HomeMy WebLinkAboutAndale_Monitoring Well Installation N GW Sampling-OCR• • • 1 Introduction Monitoring Well Installation and Groundwater Sampling Work Plan Site Development Activities -Forest City, NC Andale LLC This Monitoring Well Installation and Groundwater Sampling Work Plan is associated with a limited groundwater investigation that is being conducted in order to evaluate the current groundwater quality at the site. Based on our understanding of the site conditions, ENVIRON proposes to sample select existing groundwater monitoring wells on the property and install and subsequently sample approximately 1 O additional monitoring wells. The soil boring/monitoring well locations will be finalized while on site based on field observations, utility clearance, access constraints, and information provided by knowledgeable facility personnel, if available. 1.1 Background The approximately 370,000 square foot building is located on the northern portion of the site and was initially developed by Burlington Industries in 1966 for use as a textile manufacturing facility. Manufacturing operations consisted of washing and cleaning of woven fabrics, fabric dyeing, washing and rinsing of dyed fabric, burling and mending, and surface finishing operations. Burlington Industries was acquired by Rutherford County in 2002, and commencing in 2003, Rutherford County leased the facility on the northern portion of the site to Mako Marine for use in fiberglass boat manufacturing. Operations conducted by Mako Marine included open molding of reinforced plastic composite boat parts, final assembly, testing, and shipment off-site to Bass Pro Shops for retail sale. Mako Marine ceased operations at the site in 2009 . 2 Groundwater Investigation Based on our understanding of the site conditions, ENVIRON will sample select existing groundwater monitoring wells on the property and install and subsequently sample six Type II groundwater monitoring wells and four deeper Type Ill groundwater monitoring wells (Figure 1). Prior to initiating field activities, a site-specific health and safety plan (HASP) will be developed and followed by all field personnel for the on-site work. Additionally, ENVIRON will notify the state underground utility protection service to identify on-site commercial utilities. To obtain subsurface clearance for private utilities on-site, a private utility locator may be contracted to identify utilities in the vicinity of each drilling location. 2.1 Sampling Select Existing Monitoring Wells In order to evaluate the current groundwater quality at the site, a focused groundwater assessment will be conducted, including sampling of existing monitoring wells. The groundwater samples will be collected using a peristaltic pump attached to disposable tubing. If the depth to groundwater precludes the use of a peristaltic pump, an electrical submersible pump will be used. Prior to sampling, the monitoring wells will be purged using low-flow techniques. During purging, groundwater parameters (i.e., pH, specific conductivity, temperature, oxidation-reduction potential [ORP], and dissolved oxygen) will be recorded and/or logged using a multiple parameter field instrument with a flow-through cell. A monitoring well will be considered to have been adequately purged when the pH, specific conductance, and 07-25566 1 €NV IRON • • • Monitoring Well Installation and Groundwater Sampling Work Plan Site Development Activities -Forest City, NC Andale LLC temperature of the groundwater have stabilized to ±10% over three successive readings. Following purging, the wells will be sampled. 2.2 Installation and Sampling of Additional Monitoring Wells In order to better understand the groundwater quality at the property, up to six shallow Type II groundwater monitoring wells and up to four deeper Type Ill groundwater monitoring wells will be installed. Each deeper, Type Ill monitoring well will be situated in proximity to one of the shallow Type II monitoring wells. ENVIRON will initially advance the Type II monitoring well borings using direct-push technology (DPT) in order to collect soil continuously from the surface to boring termination. The soil will be collected using an approximately 2-inch diameter, 4-to 5- foot long macro-core device complete with acetate sleeve, and field screened with a photo ionization detector (Pl D) to determine the relative concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) present in the soil collected. The soil will also be inspected for obvious signs of contaminant impact (i.e., visual staining and/or odor). If an indication of impact is observed, a soil sample will be collected from the depth interval of the soil column, above the water table, that exhibits the greatest indication of impact and submitted for laboratory analysis. Additionally, in order to potentially delineate an impact, a soil sample will be collected from the interval just above the water table and held, pending analytical results of the shallower sample. If no indications of impact are identified, no soil sample will be collected . Upon completion of the DPT boring, the drill rig will be converted to hollow-stem auger (HSA) drilling to advance the soil borings for the purpose of installing Type II groundwater monitoring wells. It is assumed that groundwater will be encountered within 25 feet below ground surface and bedrock will not be encountered prior to reaching approximately 10 feet below the water table in the shallow. In order to investigate the vertical extent of groundwater quality at the property, a HSA drilling rig capable of converting to air hammer/rotary and/or rock coring will be utilized to advance a soil/rock boring for the purpose of installing Type Ill groundwater monitoring wells. The boring and subsequent well will be located approximately 5 to 10 feet away from a Type II monitoring well location. The boring will be advanced via HSA drilling to the top of bedrock. Upon reaching the top of bedrock, the boring will be advanced using air hammer/rotary drilling approximately 3 to 5 feet into the bedrock in order to set outer casing. After the outer casing is set/sealed, the boring will be advanced using either rock core drilling or air hammer/rotary drilling, depending on whether rock characterization is needed. Soil will not be collected, as soil will be collected and screened during installation of the Type II monitoring well, as described above. If rock core drilling is conducted, the rock core will be collected continuously and logged for the purpose of fracture analysis and calculating Rock Quality Designation (RQD). If air hammer/rotary drilling is conducted, drill cuttings will be logged and penetrations rates and drill string advancement will be observed in order to potentially identify fractures in the bedrock. The newly installed groundwater monitoring wells will be developed utilizing an electrical submersible pump and will continue until the turbidity decreases and a minimum of five well volumes have been purged from the well. Following development, the wells will be sampled . 07-25566 2 ENVIRON • • • Monitoring Well Installation and Groundwater Sampling Work Plan Site Development Activities -Forest City, NC Andale, LLC The drilling and sampling equipment will be decontaminated prior to the initial boring and between each subsequent boring location. Drilling residuals (i.e., soil cuttings, wash water, purge water) and other investigative-derived waste (IDW) will be staged on-site in clean, labeled, 55-gallon drums for future disposal pending the laboratory analytical results. 3 Groundwater Analysis The groundwater samples (and soil, if collected) will be placed in clean, appropriately preserved, laboratory-supplied containers. After the samples have been collected, they will be sealed, labeled, and placed on ice pending delivery under chain-of-custody procedures to the laboratory for analysis. Based on the constituents historically detected at the site, the samples will be analyzed for voes using U.S. EPA SW-846 Method 8260. One trip blank will accompany the voe sample bottles and will be analyzed for the same parameters . 07-25566 3 €NV IRON