HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoxmeer_Tank Closure Report 10-25-93TAT,IK CLOSURE REPORT Stork Screens America, Inc. 2201 North I-85 Charlotte, North Carolina SPATCO Work Order #90[0448/. PREPARED FON: Mr. Greg Camp Stork Screens of America, Irc. 3201 North I-85 Charlotte, North Carolina PREPARED BY: SPATCO Environmental 5100 North I-85, Suite 6 Charlotte, North Carolina 282M October 25, 1993 I I I nABLE oF coNTENrs I cERrrFrcArroN ...iii I 10 Hffi8$:i":y 'l:.::: l^Y :T1liT',:I 1* 1 I 2.0 soIL sAl,rpLrNG/FTELD SCREENTNG 1 3.0 I-ABORATORY RESI]LTS 2 I 4.0 srrE sENsrrrvrry E,ALUATT.N 3 I 5.0 coNCLUsroN . 3 t LIST OF TABIfr,S I TABLE I. Underground Storage Tank Data TABLE II. OVA Readings and Soil Sample Laboratory Results I LIST OF FIGURES I Figure I USGS Quadrangle Map Figure 2 Site Plan I LIST OF I,PPENDICES I Appendix I 30-day Notification of Intent of Closure (GW/UST-3 Form) t Appendix tr Certificate of Disposal Appendix Itr Laboratory Results and Chain of Custody I Appendix IV Site Investigation Report for Permanent Closure/Site Sensitivity Evaluationr or Change in Service of UST (GWUST-2 form) I Iii I 4 5 I I I t I T I I t I I I I I I t I I I CERTIFICATION This report has been prepared under the guidance of a North Carolina Licensed Geologist to meet the requirements of the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources. The information and conclusions expressed in this report are based ulnn normal standards of the profession and limited to information available at this time, Chemical analyses of samples associated with this report were performed by a subcontracted independent certified laboratory. I-aboratory results have been accepted on the basis of subcontractor's internal laboratory procedures and should be considered qualitative unless verified with appropriate QA/@ samples analysis. NC Licensed Geologist #1160 $}iiffi &o*, T(X., 94,1E4, lLAt-g3 ru I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I t 1.0 UI\DERGROI]ND STORAGE TAI\K EXCAVATION Ah[D REIVIOYAL On September 16, 1993, SPATCO Environmental excavated and disposed of one (1) 1,000 gallon oil and one (1) 550 gallon oil and water underground storage tanks (USTs) from the Stork Screens site at 3201 N. I-85 in Charlotte, North Carolina. Figure 1 is a copy of the USGS 7L/z' qtadrangle for Derita strowing the location of the site. Table I summarizes relevant information peraining to the USTs. Prior to tank removal, a Notification of Intent of Closure (3Gday Notice) was filed with the NCDEIINR on August 2, 1993. A copy of the notification is attached in Appendix I. hcal fire marstrall permits were not required prior to tank closure. Immediately before tank excavation, the USTs were inerted with dry ice and product lines werg purged with nitrogen, following API recommended guidelines. The USTs were fianslrcrted by Southern Tank and Environmental to their disposaf facility for proper disposal. A certificate of disposal of the USTs is included in Appendix tr. 2.0 SOILSAIVIPLING/FIELD SCREENING Soils encountered during excavation were primarily sandy silt. Bedrock was not encountered. Soil samples were obtained from the undisturbed soil withinthe excavation pit using the excavator bucket. Additionally, sil samples were obtained along the product lines and in the vicinity of a pump island adjacent to the USTs. Figure 2 is a site plan showing the former tank and sampling locations. New, disposable, latex gloves were worn during each transfer of soil from the excavator bucket to the glass containers. After collection, soil samples were divided into two represenative portions. The first portion of each sample was placed in a polyethylene bqg for at least five minutes. An OVA was used to screen the head space of the bagged sample. Daa is presented in Table tr. sblt rcn. 9,,E1, lbu-93 t I I T I T t I I I I t I t I t I T I The second portion of the soil samples collected during tank closure was placed in an appropriate glass container and sealed with a Teflono lined cap. The soil samples were maintained at approximately 4"C for laboratory analysis. Samples were shipped to EnviroTech Mid-At1antic and analyzed for the following: o Oil & Grease (O & G), EPA Method 9071o Volatile Organics, EPA Method 8021o TCLP Metalso TCLP Organics (Volatile, Semi-Volatile) Proper Chain of Custody procedures were followed. The Chain of Custody and laboratory analysis is attached in Appendix Itr and are summarized in Table tr. 3.0 LABORATORY RESI]LTS Iaboratory results of soil samples collected from beneath the 550 and 1,000 gallon UST that were analyzed for oil and grease and VOCs by EPA Method 8021 indicated lwels in excess of NCDEIINR limits. Details of the identifid compounds and results are summariz€d in Table Itr. Refening to Table III, laboratory results were as follows: o Soil sample OVf-l indicated ethylbenzene, toluene, and total xylenes concentrations of 110,000, 44,000, and 580,000 pElKE, respectively. Oil and grease analysis indicated a concenffation of 49,800 mg/Kg. Soil sample OW-2 indicated ethylbenzene, toluene, and total xylenas concenffations of 2,300, 550, and 12,000 pglKg, respectively. Oil and grease analysis indicated a concentration of 13,950 mg/Kg. Soil sample DB-1 indicated total xylerrc, ild 1,1,1 Tlichloroethane concentrations of 240 and 200 ttglKg, reqpectively. Oil and grease analysis indicated a concentration of 760 mglKg. Soil sample DB-Z indicated total xylene, ffid 1,1,1 Trichloroethane concenEations of 630 and 430 pglK5, resptively. Oil and grease analysis indicated a concentration of 460 mg/Kg. &r4?1tr,9-1,t81,1&25-9t I I I I I I I I I T I t I I I I I I I Soil sample DB-3 and DB-1A were analyzed for TCLP metals and organics did not indicate any concenfiations above NCDEHNR guidelines. 4.0 SIIESEI.ISITTVTTYEVALUATION Bas€d on soil concentration on NCDEIINR action limits, impacted soil exists above the regulatory action Umit. SPATCO has completed a Site Sensitivity Evaltr,ation (SSE). The SSE is used to determine the risk of impact to human health for soils impacted above NCDEIINR action limits. Groundwater was not encountered in the tank excavation and is assumed to be greatcr ttran 20 feet below surface. Bedrock was not encountered in the tank excavation and is assumed to be approximately 60 feet below surface. A quarter mile potable well search was initiated and indicated no production wells within 1,500 feet. Based on these data, a SSE rating of 75 was evaluated. The site was categorized as E, which allows up to z,l$ ppm of oil and grease impacted soil. The SSE is attached as Appendix IV. 5.0 coNcLusroN Based on the elevation levels of volatile organic constituents in the soil and the SSE, further action and additional assessments may be warranted. A completed UST-2 forrt is attached in Appurdix IV. tu*.?Cn, 9UA,LG25-93 I I t I I I T I I I I t I I I I T I I TABLE I. Underground Storage Tank Data :iiiiiDiilrg iiiii::,',ii'ttr.''X,,,,I.}',ii:i:"ii ii:i$ol6ffi eiiii.::::i::i: l(sallffisfiiiriiii i i i i i:i:r,:,;',,i,!,!,:,.StOtgU:::iiiiiiiiiili iir.i.:illl.lr.ljjjlrr:r'i!!i j jii.lri i!i!!i:ri:]r1ii::: :,:,:,:,:,i,i:i:i:i:it:,,.F.f,oifu Gtr:r::::::::::::::ii.riii: 1 Steel 4'0" x 8'0"Flow Through OilMater 2 Steel 4'0" x 8'O'l,OOO oil 4,$arl, ICf,, 9,UA, lb6-gt E Rd I ${r .: E tr .9 C'o €E]8of3EIn OF6z l:::l:1:l::.::,:.,:a:,:,:,t.::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::a:r:J':::::::::::. j:,::5::::::.',:,,.:.:::i:,:,:,. :'::: :::: :r:jl =.:.:.G.:.:.:,:',,:,:,:.O.,.5::: tiiii.i ji:.liil:iii,i,.::,i odl Jodl o(ol\ o(o+Fz Fz ::::::iri:1:::::::i:i:::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::1ll::::::l ':.:..ri::.:::.:::::.4...:.: ,iriri i!,,fll.i:f ..i..l :::::::::::i:{::::lL::::::l .,!:.,!,!,!,iii::,lii::.::, .::::::i::::::::::::::E: : :' i:::::::i:;:i:::i:i:irl:i:i:.j*fi..,.tffi riil:ii:iiiii::::!:i:ii;iir.:::::::::::::::::::::.:a:::::: ,.:!:!iiifi i:.:,1!'i :: ::i:::::::::li::::!:::::::::::::::::li:::.:!lt:::: ,:,:':';'!,;iliilil:Xii,, ::::::::::i:::: j:::::::::::::::::: ffi|! ::::::::::::::::::E:::::::::::: !:!:,:!:iii:(l:!i!:!:!:,:i iii:::i:i:::i:::i:i:::::::::::::ffi :::I j::i j:i|..ii j::::i ::::::::::::5:::: !l::::: ::::,i:i:f, ::ii:9:::::::::::::::::{l:::: E::::::l:::::i:::::(r:::-i!t::::: :ji:i:mi:ii.:::: ji** o6 otrt oo$l oG)tt t-z Fz ooqoq) ro ooo N ()rfN o(Il(o Fz Fz ooq $$ orI)t,oE ao Fz Fz oooo oo G). c.{ om odt ]-z Fz Fz Fz Fz Fz om o Fz Fz l-z l-z oo q c, F.z z Fz Fz @oqo 1(,oqo '!1:iiiliiirrliii :::::::i:::iE:::::ll: :iiiii:E iu.:: ri- jr:r:r:r.a:.::i!? :'i :!::::::::|ii:::::E::: Fz Fz Fz Fz o ulo :liruirifi!Ui:::lf :i:E:::::f i:,:*i::ili:;!:F:::::::!+j:!:ia:::i=:::::::;:::::l:1ts::::::::::i ::::::::::::::::i:.::'.!::::::::::: II II o o o$o ':::C::::I.:.:.ri: ,li:ii8:,lEi;,e1::G:.:::lE:::3 ,:,i:,=i:in:,,9irit[i..!lr,Iii !i::!:iii:;1...:..i. iiiiiiiGG ii,;';i:i::::il::;:ii;,, ::::::::i:j:::::::I::i:l:i:i: ::::i:::li:::::Ei::::::::: .:::::::::::::::::E': :r:r:': iiilil:::::::.iteiiilli aoo 3oo 3o GT' Ioo 3o (r) Io (t} t 3o NI3o IEo NIoo 0r)Ioo I6o I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I og:ooE o+,6 o-o6Jg ctc6o oo !, 6o(D .E!,6oG o ;Jo F U.S.G.S. Topogrophic Mop DERITA QUADRANGLE SCALE 1:24OOO o 1 MILE 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 +ooo 5000 6000 7000 FEET t KILOMETER1.50 SPATC OTenvironmentol flGURE 1: STORK SCREENS 2201 NORTH t-Es CHARLOTTE, NORTTI CAROUNA APPENDIX I llflt-4a- !aaL tr)'J'{ FOR J,li.' NC - F"tfi gom'Plslod'Form fti: ffi"'ffit'#;'EMft"n,t ofrco-ffi'd.rs b dre *"'tv {-u:"i#Vt rocdbn [sEE REvEB#"dix di .owlrEngcoPY FLUE)'+oR BEGlot'lAL TNSTRUCTIONS complele and reum u''i't/ (30) days Hior to closure or drangein-ssrvi'c8' 'ank Orngr Narp: =rloYN '-rorLq-l ' rtt""t ""'r-''- r:<rr<'cn lrfr(Atl hblo ,5n{E, o' (llro( En}, J*, o*r.ss;3aol N' I-85 , '.- " Undergnound Petoleum S!o!99-1{ks:. samPling lgcations, e.i]ii'5r,"rr* awnlsr'z 'SitE lnves$gation Bepo( for;'p"**en[ Closure" and retr'rm witrin 30 days bllowing the sie lrvestigation' 7. KeeP records br 3 Years' LAST CONITENTS 5. P.rld" a sketch locating fping, hnl$ and soil Zip code: 'scheduled Bemoval Dalei Date Submitted:-ffUlp I e name nnd olft*rl f0e ignature: sl,ndrled upil dalr drnlm. rnflt pu appoprirte DEM Fegbrtal O{n* 48.t-,"" p,Lt b ,"ghtlV "t'&d d"L' -.,^u,. MpcHa,^.Lurq - l,r, Ct *rlrtle,' su].: dC zp c*t4&113 1. Conhc{ Local Fke }vlarshall 2. Plan tre enlire dosure event. 3. Conddd Site Soll AsSessments. a- ri netnoring Tanks or Closirrg ln Place refer to API' Publica$ors-. 2015'Cleanlng Peiroleum Storage Tanks' & 1604 "Bernoval & D'Lsposal of Used I I (Contractor)Name: TANK ID#TA}.IK CAPACITY ShtB uso OnV Date Beceived Facirity lD # (if avarlable) O -.,Q tI'lS t" Sbeet Address or State noaO:32O counV: MecK city: LLavl'l{e zpeio*a:&!213 Telephone Number:(ts?e -/1il l-l t-lr:l Jt2oL- 9S .5u WUST'3 ,It'Wdb Copy - Fodond Cr6co BLe Copy ' Orr,ner 7f3 APPENDIX II I I I Sournpnx Taxx & EnnrynoNMENTALu fNC. CE,RTIFICATE OF' DISPOSAL FEDERAL/CERTrFrCAIS 4 s6- 1 Q 6e 4LB / e61B DATE e/21/e3 I I I I CONTRACTOR SPATCO Environmental, Inc. LOCATION Stork Screen 5100 N. I-85, Ste 6 Charlotte, N.C. Charlotte, N.C. 2B2OG TYPE OF TANK I ust r,ooo qarron - UST 550 gallonI SVE STD CONTENT IN GAL. Less than 1% Less t,han 7% TANK ID# STDS-2 5 2 7 STD I I I Southern Tank & Environmental, Inc. certifies that the above mentioned tanks have been properly disposed of at 319 Lawyers Rd., Indian Trail, NC, and the contents and sludges processed in full compliance with ! I-ocat, State and Federal regulations. STDS-2528 I I I I I I Southern Tank & Environmental, Inc. Randy L. Williams 4600 Park Rd. . Suite 1000 . Charlotte, NC ' 28209 I I I I I I APPENDTX rr I I t t I I T I I I I I T I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t EnviroTech Mid-Atlantic Virginia Tech Corporate Research Center 1861 Pratt Drive Blacksburg, Virginia 24060 (703) 231-3983 FAX (703) 23t-3984 DATE October 4, 1993 CLIENT : SPATCO ADDRESS: 5].OO N-I 85 SUITE G CHARLOTTE, NC 28206 ATTENTION: MIKE SHAW PROJECT: STORK SCREENS PROJECT NO: PURCHASE ORDERZ 4484 SAMPLE Samples SAMPLE 6048A 60488 6048C 6048D ANALYSIS HALOGENATED VOLATILES Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tet,rachloride Chlorobenzene Chlproethane 2-ChloroethylChloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane L , 2-Dichlorobenzene 1 , 3-Dichlorobenzene 1 , 4-DichlorobenzeneDichlorodi f luoromethane L, J.-Dichloroethane i- , 2 -Dichloroethane IDENTIFICATION AND ANALYSIS RESULTS submitted and idenLified by client as: ID DATE/TIME COLLECTED9-L6-93/2:40 9-L6-93 /2 t 4L9-21-93/t.LtL5 9-21-93 /12 |50 6048A D/L REPORT # : 5048 DATE RECEIVEDz 9/22/93 FAX: 704-596-8605/ PAGE 1 OF 3 6048B FIELD ow1 ow2 DB1 DB2 DlL ( uglkg )s00 500 500 s00 s00 s00vinyl ether500 s00 s00 s00 500 s00 s00 s00 500 500 BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I t I I October 4, 1993 ANALYSIS D/L VoLATTLE ARoMATICS (uglkg) 1r l-Dichloroethene 500 trans-1-, 2-Dichloroethene 5001r2-Dichloropropane 500cis 1r3-Dichloropropene 500trans L, 3-Dichloropropene500Methylene chloride 500l, l, 2, 2-Tetrachloroethane500 Tetrachloroethene s00 L, L, L-Trichl-oroethane 5001,L,2-Irichloroethane 500Trichloroethenes00Trichlorofluoromethane 500Vinyl chLoride Benzene ELhylbenzene Toluenetotal Xylenes ANALYSIS oIL & GREASB (mglkg) 10 ANALYSIS HALOGENATED VOLATILES (uglkg) Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane2-Chloroet,hyl vinyl etherChloroform ChLoromethane Dibromochloromethane 1 , 2-Dichlorobenzene 1 , 3-Dichlorobenzene 1 , 4-Dichlorobenzene Dich Iorodif luoromethane 1, 1-Dichloroethane 1 , 2-Dichloroethane L, 1-Dichloroethene ENVIROTECH MID_ATLANTIC REPORT: 6048 PAGE 2 OF 3 500 s000 5000 s000 s000 D/L 5wV 6048B BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 800 BDL 280 BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 2t3OO 550 12,oo0 6048p BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDI, BDL BDL BDL BDL 6048A D lL BDL 1OOBDL 1OOBDL 1OOBDL ].OOBDL 1OOBDL 1OOBDL 1OOBDL 1OOBDL 1OOBDL 1OOBDL ].OOBDL 1OOBDL 1OOBDL 1OO110,000 100 44 ,000 l-00580,000 100 6048A 49, 800 DlL 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 l_00 100 100 100 60488 13 r 950 6048C BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 10 I t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t October 4, 1993 ANALYSIS HOLOGENATED VOLATILES (uglhg) trans- 1, 2 =Dichloroethene1 , 2-Dichloropropaneci-s 1, 3-Dichloropropenetrans 1, 3-Dichloropropene Methylene chloride L, L, 2, 2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene L, L, L-Trichloroethane L , L ,2-IrichloroethaneTrichLoroethene Trich lorof luoromethaneVinyl chloride Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluenetotal Xylenes ANALYSIS oIL & GREASE (mqlkg) ENVIROTECH M]D-ATLANTIC REPORT: 6048 PAGE 3 OF 3 D/L 100 100 100 l_00 l_00 100 100 100 l-00 100 L00 100 100 100 100 100 DlL 604 BC BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 200 BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 240 6048C 6048p BDL 8D1., BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 430 BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 630 5048p 460 QUALITY CONTROL DATAISPIKE 8RD EPA # 760 ANALYST CAMPBELL DATE L0 /L/93 ANALYSIS ISTD VOLATILES 1r 1 DCE TCE C BENZENE BENZENE TOLUENE OIL & GREASE 95 93 95 L02 L02 94 98 90 L6 4.2 2.0 2.O 2.L 2.0 2 802 1 D/L - DETECTION LrMrT 907 L S PETERS e /24 /e3 BDL -BELOW DETECTION LIMIT TORY DIRECTOR E1j-zabeth B. Smiley u)YG =UJ cEa,zo c))G ah =J o LrJo,a oulFoUfoulG.U'u,tU' Jz ilI Fo(}\ \ fi r-oo ;f f{os NI F & o2:og1t=2'.E F U'u,Eo. o- =UF I EE6= =F== xE,F =.'!a J d I U outJ..G> =.oaD E { s {Etl o s UFo u\\0 0'. 6t G F'ils s ^ld. u! =tr a.\N \r ,.i tf,\JI.{ zotsooJ u,tJo- =at))tdatn J$,o ( Jd s $ Dt s 3 5G =at B A?o !AA Af\b vl $ El EzUIF lxl ES $fl ,fr$ 8fr,3E BEl-(5s2 EI l{IH $ql $$H?J sslzalI \nlol El-o()o(f t,o+,o =o oc (U -c 9 (U Eo EEoL E LUooI: HU' !o!oPo.vlttIolol Ollqol rr'l !h aoE oIr UT =(,zo-cE(t, :G G,lrJclGoYGo = zo zlrl F rSl ,l $tr Z 6r.lo u,(r, IrJE,6o urFU' r, IzltDl st.Jl\nl aIl Dll-olsl EUJ =o aD o E3 EEH:-@.Y9(\r =Y9SlU-C-(.) 8E €g E gEE I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I t I EnviroTech Mid-Atlantic Virginia Tech Corporate Research Center 1861 Pratt Drive Blacksburg, Virginia 24060 (7O3) 23r-3983 FAX (703) 231-3984 October 14, 1993 Client: SPATCO Environmental 5100 North I-85, Suite 6 Charlotte, NC 28206 Attention: Mike Shaw Report #: 6131Project Stork Screens P.O. #: 4484 Fax: 804-596-8605 Date Received: L0107 193 Project #: Page I of 2 Sample Identification Samples submitted and identified by client as: Sample Matrix Field Identification Date Time Collected 61314 Soil 61318 Soil DB-3 DBlA 0e /2ue3 0e/21/e3 1:30 11:15 All analyses were performed in aecordance with EPA methods referenced in'Methods for Chemical Analysis ol Water and Wastes', EPA 6A0 I 4-79 revised March 198i and I or 'Test Methods for Evaluoting Solid Waste, Physical I Chemical Methods', SW-846 3rd Edition. c t I I I I I I I I Project Stork Screens Analysis TCLP Metals (mg/L) Arsenic (As) Barium @a) Cadmium (Cd) Chromium (Cr) Lead (Pb) Mercury (Hg) Silver (Ag) Selenium (Se) Analysis 6t3LA 61318DIL DB3 DB1A O.OO2 BDL BDL0.1 1.0 0.5 0.005 0.008 0.005 0.05 0.19 3.6t0.1 BDL 0.1 O.OOO1 BDL BDL O.O5 BDI BDL O.OO2 BDL BDL Quality Control Data %STD VoSpike ToRD EPA# ENVIROTECH MID.ATLANTIC October 14, 1993 Page 2 of 2 Analyst Date Analyzed J 0 LL 15 5 L7 0 0 0 110 96 L02 98 t07 1.00 100 105 I I I I I I I I I I TCLP Metals Arsenic (As) Barium @a) Cadmium (Cd) Chromium (Cr) Lead (Pb) Mercury (Hg) Silver (Ag) Selenium (Se) J. Smiley 7060 7080 7L30 7L90 7420 7470 7760 774t 100 103 L04 103 108 L00 95 90 L0ttzt93 LAtDt93 L0tLLl93 L0t12t93 t0trzt93 t0ttLl93 t0ltLt93 t0ttrt93 Elizab'eth Smiley Laboratory Director DIL - Detection Limit BDL - Below Detection Limit oult-aDut oulCC a>u.tcitz Jft ,\l N 1 $ A J $ oz. o,,G=<=2tse, =F U'gr .EL A =lltF EE =E x!Cl- = .)j J oUIJ..r> =@U' \)Esl \) s UIts 6 q s s s ul =tr E',\n \r. z.eF q l,t,Jo- =art t d d $ \ 4 d n d $ g 5o- =c6 lop tr E f^ EAD\l ^fi w.tNI -L,r.flflUJ2o o- J slzI,UIF :El(^l sl! a 2UJ E \so Al 00 FI .-,z h hJuf \) +o IoEl(Uo, t I I I I IEol5oI3 IE(U -cl? -((,tE lgcI3orE I -l3 {l LII q 9,E =utE.(rtzoFo:,E, C"z gIo-(r, ;J dj H$ \.f2l! $ .F *I lEs EEHI ;iEx 8E *gI EEsH t I (t)U'urEoo (, =o-g-C" \0 t -\.f, ,o spH 2 oo 6 LO/22/93 16:21 6703 231 3984 October ?2, t993 CIienu EnviroTechMid-AtlanJic Virginia Tech Corporate Research Center 1E61 katt Drive Blacksburg, Virginia 24060 QO3) 231-3983 FAX (7O3) 231-3984 ETMA +++ SPATC0 CNC Fax .7Ol-596-8605 Date Receivcd: LA/W /93 Prcject #: Page L of 2 @ oor Attentios Rcport #: Projcct: P.O. #z SP.ATCO Environmental 5100 North I-85, Suite 6 Charlotte, NC 2E206 tritike Shag' 16131 .Stork Screens I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I t I gample Maeix 'i' '. . l'. - Sample Identifrcation Samples submitted and identified by client as: , Fiald Idenrifrcation Date 6131A . Soil 61318 Soil DB-3 , 0el2l/e3 DBlA 09/21,/93 r30 11:15 'AlI anolyslrt'wary"perfontcd in accordqte with EPA methods ruferenced in'Mahods for Chartcol,tlttalylit . of Wtiicr Aa Wantes'; EPA 600 t 4-79 raised h{arch 798i std I or 'Tcst Mdthotk foi Evaluating Solid Waite, L0 / 22/ 93 Anal:isis TCLP VOLATILES (ug/L) Beozene Carboa tetrachloride Chlorobcnzene Chloroform 1,4-Dichlorobenzene L,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene Methyl ethyl ketoae Tetrachloroethene Trichloroethene Vinyl chloride TCLP SEMTVOLATILES (ug/L) Pyridine Hexachloroethane m,p-Cresol o-Cresol Nitrobenzeae Hexachlorobutadiese 2,4,6 -Trichlorophenol 2,4,5 -Trichlorophenol 2,4-Diuitrotolueae Hexachlorobenzene Peutachloropheaol Aaalysis 61314 61318DIL DB3 DB1A 25 BDL BDL25 BDL BDL25 BDL BDL25 BDL BDL25 BDL BDL25 BDL BDL25 BDL BDL 5OO BDL BDL25 BDL BDL25 BDL BDL50 BDL BDL 10 BDL BDL10 BDL BDL10 BDL BDL10 BDL BDL10 BDL BDL10 BDL BDL10 BDL BDL10 BDL BDL10 BDL BDL10 BDL BDL10 BDL BDL Qualify Confrol Data %STD %Spike %RD E,PA# ;+; SPATCO CNC ENVIROTECE MID. ATLANTTC October 22r 1993 Page 2 of.2 Analyst Date Analyzed 16: 21 6zo1 231 3984 ET}IA @ oolI I Projeet Stork Screens I I t I I I I I I t I T I I I t I TCLP Volatiles 1,1DCE TCE C Benzene Benzene Toluene TCLP Semi Volatiles 39% Acid, 47% Bu,e (6131A) 45% Aeid, 5L%Base (51318) 6248L 3.770 2.9105 2.9110 0.9108 0.9 A. Campbell fi122193 625 M. Buchanau 10121193 Laboratory Director DIL - Detection timit BDL - Below Detection Limit APPENDIX TV I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t I fi FOR TANKS IN NC Retum ComplEtsd Form To: The apgopriate DEM Hegional Office accordirg to the county of ihe facility's location. tsEE [rAP Cl'J REVERSE SIDE OF Ol NER',S COPY (PINK) FOR REGICI'IAL oFFrcE ADDRESSI. conplsb ard rehln wihin (30) days lollowirB completion of site irwestigation. ---CiU--- ZiICcdc598-7171 Area Code TeleClone Number Stork Screens of America cqnin#^dr4 Pr.blb AcerEv. or Otr Entv) arl otte NCci'.ryo4 s!$9a-ztzt PATCO Env'ironmental 100 N. r-85,Charl otte, NC 704-546-8624 See re\rerse skJe d 6ir* opy (owne/s opy) lor addlional inlorrnafion requked by N.C. - DEM in the vvritten report ard skstch 41lx 8' 0i I /water4' x 8' EEE] EE] Etn E v Check ths aclivir'es \. Nory DEM Begbnal Otf,€ bob@ abardorrrpnt Renpve alt podrct and t€siruals fiom unk Exca\rati dortt l, bnk cri,J. "rg it"pt"t tada- ', ' ; : Rsfi6\,e drop tbe, fil ipe, Sauge ppo, \rapor reco\,ery tank cbrnectiorB, comfleied. i' .., v .; ''\, ...i 'I ABANDONMENTT N PLACEl-] nn tank mtil maleriat overfor,s tank openiU:1-1 Ptug or cap atl openius'"l-l Oisconrpct and cap or rerpve wnt hol-l Sofa inert rnabrial rced - speti!: - ' sdirnniUe pltrp and otpr tatt ftfirss.. Cap or Cug al lirns except tr wnt ard fll tne. Rryp Enk ol all ptodtd & ttanmaHe \rapoe. Qn one or rrlrm largo holes h he hdts. REMOVALL:-l Creaa \rent lpls',l-Fl uret tr*l-l-l Oitrco of tank h app.€n €dBackfill tp ama Dab Tank(s) PennanentY Ilab of Change-ln-Serylce: crosed:9/L6/93 I certifi under penalty of la{, flrat lhale'personally examind.and.dm fernriliar,witr.he irnformation subrnitH in his and aff athrfted &ctrmenb, and that based on rny inquiry of those individuals immediately reipnsible for obtaining tre information, I belielo hat he information is hre, a6uraE, and compleb. Vf 0 rvtNPoC -2 Bev.729El Wib Copy - Redonal otfc Yelknr Copy - Cenral olfe Pif( Copy - OrrEr (Step 2) CaGgoryA& B (Muldply tnltld cteanup terl by ll CaGgoryC& D (MulUply tnlttd clcanup larcl by 2) Category E (Mul6ply lnltlal cleanup ladby3) I x - .-ppln 2 x -.-ppm s zb --L@o^ Tbtd Stte laltld CleanupCharactertstlee LcvclTPFTI (ppm)Sorc EPA Method 5030 >150 3lol2l-t30 209t-t20 406l-90- 603t-60 a0o.30 too (ssE) Cleanup Level (Step 3) . Table 2 Site Sensitivitv Evaluation IniUaI Cleanup I€veI r .Final l' 1,, 'See Slte Category DescrlpUona ,l '\ t I I I I t I k I I I I t I t h+ l 5 iarboi CategoryA & B(Muluplyldtral I r-r-PPm dcanup lcrrl by !l CatcgoryC& D(Muluplylnttlal 2 r- --PPtn clcanup lalel by 2l CrtegoryE 74o(lrlulUply lnltlal 3 f-- eleanup letl by 3l Totd Slte lnttld CleanupCharacterlstlcs l,ctelTPFH (ppm) Score EPA Mcthod 3550 >t50 40l2l-150 809t-120 160 6l-90 G 24Ogt€o 320o30 400 CategoryA& Bfr'fufipfiuruaf t r-r-PPm clcanup lsrrct by ll CatcgoryC& D(Muluptylnttlal 2 r-':-PPm cleanup tevel by 2l ffiifiBrr- , 17oo -2100 ppn cleanup levcl by 3l Totd Stte lalthl ClcanupCharacterlsUcr Lcvel O&G (ppmlS@FG EPA Method 9O7l >150 s250t2t.t50 400- 9t.120 5506t€o ?oo3l€o' 850G30 lo@ I, I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I Table I Site Sensitivity Evaluation (SSE) Site Characteristics Evaluation (Step l) .€ratn Slze. Are reUct stnrchrres. se dlmentary stnrctures, and / or texttrres present Ir tl:e zone of contaminaUon and underlytng "solls". Dlstance from locatlon of deepest contamtnated sotl" to water table. Is the top of bedroclc or transmissive lndurated sediments located aborre the water table? Arttllclal condults present withln the zone of contamlnaflon. ' Predomtnant graln slzc based ori Untfied Sotl Classtllcauon System or U.S. Dept. ofAgdcutture's Sotl ClasstflcaUon Method. " (>lO Ppm TPH by Method 5030: >40 ppm TPH by Metfiod 3550: >250 ppm O&G by Method 9071, Gr:avel Sand sllt CIay r50 r00 50 o Present and tntersectlng the water table. Present but ngl lntersecttng the water table. None present. ro 5 0 5,' l0 feet >10 - 40 feet >40 feet 20 o Present and lntersectlng the water table. Present but nO:! lntersect- lng the water table. Not presenl lo 5 o Totat Sttc Charactertstlci Scorc: 75