117.416 285 1 0.693493 199.674 -116.722 286 1 0.703089 200.168 -116.019 287 1 0.712751 200.676 -115.306 288 1 0.719228 201.193 -114.587 289 1 0.729003 201.725 -113.858 290 1 0.738846 202.271 -113.119 291 1 0.745449 202.826 -112.374 292 1 0.755415 203.397 -111.618 293 1 0.765456 203.983 -110.853 294 1 0.772193 204.579 -110.081 295 1 0.782366 205.191 -109.298 296 1 0.792618 205.819 -108.506 297 1 0.7995 206.459 -107.706 298 1 0.809896 207.115 -106.896 299 1 0.820379 207.788 -106.076 300 1 0.827417 208.472 -105.248 301 1 0.838054 209.175 -104.41 302 1 0.848786 209.895 -103.562 303 1 0.855996 210.628 -102.706 304 1 0.866894 211.379 -101.839 305 1 0.877897 212.15 -100.961 306 1 0.885291 212.934 -100.076 307 1 0.896473 213.737 -99.1791 308 1 0.903992 214.555 -98.2751 309 1 0.915365 215.392 -97.3597 310 1 0.926859 216.252 -96.4329 311 1 0.93459 217.125 -95.4983 312 1 0.946291 218.02 -94.552 313 1 0.958125 218.938 -93.5939 314 1 0.966088 219.872 -92.6278 315 1 0.97815 220.829 -91.6496 316 1 0.990356 221.809 -90.6593 317 1 0.998575 222.807 -89.6607 318 1 1.01104 223.829 -88.6497 319 1 1.02365 224.877 -87.626 320 1 1.03215 225.942 -86.5938 321 1 1.04505 227.034 -85.5488 322 1 1.05812 228.154 -84.4907 323 1 1.06694 229.292 -83.4237 324 1 1.08032 230.459 -82.3434 325 1 1.0939 231.656 -81.2495 326 1 1.10306 232.872 -80.1465 327 1 1.11699 234.12 -79.0295 328 1 1.13113 235.4 -77.8983 329 1 1.14069 236.701 -76.7576 330 1 1.15522 238.035 -75.6024 331 1 1.16505 239.393 -74.4374 332 1 1.18 240.785 -73.2574 333 1 1.19522 242.214 -72.0622 334 1 1.20553 243.667 -70.8566 335 1 1.22123 245.158 -69.6354 336 1 1.23724 246.689 -68.3982 337 1 1.24809 248.247 -67.1501 338 1 1.26464 249.846 -65.8854 339 1 1.28155 251.488 -64.6039 340 1 1.29303 253.16 -63.3109 341 1 1.31058 254.878 -62.0003 342 1 1.32854 256.643 -60.6717 343 1 1.34075 258.441 -59.331 344 1 1.35946 260.289 -57.9715 345 1 1.37866 262.189 -56.5929 346 1 1.39175 264.126 -55.2011 Page 85 347 1 1.41183 266.12 -53.7893 348 1 1.4325 268.172 -52.3568 349 1 1.44663 270.265 -50.9101 350 1 1.46838 272.421 -49.4418 351 1 1.49085 274.643 -47.9509 352 1 1.50626 276.912 -46.4447 353 1 1.53007 279.253 -44.9146 354 1 1.54643 281.645 -43.3682 355 1 1.57179 284.115 -41.7964 356 1 1.59819 286.669 -40.1982 357 1 1.61644 289.282 -38.5817 358 1 1.64485 291.988 -36.9369 359 1 1.67466 294.792 -35.2622 360 1 1.6954 297.667 -33.5668 361 1 1.72793 300.652 -31.8389 362 1 1.76241 303.759 -30.0765 363 1 1.78661 306.951 -28.2899 364 1 1.82501 310.281 -26.4649 365 1 1.86629 313.764 -24.5986 366 1 1.8957 317.358 -22.7029 367 1 1.94314 321.134 -20.7597 368 1 1.99539 325.115 -18.7643 369 1 2.03352 329.25 -16.7308 370 1.1 2.09693 333.648 -14.4242 371 1.3 2.17009 338.357 -11.6031 372 7.9 2.22621 343.313 5.98395 373 8.6 2.32634 348.725 25.9905 374 11 2.45727 354.763 53.0205 375 20 2.57583 361.398 104.537 376 20.6 2.87815 369.682 163.827 Data Set Standard Deviation = 1.58317 Numerator = 26839.3 Denominator = 347466 W Statistic = 0.077243 = 26839.3 / 347466 5% Critical value of 0.976 exceeds 0.077243 Evidence of non-normality at 95% level of significance 1% Critical value of 0.967 exceeds 0.077243 Evidence of non-normality at 99% level of significance Page 86 Poisson Prediction Limit (Inter-Well) Parameter: Toluene Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Recent Dates = 1 Poisson Count of 94 background Samples = 94 99% t-test = 2.36711 95% t-test = 1.6614 Well: MWB Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.40966 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 2.68496 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 20 TRUE TRUE Well: MWE Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.40966 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 2.68496 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 1 FALSE FALSE Well: MWG Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.40966 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 2.68496 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 1 FALSE FALSE Well: MWI Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.40966 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 2.68496 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 1 FALSE FALSE Well: MWJ Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.40966 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 2.68496 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 1 FALSE FALSE Well: MWK Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 Page 87 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.40966 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 2.68496 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 1 FALSE FALSE Page 88 Non-Parametric Prediction Interval Intra-Well Comparison for MWB Parameter: Toluene Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Total Percent Non-Detects = 86.9565% Future Samples (k) = 1 Recent Dates = 1 Baseline Measurements (n) = 46 Maximum Baseline Concentration = 20.6 Confidence Level = 97.9% False Positive Rate = 2.1% Baseline Measurements Date Value 9/26/1994 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 2/22/1995 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 6/4/1996 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 10/5/2004 20.6 5/17/2005 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 10/20/2009 1.1 2/3/2010 ND<1 5/12/2010 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 5/16/2012 ND<1 10/3/2012 ND<1 9/4/2013 8.6 12/4/2013 1.3 5/29/2014 11 11/5/2014 7.9 6/8/2015 ND<1 Date Count Mean Significant 10/27/2015 1 20 FALSE Page 89 Concentrations (ppb) Parameter: 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Total Measurements: 376 Total Non-Detect: 339 Percent Non-Detects: 90.1596% Total Background Measurements: 94 There are 2 background locations Loc.Meas.ND Date Conc.Original MWD 47 47 (100%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 ND<1 10/20/2009 ND<1 ND<1 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/2012 ND<1 ND<1 9/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 12/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 5/29/2014 ND<1 ND<1 11/5/2014 ND<1 ND<1 6/8/2015 ND<1 ND<1 10/27/2015 ND<1 ND<1 MWF 47 47 (100%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 Page 90 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 ND<1 10/20/2009 ND<1 ND<1 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/2012 ND<1 ND<1 9/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 12/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 5/29/2014 ND<1 ND<1 11/5/2014 ND<1 ND<1 6/8/2015 ND<1 ND<1 10/27/2015 ND<1 ND<1 There are 6 compliance locations Loc.Meas.ND Date Conc.Original MWB 47 34 (72.3404%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 15 15 1/4/1995 14.7 14.7 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 Page 91 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 2.6 2.6 5/6/2009 9.1 9.1 10/20/2009 2.9 2.9 2/3/2010 0.51 0.51 5/12/2010 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 1.2 1.2 10/6/2011 1.3 1.3 5/16/2012 15 15 10/3/2012 4.2 4.2 9/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 12/4/2013 1.1 1.1 5/29/2014 1.2 1.2 11/5/2014 1.7 1.7 6/8/2015 ND<1 ND<1 10/27/2015 ND<1 ND<1 MWE 47 47 (100%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 ND<1 10/20/2009 ND<1 ND<1 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/2012 ND<1 ND<1 9/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 12/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 5/29/2014 ND<1 ND<1 11/5/2014 ND<1 ND<1 6/8/2015 ND<1 ND<1 10/27/2015 ND<1 ND<1 MWG 47 47 (100%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 Page 92 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 ND<1 10/20/2009 ND<1 ND<1 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/2012 ND<1 ND<1 9/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 12/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 5/29/2014 ND<1 ND<1 11/5/2014 ND<1 ND<1 6/8/2015 ND<1 ND<1 10/27/2015 ND<1 ND<1 MWI 47 36 (76.5957%)9/26/1994 ~ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 Page 93 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 2.2 2.2 5/6/2009 2 2 10/20/2009 1.1 1.1 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 2 2 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 3.7 3.7 10/6/2011 1.6 1.6 5/16/2012 2.2 2.2 10/3/2012 3.3 3.3 9/4/2013 1.4 1.4 12/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 5/29/2014 1.1 1.1 11/5/2014 2.1 2.1 6/8/2015 ND<1 ND<1 10/27/2015 ND<1 ND<1 MWJ 47 34 (72.3404%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 5.1 5.1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 6.6 6.6 6/4/1996 8.4 8.4 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 ND<1 10/20/2009 4 4 2/3/2010 0.56 0.56 5/12/2010 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 6.8 6.8 10/3/2012 4.2 4.2 9/4/2013 1.8 1.8 12/4/2013 4.6 4.6 5/29/2014 3 3 11/5/2014 7.3 7.3 6/8/2015 3.1 3.1 10/27/2015 1.2 1.2 MWK 47 47 (100%)9/26/1994 ND<1 ND<1 11/14/1994 ND<1 ND<1 1/4/1995 ND<1 ND<1 Page 94 2/22/1995 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/1995 ND<1 ND<1 6/4/1996 ND<1 ND<1 8/23/1996 ND<1 ND<1 12/3/1996 ND<1 ND<1 1/14/1997 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/1997 ND<1 ND<1 2/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 4/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 6/1/1998 ND<1 ND<1 8/4/1999 ND<1 ND<1 11/9/1999 ND<1 ND<1 9/26/2000 ND<1 ND<1 1/30/2001 ND<1 ND<1 9/27/2001 ND<1 ND<1 1/9/2002 ND<1 ND<1 10/2/2002 ND<1 ND<1 5/13/2003 ND<1 ND<1 10/1/2003 ND<1 ND<1 6/2/2004 ND<1 ND<1 10/5/2004 ND<1 ND<1 5/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2005 ND<1 ND<1 5/10/2006 ND<1 ND<1 10/17/2006 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2007 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2007 ND<1 ND<1 6/10/2008 ND<1 ND<1 10/23/2008 ND<1 ND<1 5/6/2009 ND<1 ND<1 10/20/2009 ND<1 ND<1 2/3/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/12/2010 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2010 ND<1 ND<1 5/20/2011 ND<1 ND<1 10/6/2011 ND<1 ND<1 5/16/2012 ND<1 ND<1 10/3/2012 ND<1 ND<1 9/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 12/4/2013 ND<1 ND<1 5/29/2014 ND<1 ND<1 11/5/2014 ND<1 ND<1 6/8/2015 ND<1 ND<1 10/27/2015 ND<1 ND<1 There are 0 unused locations Loc.Meas.ND Date Conc.Original Page 95 Basic Statistics Parameter: 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Total Measurements 376 Total Non-Detects 339 (90.1596%) Pooled Mean 1.30019 Pooled Std Dev 1.51938 Compliance Meas.282 Compliance Mean 1.40025 Compliance Std Dev 1.74372 Background Meas.94 Background Mean 1 Background Std Dev 0 Background Locations There are 2 background location Location Meas.Non-Detects % ND Total MWD 47 47 100 47 MWF 47 47 100 47 Location Mean Std Dev Std Err Rank Sum Rank Mean MWD 1 0 0 7990 170 MWF 1 0 0 7990 170 Compliance Locations There are 6 compliance location Location Obs.Non-Detects % ND Total MWB 47 34 72.3404 104.51 MWE 47 47 100 47 MWG 47 47 100 47 MWI 47 36 76.5957 58.7 MWJ 47 34 72.3404 90.66 MWK 47 47 100 47 Location Mean Std Dev Dif From Bkg Std Err Rank Sum Rank Mean MWB 2.22362 3.58817 1.22362 0.261042 10432 221.957 MWE 1 0 0 0.261042 7990 170 MWG 1 0 0 0.261042 7990 170 MWI 1.24894 0.595225 0.248936 0.261042 10006 212.894 MWJ 1.92894 1.96262 0.928936 0.261042 10488 223.149 MWK 1 0 0 0.261042 7990 170 Analysis of Variance Statistics SS Wells 79.9581 SS Total 865.692 Kruskal-Wallis Statistics Non-Detect Rank 170 Background Rank Sum 15980 Background Rank Mean 170 H Statistic 18.4068 H Adjusted for Ties 68.9093 Page 96 Levene's Test for Equal of Variance Parameter: 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Overall Mean = 0.484069 Overall Std Dev = 1.36394 Overall Total = 182.01 SS Groups = 212.034 SS Total = 697.628 ANOVA Table Source of Sum of Degrees of Mean Variation Squares Freedom Squares F Between Groups 212.034 7 30.2905 22.9552 Error (within groups)485.595 368 1.31955 Totals 697.628 375 95% F-Statistic = 2.01 22.9552 exceeds 2.01; assumption of equal variance should be rejected Group: MWD Sample Residual 9/26/1994 0 11/14/1994 0 1/4/1995 0 2/22/1995 0 10/3/1995 0 6/4/1996 0 8/23/1996 0 12/3/1996 0 1/14/1997 0 10/1/1997 0 2/1/1998 0 4/1/1998 0 6/1/1998 0 8/4/1999 0 11/9/1999 0 9/26/2000 0 1/30/2001 0 9/27/2001 0 1/9/2002 0 10/2/2002 0 5/13/2003 0 10/1/2003 0 6/2/2004 0 10/5/2004 0 5/17/2005 0 10/17/2005 0 5/10/2006 0 10/17/2006 0 5/16/2007 0 10/23/2007 0 6/10/2008 0 10/23/2008 0 5/6/2009 0 10/20/2009 0 2/3/2010 0 5/12/2010 0 10/6/2010 0 5/20/2011 0 10/6/2011 0 5/16/2012 0 10/3/2012 0 9/4/2013 0 12/4/2013 0 5/29/2014 0 11/5/2014 0 Page 97 6/8/2015 0 10/27/2015 0 Group: MWF Sample Residual 9/26/1994 0 11/14/1994 0 1/4/1995 0 2/22/1995 0 10/3/1995 0 6/4/1996 0 8/23/1996 0 12/3/1996 0 1/14/1997 0 10/1/1997 0 2/1/1998 0 4/1/1998 0 6/1/1998 0 8/4/1999 0 11/9/1999 0 9/26/2000 0 1/30/2001 0 9/27/2001 0 1/9/2002 0 10/2/2002 0 5/13/2003 0 10/1/2003 0 6/2/2004 0 10/5/2004 0 5/17/2005 0 10/17/2005 0 5/10/2006 0 10/17/2006 0 5/16/2007 0 10/23/2007 0 6/10/2008 0 10/23/2008 0 5/6/2009 0 10/20/2009 0 2/3/2010 0 5/12/2010 0 10/6/2010 0 5/20/2011 0 10/6/2011 0 5/16/2012 0 10/3/2012 0 9/4/2013 0 12/4/2013 0 5/29/2014 0 11/5/2014 0 6/8/2015 0 10/27/2015 0 Group: MWB Date Residual 9/26/1994 1.22362 11/14/1994 12.7764 1/4/1995 12.4764 2/22/1995 1.22362 10/3/1995 1.22362 6/4/1996 1.22362 8/23/1996 1.22362 12/3/1996 1.22362 1/14/1997 1.22362 10/1/1997 1.22362 2/1/1998 1.22362 4/1/1998 1.22362 6/1/1998 1.22362 8/4/1999 1.22362 11/9/1999 1.22362 9/26/2000 1.22362 1/30/2001 1.22362 9/27/2001 1.22362 Page 98 1/9/2002 1.22362 10/2/2002 1.22362 5/13/2003 1.22362 10/1/2003 1.22362 6/2/2004 1.22362 10/5/2004 1.22362 5/17/2005 1.22362 10/17/2005 1.22362 5/10/2006 1.22362 10/17/2006 1.22362 5/16/2007 1.22362 10/23/2007 1.22362 6/10/2008 1.22362 10/23/2008 0.376383 5/6/2009 6.87638 10/20/2009 0.676383 2/3/2010 1.71362 5/12/2010 1.22362 10/6/2010 1.22362 5/20/2011 1.02362 10/6/2011 0.923617 5/16/2012 12.7764 10/3/2012 1.97638 9/4/2013 1.22362 12/4/2013 1.12362 5/29/2014 1.02362 11/5/2014 0.523617 6/8/2015 1.22362 10/27/2015 1.22362 Group: MWE Date Residual 9/26/1994 0 11/14/1994 0 1/4/1995 0 2/22/1995 0 10/3/1995 0 6/4/1996 0 8/23/1996 0 12/3/1996 0 1/14/1997 0 10/1/1997 0 2/1/1998 0 4/1/1998 0 6/1/1998 0 8/4/1999 0 11/9/1999 0 9/26/2000 0 1/30/2001 0 9/27/2001 0 1/9/2002 0 10/2/2002 0 5/13/2003 0 10/1/2003 0 6/2/2004 0 10/5/2004 0 5/17/2005 0 10/17/2005 0 5/10/2006 0 10/17/2006 0 5/16/2007 0 10/23/2007 0 6/10/2008 0 10/23/2008 0 5/6/2009 0 10/20/2009 0 2/3/2010 0 5/12/2010 0 10/6/2010 0 5/20/2011 0 10/6/2011 0 5/16/2012 0 Page 99 10/3/2012 0 9/4/2013 0 12/4/2013 0 5/29/2014 0 11/5/2014 0 6/8/2015 0 10/27/2015 0 Group: MWG Date Residual 9/26/1994 0 11/14/1994 0 1/4/1995 0 2/22/1995 0 10/3/1995 0 6/4/1996 0 8/23/1996 0 12/3/1996 0 1/14/1997 0 10/1/1997 0 2/1/1998 0 4/1/1998 0 6/1/1998 0 8/4/1999 0 11/9/1999 0 9/26/2000 0 1/30/2001 0 9/27/2001 0 1/9/2002 0 10/2/2002 0 5/13/2003 0 10/1/2003 0 6/2/2004 0 10/5/2004 0 5/17/2005 0 10/17/2005 0 5/10/2006 0 10/17/2006 0 5/16/2007 0 10/23/2007 0 6/10/2008 0 10/23/2008 0 5/6/2009 0 10/20/2009 0 2/3/2010 0 5/12/2010 0 10/6/2010 0 5/20/2011 0 10/6/2011 0 5/16/2012 0 10/3/2012 0 9/4/2013 0 12/4/2013 0 5/29/2014 0 11/5/2014 0 6/8/2015 0 10/27/2015 0 Group: MWI Date Residual 9/26/1994 ~0.248936 11/14/1994 0.248936 1/4/1995 0.248936 2/22/1995 0.248936 10/3/1995 0.248936 6/4/1996 0.248936 8/23/1996 0.248936 12/3/1996 0.248936 1/14/1997 0.248936 10/1/1997 0.248936 2/1/1998 0.248936 4/1/1998 0.248936 6/1/1998 0.248936 Page 100 8/4/1999 0.248936 11/9/1999 0.248936 9/26/2000 0.248936 1/30/2001 0.248936 9/27/2001 0.248936 1/9/2002 0.248936 10/2/2002 0.248936 5/13/2003 0.248936 10/1/2003 0.248936 6/2/2004 0.248936 10/5/2004 0.248936 5/17/2005 0.248936 10/17/2005 0.248936 5/10/2006 0.248936 10/17/2006 0.248936 5/16/2007 0.248936 10/23/2007 0.248936 6/10/2008 0.248936 10/23/2008 0.951064 5/6/2009 0.751064 10/20/2009 0.148936 2/3/2010 0.248936 5/12/2010 0.751064 10/6/2010 0.248936 5/20/2011 2.45106 10/6/2011 0.351064 5/16/2012 0.951064 10/3/2012 2.05106 9/4/2013 0.151064 12/4/2013 0.248936 5/29/2014 0.148936 11/5/2014 0.851064 6/8/2015 0.248936 10/27/2015 0.248936 Group: MWJ Date Residual 9/26/1994 0.928936 11/14/1994 3.17106 1/4/1995 0.928936 2/22/1995 0.928936 10/3/1995 4.67106 6/4/1996 6.47106 8/23/1996 0.928936 12/3/1996 0.928936 1/14/1997 0.928936 10/1/1997 0.928936 2/1/1998 0.928936 4/1/1998 0.928936 6/1/1998 0.928936 8/4/1999 0.928936 11/9/1999 0.928936 9/26/2000 0.928936 1/30/2001 0.928936 9/27/2001 0.928936 1/9/2002 0.928936 10/2/2002 0.928936 5/13/2003 0.928936 10/1/2003 0.928936 6/2/2004 0.928936 10/5/2004 0.928936 5/17/2005 0.928936 10/17/2005 0.928936 5/10/2006 0.928936 10/17/2006 0.928936 5/16/2007 0.928936 10/23/2007 0.928936 6/10/2008 0.928936 10/23/2008 0.928936 5/6/2009 0.928936 10/20/2009 2.07106 2/3/2010 1.36894 Page 101 5/12/2010 0.928936 10/6/2010 0.928936 5/20/2011 0.928936 10/6/2011 0.928936 5/16/2012 4.87106 10/3/2012 2.27106 9/4/2013 0.128936 12/4/2013 2.67106 5/29/2014 1.07106 11/5/2014 5.37106 6/8/2015 1.17106 10/27/2015 0.728936 Group: MWK Date Residual 9/26/1994 0 11/14/1994 0 1/4/1995 0 2/22/1995 0 10/3/1995 0 6/4/1996 0 8/23/1996 0 12/3/1996 0 1/14/1997 0 10/1/1997 0 2/1/1998 0 4/1/1998 0 6/1/1998 0 8/4/1999 0 11/9/1999 0 9/26/2000 0 1/30/2001 0 9/27/2001 0 1/9/2002 0 10/2/2002 0 5/13/2003 0 10/1/2003 0 6/2/2004 0 10/5/2004 0 5/17/2005 0 10/17/2005 0 5/10/2006 0 10/17/2006 0 5/16/2007 0 10/23/2007 0 6/10/2008 0 10/23/2008 0 5/6/2009 0 10/20/2009 0 2/3/2010 0 5/12/2010 0 10/6/2010 0 5/20/2011 0 10/6/2011 0 5/16/2012 0 10/3/2012 0 9/4/2013 0 12/4/2013 0 5/29/2014 0 11/5/2014 0 6/8/2015 0 10/27/2015 0 Page 102 Shapiro-Francia Test of Normality Parameter: 1,4-Dichlorobenzene All Locations Normality Test of Parameter Concentrations Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Total Number of Measurements = 376 i x(i)m(i)sum(m^2)sum(mx) 1 0.51 -2.87815 8.28375 -1.46786 2 0.56 -2.57583 14.9187 -2.91032 3 1 -2.45727 20.9569 -5.3676 4 1 -2.32634 26.3687 -7.69394 5 1 -2.22621 31.3247 -9.92015 6 1 -2.17009 36.034 -12.0902 7 1 -2.09693 40.4311 -14.1872 8 1 -2.03352 44.5663 -16.2207 9 1 -1.99539 48.5479 -18.2161 10 1 -1.94314 52.3237 -20.1592 11 1 -1.8957 55.9174 -22.0549 12 1 -1.86629 59.4004 -23.9212 13 1 -1.82501 62.7311 -25.7462 14 1 -1.78661 65.9231 -27.5328 15 1 -1.76241 69.0291 -29.2952 16 1 -1.72793 72.0149 -31.0232 17 1 -1.6954 74.8893 -32.7186 18 1 -1.67466 77.6938 -34.3932 19 1 -1.64485 80.3993 -36.0381 20 1 -1.61644 83.0122 -37.6545 21 1 -1.59819 85.5664 -39.2527 22 1 -1.57179 88.0369 -40.8245 23 1 -1.54643 90.4284 -42.3709 24 1 -1.53007 92.7695 -43.901 25 1 -1.50626 95.0383 -45.4073 26 1 -1.49085 97.2609 -46.8981 27 1 -1.46838 99.4171 -48.3665 28 1 -1.44663 101.51 -49.8131 29 1 -1.4325 103.562 -51.2456 30 1 -1.41183 105.555 -52.6575 31 1 -1.39175 107.492 -54.0492 32 1 -1.37866 109.393 -55.4279 33 1 -1.35946 111.241 -56.7873 34 1 -1.34075 113.039 -58.1281 35 1 -1.32854 114.804 -59.4566 36 1 -1.31058 116.521 -60.7672 37 1 -1.29303 118.193 -62.0602 38 1 -1.28155 119.836 -63.3418 39 1 -1.26464 121.435 -64.6064 40 1 -1.24809 122.993 -65.8545 41 1 -1.23724 124.523 -67.0917 42 1 -1.22123 126.015 -68.313 43 1 -1.20553 127.468 -69.5185 44 1 -1.19522 128.897 -70.7137 45 1 -1.18 130.289 -71.8937 46 1 -1.16505 131.646 -73.0588 47 1 -1.15522 132.981 -74.214 48 1 -1.14069 134.282 -75.3547 49 1 -1.13113 135.561 -76.4858 50 1 -1.11699 136.809 -77.6028 51 1 -1.10306 138.026 -78.7059 52 1 -1.0939 139.222 -79.7998 53 1 -1.08032 140.39 -80.8801 54 1 -1.06694 141.528 -81.947 55 1 -1.05812 142.648 -83.0051 56 1 -1.04505 143.74 -84.0502 57 1 -1.03215 144.805 -85.0823 58 1 -1.02365 145.853 -86.106 59 1 -1.01104 146.875 -87.117 60 1 -0.998575 147.872 -88.1156 61 1 -0.990356 148.853 -89.106 62 1 -0.97815 149.81 -90.0841 Page 103 63 1 -0.966088 150.743 -91.0502 64 1 -0.958125 151.661 -92.0083 65 1 -0.946291 152.557 -92.9546 66 1 -0.93459 153.43 -93.8892 67 1 -0.926859 154.289 -94.8161 68 1 -0.915365 155.127 -95.7314 69 1 -0.903992 155.944 -96.6354 70 1 -0.896473 156.748 -97.5319 71 1 -0.885291 157.532 -98.4172 72 1 -0.877897 158.302 -99.2951 73 1 -0.866894 159.054 -100.162 74 1 -0.855996 159.787 -101.018 75 1 -0.848786 160.507 -101.867 76 1 -0.838054 161.209 -102.705 77 1 -0.827417 161.894 -103.532 78 1 -0.820379 162.567 -104.353 79 1 -0.809896 163.223 -105.162 80 1 -0.7995 163.862 -105.962 81 1 -0.792618 164.49 -106.755 82 1 -0.782366 165.102 -107.537 83 1 -0.772193 165.699 -108.309 84 1 -0.765456 166.285 -109.075 85 1 -0.755415 166.855 -109.83 86 1 -0.745449 167.411 -110.575 87 1 -0.738846 167.957 -111.314 88 1 -0.729003 168.488 -112.043 89 1 -0.719228 169.006 -112.763 90 1 -0.712751 169.514 -113.475 91 1 -0.703089 170.008 -114.178 92 1 -0.693493 170.489 -114.872 93 1 -0.687131 170.961 -115.559 94 1 -0.677639 171.42 -116.237 95 1 -0.671346 171.871 -116.908 96 1 -0.661955 172.309 -117.57 97 1 -0.652622 172.735 -118.223 98 1 -0.646431 173.153 -118.869 99 1 -0.637192 173.559 -119.506 100 1 -0.628006 173.953 -120.134 101 1 -0.621911 174.34 -120.756 102 1 -0.612813 174.716 -121.369 103 1 -0.603765 175.08 -121.973 104 1 -0.597761 175.437 -122.57 105 1 -0.588793 175.784 -123.159 106 1 -0.579873 176.12 -123.739 107 1 -0.573953 176.45 -124.313 108 1 -0.565108 176.769 -124.878 109 1 -0.556308 177.079 -125.435 110 1 -0.550465 177.382 -125.985 111 1 -0.541736 177.675 -126.527 112 1 -0.533048 177.959 -127.06 113 1 -0.52728 178.237 -127.587 114 1 -0.518658 178.506 -128.106 115 1 -0.510074 178.766 -128.616 116 1 -0.504372 179.021 -129.12 117 1 -0.49585 179.267 -129.616 118 1 -0.490189 179.507 -130.106 119 1 -0.481728 179.739 -130.588 120 1 -0.473299 179.963 -131.061 121 1 -0.467699 180.182 -131.529 122 1 -0.459327 180.393 -131.988 123 1 -0.450985 180.596 -132.439 124 1 -0.445443 180.795 -132.885 125 1 -0.437153 180.986 -133.322 126 1 -0.428895 181.17 -133.751 127 1 -0.423405 181.349 -134.174 128 1 -0.415193 181.521 -134.589 129 1 -0.40701 181.687 -134.996 130 1 -0.401571 181.848 -135.398 131 1 -0.393433 182.003 -135.791 132 1 -0.385321 182.152 -136.177 133 1 -0.379927 182.296 -136.557 Page 104 134 1 -0.371856 182.434 -136.928 135 1 -0.363809 182.567 -137.292 136 1 -0.358459 182.695 -137.651 137 1 -0.350451 182.818 -138.001 138 1 -0.342466 182.935 -138.344 139 1 -0.337155 183.049 -138.681 140 1 -0.329206 183.157 -139.01 141 1 -0.321278 183.26 -139.331 142 1 -0.316004 183.36 -139.647 143 1 -0.308108 183.455 -139.955 144 1 -0.302855 183.547 -140.258 145 1 -0.294992 183.634 -140.553 146 1 -0.287147 183.716 -140.84 147 1 -0.281926 183.796 -141.122 148 1 -0.27411 183.871 -141.396 149 1 -0.266311 183.942 -141.663 150 1 -0.26112 184.01 -141.924 151 1 -0.253347 184.074 -142.177 152 1 -0.24559 184.135 -142.423 153 1 -0.240426 184.192 -142.663 154 1 -0.232693 184.247 -142.896 155 1 -0.224974 184.297 -143.121 156 1 -0.219834 184.345 -143.341 157 1 -0.212137 184.39 -143.553 158 1 -0.204452 184.432 -143.757 159 1 -0.199336 184.472 -143.957 160 1 -0.191671 184.509 -144.148 161 1 -0.184017 184.543 -144.332 162 1 -0.17892 184.575 -144.511 163 1 -0.171285 184.604 -144.683 164 1 -0.163659 184.631 -144.846 165 1 -0.158579 184.656 -145.005 166 1 -0.150969 184.679 -145.156 167 1 -0.1459 184.7 -145.302 168 1 -0.138305 184.719 -145.44 169 1 -0.130716 184.736 -145.571 170 1 -0.125661 184.752 -145.696 171 1 -0.118085 184.766 -145.814 172 1 -0.110516 184.778 -145.925 173 1 -0.105474 184.789 -146.03 174 1 -0.0979139 184.799 -146.128 175 1 -0.0903606 184.807 -146.219 176 1 -0.0853288 184.814 -146.304 177 1 -0.0777834 184.82 -146.382 178 1 -0.0702426 184.825 -146.452 179 1 -0.0652187 184.83 -146.517 180 1 -0.0576847 184.833 -146.575 181 1 -0.0501541 184.835 -146.625 182 1 -0.0451348 184.837 -146.67 183 1 -0.0376076 184.839 -146.708 184 1 -0.0300838 184.84 -146.738 185 1 -0.0250691 184.84 -146.763 186 1 -0.0175476 184.841 -146.781 187 1 -0.0100272 184.841 -146.791 188 1 -0.00501359 184.841 -146.796 189 1 0.00501359 184.841 -146.791 190 1 0.0100272 184.841 -146.781 191 1 0.0175476 184.841 -146.763 192 1 0.0250691 184.842 -146.738 193 1 0.0300838 184.843 -146.708 194 1 0.0376076 184.844 -146.67 195 1 0.0451348 184.846 -146.625 196 1 0.0501541 184.849 -146.575 197 1 0.0576847 184.852 -146.517 198 1 0.0652187 184.856 -146.452 199 1 0.0702426 184.861 -146.382 200 1 0.0777834 184.867 -146.304 201 1 0.0853288 184.875 -146.219 202 1 0.0903606 184.883 -146.128 203 1 0.0979139 184.892 -146.03 204 1 0.105474 184.903 -145.925 Page 105 205 1 0.110516 184.916 -145.814 206 1 0.118085 184.93 -145.696 207 1 0.125661 184.945 -145.571 208 1 0.130716 184.962 -145.44 209 1 0.138305 184.982 -145.302 210 1 0.1459 185.003 -145.156 211 1 0.150969 185.026 -145.005 212 1 0.158579 185.051 -144.846 213 1 0.163659 185.078 -144.683 214 1 0.171285 185.107 -144.511 215 1 0.17892 185.139 -144.332 216 1 0.184017 185.173 -144.148 217 1 0.191671 185.21 -143.957 218 1 0.199336 185.249 -143.757 219 1 0.204452 185.291 -143.553 220 1 0.212137 185.336 -143.341 221 1 0.219834 185.384 -143.121 222 1 0.224974 185.435 -142.896 223 1 0.232693 185.489 -142.663 224 1 0.240426 185.547 -142.423 225 1 0.24559 185.607 -142.177 226 1 0.253347 185.672 -141.924 227 1 0.26112 185.74 -141.663 228 1 0.266311 185.811 -141.396 229 1 0.27411 185.886 -141.122 230 1 0.281926 185.965 -140.84 231 1 0.287147 186.048 -140.553 232 1 0.294992 186.135 -140.258 233 1 0.302855 186.226 -139.955 234 1 0.308108 186.321 -139.647 235 1 0.316004 186.421 -139.331 236 1 0.321278 186.524 -139.01 237 1 0.329206 186.633 -138.681 238 1 0.337155 186.746 -138.344 239 1 0.342466 186.864 -138.001 240 1 0.350451 186.987 -137.651 241 1 0.358459 187.115 -137.292 242 1 0.363809 187.247 -136.928 243 1 0.371856 187.386 -136.557 244 1 0.379927 187.53 -136.177 245 1 0.385321 187.679 -135.791 246 1 0.393433 187.833 -135.398 247 1 0.401571 187.995 -134.996 248 1 0.40701 188.16 -134.589 249 1 0.415193 188.333 -134.174 250 1 0.423405 188.512 -133.751 251 1 0.428895 188.696 -133.322 252 1 0.437153 188.887 -132.885 253 1 0.445443 189.085 -132.439 254 1 0.450985 189.289 -131.988 255 1 0.459327 189.5 -131.529 256 1 0.467699 189.718 -131.061 257 1 0.473299 189.942 -130.588 258 1 0.481728 190.175 -130.106 259 1 0.490189 190.415 -129.616 260 1 0.49585 190.661 -129.12 261 1 0.504372 190.915 -128.616 262 1 0.510074 191.175 -128.106 263 1 0.518658 191.444 -127.587 264 1 0.52728 191.722 -127.06 265 1 0.533048 192.006 -126.527 266 1 0.541736 192.3 -125.985 267 1 0.550465 192.603 -125.435 268 1 0.556308 192.912 -124.878 269 1 0.565108 193.232 -124.313 270 1 0.573953 193.561 -123.739 271 1 0.579873 193.897 -123.159 272 1 0.588793 194.244 -122.57 273 1 0.597761 194.601 -121.973 274 1 0.603765 194.966 -121.369 275 1 0.612813 195.341 -120.756 Page 106 276 1 0.621911 195.728 -120.134 277 1 0.628006 196.123 -119.506 278 1 0.637192 196.529 -118.869 279 1 0.646431 196.947 -118.223 280 1 0.652622 197.372 -117.57 281 1 0.661955 197.811 -116.908 282 1 0.671346 198.261 -116.237 283 1 0.677639 198.721 -115.559 284 1 0.687131 199.193 -114.872 285 1 0.693493 199.674 -114.178 286 1 0.703089 200.168 -113.475 287 1 0.712751 200.676 -112.763 288 1 0.719228 201.193 -112.043 289 1 0.729003 201.725 -111.314 290 1 0.738846 202.271 -110.575 291 1 0.745449 202.826 -109.83 292 1 0.755415 203.397 -109.075 293 1 0.765456 203.983 -108.309 294 1 0.772193 204.579 -107.537 295 1 0.782366 205.191 -106.755 296 1 0.792618 205.819 -105.962 297 1 0.7995 206.459 -105.162 298 1 0.809896 207.115 -104.353 299 1 0.820379 207.788 -103.532 300 1 0.827417 208.472 -102.705 301 1 0.838054 209.175 -101.867 302 1 0.848786 209.895 -101.018 303 1 0.855996 210.628 -100.162 304 1 0.866894 211.379 -99.2951 305 1 0.877897 212.15 -98.4172 306 1 0.885291 212.934 -97.5319 307 1 0.896473 213.737 -96.6354 308 1 0.903992 214.555 -95.7314 309 1 0.915365 215.392 -94.8161 310 1 0.926859 216.252 -93.8892 311 1 0.93459 217.125 -92.9546 312 1 0.946291 218.02 -92.0083 313 1 0.958125 218.938 -91.0502 314 1 0.966088 219.872 -90.0841 315 1 0.97815 220.829 -89.106 316 1 0.990356 221.809 -88.1156 317 1 0.998575 222.807 -87.117 318 1 1.01104 223.829 -86.106 319 1 1.02365 224.877 -85.0823 320 1 1.03215 225.942 -84.0502 321 1 1.04505 227.034 -83.0051 322 1 1.05812 228.154 -81.947 323 1 1.06694 229.292 -80.8801 324 1 1.08032 230.459 -79.7998 325 1 1.0939 231.656 -78.7059 326 1 1.10306 232.872 -77.6028 327 1 1.11699 234.12 -76.4858 328 1 1.13113 235.4 -75.3547 329 1 1.14069 236.701 -74.214 330 1 1.15522 238.035 -73.0588 331 1 1.16505 239.393 -71.8937 332 1 1.18 240.785 -70.7137 333 1 1.19522 242.214 -69.5185 334 1 1.20553 243.667 -68.313 335 1 1.22123 245.158 -67.0917 336 1 1.23724 246.689 -65.8545 337 1 1.24809 248.247 -64.6064 338 1 1.26464 249.846 -63.3418 339 1 1.28155 251.488 -62.0602 340 1 1.29303 253.16 -60.7672 341 1 1.31058 254.878 -59.4566 342 1.1 1.32854 256.643 -57.9952 343 1.1 1.34075 258.441 -56.5204 344 1.1 1.35946 260.289 -55.025 345 1.2 1.37866 262.189 -53.3706 346 1.2 1.39175 264.126 -51.7005 Page 107 347 1.2 1.41183 266.12 -50.0063 348 1.3 1.4325 268.172 -48.144 349 1.4 1.44663 270.265 -46.1188 350 1.6 1.46838 272.421 -43.7693 351 1.7 1.49085 274.643 -41.2349 352 1.8 1.50626 276.912 -38.5236 353 2 1.53007 279.253 -35.4635 354 2 1.54643 281.645 -32.3706 355 2.1 1.57179 284.115 -29.0699 356 2.2 1.59819 286.669 -25.5539 357 2.2 1.61644 289.282 -21.9977 358 2.6 1.64485 291.988 -17.7211 359 2.9 1.67466 294.792 -12.8646 360 3 1.6954 297.667 -7.77837 361 3.1 1.72793 300.652 -2.42178 362 3.3 1.76241 303.759 3.39417 363 3.7 1.78661 306.951 10.0046 364 4 1.82501 310.281 17.3047 365 4.2 1.86629 313.764 25.1431 366 4.2 1.8957 317.358 33.105 367 4.6 1.94314 321.134 42.0434 368 5.1 1.99539 325.115 52.2199 369 6.6 2.03352 329.25 65.6412 370 6.8 2.09693 333.648 79.9003 371 7.3 2.17009 338.357 95.742 372 8.4 2.22621 343.313 114.442 373 9.1 2.32634 348.725 135.612 374 14.7 2.45727 354.763 171.734 375 15 2.57583 361.398 210.371 376 15 2.87815 369.682 253.544 Data Set Standard Deviation = 1.51938 Numerator = 64284.3 Denominator = 320030 W Statistic = 0.200869 = 64284.3 / 320030 5% Critical value of 0.976 exceeds 0.200869 Evidence of non-normality at 95% level of significance 1% Critical value of 0.967 exceeds 0.200869 Evidence of non-normality at 99% level of significance Page 108 Poisson Prediction Limit (Inter-Well) Parameter: 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Recent Dates = 1 Poisson Count of 94 background Samples = 94 99% t-test = 2.36711 95% t-test = 1.6614 Well: MWB Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.40966 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 2.68496 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 1 FALSE FALSE Well: MWE Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.40966 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 2.68496 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 1 FALSE FALSE Well: MWG Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.40966 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 2.68496 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 1 FALSE FALSE Well: MWI Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.40966 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 2.68496 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 1 FALSE FALSE Well: MWJ Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.40966 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 2.68496 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 1.2 FALSE FALSE Well: MWK Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 Page 109 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.40966 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 2.68496 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 1 FALSE FALSE Page 110 Concentrations (ppb) Parameter: Arsenic Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Total Measurements: 376 Total Non-Detect: 337 Percent Non-Detects: 89.6277% Total Background Measurements: 94 There are 2 background locations Loc.Meas.ND Date Conc.Original MWD 47 47 (100%)9/26/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/14/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/4/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/22/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/4/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/23/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/3/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/14/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 4/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/4/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/9/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/26/2000 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/30/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/27/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/9/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/2/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/13/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/2/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/5/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/10/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/10/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/6/2009 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/20/2009 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/3/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/12/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/6/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/20/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/6/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/29/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/5/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/8/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/27/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 MWF 47 47 (100%)9/26/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/14/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/4/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/22/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/4/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/23/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/3/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/14/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 Page 111 4/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/4/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/9/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/26/2000 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/30/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/27/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/9/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/2/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/13/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/2/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/5/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/10/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/10/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/6/2009 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/20/2009 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/3/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/12/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/6/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/20/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/6/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/29/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/5/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/8/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/27/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 There are 6 compliance locations Loc.Meas.ND Date Conc.Original MWB 47 42 (89.3617%)9/26/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/14/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/4/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/22/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/4/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/23/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/3/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/14/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 4/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/4/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/9/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/26/2000 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/30/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/27/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/9/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/2/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/13/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/2/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/5/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2005 11 11 5/10/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 Page 112 6/10/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/6/2009 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/20/2009 3.9 3.9 2/3/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/12/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/6/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/20/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/6/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2012 10.9 10.9 10/3/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/29/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/5/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/8/2015 12 12 10/27/2015 30 30 MWE 47 47 (100%)9/26/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/14/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/4/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/22/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/4/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/23/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/3/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/14/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 4/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/4/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/9/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/26/2000 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/30/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/27/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/9/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/2/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/13/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/2/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/5/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/10/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/10/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/6/2009 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/20/2009 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/3/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/12/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/6/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/20/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/6/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/29/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/5/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/8/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/27/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 MWG 47 45 (95.7447%)9/26/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/14/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/4/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/22/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 Page 113 6/4/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/23/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/3/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/14/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 4/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/4/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/9/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/26/2000 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/30/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/27/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/9/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/2/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/13/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/2/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/5/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/10/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/10/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/6/2009 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/20/2009 3.3 3.3 2/3/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/12/2010 4.1 4.1 10/6/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/20/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/6/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/29/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/5/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/8/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/27/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 MWI 47 45 (95.7447%)9/26/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/14/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/4/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/22/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/4/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/23/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/3/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/14/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 4/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/4/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/9/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/26/2000 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/30/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/27/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/9/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/2/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/13/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/2/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/5/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/10/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 Page 114 5/16/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/10/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/6/2009 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/20/2009 4.8 4.8 2/3/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/12/2010 5.8 5.8 10/6/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/20/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/6/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/29/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/5/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/8/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/27/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 MWJ 47 25 (53.1915%)9/26/1994 11 11 11/14/1994 23 23 1/4/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/22/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/1995 28 28 6/4/1996 11 11 8/23/1996 38.9 38.9 12/3/1996 23.9 23.9 1/14/1997 24.9 24.9 10/1/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 4/1/1998 13 13 6/1/1998 12 12 8/4/1999 13 13 11/9/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/26/2000 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/30/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/27/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/9/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/2/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/13/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/2/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/5/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/10/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/10/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2008 15 15 5/6/2009 17 17 10/20/2009 120 120 2/3/2010 3.1 3.1 5/12/2010 3.2 3.2 10/6/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/20/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/6/2011 18.4 18.4 5/16/2012 40.2 40.2 10/3/2012 12.1 12.1 9/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/4/2013 24.5 24.5 5/29/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/5/2014 28 28 6/8/2015 21 21 10/27/2015 16 16 MWK 47 39 (82.9787%)9/26/1994 16 16 11/14/1994 52 52 1/4/1995 11 11 Page 115 2/22/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/1995 120 120 6/4/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/23/1996 62.4 62.4 12/3/1996 39.4 39.4 1/14/1997 43 43 10/1/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 4/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/4/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/9/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/26/2000 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/30/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/27/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/9/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/2/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/13/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/2/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/5/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/10/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/10/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/6/2009 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/20/2009 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/3/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/12/2010 2.7 2.7 10/6/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/20/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/6/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/29/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/5/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/8/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/27/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 There are 0 unused locations Loc.Meas.ND Date Conc.Original Page 116 Basic Statistics Parameter: Arsenic Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Total Measurements 376 Total Non-Detects 337 (89.6277%) Pooled Mean 2.53423 Pooled Std Dev 11.2676 Compliance Meas.282 Compliance Mean 3.37564 Compliance Std Dev 12.9069 Background Meas.94 Background Mean 0.01 Background Std Dev 6.9761e-018 Background Locations There are 2 background location Location Meas.Non-Detects % ND Total MWD 47 47 100 0.47 MWF 47 47 100 0.47 Location Mean Std Dev Std Err Rank Sum Rank Mean MWD 0.01 5.26043e-018 0 7943 169 MWF 0.01 5.26043e-018 0 7943 169 Compliance Locations There are 6 compliance location Location Obs.Non-Detects % ND Total MWB 47 42 89.3617 68.22 MWE 47 47 100 0.47 MWG 47 45 95.7447 7.85 MWI 47 45 95.7447 11.05 MWJ 47 25 53.1915 517.45 MWK 47 39 82.9787 346.89 Location Mean Std Dev Dif From Bkg Std Err Rank Sum Rank Mean MWB 1.45149 5.10755 1.44149 1.90088 8852 188.34 MWE 0.01 5.26043e-018 -1.73472e-018 1.90088 7943 169 MWG 0.167021 0.757476 0.157021 1.90088 8289 176.362 MWI 0.235106 1.08434 0.225106 1.90088 8294 176.468 MWJ 11.0096 19.8695 10.9996 1.90088 12110 257.66 MWK 7.38064 21.9798 7.37064 1.90088 9502 202.17 Analysis of Variance Statistics SS Wells 5945.33 SS Total 47609.6 Kruskal-Wallis Statistics Non-Detect Rank 169 Background Rank Sum 15886 Background Rank Mean 169 H Statistic 25.4753 H Adjusted for Ties 90.9795 Page 117 Levene's Test for Equal of Variance Parameter: Arsenic Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Overall Mean = 3.51384 Overall Std Dev = 9.93603 Overall Total = 1321.2 SS Groups = 10139.1 SS Total = 37021.8 ANOVA Table Source of Sum of Degrees of Mean Variation Squares Freedom Squares F Between Groups 10139.1 7 1448.44 19.8279 Error (within groups)26882.7 368 73.0508 Totals 37021.8 375 95% F-Statistic = 2.01 19.8279 exceeds 2.01; assumption of equal variance should be rejected Group: MWD Sample Residual 9/26/1994 5.20417e-018 11/14/1994 5.20417e-018 1/4/1995 5.20417e-018 2/22/1995 5.20417e-018 10/3/1995 5.20417e-018 6/4/1996 5.20417e-018 8/23/1996 5.20417e-018 12/3/1996 5.20417e-018 1/14/1997 5.20417e-018 10/1/1997 5.20417e-018 2/1/1998 5.20417e-018 4/1/1998 5.20417e-018 6/1/1998 5.20417e-018 8/4/1999 5.20417e-018 11/9/1999 5.20417e-018 9/26/2000 5.20417e-018 1/30/2001 5.20417e-018 9/27/2001 5.20417e-018 1/9/2002 5.20417e-018 10/2/2002 5.20417e-018 5/13/2003 5.20417e-018 10/1/2003 5.20417e-018 6/2/2004 5.20417e-018 10/5/2004 5.20417e-018 5/17/2005 5.20417e-018 10/17/2005 5.20417e-018 5/10/2006 5.20417e-018 10/17/2006 5.20417e-018 5/16/2007 5.20417e-018 10/23/2007 5.20417e-018 6/10/2008 5.20417e-018 10/23/2008 5.20417e-018 5/6/2009 5.20417e-018 10/20/2009 5.20417e-018 2/3/2010 5.20417e-018 5/12/2010 5.20417e-018 10/6/2010 5.20417e-018 5/20/2011 5.20417e-018 10/6/2011 5.20417e-018 5/16/2012 5.20417e-018 10/3/2012 5.20417e-018 9/4/2013 5.20417e-018 12/4/2013 5.20417e-018 5/29/2014 5.20417e-018 11/5/2014 5.20417e-018 Page 118 6/8/2015 5.20417e-018 10/27/2015 5.20417e-018 Group: MWF Sample Residual 9/26/1994 5.20417e-018 11/14/1994 5.20417e-018 1/4/1995 5.20417e-018 2/22/1995 5.20417e-018 10/3/1995 5.20417e-018 6/4/1996 5.20417e-018 8/23/1996 5.20417e-018 12/3/1996 5.20417e-018 1/14/1997 5.20417e-018 10/1/1997 5.20417e-018 2/1/1998 5.20417e-018 4/1/1998 5.20417e-018 6/1/1998 5.20417e-018 8/4/1999 5.20417e-018 11/9/1999 5.20417e-018 9/26/2000 5.20417e-018 1/30/2001 5.20417e-018 9/27/2001 5.20417e-018 1/9/2002 5.20417e-018 10/2/2002 5.20417e-018 5/13/2003 5.20417e-018 10/1/2003 5.20417e-018 6/2/2004 5.20417e-018 10/5/2004 5.20417e-018 5/17/2005 5.20417e-018 10/17/2005 5.20417e-018 5/10/2006 5.20417e-018 10/17/2006 5.20417e-018 5/16/2007 5.20417e-018 10/23/2007 5.20417e-018 6/10/2008 5.20417e-018 10/23/2008 5.20417e-018 5/6/2009 5.20417e-018 10/20/2009 5.20417e-018 2/3/2010 5.20417e-018 5/12/2010 5.20417e-018 10/6/2010 5.20417e-018 5/20/2011 5.20417e-018 10/6/2011 5.20417e-018 5/16/2012 5.20417e-018 10/3/2012 5.20417e-018 9/4/2013 5.20417e-018 12/4/2013 5.20417e-018 5/29/2014 5.20417e-018 11/5/2014 5.20417e-018 6/8/2015 5.20417e-018 10/27/2015 5.20417e-018 Group: MWB Date Residual 9/26/1994 1.44149 11/14/1994 1.44149 1/4/1995 1.44149 2/22/1995 1.44149 10/3/1995 1.44149 6/4/1996 1.44149 8/23/1996 1.44149 12/3/1996 1.44149 1/14/1997 1.44149 10/1/1997 1.44149 2/1/1998 1.44149 4/1/1998 1.44149 6/1/1998 1.44149 8/4/1999 1.44149 11/9/1999 1.44149 9/26/2000 1.44149 1/30/2001 1.44149 9/27/2001 1.44149 Page 119 1/9/2002 1.44149 10/2/2002 1.44149 5/13/2003 1.44149 10/1/2003 1.44149 6/2/2004 1.44149 10/5/2004 1.44149 5/17/2005 1.44149 10/17/2005 9.54851 5/10/2006 1.44149 10/17/2006 1.44149 5/16/2007 1.44149 10/23/2007 1.44149 6/10/2008 1.44149 10/23/2008 1.44149 5/6/2009 1.44149 10/20/2009 2.44851 2/3/2010 1.44149 5/12/2010 1.44149 10/6/2010 1.44149 5/20/2011 1.44149 10/6/2011 1.44149 5/16/2012 9.44851 10/3/2012 1.44149 9/4/2013 1.44149 12/4/2013 1.44149 5/29/2014 1.44149 11/5/2014 1.44149 6/8/2015 10.5485 10/27/2015 28.5485 Group: MWE Date Residual 9/26/1994 5.20417e-018 11/14/1994 5.20417e-018 1/4/1995 5.20417e-018 2/22/1995 5.20417e-018 10/3/1995 5.20417e-018 6/4/1996 5.20417e-018 8/23/1996 5.20417e-018 12/3/1996 5.20417e-018 1/14/1997 5.20417e-018 10/1/1997 5.20417e-018 2/1/1998 5.20417e-018 4/1/1998 5.20417e-018 6/1/1998 5.20417e-018 8/4/1999 5.20417e-018 11/9/1999 5.20417e-018 9/26/2000 5.20417e-018 1/30/2001 5.20417e-018 9/27/2001 5.20417e-018 1/9/2002 5.20417e-018 10/2/2002 5.20417e-018 5/13/2003 5.20417e-018 10/1/2003 5.20417e-018 6/2/2004 5.20417e-018 10/5/2004 5.20417e-018 5/17/2005 5.20417e-018 10/17/2005 5.20417e-018 5/10/2006 5.20417e-018 10/17/2006 5.20417e-018 5/16/2007 5.20417e-018 10/23/2007 5.20417e-018 6/10/2008 5.20417e-018 10/23/2008 5.20417e-018 5/6/2009 5.20417e-018 10/20/2009 5.20417e-018 2/3/2010 5.20417e-018 5/12/2010 5.20417e-018 10/6/2010 5.20417e-018 5/20/2011 5.20417e-018 10/6/2011 5.20417e-018 5/16/2012 5.20417e-018 Page 120 10/3/2012 5.20417e-018 9/4/2013 5.20417e-018 12/4/2013 5.20417e-018 5/29/2014 5.20417e-018 11/5/2014 5.20417e-018 6/8/2015 5.20417e-018 10/27/2015 5.20417e-018 Group: MWG Date Residual 9/26/1994 0.157021 11/14/1994 0.157021 1/4/1995 0.157021 2/22/1995 0.157021 10/3/1995 0.157021 6/4/1996 0.157021 8/23/1996 0.157021 12/3/1996 0.157021 1/14/1997 0.157021 10/1/1997 0.157021 2/1/1998 0.157021 4/1/1998 0.157021 6/1/1998 0.157021 8/4/1999 0.157021 11/9/1999 0.157021 9/26/2000 0.157021 1/30/2001 0.157021 9/27/2001 0.157021 1/9/2002 0.157021 10/2/2002 0.157021 5/13/2003 0.157021 10/1/2003 0.157021 6/2/2004 0.157021 10/5/2004 0.157021 5/17/2005 0.157021 10/17/2005 0.157021 5/10/2006 0.157021 10/17/2006 0.157021 5/16/2007 0.157021 10/23/2007 0.157021 6/10/2008 0.157021 10/23/2008 0.157021 5/6/2009 0.157021 10/20/2009 3.13298 2/3/2010 0.157021 5/12/2010 3.93298 10/6/2010 0.157021 5/20/2011 0.157021 10/6/2011 0.157021 5/16/2012 0.157021 10/3/2012 0.157021 9/4/2013 0.157021 12/4/2013 0.157021 5/29/2014 0.157021 11/5/2014 0.157021 6/8/2015 0.157021 10/27/2015 0.157021 Group: MWI Date Residual 9/26/1994 0.225106 11/14/1994 0.225106 1/4/1995 0.225106 2/22/1995 0.225106 10/3/1995 0.225106 6/4/1996 0.225106 8/23/1996 0.225106 12/3/1996 0.225106 1/14/1997 0.225106 10/1/1997 0.225106 2/1/1998 0.225106 4/1/1998 0.225106 6/1/1998 0.225106 Page 121 8/4/1999 0.225106 11/9/1999 0.225106 9/26/2000 0.225106 1/30/2001 0.225106 9/27/2001 0.225106 1/9/2002 0.225106 10/2/2002 0.225106 5/13/2003 0.225106 10/1/2003 0.225106 6/2/2004 0.225106 10/5/2004 0.225106 5/17/2005 0.225106 10/17/2005 0.225106 5/10/2006 0.225106 10/17/2006 0.225106 5/16/2007 0.225106 10/23/2007 0.225106 6/10/2008 0.225106 10/23/2008 0.225106 5/6/2009 0.225106 10/20/2009 4.56489 2/3/2010 0.225106 5/12/2010 5.56489 10/6/2010 0.225106 5/20/2011 0.225106 10/6/2011 0.225106 5/16/2012 0.225106 10/3/2012 0.225106 9/4/2013 0.225106 12/4/2013 0.225106 5/29/2014 0.225106 11/5/2014 0.225106 6/8/2015 0.225106 10/27/2015 0.225106 Group: MWJ Date Residual 9/26/1994 0.00957447 11/14/1994 11.9904 1/4/1995 10.9996 2/22/1995 10.9996 10/3/1995 16.9904 6/4/1996 0.00957447 8/23/1996 27.8904 12/3/1996 12.8904 1/14/1997 13.8904 10/1/1997 10.9996 2/1/1998 10.9996 4/1/1998 1.99043 6/1/1998 0.990426 8/4/1999 1.99043 11/9/1999 10.9996 9/26/2000 10.9996 1/30/2001 10.9996 9/27/2001 10.9996 1/9/2002 10.9996 10/2/2002 10.9996 5/13/2003 10.9996 10/1/2003 10.9996 6/2/2004 10.9996 10/5/2004 10.9996 5/17/2005 10.9996 10/17/2005 10.9996 5/10/2006 10.9996 10/17/2006 10.9996 5/16/2007 10.9996 10/23/2007 10.9996 6/10/2008 10.9996 10/23/2008 3.99043 5/6/2009 5.99043 10/20/2009 108.99 2/3/2010 7.90957 Page 122 5/12/2010 7.80957 10/6/2010 10.9996 5/20/2011 10.9996 10/6/2011 7.39043 5/16/2012 29.1904 10/3/2012 1.09043 9/4/2013 10.9996 12/4/2013 13.4904 5/29/2014 10.9996 11/5/2014 16.9904 6/8/2015 9.99043 10/27/2015 4.99043 Group: MWK Date Residual 9/26/1994 8.61936 11/14/1994 44.6194 1/4/1995 3.61936 2/22/1995 7.37064 10/3/1995 112.619 6/4/1996 7.37064 8/23/1996 55.0194 12/3/1996 32.0194 1/14/1997 35.6194 10/1/1997 7.37064 2/1/1998 7.37064 4/1/1998 7.37064 6/1/1998 7.37064 8/4/1999 7.37064 11/9/1999 7.37064 9/26/2000 7.37064 1/30/2001 7.37064 9/27/2001 7.37064 1/9/2002 7.37064 10/2/2002 7.37064 5/13/2003 7.37064 10/1/2003 7.37064 6/2/2004 7.37064 10/5/2004 7.37064 5/17/2005 7.37064 10/17/2005 7.37064 5/10/2006 7.37064 10/17/2006 7.37064 5/16/2007 7.37064 10/23/2007 7.37064 6/10/2008 7.37064 10/23/2008 7.37064 5/6/2009 7.37064 10/20/2009 7.37064 2/3/2010 7.37064 5/12/2010 4.68064 10/6/2010 7.37064 5/20/2011 7.37064 10/6/2011 7.37064 5/16/2012 7.37064 10/3/2012 7.37064 9/4/2013 7.37064 12/4/2013 7.37064 5/29/2014 7.37064 11/5/2014 7.37064 6/8/2015 7.37064 10/27/2015 7.37064 Page 123 Shapiro-Francia Test of Normality Parameter: Arsenic All Locations Normality Test of Parameter Concentrations Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Total Number of Measurements = 376 i x(i)m(i)sum(m^2)sum(mx) 1 0.01 -2.87815 8.28375 -0.0287815 2 0.01 -2.57583 14.9187 -0.0545399 3 0.01 -2.45727 20.9569 -0.0791126 4 0.01 -2.32634 26.3687 -0.102376 5 0.01 -2.22621 31.3247 -0.124638 6 0.01 -2.17009 36.034 -0.146339 7 0.01 -2.09693 40.4311 -0.167308 8 0.01 -2.03352 44.5663 -0.187643 9 0.01 -1.99539 48.5479 -0.207597 10 0.01 -1.94314 52.3237 -0.227029 11 0.01 -1.8957 55.9174 -0.245986 12 0.01 -1.86629 59.4004 -0.264649 13 0.01 -1.82501 62.7311 -0.282899 14 0.01 -1.78661 65.9231 -0.300765 15 0.01 -1.76241 69.0291 -0.318389 16 0.01 -1.72793 72.0149 -0.335668 17 0.01 -1.6954 74.8893 -0.352622 18 0.01 -1.67466 77.6938 -0.369369 19 0.01 -1.64485 80.3993 -0.385817 20 0.01 -1.61644 83.0122 -0.401982 21 0.01 -1.59819 85.5664 -0.417964 22 0.01 -1.57179 88.0369 -0.433682 23 0.01 -1.54643 90.4284 -0.449146 24 0.01 -1.53007 92.7695 -0.464447 25 0.01 -1.50626 95.0383 -0.479509 26 0.01 -1.49085 97.2609 -0.494418 27 0.01 -1.46838 99.4171 -0.509101 28 0.01 -1.44663 101.51 -0.523568 29 0.01 -1.4325 103.562 -0.537893 30 0.01 -1.41183 105.555 -0.552011 31 0.01 -1.39175 107.492 -0.565929 32 0.01 -1.37866 109.393 -0.579715 33 0.01 -1.35946 111.241 -0.59331 34 0.01 -1.34075 113.039 -0.606717 35 0.01 -1.32854 114.804 -0.620003 36 0.01 -1.31058 116.521 -0.633109 37 0.01 -1.29303 118.193 -0.646039 38 0.01 -1.28155 119.836 -0.658854 39 0.01 -1.26464 121.435 -0.671501 40 0.01 -1.24809 122.993 -0.683982 41 0.01 -1.23724 124.523 -0.696354 42 0.01 -1.22123 126.015 -0.708566 43 0.01 -1.20553 127.468 -0.720622 44 0.01 -1.19522 128.897 -0.732574 45 0.01 -1.18 130.289 -0.744374 46 0.01 -1.16505 131.646 -0.756024 47 0.01 -1.15522 132.981 -0.767576 48 0.01 -1.14069 134.282 -0.778983 49 0.01 -1.13113 135.561 -0.790295 50 0.01 -1.11699 136.809 -0.801465 51 0.01 -1.10306 138.026 -0.812495 52 0.01 -1.0939 139.222 -0.823434 53 0.01 -1.08032 140.39 -0.834237 54 0.01 -1.06694 141.528 -0.844907 55 0.01 -1.05812 142.648 -0.855488 56 0.01 -1.04505 143.74 -0.865938 57 0.01 -1.03215 144.805 -0.87626 58 0.01 -1.02365 145.853 -0.886497 59 0.01 -1.01104 146.875 -0.896607 60 0.01 -0.998575 147.872 -0.906593 61 0.01 -0.990356 148.853 -0.916496 62 0.01 -0.97815 149.81 -0.926278 Page 124 63 0.01 -0.966088 150.743 -0.935939 64 0.01 -0.958125 151.661 -0.94552 65 0.01 -0.946291 152.557 -0.954983 66 0.01 -0.93459 153.43 -0.964329 67 0.01 -0.926859 154.289 -0.973597 68 0.01 -0.915365 155.127 -0.982751 69 0.01 -0.903992 155.944 -0.991791 70 0.01 -0.896473 156.748 -1.00076 71 0.01 -0.885291 157.532 -1.00961 72 0.01 -0.877897 158.302 -1.01839 73 0.01 -0.866894 159.054 -1.02706 74 0.01 -0.855996 159.787 -1.03562 75 0.01 -0.848786 160.507 -1.0441 76 0.01 -0.838054 161.209 -1.05248 77 0.01 -0.827417 161.894 -1.06076 78 0.01 -0.820379 162.567 -1.06896 79 0.01 -0.809896 163.223 -1.07706 80 0.01 -0.7995 163.862 -1.08506 81 0.01 -0.792618 164.49 -1.09298 82 0.01 -0.782366 165.102 -1.10081 83 0.01 -0.772193 165.699 -1.10853 84 0.01 -0.765456 166.285 -1.11618 85 0.01 -0.755415 166.855 -1.12374 86 0.01 -0.745449 167.411 -1.13119 87 0.01 -0.738846 167.957 -1.13858 88 0.01 -0.729003 168.488 -1.14587 89 0.01 -0.719228 169.006 -1.15306 90 0.01 -0.712751 169.514 -1.16019 91 0.01 -0.703089 170.008 -1.16722 92 0.01 -0.693493 170.489 -1.17416 93 0.01 -0.687131 170.961 -1.18103 94 0.01 -0.677639 171.42 -1.1878 95 0.01 -0.671346 171.871 -1.19452 96 0.01 -0.661955 172.309 -1.20114 97 0.01 -0.652622 172.735 -1.20766 98 0.01 -0.646431 173.153 -1.21413 99 0.01 -0.637192 173.559 -1.2205 100 0.01 -0.628006 173.953 -1.22678 101 0.01 -0.621911 174.34 -1.233 102 0.01 -0.612813 174.716 -1.23913 103 0.01 -0.603765 175.08 -1.24516 104 0.01 -0.597761 175.437 -1.25114 105 0.01 -0.588793 175.784 -1.25703 106 0.01 -0.579873 176.12 -1.26283 107 0.01 -0.573953 176.45 -1.26857 108 0.01 -0.565108 176.769 -1.27422 109 0.01 -0.556308 177.079 -1.27978 110 0.01 -0.550465 177.382 -1.28529 111 0.01 -0.541736 177.675 -1.2907 112 0.01 -0.533048 177.959 -1.29603 113 0.01 -0.52728 178.237 -1.30131 114 0.01 -0.518658 178.506 -1.30649 115 0.01 -0.510074 178.766 -1.31159 116 0.01 -0.504372 179.021 -1.31664 117 0.01 -0.49585 179.267 -1.3216 118 0.01 -0.490189 179.507 -1.3265 119 0.01 -0.481728 179.739 -1.33132 120 0.01 -0.473299 179.963 -1.33605 121 0.01 -0.467699 180.182 -1.34073 122 0.01 -0.459327 180.393 -1.34532 123 0.01 -0.450985 180.596 -1.34983 124 0.01 -0.445443 180.795 -1.35428 125 0.01 -0.437153 180.986 -1.35865 126 0.01 -0.428895 181.17 -1.36294 127 0.01 -0.423405 181.349 -1.36718 128 0.01 -0.415193 181.521 -1.37133 129 0.01 -0.40701 181.687 -1.3754 130 0.01 -0.401571 181.848 -1.37942 131 0.01 -0.393433 182.003 -1.38335 132 0.01 -0.385321 182.152 -1.3872 133 0.01 -0.379927 182.296 -1.391 Page 125 134 0.01 -0.371856 182.434 -1.39472 135 0.01 -0.363809 182.567 -1.39836 136 0.01 -0.358459 182.695 -1.40194 137 0.01 -0.350451 182.818 -1.40545 138 0.01 -0.342466 182.935 -1.40887 139 0.01 -0.337155 183.049 -1.41224 140 0.01 -0.329206 183.157 -1.41554 141 0.01 -0.321278 183.26 -1.41875 142 0.01 -0.316004 183.36 -1.42191 143 0.01 -0.308108 183.455 -1.42499 144 0.01 -0.302855 183.547 -1.42802 145 0.01 -0.294992 183.634 -1.43097 146 0.01 -0.287147 183.716 -1.43384 147 0.01 -0.281926 183.796 -1.43666 148 0.01 -0.27411 183.871 -1.4394 149 0.01 -0.266311 183.942 -1.44206 150 0.01 -0.26112 184.01 -1.44467 151 0.01 -0.253347 184.074 -1.44721 152 0.01 -0.24559 184.135 -1.44966 153 0.01 -0.240426 184.192 -1.45207 154 0.01 -0.232693 184.247 -1.4544 155 0.01 -0.224974 184.297 -1.45665 156 0.01 -0.219834 184.345 -1.45884 157 0.01 -0.212137 184.39 -1.46096 158 0.01 -0.204452 184.432 -1.46301 159 0.01 -0.199336 184.472 -1.465 160 0.01 -0.191671 184.509 -1.46692 161 0.01 -0.184017 184.543 -1.46876 162 0.01 -0.17892 184.575 -1.47055 163 0.01 -0.171285 184.604 -1.47226 164 0.01 -0.163659 184.631 -1.4739 165 0.01 -0.158579 184.656 -1.47548 166 0.01 -0.150969 184.679 -1.47699 167 0.01 -0.1459 184.7 -1.47845 168 0.01 -0.138305 184.719 -1.47984 169 0.01 -0.130716 184.736 -1.48114 170 0.01 -0.125661 184.752 -1.4824 171 0.01 -0.118085 184.766 -1.48358 172 0.01 -0.110516 184.778 -1.48469 173 0.01 -0.105474 184.789 -1.48574 174 0.01 -0.0979139 184.799 -1.48672 175 0.01 -0.0903606 184.807 -1.48762 176 0.01 -0.0853288 184.814 -1.48848 177 0.01 -0.0777834 184.82 -1.48925 178 0.01 -0.0702426 184.825 -1.48996 179 0.01 -0.0652187 184.83 -1.49061 180 0.01 -0.0576847 184.833 -1.49119 181 0.01 -0.0501541 184.835 -1.49169 182 0.01 -0.0451348 184.837 -1.49214 183 0.01 -0.0376076 184.839 -1.49251 184 0.01 -0.0300838 184.84 -1.49282 185 0.01 -0.0250691 184.84 -1.49307 186 0.01 -0.0175476 184.841 -1.49324 187 0.01 -0.0100272 184.841 -1.49334 188 0.01 -0.00501359 184.841 -1.49339 189 0.01 0.00501359 184.841 -1.49334 190 0.01 0.0100272 184.841 -1.49324 191 0.01 0.0175476 184.841 -1.49307 192 0.01 0.0250691 184.842 -1.49282 193 0.01 0.0300838 184.843 -1.49251 194 0.01 0.0376076 184.844 -1.49214 195 0.01 0.0451348 184.846 -1.49169 196 0.01 0.0501541 184.849 -1.49119 197 0.01 0.0576847 184.852 -1.49061 198 0.01 0.0652187 184.856 -1.48996 199 0.01 0.0702426 184.861 -1.48925 200 0.01 0.0777834 184.867 -1.48848 201 0.01 0.0853288 184.875 -1.48762 202 0.01 0.0903606 184.883 -1.48672 203 0.01 0.0979139 184.892 -1.48574 204 0.01 0.105474 184.903 -1.48469 Page 126 205 0.01 0.110516 184.916 -1.48358 206 0.01 0.118085 184.93 -1.4824 207 0.01 0.125661 184.945 -1.48114 208 0.01 0.130716 184.962 -1.47984 209 0.01 0.138305 184.982 -1.47845 210 0.01 0.1459 185.003 -1.47699 211 0.01 0.150969 185.026 -1.47548 212 0.01 0.158579 185.051 -1.4739 213 0.01 0.163659 185.078 -1.47226 214 0.01 0.171285 185.107 -1.47055 215 0.01 0.17892 185.139 -1.46876 216 0.01 0.184017 185.173 -1.46692 217 0.01 0.191671 185.21 -1.465 218 0.01 0.199336 185.249 -1.46301 219 0.01 0.204452 185.291 -1.46096 220 0.01 0.212137 185.336 -1.45884 221 0.01 0.219834 185.384 -1.45665 222 0.01 0.224974 185.435 -1.4544 223 0.01 0.232693 185.489 -1.45207 224 0.01 0.240426 185.547 -1.44966 225 0.01 0.24559 185.607 -1.44721 226 0.01 0.253347 185.672 -1.44467 227 0.01 0.26112 185.74 -1.44206 228 0.01 0.266311 185.811 -1.4394 229 0.01 0.27411 185.886 -1.43666 230 0.01 0.281926 185.965 -1.43384 231 0.01 0.287147 186.048 -1.43097 232 0.01 0.294992 186.135 -1.42802 233 0.01 0.302855 186.226 -1.42499 234 0.01 0.308108 186.321 -1.42191 235 0.01 0.316004 186.421 -1.41875 236 0.01 0.321278 186.524 -1.41554 237 0.01 0.329206 186.633 -1.41224 238 0.01 0.337155 186.746 -1.40887 239 0.01 0.342466 186.864 -1.40545 240 0.01 0.350451 186.987 -1.40194 241 0.01 0.358459 187.115 -1.39836 242 0.01 0.363809 187.247 -1.39472 243 0.01 0.371856 187.386 -1.391 244 0.01 0.379927 187.53 -1.3872 245 0.01 0.385321 187.679 -1.38335 246 0.01 0.393433 187.833 -1.37942 247 0.01 0.401571 187.995 -1.3754 248 0.01 0.40701 188.16 -1.37133 249 0.01 0.415193 188.333 -1.36718 250 0.01 0.423405 188.512 -1.36294 251 0.01 0.428895 188.696 -1.35865 252 0.01 0.437153 188.887 -1.35428 253 0.01 0.445443 189.085 -1.34983 254 0.01 0.450985 189.289 -1.34532 255 0.01 0.459327 189.5 -1.34073 256 0.01 0.467699 189.718 -1.33605 257 0.01 0.473299 189.942 -1.33132 258 0.01 0.481728 190.175 -1.3265 259 0.01 0.490189 190.415 -1.3216 260 0.01 0.49585 190.661 -1.31664 261 0.01 0.504372 190.915 -1.31159 262 0.01 0.510074 191.175 -1.30649 263 0.01 0.518658 191.444 -1.30131 264 0.01 0.52728 191.722 -1.29603 265 0.01 0.533048 192.006 -1.2907 266 0.01 0.541736 192.3 -1.28529 267 0.01 0.550465 192.603 -1.27978 268 0.01 0.556308 192.912 -1.27422 269 0.01 0.565108 193.232 -1.26857 270 0.01 0.573953 193.561 -1.26283 271 0.01 0.579873 193.897 -1.25703 272 0.01 0.588793 194.244 -1.25114 273 0.01 0.597761 194.601 -1.24516 274 0.01 0.603765 194.966 -1.23913 275 0.01 0.612813 195.341 -1.233 Page 127 276 0.01 0.621911 195.728 -1.22678 277 0.01 0.628006 196.123 -1.2205 278 0.01 0.637192 196.529 -1.21413 279 0.01 0.646431 196.947 -1.20766 280 0.01 0.652622 197.372 -1.20114 281 0.01 0.661955 197.811 -1.19452 282 0.01 0.671346 198.261 -1.1878 283 0.01 0.677639 198.721 -1.18103 284 0.01 0.687131 199.193 -1.17416 285 0.01 0.693493 199.674 -1.16722 286 0.01 0.703089 200.168 -1.16019 287 0.01 0.712751 200.676 -1.15306 288 0.01 0.719228 201.193 -1.14587 289 0.01 0.729003 201.725 -1.13858 290 0.01 0.738846 202.271 -1.13119 291 0.01 0.745449 202.826 -1.12374 292 0.01 0.755415 203.397 -1.11618 293 0.01 0.765456 203.983 -1.10853 294 0.01 0.772193 204.579 -1.10081 295 0.01 0.782366 205.191 -1.09298 296 0.01 0.792618 205.819 -1.08506 297 0.01 0.7995 206.459 -1.07706 298 0.01 0.809896 207.115 -1.06896 299 0.01 0.820379 207.788 -1.06076 300 0.01 0.827417 208.472 -1.05248 301 0.01 0.838054 209.175 -1.0441 302 0.01 0.848786 209.895 -1.03562 303 0.01 0.855996 210.628 -1.02706 304 0.01 0.866894 211.379 -1.01839 305 0.01 0.877897 212.15 -1.00961 306 0.01 0.885291 212.934 -1.00076 307 0.01 0.896473 213.737 -0.991791 308 0.01 0.903992 214.555 -0.982751 309 0.01 0.915365 215.392 -0.973597 310 0.01 0.926859 216.252 -0.964329 311 0.01 0.93459 217.125 -0.954983 312 0.01 0.946291 218.02 -0.94552 313 0.01 0.958125 218.938 -0.935939 314 0.01 0.966088 219.872 -0.926278 315 0.01 0.97815 220.829 -0.916496 316 0.01 0.990356 221.809 -0.906593 317 0.01 0.998575 222.807 -0.896607 318 0.01 1.01104 223.829 -0.886497 319 0.01 1.02365 224.877 -0.87626 320 0.01 1.03215 225.942 -0.865938 321 0.01 1.04505 227.034 -0.855488 322 0.01 1.05812 228.154 -0.844907 323 0.01 1.06694 229.292 -0.834237 324 0.01 1.08032 230.459 -0.823434 325 0.01 1.0939 231.656 -0.812495 326 0.01 1.10306 232.872 -0.801465 327 0.01 1.11699 234.12 -0.790295 328 0.01 1.13113 235.4 -0.778983 329 0.01 1.14069 236.701 -0.767576 330 0.01 1.15522 238.035 -0.756024 331 0.01 1.16505 239.393 -0.744374 332 0.01 1.18 240.785 -0.732574 333 0.01 1.19522 242.214 -0.720622 334 0.01 1.20553 243.667 -0.708566 335 0.01 1.22123 245.158 -0.696354 336 0.01 1.23724 246.689 -0.683982 337 0.01 1.24809 248.247 -0.671501 338 2.7 1.26464 249.846 2.74303 339 3.1 1.28155 251.488 6.71584 340 3.2 1.29303 253.16 10.8535 341 3.3 1.31058 254.878 15.1785 342 3.9 1.32854 256.643 20.3598 343 4.1 1.34075 258.441 25.8569 344 4.8 1.35946 260.289 32.3823 345 5.8 1.37866 262.189 40.3785 346 10.9 1.39175 264.126 55.5485 Page 128 347 11 1.41183 266.12 71.0787 348 11 1.4325 268.172 86.8362 349 11 1.44663 270.265 102.749 350 11 1.46838 272.421 118.901 351 12 1.49085 274.643 136.792 352 12 1.50626 276.912 154.867 353 12.1 1.53007 279.253 173.381 354 13 1.54643 281.645 193.484 355 13 1.57179 284.115 213.917 356 15 1.59819 286.669 237.89 357 16 1.61644 289.282 263.753 358 16 1.64485 291.988 290.071 359 17 1.67466 294.792 318.54 360 18.4 1.6954 297.667 349.735 361 21 1.72793 300.652 386.022 362 23 1.76241 303.759 426.557 363 23.9 1.78661 306.951 469.257 364 24.5 1.82501 310.281 513.97 365 24.9 1.86629 313.764 560.441 366 28 1.8957 317.358 613.52 367 28 1.94314 321.134 667.928 368 30 1.99539 325.115 727.79 369 38.9 2.03352 329.25 806.894 370 39.4 2.09693 333.648 889.513 371 40.2 2.17009 338.357 976.751 372 43 2.22621 343.313 1072.48 373 52 2.32634 348.725 1193.45 374 62.4 2.45727 354.763 1346.78 375 120 2.57583 361.398 1655.88 376 120 2.87815 369.682 2001.26 Data Set Standard Deviation = 11.2676 Numerator = 4.00504e+006 Denominator = 1.76004e+007 W Statistic = 0.227554 = 4.00504e+006 / 1.76004e+007 5% Critical value of 0.976 exceeds 0.227554 Evidence of non-normality at 95% level of significance 1% Critical value of 0.967 exceeds 0.227554 Evidence of non-normality at 99% level of significance Page 129 Non-Parametric Prediction Interval Inter-Well Comparison Parameter: Arsenic Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Total Percent Non-Detects = 89.6277% Number of comparisons = 6 Future Samples (k) = 6 Recent Dates = 1 Background Measurements (n) = 94 Maximum Background Value = 0.01 Confidence Level = 94% False Positive Rate = 6% Location Date Count Mean Significant MWB 10/27/2015 1 30 TRUE MWE 10/27/2015 1 0.01 FALSE MWG 10/27/2015 1 0.01 FALSE MWI 10/27/2015 1 0.01 FALSE MWJ 10/27/2015 1 16 TRUE MWK 10/27/2015 1 0.01 FALSE Page 130 Non-Parametric Prediction Interval Intra-Well Comparison for MWB Parameter: Arsenic Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Total Percent Non-Detects = 91.3043% Future Samples (k) = 1 Recent Dates = 1 Baseline Measurements (n) = 46 Maximum Baseline Concentration = 12 Confidence Level = 97.9% False Positive Rate = 2.1% Baseline Measurements Date Value 9/26/1994 ND<0.01 11/14/1994 ND<0.01 1/4/1995 ND<0.01 2/22/1995 ND<0.01 10/3/1995 ND<0.01 6/4/1996 ND<0.01 8/23/1996 ND<0.01 12/3/1996 ND<0.01 1/14/1997 ND<0.01 10/1/1997 ND<0.01 2/1/1998 ND<0.01 4/1/1998 ND<0.01 6/1/1998 ND<0.01 8/4/1999 ND<0.01 11/9/1999 ND<0.01 9/26/2000 ND<0.01 1/30/2001 ND<0.01 9/27/2001 ND<0.01 1/9/2002 ND<0.01 10/2/2002 ND<0.01 5/13/2003 ND<0.01 10/1/2003 ND<0.01 6/2/2004 ND<0.01 10/5/2004 ND<0.01 5/17/2005 ND<0.01 10/17/2005 11 5/10/2006 ND<0.01 10/17/2006 ND<0.01 5/16/2007 ND<0.01 10/23/2007 ND<0.01 6/10/2008 ND<0.01 10/23/2008 ND<0.01 5/6/2009 ND<0.01 10/20/2009 3.9 2/3/2010 ND<0.01 5/12/2010 ND<0.01 10/6/2010 ND<0.01 5/20/2011 ND<0.01 10/6/2011 ND<0.01 5/16/2012 10.9 10/3/2012 ND<0.01 9/4/2013 ND<0.01 12/4/2013 ND<0.01 5/29/2014 ND<0.01 11/5/2014 ND<0.01 6/8/2015 12 Date Count Mean Significant 10/27/2015 1 30 TRUE Page 131 Non-Parametric Prediction Interval Intra-Well Comparison for MWJ Parameter: Arsenic Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Total Percent Non-Detects = 54.3478% Future Samples (k) = 1 Recent Dates = 1 Baseline Measurements (n) = 46 Maximum Baseline Concentration = 120 Confidence Level = 97.9% False Positive Rate = 2.1% Baseline Measurements Date Value 9/26/1994 11 11/14/1994 23 1/4/1995 ND<0.01 2/22/1995 ND<0.01 10/3/1995 28 6/4/1996 11 8/23/1996 38.9 12/3/1996 23.9 1/14/1997 24.9 10/1/1997 ND<0.01 2/1/1998 ND<0.01 4/1/1998 13 6/1/1998 12 8/4/1999 13 11/9/1999 ND<0.01 9/26/2000 ND<0.01 1/30/2001 ND<0.01 9/27/2001 ND<0.01 1/9/2002 ND<0.01 10/2/2002 ND<0.01 5/13/2003 ND<0.01 10/1/2003 ND<0.01 6/2/2004 ND<0.01 10/5/2004 ND<0.01 5/17/2005 ND<0.01 10/17/2005 ND<0.01 5/10/2006 ND<0.01 10/17/2006 ND<0.01 5/16/2007 ND<0.01 10/23/2007 ND<0.01 6/10/2008 ND<0.01 10/23/2008 15 5/6/2009 17 10/20/2009 120 2/3/2010 3.1 5/12/2010 3.2 10/6/2010 ND<0.01 5/20/2011 ND<0.01 10/6/2011 18.4 5/16/2012 40.2 10/3/2012 12.1 9/4/2013 ND<0.01 12/4/2013 24.5 5/29/2014 ND<0.01 11/5/2014 28 6/8/2015 21 Date Count Mean Significant 10/27/2015 1 16 FALSE Page 132 Concentrations (ppb) Parameter: Barium Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Total Measurements: 376 Total Non-Detect: 346 Percent Non-Detects: 92.0213% Total Background Measurements: 94 There are 2 background locations Loc.Meas.ND Date Conc.Original MWD 47 45 (95.7447%)9/26/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/14/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/4/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/22/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/4/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/23/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/3/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/14/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 4/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/4/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/9/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/26/2000 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/30/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/27/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/9/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/2/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/13/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/2/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/5/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/10/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/10/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/6/2009 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/20/2009 50 50 2/3/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/12/2010 52 52 10/6/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/20/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/6/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/29/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/5/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/8/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/27/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 MWF 47 45 (95.7447%)9/26/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/14/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/4/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/22/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/4/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/23/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/3/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/14/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 Page 133 4/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/4/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/9/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/26/2000 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/30/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/27/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/9/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/2/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/13/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/2/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/5/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/10/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/10/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/6/2009 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/20/2009 26 26 2/3/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/12/2010 17 17 10/6/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/20/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/6/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/29/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/5/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/8/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/27/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 There are 6 compliance locations Loc.Meas.ND Date Conc.Original MWB 47 45 (95.7447%)9/26/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/14/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/4/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/22/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/4/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/23/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/3/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/14/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 4/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/4/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/9/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/26/2000 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/30/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/27/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/9/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/2/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/13/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/2/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/5/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/10/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 Page 134 6/10/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/6/2009 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/20/2009 54 54 2/3/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/12/2010 79 79 10/6/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/20/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/6/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/29/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/5/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/8/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/27/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 MWE 47 45 (95.7447%)9/26/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/14/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/4/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/22/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/4/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/23/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/3/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/14/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 4/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/4/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/9/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/26/2000 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/30/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/27/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/9/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/2/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/13/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/2/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/5/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/10/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/10/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/6/2009 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/20/2009 12 12 2/3/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/12/2010 17 17 10/6/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/20/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/6/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/29/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/5/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/8/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/27/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 MWG 47 42 (89.3617%)9/26/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/14/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/4/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/22/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 Page 135 6/4/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/23/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/3/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/14/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 4/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/4/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/9/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/26/2000 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/30/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/27/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/9/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/2/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/13/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/2/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/5/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/10/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/10/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/6/2009 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/20/2009 55 55 2/3/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/12/2010 110 110 10/6/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/20/2011 102 102 10/6/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/29/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/5/2014 110 110 6/8/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/27/2015 140 140 MWI 47 39 (82.9787%)9/26/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/14/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/4/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/22/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/4/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/23/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/3/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/14/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 4/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/4/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/9/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/26/2000 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/30/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/27/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/9/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/2/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/13/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/2/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/5/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/10/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 Page 136 5/16/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/10/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/6/2009 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/20/2009 91 91 2/3/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/12/2010 150 150 10/6/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/20/2011 166 166 10/6/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2012 168 168 10/3/2012 184 184 9/4/2013 118 118 12/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/29/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/5/2014 110 110 6/8/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/27/2015 120 120 MWJ 47 40 (85.1064%)9/26/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/14/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/4/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/22/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/4/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/23/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/3/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/14/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 4/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/4/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/9/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/26/2000 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/30/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/27/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/9/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/2/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/13/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/2/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/5/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/10/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/10/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/6/2009 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/20/2009 100 100 2/3/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/12/2010 82 82 10/6/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/20/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/6/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2012 116 116 10/3/2012 102 102 9/4/2013 110 110 12/4/2013 158 158 5/29/2014 130 130 11/5/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/8/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/27/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 MWK 47 45 (95.7447%)9/26/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/14/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/4/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 Page 137 2/22/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/4/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/23/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/3/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/14/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 4/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/4/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/9/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/26/2000 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/30/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/27/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/9/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/2/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/13/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/2/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/5/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/10/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/10/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/6/2009 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/20/2009 23 23 2/3/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/12/2010 27 27 10/6/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/20/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/6/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/29/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/5/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/8/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/27/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 There are 0 unused locations Loc.Meas.ND Date Conc.Original Page 138 Basic Statistics Parameter: Barium Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Total Measurements 376 Total Non-Detects 346 (92.0213%) Pooled Mean 7.40016 Pooled Std Dev 28.7075 Compliance Meas.282 Compliance Mean 9.3495 Compliance Std Dev 32.6098 Background Meas.94 Background Mean 1.55213 Background Std Dev 7.99365 Background Locations There are 2 background location Location Meas.Non-Detects % ND Total MWD 47 45 95.7447 102.45 MWF 47 45 95.7447 43.45 Location Mean Std Dev Std Err Rank Sum Rank Mean MWD 2.17979 10.4056 0 8514.5 181.16 MWF 0.924468 4.48388 0 8506.5 180.989 Compliance Locations There are 6 compliance location Location Obs.Non-Detects % ND Total MWB 47 45 95.7447 133.45 MWE 47 45 95.7447 29.45 MWG 47 42 89.3617 517.42 MWI 47 39 82.9787 1107.39 MWJ 47 40 85.1064 798.4 MWK 47 45 95.7447 50.45 Location Mean Std Dev Dif From Bkg Std Err Rank Sum Rank Mean MWB 2.83936 13.8141 1.28723 4.9591 8519.5 181.266 MWE 0.626596 3.002 -0.925532 4.9591 8503.5 180.926 MWG 11.0089 33.4705 9.45681 4.9591 9102 193.66 MWI 23.5615 54.1233 22.0094 4.9591 9724.5 206.904 MWJ 16.9872 41.9589 15.4351 4.9591 9496 202.043 MWK 1.0734 5.11573 -0.478723 4.9591 8509.5 181.053 Analysis of Variance Statistics SS Wells 25475 SS Total 309044 Kruskal-Wallis Statistics Non-Detect Rank 173.5 Background Rank Sum 17021 Background Rank Mean 181.074 H Statistic 3.27921 H Adjusted for Ties 14.8533 Page 139 Levene's Test for Equal of Variance Parameter: Barium Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Overall Mean = 12.7727 Overall Std Dev = 24.3436 Overall Total = 4802.53 SS Groups = 70464.7 SS Total = 222228 ANOVA Table Source of Sum of Degrees of Mean Variation Squares Freedom Squares F Between Groups 70464.7 7 10066.4 24.4092 Error (within groups)151763 368 412.401 Totals 222228 375 95% F-Statistic = 2.01 24.4092 exceeds 2.01; assumption of equal variance should be rejected Group: MWD Sample Residual 9/26/1994 2.16979 11/14/1994 2.16979 1/4/1995 2.16979 2/22/1995 2.16979 10/3/1995 2.16979 6/4/1996 2.16979 8/23/1996 2.16979 12/3/1996 2.16979 1/14/1997 2.16979 10/1/1997 2.16979 2/1/1998 2.16979 4/1/1998 2.16979 6/1/1998 2.16979 8/4/1999 2.16979 11/9/1999 2.16979 9/26/2000 2.16979 1/30/2001 2.16979 9/27/2001 2.16979 1/9/2002 2.16979 10/2/2002 2.16979 5/13/2003 2.16979 10/1/2003 2.16979 6/2/2004 2.16979 10/5/2004 2.16979 5/17/2005 2.16979 10/17/2005 2.16979 5/10/2006 2.16979 10/17/2006 2.16979 5/16/2007 2.16979 10/23/2007 2.16979 6/10/2008 2.16979 10/23/2008 2.16979 5/6/2009 2.16979 10/20/2009 47.8202 2/3/2010 2.16979 5/12/2010 49.8202 10/6/2010 2.16979 5/20/2011 2.16979 10/6/2011 2.16979 5/16/2012 2.16979 10/3/2012 2.16979 9/4/2013 2.16979 12/4/2013 2.16979 5/29/2014 2.16979 11/5/2014 2.16979 Page 140 6/8/2015 2.16979 10/27/2015 2.16979 Group: MWF Sample Residual 9/26/1994 0.914468 11/14/1994 0.914468 1/4/1995 0.914468 2/22/1995 0.914468 10/3/1995 0.914468 6/4/1996 0.914468 8/23/1996 0.914468 12/3/1996 0.914468 1/14/1997 0.914468 10/1/1997 0.914468 2/1/1998 0.914468 4/1/1998 0.914468 6/1/1998 0.914468 8/4/1999 0.914468 11/9/1999 0.914468 9/26/2000 0.914468 1/30/2001 0.914468 9/27/2001 0.914468 1/9/2002 0.914468 10/2/2002 0.914468 5/13/2003 0.914468 10/1/2003 0.914468 6/2/2004 0.914468 10/5/2004 0.914468 5/17/2005 0.914468 10/17/2005 0.914468 5/10/2006 0.914468 10/17/2006 0.914468 5/16/2007 0.914468 10/23/2007 0.914468 6/10/2008 0.914468 10/23/2008 0.914468 5/6/2009 0.914468 10/20/2009 25.0755 2/3/2010 0.914468 5/12/2010 16.0755 10/6/2010 0.914468 5/20/2011 0.914468 10/6/2011 0.914468 5/16/2012 0.914468 10/3/2012 0.914468 9/4/2013 0.914468 12/4/2013 0.914468 5/29/2014 0.914468 11/5/2014 0.914468 6/8/2015 0.914468 10/27/2015 0.914468 Group: MWB Date Residual 9/26/1994 2.82936 11/14/1994 2.82936 1/4/1995 2.82936 2/22/1995 2.82936 10/3/1995 2.82936 6/4/1996 2.82936 8/23/1996 2.82936 12/3/1996 2.82936 1/14/1997 2.82936 10/1/1997 2.82936 2/1/1998 2.82936 4/1/1998 2.82936 6/1/1998 2.82936 8/4/1999 2.82936 11/9/1999 2.82936 9/26/2000 2.82936 1/30/2001 2.82936 9/27/2001 2.82936 Page 141 1/9/2002 2.82936 10/2/2002 2.82936 5/13/2003 2.82936 10/1/2003 2.82936 6/2/2004 2.82936 10/5/2004 2.82936 5/17/2005 2.82936 10/17/2005 2.82936 5/10/2006 2.82936 10/17/2006 2.82936 5/16/2007 2.82936 10/23/2007 2.82936 6/10/2008 2.82936 10/23/2008 2.82936 5/6/2009 2.82936 10/20/2009 51.1606 2/3/2010 2.82936 5/12/2010 76.1606 10/6/2010 2.82936 5/20/2011 2.82936 10/6/2011 2.82936 5/16/2012 2.82936 10/3/2012 2.82936 9/4/2013 2.82936 12/4/2013 2.82936 5/29/2014 2.82936 11/5/2014 2.82936 6/8/2015 2.82936 10/27/2015 2.82936 Group: MWE Date Residual 9/26/1994 0.616596 11/14/1994 0.616596 1/4/1995 0.616596 2/22/1995 0.616596 10/3/1995 0.616596 6/4/1996 0.616596 8/23/1996 0.616596 12/3/1996 0.616596 1/14/1997 0.616596 10/1/1997 0.616596 2/1/1998 0.616596 4/1/1998 0.616596 6/1/1998 0.616596 8/4/1999 0.616596 11/9/1999 0.616596 9/26/2000 0.616596 1/30/2001 0.616596 9/27/2001 0.616596 1/9/2002 0.616596 10/2/2002 0.616596 5/13/2003 0.616596 10/1/2003 0.616596 6/2/2004 0.616596 10/5/2004 0.616596 5/17/2005 0.616596 10/17/2005 0.616596 5/10/2006 0.616596 10/17/2006 0.616596 5/16/2007 0.616596 10/23/2007 0.616596 6/10/2008 0.616596 10/23/2008 0.616596 5/6/2009 0.616596 10/20/2009 11.3734 2/3/2010 0.616596 5/12/2010 16.3734 10/6/2010 0.616596 5/20/2011 0.616596 10/6/2011 0.616596 5/16/2012 0.616596 Page 142 10/3/2012 0.616596 9/4/2013 0.616596 12/4/2013 0.616596 5/29/2014 0.616596 11/5/2014 0.616596 6/8/2015 0.616596 10/27/2015 0.616596 Group: MWG Date Residual 9/26/1994 10.9989 11/14/1994 10.9989 1/4/1995 10.9989 2/22/1995 10.9989 10/3/1995 10.9989 6/4/1996 10.9989 8/23/1996 10.9989 12/3/1996 10.9989 1/14/1997 10.9989 10/1/1997 10.9989 2/1/1998 10.9989 4/1/1998 10.9989 6/1/1998 10.9989 8/4/1999 10.9989 11/9/1999 10.9989 9/26/2000 10.9989 1/30/2001 10.9989 9/27/2001 10.9989 1/9/2002 10.9989 10/2/2002 10.9989 5/13/2003 10.9989 10/1/2003 10.9989 6/2/2004 10.9989 10/5/2004 10.9989 5/17/2005 10.9989 10/17/2005 10.9989 5/10/2006 10.9989 10/17/2006 10.9989 5/16/2007 10.9989 10/23/2007 10.9989 6/10/2008 10.9989 10/23/2008 10.9989 5/6/2009 10.9989 10/20/2009 43.9911 2/3/2010 10.9989 5/12/2010 98.9911 10/6/2010 10.9989 5/20/2011 90.9911 10/6/2011 10.9989 5/16/2012 10.9989 10/3/2012 10.9989 9/4/2013 10.9989 12/4/2013 10.9989 5/29/2014 10.9989 11/5/2014 98.9911 6/8/2015 10.9989 10/27/2015 128.991 Group: MWI Date Residual 9/26/1994 23.5515 11/14/1994 23.5515 1/4/1995 23.5515 2/22/1995 23.5515 10/3/1995 23.5515 6/4/1996 23.5515 8/23/1996 23.5515 12/3/1996 23.5515 1/14/1997 23.5515 10/1/1997 23.5515 2/1/1998 23.5515 4/1/1998 23.5515 6/1/1998 23.5515 Page 143 8/4/1999 23.5515 11/9/1999 23.5515 9/26/2000 23.5515 1/30/2001 23.5515 9/27/2001 23.5515 1/9/2002 23.5515 10/2/2002 23.5515 5/13/2003 23.5515 10/1/2003 23.5515 6/2/2004 23.5515 10/5/2004 23.5515 5/17/2005 23.5515 10/17/2005 23.5515 5/10/2006 23.5515 10/17/2006 23.5515 5/16/2007 23.5515 10/23/2007 23.5515 6/10/2008 23.5515 10/23/2008 23.5515 5/6/2009 23.5515 10/20/2009 67.4385 2/3/2010 23.5515 5/12/2010 126.439 10/6/2010 23.5515 5/20/2011 142.439 10/6/2011 23.5515 5/16/2012 144.439 10/3/2012 160.439 9/4/2013 94.4385 12/4/2013 23.5515 5/29/2014 23.5515 11/5/2014 86.4385 6/8/2015 23.5515 10/27/2015 96.4385 Group: MWJ Date Residual 9/26/1994 16.9772 11/14/1994 16.9772 1/4/1995 16.9772 2/22/1995 16.9772 10/3/1995 16.9772 6/4/1996 16.9772 8/23/1996 16.9772 12/3/1996 16.9772 1/14/1997 16.9772 10/1/1997 16.9772 2/1/1998 16.9772 4/1/1998 16.9772 6/1/1998 16.9772 8/4/1999 16.9772 11/9/1999 16.9772 9/26/2000 16.9772 1/30/2001 16.9772 9/27/2001 16.9772 1/9/2002 16.9772 10/2/2002 16.9772 5/13/2003 16.9772 10/1/2003 16.9772 6/2/2004 16.9772 10/5/2004 16.9772 5/17/2005 16.9772 10/17/2005 16.9772 5/10/2006 16.9772 10/17/2006 16.9772 5/16/2007 16.9772 10/23/2007 16.9772 6/10/2008 16.9772 10/23/2008 16.9772 5/6/2009 16.9772 10/20/2009 83.0128 2/3/2010 16.9772 Page 144 5/12/2010 65.0128 10/6/2010 16.9772 5/20/2011 16.9772 10/6/2011 16.9772 5/16/2012 99.0128 10/3/2012 85.0128 9/4/2013 93.0128 12/4/2013 141.013 5/29/2014 113.013 11/5/2014 16.9772 6/8/2015 16.9772 10/27/2015 16.9772 Group: MWK Date Residual 9/26/1994 1.0634 11/14/1994 1.0634 1/4/1995 1.0634 2/22/1995 1.0634 10/3/1995 1.0634 6/4/1996 1.0634 8/23/1996 1.0634 12/3/1996 1.0634 1/14/1997 1.0634 10/1/1997 1.0634 2/1/1998 1.0634 4/1/1998 1.0634 6/1/1998 1.0634 8/4/1999 1.0634 11/9/1999 1.0634 9/26/2000 1.0634 1/30/2001 1.0634 9/27/2001 1.0634 1/9/2002 1.0634 10/2/2002 1.0634 5/13/2003 1.0634 10/1/2003 1.0634 6/2/2004 1.0634 10/5/2004 1.0634 5/17/2005 1.0634 10/17/2005 1.0634 5/10/2006 1.0634 10/17/2006 1.0634 5/16/2007 1.0634 10/23/2007 1.0634 6/10/2008 1.0634 10/23/2008 1.0634 5/6/2009 1.0634 10/20/2009 21.9266 2/3/2010 1.0634 5/12/2010 25.9266 10/6/2010 1.0634 5/20/2011 1.0634 10/6/2011 1.0634 5/16/2012 1.0634 10/3/2012 1.0634 9/4/2013 1.0634 12/4/2013 1.0634 5/29/2014 1.0634 11/5/2014 1.0634 6/8/2015 1.0634 10/27/2015 1.0634 Page 145 Shapiro-Francia Test of Normality Parameter: Barium All Locations Normality Test of Parameter Concentrations Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Total Number of Measurements = 376 i x(i)m(i)sum(m^2)sum(mx) 1 0.01 -2.87815 8.28375 -0.0287815 2 0.01 -2.57583 14.9187 -0.0545399 3 0.01 -2.45727 20.9569 -0.0791126 4 0.01 -2.32634 26.3687 -0.102376 5 0.01 -2.22621 31.3247 -0.124638 6 0.01 -2.17009 36.034 -0.146339 7 0.01 -2.09693 40.4311 -0.167308 8 0.01 -2.03352 44.5663 -0.187643 9 0.01 -1.99539 48.5479 -0.207597 10 0.01 -1.94314 52.3237 -0.227029 11 0.01 -1.8957 55.9174 -0.245986 12 0.01 -1.86629 59.4004 -0.264649 13 0.01 -1.82501 62.7311 -0.282899 14 0.01 -1.78661 65.9231 -0.300765 15 0.01 -1.76241 69.0291 -0.318389 16 0.01 -1.72793 72.0149 -0.335668 17 0.01 -1.6954 74.8893 -0.352622 18 0.01 -1.67466 77.6938 -0.369369 19 0.01 -1.64485 80.3993 -0.385817 20 0.01 -1.61644 83.0122 -0.401982 21 0.01 -1.59819 85.5664 -0.417964 22 0.01 -1.57179 88.0369 -0.433682 23 0.01 -1.54643 90.4284 -0.449146 24 0.01 -1.53007 92.7695 -0.464447 25 0.01 -1.50626 95.0383 -0.479509 26 0.01 -1.49085 97.2609 -0.494418 27 0.01 -1.46838 99.4171 -0.509101 28 0.01 -1.44663 101.51 -0.523568 29 0.01 -1.4325 103.562 -0.537893 30 0.01 -1.41183 105.555 -0.552011 31 0.01 -1.39175 107.492 -0.565929 32 0.01 -1.37866 109.393 -0.579715 33 0.01 -1.35946 111.241 -0.59331 34 0.01 -1.34075 113.039 -0.606717 35 0.01 -1.32854 114.804 -0.620003 36 0.01 -1.31058 116.521 -0.633109 37 0.01 -1.29303 118.193 -0.646039 38 0.01 -1.28155 119.836 -0.658854 39 0.01 -1.26464 121.435 -0.671501 40 0.01 -1.24809 122.993 -0.683982 41 0.01 -1.23724 124.523 -0.696354 42 0.01 -1.22123 126.015 -0.708566 43 0.01 -1.20553 127.468 -0.720622 44 0.01 -1.19522 128.897 -0.732574 45 0.01 -1.18 130.289 -0.744374 46 0.01 -1.16505 131.646 -0.756024 47 0.01 -1.15522 132.981 -0.767576 48 0.01 -1.14069 134.282 -0.778983 49 0.01 -1.13113 135.561 -0.790295 50 0.01 -1.11699 136.809 -0.801465 51 0.01 -1.10306 138.026 -0.812495 52 0.01 -1.0939 139.222 -0.823434 53 0.01 -1.08032 140.39 -0.834237 54 0.01 -1.06694 141.528 -0.844907 55 0.01 -1.05812 142.648 -0.855488 56 0.01 -1.04505 143.74 -0.865938 57 0.01 -1.03215 144.805 -0.87626 58 0.01 -1.02365 145.853 -0.886497 59 0.01 -1.01104 146.875 -0.896607 60 0.01 -0.998575 147.872 -0.906593 61 0.01 -0.990356 148.853 -0.916496 62 0.01 -0.97815 149.81 -0.926278 Page 146 63 0.01 -0.966088 150.743 -0.935939 64 0.01 -0.958125 151.661 -0.94552 65 0.01 -0.946291 152.557 -0.954983 66 0.01 -0.93459 153.43 -0.964329 67 0.01 -0.926859 154.289 -0.973597 68 0.01 -0.915365 155.127 -0.982751 69 0.01 -0.903992 155.944 -0.991791 70 0.01 -0.896473 156.748 -1.00076 71 0.01 -0.885291 157.532 -1.00961 72 0.01 -0.877897 158.302 -1.01839 73 0.01 -0.866894 159.054 -1.02706 74 0.01 -0.855996 159.787 -1.03562 75 0.01 -0.848786 160.507 -1.0441 76 0.01 -0.838054 161.209 -1.05248 77 0.01 -0.827417 161.894 -1.06076 78 0.01 -0.820379 162.567 -1.06896 79 0.01 -0.809896 163.223 -1.07706 80 0.01 -0.7995 163.862 -1.08506 81 0.01 -0.792618 164.49 -1.09298 82 0.01 -0.782366 165.102 -1.10081 83 0.01 -0.772193 165.699 -1.10853 84 0.01 -0.765456 166.285 -1.11618 85 0.01 -0.755415 166.855 -1.12374 86 0.01 -0.745449 167.411 -1.13119 87 0.01 -0.738846 167.957 -1.13858 88 0.01 -0.729003 168.488 -1.14587 89 0.01 -0.719228 169.006 -1.15306 90 0.01 -0.712751 169.514 -1.16019 91 0.01 -0.703089 170.008 -1.16722 92 0.01 -0.693493 170.489 -1.17416 93 0.01 -0.687131 170.961 -1.18103 94 0.01 -0.677639 171.42 -1.1878 95 0.01 -0.671346 171.871 -1.19452 96 0.01 -0.661955 172.309 -1.20114 97 0.01 -0.652622 172.735 -1.20766 98 0.01 -0.646431 173.153 -1.21413 99 0.01 -0.637192 173.559 -1.2205 100 0.01 -0.628006 173.953 -1.22678 101 0.01 -0.621911 174.34 -1.233 102 0.01 -0.612813 174.716 -1.23913 103 0.01 -0.603765 175.08 -1.24516 104 0.01 -0.597761 175.437 -1.25114 105 0.01 -0.588793 175.784 -1.25703 106 0.01 -0.579873 176.12 -1.26283 107 0.01 -0.573953 176.45 -1.26857 108 0.01 -0.565108 176.769 -1.27422 109 0.01 -0.556308 177.079 -1.27978 110 0.01 -0.550465 177.382 -1.28529 111 0.01 -0.541736 177.675 -1.2907 112 0.01 -0.533048 177.959 -1.29603 113 0.01 -0.52728 178.237 -1.30131 114 0.01 -0.518658 178.506 -1.30649 115 0.01 -0.510074 178.766 -1.31159 116 0.01 -0.504372 179.021 -1.31664 117 0.01 -0.49585 179.267 -1.3216 118 0.01 -0.490189 179.507 -1.3265 119 0.01 -0.481728 179.739 -1.33132 120 0.01 -0.473299 179.963 -1.33605 121 0.01 -0.467699 180.182 -1.34073 122 0.01 -0.459327 180.393 -1.34532 123 0.01 -0.450985 180.596 -1.34983 124 0.01 -0.445443 180.795 -1.35428 125 0.01 -0.437153 180.986 -1.35865 126 0.01 -0.428895 181.17 -1.36294 127 0.01 -0.423405 181.349 -1.36718 128 0.01 -0.415193 181.521 -1.37133 129 0.01 -0.40701 181.687 -1.3754 130 0.01 -0.401571 181.848 -1.37942 131 0.01 -0.393433 182.003 -1.38335 132 0.01 -0.385321 182.152 -1.3872 133 0.01 -0.379927 182.296 -1.391 Page 147 134 0.01 -0.371856 182.434 -1.39472 135 0.01 -0.363809 182.567 -1.39836 136 0.01 -0.358459 182.695 -1.40194 137 0.01 -0.350451 182.818 -1.40545 138 0.01 -0.342466 182.935 -1.40887 139 0.01 -0.337155 183.049 -1.41224 140 0.01 -0.329206 183.157 -1.41554 141 0.01 -0.321278 183.26 -1.41875 142 0.01 -0.316004 183.36 -1.42191 143 0.01 -0.308108 183.455 -1.42499 144 0.01 -0.302855 183.547 -1.42802 145 0.01 -0.294992 183.634 -1.43097 146 0.01 -0.287147 183.716 -1.43384 147 0.01 -0.281926 183.796 -1.43666 148 0.01 -0.27411 183.871 -1.4394 149 0.01 -0.266311 183.942 -1.44206 150 0.01 -0.26112 184.01 -1.44467 151 0.01 -0.253347 184.074 -1.44721 152 0.01 -0.24559 184.135 -1.44966 153 0.01 -0.240426 184.192 -1.45207 154 0.01 -0.232693 184.247 -1.4544 155 0.01 -0.224974 184.297 -1.45665 156 0.01 -0.219834 184.345 -1.45884 157 0.01 -0.212137 184.39 -1.46096 158 0.01 -0.204452 184.432 -1.46301 159 0.01 -0.199336 184.472 -1.465 160 0.01 -0.191671 184.509 -1.46692 161 0.01 -0.184017 184.543 -1.46876 162 0.01 -0.17892 184.575 -1.47055 163 0.01 -0.171285 184.604 -1.47226 164 0.01 -0.163659 184.631 -1.4739 165 0.01 -0.158579 184.656 -1.47548 166 0.01 -0.150969 184.679 -1.47699 167 0.01 -0.1459 184.7 -1.47845 168 0.01 -0.138305 184.719 -1.47984 169 0.01 -0.130716 184.736 -1.48114 170 0.01 -0.125661 184.752 -1.4824 171 0.01 -0.118085 184.766 -1.48358 172 0.01 -0.110516 184.778 -1.48469 173 0.01 -0.105474 184.789 -1.48574 174 0.01 -0.0979139 184.799 -1.48672 175 0.01 -0.0903606 184.807 -1.48762 176 0.01 -0.0853288 184.814 -1.48848 177 0.01 -0.0777834 184.82 -1.48925 178 0.01 -0.0702426 184.825 -1.48996 179 0.01 -0.0652187 184.83 -1.49061 180 0.01 -0.0576847 184.833 -1.49119 181 0.01 -0.0501541 184.835 -1.49169 182 0.01 -0.0451348 184.837 -1.49214 183 0.01 -0.0376076 184.839 -1.49251 184 0.01 -0.0300838 184.84 -1.49282 185 0.01 -0.0250691 184.84 -1.49307 186 0.01 -0.0175476 184.841 -1.49324 187 0.01 -0.0100272 184.841 -1.49334 188 0.01 -0.00501359 184.841 -1.49339 189 0.01 0.00501359 184.841 -1.49334 190 0.01 0.0100272 184.841 -1.49324 191 0.01 0.0175476 184.841 -1.49307 192 0.01 0.0250691 184.842 -1.49282 193 0.01 0.0300838 184.843 -1.49251 194 0.01 0.0376076 184.844 -1.49214 195 0.01 0.0451348 184.846 -1.49169 196 0.01 0.0501541 184.849 -1.49119 197 0.01 0.0576847 184.852 -1.49061 198 0.01 0.0652187 184.856 -1.48996 199 0.01 0.0702426 184.861 -1.48925 200 0.01 0.0777834 184.867 -1.48848 201 0.01 0.0853288 184.875 -1.48762 202 0.01 0.0903606 184.883 -1.48672 203 0.01 0.0979139 184.892 -1.48574 204 0.01 0.105474 184.903 -1.48469 Page 148 205 0.01 0.110516 184.916 -1.48358 206 0.01 0.118085 184.93 -1.4824 207 0.01 0.125661 184.945 -1.48114 208 0.01 0.130716 184.962 -1.47984 209 0.01 0.138305 184.982 -1.47845 210 0.01 0.1459 185.003 -1.47699 211 0.01 0.150969 185.026 -1.47548 212 0.01 0.158579 185.051 -1.4739 213 0.01 0.163659 185.078 -1.47226 214 0.01 0.171285 185.107 -1.47055 215 0.01 0.17892 185.139 -1.46876 216 0.01 0.184017 185.173 -1.46692 217 0.01 0.191671 185.21 -1.465 218 0.01 0.199336 185.249 -1.46301 219 0.01 0.204452 185.291 -1.46096 220 0.01 0.212137 185.336 -1.45884 221 0.01 0.219834 185.384 -1.45665 222 0.01 0.224974 185.435 -1.4544 223 0.01 0.232693 185.489 -1.45207 224 0.01 0.240426 185.547 -1.44966 225 0.01 0.24559 185.607 -1.44721 226 0.01 0.253347 185.672 -1.44467 227 0.01 0.26112 185.74 -1.44206 228 0.01 0.266311 185.811 -1.4394 229 0.01 0.27411 185.886 -1.43666 230 0.01 0.281926 185.965 -1.43384 231 0.01 0.287147 186.048 -1.43097 232 0.01 0.294992 186.135 -1.42802 233 0.01 0.302855 186.226 -1.42499 234 0.01 0.308108 186.321 -1.42191 235 0.01 0.316004 186.421 -1.41875 236 0.01 0.321278 186.524 -1.41554 237 0.01 0.329206 186.633 -1.41224 238 0.01 0.337155 186.746 -1.40887 239 0.01 0.342466 186.864 -1.40545 240 0.01 0.350451 186.987 -1.40194 241 0.01 0.358459 187.115 -1.39836 242 0.01 0.363809 187.247 -1.39472 243 0.01 0.371856 187.386 -1.391 244 0.01 0.379927 187.53 -1.3872 245 0.01 0.385321 187.679 -1.38335 246 0.01 0.393433 187.833 -1.37942 247 0.01 0.401571 187.995 -1.3754 248 0.01 0.40701 188.16 -1.37133 249 0.01 0.415193 188.333 -1.36718 250 0.01 0.423405 188.512 -1.36294 251 0.01 0.428895 188.696 -1.35865 252 0.01 0.437153 188.887 -1.35428 253 0.01 0.445443 189.085 -1.34983 254 0.01 0.450985 189.289 -1.34532 255 0.01 0.459327 189.5 -1.34073 256 0.01 0.467699 189.718 -1.33605 257 0.01 0.473299 189.942 -1.33132 258 0.01 0.481728 190.175 -1.3265 259 0.01 0.490189 190.415 -1.3216 260 0.01 0.49585 190.661 -1.31664 261 0.01 0.504372 190.915 -1.31159 262 0.01 0.510074 191.175 -1.30649 263 0.01 0.518658 191.444 -1.30131 264 0.01 0.52728 191.722 -1.29603 265 0.01 0.533048 192.006 -1.2907 266 0.01 0.541736 192.3 -1.28529 267 0.01 0.550465 192.603 -1.27978 268 0.01 0.556308 192.912 -1.27422 269 0.01 0.565108 193.232 -1.26857 270 0.01 0.573953 193.561 -1.26283 271 0.01 0.579873 193.897 -1.25703 272 0.01 0.588793 194.244 -1.25114 273 0.01 0.597761 194.601 -1.24516 274 0.01 0.603765 194.966 -1.23913 275 0.01 0.612813 195.341 -1.233 Page 149 276 0.01 0.621911 195.728 -1.22678 277 0.01 0.628006 196.123 -1.2205 278 0.01 0.637192 196.529 -1.21413 279 0.01 0.646431 196.947 -1.20766 280 0.01 0.652622 197.372 -1.20114 281 0.01 0.661955 197.811 -1.19452 282 0.01 0.671346 198.261 -1.1878 283 0.01 0.677639 198.721 -1.18103 284 0.01 0.687131 199.193 -1.17416 285 0.01 0.693493 199.674 -1.16722 286 0.01 0.703089 200.168 -1.16019 287 0.01 0.712751 200.676 -1.15306 288 0.01 0.719228 201.193 -1.14587 289 0.01 0.729003 201.725 -1.13858 290 0.01 0.738846 202.271 -1.13119 291 0.01 0.745449 202.826 -1.12374 292 0.01 0.755415 203.397 -1.11618 293 0.01 0.765456 203.983 -1.10853 294 0.01 0.772193 204.579 -1.10081 295 0.01 0.782366 205.191 -1.09298 296 0.01 0.792618 205.819 -1.08506 297 0.01 0.7995 206.459 -1.07706 298 0.01 0.809896 207.115 -1.06896 299 0.01 0.820379 207.788 -1.06076 300 0.01 0.827417 208.472 -1.05248 301 0.01 0.838054 209.175 -1.0441 302 0.01 0.848786 209.895 -1.03562 303 0.01 0.855996 210.628 -1.02706 304 0.01 0.866894 211.379 -1.01839 305 0.01 0.877897 212.15 -1.00961 306 0.01 0.885291 212.934 -1.00076 307 0.01 0.896473 213.737 -0.991791 308 0.01 0.903992 214.555 -0.982751 309 0.01 0.915365 215.392 -0.973597 310 0.01 0.926859 216.252 -0.964329 311 0.01 0.93459 217.125 -0.954983 312 0.01 0.946291 218.02 -0.94552 313 0.01 0.958125 218.938 -0.935939 314 0.01 0.966088 219.872 -0.926278 315 0.01 0.97815 220.829 -0.916496 316 0.01 0.990356 221.809 -0.906593 317 0.01 0.998575 222.807 -0.896607 318 0.01 1.01104 223.829 -0.886497 319 0.01 1.02365 224.877 -0.87626 320 0.01 1.03215 225.942 -0.865938 321 0.01 1.04505 227.034 -0.855488 322 0.01 1.05812 228.154 -0.844907 323 0.01 1.06694 229.292 -0.834237 324 0.01 1.08032 230.459 -0.823434 325 0.01 1.0939 231.656 -0.812495 326 0.01 1.10306 232.872 -0.801465 327 0.01 1.11699 234.12 -0.790295 328 0.01 1.13113 235.4 -0.778983 329 0.01 1.14069 236.701 -0.767576 330 0.01 1.15522 238.035 -0.756024 331 0.01 1.16505 239.393 -0.744374 332 0.01 1.18 240.785 -0.732574 333 0.01 1.19522 242.214 -0.720622 334 0.01 1.20553 243.667 -0.708566 335 0.01 1.22123 245.158 -0.696354 336 0.01 1.23724 246.689 -0.683982 337 0.01 1.24809 248.247 -0.671501 338 0.01 1.26464 249.846 -0.658854 339 0.01 1.28155 251.488 -0.646039 340 0.01 1.29303 253.16 -0.633109 341 0.01 1.31058 254.878 -0.620003 342 0.01 1.32854 256.643 -0.606717 343 0.01 1.34075 258.441 -0.59331 344 0.01 1.35946 260.289 -0.579715 345 0.01 1.37866 262.189 -0.565929 346 0.01 1.39175 264.126 -0.552011 Page 150 347 12 1.41183 266.12 16.39 348 17 1.4325 268.172 40.7425 349 17 1.44663 270.265 65.3353 350 23 1.46838 272.421 99.1081 351 26 1.49085 274.643 137.87 352 27 1.50626 276.912 178.539 353 50 1.53007 279.253 255.043 354 52 1.54643 281.645 335.457 355 54 1.57179 284.115 420.334 356 55 1.59819 286.669 508.234 357 79 1.61644 289.282 635.933 358 82 1.64485 291.988 770.811 359 91 1.67466 294.792 923.205 360 100 1.6954 297.667 1092.74 361 102 1.72793 300.652 1268.99 362 102 1.76241 303.759 1448.76 363 110 1.78661 306.951 1645.29 364 110 1.82501 310.281 1846.04 365 110 1.86629 313.764 2051.33 366 110 1.8957 317.358 2259.86 367 116 1.94314 321.134 2485.26 368 118 1.99539 325.115 2720.72 369 120 2.03352 329.25 2964.74 370 130 2.09693 333.648 3237.34 371 140 2.17009 338.357 3541.15 372 150 2.22621 343.313 3875.08 373 158 2.32634 348.725 4242.65 374 166 2.45727 354.763 4650.55 375 168 2.57583 361.398 5083.29 376 184 2.87815 369.682 5612.87 Data Set Standard Deviation = 28.7075 Numerator = 3.15043e+007 Denominator = 1.14248e+008 W Statistic = 0.275754 = 3.15043e+007 / 1.14248e+008 5% Critical value of 0.976 exceeds 0.275754 Evidence of non-normality at 95% level of significance 1% Critical value of 0.967 exceeds 0.275754 Evidence of non-normality at 99% level of significance Page 151 Poisson Prediction Limit (Inter-Well) Parameter: Barium Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Recent Dates = 1 Poisson Count of 94 background Samples = 145.9 99% t-test = 2.36711 95% t-test = 1.6614 Well: MWB Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 4.54678 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.64769 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 0.01 FALSE FALSE Well: MWE Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 4.54678 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.64769 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 0.01 FALSE FALSE Well: MWG Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 4.54678 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.64769 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 140 TRUE TRUE Well: MWI Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 4.54678 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.64769 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 120 TRUE TRUE Well: MWJ Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 4.54678 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.64769 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 0.01 FALSE FALSE Well: MWK Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 Page 152 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 4.54678 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.64769 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 0.01 FALSE FALSE Page 153 Non-Parametric Prediction Interval Intra-Well Comparison for MWG Parameter: Barium Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Total Percent Non-Detects = 91.3043% Future Samples (k) = 1 Recent Dates = 1 Baseline Measurements (n) = 46 Maximum Baseline Concentration = 110 Confidence Level = 97.9% False Positive Rate = 2.1% Baseline Measurements Date Value 9/26/1994 ND<0.01 11/14/1994 ND<0.01 1/4/1995 ND<0.01 2/22/1995 ND<0.01 10/3/1995 ND<0.01 6/4/1996 ND<0.01 8/23/1996 ND<0.01 12/3/1996 ND<0.01 1/14/1997 ND<0.01 10/1/1997 ND<0.01 2/1/1998 ND<0.01 4/1/1998 ND<0.01 6/1/1998 ND<0.01 8/4/1999 ND<0.01 11/9/1999 ND<0.01 9/26/2000 ND<0.01 1/30/2001 ND<0.01 9/27/2001 ND<0.01 1/9/2002 ND<0.01 10/2/2002 ND<0.01 5/13/2003 ND<0.01 10/1/2003 ND<0.01 6/2/2004 ND<0.01 10/5/2004 ND<0.01 5/17/2005 ND<0.01 10/17/2005 ND<0.01 5/10/2006 ND<0.01 10/17/2006 ND<0.01 5/16/2007 ND<0.01 10/23/2007 ND<0.01 6/10/2008 ND<0.01 10/23/2008 ND<0.01 5/6/2009 ND<0.01 10/20/2009 55 2/3/2010 ND<0.01 5/12/2010 110 10/6/2010 ND<0.01 5/20/2011 102 10/6/2011 ND<0.01 5/16/2012 ND<0.01 10/3/2012 ND<0.01 9/4/2013 ND<0.01 12/4/2013 ND<0.01 5/29/2014 ND<0.01 11/5/2014 110 6/8/2015 ND<0.01 Date Count Mean Significant 10/27/2015 1 140 TRUE Page 154 Non-Parametric Prediction Interval Intra-Well Comparison for MWI Parameter: Barium Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Total Percent Non-Detects = 84.7826% Future Samples (k) = 1 Recent Dates = 1 Baseline Measurements (n) = 46 Maximum Baseline Concentration = 184 Confidence Level = 97.9% False Positive Rate = 2.1% Baseline Measurements Date Value 9/26/1994 ND<0.01 11/14/1994 ND<0.01 1/4/1995 ND<0.01 2/22/1995 ND<0.01 10/3/1995 ND<0.01 6/4/1996 ND<0.01 8/23/1996 ND<0.01 12/3/1996 ND<0.01 1/14/1997 ND<0.01 10/1/1997 ND<0.01 2/1/1998 ND<0.01 4/1/1998 ND<0.01 6/1/1998 ND<0.01 8/4/1999 ND<0.01 11/9/1999 ND<0.01 9/26/2000 ND<0.01 1/30/2001 ND<0.01 9/27/2001 ND<0.01 1/9/2002 ND<0.01 10/2/2002 ND<0.01 5/13/2003 ND<0.01 10/1/2003 ND<0.01 6/2/2004 ND<0.01 10/5/2004 ND<0.01 5/17/2005 ND<0.01 10/17/2005 ND<0.01 5/10/2006 ND<0.01 10/17/2006 ND<0.01 5/16/2007 ND<0.01 10/23/2007 ND<0.01 6/10/2008 ND<0.01 10/23/2008 ND<0.01 5/6/2009 ND<0.01 10/20/2009 91 2/3/2010 ND<0.01 5/12/2010 150 10/6/2010 ND<0.01 5/20/2011 166 10/6/2011 ND<0.01 5/16/2012 168 10/3/2012 184 9/4/2013 118 12/4/2013 ND<0.01 5/29/2014 ND<0.01 11/5/2014 110 6/8/2015 ND<0.01 Date Count Mean Significant 10/27/2015 1 120 FALSE Page 155 Concentrations (ppb) Parameter: Zinc Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Total Measurements: 376 Total Non-Detect: 356 Percent Non-Detects: 94.6809% Total Background Measurements: 94 There are 2 background locations Loc.Meas.ND Date Conc.Original MWD 47 45 (95.7447%)9/26/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/14/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/4/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/22/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/1995 53 53 6/4/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/23/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/3/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/14/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 4/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/4/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/9/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/26/2000 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/30/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/27/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/9/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/2/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/13/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/2/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/5/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/10/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/10/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/6/2009 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/20/2009 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/3/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/12/2010 8.6 8.6 10/6/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/20/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/6/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/29/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/5/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/8/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/27/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 MWF 47 45 (95.7447%)9/26/1994 63 63 11/14/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/4/1995 63 63 2/22/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/4/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/23/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/3/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/14/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 Page 156 4/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/4/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/9/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/26/2000 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/30/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/27/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/9/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/2/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/13/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/2/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/5/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/10/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/10/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/6/2009 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/20/2009 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/3/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/12/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/6/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/20/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/6/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/29/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/5/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/8/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/27/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 There are 6 compliance locations Loc.Meas.ND Date Conc.Original MWB 47 45 (95.7447%)9/26/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/14/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/4/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/22/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/4/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/23/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/3/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/14/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 4/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/4/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/9/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/26/2000 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/30/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/27/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/9/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/2/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/13/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/2/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/5/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/10/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 Page 157 6/10/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/6/2009 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/20/2009 14 14 2/3/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/12/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/6/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/20/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/6/2011 14.3 14.3 5/16/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/29/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/5/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/8/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/27/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 MWE 47 46 (97.8723%)9/26/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/14/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/4/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/22/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/4/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/23/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/3/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/14/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 4/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/4/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/9/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/26/2000 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/30/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/27/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/9/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/2/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/13/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/2/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/5/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/10/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/10/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/6/2009 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/20/2009 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/3/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/12/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/6/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/20/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/6/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2012 112 112 10/3/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/29/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/5/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/8/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/27/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 MWG 47 42 (89.3617%)9/26/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/14/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/4/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/22/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 Page 158 6/4/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/23/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/3/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/14/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 4/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/4/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/9/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/26/2000 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/30/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/27/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/9/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/2/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/13/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/2/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/5/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/10/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/10/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/6/2009 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/20/2009 16 16 2/3/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/12/2010 29 29 10/6/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/20/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/6/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/29/2014 16.4 16.4 11/5/2014 24 24 6/8/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/27/2015 12 12 MWI 47 45 (95.7447%)9/26/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/14/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/4/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/22/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/4/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/23/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/3/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/14/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 4/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/4/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/9/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/26/2000 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/30/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/27/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/9/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/2/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/13/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/2/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/5/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/10/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 Page 159 5/16/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/10/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/6/2009 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/20/2009 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/3/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/12/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/6/2010 17 17 5/20/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/6/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/4/2013 14.9 14.9 12/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/29/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/5/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/8/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/27/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 MWJ 47 43 (91.4894%)9/26/1994 119 119 11/14/1994 86 86 1/4/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/22/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/4/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/23/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/3/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/14/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 4/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/4/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/9/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/26/2000 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/30/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/27/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/9/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/2/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/13/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/2/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/5/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/10/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/10/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/6/2009 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/20/2009 15 15 2/3/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/12/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/6/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/20/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/6/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/29/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/5/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/8/2015 13 13 10/27/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 MWK 47 45 (95.7447%)9/26/1994 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/14/1994 55 55 1/4/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 Page 160 2/22/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/1995 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/4/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/23/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/3/1996 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/14/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/1997 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 4/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/1/1998 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 8/4/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/9/1999 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/26/2000 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/30/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/27/2001 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 1/9/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/2/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/13/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/1/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/2/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/5/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2005 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/10/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/17/2006 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2007 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/10/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/23/2008 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/6/2009 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/20/2009 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 2/3/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/12/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/6/2010 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/20/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/6/2011 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/16/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/3/2012 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 9/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 12/4/2013 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 5/29/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 11/5/2014 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 6/8/2015 ND<0.01 ND<0.01 10/27/2015 11 11 There are 0 unused locations Loc.Meas.ND Date Conc.Original Page 161 Basic Statistics Parameter: Zinc Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Total Measurements 376 Total Non-Detects 356 (94.6809%) Pooled Mean 2.02064 Pooled Std Dev 11.5383 Compliance Meas.282 Compliance Mean 2.02574 Compliance Std Dev 11.8534 Background Meas.94 Background Mean 2.00532 Background Std Dev 10.5967 Background Locations There are 2 background location Location Meas.Non-Detects % ND Total MWD 47 45 95.7447 62.05 MWF 47 45 95.7447 126.45 Location Mean Std Dev Std Err Rank Sum Rank Mean MWD 1.32021 7.80335 0 8759.5 186.372 MWF 2.69043 12.8518 0 8777.5 186.755 Compliance Locations There are 6 compliance location Location Obs.Non-Detects % ND Total MWB 47 45 95.7447 28.75 MWE 47 46 97.8723 112.46 MWG 47 42 89.3617 97.82 MWI 47 45 95.7447 32.35 MWJ 47 43 91.4894 233.43 MWK 47 45 95.7447 66.45 Location Mean Std Dev Dif From Bkg Std Err Rank Sum Rank Mean MWB 0.611702 2.88515 -1.39362 2.06714 8755.5 186.287 MWE 2.39277 16.3354 0.387447 2.06714 8586 182.681 MWG 2.08128 6.39697 0.0759574 2.06714 9324 198.383 MWI 0.688298 3.25959 -1.31702 2.06714 8762.5 186.436 MWJ 4.9666 21.2601 2.96128 2.06714 9149.5 194.67 MWK 1.41383 8.14549 -0.591489 2.06714 8761.5 186.415 Analysis of Variance Statistics SS Wells 652.759 SS Total 49924.3 Kruskal-Wallis Statistics Non-Detect Rank 178.5 Background Rank Sum 17537 Background Rank Mean 186.564 H Statistic 0.758388 H Adjusted for Ties 5.01455 Page 162 Levene's Test for Equal of Variance Parameter: Zinc Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Overall Mean = 3.77705 Overall Std Dev = 10.8207 Overall Total = 1420.17 SS Groups = 2183.89 SS Total = 43907.4 ANOVA Table Source of Sum of Degrees of Mean Variation Squares Freedom Squares F Between Groups 2183.89 7 311.984 2.75168 Error (within groups)41723.6 368 113.379 Totals 43907.4 375 95% F-Statistic = 2.01 2.75168 exceeds 2.01; assumption of equal variance should be rejected Group: MWD Sample Residual 9/26/1994 1.31021 11/14/1994 1.31021 1/4/1995 1.31021 2/22/1995 1.31021 10/3/1995 51.6798 6/4/1996 1.31021 8/23/1996 1.31021 12/3/1996 1.31021 1/14/1997 1.31021 10/1/1997 1.31021 2/1/1998 1.31021 4/1/1998 1.31021 6/1/1998 1.31021 8/4/1999 1.31021 11/9/1999 1.31021 9/26/2000 1.31021 1/30/2001 1.31021 9/27/2001 1.31021 1/9/2002 1.31021 10/2/2002 1.31021 5/13/2003 1.31021 10/1/2003 1.31021 6/2/2004 1.31021 10/5/2004 1.31021 5/17/2005 1.31021 10/17/2005 1.31021 5/10/2006 1.31021 10/17/2006 1.31021 5/16/2007 1.31021 10/23/2007 1.31021 6/10/2008 1.31021 10/23/2008 1.31021 5/6/2009 1.31021 10/20/2009 1.31021 2/3/2010 1.31021 5/12/2010 7.27979 10/6/2010 1.31021 5/20/2011 1.31021 10/6/2011 1.31021 5/16/2012 1.31021 10/3/2012 1.31021 9/4/2013 1.31021 12/4/2013 1.31021 5/29/2014 1.31021 11/5/2014 1.31021 Page 163 6/8/2015 1.31021 10/27/2015 1.31021 Group: MWF Sample Residual 9/26/1994 60.3096 11/14/1994 2.68043 1/4/1995 60.3096 2/22/1995 2.68043 10/3/1995 2.68043 6/4/1996 2.68043 8/23/1996 2.68043 12/3/1996 2.68043 1/14/1997 2.68043 10/1/1997 2.68043 2/1/1998 2.68043 4/1/1998 2.68043 6/1/1998 2.68043 8/4/1999 2.68043 11/9/1999 2.68043 9/26/2000 2.68043 1/30/2001 2.68043 9/27/2001 2.68043 1/9/2002 2.68043 10/2/2002 2.68043 5/13/2003 2.68043 10/1/2003 2.68043 6/2/2004 2.68043 10/5/2004 2.68043 5/17/2005 2.68043 10/17/2005 2.68043 5/10/2006 2.68043 10/17/2006 2.68043 5/16/2007 2.68043 10/23/2007 2.68043 6/10/2008 2.68043 10/23/2008 2.68043 5/6/2009 2.68043 10/20/2009 2.68043 2/3/2010 2.68043 5/12/2010 2.68043 10/6/2010 2.68043 5/20/2011 2.68043 10/6/2011 2.68043 5/16/2012 2.68043 10/3/2012 2.68043 9/4/2013 2.68043 12/4/2013 2.68043 5/29/2014 2.68043 11/5/2014 2.68043 6/8/2015 2.68043 10/27/2015 2.68043 Group: MWB Date Residual 9/26/1994 0.601702 11/14/1994 0.601702 1/4/1995 0.601702 2/22/1995 0.601702 10/3/1995 0.601702 6/4/1996 0.601702 8/23/1996 0.601702 12/3/1996 0.601702 1/14/1997 0.601702 10/1/1997 0.601702 2/1/1998 0.601702 4/1/1998 0.601702 6/1/1998 0.601702 8/4/1999 0.601702 11/9/1999 0.601702 9/26/2000 0.601702 1/30/2001 0.601702 9/27/2001 0.601702 Page 164 1/9/2002 0.601702 10/2/2002 0.601702 5/13/2003 0.601702 10/1/2003 0.601702 6/2/2004 0.601702 10/5/2004 0.601702 5/17/2005 0.601702 10/17/2005 0.601702 5/10/2006 0.601702 10/17/2006 0.601702 5/16/2007 0.601702 10/23/2007 0.601702 6/10/2008 0.601702 10/23/2008 0.601702 5/6/2009 0.601702 10/20/2009 13.3883 2/3/2010 0.601702 5/12/2010 0.601702 10/6/2010 0.601702 5/20/2011 0.601702 10/6/2011 13.6883 5/16/2012 0.601702 10/3/2012 0.601702 9/4/2013 0.601702 12/4/2013 0.601702 5/29/2014 0.601702 11/5/2014 0.601702 6/8/2015 0.601702 10/27/2015 0.601702 Group: MWE Date Residual 9/26/1994 2.38277 11/14/1994 2.38277 1/4/1995 2.38277 2/22/1995 2.38277 10/3/1995 2.38277 6/4/1996 2.38277 8/23/1996 2.38277 12/3/1996 2.38277 1/14/1997 2.38277 10/1/1997 2.38277 2/1/1998 2.38277 4/1/1998 2.38277 6/1/1998 2.38277 8/4/1999 2.38277 11/9/1999 2.38277 9/26/2000 2.38277 1/30/2001 2.38277 9/27/2001 2.38277 1/9/2002 2.38277 10/2/2002 2.38277 5/13/2003 2.38277 10/1/2003 2.38277 6/2/2004 2.38277 10/5/2004 2.38277 5/17/2005 2.38277 10/17/2005 2.38277 5/10/2006 2.38277 10/17/2006 2.38277 5/16/2007 2.38277 10/23/2007 2.38277 6/10/2008 2.38277 10/23/2008 2.38277 5/6/2009 2.38277 10/20/2009 2.38277 2/3/2010 2.38277 5/12/2010 2.38277 10/6/2010 2.38277 5/20/2011 2.38277 10/6/2011 2.38277 5/16/2012 109.607 Page 165 10/3/2012 2.38277 9/4/2013 2.38277 12/4/2013 2.38277 5/29/2014 2.38277 11/5/2014 2.38277 6/8/2015 2.38277 10/27/2015 2.38277 Group: MWG Date Residual 9/26/1994 2.07128 11/14/1994 2.07128 1/4/1995 2.07128 2/22/1995 2.07128 10/3/1995 2.07128 6/4/1996 2.07128 8/23/1996 2.07128 12/3/1996 2.07128 1/14/1997 2.07128 10/1/1997 2.07128 2/1/1998 2.07128 4/1/1998 2.07128 6/1/1998 2.07128 8/4/1999 2.07128 11/9/1999 2.07128 9/26/2000 2.07128 1/30/2001 2.07128 9/27/2001 2.07128 1/9/2002 2.07128 10/2/2002 2.07128 5/13/2003 2.07128 10/1/2003 2.07128 6/2/2004 2.07128 10/5/2004 2.07128 5/17/2005 2.07128 10/17/2005 2.07128 5/10/2006 2.07128 10/17/2006 2.07128 5/16/2007 2.07128 10/23/2007 2.07128 6/10/2008 2.07128 10/23/2008 2.07128 5/6/2009 2.07128 10/20/2009 13.9187 2/3/2010 2.07128 5/12/2010 26.9187 10/6/2010 2.07128 5/20/2011 2.07128 10/6/2011 2.07128 5/16/2012 2.07128 10/3/2012 2.07128 9/4/2013 2.07128 12/4/2013 2.07128 5/29/2014 14.3187 11/5/2014 21.9187 6/8/2015 2.07128 10/27/2015 9.91872 Group: MWI Date Residual 9/26/1994 0.678298 11/14/1994 0.678298 1/4/1995 0.678298 2/22/1995 0.678298 10/3/1995 0.678298 6/4/1996 0.678298 8/23/1996 0.678298 12/3/1996 0.678298 1/14/1997 0.678298 10/1/1997 0.678298 2/1/1998 0.678298 4/1/1998 0.678298 6/1/1998 0.678298 Page 166 8/4/1999 0.678298 11/9/1999 0.678298 9/26/2000 0.678298 1/30/2001 0.678298 9/27/2001 0.678298 1/9/2002 0.678298 10/2/2002 0.678298 5/13/2003 0.678298 10/1/2003 0.678298 6/2/2004 0.678298 10/5/2004 0.678298 5/17/2005 0.678298 10/17/2005 0.678298 5/10/2006 0.678298 10/17/2006 0.678298 5/16/2007 0.678298 10/23/2007 0.678298 6/10/2008 0.678298 10/23/2008 0.678298 5/6/2009 0.678298 10/20/2009 0.678298 2/3/2010 0.678298 5/12/2010 0.678298 10/6/2010 16.3117 5/20/2011 0.678298 10/6/2011 0.678298 5/16/2012 0.678298 10/3/2012 0.678298 9/4/2013 14.2117 12/4/2013 0.678298 5/29/2014 0.678298 11/5/2014 0.678298 6/8/2015 0.678298 10/27/2015 0.678298 Group: MWJ Date Residual 9/26/1994 114.033 11/14/1994 81.0334 1/4/1995 4.9566 2/22/1995 4.9566 10/3/1995 4.9566 6/4/1996 4.9566 8/23/1996 4.9566 12/3/1996 4.9566 1/14/1997 4.9566 10/1/1997 4.9566 2/1/1998 4.9566 4/1/1998 4.9566 6/1/1998 4.9566 8/4/1999 4.9566 11/9/1999 4.9566 9/26/2000 4.9566 1/30/2001 4.9566 9/27/2001 4.9566 1/9/2002 4.9566 10/2/2002 4.9566 5/13/2003 4.9566 10/1/2003 4.9566 6/2/2004 4.9566 10/5/2004 4.9566 5/17/2005 4.9566 10/17/2005 4.9566 5/10/2006 4.9566 10/17/2006 4.9566 5/16/2007 4.9566 10/23/2007 4.9566 6/10/2008 4.9566 10/23/2008 4.9566 5/6/2009 4.9566 10/20/2009 10.0334 2/3/2010 4.9566 Page 167 5/12/2010 4.9566 10/6/2010 4.9566 5/20/2011 4.9566 10/6/2011 4.9566 5/16/2012 4.9566 10/3/2012 4.9566 9/4/2013 4.9566 12/4/2013 4.9566 5/29/2014 4.9566 11/5/2014 4.9566 6/8/2015 8.0334 10/27/2015 4.9566 Group: MWK Date Residual 9/26/1994 1.40383 11/14/1994 53.5862 1/4/1995 1.40383 2/22/1995 1.40383 10/3/1995 1.40383 6/4/1996 1.40383 8/23/1996 1.40383 12/3/1996 1.40383 1/14/1997 1.40383 10/1/1997 1.40383 2/1/1998 1.40383 4/1/1998 1.40383 6/1/1998 1.40383 8/4/1999 1.40383 11/9/1999 1.40383 9/26/2000 1.40383 1/30/2001 1.40383 9/27/2001 1.40383 1/9/2002 1.40383 10/2/2002 1.40383 5/13/2003 1.40383 10/1/2003 1.40383 6/2/2004 1.40383 10/5/2004 1.40383 5/17/2005 1.40383 10/17/2005 1.40383 5/10/2006 1.40383 10/17/2006 1.40383 5/16/2007 1.40383 10/23/2007 1.40383 6/10/2008 1.40383 10/23/2008 1.40383 5/6/2009 1.40383 10/20/2009 1.40383 2/3/2010 1.40383 5/12/2010 1.40383 10/6/2010 1.40383 5/20/2011 1.40383 10/6/2011 1.40383 5/16/2012 1.40383 10/3/2012 1.40383 9/4/2013 1.40383 12/4/2013 1.40383 5/29/2014 1.40383 11/5/2014 1.40383 6/8/2015 1.40383 10/27/2015 9.58617 Page 168 Shapiro-Francia Test of Normality Parameter: Zinc All Locations Normality Test of Parameter Concentrations Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Total Number of Measurements = 376 i x(i)m(i)sum(m^2)sum(mx) 1 0.01 -2.87815 8.28375 -0.0287815 2 0.01 -2.57583 14.9187 -0.0545399 3 0.01 -2.45727 20.9569 -0.0791126 4 0.01 -2.32634 26.3687 -0.102376 5 0.01 -2.22621 31.3247 -0.124638 6 0.01 -2.17009 36.034 -0.146339 7 0.01 -2.09693 40.4311 -0.167308 8 0.01 -2.03352 44.5663 -0.187643 9 0.01 -1.99539 48.5479 -0.207597 10 0.01 -1.94314 52.3237 -0.227029 11 0.01 -1.8957 55.9174 -0.245986 12 0.01 -1.86629 59.4004 -0.264649 13 0.01 -1.82501 62.7311 -0.282899 14 0.01 -1.78661 65.9231 -0.300765 15 0.01 -1.76241 69.0291 -0.318389 16 0.01 -1.72793 72.0149 -0.335668 17 0.01 -1.6954 74.8893 -0.352622 18 0.01 -1.67466 77.6938 -0.369369 19 0.01 -1.64485 80.3993 -0.385817 20 0.01 -1.61644 83.0122 -0.401982 21 0.01 -1.59819 85.5664 -0.417964 22 0.01 -1.57179 88.0369 -0.433682 23 0.01 -1.54643 90.4284 -0.449146 24 0.01 -1.53007 92.7695 -0.464447 25 0.01 -1.50626 95.0383 -0.479509 26 0.01 -1.49085 97.2609 -0.494418 27 0.01 -1.46838 99.4171 -0.509101 28 0.01 -1.44663 101.51 -0.523568 29 0.01 -1.4325 103.562 -0.537893 30 0.01 -1.41183 105.555 -0.552011 31 0.01 -1.39175 107.492 -0.565929 32 0.01 -1.37866 109.393 -0.579715 33 0.01 -1.35946 111.241 -0.59331 34 0.01 -1.34075 113.039 -0.606717 35 0.01 -1.32854 114.804 -0.620003 36 0.01 -1.31058 116.521 -0.633109 37 0.01 -1.29303 118.193 -0.646039 38 0.01 -1.28155 119.836 -0.658854 39 0.01 -1.26464 121.435 -0.671501 40 0.01 -1.24809 122.993 -0.683982 41 0.01 -1.23724 124.523 -0.696354 42 0.01 -1.22123 126.015 -0.708566 43 0.01 -1.20553 127.468 -0.720622 44 0.01 -1.19522 128.897 -0.732574 45 0.01 -1.18 130.289 -0.744374 46 0.01 -1.16505 131.646 -0.756024 47 0.01 -1.15522 132.981 -0.767576 48 0.01 -1.14069 134.282 -0.778983 49 0.01 -1.13113 135.561 -0.790295 50 0.01 -1.11699 136.809 -0.801465 51 0.01 -1.10306 138.026 -0.812495 52 0.01 -1.0939 139.222 -0.823434 53 0.01 -1.08032 140.39 -0.834237 54 0.01 -1.06694 141.528 -0.844907 55 0.01 -1.05812 142.648 -0.855488 56 0.01 -1.04505 143.74 -0.865938 57 0.01 -1.03215 144.805 -0.87626 58 0.01 -1.02365 145.853 -0.886497 59 0.01 -1.01104 146.875 -0.896607 60 0.01 -0.998575 147.872 -0.906593 61 0.01 -0.990356 148.853 -0.916496 62 0.01 -0.97815 149.81 -0.926278 Page 169 63 0.01 -0.966088 150.743 -0.935939 64 0.01 -0.958125 151.661 -0.94552 65 0.01 -0.946291 152.557 -0.954983 66 0.01 -0.93459 153.43 -0.964329 67 0.01 -0.926859 154.289 -0.973597 68 0.01 -0.915365 155.127 -0.982751 69 0.01 -0.903992 155.944 -0.991791 70 0.01 -0.896473 156.748 -1.00076 71 0.01 -0.885291 157.532 -1.00961 72 0.01 -0.877897 158.302 -1.01839 73 0.01 -0.866894 159.054 -1.02706 74 0.01 -0.855996 159.787 -1.03562 75 0.01 -0.848786 160.507 -1.0441 76 0.01 -0.838054 161.209 -1.05248 77 0.01 -0.827417 161.894 -1.06076 78 0.01 -0.820379 162.567 -1.06896 79 0.01 -0.809896 163.223 -1.07706 80 0.01 -0.7995 163.862 -1.08506 81 0.01 -0.792618 164.49 -1.09298 82 0.01 -0.782366 165.102 -1.10081 83 0.01 -0.772193 165.699 -1.10853 84 0.01 -0.765456 166.285 -1.11618 85 0.01 -0.755415 166.855 -1.12374 86 0.01 -0.745449 167.411 -1.13119 87 0.01 -0.738846 167.957 -1.13858 88 0.01 -0.729003 168.488 -1.14587 89 0.01 -0.719228 169.006 -1.15306 90 0.01 -0.712751 169.514 -1.16019 91 0.01 -0.703089 170.008 -1.16722 92 0.01 -0.693493 170.489 -1.17416 93 0.01 -0.687131 170.961 -1.18103 94 0.01 -0.677639 171.42 -1.1878 95 0.01 -0.671346 171.871 -1.19452 96 0.01 -0.661955 172.309 -1.20114 97 0.01 -0.652622 172.735 -1.20766 98 0.01 -0.646431 173.153 -1.21413 99 0.01 -0.637192 173.559 -1.2205 100 0.01 -0.628006 173.953 -1.22678 101 0.01 -0.621911 174.34 -1.233 102 0.01 -0.612813 174.716 -1.23913 103 0.01 -0.603765 175.08 -1.24516 104 0.01 -0.597761 175.437 -1.25114 105 0.01 -0.588793 175.784 -1.25703 106 0.01 -0.579873 176.12 -1.26283 107 0.01 -0.573953 176.45 -1.26857 108 0.01 -0.565108 176.769 -1.27422 109 0.01 -0.556308 177.079 -1.27978 110 0.01 -0.550465 177.382 -1.28529 111 0.01 -0.541736 177.675 -1.2907 112 0.01 -0.533048 177.959 -1.29603 113 0.01 -0.52728 178.237 -1.30131 114 0.01 -0.518658 178.506 -1.30649 115 0.01 -0.510074 178.766 -1.31159 116 0.01 -0.504372 179.021 -1.31664 117 0.01 -0.49585 179.267 -1.3216 118 0.01 -0.490189 179.507 -1.3265 119 0.01 -0.481728 179.739 -1.33132 120 0.01 -0.473299 179.963 -1.33605 121 0.01 -0.467699 180.182 -1.34073 122 0.01 -0.459327 180.393 -1.34532 123 0.01 -0.450985 180.596 -1.34983 124 0.01 -0.445443 180.795 -1.35428 125 0.01 -0.437153 180.986 -1.35865 126 0.01 -0.428895 181.17 -1.36294 127 0.01 -0.423405 181.349 -1.36718 128 0.01 -0.415193 181.521 -1.37133 129 0.01 -0.40701 181.687 -1.3754 130 0.01 -0.401571 181.848 -1.37942 131 0.01 -0.393433 182.003 -1.38335 132 0.01 -0.385321 182.152 -1.3872 133 0.01 -0.379927 182.296 -1.391 Page 170 134 0.01 -0.371856 182.434 -1.39472 135 0.01 -0.363809 182.567 -1.39836 136 0.01 -0.358459 182.695 -1.40194 137 0.01 -0.350451 182.818 -1.40545 138 0.01 -0.342466 182.935 -1.40887 139 0.01 -0.337155 183.049 -1.41224 140 0.01 -0.329206 183.157 -1.41554 141 0.01 -0.321278 183.26 -1.41875 142 0.01 -0.316004 183.36 -1.42191 143 0.01 -0.308108 183.455 -1.42499 144 0.01 -0.302855 183.547 -1.42802 145 0.01 -0.294992 183.634 -1.43097 146 0.01 -0.287147 183.716 -1.43384 147 0.01 -0.281926 183.796 -1.43666 148 0.01 -0.27411 183.871 -1.4394 149 0.01 -0.266311 183.942 -1.44206 150 0.01 -0.26112 184.01 -1.44467 151 0.01 -0.253347 184.074 -1.44721 152 0.01 -0.24559 184.135 -1.44966 153 0.01 -0.240426 184.192 -1.45207 154 0.01 -0.232693 184.247 -1.4544 155 0.01 -0.224974 184.297 -1.45665 156 0.01 -0.219834 184.345 -1.45884 157 0.01 -0.212137 184.39 -1.46096 158 0.01 -0.204452 184.432 -1.46301 159 0.01 -0.199336 184.472 -1.465 160 0.01 -0.191671 184.509 -1.46692 161 0.01 -0.184017 184.543 -1.46876 162 0.01 -0.17892 184.575 -1.47055 163 0.01 -0.171285 184.604 -1.47226 164 0.01 -0.163659 184.631 -1.4739 165 0.01 -0.158579 184.656 -1.47548 166 0.01 -0.150969 184.679 -1.47699 167 0.01 -0.1459 184.7 -1.47845 168 0.01 -0.138305 184.719 -1.47984 169 0.01 -0.130716 184.736 -1.48114 170 0.01 -0.125661 184.752 -1.4824 171 0.01 -0.118085 184.766 -1.48358 172 0.01 -0.110516 184.778 -1.48469 173 0.01 -0.105474 184.789 -1.48574 174 0.01 -0.0979139 184.799 -1.48672 175 0.01 -0.0903606 184.807 -1.48762 176 0.01 -0.0853288 184.814 -1.48848 177 0.01 -0.0777834 184.82 -1.48925 178 0.01 -0.0702426 184.825 -1.48996 179 0.01 -0.0652187 184.83 -1.49061 180 0.01 -0.0576847 184.833 -1.49119 181 0.01 -0.0501541 184.835 -1.49169 182 0.01 -0.0451348 184.837 -1.49214 183 0.01 -0.0376076 184.839 -1.49251 184 0.01 -0.0300838 184.84 -1.49282 185 0.01 -0.0250691 184.84 -1.49307 186 0.01 -0.0175476 184.841 -1.49324 187 0.01 -0.0100272 184.841 -1.49334 188 0.01 -0.00501359 184.841 -1.49339 189 0.01 0.00501359 184.841 -1.49334 190 0.01 0.0100272 184.841 -1.49324 191 0.01 0.0175476 184.841 -1.49307 192 0.01 0.0250691 184.842 -1.49282 193 0.01 0.0300838 184.843 -1.49251 194 0.01 0.0376076 184.844 -1.49214 195 0.01 0.0451348 184.846 -1.49169 196 0.01 0.0501541 184.849 -1.49119 197 0.01 0.0576847 184.852 -1.49061 198 0.01 0.0652187 184.856 -1.48996 199 0.01 0.0702426 184.861 -1.48925 200 0.01 0.0777834 184.867 -1.48848 201 0.01 0.0853288 184.875 -1.48762 202 0.01 0.0903606 184.883 -1.48672 203 0.01 0.0979139 184.892 -1.48574 204 0.01 0.105474 184.903 -1.48469 Page 171 205 0.01 0.110516 184.916 -1.48358 206 0.01 0.118085 184.93 -1.4824 207 0.01 0.125661 184.945 -1.48114 208 0.01 0.130716 184.962 -1.47984 209 0.01 0.138305 184.982 -1.47845 210 0.01 0.1459 185.003 -1.47699 211 0.01 0.150969 185.026 -1.47548 212 0.01 0.158579 185.051 -1.4739 213 0.01 0.163659 185.078 -1.47226 214 0.01 0.171285 185.107 -1.47055 215 0.01 0.17892 185.139 -1.46876 216 0.01 0.184017 185.173 -1.46692 217 0.01 0.191671 185.21 -1.465 218 0.01 0.199336 185.249 -1.46301 219 0.01 0.204452 185.291 -1.46096 220 0.01 0.212137 185.336 -1.45884 221 0.01 0.219834 185.384 -1.45665 222 0.01 0.224974 185.435 -1.4544 223 0.01 0.232693 185.489 -1.45207 224 0.01 0.240426 185.547 -1.44966 225 0.01 0.24559 185.607 -1.44721 226 0.01 0.253347 185.672 -1.44467 227 0.01 0.26112 185.74 -1.44206 228 0.01 0.266311 185.811 -1.4394 229 0.01 0.27411 185.886 -1.43666 230 0.01 0.281926 185.965 -1.43384 231 0.01 0.287147 186.048 -1.43097 232 0.01 0.294992 186.135 -1.42802 233 0.01 0.302855 186.226 -1.42499 234 0.01 0.308108 186.321 -1.42191 235 0.01 0.316004 186.421 -1.41875 236 0.01 0.321278 186.524 -1.41554 237 0.01 0.329206 186.633 -1.41224 238 0.01 0.337155 186.746 -1.40887 239 0.01 0.342466 186.864 -1.40545 240 0.01 0.350451 186.987 -1.40194 241 0.01 0.358459 187.115 -1.39836 242 0.01 0.363809 187.247 -1.39472 243 0.01 0.371856 187.386 -1.391 244 0.01 0.379927 187.53 -1.3872 245 0.01 0.385321 187.679 -1.38335 246 0.01 0.393433 187.833 -1.37942 247 0.01 0.401571 187.995 -1.3754 248 0.01 0.40701 188.16 -1.37133 249 0.01 0.415193 188.333 -1.36718 250 0.01 0.423405 188.512 -1.36294 251 0.01 0.428895 188.696 -1.35865 252 0.01 0.437153 188.887 -1.35428 253 0.01 0.445443 189.085 -1.34983 254 0.01 0.450985 189.289 -1.34532 255 0.01 0.459327 189.5 -1.34073 256 0.01 0.467699 189.718 -1.33605 257 0.01 0.473299 189.942 -1.33132 258 0.01 0.481728 190.175 -1.3265 259 0.01 0.490189 190.415 -1.3216 260 0.01 0.49585 190.661 -1.31664 261 0.01 0.504372 190.915 -1.31159 262 0.01 0.510074 191.175 -1.30649 263 0.01 0.518658 191.444 -1.30131 264 0.01 0.52728 191.722 -1.29603 265 0.01 0.533048 192.006 -1.2907 266 0.01 0.541736 192.3 -1.28529 267 0.01 0.550465 192.603 -1.27978 268 0.01 0.556308 192.912 -1.27422 269 0.01 0.565108 193.232 -1.26857 270 0.01 0.573953 193.561 -1.26283 271 0.01 0.579873 193.897 -1.25703 272 0.01 0.588793 194.244 -1.25114 273 0.01 0.597761 194.601 -1.24516 274 0.01 0.603765 194.966 -1.23913 275 0.01 0.612813 195.341 -1.233 Page 172 276 0.01 0.621911 195.728 -1.22678 277 0.01 0.628006 196.123 -1.2205 278 0.01 0.637192 196.529 -1.21413 279 0.01 0.646431 196.947 -1.20766 280 0.01 0.652622 197.372 -1.20114 281 0.01 0.661955 197.811 -1.19452 282 0.01 0.671346 198.261 -1.1878 283 0.01 0.677639 198.721 -1.18103 284 0.01 0.687131 199.193 -1.17416 285 0.01 0.693493 199.674 -1.16722 286 0.01 0.703089 200.168 -1.16019 287 0.01 0.712751 200.676 -1.15306 288 0.01 0.719228 201.193 -1.14587 289 0.01 0.729003 201.725 -1.13858 290 0.01 0.738846 202.271 -1.13119 291 0.01 0.745449 202.826 -1.12374 292 0.01 0.755415 203.397 -1.11618 293 0.01 0.765456 203.983 -1.10853 294 0.01 0.772193 204.579 -1.10081 295 0.01 0.782366 205.191 -1.09298 296 0.01 0.792618 205.819 -1.08506 297 0.01 0.7995 206.459 -1.07706 298 0.01 0.809896 207.115 -1.06896 299 0.01 0.820379 207.788 -1.06076 300 0.01 0.827417 208.472 -1.05248 301 0.01 0.838054 209.175 -1.0441 302 0.01 0.848786 209.895 -1.03562 303 0.01 0.855996 210.628 -1.02706 304 0.01 0.866894 211.379 -1.01839 305 0.01 0.877897 212.15 -1.00961 306 0.01 0.885291 212.934 -1.00076 307 0.01 0.896473 213.737 -0.991791 308 0.01 0.903992 214.555 -0.982751 309 0.01 0.915365 215.392 -0.973597 310 0.01 0.926859 216.252 -0.964329 311 0.01 0.93459 217.125 -0.954983 312 0.01 0.946291 218.02 -0.94552 313 0.01 0.958125 218.938 -0.935939 314 0.01 0.966088 219.872 -0.926278 315 0.01 0.97815 220.829 -0.916496 316 0.01 0.990356 221.809 -0.906593 317 0.01 0.998575 222.807 -0.896607 318 0.01 1.01104 223.829 -0.886497 319 0.01 1.02365 224.877 -0.87626 320 0.01 1.03215 225.942 -0.865938 321 0.01 1.04505 227.034 -0.855488 322 0.01 1.05812 228.154 -0.844907 323 0.01 1.06694 229.292 -0.834237 324 0.01 1.08032 230.459 -0.823434 325 0.01 1.0939 231.656 -0.812495 326 0.01 1.10306 232.872 -0.801465 327 0.01 1.11699 234.12 -0.790295 328 0.01 1.13113 235.4 -0.778983 329 0.01 1.14069 236.701 -0.767576 330 0.01 1.15522 238.035 -0.756024 331 0.01 1.16505 239.393 -0.744374 332 0.01 1.18 240.785 -0.732574 333 0.01 1.19522 242.214 -0.720622 334 0.01 1.20553 243.667 -0.708566 335 0.01 1.22123 245.158 -0.696354 336 0.01 1.23724 246.689 -0.683982 337 0.01 1.24809 248.247 -0.671501 338 0.01 1.26464 249.846 -0.658854 339 0.01 1.28155 251.488 -0.646039 340 0.01 1.29303 253.16 -0.633109 341 0.01 1.31058 254.878 -0.620003 342 0.01 1.32854 256.643 -0.606717 343 0.01 1.34075 258.441 -0.59331 344 0.01 1.35946 260.289 -0.579715 345 0.01 1.37866 262.189 -0.565929 346 0.01 1.39175 264.126 -0.552011 Page 173 347 0.01 1.41183 266.12 -0.537893 348 0.01 1.4325 268.172 -0.523568 349 0.01 1.44663 270.265 -0.509101 350 0.01 1.46838 272.421 -0.494418 351 0.01 1.49085 274.643 -0.479509 352 0.01 1.50626 276.912 -0.464447 353 0.01 1.53007 279.253 -0.449146 354 0.01 1.54643 281.645 -0.433682 355 0.01 1.57179 284.115 -0.417964 356 0.01 1.59819 286.669 -0.401982 357 8.6 1.61644 289.282 13.4994 358 11 1.64485 291.988 31.5927 359 12 1.67466 294.792 51.6887 360 13 1.6954 297.667 73.7289 361 14 1.72793 300.652 97.9199 362 14.3 1.76241 303.759 123.122 363 14.9 1.78661 306.951 149.743 364 15 1.82501 310.281 177.118 365 16 1.86629 313.764 206.979 366 16.4 1.8957 317.358 238.068 367 17 1.94314 321.134 271.101 368 24 1.99539 325.115 318.991 369 29 2.03352 329.25 377.963 370 53 2.09693 333.648 489.1 371 55 2.17009 338.357 608.455 372 63 2.22621 343.313 748.706 373 63 2.32634 348.725 895.266 374 86 2.45727 354.763 1106.59 375 112 2.57583 361.398 1395.08 376 119 2.87815 369.682 1737.58 Data Set Standard Deviation = 11.5383 Numerator = 3.0192e+006 Denominator = 1.84561e+007 W Statistic = 0.163588 = 3.0192e+006 / 1.84561e+007 5% Critical value of 0.976 exceeds 0.163588 Evidence of non-normality at 95% level of significance 1% Critical value of 0.967 exceeds 0.163588 Evidence of non-normality at 99% level of significance Page 174 Poisson Prediction Limit (Inter-Well) Parameter: Zinc Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Recent Dates = 1 Poisson Count of 94 background Samples = 188.5 99% t-test = 2.36711 95% t-test = 1.6614 Well: MWB Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 5.40509 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 4.38523 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 0.01 FALSE FALSE Well: MWE Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 5.40509 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 4.38523 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 0.01 FALSE FALSE Well: MWG Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 5.40509 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 4.38523 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 12 TRUE TRUE Well: MWI Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 5.40509 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 4.38523 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 0.01 FALSE FALSE Well: MWJ Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 5.40509 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 4.38523 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 0.01 FALSE FALSE Well: MWK Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0106383 Page 175 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 5.40509 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 4.38523 Samples Sum 95 %tile 99 %tile 1 11 TRUE TRUE Page 176 Non-Parametric Prediction Interval Intra-Well Comparison for MWG Parameter: Zinc Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Total Percent Non-Detects = 91.3043% Future Samples (k) = 1 Recent Dates = 1 Baseline Measurements (n) = 46 Maximum Baseline Concentration = 29 Confidence Level = 97.9% False Positive Rate = 2.1% Baseline Measurements Date Value 9/26/1994 ND<0.01 11/14/1994 ND<0.01 1/4/1995 ND<0.01 2/22/1995 ND<0.01 10/3/1995 ND<0.01 6/4/1996 ND<0.01 8/23/1996 ND<0.01 12/3/1996 ND<0.01 1/14/1997 ND<0.01 10/1/1997 ND<0.01 2/1/1998 ND<0.01 4/1/1998 ND<0.01 6/1/1998 ND<0.01 8/4/1999 ND<0.01 11/9/1999 ND<0.01 9/26/2000 ND<0.01 1/30/2001 ND<0.01 9/27/2001 ND<0.01 1/9/2002 ND<0.01 10/2/2002 ND<0.01 5/13/2003 ND<0.01 10/1/2003 ND<0.01 6/2/2004 ND<0.01 10/5/2004 ND<0.01 5/17/2005 ND<0.01 10/17/2005 ND<0.01 5/10/2006 ND<0.01 10/17/2006 ND<0.01 5/16/2007 ND<0.01 10/23/2007 ND<0.01 6/10/2008 ND<0.01 10/23/2008 ND<0.01 5/6/2009 ND<0.01 10/20/2009 16 2/3/2010 ND<0.01 5/12/2010 29 10/6/2010 ND<0.01 5/20/2011 ND<0.01 10/6/2011 ND<0.01 5/16/2012 ND<0.01 10/3/2012 ND<0.01 9/4/2013 ND<0.01 12/4/2013 ND<0.01 5/29/2014 16.4 11/5/2014 24 6/8/2015 ND<0.01 Date Count Mean Significant 10/27/2015 1 12 FALSE Page 177 Poisson Prediction Limit (Intra-Well Comparison) Parameter: Zinc Well: MWK Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Baseline Samples = 46 Recent Dates = 1 Baseline Samples Date Conc.Cum Sum 9/26/1994 ND<0.01 0.01 11/14/1994 55 55.01 1/4/1995 ND<0.01 55.02 2/22/1995 ND<0.01 55.03 10/3/1995 ND<0.01 55.04 6/4/1996 ND<0.01 55.05 8/23/1996 ND<0.01 55.06 12/3/1996 ND<0.01 55.07 1/14/1997 ND<0.01 55.08 10/1/1997 ND<0.01 55.09 2/1/1998 ND<0.01 55.1 4/1/1998 ND<0.01 55.11 6/1/1998 ND<0.01 55.12 8/4/1999 ND<0.01 55.13 11/9/1999 ND<0.01 55.14 9/26/2000 ND<0.01 55.15 1/30/2001 ND<0.01 55.16 9/27/2001 ND<0.01 55.17 1/9/2002 ND<0.01 55.18 10/2/2002 ND<0.01 55.19 5/13/2003 ND<0.01 55.2 10/1/2003 ND<0.01 55.21 6/2/2004 ND<0.01 55.22 10/5/2004 ND<0.01 55.23 5/17/2005 ND<0.01 55.24 10/17/2005 ND<0.01 55.25 5/10/2006 ND<0.01 55.26 10/17/2006 ND<0.01 55.27 5/16/2007 ND<0.01 55.28 10/23/2007 ND<0.01 55.29 6/10/2008 ND<0.01 55.3 10/23/2008 ND<0.01 55.31 5/6/2009 ND<0.01 55.32 10/20/2009 ND<0.01 55.33 2/3/2010 ND<0.01 55.34 5/12/2010 ND<0.01 55.35 10/6/2010 ND<0.01 55.36 5/20/2011 ND<0.01 55.37 10/6/2011 ND<0.01 55.38 5/16/2012 ND<0.01 55.39 10/3/2012 ND<0.01 55.4 9/4/2013 ND<0.01 55.41 12/4/2013 ND<0.01 55.42 5/29/2014 ND<0.01 55.43 11/5/2014 ND<0.01 55.44 6/8/2015 ND<0.01 55.45 Poisson Count of 46 baseline Samples = 55.45 99% t-test = 2.41212 95% t-test = 1.67943 Comparison Samples Date Conc.Sum.Samples Cum. Sum 10/27/2015 11 11 1 11 Number of comparisons = 1 Future Samples (k) = 1 c = 0.0217391 99% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.94637 95% Prediction Limit (Tk) = 3.10016 Page 178 Samples Sum 95% SSI 99% SSI 1 11 TRUE TRUE