HomeMy WebLinkAboutIDX ZERO VALENT IRON BENCH SCALE RPT-OCR*6011 HSSF1066* 1111111111111111111111111111 DocumentID NONCD0001814 Site Name HAMILTON BEACH/PROCTOR SILEX. OocumentType Remedial Pilot Study (PIL) RptSegment 1 DocOate DocRcvd Box Access Level Division Section Program DocCat 6/14/2001 2/20/2007 SF1066 PUBLIC WASTE MANAGEMENT SUPERFUND IHS (IHS) FACILITY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Bench Study to Evaluate the Use of Zero-Valent Iron for Remediation of Solvent Contamination at the. Hamilton Beach-Proctor Silex Site . Ill Washington, North Carolina May 8, 2001 Prepared by NESCO Inc., Remediation Technologies Group 6870 North Broadway, Unit H Denver, CO 80221 I/DJ fi-~ n_ ii(~,; rn1[i~15 2001 :'.'11 _______ J Prepared for WASHINGTON REGIONAL OFFICE DWQ Radian International/URS Corporation '-----..::::.:::::._ ___ _J 1600 Perimeter Park Drive Morrisville, NC 27560 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTRODUCTION For some time, Radian/URS Corporation has been discussing with NESCO the opti9ns for cleanup of chlorinated solvent contamination at the Hamilton Beach-Proctor Silex, Inc., site in Washington, North Carolina. Pursuant to these discussions, NESCO has worked with Radian/URS Corporation on a bench evaluation and eventual pilot test of zero valent iron (ZVI) for_ possible application at the site. In October 2000, samples of groundwater and soil from the two affected formations were taken for analysis and use in a bench evaluation of ZVI. This report describes the experimental design and results obtained from the study. Principal contaminants of concern in the vicinity of monitor well 227 (227) include 1, 1, 1- trichloroethane (TCA), 1,1-dichloroethane (1,1-DCA), cis-dichloroethene, (c-DCE), and 1,1- dichloroethene (1,1-DCE). Perchloroethene (PCE), trichloroethene (TCE), 1,1-DCA, 1,1-DCE, and vinyl chloride (VC) are the principal contaminants of concern in the vicinity of monitor well 213 (213). Minor amounts of other solvents are also present, however they are not expected to significantly affect overall reduction of contaminant levels ·or attainment of remedial goals. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND For purposes of this report, only a cursory review of the applicable chemistry is needed, however additional references are provided in the appendix, should an in-depth review be of interest. ZVI is nothing more than iron powder and is usually manufactured from cast iron by grinding or milling operations followed by mechanical separation of the material into various size classifications. The material used in the present study is a 60 to 120-mesh, medium-grained powder, specially activated under reducing conditions for use in reductive dechlorination applications. · In the presence of ZVI, dissolved phase chlorinated solvents can undergo the following reaction types: abiotic reductive dechlorination, reduction, dehydrohalogenation, hydrolysis, and biodegradation. As it turns out, the most important process for biodegradation of chlorinated solvents is also reductive dechlorination. During this process, the chlorinated hydrocarbon is used as the electron acceptor, not as a source of carbon, and a chlorine atom is removed and replaced with a hydrogen atom. In the process, iron is oxidized and localized groundwater concentrations of ferrous iron may increase along with chloride levels. Reductive dechlorination is a stepwise process involving removal of one chlorine atom at a time. For the chlorinated ethenes the process is as follows: PCE ~ TCE ~ DCE ~ vc ~ Ethene Although one can imagine three dichloroethene isomers resulting from the dechlorination of trichloroethene (1,1-DCE, c-DCE, and t-DCE), the cis isomer (c-DCE) is preferentially produced, and only minor amounts of the other isomers are formed. As a rule of thumb, it is generally accepted that the more highly chlorinated compounds within a series degrade at a faster rate than subsequent daughter compounds. Given the above series, this means that transient concentrations of daughter products that are formed from PCE and TCE, such as VC and DCE, · may initially rise more rapidly than they are degraded. For chlorinated ethanes the process is 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I similar, and concentrations of chloroethane (ClEt) and DCA may initially increase. Keep in mind that the above reactions are most efficient when subsurface conditions are anaerobic. In other words, the soil/groundwater reduction potential should be high, and the dissolved oxygen level should be low. As stated earlier, the iron powder used is specially activated under reducing conditions and is particularly reactive. It is so reactive that hydrogen gas is typically generated from reaction of the material with water. As a result, reduction is very likely to be an important reaction and would typically produce chloroethanes from chloroethenes. Dehydrohalogenation of chloroethanes is well documented in groundwater (see ORNL/TM- 11300 Stability of Volatile Organics in Environmental Water Samples: Storage and Preservation Final Report August 1989). This reaction is just the opposite of reduction and could produce chloroethenes from chloroethanes. Hydrolysis is not expected to be a significant reaction affecting the contaminants of concern. BENCH STUDY Objectives 1. Determine if contaminant concentration changes in a manner consistent with expected reaction mechanisms. 2. Obtain estimates of reaction rate constants for key contaminants. · 3. Confirm that ZVI will react with recalcitrant compounds such as vinyl chloride. 4. Evaluate the performance of selected amendments and determine if an "optimal" mix is indicated. 5. Extrapolate results from bench study to pilot installation. Experimental Design Experimental Parameters The experimental design should recreate conditions expected to exist within the contaminated formation as closely as possible. Field installation of iron powder is accomplished by preparing a slurry in water and then rapidly injecting the slurry into the formation under pressure. A thixotropic agent is used to increase solution viscosity so that the iron c~ be kept suspended during injection operations. Small "fractures" in the formation are created by pressure and the slurry tends to flow out into the formation in thin irregular horizontal sheets. The thixotropic agent rapidly disperses leaving the iron powder interspersed throughout the formation in close contact with contaminants. The resulting system is fairly static in that very little mixing occurs, and transport of contamination principally results from diffusion and the flux generated by groundwater flow. In the bench study, serum vials were prepared containing iron powder and contaminated groundwater. The vials were sealed and placed on a shaker table to mix the contents gently. No effort was made to keep the iron suspended and the shaker table was set to 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I move slowly. An average temperature of roughly 60 degrees Fahrenheit (F) was maintained throughout the bench study. - The two thixotropic agents evaluated during the study were guar gum and a high molecular weight polyacrylamide resin. As stated earlier, anaerobic conditions are required for optimal reaction conditions, so molasses was added to selected vials to determine if a readily metabolized carbon source significantly affects reaction rate. Vial Preparation The following vials were prepared for each groundwater sample: sample number 213 and sample number 227. In each case, the sample was prepared in a new, clean serum vial. Once prepared, the vial was sealed with a septum and crimp top closure and vigorously shaken to mix the contents. The groundwater was added last to minimize loss of volatile organics during this manually tedious process. The serum vial capacity ranges from 155 milliliters (ml) to 160 ml. Statistical requirements mandated preparation of several duplicate vials for each groundwater sample and each treatment. In addition, kinetic modeling requires sample analysis at selected times and sampling error increas~s when m~ltiple sub-samples are withdrawn from a single vial. As a result, five vials .were initially pn;!pared for each treatment. This resulted in preparation of 25 vials for each groundwater sample. Vials were prepared on November 19, 2000. Control (C) Control vials contained 125 ml of groundwater. The purpose of control vials is to monitor independent changes having nothing to do with experimental treatments that may occur during the experiment. For example, concentrations may drop due to the headspace existing in the vial or from absorption by the rubber septum. The control vials provided a mechanism to determine if such losses were significant. Molasses (M) 12.5 grams of molasses were added to these vials, followed by 125 ml of groundwater. These vials enabled evaluation of bi ode gradation under anaerobic conditions using a readily metabolized carbon source. Guar and Iron (GFe) Each vial contained 38 grams (gm) of iron powder, 0.8 gm of guar gum, and 125 ml of groundwater. Since the guar is readily biodegraded, this allowed the guar to be evaluated in combination with iron powder but independently of molasses. 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Polymer and Iron (PFe) Each vial contained 38 grams of iron powder, 0.25 gm of polymer, and 125 ml of groundwater. The polymer is fairly inert, because it degrades very slowly biologically. The advantage of using polyacrylamide resin is that significantly less material is required for installation of the iron, so a direct comparison of its performance against guar gum was of interest. Molasses, Polymer, and Iron (MPFe) Each vial contained 38 grams of iron powder, 0.25 gm of polymer, 12.5 gm of molasses, and 125 ml of groundwater. This mix was a complete system ensuring anaerobic conditions and the presence of ZVI for reductive dechlorination. Statistical Evaluation Comparison of performance between controls and various treatments or between treatments was accomplished using the "t" statistic. The test compares population means and assumes a normal distribution along with some estimate or knowledge of the population variance. In the present case, sample size was necessarily limited, due to cost constraints, and therefore, the normal assumption that population variance was equivalent within each data set may not apply. To overcome this limitation, the Smith-Satterthwaite test was employed. In order to answer questions regarding the length of time required to achieve cleanup goals, a reasonable kinetic model must be developed. This process normally entails ·curve fitting followed by comparison with an assumed kinetic model. The simplest model is first order kinetics. First order kinetics is widely used throughout industry to model a variety of reacting system including biodegradation. If the system follows first order kinetics, a plot of the natural log (ln) of concentration versus time results in a straight line. The slope of the line corresponds to the reaction rate constant (see Appendix 4 for a detailed development). Consequently, linear regression was applied to a number of semi-log plots to back out rate constants for key contaminants. Sample Analysis Sample analysis was performed using USEPA Method 8260B. This method is sensitive to a broad range of volatile compounds and allowed detection of degradation products produced from non-biological chemical reactions and biodegradation. Sample analysis was limited to the liquid phase, so no headspace analyses were performed. The nominal reporting limit is 1 ppb. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS Initial Data Quality Check The bench study was structured to include quality control at each stage of the process and incorporated a check on data quality in October 2000 when groundwater samples were taken from the wells, for use in the bench study. At that time, several one liter bottles of groundwater 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I from each well were obtained for the bench study and several standard VOA vials were also taken for submission to an outside QC laboratory ~d to NESCO. Subsequent analysis and comparison of results provided an independent check on analytical results generated by NESCO. Precision between the two labs was estimated using industry standard procedures and results of the comparison were very good. A summary table of this comparison is shown in Appendix 1. Bench Study Raw Data Summary tables showing raw data for samples 213 and 227 are provided in Appendices 2 and 3 respectively. Data from control vials is displayed first, followed by M, GFe, PFe, and MPFe. Once vial preparation was completed, a small sample (5 ml) was withdrawn from one vial in each treatment set and analyzed to establish a baseline. In theory, this baseline analytical data should be identical for each group of treatment samples after adjusting for dilution from the addition of molasses, as required. In other words, the November 19th sampling data for 213 C, 213M, 213GFe, 2 l 3PFe, and the 23 lMPFe vials should be fairly consistent. Inspection of the 213 data resulting from this initial sampling shows that it is fairly consistent and suggests that any error resulting from vial preparation was not significant. A low bias appears to be present in this initial data from sample 227 treatment vials and no clear cause for this could be determined. Analytical results from the initial groundwater analysis in October were included with the 213 and 227 control data. Comparison of213 groundwater results with its associated control data from the November 19th sampling suggests that there are no significant differences. This is a very positive result as it supports the assumption that no significant error was introduced into the study due to storage of groundwater in one liter bottles for several weeks prior to or during vial preparation. The low bias evident in the sample 227 initial data clouds this comparison. Inspection of the results from the December 12th sampling suggests, however, that no significant error was introduced into this data set from either sample storage or vial preparation. Ideally, control vials should not exhibit any change over time, as nothing should be present to react with contaminants and the only losses would be due to volatile loss to the headspace as equilibrium is established. Although some variability apparently existed between vials, in general, controls were fairly stable and results over time compared favorably with baseline data and initial groundwater results. The final sampling of vials occurred on January 5, 2001. As replicate analyses were required for planned evaluations, all intact vials remaining were sampled and analyzed at this time. These replicates are identified in the data tables as vial 1, vial 2, etc. The number of replicate analyses varies somewhat across treatments as selected vials were sacrificed over the course of the study and some became unusable and were purged. For example, the crimp seals ruptured from internal pressure, literally exploding, on several of the 227 MPFe vials, leaving only two intact vials in January. The "*LIS" flag on the November 19th and January 5th (vial 3) 227 GFe data means that the results are likely to be biased due to an analytical QC failure. A similar problem occurred with the November 21st 213 PFe sample analysis and no useful data could be obtained. 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Unfortunately, since composition in the vials is changing rapidly with time, resampling is not a practical solution for this problem. The good news is that only a few samples were affected. Evidence of Reaction Evidence of reaction is available from several different sources within the study. Firstly, gross inspection of the raw data clearly shows rapid reduction of principal contaminants such as TCA and TCE over the first few weeks. Secondly, pressure inside the vials rapidly increased over the first few weeks, becoming so great in some vials that seals ruptured. Certainly, most of the · observed pressure increases were due to bio-activity as metabolic byproducts such as alcohols, esters, and aldhydes rapidly appeared and excessive foaming occurred in a number of the vials. Since entrapped air was minimized during vial preparation, very little oxygen was available to support aerobic growth and the biocosm should have rapidly gone anaerobic. This suggests thaf gasses that were liberated during reaction more than likely consisted mainly of light alkanes and/or alkenes. Graphical plots of contaminant concentration versus time are the easiest way to view the data and check for evidence of reaction. Plots of the 227 data are included in Appendi_x 4 (Figures 1 through 8) and plots of213 data.are included in Appendix 5 (Figures 9 through 13). Looking at Figures 1, i, and 3, which use semi-log plots-to show the behavior ofTCA over tim~ and the production of related daughter products, TCA levels rapidly drop in each case, although it is clear that reductions are less efficient in the GFe system. As TCA concentrations are declining, 1,1-DCA and ClEt levels are on the rise. This result is consistent with reductive dechlorination of the TCA, as.discussed in Section 3. Figure 4 provides a clearer picture of the magnitude of the reaction. In the first 23 days, TCA concentration drops from 730 ppb to zero and during this same period, l, 1-DCA increases from a low of approximately 440 ppb to a high of 1600 ppb. The primary source for formation of DCA is removed once the TCA is gone, and the plot clearly shows DCA reaching a maximum and then declining once TCA is removed. Similar behavior is shown for ClEt, and it is evident that its level is still rising at day 47 in all but the MPFe system. This is due to the elevated 1,1-DCA levels that remain in the vials. Clearly, the rate of formation of daugJ.iter products exceeds the rate of daughter product degradation. ·Sample 227 did not contain significant amounts of PCE or TCE, so one might expect to obtain a relatively clear picture of degradation of the cis-DCE and 1,1-DCE present in the sample. This did not prove to be the case, as depicted in Figures 5 and 7. These figures present behavior of the compounds across treatments, and in spite of the lack of PCE and TCE, levels typically increased over the first 23 days. This was more than likely due to dehydrohalogenation ofTCA and strongly suggests that reductive dechlorination is not the only important reaction taking place. Sample 213 data is presented in Figures 9 through 11. In each case, TCE concentrations decrease, however daughter products differ widely depending on treatment. As with sample 227, PFe, and MPFe systems appear to be superior to GFe. The MPFe system appears to be particularly effective with vinyl chloride, as it was rapidly eliminated from the system and remained absent as TCE and DCE continued to react. 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1· I I As discussed previously, TCE preferentially degrades into cis-DCE so it was expected that 1,1- DCE degradation would not be complicated by formation ofthis compound from outside sources in this sample. Figures 12 and 13 show a semi-log plot of 1,1-DCE concentration versus time and aside from the initial drop, the plot is very linear indicating first order kinetics is a reasonable model for this compound. Treatment Performance As previously described, visual inspection of the raw data strongly suggests that treatment performance is considerably different depending on the mix. Also, it is apparent that molasses alone does not affect contaminant concentrations significantly despite vigorous bio-activity as evidenced by the appearance of metabolic products and pressure increases; To determine ifthe differences seen are significant or perhaps due to chance or propagated error, statistical testing was performed. Since inferences are based on a comparison of population means, a concerted effort was made to preserve as many of the vials as possible to maximize the ending sample size. Results of the statistical comparisons are included in Appendix 6. The molasses only tr~atment was important to evaluate if anaerobic conditions might be effective without the presence of iron powder. Comparisons between control and molasses data, for each sample, show that with only minor exceptions, no significant differe.Q.ce in performance was noted. One exception to this in sample 213 was trans-DCE, however the initial concentration was less than 2 ppb, so this compound is not critical for sample 213. On the surface, it would appear that 1, 1-DCA and TCA exhib~ted significant differences in sample 227 molasses treatment, however closer inspection' shows that concentrations are lower in the controls so we must conclude that molasses alone is irieffectual. · Next, the guar/iron and polymer/iron treatments were compared. The most notable differences between these two treatments involve chloroethenes. Specifically, vinyl chloride, 1,1-DCE, and cis-DCE concentrations in the polymer/iron treatments are significantly lower than the guar/iron values. Since the polymer is more resistant to biodegradation than the guar gum, it was anticipated that the guar/iron performance would include a significant contribution from biodegradation that would be absent in the polymer system. Surprisingly, not only does it appear that the polymer system is more effective than guar gum, but it is most effective at degrading the more difficult compounds like vinyl chloride. Lastly, a comparison of the PFe and MPFe systems was performed to evaluate whether concerted bio-activity significantly affected performance. It was anticipated that the PFe system would not support significant bio-activity, and this was confirmed by the absence of metabolic by-products in the final sample analysis. As previously noted, excessive activity was observed in the MPFe system. The resulting comparison showed that significant differences existed for nearly every contaminant in the 213 sample and the 227 sample. Kinetic Rate Constants Kinetic rate constants were calculated for each of the contaminants of concern and, wherever possible, constants. were obtained from each of the treatments to better understand the differences 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I in performance. In each case, linear regression was utilized to obtain estimates for the rate constants. Contaminant Best Estimate Hi~h Low Trichloroethene -0.0862 ·-0.1760 -0.0550 Vinyl Chloride -0.0353 -0.0975 -0.0144 c-Dichloroethene -0.0305 -0.0395 -0.0221 1, 1-Dichloroethene -0.0577 -0.0781 -0.0320 l, l, I-Trichloroethane -0.2947 -0.2947 -0.1033 1, 1-Dichloroethane -0.0217 -0.0308 -0.0142 The negative sign associated with each rate constant simply means that concentrations are declining and the values are expressed in units of inverse days (days-1). As a result, the highest rates are indicated by the smallest numbers. For example, TCA exhibits the highest rate of degradation of any contaminant present, and DCA is the slowest compound to degrade. The best estimates shown presume that ZVI installation would be performed using molasses and polymer. The above rate constants can be used to estimate the time to attain established cleanup goals for the site. The lowest groundwater standard applicable to the she appears to be that for vinyl chloride (15 parts per trillion). One scenario would be to convert all chloroethenes to vinyl chloride and use this value for the initial contaminant concentration. This may represent a worst case as study results indicate that one~ transient effects dissipate, the rate of vinyl chloride generation _is lower than· the rat<;: of degradation. As a result, no long-term increase irt concentration may occur and ~nitial conditions could control.· Under this scenario, several initial concentrations were chosen, and the associated periods of time to attain the cleanup standard calculated. Initial Concentration (ug/L) 600 1000 1500 Cleanup Time (days) 300 315 326 It is readily apparent that a significant increase in the initial concentration has very little effect on the overall time to reach the standard. In fact, once the concentration is reduced to I ppb, an additional 120 days could be required to attain the 15 ppt standard, so the process is controlled by the tail end rather than by initial conditions. It should be noted that the above rate constants were estimated under strictly controlled laboratory conditions and that performance obtained in the field may not be comparable. In spite of this limitation, the above exercise is of value as it suggests that cleanup goals could be attained in months rather than years. 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the above discussion, the following conclusions are supported: I. Contaminants of concern at the Hamilton Beach/Proctor Silex site can be effectively reduced by ZVI. 2. The most efficient system for installation of ZVI appears to be slurry preparation using polyacrylamide resin and 5 to I 0 percent by volume commercial molasses. 3. Anaerobic bacterial action significantly contributes to the overall rate of reductive dechlorination of contaminants present at the site. 4. It appears that first order kinetics will effectively model the cleanup process. 5. Pilot installation of ZVI at selected site locations is recommended to optimize injection parameters and confirm the kinetic model derived from bench data. 6. Groundwater sampling within pilot areas should be continued for a minimum of21 days to ensure confirmation of the proposed design. 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REFERENCES Application of ZVI to chlorinated solvent groundwater plumes. 1. Natural Attenuation of Fuels and Chlorinated Solvents in the Subsurface Todd H. Wiedemeier, Hanadi S. Rifia, Charles J. Newell, John T. Wilson 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2. Technical Protocol for Evaluating Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater. 1999 Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence, Technology Transfer Division Brooks Air Force Base 3. Design Guidance for Application of Permeable Barriers to Remediate Dissolved Chlorinated Solvents Battelie February, 1997 Statistical Tests 4. Probability and Statistics for Engineers Irwin Miller and John E. Freund 1965 Prentice-Hall, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·Appendix 1 Comparison of NESCO and QC-Lab Results .from Groundwater Sample Analysis ------------------- Sample ID. No. HBWW-213 sa·mple 213 Date Sampled 10/18/00 10/18/00 Date Analyzed 10/23/00 10/24/00 Units ug/L ug/I (Nesco) (Radian) Analyte Vinyl Chloride 24 15.7 Chloroethane ND (1) ND (0.462) 1, 1-Dichloroethene 490 403 Methylene Chloride 7 (1) 1.34 JS t-1,2-Dichloroethene 2 '1.42 J c-1,2-Dichloroethene 38 36.5 1, 1-Dichloroethane 150 148 1,2-Dichloroethane 3 3.45 1, 1, 1-Trich loroethane ND (1) 0.782 j Trichloroethene 490 414 1, 1,2-Trichloroethane 2 (1) 2.23 J Tetrachloroethene 30 27.3 Surrogates (% Recovery) Dibromofluoromethane 97 NR dB-Toluene 99 NR p-Bromofluorobenzene 96 'NR RPO -relative percent difference ND -not detected· NC -not calculated Hamilton Beach Bench Study Laboratory Results HBWW227 10/18/00 10/23/00 ug/L RPO (Nesco) 41.8 5 NC 38 19.5 350 NC ND (1) NC ND (1) 4.0 240 1.3 1440 14.0 12 NC 1900 16.8 64 NC 2 ( 1) 9.4 ND (1) 102 101 95 Sample 227 10/18/00 10/24/00 ug/I (Radian) RPO 4.19 17.6 35.2 7.7 428 20.1 0.764 JB NC 5.3 NC 254 5.7 2030 34.0 13.4 11.0 2370 22.0 73.6 14.0 ND (0.821) NC ND (1.44) NC NR NR NR I 1· I I Appendix 2 I I Summary of Raw Data from Bench Study -Sample 213 I· I I I I I· I I I I I I I -- - -- - --- - --------- Hamilton Beach Bench Study Laboratory Results Sample ID. No. HBWW-213 HBW-213 HBW-213 HBW-213 HBW-213 GW Control Control Control Control Date Sampled 10/18/00 10/18/00 10/18/00 10/18/00 10/18/00 Date Analyzed 10/23/00 11/19/00 12/12/00 1/5/01 1/5/01 Units ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L Analyte Vial 1 Vial2 Vinyl Chloride 24 36.8 21.6 28.4 31.6 Chloroethane ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 1, 1-Dichloroethene 490 557 263 370 416 Methylene Chloride 7 10.7 3.42 ND (1) ND (1) t-1,2-Dichloroethene 2 2.18 1.39 1.89 1.83 c-1,2-Dichloroethene 38 37.9 22.5 35.4 37 1, 1-Dichloroethane 150 155 88.7 157 167 1,2-Dichloroethane 3 3.06 2.13 5.2 5.29 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 1.2 ND (1) Trichloroethene 490 393 169 230 253 1, 1,2-Trichloroethane 2 2.65 1.05 3.23 3.46 Tetrachloroethene 30 26.7 3.03 4.9 5.12 Surrogates (% Recovery) Dibromofluoromethane 97 105 76 106 108 dB-Toluene 99 100 128 97 98 p-Bromofluorobenzene 96 105 71 102 103 ------------------- Sample ID. No. HBW-213 HBW-213 Control Molasses Date Sampled 10/18/00 10/18/00 Date Analyzed 11/19/00 11/19/00 Units ug/L ug/L Analyte Vinyl Chloride 36.8 22.6 Chloroethane ND (1) ND (1) 1, 1-Dichloroethene 557 422 Methylene Chloride 10.7 4.95 t-1,2-Dichloroethene 2.18 ND (1) c-1,2-Dichloroethene 37.9 37.3 1, 1-Dichloroethane 155 144 1,2-Dichloroethane 3.06 3.78 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane ND (1) ND (1) Trichloroethene 393 388 1, 1,2-Trichloroethane 2.65 3.21 Tetrachloroethene 26.7 29.1 Surrogates (%Recovery) Dibromofluoromethane 105 101 d8-Toluene 100 98 p-Bromofluorobenzene 105 99 Hamilton Beach Bench Study Laboratory Results HBW-213 HBW-213 HBW-213 Molasses Molasses Molasses 10/18/00 10/18/00 10/18/00 12/12/00 1/6/01 1/6/01 ug/L ug/L ug/L Vial 1 Vial2 23.9 30.8 31.4 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 274 407 420 3.54 ND (1) ND (1) 1.41 1.32 1.39 21.8 32.1 33 85.8 142 144 2.05 4.13 4.22 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 178 235 251 ND (1) 2.51 2.45 5.2 6.68 6.87 77 100 99 113 96 97 70 90 88 HBW-213 HBW-213 Molasses Molasses 10/18/00 10/18/00 1/6/01 1/6/01 ug/L ug/L Vial 3 Vial4 31.6 38.9 ND (1) ND (1) 432 517 ND (1) ND (1) 1.34 1.66 33.5 41.2 150 181 "4.53 5.29 ND (1) ND (1) 258 322 2.64 3.31 6.58 8.23 102 112 100 90 90 98 ------------------- Sample ID. No. HBW-213 HBW-213 Control Guar-Fe Date Sampled 10/18/00 10/18/00 Date Analyzed 11/19/00 11/19/00 Units ug/L ug/L Analyte Vinyl Chloride 36.8 32.9 Chloroethane ND (1) ND (1) 1, 1-Dichloroethene 557 404 Methylene Chloride 10.7 5.61 t-1,2-Dichloroethene 2.18 1.59 c-1,2-Dichloroethene 37.9 36.4 1, 1-Dichloroethane 155 147 1,2-Dichloroethane 3.06 3.2 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND (1) ND (1) Trichloroethene 393 330 1, 1,2-Trichloroethane 2.65 2.61 Tetrachloroethene 26.7 14.2 Surrogates (% Recovery) Dibromofluoromethane 105 97 dB-Toluene 100 105 p-Bromofluorobenzene 105 108 Hamilton Beach Bench Study Laboratory Results HBW-213 HBW-213 HBW-213 Guar-Fe Guar-Fe Guar-Fe 10/18/00 10/18/00 10/18/00 11/21/00 12/12/00 1/6/01 ug/L ug/L ug/L *IS Vial 1 8.87 14.7 3.93 ND (1) ND (1) 7.66 175 136 38.6 3.14 1.72 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 20.4 11.3 11.2 95.7 71 250 1.88 1.5 3.22 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 143 50.7 15.7 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 21.2 ND (1) 1 NC 75 98 NC 116 95 NC 73 90 HBW-213 HBW-213 HBW-213 Guar-Fe Guar-Fe Guar-Fe 10/18/00 10/18/00 10/18/00 1/6/01 1/6/01 1/6/01 ug/L ug/L ug/L Vial2 Vial3 Vial4 9.2 6.09 6.17 2.82 2.33 2.33 102 56.9 58.9 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 12 8.54 9.55 135 102 110 2.89 2.89 3.01 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 42 24.9 22.1 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 1.34 1.28 1.23 98 96 98 95 97 95 85 89 90 ------------------- Sample ID. No. HBW-213 HBW-213 Control Polymer-Fe Date Sampled 10/18/00 10/18/00 Date Analyzed 11/19/00 11/19/00 Units ug/L ug/L Analyte Vinyl Chloride 36.8 24.7 Chloroethane ND (1) ND (1) 1, 1-Dichloroethene 557 315 Methylene Chloride 10.7 4.52 t-1,2-Dichloroethene 2.18 2.21 c-1,2-Dichloroethene 37.9 34.8· 1, 1-Dich loroethane 155 137 1,2-Dichloroethane 3.06 3.64 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane ND (1) ND (1) Trichloroethene 393 281 1, 1,2-Trichloroethane 2.65 3.78 Tetrachloroethene 26.7· 11.7 Surrogates (% Recovery) Dibromofluoromethane 105 109 dB-Toluene 100 109 p-Bromofluorobenzene 105 111 Hamilton Beach Bench Study Laboratory Results HBW-213 HBW-213 HBW-213 Polymer-Fe Polymer-Fe Polymer-Fe 10/18/00 10/18/00 10/18/00 11/21/00 12/12/00 1/5/01 ug/L ug/L ug/L Vial 1 4.82 2.64 ND (1) ND (1) No 20.6 10.7 ND (1) ND (1) Useful ND (1) ND (1) 5.25 5.4 67.4 101 Data 1.42 2.75 ND (1) ND (1) 6.91 6 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 72 100 114 96 72 98 HBW-213 HBW-213 HBW-213 Polymer-Fe Polymer-Fe Polymer-Fe 10/18/00 10/18/00 10/18/00 1/5/01 1/5/01 1/5/01 ug/L ug/L ug/L Vial2 Vial3 Vial4 6.36 2.76 1.84 2.52 2.39 3.32 51.4 11.6 8.89 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 8.25 5.06 4.83 122 96 119 2.73 2.54 3.08 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 27.1 7.46 5.24 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 1.58 ND (1) ND (1) 103 94 103 96 97 89 97 91 97 ------------------- Sample ID. No. HBW-213 HBW-213 Control M-P-Fe Date Sampled 10/18/00 10/18/00 Date Analyzed 11/19/00 11/19/00 Units ug/L ug/L Analyte Vinyl Chloride 36.8 26.7 Chloroethane ND (1) ND (1) 1, 1-Dich loroethene 557 383 Methylene Chloride 10.7 7.6 t-1,2-Dichloroethene 2.18 1.21 c-1,2-Dichloroethene 37.9 29.2 1, 1-Dichloroethane 155 118 1,2-Dichloroethane 3.06 2.58 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane ND (1) ND (1) Trichloroethane 393 264 1, 1,2-Trichloroethane 2.65 2.08 Tetra ch loroethene 26.7 14.6 Surrogates (%Recovery) Dibromofluoromethane 105 95 dB-Toluene 100 101 p-Bromofluorobenzene 105 98 Hamilton Beach Bench Study Laboratory Results HBW-213 HBW-213 HBW-213 M-P-Fe M-P-Fe M-P-Fe 10/18/00 10/18/00 10/18/00 11/21/00 12/12/00 1/6/01 ug/L ug/L ug/L Vial 1 9.25 1.23 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 1.27 221 69.5 16.5 ND (1) ND (1) 1.24 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 27.6 12.9 57.8 106 73.1 84.6 2.69 2.02 4.52 1.96 ND (1) ND (1) 220 36.1 18.7 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 6.71 1.68 1.9 80 87 107 133 117 100 127 76 95 HBW-213 M-P-Fe 10/18/00 1/6/01 ug/L Vial2 ND (1) 1.47 13 1.78 ND (1) 26.4 74 3.6 ND (1) 19.1 ND (1) 1.67 92 101 95 I I I I Appendix3 I I Summary of Raw Data from Bene~ Study -Sample 227 I I I I I I I I I I I I I -·------ -- ------ ---- Hamilton Beach Bench Study Laboratory Results Sample ID. No. HBW-227 HBW-227 HBW-227 HBW-227 HBW-227 HBW-227 HBW-227 HBW-227 GW Control Control Control Control Control Control Control Date Sampled 10/18/00 10/18/00 10/18/00 10/18/00 10/18/00 10/18/00 10/18/00 10/18/00 Date Analyzed 10/23/00 11/19/00 11/21/00 12/12/00 1/5/01 1/5/01 1/5/01 1/5/01 Units ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L Analyte Vial 1 Vial2 Vial 3 Vial4 Chloromethane ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) Vinyl Chloride 5 2.16 (1) ND (1) 6.75 7.49 7.16 8.58 11.2 Chloroethane 38 12.1 (1) 9.07 (1) 32.54 46 42.5 44.4 45 1, 1-Dichloroethene 350 129 (1) 102 (1) 352 463 423 454 494 Methylene Chloride ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 1.52 2.31 1.69 1.59 t-1,2-Dichloroethene ND (1) 2.39 (1) 1.92 (1) 4.93 6.42 6.35 7.38 6.98 c-1,2-Dichloroethene 240 76.2 (1) 77.1 (1) 218 297 281 292 304 1, 1-Dichloroethane 1440 554 (1) 590 (1) 1291 1366 1291 1369 1408 1,2-Dichloroethane 12 2.98 (1) ND (1) 11 21.7 21.8 21.8 22.7 1, 1, 1-Trich loroethane 1900 729 (1) 782 (1) 2096 1726 1527 1606 1701 Trichloroethene 64 25.6 (1) 24 (1) 56.6 77.2 69.8 69.3 78 1, 1,2-Trichloroethane 2 ND (1) ND (1) 1.35 3.25 3.41 3.47 3.5 Tetrachloroethene ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) Surrogates (% Recovery) Dibromofluoromethane 102 111 111 78 104 103 105 102 dB-Toluene 101 103 105 108 95 93 95 96 p-Bromofluorobenzene 95 106 102 69 102 100 103 100 ------------------- Sample ID. No. HBW-227 HBW-227 Control Molasses Date Sampled 10/18/00 10/18/00 Date Analyzed 11/19/00 11/19/00 Units ug/L ug/L Analyte Vinyl Chloride 2.16 ND (1) Chloroethane 12.1 8.92 (1) 1, 1-Dichloroethene 129 112 (1) Methylene Chloride ND (1) ND (1) t-1,2-Dichloroethene 2.39 1.63 (1) c-1,2-Dichloroethene 76.2 63.7 (1) 1, 1-Dichloroethane 554 455 (1) 1,2-Dichloroethane 3 3.42 (1) 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane 729 638 (1) Trichloroethene 25.6 22.6 (1) 1, 1,2-Trichloroethane ND (1) 2.63 (1) Tetrachloroethene ND (1) ND (1) Surrogates (%Recovery) Dibromofluoromethane 111 106 dB-Toluene 103 103 p-Bromofluorobenzene 106 110 Hamilton Beach Bench Study Laboratory Results HBW-227 HBW-227 HBW-227 Molasses Molasses Molasses 10/18/00 10/18/00 10/18/00 11/21/00 12/12/00 1/6/01 ug/L ug/L ug/L Vial 1 ND (1) 6.17 4.27 8.18 (1) 28.9 29.8 101 (1) 316 222 ND (1) ND (1) 1.18 2.04 (1) 4.54 3.34 73.6 (1) 191 Ml* 493 (1) 1194 1773 ND (1) 9.98 19.9 762 (1) 2006 1583 24.2 (1) 53.1 54.7 ND (1) 1.36 3.14 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 110 76 108 103 107 89 107 64 93 HBW-227 HBW-227 HBW-227 HBW-227 Molasses Molasses Molasses Molasses 10/18/00 10/18/00 10/18/00 10/18/00 1/6/01 1/6/01 1/6/01 1/6/01 ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L Vial2 Vial 3 Vial4 Via15 9.93 11 10.1 11.3 56.2 64.9 61.2 65.9 594 643 639 570 1.49 1.63 1.75 1.46 6.38 6.88 6.68 7.09 498 387 372 384 2122 2255 2292 2436 24.5 24.5 26.2 21.9 2655 2667 2748 3122 106 104 107 116 3.59 3.35 3.57 2.82 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 106 111 113 97 89 86 89 85 92 93 98 89 ------------------- Sample ID. No. HBW-227 HBW-227 Control Guar-Fe Date Sampled 10/18/00 10/18/00 Date Analyzed 11/19/00 11/19/00 Units ug/L ug/L Analyte *LIS Vinyl Chloride 2.16. 5.66 Chloroethane 12.1 51.8 1, 1-Dichloroethene 129 516 Methylene Chloride ND (1) ND (1) t-1,2-Dichloroethene 2.39 234 c-1,2-Dichloroethene 76.2 303 1, 1-Dichloroethane 554 2402 1,2-Dichloroethane 3 16.2 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane 729 2458 Trichloroethene 25.6 63.4 1, 1,2-Trichloroethane ND (1) 10.3 Tetrachloroethene ND (1) ND (1) Surrogates (% Recovery) Dibromofluoromethane 111 126 dB-Toluene 103 95 p-Bromofluorobenzene 106 118 Hamilton Beach Bench Study Laboratory Results HBW-227 HBW-227 HBW-227 Guar-Fe Guar-Fe Guar-Fe 10/18/00 10/18/00 10/18/00 11/21/00 12/12/00 1/5/01 ug/L ug/L ug/L Vial 1 ND (1) 8.09 5.23 9.24 52.6 110 81.8 113 41.5 ND (1) ND (1) 1.21 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 60.2 78.9 56.3 553 1419 1492 ND (1) 8.28 14.1 440 28.4 6.72 10.6 8.12 1.75 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 117 80 94 111 111 97 109 70 90 HBW-227 HBW-227 Guar-Fe Guar-Fe 10/18/00 10/18/00 1/5/01 1/5/01 ug/L ug/L *lis Vial2 Vial 3 5.98 6.52 103 96.9 57.9 58.1 1.69 1.34 ND (1) ND (1) 67.1 57.6 1538 1989 15.8 10 5.5 4.73 7.79 10.1 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 101 59 96 93 91 78 ----·--------------- Sample ID. No. HBW-227 HBW-227 Control Polymer-Fe Date Sampled 10/18/00 10/18/00 Date Analyzed 11/19/00 11/19/00 Units ug/L ug/L Analyte Chloromethane ND (1)E ND (1)E Vinyl Chloride 2.16 2.29 Chloroethane 12.1 9.47 1, 1-Dichloroethene 129 112 Methylene Chloride ND (1) ND (1) t-1,2-Dichloroethene 2.39 ND (1) c-1,2-Dichloroethene 76.2 66.4 1, 1-Dichloroethane 554 536 1,2-Dichloroethane 3 3.16 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane 729 633 Trichloroethene 25.6 19 1, 1,2-Trichloroethane ND (1) ND (1) Tetrachloroethene ND (1) ND (1) Dibromofluoromethane 111 106 dB-Toluene 103 104 p-Bromofluorobenzene 106 104 Hamilton Beach Bench Study Laboratory Results HBW-227 HBW-227 HBW-227 Polymer-Fe Polymer-Fe Polymer-Fe 10/18/00 10/18/00 10/18/00 11/21/00 12/12/00 1/5/01 ug/L ug/L ug/L Vial 1 ND (1)E ND (1)E 4.04 ND (1) 4.46 3.33 ND (1) 59.2 109 49.7 52.6 23 ND (1) ND (1) 1.55 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 40.2 55.5 33.6 350 1363 1633 ND (1) 7.08 12.8 238 4.07 1.46 7.43 3.79 2.73 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 137 80 101 122 110 94 121 71 100 HBW-227 HBW-227 HBW-227 HBW-227 Polymer-Fe Polymer-Fe Polymer-Fe Polymer-Fe 10/18/00 10/18/00 10/18/00 10/18/00 1/5/01 1/5/01 1/5/01 1/5/01 ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L Vial2 Via13 Vial4 Vials 3.82 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 4.84. 3.88 3.34 3.99 92.5 97.8 98.4 130 31.7 16 20.8 30.7 1.36 1.23 1.26 1.46 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 34.6 24 30.7 40 1520 1415 1530 1761 12.3 11.3 12.3 15.2 11.9 6.72 22.9 12 3.45 2.48 3.33 5.24 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 90 88 90 99 96 96 97 95 99 102 101 104 -------------------- Sample ID. No. HBW-227 HBW-227 Control P-M-Fe Date Sampled 10/18/00 10/18/00 Date Analyzed 1 !f19/00 11/19/00 Units ug/L ug/L Analyte Chloromethane ND (1)E ND (1)E Vinyl Chloride 2.16 1.1 Chloroethane 12.1 15.8 1, 1-Dichloroethene 129 121 Methylene Chloride ND (1) ND (1) t-1,2-Dichloroethene 2.39 ND (1) c-1,2-Dichloroethene 76.2 69.6 1, 1-Dichloroethane 554 562 1,2-Dichloroethane 3 3.16 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane 729 557 Trichloroethene 25.6 13.5 1, 1,2-Trichloroethane ND (1) ND (1) Tetrachloroethene ND (1) ND (1) Surrogates (% Recovery) Dibromofluoromethane 111 115 dB-Toluene 103 100 p-Bromofluorobenzene 106 103 Hamilton Beach Bench Study Laboratory Results HBW-227 HBW-227 HBW-227 P-M-Fe P-M-Fe P-M-Fe 10/18/00 10/18/00 10/18/00 11/21/00 12/12/00 1/5/01 ug/L ug/L ug/L Vial2 ND (1)E ND (1)E 24 ND (1) 7.1 1.68 7.73 36.1 36.7 77.7 67.8 8.55 ND (1) ND (1) 2.47 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 58.9 110 54.7 434 1590 1008 ND (1) 12.35 12.9 624 ND (1) ND (1) 14.9 9.62 8.94 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 99 96 90 107 139 101 107 72 95 HBW-227 HBW-227 HBW-227 P-M-Fe P-M-Fe P-M-Fe 10/18/00 10/18/00 10/18/00 1/5/01 1/5/01 1/5/01 ug/L ug/L ug/L Vial 3 Vial4 Vial 5 33.6 14.2 57 2.18 2.48 1.54 38.3 28 24.5 13.3 12.4 7.22 3.38 1.11 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 56 61.2 39.7 978 1016 773 11.9 14.9 7.81 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 8.6 8.8 11.5 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 81 86 94 97 96 95 93 92 87 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1. I I I Appendix 4 Figures Showing Plots of Concentration versus Time for Sample 227 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FIRST ORDER KINETIC MODEL The purpose of kinetic modeling is to enable calculation of future performance and to predict, for example, at what point in time TCA levels will be below the established cleanup goal. As a result, the model provides some insight into how rapidly or slowly any given contaminant is_ degraded and what daughter products are produced in the process. First order kinetics says that the rate of change of concentration at any point in time is simply equal to the product of a constant (the rate constant) and the concentration existing at that time. In other words, the rate of degradation will be faster when contaminant levels are high and slow down as the level drops. Expressed in mathematical terms, we have: Rate of Change = d[TCA]/dt = -k[TCA] Where: [TCA] represents the concentration of TCA at time t, and k is the rate constant. This equation can easily be solved by separation of variables as follows: d[TCA]/dt = -k[TCA] d[TCA] = -kdt [TCA] and finally -k fdt = f lf[TCA] d[TCA] The resulting solution is a natural log function in the following form: In [TCA] == kt -In [TCA]0 Where In [TCA] -is the natural log of the TCA concentration at time t; In [TCA]0 -is the natural log of the initial TCA concentration; t= time Since the initial concentration is not a changing variable, the natural log of this number is a constant. The above equation is then recognizable as an equation of a straight line, y = mx + b. The intercept (b), is given by the log of the initial concentration, and slope (m) is the first order rate constant. J:i' c.. c.. -c 0 :;:::: "' ... -c Q) CJ c 0 (..) Figure 5 227 -c-DCE Plots 80 60 40 O -l-~~~-,.-~~~----.~~~--,~~~~,.-~~~--.--~~~-,--~~~----.~~~~,-~~~.-~~------j 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time (days) 30 35 40 45 50 ------------------- I I I I I I 1·· I I I I I I I I I I I I Appendix 5. Figures Showing Plots of Concentration versus Time for Sample 213 100 ~ 0. 0. -c: 0 .. <1' ... -c: Q) CJ c: 0 <..> 10 0 5 10 15 Figure 12 213 - MPFe Plot for 1,1-DCE 20 25 Time (days) 30 35 40 45 50 ------------------- 1000 I 100 -.0 c. c. -c 0 :o:; n:I ... -c Q) (.) 0 (.) 10 0 5 10 15 Figure 13 213 -GFE Plot for 1, 1-DCE 20 - 25 Time (days) ' 30 35 40 45 50 ------------------- I I I I - Appendix 6 I I Statistical Results I· I I I I 1. I I I I I I I ------------------- Sample ID. No. 227 n=5 Control Mean Std. Dev. Chloromethane ND (1) NC Vinyl Chloride 7.697 2.076 Chloroethane 41.407 5.184 1, 1-Dichloroethene 422.667 59.952 Methylene Chloride 1.778 0.362 t-1,2-Dichloroethene 6.412 0.930 c-1,2-Dichloroethene 272.000 34.843 1, 1-Dichloroethane 1360.833 60.562 1,2-Dichloroethane 18.500 0.469 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane 1759.333 207.430 Trichloroethene 69.150 8.094 1, 1,2-Trichloroethane 2.830 0.922 Tetrachloroethene ND (1) NC NS = Not Significant NC = Not Calculated Hamilton Beach Bench Study Laboratory Results Statistical Evaluation 227 n=6 Molasses Mean Stdev. NC NC 8.795 2.881 51.15 17.228 497.333 181.441 1.502 0.214 5.8183 1.522 366.4 110.509 2012 459.471 21.163 5.913 2463.5 561.646 90.133 28.371 2.9717 0.841 NC NC value Signif. 0.732962 NS 1.315671 NS 0.947831 NS -1.498279 NS -0.794021 NS 1.977783 NS 3.43581 0.02 1.09902 NS 2.846895 0.05 1.729143 NS 0.264086 NS ------------------- Sample ID. No. 227 n=3 GFe Mean Stdev. Vinyl Chloride 5.91 0.648 Chloroethane 103.30 6.555 1, 1-Dichloroethene 52.50 9.527 Methylene Chloride 1.41 0.248 t-1,2-Dichloroethene ND (1) NC c-1,2-Dichloroethene 60.33 5.896 1, 1-Dichloroethane 1673.00 274.629 1,2-Dichloroethane 13.30 2.982 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane 5.65 1.003 Trichloroethene 6.55 4.312 1, 1,2-Trichloroethane ND (1) NC Tetrachloroethene · ND (1) NC NS = Not Significant NC = Not Calculated Hamilton Beach Bench Study Laboratory Results Statistical Evaluation 227 n=5 PFe Mean Stdev. 3.88 0.618 105.54 14.926 24.44 6.679 1.37 0.1344 N.C NC 32.58 5.8594 1571.8 130.9187 12.78 1.4584 11 7.9491 3.45 1.0814 NC NC NG NC value Signif. -4.364988 0.01 0.291919 NS -4.483141 0.02 -0.278804 NS -6.460505 0.01 -0.59874 NS -0.282479 NS 1.485351 NS -1.221153 NS ------------------- Sample ID. No. 227 n=4 MP Fe Mean Stdev. Chloromethane 32.2 18.33248 Vinyl Chloride 1.97 0.437112 Chloroethane 31.875 6.682502 1, 1-Dichloroethene 10.3675 2.94056 Methylene Chloride ND (1) t-1,2-Dichloroethene ND (1) c-1,2-Dichloroethene 52.9 9.237243 1, 1-Dichloroethane 943.75 115.0025 1,2-Dichloroethane 11.8775 2.984743 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane ND (1) Trichloroethene 9.46 1.367138 1, 1,2-Trichloroethane ND (1) Tetrachloroethene ND (1) NS = Not Significant NC = Not Calculated Hamilton Beach Bench Study Laboratory Results Statistical Evaluation 227 n=5 PFe Mean Stdev. 3.93 0.1556 3.88 0.618 105.54 14.926 24.44 6.679 1.37 0.1344 NC NC 32.58 5.8594 1571.8 130.9187 12.78 1.4584 11 7.9491 3.45 1.0814 NC NC NC NC value Sign if. -3.084054 0.05 5.420726 0.01 9.868509 0.01 4.226999 0.01 NC NC -3.826601 0.02 7.653266 0.01 0.554134 NS NC -7.177421 0.01 NC NC - --- - - --- -- ---- -- -- Hamilton Beach Bench Study Laboratory Results Statistical Evaluation Sample ID. No. 213 n=5 213 n=6 Control Molasses Mean Stdev Mean Stdev. t Value Signif. Vinyl Chloride 28.48 6.049132 29.8667. 5.937 0.381777 . NS Chloroethane ND (1) NC ND (1) NC NC 1, 1-Dichloroethene 419.2 112.7284 412 78.304 -0.120614 NS Methylene Chloride NC NC ND (1) NC NC t-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.858 0.293547 1.424 0.1369 -3.04177 0.05 c-1,2-Dichloroethene 34.16 6.600985 33.15 6.513 -0.254218 NS 1, 1-Dichloroethane 143.54 31.27312 141.133 30.812 -0.127961 NS 1,2-Dichloroethane 3.736 1.426194 4 1.0827 0.340205 NS 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane ND (1) NC ND (1) NC NC Trichloroethene 307 131.124 272 73.209 -0.531772 NS 1, 1,2-Trichloroethane 2.478 0.978146. 2.824 0.405 0.739878 NS Tetrachloroethene 13.95 13.22198 10.443 9.1904 -0.500789 NS NS = Not Significant NC = Not Calculated ------------------- Sample ID. No. 213 n=4 Gfe Mean Stdev. Vinyl Chloride 6.3475 2.166324 Chloroethane 3.785 2.59364 1, 1-Dichloroethene 64.1 26.8672 Methylene Chloride ND (1) t-1,2-Dichloroethene ND (1) c-1,2-Dichloroethene 10.3225 1.566107 1, 1-Dichloroethane 149.25 68.62155 1,2-Dichloroethane 3.0025 0.155644 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane ND (1) Trichloroethane 26.175 11.23072 1, 1,2-Trichloroethane ND (1) Tetrachloroethene 1.2125 0.148633 NS = Not Significant NC = Not Calculated Hamilton Beach Bench Study Laboratory Results Statistical Evaluation 213 n=4 Pf e Mean Stdev. 3.4 2.0151 2.743 0.50362 20.647 20.5326 5.885 1.594 109.5 12.9228 2.775 0.2243 11.45 10.4739 value Sign if. -1.992465 0.1 -0.788772 NS -2.570065 0.05 -3.971592 0.01 -1.138516 NS -1.666594 NS -1.917715 0.1 NC NC ------------------- Sample ID. No. 213 n=2 MP Fe Mean Stdev. Vinyl Chloride ND (1) NC Chloroethane 1 .. 37 0.141421 1, 1-Dichloroethene 14.75 2.474874 Methylene Chloride 1.51 0.381838 t-1,2-Dichloroethene ND (1) NC c-1,2-Dichloroethene 42.1 22.20315 1, 1-Dichloroethane 79.3 7.495332 1,2-Dichloroethane 4.06 0.650538 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane ND (1) NC Trichloroethene 18.9 0.282843 1, 1,2-Trichloroethane ND (1) NC Tetrachloroethene 1.785 0.162635 Hamilton Beach Bench Study Laboratory Results Statistical Evaluation 213 n=4 PFe Mean Stdev. 3.4 2.0151 2.743 0.50362 20.647 20.5326 ND (1) NC ND (1) NC 5.885 1.594 109.5 12.9228 2.775 0.2243 ND (1) NC 11.45 10.4739 ND (1) NC ND (1) NC *Statistical comparison difficult to calculate, although the difference is probably significant. NS = Not Significant NC = Not Calculated t value Sign if. NC * 5.06755 0.01 0.566236 NS NC NC -2.303721 NS 3.613731 0.05 -2.713982 NS NC -1.421547 NS NC NC