HomeMy WebLinkAbout3402_HanesMillRdMSWLF_PermitApp_AltFinalCoverSystemPilotProj_DIN28113_20170630 hdrinc.com 555 Fayetteville Street, Suite 900, Raleigh, NC US 27601-3034 (919) 232-6600 June 30, 2017 Mr. Ming-Tai Chao, P.E. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management 217 W. Jones Street Raleigh, NC 27603 Re: Final Permit Modification Application Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project Hanes Mill Road Landfill Permit No. 3402-MSWLF-1997 Dear Mr. Chao, On behalf of the City of Winston-Salem, we are transmitting herewith the enclosed Final Permit Modification Application for the Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project at the Hanes Mill Road Landfill located in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. One hard copy is enclosed for your reference and an electronic copy is also being transmitted. This submittal provides the additional information requested in your letter dated October 24, 2016 which contained an approval of the conceptual plans and details described in the draft permit application submitted to the Department in September 2016. Should you have any questions, or wish to meet to discuss this application further, please do not hesitate to contact me at (919) 232-6618. Sincerely, HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas Thomas M. Yanoschak, P.E, BCEE Senior Project Manager Enclosure Cc: Ed Gibson, City of Winston-Salem Jan McHargue, City/County Utilities Mike Plummer, HDR Joe Readling, HDR Final Permit Modification Application Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project Hanes Mill Road Landfill Winston-Salem, North Carolina June 30, 2017 This page intentionally left blank. City of Winston-Salem | Final Permit Modification Application – Alternate Final Cover System Pilot Project i Contents I. Purpose ................................................................................................................................. 1 II. Background ........................................................................................................................... 1 III. Proposed Closure Area ......................................................................................................... 1 IV. Alternative Final Cover System ............................................................................................. 2 V. Stormwater Management ...................................................................................................... 4 VI. Permit Application .................................................................................................................. 5 VII. Calculations ........................................................................................................................... 5 A. Wind ................................................................................................................................... 5 B. Gas Pressure ..................................................................................................................... 5 C. Ballast/Anchor System ....................................................................................................... 5 D. Drainage ............................................................................................................................. 5 E. Infiltration ............................................................................................................................ 6 F. Hail Damage ...................................................................................................................... 6 G. Extreme Temperature Conditions ...................................................................................... 6 VIII. Performance Metrics ............................................................................................................. 7 A. Visual Inspections .............................................................................................................. 7 B. Material Sampling .............................................................................................................. 7 C. Reporting ............................................................................................................................ 8 IX. Technical Specifications ........................................................................................................ 8 X. CQA Plan ............................................................................................................................... 8 XI. Conclusions ........................................................................................................................... 8 XII. References ............................................................................................................................ 9 Appendices Appendix A - Drawings Appendix B - Calculations Appendix C – NC Land Quality Section Correspondence Appendix D – Technical Specifications Appendix E – CQA Plan City of Winston-Salem | Final Permit Modification Application – Alternate Final Cover System Pilot Project ii This page intentionally left blank. City of Winston-Salem | Final Permit Modification Application – Alternate Final Cover System Pilot Project Purpose 1 I. Purpose The purpose of this application is to obtain approval from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) to construct a pilot project for alternative final cover systems at the Hanes Mill Road Expansion Landfill. A Draft Permit Modification Application for the pilot project was submitted to NCDEQ by the City of Winston-Salem (the City) in September 2016. NCDEQ subsequently approved the conceptual plans and details described in the draft application in October 2016 and requested that the City submit this Final Permit Modification Application prior to receiving authorization to construct the pilot project. The pilot project would include installation of both an exposed geomembrane and a synthetic turf final cover system over an approximate 9-acre area of the landfill. The City is proposing to evaluate the performance and costs to install and maintain the alternative final cover system in order to determine whether it would be suitable for consideration as a proposed replacement for the currently permitted final cover system of the landfill. II. Background The Hanes Mill Road Landfill is owned by the City of Winston-Salem and operated by the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County City/County Utilities Commission. The facility is located west of U.S. Highway 52, between Hanes Mill Road and Ziglar Road and consists of two major areas: the original landfill area, which is now closed, and a lined expansion area which is active. Currently, approximately 65 acres of the 90 acres of the expansion area have been constructed. A portion of the sideslopes of Cells 1 and 2 of the expansion area have intermediate cover in place and have reached approximate final waste elevations and therefore are suitable for construction of a final cover system. The landfill received the most recent permit to construct on October 8, 2010. As-built certification documentation for Cells 3 and 4 was submitted in August of 2011 and the permit to operate was provided by NCDEQ dated October 18, 2011. As-built certification documentation for Cell 5 was submitted in January 2017. The September 2010 construction permit application describes the currently permitted final cover for the landfill which consists of four layers from bottom up: an 18-inch compacted soil liner; a geomembrane; a drainage layer; and a 18-inch erosion layer (consisting of 12 inches of suitable on-site borrow material and 6 inches of topsoil). III. Proposed Closure Area The active landfill was assessed for areas that are at or near final waste elevations and are suitable for the pilot project. Approximately 9 acres on the southern slope of Phase 1 were identified for consideration (see Drawing 00C-01 in Appendix A). The proposed pilot project area is below the existing active landfill access road, is constructed at approximately 3:1 final slopes, and is southward facing. This area was chosen because it avoids design and construction complications associated with incorporating the existing access roadway, drains to a single stormwater sediment basin (Sediment Basin No. 1), and provides a good test of City of Winston-Salem | Final Permit Modification Application – Alternate Final Cover System Pilot Project Alternative Final Cover System 2 exposure for assessing impacts of ultraviolet (UV) radiation and oxidation on the alternative final cover system. IV. Alternative Final Cover System The purpose of the pilot project is to evaluate the performance of an alternative final cover system over time in order to determine if it is a suitable alternative to the traditional, currently permitted final closure system for the remainder of the landfill. The alternative final cover system pilot project will include two designs, an exposed geomembrane and a synthetic turf final cover system. The exposed geomembrane final cover system would consist of a geomembrane placed directly on top of the prepared intermediate cover and up to 6 inches of bedding soil. The synthetic turf final cover system would consist of a structured geomembrane placed directly on top of the prepared intermediate cover and up to 6 inches of bedding soil but would add synthetic turf on top of the geomembrane. The synthetic turf final cover system would also include an integral drainage system. See Drawing 00C-03 for cross sections of the two proposed alternative final cover systems. Prior to the installation of the alternative final cover systems, the existing intermediate cover will be prepared by removing any vegetation and large or protruding stones and placing up to an additional 6 inches of bedding soil to fill in any low spots and provide a smooth subgrade. The pilot project area will include the currently permitted 18-inch compacted soil liner component of the final cover system below the final cover geomembrane. The compacted soil liner is required to have a maximum hydraulic conductivity of 1x10-5 cm/sec. This component is being included for the pilot study to allow conversion of the pilot project area to the currently permitted final cover design by the addition of drainage composite (exposed geomembrane option) or geotextile (synthetic turf option) for drainage control, an 18-inch layer of vegetative support soil, and 6 inches of topsoil in the event that NCDEQ does not approve the alternative final cover systems evaluated in the pilot study. If one or both of the alternative final cover designs are approved by NCDEQ, then subsequent closure areas would be constructed in accordance with the alternative final cover designs shown on Drawing 00C-03 which do not include the 18-inch compacted soil liner beneath the final cover geomembrane. The City may perform field depth measurements and obtain drive tube samples of the existing intermediate cover for laboratory hydraulic conductivity testing to confirm whether the intermediate cover meets the requirements of the compacted soil liner for the pilot project area. The alternative final cover system will be ballasted with anchor trenches, percussive driven earth anchors (for an exposed geomembrane final cover system), sand or alternative infill (for an artificial turf final cover system), or a combination of ballast systems. Drawing 00C-03 shows the proposed horizontal and vertical anchor trench locations for the pilot project area designated for the exposed geomembrane final cover system. The design is based on a basic wind speed (3-second gust) of 90 miles per hour as published in the International Building Code. Anchor trench design calculations are provided in Appendix B. The vertical anchor trenches are spaced 70 feet apart with horizontal anchor trenches placed at the edges of the exposed geomembrane pilot project area and at grade breaks located at the drainage City of Winston-Salem | Final Permit Modification Application – Alternate Final Cover System Pilot Project Alternative Final Cover System 3 terraces. An exception to this spacing are the northernmost exposed geomembrane panels where the vertical anchor trenches are spaced 5 - feet apart since uplift resistance is only provided on one side of the exterior vertical anchor trench. The exposed geomembrane will be welded to the bottom liner geomembrane at the toe of the slope therefore an anchor trench is not required at this location. Details of the interior and exterior anchor trenches are provided on Drawing 00C-04. The details show that the interior anchor trenches are 3.5 feet wide by 3.5 feet deep while the exterior anchor trenches are 5 feet wide by 5 feet deep. The anchor trench design shown on the drawings is specific to the pilot project area and should be re-evaluated before the exposed geomembrane final cover system is installed in other areas. An alternative anchoring design for the exposed geomembrane final cover system using percussion driven earth anchors is provided on Drawing 00C-07. The design is based on the same wind speed used for the anchor trench design. The earth anchors are driven through the geomembrane to between approximately 4 to 6 feet below the surface and partially retracted to deploy the anchor and develop pullout resistance. A plastic disk is placed between the locking mechanism of the anchor and the geomembrane to prevent damage to the geomembrane. A patch is then welded over the anchor location and onto the geomembrane to provide a leak- proof penetration. An earth anchor spacing of 11.5 feet is proposed for the exposed geomembrane pilot project area assuming a design pullout resistance of 1,800 lbs. each as indicated in the design calculations provided in Appendix B. The anchor manufacturer or installer will perform field pullout tests at the site to verify this resistance can be achieved. Earth anchor spacing may need to be modified if the pullout tests result in different values. Use of the earth anchors will eliminate the need to construct most of the anchor trenches within the exposed geomembrane pilot project area. Anchor trenches would still be required at the limits of the exposed geomembrane. Drawing 00C-03 shows that internal anchor trenches or earth anchors are not required within the synthetic turf pilot project area as the synthetic turf system resists wind uplift with the sand infill and wind turbulence generated by the grass blades. In areas with relatively high stormwater velocities such as terraces, downdrain trenches and channels, a liquid polymer will be sprayed on the sand infill or a cementitious infill will be used to resist infill washout. Anchor trenches would still be required at the limits of the exposed synthetic turf. Emergency gas vents may be necessary to relieve pressure on the geomembrane of the alternative final cover system and prevent stress and strain within the geomembrane. Drawing 00C-05 contains details showing an example emergency gas vent. An emergency gas vent would be located within each panel area created by the perimeter anchor trenches, or at least one every acre. Should adjustments to the active gas collection system not be effective in increasing the capture of landfill gas in certain areas to reduce the build-up of pressure beneath the geomembrane, then the active gas collection system could be connected to the emergency gas vent port. The Forsyth County Title V permit will be amended in order to accommodate emergency relief and/or system connections. Approval from NCDEQ for construction of the pilot project with both alternative cover systems is being sought in this permit application. City of Winston-Salem | Final Permit Modification Application – Alternate Final Cover System Pilot Project Stormwater Management 4 V. Stormwater Management The proposed pilot project area is within the drainage area of the existing Sediment Basin No. 1. The basin was evaluated to see how the pilot project would affect the flow into and out of the basin. The total drainage area to Sediment Basin No. 1 is 35 acres. We conservatively modeled the exposed geomembrane final cover system, and its smooth surface, for development of time of concentration and peak flow rates for the pilot project area. Sediment Basin No. 1 currently provides temporary storage and treatment of run-off from a 35 acre area of the Cells 1 and 2, consisting of stabilized intermediate cover soils. During a 25- year 24-hour storm the basin would reduce a peak run-off of 93.6 cubic feet per second (cfs) to 38.6 cfs. Based on initial calculations, the pilot project of 9 acres and remaining 26 acres of intermediate cover would generate a total peak flow of 134.9 cfs which the existing basin and outlet control could reduce to approximately 41.9 cfs. In order to reduce the peak discharge rate to the existing peak 38.6 cfs, the basin size (bottom area) would need to be expanded by approximately 12,000 square feet to provide additional peak flow storage. The calculations provided in Appendix B include sediment basin analyses for the as-constructed basin and treatment and management of flow from the 35-acre drainage area under three scenarios: intermediate cover, permitted final cover system and nine-acre pilot project with 26 acres of intermediate cover. Drawing 00C-02 shows the proposed regrading of Sediment Basin No. 1 to increase the basin size by approximately 12,900 square feet for the additional peak flow storage. The proposed grading maintains the 100-foot buffer as measured from the property line as required by the current solid waste permit. No modifications to the existing sediment basin outlet structure would be required. The proposed regrading of Sediment Basin No. 1 was submitted to the NCDEQ Land Quality Section in Winston-Salem as a modification of the current erosion and sediment control plan for the facility. Correspondence with the Land Quality Section is included in Appendix C. The sediment basin analysis for the pilot project assumes that the basin does not have any significant accumulation of sediment that would affect the available storage. Prior to installation of the pilot project, any sediment accumulated in the basin would be removed to the designed conditions and any re-work necessary to increase the size of the basin would be completed. The drawings depict the stormwater management system details including cover terraces, downdrains, downdrain and terrace connections, and downdrain discharge at the existing perimeter drainage ditch. The stormwater conveyance features were designed for management of the estimated 25-year, 24-hour storm flow rates. Stormwater conveyance calculations are provided in Appendix B Expansion of the alternative final cover beyond the pilot project area would likely require further evaluation and modification of Sediment Basin No. 1 and other affected sediment basins and related conveyances in order to accommodate the increase in peak flow rates and to address stormwater treatment requirements required by the City of Winston-Salem ordinances. City of Winston-Salem | Final Permit Modification Application – Alternate Final Cover System Pilot Project Permit Application 5 VI. Permit Application The City proposes to NCDEQ that the pilot project be a stand alone project and requests approval of the attached final engineering plans and details to allow construction. If at the end of the pilot project, the City decides to continue with one of the alternative final cover system for the remaining areas to be closed, then a permit modification application with the revised plans would be submitted for the additional landfill areas. The following table summarizes the plans that may need revision based on an initial review of closure related content in the current permit. Plan Section in Plan Topic Facility Report Sections 2.3.3 (Final Cap System) & 2.3.4 (Drainage, Erosion and Sediment Control) Final cover system design & vegetation, etc. Engineering Plan Section 3.1.6 (Cap System Design) Final cover system design Closure Plan Most of the plan Final cover system design, etc. Post-Closure Plan Most of the plan Maintenance of the final cover system, etc. Closure & Post-Closure Cost Analysis Most of the analysis Cost of Closure & Post-Closure VII. Calculations The following calculations were required in order to determine the appropriate design for the alternative final cover system pilot project and are provided in Appendix B. A. Wind The stresses caused by wind uplift must be understood in order to determine the appropriate anchoring and ballast system requirements for the alternative final cover system materials. B. Gas Pressure Calculations were completed to estimate the potential for gas pressure buildup beneath the geomembrane and to evaluate whether the proposed geomembrane components have sufficient strength to resist these pressures. C. Ballast/Anchor System The ballast system may consist of anchor trenches, percussive driven earth anchors (for exposed geomembrane), sand or alternate infill (for a synthetic turf), or a combination of ballast systems. The appropriate calculations were performed in order to determine the appropriate design of the ballast systems for the alternative final cover systems. D. Drainage The alternative final cover systems require a modification to the drainage design of the final cover as the proposed alternative final cover systems will not provide the initial infiltration, storage, and evapotranspiration that the traditional, currently permitted system would provide. Higher stormwater run-off curve numbers were applied to the alternative final cover system. The design of the sediment basin, perimeter berm drainage ditches, downdrains, drainage terraces, City of Winston-Salem | Final Permit Modification Application – Alternate Final Cover System Pilot Project Calculations 6 and culverts were evaluated for the increased peak flow rate and additional volume associated with the pilot project. Conversely, the anticipated sediment load is greatly reduced with the alternative cover systems. E. Infiltration 15A NCAC 13B .1627 Closure and Post-Closure Requirements for MSWLF Facilities requires the final cover system to have a permeability less than or equal to the permeability of the base liner system, or in-situ soils underlying the landfill, or the permeability specified for the final cover in the effective permit, or a permeability no greater than 1 x 10-5 cm/sec, whichever is less. The least permeable layer in the base liner system is the geomembrane and both of the proposed alternative final cover systems include a geomembrane. Therefore the alternative final cover systems are deemed to be functionally equivalent to the base liner system with regard to infiltration without the need for further modeling. This is consistent with NCDEQ’s position related to Subtitle D final cover systems. F. Hail Damage Calculations were performed to evaluate the maximum size hail that the alternative final cover geomembranes can experience without leading to excessive impact damage. Large hail, which is uncommon within the Winston-Salem area may require repairs to be made on the geomembrane. The synthetic turf option, however, has the benefit of additional protection against hail by the overlying synthetic turf and sand infill. G. Extreme Temperature Conditions The geosynthetic materials proposed for use in the alternative final cover system pilot project have a history of successful long-term use in climates similar to that experienced in Winston- Salem. The effects of extreme temperature conditions on the performance of geosynthetics is more appropriately evaluated through the study of existing facilities where these materials have been installed and accelerated aging and testing studies where service life can be estimated. An exposed green 60 mil HDPE geomembrane cap, similar to that proposed for the pilot project, was installed in Polk County Florida in the summer of 2001 . The cap covers approximately 16 acres and has been extensively monitored since installation. The site has experienced severe and unusual weather events including three direct hits by hurricanes. Testing of the materials after 13 years of exposure indicated that the geomembrane has performed extremely well with no significant loss of physical properties and that the material is still in the early stages of its lifespan (GSE Environmental 2015). Testing of geomembranes exposed to accelerated laboratory conditions has been used to estimate the service life of exposed geomembranes. Based on these tests, the predicted lifetime of an exposed HDPE geomembrane is greater than 36 years although testing is ongoing (Geosynthetic Institute 2011). Exposure to cold temperatures causes geomembranes to become brittle. A laboratory testing program consisting of repeated freeze/thaw cycles of HDPE sheet and fusion welded seams was conducted to evaluate the long-term performance of exposed geomembranes City of Winston-Salem | Final Permit Modification Application – Alternate Final Cover System Pilot Project Performance Metrics 7 (Geosynthetic Institute 2013). After exposure to up to 500 freeze/thaw cycles, tensile tests on the geomembrane sheet showed no change in either the peak strength or peak elongation of any of the tested materials. Similarly, the tests on the seams showed no change in shear or peel strength. VIII. Performance Metrics The performance of the alternative final cover systems will be evaluated on a regular basis and will include visual inspections and material sample testing. A. Visual Inspections Visual inspections will be performed quarterly with the goal of identifying any degradation in the systems. The visual inspections will include review of the anchor system, geomembrane surface and seams, penetration boots, and stormwater management system, including the drainage terraces, downdrains, perimeter channels and Sediment Basin No. 1. Visual inspections will also be conducted after major storm events exceeding 1-inch of precipitation. Any defects observed would be repaired by a qualified individual and a repair log maintained indicating repair number, physical location and type of repair completed. B. Material Sampling Testing of the geomembrane and synthetic turf materials will be performed on an annual basis to track the effects of UV and oxidation. Test panels will be provided on the alternative final cover systems that will be used for sample testing (shown on Drawings 00C-03 and Drawing 00C-05). These test panels will provide samples of both exposed and parent materials without damaging the alternative final cover systems due to cutting out samples. Testing on the samples will include material tensile strength and elongation (ASTM D6693) puncture resistance (ASTM D4833), and HPOIT for UV degradation (ASTM D5885) as appropriate for the materials. Tests will be completed on an exposed sample and parent material from the south facing slope each year in order to track effects of degradation. All exposed polyethylene geosynthetic materials are susceptible to degradation from exposure to solar UV rays, photo oxidation and temperature effects. The manufacturer includes stabilizers and antioxidants, including carbon black, to delay the degradation and retain the desired materials properties for as long as practical and economical for the material’s service life. Over time, the stabilizers and anti-oxidants become depleted and the polymers can begin to break down, altering the physical and mechanical properties of the geosynthetics. The duration of time before oxidation begins impact material strength is based on the particular stabilizer package utilized and true exposure to the harmful UV rays. Laboratory testing and field demonstrations of exposed geomembrane systems are demonstrating that a service life of well over 30 years can be achieved. However, within that service life, one should expect to observe some changes to the material properties, in particular the elongation properties over time as some oxidation occurs. City of Winston-Salem | Final Permit Modification Application – Alternate Final Cover System Pilot Project Technical Specifications 8 By tracking the UV resistance and material properties annually, the City can track the rate of depletion of the stabilizers and the effects of any oxidation of the material compared to the designed conditions for the alternative final cover system. C. Reporting Annual reports will be prepared for NCDEQ documenting the visual inspections and the material sample testing. Any deficiencies in the alternative final cover systems will be noted in the annual report. HDR is proposing a 2-year demonstration period for the pilot project which corresponds to the duration of a similar alternative final cover pilot study in South Carolina. IX. Technical Specifications Technical specifications for the proposed alternative final cover materials including requirements for material properties, Manufacturer Quality Control (MQC) testing, Construction Quality Control (CQC) testing, site preparation, and installation are provided in Appendix D. These specifications will be incorporated into the pilot project contract documents for construction. X. CQA Plan A Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) Plan for the alternative final cover pilot project is provided in Appendix E. The CQA plan addresses measures that will be employed by a party independent of the construction contractor to verify that the materials used during construction and their installation and testing conforms to the requirements of the technical specifications and applicable engineering standards. CQA activities will include sampling and testing of materials, review of contractor submittals including MQC and CQC data, and field observation. The results of the CQA activities will be summarized within an Alternative Final Cover Pilot Project Certification Report, signed and sealed by a professional engineer registered in the state of North Carolina and will be submitted to NCDEQ. XI. Conclusions This permit application proposes a pilot project where, for a portion of the landfill, the currently permitted final cover system is modified from a traditional final cover system to an exposed geomembrane cover system and a synthetic turf cover system. The purpose of the pilot project is to determine, with time, if either the exposed geomembrane and or the synthetic turf cover systems are a suitable alternative to the traditional final cover system and can be applied to the rest of the landfill. A proposed pilot area has been selected and the design of the alternative final cover system has been discussed. Sediment Basin No. 1 will be revised in order to accommodate the runoff characteristics of the alternative final cover system. Calculations were performed to confirm suitable performance of the alternative final cover systems relative to anchoring, wind uplift, stormwater drainage, and other material-specific design standards. The City is seeking approval from NCDEQ to begin construction of the pilot project. City of Winston-Salem | Final Permit Modification Application – Alternate Final Cover System Pilot Project References 9 XII. References Geosynthetic Institute (2011), “Geomembrane Lifetime Prediction: Unexposed and Exposed Conditions,” GRI White Paper #6, Revised 2011. Geosynthetic Institute (2013), “Cold Temperature and Free-Thaw Cycling Behavior of Geomembranes and Their Seams,” GRI White Paper #28. GSE Environmental (2015), “A 13-Year Study of an Exposed Green Geomembrane Cover,” Technical Note. This page intentionally left blank. City of Winston-Salem | Final Permit Modification Application – Alternate Final Cover System Pilot Project Appendix A - Drawings A Appendix A - Drawings Cover Sheet General Notes/Symbols/Abbreviations Overall Site Plan Existing Conditions Grading and Drainage Plan Site Plan Miscellaneous Details (1 of 6) Miscellaneous Details (2 of 6) Miscellaneous Details (3 of 6) Miscellaneous Details (4 of 6) Miscellaneous Details (5 of 6) Miscellaneous Details (6 of 6) City of Winston-Salem | Final Permit Modification Application – Alternate Final Cover System Pilot Project Appendix A - Drawings This page intentionally left blank. Ha n e s M i l l R o a d La n d f i l l Al t e r n a t i v e F i n a l C o v e r Ci v i l Pr o j e c t N o . Wi n s t o n - S a l e m , N o r t h C a r o l i n a Pe r m i t M o d i f i c a t i o n D r a w i n g s f o r t h e 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 5 4 2 7 Ju n e 2 0 1 7 I N D E X O F D R A W I N G S GENERAL 00G-01 COVER SHEET 00G-02 GENERAL NOTES/SYMBOLS/ABBREVIATIONS 00G-03 OVERALL SITE PLAN CIVIL 00C-01 EXISTING CONDITIONS 00C-02 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN 00C-03 SITE PLAN 00C-04 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS (1 OF 6)00C-05 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS (2 OF 6)00C-06 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS (3 OF 6)00C-07 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS (4 OF 6)00C-08 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS (5 OF 6)00C-09 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS (6 OF 6) SI T E L O C A T I O N Sy s t e m P i l o t P r o j e c t HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas 440 S Church Street Suites 900 & 1000 Charlotte, NC 28202-2075 704.338.6700 N.C.B.E.L.S. F-0116 Is s u e d f o r R e v i e w - N o t f o r C o n s t r u c t i o n GENERAL NOTES/SYMBOLS/ABBREVIATIONS 00G-02 SU R V E Y A N D M A P R E P O R T : 1. A E R I A L P H O T O G R A P H I C S U R V E Y F O R H A N E S M I L L L A N D F I L L B Y CA R T O G R A P H I C A E R I A L M A P P I N G , I N C . D A T E D J A N U A R Y 2 , 20 1 0 . A E R I A L P H O T O G R A P H I C S U R V E Y F O R H A N E S M I L L LA N D F I L L W I T H I N C E L L S 1 - 4 A N D T H E S T O C K P I L E S B Y CA R T O G R A P H I C A E R I A L M A P P I N G , I N C . D A T E D J A N U A R Y 6 , 20 1 6 . T O P O G R A P H I C C O N T O U R S W I T H I N C E L L 5 R E P R E S E N T TO P O F P R O T E C T I V E C O V E R A N D W E R E O P T A I N E D F R O M A SU R V E Y B Y S C H N E I D E R C O R P O R A T I O N D A T E D N O V E M B E R 3 0 , 20 1 6 . T O P O G R A P H I C D A T A F O R A R E A S O U T S I D E T H E H A N E S MI L L L A N D F I L L P R O P E R T Y W A S T A K E N F R O M F O R S Y T H CO U N T Y G I S . T H E G R I D A N D T H E C O O R D I N A T E S S H O W N F O R 20 1 6 S U R V E Y H E R E O N A R E R E F E R E N C E D T O T H E N O R T H CA R O L I N A S T A T E P L A N E C O O R D I N A T E S Y S T E M , N O R T H AM E R I C A N D A T U M 8 3 ( 2 0 1 1 ) A N D A L L E L E V A T I O N S A R E B A S E D ON N A T I O N A L G E O D E T I C V E R T I C A L D A T U M N G V D 8 8 ( G E O I D 12 a ) . D A T U M F O R P R E V I O U S A E R I A L S U R V E Y I N 2 0 1 0 I S N A D 8 3 , NG V D 1 9 2 9 . 2. P R O P E R T Y B O U N D A R Y I N F O R M A T I O N W E S T O F N O R F O L K SO U T H E R N R A I L R O A D P R O V I D E D F R O M A B O U N D A R Y S U R V E Y PE R F O R M E D B Y T H O M A S A . R I C C I O A N D A S S O C I A T E S , R . L . S . DA T E D A U G U S T - S E P T E M B E R 1 9 9 1 . 3. P R O P E R T Y B O U N D A R Y I N F O R M A T I O N T A K E N F R O M CO M P I L A T I O N P L A T P R O V I D E D B Y B R A D Y S U R V E Y I N G . 4. F L O O D P L A I N I N F O R M A T I O N O B T A I N E D F R O M F L O O D IN S U R A N C E R A T E M A P F O R F O R S Y T H C O U N T Y , N O R T H CA R O L I N A P A N E L S 1 3 3 A N D 1 4 1 D A T E D O C T O B E R 2 0 , 1 9 9 8 . SP E C I F I C N O T E S : 1. T W O W E E K S P R I O R T O I N I T I A T I N G W O R K , T H E C O N T R A C T O R W I L L SU B M I T F O R A P P R O V A L A C O N S T R U C T I O N A N D S U B M I T T A L SC H E D U L E T O T H E E N G I N E E R , F O R C O M P L E T I O N O F T H E PR O J E C T . 2. H O U R S F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N O F P I L O T P R O J E C T : 7 : 0 0 A M T O 4 : 3 0 PM M O N D A Y T H R U F R I D A Y , 8 A M T O 1 2 P M S A T U R D A Y , N O W O R K AL L O W E D O N S U N D A Y . 3. T H E C O N T R A C T O R I S R E S P O N S I B L E F O R D U S T C O N T R O L A N D GR A D I N G I N C O N S T R U C T I O N A R E A S . ER O S I O N A N D S E D I M E N T C O N T R O L : 1. C O N T R A C T O R W I L L A D D E R O S I O N A N D S E D I M E N T C O N T R O L A S NE C E S S A R Y T O P R E V E N T S E D I M E N T A T I O N A N D D A M A G E T O AD J A C E N T A R E A S A N D A S D I R E C T E D B Y T H E O W N E R ' S RE P R E S E N T A T I V E . 2. C O N T R A C T O R W I L L I N S P E C T A N D R E P A I R , A S N E C E S S A R Y , A N Y ER O S I O N A N D S E D I M E N T C O N T R O L D A I L Y A N D F O L L O W I N G E A C H RA I N . 3. E R O S I O N A N D S E D I M E N T C O N T R O L W I L L B E I N S T A L L E D P R I O R T O CO N S T R U C T I O N A N D S H A L L B E M A I N T A I N E D U N T I L P E R M A N E N T GR O U N D C O V E R I S E S T A B L I S H E D . 4. C O N T R A C T O R I S R E S P O N S I B L E F O R M O N I T O R I N G D O W N S T R E A M CO N D I T I O N S T H R O U G H O U T T H E C O N S T R U C T I O N P E R I O D A N D CL E A R I N G A N Y D E B R I S A N D S E D I M E N T R E S U L T I N G F R O M CO N S T R U C T I O N . 5. A D D I T I O N A L E R O S I O N A N D S E D I M E N T C O N T R O L M E A S U R E S W I L L BE I N S T A L L E D I F D E E M E D N E C E S S A R Y B Y O N - S I T E I N S P E C T I O N B Y TH E E N G I N E E R O R T H E I R R E P R E S E N T A T I V E . 6. C L E A N A L L E X I S T I N G S E D I M E N T P O N D S A N D T R A P S CO N S T R U C T E D W I T H I N L I M I T S O F C O N S T R U C T I O N A F T E R S E E D HA S B E E N E S T A B L I S H E D A N D R E P L A C E S T O N E A R O U N D R I S E R S . EA R T H W O R K : 1. S U R V E Y B E N C H M A R K S , M O N U M E N T S A N D O T H E R R E F E R E N C E PO I N T S W I L L B E P R O T E C T E D F R O M D A M A G E A N D D I S P L A C E M E N T . IF D I S T U R B E D O R D E S T R O Y E D , T H E Y W I L L B E R E P L A C E D A T T H E CO N T R A C T O R ' S E X P E N S E . 2. C O N T R A C T O R S H A L L K E E P D I R T , D U S T , N O I S E A N D O T H E R OB J E C T I O N A B L E N U I S A N C E S T O A M I N I M U M . O W N E R M A Y RE Q U I R E T H E C O N T R A C T O R T O I M P L E M E N T A D D I T I O N A L ME A S U R E S I F T H E O W N E R R E C I E V E S C O M P L A I N T S . A D D I T I O N A L ME A S U R E S W I L L B E C O M P L E T E D A T N O C O S T T O T H E O W N E R . 3. A L L F I L L A R E A S A R E T O B E C O M P A C T E D A S D E F I N E D I N T H E SP E C I F I C A T I O N S A N D D R A W I N G S . 4. C U T A N D F I L L S L O P E S F O R S T R U C T U R A L E M B A N K M E N T S S H A L L NO T E X C E E D 3 H O R I Z O N T A L T O 1 V E R T I C A L . UT I L I T I E S : 1. T H E R E M A Y B E O T H E R U T I L I T I E S N O T S H O W N O N T H E S E P L A N S . TH E E N G I N E E R A S S U M E S N O R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y F O R L O C A T I O N S SH O W N A N D I T S H A L L B E T H E R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y O F T H E CO N T R A C T O R T O V E R I F Y T H E L O C A T I O N S O F A L L U T I L I T I E S WIT H I N T H E L I M I T S O F T H E W O R K P R I O R T O C O N S T R U C T I O N . A L L DA M A G E M A D E T O E X I S T I N G U T I L I T I E S S H A L L B E T H E S O L E RE S P O N S I B I L I T Y O F T H E C O N T R A C T O R . SU R V E Y D A T A : 1. C O N T R A C T O R S H A L L V E R I F Y T H E E X I S T E N C E A N D AC C U R A C Y O F B E N C H M A R K A N D C O N T R O L D A T A P R O V I D E D PR I O R T O I N I T I A T I N G C O N S T R U C T I O N . C O N T R A C T O R S H A L L NO T I F Y E N G I N E E R I F D I S C R E P A N C I E S . 2. D U E T O O N G O I N G L A N D F I L L O P E R A T I O N S A N D T H E GE N E R A L S U B S I D E N C E O F W A S T E W I T H I N T H E P I L O T PR O J E C T A R E A T H E C O N T R A C T O R S H O U L D V E R I F Y A L L GR A D E S P R I O R T O I N I T I A T I N G W O R K . 3. A L L R E Q U E S T E D S U R V E Y D A T A M U S T B E P R O V I D E D T O OW N E R ' S R E P R E S E N T A T I V E I N T H E S T A T E P L A N E A N D B E PE R F O R M E D B Y A S T A T E O F N O R T H C A R O L I N A L I C E N S E D SU R V E Y O R . GE N E R A L N O T E S : 1. T H E C O N T R A C T O R I S A D V I S E D T H A T N O A C T I V I T I E S M A Y IN T E R F E R E , D I S R U P T , B L O C K , O R O T H E R W I S E C O N F L I C T WIT H L A N D F I L L O P E R A T I O N S . I F C O N F L I C T S A R E AN T I C I P A T E D T H E Y S H A L L B E C O O R D I N A T E D A N D AP P R O V E D B Y T H E O W N E R P R I O R T O D I S R U P T I O N . 2. P R O J E C T S I T E I S A S O L I D W A S T E L A N D F I L L , A S S U C H , CO N D I T I O N S A R E S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W I T H T I M E . CO N T R O L S , I N P A R T I C U L A R V E R T I C A L C O N T R O L , S H O U L D BE E X P E C T E D ( A N D A N T I C I P A T E D ) T O V A R Y F R O M T H O S E SH O W N O N T H E S E D R A W I N G S D U E T O O N G O I N G SU B S I D E N C E R E S U L T I N G F R O M R E F U S E D E C O M P O S I T I O N . RE L A T I V E E L E V A T I O N D I F F E R E N C E S I N E X I S T I N G A N D PR O P O S E D E L E V A T I O N S S H O W N O N T H E D R A W I N G S S H A L L BE A D J U S T E D A C C O R D I N G L Y . L O C A T I O N O F S T R U C T U R E S SH A L L B E P L A C E D I N A C C O R D A N C E W I T H H O R I Z O N T A L CO N T R O L S . V E R T I C A L P L A C E M E N T O F S T R U C T U R E S S H A L L BE I N A C C O R D A N C E W I T H C O N S T R U C T I O N D O C U M E N T S , O R AS A P P R O V E D B Y T H E E N G I N E E R . 3. A N Y A N D A L L F I N E S I M P O S E D O N T H E O W N E R B Y A N Y RE G U L A T O R Y A G E N C Y D U E T O A C T I O N S O F T H E CO N T R A C T O R S H A L L B E P A I D B Y T H E C O N T R A C T O R . 4. I N S P E C T I O N : E X A M I N E A R E A S F O R C O N D I T I O N S U N D E R WH I C H W O R K I S T O B E P E R F O R M E D . R E P O R T I N W R I T I N G TO O W N E R ' S R E P R E S E N T A T I V E A L L C O N D I T I O N S C O N T R A R Y TO T H O S E S H O W N O N T H E D R A W I N G S O R S P E C I F I E D HE R E I N A N D A L L O T H E R C O N D I T I O N S T H A T W I L L A F F E C T SA T I S F A C T O R Y E X E C U T I O N O F W O R K . D O N O T P R O C E E D WIT H W O R K U N T I L U N S A T I S F A C T O R Y C O N D I T I O N S H A V E BE E N C O R R E C T E D . S T A R T I N G W O R K C O N S T I T U T E S AC C E P T A N C E O F T H E C O N D I T I O N S U N D E R W H I C H W O R K I S TO B E P E R F O R M E D . A F T E R S U C H A C C E P T A N C E , T H E CO N T R A C T O R S H A L L , A T C O N T R A C T O R S E X P E N S E , B E RE S P O N S I B L E F O R C O R R E C T I N G A L L U N S A T I S F A C T O R Y AN D D E F E C T I V E W O R K R E S U L T I N G F R O M S U C H UN S A T I S F A C T O R Y C O N D I T I O N S . 5. P R O T E C T I O N S : I N S T A L L T E M P O R A R Y B A R R I E R S , F E N C E S , BA R R I C A D E S , L I G H T S , W A R N I N G S I G N S A N D O T H E R D E V I C E S NE C E S S A R Y T O P R O T E C T S T R U C T U R E S , U T I L I T I E S , LA N D S C A P I N G , E X C A V A T I O N S , A N D O T H E R I T E M S A S NE C E S S A R Y . P R O T E C T S U R V E Y B E N C H M A R K S A N D MO N U M E N T S F R O M D I S P L A C E M E N T . 6. A L L W O R K S H A L L B E P E R F O R M E D I N A Q U A L I T Y WO R K M A N L I K E M A N N E R . 7. D E V I A T I O N S F R O M T H E S E P L A N S A N D S P E C I F I C A T I O N S WIT H O U T P R I O R W R I T T E N C O N S E N T O F T H E E N G I N E E R O R OW N E R M A Y C A U S E T H E W O R K T O B E U N A C C E P T A B L E A N D WIL L B E A D J U S T E D O R R E P A I R E D A T T H E C O N T R A C T O R ' S EX P E N S E . 8. T H E C O N T R A C T O R S H A L L O B T A I N A N D P A Y F O R A L L NE C E S S A R Y L I C E N S E S A N D P E R M I T S A S S O C I A T E D W I T H TH E C O N S T R U C T I O N O F T H I S P R O J E C T U N L E S S N O T I F I E D OT H E R W I S E I N W R I T I N G B Y T H E O W N E R . 9. A C T U A L D I M E N S I O N S A N D L O C A T I O N S M A Y V A R Y B A S E D ON F I E L D L O C A T I O N S . 10 . T H E C O N T R A C T O R S H A L L R E S T O R E T O T H E O W N E R ' S SA T I S F A C T I O N A L L A R E A S D I S T U R B E D B Y C O N S T R U C T I O N ; IN C L U D I N G P E R I M E T E R R O A D W A Y S U R F A C E S , R O A D W A Y SH O U L D E R S A N D D I T C H E S , D R A I N A G E S T R U C T U R E S , LA N D F I L L S L O P E S A N D O T H E R E X I S T I N G F E A T U R E S . 11 . T H E S E D R A W I N G S A C C O M P A N Y A N D A R E P A R T O F T H E TE C H N I C A L S P E C I F I C A T I O N S . A N Y C O N F L I C T S B E T W E E N TH E S E P L A N S , S P E C I F I C A T I O N S , A N D T H E P E R M I T S H O U L D BE B R O U G H T T O T H E A T T E N T I O N O F T H E D E S I G N E N G I N E E R (H D R E N G I N E E R I N G , I N C . O F T H E C A R O L I N A S ) . 12 . T H E C O N T R A C T O R I S S O L E L Y R E S P O N S I B L E F O R S I T E SA F E T Y A S S O C I A T E D W I T H T H E W O R K U N D E R T H I S CO N T R A C T A N D F O R C O M P L I A N C E W I T H A L L F E D E R A L , ST A T E , A N D L O C A L H E A L T H A N D S A F E T Y L A W S , C O D E S , RE G U L A T I O N S A N D O R D I N A N C E S I N C L U D I N G B U T N O T LIM I T E D T O T H O S E M A N D A T E D B Y O S H A . SU G G E S T E D C O N S T R U C T I O N SE Q U E N C E : 1. E S T A B L I S H L I M I T S O F C O N S T R U C T I O N . 2. P E R F O R M I N I T I A L S U R V E Y O F P I L O T P R O J E C T A R E A . 3. I N S T A L L T E M P O R A R Y E R O S I O N C O N T R O L M E A S U R E S (C H E C K D A M S , D I V E R S I O N C H A N N E L S , E T C . ) A S N E E D E D . 4. P E R F O R M P E R M A N E N T M O D I F I C A T I O N T O S E D I M E N T B A S I N #1 . 5. L O C A T E E X I S T I N G B O T T O M L I N E R A N C H O R T R E N C H A T B A S E OF P I L O T P R O J E C T S L O P E . 6. S T R I P V E G E T A T I O N I N T H E P I L O T P R O J E C T A R E A . 7. E V A L U A T E T H I C K N E S S A N D P R O P E R T I E S O F E X I S T I N G F I N A L CO V E R T O D E T E R M I N E W H E T H E R I T C A N B E I N C O R P O R A T E D IN T O 1 8 - I N C H T H I C K C O M P A C T E D S O I L L I N E R R E Q U I R E D F O R TH E C U R R E N T L Y P E R M I T T E D F I N A L C O V E R S Y S T E M . 8. E X C A V A T E D O W N D R A I N T R E N C H E S A N D G R A D E B A S E F O R CO V E R T E R R A C E S P E R P L A N S A N D D E T A I L S . R E E S T A B L I S H DE S I G N D I M E N S I O N S O F P E R I M E T E R D R A I N A G E C H A N N E L . 9. A D D C O M P A C T E D S O I L L I N E R A S N E E D E D T O A C H I E V E MIN I M U M 1 8 - I N C H T H I C K N E S S B E N E A T H G E O M E M B R A N E A T AL L L O C A T I O N S . 10 . P E R F O R M S U R V E Y O N T O P O F C O M P A C T E D S O I L L I N E R . 11 . L A Y O U T A N D E X C A V A T E G E O M E M B R A N E A N C H O R TR E N C H E S O R E M P L O Y A L T E R N A T E BA L L A S T I N G / A N C H O R I N G M E T H O D S A S A P P R O V E D B Y EN G I N E E R . 12 . I N S T A L L A L T E R N A T I V E F I N A L C O V E R G E O M E M B R A N E S . EX T R U S I O N W E L D G E O M E M B R A N E S T O E X P O S E D B O T T O M LI N E R G E O M E M B R A N E A T B A S E O F P I L O T P R O J E C T S L O P E . 13 . C O N T I N U E A L T E R N A T I V E F I N A L C O V E R F L A P F R O M T I E - I N T O BO T T O M L I N E R G E O M E M B R A N E T O E D G E O F A C C E S S R O A D . 14 . I N S T A L L G E O M E M B R A N E T E S T P A N E L S A N D G A S V E N T S . 15 . I N S T A L L G E O T E X T I L E , S Y N T H E T I C T U R F , A N D S A N D B A L L A S T WH E R E R E Q U I R E D . 16 . R E G R A D E A R E A S D I S T U R B E D D U R I N G C O N S T R U C T I O N T O PR O M O T E P O S I T I V E D R A I N A G E . 17 . P R O V I D E F I N A L S U R V E Y W I T H I N T H E C O N S T R U C T I O N L I M I T S . 18 . B E T W E E N S U B S T A N T I A L C O M P L E T I O N A N D F I N A L CO M P L E T I O N O F T H E W O R K T H E C O N T R A C T O R S H A L L EX C A V A T E S E D I M E N T F R O M T H E S E D I M E N T B A S I N S A N D TR A P S T H A T R E C E I V E D D R A I N A G E D U R I N G C O N S T R U C T I O N . 19 . P E R F O R M P E R M A N E N T S E E D I N G . 20 . R E M O V E T E M P O R A R Y E R O S I O N C O N T R O L M E A S U R E S AF T E R T H E S I T E I S S T A B I L I Z E D . HA N E S M I L L R O A D L A N D F I L L AL T E R N A T I V E F I N A L C O V E R S Y S T E M PILOT PROJECT 1 ABC 23 4 5 6 7 8 D IS S U E DE S C R I P T I O N PR O J E C T M A N A G E R PR O J E C T N U M B E R 0 1"2"FILENAME SCALESHEET DA T E HD R E n g i n e e r i n g , I n c . o f t h e C a r o l i n a s 44 0 S C h u r c h S t r e e t , S u i t e s 9 0 0 & 1 0 0 0 Ch a r l o t t e , N C 2 8 2 0 2 - 2 0 7 5 70 4 . 3 3 8 . 6 7 0 0 N.C . B . E . L . S . L i c e n s e N u m b e r : F - 0 1 1 6 AC A C R E S CMP C O R R U G A T E D M E T A L P I P E CPP C O R R U G A T E D P L A S T I C P I P E DIA D I A M E T E R EGC E X P O S E D G E O M E M B R A N E F I N A L C O V E R S Y S T E M EL E L E V A T I O N FES F L A R E D E N D S E C T I O N HDPE H I G H D E N S I T Y P O L Y E T H Y L E N E ID I N S I D E D I A M E T E R INV I N V E R T LLDPE L I N E A R L O W D E N S I T Y P O L Y E T H Y L E N E MAX M A X I M U M MIN M I N I M U M OZ O U N C E RCP R E I N F O R C E D C O N C R E T E P I P E SS S T A I N L E S S S T E E L SY S Q U A R E Y A R D TYP T Y P I C A L OVERALL SITE PLAN 00G-03 HA N E S M I L L R O A D L A N D F I L L AL T E R N A T I V E F I N A L C O V E R S Y S T E M PILOT PROJECT 1 ABC 23 4 5 6 7 8 D IS S U E DE S C R I P T I O N PR O J E C T M A N A G E R PR O J E C T N U M B E R 0 1"2"FILENAME SCALESHEET DA T E HD R E n g i n e e r i n g , I n c . o f t h e C a r o l i n a s 44 0 S C h u r c h S t r e e t , S u i t e s 9 0 0 & 1 0 0 0 Ch a r l o t t e , N C 2 8 2 0 2 - 2 0 7 5 70 4 . 3 3 8 . 6 7 0 0 N. C . B . E . L . S . L i c e n s e N u m b e r : F - 0 1 1 6 EXISTING CONDITIONS 00C-01 HA N E S M I L L R O A D L A N D F I L L AL T E R N A T I V E F I N A L C O V E R S Y S T E M PILOT PROJECT 1 ABC 23 4 5 6 7 8 D IS S U E DE S C R I P T I O N PR O J E C T M A N A G E R PR O J E C T N U M B E R 0 1"2"FILENAME SCALESHEET DA T E HD R E n g i n e e r i n g , I n c . o f t h e C a r o l i n a s 44 0 S C h u r c h S t r e e t , S u i t e s 9 0 0 & 1 0 0 0 Ch a r l o t t e , N C 2 8 2 0 2 - 2 0 7 5 70 4 . 3 3 8 . 6 7 0 0 N. C . B . E . L . S . L i c e n s e N u m b e r : F - 0 1 1 6 SE D I M E N T B A S I N NO . 1 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN 00C-02 SE D I M E N T B A S I N NO . 1 HA N E S M I L L R O A D L A N D F I L L AL T E R N A T I V E F I N A L C O V E R S Y S T E M PILOT PROJECT 1 ABC 23 4 5 6 7 8 D IS S U E DE S C R I P T I O N PR O J E C T M A N A G E R PR O J E C T N U M B E R 0 1"2"FILENAME SCALESHEET DA T E HD R E n g i n e e r i n g , I n c . o f t h e C a r o l i n a s 44 0 S C h u r c h S t r e e t , S u i t e s 9 0 0 & 1 0 0 0 Ch a r l o t t e , N C 2 8 2 0 2 - 2 0 7 5 70 4 . 3 3 8 . 6 7 0 0 N.C . B . E . L . S . L i c e n s e N u m b e r : F - 0 1 1 6 SITE PLAN 00C-03 SE D I M E N T B A S I N NO . 1 HA N E S M I L L R O A D L A N D F I L L AL T E R N A T I V E F I N A L C O V E R S Y S T E M PILOT PROJECT 1 ABC 23 4 5 6 7 8 D IS S U E DE S C R I P T I O N PR O J E C T M A N A G E R PR O J E C T N U M B E R 0 1"2"FILENAME SCALESHEET DA T E HD R E n g i n e e r i n g , I n c . o f t h e C a r o l i n a s 44 0 S C h u r c h S t r e e t , S u i t e s 9 0 0 & 1 0 0 0 Ch a r l o t t e , N C 2 8 2 0 2 - 2 0 7 5 70 4 . 3 3 8 . 6 7 0 0 N.C . B . E . L . S . L i c e n s e N u m b e r : F - 0 1 1 6 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS (1 OF 6)00C-04.dwg AS SHOWN 00C-04 T. Y A N O S C H A K , P . E . T. P R E D D Y , E . I . A 0 6 / 2 0 1 7 I S S U E D F O R R E V I E W - N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N HA N E S M I L L R O A D L A N D F I L L AL T E R N A T I V E F I N A L C O V E R S Y S T E M PILOT PROJECT 1 ABC 23 4 5 6 7 8 D IS S U E DE S C R I P T I O N PR O J E C T M A N A G E R PR O J E C T N U M B E R 0 1"2"FILENAME SCALESHEET DA T E HD R E n g i n e e r i n g , I n c . o f t h e C a r o l i n a s 44 0 S C h u r c h S t r e e t , S u i t e s 9 0 0 & 1 0 0 0 Ch a r l o t t e , N C 2 8 2 0 2 - 2 0 7 5 70 4 . 3 3 8 . 6 7 0 0 N. C . B . E . L . S . L i c e n s e N u m b e r : F - 0 1 1 6 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS (2 OF 6)00C-05.dwg AS SHOWN 00C-05 T. Y A N O S C H A K , P . E . T. P R E D D Y , E . I . A 0 6 / 2 0 1 7 I S S U E D F O R R E V I E W - N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N HA N E S M I L L R O A D L A N D F I L L AL T E R N A T I V E F I N A L C O V E R S Y S T E M PILOT PROJECT 1 ABC 23 4 5 6 7 8 D IS S U E DE S C R I P T I O N PR O J E C T M A N A G E R PR O J E C T N U M B E R 0 1"2"FILENAME SCALESHEET DA T E HD R E n g i n e e r i n g , I n c . o f t h e C a r o l i n a s 44 0 S C h u r c h S t r e e t , S u i t e s 9 0 0 & 1 0 0 0 Ch a r l o t t e , N C 2 8 2 0 2 - 2 0 7 5 70 4 . 3 3 8 . 6 7 0 0 N. C . B . E . L . S . L i c e n s e N u m b e r : F - 0 1 1 6 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS (3 OF 6)00C-06.dwg AS SHOWN 00C-06 A 0 6 / 2 0 1 7 I S S U E D F O R R E V I E W - N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N HA N E S M I L L R O A D L A N D F I L L AL T E R N A T I V E F I N A L C O V E R S Y S T E M PILOT PROJECT 1 ABC 23 4 5 6 7 8 D IS S U E DE S C R I P T I O N PR O J E C T M A N A G E R PR O J E C T N U M B E R 0 1"2"FILENAME SCALESHEET DA T E HD R E n g i n e e r i n g , I n c . o f t h e C a r o l i n a s 44 0 S C h u r c h S t r e e t , S u i t e s 9 0 0 & 1 0 0 0 Ch a r l o t t e , N C 2 8 2 0 2 - 2 0 7 5 70 4 . 3 3 8 . 6 7 0 0 N. C . B . E . L . S . L i c e n s e N u m b e r : F - 0 1 1 6 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS (4 OF 6)00C-07.dwg AS SHOWN 00C-07 A 0 6 / 2 0 1 7 I S S U E D F O R R E V I E W - N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N HA N E S M I L L R O A D L A N D F I L L AL T E R N A T I V E F I N A L C O V E R S Y S T E M PILOT PROJECT 1 ABC 23 4 5 6 7 8 D IS S U E DE S C R I P T I O N PR O J E C T M A N A G E R PR O J E C T N U M B E R 0 1"2"FILENAME SCALESHEET DA T E HD R E n g i n e e r i n g , I n c . o f t h e C a r o l i n a s 44 0 S C h u r c h S t r e e t , S u i t e s 9 0 0 & 1 0 0 0 Ch a r l o t t e , N C 2 8 2 0 2 - 2 0 7 5 70 4 . 3 3 8 . 6 7 0 0 N. C . B . E . L . S . L i c e n s e N u m b e r : F - 0 1 1 6 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS (5 OF 6)00C-08.dwg AS SHOWN 00C-08 A 0 6 / 2 0 1 7 I S S U E D F O R R E V I E W - N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N HA N E S M I L L R O A D L A N D F I L L AL T E R N A T I V E F I N A L C O V E R S Y S T E M PILOT PROJECT 1 ABC 23 4 5 6 7 8 D IS S U E DE S C R I P T I O N PR O J E C T M A N A G E R PR O J E C T N U M B E R 0 1"2"FILENAME SCALESHEET DA T E HD R E n g i n e e r i n g , I n c . o f t h e C a r o l i n a s 44 0 S C h u r c h S t r e e t , S u i t e s 9 0 0 & 1 0 0 0 Ch a r l o t t e , N C 2 8 2 0 2 - 2 0 7 5 70 4 . 3 3 8 . 6 7 0 0 N. C . B . E . L . S . L i c e n s e N u m b e r : F - 0 1 1 6 B B B B AA MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS (6 OF 6)00C-09.dwg AS SHOWN 00C-09 A 0 6 / 2 0 1 7 I S S U E D F O R R E V I E W - N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N HA N E S M I L L R O A D L A N D F I L L AL T E R N A T I V E F I N A L C O V E R S Y S T E M PILOT PROJECT 1 ABC 23 4 5 6 7 8 D IS S U E DE S C R I P T I O N PR O J E C T M A N A G E R PR O J E C T N U M B E R 0 1"2"FILENAME SCALESHEET DA T E HD R E n g i n e e r i n g , I n c . o f t h e C a r o l i n a s 44 0 S C h u r c h S t r e e t , S u i t e s 9 0 0 & 1 0 0 0 Ch a r l o t t e , N C 2 8 2 0 2 - 2 0 7 5 70 4 . 3 3 8 . 6 7 0 0 N. C . B . E . L . S . L i c e n s e N u m b e r : F - 0 1 1 6 City of Winston-Salem | Final Permit Modification Application – Alternate Final Cover System Pilot Project Appendix B - Calculations B Appendix B - Calculations Anchor Trench Design Earth Anchor Design Sediment Basin No. 1 Modification Stormwater Conveyance Gas Pressure Design Resistance to Hail Storm City of Winston-Salem | Final Permit Modification Application – Alternate Final Cover System Pilot Project Appendix B - Calculations This page intentionally left blank. City of Winston-Salem | Final Permit Modification Application – Alternate Final Cover System Pilot ProjectCalculations Anchor Trench Design This page intentionally left blank. Job No.10025427 No. HDR Engineering, Inc. Project Hanes Mill Road Landfill Computed KP Date 5/25/2017 Subject Introduction Checked TY Date 5/26/2017 Task Design of EGC Sheet 1 Of 1 Required: Design of Exposed Geomembrane Cover (EGC) for a Design Wind Speed. Description: References Encl. Supplementary data used for anchor trench design. The EGC for Hanes Mill Road Landfill (HMRLF) is designed for a 90 mph basic wind speed. This wind speed is compatible with basic wind speeds to be used to determine wind loads as published in International Building Code 2006. It should be noted that hurricanes are reported in North Carolina. The EGC is not designed to withstand maximum wind speeds that could generate during a hurricane. Gleason, M.H., Houlihan, M.F. and Giroud, J.P., 1998, “An Exposed Geomembrane Cover System for a Landfill”, 6th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Atlanta, pp. 211-218. The following describes a theoretical development and specimen calculation. The rest of the calculations are attached in the given tables following the theoretical development. Related references are attached to the end. Giroud, J.P., Gleason, M.H. and Zornberg, J.G., 1999, "Design of Geomembrane Anchorage Against Wind Uplift, Geosynthetics International", Vol. 6, pp. 481-506. The EGC anchor design considerations include material properties and wind uplift forces. Physical variables used in the anchor trench design include effective suction, velocity of wind, distances between anchor trenches, thickness of the material, percent strain at break, stress at yielding, geomembrane secant stiffness, interface friction between geomembrane and anchor trench fill material and, seam strength. In addition to the wind, the other important parameter that causes expansion and contraction of the material is, temperature variation. The highest reported temperature within the State of NC is 110 degrees F in August 1983. The lowest reported temperature within the State of NC is -34 degrees F in January 1985. HDR conservatively assumed these extreme events when calculating maximum initial stresses and strains due to change in temperature. Vertical intermediate anchor trenches are required at a minimum of 70 ft intervals. The design is based on a minimum factor of safety of 1. In addition, horizontal anchors are provided at grade change locations to provide additional support. These are secondary anchor trenches provided to accommodate site configuration and no additional calculations were performed to verify wind uplift. Perera, L.A.K., Giroud, J.P. and Roberts, M.G. (2011), Exposed Geomembrane Cover Design: A Simplified Design Approach, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No. 211, pp. 1443-1452. Job No.10025427 No. HDR Engineering, Inc. Project Hanes Mill Road Landfill Computed KP Date 5/25/2017 Subject Material Safety Evaluation Checked TY Date 5/26/2017 Task Anchor Trench along the Slope (Intermediate)Sheet 1 Of 3 Parameter Definition Value Units α 0.00007 inch/inch 0F (Koerner, 1998) g Acceleration due to gravity 9.81 m/s λ Suction factor 0.85 Dimensionless Vw 145 km/h = 90.00 mph (IBC, 2015) βu Geomembrane slope angle to horizontal 0 degrees Lu Length of geomembrane 21.34 m 70.00 ft εa 12.00% (Typical) µGM Surface density of geomembrane (i.e. r × t)1.43 kg/m2 0.940 kg/cc J Secant stiffness between origin and peak 262.7 kN/m (TRI Test Report) = 1500.00 ppi t Thickness of the material 0.0015 m X1 Weld strength (Peel)13.7 kN/m (Minimum Required) = 78.00 ppi X2 =21.01 kN/m ######ppi z = 273.6 m 1. Determine geomembrane strain due to temperature variation. (Equation 4, Zornberg and Giroud, 1997) TT = εt ×J (Equation 5, Zornberg and Giroud, 1997) εt =1.04% TT =2.73 kN/m 2. Determination of strain due to gravity Tg = ρ×g×L×t×Sinβ (Equation 6, Zornberg and Giroud, 1997) Tg =0.00 kN/m Lowest temperature in HI (T1) -34 0F (Based on NCEI) Weld strength (Shear) Site elevation 110 0FHighest temperature in HI (T2) Design basic wind velocity Allowable tensile strain of the geomembrane Coefficient of thermal expansion of the geomembrane (Based on NCEI) )(12TTt-·=ae Computed KP Date 5/25/2017 Checked MGR Date 5/25/2017 Sheet 2 Of 3 εg=Tg/J (Equation 7, Zornberg and Giroud, 1997) εg =0.00% ε0 =εg + εt (Equation 2, Zornberg and Giroud, 1997) ε0 =1.04% T0 = Tg + TT (Equation 3, Zornberg and Giroud, 1997) T0 =2.73 kN/m (Equation A-41, Zornberg and Giroud, 1997) Se=847.16 Pa 0.847 kN/m2 6. Determination of normalized tensile stiffness of geomembrane = J/Se×L = 14.533 7. Determination of strain due to wind εw 5.41% LHS RHS 0.53 0.53 8. Determination of wind generated tension component (T w) Tw = εw ×J (Equation 8, Zornberg and Giroud, 1997) Tw 14.22 kN/m 9. Determination of total stiffness (T) and strain (ε) T = T0 + Tw (Equation 9, Zornberg and Giroud, 1997) T 16.96 kN/m 5. Determination of effective suction (Se) 3. Determine total initial strain of the geomembrane before wind uplift (ε0) 4. Determine total tension on the geomembrane before wind uplift (T0) (Equation A-57 b, Zornberg and Giroud, 1997) HDR Engineering, Inc. bmlCosgeVSGM z we ··-···=-·-)10252.1(2 4050.0   ·     +·+=+peeeee 180)1()(2)(2 00 w w e w e J LSSinJ LS Computed KP Date 5/25/2017 Checked MGR Date 5/25/2017 Sheet 3 Of 3 εT = ε0 + εw (Equation 10, Zornberg and Giroud, 1997) εT =6.45% 10. Factor of safety against rupture Ty 22.00 kN/m Se 0.847 kPa L 21.34 m Ty(min)12.40 kN/m εY 0.12 (Equation 10,Giroud and Wallace, 1997) LHS RHS 0.72910 0.72910 FSR = Ty/Ty(min) FSR 1.77 (Yield Strength of 60 mil HDPE Geomembrane) HDR Engineering, Inc. RHS = LHS = Job No.No. HDR Engineering, Inc. Project Hanes Mill Road Landfill Computed KP Date 5/25/2017 Subject Specimen Calculation Checked TY Date 5/26/2017 Task Anchor Trench along the Slope (Intermediate)Sheet 1 Of 3 C:\HDR_Projects\Hanes Mill Road Landfill\[Intermediate Anchor _upper.xls]Cover Use HDPE 60 mil 16.96 kN/m (1) 6.45% θu = θL = θR = 32.08 degrees = 22.00 Total Stress (T)= TL = TR = Note that the tensile strength is same for right and left side of the anchor trench since the span is the same. By solving Equation (1) for the given strain, it can be determined that Based on available literature for the selected geomembrane material, the lowest interface friction angle between soil/geotextile/geomembrane/geotextile/soil is; degrees 10025427 An analysis was first performed to determine if the geomembrane material poses sufficient strength to avoid failure during a wind event as discussed in the material safety evaluation section. Accordingly, The strain due to wind (εw) =as determined in the material safety evaluation. As discussed above, strain to the left and right side of the anchor trench is same since the span is approximately equal. 1-= u u w Sinq qe Computed KP Date 5/25/2017 Checked MGR Date 5/25/2017 Sheet 2 Of 3 Following is the simplifed geomembrane installation plan based no inclination in the direction of uplift. The Span Length (L) = 70.00 feet Case 1: The following is the force balance when the anchor trench is moving to the left HDR Engineering, Inc. Computed KP Date 5/25/2017 Checked MGR Date 5/25/2017 Sheet 3 Of 3 where: θ = θL = θR = 32.08 degrees T = TL = TR =16.96 kN/m β = 0 degrees δ = 22.00 degrees By substituting: Wmoving left =18.01 kN/m Case 2: Required weight of the anchor trench to prevent moving to the right By substituting: Wmoving right=18.01 kN/m Case 3: Vertical uplift Wuplift =18.01 kN/m HDR Engineering, Inc. Considering vertical and horizontal equilibrium of forces, required weight of anchor trench to prevent moving to the left is: Job No. No. HDR Engineering, Inc. Project Hanes Mill Road Landfill Computed KP Date 5/25/2017 Subject Design of Anchor Trenches Checked TY Date 5/26/2017 Task Anchor Trench along the Slope (Intermediate)Sheet 1 Of 5 Use HDPE 60 mil Parameter Value Units TL 16.96 kN/m TR 16.96 kN/m θL 32.1 degrees θR 32.1 degrees β 0 degrees εa Allowable tensile strain of the geomembrane 12% εwL 5.4% εwR 5.4% 10025427 Definition Tensile stiffness in the geomembrane - right side of the anchor trench Tensile strain of the geomembrane at right side of the anchor trench Uplift angle of geomembrane - left side of the anchor trench (Calculated below) Tensile stiffness in the geomembrane - left side of the anchor trench Tensile strain of the geomembrane at left side left side of the anchor trench Uplift angle of geomembrane- right side of the anchor trench (Calculated below) Drainage slope of the geomembrane in the direction of uplift Computed KP Date 5/25/2017 Checked MGR Date 5/25/2017 Sheet 2 Of 5 εL 6.5% εR 6.5% J Secant stiffness between origin and peak 262.7 kN/m δ 22.0 degrees γ Unit weight of anchor trench material 16.56 kN/m3 105.4 pcf FSu Factor of safety against uplift 1.05 LL 21.34 m LR 21.34 m X1 Weld strength (Peel) 13.7 kN/m 1. Determine angle of uplift geomembrane with upslope. Note that for this case this is the span to the left of the anchor trench. (Equation A-46, Zornberg and Giroud, 1997) 1.054 θL 32.08 degrees Calculated =1.054 Total length of geomembrane during wind event (L'u) upslope area L'L = (1+εL)×LL By Definition of Strain L'L 22.71 m HDR Engineering, Inc. Length of geomembrane between anchors-right side Total applied strain-left side of anchor trench Interface friction angle between geomembrane and underlying soil Length of geomembrane between anchors-left side Total applied strain-right side of anchor trench 1-= L L wL Sinq qe = L L Sinq q L L Sinq q Computed KP Date 5/25/2017 Checked MGR Date 5/25/2017 Sheet 3 Of 5 Arc radius of geomembrane during wind event [R] RL 20.29 m Uplift of the geomembrane due to wind on slope (uu) uL = RL - RL×CosθL (By geometry based on circular uplift; refer to Fig. 2, Zornberg and Giroud, 1997) uL 3.10 m 2. Determine angle of uplift geomembrane with downslope. Note that this section is not applicable for the specific case. 3. Determine angle of uplift geomembrane with slope on the terrace. Note that for this case this is the span to the right of the anchor trench. (Equation A-46, Zornberg and Giroud, 1997) = 1.054 θR = 32.08 degrees (By geometry based on circular uplift; refer to Fig. 2, Zornberg and Giroud, 1997) HDR Engineering, Inc. L L L LRq2 ¢= R R Sinq q 1-= R R wR Sinq qe Computed KP Date 5/25/2017 Checked MGR Date 5/25/2017 Sheet 4 Of 5 Calculated = 1.054 As discussed above, for the exposed geomembrane over the terrace L'R = 22.71 RR = 20.29 uR = 3.10 θR 32.08 degrees TR 16.96 kN/m θL 32.08 degrees TL 16.96 kN/m W moving left =18.01 kN/m W moving right =18.01 kN/m Wmin uplifting =18.01 kN/m 4. Required minimum weight of anchor trench to prevent moving the anchor trench to the left (refer to Case 1 of free body diagram in the specimen calculation) 5. Required minimum weight of anchor trench to prevent moving the anchor trench to the right 6. Required minimum weight of the anchor trench to prevent uplifting HDR Engineering, Inc. R R Sinq q Computed KP Date 5/25/2017 Checked MGR Date 5/25/2017 Sheet 5 Of 5 7. Required anchor trench area Areq 1.09 m2 = 11.7 ft2 Dimension of the proposed anchor trench Depth of Anchor Trench = 3.5 ft Width of the Anchor Trench = 3.5 ft Area of the Anchor Trench = 12.3 ft2 Therefore, factor of safety against failure =1.05 Maximum Peel Force = TxSinθ 9.01 kN/m < 13.66 kN/m HDR Engineering, Inc. g req req W A = Job No.No. HDR Engineering, Inc. Project Hanes Mill Road Landfill Computed KP Date 5/25/2017 Subject Anchor Trench Pullout Checked TY Date 5/26/2017 Task Anchor Trench along the Slope (Intermediate)Sheet 1 Of 4 Use HDPE 60 mil Parameter Value Units dat 3.50 ft Wat 3.50 ft δR 22.0 degrees δL 22.0 degrees γ 16.56 kN/m3 105.41 pcf dy 0.25 ft k 0.70 f 0.50 TL 16.96 kN/m TR 16.96 kN/m θR 32.1 degrees θL 32.1 degrees Length of the geomembrane curved upward in the anchor trench Coefficient of lateral earth pressure at rest Reduction factor due non-rigidity of soil Tensile stiffness in the geomembrane - left side of anchor trench Tensile stiffness in the geomembrane - right side of anchor trench Uplift angle of geomembrane - right side Uplift angle of geomembrane - left side Free Body Diagram showing Friction Forces Interface friction angle between geomembrane and overlying geotextile or soil Interface friction angle between gemembrane and underlying soil/geotextile Unit weight of anchor trench material 10025427 Definition Depth of Anchor Trench Width of the Anchor Trench Computed KP Date 5/25/2017 Checked MGR Date 5/26/2017 Sheet 2 Of 4 The resultant force due to friction is given by: Tu = 18.01 kN/m The angle of resultant force to vertical is given by α = 0.00 radians 0.00 degrees Ref. 1 gives the friction as: Friction = Where: tanδ = coefficient of friction between layer and the rigid body β = angle between T1 and T2 or angle of wrap (radians) T1 = tensile force holding the layer in place T2 = force needed to overcome T and friction Forces F1, F3 and F5 are frictional forces developed in the liner system due to shear resistance between layers adjacent to it.Forces F2, F4 and F6 are frictional forces developed where the liner changes directions (bends). These forces are calculated by treating them as a belt sliding over a rigid, stationary body. HDR Engineering, Inc. T2 T1 β mbeTT12= )1(tan 112 -·=-·bdeTTT Computed KP Date 5/25/2017 Checked MGR Date 5/26/2017 Sheet 3 Of 4 The shear resistance forces F1, F2, F3, F4 and F5 are calculated in the following manner: F = N tanδ Where: N = normal force applied on the geosynthetic layer δ = friction angle between geosynthetic layers, or soil and geosynthetic layers F1 25.15 lbs/ft F2 22.26 lbs/ft F3 521.70 lbs/ft F4 493.85 lbs/ft F5 182.59 lbs/ft F6 0.00 lbs/ft F7 182.59 lbs/ft F8 521.70 lbs/ft F9 25.15 lbs/ft HDR Engineering, Inc. Because geomembrane is not completely rigid, the friction force obtained from the above equation was multiplied by 0.5. Computed KP Date 5/25/2017 Checked MGR Date 5/26/2017 Sheet 4 Of 4 Total Friction Force Based on Rigid Friction Pulleys Total Friction Force 1975 lbs/ft 29.03 kN/m Maximum uplift force 18.01 kN/m Therefore, FS 1.61 Total Friction Force Based on Rigid Frictionless Pulleys (Conservative) Total Friction Force 1459 lbs/ft 21.44 kN/m Maximum uplift force 18.01 kN/m Therefore, FS 1.19 Since friction resistance force from the anchor trench is greater than uplift force, the anchor trench will not pullout. HDR Engineering, Inc. -5 . 0 E + 0 1 0. 0 E + 0 0 5. 0 E + 0 1 1. 0 E + 0 2 1. 5 E + 0 2 2. 0 E + 0 2 0.00 1.33 2.67 4.00 5.33 6.67 8.00 9.33 10.67 12.00 13.33 F o r c e p e r U n i t W i d t h ( l b / i n ) % E l o n g a t i o n Sa m p l e - 1 Sa m p l e - 2 Sa m p l e - 3 Sa m p l e - 4 Sa m p l e - 5 17 0 J = 1 8 0 8 l b / i n c h 9. 4 -5 . 0 E + 0 1 0. 0 E + 0 0 5. 0 E + 0 1 1. 0 E + 0 2 1. 5 E + 0 2 2. 0 E + 0 2 0.00 1.33 2.67 4.00 5.33 6.67 8.00 9.33 10.67 12.00 13.33 F o r c e p e r U n i t W i d t h ( l b / i n ) % E l o n g a t i o n Sa m p l e - 1 Sa m p l e - 2 Sa m p l e - 3 Sa m p l e - 4 Sa m p l e - 5 17 5 10 . 0 i n J= 1 7 6 0 l b / i n Approximate Location of Hanes Mill Road Landfill 90(40) 100(45) 110(49) 120(54) 130(58) FIGURE 1609-contlnued STRUCTURAL DESIGN 140(63) Special Wind Region Notes: 1. Values are nominal design 3·second gust wind speeds In miles per hour (mis) at 33 ft (10 m) above ground for Exposure C category. 2. Linear interpolation between wind contours is permitted. 3. Islands and coastal areas outside the last contour shall use the last wind speed contour of the coastal area. 4. Mountainous terrain, gorges, ocean promontories, and special wind regions shall be examined for unusual wind conditions. BASIC WIND SPEED (3-SECOND GUST) EASTERN GULF OF MEXICO AND SOUTHEASTERN U.S. HURRICANE COASTLINE 2003 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE® 287 Job No. No. HDR Engineering, Inc. Project Hanes Mill Road Landfill Computed KP Date 5/25/2017 Subject Design of Anchor Trenches Checked TY Date 5/26/2017 Task Anchor Trench along the Slope (End Anchor)Sheet 1 Of 5 Use HDPE 60 mil Parameter Value Units TL 13.61 kN/m TR 0.00 kN/m θL 28.3 degrees θR 0.0 degrees β 0 degrees εa Allowable tensile strain of the geomembrane 12% εwL 4.1% εwR 0.0% 10025427 Definition Tensile stiffness in the geomembrane - right side of the anchor trench Tensile strain of the geomembrane at right side of the anchor trench Uplift angle of geomembrane - left side of the anchor trench (Calculated below) Tensile stiffness in the geomembrane - left side of the anchor trench Tensile strain of the geomembrane at left side left side of the anchor trench Uplift angle of geomembrane- right side of the anchor trench (Calculated below) Drainage slope of the geomembrane in the direction of uplift Computed KP Date 5/25/2017 Checked MGR Date 5/25/2017 Sheet 2 Of 5 εL 5.2% εR 0.0% J Secant stiffness between origin and peak 262.7 kN/m δ 22.0 degrees γ Unit weight of anchor trench material 16.56 kN/m3 105.4 pcf FSu Factor of safety against uplift 1.07 LL 15.24 m LR 0.00 m X1 Weld strength (Peel) 13.7 kN/m 1. Determine angle of uplift geomembrane with upslope. Note that for this case this is the span to the left of the anchor trench. (Equation A-46, Zornberg and Giroud, 1997) 1.041 θL 28.32 degrees Calculated =1.041 Total length of geomembrane during wind event (L'u) upslope area L'L = (1+εL)×LL By Definition of Strain L'L 16.03 m HDR Engineering, Inc. Length of geomembrane between anchors-right side Total applied strain-left side of anchor trench Interface friction angle between geomembrane and underlying soil Length of geomembrane between anchors-left side Total applied strain-right side of anchor trench 1-= L L wL Sinq qe = L L Sinq q L L Sinq q Computed KP Date 5/25/2017 Checked MGR Date 5/25/2017 Sheet 3 Of 5 Arc radius of geomembrane during wind event [R] RL 16.22 m Uplift of the geomembrane due to wind on slope (uu) uL = RL - RL×CosθL (By geometry based on circular uplift; refer to Fig. 2, Zornberg and Giroud, 1997) uL 1.94 m 2. Determine angle of uplift geomembrane with downslope. Note that this section is not applicable for the specific case. 3. Determine angle of uplift geomembrane with slope on the terrace. Note that for this case this is the span to the right of the anchor trench. (Equation A-46, Zornberg and Giroud, 1997) = 0.000 θR = 0.00 degrees (By geometry based on circular uplift; refer to Fig. 2, Zornberg and Giroud, 1997) HDR Engineering, Inc. L L L LRq2 ¢= R R Sinq q 1-= R R wR Sinq qe Computed KP Date 5/25/2017 Checked MGR Date 5/25/2017 Sheet 4 Of 5 Calculated = 0.000 As discussed above, for the exposed geomembrane over the terrace L'R = 0.00 RR = 0.00 uR = 0.00 θR 0.00 degrees TR 0.00 kN/m θL 28.32 degrees TL 13.61 kN/m W moving left =36.10 kN/m W moving right =0.00 kN/m Wmin uplifting =6.46 kN/m 4. Required minimum weight of anchor trench to prevent moving the anchor trench to the left (refer to Case 1 of free body diagram in the specimen calculation) 5. Required minimum weight of anchor trench to prevent moving the anchor trench to the right 6. Required minimum weight of the anchor trench to prevent uplifting HDR Engineering, Inc. R R Sinq q Computed KP Date 5/25/2017 Checked MGR Date 5/25/2017 Sheet 5 Of 5 7. Required anchor trench area Areq 2.18 m2 = 23.5 ft2 Dimension of the proposed anchor trench Depth of Anchor Trench = 5.0 ft Width of the Anchor Trench = 5.0 ft Area of the Anchor Trench = 25.0 ft2 Therefore, factor of safety against failure =1.07 Maximum Peel Force = TxSinθ 6.46 kN/m < 13.66 kN/m HDR Engineering, Inc. g req req W A = This page intentionally left blank. City of Winston-Salem | Final Permit Modification Application – Alternate Final Cover System Pilot ProjectCalculations Earth Anchor Design This page intentionally left blank. Project: Hanes Alternative Final Cover Pilot Project Subject: Final Permit Application Task: Earth Anchor Design Job #: 10025427 Computed by: T. Yanoschak Date:6/21/2017 Checked by: KP Date:6/21/2017 Workbook: Earth Anchor Design, Earth Anchors Objective: References: 1. Anchor Trench design Calcs. For Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover Pilot Project, May 25, 2017. 4. Platipus Earth Anchoring Systems, Case Study - Midshore I Landfill, Easton, MD. Calculations: Determine the effective suction (Se) acting on the EGC due to the design wind load based on the following formula (Ref. 2): Where: Parameter Definition Value Units λ Suction factor 0.65 Dimensionless (Ref. 3) Vw Design basic wind velocity 145 km/h (Ref. 1) g Acceleration due to gravity 9.81 m/s2 µGM Surface density of geomembrane 1.43 kg/m2 (Ref. 1) β Geomembrane slope angle to horizontal 18.43 degrees (3:1 slope) z Site elevation 273.6 m (Ref. 1) Se =646.99 Pa 13.51 psf Assume mechanical anchors in waste have a Design Capacity of 1800 lb each (Ref. 4) Determine area of EGC that can be restrained per anchor = Design Capacity/Se =133.21 sf Equivalent square area that can be restrained per anchor =11.54 ft Conclusion: Determine the maximum earth anchor spacing for the proposed 60-mil HDPE exposed geomembrane cover (EGC) at the Hanes Mill Rroad Landfill alternative final cover pilot project. 2. Zornberg, J.G., and Giroud, J.P. (1997), "Uplift of Geomembranes by Wind Extension of Equations." Geosynthetics International , Vol. 4, No. 2, p. 187-207. (Errata: 1999, Vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 521-522. 3. Perera, L.A.K., Giroud, J.P., and Roberts, M.G. (2011), "Exposed Geomembrane Cover Design: A Simplified Design Approach", Geo-Frontiers 2011: pp. 1443-1452. Space earth anchors in an equilateral triangle pattern spaced a maximum of 11.5 feet apart for the pilot project area. Spacing should be reassessed prior to constructing EGC within other areas of the landfill. This page intentionally left blank. City of Winston-Salem | Final Permit Modification Application – Alternate Final Cover System Pilot ProjectCalculations Sediment Basin No. 1 Modification This page intentionally left blank. HDR Computation HDR Computation HDR Computation HDR Computation HDR Computation HDR Computation Ne - - - - -PER�ANErH R.O.W 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAlfJ 840--PROPOSEDTOP OFOPERATIOt<ALCOVER cm<TOURS EXISTlfJG COrHOURS SILT FENCE corJSTRUCTlmJ BASELlrJE 8 Table 8.03b Value of Runoff Coefficient (C) for Rational Formula Land Use C Land Use C Business: Downtown areas Neighborhood areas Residential: Single-family areas Multi units, detached Multi units, Attached Suburban Industrial: Light areas Heavy areas Parks, cemeteries Playgrounds Railroad yard areas Unimproved areas Streets: Asphalt Concrete Brick Drives and walks Roofs 0.70-0.95 0.50-0.70 0.30-0.50 0.40-0.60 0.60-0.75 0.25-0.40 0.50-0.80 0.60-0.90 0.10-0.25 0.20-0.35 0.20-0.40 0.10-0.30 0.70-0.95 0.80-0.95 0.70-0.85 0.75-0.85 0.75-0.85 Lawns: Sandy soil, flat, 2% Sandy soil, ave., 2-7% Sandy soil, steep, 7% Heavy soil, flat, 2% Heavy soil, ave., 2-7% Heavy soil, steep, 7% Agricultural land: Bare packed soil Smooth Rough Cultivated rows Heavy soil no crop Heavy soil with crop Sandy soil no crop Sandy soil with crop Pasture Heavy soil Sandy soil Woodlands 0.05-0.10 0.10-0.15 0.15-0.20 0.13-0.17 0.18-0.22 0.25-0.35 0.30-0.60 0.20-0.50 0.30-0.60 0.20-0.50 0.20-0.40 0.10-0.25 0.15-0.45 0.05-0.25 0.05-0.25 0.10-0.25 0.15-0.45 0.05-0.25 0.05-0.25 NOTE: The designer must use judgement to select the appropriate C value within the range for the appropriate land use. Generally, larger areas with permeable soils, flat slopes, and dense vegetation should have lowest C values. Smaller areas with slowly permeable soils, steep slopes, and sparse vegetation should be assigned highest C values. Source: American Society of Civil Engineers 8.03.6 Rev. 6/06 Th i s p a g e i n t e n t i o n a l l y l e f t b l a n k . City of Winston-Salem | Final Permit Modification Application – Alternate Final Cover System Pilot ProjectCalculations Stormwater Conveyance This page intentionally left blank. Stormwater Conveyance Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project Hanes Mill Road Landfill Winston-Salem, North Carolina June 23, 2017 1.0 Project Description The Hanes Mill Road Landfill is seeking to obtain approval from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) to construct a pilot project for alternative final cover systems. Approximately 9 acres on the southern slope of Phase 1 would include the installation of both an exposed geomembrane cover (EGC) and a synthetic turf final cover system (Closure Turf). This stormwater package evaluates the impacts of 25-year storms on the alternative final cover systems and is to be submitted with the Final Permit Modification Application. 2.0 Stormwater Calculations The stormwater calculations were performed based on post-construction site conditions utilizing the NRCS hydrologic method. The goal of the stormwater design was to meet the design recommendations of the EGC and Closure Turf alternative cover systems. An area of approximately 38 acres was chosen for the analysis with the 25-year storm event. 2.1 Downdrain Trench Capacity Calculations A hydrologic analysis was completed using the NRCS hydrologic method to determine the peak flow capacity of the open downdrain trenches that will replace the slope drains within the pilot project area. Three areas (Area A, Area B, and Area C) were divided up into sub- drainage areas and delineated for the points of interest specified in Figure 1 of Appendix A. A curve number of 98 for the EGC and Closure Turf areas was used for both the pilot project area and contributing flow areas upon full buildout of the landfill in order to assess the highest stormwater flow scenario where the alternative final cover is constructed over the entire landfill. A conservative time of concentration of five minutes was assumed for each sub- drainage area. Hydraflow Hydrographs software program was used to calculate the 25-year 24-hour storm flow for the sub-drainage areas. The calculated drainage area, composite curve number, and assumed time of concentration were entered into the software. The hydrologic routing models can be found in Appendix A. The total rainfall depths for the 25- year 24-hour storm event were obtained from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s website. The total rainfall depth for this storm event was entered into the hydrologic model and ran utilizing the NRCS Type II rainfall distribution with a 2 minute time interval. The results from the stormwater peak flow calculations were then used to calculate the normal depth of flow in the downdrain trench for Area C (largest contributing area) for a 25- year 24-hour storm. The normal depth was calculated using the Hydraflow Express software which utilizes Manning’s equation to determine the normal flow depth across the channel cross section. Manning’s n-values of 0.03 and 0.013 were used for the Closure Turf and EGC sections respectively. The downdrain trench was designed to have 2:1 sideslopes, a bottom width of 2-feet, and a depth of 3-feet. The complete downdrain trench calculations can be found in Appendix A of this report. 2.2 Drainage Terrace Capacity Calculations A hydrologic analysis was also completed on the drainage terraces for both of the EGC and Closure Turf areas. The maximum drainage area contributing to any single drainage terrace shown on Figure 1 was determined to be 1.99 acres and was within Area C2. The total peak flow from this critical flow area was used to calculate the normal depth of flow in the terrace for a 25-year 24-hour storm in Hydraflow Express. The dimensions of the drainage terrace can be found on sheet 00C-05 of the permit drawings. The drainage terrace flow calculations can be found in Appendix B. 2.3 Culvert Capacity Sediment Basin No. 1 receives stormwater via two existing 36-inch reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) culverts. A hydrologic analysis was conducted on the two culverts to determine if they are adequately sized for the increased flow due to the proposed impervious pilot project area. The 38 acre study was divided into two drainage areas and delineated for the points of interest specified in Figure 2 of Appendix C. The time of concentration was determined for each drainage area. The flow paths can be seen in Figure 2 with the delineation table in Appendix C. Composite curve numbers were calculated for both of the drainage areas assuming a curve number of 98 for the EGC and Closure Turf pilot project areas and a curve number of 61 for the other contributing areas assuming an HSG soil group B and good condition grass cover.. Hydraflow Hydrographs was used to calculate the peak flow of both drainage areas by entering the drainage area, curve number, and time of concentration calculated above. The calculated peak flows were 48.54 cfs and 79.71 cfs for Areas 1 and 2 delineated on Figure 2. The hydrologic models for the 25-year 24-hour storm event can be found in Appendix C. The models were run with the same rainfall and storm parameters used in Section 2.1. The peak flow results were then used to evaluate the available capacity of the culverts leading from the perimeter channel of the landfill to Sediment Basin No. 1 Bentley CulvertMaster was used to determine the required size of the culverts. The existing as-built culvert and drop inlet information as shown on sheet 00C-01 of the permit modification drawings were entered into the modeling software. A headwater of 6.5-feet and a Manning’s n-value of 0.013 for a circular concrete pipe were assumed for both culverts. Appendix C contains the CulvertMaster calculator report. The inlet capacity of the culvert drop inlets was also evaluated using the weir and orifice equations. The calculations for the inlet capacity can be found in Appendix C. 2.4 Perimeter Channel Capacity A perimeter channel is located along the east, south, and west sides of Phase I. The perimeter channel conveys stormwater from Phase I to Sediment Basin No. 1. An analysis was conducted to verify whether the perimeter channels lined with the alternative final cover materials would have adequate capacity to accommodate the additional flows from the pilot project area. The calculations conservatively assumed the peak flow conditions for Areas 1 and 2 calculated in Section 2.3. The normal depth of the channel cross-section was calculated using Hydraflow Express. The channel cross-section can be found on sheet 00C- 02. The channel report summaries can be found in Appendix D. 3.0 Results Summary The results of the stormwater calculations confirm that the downdrain trenches to be located within the pilot project area are sized adequately for the 25-year storm event under an assumed future conditions where the entire contributing flow area upon full landfill buildout is lined with an alternative final cover system. The analyses determined that the maximum depths of flow within the downdrain trenches for Area C were 1.76 feet and 1.19 feet for the Closure Turf and EGC alternative final cover designs, respectively, which are less than the design depth of 3 feet. The corresponding flow velocity within the downdrain trench for the Closure Turf option is 11 feet per second. The infill for the synthetic turf component of the Closure Turf will therefore need to be able to resist this velocity without washing out. The normal depth of flow within the drainage terrace at the critical location was determined to be 0.73 feet and 0.53 feet for the Closure Turf and EGC alternative final cover designs, respectively, which is less than the depth of the drainage terrace of 1.05 feet. The drainage terraces therefore are shown to have adequate capacity. The corresponding flow velocity within the drainage terrace for the Closure Turf option is 3.46 feet per second. The infill for the synthetic turf component of the Closure Turf will therefore need to be able to resist this velocity without washing out. The culvert analyses indicated the computed headwater elevations were less than the maximum allowable headwater elevations for both Areas 1 and 2. The existing culverts are therefore adequately sized to accommodate the additional flow from the pilot project area although installation of alternative final cover beyond the pilot project area in the future may require the installation of additional culverts to Sediment Basin No. 1. The inlet capacity calculations indicated that the outside crest of the perimeter channel in the vicinity of Sediment Basin No. 1 will need to be raised to elevation 817.0 in order to achieve the required capacity. This modification is shown on the Grading and Drainage Plan (Sheet 00C-02) of the permit drawings. The perimeter channel around the east, south, and west sides of Phase I has adequate capacity for conveying stormwater to Sediment Basin B. The normal depth 1.36-feet for Closure Turf and 1.17- feet for exposed geomembrane were less than the design depth of 2.5-feet. The corresponding flow velocity within the perimeter channel for the Closure Turf option is 5.87 feet per second. The infill for the synthetic turf component of the Closure Turf will therefore need to be able to resist this velocity without washing out. This page intentionally left blank. City of Winston-Salem | Final Permit Modification Application – Alternate Final Cover System Pilot ProjectStormwater Conveyance A – Downdrain Trench Capacity This page intentionally left blank. Th i s p a g e i n t e n t i o n a l l y l e f t b l a n k . 1 - A1 2 - A2 3 - A3 4 - Area A 5 - B1 6 - B2 7 - Area B 8 - C1 9 - C2 10 - C3 11 - Area C 1 Watershed Model Schematic Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2014 by Autodesk, Inc. v10.3 Project: WS Peak Flows.gpw Tuesday, 06 / 20 / 2017 Hydrograph Summary Report 2 Hyd. Hydrograph Peak Time Time to Hyd. Inflow Maximum Total Hydrograph No. type flow interval Peak volume hyd(s) elevation strge used Description (origin) (cfs) (min) (min) (cuft) (ft) (cuft) 1 SCS Runoff 37.28 2 716 89,440 ------ ------ ------ A1 2 SCS Runoff 25.17 2 716 60,396 ------ ------ ------ A2 3 SCS Runoff 31.58 2 716 75,784 ------ ------ ------ A3 4 Combine 94.03 2 716 225,619 1, 2, 3 ------ ------ Area A 5 SCS Runoff 13.63 2 716 32,698 ------ ------ ------ B1 6 SCS Runoff 20.68 2 716 49,625 ------ ------ ------ B2 7 Combine 34.31 2 716 82,323 5, 6 ------ ------ Area B 8 SCS Runoff 65.49 2 716 157,145 ------ ------ ------ C1 9 SCS Runoff 15.95 2 716 38,276 ------ ------ ------ C2 10 SCS Runoff 24.13 2 716 57,896 ------ ------ ------ C3 11 Combine 105.57 2 716 253,317 8, 9, 10 ------ ------ Area C WS Peak Flows.gpw Return Period: 25 Year Tuesday, 06 / 20 / 2017 Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2014 by Autodesk, Inc. v10.3 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2014 by Autodesk, Inc. v10.3 Tuesday, 06 / 20 / 2017 Hyd. No. 1 A1 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 37.28 cfs Storm frequency = 25 yrs Time to peak = 11.93 hrs Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 89,440 cuft Drainage area = 4.650 ac Curve number = 98 Basin Slope = 0.0 % Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 5.89 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 3 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 Q (cfs) 0.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 20.00 30.00 30.00 40.00 40.00 Q (cfs) Time (hrs) A1 Hyd. No. 1 -- 25 Year Hyd No. 1 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2014 by Autodesk, Inc. v10.3 Tuesday, 06 / 20 / 2017 Hyd. No. 2 A2 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 25.17 cfs Storm frequency = 25 yrs Time to peak = 11.93 hrs Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 60,396 cuft Drainage area = 3.140 ac Curve number = 98 Basin Slope = 0.0 % Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 5.89 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 4 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 Q (cfs) 0.00 0.00 4.00 4.00 8.00 8.00 12.00 12.00 16.00 16.00 20.00 20.00 24.00 24.00 28.00 28.00 Q (cfs) Time (hrs) A2 Hyd. No. 2 -- 25 Year Hyd No. 2 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2014 by Autodesk, Inc. v10.3 Tuesday, 06 / 20 / 2017 Hyd. No. 3 A3 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 31.58 cfs Storm frequency = 25 yrs Time to peak = 11.93 hrs Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 75,784 cuft Drainage area = 3.940 ac Curve number = 98* Basin Slope = 0.0 % Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 5.89 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 * Composite (Area/CN) = [(3.050 x 61) + (0.890 x 98)] / 3.940 5 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 Q (cfs) 0.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 25.00 25.00 30.00 30.00 35.00 35.00 Q (cfs) Time (hrs) A3 Hyd. No. 3 -- 25 Year Hyd No. 3 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2014 by Autodesk, Inc. v10.3 Tuesday, 06 / 20 / 2017 Hyd. No. 4 Area A Hydrograph type = Combine Peak discharge = 94.03 cfs Storm frequency = 25 yrs Time to peak = 11.93 hrs Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 225,619 cuft Inflow hyds. = 1, 2, 3 Contrib. drain. area = 11.730 ac 6 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 Q (cfs) 0.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 20.00 30.00 30.00 40.00 40.00 50.00 50.00 60.00 60.00 70.00 70.00 80.00 80.00 90.00 90.00 100.00 100.00 Q (cfs) Time (hrs) Area A Hyd. No. 4 -- 25 Year Hyd No. 4 Hyd No. 1 Hyd No. 2 Hyd No. 3 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2014 by Autodesk, Inc. v10.3 Tuesday, 06 / 20 / 2017 Hyd. No. 5 B1 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 13.63 cfs Storm frequency = 25 yrs Time to peak = 11.93 hrs Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 32,698 cuft Drainage area = 1.700 ac Curve number = 98 Basin Slope = 0.0 % Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 5.89 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 7 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 Q (cfs) 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 8.00 8.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 14.00 14.00 Q (cfs) Time (hrs) B1 Hyd. No. 5 -- 25 Year Hyd No. 5 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2014 by Autodesk, Inc. v10.3 Tuesday, 06 / 20 / 2017 Hyd. No. 6 B2 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 20.68 cfs Storm frequency = 25 yrs Time to peak = 11.93 hrs Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 49,625 cuft Drainage area = 2.580 ac Curve number = 98 Basin Slope = 0.0 % Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 5.89 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 8 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 Q (cfs) 0.00 0.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 6.00 9.00 9.00 12.00 12.00 15.00 15.00 18.00 18.00 21.00 21.00 Q (cfs) Time (hrs) B2 Hyd. No. 6 -- 25 Year Hyd No. 6 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2014 by Autodesk, Inc. v10.3 Tuesday, 06 / 20 / 2017 Hyd. No. 7 Area B Hydrograph type = Combine Peak discharge = 34.31 cfs Storm frequency = 25 yrs Time to peak = 11.93 hrs Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 82,323 cuft Inflow hyds. = 5, 6 Contrib. drain. area = 4.280 ac 9 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 Q (cfs) 0.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 25.00 25.00 30.00 30.00 35.00 35.00 Q (cfs) Time (hrs) Area B Hyd. No. 7 -- 25 Year Hyd No. 7 Hyd No. 5 Hyd No. 6 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2014 by Autodesk, Inc. v10.3 Tuesday, 06 / 20 / 2017 Hyd. No. 8 C1 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 65.49 cfs Storm frequency = 25 yrs Time to peak = 11.93 hrs Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 157,145 cuft Drainage area = 8.170 ac Curve number = 98 Basin Slope = 0.0 % Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 5.89 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 10 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 Q (cfs) 0.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 20.00 30.00 30.00 40.00 40.00 50.00 50.00 60.00 60.00 70.00 70.00 Q (cfs) Time (hrs) C1 Hyd. No. 8 -- 25 Year Hyd No. 8 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2014 by Autodesk, Inc. v10.3 Tuesday, 06 / 20 / 2017 Hyd. No. 9 C2 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 15.95 cfs Storm frequency = 25 yrs Time to peak = 11.93 hrs Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 38,276 cuft Drainage area = 1.990 ac Curve number = 98* Basin Slope = 0.0 % Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 5.89 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 * Composite (Area/CN) = [(2.630 x 61) + (0.560 x 98)] / 1.990 11 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 Q (cfs) 0.00 0.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 6.00 9.00 9.00 12.00 12.00 15.00 15.00 18.00 18.00 Q (cfs) Time (hrs) C2 Hyd. No. 9 -- 25 Year Hyd No. 9 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2014 by Autodesk, Inc. v10.3 Tuesday, 06 / 20 / 2017 Hyd. No. 10 C3 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 24.13 cfs Storm frequency = 25 yrs Time to peak = 11.93 hrs Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 57,896 cuft Drainage area = 3.010 ac Curve number = 98* Basin Slope = 0.0 % Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 5.89 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 * Composite (Area/CN) = [(1.270 x 61) + (1.740 x 98)] / 3.010 12 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 Q (cfs) 0.00 0.00 4.00 4.00 8.00 8.00 12.00 12.00 16.00 16.00 20.00 20.00 24.00 24.00 28.00 28.00 Q (cfs) Time (hrs) C3 Hyd. No. 10 -- 25 Year Hyd No. 10 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2014 by Autodesk, Inc. v10.3 Tuesday, 06 / 20 / 2017 Hyd. No. 11 Area C Hydrograph type = Combine Peak discharge = 105.57 cfs Storm frequency = 25 yrs Time to peak = 11.93 hrs Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 253,317 cuft Inflow hyds. = 8, 9, 10 Contrib. drain. area = 13.170 ac 13 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 Q (cfs) 0.00 0.00 20.00 20.00 40.00 40.00 60.00 60.00 80.00 80.00 100.00 100.00 120.00 120.00 Q (cfs) Time (hrs) Area C Hyd. No. 11 -- 25 Year Hyd No. 11 Hyd No. 8 Hyd No. 9 Hyd No. 10 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc.Wednesday, Jun 21 2017 Area C - Closure Turf Trapezoidal Bottom Width (ft) = 2.00 Side Slopes (z:1) = 2.00, 2.00 Total Depth (ft) = 3.00 Invert Elev (ft) = 914.00 Slope (%) = 5.00 N-Value = 0.030 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 105.57 Highlighted Depth (ft) = 1.76 Q (cfs) = 105.57 Area (sqft) = 9.72 Velocity (ft/s) = 10.87 Wetted Perim (ft) = 9.87 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 2.36 Top Width (ft) = 9.04 EGL (ft) = 3.60 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Elev (ft)Depth (ft)Section 913.00 -1.00 914.00 0.00 915.00 1.00 916.00 2.00 917.00 3.00 918.00 4.00 Reach (ft) Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc.Tuesday, Jun 20 2017 Area C - Textured EGC Trapezoidal Bottom Width (ft) = 2.00 Side Slopes (z:1) = 2.00, 2.00 Total Depth (ft) = 3.00 Invert Elev (ft) = 914.00 Slope (%) = 5.00 N-Value = 0.013 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 105.57 Highlighted Depth (ft) = 1.19 Q (cfs) = 105.57 Area (sqft) = 5.21 Velocity (ft/s) = 20.25 Wetted Perim (ft) = 7.32 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 2.36 Top Width (ft) = 6.76 EGL (ft) = 7.57 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Elev (ft)Depth (ft)Section 913.00 -1.00 914.00 0.00 915.00 1.00 916.00 2.00 917.00 3.00 918.00 4.00 Reach (ft) City of Winston-Salem | Final Permit Modification Application – Alternate Final Cover System Pilot ProjectStormwater Conveyance B – Drainage Terrace Capacity This page intentionally left blank. Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc.Tuesday, Jun 20 2017 Drainage Terrace - Closure Turf Triangular Side Slopes (z:1) = 3.00, 14.30 Total Depth (ft) = 1.05 Invert Elev (ft) = 852.00 Slope (%) = 2.00 N-Value = 0.030 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 15.95 Highlighted Depth (ft) = 0.73 Q (cfs) = 15.95 Area (sqft) = 4.61 Velocity (ft/s) = 3.46 Wetted Perim (ft) = 12.77 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.74 Top Width (ft) = 12.63 EGL (ft) = 0.92 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Elev (ft)Depth (ft)Section 851.50 -0.50 852.00 0.00 852.50 0.50 853.00 1.00 853.50 1.50 854.00 2.00 Reach (ft) Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc.Tuesday, Jun 20 2017 Drainage Terrace - Textured EGC Triangular Side Slopes (z:1) = 3.00, 14.30 Total Depth (ft) = 1.05 Invert Elev (ft) = 852.00 Slope (%) = 2.00 N-Value = 0.013 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 15.95 Highlighted Depth (ft) = 0.53 Q (cfs) = 15.95 Area (sqft) = 2.43 Velocity (ft/s) = 6.56 Wetted Perim (ft) = 9.27 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.74 Top Width (ft) = 9.17 EGL (ft) = 1.20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Elev (ft)Depth (ft)Section 851.50 -0.50 852.00 0.00 852.50 0.50 853.00 1.00 853.50 1.50 854.00 2.00 Reach (ft) City of Winston-Salem | Final Permit Modification Application – Alternate Final Cover System Pilot ProjectStormwater Conveyance C – Culvert Capacity This page intentionally left blank. 1- ) ~ HD R En g i n e e ri ng , I n c. o f th e Ca ro l i n as N .C .B .E. L S . Li ce n s e Nu m b e r : F -01 1 6 44 0 S C hu r c h S tre e t, Su i t e s 90 0 & 10 0 0 Ch a rl o tte , N C 2 6 20 2 -20 7 5 70 4 . 3 38 .6 7 00 A 06 / 2 0 1 7 I SS U ED F O R R EV I E W IS S U E DA T E DE S C R I P T I O N PR O J E C T EN G IN E E R ST R U C TU R A L PL UM BI N G EL E C T R I CA L DR A WN BY PR O J E C T NU M BE R T . YA N O S C HA K , P .E . T . PR E D DY , E.1. 10 0 2 54 2 7 DR A F T NO T FO R CO N S T R U C T I O N 6 Wi n sto n-Sale m • Forsyth Cou n ty /County Utilities &t ~r • S6w<h' • So li d Wll-St& D i.SpO s.tii l HA N E S MILL ROAD LANDFILL AL T E R N A T I V E FINAL COVER SYSTEM PILOT PROJECT 8 100 YEAR F L OOD P LA I N ----840 PR O POS ED TO P O F OP E RA TI O N A L COVE R C O N TOU RS EX I S TI NG CONTO U R S S I L T F ENCE C O NS TRU C T I O N BAS ELI N E FIGURE2 CULVERT DRAINAGE AREAS o 1 • 2• F I L ENAME I Fi g ur e 2 .d wg I S H EE T ~!--l~iil-~~~~~ S CAL E 1 " = 100 ' FIGURE 2 D c B A Th i s p a g e i n t e n t i o n a l l y l e f t b l a n k . 1 - Area 1 2 - Area 2 1 Watershed Model Schematic Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2014 by Autodesk, Inc. v10.3 Project: Culvert Flow.gpw Thursday, 06 / 8 / 2017 Hydrograph Summary Report 2 Hyd. Hydrograph Peak Time Time to Hyd. Inflow Maximum Total Hydrograph No. type flow interval Peak volume hyd(s) elevation strge used Description (origin) (cfs) (min) (min) (cuft) (ft) (cuft) 1 SCS Runoff 48.54 2 724 153,038 ------ ------ ------ Area 1 2 SCS Runoff 79.71 2 726 275,312 ------ ------ ------ Area 2 Culvert Flow.gpw Return Period: 25 Year Thursday, 06 / 8 / 2017 Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2014 by Autodesk, Inc. v10.3 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2014 by Autodesk, Inc. v10.3 Thursday, 06 / 8 / 2017 Hyd. No. 1 Area 1 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 48.54 cfs Storm frequency = 25 yrs Time to peak = 12.07 hrs Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 153,038 cuft Drainage area = 15.510 ac Curve number = 70* Basin Slope = 0.0 % Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 18.70 min Total precip. = 5.89 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 * Composite (Area/CN) = [(11.590 x 61) + (3.560 x 98) + (0.360 x 85)] / 15.510 3 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Q (cfs) 0.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 20.00 30.00 30.00 40.00 40.00 50.00 50.00 Q (cfs) Time (hrs) Area 1 Hyd. No. 1 -- 25 Year Hyd No. 1 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2014 by Autodesk, Inc. v10.3 Thursday, 06 / 8 / 2017 Hyd. No. 2 Area 2 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 79.71 cfs Storm frequency = 25 yrs Time to peak = 12.10 hrs Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 275,312 cuft Drainage area = 22.680 ac Curve number = 76* Basin Slope = 0.0 % Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 23.10 min Total precip. = 5.89 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 * Composite (Area/CN) = [(8.410 x 98) + (13.180 x 61) + (1.090 x 85)] / 22.680 4 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Q (cfs) 0.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 20.00 30.00 30.00 40.00 40.00 50.00 50.00 60.00 60.00 70.00 70.00 80.00 80.00 Q (cfs) Time (hrs) Area 2 Hyd. No. 2 -- 25 Year Hyd No. 2 Culvert Calculator Report Point of Interest - 1 Title: Winston - Hanes Alternative Cap Pilot Project c:\...\winston hanes culvert sizing.cvm 06/08/17 02:33:24 PM HDR - USA © Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Project Engineer: tpreddy CulvertMaster v3.3 [] Page 1 Solve For: Section Size Culvert Summary Allowable HW Elevation 813.60 ft Headwater Depth/Height 1.31 Computed Headwater Elevation 812.16 ft Discharge 48.54 cfs Inlet Control HW Elev. 812.09 ft Tailwater Elevation 0.00 ft Outlet Control HW Elev. 812.16 ft Control Type Entrance Control Grades Upstream Invert 808.22 ft Downstream Invert 807.47 ft Length 65.00 ft Constructed Slope 0.011538 ft/ft Hydraulic Profile Profile S2 Depth, Downstream 1.89 ft Slope Type Steep Normal Depth 1.81 ft Flow Regime Supercritical Critical Depth 2.27 ft Velocity Downstream 10.35 ft/s Critical Slope 0.006249 ft/ft Section Section Shape Circular Mannings Coefficient 0.013 Section Material Concrete Span 3.00 ft Section Size 36 inch Rise 3.00 ft Number Sections 1 Outlet Control Properties Outlet Control HW Elev. 812.16 ft Upstream Velocity Head 1.11 ft Ke 0.50 Entrance Loss 0.56 ft Inlet Control Properties Inlet Control HW Elev. 812.09 ft Flow Control Transition Inlet Type Square edge w/headwall Area Full 7.1 ft² K 0.00980 HDS 5 Chart 1 M 2.00000 HDS 5 Scale 1 C 0.03980 Equation Form 1 Y 0.67000 Culvert Calculator Report Point of Interest - 2 Title: Winston - Hanes Alternative Cap Pilot Project c:\...\winston hanes culvert sizing.cvm 06/08/17 02:33:24 PM HDR - USA © Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Project Engineer: tpreddy CulvertMaster v3.3 [] Page 2 Solve For: Section Size Culvert Summary Allowable HW Elevation 814.72 ft Headwater Depth/Height 1.63 Computed Headwater Elevation 812.81 ft Discharge 79.74 cfs Inlet Control HW Elev. 812.81 ft Tailwater Elevation 0.00 ft Outlet Control HW Elev. 812.53 ft Control Type Inlet Control Grades Upstream Invert 807.10 ft Downstream Invert 805.41 ft Length 75.00 ft Constructed Slope 0.022533 ft/ft Hydraulic Profile Profile S2 Depth, Downstream 2.16 ft Slope Type Steep Normal Depth 1.81 ft Flow Regime Supercritical Critical Depth 2.79 ft Velocity Downstream 12.80 ft/s Critical Slope 0.006620 ft/ft Section Section Shape Circular Mannings Coefficient 0.013 Section Material Concrete Span 3.50 ft Section Size 42 inch Rise 3.50 ft Number Sections 1 Outlet Control Properties Outlet Control HW Elev. 812.53 ft Upstream Velocity Head 1.66 ft Ke 0.50 Entrance Loss 0.83 ft Inlet Control Properties Inlet Control HW Elev. 812.81 ft Flow Control N/A Inlet Type Square edge w/headwall Area Full 9.6 ft² K 0.00980 HDS 5 Chart 1 M 2.00000 HDS 5 Scale 1 C 0.03980 Equation Form 1 Y 0.67000 1-)~ Project: \-\ANES_ ALT CBQ \?Q.c)'a.-"\ Computed: :I:Ae Subject: Checked: Task: \NL~ l.J>\~JI\.C..\T'f Page: 3 Job#: No: Date: li> 12.o \ 2.b \..., Date: of: '3 I N <-e_.e:,111. -s e-\.\ E\ e.::, 1-tT D-;:. O\J\ s, o -e E o~ e-o )'.:. PE '2--, Me --r E '2... L.~ ~NN e-L To EL-'b\1 . c \ N o(.t.OeQ_ TD l N '-12.e Al~ E Fi.. t>W G~~~(.A'T''( C)F E~\~'1'"tr-Jb OR.c? \NL~ TC> "AN\)\_€ INlJ2-t'J\t:::>t(u FLow nve 11) PtLOT t>Q.b:Yt'-'1" AQ..er~ This page intentionally left blank. City of Winston-Salem | Final Permit Modification Application – Alternate Final Cover System Pilot ProjectStormwater Conveyance D – Perimeter Channel Capacity This page intentionally left blank. Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc.Thursday, Jun 8 2017 Perimeter Channel - Area 1 Closure Turf Trapezoidal Bottom Width (ft) = 2.00 Side Slopes (z:1) = 3.00, 3.00 Total Depth (ft) = 2.50 Invert Elev (ft) = 832.00 Slope (%) = 2.00 N-Value = 0.030 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 48.54 Highlighted Depth (ft) = 1.36 Q (cfs) = 48.54 Area (sqft) = 8.27 Velocity (ft/s) = 5.87 Wetted Perim (ft) = 10.60 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 1.46 Top Width (ft) = 10.16 EGL (ft) = 1.90 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Elev (ft)Depth (ft)Section 831.50 -0.50 832.00 0.00 832.50 0.50 833.00 1.00 833.50 1.50 834.00 2.00 834.50 2.50 835.00 3.00 Reach (ft) Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc.Thursday, Jun 8 2017 Perimeter Channel - Area 2 Trapezoidal Bottom Width (ft) = 2.00 Side Slopes (z:1) = 3.00, 3.00 Total Depth (ft) = 2.50 Invert Elev (ft) = 820.00 Slope (%) = 2.00 N-Value = 0.013 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 79.71 Highlighted Depth (ft) = 1.17 Q (cfs) = 79.71 Area (sqft) = 6.45 Velocity (ft/s) = 12.36 Wetted Perim (ft) = 9.40 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 1.83 Top Width (ft) = 9.02 EGL (ft) = 3.55 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Elev (ft)Depth (ft)Section 819.50 -0.50 820.00 0.00 820.50 0.50 821.00 1.00 821.50 1.50 822.00 2.00 822.50 2.50 823.00 3.00 Reach (ft) City of Winston-Salem | Final Permit Modification Application – Alternate Final Cover System Pilot ProjectCalculations Gas Pressure Design This page intentionally left blank. Project: Hanes Alternative Final Cover Pilot Project Subject: Final Permit Application Task: Gas Pressure Design Job #: 10025427 Computed by: T. Yanoschak Date:6/22/2017 Checked by: KP Date:6/22/2017 Workbook: Gas Pressure Design, Gas Pressure Design Objective: References: 1. Anchor Trench design Calcs. For Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover Pilot Project, May 25, 2017. Calculations: Force generated by gas in bubble = πr2P Resisting force within geomembrane = 2πrtσallow Solve for P: P =( 2tσallow)/r Where: Paramter Definition Value Units σallow Allowable tensile stress in geomembrane. 302,400 psf (see calculation below) r Radius of gas bubble 35 t Thickness of geomembrane 0.0050 feet (60 mil textured HDPE) 0.0042 feet (50 mil LLDPE Super Gripnet) P Allowable gas pressure in bubble TBD psf Determine tensile strength (T) of alternative final cover geomembranes: EGC geomembrane (60 mil textured HDPE) T =126 lb/in width (see Att. A) Synthetic Turf (50 mil LLDPE Super Gripnet) T =105 lb/in width (see Att. B) Convert T of geomembranes to allowable tensile stress (σallow): Where σallow = T/(cross sectional area of geomembrane for unit length of 1 inch) EGC geomembrane (60 mil textured HDPE)σallow =2100 psi =302,400 psf Synthetic Turf (50 mil LLDPE Super Gripnet)σallow =2100 psi = 302,400 psf Solve for P for both proposed geomembranes: P =86.40 psf for 60 mil textured HDPE 0.60 psi P =72.00 psf for 50 mil LLDPE Super Gripnet 0.50 psi Evaluate the ability of the proposed alternative final cover geomembranes to withstand landfill gas pressures that may develop within the landfill and wind uplift. Evaluate maximum gas pressure the proposed alternative final cover materials can support assuming gas bubbles form beneath the geomembranes. Analyze assuming geomembrane functions as a spherical pressure vessal where the gas pressure within the bubble is resisted by the tensile strength of the geomembrane along the circumfrence of the bubble at the soil/geomembrane interface. feet (1/2 distance between vertical anchor trenches) Project: Hanes Alternative Final Cover Pilot Project Subject: Final Permit Application Task: Gas Pressure Design Job #: 10025427 Computed by: T. Yanoschak Date:6/22/2017 Checked by: KP Date:6/22/2017 Workbook: Gas Pressure Design, Gas Pressure Design Evaluate wind uplift on geomembrane: From Reference 1, effective suction (Se) due to wind uplift =847.16 Pa =0.12 psi Conclusion: The combined gas pressure and wind uplift pressure acting on the exposed geomembrane should be less than 0.12 psi. At this pressure, the geomembrane will not be overstressed, but the material will pull out of the anchor trenches which were designed for a maximum uplift pressure of 0.12 psi. The active landfill gas extraction system and emergency vents to be installed on the alternative final covers should be maintained to keep the combined pressures below 0.12 psi. Since Se < P, for both geomembranes evaluated, geomembranes will not experience excessive stress due to wind uplift but the material will pull out of the anchor trenches if the gas pressure exceeds 0.12 psi. PRODUCT DATA SHEET AT THE CORE: An HDPE geomembrane that provides increased frictional resistance and is ideal for exposed applications when aesthetics is an issue. GSE Green Textured Geomembrane GSE Green Textured is a co-extruded textured high density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembrane available on one or both sides. It is manufactured from the highest quality resin specifi cally formulated for fl exible geomembranes. It has a UV stabilized green upper surface that improves the aesthetics for the community. GSE Green Textured provides an increased frictional resistance surface and is primarily used in exposed applications which can eliminate the need for cover soil and vegetative layers. Product Specifications These product specifi cations meet GRI GM13 Tested Property Test Method Frequency Minimum Average Value 30 mil 40 mil 60 mil 80 mil 100 mil Thickness, mil Lowest individual reading ASTM D 5994 every roll 30 27 40 36 60 54 80 72 100 90 Density, g/cm3 ASTM D 1505 200,000 lb 0.940 0.940 0.940 0.940 0.940 Tensile Properties (each direction) Strength at Break, lb/in-width Strength at Yield, lb/in-width Elongation at Break, %Elongation at Yield, % ASTM D 6693, Type IV Dumbell, 2 ipm G.L. 2.0 inG.L. 1.3 in 20,000 lb 45 63 10012 60 84 10012 90 126 10012 120 168 10012 150 210 10012 Tear Resistance, lb ASTM D 1004 45,000 lb 21 28 42 56 70 Puncture Resistance, lb ASTM D 4833 45,000 lb 45 60 90 120 150 Carbon Black Content(1), % (Range)ASTM D 1603*/4218 20,000 lb 2.0 - 3.0 2.0 - 3.0 2.0 - 3.0 2.0 - 3.0 2.0 - 3.0 Carbon Black Dispersion ASTM D 5596 45,000 lb Note(2)Note(2)Note(2)Note(2)Note(2) Asperity Height, mil ASTM D 7466 second roll 16 18 18 18 18 Notched Constant Tensile Load(3), hr ASTM D 5397, Appendix 200,000 lb 500 500 500 500 500 Oxidative Induction Time, mins ASTM D 3895, 200°C; O2, 1 atm 200,000 lb >100 >100 >100 >100 >100 TYPICAL ROLL DIMENSIONS Roll Length(4), ft Double-Sided Textured Single-Sided Textured 830 1,010 700 780 520 540 400 410 330 330 Roll Width(4), ft 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 Roll Area, ft2 Double-Sided Textured Single-Sided Textured 18,675 22,725 15,750 17,550 11,700 12,150 9,000 9,225 7,425 7,425 NOTES: • (1)GSE Green Textured may have an overall ash content greater than 3.0% due to the green layer. These values apply to the black layer only. • (2)Dispersion only applies to near spherical agglomerates. 9 of 10 views shall be Category 1 or 2. No more than 1 view from Category 3. • (3)NCTL for Green Textured is conducted on representative smooth membrane samples. • (4)Roll lengths and widths have a tolerance of ± 1%. • GSE Green Textured is available in rolls weighing approximately 4,000 lb. • All GSE geomembranes have dimensional stability of ± 2% when tested according to ASTM D 1204 and LTB of <-77°C when tested according to ASTM D 746. • *Modifi ed. This Information is provided for reference purposes only and is not intended as a warranty or guarantee. GSE assumes no liability in connection with the use of this Information. Specifi cations subject to change without notice. GSE and other trademarks in this document are registered trademarks of GSE lining Technology, LLC in the United States and certain foreign countries. REV 09DEC2014 GSE is a leading manufacturer and marketer of geosynthetic lining products and services. We’ve built a reputation of reliability through our dedication to providing consistency of product, price and protection to our global customers. Our commitment to innovation, our focus on quality and our industry expertise allow us the fl exibility to collaborate with our clients to develop a custom, purpose-fi t solution. For more information on this product and others, please visit us at GSEworld.com, call 800.435.2008 or contact your local sales offi ce. ATTACHMENT A Minimum Average Values ASTM D7466 0.939 0.939 0.939 0.939 ASTM D6693, Type IV 2 in/minute Tensile Properties (both directions) Strength @ Break, lb/in width (N/mm) Elongation @ Break, % (GL=2.0in) 300 Tear Resistance, lbs. (N),ASTM D1004 64 (285) Puncture Resistance, lbs. (N) ASTM D4833 110 (489) Carbon Black Content, % (range)ASTM D4218 2 - 3 Carbon Black Dispersion (Category) ASTM D5596 Oxidative Induction Time, minutes ASTM D3895, 200°C, 1 atm O2 ≥140 ≥140 ≥140 ≥140 Low Density Polyethylene Super Gripnet® Liner Product Data Property Supply Information (Standard Roll Dimensions) Thickness Width Length Area (approx.) mil mm ft m ft m ft2 m2 50 1.25 23 7 300 91.4 6,900 640 60 1.5 23 300 91.4 6,900 640 80 2.0 23 300 91.4 6,900 640 100 2.5 23 300 91.4 6,900 640 © Agru America, Inc. 4.15 500 Garrison Road, Georgetown, South Carolina 29440 843-546-0600 800-373-2478 Fax: 843-527-2738 email: salesmkg@agruamerica.com www.AgruAmerica.com Note: All information, recommendations and suggestions appearing in this literature concerning the use of our products are based upon tests and data believed to be reliable; however, it is the users responsibility to determine the suitability for their own use of the products described herein. Since the actual use by others is beyond our control, no guarantee or warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, is made by Agru America as to the effects of such use or the results to be obtained, nor does Agru America assume any liability in connection herewith. Any statement made herein may not be absolutelycomplete since additional information may be necessary or desirable when particular or exceptional conditions or circumstances exist or because of applicable laws or government regulations. Nothing herein is to be construed as permission or as a recommendation to infringe any patent. Only near spherical agglomerates: 10 views Cat. 1 or 2 Agru America’s geomembranes are certified to pass Low Temp. Brittleness via ASTM D746 (-80°C), Dimensional Stability via ASTM D1204 (±2% @ 100°C). Oven Aging and UV Resistance are tested per GRI GM 17. These product specifications meet or exceed GRI’s GM17. Frequency 2nd Roll 20,000 lb 45,000 lb 45,000 lb 20,000 lb 45,000 lb 200,000 lb Test Method 210 (36.8) 300 168 (29.4) 300 105 (18.4) 300 126 (22.1) 53 (236) 90 (400) 2 - 3 40 (178) 70 (311) 2 - 3 30 (133) 55 (245) 2 - 3 Average roll weight is 4,000 lbs (1,814 kg) for 100 mil and 3,000 lbs (1,300 kg) for other thicknesses. All rolls are supplied with two slings. Rolls are wound on a 6" core. Special length available upon request. Roll length and width have a tolerance of ±1%. The weight values may change due to project specifications (i.e. absolute minimum thickness or special length) or shipping requirments (i.e. international contanerized shipments). Density, g/cc, maximum ASTM D792, Method B 200,000 lb 175 (4.45) ASTM D7466 2nd Roll 130 (3.3) Drainage Stud Height, mil (mm) Friction Spike Height, mil (mm) 175 (4.45) 130 (3.3) 175 (4.45) 130 (3.3) 175 (4.45) 130 (3.3) 7 7 7 Thickness (nominal), mil (mm) Thickness (min 8 of 10), mil (mm) ASTM D5994 60 (1.5)80 (2.0)Per Roll 100 (2.5) Thickness (min avg), mil (mm) Thickness (lowest individual), mil (mm) 57 (1.43)76 (1.9) 95 (2.38) 54 (1.35)72 (1.8) 90 (2.25) 51 (1.28)68 (1.7) 85 (2.13) 50 (1.25) 47.5 (1.19) 45 (1.12) 42.5 (1.06) ATTACHMENT B City of Winston-Salem | Final Permit Modification Application – Alternate Final Cover System Pilot ProjectCalculations Resistance to Hail Storm This page intentionally left blank. Job No.No. HDR Engineering, Inc. Project Hanes Mill Road Landfill Computed KP Date 6/21/2017 Subject Impact and Puncture Checked TY Date 6/21/2017 Task EGC Design Sheet 1 Of 1 C:\HDR_Projects\Hanes Mill Road Landfill\[Resistance to Puncture.xls]A Use High Density Polyethylene (60 mil) Parameter Value Units ρh 900 kg/m3 d 0.05 m 1.8 inches ρa 1.225 kg/m3 g 9.81 m/s cd 0.45 dimensionless (0.45-0.6) Ir 22 Nm See attached FSp 1.0 1. Determine impact energy of the hailstone. Ie 21.97 Nm The membrane is good for maximum of 1.8 inch hail. Based on the attached hailstorm hazard map, Hanes Mill Road Landfill is located within the hazard areas for hailstorms.If a hailstorm greater than 1.8 inch occurs, then the membrane is susceptible to damage and may need to be repaired per manufacturer recommendations. Definition Density of the hailstone Diameter of the hailstone Wind drag coefficient Factor of safety against puncture Density of air Impact resistance of the geomembrane Acceleration due to gravity da h e c gdIr pr 9 42 = i:.: off of the cover system, resulting in increased peak flow quantities and increased runoff velocities. The increased peak flow quantity requires that storm-water drainage features (i.e., ditches and cu!vertS) be designed for a greater flow capacity and that the on-site storm-water management ponds be designed for a significantly.greater storage capacity than for a typical final cover system. Susceptibility to Uplift Damage by landfill Gas. Because there is no overlying cover soil to limit uplift of. the geomembrane by landfill gas, a landfill gas collection and removal system must be designed to effectively collect landfill gas that is generated within the landfill.· limited Vehicular Access. Vehicular access on the landfill is usually required to perform maintenance and associated repairs to damaged features on landfill cover systems. On a typical final cover system, light vehicles can usually drive on any soil-covered portion of the landfill cover system; for the exposed geomembrane cover system, vehicular access must be restricted to only the landfill cover access road. limited Design. life. Because the exposed geomembrane is not protected from enyironmental damage, it has c3n expected design life that is shorter than _that of a geomeinbrane in a typical final cover system. limited Regu!ptory Approval. Because an exposed geomembrane cover system is not common, there may be concerns among regulators regarding its technical feasibility. Also because this cover system represents a departure from typical final cover systems, regulatory approval may be difficult, or may have strict limitations. Aesthetic Concerns. A large landfill that is covered by an exposed geomembrane cover system may be perceived as less visually appealing than a landfill with a fully- vegetated typical final cover system. 3 DESIGN CRJTERJA To prevent impacts to the environment or excessive · operation and maintenance costs, each of the disadvantages listed in Section 2.3 must be addressed and resolved during the cover system design. This paper is only focused on selection and design of the geomembrane component of the exposed geomc(llbrane cover system. Design criteria that are directly related to selection of the geori\embrane are presented in this section. The exposed geomembrane component of the cover system should be_ designed to meet the following criteria: (i) resist damage caused by exposure to sunlight; (ii) resist damage caused y ow empera u " ·1e strain due to downslope creep; (iv) . resist puncture damage from hail stones; and (v) resist damage from wind. These criteria are discussed below. Resistance to Sunlight. The geomembrane must not be adversely affected by long-term exposure to sunlight, which generates heat and contains ultra-violet radiation. '"i .. ··-·'-... ·--·-·-------·-- Therefore, geomembranes having plasticizers that could volatilize or geornembranes having components that could degrade during long-term exposure to ultra-violet radiation should not be used. Resistance to Lon· Ten1peratures. · The geomembrane polymer must not become brittl~ when subjected to low temperatures. The effect of low temperatures on th<:. field performance of geomembranes is discussed in Giroud (1994) and Koerner and Koerner ( 1995). Resistance to Downslope Creep. The combined action of gravity and thermal expansion/contraction of the geomembrane over long periods of time could lead to downslope creep of the geomembrane, thus creating additional stresses at· tlie anchors. Desirable geomembrane properties are: (i) light color; {it) low coefficient of thermal expansion; (iii) high interface friction with the underlying material; (iv) low bending modulus to minimize the formation of large wrinkles (Giroud and Morel, 1992); and (v) high tensile modulus and high activation stress to minimize creep.. Only geomembranes that consist of a flexible polymer and are reinforced internally with a scrim can meet both the low bending modulus and high tensile modulus requirements. Resistance to P11nct11re from Hail Stones. The exposed geomembrane would be susceptible to damage caused by extreme \Veather, including ptlncture from large-diameter hail stones. Geomembranes with a low resistance to puncture should not be used. Resistance to damage caused by hail stones is addressed in Section 4.2. Resistance to Wind Damage. The geomembrane must have sufficient--tensile strength and must be sufficiently anchored to the landfill slope to resist the tensile stresses caused by wind uplift. Use of unreinforced geomembranes, which have a relatively low tensile strength, would require closely spaced anchor trenches (i.e., 3-m to 5-m vertical intervals) or closely spaced surface anchors (such as sandbags, tires, or other ballast placed every I to 3 square meters on the landfill slope) to prevent wind damage. The surface anchors would be effective for short-term conditions; however, over a period of several years, they would likely move under the combined effects of wind, storm-water runoff, and thermal expansion/ contraction of the geomem,brane. In addition, the surface anchors would require regular maintenance, which could possibly offset the initial construction cost savings. A cost-effective design for providing protection against wind uplift damage involves selecting a geomembrane having a high tensile strength and constructiHg geomembraoe anchors at widely spaced vertical intervals (i.e., IO to 12 m). Resistance to damage caused by wind uplift is addressed in Section 4.3. Other Criteria. There are other site-specific considerations that should be addressed, such as the potential for damage caused by vandalism or by animals (e.g., chewii1g or hooved animals). The owner or 1998 Sixth International Conference on Geosynthetics -213 operator should assess the risk and potential for this type of damage. A solution may be to construct a securiiy fence to prevent unauthorized landfill access. 4 DESIGN METHODS 4.1 Introduction In this section, design methods that can be used to address hail damage and wind uplift are presented. When using these methods, site-specific conditions must be considered, as described hereafter.· 4.2 Hail Damage To calculate the potential for damage to the exposed geomembrane by hail, a comparison must be made between the impact energy of a hail stone and the impact resistance of the exposed geomembrane. The impact energy of a hail stone is equivalent to its kinetic energy given by: I,= 0.5 M v, 2 (I) · where: I,= impact energy of the hail stone (N·m); M = mass of the hail stone (kg); and v, = terminal velocity of the hail stone (mis). Therefore, the mass and terminal velocity of the hail stone must _be calculated. The mass of the hail stone is a function of the hail stone density, Ph (kglm'). and volume, V (m'): M=ph V (2) The volume is a function of the diameter, d (m): V=1t d3i6 (3) hence, M=1tphd3i6 (4) Now, the velocity of the hail stone is calculated. The driviQg force, F8 (N), on the hail stone is due to gravity: ~,=Mg .. . (5) hence, Fd = (li2) p, v' Ac, (7) where: p, = density of air ( 1.225 kgim'); c, = dimensionless drag coefficient (range is typically 0.45 to 0.60); v = velocity of hail stone (mis); and A = cross section of hail stone perpendicular ta velocity (m2): A=1td2 i4 (8) hence, (9) As the hail stone accelerates, F, increases until· it becomes equal to F ,: (IO) At this point, the resulting force applied to the hail stone is zero and the velocity of the hail stone becomes constant (i.e., v = v,). This constant velocity is calculated by combining equations I, 2, and, 3 (Straka, 1995): · v, = [(4i3)( Phi p,){gd/ c,)J 0·' (11) Finally, the impact energy of the hail stone is calculated by combining the derived Equations !, 4 and 11; I,= (1t p/ g d4)i(9 p, c,) (12)-·· ..IL ,!''. . I Equation 12 gives the impact energy for the case where hail falls in a direction perpendicular to the geomembrane. This is conservative because the impact energy is less if hail does not fall in a direction perpendicular to the geomembrane. One may be even more conservative by calculating the impact energy using Equation I with a value of v, that is greater than that given by Equation 11 to account for an increase in the terminal velocity of the hail stone due to wind. The factor of safety against puncture of the geomembrane by a hail stone must be greater than a specified value, e.g., 1.0. This factor of safety is calculated using the following equation: Factor of Safety = I, i I, (13) where I, is the impact resistance of the geomembrane measured in a test. I I I .. , j ;. '· ~3f/&6~~~~~~~~~~~~~--,(~6~)~~~BHeee~a*H~s~e4th~ee4th~ai~l~sYtemn~e4iwm~p~a~e~ea-tt·h~ee-,,g~ee™m""emm.~b~raHA~eHinn4t~he~~~~~~ This force being constant, the hail stone tends to accelerate. · However, this force is resisted by the drag force exerted by air, F, (N), which is proportional to the square of velocity: -,~:214 • l 998 Sixth International Conference on Geosynthetics cross-plane direction, standard impact resistance tests that simulate in-plane impact are not appropriate. Rollin (1991, 1993) and Kilius (1993) present cross-plane geomembrane impact resistance data obtained from tests that used a large-scale dynamic testing apparatus. The apparatus is described as a "modified drop-weight ,- t• ~' , Using these data, the following analyses were performed: (i) calculation of the impact energy of the hail stone on the exposed geomembrane; and (ii) calculation of !he total strain and tension in the geomembrane, and the minimum geomembrane anchor cross section required to resist the calculated uplift force. The analyses are described in the following two subsections. 5.2 Hail Impact The impact energy, I,, for a 0.05 m diameter hail stone assuming, g = 9.81 m/s2, d = 0.05. m, Ph= 900 kg/m3, p,.= 1.225 kg/m3, and cd= 0.45 is calculated using Equation 12 as follows: I, =[(it (900/(9.81)(0.05)4 ] / [(9)(1.225)(0.45)] =31.4N·m Therefore, to resist puncture by hail stones, the impact resistan.ce, Ir, of the geomembrane must be greater than 31.4 N·m. The impact resistance is a function of the geomembrane polymer and thickness. The properties of the material underlying the geomembrane also affect the impact resistance (Koerner et al., 1986). The test results reported by Rollin (1991, 1993), Kilius (1993), and Koerner et al. (1986) were reviewed during the selection process of the geomem brane. As indicated from the published test results, the selected geomembrane has an impact resistance greater than the calculated impact energy, such that the factor of safety, calculated from Equation 13 is greater than 1.0. 5.3 Wind Uplift 5.3. l lntrodu_ction Several geomembranes were considered for the design of the exposed geomembrane cover system. Calculations for the selected geomembrane are presented in this section. A reinforced geomembrane with a linear stress-strain curve characterized by a tensile stiffness, J= 165 kN/m, and a strain at break (i.e., of the reinforcement), eb=27 %, was selected for the design. 5.3.2 Analysis for Geomembrane Rupture First, the factor of safety against tensile failure for the design wind speed is calculated. From ·Figure 3, the ea the to of the slo e is, 1,.=0.85. Ignoring the elevation factor and _the mass of the geomembrane, the effective suction force, s .. for a wind velocity, vw, of 130 km/hr is calculated using Equation 14, as follows: S, = (0.05)(0.85)(130)2 = 720 Pa Using Equation 15, the length of exposed geomembrane between the geomembrane anchors is: L = 12 / sin(l4°) = 50 m The suction force acting on this )e~gth is: S,L = (720)(50) = 36,000 Nim= 36 kNim And the normalized tensile stiffness is: J/S,L = (165 kN/m) I (36 kN/m) = 4.6 For J/S,L = 4.6, Table 4 by Giroud et al. (1995) gives the calculated strain, e, = 14.1 %. Using Equation 16, the factor of safety against geomembrane tensile failure is calculated, which is greater than the recommended minimum value of 1.5: FS,=(27%)/(14.1%) = 1.9 5.3.3 Geomembrane Anchor Analysis Next, using the parameters obtained in the previous subsection, the tension caused by uplift and th~ required anchor area per unit width for the geomembrane is calculated. First, the uplift of the geomembrane is calculated. For the calculated strain, _e, = 14.1% (obtained in subsection 5.3.2), Table 2 by Giroud et al. (1995) gives e = 50.3° and u/L = 0.235. For an exposed geomembrane . length, L = 50 m, the total uplift; u, of the geomembrane is 11.75 m (Figure 4). The wind generated tension, T, on the geomembrane is calculated from the normalized tension, T/S,L. From Table 2 by Giroud et al., (1995), T/S,L = 0.648; multiplying this value by S,L = 36 kN/m gives T = 23.3 kN/m. To confirm this value, T isalso calculated using Equation 17: T = J e, = (165)(14.1%) = 23.3 kN/m On either side of the geomembrane anchor it is assumed that the length of exposed geomembrane, L, and · the suction factor, A, for the slope are equivalent. Therefore, T. = T,, and e. = ed (Figµre 5). Fore.= ed = 50.3°, T. = Td = 23.3 kN/m, and p = 14°, the vertical force, W, required to resist uplift of the geomembrane anchor is calculated using Equation 18, as follows: W = (23.3)sin(50.3 - Assuming that the anchor consists of soil with a unit weight of 18 kN/m3, the required cross-sectional area of the geomembrane anchor is calculated using Equation 19, as follows: 1998 Sixth lnter!'lotionol Conference on Geosynthetics .. 217 ... ! '-Waste7 f Figure 7. Exposed Geomembi:ane._Anchor at Co.ver Benches A"q,;,,a = (35 kN/m)/(18 kN!m3)= J.95 m2 At the case study site, the geomembrane anchors on the cover system were designed to include a swale that conveys stonn-water runoff from the landfill in a non- erosive manner. As indicated in Figure 7, the soils in the anchor trench and the soils that fonn the drainage swale are covered by a protective geomembrane that is welded to the exposed geomembrane \n order to eliminate the potential for soil erosion at these locations. 6 CONCLUSION An exposed geomembrane cover system may be appropriate at landfill sites when the design life of the cover system is relatively short or when overfilling or landfill reclamation are future possibiliti.es. Sites that are considered for-this·app!ication should also have adequate landfill gas collection systems and storm-water management controls. To design an exposed geomembrane cover system, a number of issues must be addressed. These issues are reviewed in this paper, and guidance is provided. Furthennore, design methods for two key issues, hail damage and wind uplift, are described and are illustrated using a case history. Considering the available design tools and the example provided by the case history, it is possible to safely design an exposed geom em brane cover system that can be constructed at a lower cost than a typical final cover system. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Geomembranes, VoL 11, No. 3, · pp. 255-276. (Erratum: 1993, Vol. 12, No. 4, p. 378.) Gjroud, J.P., (1994), "Detennination of Geomembrane Shattering Cracks", Geosynthetics International, Industrial Fabrics Association International, VoL I, No. 2, pp. 149-180. Giroud, J.P., Pelte, T., and Bathurst, R.J., (1995) "Uplift of Geomembranes by Wind", Geosynthetics International, Special Issue on Design_ of Geomembrane Applications, Industrial Fabrics Association International, Vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 897-952. Kilius, D.E., ( 1993) "Cold Temperature Perfonnance of Polypropylene Geomembranes and · Seams", Geosynthetic liner S;•sten:: Innovations, Concerns, and Designs, Koerner, R.M., and Wilson-Fahmy, R.F., Editors, Proceedings of 1993 GR! Conference, Industrial Fabrics Association International, pp. 197- 207. . .. Koerner, G.R., and Koerner, R.M:, (1995) "Temperature Behavior of Field Deployed HDPE Geomembranes", Proceedings, Geosynthetics '95 Conference, Nashville,· Tennessee, USA, pp. 921-937. Koerner, R.M., Monteleone, M.J., Schmidt, J.R., and Roethe, A.T., (1986) "Puncture and Impact Resistance of Geosynthetics", Proceedings, Third International Conference on Geotextiles and Geomembranes, Vienna, Austria, pp. 677-682. Rollin, A.L., Lefebvre, M., Lafleur, J., and Marcotte, M., (1991) "Evaluation of Field Seam Quality by the Impact Test Procedure", Proceedings, Geosynthetics '9! Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, pp. 223-237. Rollin, A.L., Lefebvre, M., Lafleur, J., and Mlynarek, J., · The authors acknowledge Messrs. N.C. Vasuki and R. _ (1993) "The use of Impact TesfProcedure to Assess Watson, and Ms. A. Germain for the opportunity to apply Seam's Bdttleness", Proceedings, Geosynthetics '93 the-design methods described in this paper to DSWA's Conference, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 1559-1573. Cell 1&2 landfi!L The authors are grateful to Mr. J. Straka, J., (1995) University of Oklahoma Meteorology ------'ro~·~c-;;o~nn~o~r~fo~r~h;Tis;;'--;a;;;s~si~st~a~n~ce~i~n'-cth~e~pr~e~p~ar~a;t;to~n~o;f .:,t~h;e _ _::::;D~e~p~a;,~t1;,.i1e~1~1t'..'., ~w~r~it~te:,::_:1 communieation •vith C Furst of figures for this paper. GeoSyntec. - REFERENCES Giraud, J.P., and Morel, N., (1992) "Analysis of Geor:ie1r.brane Wrinkles", Geotextiles and 218 · 1998 Sixth International Conference on Geosynthetics Zomberg, J.G., and Giroud, J.P., (1997) "Uplift of Geomembranes by Wind -Extension of Equations", Geosynthetics International, Industrial Fabrics Association International, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 187-207. ~----------------------- 22 J 434 80 20 -- 0 l..cgend • HOPE alone + (.icotextilc front O Oeolextile behind Designing with Geomembranes ,6 Geotextile both sides 0.5 ·1.0 1.5 2.0 H DPE thickness (mm) Figure S. 7 Fc111ing pendulum impact tcs( results on varying thicknesses of IIDPE geomcmhranes and cl.ifferent combinations of geomembranes with 400 gfm2 non- wovcn needle-punched gcotcxtiles. ([ 131) Chap. 5 2.5 ethylene geomembranes and cai. be done in cold temperatures; see ASTM D746 i this regard. For the testing o( geocomposite systems a larger floor-mounted pendulu device can be used. ASTM D3998 describes such a device; the data from such a te produce the curves shown in Figure 5.7. Here varying thicknesses of HDPE are eval ated with an approximate linear response as t11e resul t. When using a 400 g/m2 nonw ven needle-punched geotextile on the front or back of the geomembrane, an improv menl in impact resistance is noted. Furthermore, a geotextile on both sides of t gcomembrane improves the impact resistance even further. 111e response curves c be used to determine the economic efficiency of a thicker geomembrane versus geosynthetic composite. Puncture Resistance. Geomembranes placed on, or backfilled with, soil co taining stones, sticks, or other debris are vulnerable to puncture during and after Joa are placed on them. Such puncture is an important consideration because it occurs tcr the geomembrane is covered and cannot be detected until a leak from the co plcted system becomes obvious. Repair costs at that time are often enormous. The closest ASTM test modeling this situation is D5494, the pyramid punctu test. Alternatively D4833 can be used, since it is the test method used by manufacture for quality control purposes. Here a geomembrane is clamped over an empty mold 45-mm diameter. The assembly is placed in a compressjon testing machine fitted wit 8 mm diameter rod with a Hat, but edge-beveled, bottom. The rod is pressed into t gcomembrane until it punches through. 'The recommended load rate is 300 mm/m The value reported as puncture resistance is the maximum load registered on the t F M G l o b a l P r o p e r t y L o s s P r e v e n t i o n D a t a S h e e t s H A I L D A M A G E T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s 1 - 3 4 O c t o b e r 1 9 8 5 R e v i s e d M a y 2 0 0 1 P a g e 1 o f 5 P a g e 1 . 0 S C O P E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 . 1 C h a n g e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 . 0 L O S S P R E V E N T I O N R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 . 1 I n t r o d u c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 . 2 C o n s t r u c l i o n a n d L o c a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 . 0 S U P P O R T F O R R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 . 1 L o s s H i s t o r y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 . 0 R E F E R E N C E S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 . 1 F M G l o b a l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 A P P E N D I X A G L O S S A R Y O F T E R M S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 A P P E N D I X B D O C U M E N T R E V I S I O N H I S T O R Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 L i s t o f F i g u r e s F i g . 1 . S i z e c o m p a r i s o n o f l a r g e h a i l s t o n e t o g o l f b a l l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 F i g . 2 . S i z e c o m p a r i s o n o f l a r g e h a i l s t o n e t o t e n n i s b a l l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 F i g . 3 . H a i l s t o r m h a z a r d m a p ( a r e a s b e t w e e n d a s h e d l i n e s s u b j e c t t o d a m a g i n g h a i l s t o r m s ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 L i s t o f T a b l e s T a b l e 1 . I m p a c t e n e r g y o f h a i l s t o n e s ( F o r d e s i g n p u r p o s e s ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 © 1 9 9 9 F a c t o r y M u t u a l I n s u r a n c e C o m p a n y . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . N o p a r t o f t h i s d o c u m e n t m a y b e r e p r o d u c e d , s t o r e d i n a r e t r i e v a l s y s t e m , o r t r a n s m l l l e d , i n w h o l e o r I n p a r t , I n a n y f o r m o r b y a n y m e a n s , e l e c t r o n i c , m e c h a n i c a l , p h o t o c o p y i n g , 1 e c o r d i n g , o r o l h e r w i s e , w i t h o u t w r i t t e n p e r m i s s i o n o f F a c t o r y M u t u a l I n s u r a n c e C o m p a n y . 1 - 3 4 H a i l D a m a g e P a g e 2 F M G l o b a l P r o p e r t y L o s s P r e v e n t i o n D a t a S h e e t s 1 . 0 S C O P E T h i s d a t a s h e e t p r o v i d e s l o s s p r e v e n t i o n g u i d e l i n e s t o a i d i n m i n i m i z i n g t h e p o t e n t i a l f o r h a i l d a m a g e t o r o o f s a n d r o o f m o u n t e d e q u i p m e n t , a s w e l l a s o u t d o o r e q u i p m e n t . I t i s i n t e n d e d t o b e u t i l i z e d i n r e g i o n s w h e r e a h i g h e r p r o b a b i l i t y e x i s t s f o r r e l a t i v e l y l a r g e h a i l s t o n e s . 1 . 1 C h a n g e s M a y 2 0 0 1 . H a i l s t o r m h a z a r d m a p w a s i m p r o v e d a n d i s n o w l o c a t e d a t t h e e n d o f t h e d a t a s h e e t . 2 . 0 L O S S P R E V E N T I O N R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S 2 . 1 i n t r o d u c t i o n T h e f o l l o w i n g r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s a r e a p p l i c a b l e w i t h i n t h e g e o g r a p h i c a l h a i l s t o r m h a z a r d a r e a s h o w n i n F i g u r e 3 . W h i l e h a i l s t o r m s a r e w i d e s p r e a d , s t o n e s l a r g e e n o u g h ( F i g s . 1 a n d 2 ) t o c a u s e d a m a g e f a l l w i t h i n t h e h a i l s t o r m m a p h a z a r d b o u n d a r i e s . F i g . 1 . S i z e c o m p a r i s o n o f l a r g e h a i l s t o n e l o g o l f b a l l . F i g . 2 . S i z e c o m p a r i s o n o f l a r g e h E 1 i l s t o n e t o t e n n i s b a l l . 2 . 2 C o n s t r u c t i o n a n d L o c a t i o n 2 . 2 . 1 F o r b u i l t - u p r o o f c o v e r i n g s h a l l d a m a g e c a n b e g r e a t l y r e d u c e d b y p r o v i d i n g s l a g o r g r a v e l s u r f a c i n g a d h e r e d w i t h a f l o o d c o a t o f h o t a s p h a l t . ( T h i s r e c o m m e n d a t i o n i s n o t i n t e n d e d t o e x c l u d e t h i s s u r f a c i n g o u t - s i d e o f t h e h a i l s t o r m h a z a r d a r e a - i t m a y b e d e s i r e d f o r b e t t e r w e a r i n g o r f i r e r e s i s t a n c e . ) W h e n a s m o o t h s u r f a c e r o o f i s a b s o l u t e l y n e c e s s a r y , e x p e r i e n c e h a s s h o w n t h a t 3 t o 4 p l i e s o f g l a s s f i b e r f e l t s b o n d e d t o e a c h o t h e r w i t h a f u l l m o p o f a s p h a l t p r o v i d e t h e b e s t h a i l r e s i s t a n c e ( a l t h o u g h n o t a s g o o d a s a n y b u i l t - u p r o o f w i t h s l a g o r g r a v e l s u r f a c i n g ) . 2 . 2 . 2 M o s t l a r g e r h a i l s t o n e s c a n b r e a k b l i s t e r s o n a n e x i s t i n g b u i l t - u p r o o f c o v e r i n g , w h e t h e r i t h a s a s l a g o r g r a v e l s u r f a c i n g . B r e a k i n g o f a b l i s t e r l s a n a c t u a l r u p t u r e t h a t d e s t r o y s t h e w a t e r t i g h t n e s s o f t h e r o o f . B l i s t e r s s h o u l d b e c u t , p a t c h e d a n d r e s u r f a c e d a s n e c e s s a r y ( D a t a S h e e t 1 - 2 8 R / 1 - 2 9 R ) , R o o f S y s t e m s . 2 . 2 . 3 F o r s i n g l e - p l y r o o f c o v e r i n g s F a c t o r y M u t u a l R e s e a r c h A p p r o v e d c o v e r i n g s h a v e b e e n t e s t e d f o r h a i l i m p a c t i n t h e l a b o r a t o r y . T h e I n s u l a t i o n u s e d u n d e r t h e a p p r o v e d s i n g l e - p l y c o v e r i n g s h o u l d b e a p p r o v e d w i t h t h a t p a r t i c u l a r m e m b r a n e . © 1 9 9 9 F a c t o r y M u t u a l I n s u r a n c e C o m p a n y . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . H a i l D a m a g e 1 - 3 4 F M G l o b a l P r o p e r t y L o s s P r e v e n t i o n D a t a S h e e t s P a g e 3 2 . 2 . 4 R o o f m o u n t e d e q u i p m e n t ( s h e e t m e t a l d u c t w o r k , h o u s i n g s , f i n s , e t c . ) s h o u l d b e d e s i g n e d t o r e s i s t l a r g e h a i l s t o n e s . F o r d e s i g n p u r p o s e s , t h e k i n e t i c ( i m p a c t ) e n e r g y o f h a i l s t o n e s u p t o 3 i n ( 7 6 m m ) d i a m - e t e r a r e g i v e n I n T a b l e 1 . 2 . 2 . 5 W h e n o u t d o o r e q u i p m e n t h a s n o t b e e n d e s i g n e d t o r e s i s t h a i l i m p a c t p e r T a b l e 1 , o r d o e s n o t h a v e s u f f i c i e n t i n h e r e n t s t r e n g t h t o r e s i s t s e v e r e h a i l s t o r m s , h a i l s c r e e n s o r g u a r d s m a y b e p l a c e d o v e r t h e e q u i p - m e n t . T h i s i s p a r t i c u l a r l y a p p l i c a b l e t o s k y l i g h t s . T h e p r o t e c t o r m a y b e d e f l e c t e d b y i m p a c t ; h o w e v e r , t h e e n e r g y o f t h e s t o n e s w i l l b e c o n s i d e r a b l y d i s s i p a t e d ( s e e R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s ) . C e r t a i n e q u i p m e n t m a y p e r m i t a t t a c h m e n t ( w i t h o u t d a m a g e ) o f t h e s c r e e n o r g u a r d d i r e c t l y t o i t . T h i s m e t h o d i s p r e f e r r e d , a s t h e i m p a c t i s t r a n s m i t t e d d i r e c t l y i n t o t h e e q u i p m e n t b a s e , a n d n o l e g s t h a t b r i n g t h e f o r c e o n t o t h e c o v e r i n g a r e n e c e s s a r y . C a r e i s n e e d e d , h o w e v e r , i n u s i n g t h i s m e t h o d , b e c a u s e a s t r o n g b u i l t - i n f l a n g e o r b a s e m u s t b e p r e s e n t o n t h e e q u i p m e n t f o r a t t a c h m e n t a n d i m p a c t t r a n s f e r . B o l t i n g o r w e l d i n g t o a i r c o n d i t i o n i n g f i n s , o r t o a n y t h i n m e t a l t h a t c o n t a i n s l i q u i d s o r g a s e s I s n o t r e c o m m e n d e d . W h e n i t i s n o t p r a c t i c a l t o a t t a c h d i r e c t l y t o t h e e q u i p m e n t , a t a b l e - l i k e s u p p o r t f o r t h e p r o t e c t i n g d e v i c e p r o b a b l y w i l l b e n e e d e d . 2 . 2 . 6 R e f e r t o D a t a S h e e t 1 - 2 9 , A b o v e - D e c k R o o f C o m p o n e n t s , f o r r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s o n h a i l r e s i s t a n c e o f a l l r o o f c o v e r s . 2 . 2 . 7 F o r P e r i m e t e r f l a s h i n g s y s t e m s , t h e y s h o u l d b e A p p r o v e d o r s h o u l d c o m p l y w i t h D a t a S h e e t 1 - 4 9 , P e r i m e t e r F l a s h i n g . C a n t s t r i p s p l a c e d a t t h e j u n c t i o n b e t w e e n t h e r o o f a n d p a r a p e t s h o u l d b e o f w o o d t o p r e - v e n t r u p t u r e , b y h a i l s t o n e s , o f t h e b a s e f l a s h i n g . 2 . 2 . 8 N e w o u t d o o r e q u i p m e n t s u c h a s d u c t w o r k , l i g h t w e i g h t s h e e t m e t a l h o u s i n g s , a i r c o n d i t i o n i n g f i n s , h e a t - e r s , v e n t i l a t o r s , d u s t c o l l e c t o r s , s k y l i g h t s , e t c . s h o u l d b e d e s i g n e d t o r e s i s t , w i t h o u t p e r m a n e n t d e f o r m a t i o n , t h e I m p a c t e n e r g y o f a 2 I n ( 5 1 m m ) d i a m e t e r h a i l s t o n e ( s e e T a b l e 1 ) . D u e t o u n f a v o r a b l e l o s s e x p e r i - e n c e , s k y l i g h t s d e s e r v e s p e c i a l a t t e n t i o n . 2 . 2 . 9 A s a n a l t e r n a t e t o d e s i g n i n g f o r h a i l s t o n e i m p a c t , e q u i p m e n t m a y b e p r o t e c t e d b y s t e e l w i r e m e s h s u p p o r t e d o n a s t e e l f r a m e w o r k a n d p l a c e d o v e r t h e e q u i p m e n t . M e s h s i z e s h o u l d b e 1 . 0 i n ( 2 5 m m ) m a x i - m u m . W i r e s i z e s h o u l d b e N o . 1 1 g a u g e ( . 1 2 0 5 i n ) ( 3 . 0 6 m m ) . W i r e s i z e s h o u l d b e i n c r e a s e d i f t h e s h o r t e s t s p a n e x c e e d s 6 f t ( 1 . 8 3 m ) . S o l i d o r p e r f o r a t e d s t e e l p l a t e a l s o m a y b e c o n s i d e r e d . T a b l e 1 . I m p a c t e n e r g y o f h a i l s t o n e s ( F o r d e s i g n p u r p o s e s ) S t o n e D i a m e t e r T e r m i n a l V e l o c i t y I m p a c t E n e r g y i n . m m f t / s e c m l s e c f t l b s J o u l e s 1 2 5 7 3 2 2 . 3 1 1 . 3 0 1 . 5 3 8 9 0 2 7 . 4 8 1 0 . 9 2 5 1 1 0 5 3 2 . 0 2 2 2 9 . 8 2 . 5 6 4 1 1 7 3 5 . 7 5 3 7 1 . 9 3 7 6 1 3 0 3 9 . 6 1 2 0 1 6 3 R e f e r e n c e : H a i l R e s i s t a n c e o f R o o f i n g P r O { i u c l s B u i l d i n g S c i e n c e S e r i e s 2 3 3 . 0 S U P P O R T F O R R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S 3 . 1 L o s s H i s t o r y H a i l d a m a g e t o r o o f c o v e r i n g s , f l a s h i n g s , s k y l i g h t s , a i r c o n d i t i o n i n g u n i t s , d u c t w o r k , s h e e t m e t a l e n c l o · s u r e s , e t c . I s s i g n i f i c a n t . D u r i n g t h e t e n - y e a r p e r i o d 1 9 7 5 t h r o u g h 1 9 8 4 , t h e r e w e r e 7 8 5 F M G l o b a l l o s s e s . 4 . 0 R E F E R E N C E S 4 . 1 F M G l o b a l D a t a S h e e t 1 - 2 8 R / 1 - 2 9 R , R o o f S y s t e m s . D a t a S h e e t 1 - 2 8 , W i n d L o a d s t o R o o f S y s t e m s a n d R o o f D e c k S e c u r e m e n t . D a t a S h e e t 1 - 2 9 , A b o v e - D e c k R o o f C o m p o n e n t s . D a t a S h e e t 1 - 4 9 , P e r i m e t e r F l a s h i n g . © 1 9 9 9 F a c t o r y M u t u a l I n s u r a n c e C o m p a n y . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . 1 - 3 4 H a i l D a m a g e P a g e 4 F M G l o b a l P r o p e r t y L o s s P r e v e n t l o n D a t a S h e e t s A P P E N D I X A G L O S S A R Y O F T E R M S T h i s d o c u m e n t d o e s n o t h a v e a n y d e f i n e d t e r m s . A P P E N D I X B D O C U M E N T R E V I S I O N H I S T O R Y J a n u a r y 2 0 0 0 . T h i s r e v i s i o n o f t h e d o c u m e n t h a s b e e n r e o r g a n i z e d t o p r o v i d e a c o n s i s t e n t f o r m a t . F M E n g r . C o m m . A u g u s t 1 9 8 5 © 1 9 9 9 F a c t o r y M u t u a l I n s u r a n c e C o m p a n y . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . This page intentionally left blank. City of Winston-Salem | Final Permit Modification Application – Alternate Final Cover System Pilot Project Appendix C – NC Land Quality Section Correspondence C Appendix C – NC Land Quality Section Correspondence City of Winston-Salem | Final Permit Modification Application – Alternate Final Cover System Pilot Project Appendix C – NC Land Quality Section Correspondence This page intentionally left blank. hdrinc.com 440 S Church Street, Suite 1000, Charlotte, NC 28202-2075 704.338.6700 June 27, 2017 Mr. Matthew Gantt Regional Environmental Engineer Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources NCDEQ Regional Office 450 Hanes Mill Road Suite 300 Winston-Salem, NC 27105 Re: Request for Approval of Modification of Sediment Basin No. 1 Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project Hanes Mill Road Landfill Expansion Winston–Salem, North Carolina FORSY-2002-020 Dear Mr. Gantt, On the behalf of the City of Winston-Salem (City), HDR Engineering Inc., of the Carolinas (HDR) is currently preparing a permit modification application for an alternative final cover pilot project (project) for submittal to the NCDEQ Division of Waste Management (DWM). The project consists of the installation of approximately 9 acres of alternative final cover on the southern side of the Hanes Mill Road Landfill Expansion in areas that have reached approximate final waste elevation. The project will require modification of existing Sediment Basin No. 1 at the site due to increased stormwater flows. HDR is requesting NCDEQ Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources approval of these modifications. The facility currently operates under existing erosion and sedimentation control Permit No. FORSY-2002-020. Two different types of alternative final cover will be evaluated. Approximately one half of the pilot project area will be covered with an exposed geomembrane cover (EGC) consisting of 60-mil thick green high density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembrane. The remainder of the pilot project area will be covered with a 50-mil thick structured linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) geomembrane with a synthetic turf component placed on top of the geomembrane. Both of these options will essentially result in 100 percent runoff from the pilot study area and therefore increased stormwater flows to existing Sediment Basin No. 1. Sheet 00G-03 of the attached draft Permit Modification Drawings in Attachment A shows the general location of the proposed pilot project area while Sheet 00G-01 shows the approximate existing conditions within the pilot project area. Matthew Gantt | NCDEQ Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Hanes Mill Road Landfill Expansion Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project 2 HDR submitted a draft permit application for the pilot project to the DWM in September 2016 for preliminary approval. In the response letter, the DWM approved the conceptual plans and details described within the draft permit application and required the submittal of a final permit modification application for the pilot project. One of the requirements of the final permit modification application, as stated in the DWM letter, is approval from the NC Land Quality Section of proposed modifications to Sediment Basin No. 1 to accommodate the increased stormwater flows from the pilot project area. Attachment B contains stormwater routing calculations for Sediment Basin No. 1 under currently permitted conditions and after construction of the pilot project with the addition of approximately 9 acres of impervious area. The calculations show that under current conditions consisting of stabilized intermediate cover soils over an approximate 35 acre drainage area, the peak 25-year 24-hour storm flow into the basin is 93.6 cfs and the peak discharge from the existing discharge structure is 38.6 cfs. A separate calculation shows that upon construction of 9 acres of impervious area associated with the pilot project area, the peak flow into the basin is increased to 134.9 cfs and the peak discharge increases to 41.9 cfs. HDR iteratively adjusted the size of Sediment Basin No. 1 to determine the increased bottom area of the basin at Elevation 800 that would be required to provide enough additional storage capacity to reduce the peak discharge after pilot project construction to 38.6 cfs to match the currently permitted conditions. The last routing calculation in Attachment B shows that the basin bottom area must be increased by at least 12,000 square feet to provide the required peak flow attenuation. The Grading and Drainage Plan shown on Sheet 00C-02 of Attachment A shows the proposed modification of Sediment Basin No. 1 in order to provide the additional storage capacity. The modification consists of adjusting the location of the south berm further south without impacting the 100-foot property line buffer and reconstructing the inboard slopes to 2H:1V from 3H:1V. These modifications will increase the base area of the basin at Elevation 800 by approximately 12,900 square feet which exceeds the required 12,000 square feet required based on the calculations within Attachment B. Please note that these adjustments will not require modification of the existing discharge structure at the basin and that the disturbed area outboard of the basin will be surrounded by silt fence. Matthew Gantt I NCDEQ Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Hanes Mill Road Landfill Expansion Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project 1-)~ Please review the attached information and let us know if it is sufficient for you to provide the approval for the proposed modification to Sediment Basin No. 1 as requested by the DWM. We would appreciate a response before the end of June prior to the submittal of our permit modification application to the DWM. Should you have any questions regarding this request. please do not hesitate to contact me at (919) 232-6618. Sincerely, HDR Engineering. Inc. of the Carolinas Thomas M. Yanoschak Project Engineer Attachments: A -Draft Permit Modification Drawings B -Sediment Basin No. 1 Routing Calculations cc: Jan McHargue, PE -City/County Utilities Ed Gibson, PE -City of Winston-Salem Joe Readling, PE -HDR Mike Plummer, PE -HDR 3 This page intentionally left blank. Matthew Gantt | NCDEQ Division of Energy, Mineral and Land ResourcesHanes Mill Road Landfill Expansion Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project A Attachment A – Draft Permit Modification Drawings 00G-03 Overall Site Plan 00C-01 Existing Conditions 00C-02 Grading and Drainage Plan Matthew Gantt | NCDEQ Division of Energy, Mineral and Land ResourcesHanes Mill Road Landfill Expansion Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project This page intentionally left blank to facilitate double-sided printing. OVERALL SITE PLAN 00G-03 HA N E S M I L L R O A D L A N D F I L L AL T E R N A T I V E F I N A L C O V E R S Y S T E M PILOT PROJECT 1 ABC 23 4 5 6 7 8 D IS S U E DE S C R I P T I O N PR O J E C T M A N A G E R PR O J E C T N U M B E R 0 1"2"FILENAME SCALESHEET DA T E HD R E n g i n e e r i n g , I n c . o f t h e C a r o l i n a s 44 0 S C h u r c h S t r e e t , S u i t e s 9 0 0 & 1 0 0 0 Ch a r l o t t e , N C 2 8 2 0 2 - 2 0 7 5 70 4 . 3 3 8 . 6 7 0 0 N. C . B . E . L . S . L i c e n s e N u m b e r : F - 0 1 1 6 DR A F T NO T F O R CO N S T R U C T I O N EXISTING CONDITIONS 00C-01 HA N E S M I L L R O A D L A N D F I L L AL T E R N A T I V E F I N A L C O V E R S Y S T E M PILOT PROJECT 1 ABC 23 4 5 6 7 8 D IS S U E DE S C R I P T I O N PR O J E C T M A N A G E R PR O J E C T N U M B E R 0 1"2"FILENAME SCALESHEET DA T E HD R E n g i n e e r i n g , I n c . o f t h e C a r o l i n a s 44 0 S C h u r c h S t r e e t , S u i t e s 9 0 0 & 1 0 0 0 Ch a r l o t t e , N C 2 8 2 0 2 - 2 0 7 5 70 4 . 3 3 8 . 6 7 0 0 N. C . B . E . L . S . L i c e n s e N u m b e r : F - 0 1 1 6 DR A F T NO T F O R CO N S T R U C T I O N SE D I M E N T B A S I N NO . 1 2 ill l I E ; . 1 PE R I M E T E R CH A N N E L IS CR A S S LIN E D IN VIC I N I T Y OF PIL O T AR E A . EX C E P T NE A R EX I S T I N G DR O P IN L E T S WH E R E RIP R A P EX I S T S . EX I S T I N G PE R I M E T E R CH A N N E L NO T TD SC A L E LIM I T S OF DIS T U R B A N C E CO R R E S P O N D S TO 10 0 ' PR O P E R T Y LI N E BU F F E R EX C E P T WH E R E N SH O W N ON PL A N 12 . 0 · ~ E- E S T A B L I S H BO T T O M OF BA S I N AT EL 80 0 SIL T FE N C E WI E S . ; 1. SE E D AN D PL A C E ER O S I O N CO N T R O L BL A N K E T ON AL L DIS T U R B E D SU R F A C E S EX C E P T BA S I N BO T T O M . SE E SP E C I F I C A T I O N S . 2. IN C R E A S E OU T B O A R D BE R M SL O P E TO 2: 1 AT SO U T H E A S T CO R N E R AS SH O W N ON PL A N . PR O P O S E D SE D I M E N T BA S I N SO U T H BE R M RE G R A D E NO T TO SC A L E H D R ~ - - ho . o f l l e c . r . a . . N . C B . E L . 8 . U C . . . N - - 1 8 44 0 6 °'" " " ' Sll ' l o t , Qi . . . 11C O & 10 0 0 -. N C 2 1 2 Q N 0 1 6 10 4 . s : l e . f f l l O A 06 / 2 0 1 7 III I M J ! OA T I ! PR O J l ! C T IW W l ! R M D PL U M M E R , P .E . .. PR O J E C T EN G I N E E R T. YA N O S C H A K , P.E . ST R U C T U R A L PL U M B I N G EL E C T R I C A L IS S U E FO R RE V I E W DR A W N BY L. CH A V E Z DI I I C R l ' T I O I N PR O J l ! C T NU m l l ! R 10 0 2 5 4 2 7 DR A F T NO T FO R CO N S T R U C T I O N Wi n ston -Salem • Forsyt h County /County Utilities tJitOr • SoWOt' • Solid WMtO Oi.$po$0 1 HA N E S MILL ROAD LANDFILL AL T E R N A T I V E FINAL COVER SYSTEM PILOT PROJECT 7 8 PROPERTY LINE OVERHEAD POWER LINE 100 °1£AR FLOOD PLAIN LIMITS OF LINED LANDFILL EXPANSION BUILDINGS TREES RAILROAD FENCE CELL CONSTRUCTION LIMITS PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS EASEMENT SEWER EASEMENT WATERLINE EASEMENT -tN-1t1¥-1tlY-'-N-~-RIGHT OF WAY ---,.-... --.. •--«<>--847.58 848.82 NOTES: CONTROL POINT METHANE MONITORING WELL PILOT PROJECT LIMITS SILT FENCE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE PROPOSED COVER TERRACE INVERT ALIGNMENT AND CONTROL (SEE NOTES 1 AND 2) DOWNDRAIN TRENCH TEMPORARY 24 • DIA CPP SLOPE DRAIN 1. PROPOSED COVER TERRACE INVERT ALIGNMENT ELEVATIONS REPRESENT TOP OF 1 8" COMPACTED SOIL. 2. ALIGNMENT or PROPOSED COVER INVERT MAY BE ADJUSTED IN FIELD TD ACCOMMADATE EXISTING CONDITIONS PROVIDED AN INVERT SLOPE OF APPROXIMATELY 2% IS MAINTAINED AND DRAINAGE DIRECTIONS ARE MAINTAINED. 3. PROTECT EXISTING METHANE MONITORING WELL FROM DAMAGE. 4 USE TEMPORARY 24 • OIA CPP DOWNORAINS TO DIVERT . STORMWATER FROM UNLINED PORTIONS OF COVER TERRACES FROM FLOWING ONTO PILOT AREA. SINGLE WALL CPP MAY BE USED. SECURE IN PLACE WITH SOIL OR POSTS. DIRECT DISCHARGE TD STORMWATER DIVERSION rt.AP. !;,. INCREASE OUTSIDE CREST OF PERIMETER CHANNEL TO EL 81 7.0 IN VICINITY OF SEDIMENT BASIN NO. 1. GRADING AND DRAINAGE PIAN o 1• 2' Fll.ENAIIIE I OOC-02.dwg ~p--j§~-~~~~ ICALE 1"' = 100° I llHEEI' OOC-02 D c B A Th i s p a g e i n t e n t i o n a l l y l e f t b l a n k . Matthew Gantt | NCDEQ Division of Energy, Mineral and Land ResourcesHanes Mill Road Landfill Expansion Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project B Attachment B – Sediment Basin No. 1 Routing Calculations Matthew Gantt | NCDEQ Division of Energy, Mineral and Land ResourcesHanes Mill Road Landfill Expansion Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project This page intentionally left blank to facilitate double-sided printing. HDR Computation HDR Computation HDR Computation HDR Computation Th i s p a g e i n t e n t i o n a l l y l e f t b l a n k . Th i s p a g e i n t e n t i o n a l l y l e f t b l a n k . HDR Computation HDR Computation Th i s p a g e i n t e n t i o n a l l y l e f t b l a n k . Ne - - - - -PER�ANErH R.O.W 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAlfJ 840--PROPOSEDTOP OFOPERATIOt<ALCOVER cm<TOURS EXISTlfJG COrHOURS SILT FENCE corJSTRUCTlmJ BASELlrJE 8 Table 8.03b Value of Runoff Coefficient (C) for Rational Formula Land Use C Land Use C Business: Downtown areas Neighborhood areas Residential: Single-family areas Multi units, detached Multi units, Attached Suburban Industrial: Light areas Heavy areas Parks, cemeteries Playgrounds Railroad yard areas Unimproved areas Streets: Asphalt Concrete Brick Drives and walks Roofs 0.70-0.95 0.50-0.70 0.30-0.50 0.40-0.60 0.60-0.75 0.25-0.40 0.50-0.80 0.60-0.90 0.10-0.25 0.20-0.35 0.20-0.40 0.10-0.30 0.70-0.95 0.80-0.95 0.70-0.85 0.75-0.85 0.75-0.85 Lawns: Sandy soil, flat, 2% Sandy soil, ave., 2-7% Sandy soil, steep, 7% Heavy soil, flat, 2% Heavy soil, ave., 2-7% Heavy soil, steep, 7% Agricultural land: Bare packed soil Smooth Rough Cultivated rows Heavy soil no crop Heavy soil with crop Sandy soil no crop Sandy soil with crop Pasture Heavy soil Sandy soil Woodlands 0.05-0.10 0.10-0.15 0.15-0.20 0.13-0.17 0.18-0.22 0.25-0.35 0.30-0.60 0.20-0.50 0.30-0.60 0.20-0.50 0.20-0.40 0.10-0.25 0.15-0.45 0.05-0.25 0.05-0.25 0.10-0.25 0.15-0.45 0.05-0.25 0.05-0.25 NOTE: The designer must use judgement to select the appropriate C value within the range for the appropriate land use. Generally, larger areas with permeable soils, flat slopes, and dense vegetation should have lowest C values. Smaller areas with slowly permeable soils, steep slopes, and sparse vegetation should be assigned highest C values. Source: American Society of Civil Engineers 8.03.6 Rev. 6/06 Th i s p a g e i n t e n t i o n a l l y l e f t b l a n k . City of Winston-Salem | Final Permit Modification Application – Alternate Final Cover System Pilot Project Appendix D – Technical Specifications D Appendix D – Technical Specifications City of Winston-Salem | Final Permit Modification Application – Alternate Final Cover System Pilot Project Appendix D – Technical Specifications This page intentionally left blank. City of Winston-Salem WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project Construction Documents Project Manual June 2017 HDR Project No. 10025427 DRAFT This page intentionally left blank. 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review Table of Contents - 1 Table of Contents DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01 35 29 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS 01 45 00 QUALITY CONTROL 01 45 29 TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES DIVISION 31 - EARTHWORK 31 10 00 SITE CLEARING 31 23 00 EARTHWORK 31 23 33 TRENCHING, BACKFILLING, AND COMPACTING 31 25 00 SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL 31 25 14 EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS 31 32 19 GEOTEXTILES 31 37 00 STONE REVETMENT (RIP RAP) 31 38 10 SOIL LINER SYSTEM 31 51 00 SOIL ANCHORS DIVISION 32 - EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS 32 92 13 SEEDING DIVISION 33 - UTILITIES 33 47 14 HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) MEMBRANE LINER 33 47 17 LINEAR LOW DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (LLDPE) STRUCTURED GEOMEMBRANE 33 47 18 ENGINEERED TURF This page intentionally left blank. 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS 01 35 29 - 1 SECTION 01 35 29 1 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS 2 PART 1 - GENERAL 3 1.1 BACKGROUND 4 A. A site safety program shall be developed by the Contractor. The program will address: 5 1.Personal safety requirements.6 7 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS 8 A. Section 01 33 00 – Submittals. 9 B. Section 31 23 00 – Earthwork. 10 B. Section 31 23 33 – Trenching, Backfilling, and Compacting for Utilities. 11 1.3 DEFINITIONS 12 A. Health and Safety Inspector (provided by Contractor): On-site environmental safety inspector 13 responsible for development and implementation of Contractor's site Health and Safety Plan, 14 monitoring of site conditions and supervision of site personnel on health and safety issues. 15 Health and Safety Inspector shall be appropriately certified. 16 1.4 ON-SITE HEALTH AND SAFETY 17 A. General: A Health and Safety Plan developed by the Contractor shall be used as basis for safety 18 precautions to be undertaken during construction of those project work elements that involve 19 potential exposure to toxic/hazardous landfill gas. The Health and Safety Inspector (HSI) will 20 instruct all site personnel on the level of protection required. Protective clothing, respirators and 21 other equipment may be required depending upon the potential exposure of workers to landfill 22 gases. Upon start-up of Work, the Contractor shall have available, on-site, the items outlined in 23 Paragraph 2.1 for use by all construction and on-site personnel if required. 24 B. All on-site personnel shall attend any required health and safety training provided by the HSI 25 prior to initiation of work at the site. 26 1.5 MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS 27 A. The Contractor shall have on staff, as a permanent employee, a qualified Health and Safety 28 Inspector or shall subcontract with a qualified firm for such services. At a minimum, the Health 29 and Safety Inspector (HSI) must have five (5) years of experience related to on-site monitoring 30 and supervision of health and safety programs for construction related activities. The experience 31 must include monitoring of atmospheric conditions for toxic gas, combustible gas, and oxygen 32 deficiency. The Contractor shall provide written Certification to the Owner that his selected HSI 33 meets this minimum qualification requirement. The Owner reserves the right to reject the HSI if 34 the evidence submitted by, or investigation of, the HSI fails to satisfy the Owner that such HSI is 35 properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the contract. 36 B. Contractor or his approved Health and Safety subcontractor shall provide all required equipment 37 and services necessary for site monitoring and analysis in accordance with these Contract 38 Documents. 39 40 1.6 SUBMITTALS 41 A. Submit Health and Safety Plan to the Engineer prior to initiating any construction activity. 42 B. Submit certification of Health and Safety Plan inspector or subcontractor to Engineer. 43 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS 01 35 29 - 2 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 1 2.1 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES 2 A. All equipment, tools, etc. which have been in contact with hazardous materials shall be 3 decontaminated with a water and detergent washdown and thorough rinse with spray equipment 4 prior to leaving the site. 5 B. Equipment and Supplies for Decontamination: The Contractor shall supply all equipment and 6 supplies required for decontamination for the duration of the project. A listing of the required 7 supplies and equipment shall be included in the Contractor's Health and Safety Plan. 8 C. Equipment and Supplies for On-site Personnel: The Contractor shall provide all equipment and 9 supplies for on-site personnel as required in the Contractor's Health and Safety Plan. 10 PART 3 - EXECUTION 11 3.1 COORDINATION AND PROJECT PROCEDURES 12 A. Coordinate Environmental Program requirements specified in this Section with other work or 13 requirements as shown on drawings or specified in other Sections of the Contract Documents. 14 B. Sequence of work and general construction procedures shall be as follows: 15 1. Contractor shall develop project Health and Safety Plan. Plan shall be submitted to Engineer 16 before any further activities are commenced. 17 2. Conduct on-site safety training in accordance with approved Health and Safety Plan. 18 3. Prior to initiating excavation, HSI shall monitor the site for hazardous conditions. 19 4. Based on findings, HSI shall establish protocol for continued monitoring as needed. 20 5. As conditions warrant, the HSI shall be on-site or available as needed to monitor site 21 conditions and to supervise personnel on health and safety issues. 22 END OF SECTION 23 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review QUALITY CONTROL 01 45 00 - 1 SECTION 01 45 00 1 QUALITY CONTROL 2 PART 1 - GENERAL 3 1.1 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED 4 A. General quality control. 5 B. Workmanship. 6 C. Manufacturer's instructions. 7 D. Manufacturer's certificates. 8 E. Manufacturer's field services. 9 1.2 RELATED REQUIREMENTS 10 A. Division 00 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, & Conditions of the Contract. 11 B. Section 01 33 00 - Submittals. 12 C. Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) Plan. 13 1.3 QUALITY CONTROL, GENERAL 14 A. The Contractor will maintain construction quality control (CQC) over suppliers, manufacturers, 15 products, services, site conditions, and workmanship, to produce work of specified quality. 16 B. The Contractor shall conduct 100 percent of the CQC testing and surveying necessary for 17 completion of the Work and incur all costs associated with CQC except as noted herein or within 18 the CQA Plan. 19 1.4 WORKMANSHIP 20 A. Comply with industry standards except when more restrictive tolerances or specified 21 requirements indicate more rigid standards or more precise workmanship. 22 B. Perform work by persons qualified to produce workmanship of specified quality. 23 C. Secure products in place with positive anchorage devices designed and sized to withstand 24 stresses, vibration, and racking. 25 1.5 MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS 26 A. Comply with instructions in full detail, including each step in sequence. Should instructions 27 conflict with Contract Documents, request clarification from Engineer before proceeding. 28 1.6 MANUFACTURER'S CERTIFICATES 29 A. When required by individual Specification Section, submit manufacturer's certificate, in 30 duplicate, that products meet or exceed specified requirements. 31 32 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review QUALITY CONTROL 01 45 00 - 2 1.7 MANUFACTURER'S FIELD SERVICE 1 A. When specified in respective Specification Sections, require manufacturer to provide qualified 2 personnel to observe field conditions, conditions of surfaces and installation, quality of 3 workmanship, start-up of equipment, test, adjust and balance of equipment as applicable, and to 4 make appropriate recommendations. 5 B. Representative shall submit written report to Engineer listing observations and 6 recommendations. 7 PART 2 - PRODUCTS - NOT USED 8 PART 3 - EXECUTION - NOT USED 9 END OF SECTION 10 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES 01 45 29 - 1 SECTION 01 45 29 1 TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES 2 PART 1 - GENERAL 3 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES 4 A. Contractor provided independent testing laboratory services; Contractor responsibilities; 5 laboratory responsibilities; and laboratory limits of authority. 6 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS 7 A. Division 00 – Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract. 8 B. Division 01 – General Requirements. 9 C. Divisions 02 through 46 Sections requiring testing services apply to the work of this Section. 10 1.3 REFERENCES 11 A. American Council of Independent Laboratories, Inc. (ACIL): 12 1. Recommended requirements for independent laboratory qualifications. 13 B. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): 14 1. D3740 - Practice for Evaluation of Agencies Engaged in the Testing and/or Inspection of 15 Soil and Rock as Used in Engineering Design and Construction. 16 2. E329 - Standard Recommended Practice for Inspection and Testing Agencies for Concrete, 17 Steel, and Bituminous Materials as Used in Construction. 18 C. National Bureau of Standards (NBS). 19 1.4 GENERAL 20 A. Required inspection and testing services are to assist in determination of compliance of the 21 Work. Required services do not relieve the Contractor of its responsibility for compliance with 22 requirements of the Contract Documents. 23 B. Required services are not intended to limit the Contractor's own quality control procedures, but 24 to establish the minimum testing level necessary to monitor compliance of construction materials 25 and methods with Contract requirements. 26 C. Contractor shall retain independent testing laboratory to perform inspections, tests, and related 27 actions as required by these Contract Documents. This may be the same party as the CQC 28 Consultant, or a subcontractor to the CQC Consultant. 29 D. Contractor to employ an independent soils laboratory (CQC Consultant), in accordance with 30 North Carolina General Statute 143.64.31 through 146.64.36 (the Minibrooks Act), to conduct 31 the specified test to assure that all work complies with this Specification. 32 1.5 SUBMITTALS 33 A. Submit 3 copies of the following information within 14 calendar days of the Notice to Proceed: 34 1. Independent Testing Laboratory: 35 a. Name, address, and telephone number. 36 b. Name of full-time Registered Engineer(s), if applicable. 37 c. Name of responsible officer(s). 38 d. Copy of facilities inspection report made by Materials Reference Laboratory of NBS 39 during the most recent tour of inspection, with memorandum of remedies of any 40 deficiencies reported by the inspection. 41 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES 01 45 29 - 2 e. Copy of calibration results for testing equipment to be used or certification that testing 1 equipment has been calibrated to NBS. 2 2. Schedule of inspections, tests, and similar services presented in tabular form: 3 a. Reference to Specification Section and unit of work. 4 b. Description of test. 5 c. Identification of applicable standards and test methods. 6 d. Number of test(s) required. 7 e. Time schedule or time span for tests. 8 f. Entity responsible for performing tests. 9 g. Requirements for taking samples. 10 h. Unique characteristics of each service. 11 B. Submit 3 copies of the following information within 14 calendar days of the completion of each 12 service: 13 1. Written report of each inspection, test, or similar service: 14 a. Date issued. 15 b. Independent laboratory name, address, and telephone number. 16 c. Project Name and Project Number. 17 d. Dates, times, and locations of samples and tests or inspections. 18 e. Record of temperature and weather conditions. 19 f. Names and signatures of individuals making the test or inspection. 20 g. Designation of the work or product in relation to Specification Section. 21 h. Complete inspection or test data. 22 i. Type of test or inspection method. 23 j. Results of test and compliance with the Contract Documents. 24 k. Interpretation of test results, 25 l. Recommendations on retesting, if applicable, 26 1.6 QUALIFICATIONS OF INDEPENDENT LABORATORY 27 A. Specializes in required services and complies with ACIL. 28 B. Meets requirements of ASTM D3740 and ASTM E329, if performing such services. 29 C. Authorized to operate in the State of North Carolina with qualified and licensed full-time 30 Registered Engineer, if applicable. 31 D. Testing equipment calibrated at reasonable intervals with devices of an accuracy traceable to 32 either NBS or accepted values of natural physical constants. 33 E. Acceptable to the CQA Manager. CQA Manager will have the right to disapprove of 34 independent laboratory or agency which does not meet the criteria of this Section. 35 1.7 INDEPENDENT LABORATORY RESPONSIBILITIES 36 A. Test samples of materials submitted by Contractor. 37 B. Provide qualified personnel at site after due notice; cooperate with Engineer and Contractor in 38 performance of services. 39 C. Perform specified inspections, sampling, and testing of products in accordance with specified 40 standards. 41 D. Ascertain compliance of materials and mixes with requirements of Contract Documents. 42 E. Notify Engineer and Contractor immediately of observed irregularities or non-conformance of 43 work or products. 44 45 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES 01 45 29 - 3 1.8 LIMITATIONS OF AUTHORITY OF INDEPENDENT LABORATORY 1 A. Independent laboratory is not authorized to: 2 1. Release, revoke, alter, or enlarge on requirements of the Contract Documents. 3 2. Approve or accept any portion of the Work. 4 3. Assume or perform any duties of the Contractor. 5 4. Stop work. 6 1.9 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES 7 A. Inspections, tests, and similar quality control services are the Contractor's responsibility; these 8 services also include those specified to be performed by an independent laboratory and not 9 directly by the Contractor. 10 B. Employ and pay an independent laboratory or other qualified agency to perform quality control 11 services specified. 12 C. Cooperate with the independent laboratory(ies) performing required inspections, tests, and 13 similar services. Notify the independent laboratory no less than 24 hours in advance of 14 operations to permit assignment of personnel and scheduling of tests. 15 D. Provide such auxiliary services as are requested. These auxiliary services include, but are not 16 limited to: 17 1. Providing access to the work. 18 2. Taking samples or assistance with taking samples. 19 3. Delivery of samples to test laboratories. 20 4. Security and protection of samples and test equipment at the Project site. 21 E. Contractor and each independent laboratory shall coordinate the sequence of their activities to 22 minimize delay in progress of the Work. 23 F. Contractor and each independent laboratory shall coordinate their work to avoid removing or 24 replacing work to accommodate inspections and tests. Contractor shall be responsible for 25 scheduling times for inspections, tests, taking of samples, and similar activities. 26 G. Inspections and tests required by codes or ordinances, or by a plan approval authority, and made 27 by a legally constituted authority, shall be the responsibility of and shall be paid for by the 28 Contractor. 29 1.10 RETEST RESPONSIBILITIES AND CONVENIENCE TESTING 30 A. Where results of inspections, tests, or similar services prove unsatisfactory and do not indicate 31 compliance with requirements of the Contract Documents, repeats of the inspections, tests, or 32 similar services shall be conducted following revision or replacement of the affected work. 33 B. Cost of repeat inspections, tests, or similar services shall be the Contractor's responsibility, 34 regardless of responsibility of original inspection, test, or similar service. 35 C. Inspections, tests, or similar services performed exclusively for the Contractor's convenience and 36 the costs of same shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. 37 PART 2 - PRODUCTS - NOT USED 38 PART 3 - EXECUTION - NOT USED 39 END OF SECTION 40 This page intentionally left blank. 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review SITE CLEARING 31 10 00 - 1 SECTION 31 10 00 1 SITE CLEARING 2 PART 1 - GENERAL 3 1.1 SUMMARY 4 A. Section Includes: 5 1. Site clearing, tree protection, stripping topsoil and demolition. 6 B. Related Specification Sections include but are not necessarily limited to: 7 1. Division 00 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract. 8 2. Division 01 - General Requirements. 9 3. Section 31 23 00 - Earthwork. 10 4. Section 31 25 00 - Soil Erosion and Sediment Control. 11 PART 2 - PRODUCTS - (NOT APPLICABLE TO THIS SPECIFICATION SECTION) 12 PART 3 - EXECUTION 13 3.1 PREPARATION 14 A. Protect existing trees and other vegetation to remain against damage. 15 1. Do not smother trees by stockpiling construction materials or excavated materials within 16 drip line. 17 2. Avoid foot or vehicular traffic or parking of vehicles within drip line. 18 3. Provide temporary protection as required. 19 B. Repair or replace trees and vegetation damaged by construction operations. 20 1. Repair to be performed by a qualified tree surgeon/licensed arborist. 21 2. Remove trees which cannot be repaired and restored to full-growth status. 22 3. Replace with new trees of minimum 4 IN caliper or as required by local tree ordinance. 23 C. Owner will obtain authority for removal and alteration work on adjoining property, as 24 applicable. 25 3.2 SITE CLEARING 26 A. Topsoil Removal: 27 1. Strip topsoil to depths encountered or as specified within the soils report, 4” minimum. 28 a. Remove heavy growths of grass before stripping. 29 b. Stop topsoil stripping sufficient distance from such trees to prevent damage to main 30 root system. 31 c. Separate from underlying subsoil or objectionable material. 32 2. Stockpile topsoil where directed by Engineer. 33 a. Construct storage piles to freely drain surface water. 34 b. Seed or cover storage piles to prevent erosion. 35 3. Do not strip topsoil in wooded areas where no change in grade occurs. 36 4. Borrow topsoil: Reasonably free of subsoil, objects over 2 IN DIA, weeds and roots. 37 B. Clearing and Grubbing: 38 1. Clear from within limits of construction all trees not marked to remain. 39 a. Include shrubs, brush, downed timber, rotten wood, heavy growth of grass and weeds, 40 vines, rubbish, structures and debris. 41 2. Grub (remove) from within limits of construction all stumps, roots, root mats, logs and 42 debris encountered. 43 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review SITE CLEARING 31 10 00 - 2 C. Disposal of Waste Materials: 1 1. Do not burn combustible materials on site. 2 2. Remove all waste materials from site. 3 3. Do not bury organic matter on site. 4 END OF SECTION 6 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review EARTHWORK 31 23 00 - 1 SECTION 31 23 00 1 EARTHWORK 2 PART 1 - GENERAL 3 1.1 SUMMARY 4 A. Section Includes: 5 1. Earthwork. 6 B. Related Specification Sections include but are not necessarily limited to: 7 1. Division 00 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract. 8 2. Division 01 - General Requirements. 9 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE 10 A. Referenced Standards: 11 1. ASTM International (ASTM): 12 a. C33, Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates. 13 b. D698, Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using 14 Standard Effort (12,400 ft-lbf/ft3). 15 c. D1557, Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil 16 Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft-lbf/ft3(2,700 kN-m/m)). 17 d. D2487, Standard Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified 18 Soil Classification System). 19 e. D3786, Standard Test Method for Bursting Strength of Textile Fabrics--Diaphragm 20 Bursting Strength Tester Method. 21 f. D4253, Standard Test Methods for Maximum Index Density and Unit Weight of Soils 22 Using a Vibratory Table. 23 g. D4254, Standard Test Methods for Minimum Index Density and Unit Weight of Soils 24 and Calculation of Relative Density. 25 h. D4632, Standard Test Method for Grab Breaking Load and Elongation of Geotextiles. 26 B. Contractor to employ an independent soils laboratory (CQC Consultant), in accordance with 27 North Carolina General Statue 143-64.31 through 146-64.36 (the Minibrooks Act), to conduct 28 the specified test to assure that all work complies with this specification. 29 1.3 SUBMITTALS 30 A. Shop Drawings: 31 1. See Specification Section 01 33 00 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of 32 the submittal process. 33 2. Product technical data including: 34 a. Acknowledgement that products submitted meet requirements of standards referenced. 35 b. Manufacturer's installation instructions. 36 3. Certifications. 37 4. Test reports: 38 a. Soils inspection and testing results. 39 B. Samples: 40 1. Submit samples and source of bedding soil, fill and backfill materials proposed for use. 41 2. Submit samples and source of borrow materials proposed for use. 42 1.4 SOILS/GEOTECHNICAL 43 A. The Owner will provide for the on-site services of a CQA Monitor (Soils Engineer) to 44 selectively test materials and monitor compliance with the requirements of these Specifications. 45 This will be in addition to Construction Quality Control (CQC), provided and paid for by the 46 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review EARTHWORK 31 23 00 - 2 Contractor to be performed by the CQC Consultant in accordance with these Specifications and 1 the CQA Plan. 2 B. The Contractor will afford these representatives access to the job site for the performance of 3 their duties as described in the Contract Documents. 4 C. General Duties and Responsibilities of the Contractor’s CQC Consultant: Under the direction of 5 a qualified registered engineer or geologist: 6 1. Perform stockpile and in-place testing of all soil and rock materials used in the work in 7 conformance with these Specifications and the CQA Plan. 8 2. Inspect subgrades and excavations and evaluate/determine suitability of materials 9 encountered. Determine extent of any overexcavation required to remove unsuitable 10 materials under roadways, structures, or other areas of construction. 11 3. Document placement of fill materials and perform testing to confirm compliance with these 12 Specifications. 13 4. Evaluate the suitability of existing on-site materials for use in construction of embankments 14 and fills within the proposed grading shown on the Contract Drawings. 15 5. Measure quantity of unsuitable materials under contract provisions for authorized 16 overexcavation and backfill. 17 D. General Duties and Responsibilities of Owner’s CQA Monitor: 18 1. Approve materials proposed for incorporation into the work as proposed by the CQC 19 Consultant. 20 2. Review subgrades and excavations and approve suitability of materials encountered as 21 proposed by the CQC Consultant. Approve extent of any overexcavation required to 22 remove unsuitable materials under roadways, structures, or other areas of construction, as 23 proposed by the CQC Consultant. 24 3. Observe placement of fill materials and testing by CQC Consultant for compliance with 25 these specifications. 26 4. Review/approve the suitability of existing on-site materials for use in construction of 27 embankments and fills. 28 5. Review construction operations and monitor for compliance with Contract Documents. 29 6. Review/approve CQC Consultant quantity of unsuitable materials for payment on a unit 30 price basis under contract provisions for authorized overexcavation and backfill. 31 E. Available Subsurface Information: Data provided in these specifications on subsurface soil 32 conditions are not intended as representations or warranties of the continuity of such conditions 33 between borings or indicated sampling locations. It shall be expressly understood that neither 34 the Owner nor the Engineer will be responsible for any interpretation or conclusion drawn 35 therefrom by the Contractor. Data is made available for the convenience of the Contractor. 36 F. Additional or supplementary soil borings or other exploratory operations may be made by the 37 Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. The Contractor shall provide the Owner with a 38 copy of any data obtained/developed during such work. Such additional work shall be 39 performed in a timely manner in accordance with and not impacting or changing the project 40 schedule set forth in the Contract Documents. 41 1.5 TOLERANCES 42 A. Grading shall be to a tolerance of + 0.1 FT unless otherwise noted in the construction documents 43 and then the stricter criteria shall be used. 44 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 45 2.1 MATERIALS 46 A. Fill and Backfill: Selected material approved by Soils Engineer and Owner from site excavation 47 or from site stockpile. 48 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review EARTHWORK 31 23 00 - 3 B. Bedding Soil: Selected material approved by Soils Engineer and Owner from site excavation or 1 from site stockpile meeting the following requirements: 2  Classified as SW, SP, SM, SC, SP-SM, SP-SC, or CL in accordance with ASTM 3 D2487. 4  Free of organics, debris, and stones greater than ½-inch in diameter. 5 C. Structural Fill: Structural fill should conform to the following. 6 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHT 3 IN ¼ IN No. 40 No. 200 100 30-70 5-40 0-10 D. The Contractor shall conduct his own quantity and quality investigations and testing to 7 determine availability and suitability of (on-site) borrow materials, as allowed by the Owner. 8 E. All earth materials proposed for use in the Work shall be adequately characterized prior to the 9 Work by the CQC Consultant. 10 PART 3 - EXECUTION 11 3.1 PROTECTION 12 A. Protect existing surface and subsurface features on-site and adjacent to site as follows: 13 1. Provide barricades, coverings, or other types of protection necessary to prevent damage to 14 existing items indicated to remain in place. 15 2. Protect and maintain bench marks, monuments or other established reference points and 16 property corners. 17 a. If disturbed or destroyed, replace at own expense to full satisfaction of Owner and 18 controlling agency. 19 3. Verify location of utilities. 20 a. Omission or inclusion of utility items does not constitute nonexistence or definite 21 location. 22 b. Secure and examine local utility records for location data. 23 c. Take necessary precautions to protect existing utilities from damage due to any 24 construction activity. 25 d. Repair damages to utility items at own expense. 26 e. In case of damage, notify Engineer at once so required protective measures may be 27 taken. 28 4. Maintain free of damage, existing sidewalks, structures, and pavement, not indicated to be 29 removed. 30 a. Any item known or unknown or not properly located that is inadvertently damaged 31 shall be repaired to original condition. 32 b. All repairs to be made and paid for by Contractor. 33 5. Provide full access to public and private premises, fire hydrants, street crossings, sidewalks 34 and other points as designated by Owner to prevent serious interruption of travel. 35 6. Maintain stockpiles and excavations in such a manner to prevent inconvenience or damage 36 to structures on-site or on adjoining property. 37 7. Avoid surcharge or excavation procedures which can result in heaving, caving, or slides. 38 B. Construct erosion and sediment controls prior to commencing earthwork activities. 39 C. Dispose of waste materials at locations on-site designated by Owner. 40 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review EARTHWORK 31 23 00 - 4 3.2 SITE EXCAVATION AND GRADING 1 A. The work includes all operations in connection with excavation, borrow, construction of fills and 2 embankments, rough grading, and disposal of excess materials in connection with the 3 preparation of the site(s) for construction of the proposed facilities. 4 B. Excavation and Grading: 5 1. Perform as required by the Contract Drawings. 6 2. Contract Drawings may indicate both existing grade and finished grade required for 7 construction of Project. 8 a. Stake all units, structures, piping, roads, parking areas and walks and establish their 9 elevations. 10 b. Perform other layout work required. 11 c. Replace property corner markers to original location if disturbed or destroyed. 12 3. Preparation of ground surface for embankments or fills: 13 a. Before fill is started, scarify to a minimum depth of 6 IN in all proposed embankment 14 and fill areas. 15 b. Where ground surface is steeper than one vertical to four horizontal, plow surface in a 16 manner to bench and break up surface so that fill material will bind with existing 17 surface. 18 4. Protection of finish grade: 19 a. During construction, shape and drain embankment and excavations. 20 b. Maintain ditches and drains to provide drainage at all times. 21 c. Protect graded areas against action of elements prior to acceptance of work. 22 d. Reestablish grade where settlement or erosion occurs. 23 C. Borrow: 24 1. Provide necessary amount of approved fill compacted to density equal to that indicated in 25 this Specification. 26 2. Include cost of all borrow material in original proposal. 27 3. Fill material to be approved by Soils Engineer prior to placement. 28 D. Construct embankments and fills as required by the Contract Drawings: 29 1. Construct embankments and fills at locations and to lines of grade indicated. 30 a. Completed fill shall correspond to shape of typical cross section or contour indicated 31 regardless of method used to show shape, size, and extent of line and grade of 32 completed work. 33 2. Provide approved fill material which is free from roots, organic matter, trash, frozen 34 material, and stones having maximum dimension greater than 6 IN. 35 a. Ensure that stones larger than 4 IN are not placed in upper 6 IN of fill or embankment. 36 b. Do not place material in layers greater than 8 IN loose thickness. 37 c. Place layers horizontally and compact each layer prior to placing additional fill. 38 3. Compact by sheepsfoot, pneumatic rollers, vibrators, or by other equipment as required to 39 obtain specified density. 40 a. Control moisture for each layer necessary to meet requirements of compaction. 41 E. Upon reaching subgrade elevations shown, proofroll subgrade soils and obtain the CQC 42 Consultant’s review/recommendation and CQA Monitor’s approval. If unsuitable materials are 43 encountered at the subgrade elevation, repair as directed by the CQC Consultant and approved 44 by the CQA Monitor to remove unsuitable materials. Excavation of 1 cy or greater should be 45 preapproved by the CQC Consultant and CQA Consultant. 46 F. Proofrolling shall be conducted with a pneumatic-tired vehicle of at least 20 tons Gross Vehicle 47 Weight (GVW), approved by the CQC Consultant and CQA Monitor. Within waste fill areas, 48 proofrolling may be performed by a smooth drum roller. An alternate approved by the CQA 49 Monitor may be used in constricted areas. 50 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review EARTHWORK 31 23 00 - 5 G. Where subgrade materials are determined to be unsuitable, such materials shall be removed to 1 the lengths, widths, and depths directed by the CQC Consultant and approved by the CQA 2 Monitor, and backfilled with suitable material unless further excavation or earthwork is required. 3 No additional payment will be made for such excavation and backfill 6 IN or less than the 4 finished subgrade. Payment for unsuitable material excavation greater than 6 IN beneath the 5 finished subgrade shall be negotiated. 6 H. The subgrade of areas to receive fill shall be smooth and free of all vegetation, sticks, roots, 7 rocks, and debris. 8 I. Dewatering (as required): Provide and maintain dewatering of all surface water and/or 9 groundwater as required for excavation. 10 J. Do not place fill when the subgrade is frozen, wet, loose, or soft. 11 3.3 ROCK EXCAVATION 12 A. Rock is defined as natural material that cannot be moved or ripped with a Caterpillar D9 13 equipped with a single tooth ripper or approved equal. A demonstration is required. The 14 Contractor shall not remove rock until authorized by the Engineer. 15 B. All rock excavation shall be under one classification. 16 1. This classification shall include solid ledge rock in its natural location that requires 17 systematic quarrying, drilling and/or blasting for its removal and also boulders that exceed 18 1/2 CY in volume. 19 C. When rock is encountered, strip free of earth. 20 1. Employ an independent surveyor to determine rock quantities before removal operation 21 begins. 22 2. In computing the volumetric content of rock excavation for payment, the pay lines shall be 23 taken as follows: 24 a. For structures: 3 FT outside the exterior limits of foundations and from rock surface to 25 6 IN below bottom of foundations. 26 b. For piping and utilities: A width 18 IN wider than the outside diameter of the pipe or 27 conduit and from rock surface to 6 IN below bottom exterior surface of the pipe or 28 conduit. 29 c. For paving: 2 FT outside the exterior limits of paving and from rock surface to 6 IN 30 below bottom of pavement subbase. 31 D. The use of explosives shall be limited to the magnitude and location of the charge that will not 32 cause damage to adjacent existing construction and utilities through shock vibrations or other 33 stress loadings. Provide adequate blanket protection to ensure that there will not be fragments of 34 rock or other debris flying through the air when discharging explosives. Any damage to existing 35 construction or other features caused by blasting operations to be repaired and paid for by 36 Contractor. 37 1. Explosive permits shall be obtained from the appropriate local authorities. 38 2. The Contract unit price for rock excavation shall include all equipment and materials and 39 other work necessary for excavation and hauling the rock from the site, and for furnishing 40 and placing suitable replacement material as specified in its place. 41 E. Where explosives and blasting are used, comply with all laws and ordinances of municipal, state 42 and Federal agencies relating to the use of explosives. Use qualified personnel for blasting and 43 take proper precautions to protect persons, property or the work from damage or injury from 44 blast or explosion. Conduct preblast survey in the company of the CQA Monitor to aid in 45 determining any damage caused by blasting. 46 3.4 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 47 A. Moisture density relations, to be established by the CQC Consultant required for all materials to 48 be compacted. 49 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review EARTHWORK 31 23 00 - 6 B. Extent of compaction testing will be as necessary to assure compliance with specifications. 1 C. Give minimum of 24 HR advance notice to CQC Consultant and CQA Monitor when ready for 2 compaction or subgrade testing and inspection. 3 D. Should any compaction density test or subgrade inspection fail to meet specification 4 requirements, perform corrective work as necessary. 5 E. Pay for all costs associated with corrective work and retesting resulting from failing compaction 6 density tests. 7 3.5 COMPACTION DENSITY REQUIREMENTS 8 A. Obtain approval from Soils Engineer with regard to suitability of soils and acceptable subgrade 9 prior to subsequent operations. 10 B. Provide dewatering system necessary to successfully complete compaction and construction 11 requirements. 12 C. Remove frozen, loose, wet, or soft material and replace with approved material as directed by 13 Soils Engineer. 14 D. Stabilize subgrade with well graded granular materials as directed by Soils Engineer. 15 E. Assure by results of testing that compaction densities comply with the following requirements: 16 1. Sitework: 17 18 LOCATION COMPACTION DENSITY Cohesive soils 95 percent per ASTM D698 Cohesionless soils 65 percent relative density per ASTM D4253 and ASTM D4254 Within waste fill areas As determined from test fill over waste 19 3.6 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 20 A. Erosion Control: 21 1. Conduct work to minimize erosion of site. 22 2. Construct stilling areas to settle and detain eroded material. 23 3. Remove eroded material washed off site. 24 4. Clean streets daily of any spillage of dirt, rocks or debris from equipment entering or 25 leaving site. 26 END OF SECTION 28 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review TRENCHING, BACKFILLING, AND COMPACTING 31 23 33 - 1 SECTION 31 23 33 1 TRENCHING, BACKFILLING, AND COMPACTING 2 PART 1 - GENERAL 3 1.1 SUMMARY 4 A. Section Includes: 5 1. Excavation, trenching, backfilling and compacting for stormwater piping and anchor 6 trenches. 7 B. Related Specification Sections include but are not necessarily limited to: 8 1. Division 00 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract. 9 2. Division 01 - General Requirements. 10 3. Section 31 23 00 - Earthwork. 11 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE 12 A. Referenced Standards: 13 1. ASTM International (ASTM): 14 a. C33, Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates. 15 b. D698, Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using 16 Standard Effort (12,400 ft-lbf/ft3 (600 kN-m/m3)). 17 c. D2321, Standard Practice for Underground Installation of Thermoplastic Pipe for 18 Sewers and Other Gravity-Flow Applications. 19 d. D4253, Standard Test Methods for Maximum Index Density and Unit Weight of Soils 20 Using a Vibratory Table. 21 e. D4254, Standard Test Methods for Minimum Index Density and Unit Weight of Soils 22 and Calculation of Relative Density. 23 B. Qualifications: 24 1. Hire an independent soils laboratory to conduct in-place moisture-density tests for 25 backfilling to assure that all work complies with this Specification Section. 26 2. Registered professional engineer licensed in North Carolina for the design of trench 27 shorting systems or other trench safety plans. 28 1.3 DEFINITIONS 29 A. Excavation: All excavation will be defined as unclassified. 30 1.4 SUBMITTALS 31 A. Shop Drawings: 32 1. See Specification Section 01 33 00 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of 33 the submittal process. 34 2. Product technical data including: 35 a. Acknowledgement that products submitted meet requirements of standards referenced. 36 b. Manufacturer's installation instructions. 37 3. Submit respective pipe or conduit manufacturer's data regarding bedding methods of 38 installation and general recommendations. 39 4. Submit sieve analysis reports on all granular materials. 40 B. Informational Submittals: 41 1. See Specification Section 01 33 00 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of 42 the submittal process. 43 2. Trench shield (trench box) certification if employed: 44 a. Specific to Project conditions. 45 b. Re-certified if members become distressed. 46 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review TRENCHING, BACKFILLING, AND COMPACTING 31 23 33 - 2 c. Certification by registered professional structural engineer, registered in the state where 1 the Project is located. 2 d. Engineer is not responsible to, and will not, review and approve. 3 1.5 SITE CONDITIONS 4 A. Avoid overloading or surcharge a sufficient distance back from edge of excavation to prevent 5 slides or caving. 6 1. Maintain and trim excavated materials in such manner to be as little inconvenience as 7 possible to public and adjoining property owners. 8 B. Provide full access to public and private premises and fire hydrants, at street crossings, 9 sidewalks and other points as designated by Owner to prevent serious interruption of travel. 10 C. Protect and maintain bench marks, monuments or other established points and reference points 11 and if disturbed or destroyed, replace items to full satisfaction of Owner and controlling agency. 12 D. Verify location of existing underground utilities. 13 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 14 2.1 MATERIALS 15 A. Backfill Material: 16 1. As approved by CQC Consultation and the CQA Monitor. 17 a. Free of rock cobbles, roots, sod or other organic matter, and frozen material. 18 b. Moisture content at time of placement: 3 percent plus/minus of optimum moisture 19 content as specified in accordance with ASTM D1557. 20 B. Bedding Soil Materials: 22 1. As approved by the CQC Consultation and the CQA Monitor. 23 2. Classified as SW, SP, SM, SC, SP-SM, SP-SC, or CL in accordance with ASTM D2487. 24 3. Free of organics, debris, and stones greater than ½-inch in diameter. 25 PART 3 - EXECUTION 27 3.1 GENERAL 28 A. Remove and dispose of unsuitable materials as directed by Soils Engineer to site provided by 29 Owner. 30 3.2 EXCAVATION 31 A. Unclassified Excavation: Remove rock excavation, clay, silt, gravel, hard pan, loose shale, and 32 loose stone as directed by Soils Engineer. 33 B. Excavation for Appurtenances: 34 1. 12 IN (minimum) clear distance between outer surface and embankment. 35 2. See Specification Section 31 23 00 for applicable requirements. 36 C. Trench Excavation: 37 1. Excavate trenches by open cut method to depth shown on Drawings and necessary to 38 accommodate work. 39 a. Support existing utility lines where proposed work crosses at a lower elevation. 40 1) Stabilize excavation to prevent undermining of existing utility. 41 2. Open trench outside buildings, units, and structures: 42 a. No more than the distance between two manholes, structures, units, or 600 LF, 43 whichever is less. 44 b. Field adjust limitations as weather conditions dictate. 45 3. Trenching within buildings, units, or structures: 46 a. No more than 100 LF at any one time. 47 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review TRENCHING, BACKFILLING, AND COMPACTING 31 23 33 - 3 4. Any trench or portion of trench, which is opened and remains idle for seven (7) calendar 1 days, or longer, as determined by the Owner, may be directed to be immediately refilled, 2 without completion of work, at no additional cost to Owner. 3 a. Said trench may not be reopened until Owner is satisfied that work associated with 4 trench will be prosecuted with dispatch. 5 5. Observe following trenching criteria: 6 a. Trench size: 7 1) Excavate width to accommodate free working space. 8 2) Maximum trench width at top of pipe or conduit may not exceed outside diameter 9 of utility service by more than the following dimensions unless otherwise shown 10 on the Drawings: 11 12 OVERALL DIAMETER OF UTILITY SERVICE EXCESS DIMENSION 33 IN and less 18 IN more than 33 IN 24 IN 13 3) Cut trench walls vertically from bottom of trench to 1 FT above top of pipe, 14 conduit, or utility service. 15 4) Keep trenches free of surface water runoff. 16 a) Include cost in Bid. 17 b) No separate payment for surface water runoff pumping will be made. 18 D. Trenching for Electrical Installations: 19 1. Observe the preceding Trench Excavation paragraph in PART 3 of this Specification 20 Section. 21 2. Modify for electrical installations as follows: 22 a. Open no more than 600 LF of trench in exterior locations for trenches more than 12 IN 23 but not more than 30 IN wide. 24 b. Any length of trench may be opened in exterior locations for trenches which are 12 IN 25 wide or less. 26 c. Do not over excavate trench. 27 d. Cut trenches for electrical runs with minimum 30 IN cover, unless otherwise specified 28 or shown on Drawings. 29 e. See Division 26 for additional requirements. 30 3.3 PREPARATION OF FOUNDATION FOR PIPE LAYING 31 A. Over-Excavation: 32 1. Backfill and compact to 90 percent of maximum dry density per ASTM D698. 33 2. Backfill with granular bedding material as option. 34 B. Rock Excavation: 35 1. Excavate minimum of 6 IN below bottom exterior surface of the pipe or conduit. 36 2. Backfill to grade with suitable earth or granular material. 37 3. Form bell holes in trench bottom. 38 C. Subgrade Stabilization: 39 1. Stabilize the subgrade when directed by the Owner. 40 2. Observe the following requirements when unstable trench bottom materials are encountered. 41 a. Notify Owner when unstable materials are encountered. 42 1) Define by drawing station locations and limits. 43 b. Remove unstable trench bottom caused by Contractor failure to dewater, rainfall, or 44 Contractor operations. 45 1) Replace with subgrade stabilization with no additional compensation. 46 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review TRENCHING, BACKFILLING, AND COMPACTING 31 23 33 - 4 3.4 BACKFILLING METHODS 1 A. Do not backfill until tests to be performed on system show system is in full compliance with 2 specified requirements. 3 B. Carefully Compacted Backfill: 4 1. Furnish where indicated on Drawings, specified for trench embedment conditions and for 5 compacted backfill conditions up to 12 IN above top of pipe or conduit. 6 2. Comply with the following: 7 a. Place backfill in lifts not exceeding 8 IN (loose thickness). 8 b. Hand place, shovel slice, and pneumatically tamp all carefully compacted backfill. 9 c. Observe specific manufacturer's recommendations regarding backfilling and 10 compaction. 11 d. Compact each lift to specified requirements. 12 C. Common Trench Backfill: 13 1. Perform in accordance with the following: 14 a. Place backfill in lift thicknesses capable of being compacted to densities specified. 15 b. Observe specific manufacturer's recommendations regarding backfilling and 16 compaction. 17 c. Avoid displacing joints and appurtenances or causing any horizontal or vertical 18 misalignment, separation, or distortion. 19 D. Water flushing for consolidation is not permitted. 20 E. Backfilling for Electrical Installations: 21 1. Observe the preceding Carefully Compacted Backfill paragraph or Common Trench 22 Backfill paragraph in PART 3 of this Specification Section or when approved by the 23 Engineer. 24 2. Modify for electrical installation as follows: 25 a. Observe notes and details on electrical drawings for fill in immediate vicinity of direct 26 burial cables. 27 3.5 COMPACTION 28 A. General: 29 1. Place and assure bedding, backfill, and fill materials achieve an equal or higher degree of 30 compaction than undisturbed materials adjacent to the work. 31 2. In no case shall degree of compaction below minimum compactions specified be accepted. 32 B. Compaction Requirements: 33 1. Unless noted otherwise on Drawings or more stringently by other Specification Sections, 34 comply with following minimum trench compaction criteria. 35 a. Bedding soil material: 36 37 LOCATION SOIL TYPE COMPACTION DENSITY Within anchor trenches SW, SP, SM, SC, SP- SM, SP-SC, or CL 95 percent of maximum dry density by ASTM D698 38 b. Carefully compacted backfill: 39 40 LOCATION SOIL TYPE COMPACTION DENSITY Sediment basin berms, landfill berms, perimeter roadway All applicable areas Cohesive soils 95 percent of maximum dry density by ASTM D698 Cohesionless soils 75 percent relative density by ASTM D4253 and ASTM D4254 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review TRENCHING, BACKFILLING, AND COMPACTING 31 23 33 - 5 c. Common trench backfill: 1 2 LOCATION SOIL TYPE COMPACTION DENSITY Under pavements, gravel roadways, surfaces within highway right-of- ways Cohesive soils 95 percent of maximum dry density by ASTM D698 Cohesionless soils 60 percent of relative density by ASTM D4253 and ASTM D4254 Under turfed, sodded, plant seeded, nontraffic areas Cohesive soils 85 percent of maximum dry density by ATM D698 Cohesionless soils 40 percent of relative density by ASTM D4253 and ASTM D4254 3 3.6 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 4 A. Testing: 5 1. Perform in-place moisture-density tests for every 5,000 CY of material placed. 6 2. Perform tests through recognized testing laboratory approved by Owner. 7 3. Perform additional tests as directed until compaction meets or exceeds requirements. 8 4. Assure Owner has immediate access for testing of all soils related work. 9 5. Ensure excavations are safe for testing personnel. 10 END OF SECTION 12 This page intentionally left blank. 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL 31 25 00 - 1 SECTION 31 25 00 1 SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL 2 PART 1 - GENERAL 3 1.1 SUMMARY 4 A. Section Includes: 5 1.Soil erosion and sediment control.6 B. Related Specification Sections include but are not necessarily limited to: 7 1.Division 00 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.8 2.Division 01 - General Requirements.9 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE 10 A. Referenced Standards: 11 1.North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual, current edition.12 2.North Carolina State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Roads and13 Structures Construction, current edition.14 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 15 2.1 MATERIALS 16 A. Rip Rap: Refer to Section 31 37 00, Stone Revetment. 17 B. Grass Seed: Refer to Section 32 92 13 Seeding. 18 C. Silt Fence: Refer to drawings. 19 D. Erosion Control Blankets: Refer to Section 31 25 14 Erosion Control Blankets. 20 E. Geotextiles: Refer to Section 31 32 19, Geotextile Fabric. 21 PART 3 - EXECUTION 22 3.1 PREPARATION 23 A. Prior to stripping topsoil and excavating: 24 1.Install silt fence where shown on Drawings.25 2.Perform modifications to Sediment Basin #1 as shown on Drawings.26 3.Machine compact all berms constructed for sediment basin modifications27 B. Temporarily seed disturbed areas and soil stockpiles: 28 1.Rate: 1/2 LB/1000 SF.29 2.Reseed as required until good stand of grass is achieved.30 3.2 DURING CONSTRUCTION PERIOD 31 A. Maintain Basins, Dikes, Traps, Stone Filters, Straw Bales, etc.: 32 1.Inspect regularly especially after rainstorms.33 2.Repair or replace damaged or missing items.34 B. After rough grading, sow temporary grass cover over all exposed earth areas not draining into 35 sediment basin or trap. 36 C. Construct inlets as soon as possible. 37 D. Provide necessary swales and dikes to direct all water towards and into sediment basins and 38 traps. 39 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL 31 25 00 - 2 E. Do not disturb existing vegetation (grass and trees) outside limits of construction. 1 F. Excavate sediment out of basins and traps when capacity has been reduced by 50 percent. 2 1. Remove sediment from behind bales to prevent overtopping. 3 G. Topsoil and fine grade slopes and swales, etc.: Seed and mulch as soon as areas become ready. 4 3.3 NEAR COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION 5 A. Eliminate temporary erosion controls upon site stabilization. 6 B. Grade to finished or existing grades. 7 C. Remove accumulated sediment with Sediment Basin #1 and place at location designated by 8 Owner. 9 D. Fine grade all remaining earth areas, then seed and mulch. 10 END OF SECTION 12 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS 31 25 14 - 1 SECTION 31 25 14 1 EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS 2 PART 1 - GENERAL 3 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES 4 A. The erosion control blankets are for the purpose of erosion control and revegetation as described 5 herein. 6 B. This work shall consist of furnishing and installation of the erosion control blankets, including fine 7 grading, blanketing, stapling, and miscellaneous related work, in accordance with these standard 8 specifications and at the location(s) identified on Drawings or designated by Engineer. This work 9 shall include all necessary materials, labor, supervision and equipment for installation of a complete 10 system. 11 C. All work of this Section shall be performed in accordance with the Conditions and Requirements of 12 the Contract Documents. 13 D. The erosion control blankets shall be used where surface erosion is not desirable. The blankets shall 14 be suitable for the following applications: 15 1.Channel and ditch linings.16 2.Slope protection.17 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS 18 A. Section 01 33 00 - Submittals. 19 B. Section 31 23 00 - Earthwork. 20 C. Section 32 92 13 - Seeding. 21 1.3 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS 22 A. Erosion control blankets shall provide a temporary, biodegradable cover material to reduce erosion 23 and enhance revegetation. 24 1.4 SUBMITTALS 25 A. Submit product data on materials for erosion control blankets in accordance with Section 01 33 00. 26 B. Indicate locations where the material will be used. 27 C. Manufacturer’s Installation procedures and methods. 28 D. Any alternative system submitted for approval shall include complete design data, including test 29 evidence of compliance to the essential design parameters of Project and reference installations 30 similar in size and scope to that specified for Project. 31 1.5 SAMPLES 32 A. Submit product samples in accordance with Section 01 33 00. 33 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING 34 A. Erosion control blankets shall be furnished in rolls and wrapped with suitable material to protect 35 against moisture and extended ultraviolet exposure prior to placement. Each roll shall be labeled to 36 provide identification sufficient for inventory and quality control purposes. 37 B. Erosion control blankets shall be free of defects that would interfere with the proper installation or 38 impair the performance. 39 C. Erosion control blankets shall be stored by Contractor in a manner which protects them from damage 40 by construction traffic. 41 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS 31 25 14 - 2 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 1 2.1 EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS 2 A. Rolled matting: 3 1. Shear stress – 1.5 psf. 4 2. Longevity – 8 months. 5 3. Top Net – Photodegradable polypropylene. 6 4. Bottom Net – None. 7 5. Fiber Matrix – 100% straw (0.5 lbs/sy) 8 B. Hydraulically applied: 9 1. Property Test Method Test Value 10 Mass per unit area ASTM D6566 11.5 oz/yd2 11 Thickness ASTM D6525 0.19 in 12 % Ground cover ASTM D6567 99% 13 Flexural Rigidity (wet) ASTM D6575 0.138 oz-in 14 Cure Time Observed < 2 hr. 15 Color (fugitive dye) Observed Green 16 Functional Longevity Observed Up to 1 year 17 C. Turf Reinforced Matting: Green Armor 7010 or approved equal. 18 19 PART 3 - EXECUTION 20 3.1 SITE PREPARATION 21 A. Before placing erosion control blanket, the subgrade shall be inspected by Contractor to insure that it 22 has been properly compacted; has been graded smooth; has no depressed, void, soft or uncompacted 23 areas; is free from obstructions, such as tree roots, projecting stones or other foreign matter; and has 24 been seeded. Contractor shall not proceed until all unsatisfactory conditions have been remedied. By 25 beginning construction, Contractor signifies his approval of preceding work. 26 B. Contractor shall fine grade the subgrade by hand dressing where necessary to remove local 27 deviations. 28 C. No vehicular traffic shall be permitted directly on the blankets. 29 3.2 CHANNEL INSTALLATION 30 A. Erosion control blankets shall be installed as directed by the Engineer in accordance with 31 manufacturer's instructions. The extent of erosion control blankets shall be as shown on Drawings. 32 B. Rolled erosion control blankets shall be installed parallel to the flow of water. The first roll shall be 33 centered longitudinally in mid-channel and anchored. Subsequent rolls shall follow from channel 34 center outward. 35 C. Successive lengths of erosion control blankets shall be overlapped ("shingled") sufficiently for a 36 common row of connections with the upstream end on top. Connect the overlap across the end of 37 each of the overlapping lengths. 38 D. A trench shall be located at the upstream termination. Erosion control blanket shall be connected to 39 the bottom of the trench. Backfill and compact the trench. 40 E. Staple in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendation. 41 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS 31 25 14 - 3 3.3 SLOPE INSTALLATION 1 A. Before placing erosion control blanket, the subgrade shall be inspected by Contractor to insure that it 2 has been properly compacted; has been graded smooth; has no depressed, void, soft or uncompacted 3 areas; is free from obstructions, such as tree roots, projecting stones or other foreign matter; and has 4 been seeded. Contractor shall not proceed until all unsatisfactory conditions have been remedied. By 5 beginning construction, Contractor signifies his approval of preceding work. 6 B. Place on all slopes not covered by alternative final cover, excluding the stockpiles, on slopes greater 7 than or equal to 3H:1V. 8 3.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE 9 A. Erosion control blankets shall not be defective or damaged. Any such problems shall be corrected by 10 Contractor at no cost to Owner and to the satisfaction of Engineer. 11 3.5 CLEAN-UP 12 A. At the completion of this scope of work, Contractor shall remove from the job site and properly 13 dispose of all remaining debris, waste materials, excess materials, and equipment required of or 14 created by Contractor. Disposal of waste materials shall be solely the responsibility of Contractor and 15 shall be done in accordance with applicable waste disposal regulations. 16 END OF SECTION 17 This page intentionally left blank. 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review GEOTEXTILES 31 32 19 - 1 SECTION 31 32 19 1 GEOTEXTILES 2 PART 1 - GENERAL 3 1.1 SUMMARY 4 A. Section Includes: 5 1.Nonwoven geotextile material.6 B. Related Specification Sections include but are not necessarily limited to: 7 1.Division 00 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.8 2.Division 01 - General Requirements.9 3.Section 31 23 00 -Earthwork.10 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE 11 A. Referenced Standards: 12 1.American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO):13 a.M288, Standard Specification for Geotextile Specification for Highway Applications.14 2.ASTM International (ASTM):15 a.D3786, Standard Test Method for Bursting Strength of Textile Fabrics-Diaphragm16 Bursting Strength Tester Method.17 b.D4355, Standard Test Method for Deterioration of Geotextiles by Exposure to Light,18 Moisture and Heat in a Xenon Arc Type Apparatus.19 c.D4491, Standard Test Methods for Water Permeability of Geotextiles by Permittivity.20 d.D4533, Standard Test Method for Trapezoid Tearing Strength of Geotextiles.21 e.D4632, Standard Test Method for Grab Breaking Load and Elongation of Geotextiles.22 f.D4751, Standard Test Method for Determining Apparent Opening Size of a Geotextile.23 g.D4759, Standard Practice for Determining the Specification Conformance of24 Geosynthetics.25 h.D4833, Standard Test Method for Index Puncture Resistance of Geomembranes and26 Related Products.27 i.D4873, Standard Guide for Identification, Storage, and Handling of Geosynthetic Rolls28 and Samples.29 j.D5261, Standard Test Method for Measuring Mass per Unit Area of Geotextiles.30 B. Qualifications: 31 1.Each manufacturing, fabricating firm shall demonstrate five (5) years continuous32 experience, including a minimum of 10,000,000 SF of geotextile installation in the past 33 three (3) years. 34 2.Installing firm shall demonstrate that the site Superintendent or Foreman has had35 responsible charge for installation of a minimum of 1,000,000 SF of geotextile. 36 3.Installer shall attend pre-installation conference.37 1.3 DEFINITIONS 38 A. Manufacturer: Manufacturer producing geotextile sheets from resin and additives. 39 B. Installer: The Installers are the individuals actually performing the hands-on work in the field. 40 1.4 SUBMITTALS 41 A. Shop Drawings: 42 1.See Specification Section 01 33 00 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of43 the submittal process. 44 2.Manufacturer's documentation that raw materials and roll materials comply with required45 geotextile physical properties. 46 3.Manufacturer and Installer quality control manuals.47 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review GEOTEXTILES 31 32 19 - 2 4. Original test results for resins, roll material and factory seam tests at frequency specified in 1 respective quality control manuals. 2 a. Results shall include or bracket the rolls delivered for use in the Work. 3 5. Proposed details of anchoring and overlapping if different than included in Contract 4 Documents. 5 B. Informational Submittals: 6 1. See Specification Section 01 33 00 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of 7 the submittal process. 8 2. For needle punched geotextiles, the manufacturer shall certify that the geotextile has been 9 continuously inspected using permanent on-line full-width metal detectors and does not 10 contain any needles which could damage other geosynthetic layers. 11 3. Qualification documentation specified in the QUALITY ASSURANCE Article in PART 1 12 of this Specification Section. 13 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING 14 A. See Specification Section 01 65 50. 15 B. Label, handle, and store geotextiles in accordance with ASTM D4873 and as specified herein. 16 C. Wrap each roll in an opaque and waterproof layer of plastic during shipment and storage. 17 1. Do not remove the plastic wrapping until deployment. 18 D. Label each roll with the manufacturer's name, geotextile type, lot number, roll number, and roll 19 dimensions (length, width, gross weight). 20 E. Repair or replace geotextile or plastic wrapping damaged as a result of storage or handling, as 21 directed. 22 F. Do not expose geotextile to temperatures in excess of 71 DegC (160 DegF) or less than 0 DegC 23 (32 DegF) unless recommended by the manufacturer. 24 G. Do not use hooks, tongs or other sharp instruments for handling geotextile. 25 1. Do not lift rolls lifted by use of cables or chains in contact with the geotextile. 26 2. Do not drag geotextile along the ground. 27 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 28 2.1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS 29 A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following manufacturers are 30 acceptable: 31 1. GSE Lining Technology. 32 2. Propex Geosynthetics. 33 3. SKAPS Industries. 34 4. TenCate Mirafi. 35 5. Tenax. 36 B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01 25 13. 37 2.2 MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURE 38 A. Geotextile: 39 1. Nonwoven pervious sheet of polymeric material. 40 2. Geotextile fibers: 41 a. Long-chain synthetic polymer composed of at least 85 percent by weight polyolefins, 42 polyesters, or polyamides. 43 b. Filaments resistant to deterioration by ultraviolet light, oxidation, and heat exposure. 44 c. Do not as reclaimed or recycled fibers or polymer to the formulation. 45 3. Form geotextile into a network such that the filaments or yarns retain dimensional stability 46 relative to each other, including the selvages. 47 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review GEOTEXTILES 31 32 19 - 3 4. The geotextile physical properties shall equal or exceed the minimum average roll values 1 listed below. 2 a. Values shown are for the weaker principal direction. 3 b. Acceptance of geotextile shall be in accordance with ASTM D4759. 4 8 c. Separator Geotextile: Non-woven, needle punched; polyester or polypropylene; 9 continuous filament or staple fibers; conforming to the following properties: 10 11 PROPERTY TEST METHOD MINIMUM REQUIRED VALUE Unit Weight ASTM D5261 8 oz/sy Grab Tensile Strength ASTM D4632 210 lb Elongation ASTM D4632 50% Puncture Strength ASTM D4833 95 lb Maximum Apparent Opening Size ASTM D4751 #70 US Sieve Permittivity ASTM D4491 0.5 sec-1 12 13 B. Thread: 14 1. High-strength polyester, nylon, or other approved thread type. 15 2. Equivalent chemical compatibility and ultraviolet light stability as the geotextile. 16 3. Contrasting color with the geotextile. 17 PART 3 - EXECUTION 18 3.1 PREPARATION 19 A. Construct the surface underlying the geotextiles smooth and free of ruts or protrusions which 20 could damage the geotextiles. 21 3.2 INSTALLATION 22 A. Install geotextiles in accordance with manufacturer's written recommendations. 23 B. Hand place geotextile. 24 1. No equipment will be permitted to traffic in direct contact with the geotextile. 25 C. Lay geotextile smooth so as to be free of tensile stresses, folds, and wrinkles. 26 D. Seam Construction: 27 1. Broom clean existing geotextile and cut off to provide a clean area for seaming with the new 28 geotextile. 29 2. Sew seams continuously using an SSA flat seam with one (1) row of a two-thread 401 chain 30 stitch unless otherwise recommended by the manufacturer. 31 3. Minimum distance from the geotextile edge to the stitch line nearest to that edge: 2 IN 32 unless otherwise recommended by the manufacturer. 33 4. Tie off thread at the end of each seam to prevent unraveling. 34 5. Construct seams on the top side of the geotextile to allow inspection. 35 6. Sew skipped stitches or discontinuities with an extra line of stitching with 18 IN of overlap. 36 7. Overlap adjacent panels a minimum of 6 inches or in accordance with the manufacturers 37 recommendations or as shown on the Drawings. 38 a. Construct overlapped seams in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations or as 39 shown on Drawings. 40 8. Heat bonded seams, if proposed, must exhibit 60% of the parent material strength in 41 accordance with ASTM D4632. 42 E. Heat tack the geotextile overlaps as shown on the Drawings. 43 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review GEOTEXTILES 31 32 19 - 4 F. Backfill anchor trenches in accordance with Specification Section 31 23 00. 1 G. Place cover soil in accordance with Specification Section 31 23 00. 2 H. Do not drop or drag riprap on geotextile. CQA Monitor shall be present during riprap 3 installation to verify geotextile is not damaged. 4 I. Protect geotextiles from clogging, tears, and other damage during installation. 5 J. Geotextile Repair: 6 1. Place a patch of the same type of geotextile which extends a minimum of 12 IN beyond the 7 edge of the damage or defect. 8 2. Fasten patches continuously using a sewn seam or other approved method. 9 3. Align machine direction of the patch with the machine direction of the geotextile being 10 repaired. 11 4. Replace geotextile which cannot be repaired. 12 K. Use adequate ballast (e.g., sand bags) to prevent uplift by wind. 13 L. Do not use staples or pins to hold the geotextile in place. 14 M. Any geotextile left exposed for more than 14 days shall be replaced, unless approved by the 15 Engineer. 16 END OF SECTION 18 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review STONE REVETMENT (RIP RAP) 31 37 00 - 1 SECTION 31 37 00 1 STONE REVETMENT (RIP RAP) 2 PART 1 - GENERAL 3 1.1 SUMMARY 4 A. Section Includes: 5 1.Stone revetment (riprap) for protection of slopes and drainage ways against erosion.6 a.Drainage outflow area.7 b.Slope riprap.8 c.Other areas indicated and shown on the Drawings.9 B. Related Specification Sections include but are not necessarily limited to: 10 1.Division 00 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.11 2.Division 01 - General Requirements.12 3.Section 31 23 00 - Earthwork.13 4.Section 31 23 33 - Trenching, Backfilling, and Compacting.14 5.Section 31 25 00 - Soil Erosion and Sediment Control.15 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE 16 A. Referenced Standards: 17 1.American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO):18 a.T103, Soundness of Aggregates by Freezing and Thawing.19 2.ASTM International (ASTM):20 a.C88, Standard Test Method for Soundness of Aggregates by Use of Sodium Sulfate or21 Magnesium Sulfate.22 b.C127, Standard Test Method for Density , Relative Density (Specific Gravity), and23 Absorption of Coarse Aggregate.24 1.3 SUBMITTALS 25 A. Shop Drawings: 26 1.See Specification Section 01 33 00 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of27 the submittal process. 28 2.Product technical data including:29 a.Acknowledgement that products submitted meet requirements of standards referenced.30 3.Certifications.31 4.Test reports.32 5.Submit all tests and certification in a single coordinated submittal.33 a.Partial submittals will not be accepted.34 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 35 2.1 MATERIALS 36 A. Stone: 37 1.Durable broken quarry run stone.38 2.Does not disintegrate on exposure to water or weathering.39 3.Free from structural fractures and defects.40 4.Not containing shale, unsound sandstone, or other material which will disintegrate.41 5.Graded within limits specified.42 6.Breadth and thickness of any stone: Not less than one-third of its length.43 7.Ensure that dirt and fines accumulated from interledge layers or from blasting or handling44 operation is less than 2 percent by weight.45 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review STONE REVETMENT (RIP RAP) 31 37 00 - 2 8. Gradation of the material: Well-graded to conform to governing requirements (e.g. State 1 Department of Transportation, Governing Erosion Control Ordinance, or local reviewing 2 agency with d50 clearly noted and dmax equal to 1.5 times d50. Class of riprap/stone shall 3 be clearly noted on the plans. 4 2.2 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL 5 A. Obtain samples from a local quarry that typically provides material to meet the regulatory 6 requirements; for example, Department of Transportation, Department of Water Quality or 7 similar other. 8 B. Source Tests: 9 1. Supply certified tests and service records to determine acceptability and application of stone 10 materials. 11 2. In event suitable test reports or a service record that is satisfactory are not available, as in 12 case of newly operated sources or waste stone found on site, subject material to tests 13 necessary to determine its acceptability for use. 14 3. For every 100 tons of each stone material to be used, provide quality control test results to 15 include: 16 a. Specific gravity. 17 1) Conform to ASTM C127. 18 2) Not less than 2.40 minimum 19 b. Soundness in magnesium sulfate. 20 1) Conforms to ASTM C88, except maintain samples immersed in solution at a 21 temperature of 80 DegF (26 DegC) +2 DegF. 22 2) Not more than 12 percent loss at five cycles. 23 c. Soundness of Aggregates in Freezing and Thawing: 24 1) Conform to AASHTO T103 method as modified herein. 25 2) Ensure loss at 12 cycles of not more than 10 percent. 26 3) Maintain temperature of cold liquid in range of -5 to 0 DegF (-20 to -18 DegC). 27 4) Maintain thaw fluid temperature in range of 45 to 50 DegF (7 to 10 DegC). 28 5) Permit length of freezing and of thawing cycles of 2 HRS with 1 HR of freezing 29 following by 1 HR of thawing. 30 6) Perform thawing by circulating thaw fluid around pan containing stone immersed 31 in a depth of 1/4 IN rather than by total immersion. 32 d. Such other tests as may be considered necessary to demonstrate satisfactorily that 33 materials are acceptable include: Petrographic analysis, abrasion, absorption, and 34 wetting & drying. 35 PART 3 - EXECUTION 36 3.1 PREPARATION 37 A. Trim and dress all areas to required cross sections. 38 B. Bring areas that are below allowable minus tolerance limit to grade by filling with material 39 similar to adjacent material. 40 C. Compact to density specified for backfill in accordance with Specification Section 31 23 00. 41 D. Do not place any stone material on prepared base prior to inspection by Engineer. 42 E. For channels, swales, outlet protection or other drainage protection areas, top of material at 43 design edges shall match adjoining grade. Top of stone shall match final design grades. Set 44 grades to channel stormwater and not create a barrier. 45 F. For channels, swales, outlet protection and other drainage protection areas, stone shall be placed 46 on top of one layer of non-woven geotextile fabric (see Section 31 32 19). 47 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review STONE REVETMENT (RIP RAP) 31 37 00 - 3 3.2 PLACING 1 A. Place stone revetment material on prepared foundation within limits indicated. 2 B. Place on prepared base to produce a well-graded mass of stone with minimum percentage of 3 voids. 4 C. Place to required thickness and grades. 5 D. Place to full thickness in a single operation to avoid displacing the underlying material. 6 E. Distribute entire mass to conform to gradation specified. 7 1. Do not place stone by dumping into chutes or by similar method likely to cause segregation. 8 F. Keep finished stone revetment free from objectionable pockets of small stones or clusters of 9 larger stone. 10 1. Hand place as necessary to obtain a well-graded distribution. 11 G. Place stone revetment in conjunction with embankment construction to prevent mixture of 12 embankment and stone revetment materials. 13 H. Maintain stone revetment until accepted. 14 I. Replace any displaced material to lines and grades shown. 15 END OF SECTION 17 This page intentionally left blank. 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review SOIL LINER SYSTEM 31 38 10 - 1 SECTION 31 38 10 1 SOIL LINER SYSTEM 2 PART 1 - GENERAL 3 1.1 SUMMARY 4 A. Section Includes: 5 1.Soil used as the compacted soil liner component of the landfill final cover system.6 B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to: 7 1.Section 31 23 00 - Earthwork.8 2.Section 33 47 14 - HDPE Geomembrane Liner System.9 3.Section 33 47 16 – LLDPE Geomembrane Liner System10 4.Construction Quality Assurance Plan.11 1.2 QUALITY STANDARDS 12 A. Reference Standards: 13 1.ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials:14 a.ASTM D-422 - Particle Size Analysis.15 b.ASTM D-698 - Standard Proctor.16 c.ASTM D-854 - Specific Gravity.17 d.ASTM D-1140 - Fines Content in Soils.18 e.ASTM D-1556 - In-situ Density Measurement Using the Sand Cone.19 f.ASTM D-1557 - Modified Proctor.20 g.ASTM D-2166 - Unconfined Compressive Strength.21 h.ASTM D-2216 - Moisture Content Using Over-Dry Method.22 i.ASTM D-2487 - Soils Classification.23 j.ASTM D-2573 - Field Vane Shear Test.24 k.ASTM D-2922 - In-situ Density Using Nuclear Methods.25 l.ASTM D-3017 - In-situ Moisture Content Using Nuclear Methods.26 m.ASTM D-4318 - Atterberg Limits.27 n.ASTM D-5084 - Flexible Wall Permeameter.28 2.USEPA - United States Environmental Protection Agency29 a.EPA/600/R-93/182 -"Quality Assurance and Quality Control for Waste Containment30 Facilities," September, 1993.31 3.ASCE – American Society of Civil Engineers.32 a.ASCE Paper No. 25333 – Water Content – Density Criteria for Compacted Soil Liners33 (Daniel et at, 1998).34 b.ASCE Paper No. 23827 – In-Site Hydraulic Conductivity for Compacted Clay (Daniel35 et at, 1989).36 4.Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) Plan.37 1.3 SUBMITTALS 38 A. See Section 01 33 00 - Submittals. 39 B. Submit periodic surveys during construction for thickness verification. Schedule of survey 40 submittals to be established between Contractor and CQA Monitor prior to placement. Follow 41 the CQA Plan for surveying requirements. 42 C. Refer to the CQA Plan. 43 44 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review SOIL LINER SYSTEM 31 38 10 - 2 1.4 JOB CONDITIONS 1 A. Verify conditions of subgrade prior to commencing work. 2 1.5 TOLERANCES 3 A. The soil liner system must meet the following tolerances: 4 1. The saturated hydraulic permeability of the soil liner must be equal to or less than 1.0 x 10-5 5 cm/sec, as determined by ASTM D5084. 6 2. The thickness of the soil liner must be equal to or greater than 18 inches. Any excess shall 7 be on the bottom of the layer. 8 3. The work should be constructed to lines, grades, and control points indicated on the 9 Drawings, and shall be controlled and documented with survey methods. Laser based survey 10 systems are preferred for grading. 11 B. The Contractor is responsible for certifying the Work is constructed to the specified tolerances 12 and for providing sealed surveys supporting the certification. 13 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 14 2.1 MATERIALS 15 A. Low Permeability Soil - General: 16 1. Contractor shall excavate and process soil materials from borrow area or stockpile 17 designated on the Drawings to prepare soil that is capable of being worked to produce a soil 18 layer of thickness shown on the Drawings that meets the hydraulic conductivity 19 requirements. 20 2. In accordance with these Specifications, the Contractor is responsible for conducting a 21 borrow soil characterization study (BSCS). 22 3. The soil shall be relatively homogeneous in color and texture and shall be free from roots, 23 stones, foreign objects, and other deleterious materials. 24 4. Some soils not meeting the requirements of B.1. and B.4. below, may be acceptable for use 25 in the Work at the sole discretion of the Engineer. The contractor may submit data on soils 26 for the Engineer’s review. For the Engineer to approve the materials, the submittal should 27 contain: a statement signed by a qualified professional Engineer that the proposed soils will 28 meet the hydraulic conductivity requirement and are otherwise suitable for use in the Work; 29 and, supporting geotechnical test results and data. 30 5. Contractor and CQC Consultant shall determine whether existing intermediate cover soils 31 meet the requirements for compacted soil liner material by performing depth checks and 32 obtaining drive tube samples of the soil within the proposed final closure area on a 100 foot 33 grid system. The samples shall be tested in a geotechnical laboratory for hydraulic 34 conductivity (ASTM D5084) and gradation (ASTM D2488). Depth check and laboratory 35 testing results shall be provided to the CQA Monitor and CQA Manager who will determine 36 the extent and thickness of existing soils that can be incorporated into the compacted soil 37 liner. 38 6. All soils must be approved for use by the Engineer prior to use in the Work. 39 B. Natural Fine-Grained Soil 40 1. Classification: Natural fine-grained soil shall have a classification of SC, SM, CH, CL, MH, 41 or ML as determined by ASTM D2488. 42 2. Grain sizes shall be within the following gradation: 43 Sieve Size Percent Passing by Weight 44 3/4 IN 100 45 No. 4 > 90 46 No. 200 > 30 47 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review SOIL LINER SYSTEM 31 38 10 - 3 3. Hydraulic Conductivity: The saturated hydraulic conductivity of the natural fine-grained 1 soil shall meet the stated tolerances, when compacted in accordance with requirements 2 established by the CQC Consultant and Contractor on the basis of the soil liner test strip as 3 specified herein. 4 4. Other Soil Liner Properties: 5 a. The liquid limit shall be at least 25 as measured by ASTM D4318. 6 b. The plasticity index shall be at least 10 and less than 30 as measured by ASTM D4318. 7 C. Permeability Test 8 1. Laboratory permeability tests (ASTM D-5084) shall be conducted in constant head, triaxial 9 type permeameters. The specimens shall be consolidated under an isotropic effective 10 consolidation stress not to exceed 10 psi. The inflow to and outflow from the specimens 11 shall be monitored with time and the coefficient of permeability calculated for each 12 recorded flow increment. The test shall continue until steady state flow is achieved and 13 relatively constant values of coefficient of permeability are measured. 14 D. Interface Friction Tests. 15 1. Test materials using ASTM D 5321. Section 01 30 00. Special Conditions, paragraph 2.1, 16 outlines the conditions under which this material shall be tested. 17 2. This material is part of a system. The system shall meet the requirements before the 18 component material can be deemed acceptable. 19 2.2 SOIL LINER MATERIAL ACCEPTANCE 20 A. General: All imported, on-site, and processed materials specified in this Section are subject to 21 the following requirements: 22 1. All tests necessary for the Contractor to locate and define acceptable sources of materials 23 from the borrow area shall be made by the CQC Consultant. Certification that the material 24 conforms to the Specification requirements along with copies of the test results from a 25 qualified commercial testing laboratory shall be submitted to the CQA Consultant for 26 approval at least 10 days before the material is required for use. All material samples shall 27 be furnished by the Contractor at the Contractor's sole expense. 28 2. All samples required in this Section shall be representative and be clearly marked to show 29 the source of the material and the intended use on the project. Sampling of the material 30 source shall be done by the CQC Consultant in accordance with ASTM D75. 31 3. Notify the CQA Consultant at least 24 hours prior to sampling so that they may observe the 32 sampling procedures. 33 4. Tentative acceptance of the material source shall be based on an inspection of the source by 34 the CQA Consultant and the certified test results of the Borrow Source Characterization 35 Study (BSCS) as submitted by the Contractor to the CQA Consultant. No materials shall be 36 delivered to the site until the proposed materials tests have been accepted in writing by the 37 CQA Consultant. 38 5. Final acceptance of any material will be based on results of tests made on material samples 39 taken from the completed soil liner test strip, combined with the results of the BSCS. If tests 40 conducted by the CQC Consultant or the CQA Consultant indicate that the material does not 41 meet Specification requirements, material placement will be terminated until corrective 42 measures are taken. Material which does not conform to the Specification requirements and 43 is placed in the work shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor's sole expense. 44 6. Contractor shall be solely responsible for obtaining all permits required to obtain acceptable 45 sources of materials for use in the work. 46 B. Sampling and testing required herein shall be done at the Contractor's sole expense. 47 C. Borrow Source Characterization Study: 48 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review SOIL LINER SYSTEM 31 38 10 - 4 1. The Contractor will be responsible for all processing and screening of the soil liner material 1 at his own cost to meet the requirements of the Specifications. The Contractor will be 2 responsible for the erosion protection of the stockpile and borrow area during his operation. 3 The Contractor shall coordinate all aspects of this operation with the CQC Consultant, CQA 4 Consultant, and Project Manager. 5 2. CQC Consultant shall complete a BSCS of natural fine-grained soils or of soil that will be 6 used in bentonite amended soils. 7 3. Contractor shall conduct tests, including particle size, Atterberg limits, moisture-density, 8 and hydraulic conductivity tests. 9 4. The CQC Consultant shall develop and undertake a testing program to demonstrate the 10 acceptability of the proposed material. Certified results of all tests shall be submitted to the 11 CQA Consultant upon completion of tests. The testing program shall include the following 12 elements, at a minimum: 13 a. An excavation plan for the borrow source indicating proposed surface mining limits and 14 depths of samples to be taken for testing. 15 b. Test pits for borrow source sampling shall be appropriately spaced to reflect site 16 geomorphology and sampled at depth intervals appropriate to the proposed excavation 17 methods. 18 c. A minimum of 12 samples shall be collected and tested for the parameters required as 19 described in the following paragraphs. 20 5. Test Parameters and Reporting for Natural Fine-Grained Soils: All samples collected from 21 the proposed borrow area for natural fine-grained soils shall be tested for the following 22 parameters: 23 Parameter Test Method 24 ========= =========== 25 Particle Size (sieve plus hydrometer) ASTM D422 26 Atterberg Limits ASTM D4318 27 Standard Proctor ASTM D698 28 Hydraulic Conductivity(1) ASTM D5084 29 (1) Hydraulic conductivity tests shall be performed on recompacted samples of the 30 proposed material, compacted according to criteria developed by the CQC 31 Consultant using data from tests conducted in accordance with ASTM D698. 32 6. Bentonite: CQC Consultant shall submit certifications from the supplier of the bentonite 33 material that it meets the requirements specified under PART 2, PRODUCTS. 34 D. Fine-Grained Material Dewatering, Mixing, and Staging 35 1. Dewatering of soil liner borrow excavations, if required, shall be solely at the Contractor’s 36 expense. 37 2. Drying, blending, or wetting required to maintain the soil liner soil at a suitable moisture 38 content shall be solely at the Contractor’s expense. 39 2.3 EQUIPMENT 40 A. Compaction Equipment: 41 1. The compaction equipment shall be of a suitable type, adequate to obtain the permeability 42 specified, that provides a kneading action, such as a wobble-wheeled roller or a sheepsfoot 43 roller having tines as long as the maximum loose lift thickness to ensure proper lift interface 44 compaction free of voids. 45 2. The CQC Consultant shall confirm compaction equipment adequacy, and recommend 46 changes if required, based on the soil liner test strip. Such additional equipment will be 47 provided by Contractor at no additional cost. 48 3. The compaction equipment shall be maintained and operated in a condition that will deliver 49 manufacturer's rated compactive effort. 50 4. Hand-operated equipment shall be capable of achieving specified soil densities. 51 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review SOIL LINER SYSTEM 31 38 10 - 5 5. The finished surface of the final lift shall be rolled with a smooth steel drum roller or 1 rubber-tired roller to eliminate tine or roller marks and provide a smooth, dense surface for 2 geomembrane placement. 3 B. Moisture Control Equipment: 4 1. Equipment for applying water shall be of a type and quality adequate for the work, shall not 5 leak, and shall be equipped with a distributor bar or other approved device to assure uniform 6 application. 7 2. Equipment for mixing and drying out material shall consist of blades, discs, or other 8 equipment defined by the CQC Consultant as approved by the CQA Consultant. 9 3. Mixing of natural fine-grained soils may also be required to get even distribution of 10 moisture. 11 4. Soil liner material must not be compacted within 24 hours of the adjustment of water 12 content by the addition of water. 13 PART 3 - EXECUTION 14 3.1 SOIL LINER TEST STRIP 15 A. Test Strip Installation: 16 1. Prior to actual soil liner installation, a soil liner test strip of a dimension no less than 100 FT 17 long by 30 FT wide by 1.5 FT thick shall be constructed by the Contractor over a compacted 18 subgrade within the liner construction site. 19 2. The soil liner test strip shall be constructed in 6 IN lifts. The final compacted thickness of 20 each lift shall be a maximum of 6 IN. Prior to placement of successive lifts, the surface of 21 the lift in place shall be scarified or otherwise conditioned to eliminate lift interfaces. 22 3. The soil liner test strip shall be constructed using the same equipment and construction 23 procedures that are anticipated for use during actual liner installation. 24 4. During test strip installation, the Contractor in coordination with his CQC Consultant and 25 the CQA Consultant shall determine the field procedures that are best suited for his 26 construction equipment to achieve the requirements specified herein. 27 5. If the test strip fails to achieve the desired results, the soil material of the strip shall be 28 completely removed, and additional test strip(s) shall be constructed until the requirements 29 are met. 30 6. The CQC Consultant shall document that the subgrade of the test strip liner is properly 31 compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density, as determined using the 32 Standard Proctor test (ASTM D-698). Field density tests on the subgrade shall be performed 33 by the CQC Consultant and documented at a minimum of three test locations within the test 34 strip area. 35 7. At least five field density measurements shall be performed by the CQC Consultant on each 36 lift of the liner test strip. The field density tests shall be conducted using a nuclear gauge 37 (ASTM D-2922) or other method, as approved by the CQA Consultant. Corresponding tests 38 for moisture content to determine dry density shall likewise be performed by using a nuclear 39 gauge (ASTM D-3017), or other approved method. On the test pad, the density 40 measurement if performed by a nuclear gauge shall be verified through performance of one 41 sand cone test (ASTM D-1556) or drive tube test (ASTM D-2937) at a location selected by 42 the CQA Consultant. The moisture content measurement, if performed by a nuclear gauge 43 shall be verified by recovering at least five samples for oven-dry testing (ASTM D-2216) 44 from the test location. 45 8. A composite sample will be taken from each lift for recompacted lab permeability (ASTM 46 D-5084). 47 9. Upon completion of the soil liner test strip, the CQC Consultant, as observed by the CQA 48 Consultant, shall measure the thickness of the test strip at a minimum of five random 49 locations. 50 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review SOIL LINER SYSTEM 31 38 10 - 6 10. A minimum of five random samples of the liner construction materials delivered to the site 1 during test strip installation shall be tested by the CQC Consultant for moisture content 2 (ASTM D-2216), sieve analyses (ASTM D-421, D-422) and Atterberg limits (ASTM D-3 4318). 4 11. The CQC Consultant shall conduct at least one standard Proctor (ASTM D-698) and one 5 modified Proctor (ASTM D-1557) compaction test on bag samples of the test strip material 6 to determine the moisture-density relationships. 7 12. A minimum of one undisturbed sample shall be taken from each lift of the test strip by the 8 CQC Consultant for laboratory hydraulic conductivity testing. The samples shall be taken 9 within a 2 FT radius of the in-situ density and moisture tests. The CQA Consultant will also 10 conduct at least one confirmatory in-situ hydraulic conductivity testing. 11 13. The data gathered from the test strip sampling (i.e., field density, moisture, undisturbed 12 samples, and in-situ hydraulic conductivity) shall be used along with the Proctor curve for 13 the soil to develop a range of acceptable moisture and density test values which are likely to 14 be consistent with the required maximum permeability. This range of moisture/density 15 values will be established by the CQC Consultant and the CQA Consultant and will be 16 utilized as a means to establish Pass/Fail Criteria for the area to be lined by the subject 17 material. 18 14. The test strip will be considered acceptable if the measured hydraulic conductivity of the 19 test strip as determined by ASTM D-5084 meets the requirements of the Specifications. 20 15. If field and laboratory test data indicate that the installed test strip meets the requirements of 21 this Specification, it may be used as part of the liner provided that it is adequately protected 22 by the Installer from drying and equipment damage after installation. The Installer shall 23 scarify the liner material along the edge of the test strip. A minimum 2 FT overlap per lift is 24 required for mixing and compaction between the test strip and the liner. 25 16. If the test strip fails to meet Specifications, additional mix designs (if bentonite amended) 26 and/or test strips will be constructed until a test strip meets the requirements. No soil liner 27 may be placed until a test strip has been accepted by the CQA Consultant. 28 17. Upon receipt of the test data from the CQA Consultant, the Project Manager shall inform 29 the Contractor if the test strip can remain in-place as part of the liner. 30 3.2 INSTALLATION 31 A. The subgrade to be lined shall be smooth and free of vegetation, sticks, roots, foreign objects, 32 and debris. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to keep the receiving surfaces in the 33 accepted condition until complete installation of the liner is accomplished. 34 B. The subgrade shall be proofrolled with a pneumatic tired vehicle of at least 20 tons GVW, 35 making passes across the area as directed by the CQC and/or CQA Consultants. The soil liner 36 shall not be placed over areas deemed unacceptable by either the CQC or CQA Consultants 37 based on proofroll observations or inadequate test results. 38 C. The soil liner shall be installed in 6 IN compacted lifts. The material shall be placed consistent 39 with criteria developed from construction of a satisfactory test strip. 40 D. When particles exceeding ¾ IN are observed at the final lift surface, they shall be removed by 41 the Contractor prior to final rolling of the surface. 42 E. Equipment shall be used such that bonding of the lifts will occur. Equipment shall have cleats or 43 other protrusions of such length necessary to completely penetrate into the loose lift. 44 Compaction shall be performed using appropriately heavy, properly ballasted, penetrating foot 45 compactor making a minimum number of passes as approved by the CQC Consultant and CQA 46 Consultant based on the soil liner test strip. 47 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review SOIL LINER SYSTEM 31 38 10 - 7 F. If desiccation and crusting of the lift surface occurs prior to placement of the next lift, this area 1 shall be scarified to a minimum depth of 2 IN or until sufficiently moist materials are 2 encountered, whichever is greater. After scarification, the superficial material should be 3 reworked to obtain a moisture content at least 2 percent above optimum moisture content. 4 Alternately, the drier superficial soil may be stripped and mixed with additional moist soil to 5 achieve a moisture content satisfying the project requirements. 6 G. No frozen material shall be placed. 7 H. Material shall not be placed on a previous lift which is frozen. Frozen in-place material shall be 8 removed prior to placement of additional soil material. 9 I. Material which has been subjected to a freeze/thaw cycle(s) shall be disked and recompacted 10 prior to placement of subsequent lifts. 11 J. During construction, exposed finished lifts of the soil liner material should be sprinkled with 12 water to minimize desiccation, as necessary. The Contractor is responsible to protect the soil 13 liner from rain, drying, desiccation, erosion and freezing. All defective areas shall be repaired by 14 the Contractor to the satisfaction of the CQC Consultant at no extra compensation. 15 K. At the end of each day's construction activities, completed lifts or sections of the compacted soil 16 liner should be sealed. Common sealing methods include rolling with a rubber tired or smooth-17 drum roller, backdragging with a bulldozer, or placement of temporary cover soil over the 18 compacted soil liner. The compacted soil liner should be sprinkled with water, as needed. 19 L. If testing shows that a lift is significantly thicker than 6 IN, the top of the lift will be shaved off 20 so that the lift is approximately 6 IN thick. 21 3.3 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL AND QUALITY ASSURANCE 22 A. Refer to the CQA Plan. 23 B. The following field and laboratory quality control tests shall be performed by the CQC 24 Consultant at no additional expense to the Owner during soil liner construction: 25 Test Method Minimum Frequency Acceptable Criteria 26 1. Field Density ASTM D2937 1/10,000 SF/lift > 95% 27 or 28 ASTM D2937 1/5 D3017 tests > 95% 29 ASTM D3017 1/10,000 SF/lift > 95% 30 2. Thickness Surveyor 8 locations/acre > 18 IN 31 3. Atterberg Limits ASTM D4318 1/acre/lift BSCS Criteria 32 4. Fines Content ASTM D1140 1/acre/lift BSCS Criteria 33 5. Hydraulic Conductivity ASTM D5084 1/acre/lift < 1.0x10 -5 cm/sec 34 6. Laboratory Moisture ASTM D698 1/5,000 CY of NA 35 Density Relationship placed liner material 36 C. Test methods shall also conform to criteria set forth in Paragraph 3.1, Soil Liner Test Strip. 37 D. Test frequencies may be modified by the CQA Consultant. If there are indications of declining 38 or failing test results, frequencies may be increased. If hydraulic conductivity test results are well 39 above acceptable, the frequency for Atterberg limit and fine content testing may be waived by 40 the Engineer. 41 E. The acceptable criteria may be modified by the CQA Consultant if supported by the test strip 42 results and approved by the Engineer. 43 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review SOIL LINER SYSTEM 31 38 10 - 8 F. Holes in the compacted soil liner created as a result of destructive testing (eg., thin-walled 1 Shelby tube sampling and nuclear gauge, field density determinations) shall be backfilled and 2 tamped by rod uniformly in 2 IN thick lifts. The backfill material shall be the same liner 3 construction material or hydrated bentonite powder, if approved by the CQA Consultant. On the 4 surface, the backfill material shall extend slightly beyond the holes to make sure that a good tie-5 in with the surrounding liner is achieved. Repaired areas shall be observed and documented by 6 the CQC Consultant. 7 G. Give minimum of 24 HR advance notice to CQA Consultant when ready for soil testing and 8 inspection in completed area of the soil liner. 9 H. For areas not meeting field and laboratory testing criteria, the Contractor shall scarify the full 10 depth of the lift or replace the material as needed. The material shall be reshaped, rewetted as 11 needed, rehomogenized and recompacted to the specified density. Areas not meeting the 12 thickness requirements shall be augmented with additional materials. The added materials shall 13 be reworked with the soil layer to ensure homogeneity and proper bonding. This may be done by 14 scarification of the surface prior to addition of new material. The repaired area shall be properly 15 documented, and field and laboratory quality control testing shall be performed to ensure the 16 repaired liner section meets the requirements specified herein. 17 I. The Contractor shall pay for all costs associated with corrective work and retesting resulting 18 from failing tests. The CQA Consultant shall be informed immediately of all failing tests. 19 END OF SECTION 20 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review SOIL ANCHORS 31 51 00 - 1 SECTION 31 51 00 1 SOIL ANCHORS 2 PART 1 - GENERAL 3 1.1 SUMMARY 4 A. Section Includes: 5 1. Percussive Driven Earth Anchor (PDEA) 6 B. Related Specification Sections include but are not necessarily limited to: 7 1. Division 00 - Procurement and Contracting Requirements. 8 2. Division 01 - General Requirements. 9 C. All anchors indicated on the Drawings or specified to be PDEAs obtaining their required tension 10 load carrying capacity from embedment into municipal solid waste (MSW) and cover soils as a 11 method of anchoring an exposed geomembrane cover (EGC) over an MSW landfill. 12 D. Unit Prices: 13 1. Measurement: 14 a. Per installed anchor based on the number of anchors driven to engineered depth or to 15 refusal and successfully load locked at certified load or approved by Engineer. 16 2. Payment: 17 a. Contract bid price for anchors to be based on the total number of anchors indicated on 18 the Drawings along with the minimum number of anchor load tests required by this 19 Specification Section. 20 b. Bid price to include all costs for material, labor, equipment and accessories required for 21 complete anchor installation and anchor load testing as shown on the Drawings and 22 indicated in this Specification Section. 23 c. Adjustment to bid price for the number of anchors in place and anchor load tests to be 24 made in accordance with unit prices in the Bid Proposal. 25 d. No payment will be made for the following: 26 1) Driving any anchor which must be abandoned due to unexpected subsurface 27 conditions encountered such as obstructions, etc. except where retrieval of anchor 28 is not possible and design load cannot be met and has been documented with the 29 Engineer. In this event, the Engineer will decide whether another anchor is 30 warranted to supplement the original anchor. 31 2) Additional anchors and structural members required due to in-place anchors not 32 being capable of being tensioned to required loadings. 33 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE 34 A. Referenced Standards: 35 1. Post-Tensioning Institute (PTI): 36 a. Post-Tensioning Manual: 37 1) Recommendations for Prestressed Rock and Soil Anchors, 4th edition, PTI 38 DC35.1-04. 39 B. Qualifications: 40 1. Anchor installer to be trained by the anchor manufacturer in the installation and construction 41 of the type of anchors shown on the Drawings and required by the Specification Sections. 42 1.3 DEFINITIONS 43 A. Anchor Embedment Length: That portion of the total length of anchor extending into and 44 surrounded by subgrade soil material. 45 B. Anchor Extension: The amount of tendon extended from the surface during the loadlock and 46 tensioning of the anchor. 47 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review SOIL ANCHORS 31 51 00 - 2 C. Production Anchors: Anchors indicated on Drawings or otherwise required for support of EGC. 1 D. Installer or Applicator: 2 1. Installer or applicator is the person actually installing or applying the product in the field at 3 the Project site. 4 2. Installer and applicator are synonymous. 5 1.4 SUBMITTALS 6 A. Shop Drawings: 7 1. See Specification Section 01 33 00 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of 8 the submittal process. 9 2. Product technical data including: 10 a. Manufacturer and type of proposed anchor along with proposed anchor corrosion 11 protection. 12 b. Proposed sizes and types of anchor, wire tendons, and locking mechanism. 13 c. Proposed methods of installing and tensioning of anchors. 14 d. Connection details between the anchor and the EGC. 15 e. Details of impermeable patch to be placed over tensioned anchor/EGC connection. 16 f. Results of pull through tests performed by anchor manufacturer using same anchor, 17 EGC, and connection materials proposed for use on the project. 18 B. Qualifications: 19 1. Submit record of three (3) of anchor manufacturer’s past successful installations of required 20 type of anchor under similar soil conditions. 21 2. Installer shall be certified by a qualified anchor manufacturer. 22 C. Informational Submittals: 23 1. Submit results of all anchor load tests for Engineer information including drive depth, load, 24 and extention. 25 2. Submit survey of anchor locations and design capacities. 26 3. Submit anchor installation report for all in place production anchors. 27 a. Submittal is for information only. 28 1.5 PROJECT CONDITIONS 29 A. Do not begin anchor installation until the earthwork in the area where anchors are to be installed 30 has been completed and EGC has been installed as shown on the Drawings and indicated in this 31 Specification Section. 32 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 33 2.1 MANUFACTURERS 34 A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following manufacturers are 35 acceptable: 36 1. Percussive Driven Earth Anchors: 37 a. Platipus Anchors Inc. or Engineer approved equal. 38 B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01 25 13. 39 2.2 ANCHOR CAPACITY 40 A. Allowable working tension load carrying capacity for each required production anchor to be 41 1,800 LBS. 42 2.3 MATERIALS 43 A. Soil Anchors: Hard anodized aluminum alloy. 44 B. Wire Tendons: Grade 316 stainless steel. 45 C. Load Plate Under Anchor Locking Mechanism: 46 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review SOIL ANCHORS 31 51 00 - 3 1. 8-inch diameter by ¼-inch thick HDPE load plate with beveled edge of sufficient strength to 1 prevent gouging of EGC by load plate while tensioning of PDEA. 2 D. Top Termination and Accessory: 3 1. 4 mm conical wedge grip and washer (all components shall be stainless steel). 4 5 PART 3 - EXECUTION 6 3.1 INSPECTION 7 A. CQC Consultant shall verify anchors are installed in accordance with the Drawings, 8 Specifications, and Contractor submittals. 9 B. CQC Consultant shall record all load test data and provide to CQA Monitor. 10 3.2 LINES AND LEVELS 11 A. Complete necessary excavation and grading and furnish all lines and levels necessary for 12 completion of anchor installation. 13 3.3 ANCHOR INSTALLATION PROCEDURES 14 A. Perform pre-construction test anchor installation at project site within proposed EGC installation 15 area. 16 1. Test anchors shall be installed by anchor manufacturer in the presence of the installer’s 17 superintendent and personnel that will be performing the PDEA installation. 18 2. Number of test anchors shall be determined by anchor manufacturer. 19 B. Entire anchor installation procedure shall be under the direction and supervision of the certified 20 anchor installer. 21 1. Entire apparatus for testing anchors shall be approved by the anchor manufacturer and 22 supplied by the Contractor. 23 2. Contractor to design anchor testing setup. 24 a. Entire apparatus for load testing anchors to be supplied by Contractor. 25 C. Load test anchors in accordance with the PTI "Recommendations for Prestressed Rock and Soil 26 Anchors." 27 1. Provide a calibration chart not more than 20 days old for the hydraulic jack, pump and 28 pressure gauge used for the load tests. Calibrate the hydraulic jack, pump and pressure 29 gauge as a system. Contractor is responsible for calibration of testing equipment per 30 equipment manufacturer’s recommendations. 31 2. Entire load test setup to have adequate capacity for testing anchors to twice their specified 32 allowable working tension load carrying capacity. 33 3. Determine tendon extension by comparing post-loading length to the initial pre-load 34 position. 35 a. All readings, taken by CQC Consultant, to be verified and signed by Contractor, and a 36 copy sent to Engineer for information. 37 4. Do not begin load tests until mechanical anchors have been deployed and tensioned to be 38 capable of transferring the required test loads from the anchor to the subgrade. 39 D. Criteria for establishing failure of anchors will be as determined by anchor Manufacturer. 40 E. In the event of failure of test anchor apparatus setup, repeat load test at no additional expense to 41 Owner. 42 F. Based on the results of the anchor load tests, the anchor embedment length into subgrade for 43 production anchors to be installed at required locations to be as directed by the Engineer. 44 1. Send anchor load test results to Engineer for information. 45 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review SOIL ANCHORS 31 51 00 - 4 G. If, during the installation of the production anchors, subgrade conditions are found to be 1 different from those encountered during installation of the test anchors, or if production anchors 2 are not capable of being post tensioned to the required loads as specified herein, revise the 3 anchor embedment length into subgrade for the anchor being installed as directed by the 4 Engineer. 5 1. If anchor is found to be not capable of being post tensioned to the required loads, install 6 additional anchor or anchors as directed by Engineer. 7 3.4 ADDITIONAL ANCHOR LOAD TESTS 8 A. In addition to anchor load test requirements for Base Bid, Geotechnical Engineer may require 9 installation and testing of additional test anchors loaded and tested in accordance with 10 requirements of this Specification Section. 11 3.5 ANCHOR INSTALLATION AND DETAIL REQUIREMENTS 12 A. Equipment: 13 1. Driving equipment shall be adequate to obtain required embedment depth of the anchor in 14 the subgrade encountered. 15 2. Anchors are to be driven using a percussive/demolition style hammer only, vibration or 16 rotary type hammers are not recommended. 17 3. Tensioning of anchors to be accomplished by use of a hydraulic jack and pump properly 18 calibrated, capable of applying the required tension loads and including appropriate gauges 19 to indicate the load applied while measurements of anchor elongation and movements are 20 recorded. Do not cut off excess tendon. Wire shall be coiled and placed under impermeable 21 patch. 22 B. Anchor Placement: 23 1. Do not install any anchors which are bent, cracked, of insufficient length, of reduced cross 24 section due to any reason, or damaged in any way which would decrease the tension load 25 carrying capacity of the anchor. 26 2. Install anchors at the indicated locations, to the embedment length as directed by the 27 Engineer and at the indicated angle of inclination. 28 3. All anchors to be continuous full length without splices. 29 4. Provide a washer under the anchor locking mechanism. 30 C. Load Testing of Production Anchors: 31 1. All production anchors shall not exceed the strength of the EGC liner and shall have a 32 minimum working load of 1,800 lbs. 33 2. When approval to do so is obtained from the CQC Consultant, load test each anchor to the 34 required working load. 35 3. Allow the installation and load testing of all production anchors to be witnessed and 36 approved by the CQC Consultant and CQA Monitor. 37 4. All anchors to be load tested by means of an approved tensioning device. 38 3.6 ANCHOR REPORT 39 A. During the installation of the production anchors, provide an anchor report for each production 40 anchor installed recording for each anchor the following information: 41 1. Anchor type, manufacturer, diameter and length. 42 2. Total anchor embedment length into soil. 43 3. Hydraulic jacking force reading (target working load of 1,800 lbs). 44 4. Record anchor extension and measure total movement of the tendon (in inches) once 45 tensioning begins. 46 B. The anchor report to be signed by the Contractor and CQC Consultant with copies sent to 47 Engineer and Owner. 48 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review SOIL ANCHORS 31 51 00 - 5 3.7 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 1 A. Do not include in bid price the cost of testing or inspection services indicated herein as being 2 performed by the CQA Monitor. See Specification Section 01 45 33. 3 B. Scope of CQA Monitor’s Testing and Inspection: 4 1. Observe anchor load testing program. 5 2. Witness installation of all production anchors. (1'2)6(&7,21 END OF SECTION 7 This page intentionally left blank. 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review SEEDING 32 92 13 - 1 SECTION 32 92 13 1 SEEDING 2 PART 1 - GENERAL 3 1.1 DESCRIPTION 4 A. General: 5 1.Furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment and services for seeding in accordance with6 provisions of Contract Documents. 7 2.Completely coordinate with work of all other trades.8 3.See Division 1 for General Requirements.9 B. Related work specified elsewhere: 10 1.Section 31 23 00 - Earthwork.11 2.Section 31 23 33 - Trenching, Backfilling, and Compacting.12 3.Section 31 25 14 – Erosion Control Blankets.13 C. Location of work: All disturbed areas, exclusive of lined landfill area. 14 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE 15 A. Fertilizer testing: Current methods of Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. 16 1.Testing will be conducted at discretion of Engineer.17 1.3 SUBMITTALS 18 A. See Section 01 33 00. 19 B. Shop drawing submittals: 20 1.Soil test results with recommendations of lime and nutrient needs.21 2.Grass seed mix that will be used for the project and application rate.22 3.Mulch type.23 4.A plan view drawing that depicts the areas to be seeded with areas measured.24 5.Certificates for each grass seed mixture, stating botanical and common name, percentage by25 weight, and percentages of purity, germination, and weed seed.26 C. Miscellaneous Submittals: 27 1.Copies of fertilizer and lime invoices, showing grade furnished and total quantity applied.28 2.A plan view drawing that depicts the areas that were seeded with concurrence from the29 CQA.30 3.Soil test results as required by Section 3.3 of this specification.31 D. Written warranty as required by Section 3.4 of this specification. 32 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 33 2.1 MATERIALS 34 A. Establish a smooth, healthy, uniform, close strand of grass from specified seed. 35 B. Grass seed: Fresh, clean, latest available crop. 36 1.Seeds shall meet state seed requirements and those of the Federal Seed Act.37 2.Species, proportions and minimum percentage of purity, germination, and maximum38 percentage of weed seed, as specified.39 a.Minimum percent purity 96%.40 b.Minimum percent germination 80%.41 c.Maximum percent weed seed 1%.42 3.All seed used shall comply with the state’s noxious weed seed requirements.43 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review SEEDING 32 92 13 - 2 C. Mulch: Clean, seed-free, threshed straw of oats, wheat, barley, rye, beans, or other locally 1 available mulch material. 2 1. Straw mulch: 3 a. Do not use mulch containing a quantity of matured noxious weed seeds or other species 4 that will be detrimental to seeding, or provide a menace to surrounding land. 5 b. Do not use mulch material which is fresh or excessively brittle, or which is decomposed 6 and will smother or retard growth of grass. 7 2. Wood fiber and cellulose fiber mulch: 8 a. Materials: Wood fiber, cellulose fiber, dark green marker dye. 9 b. pH: 5. 10 c. Moisture content: 12%. 11 d. Wood fiber: 70% minimum. 12 e. Cellulose fiber: 30% maximum. 13 f. Organic content: 97%. 14 g. Ash content: 1.6%. 15 h. Water holding capacity: 1100% minimum. 16 D. Fertilizer: Commercial grade fertilizer meeting applicable requirements of State and Federal law. 17 1. Do not use cyanamic compounds of hydrated lime. 18 E. Limestone: agricultural grade ground limestone containing not less than 85 percent of combined 19 calcium and magnesium carbonates. 20 1. 50 percent passing 100 mesh sieve. 21 2. 90 percent passing 20 mesh sieve. 22 F. Asphalt binder: not allowed. 23 G. Water: Potable, free of substances harmful to growth. 24 H. Erosion Control Matting: Material shall be placed as shown on Drawings. 25 2.2 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING 26 A. Deliver seed in standard sealed containers labeled with producer's name and seed analysis, and 27 in accord with US Department of Agriculture Rules and Regulations under Federal Seed Act. 28 B. Deliver fertilizer in original containers labeled with content analysis. 29 PART 3 - EXECUTION 30 3.1 JOB CONDITIONS 31 A. This project shall comply with the planting regime for the Piedmont Region. 32 B. Perform spring seeding between March 1 and May 15, and fall seeding between September 1 33 and November 1, or upon approval of the Engineer. 34 C. Permanent Seeding 35 1. Spring (March 1 – April 30) and Fall (September 1 – November 15) 36 a. Kentucky-31: 175 lbs/ac. 37 b. Unhulled sercia lespedeza: 50 lbs/ac. 38 c. Rye grain: 1 bushel/ac. 39 2. Winter (November 16 – February 28) 40 a. Kentucky-31: 200 lbs/ac. 41 b. Unhulled sercia lespedeza: 50 lbs/ac. 42 c. Rye Grain: 3 bushels/ac. 43 3. Summer (May 1 – August 31) 44 a. Kentucky-31: 50 lbs/ac. 45 b. Unhulled sercia lespedeza: 50 lbs/ac. 46 c. Korean or kobe lespedeza: 50 lbs/ac. 47 d. Weeping love grass: 5 lbs/ac. 48 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review SEEDING 32 92 13 - 3 e.Bermuda grass: 10 lbs/ac.1 f.Millet: 1 bushel/ac.2 D. Temporary Seeding 3 1.Provide winter rye at a rate of 224 lbs/acre.4 3.2 SOIL PREPARATION 5 A. Project manager (as defined in Section 01 31 13) to approve area after the surface is prepared 6 and prior to seeding. If area is seeded without approval from project manager and the project 7 manager requires the area to be disturbed, the Contractor shall reseed the area without additional 8 cost to the Owner. 9 B. Limit preparation to areas which will be planted soon after preparation. 10 C. Loosen surface to minimum depth of four (4) IN. 11 D. Remove stones over one IN in any dimension, sticks, roots, rubbish and other extraneous matter. 12 E. Test soil pH using test kits approved by USDA NRCS. Use test results to determine rate of lime 13 application needed to make soil circumneutral. Provide application rate to Engineer for approval 14 prior to its application. 15 F. Spread lime uniformly over designated areas at rate determined by soil testing. 16 G. After application of lime, prior to applying fertilizer, loosen areas to be seeded with double disc 17 or other suitable device if soil has become hard or compacted. Correct any surface irregularities 18 in order to prevent pocket or low areas which will allow water to stand. 19 H. Test soil fertility according to USDA NRCS approved methods. Use test results to determine 20 rate of fertilizer application. Engineer will approve fertilizer application rate prior to application. 21 I. Distribute fertilizer uniformly over areas to be seeded at a rate determined by soil testing. 22 1.Use suitable distributor.23 2.Incorporate fertilizer into soil to depth of at least two IN.24 3.Remove stones or other substances which will interfere with turf development or subsequent25 mowing.26 J. Grade seeded areas to smooth, even surface with loose, uniformly fine texture. 27 1.Roll and rake, remove ridges and fill depressions, as required to meet finish grades.28 2.Fine grade just prior to planting.29 K. Restore seeded areas to specified condition if eroded or otherwise disturbed between fine 30 grading and planting. 31 L. If fertilizer or limed application rate is determined (by invoices submitted) to be less than that 32 specified, apply additional fertilizer and/or lime. 33 M. Protect seeded areas. 34 3.3 SEEDING 35 A. Do not use seed which is wet, moldy, or otherwise damaged. 36 B. Use approved mechanical power driven drills or seeders, or mechanical hand seeders, or other 37 approved equipment. 38 C. Distribute seed evenly over entire area at not less than 7LB/1000 SF, 50 percent sown in one 39 direction, remainder at right angles to first sowing. 40 D. Stop work when work extends beyond most favorable planting season for species designated, or 41 when satisfactory results cannot be obtained because of drought, high winds, excessive 42 moisture, or other factors. 43 E. Resume work only when favorable condition develops. 44 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review SEEDING 32 92 13 - 4 F. Lightly rake seed into soil followed by light rolling or Culti-packing. 1 G. Immediately protect seeded areas against erosion by mulching or placing netting. 2 1. Spread mulch in a continuous blanket using 1-1/2 TON/ACRE to depth of 4 or 5 straws. 3 2. Immediately following spreading mulch, secure with evenly distributed emulsified asphalt 4 at rate of 200 gal/acre. 5 3. Protect all seeded slopes greater than 3:1 (horizontal to vertical) and ditches against erosion 6 with approved erosion control netting or mats. 7 H. Immediately after planting, water to a reasonable depth. 8 I. Clean-up: Remove any soil or similar material from paved areas within same working day. 9 Upon completion of seeding, remove all excess soil, stones, and other debris from site or 10 dispose as directed by Owner. Repair all damages to existing construction caused by lawn 11 operations to the satisfaction of Engineer and Owner at no additional cost to Owner 12 3.4 MAINTENANCE 13 A. Remulch with new mulch in areas where mulch has been disturbed by wind or maintenance 14 operations sufficiently to nullify its purpose. Anchor as required to prevent displacement. 15 B. Replant bare areas using same materials specified. 16 C. Contractor shall supply sufficient water until grass is established. 17 D. Contractor shall warranty work for one year from date of project final completion. 18 E. If stand is over 40% damaged for any reason either during construction or within one year of 19 project final completion, re-establish stand in the area damaged and extend warranty for that 20 area by six months from the date stand is established. 21 F. Restore seeded areas to specified condition if eroded or otherwise disturbed during construction. 22 3.5 WARRANTY 23 A. Contractor shall warranty the work for one year from date of final acceptance by the Owner. 24 END OF SECTION 25 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) MEMBRANE LINER 33 47 14 - 1 SECTION 33 47 14 1 HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) MEMBRANE LINER 2 PART 1 - GENERAL 3 1.1 SUMMARY 4 A. Section Includes: 5 1. Furnishing, installation, quality control, and testing of a HDPE geomembrane liner. 6 B. Related Specification Sections include but are not necessarily limited to: 7 1. Division 00 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract. 8 2. Division 01 - General Requirements. 9 3. Section 31 23 00 - Earthwork. 10 4. Section 31 23 33 - Trenching, Backfilling, and Compacting. 11 5. Section 31 38 10 - Soil Liner System. 12 6. Section 31 51 00 - Soil Anchors 13 7. Construction Quality Assurance Plan. 14 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE 15 A. Referenced Standards: 16 a. D698 Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using 17 Standard Effort (12,400 ft-lbf/ft3 (600 kN-m/m3)). 18 b. D792 Standard Test Method for Density and Specific Gravity (Relative Density) of 19 Plastics by Displacement. 20 c. D1004, Standard Test Method for Initial Tear Resistance of Plastic Film and Sheeting. 21 d. D1505, Standard Test Method for Density of Plastics by the Density-Gradient 22 Technique. 23 e. D1603 Standard Test Method for Carbon Black in Olefin Plastics. 24 f. D3895 Test Method for Oxidative Induction Time of Polyolefins by Thermal Analysis. 25 g. D4218 Test Method for Determination of Carbon Black Content in Polyethylene 26 Compounds by the Muffle-Furnace Technique. 27 h. D4437, Standard Practice for Determining the Integrity of Field Seams Used in Joining 28 Flexible Polymeric Sheet Geomembranes. 29 i. D4833 Test Method for Index Puncture Resistance of Geotextiles, Geomembranes, and 30 Related Products. 31 j. D5321 Standard Test Method for Determining the Shear Strength of Soil-Geosynthetic 32 and Geosynthetic-Geosynthetic Interfaces by Direct Shear. 33 k. D5596 Test Method for Microscopic Evaluation of the Dispersion of Carbon Black in 34 Polyolefin Geosynthetics. 35 l. D5994 Test Method for Measuring the Core Thickness of Textured Geomembranes. 36 m. D6392, Standard Test Method for Determining the Integrity of Nonreinforced 37 Geomembrane Seams Produced Using Thermo-Fusion Methods. 38 n. D6693, Standard Test Method for Determining Tensile Properties of Nonreinforced 39 Polyethylene and Nonreinforced Flexible Polypropylene Geomembranes. 40 o. D7466 Standard Test Method for Measuring Asperity Height of Textured 41 Geomembranes. 42 B. The Geosynthetic Research Institute (GRI). 43 a. GM6 Pressurized Air Channel Test for Dual Seam Geomembranes. 44 b. GM13 Standard Specification for Test Properties, Testing Frequency, and 45 Recommended 46 c. Warranty for High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Smooth and Textured 47 Geomembrane. 48 C. Qualifications: 49 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) MEMBRANE LINER 33 47 14 - 2 a. Each geomembrane manufacturing or installation firm shall demonstrate 5 years 1 continuous experience, including a minimum of 10,000,000 SF of HDPE geomembrane 2 manufacture or installation. 3 b. Geomembrane Installer Personnel Qualifications: 4 c. Installation Superintendent shall have worked in a similar capacity on at least five 5 HDPE geomembrane liner jobs similar in size and complexity to the project described 6 in the Contract Documents. 7 d. The Master Welder shall have completed a minimum of 5,000,000 sf of HDPE 8 geomembrane seaming work using the type of seaming apparatus proposed for use on 9 this Project. 10 e. Other welders shall have seamed a minimum of 1,000,000 sf of HDPE geomembrane. 11 f. The CQC Consultant shall meet the qualification requirements of Section 01 45 29 of 12 these Specifications. 13 D. CQA Plan Implementation: Construction Quality Assurance for the HDPE geomembrane 14 installation will be performed for the Owner by the CQA Monitor in accordance with the CQA 15 Plan prepared for this project. The work performed under the CQA Plan is paid for by the Owner 16 and is not a part of this contract. The Contractor, CQC Consultant, and Geomembrane Installer, 17 however, should familiarize themselves with the CQA Plan and are responsible for providing 18 reasonable notice of and access to work elements that the CQA Monitor is required by the CQA 19 Plan to overview. 20 1.3 SUBMITTALS 21 A. Submit for Engineer's approval prior to placement of geomembrane liner, including: 22 1. Manufacturer's Submittals. 23 a. Manufacturer's Quality Control (MQC) Program: Submit for review a complete 24 description of the geosynthetic manufacturer's formal quality control program for 25 manufacturing HDPE geomembrane. The MQC program shall at a minimum conform 26 to GRI GM13 standards. The manufacturer shall reject resin and geomembrane that 27 does not conform with the requirements of the approved MQC program. 28 b. Manufacturing Capabilities: 29 1) Information on factory size, equipment, personnel, number of shifts per day and 30 production capacity per shift. 31 2) List of material properties and samples of liner with attached certified test results. 32 3) List of ten completed facilities totaling a minimum of three million square feet for 33 which the manufacturer has manufactured HDPE liner. The following information 34 shall be provided for each facility: 35 a) Name and purpose of facility, its location and date of installation. 36 b) Name of owner, project manager, design engineer and installer. 37 c) Liner thickness and surface area. 38 d) Information on performance of the facility. 39 4) The origin of the resin to be used in the manufacturing of liner including the 40 supplier’s name and production plant, as well as brand name and number. 41 5) A fingerprint of the manufacturer’s liner properties as listed herein. The purpose of 42 these tests is to identify the manufacturer’s liner product. The results of these tests 43 shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval of the product. Once the product is 44 approved, all HDPE liner to be supplied for the project shall be manufactured using 45 the same resign type identified through fingerprinting tests. 46 6) Certification that all resin used in the manufacture of textured HDPE liner for this 47 project meets the approved fingerprinting protocol. 48 7) Copy of quality control certificates. 49 8) Certification that the HDPE liner and extrudate produced for this project have the 50 same properties. 51 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) MEMBRANE LINER 33 47 14 - 3 c. Manufacturer's Field Installation Procedures Manual: Submit complete geomembrane 1 manufacturer's specifications, descriptive drawings, and literature for the recommended 2 installation of the HDPE geomembrane liner system, including recommended methods 3 for handling and storage of all materials prior to installation, and field installation 4 guidelines that the manufacturer feels are relevant and important to the success of this 5 project. The manual clearly identifies any exceptions taken by the manufacturer in the 6 specified execution of the Work. Unless excepted and approved by the Engineer, the 7 procedures herein shall be considered part of the manual. 8 d. Manufacturer's Material Data: Submit statement of planned production date(s) for the 9 geosynthetics to be provided for this Project. Prior to shipment of geomembrane, 10 submit quality control certificates for each roll demonstrating conformance with the 11 requirements of these Specifications. Submit statement of production dates for the 12 resin and the HDPE geomembrane for this work. Additionally provide quality control 13 certificates, signed by the manufacturer’s quality assurance manager. Each certificate 14 shall have roll identification number, sampling procedures, frequency and test results. 15 At a minimum, results of the following tests shall be provided: 16 1) Thickness 17 2) Density 18 3) Tensile properties 19 4) Tear resistance 20 5) Carbon black content 21 6) Carbon black dispersion 22 e. Manufacturer's written acceptance of Geomembrane Installer's qualifications for 23 installation of the HDPE geomembrane. 24 f. Warranty: Submit a sample warranty in accordance with Paragraph 1.6 Warranties. 25 2. Geomembrane Installer's Submittals. 26 a. The Geomembrane Installer will submit written documentation that their personnel 27 satisfy the qualifications of 1.2 B. 28 b. Geomembrane Installer's Construction Quality Control Program: Submit for review a 29 complete description of the Geomembrane Installer's formal construction quality 30 control programs to include, but not be limited to, product acceptance testing, 31 installation testing, including both nondestructive and destructive quality control field 32 testing of the sheets and seams during installation of the geomembrane, proposed 33 methods of testing geosynthetic joints and connections at appurtenances for continuity, 34 documentation and changes, alterations, repairs, retests, and acceptance. 35 c. Geomembrane Installer's Installation Procedures Manual: Submit for approval the 36 Installer's installation manual to include: ambient temperature at which the seams are 37 made, control of panel lift up by wind, acceptable condition of the subsurface beneath 38 the geomembrane, quality and consistency of the welding material, proper preparation 39 of the liner surfaces to be joined, cleanliness of the seam interface (e.g., the amount of 40 airborne dust and debris present), and proposed details for connecting the HDPE liner 41 to appurtenances, i.e. penetrations of the containment facilities. The document shall 42 include a complete description of seaming by extrusion welding and hot-wedge 43 welding. The Geomembrane Installer's Installation Manual will by reference include 44 requirements of the Manufacturer's Installation Manual unless exceptions are noted and 45 approved by the Engineer. After this manual has been approved by the Engineer, the 46 Geomembrane Installer shall not deviate from the procedures included in the manual. 47 d. Geomembrane panel layout with proposed size, number, position, and sequencing of 48 panels and showing the location and direction of all field joints. Joints shall be 49 perpendicular to flow direction where possible, unless approved otherwise. 50 e. Anticipated average daily production (include CQC measures). 51 f. Warranty: Submit a sample warranty in accordance with Paragraph 1.6 Warranties. 52 3. CQC Consultants Submittals: 53 a. CQC Consultant shall submit written documentation that their personnel satisfy the 54 qualifications of Section 01 45 00. 55 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) MEMBRANE LINER 33 47 14 - 4 b. CQC Consultants CQC Geomembrane Manual: Submit CQC Consultant's written 1 program for meeting the geomembrane material conformance and CQC requirements 2 of these Specifications. 3 4. Provide all submittals in a single coordinated transmittal. Partial submittals will not be 4 accepted. All submittals must be submitted prior to the Geomembrane Preconstruction 5 Meeting (Section 01 31 19). 6 5. CQA Monitor’s Submittals: 7 a. Conformance testing shall be performed by CQA personnel and an independent Quality 8 Assurance Laboratory approved by the Owner. The Engineer shall obtain the samples 9 from the roll, and mark the machine direction and identification number. One sample 10 shall be taken by CQA personnel per 100,000 square feet or one sample per lot, 11 whichever results in the greater number of conformance tests. A lot number will be 12 defined as a continuous production process with changes to raw material or 13 manufacturing methods. This sampling frequency may be increase as deemed necessary 14 by the Engineer. The Contractor shall pay for the initial test for every change in Lot 15 number. The following conformance tests shall be conducted the laboratory: 16 1) Thickness 17 2) Density 18 3) Tensile properties 19 4) Tear resistance 20 5) Carbon black content 21 6) Carbon black dispersion 22 b. Conformance test shall be performed in accordance with requirements listed herein. 23 The Owner will pay all costs associated with the initial conformance testing. 24 c. All conformance test results shall be reviewed by Engineer and accepted or rejected, 25 prior to the placement of the liner. All test results shall meet, or exceed, the property 26 values listed herein. In case of failing test results, the manufacturer shall pay for this 27 retesting. The manufacturer may also have the sample retested at two different 28 laboratories approved by the Owner. If both laboratories report passing results the 29 material shall be accepted. If both laboratories do not report passing results, all liner 30 material from the lot representing the failing sample will be considered out of 31 specification and rejected. 32 B. Submittals for Engineer's Approval Required for Final Acceptance of HDPE Geomembrane 33 Liner System: 34 1. Geomembrane Manufacturer’s submittals: 35 a. Warranty: Submit signed warranty in accordance with Paragraph 1.6 Warranties. 36 2. Geomembrane Installer's Submittals. 37 a. Warranty: Submit a warranty signed by the Geomembrane Installer that the installed 38 geomembrane liner, attachments, and appurtenances are free of defects in material, 39 manufacturing, and workmanship. 40 b. Record Drawings: Submit reproducible drawings of record showing changes from the 41 approved installation drawings. The record drawings shall include the identity and 42 location of each repair, cap strip, penetration, boot, and sample taken from the installed 43 geosynthetic for testing. The record drawings shall show locations of each type of 44 material anchor trenches and the construction baseline. 45 c. Welder Certification: Submit certification for each welder and performance records 46 that include linear feet of weld completed, number of samples tested, and test failure 47 rate for each welder. Submit field notes with daily equipment reports. 48 3. CQC Consultant's Submittals. 49 a. Certification: Submit written certification that the geomembrane liner was installed in 50 accordance with this Specification and with the approved shop drawings. 51 b. CQC Records: Submit copies of all material and seam test results. Each test shall be 52 identified by date of sample, date of test, sample location, name of individual who 53 performed the test, and standard test method used. 54 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) MEMBRANE LINER 33 47 14 - 5 c. CQC Weld Test Summary Report: The CQC Consultant shall submit a report showing 1 normal distribution of all CQC seam test results, identifying the high, low, and average 2 of the five coupon samples in each test. 3 4. Provide all submittals in a single coordinated transmittal. Partial submittals will not be 4 accepted. 5 1.4 PROJECT CONDITIONS 6 A. When the weather is of such a nature as to endanger the integrity and quality of the installation, 7 whether this is due to rain, high winds, cold temperatures, or other weather elements, the 8 installation of the geomembrane shall be halted at the direction of, or with the concurrence of, 9 the Owner until the weather conditions are satisfactory. 10 B. The Contractor shall ensure that adequate dust control methods are in effect to prevent the 11 unnecessary accumulation of dust and dirt on geosynthetic surfaces which hamper the efficient 12 field seaming of geosynthetic panels. 13 C. The Contractor shall maintain natural surface water drainage diversions around the work area 14 and provide for the disposal of water which may collect in the work area directly from 15 precipitation falling within the area or from inadequate diversion structures or practices. 16 D. The Contractor shall be responsible to coordinate the installation of the leachate collection 17 system which shall be in accordance with Geomembrane Installer's Installation Manual and as 18 specified in these Specifications and shown on the Contract Drawings. 19 E. Vehicles will not be allowed on the liner area unless at least 24 inches of cover has been placed 20 over the liner except as noted in these Specifications. 21 F. Vehicles larger than one and one-half ton pickup trucks are prohibited on the exterior berms. 22 Contractor shall repair any damage to exterior berms prior to final payment. 23 1.5 DEFINITIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 24 A. Geomembrane Manufacturer: Manufacturer of geomembranes producing geomembrane sheets 25 from resin and additives. The manufacturer is responsible for producing geomembrane sheet 26 which complies with these Specifications. These responsibilities include but are not limited to: 27 1. Acceptance of the resin and additives from chemical formulators. Testing of the raw resin 28 and additives to ensure compliance with the manufacturer's specifications and with this 29 Specification. 30 2. Formulation of the resin and additives into geomembrane sheeting using mixing and 31 extrusion equipment. 32 3. Testing of the geomembrane sheet to ensure compliance with manufacturer's specification 33 and this Specification. 34 4. Shipping of the geomembrane sheet to installer designated facilities. 35 5. Certification of the raw materials and finished geomembrane sheet to comply with this 36 Specification. 37 6. Certification of installer's training, experience, and methods for welding and inspection of 38 geomembrane installations in compliance with manufacturer's standards. 39 B. Geomembrane Installer. Installer of geomembranes are responsible for handling, fitting, 40 welding, and testing of geomembrane sheets or blankets in the field. These responsibilities 41 include but are not limited to: 42 1. Acceptance (in writing) of the geomembrane from the manufacturer. 43 2. Acceptance (in writing) of the soil liner surface which will serve as a base for the 44 geomembrane. This acceptance shall precede installation of the geomembrane, and shall 45 state that the installer has inspected the surface, and reviewed the Specifications for material 46 and placement, and finds all conditions acceptable for placement of geomembrane liners. 47 The written acceptance shall explicitly state any and all exceptions to acceptance. 48 3. Handling, welding, testing, and repair geomembrane liners in compliance with this 49 Specification and the Geomembrane Installer's Installation Procedures Manual. 50 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) MEMBRANE LINER 33 47 14 - 6 4. Performance of QA/QC testing and record keeping as required by the approved 1 Geomembrane Installer's Field Installation Procedures Manual. 2 5. Repair or replacement of defects in the geomembrane as required by the CQC Consultant or 3 the CQA Consultant. 4 C. Engineer: Responsible for approval of submittals from the Contractor. 5 D. CQC Consultant: Responsible for observing field installation of the geomembrane and 6 performance of material conformance and CQC testing to provide the Contractor with verbal 7 and written documentation of the compliance of the installation with these Specifications. The 8 CQC Consultant reports to the Contractor and is part of this contract. 9 E. CQA Monitor: Responsible for implementing CQA Plan including overviewing material 10 conformance testing, field installation of the geomembrane, and CQC activities, and to perform 11 limited CQA conformance testing to provide Owner with verbal and written documentation of 12 the compliance of the installation with these Specifications. The CQA Monitor will use the 13 written results of the CQC program and the CQA program in the preparation of the facility 14 Certification Document. The CQA Monitor reports to the Owner and is not part of this contract. 15 F. Refer to the accompanying CQA Plan for additional definitions. 16 1.6 WARRANTIES 17 A. The Manufacturer’s warranty shall be against manufacturing defects and workmanship and 18 against deterioration due to ozone, ultra- violet, and other exposure to the elements, for a period 19 of 20 years on a pro rata basis from the date of project substantial completion, see Section 01 31 20 13, Coordination. The warranty shall be limited to replacement of material, and shall not cover 21 installation of replacement geomembrane. 22 B. The geomembrane supplied shall be capable of preventing the leachate produced by the solid 23 waste (refuse) from discharging through the landfill final cover system soil. The material 24 supplied including factory and field seams shall have a manufacturer's warranty that it will 25 remain impermeable when exposed over twenty (20) years to a raw landfill leachate having the 26 following range of values*: 27 28 LEACHATE QUALITY 29 Component Range of Values** 30 pH 3.6 8.5 31 Hardness (Carbonate) 35 8,120 32 Alkalinity (Carbonate) 310 9,500 33 Calcium 240 2,570 34 Magnesium 64 410 35 Sodium 85 3,800 36 Iron (Total) 6 1,640 37 Chloride 96 2,350 38 Sulfate 40 1,220 39 Organic Nitrogen 2.4 550 40 Ammonia Nitrogen 0.2 845 41 Conductivity 100 1,200 42 BOD 7,050 32,400 43 COD 800 50,700 44 Suspended Solids 13 26,500 45 * Gewsein, Allen J., USEPA: EPA/530/SE-137, March 1975 46 ** Values are in milligrams per liter except pH (pH units) and conductivity (Micromhos 47 per cubic centimeter). 48 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) MEMBRANE LINER 33 47 14 - 7 C. The Installer’s warranty shall be against defects in the system installed for a period of two years 1 from the date of final acceptance of the Work by the Owner. 2 1.7 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 3 A. Unused or stockpiled HDPE geomembrane shall be stored in accordance with the manufacturer's 4 recommendations. 5 B. Label each roll with the manufacturer's name, type, lot number, roll number, and roll dimensions 6 (length, width, gross weight). 7 1. HDPE geomembrane or plastic wrapping damaged as a result of storage or handling shall be 8 repaired or replaced, as directed. 9 2. HDPE geomembrane shall not be exposed to temperatures in excess of 60 DegC (140 DegF) 10 or less if recommended by the Manufacturer. 11 C. No hooks, tongs or other sharp instruments shall be used for handling the HDPE geomembrane. 12 1. Rolls shall not be lifted by use of cables or chains in contact with the HDPE geomembrane. 13 2. HDPE geomembrane shall not be dragged along the ground. 14 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 15 2.1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS AND/OR GEOMEMBRANE INSTALLERS 16 A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following manufacturers and installers 17 are acceptable: 18 1. HDPE Geomembrane liners manufacturers:: 19 a. GSE, Inc., 19103 Gundle Road, Houston, Texas 77073. 20 b. Poly-Flex Inc., 2000 W. Marshall Drive, Grand Prairie, TX 75051. 21 c. Agru/America, Inc., 500 Garrison Road, Georgetown, SC 29440. 22 d. Solmax International Inc.,2801 Marie-Victorin Blvd., Varennes, Quebec, Canada J3X 23 1P7 24 2. HDPE Geomembrane Liner Installers: 25 a. Authorized installers of approved manufacturers. 26 b. Other installers may qualify by providing references for a minimum of 10,000,000 SF 27 of liner installations. 28 B. Submit requests for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01 25 13. 29 2.2 MATERIALS 30 A. HDPE Geomembrane Liners: 31 1. Geomembrane liners shall consist of unsupported polyethylene in thickness as shown on 32 Drawings and manufactured from virgin, first quality resin designed and formulated 33 specifically for liquid containment in hydraulic structures. Reclaimed polymer shall not be 34 added to the resin; except use of polymer recycled during the manufacturing process shall 35 be allowed provided that recycled polymer shall be clean and shall not exceed 2 percent by 36 weight. 37 2. The geomembrane liner shall be manufactured to be free of holes, blisters, undispersed raw 38 materials, or any sign of contamination by foreign matter. Any such defects shall be cause 39 for rejection of the defective geomembrane material. Minor defects may be repaired in 40 accordance with manufacturer's recommendations if this repair is approved by the Engineer. 41 3. The geomembrane liner shall be manufactured as seamless rolls or as prefabricated panels 42 with a minimum width of 22 FT as delivered to the site. All factory seams shall be inspected 43 and tested for strength and continuity prior to delivery to the site. 44 4. No additives or fillers may be added to the resin prior to or during manufacture of the 45 geomembrane. 46 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) MEMBRANE LINER 33 47 14 - 8 5. Prior to shipment, the geomembrane manufacturer will provide the Project Manager and the 1 CQC Consultant with a quality control certificate for each roll of geomembrane provided. 2 The quality control certificate will be signed by a responsible party employed by the 3 geomembrane manufacturer and will include: 4 a. Roll numbers and identification; and 5 b. The results of quality control tests performed under the MQC program. 6 6. The CQC Consultant will verify that a control certificate has been received for each roll and 7 that the certified roll properties meet the requirements of these Specifications. 8 7. Textured HDPE sheet (both sides) shall be used for the entire project. 9 8. The geomembrane liner material shall consist of GREEN 60 MIL NOMINAL HDPE and 10 meet or exceed GRI GM13 and the following requirements: 11 TEST VALUE PROPERTY TEST METHOD TEXTURED HDPE a. Sheet Thickness, Mils  Minimum Average  Lowest Individual 8 of 10  Lowest Individual 10 of 10 ASTM D5994 nominal  5% nominal  10% nominal  15% b. Sheet Density (g/cc) ASTM D792 or D1505 0.940 c. Minimum Tensile Properties  Yield Strength  BreakStrength  Elongation at Yield (1.3-inch gage length)  Elongation at Break (2-inch gage length) ASTM D6693, Type IV Dumbell, 2 ipm 126 ppi 90 ppi 12% 100% d. Min. Tear Resistance Initiation ASTM D1004, Die C 42 lbs e. Carbon Black ASTM D1603 or ASTM D4218 2.0-3.0% f. Carbon Black Dispersion  8 of 10  10 of 10 ASTM D5596 Category 1 or 2 1, 2, or 3 g. Puncture Resistance, Minimum Average ASTM D4833 90 lbs h. Oxidative Induction Time, Minimum Average ASTM D3895 100 min. i. Asperity Height, Minimum Average ASTM D7466 18 mil B. Extrusion rod shall be manufactured from identical resin to that used in geomembrane 12 manufacture. Manufactured extrusion rod shall be tested for carbon black content and 13 dispersion, specific gravity, and melt index at a frequency of not less than one test per batch. 14 2.3 INTERFACE FRICTION TESTS 15 A. Interface Friction Tests. 16 1. Test textured HDPE using ASTM D 5321. Section 01 30 00-Special Conditions, paragraph 17 2.1, outlines the conditions under which this material shall be tested. 18 2. This material is part of a system. The system shall meet the requirements before the 19 component material can be deemed acceptable. 20 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) MEMBRANE LINER 33 47 14 - 9 2.4 EQUIPMENT 1 A. Welding Equipment: Extrusion welding equipment shall be provided with thermocouples and 2 temperature readout devices which continuously monitor the temperature of the extrudate. 3 Radiant wedge welding equipment shall be provided with thermocouples and temperature 4 readout devices which continuously monitor the temperature of the wedge. Equipment shall be 5 maintained in adequate number to avoid delaying work, and shall be supplied by a power source 6 capable of providing constant voltage under a combined-line load. Use a rub sheet, sand bags, 7 or other method approved by the CQA Consultant to separate the electric generators from the 8 geomembrane. 9 B. Field Tensiometer: The Geomembrane Installer shall provide a tensiometer for on-site shear and 10 peel testing of geomembrane seams. The tensiometer shall be in good working order, built to 11 ASTM D6693 specifications, and accompanied by evidence of recent calibration. The 12 tensiometer shall be motor driven and be equipped with a gauge that measures the force in unit 13 pounds exerted between the jaws as displayed on a digital readout. 14 C. Vacuum Box: The Geomembrane Installer shall provide a minimum of 2 vacuum box 15 assemblies consisting of a rigid housing, a transparent viewing window, a soft closed cell 16 neoprene gasket attached to the bottom, a port hole or valve assembly, a vacuum gauge, a 17 vacuum pump assembly equipped with a pressure control, a rubber pressure/vacuum hose with 18 fittings and connections, and a soapy solution and an applicator. The equipment shall be capable 19 of inducing and holding a minimum vacuum of 5 psi. 20 D. Air Pressure Test: The Geomembrane Installer shall provide the necessary air pump and fittings 21 required to perform the GRI GM6 air pressure test on dual seams. 22 E. Roll Handling Equipment: The Geomembrane Installer shall provide handling equipment that is 23 adequate and does not pose a risk to the geomembrane rolls. The CQC Consultant shall inspect 24 the equipment and confirm its adequacy. 25 PART 3 - EXECUTION 26 3.1 LINER SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION 27 A. Soil Liner System Component: 28 1. The Soil Liner System component shall be constructed in accordance with Section 31 38 10 29 and the Contractor shall protect the soil liner from freezing, desiccation, flooding with 30 water, and freezing. Specifically, the surface of the compacted soil liner shall be smooth, 31 uniform, free from sudden changes in grade (such as vehicular ruts), rocks, stones, debris 32 and deleterious materials. 33 a. The moisture content of the compacted soil liner must be maintained within the project 34 specification until the synthetic liner has been installed. If excessive drying occurs, the 35 contractor shall re-hydrate and compact the affected area to the Engineer’s satisfaction. 36 b. During actual placing and seaming of the liner, the compacted soil liner surface shall be 37 kept free of all standing water. If the compacted soil liner surface below the liner 38 becomes wet and unstable, it shall be dried and re-compacted to the Engineer’s 39 satisfaction. If drying and re-compacting the material is insufficient, the unstable 40 material must be removed and replaced with approved material. 41 2. Prior to placement of the geomembrane, the soil liner must be prepared as follows: 42 a. Lines and grade must be verified by a Licensed Land Surveyor. 43 b. The surface must be proofrolled to verify the supporting soil condition. 44 c. The surface must be inspected for rocks larger than 0.75 IN. 45 d. Steel drum rolled in preparation for the geomembrane. 46 3. Soil Liner acceptance: Geomembrane liner materials shall not be placed until the required 47 soil liner preparation has been completed and the soil liner has been accepted and certified 48 in writing by the Geomembrane Installer and approved by the CQA Monitor. 49 4. Anchor Trench shall be prepared as follows: 50 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) MEMBRANE LINER 33 47 14 - 10 a. The anchor trench shall be constructed as shown on the Drawings as specified herein. 1 b. Slightly rounded corners shall be provided in the trench to avoid sharp bends in the 2 liner. 3 c. The anchor trench shall be adequately drained to prevent water ponding and softening 4 to adjacent soils. The anchor trench shall be backfilled with local fill material and 5 compacted to 92 percent standard proctor density (ASTM D698) with a minimum 6 compacted moist unit weight of 106 pcf. 7 d. If the anchor trench is located in a clayey material susceptible to desiccation, the 8 amount of trench open at any time shall be limited to one day of liner installation 9 capacity. 10 e. Anchor trenches, except along the liner perimeter, may be replaced with percussion 11 driven earth anchors as shown in the Drawings and in accordance with Section 31 51 12 00. 13 B. Geomembrane Liner: 14 1. The geomembrane liner shall be manufactured in accordance with the approved MQC 15 program. The manufacturer shall not deviate from the program without written approval of 16 the Engineer. 17 2. Transportation and handling of the geomembrane shall meet the following requirements: 18 a. Transportation of the geomembrane is the responsibility of the Geomembrane Installer, 19 Contractor, or other party as agreed upon. 20 b. All handling on site is the responsibility of the Geomembrane Installer. 21 c. The CQC Consultant will verify that the handling equipment used on the site is 22 adequate and will not damage the geomembrane. 23 d. Upon delivery to the site, the Geomembrane Installer and the CQC Consultant will 24 conduct a surface examination of all rolls for defects or damage. This inspection will 25 be conducted without unrolling rolls. The CQC Consultant will ensure that defective 26 rolls are rejected and removed from the site. 27 e. The Geomembrane Installer will be responsible for the storage of the geomembrane on 28 site. The Project Manager will provide a storage location on site. The Geomembrane 29 Installer shall ensure that the storage space is adequate to protect the geomembrane 30 from theft, vandalism, vehicular damage, etc. 31 3. Field Panel Identification: The CQC Consultant will document that the Geomembrane 32 Installer labels each field panel with an "identification code" consistent with the approved 33 panel layout plan. The location of the label and the color of marker used must be as agreed 34 to in the QA/QC Preconstruction Meeting. 35 4. Geomembrane Installation: Geomembrane liner shall be installed in accordance with the 36 approved Geomembrane Installer's Field Installation Procedure Manual and panel layout 37 drawing. The Geomembrane Installer shall maintain a weekly updated as-built drawing 38 showing the location of all field panels. 39 a. Geomembrane shall not be placed upon standing water or other conditions which will 40 result in deterioration of the soil liner. 41 b. The Geomembrane Installer shall remove any materials placed to protect the soil liner 42 prior to placement of the geomembrane liner. 43 c. Geomembrane liner shall be handled and placed in a manner which minimizes 44 wrinkles, scratches, and crimps. 45 d. Test seams shall be made upon each start of work for each seaming crew, upon every 46 four hours of continuous seaming, every time seaming equipment is changed, or if 47 significant changes in geomembrane temperature and weather conditions are observed. 48 These test welds shall be tested using daily record that summarizes panels deployed, 49 seams completed, seam testing, seam repair, personnel on site, and equipment on site 50 using field tensiometer and, at a minimum, exhibit the required seam strength. 51 e. Surfaces to be welded shall be clean and dry at the time of welding. Geomembrane 52 shall not be welded when ambient temperatures are below 40 Deg F (5 Deg C) or 53 above 104 Deg F (40 Deg C) unless the Geomembrane Installer can demonstrate that 54 the seam quality is not compromised. 55 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) MEMBRANE LINER 33 47 14 - 11 f. Geomembrane liners shall be welded continuously without fishmouths or breaks in the 1 weld. Where fishmouths are unavoidable, the geomembrane sheet shall be slit to a 2 point such that the sheet lies flat and with no remaining wrinkle. The two edges of the 3 slit shall be welded together provided that the overlap for this weld shall be a minimum 4 of 3 IN. Areas of the slit which do not achieve an overlap of 3 IN, including the 5 terminus of the slit, shall be provided with a patch as discussed below. 6 g. Defects in and damage to geomembrane sheets shall be repaired by welding a patch 7 over the defect using extrusion welding equipment. The patch material shall consist of 8 an undamaged piece of geomembrane cut to provide a minimum of 3 IN of overlap in 9 all directions from the defect. Torn or permanently twisted geomembrane shall be 10 replaced at no expense to the Owner. 11 h. Personnel walking on the geosynthetic shall not engage in activities or wear types of 12 shoes, that could damage the geosynthetic. Smoking shall not be permitted while 13 working on the geomembrane. 14 i. Vehicular traffic directly on the geosynthetic shall not be permitted. Equipment shall 15 not damage the geosynthetic materials by handling, trafficking, leakage of 16 hydrocarbons, or any other means. The unprotected geomembrane surface shall not be 17 used as a work area, for preparing patches, storing tools and supplies, or other uses. 18 5. Geomembrane Testing (Nondestructive): The Geomembrane Installer shall test and 19 document all seam welds continuously using one of the following nondestructive seam tests: 20 a. Vacuum testing shall conform to the following procedure: Brush soapy solution on 21 geomembrane. Place vacuum box over the wetted seam area. Ensure that a leak-tight 22 seal is created. Apply a pressure of approximately five (5) psi. Examine the 23 geomembrane through the viewing window for the presence of soap bubbles for not 24 less than 15 seconds. All areas where soap bubbles appear shall be marked and repaired 25 as described in this Section. 26 b. Air Pressure Testing (for double seam with an enclosed space) shall conform to GRI 27 GM6 requirements. 28 c. Electric Conductivity Testing: Following the installation of the drainage layer, electric 29 conductivity testing may be performed by the Engineer/Owner to ensure no puncturing 30 of the liner occurred during installation. The Contractor will fully cooperate with the 31 testing including providing survey service and laborers to establish testing points and 32 vacating areas designated by the testers. The laborers will also perform excavation of 33 sand and removal of fabric at locations of investigation. Repair of damaged liner and 34 replacement of fabric and sand will be performed by the Contractor at no additional 35 cost to the Owner. 36 C. Destructive Seam Testing: 37 1. A minimum of one destructive test per 500 LF of seam, and as many other samples as CQA 38 firm determines appropriate, shall be obtained at locations specified by the CQA firm. 39 a. Sample locations shall not be identified prior to seaming. 40 b. The samples shall be a minimum of 12 IN wide by 48 IN long with the seam centered 41 lengthwise. 42 c. Each sample shall be cut into three equal pieces with one piece retained by the Installer, 43 one piece given to an Independent Testing Laboratory, and the remaining piece given to 44 the CQA firm for quality assurance testing and/or permanent record. 45 d. Each sample shall be numbered and recorded on the final panel layout record drawing, 46 and cross-referenced to a field log which identifies: 47 1) Panel/sheet number. 48 2) Seam number. 49 3) Top sheet. 50 4) Date and time cut. 51 5) Ambient temperature. 52 6) Seaming unit designation. 53 7) Name of seamer. 54 8) Seaming apparatus temperature and pressures (where applicable). 55 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) MEMBRANE LINER 33 47 14 - 12 2. A minimum of four 1 IN wide replicate specimens shall be cut from the Installer's sample. 1 a. A minimum of 2 specimens shall be tested for shear strength and 2 for peel adhesion 2 using an approved field quantitative tensiometer. Jaw separation speed shall be 2 IN per 3 minute. 4 b. To be acceptable, all replicate test specimens must meet the specified seam strength 5 requirements and fail as Film Tear Bond. 6 c. If the field tests pass, 5 specimens shall be tested at the Independent Testing Laboratory 7 for shear strength and 5 for peel adhesion in accordance with ASTM D4437. 8 d. To be acceptable, 4 out of 5 replicate test specimens must meet the specified seam 9 strength requirements and fail as Film Tear Bond. 10 3. The minimum required seam strengths: 11 Value 12 Description Test Method (lbs/in width) 13 HDPE Peel ASTM D6392 90 14 HDPE Shear ASTM D6392 120 15 16 4. If the field tests pass, 5 specimens shall be tested at the Independent Testing Laboratory for 17 shear strength and 5 for peel adhesion in accordance with ASTM D4437. 18 a. To be acceptable, 4 out of 5 replicate test specimens must meet the specified seam 19 strength requirements and fail as Film Tear Bond. 20 b. If the field or laboratory tests fail, the seam shall be repaired in accordance with the 21 Manufacturer's Quality Control manual. 22 c. In addition, all destructive seam sample holes shall be repaired the same day as cut. 23 d. Certified test results on all field seams shall be submitted to and approved by the CQA 24 firm prior to acceptance of the seam. 25 5. Ten percent of all repaired areas shall be destructively tested. 26 a. All repaired areas shall be non-destructively tested. 27 6. Destructive testing shall be performed by an Independent Testing Laboratory employed by 28 the Contractor, not the Installer. 29 a. The CQA firm may separately conduct destructive testing for quality assurance. 30 b. If samples tested by CQA firm fail, based on above criteria, seam will be classified as 31 failed. 32 7. A map showing the locations, number and type of all patches shall be prepared and provided 33 to the Owner. 34 8. Documentation: The following documentation must be maintained at the project site for 35 review by the Project Manager or CQA Monitor: 36 a. Geomembrane Installer's Documentation: 37 1) Daily Log: daily record that summarizes panels deployed, seams completed, seam 38 testing, seam repair, personnel on site, and equipment on site. 39 2) Panel Log: provides geomembrane roll number used and subgrade acceptance for 40 each panel deployed. 41 3) Seam Testing Log: provides a complete record of all nondestructive and 42 destructive seam tests performed as part of the Geomembrane Installer's QC 43 program. 44 4) Seam/Panel Repair Log: provides a complete record of all repairs and vacuum box 45 testing of repairs made to defective seams or panels. 46 5) As-Built Drawing: maintain an as-built drawing updated on a weekly basis. 47 b. CQC Consultant's Documentation: 48 1) Daily Log: daily record that summarizes panels deployed, seams completed, CQC 49 seam testing, seam repair, personnel on site, equipment on site, weather 50 conditions, etc. 51 2) CQC Testing Log: record of all seam destructive tests and material conformance 52 tests performed by the CQC Geosynthetics Laboratory. 53 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) MEMBRANE LINER 33 47 14 - 13 3) Material Conformance: maintain original conformance certificate(s) from 1 geomembrane manufacturer. 2 4) Subgrade Acceptance Log: maintained originals of subgrade acceptance forms for 3 each panel and signed by the Geomembrane Installer. 4 3.2 GEOMEMBRANE ACCEPTANCE 5 A. The Geomembrane Installer shall retain all Ownership and responsibility for the geomembrane 6 liner system until final acceptance by the Owner. Owner will accept the geosynthetic installation 7 when the installation is finished and all required submittals from the Geomembrane Installer and 8 CQC Consultant have been received and approved, and CQA verification of the adequacy of all 9 field seams and repairs, including associated testing, is complete. 10 END OF SECTION 12 This page intentionally left blank. 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review LINEAR LOW DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (LLDPE) STRUCTURED GEOMEMBRANE 33 47 17 - 1 SECTION 33 47 17 1 LINEAR LOW DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (LLDPE) STRUCTURED GEOMEMBRANE 2 PART 1 - GENERAL 3 1.1 SUMMARY 4 A. Section Includes: 5 1. Furnishing, installation, quality control, and testing of structured LLDPE geomembrane 6 liner. 7 B. Related Specification Sections include but are not necessarily limited to: 8 1. Division 00 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract. 9 2. Division 01 - General Requirements. 10 3. Section 31 23 00 - Earthwork. 11 4. Section 33 47 18 – Engineered Turf. 12 5. Construction Quality Assurance Plan. 13 C. The structured LLDPE geomembrane shall be provided as a system with the Engineered Turf 14 included in Section 33 47 18 whereas both products are supplied by the same manufacturer and 15 are designed to be installed together as a system. 16 1.2 QUALITY STANDARDS 17 A. Referenced Standards: 18 1. ASTM International (ASTM): 19 a. D792, Standard Test Methods for Density and Specific Gravity (Relative Density) of 20 Plastics by Displacement. 21 b. D1004, Standard Test Method for Tear Resistance (Graves Tear) of Plastic Film and 22 Sheeting. 23 c. D3895, Standard Test Method for Oxidative-Induction Time of Polyolefins by 24 Differential Scanning Calorimetry. 25 d. D4218, Standard Test Method for Determination of Carbon Black Content in 26 Polyethylene Compounds by the Muffle-Furnace Technique. 27 e. D4437, Standard Practice for Non-destructive Testing (NDT) for Determining the 28 Integrity of Seams Used in Joining Flexible Polymeric Sheet Geomembranes. 29 f. D4833, Standard Test Method for Index Puncture Resistance of Geomembranes and 30 Related Products. 31 g. D5596, Standard Test Method for Microscopic Evaluation of the Dispersion of Carbon 32 Black in Polyolefin Geosynthetics. 33 h. D5641, Standard Practice for Geomembrane Seam Evaluation by Vacuum Chamber. 34 i. D5820, Standard Practice for Pressurized Air Channel Evaluation of Dual Seamed 35 Geomembranes. 36 j. 37 k. D5994, Standard Test Method for Measuring Core Thickness of Textured 38 Geomembranes. 39 l. D6392 Standard Test Method for Determining the Integrity of Nonreinforced 40 Geomembrane Seams Produced Using Thermo-Fusion Methods. 41 m. D6693 Standard Test Method for Determining Tensile Properties of Nonreinforced 42 Polyethylene and Nonreinforced Flexible Polypropylene Geomembranes. 43 n. D7466 Standard Test Method for Measuring the Asperity Height of Textured 44 Geomembrane. 45 2. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): 46 a. 530/SW-91/051, Inspection Techniques for the Fabrication of Geomembrane Field 47 Seams, May 1991. 48 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review LINEAR LOW DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (LLDPE) STRUCTURED GEOMEMBRANE 33 47 17 - 2 b. 600/R-93/182, Quality Assurance and Quality Control for Waste Containment 1 Facilities, September 1993. 2 3. Geosynthetic Research Institute (GRI): 3 a. GM 6 Pressurized Air Channel Test for Dual Seam Geomembranes. 4 b. GM 17 Test Methods, Test Properties and Testing Frequency for Linear Low Density 5 Polyethylene (LLDPE) Smooth and Textured Geomembranes. 6 c. GM 19 Seam Strength and Related Properties of Thermally Bonded Polyolefin 7 Geomembranes 8 B. Quality Assurance: 9 1. The Owner or Engineer's representative will conduct independent testing to support 10 construction quality assurance program and to provide documentation of such to appropriate 11 regulatory agencies. 12 a. Facilitate and provide opportunities as required. 13 2. Unless specifically superseded by these Contract Documents or approved plans submitted 14 by the Contractor, the geosynthetic materials shall be manufactured, stored, placed, seamed, 15 tested and protected as described in EPA 600/R-93/182 and EPA 530/SW-91/051. 16 a. This specifically includes: 17 1) Material Composition. 18 2) Manufacturing. 19 3) Handling and Packaging. 20 4) Shipment. 21 5) Storage (Manufacturer and Site). 22 6) Placement: 23 a) Seaming and Joining. 24 b) Destructive and Nondestructive Testing. 25 c) Protection, Backfilling and Covering. 26 7) Conformance Testing. 27 8) Anchoring and Anchor Trenches. 28 9) Access Roads/Ramps. 29 C. Manufacturer’s Quality Control: 30 1. Geomembrane Manufacturer shall perform quality control testing of the material to be used 31 on the project in accordance with GRI GM17. 32 D. Qualifications: 33 1. Each manufacturing and fabrication firm shall demonstrate five (5) years continuous 34 experience with a minimum of 10,000,000 SF of structured LLDPE geomembrane. 35 2. Installer: 36 a. Demonstrate five (5) years continuous experience with a minimum 10,000,000 SF of 37 structured LLDPE geomembranes. 38 b. Trained and certified by at least one (1) of the named manufacturers in this 39 Specification (not necessarily the manufacturer supplying materials for this Project). 40 3. Inspectors: 41 a. Demonstrate three (3) years continuous experience in similar geosynthetic materials 42 installation. 43 b. Be an employee of an authorized representative for the Manufacturer and shall remain 44 on the project throughout the entire construction and covering of the structured LLDPE 45 membrane. 46 4. Independent Testing Laboratory shall demonstrate three (3) years of recent continuous 47 experience in similar geosynthetic materials testing. 48 E. Certifications: 49 1. Certifications are required for various aspects of the project related to the structured LLDPE 50 geomembrane. 51 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review LINEAR LOW DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (LLDPE) STRUCTURED GEOMEMBRANE 33 47 17 - 3 a. Unless alternately approved, the certificates provided at the end of this Specification 1 Section shall be used and no alterations, additions, deletions, or exception shall be made 2 to the specified language. 3 F. CQA Plan Implementation: Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) for the structured LLDPE 4 geomembrane installation will be performed for the Owner in accordance with the CQA Plan 5 prepared for this project. The Contractor, CQC Consultant and Geomembrane Installer, 6 however, should familiarize themselves with the CQA Plan and are responsible for providing 7 reasonable notice of and access to work elements that the CQA firm is required by the CQA 8 Plan to overview. 9 1.3 DEFINITIONS 10 A. Manufacturer: 11 1. Organization producing geomembrane sheets from resin and additives. 12 B. Installer: 13 1. The Installer is the organization actually performing the hands-on work in the field. 14 C. Inspector: 15 1. Inspectors of structured LLDPE geomembrane are the individuals responsible for observing 16 field installation of the geosynthetic materials and providing the Manufacturer, Fabricator, 17 Installer and Owner with verbal and written documentation of the compliance of the 18 installation with this specification and with written procedures manuals prepared by the 19 Manufacturer or Installer. 20 D. Independent Testing Laboratory: 21 1. The firm hired by the Contractor to perform destructive testing of the structured LLDPE 22 geomembrane. 23 2. Firm shall be acceptable to Engineer and Owner. 24 1.4 SUBMITTALS 25 A. See Specification Section 01 33 00 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the 26 submittal process. 27 B. Shop Drawings: 28 a. Product Information 29 1) Product manufacturer’s: name, plant location and date of manufacture. 30 2) Product properties 31 b. Qualifications and experience of key personnel involved in installation and inspection 32 of the geosynthetic 33 c. Geomembrane panel layout plan with proposed size, number, position, sequencing of 34 panels and showing the location of all field or factory joints. 35 1) Proposed details for connecting the geosynthetic materials to appurtenances. 36 2) Proposed methods of welding, seaming or jointing geosynthetic materials. 37 3) Proposed method and sequencing for placement of drainage layer on top of the 38 geomembrane liner. 39 4) Proposed method of testing geomembrane and other geosynthetic materials, joints 40 and connections at appurtenances for continuity. 41 5) Location and configuration of haul roads and access points. 42 6) Proposed details for anchor trench if different than included in Contract 43 Documents. 44 C. Informational Submittals: 45 1. Manufacturer/Fabricator/Installer quality control program. 46 2. Test results: 47 a. Results of MQC testing in accordance with the requirements of GRI GM17 and factory 48 seam tests at frequency specified in respective quality control manuals. 49 1) Results shall include or bracket the rolls delivered for use in the Work. 50 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review LINEAR LOW DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (LLDPE) STRUCTURED GEOMEMBRANE 33 47 17 - 4 b. Daily test seam results. 1 c. Daily results of production seam testing. 2 3. Certifications: 3 a. Manufacturer's certification that raw materials and sheet materials comply with required 4 materials, mil thickness, and material properties. 5 1) Original certificates are required. 6 b. The subgrade has been properly prepared and acceptable for the placement of the 7 geomembrane. 8 c. The geomembrane was installed in accordance with this Specification and with 9 approved Shop Drawings. 10 d. The geomembrane joints were inspected, tested for strength and continuity, and passed 11 all inspections and tests. 12 1) All test and inspection data shall be incorporated into this certification. 13 e. The synthetic turf layer and infill materials on top of the structured geomembrane liner 14 were placed properly and carefully. 15 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 16 A. Unused or stockpiled geomembrane shall be stored in accordance with the manufacturer's 17 recommendations. 18 B. Label each roll with the manufacturer's name, type, lot number, roll number, and roll dimensions 19 (length, width, gross weight). 20 1. Geomembrane damaged as a result of storage or handling shall be repaired or replaced, as 21 directed. 22 2. Geomembrane shall not be exposed to temperatures in excess of 60 DegC (140 DegF) or 23 less if recommended by the Manufacturer. 24 C. No hooks, tongs or other sharp instruments shall be used for handling the geomembrane. 25 1. Rolls shall not be lifted by use of cables or chains in contact with the geomembrane. 26 2. Geomembrane shall not be dragged along the ground. 27 1.6 PROJECT/SITE CONDITIONS 28 A. When the weather is of such a nature as to endanger the integrity and quality of the installation 29 whether this is due to rain, high winds, cold temperatures, or other weather elements, the 30 installation shall be halted until the weather conditions are satisfactory. 31 B. The Contractor shall ensure that adequate dust control methods are in effect to prevent the 32 unnecessary accumulation of dust and dirt on surfaces which hamper efficient field seaming. 33 C. Maintain surface water drainage diversions around the work area and provide for the disposal of 34 water which may collect in the work area directly from precipitation falling within the area or 35 from inadequate diversion structures or practices. 36 D. Vehicles, other than those specifically approved, will not be allowed on geomembrane unless at 37 least 24 inches of protective soil cover has been placed. 38 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 39 2.1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS 40 A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following manufacturers are 41 acceptable: 42 1. LLDPE structured geomembrane liners: 43 a. Agru/America, Inc., 500 Garrison Road, Georgetown, SC 29440 or Engineer approved 44 equal. 45 2.2 MATERIALS 46 A. LLDPE Geomembrane: 47 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review LINEAR LOW DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (LLDPE) STRUCTURED GEOMEMBRANE 33 47 17 - 5 1. Consist of unreinforced polyethylene. 1 a. Surface: structured surfaces consisting of drainage studs on one side and friction spikes 2 on the other that are an integral part of the liner. 3 b. Manufactured from virgin, first quality resin designed and formulated specifically for 4 liquid containment in hydraulic structures. 5 c. Reclaimed polymer shall not be added to the resin; except use of polymer recycled 6 during the manufacturing process shall be allowed provided that recycled polymer shall 7 be clean and shall not exceed 2 percent by weight. 8 d. No additives or fillers may be added to the resin prior to or during manufacture of the 9 structured LLDPE geomembrane. 10 2. Manufactured to be free of holes, blisters, undispersed raw materials, or any sign of 11 contamination by foreign matter. 12 a. Any such defects shall be cause for rejection of the material. 13 b. Minor defects may be repaired in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendations if 14 approved by the Engineer. 15 3. Manufactured as seamless rolls or as prefabricated panels. 16 a. Minimum width of 22 FT as delivered to the site. 17 b. All factory seams shall be inspected and tested for strength and continuity prior to 18 delivery to the site. 19 4. Structured LLDPE geomembrane shall possess properties which meet or exceed the 20 following minimum requirements: 21 PROPERTY TEST METHOD TEST VALUE a. Core Sheet Thickness, Mils  Minimum Average  Lowest Individual 8 of 10  Lowest Individual 10 of 10 ASTM D5994 50 nominal 47.5 45 42.5 b. Drainage Stud Height, Minimum Average ASTM D7466 130 mil c. Friction Spike Height, Minimum Average ASTM D7466 175 mil d. Sheet Density (g/cc) ASTM D792 Method B < 0.939 e. Minimum Tensile Properties  Strength at Break  Elongation at Break ASTM D6693 Type IV 2 ipm 105 ppi 300% f. Min. Tear Resistance Initiation ASTM D1004 30 lbs g. Carbon Black ASTM D4218 2.0-3.0% h. Carbon Black Dispersion  10 of 10 ASTM D5596 Category 1 or 2 i. Puncture Resistance, Minimum Average ASTM D4833 55 lbs i. Oxidative Induction Time, (1) Standard OIT (min. ave.) ASTM D3895 200 Deg C, 1 atm O2 140 min. 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review LINEAR LOW DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (LLDPE) STRUCTURED GEOMEMBRANE 33 47 17 - 6 2.3 EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES 1 A. Welding and Seaming Equipment: 2 1. Equipped with gages showing temperatures at the nozzle (extrusion welder) or at the wedge 3 (wedge welder). 4 2. Maintained in adequate numbers to avoid delaying work. 5 3. Supplied by a power source capable of providing constant voltage under a combined-line 6 load. 7 4. Electric generator shall not be placed on the structured LLDPE geomembrane. 8 B. Field Tensiometer: 9 1. For on-site shear and peel testing of structured LLDPE geomembrane seams. 10 a. Tensiometer shall be in good working order. 11 b. Built to ASTM specifications. 12 c. Accompanied by evidence of calibration of equipment and gages within the past six (6) 13 months. 14 d. Motor driven. 15 e. Jaws capable of traveling a measure rate of 2 IN per minute. 16 f. Equipped with a gauge that measures the force in unit pounds exerted between the jaws. 17 g. Digital readout. 18 C. Punch Press: 19 1. Provide a punch press for the onsite preparation of specimens for testing. 20 2. Capable of cutting specimens in accordance with ASTM D4437. 21 D. Vacuum Box: 22 1. Provide a vacuum box for onsite testing of structured LLDPE geomembrane seams in 23 accordance with ASTM D5641. 24 2. holding a minimum vacuum of 5 psi 25 E. Equipment necessary to perform "Pressurized Air Channel Evaluation of Dual Seamed 26 Geomembranes" in accordance with ASTM D5820 and GM 6. 27 F. Gages: 28 1. Calibrated within past six (6) months. 29 2. Specified test values reading near mid-range of the gage scale. 30 2.4 FABRICATION 31 A. Produce geomembrane sheet which complies with this Specification Section. 32 B. Provide resin and additive quality control: 33 1. Test raw resin and additives to ensure compliance with the Manufacturer's specifications 34 and with this Specification Section. 35 2. Test sheet material to ensure compliance with Manufacturer's specification and this 36 Specification Section. 37 3. Provide certification of the raw materials and finished sheet demonstrating compliance with 38 this Specification Section. 39 4. Provide certification of Fabricator's and Installer's training (unless Installer is certified by 40 other acceptable manufacturer list herein), experience and methods for welding, seaming, 41 jointing and inspecting geosynthetic materials installations in compliance with 42 Manufacturer's standards and with Quality Assurance requirements of this Specification 43 Section. 44 C. Fabricated Specials: 45 1. Subject to same level of manufacturer's quality control. 46 2. Fabricated from project rolls. 47 a. Provide traceability of resin and roll stock. 48 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review LINEAR LOW DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (LLDPE) STRUCTURED GEOMEMBRANE 33 47 17 - 7 PART 3 - EXECUTION 1 3.1 GEOSYNTHETIC CONSTRUCTION 2 A. Geomembrane Subgrade: 3 1. Protect subgrade at all times from damage until such time as the placement of structured 4 LLDPE geomembrane and other components of the system are complete. 5 2. The subgrade shall be prepared in a manner consistent with proper subgrade preparation 6 techniques for the installation of structured LLDPE Geomembrane. 7 a. The subgrade shall be properly compacted so as not to settle and cause excessive strains 8 in the structured LLDPE Geomembrane or other synthetic materials. 9 b. Prior to installation, ensure a surface free of debris, roots, or angular stones larger than 10 1/2 IN. 11 c. In addition, ensure that the subgrade has been rolled to provide a uniform surface. 12 d. During installation, ensure that rutting or raveling is not caused by installation 13 equipment or weathering. 14 B. Anchor Trenches: 15 1. Geosynthetic materials placed on slopes shall be anchored into trenches as detailed on the 16 Contract Drawings. 17 2. Excavation, backfill and compaction shall be in accordance with Specification Section 31 23 18 00. 19 C. Structured LLDPE Geomembrane: 20 1. General: 21 a. Installer of structured LLDPE geomembranes is responsible for handling, fitting, 22 welding, seaming, jointing and testing of geosynthetic materials sheets or blankets in 23 the field. 24 b. These responsibilities include but are not limited to: 25 1) Acceptance (in writing) of the geosynthetic materials sheets or blankets from the 26 transporter. 27 2) Acceptance (in writing) of the compacted soil liner subgrade which will serve as a 28 base for the structured LLDPE geomembrane. 29 a) This acceptance shall precede installation of the structured LLDPE 30 geomembrane. 31 b) Shall state that the Installer has inspected the surface, and reviewed the 32 Specifications for material and placement, and finds all conditions acceptable 33 for placement of structured LLDPE geomembrane. 34 c) Shall explicitly state any and all exceptions to acceptance. 35 3) Handling, welding, seaming, jointing, testing and repair of structured LLDPE 36 geomembrane and other geosynthetic materials in compliance with this 37 Specification and with written procedures manuals prepared by the Manufacturer 38 or Fabricator. 39 a) Manual shall be submitted to the Engineer together with Shop Drawings 40 showing the layout of structured LLDPE geomembrane within the facility. 41 (1) Do not deviate from the procedures included in the manual. 42 b) Structured LLDPE Geomembrane shall not be placed upon frozen foundation, 43 standing water or other conditions which will result in deterioration of the 44 foundation. 45 c) Structured LLDPE Geomembrane materials shall be laid out according to 46 plans previously approved by the Engineer. 47 d) Adjacent rolls of structured LLDPE geomembrane shall overlap a minimum of 48 3 IN, provided that greater overlap may be required to allow seaming in 49 accordance with the Manufacturer's instructions. 50 4) Repair or replacement of defects in the geosynthetic materials as required by the 51 Inspector or the Owner. 52 5) Installer and Manufacturer may be the same firm. 53 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review LINEAR LOW DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (LLDPE) STRUCTURED GEOMEMBRANE 33 47 17 - 8 2. Panel deployment: 1 a. Only those panel/sheets that can be seamed in one (1) day shall be deployed. 2 b. Place panels with minimal handling. 3 1) Orient sheets to eliminate or minimize number of horizontal seams on side slopes. 4 2) Protect panels from tear, puncture or abrasion. 5 3) No seams will be permitted in a leachate collection trench. 6 4) Place panels with friction spikes downward against compacted soil liner. 7 c. Equipment used to deploy the geomembrane shall not rut the compacted soil liner. 8 1) A rut is defined as a 1/4 IN depression over a 10 FT straight-edged length. 9 d. No vehicular traffic is permitted on unprotected structured LLDPE geomembrane. 10 e. Personnel walking on the geosynthetic shall not engage in activities or wear types of 11 shoes that could damage the geosynthetic. 12 f. Smoking shall not be permitted while working on the geomembrane. 13 g. Minimize foot traffic. 14 1) Do not allow personnel access to wet or slippery liners without adequate safety 15 precautions. 16 h. Ballast with sandbags to prevent wind uplift as recommended by Manufacturer and 17 Fabricator and based on local climatic conditions. 18 1) Remove and replace all wind damaged panels at no additional cost to Owner. 19 2) If wind causes panels to be displaced, displaced panel may not be reused. 20 i. Install structured LLDPE geomembrane in stress free, tension free and relaxed 21 condition. 22 1) Account for temperature and weather-related impacts when deploying and 23 covering. 24 2) Stretching to fit and folding are not permitted. 25 j. Do not allow LLDPE geomembrane to bubble, fold, or create ripples as a result of 26 deployment of synthetic turf overlay or infill materials. 27 k. Any panel exhibiting stretching caused by placement, covering techniques, or wind 28 shall be removed and may not be incorporated in the final construction. 29 l. Field seaming: 30 1) Field seaming shall be done in accordance with seaming recommendations 31 furnished by the geomembrane Manufacturer and referenced EPA documents. 32 2) Each piece of seaming equipment and each operator shall perform demonstration 33 seams at the start of a shift, whenever equipment is switched on or seaming is 34 interrupted for more than ten minutes, and at other times at the discretion of the 35 Installer and Inspector. 36 3) Demonstration seams shall use the same seaming materials and methods to be used 37 in the actual construction. 38 4) Surfaces to be seamed shall be clean and dry at the time of seaming. 39 a) Precipitation and ponding of water on the structured LLDPE geomembrane 40 shall cause termination of seaming operations. 41 b) Structured LLDPE geomembrane shall not be seamed when ambient 42 temperatures are below 41 DegF or above 104 DegF, without written consent 43 of LLDPE geomembrane Manufacturer or Fabricator, and Engineer. 44 5) Structured LLDPE geomembrane sheets shall be seamed continuously without 45 fishmouths or breaks in the seam. 46 a) Where fishmouths are unavoidable, the sheet shall be slit to a point such that 47 the sheet lies flat and with no remaining wrinkle. 48 b) The two (2) edges of the slit shall be seamed together provided that the overlap 49 for this seam shall be a minimum of 3 IN. 50 c) Areas of the slit which do not achieve an overlap of 3 IN, including the 51 terminus of the slit, shall be provided with a patch as discussed below. 52 6) All structured LLDPE geomembranes shall be seamed by thermal fusion methods 53 as recommended by the structured LLDPE geomembrane Manufacturer. 54 a) Structured LLDPE geomembrane seaming shall be double wedge weld unless 55 otherwise approved or prohibited by construction. 56 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review LINEAR LOW DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (LLDPE) STRUCTURED GEOMEMBRANE 33 47 17 - 9 7) Manufacturer's or Fabricator's seaming instructions shall specifically address 1 subgrade preparation, seaming materials, temporary and permanent jointing, 2 seaming temperatures including temperatures for seaming materials, seam finishing 3 and curing. 4 8) A copy of Manufacturer's or Fabricator's seaming instructions shall be available on 5 site at all times and shall not be deviated from without written approval of the 6 Manufacturer and Engineer. 7 9) All panels/sheets should be overlapped a minimum of 3 IN. 8 a) If horizontal seams are required on side slopes, the upper panel should be 9 lapped over the lower panel. 10 10) Seaming shall not be conducted in the presence of standing water and/or soft 11 subgrades. 12 a) The seamed area shall be cleaned of dust, dirt and foreign material prior to and 13 during the seaming operation. 14 11) Seaming shall extend to the outside edge of panels/sheets to be placed in anchor 15 and/or drainage trenches. 16 12) Tack welds shall conform with manufacturers seaming techniques and shall not 17 damage underlying membrane. 18 m. Patching: 19 1) Defects in and damage to structured LLDPE geomembrane sheets shall be repaired 20 by seaming a patch over the defect. 21 n. The patch material shall consist of an undamaged piece of structured LLDPE 22 geomembrane cut to provide a minimum of 3 IN of overlap in all directions from the 23 defect. 24 a) Round corners shall be utilized on all patches. 25 (1) No bead or spot patching will be accepted. 26 b) Torn or permanently twisted structured LLDPE geomembrane shall be 27 replaced at no expense to the Owner. 28 2) Test all patch seams using one (1) of the following nondestructive tests: Vacuum 29 tests; spark tests; or ultrasonic tests. 30 a) Test patch seams destructively at a frequency of ten percent or a minimum of 31 one (1) test per seaming personnel per day. 32 b) This destructive testing may be accomplished using demonstration seams 33 performed adjacent to the liner installation. 34 3.2 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 35 A. Inspector shall not be a part of the installation program and shall not serve as a substitute for 36 performing the duties or certification required of the Fabricator and Installer. 37 1. Inspectors responsibilities include, but are not limited to: 38 a. Inspection of the material and the handling and field installation of the geomembranes. 39 1) Inspection of all welds, repairs and quality control test results. 40 b. All exceptions to material or installation shall be documented and furnished to the 41 Engineer in writing within 48 HRS of discovery. 42 c. Inspection and Certification of structured LLDPE geomembrane integrity until 43 completion of placement of synthetic turf and infill material. 44 B. Trial Seam Testing: 45 1. Trial seams shall be made each half-day prior to production seaming. 46 a. The location of trial seam shall be in an area proposed for the day's production seaming. 47 b. Equipment, methods and personnel shall be the same as proposed for the day's seaming. 48 2. Samples shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D6392. 49 a. To be acceptable, two (2) of two (2) replicate test specimens must meet specified seam 50 strength requirements and failures shall be Film Tear Bond. 51 b. If the field tests fail to meet these requirements, the entire operation shall be repeated. 52 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review LINEAR LOW DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (LLDPE) STRUCTURED GEOMEMBRANE 33 47 17 - 10 c. If the additional test seams fail, the seaming apparatus or seamer shall not be accepted 1 or used for seaming until the deficiencies are corrected and two (2) consecutive 2 successful test seams are achieved. 3 C. Nondestructive Seam Testing: 4 1. All field seams shall be nondestructively tested over their full length. 5 a. Seam testing shall be performed as the seaming work progresses, not at the completion 6 of field seaming. 7 b. All testing shall be documented. 8 1) Any seams which fail shall be repaired and documented. 9 2. Nondestructively test all field seams continuously using one (1) of the following 10 nondestructive seam tests: Vacuum box; ultrasonic tests; spark tests; and pressurized air 11 channel test. 12 a. Vacuum testing shall conform to the following procedure: Brush soapy solution on 13 geomembrane. Place vacuum box over the wetted seam area. Ensure that a leak-tight 14 seal is created. Apply a pressure of approximately five (5) psi. Examine the 15 geomembrane through the viewing window for the presence of soap bubbles for not 16 less than 15 seconds. All areas where soap bubbles appear shall be marked and repaired 17 as described in this Section. 18 b. Air Pressure Testing (for double seam with an enclosed space) shall conform to GRI 19 GM6 requirements. Seams shall be pressurized to 20 psig and held for 5 minutes with 20 no more than 4 psig loss. Seams with more than 4 psig loss shall be marked and 21 repaired as described in this Section. 22 D. Destructive Seam Testing: 23 1. Test and evaluate in accordance with GRI Test Method GM19. 24 2. A minimum of one (1) destructive test per 500 LF of seam, and as many other samples as 25 Engineer determines appropriate, shall be obtained at locations specified by the Engineer. 26 a. Sample locations shall not be identified prior to seaming. 27 b. The samples shall be a minimum of 12 IN wide by 48 IN long with the seam centered 28 lengthwise. 29 c. Each sample shall be cut into three (3) equal pieces with one (1) piece retained by the 30 Installer, one (1) piece given to an Independent Testing Laboratory, and the remaining 31 piece given to the Engineer for quality assurance testing and/or permanent record. 32 d. Each sample shall be numbered and recorded on the final panel layout record drawing, 33 and cross-referenced to a field log which identifies: 34 1) Panel/sheet number. 35 2) Seam number. 36 3) Top sheet. 37 4) Date and time cut. 38 5) Ambient temperature. 39 6) Seaming unit designation. 40 7) Name of seamer. 41 8) Seaming apparatus temperature and pressures (where applicable). 42 3. A minimum of four (4) 1 IN wide replicate specimens shall be cut from the Installer's 43 sample. 44 a. A minimum of two (2) specimens shall be tested for shear strength and two (2) for peel 45 adhesion using an approved field quantitative tensiometer. 46 1) Jaw separation speed shall be 2 IN per minute. 47 b. To be acceptable, all replicate test specimens must meet the specified seam strength 48 requirements and fail as Film Tear Bond. 49 c. If the field tests pass, five (5) specimens shall be tested at the Independent Testing 50 Laboratory for shear strength and five (5) for peel adhesion in accordance with 51 ASTM D4437. 52 d. To be acceptable, four (4) out of five (5) replicate test specimens must meet the 53 specified seam strength requirements and fail as Film Tear Bond. 54 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review LINEAR LOW DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (LLDPE) STRUCTURED GEOMEMBRANE 33 47 17 - 11 4. The minimum required seam strengths for 50 mil LLDPE geomembrane: 1 2 DESCRIPTION TEST METHOD HOT WEDGE SEAMS (LBS/IN WIDTH) EXTRUSION SEAMS (LBS/IN WIDTH) Peel ASTM D6392 63 57 Shear ASTM D6392 75 75 3 5. If the field or laboratory tests fail, the seam shall be repaired in accordance with the 4 Manufacturer's Quality Control manual. 5 a. In addition, all destructive seam sample holes shall be repaired the same day as cut. 6 b. Certified test results on all field seams shall be submitted to and approved by the 7 Engineer prior to acceptance of the seam. 8 6. All repaired areas shall be nondestructively tested. 9 7. Destructive testing shall be performed by a Testing Laboratory employed by the Contractor. 10 a. The Engineer may separately conduct destructive testing for quality assurance. 11 b. If samples tested by Engineer fail, based on above criteria, seam will be classified as 12 failed. 13 8. A map showing the locations, number and type of all patches shall be prepared and provided 14 to the Owner. 15 9. Documentation: The following documentation must be maintained at the project site for 16 review by the Engineer or CQA Monitor: 17 a. Geomembrane Installer's Documentation: 18 1) Daily Log: daily record that summarizes panels deployed, seams completed, seam 19 testing, seam repair, personnel on site, and equipment on site. 20 2) Panel Log: provides geomembrane roll number used and subgrade acceptance for 21 each panel deployed. 22 3) Seam Testing Log: provides a complete record of all nondestructive and 23 destructive seam tests performed as part of the Geomembrane Installer's QC 24 program. 25 4) Seam/Panel Repair Log: provides a complete record of all repairs and vacuum box 26 testing of repairs made to defective seams or panels. 27 5) As-Built Drawing: maintain an as-built drawing updated on a weekly basis. 28 b. CQC Consultant's Documentation: 29 1) Daily Log: daily record that summarizes panels deployed, seams completed, CQC 30 seam testing, seam repair, personnel on site, equipment on site, weather 31 conditions, etc. 32 2) CQA/CQC Testing Log: record of all seam destructive tests and material 33 conformance tests performed by the CQC Geosynthetics Laboratory. 34 3) Material Conformance: maintain original conformance certificate(s) from 35 geomembrane manufacturer. 36 4) Subgrade Acceptance Log: maintained originals of subgrade acceptance forms for 37 each panel and signed by the Geomembrane Installer. 38 3.3 GEOMEMBRANE ACCEPTANCE 39 1. The Geomembrane Installer shall retain all Ownership and responsibility for the 40 geomembrane liner system until final acceptance of the Work by the Owner. 41 2. Owner will accept the geosynthetic installation when the installation is finished and all 42 required warranties, test results, and documentation from the Contractor, Manufacturer, 43 Inspector and Installer is received, approved, and verification of the adequacy of all field 44 seams and repairs, including associated testing, is complete. 45 END OF SECTION 46 This page intentionally left blank. 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review ENGINEERED TURF 33 47 18 - 1 SECTION 33 47 18 1 ENGINEERED TURF 2 PART 1 - GENERAL 3 1.1 SUMMARY 4 A. Section Includes: 5 1. Engineered turf used in combination with a structured geomembrane to for a permanent 6 landfill final cover system. 7 B. Related Specification Sections include but are not necessarily limited to: 8 1. Division 00 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract. 9 2. Division 01 - General Requirements. 10 3. Section 33 47 17 – Linear Low Density Polyethylene (LLDPE) Structured Geomembrane. 11 C. The engineered turf shall be provided as a system with the structured LLDPE geomembrane 12 included in Section 33 47 17 whereas both products are supplied by the same manufacturer and 13 are designed to be installed together as a system. 14 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE 15 A. Referenced Standards: 16 1. ASTM International (ASTM): 17 a. C33/C33M, Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates. 18 b. C109/C109M, Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement 19 Mortars (Using 2-in, or [50-mm] Cube Specimens). 20 c. C150/C150M, Standard Specification for Portland Cement. 21 d. C387/C387M, Standard Specification for Packaged, Dry, Combined Materials for 22 Concrete and High Strength Mortar. 23 e. D2256, Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Yarns by the Single-Strand 24 Method. 25 f. D4595, Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Geotextiles by the Wide-Width 26 Strip Method. 27 g. D4873, Standard Guide for Identification, Storage, and Handling of Geosynthetic Rolls 28 and Samples. 29 h. D5261, Standard Test Method for Measuring Mass per Unit Area of Geotextiles. 30 i. D5321, Standard Test method for Determining the Coefficient of Soil and Geosynthetic 31 or Geosynthetic and Geosynthetic Friction by the Direct Shear Method. 32 j. D5870, Standard Practice for Calculating Property Retention Index of Plastics. 33 k. D6241, Standard Test method for Static Puncture Strength of Geotextiles and 34 Geotextile-Related Products using a 50-mm Probe. 35 l. D6459, Standard Test method for Determination of Rolled Erosion Control Product 36 (RECP) Performance in Protecting Hillslopes from Rainfall-Induced Erosion. 37 m. G147, Standard Practice for Conditioning and Handling of Nonmetallic Materials for 38 Natural and Artificial Weathering Tests. 39 2. American Concrete Institute (ACI): 40 a. ACI 306, Guide to Cold Weather Concreting. 41 42 B. Qualifications: 43 1. Each manufacturing and fabricating firm shall demonstrate five (5) years continuous 44 experience, including a minimum of 1,000,000 SF of engineered turfproduction in the past 45 three (3) years. 46 2. Installer shall attend pre-installation conference. 47 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review ENGINEERED TURF 33 47 18 - 2 1.3 DEFINITIONS 1 A. Manufacturer: Manufacturer producing engineered turf component of a landfill final cover 2 system. 3 B. Installer: The Installers are the individuals actually performing the hands-on work in the field. 4 1.4 SUBMITTALS 5 A. Shop Drawings: 6 1. See Specification Section 01 33 00 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of 7 the submittal process. 8 2. Manufacturer's documentation that raw materials and roll materials comply with required 9 engineered turf physical properties. 10 3. Manufacturer and Installer quality control manuals. 11 4. Original test results for resins and roll material at frequency specified in respective quality 12 control manuals. 13 a. Include or bracket the rolls delivered for use in the Work. 14 5. Layout plan with proposed size, number, position and sequencing of engineered turf rolls 15 and direction of all field seams. 16 6. Proposed details of anchor trench if different than included in Contract Documents. 17 B. Informational Submittals: 18 1. See Specification Section 01 33 00 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of 19 the submittal process. 20 2. Qualification documentation specified in the QUALITY ASSURANCE Article in PART 1 21 of this Specification Section. 22 C. CQA Monitor’s Submittals: 23 1. Conformance testing of the synthetic turf shall be performed by CQA personnel and an 24 independent Quality Assurance Laboratory approved by the Owner. The CQA Monitor shall 25 obtain the samples from the roll, and mark the machine direction and identification number. 26 One sample shall be taken by CQA personnel per 100,000 square feet or one sample per lot, 27 whichever results in the greater number of conformance tests. A lot number will be defined 28 as a continuous production process with changes to raw material or manufacturing methods. 29 This sampling frequency may be increase as deemed necessary by the Engineer. The 30 Contractor shall pay for the initial test for every change in Lot number. The following 31 conformance tests shall be conducted the laboratory: 32 a. Total product weight. 33 b. D6241, Standard Test method for Static Puncture Strength of Geotextiles and 34 Geotextile-Related Products using a 50-mm Probe. 35 c. D4595, Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Geotextiles by the Wide-Width 36 Strip Method. 37 d. D2256, Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Yarns by the Single-Strand 38 Method. 39 2. Conformance testing of the sand infill for the synthetic turf shall be performed by CQA 40 personnel and an independent Quality Assurance Laboratory approved by the Owner. The 41 CQA Monitor shall obtain a sample of sand infill for every 250 CY delivered to the site. 42 This sampling frequency may be increase as deemed necessary by the Engineer. The 43 following conformance tests shall be conducted the laboratory: 44 a. D6913, Standard Test Methods for Particle Size Distribution (Gradation) of Soils Using 45 Sieve Analysis. 46 b. C33, Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates. 47 3. Conformance test shall be performed in accordance with requirements listed herein. The 48 Owner will pay all costs associated with the initial conformance testing. 49 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review ENGINEERED TURF 33 47 18 - 3 4. All conformance test results shall be reviewed by Engineer and accepted or rejected, prior to 1 the placement of the engineered turf. All test results shall meet, or exceed, the property 2 values listed herein. In case of failing test results, the manufacturer shall pay for this 3 retesting. The manufacturer may also have the sample retested at two different laboratories 4 approved by the Owner. If both laboratories report passing results the material shall be 5 accepted. If both laboratories do not report passing results, all liner material from the lot 6 representing the failing sample will be considered out of specification and rejected. 7 8 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING 9 A. See Specification Section 01 65 50. 10 B. Label, handle, and store engineered turf in accordance with ASTM D4873 and as specified 11 herein. 12 C. Wrap each roll in an opaque and waterproof layer of plastic during shipment and storage. 13 1. Do not remove the plastic wrapping until deployment. 14 D. Label each roll with the manufacturer's name, engineered turf type, lot number, roll number, and 15 roll dimensions (length, width, gross weight). 16 E. Repair or replace, as directed by the Engineer, engineered turf or plastic wrapping damaged as a 17 result of storage or handling. 18 F. Do not expose engineered turf to temperatures in excess of 71 DegC (160 DegF) or below 0 19 DegC (32 DegF) unless recommended by the Manufacturer. 20 G. Do not use hooks, tongs or other sharp instruments for handling the engineered turf. 21 H. Do not lift rolls by use of cables or chains in contact with the engineered turf. 22 I. Do not drag engineered turf along the ground or across textured geomembranes. 23 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 24 2.1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS 25 A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following manufacturers are 26 acceptable: 27 1. Shaw Industries or Engineer approved equal. 28 2.2 MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURE 29 A. Engineered Turf: 30 1. Use nonthermally degraded polyethylene polymer which is clean and free of any foreign 31 contaminants. 32 2. Manufactured engineered turf to conform to the property requirements listed in Table 1 and 33 be free of defects including tears, nodules or other manufacturing defects which may affect 34 its serviceability. 35 36 TABLE 1 – ENGINEERED TURF PROPERTIES 37 PROPERTY TEST METHOD TEST VALUE CBR Puncture ASTM D6241 800 lb (MARV) Tensile Strength (MD/XD) ASTM D4595 1,000 lb/ft. min (MARV) Rainfall Induced Erosion ASTM D6459 0.04% Infill Loss @ 6 in/hr Aerodynamic Evaluation GTRI Wind Tunnel 120 mph with max. Uplift of 0.12 lb/sf Engineered Turf Fiber ASTM G147 >60% Retained 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review ENGINEERED TURF 33 47 18 - 4 Tuft UV Stability Tensile Strength at 100 yrs (projected) Backing System UV Stability Index Test (Single Geotextile Fully Exposed) ASTM D5870 Modified Cycle 1.UVA340 110 lbs/ft retained tensile strength at 6500 hrs Internal Friction of Turf against Structured Geomembrane ASTM D5321 35 Degrees, min Yarn Weight (Total Product Weight) ASTM D5261 19 oz/sq yd (≥24 oz/sq yd Tensile Strength of Yarn ASTM D2256 15 lbs min 1 B. Sand Infill: 2 1. Meet particle size parameters for ASTM C-33/C33M fine aggregate. 3 C. Polymer Emulsion Component for Sand Infill: 4 1. Supplied by engineered turf manufacturer and designed to withstand flow velocities 5 indicated on Drawings. 6 2. Submit prior to installation Certificate of Compliance that shows proposed material will 7 meet the Manufacturer’s internal Certificate of Analysis showing: 8 a. Product description. 9 b. Batch number. 10 c. Date of Manufacture. 11 d. Test Method. 12 e. Units used. 13 f. Results as compared to the Manufacturer’s upper and lower specification limits. 14 3. Specific characteristics to be tested are: 15 a. Density. 16 b. pH. 17 c. Solid content(non-volatiles). 18 d. Viscosity. 19 D. Cementitious Infill: 20 1. Supplied by engineered turf manufacturer and designed to withstand flow velocities 21 indicated on Drawings. 22 2. Cement is a brand of Portland cement meeting the requirements of ASTM C150/C150M and 23 is Type I or Type II. 24 3. Only one brand of cement shall be used through the duration of the contract. 25 4. The cementitious infill mix design shall conform to the requirements of ASTM 26 C387/C387M for high strength mortars. 27 5. The cementitious infill mix shall have a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 5000 psi 28 per ASTM C109/C109M. 29 6. Verification of compressive strength shall be performed by the manufacturer and a certified 30 test report supplied with each batch/lot of material delivered to the site. 31 32 2.3 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL 33 A. Interface Friction Tests. 34 1. Test materials using ASTM D 5321. Section 01 30 00-Special Conditions, paragraph 2.1, 35 outlines the conditions under which this material shall be tested. 36 2. This material is part of a system. The system shall meet the requirements before the 37 component material can be deemed acceptable. 38 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review ENGINEERED TURF 33 47 18 - 5 PART 3 - EXECUTION 1 3.1 EXAMINATION 2 A. Prior to placement of the engineered turf, clean the substrate of all soil, rock, and other materials 3 which could damage the engineered turf. 4 B. The engineered turf shall be placed only on geomembrane that has been approved by the 5 Geomembrane Installer and accepted by the CQA Monitor. 6 3.2 INSTALLATION 7 A. Deploy the engineered turf ensuring that the engineered turf and underlying materials are not 8 damaged. 9 1. Replace or repair faulty or damaged engineered turf as directed by Engineer. 10 B. Unroll engineered turf downslope keeping in slight tension to minimize wrinkles and folds. 11 Ensure engineered turf filaments are pointing upslope after deployment is complete. 12 C. Maintain free of dirt, mud, or any other foreign materials at all times during construction. 13 1. Clean or replace rolls which are contaminated. 14 D. Place adequate loading (e.g., sandbags) to prevent uplift by wind. 15 E. Equipment use on engineered turf: 16 1. No equipment will be allowed on turf during construction for slopes exceeding 15% until 17 sand infill is in place. 18 2. ATV type vehicles will be allowed on slopes less than 15% prior to infill placement if the 19 tire/track pressure is less than 5 psi. 20 3. Tire/track pressures less than 35 psi are allowed post-construction provided the full 21 specified depth of sand infill is in place. 22 4. Any activity that may be identified during the course of construction by the CQA Monitor 23 as being a possible danger to the integrity of the engineered turf system will be prohibited 24 regardless of any prior approval. 25 F. Overlap adjacent rolls a minimum of 5 IN. 26 G. Use fusion seaming methods to weld adjacent panels of engineered turf in accordance with 27 manufacturer’s recommendations. 28 H. During deployment of engineered turf, the CQA Monitor will observe the following: 29 1. That engineered turf tufts are not excessively pulled out by the installation process. 30 2. Observe turf deployment and record defects and disposition of the defects (i.e., panel 31 rejected, patch installed, etc.). 32 3. That repairs are made in accordance with the specifications. 33 4. That all panels are deployed from the top of the slope in a way that the engineered turf 34 filaments are pointing upslope after deployment is complete. 35 5. That the turf is anchored to prevent movement by the wind (the Geosynthetics Installer is 36 responsible for any damage resulting to or from engineered turf). 37 6. That the turf remains substantially free of contaminants. 38 7. That the turf is laid substantially smooth. 39 8. That on slopes, the turf is secured with sandbag anchoring at the top of the slope after 40 deployment. 41 9. That the first panel deployed has the turf filaments facing forward. 42 I. Engineered turf fusion seaming method: 43 1. Use only fusion seaming devices approved by the engineered turf manufacturer. 44 2. Fusion seam require a minimum of 5 IN of overlap. 45 3. Frayed or loose geotextile strands wil be cut off or removed. 46 4. Prior to starting the production fusion seaming, trial seams must be performed as outlined in 47 Paragraph 3.3. 48 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review ENGINEERED TURF 33 47 18 - 6 5. Demonstrate the preparation methods and equipment utilized for removal of the selvage 1 from the outside edge of the rolls of turf (i.e. trimming and cutting devices). 2 6. Mechanical or hot knife trimming and cutting devices wil be utilized for selvage trimming. 3 7. Demonstrate and control the fraying of geotextile strands when performing the removal of 4 selvage. 5 8. Any damage that occurs due to production seaming will be repaired as recommended by the 6 manufacturer. 7 9. Any defects will be repaired as outlined below. 8 J. Repairs holes or tears in the engineered turf by placing a patch of engineered turf extending a 9 minimum of 2 FT beyond the edges of the hole or tear. 10 1. Use heat bonded seams for all repairs. 11 K. Penetration details shall be as recommended by the Manufacturer and as approved by the 12 Engineer. 13 L. Sand Ballast Infill Placement: 14 1. Sand infill that is placed between the tufts of the engineered turf will be placed to a ½-inch 15 minimum thickness not to exceed ¾-inch thickness. 16 2. Sand ballast infill will consist wholly of sand meeting the requirements of ASTM C33 for 17 fine aggregates. 18 3. CQA Monitor shall check final thickness of sand infill at approximately 100-foot grid 19 patterns. 20 4. Installation of sand infill will only be performed by an installer licensed and approved by 21 the engineered turf manufacturer. 22 5. Areas that are to receive sand infill must be accepted by the CQA Monitor before placement 23 of sand infill takes place. 24 6. CQA Monitor shall verify: 25 a. That the sand infill is worked into the engineered turf between the synthetic yarn 26 blades. 27 b. Conveyor systems and/or Express Blowers are used to spread and place the sand infill. 28 c. The sand infill installer has explained with detail in the pre-construction meeting the 29 method of sand infill deployment to be used. 30 d. That previously installed engineered turf components are not displaced or damaged as a 31 result of the sand infill component installation. 32 e. That sand infill placement does not occur with snow or ice on the engineered turf 33 component. 34 f. The method for measuring the sand infill thickness is by utilizing a digital caliper or an 35 alternate measuring device approved by the CQA Monitor. 36 M. Cementitious Ballast Infill Placement: 37 1. Cementitious infill layer may be placed using any appropriate equipment capable of 38 completing the work. Manual hand spreading is acceptable when equipment is not practical. 39 2. CQA Monitor shall verify: 40 a. That the geosynthetics installer has explained in detail in the pre-construction meeting 41 the method or cementitious infill deployment. 42 b. That installation of cementitious infill will only be performed by an installer licensed 43 and approved by the engineered turf manufacturer. 44 c. Installation is performed in accordance with the engineered turf manufacturer’s 45 recommendations. 46 d. Cementitious infill is installed into the engineered turf while it is in a dry state. 47 e. Cementitious infill is worked into the tufts so the tufts are in an upright position. 48 f. Cementitious infill is placed to a ¾-inch minimum thickness not to exceed 1-inch thick. 49 g. Multiple passes of cementitious infill application are made so the tufts can be more 50 readily freed from the weight of the infill on each pass before hydration takes place. 51 h. Engineered turf tufts are free and upright before the hydration process begins. 52 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review ENGINEERED TURF 33 47 18 - 7 i. Cementitious infill thickness (dry) is checked using a caliper or other approved 1 measuring device at a minimum rate of 20 locations per acre and additional infill is 2 placed where needed to meet minimum thickness requirements. 3 j. Anchor trenches are not backfilled until engineered turf has been infilled. 4 k. Hydration occurs on the same day that the cementitious infill is placed. 5 l. Each completed hydration area has achieved full saturation using a probe at a minimum 6 frequency of 1 test per 100 sf before moving on to the next area. Check for full 7 hydration by tapping on hydrated surface forcing water to be visually seen pooling at 8 the surface. 9 m. Water application rate is in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations and is 10 adjusted for ambient temperature and humidity. 11 n. That hardening process is taking place 24 hours after hydration. 12 o. The 28-day compression strength of the cementitious infill is verified by the 13 manufacturer before the mix is delivered to the site. 14 3. Cold weather placement and curing of cementitious infill shall follow the procedure shown 15 in American Concrete Institute (ACI) 306 – Guide to Cold Weather Concreting. Ensure 16 both subgrade and the surface of the engineered turf will be at a temperature ofat least 36 17 degrees F and ambient temperature is rising. 18 N. Polymer Emulsion Placement: 19 1. Mix polymer with water at ratio recommended by Manufacturer. 20 2. Installation shall be completed by an installer certified by the Manufacturer. 21 3. Apply polymer emulsion: 22 a. Under dry weather conditions and when precipitation is not expected for at least 24 23 hours after installation. 24 b. On previously installed engineered turf system with sand infill that is free of leaves and 25 other material that may inhibit the penetration of the emulsion into the sand. 26 c. Only after approval of finished engineered turf installation. 27 4. CQA Monitor shall verify: 28 a. Correct water mix ratio is achieved by logging volume mixed of each component. 29 b. Emulsion has saturated the sand by inserting a probe randomly and displacing a 1 30 square inch area of sand at a minimum frequency of 20 probes per acre. 31 c. Proper application rate by marking a known area and applying the proper volume to 32 that area. 33 5. Mix in a hydraulic conveyance system such as a water truck or portable tank: 34 a. Utilize a small agitation pump to mix and recirculate the emulsion within the tank to 35 impede separation of the mix. 36 b. Place ½ of the water component in the tank, then add the full strength polymer and 37 complete the mix by then adding the other ½ of the water into the tank. 38 6. Application equipment shall have a 2-inch diameter hose with a spray adjustment nozzle 39 and cut off function in the nozzle head. 40 7. Reduce the number of equipment set-ups required and take care with the application hose so 41 as previously applied emulsion is not displaced by dragging of the hose. 42 8. Spray product evenly. 43 9. Apply at a rate recommended by the Manufacturer. 44 10. Do not apply in inclement weather or freezing temperatures. 45 11. At completion of placement activities: 46 a. Clean equipment thoroughly and purge the tank and hoses of the product. 47 b. All waste product shall be disposed of in accordance with site regulations and 48 specifications. 49 c. Avoid unnecessary foot traffic on the applied product for 24 hours. 50 d. No vehicle traffic is allowed on the applied product for 7 calendar days. 51 10025427 City of Winston-Salem June 2017 Hanes Mill Road Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project - Issued for Review ENGINEERED TURF 33 47 18 - 8 3.3 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 1 A. Prior to installation of the engineered turf, the CQC Consultant shall provide the Engineer 2 quality control certificates signed by the manufacturer's quality assurance manager for every 3 300,000 SF of engineered turf to be installed. 4 B. Prior to turf component welding, the CQC Consultant shall observe and document the turf 5 welding apparatus are tested, at a minimum, at daily start-up and immediately after any break, or 6 anytime the machine is turned off for more than 30 minutes. 7 C. If at any time the CQA Monitor believes that an operator or fusion welding apparatus is not 8 functioning properly, a field trial seam test must be performed. Any dispute concerning proper 9 installation techniques or the proper function of fusion welding equipment will be resolved by 10 the CQA Engineer. 11 D. Trial welds must be allowed to cool to ambient temperature before seam snapping or panel 12 adjustments are applied. 13 1. Trial weld samples must comply with “VISUAL PASSING CRITERIA”. Visual passing 14 criteria is verified when a manual peal/pull test is performed and the top turf panel tufts 15 transfer to the bottom turf panel. The transfer of approximately 75% of the tufts constitutes 16 a passing trial weld. 17 2. Field seam tests fail when less than approximately 75% of the top turf panel tufts transfer to 18 the bottom turf panel. 19 3. Two consecutive trial welds must meet the visual passing criteria. 20 4. Trial welds must be a minimum of 3 feet long and 12 inches wide, with the seam centered 21 lengthwise. 22 5. If a welding apparatus exceeds 5 hours of operation in the second half of the day, another 23 trial seam must be performed. 24 E. CQC documentation of trial seam procedures will include the following: 25 1. The name of the fusion seaming technician. 26 2. The welding apparatus number. 27 3. Time and date of seaming. 28 4. Ambient air temperature. 29 5. Welding apparatus temperature. 30 31 END OF SECTION 33 City of Winston-Salem | Final Permit Modification Application – Alternate Final Cover System Pilot Project Appendix E – CQA Plan E Appendix E – CQA Plan City of Winston-Salem | Final Permit Modification Application – Alternate Final Cover System Pilot Project Appendix E – CQA Plan This page intentionally left blank. CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE (CQA) PLAN Hanes Landfill Alternative Final Cover System Pilot Project Winston-Salem, North Carolina June 23, 2017 DRAFT HDR Project No. 10025427 This page intentionally left blank. City of Winston-Salem | Construction Quality Assurance Plan Contents Contents 1.0 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 1 1.2 DEFINITIONS RELATING TO CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ......................................... 1 1.3 PARTIES TO CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE ............................................ 2 1.4 SCOPE OF CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN ..................................... 6 1.5 UNITS ........................................................................................................................... 6 1.6 REFERENCES.............................................................................................................. 7 1.7 SITE AND PROJECT CONTROL .................................................................................. 7 2.0 COMPACTED SOIL LINER CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE ............................10 2.1 INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................10 2.2 EARTHWORK CONSTRUCTION ................................................................................10 2.3 COMPACTED SOIL LINER SYSTEM ..........................................................................10 2.4 SOILS TESTING ..........................................................................................................11 2.5 SOILS CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE ......................................................11 3.0 GEOMEMBRANE LINER CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE ................................14 3.1 GEOMEMBRANE MANUFACTURER’S CERTIFICATION AND CQA CONFORMANCE TESTING ...............................................................................................................................14 3.2 GEOMEMBRANE INSTALLATION ..............................................................................15 4.0 SYNTHETIC TURF CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE .........................................21 4.1 MANUFACTURING ......................................................................................................21 4.2 LABELING ...................................................................................................................21 4.3 SHIPMENT AND STORAGE ........................................................................................21 4.4 HANDLING AND PLACEMENT ...................................................................................21 4.5 SEAMS AND OVERLAPS ............................................................................................21 4.6 REPAIR........................................................................................................................21 4.7 INFILL MATERIALS .....................................................................................................22 5.0 GEOTEXTILE MATERIAL AND INSTALLATION QUALITY ASSURANCE .........................23 5.1 MANUFACTURING ......................................................................................................23 5.2 LABELING ...................................................................................................................23 5.3 SHIPMENT AND STORAGE ........................................................................................23 5.4 HANDLING AND PLACEMENT ...................................................................................23 5.5 SEAMS AND OVERLAPS ............................................................................................23 i City of Winston-Salem | Construction Quality Assurance Plan Contents 5.6 REPAIR........................................................................................................................23 5.7 PLACEMENT AND MATERIALS ..................................................................................24 6.0 SURVEYING CONSTRUCTION QUALITY CONTROL .......................................................25 6.1 INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................25 6.2 SURVEY CONTROL ....................................................................................................25 6.3 SURVEYING PERSONNEL .........................................................................................25 6.4 PRECISION AND ACCURACY ....................................................................................25 6.5 LINES AND GRADES ..................................................................................................25 6.6 FREQUENCY AND SPACING .....................................................................................26 6.7 THICKNESS MEASUREMENTS ..................................................................................26 6.8 TOLERANCES .............................................................................................................27 6.9 DOCUMENTATION .....................................................................................................27 7.0 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE DOCUMENTATION ........................................28 7.1 DOCUMENTATION .....................................................................................................28 7.2 RECORDKEEPING ......................................................................................................28 7.3 CQA PHOTOGRAPHIC REPORTING DATA SHEETS ................................................30 7.4 DESIGN AND/OR PROJECT TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION CHANGES ....................30 7.5 CQA PROGRESS REPORTS ......................................................................................30 7.6 SIGNATURE AND FINAL REPORT .............................................................................31 7.7 STORAGE OF RECORDS ...........................................................................................31 Figures Figure 1 CQA/CQC Lines of Authority and Communication........................................................ 4 ii City of Winston-Salem | Construction Quality Assurance Plan 1.0 GENERAL 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 INTRODUCTION This Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) Plan has been prepared to provide the Owner, Engineer, and CQA Monitor the means to govern the construction quality of the alternative final cover system pilot project and to satisfy landfill closure certification requirements under current solid waste management regulations. More specifically, this CQA Plan addresses the soils and geosynthetics components of the proposed alternative final cover systems. There are two alternative final cover systems that will be constructed as part of the pilot project. These include exposed geomembrane and a synthetic turf designs. The exposed geomembrane final cover system consists of a geomembrane placed directly on top of the prepared intermediate cover and up to 6 inches of bedding soil. The synthetic turf final cover system also consists of a geomembrane placed directly on top of the prepared intermediate cover and up to 6 inches of bedding soil but would add a synthetic turf on top of the bedding soil. The synthetic turf final cover system also includes an integral drainage system. For the pilot project only, the 6 inches of bedding soil required for both alternative designs will be replaced by the currently permitted final cover component of 18 inches of compacted soil liner (maximum hydraulic conductivity of 1x10-5 cm/sec) beneath the geomembrane in order to allow construction of the currently permitted final cover design over the geomembrane in the event that NCDEQ does not approve the use of the alternative final cover at the completion of the pilot project. The CQA Plan is divided into the following sections: • Section 1.0 General • Section 2.0 Compacted Soil Liner Construction Quality Assurance • Section 3.0 Geomembrane Liner Construction Quality Assurance • Section 4.0 Synthetic Turf Construction Quality AssuranceSection 5.0 Geotextile Construction Quality Assurance • Section 6.0 Surveying Construction Quality Control • Section 7.0 Construction Quality Assurance Documentation 1.2 DEFINITIONS RELATING TO CONSTRUCTION QUALITY 1.2.1 Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) In the context of this Plan, construction quality assurance is defined as a planned and systematic program employed by the Owner to assure conformity of the alternative final cover system installation with Contract Drawings and the project specifications. CQA is provided by the CQA Monitor as a representative of the Owner and is independent from the Contractor and all manufacturers. The CQA program is designed to provide adequate confidence that items or services meet contractual and regulatory requirements and will perform satisfactorily in service. 1 City of Winston-Salem | Construction Quality Assurance Plan 1.0 GENERAL 1.2.2 Construction Quality Control (CQC) Construction Quality Control refers to actions taken by manufacturers, fabricators, installers, or the Contractor to ensure that the materials and the workmanship meet the requirements of this CQA Plan and the project specifications. In the case of the compacted soil liner of the currently permitted final cover system, CQC is provided by the Contractor's CQC Consultant. In the case of geosynthetic components of the alternative final cover systems, material quality control (QC) is provided by the manufacturer's certification and the CQC for the installation of the various geosynthetics is provided by the Contractor's CQC Consultant. The manufacturer's specifications and quality control (QC) requirements are included in this CQA Plan by reference only. A complete updated version of each geosynthetic component manufacturer's QC Plan will be incorporated as part of the Contractor's CQC Plan. 1.2.3 CQC/CQA Certification Document At the completion of alternative final cover pilot project construction, a closure certification document will be prepared by the CQA Monitor and will be submitted to State Solid Waste Regulators. The certification report will include all QC testing performed by the geosynthetics manufacturers, all CQC testing performed by the CQC Consultant, or Geosynthetics Installers, and all CQA conformance testing performed by the CQA Monitor. 1.2.4 Discrepancies Between Documents The CQA Plan is intended to be a supporting document to improve the overall documentation of the Work. The CQA Plan is less specific from the project specifications, and conflicts may exist between the documents. The Contractor is instructed to bring discrepancies to the attention of the Engineer or CQA Monitor for resolution. The Engineer has the sole authority to determine resolution of discrepancies existing within the Contract Documents. Unless otherwise determined by the Engineer, the more stringent requirement shall be the controlling resolution. Reference is made to the project specifications, Section 00700 - General Conditions. 1.3 PARTIES TO CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.3.1 Description of the Parties The parties to Construction Quality Assurance and Quality Control include the Owner, CQA Manager, Engineer, Contractor, Geosynthetics Manufacturer, Geosynthetics Installer, CQA Monitor, Geosynthetics CQA Laboratory, Soils CQA Laboratory, CQC Consultant, Geosynthetics CQC Laboratory, and Soils CQC Laboratory. The lines of authority and communications between each of the parties involved in the CQA and CQC are illustrated in Figure 1. OWNER The Owner is the City of Winston-Salem, who owns and/or is responsible for the facility. CQA MANAGER The CQA Manager is the official representative of the Owner. The CQA Manager serves as communications coordinator for the project, initiating the resolution, pre-installation, and construction meetings outlined in Section 1.7. The CQA Manager shall also be responsible for 2 City of Winston-Salem | Construction Quality Assurance Plan 1.0 GENERAL proper resolution of all quality issues that arise during construction. The CQA Manager is HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas, of Charlotte, NC. ENGINEER The Engineer is responsible for the engineering design, drawings, plans and project specifications for the alternative final cover system pilot project system. The Engineer is HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas, of Charlotte, NC. CONTRACTOR The Contractor is responsible for the construction of the subgrade, soil and geosynthetic liners, anchor trench excavation and backfill or alternative ballasting methods, and for placement of the synthetic turf component. The Contractor is responsible for submittal coordination and the overall CQC on the project. GEOSYNTHETICS MANUFACTURER The Geosynthetics Manufacturer(s) is (are) responsible for the production of geomembranes, synthetic turf, and geotextiles. The manufacturers are responsible for Quality Control (QC) during manufacture of the geosynthetic components, certification of the properties of the geosynthetic components, and field installation criteria. GEOSYNTHETICS INSTALLER The Geosynthetics Installer(s) is (are) a subcontractor of the Contractor and is (are) responsible for field handling, storing, placing, seaming, protection of (against wind, etc.), and other aspects of the geosynthetics installations, including the geomembranes, synthetic turf, and geotextiles. The Installer may also be responsible for transportation of these materials to the site, and for the preparation and completion of anchor trenches and alternative ballasting methods. 3 City of Winston-Salem | Construction Quality Assurance Plan 1.0 GENERAL Figure 1 CQA/CQC Lines of Authority and Communication 4 City of Winston-Salem | Construction Quality Assurance Plan 1.0 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE MONITOR The CQA Monitor is a representative of the Owner and is responsible for observing, testing, and documenting activities related to the CQC/CQA of the earthworks at the site, and the installation of the geosynthetic components of the alternative final cover systems. The CQA Monitor is also responsible for issuing a closure certification report, sealed by a Professional Engineer registered in North Carolina. GEOSYNTHETICS CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE LABORATORY The Geosynthetics CQA Laboratory is a party, independent from the Owner, which is responsible for conducting tests on conformance samples of geosynthetics used in the alternative final cover systems. The Geosynthetics CQA Laboratory service cannot be provided by any party involved with the manufacture, fabrication, or installation of any of the geosynthetic components. SOILS CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE LABORATORY The Soils Construction Quality Assurance Laboratory is a party, independent from the Owner, which is responsible for conducting geotechnical tests on conformance samples of soils used in the alternative final cover systems. The Soils CQA Laboratory service cannot be provided by any party involved with the Contractor. CONSTRUCTION QUALITY CONTROL CONSULTANT The CQC Consultant is a representative of the Contractor and is responsible for the earthwork and compacted soil liner quality control sampling and testing. The term CQC Consultant shall be used to designate the Engineer in charge of the quality control work. The personnel of the CQC Consultant also includes Quality Control Monitors who are also located at the site for construction observation and monitoring. The CQC Consultant is responsible for the timely conveyance of CQC testing results to the CQA Monitor. GEOSYNTHETICS CONSTRUCTION QUALITY CONTROL LABORATORY The Geosynthetics CQC Laboratory is a party, independent from the Contractor that is responsible for conducting tests on conformance samples of geosynthetics used in the alternative final cover systems. SOILS CONSTRUCTION QUALITY CONTROL LABORATORY The Soils Construction Quality Control Laboratory is a party, independent from the Contractor that is responsible for conducting geotechnical tests on conformance samples of compacted soil liner and bedding soil used in the alternative final cover systems. 1.3.2 Qualifications of the Parties The following qualifications are required of all parties involved with the manufacture, fabrication, installation, transportation, and CQC/CQA of all materials for the alternative final cover systems. Where applicable, these qualifications must be submitted by the Contractor to the CQA Manager for review and approval. CONTRACTOR Qualifications of the Contractor are specific to the construction contract and independent of this CQA Plan. 5 City of Winston-Salem | Construction Quality Assurance Plan 1.0 GENERAL GEOSYNTHETICS MANUFACTURERS Each geosynthetics manufacturer must satisfy the qualifications presented in the project specifications and must be prequalified and approved by the CQA Manager. The physical properties of each geosynthetic product must be certified by the geosynthetics manufacturer. The properties certified must include, at a minimum, those identified in the project specifications. Manufacturer’s certification must be approved by the CQA Monitor before the product is used. GEOSYNTHETIC INSTALLER(S) The Geosynthetic Installer(s) will be trained and qualified to install the geosynthetics components of the alternative final cover systems. Each Geosynthetics Installer must meet the requirements of the project specifications and be approved by the CQA Manager. The Geomembrane Installer must be approved by the Geomembrane Manufacturer. CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE MONITOR The CQA Monitor will act as the Owner's CQA Representative and will report to the CQA Manager. The CQA Monitor will perform conformance testing to satisfy the requirements of this CQA Plan, will observe the CQC work performed by the CQC Consultant, and will prepare the certification document incorporating both CQA and CQC test data. The CQA Monitor will have experience in the CQC/CQA aspects of landfill liner system construction and soils testing, and be familiar with ASTM and other related industry standards. The activities of the CQA Monitor will be performed under the supervision of a Registered Professional Engineer. CONSTRUCTION QUALITY CONTROL CONSULTANT The CQC Consultant will be a party, independent from the Contractor. The CQC Consultant will be experienced with soils, including soil liners, and geosynthetics, including geomembranes and geotextiles. The CQC Consultant will satisfy the requirements of the project specifications and be approved by the CQA Manager. The activities of the CQC Consultant will be performed under the supervision of a Registered Professional Engineer. GEOSYNTHETICS CONSTRUCTION QUALITY CONTROL LABORATORY The Geosynthetics CQC Laboratory is a subcontractor of the CQC Consultant and will have experience in testing geosynthetics and be familiar with ASTM, NSF, and other applicable test standards. The Geosynthetics CQC Laboratory will be capable of providing test results within 24 hours or a reasonable time after, as agreed to at the outset of the project, receipt of samples, and will maintain that standard throughout the installation. 1.4 SCOPE OF CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN The scope of this CQA Plan includes the CQA of the soils and geosynthetic components of the proposed alternative final cover systems for the subject facility. The CQA for the selection, evaluation, and placement of the soils is included in the scope. This document is intended to be used in concert with the CQC requirements presented in the project specifications. 1.5 UNITS In this CQA Plan, all properties and dimensions are expressed in U.S. units. 6 City of Winston-Salem | Construction Quality Assurance Plan 1.0 GENERAL 1.6 REFERENCES The CQA Plan includes references to the most recent version of the test procedures of the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM), , the "Standards for Flexible Membrane Liners" of the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF), and the "Geosynthetic Research Institute" (GRI). 1.7 SITE AND PROJECT CONTROL To guarantee a high degree of quality during installation, clear, open channels of communication are essential. To that end, meetings are critical. 1.7.1 CQA/CQC Resolution Meeting Prior to field mobilization by the Contractor, a Resolution Meeting will be held. This meeting will include all parties then involved, including the CQA Manager, the CQA Monitor, the Engineer, the Contractor, and the CQC Consultant. The purpose of this meeting is to begin planning for coordination of tasks, anticipate any problems which might cause difficulties and delays in construction, and, above all, review the CQA and CQC Plans to all of the parties involved. It is very important that the rules regarding testing, repair, etc., be known and accepted by all. This meeting should include all of the following activities: • Communicate to all parties any relevant documents; • Review critical design details of the project; • Review the seam layout drawing provided by the geomembrane/geosynthetics installer. • Review the site-specific CQA and CQC plans; • Make any appropriate modifications to the CQA and CQC plans to ensure that they specify all testing activities that are necessary; • Reach a consensus on the CQA/CQC quality control procedures, especially on methods for determining acceptability of the soils and geosynthetics; • Review the proposed alternative final cover systems; • Decide the number of spare seaming units for geomembranes to be maintained on site by the geomembrane/geosynthetics installer (this number depends on the number of seaming crews and on the type of seaming equipment); • Select testing equipment and review protocols for testing and placement of general earthwork materials; • Confirm methods for the compacted soil liner material selection testing, acceptable zone determinations, and test strip installation; • Confirm the methods for documenting and reporting, and for distributing documents and reports; and confirm the lines of authority and communication. The meeting will be documented by the CQA Manager and minutes will be transmitted to all parties. 7 City of Winston-Salem | Construction Quality Assurance Plan 1.0 GENERAL 1.7.2 CQA/CQC Pre-Installation Meeting A Pre-Installation Meeting will be held at the site prior to placement of the geosynthetic components of the alternative final cover systems. At a minimum, the meeting will be attended by the CQA Manager, Engineer, the CQA Monitor, the Contractor, the CQC Consultant, and the Geosynthetic/Geomembrane Installation Superintendent. Specific topics considered for this meeting include: • Make any appropriate modifications to the CQA and CQC Plans; • Review the responsibilities of each party; • Review lines of authority and communication; • Review methods for documenting and reporting, and for distributing documents and reports; • Establish protocols for testing; • Establish protocols for handling deficiencies, repairs, and retesting; • Review the time schedule for all operations; • Establish rules for writing on the geomembrane, i.e., who is authorized to write, what can be written, and in which color; • Outline procedures for packaging and storing archive samples; • Review panel layout and numbering systems for panels and seams; • Establish procedures for use of the extrusion seaming apparatus, if applicable; • Establish procedures for use of the fusion seaming apparatus, if applicable; • Finalize field cutout sample sizes; • Review seam testing procedures; • Review repair procedures; and • Establish soil stockpiling locations (if any). The meeting will be documented by the CQA Manager and minutes will be transmitted to all parties. The Resolution Meeting and the Pre-Installation Meeting may be held as one meeting or separate meetings, depending on the direction of the CQA Manager. 1.7.3 Daily and Weekly CQA/CQC Progress Meetings A weekly progress meeting will be held between the CQA Manager, the CQA Monitor, the Contractor, the CQC Consultant, the Geosynthetic/Geomembrane Installation Superintendent, and representatives from any other involved parties. This meeting will discuss current progress, planned activities for the next week, and any new business or revisions to the work. The CQA Monitor will log any problems, decisions, or questions arising at this meeting in his daily report. Any matter requiring action which is raised in this meeting will be reported to the appropriate parties. A daily meeting will be held between the CQA Monitor, the CQC Consultant, the Geosynthetic/ Geomembrane Installation Superintendent, and representatives from any other involved parties. This meeting will discuss current progress, planned activities for the next shift, and any new business or revisions to the work. The CQA Monitor will log any problems, decisions, or 8 City of Winston-Salem | Construction Quality Assurance Plan 1.0 GENERAL questions arising at this meeting in his daily report. Any matter requiring action which is raised in this meeting will be reported to the appropriated parties. Meeting frequency will depend on the schedule of the project and the mutual agreement of all parties involved. 1.7.4 Problem or Work Deficiency Meetings A special meeting will be held when and if a problem or deficiency is present or likely to occur. At a minimum, the meeting will be attended by all interested parties, the Contractor, the CQA Manager, and the CQA Monitor. If the problem requires a design modification, the Engineer should also be present. The purpose of the meeting is to define and resolve the problem or work deficiency as follows: • Define and discuss the problem or deficiency; • Review alternative solutions; and • Implement an action plan to resolve the problem or deficiency. The meeting will be documented by the CQA Manager and minutes will be transmitted to affected parties. 9 City of Winston-Salem | Construction Quality Assurance Plan 2.0 COMPACTED SOIL LINER CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE 2.0 COMPACTED SOIL LINER CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE 2.1 INTRODUCTION This section of the CQA Plan addresses the soil components of the alternative final cover systems, and outlines the soils CQA program to be implemented with regard to materials confirmation, laboratory and field confirmation test requirements, overview and interfacing with the Contractor's CQC Program, and resolution of problems. The compacted soil liner component of the alternative final cover systems is incorporated into the pilot project in order to allow the alternative final cover areas to be converted to the currently permitted final cover design in the event that the alternative designs are not approved by NCDEQ at the end of the study period. The intent is that the compacted soil liner component will not be included in any future alternative final cover areas that may be approved by NCDEQ and will be replaced by a 6-inch thick bedding soil layer placed directly below the geomembrane. 2.2 EARTHWORK CONSTRUCTION 2.2.1 Subgrade The subgrade material below the alternative final cover components generally consists of varying thicknesses of intermediate cover overlying compacted waste and will be prepared by the Contractor prior to the placement of additional intermediate cover or bedding soil. The CQC Consultant will provide density testing of the pre-fill subgrade at the frequency specified in the project specifications. The CQA Monitor will observe the proof roll by the Contractor, review the density test data provided by the CQC Consultant, and provide verification that the pre-fill subgrade is acceptable. The CQA Monitor may conduct confirmation density testing as deemed appropriate. 2.2.2 Controlled Fill The Contractor shall place fill consisting of either additional intermediate cover or bedding soil in accordance with the project specifications. The CQC Consultant shall provide testing of the controlled fill material in accordance with the project specifications. The CQA Monitor will provide confirmation testing of the controlled fill as deemed appropriate. 2.3 COMPACTED SOIL LINER SYSTEM 2.3.1 Compacted Soil Liner Subgrade Testing will be conducted by the CQC Consultant as observed by the CQA Monitor. The subgrade material below the sub base is composed of controlled fill and in situ soils. The surface of the subgrade will be prepared prior to the construction of the sub base. The CQA Monitor will visually examine the surface of the subgrade to verify that any potentially deleterious materials have been removed. 10 City of Winston-Salem | Construction Quality Assurance Plan 2.0 COMPACTED SOIL LINER CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE 2.3.2 Compacted Soil Liner Material The contractor shall perform testing of the in-situ soils in accordance with the specifications prior to compacted soil liner placement in order to determine whether these soils meet the requirements of compacted soil liner. The test results shall be made available to the Engineer who will determine the horizontal and vertical extent of in-situ soils that will be accepted as compacted soil liner material. Any areas without sufficient in-situ compacted soil liner material shall be supplemented with additional suitable material as described below. The compacted soil liner material shall be placed and compacted in accordance with the project specifications. The CQC Consultant shall conduct field density and moisture tests at the frequency presented in the project specifications. The CQA Monitor shall provide conformance tests at a frequency of approximately 10 percent of the required CQC tests. Additional CQA conformance testing may be performed at the discretion of the CQA Monitor. Hydraulic Conductivity, Atterberg Limits, and Percent Fines testing of the compacted soil liner material shall be performed by the CQC Consultant in accordance with the project specifications. Additional CQA conformance testing may be performed at the discretion of the CQA Monitor. Thickness measurement shall be conducted in accordance with the project specifications by the CQC Consultant and observed by the CQA Monitor. 2.4 SOILS TESTING 2.4.1 Test Methods All testing used to evaluate the suitability or conformance of soils materials will be carried out in accordance with the project specifications. 2.4.2 Soils Testing Requirements The soil CQC testing must comply with the minimum frequencies presented in the project specifications. The frequency of CQA testing required will be determined by the CQA Monitor in light of the potential variability of materials and the acceptance/failure rate of the CQC testing. 2.5 SOILS CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE CQA will be performed on all soil components of the liner construction. CQA evaluation will consist of: (1) monitoring the work and observing the CQC testing; and (2) performing laboratory and field conformance tests. Laboratory CQA conformance tests will be conducted on samples taken at the borrow source, stockpile, and during the course of the work prior to construction. Field CQA conformance tests will be conducted during the course of the work. 2.5.1 Monitoring The CQA Monitor shall monitor and document the construction of all soil components. Monitoring the construction work for the sub base soil, bedding soil, and the compacted soil liner, includes the following: 11 City of Winston-Salem | Construction Quality Assurance Plan 2.0 COMPACTED SOIL LINER CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE • Observing CQC testing to determine the water content and other physical properties of the sub base, bedding soil, and compacted soil liner during compaction and compilation of the data; • Monitoring the loose thickness of lifts as placed; • Monitoring the action of the compaction and/or heavy hauling equipment on the construction surface (i.e., penetration, pumping, cracking. Etc.); and • Monitoring the number of passes used to compact each lift. 2.5.2 Construction Quality Assurance Judgmental Testing During construction, the frequency of conformance testing may be increased at the discretion of the CQA Monitor when visual observations of construction performance indicate a potential problem. Additional testing for suspected areas will be considered when: • The rollers slip during rolling operation; • The lift thickness is greater than specified; • The fill material is at an improper moisture content; • Fewer than the specified number of roller passes are made; • Dirt-clogged rollers are used to compact the material; • The rollers may not have used optimum ballast; • The fill materials differ substantially from those specified; or • The degree of compaction is doubtful. 2.5.3 Perforations in Compacted Soil Liner Perforations that must be filled will include, but not be limited to, the following: • Nuclear density test probe locations; • Permeability sampling locations; and/or • Thickness checks. Unless otherwise noted, or as directed by the CQA Manager, all perforations of the sub base by probes or sample tubes will be backfilled in accordance with project specifications. The CQA Monitor will observe and confirm that adequate procedures are being employed. 2.5.4 Deficiencies If a defect is discovered in the earthwork product, the CQC Consultant will immediately determine the extent and nature of the defect. If the defect is indicated by an unsatisfactory test result, the CQC Consultant will determine the extent of the deficient area by additional tests, observations, a review of records, or other appropriate means. If the defect is related to adverse site conditions, such as overly wet soils or surface desiccation, the CQC Consultant will define the limits and nature of the defect. NOTIFICATION After determining the extent and nature of a defect, the CQC Consultant will notify the CQA Manager, the CQA Monitor, and Contractor and schedule appropriate retests when the work deficiency is corrected. The CQA Monitor shall observe all retests on defects. 12 City of Winston-Salem | Construction Quality Assurance Plan 2.0 COMPACTED SOIL LINER CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE REPAIRS AND RETESTING The Contractor will correct the deficiency to the satisfaction of the CQA Monitor. If a project specification criterion cannot be met, or unusual weather conditions hinder work, then the CQC Consultant will develop and present to the CQA Manager and CQA Monitor suggested solutions for approval. All retests recommended by the CQC Consultant must verify that the defect has been corrected before any additional work is performed by the Contractor in the area of the deficiency. The CQA Monitor will verify that all installation requirements are met and that all submittals are provided. PENALTIES Refer to the Contract Documents. 13 City of Winston-Salem | Construction Quality Assurance Plan 3.0 GEOMEMBRANE LINER CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE 3.0 GEOMEMBRANE LINER CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE 3.1 GEOMEMBRANE MANUFACTURER’S CERTIFICATION AND CQA CONFORMANCE TESTING 3.1.1 Geomembrane Manufacturer's Certification Compliance testing will be performed by the geomembrane manufacturer to demonstrate that the product meets the manufacturers' quality control and conformance test minimum standards for geomembrane specifications and exceeds the project specifications. Additional testing will be performed by the CQA Monitor for purposes of conformance evaluation. If the results of the geomembrane manufacturer's and the CQA Monitor’s testing differ, the testing will be repeated by the CQA Monitor’s laboratory, and the geomembrane manufacturer will be allowed to monitor this testing. The results of this latter series of tests will prevail, provided that the applicable test methods have been followed. RAW MATERIAL Prior to the installation of any geomembrane material, the geomembrane manufacturer will provide the CQA Monitor and the CQC Consultant with the following information as a bound document with the individual sections clearly identified: • The origin (resin supplier's name and resin production plant), identification (brand name and number), and production date of the resin; • A copy of the quality control certificates issued by the resin supplier; • Reports on the tests conducted by the geomembrane manufacturer to verify the quality of the resin used to manufacture the geomembrane rolls assigned to the project; and • A statement that the percentage of reclaimed polymer added to the resin is in accordance with the project specifications. The CQA Monitor will review these documents and report any discrepancies with the above requirements to the CQA Manager. GEOMEMBRANE MANUFACTURING Prior to the installation, the geomembrane manufacturer will provide the Contractor and the CQA Monitor with the following: • A properties sheet including, at a minimum, all specified properties, measured using test methods indicated in the project technical specifications, or equivalent; • The sampling procedure and results of testing; and • A certification that property values given in the properties sheet are minimum average roll values and are guaranteed by the geomembrane manufacturer. The CQA Monitor will review these documents and verify that: 14 City of Winston-Salem | Construction Quality Assurance Plan 3.0 GEOMEMBRANE LINER CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE • The reported property values certified by the geomembrane manufacturer meet all of the project technical specifications; • The measurements of properties by the geomembrane manufacturer are properly documented and that the test methods used are acceptable; and • Report any discrepancies with the above requirements to the CQA manager. ROLLS AND SHEETS Prior to shipment, the geomembrane manufacturer will provide the CQA Monitor and the CQC Consultant with a quality control certificate for each roll (HDPE or LLDPE geomembrane) of geomembrane provided. The quality control certificate will be signed by a responsible party employed by the geomembrane manufacturer, such as the production manager. The quality control certificate will include: • Roll numbers and identification; and • Sampling procedures and results of quality control tests -- as a minimum, results will be given for thickness, tensile characteristics and tear resistance, evaluated in accordance with the methods indicated in the project specifications or equivalent methods approved by the engineer. The quality control certificate will be bound and included as part of the report required in Section The CQA Monitor will: • Verify that the quality control certificates have been provided at the specified frequency and that each certificate identified the rolls or sheets related to it; • Review the quality control certificates and verify that the certified roll or sheet properties meet the project technical specifications; and • Report any discrepancies with the above requirements to the CQA Manager. 3.2 GEOMEMBRANE INSTALLATION 3.2.1 Transportation, Handling, and Storage TRANSPORTATION AND HANDLING The CQA Monitor will verify that: • Handling equipment used on the site is adequate, meets manufacturer’s recommendations, and does not pose any risk of damage to the geomembrane; and • The geosynthetics installer's personnel handle the geomembranes with care. • Upon delivery at the site, the CQA Monitor will conduct a surface observation of all rolls and sheets for defects and damage. This examination will be conducted without unrolling rolls or unfolding sheets unless defects or damages are found or suspected. The CQA Monitor will indicate to the CQA Manager: 15 City of Winston-Salem | Construction Quality Assurance Plan 3.0 GEOMEMBRANE LINER CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE • Any rolls or sheets, or portions thereof, that should be rejected and removed from the site because they have severe flaws; and • Any rolls or sheets that have minor repairable flaws. Refer to ASTM D4873 for detailed methods for identification, storage and handling of geomembranes. STORAGE The CQA Monitor will document that the Contractor's storage of the geomembrane provides adequate protection against moisture, dirt, shock, and other sources of damage or contamination. 3.2.2 Earthwork SURFACE PREPARATION The CQC Consultant and the Geosynthetics Installer will certify in writing that the surface on which the geomembrane will be installed meets line and grade, and the surface preparation requirements of the project specifications. The certificate of acceptance will be given by the CQC Consultant to the CQA Monitor prior to commencement of geomembrane installation in the area under consideration. The CQA Monitor will give a copy of this certificate to the CQA Manager. To ensure a timely covering of the compacted soil liner surface, the CQA Manager may allow subgrade acceptance in areas as small as one acre. After the supporting soil has been accepted by the Geosynthetics Installer, it will be the Geosynthetics Installer's responsibility to indicate to the CQA Manager of any change in the supporting soil condition that may require repair work. If the CQA Monitor concurs with the Geosynthetics Installer, then the CQA Manager will ensure that the supporting soil is repaired. ANCHORAGE SYSTEM The CQA Monitor will verify that anchor trenches have been constructed and backfilled according to project specifications and design drawings. 3.2.3 Geomembrane Placement FIELD PANEL IDENTIFICATION The CQA Monitor will document that the Geosynthetics Installer labels each field panel with an "identification code" (number or letter-number consistent with the layout plan) agreed upon by the CQC Consultant, Geosynthetics Installer, and CQA Monitor at the Pre-Installation Meeting, Section 1.7.2. The Geosynthetics Installer will establish a table or chart showing correspondence between roll numbers and field panel identification codes. This documentation shall be submitted to the CQC Consultant and CQA Monitor weekly for review and verification. The field panel identification code will be used for all quality control and quality assurance records. 16 City of Winston-Salem | Construction Quality Assurance Plan 3.0 GEOMEMBRANE LINER CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE FIELD PANEL PLACEMENT Location The CQA Monitor will verify that field panels are installed at the location indicated in the Geosynthetics Installer's layout plan, as approved or modified in Section Installation Schedule The CQA Monitor will evaluate every change in the schedule proposed by the Geosynthetics Installer and advise the CQA Manger on the acceptability of that change. The CQA Monitor will verify that the condition of the supporting soil has not changed detrimentally during installation. The CQA Monitor will record the identification code, location, and date of installation of each field panel. Placement of Geomembrane The CQA Monitor will verify that project specification related restrictions on placement of geomembrane are fulfilled. Additionally, the CQA Monitor will verify that the supporting soil has not been damaged by weather conditions. The CQA Monitor will inform the CQA Manager if the above conditions are not fulfilled. Damage The CQA Monitor will visually observe each panel, after placement and prior to seaming, for damage. The CQA Monitor will advise the CQA Manager which panels, or portion of panels, should be rejected, repaired, or accepted. Damaged panels or portions of damaged panels which have been rejected will be marked and their removal from the work area recorded by the CQA Monitor. Repairs will be made according to procedures described in the project specifications. As a minimum, the CQA Monitor will document that: • The panel is placed in such a manner that it is unlikely to be damaged; and • Any tears, punctures, holes, thin spots, etc., are either marked by the geosynthetics installer for repair or the panel is rejected. 3.2.4 Field Seaming SEAM LAYOUT The Geosynthetics Installer will provide the CQA Monitor with a seam layout drawing, i.e., a drawing of the facility to be lined showing all expected seams. The CQA Monitor and Design Engineer will review the seam layout drawing and verify that it is consistent with the accepted state of practice and this CQA Plan. In addition, no panels not specifically shown on the seam layout drawing may be used without the CQA Manager's prior approval. A seam numbering system compatible with the panel numbering system will be agreed upon at the Resolution and/or Pre-Installation Meeting, Section 1.7. An on-going written record of the seams and repair areas shall be maintained by the Geosynthetics Installer with weekly review by the CQA Monitor. 17 City of Winston-Salem | Construction Quality Assurance Plan 3.0 GEOMEMBRANE LINER CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS OF PERSONNEL The Geosynthetics Installer will provide the CQA Monitor with a list of proposed seaming personnel and their experience records. This document will be reviewed by the CQA Manager and the CQA Monitor for compliance with project specifications. SEAMING EQUIPMENT AND PRODUCTS Field seaming processes must comply with project specifications. Proposed alternate processes will be documented and submitted to the CQA Monitor for his approval. Only seaming apparatuses which have been specifically approved by make and model will be used. The CQA Monitor will submit all documentation to the CQA Manager for his concurrence. NONDESTRUCTIVE SEAM CONTINUITY TESTING The Geosynthetics Installer will nondestructively test all field seams over their full length using test methods approved by the project specifications. The CQA Monitor shall periodically observe the nondestructive testing to ensure conformance with this CQA Plan and the project specifications. For approximately 10% of the noncomplying tests, the CQA Monitor will: • Observe continuity testing of the repaired areas performed by the Geosynthetics Installer; • Confirm the record location, date, test unit number, name of tester, and compile the record of testing provided by the Geosynthetics Installer; • Provide a walkthrough inspection of all impacted seam areas and verify that the areas have been tested in accordance with the CQA Plan and project specifications; and • Verify that the Geosynthetics Installer has marked repair areas with the appropriate color-coded marking pencil. DESTRUCTIVE SEAM TESTING Destructive seam tests will be performed by the CQC consultant at locations and a frequency in accordance with the project specifications. Additional destructive seam tests may be required at the CQA Monitor’s discretion. Selection of such locations may be prompted by suspicion of contamination, excessive grinding, off-center and/or offset seams, or any other potential cause of imperfect seaming. Geosynthetics Construction Quality Assurance Laboratory Testing Destructive test samples will be packaged and shipped by the CQA Monitor in a manner that will not damage the test sample. The CQA Manager will be responsible for storing the archive samples. These procedures will be fully outlined at the Resolution Meeting, Section 1.7. Test samples will be tested by the Geosynthetics CQA Laboratory. Conformance testing will include "Seam Strength" and “Peel Adhesion" (ASTM D638 using one- inch strips and a strain rate of two inches per minute) in accordance with ASTM D4437 and project specifications. All geomembrane destructive test samples that fail to meet project specifications shall be saved and sent to the CQA Monitor for observation. 18 City of Winston-Salem | Construction Quality Assurance Plan 3.0 GEOMEMBRANE LINER CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE The Geosynthetics CQA Laboratory will provide preliminary test results no more than 24 hours after they receive the samples. The CQA Monitor will review laboratory test results as soon as they become available. Defining Extent of Destructive Seam Test Failure All defective seam test failures must be bounded by seam tests from which destructive samples passing laboratory tests have been taken. The CQC Consultant will document repair actions taken in conjunction with all destructive seam test failures. 3.2.5 Defects and Repairs All seams and nonseam areas of the geomembrane will be examined by the CQC Consultant for identification of defects, holes, blisters, undispersed raw materials, and any sign of contamination by foreign matter. Each suspected location, both in seam and nonseam areas, will be nondestructively tested using methods in accordance with the project specifications. Each location which fails the nondestructive testing will be marked by the CQC Consultant and repaired by the Geosynthetics Installer. Repair procedures will be in accordance with project specifications or procedures agreed to by the CQA Manager in the Pre-Installation Meeting. The CQA Monitor will observe all repair procedures and advise the CQA Manager of any problems. 3.2.6 Backfilling of Anchor Trench Anchor trenches will be backfilled and compacted as outlined in the project specifications. The CQA Monitor will review the backfilling operation and advise the CQA Manager of any problems. 3.2.7 Liner System Acceptance The Geosynthetics Installer and the geosynthetic manufacturers will retain all ownership and responsibility for the geosynthetics in the landfill cell until acceptance by the Owner. The geomembrane component of the alternate final cover systems will be accepted by the Owner when: • The installation is finished; • Verification of the adequacy of all seams and repairs, including associated testing, is complete; • CQC consultant provides the CQA Monitor and CQA Manager with a final copy of the nondestructive test documentation, repair information, and as-built drawings. • CQA Monitor furnishes the CQA Manager with certification that the geomembrane was installed in accordance with the geosynthetic manufacturer's recommendations as well as the project plans and specifications; • All documentation of installation is completed including the CQA Monitor’s final report; and • Certification by the CQA Manager, including record drawing(s), sealed by a professional engineer registered in the state in which the project is located, has been received by the owner. 19 City of Winston-Salem | Construction Quality Assurance Plan 3.0 GEOMEMBRANE LINER CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE The CQA Manager will certify that the installation has proceeded in accordance with this CQA Plan and the project specifications for the project except as noted to the CQA Manager. 3.2.8 Materials in Contact with Geomembranes The quality assurance procedures indicated in this Subsection are only intended to assure that the installation of these materials does not damage the geomembrane. SOILS Prior to placement, the CQA Monitor will visually confirm that all soil materials to be placed against the geomembrane comply with project specifications. . All soil materials shall be placed and compacted in accordance with project specifications. SUMPS AND APPURTENANCES The CQA Monitor will verify that: • Installation of the geomembrane in appurtenance areas, and connection of the geomembrane to appurtenances have been made according to the project specifications; • Extreme care is taken while seaming around appurtenances since neither nondestructive nor destructive testing may be feasible in these areas; • The geomembrane has not been visibly damaged while making connections to appurtenances; • The installation of the geomembrane shall be exercised so as not to damage sumps; and • The CQA Monitor will inform the CQA Manager if the above conditions are not fulfilled. 20 City of Winston-Salem | Construction Quality Assurance Plan 4.0 SYNTHETIC TURF CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE 4.0 SYNTHETIC TURF CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE 4.1 MANUFACTURING The Contractor will provide the CQA Monitor with a list of guaranteed “minimum average roll value" properties (as defined by the Federal Highway Administration), for the type of synthetic turf to be delivered. The Contractor will also provide the CQA Monitor with a written certification from the synthetic turf manufacturer that the materials actually delivered have "minimum average roll value" properties which meet or exceed all property values guaranteed for that type of material. The CQA Monitor will examine all manufacturer certifications to ensure that the property values listed on the certifications meet or exceed those specified for the particular type of synthetic turf. Any deviations will be reported to the CQA Manager. 4.2 LABELING The synthetic turf manufacturer will certify that all rolls of material delivered to the site are in conformance with the project specifications. The CQA Monitor will examine rolls upon delivery and any deviation from the above requirements will be reported to the CQA Manager. 4.3 SHIPMENT AND STORAGE During shipment and storage, the synthetic turf will be protected as required by manufacturer’s recommendations and the project specifications. The CQA Monitor will observe rolls upon delivery at the site and any deviation from the above requirements will be reported to the CQA Manager. 4.4 HANDLING AND PLACEMENT The Geosynthetics Installer will handle all synthetic turf in such a manner as required by the project specifications. Any noncompliance will be noted by the CQA Monitor and reported to the CQA Manager. 4.5 SEAMS AND OVERLAPS All synthetic turf will be overlapped and seamed in accordance with project specifications or as approved by the CQA Monitor and CQA Manager. 4.6 REPAIR Any holes or tears in the synthetic turf will be repaired in accordance with the project specifications. The CQA Monitor will observe any repair and note any noncompliance with the above requirements and report them to the CQA Manager. 21 City of Winston-Salem | Construction Quality Assurance Plan 4.0 SYNTHETIC TURF CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE 4.7 INFILL MATERIALS 4.7.1 Infill Material Verification Contractor shall provide the CQA Monitor with test results or certifications that the infill materials for the synthetic turf that are provided meet the requirements as shown on the drawings and project specifications and are in conformance with the requirements with the recommendations of the synthetic turf manufacturer. Any noncompliance will be noted by the CQA Monitor and reported to the CQA Manager. 4.7.2 Placement of Infill Material The CQA Monitor shall verify that the appropriate synthetic turf infill materials are applied where indicated in the drawings or project specifications. The CQA Monitor shall also observe application of infill materials to verify they are placed using methods consistent with the project specifications and synthetic turf manufacturer recommendations, and to verify that the synthetic turf and underlying geomembrane is not damaged in the process. Any damaged materials shall be patched or replaced in accordance with the project specifications. Infill depth measurements shall be performed and documented by the CQC Consultant and observed by the CQA Monitor at the frequency indicated in the project specifications. Infill material shall be reapplied to any areas that do not meet the minimum depth required in the project specifications until the required depth is achieved. 22 City of Winston-Salem | Construction Quality Assurance Plan 5.0 GEOTEXTILE MATERIAL AND INSTALLATION QUALITY ASSURANCE 5.0 GEOTEXTILE MATERIAL AND INSTALLATION QUALITY ASSURANCE 5.1 MANUFACTURING The Contractor will provide the CQA Monitor with a list of guaranteed “minimum average roll value" properties (as defined by the Federal Highway Administration), for the type of geotextile to be delivered. The Contractor will also provide the CQA Monitor with a written certification from the geotextile manufacturer that the materials actually delivered have "minimum average roll value" properties which meet or exceed all property values guaranteed for that type of geotextile. The CQA Monitor will examine all manufacturer certifications to ensure that the property values listed on the certifications meet or exceed those specified for the particular type of geotextile. Any deviations will be reported to the CQA Manager. 5.2 LABELING The geotextile manufacturer will certify that all rolls of geotextile are in conformance with the project specifications. The CQA Monitor will examine rolls upon delivery and any deviation from the above requirements will be reported to the CQA Manager. 5.3 SHIPMENT AND STORAGE During shipment and storage, the geotextile will be protected as required by manufacturer’s recommendations and the project specifications. The CQA Monitor will observe rolls upon delivery at the site and any deviation from the above requirements will be reported to the CQA Manager. 5.4 HANDLING AND PLACEMENT The Geosynthetics Installer will handle all geotextiles in such a manner as required by the project specifications. Any noncompliance will be noted by the CQA Monitor and reported to the CQA Manager. 5.5 SEAMS AND OVERLAPS All geotextiles will be seamed or overlapped in accordance with project specifications or as approved by the CQA Monitor and CQA Manager. 5.6 REPAIR Any holes or tears in the geotextile will be repaired in accordance with the project specifications. The CQA Monitor will observe any repair and note any noncompliance with the above requirements and report them to the CQA Manager. 23 City of Winston-Salem | Construction Quality Assurance Plan 5.0 GEOTEXTILE MATERIAL AND INSTALLATION QUALITY ASSURANCE 5.7 PLACEMENT AND MATERIALS All soil and rock materials located on top of a geotextile shall be placed in accordance with the project specifications. Any noncompliance will be noted by the CQA Monitor and reported to the CQA Manager. 24 City of Winston-Salem | Construction Quality Assurance Plan 6.0 SURVEYING CONSTRUCTION QUALITY CONTROL 6.0 SURVEYING CONSTRUCTION QUALITY CONTROL 6.1 INTRODUCTION Surveying of lines and grades is conducted on an ongoing basis during construction of the alternative final cover systems. Close CQC of the surveying is absolutely essential to ensure that slopes and appurtenances are properly constructed. The surveying conducted at the site shall be performed by the Contractor. 6.2 SURVEY CONTROL Permanent benchmarks and baseline control points are to be established for the site at locations convenient for daily tie-in. The vertical and horizontal controls for this benchmark will be established within normal land surveying standards. 6.3 SURVEYING PERSONNEL The Contractor's survey crew will consist of a Senior Surveyor, and as many Surveying CQC Monitors as are required to satisfactorily undertake the requirements for the work. All Surveying CQC personnel will be experienced in the provision of these services, including detailed, accurate documentation. All surveying will be performed under the direct supervision of a Registered Professional Engineer (PE) or Licensed Land Surveyor (PLS) licensed in the state in which the project is located. The Licensed Land Surveyor may be the Senior Surveyor. 6.4 PRECISION AND ACCURACY A wide variety of survey equipment is available to meet the requirements of this project. The survey instruments used for this work should be sufficiently precise and accurate to meet the needs of the project. All survey instruments should be capable of reading to a precision of 0.01 foot and with a setting accuracy of 20 seconds. (5.6 x 10-3 degrees). 6.5 LINES AND GRADES The following surfaces shall be surveyed to verify the lines and grades achieved during construction. The survey should at least include (as deemed appropriate by the CQA Manager and CQA Monitor): • One or more construction baselines; • The edges of all surface breaks (ex. Toes, crests, ridges and valleys); • Surface of the subgrade; • All structures; • Surface of the compacted soil liner component; • Surface of the bedding soil component; 25 City of Winston-Salem | Construction Quality Assurance Plan 6.0 SURVEYING CONSTRUCTION QUALITY CONTROL • Invert elevation of and location of stormwater piping, drop inlets, and culverts at each lateral intersection and endpoint, and every 50 feet between the intersections and endpoints; • Top/toe of all berms, roads, and channels; • Location of edge of liner, anchor trenches, tie-in seam to bottom liner; and • Major patches of hdpe and lldpe geomembrane. Laser planes are highly recommended for achieving the correct lines and grades during construction of each surface. 6.6 FREQUENCY AND SPACING All surveying will be carried out immediately upon completion of a given installation to facilitate progress and avoid delaying commencement of the next installation. In addition, spot checks, as determined by the Senior Surveyor, CQA Monitor, or CQA Manager, during construction may be necessary to assist the Contractor in complying with the required grades. The following spacings and locations will be provided by the CQC Surveyor, as a minimum, for survey points: • Surfaces with slopes less than 10 percent will be surveyed on a square grid not wider than 100 feet; • On slopes greater than 10 percent, a square grid not wider than 100 feet will be used, but, in any case, a line of survey points at the crest, midpoint, and toe of the slope will be taken; • A line of survey points no farther than 100 feet apart will be taken along any slope break (this will include the inside edge and outside edge of any bench on a slope); • At a minimum, every 100 feet along the perimeter of the liner system; and • At a minimum, a line of survey points no farther than 50 feet apart will be taken for all stormwater piping. 6.7 THICKNESS MEASUREMENTS The CQC surveyor as a representative of the Contractor shall obtain top and bottom elevations of the compacted soil liner and bedding soil at a maximum 100-foot grid points and at all grade break lines prior to placement of the geomembrane liner system. The procedure for obtaining top and bottom elevations of the compacted soil liner and bedding soil shall be agreed to by the CQA Monitor and Engineer prior to construction. The CQC Surveyor shall review the survey information with the Contractor to ensure that the survey demonstrates compliance with the project technical specifications. The Contractor is responsible for identifying and reporting to the CQA Monitor any areas of non-compliance evidenced by the survey, and for repairing such areas. The CQA Monitor and Contractor shall review the thickness measurements of the compacted soil liner and bedding soil components prior to placement of the geomembrane liner. 26 City of Winston-Salem | Construction Quality Assurance Plan 6.0 SURVEYING CONSTRUCTION QUALITY CONTROL 6.8 TOLERANCES Except for compacted soil liner and bedding soil components where no minus thickness tolerances are acceptable, the following are maximum tolerances for survey points: • On surfaces, the maximum tolerances shall be 0.1 foot. This tolerance must be set to the record elevation of the surface below it and not the design elevation; and • On stormwater piping, the maximum tolerance shall be 0.1 foot. This tolerance must be set to the record elevation of the surface below it and not the design elevation. 6.9 DOCUMENTATION All field survey notes will be retained by the Senior Surveyor. The results from the field surveys will be documented on a set of Survey Record (As-Built) Drawings by the Contractor for submittal to the CQA Monitor. The Contractor shall certify to the CQA Monitor and CQA Manager that the results of the survey demonstrates compliance with the Contract Documents. Sealed surveys depicting the information gathered in Paragraph 6.5 shall be supplied to the CQA Manager and CQA Monitor in sufficient quantities. The surveys shall depict the information in a topographic format and illustrate actual data points. For thickness verification a table shall be compiled by the CQC surveyor or contractor containing the following information for each point. • Actual subgrade elevation. • Actual compacted soil liner or bedding soil elevation. • Compacted soil liner or bedding soil thickness. Any deviations in elevation or thickness outside the tolerances allowed by specification shall be corrected. 27 City of Winston-Salem | Construction Quality Assurance Plan 7.0 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE DOCUMENTATION 7.0 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE DOCUMENTATION 7.1 DOCUMENTATION An effective CQA plan depends largely on recognition of all construction activities that should be monitored and on assigning responsibilities for the monitoring of each activity. This is most effectively accomplished and verified by the documentation of quality assurance activities. The CQA Monitor will document that all quality assurance requirements have been addressed and satisfied. This CQA Plan integrates the testing and inspection performed by the CQC Consultant in accordance with the project specifications with the CQA overview and conformance testing performed by the CQA Monitor, in accordance with this CQA Plan. The CQA Monitor will provide the CQA Manager with the CQC Consultant's daily and weekly reports including signed descriptive remarks, data sheets, and logs to verify that all CQC monitoring activities have been carried out. The CQA Monitor will also provide the CQA Manager with a weekly report summarizing CQA activities and identifying potential quality assurance problems. The CQA Monitor will also maintain at the job site a complete file of Plans, Reports, project specifications, a CQA Plan, checklists, test procedures, daily logs, and other pertinent documents. 7.2 RECORDKEEPING The CQC Consultant's reporting procedures will include preparation of a daily report which, at a minimum, will consist of: a) field notes, including memoranda of meetings and/or discussions with the Contractor; b) observation logs and testing data sheets; and c) construction problem and solution data sheets. The daily report must be completed at the end of each CQC Consultant's shift, prior to leaving the site. This information will be submitted weekly to and reviewed by the CQA Monitor. The CQC Consultant's weekly reports must summarize the major events that occurred during that week. Critical problems that occur shall be communicated verbally to the CQA Manager or CQA Monitor immediately as well as being included in the weekly reports. The CQC Consultant's weekly report must be submitted to the CQA Monitor no later than the Monday following the week reported. The CQA Monitor’s weekly report must summarize the CQC Consultant's weekly and daily reports, CQA conformance testing activities, construction problems that occurred, and the resolution of construction problems. The CQA Monitor’s weekly report should identify all potential or actual compliance problems outstanding. The CQA Monitor’s weekly report must be submitted to the CQA Manager on the Wednesday following the week reported. 28 City of Winston-Salem | Construction Quality Assurance Plan 7.0 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE DOCUMENTATION 7.2.1 Memorandum of Discussion with CQC Consultant or Geosynthetics Installer A report will be prepared summarizing each discussion between the CQA Monitor and the CQC Consultant or Geosynthetics Installer. At a minimum, the report will include the following information: • Date, project name, location, and other identification; • Name of parties to discussion at the time; • Relevant subject matter or issues; • Activities planned and schedule; and • Signature of the CQA Monitor. 7.2.2 CQA Observation Logs and Testing Data Sheets CQA observation logs and conformance testing data sheets will be prepared by the CQA Monitor on a weekly basis. At a minimum, these logs and data sheets will include the following information: • An identifying sheet number for cross referencing and document control; • Date, project name, location, and other identification; • Data on weather conditions; • A reduced-scale site plan showing all proposed work areas and test locations; • Descriptions and locations of ongoing construction; • Descriptions and specific locations of areas, or units, of work being tested and/or observed and documented; • Locations where tests and samples were taken; • A summary of test results; • Calibrations or recalibrations of test equipment, and actions taken as a result of recalibration; • Off-site materials received, including quality verification documentation; • Decisions made regarding acceptance of units of work, and/or corrective actions to be taken in instances of substandard quality; and the CQA Monitor’s signature. 7.2.3 CQA Construction Problem and Solution Data Sheets CQA sheets describing special construction situations will be cross-referenced with specific CQA observation logs and testing data sheets, and must include the following information, where available: • An identifying sheet number for cross referencing and document control; • A detailed description of the situation or deficiency; • The location and probable cause of the situation or deficiency; • How and when the situation or deficiency was found or located; • Documentation of the response to the situation or deficiency; • Final results of any responses; • Any measures taken to prevent a similar situation from occurring in the future; and 29 City of Winston-Salem | Construction Quality Assurance Plan 7.0 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE DOCUMENTATION • The signature of the CQA Monitor, and signature of the CQA Manager indicating concurrence if required by this CQA Plan. The CQA Manager will be made aware of any significant recurring nonconformance with the project specifications. The CQA Manager will then determine the cause of the non- conformance and recommend appropriate changes in procedures or specification. When this type of evaluation is made, the results will be documented, and any revision to procedures or project specifications will be approved by the Owner and CQA Manager. 7.3 CQA PHOTOGRAPHIC REPORTING DATA SHEETS Photographic reporting data sheets, where used, will be cross-referenced with CQA observation logs and testing data sheets and/or CQA construction problem and solution data sheets. Digital photographs shall be taken at regular intervals during the construction process and in all areas deemed critical. These photographs will serve as a pictorial record of work progress, problems, and mitigation activities. The basic file will contain color prints; digital records will also be stored in a separate file in chronological order. These records will be presented to the CQA Manager upon completion of the project. In lieu of photographic documentation, videotaping may be used to record work progress, problems, and mitigation activities. The CQA Manager may require that a portion of the documentation be recorded by photographic means in conjunction with video taping. 7.4 DESIGN AND/OR PROJECT TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION CHANGES Design and/or project specification changes may be required during construction. In such cases, the CQA Monitor will notify the CQA Manager and the Engineer. The CQA Manager will then notify the appropriate agency, if necessary. Design and/or project specification changes will be made only with the written agreement of the CQA Manager and the Engineer, and will take the form of an addendum to the project specifications. All design changes shall include a detail (if necessary) and state which detail it replaces in the plans. 7.5 CQA PROGRESS REPORTS The CQA Monitor will prepare a summary progress report each week, or at time intervals established at the Pre-Installation Meeting. As a minimum, this report will include the following information; • A unique identifying sheet number for cross-referencing and document control; • The date, project name, location, and other information; • A summary of work activities during progress reporting period; • A summary of construction situations, deficiencies, and/or defects occurring during the progress reporting period; 30 City of Winston-Salem | Construction Quality Assurance Plan 7.0 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE DOCUMENTATION • Summary of all test results, failures and retests, and signature of the CQA Monitor. 7.6 SIGNATURE AND FINAL REPORT At the completion of each major construction activity at the landfill unit, the CQA Monitor will certify all required forms, observation logs, field and laboratory testing data sheets including sample location plans, construction problems and solution data sheets. The CQA Monitor will also provide a final report which will certify that the work has been performed in compliance with the plans and project technical specifications, and that the supporting documents provide the necessary information. The CQA Monitor will also provide summaries of all the data listed above with the report. The Record Drawings will include scale drawings depicting the location of the construction and details pertaining to the extent of construction (e.g., depths, plan dimensions, elevations, soil component thicknesses, etc.). All surveying and base maps required for development of the Record Drawings will be done by the Construction Surveyor. These documents will be certified by the Contractor and CQC Consultant and delivered to the CQA Monitor and included as part of the CQA documentation (Certification) report. It may be necessary to prepare interim certifications, as allowed by the regulatory agency to expedite completion and review. 7.7 STORAGE OF RECORDS All handwritten data sheet originals, especially those containing signatures, will be stored by the CQA Monitor in a safe repository on site. Other reports may be stored by any standard method which will allow for easy access. All written documents will become property of the Owner. 31 This page intentionally left blank.                                                         440 S Church Street, Suite 1000 Charlotte, NC 28202-2075 704.338.6700 NC License F0116 hdrinc.com © 2017 HDR, Inc., all rights reserved