HomeMy WebLinkAbout13008_Pilot Mountain_BPA_20140319If manager-managed, provide name of manager and percent of ownership: Name Ownership(%) Mailing Address E-Mail Address Phone No. Fax No. For all LLCs, list all members of the LLC and provide their percent of ownership: Name Ownership(%) Mailing Address E-Mail Address Phone No. Fax No. Name Ownership(%) Mailing Address E-Mail Address Phone No. Fax No. Name Ownership(%) Mailing Address E-Mail Address Phone No. Fax No. 5 Managers of manager-managed LLCs are required to execute all brownfield documents for the LLC; as to member-managed LLCs, state name of member who will sign these documents. List all parent companies, subsidiaries and other affiliates: (Use for Partnerships) Check one: 0General Partnership Olimited Partnership List all partners and percent of ownership: Name Ownership(%) Mailing Address E-Mail Address Phone No. Fax No. Is this person a general or limited partner? Name Ownership (%) Mailing Address E-Mail Address Phone No. Fax No. Is this person a general or limited partner? List all parent companies, subsidiaries and other affiliates: 6 (Use for corporations other than LLCs) (If information is the same as shown in 1.A., please indicate "same as 1.A." below.) Name Mailing Address E-Mail Address Phone No. Fax No. same as 1.A. List all parent companies, subsidiaries and other affiliates: (Use for individuals) (If individual is the same as shown in 1.A., -please indicate "same as 1.A." above.) Name Mailing Address E-Mail Address Phone No. Fax No. D. Does PD have or can it obtain the financial means to fully implement a brownfields agreement and assure the safe reuse of the property? (Attach supporting documentation such as letters of credit, financial statements, etc.) Answer Yes Explanation The Town of Pilot Mountain has a long history of providing services to the Citizens of the Town and a staff of professionals who have experience in budgeting of a wide range of capital expenses. The Town's 2012-2013 budget revenue was $2,209,409.00 with $65,600 of that budget earmarked for the Pilot Center Fund (which involves this site). E. Does PD have or can it obtain the managerial means to fully implement a brownfields agreement and assure the safe use of the property? Answer Yes 7 Explanation The Town's administrative Staff brings years of dedicated experience in local government affairs and provides the managerial means to execute this agreement. The Town Manager, Homer Dearmin, is committed to seeing the agreement executed and is supported by a staff that includes a Town Clerk, Finance Officer and Public Works Director. F. Does PD have or can it obtain the technical means to fully implement a brownfields agreement and assure the safe use of the property? Answer Yes Explanation The Town has obtained the services of Withers & Ravenel, Inc. to provide technical assistance with implementation of this agreement and assure the safe use of the property. G. Does PD commit that it will comply (and has complied, if PD has had a prior project in the NCBP) with all applicable procedural requirements of the NCBP, including prompt payment of all statutorily required fees? Answer Yes (List all NCBP project name(s) and NCBP project ID numbers where PD or any parent company, subsidiary and other affiliate of PD has been a party to.) H. Does PD currently own the property? Answer Yes If yes, when did PD purchase the property and from whom? (Provide name, address, telephone number and email address of the contact person for the current property owner.) The Town purchased the property in April, 2009 from Caro Associates, LLC. The Town's contact information is listed in question 1A. If no, provide the name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of the contact person for the current property owner I. If PD does not currently own the property, does PD have the property under contract to purchase? 8 Answer If yes, provide date of contract. If no, when does the PD intend to purchase the property (e.g., after the project is determined to be eligible for participation in the NCBP, after PD receives a draft BFA, after the conclusion of the brownfields process)? Note: the Act requires the PD to demonstrate that it intends to either buy or sell the property. J. Describe all activities that have taken place on the property since PD or PD's parents, subsidiaries and/or other affiliates, and/or lessees or sublessees of PD, took ownership of or operated at the property (e.g., industrial, manufacturing or commercial activities, etc.). (Include a list of all regulated substances as defined at NCGS § 130A-310.31(b)(11) that have been used, stored on, or otherwise present at the property while those activities were conducted, and explain how they were used.) The former Amos & Smith Hoisery building on the property was converted to a multi-use facililty by the Town of Pilot Mountain. The campus is called the Pilot Center and hosts a hair salon, commercial bakery, community college satellite campus, local food grower's co-op, and an apparel company and screen printing service. Since acquiring the property, two residential structures once located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Hamlin Drive and Main Street were demolished by the Town. The property where the residential structures stood was sewn with grass, and a open-air greenhouse was built in the area for use by the horticulture program of the community college. The new occupants of the Pilot Center do not engage in business practices that involve the underground storage, distribution or disposal of chemicals or petroleum hydrocarbons. Although some of the businesses or institutions that occupy the property use small quantities of chemicals, they are stored, used and disposed of in a manner that would not contribute or create additional surface or subsurface contamination on the property. Current use decriptions of some of the properties are supplied in the Appendix. The Town has obtained Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) from those occupants and copies are included in the appendices. 11. SITE INFORMATION A. Information regarding the proposed brownfields property: Proposed project name The Pilot Center acreage 8.30street address(es) 612 E. Main Street 9 city Pilot Mountain County Surry zip 27041 tax ID(s) or PIN(s) 5976-17-11-1019 past use(s) Hosiery Mill current use(s) Hair Salon (Head Hunters Beauty Salon), Commercial Bakery (Upper Crust Bakery), Community College (Surry Community College Satellite Campus and Greenhouse), Local Grower's Co-op (Pilot Mountain Pride), Apparel Company (Otay LLC/Sports Solutions) cause(s)/source(s) of contamination: known suspected soil contamination associated with the boiler building in the southwestern portion of the site B. Regulatory Agency Involvement: List the site names and all identifying numbers (ID No.) previously or currently assigned by any federal, state or local environmental regulatory agencies for the property. The ID No's may include CERCLIS numbers, RCRA generator numbers for past and present operations, UST database, Division of Water Quality's incident • management database, and/or Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch inventory numbers. (In many instances, the PD will need to actively seek out this information by reading environmental site assessment reports, reviewing government files, contacting government officials, and through the use of government databases, many of which may be available over the internet.) Agency Name/ID No: UST Section/Incident #16243 Agency Name/ID No: Agency Name/ID No: Agency Name/ID No: Agency Name/ID No: C. In what way(s) is the property is abandoned. idled. or underused? The property was used as a hosiery mill from the late 1930's until the mid 1980's. It was converted to warehouse use by Amos-Smith Hosiery, until it was purchased by a private developer in the 1990's. It was then used for office space, storage, and retail (flea market). The town of Pilot Mountain purchased the property in 2009, and converted part of the building and property for use as a satellite campus of Surry Community College. Over half of the building is available for lease/purchase from the town. D. In what way(s) is the actual or possible contamination at the property a hindrance to development or redevelopment of the property (attach any supporting documentation such as letters from lending institutions)? The Town plans to sell the property to the current tenants and establish a future condominium arrangement as part of the continued operation of the Pilot Center. The Town has 10 an agreement with a current tenant of the building, Otay, LLC, to purchase space inside the building to expand its knitting operation contingent on the property being covered under a Brownfields agreement. Concerns about contamination have raised questions for lending institutions. E. In what way(s) is the redevelopment of the property difficult or impossible without a brownfields agreement (attach any supporting documentation such as letters form lending institutions)? A condition of the condominum arrangement was established that the Brownfields Agreement be placed on the site prior to resale. In addition, the potential liability of future purchasers of the property relative to the regulatory responsibility of contamination is a concern. Lenders most likely will not loan on the property for purchase or renovations. F. What are the planned use(s) of the redeveloped brownfields property to which the PD will commit? Be as specific as specific as possible. Commercial Bakery, Hair Salon, Community College Campus, local grower's co-op, light manuafacturing (knitting) G. Current tax value of brownfields property: $443,380 H. Estimated capital investment in redevelopment project: $3 Million (Includes amount spent by Town and amount spent by Otay, LLC). I. List and describe the public benefits that will result from the property's redevelopment. Be as specific as possible. (Examples of public benefits for brownfields projects include job creation, tax base increases, revitalization of blighted areas, preserved green space, preserved historic places, improving disadvantaged neighborhood quality-of-life related retail shopping opportunities, affordable housing, environmental cleanup activities or set asides that have community or environmental benefits. In gauging public benefit, NCBP places great value upon letters of support from community groups and local government that describe anticipated improvements in quality of life for neighboring communities that the project will bring about. The inclusion of such support letters with this application is recommended and encouraged.) The future investment into the Pilot Center will benefit the community by job creation and will ' provide a revitalized property from which to educate and serve the Town's citizens. It will provide public benefit by supplying a party to oversee the continued condition of the property. This will allow access to the property in a controlled manner that offers a benefit to the community and the adjacent property owners. Special Note: Please describe all environment-friendly technologies and designs PD plans to utilize in its redevelopment strategy. For example, environment friendly redevelopment plans could include: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Certification, green building materials; green landscaping techniques such as using drought resistant plants; energy efficient designs, materials, appliances, machinery, etc.; renewable sources ot energy, and/or recycling/reuse of old building materials such as brick or wood. · 11 The Town of Pilot Mountain is committed to employing sustainability strategies in all of their public facilities. The Pilot Center, because it is recycling an existing industrial structure and converting it into a mixed-use facility, begins by taking advantage of the existing embodied energy that the historic building represents. Energy efficient new HVAC systems were installed as well as new energy efficient lighting. Poor quality single-glazed windows that were installed several decades ago were replaced with new double-glazed thermally broken · sections to enhance the insulating qualities of the building's envelope. In other areas of the building, existing windows had long since been removed and bricked up. These were reopened and new double-glazed thermally broken window sections were installed to increase the daylighting opportunities and reduce the reliance on artificial illumination and the heat that they produce, thereby increasing the facility's energy efficiency. In spaces where no access to windows was possible, new double-glazed skylights were introduced to again increase the daylighting opportunities, reducing the dependence on artificial illumination. The net result is a facility that is significantly more energy efficient and meets the town's sustainability goals. J. Who will own the brownfields property when the Notice of Brownfields Property is filed with the register of deeds at the conclusion of the brownfields process? (If information is the same as 1.A. above, please indicate.) Name Mailing Address E-Mail Address Phone No. Fax No. Pilot Mountain Condominium Association, Earl Sheppard, DVM, Mayor: 817 Sunset Drive Pilot Mountain, NC 27041 manager@townofpilotmountain.com (336) 368-2248 (336) 368-9532 Ill. OTHER REQUIRED INFORMATION A. Brownfields Affidavit: PD must provide its certification, in the form of a signed and notarized original of the unmodified model brownfields affidavit provided by NCBP, that it did not cause or contribute to contamination at the property and that it meets all other statutory eligibility requirements. (Note: The form to use for this affidavit is attached to this application. It must be filled out signed notarized, and submitted with this application.) Is the required affidavit. as described above. included with this application? Answer Yes. B. Proposed Brownfields Agreement Form: PD must provide the completed form Proposed Brownfields Agreement. (Note: The form to use for this document is attached to this application. It must be filled out, initialed, and attached on your submittal.) Is the required Proposed Brownfields Agreement . as described above. included with this application? Answer Yes. 12 T----- 1 C. Location Map: PD must provide a copy of the relevant portion of the 1 :24,000 scale U.S.G.S. topographic quadrangle map that shows the property clearly plotted, and that measures at least an 8 Y2 by 11 inches. (Note: these maps can be purchased through the above link, or often through retail outdoor recreation stores that can print out the relevant map. Often environmental reports have location maps that use this type of map as the base for its location map.) Is the required location map included with this application? Answer Yes. D. Survey Plat: PD must provide a preliminary survey plat of the brownfields property with the property boundaries clearly identified, and a metes and bounds legal description that matches the property description on the plat. At this stage of the brownfields process; one or more existing survey plats from a previous property conveyance will suffice. (Before the ' brownfields project enters the public comment phase of the brownfields process, the PD wiH be required to submit a final brownfields survey plat which includes the information listed in the brownfields survev plat guidance.) Is the required preliminary survey plat included with this application? Answer Yes. E. Site Photographs: PD must provide at least one pre-redevelopment photograph of the property, in either hard copy or electronic format that shows existing facilities and structures. Please note that the NCBP prefers to have electronic photos instead of or in addition to hard copies. Electronic copies of photographs should be emailed to: Shirley.Liggins@ncdenr.gov with a clear indication as to which Brownfields Application they apply to. Are photographs of the property included with this application? Answer Yes. Have electronic copies of the photographs been emailed to NCBP? Answer Yes. F. Environmental Reports/Data: If it makes an affirmative eligibility determination, the NCBP will request that PD provide any and all existing environmental reports and data for the property on CD only. The brownfields process may be expedited if PD submits such reports/data with this application. Are any environmental reports/data being submitted with this application? Answer Yes. If environmental reports/data are being submitted with this application, please provide the title. date and author of each item being submitted: Phase I ESA, February 18, 2009, Withers & Ravenel, Inc. 13 IV. ADDITIONAL REQUIRED FORMS The following forms are to be filled out and submitted with the application including the: Responsibility and Compliance Affidavit and the Proposed Brownfields Agreement. Submittal of the Affidavit requires signature and notarization, and the Proposed Brownfields Application requires an initial. 14 Preliminary Proposed Brownfields Agreement I. Property Facts a. Property Address( es): 612 E. Main Steet, Pilot Mountain, NC b. Property Seller: The Town of Pilot Mountain c. Property Buyer: Pilot Mountain Condominium Association I Future Tenants of the Pilot Center d. Brief Property Usage History: Prior use as a hoisery mill. The former hosiery building is an approximate 70,000 square foot single story brick building. The oldest part of the building was constructed in 1938 with later additions constructed during the 1940's. The building has been primarily used as a textile manufacturing plant for the manufacture of women's hosiery and men's socks. The building has since been updated with the removal of the textile manufacturing equipment, the placement of additional walls, the floors refinished, and gas pack heating installed in some sections of the building. e. The planned reuse will potentially involve the following use classification(s) (check all that apply): ~ School/childcare/senior care D ~ ~ ~ ~ D D D D Residential Commercial, retail (specify) Other commercial (specify) Office Light industrial Heavy industrial Recreational Open space Other (specify) II. Contaminant Information a. The contaminant situation at the property is best described by the following (check all that apply): ~ Contaminants are from an on-property source(s) ~ Contaminants are from an off-property source(s) D Contaminants are from an unknown source( s) ~ Contaminants have not yet been documented on the property 16 FIGURES MSDS SHEETS Headhunters Hair Salon Product Listing On-Hand As of 12/03/13 *These products are used in the hair salon for facial waxing, haircuts, color, manicures, pedicures, and perms. Rusk Thermal Flat Iron Spray Sensories Full Shampoo (and similar like it) Sensories Full Smoothe Conditioner Thickr Mousse Jele Gloss Color 4.03 NI Deepshine 10 vol. Deepshine 20 vol. Deepshine 30 vol. Deepshine 40 vol. Elimin 8 Color Corrector Wella Midway 4/5 Ash Brown Midway Couture 13 Volume Blender Highlighting Cream Salon Professional 20 vol. Creme Wella Blender Lightening Cream Age Beautiful 20 vol. Flash Finish Sheen Rapid Toner Honey Beige All Nutrient 10 vol. Cream Developer All Nutrient Professional Cream Hair Color Paul Mitchell 20 vol. Cream Developer 4 wm warm Mahogany Brown KMS Head Remedy Sensitive Shampoo KMS Color Vitality Conditioner KMS Hairspray Styling Gel KMS Hair Stay Style Boost Beauti Control Skinlogics Platinum Cleansing Lotion "Skinlogics Makeup Remover" Facial Scrub Relaxing Tonic Brightening Creme . ;/ ,.•; "Lamaur" 3 0 minute Bleach Queen Helen professional Almond scented massage cream Roux Fancitone 32/4 RO Lucky Copper Neutral Protein Filler Hydrogen peroxide Perron Riyot Paris Bodycare Cirepil Crystalline Perron Riyot Paris CND Hand & Body Sanitizing Lotion Vaseline Men's Body and Face Lotion Sea Breeze Dissolve All-purpose Cleaner Foot Miracle Therapeutic Cream "China" glaze polish Beauty Secrets Nail Polish Dryer Beauty Secrets Acetone Nail Polish Remover Blue Cross Cuticle Remover Gena Pedi Scrub Heel to Toe Spa Pedicure Foot Butter Callus Eliminator Super Nail Cuticle Oil Opi Manicure Skin Renewal Scrub Gena Pedi Soak Gigi Paraffin All-Purpose Antiseptic Spray Foot Logic Anti-Fungal Formula Beauty Scmb Nail Polish Thinner Simply Right Body Care Hand Sanitizer Detergent Sun 2X Ultra (50% more load) 10/18/2013 Christaron Inc. dba/ Upper Crust Crumbs Dessert Co. 612A East Main Street Pilot Mtn. NC 27041 (336)368-9933 http://www. uppercrustcrumbs. com UCC Dessert Co. is a wholesale manufacturer of dessert products (Butterbars™)for the natural food industry. We use no chemicals or preservatives in our products. Our customer base is people looking for a product using fresh items wherever possible. We store no chemicals in our facility as we are a food producer certified by the Dept of Agriculture. The only items are the ones used i~ baking ie. Flour, sugar, chocolate, lemons, butter, milk, eggs etc. I have enclosed the MSDS sheets for the few items we have on site, but only in small quantities which are used in cleaning the bakery. We use a special baking box so there are very few items which even require washing. The following items are used. Dawn dish cleaner Clorox bleach disinfectant Clorox Pine Sol surface cleaning If you have any questions please feel free to contact me@ (336) 374-6306 John T Caron 10/18/2013 SURRY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Pilot Center Cleaning Supplies (11-5-13) Name Description! Description2 Bet co Winning Hands Antibacterial Antibacterial Skin Cleanser Glass Plus Glass and Multi-Surface Cleaner Clorox Disinfecting Wipes Murphy Oil Soap Bet co Hand Sanitizer Joy Dishwashing Liquid Clorox Foam Cleanser Bathroom Cleanser Misty Aspire Dust Mop Treatment Dollar General Antibacterial Hand Soap Misty Disinfectant Foam Cleaner Family Dollar Bleach Clarie Foaming Skin Cleanser Lysol Disinfectant Spray HiGenic Bowl and Bathroom Cleaner Thick Non-Acid Comet Disinfectant Cleaner With Chlorinol Expo White Board Cleaner Misty Furniture Cleaner SURRY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Upholstery Supplies/Chemicals (11-5-13} Name Description1 Description2 Eva po Rust Remover Non-Toxic Loctite Spray Adhesive Zinsser Spray Shellac Clear Stanhome Furniture Cream Minwax Pre-Stain Wood Conditioner Min Wax Polycrylic Protective Finish Titebond II Wood Glue Carpenter's Wood Filler Crown Paint Thinner Rust-Oleum Automotive Enamel Zar Wood Stain Rust-Oleum Wood Stain Dap Plastic Wood Old English Wood Polish Elmer's Carpenter's Wood Glue Mohawk Amalgamator Wood Finisher/Scratch Remover Awesome All Purpose Cleaner Old English Scratch Cover Taxidermy -MSDS List-(11-5-13) 1. 409 All Purpose Cleaner ............................................................................... (1 pg) 2. Acetone ....................................................................................................... (5 pgs) 3. Alex painters, acrylic latex chalk ................................................................ (7 pgs) 4. Alginate (lib) .............................................................................................. (2 pgs) 5. Antler In Velvet Tan ................................................................................... (3 pgs) 6. Apoxie sculpt (8oz and 2lb kits) ................................................................. (6 pgs) 7. Baking Soda-Sodium Bicarbonate ............................................................. ( 4 pgs) 8. Basacryl Salt NB-KU .................................................................................. (4 pgs) 9. Bleach(l gallon) ........................................................................................... (l pg) 10. Bondo body filler ....................................................................................... (6 pgs) 11. Bondo cream hardener ................................................................................ ( 6 pgs) 12. Borax -Sodium Tetraborate Decahydrate .................................................. (6 pgs) 13. Buckeye supreme hide paste ....................................................................... ( 5 pgs) 14. Citric acid (llb) ........................................................................................... (2 pgs) 15. Clorox clean up ............................................................................................. (1 pg) 16. Coleman Camping Fuel. ........................................................... (7pgs) 17. Dawn dish liquid ......................................................................................... ( 6 pgs) 18. Elmer's glue ................................................................................................. (7pgs) 19. Envirotex Lite high gloss finish (32oz) ....................................................... (4pgs) 20. EZ-Tan ........................................................................................................ (2 pgs) 21. Fiberglass resin and hardener .................................. (Resin 6 pgs; Hardener 7 pgs) 22. Fish skin preserver and degreaser (2 gallon) .............................................. (7 pgs) 23. High fiber bedding material-Hi-Fibe 254-S ............................................. (2 pgs) 24. Lacquer thinner ........................................................................................... (7 pgs) 25. Lutan FN ..................................................................................................... (5 pgs) 26. McKenzie leather oil (1 qt) .......................................................................... (3 pgs) 27. McKenzie Tan (lgallon) ............................................................................. (4 pgs) 28. Mod podge .................................................................................................. (6 pgs) Page 1 (see next page for more) Taxidermy-MSDS List-(11-5-13) 29. Petroleum jelly ............................................................................................ (3 pgs) 30. Pine cleaner-Pine Sol ................................................................................... (1 pg) 31. Plaster of paris ............................................................................................... (1 pg) 32. Polytranspar, accelerator (16 oz) ................................................................ (3 pgs) 33. Polytranspar, acrylic airbrush paint wet look gloss (32oz) ......................... (2 pgs) 34. Polytranspar, polymer.lacquer airbrush paint (32oz) ......................... (3 pgs) 35. Polytranspar, retarder (16 oz) ..................................................................... (3 pgs) 36. Professional tanning system tanning oil ...................................................... (4pgs) 37. Rittel's Kwik-n-Eze tanning solution ......................................................... (2 pgs) 38. Rittle's Preserve It ....................................................................................... (2 pgs) 39. Rittel's Saltee Acid pickling acid ............................................................... (3 pgs) 40. Rittels Trapline tanning kit ......................................................................... (2 pgs) 41. Sodium carbonate ...................................................................................... (11 pgs) 42. Taxidermist Magic (super shine spray) ......................................................... (1 pg) 43. Tempra paint powder (brown and black) .................................................... (2 pgs) 44. Urethane foam system (1 gallon kit/l quart kit) ......................................... (5 pgs) 45. Water base paints (38 bottles) ..................................................................... (4 pgs) 46. WD-40 ......................................................................................................... (2 pgs) 47. Windex ........................................................................................................ (4 pgs) Chemicals Listed By PILOT MOUNTAIN PRIDE • Sodium Hypochlorite Bleach • Windex Antibacterial Multi-Surface Cleaner • Clorox Disinfecting Bathroom Cleaner • Clorox Bleach Foamer Bathroom Cleaner • Stoner Invisible Glass Glass Cleaner (Aerosol) • Windex Original Glass Cleaner • Lysol Power and Free Multi-Purpose Cleaner • DampRid Mildew Stain Remover and Blocker • Nevastane 2 Plus Food Grade Grease • Clorox Disinfecting Wipes • Dust Destroyer Compressed Gas (keyboard cleaner) • Mean Green Super Strength Cleaner/Degreaser • Dial Liquid Hand Soap (Triclosan is active ingredient) OtayLLC Sports Solutions is a textile manufacturing facility. We have sock manufacturing and finishing, headbands and wristbands manufacturing and finishing, several imprinting applications, and screen printing. Sock manufacturing uses the following chemicals: 1. Machine oil: MorOil Technologies: Morknit 1546-T Sock finishing uses the following chemicals in the Sock washing process: 1. Powdered Bleaching agent: Oxalic Acid (Very small quantities) 2. Fabric Softener: Sursoft GN 3. Soap: Sursoft GPR Imprinting applications uses the following chemicals: 1. Doming Solution: a. Z-8200HG Part A b. Z-8200 Part B Screen Printing uses the following chemicals: 1. Screen Printing Emulsion: Autotype Autosol XL (Small quantities) 2. Solvent: Easiway Systems: EasiSolv 701 (Small quantities) 3. Textile Ink Remover: Bean-a-doo (Small quantities) General cleaning: 1. Clorox Bleach for cleaning purposes 2. Hand soap for hand washing Material Safety Data Sheet AUTOSOL CLASSICffXD/XLI 2000.7000.8000 QUICK IDENTIFIER May be used to comply with OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard, 29CFR 1910. 1200. Standard must be consulted for specific requirements SECTION 1- Manufacturer's Name: AUTOTYPE AMERICAS INC Emergency Address: 2050 HAMMOND DRIVE Telephone No: Other Common Name: (used on label and list) CHEMTREC:-1-800-424-9300 Autotype UK:-011 44 1235 770063 City. State, and ZIP SCHAUMBURG, ILLINOIS 60173-3810 Information Calls: Autotype UK:-011 44 1235 771111 Autotype USA:-1-84 7-303-5900 USA Signature of Person Responsible for Preparation (Optional) Date Prepared April 2001 SECTION 2 -HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS/IDENTITY Hazardous Component(s) (chemical & common name(s)) OSHA ACGIH Other Exposure PEL TL V Limits % (optional) CAS No Pigmented aqueous emulsion of water dispersible polymers, containing up to 20% acrylate oligomers. The acrylate fraction is of low draize irritation index as approved by SBPIM. CONTAINS NO VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OR PHOTOCHEMICALLY REACTIVE SOLVENTS. NOT REPORTABLE UNDER SARA TITLE S.313 40 CFR 372.65 SECTION 3 -PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS Boiling Specific Vapor Point 100°C Gravity (H20=1) 1.05 Pressure (mm (Hg) Vapor Density (Air= 1) NIA Solubility in Water Miscible Appearance and Odor Violet blue emulsion Reactivity in Water NIA Melting Point NIA SECTION 4 -FIRE & EXPLOSION DATA Flash Point NIA Auto-Ignition Temperature Special Fire Method Used NIA Fighting Procedures NI A Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards N/A HMISRATING HEALTH FLAMMABILITY REACTIVITY Extinguisher Media NIA 1 0 1 PERSONAL PROTECTION OB Flammable Limits in Air% by Volume LEL Lower NIA UEL Upper As water NIA SECTION 5 -PHYSICAL HAZARDS (REACTIVITY DATA)AUTOSOL CLASSIC/ TXD/ XL/2000/7000/8000 Stability Incompatability (Materials to Avoid) Hazardous Unstable ./ Stable None Decomposition Products None Hazardous Polymerization May occur ./Will not occur Conditions to Avoid Conditions to Avoid Sunlight I Heat SECTION 6 -HEALTH HAZARDS 1. Acute Possible irritation Signs and 2. Chronic No recorded incidents. Symptoms ofExposure Possible irritation of eyes or skin with sensitive individuals. Draize Irritation Index <0.218 minimal Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure Skin sensitivity Chemical Listed as Carcinogen National Toxicology Yes or Potential Carcinogen Program No ./ Emergency and First Aid Procedures See below:- 1. Inhalation NIA IARC Yes OSHA Monographs No ./ ROUTES OF ENTRY > 2. Eyes Irrigate with clean water for 15 minutes, get medical aid. 3. Skin Wash thoroughly with soap and water. 4. Ingestion Dilute and get physician to administer emetic. SECTION 7 -SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND SPILL/LEAK PROCEDURES Precautions to be Taken in Handling and Storage Other Precautions Steps to be Taken in Case Cool storage in original containers away from heat and light. NIA Yes No ./ Material is Released or Spilled Small quantities flush to waste with dilution. transfer to safe site. Large quantities absorb with sand and Waste Disposal Methods (Consult federal, state and local regulations) Authorised industrial chemical disposal. SECTION 8 -SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION/CONTROL MEASURES Respiratory Protection (Specify Type) Not normally required. Ventilation Local ./ Exhaust NIA Protective Gloves PVC/Rubber Other protective Clothing or equipment Overalls Mechanical (General) ./ Eye Protection Work/Hygienic Practices Refer to Product Data Sheet. Avoid Skin contact. IMPORTANT Special Other NIA Goggles Do not leave any blank spaces. If required information is unavailable, unknown, or does not apply, so indicate. NIA Flash Point: Flammable Limits: Extinguishing Media: Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Unusual Fire & Explosion Hazards: V. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES 425°F (218°C) PMcc Not established. C02, Dry Chemical for small fires, foam for large fires. Fire fighters should be equipped with self contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing. Rags soaked with any solvent can present a fire hazard and should be stored in UL listed or factory mutual approved covered containers. Improperly stored rags can create conditions that lead to oxidation. Oxidation, under certain conditions can lead to spontaneous combustion. This product contains antioxidants to retard oxidation. VI. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Release or Spill: Handling and Storage: Wear protective clothing. Contain the spill. Hold for disposal. VII. HANDLING AND STORAGE Can be stored in most common storage vessels -carbon steel, aluminum, fiberglass, stainless steel. VIII. EXPOSURE CONTROLS AND PERSONAL PROTECTION Respiratory Protection: Ventilation: Protective Gloves: Eye Protection: Protective Clothing or Equipment: None required for normal usage. N/A Nitrile and neoprene Safety glasses, goggles or face shield. As required. Work Hygienic Practices: Practice reasonable care and cleanliness. Avoid prolonged breathing of vapors. IX. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERITES Boiling Point: Vapor Pressure: Specific Gravity: Solubility In Water: Appearance and Color: Melting Point: Evaporation Rate: Over 600°F Less than Smm Hg at 72°C .91 at 25°C Emulsifiable Water white to yellowish liquid. -1°C 30°F Less than 1 (n-butyl acetate=1) MSDS Information Data Sheet (cont.) BEAN·e·doo® Parts Washer Basic Stability: Stable Conditions to Avoid: Strong oxidizing agents, rags soaked with other solvents or chemicals. Hazardous Decomposition or By-Product: Produces carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide on combustion. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. XI. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Routes of Entry: Inhalation, Eye, and Skin contact. Health Hazards: None known. Carcinogenicity: Not listed by NTP, IARC, OSHA. Eye Contact: May cause eye irritation. Skin Contact: Not classified as a primary skin irritant or corrosive material. Ingestion: May cause irritation of the digestive tract. Inhalation: NIA Medical Conditions Generally Aggreavated By Exposure: None known. Environmental Fate: Environmental Effects: Waste Disposal: XII. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION XIII. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Dispose of in accordance with all existing local, state, and federal ordinances. MSDS Information Data Sheet (cont.) BEAN·e·doo® Parts Washer Basic XIV. TRANSPORT INFORMATION DOT Transportation Data: NMF: (National Motor Freight Classification) Proper Shipping Name: Identification Number: Packing Group: Shipping Classification: DOT Classification: DOT Proper Shipping Name: Other Regulatory Requirements: XV. REGULATIONS XVI. OTHER INFORMATION The stated MSDS is reliable to the best of the company's knowledge and believed accurate as of the date indicated. However, no representation, warranty or guarantee of any kind, expressed or implied, is made as to its accuracy, reliability or completeness and we assume no responsibility for any loss, damage or expense, direct or consequential, arising out of use. It is the user's reponsibility to satisfy himself as to the suitableness and completeness of such information for his own particular use. REVISION DATE: 14th November 2007 OXALIC ACID MSDS Oxalic Acid 1 IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND COMPANY/UNDERTAKING PRODUCT NAME SUPPLIER Oxalic Acid Abbey Chemicals 27-30 North River Road Great Yarmouth Norfolk NR30 lSH Tel: +44 1493 850303 Fax: +44 1493 330909 www.abbey-chemicals.co.uk SDSNo. 0002 Emergency Contact Number (Office +441493 850303 Hours) 2 ~ARL)S IDENTIFICATION Harmful in contact with skin and if swallowed. CLASSIFICATION Xn;R21/22. 3 COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREOl]!)~fts<.; " · Name .. .... "ECNo. 'it yAS•No. '·' OXALIC ACID 205-634-3 144-62-7 The Full Text for all R-Phrases are Displayed in Section 16 4 FIRST-AIP MEASIJRES INHALATION Move the exposed person to fresh air at once. Get medical attention. INGESTION Content·· ,,} ,; . Classi'fteation 50-100% Xn;R21/22 Provide rest, warmth and fresh air. Immediately rinse mouth and drink plenty of water (200-300 ml). Get medical attention. SKIN CONTACT Remove contaminated clothing immediately and wash skin with soap and water. Get medical attention immediately. EYE CONTACT Immediately flush with plenty of water for up to 15 minutes. Remove any contact lenses and open eyes wide apart. Get medical attention immediately. Continue to rinse. 5 FIRE.;FJGHTINGMEASURES EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Extinguish with alcohol-resistant foam, carbon dioxide, dry powder or water fog. SPECIFIC HAZARDS Oxides of: Carbon. PROTECTIVE MEASURES IN FIRE Self contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing must be worn in case of fire . . 6 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES I I 4 bl l f REVISION DATE: 14th November 2007 16 OTHER INFORMATION REVISION DATE REV. NO./REPL. SDS GENERATED SDS NO. SAFETY DATA SHEET STATUS Approved. DATE SIGNATURE RISK PHRASES IN FULL 14th November 2007 05 0002 14th November 2007 Thomas Tailford Oxalic Acid R21/22 Harmful in contact with skin and if swallowed. 4 I 4 J.l. ~ Development Associates, Inc 300 Old Baptist Rd. N Kingstown, RI 02852 Tel (401) 884-1350 FAX (401) 885-7888 www.developmentassociatesinc.com Material Safety Data Sheet Product Name: Z-82008 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Manufacturers Name Emergency Phone No Product Name Chemical Family/Name Trade Name Development Associates Inc. 300 Old Baptist Rd. North Kingstown, RI 02852 CHEMTREC: (800)424-9300 24 Hour Z-8200 Part B Aliphatic Polyisocyanate Mixture Polyurethane Compound 2. COMPOSITION /INGREDIENT INFORMATION •• 1509001 page 1 of3 Date: 5/25/2005 Supersedes: 5/25/2005 Component CAS # % Exposure limits(source) Dicyclohexylmethane-4-4'- Diisocyanate 5124-30-1 20-40 0.005 ppm(3) Aliphatic Polyisocyanate trade secret 60-80 n/e (5) Source of Exposure Limit Data: 1. ACGIH Threshold Limit Values 2. Federal OSHA Permissible exposure limit 3. DAI Exposure Guidelines 4. Chemical Manufacturer Recommended Guidelines 5. None Established Abbreviations: n/a-not applicable, n/d-not determined, n/e-not established 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION HMIS HEAL TH 2, FIRE 1, REACTIVITY 1 Threshold Limit Value: None established, 0.005 ppm is recommended. 0.010 ppm is the ceiling TLV by OSHA and 0.005 ppm is the TWA TLV from ACGIH for Dicyclohexylmethane-4-4"-diisocyanate. Routes of Entry: At room temperature by skin absorption. At high temperatures or if the material is atomized, by inhalation and skin absorption. Signs and Symptoms of Exposure: Eyes: Redness, irritation, tearing, burning sensation. Skin: Rash, redness, itching. Inhalation: Irritation of the respiratory tract, runny nose, sore throat, coughing and reduction of lung function. Hypersensitivity, indicated by asthmatic reaction is possible in some individuals. Smarting and weeping of the nose and throat indicate that the diisocyanate concentration in the air is above acceptable limits. Acute Effects of Overexposure: Inhalation: Irritation of the respiratory tract, runny nose, sore throat, coughing and reduction of lung function. Hypersensitivity, indicated by asthmatic reaction is possible in some individuals. Smarting and weeping of the nose and throat indicate that the diisocyanate concentration in the air is above acceptable limits. Once sensitized an individual may react allergically to airborne levels below exposure lim~s. Skin: Prolonged or repeated contact may cause irritation, redness, swelling and dermatitis. Some individuals may become hypersensitized. Once sensitized an individual may react allergically to airborne levels below the exposure limits. Eyes: Liquid and vapors are irritating. Ingestion: Irritation and burning of mouth, throat and stomach. Chronic Effects of Exposure: Some individuals may become hypersensitized and react allergically with dermatitis or asthma when exposed to airborne levels below the exposure limits. Medical Conditions Aggravated by Exposure: Dermatitis, asthma, respiratory ailments, skin conditions. Carcinogenicity: This product and its constituents are not listed as carcinogens by IARC, NTP or regulated as carcinogens by OSHA at this time. Rev. Date: 5/5/2008 Rev. 1 Ref: Z8200BMSV1 .doc & Development Associates, Inc MSDS Z-8200 Part B Page 2 of3 4. FIRST AID MEASURES Emergency and First Aid Procedures: Eyes: Flush with water for at least 15 minutes. Consult an Ophthalmologist. Skin Contact: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash affected areas thoroughly, with soap and water. Cover affected area with polyethylene glycol (300-500 mw.) or glycerin and wash again with soap and water. Apply moisturizing cream. Consult physician. Treat dermatitis symptomatically. Wash clothing before reusing. Inhalation: Move to fresh air. Administer oxygen or artificial respiration as needed. Consult physician. Treat symptomatically. Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting. Give milk or water. DO NOT GIVE ANYTHING BY MOUTH TO AN UNCONSCIOUS PERSON. Consult a physician. 5. FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA Flash Point >3950F (2020C) TCC Flammable Limits in Air% Volume: Upper: n/a Lower: n/a Extinguishing Media: Foam, C02, or Dry Chemical Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: During a fire, diisocyanate vapors and other irritating, highly toxic gasses may be generated by thermal decomposition or combustion. Extremely high temperatures may cause closed containers to pressurize resulting in explosive rupture. Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Use full emergency equipment with self-contained breathing apparatus. Use cold water to cool fire-exposed containers. 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Steps to be Taken in Case Material is Released or Spilled: Remove unnecessary personnel. Ventilate area. Equip clean-up crew with appropriate protective gear. Leaks should be stopped and spill dyked to control spreading. Cover spill with abso,bent material such as Zip-Zorb (activated clay), diatomaceous earth, or saw dust. Sprinkle on a decontaminating solution of 25% household ammonia, 73% water, and 2% detergent. Allow to react for 15 to 30 minutes, collect in containers, add more decontamination solution, cover loosely. Wash down area with soap and water, rinse. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Precautions to be Taken in Storage and Handling: Store in tightly closed containers to prevent moisture contamination. Do not reseal if contamination is suspected. If container is exposed to high heat, it can be pressurized and possibly rupture. Diisocyanates react slowly with water to form C02 gas. This can cause sealed containers to expand and possibly rupture. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. This material may crystallize at storage temperatures below 15°C (50°F). Before using, melt crystals and mix material by warming drum to 30°-60°C (86°-140°F) and rolling the drum. When mixing, avoid inclusion of moist air. Storage Temperature: 70°F (20°C) / 122°F (50°C) Shelf Life: 12 months@ 77°F (25°C) 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Eye Protection: Liquid chemical goggles or full face screen. Contact lenses should not be worn. Skin Protection: Rubber Gloves, aprons and other protective clothing as required to prevent contact. Remove any contaminated clothing and wash before use. Routinely wash hands, arms and face with soap and water after handling. Do not smoke or eat until hands and face have been washed. Ventilation and Respiratory Protection: Ventilate as required to maintain diisocyanate concentrations below 0.005 ppm. At room temperature general mechanical ventilation is adequate, at elevated temperatures additional ventilation may be required. An organic vapor respirator may be used for short periods as supplemental protection at levels below the exposure level. At exposure levels above exposure limits a supplied air respirator is required due to the poor warning properties of this product. Other: Safety showers and eye wash stations should be available. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Appearance Color Odor Boiling Range Rev. Date: 5/5/2008 clear liquid clear mild decomposes over 15ooc Rev. 1 Ref: Z8200BMSV1 .doc MSDS Z-8200 Part B & Development Associates, Inc Melting Point sets to glass <Ooc. S-40% of the material may crystallize at temps. less than 1 soc. Evaporation Rate(BuAcet=1) n/a Vapor pressure 1 x 1 o-3 mm Hg @ 680F (200C) Vapor Density (air=1) heavier than air Weight per Gallon 9.13 Specific Gravity 1.10 Solubility in Water(%) Insoluble/reacts with water Percent Volatile negligible 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability: Stable under normal conditions. Conditions to Avoid: High heat, contamination. Incompatibility (materials to avoid): Water, amines, strong bases, alcohols. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur under normal conditions. Page 3 of3 Hazardous Decomposition Products: By high heat and fires: Diisocyanate vapors, CO, C02, oxides of nitrogen, traces of HCN. 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION CAS# S124-30-1,Dicyclohexylmethane-4-4'-Diisocyanate: Oral rat LOSO: 106S mg/kg; Dermal rabbit LOSO: 10000 mg/kg; Inhalation rat LCSO 4 hr exposure periods: 434 mg/m3; Eye rabbit: mild reversible irritation; Skin guinea pig: irritation and potent skin sensitizer. 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION This material reacts slowly with water and is not expected to accumulate in the environment. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Waste Disposal Method: If discarded in its purchased form, this product is not hazardous waste either by listing or by characteristic. However, processing, use or contamination of this product may change its hazardous waste status. Under RCRA, it is the responsibility of the product user to determine, at the time of disposal, whether a material is a hazardous waste. State and local disposal regulations may differ from federal disposal regulations. Dispose in accordance with all federal, state, and local waste disposal laws and regulations. Incineration is the preferred method. 14. TRANSPORT D.O.T. Shipping Name Technical Shipping Name D.O.T. Hazard Class UN/NA Number NMFC Item 15. REGULATORY none Z-8200 Part B (aliphatic polyisocyanate) not classified none Plastic material liquid No. 1 S6240 Class 60 All components of this mixture are listed in the TSCA inventory. SARA Ill 313/EPCRA 313: CAS #S124-30-1 component listed in diisocyanate category N120. For details on regulatory requirements you should contact the appropriate agency in your state. 16. OTHER This data is offered in good faith as typical values and not as a product specification. The information in this data sheet was compiled from information supplied by the vendors of the components of this compound. No warranty, either expressed or implied is hereby made. The recommended industrial hygiene and safe handling procedures are believed to be generally applicable. However, each user should review these recommendations in the specific context of the intended use and determine whether they are appropriate. The information on this data sheet is only to assist in the safe handling of this material, and may contain trade secrets which may not be divulged to anyone except the users of this material and health care and hygiene professionals as required for its safe use. No license or permission to infringe any patent or breach any trade secret is given. Rev. Date: 5/5/2008 Rev. 1 Ref: Z8200BMSV1.doc J\ ~ Development Associates, Inc 300 Old Baptist Rd. N Kingstown, RI 02852 Tel (401) 884-1350 FAX (401) 885-7888 www.developmentassociatesinc.com •• 1509001 page 1 of3 Material Safety Data Sheet Product Name: Z-8200HG Part A Date: June 2, 2009 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Manufacturers Name: Development Associates, Inc. 300 Old Baptist Rd. Emergency Phone No: Product Name: North Kingstown, RI 02852 Chemtrec (800) 424-9300 24 Hour Z-8200HG Part A Chemical Family/Name: Polypropylene glycol, and additive mixture 2. COMPOSITION / INGREDIENT INFORMATION Component CAS # Polyether polyol Trade secret Phenylmecuric Carboxylate 26545-49-3 % 90-99% <0.5 Supersedes: May 5, 2008 Exposure limits(source) none(5) 0.1 mg/M3 CEL (1,2) Source of Exposure Limit Data: 1. ACGIH Threshold Limit Values 2. Federal OSHA Permissible exposure limit 3. DAI Exposure Guidelines 4. Chemical Manufacturer Recommended Guidelines 5. None Established Abbreviations: n/a-not applicable, n/d-not determined, n/e-not established 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION HMIS:_ Health 2, Fire 1, Reactivity 0 Threshold Limit Value: None established by ACGIH or OSHA Routes of Entry: At room temperature primary routes are skin absorption or ingestion. If heated or atomized by inhalation. If the material is heated or atomized the vapors or aerosol may cause exposure via inhalation. Signs and Symptoms of Exposure: Eyes: Redness and irritation Skin: Rash, redness Inhalation: Irritation of the respiratory system Ingestion: Nausea, irritation of digestive track. Acute Effects of Overexposure: Eye Contact: May cause severe eye irritation Ingestion: May cause irritation of gastrointestinal track and nausea. Skin Contact: May cause severe skin irritation. May cause an allergic skin reaction in some individuals. Skin Absorption: Slightly toxic by skin absorption Inhalation: Airborne aerosols or vapors from heated material may cause severe respiratory system irritation. Chronic Effects of Exposure: Chronic dermatitis, organo-mercury compounds can cause severe respiratory system imitation. Conditions Aggravated by Exposure: Respiratory ailments, dermatitis, other conditions unknown. Carcinogenicity: This product and its constituents are not listed as carcinogens by IARC, NTP or regulated as carcinogens by OSHA at this time. 4. FIRST AID MEASURES Emergency First Aid Procedures: Eyes: Irrigate with flowing water immediately and continuously for 15 minutes. Obtain medical attention. Swallowing: Give water or milk. Induce vomiting. Call a physician. DO NOT GIVE ANYTHING BY MOUTH TO AN UNCONSCIOUS PERSON. Skin Contact: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash before reusing. Wash affected area well with soap and water. Consult physician. Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. Obtain medical attention. Rev. Date: 6/2/2009 Rev.2 Ref: Z8200HGA V2.doc & Development Associates, Inc 5. FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA Flash Point: 3S06F (17S6C) TCC Flammable: Limits in Air % Volume: Upper: n/d Lower: n/d MSDS Z8200HG Part A Extinguishing Media: Foam, C0+2+, or Dry Chemical , ----~ Page 2 of3 Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: Do not breathe smoke when burning. Irritating and/or toxic vapors and gasses when burned. Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Fire fighters should wear full emergency equipment including self- contained breathing apparatus. Do not direct solid stream of water or foam into hot, burning pools. This may cause frothing and increase fire intensity. 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Steps to be Taken in Case Material is Released or Spilled: Contain spills with dams of absorbent material such as Zip Zorb. Absorb material and shovel into drums. Use appropriate safety equipment. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Precautions to be Taken in Storage and Handling: Avoid skin and eye contact. Avoid breathing vapors if generated. Exercise reasonable care and cleanliness. Protect from moisture. Storage Temperatures: <10S°F Condition material to 6S-100°F before using. Mix well under dry atmospherre before using. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Eye Protection: Adequate eye protection as required to prevent contact during handling. i.e. Safety glasses, splash goggles, face shield. Skin Protection: Rubber Gloves, aprons and other protective clothing as required to prevent contact. Remove any contaminated clothing and wash before use. Routinely wash hands, arms and face with soap and water after handling. Do not smoke or eat until hands and face have been washed. Ventilation and Respiratory Protection: Good room ventilation is required. General mechanical ventilation is normally satisfactory. Use organic vapor respirator or supplied air respirator where supplemental protection:is needed. Follow OSHA regulations when using personal protective equipment. Other: Eye wash, safety shower. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Appearance clear liquid Color slight yellow tint Odor mi~ Boiling Range decomposes over 1 sooc. Melting Point super cools, sets to glass <10oc. Evaporation Rate(BuAcet=1) not volatile Vapor Density (air=1) n/a Weight per Gallon 9.14 Specific Gravity 1.10 Solubility in Water(%) very slight Percent Volatile negligible 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability Stable Conditions to Avoid High heat (over 22SOF) Incompatibility (materials to avoid) Oxidizing materials. Hazardous Polymerization Will not occur. Hazardous Decomposition Products By fire: C02, CO, mercury vaports, partially decomposed hydrocarbons, other undetermined irritating and or toxic fumes or vapors. 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Polyether polyol:Skin rabbit LOSO: >2000 mg/kg; dermal rat LOSO: >2000 mg/kg; ingestion oral rat LOSO: >2000 mg/kg. CAS# 26S4S-49-3 Phenylmecuric-carboxylate CAS# 26S4S-49-3: Oral rat values of 22-6S0mg/kg. Rev. Date: 6/2/2009 Rev.2 Ref: Z8200HGA V2.doc £. Development Associates, Inc MSDS Z8200HG Part A Page 3 of3 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Mercury compounds are toxic to wildfile, fish and birds. Avoid contact with feed, food and drinking water. Do no allow into drains or otherwise introduce to soil or groundwater. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Waste Disposal Method: If discarded in its purchased form, this product is a toxicity characteristic waste( mercury, D009) according to 40CFR261.21. Under RCRA, it is the responsibility of the product user to determine, at the time of disposal, whether a material is hazardous waste. State and local disposal regulations may differ from federal disposal regulations. Dispose in accordance with all federal, state and local waste disposal laws and regulations. 14. TRANSPORT D.O.T. Shipping Name Technical Shipping Name D.O.T. Hazard Class UN/NA Number NMFC Item 15. REGULATORY None Z8200HG Part A Polyol, Plastic Related Material Not Regulated None Plastic Material Liquid, NMFC-156240 Class 60 Chemical Inventories: All components of this mixture are listed in the TSCA inventory. TRI: Mercury Compounds N458 are reportable under the TRI program, there is no de minim is for mercury compounds. Reportable threshold for mercury compounds is 10 pounds, the maximum concentration is listed in section 2 of this MSDS. See http://epa.gov/tri/index.htm for more information on the TRI program. 16. OTHER This data is offered in good faith as typical values and not as a product specification. The information in this data sheet was compiled from information supplied by the vendors of the components of this compound. No warranty, either expressed or implied is hereby made. The recommended industrial hygiene and safe handling procedures are believed to be generally applicable. However, each user should review these recommendations in the specific context of the intended use and determine whether they are appropriate. The information on this data sheet is only to assist in the safe handling of this material, and may contain trade secrets which may not be divulged to anyone except the users of this material and health care and hygiene professionals as required for its safe use. No license or permission to infringe any patent or breach any trade secret is given. Rev. Date: 6/2/2009 Rev.2 Ref: Z8200HGA V2.doc Headhunters Hair Salon Product Listing On-Hand As of 12/03/13 *These products are used in the hair salon for facial waxing, haircuts, color, manicures, pedicures, and perms. Rusk Thermal Flat Iron Spray Sensories Full Shampoo (and similar like it) Sensories Full Smoothe Conditioner Thickr Mousse Jele Gloss Color 4.03 NI Deepshine 10 vol. Deepshine 20 vol. Deepshine 30 vol. Deepshine 40 vol. Elimin 8 Color Corrector Wella Midway 4/5 Ash Brown Midway Couture 13 Volume Blendor Highlighting Cream Salon Professional 20 vol. Creme Wella Blendor Lightening Cream Age Beautiful 20 vol. Flash Finish Sheen Rapid Toner Honey Beige All Nutrient 10 vol. Cream Developer All Nutrient Professional Cream Hair Color Paul Mitchell 20 vol. Cream Developer 4 wm warm Mahogany Brown KMS Head Remedy Sensitive Shampoo KMS Color Vitality Conditioner KMS Hairspray Styling Gel KMS Hair Stay Style Boost Beauti Control Skinlogics Platinum Cleansing Lotion "Skinlogics Makeup Remover" Facial Scrub Relaxing Tonic Brightening Creme Lash and Lid Bath Regeneration Tight, Firm and Fill Creme Herbal Hydraling Mist Lust for Men Double Duty Moisturizer Scrubbing Gel Cleanser Warming Shave Cream Toning Eye Gel Herbal Age-Defying Hand Treatment Beauti Control Warming Trend Green Tea Masque "Concealers and Primers" Extra Help Concealer Light# 6455 Secret Agent Undercover Makeup Perfect Wet/Dry Finish "Foundation" Perfect Creme-To-Powder Finish Secret Agent Mineral Make-up with SPF 15 Creme Sheer Protection Mineral Eye Shadow Trios "Wisteria Lane" # 15032 Mineral Blush Coral# 15062 Eyebrow Pencils Blonde # 7060 Eye Defining Pencils Teal# 12687 SpectacuLash Maximum Black # 13400 SpectacuLash Water Resistant Mascara Black# 2566 Lip Shaping Pencil Mauve# 12694 Vegan Manic Panic NYC Shocking Blue Salon Care Prism Lites Neutral Lightener Clairol Professional Basic White Powder Lightener Beautiful Collection Gentle Semi-permanent Color B09W Light Reddish Brown "Clairol" Zazzing Clear 10 "Lamaur" 3 0 minute Bleach Queen Helen professional Almond scented massage cream Roux Fancitone 32/4 RO Lucky Copper Neutral Protein Filler Hydrogen peroxide Perron Riyot Paris Bodycare Cirepil Crystalline Perron Riyot Paris CND Hand & Body Sanitizing Lotion Vaseline Men's Body and Face Lotion Sea Breeze Dissolve All-purpose Cleaner Foot Miracle Therapeutic Cream "China" glaze polish Beauty Secrets Nail Polish Dryer Beauty Secrets Acetone Nail Polish Remover Blue Cross Cuticle Remover Gena Pedi Scrub Heel to Toe Spa Pedicure Foot Butter Callus Eliminator Super Nail Cuticle Oil Opi Manicure Skin Renewal Scrub Gena Pedi Soak Gigi Paraffin All-Purpose Antiseptic Spray Foot Logic Anti-Fungal Formula Beauty Scrub Nail Polish Thinner Simply Right Body Care Hand Sanitizer Detergent Sun 2X Ultra (50% more load) Dawn Dishwashing Liquid Barbicide Mr. Clean Gain Quick Shine Floor Finish · SBS 62 Elite Lotion Soap S.O.S. Steel Wool Pad Lemon Scent Armorall Original Protectant Murphy Oil Soap Proforce Floor Stripper Hi-Genie Bathroom Cleaner Clorox Clean-Up Bleach Orange All-Purpose Cleaner Stainless Steel Cleaner & Polish Comet with Bleach Disinfectant Cleaner Window Glass Cleaner PHOTOGRAPHIC RECORD SUPPORT LETTERS PILOT CENTER SITE PLAN