HomeMy WebLinkAbout8503_DukeBelewsCreekPineHall_April2017_1stSemiAnnual_DIN28147_20170705 Pine Hall Road Ash Landfill Permit No. 8503 Semiannual Groundwater Monitoring Report April 2017 Sampling Event Belews Creek Steam Station July 10, 2017 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC | Semiannual Groundwater Monitoring Report Belews Creek Pine Hall Road Ash Landfill, Permit No.8503 April 2017 Sampling Event Contents i Contents Page Section 1 – Background ................................................................................................................ 1 Section 2 – Methods ..................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Sampling and Analysis Methods .................................................................................... 3 2.2 Statement of Work .......................................................................................................... 3 Section 3 – Results ....................................................................................................................... 5 3.1 Site Groundwater Flow ................................................................................................... 5 3.2 Analytical Results ........................................................................................................... 5 Figures 1. Site Location Map 2. Sample Locations 3. Generalized Groundwater Surface Contours Tables 1. Well Construction Information 2. Groundwater Flow Velocities 3. Field Data Parameters 4. Field and Analytical Results 5. 15A NCAC 2L Groundwater Quality Standard Exceedances for Wells within the Review Boundary 6. 15A NCAC 2L Groundwater Quality Standard Exceedances at or Beyond Review Boundary Appendices Appendix A – Field Sampling Forms Appendix B – Laboratory Report and Chain-of-Custody Forms Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC | Semiannual Groundwater Monitoring Report Belews Creek Pine Hall Road Ash Landfill, Permit No.8503 April 2017 Sampling Event Section 1 – Background 1 Section 1 – Background The Pine Hall Road Ash Landfill is located at the Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC (Duke Energy) Belews Creek Steam Station in Stokes County, North Carolina. The landfill is permitted under the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Solid Waste Permit No. 8503 and was closed in December 2008. The ash landfill was permitted to accept only fly ash from Belews Creek Steam Station operations. The ash landfill and nearby surrounding area are portrayed on Figure 1. The landfill was originally permitted in 1983. The original landfill was unlined and was permitted with a soil cap 1 foot thick on the side slopes and 2 feet thick on flatter areas. A subsequent expansion (Phase I Expansion) was permitted in 2003. This phase was also unlined but was permitted with a synthetic cap system to be applied at closure. After groundwater exceedances were observed in wells installed near the landfill, the placement of additional ash in the Phase I Expansion was halted. The closure design was changed to utilize an engineered cover system for the portion of the landfill indicated on Figure 2. The engineered cover system consists of a 40-mil linear low-density polyethylene geomembrane, a geonet composite, 18 inches of compacted soil, and 6 inches of vegetative soil cover. The engineered cover system was installed over a 37.9-acre area indicated on Figure 2 as “Approximate Limits of Engineered Cover System.” An adjacent 14.5-acre area, located to the northeast, had additional soil cover applied and was graded to improve surface drainage. This area is indicated on Figure 2 as “Limits of Soil Cap.” The construction of the engineered cover system and additional soil cover on the 14.5-acre area was completed in December 2008. The ash landfill is located to the north of the surface water divide that runs along Pine Hall Road and to the east of a surface water divide that runs along Middleton Loop Road. These surface water divides appear to mimic the shallow groundwater divides in the area near the landfill. Two surface water features are located in the area near the landfill. One surface water drainage feature drains along the eastern side of the landfill to the ash basin. The second surface water drainage feature is located on the western side of the landfill and drains to the ash basin. The surface water sample locations in these features are groundwater seeps and are believed to be representative of groundwater. Samples collected from these locations are compared to 15A North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC) 2L groundwater quality standards (2L Standards). Groundwater flow beneath the landfill is from Pine Hall Road, generally northward, toward the ash basin. The ash basin is operated as a water treatment facility and is permitted by the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program (NPDES Permit #NC0024406). The groundwater monitoring system at the landfill consists of the following sample locations as listed below. Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC | Semiannual Groundwater Monitoring Report Belews Creek Pine Hall Road Ash Landfill, Permit No.8503 October 2016 Sampling Event Section 1 – Background 2 Monitoring Wells: MW-1 MW-1D MW-2 MW-3 MW-4 MW-5 MW-6 MW-7 MW2-7 MW2-9 OB-4 OB-5 OB-9 Surface Water Locations: SW-1A SW-2 The locations of the monitoring wells and surface water sample locations are shown on Figure 2. Monitoring well construction information is presented in Table 1. As defined by the Groundwater Monitoring, Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) for the Pine Hall Road Ash Landfill (prepared by S&ME, Inc. dated November 8, 2010, and approved by NCDEQ on November 23, 2010), monitoring well MW-3 is considered to represent background groundwater quality conditions. The groundwater and surface water sampling was conducted by Duke Energy according to North Carolina Solid Waste Management Guidelines. The constituents sampled and analyzed were selected by Duke Energy and the NCDEQ Division of Solid Waste and are listed in the SAP. The samples were analyzed by a North Carolina certified laboratory. During previous sampling events, the groundwater samples were also analyzed for Part 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 258, Appendix I constituents, in addition to the constituents listed in the SAP. Appendix I sampling and analysis was performed as part of the requirements contained in the Closure Plan Approval letter dated December 7, 2007, Document ID RC03425. Sampling of Appendix I volatile organic compounds has been discontinued as per a June 8, 2015, electronic mail correspondence from Elizabeth Werner of the NCDEQ Solid Waste Section. A copy of this correspondence is retained in Duke Energy’s operating record. Appendix I inorganics that are not already part of the Belews Creek Pine Hall Road Landfill Sampling and Analysis Plan are identified in Table 4. Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC | Semiannual Groundwater Monitoring Report Belews Creek Pine Hall Road Ash Landfill, Permit No.8503 April 2017 Sampling Event Section 2 – Methods 3 Section 2 – Methods 2.1 Sampling and Analysis Methods Groundwater sampling and documentation of sampling activities were performed by Duke Energy personnel (Duke Energy Carolinas Field Certification #5193). Copies of the field sampling forms are included in Appendix A. The groundwater samples were analyzed by the Duke Energy Analytical Laboratory (North Carolina Laboratory Certification #248) and provided to HDR by Duke Energy. The laboratory report and chain-of-custody forms are included in Appendix B. The groundwater samples were analyzed for the following constituents and/or parameters:  Barium, beryllium, boron, chromium, copper, iron, manganese, nickel, silver, and zinc using Solid Waste (SW)-8461 Method 6010D  Antimony, arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, lead, selenium, thallium, and vanadium using SW-846 Method 6020B  Mercury using United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) SW-846 Method 7470A  Chloride, fluoride, nitrate as nitrogen, and sulfate using EPA SW-846 Method 9056A  Total dissolved solids using Standard Method (SM) 2540C 2.2 Statement of Work HDR completed the following tasks:  Received field sampling information provided by Duke Energy for monitoring wells MW-1, MW-1D, MW-3, MW-4, MW-5, MW-6, MW-7, MW2-7, MW2-9, OB-4, OB-5, and OB-9 and surface water sampling locations SW-1A and SW-2. A groundwater sample was not collected from MW-2 due to insufficient water volume in the well. However, a groundwater level measurement was able to be collected from MW-2. The samples were collected by Duke Energy personnel on April 11, 2017, and HDR received the data on March 7, 2017.  Reviewed the laboratory analytical results for samples. The Electronic Data Deliverable (EDD) provided by Duke Energy was adapted to conform to the format requirements of the NCDEQ EDD template. HDR added an italicized J data qualifier (J) to indicate a detected concentration that equals or is greater than the laboratory’s method reporting 1 EPA Hazardous Waste Test Methods (SW-846) available online at https://www.epa.gov/hw-sw846 (accessed August 30, 2016) Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC | Semiannual Groundwater Monitoring Report Belews Creek Pine Hall Road Ash Landfill, Permit No.8503 October 2016 Sampling Event Section 2 – Methods 4 limit (MRL), but is less than the Solid Waste Section Limit2 (SWSL). A copy of the original EDD is retained in HDR’s files.  Developed a generalized groundwater surface contour map using map data and groundwater elevation data supplied by Duke Energy. Calculated groundwater flow velocities based on groundwater contours.  Prepared this Semiannual Groundwater Monitoring Report and submitted it to Duke Energy. 2 The Solid Waste Section Limit (SWSL) is defined by NCDEQ as the lowest amount of analyte in a sample that can be quantitatively determined with suitable precision and accuracy. The SWSL is the concentration below which reported results must be qualified as estimated. NCDEQ Division of Waste Management Memorandum dated February 23, 2007. Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC | Semiannual Groundwater Monitoring Report Belews Creek Pine Hall Road Ash Landfill, Permit No.8503 April 2017 Sampling Event Section 3 – Results 5 Section 3 – Results 3.1 Site Groundwater Flow Generalized groundwater surface contours and groundwater flow direction arrows for the site are shown on Figure 3. These contours were developed using the measured groundwater elevations in the wells on the date of sampling. Calculated groundwater flow velocities are presented in Table 2. Pine Hall Road is located generally along a surface water divide that also appears to be a groundwater divide. Groundwater flow at the landfill site is from areas of higher topography along Pine Hall Road, generally northward, toward the ash basin. 3.2 Analytical Results Field data recorded during this sampling event is presented in Table 3. The field and analytical results of groundwater and surface water sampling are summarized in Table 4. The analytical results are compared to the groundwater standards found in Title 15A NCAC 02L .0202 (g) (2L Standards). Concentrations that attain or exceed the 2L Standards or Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs) are noted in Table 4 by bold font. Concentrations that equal or are greater than the SWSLs are noted in Table 4 by gray-shaded cells. A summary of the 2L Standard exceedances and a preliminary analysis of the cause and significance of the exceedances are presented in Table 5 for sampling locations located within the review boundary and in Table 6 for sampling locations located at or beyond the review boundary. Select samples were diluted as is normal laboratory practice to bring samples to the calibrated range of the analysis. Specifics regarding the samples that were diluted, including the dilution factor, are reported in the EDD. HDR previously prepared and submitted an assessment to the NCDEQ for exceedances of 2L Standards at this landfill (Groundwater Assessment Belews Creek Steam Station Pine Hall Road Ash Landfill, Permit No. 8503, dated October 1, 2012). The report assessed 2L Standard exceedances at wells MW-3 and MW-6 and found those exceedances to be attributed to naturally occurring conditions. The assessment report reviewed the location of wells and surface water sample locations with exceedances of 2L Standards (MW-4, MW-7, MW2-7, MW2-9, SW-1A, and SW-2) and found that the hydrologic boundaries and the groundwater flow at the site was such that the groundwater at these locations was discharging to the ash basin. The report also concluded that with the reduced infiltration, due to the engineered cover system installed in 2008, the groundwater concentration of constituents attributable to fly ash in these wells will likely continue to decrease over time. FIGURES $GNGYU%TGGM5VGCO5VCVKQP #UJ$CUKP PINE HALL ROAD ASH LANDFILL PERMIT NO. 8503 FGD LANDFILL PERMIT NO. 8505 %TCKI4QCF CRAIG ROAD LANDFILL PERMIT NO. 8504 .CPFHKNN$QWPFCT[ $GNGYU%TGGM.CMG 1000 2000 5%#.' (''6 0 1000 0QVGU 5QWTEG75)56QRQITCRJKE/CRÄ$GNGYU.CMG SWCFTCPING%TGCVGF4GXKUGF 6QRQITCRJKEOCRFQGUPQVTGHNGEVTGCNKIPOGPVQH %TCKI4QCF DATE FIGURE SITE LOCATION MAP BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION PINE HALL ROAD ASH LANDFILL PERMIT NO. 8503 JULY 2017 1 HDR Engineering Inc. 440 S. Church St. Suite 1000 Charlotte, NC 28202-2075 704.338.6700 of the Carolinas 5 % # . '  ( ' ' 6 1 5 0 0 1 5 0 3 0 0 6QRQITCRJKE/CR(TQO2TGÄ%QPUVTWEVKQP%QPFKVKQPU5WTXG[+PHQTOCVKQP&CVGF#RTKN(NCV#TGC2TQRQUGFCPF%NQUWTG#TGC2TQRQUGF)TCFKPI#FCRVGF(TQO%WV(KNN$CNCPEG)TCFKPI2NCP2TQXKFGF$[%JTKU5JWTVGT /QTICP%QTR 1P#RTKN#PF/C[4GURGEVKXGN[ D A T E F I G U R E S A M P L E L O C A T I O N S B E L E W S C R E E K S T E A M S T A T I O N P I N E H A L L R O A D A S H L A N D F I L L P E R M I T N O . 8 5 0 3 J U L Y 2 0 1 7 2 H D R E n g i n e e r i n g I n c . 4 4 0 S . C h u r c h S t . S u i t e 1 0 0 0 C h a r l o t t e , N C 2 8 2 0 2 - 2 0 7 5 7 0 4 . 3 3 8 . 6 7 0 0 o f t h e C a r o l i n a s TABLES Ta b l e  1  ‐   We l l  Co n s t r u c t i o n  In f o r m a t i o n Du k e  En e r g y  Ca r o l i n a s ,  LL C / B e l e w s  Cr e e k  St e a m  St a t i o n Pi n e  Ha l l  Ro a d  As h  La n d f i l l  ‐   Pe r m i t  No .  85 0 3 We l l  ID We l l In s t a l l a t i o n Da t e La t i t u d e L o n g i t u d e TO C El e v a t i o n (f t ) Gr o u n d Su r f a c e El e v a t i o n (f t ) We l l St i c k ‐up He i g h t Ab o v e Gr o u n d Su r f a c e (f t ) Gr o u n d w a t e r El e v a t i o n (f t ) De p t h  to Wa t e r Be l o w TO C (f t ) To t a l  We l l De p t h Be l o w TO C (f t ) Depth  to Top  of Screen Below TOC (ft)Screened Interval Below TOC (ft)Geology  of Screened IntervalWellDiameter (in)Casing Type MW ‐1 8 / 3 / 1 9 8 9 3 6 . 2 8 0 9 7 4 9 ‐80 . 0 8 1 5 6 8 1 8 5 2 . 6 9 8 5 0 . 5 5 2 . 1 4 8 1 7 . 0 2 3 5 . 6 7 4 7 . 2 0 3 7 . 2 0 3 7 . 2 0  ‐ 47.20 S a p r o l i t e 2 P V C MW ‐1D 1 2 / 9 / 2 0 0 8 3 6 . 2 8 0 9 7 4 9 ‐80 . 0 8 1 5 6 8 1 8 5 4 . 1 5 8 5 0 . 9 9 3 . 1 6 8 1 1 . 1 4 4 3 . 0 1 9 0 . 5 3 8 5 . 5 3 8 5 . 5 3  ‐ 90.53 B e d r o c k 2 P V C MW ‐2 8 / 8 / 1 9 8 9 3 6 . 2 8 0 7 8 2 2 ‐80 . 0 7 9 7 3 4 7 8 5 8 . 0 5 8 5 5 . 4 4 2 . 6 1 8 1 1 . 5 4 4 6 . 5 1 5 0 . 0 0 4 0 . 0 0 4 0 . 0 0  ‐ 50.00 S a p r o l i t e 2 P V C MW ‐3 7 / 2 7 / 1 9 8 9 3 6 . 2 8 3 2 0 6 6 ‐80 . 0 7 2 4 0 8 2 8 4 2 . 8 1 8 4 0 . 5 7 2 . 2 4 8 0 0 . 0 9 4 2 . 7 2 4 9 . 5 0 3 9 . 5 0 3 9 . 5 0  ‐ 49.50 S a p r o l i t e 2 P V C MW ‐4 8 / 3 / 1 9 8 9 3 6 . 2 8 5 2 5 9 9 ‐80 . 0 7 9 4 4 0 8 7 6 7 . 5 8 7 6 6 . 1 0 1 . 4 8 7 5 5 . 3 9 1 2 . 1 9 4 0 . 2 0 3 0 . 2 0 3 0 . 2 0  ‐ 40.20 S a p r o l i t e 2 P V C MW ‐5 8 / 8 / 1 9 8 9 3 6 . 2 8 3 6 8 6 1 ‐80 . 0 8 1 7 3 5 6 7 8 6 . 7 7 7 8 5 . 3 9 1 . 3 8 7 6 1 . 1 8 2 5 . 5 9 6 0 . 2 0 5 0 . 2 0 5 0 . 2 0  ‐ 60.20 S a p r o l i t e 2 P V C MW ‐6 5 / 4 / 2 0 0 0 3 6 . 2 8 0 7 3 6 6 ‐80 . 0 7 8 2 5 5 5 8 3 6 . 9 1 8 3 4 . 4 0 2 . 5 1 8 0 3 . 2 0 3 3 . 7 1 3 6 . 8 4 2 6 . 8 4 2 6 . 8 4  ‐ 36.84 S a p r o l i t e 2 P V C MW ‐7 1 2 / 9 / 2 0 0 8 3 6 . 2 8 3 0 3 2 0 ‐80 . 0 7 5 2 5 0 5 8 1 5 . 5 7 8 1 2 . 5 2 3 . 0 5 8 0 7 . 8 0 7 . 7 7 1 4 . 2 6 4 . 2 6 4 . 2 6  ‐ 14.26 S a p r o l i t e / P W R 2 P V C MW 2 ‐7 1 1 / 1 4 / 2 0 0 2 3 6 . 2 8 4 4 6 8 3 ‐80 . 0 7 5 9 2 5 3 7 7 7 . 6 4 7 7 5 . 4 5 2 . 1 9 7 6 3 . 3 6 1 4 . 2 8 3 0 . 6 2 1 5 . 6 2 1 5 . 6 2  ‐ 30.62 P W R / B e d r o c k 2 P V C MW 2 ‐9 1 / 2 1 / 2 0 0 3 3 6 . 2 8 3 8 5 6 2 ‐80 . 0 7 5 6 3 4 8 7 9 7 . 3 8 7 9 4 . 7 5 2 . 6 3 7 9 1 . 5 5 5 . 8 3 1 4 . 6 1 4 . 6 1 4 . 6 1  ‐ 14.61 P W R 2 P V C OB ‐4 1 / 2 7 / 2 0 0 3 3 6 . 2 8 5 6 1 9 5 ‐80 . 0 7 8 1 4 2 0 7 7 7 . 6 0 7 7 4 . 7 2 2 . 8 8 7 5 5 . 3 6 2 2 . 2 4 3 0 . 0 3 1 5 . 0 3 1 5 . 0 3  ‐ 30.03 S a p r o l i t e 2 P V C OB ‐5 1 / 2 7 / 2 0 0 3 3 6 . 2 8 6 2 3 9 9 ‐80 . 0 7 6 7 5 3 6 7 8 0 . 9 3 7 7 8 . 1 3 2 . 8 0 7 5 5 . 7 7 2 5 . 1 6 3 6 . 6 0 2 1 . 6 0 2 1 . 6 0  ‐ 36.60 S a p r o l i t e 2 P V C OB ‐9 3 / 1 1 / 2 0 0 4 3 6 . 2 8 3 3 4 9 1 ‐80 . 0 8 1 0 8 7 2 7 9 9 . 5 9 7 9 7 . 1 1 2 . 4 8 7 6 1 . 6 7 3 7 . 9 2 4 8 . 5 7 3 9 . 1 7 3 9 . 1 7  ‐ 48.57 P W R 2 P V C No t e s : 10 . 11 . TO C  in d i c a t e s  to p  of  ca s i n g ft  in d i c a t e s  fe e t in  in d i c a t e s  in c h e s  no m i n a l  di a m e t e r PV C  in d i c a t e s  po l y v i n y l  ch l o r i d e To p  of  ca s i n g  an d  gr o u n d  su r f a c e  el e v a t i o n s  fr o m  Ja n u a r y  20 1 5  re ‐su r v e y  by  Pr o v i d e n c e  La n d  Gr o u p Ho r i z o n t a l  da t u m  as s u m e d  to  be  NA D 8 3 El e v a t i o n s  ba s e d  on  NA V D  88  ve r t i c a l  da t u m De p t h  to  wa t e r  ga u g e d  on  Ja n u a r y  11 ,  20 1 7 In f o r m a t i o n  pr o v i d e d  by  Du k e  En e r g y  Ca r o l i n a s ,  LL C  on  Ma r c h  7,  20 1 7 PW R  in d i c a t e s  pa r t i a l l y  we a t h e r e d  ro c k To t a l  we l l  de p t h s  fr o m  20 1 5  we l l  de p t h  co n f i r m a t i o n Ta b l e  2  ‐   Gr o u n d w a t e r  Fl o w  Ve l o c i t i e s Du k e  En e r g y  Ca r o l i n a s ,  LL C / B e l e w s  Cr e e k  St e a m  St a t i o n Pi n e  Ha l l  Ro a d  As h  La n d f i l l  ‐   Pe r m i t  No .  85 0 3 We l l  ID Up g r a d i e n t Co n t o u r El e v a t i o n (f t ) Do w n g r a d i e n t Co n t o u r El e v a t i o n (f t ) Li n e a r Fl o w Di s t a n c e (f t ) Hy d r a u l i c Gr a d i e n t Hy d r a u l i c Co n d u c t i v i t y (f t / d a y ) Effective Porosity (%)Groundwater Velocity (ft/day) MW ‐4 7 6 0 7 5 5 . 3 9 1 2 0 0 . 0 4 0 . 4 1 1 0 . 2 5 9 0 . 0 6 MW ‐7 8 0 7 . 8 0 8 0 0 2 1 0 0 . 0 4 0 . 4 1 1 0 . 2 5 9 0 . 0 6 OB ‐4 7 6 0 7 5 5 . 3 6 6 1 0 . 0 8 0 . 4 1 1 0 . 2 5 9 0 . 1 2 OB ‐5 7 6 0 7 5 5 . 7 7 1 2 4 0 . 0 3 0 . 4 1 1 0 . 2 5 9 0 . 0 5 OB ‐9 7 7 0 7 6 0 1 6 7 0 . 0 6 0 . 4 1 1 0 . 2 5 9 0 . 1 0 MW 2 ‐7 7 7 0 7 6 0 4 9 0 . 2 1 0 . 4 1 1 0 . 2 5 9 0 . 3 3 MW 2 ‐9 8 0 0 7 9 0 1 2 2 0 . 0 8 0 . 4 1 1 0 . 2 5 9 0 . 1 3 No t e s : Hy d r a u l i c  co n d u c t i v i t y  pr e s e n t e d  is  th e  ge o m e t r i c  me a n  of  th e  co n d u c t i v i t y  da t a  for  the   on  Ja n u a r y  11 ,  20 1 7 al l u v i u m / s o i l / s a p r o l i t e  hy d r o s t r a t i g r a p h i c  la y e r  in  th e  HD R  Co n d u c t i v i t y  Da t a b a s e  (unpublished   da t a  fr o m  Ca r o l i n a  si t e s  wi t h  fo l i a t e d / l a y e r e d  be d r o c k ) Ef f e c t i v e  po r o s i t y  pr e s e n t e d  is  th e  me a n  va l u e  of  th e  al l u v i u m / s o i l / s a p r o l i t e  hy d r o s t r a t i g r a p h i c la y e r  es t i m a t e d  fr o m  so i l  te s t i n g  us i n g  Fe t t e r / B e a r  Di a g r a m s Hy d r a u l i c  gr a d i e n t s  an d  gr o u n d w a t e r  ve l o c i t i e s  ca l c u l a t e d  us i n g  gr o u n d w a t e r  de p t h  measured At  mo n i t o r i n g  we l l  lo c a t i o n s  wh e r e  up g r a d i e n t  co n t o u r s  ar e  no t  pr e s e n t ,  th e  gr o u n d w a t e r   el e v a t i o n  at  th e  mo n i t o r i n g  we l l  is  us e d  as  th e  up g r a d i e n t  gr o u n d w a t e r  el e v a t i o n . Mo n i t o r i n g  we l l s  ar e  no t  li s t e d  wh e r e  in s u f f i c i e n t  gr o u n d w a t e r  co n t o u r  in f o r m a t i o n  is  available to  ca l c u l a t e  ve l o c i t y Hy d r a u l i c  gr a d i e n t s  an d  gr o u n d w a t e r  ve l o c i t i e s  ar e  ap p r o x i m a t e . ft  in d i c a t e s  fe e t Li n e a r  di s t a n c e  me a s u r e d  th r o u g h  mo n i t o r i n g  we l l s  is  ge n e r a l l y  pe r p e n d i c u l a r  to  groundwater co n t o u r s At  mo n i t o r i n g  we l l  lo c a t i o n s  wh e r e  do w n g r a d i e n t  co n t o u r s  ar e  no t  pr e s e n t ,  th e  groundwater el e v a t i o n  at  th e  mo n i t o r i n g  we l l  is  us e d  as  th e  do w n g r a d i e n t  gr o u n d w a t e r  el e v a t i o n Ta b l e  3  ‐   Fi e l d  Da t a  Pa r a m e t e r s Du k e  En e r g y  Ca r o l i n a s ,  LL C / B e l e w s  Cr e e k  St e a m  St a t i o n Pi n e  Ha l l  Ro a d  As h  La n d f i l l  ‐   Pe r m i t  No .  85 0 3 Da t e S a m p l e  ID We l l De p t h Be l o w TO C (f t ) De p t h  to Wa t e r Be l o w TO C (f t ) Gr o u n d w a t e r El e v a t i o n (f t ) A p p e a r a n c e O d o r P u r g e  Me t h o d Av e r a g e Pu m p  Ra t e (m L / m i n ) We l l Vo l u m e (g a l ) EV A C Vo l u m e (g a l ) EV A C (Y E S / N O ) Temperature (°C)Specific Conductance (µԼ /cm)pH (SU)Turbidity (NTU)ORP (mV ‐NHE)DO (mg/L) 4/ 1 1 / 2 0 1 7 M W ‐1 4 7 . 2 0 3 5 . 6 7 8 1 7 . 0 2 N o r m a l N o n e C P N / A 1 . 8 8 5 . 0 0 N O 1 5 . 2 9 1 9 4 . 9 9 . 3 5 3 5 8 . 3 8 4/ 1 1 / 2 0 1 7 M W ‐1D 9 0 . 5 3 4 3 . 0 1 8 1 1 . 1 4 N o r m a l N o n e C P N / A 7 . 7 5 1 6 . 7 5 N O 1 4 . 4 2 1 2 0 6 . 4 0 . 2 4 5 4 4 . 7 0 4/ 1 1 / 2 0 1 7 M W ‐2 5 0 . 0 0 4 6 . 5 1 8 1 1 . 5 4 N o r m a l N o n e E O P N / A 0 . 5 7 N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S 4/ 1 1 / 2 0 1 7 M W ‐3 4 9 . 5 0 4 2 . 7 2 8 0 0 . 0 9 N o r m a l N o n e E O P N / A 1 . 1 1 0 . 5 0 N / A 1 4 . 3 9 5 8 5 . 6 2 . 0 4 7 7 9 . 4 5 4/ 1 1 / 2 0 1 7 M W ‐4 4 0 . 2 0 1 2 . 1 9 7 5 5 . 3 9 N o r m a l N o n e C P N / A 4 . 5 7 9 . 7 5 N O 1 4 . 8 1 2 9 2 5 . 9 1 3 . 1 4 3 2 2 . 5 8 4/ 1 1 / 2 0 1 7 M W ‐5 6 0 . 2 0 2 5 . 5 9 7 6 1 . 1 8 N o r m a l N o n e C P N / A 5 . 6 4 1 1 . 2 5 N O 1 4 . 6 7 3 6 5 . 6 6 . 3 4 7 7 6 . 9 2 4/ 1 1 / 2 0 1 7 M W ‐6 3 6 . 8 4 3 3 . 7 1 8 0 3 . 2 N o r m a l N o n e E O P N / A 0 . 5 1 0 . 5 0 N / A 1 5 . 6 3 6 4 5 . 4 1 . 6 4 6 9 4 . 4 1 4/ 1 1 / 2 0 1 7 M W ‐7 1 4 . 2 6 7 . 7 7 8 0 7 . 8 N o r m a l N o n e C P N / A 1 . 0 6 3 . 2 5 N O 1 3 . 2 6 3 3 1 5 . 4 1 1 . 9 5 1 5 5 . 7 0 4/ 1 1 / 2 0 1 7 M W 2 ‐7 3 0 . 6 2 1 4 . 2 8 7 6 3 . 3 6 N o r m a l N o n e C P N / A 2 . 6 7 1 3 . 7 5 N O 1 4 . 4 9 1 9 9 5 5 . 1 3 . 4 5 6 2 0 . 0 0 4/ 1 1 / 2 0 1 7 M W 2 ‐9 1 4 . 6 1 5 . 8 3 7 9 1 . 5 5 N o r m a l N o n e C P N / A 1 . 4 3 2 . 7 5 Y E S 1 3 . 5 4 2 6 5 5 . 8 9 . 4 4 9 3 1 . 2 2 4/ 1 1 / 2 0 1 7 O B ‐4 3 0 . 0 3 2 2 . 2 4 7 5 5 . 3 6 N o r m a l N o n e C P N / A 1 . 2 7 5 . 0 0 N O 1 5 . 8 4 2 6 1 0 7 . 1 3 . 3 3 1 7 0 . 0 0 4/ 1 1 / 2 0 1 7 O B ‐5 3 6 . 6 2 5 . 1 6 7 5 5 . 7 7 N o r m a l N o n e C P N / A 1 . 8 7 6 . 0 0 N O 1 5 . 5 4 2 6 5 . 2 3 . 3 4 7 1 5 . 8 0 4/ 1 1 / 2 0 1 7 O B ‐9 4 8 . 5 7 3 7 . 9 2 7 6 1 . 6 7 N o r m a l N o n e C P N / A 1 . 7 4 5 . 2 5 N O 1 4 . 9 3 1 7 4 3 5 . 0 2 . 5 5 7 2 0 . 0 0 4/ 1 1 / 2 0 1 7 S W ‐1A N / A N / A N / A N o r m a l N o n e N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A 1 3 . 5 6 9 9 5 6 . 2 2 . 7 4 0 2 8 . 7 7 4/ 1 1 / 2 0 1 7 S W ‐2 N / A N / A N / A N o r m a l N o n e N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A 1 4 . 7 8 1 2 8 6 . 3 1 1 . 3 3 3 8 8 . 3 3 No t e s : 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . SU  in d i c a t e s  st a n d a r d  un i t s Duke  Energy  Carolinas  Field  #5193 N/ A  in d i c a t e s  no t  ap p l i c a b l e ;  NS  in d i c a t e s  th a t  no  sa m p l e  wa s  co l l e c t e d In f o r m a t i o n  pr o v i d e d  by  Br y a n  Mo e l l e r  of  Du k e  En e r g y  Ca r o l i n a s ,  LL C  on  Ma r c h  7,  20 1 7 Pu r g e  Me t h o d s :  LF  = Lo w  Fl o w ,  CP  = Co n v e n t i o n a l  Pu r g e  (3 ‐5  we l l  vo l u m e s ) ,  NP  = No  Pu r g e  (H y d r a S l e e v e ) ,  EO P  = Eq u i p m e n t  On l y  Pu r g e ;  av e r a g e  pu m p  rate  applicable  to  LF  purging  only EV A C  in d i c a t e s  wh e t h e r  th e  wa t e r  le v e l  in  th e  we l l  wa s  dr a w n  do w n  to  th e  le v e l  of  th e  pu m p  du r i n g  pu r g i n g Laboratory  Certification  Codes: NT U  in d i c a t e s  ne p h e l o m e t r i c  tu r b i d i t y  un i t s mV ‐NH E  in d i c a t e s  mi l l i v o l t s ‐no r m a l  hy d r o g e n  el e c t r o d e ft  in d i c a t e s  fe e t mL / m i n  in d i c a t e s  mi l l i l i t e r s  pe r  mi n u t e ga l  in d i c a t e s  US  ga l l o n s mg / L  in d i c a t e s  mi l l i g r a m s  pe r  li t e r °C  in d i c a t e s  de g r e e s  ce l s i u s µԼ /c m  in d i c a t e s  mi c r o m h o s  pe r  ce n t i m e t e r TO C  in d i c a t e s  to p  of  ca s i n g Ta b l e  4  ‐   Fi e l d  an d  An a l y t i c a l  Re s u l t s  fo r  Se m i a n n u a l  Co n s t i t u e n t s Du k e  En e r g y  Ca r o l i n a s ,  LL C / B e l e w s  Cr e e k  St e a m  St a t i o n Pi n e  Ha l l  Ro a d  As h  La n d f i l l  ‐   Pe r m i t  No .  85 0 3 Sa m p l e  Da t e : Fi e l d  Sa m p l i n g  Pe r f o r m e d  By : Pa r a m e t e r S W S  ID U n i t s Ce r t i f i c a t i o n Co d e MDL S W S L 15A  NCAC 2L  Standard/IMAC Federal  MCL Fi e l d  pH 3 2 0 S U 5 1 9 3 ‐‐NE 6 . 5 ‐8.5 6 . 5 ‐8.5* Fi e l d  Sp e c i f i c  Co n d u c t i v i t y 3 2 3 µ Լ /c m 5 1 9 3 ‐‐NE N E N E Te m p e r a t u r e 3 2 5 ° C 5 1 9 3 ‐‐NE N E N E To p  of  Ca s i n g 3 2 8 f e e t ‐ ‐‐NE N E N E De p t h  to  Wa t e r 3 1 8 f e e t ‐ ‐‐NE N E N E Wa t e r  El e v a t i o n 3 1 9 f e e t ‐ ‐‐NE N E N E We l l  De p t h 4 1 1 f e e t ‐ ‐‐NE N E N E An t i m o n y * 1 3 µ g / L 2 4 8 0. 1 0 6 U 0 . 1 0 6 U 0 . 1 0 6 U 0 . 1 0 6 U 0 . 1 0 6 U 0.106 6 1 6 Ar s e n i c 1 4 µ g / L 2 4 8 0. 1 7 1 J 0 . 0 7 8 U 0 . 1 8 4 J 0 . 1 6 8 J 0 . 6 0 1 J 0.078 1 0 1 0 1 0 Ba r i u m 1 5 µ g / L 2 4 8 20 . 7 J' 0. 9 1 8 J 5 6 . 2 J' 4. 6 2 J 3 3 . 6 J'0.1 1 0 0 7 0 0 2 , 0 0 0 Be r y l l i u m * 2 3 µ g / L 2 4 8 0. 2 U 0 . 2 U 0 . 2 U 0 . 2 U 0 . 2 U 0.2 1 4 4 Bo r o n 4 2 8 µ g / L 2 4 8 9. 5 3 J 9 . 5 2 J 5 . 3 8 J 86 4 4.09 J 3.3 N E 7 0 0 N E Ca d m i u m 3 4 µ g / L 2 4 8 0. 1 0 1 U 0 . 1 0 1 U 0 . 1 0 1 U 0 . 1 0 1 U 0 . 1 0 1 U 0.101 1 2 5 Ch l o r i d e 4 5 5 µ g / L 2 4 8 2, 1 8 0 7 , 9 6 0 1 1 , 1 0 0 2 , 8 5 0 2 , 0 4 0 22 N E 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 * * Ch r o m i u m 5 1 µ g / L 2 4 8 0. 5 U 0 . 5 U 4 . 7 5 J 13 . 9 1.58 J 0.5 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 Co b a l t * 5 3 µ g / L 2 4 8 1. 0 7 J' 0. 1 1 8 U 0 . 1 5 1 J 0 . 4 5 J 0 . 1 1 8 U 0.118 1 0 1 N E Co p p e r 5 4 µ g / L 2 4 8 1.1 J 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 , 0 0 0 1 , 3 0 0 Fl u o r i d e 3 1 2 µ g / L 2 4 8 17 U 1 2 1 J' 31 . 2 J 4 4 . 3 J 1 7 U 17 2 , 0 0 0 2 , 0 0 0 4 , 0 0 0 Ir o n 3 4 0 µ g / L 2 4 8 41 5 1. 9 1 J 30 6 9 4 4 3 5 4 1.3 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 * * Le a d 1 3 1 µ g / L 2 4 8 1. 2 8 J' 0. 0 6 5 U 0 . 1 9 J 0 . 1 2 5 J 7 . 8 7 J'0.065 1 0 1 5 1 5 Ma n g a n e s e 3 4 2 µ g / L 2 4 8 31 . 7 J' 1. 7 3 J 6 . 2 5 J' 13 . 9 J' 10 J'0.2 5 0 5 0 5 0 * * Me r c u r y 1 3 2 µ g / L 2 4 8 0. 0 3 3 4 U 0 . 0 3 3 4 U 0 . 0 3 3 4 U 0 . 0 3 3 4 U 0 . 0 3 3 4 U 0.0334 0 . 2 1 2 Ni c k e l 1 5 2 µ g / L 2 4 8 0. 5 1 5 J 0 . 5 U 2 . 0 9 J 1 . 8 1 J 0 . 5 U 0.5 5 0 1 0 0 N E Nit r a t e  (a s  Ni t r o g e n ) 3 0 3 µ g / L 2 4 8 17 9 J' 1, 9 1 0 J' 5. 4 U 1 , 1 8 0 J' 619 J'5.4 1 0 , 0 0 0 1 0 , 0 0 0 1 0 , 0 0 0 Se l e n i u m 1 8 3 µ g / L 2 4 8 0. 0 9 2 U 0 . 0 9 2 U 0 . 0 9 2 U 21 . 1 0.122 J 0.092 1 0 2 0 5 0 Si l v e r 1 8 4 µ g / L 2 4 8 1. 2 8 J 0 . 7 U 1 . 4 5 J 1 . 4 5 J 1 . 3 7 J 0.7 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 * * Su l f a t e 3 1 5 µ g / L 2 4 8 1, 1 9 0 J' 96 1 J' 27 6 J' 96 , 3 0 0 J' 105 J'18 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 * * Th a l l i u m * 1 9 4 µ g / L 2 4 8 0. 1 3 3 U 0 . 1 3 3 U 0 . 1 3 3 U 0 . 1 3 3 U 0 . 1 3 3 U 0.133 5 . 5 0 . 2 2 To t a l  Di s s o l v e d  So l i d s 3 1 1 µ g / L 2 4 8 38 , 0 0 0 8 4 , 0 0 0 4 1 , 0 0 0 2 1 4 , 0 0 0 3 7 , 0 0 0 16,700 N E 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 * * Va n a d i u m * 2 0 9 µ g / L 2 4 8 0. 5 3 1 J 0. 4 5 4 J 1. 0 3 J' 4. 2 9 J' 0.947 J 0.053 2 5 0 . 3 N E Zi n c 2 1 3 µ g / L 2 4 8 6. 7 4 J' 2. 6 U 4 . 3 8 J 5 . 0 1 J' 61.4 2.6 1 0 1 , 0 0 0 5 , 0 0 0 * * No t e s : 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . In s u f f i c i e n t  gr o u n d w a t e r  in  MW ‐2  pr e v e n t e d  sa m p l i n g "J "  is  us e d  to  id e n t i f y  es t i m a t e d  co n c e n t r a t i o n s  wh i c h  eq u a l  or  ar e  gr e a t e r  th a n  th e  MD L  bu t  ar e  le s s  th a n  th e  la b o r a t o r y ' s  me t h o d  re p o r t i n g  li m i t  (M R L ) , an d  an  it a l i c i z e d  J'‐fl a g  is  a  da t a  qu a l i f i e r ,  ad d e d  by  HD R  to  in d i c a t e  co n c e n t r a t i o n s  wh i c h  eq u a l  or  ar e  gr e a t e r  th a n  th e  la b o r a t o r y ' s  MR L  bu t  ar e  le s s  th a n  th e  SW S L An a l y t i c a l  re s u l t s  ob t a i n e d  fr o m  El e c t r o n i c  Da t a  De l i v e r a b l e  (E D D )  pr o v i d e d  by  Br y a n  Mo e l l e r  of  Du k e  En e r g y  Ca r o l i n a s ,  LL C  on  Ma r c h  7,  20 1 7 36 49 . 5 0 80 0 . 0 9 42 . 7 2 46 . 5 1 81 1 . 5 4 50 . 0 0 90 . 5 3 81 1 . 1 4 43 . 0 1 60.20761.185.6 5. 9 29 2 14 . 8 1 6. 4 14.67 19 15 . 2 9 1 4 . 3 9 585. 6 NS NS NS 14 . 4 2 25.59 12 . 1 9 75 5 . 3 9 Gr a y e d  va l u e s  in d i c a t e  va l u e s  th a t  eq u a l  or  ar e  gr e a t e r  th a n  th e  SW S L 85 2 . 6 9 8 5 4 . 1 5 8 5 8 . 0 5 35 . 6 7 81 7 . 0 2 47 . 2 0 40 . 2 0 Se m i a n n u a l  co n s t i t u e n t s  re f e r s  to  co n s t i t u e n t s  re q u i r e d  to  be  an a l y z e d  in  th e  Gr o u n d w a t e r  Mo n i t o r i n g ,  Sa m p l i n g  an d  An a l y s i s  Pl a n  fo r  th e  Pi n e  Ha l l  Ro a d  As h  La n d f i l l  da t e d  No v e m b e r  1, 2008 MC L  is  th e  Fe d e r a l  Ma x i m u m  Co n t a m i n a n t  Le v e l  as  fo u n d  in  40  CF R ,  Su b p a r t  G,  §1 4 1 . 6 2 Ma x i m u m  Al l o w a b l e  Co n c e n t r a t i o n s  (I M A C s ) **  Co n c e n t r a t i o n  li s t e d  is  a  se c o n d a r y  ma x i m u m  co n t a m i n a n t  le v e l  (S M C L ) ;  SM C L s  ar e  es t a b l i s h e d  by  EP A  in  th e  Na t i o n a l  Se c o n d a r y  Dr i n k i n g  Wa t e r  Re g u l a t i o n s  as  fo u n d  in  40  CF R  §143.3 by  th e  la b o r a t o r y  fo r  th e  an a l y s e s  co m p l e t e d ;  th e r e f o r e ,  th e  SW S L  an d  2L  St a n d a r d  lis t e d  ar e  fo r  th e  ch l o r i d e  wi t h  CA S  nu m b e r  SW 3 0 1  as  sp e c i f i e d  on  th e  Co n s t i t u e n t  Lo o k ‐up  we b p a g e  (last  updated  June  13, 2011) SW S L  is  th e  So l i d  Wa s t e  Se c t i o n  Li m i t .  NC D E Q  de f i n e s  th e  SW S L  as  th e  lo w e s t  am o u n t  of  an a l y t e  in  a  sa m p l e  th a t  ca n  be  qu a n t i t a t i v e l y  de t e r m i n e d  wi t h  su i t a b l e  pr e c i s i o n  an d  ac c u r a c y Qu a l i f i e r s  in  no n ‐it a l i c i z e d  te x t  ar e  la b o r a t o r y  da t a  qu a l i f i e r s  or  "f l a g s " ,  "U "  is  us e d  to  id e n t i f y  re s u l t s  no t  de t e c t e d  at  co n c e n t r a t i o n s  wh i c h  eq u a l  th e  la b o r a t o r y ' s  MD L , SW S  ID  is  th e  So l i d  Wa s t e  Se c t i o n  Id e n t i f i c a t i o n  Nu m b e r Ac c o r d i n g  to  th e  Co n s t i t u e n t  Lo o k ‐up  we b p a g e  on  th e  NC D E Q  Di v i s i o n  of  Wa s t e  Ma n a g e m e n t  we b p a g e ,  th e r e  is  no  SW S L  or  2L  St a n d a r d  fo r  ch o r i d e  as s o c i a t e d  wi t h  CA S  nu m b e r  16 8 8 7 ‐08 ‐6, which  is  the  CAS  reported    µg / L  in d i c a t e s  mic r o g r a m s  pe r  li t e r NE  in d i c a t e s  no t  es t a b l i s h e d ;  NA  in d i c a t e s  no t  an a l y z e d ;  bl a n k  ce l l s  in d i c a t e  th a t  th e r e  is  no  in f o r m a t i o n  re l e v a n t  to  th e  re s p e c t i v e  ro w 15 A  NC A C  2L  St a n d a r d  re f e r s  to  Cl a s s  GA  St a n d a r d s  as  fo u n d  in  15 A  NC A C  02 L  .0 2 0 2  Gr o u n d w a t e r  Qu a l i t y  St a n d a r d s ,  la s t  am e n d e d  on  Ap r i l  1,  20 1 3 * 40  CF R  Pa r t  25 8  Ap p e n d i x  I  in o r g a n i c s  ar e  re p o r t e d .    Th e y  ar e  no t  in c l u d e d  in  th e  Pi n e  Ha l l  Ro a d  La n d f i l l  sa m p l i n g  an d  an a l y s i s  pl a n ;  co n s t i t u e n t s  ar e  co m p a r e d  to  No r t h  Ca r o l i n a  In t e r i m   °C  in d i c a t e s  de g r e e s  ce l s i u s Bo l d  va l u e s  in d i c a t e  va l u e s  th a t  at t a i n  or  ex c e e d  th e  15 A  NC A C  2L  St a n d a r d MD L  is  th e  la b o r a t o r y  me t h o d  de t e c t i o n  li m i t .  Th e  MD L  va l u e s  pr e s e n t e d  ar e  fo r  sa m p l e s  no t  di l u t e d  by  th e  la b o r a t o r y  du r i n g  an a l y s i s SU  in d i c a t e s  st a n d a r d  un i t s µԼ /c m  in d i c a t e s  mi c r o m h o s  pe r  ce n t i m e t e r 76 7 . 5 8 Laboratory  Certification  Codes:Duke  Energy  Carolinas  Field  #5193 Duke  Energy  Analytical  Laboratory  #248 MW ‐1M W ‐1D M W ‐2M W ‐3M W ‐4 Ja n u a r y  11 ,  20 1 7 MW ‐5 Du k e  En e r g y  Ca r o l i n a s ,  LL C 786.77 12 0 84 2 . 8 1 4. 9 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NSNSNSNSNSNS Ta b l e  4  ‐   Fi e l d  an d  An a l y t i c a l  Re s u l t s  fo r  Se m i a n n u a l  Co n s i t u e n t s Du k e  En e r g y  Ca r o l i n a s ,  LL C / B e l e w s  Cr e e k  St e a m  St a t i o n Pi n e  Ha l l  Ro a d  As h  La n d f i l l  ‐   Pe r m i t  No .  85 0 3 Sa m p l e  Da t e : Fi e l d  Sa m p l i n g  Pe r f o r m e d  By : Pa r a m e t e r S W S  ID U n i t s Ce r t i f i c a t i o n Co d e MDL S W S L 15A  NCAC 2L  Standard/IMAC Federal  MCL Fi e l d  pH 3 2 0 S U 5 1 9 3 ‐‐NE 6 . 5 ‐8.5 6 . 5 ‐8.5* Fi e l d  Sp e c i f i c  Co n d u c t i v i t y 3 2 3 µ Լ /c m 5 1 9 3 ‐‐NE N E N E Te m p e r a t u r e 3 2 5 ° C 5 1 9 3 ‐‐NE N E N E To p  of  Ca s i n g 3 2 8 f e e t ‐ ‐‐NE N E N E De p t h  to  Wa t e r 3 1 8 f e e t ‐ ‐‐NE N E N E Wa t e r  Ele v a t i o n 3 1 9 f e e t ‐ ‐‐NE N E N E We l l  De p t h 4 1 1 f e e t ‐ ‐‐NE N E N E An t i m o n y * 1 3 µ g / L 2 4 8 0. 1 0 6 U 0 . 1 0 6 U 0 . 1 0 6 U 0 . 1 0 6 U 26 . 2 0.106 U 0.106 6 1 6 Ar s e n i c 1 4 µ g / L 2 4 8 0. 0 8 8 J 0 . 1 8 J 0 . 4 3 3 J 0 . 6 2 1 J 30 . 7 0.245 J 0.078 1 0 1 0 1 0 Ba r i u m 1 5 µ g / L 2 4 8 68 . 4 J ' 24 . 1 J ' 23 . 1 J ' 59 . 1 J ' 30 . 7 J ' 101 0.1 1 0 0 7 0 0 2 , 0 0 0 Be r y l l i u m * 2 3 µ g / L 2 4 8 0. 2 U 0 . 2 U 2 . 2 7 J 0 . 2 U 0 . 2 U 0 . 2 U 0.2 1 4 4 Bo r o n 4 2 8 µ g / L 2 4 8 4. 4 J 2, 0 0 0 2 2 , 7 0 0 32 5 14 , 8 0 0 6.35 J 3.3 N E 7 0 0 N E Ca d m i u m 3 4 µ g / L 2 4 8 0. 1 0 1 U 0 . 1 0 3 J 0 . 8 7 1 J 0 . 1 0 1 U 0 . 9 8 3 J 0 . 1 1 5 J 0.101 1 2 5 Ch l o r i d e 4 5 5 µ g / L 2 4 8 8, 0 7 0 8 , 0 5 0 1 4 , 1 0 0 3 , 9 0 0 4 , 7 3 0 3 , 4 1 0 22 N E 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 * * Ch r o m i u m 5 1 µ g / L 2 4 8 0. 5 U 0 . 5 U 0 . 5 U 9 . 0 7 J ' 0. 5 U 0 . 5 U 0.5 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 Co b a l t * 5 3 µ g / L 2 4 8 0. 2 3 J 0 . 1 1 8 U 0 . 4 1 J 0 . 8 2 2 J 1 . 0 7 J ' 0.131 J 0.118 1 0 1 N E Co p p e r 5 4 µ g / L 2 4 8 1U 1 U 1 U 2 . 6 8 J 1 U 1 U 1 1 0 1 , 0 0 0 1 , 3 0 0 Flu o r i d e 3 1 2 µ g / L 2 4 8 17 U 8 5 U 3 4 0 U 8 4 . 7 J 7 8 8 J 4 5 J 17 2 , 0 0 0 2 , 0 0 0 4 , 0 0 0 Ir o n 3 4 0 µ g / L 2 4 8 49 . 5 J ' 32 4 36 J ' 1, 6 3 0 28 . 2 J ' 199 J '1.3 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 * * Le a d 1 3 1 µ g / L 2 4 8 0. 0 6 5 U 0 . 1 9 4 J 0 . 0 6 5 U 0 . 5 0 3 J 0 . 0 6 5 U 0 . 1 1 7 J 0.065 1 0 1 5 1 5 Ma n g a n e s e 3 4 2 µ g / L 2 4 8 1. 9 1 J 1 0 . 9 J ' 43 5 1 6 2 8 1 . 7 21.3 J '0.2 5 0 5 0 5 0 * * Me r c u r y 1 3 2 µ g / L 2 4 8 0. 0 3 3 4 U 0 . 0 3 3 4 U 0 . 0 8 J ' 0. 0 3 3 4 U 0 . 0 3 3 4 U 0 . 0 3 3 4 U 0.0334 0 . 2 1 2 Ni c k e l 1 5 2 µ g / L 2 4 8 0. 5 U 0 . 5 U 1 3 . 4 J ' 7. 0 4 J ' 0. 5 U 0 . 5 U 0.5 5 0 1 0 0 N E Ni t r a t e  (a s  Nit r o g e n ) 3 0 3 µ g / L 2 4 8 5. 4 U 2 , 6 7 0 J ' 39 , 2 0 0 1, 2 0 0 J ' 1, 9 4 0 J ' 5.4 U 5.4 1 0 , 0 0 0 1 0 , 0 0 0 1 0 , 0 0 0 Se l e n i u m 1 8 3 µ g / L 2 4 8 0. 0 9 2 U 21 . 4 2 0 2 0. 8 7 9 J 13 1 0.092 U 0.092 1 0 2 0 5 0 Si l v e r 1 8 4 µ g / L 2 4 8 1. 5 8 J 1 . 1 6 J 0 . 7 8 3 J 0 . 9 2 5 J 0 . 7 U 1 . 5 J 0.7 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 * * Su l f a t e 3 1 5 µ g / L 2 4 8 45 . 4 J 1 4 3 , 0 0 0 J ' 1, 3 2 0 , 0 0 0 64 , 0 0 0 J ' 1, 5 4 0 , 0 0 0 70.9 J 18 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 * * Th a l l i u m * 1 9 4 µ g / L 2 4 8 0. 1 3 3 U 0 . 1 3 3 U 0 . 1 3 3 U 0 . 1 3 3 U 8. 3 9 0.133 U 0.133 5 . 5 0 . 2 2 To t a l  Di s s o l v e d  So l i d s 3 1 1 µ g / L 2 4 8 53 , 0 0 0 2 4 9 , 0 0 0 1, 8 5 0 , 0 0 0 19 7 , 0 0 0 2, 6 0 0 , 0 0 0 21,000 J 16,700 N E 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 * * Va n a d i u m * 2 0 9 µ g / L 2 4 8 0. 5 1 5 J 0. 8 1 6 J 0. 4 5 5 J 1. 8 J ' 20 3 0 . 4 7 5 J 0.053 2 5 0 . 3 N E Zi n c 2 1 3 µ g / L 2 4 8 3. 4 3 J 5 . 8 J ' 17 . 9 5 . 3 6 J ' 3. 3 1 J 6 . 4 8 J '2.6 1 0 1 , 0 0 0 5 , 0 0 0 * * No t e s : 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . An a l y t i c a l  re s u l t s  ob t a i n e d  fr o m  El e c t r o n i c  Da t a  De l i v e r a b l e  (E D D )  pr o v i d e d  by  Br y a n  Mo e l l e r  of  Du k e  En e r g y  Ca r o l i n a s ,  LL C  on  Ma r c h  7,  20 1 7 36.6 14 . 6 1 3 0 . 0 3 36 . 8 4 SW S L  is  th e  So l i d  Wa s t e  Se c t i o n  Li m i t .  NC D E Q  de f i n e s  th e  SW S L  as  th e  lo w e s t  am o u n t  of  an a l y t e  in  a  sa m p l e  th a t  ca n  be  qu a n t i t a t i v e l y  de t e r m i n e d  wi t h  su i t a b l e  pr e c i s i o n  an d  ac c u r a c y Ac c o r d i n g  to  th e  Co n s t i t u e n t  Lo o k ‐up  we b p a g e  on  th e  NC D E Q  Di v i s i o n  of  Wa s t e  Ma n a g e m e n t  we b p a g e ,  th e r e  is  no  SW S L  or  2L  St a n d a r d  fo r  ch o r i d e  as s o c i a t e d  wi t h  CA S  nu m b e r  16 8 8 7 ‐08 ‐6, which  is  the  CAS  reported    by  th e  la b o r a t o r y  fo r  th e  an a l y s e s  co m p l e t e d ;  th e r e f o r e ,  th e  SW S L  an d  2L  St a n d a r d  li s t e d  ar e  fo r  th e  ch l o r i d e  wi t h  CA S  nu m b e r  SW 3 0 1  as  sp e c i f i e d  on  th e  Co n s t i t u e n t  Lo o k ‐up  we b p a g e  (last  updated  June  13, 2011) NE  in d i c a t e s  no t  es t a b l i s h e d ;  NA  in d i c a t e s  no t  an a l y z e d ;  bl a n k  ce l l s  in d i c a t e  th a t  th e r e  is  no  in f o r m a t i o n  re l e v a n t  to  th e  re s p e c t i v e  ro w Gr a y e d  va l u e s  in d i c a t e  va l u e s  th a t  eq u a l  or  ar e  gr e a t e r  th a n  th e  SW S L Bo l d  va l u e s  in d i c a t e  va l u e s  th a t  at t a i n  or  ex c e e d  th e  15 A  NC A C  2L  St a n d a r d MD L  is  th e  la b o r a t o r y  me t h o d  de t e c t i o n  li m i t .  Th e  MD L  va l u e s  pr e s e n t e d  ar e  fo r  sa m p l e s  no t  di l u t e d  by  th e  la b o r a t o r y  du r i n g  an a l y s i s SW S  ID  is  th e  So l i d  Wa s t e  Se c t i o n  Id e n t i f i c a t i o n  Nu m b e r Qu a l i f i e r s  in  no n ‐it a l i c i z e d  te x t  ar e  la b o r a t o r y  da t a  qu a l i f i e r s  or  "f l a g s " ,  "U "  is  us e d  to  id e n t i f y  re s u l t s  no t  de t e c t e d  at  co n c e n t r a t i o n s  wh i c h  eq u a l  th e  la b o r a t o r y ' s  MD L , SU  in d i c a t e s  st a n d a r d  un i t s 30 . 6 2 5.2 "J "  is  us e d  to  id e n t i f y  es t i m a t e d  co n c e n t r a t i o n s  wh i c h  eq u a l  or  ar e  gr e a t e r  th a n  th e  MD L  bu t  ar e  le s s  th a n  th e  la b o r a t o r y ' s  me t h o d  re p o r t i n g  li m i t  (M R L ) , an d  an  it a l i c i z e d  J'‐fl a g  is  a  da t a  qu a l i f i e r ,  ad d e d  by  HD R  to  in d i c a t e  co n c e n t r a t i o n s  wh i c h  eq u a l  or  ar e  gr e a t e r  th a n  th e  la b o r a t o r y ' s  MR L  bu t  ar e  le s s  th a n  th e  SW S L 15 A  NC A C  2L  St a n d a r d  re f e r s  to  Cl a s s  GA  St a n d a r d s  as  fo u n d  in  15 A  NC A C  02 L  .0 2 0 2  Gr o u n d w a t e r  Qu a l i t y  St a n d a r d s ,  la s t  am e n d e d  on  Ap r i l  1,  20 1 3 * 40  CF R  Pa r t  25 8  Ap p e n d i x  I  in o r g a n i c s  ar e  re p o r t e d .    Th e y  ar e  no t  in c l u d e d  in  th e  Pi n e  Ha l l  Ro a d  La n d f i l l  sa m p l i n g  an d  an a l y s i s  pl a n ;  co n s t i t u e n t s  ar e  co m p a r e d  to  No r t h  Ca r o l i n a  In t e r i m   Ma x i m u m  Al l o w a b l e  Co n c e n t r a t i o n s  (I M A C s ) Se m i a n n u a l  co n s t i t u e n t s  re f e r s  to  co n s t i t u e n t s  re q u i r e d  to  be  an a l y z e d  in  th e  Gr o u n d w a t e r  Mo n i t o r i n g ,  Sa m p l i n g  an d  An a l y s i s  Pl a n  fo r  th e  Pi n e  Ha l l  Ro a d  As h  La n d f i l l  da t e d  No v e m b e r  1, 2008 14 . 2 6 MC L  is  th e  Fe d e r a l  Ma x i m u m  Co n t a m i n a n t  Le v e l  as  fo u n d  in  40  CF R ,  Su b p a r t  G,  §1 4 1 . 6 2 **  Co n c e n t r a t i o n  li s t e d  is  a  se c o n d a r y  ma x i m u m  co n t a m i n a n t  le v e l  (S M C L ) ;  SM C L s  ar e  es t a b l i s h e d  by  EP A  in  th e  Na t i o n a l  Se c o n d a r y  Dr i n k i n g  Wa t e r  Re g u l a t i o n s  as  fo u n d  in  40  CF R  §1 4 3 . 3 µԼ /c m  in d i c a t e s  mic r o m h o s  pe r  ce n t i m e t e r µg / L  in d i c a t e s  mi c r o g r a m s  pe r  li t e r °C  in d i c a t e s  de g r e e s  ce l s i u s 25.16 755.77 75 5 . 3 6 13 . 5 4 33 1 26 15.54 22 . 2 4 77 7 . 6 4 7 9 7 . 3 8 7 8 0 . 9 3 80 3 . 2 7 6 3 . 3 6 80 7 . 8 7. 7 7 79 1 . 5 5 5. 8 3 33 . 7 1 1 4 . 2 8 83 6 . 9 1 7. 1 2, 6 1 0 15 . 8 4 77 7 . 6 5. 4 64 15 . 6 3 5. 1 1, 9 9 5 14 . 4 9 13 . 2 6 81 5 . 5 7 26 5 5. 8 5. 4 Laboratory  Certification  Codes:Duke  Energy  Carolinas  Field  #5193 Duke  Energy  Analytical  Laboratory  #248 MW ‐6M W ‐7M W 2 ‐7M W 2 ‐9OB ‐5 Du k e  En e r g y  Ca r o l i n a s ,  LL C Ja n u a r y  11 ,  20 1 7 OB ‐4 Ta b l e  4  ‐   Fi e l d  an d  An a l y t i c a l  Re s u l t s  fo r  Se m i a n n u a l  Co n s t i t u e n t s Du k e  En e r g y  Ca r o l i n a s ,  LL C / B e l e w s  Cr e e k  St e a m  St a t i o n Pi n e  Ha l l  Ro a d  As h  La n d f i l l  ‐   Pe r m i t  No .  85 0 3 Sa m p l e  Da t e : Fi e l d  Sa m p l i n g  Pe r f o r m e d  By : Pa r a m e t e r S W S  ID U n i t s Ce r t i f i c a t i o n Co d e MDL S W S L 15A  NCAC 2L  Standard/IMAC Federal  MCL Fi e l d  pH 3 2 0 S U 5 1 9 3 ‐‐NE 6 . 5 ‐8.5 6 . 5 ‐8.5* Fi e l d  Sp e c i f i c  Co n d u c t i v i t y 3 2 3 µ Լ /c m 5 1 9 3 ‐‐NE N E N E Te m p e r a t u r e 3 2 5 ° C 5 1 9 3 ‐‐NE N E N E To p  of  Ca s i n g 3 2 8 f e e t ‐ ‐‐NE N E N E De p t h  to  Wa t e r 3 1 8 f e e t ‐ ‐‐NE N E N E Wa t e r  Ele v a t i o n 3 1 9 f e e t ‐ ‐‐NE N E N E We l l  De p t h 4 1 1 f e e t ‐ ‐‐NE N E N E An t i m o n y * 1 3 µ g / L 2 4 8 0. 1 0 6 U 0 . 1 0 6 U 0 . 1 0 6 U 0 . 1 0 6 U 0. 1 0 6 6 1 6 Ar s e n i c 1 4 µ g / L 2 4 8 0. 5 7 8 J 0 . 2 1 6 J 0 . 1 8 6 J 0 . 0 7 8 U 0. 0 7 8 1 0 1 0 1 0 Ba r i u m 1 5 µ g / L 2 4 8 12 . 9 J' 38 . 1 J' 29 . 4 J' 0. 1 U 0.1 1 0 0 7 0 0 2 , 0 0 0 Be r y l l i u m * 2 3 µ g / L 2 4 8 1. 5 5 J 0 . 2 U 0 . 2 U 0 . 2 U 0.2 1 4 4 Bo r o n 4 2 8 µ g / L 2 4 8 26 , 7 0 0 8 , 5 2 0 9 5 7 6. 7 5 J 3.3 N E 7 0 0 N E Ca d m i u m 3 4 µ g / L 2 4 8 2. 4 0. 2 4 9 J 0 . 1 0 1 U 0 . 1 0 1 U 0. 1 0 1 1 2 5 Ch l o r i d e 4 5 5 µ g / L 2 4 8 11 , 4 0 0 8 , 5 8 0 5 , 1 7 0 2 2 U 22 N E 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 * * Ch r o m i u m 5 1 µ g / L 2 4 8 0. 5 U 0 . 5 U 0 . 5 U 0 . 5 U 0.5 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 Co b a l t * 5 3 µ g / L 2 4 8 0. 4 4 5 J 1 . 0 6 J' 0. 2 J 0 . 1 1 8 U 0. 1 1 8 1 0 1 N E Co p p e r 5 4 µ g / L 2 4 8 1U 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 1 0 1 , 0 0 0 1 , 3 0 0 Fl u o r i d e 3 1 2 µ g / L 2 4 8 34 0 U 1 7 0 U 3 5 . 3 J 1 7 U 17 2 , 0 0 0 2 , 0 0 0 4 , 0 0 0 Ir o n 3 4 0 µ g / L 2 4 8 1. 3 U 5 6 . 4 J' 33 8 1. 3 U 1.3 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 * * Le a d 1 3 1 µ g / L 2 4 8 0. 0 6 5 U 0 . 0 6 5 U 0 . 2 4 4 J 0 . 0 6 5 U 0. 0 6 5 1 0 1 5 1 5 Ma n g a n e s e 3 4 2 µ g / L 2 4 8 1, 8 4 0 2 6 0 26 . 3 J' 0. 2 U 0.2 5 0 5 0 5 0 * * Me r c u r y 1 3 2 µ g / L 2 4 8 0. 0 9 2 J' 0. 0 3 3 4 U 0 . 0 3 3 4 U 0 . 0 3 3 4 U 0. 0 3 3 4 0 . 2 1 2 Ni c k e l 1 5 2 µ g / L 2 4 8 9. 9 9 J' 0. 6 7 9 J 0 . 5 U 0 . 5 U 0.5 5 0 1 0 0 N E Ni t r a t e  (a s  Ni t r o g e n ) 3 0 3 µ g / L 2 4 8 5, 0 0 0 J' 9, 8 4 0 J' 41 3 J' 5. 4 U 5.4 1 0 , 0 0 0 1 0 , 0 0 0 1 0 , 0 0 0 Se l e n i u m 1 8 3 µ g / L 2 4 8 30 0 5 3 . 2 6. 0 4 J' 0. 0 9 2 U 0. 0 9 2 1 0 2 0 5 0 Si l v e r 1 8 4 µ g / L 2 4 8 0. 7 U 0 . 7 U 0 . 7 8 5 J 1 . 5 5 J 0.7 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 * * Su l f a t e 3 1 5 µ g / L 2 4 8 1, 1 6 0 , 0 0 0 5 2 3 , 0 0 0 38 , 3 0 0 J' 18 U 18 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 * * Th a l l i u m * 1 9 4 µ g / L 2 4 8 0. 1 3 3 U 0 . 1 3 3 U 0 . 1 3 3 U 0 . 1 3 3 U 0. 1 3 3 5 . 5 0 . 2 2 To t a l  Di s s o l v e d  So l i d s 3 1 1 µ g / L 2 4 8 1, 5 3 0 , 0 0 0 7 8 1 , 0 0 0 11 1 , 0 0 0 16 , 7 0 0 N E 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 * * Va n a d i u m * 2 0 9 µ g / L 2 4 8 0. 1 3 8 J 0 . 2 9 8 J 0. 5 0 1 J 0 . 1 1 8 J 0. 0 5 3 2 5 0 . 3 N E Zi n c 2 1 3 µ g / L 2 4 8 41 . 7 5 . 6 9 J' 4. 0 1 J 2 . 6 U 2.6 1 0 1 , 0 0 0 5 , 0 0 0 * * No t e s : 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . ‐‐ OB ‐9 37 . 9 2 ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐ ‐ ‐‐‐‐ ‐ ‐ ‐‐ 48 . 5 7 ‐‐ ‐‐‐‐ An a l y t i c a l  re s u l t s  ob t a i n e d  fr o m  El e c t r o n i c  Da t a  De l i v e r a b l e  (E D D )  pr o v i d e d  by  Br y a n  Mo e l l e r  of  Du k e  En e r g y  Ca r o l i n a s ,  LL C  on  Ma r c h  7,  20 1 7 5. 0 6 . 2 1, 7 4 3 9 9 5 NE  in d i c a t e s  no t  es t a b l i s h e d ;  NA  in d i c a t e s  no t  an a l y z e d ;  bl a n k  ce l l s  in d i c a t e  th a t  th e r e  is  no  in f o r m a t i o n  re l e v a n t  to  th e  re s p e c t i v e  ro w Gr a y e d  va l u e s  in d i c a t e  va l u e s  th a t  eq u a l  or  ar e  gr e a t e r  th a n  th e  SW S L Bo l d  va l u e s  in d i c a t e  va l u e s  th a t  at t a i n  or  ex c e e d  th e  15 A  NC A C  2L  St a n d a r d MD L  is  th e  la b o r a t o r y  me t h o d  de t e c t i o n  li m i t .  Th e  MD L  va l u e s  pr e s e n t e d  ar e  fo r  sa m p l e s  no t  di l u t e d  by  th e  la b o r a t o r y  du r i n g  an a l y s i s Qu a l i f i e r s  in  no n ‐it a l i c i z e d  te x t  ar e  la b o r a t o r y  da t a  qu a l i f i e r s  or  "f l a g s " ,  "U "  is  us e d  to  id e n t i f y  re s u l t s  no t  de t e c t e d  at  co n c e n t r a t i o n s  wh i c h  eq u a l  th e  la b o r a t o r y ' s  MDL, "J "  is  us e d  to  id e n t i f y  es t i m a t e d  co n c e n t r a t i o n s  wh i c h  eq u a l  or  ar e  gr e a t e r  th a n  th e  MD L  bu t  ar e  le s s  th a n  th e  la b o r a t o r y ' s  me t h o d  re p o r t i n g  li m i t  (M R L ) , SW S L  is  th e  So l i d  Wa s t e  Se c t i o n  Li m i t .  NC D E Q  de f i n e s  th e  SW S L  as  th e  lo w e s t  am o u n t  of  an a l y t e  in  a  sa m p l e  th a t  ca n  be  qu a n t i t a t i v e l y  de t e r m i n e d  wit h  su i t a b l e  precision  and  accuracy ‐‐ ‐ ‐ 14 . 7 8 **  Co n c e n t r a t i o n  li s t e d  is  a  se c o n d a r y  ma x i m u m  co n t a m i n a n t  le v e l  (S M C L ) ;  SM C L s  ar e  es t a b l i s h e d  by  EP A  in  th e  Na t i o n a l  Se c o n d a r y  Dr i n k i n g  Wa t e r  Re g u l a t i o n s  as  found  in  40  CFR  §143.3 * 40  CF R  Pa r t  25 8  Ap p e n d i x  I  in o r g a n i c s  ar e  re p o r t e d .    Th e y  ar e  no t  in c l u d e d  in  th e  Pin e  Ha l l  Ro a d  La n d f i l l  sa m p l i n g  an d  an a l y s i s  pl a n ;  co n s t i t u e n t s  ar e  co m p a r e d  to  North  Carolina  Interim  Laboratory  Certification  Codes: Du k e  En e r g y  Ca r o l i n a s ,  LL C Duke  Energy  Carolinas  Field  #5193 Duke  Energy  Analytical  Laboratory  #248 Ja n u a r y  11 ,  20 1 7 SW ‐2 F i e l d  Bl a n k 14 . 9 3 1 3 . 5 6 79 9 . 5 9 ‐‐ 12 8 ‐‐ 6. 3 Ac c o r d i n g  to  th e  Co n s t i t u e n t  Lo o k ‐up  we b p a g e  on  th e  NC D E Q  Di v i s i o n  of  Wa s t e  Ma n a g e m e n t  we b p a g e ,  th e r e  is  no  SW S L  or  2L  St a n d a r d  fo r  ch o r i d e  as s o c i a t e d  with  CAS  number  16887 ‐08 ‐6,  NS SW ‐1A 76 1 . 6 7 an d  an  it a l i c i z e d  J' ‐fl a g  is  a  da t a  qu a l i f i e r ,  ad d e d  by  HD R  to  in d i c a t e  co n c e n t r a t i o n s  wh i c h  eq u a l  or  ar e  gr e a t e r  th a n  th e  la b o r a t o r y ' s  MR L  bu t  ar e  le s s  th a n  the  SWSL by  th e  la b o r a t o r y  fo r  th e  an a l y s e s  co m p l e t e d ;  th e r e f o r e ,  th e  SW S L  an d  2L  St a n d a r d  li s t e d  ar e  fo r  th e  ch l o r i d e  wit h  CA S  nu m b e r  SW 3 0 1  as  sp e c i f i e d  on  th e  Constituent  Look ‐up  webpage  (last   µg / L  in d i c a t e s  mi c r o g r a m s  pe r  li t e r °C  in d i c a t e s  de g r e e s  ce l s i u s SU  in d i c a t e s  st a n d a r d  un i t s µԼ /c m  in d i c a t e s  mi c r o m h o s  pe r  ce n t i m e t e r SW S  ID  is  th e  So l i d  Wa s t e  Se c t i o n  Id e n t i f i c a t i o n  Nu m b e r Ma x i m u m  All o w a b l e  Co n c e n t r a t i o n s  (I M A C s ) Se m i a n n u a l  co n s t i t u e n t s  re f e r s  to  co n s t i t u e n t s  re q u i r e d  to  be  an a l y z e d  in  th e  Gr o u n d w a t e r  Mo n i t o r i n g ,  Sa m p l i n g  an d  An a l y s i s  Pl a n  fo r  th e  Pin e  Ha l l  Ro a d  Ash  Landfill  dated  November  1, 2008 up d a t e d  Ju n e  13 ,  20 1 1 ) 15 A  NC A C  2L  St a n d a r d  re f e r s  to  Cla s s  GA  St a n d a r d s  as  fo u n d  in  15 A  NC A C  02 L  .0 2 0 2  Gr o u n d w a t e r  Qu a l i t y  St a n d a r d s ,  la s t  am e n d e d  on  Ap r i l  1,  20 1 3 MC L  is  th e  Fe d e r a l  Ma x i m u m  Co n t a m i n a n t  Le v e l  as  fo u n d  in  40  CF R ,  Su b p a r t  G,  §1 4 1 . 6 2 Ta b l e  5  ‐   Se m i a n n u a l  Co n s t i t u e n t s  15 A  NC A C  2L  Gr o u n d w a t e r  Qu a l i t y  Ex c e e d a n c e s   fo r  We l l s  Wi t h i n  Re v i e w  Bo u n d a r y Du k e  En e r g y  Ca r o l i n a s ,  LL C / B e l e w s  Cr e e k  St e a m  St a t i o n Pi n e  Ha l l  Ro a d  As h  La n d f i l l  ‐   Pe r m i t  No .  85 0 3 Sa m p l e  Da t e : Pa r a m e t e r S a m p l e  ID R e s u l t U n i t s 15 A  NC A C 2L  St a n d a r d Hi s t o r i c a l Co n c e n t r a t i o n s C a u s e  an d  Si g n i f i c a n c e MW ‐1D 6. 4 6.3  ‐   6. 9 p H  in  MW ‐1D  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  his t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l MW 2 ‐7 5. 1 4.9  ‐   5. 5 p H  in  MW 2 ‐7  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l MW ‐4 5. 9 5.4  ‐   6. 7 p H  in  MW ‐4  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l OB ‐5 5. 2 5.0  ‐   5. 7 p H  in  OB ‐5  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l OB ‐9 5. 0 4.9  ‐   5. 7 p H  in  OB ‐9  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l An t i m o n y * O B ‐4 26 . 2 µg / L 1 7 . 1  ‐   99 A n t i m o n y  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  OB ‐4  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  his t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l Ar s e n i c O B ‐4 30 . 7 µg / L 1 0 2 7  ‐   92 A r s e n i c  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  OB ‐4  is  co n s i s t e n t  wit h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l MW 2 ‐7 22 , 7 0 0 10 , 0 0 0  ‐   22 , 9 0 0 B o r o n  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  MW 2 ‐7  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l MW ‐4 86 4 16 6  ‐   71 8 B o r o n  in  MW ‐4  is  th e  hig h e s t  co n c e n t r a t i o n  re p o r t e d  at  th e  we l l  ov e r  th e  pe r i o d  of  monitoring OB ‐4 14 , 8 0 0 15 , 4 0 0  ‐   49 , 4 8 2 B o r o n  in  OB ‐4  is  th e  lo w e s t  co n c e n t r a t i o n  re p o r t e d  at  th e  we l l  ov e r  th e  pe r i o d  of  monitoring OB ‐9 26 , 7 0 0 19 , 7 0 0  ‐   33 , 4 0 0 B o r o n  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  OB ‐9  is  co n s i s t e n t  wit h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l Ca d m i u m O B ‐9 2. 4 µg / L 2 2 . 3  ‐   5. 7 C a d m i u m  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  OB ‐9  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l Ch r o m i u m M W ‐4 13 . 9 µg / L 1 0 5 . 8  ‐   29 C h r o m i u m  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  MW ‐4  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l ;  tu r b i d i t y  reported  at  13.1  NTU Ir o n M W ‐4 94 4 µg / L 3 0 0 2 6  ‐   8, 5 1 6 I r o n  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  MW ‐4  is  co n s i s t e n t  wit h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l ;  tu r b i d i t y  reported  at  13.1  NTU MW 2 ‐7 43 5 71  ‐   51 5 M a n g a n e s e  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  MW 2 ‐7  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l OB ‐4 81 . 7 45  ‐   5, 7 7 9 M a n g a n e s e  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  OB ‐4  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l OB ‐9 1, 8 4 0 1, 0 1 0  ‐   3, 7 7 6 M a n g a n e s e  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  OB ‐9  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l Ni t r a t e  as  N M W 2 ‐7 39 , 2 0 0 µg / L 1 0 , 0 0 0 4 , 1 8 0  ‐   43 , 9 0 0 N i t r a t e  as  N  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  MW 2 ‐7  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l MW 2 ‐7 20 2 66  ‐   20 4 S e l e n i u m  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  MW 2 ‐7  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l MW ‐4 21 . 1 2.0  ‐   18 S e l e n i u m  in  MW ‐4  is  th e  hi g h e s t  co n c e n t r a t i o n  re p o r t e d  at  th e  we l l  ov e r  th e  pe r i o d  of  monitoring; turbidity  reported  at  13.1  NTU OB ‐4 13 1 11  ‐   35 0 S e l e n i u m  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  OB ‐4  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l OB ‐9 30 0 12 6  ‐   40 1 S e l e n i u m  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  OB ‐9  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l MW 2 ‐7 1, 3 2 0 , 0 0 0 19 0 , 4 0 0  ‐   1, 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 S u l f a t e  in  MW 2 ‐7  is  th e  hi g h e s t  co n c e n t r a t i o n  re p o r t e d  at  th e  we l l  ov e r  th e  pe r i o d  of  monitoring OB ‐4 1, 5 4 0 , 0 0 0 26 , 0 0 0  ‐   1, 7 4 6 , 5 5 0 S u l f a t e  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  OB ‐4  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l OB ‐9 1, 1 6 0 , 0 0 0 44 , 7 9 0  ‐   1, 3 1 1 , 0 0 0 S u l f a t e  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  OB ‐9  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l MW 2 ‐7 1, 8 5 0 , 0 0 0 53 6 , 0 0 0  ‐   2, 1 3 0 , 0 0 0 T o t a l  Dis s o l v e d  So l i d s  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  MW 2 ‐7  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  well OB ‐4 2, 6 0 0 , 0 0 0 1, 9 5 0 , 0 0 0  ‐   2, 9 0 0 , 0 0 0 T o t a l  Dis s o l v e d  So l i d s  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  OB ‐4  is  co n s i s t e n t  wit h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  well OB ‐9 1, 5 3 0 , 0 0 0 1, 4 0 0 , 0 0 0  ‐   2, 1 7 0 , 0 0 0 T o t a l  Dis s o l v e d  So l i d s  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  OB ‐9  is  co n s i s t e n t  wit h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  well Th a l l i u m * O B ‐4 8. 3 9 µg / L 0 . 2 7 . 0  ‐   26 T h a l l i u m  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  OB ‐4  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l MW ‐1D 0. 4 5 4  J <0 . 5  ‐   <5 V a n a d i u m  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  MW ‐1D  is  co n s i s t e n t  wit h  his t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l MW 2 ‐7 0. 4 5 5  J <1  ‐   <5 V a n a d i u m  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  MW 2 ‐7  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  his t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l MW ‐4 4. 2 9 <1  ‐   <5 V a n a d i u m  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  MW ‐4  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l OB ‐4 20 3 98  ‐   21 8 V a n a d i u m  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  OB ‐4  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l No t e s : 10 . 11 . In s u f f i c i e n t  gr o u n d w a t e r  in  MW ‐2  pr e v e n t e d  sa m p l i n g His t o r i c a l  co n c e n t r a t i o n s  ba s e d  on  da t a  in  Du k e  En e r g y  Ca r o l i n a s ,  LL C  (D u k e  En e r g y )  an a l y t i c a l  re s u l t s  da t a b a s e An a l y t i c a l  re s u l t s  ob t a i n e d  fr o m  Ele c t r o n i c  Da t a  De l i v e r a b l e  (E D D )  pr o v i d e d  by  Br y a n  Mo e l l e r  of  Du k e  En e r g y  Ca r o l i n a s ,  LL C  on  Ma r c h  7,  20 1 7 15 A  NC A C  2L  St a n d a r d  re f e r s  to  Cl a s s  GA  St a n d a r d s  as  fo u n d  in  15 A  NC A C  02 L  .0 2 0 2  Gr o u n d w a t e r  Qu a l i t y  St a n d a r d s ,  la s t  am e n d e d  on  Ap r i l  1,  20 1 3 Ja n u a r y  11 ,  20 1 7 µg / L  in d i c a t e s  mi c r o g r a m s  pe r  lit e r SU  in d i c a t e s  St a n d a r d  Un i t s Bo r o n pH S U 6 . 5  ‐   8. 5 µg / L 7 0 0 Ma n g a n e s e µ g / L 5 0 Se l e n i u m µ g / L 2 0 Su l f a t e µ g / L 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 Co n s t i t u e n t s  no t  de t e c t e d  at  co n c e n t r a t i o n s  wh i c h  eq u a l  th e  la b o r a t o r y  me t h o d  re p o r t i n g  li m i t  (M R L )  ar e  pr e s e n t e d  as  <M R L "J "  is  us e d  to  id e n t i f y  es t i m a t e d  co n c e n t r a t i o n s  wh i c h  eq u a l  or  ar e  gr e a t e r  th a n  th e  MD L  bu t  ar e  le s s  th a n  th e  la b o r a t o r y ' s  me t h o d  re p o r t i n g  li m i t  (M R L ) NT U  in d i c a t e s  Ne p h e l o m e t r i c  Tu r b i d i t y  Un i t s To t a l  Di s s o l v e d   So l i d s µg / L Va n a d i u m * µ g / L 50 0 , 0 0 0 0. 3 Se m i a n n u a l  co n s t i t u e n t s  re f e r s  to  co n s t i t u e n t s  re q u i r e d  to  be  an a l y z e d  in  th e  Gr o u n d w a t e r  Mo n i t o r i n g ,  Sa m p l i n g  an d  An a l y s i s  Pla n  fo r  th e  Pi n e  Ha l l  Ro a d  As h  La n d f i l l   * 40  CF R  Pa r t  25 8  Ap p e n d i x  I  in o r g a n i c s  ar e  re p o r t e d ;  th e y  ar e  no t  in c l u d e d  in  th e  Pi n e  Ha l l  Ro a d  La n d f i l l  sa m p l i n g  an d  an a l y s i s  pla n ;  co n s t i t u e n t s  ar e  co m p a r e d  to  No r t h  Ca r o l i n a   In t e r i m  Ma x i m u m  Al l o w a b l e  Co n c e n t r a t i o n s  (I M A C s ) da t e d  No v e m b e r  1,  20 0 8 Ta b l e  6  ‐   Se m i a n n u a l  Co n s t i t u e n t s  15 A  NC A C  2L  Gr o u n d w a t e r  Qu a l i t y  Ex c e e d a n c e s at  or  Be y o n d  Re v i e w  Bo u n d a r y Du k e  En e r g y  Ca r o l i n a s ,  LL C / B e l e w s  Cr e e k  St e a m  St a t i o n Pi n e  Ha l l  Ro a d  As h  La n d f i l l  ‐   Pe r m i t  No .  85 0 3 Sa m p l e  Da t e : Pa r a m e t e r S a m p l e  ID R e s u l t U n i t s 15 A  NC A C 2L  St a n d a r d Hi s t or i ca l Co n c e n t r a t i o n s C a u s e  an d  Si g n i f i c a n c e MW ‐1 4 . 9 4 . 3  ‐   5. 6 p H  in  MW ‐1  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l MW 2 ‐9 5 . 8 5 . 7  ‐   7. 2 p H  in  MW 2 ‐9  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l MW ‐3 5 . 6 5 . 0  ‐   6. 1 p H  in  MW ‐3  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l ;  MW ‐3  is  th e  si t e  ba c k g r o u n d  water  quality  monitoring  well MW ‐5 5 . 6 5 . 0  ‐   6. 4 p H  in  MW ‐5  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l MW ‐6 5 . 4 4 . 9  ‐   5. 7 p H  in  MW ‐6  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l MW ‐7 5 . 4 5 . 1  ‐   6. 2 p H  in  MW ‐7  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l SW ‐1A 6 . 2 5 . 5  ‐   6. 6 p H  at  SW ‐1A  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l SW ‐2 6 . 3 5 . 9  ‐   6. 7 p H  at  SW ‐2  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l MW ‐7 2 , 0 0 0 1 2  ‐   6, 7 4 0 B o r o n  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  MW ‐7  is  co n s i s t e n t  wit h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l SW ‐1A 8 , 5 2 0 8 8 5  ‐   21 , 6 0 0 B o r o n  co n c e n t r a t i o n  at  SW ‐1A  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l SW ‐2 9 5 7 9 5 1  ‐   19 , 1 6 1 B o r o n  co n c e n t r a t i o n  at  SW ‐2  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l MW ‐1 4 1 5 1 2  ‐   6, 9 6 0 I r o n  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  MW ‐1  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l MW 2 ‐9 1 , 6 3 0 1 , 1 2 0  ‐   11 , 9 6 0 I r o n  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  MW 2 ‐9  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l MW ‐3 3 0 6 2 1  ‐   8, 5 4 0 I r o n  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  MW ‐3  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l ;  MW ‐3  is  the  site  background  water  quality  monitoring  well MW ‐5 3 5 4 3 0  ‐   3, 8 5 0 I r o n  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  MW ‐5  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l MW ‐7 3 2 4 2 6 5  ‐   38 , 0 0 0 I r o n  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  MW ‐7  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l ;  tu r b i d i t y  reported  at  11.9  NTU SW ‐2 3 3 8 6 3  ‐   5, 4 9 1 I r o n  co n c e n t r a t i o n  at  SW ‐2  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l ;  tu r b i d i t y  reported  at  11.3 MW 2 ‐9 1 6 2 3 3 1  ‐   13 , 0 7 0 M a n g a n e s e  in  MW 2 ‐9  is  th e  lo w e s t  co n c e n t r a t i o n  re p o r t e d  at  th e  we l l  ov e r  th e  period  of  monitoring SW ‐1A 2 6 0 4 5  ‐   1, 6 6 0 M a n g a n e s e  co n c e n t r a t i o n  at  SW ‐1A  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  well MW ‐7 2 1 . 4 6 . 7  ‐   67 S e l e n i u m  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  MW ‐7  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l ;  turbidity  reported  at  11.9  NTU SW ‐1A 5 3 . 2 3 9  ‐   15 9 S e l e n i u m  co n c e n t r a t i o n  at  SW ‐1A  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l Su l f a t e S W ‐1A 5 2 3 , 0 0 0 µ g / L 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 3 1 , 6 0 0  ‐   1, 0 2 0 , 0 0 0 S u l f a t e  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  SW ‐1A  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l To t a l  Di s s o l v e d   So l i d s SW ‐1A 7 8 1 , 0 0 0 µ g / L 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 1 8 2 , 0 0 0  ‐   1, 8 1 0 , 0 0 0 T o t a l  Di s s o l v e d  So l i d s  co n c e n t r a t i o n  at  SW ‐1A  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  well MW ‐1 0 . 5 3 1  J< 1  ‐   <5 V a n a d i u m  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  MW ‐1  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  his t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l MW 2 ‐9 1 . 8 < 1  ‐   <5 V a n a d i u m  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  MW 2 ‐9  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l MW ‐3 1 . 0 3 < 1  ‐   10 V a n a d i u m  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  MW ‐3  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l ;  MW ‐3  is  the  site  background  water  quality  monitoring  well MW ‐5 0 . 9 4 7  J< 1  ‐   <5 V a n a d i u m  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  MW ‐5  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  his t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l MW ‐6 0 . 5 1 5  J< 1  ‐   <5 V a n a d i u m  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  MW ‐6  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  his t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l MW ‐7 0 . 8 1 6  J< 1  ‐   25 V a n a d i u m  co n c e n t r a t i o n  in  MW ‐7  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l ;  turbidity  reported  at  11.9  NTU SW ‐2 0 . 5 0 1  J< 1  ‐   <1 0 V a n a d i u m  co n c e n t r a t i o n  at  SW ‐2  is  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  hi s t o r i c a l  re a d i n g s  at  we l l ;  turbidity  reported  at  11.3 No t e s : 10 . Bo r o n µ g / L 7 0 0 Ja n u a r y  11 ,  20 1 7 pH S U 6 . 5  ‐   8. 5 * 40  CF R  Pa r t  25 8  Ap p e n d i x  I  in o r g a n i c s  ar e  re p o r t e d ;  th e y  ar e  no t  in c l u d e d  in  th e  Pi n e  Ha l l  Ro a d  La n d f i l l  sa m p l i n g  an d  an a l y s i s  pl a n ;  co n s t i t u e n t s  ar e  co m p a r e d  to  No r t h  Carolina   In t e r i m  Ma x i m u m  Al l o w a b l e  Co n c e n t r a t i o n s  (I M A C s ) Hi s t o r i c a l  co n c e n t r a t i o n s  ba s e d  on  da t a  in  Du k e  En e r g y  Ca r o l i n a s ,  LL C  (D u k e  En e r g y )  an a l y t i c a l  re s u l t s  da t a b a s e µg / L  in d i c a t e s  mi c r o g r a m s  pe r  li t e r SU  in d i c a t e s  St a n d a r d  Un i t s NT U  in d i c a t e s  Ne p h e l o m e t r i c  Tu r b i d i t y  Un i t s Co n s t i t u e n t s  no t  de t e c t e d  at  co n c e n t r a t i o n s  wh i c h  eq u a l  th e  la b o r a t o r y  me t h o d  re p o r t i n g  li m i t  (M R L )  ar e  pr e s e n t e d  as  <M R L "J "  is  us e d  to  id e n t i f y  es t i m a t e d  co n c e n t r a t i o n s  wh i c h  eq u a l  or  ar e  gr e a t e r  th a n  th e  MD L  bu t  ar e  le s s  th a n  th e  la b o r a t o r y ' s  me t h o d  re p o r t i n g  li m i t  (M R L ) Se m i a n n u a l  co n s t i t u e n t s  re f e r s  to  co n s t i t u e n t s  re q u i r e d  to  be  an a l y z e d  in  th e  Gr o u n d w a t e r  Mo n i t o r i n g ,  Sa m p l i n g  an d  An a l y s i s  Pl a n  fo r  th e  Pi n e  Ha l l  Ro a d  As h  La n d f i l l   da t e d  No v e m b e r  1,  20 0 8 15 A  NC A C  2L  St a n d a r d  re f e r s  to  Cl a s s  GA  St a n d a r d s  as  fo u n d  in  15 A  NC A C  02 L  .0 2 0 2  Gr o u n d w a t e r  Qu a l i t y  St a n d a r d s ,  la s t  am e n d e d  on  Ap r i l  1,  20 1 3 An a l y t i c a l  re s u l t s  ob t a i n e d  fr o m  Ele c t r o n i c  Da t a  De l i v e r a b l e  (E D D )  pr o v i d e d  by  Br y a n  Mo e l l e r  of  Du k e  En e r g y  Ca r o l i n a s ,  LL C  on  Ma r c h  7,  20 1 7 Ir o n 3 0 0 µg / L Ma n g a n e s e µ g / L 5 0 Se l e n i u m µ g / L 2 0 Va n a d i u m * µ g / L 0 . 3 A Appendix A Field Sampling Forms STUDY: ANALYZER SERIAL #: DATE:TIME:DATE:TIME: Calibation Instrument Standard Instrument Standard Standard Value Value Value Value SS 0.0 ▬▬►0.0 0.0 ▬/▬►0.0 SS 223.4 ▬▬►227 226.5 ▬/▬►227 SS 74.8 ▬/▬►75 74.2 ▬/▬►75 SS 2214.9 ▬/▬►2200 2234.4 ▬/▬►2200 SS B (7.00)7.03 ▬▬►7.02 7.02 ▬/▬►7.02 B (4.00)4.00 ▬▬►4.00 4.00 ▬/▬►4.00 B (10.00)10.04 ▬/▬►10.06 10.04 ▬/▬►10.04 20.41 20.50 pH Check B (7.00)▬▬►7.13 Time:0.00 438 ▬▬►440 439 ▬/▬►440 N/A ▬/▬►N/A N/A ▬/▬►N/A Zobell's 20.45 20.34 TEMP (CO) BP (mmHg) COND 100 % mg/L 8.99 ▬▬►8.99 8.96 ▬/▬►8.96 After Cal 8.99 99.95 8.97 100.11 LCS 8.98 99.83 8.97 100.11 LCSD 8.97 -0.11 8.98 0.11 SS 51.0 ▬/▬►51.2 51.1 ▬/▬►51.2 NIST N/A ▬/▬►N/A N/A ▬/▬►N/A KEY: N/A = Not Applicable W = WinklerBP = Barometric Pressure AW = Average Winkler NOTES: (mmHg) B = Buffer LCS = Lab Control Standard ▬▬► = Adjusted To SS = Standard solution LCSD = Lab Control Standard Duplicate ▬/▬►= Not Adjusted To Replaced DO electrolyte See Notes Field Barometric Pressure Beginning BP 747.90 (mmHg)Ending BP 748.65 Tested - OK See Notes Tested - OK See Notes Dissolved Oxygen Subsystem Replaced Teflon Membrane Cleaned Electrode Tested - OK See Notes Oxidation Reduction Subsystem Temperature Subsystem Cleaned Electrode Cleaned Electrode See Notes Replaced Ref. Electrode Tip INSTRUMENT MAINTENANCE DATE / TIME Conductance Subsystem pH Subsystem Cleaned Electrodes Cleaned Electrodes TEMP (deg C)Adjustment Not Available Adjustment Not Available Tested - OK Replaced ref Electrode KCL CALIBRATION PASS TURB (ntu)CALIBRATION ACCEPTED CALIBRATION ACCEPTED Temp Cert Device # 109.90 110.80 ORP Temp.ORP Temp. DO (mg/L) 19.73 19.87 748.35 CALIBRATION ACCEPTED CALIBRATION ACCEPTED After Cal % SAT After Cal % SAT CALIBRATION PASS CALIBRATION PASS 747.60 CALIBRATION PASS Buffer Temp. ORP CALIBRATION ACCEPTED CALIBRATION ACCEPTED pH (units) CALIBRATION ACCEPTED CALIBRATION ACCEPTED CALIBRATION ACCEPTED CALIBRATION ACCEPTED CALIBRATION ACCEPTED CALIBRATION ACCEPTED Buffer Temp.Buffer Temp. Specifc conductance checkpoint (used if sampled well is outside of initial calibration range). SPEC. COND. CHECK (uS/cm) CALIBRATION ACCEPTED CALIBRATION ACCEPTED SPEC. COND. (uS/cm) INSTRUMENT ZEROED INSTRUMENT ZEROED CALIBRATION ACCEPTED CALIBRATION ACCEPTED CALIBRATION ACCEPTED CALIBRATION ACCEPTED CALIBRATION BP (mmHg)748.35 CALIBRATION BP (mmHg)747.60 Parameter Calibration Results Calibration Results 3210.6 VALIDATED BY: Calibration Date / Time 11-Apr-17 420 12-Apr-17 645 HYDROLAB PROCEDURE #: FIELD SAMPLING CALIBRATION FORM DATE (s):April 11, 2017 SURFACE UNIT READER: BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION - PINE HALL LANDFILL GROUNDWATER MONITORING PROGRAM OTHER EQUIPMENT:TURBIDIMETER NO.3 - 3260-GW WEATHER CONDITIONS:Clear, breezy, 55 to 75 deg F LDC COLLECTORS:LDC, PSP SURFACE UNIT SERIAL #:0964 ANALYZER MODEL#:HL4 400439 STUDY: ANALYZER SERIAL #: DATE:TIME:DATE:TIME: Calibation Instrument Standard Instrument Standard Standard Value Value Value Value SS 0.0 ▬▬►0.0 0.0 ▬/▬►0.0 SS 230.5 ▬▬►227 217.8 ▬/▬►227 SS 72.9 ▬/▬►75 72.4 ▬/▬►75 SS 2155.3 ▬/▬►2200 2161.5 ▬/▬►2200 SS B (7.00)7.01 ▬▬►7.02 7.00 ▬/▬►7.02 B (4.00)3.97 ▬▬►4.00 3.99 ▬/▬►4.00 B (10.00)10.02 ▬/▬►10.06 10.00 ▬/▬►10.06 20.35 20.47 pH Check B (7.00)▬▬►7.13 Time:0.00 439 ▬▬►440 440.0 ▬/▬►440 N/A ▬/▬►N/A N/A ▬/▬►N/A Zobell's 20.45 20.40 TEMP (CO) BP (mmHg) COND 100 % mg/L 9.01 ▬▬►9.01 8.99 ▬/▬►8.97 After Cal 9.02 100.16 9.00 100.36 LCS 9.02 100.16 9.02 100.58 LCSD 9.04 0.22 9.01 -0.11 SS 53.0 ▬/▬►54.3 54.3 ▬/▬►54.3 NIST N/A ▬/▬►N/A N/A ▬/▬►N/A KEY: BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION - PINE HALL LANDFILL GROUNDWATER MONITORING PROGRAM FIELD SAMPLING CALIBRATION FORM WEATHER CONDITIONS: BP = Barometric Pressure NOTES: AW = Average Winkler (mmHg) B = Buffer ▬▬► = Adjusted To N/A = Not Applicable LCS = Lab Control Standard Ending BP 748.65 ▬/▬►= Not Adjusted To Tested - OK See Notes Tested - OK pH Subsystem Cleaned Electrodes Conductance Subsystem Temp Cert Device # TEMP (deg C)Adjustment Not Available Adjustment Not Available Replaced ref Electrode KCL LCSD = Lab Control Standard DuplicateW = Winkler Replaced Ref. Electrode Tip CALIBRATION ACCEPTED CALIBRATION ACCEPTED Cleaned Electrodes INSTRUMENT MAINTENANCE DATE / TIME DO (mg/L) 19.67 19.83 748.35 747.60 CALIBRATION PASS CALIBRATION PASS CALIBRATION PASS CALIBRATION ACCEPTED CALIBRATION ACCEPTED Buffer Temp. See Notes Dissolved Oxygen Subsystem Replaced Teflon Membrane Cleaned Electrode Tested - OK See Notes Oxidation Reduction Subsystem Temperature Subsystem Cleaned Electrode Cleaned Electrode Tested - OK See Notes ORP Temp.ORP Temp. 104.50 TURB (ntu) pH (units) CALIBRATION ACCEPTED CALIBRATION ACCEPTED CALIBRATION ACCEPTED CALIBRATION ACCEPTED CALIBRATION ACCEPTED (mmHg) ORP CALIBRATION ACCEPTED Field Barometric Pressure CALIBRATION ACCEPTED Buffer Temp. 103.70 After Cal % SAT After Cal % SAT CALIBRATION PASS Replaced DO electrolyte See Notes Calibration Results Calibration Results CALIBRATION ACCEPTED CALIBRATION ACCEPTED Specifc conductance checkpoint (used if sampled well is outside of initial calibration range). Buffer Temp. SPEC. COND. CHECK (uS/cm) CALIBRATION ACCEPTED CALIBRATION ACCEPTED 747.90 SS = Standard solution OTHER EQUIPMENT:TURBIDIMETER NO.1 - 3260-GW Clear, breezy, 55 to 75 deg F CALIBRATION BP (mmHg)748.35 CALIBRATION BP (mmHg)747.60 Calibration Date / Time 11-Apr-17 400 12-Apr-17 630 CALIBRATION ACCEPTED CALIBRATION ACCEPTED CALIBRATION ACCEPTED Beginning BP DATE (s):April 11, 2017 SURFACE UNIT READER:PSP SPEC. COND. (uS/cm) INSTRUMENT ZEROED INSTRUMENT ZEROED COLLECTORS:LDC, PSP SURFACE UNIT SERIAL #:0722 ANALYZER MODEL#:HL4 400440 HYDROLAB PROCEDURE #:3210.6 VALIDATED BY: Parameter N/A 37.20 47.20 25 (psi)12 (sec)(sec) (gal) 1.88 (gal) @ QC By: LDC, PSP SITE ID 85-03PERMIT #BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION FIELD CREWPINE HALL LANDFILL GROUNDWATER MONITORING PROGRAM SAMPLING NOTES Access cleared around wellACCESS AROUND WELL Well cap in good conditon Well tag in good condition Access cleared into well Well found lockedWELL SECURITY Lock in good conditionWELL LOCK CONDITION Good Condition Good Condition Casing in good condition Well Impacted By Silting: OXYGEN LDC 4/11/2017 1320 TOTAL PURGE VOLUME WELL USE FOSSIL LANDFILL NPDES PUMP CONTROLLER SETTINGS PRESSURE 1.88 DETECTED ODOR None APPEARANCE Normal SAMPLING INFORMATION INITIAL DEPTH TO WATER (ft TOC)35.67 WATER COLUMN (ft) STICK UP WELL RECHARGE DISCHARGE 8 SITE NAME GROUNDWATER MONITORING DATA SHEET FOR CONVENTIONAL SAMPLING PROJECT NAME SAMPLING DATE(s)11-Apr-2017 WELL/LOCATION NAME DUKE ENERGY MONITORING WELL INFORMATION WELL DIAMETER (in)2.00 TOC ELEV (ft msl)852.69 MIDDLE OF WETTED SCREEN (ft toc)42.20 SCREEN LENGTH (ft)10 NAVD 88 SCREEN INTERVAL (ft TOC)TO EQUIPMENT INFORMATION LEVEL METER SERIAL# WELL DEPTH (ft TOC)47.20 GS ELEV (ft msl)850.55 PUMP INTAKE DEPTH (ft TOC)46.20 28650 SAMPLING EQUIPMENT QED T1200 TUBING DIAMETER (in)1/2 OD ELEV REF PURGE METHOD Conventional WELL TYPE WELL INFORMATION MONITORING WELL 11.53 WATER ELEVATION (ft msl)817.02 WELL VOLUME ODOR STRENGTH None WELL/SAMPLING INFORMATION (gal) 1.47 PURGE WATER LEVEL AFTER PURGE * COMPLETE TEMP SPECIFIC pH TURBIDITY ORP DISSOLVED WELL VOL VOLUME EVACUATION COND.(recalculates on current water level)(mV -NHE)(mg/L) 1.50 2.00 38.21 NO 14.60 19 4.82 49.1 497 (ft)(YES/NO)(deg C)(umho/cm)(SU)(NTU) 8.14 1.50 NO 15.29 19 4.85 9.3 535 8.38 NO 14.76 19 4.83 21.0 525 8.31 CHLORINE (mg/l)SAMPLE COLLECTED BY DATE TIME 5.00 N/A * Optional measurement to recalculate well volume when purging results in substantial drawdown of water column COLLECT SAMPLE - SAMPLE CRITERIA SATISFIED NO WELL CONDITION ADDITIONAL WELL CONDITION NOTES SAMPLE LIST CHECK IF SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED PROTECTIVE CASING WELL PAD WELL CASING WELL TAG ACCESS TO WELLS WELL CAPS FLUSH MOUNT WELLS < 2.0Sample preservation verified to pH (units) SAMPLING PROCEDURE NO.3175.4 MW-1 WELL VOL:DATE:TIME:WATER LEVEL: Evacuated:If Evacuated And It Is Required To Return To Sample, Enter The Date, Time, And Water Level To The Right Before Sampling to Determine Recharge. Sampled: GAMMA H3 SO4,CL SR 89/90 GROSS ALPH/BETA Fe 55 Ni 63 IODINE 131 BORON METALS NO3-N, CL, SO4 F_ALK TDS/TSS RADIUM 226/228 METALS F_ALK CO2 VOC's RSK 175 TPH-DRO METALS NO3-N, CL, F, SO4, F_ALK TDS ALPHA SPEC N/A 85.53 90.53 60 (psi)9 (sec)(sec) (gal) 7.75 (gal) @ QC By: SITE NAME BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION PERMIT #85-03 SITE ID PROJECT NAME PINE HALL LANDFILL GROUNDWATER MONITORING PROGRAM FIELD CREW LDC, PSP DUKE ENERGY GROUNDWATER MONITORING DATA SHEET SAMPLING PROCEDURE NO.3175.4 FOR CONVENTIONAL SAMPLING WELL DEPTH (ft TOC)90.53 GS ELEV (ft msl)850.99 PUMP INTAKE DEPTH (ft TOC)89.50 MW-1D MONITORING WELL INFORMATION WELL DIAMETER (in)2.00 TOC ELEV (ft msl)854.15 MIDDLE OF WETTED SCREEN (ft toc)88.03 SAMPLING DATE(s)11-Apr-2017 WELL/LOCATION NAME EQUIPMENT INFORMATION SCREEN LENGTH (ft)5 ELEV REF NAVD 88 SCREEN INTERVAL (ft TOC)TO WELL/SAMPLING INFORMATION WELL TYPE WELL INFORMATION WELL USE PURGE METHOD STICK UP WELL MONITORING WELL FOSSIL LANDFILL NPDES Conventional PUMP CONTROLLER SETTINGSSee note below PRESSURE RECHARGE DISCHARGE 6 LEVEL METER SERIAL#28650 SAMPLING EQUIPMENT QED T1200 TUBING DIAMETER (in)1/2 OD DETECTED ODOR None ODOR STRENGTH None APPEARANCE Normal WATER ELEVATION (ft msl)811.14 WELL VOLUME 7.75 SAMPLING INFORMATION INITIAL DEPTH TO WATER (ft TOC)43.01 WATER COLUMN (ft)47.52 (gal) PURGE WATER LEVEL AFTER PURGE * COMPLETE TEMP SPECIFIC pH TURBIDITY ORP DISSOLVED (mV -NHE)(mg/L) 7.75 63.94 NO 14.30 118 6.32 0.4 441 (ft)(YES/NO)(deg C)(umho/cm)(SU)(NTU) WELL VOL VOLUME EVACUATION COND.OXYGEN (recalculates on current water level) 4.77 4.50 NO 14.42 120 6.37 0.2 454 4.79 4.34 4.50 NO 14.32 114 6.28 0.2 453 4.70 Sampled: If Evacuated And It Is Required To Return To Sample, Enter The Date, Time, And Water Level To The Right Before Sampling to Determine Recharge. DATE:TIME:WATER LEVEL:WELL VOL: Evacuated: 1035 N/A TOTAL PURGE VOLUME * Optional measurement to recalculate well volume when purging results in substantial drawdown of water column COLLECT SAMPLE - SAMPLE CRITERIA SATISFIED CHLORINE (mg/l)SAMPLE COLLECTED BY DATE TIME 16.75 LDC 4/11/2017 Sample preservation verified to pH (units)< 2.0 PROTECTIVE CASING Casing in good condition FLUSH MOUNT WELLS WELL CAPS Well cap in good conditon WELL CASING Good Condition ACCESS TO WELLS Access cleared into well SAMPLE LIST CHECK IF SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED WELL CONDITION ADDITIONAL WELL CONDITION NOTES WELL PAD Good Condition Well Impacted By Silting:NO SAMPLING NOTES After initial well is removed, recalculate well volume for subsequent readings. WL drawdown appears to stabilize around 64 ft. WELL SECURITY Well found locked WELL LOCK CONDITION Lock in good condition WELL TAG Well tag in good condition ACCESS AROUND WELL Access cleared around well GAMMA H3 SO4,CL SR 89/90 GROSS ALPH/BETA Fe 55 Ni 63 IODINE 131 BORON METALS NO3-N, CL, SO4 F_ALK TDS/TSS RADIUM 226/228 METALS F_ALK CO2 VOC's RSK 175 TPH-DRO METALS NO3-N, CL, F, SO4, F_ALK TDS ALPHA SPEC N/A 40.00 50.00 30 (psi)5 (sec)(sec) (gal) 1075 (ml) 495 (ml) 1570 (ml)=0.41 (gal)@ QC By: SITE NAME BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION PERMIT #85-03 SITE ID PROJECT NAME PINE HALL LANDFILL GROUNDWATER MONITORING PROGRAM FIELD CREW LDC, PSP DUKE ENERGY GROUNDWATER MONITORING DATA SHEET SAMPLING PROCEDURE NO.3175.4 FOR EQUIPMENT PURGE ONLY SAMPLING WELL DEPTH (ft TOC)50.00 GS ELEV (ft msl)855.44 PUMP INTAKE DEPTH (ft TOC)49.50 MW-2 MONITORING WELL INFORMATION WELL DIAMETER (in)2.00 TOC ELEV (ft msl)858.05 MIDDLE OF WETTED SCREEN (ft toc)48.26 SAMPLING DATE(s)11-Apr-2017 WELL/LOCATION NAME EQUIPMENT INFORMATION SCREEN LENGTH (ft)10 ELEV REF NAVD 88 SCREEN INTERVAL (ft TOC)TO WELL/SAMPLING INFORMATION WELL TYPE WELL INFORMATION WELL USE PURGE METHOD STICK UP WELL MONITORING WELL FOSSIL LANDFILL NPDES Equip. Only Purge PUMP CONTROLLER SETTINGSSee note below PRESSURE RECHARGE DISCHARGE 5 LEVEL METER SERIAL#28650 SAMPLING EQUIPMENT QED T1200 TUBING DIAMETER (in)1/2 OD DETECTED ODOR None ODOR STRENGTH None No sample - Insufficient vol / rechargeAPPEARANCE WATER ELEVATION (ft msl)811.54 WELL VOLUME 0.57 SAMPLING INFORMATION INITIAL DEPTH TO WATER (ft TOC)46.51 WATER COLUMN (ft)3.49 OXYGEN (ft)(ml/min)(ft)(deg C)(umho/cm)(SU) TURBIDITY ORP DISSOLVED WATER LEVEL RATE WATER LEVEL COND. INITIAL FLOW FINAL TEMP SPECIFIC pH N/A If Evacuated And It Is Required To Return To Sample, Enter The Date, Time, And Water Level To The Right Before Sampling to Determine Recharge. DATE:TIME:WATER LEVEL:Well Vol.: Evacuated: (NTU)(mV -NEH)(mg/L) 46.51 Tubing Volume INITIAL PURGE VOL.EQUIPMENT PURGE ONLY SAMPLE CHLORINE (mg/l)Pump (Bladder) Volume SAMPLE COLLECTED BY DATE TIME Sampled: Total Purge Volume LDC 4/11/2017 N/A Sample preservation verified to pH (units)N/A PROTECTIVE CASING Casing in good condition FLUSH MOUNT WELLS WELL CAPS Ants inside air connector on well cap. WELL CASING Ants Inside Casing / Tubing ACCESS TO WELLS Access cleared into well SAMPLE LIST CHECK IF SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED WELL CONDITION ADDITIONAL WELL CONDITION NOTES WELL PAD Good Condition Well Impacted By Silting:NO SAMPLING NOTES 4/24/12 - Replaced pump and tubing in well and set intake to 49.5 ft (six inches from well bottom). WELL SECURITY Well found locked WELL LOCK CONDITION Lock in good condition WELL TAG Well tag in good condition ACCESS AROUND WELL Access cleared around well GAMMA H3 SO4,CL SR 89/90 GROSS ALPH/BETA Fe 55 Ni 63 IODINE 131 BORON METALS NO3-N, CL, SO4 F_ALK TDS/TSS RADIUM 226/228 METALS F_ALK CO2 VOC's RSK 175 TPH-DRO METALS NO3-N, CL, F, SO4, F_ALK TDS ALPHA SPEC N/A 39.50 49.50 25 (psi)14 (sec)(sec) (gal) 1053 (ml) 495 (ml) 1548 (ml)=0.41 (gal)@ QC By: SITE NAME BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION PERMIT #85-03 SITE ID PROJECT NAME PINE HALL LANDFILL GROUNDWATER MONITORING PROGRAM FIELD CREW LDC, PSP DUKE ENERGY GROUNDWATER MONITORING DATA SHEET SAMPLING PROCEDURE NO.3175.4 FOR EQUIPMENT PURGE ONLY SAMPLING WELL DEPTH (ft TOC)49.50 GS ELEV (ft msl)840.57 PUMP INTAKE DEPTH (ft TOC)48.50 MW-3 MONITORING WELL INFORMATION WELL DIAMETER (in)2.00 TOC ELEV (ft msl)842.81 MIDDLE OF WETTED SCREEN (ft toc)46.11 SAMPLING DATE(s)11-Apr-2017 WELL/LOCATION NAME EQUIPMENT INFORMATION SCREEN LENGTH (ft)10 ELEV REF NAVD 88 SCREEN INTERVAL (ft TOC)TO WELL/SAMPLING INFORMATION WELL TYPE WELL INFORMATION WELL USE PURGE METHOD STICK UP WELL MONITORING WELL FOSSIL LANDFILL NPDES Equip. Only Purge PUMP CONTROLLER SETTINGS PRESSURE RECHARGE DISCHARGE 6 LEVEL METER SERIAL#28650 SAMPLING EQUIPMENT QED T1200 TUBING DIAMETER (in)1/2 OD DETECTED ODOR None ODOR STRENGTH None APPEARANCE Normal WATER ELEVATION (ft msl)800.09 WELL VOLUME 1.11 SAMPLING INFORMATION INITIAL DEPTH TO WATER (ft TOC)42.72 WATER COLUMN (ft)6.78 OXYGEN (ft)(ml/min)(ft)(deg C)(umho/cm)(SU) TURBIDITY ORP DISSOLVED WATER LEVEL RATE WATER LEVEL COND. INITIAL FLOW FINAL TEMP SPECIFIC pH 477 9.45 N/A If Evacuated And It Is Required To Return To Sample, Enter The Date, Time, And Water Level To The Right Before Sampling to Determine Recharge. DATE:TIME:WATER LEVEL:Well Vol.: Evacuated: (NTU)(mV -NEH)(mg/L) 42.72 540 45.32 14.39 58 5.56 2.0 Tubing Volume INITIAL PURGE VOL.EQUIPMENT PURGE ONLY SAMPLE CHLORINE (mg/l)Pump (Bladder) Volume 0.50 SAMPLE COLLECTED BY DATE TIME Sampled: Total Purge Volume LDC 4/11/2017 1055 N/A Sample preservation verified to pH (units)< 2.0 PROTECTIVE CASING Casing in good condition FLUSH MOUNT WELLS WELL CAPS Well cap in good conditon WELL CASING Good Condition ACCESS TO WELLS Access cleared into well SAMPLE LIST CHECK IF SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED WELL CONDITION ADDITIONAL WELL CONDITION NOTES WELL PAD Good Condition Well Impacted By Silting:NO SAMPLING NOTES WELL SECURITY Well found locked WELL LOCK CONDITION Lock in good condition WELL TAG Well tag in good condition ACCESS AROUND WELL Access cleared around well GAMMA H3 SO4,CL SR 89/90 GROSS ALPH/BETA Fe 55 Ni 63 IODINE 131 BORON METALS NO3-N, CL, SO4 F_ALK TDS/TSS RADIUM 226/228 METALS F_ALK CO2 VOC's RSK 175 TPH-DRO METALS NO3-N, CL, F, SO4, F_ALK TDS ALPHA SPEC N/A 30.20 40.20 22 (psi)10 (sec)(sec) (gal) 4.57 (gal) @ QC By: SITE NAME BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION PERMIT #85-03 SITE ID PROJECT NAME PINE HALL LANDFILL GROUNDWATER MONITORING PROGRAM FIELD CREW LDC, PSP DUKE ENERGY GROUNDWATER MONITORING DATA SHEET SAMPLING PROCEDURE NO.3175.4 FOR CONVENTIONAL SAMPLING WELL DEPTH (ft TOC)40.20 GS ELEV (ft msl)766.10 PUMP INTAKE DEPTH (ft TOC)39.20 MW-4 MONITORING WELL INFORMATION WELL DIAMETER (in)2.00 TOC ELEV (ft msl)767.58 MIDDLE OF WETTED SCREEN (ft toc)35.20 SAMPLING DATE(s)11-Apr-2017 WELL/LOCATION NAME EQUIPMENT INFORMATION SCREEN LENGTH (ft)10 ELEV REF NAVD 88 SCREEN INTERVAL (ft TOC)TO WELL/SAMPLING INFORMATION WELL TYPE WELL INFORMATION WELL USE PURGE METHOD STICK UP WELL MONITORING WELL FOSSIL LANDFILL NPDES Conventional PUMP CONTROLLER SETTINGS PRESSURE RECHARGE DISCHARGE 5 LEVEL METER SERIAL#28650 SAMPLING EQUIPMENT QED T1200 TUBING DIAMETER (in)1/2 OD DETECTED ODOR None ODOR STRENGTH None APPEARANCE Normal WATER ELEVATION (ft msl)755.39 WELL VOLUME 4.57 SAMPLING INFORMATION INITIAL DEPTH TO WATER (ft TOC)12.19 WATER COLUMN (ft)28.01 (gal) PURGE WATER LEVEL AFTER PURGE * COMPLETE TEMP SPECIFIC pH TURBIDITY ORP DISSOLVED (mV -NHE)(mg/L) 4.75 25.14 NO 14.72 301 5.99 16.2 437 (ft)(YES/NO)(deg C)(umho/cm)(SU)(NTU) WELL VOL VOLUME EVACUATION COND.OXYGEN (recalculates on current water level) 2.97 2.50 NO 14.81 292 5.94 13.1 432 3.74 2.46 2.50 NO 14.77 299 5.95 13.2 431 2.58 Sampled: If Evacuated And It Is Required To Return To Sample, Enter The Date, Time, And Water Level To The Right Before Sampling to Determine Recharge. DATE:TIME:WATER LEVEL:WELL VOL: Evacuated: 0845 N/A TOTAL PURGE VOLUME * Optional measurement to recalculate well volume when purging results in substantial drawdown of water column COLLECT SAMPLE - SAMPLE CRITERIA SATISFIED CHLORINE (mg/l)SAMPLE COLLECTED BY DATE TIME 9.75 LDC 4/11/2017 Sample preservation verified to pH (units)< 2.0 PROTECTIVE CASING Casing in good condition FLUSH MOUNT WELLS WELL CAPS Well cap in good conditon WELL CASING Good Condition ACCESS TO WELLS Access cleared into well SAMPLE LIST CHECK IF SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED WELL CONDITION ADDITIONAL WELL CONDITION NOTES WELL PAD Good Condition Well Impacted By Silting:NO SAMPLING NOTES WELL SECURITY Well found locked WELL LOCK CONDITION Lock in good condition WELL TAG Well tag in good condition ACCESS AROUND WELL Access cleared around well GAMMA H3 SO4,CL SR 89/90 GROSS ALPH/BETA Fe 55 Ni 63 IODINE 131 BORON METALS NO3-N, CL, SO4 F_ALK TDS/TSS RADIUM 226/228 METALS F_ALK CO2 VOC's RSK 175 TPH-DRO METALS NO3-N, CL, F, SO4, F_ALK TDS ALPHA SPEC N/A 50.20 60.20 30 (psi)9 (sec)(sec) (gal) 5.64 (gal) @ QC By: SITE NAME BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION PERMIT #85-03 SITE ID PROJECT NAME PINE HALL LANDFILL GROUNDWATER MONITORING PROGRAM FIELD CREW LDC, PSP DUKE ENERGY GROUNDWATER MONITORING DATA SHEET SAMPLING PROCEDURE NO.3175.4 FOR CONVENTIONAL SAMPLING WELL DEPTH (ft TOC)60.20 GS ELEV (ft msl)785.39 PUMP INTAKE DEPTH (ft TOC)59.20 MW-5 MONITORING WELL INFORMATION WELL DIAMETER (in)2.00 TOC ELEV (ft msl)786.77 MIDDLE OF WETTED SCREEN (ft toc)55.20 SAMPLING DATE(s)11-Apr-2017 WELL/LOCATION NAME EQUIPMENT INFORMATION SCREEN LENGTH (ft)10 ELEV REF NAVD 88 SCREEN INTERVAL (ft TOC)TO WELL/SAMPLING INFORMATION WELL TYPE WELL INFORMATION WELL USE PURGE METHOD STICK UP WELL MONITORING WELL FOSSIL LANDFILL NPDES Conventional PUMP CONTROLLER SETTINGS PRESSURE RECHARGE DISCHARGE 6 LEVEL METER SERIAL#26056 SAMPLING EQUIPMENT QED T1200 TUBING DIAMETER (in)1/2 OD DETECTED ODOR None ODOR STRENGTH None APPEARANCE Normal WATER ELEVATION (ft msl)761.18 WELL VOLUME 5.64 SAMPLING INFORMATION INITIAL DEPTH TO WATER (ft TOC)25.59 WATER COLUMN (ft)34.61 (gal) PURGE WATER LEVEL AFTER PURGE * COMPLETE TEMP SPECIFIC pH TURBIDITY ORP DISSOLVED (mV -NHE)(mg/L) 5.75 44.43 NO 14.88 36 5.68 25.1 477 (ft)(YES/NO)(deg C)(umho/cm)(SU)(NTU) WELL VOL VOLUME EVACUATION COND.OXYGEN (recalculates on current water level) 7.19 2.75 NO 14.67 36 5.62 6.3 477 7.17 2.57 2.75 NO 14.74 36 5.67 13.5 474 6.92 Sampled: If Evacuated And It Is Required To Return To Sample, Enter The Date, Time, And Water Level To The Right Before Sampling to Determine Recharge. DATE:TIME:WATER LEVEL:WELL VOL: Evacuated: 1425 N/A TOTAL PURGE VOLUME * Optional measurement to recalculate well volume when purging results in substantial drawdown of water column COLLECT SAMPLE - SAMPLE CRITERIA SATISFIED CHLORINE (mg/l)SAMPLE COLLECTED BY DATE TIME 11.25 PSP 4/11/2017 Sample preservation verified to pH (units)< 2.0 PROTECTIVE CASING Gap between lid and casing FLUSH MOUNT WELLS WELL CAPS Well cap in good conditon Gap between lid and protective well casing. Well was found unlocked with rock ontop of protective casing. WELL CASING Good Condition ACCESS TO WELLS Access cleared into well SAMPLE LIST CHECK IF SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED WELL CONDITION ADDITIONAL WELL CONDITION NOTES WELL PAD Good Condition Well Impacted By Silting:NO SAMPLING NOTES WELL SECURITY Well found unlocked WELL LOCK CONDITION Lock in good condition WELL TAG ACCESS AROUND WELL Access cleared around well GAMMA H3 SO4,CL SR 89/90 GROSS ALPH/BETA Fe 55 Ni 63 IODINE 131 BORON METALS NO3-N, CL, SO4 F_ALK TDS/TSS RADIUM 226/228 METALS F_ALK CO2 VOC's RSK 175 TPH-DRO METALS NO3-N, CL, F, SO4, F_ALK TDS ALPHA SPEC N/A 26.84 36.84 25 (psi)7 (sec)(sec) (gal) 778 (ml) 495 (ml) 1273 (ml)=0.34 (gal)@ QC By: SITE NAME BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION PERMIT #85-03 SITE ID PROJECT NAME PINE HALL LANDFILL GROUNDWATER MONITORING PROGRAM FIELD CREW LDC, PSP DUKE ENERGY GROUNDWATER MONITORING DATA SHEET SAMPLING PROCEDURE NO.3175.4 FOR EQUIPMENT PURGE ONLY SAMPLING WELL DEPTH (ft TOC)36.84 GS ELEV (ft msl)834.40 PUMP INTAKE DEPTH (ft TOC)35.84 MW-6 MONITORING WELL INFORMATION WELL DIAMETER (in)2.00 TOC ELEV (ft msl)836.91 MIDDLE OF WETTED SCREEN (ft toc)35.28 SAMPLING DATE(s)11-Apr-2017 WELL/LOCATION NAME EQUIPMENT INFORMATION SCREEN LENGTH (ft)10 ELEV REF NAVD 88 SCREEN INTERVAL (ft TOC)TO WELL/SAMPLING INFORMATION WELL TYPE WELL INFORMATION WELL USE PURGE METHOD STICK UP WELL MONITORING WELL FOSSIL LANDFILL NPDES Equip. Only Purge PUMP CONTROLLER SETTINGS PRESSURE RECHARGE DISCHARGE 3 LEVEL METER SERIAL#28650 SAMPLING EQUIPMENT QED T1200 TUBING DIAMETER (in)1/2 OD DETECTED ODOR None ODOR STRENGTH None APPEARANCE Normal WATER ELEVATION (ft msl)803.20 WELL VOLUME 0.51 SAMPLING INFORMATION INITIAL DEPTH TO WATER (ft TOC)33.71 WATER COLUMN (ft)3.13 OXYGEN (ft)(ml/min)(ft)(deg C)(umho/cm)(SU) TURBIDITY ORP DISSOLVED WATER LEVEL RATE WATER LEVEL COND. INITIAL FLOW FINAL TEMP SPECIFIC pH 469 4.41 N/A If Evacuated And It Is Required To Return To Sample, Enter The Date, Time, And Water Level To The Right Before Sampling to Determine Recharge. DATE:TIME:WATER LEVEL:Well Vol.: Evacuated: (NTU)(mV -NEH)(mg/L) 33.71 204 34.31 15.63 64 5.38 1.6 Tubing Volume INITIAL PURGE VOL.EQUIPMENT PURGE ONLY SAMPLE CHLORINE (mg/l)Pump (Bladder) Volume 0.50 SAMPLE COLLECTED BY DATE TIME Sampled: Total Purge Volume LDC 4/11/2017 1140 N/A Sample preservation verified to pH (units)< 2.0 PROTECTIVE CASING Casing in good condition FLUSH MOUNT WELLS WELL CAPS Well cap in good conditon WELL CASING Good Condition ACCESS TO WELLS Access cleared into well SAMPLE LIST CHECK IF SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED WELL CONDITION ADDITIONAL WELL CONDITION NOTES WELL PAD Good Condition Well Impacted By Silting:NO SAMPLING NOTES WELL SECURITY Well found locked WELL LOCK CONDITION Lock in good condition WELL TAG Well tag in good condition ACCESS AROUND WELL Access cleared around well GAMMA H3 SO4,CL SR 89/90 GROSS ALPH/BETA Fe 55 Ni 63 IODINE 131 BORON METALS NO3-N, CL, SO4 F_ALK TDS/TSS RADIUM 226/228 METALS F_ALK CO2 VOC's RSK 175 TPH-DRO METALS NO3-N, CL, F, SO4, F_ALK TDS ALPHA SPEC N/A 4.26 14.26 20 (psi)10 (sec)(sec) (gal) 1.06 (gal) @ QC By: SITE NAME BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION PERMIT #85-03 SITE ID PROJECT NAME PINE HALL LANDFILL GROUNDWATER MONITORING PROGRAM FIELD CREW LDC, PSP DUKE ENERGY GROUNDWATER MONITORING DATA SHEET SAMPLING PROCEDURE NO.3175.4 FOR CONVENTIONAL SAMPLING WELL DEPTH (ft TOC)14.26 GS ELEV (ft msl)812.52 PUMP INTAKE DEPTH (ft TOC)13.26 MW-7 MONITORING WELL INFORMATION WELL DIAMETER (in)2.00 TOC ELEV (ft msl)815.57 MIDDLE OF WETTED SCREEN (ft toc)11.02 SAMPLING DATE(s)11-Apr-2017 WELL/LOCATION NAME EQUIPMENT INFORMATION SCREEN LENGTH (ft)10 ELEV REF NAVD 88 SCREEN INTERVAL (ft TOC)TO WELL/SAMPLING INFORMATION WELL TYPE WELL INFORMATION WELL USE PURGE METHOD STICK UP WELL MONITORING WELL FOSSIL LANDFILL NPDES Conventional PUMP CONTROLLER SETTINGS PRESSURE RECHARGE DISCHARGE 5 LEVEL METER SERIAL#26056 SAMPLING EQUIPMENT QED T1200 TUBING DIAMETER (in)1/2 OD DETECTED ODOR None ODOR STRENGTH None APPEARANCE Normal WATER ELEVATION (ft msl)807.80 WELL VOLUME 1.06 SAMPLING INFORMATION INITIAL DEPTH TO WATER (ft TOC)7.77 WATER COLUMN (ft)6.49 (gal) PURGE WATER LEVEL AFTER PURGE * COMPLETE TEMP SPECIFIC pH TURBIDITY ORP DISSOLVED (mV -NHE)(mg/L) 1.25 9.16 NO 13.24 327 5.36 13.8 508 (ft)(YES/NO)(deg C)(umho/cm)(SU)(NTU) WELL VOL VOLUME EVACUATION COND.OXYGEN (recalculates on current water level) 6.45 1.00 NO 13.26 331 5.41 11.9 515 7.62 0.83 1.00 NO 13.20 332 5.38 9.2 514 5.70 Sampled: If Evacuated And It Is Required To Return To Sample, Enter The Date, Time, And Water Level To The Right Before Sampling to Determine Recharge. DATE:TIME:WATER LEVEL:WELL VOL: Evacuated: 0745 N/A TOTAL PURGE VOLUME * Optional measurement to recalculate well volume when purging results in substantial drawdown of water column COLLECT SAMPLE - SAMPLE CRITERIA SATISFIED CHLORINE (mg/l)SAMPLE COLLECTED BY DATE TIME 3.25 PSP 4/11/2017 Sample preservation verified to pH (units)< 2.0 PROTECTIVE CASING Casing in good condition FLUSH MOUNT WELLS WELL CAPS Well cap in good conditon Well pad partly covered with grass. WELL CASING Good Condition ACCESS TO WELLS Access cleared into well SAMPLE LIST CHECK IF SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED WELL CONDITION ADDITIONAL WELL CONDITION NOTES WELL PAD Grass Growing Over Well Pad Well Impacted By Silting:NO SAMPLING NOTES WELL SECURITY Well found locked WELL LOCK CONDITION Lock in good condition WELL TAG Well tag in good condition ACCESS AROUND WELL Access cleared around well GAMMA H3 SO4,CL SR 89/90 GROSS ALPH/BETA Fe 55 Ni 63 IODINE 131 BORON METALS NO3-N, CL, SO4 F_ALK TDS/TSS RADIUM 226/228 METALS F_ALK CO2 VOC's RSK 175 TPH-DRO METALS NO3-N, CL, F, SO4, F_ALK TDS ALPHA SPEC N/A 20.62 30.62 25 (psi)5 (sec)(sec) (gal) 2.67 (gal) @ QC By: SITE NAME BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION PERMIT #85-03 SITE ID PROJECT NAME PINE HALL LANDFILL GROUNDWATER MONITORING PROGRAM FIELD CREW LDC, PSP DUKE ENERGY GROUNDWATER MONITORING DATA SHEET SAMPLING PROCEDURE NO.3175.4 FOR CONVENTIONAL SAMPLING WELL DEPTH (ft TOC)30.62 GS ELEV (ft msl)775.45 PUMP INTAKE DEPTH (ft TOC)29.62 MW2-7 MONITORING WELL INFORMATION WELL DIAMETER (in)2.00 TOC ELEV (ft msl)777.64 MIDDLE OF WETTED SCREEN (ft toc)25.62 SAMPLING DATE(s)11-Apr-2017 WELL/LOCATION NAME EQUIPMENT INFORMATION SCREEN LENGTH (ft)10 ELEV REF NAVD 88 SCREEN INTERVAL (ft TOC)TO WELL/SAMPLING INFORMATION WELL TYPE WELL INFORMATION WELL USE PURGE METHOD STICK UP WELL MONITORING WELL FOSSIL LANDFILL NPDES Conventional PUMP CONTROLLER SETTINGS PRESSURE RECHARGE DISCHARGE 7 LEVEL METER SERIAL#26056 SAMPLING EQUIPMENT QED T1200 TUBING DIAMETER (in)1/2 OD DETECTED ODOR None ODOR STRENGTH None APPEARANCE Normal WATER ELEVATION (ft msl)763.36 WELL VOLUME 2.67 SAMPLING INFORMATION INITIAL DEPTH TO WATER (ft TOC)14.28 WATER COLUMN (ft)16.34 (gal) PURGE WATER LEVEL AFTER PURGE * COMPLETE TEMP SPECIFIC pH TURBIDITY ORP DISSOLVED (mV -NHE)(mg/L) 2.75 NO 14.43 1313 5.02 3.7 554 (ft)(YES/NO)(deg C)(umho/cm)(SU)(NTU) WELL VOL VOLUME EVACUATION COND.OXYGEN (recalculates on current water level) 0.00 2.75 NO 14.51 1873 5.08 4.7 559 0.00 2.75 NO 14.47 1736 5.07 6.3 550 0.00 2.75 NO 14.49 1995 5.09 3.4 562 0.00 2.75 NO 14.51 1934 5.09 3.7 561 Sampled: 0.00 If Evacuated And It Is Required To Return To Sample, Enter The Date, Time, And Water Level To The Right Before Sampling to Determine Recharge. DATE:TIME:WATER LEVEL:WELL VOL: Evacuated: 1025 N/A TOTAL PURGE VOLUME * Optional measurement to recalculate well volume when purging results in substantial drawdown of water column CHLORINE (mg/l)SAMPLE COLLECTED BY DATE TIME 13.75 PSP 4/11/2017 Sample preservation verified to pH (units)< 2.0 PROTECTIVE CASING Casing in good condition FLUSH MOUNT WELLS WELL CAPS Well cap in good conditon Well pad covered by dirt and grass WELL CASING Good Condition ACCESS TO WELLS Access cleared into well SAMPLE LIST CHECK IF SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED WELL CONDITION ADDITIONAL WELL CONDITION NOTES WELL PAD Debris covering well pad Well Impacted By Silting:NO SAMPLING NOTES WELL SECURITY Well found locked WELL LOCK CONDITION Lock in good condition WELL TAG Well tag in good condition ACCESS AROUND WELL Access cleared around well GAMMA H3 SO4,CL SR 89/90 GROSS ALPH/BETA Fe 55 Ni 63 IODINE 131 BORON METALS NO3-N, CL, SO4 F_ALK TDS/TSS RADIUM 226/228 METALS F_ALK CO2 VOC's RSK 175 TPH-DRO METALS NO3-N, CL, F, SO4, F_ALK TDS ALPHA SPEC N/A 4.61 14.61 10 (psi)5 (sec)(sec) (gal) 1.43 (gal) @ QC By: SITE NAME BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION PERMIT #85-03 SITE ID PROJECT NAME PINE HALL LANDFILL GROUNDWATER MONITORING PROGRAM FIELD CREW LDC, PSP DUKE ENERGY GROUNDWATER MONITORING DATA SHEET SAMPLING PROCEDURE NO.3175.4 FOR CONVENTIONAL SAMPLING WELL DEPTH (ft TOC)14.61 GS ELEV (ft msl)794.75 PUMP INTAKE DEPTH (ft TOC)13.61 MW2-9 MONITORING WELL INFORMATION WELL DIAMETER (in)2.00 TOC ELEV (ft msl)797.38 MIDDLE OF WETTED SCREEN (ft toc)10.22 SAMPLING DATE(s)11-Apr-2017 WELL/LOCATION NAME EQUIPMENT INFORMATION SCREEN LENGTH (ft)10 ELEV REF NAVD 88 SCREEN INTERVAL (ft TOC)TO WELL/SAMPLING INFORMATION WELL TYPE WELL INFORMATION WELL USE PURGE METHOD STICK UP WELL MONITORING WELL FOSSIL LANDFILL NPDES Conventional PUMP CONTROLLER SETTINGS PRESSURE RECHARGE DISCHARGE 10 LEVEL METER SERIAL#26056 SAMPLING EQUIPMENT QED T1200 TUBING DIAMETER (in)1/2 OD DETECTED ODOR None ODOR STRENGTH None APPEARANCE Normal WATER ELEVATION (ft msl)791.55 WELL VOLUME 1.43 SAMPLING INFORMATION INITIAL DEPTH TO WATER (ft TOC)5.83 WATER COLUMN (ft)8.78 (gal) PURGE WATER LEVEL AFTER PURGE * COMPLETE TEMP SPECIFIC pH TURBIDITY ORP DISSOLVED (mV -NHE)(mg/L) 1.50 7.28 NO 13.13 265 5.87 10.4 497 (ft)(YES/NO)(deg C)(umho/cm)(SU)(NTU) WELL VOL VOLUME EVACUATION COND.OXYGEN (recalculates on current water level) 1.22 0.77 2.11 1.20 1.25 9.87 YES 13.54 265 5.84 9.4 493 0900 BELOW PUMP N/A Sampled:4/11/2017 1240 11.13 0.57 If Evacuated And It Is Required To Return To Sample, Enter The Date, Time, And Water Level To The Right Before Sampling to Determine Recharge. DATE:TIME:WATER LEVEL:WELL VOL: Evacuated:4/11/2017 1245 N/A TOTAL PURGE VOLUME * Optional measurement to recalculate well volume when purging results in substantial drawdown of water column COLLECT SAMPLE - SAMPLE CRITERIA SATISFIED CHLORINE (mg/l)SAMPLE COLLECTED BY DATE TIME 2.75 PSP 4/11/2017 Sample preservation verified to pH (units)< 2.0 PROTECTIVE CASING Casing in good condition FLUSH MOUNT WELLS WELL CAPS Well cap in good conditon Grass growing over well pad. WELL CASING Good Condition ACCESS TO WELLS Access cleared into well SAMPLE LIST CHECK IF SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED WELL CONDITION ADDITIONAL WELL CONDITION NOTES WELL PAD Grass Growing Over Well Pad Well Impacted By Silting:NO SAMPLING NOTES WELL SECURITY Well found locked WELL LOCK CONDITION Lock in good condition WELL TAG Well tag in good condition ACCESS AROUND WELL Access cleared around well GAMMA H3 SO4,CL SR 89/90 GROSS ALPH/BETA Fe 55 Ni 63 IODINE 131 BORON METALS NO3-N, CL, SO4 F_ALK TDS/TSS RADIUM 226/228 METALS F_ALK CO2 VOC's RSK 175 TPH-DRO METALS NO3-N, CL, F, SO4, F_ALK TDS ALPHA SPEC N/A 15.03 30.03 15 (psi)10 (sec)(sec) (gal) 1.27 (gal) @ QC By: SITE NAME BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION PERMIT #85-03 SITE ID PROJECT NAME PINE HALL LANDFILL GROUNDWATER MONITORING PROGRAM FIELD CREW LDC, PSP DUKE ENERGY GROUNDWATER MONITORING DATA SHEET SAMPLING PROCEDURE NO.3175.4 FOR CONVENTIONAL SAMPLING WELL DEPTH (ft TOC)30.03 GS ELEV (ft msl)774.72 PUMP INTAKE DEPTH (ft TOC)29.10 OB-4 MONITORING WELL INFORMATION WELL DIAMETER (in)2.00 TOC ELEV (ft msl)777.60 MIDDLE OF WETTED SCREEN (ft toc)26.14 SAMPLING DATE(s)11-Apr-2017 WELL/LOCATION NAME EQUIPMENT INFORMATION SCREEN LENGTH (ft)15 ELEV REF NAVD 88 SCREEN INTERVAL (ft TOC)TO WELL/SAMPLING INFORMATION WELL TYPE WELL INFORMATION WELL USE PURGE METHOD STICK UP WELL MONITORING WELL FOSSIL LANDFILL NPDES Conventional PUMP CONTROLLER SETTINGS PRESSURE RECHARGE DISCHARGE 10 LEVEL METER SERIAL#26056 SAMPLING EQUIPMENT QED T1200 TUBING DIAMETER (in)1/2 OD DETECTED ODOR None ODOR STRENGTH None APPEARANCE Normal WATER ELEVATION (ft msl)755.36 WELL VOLUME 1.27 SAMPLING INFORMATION INITIAL DEPTH TO WATER (ft TOC)22.24 WATER COLUMN (ft)7.79 (gal) PURGE WATER LEVEL AFTER PURGE * COMPLETE TEMP SPECIFIC pH TURBIDITY ORP DISSOLVED (mV -NHE)(mg/L) 1.50 NO 15.82 2618 7.05 3.6 324 (ft)(YES/NO)(deg C)(umho/cm)(SU)(NTU) WELL VOL VOLUME EVACUATION COND.OXYGEN (recalculates on current water level) 0.00 1.50 NO 15.84 2610 7.11 3.3 317 0.00 2.00 NO 15.80 2635 7.09 3.8 319 0.00 Sampled: If Evacuated And It Is Required To Return To Sample, Enter The Date, Time, And Water Level To The Right Before Sampling to Determine Recharge. DATE:TIME:WATER LEVEL:WELL VOL: Evacuated: 1125 N/A TOTAL PURGE VOLUME * Optional measurement to recalculate well volume when purging results in substantial drawdown of water column COLLECT SAMPLE - SAMPLE CRITERIA SATISFIED CHLORINE (mg/l)SAMPLE COLLECTED BY DATE TIME 5.00 PSP 4/11/2017 Sample preservation verified to pH (units)< 2.0 PROTECTIVE CASING Casing in good condition FLUSH MOUNT WELLS WELL CAPS Well cap in good conditon Grass growing over well pad, ants were inside air line. WELL CASING Ants Inside Casing / Tubing ACCESS TO WELLS Access cleared into well SAMPLE LIST CHECK IF SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED WELL CONDITION ADDITIONAL WELL CONDITION NOTES WELL PAD Grass Growing Over Well Pad Well Impacted By Silting:NO SAMPLING NOTES WELL SECURITY Well found locked WELL LOCK CONDITION Lock in good condition WELL TAG Well tag in good condition ACCESS AROUND WELL Access cleared around well GAMMA H3 SO4,CL SR 89/90 GROSS ALPH/BETA Fe 55 Ni 63 IODINE 131 BORON METALS NO3-N, CL, SO4 F_ALK TDS/TSS RADIUM 226/228 METALS F_ALK CO2 VOC's RSK 175 TPH-DRO METALS NO3-N, CL, F, SO4, F_ALK TDS ALPHA SPEC N/A 21.60 36.60 18 (psi)8 (sec)(sec) (gal) 1.87 (gal) @ QC By: SITE NAME BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION PERMIT #85-03 SITE ID PROJECT NAME PINE HALL LANDFILL GROUNDWATER MONITORING PROGRAM FIELD CREW LDC, PSP DUKE ENERGY GROUNDWATER MONITORING DATA SHEET SAMPLING PROCEDURE NO.3175.4 FOR CONVENTIONAL SAMPLING WELL DEPTH (ft TOC)36.60 GS ELEV (ft msl)778.13 PUMP INTAKE DEPTH (ft TOC)35.50 OB-5 MONITORING WELL INFORMATION WELL DIAMETER (in)2.00 TOC ELEV (ft msl)780.93 MIDDLE OF WETTED SCREEN (ft toc)30.88 SAMPLING DATE(s)11-Apr-2017 WELL/LOCATION NAME EQUIPMENT INFORMATION SCREEN LENGTH (ft)15 ELEV REF NAVD 88 SCREEN INTERVAL (ft TOC)TO WELL/SAMPLING INFORMATION WELL TYPE WELL INFORMATION WELL USE PURGE METHOD STICK UP WELL MONITORING WELL FOSSIL LANDFILL NPDES Conventional PUMP CONTROLLER SETTINGS PRESSURE RECHARGE DISCHARGE 7 LEVEL METER SERIAL#28650 SAMPLING EQUIPMENT QED T1200 TUBING DIAMETER (in)1/2 OD DETECTED ODOR None ODOR STRENGTH None APPEARANCE Normal WATER ELEVATION (ft msl)755.77 WELL VOLUME 1.87 SAMPLING INFORMATION INITIAL DEPTH TO WATER (ft TOC)25.16 WATER COLUMN (ft)11.44 (gal) PURGE WATER LEVEL AFTER PURGE * COMPLETE TEMP SPECIFIC pH TURBIDITY ORP DISSOLVED (mV -NHE)(mg/L) 2.00 NO 15.51 25 5.20 3.4 487 (ft)(YES/NO)(deg C)(umho/cm)(SU)(NTU) WELL VOL VOLUME EVACUATION COND.OXYGEN (recalculates on current water level) 5.35 2.00 NO 15.54 26 5.20 3.3 471 5.07 2.00 NO 15.53 26 5.20 3.0 468 5.80 Sampled: If Evacuated And It Is Required To Return To Sample, Enter The Date, Time, And Water Level To The Right Before Sampling to Determine Recharge. DATE:TIME:WATER LEVEL:WELL VOL: Evacuated: 0745 N/A TOTAL PURGE VOLUME * Optional measurement to recalculate well volume when purging results in substantial drawdown of water column COLLECT SAMPLE - SAMPLE CRITERIA SATISFIED CHLORINE (mg/l)SAMPLE COLLECTED BY DATE TIME 6.00 LDC 4/11/2017 Sample preservation verified to pH (units)< 2.0 PROTECTIVE CASING Casing in good condition FLUSH MOUNT WELLS WELL CAPS Well cap in good conditon WELL CASING Good Condition ACCESS TO WELLS Access cleared into well SAMPLE LIST CHECK IF SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED WELL CONDITION ADDITIONAL WELL CONDITION NOTES WELL PAD Good Condition Well Impacted By Silting:NO SAMPLING NOTES WELL SECURITY Well found locked WELL LOCK CONDITION Lock in good condition WELL TAG Well tag in good condition ACCESS AROUND WELL Access cleared around well GAMMA H3 SO4,CL SR 89/90 GROSS ALPH/BETA Fe 55 Ni 63 IODINE 131 BORON METALS NO3-N, CL, SO4 F_ALK TDS/TSS RADIUM 226/228 METALS F_ALK CO2 VOC's RSK 175 TPH-DRO METALS NO3-N, CL, F, SO4, F_ALK TDS ALPHA SPEC N/A 39.17 48.57 25 (psi)10 (sec)(sec) (gal) 1.74 (gal) @ QC By: SITE NAME BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION PERMIT #85-03 SITE ID PROJECT NAME PINE HALL LANDFILL GROUNDWATER MONITORING PROGRAM FIELD CREW LDC, PSP DUKE ENERGY GROUNDWATER MONITORING DATA SHEET SAMPLING PROCEDURE NO.3175.4 FOR CONVENTIONAL SAMPLING WELL DEPTH (ft TOC)48.57 GS ELEV (ft msl)797.11 PUMP INTAKE DEPTH (ft TOC)46.00 OB-9 MONITORING WELL INFORMATION WELL DIAMETER (in)2.00 TOC ELEV (ft msl)799.59 MIDDLE OF WETTED SCREEN (ft toc)43.87 SAMPLING DATE(s)11-Apr-2017 WELL/LOCATION NAME EQUIPMENT INFORMATION SCREEN LENGTH (ft)9 ELEV REF NAVD 88 SCREEN INTERVAL (ft TOC)TO WELL/SAMPLING INFORMATION WELL TYPE WELL INFORMATION WELL USE PURGE METHOD STICK UP WELL MONITORING WELL FOSSIL LANDFILL NPDES Conventional PUMP CONTROLLER SETTINGS PRESSURE RECHARGE DISCHARGE 10 LEVEL METER SERIAL#26056 SAMPLING EQUIPMENT QED T1200 TUBING DIAMETER (in)1/2 OD DETECTED ODOR None ODOR STRENGTH None APPEARANCE Normal WATER ELEVATION (ft msl)761.67 WELL VOLUME 1.74 SAMPLING INFORMATION INITIAL DEPTH TO WATER (ft TOC)37.92 WATER COLUMN (ft)10.65 (gal) PURGE WATER LEVEL AFTER PURGE * COMPLETE TEMP SPECIFIC pH TURBIDITY ORP DISSOLVED (mV -NHE)(mg/L) 1.75 NO 14.97 1748 5.01 3.3 558 (ft)(YES/NO)(deg C)(umho/cm)(SU)(NTU) WELL VOL VOLUME EVACUATION COND.OXYGEN (recalculates on current water level) 0.00 1.75 NO 14.93 1743 5.04 2.5 572 0.00 1.75 NO 14.97 1758 5.03 2.7 567 0.00 Sampled: If Evacuated And It Is Required To Return To Sample, Enter The Date, Time, And Water Level To The Right Before Sampling to Determine Recharge. DATE:TIME:WATER LEVEL:WELL VOL: Evacuated: 1230 N/A TOTAL PURGE VOLUME * Optional measurement to recalculate well volume when purging results in substantial drawdown of water column COLLECT SAMPLE - SAMPLE CRITERIA SATISFIED CHLORINE (mg/l)SAMPLE COLLECTED BY DATE TIME 5.25 PSP 4/11/2017 Sample preservation verified to pH (units)< 2.0 PROTECTIVE CASING Casing in good condition FLUSH MOUNT WELLS WELL CAPS Well cap in good conditon Well tag getting hard to read. WELL CASING Good Condition ACCESS TO WELLS Access cleared into well SAMPLE LIST CHECK IF SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED WELL CONDITION ADDITIONAL WELL CONDITION NOTES WELL PAD Good Condition Well Impacted By Silting:NO SAMPLING NOTES WELL SECURITY Well found locked WELL LOCK CONDITION Lock in good condition WELL TAG Well tag damaged / illegible ACCESS AROUND WELL Access cleared around well GAMMA H3 SO4,CL SR 89/90 GROSS ALPH/BETA Fe 55 Ni 63 IODINE 131 BORON METALS NO3-N, CL, SO4 F_ALK TDS/TSS RADIUM 226/228 METALS F_ALK CO2 VOC's RSK 175 TPH-DRO METALS NO3-N, CL, F, SO4, F_ALK TDS ALPHA SPEC N/A @ QC By: SITE NAME BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION PERMIT #85-03 SITE ID PROJECT NAME PINE HALL LANDFILL GROUNDWATER MONITORING PROGRAM FIELD CREW LDC, PSP DUKE ENERGY SURFACE WATER MONITORING DATA SHEET SAMPLING PROCEDURE NO.3175.4 FOR SURFACE WATER SAMPLING SW-1ASAMPLING DATE(s)11-Apr-2017 WELL/LOCATION NAME SAMPLING METHOD:PERISTALTIC PUMP LOCATION ENVIRONMENT:WOODED SURFACE WATER LOCATION INFORMATION LOCATION TYPE:STREAM WAS WATER PRESENT:YES WAS THERE A NOTICABLE FLOW:YES WELL/SAMPLING INFORMATION WELL TYPE WELL INFORMATION WELL USE PURGE METHOD FOSSIL LANDFILL NPDES Surface Water Sample DETECTED ODOR None ODOR STRENGTH None APPEARANCE Normal SAMPLING INFORMATION DEPTH OF TEMP SPECIFIC pH TURBIDITY ORP DISSOLVED (METERS)(deg C)(umho/cm)(SU)(NTU)(mV -NEH)(mg/L) INTAKE COND.OXYGEN TIME PSP 4/11/2017 0940 N/A Sample preservation verified to pH (units)< 2.0 2.7 402 8.77 N/A FLOW CONDITIONS: SURFACE WATER SAMPLE CHLORINE (mg/l)SAMPLE COLLECTED BY DATE 0.10 13.56 995 6.18 PROTECTIVE CASING FLUSH MOUNT WELLS WELL CAPS WELL CASING ACCESS TO WELLS SAMPLE LIST CHECK IF SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED WELL CONDITION ADDITIONAL WELL CONDITION NOTES WELL PAD Well Impacted By Silting:N/A SAMPLING NOTES WELL SECURITY WELL LOCK CONDITION WELL TAG ACCESS AROUND WELL GAMMA H3 SO4,CL SR 89/90 GROSS ALPH/BETA Fe 55 Ni 63 IODINE 131 BORON METALS NO3-N, CL, SO4 F_ALK TDS/TSS RADIUM 226/228 METALS F_ALK CO2 VOC's RSK 175 TPH-DRO METALS NO3-N, CL, F, SO4, F_ALK TDS ALPHA SPEC N/A @ QC By: SITE NAME BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION PERMIT #85-03 SITE ID PROJECT NAME PINE HALL LANDFILL GROUNDWATER MONITORING PROGRAM FIELD CREW LDC, PSP DUKE ENERGY SURFACE WATER MONITORING DATA SHEET SAMPLING PROCEDURE NO.3175.4 FOR SURFACE WATER SAMPLING SW-2SAMPLING DATE(s)11-Apr-2017 WELL/LOCATION NAME SAMPLING METHOD:GRAB LOCATION ENVIRONMENT:WOODED SURFACE WATER LOCATION INFORMATION LOCATION TYPE:STREAM WAS WATER PRESENT:YES WAS THERE A NOTICABLE FLOW:YES WELL/SAMPLING INFORMATION WELL TYPE WELL INFORMATION WELL USE PURGE METHOD FOSSIL LANDFILL NPDES Surface Water Sample DETECTED ODOR None ODOR STRENGTH None APPEARANCE Normal SAMPLING INFORMATION DEPTH OF TEMP SPECIFIC pH TURBIDITY ORP DISSOLVED (METERS)(deg C)(umho/cm)(SU)(NTU)(mV -NEH)(mg/L) INTAKE COND.OXYGEN TIME PSP 4/11/2017 1150 N/A Sample preservation verified to pH (units)< 2.0 11.3 338 8.33 N/A FLOW CONDITIONS: SURFACE WATER SAMPLE CHLORINE (mg/l)SAMPLE COLLECTED BY DATE N/A 14.78 128 6.28 PROTECTIVE CASING FLUSH MOUNT WELLS WELL CAPS WELL CASING ACCESS TO WELLS SAMPLE LIST CHECK IF SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED WELL CONDITION ADDITIONAL WELL CONDITION NOTES WELL PAD Well Impacted By Silting:N/A SAMPLING NOTES WELL SECURITY WELL LOCK CONDITION WELL TAG ACCESS AROUND WELL GAMMA H3 SO4,CL SR 89/90 GROSS ALPH/BETA Fe 55 Ni 63 IODINE 131 BORON METALS NO3-N, CL, SO4 F_ALK TDS/TSS RADIUM 226/228 METALS F_ALK CO2 VOC's RSK 175 TPH-DRO METALS NO3-N, CL, F, SO4, F_ALK TDS ALPHA SPEC MW-1 MW-1D MW-2 MW-3 MW-4 MW-5 MW-6 MW-7 MW2-7 MW2-9 OB-4 OB-5 OB-9 SW-1A SW-2 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO N/A N/A YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES N/A N/A YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES SEE NOTE SEE NOTE SEE NOTE SEE NOTE YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES SEE NOTE SEE NOTE SEE NOTE YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Fallen tree blocking access WELL DEPTH NORTH CAROLINA GROUNDWATER SAMPLING SITE CHECK LIST SITE:SAMPLE DATE April 11, 2017 SITE CONTACT FIELD CREW LDC, PSPPROJECT: Keeley McCormick, Kimberly Witt, Will Harrison, Melonie Martin BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION PINE HALL LANDFILL GROUNDWATER MONITORING PROGRAM ACCESS TO WELLS Access cleared into well Access cleared around well Tall grass or weeds - needs mowing Road washing out / muddy / needs grading FLUSH MOUNT WELLS WELL PROTECTIVE CASINGS CONCRETE PADS WELL SECURITY Well found locked Well found unlocked WELL LOCK CONDITION Lock in good condition Lock rusted, difficult to open / needs replacing Replaced damaged lock WELL CASINGS Casing in good condition Damaged casing / still functional MW-2 and OB-4 had ants inside air line. MW-5 well was found unlocked with a rock sitting on top and has gap between lid and protective casing (easy access for wasps to build). MW-7, MW2-7, MW2-9 and OB-4 have grass covering the well pad (not able to inspect for cracks in pad). OB-9 well tag has become difficult to read. NOTE: Damaged casing / repair required Pad in good condition Minor cracks Well tag damaged / illegible Lacks required information - Static WL / date Undermined / washing out Fire ants around concrete pad Lacks required information - Driller Reg # Lacks required information - Completion date Lacks required information - Total well depth Vault in good condition Casing in good condition WELL CAPS Well cap in good conditon Damaged / needs replacement Lacks required info - Casing depth / diam. Lacks required information - Screen interval Lacks required information - Non potable tag Lacks required information - Depth to screen Water inside vault Vault bolt holes broken or stripped Bolts strippedVault lid cracked or broken WELL ID TAGS Well tag in good condition Well tag missing Replaced damaged well cap Major cracks / broken / repair required Ants inside protective casing Damaged casing / still functional Damaged casing / repair required Broken hinge on protective lid Wasp nest inside protective casing WEATHER Clear, breezy, 55 to 75 deg F4/11/2017 Well impacted by silting PAGE 1 OF 1 DATE WELL NO WELL DEPTH (ft - TOC) DEPTH TO WATER (ft - TOC) WATER ELEV. (ft) APPEARANCE ODOR PURGE METHOD PUMP RATE (ml/min) WELL VOL. (gal) EVAC VOL. (gal) EVAC (YES/NO) TEMP. (deg. C) SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE (umho/cm) pH (units)TURBIDITY (NTU's)ORP (mV-NHE)DO (mg/L) 4/11/2017 MW-1 47.20 35.67 817.02 Normal None C N/A 1.88 5.00 NO 15.29 19 4.85 9.3 535 8.38 4/11/2017 MW-1D 90.53 43.01 811.14 Normal None C N/A 7.75 16.75 NO 14.42 120 6.37 0.2 454 4.70 4/11/2017 MW-2 50.00 46.51 811.54 1/0/1900 None EOP N/A 0.57 0.00 N/A 0.00 0 0.00 0.0 0 0.00 4/11/2017 MW-3 49.50 42.72 800.09 Normal None EOP N/A 1.11 0.50 N/A 14.39 58 5.56 2.0 477 9.45 4/11/2017 MW-4 40.20 12.19 755.39 Normal None C N/A 4.57 9.75 NO 14.81 292 5.94 13.1 432 2.58 4/11/2017 MW-5 60.20 25.59 761.18 Normal None C N/A 5.64 11.25 NO 14.67 36 5.62 6.3 477 6.92 4/11/2017 MW-6 36.84 33.71 803.20 Normal None EOP N/A 0.51 0.50 N/A 15.63 64 5.38 1.6 469 4.41 4/11/2017 MW-7 14.26 7.77 807.80 Normal None C N/A 1.06 3.25 NO 13.26 331 5.41 11.9 515 5.70 4/11/2017 MW2-7 30.62 14.28 763.36 Normal None C N/A 2.67 13.75 NO 14.49 1995 5.09 3.4 562 0.00 4/11/2017 MW2-9 14.61 5.83 791.55 Normal None C N/A 1.43 2.75 YES 13.54 265 5.84 9.4 493 1.22 4/11/2017 OB-4 30.03 22.24 755.36 Normal None C N/A 1.27 5.00 NO 15.84 2610 7.11 3.3 317 0.00 4/11/2017 OB-5 36.60 25.16 755.77 Normal None C N/A 1.87 6.00 NO 15.54 26 5.20 3.3 471 5.80 4/11/2017 OB-9 48.57 37.92 761.67 Normal None C N/A 1.74 5.25 NO 14.93 1743 5.04 2.5 572 0.00 4/11/2017 SW-1A N/A Normal None SWS N/A N/A N/A 13.56 995 6.18 2.7 402 8.77 4/11/2017 SW-2 N/A Normal None SWS N/A N/A N/A 14.78 128 6.28 11.3 338 8.33 BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION PINE HALL LANDFILL GROUNDWATER MONITORING PROGRAM GROUNDWATER MONITORING FIELD DATA PERMIT #85-03 Purge Methods LF = Low Flow NP = No PurgeEOP = Equip. Only Purge LO = Level Only LF(M) = Low Flow (Mod.)* = Applicable to LF & LF(M) Purging OnlyC = Connventional B Appendix B Laboratory Report and Chain-of-Custody Forms 13339 Hagers Ferry RoadHuntersville, NC 28078-7929 McGuire Nuclear Complex - MG03A2 Phone: 980-875-5245 Fax: 980-875-4349 Order Summary Report Analytical Laboratory Order Number:J17040007 Project Name:BELEWS - GW PINE HALL LF Lab Contact: Anne Pridgeon Date:4/25/2017 Customer Address:3195 Pine Hall Rd Customer Name(s):C Campbell, T. Hunsucker, E Sullivan, B Moeller Mailcode: Belews Steam Station Belews Creek, NC 28012 Phone: 980-875-6610 Report Authorized By: (Signature) Program Comments: Sample location MW-2 not collected due to insufficient volume. Metals via ICP: The method blank associated with samples in this dataset recovered above the reporting limit for calcium and potassium. Since concentrations are neither 10X the method blank content nor non detect, contamination is possible. Data Flags & Calculations: Any analytical tests or individual analytes within a test flagged with a Qualifier indicate a deviation from the method quality system or quality control requirement. The qualifier description is found at the end of the Certificate of Analysis (sample results) under the qualifiers heading. All results are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted. Subcontracted data included on the Duke Certificate of Analysis is to be used as information only. Certified vendor results can be found in the subcontracted lab final report. Duke Energy Analytical Laboratory subcontracts analyses to other vendor laboratories that have been qualified by Duke Energy to perform these analyses except where noted. Data Package: This data package includes analytical results that are applicable only to the samples described in this narrative. An estimation of the uncertainty of measurement for the results in the report is available upon request. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of the Analytical Laboratory. Please contact the Analytical laboratory with any questions. The order of individual sections within this report is as follows: Job Summary Report, Sample Identification, Technical Validation of Data Package, Analytical Laboratory Certificate of Analysis, Analytical Laboratory QC Reports, Sub-contracted Laboratory Results, Customer Specific Data Sheets, Reports & Documentation, Customer Database Entries, Test Case Narratives, Chain of Custody (COC) Certification: The Analytical Laboratory holds the following State Certifications : North Carolina (DENR) Certificate #248, South Carolina (DHEC) Laboratory ID # 99005. Contact the Analytical Laboratory for definitive information about the certification status of specific methods. Anne Pridgeon Duke Energy Analytical Lab Page 1 of 30 Reason: I have reviewed this document. Date: 2017.04.25 15:42:52 -04'00' Sample ID's & Descriptions: Sample ID Plant/Station Collection Date and Time Collected By Sample Description 2017010896 BELEWS 11-Apr-17 1:20 PM LDC MW-1 2017010897 BELEWS 11-Apr-17 10:35 AM LDC MW-1D 2017010899 BELEWS 11-Apr-17 10:55 AM LDC MW-3 2017010900 BELEWS 11-Apr-17 8:45 AM LDC MW-4 2017010901 BELEWS 11-Apr-17 2:25 PM PSP MW-5 2017010902 BELEWS 11-Apr-17 11:40 AM LDC MW-6 2017010903 BELEWS 11-Apr-17 7:45 AM PSP MW-7 2017010904 BELEWS 11-Apr-17 10:25 AM PSP MW2-7 2017010905 BELEWS 11-Apr-17 12:45 PM PSP MW2-9 2017010906 BELEWS 11-Apr-17 11:25 AM PSP OB-4 2017010907 BELEWS 11-Apr-17 7:45 AM LDC OB-5 2017010908 BELEWS 11-Apr-17 12:30 PM PSP OB-9 2017010909 BELEWS 11-Apr-17 9:40 AM PSP SW-1A 2017010910 BELEWS 11-Apr-17 11:50 AM PSP SW-2 2017010911 BELEWS 11-Apr-17 2:35 PM PSP FIELD BLANK 15 Total Samples Duke Energy Analytical Lab Page 2 of 30 COC and .pdf report are in agreement with sample totals and analyses (compliance programs and procedures). All Results are less than the laboratory reporting limits. All laboratory QA/QC requirements are acceptable. Yes No Technical Validation Review Checklist: Yes No Yes No Report Sections Included: Job Summary Report Sub-contracted Laboratory Results Sample Identification Customer Specific Data Sheets, Reports, & Documentation Technical Validation of Data Package Customer Database Entries Analytical Laboratory Certificate of Analysis Analytical Laboratory QC Report Chain of Custody Reviewed By:DBA Account Date:4/25/2017 Electronic Data Deliverable (EDD) Sent Separatel Duke Energy Analytical Lab Page 3 of 30 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J17040007 2017010896 Collection Date:11-Apr-17 1:20 PM Site:MW-1 Matrix:GW_RCRA Analyte Analysis Date/TimeMethodUnits Qualifiers RDLResult Sample #: AnalystDF LOW LEVEL ALKALINITY (FIXED END POINT) Alkalinity (mg/L CaCO3)< 5 mg/L (CaCO3) SM 2320B 04/19/2017 13:01 CJELLIO51 INORGANIC IONS BY IC Chloride 2.2 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/13/2017 08:24 BGN90340.5 5 Fluoride < 0.1 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/13/2017 08:24 BGN90340.1 1 Nitrate 0.79 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/13/2017 08:24 BGN90340.1 1 Nitrate as N 0.18 mg-N/L EPA 9056A 04/13/2017 08:24 BGN90340.023 1 Sulfate 1.2 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/13/2017 08:24 BGN90340.1 1 MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER Mercury (Hg)< 0.05 ug/L EPA 7470A 04/19/2017 13:58 DMFRANC0.05 1 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP Barium (Ba)0.021 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:13 SLS25600.005 1 Beryllium (Be)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:13 SLS25600.005 1 Boron (B)< 0.05 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:13 SLS25600.05 1 Calcium (Ca)0.078 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:13B SLS25600.01 1 Chromium (Cr)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:13 SLS25600.005 1 Copper (Cu)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:13 SLS25600.005 1 Iron (Fe)0.415 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:13 SLS25600.01 1 Magnesium (Mg)0.283 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:13B3 SLS25600.005 1 Manganese (Mn)0.032 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:13 SLS25600.005 1 Nickel (Ni)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:13 SLS25600.005 1 Potassium (K)0.428 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:13B SLS25600.1 1 Silver (Ag)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:13 SLS25600.005 1 Sodium (Na)1.93 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:13B3 SLS25600.05 1 Zinc (Zn)0.007 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:13B3 SLS25600.005 1 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS Antimony (Sb)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 19:16 CWSPEN311 Arsenic (As)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 19:16 CWSPEN311 Cadmium (Cd)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 19:16 CWSPEN311 Cobalt (Co)1.07 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 19:16 CWSPEN311 Lead (Pb)1.28 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 19:16 CWSPEN311 Selenium (Se)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 19:16 CWSPEN311 Thallium (Tl) Low Level < 0.2 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 19:16 CWSPEN30.2 1 Vanadium (V)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 19:16 CWSPEN311 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS TDS 38 mg/L SM2540C 04/12/2017 15:00 MGIGANT251 Duke Energy Analytical Lab Page 4 of 30 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J17040007 2017010897 Collection Date:11-Apr-17 10:35 AM Site:MW-1D Matrix:GW_RCRA Analyte Analysis Date/TimeMethodUnits Qualifiers RDLResult Sample #: AnalystDF ALKALINITY (FIXED END POINT 4.5) Alkalinity (mg/L CaCO3)33 mg/L (CaCO3) SM 2320B 04/13/2017 10:57 CJELLIO201 INORGANIC IONS BY IC Chloride 8.0 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 09:49 BGN90340.1 1 Fluoride 0.12 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 09:49 BGN90340.1 1 Nitrate 8.5 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 09:49 BGN90340.1 1 Nitrate as N 1.9 mg-N/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 09:49 BGN90340.023 1 Sulfate 0.96 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 09:49 BGN90340.1 1 MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER Mercury (Hg)< 0.05 ug/L EPA 7470A 04/19/2017 14:00 DMFRANC0.05 1 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP Barium (Ba)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:33 SLS25600.005 1 Beryllium (Be)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:33 SLS25600.005 1 Boron (B)< 0.05 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:33 SLS25600.05 1 Calcium (Ca)6.21 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:33B SLS25600.01 1 Chromium (Cr)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:33 SLS25600.005 1 Copper (Cu)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:33 SLS25600.005 1 Iron (Fe)< 0.01 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:33 SLS25600.01 1 Magnesium (Mg)5.26 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:33B3 SLS25600.005 1 Manganese (Mn)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:33 SLS25600.005 1 Nickel (Ni)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:33 SLS25600.005 1 Potassium (K)1.82 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:33B SLS25600.1 1 Silver (Ag)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:33 SLS25600.005 1 Sodium (Na)9.19 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:33 SLS25600.05 1 Zinc (Zn)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:33 SLS25600.005 1 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS Antimony (Sb)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/19/2017 12:19 CWSPEN311 Arsenic (As)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/19/2017 12:19 CWSPEN311 Cadmium (Cd)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/19/2017 12:19 CWSPEN311 Cobalt (Co)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/19/2017 12:19 CWSPEN311 Lead (Pb)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/19/2017 12:19 CWSPEN311 Selenium (Se)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/19/2017 12:19 CWSPEN311 Thallium (Tl) Low Level < 0.2 ug/L SW 6020B 04/19/2017 12:19 CWSPEN30.2 1 Vanadium (V)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/19/2017 12:19 CWSPEN311 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS TDS 84 mg/L SM2540C 04/12/2017 15:00 MGIGANT251 Duke Energy Analytical Lab Page 5 of 30 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J17040007 2017010899 Collection Date:11-Apr-17 10:55 AM Site:MW-3 Matrix:GW_RCRA Analyte Analysis Date/TimeMethodUnits Qualifiers RDLResult Sample #: AnalystDF LOW LEVEL ALKALINITY (FIXED END POINT) Alkalinity (mg/L CaCO3)6.9 mg/L (CaCO3) SM 2320B 04/19/2017 13:12 CJELLIO51 INORGANIC IONS BY IC Chloride 11 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/13/2017 09:15 BGN90340.5 5 Fluoride < 0.1 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/13/2017 09:15 BGN90340.1 1 Nitrate < 0.1 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/13/2017 09:15 BGN90340.1 1 Nitrate as N < 0.023 mg-N/L EPA 9056A 04/13/2017 09:15 BGN90340.023 1 Sulfate 0.28 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/13/2017 09:15 BGN90340.1 1 MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER Mercury (Hg)< 0.05 ug/L EPA 7470A 04/19/2017 14:03 DMFRANC0.05 1 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP Barium (Ba)0.056 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:37 SLS25600.005 1 Beryllium (Be)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:37 SLS25600.005 1 Boron (B)< 0.05 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:37 SLS25600.05 1 Calcium (Ca)3.83 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:37B SLS25600.01 1 Chromium (Cr)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:37 SLS25600.005 1 Copper (Cu)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:37 SLS25600.005 1 Iron (Fe)0.306 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:37 SLS25600.01 1 Magnesium (Mg)1.21 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:37B3 SLS25600.005 1 Manganese (Mn)0.006 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:37 SLS25600.005 1 Nickel (Ni)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:37 SLS25600.005 1 Potassium (K)2.44 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:37B SLS25600.1 1 Silver (Ag)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:37 SLS25600.005 1 Sodium (Na)3.10 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:37 SLS25600.05 1 Zinc (Zn)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:37 SLS25600.005 1 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS Antimony (Sb)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 19:23 CWSPEN311 Arsenic (As)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 19:23 CWSPEN311 Cadmium (Cd)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 19:23 CWSPEN311 Cobalt (Co)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 19:23 CWSPEN311 Lead (Pb)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 19:23 CWSPEN311 Selenium (Se)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 19:23 CWSPEN311 Thallium (Tl) Low Level < 0.2 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 19:23 CWSPEN30.2 1 Vanadium (V)1.03 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 19:23 CWSPEN311 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS TDS 41 mg/L SM2540C 04/12/2017 15:00 MGIGANT251 Duke Energy Analytical Lab Page 6 of 30 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J17040007 2017010900 Collection Date:11-Apr-17 8:45 AM Site:MW-4 Matrix:GW_RCRA Analyte Analysis Date/TimeMethodUnits Qualifiers RDLResult Sample #: AnalystDF ALKALINITY (FIXED END POINT 4.5) Alkalinity (mg/L CaCO3)28 mg/L (CaCO3) SM 2320B 04/13/2017 11:02 CJELLIO201 INORGANIC IONS BY IC Chloride 2.9 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 12:21 BGN90340.1 1 Fluoride < 0.1 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 12:21 BGN90340.1 1 Nitrate 5.2 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 12:21 BGN90340.1 1 Nitrate as N 1.2 mg-N/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 12:21 BGN90340.023 1 Sulfate 96 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 12:21 BGN9034220 MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER Mercury (Hg)< 0.05 ug/L EPA 7470A 04/19/2017 14:05 DMFRANC0.05 1 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP Barium (Ba)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:41 SLS25600.005 1 Beryllium (Be)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:41 SLS25600.005 1 Boron (B)0.864 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:41 SLS25600.05 1 Calcium (Ca)25.1 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:41B SLS25600.01 1 Chromium (Cr)0.014 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:41 SLS25600.005 1 Copper (Cu)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:41 SLS25600.005 1 Iron (Fe)0.944 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:41 SLS25600.01 1 Magnesium (Mg)14.7 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:41B3 SLS25600.005 1 Manganese (Mn)0.014 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:41 SLS25600.005 1 Nickel (Ni)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:41 SLS25600.005 1 Potassium (K)1.28 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:41B SLS25600.1 1 Silver (Ag)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:41 SLS25600.005 1 Sodium (Na)8.97 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:41 SLS25600.05 1 Zinc (Zn)0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:41 SLS25600.005 1 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS Antimony (Sb)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 19:31 CWSPEN311 Arsenic (As)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 19:31 CWSPEN311 Cadmium (Cd)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 19:31 CWSPEN311 Cobalt (Co)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 19:31 CWSPEN311 Lead (Pb)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 19:31 CWSPEN311 Selenium (Se)21.1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 19:31 CWSPEN311 Thallium (Tl) Low Level < 0.2 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 19:31 CWSPEN30.2 1 Vanadium (V)4.29 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 19:31 CWSPEN311 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS TDS 210 mg/L SM2540C 04/12/2017 15:00 MGIGANT251 Duke Energy Analytical Lab Page 7 of 30 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J17040007 2017010901 Collection Date:11-Apr-17 2:25 PM Site:MW-5 Matrix:GW_RCRA Analyte Analysis Date/TimeMethodUnits Qualifiers RDLResult Sample #: AnalystDF LOW LEVEL ALKALINITY (FIXED END POINT) Alkalinity (mg/L CaCO3)11 mg/L (CaCO3) SM 2320B 04/19/2017 13:20 CJELLIO51 INORGANIC IONS BY IC Chloride 2.0 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 10:40 BGN90340.1 1 Fluoride < 0.1 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 10:40 BGN90340.1 1 Nitrate 2.7 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 10:40 BGN90340.1 1 Nitrate as N 0.62 mg-N/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 10:40 BGN90340.023 1 Sulfate 0.10 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 10:40 BGN90340.1 1 MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER Mercury (Hg)< 0.05 ug/L EPA 7470A 04/19/2017 14:08 DMFRANC0.05 1 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP Barium (Ba)0.034 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:45 SLS25600.005 1 Beryllium (Be)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:45 SLS25600.005 1 Boron (B)< 0.05 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:45 SLS25600.05 1 Calcium (Ca)1.62 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:45B SLS25600.01 1 Chromium (Cr)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:45 SLS25600.005 1 Copper (Cu)0.110 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:45 SLS25600.005 1 Iron (Fe)0.354 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:45 SLS25600.01 1 Magnesium (Mg)0.604 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:45B3 SLS25600.005 1 Manganese (Mn)0.010 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:45 SLS25600.005 1 Nickel (Ni)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:45 SLS25600.005 1 Potassium (K)2.49 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:45B SLS25600.1 1 Silver (Ag)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:45 SLS25600.005 1 Sodium (Na)3.84 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:45 SLS25600.05 1 Zinc (Zn)0.061 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:45 SLS25600.005 1 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS Antimony (Sb)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:02 CWSPEN311 Arsenic (As)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:02 CWSPEN311 Cadmium (Cd)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:02 CWSPEN311 Cobalt (Co)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:02 CWSPEN311 Lead (Pb)7.87 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:02 CWSPEN311 Selenium (Se)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:02 CWSPEN311 Thallium (Tl) Low Level < 0.2 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:02 CWSPEN30.2 1 Vanadium (V)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:02 CWSPEN311 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS TDS 37 mg/L SM2540C 04/12/2017 15:00 MGIGANT251 Duke Energy Analytical Lab Page 8 of 30 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J17040007 2017010902 Collection Date:11-Apr-17 11:40 AM Site:MW-6 Matrix:GW_RCRA Analyte Analysis Date/TimeMethodUnits Qualifiers RDLResult Sample #: AnalystDF LOW LEVEL ALKALINITY (FIXED END POINT) Alkalinity (mg/L CaCO3)12 mg/L (CaCO3) SM 2320B 04/19/2017 13:27 CJELLIO51 INORGANIC IONS BY IC Chloride 8.1 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 10:57 BGN90340.1 1 Fluoride < 0.1 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 10:57 BGN90340.1 1 Nitrate < 0.1 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 10:57 BGN90340.1 1 Nitrate as N < 0.023 mg-N/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 10:57 BGN90340.023 1 Sulfate < 0.1 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 10:57 BGN90340.1 1 MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER Mercury (Hg)< 0.05 ug/L EPA 7470A 04/19/2017 14:17 DMFRANC0.05 1 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP Barium (Ba)0.068 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:49 SLS25600.005 1 Beryllium (Be)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:49 SLS25600.005 1 Boron (B)< 0.05 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:49 SLS25600.05 1 Calcium (Ca)2.29 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:49B SLS25600.01 1 Chromium (Cr)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:49 SLS25600.005 1 Copper (Cu)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:49 SLS25600.005 1 Iron (Fe)0.050 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:49 SLS25600.01 1 Magnesium (Mg)0.860 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:49B3 SLS25600.005 1 Manganese (Mn)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:49 SLS25600.005 1 Nickel (Ni)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:49 SLS25600.005 1 Potassium (K)1.07 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:49B SLS25600.1 1 Silver (Ag)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:49 SLS25600.005 1 Sodium (Na)8.15 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:49 SLS25600.05 1 Zinc (Zn)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:49 SLS25600.005 1 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS Antimony (Sb)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:10 CWSPEN311 Arsenic (As)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:10 CWSPEN311 Cadmium (Cd)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:10 CWSPEN311 Cobalt (Co)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:10 CWSPEN311 Lead (Pb)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:10 CWSPEN311 Selenium (Se)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:10 CWSPEN311 Thallium (Tl) Low Level < 0.2 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:10 CWSPEN30.2 1 Vanadium (V)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:10 CWSPEN311 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS TDS 53 mg/L SM2540C 04/12/2017 15:00 MGIGANT251 Duke Energy Analytical Lab Page 9 of 30 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J17040007 2017010903 Collection Date:11-Apr-17 7:45 AM Site:MW-7 Matrix:GW_RCRA Analyte Analysis Date/TimeMethodUnits Qualifiers RDLResult Sample #: AnalystDF LOW LEVEL ALKALINITY (FIXED END POINT) Alkalinity (mg/L CaCO3)11 mg/L (CaCO3) SM 2320B 04/19/2017 13:34 CJELLIO51 INORGANIC IONS BY IC Chloride 8.0 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 12:38 BGN90340.5 5 Fluoride < 0.5 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 12:38 BGN90340.5 5 Nitrate 12 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 12:38 BGN90340.5 5 Nitrate as N 2.7 mg-N/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 12:38 BGN90340.023 1 Sulfate 140 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 12:38 BGN90342.5 25 MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER Mercury (Hg)< 0.05 ug/L EPA 7470A 04/19/2017 14:25 DMFRANC0.05 1 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP Barium (Ba)0.024 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:53 SLS25600.005 1 Beryllium (Be)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:53 SLS25600.005 1 Boron (B)2.00 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:53 SLS25600.05 1 Calcium (Ca)28.5 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:53B SLS25600.01 1 Chromium (Cr)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:53 SLS25600.005 1 Copper (Cu)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:53 SLS25600.005 1 Iron (Fe)0.324 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:53 SLS25600.01 1 Magnesium (Mg)13.2 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:53B3 SLS25600.005 1 Manganese (Mn)0.011 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:53 SLS25600.005 1 Nickel (Ni)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:53 SLS25600.005 1 Potassium (K)2.12 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:53B SLS25600.1 1 Silver (Ag)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:53 SLS25600.005 1 Sodium (Na)14.4 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:53 SLS25600.05 1 Zinc (Zn)0.006 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:53 SLS25600.005 1 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS Antimony (Sb)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:18 CWSPEN311 Arsenic (As)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:18 CWSPEN311 Cadmium (Cd)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:18 CWSPEN311 Cobalt (Co)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:18 CWSPEN311 Lead (Pb)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:18 CWSPEN311 Selenium (Se)21.4 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:18 CWSPEN311 Thallium (Tl) Low Level < 0.2 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:18 CWSPEN30.2 1 Vanadium (V)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:18 CWSPEN311 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS TDS 250 mg/L SM2540C 04/12/2017 15:00 MGIGANT251 Duke Energy Analytical Lab Page 10 of 30 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J17040007 2017010904 Collection Date:11-Apr-17 10:25 AM Site:MW2-7 Matrix:GW_RCRA Analyte Analysis Date/TimeMethodUnits Qualifiers RDLResult Sample #: AnalystDF LOW LEVEL ALKALINITY (FIXED END POINT) Alkalinity (mg/L CaCO3)18 mg/L (CaCO3) SM 2320B 04/19/2017 13:42 CJELLIO51 INORGANIC IONS BY IC Chloride 14 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 12:55 BGN9034220 Fluoride < 2 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 12:55 BGN9034220 Nitrate 170 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 12:55 BGN9034220 Nitrate as N 39 mg-N/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 12:55 BGN90340.023 1 Sulfate 1300 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 12:55 BGN903420200 MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER Mercury (Hg)0.08 ug/L EPA 7470A 04/19/2017 14:27 DMFRANC0.05 1 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP Barium (Ba)0.023 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:57 SLS25600.005 1 Beryllium (Be)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:57 SLS25600.005 1 Boron (B)22.7 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:57 SLS25600.5 10 Calcium (Ca)254 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:57B SLS25600.1 10 Chromium (Cr)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:57 SLS25600.005 1 Copper (Cu)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:57 SLS25600.005 1 Iron (Fe)0.036 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:57 SLS25600.01 1 Magnesium (Mg)123 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:57B3 SLS25600.05 10 Manganese (Mn)0.435 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:57 SLS25600.005 1 Nickel (Ni)0.013 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:57 SLS25600.005 1 Potassium (K)3.81 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:57B SLS25600.1 1 Silver (Ag)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:57 SLS25600.005 1 Sodium (Na)73.4 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:57 SLS25600.05 1 Zinc (Zn)0.018 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 18:57 SLS25600.005 1 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS Antimony (Sb)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:25 CWSPEN311 Arsenic (As)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:25 CWSPEN311 Cadmium (Cd)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:25 CWSPEN311 Cobalt (Co)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:25 CWSPEN311 Lead (Pb)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:25 CWSPEN311 Selenium (Se)202 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:25 CWSPEN311 Thallium (Tl) Low Level < 0.2 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:25 CWSPEN30.2 1 Vanadium (V)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:25 CWSPEN311 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS TDS 1800 mg/L SM2540C 04/12/2017 15:00 MGIGANT251 Duke Energy Analytical Lab Page 11 of 30 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J17040007 2017010905 Collection Date:11-Apr-17 12:45 PM Site:MW2-9 Matrix:GW_RCRA Analyte Analysis Date/TimeMethodUnits Qualifiers RDLResult Sample #: AnalystDF ALKALINITY (FIXED END POINT 4.5) Alkalinity (mg/L CaCO3)66 mg/L (CaCO3) SM 2320B 04/13/2017 11:19 CJELLIO201 INORGANIC IONS BY IC Chloride 3.9 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 13:12 BGN90340.1 1 Fluoride < 0.1 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 13:12 BGN90340.1 1 Nitrate 5.3 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 13:12 BGN90340.1 1 Nitrate as N 1.2 mg-N/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 13:12 BGN90340.023 1 Sulfate 64 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 13:12 BGN9034110 MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER Mercury (Hg)< 0.05 ug/L EPA 7470A 04/19/2017 14:30 DMFRANC0.05 1 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP Barium (Ba)0.059 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:01 SLS25600.005 1 Beryllium (Be)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:01 SLS25600.005 1 Boron (B)0.325 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:01 SLS25600.05 1 Calcium (Ca)26.1 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:01B SLS25600.01 1 Chromium (Cr)0.009 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:01 SLS25600.005 1 Copper (Cu)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:01 SLS25600.005 1 Iron (Fe)1.63 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:01 SLS25600.01 1 Magnesium (Mg)10.7 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:01B3 SLS25600.005 1 Manganese (Mn)0.162 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:01 SLS25600.005 1 Nickel (Ni)0.007 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:01 SLS25600.005 1 Potassium (K)4.92 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:01B SLS25600.1 1 Silver (Ag)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:01 SLS25600.005 1 Sodium (Na)19.0 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:01 SLS25600.05 1 Zinc (Zn)0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:01 SLS25600.005 1 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS Antimony (Sb)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:33 CWSPEN311 Arsenic (As)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:33 CWSPEN311 Cadmium (Cd)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:33 CWSPEN311 Cobalt (Co)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:33 CWSPEN311 Lead (Pb)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:33 CWSPEN311 Selenium (Se)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:33 CWSPEN311 Thallium (Tl) Low Level < 0.2 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:33 CWSPEN30.2 1 Vanadium (V)1.80 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:33 CWSPEN311 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS TDS 200 mg/L SM2540C 04/12/2017 15:00 MGIGANT251 Duke Energy Analytical Lab Page 12 of 30 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J17040007 2017010906 Collection Date:11-Apr-17 11:25 AM Site:OB-4 Matrix:GW_RCRA Analyte Analysis Date/TimeMethodUnits Qualifiers RDLResult Sample #: AnalystDF ALKALINITY (FIXED END POINT 4.5) Alkalinity (mg/L CaCO3)290 mg/L (CaCO3) SM 2320B 04/13/2017 11:22 CJELLIO201 INORGANIC IONS BY IC Chloride 4.7 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 13:28 BGN9034220 Fluoride < 2 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 13:28 BGN9034220 Nitrate 8.6 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 13:28 BGN9034220 Nitrate as N 1.9 mg-N/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 13:28 BGN90340.023 1 Sulfate 1500 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 13:28 BGN903420200 MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER Mercury (Hg)< 0.05 ug/L EPA 7470A 04/19/2017 14:32 DMFRANC0.05 1 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP Barium (Ba)0.031 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:05 SLS25600.005 1 Beryllium (Be)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:05 SLS25600.005 1 Boron (B)14.8 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:05 SLS25600.05 1 Calcium (Ca)644 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:05B SLS25600.1 10 Chromium (Cr)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:05 SLS25600.005 1 Copper (Cu)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:05 SLS25600.005 1 Iron (Fe)0.028 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:05 SLS25600.01 1 Magnesium (Mg)42.6 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:05B3 SLS25600.005 1 Manganese (Mn)0.082 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:05 SLS25600.005 1 Nickel (Ni)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:05 SLS25600.005 1 Potassium (K)39.7 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:05B SLS2560110 Silver (Ag)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:05 SLS25600.005 1 Sodium (Na)8.96 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:05 SLS25600.05 1 Zinc (Zn)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:05 SLS25600.005 1 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS Antimony (Sb)26.2 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:41 CWSPEN311 Arsenic (As)30.7 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:41 CWSPEN311 Cadmium (Cd)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:41 CWSPEN311 Cobalt (Co)1.07 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:41 CWSPEN311 Lead (Pb)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:41 CWSPEN311 Selenium (Se)131 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:41 CWSPEN311 Thallium (Tl) Low Level 8.39 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:41 CWSPEN30.2 1 Vanadium (V)203 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:41 CWSPEN311 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS TDS 2600 mg/L SM2540C 04/12/2017 15:00 MGIGANT5001 Duke Energy Analytical Lab Page 13 of 30 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J17040007 2017010907 Collection Date:11-Apr-17 7:45 AM Site:OB-5 Matrix:GW_RCRA Analyte Analysis Date/TimeMethodUnits Qualifiers RDLResult Sample #: AnalystDF LOW LEVEL ALKALINITY (FIXED END POINT) Alkalinity (mg/L CaCO3)< 5 mg/L (CaCO3) SM 2320B 04/19/2017 13:49 CJELLIO51 INORGANIC IONS BY IC Chloride 3.4 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 14:35 BGN90340.1 1 Fluoride < 0.1 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 14:35 BGN90340.1 1 Nitrate < 0.1 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 14:35 BGN90340.1 1 Nitrate as N < 0.023 mg-N/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 14:35 BGN90340.023 1 Sulfate < 0.1 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 14:35 BGN90340.1 1 MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER Mercury (Hg)< 0.05 ug/L EPA 7470A 04/19/2017 14:35 DMFRANC0.05 1 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP Barium (Ba)0.101 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:18 SLS25600.005 1 Beryllium (Be)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:18 SLS25600.005 1 Boron (B)< 0.05 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:18 SLS25600.05 1 Calcium (Ca)0.882 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:18B SLS25600.01 1 Chromium (Cr)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:18 SLS25600.005 1 Copper (Cu)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:18 SLS25600.005 1 Iron (Fe)0.199 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:18 SLS25600.01 1 Magnesium (Mg)0.474 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:18B3 SLS25600.005 1 Manganese (Mn)0.021 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:18 SLS25600.005 1 Nickel (Ni)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:18 SLS25600.005 1 Potassium (K)2.58 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:18B SLS25600.1 1 Silver (Ag)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:18 SLS25600.005 1 Sodium (Na)1.50 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:18 SLS25600.05 1 Zinc (Zn)0.006 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:18 SLS25600.005 1 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS Antimony (Sb)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:49 CWSPEN311 Arsenic (As)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:49 CWSPEN311 Cadmium (Cd)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:49 CWSPEN311 Cobalt (Co)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:49 CWSPEN311 Lead (Pb)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:49 CWSPEN311 Selenium (Se)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:49 CWSPEN311 Thallium (Tl) Low Level < 0.2 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:49 CWSPEN30.2 1 Vanadium (V)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:49 CWSPEN311 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS TDS < 25 mg/L SM2540C 04/12/2017 15:00 MGIGANT251 Duke Energy Analytical Lab Page 14 of 30 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J17040007 2017010908 Collection Date:11-Apr-17 12:30 PM Site:OB-9 Matrix:GW_RCRA Analyte Analysis Date/TimeMethodUnits Qualifiers RDLResult Sample #: AnalystDF LOW LEVEL ALKALINITY (FIXED END POINT) Alkalinity (mg/L CaCO3)7.3 mg/L (CaCO3) SM 2320B 04/19/2017 13:56 CJELLIO51 INORGANIC IONS BY IC Chloride 11 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 16:50 BGN9034220 Fluoride < 2 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 16:50 BGN9034220 Nitrate 22 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 16:50 BGN9034220 Nitrate as N 5.0 mg-N/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 16:50 BGN90340.023 1 Sulfate 1200 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 16:50 BGN903420200 MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER Mercury (Hg)0.09 ug/L EPA 7470A 04/19/2017 14:37 DMFRANC0.05 1 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP Barium (Ba)0.013 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:22 SLS25600.005 1 Beryllium (Be)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:22 SLS25600.005 1 Boron (B)26.7 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:22 SLS25600.5 10 Calcium (Ca)201 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:22B SLS25600.1 10 Chromium (Cr)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:22 SLS25600.005 1 Copper (Cu)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:22 SLS25600.005 1 Iron (Fe)< 0.01 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:22 SLS25600.01 1 Magnesium (Mg)88.1 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:22B3 SLS25600.005 1 Manganese (Mn)1.84 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:22 SLS25600.005 1 Nickel (Ni)0.010 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:22 SLS25600.005 1 Potassium (K)7.52 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:22B SLS25600.1 1 Silver (Ag)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:22 SLS25600.005 1 Sodium (Na)98.3 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:22 SLS25600.5 10 Zinc (Zn)0.042 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:22 SLS25600.005 1 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS Antimony (Sb)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:56 CWSPEN311 Arsenic (As)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:56 CWSPEN311 Cadmium (Cd)2.40 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:56 CWSPEN311 Cobalt (Co)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:56 CWSPEN311 Lead (Pb)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:56 CWSPEN311 Selenium (Se)300 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:56 CWSPEN311 Thallium (Tl) Low Level < 0.2 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:56 CWSPEN30.2 1 Vanadium (V)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 20:56 CWSPEN311 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS TDS 1500 mg/L SM2540C 04/12/2017 15:00 MGIGANT251 Duke Energy Analytical Lab Page 15 of 30 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J17040007 2017010909 Collection Date:11-Apr-17 9:40 AM Site:SW-1A Matrix:GW_RCRA Analyte Analysis Date/TimeMethodUnits Qualifiers RDLResult Sample #: AnalystDF ALKALINITY (FIXED END POINT 4.5) Alkalinity (mg/L CaCO3)34 mg/L (CaCO3) SM 2320B 04/13/2017 11:34 CJELLIO201 INORGANIC IONS BY IC Chloride 8.6 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 17:07 BGN9034110 Fluoride < 1 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 17:07 BGN9034110 Nitrate 44 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 17:07 BGN9034110 Nitrate as N 9.8 mg-N/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 17:07 BGN90340.023 1 Sulfate 520 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 17:07 BGN903410100 MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER Mercury (Hg)< 0.05 ug/L EPA 7470A 04/19/2017 14:40 DMFRANC0.05 1 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP Barium (Ba)0.038 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:26 SLS25600.005 1 Beryllium (Be)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:26 SLS25600.005 1 Boron (B)8.52 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:26 SLS25600.05 1 Calcium (Ca)123 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:26B SLS25600.1 10 Chromium (Cr)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:26 SLS25600.005 1 Copper (Cu)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:26 SLS25600.005 1 Iron (Fe)0.056 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:26 SLS25600.01 1 Magnesium (Mg)50.1 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:26B3 SLS25600.005 1 Manganese (Mn)0.260 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:26 SLS25600.005 1 Nickel (Ni)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:26 SLS25600.005 1 Potassium (K)4.03 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:26B SLS25600.1 1 Silver (Ag)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:26 SLS25600.005 1 Sodium (Na)33.4 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:26 SLS25600.05 1 Zinc (Zn)0.006 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:26 SLS25600.005 1 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS Antimony (Sb)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 21:04 CWSPEN311 Arsenic (As)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 21:04 CWSPEN311 Cadmium (Cd)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 21:04 CWSPEN311 Cobalt (Co)1.06 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 21:04 CWSPEN311 Lead (Pb)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 21:04 CWSPEN311 Selenium (Se)53.2 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 21:04 CWSPEN311 Thallium (Tl) Low Level < 0.2 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 21:04 CWSPEN30.2 1 Vanadium (V)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 21:04 CWSPEN311 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS TDS 780 mg/L SM2540C 04/12/2017 15:00 MGIGANT251 Duke Energy Analytical Lab Page 16 of 30 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J17040007 2017010910 Collection Date:11-Apr-17 11:50 AM Site:SW-2 Matrix:GW_RCRA Analyte Analysis Date/TimeMethodUnits Qualifiers RDLResult Sample #: AnalystDF LOW LEVEL ALKALINITY (FIXED END POINT) Alkalinity (mg/L CaCO3)11 mg/L (CaCO3) SM 2320B 04/19/2017 14:03 CJELLIO51 INORGANIC IONS BY IC Chloride 5.2 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 17:23 BGN90340.1 1 Fluoride < 0.1 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 17:23 BGN90340.1 1 Nitrate 1.8 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 17:23 BGN90340.1 1 Nitrate as N 0.41 mg-N/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 17:23 BGN90340.023 1 Sulfate 38 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 17:23 BGN9034110 MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER Mercury (Hg)< 0.05 ug/L EPA 7470A 04/19/2017 14:42 DMFRANC0.05 1 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP Barium (Ba)0.029 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:30 SLS25600.005 1 Beryllium (Be)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:30 SLS25600.005 1 Boron (B)0.957 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:30 SLS25600.05 1 Calcium (Ca)6.45 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:30B SLS25600.01 1 Chromium (Cr)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:30 SLS25600.005 1 Copper (Cu)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:30 SLS25600.005 1 Iron (Fe)0.338 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:30 SLS25600.01 1 Magnesium (Mg)4.53 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:30B3 SLS25600.005 1 Manganese (Mn)0.026 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:30 SLS25600.005 1 Nickel (Ni)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:30 SLS25600.005 1 Potassium (K)1.82 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:30B SLS25600.1 1 Silver (Ag)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:30 SLS25600.005 1 Sodium (Na)10.6 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:30 SLS25600.05 1 Zinc (Zn)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:30 SLS25600.005 1 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS Antimony (Sb)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 21:12 CWSPEN311 Arsenic (As)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 21:12 CWSPEN311 Cadmium (Cd)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 21:12 CWSPEN311 Cobalt (Co)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 21:12 CWSPEN311 Lead (Pb)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 21:12 CWSPEN311 Selenium (Se)6.04 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 21:12 CWSPEN311 Thallium (Tl) Low Level < 0.2 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 21:12 CWSPEN30.2 1 Vanadium (V)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 21:12 CWSPEN311 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS TDS 110 mg/L SM2540C 04/12/2017 15:00 MGIGANT251 Duke Energy Analytical Lab Page 17 of 30 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J17040007 2017010911 Collection Date:11-Apr-17 2:35 PM Site:FIELD BLANK Matrix:GW_RCRA Analyte Analysis Date/TimeMethodUnits Qualifiers RDLResult Sample #: AnalystDF ALKALINITY (FIXED END POINT 4.5) Alkalinity (mg/L CaCO3)< 20 mg/L (CaCO3) SM 2320B 04/13/2017 11:40 CJELLIO201 INORGANIC IONS BY IC Chloride < 0.1 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 15:42 BGN90340.1 1 Fluoride < 0.1 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 15:42 BGN90340.1 1 Nitrate < 0.1 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 15:42 BGN90340.1 1 Nitrate as N < 0.023 mg-N/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 15:42 BGN90340.023 1 Sulfate < 0.1 mg/L EPA 9056A 04/12/2017 15:42 BGN90340.1 1 MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER Mercury (Hg)< 0.05 ug/L EPA 7470A 04/19/2017 14:45 DMFRANC0.05 1 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP Barium (Ba)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:34 SLS25600.005 1 Beryllium (Be)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:34 SLS25600.005 1 Boron (B)< 0.05 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:34 SLS25600.05 1 Calcium (Ca)< 0.01 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:34B SLS25600.01 1 Chromium (Cr)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:34 SLS25600.005 1 Copper (Cu)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:34 SLS25600.005 1 Iron (Fe)< 0.01 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:34 SLS25600.01 1 Magnesium (Mg)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:34B3 SLS25600.005 1 Manganese (Mn)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:34 SLS25600.005 1 Nickel (Ni)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:34 SLS25600.005 1 Potassium (K)< 0.1 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:34B SLS25600.1 1 Silver (Ag)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:34 SLS25600.005 1 Sodium (Na)< 0.05 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:34 SLS25600.05 1 Zinc (Zn)< 0.005 mg/L SW 6010D 04/20/2017 19:34 SLS25600.005 1 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS Antimony (Sb)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 21:43 CWSPEN311 Arsenic (As)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 21:43 CWSPEN311 Cadmium (Cd)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 21:43 CWSPEN311 Cobalt (Co)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 21:43 CWSPEN311 Lead (Pb)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 21:43 CWSPEN311 Selenium (Se)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 21:43 CWSPEN311 Thallium (Tl) Low Level < 0.2 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 21:43 CWSPEN30.2 1 Vanadium (V)< 1 ug/L SW 6020B 04/18/2017 21:43 CWSPEN311 Duke Energy Analytical Lab Page 18 of 30 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J17040007 Qualifiers: B Target analyte detected in method blank at or above the reporting limit. Target analyte concentration in sample is less than 10X the concentration in the method blank. Analyte concentration in sample could be due to contamination. B3 Target analyte was detected in Continuing Calibration Blank (CCB) at a concentration greater than ½ the reporting limit, but less than the reporting limit. Duke Energy Analytical Lab Page 19 of 30 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J17040007 Q17040307 ALK_FIX4.5 ALKALINITY (FIXED END POINT 4.5) Level II QC Summary Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter Duplicate # 1 RPD Parent Sample: J17040007 -- 2017010911 Alkalinity (mg/L CaCO3) 0.324 8mg/L (CaCO3)-10.324 Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter LCS # 1 % Recovery LCL UCLSpike Alkalinity (mg/L CaCO3) 41.3 50.1 82.5mg/L (CaCO3)-12080141.3 Alkalinity (mg/L CaCO3) 41.3 50.1 82.5mg/L (CaCO3) -141.3 Duke Energy Analytical Lab Page 20 of 30 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J17040007 Q17040464 ALK_LL_Fix LOW LEVEL ALKALINITY (FIXED END POINT) Level II QC Summary Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter Duplicate # 1 RPD Parent Sample: J17040007 -- 2017010896 Alkalinity (mg/L CaCO3) 0.371 2.89mg/L (CaCO3)-10.371 Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter LCS # 1 % Recovery LCL UCLSpike Alkalinity (mg/L CaCO3) 21.3 25.05 85.1mg/L (CaCO3)-12080121.3 Duke Energy Analytical Lab Page 21 of 30 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J17040007 Q17040241 Dionex INORGANIC IONS BY IC Level II QC Summary Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter Blank # 1 RDL Relative Concentration Chloride 0.0239 mg/L -10.0239 0.1 < 1/2 RDL Fluoride 0.0115 mg/L -10.0115 0.1 < 1/2 RDL Nitrate 0.0045 mg/L -10.0045 0.1 < 1/2 RDL Sulfate -0.0488 mg/L -1-0.0488 0.1 < 1/2 RDL Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter IS # 1 % Recovery LCL UCLSpike Chloride 5.62 25 104mg/L -12080528.1 Fluoride 5.28 25 105mg/L -12080526.4 Nitrate 5.35 25 102mg/L -12080526.8 Sulfate 5.3 25 104mg/L -12080526.5 Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter ISD # 1 RPD% Recovery LCL UCLSpike Chloride 5.62 25 104 0.12mg/L -12080528.1 Fluoride 5.24 25 104 0.772mg/L -12080526.2 Nitrate 5.36 25 102 0.0781mg/L -12080526.8 Sulfate 5.3 25 104 0.0325mg/L -12080526.5 Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter LCS # 1 % Recovery LCL UCLSpike Chloride 5.1 5 102mg/L -1208015.1 Fluoride 5.15 5 103mg/L -1208015.15 Nitrate 5.12 5 102mg/L -1208015.12 Sulfate 5.08 5 102mg/L -1208015.08 Duke Energy Analytical Lab Page 22 of 30 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J17040007 Q17040463 HG 7470 MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER Level II QC Summary Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter Blank # 1 RDL Relative Concentration Mercury (Hg) 0 ug/L -10 0.05 < 1/2 RDL Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter Blank # 2 RDL Relative Concentration Mercury (Hg) 0.001 ug/L -10.001 0.05 < 1/2 RDL Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter Blank # 3 RDL Relative Concentration Mercury (Hg) 0.013 ug/L -10.013 0.05 < 1/2 RDL Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter Blank # 4 RDL Relative Concentration Mercury (Hg) 0.007 ug/L -10.007 0.05 < 1/2 RDL Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter LCS # 1 % Recovery LCL UCLSpike Mercury (Hg) 2.06 2 103ug/L -1158512.06 Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter LCS # 2 % Recovery LCL UCLSpike Mercury (Hg) 1.93 2 96.5ug/L -1158511.93 Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter MS # 1 % Recovery LCL UCLSpike Parent Sample: J17040200 -- 2017011732 Mercury (Hg) 1.07 1 106ug/L -1257511.07 Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter MSD # 1 RPD% Recovery LCL UCLSpike Parent Sample: J17040200 -- 2017011732 Mercury (Hg) 1.07 1 107 0.376ug/L -1257511.07 Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter MS # 2 % Recovery LCL UCLSpike Parent Sample: J17030324 -- 2017008323 Mercury (Hg) 0.126 1 13.7ug/L -1257510.126 Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter MSD # 2 RPD% Recovery LCL UCLSpike Parent Sample: J17030324 -- 2017008323 Mercury (Hg) 0.121 1 13.2 3.72ug/L -1257510.121 Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter MS # 3 % Recovery LCL UCLSpike Parent Sample: J17030324 -- 2017008326 Mercury (Hg) 0.175 1 17.2ug/L -1257510.175 Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter MSD # 3 RPD% Recovery LCL UCLSpike Parent Sample: J17030324 -- 2017008326 Mercury (Hg) 0.174 1 17.1 0.583ug/L -1257510.174 Duke Energy Analytical Lab Page 23 of 30 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J17040007 Q17040463 HG 7470 MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER Level II QC Summary Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter MS # 4 % Recovery LCL UCLSpike Parent Sample: J17040007 -- 2017010902 Mercury (Hg) 0.987 1 97.9ug/L -1257510.987 Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter MSD # 4 RPD% Recovery LCL UCLSpike Parent Sample: J17040007 -- 2017010902 Mercury (Hg) 0.986 1 97.8 0.102ug/L -1257510.986 Duke Energy Analytical Lab Page 24 of 30 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J17040007 Q17040397 ICP_TRM TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP Level II QC Summary Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter Blank # 1 RDL Relative Concentration Barium (Ba) -0.000897 mg/L -1-0.000897 0.005 < 1/2 RDL Beryllium (Be) -0.000721 mg/L -1-0.000721 0.005 < 1/2 RDL Boron (B) 0.00851 mg/L -10.00851 0.05 < 1/2 RDL Calcium (Ca) 0.0157 mg/L -10.0157 0.01 > RDL Chromium (Cr) -0.000592 mg/L -1-0.000592 0.005 < 1/2 RDL Copper (Cu) -0.000353 mg/L -1-0.000353 0.005 < 1/2 RDL Iron (Fe) -0.000364 mg/L -1-0.000364 0.01 < 1/2 RDL Magnesium (Mg) 0.00246 mg/L -10.00246 0.005 < 1/2 RDL Manganese (Mn) -0.00042 mg/L -1-0.00042 0.005 < 1/2 RDL Nickel (Ni) -0.000767 mg/L -1-0.000767 0.005 < 1/2 RDL Potassium (K) 0.179 mg/L -10.179 0.1 > RDL Silver (Ag) 0.000527 mg/L -10.000527 0.005 < 1/2 RDL Sodium (Na) 0.0234 mg/L -10.0234 0.05 < 1/2 RDL Zinc (Zn) 0.00134 mg/L -10.00134 0.005 < 1/2 RDL Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter LCS # 1 % Recovery LCL UCLSpike Barium (Ba) 5.15 5 103mg/L -1208015.15 Beryllium (Be) 5.09 5 102mg/L -1208015.09 Boron (B) 5.17 5 103mg/L -1208015.17 Calcium (Ca) 5.15 5 103mg/L -1208015.15 Chromium (Cr) 5.01 5 100mg/L -1208015.01 Copper (Cu) 5.06 5 101mg/L -1208015.06 Iron (Fe) 5.14 5 103mg/L -1208015.14 Magnesium (Mg) 5.09 5 102mg/L -1208015.09 Manganese (Mn) 5.04 5 101mg/L -1208015.04 Nickel (Ni) 5.01 5 100mg/L -1208015.01 Potassium (K) 5.08 5 102mg/L -1208015.08 Silver (Ag) 0.495 0.5 99mg/L -1208010.495 Sodium (Na) 5.18 5 104mg/L -1208015.18 Zinc (Zn) 4.95 5 99mg/L -1208014.95 Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter MS # 1 % Recovery LCL UCLSpike Parent Sample: J17040007 -- 2017010896 Barium (Ba) 4.83 5 96.1mg/L -1257514.83 Beryllium (Be) 4.76 5 95.1mg/L -1257514.76 Boron (B) 4.82 5 96.3mg/L -1257514.82 Calcium (Ca) 4.9 5 96.5mg/L -1257514.9 Chromium (Cr) 4.7 5 94mg/L -1257514.7 Copper (Cu) 4.73 5 94.6mg/L -1257514.73 Duke Energy Analytical Lab Page 25 of 30 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J17040007 Q17040397 ICP_TRM TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP Level II QC Summary Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter MS # 1 % Recovery LCL UCLSpike Parent Sample: J17040007 -- 2017010896 Iron (Fe) 5.24 5 96.5mg/L -1257515.24 Magnesium (Mg) 5.06 5 95.6mg/L -1257515.06 Manganese (Mn) 4.74 5 94.1mg/L -1257514.74 Nickel (Ni) 4.67 5 93.3mg/L -1257514.67 Potassium (K) 5.09 5 93.2mg/L -1257515.09 Silver (Ag) 0.462 0.5 92.1mg/L -1257510.462 Sodium (Na) 6.7 5 95.5mg/L -1257516.7 Zinc (Zn) 4.63 5 92.4mg/L -1257514.63 Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter MSD # 1 RPD% Recovery LCL UCLSpike Parent Sample: J17040007 -- 2017010896 Barium (Ba) 4.99 5 99.3 3.3mg/L -1257514.99 Beryllium (Be) 4.95 5 99 3.96mg/L -1257514.95 Boron (B) 5.01 5 99.9 3.75mg/L -1257515.01 Calcium (Ca) 5.1 5 101 4.08mg/L -1257515.1 Chromium (Cr) 4.9 5 98 4.17mg/L -1257514.9 Copper (Cu) 4.93 5 98.6 4.16mg/L -1257514.93 Iron (Fe) 5.41 5 99.8 3.36mg/L -1257515.41 Magnesium (Mg) 5.26 5 99.5 4.02mg/L -1257515.26 Manganese (Mn) 4.91 5 97.5 3.59mg/L -1257514.91 Nickel (Ni) 4.87 5 97.5 4.32mg/L -1257514.87 Potassium (K) 5.27 5 96.9 3.85mg/L -1257515.27 Silver (Ag) 0.481 0.5 96 4.18mg/L -1257510.481 Sodium (Na) 6.92 5 99.8 4.4mg/L -1257516.92 Zinc (Zn) 4.83 5 96.4 4.19mg/L -1257514.83 Duke Energy Analytical Lab Page 26 of 30 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J17040007 Q17040406 IMS_TRM TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS Level II QC Summary Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter Blank # 1 RDL Relative Concentration Antimony (Sb) -0.056 ug/L -1-0.056 1 < 1/2 RDL Arsenic (As) 0.059 ug/L -10.059 1 < 1/2 RDL Cadmium (Cd) 0 ug/L -10 1 < 1/2 RDL Cobalt (Co) 0.001 ug/L -10.001 1 < 1/2 RDL Lead (Pb) 0.004 ug/L -10.004 1 < 1/2 RDL Selenium (Se) 0.063 ug/L -10.063 1 < 1/2 RDL Thallium (Tl) Low Level -0.001 ug/L -1-0.001 0.2 < 1/2 RDL Vanadium (V) 0.285 ug/L -10.285 1 < 1/2 RDL Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter LCS # 1 % Recovery LCL UCLSpike Antimony (Sb) 49.7 50 99.5ug/L -12080149.7 Arsenic (As) 48.6 50 97.2ug/L -12080148.6 Cadmium (Cd) 49.8 50 99.6ug/L -12080149.8 Cobalt (Co) 47.9 50 95.8ug/L -12080147.9 Lead (Pb) 49.3 50 98.6ug/L -12080149.3 Selenium (Se) 50.4 50 101ug/L -12080150.4 Thallium (Tl) Low Level 50.5 50 101ug/L -12080150.5 Vanadium (V) 47.6 50 95.3ug/L -12080147.6 Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter MS # 1 % Recovery LCL UCLSpike Parent Sample: J17040007 -- 2017010897 Antimony (Sb) 48.9 50 97.9ug/L -12575148.9 Arsenic (As) 47.4 50 94.7ug/L -12575147.4 Cadmium (Cd) 48.5 50 97ug/L -12575148.5 Cobalt (Co) 46.2 50 92.3ug/L -12575146.2 Lead (Pb) 48 50 96ug/L -12575148 Selenium (Se) 48.3 50 96.6ug/L -12575148.3 Thallium (Tl) Low Level 49.2 50 98.5ug/L -12575149.2 Vanadium (V) 46.9 50 92.9ug/L -12575146.9 Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter MSD # 1 RPD% Recovery LCL UCLSpike Parent Sample: J17040007 -- 2017010897 Antimony (Sb) 50.2 50 100 2.55ug/L -12575150.2 Arsenic (As) 48.7 50 97.3 2.73ug/L -12575148.7 Cadmium (Cd) 50 50 100 3.15ug/L -12575150 Cobalt (Co) 47.4 50 94.8 2.7ug/L -12575147.4 Lead (Pb) 49.4 50 98.7 2.77ug/L -12575149.4 Selenium (Se) 50 50 100 3.52ug/L -12575150 Thallium (Tl) Low Level 50.3 50 101 2.11ug/L -12575150.3 Duke Energy Analytical Lab Page 27 of 30 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J17040007 Q17040406 IMS_TRM TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS Level II QC Summary Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter MSD # 1 RPD% Recovery LCL UCLSpike Parent Sample: J17040007 -- 2017010897 Vanadium (V) 48.8 50 96.7 4.07ug/L -12575148.8 Duke Energy Analytical Lab Page 28 of 30 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J17040007 Q17040336 TDS TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS Level II QC Summary Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter Blank # 1 RDL Relative Concentration TDS 0 mg/L -10 25 < 1/2 RDL Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter Blank # 2 RDL Relative Concentration TDS 0 mg/L -10 25 < 1/2 RDL Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter Duplicate # 1 RPD Parent Sample: J17030155 -- 2017007427 TDS 247 1.21mg/L -1247 Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter Duplicate # 2 RPD Parent Sample: J17040007 -- 2017010896 TDS 37 2.67mg/L -137 Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter Duplicate # 3 RPD Parent Sample: J17040007 -- 2017010897 TDS 85 1.18mg/L -185 Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter Duplicate # 4 RPD Parent Sample: J17040007 -- 2017010899 TDS 45 9.3mg/L -145 Final QualifierDilMeasuredUnits:Parameter LCS # 1 % Recovery LCL UCLSpike TDS 97 100 97mg/L -11090197 Duke Energy Analytical Lab Page 29 of 30 Duke Energy Analytical Lab Page 30 of 30