HomeMy WebLinkAboutCenco_Closur-Post Closure Plan-Jan91-OCR• • • William F. Hamner, Head Permitting Branch January 4, 1991 Page 2 Three (3) Three (3) Replacement covers, table of contents spine label to replace those included in July 1990 Closure Plan submittal and the Complete notebooks which have been updated to include the replacement sections and figure described above. These sections have been updated to incorporate comments made in the following correspondence: October 23, 1990 letter from James A. Carter November 20, 1990 response from OBG December 11, 1990 acknowledgement from your office As you are aware, OBG, on behalf of Central Transport, Inc. is working with Mr. Robert Glaser, Hydrogeologist to complete a ground water investigation designed to further assess ground water flow direction and quality at the site. No changes have been made in the closure plan to address comment 12 in the October 23, 1990 letter, pending the outcome of this investigation. Revisions to Section E Ground Water Monitoring will be necessary to incorporate the results of the investigation. The following summarizes where changes were made in the closure plan to address specific comments as numbered in the October 23, 1990, letter: #1 Representative raw data was provided with the November 20, 1990 response from OBG. The request to include 2-chloroethyl vinyl ether was incorporated in paragraph F-lb(2)f(ii) Sampling and Testing Program #2 See paragraph F-lb(2)b(iv) On Site stabilization Sampling and Testing Program #3 See paragraph F-lb(2)f(ii) Sampling and Testing Program and Appendix F, Specification Section 02001 #4 See paragraph F-lb(2)f(i) Contaminated Soils Removal Criteria #5 See paragraph F-lb(2)c Removal of structures and F-lb(2)d Off- Site Disposal #6 See paragraph F-lb(2)e Backfilling Lagoon Areas and Appendix F, Specification Section 02200 OBRIEN & GERE • William F. Hamner, Head Permitting Branch January 4, 1991 Page 3 #7 See paragraph F-lC Closure of Disposal Units #8 See paragraph F-1b(2)f(iii) Contaminated Decontamination Procedures #9 See paragraph F-lb(2)f(iii) contaminated Decontamination Procedure #10 See paragraph F-1 Closure Plan #11 Figure 7 has been included in this submittal Equipment Equipment #12 See above regarding ongoing hydrogeologic investigation #13 See paragraph F-2d Inspection Plan and revised Appendix G #14 See paragraphs F-2 Post-Closure Plan, F-2b Post-closure Security, F-2f Maintenance Plan, F-3 Notice to Local Land Authority, and F-4, Notice in Deed. #15 See paragraph F-2j Post Closure Certification #16 See paragraph F-7 Post Closure Cost Estimate Please advise clarification. if you require additional information or Very truly yours, O'BRIEN & GERE ENGINEERS, INC. ~/.3· A:·~ "ife~e B. R~siT," P.E. Vice President GBR:TLN: cc: T. L. Norman-OBG s. P. Shach-OBG M. A. Wittner-OBG J. Doyle, Esquire-Weinstein & Sturges, P.A. M. Fleischaker, Esquire-Arent, Fox Kintner, et al K. Nam, Esquire-Arent, Fox, Kintner, et al G. Simpson-Central Transport, Inc • L. Wellington-Central Transport, Inc. 0 6Cjl!;N & GERE .•. ' I~ • • • Rl:PORT Closure/Poat Closure Plan Central Transport, Inc. Charlotte, North Carolina January 1991 Prepared by: O'Brien & Gere Enqineers, Inc. s201 Corporate Drive, suite 1120 Landover, Maryland 20785 i~fe1J~KW~ JID JAN 0 7 19'11 HAZARDOUS WASTE SECTION • ··- • F-lc F-ld F-le F-lf Table of Contents (continued) Closure of disposal units Schedule for closure Extensions for closure time Certification of closure F-2 Post-closure plan F-2a Post-closure contact F-2b Post-closure security F-2c Systems design description F-2d Inspection plan F-2e Monitoring plan F-2e ( 1) Indicator parameters 1 waste constituents, reaction products to be monitored F-2e(2) F-2e(3) F-2e(4) F-2e(5) Hazardous waste characterization Behavior of constituents Detectability Post closure ground water monitoring program F-2e(5)a F-2e(5)b F-2e(5)c F-2e(5)d F-2e(5)e F-2e(5)f F-2e(5)g F-2e(5)h F-2e(5)i F-2e(5)j F-2e(5)k F-2e(5)l Description of Representative Location of ground water wells that upgradient Background valves Sampling frequency Sampling quantity wells samples background monitoring are not Sampling analysis statistical procedure Sample collection Sample preservation and shipment Analytical procedure chain of Custody Annual determination F-2e(5)l(i) F-2e(5)l(ii) Flow direction Flow rate F-2e(5)m Statistical determination F-2e(5)n Results OBRIEN & GERE r • • • F-2f F-2g F-2h F-2i F-2j Table of Contents (continued) Maintenance plan Special waste management plan Land treatment Personnel training Post Closure certification F-3 Notice to local land authority F-4 Notice in deed F-5 Closure cost estimate F-6 Financial assurance mechanism for closure F-7 Post-closure cost estimate F-8 Financial assurance mechanism for post-closure care REFERENCES FIGURES F-9 Liability requirements Topographic Map Floodplain Map site Plan 1 2 3 4 5 6 Partial Site Plan & Geologic Cross Sections Grading Plan Closure schedule TABLES 1 Soil Laboratory Analyses 2 Soil Quality Analyses 3 Chemical Analyses of Lagoon Site Surface Water 4 Summary of Water and Sediment Quantities 5 Chemical Analyses of Sludge (Organic) 6 Chemical Analyses of Sludge (Inorganic) 7 Well Specifications and Ground Water Elevations 8 Ground Water Quality Analyses 9 Records of Decision Using stabilization 11 TCLP Sample Results 12 EP Toxicity sample Results 13 Closure Cost Estimate 14 Post Closure Cost Estimate O'BRIEN & (;fRf • • • July 26, 1990 assurance requirements applicable to such units under North Carolina Hazardous Waste Management Rules, and the Solid waste Management Act. This Plan has been prepared to describe the closure and post closure monitoring of two surface impoundments (Lagoons 1 and 2, Figure 3). Closure, as described in Section F-1, will consist of discharge of liquids in lagoons 1 and 2 to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utility District, (permit number GOOS) excavation of approximately 5200 cubic yards of sludge from Lagoons 1 and 2, on-site stabilization of the lagoon sludges, off-site disposal of the stabilized sludges as non-hazardous waste and regrading of Lagoons l and 2. A third pond (Figure 3) will be regraded to allow free drainage. have been unintentionally created as a Pond 3 appears to result of the construction of Lagoon 1. Pond 3 will be regraded to restore the area to its original topography . 2 ()'BRltN & Ge.Rio -' ' • A RCRA Part A Permit ~ ~-~ ..,,...., aemEN 6 GERE ~ ' I ,,. : '· • •• " July 26. 1990 SECTION A PART A APPLICATION The RCRA Part A Permit Application for Interim Status facilities is included in this Closure/Post-closure Plan as Appendix A . 3 O'SRIEN & (3C:RE I• • SECTION B FACILITY DESCRIPTION July 26, 1990 B-l. G•meral Description 40 CFR 270.14(b)(l), 10 NCAC lOF .0034(b) (5) Central Transport, Inc. (CTI) is a company which provides bulk hauling services to a variety of industries. The Central Transport, Inc., Charlotte, NC terminal is located in the northwestern section of the City of Charlotte, North Carolina. The entire site consists of 30 acres, approximately 6 acres of which are actively used for terminal operations. Lagoon 1, Lagoon 2, and Pond 3 cover approximately 1. 25 acres. The terminal operations began in 1969. The site had been farmed prior to its purchase. The facility consists of a terminal office, maintenance garage, truck washing bays, a boiler house for steam production, a wastewater pretreatment system, former waste treatment lagoons and parking facilities for empty tank trucks. Figure 1 is a topographic map of the area. There are three houses, one mobile home and one church within 500 feet from the surface impoundments. These structures are upgradient of the lagoons and a public drinking water source (CMUD) is available to them. The site is not within a 100 year flood plain (Figure 2). The nearest public drinking 4 O'BF11EN & Gt.He • • • July 26, 1990 truck rinsewaters. In 1972, the Charlotte terminal was connected to the CMUD Sanitary sewer System. Following this connection, the lagoons served as a pretreatment system. ln the late 1970s, a pretreatment plant was constructed at the terminal. The two lagoons served as a backup to the pretreatment system. In 1985, two aboveground rinsewater storage tanks and a new pretreatment plant were constructed. Use of the lagoons was terminated in 1985 when the new pretreatment system collll1\enced operation. Figure 3 is a site plan which shows the location of the two on-site lagoons. Lagoon 1 was constructed with concrete walls and with native clay materials on the bottom. Rinse waters in Lagoon 1 were aerated using two floating aerators. Lagoon 2 was an existing pond that had been constructed as a farm pond prior to Central Transport's purchase of the site, according to available background information. Pond 3 shown on Figure 3 appears to have resulted from construction of the lagoons. An intermittent stream runs through the location of Pond 3. B-lb Regional Geology The CTI site is located within the Piedmont physiographic province of North Carolina, in the Charlotte Belt. The massive crystalline and metamorphic rocks of the Piedmont are 6 OBRIEN & GERF • • • July 26, 1990 covered by a layer of unconsolidated clayey to sandy material, consisting of weathered parent rock and alluvium (Cederstrom, 1979). The underlying Charlotte Belt has been interpreted as a tilted composite mass of intrusive igneous rock that has been eroded (Wilson, 1983). The immediate vicinity of Charlotte is underlain by a granite and diorite complex, which is interfingered with a variety of local sedimentary and metamorphic rocks (Legrand, 1952). Rocks in the Charlotte Belt range in age from Paleozoic to Precambrian. B-lc Regional Hydrogeology The shallow ground water in the Charlotte area occurs in the clayey to sandy soil as an unconsolidated water table aquifer. The unconsolidated aquifer acts as a reservoir which transmits water to the bedrock. The bedrock ground water is contained in the joints, fractures, cleavage planes, bedding planes, and solution channels in the rock (Legrand, 1952). The flow of ground water within the unconfined aquifer is dictated by topography; in other words, the surface of the water table roughly mimics the land surface. Within the bedrock aquifer, however, ground water flow is controlled by the system of joints and fractures (Legrand, 1952) . 7 O'BRIEN & GcRE • • • July 26. 1990 B-ld Site Geology The maximum depth of the subsurface investigation for this project was 52 feet. Therefore, the discussion of the site geology will be limited to the uppermost 52 feet of overburden and bedrock. The unconsolidated overburden material at the site ranges from 15 feet thick to 30 feet thick on the eastern side of the lagoons, and from 3 feet thick to 21 feet thick on the western side of the lagoons. The overburden consists predominantly of silt and clay, with some sand occurring. Fill was encountered in MW2, east of Lagoon 1 (Figure 3). The overburden is underlain by blue-gray fine-grained sandstone on the eastern side of the lagoons (MW6, 7, 8) and by light-gray and green-gray siltstone on the western side of the lagoons (MW9, 10, 11). While the encountered bedrock is predominantly sandstone and siltstone, gray to green-gray quartzite was also encountered, at the bottom of overburden borings MW4 and MW5. soil Geotechnical Characteristics Two rounds of soil borings were performed; one on September 8-12, 1988, and one on September 6-8, 1989. On September 8-12, 1988, four borings were conducted to examine subsurface materials and assess their geotechnical 8 O'BRIEN & GERO. • • July 26, 1990 The soil boring locations were selected to provide a preliminary assessment of the soil quality in the vicinity of the lagoons. The five soil borings were advanced using the hollow stem auger drilling method. The augers were advanced until auger refusal indicated that bedrock had been encountered. Split spoon samples of the unconsolidated overburden were collected continuously. The soil sampling method employed was ASTM 0-1586-84/Split Barrel Sampling, using a 2-inch outside diameter split spoon sampler with a 140-pound hammer. Following the collection of each soil sample, the split spoon sampling barrel was decontaminated with soapy distilled water followed by a nitric acid rinse, a methanol rinse, and a distilled water rinse. The head space in each soil sample jar was screened in the field using a photoionization organic vapor detector (HNU Model PI-101) , in order to provide a preliminary indication of the presence of volatile organic compounds within the soils. Boring logs containing the field screening results and detailed descriptions of the geologic materials encountered during the drilling of each boring are included in Appendix B. Based on the results of the head space screening and upon visual observations, soil samples were selected for analysis. Two samples were chosen per boring: the 2 to 4 foot depth 10 • ' • July ?6, 1990 sample and the 6 to 8 foot depth sample. The samples were from the unsaturated zone, above the water table. The soil samples were analyzed for metals, voes, base/neutral extractables, acid extractables, pesticides, and PCBs. The analytical results are sununarized in Table 2; for metals, both a range and average of concentrations commonly found in soils in the USA are also included. The reference for the range and average of concentrations is the USEPA, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, Hazardous Waste Land Treatment, SW-874 (April, 1983), page 273, Table 6.46. Constituents which were not detected in the samples are not included on Table 2 . Overview -Soil Ouality A comprehensive discussion of the soil sample analytical results is presented in the report entitled "Hydrogeologic Investigation", which was submitted to the State of North Carolina on June 20, 1990. A brief summary is presented in this document. It should be noted at the outset of the discussion that the analytical results provide a generally positive assessment of site soil quality. While isolated areas of soil contamination have been detected, the contamination is relatively limited and does not appear to be ll I I ;:.:.)lf:i\' \ I l • July 26, 1990 B-3 Floodplain standard 40 CFR 270.14(b)(ll!Ciiil, 10 NCAC lOF .0034Cbl IS! The site is not located within a 100 year flood plain as shown on Figure 2 . • • 13 O'BRIEN & GERE I. • SECTION C WASTE CHARACTERISTICS July 26, 1990 C-1 Chemical and Physical Analysis 40 CFR 270.14(bl (2), 40 CFR 26S.13(aJ, 10 NCAC lOF .0034(b) (5) In order to comply with the intent of the Administrative Order on Consent between CTI and the State of North Carolina (executed May 30 1 1990), CTI has agreed to manage the surface impoundments "subject to all closure, post-closure, ground water and financial assurance requirements applicable to such units under North Carolina Hazardous Waste Management Rule, and the Solid Waste Management Act". Based upon knowledge of operations at the facility and chemical analysis, the sludge is neither a listed waste (40 CFR 261.30 33) nor a characteristic hazardous waste (40 CFR 261.20 -24) under either the "EP Toxicity" or "TCLP" tests. Tables 11 and 12 summarize these results. In May of 1990, application for a Special Use Discharge permit was made to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utility District. (Permit G008 was received June 8, connection with this application, 1990 Appendix C) . In sampling and chemical analysis of the lagoon discharge was conducted in November 1989 and February 1990. These results are presented on Table 3. A comparison of the lagoon water sample analyses to the 14 O'BRIEN & GF.'Rf • ,. July 26, 1990 CMUO effluent limitations demonstrates that all parameters are within the pretreatment standard. A March 1988 investigation indicated no contamination in the surface water of Pond 3 (Figure 3). In April of 1988, an investigation was conducted to estimate the quantity and characterize the sediments in the three surface impoundments. A summary of the estimated quantities of liquid and sludge present in April 1988 is presented in Table 4. Sludge samples were extracted using Lexan® tubing. Results of chemical analyses that were performed on the April 1988 sludge samples are summarized in Tables 5 (organics) and 6 ( inorganics) . Tables 5 and 6 include results for those compounds which were detected at concentrations above the detection limit. Results have not been included if the compound was not detected in the samples. Approximately 1. o million gallons of water and 5, 200 cubic yards of sludge are contained in Lagoons 1 and 2. The chemical analyses of the sludge indicate that the compounds that were present in the greatest concentration in Lagoons 1 and 2 were phthalates at concentrations ranging from 28 to 7,400 milligrams/kilogram (mg/kg, ppm). Phthalates were found in the sediment from Pond 3 in concentrations ranging from 52 to 170 mg/kg. Trichloroethane, tetrachl oroethene, trichlorobenzene, and toluene were present in the sludges of 15 O'BRIEN &. GERE • I. July 27, 1990 Lagoons 1 and 2 at concentrations ranging from less than detectable to 1, 400 mg/kg. Aromatic hydrocarbons detected in Lagoons 1 and 2 included toluene, (14-110 mg/kg) ethyl benzene, (11-360 mg/kg) styrene, (4.2-120 mg/kg) and xylenes (0.57-350 mg/kg). The following RCRA metals: Lead (0.003- 0.64 mg/kg), Chromium (0.026-0.309 mg/kg) Cadmium (0.0013- 0.005 mg/kg) and Barium (0.06-0.763 mg/kg), were detected in the sludges of Lagoons 1 and 2, Lead (0.023-0.047 mg/kg) and chromium (0.026-0.055 mg/kg) were detected in the sediments from Pond 3. C-2 Waste Analysis Plan 40 CFR 270.14 Cb) (3), 40 CFR 26S.13Cbl and (cl, 10 NCAC lOF .0034(b) (5) Physical and chemical analysis of the sludge have been performed (Table 5 & 6) as described in Section C-1. A stabilization treatability test was performed (Appendix D) to assess which stabilization process/media will be most effective. A description of the tr;eatability studies is included in F-lb(2) 2b(ii) (page 38). 16 O'BRIEN & GERE -l • • D Process Information ::: ---~--.....,,.. OBRIEN 6 GERE • -'~• • ' July 26, 1990 SECTION D PROCESS INFORMATION P-1 Waste Piles 40 CFR 270.lS(a), 10 NCAC lOF .0034{b) (9) There are no waste piles located on the site. D-2 Surf ace Impoundments D-2a List of Wastes 40 CFR 270.17Cal. 10 NCAC lOF .0034(b) (8) A summary of the constituents detected by chemical analyses performed on the sludge is given in Tables 5 & 6. A summary of the estimated volume of sludge is given in Table 4. The results of physical analyses performed on native soil samples indicate that the percentage of fine-grained material passing the number 200 sieve, a liquid limit, and plasticity index of the soil are within the North Carolina regulations for soil characteristics for landfill liner construction. P-2b Liner System Description 40 CFR 270.17(b) (1), 10 NCAC lOF .0034 (b\ (8) Lagoon l was constructed with concrete walls and with native clay materials on the bottom. Lagoon 2 was an existing pond that had been constructed as a farm pond prior to Central Transport's purchase of the site, according to available information. Lagoon 2 appears to be constructed of earthen 17 O'BRIEN & GF.:RF • • July 26, 1990 materials. Pond 3 resulted from construction of the lagoon. An intermittent stream runs through the location of Pond 3. Soil quality and characteristics of the surrounding area are given in section B-1. D-3 Landfills 40 CFR 270.21, 10 NCAC !OF .0034(b) (12) There are no landfills located on the site. D-4 Land Treatment 40 CFR 270.20(b), 10 NCAC lOF .0034(bl (11) There is no hazardous waste land treatment performed on site . 18 O'RRIEN & GERl' • • • • E Ground Water Monitoring aeRIEN 6 GERE • • • Introduction SECTION E GROUNDWATER MONITORING July 26, 1990 A hydrogeologic investigation was conducted by O'Brien & Gere Engineers, Inc. at the central Transport, Inc. Charlotte site. The scope of work and findings are reported in the June 1990 report of the Hydrogeologic Investigation. In June 1990 a Draft Work Plan for the Supplemental Phase I Hydrogeologic Investigation ("Work Plan") was submitted. The supplemental hydrogeologic investigation outlined in the Work Plan (Appendix E) is underway. Upon completion, the results will be included in a supplemental Report of the Hydrogeologic Investigation ("Supplemental Report"). Three rounds of ground water samples have been collected from the monitoring wells installed at the site. The first two rounds were collected in October 1989 and November 1989, as part of the initial hydrogeologic investigation. The third round was collected in June 1990, as part of the supplemental hydrogeologic investigation. A fourth round of ground water samples will be collected in September 1990. The sampling procedures and protocols, including wells to be sampled and analytical parameters, will be the same as included in the Work Plan (Appendix E) . 19 O'BRIEN & G' R'- • • • July 26, 1990 E-1 Groundwater Monitoring Data A total of nine ground water monitoring wells have been installed by drillers retained by o' Brien and Gere at the site. The scope of work, protocols and findings are described in a report entitled "Report of Hydrogeologic Investigation" dated June 1990 by O'Brien & Gere Engineers, Inc. Eight wells, (installation date is shown in parenthesis) designated MW 1 (9/6/89), MW 2 (9/6/89), MW 6 (10/02/89), MW 7 (10/03/89). MW 8 (10/03/89) I MW 9 (10/19/89) I MW 10 (10/19/89), and MW 11 (10/19/89), were installed as part of the initial investigation. The location of these wells is shown on Figure 3. One well, designated MW 12, was installed in June 1990 as part of the supplemental investigation. The approximate location of this well is shown on Figure 3. Its exact location will be shown on a Figure that will be part of the Supplemental Report. The results of the hydrogeologic investigation indicate wells MW 1, 2, 6, 7, a, 9 1 and 10 are upgradient of the disposal area. disposal area. Wells MW 11 and 12 are downgradient of the Three downgradient wells are required for post closure monitoring under the terms of the consent order. As previously discussed with representatives of the state of North Carolina, difficult drill rig access to the downgradient 20 O'BHIEN & r;ERI' • • • July 26, 1990 October 19, 1989 (Figure 3). The bedrock well installation was completed using the air rotary drilling method, with a nominal six-inch diameter bit. Drilling continued until a depth ten feet below the water table was reached. Boring logs containing detailed descriptions of the geologic materials encountered during the drilling of each bedrock well are included in Appendix B. The bedrock monitoring wells were constructed using the same procedure as the overburden wells, with the exception of MW7 1 which was constructed as a flush- mounted well. A field survey was conducted by General Surveyors, Inc. of Charlotte, North Carolina to determine the location and elevation of each of the eight wells. Both ground surface elevations and top of PVC casing elevations were obtained for each well. Refer to Figure 3 for well location and elevation data. E-lb Site Ground Water Flow Conditions The water table was encountered in the overburden (above auger refusal) at only two of the five soil boring locations, MWl and MW2. Al though the underlying bedrock aquifer is recharged with ground water that has been transmitted through the overburden, there is apparently insufficient recharge to maintain a continuous saturated zone above the bedrock. The 22 O'BRlcN & GrnE • • • July 26, 1990 data collected during the hydrogeologic investigation are insufficient to draw conclusions regarding the degree of hydraulic connection between the ground water encountered in the overburden and the bedrock aquifer. It should be noted that in a fractured bedrock aquifer, both a hydraulic pathway and hydraulic potential are needed for ground water flow. A pathway can be a joint or fracture in the bedrock, as described in Section B-1 Geology. Potential is indicated by ground water elevations, with potential ground water flow from higher to lower elevations. Data have been collected regarding potential, but not pathways (ie, a fracture trace analysis has not been performed). A fracture trace analysis is being conducted as described in the Supplemental Work Plan-Appendix E. The results of the hydrogeologic investigation indicate that two potential flow regimes exist on the site. The potential ground water flow direction on the eastern side of the lagoons (MW6,7,B) is to the south-southwest. The potential ground water flow direction on the western side of the lagoons (MW9,l0,11) is to the east. The topography of the site (Figure 1) suggests that the two potential flow regimes may merge in a southerly direction south of Lagoon 2 . There is no significant difference in 23 O'BRIF.'N & GcH'. • • • July 26, 1990 hydraulic conductivities between the two potential flow regimes. The results of the supplemental investigation will be contained in the Supplemental Report. The Supplemental Report will contain additional information regarding site ground water flow conditions and ground water quality. E-lc Ground Water Sampling Procedures Two rounds of ground water samples were collected. On October 21-22, 1989, wells MW6, MW7, MW8, MW9, MW10, and MW11 were sampled. On November 14-15, 1989, the above set of wells was sampled; in addition, MW1 and MW2 were sampled . Before a well was sampled, the ground water elevation in the well was measured. Then the volume of water standing in the well was calculated. Three times the well volume was removed from the well by bailing with a clean stainless steel bailer, so that the ground water sample was representative of the water in the screened section of the aquifer. The sampler measured the temperature, pH, and specific conductance of the ground water sample in the field. During the first round of ground water sampling, the ground water samples collected for metals analysis were filtered in the laboratory. During the second round of sampling, the ground water samples collected 24 O'BRIEN & Gff1f • • July 26, 1990 for metals analysis were filtered in the field using a peristaltic pump with an in-line 0.45-micron filter. A clean stainless steel bailer was used for sample collection. Before each use, the bailer was washed with soapy distilled water, followed by a nitric acid rinse, a methanol rinse, and a distilled water rinse. At each well site, a new" piece of clear plastic sheeting was laid down around the well. Clean equipment was placed on the plastic sheeting. A new length of polypropylene rope was attached to the bailer. The sampler put on a new pair of rubber gloves at each new well site. The sample jars were labeled and placed in a styrofoam cooler with icepacks for shipment to the laboratory for analysis. A trip blank and field blank were included for quality control/quality assurance purposes. The trip blank consisted of two 40-ml vials filled in the laboratory with distilled, uncontaminated water. The trip blank was shipped with empty sample bottles from the lab to the site, and with full sample bottles from the site to the lab. The purpose of the trip blank was to check if there had been contamination during transport. The field blank consisted of two 40-ml vials filled in the field with distilled, uncontaminated water, using field procedures identical to those procedures used during sample 25 O'BRll:'N & GERE • • • July 26, 1990 Ground water sampling procedures and protocols are also included in this report in Appendix E. E-ld Overview -Ground Water Quality A comprehensive discussion of the ground water sample analytical results is included in the June 1990 Report of Hydrogeologic Investigation, Presented below is a summary. It should be noted at the outset of the discussion that the analytical results provide a generally positive assessment of site ground water quality. With the exception of manganese, no metals, base/neutral extractable compounds, acid extractable compounds nor volatile organic. compounds were detected in MW11. While an isolated area of ground water contamination has been detected at well MW7, the contamination is relatively limited and does not appear to be related to the lagoon. The parameters detected in MW7 were phthalates, voes, and phenols. Comparisons of the MW7 ground water results to both the lagoon surface water results and the lagoon sludge results indicate that neither Lagoon 1 nor Lagoon 2 appear to be the source of the MW7 contamination . 27 O'BRIEN & GER! • • • July 26. 1990 E-le Ground Water Quality On October 21-22, 1989, a round of ground water samples was collected from wells MW6, MW7, MW8, MW9, MWlO, and MWll. On November 14-151 1989, a second round of samples was collected from the same wells. In addition, ground water samples were collected from MWl and MW2. The samples were analyzed for total metals, Volatile Organic Compounds, base/neutral extractables, acid extractables, pesticides, and PCBs. The analytical results are summarized in Table 8. Analytical parameters not de~ected are not listed in Table a. The reference for Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) standards cited in the following discussion is the USEPA, Office of Drinking Water, Fact Sheet Drinking Water Regulations under the SDWA, June 1989. The reference for the North Carolina ground water quality standards cited in the following discussion is the North Carolina Administrative Code, Title 151 Subchapter 2L "Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Ground Waters of North Carolina", section . 0202 -"Water Quality Standards", paragraph (g). The seventy-two compounds regulated by the state of North Carolina were included in the laboratory analyses, with the exception of the following compounds: acrylamide, carbofuran, 28 O'BRIEl'I & GEFE • • • July 26, 1990 chloride, cis-1,2-dichloroethene, coliform organisms, color, 2,4-D, 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane, dichlorodifluoromethane, p-dioxane, dioxin, total dissolved solids, epichlorohydrin, ethylene dibromide, ethylene glycol, fluoride, foaming agents, gross alpha particle activity, n-hexane, methoxychlor, methyl ethyl ketone, nitrate, nitrite, oxamyl, radium-226 and radium- 228, styrene, sulfate, silvex, and trans-1,2-dichloroethene. summary -Ground water Quality Phthalates, voes, and phenols were detected in MW7 only. Metals were detected in all of the ground water monitoring wells, but, with the exception manganese and iron none were detected at concentrations exceeding SOWA MDL' s or North Carolina ground water quality standards. Furthermore, the detection of metals in upgradient wells, as well as downgradient wells (based on current ground water flow potential data), is an indication that the metals may occur naturally in the ground water. E-2 Aquifer Identification The hydrogeologic assessment of the site is included in the Report. The Supplemental Report will contain additional information regarding site ground water flow, as described in the work Plan (Appendix E) . 29 O'BRIEN & GERF • • • July 26, 1990 The uppermost aquifer at the site is considered to be the bedrock aquifer, which is penetrated by wells MW 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11. Ground water was encountered in the overburden at only two of five soil boring locations, MW 1 and 2. Although wells were installed at these two locations, ground water occurrence in the overburden is neither continuous nor correlatable. Therefore, the uppermost aquifer is considered to be the bedrock aquifer. A more complete discussion of site ground water flow conditions is given in Section E-1. E-3 Contaminant Plume Description As discussed above under E-1, ground water quality data collected during the October 1989 and November 1989 rounds of sampling indicate that, no ground water contamination related to the lagoons has been detected. plume to be delineated. E-4 Post-closure Monitoring Program Therefore, there is no As discussed above in Section E-1, ground water quality data collected during the October 1989, November 1989, and June 1990, rounds of sampling indicate that, no ground water contamination related to the lagoons has been detected. Therefore, no hazardous constituents have entered the ground water from a regulated unit . 30 O'SRIEN & GESi: • • - -... -,,_ .-... -.. -.. ,---.. -.. ··-.. ...,. July 26, 1990 A post closure monitoring program as described in section F-2. e will be implemented, unless the conclusion that no hazardous constituents have entered the ground water from the lagoons is refuted by either the results from the third and fourth sampling rounds or by the supplemental Report. The post closure monitoring will be amended if necessary pending receipt of the analytical results. E-5 Compliance Monitoring Program A post closure monitoring program is proposed, therefore no information will be provided for E-5 or any of its subject headings. The entire E-5 section, together with all of its subject headings is considered to be "not applicable". E-6 corrective Action Program A post closure monitoring program is proposed, therefore no information will be provided for E-6 or any of its subject headings. The entire E-6 section together with all of its subject headings is considered to be "not applicable". 31 O'SRIEN & GERE • • • l_ - January 4, 1991 SECTION F CLOSURE AND POST CLOSURE REQUIREMENTS F-1 Closure Plan 40 CFR 270,14(b)(13), 40 CFR 265.112, NCAC 10 ,0034(b)(S), 10 NCAC lOF. 0033(g) In developing the Closure Plan, the following technical issues were considered: 1. 2. 3 4. Ground water quality Physical and chemical characteristics of the sludge Methods of sludge stabilization that will minimize free liquids and reduce toxicity, thereby inhibiting the possibility of release of contaminants Options for off-site disposal of sludge as non- hazardous waste in a secure disposal facility. 5. Approaches for disposal of lagoon liquids. Pre-closure evaluations have included: 1. Geotechnical studies that define the availability and permeability of on-site soils. 2. Sludge treatability studies that demonstrate one or more techniques that would be acceptable for stabilizing the sludge. 3. Hydrogeologic investigation of the site to assess the potential release of contaminants • F-1 O'BRIEN & GERE • • • January 4, 1991 4. Waste analysis and characterization. The Hazardous Waste Section will be notified before changes to this closure plan are executed. F-la Closure Performance Standard 40 CFR 265.111, 10 NCAC lOF .0033(g) By excavating, stabilizing, and transporting the waste to an off-site land disposal facility, the source of potential contaminants will be removed from the site. Because the waste is being removed from the site a three year period of post closure monitoring will be performed. The post-closure monitoring plan is included section F. F-lb Inventory, Removal, Disposal. or Decontamination of Equipment 40 CFR 265.112(a) (3\, 40 CFR 265.114, 10 NCAC lOF .0033(g) The intent of this closure plan is to present a procedure to treat any potentially hazardous materials and remove them from the site. All liquid from Lagoons 1 and 2 will be drained and discharged to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utility Department wastewater treatment plant in accordance with the Special Use Discharge Permit No. GOOS issued June s, 1990 (Appendix C) . The sludge from Lagoon 1 and 2 will be stabilized on site, The stabilized material will be disposed F-2 O'BRIEN & GERE • • • January 4, 1991 of off-site as non-hazardous waste in a properly permitted landfill. Primary specifications that will be utilized in obtaining competitive bids from approved contractors are included in Appendix F. F-lbCll Waste Pile Closure Activities 40 CFR 270.18(11, 40 CFR 258Cal & Cb), 10 NCAC lOF .0034(b) (9) There are no waste piles located on the site. F-lb ( 2 l Surface Impoundment Closure Activities 4 o CFR 270.17(g). 40 CFR 265.228(a) & (c). 10 NCAC lOF .0034(b) (8), 10 NCAC lOF .0033(kl F-lb(2)a Liquid Disposal On June 8, 1990 Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utility Department issued Special Use Permit No. GOOS (Appendix C). This permit which is effective June 15, 1990, permits CTI to discharge 50,000 gallons per day from the lagoons to the McAlpine Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. Table 3 includes a compilation of pretreatment standards included in 40 CFR Part 414, Subparts D, E, F, and G. To satisfy the terms of the CMUD Special use Discharge permit, temporary on-site treatment will F-3 0 BRIEN & GERE • • • January 4, 1991 several organics including bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate was reduced up to a factor of 16 using a cement based stabilization agent. Stabilization has been traditionally used for inorganic wastes containing high levels of metals. However, the use of stabilization in the treatment of organic or complex mixtures of wastes has increased. Stabilization of organic sludges or complex mixtures (polyaromatic hydrocarbons, PCBs, toluene, phthalates, aromatic chlorinated hydrocarbons, VOC's) have been used at USEPA "Super fund" sites (Selected US EPA Records of Decision). Table 9 provides a listing of some of the "Superfund" sites where stabilization of sludges containing organics was used. Preliminary stabilization tests were performed on the sludge to assess the effectiveness of both cement-based and pozzolanic processes (Appendix D). Cement, fly ash, combinations of cement and fly ash, hydrated lime and quicklime were tested. sludge was mixed with stabilizing agents and allowed to cure for three days. Cement, fly ash and combinations of those two produced a stabilized F-6 O'BRIEN & GERE • • • January 4, 1991 product with no free water and the highest range of unconfined compressive strengths. F-lb(2)b(ii) Treatability Study Treatability studies have been performed on the sludge to assess the most effective method of stabilizing the sludges, and thus rendering potentially hazardous constituents immobile. The test used a composite mixture of the sludge from different areas of the lagoons. A TCLP test was performed on a sample of the untreated sludge to assess the baseline toxicity of the sludge. Table 11 indicates that the sludge leachability prior to treatment is below current TCLP regulatory limits. The sludge was weighed and placed into a plastic cylinder. The stabilizing agent was weighed and added to the sludge. During the mixing process the temperature increase was recorded. Following the curing period the volume increase and sample properties of the stabilized sludge were recorded. A Paint Filter test was performed to F-7 OBRIEN & GERE • • • --··-----------~ Janual:'y 4, 1991 determine the presence of free liquids. Unconfined compression tests were performed according to ASTM D 2166. Stress and strain measurements were recorded for each sample. A TCLP test was performed on a sample that had been stabilized using Portland Cement to assess the reduction in leachability provided by the process. Table 11 summarizes the results of this analysis. Based on visual observations and physical and chemical analyses, the addition of Portland Cement, cement kiln dust or combinations of these materials are viable remedial alternatives for the treatment of sludge at CTl because they provide the highest ranges of unconfined compression strengths and reduction in leachabili ty potential to near detection limits (Appendix D). F-lb(2)b(iiil on-Site Stabilization Portland Cement and/or cement kiln dust, or an approved equivalent, will be used on-site to stabilize the sludges. The sludge will be mixed to produce a homogeneous mixture. The lagoons are out F-8 0 BRIEN & GERE • • • August 16, 1991 disposed of as non-hazardous waste in an appropriate landfill. If for any reason contaminated sludge or soil is stockpiled prior to treatment, it will be done in a manner that will prevent a release to the environemt. Roll-off boxes or any other suitable means may be used to prevent a release. be the Piedmont The recommended disposal cell will Landfill and Recycling Center in Kernersville, North Carolina. F-lb(2le Backfilling Lagoon Areas The contaminated sludge and soils will be removed and disposed of off-site. Soil will be removed to concentrations which meet acceptable soil clean-up criteria. The areas formerly occupied by the lagoons will be backfilled using suitable soil. No asphalt or materials larger than two inches in diameter will be used as backfill. In order to demonstrate that no contaminated materials will be used as backfill, the contractor will be required to submit his source for fill for approval by the engineer prior to beginning to backfill. If documentation confirming that clean fill is being used is F-10 fl ri1qrr1 '~ i :r 111 • • • January 4. 1991 not provided, the Contractor will be required to take one sample of fill per 50 cubic yards and analyze for volatiles, acid/base/neutral extractables, and TCLP metals and submit the results for review by the engineer prior to placement of the fill. The following procedure will be used to backfill the areas formerly occupied by the lagoons: (1) The surface impoundment area will be graded (cut and fill) with local materials to the desired final elevations per final grade drawing (See Figure 5). (2) Topsoil will be seeded to prevent erosion . F-lb(2lf Facility Decontamination F-lb(2)f(il Contaminated Soils Removal Criteria Visually contaminated soils from the bottom and sides of Lagoons 1 and 2 will be removed to meet acceptable soil clean-up criteria. Clean-up levels will be based on site specific conditions, including all constituents remaining in the soil at the site. CTI reserves the right to submit a risk assessment at a later date for review by a State toxicologist . F-11 O'BRIEN & GERE • • • January 4, 1991 F-lb(2lfCii) sampling and Testing Program Samples will be collected from the subsoils and lagoon sides to assess if residual contamination exists (See Appendix F for sampling protocols). Due to the homogeneity of the soils underneath the lagoon, as evidenced by the consitency of materials in the boring logs, a large number of soil samples will not be required. Each lagoon will be divided into four quadrants. one discrete sample will be taken from the bottom and one discrete sample will be taken from the side wall of each quadrant for a total of eight samples per lagoon. During the first verification round, samples will be analyzed for the indicator parameters listed in Appendix F, Section 02001 Soil Testing Protocol. Once the excavated soil meets the established clean-up criteria the soil will be sampled and analyzed for all volatiles, acid/base/neutral extractables including 2-chloroethyl vinyl ether, and TCLP constituents. Excavated, contaminated soils will be stabilized as necessary and disposed of off-site in the same manner as the stabilized sludges . F-12 O'BRIEN & Grno • • • January 4, 1991 F-lbC2lf(iiil Contaminated Equipment Decontamination Procedure Excavation equipment, sampling equipment, tools, and other equipment that may have come in contact with contaminated materials will be decontaminated in an area with an impermeable surface which has been approved by an independent professional engineer. The decontamination pad will be constructed in a manner that will prevent a release to the environment. Decontamination will include a tap rinse followed by steam or high pressure cleaning to remove visible sol.ids. Rinse waters will be collected and discharged to CMUD in accordance with the Special Use Discharge permit GOOS (Appendix C). Prior to discharge, the rinse water will be sampled in order to verify decontamination. The equipment and structures will be considered decontaminated when the concentrations of all constituents are below the detection 1 imi ts recommended in SW-846 or below drinking water standards when they exist. Disposable sampling equipment and protective clothing will be containerized and disposed of in a proper manner . F-13 OBRIEN & GERE • • • January 4, 1991 Equipment and structures that cannot be cleaned to the standards described above will be disposed of as hazardous waste. F-lbC3} Closure of Land Treatment Facilities 40 CFR 265.280(a), 10 NCAC lOF .0033(ml There are no land treatment facilities located on the site. F-lc Closure of Disposal Units 40 CFR 270.14(b} (13), 10 NCAC lOF . 0034 Cb} (8) If all contaminated soils and structures cannot be removed to acceptable soil clean up criteria, the lagoon(s} will be closed as a landfill in accordance with 40 CFR 265.288 {a) (2). In this instance, a cap will be proposed in accordance with the specifications in EPA/530-SW-89-047, Final Covers On Hazardous Waste Landfills and Surface Impoundments, and post-closure care will be performed. F-ld Schedule for Closure 40 CFR 265.112(a} (4), 10 NCAC lOF .0033(q) Closure will be completed within 180 days after initiation of the closure plan unless a longer period is requested by CTI and this request is approved by the state. Figure 6 details the expected schedule for closure . F-14 O'BRIEN & GERE • • Septeml:>er 10. 1992 F-le Extensions for Closure Time 40 CFR 265.113Cal & Cb), 10 NCAC lOF .0033(g) At this time, CTI does not submit a petition for a closure time extension. F-lf Certification of Closure 40 CFR 265.115, 40 CFR 265.280(e), 10 NCAC lOF .0033(gl An inspector who reports to an independent professional engineer will be on site during the excavation, stabilization and removal of the sludge and periodically during the completion of closure activities. When closure has been completed, CTI will submit to the State of North Carolina a written certification both by the company and by the professional engineer that Lagoons 1 and 2 have been closed in accordance with this Closure Plan. In addition, the report will include a description of any procedures or tasks performed during the closure which differed from those specified in the approved plan. Any changes to the approved closure plan will be submitted to the Hazardous waste Section for approval. F-2 Post-Closure Plan Section F. 2. a. through F. 2. i. constitutes the Post- Closure Plan for Central Transport, Inc. 's (CTI) surface impoundments at the Charlotte, North Carolina facility. This F-15 O'BRIEN & GERE • • • September 10, 1992 F-2c System Design Description This section is not applicable to the closure activities planned for the surface impoundments. F-2d Inspection Plan Inspection of the former impoundment area will be made quarterly by the Environmental Director of CTI, or his qualified designee. The inspection will consist of a visual review of the former impoundment area, fencing integrity, and observations of unusual surface conditions or possible indications of unusual subsurface conditions. In addition, all groundwater monitoring wells will be inspected during semi-annual sampling. At the time of each inspection, a record will be made in an inspection log, which is contained in Appendix G. Recorded information includes: former surface impoundment identification (Lagoon 1 and Lagoon 2), date and time of inspection, item or issue inspected, notation of observations made, and signature of inspector. Any problems observed during the inspection by CTI's designee will be recorded and brought to the attention of the Environmental Director. The Environmental Director is responsible for ensuring that remedial action is performed on a timely basis and for F-17 O'BRIEN & GERE • • • September io. 1992 documenting the nature of the remedial action in the inspection log. Copies of inspection logs will be kept on file at the CTI-Charlotte facility. F-2e Post-Closure Monitoring Plan F-2eC1l Indicator parameters. waste constituents. reaction products to be monitored Chemical analyses of the surface waters and the sludges of the lagoons are summarized on Tables 3,5, and 6. The class of compounds that would serve as the best indicator compounds are the voes and base/neutral extractables. VOC 1s are mobile (ie, commonly found at the leading edge of contaminant plumes), have low detection limits, and are not normally present in ground water. Phthalates, which are base/neutral compounds, are the most prevalent constituent found in the sludge. F-2e(2) Hazardous waste characterization A discussion of the type, quantity, and concentrations of constituents in wastes managed at the regulated unit is included under Section B-1 of the Closure Plan . F-18 O'SRIEN & GERE • • • December 28, 1992 F-2e(4l Detectability EPA Method 8240/624 is used to detect voe in ground water samples. EPA Method 8270/625 for Acid and Base/Neutral Extractables is used to detect Phthalates in ground water samples. F-2e(5) Post Closure Groundwater Monitoring Program F-2e(5)a Description of wells The following wells will be sampled during post closure monitoring: MW 6, 7 1 8, 9, 10 1 13, and 16 . As discussed under E-1, well locations are shown on Figure 3 and the revised grading plan. Well specifications and Ground Water Elevations, Boring Logs, and Well Construction Diagrams are all found in the Appendices. F-2e(5)b Representative samples The background monitoring points will be the upgradient wells MW 6 1 9, and 10. The compliance monitoring points will be the "downgradient" wells MW 7, 8, 13, and 16. While MW 7 is not currently downgradient it is included because contamination has been detected in this well. F-19 O'BRIEN & GERE • December 28, 1992 F-2e(5lc Locations of background ground-water monitoring wells that are not upgradient There are no background wells that are not upgradient. F-2e(5)d Background values Background arithmetic means, variances and standard deviations for indicator parameters from upgradient wells will be calculated. Based on an evaluation of ground water quality data collected, an appropriate statistical procedure for comparing upgradient and downgradient wells will be selected. The statistical procedure will be selected in accordance with USEPA Guidance Document entitled "The Statistical Analysis of Ground Water Monitoring Data at RCRA Facilities", Interim Final Guidance, Off ice of Solid waste, dated February 1989. As stated in Section 5 of the above referenced guidance document, if more than 50% of the observations are below the detection limit then the appropriate method is a test of proportions. If the proportion of detected values is 50% or more, then an analysis of variance procedure will be used. A statistical analysis will be performed on F-20 0 BRIEN & GERE • • • December 2s. 1992 any constituent tested that has been detected above the detection limit at least once. F-2e(5le Sampling Frequency Ground water samples will be collected from wells MW 6, 7, s, 9, 10, 13, and 16 on a semi-annual basis throughout the post closure monitoring period. F-2e(5lf sampling quantity The background monitoring upgradient wells MW 6, 9, points will be the and 10. During each semi-annual round, one sample from each of these wells will be collected and analyzed. The total number of background samples will be three. F-2e(5lg Sampling. Analysis and statistical Procedures The Supplemental Work Plan includes procedures for sample collection, sample preservation, sample shipment, analytical methods, and chain of custody controls. Statistical comparison procedures will be as discussed under Section F-2e(5)d . F-21 C BRIEN & GERE • • • December 28, 1992 F-2eC5)h Sample collection Sample collection procedures specified in the Sampling and Analysis Plan dated December 1992 will be followed. F-2e(5li sample preservation and shipment Sample preservation and shipment techniques are discussed in the following parts of the Work Plan (Appendix E) under Ground water Sampling and Analysis -Ground Water Sampling Protocol. F-2e(5)j Analytical procedure Samples will be analyzed for the following parameters: Volatile Organics EPA SW-846 Method 8240 Acid/Base Neutral EPA SW-846 Method 8270 Extractables Inorganics Aluminum EPA SW-846 Method 202.1 Antimony EPA SW-846 Method 204.l Arsenic EPA SW-846 Method 206.2 Barium EPA SW-846 Method 202.1 Beryllium EPA SW-846 Method 210.1 cadmium EPA SW-846 Method 213.1 Calcium EPA SW-846 Method 215.1 Chromium EPA SW-846 Method 218.1 Cobalt EPA SW-846 Method 219.1 copper EPA SW-846 Method 220.1 Iron EPA SW-846 Method 236.l. Lead EPA SW-846 Method 239.1 Magnesium EPA SW-846 Method 242.1 Manganese EPA SW-846 Method 243.2 F-22 0'8RIEN S GERE December 28. 1992 Mercury EPA SW-846 Method 245.1 Nickel EPA SW-846 Method 249.1 Potassium EPA SW-846 Method 258.1 Selenium EPA SW-846 Method 270.2 silver EPA SW-846 Method 272.1 Sodium EPA SW-846 Method 273.1 Thallium EPA SW-846 Method 279.1 vanadium EPA SW-846 Method 286.1 Zinc EPA SW-846 Method 289.l cyanide EPA SW-846 Method 335.3 sample collection procedures specified in the Sampling and Analysis Plan dated December 1992 will be followed. F-2e15lk Chain of custody Chain of custody procedures as discussed in the • Sampling and Analysis Plan dated December 1992 will be followed. F-2e(5J1Cil Flow Direction Potential flow direction will be perpendicular to contour lines that will be drawn to represent equal ground water elevations. The potential flow direction will be toward lower ground water elevations. The ground water elevation data will be tabulated in a manner similar to Table 7, and will be plotted in a manner similar to Figure 7 . • ' F-23 CBRIEl\I & GERE • • • SeptemJ:>er 10, 1992 F-2e(5l1Ciil Flow rate The hydraulic gradient will be derived from the contour lines that will be drawn. Using the values for hydraulic gradient, ground water flow velocities will be calculated as described in the Hydrogeologic Investigation Report. It should be noted that, of the three variables in the velocity equation, the only one that can vary with the passage of time is the hydraulic gradient. On October 20, 1989, in-situ hydraulic conductivity tests were performed on wells MW6 through MW11 to estimate the hydraulic conductivity (or permeability) of the screened aquifer material. The hydraulic conductivity was calculated by measuring the rate of recovery of the water level immediately following the development of each well. The Hvorslev method was used to calculate the hydraulic conductivities. The in-situ hydraulic conductivity tests will not be repeated each year. Similarly, while varying ground water elevations may result in varying ground water flow velocities F-24 O'BRIEN & GERE • • • September 10, 1992 and in varying potential flow directions, the hydraulic pathways (a joint or fracture) needed for ground water flow in a fractured bedrock aquifer will not vary with the passage of time. The fracture trace analysis described in the work Plan and the Supplemental Report will not be repeated each year. F-2e(5)m Statistical Determination statistical procedures will be as discussed under F-2e(5) . F-2e(5Jn Results rt is estimated that laboratory results will be received approximately 30 days after any given sampling round. rt is estimated that up to 30 days will be required to perform the statistical analysis, once laboratory results have been received. Thus, an evaluation as to whether there has been a statistically significant increase over background values for each parameter monitored at the compliance point wells will be available 60 days after the completion of any given sampling round . F-25 O'BRIEN G. GERE • • • December 28, 1992 F-2f Maintenance Plan The vegetative cover will be maintained (cut) monthly during the growing season for such vegetation, and inspected monthly for maintenance needs in off-season months. This maintenance will include the removal of vegetation suspected of threatening the viability of the existing shallow-rooted plants. Deep-rooted plants or weeds that could potentially disrupt the topsoil layer would also be removed. Monthly inspections of the condition of both the cap and the vegetation in the former impoundment area will be made. The inspection will include a review of the items included on the Inspection Log, included in Appendix G, such as cap integrity, signs of erosion, vegetative health/status, signs of subsurface disturbance such as raised mounds or collapsing soils (e.g. due to burrowing animals), water ponding and water runoff. Corrective measures will be taken, as appropriate, to restore the covered area to the initial (design) conditions. Such corrective measures may include regrading, in order to minimize percolation, removal of brush or shrubs, and weed control. Should thinning of vegetation be observed that is indicative of insect damage, an extermination program will be initiated, and overseeding will be done in order to maintain a dense and uniform vegetative cover. Well inspection will also be conducted monthly. The integrity of the well cover, lock and casing will be reviewed. Damaged materials will be F-26 O'BRIEN & GERE • • December 28, 1992 replaced and/or repaired, as appropriate, in order to maintain the integrity and usefulness of the well. Should a well used in subsequent monitoring be discovered to be damaged beyond repair, the DEHNR will be notified as to an appropriate replacement location, procedure, and schedule. F-2g Special Waste Management Plan This section is not applicable to the CTI Charlotte terminal, as the surface impoundments were not used to contain chlorinated-dioxins, -dibenzofurans or -phenols. F-2h Land treatment The CTI facility does not operate a land treatment unit, thus this section is not applicable to this closure plan. F-2i Personnel Training Inspection and routine procedures will be carried out by qualified personnel (Environmental Director or his designee) from CTI. Ground water sampling will be performed by qualified contracted personnel. Required training for contracted personnel will depend on the activity performed. Only appropriately trained and qualified personnel will be contracted for the ground water sampling. F-27 O'BRIEN & GERE • • • September 10, 1992 groundwater contamination, to seek to petition to reform the deed to eliminate or modify the hazardous waste notification. No such reformation will be sought unless and until the appropriate findings are made under 40 C. F .R. 254.117(a) (2) (i). F-5 Closure Cost Estimate 40 CFR 270.14(b) (15), 10 NCAC 10F • 0034 (bl cs) Table 13 itemizes the costs expected to be incurred during closure of the site. The cost to complete the project which includes post closure monitoring is currently estimated at $1.47 million . F-6 Financial Assurance Mechanism 40 CFR 270.14Cbl (151. 10 NCAC 10F ,0034(b) (S) A letter of credit has been issued by the North Carolina National Bank to CTI for 2.5 million dollars to cover both closure and post closure costs. F-7 Post-closure cost Estimate A Post-Closure cost estimate for CTI' s Charlotte, NC facility is presented in Table 14, The total 30 year cost for post closure monitoring is $901,218. All on-site post-closure work will be supervised and performed by qualified CTI or contracted personnel. However, F-29 O'BRIEN & GERE • • • September 10, 1992 the cost estimate has been prepared assuming all activities are to be performed by contracted personnel, in accordance with 40 CFR 264.144. The Post-Closure cost estimate will be updated annually to reflect the effects of inflation. This update will be made within 60 days prior to the anniversary date of the establishment of the financial instruments used as financial assurance. This adjustment will be made using the inflation factor from the most recent Implicit Price Deflater for the Gross National Product, as published by United states Department of Commerce. The Post-Closure cost estimate will be adjusted within 30 days of a revision the Post-Closure plan, if such a revision causes an increase in the cost of Post-closure care. The facility will maintain the latest Post-Closure cost estimate. A post-closure period of thirty years is assumed. F-8 Financial Assurance Mechanism for Closure and Post- Closure care A letter of credit for $2.5 million from North Carolina National Bank has been obtained by CTI for closure and post- closure care. A letter of credit has been issued by the North Carolina National Bank to CTI for 2.5 million dollars to cover both closure and post closure costs . F-30 O'BRIEN & GERE • • • September 10, 1992 F-9 Liability Requirements 40 CFR 270.14(b) (17), 10 NCAC 10F . 0034 (b) (5) The liability requirements for sudden and nonsudden accidental occurrences do not apply to CTI's lagoons. The requirements, set forth at 40 CFR 265.147, are intended to provide coverage for bodily injury and property damage to third parties caused by sudden or nonsudden accidental occurrences arising from operations of the facility. CTI'S lagoons are not, and have not been for some time, a facility in operation. In fact, they are ready to be closed imminently . F-31 O'BRIEN & GERE ~-------· • • • REFERENCES 1. Cederstrom, D.J.; Boswell, E.H.; and Tarver, G.R., "Summary Appraisals of the Nation's Ground-Water Resources-south Atlantic-Gulf Region," USGS Professional Paper 813-0, 1979. 2. Conner, J.R., Li, A.; "Stabilization of Hazardous Waste Landfill Leachate Treatment Residues". Presented at Gulf Cost Hazardous Substance Research Center Symposium on Solidification/Stabilization. February 15-16, 1990. 3 • Legrand, H.E. and Mundorff; M.J. I "Geology and Ground Water in the Charlotte Area, North Carolina," North Carolina Department of Conservation and Development Bulletin No. 63, prepared cooperatively with the USGS, 1952. 4. Stabilization/Solidification of CERCLA and RCRA Wastes, Physical Tests, Chemical Testing Procedures, Activities. Technology Screening, and Field Office EPA/625/6-89/022. May 1989. of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency . O'BRIEN & GERE r •• ' • • I _ - REFERENCES (continued) September 10. 1992 5, Tittlebaum, M.E., Cartledge, F.K., Engels, S.; "State of the Art on Stabilization of Hazardous O:t"ganic Liquid Wastes and Sludges." CRC Critical Review in Environmental Control, 15, 1985, pp. 179- 211. 6. Wilson, Frederick Albert, "Geophysical and Geologic Studies in Southern Mecklenburg County and vicinity, North Carolina and South Carolina," USGS Paper OF83-0093, 1983 . F-32 O'SRIEN & GE:RE • • • Tables ,........ ---~3.~ i!li.m.illl ........ aBRIEN 6 GERE -• • I TABLE l I I I SOIL LABORATORY ANALYSES I I I CTI -CHARLOTTE. NC MAXIMUM DEPTH %PASSING PIASTICITY DRY OPTIMUM BORING# INTERVAL #200 SCREEN LIQUID LIMIT Pl.ASTIC LIMIT INDEX DENSITY MOISTURE 1 6-10 Ff 85.8 91 55 36 108.5 19.6 1 > 20 Ff 1.3 81 37 44 119.1 13.7 2 6-7.5 Ff 0.6 77 47 30 113.2 17.0 2 > 20 F1' 61.2 36 21 15 122.5 13.3 3 1-2.5 FT 3.7 47 27 20 120.0 13.0 4 0.5-5.5 Ff 86.1 84 35 49 1()5.() 213 4 5.5-21 FT 83.8 84 47 37 104.7 23.3 • • • TABLE 2 CENTRAl TRANSPORT, !NC. -CNARLOTTE TERMINAl SOIL QUAllTY ANALYSIS Saf11Jole Location and S~le Intervat (feet) lofll-1 M~-2 lfll-3 lfll-4 M~-5 CATEGORY PARAHHER COMMON RANGE AVERAGE 2-4 6-8 2-4 6-8 2-4 6-8 2-4 6-8 2-4 6-8 -----------------------------H'etals A!U&hun 10,000-300,000 7!. 000 11500 8300 7800 6400 13500 20200 14600 18100 10900 5000 Arsenic 1-50 5 87 ro 55 42 1615 3 2 4 5 1-7 S.ar-iun 100-3,000 430 27 20 38 43 102 72 200 231 27 23 Caleh.111 ----540 280 620 750 279C 1210 1960 2610 200 300 Chromi'un 1-!,000 100 24 21 13 13 68 25 6.8 21 10 6.7 Cobol t 1-40 8 5.7 2.8 14 9.3 31 15 27 33 <2.00 <2.00 C-r 2-100 30 35 23 31 30 39 31 76 99 10 9.6 Iron ----5.51 4.44 3.8 3.41 4.19 3.79 3.43 4.23 1560 8900 load 2-200 10 6.6 7.4 7.6 6.5 5.9 4.9 <2.00 <2.00 8.6 7.7 Magnesf1.1n 600-6,000 5,000 720 260 1160 890 8300 3610 11500 11300 720 1060 Me11g.13nese 20-3,000 600 138 107 238 210 550 176 215 590 31 57 M"e-rcury 0.01-0.30 0.03 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0. 1 ND Nictel 5-500 40 5.7 3.7 4-8 2.8 40 15 6.8 24 <2.00 3 Pot.ass fun ----250 240 300 230 280 340 810 3830 130 350 SodiLITI . ---440 430 540 320 330 310 1400 no 260 260 V-anediUlll 20-500 100 120 83 76 75 119 98 110 .150 44 25 Zfnc 10-300 50 13 11 13 11 39 25 48 81 11 14 Base/Neutral Extractables Butyl Benzyl Phthalate (ppb) ----ND ND ND NO NO llO 410 1100 NO ND Di-n-Butyl Phthalate (ppb) ----300* ND 130• 240111! ND 70* 180 19C ND 24D Di-n-OCty! Phthalate (ppb) ----NO ND ND ND ND ND 520 1300 "° NO Volatile Organic C"""°"nds 1,1-D!chloroethylene (ppb) ----ND 14 ND NO NO ND ND NO ND ND Etnylbenzene CppbJ ·---ND 500 !Ill NO ND ND ND ND ND ND Trichloroethylene (ppb) ---. ND 79 ND NO NO ND ND NO NO ND Toluene <wb> ----ND 92 ND NO ND 18 llO ND ND NO Xy I enas ( ppb) --. -NO 86D ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTES: 1. Sl.lbstances pl'fient below the detection timit are not listed. 2. Coomon range and average concentrations of metals in soj ls from USE PA, Office of Sol id llaste and Emergency Response 1 Hazardous Waste t.and Treatment 1 SW-874 (April 1983), page 273, table 6.46. N~ indicates not detected (st.ti.stance is present below the detection limit). * lndicates a parameter whicn was also detected in the laboratory btanks and could be attrib.Jt-ed to laboratory contamination~ Page (1 .. • • IABlE 3 ------- CHEHICAL ANALYSIS Of SITE SURFACE WATER C£~TRAl TRANSPORT, I~C. CttARLOJIE, NC TERMINAL • PRETREATMENT STANDARDS • • Effluent Standards Taken fr0111: • ( 1} 40 CFR 414 -11 Eff luent Guidelines and Standards for Or-ganic • Chemica.Ls11 , SlJbparts D -F, and • (2) Charlotte Code Article III -~astewate~ Discharge Restrictions~ • Section 234'5 General dischar~e prohibitions~ para (c) • Specific Pollutant Limitetlons • • • Wa.ter Water-Ii.later \.later Source Pretreatment Standards • SAMPLE Sa"" le S~le S"""le S~le ( 11/89) (2/90) (3/88) (3/88) L-eg;oon 1 & 2 Lagoon 1 & 2 Pond 3 Pond 3 ot • QUANT! f I CAT JON C~site Corr.pas i t-e Std. c~ Max Per Day Max Hoot ht y aver.a 9e • UNIT L\il-1* LW** CTL-5 CTL-6 ----4 --- ---4 --4 ----.. ----·-4-·-• ·-·-----------· ·-----·-·------4 -··--·-4 • {1) "cenapht hene 47 19 • 10 BQL BOL BQL BOl (I) aenzene 134 57 • 5 BQL BQl BOL BOL ( 1 ) carbon Tetrachloride 380 142 • 5 BQL BOL BQL BOL ( 1) Chlorobenzene 380 142 • 5 BQL BOL BQL BQL ( 1) ~~2,4-T~ichlorobenzene 794 196 • 10 BQL BOL BQL BQL (1) He~achlorobenzene 794 196 • 10 BOL BOl BQL BQl (1) 1~2-Die~loroetnane 574 180 • 5 BOL BOL BQL BQL <1 ) 1,1,1-Tric~loroethane 59 22 • 5 BOL BQL BQL BOL ( 1) ~exachtoroethane 794 196 • 10 BQL BQL BQL BQL (1 J 1,1-0ichtoroethane 59 22 • 5 BQl BQL BQL BQL ( 1.) 1~1,2-Trichloroethane-127 32 • 5 BQL BQL BQL BOL ( 1) Chloroethane 295 110 • 10 BQL BQL BOl BQL (1) C:hlorofom 325 111 • 5 BQL BQL BOL BQL (l) 1~2-Diehlorobenzene 794 196 • 10 BQl BOL BQL BQL ( 1) 1,3-Dicnlorobenz.-ene 38(1 142 • 10 BQL BQl BQl BQL ( 1 ) 1,4-Dichl-0robenzene 380 142 • 10 BQL BOL BQL BQL ( 1) 1,1-0ichloroethylene 60 22 • 5 BQL BQL BQL BQl ( 1) i~2 trans-Dientoroethylene 66 25 • 5 BQl BQL BQL BQL ( 1) 1~2-Dichloropropane 794 196 • 5 BQL BQL BQl BOL (l) 1,34Dichloropropylene 794 196 • 5 BQL BQL BQL BQL (1 ) 2,4 Dimethyl pheno( 47 19 • 10 BQL BOL BQL BQL ( 1 J Ethyl benzene 38(1 142 • 5 BOL BQL BQL BQL ( 1 J Fluoroanthene 54 22 • 10 BQl BQL BQL BQL l ,. P-age C2} • • TABLE 3 ------- CHEMICAL AMAlYSJS OF SITE SURFACE WATER CEMTRAl TRAMSPORT, INC. CHARLOTTE~ HC TERHIWAL • PRETREATMENT STANDARDS • • Effluent Standards Taken from: • ( 1) 40 CFR 414 -11Effluent Uuide-l ines .and Standards fo,. Organic-• Chemi cats 11 , Subparts D -f , and • (2) Charlotte Code Article IJI -Waste~.ater Discharge Restrictions, • Section 23-45 General discharge prohibitions, para (c) • Specific Pollutant Limitations • • • 'Water Water-W.ater I.later Sou•ce Pretreatment Standards • SAHPLE S-le S-!e S.arrple Sarrple ( 11/89) {2/9()) (3/88) (3/88) Lagoon 1 & 2 lagoon 1 & 2 Pond 3 Pond 3 of • QUANT! fl CAT J()jj Corrpos i te Conposite Std. c~ "".ax Per Da.y Max Montnty average • l!MIT LW-1* Lii"* CTL-S CTL-6 --- - - ----- ---- --------- ----------• ------------------------------- -------- {1) ~ethylene cnLoride-17() 36 • s BQL BQL BQL BQL ( I l Methyl Chloride 29S 110 • 10 BQL BQL BOL BQL ( 1 ) Hexachlorobutadiene-380 142 • 10 BQL BQL BQL BQL ( 1 ) N:aptha.lene 47 19 • 10 BQL BQL BQL BQL <p N"i trobenzene 6,402 2,237 • 10 BQL BQl BQL BQL ( } 2·Nitrophenol 231 65 • 10 BQL BQL BOL BOL { 1) 4-~itrophenol S76 16.2 • so BQL BOL BQL BQl (1) 4~6-0initro-o-cresol 2n 78 • so BQL BOL BQL BOL <1) Phenol 47 19 • 10 BOL BQL BQL BOL ( 1 ) Bis(2·ethylhexyl) plithalate 2S8 9S • \0 BQL BQL BOL SOL ( 1 ) Di-n-butyl phthalate 43 20 • 10 BQL BQL BOL BQL ( 1) Oietnyt phthalate 113 46 • 10 BQL BQL BQL BQl ( 1) Oirnethyl phthatate 47 19 • 10 BQL BOL BQL BQL ( 1) Antl'lr-.acene 47 19 • 10 BQL BQL BQL BQL ( 1) F luorene 47 19 • 10 BQL BQL BQL BOL ( 1) Phenanthrene 47 19 • 10 BQL BQL BOL BOL (1) Pyrene 48 20 • 10 BQL BQL BOL BQL ( \) Tetrachloroethylene 164 S2 • s BQL BQL BQL BOL ( 1) Toluene 74 26 • s BQL BOL BQL BOL ( 1 ) Trichloroe-thylene 69 26 • s BQL BQL BQL SOL ( 1 ) 'u'lnyl Chloride 1n 97 • 10 BQL BOL BOL BQL Page (3.),. • Sou rte of Std. - - (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) ( 2) (2) ( 2) (2) ( 1) CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF SITE SURFACE WATER (ENlRAl TRANSPORT, IWC. CHARLOTTE, NC TERMINAL PRETREATMENT STANDARDS Effluent Standards Taken from: {l) 40 CfR 414 -~effluent GuidelinEs and St~ndards for Organic C:'1emicals0 • Subparts D -f. and (2) Charlotte Code Article II! -uastewater Oischarge Restrictions, Section 23·4S General discharge protiibitioos~ para (c) Specific Pollutant limitations Pretreatment Standards COlipOU""d .Max Per Day Max Monthly average -. -. . . ----. . . . . -. . -. . . . . -. . . . . . Total Cyanide (mg/l) 0.040 NIA Total Arsenic (mg/l) 0.050 NIA Total CadniUll (mgfl) 0.003 NIA Total cnromii..m (mg/l) 0.050 NIA Total COpt>e' (mgll) 0.060 NIA Tota( Lead (mgll) 0.050 NIA Total Mercury Crng/l) 0.003 NIA Total Nickel (mg/ll 0.050 NIA Total Si tve.r (mg/t) 0.010 N/A Total Zinc (mg/l) 0.180 N/A 800 ( 11191 l ) 235 N/A Total Suspended So( ida (mg/l) 250 N/A pH 6.0-9.0 6.0-9.0 • •• lE4 Laboratory Results dated November 4~ 1989 • JEA Laboratory Results dated February 19, 1990 MOYES: TABLE 3 • • • • • • • • • • • • SAMPLE • OU ANT J F I CA TI ()jj • LIHJT • -······ • • • 0.01 • 0.03 • 0.02 • 0.005 • --• 0.03 • - -• 0.01 • • • 1. All Ulits on this Table are ~icr~rams per tlte~ (u9/l) e~cept where noted. 2. M/A indicates no effluent limit exists tor standard under selected source for standard 3. BQl indicates that the cO!rpOW'ld was not detected above the quantificatiOf'I limit 4. •• indicates that coapound was F'Klt analyzed ~-~----~---------------------. • -Water 'I.later W'ater ~ater S-le SOllJlle Sa~le S-le ( 11/89) (2/90) 0/88) (3/88) Lagoon 1 & 2 Lagoon 1 & 2 Pord 3 Pord 3 COllpOSite C:orrpos.i te l~· 1* LW** CTL-5 CTL-6 ··------··---··-........ ........ BOL SQL BOL BOL BQL BQl BOL BQL - ---BQL SQl . - -. 0.02 0.02 40 7.0 32 8.0 7.4 8.l • • • TABLE4 SUMMARY OF WATER AND SEDIMENT QUANTITIES A. Lagoon 1 Surface Area Average Depth to Sludge Volume of Water Average Depth of Sludge Volume of Sludge B. Lagoon 2 Surface Area Average Depth to Sludge Volume of Water Average Depth of Sludge Volume of Sludge C. Total Quantities Total Water Total Sludge NOTE: Quantities estimated from April 1988 survey 11,900 square feet 4 feet 356,000 gallons 8 feet 3,600 cubic yards 17,000 square feet 5 feet 640,000 gallons 2.5 feet 1,600 cubic yards 996, 000 gallons 5,200 cubic yards Page (I) -• TASlE 5 LAGOON CLOSURE PLAN CEHIRAL TRANSPORT, IHC. CHARLOTTE TERMINAL SAMPllNG • APRIL lS·20, 198S CHEMlCAl ANAL!SIS Of SLUDGE (ORGANICS) rlOTES: 1. Results are given fn parts per bi I I ion {ug/kg) units unless otherwise noted~ 2. Fl9ure 3 shows saiYple locations. SAMPLE NUMBER SP-3 SP·3(0L) SP·S SP-S(Ol) SP-9 SAMPLE LOCA HOM lagoon i Lagoon \ lagoon 1 Lagoon i Lagoon i (dilution) {dilution) CHlO!IOMETHAHE 2500 8,3CCU 5, 101l\l 85,00-0tJ 1701J CHLOilOETHANE 2>GU 8,3000 5, 100U 85' 0000 170U METN!LEHE CHLORIDE 8608 2,100J 220,000BE 180,0008 5808 ACETONE 1 ,2008 8,300U 5, IOOU 85,000U 4,3008E 1,1·D!CHlOROETHAHE 2, 100 4,ZOOU 100,oooe 75,000 270 2·SUTANOME 2500 S,3CCU 5, 1000 85' ooou 2, 100 TRJCHLO!IOE!HANE 130U 4,zoou 580,000E 1,400, 000 28J TRICHLOROl'THEHE 180 4,200U 72,000 59,000 330 TETRACHLOROETHENE 210 4200U 160,000E 150,000 400 !OLUfHE 17,000E 15,COO 110,000E 89,000 14, OOOE El NYL BENZENE 44,000 1502000 15,000 11,000J 36,000E STYREHE 1300 4, o.ou 3, 100 42,0COU 17,COOE TOT AL XYL EHES 29,000E 51,000 55,000 44,000 56,000E 1,2,4 TR!CffLOROl!fHZEHE 17,000J 950,COCU 160,000E 1,300,000 -HA -HA?IHALENE 14,000J 950,0000 16,000 160,000 -HA - fLIJOREHE 15,000J 950,000U 4,600 16,000J · MA • PHEMAMTHREME 20,000J 950,000U 2,30()J 14,COOJ -NA - OJ·M·8UTYL PffTHALATE 95,0000 950,000U 570J 130,0000 • HA - PYREN£ 130CCJ 950,0CCU 51CJ 13ll,OOOU • HA • BUTYL 8EN2Yl PHTMALATE 230,COO 24ll,OO!IJ 18,000 130,CCOJ · NA • CHRYSEHE 95,DOOU 950,000U 730J 130,000U • liA • 8lSPH!NALATE 5,100,00l)C 7,400,000 &l',000£ 600,000 -HA • Ol·N·OCTYl PHTHALATE 2,4CC,OOOE 2,300,000 28,000 130, OOOJ • NA - MA -INDICATES THAI THE ANALYSIS WAS NOT PERFORMEO fOR THIS DILUT!Oll/SAMPLE U • INDICATES COMPQJNll WAS ANALYZED BUT NOT OETEClEO J • INDICATES AN EST!llAIED VALUE SP·9(0L) SP-9(DL1) lagoon t lagoon ' (dilutlof'r1} (di lut Jon~2) -HA --HA • -HA • • HA • · HA · · HA • · NA · -HA --HA -• HA • -HA -• MA • • HA • • MA - • NA • • HA -• HA • -HA • • HA --HA • -HA -· HA - · MA · • NA • • NA • -HA - l,70-0J 380,00CU 8,500 54, OOOJ 4,800J 380,0000 3,800J 380,COOO 3,300J 380,000U 2,600-J 380,000U 210,000E 2, 100, 000 1,300J 380,COOO aro,oooe 4,800,000 210,000E 810,000 B · THIS FLAG IS USED lll!EM THE ANALYTE IS FOUND IN TME ASSOCIATED BlANK AS WEll AS IH THE SAMPLE SP-9(0L2) Lagoon 1 (dilution~3} 25,0000 25,000U 16,000 48,0008 12,000U 25,000U 12,000U 12,000U 12,00CU 11C,OOO 360,000 120,000 350,000 • NA • · NA - • HA • -HA - • HA • • HA - • HA • -NA -NA · -NA • E -THIS FLAG IOENTJFJES COMPOUNDS WHOSE CCHCENTl!ATIOllS EMCEED THE CAl!BRATION RANGE OF THE GC/MS lNSIRUHENl FOR THAT S D -THIS FlAG IDENTIFIES All COMPCUNCS IOEN!lf!ED IN AN ANALYSIS AT A SECCNDARY DILU!IOll FACTOR • I I I I j I I I Page (2) • • TABLE 5 LAGQO;I CLOSURE PLAN CENIRAl IRANSPORI, INC. CHARLOTTE TERMINAL SAMPLING -APRIL 18-20, 1988 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Of SlUIJGE (O<!GANICS) NOTES: 1. Results ere given ?n p.a~ts per billion (vg/kg) units unless otherwise noted. 2. figure 3 shows sarrple locations. SAMPLE NU>!BER SP-84 SP·84(Dl) SP-89 SP-89(DL) SP-Cl SP-Cl (DL) SAMPLE LOCATION lagoon 2 Lagoon 2 Lagoon 2' Lagoon 2 Pond 3 Pood 3 (dilution) {dilut i o.n) (dilution} CHLORCIMETHAHE 13U -HA -310CU · HA -42U -HA -CHtOROETHAHE 13U -HA -31000 • HA -42U -HA - METHYLENE CHLORIDE 378 NA -17008 · HA -1108 -HA - ACETONE 1608 -HA -310CU · HA -170• -HJ\ • 1,l·DICHLOROETHAHE 7U -HA 16000 • HA -21U HA - 2·BUTAN'OPlE" 1 lJ -HA -3,lOOU -HA • 32J • HA • TR I CHL O!IOETHAHE 711 • HA -1,600U -HA -21U -HA - TR!CHLOROErnEHE 7ll NA • 1,6000 -NA -21U -HA -TETRACHLOROETHEHE 7LI -HA -1,6CIOU • NA -21U -HA • TOLUENE 35 -HA • 1700 -HA -21U HA -ETHYL BENZENE 150 -HA -5800 -HA -21U • HA • STYRENE 7U -HA -1600U -NA -21U -HA -TOTAL MYlEHES 570E -NA -99,000 • HA -21U • HA -1,2,4 TR!CHLO!IOllEHZE 79,000U 260,0000 250,000U 500,000U !,400U 14,000U NAPTHALEHE 79,0000 260, ooou 250, 0000 500,000U 1,400U 14,000U fLUOREHE 79,000U 260,0000 250,000U 500,000U 1,400U 14,000U PHEHANTHREHE 79,000U 260,000U 250,000U 500,0000 1,4000 14, ooou or-N-BUTYl PHTHALATE 94,000B 97, oOOBJ 240,0008J 290,000BJ 350J 14,000U PYREHE 79,000U 260,0000 250,000U 500,000U 1,400U 14,0000 BU!Yl BEHZYl PHIHALA 92,000 73,000J 560,000 560,000 1,4000 14,0000 CHRYSEHE 79,000U 260,0000 250,000U 500,000U 1,400U 14,000U BJSPHTHAlATE 2,800,000BE 2,400,000B 4,500,000BE 4,900,000B 93,000E 170,000 Ol·N·OCTYl PHTHALATE 79,000U 260,000U 250,0000 500,000U 31,000E 19,000 NA -INDICATES THAT THE ANALYSIS IMS NOT PERFORHEO FOR THIS OILUT!O!l/SAMPlE U • !NOICATES COMPOIJHO IMS ANALYZED BUT HOT OETECIEO J -JHDJCATES AH ESTIMATED VALUE SP-C2 lagoon 3 26U 26U 168 688 13U 26U 13U 13U 13U 13U 13U 13U 13U 870U 870U 870U 4,200U 110J 870U 870U 8700 32,000E 5,200 e • THIS FLAG rs USED WHEN THE ANAlYIE IS FOUND !H THE ASSOCIATED BLANK AS WELL AS JN THE SAMPLE E -THIS FLAG IOEHIJFIES COMPC\JllOS WHOSE COllCEHTRATIOHS EXCEED THE CAlfBRATIOH RANGE Of THE GC!HS INSTRUMENT FOR THAI S D • THIS FLAG JDEHT!flES All COMP<llJNOS !OEHT!FIEO IN AN ANALYSIS AT A SECONDARY OJLUTIOH FACTOR • I I j ""' TABlE 6 lAGOON CLOSU~E PLAN CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. • CHARLOIYE YERH!HAL SAHPL!HG • APRIL 18-20, 1988 CHEH!CAL ANALYSES OF SLUDGE (lH~GAHJC) NOlC: Units are parts per blttion (ug/kg) unless otherwlse noted. Sl!MPlE TYPE Sludge SAHPLC lOC-ATJON lagoon ' Percent So[ids 20 #du:nini..m Antimo.ny Arsenic Bar-illTt Bel"yl l h.Jfl Cadn.i'Ull C.alcillll- C'h f'OOI i Litt Cobalt Coppec /.-00 Lead M"agnes i Ul1' Ha-nga-nese Hercury Nlciket Seteniuni Silver Sodhm rnatt i.i..rn \lanadiT.JTi Zinc Cy.flnide 3,490 150 1.4U 763 0.99U 5.0U 49,000 309E 186 53 3,970 64 [4' 160) 614 0.4Cll 52 2.1U 7.9\J 5,010 2.1U [8.0JE 415 2.4U Sludge Sludge tagoon 1 La9oon 1 77 74 4,510 27 (1.9J 60 !O. 36) 1.3U 175,000 29E [5.6) 10 2,750 3.0 (1, lSOJE 64 0.1311 10U 2.BU 2.00 12,900 0.56U r1 ue 84 0.89 1,950 43 [Q.42] 382 [0.34J 1. 5 55,800 164E {13) 19 1,740 35 1,690 133 0.11U 42 o.ssu 2.1u 1,800 .SBU !6 .3J E 210 0.77 Explanation of result qualifiers: Sludge Sludge Sediment lagoon 2 Lagoon l Pond 3 56 40 24 4,580 33 [1.0J 393 !0.38) 2.3 11,600 soe [8.1J 30 11,200 20 (986] 178 0.1611 13U 0.75U 2.7U 57Cll 0.75U 36E 256 0.86U 6,010 26U !1.4] 349 0.400 2.4U 4,040 60 [8.9J 34 14,100 21 [1,710J 212 0.25U !9\J 1.1U 3.9\J 817U 1.1U 40E 242 1.2U 8,500 42U r2.n 181 (0. 971 4.0U [2,490] 55 [15] 57 20,200 47 !3, 150 395 0.31U 31U 1.8U 6.<IU 1,3SOU 1.BU 69 202 2.0U {YalueJ ind'icetes that the result is a vatue greater t~an or equal to the Sediment Pond 3 38 <l,830 271.J [1.SJ (80) o.50U 2.5U [1050) 26 [9.9J 26 11,200 23 C1 ,300J 208 0.21U 200 1.1U 4.0U 851U 1.1U 39E 73 1.3U instrt.rrient detection limit but less tnan the contract required detectton timit U indicates element as analyzed for but .not detected~ Nurber-precedins U is the detection limit E" indicates an estimated v.a!ue • -, • TABLE 7 UELL SPECIFICATIONS AND GROUND WATER ELEVATIONS CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. -CHARLOTTE TERMINAL 10/2Z/B9 11/15/89 TOP OF GROUND GROUND UfLL SCREENED CASING WATER \IATER UELL UELL DEPTH INTERVAL ELEVATION ELEVATION ELEVATION NO. TYPE (BGL) CMSL) (MSL) (MSL) (MSL) overburden 19 747.2·757.2 766.85 751.94 751.32 z overburden 24 745.8·755.8 n1.S9 752.21 752.24 6 bedrock: 35.5 734.1·744.1 n2.17 752.47 751.57 7 bedrock 39 729.7-739.7 768.71 750.71 750.36 8 bedrock 32 737.9·747.9 nLS4 751 .38 751. 79 9 bedrock 52 717.4-727.4 n1.83 755.68 755 .18 10 bedrock 51 714.3-724.3 767.48 755.66 755.32 11 bedrock 27 728.5·738.5 757.68 748.18 747.98 • ABBREVIATIONS: SGL is Below Grourd Level MSL is Mean Sea Level NOTE: All measurenll:!nts are in feet. Po9e (I) ' • Mll-1 CATEGORY PARAMO ER • 11/89 06/26/9() 06/26/9'. * (filtered) (Unfilter.> (filter1 •••a~----~--·-···--------~~----------~-~-------• -----~ ....... ------~ Mete ls • (ppm) Ali.mi run • ND 6.86 ArsMic • ND ND Bar-il.IJI • 0.17 ND Calch.111. • 42.5 0.32 Chl"omhin • ND 0.01 C-lt • 0.03 0.01 Copper • ND 0.02 Iron • 15.8 35.9 Lead • 0.03 0.04 Magnesi~ • 25.1 20.9 M~ngenese • 0.55 0.40 Nicke-l • ND 0.02 Potassh.ni • 8.1 6.4 Si lvet • ND 0.05 Sodi1.1n • 237 216 Vanadi1.111 • 0., ND Zinc • 0.03 0.04 Cyanide • ND ND Sll:;e/ti1eutral • Ext;r~ctable:s • (ppb) Di-n·Butyl Phthalate <ppb) • NO ND Nophthal..,. (ppb) • ND ND Bis <2-ethylhexyl) Phtholete (ppb) • ND ND Vol~~jle • Organi~ • -c~"'1<1s Acetone • NT ND (ppb) Senzone (ppb) • NO ND 1, 1-Dichloroethylene (ppb) • ND ND 1,2·Dichlorob@nzene (ppb) • ND ND Ohylbeniene (ppb) • ND ND Methylene Chloride • ND ND Toluene (ppb) • ND ND 1.2,4·Trichlorob@nzene (ppb) • ND ND Trans-1,2-dichloroethene • ND NO m-Xyleno (ppb) • ND ND Xylenes (ppb) • ND ND 1,2·Diehloroethene (total) (ppb) • ND ND ctiloroform (ppb) • ND ND Acid Ext: r-~~tat:iles 1,3·Dichlorobenzene • ND ND ( jlpl)) N·~itrosodifttenylamine • ND ND Phenol (ppb) • ND ND 2,4·Dimethylphenol (ppb) • ND ND •~<!l~:~---•••••~--•••••~--•••••~---••••••a-~---w••••••••••~~-~-~-•••••••••~---~~••••••• NOT<: Sl..bs.tanc:es not detect@d in any s~les heve f"liOt been included. ND lncHc~tes substance not detect~ ebove detection li~it. ii lndic•tes thot d!·n·t>utyl pl>thalote "8S detected in the field blank ot 6 Pl NA Indicates that BNA. voe, Cyenide, and Acid Extracteble nnl!!llyges were perfo1 NT lndicatea that L~b did not test for analyte TABLE 8 C~NTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. -CHARLOllE TERMINAL GROUND WATER OUAL!TY ANALYSES Sample location and Sample Date • Mll·2 Mll-6 • 11/89 06/26/90 06/26/90 • 10/89 11/89 06/26/90 6/26/90 d) • ( f i l terod)(Unf i l ter. )( f i l teredl • (unf i l ter. )(f i l terod)(Unf i l tor.) ( f i l terod) • --·-··--·-------~~- .,.& ______ ------&•• • • . 14 • 0.2 76.2 0.13 • zoo 0.2 38.6 0.06 ND • ND ND ND • 0.01 ND 0.04 ND .25 • 0. 1 0.62 0. 19 • 2.09 0.07 0.40 0. 10 ,7,5 • 26.4 37,8 22.2 • 35.6 21.1 27.2 8.55 No • ND 0.90 ND • 0.41 ND 0.08 ND 1.01 • 0.05 0. 18 0.04 • 0.32 ND 0.06 ND 1.02 • 0.02 0.71 0.02 2.04 0.02 o.3o •o ~3. 3 0,06 115 0.83 • 49.9 0.13 39.4 ND 1.03 • 0.03 0.07 ND • 0.26 ND 0.08 ND 19.5 • 22.3 85. 1 16.3 • 82 15.6 19.8 5.39 1.31 • 0.86 3.01 0.95 • 6.5 0.03 1.07 ND No • ND 0.27 0.02 • 0.2 ND 0.06 ND ~.64 • 2.8 7.29 2.06 • 32.5 2.4 4.3 1 .26 1.02 ND ND 0.02 • ND 0.02 0.09 0.03 200 • 54 57.8 52.8 • 19.7 17.4 20.1 8.37 ND • 0,08 ND ND • 1.43 0.07 ND ND ).03 • 0.04 0.29 0.04 • 0.31 ND 0. 14 0.01 NA • NO ND NA • ND ND ND NA • • • NA • ND NO NA • NO NO ND NA NA • ND ND NA • NO ND ND NA NA • ND ND NA • ND ND ND NA • • • NA • NT ND NA • NT NT ND NA NA • ND ND NA • ND NO ND NA NA • ND NO NA ND NO ND NA NA NO ND NA • ND ND ND NA NA • ND ND NA • ND ND NO NA NA ND ND NA • NO ND ND NA NA • NO NO NA ND NO ND NA NA • NO NO NA • ND ND ND NA NA • NO ND NA NO NO NA NA • ND ND NA • ND ND ND NA NA NO ND NA • ND ND ND NA NA • NO ND NA • ND NO NO NA NA • NO ND NA • NO NO ND NA • • NA • ND ND NA • NO NO ND NA NA • NO NO NA • ND MD NO NA NA • ND ND NA • ND ND NO NA NA • ND NO NA • ND ND MO NA 0000000000000WO~ro~r-r------------~~YO~O&oororo"----~~---·-·--···~---~--~-----------·--·-··---~~YOOWWWW~~---~ med oo l.l'"lfi l tered S.SfJf>lt?s only ' i. I ' Poge (2) _,.· Mll·7 CATEGORY PARAMETER • 10/89 11/89 06/26. • (i.nfitler.)(filtered) (Lnfi &~------WWWOOWOOWW•WOWWW&&&&&&~----TWW~WWWWWWWW • "'eta ls • (f'P") Ahninun • 340 ND "rs.enic • 0.1 ND Bari1.111 • 1.14 0,28 Celei1J11 • 117 54 Chromi1.1i1 • 0.58 ND C-lt • 0.33 0.05 Coppor • 5. 11 0.02 Iron • 743 16.7 Leed • 1.45 0.05 Magnesi1.111 • 185 39.7 Manganese • 5.7 3. 15 Nickel • 0.29 NO Pot$$Sf 1.1J1 • 71 16.8 Silver • ND ND Sodi1.tr1 • 298 253 Van&di1.111 • 1.97 0.16 2ine • 1.05 0.02 Cyanide • 0.01 0.01 8•sc/Ni!-utral • E;v.trectebles • (ppbl Di-n-Butyl Phthalate (ppb) • 28(,1 45 N&phthalene (ppb) • 8 12 Bi• (2·ethylhexyll r=i-hthalate (ppb) • ND 240 Vo\citi le • Ol"';~nic;: • C~unds Acetone • NT NT Cppbl Benzene (ppbl • 570 460 1,1-0ichloroethylene (ppbl • 790 ND 1,2·Dichlorobeniene (ppb) • 3 ND Ethylbenzene (ppbl • 640 570 Methylene Chloride • ND ND Toluene (ppb) • 360 400 1,2;4·Trichlorobenzene Cppb) • 5 ND Trsns·1,2·dichloroetheoe • NO ND m·xylene (ppb) • 510 NO Xylenes Cppb) • ND 1570 1,2-Dichloroethene (total) (ppb) • ND 60 Ch l oroto,,. (ppbl • NO 260 Acid • Extr•~t•bles 1,3-Dichlorob@niene • ND ND (ppb) N·Nitrosodiphenylamine • ND NO Phenol (ppb) • ND 9 2,4·0i.,.thylphenol (ppbl • ND 2 crrc••••••••~---~••••••••••••------••••r•••••••••••••••••••••~a~-~--~-r-••••••••••••' tilOTE;: Sl.bstances not detected in any G.mrples have not been included. NO Jnc:licetes slbstanee not detected above detKtion limit. ~ lndieat~s thet di·n·butyl phthalate was detected in the field blank at I NA lndie•tes that BNA,. voe, Cyenide, and Acid Extractablie analyses were pel NT Jndicates that lab did not test for analyte -----------------------------l Tol>l• 8 CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. -CHARLOTTE TERMINAL GRl)JNO WATER QUALITY ANALYSES S~le Location and S~le Date MW-8 • 1111-9 90 06/26/90 • 10/89 11/89 06/26/90 06/26/90 • 10/89 11/89 06/26/90 06/26/90 t~r.) (f il t•red) • (l>lf il t•r. )(filtered) (l.Olf i l t<r. )(filtered) (l.Olf il ter. )(fitter.) (""fflter.)(fjltored) ~•••n---~~ • --~•••n--~ ••••n-~•••~ • •••~•••••-•••••r~~--• 90.4 0. 15 • 320 NO 1.83 o. 14 • 39 ND 1 .63 0. 11 0.13 NO 0.04 ND NO ND • ND NO ND "° 0.87 0.30 • Z.11 0.16 0.10 NO • 0.28 0.01 0. 10 0.10 85.9 67.5 • 91 43 24.7 70.1• • 33.9 22.2 26.0 24. 1 0.21 NO • 2.65 NO "° ND • 0.06 ND ND ND o. 11 0.02 • 0.62 NO ND ND • 0.04 "° 0.01 ND 1.oz ND • 2.48 0.02 0.01 0.01 • 0.08 ND ND ND 104 13.4 • 820 0.08 4.02 ND • 195 0.09 3.63 0.69 0.32 ND • 0.06 ND ND NO • ND ND ND II) 68.7 43.0 • 375 46.8 17.6 43.8• • 51.1 19.6 18.0 17.2 4.49 3.38 • 12.5 2.2 0.41 2. 72• • 2. 711 0.32 0.41 0.34 0.11 0.03 • 1.06 NO ND ND • 0.04 "° ND "° 15.0 7.54 • 37.4 4.5 3.42 4.33• • 11.9 3.3 4.33 3.09 0.15 0.01 • ND NO 0.06 0.02 • NO NO 0.07 0.02 212 195 • 59 48.5 16.2 47.6* • 15.6 21.2 16.7 16.9 NO ND • 1.93 o. 19 "° ND • 0.19 0.07 NO NO 0.34 0.02 • 0.84 0.02 0.05 0.02 • o. 12 0.02 0.02 0.04 ND NA • ND NO NO NA • ND ND ND NA • • • 1 NA • ND NO ND NA ND ND NO NA 2 NA NO ND NO NA • ND ND NO NA NO NA • ND ND NO NA • NO NO ND NA • • • • NO NA NT NT NO NA • NT NT NO NA 190 NA • ND NO NO HA • NO ND ND NA NO NA NO ND ND NA • ND NO ND NA NO NA • NO NO ND NA • ND ND NO NA NO NA • ND ND NO •• • ND NO NO NA ND NA • ND ND 13 NA • NO ND ND NA NO NA • ND ND ND ~·14 • MO ND NO NA NO NA • ND NO ND •A • HO NO NO NA 31 NA • ND NO NO NA • MO ND ND NA NO NA • ND NO ND ~A • ND NO ND NA 1500 NA • ND ND NO !IA • ND ND ND NA NO NA • ND ND ND ,.. • ND ND ND NA NO NA • NO ND ND WA • ND ND ND NA • • 3 NA • ND NO NO NA • ND ND ND NA NO NA • ND ND ND •A • •D ND NO NA NO NA • NO ND ND HA • NO ND ND NA 9 NA • ND NO NO WA • ND ND NO NA •---~••••r--~•••----~•••---~•••r---••••~--•••••-~••••--•••n--••••rr••••-~•••••-~•••••--•••••rr••••r-•••n~-~•••r--•••r--•••••••• 'ppb. tformed on unfiltored •""l'les only Table 8 CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. • CHARLOTTE TERMINAL GROUND WATER QUALITY AllALYSES S""l>le Location Or<! saa.>le Dot• • ..,._,, • Mll-12 06126/90 • 10/89 11/89 06/26/90 06/26/90 • 06/26/90 06/26/90 ~r.) CfH tered) • (unf ii ter. )(f i l toredJ (unf i l tor, )(filtered) • Cunfllter.)Cflltered) -TW"OO&A&M • ··-----""" -------""" • ----------TWWOWWOOO& • • 1.48 0.15 • 4., NO 10.4 0.14 • 89.6 0.45 ND ND • ND ND ND ND NO NO ) • 16 0. 11 • 0. 19 0.15 0.37 0. 15 • 1.01 0.15 !5.0 22.6 • 70 78 157 89. 1 • 222 66.9 J.04 NO ND NO 0. 16 0.08 • 0.30 0.05 ).02 NO NO NO 0.02 NO • 0.10 ND l.05 NO • 0.02 0.02 0,06 ND • 0.32 ND 1.24 ND • 2.23 NO 8.52 NO • 101 ND ).02 ND • ND 0.03 0.04 ND 0.16 NO 13.5 12.3 44. 1 38. 1 9.81 0.78 • 47.6 ND ).19 ND • 1. 79 1.84 0.88 ND 3.20 ND ).02 NO ND ND 0.03 ND • 0. 12 NO >.24 2.79 • 10.2 7.5 61.7 56.2 • 162 60.8 ).04 0.02 ND ND 0.04 0.02 • ND 0.02 15.5 15.2 • 24.4 22.7 33.6 31.4 • 54.4 22.8 ND ND • 0.46 0. 16 ND ND • ND ND ).09 0.02 • ND 0.02 0.07 ND • 0.83 NO ND NA • NO NO NO NA • ND NA • • • • NO NA • NO NO ND NA • ND MA ND NA ND ND NO NA • NO NA ND NA • NO ND ND NA • NO NA • • • • ND NA • NT NT 11 NA • NO NA ND NA • ND NO NO MA • HD NA ND NA • NO ND NO NA • MD NA NO NA • ND ND ND NA • NO NA ND NA • ND ND ND NA • ND NA NO NA • NO NO ND NA • 12 NA ND NA • NO NO NO NA • ND NA ND NA • ND ND ND NA • ND NA ND NA • ND ND ND NA • NO NA ND NA • ND ND NO NA • ND NA ND NA ND NO NO NA • ND NA NO NA • NO NO ND NA • ND •• ND NA • NO ND ND NA • ND •• • • NO NA • NO 11,p NO NA • NO NA NO NA • ND ~D ND NA • 12 NA ND NA • ND ND NO NA • :s6 NA NO NA • NO ND ND •• • ND NA '"~----"••••••------•••~••----••••••~~--w•••••••~--•"•••••a••---"•••••••·•••---•w"••••••a•---••"•••••••••--•-w I Id on unfiltered •""l>l•s only \ ,. Site Pepper's Steel Medley, FL Mid-South Mena, AR Commencement Bay Tacoma, WA Baily Waste Disposal Orange, TX Love Canal Niagra Falls, NY Midco I Site Gary, IN Midco II Site Gary, IN O'Connor Company Site Agusta, ME Auto Ion Chemicals Kalamazoo, MI Chemical control Elizabeth, NJ • TABLE 9 Records of Decision Using stabilization as a Remedial Technology Contaminants Treated organics, PCB's, metals PAH's, PCP, metals PAH's, benzene, PCB's, metals VOC's, Aromatic chlorinated hydrocarbons toluene, xylene, PAH's benzene, toluene, TCE phenols, PAH's metals Chlorinated solvents, paint solvents Benzene, PAH's, organics, metals PAH's, metals Organics, VOC's, pesticides • • Arsenic Beriun Benzene CadniUTI CONSTITUENT i:::arbon Tetrachloride Chlordane Chlorobenz~ Chloroform Chromil.lfl o-Cresot (2·methylphenol> n·Cresol (3-mothylph•nol) p-Cresol (4·methylphenol) cresol 2,4·0 1,4-0ichlorobenzene 1,2-Dlchloroethane 1#1~Dichloraethylene 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Endrin Heptacnlor JJa1pchlorob@n~ene -c:hloro-1,3·but1;1dieM HeXa~hloroethane Le1;1d L ;ndane Mercury Methoxyc:hlor Methyl ethyl ketone Nitrobenz@ne Pentachloraphenol Pyridine Sel eni i.in Silver Tetrachlor~thylene Toxaphene lrlchloroethylene 2,4, 5· 'fri ch lorophenol 2,4,6~Trichlorophenol 2,4,5·TP CSilv~x) Vinyl Chlori~ Level TABlE 11 CENTRAL T~ANSPORT, INC. lAGOON ClOSURE PlAN TCLP S811l>le Results Regulatory Sa~le Result$ (Ugll, ppb) Fran Novent>er 1989 5,000 0.01U 100,000 0. 11 500 NIA 1,000 0.01U soo NIA 30 NIA 100,000 NIA 6,000 NIA 5,000 0.09 200,000 1U 200,000 1U 200,000 1U 200,000 SU 10,000 NIA 7,500 1U soo NIA 700 NIA 130 1U 20 NIA B NIA 130 2U 500 1U 3,000 1U S,000 0.08 400 NIA 200 O.OOlU 10,000 NIA 200,000 NIA 2,000 2U 100,000 1U S,000 N/A 1,000 o.osu 5,000 0.01U 700 NIA 500 N/A soo NIA 400,000 1U 2,000 1U 1 ,000 NIA 200 NIA N/A indi~stes analysis wss not perforll'll:!d for perticular constituent s"""le •••ul ts Post Solidi· from July 2, 1990 fication Results 9.8 NB 717• NB SU 1J <10 NB SU 5U 0.50U NA SU SU 5U SU <20 NB 400 1S 10U 10U 16 2S N/A NIA 1U NIA su SU SU SU SU 5U 10U 10U 0.10U NIA o.osu NIA 10U 10U JOU 10U 10U 10U <80 NB 0.05U NIA <0.4 NB o.sou NIA 10U 10U 10U 19 sou sou SU 5U <10 NB <10 NB 5U SU 1.0U NIA SU 50 sou 50U 10U 10U o.1ou NIA 10U 10U U indicates analyte was not detected in saltl>le above detection limit. N~r accompanying U is the detection limit NS indicates that the results for metals were not available for this report and will be appended to report • B~rium was detected in the TCLP Method Blank • • • • Table 12 CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA TERMINAL SAMPLING -MARCH 24, 1988 EXTRACTION PRC>CEOURE TOJCICITY LEACHATE LABORATORY ANALYSIS SUl1MARY NOTE: Units .are in mg/l. SAMPLE SAMPLE ANTIMONY ARSENIC BERYLLIUM CAOMIUM CHROMIU11 COPPER LEAO MERCURY NICKEL SELENIUM SILVER THALLIUM llNC TYPE LOCATIOJC (5) (100) ( 1) (5) (5) (.2) ( 1l (5) Sludge lagoon t 0.185 [0.003] 0.001U 0.006 0.198 0.069 0.1186 0.001J2U 0.084 0 .001U 0.008U 0.002U 0.558 Sludge Lagoon 1 0.806 [0.005] 0.01U 0.006 0.713 0.197 0.1:99 0.0005 0.200 0 .001U 0.008U 0.002U 2.280 Sludge la.soon 1 0.339 [0. 002] 0.01U 0.005U 0.119 0.034 0.083 0.0002U 0.079 0 .001U 0.008U 0.002U 0.495 Sludge lagoon 2 0.064 [0.003] 0.001U 0.005U 0.035 0.034 0.012 0.0002U 0.0391! 0.001U 0.008U 0.002U 0.042 Sludge lagoon 2 0.218 [0. 002J o. 001U 0.005U 0.057 o. 121 0.068 0.0002U 0.039U 0.001U o.ooau 0.002U 0.248 Sediment Pond 3 0.053U {0.006] {0.0031 0.005U 0.152 0.249 0.089 0.0002U 0.047 0.001U o.ooau (0. 0031 0.263 Sediment Pond 3 0.053U (0.004] o.001u o.oosu 0.142 0.080 0.060 0.0002U 0.0391! {0.002] o.ooau 0.002U 0.328 NOTES ON DATA QUALIFIERS USED: U 1 ndi cat es the et ement was ana t yz.ed for-but no-t de tee: tect Value re.ported is the inst runent de tee ti on l i mi t. [ l lnd\cates the va\ue reported is less than contract required detection limit. ( ) ls the regulatory limit. 1. TASK 1. W~ter Remov~l to CMUD 2. Excavation 3_ Stabilization Mobilization Stabilization 4. Disposal TABLE 13 Cost Estimate for CTI Charlotte. North Carolina Closur~ Plan/Post Closure Plan Central Transpott. Inc. Charlotte. North Carolina R•v1sed September 9, 1992 Sludge and soils Transport 10,773 tons total 5. Soil Somplfng (Confirm Clean) 6_ Backfill and Final Cover 7. Cl05ure Certiflcation On-site rnspection Report and Certification .8. Surveyor- . 9. Post Closure Care (per Table 14) • Subtotal Engineering/QA/QC (10%) Subtotal Administrative and Contingency (15%} Total Estimated Project Cost ESTIMATED COST $4.410 completed completed completed completed completed completed $239,971 completed $15,750 $3,150 $901.218 $1.164 ,499 $116,450 $1,280,949 $192 ,142 $1.473. 091 -··----···--···-- TASK \.Jell sampling Labor (hourly basis) Directs Pldne fare Sampling equipment Analyses EPA Moth. 624 (Volatil• Organics) EPA Meth. 625 (Aold Ext/Base N•ut) Total Lead and Chromium Total Ph@nols Turbidity Total Organ 1 c: Cllrbon Total Organic Halogen Mai }/.shipping Inspection & Recordkeeping Labor (hourly basis) Personnel training Labor (hourly basi$) Directs ~ Plane fare l':?W Directs · · Project Management Costs Labor Directs Reporting Labor Directs Amendments to Pl9n Labor Direct:s Table 14 POST-CLOSURE COST ESTIMATE CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. Revised July 23, 1992 UNIT COST # UNITS # TIMES/YEAR # YEARS $62. 00 24 2 30 $500.00 $75.00 $250.00 $500.00 $235.00 $30.00 $15.00 $30. 00 $70.00 $100.00 $62.00 $72. 00 $500.00 $250. 00 $72.00 $75.00 $72.00 $50.00 $72.00 $50.00 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 2 4 24 16 1 8 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 12 2 2 2 2 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 TOTAL ESTIMATED POST-CLOSURE COSTS. FOR A THIRTY YEAR CLOSURE PERIOO • COST $89,280.DO $30,000.00 $4.500.00 $105,000.00 $210,000.00 $98,700.00 $12.600.00 $6,300.00 $12,600.00 $29,400.00 $12,000.00 $89,280.00 $1. 728. 00 $500.00 $250.00 $69,120.00 $4.500.00 $34.560.00 $3,000.00 $86,400.00 $1,500.00 $901.218 .00 • • • Appendix A Part A RCRA Permit O'BRIEN & Co RE ENGINEERS, INC. P.t Location: Charlotte. NC Client; CTI Boring Co.: ATEC Fotem~n: Donald S\.le@ting OBG GeolQgist: John D. Conway S:em~le Depth Slows Penetr/ No Depth /6" Recovry 1 0·2 2/6/6/8 2011 z 2·4 4/6/6/8 1811 3 4-6 4/5/5/7 181 I 4 6·8 note • 17• t 5 8-10 5/6/9/11 2411 6 10· 12 3/6/7/10 20• ' 7 12· 14 note • 161 I 8 14·16 note • 2411 9 16·17_5 25/50/51 1 QI I JI 10 17.5-18 95 9" 18-20 100 0" 11 20·21 35/50 1811 12 21 ·22 100 9" -· 1-no wolls were installed 2· f ii I rn;;iterial 3· blow l:Ol.lnt was 10/11/13/13 4· blow count ••• 6/11/16/30 Report of Borlng No.: 1 TEST BORING LOG She~t: 1 of 1 SAMPLER Ground Water Depth Date Type: Sp! it spoon Depth Date Hall'l'fler: Fall: 1 meter Fi le No. ' 3883.001.161 I Boring Location: NE cor-ner of waste treatment pond Ground Elevation: 770.6 feet: U.S.G.S. Dates: Started: 09/08/88 Ended:09/08/88 . St return R sample Change Equipment Equipnent m UN" Description Generel Installed Installed k Value l>@script s• =----====-= None 1 cri111Son platy silty clay ~-----=-2 • 3 whitish OiClnge clay, rubbery. mottled W/ white-orange-red patches r----~ I----_-:..-_-: --~--Ap~ars to be paleosole. h1gh 1n organ1cs ii (i.e. roots), tanish silty clay, trace 4 of fine to ~il.fll sand ---•w••••••M---------rr~•••••••••M••~~--- Similar mat~rial becoming mottled w/ white, black, orange, and blue~green 5 areas sal"ldy silt ~.:-:':'·~·~ . ...,;-Bro~n1sh·oran9e mottled W/ . •.'-~; •' . •'.. ,• . ·, : ' . brown, black, and orange petches, contain ··,·.':' .... .' . .":, milky white lens approx. 1-3 ... thick ... -: .. · .. :;, .-:;·.:·:··, r._· ':.".~<:··· ... Orang1sh·brown c(i;:iyey Sl [ t W/ trac~ of ~~:<·~-·s~· fine to medilJll sand, trace of rubbery 7-... ..;..-·~ ... milky white material t~'m ~'"" 6 clayey sd t -~~ _; Brown With fine to med1 \Jll ~:·~-::.::~ sand ~=4"""~¥~ F.fw..~~;..;~ Gree-ni sh-brown silt mottled with ~~:~~=~;; oranae . -· .. ·~--· .... _ ..... _._ patches ........ --- ~· -·-·-· . ,... . ---·~ ---·~·--· ·--~ ·-· -· ...... -....... 5-blow count was 12/12/24/29 6· split spoon rejection. drilled past and then sampled believed to be weathered rock ·~ ' ' ' 0 1BRIEN & GERE Report of aorlng No.~ 3 ENGINEERS, INC_ TEST BORING LOG Sheet 1 of i 'rolt Loti;ition; Charlotte, NC SAMPLER Ground Water Depth Date T~1''" 2411 split spoon with 2" O.D. Depth Oate :l ierlt= CTI Han'l'l'ler: 140 lb. fl'll l: 3011 Fil@' No. : 3883.001.161 :oring Co.: ATEC I Boring location:Adjec@'nt property near rellroad oreman: Donald Sweeting Gr:ounc:I Elevation: 768.3 foot U.S.G.S. isG Geologist: John o. Conway Dates: Started: 09/08/88 Ended:09/09/88 Sa"l'le Stratt.111 R S•"l'lO Change Equl,,,,.nt equipment m epth Blows Penetr/ 11N11 Description General Installed Installed k No Depth /611 Recovry Value Descript s• 1 0-2 1n1414 21' I 6" of topso; l; Red·orange etay ~----None 1 -----'---~-~ 2 2-4 note "' 1911 "'":~..,.,.-=--~~ 2 3 4-6 note * z411 Greyish white clay~y $ilt mottled with ~!~ 3 4 orange and red particles 6·8 note "' 1.2" ~;.;.j.·~s~ 4 ~~~~~ Green isl'! grey clayey slit mettled with :-~~~~~ 5 S-9 32/54 121 I black and brown patches ~+;~~~"";i~ '"<..:-...... jjP-....;-;-6 9-10 36/85 4" Weatherecl rock w1wh1te c[ay matr;x b._ litZ,< ' 5 7 13-15 8/9/20/30 24 11 Mottled orangey white silty clay with a trace of fine to mediun sand. rhis unit grades into a white powdery sand wfth some white clay. I.leathered rock with white clay matrix composes the Lower four inches of th• split spoon. -· u-----~~••••~~------T~•••••u-------~T•••• •· 6 8 18-18.4 50 5" weathered rock w/ white clay matrix ~ i:&> ' - -,, No·""w~t l installed 5 end 6· Drilled to avoid $pl it ~poon rejection then sarrpled Bl ow e;ount was 9/17/16/24 Blow count was 7/12/25/28 Blow count was 9/31/41/60 O'BRIEN & GERE Report of Boring No.: 4 ENGINEERS, INC. TEST BORlNCI LOG Shie~t 1 of 1 P.t Lotation: Ch;;;irlotte. NC SAMPLER Ground \later Depth oate Type•24" Split spoon witli 2" O.D. Depth oate Cl lento CTI Ha11111Cr: 140 lb. Fall: 3011. File No. ' 3883.001.161 Boring Co.: ATEC I Boring Location: Hill on adjacent pro~rty Foreman: Donald Sweeting Ground Elevation: 781.8 feet U.S.G.S. OBG Geologist: John o. Conway Dates: Started: 09/12/88 Ended,09/12/88 sa~le Strett.111 R Safll'le Change Equipnent Equipnent m Depth Blows Penetr/ 11N11 Description General Installed lnstall@'d k No Depth 16" Recovry Value Desc:ript s• 1 0-2 2/4/4/6 24 1 I Crhnson red, oran~e clay W/ block ereas t-~---~ None 1 ••---~--~---~•••~--w•••~---~•••~----••••~ 2 2-4 5/7/8/7 2411 orangey red silty clay mottld with whitish yellow and black patches 3 4-6 5/6/9/12 2411 4 6-8 note • 14 1 I 2 ~---~--~---~--~---~--~----~-"·---~-------5 8-10 4/6/8/7 20'' Tani sh orang~ silty t:ll'!y with whitish 6 10-12 5/7/7/8 201 I ~llow and black patches ~•••---~-·~---••~---"•••~---•••~~--w••••~ 7 12-14 5/7/7/8 2211 Reddish orsn9e silty clay with bl eek, greenish yellow, and red patches 8 14-16 3/5/5/6 2411 9 16-18 3/6/6/8 14 1 I •a---••~---~•••---T•••~--••••&---••••---w 10 18-20 6/6/7/8 201 I Tannish orange silty clay &---T·~~------~--~T·•~--T•••M~---··-~--T• 11 20·22 3/6/6/7 16 1 I Gr~ehish tan clayey silt with orange 22-24 5/5/6/6 and black patches =+ . ....;. • ..!,..-:;: .... :!..:; 12 16 11 ]I ~~~1-0:~ . -• 1-Sample descriptions performed 2-Blow count was 10/9/12/12 in office on 09/21(88 01SRlEN & GERE Report of Boring No.: MWl ENGINEERS, INC. TEST BORlNG LOG Sheet 1 of 1 r~ Location: C@ntral Transport, Inc. SAMPLER ,,\·. Charlotte~ North Carolina l'yp@'! 211 fnside diameter split barrel lient: Central Transpo~t, 111¢. Hamner; 140 Lb. Fol L: 30" File-No.; 3883.001 oring c::o.: ATEC I Dotes: oreman: Dan Doty BG Hydroseologist: Stephen Mogilnieki Started: 9/6/89 Ended: 9/6/89 S-le Strat1.1r1 netd Testing R S-Le Change Equipment m epth Blows PeMtr/ 11N11 D~$Ct'iption General Installed k NO Depth /611 IU~covery Value Descript HNU • 0 1 0-2 24/18 Mei st~ reddish~brown silty CLAY 0 2 2 2-4 24/18 Moist, rl!ddish-brown Silty CLAY with vegetative matter 0 4 3 4-6 2"2-1-3 24/18 3 As above 3.0 6 4 6·8 2-4-2-2 24/12 6 As above 1.0 8 5 8-10 2-2-2-4 24/18 4 As above 0 10 6 10-12 2-2-3-4 24/12 5 As above 0 12 7 12·14 1-2-1-2 24/20 3 As above 0 " 14 8 14-16 1-1-1-2 24/18 2 Moist, brown sand, silt, anc:I clay 0 16 9 16·18 1-2-1-2 24/18 3 Wet, brown, sand, silt and clay 0 18 10 18-20 2·5·50/6" 18/18 As above 0 20 11 20-20,3 50/411 4/4 Moist, lt. brown sane:!, silt. and etay and white silt and clay 0 ••••••••~•••~~--------------wwrrrrrwrn•••• Bottom cf Bering: 201411 • O'BRIEN & GERE Report of Soring No.; MW2 ENGINEERS, INC. TEST BORING LOG Sheet 1 of 1 r. Location: Central Tri!lnsport, lYM::. SAMPLER ,. . ChArlotte, ~orth Carolina lype: 211 inside diameter spL it barrel l i~rlt: Central Transport, Inc. ••-r: 140 lb. Foll: 30" File No.: 3883.001 oring Co.:; ATEC I Ootes: oreman: Dan Doty BG Mydrogeologist: Stephen Mogilnicki St.ftrted: 9/6/89 Ended: 9/6/89 S"°"l e Strati.n Field Testing • S~le Change Equiµnent m epth Blows Penetr/ 11N•1 Description General Installed k No Depth /611 Recovery Value Descript HNU • 0 1 0-2 3-3-J.3 24/12 6 Moist, reddish-brown, fine sand, silt, and clay, with vegetative matter 0 2 2 2·4 3-3·3·4 24/16 6 Moist. reddish-brown sand, clay, with white clay silt, and 0 4 3 4-6 24/12 Moist. reddish-brown sand, silt, clay, with bli!lck or gr@et'I clay ond 0.2 6 4 6·8 3·3·5-5 24/12 8 As above; rubber fragment, indicative of 0 fill material a 5 8·10 24/18 Wet, dark gr~en silt white fine sand and clay, some 0 10 6 10-12 1"2·2·3 24/18 4 As aboveb also some fragments of 0 reddish-rown sandston~ 12 7 12· 14 2-5·8· 10 24/20 13 Wet. orange~brown, sand, silt. •nd 0 !lta clay, end wet, grey sand 14· 16 5-12·18-2 24/20 30 As above, with vegetative matter 0 16 9 16-18 18-19·22-7 24/18 41 Wet, brown, sand, silt, and clay 0 18 10 18·20 6·10-18·2 24/24 28 As above 0 20 11 20·22 9·10-12-1 24/12 22 As above 0 22 12 22·24 10-12·18-1 24/24 30 Moist. brown. $and, silt, and clay, 0 and moist, lt. green sand, silt, and clay 24 14 24·26 9·21·28-5 24120 49 As above 0 26 15 26·28 50/2" 212 Moist, gr~enlsh·brown sand and silt 0 -----~--T·---~--------~-~-----~---------~~ Bottom of Doring: 271611 • J'BRIEN & GERE Report of Boring No.": MW3 E"NGINE.C:RS, INC. TEST &OllING LOG Shoet 1 of 1 co Loe.at ion= C~ntral Transport, Joe. SAMPLER Charlotte, North Carolina Type: 211 inside diameter split barrel Fi le No.: 3883.001 l ient: Central transport, Inc. H8111rer: 140 Lb. Fall: 30" ::Jring Co.: ATEC: I Dates: :)l"eman: Oan Doty 3G Hydrogeologist: Stephen Hogilnicki Started: 9/7/89 Ended: 9 /7 /89 S-le Stratun Field Testing R S81111?l• Change Equi~nt m •Pth Blows P@netr/ "N" Descr1ption General Installed k No Depth /611 Reeovery Value Descript HNU s 0 1 0·2 3·3-3·3 24/0 6 £No rec:ov@ry jn two attepptsJ 0 2 2 2-4 3·2·3-4 24/12 5 Mo;st, or.a~-bl"l)Wl"I .. and clay firte sand ... silt, o.s 4 3 4-6 4·5-7-6 24/12 12 As above, with black vegetative matter 0.4 6 4 6-8 4-4·3·4 24/12 8 As above 0.4 8 5 8·10 5·10·50/6 18/18 Moist. Lt. friable brown, fin@ sand and silt; 0 10 6 10-12 30ft50/211 12/12 Moist, orange~brown fin@ sand, silt, and 0 clay with black vegetative matter 12 7 12-12.5 50/411 4/4 Moist, hard, lt. grey to lt. blue·gre@n 0 silt and sand --••---~-••-••-w•---~-~--~-~-••--••-••--••--Bottom of Boring: 121611 • L _____ _ O'BRIEN & GERE Report of Soring No.+ HW4 ENGINEERS, INC. TEST BORING LOG Sheet 1 of 1 •r Loe.at f on• Central Transport, lnc:-. SAMPLER 'i'·" Charlotte, North Carolina Type: 211 inside diameter $pl it barrel :l ierit: Central Transport, Inc. Ho-r: 140 lb. Fall: 30" Fi Le No.: 3883.001 1or-ing· Co,.: ATEC I Dates: oreman: Dan Doty IBG ttydrogeologiSt! Stephen Hogfln!cki Started: 9/7/89 Ended: 9/7/89 s...,1. Stratun J=ield Testing R S""!>le Change Equipment "' 1epth Blows ~enetr/ HNll Des er i pt ion G@neral lnst.BL led k No Depth /611 Recovery value Descript HNU s 0 1 0-2 8-6-8-8 24/12 14 Moist, l t. brown, send, silt, i:.nd clay 0 2 2 2-4 9·14-21·2 24/18 25 As above, with white silt and clay, with 0 black vegetative matter 4 3 4-6 11-21-28-8 24/20 49 As above 0 6 4 6-8 24/20 As above 0 8 5 8-10 14-14-50/ II 18/18 As above 0 10 6 10-10.5 30~50/211 12/12 Ory, Lt. grey fine' sand and silt, with fragments of greenish&gr~Y, hard quart~ite 0 12 7 12-12.5 50/4" 4/4 Moist, hard, lt. grey to Lt. blue-green 0 JI silt and sand -----·-··-··-·---·--·~--~-·------·--·~-----Bott(lfJJ of Sorfng: 101611 I -···-------·· --- D1BlilIEN & GElilE R~port of Boring No.: MW5 ENGINEERS, !NC, TEST BORING LOG sheet 1 of 1 r. Location: Central Tr8nsport, Ine. SAMPLER <.~· Charlotte-. hlorth carol ina Type:: 211 inside diameter split barrel lient: Central Transport, lnc. Ha-r; 140 lb. Foll: 30" File No.: 3883.001 or;ng co.: ATEC I DatoS! oreman: Dan Doty SG Mydrogeolog;st: Stephen Mogilnicki stert@d: 9/8/89 Ended: 9/8/89 S-le stratun Field Testing R S-le Change Equipnent m epth Blows PMl:!!tr/ HNll Description General lnstal led k No Depth /611 Recovery ValU@ Descript HNU s 0 1 0-2 5·10-10·1 24/18 20 Mof$t[ orange-brown, fine sand, silt, 0 and c ay with vegetative matter 2 2 2-4 8-9-11-18 24/18 20 As above, with white clay 0 4 3 4-6 12-14-15-6 24/18 49 As above 0 6 4 6-8 16-50/5" 11/11 As abov~ 0 8 5 8-10 27-14-50/ II 15/8 Mo;st, w~ath~red. quart~ite greenish-grey 0 10 6 10-12 50/611 6/4 As above 0 12 7 12-13.5 20-38·50/ II 15/15 Dry, grey quartzite 0 -----------~"~---·············-----·······-Bottom of Bor;ng: 131611 O'BRIEN & GERE Report of Boring No.: MW6 l;~GINl=:ERS, INC. TEST BORING LOG She~t 1 of 1 r. Location: Central Transport, Inc. SAMPLER • none ·.::~1;. Charlotte, North Carol in.a Type: t ient::. central lr-i;inspor-t. Inc. Hamner: Foll: File No~: 3883.001 oring Co.: Et4TC I oreman: Jaek Oliv@r BG Hydrogeologist: St@phen Mogilnicki Dates: Started: 10/2/89 Ended: 10/2/89 S•-.>le Strat1.1n Field Testlng R s...,1. Changj!! Equipment m epth Blows Penetr/ •!NII Oescriptfon General Installed k No Depth /611 ~ecovery Value Descript HNU s 0·20 Moist, brown, silty loam 20-35.5 Dry, hard, blue-grey fine-grained sandstone; greenish-white quQrtz on the surfaces of some fragments ••••---••••~--~••••~--•••••~--w•••••~--"""" Bottom of Boring: 35.51 (air rotary method - • O'BRIEN & GERE Slepol"t of Soring No.:: MW7 ENGit.IEERS, lNC. TEST BORING LOG Sheet 1 of 1 ro. location! Central Transport, Inc. SAMPLER • none :.~... Ch8rlotte, North Carolina Type: lfent: Central Transport, I no. Hanmer: Fell o File No.: 3883.001 oring Co.: EMTC I Dates: . oreman: Jack Oliv~r BG Hydrogeologist: Stephen M0gilnicki Started: 10/3/89 Ended: 10/3/89 S811f>le Stratun Ff eld Test ins R S""l'le Change Equfpnent m epth Blows Ponetr/ "NII Description General lnstal led k No Depth 1611 Recovery Value Descrfpt HNU s D-5 "4oist, brown, silty loam 5-6 Concf'ete 6-30 Moist, brown, silty loam 30-42 Dry, hard blue·grey f in@-grained sandstone; greenish-white quarti on the surfaces of some fragments ~-~-~-w-~---~---~---~---~---&-Tw•-~--~~--~-Bottom of Boring: 42 1 (air rotary method) '~·· I ~.--.. -·-- - - - 01BR1i;. .. & GERE Report of Boring No.: MUS l;:NGINEER:S, INC. TEST BORING LOG Sheet 1 of 1 r. Location: Central Transport, Inc. SAMPLER -"""" ,~... Charlotte, North carol;na Type: l i~nt: Central Transport, Inc. HaJJmer + Foll: File No.; 3883.001 oring Co.: EMTC I ore!11i'ln: Jack Oliver SG Hydrogeolog;st: Stephen "og;ln;cki Oates: Started: 10/3/89 Ended: 10/3/89 S-le Strat1.1n F;eld Testing R Sa~le Change Equipment m epth Blows Penetr/ HNll Deser;ption General lnst•l led k NO Depth /611 Reeove:ry Value oeser;pt HNU • 0·15 "o;st, brown, silty loam 15-32 Dry, hard, blue-grey fine-areiried $Bndstone; greenieh-wh;te quartz on the surfaces of some pi@Ces ---~•&&&&•&&aw•-----~--------T--~----------Bottom of Bor;ng: 32 1 ce;r rotary method) -• l O'BRIEN & GERE Report of Boring No.: MW9 EN E~RS, INC, TEST BORING LOG sheet 1 of 1 -. ro_. Location: Central Transport, Inc. SAMPLER • none Charlotte, North Carolina Type: l ient: Central Transport, Inc. Hamner: Fell: File No.: 3sa3.001 oring Co.: EJ1TC I Oates; oreman: Jack Oliver BG Hyd'rogeologi$t: Stephen Hogilnicki Started:10/19/89 Ended:10/19/B9 S~le Stratiin Field Testing R s....,le. Change Equipment m opt~ &l0!.1$ Penetr/ "N11 Descr1ptTon General Installed k No Depth /611 i:tecovery Val~ Oescript HNU • 0·17 Moist, lt. brown silty loam 17·20 Moist. orange-brown silty loam 20·42 Dry, lt. grey, hard siltstone 42·52 Wet, l t. grey, hard si L ts tone ··---ft•••---···----------~---~--~---~---~-- Bottom of Boring: 52 1 (air rotary method) - li,,~\ • O'BRIEN & GERE Report of Boring tio.: MW10 ENGINEERS, INC::. TEST BORING LOG Sheet 1 of 1 rc.~9 Locetion: Central Transport, Inc. SAMPLER -none Charlotte, North Carolina Typo' lient: central Transport, Inc. Hanmer: Fall: File No.: 3883.001 oring Co.: EMTC I Dates: oreman: Jack Oliver BG Hydr0geol0gisto Stephen Mogilnicki Started:10/19/89 Ended:10/19/89 S!1111'l e Stratl.111 Field Testing R $~Le Change Equipment m epth Blows Penetr/ HNll Descriptiof"I General Installed < NO Depth 1611 Recovery Value Dese;ript HNU s 0-12 Moist, orange-brown silty loam 12-21 Ory, weathered; lt. grey siltstone 21-41 Dry, un~eathered Lt. grey siltstone 41-51 lrilet, Lt. grey siltstone ----~-~------~-To•--wo•--···----·-w••~-~--~ Bottom of Boring: 51 1 (air rotary method) -.. • O'BRIEN & GERE Repo.rt of Boring Ho.: MW11 ENG I MEERS, INC. TEST BORING LOG Sheet 1 of 1 - l""{i,,_ Loeati0t1: Central Tr$nsport, Jnc. SAl(PLER • """" Charlotte, No~th Carolinu Type' tient; Central TranspQrt6 Inc. lianmer;. Fallo Fi le t(o.; 3883-001 oring Co.: EMTC I O•te., oremati: Jack Oliver SG Hydrogeologist: Stephen Mogilnieki st•rted:10/19/89 Ended' 10/19/89 s"""l • Stratun Field Test'ing R ·~l· Change Equi-nt m epth Slows Penetr/ 11)>,jll Descr1ptiOI'\ Gen@ral lnstal led k No Depth /61t Recovery Value Descript HNU s 0-3 Moist, brown silty loam 3-22 Dry, hard, gr~enish-grey siltstone 22-30 Wet, hard, gre@nish·g~ siltSton@' -••--~~---~---m~-•-••-••-•-~•-••-•~••-••-•~ aottorn of Boring• 30 1 (air rotary method) -. I -·--·--··-· --- - - - O'BRIEN & GERE Report of Boring No.: MW12 ENGINEERS, INC. TEST BORING LOG Sheet 1 of 1 roject l.oeation: Charlotte, North Carolina SAMPLER -none Ground Water Depth Date :._• Type: Depth oote c~trsl Transport, Inc. Hsnmer: Foll: File Ho.: l883.001 oring Co.: Enviror.nentel Monitoring and Testing Corp. I Boring location: adjacent to M\111 oreman: Mike-R.ansier Ground Elevation: B~ Geologist: John O • Conway Dates: started: 6/25/90 Ended: 6/25/90 s...,l e Stratun Field Testfn9 R SllOl>l• Change E(fJipment sam-m epth Bl°"" Penetr/ HNll Description General Installed pl• screen k Ho Depth /6" Recovry Value Desc:ript tirne time HNU •• 0 overburden 10 black/green fine grained rock -"""'1 i boll te 20 ground water encountered "°"" i bo U t e ~o ~ta-quartzite with pyrit~ and chlorite 40 ~ibol ite with !!pi dote, pyrite. and chlorite 50 """" i bo l i t. 60 """" i bo l i .. -· 70 lllfllh i bo l i t e 80 """" i bo l i t. 90 anl'liibol ite 100 anµ, i bo l i t e ---··-----------·-------------------------1 Bottom of Boring: 106 1(air rotary method) -,., Appendix C CMUD Special Use Discharge Permit • • c . • Sdledule ot Catplianoe 1. 'lhe Pv:nuitt. ahall ad"liew CXl!pli.ance with the e!fluent lilr.i.tatia-is specified in Part I B(2) of this pe.rmit in a=rdanCe With the follCMi.n; ~e: Activity '»>dl in@ for Qmliarloa a. Prepare an erqineerlng ~rt of treatment aitematiws. ....,.n!t.t..,.A ______ _ b, Select arrl sul:lTJ.t plans and specificaticns for a treatlnent alternative. _.,N:<".tf.."A ______ _ c. a:it:ail1 authorization to c:onstruct tran CM.JD. _N,..t'°"A ______ _ d. Award contracts fc:tr ccnstr\lc:tion, _.,N~/:"::'A ______ _ e. Begin ocnstructial. __,,,N ... IA~------f. CD!i>lete ~. __,,,N,..IA.,. ______ _ 9. <bt4in full ~timal llta~ ard full caiplianoe. .....;.N,,,,l~A------- 2. R> latm-than 14 calen:W:-days follcw:i.TJ; any date identified in the above a::hadule of catplianoe, the Plmnittee shall sul:rnit either a report of ~ or, in the case of speci tic actions being required by identified dates, a written notice of o::mplian:e or n:mo::t'lplianoe. In the latter case, the notice shall incl\.de the cause of nto:::aupli.ance, any ~ actiais taken, ard the ~ility of meetirg the next fltbldul.e requirement. • D. Monitorin:J md Report:inJ • 1. llepns utative sattplin; sanples arrl measuremants takeii as reqLrlred herein l!'hall :be npresentative of the vol\Jlle an5 nablre of the monitored disc:tial:ge. All sall'ples shall be takeii at the Jlllllitorirq points l!lp!cified in this: permit and, unless otherwise specified, l:lefore the etnuent joins or ill diluted by any other waste stream, bcdy of water, or substanoe. M::citorin; points shall rot be charqeQ without rotifioation to, an:! Off>roval. t>y, the pru:niit issuirq authority. 2. Report.in; Permittee lTUSt llalitor in accordaooe with~ lised in Part I, Page 3 arrl 4 Of this permit. Jiblltorin;J Results obtained by the l'emittee shall :be Slnrarized an::1 reported on the Incl.irect. Disc::haJ:qe M:xiitorirq Rep:>zt Form (Il'.MQ, posonarke:i no later than the twentieth day of the lla'lth follMn; the IQ"lth in whim the sanples 'Wal'.'El taken. If no clischazge occurs durln;J the :report.in] period, "no discharge" shall :be :report.Id. ecpies of these and all other reports n'qllired Mrein shall ~ sul:l'!litted to the permit-~ authority at the folladn;J address: O'la.:d~enburg utility Department In:iustrial waste Pretreabmnt Prc:gram 5301 Cl~ Raad Olarlotte, NOrth caro1ina 28210 • • • .;..---~ .... _T - GENERAL WIDmCJ:!S A. D.lty to CDTply 'Die Pmtdttee :mst ocmply with all oorxlitims of this penuit. Acy ~t noro:xiplianoe o.:mstitutes a violatiCl"l of the city Qlde and is grourm for possible .m'.010E1Iieiit actia"l. B. Duty to Mitigate -PreVention of l!dverse ll!pact c. o. '!be Pennittee shall take all reasonable st.eps to minimize or preYe:lt any disdtarqe in violation of this penrl.t ..midi has a reasaiable liksliho:::d of adversely affectin;I human health, the WIW, the waters :i:eoeivirq the FCIIW's discharge, or the eiwil':ament. Facilities q,eration 'lbe Pennittee is authorized to qierate any existin;J pxetz:eat.ment systems am;or any systcrs required. 'lbe Pmmittee shall at all tiJneS :maintain in good workil'J; order arrl opmlte as (lfficiently as possible, all CXAit::l"Ol facilities or systems installed or used l:ly the Pennittee to achieve oonplianoe with the tenns arrl corditiais of this permit. Bypass of treatment facilities a prdrll:>ited except. When app%'OY9d in advance by the City. Bypass er.prowl !:hall be given only When such bypass is in eatpliance with 40 CFR 403.17 • Rem;Md~ solids, shxlges, filtar baclGiash, or other pollut.ants l"El1rJYOO. in the course of trMt.ment or oontrol of wastewaters shall be diq>OSed of in a ll1aME!l' sucti as to prevant any pollutants frail wch ne.t.eri.als fra'D entering the se*n'el:' syst.em. 'lhe Pemittae is nesponsible for assurin] it.s ocq:>lianoe with any nquiraents regard.inJ the ~tia'i, traat:nertt, ~. &n;J/or disposal of ~ Waste" as defined. wder the Fedexal Re.so..u:oe o:mseivatioo ar.d 'IW:xNerj Act. E. tJl:set Q:niltiais An "upset" ll13al'IS an excx:ptional incidant in Widl there is en unintentional ani teiipora:ry J'IOU:Xitplianoe with the effluent limitations of this pennit l»oause of factors beyond the reascml'>le m1txol of the Perroittee. An upset does not inclu::ie norm1plianoe to the extent caused by operational. ern>r, il'l,J1operly designed or inacleqllate treat:liei'lt facilities, lack of preventative mainterance, or careless or inpniper QPerations. An upset may constitute an affirmative defense for action br<lught for the nonca:iplianoe. 'Ihe Permittee has the bllden of pi:oof to provide ev1denoe am demonstlate that none of the factors specifically listed above ~ respons:il:>le for the noncaipliance • • 'Ihe Pemittee shall allc:M the staff ot tbe GUtte or Nonll QU:o.u.n•• l)epart:ment Of Natural ~ and Ct.llm.mity DWelcp:M11t, Division Of EnVi.rarmlental ~, the Rlgic:nal Mminisl:n.tor of the J)witanmental Proteotioo 1qerCj, the City of <l:larlott.e, and/or their authorized nipresentatives, \lpOrl the presentati.M of~: l. To enter qx:in the Pennittee's premises tlhere a real. or potential d.ischa:rge is located or in Whim reo::n:dS are requind to be :kept ~the~ ard o:rditi<:mS of this permit; am 2. At reascnable tilnes to lave ac<: ms to am COfl:I reoordS requind to be kept urmr the terms and oon:U.tions of this pe:rl'lliti to inspect Im)' mcnit.orlrq Eqlipnsnt or natltorin] lQethcd ~ in thi5 petll\it; an:i to cm1ple aey discbnge of poll'Utants. G. Availability of '.Rap::>rts Exoept for data~ to be o::afidential un:ie.r the Q:lde, all xl:!pOJ:ts prepared in ~ with tertt6 of this pe:mit shall be available for p.lblic: inspection at the city Of Olarlotte. M nquUed by the OXle, effluent data shall 1-* be consi4exed confidential. • H. rucy to Provide Infomation • 'ltle Pennitter:i Shall fUrnish to the Industrial Waste Manager or his desigmw!, within a reasaiable ~. art/ infonmti.cn 'Whidl the Direct.or, his designee, or the Division of Envixonnental ~ may request to CletelJnine whether a\1.lSe edsts for IOOdifyinq, rwokin;J am. xeissl.ibig, or tarndnatinJ this pennit or to det.e:ard:ne caipl.iar.::a with this pennit. 'lhe Pennittee shall also fuxnilsh1 upon request, cq>ies Of reix:n;ds required to be kept ey this pennit. I. Si911<'1t.ol:y ~ All >:Eplrts or infornaticn wl:rnitted ~ to the ~ of this pemit IXllSt be signed and oe.rtified. by a ranking official or duly authorized ~ ot t.he ~ttee. J. Toxic Pollutant& If a toxic effluent starrlard or prch.ihitian (incll.ldin; any scheaul.e of catpli.aroe specified in Sl.dl. etnuent st.aroard ar prdlibition) is established unSer Section 307(a) of the ~ Clean water Act for a toxic pollutant 'ttlic:b is pxssent. in the ~ an:! sucti standard or prohil::>ition is lllOre st:r:in;Jent than aey lbd.tatia1 for suc:b. pollutant .hl this permit, this pe.tmit lN1Y be xeviSGd or Jll:dified in aecoxdanoe with the t:oxic odfluent. i>taimrd or prohibiticn ard the Permittee so notified. . ~~-·-"-" -- - - • • • Part n -P-~e 3 ~"°·~ :ic. . Civil arrl crilninsl Liability Nothi:g in thll: permit shall be ccnstrued t.o raliwe the Permj:tt:ae tra:n civil or cri.minal penalties f01: !'lOl'ICQlpliaooe. L. ~ aro,tor State IA'tlS Nothin3' in this perlllit Bhall be cxnrt.rued to precl\ds the institution of any legaJ. aeti.on or relieve the Pel:mittee f'ran any respmsibilities, liabilities, or penal.ties establiMe:l ~ t.o any ai;plicable Federal am;or St.ate law or J:e91llei.tims. M. Penalties for Violati= of Permit carditions N. Any pel'.'.'Ea'I ~ violei.tes a pennit oc:n:ilticn is subje::t to actict'I outlined in Cllapter 23 of the City of Q'larlotte O;ide, 'Ihe City of Chtrlotte Code, Qi.apter" 23 pt'Oll'ides that any person Who lontirqly makes any false ~tanents or nipresentation in e:ttt application or 1ep::>r t or other doo.ment subtdtted or required to be Jle.int:ainEr:1 ~ to the ot'dinan:le of this pemit, or 'Who Jcnowi:¢y tenders inaccurate any JUlitorin;J device or methcd req.iind under this ordinmJ::e, Bhall upon convict.ia'l be pmiahe(i l:ly a fine of up to $15,000 per viohticn, or by inpr~ for not mre than cine year, or by both • 'lhis provision fs baclt;OO. up by the NCCS 143-215. Need to Halt or ~>oe mt ei. Defen5e It shall wt be a deferl$e for a Pel:mittee in an enforoement action t.hat it wccld have been necessaiy to halt or redllOe the pennittea activity to maintain caipli.anoe With the cioniltions of the pemit. 0. Transferability 'lb.is permit shall not be reassi9Md or transferred or sold to a new ~. new user, different premiaes, or a new or ~ opeiation wit:lDit awnm.J. of the City. P. P.tq:ezl;:y Rights Q. 'Ibis pel:."lllit does not o::KN£ff any piqie:rty rights in either l:eal or persmal property, or any exclusive privileges, nor does it authorize any injury to private property or any :invasion of personal rights, nor any infrirge: llEll1t of Fedeml, state or City laws or re<31.1latians. several:lility 'lhe provisions of th1$ permit are severable am, if any provision of this parlllit or the application of any provision of this pannit to any cirrunstanoes is held invalid, the awlication of alCh pr<:llrision to other c~ ~ the remaimer of this pennit sMll. not be affected theteby. • Appendix D • OBRIEN 6 GERE • • Appendix D Stabilization Study • • • Introduction APPENDIX D STABILIZATION STUPY On September 12, 1988, O'Brien & Gere Engineers, Inc. received homogeneous sludge samples from central Transport, Incorporated (CTI). Stabilization tests were conducted on the sludge to evaluate the effectiveness of both cement-based and pozzolanic processes. The following stabilizing agents were tested: cement, fly ash, cement and fly ash, hydrated lime (Ca(OH)2), and quicklime (CaO). The cement utilized was building grade Portland cement. The fly ash was obtained from NY State Electric and Gas Company. The hydrated lime utilized was commercial grade, and the quicklime was laboratory grade. In order to demonstrate that stabilization of sludge from Central Transport•s facility would decrease the leachability potential of organics, a second · treatability study was performed comparing before and after TCLP results. On July 2, 1990, O'Brien and Gere Engineers, Inc collected a composited, homogeneous sample of sludge from CTI. The stabilization agents used in this study included cement, cement with fly ash, and cement kiln dust (pozzalirne). The pozzalirne was provided by JTM Industries of Marietta, Georgia • D-1 O'BRIEN & GERE • • • A • September 19BB Treatability Study Experimental Procedures Three one gallon glass jars containing homogeneous samples of sludge from CTI were received by O'Brien & Gere Engineers, Inc. Upon receipt, the sludge in the three jars was composited to form a single sample. The sample was of uniform texture, resembling sand. Several large chunks of material were also found in the sample. The testing method consisted of mixing the sludge with an appropriate quantity of each of the five stabilization agents previously mentioned. The combinations investigated presented in Attachment 1. Each sludge aliquot to be tested was weighed and placed into a plastic cylinder, 2. 25" in diameter and 6. 5" in height . The stabilizing agent was weighed and added to the sludge. The combination was mixed for approximately five minutes to provide complete mixing of the two materials. The mixture was allowed to cure at room temperature for three days, with observations of each sample taken after two days and three days. Results Following the 4B-hour curing period, the volume increase of the sample and the sample properties were noted. Volume increases for each of the fifteen samples are given in Attachment 1. Samples 1-3 and 5-3 had stabilized completely D-2 0'8RIEN & GEHf • • after the two days of curing. Free water was not present in any of these samples and the samples could not be compressed by applying hand pressure. Following three days of curing, samples 2-1, 2-2, 2-3 and 5-2 exhibited these same properties. The addition of quicklime to the sludge at all ratios given in Attachment 1 resulted in significant releases of heat, thereby rendering this approach unacceptable for use in the field. Samples 5-2 and 5-3 exhibited temperature rises in excess of 200 degrees Fahrenheit. A volume increase of 60 percent was also noted for sample 5-3, which would also tend to preclude the use of quicklime for the stabilization method. Unconfined compressive strength tests were conducted on samples 1-3, 2-1, 2-2, and 2-3. samples 5-2 and 5-3 were not tested due to the significant release of heat during stabilization testing. The results of the unconfined compressed strength tests are shown on Table 2. The stress strain diagrams are also included. B. July 1990 Treatability study Experimental Procedure The experimental procedure used in the July 1990 treatability study was similar to that used in the September 1988 treatability study. The stabilized sample was cured for 4 days before further physical (unconfined compression strength) and chemical (TCLP) analyses were performed on the sample. D-3 O'BRIEN & GERE • • • Results Following a four-day curing period no free water was present in the samples. One sample was chosen for further study. The sample that was selected was that which had 50% (by weight) addition of Portland cement because its visual appearance seemed to represent the results of the September 1988 treatability study wherein the Portland cement showed a high unconfined compressive strength and a low percent volume increase. TCLP and unconfined compression strength tests were conducted on this stabilized sample. Visual observation of samples which had been stabilized with cement kiln dust and Portland cement indicate that the use of other stabilization media will yield similar TCLP and unconfined compression test results . The results of TCLP tests conducted on untreated and stabilized sludge are summarized on Table 11 of the closure plan. Nearly all TCLP parameters were below detection limits in both the "before" and "after" stabilization TCLP tests. The primary constituent detected in the untreated sample TCLP test was 2-methylphenol at a concentration of 400 microgram/liter (ug/l). The post stabilization TCLP test demonsrated that 2-methylphenol was reduced to 15 ug/l, a 96% reduction in the leachability of 2-methylphenol. An unconfined compression strength test was performed on the stabilized sample. The results are shown on Table D-3. The peak stress of 167 psi suggests that a smaller volume of D-4 O'BRIEN & GERf • • • Portland cement or cement kiln dust could be used as long as TCLP requirements are met. Conclusions The September 1988 and July 1990 treatability studies demonstrated that stabilization is a viable remedial alternative for the treatment of the sludge at CTI because it reduces the leachability potential to near detection limits and provides unconfined strengths satisfactory for acceptance at appropriately permitted landfills. Specification Section 02240 (Appendix F) sets forth criteria for acceptable processes that may be considered . D-5 O'BRIEN & GERE ~--·---- - TABLE D-1 CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. STARILIZA.TION TESTS (Seotember 1988) SLUDGE: SOLIDIFYING SOUDIFYING SOUDIFYING VOLUME SAMPLE AGENT USED SI,UDQE AGENT AGENT INS::REA~E (grams) (grams) (%) 1-1 Cement 300 30 0.1 : 1 0 1-2 Cement 300 75 0.25: 1 5.7 1·3 Cement 300 150 0.5 : 1 20 2-1 Cement & 220 110 0.5 : I 28 Fly-Ash• 2-.2 Cement & 220 165 0.75; 1 40 Fly-Ash• 2-.3 Cement& 220 132 0.6: 1 36 Fly-Ash* 3-1 t1y-Ash 220 110 0.5: 1 28 • 3-2 fiy-Ash 220 132 0.75: 1 26.9 3-3 Fly-Ash 220 165 I : 1 44 4-1 Hydrated Lime 220 55 0.25; l 7.7 4-2 Hydrated Lime 220 110 0.5 : 1 24 4-3 Hydrated Lime 220 88 0.4: 1 11.5 5-1 OuickHmc 220 55 0.25: 1 8 5-2 Quicklime 220 110 0.5: 1 15.4 5-3 Quicklime 220 165 l : 1 60 One part cement and three parts fly-ash . • D-6 O'BRIEN & GERE r- TABLE 11 CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. LAGOON CLOSURE PLAN • TCLP S°""le Results (All results reported in Ug/l) Ars~nit:: Bariun Benzene CactnilJ'l'I CONSTITUENT Carbon Tetrachloride Chlordane C::hlorobenzene chloroform Chromil..l'n o·Cresol (2·methylphenol) n·Cresol (3·methylphenoll p-Cresol (4-methylphenol) Cresol 2,4-0 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,Z~Oichloroethane 1, 1-Dichloroethylene 2,4-DinitrotolLil:!'ne Endrin lieptad1lor l chtorobenzene chloro~1.3-butadiene cntoroethane Lead Lindane Mercury Methoxych l or Methyl ethyl ketone Ni t robenzene Pentachlorophenol PyridiM SeleniLm Si Lver Tetrachloroethylene roxaphene Trichloroethylen4:! 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol Zf4,6-Trichlorophenol 2,4,5-r~ CSflvex) Vinyl Chloride Regulatory SatrfJLe Results Levl!'l from November 1989 5,000 <10 100,000 410 soo N/A 1,000 <10 soo N/A 30 N/A 100,000 N/A 6,000 N/A S,000 120 200,000 IU 200,000 1U 200,000 1U 200,000 SU 10,000 N/A 7,SOO 1U soo N/A 700 N/A 130 1U 20 N/A 8 N/A 130 2U 500 1U 3,000 1U 5,000 90 400 N/A 200 <10 10,000 N/A 200,000 N/A 2,000 2U 100,000 2 5,000 N/A 1,000 <50 S,000 <SO 700 N/A soo N/A soo N/A 400,000 1U 2,000 1U 1,000 N/A 200 N/A N/A indicates analysis was not perfor~ for particular constituent S~le Results Post Solidi· frOl'n July 2, 1990 ficat;on Results 9.8 NB 717' NB su 1J <10 NB 5U 5U o.sou NA SU su 5U SU <20 NB 400 15 10U 10U 16 25 N/A N/A 1U N/A 5U SU 5U SU SU 5U IOU 10U 0, 10U N/A o.osu N/A IOU 10U 10U 10U 10U 10U <80 NB o.osu N/A <0.4 NB a.sou N/A 10U 10U 10U 19 sou sou SU SU <10 NB <10 NB SU SU 1. OU N/A SU SU sou sou 10U 10U o. 10U N/A 1 OU IOU U indicates analyte was not detected in sairple above detection limit. Nl.IJber acconpanying U is the detection limit NB indicates that the results for metals were not available for thls report and will be app@nded to report • Baril.In ~as detected in the lClP Method Blank • • • Appendix E • • aBRIEN 6 GERE • • • Investigation. The purpose of this document is to outline tasks that were not included in the above-mentioned Work Plan, but that are required to fulfill the Administrative Order on consent, dated May 30, 1990 between Central Transport, Inc. and state of North Carolina, Division of Solid Waste, Hazardous Waste Section. In summary, the purpose of this Draft work Plan is to outline a supplemental hydrogeologic investigation that will, in combination with the investigation already completed, fulfill the requirements of the consent Agreement. Four supplemental tasks, as follows, will be completed: 1. Fracture Trace Analysis 2. Assessment of Potential for Vertical Ground Water Flow 3. Ground water Sampling and Analysis 4. Report Preparation SUPPLEMENTAL TASK 1: FRACTURE TRACE ANALYSIS As discussed in section 3.03 of the June 1990 report, in a fractured bedrock aquifer, both a. hydraulic pathway and hydraulic potential are needed for ground water flow. While ground water elevation data from the bedrock wells has been used to assess the hydraulic potential, data has not been collected regarding the hydraulic pathways. Since ground water flow in bedrock is generally controlled by fractures, a fracture trace analysis will be WP-2 O'BRIEN & GERE • • • conducted in order to provide data regarding the hydraulic pathways. While subsurface features such as fractures cannot be directly observed on photographs, surface features directly influenced by fractures, such as stream channels and geomorphic features, can be mapped. In regions like the North Carolina Piedmont, where the unconsolidated overburden consists of weathered, in-situ remnants of the competent bedrock, the fractures are typically reflected as linear areas of accelerated erosion. Erosion controls topography and surface drainage patterns because water flows through areas of least resistance. Therefore, surface features such as drainage patterns and topography typically reflect the underlying bedrock fracture patterns. The fracture trace analysis will be based upon available aerial photographs and upon the U.S. Geological Survey 7.5 Minute Quadrangle topographic map of the area. The photographs will be analyzed first; then, the topographic map will be analyzed, to confirm the patterns observed on the photographs, and to reveal any fracture traces obscured on the photographs by vegetation or cultural features. The fracture trace analysis will be verified in the field to the greatest extent practicable. In the report, the fracture trace analysis will be presented in two formats: first, a figure showing the traces WP-3 O'BRIEN & GERE • • • overlaid on the topographic map will be provided; second, a rose diagram representing the orientation of fractures will be provided. The data provided by the fracture trace analysis will be used to either confirm or modify the generalized flow map for the bedrock aquifer included in the June 1990 report. SUPPLEMENTAL TASK 2: ASSESSMENT OF POTENTIAL FOR VERTICAL GROUND WATER FLOW In order to assess the potential for vertical ground water flow on the site, one additional bedrock monitoring well will be installed at the site. The well will be located adjacent to bedrock monitoring well MW 11, so that a well nest is formed. The additional monitoring well, to be designated MW 12, will be deeper than MW 11. MW 11 was completed at a depth of 27 feet below ground level. MW 12 will be completed at a depth which is a minimum of approximately 50 feet deeper than MW 11, in the first water bearing zone encountered at or below the minimum depth. A zone will be considered to be water bearing it it yields a minimum of approximately 1 gallon per minute. Regarding the State's requirements for three monitoring wells to be located downgradient of the waste management area, MW 11 is considered a downgradient well. The new MW 12 will be considered a downgradient well. Given the difficult drill rig access to the downgradient area (due to topography), the WP-4 O'BRIEN & GERE • • third downgradient well will be installed as part of the lagoon closure. The well installation will be completed using the air rotary drilling method, with a nominal six-inch diameter bit. The drill cuttings will be inspected in the field · for lithology and moisture content. Once the desired depth has been reached, the monitoring well will be constructed by lowering an assembly of two-inch inside diameter, flush-joint threaded, PVC well screen and riser casing into the borehole. The well assembly will consist of lo feet of PVC screen, with 0.020-inch slot size, attached to an appropriate length of riser casing. A clean sand pack will be installed in the annular space between the well screen and the borehole. The sand pack will extend two feet above the top of the well screen. A two-foot thick bentonite seal will then be placed on top of the sand pack. The remaining annular space between the borehole wall and the well casing will be filled with a cement grout. The grout will extend to the ground surface, where a locking steel protective casing with a cover will be installed. The protective casing will extend approximately two to three feet above the ground surface. A typical well construction diagram is included in Appendix A. The well construction will be in accordance with the North Carolina Administrative Code, Title 15, Subchapter 2C "Well Construction standards", section .0108 WP-5 O'BRIEN & GERE • • ···--·· -----------... "Standards of Construction -Wells Other Than water Supply" . A well construction permit will be obtained from the State prior to well installation. Following installation of the well, the well will be developed using compressed air or pumping methods in order to clear fine-grained sediments from the well screen. water generated from well development will be discharged to the ground at the well site. Equipment used for well installation that comes in contact with potentially contaminated material will be decontaminated with a high pressure steam clean wash. Water generated from equipment decontamination will be discha:r;ged to the ground at the decontamination area. A field survey will be conducted by a local surveyor to determine the location and elevation of the well. Both the ground surface elevation and top of PVC casing elevation will be obtained for the well. The survey will be completed using an established on-site bench mark. An in-situ hydraulic conductivity test will be performed on the well to estimate the hydraulic conductivity (or permeability) of the screened aquifer material. The hydraulic conductivity will be calculated by measuring the rate of recovery of the water level immediately following the development of the well. The Hvorslev method will be used to calculate the hydraulic conductivity. WP-6 O'BRIEN & GERE • • • Static ground water elevations will be measured in all of the monitoring wells on the site, including the new MW 12, using an electric well probe. If measurements are taken in conjunction with ground water sampling, they will be taken prior to initiating ground water purging or sampling procedures in any of the wells. The static ground water elevations will be used to evaluate horizontal ground water flow direction in the study area. The comparison of static ground water elevations from MW 11 and MW 12 will allow an assessment of whether there is upward or downward vertical flow in the bedrock aquifer in the vicinity of the MW 11/MW 12 well nest. SUPPLEMENTAL TASK 3: GROUND WATER SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS Two rounds of ground water samples were collected as part of the initial hydrogeologic investigation. The sampling results are included in the June 1990 Report of the Hydrogeologic Investigation. The State's comments included changes in O'Brien & Gere's Ground Water sampling Protocol. Specifically, changes in procedure for the filtering and acidification of metals samples were required. Futher ground water sampling is required in order to meet the metals sampling requirements, to access the ground water quality of the new MW 12, and to further assess the ground water quality of the site . WP-7 O'BRIEN & GERE • • • ··------------- One round of ground water samples will be collected from the following wells: MW 1, MW 2, MW 6, MW 7, MW 8, MW 9, MW 10, MW 11, and the new MW 12. Ground water purging or sampling procedures will not be initiated at MW 12 until a minimum of 24 hours after its development. static ground water elevations will be measured in all of the monitoring wells on the site, using an electric well probe, prior to initiating ground water sampling or purging procedures in any of the wells. Ground water sampling procedures will be according to the Ground Water Sampling Protocol included as Appendix B. The protocol includes a sample Ground water Sampling Field Log and a sample Chain of Custody Record. A description of sampling procedures is also included here . Before a well is sampled, the ground water elevation in the well will be used to calculate the volume of water standing in the well. Three times the well volume will be removed from the well by pumping or by bailing with a clean, stainless steel bailer so that the ground water sample is representative of the water in the screened section of the aquifer. The sampler will measure the temperature, pH, specific conductance, and turbidity of the ground water sample in the field. Ground water samples will be collected with a clean, stainless steel bailer. Before each use, the bailer will be washed with soapy distilled water, followed by a nitric acid WP-8 O'BRIEN & GERE • • rinse, a methanol rinse, and a distilled water rinse. At each well site, a new piece of clear plastic sheeting will be laid down around the well. Clean equipment will be placed on the plastic sheeting. A new length of polypropylene rope will be attached to the bailer. The sampler will put on a new pair of rubber gloves at each new well site. The sample jars will be labeled and placed in a styrofoam cooler with icepacks for shipment to the laboratory for analysis. A trip blank and field blank will be included for quality control/quality assurance purposes. Chain-of-custody documents for each sample will be initiated at the time of sampling and will be maintained throughout the handling and submission of the samples to the laboratory. The ground water samples will be analy2ed for the following inorganic compounds: 1. Aluminum 13. Magnesium 2. Antimony 14. Manganese 3. Arsenic 15. Mercury 4. Barium 16. Nickel 5. Beryllium 17. Potassium 6. Cadmium 18. Selenium 7. Calcium 19. Silver 8. Chromium 20. Sodium 9. Cobalt 21. Thallium WP-9 O'BRIEN & GERo • • • 10. Copper 22. Vanadium 11. Iron 23. Zinc 12. Lead 24. cyanide The ground water samples will also be analyzed for the following EPA Priority Pollutants: Acid Extractables, Base/Neutral Extractables, Pesticides/PCBs, and Volatile Organic compounds. In addition, the ground water samples will be analyzed for parameters listed in the North Carolina Administrative Code, Title 15, Subchapter 2L -"Classifications and water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina", section • 0202 -"Water Quality standards", paragraph (g), that are not included in any of the above lists or categories, with the exception of dioxin, gross alpha particle activity, radium-226 and radium-228. Based on previous chemical analyses of samples from lagoon surface waters, lagoon sludges, soil and ground water, there is no reason to suspect the presence of the last four parameters in the ground water. Dioxins are typically associated with the presence of PCBs, which have not been previously detected on the site. No known sources of radionuclides are, or have been, present on the site. A complete list of analytical parameters and methods is included in the Ground Water Sampling Protocol. It should be noted that in addition to the unfiltered inorganics analyses required by the State, O'Brien & Gere will WP-10 O'BRIEN & GERE • • • - - --------------~ submit a set of filtered samples to the laboratory for inorganics analyses. These samples will be filtered in the field using a peristaltic pump with an in-line 0.45 micron filter. This is reflected in the Ground Water Sampling Protocol. SUPPLEMENTAL TASK 4: REPORT PREPA:RATION Following completion of Tasks 1 through 3 and receipt of the analytical results, a report will be prepared. This report will be considered to be a supplement to the June 1990 Report of the Hydrogeologic Investigation. The supplemental report will summarize the field investigation procedures and observations and present the data collected in the form of drilling logs, tables, and figures. The data interpretation and site assessment will be discussed. The following specific information will be included: results of the fracture trace analysis, as discussed above; an evaluation of the Horizontal and vertical directions of ground water flow; an updated ground water contour map will be included if appropriate; a flow net will be included if vertical flow potential exists; an evaluation of the ground water quality, in tabulated and/or graphic form where appropriate; data from the new well MW 12 will be included; WP-11 O'BRIEN & GERE • references to scientific or technical literature used in the preparation of the Report; names, titles, and disciplines of professionals engaged in the preparation of the Report . •.. , ,, • WP-12 O'BRIEN & GERE • • APPENDIX A TYPICAL MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION O'BRIEI'< & GERE • • APPENDIX B GROUND WATER SAMPLING PROTOCOL 0 BRIEN & GERF: • • • GROUND WATER SAMPLING PROTOCOL The following procedures will be used to obtain representative ground water samples. To obtain representative ground water samples from wells containing only a few gallons of ground water, the bailing procedure is preferred. To obtain representative ground water samples from wells containing more than a few gallons, the pumping procedure generally facilitates more rapid sampling. Each of these procedures is explained in detail below. Sampling Procedures <BAILER\ 1. Identify the well and record the location on the Ground water Sampling Field Log (copy attached). In order to minimize the potential for cross- contamination, wells will be sampled in order from least contaminated to most contaminated. 2. Put on a new pair of disposable gloves. 3. Cut a slit in the center of a plastic sheet, and slip it over the well creating a clean surface onto which the sampling equipment can be positioned. 4 • 5. 6. 7. Using a clean electric well probe, measure the depth to the water table and the total depth to the bottom of the well. Record this information in the Ground Water Sampling Field Log. Depth measurements will be taken in all wells before the start of any purging and sampling so that this data is collected over the shortest period possible. This will allow for less data variability due to time. Clean the electric well depth probe by washing it with a methanol rinse and a distilled water rinse after each use. Compute the volume of water in the well, and record this volume on the Ground Water Sampling Field Log. Attach enough polypropylene rope to a clean, clear, LEXANR bailer to reach just below the surface of the water table, and lower the bailer slowly into the well making certain to submerge it only far enough to fill one-half full. The purpose of this is to recovery any oil film, if one is present on the water table . 1 O'BRIEN & GERE' • • • 18. vial. 'l'his will adjust the pH to less than 2 • Carefully fill the 40 ml VOA vials to minimize agitation. 'l'his is usually done by pouring the sample into a tilted VOA vial. Cap the VOA vial, turn it upside down, and check for air bubbles. If properly filled, there should be no visible air bubbles. Filter one set of samples for metals analysis through a 0.45 micron filter and adjust the pH to less than 2 with A.C.S. reagent grade, concentrated (approximately 69-71%) nitric acid. A second set of samples for metals analysis should be left unfiltered. Adjust the pH of the second set to less than 2 as before. Return each sample bottle to its proper transport container. Samples must not be allowed to freeze. Record the physical appearance observed during sampling on Sampling Field Log. of the ground water the Ground Water 19. Begin the Chain of Custody Record. 20. Clean the bailer by washing it with soapy distilled water, followed by a nitric acid rinse, a methanol rinse, and a distilled water rinse. store the bailer in a clean, dry place, until it is used at the ne:xt well. 21. Replace the well cap, and lock the well protection assembly before leaving the well location. 22. Place the polypropylene rope, gloves, and plastic sheeting in a suitable trash receptacle before leaving the well location, for proper disposal after sampling. Sampling Procedures (PUMP) 1. 2. 3. Identify the well and record the location on the Ground Water Sampling Field Log (copy attached). In order to minimize the potential for cross- contamination, wells will be sampled in order from least contaminated to most contaminated. Put on a new pair of disposable gloves. cut a slit in the center of a plastic sheet, and slip it over the well creating a clean surface onto which the sampling equipment can be positioned . 4 0 BRIEN & c;rnt: • • • 4 • Using a clean electric well probe, measure the depth to the water table and the total depth to the bottom of the well. Record this information in the Ground Water Sampling Field Log. Depth measurements will be taken in all wells before the start of any purging and sampling so that this data is collected over the shortest period possible. This will allow for less data variability due to time. 5. Clean the electric well depth probe by washing it with a methanol rinse and a distilled water rinse after each use. 6. Compute the volume of water in the well, and record this volume on the Ground Water Sampling Field Log. 7. Attach enough polypropylene rope to a clean, clear, LEXANR bailer to reach just below the surface of the water table, and lower the bailer slowly into the well making certain to submerge it only far enough to fill one-half full. The purpose of this is to recovery any oil film, if one is present on the water table. 8. 9. 10. 11. Pull the bailer out of the well keeping the polypropylene rope on the plastic sheet or entirely off the ground if it is too windy to place a plastic sheet. The LEXANR bailer can be used to observe the presence of any floating product layer and the physical appearance of the ground water. Record the physical appearance turbidity, and presence of floating ground water on the Ground Water Log. {color, odor, product) of the Field Sampling If a floating product is observed, estimate its volume and note this on the Ground Water sampling Field Log. The LEXANR bailer should be used to collect a sample of any floating product layer into 40 ml vials for product identification. After this sample is collected, or if no floating product is found, proceed to the next step. Prepare the pump for operation. The pump to be used is a WaTerra hand-operated inertial pump. Connect the dedicated polyethylene tubing to a delrin foot valve. The tubing will be dedicated to a well and therefore not used to purge any other well. Additional information on the pump is attached to this protocol • 5 D'BRIEN & GER[ • • Order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12. Lower the pump intake to near the bottom of the well and pump the ground water into a graduated pail. Continue pumping throughout the water column and from the bottom. However, if floating product was observed, the pump intake should be kept near the bottom of the well, in order to minimize disturbance of the floating product layer. Pumping should continue until three (3} well volumes have been removed or the well is pumped dry. If the well is pumped dry, allow sufficient time for the well to recover before proceeding with step 13. Record this information on the Ground water sampling Field Log. The pump will be used for purging only. Samples will be collected with the stainless steel bailer. 13. Attach the polypropylene rope to a clean, stainless steel bailer. 14. Remove the sampling bottles from their transport containers, and prepare the bottles for receiving samples. Inspect all labels to insure proper sample identification. Sample bottles should be kept cool with their caps on until they are ready to receive samples. 15. Sample bottles should be filled in the following order: Analyses Bottles Preservatives volatile organics three 40 ml glass HCL base/neutral and one 1 liter none acid extractables amber glass pesticides/PCBs one 1 liter none amber glass herbicides one 1 liter none amber glass coliform organisms one 125 ml Na2S203 sterile plastic filtered metals one 500 ml HNOs plastic unfiltered metals one 500 ml HNo3 plastic 6 OBRIEN & GER!.' 8 9 • • * cyanide other North Carolina parameters* one 500 ml plastic one 1/2 gallon plastic NaOH none chloride, fluroide, sulfate. color, dissolved solids (total), foaming agents, nitrate, nitrite, pH, All samples will be stored in insulated coolers at 4 degrees celsins. All samples will be analyzed within maximum holding times. 16. To minimize agitation of the water in the well, initiate sampling by lowering the stainless steel bailer slowly into the well making certain to submerge it only far enough to fill it completely. 17. If the sample cannot be filled quickly, keep them cool with the caps on until they are filled. The vials labeled "volatiles" analysis should be filled from one bailer then securely capped. The fill procedure is as follows: prior to filling, add 0.2 ml of a mixture of 1 part A. C. S. reagent grade, concentrated hydrochloric acid (approximately 38%) to 1 part of organic-free water to each 40 ml VOA vial. This will adjust the pH to less than 2. carefully fill the 40 ml VOA vials to minimize agitation. This is usually done by pouring the sample into a tilted VOA vial. Cap the VOA vial, turn it upside down, and check for air bubbles. If properly filled, there should be no visible air bubbles. Filter one set of samples for metals analysis through a 0.45 micron filter and adjust the pH to less than 2 with A.C.S. reagent grade, concentrated (approximately 69-71%) nitric acid. A second set of samples for metals analysis should be left unfiltered. Adjust the pH of the second set to less than 2 as before. Return each sample bottle to its proper transport container. Samples must not be allowed to freeze. 18. Record the physical appearance of the ground water observed during sampling on the Ground Water Sampling Field Log. 19. 20. Begin the Chain of custody Record. Clean the bailer by washing it with soapy distilled water, followed by a nitric acid rinse, a methanol 7 O'BRIEN [,. GER1' 1 • • rinse, and a distilled water rinse. bailer in a clean, dry place, until it the next well. Store the is used at 21. Replace the well cap, and lock the well protection assembly before leaving the well location. 22. Place the polypropylene rope, gloves, and plastic sheeting in a suitable trash receptacle before leaving the well location, for proper disposal after sampling. Analytical Procedures The ground water samples will be following parameters, which are analytical method: analyzed for listed with Parameter Inorganics Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Calcium Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Magnesium Manganese Mercury Nickel Potassium Selenium silver Sodium Thallium Vanadium Zinc cyanide 8 Test Method EPA 202.1 EPA 204.1 EPA 206.2 EPA 208.l EPA 210.l EPA 213.1 EPA 215.1 EPA 218.1 EPA 219.1 EPA 220.l EPA 236.l EPA 239.1 EPA 242.1 EPA 243.2 EPA 245.1 EPA 249.l EPA 258.1 EPA 270.2 EPA 272.1 EPA 273.1 EPA 279.1 EPA 286.1 EPA 289.1 EPA 335.3 the the O'BRIEN & l'ERE • • • Acid and Base/Neutral Extractables Acid Extractables Phenol 2-Chlorophenol 2-Nitrophenol 2,4-Dimethylphenol 2,4-Dichlorophenol 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 2,4,6-trichlorophenol 2,4-Dinitrophenol 4-Nitrophenol 2-Methyl-4 1 6-dinitrophenol Pentachlorophenol Base/Neutral Extractables N-Nitrosodimethylamine Bis (2-Chloroethyl) Ether 1 1 3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene Bis (2-Chloroisopropyl) Ether Hexachloroethane N-Nitroso-Di-n-Propylamine Nitrobenzene Isophorone Bis (2-Chloroethoxy) Methane 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Napthalene Hexachlorobutadiene Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 2-Chloronapthalene Acenaphthylene Dimethyl Phthalate 2,6-Dinitrotoluene Fluorene Diethyl Phthalate 4-Chlorophenyl Phenyl Ether N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 4-Bromophenyl Phenyl Ether Hexachlorobenzene Phenanthrene Anthracene Di-n-Butyl Phthalate Fluoranthene Benzidine Pyrene 9 EPA 8270/625 O'BRIEN & L~ERL • ••,J • Butyl Benzyl Phthalate Benzo (a) Anthracene 3,3-Dichlorobenzidine Chrysene Bis (2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate Di-n-Octyl Phthalate Benzo (a) Pyrene Indeno (l,2,3-cd) Pyrene Dibenzo (a,h) Anthracene Benzo (g,h,i) Perylene Benzo (b+k) Fluoranthene Pesticides/PCBs a-BHC g-BHC b-BHC Heptachlor d-BHC Aldrin Heptachlor Epoxide Endosulfan I Dieldrin 4,4'-DDE Endrin 4,4'-DOT Endrin Aldehyde Endosulfan Sulfate Chlordane Toxaphene PCB-1016 PCB-1221 PCB-1232 PCB-1242 PCB-1248 PCB-1254 PCB-1260 Volatile Organics Chloromethane Bromomethane Vinyl Chloride Chloroethane Methylene Chloride 1,1-Dichloroethene 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethene (total) Chloroform 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1,1-Trichloroethane carbon Tetrachloride 10 EPA 8080 EPA 8240/624 o·BHiEN & GEF.(::· • • nitrate (as N) nitrite (as N) oxarnyl (a pesticide) pH styrene (a VOC) sulfate 2 1 4,5-TP (Silvex, an herbicide) EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA trans-1,2-dichloroethene (a VOC) EPA 12 353.2 354.1 632 150.1 8240 375.3 8240 EPA 8150 O'BRIEN 6. c;;oRt- • • • GROUND WATER SAMPLING FIELD LOG Sample Location ----------------Well No. Date Time 5 amp led By ------------ Weath'er ----~ ------ A. ------------~ Sampled with Bailer~ Pump WATER TABLE: Well depth; Well elevation: (below top of casing) ft. (top of casing) Depth to water table: Water tab·le elevation: (below top of casing) ft. Length of water column (U.'C) ft. Volume of water in well: 2" diameter wells • 0.163 x (LWC) • gallons 4" diameter wells• D.653 X (LWC) •-----gallons 6'' diameter wells • 1.469 X (LWC) • gallons B. PHYSICAL APPEARANCE AT START: --- ft. ft. Color--------Odor ________ Turbidity------ Was an oil film or layer apparent? ~--------------- C. PREPARATION OF WELL FOR SAMPLING: Amount of water removed before sampling _________ gallons. Did well go dry? -------- D. PHYSICAL APPEARANCE DURING SAMPLING: Col or --------Odor -------Turbidity -----~ Was an oil film or layer apparent? ---------------- E. CONDUCTIVITY---------- F. pH ----~--------- G. TEMPERATURE---------- H. WELL SAMPLING NOTES: .... - m CTBRIEN 6 GERE O'Brien & Gere Engineers. Inc. • CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD URVEY U .. MPL £!15: :S•o••"'"" 5.t.Mtflf f••f ~lt\llON ~f&UON l0C::All01'111 O.t.rl 11M{ lllllGlll'f ~10. M0.0' .AN•~Y$15 ""ua..ief• ... NO CC'Nf.&lMf•S •fOIJ1ftP <::-• I Cru;i I I i I I ! I I : I ..... ~~·,'·.~ I I Relinq,,i>h"d by: ,,.,.,.,. .. , Recl!iv•d by: (S•.-.•;I Doie(Tirne I RelinqrJished by: 1~ Rec:•iv.d by: ~ ........ , 001• 'n,.,. R•linqrJished by: fS_,•I Rec:eived by: 1s.,_.,. .. , Ootetrime Relinquished by::,., ....... ; Received by Mobil• laboralory for fi•id Dale/Time dnofysis: i.Siv,.."',..' Dispatched by: ts.,_ ... Oat• 'Time Received far laboralory by: oarri"'• M111nod .ol Sh1pmerrt: • O'Brie~ & Gi:irf Engirieers. Inc, ~~1 o·Brien & Gere Limited Company 8201 Co•porate Dr I Su rte 1120 I Landover. MD 20785 / (301) 731-5622 FAX (301) 5'77-4737 and offices in maJot U. S cities - •• The WaTerra Inertial Pump How does it "'ork? Conceptually different pump The WaTerra inertial pump is unlike any other pump currently used for purging and sampling monitoring wells. It does not operate using the principle of suction, gas drive, bladder squeeze, or piston-cylinder positive displacement The operating principle of the WaTerra Pump is based on the inertia of the column of water within the pump tubing. iner'tia (-sha, -shya) n. I. (Phys.) property of matter by which it con- tinues in its existing slate of rest or uniform motion in straight line, unless that state is changed by • external force The downhole components of the WaTerra Pump consist of only a single tu be or pipe on the end of which is a foot valve. The foot valve allows water to enter the tube and prevents water from draining back out of the tube. The pump is operated by simply raising and low- ering the tube repeatedly over a distance of a few cen1imeters using abrupt and rapid strokes. This is done either manually, using the WaTerra levered pump handle, or automatically, using the WaTerra Power Pump. Like tossing a ball The operating principle of the pump is best under- stood by the analogy of tossing a ball in the air. If you hold a ball in your open hand and quickly raise it then stop, the ball will continue to rise above your hand due to its inertia until it stops due to the force of gravity. In a similar way, by quickly lifting and then dropping the pump tubing, the column of water which is held by the foot valve, is "tossed up" inside the tubing. The manner in which water is lifted by the up and down motion of the tube is further explained as follows: ( 1) When the pump is first installed in the well,the water level inside the pump tubing will be the same as the level in the well. (2) By rapidly lifting the tube a distance of say 10 cm, the column of water inside the tube will also move up IO cm. (3) At the end of this IO cm up-stroke, although the tube stops moving, the column of water continues to move upwards inside the tube for a short distance, say 8 cm, due to its inertia, Simul- taneously, an 8 cm long column of water is drawn through the foot valve. (4) By pushing the tube down immediately after the up-stroke, an additional amount of water, say a 7 cm Jong column, is drawn into the tube due to the inertia of the water column with :respect to the down moving tubing. Therefore, for a single up and down stroke, the water level in the tube will have been raised a total of IS cm. (S) By moving the tube up and down repeatedly using a sharp and rapid stroke to impart ma:1dmum upward momemtum to the column of water, the water level inside the tube will quickly rise to the surface and discharge out of the end of the tube, When operated at a comfortable level of exertion, the WaTerra Hand Pump will deliver from 2 to over 8 litres per minute for lifts of up to 40 metres. Higher lifts and flowrates are possible by using larger diameter rigid pipe and the WaTerra Power Pump mechanical drive. -=----------------waTerra Pumps Ltd----· • • • ( , Perf orn1ance of · l_~T_he_W~a_Ti_er_r_a _H_a~nd_P_um_p_j Test Conditions Performa.nce t.~t• oflh~ W•Tert• h•nd purnp were conduct•d in a 18nun (U Inch) l.D. ABS plaolic pip. which wao clooed al Ibo bottom •nd Ht in• liO mm (6 lnch) l.D., 17 nietre deep well. The W aTi:M'"• is mm O.D. Delrin fex>t v-.lvt and Otxibl•1 hi&h d~n.sit:r polyoth.Jono lubio& (li/8" O.D.>< 1/2" I.P.) we"' UN<!forlh ... 1 .. 11. The WaTt:r-rn leve.~ pump h...ndle wu mount.e-d on a •t.eel prQt.eetive cuing at a bei.rht of approx.imt.tely O.& metru •bove the .,-ou.nd. Sinee the pump iJ hand oper•t.td1 it ia poa1ible t.oobtlt.i.n • 11ride :r-.n1e or flowrat~ dependini on tht en~rgy upended. To prQvide mea.ninrful rauh.a, all lut1 were conducted wing • eom!ort.•hlt level or uertion. Thr i>ump wu t.e.ted at four difTtt:t'tnt pumping depthe and with Nver•l different ••t.r )evei. at 11ac:h pumpine depth. The water le:vel in lhc clo.ed pipe wu ma.int.a.ined durin.1111-.ch i>umpini test by recircul•ting the diac.h•r•~· The ,...t.er llf:v11l Ouctuated within about 1 rnttte du~ flowra.t.e meuutem.ent.11, •hic:h •ere done u11in£ a 1 lit~ be111.ker. Tht tuult11 or lhe performance tea.ti a.re 1umm...riud bf:low in T.ble l. Flow Capacity Tbt tc:.ult11 pr~ent.ed bclo• indic.n.te a. wide nmg~ ofnowrat.u from 1.8 L/mJn t.o 6.$ L/fIJiJ:J. for the 16 t~t.a conducted. Fot tht-hi,1h~t lift. or 60 nu!:tr~, a Dowrat.t or OYl!r 2 L/min .-:u11 euily rna.inta.ined_ The no~r•tt! inttt!UH •ii:nific.ant.ly •ith gr11ater•ubmer1enceof the tu bin& (1h.11J.lower waler levt:la). For exampJe wi~h t.he foot valve at 41 metret, tht Oownle increued from 2.4 to 3.0 t.o 6.S L/rrUn for w•t.er h:vir.l.ii of 37, 20, and : m11:tru, ~low ~und 1urf-.ce retpec~ tlvmly. Tht:r11:fore, tomax.i.mis.e pumpln1 r-atiu.1 the foot. vltlvl! •hQuld bo lrdlollod u dHp .. -ible In lb• monllbrln& well. Pumping Stroke Rate For lhe ohollower t .. 1, (l ... lbU> 20 mol,.. liR), 11 wu n ...... .,, t.o me a hi1her 1t.roke r.le to ni.111.intain Do.-rat.cs over 2 L/mJn1 •ped.lly •he~ the water level •u within a few met.res of the foot valve. Tht reuon fort.hi• iii that the Bowrate ii a func::tion of the momentum senera.ted in the column ofw•ter imide the tube. For •h.J.low lmt.allatiom t.he e:olutnn b lhort.er and th@tefore1 t.he Jnl)Jnent.um b lower (mo~ntum :::o: J:n.Ufi of •at.er s: Yt)l)c.ity of .-at.er). To maintain biih moment.um and I.hut hi.Ch no.-ratt in ahallow •ell•, it b "ec:.HSILr)' to 1e-:ntr11.te hisher column velocit.iu lo eompen1at.e for the lo•er m~. ThU it achiev.d by inc:reuin;; the attoke rate. A hi&"htratrok.11: rate doea D.Ol require. crea.&."t" ,Ur penditu~ of en.el'C)', •inee • •inaller mu• of w•ter ifl bc-inr lift~d e•c.h •troke. Standpipe Diameter and Lift Capacity The performanc.it or the WaTerra pump wh~n w.ed •ith nexible tubins ii seneraUy bt:t.\er in •mall diameter wdh •in.c.e latent mo-vemenb of tbe tubin1 durin1 pumpiDI au con.trNned to a ere at.er decree Lv the nanower cuina:. In larJ"t!!Z' di-.met.er wetl1 th~ pr-.c.tical lift. ii lo"Wtr ht!!c.tt.Ult 1"W"aying of the tqbing within th~ we:ll reduc .. pump •fliciency. In 60 mm (2 inch) U>d 100 nun (~inch) J.D . .-ellt, tht pta.c.tieti.I: lift• an!! •bout fO m .-nd SO m Mmpeetively. The WaTernHo.ndPumpbubttn ""ed•ucc .. •!ullyin lU mm (6 lraeh) diameter .-elb to a depth of about 20 mebw. For deeper-1 lu-ae dia.meler .-e1l11 it ii recommended that ri,Jid tubinl' be us~. Table 1 PEPTH OF FOOT PEPTH TO WATER SUBMERGED STROKE RATE FLOWRATE VALVE(m.B.G.)' (m.}l.G.)' LENGTH (tn) {olroke•/min) {lilreo/min) 56.5 50.0 6.5 90 2.2 40.0 16.5 90 2.2 30.0 26.S 90 2.4 15.0 41.5 70 4.9 10.0 46.S 70 5.5 2.0 54.S 80 S.5 41.0 37.0 4.0 90 2.4 20.0 21.0 90 3.9 2.0 39.0 90 6.5 20.0 19.0 1.0 120 1.8 18.0 2.0 120 2.3 IS.S 4.S 120 3.4 2.0 18.0 80 6.4 10.0 8.0 2.0 126 3.2 7.0 3.0 126 3.6 2.S 7.S 126 4.0 •m.B.G ~ = me tree below ground •urf~e • • •• •• NEW LOW-PRICED FOOT VALVE NOW AVAILABLE MODEL D-25 AND SS-25 WaTerra Pumps Ltd. has developed a new single-piece Delrio foot valve which is as efficient as our earlier two-piece design but substantially lower priced and easier to install. The Model D-25 foot valve, shown full scale here, is designed for use with 5/8 inch O.D. plastic tubing (high density polyethelene is recommended). To assemble, the foot valve is simply pushed and turned onto the end of a cleanly cut plastic tube. Because the foot valve is made of Delrin, a very hard plastic, the threads in the foot valve self-tap into the plastic tubing to provide a strong, water- tight connection. No special tools, effort or skill is required for assembly. A stainless steel foot valve (SS-25) is available for use with teflon tubing, or for situations requiring a more durable pumping system. •• ur~1vr11.sx7~· or \.:l,'rr.r;1_.0c) STUDlrf. r1:111· ~:.!r'Lr!Cll' Ptrrc\r:1-:1.1:~:: or '!·1;r ~)\1Lf'.l<J\ PUtr:!· fOh S/\~PLlt\G GAS-CHARGED GROUND~ATERS FOR VOLATILE ORGA~IC ANALYSIS Th~ performanc~ of the W~Terra Pump was when sampling volutile orgilnic compounds in field an<l lbboratory tests conducted Waterloo, W~terloo, C~nadn. round to be excellent fro~ gas-chAr~ed waters by the university or Two other pumps were also cvulunted in these tests: the W~lJ Wiza{d {bladrJer pump) and a peristaltic (suction) pump. All purnps ~ere mad~ o! teflon+ The thtee pu~ps wer~ employed in sampling methane-chnrged groundwater for volatile aromatic hydrocarbons and ~ C02~char9eO water in a laboratory si~ulated well for volatile chlorinated hyclrocLI:rbons. Rf.SULTS ln the laboratory tests. the WaTerra rump produced tha highest recov~ries of halocarbon compounds. Th~ bladder pump and peristallic pump produced samples that were lower in halocarbon concent[ation by 13 to 19\ end 9 to 33\ respectively. The fleld test recoveries for the were es5entially the same. The si~niticant ne~ative bias relative WoTerr~ Pump per.istaltic to the other ~nd bladder pump pump produced a two ilh'.?thods. lt is import~nt to note that these excellent results were aehieved in 8n environment where the w~ter was actively degassing at a high rate. This ti~orst case11 scenario provides ~ rigorous test of the WaTerra Pump'~ ability to recover volatile organic comfM:>uncls. Contrn~r&Uona of ..._Ji;ot:~rbonf. f111/LJ .In e.11tr-r.111JJY -drr•••lni;: •a~er Vail'UI' ¥(1.rJo..,. ll.l!•Plln.1 titchf1Jq1.u~,,, SNitPLt l.D, TC'-' CC14 P.l::RC CDlfTAOL ' Ii.HI 4. •O o.(I~ ~.81 3, lie ' :5,77 4 .&O o.i<o l!L•o :s. 7e ' ~.HI 4,2'9 0 . .C'1 S.lli:I 3 .Bir ' 7. ~~ •. ii 0.(13 .:..4'1 3.4Ei ' '.1';19 3.116 D,60 5,3J 3,.):J ---· ---• ~ --· &--• ----~ -~ ----. ---. • ---· - ictAll ~ ,34 4' 26 (1,59 :5,60 :;J,EiS II.SO, • :J!!l,20 :,,.Ge l I .Ill 3.8:5 6.11 " ' 4.70 3.lll o.:,Ei ... i• :.:!;~ . ' S.SP 3.20 IJ,41!1 4.2& 2.32 . ' •.41 3,00 (l.3!11 •.oe ~. 17 . ' 4.43 3,:.'.I o.5e '.34 2.52 . ' il.')O 3. 12 0.3S '-~· 2 .,il ••---••-rw&--w•--• •--••--• •---~-n•~-~-. , .. S.117 :s. u~ • 0.47 4.20 2.:.'!l ""'· • 13."IEl :.aR Z'0.40 Z'.c.:i S.8J .. I • .00 3-lil~ D.Zt 4. 7P 2.00 . ' :..ee ~-Cl2 11,50 4 .et :i!.eo . ' a.Zi 3.1&e o.s~ 4.01 2.'U . • ---·------a.a•plr r1.1l11l'd: --·---·---· . ' a.u 4 . .:i, 11,7e: 5.31'; 3.13 w& ----~---~---~---~ --• •---~ --• ----~-~ lllE•N -•• 29 .:1,ee CL53 .f.,tli i.•7 II.SI.I, • ~.DO II.CIT $51.5-0 :..'itl l>,HI WAT ' ..,. .3i 4 .04 0.4.'.I l!i.lfl .:1,23 ' A.53 4 .'1Pil o.e& ~-1• ::i,83 . ' ,_ ... 4.HI c -~3 5.lliQ 2.11s • t.22' •. vs Ct.B<ll e.29 3.1>.!i . ' •. l.;t '· 7'8 0.'71 •.i I 3. 40 c;:1;1ncrntr11th1n• or 110J11tUr aro•btii;: tiydr111;orbon' tus;./l) Jri rroun(I t1iltrr •••ph·(I vU1 11rario11a •YSte••, .. 1 .. ' .. ' ... .. ' ... Jiran l:Sbl~l NA'r l tlA'r Z lllAT 3 -'AT 4 til.l.T :i ftf'Afl kSDC\) ,. , .. 2 ... .. ' .. ' ". te111rne Chli:,ro" !Oud-pt .. ~ly)l('l'lr Zl .t£ 21.:zo 20. ::s 21-4C 1:9."l!i 2l.4~ 21-2 ... lt..•O 23.llS it'0.68 Zi .'7.:l ie .ta :o.:n I!;>. 11 JI.Ill ID-~ l&.'fl lt..5i beri2:r~~ bt-n.~rflt 12. ee 13 .22 14 .oo J!! '7~ t;:! .1£ 14.5~ 13 -~ ••• ll.Ofl l:J.06 J3 _ J, 13.ilO Jllll ,Oi 13 ,3 '·· J0,S9 11.l)e 1 Loa J,C.14 10.~a 11. ll 7:J.6e ?2.51 '711. l5 ,.:>,iO t;:.1.2£ '14 .Ge 74.2 • •• 89.48 ti.05 7~.78 7:,.33 '1'5.::17 't3.2 ... S'l.49 5&.13 5'7.01 lc;.141 111.09 :!I.II .Si tts .76 'lile .11 *DQ,J te.~11 ..... 59 t&.•'7 t'1,I ••• to.:.s !P4 .53 11111.411 117.l!il 99.113 •t.2 ... 'J4.00 ,.,_ ilJ ,,,..is "U:.•11 '17.46 '70.!12 J.2,4-'rr.l•rttiyJ-llil;;i.pl'!th.;:il~nt ~llzrl'tr 113.&t ~1-n.:. c.1.;n G2,llP 13:,21 ~;).VI O:l.B ••• 92,00 l2,IS3 &e,oe Cl!l,S5 $S..7e .... ~ .. ' 44 ,V9 ;Sl,711 41'1,23 .. z.4i; :i.o,:~ 4'1,le .30,IJ .:J.:,l,41! 3~ .tt 3e .3C 3i . .,, 3:'.1,$4 33. I ' .. 31.•0 lJ .o~ 33 .~(l 3~ .c.e 3·Ll9 3~ ,0 .. ' 2£,30 30.36 Ol7. 72 :J7,:i1 2t ,47 :i!'ll. 41l .;:., •&----~-~-----·--· ~-------~---~------ 7.•I 4.72 o.a1 .... 3 .:t'1 •-1!!1 0.46 17. 4P ... a.::i ·-~8 I~. 2 '·' 10.8 ... 57_-. ' .. '16.0 ••• 47.B . .. 27. I '-' ~ ~•Jttvr ditpJac:r•rrit bl111ddrr p11ap .. perl•t•lti1: pua;i Cift13 . i::hJ.:ircror• ... ~rJ) tt1i•rd TClA lr I el'l l O!'IPr thane WA'r '"~l'"lJlllll IJ(t itl.l*P rr per1•t.11Hlc p11•ll WAT lillAftR~ PLl•ll CC le eorb.cti t('tra~hlorld~ flSO rrh.t.lve ata11d11rd ~rv.la\1011 41• • prrr;ll!nl er lt.f •e11n 'tC:,E'( t,. I chJ<iro1o therir f'tRC l('\i".111;hl O!'oett).rne • • • \ll\Ti.1/1tl.)' ~\1 LO::.sL: CJ r'Ut,i;LJif\Lt 0f;(./\1'1lf COr-il'CJUNU~ oasERVW I~ PRlLIHlMR\' TLSTS CO~DVCJW BY Tllo UNIVERSITY OF WATER~OO WHEN USING l'llE WATERRA PUMP Tli<' \.l;iTerr:i. l'Ufl'IJ'> was t~6ted at the Org.flnic: Ceocheinii&tty Laboratory of thl' University of w~terloo to ev~lu~t~ the e~tent o! lo~6es of f1vr rurgeable ~rganic ~om~~unds reF>vlt1nt from th£ operation of r.he. pump. Thei;;c testi;; were conch,11;:ted in e 20 fc;iiot lOl"IF:,, 2 ft\Ch ditlmC'tef rvc pipe I filled With \lilt er t(;l ll depth O! 10 feet O tr;i t>itnulste 8 5h~llow ~onitoring well. Control snmpl~6 were collected in 18 ml. glass vial6 from the b.tiiEie of the PVC. pipe throuEh s port loc;itecl r;iprosite the intake of the Wi;iTerrs Pump. Pump snrnple~ ·Yere obtn1necl by operst1n& lhe: puniri at a rote of eprrox.tm,...tely 150nil/1nin. to min1m1z.c as1r.ar.ion ~ncl to f.tic1litar.e th~ filling of the glass vial~. San1ples were 11.nal)'6ed hy ga~ ~hro~atogr~phy follo~in& 6olvent ~~traLtion. The detection li~it was better th~r1 J ppb. The re6ults pte&ented belo~ Ghov quite clearly that ther~ were es6entially no los5es of vol8t1le compouhds in the t~o test6 perforM~d. ORGA~lC GEOCH!;HISTRY LABORATORY / UNIVERSITY Of WATERLOO Proje~t: W~Terra Pu~r £valuation Vol.ar.ile L.ossei;; D.flte Sampled: February 5, 1987 Date Analysed: fe.hruary 6, 1987 "l"t:Gt No. l Compounds Control Pump Sample Sample (ppb) Chlorof onn 30 27 (CHCL3) 29 30 28 30 me:i;in 29 29 ltl.I Trichloro-io 19 ~thane 20 20 (TCEA) 19 20 Hean 20 20 Carbon Tetra~hloride (CCL4) 21 19 21 20 20 20 Mean 21 20 ·1 rl~h.lorc;iieth.'.tne 24 21 (l'CEA) 23 23 23 23 H@ti;n 23 23 Perchloroethelene 21 17 (PERC) 21 19 20 19 Hean 21 18 Test No. 2 Contt"ol Pump Sample Sampl~ (ppb) 32 33 37 33 33 33 34 33 22 22 24 22 23 22 23 22 22 23 25 23 24 22 24 23 25 26 29 26 <7 26 27 26 22 n 25 23 24 22 24 22 Results fro11'. test~ conducted in gas-eh1;1rged ground water ere g.iv~n ovei:-len! • • • • Appendix F • • aBRIEN 6 GERE • • • SOIL TESTING PROTOCOL • SECTION 02001 02001·1 3883.001 PART 1 • GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Work Specified 1. Testing of remaining soils for contamination from Lagoon 1 and Lagoon 2. B. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1. Earthwork: Section 02200 2. Soil/Sludge Stabilization, Removal and Disposal: Section 02240 1.02 REFERENCES A. Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, USEPA SW-846 . 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor shall submit for approval by the Owner the results of all analytical testing of soils. PART 2 ·EXECUTION 2.01 SAMPLING 5/91 A. Sample Collection 1. Lagoon 1 and Lagoon 2 will each be divided into four quadrants subsequent to excavation to construction required elevations. 2. Two (2) discrete samples shall be collected by the Engineer from each quadrant: one from the floor of each quadrant, and one from the side walls, using 3/4 inch diameter Lexan • • • 02001-2 3883.001 SOIL TESTING PROTOCOL -SECTION 02001 tubing. 3. The samples shall be collected by driving the Lexan tube to a depth of 3 inches ±.0.5 inches and withdrawing the tubing. 4. One (1) sample will be prepared for each quadrant from the bottom of the excavation, and one (1) sample will be prepared from the side wall sample. The samples will be stored in a glass container which will be labeled as to sample location, date and sampler. 8. Sample Testing 5/91 1. The sixteen samples will be submitted to a laboratory by the Engineer for analyses. The analytical program will include the following indicator parameters: EPA Method No. Benzene 8240, 624 Bis (2-ethyl hexyl) phthalate 8270 Chloroform 8240, 624 Cresols 8270 1, 1 Dichloroethene 8240,624 Dichloromethane 8240, 6240 Oi-n-butyl phthalate 8270 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 8240, 624 Perchlorethylene 8240,624 Phenol 8270 -------~~·-···------·· - • 2. • • 5/91 02001-3 3883.001 SOIL TESTING PROTQCOL -SECTION 02001 Pentachlorophenol Toluene Trichloroethane Trichloroethylene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene EPA Method No. 8270 8240, 624 8240,624 8240, 624 8270 When analytical results from item 1 above indicate that the concentration of indicator parameters are less than or equal to acceptable soil clean-up criteria then 16 discrete samples (total) shall be obtained from Lagoon 1 and Lagoon 2. Samples will be analyzed using the methodologies and / paramters specified in EPA method 8240, EPA method 8270, and TCLP constituents. END OF SECTION • • • 02008-1 3883.001 RESTORATION OF SURFACES· SECTION 02Q06 PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Work Specified 1. All types of surfaces, pavements, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, culverts, monitoring wells and other features disturbed, damaged or destroyed during the performance of the work under or as a result of the operations of the Contract, shall be restored and maintained, as specified herein or as modified or described in the Contract Documents. 2. The quality of materials and the performance of work used in the restoration shall produce a surface of feature equal to the condition of each before the work began. B. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1. Earthwork: Section 02001 2. Landscaping: Section 02900 1.02 SCHEDULE OF RESTORATION 7/90 A. A schedule of restoration operations shall be submitted by the Contractor for review. B. In general, permanent restoration of surfaces will not be permitted until one month's time has elapsed after excavations have been completely backfilled as specified, unless otherwise specified by Owner. A greater length of time, but not more than nine months may be allowed to elapse before permanent restoration of street surfaces is undertaken, if additional time is required for shrinkage and settlement of the backfill. C. The replacement of surfaces at anytime, as scheduled or as directed, shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility to repair damages by settlement or other failures . • • 02008·2 3883.001 RESTORATION OF SURFACES· SECTION 02008 PART 2 • EXECUTION 2.01 TEMPORARY PAVEMENT A. Immediately upon completion of refilling of the trench or excavation, the Contractor shall place a temporary pavement over all disturbed areas of streets, driveways, sidewalks, and other travelled places where the original surface has been disturbed as a result of his operations. B. Unless otherwise specified or directed, the temporary pavement shall consist of Cold Mix Bituminous Pavement, in conformance with State Standards to such a depth as required to withstand the traffic to which it will be subjected. C. For dust prevention, the Contractor shall treat all surfaces, not covered with cold patch, as frequently as may be required. D. The temporary pavement shall be maintained by the Contractor in a safe and satisfactory condition until such time as the permanent paving is completed. The Contractor shall immediately remove and restore all pavements as they become unsatisfactory. 2.02 PERMANENT PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT A. The permanent and final repaving of all streets, driveways and similar surfaces where pavement has been removed, disturbed, settled or damaged by or as a result of performance of the Contract shall be repaired and replaced by the Contractor, by a new and similar pavement. 1. The top surface shall conform with the grade of existing adjacent pavement and the entire replacement shall meet the State DOT Standard Specifications for the particular types of pavement. 2.03 PREPARATION FOR PERMANENT PAVEMENT 7/90 A. When scheduled and within the time specified, the temporary pavement shall be removed and a base prepared, at the depth required by the North Carolina DOT, to receive the permanent pavement. 02008-3 3883.001 • RESTORATION OF SURFACES -SECTION 02008 • >.,, 1. The base shall be brought to the required grade and cross- section and thoroughly compacted before placing the permanent pavement. 2. Any base material which has become unstable for any reason shall be removed and replaced with compacted base materials. B. Prior to placing the permanent pavement all service boxes, manhole frames and covers and similar structures within the area shall be adjusted to the established grade and cross-section. C. The edges of existing asphalt pavement shall be cut a minimum of one foot beyond the excavation or disturbed base whichever is greater. 2.04 ASPHALT PAVEMENT A. The permanent asphalt pavement replacement for streets, driveways and parking area surfaces shall be replaced with bituminous materials of the same depth and kind as the existing unless otherwise specified. B. Prior to placing of any bituminous pavement a sealer shall be applied to the edges of the existing pavement and other features. C. The furnishing, handling and compaction of all bituminous materials shall be in accordance with the State Department of Transportation Standards. 2.05 CONCREfE PAVEMENT AND PAVEMENT BASE 7/90 A. Concrete pavements and concrete bases for asphalt, brick or other pavement surfaces shall be replaced with 4000 psi minimum 28 day strength concrete, air-entrained. B. Paving slabs or concrete bases shall be constructed to extend one foot beyond each side of the trench and be supported on undisturbed soil. Where such extension of the pavement will leave less than two feet of original edge of the pavement or base unless otherwise indicated on the Contract Drawings. • • 02008-4 3883.001 c. 0. RESTORATION OF SURFACES -SECTION 02008 Where the edge of the pavement slab or concrete base slab falls within the excavation, the excavation shall be backfilled with Select Fill Type F compacted to 95% maximum dry density as determined by ASTM 0898 up to the base of the concrete. The new concrete shall be of the same thickness as the slab being replaced and shall contain reinforcement equal to the old pavement. 1. New concrete shall be placed and cured in accordance with the applicable provisions of the State Department of Transportation Standards. 2.06 STONE OR GRAVEL PAVEMENT A. All pavement and other areas surfaced with stone or gravel shall be replaced with material to match the existing surface unless otherwise specified. 1. The depth of the stone or gravel shall be at least equal to the existing. 2. After compaction the surface shall conform to the slope and grade of the area being replaced. 2.07 CONCRETE WALKS, CURBS AND GUTTER REPLACEMENT 7/90 A. Concrete walks, curbs and gutters removed or damaged in connection with or as a result of the construction operations shall be replaced with new construction. 1. The minimum replacement will be a flag or block of sidewalk and five feet of curb or gutter. B. Walks shall be constructed of 4000 psi minimum 28 day strength concrete, air-entrained with an approved stone aggregate on a 4-inch base of compacted gravel or stone. 1. The walk shall not be less than 4 inches in thickness or the thickness of the replaced walk where greater than 4 inches, shall have construction joints spaced not more than 25 feet apart and shall be sloped at right angles to the longitudinal centerline approximately 1/8 inch per foot of width . L_._ -·--· - • • c. D. - - --~~---------- RESTORATION OF SURFACES -SECTION 02008 02008-5 3883.001 One-half inch expansion joint material shall be placed around all objects within the sidewalk area as well as objects to Which the new concrete will abut, such as valve boxes, manhole frames, curbs, buildings and others. Walks shall be hand-floated and broom-finished, edged and grooved at construction joints and at intermediate intervals matching those intervals of the walk being replaced. i. The intermediate grooves shall be scored a minimum of 1/4 of the depth of the walk. 2. The lengths of blocks formed by the grooving tool, and distances between construction and expansion joints shall be uniform throughout the length of the walk in any one location. E. The minimum length of curb or gutter to be left in place or replaced shall be 5 feet. Where a full section is not being replaced, the existing curb or gutter shall be saw cut to provide a true edge. 1 . The restored curb or gutter shall be the same shape, thickness and finish as being replaced and shall be built of the same concrete and have construction and expansion joints as stated above for sidewalks. F. All concrete shall be placed and cured as specified in the section for concrete. 2.08 LAWNS AND IMPROVED AREAS 7/90 A. The area to receive topsoil shall be graded to a depth of not less than 4 or as specified, below the proposed finished surface. 1. If the depth of existing topsoil prior to construction was greater than 4 inches, topsoil shall be replaced to that depth. B. Topsoil, seeding and mulch shall be provided to obtain a lawn equivalent to that of surrounding areas. C. When required to obtain germination, the seeding areas shall be watered in such a manner as to prevent washing out of the seed. ~-~-~ .. -·-· --· ----- - • • 02008:6 3883.001 D. E. RESTORATION OF SURFACES· SEQTION 02006 Any washout or damage which occurs shall be regraded and reseeded until a good sod is established. The Contractor shall maintain the newly seeded areas, including regrading, reseeding, watering and mowing, in good condition. 2.10 OTHER TYPES OF RESTORATION A. Trees, shrubs and landscape items damaged or destroyed as a result of construction operations shall be replaced in like species and size. 1. All planting and care thereof shall meet the standards of the American Association of Nurserymen. B. Water courses shall be reshaped to the original grade and cross- section and all debris removed. Where required to prevent erosion, the bottom and sides of the water course shall be protected. c . Culverts destroyed or removed as a result of the construction operations shall be replaced in like size and material and shall be replaced at the original location and grade. When there is minor damage to a culvert and with the consent of the Engineer, a repair may be undertaken, if satisfactory results can be obtained. D. Should brick pavements be encountered in the work, the restoration shall be as directed. 2.11 MAINTENANCE 7/90 A The finished products of restoration shall be maintained in an acceptable condition for and during a period of one year following the date of Substantial Completion or other such date as set forth elsewhere in the Contract Documents. • END OF SECTION - • • • 5/91 EARTHWORK • SECTION 02200 02200-1 3883.001 PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A Work Specified B . 1. Excavation and backfilling including the loosening, removing, refilling, transporting, storage, and disposal of all materials classified as "earth" necessary to be removed for the construction and completion of all work under the Contract. 2. Excavation to the widths and depths shown on the Contract Drawings, specified or directed. 3. Excavations are to be scheduled and performed in order that the accumulation of surface and subsurface water is minimized. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1. Landscaping: Section 02221 2. Select Fill 3. Structural Excavation, Backfill and compaction. 4. Soil/Sludge Stabilization, Removal, and Disposal: Section 022240 c. Definitions 1. Excavation (or Trenching) Grubbing, stripping, removing, storing and rehandling of all materials of every name and nature necessary to be removed for all purposes incidental to the construction and completion of all the work under Construction; All sheeting, sheetpiling, bracing and shoring, and the • • • 02200-2 3883.001 5/91 ') •.. 3. EARTHWORK -§ECTION 02200 Earth placing, driving, cutting off and removal of the same; The maintenance, accommodation and protection of travel; The supporting and protection of all tracks, rails, buildings, curbs, sidewalks, pavements, overhead wires, poles, trees, vines, shrubbery, pipes, sewers, conduits or other structures or property in the vicinity of the work, whether over or underground or which appear within or adjacent to the excavations, and the restoration of the same in case of settlement or other injury; All temporary bridging and fencing and the removing of the same. All materials such as sand, gravel, clay, loam, ashes, cinders, pavements, muck, and roots or pieces of timber, soft or disintegrated rock, not requiring blasting, barring, or wedging from their original beds, and specifically excluding all ledge or bedrock and individual boulders or masonry larger than one-half cubic yard in volume. Backfill The refilling of excavation and trenches to the line of filling indicated on the Contract Drawings or as directed using materials suitable for refilling of excavations and trenches; and the compacting of all materials used in filling or refilling by rolling, ramming, watering, puddling, etc., as may be required. 4. Spoil Surplus excavated materials not required or suitable for backfills or embankments . • • • 5/91 02200-3 3883.001 EARTHWORK -SECTION 02200 5. General Fill General fill shall be approved excavated earth, free from frost, boulders, rubbish, stumps, trees, roots, wood, sod or other undesirable materials. Fill will be furnished from off-site sources. General fill shall be classified as GW, GP, GM. GC, SW, SP, SM, SC, ML, or CL in accordance with ASTM D 2487. Also liquid limit and plasticity index of the soil shall not exceed 40 and 15 respectively. The maximum dry density determined per ASTM D 1557 shall be no less than 105 psi. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The owner will engage a soil testing and inspection service for quality control testing during earthwork operations. 1.03 SUBMITTAL$ A. Reports of all field and laboratory tests. B. Copies of all necessary permits and certifications of waste haulers and disposal facilities. C. Properly executed manifests (as required) and written certification of proper transport and final disposal. D. Documentation of clean fill. 1.04 REFERENCES A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 1.05 JOB CONDITIONS A. Existing Utilities: Location of existing underground and overhead utilities in areas of work shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. If utilities are to remain in place, Contractor shall provide adequate means of support and protection during earthwork operations . • • 02200-4 3883.001 EARTHWORK -SECTION 0220Q B. Protection of Persons and Property: Contractor shall barricade open excavations occurring as part of this work. C. Contractor shall protect structures, rail lines, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, undermining, washout and other hazards caused by earthwork operations. D. Work shall be organized so as to minimize disruption to ongoing activities at the facility, i.e. truck washing operations, etc .. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 DESCRIPTION 5/91 A. Wood Sheeting and Bracing 1. Shall be sound and straight; free from cracks, shakes and large or loose knots, and shall have dressed edges where directed. 2. Shall conform to National Design Specifications for Stress Grade Lumber having a minimum fiber stress of 1200 pounds per square inch. 8. Steel Sheeting and Bracing 1. Shall be sound 2. Shall conform to ASTM A328 with a minimum thickness of 3/8 inch. • • • 5/91 EARTHWORK -SECTION 02200 02200-5 3883.001 PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 UNAUTHORIZED EXCAVATION A Limits of Excavation 1. Excavations shall be made to the elevations of subgrade specified. 2. Whenever excavations are carried beyond or below the lines and grades shown on the Contract Drawings, or as given or directed by the Engineer, all such excavated space shall be refilled with select fill material as directed by the Engineer. All refilling of unauthorized excavations shall be at the Contractor's expense. 3 All material which slides, falls or caves into the established limits of excavations due to any cause whatsoever, shall be removed and disposed of at the Contractor's expense and no extra compensation will be paid the Contractor for any materials ordered for refilling the void areas left by the slide, fall or cave-in. 4. In no case will undercutting excavation faces be permitted. 8. Dust Control 1. The contractor shall provide control of dust and minimize exposure to airborne dust generated at all times in all areas being excavated, graded or otherwise disturbed as well as all access roads traveled by equipment. As necessary or as directed by the Engineer a water spray will be applied directly over the area of activity or some equivalent, approved means shall be used to control dust. The use of calcium chloride or oils to control dust on surfaces is prohibited. • • • 02200-6 3883.001 EARTHWORK -SECTION 02200 3.02 REMOVAL OF WATER 5/91 A. General 1. The Contractor shall at all times during construction, provide and maintain proper and satisfactory means and devices for the removal of all water entering the excavations, and shall remove all such water as fast as it may collect, in such manner as shall not interfere with the execution of the work. 2. Unless otherwise specified, all excavations which extend down to or below the static ground water elevations shall be dewatered by lowering and maintaining the ground water beneath such excavations at all times when work thereon is in progress during subgrade preparation and the placing of the structure or pipe thereon. 3. Where the presence of fine grained subsurface materials and a high ground water table may cause the upward flow of water into the excavation with a resulting quick or unstable condition, the Contractor shall install and operate a wellpoint system to prevent the upward flow of water during construction. 4. Water pumped or drained from excavations, or any sewers, drains or water courses encountered in the work, shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner without injury to adjacent property, the work under construction, or to pavements, roads, drives, and water courses. 5. Any damage caused by or resulting from dewatering operations shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. 6. If dewatering is required, the North Carolina Department of t/ Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Office of Solid Waste Management shall be notified . • • • 5/91 EARTHWORK -SECTION 02200 8. Work Included 1 . Excavation of lagoon sludges. 02200-7 3883.001 2. Furnishing and operation of pumps, wellpoints, and appurtenances needed to maintain thorough drainage of the work in a satisfactory manner. C. Wellpoint Systems 1. Installation a. The wellpoint system shall be designed and installed by or under the supervision of an organization whose principal business is wellpointing and which has at least five consecutive years of similar experience and can furnish a representative list of satisfactory similar operations . b. Wellpoint headers, points and other pertinent equipment shall not be placed within the limits of the excavation in such a manner or location as to interfere with the laying of pipe or trenching operations or with the excavation and construction of other structures. c. Detached observation wells of similar construction the wellpoints shall be installed at intervals of not less than 50 feet along the opposite side of the excavation from the header pipe and line of wellpoints, to a depth of at least five feet below the proposed excavation. In addition, one wellpoint in every 50 feet shall be fitted with a tee, plug and valve so that the wellpoint can be converted for use as an observation well. Observation wells shall be not less than 1-1 /2" in diameter. d. Standby gasoline or diesel powered equipment shall be provided so that in the event of failure of the operating equipment, the standby equipment can be readily • ' • • 02200-8 3883.001 EARTHWORK -SECTION 02200 connected to the system. The standby equipment shall be maintained in good order and actuated regularly not less than twice a week. 2. Operation a. Where wellpoints are used, the ground water shall be lowered and maintained continuously (day and night) at a level not less than two feet below the bottom of the excavation. Excavation will not be permitted at a level lower than two feet above the water level as indicated by the observation wells. b. The effluent pumped from the wellpoints shall be examined periodically by qualified personnel to determine if the system is operating satisfactorily without the removal of fines. c. The water level shall not be permitted to rise until construction in the immediate area is completed and the excavation backfilled. 3.03 SHEETING AND BRACING 5/91 A. Installation 1. The contractor shall furnish, place and maintain such sheeting bracing, and shoring as may be required to support the sides and ends of excavations in such manner as to prevent any movement which could, in any way, injure the pipe, effect the limits of the site, or other work, diminish the width necessary for construction, or otherwise damage or delay the work of the Contract. 2. In no case will bracing be permitted against pipes or other structures in trenches or other excavations. 3. Sheeting shall be driven as the excavation progresses, and in such a manner as to maintain pressure against the original ground at all times. The sheeting shall be driven vertically • • • 5/91 EARTHWORK -SECTION 02200 02200-9 3883.001 with the edges tight together, and all bracing shall be of such design and strength as to maintain the sheeting in its proper position 4. The contractor shall be solely responsible for the adequacy of all sheeting and bracing. B. Removal 1. In general all sheeting, bracing, whether of steel, wood or other material, used to support, the sides of trenches or other open excavations, shall be withdrawn s the trenches or other open excavations are being refilled. 2. After final use, all sheeting shall be cleaned and decontaminated and removed from the site. 3. If sheeting is ordered to be left in place, it shall be cut off or driven down as directed so that no portion shall remain within 1 inches of the finished ground surface . 3.04 BACKFILLING A. General 1. The contractor will be required to submit his source for fill for approval to the Engineer prior to beginning to backfill. If documentation confirming that clean fill is being used is not provided, the Contractor will be required to take one sample / of fill per 50 cubic yards and analyze for volatiles, acid/base/neutral extractables, and TCLP constituents and submit the results to the Engineer prior to the placement of the fill. 2. All excavations shall be backfilled to the original surface of the ground or to such other grades as may be shown, specified or directed . • 02200-10 3883.001 • 5/91 EARTHWQRK -SECTION 02200 3. Backfilling shall be done with general fill which can be satisfactorily compacted during refilling of the excavation. In the event the excavated materials are not suitable, Special Backfill as specified or ordered by the Engineer shall be used for backfilling. Unsuitable, uncontaminated excavated l materials are to be removed from the job site by the , ,. , contractor at his expense. Suitable, uncontaminated materials .. ' .. ,., shall be stockpiled separately from contaminated materials/ and used for general backfilling. 4. Any settlement occurring in the backfilled excavations shall be refilled and compacted. B. Unsuitable Materials 1. Stones, pieces of rock or pieces of pavement greater than 2 inches in any single dimension shall not be used in any portion of the backfill . 2. All stones, pieces of rock or pavement shall be distributed through the backfill and alternated with earth backfill in such a manner that all interstices between them shall be filled with earth. 3. Frozen earth shall not be used for backfilling. C. Compaction 1. The compaction shall be as specified for the type of earthwork, i.e., structural, trenching or embankment. a. Compaction specified shall be 90 percent of maximum dry density. b. The compaction equipment shall be suitable for the material encountered. • • 5/91 EARTHWORK -SECTIQN 02200 02200-11 3883.001 2. Where required, to assure adequate compaction, in-place density testing shall be made by an approved testing laboratory. 3. a. The moisture-density relationship of the backfill material shall be determined by ASTM 0698, Method D. 1. Compaction curves for the full range of materials used shall be developed. b. In-place density shall be determined by the methods of ASTM 1556 or ASTM 02922 and shall be expressed as a percentage of maximum dry density. Where required, to obtain the optimum moisture content, the Contractor shall add, at his own expense, sufficient water during compaction to assure the specified maximum density of the backfill. If, due to rain or other causes, the material exceeds the optimum moisture content, it shall be allowed to dry before resuming compaction or filling efforts. 4. The Contractor shall be responsible for all damage or injury done to pipes, structures, property or persons due to improper placing or compacting of backfill. 3.05 STORAGE OF MATERIALS A Excavated Materials 1. All on-site excavated materials shall be stored at on-site locations so as not to endanger the work, and so that easy access may be had at all times to all parts of the excavation and so as not to interfere with the owner's operation. All suitable noncontaminated material shall be stored on-site and used for general backfill. 2. Any soils located within one foot of the bottom or sides of Lagoon 1 and 2 will be considered contaminated soil. Other • 02200-12 3883.001 EARTHWORK -SECTION 02200 soil that Is excavated during remediation will be dassified as contaminated or uncontaminated depending on results of chemical analyses. The Contractor shall be required to take one sample of fill per 50 cubic yards and analyze for volatiles, acid/base/nuetral extractables, and TCLP constituents, and submit the results to the Engineer prior to the placement of the fill. Soils in which constituents are detected above POLs will be considered contaminated. 3. Temporary Staging in the form of placing material on visqueen, covering with visqueen, and providing sufficient ballast to maintain the cover (i.e. placing of planks or rubber tires on top of the cover) and prohibit migration of dust and materials from the containment area will be allowed for both contaminated and non-contaminated materials. 4. All potentially contaminated soil shall be stored separately from non-contaminated soil. For this contract contaminated soil is defined as soil that does not meet the criteria listed in Table 10 of the document entitled "Closure/Post Closure Plan for Central Transport, Inc., Charlotte, North Carolina". 3.06 DISPOSAL OF MATERIALS A. Disposal 1. All suitable non·contaminated material shall be used for on- site backfilling. 2. All other material will be disposed of as specified in Section 02240. 3.07 OTHER REQUIREMENTS A. Drainage 1. All material deposited in roadway ditches or other water courses shall be removed immediately after backfilling is completed and the section grades and contours of such ditches or water courses restored to their original condition, • 5/91 • • 5/91 EARTHWORK -SECTION 02200 02200-13 3883.001 in order that surface drainage will be obstructed no longer than necessary. B. Unfinished Work 1. When, for any reason, the work is left unfinished, all trenches and excavations shall be filled and all roadways, sidewalks and watercourses left unobstructed with their surfaces in a safe and satisfactory condition. The surface of all roadways and sidewalks shall have a temporary pavement. C. Hauling Material on Streets 1. When it is necessary to haul material over the streets or pavements, the Contractor shall provide suitable tight vehicles so as to prevent deposits on the streets or pavements. In all cases where any materials are dropped from the vehicles, the Contractor shall clean up the same as often as required to keep the crosswalks, streets and pavements clean and free from dirt, mud, stone and other hauled material. 0. Hauling Material Offsite 1. Prior to leaving the site, all equipment which has been in contact with the excavated soils shall be decontaminated to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Decontamination of equipment shall be in accordance with Specification Section Equipment Decontamination Procedures. Decontamination of equipment shall take place on-site on a decontamination area constructed, operated, and maintained by the Contractor. The decontamination area shall consist of an impermeable are (sloped to a sump area) with appropriate height curbing and in accordance with the aforementioned Specified Section . The contractor shall be responsible for the complete operation of the decontamination area and shall treat all wash water collected in accordance with all Federal, State, and Local regulations. • . • 02200-14 3883.001 5/91 EARTHWORK -SECTION 02200 2. All excavated material destined for offsite disposal at a chemical waste disposal facility will be transported in suitable containers in accordance with 40 CFR Part 761. Bulk trailers shall be watertight. 3. lhe Contractor is responsible for obtaining all state, county, and town permits, or variations to allow transport of any and all materials or equipment on public roadways. D. Safety Equipment 1. lhe Contractor shall provide all necessary safety equipment to his employees, the Engineer and his representatives, and the owner's representatives. The following minimum safety equipment will be used at all times by all personnel located within the limits of the site where contact with contaminated material may result. Hard hats and steel reinforced protection boots. Safety glasses or goggles complying with OSHA Standard ANSI 287.1-1968. Disposal rubber boots or overshoes. Nonporous disposable coverall. Full face respirator with high-efficiency dust/mist/ particulate organic vapor combination cartridges. All disposal safety equipment shall be stored at and disposed of at locations approved by the Engineer. lhe use and care of Safety Equipment shall be in accordance with the approved Health and Safety Plan. 2. lhe Contractor shall comply with all of the provisions covering workers involved in hazardous waste operations as set forth in 29 CFR 1910.120. 3. lhe Contractor shall comply with all safety standards required by the Owner. • 5/91 EARTHWORK -SECTION 02200 E. Dust Control 02200-15 3883.001 1. It shall be the sole responslbility of the Contractor to control the dust created by any and all of his operations to such a degree that it will not endanger the safety and welfare of the general public. F. Test Pits 1. For the purpose of obtaining detail locations of underground obstructions, the Contractor shall make excavations in advance of the work. Payment for the excavations ordered by the Engineer will be made under an appropriate item of the Contract. G. Stability of Excavations 1 . The Contractor shall shore and brace excavations as required to prevent cave-ins, and to protect adjacent structures, facilities and utilities. 2. The Contractor shall remove shoring when no longer required, unless otherwise directed or approved by the Engineer. -END OF SECTION - • • • 02240-1 3883.001 SOIL/SLUDGE STABILIZATION. REMQYAL AND DISPOSAL-SECTION 02240 PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Work Included 1. Work to be performed under this section shall consist of all labor materials, supplies and equipment necessary for the excavation, transfer, stabilization, stockpiling and disposal of sludges and contaminated soils from the existing surface impoundments (Lagoon 1 and Lagoon 2). Excavation of sludges shall be to the grades specified or shown, or as directed by the Owner. B. Related Work 1. Earthwork: Section 02200 2. Soil Testing Protocol: Section 02001 3. Landscaping: Section 02900 1.02 REFERENCES A. American Standards for Testing and Materials (ASTM) B. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE 7/90 A. All field and laboratory testing to demonstrate compliance with this section shall be performed by the Contractor. B. Test methods shall be as follows, or alternate methods as approved by the Owner. 1. Unconfined compressive strength -laboratory testing per ASTM D 2166 of representative samples for the full-scale stabilization process . • • • 02240-3 3883.001 SOIL/SLUDGE STABILIZATION. REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL-SECTION 0224Q C. Consistency -The stabilized material shall, prior to shipment to the landfill, be absent of free liquids. D. Leachability -The stabilized sludge will meet the maximum concentration levels listed in Table 1 of 40 CFR 261.24 (TCLP test). E. Unconfined Compressive Strength -the stabilized material shall, after a maximum curing time of seven days, possess a minimum unconfined compressive strength of 15 psi. 2.02 STABILIZATION PILOT TEST 7/90 A. Prior to the initiation of sludge stabilization work, a stabilization pilot test will be performed to establish a proposed stabilization methodology, and to demonstrate the proposed methodology will produce a stabilized material which meets the specified performance criteria . 8. The stabilization pilot test shall be performed on a minimum 200 gram sample of existing sludge. The sludge shall be a composite sample from different sections of the lagoon. Prior to conducting the test, the following characteristics of the sludge shall be determined: 1. Density @ 20°C (g/cc) 2. Total suspended solids (mg/I) 3. Volatile suspended solids (mg/I) 4. Total percent solids (%by weight) 5. Leachability (TCLP) C. During the mixing process the temperature of the sludge will be monitored and significant releases of heat will be noted. 0. The results of the stabilization pilot test shall include the results of all the tests listed in section 1.03, along with the recommended admixture, mixing time, and curing time . I I • • • 02240-4 3883.001 SOIL/SLUDGE STABILIZATION. REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL-SECTION 02240 E. Once the results of the stabilization pilot test have reviewed by the Engineer the established stabilization methodology and mix formulation shall not be changed until a subsequent demonstration test is conducted for the newly proposed methodology. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 WATER REMOVAL A During the stabilization of sludges, the Contractor shall provide and maintain proper and satisfactory means and devices for the removal of all water entering the excavation. All water so removed shall be treated and disposed properly. B. Any free water from the stabilization process, or which drains or runs off from stockpile areas, shall be collected and treated properly . 3.02 STABILIZATION 7/90 A. The contractor may perform the stabilization of the sludges in place, or by transferring the sludges into an adjacent reactor within which the stabilization process is initiated. B. Regardless of the stabilization methodology utilized, the Contractor shall not transport any stabilized material until it has cured sufficiently to meet the performance criteria specified in this section. The stabilized material shall be stockpiled at a location accepted by the Engineer, during the curing period. All run-off or drainage from the stockpile areas shall be collected and treated as specified herein. C. Upon reaching sufficient cure, the stabilized material shall be transported to a secure landfill accepted by the Engineer and disposed . • • - - -------------- 02240·5 3883.001 SOIL/SLUDGE STABILIZATION. REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL· SECTION 02240 3.03 BACKFILL AND COVER A. Upon receipt of cleanup verification sampling results showing the lagoon to be clean, the lagoon shall be backfilled to the grades shown on the Contract Drawings. B. Backfill shall be completed in accordance with the Section entitled "Earthwork". C. Surface restoration shall be completed in accordance with the section entitled "Landscaping". D. No runoff or drainage from contaminated areas, stockpile areas, haul roads, or other areas in contact with contaminated materials shall be allowed to enter the backfilled lagoon area. 3.04 TESTING 7/90 A. Testing from the full-scale stabilization process shall be conducted to demonstrate compliance with this section. 8. Frequency of testing shall be a minimum of one sample per 2,000 cubic yards of material stabilized. END OF SECTION • • • LANDSCAPING -SECTION 02900 02900-1 4144.001 PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Work Included 1. Work to be performed under this section shall consist of all labor, materials, equipment and supplies necessary to furnish and install the alluvial sand, topsoil, fertilizer, seed, and mulch; the preparation of the subgrade and the placing of the topsoil, fertilizer, seed and mulch. 2. The maintenance required until acceptance. B. Related Work 1. Earthwork: Section 02220 1.02 REFERENCES A. American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) 1.03 SUBMITTALS 7/90 A. The Contractor shall submit for approval by the Owner a written statement giving location of properties from which topsoil is to be obtained, names and addresses of owners, depth to be stripped and the crops grown during the past two years. B. The Contractor shall submit seed vendor's certified statement for the grass seed mixture required, stating common name, percentage by weight, and percentages of purity, and germination. C. The Contractor shall submit for approval by the Owner all data concerning hydroseeding equipment Of used) including all material application rates. D. Topsoil test results, as specified . l • • 02900-2 4144.CX)1 f.ANDSCAPING -SECTION 02900 PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 TOPSOIL 7/90 A. The topsoil shall be natural, fertile, friable granular soil characteristic of productive soils in the vicinity. No admixtures of subsoil will be allowed. Topsoil must be uniform in composition and texture, clean, and free from clay lumps, stones, weeds, stumps, roots, toxic substances, and debris or similar substances 2 inches or more in greatest dimension. B. Topsoil shall meet the following requirements: 1. The pH of the material shall be between 5.5 and 7.6 2. The organic content shall be not less than 2"~ nor more than 20% . 3. Gradation: Sieve Size 2 inch 1 inch 1/4 inch No. 200 mesh Percent Passing by Weight 100 85 to 100 65 to 90 20 to 80 4. The plasticity index (Pl) of the portion passing the number 40 sieve shall be less than 4 as determined by ASTM D423 and 0424. C. A minimum of three representative samples shall be tested tor acidity, fertility, liquid limit (ASTM 0423), plastic limit (ASTM 0924) and gradation by an approved testing agency at Contractor's expense. The results shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. • • LANDSCAPING -SECTION 02900 029Q0-3 4144.001 2.02 GRASS SEED A. Grass seed mixture shall be fresh, clean, of current season's crop and shall be delivered in unopened containers bearing the guaranteed analysis of the mix. 8. Seed Mixtures: Common Name nmothy Clover Perennial Ryegrass Annual Ryegrass By Weight % Purity 30 90 20 90 40 90 10 90 % Germination 90 90 90 90 2.03 FERTILIZER A. Fertilizer shall be of commercial stock, of neutral character, with elements derived from organic sources. It shall be a complete, prepared and packaged material and shall contain a minimum of 10% nitrogen, 10% phosphoric acid and 10% potash. Each bag of fertilizer shall bear the manufacturer's guaranteed statement of analysis. 2.04 MULCH A. Mulch shall be stalks of oats, wheat, rye or other approved crops free from noxious weeds, mold, or objectionable material, and shall be in an air dry condition when placed. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION LOCATIONS FOR LANDSCAPE MATERIALS 7/90 A. The areal extent of the completed clay cap shall be covered by a minimum of 6 inches of topsoil meeting the requirements of this • • 02900-4 4144.001 LANDSCAPING -SECTION 02900 Section. It shall then be seeded, mulched and fertilized in accordance with this Section. 8. All surfaces excluding the clay cap as described above which have been constructed during the course of the contract or that have been disturbed or damaged during completion of the work shall receive a minimum of 6 inches of topsoil; all surfaces shall then be seeded, mulched, and fertilized in accordance with this Section. 3.02 APPLICATION PROCEDURES 7/90 A. Finished grade shall conform to the lines and grades shown on the Contract Drawings. Any irregularities shall be corrected before the placement of grass seed, fertilizer and mulch. 8. The Contractor shall proceed with the complete landscape work as rapidly as portions of the Contract Work Area become available, working within seasonal limitations for each kind of work required. C. The fertilizer shall be applied uniformly with a mechanical spreader at the rate of 20 pounds per 1000 square feet. Following the application of the fertilizer and prior to application of the seed, the surface shall be scarified to a depth of 2 inches with a disk or other suitable method. D. The seed mixture shall be applied uniformly upon the prepared surface with a mechanical spreader at a rate of not less than six pounds per 1000 square feet. One half of the seed shall be sown in one direction, and the remainder at right angles to the first sowing. The seed shall be raked lightly into the surface and firmed with a roller having a weight not exceeding 90 pounds per foot of roller length. Seeding shall be suspended when wind velocities exceed 5 miles per hour or as directed by the Owner. Seeding shall not be done when the ground is frozen, snow-covered, or in an unsatisfactory condition for planting. E. Seeded areas shall then be protected from erosion by application of a uniform continuous 2" thick blanket of mulch. Excessive amounts • • LANDSCAPING -SECTION 02900 02900-5 4144.001 or bunching of mulch will not be permitted. Mulch shall be left in place and allowed to disintegrate and shall be anchored as required by a method approved by the Owner. Any anchorage or mulch that has not disintegrated at time of first mowing shall be removed. F. Following application of the mulch, the seed bed shall be moistened. A muddy soil condition will not be acceptable. G. Seeded areas shall be watered as often as required to obtain germination and to obtain and maintain a satisfactory growth. Watering shall be done in such a manner as to prevent washing out of seed and damaging of cap. H. A stand of grass shall be defined as not less than 100 grass plants per square foot. The stand of grass resulting from the seeding shall not be considered satisfactory until accepted by the Owner. In areas greater than one (1) square foot which do not have an acceptable stand of grass, the remaining mulch will be removed and the area shall be reseeded, refertilized and remulched as per the above application procedures at the Contractor's expense. I. Hydroseeding may be accepted as a method of applying fertilizer, seed and mulch. The Contractor must submit all data regarding materials and application rates to the Owner for approval if hydroseeding is proposed by the Contractor. 3.03 MAINTENANCE OF GRASS AREAS 7/90 A. Maintenance Period 1. Maintenance period shall commence immediately after the placement of landscape materials. 2. Maintenance shall be continued for the period required to establish an acceptable growth, but for not fess than 60 days after the date of substantial completion. 3. If seeding is not completed before , maintenance shall be continued through the following spring • AppendixG aBRIEN 6 GERE • • POST CLOSOR~~ON'l'BL~;lNSPECTION LOG CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. Charlotte, North Carolina Inspector: Date: Time: a.m. STATUS INSPECTION ITEM OK . DEFICIENT Fencing: -intact -undisturbed Vegetative cover: . -height of growth (need for cutting) -density and ~- uniformity of growth -thinning? (insect impact) -presence of brush, shrubs or weeds -surface continuity (sinks or mounds) -surface integrity (erosion, cracks, holes) -water runoff -other observations 1 p.m._ COMMENTS/ACTION TAKEN • • • POST CLOSURE MC»llHLY INSPECTION LOG CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. Monitoring Wells: MW-##: -Protective Metal Casing -Lock -Well casing -Well Cap -Cement Pad -Well Identif- cation No. -Refer. mark for gw elevation -Depth of well -Turbidity of gw samples Continued -Changes in gw flow into well during well purging -Changes in static gw elevation MW-##: -Protective Metal Casing -Lock -Well Casing -Well Cap -cement Pad -Well Identif- cation No . 2 ----ft. POST CLOSURE SEMI-aNNUaL INSPECTION LOG • • • CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. -Refer. mark for gw elevation -Depth of well -Turbidity of gw samples Continued -Changes in gw flow into well during well purging -Changes in static gw elevation MW-##: -Protective Metal Casing -Lock -Well casing -Well cap -Cement Pad -Well Identif- cation No. -Refer. mark for gw elevation -Depth of well -Turbidity of gw samples -Changes in gw flow into well during well purging -Changes in static gw elevation 3 --· --· -·· -- ft. ---- ____ ft. • • • POS'l' CLOSURE lilliM!: A11Ndl't" !NSPECTION LOG CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. MW-##: -Protective Metal Casing -Lock -Well Casing -Well Cap -cement Pad -Well Identif- cation No. -Refer. mark for gw elevation -Depth of well -Turbidity of gw samples Continued -changes in gw flow into well during well purging -Changes in static gw elevation MW-##: -Protective Metal casing -Lock -Well casing -well cap -cement Pad -Well Identif- cation No. -Refer. mark for gw elevation 4 ____ ft. • • POST CLOSURE &£J!f.f-ANihiAL INSPECTION LOG CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. -Depth of well -Turbidity of gw samples continued -Changes in gw flow into well during well purging -Changes in static gw elevation MW-##: -Protective Metal casing -Lock -well casing -Well Cap -cement Pad -Well Identif- cation No. -Refer. mark for gw elevation -Depth of well -Turbidity of gw samples -Changes in gw flow into well during well purging -changes in static gw elevation 'MW-##; -Protective Metal Casing -Lock -Well Casing 5 ____ ft. ____ ft. • Appendix H • • aBRIEN Ei GERE -..... ,_ ---. ~-- • Appendix H Financial Assurance Mechanism • • • • APPENDIX H FINANCIAL ASSURANCE MECHANISM A letter of credit will be issued by the North Carolina National Bank to central Transport, Inc. for $2.5 million to cover both closure and post closure costs. Both the letter of credit and the standby trust agreement are being processed and will be finalized imminently. Copies of these documents will be included in the final closure plan submission .