HomeMy WebLinkAboutCenco_FILE DOCKET 1990-OCRMr. Robert Glaser, P.G., Hydrogeologist January 17, 1991 Page 2 The practical effect of pumping the production well is to create a hydraulic gradient away from the lagoons, and toward the production well. Shutting off the production well allows the ground water flow direction to return to its natural, generally southwest trend. After Westinghouse Remediation Services, Inc. completes the lagoon remediation, CTI will shut off its production well, and Westinghouse will shut off its well point withdrawal system, both of which will allow the non-pumping condition to be the ground water flow pattern. The non-pumping ground water flow condition is shown in Figure 1, a ground water flow map for September 17, 1991. (Historical ground water elevation data is presented in Table 2.) As shown on Figure 1, two ground water flow regimes (east and west) are present at the site. The direction of ground water flow in the eastern flow regime is to the southwest. For this reason, wells MW-6, MW-7, and MW-8 are hydraulically upgradient of the lagoons. Also under the non-pumping flow condition, wells MW-11, MW-13, and MW-16 are hydraulically downgradient of the lagoons. In addition to the horizontal flow direction data, vertical flow data also supports the designation of wells MW-11, MW13, and MW-16 as downgradient wells. Figure 2, a hydrogeologic cross-section, presents evidence of "underflow," or upward potential for ground water flow. Ground water is at a higher elevation in the deeper well at each well nest (i.e., the ground water elevations in MW-12 and MW-16 are higher than the elevations in MW-11 and MW-13, respectively). The higher ground water elevations in the deeper wells indicates upward flow potential. The underflow is discharge of bedrock ground water to the stream south of lagoon 2. An arrow representing underflow would be directed out of the page, toward the viewer of the cross-section. Results of September 1991 Ground Water Sampling Ground water quality data for November 1989 through September 1991 are presented in Table 1. The wells sampled in the September 1991 round were MW-1, MW-2, MW-6, MW- 7, MW-8, MW-9, MW-10, MW-11, MW-13, and MW-16. The analytical parameters for the September 1991 round were the same as those for the previous quarterly sampling rounds. After you have had an opportunity to review this information, O'Brien & Gere suggests that a meeting be held to discuss the results. Please contact Ms. Terry L. Norman of this office OBF11EN & GERE Mr. Robert Glaser, P.G., Hydrogeologist January 17, 1991 Page 3 to schedule such a meeting. Please advise if this information requires additional clarification. Very truly yours, O'BRIEN & GERE ENGINEERS, INC. ~Q)\_~~~-T George B. RQ, P.E. ( 'o'\J +I I\) Vice President GBR:TLN:mjh Attachments Table 1 Table 2 Figure 1 Figure 2 Ground Water Quality Data Well Specifications and Ground Water Elevations Ground Water Elevation and Generalized Flow Map -Bedrock; 9/17 /91, Non-Pumping Hydrogeologic Cross-Section cc: Doug Roberts J. Doyle, Esquire M. Fleischaker, Esquire G. Simpson 0. Swenson T. Norman S. Mogilnicki O'BRIE~I & GERE TABLE 1: GROUND WATER QUALITY DATA, CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC., CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA THIS TABLE SUMllARIZES THE GROUND WATER QUALITY DATA FOR THE FOLLOWING WELLS: MW-1, MW-2, MW-6, MW-7, MW-8, MW-9, W.-10, MW-1\, Mll-12, MW-1l, 1111-16, AHO THE CTI PROOUCTION I/ELL. SUBSTANCES HOT DETECTED IN ANY SAMPLES llAVE HOT BEEN INCLUDED IN THIS TABLE. ABBREVIATl~S ARE AS FOLLOWS: ~D Indicates s!.E:stance not detected above detection limit. NA Indicates that analysis was not requested. NT Indicates that lab did not test for analyte. a Indicates that dl·n-butyl phthalate was detected in the field blank at 6 ppb. (1) Safe Drinking Water Act Standard CMCl). (2) ~orth Carolina Water Quality Standard. TABLE 1: GROUND ~ATER QUALITY DATA, CENTRAL TR~SPORT, INC., CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA !IE LL lr.l-1 CATEGORY PARl.METER * Drinking Water • 11{89 06/90 06/W 12{90 12/9() 3/21/91 3/21/91 6/91 6/91 9/91 9/91 * Stardards • (filt) (lKllfi l t) Cfi Lt) (unfi lt) (fi l t) (unfi l t) Cfi t t) (unfi l t) (lilt) (oofilt) (fil t) ------------------------------------* ---------------• --------------------------------------------------------------------- Met.a ls All-mi ni..m * None • NO 6.86 0.14 4.6 <0.1 38 0.25 11 <O .1 50 <0.1 (ppll) Arsenic • 0.05 mg/I (1) • NO ND ND <0.010 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.005 <0.1 Ba.riun • 1.0 mg/I (1) • 0.17 ND 0.25 <0.1 <0.1 0.41 <0, 1 0.18 <0.05 <0.05 0.06 Beryllillll * None • ND ND ND 0.03 0.01 0.09 D.01 0.03 0.01 0.12 0.01 CaclniLITI • 0.005 mg/ I ( 1) • ND ND ND 0.02 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Calci'.i..m * N'one • 42.5 0.32 37.5 35 35 38 29 37 32 39 33 ChromiLlll • 0.05 mg/\ ( 1) • ND 0. 01 ND <0.01 <0.01 0.13 <0.01 0.03 0.01 0.06 <0.01 Cobalt * N'one • 0.03 0.01 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.08 <0.01 0.03 <0.01 0.05 <0.01 Copper • ! .o mg/t (2) • ND 0.02 0.02 0.01 <0.01 0.18 0.01 0.05 0.01 0.12 <0.01 Iron • 0.03 mg/l (2) • 15 .8 35.9 23.3 21 22 99 13 59 17 120 11 Lead • 0.05 mg/l (1) • 0.03 0.04 0.03 <0.02 <0.02 0.18 <0.02 0.05 <0.02 <0.03 <0.03 MagnesiUTI * None • 25.1 20.9 19.5 17 17 27 16 21 17 24 18 Manganese * 0. 05 mg/l (2) • 0.55 0.40 0.31 0.38 0.39 2.4 0.25 1.3 0.22 1.4 0.28 Nickel * 0.15 mg/l (2) * ND 0.02 ND 0.06 0.04 0.07 <0.02 0.02 <0.02 0.03 <0.02 PotassiUTI * None * 8.1 6.4 6.64 5.6 4.4 3.3 5.6 4.3 6 5.8 4 Si tver * 0.05 mg/l (1) * NO 0.05 0.02 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0\ <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 S-odi Lill * None * 237 216 200 260 250 220 240 19() 200 190 200 VanadiUTI 111: None • 0 .1 ND NO 0.02 0.01 0.41 <0.0\ 0.17 <0.01 0.27 <0.01 Zinc * 5 .0 mgfl (2) • 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.07 <0.01 0.1 0.0! 0.01; 0.01 0.07 <0.01 Cyanide * 0 .154 mg/[ (2) • ND NT NT <0.01 NA <0.01 HA <0.01 NA <0.01 NA Base/Neut r a l Di·n-eutyl Phthalate •none • HD HD HA ND NA NO HA ND NA NO NA Acid NaP,thalene • oone • HD ND NA ND NA NO NA HO NA ND NA Extract.ables Bis(2·ethylhexyl)Phthalate . """" • NO NO NA ND NA ND HA NO NA ND HA (ppb) i~3-Dichlorobenzene • 0 .600 (1) • ND NO NA ND NA NO NA ND NA NO HA N-Nitrosodi(:fienylamine • none • ND ND NA NO NA NO NA ND NA NO HA Phenol •none • NO ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA 2,4·Dirnethytplienol •none • ND NO NA NO NA ND NA ND NA ND NA 1~4·Dichlorobenzene • 0.075 (1) • ND NO NA NO HA ND NA ND NA ND NA Yolati le vinyl chloride • 0.002( 1) • NO ND NA NO HA ND NA ND NA ND NA Organic Acetone * none • NT ND NA NO NA ND NA ND NA ND NA C~unds Benzene • 0.005 (1) • ND ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA (ppb) 1,1·Dichloroethylene • 0.007 (1) • ND ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA 1,2·Dichlorobeniene • 0.600 ( 1) • NO ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA Ethyl benzene • 0.700 (1) • NO ND NA ND HA ND NA NO NA ND NA Methylene Chloride • 0.007 ( 1) • NO ND NA ND HA ND NA NO NA ND NA Toluene • 2.000 ( 1) • NO ND NA ND NA ND NA NO NA ND NA 1,2,4~rrichlorobenzene • 0.700 (1) • NO ND NA ND HA ND NA NO NA ND NA 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane • 0.200( 1) • ND ND NA ND HA NO NA NO NA ND NA m·Xylene • lO.O (1) • ND ND HA ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA Xylenes • \0.0 (1) • ND ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA NO NA 1,2·Dichloroethene (total) tr none * ND NO HA ND NA NO NA ND NA NO NA Chloroform • 0.10D (1) * ND ND HA ND NA NO NA ND NA ND NA 1,1 Dichloroetharie * none * ND NO HA ND NA NO NA ND NA ND NA Miscellaneous Chloride * 250 mg/l (2) * NA NA HA 62 NA 62 NA 57 NA 76 NA (ppll) MPH Total Cotiforms * 1 per 100 ml (1) * NA NA HA >=1600 NA <2 NA 170 NA 50 NA Color * 15 (2) • NA HA NA 50 NA >70 NA 20 NA 70 NA Sol ids * 500 mg/l (2) • NA NA NA 69() NA 690 NA 79() NA 550 NA Fluoride * 2.0 mgfl (2) • NA HA NA 0.2 NA <0.2 NA <0.2 NA <0.2 NA Surfactants CHBAS) *None • HA HA NA <0.01 NA <0~01 NA <0.0, NA <0.01 NA .Nitrate * 10 mg/l (2) • NA HA NA 0.12 NA <0.02 NA 0.05 NA 0.03 NA .Nitrite * 1.0 mg{[ (2) • NA HA NA <0.02 NA <0.02 NA 0.04 NA 0.12 HA ptt • 6.5 -8.5 (2) • NA NA NA 6.8 NA 6.3 HA 6.7 NA 6.7 HA Sul fate • 250 mg/l (2) • NA NA NA 32 NA 15 HA 46 NA 36 HA TABLE 1: GROIJND WATER QUALITY DATA, CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC., CKARLDTTE, NORI~ CAROLINA WELL MW-2 CATEGORY PARAllETER * Drinking Water • 11/89 06/90 06/90 12/90 12/90 3/21/91 3/21/91 6/91 6/91 9/91 9/91 * Stardards • Cli Lt) (mlil t) (tilt) (unf il t) (lilt) (unlilt) (lilt) (unlilt) Cfil tl (oofi t t) Cli ltl ------------------------------------* ---------------• -------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Metals ALUTiinun *None • 0.2 76.2 0.13 3.8 <0.1 so 0.11 20 0.2 190 <O~ 1 (ppm) Arsenic • 0.05 !IEl/l (1) • ND NO ND <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <O.OOS <O. 005 8ariUTI • 1.0 rng/l (1) • 0.1 0.62 0.19 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.05 <O.OS <0.05 <0.05 Beryl l i llJI *None • ND NO ND 0.05 0.03 0.12 0.04 0.07 0.03 0.34 0.04 C.adrJiUTI • 0.005 rng/l (1) • ND ND ND <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Calciuri *None • 26.4 37.8 22.2 28 24 3S 20 17 12 64 22 ChromiUJJ • 0.05 rng/l (1) • ND 0.90 NO 0.02 <0.01 0.43 <0.01 0.2 0.03 2. 1 <0.01 Coba It * None • 0.05 0.18 0.04 0.04 <0.01 0.16 <0.01 0.13 0.04 0.31 0.02 Copper • 1.0 rng/l (2) • 0.02 0.71 0.02 0.05 <0.01 0.47 0.01 0.22 0.01 1.7 0.03 Iron • 0.03 rng/l (2) • 0.06 115 0.83 3.4 0.3 so 0.01 19 0.2S 230 0.18 Lead • o.os rng/l (1) • 0.03 0.07 NO <0.0-2 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0.02 <0.02 0.03 <0.03 Magnesiw * N'one • 22.3 85.1 16.3 22 17 71 15 31 9.9 200 16 Manganese • o.os ll>J/l (2) • 0.86 3.01 0.95 1 . 1 0.78 2.7 0.52 2 0.63 S.7 0.38 Wicket * 0.1S ll>J/l (2) • ND 0.27 0.02 0.03 <0.02 0.19 0.03 0.07 <0.02 0.6 <0.02 PotassiLlll * Hone • 2.8 7.29 2.06 1.7 <0.5 4 <0.5 <O~S 0.66 16 2.6 Silver • o.os ll>J/l (1) • ND ND 0.02 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 SOOiUJJ * .None • 54 57.8 52.8 60 59 52 62 51 54 39 58 Vanadiun *.None • 0.08 NO NO 0.01 <0.01 0.12 <0.01 0.04 0.02 0.68 <0.01 Zinc • 5.0 l!Qfl (2) • 0.04 0.29 0.04 0.07 0.01 0.22 0.04 0.1 0.02 O.S7 0.02 Cyanide * 0.151, rng/ I (2) • NO NT NT <0.01 NA <0.01 NA <0.01 NA <0.01 NA Base/Neutral Di·n·Butyl Phthalate (ppb) ,., none • NO ND NA NO NA NO NA NO NA NO NA Acid Naphthalene (ppb) • none • NO HD NA NO NA NO NA NO NA NO NA E;ii;:tractables Bis (2-ethylheKy-l) Phthalate,., none • NO HD NA NO NA NO NA NO NA ND HA (ppb) 1,3-0ichlorobenzene • 0.600 (1) • ND ND NA NO NA ND NA PIO NA ND NA N-Hitrosodiphenylamine • 0000 • ND ND NA NO NA NO NA PIO NA ND NA Phenol (ppb) • none • ND ND NA ND NA NO NA PIO NA NO NA 2,4-0imethylphonol (ppb) • oone • NO ND NA ND NA NO NA PIO NA NO NA 1,4-nichtor'Obenzene • 0.075 (1) • NO ND NA NO NA NO NA NO NA ND NA Volatile Vinyl Chloride • 0 .002(1) • NO NO NA NO NA NO NA NO NA ND NA Organic Acetone • oone • NT ND NA NO NA ND NA NO NA ND NA ~unds Benzene Cppb) • 0.005 (1) • NO NO NA ND NA ND NA NO NA ND NA (ppb) 1,1-Dicliloroethylene {ppb) • 0.007 (1) • ND ND NA ND NA NO NA ND NA ND NA 1,2-Dichlorobenzene (ppb) • 0.600 (1) • NO ND NA ND NA NO NA NO NA ND NA Ethylben<ene (ppb) • 0.700 (1) • NO ND NA ND NA HO NA NO NA ND NA Methylene Cliloride • 0.007 (1) • NO NO NA ND NA NO NA NO NA NO NA Toluene (ppb) • 2.000 ( 1) • NO ND NA ND NA NO NA NO NA NO NA 1,2,4-Trichloroben<ene (ppb)* 0.700 (1) • ND NO NA ND NA NO NA NO NA NO NA 1,1,1-Trichloroethane • 0.200(1) • ND ND NA ND NA NO NA ND NA ND NA m-Xylene (ppb) • 10.0 (1) • ND NO NA ND NA NO NA ND NA ND NA Xylenos (ppb) • 10.0 (1) • ND NO NA ND NA NO NA ND NA NO NA 1,2-Dichloroethene (total) C* none • ND ND NA NO HA NO NA ND NA NO NA Chloroform ( ppb) • 0.100 (1) • ND ND HA NO NA NO NA ND NA NO NA 1,1 Dichloroethane •none • ND NO HA ND HA NO NA NO NA NO NA Mi see l l aneous Ch tori de • 2SO ll>J/l (2) • NA NA NA 88 NA 88 NA 89 NA 110 NA (ppm) MPN Total Col i forms • 1 per 100 mL (1) • HA NA NA >=1600 NA <2 NA 2 NA 8 NA Color • 15 (2) • NA NA NA 30 NA 50 NA 20 NA >70 NA Solids • 500 rng/l (2) • NA NA NA 290 NA 290 NA 270 NA 770 NA Fluoride • 2.0 ll>J/[ (2) • NA NA NA <0.2 NA <0.2 NA <0.2 NA <0.2 NA Surfactants CMB~S} • N"one • NA NA NA <0.01 NA <0.01 NA <O .01 NA <0.01 HA Nitrate • 10 llQ/l (2) • NA NA HA 0.03 NA 0.02 NA 0.07 NA <0.03 NA Nitrite • 1.0 llQ/l (2) • NA NA NA <0.02 NA <0.02 NA <0.02 NA 0.12 NA pK • 6.5 -8.5 (2) • NA NA NA 6.3 NA 6 NA 5.7 NA 5.9 NA sulfate • 250 rng/ l (2) • NA NA NA 3S NA 21 NA SI NA 13 NA TABLE 1: GROUND VATER QUALITY DATA, CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC., CNARLOTTE, NORIN CAROLINA WELL MW-6 (PAGE 1 OF 2) CATEGORY PARAMETER * Drinking ~ater • 10/89 11/89 06/90 6/90 12/90 12/90 3/07/91 3/07/91 3/21 /91 3/21/91 6/90 6/90 * Standards "" (lHlfi l t) (lilt.) (unfi lt) (fil t.) (unfit t)(f i Lt. l (unfit t)( Ii! t.) (oof; l t) ( fil t) <uni il tl Cfi Lt) ------------------------------------* ---------------• ---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- Metals ALUJ1inut1 * None • 200 0.2 38.6 0.06 7.5 <D.01 3.9 <0.1 2.7 <0.1 28 <O. 1 (ppm) Arsenic • 0.05 mg/l (1) • 0.01 NO 0.04 NO <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 SariUTI • 1.0 mg/l ( 1) • 2.09 0.07 0.40 0.10 <0.01 <0.01 0.1 <0.1 <O. 1 <0.1 <0.05 <O. 1 Beryl 1 i l.111 * None • NO NO NO NO 0.07 0.05 0.05 <0.1 0.06 0.05 0. 1 0.05 CadrliUTI * 0.005 mg/I (1) • NO NO NO NO 0.02 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 0. 01 0.01 <0.01 0.01 CalciUTI * Nooe • 35.6 21.1 27.2 8.55 28 23 29 24 28 24 35 24 Chr001iUT1 • 0 .05 mg/l (1) • 0.41 NO 0.08 NO 0.01 <0.01 0.05 0.06 0.01 <0.01 0.07 <0.01 Cobalt * Nooe • 0.32 NO 0.06 NO 0.06 <0.01 0.04 <0.01 0.04 <0.01 0.04 <0.01 cawer • 1.0 mg/( (2) • 2.04 0.02 0.30 NO 0.16 <.0~01 0.17 0.03 0. 13 0.01 0.25 0.01 Iron • 0.03 mg/l (2) • 49.9 0.13 39.4 NO 6.6 <-0.01 2.9 0.07 1.6 0.02 27 0.02 Lelld • 0.05 mg/l (1) • 0.26 NO 0.08 NO 0.03 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <-0,02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 MagnesiUTI * None • 82 15.6 19.8 5.39 20 15 20 15 18 15 26 15 Manganese • 0.05 mg/l (2) • 6.5 0.03 1.07 NO 1.3 <0.01 0.84 0.03 0.69 0.02 1 0.02 Nickel • 0.15 mg/l (2) • 0.2 Ill) 0.06 NO 0.04 0.03 <0.02 <0.02 0.02 <0.02 0.02 <0.02 PotassiUTI * None • 32.5 2.4 4.3 1.26 1. 7 <0.05 1.3 1.3 4 0.71 1 .6 0.71 Silver • 0.05 mg/l ( 1) • NO 0.02 0.09 0.03 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 0.01 <0.01 0.01 <0.01 Sodiiun * None • 19.7 17.4 20. 1 8.37 16 15 18 19 18 19 19 19 Vanadiun * None • 1.43 0.07 NO Ill) 0.04 0.02 <0.01 <0.01 0.03 <0.01 0.11 <0.01 Zinc • 5.0 mg/l (2) • 0.31 ND 0.14 0.01 0.06 <0.01 0.02 0.01 0.04 <0.01 0.04 <0.01 Cyanide • 0.154 mg/l (2) • ND ND NT NT <0.01 NA <0.01 NA <0.01 NA <0.01 NA Base/Neutral Oi-n-Butyl Phthelate (ppb) * none • NO ND NO NA ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA .Acid Naphthalene (ppb) :11r none • NO ND NO NA ND NA ND NA NO NA ND NA Extractables Bis (2-ethylhexyl> Phthalate* none • NO ND NO NA ND NA ND NA ND NA HO NA (ppb) 1,3-Dlchlorobenzene • 0.600 (1) • NO ND NO NA ND NA ND NA NO NA NO NA N-Nitrosodiphenylamine * none • NO ND NO HA ND NA ND NA NO HA ND NA Phenol (ppb) * none • ND ND ND NA ND NA ND NA NO NA ND NA 2,4-0illlethylphenol (ppb) * none • ND ND ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA NO NA 1,4-Dichlorobenzene * D.075 (1) • NO ND NO NA ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA Volatile Vinyl Chloride • 0.002(1) • NO ND NO NA NO NA ND NA NO NA NO NA Organic Acetone * none • NT NT NO NA NO HA ND NA NO NA HO NA C~unds Benzene Cppb) • 0.005 (1) • NO ND ND NA ND NA ND NA NO NA NO NA (ppb) 1,1-0ichloroethylene (ppb) • 0.007 (1) • NO ND ND NA ND NA ND NA HO NA NO NA 1,2-0ichlorobenzene (ppb) • 0.600 (1) • NO ND NO NA NO NA ND NA ND NA ND NA Ethylbenzene (ppb) • 0.700 (1) • NO ND HO NA NO NA ND NA ND NA ND NA Methylene Chloride • 0.007 (1) • NO NO NO NA ND NA ND NA MD NA ND NA Toluene (ppb) • 2.000 (1) • NO ND ND NA NO NA HD NA HD NA ND NA 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene (ppbJ* 0.700 (1) • ND ND ND NA NO NA ND NA ND NA ND NA 1,1,1-Trichloroe-thane * 0.200(1) * ND ND ND NA NO NA ND NA ND NA ND NA ~-Xylene (ppb) • 10.0 (1) • NO ND NO NA ND NA HD NA NO NA ND NA Xylenes (ppb) • 10.0 (1) • NO ND ND NA NO NA ND NA NO NA NO HA 1,2~Dichloroethene (total) C* none • NO ND ND NA ND NA ND NA NO NA NO HA Chlo rofonn ( ppb) • 0.100 (1) • ND ND NO NA NO NA ND NA NO NA NO NA 1,1 Dichloroethane * none • NO ND HO NA ND NA ND NA NO NA NO NA Miscellaneous Chloride • 250 mg/l (2) • NA NA NA NA 16 NA 16 NA 14 NA 17 NA (ppm) MPN Total Coliforrns • 1 per 100 ml (1) • NA NA NA NA >=1600 NA <2 NA <2 NA 280 NA Color • 15 (2) • NA NA NA NA 10 NA >70 NA 20 NA 20 NA Sol ids • 500 mg/l (2) • NA NA NA NA 550 NA 240 NA 260 NA 530 NA Fluoride • 2.0 mg/ l (2) • NA NA NA NA <0.2 NA <0.2 NA <0.2 NA <0.2 NA Surfactants (MBAS) *:None • NA NA NA NA <0.01 NA <0.01 NA <0.01 NA <0.01 NA Nitrate • 10 111!!/l (2) • NA NA NA NA 0.77 NA 0.6 NA 0.52 NA 1.1 NA Nitrite • 1 .0 mg/l (2) • NA NA NA NA <0.02 NA <0.02 NA <0.02 NA <0.02 NA pH • 6.S -8.5 (2) * NA NA NA NA 6.6 NA 6.4 NA 6.1 NA 6.5 NA sulfate • 250 mg/ I (2) • NA NA NA NA 70 NA 69 NA 39 NA 87 NA TABLE 1: GROUND WATER QUALITY DATA, CENTRAL TR~SPOl!T, INC., CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA WELL MW·6 (PAGE 2 OF 2) CATEGOl!Y PARAMETER * Ori nk:i ng Ii.later • 6/9lJDUP 6/9lJOUP 9/91 9/91 * StaOOards * (mfi Lt) Cfilt) (unfi l t) (fi l t) ------------------------------------* ---------------• ------------ ------ ------ Metals A l mi i .nun * None • <0.1 <0.1 23 <0.1 (ppm) Arsenic * 0.05 mg/l (1) • 0.1 <0.01 <0.005 <0.005 Bar iUTI * 1.0 mg/l (\) • 0.08 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 Beryl l iUTI * None • <0.01 0.04 0.13 0.05 CadniUTI * 0.005 mg/l (1) • <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Ca:lciUTI * None • 100 92 41 35 C-hromiun * o.os mg/l (1) • <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Coba It * None • 0.07 0.02 0.04 <0.01 Coi:per * 1.0 mg/l (2) • 0.04 0.01 0.22 0.03 Iron * 0.03 mg/l (2) • 39 11 23 0.06 Lead * 0.05 mg/l (1) • 0.03 <0.02 0.15 <0.03 Magnesiuri * None • 4.9 66 29 23 M-anganese • 0.05 mg/l (2) • 4.9 4.2 0.79 <0.01 ,Nickel • 0.15 mg/l (2) * 0.03 0.02 0.04 <0.02 P-otasslllll * None * 5.2 6 5 .1 3.7 -Silver • 0.05 mg/l (1) * <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.02 'Sodh.m * None * 160 150 22 24 vanadlL.m -11: Wone • 0.13 <0.01 o. 1 <0.01 Zinc • 5.0 mg/l (2) • 0.1 <0.01 0.03 0.01 Cyanide • 0.154 mg/( (2) • <0.01 NA <0.01 WA Ease/Neutral Oi·n·Butyl Phthalate (ppb) * none • NO NA NO WA Acid Waphthalene (pi:b) * none • NO NA ND NA Extractables Bis {2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate* none • NO WA NO NA (ppb) 1~3-0ichlorobenzene • 0.600 (1) • ND WA NO NA N-N i trosod i pheny t .amine * none • ND WA ND NA Phenol (ppb) * none • ND NA ND NA 2,4-Dimethylphenot (ppb) * none • ND NA ND NA 1~4-0ichlorobenzene-• 0.075 (1) * ND NA ND NA Vol.at i le Vinyl Chloride • 0.002(1} • ND NA ND NA Organic Acetone * none • NO NA ND NA Coopooods Benzene (ppb) • 0.005 (1) • ND NA ND NA (ppb) 1~1-Di~hloroethylene (ppb) • 0.007 (1) • ND NA ND NA 1~2-Diclilorobenzene (ppb) • 0.600 ( 1) • WO NA ND NA Ethylbenzene (ppb) • 0.700 (1) • ND NA ND NA Methylene Chloride • 0.007 ( 1) • ND NA NO NA Toluene (ppb) * 2.000 (1) • NO NA NO NA 1,2,4-Trichtorobenzene (ppb)* 0.7{10 (1) • NO NA WO NA 1,1,1-Triciiloroethane * 0.200( 1) • ND NA ND NA m-Xyleoe (ppb) * 10.0 (1) • NO NA WO NA Xylenes (ppb) • 10.0 (1) • HO NA WO NA \,2-Dichloroethene (total) C* none • NO NA NO NA Ch Loroform (ppb) • 0.100 (1) • NO NA NO NA t,1 Dichloroethane * none • NO NA NO NA Miscellaneous Chloride • 250 mg/ l (2) * 1B NA 18 WA (ppm) MPtil Total Coliforrns • 1 per 100 mL (1) • BO NA 8 WA C-otor • 15 (2) • 20 NA 60 WA S-ol ids • 500 mg/l (2) • 710 NA 400 NA Fluoride • 2.0 mg/l (2) • <0~2 NA <0.2 NA Surfactants (HSAS) • None • <0.01 NA -<0.01 NA Nitrate • 10 mg/[ (2) • 1 . 1 NA 0.116 NA .Nitrite • 1.0 !IQ/l (2) • <0.02 NA 0.14 NA pH * 6.5 · B.5 (2) • 6.5 NA 6.4 NA Sulfate • 250 mg/ I (2) • 82 NA 4 NA TAlllE 1: GROUND WATER QUALITY DATA, CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC., CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA NELL Mll-7 (PAGE 1 OF 2) CATEGORY PARAMETfR * Drinking Water • 10/89 11/89 06/90 6/90 12/90 12/90 3/07/91 3/07/91 3/21 /91 3/21/91 6/91 6/91 * S t.andards * Cunfilt) (Ii lt.) (oof il tJ <Ii l t.) (unlil t )(Ii l t.) (unfit t)(fil t.) (unfi l t) ( fil t) (lllfil t) (Ii lt) ------------------------------------* ---------------• ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Metals Aluninun • None • 340 NO 90.4 0.15 48 <0.01 6.9 <0.1 21 <O .1 <0.1 <0.1 (JlP") Arsenic • o.os mg/\ (1) • o. 1 ND 0.13 "° <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Bariun • 1.0 mg/I (1) • 1-14 0.28 0.87 0.30 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.12 <0.1 0.82 <O.OS Ber-yl l i LITI * None • NO NO NO ND 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.1 0.03 0.17 0.05 Cackrli1;.JT1 • 0.005 rns/l (1) • ND NO ND ND 0.02 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 O.Ol <0.01 <0.01 CalcillTI * None • 117 54 85.9 67.5 59 52 57 54 68 54 140 59 Ch rorni lBI • 0.05 mg/l (1) • 0.58 NO 0.21 NO 0.08 <0.01 0.05 O.Oii O.Ot; <0.01 0.13 <0.01 Cobalt * N'one • 0.33 o.os 0.11 0.02 0.08 <0.01 0.03 0.01 0.13 0.01 0.34 0.03 Copper * 1-0 mg/ I (2) • 5. 11 0.02 1-02 ND 0.38 <0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02 <0.01 0.75 0.02 Iron * 0.03 rns/ L (2) • 743 16.7 104 13.4 60 10.32 19 10 63 11 38 0.09 Le<id • 0.05 lll!l/l (1) • 1.45 0.05 0.32 NO 0.17 <0.02 0.02 -<0.02 0.08 <0.02 0.05 <0.02 Magnesil.111 * None • 185 39.7 68.7 43.0 45 36 43 41 57 42 120 37 Manganese • 0.05 lll!l/l (2) • 5.7 3 .15 4.49 3.38 5.0 . 4.4 5 4.7 5.7 4.4 9.5 1-7 Nickel • 0.15 lll!l/l (2) • 0.29 NO 0.11 0.03 0.07 0.01 0.03 <0.02 0.04 0.02 0.27 0.02 Pot.assim * Hone • 71 16.8 15.0 7.54 7 .1 3.0 4.8 3.5 5.7 2.S 6.8 3.4 Silver • 0.05 lll!l/l (1) • NO NO 0.15 0.01 <0,01 <0.01 <0.01 O.Ot <0.01 0.02 <0.01 0.02 SodiUTI * None • 298 253 212 195 19() 19() 190 190 170 180 76 73 Vanadiun * None • 1.97 0.16 ND NO 0.2 <0.01 0.03 <0.01 0.2 <0.01 0.2 <0.01 Zinc • 5.0 lll!l/l (2) • 1.05 0.02 0.34 0.02 0.19 <0.01 0.09 0.01 0.17 0.01 0.25 0.01 Cyanide • 0 .154 mg/[ (2) • 0.01 0.01 NT NT <0.01 NA <O.Ot NA <0.01 NA <0.01 NA aase/Neutra L Oi-n-Butyl Phthalate (Jll*>) . """" • 2BOl 45 1 NA NO NA NO NA NO NA NO NA Acid Naphthalene (ppb) * none • 8 12 2 NA NO NA ND NA NO NA ND NA Extract ables Bis {2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate* none • NO 240 ND NA ND NA ND NA NO NA NO NA (Jll*>) 1,3-0ichlorobenzene • 0.600 (1) • NO NO 3 NA 3 NA ND NA ND NA NO NA N-~itrosodiphenylarnine • none • NO ND NO NA NO NA ND NA ND NA NO NA Phenol <Pl*>l * norte • NO 9 NO NA ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA 2,4-Dimethylphenol (Jll*>) * none • NO 2 9 NA i; NA NO NA 5 NA 5 NA 1,4-Dichlorobenzene • 0.075 (1) • ND ND NO NA ND NA ND NA 7 NA 7 NA Volatile Vlnyl Chloride • 0. 002(1) • ND ND NO NA ND NA NA NA 110 NA 110 NA Organic Acetone * none • NT NT NO NA NO NA NO NA ND NA ND NA c~unds Benz:ene (ppb) • 0.005 (1) • 570 460 190 NA NO NA 110 NA 42 MA 42 NA CP!*>l 11 1-Dichloroethylene (ppb) • 0.007 (1) • 790 ND NO NA NO NA ND NA ND NA ND NA 11 2-Dichtorobenzene (ppb) • 0.600 ( 1) • 3 ND NO NA ND NA ND NA NO NA NO NA Ethyl benzene (Pl*>) • 0.700 (1) • 640 570 NO NA "° NA 30 NA 37 NA 37 NA Methylene Chloride • 0.007 ( 1J • ND NO "° NA ND NA NO NA NO NA NO NA Toluene (Jll*>) • 2.000 (1) • 360 400 ND NA ND NA NO NA NO NA NO NA 1,2,4-Trichlorobentene CPl*>l* 0.700 (1) • 5 NO ND NA ND NA NO NA NO NA NO NA 1,1r1-Tichloroethane * 0.200(1) • ND NO ND NA ND NA ND NA 11 NA 11 NA rn-Xylene <i::P>> • 10.0 (1) • 510 NO ND NA ND NA NO NA NO NA NO NA Xylenes <i::P>> • 10.0 (1) • NO 1570 1500 NA NO NA 59 NA 81 NA 81 NA 1,2 Dichloroethene * Nooe • NO 60 31 NA NO NA NO NA 64 NA 64 NA Chloroform (Jll*>) • 0.100 (1) • NO 260 ND NA NO NA ND NA ND NA NO NA 1,t Dicnlorethane * None • HO HD ND HA NO NA NA NA ND HA NO NA Miscellaneous cntoride • 250 lll!l/l (2) • NA NA NA NA 140 NA 140 NA 110 HA 220 NA (ppm) MP~ Total Coliforms • 1 per 100 ml (1) * NA NA NA NA >=1600 HA <2 NA <2 HA 2 NA Colo.r • 15 (2) • NA NA NA NA 20 NA >7~ HA 30 NA 30 NA Solids • soo lll!l/l (2) • NA NA NA NA 720 NA 740 HA 760 HA 1100 llA fluoride • 2.0 lll!lfl (2) • NA NA NA NA 0.3 NA 0.3 NA <0.2 HA 0.3 MA Surfactants {MBAS) * Nolle • HA HA NA NA <0.01 NA <0.01 NA <0.01 HA <0.01 HA Nitrate • 10 11!!/l (2) • NA NA NA NA <0.02 NA 0.07 NA 0.03 HA 0.04 HA Nitrite • 1.0 mgfl (2) • NA HA NA NA <0.02 NA o.os NA <0.02 HA <0.02 NA p!i • 6.5 -8.5 (2) • NA HA NA NA 6.8 HA 6.6 NA 6.4 NA 6.6 NA Sul fate • 250 mgfl (2) • NA NA NA NA 110 NA 24 NA 35 NA 51 NA TABLE 1: GROUND MATER QUALITY DATA, CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC., CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA WELL MW-7 (PAGE 2 OF 2) CATEGORY PARAMETER * Or-inking Water • 9/91 9/91 * Standards * (unfilt) (lilt) ------------------------------------"' ---------------• ------------ Metals At Ulli nuri "' N'one • 28 -<O .1 (ppm) Arsenic: • 0.05 mg/l ( 1) • <0.005 <0.005 BariUTI • \.0 mg/\ ( 1) • <0.05 <0.05 Berytliut1 ,. N'one • 0.15 0.05 Cad"riilRI • 0. 005 mg/l ( 1J • <0.01 <0.01 calciUTI * N'one • 140 130 Cbromiuri • 0.05 mg/l ( 1) • <0.01 <0.01 Cobalt * N'one • 0.05 0.02 Copper • 1.0 mg/! (2) • 0.32 0.01 Iron • 0.03 mg/l (2) • 38 11 lead • 0.05 mg/l (1) • 0.04 <0.03 Magne-s i uri "' M'one • 98 86 Manganese-• 0.05 mg/l (2) • 2.7 2.4 Nickel • 0.15 mg/l (2) • 0.05 0.03 PotassiUTI * h'one • 9.6 7.2 Silver • 0.05 mg/l (1) • <0.01 0.01 SodiUTI * N'one • 110 120 VanadiUTI * N'one • 0.13 <0.01 Zinc • 5 .o mg/l (2) • 0.07 <0.01 Cyanide • 0.154 mg/l (2) • <0.01 NA Base/Neutral Di-n-Butyl Phth.alate (ppb) • none • NO NA Acid Napl>thalene (ppbJ * none • NO NA Extractables Bis (2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate* none • NO NA (ppb) 1,3-Dichlorobeniene * 0.600 (1) • ND NA N-Witrosodiphenylamine * none • ND NA Pheoo! (ppb} * none • ND NA 2,4-Dimethylplienol (ppb) * none • 5 NA ,z4-Dichtorobenzene • 0.075 (1) • 17 NA Volatile Vinyt Chloride • 0.002(1) • 88 NA Organic Ace-tone * none • ND NA Coopou:ds Benzene ( ppb} * 0.005 ( 1) • ND NA (ppb} 1,1-Dichtoroethylene (ppb) * 0.007 ( 1) • 700 NA 1,2-Dich\orobenzene (ppb) • 0.600 (1) • ND NA Ethy!benzene (ppb} • 0.700 (1) • 110 NA Methylene-Chloride • 0.007 (1) • ND NA Toluene (ppb} • 2.000 (1) • 11 NA 1,2,4-Trichlorobenze.ne {ppb)* 0.70CI (1) • ND NA 1,1,1-Tichloroethane * 0.200(1) • ND NA m·Xylene (ppbJ • 10.0 (1} • ND NA Xylenes (ppbJ * 10.0 (1) • ND NA 1,2 Di~hloroethene • None • ND NA Chloroform (ppbJ * 0.100 (1) • ND NA 1l1 Dichlorethalle * None • ND NA Miscel l.aneous Chloride * 250 mg/l (2) • 230 NA (ppm} Hf'~ Tot.al Coliforms • l per 100 g_ (1) • 200 NA Color • 15 (2) • 50 NA Sol ids * 500 mg/l (2) • 900 NA F luor-ide * 2.0 mg/l (2) • 0.2 NA Surfact.ants (M~AS) * N"one • <0.01 NA ;Nitrate * 10 ong/l (2) • 0.02 NA ~itrite * t .o mg/l (2) • 0.04 NA pH • 6.S -8.5 (2) • 6.3 NA Sul fate • 250 mg/l (2) • 82 NA TABLE \, GRC'JND WATER QUALITY DATA, CENTRAL TRAHSPORT, INC., CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA WELL NW·8 (PAGE 1 Of 2) CATEGORY PARAMETER * Drinking Water • 10/89 11/89 06/90 6/90 12/90 12/90 3/07/91 3/07/91 3/21/91 3/21 /91 5/91 6/91 * Standards iii: (lllfi l t) (lilt.) ClKlfflt) Cf i [ t.) (unfi Lt )(fi l t.) (unfit t ){fi l t _) Cunfi l t) (fit t.) (unf i Lt) (unf i l t) ------------------------------------* ---------------• -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Metals Alllnini.m * None • 320 ND 1.83 0.14 220 <0.1 22 <0.1 180 <O .1 NA 9.8 (ppm) Arsenic * 0.05 mg/I (1) • 0.04 ND ND NO <O. 01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 NA <0.01 BariLITI: • 1.0 mg/l ( 1) • 2.11 0.16 0.10 ND 0.56 <0.1 1.7 <0.1 0.12 -<0-. 1 NA <0.05 8 eryl l i Ll11 • None • ND ND ND ND 0.22 0.05 D.09 0.05 0.39 0.01 NA 0.08 Ca<lrli Lin-* O.OOS mg/I (1) • ND ND ND ND o. 01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.02 <0.01 NA <0.01 calci LITI * None • 91 43 24.7 70.1* 150 69 170 62 160 17 NA 31 ch rooi i Lill • o.os mg/I ( 1) • 2.65 ND ND ND 1.8 <0.01 0.06 0.04 1.'8 <D.01 NA 0.02 Cobalt * None • 0.62 ND ND ND 0.41 <0.01 0.24 0.04 0.49 <0.01 NA 0.03 copper * 1.0 mg/L (2) • 2.48 0.02 0.01 0.01 1.7 <0.01 0.61 0.01 1.73 <0.01 NA 0.02 Iron • 0.03 mg/I (2) • 820 0.08 4.02 ND 260 <-0.01 19 0.04 170 0.18 NA 20 lead • 0.05 mg/l (1) • 0.06 Mil ND ND <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 NA <0.02 Magnesiun * None • 375 46.8 17 .8 43.8* 260 43 93 41 230 10 NA 25 M.anga.nes-e • 0.05 mg/ l (2) • 12. 5 2.2 0.41 2.n• 10 2.2 9.6 3.4 12 0.49 NA 1.1 Meccury • 0.0005 mg/[ (1) • 0.0028 Nickel • 0.15 mg/L (2) • 1.08 NO ND ND 0.84 0.02 0.09 <0.02 0.7 <0.02 NA 0.02 Potas-s i UJ1 "'" ~on.e • 37.4 4.S 3.42 4.33* 15 1.3 7 4.3 12 0.97 NA 5.6 Silver • 0.05 mg/L (1) • ND ND 0.08 0.02 <O .01 <0.01 <0.01 <O .01 <0.01 <0.01 NA <0.01 SodiUTI * N'one • 59 48.5 16.2 47.6* 44 52 59 58 58 17 NA 12 vanadiUTJ * N"one • 1.93 0.19 ND Mil 0.68 <0.01 0.17 <0.01 0.52 <0.01 NA 0.07 Zinc • 5.0 mg/l (2) • 0.84 0.02 0.05 0.02 0.67 <0.01 0.09 <0.01 0.57 <0.01 NA 0.06 Cyanide-• 0.154 1Jl9/l (2) • ND ND NT NI <0.01 NA <0.01 NA <0.01 NA NA <0.01 Base/ .Neut r-a l Di·n·Butyl Phthalate (pjXl) '* none • ND ND ND NA ND NA ND NA NO NA ND ND Acid Naphthalene (pjXl) * none • ND ND NO NA Mil NA ND NA NO NA ND ND Extract.ables Bis (2-ethylkexyl) Phthalate* none • ND ND NO NA Mil "" NO NA Mil NA Mil ND (ppb) 1,3-Dichlorobenzene • 0.600 ( 1) • ND ND ND NA NO NA ND NA NO NA Mil ND ~-Ni trosodiphenylarnine * oone • ND ND ND NA NO NA ND NA NO NA Mil ND Phenol ( ppb) * none • ND ND ND NA NO NA ND NA NO NA Mil ND 2,4·Dilllethylphenol (pj:I>) * none • ND ND ND NA NO NA ND NA ND NA NO ND 1,4-Dichlorobenzene • 0.075 (1) • ND ND ND NA NO NA ND NA ND NA NO ND Volatile Vinyl Chloride • 0.002(1) • ND ND NO NA ND NA NO NA NO NA NO ND Or-ganic: Acetone * none • NT NT ND NA 43 NA ND NA NO NA ND ND c~ Benzene {ppb) • 0.005 (1) • ND ND ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA 32 ND (ppb) 1,1-Dlchloroethylene (ppb) • 0.007 (1) • ND Mil ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA 5 ND 1,2-Dichlorobenzene (ppb) • 0.600 (1) • ND rro ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA ND ND Ethylbenzene (pjXl) • 0.700 (1) • NO ND ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NO Methylene Chloride • 0.007 (1) • NO Mil 13 NA ND NA ND NA ND NA ND ND Toluene {ppb) • 2.000 (1) • NO NO ND NA ND NA NO NA ND NA ND ND 1,2,4·lrichlorobenzene (ppb)* 0.700 (1) • NO NO ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA ND ND 1,1,1-Trichloroethane * 0~002(1) • ND NO ND NA ND NA ND NA 16 NA ND 16 m·Xylene (pj:I>) *10.0(1) • ND ND ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA ND ND Xylenes (pj:I>) *10.0(1) • NO ND NO NA ND NA ND NA ND NA ND ND 1,2-0ichloroethene (total){* none • NO ND NO NA ND NA ND NA ND NA ND ND Chloroform (ppb) • 0.100 (1) • ND ND NO NA ND NA ND NA ND NA ND Mil 111 Dichloroethane "" None-• ND ND NO NA ND NA ND NA 13 NA 4 13 Kiscetlaneous Chloride • 250 1Jl9/ L (2) • NA NA NA NA 93 NA 90 NA 100 NA NA QNS (ppm) MP-.N Total Cot i forms • 1 per 100 ml (1) • NA NA NA NA 13 NA <1 NA <2 NA NA 8 Color • 15 (2) • NA NA NA NA 20 NA 70 NA 70 NA NA QNS Sol ids • 500 1Jl9/l (2) • NA NA NA NA 530 NA 510 HA 540 NA NA QNS Fluoride • 2. 0 1Jl9/ I (2) • NA NA NA NA 0.3 NA 0.2 NA 0.2 NA "" QNS Surfactants CMBAS) * N"one • NA NA NA NA <0.01 NA <0.01 NA <0.01 NA NA <0.01 Nitrate • 10 mg/l (2) • NA NA NA NA <0.02 NA <0.02 NA 0.08 NA NA 0.05 Nitrite • 1. 0 mg/l (2) • NA NA NA NA <0.02 NA <0.02 NA <0.02 NA NA <0.02 pH • 6.5 -8.5 (2) • NA NA NA NA 6.4 NA 5.9 NA 6.1 NA NA 6.7 Sul fate • 250 mg/I (2) • NA NA NA NA 64 NA i;8 NA 53 NA NA 59 TABLE 1: GRCIJND WATER QUALITY DATA, CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC., CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA I/Ell K\i-8 (PAGE 2 Of 2) CATEGOOY PARAMETER * Orinki ng 'Water • 6/91 9/91 9/91 * Standards • (lilt.) (unfiltl (lilt) ------------------------------------* ---------------• ------------------- Metals AlunillUJI * None • <0.1 130 <0.1 (P!'ll) Arsenic • 0.05 mg/l ( 1) • <0.01 <0.005 <0.005 Bari Lill • 1.0 mg/l (1) • <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 Bery t l i Lin :t-N"one • 0.05 0.31 0.04 C.adtiiUTI • 0.005 mg/ 1 (1 l • <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 CattiUTI • None • 23 77 49 Ch roml ur:i • 0.05 mg/l ( 1J • 0.01 1.2 <0.01 Cobalt * None • <0.01 0.23 0.03 Copper • 1.0 mg/l (2) • <0.01 1.3 0.03 Iron * 0.03 mg/ 1 (2) • 0.09 180 0.18 Lead • 0 .05 mg/l (1) • <0.02 <0.03 <0.03 MagnesilOI * None * 17 140 31 Hanganese • 0.05 mg/l (2) • 0.35 5.4 1.9 Mercury • 0.0005 mg/l (1) • <0.0005 <0. 0005 <0.0005 :Nickel • 0.15 mg/l (2) • <0.02 0.45 0.02 PotassiUTI • None * 0.98 12 3.2 Silver • 0.05 mg/l ( 1) * <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Sodil.Jll * None • 14 52 63 VanadiLllt * N'o.ne • <0.01 0.53 <0.01 :Zinc * 5.0 mg/l (2) • <0.01 0.33 0.01 Cyanide • 0.154 mg/I (2) • NA <0.01 <0.01 Ease/~ eutr-a l Di·n·Butyl Phthalate (ppb) '* none • NA ND NA Acid Naphthalene (ppb) * none • NA ND NA Extract.ables Bis (2-ethylhexyl} Phthalate* none • NA ND NA (ppb) 1~3-Dichlorobenzene * 0.6{!0 (1) • NA ND NA N-Nltrosodiphenylarnine • none * NA ND NA Phenol ( ppb) • none • NA ND NA 2,4-Dimethylphenol (ppb) * none • NA NO NA 1,4-Dichlorobenzene • 0.075 (1) • NA ND NA Volatile Vinyl Chloride • 0.002(1) • NA ND NA Organic Acetone • none * NA ND NA Cool>oUnds Benzene (ppb) • 0.005 ( 1) * NA ND NA (ppb) 1,1-Dichloroethylene (ppb) • 0.007 (1) • NA ND NA 1,~-Dichlorobenzene (ppb) • 0.600 Cl) • NA NO NA <thylbenzere (ppb) • o.roo c1J • NA ND NA Methylene Chloride • 0.007 ( 1) • NA ND NA Toluene (ppbl • 2.000 (1) • NA ND NA 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene (ppb)* 0.7!10 (1) • NA NO NA 1,1,1-Trichloroethane-* 0.002(1) • NA NO NA rn·Xylene (ppb) • 10.0 (1) • NA NO NA Xy! enes (ppb) * 10.0 (1) • NA NO NA 1,2-Dlchtoroethene {total)(~ none * NA NO NA Chloroform (ppbl • 0.100 (1) • NA ND NA 1,1 Dichloroethane * N'one • NA 12 NA Miscellaneous Chloride • 250 mg/ l (2) • NA 74 NA (ppm) MPH Total Coliforms * 1per100 ml (1) • NA 500 NA Color • 15 (2) • NA >70 NA Sol ids • 500 mgfl (2) • NA sso NA Flooride • 2.0 mg/l (2) • NA 0.2 NA Surfactants {HBAS) *None • NA <0.01 NA tilitrate * 10 mg/! (2) • NA 0.03 NA Nitrite • 1.0 mg/l (2) * NA 0.04 NA pH • 6.5 . 8.5 (2) • NA 6.2 NA Sul fate • 250 mg/l (2) • NA 36 TAllLE 1, GRC1JHO WATER QUALITY DATA, CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC., CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROL!HA WELL MW-9 CATEGORY PARAHETER * Drinking Water • 10/89 11/89 M/90 6/9fJ 12/9fJ 12/9fJ 3/21/91 3/21/91 6/91 6/91 9/91 9/91 * Standards * (unfi l t) Cfil t. l (unfilt) (flit.) (unfilt)(filt.) (unfilt)(filt.) (unfilt) (filt.) (unfi!t) (filt) ------------------------------------* ---------------• ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- Metals AluniruJJ • Hone • 39 HD 1.63 o. 11 3.2 <O~ 1 4.9 <0.1 2.S <0.1 13 0.15 (PPJl) Arsenic • 0.05 mg/I (1J • HO HD ND HO <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.005 <0.005 Bariun • 1. 0 mg/! (1) • 0.28 0.01 0.10 0.10 -<O. 1 1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 Beryl l iUTI * ,None • NO HD HD HO 0.06 0.05 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.1 0.05 caan; Ull • 0.005 mg/l (1) • HO HO ND NO 0.04 <0.01 0.01 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 catciUTI * None • 33.9 22.2 26.0 24.1 26 25 28 22 28 22 28 23 Chr-omiun • 0.05 mg/[ (1) • 0.06 ND NO NO 0.02 <0.01 <0.01 0. 01 0.02 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Cobalt * None • 0.04 HD 0.01 HO 0.02 <0.01 0.02 <0.01 0.01 <0.01 0.02 0.01 Copper • 1. 0 mg/l (2) • 0.08 HD ND NO 0.03 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 0.05 <0.01 0.01 0.02 Iron • 0. 03 mg/l (2) • 195 0.09 3.63 0.69 6.2 <0.01 12 0.51 1.4 0.03 29 0.05 Lead • 0.05 mg/l ( 1) • HD HD ND HO <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.03 <0.03 Magnesiun * None • 51.1 19.6 18.0 17.2 19 18 22 16 15 12 26 16 M:ang.anese • 0.05 mg/[ (2) • 2.78 0.32 0.41 0.34 0.44 0.31 0.88 0.28 0.36 <0.01 0.74 0.32 Nickel • 0.15 mg/l (2) • 0.04 HD NO HO 0.05 0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0.03 <0.02 Po-tassiUll 111: N"one • 11. 9 3.3 4.33 3.09 3.4 1.8 3.5 3.7 <0.5 <O.S 2.8 5.6 SilVef' • 0.05 mg/l (1) • NO HD 0.07 0.02 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.02 SodiLllt * Nooe • 15.6 21.2 16.7 16.9 14 16 14 13 12 13 13 14 Vanadiun * None • 0.19 0.07 HO NO 0.02 <0.01 0.04 <0.01 0.02 <0.01 0.06 <0.01 Zinc-• 5.0 mg/l (2) • 0.12 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.01 0.04 o. 01 0.02 <0.01 0.04 <0.01 Cyanide • 0.154 mg/l (2) • NO HO NT HT <0.01 NA <0.01 NA <0.01 NA <0.01 NA Base/Neutral Oi-n-Butyl Phthalate (ppb) * .none • ND HD ND NA HD NA ND NA ND HA NO NA Acid Naphthalene (ppb) * none • HD ND HO HA NO NA HD NA HD HA NO HA Extractables Bis (2·ethylhexyl} Phthalate* none • ND ND ND NA NO NA HD NA ND HA ND NA (ppb) 1,3-Dichlorobenzene • 0.600 (1) • ND NO NO NA HO NA NO HA ND NA ND NA N·Nitrosodiphenylarnine * none • NO ND NO HA ND HA NO HA ND NA ND HA Pheool (ppbJ * none • HO HO NO NA ND NA HO NA HO NA NO HA 2,4·0imethylphenol (ppbJ • none • NO ND HO NA ND NA ND HA ND NA NO HA 1,4~~iciilorobenzene • 0.075 ( 1) • ND ND HO NA NO HA ND NA ND HA HO NA Volatile Vinyl Chloride • 0 .002(1) • NO ND ND NA HO NA NO NA HO NA NO NA Organic Acetone-* none • NT NT ND NA NO NA NO NA ND HA ND HA COOl>OUndS Bm<ene Cppb) • 0.005 (1) • HO HD NO NA NO NA HO NA ND NA HD NA (ppb) 1,1·Dichloroethytene (ppb) • 0.007 (1) • NO HD NO NA ND NA NO HA NO HA ND NA 1,2-Dichlorobenzene (ppbJ • 0.600 ( 1J • ND HD NO HA HD NA HO NA NO NA ND NA Ethylbenzene (ppbJ • 0.700 (1) • HD HD HO NA NO NA ND NA NO NA NO HA Hethyt-ene Chloride • 0.007 (1) • NO ND ND HA NO HA ND NA NO HA NO NA Toluene (ppbl * 2.000 (1) • HD ND HD HA NO HA NO NA HO HA NO NA 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene (ppb)• 0.700 (1) • HD NO NO NA HO NA NO NA ND NA HD HA 1,1,1·Trichtoroethane * 0.200(1) • HO NO NO NA HO HA HO NA HD HA HD NA rn-Hylene (ppbl • 10.0 (1) • ND ND NO NA HD NA HO NA NO HA HD NA Xyl en es (ppbJ • 10.0 (1) • HD ND HO HA NO NA ND HA NO NA ND NA 1,2-Dichloroe-tbene (total) C* none • ND NO ND NA NO NA ND HA NO NA NO HA Cli loroforrn (ppb) • 0.100 (1) • ND NO ND HA NO HA ND NA HD NA NO NA 1~1-Dichloroethane • none • HO HO NO NA NO NA NO NA HD HA ND HA Miscellaneous Chloride • 250 mg/I (2) • NA NA NA NA 8 NA 7 NA 7 NA 9 HA (PPJl) MPN Total Colifonns • 1 per 100 rnL (1) * NA NA NA HA >=1600 NA <2 NA <2 NA 23 NA C:olor • 15 (2) • HA HA NA HA 20 HA 10 NA 20 NA i;o NA Sol ids • 500 mgfl (2) • NA NA NA NA 19fJ NA 180 NA 230 NA 210 NA F tuoride • 2.0 mg/[ (2) * NA NA HA NA 0.2 HA <0.2 NA <0.2 HA <0.2 NA Surfactants CMBAS) * Hone • HA HA NA NA <0.01 NA <0.01 NA <0.01 HA <0.01 NA t.litr.ate-• 10 mg/I (2) • HA NA HA HA <0.02 NA 0.07 NA O.M NA <0.03 HA Nitrite • 1.0 mg/l (2) • NA NA NA NA 0.03 NA <0.02 NA D.02 HA O.M HA pH • 6.5 -8.5 (2) • HA NA HA HA 7.0 HA 6.6 HA 7.1 NA 6.8 NA Sulfate • 250 mgfl (2) • NA NA NA NA 81 HA 12 HA 26 NA 47 NA TABLE 1: GROJND ~TER QUALITY DATA, CENTRAL TRANSPORT, JKC., CHARLOTTE, HORTK CAROLINA WELL MW· 10 • CATEGORY PARAMETER * Or-inking ~ater • 10/89 11/89 06/90 6{90 12/90 12/9ll 3{21{91 3!21!91 6/91 6/91 9{91 9/91 * Standards * Cun.fi l t) lfi Lt.) (oofi Lt) {f il t.) (unf il t)(f i It.) (unfi l t)( Ii l t.) (unfit t) (fil t.) (unfi l t) (f il t) ------------------------------------* ---------------• ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Metals Al uni nLlll * M'one • 100 NO 8.48 0. 15 15 <O. 1 1.5 <0.1 34 0.14 8.5 0.1 (-) Arsenic. • 0.05 rrsrt C1l • 0.04 NO HD ND <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.005 <0.005 -Bari L.111 • 1.0 rrs/l co • 0.48 0.02 0. 16 0. 11 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 Beryl l iUTI * N'one • ND NO NO 0.09 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.13 0.03 0.07 0.04 Cadni UTI • 0.005 rrs/l C1l • KO KO ND NO 0.01 <0.01 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Calcii.rn * N"one • 36.5 22.7 25.0 22.6 25 22 22 23 69 49 26 23 Ch r-c:cn i UTI • 0.05 [[S/l (1) • 0. 17 NO 0.04 HO 0.02 <0,01 <0.01 <0.01 0.05 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 CobaL t * N"one • 0. 12 NO 0.02 HO 0.02 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.04 <0.01 0.01 <0.01 Copper-• 1.0 [[S/l (2) • 0.55 NO 0.05 ND 0.04 <0.01 0.02 <0.01 o. 19 0.01 0.06 0.06 1 ro.n • 0. 03 [[S/l (2) • 200 0.03 7.24 ND 12 0.02 0.84 0.05 34 0.06 7.6 0.06 Lead • o. 05 rrs/l (1 l • o. 15 ND 0.02 KO 0.03 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0.04 <0,02 <0.03 <0.03 Magnesiun * None • 34.7 14.9 13.5 12 .3 14 12 12 12 27 14 14 13 Manganese • o.05 rrs/l <2l • 2.29 0.03 0. 19 ND 0.28 <0.01 0.16 <0.01 4.6 0.59 0.22 <0.01 :Hi-ck-el • o.15 rrs/l <2l • 0.05 NO 0.02 ND 0.04 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0.03 <0.02 0.02 0.02 :Potassiun '* :None • 7.6 2.8 3.24 2.79 1.7 <0.5 2.2 <0.5 3.6 2.8 3.3 3.4 Silver • 0.05 ~/l (1) • HD ND 0.04 0.02 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.02 SodiUTI * None • 14.5 14.6 15.5 15.2 14 15 13 15 9.9 14 13 14 VanadiUll * None • 0.66 0.06 NO NO 0.04 0.02 0.02 <0.01 0.15 <0.01 0.03 <0.01 Zinc • 5.0 rrsrL <2> • 0.15 0.02 0.09 0.02 0.07 <0.01 0.01 0.01 0.07 <0.01 0.02 0.01 Cyanide • 0. 154 mg/L (2) • HO ND NT NT <0.01 NA <0.01 NA <0.01 NA <0.01 NA Base/Neutral Di·n-Butyl Phthalate (Jl'.!'b} • nooe • HD ND NO NA HD NA NO NA ND NA NO NA Acid Naplithalene (ppbJ • r.one • KD ND NO NA HD KA NO NA ND NA NO NA E;.::tractables Bis (2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate* none • ND KO ND NA ND NA NO NA ND NA ND NA (ppb) 1~3-Dichlorobenzene • 0.600 (1) • KO KG ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA N-Witrosodiphenylamine • none • NO KG ND NA KG NA ND NA ND NA ND NA Phenol ( ppb) • none • NO NO ND NA NO NA ND NA ND NA ND NA 2,4·Di,.,thylplienol (ppb) * none * NO NO KD NA NO NA ND NA ND NA HD HA 1,4·Dichlorobenzene • 0.075 (1) • NO ND ND NA ND NA ND NA KO NA ND HA Volatile Vinyl Chloride • 0.002(1) • NO NO ND NA ND NA NO NA lfll NA ND HA Organic Acetone * none • NT NT KD NA ND NA NO NA lfll NA ND NA Ccmpounds Benzene (ppb) • 0.005 ( 1) • ND ND NO NA NO NA NO HA lfll NA ND HA (ppb) 1,1-Dichloroethylene (ppb} • 0.007 (1) • NO ND NO NA ND NA ND HA NO NA ND NA 1,2·Dichtorobenzene <l=Jlb> • 0.600 ( 1) • NO ND NO NA ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA Ethylbenzene (ppb) • 0.700 (1) • NO NO NO KA ND NA ND NA NO HA ND NA Methylene Chloride • 0.007 ( 1) • NO ND NO KA ND NA ND NA ND NA lfll NA Toluene (ppb) • 2.000 ( 1) • HD ND NO NA ND NA lfll NA ND NA lfll NA 1,2,4·Trichlorobenzene (ppb)* 0.700 (1) • ND ND ND NA ND NA lfll NA NO NA NO NA 1,1,1·Trichloroethane • 0.200( 1) • KO HO NO NA HD NA lfll HA ND NA NO NA m·Xyleno (ppb) • 10.0 (1) • KO KO ND NA ND NA NO HA ND NA NO NA Xyl enos <ppb) • 10.0 (1) • ND KO HO NA ND NA NO NA ND NA NO NA 1,2·Diohloroethene (total) <-none • ND NO KO NA ND NA NO NA ND NA ND NA Chloroform (ppb) • 0.100 (1) • NO NO ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA 1~1-0ichloroethane "* None • NO ND ND KA ND NA ND KA KO NA ND NA Miscellaneous Chloride • 250 rrs/l C2l • NA NA NA NA 11 NA 12 NA 13 NA 12 NA (-) HPN Total Colifor111S • 1 per 100 g_ (1) • NA NA NA NA >=1600 NA <2 NA <2 NA 17 NA Color • 15 (2) • NA NA NA NA 10 NA 30 NA 20 NA 60 NA Sol ids • 500 rrstl C2l • NA NA NA NA 270 NA 180 NA 710 NA 240 NA fluoride • 2.0 ~/l (2) • NA NA NA NA <0.2 NA <0.2 NA <0.2 NA <0.2 NA Surfactants CMBAS) * tlone • NA NA NA NA <0.01 NA <0.01 NA <0.01 NA <0.01 NA N"itrate • 10 ~/l (2) • NA NA NA NA 0.81 NA 1. 18 NA 1 . 15 NA 1.01 NA Nitrite * t.O ~/l (2) • NA NA NA NA <0.02 NA <0.02 NA <0.02 NA 0.16 NA ptt • 6.5 -8.5 (2) • NA NA NA NA 7.0 HA 6.5 NA 7 NA 7 NA Sul fate • 250 ~/l {2) • NA NA NA NA 35 NA 12 NA 13 NA 22 NA TABLE 1: GROUND WATER QUALITY DATA, CEHTRAL TR~SPORT, IHC., CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA mi-11 CATEGORY PARAMETER * Drinking Water • 10/89 11/89 06/90 6/9fJ 12/90 12/90 3/21/91 3/21/91 6/91 6/91 9/91 9/91 .,., Standards "" (unfi l t) (lilt.) Cunfi It) ( fi It.) (oofi( t)( fil t.) (uni il t)( fil t.) (unfi l t) (fil t.) (mfil t) (Ii l t) ------------------------------------* ---------------• ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------- Metals Al uni ni..m '* Nooe • 4. 1 HD 10.4 0.14 89 <0.01 12 <0.1 130 <0.1 17 0.16 (Pf"ll) Arsenic • 0.05 mg/I (1) • ND HD HD ND <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.005 <O. 005 Bari1,.JJ1, • 1.0 mg/I (1) • 0.19 0.15 0.37 0.15 0.65 -<0.1 0.2 <0.1 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 Berylliun-• Hone • HD ND ND HD 0.24 0.02 0.07 0.03 0.29 0.03 0.09 0.03 Caclni U11 • 0.005 mg/! ( 1) • HD HD ND HD 0.01 <0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Calciw * Hone • 70 7ll 157 89.1 72 35 74 44 140 72 58 52 Chr001iUll • 0.05 mg/l ( 1) • HD ND 0.16 0.08 0.2 <0.01 0.04 <0.01 0.78 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Cobalt * None-• HD HD 0.02 ND 0.17 <0.01 0.05 <0.01 0.22 <0.01 0.03 0.01 Copper-• 1.0 mg/l (2) • 0.02 0.02 0.06 ND 0.53 <0.01 o. 11 0.01 0.47 0.01 0.!19 0.01 J roo • 0.03 mg/l (2) • 2.23 ND 8.52 ND 98 <0.01 16 0.12 160 0.11 16 0.04 L .. d • 0.05 mg/l (1) • HD 0.03 0.04 HD 0.1 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0.03 <0.02 <0.03 <0.03 M'agnesilm * N'one • 44 .1 38.1 9.81 0.78 58 11 25 13 140 25 22 15 M-.anganese * 0. 05 mg/l (2) • 1.79 1.84 0.88 HO 16 0.4 7.3 0.33 6.2 0.86 2.3 0.55 Nickel • 0.15 mg/l (2) • HO HO 0.03 HO 0.19 <0.02 0.03 <0.02 0.48 <0.02 0.03 0.02 Potassillll it Nooe • 10.2 7.5 61.7 56.2 14 3.1 8.4 5.6 8.7 4.5 5.6 3.4 Silver * 0.05 mg/ I ( 1) • NO NO 0.04 0.02 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.02 Sodillll * None • 24.4 22.7 33.6 31.4 5.2 12 12 14 4.6 16 13 15 VanadiLITI-* None • 0.46 0.16 ND HD 0.38 0.01 0.1 <0.01 o. 51 <0.01 0.08 <0.01 Zinc • 5.0 mg/l (2) • NO 0.02 0.07 HD 0.28 <0.01 0.05 0.01 9.5 0.07 0.05 <0.01 cyanide • 0.154 mg/l (2) • NO till NT HT <0.01 HA <0.01 NA <0.01 NA <0.01 HA 13.ase/~eutral Oi-n-0utyl Phthalote (ppb) * none • NO HO ND NA NO HA NO NA HD HA ND NA Acid Naphthalene (ppb) * none • ND NO NO NA ND NA ND NA NO NA NO NA Ext r-act ables Bis (2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate* none • HD NO NO NA ND NA ND NA ND NA NO HA {ppb) 1,3-Dichtorobenzene-* 0.600 (1) • NO NO ND NA ND NA HD HA ND HA ND HA ~-~itrosodiphenylarnine * .none • ND ND NO NA ND NA HD HA ND HA HO HA Phenol (ppb) * none • HD HO NO NA ND HA HD HA NO HA ND NA 2,4·Di,..thylphenol (ppb) it none • ND HO NO HA HD HA ND NA ND NA ND HA 114-Dichlorobenzene • 0.075 (1) • NO HO ND NA NO NA ND NA HD NA NO NA \l'olati te Vinyl Chloride • 0 .002(1) • NO NO ND NA NO HA ND NA HD NA ND NA Organic Acetone • r.one • NT NT 11 NA NO NA ND HA ND HA HD NA C~lK\ds Benzene {ppb) • 0 .005 {1) • HD ND ND HA ND NA HD HA ND HA HD NA (ppb) 1,1-Dichloroethylene (ppb) • 0.007 (1) • HO NO NO HA ND NA HD NA ND HA HD NA 1,2·Dichtorobenzene (ppb) • 0.600 ( 1) • ND HO ND NA ND HA HO NA ND NA HD NA Ethylbenzene (ppb) • 0.700 (1) • ND HO ND NA NO HA HO NA ND NA ND HA Methylene Chloride • 0.007 ( 1) • ND HO ND NA NO HA ND NA HD NA ND NA Toluene (ppb) • 2.000 ( 1) • ND HO NO NA NO HA ND NA HO NA ND NA 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene (ppb)* 0.700 (1) • ND ND ND NA ND HA ND NA NO NA ND NA 1,1,1 Trichloroethane • 0.200 • ND ND NO NA ND NA ND NA NO NA ND HA m-Xylene (ppb) • 10.0 (1) • HD HD ND NA ND NA ND NA NO NA ND HA Xylenes (ppb) • 10.0 (1) • HD HD HD NA ND HA HD HA ND HA ND NA 1,2-Dichloroethene (total}(* none • HD HO ND NA HO HA HD HA ND NA ND NA Cliloroform (ppb) • 0.100 (1) • NO HO NO HA ND HA ND HA ND NA ND NA 11 1 Dichloroetnane • l • NO HO NO NA ND NA ND NA HD NA ND HA Miscellaneous Ch lorlde • 250 1119/ l (2) • NA NA NA NA 11 HA 13 HA 13 HA 17 NA (Pf"ll) MPH Total Coliforms * 1 per 100 ml (1) • HA HA NA HA >=1600 NA 17 HA 900 HA 5DO NA Color • 15 (2) • HA HA NA HA 20 NA 60 HA 40 HA 50 NA Sot ids • 500 mg/\ (2) • HA HA NA HA 220 NA 29fJ NA 330 NA 320 NA Fluo.ride • 2.0 mg/l (2) • NA HA NA NA <0.2 NA <0.2 NA <0.2 NA <0.2 HA Surfactants (~BAS) "" None * NA HA NA NA <0.01 HA <0.01 NA <0.01 NA <0.01 HA ~itrate • 10 111;!/l (2) * NA NA NA NA 0.11 HA 0.04 NA 0.07 NA <0.03 NA ~itri te * 1.0 mg/l (2) * HA NA NA NA 0.03 NA <0.02 NA 0.02 NA 0.05 HA pH * 6.5 -B.5 (2) • NA NA NA NA 7.4 NA 6.8 NA 7.3 NA 7 HA Sul fate • 250 mg/l (2) • HA HA HA HA 86 NA 15 NA 49 HA 57 HA TABLE 1: GROUND WATER QUAllTY DATA, CENTRAl TRANSPORT, INC., CHARLOTTE, NORIN CAROi.INA MW-14 CATEGCRY PAIWIETER -:t Drinking ~ater • 3/07/91 3/07/91 3/21/91 3/21/91 -:t S tarrla rds *Cunfi It.) (fit t.) ( ..... fit t.) (lilt.) ----------------------------------·-* ---------------• ---------------------------- Hetals At uni llU11 • Non< • 2.6 <0.1 4.6 <0.1 (pp:TI) Arsenic • 0.05 mg/I (1) • <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Bariun • 1.0 mg/I (1) • <O .1 <Cl .1 <0.1 <0.1 Berylliuii * Wone * 0.04 0.05 0.07 0.05 Cac:iniUTI • 0.005 mg/ I (1) * 0.01 <0,01 <0.01 <0.01 catc\UTI * None * 16 13 16 12 Chromiun • 0.05 mg/! ( 1) * 0.05 0.04 <0.01 0.02 Cobalt * ~one * 0.03 <0.01 0.03 <0.01 Copper • 1.0 mg/! (2) * 0.04 0.02 0.05 0.02 Iron • 0.03 mg/l (2) * 2. 1 0.05 4.2 0.56 lead • 0.05 mg/l ( 1) * <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <-0.-02 HagnesiUl'I * None • 7.8 5 8.4 4.8 Manganese • 0.05 mg/l (2) * 0.36 0.02 0. 51 0.02 N"ickel • 0.15 mg/l (2) * <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0.02 Potassillll * h'one • 1.5 0.97 2.8 3.4 Si Lver • 0.05 mg/l (1) • <0.01 0.01 <0.01 0.01 Sodiun * Nooe • 11 12 11 11 vanadiL.111 *None • <0.01 <0.01 0.02 <0.01 Zinc * 5.0 mg/l (2) • 0.02 <0.01 0.04 0.01 Cy.anide * 0.154 mg/ l (2) • -<0.01 NA <0.01 NA Base/~eutral Oi·n·Butyl Phthalate (ppb) * none • NO NA NO NA Acid Naphthalene (ppb) * none • ND NA NO NA Extractables Bis (2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate~ none • ND NA NO NA (ppb) 1,3-Dichlorobeniene • 0.600 (1) • ND NA NO NA N-Nitrosodiphenylamine • none • NO NA NO NA Phenol (ppb) • none • NO NA ND NA 2,4·0imethylpllenol (ppb) • none * NO NA NO NA 1,4-Dichtorobenzene • 0.075 (1) * ND NA NO NA 'u'olat i le Vinyl Chloride • 0.002 * NO NA ND NA Of'ganic Acetone * none * NO NA ND NA C~s Benzene (s:pb) • 0.005 ( 1) * NO NA ND NA (ppb) 1,1-Dichloroethylene {ppb) • 0.007 (1) * NO NA ND NA 1,2-0ichlorobenzene (ppb) • 0.600 (1) * NO NA ND NA Ethylbenzene (ppb) • 0.700 (1) * NO NA NO NA ~ethylene Chloride • 0.007 {1) • NO NA ND NA Toluene C!JfD) • 2.000 {1) • NO NA ND NA 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene (i;:pb)* 0.700 (1) • NO NA ND NA 1~1,1-lrichloroethane * 0.20CI • NO NA ND NA m·Xylene (ppb) • 10.0 (1) • ND NA ND NA Xylenes (ppbJ * 10.0 (1) • ND NA ND NA 1,2-Dicliloroethene (total) • none • ND NA ND NA Chloroform (ppb) * 0.100 (1) • ND NA ND NA 11 1 Dichloroethane-*None • ND NA ND NA Hiscel taneoos Chloride * 250 mg/ I (2) • 9 NA 8 NA (pp:TI) HP~ Total Coliforrns * 1 per 100 ml <ll • <2 NA <2 NA Color * 15 (2) • 70 NA >70 NA Solids * 500 mg/t (2) • 120 NA 140 NA Fluoride • 2 .o mg{l (2) * <0.2 NA <0.2 NA Surfactants CMBAS) * Wone * <0.01 NA <0.01 NA t.li tr ate • 10 mg/l (2) * 0.53 NA 0.49 NA hlitrite • 1.0 mg/l (2) * <0.02 NA <0.02 NA pll • 6.5 -8.5 (2) * 6.4 NA 6 NA Sulfate • 250 mg/l (2) * 50 NA 19 NA TABLE 1: GROUND I/ATER QUALITY DATA, CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC., CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA PROOUCTI ~ \IH L • CATEGORY PARA!1ETER * Drinking Water • 3/07/91 3/07/91 3121/91 3121/91 ,., St.andaf'ds -t=(mfi lt.) (tilt.) (unfit t.) (filt.) ------------------------------------* ---------------• ----------------------- ----- Metals A l UTii l1lJTI ' None • <O .1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 (~) Arsenic • 0.05 mg/l (1) • <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 6.ariun • 1.0 mg/l (1) • <O .1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Beryllillll * None • 0.03 0.03 0.()4 0.04 Cadnilllt * 0.005 mg/ I (1) • <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 CalciL.111 * None • 56 54 70 71 ChromiUTI * 0.05 mg/I (1) • 0.04 0.04 <-0, 01 <0.01 Cobalt * None • <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Copper • 1.0 mg/ I (2) • 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02 Iron • 0.03 mg/! (2) • 0.41 0.04 0. 14 0.7 Lead • 0.05 mg/l (1) • <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 HagnesiUll * None • 11 11 14 14 Manganese • 0. 05 mg/l (2) • 0.67 0.64 0.8 0.8 Nickel • 0.15 mg/l (2) • <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0.02 P-ot ass i llll *:Nooe • 5.2 3.5 5.2 3.7 Silver • 0.05 mg/[ (1) • <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Sodim • Nooe • 11 10 13 13 Vanadillll * None • <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Zinc * 5.0 mg/I (2) • 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.(19 Cyanide * 0.154 mg/ I (2) • <0.01 NA <0.01 NA aase/Neutrat Oi·n·Butyl Phthalate (ppb) * none • NO NA ND NA Acid Naphthalene (ppb) * none • NO NA ND NA Extractables Bis (2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate* none • NO NA NO NA (ppb) 1~3-~i~hlorobenzene-.... 0.600 (1) • ND NA ND NA N-NitFosodiphenylamine-* none • NO NA NO HA Phenol ( ppbJ * none • NO NA NO NA 2,4-Dimethy!phenol (ppb) * none • ND NA ND NA 1,4-Dichlorobenzene • 0.075 ( 1) • NO NA NO NA Vol.at i le Vinyl Chlo-ride • 0.002(1) • NO NA NO NA Organic Acetone • none • ND NA NO NA Coopounds B en<er"' ( ppb) ' 0.005 (I) • ND NA NO NA (ppb) 1,1-Dichloroethylene (ppb) • 0.007 (1) • NO NA NO NA 1~2-Dichlorobenzene (ppb) • 0.600 (1) • ND NA NO NA Ethy!benzene (ppb) • o. 700 (1) • NO NA ND NA Methylene Chloride • 0.007 (1) • NO NA ND NA Tol..,.ne (ppb) • 2.000 ( 1) • NO NA ND NA 1,2,4·Trichlorobenzene (ppb)* 0.700 (1) • NO NA ND NA 1,,,1-TFichloroethane * 0.200(1} • NO NA ND NA rn·Xylene (j:j>b) • 10.0 (1) • NO NA NO NA Xylenes (ppb) • 10.0 (1) • NO NA ND HA 1,2-0i~hloroe-thene (tot.al) <* none • NO NA NO NA Chloroform (ppb) • 0.100 (1) • NO NA NO NA 1,1 DichtorOi:!thane * None • NO NA NO NA Miscellaneous ChloFide • 250 mg/l (2) • 15 NA 17 NA (-) NPK Total Coliforms • 1 per 100 ml (1) • <2 NA <2 NA Color-• 15 (2) • 10 NA <10 NA Solids • 500 mg/l (2) • 260 NA 310 NA Fluoride • 2.0 mg/l (2) • <0.2 NA <0.2 NA SUr-f.actants (HSAS) * None • <0.01 NA <0.01 NA Ni tr.ate • 10 mg/ I (2) • 0.18 NA 0.27 NA Nitrite • 1.0 mg/ l (2) • <0.02 NA <0.02 NA pH • 6.5 . 8.5 (2) • 6.8 NA 7.3 NA sut fate * 250 mg/ I (2) • 22 NA 30 NA TABLE 1: GROJNO WATER QUAllTY OATA, cENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC., CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA M~-16 CATEGORY PAR~ETER * nrinkiog Water • 5/91 5/91 9/91 9/91 * Standards *Cunfilt.) (fi Lt.) (uniilt) (fil t) ------------------------------------* ---------------• -------------- ------------ .Metals AlUTiinun "" :None • 3.9 <0-. ~ i;. 1 <O. l (-) Arsenic • 0.05 mg/\ (1) • <0.01 <0.01 <O. 005 <0.005 BarilRI • 1.0 mg/I (1) • <0.05 <(.05 <0.05 <0.05 BerylliUTI • None • o.oi; 0.03 0.05 0.(13 CaclniUJJ • 0.005 mg/l (1) • 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 calch.m * None • 57 56 51 50 Chromiun • 0.05 mg/l (1) • 0.09 0.05 <0.01 <(.01 Cobalt * Nooe • <0.01 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Copper • 1.0 mg/l (2) • 0.07 0.01 0.03 <0.01 1 ron • 0.03 mg/l (2) • 16 0.02 4.5 0.09 Lead • 0.05 mg/l ( 1) • 0.03 <0.02 <0.03 <0.03 iMagnesiL..111 * None • 11 11 1l 10 Manganese • 0.05 mg/ l (2) • 0.'7 0.16 o. 15 0.08 tilickel • 0.15 mg/l (2) • 0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 Pot ass i Lill :1;-N:one • 6.5 3.t; 4 2 Silver • 0.05 mg/l (1) * <0.01 0.02 <0.01 <0.01 Sodiu-n * N'one • 16 14 12 13 vanadiu-n * .None • <0.01 <0,0~ <0.01 <0.01 :Zinc * 5 .0 mg/\ (2) • 0.72 <0.01 0.22 <0.01 Cyanide • 0.154 mg/l (2) • <0.01 NA <0.01 NA Base/Neut r a l Oi·n·Butyl Phthalate (i:pbl • none • NO NA NO NA Acid Naphthalene (ppb) * none • NO NA NO NA Extract.ables Bis (2-ethylhexyl) Pbthalate* none • NO NA NO NA (ppb) 1~3-Dichlorobenzeoe * 0.6()0 (1) • NO NA NO NA N-Nitrosodlphenylamine-• none • NO NA NO NA Phenol (ppb) * none • ND NA HO NA 2,t;·Dilllethylpher.ol (ppb) * none • NO NA HO NA \~4-0ichlorobenzene • 0.075 (1) • NO NA NO NA Volatile llinyl Chloride • 0.002 • NO NA ND HA Or-ganic Acetone ,... none • NO NA ND NA C~unds B-enz.ene (ppb} • 0.005 (1) • NO NA ND NA (i:pb) 1,1-Dichloroethylene (ppb) • 0.007 (1) • NO NA NO NA 1,2-Dichlorobenzene (ppb) • 0.600 (1) * ND NA NO NA Ethylbenzene (ppb) • o. 700 (1) • NO NA 25 NA Kethylene Chloride • O.OD7 (1) • NO NA ND NA Toluene (i:pb) • 2.000 ( 1) • ND NA ND NA 1,2,4-Trichlorobenz.ene (ppb)• 0.700 (1} • ND NA ND NA 1,1,1-Trichloroethane • 0.200 • ND NA ND NA m-Xyleoe (ppb) • 10.0 (1) • NO NA ND NA Xyt enes ( ppbl • 10.0 (1) • HO NA NO NA 1~2-Dichloroethene (total) * none • NO NA NO NA Ch\ oroform ( ppb) • 0.100 (1) • ND NA NO NA 1,1 Oichloroethane *None • NO NA NO NA Miscellaneous Chloride • 250 mg/l (2) • 9 NA 9 NA (-) MPN Total Coliforms • 1 per 100 nj_ (1) • 500 NA 220 NA Color • 15 (2) • 60 NA 20 NA Solids • 500 mg/l (2) • 220 NA 300 HA fluor-ide • 2.0 mg/l (2) • <(.2 NA <0.2 NA Surfactants {MBAS) • N"one • <0.01 NA <0.0\ NA N'itrate • 10 mg/l (2) • <0.02 NA <0.03 NA Nit rite • 1.0 lll!l/l (2) * 0.08 NA <0.02 NA pf! • 6.5 -8.5 (2) • 7.7 NA 7.4 NA SYL fate • 250 mg/l (2) • 29 NA 34 NA " Table 2 Page 1 of 3 llELL SPECIFICATIONS ANO GROOND llATER ELEVATIONS CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. • CNARLOTTE TERMINAL 10/22/89 11/15/89 61n190 12/3/90 2/4/91 2/20/91 2/27/91 2/28/91 *TOP OF NON-PUMPING PIDIPI NG PVC GROONO GROONO GllOONO GROONO GROONO GROONO GROONO GROONO WELL GROUND SCREENED CASING WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER llATER WATER llATER WELL WELL DEPTH ELEVATION INTERVAL ELEVATION ELEVATION ELEVATION ELEVATION ELEVATION ELEVATION ELEVATION ELEVATION ELEVAT JON NO. TYPE (BGL) (MSL) (BGL) (MSL) (MSL) (MSL) CllSL) (MSL) (MSL) (MSL) CMSL) (MSL) overburden 19 766.2 9-19 766.85 751.94 751.32 750.15 751.05 2 overburden 24 769.8 14-24 771.59 752.21 752.24 751.14 751.42 753.89 753.51 754.07 753.97 6 bedrock 35.5 769.6 25 .5-35. s m.u 752.47 751.57 754.75 750.67 755.59 754.82 756.40 755 .82 7 bedrock 39 768.7 29·39 768. 71 750. 71 750.36 751.39 749.61 751.16 750.81 751.49 750.93 8 bedrock 32 769.9 22·32 771. 54 751.38 751. 79 753.26 750. 79 753.49 752.97 753.84 753.37 9 bedrock 52 769.4 42·52 77\ .83 755.68 755 .18 755.22 754.31 756.78 756.48 756.7U 756.61 10 bedrock 51 765.3 41 ·51 767.<18 755 .66 755 .32 755.55 755 .08 756.93 756. 71 756.94 756.86 .. 11 bedrock 27 755.5 17·27 757.68 708.18 747.98 708.97 7<18.64 708.85 748.67 748.66 748.59 12 bedrock 100 755.1 90·100 757.49 --------660.86 748.79 721. 79 730.68 733. 77 734.19 13 bedf'ock 29 759.5 19-29 761. 74 14 bedrock 59 769.55 49-59 768.91 ----------------750.01 749.89 749.95 749.80 15 bedrock 65.5 769.50 55.5-65.5 768.99 ----------------719 .14 720.99 753.90 729.10 16 bedrock 76 759.7 66-76 761.81 A ----36.31 777.0 ----777.54 ----------------760. 74 760.8" 760.96 761.98 B ----34.98 769.2 ----769.55 ------------ ----758.90 758.68 758.97 758.94 c ----36.08 768.2 ----769.02 ----------------756.37 755 .8" 756. 70 756.34 0 ----30.66 767 .5 ----767. 78 S1 stream point ----753.4 ----756.39 ----------------753.89 753.47 753.42 753.50 S2 st ream point ----749.2 ----753.50 ----------------749.68 749.58 749.66 749.66 S3 st ream point . -·. 745.2 .... 748.68 -------· .... ----745.18 7<15 .13 745.37 745.34 Page 2 of 3 WELL SPECIFICATIONS AliD GROIJND llATER ElEVAT!ONS CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. CKARLOTTE TERMINAL 3/7/91 3/18/91 3/27/91 5/2/91 5/3/91 8/23/91 9/17/91 •10p OF NON-PUMP rnG PUMPING NON-PUMPING NON-PUMPING l'VC GROIJNG GROUllD GROIJND GROIJND GROIJND GROIJNO Gi!OUND WELL GROIJND SCREHED CASING WATER I/ATER WATER I/ATER I/ATER WATER WATER WELL WElL DEPTH ELEVATION INTERVAL ELEVATION ELEVATION ELEVATION ELEVATION ELEVATION ELEVA HON ELEVATION ELEVATION MO. TYPE (BGL) (MSL l CBGl) CMSL) (HSL) CMSL) CMSL) (NSL) (MSL) (MSL) (MSL) overburden 19 766.2 9-19 766.85 752.55 747 .01 752.02 752.49 752.39 751.43 747.81 2 overburden 24 769.8 14-24 n1.59 754.25 744.67 754.19 755.47 755 .01 755.01 751.87 6 bedrock 35.5 769.6 25 .5-35. 5 n2.17 756.20 734.36 755.46 758.47 757 .35 758.12 755 .05 7 bedrock 39 768.7 29-39 768. 71 751.99 729.36 751.26 752.56 751. 79 752.06 748. 72 8 bedrock 32 769.9 22-32 m.54 753.91 741.56 753.62 755 .37 754.54 755.08 751.96 9 bedrock 52 769.4 42-52 m.83 757.98 718.29 757.30 757 .53 757.44 754.52 751.07 10 bedrock 51 765.3 41 ·51 767.48 757.93 714.20 757.36 757 .50 757 .42 755.21 755.00 11 bed rook 27 755.5 17·27 757.68 749.23 728.60 748.79 748.73 748.68 747.83 747.73 12 bedrock. 100 755.1 90·100 757.49 736.79 654.69 663.64 705 .12 706. 11 747.52 749.21 13 bedrock 29 759.5 19·29 761.74 .... --·· . ... 749.27 749.05 7o8.84 748. 74 14 bedrock 59 769.55 49·59 768.91 750.92 710.67 750.63 751.13 750.95 749.33 749.04 15 bedrock. 65.5 769.50 55.5·65.5 768.99 742 .29 .... 729.87 755.85 717.36 755.84 753.26 16 bedrock 76 759. 7 66·76 761.81 ···--··· ----751.39 751.22 751.03 750.97 A ·---36.31 rn.o ----rn.54 761.51 .... 761.87 762.24 762.22 759.52 755.89 B ----34.98 769.2 ---· 769.55 760.00 ···-759.82 760.09 760.04 755.87 752.64 c ----36.48 768.2 . ---769.02 757.06 .... 756.37 758.22 757.57 757.75 754.60 0 ----30.66 767.5 ---· 767.78 -··---------750.06 750.02 748.13 747.90 S1 st ream point .... 753.4 -· -· 756.39 754.16 ··--754.10 S2 stream point .... 749.2 . ... 753.50 749.n ~ ··--749.68 S3 st ream po-1 nt ··-. 745.2 . ... 748.68 745.58 ··--748.68 Page 3 of 3 ABBREV I A TI OllS: NOTES: BGL is Below GrOU'Kt level. .MSL is :Me.an See levet • BTOC is Below Top of Casing. 11 ----11 is Not A.vai Lable/Not A:ppt ic.able. All measurements are in feet. Well No. 12 installed 6/25/9fJ. Well No. 14 installed 1/17/91. Well No. 15 ins ta l led 1/ 18/91 ; g rou:xl water elevations may be i nil uenced by nearby praooct ion well • Well Nos. 13 ard 16 installed 4/13/91. Wells A, e, c~ and O not installed by O'Brien & Gere; welt types and screened intervals not known. * Stream points staked 12/7/90; 1•top of casing elevation" for streara points is top of stake elevation. 11Ground water elevation11 for stream points is surface water elevation~ Stream point S3 was destroyed during-the installation of wells 13 and 16. 2/26/91 elevations -east side wells are Lowest elevations; west side wells are frCMll eo::I of day. 5/2/91 • earlieat data 5/3/91 -Lowest data from second purping cycle • Robert Glaser, Hydrogeologist January 11, 1991 Page 2 ' development. Lagoon surface elevations may also be taken at this time. This data will be used to calculate ground water flow directions at the site and to provide further information about the location and installation of MW-13. 3. Following completion of task 2 above, OBG will provide information on the schedule for the following tasks: a. location and installation of MW-13, and; b. sampling of wells MW-6, MW-7, MW-8, MW-14 and MW- 15. These samples will be analyzed for the parameters outlined in the July 1990 Work Plan for the Supplemental Phase l Hydrogeologic Investigation. 4. Approximately March 15, 1991, the next round of quarterly sampling will be performed. Wells MW-14 and MW-15 will be sampled in addition to the wells sampled during the December 1990 sampling event. A request for a revised list of wells to be sampled and/or analytical parameters may be submitted prior to the March 1991 sampling event depending upon the outcome of the ground water flow direction calculations and the evaluation of the December 1990 sampling results. After your receipt of this letter, we would appreciate your comments and agreement to the scheduled outlined in this letter. Please advise if we can provide additional information or clarification. Very truly yours, O'BRIEN & GERE ENGINEERS, INC. ~~:s~::::~ ( ~ -t~n) Vice President cc: J. Doyle, Esquire M. Fleischaker, Esquire K. Nam, Esquire G. Simpson M. Wittner T. Norman 0 BRllN & GFRc Mr. Robert Glaser December 17, 1990 Page 3 9 weeks 10 weeks 12 weeks • • ground water elevation data collection and ground water sampling interim report -flow direction receipt of laboratory results Note: If mutual agreement is made on December 21, 1990, the 12 week milestone would be the second full week of March 1991. The next quarterly sampling is scheduled for "Mid March 1991". The final report will be submitted approximately 3 weeks following receipt of the second round analytical results. Having initiated quarterly sampling and submitted this letter, which outlines the actions CTI will take toward enhancing the ground water monitoring system, CTI considers itself to have fulfilled the requests contained in your November 13, 1990, letter. We look forward to discussing this letter with you at your earliest convenience. Very truly yours, O'BRIEN & GERE ENGINEERS, INC . . ~-. ~·.7f{-~~ident cc: J. Doyle, Esquire M. Fleischaker, Esquire K. Nam, Esquire G. Simpson M. Wittner T. Norman CHJHlcN i; Cf'RI' • • SCHEDULE QUARTERLY GROUND WATER SAMPLING CENTRAL TRANSPORT. INC. Charlotte. North Carolina First Quarter December 3-5, 1990 Second Quarter Mid March, 1991 Third Quarter Mid June, 1991 Fourth Quarter Mid September, 1991 Specific dates for the second through fourth quarters will be scheduled in coordination with hydrogeologists from the State of North Carolina, Solid Waste Management Division, Hazardous waste Section. r- 1 !" • AFFIDAVIT OF GARY BELK • GARY BELK, being first duly sworn, says and avers: My name is Gary Belk. I live at 401 East 29th Street, Kannapolis, North Carolina and my telephone number is 938-2398. I work at Central Transport. I have been employed with them for a little over seven (7) years. On numerous occasions I've seen them dump untreated wastewater into the City sewer. I've called the Charlotte Mecklenburg County Sewer Department about dumping untreated wastewater into the sewer, They told me the permits Central Transport had requires pre-treatment through the wastewater treatment plant then discharged to the sewer. They were dumping wastewater straight into the city sewer without treatment or anything through a four (4") inch line in the ground at the back of the boiler room. In approximately October, 1984, Central had a bad ethyl acrylate spill. The waste that was spilled was dug up and put into 6 -SS gallon drums. They were told to take the drums of waste to South Carolina for disposal. They were not took to South Carolina. The drums set on Central's lot for maybe a year. In l98S the drums were taken behind Central's building where the waste treatment plant is built and dumped into the ground with a backhoe. The backhoe operator was Tommy Price of Price Grading. He picked the drums up and dropped them into the hole when he took the backhoe and move them around. He busted some of them up and I was standing there watching him do it, and I told him not to do it. They were suppose to take the drums to a hazardous waste place in South Carolina. They didn't pay me a bit of attention. Jim Moore, Vice President of Maintenance at Central Transport authorized it. Dave Williams, June Carson and myself were standing there watching him do it. on one occasion we had a real bad acrylate odor when the Environmental Health were coming out every week and checking us. And I've witnessed them dump 5,000 gallons of ethyl acrylate, caustic soda and water mixed together down the city sewer. Environmental Health was checking the sewer lines all down and over to Freedom Drive trying to locate the odor source, The acrylate odor seemed to be everywhere. That's when we had real bad complaints about the odor from Environmental Health and people in Westchester. Part of the ethyl acrylate waste from this occurrence is still sitting in Central Tanker #212 today. The tanker is located on the parking lot. More caustic was added to this load of ethyl acrylate in February or March, 1987. -.. , . • . . Arent, Fox, Kintner, Pk>tkin & Kahn Mr. Peter L. Doorn October 26, 1990 Page 2 •• In addition, the RCRA regulations at Subpart F, 40 C.F.R., Part 265 which set forth requirements for groundwater monitoring for interim status facilities are not applicable to the Charlotte lagoons. Again, the reason is that the lagoons are not a TSDF. The quarterly comprehensive groundwater quality assessment program which you have deemed necessary is applicable to active RCRA interim status facilities, which CTI's Charlotte lagoons are not. First, as previously indicated, the Charlotte lagoons are not a RCRA TSDF. CTI has always maintained that the lagoons contain no hazardous waste of any kind. They are not hazardous waste management units for any purpose other than closure. In addition, even if the Subpart F groundwater monitoring requirements were applicable, they only apply during the active life of an interim status facility. Even if the lagoons wer~TSDF, the lagoons are no longer active, and have not been active for a period of time. A groundwater assessment has already been performed as reflected in O'Brien & Gere's hydrogeologic studies. The lagoons are presently at the closure stage. Therefore, any groundwater quality determination should be made after the facility closure takes place. O'Brien & Gere already plans to perform post-closure monitoring as proposed in the submitted closure plan. This post-closure activity should more than suffice considering the lagoons are not even a TSDF in the first place. Therefore, we do not believe that an additional groundwater monitoring evaluation is required at this time. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, )~<~~ Marc L. Fleischaker Mr. Robert Glaser May 14, 1991 Page 2 • cc; John Doyle, Esquire Marc Fleischaker, Esquire K. Nam, Esquire G. Simpson M. Wittner T. Norman • Table 1 ctNTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. -CHARLOTTE TERMINAL GRCKIND WATER QUALITY ANALYSES MW· 1 CAT!:GORY PARAMETER * Drinking Water • 11/89 06/9() 06/9() 12/9() 12/90 3/21/91 3/21/91 * Standards • (fil t) (rnli It) (lit t) (unlit t) (Ii\ tl (uni iL t) (Ii! tl ------------------------------------· ---------------• -----------------------------------------·--- Metals Al uni n1.J11 * None • ND 6.86 0.14 4.6 <0.1 38 0.25 (Pf"ll) Arsenic • 0.05 mg/l ( 1) • ND ND ND <0.010 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Barill'll • 1.0 mg/l (1) • 0. 17 ND 0.25 <O. 1 <0.1 0.41 <0.1 Berylliun * None • ND ND ND 0.03 0.01 0.09 0.01 Cacirliun • 0.005 mg/\ ( 1) • ND ND ND 0.02 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Calciun * None • 1;2.5 0.32 37.5 35 35 38 29 Ch romi ll1l • 0.05 mg/t ( 1) • ND o. 01 ND <0.01 <0.01 0.13 <0.01 Cobalt * NonE • 0.03 o. 01 0. 01 <0.01 <0.01 0.08 <O. 01 Copper • 1.0 mg/\ (2) • ND 0.02 0.02 0.01 <0.01 0.18 0. 01 Iron * 0.03 mg/ l (2) • 15.8 35.9 23.3 21 22 99 13 Le.id * 0.05 mg/l (1) • 0.03 0.04 0.03 <0.02 <0.02 0.18 <0.02 MagnesiL.111 * None-• 25.1 20.9 19.5 17 17 27 16 • Manganese * 0.05 mg/ l (2) • 0.55 0.40 0.31 0.38 0.39 2.4 0.25 Wicket * 0.15 mg/l (2) • ND 0.02 ND 0.06 0.04 0.07 <0.02 Potassilm * None • 8.1 6.4 6.64 5.6 4.4 3.3 5.6 Silver * 0.05 11191 l <1 J • ND 0.05 0.02 <0.01 <0.01 <O.Dl <0.01 SodiUI * None • 237 216 200 260 250 220 240 V.anadilJ[) * None • 0.1 ND ND 0.02 0.0\ 0.41 <0.01 Zinc * 5 .O mg/l (2) • 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.07 <0.01 0 .1 0.01 Cyanide * 0 .154 mg/l (2) • ND NT NT <0.01 NA <0.01 NA Base/Weut r a 1 Di-n-Butyt Phthalate • none • ND ND NA ND NA NO NA Acid Naplithalene • none • ND ND NA ND NA NO NA Extract.ables 8is(2·ethylhexyl)Phthalate • none • ND ND NA ND NA NO NA (ppb) i,3-Dichlorobenzene • 0.600 (1) • ND ND NA ND NA ND NA N·Nitrosodiphenylamine • none • ND ND NA NO NA HD NA Phenol • none • ND ND NA ND NA ND NA 2,4-Dimethylpi_enol • none • ND ND NA ND NA ND NA 1,4-Dichlorobenzene • 0.075 (1) • ND ND NA HD NA ND NA Volatile vinyl chloride • 0.002(1) • ND ND NA ND NA ND NA Organic Acetone * none • HT NO NA ND HA ND NA COOpounds Benz.ene • 0.005 (1) • ND ND NA NO NA NO NA (ppb) 1,1-Didilor-0ethylene • 0.007 {1) • HD ND NA NO NA ND NA 1,2-Dicl1l-0robenzene • 0.600 {1) • HD ND NA HO NA ND HA Ethylbenz.ene • 0.700 (1) • HD HD NA HO HA ND HA Methylene Chloride • 0.007 (1) • ND NO HA ND NA ND NA Toluene • 2.000 (1) • NO NO NA ND NA ND NA 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene • 0.700 (1) • HD ND NA ND NA ND NA • 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane • 0.200( 1) • HD ND NA HD NA ND NA m-Xylene • 10.0 (1) • ND ND NA HD NA NO HA Xylenes • 10.0 (1) • ND ND NA ND NA NO NA 1,2-Dichloroethene (total) • none • ND NO NA ND NA HO NA Chloroform • 0.100 (1) • ND NO HA ND NA HD NA 11 1 DichlorOEthane • none • HO HO HA ND NA HD NA Miscellaneous Chloride • 250 mg/l (2) • NA NA NA 62 HA 62 NA (ppm) MPN Total Cotiforms * 1 per 100 mL (1) • HA NA NA >=1600 NA <2 NA Color • 15 (2) • HA NA NA 50 NA >70 NA Sol ids • 500 mg/l (2) • NA NA NA 690 NA 690 NA Fluoride • 2.0 mg/l (2) • NA NA NA 0.2 NA <0.2 NA Surfactants (~BAS) * None • NA NA NA <0.01 NA <0.01 NA Witrate • 10 019/l (2) • NA NA NA 0.12 NA <0.02 NA Nitrite • 1.0 mg/l (2) • NA NA NA <0.02 NA <0.02 HA pH • 6.5 -8.5 (2) • NA NA NA 6.8 NA 6.3 NA Sul f.ate • 250 mg/l (2) • NA NA HA 32 HA 15 NA T.able 1 CENTRAL TR~SPORT, INC. · CHARLOTTE TERMINAL GROUND ~ATER QUALITY ANALYSES ~~-2 CATEGORY PARAKETER * Dri nKi ng \later • 11/89 06/90 06/90 12/90 12/90 3/21/91 3/21/91 * Standards • (fi Lt) (unfit t) (fil t) (unfi l t) (Ii I tl Cooli It) ( fil t) ------------------------------------* ---------------• --------------------------------------------Ket a ls A lL.rn i run * None • 0.2 76.2 0.13 3.8 <0.1 50 0. 11 (PF") Arsenic • 0.05 llQ/l (1) • NO ND NO <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 BariU'll • 1.0 llQ/l (1) • 0. 1 0.62 0.19 -<O~ 1 <-0. 1 <0.1 <0-. 1 Beryl l i 1.111. * None • HO ND HO 0.05 0.03 0.12 0.04 Caclni1.J11 • 0.005 l!lil/l (1) • HO ND "° <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 CalcilJll * None • 26.4 37.8 22.2 28 24 35 20 Ch:rcxni Lill • 0.05 l!lil/l (1) • HO 0.90 NO 0.02 <0.01 0.43 <0.01 Cobalt * None • 0.05 0.18 0.04 O.Oii <0.01 0.16 <0.01 Copper • 1.0 l!lil/l (2) • 0.02 0.71 0.02 0.05 <0.01 0.47 0. 01 Iron • 0.03 l!lil/l (2) • 0.06 115 0.83 3.4 0.3 50 0. 01 lead • 0.05 l!lil/l Cl) • 0.03 0.07 NO <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 MagnesiLlll * None • 22.3 85.1 16.3 22 17 71 15 • Manganese • 0 .05 l!lilfl (2) • 0.86 3.01 0.95 1.1 0.78 2.7 0.52 Nickel • 0.15 l!lilfl (2) • NO 0.27 0.02 0.03 <0.02 0.19 0.03 PotassiUTI * None • 2.8 7.29 2.06 1.7 <0.5 4 <0.5 Silver • 0.05 l!lil/l (1) • ND NO 0.02 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Sodilln * None • 54 57.8 52.8 60 59 52 62 Vanadiun * None • 0.08 "° NO 0.01 <0.01 0.12 <0.01 Zinc • 5.0 l!lil/l (2) • 0.04 0.29 O.Oii 0.07 0.01 0.22 0.04 Cyanide • 0.154 1119/l (2) • ND NT NT <0.01 NA <0.01 NA B.ase/Weutral Di·n·Butyl Phthalate (ppb) •none • HO HD NA "° NA NO NA Acid Naphthalene (ppb) • none • HD NO NA NO NA NO NA Ext r ac-t.abt es Bis (2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate* none • HO HD NA NO NA NO NA (ppb) 1~3-0ichtorobentene • 0.600 (1) • NO HO NA HO NA ND NA M-Nitrosodiphenylamine •none • NO HD NA HO NA HO NA Phenol (ppb) * none • NO NO NA NO NA HO NA 2,4·0imethylpher>0l (ppb) * none • NO NO NA NO NA HD NA 1~4-Dichlorobenzene • 0.075 (1) • NO NO NA NO HA ND NA Volatile Vinyl Chloride • 0.002(\) • "° NO NA NO NA ND NA Organic Acetone * none • NT NO HA NO NA ND NA COOl>OUnds Ben<ene (ppb) • 0.005 (t) • HD NO NA NO NA NO NA (ppb) 1,1-Dichloroethylene CppbJ • 0.007 (1) • NO NO NA NO NA NO NA 1,2-Dichloroben<eoe (ppb) • 0.600 (1) • HO NO NA NO HA NO NA Ethylben•ene (ppbl • o. 700 (1) • HO ND HA HD HA "° NA Methylene Chlo~ide • 0.007 (1) • HO ND NA NO NA HO NA Toluene (ppb) • 2.000 (1) • NO ND NA ND HA NO NA 1,2r4-Trichlorobenzene (ppb)* 0.700 (1) • NO ND NA NO HA HO NA • 1,1r1-Trichlotoethane * 0~200(1) • NO NO NA ND NA HO NA m-Xylene (ppbl • 10.0 (1) • ND NO NA NO NA NO HA Xyl enes ( ppbJ • 10.0 (1) • NO NO NA NO NA NO MA 1,2-Dichloroethene {total) C* none • ND NO NA "° NA NO NA Chloroform (ppb) • 0.100 (1) • ND HD NA NO NA NO NA 1,1 Dichloroethane • none • ND NO NA NO NA ND NA Miscellaneous Ctiloride • 250 1119/l (2) • HA NA NA 88 NA 88 NA (PF111) M-fllil Total Coliforms • 1 per 100 ~ (1) • NA NA NA >=1600 NA <2 NA Color • 15 (2) • NA HA NA 30 NA 50 NA Sol ids • 500 111:1/l (2) • NA NA NA 290 NA 290 NA F luor-ide • 2.0 111:1/l (2) • NA NA NA <0.2 NA <0.2 HA Sur-fa~tants (MBAS) * Mone • NA NA NA <0.01 NA <0.01 NA N'itr-ate • 10 111:1/l (2) • NA NA NA 0.03 NA 0.02 NA N'itr-i te • 1.0 111:1/l (2) • HA NA NA <0.02 NA <0.02 NA pH • 6.5 -8.5 (2) • HA NA HA 6.3 HA 6 NA Sulfate • 250 l!Qfl (2) • HA NA NA 35 NA 21 NA Table 1 CENTRAL TRANSPO!tT, INC. -CHARLOTTE TERMINAL GROUND ~TER QUALITY ANALYSES 11\1-6 CATEGORY PARAMETER * Drinking Water • 10{89 11{89 06{90 6{90 12{90 12{90 3{07{91 3{07/91 3{21 {91 3/21 /91 * Standards * (unfi lt) (Ii lt.l (unfi Lt) (f i Lt.) <unfi It)( Ii l t.) (unfi l t)(fi l t.) (unfi l t) (fil t) ------------------------------------* ---------------• -----------------------------------------------------------------Metals Alunlnu11 • None • 200 0.2 J!l.6 0.06 7.5 <0.01 3.9 <0.1 2.7 <O. 1 (ppm) Arsenic • o.os mg/[ (\) • 0.01 NO O.Cll. ND <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Bariun • 1 .o mg/l (\) • 2.09 0.07 0.40 0.10 <0.01 <0.01 o. 1 <0.1 <0.1 <O. 1 Beryl l iUTI • None • ND rro rro rro 0.07 o.os 0.05 <0.1 0.06 0.05 Cac::lTiiUTI • 0.005 l!Qfl (1) • ND rro ND ND 0.02 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 CatciUTI ,., None • 3S.6 21.1 27.2 8.55 28 23 29 24 28 24 Chr001iUTI • 0.05 l!Qfl (1) • 0.41 ND 0.08 ND 0.01 <0.01 0.05 0.06 0.01 <0.01 Cobalt *:None • 0.32 ND 0.06 ND 0.06 <0.01 O.Cll. <0.01 0.04 <0.01 Copper • 1.0 l!Qfl (2) • 2.04 0.02 0.30 ND 0.16 <0.01 0.17 0.03 0.13 0.01 Iron • 0.03 l!Qfl (2) • 49.9 0.13 39.4 ND 6.6 <0.01 2.9 0.07 1.6 0.02 Le.ad • 0. 05 l!Qfl ( 1) • 0.26 ND 0.08 ND 0.03 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 Ma:gnesiun * :None • 82 15.6 19.8 5.39 20 15 20 15 18 15 • Manganese • 0. 05 nQfl (2) • 6.5 0.03 1.07 ND 1.3 <0.01 0.84 0.03 0.69 0.02 Ni-ck.el • 0.15 nQfl (2) • 0.2 ND 0.06 ND 0.04 0.03 <0.02 <0.02 0.02 <0.02 Potassiun * N'one • 32.5 2.4 4.3 1.26 1.7 <0.05 1.3 1 .3 4 o. 71 Si Lver • 0.05 l!Qfl (1) • ND 0.02 0.09 0.03 <0.01 <0.01 <O.Ot 0.01 0.01 <0.01 SodiU'lt * r.rone • 19.7 17.4 20.1 8.37 16 15 18 19 18 19 Vanadi-Llll * N'one • 1 .43 0.07 NO NO 0.04 0.02 <0.01 <0.01 0.03 <0.01 Zinc • 5.0 l!Qfl (2) • 0.31 NO o. 14 0.01 0.06 <0.01 0.02 0.01 0.(14 <0.01 Cyanide • 0.154 mgfl (2) • ND NO NT NT <0.01 NA <0.01 NA <0.01 NA Basef-N eut ra L Di-n-Butyl Phthalate (ppb) * none • ND NO ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA Acid Naphthalene (ppb) * none • ND NO ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA Extract ables Bis (2-ethylhexyl> Phthalate* none • ND NO ND NA ND NA ND NA rro NA (ppb) 1,3-0ichlorobenzene • 0.600 (1) • ND NO ND NA NO NA ND NA rro NA N-Nitrosodiphenylamine * none • ND NO ND NA NO NA NO NA rro NA Pllenol (ppb) * none * ND NO ND NA NO NA HD NA rro NA 2,4-0illlOthyli:lienot (ppb) * none * ND ND ND NA NO NA ND NA NO NA 1,4-0ichlorobenzene • 0.075 (1) * ND ND ND NA NO NA ND NA NO NA Volatile Vinyl Chloride • 0.002( 1) • NO ND NO NA ND NA NO NA ND NA Organic Acetone • none • NT NT NO NA ND NA NO NA ND NA C°"""unds Benzene (ppbl • 0.005 (1) • ND ND ND NA ND NA NO NA ND NA (ppb) 1,1-Dichloroethylena (ppb) • 0.007 (1) • ND ND ND NA ND NA NO NA ND NA 1,2-0ichlorobenzene (ppb) • 0.600 (\) • ND ND NO NA ND NA ND NA ND NA Ethylbenzene (ppb) • 0.700 (1) • ND NO NO NA ND NA ND NA NO NA Methylene Chloride • 0.007 (1) • ND NO ND NA NO NA ND NA NO NA Toluene (ppb) • 2.000 (1) • ND ND NO NA NO NA ND NA NO NA 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene (ppbl* 0.700 (1) * ND ND NO NA rro NA ND NA ND NA • 1,1,1-Trichloroethane • 0.200(1) • ND ND NO MA ND NA ND NA ND NA m-Xylene (ppb) • 10.0 (1) • NO NO NO MA ND NA ND NA ND NA Xylenes (ppb) • 10.0 (1) • NO NO NO NA ND NA rro NA ND NA 1,2-0ichloroethene (total) c~ none • NO NO NO NA ND NA rro NA ND NA Ch lorofonn (ppb) • 0.100 (1) • NO NO NO NA ND NA ND NA ND NA 11 1 Dici'lloroethane '* none • NO ND NO NA HD NA ND NA ND NA ~iscellaneous Chloride • 250 nQfl (2) • NA NA NA NA 16 NA 16 NA 14 NA (-) MP~ Total Coliforms * 1 per 100 ml (1) • NA NA NA NA >=1600 NA <2 NA <2 NA Color • 15 (2) • NA NA NA NA 10 NA >70 NA 20 NA Sol ids • 500 mgfl (2) • NA NA NA NA 550 NA 240 NA 260 NA Fluoride • 2.0 mg{t (2) • NA NA NA NA -<0.2 NA <0.2 NA <0.2 NA Surfactants CMSAS) * None • HA NA NA NA <0.01 NA <0.01 NA <0.01 NA Nitrate • 10 mgf\ (2) • NA NA NA NA 0.77 NA 0.6 NA 0.52 NA Nitrite • 1.0 mgf I (2) • NA NA NA NA <0.02 NA <0.02 NA <0.02 NA pH • 6.5 -8.5 (2) * NA NA NA NA 6.6 NA 6.4 NA 6.1 NA Sulfate • 250 mg/l (2) • NA NA NA NA 70 NA 69 HA 39 NA Table 1 C'ENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. -CHARLOTTE TERMINAL GROJND WATER QUALITY ANALYSES MW-7 CATEGORY PARAMETER * D r1 nk:i ng Water • 10/89 11/89 M/90 6/90 12/90 12/90 3/07/9\ 3/07/91 3/21 /91 3/21 /91 ft Standards * {l.Slfilt) (fil t.) (unfit t) (Ii l t.) (unfi It)( Ii Lt.) (unfi l t)(f; Lt.) (unfi It) (Ii It) ~------- ____________________________ .. ---------------• ---------------------------------------·-------------------------Metals Al LITli nllll • None • 340 NO 90.4 0.15 48 <0.01 6.9 <0.1 21 <0.1 (ppn) Arsenic • 0.05 mgjl (1) • 0.1 NO 0.13 ND <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0\ <0.01 <0.01 BariLITI • 1.0 mgjl (1) • 1.14 0.28 0.87 0.30 <O .1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.12 <0.1 BerylliLlll • None • NO ND "" ND 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.03 o. t 0.03 Caclrli LITI • 0.005 mgjl (1) .. ND ND !fl) ND 0.02 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 0.01 CalciLITI * N'one • 117 54 85.9 67.5 59 52 57 5> 68 54 ChromiLlll • 0.05 mg/l (1) • 0.58 ND 0.21 ND 0.08 <0.0\ 0.05 0.04 0.04 <0.01 Cobalt • None • 0.33 0.05 o. 11 0.02 0.08 <0.0\ 0.03 0.01 0.13 0.01 Copper • 1.0 mg/l (2) • 5 .11 0.02 1.02 ND 0.38 <0.0\ 0.02 0.01 0.02 <0.01 Iron • o. 03 mgjl (2) • 743 16.7 104 13.4 60 10.32 19 10 63 11 Lead • 0. 05 mgjl (1) • 1.45 0.05 0.32 ND 0.17 <0.02 0.02 <0.02 0.!18 <0.02 MagnesiLITI * N'one • 185 39.7 68.7 43.0 45 36 43 •1 57 42 .Manganese • o. 05 mgjl (2) • 5.7 3.15 4.49 3.38 5.0 4.4 5 4.7 5.7 4.4 • Nickel • 0.15 mg/l (2) • 0.29 ND o. 11 0.03 0.07 0.01 0.03 <0.02 0.04 0.02 PotassiLITI * None • 71 16.8 15.0 7.54 7.1 3.0 4.8 3.> 5.7 2.8 Silver • 0.05 mgjl ( 1) • ND ND 0.15 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 <0.01 0.02 SodiLITI • None • 298 253 212 195 190 190 190 190 170 180 VanadiLITI * None • 1.97 0.16 !fl) ND. 0.2 <0.01 0.03 <0.01 0.2 <0.01 Zinc * >.O mg/l <2> • 1.05 0.02 0.3• 0.02 0.19 <0.01 0.09 0.01 0.17 0.01 Cyanide • 0.154 mg/l (2) • 0.01 0.01 NT NT <0.01 NA <0.01 NA <0.01 NA B.ase/N"eutr.al Oi·n·Butyl Phthalate Cppb) • none • 28@ 45 1 NA NO NA ND NA ND NA Acid Naphthalene (ppb) • none • 8 12 2 NA NO NA ND NA ND NA Extracta.bles Bis (2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate* none • ND 240 !fl) NA NO NA !fl) NA ND NA (ppb) 1,3-Dichlorobenzene • 0.600 (1) • ND NO 3 NA 3 NA NO NA ND NA N·Nitrosodiphenylamine • none • ND NO !fl) NA ND NA NO NA ND NA Phenol (ppb) • none • ND 9 "" NA ND NA ND NA ND NA 2,>·0imethylphenol (ppb) * none • ND 2 9 NA 4 NA ND NA 5 NA 1,4-Dichlorobenzene • 0.075 (1) • ND ND !fl) NA ND NA ND NA 7 NA Volatile Vinyl Chloride • 0.002(1) • ND ND ND NA ND NA llA NA 110 NA Organic Acetone • none • NT NT ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA C~unds Benzene (ppb) • o.oos (1) • 570 460 190 NA ND NA 110 NA 42 NA (ppb) 1,1-Dichloroethylene (ppb) • 0.007 (1) • 790 ND ND MA ND NA ND NA ND NA 1,2-Dichlorobenzene (ppb) • 0.600 (1) • 3 ND ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA Ethylbenzene (ppb) • 0.700 (1) • 640 570 ND NA ND NA 30 NA 37 NA Methylene Chloride • 0.007 (1) • NO ND ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA Toluene (ppb) • 2.000 (1) • 360 400 ND NA ND NA ND NA NO NA 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene (ppb)* 0.700 (t) • 5 ND ND NA ND NA ND NA NO NA 1,1,1-Tichloroethane • 0.200(1) • NO ND ND NA ND NA ND NA 11 NA • ~-Xylene (ppb) • 10.0 (1) • 510 MD ND NA ND NA ND NA NO NA Xylenes (ppb) • 10.0 <1) • ND 1570 1500 NA ND NA 59 NA 81 MA 1,2 Dlchloroethene * None • MD 60 31 NA NO NA ND NA 64 NA Chloroform (ppb) • 0.100 (\) • ND 260 ND NA NO NA NO NA ND NA 1,1 Dlchlorethane * None • ND NO ND NA NO NA NA NA ND NA Miscellaneous Chloride-• 250 mgjl (2) • NA NA NA NA 140 NA 140 NA 110 NA (ppn) MPN Total Coliforms • 1 per 100 ml C1J • llA NA NA NA >•1600 NA <2 NA <2 NA Color • 15 (2) • llA NA NA NA 20 NA >70 NA 30 llA Sol ids • >OO mg/l (2) • llA NA NA NA 720 MA 740 NA 760 llA Ftooride • 2.0 mg/l (2) • NA NA NA NA 0.3 NA 0.3 NA <0.2 NA Surfactants (~BAS) * None • NA NA NA NA <0.01 NA <0.01 NA <0.01 llA Nitrate • 10 mg/l (2) • NA NA NA NA <0.02 NA 0.07 NA 0.03 llA tili trite • 1.0 mg/l (2) • NA NA NA NA <0.02 NA 0.05 NA <0.02 llA pH • 6.5 -8.5 (2) • NA NA NA NA 6.8 NA 6.6 NA 6.4 NA sut fate • 250 mg/l (2) • NA NA NA NA 110 NA 24 NA 35 MA Table 1 CENTRAL TRANSPORT, IHC. -CHARLOTTE TERMIHAL GROUND WATER QUALITY ANALYSES HW-8 CATEGORY PARAMETER "' Or-inking Water * 10/89 11/89 06/9() 6/9() 12{9() 12/9() 3/07/91 3/07/91 3/21 /91 3/21 /91 * Standards * (unfilt) (Ii Lt.} (unfit t) ( fi It. J (<>'lli It}( fil t.) (uni il t)(lil t. J (uni il t) (I il t. J ------------------------------------* ---------------• ----------------------------------------------------- --------------Metals Al UTii nuri *None • 320 ND 1-83 0.14 220 <0.1 22 <0.1 180 <0.1 (ppa} Arsenic * 0.05 11'19/l (1) • 0.04 ND ND HD <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 BariU11 • 1.0 mg/! (1) • 2.11 0.16 0.10 ND 0.56 <0.1 1.7 <0.1 0.12 <0.1 Beryllill11 *Hone • ND ND NO ND 0.22 O.D5 0.09 0.05 0.39 0.01 Caclrliun • 0.005 mg/! (1) • HD ND ND ND 0.01 <0.D1 <0.01 <0.01 0.02 <0.01 CalciL.m * None • 91 1,3 24.7 70.1* 15D 69 170 62 160 17 Chf'omillll • 0.05 mg/l (1) • 2.65 NO ND NO 1.8 <0.01 0.06 0.04 1.28 <0.01 Col:>al t * None • 0.62 ND ND NO 0.41 <0.01 0.24 0.04 0.49 <0.01 Copper • 1.0 mg/l (2) • 2.48 0.02 0.01 0.01 1.7 <0.01 0.61 0.01 1. 73 <0.01 Iron • 0.03 mg/l (2) • 820 0.08 4.02 ND 260 <0.01 19 0.04 170 0.18 lead • 0.05 mg/l ( 1) * 0.06 HO HD ND <D.02 <0.02 <0.02 <D.02 <0.02 <0.02 Magnesiun • None * 375 46.8 17.8 43.8* 260 43 93 41 230 10 • Manganese * D.05 11'19/ l (2) • 12.5 2.2 0.41 2.72'* 10 2.2 9.6 3.4 12 0.49 ~icket • 0.15 11'19/l (2) • 1.00 ND ND NO 0.84 0.02 0.09 <0.02 0.7 <0.02 PotassiUTI *Hone • 37.4 4.5 3.42 4.33* 15 1.3 7 4.3 12 0.97 Silver • 0.05 mg/l (1) • ND ND 0.00 0.02 <0.01 <D.D1 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Sodiun * Hone • 59 48.5 16.2 47.6* 44 52 59 58 58 17 Vanadil..lll * Hone • 1.93 0.19 ND ND 0.68 <0.01 0.17 <0.01 0.52 <0.01 Zinc • 5.0 mg/l (2) • 0.84 0.02 0.05 O.D2 0.67 <0.01 0.09 <0.01 0.57 <0.01 Cyanide • 0.154 mg/l (2) • ND ND HT HT <0.01 NA <0.01 NA <0.01 HA Base/N'eutral Oi-n-Butyl Phthalate <RJl>J • none • ND NO HO NA ND NA HO NA ND NA Acid Naphthalene (ppb) * none • ND HO HD NA NO NA NO HA ND HA Extract ables Bis C2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate* none • ND NO ND NA NO NA ND NA ND NA (ppb) 113-Dichlorobenzene • 0.600 (1) • HO HO ND NA HO NA NO NA HO NA N-Nitrosodiphenylamine • none • ND ND ND NA NO NA NO NA NO NA Pherol ( ppbl • none • NO ND NO NA ND HA NO NA NO NA 2,4-0imethylphenol (RJb) • none • NO ND NO NA ND NA HO HA NO HA 1,4·Dichlorobenzene • 0.075 (1} • NO ND NO NA ND NA HD NA NO HA Volatile Vinyl Chloride • 0.002(1) • NO ND HO NA NO NA ND NA HO NA Organic Acetone * none • NT NT ND HA 43 NA ND HA ND HA COll'pOlJllds Benzene (ppb) • O.OD5 (1) • ND NO ND NA NO NA ND HA ND NA (ppb} 1,1-0ichloroethylene (RJI>) • O.OD7 (1) • ND ND NO NA ND NA ND HA ND HA 1,2-0ichlorobenzene (ppb} • 0.60D (1) • ND NO NO NA ND NA NO NA HD HA Ethylbenzene (ppb) • 0.70D (1) • ND ND ND NA ND NA HO NA ND HA Methylene Chloride • 0.007 (1) • ND NO 13 NA ND NA NO NA ND NA Toluene (ppb) • 2.000 (1) • ND ND HD HA HO NA NO NA ND NA 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene (ppb)* 0.700 (1) • ND NO ND NA NO NA ND NA NO NA • 111,1-Trichloroethane • 0.002( 1) • ND HD ND NA NO HA ND NA 16 NA m-Xylene (ppb} * 10.0 (1) • ND ND ND NA HO NA ND NA ND NA Xylenes (ppb) * 10.0 (1) • ND ND ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA 1,2·Dichloroethene (total) (*none • ND ND ND HA ND NA ND NA ND HA Chloroform (ppb} • 0.100 (1} • ND ND HO NA ND NA HD HA ND NA 1,1 Dichloroethane-• None • ND ND NO NA HD NA ND HA 13 NA .Mis-eel laneous Chloride • 250 mg/l (2) • NA HA NA NA 93 NA 9() NA 100 NA (ppn) MPN Total Coliforms * 1 per 100 ml (1) * HA NA NA HA 13 NA <1 HA <2 NA Color • 15 (2) • NA NA NA HA 20 NA 70 HA 70 HA Sol ids • 500 mg/l (2) • NA NA NA HA 530 HA 510 HA 540 NA Fluoride * 2.D mg/l (2} • NA NA NA NA 0.3 NA 0.2 NA 0.2 HA Surfactants (KBAS) * None • NA NA NA NA <0.01 NA <0.01 NA <0.01 HA Nitrate • 10 mg/l (2) • NA NA HA NA <0.02 NA <0.02 HA 0.08 NA Nitrite * 1.0 mg/ I (2) * HA NA NA HA <0.02 NA <0.02 NA <0.02 NA pff * 6.5 -8.5 (2) * HA NA HA NA 6.4 NA 5.9 NA 6.1 NA Sul fate * 250 11'19/l (2) • NA NA NA HA 64 HA 48 NA 53 NA Table 1 CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. · CHARLOTTE TERMINAL GROLND WATER QUALITY ANALYSES K\1·9 CATEGORY PAWIETER * Orlnking Water • 10/89 11/89 06/90 6/90 12/90 12/90 3/21/91 3/21/91 * Standards * (unfi l t) (lilt.) (unfil t) (lilt.) (LK>filt)(filt.) (unfilt)(filt.J ------------------------------------* ---------------• -----------------------------------------------------Metals Alminuri * N'one • 39 ND 1.63 0. 11 3.2 <0.1 4.9 <O .1 (-) Arsenic • 0.05 llQ/l (1) • ND ND ND ND <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Barillll • 1.0 llQ/l (1) • 0.28 0.01 0 .10 0.10 <0.1 <O.t <O. i <0.1 Beryl l iun :t .None • ND ND ND ND 0.06 0.05 0.07 0.05 Caclnilll1 • 0.005 llQ/l ct) • ND ND ND ND 0.04 <0.01 0.01 0.01 CalciL.m •None • 33.9 22.2 26.0 24.1 26 25 28 22 Ch romi lJ1l • 0.05 llQ/l (1) • 0.06 ND ND NO 0.02 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 Cabal t *None • 0.04 ND 0.01 NO 0.02 <0.01 0.02 <0.01 Copper • 1.0 1119/ l (2) • 0.08 ND ND NO 0.03 <0.01 <O .01 0.01 Iron • 0.03 !Ill/! (2) • 195 0.09 3.63 0.69 6.2 <0.01 12 0.51 Lead • 0.05 !lll/l ( 1) * NO NO llO ND <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 Magnesil.lll • None • 51 . 1 19.6 18.0 17.2 19 18 22 16 • Manganese • 0.05 !lll/l (2) • 2.78 0.32 0.41 D.34 0.44 0.31 O.B8 0.28 Nlckel • 0.15 !lll/l (2) • 0.04 ND ND ND 0.05 0.02 <0.02 <0.02 .PotassiUTI * None-• 11.9 3.3 4.33 3.09 3.4 1.8 3.5 3.7 Si Lver • 0.05 !lll/l ( 1) • ND ND 0.07 0.02 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 0.01 SodiUTI * None • 15.6 21.2 16.7 16.9 14 16 14 13 VanadiU11 * None • 0.19 0.07 ND ND 0.02 <0.01 0.04 <0.01 Zinc: • 5.0 f!Q/[ (2) • 0.12 0.02 0.02 0.04 o.os 0.01 0.04 0.01 Cyanide * 0.154 llQ/l {2) • ND ND NT NT <0.01 NA <0.01 NA Base/Weut ra l Di·n·Butyl Phthalate (ppb) •none • ND ND ND WI ND NA ND NA Acid Naphthalene (ppb) • none • ND ND ND NA ND NA ND NA Extractabtes Bis C2-etnythexyl) Phthalate* none • ND MD ND NA ND NA NO NA (ppb) 1,3-0ichlorobenlene • 0.600 (1) • NO ND ND NA ND NA ND NA N-Nitrosodiphenylamine • none • NO NO HO NA ND NA ND WI Phenol ( ppb) • none • ND NO NO NA ND NA ND NA 2,4-0imethylpheno! (ppb) • none • ND llO NO NA NO NA ND NA 1,4-Dichlorobenzene • 0.075 ( 1) • ND llD NO NA ND NA ND NA Volatile Vinyl Ch L-oride • 0.002(1) • ND NO NO NA ND NA ND NA Organic Acetonce • none • NT NT NO NA ND NA ND NA C~unds Benzene Cppb-) • 0.005 (1) • ND ND ND NA ND NA ND NA (ppb) 1, 1-0ichloroethylene (ppb) • 0.007 (1) • NO ND ND NA ND NA llD NA 1,2-0ichlo~benzene (ppb) • 0.600 ( 1) • ND ND ND NA ND NA llD NA Ethylbenzene (ppb) • 0.700 (1) • ND ND NO NA ND NA llD NA Methylene Chloride • 0.007 ( 1) • ND ND ND NA ND NA llD NA Toluene (ppb) * 2.000 (1) • ND NO NO NA ND WI ND NA 1,2,4·Trichlorobenzene (ppb)* 0.700 (1) • ND ND ND NA ND WI NO NA • 11 11 1-Trichloroethane • 0.200(1) • ND NO ND NA ND WI ND NA rn-Xylene (ppb) • 10.0 (1) • ND ND ND NA ND NA ND NA Xy 1 enes ( ppb) • 10.0 (1) • ND ND ND NA ND NA ND NA 1,2-Dichloroethene <total) {* none • ND ND ND WI llO NA ND NA Chloroform (ppb) • 0.100 (1) • ND ND ND WI llD NA ND NA 1,1-Dlchloroethane • none • ND ND ND WI NO NA ND NA Hi s-c:el Lanceous Chloride • 250 llQ/L C<l • NA NA WI WI 8 NA 7 NA (-) MPH Total Coliforms • 1 per 100 ml (\) • NA NA WI NA >•16DD NA <2 MA Color • 15 (2) • NA NA WI NA 20 NA 10 WI Sot ids * 500 flQf 1 l2J • NA NA WI NA 190 NA 18() WI Fluoride • 2.0 1119/ l (2) • NA NA NA NA 0.2 NA <0.2 WI Surfactants CMBAS) • Nooe • NA WI NA NA <0.01 NA <0.01 NA Hit.rate • 10 !lllll ( 2) • NA WI NA NA <0.02 NA 0.07 NA Nitrite • 1.0 !lllll (2) • NA WI NA NA 0.03 NA <0.02 NA pH • 6.5 · a.5 (2J • NA WI NA NA 7.0 NA 6.6 NA Sul fate • 250 mg/l (2) • NA WI NA NA 81 NA 12 NA Table 1 CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. · CHARLOTTE TERMINAL GROIJND WATER QUALITY ANALYSES * 1111-10 CATEGORY PARAMETER * Drinking Water * 10/89 11/89 116/90 6/90 12190 12!90 3/21/91 3/21/91 * Standards • {unfilt) ( IH t.) <unfi Lt) (Ii l t.) (unfi l t)(fi It.) (mli l t)(fi l t. l ------------------------------------* ---------------. -----------------------------------------------------Metals AlLJTlinL.m * None • 100 ND 8.48 0.15 15 <0.1 1.5 <0.1 (ppn) Arsenic • 0.05 rng/l (1) • 0.04 NO NO NO <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 SariUTI • 1.0 rng/l (1) • 0.48 0.02 o. 16 0.11 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Beryl t iun * N'one • ND NO ND 0.09 0.04 0.05 0.04 CadiiiUll • 0.005 rng/l (1) * ND ND ND ND 0.01 <0.01 0.01 <0.01 Calcii..m *None • 36.5 22.7 25.0 22.6 25 22 22 23 ChromiL1n * 0.05 rng/ I ( 1) • 0.17 ND 0.04 ND 0.02 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Cobalt * None • 0.12 NO 0.02 ND 0.02 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Copper • 1.0 rng/l (2) • 0.55 ND 0.05 ND 0.04 <0.01 0.02 <0.01 Iron • 0.113 rng/l (2) • 200 0.113 7.24 ND 12 0.02 0.84 0.05 Le00 * 0.05 rng/l (1) • 0.15 ND 0.02 ND 0.03 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 Magnes i lJl1 * iNone * 34.7 14.9 13.5 12.3 14 12 12 12 • Manga11ESe • o.os rng/l (2) * 2.29 0.03 0.19 ND 0.28 <0.01 0.16 <0.01 Nickel • 0.15 rng/! (2) • 0.05 ND 0.02 ND 0.04 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 PotassiL.m * None • 7.6 2.8 3.24 2.79 1.7 <0.5 2.2 <0.5 Silver • 0.05 ""'l (1) • NO NO 0.04 0.02 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 SodiUll * N'one • 14.5 14.6 15.5 15.2 14 15 13 15 VanadiUTI *None • 0.66 0.06 ND NO 0.04 0.02 0.02 <0.01 Zinc • 5.0 111!!/l (2) • 0.15 0.02 0.09 0.02 0.07 <0.01 0.01 0.01 Cyanide-• 0.154 111!!/l (2) • ND ND NT NT <0.01 NA <0.01 NA Base/t.leut ra l Oi·n·Butyl Phthalate (RJI>) • none • ND NO ND NA ND NA ND MA Acid Naphthalene (RJI>) • none • ND ND NO NA MD MA ND NA Ext ractabl es Bis {2-ethylhexyl} Phthalate* none • ND NO NO NA ND NA JIO NA (ppb) 1,3-Di~hlorobenzene • 0.600 (1) • ND ND ND NA NO NA ND NA N-~itrosodiphenylamine • none • ND ND ND NA ND NA ND NA Pheno! ( RJl>J • none • ND ND NO NA ND NA ND MA 2,4·Diroethylphenol (ppb) • none • ND ND NO NA ND NA MD NA 1~4-Dichlorobenzene • 0.075 ( 1) • ND NO ND NA ND NA ND NA V.ol.ati te Vinyl Chloride • 0.002(1) • ND NO ND NA ND NA NO NA Organic Acetone * none • NT NT ND NA ND NA ND NA COfll'OOndS B enz.ene (ppb) • 0.005 (1) • ND ND ND NA MD NA ND NA (ppb) 1,1-Dichloroethylene Cppb) • 0.007 (1) • ND ND ND MA ND NA ND NA 1,2-Dichtorobenz.ene Cppb) • 0.600 (1) • NC ND ND NA ND NA ND NA Ethylbentene (ppb) • 0.700 (1) * ND ND NO NA NO NA NO NA Methylene Chloride • 0.007 (1) • ND NO ND NA ND NA ND NA Toluene (ppb) • 2.000 (1) • ND NO ND NA ND NA ND NA 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <RJl>l* 0.700 (1) • ND NO MD NA ND MA NO NA • 1,1,1-TrichlorOEthane • 0.200(1) • ND NO ND NA ND NA ND NA m-Xylene (ppb) • 10.0 (1) • ND ND ND NA ND NA MD NA Xylenes (RJl>J • 1 o.o <1) • ND ND ND NA ND NA ND NA 1,2-Dichtoroethene (total) (*none • NO ND NO NA NO NA ND NA Chloroform (RJI>) • 0.100 (1) * NO ND NO NA ND NA ND NA 1~1-Dichloroethane * Mone * ND ND MD NA ND NA ND NA Miscellaneo..rs Chloride • 250 rng/! (2) • NA NA NA NA 11 NA 12 NA (ppn) HPN Total Coliforms • 1 per 100 ml (1) • NA NA NA NA >=1600 NA <2 NA Color • 15 (2) • NA NA NA MA 10 NA 30 NA Sol ids • 500 mg/l (2) • NA NA NA NA 270 NA 180 NA F Luoride • 2.0 111!!/l (2) • NA NA NA NA <0.2 NA <0.2 NA Surf.act.ants (MB.AS) *None * NA NA NA NA <0.01 NA <0.01 NA t.li trate • 10 mg/I f2l • NA MA NA NA 0.81 NA 1.18 NA Nitrite • 1.0 mg/ I (2) • NA NA NA NA <0.02 NA <0.02 NA pH • 6.S · 8.5 C2J • NA NA NA NA 7.0 MA 6.5 NA Sulfate • 250 ""'l (2) • NA NA NA MA 35 NA 12 NA Tabte 1 CENTRAL TRANSPORT, !NC. -CHARLOTTE TERNINAL GROIJNO WATER QUALITY ANALYSES MW·11 CATEGORY PARAMETE~ * Orinking Water • 10/89 1!/89 06/90 6/90 12/90 12/90 3/21/91 3/21/91 * St a-ndar'ds * (unfl l t} (lilt.) (unfit tJ (filt.J (mfilt)(fi It.) (mfi lt)(fi Lt.) ----------------·------·------------* ·--------------• --------------------------------------· --------------Metals Atl.lllinLlll • None • 4.1 ND 10.4 0.14 89 <0.01 12 <0.1 (ppm) A.r-seni c • 0.05 mg/! ( 1) • ND ND ND NO <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 BariUTI • 1.0 mg/l (1) • 0.19 0.15 0.37 0.15 0.65 <0.1 0.2 <0.1 BerylliUTI • None • ND ND ND NO 0.24 0.02 0.07 0.03 Cacl'niLITJ • 0.005 mg/l (1) • ND NO ND ND 0. 01 <0.01 0.01 0.01 CalcilJTl * NOM • 70 78 157 89.1 72 35 74 44 Ch !"Olli UTI • 0.05 mg/( ( 1) • ND ND 0.16 0.08 0.2 <0.01 0.04 <0.01 Coba!t *,Nooe • ND ND 0.02 NO 0.17 <0.01 0.05 <0,01 Copper • 1.0 mg/l (2) • 0.02 0.02 0.06 ND 0.53 <0.01 0.11 0.01 Iron • 0.03 mg/l {2) • 2.23 NO 8.52 ND 98 <0.01 16 0.12 Lead • 0.05 1113/( ( 1) • ND 0.03 0.04 ND 0 .1 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 MagnesiUTI •None • 44 .1 38.1 9.81 0.78 58 11 25 13 • Mansanese • 0.05 mg/l (2) • 1.79 1 .84 0.88 ND 16 0.1, 7.3 0.33 N'ickel • 0.15 mg/l (2) • ND NO 0.03 ND 0.19 <0.02 0.03 <0.02 Potassiun * None • 10.2 7.5 61.7 56.2 14 3.1 8.4 5.6 Silver • 0.05 mg/( ( 1) • ND NO 0.04 0.02 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Sodiua • None • 24.4 22.7 33.6 31.4 5.2 12 12 14 \lanadiUJJ * None • 0.46 0.16 ND ND o.38 0.01 o. 1 <0.01 line • 5.0 mg/ I (2J • ND 0.02 0.07 Ill> 0.28 <0.01 0.05 0.01 Cy.anide • 0.154 mg/! (2) • NO ND NT NT <0.01 NA <0.01 NA Base/Neutral Di·n·Butyl Phthalate (f'JlbJ • none • ND ND ND NA ND NA ND NA Acid Naphthalene C[:JlbJ • none • ND NO ND NA ND NA ND NA extract ables Bis (2-ethylhexyt) Phthalate* none • NO ND NO NA ND NA ND HA (f'Jlb) 1,3-Didilorobenzene • 0.600 ( 1) • ND ND ND NA ND NA NO NA N-Witrosodiphenytamine * none • ND NO ND NA ND NA ND NA Phenol ( RJl:>J • none • ND ND ND NA NO HA NO NA 2,4-Dimethylpllenol (f'Jlbl • none • ND ND ND NA ND NA ND NA 1~4-Dichlorobenzene • 0.075 {1) • ND ND ND NA NO NA NO NA Volatile Vinyl Ch tori de • o.002<n • NO NO ND NA ND NA ND NA Organic Acetone • none • NT NT 11 NA ND HA ND NA C"""°unds Benzene ( ppbJ • 0.005 (1) • ND NO ND HA ND NA ND NA ( f'Jlb) 1,1-Dichloroethylene (f'Jlb) • 0.007 ( 1J • NO ND ND NA ND NA ND HA 112-Dlchlorobenzene (ppb) • 0.600 ( 1J • ND NO ND NA ND NA ND NA Ethylbenzene (f'Jlb) • 0.700 (1) • ND NO ND NA ND NA ND NA Methylene Chloride • 0.007 (1) • ND ND ND NA NO HA NO NA Toluene (RJl:>J • 2.000 (1) • ND ND NO NA ND NA ND NA 1,2,4-Trichlorobentene (ppb)* 0.700 (~) • NO ND ND NA NO NA ND HA • 1,1 1 1 Trichloroethane • 0.200 • ND ND NO NA ND NA ND NA m-Xylene (ppb) • 10.0 (1) • ND ND ND NA ND NA NO NA Xylenes (f'Jlb) • 10.0 (1) • ND NO ND NA NO HA ND NA 1~2-Dichloroetbene (total) <* none • ND NO ND NA ND NA NO NA Ch l orofONll { [:Jlb) *0.100(1) • NO ND ND NA ND NA NO NA 1,1 Dichloroethane • I • NO NO ND NA ND NA ND NA M:i see l l aneous Chloride • 250 mg/[ (2) • NA NA NA NA 11 NA 13 NA (ppm) MPN Total coliforms • 1 per 100 mL (1) • HA NA NA NA >=1600 NA 17 NA Color • 15 (2) • NA HA NA NA 20 NA 60 NA Sol ids • 500 mg/( (2) • NA NA NA NA 220 NA 290 NA Fluoride • 2. 0 mg/l (2) • NA NA NA NA <0.2 NA <0.2 NA Surfactants (HBAS) * None • NA NA HA HA <0.01 HA <0.01 NA Nlt-rate • 10 1113/ I (2) • NA NA NA NA 0. 11 NA 0.04 HA N'itrite • 1.0 !Jll/( (2) • NA NA NA NA 0.03 NA <0.02 NA pH • 6.5 -B.5 (2) • NA NA NA NA 7.4 NA 6.B NA Sul fate • 250 mg/l (2) • NA NA NA NA 86 HA 15 NA Table 1 CENTRAL !~SPORT, !NC. -CKARLOTTE TERMINAL GR(l()NO NATER QUALITY ANALYStS 1111-14 CATEGORY PARAMETER * Drinking Water • 3/07/91 3/07/91 3/21/91 3/21/91 * Standards *{!.Mlf it t.) Cfi l t.) (unfi It. l (tilt.) ------------------------------------* ---------------• ------- --------------------- Metals Al Ull i l"ILIJI • None • 2.6 <0.1 4.6 <0.1 (ppm) Arsenic • 0.05 11>9/l (1) • <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Barit.111 • 1.0 11>9/l (1) • <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Beryl l i Lill * "one • O.O<I 0.05 0.07 0.05 C"'*'1iun • 0.005 11>9/l (1) • 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 c.atcillll * None • 16 13 16 12 Chromit.m • 0.05 "'9fl (1) • 0.05 0.04 <0.01 0.02 Cobalt * rlone • 0.03 <0.01 0.03 <0.01 Copper • 1.0 11>9/l (2) • 0.04 0.02 0.05 0.02 Iron • 0.03 11>9/l (2) • 2. 1 0.05 4.2 0.56 Lead • 0.05 "'91l (1) • <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 HagnesiUTJ: * N'one • 7.8 s 8.4 4.8 • Ma-nganese • 0.05 11>9/l (2) • 0.36 0.02 0.51 0.02 Wicket • 0.15 11>9/l (2) • <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0.02 Potassii..m * None • 1.5 0.97 2.8 3.4 Silver • 0.05 11>9/l (1) • <0.01 0.01 <0.01 0.01 SodilRI *None • 11 12 11 11 VanadiL.111 * None • <0,01 <0.01 0.02 <0.01 Zinc • 5.0 mg/I (2) • 0.02 <0.01 0.04 0.01 Cyanide • 0.154 11>9/l (2) • <0.01 NA <0.01 rfA Base/Neutral Oi·n·Butyl Phthalate (ppb) • none • NO rfA NO NA Acid Naphthalene (ppb) * none • ND NA ND NA Ext r-ac ta bl es Bis (2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate• none • ND NA NO NA (ppb) 1,3-Dichlorobenzene • 0.600 (1) • NO rfA NO NA W-Nltrosod'iphenytamine * none • NO NA NO NA Phenol (ppb) * none • ND NA ND NA 2,4-Dimethylphe11ol (ppb) •none • NO NA NO rfA 1,4-Dichlorobenzene • 0.075 (1) • ND rfA NO NA Volatile Vinyl Chloride • 0.002 • ND NA NO NA Organic Acetone • none • ND NA ND NA Conpouids Benzene CR>bl • 0.005 ( 1) • NO rfA NO NA (ppb) 1,1·0ichloroethy!ere (ppb) • 0.007 (1) • NO rfA NO NA 1,2-0ichlorobenzene (ppb) • 0.600 (1) • ND NA NO NA Ethylbenzene (ppb) • 0.700 (1) • NO NA NO NA llethy!ene Chloride • 0.007 (1) • NO NA NO NA Toluene (ppb) • 2.000 (1) • ND rfA ND NA 1,2,4-Tricnlorobenzene (ppb}* 0.700 (1) • ND NA NO NA • 1,1 1 1-Triditoroethane * 0.200 • NO NA ND NA m·Xylene (ppbl • 10.0 (1) • NO rfA NO NA Xyl en es ( ppb) • 10.0 (1) • ND NA ND NA 1,2-Dichloroethene {total) * none • ND NA NO NA Chloroform (ppb) • 0.100 (1) • NO NA NO NA 11 1 Dichtoroethane *None • ND rfA NO NA Miscellaneous Chloride • 250 "'91[ (2) • 9 NA 8 NA (~) .MPN' Totat Col jfoNnS • 1 per 100 rd. (1) • <2 NA <2 rfA Color • 15 (2) • 70 rfA >70 NA sot ids • 500 lll!l/l (2) • 120 NA 140 NA Fluoride • 2.0 lll!l/l (2) • <0.2 NA <0.2 NA Surfactants (MBAS) • None • <0.01 NA <0.01 rfA .Nit rate • 10 11>9/l (2) • 0.53 rfA 0.49 NA t.li trite • 1.0 lll!l/l (2) • <0.02 NA <0.02 NA pll • 6.5 -8.5 (2) • 6.4 NA 6 NA Sul f.ate • 250 11>9/! (2) • so NA 19 NA Table 1 CENTRAL T~SPORT, INC.· CHARLOTTE TERMINAL GROUND ~TER QUALITY ANALYSES • Production lilell CATEGOl!Y PARAHEIER * Drinking water • 3/07/91 3/07{91 3/21/91 3/21/91 * Standards 11:cunfi l t.) (fil t.) Cmfil t.) (Iii t. l ------------------------------------* ---------------• ------- --------------------- Meta ls AL-1..111inl.JTI' * None • <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 (Pf"") Arsenic • 0.05 mg/I C1J • <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Barh.111 • 1 .0 mg/l (1) • <0.1 <O .1 <0.1 <0.1 Beryl l i "11 * None • 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 CachliUTI • 0.005 mg/I (1) • <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Calcit.m 'Iii NOI'le • 56 54 70 71 ChromilJTI' • 0.05 ~l (1) • 0.04 0.04 <0.01 <0.01 Coba It "* N'one • <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Copper • 1 .0 mg/l (2) • 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02 I roo • 0.03 ~l (2) • 0.41 0.04 0.14 0.7 lead • 0.05 mg/I (1) • <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 HagnesiL.111 * tiione • 11 11 14 14 • H.anganese • 0.05 ~l (2) • 0.67 0.64 0.8 0.8 Niciket • 0.15 mg/! (2) • <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0.02 Potassi1.111 * None • 5.2 3.5 5.2 3.7 Si Lver • 0.05 mg/[ (1) • <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Sodillll * Hone • 11 10 13 13 vanadi1.1n • Nona • <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Zinc • 5.0 mg/[ (2) • 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.09 Cyanide-• 0.154 rng/l (2) • <0.01 NA <0.01 NA Base/iNeiutrat Di-n-Butyl Phthalate (ppb) • none • ND NA NO NA Acid Naphthalene (ppb) • none • NO NA ND NA Extractables Bis C2·ethylhexyl) Pnthatate* none • NO NA NO NA CWbJ 1~3-Dichtorobenzene • 0.600 (1) • ND NA NO NA N·Witrosodiphenylamine-* none • NO NA NO NA Pllenol (ppb} " none • NO NA NO NA 2,4-Dimethylpllenol (ppb) • r.one • ND NA NO NA 1~4·Dichtorobenlene • 0.075 (1) • ND NA ND NA Volatile Vinyl Chloride-• 0.002(1) • NO NA ND NA Organic A«-tone • none • ND NA ND NA COflllOUrlds Benzene (ppb) • 0.005 (1) • ND NA ND NA (ppb) 1,1-Dichloroethylene (ppb) • 0.007 (1) • ND NA ND NA 1,2-Diciitorobenzene (ppb) • 0.600 (1) • ND NA NO NA Ethy(beozene CWbl • 0.700 (1) • ND NA ND NA Methylene Chloride • 0.007 (1) • ND NA ND NA Toluene Cppb) • 2.000 (1) • ND NA NO NA 1,2,4·Trichlorobenzene (ppb)* 0.700 (1) • ND NA ND NA • 1,1,1-Trichloroethane * 0.200(1) • ND NA ND NA m-Xylene (ppb) • 10.0 (1) • ND NA NO NA Xylenes (ppb) • 10.0 (1) • ND NA ND NA 1,2-DichlorOE!thene Ctotat) (*none • ND NA NO NA en loroform (ppb) • 0.100 (1) • ND NA ND NA 1~1 Dlchloroethane * None • ND NA ND NA Miscellaneous C~loride • 250 mg/[ (2) • 15 NA 17 NA (ppm) NP~ Tota[ coliforms • 1 per 100 ml. (1) • <2 NA <2 NA Color • 15 (2) • 10 NA <10 NA Sol ids • 500 mg/( (2) • 260 NA 310 NA Fluoride * 2.0 mg/I (2) • <0.2 NA <0.2 NA Surfactants (MSAS) • None • <0.01 NA <0.01 NA N'i trete • 10 mg/( (2) • 0.18 NA 0.27 NA ~itrite • 1.0 mg/( (2) • <0.02 NA ..;;;0.02 NA pll • 6.5 . 8.5 (2) • 6.8 NA 7.3 NA sutfaite • 250 mg/! (2) • 22 NA 30 NA NOTE: substances not detected ln any sarrp* ND Indicates substance not detected above detection limit. NA Jndicates that analysis was not requested ~T Indicates t~at tab did not test for analyte (1) Safe Drinking Water Act Standard (MCL) (2) North Carolina Water Qua[lty Standards • • • Mr. Robert Glaser, P.G., Hydrogeologist April 18, 1991 Page 2 • Although the pump was returned to normal use on February 27, significant pumping apparently did not occur until February 28. A comparison of the February 28 pumping data with the February 27 pumping data indicates that the ground water elevations in wells MW 6, MW 7, MW 8, MW 14, MW 15, and MW-C decreased when the production well was turned on. The decrease in ground water elevations in these wells is illustrated on the attached time versus elevation graphs. On these graphs, 8:00 a.m., February 28, is time zero. It should be noted that while the ground water elevation axis (y-axis) has a range of 2 feet for wells MW-6, MW-7, MW-8, MW-14, and MW-C, the y-axis for MW-15 has a range of 27 feet. Ground water elevations in the bedrock wells on the eastern side of the site (MW 6, MW 7, MW a, MW 14, MW 15, and MW-C) increased (i.e., showed recovery) when the production well was turned off, and decreased (i.e., showed drawdown) when the production well was turned on. These wells appear to be hydraulically connected to the production well. Of the above list of wells, MW 14 is the least influenced by the production well. The attached figures depict the effects on local ground water flow in pumping and non-pumping conditions. In a non-pumping condition, depicted on Figure A, ground water flow direction is to the southwest in the eastern flow regime. In a pumping condition, depicted on Figure B, there is a localized ground water flow direction in the eastern flow regime which is toward the production well. With respect to the lagoons, flow is in an easterly direction. In the eastern flow regime, towards the southern boundary of the site, ground water flow appears to return to a southwesterly direction, which is consistent with the non-pumping flow pattern. Installation of MW-13 and MW-16 began on April 10, 1991. The wells are a well "nest" similar to MW-11 and MW-12 and are located approximately where shown on the attached figures. The wells were completed and developed by April 15 1 1991. Approximately two weeks after that date, ground water samples from MW-13 and MW-16 will be collected. Water level measurements will be taken for pumping and non-pumping conditions. UGRIFN & GCRF • Mr. Robert Glaser, P.G., Hydrogeologist April 18, 1991 Page 3 Please advise clarification. Very truly yours, if this O'BRIEN & GERE ENGINEERS, INC. information ~\.Jlx( D ~D\- George B. <..Jest, P.E. (~ +~) Vice President TLN:GBR: Attachments • requires additional crRRlf'N f. GER[ • • Depth Below Top Location PVC Casing (ft) Com.111ents MW-8 17.70 12:04 p.m. (2/Zl) 17.62 3;22 p.m. (2/27) 17.67 3:52 p.m. (2/Zl) 17.62 4:22 p.m. (2/27) 17.62 4:47 p.m. (2/27) 17.67 8:19 a.m. (2/28) 17.67 8:48 a.m. (2/28) 17.76 10:10 a.m. (2/28) 17.84 10:41 a.m. (2/28) 17.92 11:11 a.m. (2/28) 18.02 11:40 a.m. (2/28) 18.09 12:11 p.m. (2/28) 18.17 1:40 p.m. (2/28) 18.16 2:10 p.m. (2/28) 18.15 2:41 p.m. (2/28) MW-9 15.13 12:51 p.m. (2/27) 15.09 5:58 p.m. (2/27) 15.23 9:28 a.m. (2/28) 15.22 3:09 p.m. (2/28) MW-10 10.54 12:45 p.m. (2/27) 10.50 5:53 p.m. (2/27) 10.62 9:25 a.m. (2/28) 10.62 3:06 p.m. (2/28) MW-11 9.02 1:05 p.m. (2/27) 9.02 6:05 p.m. (2/27) 9.06 9:35 a.m. (2/28) 9.09 3:15 p.m. (2/28) MW-12 23.72 12:59 p.m. (2/27) 23.64 6:02 p.m. (2/27) 23.39 9:32 a.m. (2/28) 23.30 3:12 p.m. (2/28) MW-14 18.96 11:49 a.m. (2/27) 18.93 3:12 p.m. (2/27) 18.91 3:45 p.m. (2/27) 18.89 4:15 p.m. (2/27) 18.85 4:41 p.m. (2/27) 18.95 8:09 a.m. (2/28) Truck on Scale 19.00 8:39 a.m. (2/28) 19.07 10:03 a.m. (2/28) 19.10 10:35 a.m. (2/28) 19.10 11:04 a.m. (2/28) 19.10 11:33 a.m. (2/28) Truck on Scale 19.11 12:03 p.m. (2/28) Truck on Scale 19.03 1:34 p.m. (2/28) 18.98 2:04 p.m. (2/28) 18.99 2:33 p.m. (2/28) • • Depth Below Top Location PVC Casing (ft) Comments MW-15 15.09 11:42 a.m. (2/27) 15.03 1:36 p.m. (2/27) 14.92 2:49 p.m. (2/27) 15.44 3:08 p.m. (2/27) 16.21 3:42 p.m. (2/27) 16.31 4:12 p.m. (2/27) 16.29 4:38 p.m. (2/27) 15.12 8:05 a.m. (2/28) 15.11 8:35 a.m. (2/28) 26.28 10:00 a.m. (2/28) 28.47 10:15 a.m. (2/28) 30.80 10:30 a.m. (2/28) 32.67 10:45 a.m. (2/28) 34.58 11:00 a.m. (2/28) 36.47 11:15 a.m. (2/28) 38.04 11:30 a.m. (2/28) 39.02 11:45 a.m. (2/28) 39.60 12:00 p.m. (2/28) 39.86 12:15 p.m. (2/28) 39.89 12:30 p.m. (2/28) 38.70 1:15 p.m. (2/28) 37.92 1:31 p.m. (2/28) 37.20 1:45 p.m. (2/28) 36.38 2:00 p.m. (2/28) 35.51 2:15 p.m. (2/28) 34.70 2:30 p.m. (2/28) 33.84 2:45 p.m. (2/28) Well A 16.58 12:30 p.m. (2/27) 16.53 5:47 p.m. (2/27) 16.60 9:17 a.m. (2/28) 15.56 3:00 p.m. (2/28) Well B 10.58 12:37 p.m. (2/27) 10.55 5:50 p.m. (2/27) 10.65 9:21 a.m. (2/28) 10.61 3:03 p.m. (2/28) • • Depth Below Top Location PVC Casing (ft) Comments MW-1 --Could Not Open 2/27 or 2/'lJ', MW-2 1752 12;01 p.m. (2/27) 17.46 3:19 p.m. (2/27) 17.45 3:50 p.m. (2/27) 17.45 4:19 p.m. (2/27) 17.44 4:45 p.m. (2/27) 17.47 8:17 a.m. (2/'lJ',) 17.48 8:45 a.m. (2/'lJ',) 17.48 10:08 a.m. (2/'lJ',) 17.49 10:39 a.m. (2/'lJ',) 1750 11:09 a.m. (2/'lJ',) 1752 11:38 a.m. (2/'lJ',) 17.54 12:09 p.m. (2/'lJ',) 17.60 1:38 p.m. (2/'lJ',) 17.62 2:09 p.m. (2/'lJ',) 17.62 2:39 p.m. (2/'lJ',) MW-6 15.77 12:15 p.m. (2/27) 15.73 3:26 p.m. (2/27) 15.73 3:55 p.m. (2/27) 15.73 4:25 p.m. (2/27) 15.73 4:50 p.m. (2/27) 15.63 8:24 a.m. (2/'lJ',) 15.63 8:52 a.m. (2/'1J',) 15.88 10:18 a.m. (2/'1J',) 15.99 10:52 a.m. (2/'lJ',) 16.08 11:18 a.m. (2/'lJ',) 16.19 11:48 a.m. (2/'lJ',) 16.27 12:18 p.m. (2/'lJ',) 16.35 1:49 p.m. (2/'lJ',) 16.35 2:18 p.m. (2/'lJ',) 16.35 2:50 p.m. (2/'lJ',) MW-7 17.22 11:56 a.m. (2/27) 17.16 3:15 p.m. (2/27) 17.14 3:48 p.m. (2/27) 17.18 4:17 p.m. (2/27) 17.15 4:43 p.m. (2/27) 17.19 8:13 a.m. (2/'1J',) 17.24 8:42 a.m. (2/'lJ',) 17.54 10:06 a.m. (2/'lJ',) 17.65 10:37 a.m. (2/'lJ',) 17.73 11:06 a.m. (2/'lJ',) 17.77 11:36 a.m. (2/'1J',) 17.78 12:06 p.m. (2/'lJ',) 17.68 1:36 p.m. (2/'lJ',) 17.62 2:07 p.m. (2/'lJ',) 17.58 2:36 p.m. (2/'1J',) • ••• Depth Below Top Locatio11 PVC Ca.s.iag (ft) Comments Well C 12.32 12:18 p.m. (2/27) 12.28 3:28 p.m. (2/27) 12.27 3:58 p.m. (2/27) 12.27 4:28 p.m. (2/27) 12.27 4:54 p.m. (2/27) 12.21 8:27 a.m. (2/28) 12.20 8:54 a.m. (2/28) 12.27 10:21 a.m. (2/28) 12.36 10;54 a.m. (2/28) 12.42 11:21 a.m. (2/28) 12.51 11:51 a.m. (2/28) 12.59 12:20 p.m. (2/28) 12.68 1:51 p.m. (2/28) 12.68 2:20 p.m. (2/28) 12.66 2:52 p.m. (2/28) STREAM POINTS To Water Surface To Stream Bottom (Ft) (Ft) Date Sl 2.97 3.60 2/27 2.89 3.66 2/28 S2 3.84 4.33 2/27 . 3.84 4.33 2/28 S3 3.31 3.51 2/27 3.34 3.54 2/28 • • MW14 CTI -Charlotte, NC 751--.----------------------------------------~ 750.8 -------.............. _____________________________________________________________________________ .......................................... ________________ .. ______________________________ .............................. . 750.6 ............ ·---------................................................................................. _ .. __________ , ............. ___________ ................................................................... _. ________ _ ::::r-7 50. 4 ...... -----------............................................................................ _____________________ , .......... ________________ ........................................................... __________________ _ Cf) ::2 750. 2 -------............... ________________________________________________________________________ ...................... ______________ ................... __________________ , _______________________________________ ...... ... b ~ 750 ~--""-----------------------------------------------------------------............................................................. ___________________________ , ______________________ , ....... : ........ . w .... -~ ... 7 49.8 .............. _______________________ ............................ • ... • _________________ .......... __________________________________ ...................................... ________ _ ~ (!' 7 49. 6 ......... ______________________ ......................................................... ___ , ________________________ .............. _. ______________ , ...................................................... __ , _____________ _ 749.4 ______________ .............. _. _________________________________________________________ , ............................ __________ .................... ______________________________________________ .......................... . 7 49.2 ........ ________________ ............................................................. ___ , ________________________ ............. __________________ ........................................... ____________________________ .. .. 749--t-r-r--.-r---.-r,--,-,---.-...----.----.-,,--,--,-r-r..,.-,-.-i--r---..-,._,...,.-,--,-~--,,---r--.-r---.-r..-r-t---.-r~ 0 50 1 00 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Elapsed time (min.) -Robert Glaser April 9, 1991 Page 2 • • MW-6 is considered an upgradient well. Of the contaminants in the miscellaneous category, color exceeded the North Carolina standards in all the wells sampled except for the production well, solids concentrations were exceeded in MW-8, and pH was outside the regulatory range in MW-6, MW-8 and MW-14. The only volatile organic compounds (VOC) detected in the wells sampled and analyzed by O'Brien & Gere were benzene, ethylbenzene, and xylene, which were present at concentrations of 110 ppb, 30 ppb, and 59 ppb, respectively, in MW-7. Semivolatiles were not detected in any of the wells sampled. No VOC's were detected in other wells. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call the undersigned, Ms. Terry Norman or Mr. Michael Wittner at (301} 731-5622. Very truly yours, O'BRIEN AND GERE ENGINEERS, INC. G~~~~.·P Vice President GBR:TLN:SPS:mjh Attachment 0 BRIEN & GERE • Tab 1 e I CENTRAL TRANSPORT, lNC. -CHARLOTTE TERMINAL GROUND WATER QUALITY ANALYSES MW-I • CATEGORY PARAMETER * Drinking Water * Standards • 11/89 06/90 06/90 12/90 12/90 • (filt) (unfilt (filt) (unfilt (filt) •••••u••••••••••••••••••••••* ••••••••••••••u *u•••uu• Metals (ppm) Base/Neutral Acid Ext ractab 1 es (ppb) Volatile Organic Compounds (ppb) A1uminum Arsenic Barium Beryl 11 um Cadmium Calcium Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Magnesium Manganese Nickel Potassl um Silver Sodium Vanadium Zinc Cyanide Di-n·Butyl Phthalate Naphthalene Bis(2-ethylhexyl)Phthalate 1,3-0ich1orobenze:ne N-Nitrosodiphenylamine Phenol 2,4-Dimethylphenol Acetone Benzene l,l-Dich1oroethylene l,2·Dichlarobenzene Ethylbeniene Methylene Chloride Toluene l,2,4-Trich1orobenzene Tr~ns-1,2-diehloroethene m-Xylene Xyl e:ne:s * None * 0.05 mg/l (1) * 1.0 mg/l (1) ;1; None * 0.005 mg/1 (I) ;!;" None * 0.05 mg/1 (I) * None • \_O mg/l (2) • 0.03 mg/l (2) * 0.05 mg/l (1) * None • 0.05 mg/l (2) • 0. 15 mg/1 (2) * None * 0.05 mg/l (I) * None * None • 5.0 mg/l (2) • 0. 154 mg/l (2) * none * none * none • 0.600 (1) * none * none * none * none * 0.005 1; 0.007 ;II" 0.600 • 0.700 • 0.007 • 2.000 • 0.700 * none (I) (I) ( 1) (1) ( l) (I) (I) • 10.0 (I) * 10.0 (I) • * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • .. • • • • * • * * 1,2-Dlehloroethene (total) * none • Chloroform Miscellaneous Chloride (ppm) MPN Total Coliforms Color Solids Fluoride Surfactants (MBAS) N1trq.te Nitrite pH Sulfate * 0.100 (1) • 250 mg/1 (2) • I per 100 ml • 15 (2) * 500 mg/l (2) • 2.0 mg/l (2) * None * 10 mg/l (Z) • 1.0 mg/l (2) • 6.5 -8.5 (2) • 250 mg/l (2) • (l) * * • • • * NO ND 0' 17 NO NO 42.5 6.86 ND NO NO NO 0.32 NO 0.01 0.03 0.01 ND 0.02 15.8 35.9 0.03 0.04 25.1 20.9 0.55 0.40 NO 0.02 8.1 6.4 NO 0.05 237 216 0.1 0.03 NO ND NO NO ND NO NO NO NT ND ND ND NO ND ND NO ND NO ND NO NO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NO 0.04 NT ND NO ND ND NO NO NO NO NO ND ND NO ND ND ND NO NO NO NO NO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NOTE: Substances not detected in any samples have not been included. ND Indicates substance not detected above deteotion limit. NA Ind;cates that analysis was not requested NT Indicates that lab did not test for analyte (I) Safe Orinklng Water Act Standard (MCL) (2) North Carolina Water Quality Standards 0.14 4.6 NO <0.010 0.25 <0.1 NO 0.03 ND 0.02 37_5 35 NO <0.01 0.01 <0.01 0.02 0.01 23' 3 21 0.03 <0.02 19. 5 17 0.31 0.38 NO 0.06 6.64 5.6 0.02 <0.01 200 260 NO 0.02 0.03 0.07 NT <0.01 NA ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA NO NA NO NA ND NA NO NA NO NA ND NA ND NA NO NA NO NA ND NA ND NA NO NA NO NA NO NA NO NA ND NA 62 NA >=1600 NA 50 NA 690 NA 0.2 NA <0.01 NA 0. 12 NA <0.02 NA 6.8 NA 32 ~o .1 <O. 01 <O. l 0.01 0.01 35 .:;0.01 cO. 01 <0. 01 22 .:;0.02 17 0.39 0.04 4.4 .:;Q,01 250 0.01 .:;Q. 01 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA • Table 1 • CENTRAl TRANSPORT, INC. -CHARlOTTE TERMINAl GROUNO WATER QUAlITY ANAlYSES MW-2 CATEGORY PARAMETER * Drinking Water . 11/89 06/90 06/90 12/90 12/90 * Standards • (fi lt) (unfilt (filt) (unfi lt (fi lt) ------------------------------------* -------"~"-----*--------------------------------- Metals Aluminum * None 0.2 76.2 0. 13 3.8 <O. l (ppm) Arsenic • 0. 05 mg/l (1) ND ND ND .:;Q. 01 .:;Q,01 Bari um * 1.0 mg/l (1) 0.1 0.62 0.19 .:;Q, l oe:Q. l Beryllium * None • ND ND ND 0.05 0.03 Cadmium • 0.005 mg/l (1) • ND ND ND <0.01 <0.01 Calcium * None 26.4 37 .8 22.2 28 24 Chromium • 0.05 mg/l (1) NO 0.90 ND 0.02 oeQ, 01 Cobalt * None * 0.05 0.18 0.04 0.04 <O. 01 Copper * 1.0 mg/l (2) 0.02 0 .71 0.02 0.05 ..:Q. 01 Iron * 0.03 mg/l (2) * 0.06 115 0.83 3 .4 0.3 lead • 0.05 mg/l (1) 0.03 0.07 ND .::;Q.02 .:;Q,02 Magne:s1um * None 22.3 85.l 16.3 22 17 Manganese * 0. 05 mg/l (2) 0.86 3.01 0.95 1.1 0.78 Nickel * 0.15 mg/l (2) ND 0.27 0.02 0.03 oeQ.02 Potasslum * None * 2.8 7.29 2.06 l. 7 ~o.5 511 ver * 0.05 mg/l ( l) ND ND 0.02 <0.01 <0.01 Sodium * None 54 57.8 52.8 60 59 Vanadium * None: • 0.08 ND ND 0.01 <0.01 Zinc • 5.0 mg/1 (2) • 0.04 0.29 0.04 0.07 0.01 Cyanide • 0.154 mg/l (2) • ND NT NT <O. 01 NA Base/Neutral Oi"n·Butyl Phthalate (ppb) * none • ND ND NA ND NA Acid Naphthalene (ppb) * none: • ND ND NA ND NA Ext ractab l es Bis (2-ethylhexyl) Phthalato• none * ND ND NA NO NA (ppb) l,3~Dichlorobenzene * 0.600 (I) * ND ND NA NO NA N-Nitrosodiphenylamtne * none ND ND NA ND NA Phenol (ppb) * none • ND ND NA ND NA 2,4-Dimethylphenol (ppb) * none • ND ND NA ND NA Volatile • Organt e Acetone * none • NT ND NA ND NA Compounds Benzene (ppb) • 0.005 (I) * ND ND NA ND NA (ppb) l,l-Dichloroethylene (ppb) * 0.007 (I) • ND ND NA ND NA 1,2-Dichlorobenzene (ppb) • 0.600 (1) • ND ND NA NO NA Ethylbenzene (ppb) * 0. 700 ( l) • ND ND NA ND NA Methylene Chloride * 0.007 (I) • ND ND NA ND NA Toluene (ppb) • 2.000 (1) ND ND NA ND NA l,2,4-Trtchlorobenzene (ppb)* 0.700 (l) ND ND NA NO NA Trans-1,2-dtehloroethene * none • ND NO NA NO NA m-Xylone (ppb) • 10. 0 ( l) ND ND NA NO NA Xylenes (ppb) • 10.0 ( l) NO ND NA ND NA l,2-0lch1oroethene (total) (* none • ND ND NA ND NA Chloroform (ppb) • D.100 (1) • ND NO NA ND NA Miscellaneous Chloride • 250 mg/1 (2) • NA NA NA 88 NA (ppm) MPN Total Coli forms * 1 per 100 mL ( l) • NA NA NA ><1600 NA Color • 15 (2) • NA NA NA 30 NA Solids • 500 mg/l (2) * NA NA NA 290 NA Fluoride • 2.0 mg/l (2) NA NA NA <0.2 NA Surf act.ants (MSAS) * None • NA NA NA <0.01 NA Nitrate • 10 mg/1 (2) • NA NA NA 0.03 NA Nitrite • 1.0 mg/l (2) * NA NA NA <0.02 NA pH • 6.5 -8.5 (2) • NA NA NA 6.3 NA 'Sulfate * 250 mg/l (2) • NA NA NA 35 NA NOTE: Substances not detected in any samples have not been included. ND Indicates substance not detected above detection limit. NA Indicates that analysis was not re~uested NT Indicates that lab did not test for analyte ( l) Safe Drinking Water Act Standard (MCl) (2) North Carolina Water Qualtty Standards CATEGORY PARAMETER Tabl• 1 CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. -CHARLOTTE TERMINAL GROUND WATER QUALITY ANALYSES • MW-6 * Drinking Water * Standards • 10/89 11/89 06/90 6/90 12/90 12/90 3/91 3/91 *(unfilt)(filt.)(unfilt)(filt.)(unfilt)(filt.)(unfilt)(filt.) -----~~--------------------·* --~------------*----------------------------------------~~--~- Metals (ppm) Base/Neutral Acid Extractab 1 es (ppb) Volatile Organic Compounds (ppb) Miscellaneous (ppm) Aluminum Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Calcium Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Magnesium Manganese Nickel Potass1 um Silver Sodium * None * 0.05 mg/l (1) * 1.0 mg/1 (1) * None • 0.005 mg/1 (1) * None * 0.05 mg/1 (1) * None * 1.0 mg/l (2) • 0. 03 mg/l (2) • 0.05 mg/l (l) * None • 0.05 mg/l (2) • 0.15 mg/l (2) * None * 0.05 mg/l (1) * None Vanadi 1,1m * None Zinc • 5.0 mg/1 (2) Cyanide * 0.154 mg/l (2) Dl-n-Butyl Phthalate (ppb) •none Naphthalene (ppb) • non• Bis (2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate* none 1,3-Dichlorobenzene • 0.600 (l) N-Nitrosod1phenylamine Phenol ( ppb) 2,4-0imethylphenol (ppb) * none * none * none Acetone * none Benzene (ppb) * 0.005 (1) 1,1-Dichloroethylene (ppb) • 0.007 (1) l,2-Dichlorobenzene (ppb) • 0.600 (l) Ethylbenzene (ppb) * 0.700 (1) Methylene Chloride * 0.007 (I) Toluene (ppb) • 2.000 (1) 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene (ppb)* 0.700 (1) Tran5~l,2-dichloroethene *none m-Xylene (ppb) • 10.0 (1) Xylenes (ppb) • 10.0 (1) 1,2-Dlchloroethene (total) (*none Chloroform (ppb) • 0.100 (1) Chloride • 250 mg/l (2) • • • • * * • • * * • • • • • • • • • • • • * * • • • • • • • • • • * • * ·• • MPN Total Coli forms • 1 per 100 ml (1) * Color • 15 (2) * Solids • 500 mg/l (2) Fluoride • 2.0 mg/l (2) • 200 0.01 2.09 ND NO 35.6 0.41 0.32 2.04 49.9 0.26 82 6.5 0.2 32.5 NO 19.7 I. 43 0.31 ND ND ND ND NO NO NO NO NT NO NO NO ND ND NO ND ND ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA NA Surfactants (MBAS) • None NA Nitrate • 10 mg/l (2) * NA Nitrite * l.Omg/1 (2) * NA pH *6.5-6.5(2) *NA Sulfate • 250 mg/l (2) * NA NOTE: Substances not detected 1n any samples have not been included. ND Indicates substance not detected abov@ detection limit. NA Indicates that analysis was not requested NT Indicates that lab did not test for analyte (1) Safe Drinking Water Act Standard (MCL) (2) North Carolina Water Quality Standards 0.2 ND 0.07 ND NO 21.l ND ND 0.02 0.13 ND 15.6 0.03 NO 2.4 0.02 17.4 0.07 NO ND ND ND NO NO NO NO NO NT ND NO NO ND ND ND ND NO NO NO ND ND NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 36.6 0.04 0.40 ND NO 27.2 0.06 0.06 0.30 39.4 o.oa 19.S 1.07 0.06 4.3 0.09 20.1 ND 0.14 NT ND ND NO NO ND ND ND NO ND NO NO ND ND ND ND NO NO ND NO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.06 ND 0.10 ND NO 6.55 ND ND NO NO NO 5.39 ND ND 1.26 0.03 6.37 NO 0.01 NT NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 7.5 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.07 0.05 0.02 <0.01 26 23 0.01 <0.01 0.06 <0.01 0.16 <0.01 6.6 <0.01 0.03 <0.02 20 15 1.3 <0.01 0.04 0.03 1.7 <0.05 <0.01 <0.01 16 15 0.04 0.02 0.06 <0.01 <0.01 NA NO NA NO NA NO NA NO NA ND NA ND NA ND NA 3.9 <0.1 <0.01 <0.01 0.1 <0.1 0.05 <0.1 <0.01 0.01 29 24 0.05 0.06 0.04 <0.01 0.17 0.03 2.9 0.07 <0.02 <0.02 20 15 0.64 0.03 <0.02 <0.02 1.3 1.3 <0.01 0.01 18 19 ..:Q,01 ~0.01 0.02 0.01 <0.01 NA NO NA NO NA ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA NO NA NA ND NA NO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ND NA NO NA ND NA NO NA NO NA ND NA ND NA NA NO NA ND NA NO NA NO NA 16 NA >=1600 NA 10 NA 550 NA <0.2 NA <0.01 NA 0. 77 NA <0.02 NA 6.6 NA 70 NA NO NA ND NA ND NA NO NA ND NA NO NA NO NA NA ND NA ND NA NO NA ND NA 16 NA <2 NA >70 NA 240 NA <0.2 NA <0.01 NA 0.6 NA <0.02 NA 6.4 NA 69 • Table 1 CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. -CHARLOTTE TERMINAL GROUND WATER QUALITY ANALYSES • MW-7 CATEGORY PARAM!:TER • Drinking Water • 10/89 11/89 06/90 6/9D \2/90 \2/90 3/91 3/91 • Standards *(unfllt) (fi lt.) (unfi lt) (fi lt.) (unfl lt) (fl lt.) (unfl lt. (fi lt.) -----------------~·---------* ~--~-----------*~-~---------~ ------------------------~------------M~~ Metals (ppm) Base/Neutral Acid Extractab l es (ppb) Volatile Organic Compounds (ppb) Aluminum Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Calcium Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Magnesium Manganese Nickel Potassium Silver Sodium * None: • 0.05 mg/l (1) • 1.0 mg/l (1) * None • 0.005 mg/l (1) * None * 0.05 mg/l (1) * None • 1.0 mg/l (2) * 0.03 mg/l (2) • 0.05 mg/l (1) * None • 0.05 mg/l (2) *0.15mg/l (2) * None: • 0.05 mg/l (1) * None Vanadi~ *None Zinc • 5.0 mg/l (2) Cyanide • 0.154 mg/l (2) Dl-n-Butyl Phthalate (ppb) •none Naphthalene (ppb) • none Bis (2-ethy1hexy1) Phthalate* none l,3-Dichloroben~~ne * 0.600 {l) NmNitrosodiphenylamine * none Phenol ( ppb) * none 2,4-Dimethylphenol (ppb) * none * Acetone * none Benzene (ppb) • 0.005 (1) 1,1-Dichloroethylene (ppb) • 0.007 (1) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene (ppb) • 0.600 (1) Ethylbenzene (ppb) • 0.700 (1) Methylene Chloride • 0.007 (1) Toluene (ppb) • 2.000 (1) 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene (ppb)* 0.700 (1) Trans-l,2-dich1oroethene *none m-Xylene (ppb) * 10.0 (I) Xylenes (ppb) • 10.0 (1) l,2~Dichloroethene (total} (*none Chloroform (ppb) * 0.100 (1) Miscellaneous Chlotide * 250 mg/l (2) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • * * • * • • • • • • • • • • • • • (ppm) MPN Total Coll forms * 1 per 100 ml ( 1) * Color • 15 (2) Solids • 500 mg/l (2) Fluoride • 2.0 mg/l (2) Surfaetonts (MBAS) Nitrate Nitrite pH Sul f•te * Noni:! * 10 mg/l (2) * 1.0 mg/l (2) • 6.5 -8.5 (2) • 250 mg/l (2) NOTE: Substances not detected in any samp1eDr1nk1ng Water ND Indicates substance not det~cteDr1nking Water • * • 340 0.1 1.14 ND ND 117 0.58 0.33 5-11 743 1-45 185 5_7 0.29 71 ND 298 1.97 1.05 0.01 28@ 8 ND ND ND ND ND NT 570 790 3 640 ND 360 5 ND 510 ND ND ND NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ND ND 0.28 ND ND 54 NO 0.05 0.02 16.7 0.05 39.7 3.15 ND 16.8 ND 253 0.16 0.02 0.01 45 12 240 ND ND 9 2 NT 460 ND ND 570 ND 400 ND ND ND 1570 60 260 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 90.4 0.13 0.87 ND ND 85.9 0.21 0.11 1.02 104 0.32 68.7 4.49 0.11 15.0 0.15 212 ND 0.34 NT 1 2 ND 3 ND ND 9 ND 190 ND ND ND ND ND ND 31 ND 1500 NO ND NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0 .15 ND 0.30 ND ND 67.5 ND 0.02 ND 13.4 ND 43.0 3.38 0.03 7_54 0.01 195 ND 0.02 NT NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 48 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <D.1 '("0.l 0.02 0.02 0.02 <0.01 59 52 0.08 <0.01 0.08 <0.01 0.38 <0.0) 60 10.32 0.17 .-::0.02 45 36 5.0 4.4 0.07 0.01 7.1 3.0 <0.01 <0.01 190 190 0.2 <0.01 0.19 <0.01 <0.01 NA ND NA NO NA NO NA 3 NA ND NA ND NA 4 NA NA ND NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA NO NA ND NA ND NA NO NA ND NA ND NA NO NA ND NA 140 NA >•1600 NA 20 NA 720 NA 0.3 NA <0.01 NA <0.02 NA <0.02 NA 6.8 NA 110 © Indicates that di-n-butyl phthalate was detected in the field blank at 6 ppb. NA Indicates that analys1s was not requested NT Indicates that lab d1d not test for analyte (1) Safe Drinking Water Act Standard (MCL) (2) North Carolina Water Quality Standards 6.9 <0.1 <0.0) <0.01 <0.1 <0.1 0.05 0.03 <0.01 <0.01 57 54 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.01 19 10 0.02 <0.02 43 41 5 4.7 0.03 <0.02 4.8 3.5 <0.01 0.01 190 190 0.03 <0.01 0.09 0.01 <0.01 NA ND NA ND NA NO NA NO NA ND NA ND NA ND NA ND 110 NO ND 30 ND ND ND ND ND 59 ND ND 140 <2 >70 740 0.3 <0.01 0.07 0.05 6.6 24 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA • Table I CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. -CHARLOTTE TERMINAL GROUNO WATER QUALITY ANALYSES MW-6 • CATEGORY PARAMETER * Drinking Water * Standards * 10/89 11/69 06/90 6/90 12/90 12/90 3/91 3/91 *(unfilt)(filt.)(unfilt)(filt.)(unfilt)(filt.)(unfilt.(filt.) ------------------~-ft-----~~* ---------------*-------------------------------------~- Metals (ppm) Bas~/Neutral Acid Extractables (ppb) Volatile Organic Compounds (ppb) Aluminum Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Calcium Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Magnesium Manganese Nickel Potassium Silver Sodium * None • 0.05 mg/l (1) • LO mg/l (1) * None * 0.005 mg/l (1) * None • 0.05 mg/l (1) * None • 1.0 mg/l (2) • 0.03 mg/l (2) • 0.05 mg/l (1) * None * 0.05 mg/l (2) * 0. 15 mg/l (2) * None * 0.05 mg/l (I) * None Vanadium * None Zinc * 5.0 mg/l (2) Cyanide • 0.154 mg/l (2) 01-n-Butyl Phthalate (ppb) • none Naphthalene (ppb) * none Bis (2-ethylhe<yl) Phthalate* none l,3-0ichlorobenzene * 0.600 (I) N-Nltrosod1pheny1amine *none Phenol ( ppb) * none 2,4-0imethylphenol (ppb) *none Acetone: Benzene (ppb) l,l-Oichloroethylene (ppb) 1,2-0ichlorobenzene (ppb) Ethylbenzene (ppb) Methylene Chloride * none • 0.005 (1) • 0.007 (1) * 0.600 (I) • 0.700 (1) • 0.007 (1) * 2.000 (1) Toluene (ppb) l,2,4~Trichlorobeniene (ppb)* 0.700 (1) Trans-1,2-dichloroethene m-Xylene (ppb) Xylene• (ppb) 1,2-Dichloroethene (total) Chloroform ( ppb) * none • 10.0 (I) • 10.0 (I) (* none • 0.100 (1) Miscellaneous Chloride • 250 mg/l (2) * • * • • • • • • • • • • • ., * * ,, • • • • • • * • • • • • • • • (ppm) MPN Total Coliforms Color • 1 per 100 mL (1) • Solids Fluoride Surfactants (MBAS) Nitrate Nitrite pH Su1 fate • 15 (2) • 500 m9/l (2) • 2.0 mg/l (2) * None * 10 mg/l (2) • 1.0 mg/l (2) • 6.5 -8.5 (2) * 250 mg/l (2) * • • • • • 320 O.D4 2.11 ND ND 91 2.65 0.62 2.46 820 0.06 375 12.5 1.08 37_4 NO 59 1-93 0.84 ND ND NO ND ND ND ND ND NT NO ND ND NO ND NO ND NO NO NO NO NO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NOTE: Substances not detected in any samples have not been included. ND Indicates substanc@ not detected above detection lim1t. NA Indicates that analysis was not requested NT Indicates that lab did not test for ana1yte (I) Saf• Orinking Water Act Standard (MCL) (2) North C•rolina Water Quality Standards ND ND 0.16 NO ND 43 NO NO 0.02 0.08 NO 46.B 2.2 ND 4.5 NO 48.5 0. 19 0.02 ND ND NO ND ND ND NO NO NT NO NO ND NO NO NO ND NO NO NO ND NO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1.83 0.14 NO NO 0.10 NO NO ND ND ND 24.7 70.1* NO ND NO ND 0.01 0.01 4.02 NO ND NO 17.8 43.8* 0. 41 2 .72* ND NO 3.42 4.33* 0.08 0.02 16.2 47.6* NO NO 0.05 0.02 NT NT NO NA ND NA NO NA ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NO NO NO ND 13 ND ND ND NO NO ND ND NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 220 <0.1 <0.01 <0.01 0.56 <0.1 0.22 D.05 O.Dl <0.01 150 69 1.8 <0.01 0.41 <0,01 1.7 <0.01 260 <0.01 <0.02 <0.02 260 43 lD 2.2 0.84 0.02 15 1.3 -=0.01 .i:0.01 44 52 D.68 <0.01 0.67 <D.01 <O.Dl NA ND NA ND NA NO NA NO NA NO NA NO NA ND NA 43 NO ND ND ND NO ND NO ND ND ND NO NO 93 13 20 530 0.3 <0.01 <0.02 -=0.02 6.4 64 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 22 ..::0.1 <0.01 <0.01 1.7 <0.1 D.09 0.05 <0.01 <O.Dl 170 62 D.06 0.04 0.24 0.04 0.61 0.01 19 0.04 <0.02 <0.02 93 41 9.6 3.4 0.09 <0.02 7 4.3 <O.D1 <0.01 59 58 0.17 <0.01 0.09 <0.01 <0.01 NA ND NA NO NA ND NA NO NA ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NO ND ND NO NO NO NO NO NO NO ND ND 90 <l 70 510 0.2 <0.01 <0.02 <0.02 5.9 48 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CATEGORY PARAMETER A Table 1 CENTRAL ~SPORT, INC. -CHARLOTTE TERMINAL GROUND WATER QUALITY ANALYSES • MW-9 • Drinking Water * Standards • I0/89 11/89 06/90 6/90 12/90 12/90 *(unfilt)(filt.)(unfilt)(filt.)(unfilt)(filt.) --------~~------------------* -------~-------*-----~----------------~---------------- Metals (ppm) Base/Neutral Acid Extractab l es (ppb) Volatile Organic Compounds (ppb) A1 umi num Arsen1c Barium Beryllium C9dmium Calcium Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Le: ad Magneslum Manganese Nickel Potassium Silver Sodium * None • 0.05 mg/l (1) • 1.0 mg/l (1) * None * 0.005 mg/l (I) * None • 0.05 mg/l (1) * None • 1.0 mg/l (2) * 0.03 mg/l (2) • 0.05 mg/l (!) * None • 0.05 mg/l (2) • 0.15 mg/l (2) * None • 0.05 ms/l (1) * None Vanadium * None Zinc • 5.0 mg/l (2) Cyanide * 0.I54 mg/1 (2) Di-n-Butyl Phthalate (ppb) • none Naphthalene (ppb) * none Bis (2-elhylhexyl) Phthalate• none I,3-Dlchloroben>ene * 0.600 (!) N-Nitrosodiphenylamine Phenol ( ppb) 2 ,4-0imethyl phenol (ppb) Acetone 11 none * none * none * * none: * * • • • • * • • * • • • • • • • • • • • • * 39 ND 0.28 ND ND 33.9 0.06 D .04 0 .08 195 ND 51.l 2.76 0.04 11.9 ND I5.6 0.19 0. I2 ND ND ND ND ND ND NO NO NT Benzene (ppb) * 0.005 (!) ND 1,I-Olchloroethylene (ppb) • O.D07 (1) ND l,2-01chlorobenzene (ppb) • 0.600 (1) * NO Ethylbenzene (ppb) * 0.700 (1) • ND Methylene Chloride • 0.D07 (1) • ND Toluene (ppb) * 2.000 (1) ND l,2,4-Trichlorobenzene (ppb)* 0.700 (1) ND Trans-1,2-dichloroethene * non~ ND m-Xylene (ppb) • 10.0 (1) ND Xylenes (ppb) • lD.O (1) * NO 1,2-Dichloroethene (total) (*none * ND Chloroform (ppb) * O.lDD (!) * ND Misc•llaneous Chloride • 250 mg/l (2) • NA (ppm) MPN Total Coli forms • l per 1 OD ml ( 1) • NA Color • 15 (2) • NA Sol ids • 500 mg/1 (2) • NA Fluorid• • 2.0 mg/l (2) * NA Surfactants (MBAS) • None • NA Nitrate * 10 mg/1 (2) • NA Nitrite * 1.0 mg/1 (2) • NA pH *6.5-8.5(2) *NA Sulfate • 250 mg/l (2) • NA NOTE: Substances not detected in any samples have not been 1ncluded. ND Indicates substance not detected above detection limit. NA Indicates that analysis was not requested NT Indicates that lab did not test for analyte (1) Safe Drinking Water Act Standard (MCL) (2) North Carolina Water Quality Standards ND ND 0.01 ND NO 22.2 NO NO ND 0.09 ND 19.6 0.32 ND 3.3 ND 21.2 0.07 O.D2 ND ND ND ND ND NO ND NO NT NO NO ND ND ND NO ND NO ND NO ND NO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1.63 ND 0.10 ND ND 26.0 ND 0.01 ND 3.63 NO 18.0 0.41 ND 4.33 0.07 16.7 ND 0.02 NT ND ND ND NO ND ND ND ND NO NO NO NO NO ND NO ND NO NO NO NO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA O. ll NO 0.10 ND ND 24 .1 ND ND ND 0.69 NO 17.2 0.34 ND 3.09 D.02 16.9 ND 0.04 NT NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3.2 <0.1 <0.01 <0.01 <0.1 <O.l D.06 0.05 0.04 .cQ.01 26 25 0.02 <0.01 0.02 <D.Dl O.D3 <D.01 6.2 <0.01 <0.02 <0.02 19 18 D.44 0.31 0.05 0.02 3.4 1.8 <0.01 <O.Dl 14 )6 D.02 <0.01 0.05 0.01 <0.01 NA ND NA NO NA NO NA NO NA ND NA ND NA ND NA NA ND NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NO NA ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA ND NA 8 NA >=1600 NA 20 NA 190 NA 0.2 NA <0.Dl NA <0.02 NA 0.03 NA 7 .0 NA 81 • T •bl e 1 • CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. -CHARLOTTE TERMINAL GROUND WATER QUALITY ANALYSES • MW-10 CATEGORY PARAMETER * Dr1nk1ng Water * 10/89 11/89 06/90 6/90 12/90 12/90 * Standards *(unfilt)(fllt.)(unfilt)(filt.)(unfilt)(filt.) ----------------~~------------------* --------~------*-------__ " ___ ---------~~-~ ------------- Metals Aluminum * None * 100 ND 8.48 0.15 15 <O. l (ppm) Arsen1 c • O.D5 mg/1 (1) • 0.04 ND ND NO <0.01 <0.01 Bari um * 1.0 mg/1 (l) • 0.48 0.02 0.16 0.11 <O. l <O. l Beryllium * Noni:! ND ND NO NO 0.09 0.04 Cadmium • 0.005 mg/l (1) * ND ND ND NO 0.01 <0.01 C•lclum * None 36.5 22.7 25.0 22.6 25 22 Chromium • 0.05 mg/l (1) 0.17 NO 0.04 ND 0.02 <0.01 Cobalt * None • 0.12 NO 0.02 ND 0.02 <0.01 Copper • 1.0 mg/l (2) • 0.55 NO 0.05 ND 0.04 .:;Q,01 Iron • 0.03 mg/l (2) • 200 0.03 7.24 NO 12 oeQ,01 Lead • 0.05 mg/1 ( 1) • 0.15 ND 0.02 NO 0.03 <0.02 Magne.si um * None • 34-7 14.9 13.5 12.3 14 12 Manganese • 0.05 mg/1 ( 2) • 2.29 0.03 0.19 NO 0.28 <0.01 Nickel "0.!5mg/1 (2) • 0.05 ND 0.02 NO 0.04 <0.02 Potassium * None: • 7.6 2.8 3.24 2-79 I. 7 <0.5 Silver • 0.05 mg/1 ( 1) ND ND 0.04 0.02 <0.01 <O. 01 Sodium * None * 14.5 14.6 15.5 15.2 14 15 Vanadium * None 0.66 0.06 NO ND 0.04 0.02 Zinc * 5.0 mg/l (2) 0.15 0.02 0.09 0.02 0.07 <0.01 Cy•nlde • 0.154 1119/l (2) NO NO NT NT ~o. 01 NA Base/Neutral Dl-n-Butyl Phthalate (ppb) * none • NO ND ND NA ND NA Acid Naphthalene (ppb) * none • NO ND ND NA ND NA Ext ractab l es Bis (2-ethylhe<yl) Phthalate* non• * ND ND NO NA NO NA (ppb) l,3~Dich1orobenz~n~ * 0.600 ( 1) • ND ND ND NA NO NA N-Nitrosod1phenylamine * none * ND ND ND NA ND NA Phenol (ppb) * none * ND ND ND NA NO NA 2,4-Dimethylphonol (ppb) * none • ND ND ND NA NO NA Volatile * • Organic Acetone * none • NT NT NO NA NO NA Compounds Benzene (ppb) * 0.005 (1) • ND ND NO NA ND NA (ppb) 1,1-Dichloroethylene (ppb) * 0.007 (l) * ND ND NO NA ND NA 1,2-0ichlorobenzene (ppb) • 0.600 ( l) NO NO ND NA ND NA Ethylbenzene (ppb) • 0.700 (l) * ND NO NO NA ND NA Methylene Chloride • 0.007 ( 1) • NO NO ND NA ND NA Toluene (ppb) • 2.000 (1) • ND ND ND NA NO NA l,2,4-Tr1chloroben2ene (ppb)* 0.700 (1) • ND ND ND NA ND NA Trans-1,2-dieh1oroethene * none * ND ND NO NA ND NA m-Xylene (ppb) * 10.0 ( 1) ND NO ND NA ND NA Xylenes (ppb) * 10.0 ( l) * ND NO NO NA ND NA 1,2-0lchloroethene (total) {* none ND NO ND NA NO NA Chloroform (ppb) • 0.100 (l) • NO NO ND NA ND NA Miscellaneous Chloride • 250 mg/1 (2) • NA NA NA NA 11 NA (ppm) MPN Total Coli forms • l per 100 ml ( 1) * NA NA NA NA >=1600 NA Color • 15 (2) • NA NA NA NA 10 NA Solids * 500 mg/1 (2) • NA NA NA NA 270 NA Fluoride • 2. O mg/l (2) * NA NA NA NA <0.2 NA Surfactants (MBAS) * None NA NA NA NA <0.0l NA NI trate • 10 mg/l (2) • NA NA NA NA O.Sl NA Nitrite * 1.0 mg/1 (2) • NA NA NA NA <0.02 NA pH • 6.5 -8.5 (2) • NA NA NA NA 7 .0 NA Sulfate * 250 mg/l (Z) • NA NA NA NA 35 NA NOTE: Substances not detected in any samples have not been included. NO Indicates substance not detected above detection limit. NA Indicates that analysis was not requested NT Indicates that lab did not test for analyte (1) Safe Drinking Water Act Standard (MCL) ( 2) North Carolina Water Quality Standards CATEGORY PARAMETER • Table 1 CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. -CHARLOTTE TERMINAL GROUND WATER QUALITY ANALYSES * Drinking Water * Standards MW-11 * 10/89 11/89 06/90 6/90 12/90 12/90 *(unfilt)(filt.)(unfilt)(filt.)(unfilt)(filt.) -~-~-·----------------------* ----------~~~~~ *---~~~--------------------------- Metals (ppm) Gase/Neutral Aold Ext r;;iotab l es (ppb) Volatile Organic Compounds (ppb) Aluminum Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Calcium Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Magnesium Manganese Nickel Potassium Si 1 ver * None ' 0.05 mg/l (1) • 1.0 mg/l (1) * None • 0.005 mg/l (1) * None • 0.05 mg/l (l) * None • 1.0 mg/l (2) • 0.03 mg/l (2) • 0.05 mg/l (1) * None • 0.05 mg/l (2) • 0.15 mg/l (2) * None • 0.05 mg/l (!) Sodium * None Vanadium * None Zinc ·• 5.0 mg/l (2) Cyanide • 0.154 mg/l (2) Ol -n-8utyl Phtha late ( ppb) • none Naphthalene (ppb) • none 81s (2-elhylhexyl) Phtholate• none 1,3-0lohloroben:ene • 0.600 (I) N-Nitrosodiphenylamine * none Phenol ( ppb) • none 2,4-Dimethylphenol (ppb) • none • Acetone * none • 0.005 (1) • 0.007 (1) • 0.600 (1) • 0.700 (l) • 0.007 (1) Benzene (ppb) 1.1-0lchloroethylene (ppb) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene (ppb) Ethylbenzene (ppb) Methylene Chloride Toluece (ppb) 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene • 2.000 (1) (ppb)* 0.700 (1) Trans-1,2-dichloroethene m-Xylene (ppb) Xyl enos ( ppb) 1,2-0lchloroethene (total) Chloroform ( ppb) * none * 10.0 (I) * 10.0 (1) (* none • 0.100 (I) Miscellaneous Chloride • 250 mg/l (2) • • • • • * * • • • • • • • • * • * • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • * • (ppm) MPN Total Collforms Color • 1 per 100 ml ( 1) • Sol ids Fluoride Surfactants (MBAS) Nitrate Nitrite pH Sulfate • 15 (2) • 500 mg/l (2) • 2.0 mg/l (2) ;1; Non@ • 10 mg/l (2) • 1.0 mg/l (2) • 6.5 -8.5 (2) * 250 mg/l (2) • • • * 4.1 NO 0.19 NO ND 70 ND ND 0.02 2.23 ND 44.1 1.79 ND 10.2 ND 24.4 0.46 NO ND NO NO ND NO NO NO NO NT ND NO NO NO NO ND ND NO NO ND NO NO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NOTE: Substances nat detected in any samples have not been included. ND Indicates substance not detected above detection limit. NA Indicates that analysis was not requested NT Indicates that l•b did not test for analyte (I) Safe Drinking Water Act Standard (MCL) (2) North Carolina Water Quality Standards NO NO 0 .15 NO ND 78 ND ND 0.02 ND 0.03 38.1 1.84 NO 7 .5 NO 22.7 0.16 0.02 NO NO NO ND NO NO NO NO NT NO NO NO ND NO NO ND NO NO ND ND ND NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.4 NO 0.37 ND ND 157 0.16 0.02 0.06 8.52 0.04 9.81 0.88 0.03 61. 7 0.04 33.6 NO 0.07 NT ND NO NO NO NO NO NO 11 NO NO NO NO NO ND ND ND NO ND ND ND NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.14 NO 0.15 ND NO 89.1 0.08 NO NO NO NO 0.78 NO NO 56.2 0.02 31.4 NO NO NT NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 89 <0.01 <D.01 <0.01 0.65 <0.1 0.24 0.02 0.01 <0.01 72 35 0.2 <0.01 0.17 <0.01 0.53 <0.01 96 <0.01 0.1 <0.02 58 11 16 0.4 0.19 <0.02 14 3.1 ~a.01 ~0.01 5.2 12 0.36 0.01 0.28 <0.01 <0,01 NA NO NA NO NA NO NA NO NA ND NA ND NA NO NA NO ND ND NO ND NO ND ND NA NO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NO NA NO NA ND NA NO NA 11 NA >o\600 NA 20 NA 220 NA <0.2 NA <0.01 NA 0.11 NA 0.03 NA 7 .4 NA 86 • lable 1 • CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC_ -CHARLOTTE TERMINAL GROUND WATER QUALITY ANALYSES CATEGORY Metals (ppm) Base/Neutra1 Acid Extractable:s (ppb) Volatile Organic Compounds (ppb) PARAMEHR * Drinking Water * Standards ---~------M~---------------~* Aluminum Ar:senic 6ar-1um Beryllium Cadmium Calcium Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Magnesium M.angane$e Nickel Potassium Silver Sod1 um * None * 0.05 mg/l (1) * 1.0 mg/l (I) * None * 0.005 mg/l (1) * None * 0.05 mg/l (I) 11 None • 1.0 mg/l (2) • 0.03 mg/l (2) • 0.05 mg/l (1) * None * 0.05 mg/l (2) • 0.15 mg/l (2) * None * 0.05 mg/l (I) * None Vanadium * None: Zinc • 5.0 mg/l (2) Cyanide • 0.154 mg/l (2) Dl-n-Butyl Phthalate (ppb) •none Naphthalene (ppb) • none Bis (2-ethylhexyl) Phthal•te• none 1,3-0lchlorobenzene • 0.600 (I) NwNitrosodiphenylamine * none Phenol ( ppb) * none 2,4-Dimethylphenol (ppb) * none • Acetone * none Benzene (ppb) • 0.005 (I) 1,1-Dichloroethylene (ppb) • 0.007 (1) I,2-Dichlorobenzene (ppb) • 0.600 (1) •thylbenzene (ppb) * 0.700 (1) Methylene Chloride * 0.007 (1) Toluene (ppb) • 2.000 (1) 1,2,4-Trlchlorobenzene (ppb)* 0.700 (1) Trans·l,2adich1oroethene *none: m-Xylene (ppb) * I0.0 (1) Xylenes (ppb) • 10.0 (1) l,2-Dichloroethene (total) (*none Chloroform (ppb) • 0.100 (1) Chloride • 250 mg/l (2) MW-12 • 06/90 6/90 I2/90 12/90 *(unfilt.(filt.)(unf1lt.(filt.) *~------~M~-----------• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 89.6 ND l. 01 NO NO 222 0.30 0.10 0.32 101 0.16 47.6 3 20 0 .12 162 NO 54.4 ND 0.83 NO ND NO ND 12 36 ND 0.45 NO 0.15 ND ND 66.9 0.05 NO NO ND NO NO NO NO 60.8 0.02 22.8 ND ND NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 33 3.4 <0.01 <0.01 <0.l 0.17 0.09 0.01 0.01 <0.01 130 100 0.09 <0.01 0.02 <0.01 0.11 <0.01 29 <O.OI 0.05 <0.02 11 0.19 1.0 <0.0) 0.06 <0.02 210 230 <0.01 <0.01 110 120 0.13 0.01 0.17 <0.0I <0.01 NA NO NA NO NA ND NA NO NA ND NA 7 NA NO NA NA NO NA ND NA ND NA ND NA NO NA ND NA ND NA NO NA ND NA NO NA ND NA NO NA NO NA 8 Mi~Gellaneous (ppm) MPN Total Collforms • 1 per 100 ml ( 1) • NO ND NO ND ND I2 ND ND ND NO ND ND NO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA >-I600 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Color • 15 (2) Solids • 500 mg/l (2) Fluoride • 2.0 mg/l (2) Surfactants (MBA$) Nitrate Nitrite pH Sulfate * Non~ • 10 mg/l (2) • 1.0 mg/l (2) • 6.5 -8.5 (2) * 250 mg/l (2) • • • • • * NOTE: Substances not detected in any samples have not been included. ND Indicates substance not detected above detection limit. NA Indicates that ana1ysis was not requested NT Indicates that lab did not test for analyte (1) Safe Drinking Water Act Standard (MCL) (2) North Carolina Water Quality Standards NA 10 NA 950 NA <0.2 NA <0.01 NA 0. I3 NA <0.02 NA 12. 6 NA 64 • Table I CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. -CHARLOTTE TERMINAL GROUNO WATER QUALITY ANALYSES CATEGORY Metals (ppm) Base/Neutral Acid Extractab l es (ppb) Volatile Organic Compounds (ppb) PARAMETER * Dr1nking Water * Standards ---------~-----------~------* Aluminum Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Calcium Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Magnesium Manganese Nickel Potassium Silver * Noni:! • 0.05 mg/l (!) • 1.0 mg/l (!) * None * 0.005 mg/l (I) * None * 0.05 mg/l (I) * None • 1.0 mg/l (2) • 0.03 mg/l (2) • 0.05 mg/l (1) * None • 0.05 mg/1 (2) * 0. IS mg/l (2) * None * 0.05 mg/l (I) Sodium * None Vanadium * None Zinc * 5.0 mg/l (2) Cyanide • 0.154 mg/l (2) Di-n-Butyl Phthalate (ppb) *none Naphthalene (ppb) * none Bis (2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate* none l,3-Dichlorobenzene * 0.600 (1} N-Nitrosodiphenylamine Phenol ( ppb) 2.4-Dimethylphenol (ppb) Acetone "' none * none * none * * none Benzen• (ppb) • 0.005 (1) 1,1-Dichloroethylene (ppb) • 0.007 (l) l,2-01chlorobenzene (ppb) • 0.600 (!) Ethylbenzene (ppb) * 0.700 (I) Methylene Chloride • 0.007 (!) Toluene (ppb) • 2.000 (1) 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene (ppb)* 0.700 (!) Trans-1,2-dichloroethene *none m-Xylene (ppb) • 10.0 (!) Xylenes (ppb) • 10.0 (!) 1.2-0ichloroethone (total) (*none Chloroform (ppb) * 0.100 (l) Chloride • 250 mg/l (2) MW-14 * 3/91 3/91 • ( unfil t. (fl lt, ) *-------------- 2.6 * <0.01 • • • • • • • <0.1 0.04 o. 01 16 0_05 0_03 0.04 2 .1 <0.1 -=0.01 <0.1 0_05 <O_OJ 13 0.04 <0.01 0.02 0.05 • <0.02 <0.02 • 7.8 5 • 0.36 0.02 \I( <0_02 <0.02 1.5 0.97 • <0.01 0.01 • 11 12 • <0.01 <0.01 * 0.02 <0.01 * <0.01 NA * NO NA * NO NA * • • • • • * * • • • * * • • • ND NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO ND NO ND NO 9 NA NA NA NA NA Miscellaneous (ppm) MPN Total Coli forms * 1 per 100 ml ( l) • <2 70 120 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Color • 15 (2) Solids Fluoride Surfactants (MBAS) Nitrate N1 tr1 te pH Sulfate • 500 mg/1 (2) * 2.0 mg/l (2) * None * 10 mg/l (2) • 1.0 mg/l (2) * 6.S -8.5 (2) • 250 mg/l (2) • • * <0.2 * ...:0. 01 * 0.53 * ...:0. 02 * 6.4 50 NOTE: Substances not detected in any samples have not been includt:!d. ND Indicates substance not detected above detection 11m1t. NA Indicates that analysis was not requested NT Indicates that lab did not test for analyte (1) Safe Drinking Water Act Standard (MCL) (2) North Carolina Water Quality Standards • .. hbl• l CENTRAL ~SPORT, INC. -CHARLOTTE TERMINAL GROUNO WATER QUALITY ANALYSES CATEGORY PARAMETER • * Drinking Water * Standards Production Well * 3/91 3/91 *(unfllt. (fllt.) ----------------------------* ----------~----* Metals (ppm) Base/Neutral Acid Ext ractab 1 es (ppb) Volatile Or-9~nic Compounds (ppb) Aluminum Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Calcium Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Magnesium Manganese Nickel Potassium Silver Sodium * None • 0.05 mg/1 (1) * 1.0 mg/l (I) * None * 0.005 mg/l (1) * None • 0.05 mg/l (I) * None: * l.Omg/l (2) • 0.03 mg/l (2) • 0.05 mg/l (I) * None * 0.05 mg/1 (2) * 0.15 mg/1 (2) * None * 0.05 mg/l (1) * None Vanadl um * None Zinc * 5.0 mg/l (2) Cyanide • 0.154 mg/l (2) 01-n-Butyl Phthalate (ppb) •none Naphthalene (ppb) • none 61s (2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate• none 1,3-0iohlorobenzene * 0.600 (1) N-Nitrosodiphenylamine * none Phenol (ppb) * none 2,4-Dimelhylphenol (ppb) * none • Acetone * none Benzene (ppb) * 0.005 (1) 1,1-0lchloroethylene (ppb) * 0.007 (I) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene (ppb) * 0.600 (1) Ethylbenzene (ppb) * 0.700 (1) Methylene Chloride • 0.007 (1) Toluene (ppb) • 2.000 (I) 1,2,4-Trlchlorobenzene (ppb)* 0.700 (1) Trans-1,2-dichloroethene *none m-Xylene (ppb) • 10.0 (l) Xyl•n•s (ppb) * 10.0 (1) I,2·Dichloroethene (total) (*none Chloroform (ppb) • 0.100 (1) Chloride • 250 mg/l (2) * <0.1 <0.1 • <0.01 <0.01 • <0.1 0.03 <0.1 0.03 * ~0.01 .:;0.01 * 56 54 * 0.04 0.04 * <0.01 <0.01 0.01 0.02 * 0.41 * .::Q.02 II • 0.67 0.04 .:;Q.02 II 0.64 * <0.02 <0.02 * 5.2 3.5 • <0.01 <0.01 * 11 10 • <0.01 <0.01 • 0.06 0.06 * .:;Q.01 NA * NO NA * ND NA * ND NA * ND NA * • • * * • • • • • • • • • • ND ND ND ND NO NO ND ND ND ND ND ND NO ND ND NA NA NA Miscellaneous (ppm) MPN Total Coll forms * 1 per 100 ml (I) * ND 15 <2 10 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Color • 15 (2) Sol Ids • 500 mg/l (2) Fluoride • 2.0 mg/l (2) Surfactants (MBAS) NI tr•te Nitrite pH Sulfate * None • 10 mg/1 (2) • 1.0 mg/l (2) • 6.5 -6.5 (2) • 250 mg/l (2) NOTE: Substances not detected 1n any samp* • 260 <0.2 * <0.01 * 0.18 * ~0.02 * 6.8 * 22 ND Indicates substance not detected above detection limit. NA Indicates that analysis was not requested NT Indioates that lQb did not test for analyte (1) Safe Drinking Water Act Standard (MCL) (2) North Carolina Water Quality Standards • Robert Glaser March 18, 1991 Page 2 • • The only volatile organic compound (VOC) detected in the wells sampled and analyzed by O'Brien & Gere was acetone, which was present at a concentration of 43 ppb in MW-8. Acetone was not detected in the wells sampled in the three previous sampling rounds. O'Brien & Gere's analyses for semivolatiles detected 1,3- dichlorobenzene (3 ppb in MW-7), 2,4-dimethylphenol (4 ppb in MW- 7), and phenol (7 ppb in MW-12). The concentration of semivolatiles detected ranged from 3 to 7 ppb in MW-7 and MW-12. Differences from previous OBG sampling results from October 1989, November 1989 and June 1990 are as follows : l) In MW-7, xylene concentrations have decreased from 1500 ppb to below detection limits, benzene concentrations have decreased from 190 ppb to below detection limits, and 1,2-dichloroethene concentrations has decreased from 31 ppb to below detection limits. The following VOCs detected in the first and/or second round of sampling were not detected in the December 1990 round: 1,1-dichloroethene, 1,2-dichlorobenzene, toluene, 1, 2, 4-trichlorobenzene, and chloroform. The semi volatiles di- n-butyl phthalate and naphthalene were detected in the June sampling round at concentrations of 1 ppb and 2 ppb respectively, but were not detected in the December 1990 round. 1,3-dichlorobenzene and 2,4-dimethylphenol were detected at concentrations below 5 ppb in the December 1990 round of sampling but were not detected previously. 2) In MW-8, methylene chloride was detected in the June 1990 sampling round at a concentration of 13 ppb; however, it was not detected in the December 1990 or other sampling rounds. 3) In MW-12, methylene chloride was detected in the June 1990 sampling round at a concentration of 12 ppb; however, it was not detected in the December 1990 or other sampling rounds. Phenol, a semivolatile, has decreased in concentration from 36 ppb in the June 1990 sampling round to 7 ppb in the December 1990 sampling round. N-nitrosodiphenylamine which was detected in the June sampling round at a concentration of 12 ppb was not detected in the December 1990 sample. On behalf of Central Transport, Inc., O'Brien & Gere recommends that the following wells be eliminated from future quarterly sampling rounds at the Charlotte site commencing with the March 1991 round: MW-1, MW-2, and MW-12. The reasons for eliminating these wells are: 1. MW-1 and MW-2: These wells are overburden wells (i.e., the wells were installed using the hollow stem auger drilling UTJHILN f~ bLllL M.a iC-h 18, 1991 TABLE 1 Central Transport, Inc. Ground Water Quality Analyses Oec~r 1990 Quarterly Sairpling . ' • Drinking: 'Water • HW-1 • Kll-2 • MW-6 • MW-7 • MW-8 Constituents • Standards • (unfilt) (filtered) • {unfilt) (filtered • (mfil tl (filtered • (unfil t) (fi I tered • (..iii It) (filtered ------------------------------• ---------------• --------------------• ------------------• ------------------• ------------------• ------------------Meta ls • • • • • • (-) Alut1inun • None • 4.6 <0.1 • 3.8 <0.1 • 7.5 <0.01 • 48 <0.01 • 220 <O. 1 Arsenic • 0.05 lll!lfl (1) • <0.010 <0.01 • <0.01 <0.01 • <0.01 <0.01 • <0.01 <0.01 • <0.01 <0.01 Bariun • 1.0 lfl!l/\ (1) • <O. 1 <0.1 • <O. 1 <0.1 • <0.01 <0.01 • <O. 1 <0.1 • 0.56 <O. 1 Cactnit.lll • 0.005 lfl!l/l ( 1) • 0.02 0.01 • <0.01 <0.01 * 0.02 <0.01 • 0.02 <0.01 • 0.01 <0.01 Calciun • None • 35 35 • 28 24 • 28 23 • 59 52 • 150 69 Chromillll • 0.05 1Jl9/l ( 1) • <0.01 <0.01 • 0.02 <0.01 * 0.01 <0.01 • 0.08 <0.01 • 1.8 <0.01 Cobalt • N'one • <0.01 <0.01 • 0.04 <0.01 • 0.06 <0.01 • 0.08 <0.01 • 0.41 <0.01 Copper • 1.0 1Jl9/l (2) • 0.01 <0.01 • 0.05 <0.01 • 0.16 <0.01 • 0.38 <0.01 • 1. 7 <0.01 Iron • o. 03 1Jl9/l (2) • 21 22 • 3.4 0.3 • 6.6 <0.01 • 60 10.32 • 260 <0.01 Lead • 0.05 1Jl9/l (1) • <0.02 <0.02 • <0.02 <0.02 • 0.03 <0.02 • 0.17 <0.02 • <0.02 <0.02 HagnesiUTI • None • 17 17 • 22 17 • 20 15 • 45 36 • 260 43 • Hang.anese • 0.05 lll9fl (2) • 0.38 0.39 • 1.1 0.78 • 1 .3 <0.01 • 5.0 4.4 • 10 2.2 Mercury • 0.002 mg/l (1) • <0.0005 <0.0005 • <0.0005 <0.0005 • <0.0005 <0.0005 • <0.0005 <0.0005 • 0.003 <0.0005 • 0.0011 (2) • • • • • tilickel • 0.15 mg/ l (2) • 0.06 0.04 • 0.03 <0.02 • 0.04 0.03 • 0.07 0.01 • 0.84 0.02 Pot.assiun • None • 5.6 4.4 • 1. 7 <-0.5 • 1.7 <0.05 • 7.1 3.0 • 15 1.3 Silver • 0.05 lfl!l/l (1) • <0.01 <0.01 • <0.01 <0.01 • <0.01 <0.01 • <0.01 <0.01 • <0.01 <0.01 Sodiun • None • 260 250 • 60 59 • 16 15 • 190 190 • 44 52 Vanadit..111: • None • 0.02 0.01 • 0.01 <0.01 • 0.04 0.02 • 0.2 <0.01 • 0.68 <0.01 Zinc • 5.0 11'9/( (2) • 0.07 <0.01 • 0.07 0.01 • 0.06 <0.01 • 0.19 <0.01 • 0.67 <0.01 Cyanide • 0.154 lll!l/l (2) • <0.01 • <0.01 • <0.01 • <0.01 • <0.01 EPA 8270 • • • • * • aase Neutral/Acid Extractables • • • • • • (ppb) • • • • • • 1,3-Diclilorobenzene • No.ne • NO NA • ND NA * NO NA • 3 NA • NO NA 2,4-Dimethyti:<ienol • None • NO NA • ND NA • NO NA • 4 NA • NO NA Phenol • Nooe • NO NA • ND NA • NO NA • ND HA • NO NA EPA 8240 • • • • * • Vol a ti le Org.anic C~ • • • • * • (ppb) • • • • • • Acetone • Hone • tID NA • NO NA • NO NA • ND NA • 43 NA EPA 8080 • • • • • • Pesticides/PCB's • • • • • • (ppb) • • • • • • None present above • • • • • • detection l i mi ts • • • • • • • Hi see l t .aneous • • • • • • (-) • • • • • • Chloride • 250 11'9/( (2) * 62 NA • 88 NA • 16 NA • 140 NA • 93 NA MPN Total Coliforms • \ per 100 ml (1) • >=1600 NA • >=1600 NA • >=1600 NA • >=1600 NA • 13 NA Color • 15 (2) • 50 NA • 30 NA • 10 NA • 20 NA • 20 NA Sol ids * 500 mgfl (2) • 690 NA • 290 NA • 550 NA • 720 NA • 530 NA fluoride * 2.0 mg/l (2) • 0.2 NA • <0.2 NA • <0.2 NA • 0.3 NA • 0.3 NA Surfact.ants (HBAS) • None • <0.01 NA • <0.01 NA • <0.01 NA • <0.01 NA • <0.01 NA N'itrate • 10 mg/l (2) • 0. 12 NA • 0.03 NA • 0.77 NA • <0.02 NA • <0.02 NA N"i tr~ te • 1 .o mgfl (2) • <0.02 NA • <0.02 NA • <0.02 NA • <0.02 NA • <0.02 NA pH • 6.5 -B.5 (2) • 6.B NA • 6.3 NA • 6.6 NA • 6.8 NA • 6.4 NA SUL fate • 250 mgfl (2) • 32 NA • 35 NA • 70 NA • 110 NA • 64 NA (1) Safe Drinking Water Act Standard (KCL) (2) North carotina ~ater Quality Standards NA Not .ana t yzed for NO Not detected -Har-cii 18, 1991 eons ti tuent-s * Drinking ~ater * Standards -------------------------·----* Ketats (ppn) At UTii llUJI Arsenic BariUl'I cachilJll calciun Chf'omiun cobalt copper Iron Load Magnes i U'11 Kanganese Mercury wicket Potassiuri Silver Sodil.EI vanadiun Zinc Cyanide • * None • 0.05 mg/l (1) • 1.0 mg/l <1) • 0.005 mg/l (1) tr N'one • 0.05 lll!l/ l (1) • Nono • 1.0 rm/t (2J • 0.03 mg/l (2) • 0.05 mg/l ( 1) * Nono * 0.05 mg/l (2) • 0.002 mg/l (1) • 0.0011 (2) • 0.15 mg/l (2) * None • 0.05 mg/ l (1) * N'one * N'ooe • 5 .o rm/t <2J * 0.154 mg/! (2) EPA 8270 * Base Neutral/Acid ~xtractables * (wb) • EPA 8240 11 3-0ichlorobenzene 2,4·Dimothylphoool Phoool Volatile Organic Corrpounds (wb) Acetone EPA 8080 Pesticides/PCBis <w!>J ~one present above detection limits Hiscel t.aneous (>PTI) Chlor-ide * Wone * Wone * None • • • * "one • • • • * • • • 250 mg/l (2) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * * * • • • • MPN Total Coliforms color- • 1 per 100 n. (1) • So( ids Fluoride surfactants (MBAS> Nit-rate Nitrite pll Sulfate • 15 (2) • 500 mg/l (2) • 2.0 mg/[ (2) * None • 10 mg/l (2) • 1.0 mg/l (2) • 6.5 -8.5 (2) • 250 mg/ I C2J C1) Safe Drinking Yate~ Act Standard (MCL} {2) Nortn ~arolina Water Quality StBndards N'A Not analyzed for- ND Not detected • • • • • • • * • TABLE 1 Central Transport1 Jnc. Ground Water Quality Analyses Oecenber-1990 Quarter l y sairpt i ng M\tl-9 * MW· 10 * Hltl·11 * • • • (lllfilt) (filtered * (lRlfilt} (filtered * (unfilt) (filtered * MW·12 (unfilt) (filtered * 3.2 * <0.01 * <0.1 • 0.04 • 26 • 0.02 • 0.02 * -0.03 * 6~2 * <0.02 • 19 • 0.44 * <0.0-00:5 • • 0.05 * 3.4 * <0.01 • 14 • 0.02 • 0.05 * <0.01 • • * • ND • ND • NO • • • * NO • • • • * * * • 8 * >==1600 • 20 • 190 • 0.2 * <0.01 * <0.02-• 0.03 * 740 • 81 <0.1 <0.01 <(). 1 <0.01 25 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.02 18 0.31 <0.0005 0.02 1.8 -<0.01 16 <0.01 0.01 !IA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA • • • 15 * <0.01 fr <0~1 • 0.01 • 25 * 0.02 • 0.02 11: -0.04 • 12 • 0.03 • 14 • 0.28 • <0.0005 • • 0.04 * 1. 7 tr <0.01 • 14 .... 0~04 * 0.07 'It-<-0.01 * • • • ND * ND • ND • • • * ND • • • * * * * * 11 * >==16-00 • 10 * 270 • <0.2 • <0.01 • 0.81 * <0.02 * 7~0 • 35 <0.1 <0.01 <0.1 <0.01 22 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <().01 <0.02 12 <0.01 <0.0005 <0.02 <045 <0.01 15 0.02 <0.01 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA • • • 89 • <0.01 • 0.65 • 0.01 • 72 • 0.2 • 0.17 • 0.53 • 98 * 0.1 • 58 • 16 • <0.0005 • • 0.19 • 14 * <0~01 """ S~2 .... 0~38 • 0.28 * <O. 01 * • • • ND • NO • ND • • • • • • • • • • • NO • 11 fr >==16-00 * 20 * 220 * <0.2 * <O. 01 • 0.11 • 0.03 '* 7.4 • 86 <0.01 <0.01 <0.1 <0.01 35 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.02 11 0.4 <0.0005 <0.02 3. 1 <0.01 12 0.01 <0.01 NA NA NA NA NA NA !IA !IA !IA !IA !IA NA NA NA • • • 33 * <0.01 * <O~ 1 • 0.01 • 130 • 0.09 * 0.02 * 0.11 • 29 • 0.05 • 11 * 1.0 • <0.0005 • • 0.06 • 210 * <0.01 • 110 • 0.13 • 0.17 ,.,. <0.01 • • • * ND * ND • 7 • • • • • • • • • • • ND • 8 * >==1600 • 10 • 950 :ilr <0.2 :Ir <0.01 * 0.13 * <0.02 * 12.6 * 64 3.4 <0.01 0.17 <0.01 100 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.02 0.19 <0.01 <0.0005 <0.02 230 <0.01 120 0.01 <0.01 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA !IA !IA !IA !IA NA NA NA * * * * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • • • • • • TABLE 2 CENTRAL TRANSPORT, lNC. • CHARLOTTE TERMINAL Dea~r 1990 Quarterly Sartpling Indicator Para~ters (measur~ ;n field during well purging) uel l Parameter votune o Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Average Overburden Wells ------~MAA&&&&&& MW 1 conductivity N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A pH N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A tertperature N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A MW 2 conductivity 351 453 486 N/A 430 pH 5.23 5.55 5.75 N/A 5.51 t~rature 18.3 18.5 18.0 N/A 18.3 Sedrock Ucl ls OT~-------&&& MW 6 conductivity 253 277 288 299 279 pH 5.88 5.96 5.96 5.92 5.93 temperature 18.2 18. 1 18 17.4 17.9 MU 7 conductivity 1766 1925 1642 1426 1690 pH 5.94 5.85 5.94 5.93 5.92 temperi;iture 17.3 17.2 16.9 16.0 16.9 MW 8 conduct'ivl ty 723 785 876 891 819 pH 5.88 5.87 5.93 5.79 5.87 temperature 18.7 18.4 18.4 17.5 18.3 MU 9 conductivity 310 320 319 278 307 PH 5.99 5.85 6.03 5.84 5.93 temperature 15.8 15.4 15 .1 15.5 15.5 MW 10 conductivity 250 264 262 269 261 pH 6.08 6.34 6.22 5.91 6.14 temperature 16.1 14.8 15.1 15.7 15.4 MW 11 conduet;v;ty 230 305 310 322 292 pH 6.12 5.95 6.12 5,95 6.04 temperature 14.8 16.0 16.2 15.8 15.7 MW 12 conductivity 4520 4330 4070 N/A 4307 pH 11.72 11.59 11. 55 N/A 11.62 tem~rature 14.2 13.9 15.7 N/A 14.6 Notes: 1. MW 1 -Indicator parameters not measured. 2. MW 2 and MW i2 -Indicator parameters not measured after third volume Abbreviations: ~/A· not applicable -see notes. Units:: Conduot;v;ty (specific) • micromhos PH -standard units temperature -degrees eelsius • Mr. Robert Glaser, P.G. February 27, 1991 Page 3 • Please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned, Mr. Michael Wittner, or Mrs. Terry Norman if we can provide additional clarification or assistance. Very truly yours, O'BRIEN & GERE ENGINEERS, INC. ~\.Jl-k'3'~_Q))\-~ "I-Qn) George B. (~est, P. E. · "'.J - Vice President Attachments cc: T. Norman M. Wittner G. Angyal G. Simpson -CTI J. Doyle, Esquire-Weinstein & Sturges, P.C. M. Fleischaker, Esquire-Arent, Fox, et al K. Nam, Esquire -Arent, Fox, et al [) rJRIFN f. c;rnr TABLE 1 WEll SPECIFJCAllONS AND GROUND WATER ELEVATIONS CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. -CHARLOTTE TERMINAL 10/22/89 11/15/89 6/27/90 11/3/90 2/4/91 2/20/91 itTOP OF GROUrlO GROUND GROUllO GROUllll ,.,,.,GRCKJND 'llll*GROOND WELL GROUND SCREENEO CASING WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WELL WELL DEPTH ELEVATION INTERVAL ELEVATION ELEVATION ELEVATION ELEVATION ELEVATION ELEVATION ELEVAT JON NO. TYPE (BGL) (MSL) (BGL) (MSL) (HSl) (MSL) (HSU (HSlJ (HSL) (MSLJ overburden 19 766.2 1s1.-;fr'1 766.85 751.94 751.32 750.15 751.05 2 overburden 24 769.8 755-/,.l/S 14-4 771.59 752 .21 752.24 751.14 751.42 753.89 753.51 6 bedrock 35.5 769.6 25 .S-35.5 'I 772.17 752.47 751. 57 754.75 750.67 755.59 754.82 • 7 bedrock 39 768.7 131 -~J. 768. 71 750. 71 750.36 751.39 749.61 751 .16 750.81 1~1:~zr 8 bedrock 32 769.9 771.54 751.38 751. 79 753.26 750. 79 753.49 752.97 9 bedrock 52 769.4 42-52 771.83 755 .68 755.18 75).22 754.31 756.78 756.48 10 bedrock: 51 765.3 41-51 767.48 755.66 755.32 755.55 755.08 756.93 756.71 11 bedrock 27 755.S 17-27 757.68 748.18 747.98 748.97 748.64 748.85 748.67 12 bedrock 100 755 .1 90-100 757.49 --------660.86 748.79 721. 79 730.68 14 bedrock 59 769.55 49-59 768.91 ----------------750.01 749.89 15 bedrock 65.5 769.50 55.5·65.5 768.99 ---- ------------719.14 720.99 A ----36.31 777.0 ----777.54 ----------------760. 74 760.84 B ----34.98 769.2 ----769.55 ----------------758.90 758.68 c ----36.48 768.2 ----769.02 ----------------756.37 755.84 S1 st ream point ----753.4 ----756.39 ----------------753.89 753.47 • S1 stream point ----749.2 ----753.50 ----------------749.68 749.58 S3 stream point ----745.2 ----748.68 ----.... ···--··· 745 .18 745 .13 ABBREV I A TI OHS: BGL is Below Gl'OUld Level. MSL is Mean Sea level. BTOC is Below Top of Casing. 11····11 is Not Ava 1 l able/Not App L i cable. ~OTES: All 111easurements are in feet~ Wet! No. 12 installed 6/25/90. Well No. 14 installed 1/17/91. lilell ~o. 15 installed 1/18/91; ground water elevations may be influenced by nea~by production well. IJe-l ls A, B, and C not ins ta l led by o' Brien & Gere; we L l types al"MJ screened intervals not known. * Stream points staked 12/7 /90; 11 top of cas j .ng e Leva ti on11 for stream points is top of stake e L evat ion~ ** 11Ground water et ev.e ti onu fo.r st ream poi nt s ls surf .ace water el eve ti on, Purpose: Preparation • • Enforcement and compliance with the N. C. Solid and H.,ardous Waste Management Rules. A sample analyses request form (DHS 3191) must be completed for each type of evaluation requested (e.g., inorganic, organic, microbiology, radiochemistry). For sampling conditions which require more than one(!) container (i.e., ground or surface water from landfills) a sample label must be affixed to one of the containers. The collector must then write the site and sample number on the duplicate. Do not submit an analysis reques.t: sheet wit:h no parameters indicated. Equivalent measurements: ppm= µg/ml =mg/!= µg/g =mg/kg ppb = µg/l = µg/lOOOg = µg/kg DEFINITIONS/INSTRUCTIONS Site Number -A rwelve-digit site/location identifier, assigned only by the district field representative. Field Sample Number -A six-digit sample identifier which is pre-printed on the sample label. Name of Site -Name of landfill, faciliry, etc. Site Location -Address, street number, state road, etc. Collected By -Name and ID of sample collector. Date and Time Collected -Self-explanatory. Environmental --A sample of a naturally occurring substance such as groundwater, surface water or soils which may be contaminated. Concentrate ......... A sample of a waste1 including but not limited to, sludges, resins, treatment effluents or drummed wastes. Comments -Lists details regarding sample or sample point, including but limited to, phase separation, and/ or odors. Inorganic Chemistry -Check ( -' ) the desired parameters to be analyzed. Extractables are only performed on a solid or semi-solid. For routine landfill samples, check all parameters in the second and third columns. Organic Chemistry -Check ( ..f ) the desired parameter robe. analyzed. If not listed, enter the ~ame in the space provided. · \ Microbiology and Radiochemistry -The Raleigh office should be consulted prior to sampling for either of these. Distribution: J. Original to State Laboratory of Public Health Environmental Sciences Branch ?. 0. Box 28047 Raleigh, NC 27611 2-Lab sends copy to Solid and Hazardous Waste Management B<anch. 3. Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Branch sends copy to field person. Disposition: This form may be destroyed in accordance with the Environmental Health, Solid and Hazardous Waste Section of the Record> Disposition Schedule as published by the North Carolina Division of Archives and His~ory. Additional forms may he ordered from: Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Branch Division of Health Services P.O. Box 2091 Raleigh, NC 27602-2091 ~--J BASE/NEUTRAl ANO ACIO EXTRACTABLES COMPOONO N-nitrosodimethVldmine bis(2-<:hloroethvllether 2-chloroohenol ohenol 1.3-dichlorobenzene 1 4-dichlorobenzene 1 • 2-di ch 1 orobenzene • • STATE lABORATORY OF PUBLIC HEAlTH DIVISION OF HEALTH SERVICES, N.C. DEPARTMENT OF HUHAN RESOURCES P.O. BOX 28047 -306 N. WILMINGTON, ST., RALEIGH, N.C. 27611 ORGAN C CHEMICAL AN •L YSIS LAB NO v/0.<,1/- FIELD # /_ y ..( "'! TYPE ( '"i' ) ( ) ( ) ( ) UNITS ••n/1 A•n/ka" ""/1 ua/kq ua/1 ""/ka .. n/1 .. n/ko '"' IA bisC2-<:hloroi llether hexachloroethane N-nitroso-di-n-"rnnuJamine nitrobenzene i """horone 2-nit~henol 2 4-dimethvlohenol bis(2-<:hloroethoxulmethane 2.4-dichlo~henol 1.2.4-trichlorobenzene n~nhthalene hexachlorobutadiene 4-<:hloro--m-<:resol hexachlorocvcl~ntadiene 2.4 6-trichlor~henol 2-<:hloronanhthalene acenanhthvlene dimethvl ohthalate 2.6-dinitrotoluene acenanhthene 2 4-dinit~henol 2.4-dinitrotoluene 4-nit~henol fluorene 4-chlornnhenvlohenvlether diethvl ohthalate 4,6-dinitro-o-<;resol diohenvlamine azobenzene 4-branoohenvlohenvlether hexachlorobenzene ""'ntachlornnhenol ohenanthrene anthracene dibutvl ohthalate fl uoranthene J -Estimated value. Sift 0 Ut l30 "'O •1..1:0 10/no .. .'fQ "·"'" ~~ / tJ ''1'10 I0/~"1.n ~///,,<7: IA /:/'fr. ' , m'bL /1.,0/SOIL. ' I K -Actual value is known to be less than value given. . ( ) .. n/1 .. n/ka L -Actual value is known to be greater than value given. U -Material was analyzed for but not detected. The n<Jlber NA -Hot analyzed. is the Mininun Detection Limit. m'])L .. - - l/ -Tentative identification. g1 -On NRDC List of Priority Pollutants. N. C. Vi..vM>i..an. u6 He.a.Uh Sen.vi..r.u VHS 3068-0 14/86 Laboll.4ta~y) -- ( ) un/ 1 ua/kQ BASE/NEUTRAL ANO ACW EXTRACTABLES COl1POUNO nvrene benzidine butyl benzvl ohthalate benz(a)anthracene chr'is.ene 3 3-<lichlorobenzidine bi <(2-ethvlhexvl lohtha late di-n-octvl ohthalate benzo(b)fluoranthene benzofklfluoranthene benzo(a)nvrene i ndeno( t ,2 ,3-.cdlovrene dibenzo(a,h)anthracene benzoln h. il""rvlene aniline benzoic acid benzvl alcohol 4-<:hloroaniline dibenzofuran 2-methvl~nhthalene 2-methvl oheno 1 4-<rethvl oheno 1 2-nitroaniline 3-<litroaniline 4-ni troani 1 i ne 2.4.5-trichlo""'henol 1./-1/ n !:: df'_ftf<:O D JJ <, .. I J,.-,, ti I I/. I -l . • • STATE LASORATORY Of PUBUC HEALTH DIVISION Of HEALTH SERVICES, N.C. DEPARTMENT Of HUMAN RESOURCES P.O. BOX 28041 -306 N. WILl11MGTOO, Sl., RALEIGH, N.C. 21611 ORGANIC Cl-IE111CAL ANALYSIS lA8 NO q//1-.-11~ FIELD # '/. li"{1 TYPE 131 ( l ( l ( l UNITS -" /kQ ..n/l "n/kQ ""' 1 ua/kQ .. n/l ..,.,/ko 11'1/JHO l. I .... ,, /"·"'O 10/.'l'JO . Si" ., ~- ·~I . - 1/0/ l' 0 so . I , I .... ,., " /.)....- ... , 110• § "' _<90 ,_,, / \I \ ~ rt-( . .L-· / -J \ ' I I< r' .f11/u(tf c.ct 1r f/1 n ..... I . / m'Dt... J -Estimated value. Ha.O/ SOll- K -Actual value is known to be less than value given. ( l ..,.,/1 .. n/ko L -Actual value is known to be greater than value given. U -Material was analyzed for but not detected. The nunber NA -Not analyzed. is the Mini....., Detection Limit. fl'J::lll.. 1/ -Tentative identification. ~I -On NROC List of Priority Pollutants. N. C. O,i,v-i.6<-011 06 He.a.Uh Sviv,i,ce.-b VHS 3068-0 (4/86 Labol!4to~y) _____. ( l '"'/l .. n/kQ . ' ; i :I 11 ., ' 'I '. j' .. 1. • • • STAIE lASOR.ATOO.Y Of rveuc HtALTI .· OlVISION OF HU.UH SERVICES, N.C. O€PAR!l<ENT Of H'JIW{ RESOURCES P.O. 80X 28041 -306 N. \.l!lt\INC.TON, ST., RALE!CH, N.C. 216 t t 00.CANIC CHEttlCAl !VlALYSIS PURGEMLE WiPCIJNOS lAB NO q/Ofrlfn FIELD # /o!'\ ?,?, CC<m.!NO TYPE (;; l ( ) ( l, ( ) UNITS uo/l Miko uQ/1 ua/kq uo/ 1 uo/ko uo/ l uo/ko ch loronethane IQ o~L.. ,, b n:n<xno tf\ane ,,., .. dichlorodifluo"""'th•ne "' vinyl chloride 10 chloroetf\ane ,,...., ""thvlene chloriee 'i t ri ch l on:i fl uo"""' thane ethene l. 1--0ichloro etf\ane 1.1--0ichloro- l 2-trans--Oichloroethene chloroform ethane. l 2--0ichloro- etf\ane 1. l.1-trichloro- cartx>ntetrach lorioo broT<>dichlororethane orrn.ane. 1.2---0ichloro--- 1 3-trans-dichlo trichloroethvlene chlorodibrororethane beni:ene etf\ane 1 1,2-trichloro- l. 3--el s-di ch lo, ne \ 2--chloroethyl vinvl ether 10 bt"'OTO(orm in ethane 1.1 Z 2-tetrachloro-"' ethene. tet~~chlOJ"'O-.. toluene chlornben?ene ethvl ben?ene . '/ ' I .l.Cetone 10 ' 2-butanone I ('") ca rt>o<\di SU 1 fide <';' 2-hex•none ,,...., 4-<rethvl-Z~ntanone ,,..., st'l.J't"'ene ..:- vinvl acetate 10 xvlenes Afo!) &:: \I/ r1"I tiL 'I' J -Est 1111.!ted va lue, K -Actual value is k"""'l to be 1es$ tllan value given. l -Actual value· ls k"""'l to be greater than value give.1. U -l!aterial was analyzed for but oot detected. The nUTI'"' is tl>e 11ininun Detection Limit. llA -Hot .ana ly:e<I. l/ -Tentative ieentificatlon. !?/ -Oo AAOC List of Priority Pollutants. N.C. Division of Health Services OHS 3068-0 (~/86 Laboratory) ( J ( 1 ~ 1rr/ 1 uc/kQ' uo/l ""fKO . {;le. ·1 6 LJ /UCDJ'f~, J'ft)<-/O ...JOHN w. e11:ooow nOe~nTJ. e~~NHAADY l"llCHA"lO A. etGiG!:C,:O . .JR, >·n.><.)"' e. CAM"'0i!CLL. ,.iA, -'AME:S P. GAEWS JOr<N .J. OOYLe:, .JR L. H0LMll:9 ~Le:'.AZl!'.R, .JA. ,.-ll:NTON T. !!:~WIN, .JA. WEINSTEIN & STURGES, P. A. ATTOi>.NEVS AT 1/-W 1100 50IJTJ-'I TR.YO~ .STREET CHARLOTTE, NOP.OH CAROLINA 28203-4244 (704) 37.2-4600 January 22, 1991 Kll:VIN L. e<A~Nll:TT MICH~L C. t!lAiSLt'.'v' <'.:JA!-('r'H K. tlUNt<.L•N f'AANC'E8 C Q1060N J, E1'11..; C.Fl'OVE:S JAMES H. >1ENDERSON C. l!.OWAr':itl HINSHAW, JA. '1'A't'1<11C1A A. KOANEGAY .!. flANOALL Gil'llOVi!:S ~T~V~ C. H0"10Wll'2: THOMAS L"l""ON~AINI!! 000"1, JR . WILLIAMS. MIC:HAll:L o;;;f:OFl'Gll: ...J. MILLf:F! Tl-<QMA~ O, MV.l=ll>:;:K T, l..i'P"ONTINF,; 01;'10M DOTSON Q, PALMER I!:, l'"1'fZOi!:RALC> PARN1!:1.l.., 111 .;i;:,o,,o,v ,O.L.0.N l=lE:ll.:SI\ WILLIAM 11. STIJl=lGICS -'O'v'Cfl.: W, W'-lt';F;:Li!=I=< Mr. Robert Glaser waste Management Branch Hazardous Waste Section State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Solid Waste Management P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7687 Re : ·:Ce~t'r;:n:: Tr,aris.i;iott , 1 Inc . r:,,.·,··'· .... ,,1 ....... Dear Mr. Glaser: This will acknowledge receipt of your December 31, 1990 letter. For some reason the letter did not reach Gary Honbarrier until last Friday and was not received in my office and Mark Fleischaker's office until Saturday. OAV' 0 e .. i-'ALM l!:.R CYNTHIA L. r:10e11:ir:1SON C:YNTHIA ~TAKIAS MAUF!IC:ll: A. Wll:IN~Tll:IN WILLIAM W. STURGll:~ ALLAN W. SINGC:F! c)>' (:(>L.J N,;11:~ C"19Lt=:: ,11.ooi=.i;;ss ''Ci>..1=<01,.l!:l(" f'"il>.l( (70.4) Ji77-~.;:t'10 !70'""1 :;.:177-47El-4- We have forwarded your comments concerning groundwater sampling protocol procedures directly to O'Brien & Gere for their information. If George Rest has any questions about your comments, he will contact you directly. With respect to the groundwater monitoring system being implemented by Central Transport, both MW-14 and MW-15 were installed last week, Surface water elevations could not be conducted because the water levels had not sufficiently stabilized. That task should be completed this week. Once the results have been obtained and analyzed, they will be forwarded to you by O'Brien & Gere. You were present last week during my telephone call to Judy Bullock, so I did not need to say anything more about MW 13, It is still scheduled for installation during week six. -----·--------------------------· ··-··-····-·--- • • • •. d. CTI will compile the water level data and developed a flow net. The flow net will depict the ground water flow direction in plan view and cross section. e. on or about February 25, 1991 CTI will submit to the Section: 1) the ground water level data; 2) the ground water flow net developed using site specific ground water level data; and 3) a description of the ground water monitoring system that CTI proposes to use to be in compliance with the ground water monitoring requirements of the Rules. f. CTI and Section personnel will discuss the proposed ground water monitoring system and CTI will have, in place, a ground water monitoring system in compliance with the Rules on or about March 15, 1991. g. CTI will have obtained one set of ground water samples from the monitoring system in compliance with the Rules and possibly obtained a second set of ground water data from wells MW-6-8, MW-14, and MW-15 on or about March 15, 1991. If I have misunderstood or misrepresented any cf the January 11, 1991 correspondence and/or conversations or Mr. Wittner please notify me as soon as possible. telephone number is (919)733-2178. items in the with Mr. Doyle The Section's On another subject, I have enclosed a copy of the analytical data from the ground water samples obtained during the site visit in December 1990. Sincerely, fZ._f!~.S?-<e,JJ.a.lj/L/ Robert Glaser, Hydrogeologist Waste Management Branch Hazardous Waste Section cc: Spring Allen Keith Masters Katherine O'Neal ,,,,,,,..,ntr,~''''''·f,i,les ····, ·"'·-"~~ .. ·I, .... ·'~''"·'··'· ... '·0 c:bg177 Glen Simpson Larry Wellington George Rest N.<_;. Department of En.viron.mcnl, , llea\lh, & Natural Resources Solid Waste Man!:l.gcmcnt Divis.ion s&LE ANALYSIS REQUE. • State Llbo1:.i101)' of PuU!lc l lc;1\!h P.O. 130:"( 28~7. 306 N. Wilmington Str<:-1;( IlAkig.h, North C:irolina 2/Gl 1 Site Number fl./{;,[)Q 1/-6/JffJ_)-tf{J Field Sample Numbcr_-1-i:..../_,_L/_,,G".'L._ ________ _ Nome of Site Ci?.nqf,1/ "fu05f1vffr Inc Site Location cJ'OP)', [s5(h _,,· Collected By (0 /a. .. 'i£ r ID# I <; Date Collected _J :z_/c;-/c;o 1"imc L'Zl2 Ag~ncy: J Hazardous Waste Soli<l Waste __ Supcrfund TCLP Compounds -~ ····---·-· ·-------·--·-··-······---·····----·--··--· ......... -... Sample Type lnorgnnic Conlpou1\ds Rosul ts (mg/I) £nYironnll'nlal Concentrate Comment$ ct 'r /:_'£, 9 Arsenic _L Ground water (!) -- Soli<l (5) Bariun\ -- CeDe J~ S:' L/ Cadn1iun1 l.iquid (6) --Chron1iun1 --Surface \vatcr (2) ----Lcod --Soil (3) _Sludge (7) JR --Mercury -- ( ~·· /-"" S.~leniu111 p;':t) ------·-~--··------~---~~~ 01hcr (.!) _Other (8) -fi1JtJ) Silver --·~ 7 --·-·-M-·~--~~~~~-··~·~~····~~ -------~ --·~~~···~-~-·-·-~"" "Y"•-'• '~- Organic Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry --.......... -····· -··-""''······-·-·---...... ~---·'·'·" ········-·· ... --···-·--·----------..... ~~·~·-"·~·~··--~-··· ···-·"~- Purnnli:lt:r Rcsu lls(ing/I) P1.1ran1t:ttr Results(ing/I) OrganiL Co111pou11ds I( es u ll > ( 111 g/ I) _ / l'&T:CC/MS Arsenic bt.:n:iu~nc ----_L Acid:ll/N Ext. nn.riun1 carbon tctr•chloridc ----1\!TBE Cad111iu1n chlordane ----_,~~--Chloride ch!orobcnLcnt.: ------Chron1iun1 c.:hlorofonn ------ ----Copper o-crcso! "·-·~·------------- Fluoride r11-cri.:s~1l ----------·--·----'·--'~ I ion p-1.:n.:~ol ----.... , .•. ~,-~ .. --.~·~~-- Jbdiochcmistry Lead 1,-\-dit:hlorobi.: 111.t..:111..: --------·~·~· .. ··~-~~--·--~ . , . .,, "' ...... -·"·-··-"' -·-~--··------··--------·--·-- --Mangano'" --I 12.-dichloroi.;lhanc P:iru1n~·t~·r Rcsulls (!'Ci/I) Mcrcu!'y l, 1-di(,:h loructh ylc nc ----NitrHlC. 2,4-din it rololui.; !H; ----__ (~rus!'i 1\lpha Sclcniu1n ht;xach lorobenze nc. ----(Jro:-:.~ Uela Silver hcxachlorn-l ,'.l-----Sulfates b~11adii.:n~ -------~·-,~--------Zin(.: hex~ch!t1rocl!1:1r1~ ---- --pl-I __ methyl ethyl ketone Microbiology --Conductivity nitrobcnzcnc --OT•~·· TOS __ pcntachlorophcnol --Para1ncl1.,:;· Results TOC tetrachlorac1hylcnc --(Coloni<s/!UOml) ----trichlorocthylcnc MF . __ 2,4,5-trichlorophcnol ----MPN 2,4,6-l rich!orophi; nol ------vinyl chloride ----------cndrin ------lind11nc -- (J_ · 1-90 /Jf) __ mclhoxychlor Dote Received Reported by __ toxaphcnc D<He Ex<ractcJ '·Ui8 )?o ~~ 1\D --2,4-D Dole Reported _ 2,4,5-TP (silvcx) -if)µ I /'/ QA'4r ,11 )'),ill' ,.\11;il)''/LJ /-3·'il .,_.,1 .... , f \ . .,. ' ,; --1T1-'11 l.;1h N11n1lh.'r" l']),"o'tl; 6/) ----~·'·-------~~ ...... I 7~!-v Purpose; Enfotccmcnl and .liaufr .tbc N.C. Solid and Hazardous •" Management Rules. .. Preparation: A sample analyses request Corra must be completed for each.type of evaluation requested (e.g., inorganlc, organic, microbiology, radiochemistry). for sampling conditions which require more than one (1) container (i.e., ground or surface water) a sample label must be affixed to one of the containers. The collector must • then write the site and sample number on the duplicate container. · Do not submit an analysis request form without any parameters indicated. Equivalent measurements: ppm = µg/ml = mg/I • µg/g = mg/kg ppb = µg/1 = µg/lOOOg = µg/kg DEFINITIONS/INSTRUCTIONS Site Number - A unique twelve-digit silc/localion identioer (i.e., the EPA identification number). Field Sa1nple Nunlber -A unique .sif-digit san1plc identifier which is pre-printed nn the san1p\c la.be\. Name of Site · Name (1[ facility, landfill, etc. Site Location -City and county. <.:ollcctl'<I By· 1'\J~unc a!\d st<tff idLntification nun~bcr of collector. Dall' and 'l"itnt Co\lei:ti.:d -St.:.!f-e;xplanat\lry. Env'ir·o11111l·ntal -A .sun1plc of a naturally occurring substance sl!ch i.IS ground v•atcr, surfucc \\·:Her, or soils ,~·hi<.:h n1;1y be contan1inatc<l. Co11centr11tc · f\ sa111plc of a waste) including but not limited to, sludges, resins, trcatn1cnt effluents, or Jrun11111.:d \vast cs. Cornn1cnts Li5ls details regarding s:..11nplc or snmplc point (e.g., s~unple location, \Veil nu1nbcr1 phnsc scparaliC111, and/or odors. lnorg;i11l(.: Ch~·1nbtry -(:!1cck ( ,/ ) the dc!:iiri.:.d par~incu;r5 to he analy1.cd. If not list-.:-d, 1..:11t1.:r the clcnH.:nt/c(H11pounJ in the sp;u..:c provid(.;d. ()rg1111ic Chrrnist1·y Check ( ./ ) the <.h.:s.irl'.d paran1clcr:; to be analyzed. If not \ii.;tcd, enter the clcincnt/cornpound in tht:. spilcc providcJ. TCLI' Compounds · Check ( / ) the desired parameters t(1 be analy;,cd. If not listed, enter the clement/compound in the space provided. TCLP can only be pcrfornicd on solid or semi- solid snnlplcs. F<)r tot~ll~ of the inorganic parainetcrs, clH.::ck ( ./ ) the corn.:sponding paru111clcr under Inorganic Chcnlistry. t.lkrobiology and Radiochemistry. Contact lhc Raleigh ofr.cc prior lo sampling eilhcr of these. Di.stribution: I. Send or deliver the original to lhe Stale Labnralory of Public Health. Db position: 2. The Lab then sends a copy (with result') lo the Solid Wasle Management Division. 3. The Solid Wa,re M~nagcmenl Division sends a copy lo the field person or collector. This form may be destroyed in accordance wilh the En1ironn1cntal Health, Solid and Hazardous Waslc Section or the Records Disposition Schedule as published by lhc North Carolina Di1ision of Archives and History Additional forms may he ordered from: Solid Waslc Managemenl Division Ha:.:ardous Waste Section P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 276ll (. l'!)'.-,'1L .STATE .LA80RATl)1Y OF PIJBLIC illH • O!VISlON OF HEALTH SERVICES, N.C. DEPARTMENT OF fU/Wi R<:S<XJRCES P.O. BOX 28047 -~{:.N. WlLM!~T~, ST., RALEIGH, N.C, ~~:ll 0-l 'v.l , [.i..,;_[(;, z_ f' OOGAN C OlEH!CAL ANALYSIS CV€ I BAS<:/NEUTRAL AND ACID LA8 NO q {} / .... ..Jl/ <-/()75"1/:r; q() 7.:s"<I /',. '-ID '75 V / EXTRACT ABLES FIELD # I/ l/f, 'X // 'f{rl q //I./ 70 I /l/I I OJMPOUNO TYPE ( ) < I ) < I ) ( I ) UNlTS u o! I ), """"' un/l~ .. n/l)-c u q I i) t:l"fd:q N nitro<O<Ji...,thvl,.,,ine //'\/.(".-t-"' u . /1 IL ' bis(2--<:hloroethyl)ether 2-ch l or~heno I phenol l. 3-di ch loroOenzene \/ I 4-dichloroOenzene { o.- 1,2-dichloroOenzene /,)._ bis (2--<:h lorci S2QC2QYI) ether hexachloro.ethdne N-n \ t roso-<11 nn-QrQQ:t lam i ne nitrobeni:ene i s.IV'lhorone 2-nitroohenol 2,4-di...,thylehenol bi<(2--<:hloroethoxy)""'thanc 2. 4-d i ch lorooheno l 1.2.4-trichlorobenzcne n<!Qhthalene hexachlorobutadiene 4--<;hloro-<n--<:resol hexa.ch l orocvc l fV'\.tl,n t.ad \ eri.e 2,4,6-trichloroohenol 2--<:hloron!!J:!hthalene acenaehth~lene di...,th~l ~hthalate " 2,6-dinitrotoluene acenaehthene "" 2,4-dinitrQQhenal ,._ 2,4-dinitrotoluene -~~· -4-n i tr22heno I fl oorene 4-chlor~henvlohenylether diethvl ohthalate 4.6-dinitro---o--cresol diohenvl"1iine azoOenzene 4-brcxooohenv I ohenvl ether hexachlorct>enzene n<>ntachlornnhenol ohenanthrene anthracene dibutvl ohthalate fluoranthene J -Esti,,..,ted value. " - S0/1t.<;o J tJ /.'?_"', 0 f)O/;fi<;O !0/~30 ,, ""' ?t.,/) I -¥ J fl /:>'! 0 /f1/ ·"~() sol 't-SO //l/ ~3D ,, m'D L 11.,.,o/S o I I- ' / K -Actual value is koown to be less than value given. ' / IO k" IA__., \\/ I 01::· i...l • " .. I I / ( ) µq/I uo/kq " -- ~, ••• ~.N~~m~• L ·-Actual value is koown to be greater than value given. U -llaterial was analyzed for but not detected. The ntnt>er is the Hininun Detection Limit. mIJL NA -Not analyzed. - - - l/ -Tentative identification. £! -On NROC List of Priority Pollutants. N. C. D.i.ul..6.i.on. 06 Hea..lth SeJt.u.i:c.v., DHS 3068-0 (4/86 Labo~a,,to~y) ® ( \ ""/I .. n/ka --- -- •. siATE LAOORAIORY Of PU8Ll.cALlH • O!V1SlON Of HEALTH SERV1C£S, N.C. OO:PARTKENT Of fMWI RESOURCES P,Q_ aox 28017 -306 N. \ilLtt!NG!ON, SL .. RAL€ICH, N.C. 27611 .,tJ? CR.C/'JnC QlO:'(if'L ANAL YS !re / iC '; & •·U-£ •' g "' n .. dl0·+ PIJRGS\BLE ffi'lPO'.JNOS l.A8 h'O 90 751-)J.-/ C,\,, ~IL~ ao75u1: a;:;75u'7 FIELD # J}Ll.i-0. II 4"1.Q 11Zi 7 0 I jL/T/ OY<J'Q:JHQ TYPE ( I ) I I. l . r I y ( l l UNITS I ''Uo/ \ )UQ/kQ ,Mi/ 1 l .. nfkc vuo/Tl .. 0 /kn ~n .. n/ko th lorccrethane 10 ";" (,<...... -11 11 ' I, bron:IDo thoce ,,..,. ' ' dichl onx!i fl oorcm>thane "' . I, vinvl chloride 10 F''<L chloroethane in . 'm>\hvleoe chloriee " tri chlon>fluorcm>\hanc ethcne. 1 l--<iichloro I . , ·,' cth.a.ne l .1--dichloro-JJ:) Oij "' l 2-tran<--<li ch l oroetheoe '7 , .., q chlcrofonn vL,.. I , I. ethane 1.2--<lichloro-I eth.Jne l.1.1-trichloro-I I I ' cJrboote trach Tori <J.o I I br"'O"T'CJjichlorti<cth~ne ' ' er~af're I 1,(--<iichloco-I 1 3-tr<o<--<iichloroor=xoo I ' , . trichlor<lethvlene Irnr.<.. chlorodib~thane I i.-'--::::; b€n:z:e11a I : -2 f"' et~ne l _ l 2-trichloro.-I v. l 3--<:ls--<iichlo (\() ' I ' 2-chloro-othvl vinvl oth<r JO I bro-rofom 1n I I I I Clh3n-e 1 l j l 17. ~2-tetr.icnloro-1'; I eth-cne tetrachloro-. I I toluene I I I chlo~n'ZC!M I ethxlt>en,eoo ' / ..J ·+ " I ./ acctooe 10 <-· i , I I . 2 -bu t. r<>t>e I,-, ' c.arb<>Mi <VI fi 0., . ") I 2 -he xa r<>f>e in 4""""thxl-2'-!)(>nt;r.ooo ',.., I <l)'!N'" ~ I vinvl ~tet.ate 1n 0 xvloO<><' Hot-011 i::: ~I/ I ' ;:;µ ") .,,+,,,., ""' .rl ·-~· i;. ,.-,,., i.Jo I, J l A l.L2 .X:oonro!1t I ~,.,_!,,,,,,,-s '' J ·' ' ' ' . --, ' I lfM rit.: t J -o>llmatod value. ~ -Actual value is knovn to be 1e~s than value given. l -Actual value· is k/\o..'n to be greater than value given. Li -/\alorial ""' aMlyled for bvt not dotcc\e<J. The nu-rt>er ;, the Miniin.m Detection Limit. HA -Hot aMly4e<!. l/ -Tontati'e idontificHloo. ~! -On HROC li<t of Priority Pol luunts. N.c. Division of Health Service• DHS 3068-0 (~/86 Laboratory) ( l ( )-- ,,o/l •"/kn .. o/I ""/ko . N.C. C :pattmcnt of Environment, I leahO, &. Natural Rcsaut"t:e:!> Solid Waste Managcme.nt Division S~E ANALYSIS REQUES. S"" Llbora<ory of Public H"l'Q ~ •. 13ox 2SO-:l7, 306 N. \I./ilmingro1\ Strcce R..Cl!clgh, Not1h Carolina 27611 Site.Number /VCD 0 + b / ij 'f? S' 10 N"mc of Site C,,,,,ckri I cr:-~rovf!0 !11 r Field Sample Number .~/_Lj~!)~)Z~L/ ________ _ I j) 17 · Site L<lcation (' A 1:V1 fl-</i(t;, __. Collected By G fnsee JD# I 2 D;nc Collected 12/5/Jo Time /?3S- ' II Agency: _L_Hazardous Waste Solid Waste ---__ Superfund TCLP Compounds -----~····----~···~---~------·~~---· '"--·-~---··········· ... ,, Sample Type Inorganic Compom>ds Results(mg/l) f~nvironmental Concentrate Comn1enfs weff;l! --Arsenic _£_ Ground water (1) _Solid (5) Barium -- r J!.I fj_ Cadmium ;;,--, 'l c; --__ Surface water (2) __ Liquid (6) ,,,,.( t' Chromium .f)--'---/ I Lead Soil (3) Sludge (7) c(WL, 322-=Mercury C"f,-" --Selenium (_ c 'if_ ··---··-Other (4) _Other (8) ~'l't..l"Y.ffJ --Silver r -------------·--·------·-------·------ ... ' .. ()r:g.~-~i_c .. ~;_h_;r,i~is!_Q', -·· ........... ........ I_ n ~ '.:g.~~ i~ .. C~_c_n,1 i!!t_ll . ------------.. -----·-----·"·- Pararneter Bes ult> (mg/I) P<n·;-in1cter Rcsul!s(rng/I) ()rganic Con1pound~ Rcsults(mg/1) ---·· l'&T:GC/MS ___J_ Ar:;cnic \o. o I --benzene Acid:ll/N fat. __L Barium 0 '.?,'.] carbon tctrnchloridc --< Q' QQ ~---MTBE ...,/ Cadrniun1 chlordane ------·--~·---Chloride I u --chl orobcnie nc ---·'··-------------------~.::. Chron1iuu1 /), () ( chloroform -----~Copper c,( '* o-crcsol -···~---------~-Fluoride ~--11)-CfL.SOJ = p-cn.:St.>l -··----·---~Iron -':J ,~D Radiochemistry _.L Lead (),028_ --I, 4-dich lorobcnzc nc -·---·--····----~~·~--·---~~·------· .. -----···· __;L_ M "ngane>c ,, < 3 ::L 112-dichlorocthaoc . --,, __ Pun.lIT1cter Besults (PCi/l) __d,_ Mercury .£--~Q¢--l, 1-dich loroct hylc nc ----1L Nitrate: -• c)Q --2,4-d in it rotol i1ent.: __ Gross Alpha ~ Sc!cniuni <o-~ ---hc.xt1chlorobcnzc nc Cro's Beta ~ Silver 4o 0 ;3 llcxachloro· l ,3--·--~-~ ,/ Sulfa/cs ~_Q___,, ___ bl1tadicnc ·----------·--·---,.--,. ---·Y•--- , ; l.inc __D_,. D cl ____ hcxHth lor(Jcl hH ne , -pH --______ .,_ J . J. --methyl ethyl ketone --------· Microbiology ~_L_ l'onductivity ~50,.,_~ nitrobcnl'..cnc ~.,-··------~·~--.. _,L TDS 3oO ) __ pcntachlorophcnol Par;HHt:ler Results __j__ TOC I~ tctrachlorocthylcnc (Colonies/lOOml) .L c.!tl <I --trichlorocthylcnc MF __ 2,4,5-trichlorophcnol ----MPN 2,4,6· 1,ichlorophcnol ------·---·-----vinyl chloride ·~------·-------,,_ --cndrin -·---.. ·---------.. _ -------~-~ lindanc --metboxychlor Date Received Reported by = tox.aphene 2,4-D Date Extracted Doic Rcporlcd = 2,4,5-TP (silvcx) r, .. -'-j !U' .. ·-, ']-( r)i..!lC An;ij..,r;cd L ,_ () ---I ,:~h \1urnhcr r: I 'I )i)';J: ----· -··--·-···~-.. . ---·-·-· ···-··----~--~·"·--·· -----··"'-----~--·------·~-~,~·· N.C. Dcrartmi:nt or EnvironmcrH1 I lcalth, &. Natur:al Rcsourc(:S SoliJ Waste Management Division. St.'L.E ANALYSIS REQUE. • Still4= L.abOI'illOry of Public I lc;il!h .Q. Uox 280-17, 306 N_ Wiln1ington Stft!t!t Raleigh, North Cu~'llina 2/(il I . (1/CDO t/-61 '-tS'.s'±O Sile Number ::£iJ:. Field Sample Numbcr _ _,/_LJ..,....!J~· ~-f"~/...__2 _______ ~ --~ ,.-;}/ " - G f v <;r: c- r /3 ___________ cd ))_.;., 116 Time JJ{;o --··--·-~ -,, ID# Agency: __L__Hazardous Waste Solid Waste __ Super fund TCLP Compounds , ~~,.,.,_,.,.,_.,.,.u.,••n-•nu•-~•n••~--~"~"•'"'"'"''··· Sample Type Inorganit: Compound~ Rcsults(mg/1) Environmental Concentrate Comments 1-1 >::J'.ff L ~ Ar~cnic L Ground water (1) --BJ.riUnl. Solid (5) -- _Liquid (6( <;:d?f~~~-!l5~ti' (_'i.id111iurn -- __ Surface water (2) C~hro1niu111 --Lead Soil (3) Sludge (7) !: _ , _IJ.() 71(2 __ Mercury --" Sell'.nluin c _, 1i::,-1 --_Other (4) _Other (H) -Y;>ri·i/J Sih·cr --I ---~~·----- --~~-~·~ Organic Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry --~ ----... ------~--·-,··~~~··~'-"""'--··~ •• • ••• •••••-••• ••• -•••••••-••--• • ·-··--•••' •••---···· "' '"" "" Y•' ,, .... ~·.··-·· .... , .. -... ~, ·····-··-·-··-·---· ·----·--·-...... --···--· l';,1 r+.111u.: t er Rosul!> (mg/I) Pan111u.:tt:r !{cs u tts (111g/I) ()rgaidi,: Cc11npounds I< cs u ll s ( 111 g/ I) l'&T:GC/MS ~Arsenic <o.ot ln.:n~enc ""-~ Acid:B/N Ext. Bariun1 0. "1 '-l c:1rbon tetrachloride --J Cadmium MTBE <0300 >~·-ch!or<lanc --/Chloride --ch !nr()bcnt.enc --···----~ Chron1iu1n o. Q] th!orofonn -----__ Copper ,.(-0.0~-i --(l•Cf\.'.!-.Ol ---_,L_ Fluoride Q, )Q~ 111-cri.:sol __.L Iron ;). ') :J __ p-cn..:so! --Radiochemistry ~Lead D.O(L I 1·l-d ich!orobc nzcnc --·········-···---------·-··-----------Mangunc~c (. g~f l ,:?.-dicldoroc.t.ha11c Q u~-~-l'an1111der Rcsulls (!'Ci/I) Mercury ..L_ Q .. Q~:..<:~~ ·a: ...... __ 1,1-dichloroclhylcnc =:'.2 Nitrate < /, c) 0 21 ·1-di n itrotol ucn<..:: ----__ Gross Alpha Sclcn1un1 o. 00 c hi.:xachlorub(.:nLcnc -- Gross Bela _,j_ Silver ...<...o. c.~s ht.:x..ach loro~ 1,3· ----~Sulfates -?,Q butadii;nc --•~T--~Zinc ___£_,_p_t). __ --· hcx~~ch lor 01.: l hanc pH u •l __ nJOthyl ethyl ketone Microbiology _JL Conductivity 3 J '\ p ,. , .. si-_..,.,, nit robcnzcnc ----1TD~ I 1'-1 5 0 J __ pi.;n(;,11,;hloroph~nol Pararncl~r R~~uHs TOC 'j __ telrnchlorocthylcnc (Colonies/!OOml) _L c tJ <Z __ t richlorocthylcnc MF __ 2,4,5-trithlorophcnol ----MPN __ 2,4,6-trichlorophcnol ---- --·---~~ --__ vinyl chloride codrin -----lindiint --mclhoxychlor Da\c Received Reported by __ toxaphenc 2,4-0 Date cxtraclcd Date Reported = 2,4,5-TP (silvcx) [;1~11' IU 11 ~ i 'it:~ ----:;~'.:~K1;'.naly1cJ ~'-"' ....... _ . ----~., .. ~u--,,,··---L;.tb Nurnhcr __ -~,·-·-~·-----------" ----------··-·----------~·~r·---.. ___ -~-· .---- N.C. [h::1~(1n\~l'H of E.!'\Y~fonmi:1H, l leal~h .. &. N~\ucal Resources ~lid Waste Management Division S.PLE ANALYSIS REQUE. • Stal(; Ll.bonitory of P1.1blie J !ci'.lllh P.O. Box 28047, 306 N. V,.'il1nington Street R.al~igh, North ()iroliiHI 2761 l Siic Number den 0 q. 6 / 'f Rs'+ a Field Sample Nurnbcr_--1--/_,L/'-=!J"-'-_J:;..· -_,G;;..~ -------· Name of Site Cc~,rfJ:a / cr;a-07/~:f/r /nc .. Colkctcd By (, {a 5e c= . ID# __J_3_ (' j fl rlrl . ' Sile Loc~lio1\ \.,.(]/) V1;zj/c ..-- Dale Collected / +l\/'la TinH! L!li_C: Agency: ....L_ Hazardous Waste ___ Solid Waslc __ Supcrfund TCLP Compounds Sample Type En vi ronrnen tnl L Ground waler (1) __ Surface water (2) -~Soil (3) ·-Other (4) Concentrate Comments _ solid (SJ ~vc--~-"'"'-"=ie,_9_,____ __ ___:,_ _Liquid (6) :._he_f2-tp H ,'fi'f?l{ _ Sludge (7) OM, 1'1'/? CV r ~ _ Other (8) }?lrh{1 /:;,.5 Organic Chemistry I Inorganic Chemistry . -·· . ·-·········· ····-·· ... ,. ,.,.,,, .......... , .... ,.,.,,.,.,.,, ''""'"""'····'·~··-··~·'"··'·····-·---····-·--··-·-..... ·-····-·· Inorganic Coropounds Arsenic Barium Cad 1T1 i uni (~hru1niu111 Li.;:.H.i Mercury --St:lt:niu1n Results (mg/I) -----------~-SilvLr ---------~-~-·-.· ,~. -----~~·~-~·~'- ------· ... '·'~---·-· 11;1 r·;111it(t' r' H.tsuil:-.(1ng/I) I Pun.nutttr H.i.:~ult~(111g/I) I ()r~;111it: Co1npou11d~ f(1'S u I lo I 111g/IJ l'&T:GC/MS Acid:U/N Exe MTBE 1/ Ar.si::nic 7narium /Cadmium /Chloride _.L Chromiurn 7· Copper 1-----------------1 _,L l'luoriJc Radiochemistry P:.1r:.11nclcr Results (PCi/1) Gru>S Alpha -~~~~~~- Gros .s Ut:ti.l -------- __,L_ Iron ~Lead· MaI1g:inc:;c Mercury ~Niln1tl'. __J_,, Sclcniu1n __ii_ Silver ___,/,_ Sulf3lcs 2Z.inc _of_ pH Microbiology I ___,L Conductivity ... ·---··---. 7 :~g~ l';1ran1clt·r MF MPN ------ --· Rc,:)ult.s (Colonies/ I OOml) _LL!!/_ ( u, o I .<'..0.<0'-1 < o.oo? ·--,, Q.c__Q_J L o.o.$ 0. I { \ _c;\l'j < o. ooS:- O .. j::l ,L.. ei~o~:.~~·,;.i...,. {.J_,_ DO <o.OQT ~o~o~ -~lL .L_O~c:-.~~ I - \ b.Q.,....~"""'-­ ~ '"\ l'.J' 3 <1 -·---------- D3lc Received Reported by _________ _ Date Extracted Date Rcpoqe,~+,~·r' .. f-'.,,..~~--- Ur:: 'J t 1 l.J U::.L !/•,' [):itc An;1h'1cd _____ ,_ Lilh Nun1bcr ___ •. , ......... ·--·--····.~···--·-· __ . ··-·-- C:. I· 1 ·,; d bc.:nzt:nt: carbon tctrachloridt: chlordane chlocobcnzcnc ~,~·-t:hlorofor111 o-t;r·r...:~ol 111-cr1.:so! j)·t;I (.;~~)) ~~·-· ·-~-------- I ,'1-dichlorobcnzcnc l ,2·dichloroclhanc; I, 1-d ich lornc I hyk no: --2,•l-c!ini(roto!11c.:nc -------- --ht,;XHc.·hlor0bt;!1/,(.;JlC hcxachloro· 1,3· but:..idir11l'. hl:x;1c; hlorot'. ( h~1 nt; -·~~ 111c1hyl ethyl kt,:tonc ni(f00C.:nt,<.:nl.'. pi.::nt 1.11.,:hloruphcrio! --tctrat:lilorc~clhylcnc I rich loroelhylenc = 2,4,S·lrichlorophcnol 2,416-l r ichlornphcnol --vinyl chloride cnJrin lindHrlC --nH;thoxychlor = toxaphenc 2,4·D 2,4,5· TP (silvcx) --~ -·------ _, __ _ . N,C, i.X~rtnlC~nl of Envi('Oomcnt, l le~ltl'\, & Nat111"al Ri;souri;cs Solid \1/<tsti:. Management Division SWLE ANALYSIS REQUE~ St<.1lc;: UibOl"i!tOI'y of Public l lc..:il1h • 1.0. Box 2:8047, '.3-06 N. Wilmin~ton Strc::ct Raii=.igh, North Cato!ina 27611 Sile Number fl/CDO fi" b / lj-'i\.i)'j=Q Field Sample Numbcr~..L/_tL/-''2'--'7--'}_~ ____ ~--- (/vi0 ~/:f(};; . Site Location Name or site Cr,,_0hal~r;a~ / 11C -·-·------ \...,~}lli..\,U,,.~1 UJ G lcz 5tt=' ·~·~ /3 ...,. .. ~...., ....,...., .. "'"''Cd 1,7/r; 19!} Time /Q(C) AgCnt.-y; ___L__Hai.ardous \Vastc --Solid Waste ___ Supcrfund TCLP Compounds ·---··-~--···-~M~''''""~-·-•• •••----.. -"'"'"'"'"''" Sample Type Inorganic Con1pounds Results (mg/I) En .. ·ironu1tntnl Concentrate Comrn~nts uv£f/210 Arsi;nic · L Ground waler (1) _Solid (5) --BJrium -- -Liqciid (6}. f, {' W1 {) iJ Cadn1iun1 ·--~ur[acc waler (2) t;; cri --Chro1niun1 I --Lt.:.<..id Sllil (3) ~ Sludge (7) C!WI'-2b9 Mi:rcury C(,,,.,,A I z;, '7 --S1,;.Jc.nh11n Other (4) _Other (8) --Silv1,:r - I ------ -- ----·~~~ -~·----Organk Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry --................... _ ...... ---··" ,. .. ~ .. -··· .. _______ ,, ·-~'""'n-·---·-·---~•M·~-.~ .... ·-·--·--•••-••-••-~ Pa:·:uni.:ter Rcsulls(mg/l) Pan..\n1etl'r' Rcsu Its (mg/I) ()rg:;111ic Co111pound~ lie·< u 1 t< (mg/IJ l'&T:GC/MS -~ Ar<cnic <o.ol benzene ---·· Acid:ll/N Ext. Bari urn O.q J carbon tetrachloride -----/Cadmium \1TllE < (), g (.) _,,-chlordane --./Chloride -- --~-~------7 thlorobco'.l.cnc j' Chro1niun1 ( o. o I ---·---<.:hloroforrn ------__ Copper ~0-0$ O·CfCl:>oi ------_,L Fluoride (), { b_ nl·CfLS(J! ----__,,L Iron 0. '.:l!.2 __ p·cri..:sll! Rnd iochcmist ry i Lead < 0-00 c __ t,4-Jichlorobcn7cnc _,,. -', ...... ~ , ........... -·--·-··--·----~·~,~-------· Mi..1ng1.1nc~c o~o:Q __ 112-dichloroc~hanc l'arnmclcr Results (PCi/I) Mercury ~O~c.oG~ __ l,l-Jichloroc1hyknc , ___ =::zNitratc ~ l• OQ 2,4-di nil rolol uc nc -~· CJru.c,.'\ Alph:..i. Selenium --ht;X:1 ch! oru bt: nzcnc -··~-- 0-oo c --Cross Bela _,L Silver .L..o~~~ hex~~chloro· 1 ,3----- --_cl,. Sulfates .<:. I "' butaJiene. --·•.r~ =i: Zinc .L.. 0.0 ti hcxachloroeth:1nc ---~-··~------·-pH '"l I " l1H.:lf1y[ ClhyJ J..:i;lC)llC -----Microbiology _J__ Conductivity di3Q -~~! nit rol)i..; n:t.LiH.: --·-----~~-~.~,~--:Z:: TOS 3.::m' ~~ pt.:.nL..1t;h\oroph<..:nol Pararncter Rc:;ults TOC "" tc.t r a c 11 loroct h ylc nc (Colonies/lOOrnl) _L c tJ < ( = trichloroclhylcnc Mf' 2,4,5-t richlorophenol ------MPN 2,4,6-1 r ichlorophcnol ----= vinyl chloride -------cnc..lrin ---~ --liodanc --mcthoxychlor Date Received Reported by = tox.aphcnc 2,4-D Date fatractc<l Dale Rcpor/~li,,,~, = 2,4,5-TP (<ilvcx) u,:: 7 I I I [• c. L. / >i ! ---l):itc 1\n.dy1{·d Lah N11n1bcr C·l'I l·'·i ---' .. --.. ---"~~ -----·-~ --------......... . ______ , ___ ,_ .. __ ~--.. --··--·--·----- N.Cc Ocpanmi::nt o( 6nvironmer\t, I lcalth., &. Natural Resources SoHd. Waste Manag,em~1\( J)ivision S.LE ANALYSIS REQUE. • .State Labor;i.tory of l)ublk Hca!ih ).0. Hox 28047, 306 N. Wilmington Str~ct ~kigh, Nonh Caroliri<I 27611 Site Number 1VCJ) () i/-b I lf sc; 1 a Field Sample Number / L/ ,5: 7 '] j--'"-'(l_,_._!f_,__,j_. J --+-, ---~ Name cf Site Cr,,dL1 / cr;c7~ !nr ( VJJLV/tlf<" -Site Loca1ion - -- LOHCCtca tlY C,[asei--11.J# L2 U•lC LOllCCLCd j 2 :i !? (J Tim~ /..2 )_() ' Agency: _L,_ Hazardous W•stc Solid Waste ___ Supcrfund TCLP Compounds ·--·-•-~~••-~•••••~•n ... u•••~-~-,,,,_•~--·~-.,·---··· Sample Type Inorganic Con1pou11<ls Results (mg/I) Environmental Concen(fate Comments ,,ff.t!tb Arsenic ..L_ Ground waler (!) --Solid (5) B(lriun1 -- lr.{':f {)fj, /i92 CHdn1iurn __ Liquid (6} --C~hro1niu111 __ Surface water (2) --I L<.!ud _Soil (3) __ Slc1dgc (7) Cwt"' 2.r:l_~ __ Mcrr.:ury cr:,AMll /'7 1-/ SclL'.niuin Other (8) -- Silver ~··~······-·,·---_Other (4) --1 ------~"'"·--~--------- --~---~-------- ...... _ ()rp1.'1ic _Ct1c1n is~ry ............. Inorganic Chemistry --n•-•~~ ----~~~ •••••• ··-·--·-···----·--·•-•~•Y•n•n"•••-·---·-··-··-·· l '41 r';~ I I! t' l t' r' lkrnlt>(mg/I) Pan.11111.:h:r Rcsu It> (mg/I) Orgauh,; (~<Hnpuund~ Ht·s u ! ts ( 111 g/I) l'&T:GC/MS 1Arscnic < o. o I bcnt..cnc ----Acid;IJ/N E.xt. Bariun1 o ... ·J ... {12 eurbon tetrachloride --J Cadn1ium -----~ITIJE {.o.oo r"" chlordane ---------------'~~r.~- /Chloride /S" t:hlorobcnzcnl': -·--~-~ --., .. --_.,.. Chron1iurn z:hlorofor1n ---~"~ .. ·~·-· O. o I --··~,-~·-__ Copper D. \Q o-cn.:~o! ----·-_,L fluoride O, I!> rn·t:rcsol --~·-, .. ~--~Iron \~BJ-__ p-trr.:snl Radiochemistry =:±Lead Q.. a 2 1 l ~ 4-d ichlor<.ibc 111.cnc ··--''''"''~U•Y~y~u··-·'"'"'"'~-··------~--~·~ ... ~'°"~~m Manganese D ,(,, Q __ 1,2.Jichlorocthanc ------l''"''"""tcr K .. sulls (PCi/1) Mercury L O _,. '.>O..:..> ;)......, --11 1 ·di ch ll>rocthyh.:: oc ---•-""' __d, Nitr.at~ (( o()_ --2,4-d lnitroto!ul'.!lt.'. --~ ... ~·~-- __ Gross Alpha -:;J_ Selenium =zo.oo C hc:<~1chlorubcnzenc ---·--Ciross BctJ _£Silver ...::.... 0 -c') s hcxacbloro-1,3· --·-----~ Sulfo1cs "0 buladicnc -------······''" =±Zinc L. o. oS hCXiiC J; loroel bani.; = methyl ethyl ketone """" -·"·-~ pl! . la '1 ., Microbiology __d_ Conduclivity 5aQ,,_~ nittulicnzLnL ____ , .. ~~~~-~·~~-~------1 TDS ,;:i ta\:,' = pl'.nt;.i1.:hlorophcnol l'~1r;11nch::r H.1..·.su It." TOC 9 __ tctrachloroethylcnc ---(Colonies/IOOml) _L C.N ( I __ trichloroelhylenc MF __ 2.4,5-trichlorophcnol ---- MPN __ 214/l·trichlorophcnol ---- ------__ vinyl chloride cndrin -------------'~~~~ lindanc = mclhoxychlor Dille Received Reported by __ toxaphenc 2,4-D Dale Extracted Dale Rcpor'(_,J,, ·, ,, , I 'fl,1 = 2,4,5-TP (silvcx) ;_ 71 I~~ l!:_=.i,.. --~~ i)<Jlc An:djr/L'd L:1h Nu1nbcr --··-· __ ,, ___ I" 1'\1>',j ...... .. ·-· ----·-',, _______ , -·· -·--'·''""'-·------··" ,,__ . '~-----... -·· ··-_,,, _____________ --· ----. --------- ~ N.'c UcpalinlC.rH of F-nvi(onn1cnl, l leallh, & Natufal Rcsourtcs SolitJ Waste Management Division S-'LE ANALYSIS REQUE. S1i.1l1:: Labor;;.tory of l'11b!ii:-Jk;d~h •. 0. l3ox 2&0471 106 N. Wiln1fngton Stn:i.;l Ra~eig)'l1 No rt Ii C.a.ro)i1H1 '27611 Site Number fl/CD CJ + 6 / LJ Ks'+ Q Field Sample .Number __l:i,,_4-...,.=S~~f?~C~;~' ________ _ Name of Site Crc,F/F'J J cr;Cl,!Lf:r,1/r_ln(' /, 17 '' 7 . Site Location (. '-MJ!/fjj;,, ~· ·---- Co Laser--r ID# L 3-uate Lo11ccted '2 ft /q (} Time L!:c3o Lollcctcd l:ly ' ' Agency: _L_Hazardous \Vastc Solid Waste ___ Superfund TCLP Compounds --u .. -~•~•--•·--•·•"·~•~•-·••-·---··---·-··-··· Sample Type Inorganic Compbunds Rcsult<(mg/I) F.:nviro1uncntal Concentrate Comments l1H'ft '6 Arsenic _L_ Ground water (1) Solid (5) --Bariuin -- -~iquid (6). (1 ,l)j~: s-.ir Cadn1iun1 --(~hro1niun1 __ Surface waler (2) --Lt.:. ad _Soil (3) _ Sludge (7) ffJ-, '3 Mt'.rcury Ye,ml\ 1?5 --St.:lt.:niu1n ---_Other (4) __ Other (8) Silver --·-I --~~~m•--·-~--·------- ---~~·-·"'ft""--·'-~- Organic Chcrnistry Inorganic Chemistry --~~ ----· "·' ,,, .......... --.--··-· -·······-··-··-·-·····---..... ·-·····-·· ... .,,. .. ---···-·--···-··-·-· ·······---------------·-··-· ·--· ParL1111el1..T Rc<iil l' ( 111 g/ I) Para111ctcr l{c; uh> (1ng/l) ()rgariic Co111pound~ Rt~s ti! ts ( ing/!) _ P&T:(;C/MS ~Arsenic {o_ o ( bt.:nzenc --__ Acid:B/N Ext. Bilriun\ \ (<, 3 carbon telrach!oridc. 7 Cadmium --~-·~ MTBE (O-QQ ~-chlordane --------·~·~·--./Chloride Be___ cliloI"obcnicnt.: --~-~·-·~·-~~--------4. Chron1iurn &. 0 ;;i chloroforrn --. --~----.....L Copper o. •B o-cn~sol -----'•·-•~-•·n-..of_ fluoride Q, /,£ rn-crcsol ------·-·-·-··~., .. -. __,L_ Iron (Q '\ ;:+.. p-tr<..:sol ~••n Radiochcmisti)' ..,l. Lead (2_. 12 Q -::r---1,4-dich lorobc JlZcnc •••• ••--·---------·-·--·--·--···-~··~OYOUOO•H•T .. -~. =:z Manganese 1,2-<lichloro{;\ hanc 1~ ~Q ----~--~ l'urumt·lrr Results (l'Ci/1) Mercury -'--... 0 ,...6 OC;. ~ = 1,1-Jichlorocthylcnc -~·--·--·· ~ ·-· ...... ./ Ni1r"te __ 214-dinitroto!ul'.ne. =:z Sclcniurn ? /. Q( ~~-·· __ Gruss Alpha <o.oor" bt.:x;.1chlurubi..;n'.lt.:11c --~~----···"'-"" ,. __ (;ross Beta ___oi_ Silver '"'-O.o5 --hcX;Jchlnru-1,3- ---____c/,_ Sulfate< "l 0 butaditne. ---~~·~~~·~·""~ i Zinc __P-t') l <;;! hcxacl1loroctl1Jr1c --.•. ~,.-~ pH 1-6 --mclhyl ethyl ketone . -~.-~--- Microbiology ....;L Con<luctivily 94-c.2 ._..... ~..J-' nitrobenzcnc ·----------~~---~~-~~--------:Z:: TDS lo 3 J. __ 1>c11!:.icl1turur1l11,;11()I Para111i:tc::r Ht!~ult.s TOC -40 --tctrnchloroel hylcnc (Colonies/ I (Hlml) _L C./J <. I l richlorocthylc ne -- --Mf' 2,4,5· Ir ich lorophcnol -- --MPN 2,4,6· i richlorophcnol . ·------. = vinyl chloride -~··-----------cnJrin ----. --linJanc --mcthoxychlor Dt.1tc Received Reported by __ toxapheoe 2,4-D Date Extrac(cJ Date Rcportc,~. _. = 2,4,S·TP (oilvcx) -ll.-::'7 r I,) !'t:.1~ i ~:I --D.dc An:tly1cJ Lah Nun1bcr -·-···-··--( l'l'Jii'd:. -···------········~-.. -----~· .. ~---· . ···--·---~ ···-···------.. , ••'-" ·---- -·------. .. ·- ;. N,C; l,)i;~rtn\Ci'd of C.nvironmcnt, 1 lealth, & Nat\Jtal Resourtc:!: Solid \Viste Managcrncnl Divisiot1 syl,E ANALYSIS REQUE. • S1ate L.abor~tol')' of Public lk=ilth .0. Uox 28047, 306 N. \Vilnlington Strc:l!t J:t.aldgh, North Carolina 27611 Si\c Number IJ/C[) 0 t/-6 I Lf g'.S,: ± 0 Field Sample N umbcr _ _,),=---,,,:Z=·~-S"-_,~3_. _________ _ Name "r SitcGe(lc/ra/ ci;aa;rrrvff-/nc. Site Location ( Jvv1 P1;</!b _, Collected By l" 1 a sei----l!J# I ) uate .Collected I ;J / (,, / '-11/ Time ..{j5(>!:f}_ I , Agency: _L__ Ha?.ardous Waste Solid Waste __ Supcrfund TCLP Compounds ---~~·~·~~~~"•~u~••-•-~H••••H-•H~~ .. -··· Sample Type Inorganic Compounds Results (mg/I) Environmental Concentrate Comments ~ 2 Arsenic L Ground water (1) Solid (5) --Barium -- _ Liquid (6) -b~t" ~ !J~7-,5' Cad1niuff1 __ Surface water (2) -----Chromiun\ --I Lead _ Suil (:1) _Sludge (7) el).!\, y_ f?? Mercury ··-- cit,,, fl --Sclcniun1 _Oilier (4) 01hcr (S) ;e__, () --Silver --,. --~ ••• "O"•M"~ I ------~~-'·'"'"'··"····-"~·--·--- ---~~--,~~~~~·~--·------ Organic Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry ---·· '······ .. .. -·-···-· ····--~ ................. ,, .. ···---..... ·-····-··-... ·····~'" ........ "-··-····--·-··-·------~~~ ........ ' ..... y. , ..... Par111111.:tcr lk"il I> (mg/I) P~1runu.:ter Rc;ullo {mg/I) Or·ganic Curnpou1uls !(,,,.,Its ( 111g/ I) l'&T:GC/MS ~Ar<cnic <<>·o I bl'.nzcne ----·------_ ,\eid:ll/N faL Bariun1 o_ '~ carbon tetrachloride J Cadmium --··---MTBE <o. o c-chlordane -~··-.. ----·-----,/ Chloride f? 0 chlorobcnzcne ·~~-··~ ------u ... ~J ·-----·· .... _, ____ -1 Chro1niun1 Q.o I chlorofor111 --. ' ------y·' __ Copper L D.Q_ S o-crcsol --N"~~--o_, [?._ --__L_ Fluoride n\·CrL:o;ol -------·" ·-,,,,, ___ ...__L_ Iron .:, :::J ::\ __ p-crr.::sul --· Radiochemistry =±Lead <' o. oo.C l ,4-<l ich lo robe nzc nc ---------''"'''"'"' "U•••••••-•••-•••••---·--·----"~"·~·------Manganc~c \ ' \ 5 l 12.·d ichloructhanc Parameter l{coults (l'Ci/1) Mercury ,,,:_0. CD~b --l, 1-dichlorocthyknc / Nitrate <l.o.o 214-Jinitrolul ui.;n<; __ CJro~s Alph;~ -:::Z .Sclcniun1 <o. ooC --hcxachloroben<cnc ----------·-Gross Ui.:ta ~Silver ...!~0.06 h<;xachloro-l ,3---------- -~·~·· _,J, Sulfates L. / "> l;utadicnc --··-v'.. Zinc o. Q ___ hr.:.x:1ch !oroc t h~1 nc :z pit I '-' __ mclh)'I ethyl ketone ~~·"~··· .. -----~~~() lJ i ()I u E, ____d__. ConJuclivity 5io0 r='k>9 nitrubtnf,Cnt; ----I TDS Q!<.Q __ p~nli.li.:hlorophcnol _, ___ Para1ni.:ter Re::;ulls :::::Z:: T 0 C 15 __ tctrachlorocthylc.ne (Colonies/ ll)Qml) _L c tJ (/ __ lrichlorocthyknc ·-MF __ 2,4,5-trichlorophcnol -·~· -----MPN 2, 4,6-l richlorophcnol --=vinyl chloride ----------cn<lrin ------lindane --mcthuxychlor Dale Received Reported by __ tox.aphene 2,4-D Dale Ex1 meted Date Rcpor~-,1 ·.-,. = 2,4,5-TP (>ilvox) --~)1~ 7 I I L'-( !Ll ( ~ji I --D:>1c An:ily1cd . --·--·--l,;dl Nurnh~'r ·~··· -.. -··----···--" "-. ---···~·--. _,, .. ', . ··.·--· -·-· . ·---··-··--··----.... -··11' ii ---· -·-. '. , N.C1 J.)cvartmi;nt or Environmi,;1li, I lcalth, & Na.iuJ;"i:il Resources. Solid Wfi.ste ManagemcrH Divis.ion SW'LE ANALYSIS REQUE. S~ati:. L.&bor::i~ol'y' of Public I lca!ih •. 0. Box 280-11, J.06 N. V..'ilmi1\gton Str~i.:t R.a!eigh, North Carolina 276I1 Site Number tVCD 0 1/-6 I Lf 8',5' 1-0 Field Sample Numbcr _ _,.2""-''.2::..-... "'~'---il----------­ Site L-Ocation cJJJ!LC&</JJ;,' ' Name o[Sitc(r:;,1cfr;1/ 4~'fVflr:_ /11,r_ " --, ~---~"'" ~"""":-;) /;RO C, i a se. i-- (>O .. 1- '-' ..... llU\.l\.,U UJ ID# L2 Time u l/0 I Agency: _L__Haza.rdou< Waste Solid Waste __ Supcrfuod TCLP Compounds ---~~· .. H-HM•~•·n·~"-··-·---•• •··~---•••-""""""""""'"""" Sample Type Inorganic Conlpouods Rcsults(mg/l) Environmental Concentrate Comments i•ifft Arsenic __,/_ Ground wate.r (1) _Solid (5) l --Barium -- Liquid (6} .(, (;~:{, O ~, Cadmium __ Surface water (2) S~'[ 3'. --Chro1niun1 -I --Lead _Soil (3) Sludge (7) Cfol-Ji. L '12. (,p_ =Mercury ~'P Jt.O Seleniu1n __ Other (4) _Other (8) --Silver -- -- --" Orgnnic Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry ---.... ,,.,--~ . ····-·-··--··---·---··-··-~·•"' ', .. ~---·-·-· ···-·· ·---~·· "'""""'-·-·-·-·-··-·---··-·~M••·····~----·-• ·-·-- Pan111H:tt:r Results (mg/I) P11rar11t:tt:r Rcsull>(mg/l) Qrg,,uic C(11npou11ds Res u I ts ( 111 g/IJ __ 1'&T:GC/tv1S -1Arscnic ___<{..Q&L_ b<..:nLCnC ---~-,··--_ Acid:B/N Ex1. Bariu1n 0 _"I':\ carbon tetrachloride J Cadmium {o. oo r --MTBE chlordane --,/Chloride [I{ --chlorobcnzcn~ -----j Chr(}111iun1 --O, o I chloroform --__ Copper ...c:.... o _ o t'... o·crcsol ----...,,.L Fluoride {)_, ,\Ci nl-cresol _.L Iron ~'j.;~:i p-crcsol -Radiochemistry ~ Lead (), 0 2..$ I ,4-dichlorobcn1,1;nc --···•·•••~•·•u"'~"""'-~---··-·----~u~•u••~----Mungunc&c '::l • 'j '.}. 1,2-dichloructhanc l';munctcr Results (l'Ci/1) Mercury ~:1!;gt; = 1,1-dichlorocthylcnc / Nitralc: 2,4-<llnitrotol ut.;ni; __ Gn>» Alpho ~Selcniun1 --h~xachlorobcn:1;cnc --Gro;;.s Beta ~Silver ....L-..o,.o A hcx.achloro-1,3-------¥:.Sulfates -'-..$ butadicnc -----· =±Zinc o '"s hcx<'.:lchlorocthunc pH ___l, 0 =methyl ethyl ketone Microbiology _,L Coo<luctivity I '-\'.;l.Q,, ,..,$1,,<>J>I nitrobcnzcnc 1 TDS p"\o / = pt.:nt<.1chlorophcnol -- Par:1111t.:ler Rc:iult.s TOC E.5 tctrachloroethylcnc (Colonics/!OOml) _L C6L ~tc~£Gt'".e: ~ G ~ = trichlorocthylcnc MF __ 2,4,5-trichlorophenol ----MPN __ 2,4,6·trichlorophenol ---- ---------__ vinyl chloride cnJrin ----------lindanc. Date Received Reported by = mcthoxychlor __ toxaphcne 2,4·0 Date Extracted Date Rcportt<i---1 ,-I I , , u,. ; , ._1 [:c.L I ) ,·\ = 2,4,5-TP (silvcx) l)<.i\c An~dy1t:J Lah Nurnbcr C':l'l>r!'JI: """"·"·"····-·"·-··-----·---~~,-··- -- ·-----------·-------- -.·----·--~-~ ·~ N.C. \).:pa'rtmcl'lt of Environmcnl, .. I ~cla!th~· & Natural Resources Solid ~astc Man~gcment Division SAMPLE·ANALYSIS REQUEST •• • State Laborato1y of f1,1blic Hc~hh ap.0. Do~ 28047, 306 N. Wilmington Sit<:<.:l 11.''1f Raleigh, Nor1h Caroliria 27611 Si.le Number tVCD 0 !/-b / l-f RS"f Q Field Sample Numbcr_--'2"""-2=5.:.-_,$"'---------- Name ofSitcC~1Y1clfa/ c.r;aLDfrvflr /,1r_ Site Location cJ_\£1.Jlp_fJq,(l, · Dal~ Collecl:-~:;-,.+ f:NJ. - G [ a "ie c-r I 3. Time 0730 --··--•--~rJ ID# ' I Agency: _L_ Hazardous Waste Solid Waste __ Supcrfuod TCLP Compounds ~~--··---~~"--''""-·-.. ····-~-··--·~··-···-·····-··· Sample Type Inorganic Compounds Re>ults(mg/l) Environrn~nti.\l Concentl'"atc Comrnents _, el wzJ Arsenic L Ground waler (1) _Solid (5) --p,~~, Barium -- C-.:f21rtl Cadmi1tn1 Liquid (6). 731 -- Surface water (2) Chromiun1 --Lead _Soil (3) _. Sludge (7) C/iYl . /, t: Mercury 0 --Selt:niunl Oilier (4) __ Other (8) q~/) er. I --Silver I -- -- -- Organic Chemistry Inorganic Chcmistt)' --• • •••• ....... ~---•-~ .• ~,.~ •' u•m••-~· ·•···•--···-· •• ·--···-·-·· ··-· ---·-··· -· ·-·· ........ ' ..... , '"' .,. ·-·~ ,, ... -~---··---··-··-·-- l'~1r·:1111 ~· tc r Rcsu I ls (mg/I) Part1t11ctcc Rcsu Its (mg/I) Organic Co1npoun<ls Res u Its (•"g/1) l'&T:GC/MS 4Arscnic {o.o I b(:nzcnc -- Acid:B/N Ext. I3ariurn ~ carb<m tetrachloride ---/ Cadn1ium --MTBE chlordane --/Chloride -------chlorobcnzcne j. Chrorniurn --chloroform -----•--r~~·~ --o ol _ --- -~--- __ Copper L...o .. wS o-cre::,,ol ;::. Q, l Cl ---------...of_ FluoriJc nl~crc::;ol __,L Iron L_ 0 Q "° __ p-crcsol ···-Rad iochcrnistry ~Lead {a. oaC 1,4-Jichlorobcnzcnc --... ···-··---------------------~-"' Manganc!'ic .L. 0 a c;. ~ l ,2-tlichlorocthanc l'aramclcr Results (PCi/1) Mercury -<-0./~ d---l,l·dichlorocthylcnc =::2 Nilralc 2,4-dinilrotol ut;n<; <J --__ Gross Alpha Sclcniun1 ~ d-ru-'" hi;~uchlorobcn:11.:nc Gross Beta ~ Siivcr ...L-.o~oi:e __ liexachloro-1,3· -- --___:/,Sulfates ..<. "I butadicne =±Zinc L_CO.O°"' hcxachlorocthanc pH "( I ---mclliyl ethyl ketone Microbiology ...JL Contluclivity I • '-\ 'Q " __s,...-, nirrobcnzcne ~-------7.TDS L ;Ao I __ pcnlachlorophcool Paranil!tt:r Rc:sults TOC L.. ~ __ tctrachlorocthylcnc (Colonics/lUOml) _L(t11 ('I __ trichlorocthylcne --MF __ 2,4,5-trichlorophenol ----MPN 2,4,6-lrichlorophcnol -----vinyl chloride ----cn<lrin ------lindanc __ methorychlor Date Received Reported by __ toxaphenc _2,4-D Date E>ctractcd Date Repp(le~. _. , _ 2,4,5-TP (silvcx) U,~ 7 I 1 ._, ['LI~ i ':Iii Date Analy1cJ --Lah Nun1bcr C:PDWJt'. ------"~~ -- , ... ____.. /'ViC. 1J).epartment o( Environment, I le.a.hh1 & N::itural Rcsourecs So!id Wastb Mana;gernent Division SAM,,E ANALYSIS REQUEST. t6_ Slate Laboratory o( Public Health. !""W Box 28047, 306 N. Wi!n1ington Street , · Raleigh, North Carolina 276 \ l Site'Numbcr NCO Qlf/, /t('f,' -C'f-0 Field Sam pie Num bcr _ _,/_Lf_,_..::;'..,_l,_,._8,__ ______ _ Name of Site ~c.Jya[ T{;=wi~ ~'lf Site Locati()n rf, ~ -· -.A./1"1-- Collected By Gja~ ID# /.? Date Coilcclcd ;7_1; /1n Time li_ 'i_r9 ' I Agency: / Hazardous Wasle Solid Waste __ Super fund TCLP Compounds --- --·--··-~------M••·~~-·-~--"""""""""""""""" Sample Type Inorganic Compounds Rcsults(mg/I) Environmental Concentrate Comments _Solid (5) s&{Jf,e, ~~~ru =t"Arsenic <o-Q l ' Ground water (1) Barium o-oS Liquid (6) ·S7,/1-'.;J, {' /<!-:-,.,~ LJ Cadmium LQ oP, __ Surface water (2) · _.L Chromium .4.... o. 10 --5'; Lead L_ o. !';;,Q Soil (3) ..L_ Sludge (7) Mercury "-o.c<>.. 7 Selenium S". Q, QQ ..< _Other (4) _ Oihcr (8) ""7_Silvcr ,,_ 0 I,-, dC,,q/ - -- Organic Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry """·"·-~ ·'·" ______ ................... ···-... ·-· '"" ·······-···-.................. ........ , --···-------··-----· ................. ··--·---·-· .... ·····-··· P:1r:11nt'lt•r Rcsults(mg/I) Purarneter Rcsults(mg/I) Organic Co1npouncls R cs u \ls (mg/I) P&T:(;C/MS -f Arscnic .L:;),. bcn~cnc ------~---/?; ------Acid:B/N Ext. Barium carbon tetrachloride --_d_ Cadmium ---~!TllE <It, chlordane ~··~~~ -------Chloride chlorobcnzcnc ---·· --·-··--·---2 Chrorniu1n <? 6-··----·-----chloroform -.··-··-__ Copper o-crcsol --~···~~ ~~-n ----------Fluoride nl·crcsol ------· Iron __ p-crtsol -Radiochemistry _L Lead 2,Q --l ,4-dichlorobcn4cnc -""""""""""""-·-~•-M·••H>H•"-···-·--------··-•M•H•···-·-·-__ Manganc::~c 1,2-dichlorocthanc -·---Pan11111.:ler Results (PCi/1) .:L_ Mercury ~o'i = l,1-dichlorocthylcnc ·---Niiralc 2, 4-dinilrotolucnc --·-""~-·~ (iruss Alpha J Selenium L_ ,)._ hcxi::ichlorobcnzcnc (Jross Beta _c.[_ Silver < J. Q _, hcxachloro-1,3· --Sulfates butadicne ---------Zinc hcxachloroc\hanc ----. -· methyl ethyl ketone ·-__ pH Microbiology __ Conductivity nitrobcn7..cnc -----------TDS __ pcntachlorophcool --Pi1r"a1n1.:h:.r Results TOC __ tctrachlorocthylcne (Colonies/IOOml) 7 C.tJL 7~f-f;!v-F~Y-c.~i::.e.._ __ trichlorocthylcne MF __ 2,4,5-trichlorophenol -- MPN __ 2,4,6·trichlorophenol ---· -----__ vinyl chloride cndrin ------lindanc = mcthoxychlor D•lc R<:ccivcd Reported by __ toxaphene 2,4-0 Dale Extracted Date Rcpofl,cJl, . 1 = 2,4,5-TP (silvcx) ~'."'. 1 f I ! / ir l i )•) Date An:liyi.cd --Lab Nur:r1bcr · ~ C:l'l189E -~,,r--··---- • • water sampling protocol, CTI should follow all of the written ground water monitoring procedures during each future sampling event. The CME report attached includes a detailed description of the violations and recommended solutions for each violation. If there are any questions please call me at (919)733-2178. Sincerely, &f~~~ogist waste Management Branch Hazardous waste section cc: Spring Allen Keith Masters ··central files · Jotntank· Glen Simpson Judy Bullock Rob McDaniel Katherine O'Neal George Rest Larry Wellington ' • I. Introduction A. Facility Information: central Transport, Incorporated 600 Melynda Road Charlotte, North Carolina 28208 B. Facility Contact: Larry Wellington, Terminal Manager Glen Simpson, Environmental Director • c. Date of comprehensive Ground water Monitoring Evaluation: December. 3-7, 1990 D. comprehensive Ground Water Monitoring Evaluation Participants: CTI representatives Larry Wellington, Terminal Manager Mike Wittner, Consultant for CTI Glen Simpson, Environmental Director North Carolina Hazardous Waste Section Bob Glaser, Hydrogeologist E. Purpose of Evaluation: The purpose of the Comprehensive Ground Water Monitoring Evaluation (CME) was to determine if central Transport, Incorporated (CTI) was in compliance with the ground water monitoring requirements of the North Carolina Hazardous Waste Management Rules (Rules), specifically 265.90-94 codified at 15A NCAC 13A .0010. The CME included an evaluation of the written ground water sampling protocol, ground water monitoring procedures, and ground water monitoring system. In addition, Hazardous Waste section personnel obtained duplicate samples at wells 2, and 6-12. II. Facility Description The CTI facility is located on Melynda Road in Charlotte, Mecklenburg county, North Carolina. The site consists of 30 acres, approximately 14 of which are actively used for terminal operations. CTI is in the business of dispensing and transporting liquid chemicals in bulk. CTI conducts the following operations at the Charlotte terminal: 1) transferring bulk chemicals from rail , • • cars to above ground storage tanks and then dispensing chemicals to individual carriers, and 2) performing truck maintenance and trailer washing. Associated with the trailer washing operation is a wastewater treatment system. Since the mid 1980's CTI has used the wastewater treatment system to treat and dispose of the wastewater generated in the trailer washing operation. The wastewater is transferred from the trailer washing area to the treatment plant via a concrete lined trough. The wastewater treatment plant includes two mixing/settling tanks and sand filter beds. The wastewater from CTI's treatment plant is discharged to the City of Charlotte's wastewater treatment system. Prior to the mid 1980's, CTI discharged the wastewater from the trailer washing operation into surface impoundments (see enclosed site map). CTI has three surface impoundments at the Charlotte terminal. The impoundments are located on the west side of the terminal operations area within the flood plain of a stream. The stream flows generally from north to south and is located on the west and south sides of the impoundments. III. Ground Water Monitoring System [40 CFR 265.91 codified at 15A NCAC 13A .0010) A. Hydrogeology According to reports submitted by CTI, the material underlying the impoundments consists of fractured bedrock overlaid by unconsolidated overburden. The bedrock has been described as sandstone, siltstone, and quartzite. The overburden consists predominently of clay and silt with some sand and ranges from 3 to 30 feet in thickness. The water table is reported to be near the bedrock/soil interface. Several of the borings installed at the site encountered 1 to 2 feet of saturated material within the overburden while other borings did not encounter the water table until they were in the bedrock. According to CTI, water level data from the west side of the stream has consistently shown that the ground water is flowing in a southeasterly direction towards the stream. on the east side of the stream the ground water has been reported to be flowing southeasterly during certain times and southwesterly during other times. Additional hydrogeologic data is being developed in order to obtain a better understanding of the ground water flow regime on the east side of the stream. This work is being completed in accordance with the December 17, 1990 workplan submitted by CTI, • • B. Ground Water Monitoring System CTI has installed approximately 12 monitoring wells at the site. Presently, CTI is monitoring water levels and collecting water quality data from nine of the wells. Based upon the potentiometric maps submitted to date, CTI has between 0 and 2 downgradient wells at the site. IV. Ground water Sampling and Analysis Plan and Procedures [40 CFR 265.92 codified at 15A NCAC 13A .0010] The following sections include an evaluation of the written ground water sampling protocol (Protocol) and the implementation of the ground water monitoring procedures. A. Evaluation of the Protocol: The following comments pertain to the written Ground Water Sampling Protocol included in the June 1990 Supplemental Phase 1 Hydrogeologic Investigation. 1. This office encourages each facility to develop each of their monitoring wells in an effort to remove as much silt and/or clay material as possible. However, agitation of the bailer within the well as described in item 11 on page 2 of the Protocol during the ground water sampling procedure may allow for suspension of material in the water to be sampled and may lead to an abnormally high value for metals. 2. Item 13 on page 2 of the Protocol should be amended to specify that the water obtained during the purging procedure should be obtained from the top of the water column. Obtaining the water from the top of the water column assures that all of the standing water in the well has been purged and a representative sample of the ground water can be obtained. 3. Item 13 on page 4 of the Protocol should be amended to specify how the water located above the pump intake will be removed during the purging procedure. Note; This comment is only pertinent to wells that are not evacuated to dryness during the purging procedure. 4. Item 16 on pages 2 and 5 should be amended to specify the collection of ground water samples for each of the parameters to be analyzed during each sampling event. 5. This office has requested each RCRA facility to dispose of contaminated ground water generated at the site in an environmentally sound manner. CTI should I :1 • • amend the Protocol to specify that contaminated ground water generated during the ground water monitoring procedure is disposed of appropriately. Note: One option for disposal of the contaminated ground water is to request permission from the City of Charlotte to dispose of the contaminated water in the municipal sewer system. B. Implementation of the Sampling Protocol: The following comments pertain to the implementation of the procedures set forth in the Protocol. 1. Page 1 of the Protocol, item 7, states that a Lexan bailer will be partially submerged in the water standing in the well and then raised to the surf ace in order to determine if there is an oil film, floating product, etc., present. This procedure was not followed during the sampling event. In the future, CTI should follow all of the sample collection procedures set forth in the Protocol or amend the Protocol accordingly. 2. The Protocol specifies that new disposable gloves are to be worn during the water level monitoring procedure. Implementation of this procedure should minimize the potential for introduction of any contaminants into the well. In the future, new disposable gloves should be worn during the water level monitoring procedure. v. Ground Water Recordkeeping and Reporting [40 CFR 265.94 codified at 15A NCAC 13A .0010) CTI should obtain a copy of all hydrogeologic data developed for the Charlotte terminal and maintain it at the facility. The records to be maintained at the facility should include: the most current ground water sampling protocol; the hydrogeologic reports describing the site hydrogeology and the current ground water monitoring system; the December 17, 1990 workplan for additional hydrogeologic investigation; and the ground water quality data from each sampling event for each of the ground water monitoring wells. VI. Ground Water Quality Analytical Results A copy of the State's ground water quality duplicate samples will be forwarded to CTI State Laboratory. data from the upon receipt from the • • • VII. Conclusions During the CME, CTI was found to be in violation of the North Carolina Hazardous Waste Management Rules. The specific violations were as follows. 1. 40 CFR 265.91 codified at 15A NCAC 13A .0010 states that a ground water monitoring system must be capable of yielding ground water samples for analysis and must consist of: ... monitoring wells (at least three) installed hydraulically downgradient ... at the limit of the waste management area. CTI is in violation of 40 CFR 265.91 codified at 15A NCAC 13A .0010 in that three wells are not installed hydraulically downgradient at the limit of the waste management area. Recommended Solution: CTI should install a ground water monitoring system in compliance with the Rules upon completion of the activities set forth in the December 17, 1990 hydrogeologic investigation workplan. 2. 40 CFR 265.92 codified at 15A NCAC 13A .0010 states that ... the owner or operator must develop and follow a ground water sampling and analysis plan ... CTI is in violation of 40 CFR 265.92 codified at 15A NCAC 13A .0010 in that CTI did not follow all of the prescribed procedures set forth in the ground water sampling protocol. The specific deviations from the written procedures are included in section IV.B above. Recommended Solution: CTI should follow all procedures prescribed in the ground water sampling protocol during each ground water monitoring event. CTI should also consider amending the written Protocol as specified in section IV.A of this report. In addition to correcting the violations listed above, this office recommends that CTI maintain a complete record of the hydrogeologic data generated for the site. The following records should be maintained at the site along with all of the water quality data from each of the ground water monitoring events: 1) the most current ground water sampling protocol; 2) the hydrogeologic reports describing the site hydrogeology and the current ground water monitoring system; 3) the December 17, 1990 workplan for additional hydrogeologic investigation; and 4) the ground water quality data from each sampling event for each of the ground water monitoring wells. A: CTI.CME l __ .~ - 9950.2 • • Section I. SlllmB.ry of Approach and Office Evaluation 'The objective of a Ccrrprehensive Ground-water M::>nitoring Evaluation (CME) is to determine whether an a.>ner/operator has, in pl4ce, ci ground-water =nitoring system Which is adequately designed and q:>erated to detect releases or to define the rate and extent of contaminant migration fran a regulated unit (landfill, land treatrrent facility, or surface ~nt) as required under 40 CFR Parts 265 arrl 270. A OE invol ""s eictensiW! office as ~11 as field worl: and sha.ild be done l:y technical enforcerrent staff with the involverrent of a professional experienced in geol03Y. The individual conducting the evaluation sha.ild haW! substantial knO#ledge of hydrogeological site characterizations, the design and construction of gra.ind-water m:mitoring systE!llS, gra.md-water sampling, '-'13.ste characteristics, solute transport, RCRA. regulations and enforcerrent authorities, and site history. The office carponent is perfo:med largely l:y an experienced hydrogeolog:i.st or geotechnical engineer who is part of technical enforcerrent staff or available to it. A chemist vnuld often be a valuable asset. The field carponent requires the participation of the sane level individual assisted, if necessary, by a field inspector. The average level of effort for a CME is forty (40) =n days. A sumnary of the CME process follO#s: Activity Pre-CME Planning CME office evaluation of systan design CME field evaluation of systan cperation/verif ication of system design CME: report preparation Review of CME report Foll<:W--Up inspection -2- Persons involved • technical enforceme.nt staff • professional experienced in geology • field inspector • professional experienced in hyctrogeology tedlnical enforcerent staff professional experienced in hydrogeology/engineering • technical enforcerrent staff • field inspector • experienced hyctrogeologist or geoteQ-inical engineer, arrl chemist (Where necessary) • technical enforcerent staff • experienced hydrogeologist or geotedlnical engineer, arrl chemist (Where necessary) • field inspector · • technical enforcerrent staff • hydrogeologist 9950.2 2. Fi. verification of the numbe.-, l.ions and screen depths of graind.......ater rronitoring wells and piezc:xreters, and water levels (where deerred necessary). 3. Possible collection of sarrples fo• analysis by a contract laboratory or EPA/State laboratory t<) assist in the verification of analytical precision and rrethodology of facility procedures. Sanples rray either be o,..iner-<perator splits if the Agency approves of the sampling procedure, or EPA-collected. 4. Possible :i.rrplementation of confirrratory gecphysic.al rrethods to verify facility assessment of hydrogeology or contaminant distrib..1- tion. c . r nforrra tion So.lrces A G1E permits the determination of the adequacy of graind.......a ter rroni to.-ing systems thraigh a netaile<l tedmic.al appraisal of site hydrogeology, rronitoring well placarent, rronitoring well design and construction, sarrpling and analysis plan, data presentation, and, where apprcpriate, assessrrent plan. The detaile<1 tedi.nical evaluation of system design shaild be initiated by locating the sairce(s) of inforrration pertinent to the facility to be inspected. So.lrces of inforrration include, blt are not limited to: 1. U.S. EPA Regional Offices 2. State regulatory agencies 3. U.S. Geological Survey (hydrogeologic infornation) 4. State geological surveys, state conservationist cainty soil surveys 5. Owner--<:perator files 6. Academic institutions 7. State water surveys 8. Aerial photographs The follcwing doozrents are valuable sairces of infornation which contain the folloong pertinent infornation: 1. Part A of the RCRA Penni t Application: a. A list of activities conducted by the applicant whidi require a RCRA permit. b. Prine.ry Standard Indlstrial Codes (SIC) whidi best reflect the principal products handled or services provided by the facility. c. A description of the processes used for treating, storing and disposing of hazardrus waste. d. Specification of the hazardcus wastes designated under 40 CFR Part 261 to be treated, stored, or disposed of at the facility, and an estine.te of the quantity and delivery timing of such wastes. -4- 9950.2 • • CME's shOJld fOOJs on evaluating systen design if system design is not sufficiently knONn in order to assess its adequacy. \\here design is of the system is already .....,11 understoxl, the CME shaild evaluate system cperatioo and rraintenance m::>re thorOJghly. '!he t"ationale for setting these pdodties is that until systen design is adequately understoxl, little rray be gained fran a detailed scrutiny of system qieration. Conversely, ooce an adequate evaluatioo of system design has been ccripleted, further examination of static, site characteristics during suhlequent CME's becams superfluOJs. It sho.tld be noted that re-evaluatioo of variOJs site characteristics rray be necessary (e.g., seasonally influenced characteristics, new wells, redevelq:nent of existing wells. Further, those cond.lcting this evaluatioo shGuld not hesitate to take sarrples when contamination is observed or suspected. '!he CME shcW.d be sched.lled to o::iincide with a rOJnd of sanpling at the facility in order to ohserve the irrplerrnntation of the sarrpling and analysis plan, and to facilitate the collection of split sarrples if d'*'ll'ed necessary. EPA initiated sarrples rray be taken at any time. A surmary of the activities of the office and field caT{X:lnenta of a CME process follcws: A. Office Evaluation 1. Technical evaluatioo of the site geological characterizatioo inclu- ding gec<TOrphology and structural geology, stratigraphy, petrology, geochemistry beneath the site and any solid waste rranagerent units (SWMUs) close encugh to be of concem. 2. Technical evaluatioo of the site grOJnd-..iater hydrological charac- terization, including identification and description of the upperrrost aquifer, potentianetric surface, vertical and horizontal gradients, and hynraulic conductivity beneath the site and any SWMJs close el1Cllgh to be of concern. 3. Technical evaluation of the criteria for horizontal well placarent and screen lengths of detection m::>nitoring """lls, upgradient and dcwngradient. 4. Technical evaluation of the criteria for horizontal well placarent and screen lengths of assessment m:initoring """lls. 5. Technirn.l evaluatioo of the criteria for drilling rrethod and non.i- toring ~11 design and construction. 6. Technical evaluation of the assessnent plan or o.itline. 7. Technical evaluation of the sarrpling and analysis plan, To the extent p:>Ssible, the enforcenent official shruld use existing infor- rration to evaluate the design of the o.iner-<perator's grcund-water rronitoring system. B. Field Evaluation 1. Tedmical evaluation of the inplenentaticn of the sanpling and analysis plan. -3- • • 9950.2 2. Part B of t.he RCRA Penni t Application: a. A general description of t.he facility. b. Oiemi.cal and physical analyses of t.he hazardo.is wastes handled at the facility. c. A ccpy of t.he waste analysis plan. d. A cq:>y of t.he general inspection schedule. e. A tcpographic ll'B.p (scale: l" ~ 200' ) . f. Aerial photographs. g. Geologic and hydrogeologi.c characterizaticn inforll'B.tion. h. Description of t.he ground-water rronitoring system. i. Sanpling and Analysis Plan. j. Gro.ind...Water Cl.lality Assesslll.'!nt Plan Oltline. k. M:mitoring well ccinstructicn detail.a. 1. Infornation aba.Jt nearby gro.ind-water and surface water usage. Parts A and B of t.he RCRA permi. t application shculd be available at SUlrces. 3. Contractor geotedinical reports a. Description of waste handling procedures. b. Geologic and hydrogeologic data (site-specific and regional). c. Description of gramd-water rronitoring system. d. Facility layrut. e. ~nitoring well oonstruction details. f. Results of geophysical tests. -5- 9950.::; • • g. Recam-endations to facility cperator. Contractor reports rre.y be available at source nurnbers 1, 2 and 5. 4. Regional geologic, soil, and/or grmnd.-....ater reports. a. Ri!gional geologic information. b. P,,,,gional soil naps. c. Regional hydrogeologic data. cl. Inforration on grmnd""""'ter usage. e. Geochemical data. f. Clilratic data, precipitatioo, evapo-transpiraticn. Geologic reports should be available from source nurnbers 3 and 4. S. Inspection rep:;irts or other records or correspondence related to the facility's ccrnpliance status. a. Records of past violaticns, b. O:pies of carplaints, administrative order» or case referral packages. c. HW1:MS reports ( carpliance rroni taring and enforCE!T'ent log) • d. Correspondence. Reports ray be available at SOJrce numbers 1 and 2. 6. Sanf>ling and Analysis !'lan a. Sanple collection procedures including rreasurerent of static water level evaluation, detection of imniscible layers, well evacuation, sample wiWrawal, and in situ or field analyses. b. Sa!rple preservation and handling procedures including sample contain- rrent, preservation, and special handling consideraticns. c. Olain-of-oJstody procedures including description of sample labels aoo seals, field logix.>ck layoit, descriptions Of chain-of-o..istojy' record, sanple analysis request sheet and laboratory logb:iok. d. kl.alytical procedures, and detection limits. e. Field and laboratory quality assurance/quality control. -6- e.~tic water lewl <lata. • 9950.2 f. In situ perrreability tests (horizontal) g. In situ perrreability tests (vertical) E. Conclusions that sho..ild be reached fran the technical office evaluation are: 1. Is the site hydrogeological characterization ade::juately detailed to identify preferential contaminant migration pathways? 2. Are the horizontal place.rent, screen lengths and depths of detection rronitoring "-"'lls theoretically adequate to innediately detect the release of hazardo..is waste constituents fran the regulated unit, and hazard constituents fr= regulated units subject to 270.14 (c) (iv)? 3. Are the horizontal placerent and screen lengths of assesSl!Ent rronitoring "-"'lls theoretically adequate to determine the rate and extent of migration and chanical corp:>sition of any contaminant pll.llles? 4. Can the &.tect.ion rronitoring systErn theoretically differentiate nearby SWMJ releases fran regulated unit releases? * 5. Are the design and const.ructioo criteria for detection grcund...-..iater rronitoring "°"'lls sufficient to provide long-term, unbiased sanples of gro..inct...-..iater? 6. Are the design and construction criteria for assesS11Ent rroni toring ..ells theoretically adequate to characterize releases of hazardcus waste constituents fran the regulated unit(s), and hazardcus constituents in the case of a regulated unit subject to 270.14 (c)(iv)? 7. Is the sarrpling and analysis plan theoretically adequate to provide aco.irate and precise ground...-..iater quality data7 8. Are grcund...-..iater quality data presented in a lll3.nner that permi.ts an assessrrent of their significance? 9. Is the statistical rrethod used consistent with the regulatory requirerrent? 10. Is the assessrrent plan or a.itline theoretically adequate to permit detennination of the chemical conposition, and rate and extent of migration of a release fran the regulated unit(s), and to differ- entiate that contamination frotn any originating fran SWM.Js? * Where it is not possible to differentiate i.e., v.here S\\M.Js and regu- lated units are very close together, any releases ~d be addressed under 265 assessnent rronitoring or an analogens requirE!ITSnts under a 3008(h) order. -8- • • 9950.2 f. Evaluation of the quality of gro.md--water data, including rnp:;>rting of l°"' and zero conoentration values, significant digits, missing data values, Clltliners and units of rreasure. NOI'E: The Sarrpling and Analysis Plan sh01ld be kept at the facility and therefore available to the inspector up:;>n request. 7. Gramd-Water Quality Assessmant Plan: a. A description of the detection llDnitoring system. b. DiSC.\lssion of hydrogeolo;ic conditions at the facility. c. Sanpling and analytical rrethods for thoee hazardClls wastes or hazardClls waste constituents previ01sly detected at the facility. d. A description of the evaluation procedures, including the use of previCllsly gathered gro..md-water quality data, the a..ner/operator will use to rrake the first determination. e. Descriptiori of.the approad\ the o.mer/operator will use to fully dlaracterize rate and ex.tent of contamination migration {i.e. , test borings, rrathamtical rrodeling). f. Diso.ission of the nunber, location, and depth of nonitoring ...ells the °"'°er/operator will install to define contaminant migratioo {in order to define horizontal and vertical dirrensions of the contaminant plurre). g. A description of monitoring well construction teehniques. h. A schedule of irrplerrentation of all phases of the assessrrent program. Assessmant plans shCllld be available at scurce numbers 1 and 2. Assessmant plan Clltlines should be kept at the facility. When performing the field evaluatioo, the enforceirent official{s) will attenpt to fill data gaps with observations. D. Elerrents of Office Evaluation of Systan Design 1. '!he enforcerrent official should review the °"'°er/operator's Charac- terization of site hydrogeology and rrake a determination whether or not the °"'°er/cperator has collected enCllgh infornation on whim to base the design of a nonitoring program. a. Boring and ~11, logs. b. Geoted1nical laboratory test results (e.g., perrreability, geochemical conposi tes) • c. Contractor geotedlnica1 rep0rts. d. Results of gecphysical tests. -7- • • 9950.2 Section II. Field Evaluation and verification Preparation Prior to performing the field evaluation catp0nent, it is the evaluation team to corrplete a nl.mlber of preliminary tasks. include: necessary for 'These tasks l. Develcprent of a site safety plan for the field evaluation. Prior to arriving at the facility, the field evaluation team personnel sho.ild have detennined the level of protection, decontam- ination procedures, and other safety precautions necessary. 2. All evaluation team personnel sh<l.lld have credentials or ident- ification that describe their federal or state agency affiliation. 3. The foll=ing equiprent is reo::mrended to conduct the field evaluation: • baJnd field notebock carrera • pod<et calculator • watrn with sweep second hand (or step watrn) • conpass • weighted tape rreasure and water indicator (rrade of inert rraterial), or electronic interface probe to rreasure static water levels and total depth of m:xlltoring wells and detect i.Jrmiscible layers. • deionized water, hexane (or laboratory strength cleaner) , and sterile, disposalable paper ta..!els or gauze for decontamination of tape rreasure or probe. • sanpling equiprent, e.g., bailer (rrade of inert rraterial), rrono- filarrent line, prq:ierly cleaned. • all apprcpriate fom'S, e.g., chain-of-o.lstody • safety equiprent 4. Detennination of whether or not sanples will be oollected. After the technical evaluation of the ground-water rronitoring system is carpleted, the utility of extensive sarrpling bf the evaluating team can be ascertained. Sanples sh<l.lld be taken when contamination is observed or suspected. 'Ihe team should develcp a project plan prior to entry and rray use facility's sanpling equiprent if it is f01nd to be adequate. Inspection personnel shoold do apprcpriate field analyses (pH, specific conductance, terperature) with their o.m p::>rtable field ~iµnmt to verify results of facility determi.nations. 'Ihe sarrples' will be analyzed to assess the cperation of the nnnitoring system and anal:{tical procedures utilized bf the facility. -9- • • 9950.2 Section III. Field Evaluation and Verification Activities The follcwing el.E!!Tents of the gro.md-water m:>nitoring system design sho.ild be verified in the field: location of regulated units number and location of rronitoring wells or clusters ' spacing of m:initoring wells or clusters • static water level rreasurements (where deerred necessary) well elevations, physical condition, labeling (where deered necessary) The follcwing elements of the ground-water m:initoring system design and cperation sho.ild be verified and evaluated: • determination of the presence, where apprcpriate, of light and dense phase inuni.scible layers (where deerred necessary) • sarrple collection, preservation, and handling procedures, i.rrpleman- tation of the sarrpling and analysis plan • determination of total well depths • surficial well construction 0 gene•a 1 site conditions site sketch The office evaluation corponent identifies deficiencies in the design of ground-water m:initoring systems, either detection or assessrrent. '!he field evaluation and verificatioo cotp0nent of a CME serves a dual purpose. It first identifies discrepencies bet~n system design as presented and constructed. Secondly, the field corponent of the CME is an evaluation of systan cperation and an cpp::irtuni.ty to collect data necessary to draw conclusions abo..lt the adequacy of the gro.ind-water rronitoring program (detection or assessment), e.g., a reassessrrent of site hydrogeological cha,racterization using direct and/or indirect techniques. The follcwing are key considerations in conducting the field evaluation. A. Number andl.ocatioo of Monitoring Wells D.lring the evaluation, the evaluation team should verify that the total number of wells that are described in the assesSITent plan o.itline or plan are found in the field, and that all wells are adequately rre.intained. Approxirre.te locations of each v.ell shruld be field che<ked against those presented on site rre.ps in the cwner/cperator's Part B permit application. To acC01plish thi.s. the distance t:etween wells and other features nay be ac=ately rnaasured using a surveyor's chain, while other rnaasurerrents rre.y be apprmc:irrated either ty pacing or visual inspection in the case of closely-spaced "'1!lls. (Note aey scale on the owner/cperator's site nap, if applicable, and rreasure using an engineer's scale). · -10- • • 9950.2 Facilities under detect.ion nonitoring m.1st have a sufficient nurtber of wells to identify the presence of a release of o:.intaminants fran the haz.ardo..!s waste rranagerrent area. Upgradient v.ells should be positioned so that they are not affected ty the facility's cperations and provide bad<gro.ind gro.ind--water quality data. ru-eas of la.t or variable hydraulic gradient and/or upgradient s01rces of contamination are ccmron in parts of the co.mtry and can pose problem; in establishing the upgra<lient quality of ground-water. In tJ1ooe situations, the e:rphasis of the field work shOJld be determining whether a release has occurred. !lcwngradient v.ells m.1st be located along the edge of the waste managerrent area so that the a.ner/cperator can i.mrrediately detect leakage (refer to TEl3D for detail). Other .....,11s located within the facility bo.mdaries sh01ld be identified on a facility map. B. l\.ssessrnent t-bnitoring A facility in assessrrent m:>nitoring will have additional well clusters located dONngradient from the waste unit or along contaminant migration pathways that vary frcrn gr01nd-water flew direction to define the contaminant concentrations and plwre configuration. Each ....,,11 cluster may have several .....,11s, each screened at varirus intervals to provide the vertical extent of migration. 'Ihe evaluation team should verify the locations and vertical sanpling intervals of assessrrent wells or clusters. c. Static water Level Elevation The inspector shruld determine, for each well, the depth to standing water. Measurerrents are taken fran reference point on the well casing dONfl to the static water level. Measurarents rrust be acairate to + 0.01 foot. It is reccmrended that levels be recorded using electronic sCiunding devices of M-sccpe, otherwise a stainless steel (or other inert material) rreasuring tape with a """ighted end may be used. 'Ihe tape is coated for the last foot with a water indicator and lcwered into the water a fa,, tenths of a foot and the nearest . 01 foot at the rreasuring p::iint recorded. 'Ihe depth to water is obtained ty subtrac- ting the wetted length fran the nearest foot reading at the rreasuririg point. Measurerrents are generally recorded in hundredths of feet. TO convert fran inches to feet: inches x 0.0833 = feet Sh01ld the ONfler/cperator's Sarrpling and Analysis Plan, waste analysis or historical data indicate the presence of light or dense phase immiscible layers, an interface probe shruld be used to register the top of the organic layer, and establish the thickness of the bnmi.scible layer overlying the organic/water interface. Dense phase i.JTlniscible layers can be maasured by lONering the interface probe to the bottcrn of the well where the probe registers the location of an organic/ water interface. NCJI'E: Engineering Chain tapes are usually graduated to the nearest 0.01 foot for the first foot cnly. -11- • • 9950.2 D. Sarrple Collection Sanple coll,.ction shwld l:e divided into three phases: 1. Sarrpling of light/dense phase im11i.scibles (where necessary), 2. Well evaOJation, and 3. Sarrple withdrawal. Depending on the waste dlaracteristics, the cwner /operator's Sanp ling and Analysis Plan rrey not have provisions for sarrpling of light/dense phase immis- cibles. Where light and/or dense phase irrmiscibles are present, the cwner./ cperator l\11St obtain discrete sarrples of them. The ,,,.,11 should l:e designw to capture light phase immiscibles "floating" at specific screenw intei:vaLs, and to coll,.ct "sinkers" within dense phase sanpling cups at the bcttan of the well. • Sanpling of Light Phase Inrni.scibles (May not l:e applicable to the facility) Sarrpling for light immiscible fractions nust precede well evacuation. A bcttom filling fluorocarbcn resin or stainless steel 316, 304 or 2205 bailer sho.ild be lcwerw to the predeterminw levels for collection. Care rrust l:e taken to avoid actions which rrey disturb the interface between the organic and aquews phases. Plastic sheets shwld be laid a.it next to the well to protect fran surface contaminants when the bailer is being assenbled. 0 Sanpling of Dense Phase Irrmiscibles (May not be applicable to the facility) Collection of dense phase irrmiscibles sho.ild be done before well evacuation. Either a clean positive gas displacerrent bladder punp or bcttom filling fluoro-- carbcn resin or stainless steel 316, 304 or 2205 bailer is lcwered gently to collect a discrete sarrple from the bottom dense phase sanpling 01p. Any notions that agitate the standing water sha.ild be restrictw. Purrping rates shculd be kept to 100 ml/min or less to avoid turtulence. • Well Evao.iation The 0;mer/operator l\11St rat0ve standing water pack to obtain a representative fornation sarrple. during evacuation are: fran the well and filter Irrportant points to <X>nsider 1. All well evaaiation materials entering the well shculd be o::uposw of inert or refractory rraterials (i.e., fluorocarbon resins or stainless steel 316, 304 or 2205). -12- • • 9950.2 E. Sarrple Withdrawal The inspector sho.ild lad< for any sanpling technique that rray result in the procurerrent of a contaminated or otherwise altered sarrple. The foll~ng points shaJld be kept in mind during sanpling: 1 . Sampling devices should be corrposed of fluorocarb:>n resins or stainless 304, 316 or 2205. 2. w-iere dedicated punps are not used, purrp B:JUiprent and probes nust be thoroughly cleaned between ""'lls. Equiprrent sho.U.d first be wiped to rerrove excess contaminants and to inprove cleaning efficiency. Subsequent cleaning l'rocedures should entail: When Inorganic Constituents are Suspected: o. lN HCL or HN03 rinse Distilled"""Or deionized water rinse When Organic Constituents are Suspected: Nonphc:sphate detergent wash Tap """'-ter rinse Distilled water rinse Acetone rinse Hexane rinse Adequate drying ti.me 3. Purrping rates shruld not exceed 100 ml/min when sarrpling for volatiles and pH. Hio/>er purrping rates are acceptable for other pararreters. 4. Positive gas displacem=nt bladder punps shruld be qierated in a continua.is rranner so that they do not produce pulsating sarrples that are aer.,,ted in the retL1TI1 tube or upon discharge. S. O"leck valves shculd be designed and inspected to assure that fouling problans do not reduce delivery capabilities or result in aeration of the sarrple. 6. Sanpling equi~nt (especially hailers) shwld ne""'r be drcpped into the ""'11 as this will cause degassing of the water on inpact. 7. The hailer's contents shaJld be transferred to a suitable sanple container in a way that will minimize agitation and aeration. * * Filling the VOA containers fron the b:Jttern of the bailer causes less turtolence than parring its contents from the tcp. It is rea:mrended, therefore, to fill the containers fran the botton of the bailer whenever possible. -14- • • 9950.2 2. Note the type of purging equipmmt used. Peristaltic purrps, gas- lift puips, centrifugal puips and venturi punps may increase vola- tilization and.cause high pressure differentials that can result in fluctuations in many analytical pararn.tern, rut are acceptable for purging provided that sufficient titre be all°""'d for water to stabilize prior to sanpling. 3. Nondedicated sanpling equiprent must be thorcughly deCCl'ltarninated, cleaned, and rinsed between wellS:--This is especially i.JTp::>rtant where interface probes are used to detect visccus organics. 4. Sarrpling personnel should wear clean gloves during all purging and sampling activities. 5 .. Discharge rate shruld be acrurately rreasured. 6. Lew yielding wells should be evacuated to practical dryness (srnie water may remain belcw the punp intake or fran discharge lines not equipped with dleck valves). 7. High yielding wells shwld haw a min:im.uu of three casing volurres renoved prior to sarrpling or that quantity sufficient to renove stagnant water fran the well and filter pad<. 8. Wells should be protected from surface contaminants entering during evawation and s<Vtpling. 9. The follcwing table may be helpful in determining the volurre of water contained in a one-fcot. casing section: ID (inches) Gallons Metric 0.5 0.01 37.Sml 0.75 0.02 75.8 ml 1.00 0.04 15. 5 cl 1.25 0.06 22. 7 cl 1.50 0.09 34.09 cl 2.00 0.16 60.61 cl 3.00 0.37 1.40 liter 4 0.65 2.46 liter 6 1.47 5.56 liter 8 2.61 9.89 liter 10 4.08 15.45 liter 10. All gra:md-water evawatea frcrn a well whic'h is suspected of being hazardrus should be pt:"cperly mmaged. To obtain the total vol.ulre of water CCl'ltained in the well, s:iJTply rrultiply by the height (in feet) of the water oolunn. It: may be necessary t.o. verify the diarn.ter of the well casing. -13- '·~. • • 9950.2 8. Sarrples shcu.ld not be C011pOSited in one large container and later transferred to others. 9. Clean sarrpling Equiprent shruld not be placed directly on the gro.md or other contaminated surfaces prior to insertion into """lls. 10. Sarrpling in kw yielding wells shculd be perfomed as soon as there is eno..igh water present to collect the sarrple. 11. Volatile paraireters sho..ild be collected first. 12 . Probes used for in situ analyses shculd not be inserted into sarrple containers. F. In Situ or Field Analyses Physi03.lly and dtemiC3.lly labile paraireters ID.Jst be tested either in the borehole using a probe (in situ) or llmediately upon withdrawal using a field test kit. 1. Analyses rrust be perfomed both after well evacuation and sarrple collection. 2. Field instnments shruld be calibrated according to IIBnufacturer 's specifications and be consistent with SW-846 (Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste-PhysiC3.l/ChemiC3.l Methods) G. Sarrple Preservation and Handling Sarrples rrust be contained and preserved ty approved rrethods to IIBintain the integrity of the sarrple. Inprq:ier preservation and handling nay alter paraireter levels in the sarrple. Key points to note during the inspection include: 1. Procured sarrples shculd be transferred directly into the o::intainer specifically prepared for that given pararreter or set of conpatible pararreters (e.g., dissolved rretals). Sarrples sho.lld not be o::xrposited into a C011TO'l o::intainer to be subeequently split in the laboratory. 2. Sanples sho.lld be collected in a nanner that minimizes turb.llence and agitation. 3. Volatile Organics Analysis (VOA) vial shwld be pwred so that it overflONS leaving no headapaoe or hilibles in the vial. Its cap shcu.ld be lined with a fluorocarbon resin. 4. Sarrples for rretals analysis can be collected in polyethylene containers with polyprcpylene caps, or·in glass·bottles with fluorocarbon resin lined caps. -15- • • 5. Sarrples for organic analysis shaild l:::e oollected in glass bottles with fluorocarbon resin. H. Special Handling Considerations ' Or~ics 1. Sarrples must not l:::e filtered. 2. Sarrples nust not be transferred fran one container to another. 0 Ms.ta ls 1. Sarrples collected for rretals analysis should be split into t...:i sarrples. cne p:::irtion filtered thraigh a 0.45 u filter for dissclV9d rretals and the second portion renaining unfiltered for total rretals analysis. Sa!Tples should l:::e filtered as socn as p::ssible to minimize the irrpacts of pH and Eh changes. 2. Both sarrples should be preserved with nitric acid to pH <2. The reoanrrended procedures for sarrpling and preservation are presented in Table 1. I. Quality Assurance/Quality Control TO ensure the reliability of field-generated data, the awner/q>erator's Sarrpling and Analysis Plan shaild incorporate the use of trip and equiffrent blanks during sampling to verify that sanple collection and handling processes have not affected the quality of the field sanples. _Field verification of quality control procedures will include: 1. The use of trip and equiffrent blanks. -Trip blanks: Used to determine if contamination was introduced fran the sanple containers thraigh norrral handling. -Equiprrent blanks: Used to determine if contamination nay l:::e a result of :inprc:per cleaning. 2. Calibration of nonitoring and sanpling equiprrent. 3. Prcper decontamination and cleaning of nondedicated equii;mant. J. Olain-of-0.Jstody Procedures Field verification of the a.iner/operator's chain-of-custcxiy procedures will contain the follcwi.ng elenents: 1. Sa!Iple lal:::els for proper identification. -16- S!IMPLI NG AND PRESE:l<VAT ION PRCCED'.JRES FOR DETECTION MONI10RlNGa MinirifJITI Volune Recmmended Maximum Required for Parameter Container£ Preservative Ho ldi'!l Time Analysis -- Indicators of Ground-Water ContaminationC pH T, P,G Field determined Nore 25 ml Specific conductance T,P,G Field determined tbne 100 ml TIX: G. teflon-lined Cool 4°C, OCl to cap pH <2 28 days 4 x 15 ml • rox G. amber, Teflon-Cool 4°C, add I ml lined cap of I.IM sodium sulfite 7 days 4 x 15 ml Ground-Water Q..tality Characteristics Chloride T,P,G 4°C 28 days 50 ml Iron T, P Field Acidified 6 months 200 ml I Manganese to pH <2 with f!N)3 r-..... Sodiun ' Phenols G 4°C/H2S04 to pH <2 28 days 500 ml Sulfate T,P,G Cool, 4°C 28 days 50 ml EPA Interim Drinking Water Characteristics ., Arsenic T,P Total Metals 6 months 1,000 ml Bariun Field acidified to Cadmium pH <2 with Hm3 Chroniun 6 months 1,000 ml lead Dissolved Metals Mercury I. Field filtration selenium (0.45 micron) Silver I:ark Bottle 2. Acidify to pH <2 with HN03 Fluoride T,P Field acidified to pH <2 with HN03 28 days 300 ml Nitrate T,P,G 4°C/Hi304 to pH <2 14 days I,000 ml Parmreter Endrin Lin<lane Methoxychlor Toxaphene 2,4,D 2,4, 5 TP Sil vex RadiU11 Gross Alpha Gross Beta SN'PLING AND l'Rl':SERVATION PR>X:ECURFS HlR llQ'FX:l' !ON M:::Nl'!DRING Reccmrended Q:ntainer~ _____ _ DrP~i=iirva ti ve T,G P,G Cool, 4 •c Field acidified to pH <2 with HN03 Mfninum Volwre Meud.ITT.llTl Required for !blding Tine Afla_lysis 7 days 2,000 6 rrontlls l gallon • Coliform l:acteria PP, G (sterilized) Cool, 4"C 6 h01rs 200 ml • Other Gramd--water Oiaracteristics of Interest Cyanide P,G O:x>l, 4°C, NaOH to 14 days 500 ml pH >12 Oil and Grease G only Cool, 4°C H2S04 to 28 days 100 ml pH <2 Semi volatile, T,G O:x>l, 4°C 14·days 60 ml nonvolatile organics Volatiles G,T-lined Cool, 4"C 14 days 60 ml aReferences: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste -Physical/Oleinical Methods, SW-846 (2nd edition, 1982) . Metllcx:ls for Oiemical Analysis of Water and Wastes, EPA-600/4-79-020 Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 16th edition (1985). 1::tontainer Types: P = Plastic (polyethylene) G = Glass T =Teflon PP = Fl:>lyprcpylene CBased on the requirerents for detection =nitoring (§265.93), the cwner/operator rrust oollect a sufficient volurre of gro.md--water to alLcw for the analysis of fcur separate replicates. -~ I 00 .--< ' • • 9950.2 2. Sar!ple seals to ensure integrity of tb.e =llected sarrples until they are req>ened. 3. Field lCX]book to record grrund--.iater rronitoring program infornation. 4. Olain-of-o.istody record to tra<:X sarrple possession. K. Sarrple Labels Ideally, sarrple late ls sho.tld contain tb.e follo,.;ing infornation: 1. Sarrple identification number (rrandatory ) . 2 . N'arre of collector. 3. Date and tirre of collection. 4. 1-bnitoring well. s. Pararreter(s) requested. L. Sanple Seals Seals rray be inportant in the event that sarrples leave tb.e 011ner / qierator 's ilmediate control tb.rough shiprrent to laboratory. Sea ls thus provide assurance that sanples have not been disturted or tanpered with. M. Field Logbock An a.mer/operator or the individual designated to perfonn ground- water rronitoring cperations shOJ!d keep an up-to-date field logb:>d< which doo.ments the foll0;1ing: 1. Identification of v.ell 2 • 1-e 11 depth 3. Static water level depth and rreasur13rent tedmique 4. Presence of llmtiscible layers and detection rrethod s. I-ell yield -high or kw 6. Collection rrethoo for irrm:i.scible layers and sarrple identification nuni::iers 7. Well evarnation procedure/equipient 8. Sanple wi thdra..a.l procedrre/ <0qt1iprrent 9. Date and tine of collection -19- • • 9950.2 10. Well sarrpling sequence 11. Types of sarrple containers used and sarrple identification numbers 12. Preservative(s) used 13. Pararreters requested for analysis 14. Field analysis data and rrethod(s) 15. Sarrple distrib.Jtion and transFQrter 16. Field ob;ervations on sarrpling event 1 7 • Naire of collector N. Chain-of-custody Record To establish the doanrentation necessary to trace sanple fX>SSession from tirre of collection, a chain-of-o.istody record should be filled rut and accarpany every sanple. The record shruld contain the follcwing type of inforrration: 1. 53nple number 2. Signature of collector 3. Date and tirre of collection 4. Sarrple type (e.g., grc:und......,a_ter, i.Irrni.scible layer) 5. Identification of ....... 11 6. Number of containers 7. Paraireters requested for analysis 8. Signature of person(s) involved in the chain of JX>SSession 9. Inclusive date of fOSsession 0. TOta 1 Well Depth Curing well evaruation and/or purging, the total well depth shruld be verified for each """11 in the O'Ol'litoring system. It is reccrnrrended that the use of sarnding devices or weighte::i stainless steel rreasuring tape be used in the event the ......,11 cannot be pUI!ped or bailed to dryness. Measurerrents are taken fran the tcp of the well casing and shruld be accurate to + 0.01 foot. P. SUrficial Well Inspection Visual inspection of surficial well construction and condition will aid in determining the adequacy of the o,.mer/q:>erator grc:und......,a_ter rronitoring system design. lrrportant considerations include: -20- • • 9950.2 4. Drainage pattern and gro.ind-water flew direction S. Location of drains and seepage areas 6. North arrcw and rrugh scale Section IV. Sanpling and Analysis When the cwner/q;ierator's grrund-water rronitoring syst"'1! design has been determined to be satisfactory, sutee:iuent CME.s fcx:us on system q;iei:ation and, therefore, may involve sanpling and analysis of gro..md- water sarrples collected at the facility. If the a.iner/operator sarrple preparation procedures are deerred inconsistent with EPA-approved rrethods, the inspector shruld request that the a.iner/operator sanple according to reo:::imrended procedures described in Section 3.2.3 in addition to the ·-ethods ertpl<:¥ed ty the cwner/operator, with the sarrple results analyzed ctnd corrpared. Mditionally, the inspector shruld send a duplicate (split) sarrple, collected and prepared using EPA-approved rrethods, to the enforce- rrent authority's lalxlratory for analysis. Section V. Conclusions and Reconrendations Has the cwner/q;ierator adequately characterized site hydrogeology? Is the ootection =nitoring system adequately designed and constructed to imrediately detect any contaminant release from the regulated unit(s) and differentiate where p::>SSible, such releases fran nearty S\'.MJ releases? Are the pi:ocedures used to llBke a first detennination of contamination adequate? Is the cperation of the ground-water rronitoring system adequate to permit imirediate detection of a release of contaminants from haz.ardrus wa.ste rranagerrent areas? Do the assessment rronitoring wells, given site hydrogeologic conditions, cl.efine the extent and ccncentration of contamination in the hori=ntal and '-"rtical planes? Are the asses=ent rronitoring wells adequately designed and constructed? -22- • • 9950.2 l. Wel.ls adequately mtlntained (not overgrcwn by vegetati= or i.npaire:J. by neglect or misuse), and prq;erly labeled 2. Wells protected and seo.ired with steel protectiW! cap and lock 3. Wells sealed pr:cperly at surface to prevent surface contaminants from entering the v.>all 4. Casing rre. terial 5. Tq:> of casing elevation 6. Turbidity of collected sanples Q. Field observations While in the field it is inp:>rtant to record as rrany observations as p:>ssible. Site characteristics should include: l. Topographic relief -Lay of the land, slq:>es etc. 2. water Bodies -Direction and distance to streams, rivers, p:nds, lakes, estuaries, ocean, etc. 3. Surface Features -Soil type, rock outcrcps, leadiate surface seeps, dcrni.nant vegetation types, if applicable. 4. Mm-Made Features (particularly ones affecting hydrogeology) - Nearty ind.!strial wells, drainage ditches, undergro.md conduits and drains, :i..rt'po.mdrrets, also note area water supply sOJrces. R. Site Sketch A rre.p of the site sho.ild be available to the inspector frcm the Part B pennit application rraterials. 1f a copy of the site llBfl is not available at the tirre of the field inspection, the inspector shruld sketch the facility. n:ie sketch shc>Ul.d include: l. location of regulated units 2. Location of ...,11s 3. location of rrajor b.lildings and inportant surface features -21- 'i • • 9950.2 Are the sanpling and analysis procedures adequate to provide representative sarrples of gro.ind-water in the upperrrost aquifer? I):) the procedures used for evaluation of assessment rron.itoring data result in deternri.nations of the rate of migration, extent of migratioo, and hazardws waste oonstituent carp:isition of the contaminant plwre7 Are the data collected at sufficient duration and frequency to adequately detenrd.ne the rate of migration? Is the schedule of irrplerrentation adequate? Is the cwner/cperator's assessrrent rronitoring plan adequate? If the a.mer/operator had to iirpla-rent his assessrent 11Dnitoring plan, was it irrplerrented satisfactorily? Based on the results of the evaluation, deficiencies in network design, infor11B.tioo gaps, and cperational inadequacies can be clearly identified and listed. In order to assist the varia.ts enforoerrent authorities involved in bringing the facility into carpliance, the deficiencies may be categorized into rra jor or minor areas of nooccrrpliance. M;i.jor deficiencies '-".JUld involve short- comings in netv.c>rk design or gross inadequacies in sanpling and/or analysis that "°-!ld serirusly irrpair detection or assessrent 11Dn.itoring functions. Minor deficiencies, thcugh inp::>rtant, may not necessitate case developnent, b.lt rather issuance of deficiency notices to bring abo..lt desired changes. Based on conclusions gained from the CME, the evaluation team rrembers shwld clearly define the recamBndations. These reo:ntrendations will thus provide apprcpriate guidance tCJNard obtaining nore infornation that may be required for administrative or judicial action. -23- 9950.2 • APPSNDIX A • CCW'REHENSIVE GROUND-WATER M::>NI'!DRibKi EVALIJATICN W)f«.SHEEI' The follCMi.ng v.orksheets ha\18 been designed to assist the enforcerrent officer/tedmica l revi....,er in evaluating the grcund-water rronitoring system an cwner/cperator uses to C'Ollect and analyze sanples of grrund v.ater. The fo01s of the worksheets is technical adequacy as it relates to obtaining and analyzing repr.esentativi.. sanples of grrund water. 'The basis of the v.orksheets is the final RCRA Grrund Water Monitoring Tedmical Enforcenent Guidance Cbrumant which <lescribes in detail the aspects of grO\fild-water rronitoring which EPA deans essential to rreet the goals of RCRA. Appen<lix A is not a regulatory checklist. Specific technical deficiencies in the rronitodng system can, hcwever, be related to the regulations as illustrated in Figure 4. 3 taken from the RCRA GrO\fild-1113.ter ~nitoring Corrpliance Order Guide (CCG) (included at the end of the appendix). The enforcerrent officer, in develc:ping an enforcement order, should relate the technical assessrtent from the worksheets to the regulations using figure 4,3 frcm the COG as a guide. I. Office Evaluation -Technical Evaluation of the Dasign of the Ground- water Mcnitoring System A. Review of relevant doaments: 1. >mat d001rtents were obtained prior to conducting the inspection: a. RCRA Part A permit application? b. RCRA Part B per.mi t application? c. Correspondence betv.een the awner/cperator and apprc:priate agencies or citizen's grrups? d. Previ01sly conducted facility inspection reports? e. Facility's contract.or reports? f. Regional hytirog;,ologic, geologic, or soil reports? g. The facility's Sarrpling and Analysis Plan? h. GrO\fild-water Assessrrent Program Q.ltline (or Plan, if the facility is in assessrrent rronitoring)? i. Other (specify) (Y/N) j (Y/N) jjL_ (Y/N) Y (Y/N) N (Y/N) Y (Y/N) AL (Y/N) _J_ (Y/N) L 8. Evaluation of the o..ri.er/Qperator's Hydrogeologic Assessrrent: 1. Did the a..ner/q:ierator use the follCMi.ng direct tedmiques in t.~e hydrogeologic assessrrent: a. Logs of the soil borings/rod<: corings (dOCUirented l:1i-' a professional geologist, soil scientist, or geotedlnic.al engineer)? (Y/N) L b. Materials tests (e.g., grain size analyses, j_ stanfurd penetration tests, etc.)? (Y/N) c. Piezorreter installation for water level rreasure-i ments at different depths? (Y/N) cl. Slug tests? (Y/N) -24- • • e. Pu!Tp tests? f. Geochemical analyses of soil sanples? g. Other (specify) (e.g., hydrodiemical diagram; and wash analysis) (Y/N) tf. (Y/N) I 2. Did the a.mer/operator use t..'1e follcwing indirect techniques to supplerrent direct techniques data: a. Gecphysical well logs? b. Tracer studies? c. Resistivity and/or electrotagnetic conductance? cl. Seismic Survey? e. Hydraulic conductivity rreasurenents of ccres? f. />.erial photography? g. Grcund penetrating r<i.dar? h. Other (specify) (Y/N) fl, (Y/N) A (Y/N) ;1, (Y/N) AJ (Y/N) /,) (Y/N) ...J_ (Y/N) rJ 3. Did the a.iner/cperator doo.urent and present the raw data Eran t.l-ie site hydrogeologic assessrrent? (Y/N) _l_ 4. Did the awner/~erator noOJJtent rrethods (criteria) used to correlate and analyze the infornation? 5. Did the a.iner/cperator prepare the follcwing: <i.. Narrative description of geol03Y? b. Geologic cross sections? c. Geologic and soil rraps? d. soring/coring logs? e. Structure contcur rre.ps of the differing water bearing zones and confining layer? £. Narrative description and cal01lation of grcund- water flews? 'J· Water table/potentioretric rre.p? h. llydrologic cross sections? 6. Did the CW11er/operator obtain a regional rrap of the area and delineate the facility? If yes, do:is this nap illustrate: a. Surficial geology features? b. Stream;, rivers, lakes, or wetlands near the facility? c. Discharging or recharging wells near the facility? -25- (Y/N) .J!_ (Y/N) f ( Y/N) iJ (Y/N) f'/ (Y/N) __j_ (Y/N) (Y/N) L (Y/N) j (Y/N) fl (Y/N) L (Y/N) _j_ (Y/N) V (Y/N) :Lil • • 9950.2 J. Did the o.vner/q;erator provide a tq:og:raphic map whim was constructed by a licensed surveyor? 4. D:les the tq:og:raphic rrap provide: a. contrurs at a maxim.lm interval of tv.o-feet? b. locations and illustrations of man--rrade features (e.g., parking lots, factory ruildings, drainage ditches, stoi:m drains, pipelines, etc. ) ? c. descriptions of nearby water bodies? d. descriptions of off-site wells? e. site bcundaries? f. individ.lal RCRA units? g. delineation of the waste managerrent area(s)? h . .....,11 and boring locations? 5. Did the cwner/q;erator provide an aerial j:hoto-- graph depicting the site and adjacent off-site eeatures? 6. D::>es the photograph clearly sha.1 surface water bodies, adjacent nun.i.cipalities, and residences and are these clearly labelled? F. Identification of Gro..md--water Flo...paths 1. Gromd-water fla.1 direction a. was the <Mell casing hei<jlt rreasured by a licensed surveyor to the nearest 0.01 feet? b. Were the """'11 water level rreasurerrents taken within a 24 ha.ir period? c. Were the <Mell water level rreasurerrents toiken to the nearest 0.01 feet? d. Were the """'11 water levels allowed to stabilize after construction and develq:m:mt for a mininum of 24 ha.irs prior to rreasurerrents? e. 1-.B.s the water level infomation obtained fran (check apprqiriate one) : o nultiple piezorreters placed in single borehole? o vertically nested piezcrreters in closely spaced separate boreholes? o rronitoring wells -29- (Y/N) (Y/N) I- L (Y/N) Y (Y/N) Y (Y/N) 11/ (Y/N) L (Y/N) L (Y/N) AL (Y/N) -I- (Y/N) L (Y/N) Ii / (Y/N) --.J/- (Y /N) -Jl (Y/N) -+- (Y/N) -+ • • 9950.2 f, Did the o..ner/q?erator provide construction details for the pie:z:orreters? g. H0'1 .... re the static water levels rreasured (check rrethcd( s l. ) o Electric water sa.mder .JL__ o Wetted tape o Air line o Other (explain) h. Was the """11 water level rreasured in """lls with equivalent screened intervals at an equivalent depth be10'1 the saturated zone? i. Has the cwner/operator provided a site water table (p:::>t.entiorretric) contoor rrap? If yes, o CO the potentioretric contoors appear logical and accurate based on tcp:;igraphy and presented data? (consult water level data) o Are gra.md-water flow-lines indicated? o Are static water levels shewn? o Can hydraulic gradients be esti.nated? J. Did the =er/operator develcp hydrologic cross sections of the vertical flew corrp::inent across the site using rreasurarents fron all wells? k. CO the o..ner/cperator's flew nets include: o pie:z:orreter locations? o depth of screening? o width of screening? 0 rreasurerrents of water levels from all wells and piezorreters? 2. seasonal and tenp:iral fluctuations in grcund-water leVO!l a. Do fluctuaticns in static water levels oc=r? o If yes, are the fluctuations caused by any of the follcwing: --Off-site well purping --Tidal processes or other intermittent natural variations (e.g., river stage, etc.) --On-site ...... 11 punping --Off-site, on-site construction or manging land use patterns --Deep well injection --Seasonal variat.i.ons --other (specify) -30- i i (Y/N) -r-f I ' l (Y/N) -1- j ' ' ti. ; (Y/N) _;i..,f!'r/ (Y/N) + (Y/N) + (Y/N) (Y/N) K (Y/N) ;:/;;t (Y/N) ii/ (Y/N) ·-;;r (Y/N) -I- (Y/N) +- (Y/N) '? -·- (Y/N) 1 (Y/N) AT (Y/N) .LJL_ (Y/N) K (Y/N) + • • 9950.2 c. Are the pr=edures .....,,11 defined? ct. D:>es the approach provide for nnnitoring wells similar in design and construction as the detection rronitoring wells? e. D:>es the approach errploy taking sarrples during drill- ing or c-ollecting c-ore san-ples for fur1:her analysis? 8. Are the indirect rrethods to be used based on reliable and accepted gecphysical tedlniques? a. Are they capable of detecting subsurface changes resulting fran contaminant migration at the site? b. Is the rreasurerrent at an apprcpriate level of sensitivity to detect gro.md-water quality changes at the site? ,1. Is the rrethod apprcpriate considering the nature of the subsurface rrn.terials? e. D::Jes the approach =risider the limitations Of these rrethods? f. Will the extent of contamination and constituent concentration be based on direct rrethods and so.md engineering judgrrent? (Using indirect rrethc:Xls to fui;"ther substantiate the findings) 9. D::Jes the assessn-ent approach incorporate any rrathe- rrn.tical rrodeling to predict contaminant rroverrent? a. Will site specific rreasurerents be utilized to accurately portray the subsurface? b. Will the derived data be reliable? c. Have the assunptions been identified? ct. Have the physical and cherni.cal prcperties of the site-specific wastes and hazardo.Js waste constituents been identified? J. Conclusions 1. Subsurface geology a. Has sufficient data been c-ollected to adequately define petrography and petrographic variation? b. Has the subsurface geocherni.stJ:y been adequately defined? c. W:ls the boring/coring program adequate to define subsurface geologic variation? d. W:ls the a..rner/operator's narrative descdption conplete and accurate in its interpretation of the data? e. D:>es the geologic assessrrent address or provide rreans to resolve any infonm.tion gaps? -37- (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) l- +-? /ii._, + -'/- '3. • • 9950.2 4. If glass bottles are used for rretals sanples are the caps fluorooarb:Jnresin-1ined? 5. Are the sarrple containers for rretal analyses cleaned using these sequential steps? a. Nonphosphate detergent wash? lJ. l: 1 nitric 'l.cid cinse? c. Tap water cinse? d. 1:1 hydrochlocic acid cinse? e. Tap watec cinse? f. Distilled/deionized watec rinse? 6. Are the sarrple containers for organic analyses cleaned using these sequential steps? a. Nonphosphate <ietergent/hot water wash? b. Tap watec rinse? c. Distilled/deionized water rinse? a. ~cetone rinse? e. Pesticide-grade hexane rinse? 7. Are trip blanks used for each sarrple container type to "3rify cleanliness? Sanple preservation procedures: 1. Are sarrples for the follcwing analyses coole<l to 4°C: " . TO::? b. TOX? c. Chloride? d. Phenols? e. Sulfate? f. Nitrate? g. Coliform bacteria? h. Cyanide? i. Oil and grease? j. Hazardo..!s constituents (§261, Appendix VIII)? 2. Are sanples for the follcwing analyses field acidified pH <2 with flNOJ: a. Iron? b. M'lllganese? c. Sodium? a. Total rretals? e. Dissolved rreta1s7 f. Fluoride? g. Endrin? h. Lindane? L 11athoxychlor7 j. Toxaphene? -43- to (Y/N) -I (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N") (Y/N) (Y/N") (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) 7 -'--- .z:!... jl/ ! -f,; ...'.f.:. t_ &'.._ ± i t ...,IL 7- k. 2,4~0? • 1. 2,4,5, TP silvex? rn. Radium? n. Gross alpha? o. Gross beta? 3. Are samples for the follCMi.ng analyses field acidified to pH <2 with HzS04: a. Phenols? b. Oil and grease? 4. Is the sanple for Tex:: analyses field acidified to pH <2 with HC17 5. Is the sarrple for TOX analysis preserved with l rn1 of 1.1 M scx:liurn sulfite? 6. Is the sanple for cyanide analysis preserved with NaDH to pH >12? C. Special handling considerations: 1. Are orgmic sarrples handled withcut filtering? 2. Are sanples for volatile organics transferred to the apprcpriate vials to eliminate headspace over the sanple? 3. Are sarrples for rretal analysis split into ti>.<:> r:ortions? 4. Is the sarrple for dissolved rretals filtered thrcugh a Q.45 micron filter? 5. Is the second portion not filtered and analyzed for total rretals? 6. Is one equipTent blank prepared earn day of grcund""""""'-ter sampling? v. Review of Chain-of-Custody Prodecures A. Sample labels L Are sarrple labels used? 2. D:> they provide the follCMi.ng inforuation: a. Sanple identification number? b. Narre of collector? c. D1;1te and t:Ure of collection? d. Place of collect.ion? e. Pararreter(s) re::ruested and preservatives used? -44- (Y/N) i (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) fo/ (Y/N) 4 (Y/N) LL_ (Y/N) ~ (Y/N) -4/! (Y/N) +- (Y/N) +-- (Y/N) Jj.- (Y/N) + (Y/N) _j!_ (Y/N) -+ (Y/N) :L1'.._ (Y/N) (Y/N) ~ (Y/N) .J,L_ (Y/N) .J,L (Y/N) -h (Y/N) ~ 3. co they ..,in legible even if wet? • B. Sample seals: 1. Are sarrple seals placed on those containers ensure the samples are not altered? to C. Fiel<i logtxid<: l. Is a field logt:x:d: rraintained? 2. i:oes it docurrent the folloong: a. Purpose of sanpling (e.g., detection or assessrrent)? h. Location of well(s)? c. Total depth of each ;..ell? ct. Static water level depth and rreasurerent technique? e. Presence of iimiiscible layers and detection rrethod7 f. Collection rrethod for inmi.scible layers and sample identification numbers? g. Well evacuation procedures? h. Sa!Tple withdrawal procedure? i. Date and time of collection? j. Well sarrpling sequence? k. Types of sa!{lf>le containers and sariple identification number(s)? 1. Preservative(s) used? m. Pararreters nquested? n. Field analysis data and rrethod(s)? o. Sample distrib.ltion and transporter? p. Field observations? o Unusual ;..ell recharge rates? o Equipmant rralfunction(s)? o Possible sanple contamination? o Sarrpling rate? D. a.ain-of-<:llstody record: 1. Is a main-of-custody record included with each sample? 2 . Does it d0011Tent the follO#ing: a. Sarrple number? b. Signature of collectar? c. Date and tinE of collection? d. Sanl?le type? e. station locaticn? f. Nunber of containers? g. Pararreters requested? h. Signatures of persons invol~ in the chain-of-possession? i. Inclusive dates of possession? -45- (Y/N) !___ (Y/N) .LJL (Y/N) f- (Y/N) i (Y/N) (Y/N) -;ll (Y/N) -¥- (Y/N) ' k ( Y/N) __LL:'. (Y/N) -jL- (Y/N) =t (Y/N) I (Y/N) \ -r- (Y/N) 11,1 (Y/N) -LL'.__ (Y/N) 11! (Y/N) \! ( y IN ) ..:.'.lL_ (Y/N) ---1.l. (Y/N) I ___;:,L (Y/N) \ (Y/N) -, \ (Y/N) -.+- (Y/N) + (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) ....}'.- (Y/N) -f • • E. Sarrple analysis re:ruest sheet' 1. D::>es a sarrple analysis re:ruest sheet acconpany earn sa;ple? 2. D::Jes the re:ruest sheet doCl.l!'lmt the following: a. NaJre of person receiving the sarrple? b. r:e.te of sarrple receipt? c. Lal::or:atory sarrple l1ll!Tber (if different than field nurrber)? d. Analyses to be perforrred? VI. Review of 0.lality Assurance/Q.lality Control A. Is the validity and reliability of the lal::oratory and field generated data ensured l:1f a QA/OC program? B. J:Des the QA/OC program include' 1. Cocurrentation of any deviations from approved procedures? 2. cocurrentation of analytical results for' a. Blanks? b. Standards? c. Duplicates? d. Spiked sanples? e. Detectable limits for each parameter being analyzed? C. Are approved statistical rrethods used? D. Are OC sanples used to correct. data? E. l'J:e all data critically examined to ensure it has beenprcperly calculated and reported? VI I. Surficial Well Inspect.ion and Field Cbservation A. Are the ,,..,lls adequately milntained? B. Are the monitoring wells protected and secure? C. to the ,,..,11s have surveyed casing elevations? D. Are the grrund-water sarrples turbid? E. Have all physical diaract.eristics of the site been noted in the inspect.or's field notes (i.e., surface waters, topography, surface features)? -46- (Y/N) .IL (Y/N) 1& (Y/N) _ (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) <;_ (Y/N) -1- (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) JJ-- (Y/N) &j!J (Y/N) (Y/N) + {Y/N) -f- (Y/N) + (Y/N) ---¥- (Y/N)~ (Y/N) 1- VIII. • • F. Has a site sketch been prepared by the field inspector with a scale, north arrcw, location(s) of b.!ildings, location(s) of regulated units, location of monitoring ""'lls, and a rough depiction of the site drainage pattern? Cbnclusicns A. Is the facility currently operating under the correct rronitoring program according to the statistical analyses perforrred by the current cperator? Fl. toes the ground-water oonitoring system, as designed and operated, allcw for detection or assessment of any possible ground-water contamination caused by the facility? C. D::>es the sanpling and analysis procedures penn:i t the Ol'.ner/operator to detect and, ....+iere possible, assess the nature and extent of a release of hazardo.ts constituents to ground ""'ter from the monitored hazardous waste rranagement facility? -47- (Y/N) .!i_ (Y/N) ~ (Y/N) LJl (Y/N) f- FIGURE 4.3 REL.ATl~HIP OF TECHNICAL INADEQU411i!ES TO GROUND-WATER W PERFORMANCE STAr-9RDS Examples of Basic Elements Required by Performance Standards 1. Uppermost Aquifer must be correctly identified 2. Ground-water flow directions and rates must be properly determined Examples of Technical Inadequacies that may Constitute Vlolatfons • failure to consider aquifers hydraulically interconnected to the uppermost aquif11r • incorrect identification of certain formations as confining layers or aquitard11 • failure to use test drilling and/or $Oil borings to characterize sub- surface hydrogeology • failure to use piazometers or walls to determine ground·water flow rates and directions (or failure to use a sufficient number of them) • failure to consider temporal varia- tions in water levels when establishing flow directions (e.g .. seasonal variations, short·t11rm fluctuations due to pumping) • failure to asHss significance of vertical gradients wh•in evaluating now rates and directions. • failure to use standard/consistent benehmarks when establishing water level elevations • failure Of the 0/0 to consider the effeet of loeat withdrawal .walls on ground·water flow direction • failure of the 0/0 to obtain suffi- cient water level measurements 4-9 Regulatory Citations §265.90(a) §265.91(a)(1) (a)(2) §270.14(c)(2) §265.90(a) §265.91(a)(1) (a)(2) §270.14(<:)(2) §265.90(a) §265.91 (a)(1) (a)(2) §270.14(c)(2) §265.90(a) §265.91(a)(1) (a)(2) §270.14(c)(2) §290.90(a) §295.91(a)(1) (a)(2) §270.14(c)(2) §265.90(a) §295.91 (a)(1) (a)(2) §270.14(c)(2) §265.90(a) §265.91(a)(1) (a)(2) §270.14(c)(2) §265.90(a) §265.91(a)(1) §265.90(a) §265.91(a)(1) Examples of ea;t Examples of Teclcal Elements Require by Performance Inadequacies that may Regulatory Standards Constitute Violations Citations 3. Background wells must • failure of the 0/0 to consider the §265.90(a) be located so as to yield effect of local withdrawal wulls on §265.91(a)(1) samples that are not affected by the facility ground-water flow direction • failuru of thu 0/0 to obtain suffi-§265.90(a) ciunt watur level measurements §265.91(a)(1) • failure of the 010 to consider flow §265.90(a) path of dense immiscibles in §265.91 (a)(l) establishing upgradient well locations • failure of the 0/0 to consider §265.90(a) ~easonal fluctuations in ground· §265.91(a)(1) water flow direction • failure to ins1atl wells hydraulically §265.90(a) upgradient, e~cept in cases where §265.91(a)(1) upgradient water quality is atte<..ied by the facility (e.g .. m1;ration of dense immiscibles in the upgradient direction, mound- ing of watsr beneath the facility) • failure of the 010 to adequately §265.90(a) characterize subsurtace §265.91(a)(1) hydrogeology • wells intersect only ground water §265.90(a) that flows around facility §265.91(a)(1) 4. Background wells must • wells constructed of materials that §265.90(a) be constructed so as to may release or sorb constituents §265.91 (a) yield samples that are of concern representative of in-situ §265.90(a) ground-water quality • wells improperly sealed---<:on-§265.91(a) tam1natlon of sample is a concern §265.91 (c) • nested or mulitple screen wells §265.90(a) are used and it cannot be §265.91(a)(1) demonstrated that there has been §265.91(a)(2) no movement of ground water between strata • improper drilling methods were §265.90(a) used, po$Sibly contaminating the §265.91(a) formation • well intake packed with materials §265 90(a) that may contaminate sample §265.91(al §265.91(C) 4-lO • Examples of Basic Elements Required by Performance Standards 7. Samples from background and down- gradient wells must be properly collected and analyzed • Examples of Technical Inadequacies that may Constitute Vlolatlons 99$0.2 • failure to evacuate stagnant water from the well before sampling • failure to sample wells within a reasonable amount of time after well evacuation • improper decisions regarding filtering or non-filtering of samples prior to analy.;is (e.g .. use of filtra· tion on samples to be analyzed for volatile organiC3) • use of an inappropriate sampling device • use of improper sample preserv• tion tecMiques • samples collected with a device that is eon structed of materials that interiere with sample integrity • samples collected with a non- dedicated sampling device that is not cleaned between sampling events • improper use of a sampling device such that sample quaJity is affected (e.g .. degassing of sam- ple caused by agitation of bailer) 4-12 Regulatory Citations §265.90(a) §265.92(a) §265.93(d)(4) §270. 14(c)(4) §265.90(a) §265.92(a) §265.93(d)(4) §270.14(c)(4) §265.90(a) §265.92(a) §265.93(d)(4) §270. 14(c)(4) §265.90(a) §265.92(a) §265.93(d)(4) §270. 14(c)(4) §265.90(a) §265.92(a) §265.93(d)(4) §270. 14(c)(4) §265. 90(a) §2ss.s2(a) §265.93(d)(4) §270. 14(c)(4) §265.90(a) §265.92(a) §265.93(d)(4) §270.14(c)(4) §265.90(a) §265.92(a) §265.93(d)(4) §270.14(c)(4) FIGURE 4.3 (continued) • Examples of Basic Elements Required by Performance Standards Samples from background and downgradient wells must be properly collected and analyzed (continued) · • Examples of Technical Inadequacies that may Constitute Violations • improper handling of samples (e.g., failure to eliminate headspace from containers of samples to be anaty:tttd for volatiles) ' • failure of the sampling plan to establish procedures for sampling immiscibles (Le., "ftoaters" and "sinkers") • failur8 to follow appropriate QAJQC procedures • failure to ensure sample integrity through the use of proper chain- of-eustody procttdures • failure to demonstrate suitability of methods used for sample analysis (other than thOse specified in SW-84e) • failure to perlorm analysis in the field on unstable parameters or constituents (e.g., pH, Eh. specific conductance. alkalinity, diS$Olved oxygen) • use of sample containers that may interlere with sample quality (e.g .• synthetic containers used with volatile samples) • failure to make proper use of sample blanks . 4-13 Regulatory Citations §265.90(a) §265.92(a) §265 93( d)( 4) §270. 14(c)(4) §265.90(a) §265.92(a) §265.93(d)(4) §270.14(c)(4) §265.90(a) §265.92(a) §265.93(d)(4) §270.14(c)(4) §265.90(a) §265.92(a) §265. 93( d)( 4) §270.14(c)(4) §265 90(a) §265.92(a) §265.93(d)(4) §270.14(c)(4) §265.90(a) §265.92(a) §265.93(d)(4) §270.14(c)(4) §265.90(a) §265.92(a) §265' 93( d)( 4) §270.14(c)(4) §265.90(a) §265.92(a) §265. 93( d)( 4) §270. 14(c)(4) • • -----99S 0 .0 -l] I, ij Examples of Basic I Elements Required Examples of Technlcat by Performance Inadequacies that may Regulatory Standards Constitute Violations Citations 8. In Part 265 assessment • failure of the O/O's list of sam-§265.93(d)(4) monitoring the 010 must piing parameters to include cer· sample for the correct tain wastes that are listed in substances §261 .24 or §261 .33, unless ade- quate justification is provided • failure of the O/O's list of sam-§265.93(d)(4) piing parameters to include Appendix VII constituents of all wastes listed under §§261 .31 and 261 .32. unless adequate justifica- lion is provided 9. In defining the Appendix • failure of the O/O's list of sam-§270.14{c)(4) VIII makeup of a plume the piing paramet6rs to include all 010 must sample for the Appendix VIII constituent~. unless correct substances adequate 1ustificat1on is provided 10. In Part 265 assessment • failure of sampling effort to iden-§265.93(d)(4) monitoring and in defining tify areas outside the plume §270. 14{C)(4) the Appendix VIII makeup of a plume the 0/0 must use • number of wells was insufficient §26S.93(d)(4) appropriate sampling to determine vertical and hQrizon-§270. 14\C)(4) methodologies tal gradients in contaminant concentrations • total reliance on indirect methods §265.93(d)(4) to charactenze plume (e.g., alee-§270.14{c)(4) trical resistivity, bort!hole geophysics) 11 . Part B applicants who • failure of 0/0 to implement a §270.14{C)(4) have either detected con-monitoring program that is tamination or failed to imple-capable of d&tecting the existence ment an adequate part 265 of any plume that might emanate GWM program must deter· mine with confidence from the facility whether a plume exists and • failure of 0/0 to sample both §270.14{C)(4) must characterize any upgradient and downgradient plume wells for all Appendix VIII constituents See also items #1, #2 4-14 r N.C. D~partm~nt of Environment, Health~ & Natural &sources Solid Waste Ma,nagernent Division .PLE ANALYSIS REQUEST • State Laboratory of Public }lcallh P.O. Box 28047, 306 N. Wilmington Street ~leigh, North Carolina 276Il Site ~umber 11/C/)O '/-6/lfgStfO ' Name of Site Cwc/Yal <~ /nc, Field Sample Number _ _,_/__,_/_tf-'--""[,_3~--------­ Sitc Location CL {o.1fp <' Collected By c;; la.s:e r 10# I <; Date Collected 1z/c,-/c;o Time l/,_3~ I /Hazardous Waste Agency: Solid Waste __ Super fund TCLP Compounds --·~·~••H•H·~-·~~~--~----~~OHO,H,O•--·-•••-•" ............... Sample Type Inorganic Compounds Results(mg/I) Environmental {;oncentrate Comments weft,U Arsenic _L Ground water (1) _Solid (5) --Barium --Cadmium Liquid (6) s; I e,Qt 12/:J--S.9-. t:; --Chrnmium __ Surface water (2) • --Lead --_Soil (3) _Sludge (7) C&.:i ' ]22-Mercury ~ --Selenium Other (8) Ll/:'X --_Other (4) Silver -- ----Organic Chemistry _ __!_~org~~.~~~hemistry --. ,,,,,,,,,, ....... ~.·--------~·~··· .. ···~··-~~-------~···· ...... ~-· -·····-·~---- Parameter Results(mg/l) Parameter Results(mg/I) Organic Compounds Results(mg/1) / P&T:GC/MS Arsenic benzene ----_L Aeid:B/N Ext. Barium carbon tetrachloride ----MTBE Cadmium chlordane ------Chloride chlorobenzenc ------Chromium chloroform ------ --__ Copper --o-cresol Fluoride m-cresol --Iron p-cresol --Radiochemistry Lead __ 1,4-dichlorobenzenc --.,, ........ -.•. , .. ~~----~~-····-~··~··----~~·-·-~~---~~ __ Manganese __ 1,2-dichlorocthane Parameter Results (PCi/I) __ Mercury --1,1-dichlorocthylcne Nitrate 2,4-dinilrotoluene ----Gross Alpha Selenium hexachlorobenzenc ---------Gross Beta Silver --hexachloro-1,3---Sulfates butadiene ----Zinc hexachlorocthane ~pH = methyl ethyl ketone Microbiology __ Conductivity nitrobenzene ··-~-·--~~ TDS = pentachlorophcnol --Parameter Results TOC __ tetrachloroethylene --(Colonies/100ml) --__ trichloroethylene MF __ 2,4,5-trichlorophenol ----MPN __ 2,4,6-trichlorophenol --------__ vinyl chloride cndrin ------lindanc Date Received / J. -1-90 JJ]) = mcthoxychlor Reported by __ toxaphenc JN _ 2,4-0 Date Extracted i"-)l<l )90 :;ff'\ ] [) Date Reported 2,4,5-TP (silvcx) /JJl'A r f"r --Date Analyzed/·.J·'J/ 1-1..<i I Lab Number 9075:}9 ·eia --C:PD89E ·.,,,,.,r Purpose: Enforcement and.pliance with the N.C. Solid and Hazardo~ste Management Rules. Preparation: A sample analyses request form must be completed for each type of evaluation requested ( e.g,, inorganic, organic, microbiology, radiochemistry). For sampling conditions which require more than one (1) conrainer (i.e., ground or surface water) a sample label must be affixed to one of the containers. The collector must then write the site and sample number on the duplicate container. Do not submit an analysis request form without any parameters indicated. Equivalent measurements: ppm -µg/rnl -mg/I -µg/g ~ mg/kg ppb ~ µg/l -µg/lOOOg -µg/kg DEFINITIONS/INSTRUCTIONS Site Number· A unique twelve-digit site/location identifier (i.e., the EPA identification number). Field Sample Number • A unique six-digit sample identifier which is pre-printed on the sample label. Name of Site -Name of facility, landfill, etc. Site Location -City and county. Collected By -Name and staff identification number of collector. Date and Time Collected -Self-explanatory. Environmental - A sample of a naturally occurring substance such as ground water, surface water, or soils which may be contaminated. Concentrate - A sample of a waste, including but not limited to, sludges, resins, treatment effluents, or drummed wastes. Comments Lists details regarding sample or sample point (e.g., sample location, well number, phase separation, and/or odors. Inorganic Chemistry -Check ( ./ ) the desired parameters to be analyzed. If not listed, enter the element/compound in the space provided. Organic Chemistry -Check ( ./ ) the desired parameters to be analyzed. If not listed, enter the element/compound in the space provided. TCLP Compounds • Check ( ./ ) the desired parameters 'to be analyzed. If not listed, enter the element/ compound in the space provided. TCLP can only be performed on solid or semi- solid samples. For totals of the inorganic parameters, check ( ./ ) the corresponding parameter under Inorganic Chemistry. Microbiology and Radiochemistry -Contact the Raleigh office prior to sampling either of these. Distribution: 1. Send or deliver the original to the State Laboratory of Public Health. Disposition: 2. The Lab then sends a copy (with results) to the Solid. Waste Management Division. 3. The Solid Waste Management Division sends a copy to the field person or collector. This form may be destroyed in accordance with the Environmental Health, Solid and Hazardous Waste Section of the Records Disposition Schedule as published by the North Carolina Division of Archives and History Additional forms may be ordered from: Solid Waste Management Division Hazardous Waste Section P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 CrD8913 ' .. N.C. ricp1:1rtment of Environment, I lcalth, & Natural R.esoul'(i::S Solid Waste M~nagcmcnt Division e1PLE ANALYSIS REQUEST • St~le Laboratory of Public-Health P.O. 13ox 28047, 306 N. Wilmington Street n.aleigti., North Ca1"0li1\a 27611 . Sile Number g/(;,{)Q 'f 6/ l/8/,-tf.Q Field Sample Number_L.C/ )'--l,_.f&"--.lL/ _________ _ • Name of Site ( -t<> rjydl./ ~asrifY11t / nc Site Location (> JV!!)) ~ 11£ _, .......... .a ' - Collcclcd By c::; la.-5£ c:'. ID# I "'<, Date Collected J?..l<)qn Time lj_:1n ( Agency: /Hazardous Waslc Solid Waste --__ Supcrfund TCLP Compounds ~·-·-·····-•~M•.~M•••••~.M~···~-~------~-... ~ .. ,, ................... Sample Type Inorganic Compounds Rcsults(mg/I) Environmental Concentrate Comments uceJ>t, /2. Arsenic L Ground water (1) -- Solid (5) Barium --Cadmium __ Surface water (2) Liquid (6) ££lf[J [lt;t; --Chromium --Lead Soil (3) Sludge (7) ~ 11{. r---Mercury i --Selenium _Other (4) C..wi.c: 4()_J() --Silver _Other (8) ------.................. 9..~~~~i~_(;!'~~i-~!2 .......... ,_, ____ !~~rg_!~-~~---~.!_iemistry _____ ~---- Parameter Results(mg/l) Parameter Results(mg/l) Organic Compounds Rcsults(mg/1) / l'&T:GC/MS Arsenic benzene ----__L Acid:B/N Ext. Barium carbon tetrachloride ----MTBE Cadmium chlordane ------Chloride chlorobenzene ------Chromium chloroform --------__ Copper o-cresol --Fluoride m·crcsol ----Iron __ p·cresol --Radiochemistry Lead 1,4-dichlorobenzcnc ----••''"'""''"'M,UO•M··-~~~.·~----~----·~---__ Manganese 1,2-dichloroethane --Para1neter Results (PCi/l) __ Mercury --1,1-dichlorocthylcne Nitrate 2,4-dinitrotolucnc ----__ Gross Alpha Selenium hexachloroben1.cnc ----Gross Beta Silver hexachloro-1,3-------Sulfates butadiene ---- Zinc hexachloroethane --= methyl ethyl ketone pH Microbiology Conductivity nitrobcnzene ... ~-·~ TDS --pentachlorophcnol --Purarncter Results 'rOC __ tctrachloroethylcne --(Colonies/lOOml) --__ trichloroethylene MF __ 2,4,5-trichlorophcnol ----MPN __ 2,4,6-trichlorophenol --------__ vinyl chloride cndrin ------lindanc l~-7-iQ BD = mcthoxychlor Date Received Reported by __ loxaphene Dale Exlrnctcd )~~ \']_o ~Fill 2,4·0 Date Reported --2,4,5-TP (silwx) Bv r /'I 907540 --Date Analyzcd/-3-'11 J-7-'1 £ Lab Number C:PD!-i9E iW--,.wr -- rur11osc: Preparation: Enforcement and .1pliancc with the N.C. Solid and l·lazardowi"lc Management Rules. . ·· A sample analyses request form must be completed for each type of evaluation requested (e.g., inorganic, organic, microbiology, radiochemistry). For sampling conditions which require more than one (1) co'!taincr (i.e., ground or surface water) a sample label must be affixed to one of the containers. The collector must then write the site and sample number on the duplicate container. Do not submit an analysis request form without any parameters indicated. Equivalent measurements: ppm -µg/ml -mg/I -µg/g -mg/kg ppb -µg/l -µg/lOOOg -µg/kg DEFINITIONS/INSTRUCTIONS Site Number - A unique twelve-digit site/location identifier (i.e., the EPA identification number). Field Sample Number -A unique six-digit sample identifier which is pre-printed on the sample label. Name of Site -Name of facility, landfill, etc. Site Location -City and county. Collected By -Name and staff identification number of collector. Date and Time Collected -Self-explanatory. Environmental -A sample of a naturally occurring substance such as ground water, surface water, or soils which may be contaminated. Concentrate - A sample of a waste, including but not limited to, sludges, resins, treatment effluents, or drummed wastes. Comments Lists details regarding sample or sample point (e.g., sample location, well number, phase separation, and/or odors. Inorganic Chemistry -Check ( ./ ) the desired parameters lo be analyzed. If not listed, enter the clement/compound in the space provided. Organic Chemistry -Check ( ./ ) the desired parameters to be analyzed. If not listed, enter the clement/compound in the space provided. TCLP Compounds -Check ( ./ ) the desired parameters to be analyted. If not listed, enter the element/compound in the space provided. TCLP can only be performed on solid or semi- solid samples. For totals of the inorganic parameters, check ( ./ ) the corresponding parameter under lnorg.,nic Chemistry. Microbiology and Radiochemistry -Contact the Raleigh office prior to sampling either of these. Distribution: 1. Send or deliver the original to the State Laborntory of Public Health. Disposition: 2. The Lab then sends a copy (with results) to the Solid Waste Management Division. 3. The Solid Waste Management Division sends a copy to the field person or collector. This form may be destroyed in accordance with the Environmental Health, Solid and Hazardous Waste Section of the Records Disposition Schedule as published by the North Carolina Division of Archives and History Additional forms may he ordered from: Solid Waste Management Division Hazardous Waste Seel ion P.O. Box 27687 c:rD8'Jl! Raleigh, NC 276n ,; } ' ' . "·, : '· . ~. •. N.C. Dcparln1.cnt of Environment, 1 lcalth, & N~tufal Resources Solid Waste M~na.,brement Division • PLE ANALYSIS REQUEST • Stute l.abon1.tory of Public Health P.O. llo.x 2$0471 306 N. Wil1nington. Street H.aleigh, North C"'rolina 2761 l Site Number fl/(,DO i/-6/1/&_5"/-/Q Field Sample Number_-1--/_,_/_J1/-'-'b"',_,_?: _________ _ • N"mc of Site {'_,,,,,t/f-¥( h°f"'ffr Irie -Site Location CJvc)) {t.stf.p ,, Collected By c::; I a-s:e ,.., ID# 13 Date Collected I 7 /,,/qr; Time L'i.l-) Agency: J Hazardous Waste Solid Waste __ Supcrfund TCLP Compounds .,.,m,_,.,.,~ • .,~,~~·•-•""~"~'"'"""'~~~•·•·•·-~·~·••"--•·---.,., .. , ... , ... Sample Type Inorganic Compounds Rcsults(mg/I) Environmental Concentrate Comments HHibCZ Arsenic _L Ground water (1) --Solid (5) Barium -- (idlf./ otf -~~ Cadmium __ Surface water (2) --Liquid (6) Chromiun1 --t~. Lead Soil (3) Sludge (7) --Mercury -- ~ L~5' Selenium _Other (4) --_Other (8) Silver ------Organic Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry --·········-·-·-··-···--·------------··-~-"·~-------·-m~•~•m"•-••~-·"-•••H•----••-••"'-"'"'~,.~·•-- Par.amcter Results(mg/I) Parameter Results(mg/I) Organic Compounds Results(mg/I) / P&T:GC/MS Arsenic benzene ----_L Acid:B/N Ext. Barium carbon tetrachloride ---- MTBE Cadmium chlordane ------Chloride chlorobcnzcnc ------Chromium chloroform ------ ----Copper o&cresol --Fluoride mrcrC:iol --Iron ----p-cresol Radiochemistry Lead 1,4-dichlorobenzcne ----....• ·-------~----~-~-~----··~-·--·---· __ Manganese __ 1,2-dichloroelhane Par"u1ctc•· Results (PCi/l) __ Mercury __ 1,1-dichloroelhylcnc Nitrate 214-dinitrotolucnc ----__ Grnss Alpha Selenium hexachlorobcn,cne ----Gross .Bela Silver hexachloro-1,3-------Sulfates butadiene ----Zinc hexachlorocthanc -- --pH __ methyl ethyl ketone Microbiology Conductivity nitrobenzene --·-----TDS __ pcntachlorophcnol --Pararncler Results TOC __ tetrachlorocthylcne --(Colonies/lOOml) --__ trichloroclhylcne MF __ 2,4,5-trichlorophcnol ----MPN 2,4,6-trichlorophcnol ------vinyl chloride ----cndrin ------lindanc LJ -7-90 13.J). --methmychlor D•tC Received Reported by __ toxapheae Date Extrncrnd t:tJ18)2o ~ t\i) _2,4-D Dale Reported __ 2,4,5-TP (silvcx) JSµ. ff 907541 --D;itc Analyzed J-3·91 1-7-'1 I Lah Number --(;:1)1)89E .tMJ .,.,..,- l'urJ>o.se: Preparation: Enforcement and .1pliancc with the N_C. Solid and 11;11.ardou.stc Management Rules_ · ' A sample analyses request form must be completed for each type of evaluation requested (e.g., inorganic, organic, microbiology, radiochemistry). For sampling conditions which require more than one (1) coritaincr (i.e., ground or surface water) a sample label must be affixed to one of the containers. The collector must then write the site and sample number on the duplicate container. Do not submit an analysis request form without any parameters indicated. Equivalent measurements: ppm a µg/ml -mg/l -µg/g -mg/kg ppb -µg/l -µg/1000g -µg/kg DEFINITIONS/INSTRUCTIONS Site Number - A unique twelve-digit site/location identifier (i.e., the EPA identification number). Field Sample Number - A unique six-digit sample identifier which is pre-printed on the sample labeL Name of Site -Name of facility, landfill, etc. Site Location -City and county. Collecled By -Name and staff identilication number of collector. Date and Time Collected -Self-explanatory. Environmental - A sample of a naturally occurring substance such as ground water, surface water, or soils which 111ay be con tam inatcd. Concentrate - A sample o{ a waste, including but not limited to, sludges, resins, treat111ent effluents, or drum111ed wastes. Comments Lists details regarding sample or sample point (e.g., sample location, well number, phase separation, and/or odors. Inorganic Chemistry -Check ( ./ ) the desired paramelcrs lo be analy1.cd. If not listed, enter the clement/compound in the space provided. Organic Chemistry -Check ( ./ ) the desired parameters to be analp.cd. If not listed, enter the clement/compound in the space provided. TCLP Compounds -Check ( ./ ) the desired parameters to be analyted. If not listed, enter the element/compound in the space provided. TCLP can only be performed on solid or semi- solid sani pies. For totals of the inorganic parameters, check ( ./ ) the corresponding parameter under Inorganic Chemistry. Microbiology and Radiochemistry -Contact the Raleigh office prior lo sampling either of these. Distribution: 1. Send or deliver the original to the Stale Laboratory of Public Health. Disposition: 2. The Lab then sends a copy (with results) to the Solid Waste Management Division. 3. The Solid Waste Management Division sends a copy to the field person or collector. This form may be destroyed in accordance with the Environmental Health, Solid and Hazardous Waste Section of the Records Disposition Schedule as published by the North Carolina Division of Archives and History AJ<litional forms may be ordered from: Solid Waste Management Division Ha7.ar<lous Wa~tc Section P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 276U (:;l'l)R?E N.C. Dcpartn1cnt of Environment, I lea.Ith, & Natural Resources Solid. Waste Ma.nagement Division .PLE ANALYSIS REQUEST • State l.aboratory of Public Health P.O. Box 28047, 306 N. Wilmington Street Raleigh, North (~rolina 27611 Sile Number /i/C0<!2tf(,/tf 85'/.fO Field Sample Number_--'/"'"/_.4'-"'?c..'f~-------­ Name of Site C ,o,,/lta/ ~ JM.fl Sitc Location (/ .b AA fJ ~.p _, ' Collected By (:; La <;'.,.-€A__,, ID# 1.2 Date Collected Z 7 /t / "'(') Time l;? LtO Agency: ./ Hazardous Waste Solid Waste __ Super fund TCLP Compounds ---·----~····~··"'~"'·····~···--···-----~ ...... ~·····~···· ··--··-··· Sample Type Inorganic Compounds Results(mg/1) Environmental Concentrate Comments _Solid(S) ~~~ Arsenic Ground water (1) --Barium --Cadmium Surface water (2) _Liquid (6) ri 5 b -- --Chromium _L_ Sludge (7) ~or/!£ l..ead --Soil (3) --Mercury --Selenium --Other (4) _Other (8) Silver ------Organic Chemistry -~.!.~~~~~nic ~he~istry ____ ~-... --"""""'"''''''''''"'·····-··--·--·~~ .. -·~M .. ~~··----·-·-······.,•·M•~·· Parameter Rcsults(mg/l) Paramete< Results(mg/l) Organic Compounds Results(mg/1) P&T:GC/MS Arsenic -j-benzene u ----Acid:B/N Ext Barium carbon tetrachloride VI ---~ 7 MTBE Cadmium chlordane ----7 chlorobcni.cne ,, Chloride ----Chromium ...L_ chloroform ----u. --__ Copper ___u'.'.' o-crcsol Fluoride -LLm-cresol --Iron ...JL' p·cresol --Radiochemistry Lead L l,+.dichlorobcnzcne "1 --"""""''"'"'"''""M~~·---~·--••M•--·-~·-~-~~~ __ Manganese _L 1,2-dichloroethanc g_ Parameter Results (PCi/l) Mercury /i,1-dichlorocthylcnc //f --Nitrate _L 2,4-dinitrotolucnc --__ Gross Alpha Selenium ~exachlorobenicne Gross Beta --Silver __z hexachloro-1,3-----Sulfates butadiene ----Zinc _,,L_ hexachloroethane --_pH 7 methyl ethyl ketone ,. Microbiology --Conductivity nitrobenzene .·.w~~~,.........______.~ TDS ...L pentachlorophcnol --Parameter Results TOC ...JL. tetrachlorocthylene (), OV(p --0.01-=l (Colonles/lOOml) --_iL trichloroethylcne MF _0,4,5-trichlorophenol ----MPN ___iL'.2,4,6-trichlorophenol ---- -----"'.'.'._ vinyl chloride u ----~cndrin lindane [!i,-7-9,_0 Btl ...+'.: methoxychlor Dale Received Reported by ...;.!_. toxaphenc Dale Extracted L-;),-9 J f3{)_. __;_!__ 2,4·D Date Reported -IL.. 2,4,5-TP (silvcx) /JP.+ ff 907543 Dale Analy1cd/-'/-'1/ 1-q-'j_ I Lab Number --N~i_ {)_,,£. f-eci~ 4 _!:J_ ~ CJ'Il89E Ml 71MF Purpose: Enforcement and .pliance with the N.C. Solid and Hazardou.ste Management Rules. Preparation: A sample analyses request form must be completed for each type of evaluation requested (e.g,, inorganic, organic, microbiology, radiochemistry). For sampling conditions which require more than one (1) container (i.e., ground or surface water) a sample label must be affixed to one of the containers. The collector must then write the site and sample number on the duplicate container. Do not submit an· analysis request form with.out any parameters indicated. Equivalent measurements: ppm -µg/ml -mg/I • µg/g • mg/kg ppb • µg/l -µg/lOOOg -µg/kg DEFINITIONS/INSTRUCTIONS Site Number • A unique twelve-digit site/location identifier (i.e., the EPA identification 11umber). Field Sample Number • A unique six-digit sample identilier which is pre-printed on the sample label. Name of Site • Name of facility, landfill, etc. Site Location -City and county. Collected By • Name and staff identification number of collector. Date and Time Collected -Self·el<planatory. Environmental - A sample of a naturally occw-ring substance such as ground water, surface water, or soils which may be contaminated. Concentrate - A sample of a waste, including but not limited to, sludges, resins, treatment effluents, or drummed wastes. Comments Lists details regarding sample or sample point (e.g., sample location, well number, phase separation, and/ or odors. Inorganic Chemistry • Check (.I ) the desired parameters to be analyzed. If. not listed, enter the clement/compound in the space provided. Organic Chemistry -Check ( ./ ) the desired parameters to be analy<.ed. If not listed, enter the clement/ compound in the space provided. TCLP Compounds • Check (.I ) the desired parameters to be analyzed. If not listed, enter the element/ compound in the space provided. TCLP can only be performed on solid or semi- solid samplcsc For totals of the inorganic parameters, check (.I ) the corresponding parameter under Inorganic Chemistry. Microbiology and Radiochemistry • Contact the Raleigh office prior to sampling either of these. Distribution: 1. Send or deliver the original to the State Laboratory of Public Health. Disposition: 2. The Lab then sends a copy (with results) to the Solid Waste Management Division. 3. The Solid Waste Management Division sends a copy to the lield person or collector. This form may be destroyed in accordance with the Environmental Health, Solid and Hazardous Waste Section of the Records Disposition Schedule as published by the North Carolina Division of Archives and History Additional forms may be ordered from: Solid Waste Management Division Hazardous Waste Section P.O. Box 27@7 CPD89E Raleigh, Ne 2761J -. · '\ ,· , .. ' .. ' >, N.C. Dcp<.1rtn1i.:rit of Environment, I lca!U1, & Nalutal Resources Solid Waste M,anagemcnt Division .PLE ANALYSIS REQUEST • Stute Laboratory of Public I k<1lth P.O. Box 2$047, 301;\ N. Wilmington Sti·cr.:( Raleigh, Nor~h Carolina 27(il l Site Number ill(~DO lf 6/l/$l$-t/(J Field Sample Number_-+/_,/_/f_,,c,ot,"'-"f?'----------- Sile Location CL/) lf/tp Name of Site ( cjy,,, / ~ o/ifY)cJr ) rir ~---n / I~; 1,;'" /ql'J _; Collected By G la.s£ .-ID# I <; Date Collected Time {22-rJ , Agency: /Hazardous Waste Solid Waste __ Supcrfund TCLP Compounds --.. ''' ...... ' ''.' ~.-... -.,_, _____ -~ ........ ''' ~ .. ·----~ , ... ' ..... ·~······~ ____ .,, ............. , ...•... Sample Type l11organic Con1pounds Results (mg/I) Envirunmental Conc~ntrate Comments w__f.8_ C:, Arsenic L Ground water (1) --~Solid (5) --Barium tli ej)jl,; a H .<.92 Cadmium __ Surface water (2) --Chromium _ Liquid (6) --I Lead Soil (3) C4'a -:;___,CfC( --Mercury ~ Sludge (7) -- Cf&,,,,,""' I '7, lf Selenium Other (4) ~Other (8) --Silver --I -- --___________ ,,,,,,~-~~~~i5_~he~~~!2'.. ________ ,,,,_I~~~~~~~~-.~,!i_emistry ---M&~ .. ~·-~ Parameter Results(rng/I) Parameter Results(rng/IJ Organic Compounds Rcsults(mg/I) i/ P&T:GC/MS Arsenic benzene ----/ Acid:B/N Ext. Barium carbon tetrachloride ----MTBE Cadmium chlordane ------Chloride chlorobenzcne ------Chromium chloroform --------__ Copper --o-cresol Fluoride m-cresol --Iron = p-cresol --Radiochemistry --Lead 1,4-dichlorobenzene •••••••"""'"'''~MMOO••·-~"·~···~·~--~.~~~~-----Manganese = 1,2-dichloroethane --Pur,uuclcr Results (PCi/1) --Mercury __ 1,1-dichlorocthylenc Nitrnle 2,4-dinilrotolucne ---- --Gross Alpha Selenium hexachlorobcn1.cnc ----Gross Beta Silver hexachloro· l,3-------Sulfates butadienc ----Zinc hcxachlorocthano _pH = methyl ethyl ketone Microbiology __ Conductivity --nitrobenzenc ··~-~ TDS __ pcntachlorophcnol -Par,uncter Results TOC __ tctrachloroethylenc --(Colonies/lOOml) --__ trichloroclhylene MF __ 2,4,5-trichlorophenol ----MPN 2,4,6-trichlorophenol ----= vinyl chloride ----cndrin ------lindanc -- ;:;, • 1-9 o BIJ __ methoxychlor Date l~eccivcd Reported by __ toxaphene 2,4-D Date Extracted [Jd'l·ifo A.d ~/i,i,8_/)_ Date Reported --2,4,5-TP (silvcx) BluA pr I Dale AnalyzcJ1·3-'lt i-£!-"11 Lab Number 9075£"14 -- (;:J'll8'JE 8..o 1w-- rurpo~e: Enforcement and .1pliance with the N.C. Solid and Ha1.ardou.stc Monagement Rules. Preparation; A sample analyses request form must be completed for each type of evaluation requested (e.g., inorganic, organic, microbiology, radiochemistry). For sampling conditions which require more than one (1) corUainer (i.e., ground or ·surface wate<) a sample label must be affixed to one of the containers. The collector must then write the s;te and sample number on the duplicate container. Do not submit an analysis request form without any parameters indicated. Equivalent measurements: ppm -µg/ml -mg/l -µg/g -mg/kg ppb -µg/l -µg/lOOOg -µg/kg DEFINITIONS/INSTRUCTIONS Site Number -A unique twelve-digit site/location identifier (i.e., the EPA identification number). Field Sample Number - A unique six-digit sample identifier which is pre-printed on the sample label. Name or Site -Name of facility, landfill, etc. Site L<>calion -City and county. Collecled By -Name and staff identificalion number of collector. Date and Time Collected -Self-explanatory. Environmental · A sample of a naturally occurring substance such as ground water, surface water, or soils which niay be contaminated. Concentrate • A sample of a waste, including but not limited to, sludges, resins, treatment effiucnts,-or drum111cd wastes. Comments Lists details regarding sample or sample point (e.g., sample location, well number, phase separation, and/or odors. Inorganic Chemistry -Check ( ./ ) the desired parameters to be analy1,ed. If not listed, enter the clement/compound in the space provided. Organic Chemistry -Check ( ./ ) the desired parameters to be analyzed. If not listed, enter the clement/compound in the space provided. TCLP Compounds -Check ( ./ ) the desired parameters to be analymd. If not listed, enter the clement/compound in the space provided. TCLP can only be performed on solid or semi· solid samples. For totals. of the inorganic parameters, check ( ./ ) !he corresponding parameter under Inorganic Chemistry. Microbiology and Radiochemistry -Contact the Raleigh office prior to sampling either of these. Distribution: 1. Send or deliver the original lo the State Laboratory of Public Health. Pisposition: 2. The Lab then sends a copy (with results) to the Solid Waste Management Division. 3. The Solid Waste Management Division sends a copy to the field person or collector. This form may be destroyed in accordance with the Environmental Health, Solid and Hazardous Waste Section of the Records Disrosilion Schedule as published by the North Carolina Division of Archives and History Additional for111s may he ordered from: Solid Waste Management Division Hazardous Waste Section P.O. Box 27687 C:POW)E Raleigh, NC 2?611 ',·. N.C. Dcp~rtnicnl of Environment~ l lcallh, & N::.ilutal Rcsourc~s Solid Waste rvJanagement Division ... PLE ANALYSIS REQUES'f • Stale laboratory of P1.1blic-l lca!th P.O. Uox 28047, 306 N. Wilniing,ton Stri.:ct 141ieigh, North (~rolina 27611 Site Number fl/CDO 4611/85'"/i(J Name of Site,{'_,,,,,~/ "'r;:;,ast!f.Yl1r / ftt Field Sample Number_.,_/~/ ~if_.(._ .... ?---------- ' Site Location C }Vf!A ~,'1J1:. _, Collected By (; los£ r ID# I 3 Date Collected 1 '2.~ jq() Tirnc /bs(J ' Agency: /Hazardous Waste _Solid Waslc __ Superfund TCLP Compounds ······~·-··-~···-· .. ···-~---·-"····~--·--~-... ~~------............... Sample Type Inorganic Compounds Resulls(mg/l) ti:nvironmental Concentrate Comments Wfff/R Arsenic ~Ground water (1) _Solid (5) --Barium -- i1JJ,,.l{) ft t;,1q Cadmium __ Surface water (2) _Liquid (6) ----Chromiun1 ) Lead _Soil (3) _Sludge (7) (~t R'f I --Mercury --Selenium _Other (4) _Ocher (8) Jrof 11. ,c; ----Silver ----Organic Chemistry .... , __ !~~~i,:~~•i•~ .. ~~-~-~~tr.r ......... --·· --....... •••••••••noo••~··-~···-······~···~·--·~···••M•M•••••••• __ ,,, ... ~ .. Para1ncler Results(mg/I) Parameter Results(mg/l) Organic Compounds Results(mg/l) / l'&T:GC/MS -Arsenic benzene --_L_ Acid:B/N Ext. Barium carbon tetrachloride ----MTBE Cadmium chlordane ------Chloride chlorobcnzene -----Chromium chloroform --=Copper ----o·cresol --Fluoride m~cres.ol --Iron = p·cresol --Radiochemistry Lead 1,4-dichlorobcnzcne ----..... ---••nM••~-·-~-~••'""---~u.~~~·-·---__ Manganese 1,2-dichlorocthane P~ranaeler Results (PCi/l) __ Mercury = 1,1-dichlorocthylcne --Nitrate __ 2,4-diailrotoluene __ Gross Alpha --Selenium hexachlorobcnzenc Gross Bela Silver = hcxachloro-l,3-----Sulfates butadienc ----Zinc hexachlorocthane --= methyl ethyl ketone _pH Microbiology __ Conductivity --nitrobenze1\e ·····-~·--~-TOS __ pentachlorophenol --Pararnettr Results TOC __ tetrachJoroethylcne --(Colonie8/100rnl) -__ trichloroethylcne MF __ 2,4,5-trichlorophcnol ----MPN 2,4,6-trichlorophenol ----= vinyl chloride ----cndrin ------lindane J:L/ 1 / 'f D ] f) --mcthoxychlor Date Received Reported by __ coxaphene I I _2,4-D Dale Ext ratted /J · N· Cf O M.4JLY.. !~C. Dale Reported _ 2,4,5-TP (<ilwx) &,JA ff ' fl 907545 D"tc Analyzcd/-3..<f/ 1-e.q I Lab Number ----C:l'D89H $£) "fUA;- Purpose: Preparation: Enrorccmcnt and l'pliaucc wi(h the N.C. Solid and lla?.ardousirtc Management Rules. A sample analyses request form must be completed for each type of evaluation requested (e.g., inorganic, organic, microbiology, radiochemistry). For sampling conditions which require more than one' (1) container (i.e., ground or surface water) a sample label must be affixed lo one of the containers. The collector must then write the site and sample number on the duplicate container. Do not submit an analysis request form without any parameters indicated. Equivalent measurements: ppm -µg/ml -mg/I -µg/g -mg/kg ppb -µg/l -µg/lOOOg -µg/kg DEFINITIONS/INSTRUCTIONS Site Number - A unique twelve-digit site/location identifier (i.e., the EPA identification number). •'lcld Sample Number - A unique six-digit sample identifier which is pre-printed on the sample label. Name of Site • Name of facility, landfill, etc. Site Location -City and county. Colleded By -Name and staff identification number of collector. Date and Time Collected -Self-explanatory. Environmental - A sample of a naturally occurring substance such as ground water, surface water, or soils which may be contaminated. Concentrate - A sample of a waste, including but not limited to, sludges, resins, treatment efOucnts, or drummed wastes. Comnitnts Lists details regarding sample or sample point (e.g., sample location, well number, phase separation, and/or odors. Inorganic Chemistry · Check ( ,/ ) the desired parameters to be analy-1.ed. If not listed, enter the clement/compound in the space provided. Ori,~rnic Chemistry -Check ( ,/ ) the desired parameters to be analp.cd. If not listed, enter the clement/compound in the space provided. TCLP Compounds • Check ( ./ ) the desired parameters to be analy-ted. If not listed, enter the element/compound in the space provided. TCLP can only be performed on solid or scmi- mlid samples. For total< of the inorganic parameters, check ( ./ ) the corresponding parameter under Inorganic Chemistry. Microbiology and Radiochemistry -Contact the Raleigh office prior to sampling either of these. Distribution: l. Send or deliver the original to the Stale Laboratory of Public Health. Disposition: 2_ The Lab then sends a copy (with results) to the Solid Waste Management Division. 3. The Solid Waste Management Division sends a copy to the field person or collector. This form may be destroyed in accordance with the Environmental Health, Solid and Hazardous Waste Section of the Records Disposition Schedule as published by the North Carolina Division of Archives and History Additional forms may be ordered from: Solid Waste Management Division Hazardous Waste Section P.O. Box 27637 Raleigh, NC. 27611 .. Cl'DR?E ~ ' . '.· ,. N.C. Ocpi.irt1ncnt of Environment, I lcallh, &. N1.1tural llc!j;OU.rti:.S Solid W~~ti.; ~anagcment Division rPLE ANALYSIS REQUEST • State Laborutory uf Public llcallh P.O. llox 28047, 306 N. Wilmington Stn:ct Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Si;c Number /)/r~DO f 6/1/8/)-lf{? Field Sample Number_-'/-'-/-'f'-------'7__../ _________ _ N·unc ()f Site (:,.,, cfyi]; I "'r:vaifw\<J-/ nc Site Location C i.t!J}) L1>--~!£ ' ,n , "' ColloctcJ By (~ ls:Z-!1£ c ID# I -s Date Collected I 7)7)ql"} Time {2 '{{ If S: Agency: /Hazardous Waste Solid Waste _Supcrfund TCLP Compounds -···-··~·····~~·--·----.. ""~ .... ~---~·-~··~-·---------·-····~··~·········· ....... Sample Type Inorganic Compounds Rcsults(mg/l) Environmental Concentrate Comments vvdi --:; Arsenic _,L Ground water (1) --Barium _Solid (5) (1J)Dpf --Cadmium __ Surface water (2) __ Liquid (6) -~9'3 --Chromium I --Lead Soil (3) _Sludge (7) 6'6ti, llJ.2£: --Mercury cr:<f!f-l~. 0 --Selenium --_Other (4) _Other (8) Silver ------ ---........ ?.']~~~-~~~mi_~!ry _____________ _ ___ ,,_!Il_~~~~~i-~_<;_!_le~ist_ry ___ ..... ____ -- Parameter Results(1ng/l) Parameter Results(mg/l) Organic Compounds Rcsults(mg/l) v' P&T:GC/MS Arsenic benzene ----__L Acid:B/N Ext. Barium carbon tetrachloride ----MTllE Cad1nium chlordane ------Chloride chlorobenzcne ------Chromium chloroform --------Copper o-cresol --Fluoride m·cre~ol --Iron =p·cresol --Radiochemistry __ Lead __ 1,4-dichlorobenzcne ..... ·---··-.. ----~·-.. ·~----·-· -~-~·----__ Manganese __ 1,2-dichlorocthane Para•nt'ter Results (PCi/I) __ Mercury 1, 1-dichlorocthylcnc Nitrate --2,4-dinitrololucnc -----__ Gross Alpha Selenium hcxachlorobenzene --= hexachloro-1,3· --Gross Beta Silver --Sulfates butadicne ---Zinc hexachlorocthane _pH = methyl ethyl ketone Microbiology __ Conductivity nitrobenzene ···~------TDS --pcnlachlorophcnol --p,,r~uneter Results TOC __ tetrachloroethylenc --(Colonies/lOOml) --__ trichlorocthylcne MF _ 2,4,5-trichlorophenol ----MPN 2,4,(Hrichlorophenol ------vinyl chloride ----cndrin ------lindanc 1~-1-qoBQ Pl, Vt! fl' Ji roK•>t 11.. +r=si-f---= melhoxychlor Dale Received Rep rted by __ toxaphene _2,4-D D•t< Extracted flJ.·Lq·'l_(l Al/1J!1<!'!J.(J_ Date Reported __ 2,4,5-TP (silwx) f:J,.J/,/ f'"I 907547 D<dC Analyzed 1-</-'J1 --1-841 !,ab Number --C:PDN9E 13~ ?WT Purpose: Preparation: Enforcement and l'pliancc with the N.C. Solid and Hnardou'i1'lc Management Rules. · .- A sample analyses request form must be completed for each type of evaluation requested (e.g., inorganic, organic, microbiology, radiochemistry). For sampling conditions which require more than one (1) con_taincr (i.e., ground or surface water) a sample label must be affixed to one of the containers. The collector must then write the site and sample number on the duplicate container. Do not submit an analysis request form without any parameters indicated. Equivalent measurements: ppm -µg/ml -mg/I -µg/g -mg/kg ppb -µg/l -µg/lOOOg -µg/kg DEFINITIONS/INSTRUCTIONS Site Numbor - A unique twelve-digit site/location identifier (i.e., the EPA identification number). Field Sample Number - A unique six-digit sample identifier which is pre-printed on the sample label. Name or Site -Name of facility, landful, etc. Site Location -City and county. Collecled By -Name and staff identification number of collector. Date and Time Collected -Self-explanatory. Environmental -A sample of a naturally occurring substance such as ground water, surface water, or soils which may be contaminated. Concentrate - A sample of a waste, including but not limited to, sludges, resins, treatment effluents, or drummed wastc5. Comments Lists details regarding sample or sample point (e.g., sample location, well number, phase separation, and/or odors. Inorganic Chemistry • Check (.I ) the desired parameters to be analyzed. If not listed, enter the clement/compound in the space provided. Organic Chemistry -Check (.I ) the desired parameters to be analyzed. If not li,ted, enter the clement/compound in the space provided. TCLP C<Jmpounds -Check ( ,/ ) the desired parameters to be analyzed. If not listed, enter the clement/compound in the space provided. TCLP can only be performed on solid or semi- solid samples. For totals of the inorganic parameters, check ( .,/ ) the corresponding parameter under Inorganic Chemistry. Microbiology and Radiochemistry -Contact the Raleigh office prior lo sampling either of these. Distribution: 1. Send or deliver the original to the State Laboratory of Public Health. l)ispositlon: 2. The Lab then sends a copy (with results) to the Solid Waste Managemcnl Division. 3. The Solid Waste Management Division sends a copy lo the licld person or collcclor. This form may be destroyed in accordance with the Environmental Health, Solid and Hazardous Waste Section of the Record' Disposition Schedule as published by the North Carolina Division of Archives and History Additional forms may be ordered from: Solid Waste Management Division Hazardous Waste Section P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 C:PD8')E BASE/NEUTRAL PJID ACID EXTRACTABLES COl1POUND N-nitrosodimethvlamine bis (2-chloroothvl )ether 2-chlor~henol ohenol l.3-dichlorobenzene l,4-d1chlorobenzene 1.2-dichlorobenzene bisr2-chloroi llether hexachloroothane N-nitroso-di-n~rfrlvlam1ne nitrobenzene i<nnhorone 2-nitroohenol 2 4-dimethvli>henol bis(2-chloroothoxvlmethane 2.4-dichlo...,..,henol 1.2.4-trichlorobenzene nanhthalene hexachlorobutadiene 4-chloro~resol hexachlorocvcl"""'ntadiene 2,4,6-trichlornnhenol 2-chloron~ohthalene acenanhthvlene dimethvl ohthalate 2 6-dinitrotoluene acen~nhthene 2.4-dinit~henol 2 4-dinitrotoluene 4 nit.....,henol fluorene 4-chlor.....,henvlohenvlether diethvl ohthalate 4.6-dinitro-o-cresol diohenvlamine azobenzene 4-braooohenvlohenvlether hexachlorobenzene ~ntachlor~henol phenanthrene anthracene dibutvl ohthalate fl uoranthene &TATE LABORATORY OF PUBLIC llEALTH A, DIVISION OF 1'lfLTH SERVICES, N.C. DEPARTMENT OF HU11AN.,.;OORCES P.O. BOX 28047 -306 N. WILMINGTON, ST., RALEIGH, N.C. 27611 ORGANIC CHEMICAL PJIALYSIS lA8 NO ..,o7S::'fst vtJ7S3'i q1J7.,.-vo 1uo7:,-l// FIELD # ~3.3F II '1/.3 I/</{,, tJ , ,, ~'-.. TYPE I I l t I l r I l ( l UNITS ua/1........_, ua/l _..._ rua/1 -a "n/1~ /(J/ ,,, -LI d i~ I I /OK , , 0 ·-" ,_ ~O, L. ~o /() "'' "'' . .'\'"() " /tJm_o f,.Jl/11.J l!IA .... ,., IA/. l3l> ,, ,. ' , ' ' ' m"DL. J -Estimated value. H,.o/sott.. K -Actual value is known to be less than value given. Yt> 7S'.J.i //<JI./- t I l "n/l LL-- -' L -Actual value is known to be greater than value given. U -Material was analyzed for but not detected. The nunber NA -Not analyzed. is the 11ininun Detection Limit. m]lL .. -- l/ -Tentative identification. £! -On NROC List of Priority Pollutants. N. C. VJ..vi.<>J..on "'~ Hea.U:h SVLvh.•.u VHS 3068-0 (4/86 LabaluLtany) - (j) <#()7 ,-..,, ~ /IL ,_, ( , l ~ "n/ka 1 - ' //~ "DO 'IL ' /7 c- j,L ' /, : oo ~o.,.-o • ":?'900 ·.;iS"'o •TATE LABORATORY OF PUBLIC HEALTH • DIVISION OF TH SERVICES, N.C. DEPARTMENT Of HUMN SOURCES P.O. BOX 28047 -306 N. Wll"INGTON, ST., RALEIGH, N.C. 27611 ORGAN C CHEMICAL ANALYSIS SASE/NEUTRAL ANO ACIO ... DA7JV-'<"" ,.,,~ . .•c/I '-'D"l.5-1../7 lA8 NO ,, ' EXTRACTABLES FIELD # I/ "u 'fl IJ ..,,,_a ,,, 70 I /l/"7 I COllPOUNO TYPE I I I I l I l I I ) UNITS . --n 2ilii::D. ···-/1 -··-/1 ~~ .... 11 "'A .. N-nitrosodimethvlamine =1 ' . ' , .. ' bisr2-chloroethvllether 2-ch 1 ornnheno l ohenol 1 3-dichlorobenzene \ , 1 4-dichlorobenzene I QV' 1. 2-dichlorobenzene u.... bisr2-chloroir~r~"llether hexachloroethane N-ni troso-di -n Jami ne nitrobenzene i ......... horone 2-nitroohenol 2 4-dimethvlnhenol 10 I< bis'2-chloroethoX::-methane IA-- 2.4-dichlornnhenol I l 2 4-trichlorobenzene di o•~hthalene JOK. hexachlorobutadiene " 4-ch l oro..m-creso 1 hexachlorocvcl~ntadiene 2 4 6-trichlor~henol 2--<:hloron--hthalene acen•~hthvlene dimethvl nhthalate 2.6-dinitrotoluene acen•~hthene 2 4-dinitr~henol -· .... o 2.4-dinitrotoluene ,_ "'~ - 4-n i trnnheno l ""a fluorene -, 4-chlor~henvlnhenvlether diethvl ~hthalate . 4.6-dinitro-o-cresol l"IQ dinhenvlamine azobenzene ·'. 4-brarooohenvlnhenvlether ,. ,."'j ,, __ o hexachlorobenzene I" J ~~,, --ntachlor~henol -· ''-'"' nhenanthrene ,,., j ........ anthracene dibutvl ohthalate .. , fl uoranthene ' ' ,, " J -Estimated value. m1>L l{,_o/So/L- K -Actual value is known to be less than value given. r l ""/1 ••"/ko L -Actual value is known to be greater than value given. U -llaterial was analyzed for but not detected. The nlllber MA -Not analyzed. is the "ininun Detection limit. m])L .... -- l/ -Tentative identification. ~I -On NROC List of Priority Pollutants. N. C. V-iv-U./.on 06 He.a.Uh Svw/.c.u VHS 3068-0 (4/86 Labol(a;(;o~y) - ® ( l un/l un/ko • STATE LASORATORY OI' f'USL!C HEALTH ., DIVISION OF HEALTH SERVICl:'S. N.C, OEPARTllENT OI' HIJl"All RESOURCES P.O. l)OX 280~7 -306 N. \.lllti!NGJON. ST •• RALEIGH. N.C. 27611 ORGANIC Q;Eti!CAL AAALYSlS PURCEASLE OltlPOONOS lAB HO Qo7"i.~~ Qo 7.S >!'1 qo7r:.. Wi 90Z<.-LL1 FIELD I V'.;;i~q> Jl'f(,,,/o I I L1 f.c ,J. 1141.S OlMPOONO TYPE c I l < I ) . r I ,. , < I l ,.-;;a/ I) un/ko 1,-;;n/1) un/ko r.7fl/f)u•/kn V.:::: 11 >.:":/kn UNITS ch tororethane 10 .A~r... ' A 1 J I ' u_ brar<xnethane ,,., .. dichloro<!ifluoro-rethane ., vinvl chloride 10 chloroethane 1r. ""thvl ene ch Tori de ,. trichlon:>fluoro-rethane ethene-1-1-dichloro ethane l 1-dichloro- 1 2-trans-dichloroethene "!/ . - chloroform 37 ..1-~...;_ ... -.. ethane 1 2-dichloro-LA-• • ethane. 1. l. 1-trichloro- carbontetrachloride brorodichloro-rethane orccane. l .2-dlchloro- l .3-trans-dichlo tdchloroethvlene chloro<!ibraranethane I benzene ethane 1 1.2-trichloro- l 3-ds-dichlo ne ' 2-chloroethvl vinvl eth<!r 10 bro-rofonn in ethane I 1-2-2-tetrachloro--"' eth<!ne tetrachloro- toluene ch lorobenzene ethvlbenzene 'I/ -/ " / ' / "" / acetone 10 ' . -:z -, " 2-butanone 10 u_,. J ' cart>ondisut fl de .'1 J.-_..." ,.. ,., 2-Mxonone in ', 4-<rethvl-2 ••ntanone I() s:t·-ene P\ vinvl aceute ,,..., xv l ene> ,;,..i,. I ) . i:; •/ ., / . , J::StJt>ro"•.I _,,,.J-L ~r .'f L.L-::5" J.L:S . , .. J_ ~.>J..,,-1 ... --~ ...... i.!Q ,, I , (..<._ I ' I ( 1'1'1 l'l L 1' J -ma Est1 ted value. ~ -Actual value is k"""" to be less than value given. l -Actual value· Is k"°"'" to be greater than value given. U -l!aterial "'' analy>ed for b<Jt not detected. Tt.e nU"IOer h the Hlni"""' lletection Limit. W. ~ Not analy>ed. l/ -Tentative identific•tion. £! -On NROC Li•t of Priority Polluunts, «.c. Division of Health Services DHS 3068-0 (4/86 Laboratory) 1, (/ 0../-4 I le ) 00,-,-1,1-, <F 0 ' ,,., 14, "3 I/ !ff~t-l/.J./n F r I l , (~ 1@·•·0 /kn ... ,y kn ) u..... 1 • ',, I : ...., j' l . ( 3 , ' I'.). I .a I l .l.-~·" r n I ; " / (o 11 1.a I· , , '/ 9()3 l , fQl.l_C. I - ' / .~'7..., <:. ; J - 1Ll...., 5 ' / 1, '" ) . ; 1 • STATE lABORATORY OF l'\JOL!C HEALTH. DIVISION Of HEALHJ SERV!C€S, N.C. OEPAAT/IENl OF HIJl'AN RESOORC€S P.O. BOX 28041 -306 N. lllL11!NGION, ST., RALEIGH, N.C. 21611 OOGAN!C OIE11lCAL MALYSIS PURGEAIJLE mtlf'(XJ!IOS LAS NO qo75#J.J 01'\7'>4'> Go751.f1 .. c;r,7-,'+/ FIELD I 11.U-a 11 LJ.J_(; ljL1~0 i/'-/7/ Wlf'O'JNO TYPE ( I l ( I ) -( I l. ( 1 l UNITS , -n•n/lluo/ko ,fiO/I Jun/ko x;;;/T); ·~/ko 1,.-F.;;71\ "n/kn ch lorcrrethane 10 __ ... U--J 11 ' ' b ""1'«11e t nane '"' ' dichloNX!ifluof'O'l'<>thane I'} . - vinvl chloride 10 ~.i; J chloroethane I (") ' methvlene chloride "i trichlorofluof'O'l'<>thane ethene. 1. 1-.-1'.Hchloro 'V .7 ethane. L 1-dichloro-i.J ,"f ., ,"(' l. 2-trans-di ch loroethene '7 I") q chloroform [.,{__, I• ,, ethane. 1.2-dichloro- ethane L 1 1-trichloro- cart>ontetrach Tori de brcm:>dichlorctrethanc nl"'fV"l.ane_ 1.2-dichloro-- 1 3-trans-dichlo ,( trichloroethvlene ' ch lorodibn:xrorethane I.A-~11 ben2:ene --, ""\ ethane l 1 2-trichloro-'. 1 3-cis-dichlo ne ' I " 2--chloroethvl vinvT ether 10 bf"'O'l'ClfOnn 1n ethane_ 1.1.2 2-tetr~chloro-I'} ethene_ tetrachlor-o- toluene ' chlol"(lbi,nzene ,, ' ethvlbenzene ' I ' ' I I/ ' acetone ID ' I ' .-I , I• 2-lxltanone 10 carbondisulfide _") 2-hexa none ,,,.., 4-<rethvl-2~ntanone I l"l stvrene '\' vinvl <!.CeU.te 10 ,, 7 xv T entl i.'-hrl'a I ) r::: 'I/ -,'/ ' I -;:;:p, l<>+rn J::;-• d'h-,.,,.J'.'.. ',_,"' tJ'O I A I • l • -"J':2 :t:6o"roh,, I ,,..U,~-_,,,. '' I ' I , I , ' I I ftM f)L 1' J -Es.t troa.ted v aloe. ~ -Aetual v•loe is k"""'1 to be less than value given. l -Actu•l value· is k"""'1 to be greater than value given. U -Material 11as analy~e<l for but not detect<!<!. Tt.e numer is tt.e 11ini11U11 Oetectioo ti mi t. HA -Not analyzed. 1/ -Tent•tive. identification. !t -an UROC List of Priority Pollutants, N.c. Division of Health Services DHS .3068-0 (4/86 Laboratory) ® ' l ( l unfl Hn/ko .. n/1 uo/ko N.C. Dcpartm~rH of Environment, l lcatth, &. Nalural Rcso~rces 'solid Waste: Management Division rPLE ANALYSIS REQUEST • State Laboratory of Public llc~dih P.O. llox 280471 306 N. Wilnlington Siri:-~~ R.alcigh, North Carolina 27(!1 l Sile Number tVCD 0 t/-6 / if Rs'± a Field Sample Number_-1-/-ifl--'-!iL~-'r-""-5'--:-------- Name of SitcG,f/r2/ cr;iluy1J1.£A/ Inc Sitc Location ( /,,.£!/) f1t</fh .< Collected By Glaser:= ID# 13 Dale Collected 1:i/') /<10 Time f!/30 Agency: _L_ Hazardous Waste Solid Waste __ Supcrfund TCLP Compounds --. ~--------------·----··· .. ---~··~··~ .. ····--····· Sample Type Inorganic Compounds Results(mg/I) Environmental Concentrate Comments l1 J.-f./£ I ;;,,, Arsenic L Ground water (1) Solid (5) --Barium -- £e~=' Cadn1ium Surface water (2) Liquid (6) !~5.IJ --Chro1nium --Lead --Soil (3) Sludge (7) :=070 Mc::rcury l)!;;_,,,,/\ ti:.--:/ --Seleniu1n _Other (4) _Other (8) --Silver --I -- --Organic Chemistry ,, ___ !~~~~.!~.~~-~~c~istry ________ --............... ~~-·-~----------~-~"~····~"~-· Par .. meter Rcsults(1ng/l) P1:tramcter Results(mg/I) Organic Cu1npound.s Rcsults(mg/I) _P&T:GC/MS ~Arsenic .( o.o I benzene --Acid:B /N Ext. Barium 0 "4 ::l carbon !etrachloride --../Cadmium <o8ooC --MTBE chlordane ------../Chloride chlorobenzcne ---1 Chromium --o,o :J chloroform ----__ Copper L..o,o§ o-crcsol --_L Fluoride Q, J. 0 n1-crcsol _,,L_ Iron .i!.JJ --p-crcsol Radiochemistry ~Lead D.at.C 1,4-dichlorobcnzenc .. , .... -~"·----------Manganese o.csi 1,2-dichloroethane --Parameter Results (PCi/l) Mercury ...i-...~·~:522-~ __ 1,1-dichlorocthylcnc =:'.:'.Z Nit rat c < L· o~ 2,4-dinitrotolucnc __ Gross Alpha Selenium a. oo c --hcxachlorobc111;cnc -- --Gros.< Bela _,j_ Silver ..<..o, oS hcxachloro-1,3-----_¥:, Sulfates ;;!,Q buladienc =±Zinc o.QS hcxachlornclhane pH I J, :f --methyl ethyl ketone Microbiology ....ii__ Conductivity -3 J 5 p ,, ~ nitrobenzene 1TDS I 1".\ SO I --pcntachlorophcnol Parameter Results TOC ~z __ lctrachlorocthylene (Colonies/I Ol)ml) .Le.Al __ trichlorocthylcne MF __ 2,4,5-trichlorophenol ----MPN __ 2,4,6-lrichlorophenol --------__ vinyl chloride codrin ------lindanc --mcthoxychlor Date Received Reported by __ lOJ<aphene 2,4-D Date Extraclcd Date Rcporte<! = 2,4,5-TP (silvcx) C:~'i !0'1 ~----' '?ti Date Analy;ed Lab Number ( ' -----(;:Jll)K9E -----· --- N.C. Ot!p.artnu:nt of Environment, I lcalth, '& Natural Rcso1.1rces 'Solid Wa&te Management Division rPLE ANALYSIS REQUEST • ~UHe LabOl'iHOty of l)ublic } k:dth r.O. l3ox 280471 306 N. Wilnllngton Street Ral¢igh, North Carolina 276l1 Site Number &CD 0 4-6 / Lf fZSJ ± Q Field Sample Numbcr _ _,_/_,'-/~!,"--J--1---'i'------------ / fJ rr?rf Name of Site CerJc/ta I c:Gaa-yr~-11c Inc" Site Location ( }\.{)/) YrtiiJ'C _,., Collected By C, { zi se i:::: ID# L 2 Date Collcctcd 11./~/qr) Time L~L::; I ' Agency: _L__ Hazardous Waste Solid Waste __ Supcrfund TCLP Compounds --·~·~··~ ................ ~.~~-·-·----··~-~·~---··--.. ,,,.,., .. Sample Type Inorganic Compounds Results (mg/I) Environmental Concentrate Comments ~9 Arsenic _,L_ Ground water (1) --_Solid (5) Barium -- Gf2t1N Cadn1ium Liquid (6) .1£1?'f --Chro111iun1 Surface water (2) -- 1. 78' Lead _Sludge (7) f'at.J / --_Soil (3) Mercury cr;,,,,,,.11 11;",,l) --Selcniu1n --Other (4) _ Othc< (8) Silver --II ---- ........ ...... S!..~~~~i~_C_!le~i.~t11'. ........ -........ ,, __ !~~rg:'~.~~-~,!te~istry _______ ,_ .. -- Pari.•1nclcr kcsulls(mg/I) P'uranu:ter kesults(mg/I) Organic co.npouuds kcsults(mg/I) _P&T:GC/MS ~Arsenic <o,o I b(.::nzcnc --_ Acid:B/N Ext. Barium ..L.0.2'::} carbon tetrachloride ::Z Cadmium < o.oo.5 --MTBE chlorc\anc ----../Chloride "7 chlorobenzenc -----1 Chromium --Q, a r --chloroform __ Copper .L. o,Q~ o·crcsol ----_,,(_ Fluoride o. I l n1-crc:oiol --_,,L_ Iron l • '.:\ !.2 p-crc.sol Radiochemistry =iLead · <o.co~ 1,4-dichlorobcnzcnc --... ···-------~···-·-~~ Manganese l,2-dichlorocthanc D • ::l :;) --Para111cter Results (PCi/1) Mercury ..t... 0.000(1...... __ 1,1-dichl<Jrocthylcnc ~Nilra~c ({,~ --2,4-dinilrntolucnc __ Gross Alpha Sclcnmm <o. o::r hcxachlorobcnzene --(;ross Beta _if_ Silver .L.o .. oa = hexachloro-1,3- --__,/.. Sulfates II buladicnc =iZinc ..l....O~Lt~ hcxachlorocthane pH 'l \ --methyl ethyl ketone Microbiology .....L_ Conductivity :2'-1.Qu.. ...... QQQ• --nitrobcn:zcnc ·---:t TDS d"'lo1 __ pcnlachlorophcnol Par;uncter Results TOC ::i __ 1ctracl1lorocthylenc (Colonies/lOOml) ___L c IJ S'. I __ trichloroethylene MF __ 2,4,5-trichlorophenol ----MPN __ 2,4,6-trichlorophenol -------__ vinyl chloride cndrin ------lin<lanc = mcthoxychlor Date Received Reported by __ toxaphenc --2,4-D Dale Extracted Dale Rcpor~<,I .. _, _ 2,4,5-TP (silwx) L"J I I (1 Ui:.L I 'iiJ --Dale Analy1,cd Lab Number --C;l1iiff1I'. -· ···-~· ·-.. ··-··· N.C. Ucp<irtn1ent of Environmcnr1 1 lcalth, r& N.atural Rcso1.11·e<;s 'Solid. Waste Mo1:1nagement Division rPLE ANALYSIS REQUEST • ~t.ate Labot<:i.(Ory of Publ\c Health P.O. Box 28047, 306 N. Wi11nington Str<i.:t Raleigh, North Carolina 2/(,JI Site Numbef fl/CD 0 i/-6 / LJ fZ C: ± Q Field Sample Number _ _:/_!._,_'/._. t?''---7-,__-'-f ________ _ Name of SitcG!(e/r'I/ cl;a--!Cf~rflr Inc Site Location [ lfl./l fli,1{/e"'" Collected By G f cz sei-----ID# /)_ Date Collected J 7k 19!} Ti1ne /Q/,~ ' ' Agency: _L_ Hazardous Waste Solid Waste __ Superfund TCLP Compounds ------------~~~··-·--··-······~------·-··"-··-··· Sample Type Inorganic Co1npouuds Rcsults(mg/1) Eovi.ronmtotnl Concentrate Comments &.'ff?& 10 Arsenic L Ground water (1) --Barium Solid (5) -- t;,-tM-:., ?I Cadn1ium t:,q/ --Chrorniun1 Surface water (2) Liquid (6) I --Lead CM_~ ;zb9 -- --Soil (3) Sludge (7) Mercury °f'n,.,ul\ !Z:. '7 --Selenium Other (8) --Silver _Other (4) --u ---- ·-----________ ?,_~~~-~i-~-i:~e~i-~tir _________ __ __!~?.rg.!~~~~_!1_-:_~~stry _________ -- Para1nclcr Results(mg/l) Parameter Results(mg/1) Organic Co1npounds Rcsults(rng/1) P&T:GC/MS -1Arsenic (o.o I benzene -- Acid:B/N Ext. Barium 0.Q:J carbon tetrachloride MTBE JCadmium < <>. go.C --chlordane --../Chloride --I chlorobenzenc ---1 Chromium --< o. o I chloroform ----__ Copper L.... o. 0$ o-crcsol ----_,L_ Fluoride 0,jb m-crcsol --~Iron o,'.'.:J:!..l! __ p·crcsol Radiochemistry =iLcad < 0-00 c 1,4-dichlorobcnzene """'""'•-H•UUU~~~~-----------Mang-dnese 0 o'Q 1,2-Jichlorocthanc --P"aran1cler Results (PCi/l) Mercury "'-D.coo~ 1, 1-dichlorocthylcnc --~Nitrate ~ f.oo 2,4-dinitrotolucne __ Gross Alpha Selenium --hcxachlorobcnzene -o. oo < --Gross Bela __,j___ Silver hexachloro-1,3· --..:..o.o<i> ----___:/'.Sulfates ""'-l;;i butadiene =±Zinc "'-DaQ~ hcxachlorocthane pH '.J !s = methyl ethyl kcionc Microbiology __,j__ Conductivity a::in .. ~2!>1' nilrobcn1.cnc. -7.TDS 3ad = pcntachlorophcnol Par;.uneter Results TOC "" __ tctrachlorocthylcne (Colonies/IOOml) _LC.IV < I __ trichlorocthylcne MF __ 2,4,5-trichlorophenol ----MPN 2,4,6-trichlorophenol ----= vinyl chloride ----cndrin ------.. lindane = rnethoxychlor Date Received Reported by __ toxaphene 2,4-0 Date Extracted Date Rcpor15P-, ., -, = 2,4,5-TP (silvcx) ,_ 7 r I I LitL. ( ');; --Dale Analy1.cd Lab Number --C'.l'D89E ,___, -··-,·· ··"--··-~·· N.C. Dcp.arimcnt of Environment, I lealth, -& Natural Rcso1.1rces "Solid W~te M~nagcment Division rPLE ANALYSIS REQUEST • St.ate Labor:atory of Public Health 11.Q. Box ZS047, 306 N. Wilmlngto1\ Stt<=<=t R.ak:igh, Norih Carolina 27(i I l Sile Number !VCDO f 61 lfS'.C:±Q Field Sample Numbcr------'/~t/'----"S:'-------'7----+9 ________ _ Sile Location C Jv'.111 Vh</-f/;, ~ Name ofSitcCc,,,,ck,-i/ CJ;C7ar1irflr /,11. ' " - Collcdcd By G fnsei-:-ID# I 3. Date Collected rz ft. ko Time /;z_ 2.0 • , Agency: __,LHazardous Waste Solid Waste __ Supcrfund TCLP Compounds --~~------·--··-------·-~·-·-··· .. ·~---------·-··· Sample Type Jnorg~1nic Cornpounds Rcsults(mg/l) Environmental C<incentrate Comments {o;eftb Arsenic ..L Ground water (1) --Solid (5) Barium ---· £1~ [),/t S92 Cadmium --Surface water (2) _Liquid (6) Chromium I --Lead Soil (3) _Sludge (7) CM"' 2C]_~ --Mercury er:, ..,,,.,;l /'7 4- --Selenium --_Other (4) _Other (8) Silver ---f ---- ................ _9._~~~i~_C_!t~~i-~!2'. ........ _____ ___ I ~~rgan_~~-~_!iemisti:r_ _________ -- Parameter R-.ulls(mg/l) Parameter Results(mg/I) Organic Cornpounds Rcsults(mg/l) _P&T:GC/MS ~Arsenic < (). 0 ( benzene --_ Acid:ll/N Ext. Barium o,,d...la carbon tetrachloride ../Cadmium --MTBE s:z-<o-" chlordane --../Chloride ------chlorobcnzcnc ---j--Chromium O. o I chloroform ----__ Copper 00~}1> o~crc.sol _,j_ Fluoride --n1-crcsol --~Iron l .. 80!.. p-cresol Radiochemistry i"Lcad O.o '1 I 1,4-dichlorobenzene --······-·~----~~~~--·-------Manganese o.,. a _ 1,2-dichloroelhanc l'aramcter Results (PCi/I) Mercury L.. 0 ... oc.c a:: __ 1, 1-dichlorocthylcne =i' Nitrate ~j,Og 2,4-dinitrotolucnc __ Gross Alpha Selenium --hcxachlorobcnzenc < .a ' --Gross Beta __,f___ Silver 4 c:i :'2: 5 = hexachloro-1,3- --=!f Sulfates :2,D butadiene Zinc "'-"'·"'~ hexachlorocthane pH ~ii! ::J = methyl ethyl ketone Microbiology _d_ Conductivity ;;'l,;i,o •• ~ nitrobcn:;r.ene ~TDS .;ii,,j2 I --pcntachlorophcnol Par.;,uncter Results TOC "'I __ tctrachlorocthylene (Colonies/lOOml) ....L CAI ~l __ trichlorocthylene MF __ 2,4,5-trichlorophenol ----MPN __ 2,4,6-trichlorophcnol ---- ----__ vinyl chloride cndrin ------lindane = nlcthoxychlor Date Received Reported by __ toxaphene --2,4-D Date Extracted Date Rcpor'(;d~ ':f" 1 I _ ( -' ,:::... h:C ( 9'1,1 __ 2,4,5-TP (silvcx) --Dale Analy1.ed Lab Number ---~-·,-( .'·l'l)Jol'Jl \ 1--·~-~ ... ~.~- N.l;. Oi.:p~rtn\l,,':nt of Environment, 1 lcaun,-& Natural R.csourrcs · Solid Wasle Management l.)jvision rPLE ANALYSIS REQUEST • 'State. Labon1toi'y of Public Hc~!1h P.O. llox 28047, 306 N. Wilmington Stri:i.:t llaleigh, No(th C.<1roH11a 27611 Sile Number IVCD () t{-6 / if lZ, C;' ± Q Field Sample Numbcr _ __,).""'---"J"".""5,,_~_~_2,__ ________ _ Name of Si(C Gwin I c1;aar1-+l:L /1ic, Sile Location [}\,{))) Qifi11£ .-- Collected By G fnset: ID# I 3. Date Collected ' -::; Ii. /q iJ Time 2,i?t9fl ' ' Agency: _L_Hazardous Waste Solid Waste __ Supcrfund TCLP Compounds ---~-~----~·· .. -~~---~·-~~··------.. -..... ~ ........ ··-··· Sample Type Inorganic Compounds Results(mg/I) Environmencal Concentrale Comments /t,):£& Arsenic L Ground water (1) _Solid (5) J --Bariurn -- fi&ttill S:f-,t:) --Cadmium __ Surface water (2) Liquid (6) Chrnmium , --Lead __ Sludge (7) !"al', ~gt, --_Soil (3) __ Mercury cU..,,J\ Jr?,() Selenium Other (4) Other (8) --Silver . --I ------~-1:.~!-~i~C_!ie~i.~!2' ___ ... _!~~~~!.~.~':_~_!_ie~!stry __ ._ .. _._ .. --............ ---~-.. ParHrncler Results(mg/I) Purameter Result,;(mg/1) Organic Compounds Rcsults(mg/I) _P&T:GC/MS ~Arsenic <v.o I benzene --__ Acid:B/N Ext. Barium 0. I~ carbon tetrachloride MTBE /Cadmium --chlordane --<a. oC ----/Chloride !? C> chlorobenzcnc ---1 Chromium --o.oT chloroform ----__ Copper L O .. Q ~ --o·crcsol ...£Fluoride ()_, {'J.. m~crcsol _,L Iron :3 :i '.::\ = p·cresol Radiochemistry =i Lead (o_.oo ( 1,4-dichlorobcnzene ··-·--·~-·~~-~~-·------------Manganese \ , l B 1,2-dichlorocthane Paramtler Results (PCi/I) Mercury .L..... a. ooo a:::. = l,l·dichlorocthylcne =2Nitratc < /. {)Q 2,4-dinitrotolucnc --__ Gro" Alpha Selenium <a.(lQc hcxachlorobcm:enc --Gross Beta _,f___ Silver L..., • ., ~ = hexachloro-1,3· --_,L Sulfates ..<..l."J butadienc =±Zinc O.Q:J hexachlorocthane pH (c. B = methyl ethyl ketone Microbiology __,j__ Conductivity s l.iz:Q ti=' ~~"$2 --niLrobcnzcnc -7._TDS ;i(QQ __ pcmachlorophcnol Par.arncler Results TO(: 15 __ tetrachlorocthylcne (Colonies/lOOml) _L r,tJ._ <I __ trichloroethylene MF __ 2,4,5-lrichlorophenol ----MPN __ 2,4,6-trichlorophenol --------vinyl chloride cndrin ------lindane = methoxychlor Oatc Received Reported by __ toxaphcne 2,4-0 Date Extracted Oate Rcpor~, -.-,. = 2,4,5-TP (silvcx) 't: ' I I 4 1'u .. ( '111 --Dale Analy1ed Lab Number -----------· •r111~;1: ----· --~-~···· ~, .. -'~· N.C. U~pai"tn\~rlt of Environmcnl, I leallh,T & Natural Rcsourccs ' Solid Waste M<:inagerncnl Division rPLE ANALYSIS REQUEST • Stat¢ Laboratory of P1.1blie l k<illh P.O. Dox 28047, 306 N. V...'i11uinglon Street R.akigh, North 0.irolina. 27611 Site Number_JVCDO '/-6 / Lj'j{C:f Q Field Sample Number _ _,,2""-'2"""'.""j'--'L/'---------- Name of SitcCr1,,,c/r.7/ cr;&LlSf.rvflr I rir ( /VJ/) !?.</#:, _. Sile Location . , . ., ' Collected By G fase.t:' ID# (. 2 Date Collected 17 /::; RfJ Time {J'f5lJS • F Agency: ___L_____ Ha:<ardous Waste Solid Waste __ Supcrfund TCLP Compounds --~~---------.. ~"-··~-----------·~~·-·-·--·----· .... ,.,, Sample Type Inorganic Con1pounds Rcsults(mg/I) Environmental Concentrate Comments tt:~ Arsenic _,f_ Ground water (1) --_Solid (5) Barium --Cadmium __ Surface water (2) Liquid (6) 5:1 "i --Chromium I --Lead C1n1, L'i.2~ --_Soil (3) _Sludge (7) --Mc::rcury er;~ Lk..O --Selenium _Other (4) _Other (8) Silver ------ ............. _Q_~~a~i~_Che"!_i_~trr_ ........... --. ----~~~~~an~~-~~e~~stry ----~·-- Paran•eler Rcsults(mg/I) Parameter Results(mg/I) Organic Compounds RcsuHs(mg/I) _P&T:GC/MS ~Arsenic <o.o I benzene --_ Acid:B/N Ext. Barium 0 '.'\~ carbon tetrachloride ./Cadmium £¥'too C --MTBE chlordane --/Chloride ------chlorobenzene ---f Chromium Q,Q I chloroform ----__ Copper ...i!.... o .. o ~ o-crcsol --_,j__ Fluoride Q, ,\fl m-ercsol ....iL_ Iron ~~ .a:i = p-cresol Radiochemistry 3Lead a, o 1 s. __ 1,4-diehlorobcnzcne ....... -~ .. ·-~---·---~~~----Manganese ::I .5a. 1,2-dichlorocthane Parameter Results (PCifl) Mercury Lo-Tc~ = 1,1-dichloroethylcne ~Nitrate 2,4-dinitrotolucne __ Gross Alpha Selenium <f-ag --hexachlorobcnzcne --Gross Beta ....d.. Silver -4Cz=D~ --hexachloro-1,3- ----4 S ulfatcs -<.5 butadiene =±Zinc o,cB hexachloroethane pH :J,o --methyl ethyl ketone Microbiology ......L Conductivity l '"\~Q, ! r2 ?.Q' nitrobcnzene -- -7..TDS 8'-lo __ pcntachlorophcnol Paru1neter Results TOC 55 _ tclrachlorocthylenc (Colonies/lOOml) ..L c.AI Jiit~1e£u·!~s;~ __ trichlorocthylene MF __ 2,4,5-trichlorophenol ----MPN 2,4,6-trichlorophenol ------vinyl chloride ----cndrin ------lindane --methoxychlor Date Received Reported by __ toxaphene 2,4-0 Dale Extracted Date Rcport~<h, n j , Ui. I I _l t!LL I 1·1 -2,4,5-TP (silvcx) --()ate Analy;cd Lab Number n·1mvE -.. ._,., N.C. D'l>partmi.:.nt of Environment, 1 lcallh;-& Natural Reso1,1.rc<:.s · Solid Waste Management Division rPLE ANALYSIS REQUEST • State Laboratory of Public Hc::il!h P .0. Box 28047; 306 N_ Wilmington Stri:i.:t Raleigh, North <::<irolina 27611 Site Number (llCD () + 6 I lf KC:± 0 Field Sampk Number_--'-:Z"'-"2=~'-'S"'------------ Name ofSitcC,,,c/f;·i/ cr;!l«frvfk /n1 (' jvll'l ~111ft, ~ Sile Location _, '" - Collected By G Io "'ei-: ID# 13_ Dare Collected ,-/Cf.Jn Time Of?{} ' ' Agency: __L__ Hazardous Waste --Solid Waste __ Superfund TCLP Compounds ------~--··~--~·--·--------··-·-··-··· Sample Type Inorganic Compounds Results (mg/I) Environmtntal Concentrate Comrnents ~I e&'; 4Ati'1 Arsenic L Ground water (1) --Barium Solid (5) --tt _j)j.f<tl Cadmiun1 Surface water (2) Liquid (6) 731 --Chromium --Lead _Soil (3) . Sludge (7) i1i¥l , /, t --Mercury "' --Selenium Other (8) q/ q, I --_Other (4) Silver ~ ------Organic Chemistry __ 1-~~..:_gan_~~-~!,ie~ist't._ ....... _,, __ --·········•· ·-··--·-----~-·~~··--····· .. ~--·~· .. ·~~~- Pararneter Results(mg/I) Parameter Results(mg/l) Organic Compounds Rcsulrs(mg/I) P&T:GC/MS ~Arsenic {o.a I benzene ----Acid:B/N Ext. Bariutn ~ carbon tetrachloride --/Cadmium --MTBE chlordane --../Chloride -- --chlorobenzene -j-Chromium --chloroform ---- --__ Copper .<'..o.o':';, o~crcsol _;.(_ Fluoride <(),£6 --m·crcsol _iL Iron ..!.o,Q ~ = p-crcsol Radiochemistry =:iLead <o. oa,C 1,4-dichlorobcnzcne ., .. ,,,,.u.,•u--~~~~ --Manganese .Lo.c ~ l,2·dichlorocthane Para1ncter Results (PCi/I) Mercury ~o<t%~ --1,1-dichlorocthylcne =12 Nitrate 2,4-dinitrotolucnc __ Gross Alpha Selenium -j 6-ru.r --hcxachloroben7.Cne Gro8S Bera _,f_ Silver ...;!.,_O,..o~ = hexachloro-1,3-----__:j_ Sulfates "" ~ butadiene =!Zinc 40.0~ hcxachloroethane --pH "'1 • / ~ __ methyl ethyl ketone Microbiology ....Ji_ Conductivity L'-l:Q;I, ~ nitrobenzcnc 1TDS "--;i,o = pentachlorophcnol P.ur41rncter Results TOC L_ ~ __ tetrachlorocthylene (Colonies/lOOml) ..LctJ <! __ trichloroethylcne MF __ 2,4,5-trichlorophenol ----MPN 2,4,6-rrichlorophenol ----= vinyl chloride ----cndrin ------lindane --__ merhoxychlor Date Received Reported by __ touphene 2,4-D Date Extracted Dale Repl)'Je~, _ --2,4,5-TP (silvcx) i'."'.·. 7 I I r_"" 11t:.L f 'iU --Date Analy,.cd Lah Number --C:l'U8?1i T.~-'" • • I. FACILITY INFORMATION Facility Name: Central Transport, Inc. EPA ID#: NCD046148540 Mailing Address: Arent, Fo~. Kintner, and Khan Washington Square, 1050 Connecticut Ave, NW Washington. D. C. Zip: 20036-5339 Facility Address: 500 Melynda Road -=Ch==a=r~l=o~t~t=e~·--=-N=C,___Zip: 28208 Phone #:(704)394-3313 Contact(s): Marc L. Fleischaker, Attorney Phone #:(614)431-6668 ____________________ Phone #: ____ _ *(Please provide any necessary corrections/additions for the above information and complete the rest of the form below) Directions to facility: ________________________ _ Brief description of facility production process and the use/ generation of hazardous materials or wastes: ____________ _ -------------------------------·-----·----·----·- II. EMERGENCY CONTACTS Ambulance: ___________ , _________ P.hone #: ______ _ Hospital: ____ . _____________ P.hone #: ______ _ Police: ___ , _______________ .Phone #: _____ , Fire Dept. : __ , _____________________ Phone #: ___ ,,,_,,_ ......... _ .. ,,. Others: ___________________ Phone #: ________ _ Please send completed form to: Mr. Peter L. Doorn Hazardous Waste Section C:PD71.DOC Solid Waste Management Division P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 . -• Robert L. Glaser, P.G. June 20, 1990 Page 2 • a supplemental investigations that will, in combination with the investigation already completed, fulfill the requirements of the Administrative Order on Consent. Four supplemental tasks will be completed: 1. Fracture Trace Analysis 2. Assessment of Potential for Vertical Ground water Flow 3. Ground Water Sampling and Analysis 4. Report Preparation During our discussion of June B, 1990 1 you agreed that, while the Administrative Order on consent dated May 30, 1990, does not include a provision for the review of hydrogeologic investigation work plans, you would be willing to review the Work Plan for Supplemental Investigation. The tasks outlined in the supplemental Phase 1 Investigation Work Plan will be undertaken the week of June 25, 1990, in order to meet the deadlines established in the Administrative Order of Consent. We appreciate your taking the time to review the work plan. If you have any comments, please advise as soon as possible so that we may incorporate your comments, as may be appropriate, in the tasks that are to be completed next week. If after your review of these documents you require additional clarification of the information contained in them, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned, George B. Rest, P.E. or Michael A. Wittner of this office. Very truly yours, O'BRIEN & GERE ENGINEERS, INC. -~ L._(~(><\ Terry L. Caton Project Engineer TLC:dmh cc: M. Fleischaker, Esquire l<. Nam, Esquire J. Doyle, Esquire G. Rest, P.E. M. Wittner S-Mogilnicki G. Swenson 0'13HIEN & (;ff\E -~ • • The following comments were developed for the PUMP section of the Ground Water Sampling Protocol: 1. Item # 4: Same as above 2. Item# 12: When using the pump, water must also be purged from the top of the well to ensure that no stagnant water remains in the well. 3. Item# 16: Sarne as above 4. Item # 19: Same as above 5. Item# 21: Same as above If you have any questions, regarding these comments, please call me at (919) 733-2178. Sincerely, hi~eLL~-~ Peter L. Doorn, Hydrogeologist Enforcement/Ground Water Unit Hazardous Waste Section cc: John Lank Keith Masters central files,_....,., C:PD43