HomeMy WebLinkAboutParks Suzuki Geophysical Survey-OCRGeological Resources, Inc. February 21. 20 I 4 Mrs. Ellen Free Dietnch Columbia Development 1845 St. Julian Place Columbia, SC 29204 Re: Proposal -;: 14-018 Former Parks Suzuki Property 2307 & 2309 Nonh Main Street High Point, Guilford County. Nonh Carolina Dear Mrs. Dietrich: Geological Resources, Inc. (GRI) presents this letter as a summary of the Geophysical Survey conducted at the above-referenced site. On February 11, 2014 GRI supervised a ground penetrating radar (GPR) survey of the site. \\!"here warranted, electromagnetic (EM) imaging was also utilized. The survey was conducted to reduce uncenamties about the property prior to acquisition. Additionally, GRI inspected the entirety of each building. The findings are summarized below by building. A Geophysical Results Map is attached as Figure I. Photographs taken during the survey showing areas of interest are also attached. 2307 North Main Street (fonner main shO\\TOOm building) -GPR and EM were conducted inside the main service bay to locate any hydraulic USTs and associated piping. GPR was conducted around the perimeter of the building and across the lot, with special attention to the west side of the property where reported USTs may suJJ remain or were removed, and special attention to any patched areas in the paved lot to identify any drains. 1) Three areas interpreted to be backfilled excavauons were noted as follo\\ s two adjacent to the south wall (Features 1 and 2 on Figure l , Photo A). and one to the southwest of the southwest corner of the building (Feature 3, Photo B. Photo C, Photo D). Reportedly, these are the locauons of former USTs; however. no USTs were identified in the excavations. No piping was noted in any basin; however, a pipe originaung inside the building and exiting through the wall was observed on the south side of the building (adjacent to the eastern-most excavated area) (Feature 4. Photo E). 2) A disturbed area interpreted to be a former excavauon was noted immediately outside the west end of the main service area (Feature 5, Photo F, Photo G). 3) A disturbance (a trench) with a pipe beneath a patched area ofpavmg (approximately 6 inches wide closer to the building expanding to I .5 feet wide as it gets to the center of the driveway area) 2301 Crown Point Executive Drive Suite F Phone (704) 845-4010 / (888) 870-4133 Charlotte. NC 28227 Fax: (704) 845-4012 Geophysical Survey Fonner Parks Suzuki February 2 I, 20 I 4 Page2 runs from the comer at the southwest side of the service area to the western property boundary (Feature 6, Photo H, Photo I). 4) A floor drain runs the length of the main service area (Feature 7, Photo J) and appears Lo intersect the disturbed area noted in #2 above. A similar drain was observed in a separate bay located in the southwest comer of the building (Feature 8, Photo K). No drain lo the outside was identified. 5) A pipe in the location of the reported sewer line was noted running east from the northeast corner of the showroom (under the canopy, Feature 9). 6) A used-oil AST is located at the northwest comer of the service bay (Feature l 0). 7) A natural gas line runs toward North Main Street from the center of the south end oftJ1e building (Feature 11). 8) Eleven circular metal casings were noted inside ilie main service area (Feature 12, Photo L). These are interpreted to be the casings of the former hydraulic lift cylinders. Smaller (3-inch dfameter) casings were observed adjacent to the larger rings, and are interpreted to be possible hydraulic lines. 9) A circular metal cover was observed under the canopy on the north side of ilie building adjacent to the area of the former reported hydraulic lift. A concrete patch was noted adjacent to the former reported hydraulic lift (Feature 13, Photo M). The soil was disturbed beneath it but no UST was identified. I 0) No other subsurface anomalies were identified around the 2307 North Main Street building. 11) No USTs were located in the southwest portion of the lot. 2309 North Main Street (detail shop) -GPR in the basement of the building and around the perimeter of the building. I) Two pipes run from I.he northwest comer of 2307 North Main Street (main showroom building) to the souilieast comer of2309 North Main Street (Photo N, Photo 0). The eastern pipe run (Feature 14) seems to coincide with an apparent drain pipe noted inside the building. This interpreted drain pipe is cul off approximately 1.5 feet from the floor (Feature 15, Photo P, Photo Q). The western pipe seems to originate from an interpreted electrical conduit pipe that sticks out of ilie ground approximately 3 inches (F earure 16, Photo R). 2) An area of patched paving was noted on the western end of the north side of the building (Feature l 7, Photo S, Photo T). Immediately on the other side of the wall (inside) was a cut-off drain pipe originating from Lhe floor. A suspected oil-water separator or UST was reportedly noted .. outside the northern building''. 3) A natural gas line (Feature 18) runs from North Main Street to the southeast comer of the detail shop building. 4) An AST was noted at the north end of the basement (Feature 19, Photo U). No USTs were identified in the basement. 5) A wide (2-foot) trench with what is interpreted to be a large pipe or more than one smaller pipes was noted running from the east side of the detail shop to the sewer system that runs along North Main Street (Feature 20, Photo V). No other interpreted drains or other subsurface anomalies were identified around the detail shop building. Previous reports bad stated iliat the drains in this building exited to the north. Geophysical Survey Fonner Pnrks Suzuki February 21. 201-i Pagc3 No USTs were identified anywhere investigated; however, the hydraulic lift cylinders are interpreted to remain in place in the main service area of the 2307 North Main Street building. These cylinders and any associated piping could contain residual hydraulic fluid. Five interpreted former UST basins were noted -one on the north side of the 2309 North Main Street buildfog. one to the southwest of the southwest comer of the 2307 building, one under the canopy on the north side of the 2307 North Main Street building and two on the south side of the 2307 North Main Street building. Drums of cleaning compounds and automotive fluids were observed in the service areas of both buildings. Other than poor housekeeping around the drums (drips and small spills), the drums were not observed to be leaking. If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact me at 704-845-4010 or by email at jmt@geologicalresourcesinc.com. Sincerely. Geo)ogical Resources, loc. Wcl~ Johanna M. Teschner. P.G. Project Manager Attachments Photo A. Interpreted former UST location. Easternmost patched area on south side of main showroom building; view to the west. Photo B. Interpreted former excavation basin to the southwest of main showroom building; view to the northeast. Photo C. Interpreted former excavation basin to the southwest of main showroom building; looking northeast, closer view. l Photo D. Interpreted former excavation basin to the southwest of main showroom building; looking east. Photo E. Pipe exiting through wall on south side of main showroom building; adjacent to excavated area. View from inside building looking south. Photo F. Patched area outside west side of service area in main showroom building; it is a large interpreted excavated area; trench with pipe in foreground; view looking east. Photo G. Interpreted excavation on west side of service area of main showroom building; trench with pipe in foreground; view looking east. Photo H. Patched area (trench with pipe) to the northwest of main showroom building; view looking north. Photo I. Back (west) side of main showroom building; trench with pipe at center right; patched area with excavation to left; view looking south. Photo J. Floor drain in main showroom service area; view looking east. Photo K. Service bay on back (southwest) corner of main showroom building; view looking west. Photo L. Cemented-in hydraulic lift cylinder in main showroom building; view looking south. Photo M. Cut and patched concrete under canopy on north side of main showroom building (next to former lift); view looking west. Photo N. Pipes (interpreted one drain and one electrical) running between main showroom building and detail shop; view looking southwest. Photo 0. South side of detail shop; assumed electrical and drain pipes from main showroom entering the building; view looking northwest. Photo P. Vertical drain pipe in northwest corner of main showroom building; view from inside building looking northwest. Photo Q . Exit of possible drain, runs from main showroom building to detail shop; view looking southeast. Photo R. Close-up of assumed electrical conduit at northwest side of main showroom building; view looking southwest. Photo S. Concrete patch on north side of detail shop. There is an interpreted excavation beneath; view looking east. Photo T. Closer view of concrete patch on north side of detail shop; view looking east. Photo U. AST located in basement of detail shop; view looking north. Photo V. Location of trench with pipe on east side of detail shop; view looking south.