HomeMy WebLinkAboutIDX VI WORK PLAN-OCRURS August 20, 2008 Mr. Tony Duque North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources NC Brownfields Program 401 Oberlin Road, Suite 150 Raleigh, NC 27605 RE: Revised Draft Vapor Intrusion Work Plan Former Hamilton Beach Brands, Inc Facility -Washington, NC Dear Mr. Duque: / /Ol/l-07-007 On behalf of Hamilton Beach Brands, Inc (HB), URS Corporation -North Carolina (URS) is pleased to submit this Revised Draft Vapor Intrusion Work Plan. This Plan was revised based upon your comments received via email on August 15, 2008 and in accordance with our response to those comments, sent via email on August 20, 2008. This work plan describes a program to be undertaken by URS on behalf of HB to collect additional site characterization data in support of evaluating the potential for vapor intrusion (VI) for various volatile organic compounds. Thank you for your review, and based upon previous correspondence, we plan to move forward with the sampling effort at the site. Please provide any additional feedback in a timely manner. Contact me at 919-461-1290 if you have any questions regarding this submittal. Sincerely, URS Corporation -North Carolina A. Brett Berra, PE Senior Project Manager cc: Mario Kuhar, HB Enclosure URS Corporation -North Carolina 1600 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 400 Morrisville, NC 27560 Tel: 919-461-1100 Fax: 919-46-1415 DRAFT -Revision 1 Vapor Intrusion Work Plan Former Hamilton Beach Brands Facility Washington, North Carolina Prepared for: Hamilton Beach Brands, Inc. 4421 Waterfront Drive Glen Allen, Virginia 23060 Prepared by: URS Corporation PO Box 201088 Austin, TX 78720-1088 and URS Corporation 1600 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 400 Morrisville, NC 27560 August 20, 2008 URS August 20, 2008 Mr. Tony Duque North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources NC Brownfields Program 401 Oberlin Road, Suite 150 Raleigh, NC 27605 RE: Revised Draft Vapor Intrusion Work Plan Former Hamilton Beach Brands, Inc Facility-Washington, NC Dear Mr. Duque: / /042-07-007 On behalf of Hamilton Beach Brands, Inc (HB), URS Corporation -North Carolina (URS) is pleased to submit this Revised Draft Vapor Intrusion Work Plan. This Plan was revised based upon your comments received via email on August 15, 2008 and in accordance with our response to those comments, sent via email on August 20, 2008. This work plan describes a program to be undertaken by URS on behalf of HB to collect additional site characterization data in support of evaluating the potential for vapor intrusion (VI) for various volatile organic compounds. Thank you for your review, and based upon previous correspondence, we plan to move forward with the sampling effort at the site. Please provide any additional feedback in a timely manner. Contact me at 919-461-1290 if you have any questions regarding this submittal. Sincerely, URS Corporation -North Carolina A. Brett Berra, PE Senior Project Manager cc: Mario Kuhar, HB Enclosure URS Corporation -North Carolina 1600 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 400 Morrisville, NC 27560 Tel: 919-461-1100 Fax: 919-46-1415 DRAFT -Revision 1 Vapor Intrusion Work Plan Former Hamilton Beach Brands Facility Washington, North Carolina Prepared for: Hamilton Beach Brands, Inc. 4421 Waterfront Drive Glen Allen, Virginia 23060 Prepared by: URS Corporation PO Box 201088 Austin, TX 78720-1088 and URS Corporation 1600 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 400 Morrisville, NC 27560 August 20, 2008 Vapor Intrusion Work Plan HB Washington, NC TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Site Description ........................................................................................................ I 1.2 Objectives ................................................................................................................ 3 1.3 Target Compounds ................................................................................................... 3 1.4 Target Concentrations .............................................................................................. 4 2.0 SAMPLING STRATEGY ................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Samples to Be Collected .......................................................................................... 6 2.2 Data Evaluation ........................................................................................................ 7 2.3 Building Foundation Inspection ............................................................................... 7 2.4 Building Inspection .................................................................................................. 8 3.0 SAMPLING AND ANALSYIS METHODS .................................................................... 10 3.1 Sub-Slab Soil Gas .................................................................................................. 10 3.2 Indoor and Ambient Air Samples .......................................................................... 11 4.0 DOCUMENTATION AND SAMPLE HANDLING PROCEDURES ............................. 13 4 .1 Documentation ....................................................................................................... 13 4.2 Sample Handling Procedures ................................................................................. 14 5.0 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................. 15 APPENDIX A -Analytical Results for Grab Sample of Indoor Air APPENDIX B -Checklists for Building Slab Inspection APPENDIX C -Checklist for Building Inspection APPENDIX D -SOP for Sub-Slab Soil-Gas Sampling 31826291 11 August2008 Vapor Intrusion Work Plan HB Washington, NC Figure 2-1 Table 1-1 Table 1-2 Table 1-3 Table 1-4 Table 2-1 Table 3-1 31826291 LIST OF FIGURES Proposed Sampling Locations ................................................................................. 9 LIST OF TABLES Chemical Usage for 2007 by Current Building Occupant ...................................... 2 Selected Results for Groundwater Monitoring of Unit A ....................................... 3 Target Compounds .................................................................................................. 4 Target Concentrations ............................................................................................. 5 Number of Samples by Type .................................................................................. 6 Summary of Measurement Parameters ................................................................. 11 iii August2008 Vapor Intrusion Work Plan HB Washington, NC ATL bgs coc DCA DCE ERH HB HQ IUR MEK mg/L MIBK NCDENR ORNL OSHA PCE PEL ppb ppm RFC RL SIM TCA TCE TO µg/m3 URS vc voe ZVI 31826291 LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Air Toxics Ltd (analytical laboratory) Below ground surface Chemical of concern Dichloroethane Dichloroethylene Electrical resistance heating Hamilton Beach Brands, Inc. Hazard quotient Inhalation unit risk Methyl ethyl ketone Milligrams per liter Methyl isobutyl ketone North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Oak Ridge National Laboratory Occupational Safety & Health Administration Tetrachloroethy lene Permissible exposure limit Parts per billion Parts per million Reference concentration Reporting Limit Selective ion mode Trichloroethane Trichloroethylene Toxic organic Micrograms per cubic meter URS Corporation Vinyl chloride Volatile organic compound Zero valent iron IV August2008 Vapor Intrusion Work Plan HB Washington, NC 1.0 INTRODUCTION Hamilton Beach Brands, Inc. (HB) has certain responsibilities for the facility located at 234 Springs Road in Washington, North Carolina. Various phases of site investigation and remediation have been completed, including extensive characterization and remediation of soil and groundwater. An indoor air monitoring program was performed in 1998 to evaluate occupational exposures. This Work Plan describes a program to be undertaken by URS Corporation (URS) on behalf of HB to collect additional site characterization data in support of evaluating the potential for vapor intrusion (VI) for various volatile organic compounds (VOCs). 1.1 Site Description The site is an irregularly-shaped parcel of land that is slightly larger than 39 acres in size. The plant building and surrounding grounds occupy about 30 acres. The facility was used to assemble, package, and warehouse small electric household appliances until HB discontinued manufacturing operations in December 1998. The building currently is occupied by another manufacturing company. The chemicals used by the current occupant include hexane, aromatic organic chemicals (i.e., toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes), and a number of oxygen-containing organic chemicals. The approximate annual usage for 2007 for each reported chemical is shown in Table 1-1. Chemicals were initially detected in groundwater at the site in 1992 and various orgamc chemicals have been detected in soil and groundwater during subsequent investigations. The chemicals of concern (COCs) are primarily chlorinated solvents and their degradation products. These occur as a dissolved plume within two hydrostratigraphic units: Unit A - a shallow, unconfined unit comprised of low permeability materials (Unit A), and Unit B -an underlying semi-confined unit comprised of more permeable silty-sand. The depth to groundwater (i.e., Unit A) is typically about 1.5 - 3 m (5 -10 ft.) beneath the building. Unit B, the deeper aquifer, varies from about 5.5 -10.7 m (18 -35 ft.) below ground surface (bgs) in the vicinity of the building. The contamination in Unit A is believed to underlie only the southeast comer of the building. 31826291 1 August2008 Vapor Intrusion Work Plan HB Washington, NC Table 1-1. Chemical Usage for 2007 by Current Building Occupant C"•' ;,'; \ '·'/¥' Compound, , . Appt•~ate Anau~l;iQ~age (lbs)·?·· '", 'i-,/ ,,',;</"' '::/\' . .. :. ,,, ;_,J, y ,,,,, ',/, Toluene 4,700 Ethylbenzene 41 Xylenes 770 Hexane 0 Methyl isobutyl ketone [MIBK] 760 Methyl ethyl ketone [MEK] 5 Methanol 460 Butanol 56 Ethyl acetate 42 Butoxyethyl acetate 0 Steps have been taken to remediate the site. Electrical resistance heating (ERH) was applied between December 2003 and July 2004 to address impacted soil and groundwater in the source area. Following this, subsurface injection of zero valent iron (ZVI) and molasses was conducted from February 10, 2005 to August 12, 2005. Overall, 103 tons of ZVI and approximately 36,000 gallons of feed grade molasses were injected into 1,407 direct push bore holes. A total of 4,645 injections were completed at varying depths throughout the plume. The following data in Table 1-2 illustrate the compounds present and their levels in groundwater beneath this portion of the building. Unit A and an underlying confining layer act as a barrier to vapor transport from the underlying Unit B. Therefore, although the contamination levels in Unit B underlie a much larger fraction of the building footprint, it is the VOCs in Unit A that are of interest for vapor intrusion. 31826291 2 August2008 Vapor Intrusion Work Plan HB Washington, NC Table 1-2. Selected Results for Groundwater Monitoring of Unit A I<·,.<'\ " Shallow Groundwater Concentration (mg/L) on 4-24-07 I• Compound '.<,~~·st:·, " ERH-2. ERH-3 > ~:,,v.'!'2t':,~·:; Trichloroethylene (TCE) 0.073 0.023 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene (DCE) 14.0 11.5 1, 1-Dichloroethylene (DCE) 16.7 13.4 1, 1-Dichloroethane (DCA) 1.7 0.93 Vinyl Chloride (VC) 0.39 0.92 Toluene 0.33 0.032 1.2 Objectives The overall goal of the effort is to evaluate the potential for vapor intrusion at the existing building. To accomplish this, sub-slab soil gas and indoor air data will be collected within the building. In addition, the building slab/floor will be inspected to identify potential preferential pathways. The data will be used as input to evaluations of VI and will support decisions as to whether mitigation measures are warranted to address this pathway. Depending on the results that are obtained, additional site characterization data may be necessary or helpful to support decision- making. 1.3 Target Compounds The primary constituents of interest at this site are chlorinated solvents. Given the surbsurface investigations that have already been performed, the samples will be analyzed for a relatively short list of specific target analytes (see Table 1-3). Other compounds may be present in the subsurface, but they do not represent a vapor intrusion concern given their physical properties, expected low concentrations in shallow groundwater, etc. A grab sample of indoor air was collected within the building on May 15, 2008 to better understand what analytical sensitivity can be achieved given the solvent use within the building. The results for this indoor air sample are given as Appendix A. Toluene was detected in the grab 31826291 3 August2008 Vapor Intrusion Work Plan HB Washington, NC concentration (RFC) values given on the ORNL website. The target concentrations are the lower of the lE-05 cancer risk or the hazard quotient (HQ) of 1 for non-cancer effects. For any compound with an IUR value, the lower of the two choices proved to be the cancer risk. The selected risk level of lE-05 is in the middle of the typical risk management range of lE-04 to lE- 06. These concentrations are above what is expected to be found in typical indoor air (Hodgson and Levin, 2003). Table 1-4. Target Concentrations ··. .,~~;~r;;;,;7)~~ ~:~ .. ,:;; :·,,,,,,·,..f!r0 Target .·''" 1u1t. RFCi Compound (µg/m3)-1 (mg/m3) Concentraticm /" ~m3) ··:, Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) 5.9E-06 2.7E-01 21 Trichloroethylene (TCE) 2.0E-06 6.0E-01 61 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene (DCE) ----260a trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene (DCE) --6.0E-02 260 1,2-Dichloroethane (EDC) 2.6E-05 2.4E+OO 4.7 1, 1-Dichloroethylene (DCE) --2.0E-01 880 1, 1-Dichloroethane (DCA) 1.6E-06 5.0E-01 77 1, 1, I-Trichloroethane 5.0E+OO 22,000 (1,1,1-TCA) -- 1, 1,2-Trichloroethane l.6E-05 7.7 (1,1,2-TCA) -- Vinyl Chloride (VC) 4.4E-06 1.0E-01 28 a -Assumed value based on value for trans-1,2-DCE 31826291 5 August2008 Vapor Intrusion Work Plan HB Washington, NC 2.0 SAMPLING STRATEGY The number, type, and general location of samples to be collected are described below, followed by a short discussion of how the data will be used and a description of how the building slab/floor will be inspected to identify potential preferential pathways. 2.1 Samples to Be Collected The general strategy is to collect sub-slab soil-gas, indoor air, and ambient air samples simultaneously on one day so that the data are directly comparable. The total number of regular samples is as shown in Table 2-1 (additional quality control samples also may be collected). Table 2-1. Number of Samples by Type Activity :" ·. ·. : . Number of Locations Sub-Slab Soil-Gas Samples 4 Indoor Air Samples 4 Ambient Air Samples 1 The approximately sampling locations are shown in Figure 2-1 and described below. Final sampling locations will be selected in the field and will take into account any logistical considerations. Soil gas -Samples will be collected directly beneath the slab at four locations. Two locations will be at or near the southeastern comer of the building where the underlying shallow groundwater in Unit A shows some contamination. A third sample will be collected in the central portion of the building that overlies deep groundwater contamination in Unit B. A fourth sample will be collected at a location that is roughly at the center of the building to measure the soil gas levels at an area without subsurface contamination. Real-time analyzers will be used to measure total hydrocarbons, methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (C02), and oxygen (02). One sample from each location will be submitted for off-site analysis of speciated voes. Indoor Air -Eight-hour samples will be collected at four locations within the building. One location will be near the southeastern comer of the building where the underlying shallow groundwater in Unit A shows some contamination. The other samples will be placed in large open spaces and/or where workers spend a significant amount of time. Two of these samples 31826291 6 August2008 Vapor Intrusion Work Plan HB Washington, NC will be collected in a portion of the building that overlies deep groundwater contamination in UnitB Ambient (Outdoor) Air -One eight-hour sample will be collected immediately upwind of the building. 2.2 Data Evaluation The results of the indoor air and ambient air samples will be compared to determine the likely contribution of ambient air to the measured indoor air concentrations. In addition, the results of the indoor air and soil-gas samples will be compared and attenuation factors (i.e., a values) will be calculated. The attenuation factor is a concentration ratio (US EPA, 2002): Uss = Cindoor / Csub-slab (Eq .. 2-1) where: Uss Cindoor = Csub-slab= Attenuation factor based on sub-slab soil-gas concentrations (unitless); Average concentration in indoor air (µg/m3); and Concentration in sub-slab soil gas (µg/m3). If the attenuation factor for a given compound is in the 0.1 to 10 range, it is likely that the source of the compound in the soil gas is due to migration of indoor air into the slab. Buildings "breathe" and air can move both from the soil into the building and the opposite direction, from the building into the soil (McHugh, et al., 2006). If the attenuation factor is ::S0.01, vapor intrusion is a likely source of the compound in indoor air. 2.3 Building Foundation Inspection Building foundations are expected to function adequately for many years with minimal care. There is not an industry standard for inspecting and maintaining building foundations that is widely used. In most cases, building foundations are not routinely maintained beyond sealing or painting the indoor surface for moisture control and aesthetic reasons. If damage is noted, the building owner may opt for repairs if the cost is not prohibitive. Various checklists exist for building and slab inspection, but most are not very detailed. The Foundation Performance Association (FPA), a Houston area entity, has prepared a document titled, "Foundation Maintenance and Inspection Guide for Residential and Other Low-Rise 31826291 7 August 2008 Vapor Intrusion Work Plan HB Washington, NC Buildings" dated March 2003.1 The 14-page document includes simple checklists for building exterior surveys and regular maintenance and for regulator maintenance at building interiors. The maintenance lists are a series of checks to be performed organized into the following categories: cracks & separation, drainage, vegetation, water leaks, and miscellaneous. No specific actions beyond the checks are specified. These checklists were designed for residential buildings, but can be applied to other types of buildings as well. The checklists shown in Appendix B will be used as part of the building inspection performed by URS. 2.4 Building Inspection A building inspection will be performed using the generic form given as Appendix C to this document. Any possible indoor sources of chlorinated VOCs will be identified and, if possible, removed from the building at least 24 hours prior to the start of indoor air sampling. The inspection also will document the design and operation of the HV AC system at the building. Any exhaust fans or other systems that may affect the differential pressure across the building slab also will be noted. 1 http://www.foundationperformance.org/Projects/FP A-SC-07-0.pdf 31826291 8 August2008 Vapor Intrusion Work Plan HB Washington, NC 3.0 SAMPLING AND ANALSYIS METHODS Information is given below for sampling and analysis methods to be employed for the sub-slab soil gas and indoor air samples. 3.1 Sub-Slab Soil Gas Sub-slab soil-gas samples will be collected by drilling through the floor and collecting soil gas from immediately beneath the concrete slab. The sub-slab soil-gas probes will consist of a 114 in. (0.64 cm) swagelok union connected to a 4 in. (10 cm) length of stainless steel tubing that extended to near the bottom of the slab A 2 in. (5 cm) deep starter hole will be drilled using a hammer drill and a 7/8 in. (2.2 cm) bit. The hole will be continued down through the slab using a 5/16 in. (0.79 cm) bit. The probes will be sealed using quick-dry, expanding cement or an equivalent material. The probes will be left in place for a minimum of 30 minutes and lines purged of three void volumes before the start of sample collection. A 2 ft (0.6m) length of polyethylene of tubing will be used to connect the canister to the sub-slab probe. The sampling procedures will be consistent with the guidance given in the SOP included as Appendix D to this work plan. Both real-time and off-site analyses will be employed, as shown in Table 3-1. All samples for off-site analysis will be two-hour time-integrated samples collected in 6-L evacuated, stainless- steel canisters (i.e., the sampling rate will be slightly less than 50 ml/min). Differential pressure measurements will be made at each soil-gas sampling location using a Dwyer magnehelic gauge (http://www.dwyer-inst.com) capable of reading to the nearest 0.005 in. H20 (1 Pa) or an equivalent device. A minimum of four ( 4) hourly readings will be collected hourly on the day that sub-slab samples are collected. In addition, ambient barometric pressure data will be obtained for the two-week period surrounding the sampling effort. A vacuum leak check will be performed at every location to ensure that the lines & fittings are leak-tight. In addition, tracer leak tests will be performed at each sampling locations as a further check. Leakage of ambient air into sub-slab soil gas sampling probes is a potential issue. Samples will be analyzed by EPA Method T0-15 (US EPA, 1999) in selective ion mode (SIM). This is the most sensitive analytical option that is commercially available. The analyses will be performed by Air Toxics Ltd. (ATL) or an equivalent certified analytical laboratory. All canisters will be certified clean by the laboratory prior to use (as opposed to batch blanking). 31826291 10 August2008 Vapor Intrusion Work Plan HB Washington, NC This will be done in lieu of including a field blank (field blanks are not very meaningful for this sampling and analysis approach). The laboratory has indicated they can achieve the analytical sensitivity shown in Appendix A for the grab sample and may be able to improve these values by a factor or 5x or 1 Ox by increasing the sample mass they load onto their system. This should be adequate for comparing the indoor air results to the target concentrations shown in Table 1-4 and will exceed what is required for evaluating the soil gas results. Table 3-1. Summary of Measurement Parameters ' '.: ,,,, Measurement Fre~ncy Sampling Ana~Jeal Method~:,;, parameter Method ' ',<"':!' 2 '' ,, ;><):,'<' Off-Site voes Every Canister US EPA Method T0-15 location On-Site Every Photo-ionization Detector Total Non-Methane Portable analyzer (PID) Hydrocarbons location Fixed Gases Every Portable analyzer Infrared (IR) Detector (02, CH4, C02) location Helium (Tracer Gas) Every Portable analyzer Thermal Conductivity location Detector (TCD) 3.2 Indoor and Ambient Air Samples Evacuated stainless-steel canisters will be used for sample collection. Prior to sampling, each canister will be evacuated to approximately -29" Hg by the subcontract laboratory. The system will consist of a canister and a Veriflo® vacuum regulator or equivalent device. This system will meet the basic requirement contained in EPA Compendium Method T0-15. The samplers will be turned on and off manually on an approximately 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. schedule. The sample is drawn into the canister via the vacuum inside the canister. The sampling rate will be set to fill the canister at a rate of approximately 10 mls/min. This flow rate will collect approximately 4.8 liters of sample during the 8-hour sampling period and leave a small, residual vacuum (e.g., 6 -8 "Hg) inside the canister. Vacuums below this threshold tend to produce non- 31826291 11 August2008 Vapor Intrusion Work Plan HB Washington, NC linear flow rates, and consequently the sample collected after his vacuum is obtained will not be uniform. One co located (duplicate) sample will be collected of the indoor air to evaluate precision (i.e., variability due to sampling). Indoor air samples will be collected at breathing zone height: 1.5 m above floor level. The sampling location will be free of nearby obstructions and allow free airflow to the extent feasible. The building operations will not be changed for purposes of the sampling (e.g., the HV AC system will not be turned on or off on account of the sample collection). External building doors and windows will be kept closed during sampling to the extent feasible. One ambient (outdoor) air sample will be collected at breathing zone height just outside the building, concurrent with the indoor air samples. Considerations for collection of the ambient air samples include: 31826291 • Canisters will be sited so there is unobstructed air flow around the sampler; and • The "upwind" or background sample will be sited to ensure that local conditions (i.e., specific emission sources) do not impact the background. 12 August2008 Vapor Intrusion Work Plan HB Washington, NC 4.0 DOCUMENTATION AND SAMPLE HANDLING PROCEDURES The documentation (record keeping) and sample handling procedures that will be employed are described below. 4.1 Documentation Thorough documentation of project activities will be conducted during this monitoring effort. Three main areas of documentation are field operation, laboratory, and data management records. Field operation records include field logbooks, sample COC forms, operator checklists, and maintenance logbooks. These records will be transmitted from the field to the Project Manager at least monthly either as hard copy or electronic files via e-mail. The laboratory will maintain records for the various aspects of the T0-15 analyses. This will include sample custody, raw data from the analysis, Quality Control (QC) check of data, analysis reports, and electronic data files. Under normal circumstances, these data will be maintained and archived by the laboratory and will normally not be transmitted as part of the data submittal. These data are available and may be reviewed if there are any anomalies with the data. The laboratory is responsible for maintaining these analytical records and transmitting the analytical results to the Project Manager, or their designate, as hard copy and electronic files (i.e., Excel spreadsheets) for loading to the project database. At a minimum, EPA Level II data packages will be requested from the laboratory. For all documentation in written form, black indelible ink will be used with any hand corrections being made by a single line through the incorrect entry with the author's initials immediately following the correction. All work performed during the data collection, review, and validation process will be traceable to the author. All data products will have the ability to be reversed to their original result if required. Any corrective actions, whether taken in the field, laboratory, or data management center, must be documented. Corrective action may be taken in response to an audit finding, QC check that does not meet specifications, or any other obvious malfunction in hardware or software. Documentation of any corrective action should show the nature of the deficiency, actions taken, and evidence gathered to verify resolution of the deficiency. Corrective actions may be documented as: 31826291 13 August2008 Vapor Intrusion Work Plan HB Washington, NC • Field calibration or trip report forms; • Laboratory narratives accompanying the analytical data; • Instructions or notes included in the original data validation package; or • Project e-mails copied to the project staff impacted by the situation (with a copy always to the Project Manager). The validated data generated for this project will be stored electronically in a database until released by mutual agreement between URS and the client. Written records will be maintained for a minimum of five years after the conclusion of the monitoring program. 4.2 Sample Handling Procedures Field operation records include sampling data sheets, sample chain-of-custody (COC) records, and portable monitor calibration data sheets. All field operation records are to be transmitted at least monthly to the Project Manager. The COC forms are returned with the samples to the subcontract laboratory with copies of these records being forwarded by the laboratory to the Project Manager with the hard copy report of analysis results. Identification for the samples follows the protocols listed below: Where: HB-xx-01-MMDDYY-R-001 HB xx 01 MMDDYY R 001 Identifies the project as Hamilton Beach Identifies the sample type as sub-slab, indoor air, or ambient air (SS or IA or AA) Identifies the site location (01 through 04) Month, Day, Year Sample type-R for routine, D for duplicate, B for blank Sequential sample number starting at 1 and continuing through the project. The COC form must be filled out for all samples in the shipment with the top copy of the three- part form included with the sample, while the other (e.g., pink and yellow) copies are archived on site. The preferred method of shipment is via FedEx standard overnight service to ensure proper integrity of the media. 31826291 14 August2008 Vapor Intrusion Work Plan HB Washington, NC 5.0 REFERENCES Hodgson, A.T. and H. Levin. Volatile Organic Compounds in Indoor Air: A Review of Concentrations Measured in North America Since 1990. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA. LBNL-51715. April 21, 2003. McHugh, T.E., P.C. DeBlanc, and R.J. Pokuda. Indoor Air as a Source of VOC Contamination in Shallow Soils Below Buildings. Soil & Sediment Contamination, 15, pp103-122. 2006. U.S. EPA. Compendium Method T0-15, Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in Air Collected in Specially-Prepared Canisters and Analyzed by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS). In: Compendium of Methods for the Determination of Toxic Organic Compounds in Ambient Air, 2nd Edition. EP A/625/R- 96-01 Ob. January 1999. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Draft Guidance for Evaluating the Vapor Intrusion to Indoor Air Pathway from Groundwater and Soils (Subsurface Vapor Intrusion Guidance)," Federal Register, 67, Number 230, pp. 71169-71172, November 29, 2002. 31826291 15 August2008 APPENDIX A ANALAYTICAL RESULTS FOR GRAB SAMPLE OF INDOOR AIR MAir BToxics 1ro. AN ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYTICAL LABORATORY Air Toxics Ltd. Introduces the Electronic Report Thank you for choosing Air Toxics Ltd. To better serve our customers, we are providing your report by e-mail. This document is provided in Portable Document Format which can be viewed with Acrobat Reader by Adobe. This electronic report includes the following: • Work order Summary; • Laboratory Narrative; • Results; and • Chain of Custody (copy). 180 BLUE RAVINE ROAD, SUITE B FOLSOM, CA-95630 (916) 985-1000 .FAX (916) 985-1020 Hours 8:00 A.M to 6:00 P.M. Pacific WjAir MToxics LTD. AN ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYTICAL LABORATORY LABORATORY NARRATIVE Modified T0-15 SIM URS Corporation Workorder# 0805367 One 6 Liter Summa Canister (SIM Certified) sample was received on May 16, 2008. The laboratory performed analysis via modified EPA Method T0-15 using GC/MS in the SIM acquisition mode. The method involves concentrating up to 0.5 liters of air. The concentrated aliquot is then flash vaporized and swept through a water management system to remove water vapor. Following dehumidification, the sample passes directly into the GC/MS for analysis. This workorder was independently validated prior to submittal using 'USEPA National Functional Guidelines' as generally applied to the analysis of volatile organic compounds in air. A rules-based, logic driven, independent validation engine was employed to assess completeness, evaluate pass/fail of relevant project quality control requirements and verification of all quantified amounts. Method modifications taken to run these samples are summarized in the table below. Specific project requirements may over-ride the A TL modifications. Requirement T0-15 ICAL %RSD acceptance criteria </=30% RSD with 2 compounds allowed out to<40%RSD Daily Calibration +-30% Difference Blank and standards Zero air Method Detection Limit Follow 40CFR Pt.136 App.B Receiving Notes There were no receiving discrepancies. Analytical Notes ATL Modifications Project specific; default criteria is </=30% RSD with 10% of compounds allowed out to < 40% RSD Project specific; default criteria is </= 30% Difference with 10% of compounds allowed out up to </=40%.; flag and narrate outliers Nitrogen The MDL met all relevant requirements in Method T0-15 (statistical MDL less than the LOQ). The concentration of the spiked replicate may have exceeded 1 OX the calculated MDL in some cases As per project specific client request the laboratory has reported estimated values for target compound hits that are below the Reporting Limit but greater than the Method Detection Limit. Concentrations that are below the level at which the canister was certified (0.2 ppbv for compounds reported at 0.5 ppbv and 0.8 ppbv for compounds reported at 2.0 ppbv) may be false positives. Definition of Data Qualifying Flags Eight qualifiers may have been used on the data analysis sheets and indicates as follows: Page 2 of9 BAir HToxics LTD. AN ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYTICAL LABORATORY B -Compound present in laboratory blank greater than reporting limit (background subtraction not performed). J -Estimated value. E -Exceeds instrument calibration range. S -Saturated peak. Q -Exceeds quality control limits. U -Compound analyzed for but not detected above the reporting limit. UJ-Non-detected compound associated with low bias in the CCV N -The identification is based on presumptive evidence. File extensions may have been used on the data analysis sheets and indicates as follows: a-File was requantified b-File was quantified by a second column and detector rl-File was requantified for the purpose of reissue Page 3 of9 •Air MToxics LTD. AN ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYTICAL LABORATORY Summary of Detected Compounds MODIFIED EPA METHOD T0-15 GC/MS SIM Client Sample ID: HBB Washington-Grab Lab ID#: 0805367-0lA Rpt. Limit Amount Rpt. Limit Compound (ppbv) (ppbv) (uG/m3) 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane 5.3 0.73 J 29 Toluene 5.3 2600 20 Ethyl Benzene 5.3 94 23 m,p-Xylene 10 240 46 o-Xylene 5.3 29 23 Client Sample ID: HBB Washington-Grab Lab Duplicate Lab ID#: 0805367-0lAA Rpt. Limit Amount Rpt. Limit Compound (ppbv) (ppbv) (uG/m3) 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane 5.3 0.72 J 29 Toluene 5.3 2500 20 Ethyl Benzene 5.3 95 23 m,p-Xylene 10 240 46 o-Xylene 5.3 30 23 Page 4 of 9 Amount (uG/m3) 4.0J 9600 410 1000 130 Amount· (uG/m3) 3.9 J 9600 410 1100 130 APPENDIXB CHECKLISTS FOR INSPECTION OF BUILDING SLAB FPA~7-0 Issued for Website Publishing Foundation Maintenance and Inspection Gulde for Residential and Other Low-Rise Buildings Foundation Perfonnance Association • Structural Committee 25 March 2003 Page11 of14 APPENDIX A -INITIAL EXTERIOR SURVEY Date Category Items to Check (at the time of purchase or move-in) ..j Check that there are no cracks or separations in the walls ifthe structure is new. Cracks & Check that the observed cracks or separations are no more than hairline ifthe Separations structure is used and is less than 10 years old. Check that the observed wall cracks or separations are no more than 1/8" wide if the structure is more than 10 years old. Check that vertical expansion joints in brick are uniform in width. Check that water does not pool near the foundation after a heavy rain. If it does, bring in fill and re-grade or add an underground drainage system with area drains. Check that the grade slopes away from the foundation at least 1 inch vertical per foot horizontally for the first 5 feet all around the perimeter (may be less where paving occurs). If necessary, revise the grade with sandy clay (not sand alone) fill or add underground drainage. Check that where paving occurs near the structure, that it positively drains Drainage away from the foundation. If not, add underground drainage with area drains or re-pave. Check that downspouts and gutters are clean and water from downspouts is directed away from the foundation. Check that gutters and downspouts exist and that downspouts are tied directly into an underground drainage system or at least have aboveground extensions (e.g. flexible plastic pipe or long concrete splash block) to carry the water at least five to ten feet away from the building before it is allowed to run onto the soil. (Does not apply if the soil is known to be predominately non- expansive.) Check that there is no broadleaftree (e.g., oak, ash, tallow, pecan, hackberry, etc.) closer to the foundation than a distance equal to the height of the tree, even ifthe tree is on an adjacent property. (Does not apply ifthe soil is known to be predominately non-expansive.) Check that there is no conifer tree (e.g., pine) closer to the foundation than a Vegetation distance equal to the radius of its canopy, even ifthe tree is on an adjacent property. (Does not apply ifthe soil is known to be predominately non- expansive.) Check that there are no trees of any kind and no large shrubs growing next to the foundation. (Does not apply if the soil is known to be predominately non- expansive.) Check that there are no leaks near the foundation, such as a faucet drip or a condensate drip from an air conditioning unit. If found, repair as needed. Check that the automatic sprinkler system (if applicable) is properly Water Leaks functioning. Change settings as required to keep watering uniform but to a minimum (as needed to support the vegetation), particularly around the foundation. Set the cycle times to purposely water trees away from the structure in an effort to establish their roots away from the foundation. Check that swimming pools, ponds, and fountains hold water without leaking. FPA-SC-07-0 Issued for Website Publishing Foundation Maintenance and Inspection Guide for Residential and Other Low-Rise Buildings Foundation Performance Association • Structural Committee 25 Man:h 2003 Page 12of14 APPENDIX B · INITIAL INTERIOR SURVEY Date Category Items to Check (at the time of purchase or move-in) ../ Check that there are no cracks or separations in the coverings for the walls, Cracks& ceilin12;s, or floors ifthe structure is new. Separations Check that the observed cracks or separations in the coverings for the walls, ceilings, or floors are no more than hairline if the structure is used, but is less than 10 years old. Water Leaks Check that all plumbing works properly, and that there is no stoppage or leaks. If a problem is found, repair as needed. Check that each door hangs properly, i.e., it does not stick, swing open, or shut on its own, and that there is no appreciable gap between the top of the door and its doorframe header above. Miscellaneous Check that there are no uncomfortable floor slopes, easily noticed by walking each room. Check that wood rafters (where applicable) in the attic are not pulled away from ridge members. Check that there is no evidence of past drywall or other architectural repairs. FPA-SC-07-0 Issued for Website Publishing Foundation Maintenance and Inspection Gulde for Residential and Other Low-Rise Buildings Foundation Performance Association • Structural Committee 25 March 2003 Page 13of14 APPENDIX C -REGULAR EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE Date Category Items to Check (at six-month intervals) ..J Check for new or changed cracks or separations in the walls. If some have Cracks& developed, do not repair them without first having a forensic engineer or a Separations forensic consultant investigate the cause of the distress. Check that masonry expansion joints are of uniform width top to bottom and the mortar joints are aligned. Check that water does not pool near the foundation after a heavy rain. If found, correct the grade slope or add underground drainage. Check the automatic sprinkler system (if applicable) for proper settings to give the site vegetation sufficient moisture to keep it from wilting, but without over-watering it. As part of the check, look inside each underground valve box and in the main water meter valve box to make sure they are dry. If the valves are submerged, suspect over-watering and stop watering in those zones Drainage until they are again drv or until the vegetation begins to wilt. Check that patios and flatwork around the structure are providing positive drainage away from the foundation. Check that fences, flowerbeds, or edging are not blocking drainage. Check that downspouts and gutters are clean, and water from downspouts is directed away from the foundation. Check for clogs or leaks in any existing downspout extensions, area drains, or underground drainage pipes, and clean and repair as required. Check that there is no broadleaftree (e.g., oak, ash, tallow, pecan, and hackberry, etc.) closer to the foundation a distance equal to the height of the tree, even if the tree is on an adjacent property. If such is the case, begin a pruning program to keep the tree's canopy at that size for the rest of its life. A reasonable pruning interval would be every 2 - 3 years. (Does not apply if the soil is known to be predominately non-expansive.) Check that there is no conifer tree (e.g., pine) closer to the foundation a distance equal to the radius of its canopy, even ifthe tree is on the adjacent Vegetation property. If such is the case, begin a pruning program to keep the tree's canopy at that size for the rest of its life. A reasonable pruning interval would be every 2-3 years. (Does not apply if the soil is known to be predominately non-expansive.) Check that there is no new tree of any kind coming up next to the foundation. If found, remove it. Check that there are no shrubs next to the foundation that have grown to the point where they approach a one story roof in height. If found, cut them back to window height or replace them with a smaller variety. (Does not apply if the soil is known to be predominately non-expansive.) Check that no leaks have developed near the foundation, such as a faucet drip or a condensate drip from an air conditioning unit, particularly from its emergency overflow pipe. If found, repair as needed. Check that the underground drainage system (if applicable) is properly Water Leaks functioning. Ifit does not drain freely, investigate and clean as needed to achieve normal flow. Check that swimming pools, ponds, fountains, etc. are holding water without leaking. If suspected of losing water below grade, have a pool-leak-detection company investigate, isolate, and repair the leak. FPA-SC-07-0 Issued for Website Publishing Foundation Maintenance and Inspection Gulde for Residential and Other Low-Rise Buildings Foundation Perfonnance Association • Structural Committee 25 March 2003 Page 14of14 APPENDIX D -REGULAR INTERIOR MAINTENANCE Date Category Items to Check {at six-month intervals} ..J Cracks& Check that there are no new or changed cracks or separations in the coverings Separations for the walls, ceilings, or floors. Water Leaks Check that all plumbing works properly, and that there is no stoppage or , leaks. If found, repair as needed. Check that there are no uncomfortable floor slopes by walking each room. If the maintainer is the tenant, perhaps ask someone else to check this, as it is easy to become accustomed to slopes that have 1Zraduallv chan2ed over time. Check that wood rafters (where applicable) in the attic are not pulled away Miscellaneous from ridJi;e members. Check that each door hangs properly (or as it did before), i.e., it does not stick, or swing open, or shut on its own, and there is no appreciable gap between the top of the door and its doorframe header above. Check interior countertops for levelness, and check cabinet doors and drawers for Proper operation. APPENDIXC BUILDING INSPECTION FORM Is there a whole house fan? Septic system? Irrigation/private well? Yes I No Yes I Yes (but not used) I No Yes I Yes (but not used) I No Type of ground cover outside of building: grass I concrete I asphalt I other (specify) _____ _ Existing subsurface depressurization (radon) system in place? Yes I No active I passive Sub-slab vapor/moisture barrier in place? Yes I No Type of barrier: ____________ _ Part III -Outside Contaminant Sources NJDEP contaminated site (1000-ft. radius): ____________________ _ Other stationary sources nearby (gas stations, emission stacks, etc.): ____________ _ Heavy vehicular traffic nearby (or other mobile sources): Part IV -Indoor Contaminant Sources Identify all potential indoor sources found in the building (including attached garages), the location of the source (floor and room), and whether the item was removed from the building 48 hours prior to indoor air sampling event. Any ventilation implemented after removal of the items should be completed at least 24 hours prior to the commencement of the indoor air sampling event. Potential Sources Location(s) Removed (Yes/No/NA) Gasoline storage cans Gas-powered equipment Kerosene storage cans Paints I thinners I strippers Cleaning solvents Oven cleaners Carpet I upholstery cleaners Other house cleaning products Moth balls Polishes I waxes Insecticides Furniture I floor polish Nail polish I polish remover Hairspray Cologne I perfume Air fresheners Fuel tank (inside building) NA Wood stove or fireplace NA New furniture I upholstery New carpeting I flooring NA Hobbies -glues, paints, etc. 1-2 Part V -Miscellaneous Items Do any occupants of the building smoke? Yes I No How often? _____ _ Last time someone smoked in the building? hours I days ago Does the building have an attached garage directly connected to living space? Yes I No If so, is a car usually parked in the garage? Yes I No Are gas-powered equipment or cans of gasoline/fuels stored in the garage? Yes I No Do the occupants of the building have their clothes dry cleaned? Yes I No If yes, how often? weekly I monthly I 3-4 times a year Do any of the occupants use solvents in work? Yes I No If yes, what types of solvents are used? ------------------~ If yes, are their clothes washed at work? Yes I No Have any pesticides/herbicides been applied around the building or in the yard? Yes I No If so, when and which chemicals? _____________________ _ Has there ever been a fire in the building? Yes I No Ifyes, when? _____ _ Has painting or staining been done in the building in the last 6 months? Yes I No If yes, when _______ _ and where? ___________ _ Part VI -Sampling Information Sample Technician: ____________ Phone number: ( ) __ Sample Source: Indoor Air I Sub-Slab I Near Slab Soil Gas I Exterior Soil Gas Sampler Type: Tedlar bag I Sorbent I Stainless Steel Canister I Other (specify): ______ _ Analytical Method: T0-15 I T0-17 I other: Cert. Laboratory: ______ _ Sample locations (floor, room): Field ID# Field ID# Were "Instructions for Occupants" followed? If not, describe modifications: Field ID# Field ID# Yes I No 1-3 Provide Drawing of Sample Location(s) in Building Part VII -Meteorological Conditions Yes I No Was there significant precipitation within 12 hours prior to (or during) the sampling event? Describe the general weather conditions: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Part VIII -General Observations Provide any information that may be pertinent to the sampling event and may assist in the data interpretation process. (NJDEP 1997; NHDES 1998; VDOH 1993; MassDEP 2002; NYSDOH 2005; CalEPA 2005) I-4 APPENDIXD SOP FOR SUB-SLAB SOIL-GAS SAMPLING URS Sub-Slab Sampling Protocol Prepared by: Bart Eklund (URS-Austin) Revised July 17, 2006 To evaluate vapor intrusion for a given building, sub-slab soil gas samples often are collected. This protocol provides information to assist URS staff in collecting sub-slab soil-gas samples. This protocol contains certain improvements to the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) released by the US EPA and used by many state regulatory agencies. A. Guidance Documents 1. Obtain a copy of the current US EPA Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). This currently is: DiGiulio, D. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Installation of Sub- Slab Vapor Probes and Sampling Using EPA Method T0-15 to Support Vapor Intrusion Investigations-Draft. US EPA, Ada, OK. Undated [Released February 2004] 2. Obtain a copy of the relevant state guidance document, if one exists. B. Sampling Locations 3. Collect a minimum of one sub-slab soil-gas sample per building of interest. A rough guideline for larger buildings is one sample per 2,000 ft2 (186 m2) of building footprint. 4. Select a sampling location over the area of highest subsurface contamination, if known. If this information is not available, select a sampling location near the center of the building slab. Select an area where visible damage to the floor will be minimized. A void areas with tile or wood floors. C. Sampling Probe 5. Construct a sampling probe using a W' swagelok union connected to a short length of stainless steel tubing. Select a length of stainless steel tubing so that the bottom of the probe is close to the bottom of the slab (typically a 4" probe for a 6" slab). Note: Stainless steel tubing can be obtained from Swagelok (e.g., Swagelok 6L-T4-S-035-20, in 20 ft lengths at $4.51/ft). If possible, pre-cut the tubing before deploying to the field and bring a variety oflengths (e.g., 4", 6", and 12"). 6. Attach a 2 ft. length of Teflon or polyethylene tubing to the other end of the union. Put a 114 nut at the end of the tubing and use a plug (what Swagelok calls a cap) to seal the system and prevent air flow in or out of the sub slab while the probe sits idle. D. Installation of the Sampling Probe 7. Drill down about 2 inches using a large drill bit (e.g., 7/8"). Clean out the dust using a shop vac or a whisk broom (do not use a shopvac to clean out the dust from drilling ifthe hole extends all the way through the slab). 8. Continue drilling down using a 5/16" drill bit to below the slab. Use the drill bit to measure the thickness of the slab. Record this value in the field notebook. Note: If the slab is very thick (e.g., 18"), the 5/16" drill bit may not be long enough to reach the bottom of the slab. In this case, use a larger, longer drill bit for the entire length of the slab. 9. When installing the probe, first put a few inches of driller's sand at the bottom of the hole so that the grout will sit on top of the sand and not go all the way to the bottom of the hole and plug the probe inlet. 10. Install the probe into the hole, with the tubing already attached. Use the tubing to hold the union at the correct height in the hole Gust below the top). Mix Portland cement and water is a ziplok bag. Cut a hole in one comer of the bag and use it like a pastry chefs bag to grout the probe in place. Use a small rod to push/tap in the grout. Leave the top 1/2" of so of the hole unfilled. 11. Allow the probe to sit in place for at least one hour to allow the cement to set. If possible, install the probe one day and allow it to sit overnight. E. Sample Collection 12. First, remove the plug from the end of 1/4 line and attach a 0 to 0.25" Magnahelic or other device for reading differential pressure. Get a reading, noting whether the flow is in or out of the building. 13. Attach a Nalgene hand pump with 15 mL stroke volume and built-in vacuum gauge. Two to three strokes should purge out the system. There should not be much vacuum build up on the gauge during purging if the sub-slab material is dry and porous. Note: If the sampling point will hold a 15"Hg vacuum for 5 minutes, the sampling location is not suitable for canister sampling. Unplug the probe by inserting a wire the length of the probe or by forcing air into the probe. If this does not work, install a sampling probe at another location. 14. After purging, take any desired readings using portable gas analyzers. No readings are required, but data for oxygen, carbon dioxide, and/or hydrocarbons may be useful. Note: Leave the analyzer connected to the probe for only as long as it takes to get a stable reading. The internal pump of the analyzer will continue to purge the sampling system as long as it is connected. 15. Attach the canister and flow controller to the line using swagelok fittings. Open the canister valve. Collect a time-integrated sample (e.g., 2 hour). 16. After the sample is collected, close the canister valve. Remove the W' line from the canister. F. Seal the Sampling Probe 17. If the probe will be reused, remove the W' line from the union and put a cap (what Swagelok calls a plug) onto the top of the union to seal the probe until the next use. The cap should be flush or a little below the level of the floor. 18. Discard the W' line and the Swagelok ferrules; the nuts can be reused (you may need to wash off grout stuck to the outside of the nuts). 19. If the probe will not be re-used, attempt to pull the probe from the floor using the attached W' line. If the probe cannot be removed, leave it in place and put a cap onto the top of the union to seal the probe. Fill in the hole. Mix Portland cement and water is a ziplok bag. Cut a hole in one comer of the bag and use it like a pastry chefs bag to fill the hole until it is flush with the remainder of the slab.