HomeMy WebLinkAboutCenco_Closure-Post Closure 1990-OCR• ,. ' • REPORT Closure/Post Closure Plan Central Transport, Inc. Charlotte, North Carolina July 1990 Prepared :by: O'Brien & Gere Engineers, Inc. 8201 Corporate Drive, Suite 1120 Landover, Maryland 20785 • • • CLOSURE/POST-CLOSURE PLAN CENTRAL TRANSPORT, lNC. Charlotte, North Carolina TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION A. PART A APPLICATION B. FACILITY DESCRIPTION B-1 General description B-la Waste Management History B-lb Regional Geology B-lc Regional Hydrogeology B-ld Site Geology B-le Soil Geotechnical Characteristics B-lf Soil Quality B-2 Topographic map B-2a General Requirements B-3 Floodplain standard C. WASTE CHARACTERISTICS c-1 Chemical and physical analyses, including sampling/analysis methods c-2 Waste analysis plan D. PROCESS INFORMATION D-1 Waste piles D-2 Surface impoundments D-2a List of wastes D-2b Liner system description D-3 Landfills D-4 Land treatment E. GROUNDWATER MONITORING Introduction E-1 Ground-water monitoring data E-la Well Installation Procedures E-lb Site Ground Water Flow Conditions O'BAIEN 1; GERE • • • Table of Contents (continued) E-lc Ground Water Sampling Procedures E-ld Ground Water Quality E-2 Aquifer identification E-3 Contaminant plume description E-4 Post Closure monitoring program E-5 Compliance monitoring program E-6 Corrective action program F. CLOSURE AND POST-CLOSURE REQUIREMENTS F-1 Closure plans F-la Closure performance standard F-lb Inventory removal, disposal or decontamination of equipment F-lb(l) F-lb(2) Waste pile closure activities Surface impoundment closure activities F-lb(2)a F-lb(2)b Liquid Disposal Stabilization of Sludge F-lb (2) b ( i) F-lb(2)b(ii) F-lb(2)b(iii) F-lb(2)b(iv) Background Treatability study On-Site stabilization Sampling and Testing Program F-lb(2)c F-lb(2)d F-lb(2)e F-lb(2)f Removal of Structures Off-Site Disposal Backfilling Lagoon Areas Facility Decontamination F-lb(3) F-lb(2)f(i) Contaminated Soil Removal Criteria F-lb ( 2 ) f ( ii) Sampling and Testing Program F-lb(2)f(iii) Contaminated Closure of facilities Equipment Decontamination Procedure land treatment D'BRll:J\ & GERI' • • F-lc F-ld F-le F-lf Table of Contents (continued) Closure of disposal units Schedule for closure Extensions for closure time Certification of closure F-2 Post-closure plan F-2a Post-closure contact F-2b Post-closure security F-2c Systems design description F-2d Inspection plan F-2e Monitoring plan F-2e(l) Indicator parameters, waste constituents, reaction products to be monitored F-2e(2) F-2e(3) F-2e(4) F-2e(5) Hazardous waste characterization Behavior of constituents Detectability Post closure ground water monitoring program F-2e(5)a F-2e(5)b F-2e(5)C F-2e(5)d F-2e(5)e F-2e(5)f F-2e(5)g F-2e(5)h F-2e{5)i F-2e(S)j F-2e(S)k F-2e(5)1 Description of Representative Location of ground water wells that upgradient Background valves Sampling frequency sampling quantity wells samples background monitoring are not sampling analysis statistical procedure sample collection sample preservation and shipment Analytical procedure chain of Custody Annual determination F-2e(5)l(i) F-2e{5)l(ii) Flow direction Flow rate F-2e(5)m Statistical determination F-2e{5)n Results O'BRIEN & GERE • Table of Contents (continued) F-2f Maintenance plan F-2g Special waste management plan F-2h Land treatment F-2i Personnel training F-3 Notice to local land authority F-4 Notice in deed F-5 Closure cost estimate F-6 Financial assurance mechanism for closure F-7 Post-closure cost estimate F-8 Financial assurance mechanism for post-closure care F-9 Liability requirements REFERENCES FI GORES 1 Topographic Map 2 Floodplain Map 3 Site Plan 4 Partial Site Plan & Geologic Cross Sections 5 Grading Plan 6 Closure Schedule TABLES 1 Soil Laboratory Analyses 2 Soil Quality Analyses 3 Chemical Analyses of Lagoon Site Surface water 4 Summary of Water and Sediment Quantities 5 Chemical Analyses of Sludge (Organic) 6 Chemical Analyses of Sludge (Inorganic) 7 Well Specifications and Ground Water Elevations 8 Ground Water Quality Analyses 9 Records of Decision Osing stabilization 10 Soil Clean-Up Criteria 11 TCLP Sample Results 12 EP Toxicity Sample Results 13 Closure Cost Estimate 14 Post Closure Cost Estimate O'BRIEN & GERE • APPENDICES Table of Contents (continued) A Part A RCRA Permit B Boring Logs c CMUD Special Use Discharge Permit D stabilization Study E Supplemental Work Plan F Closure Specifications G Semi-Annual Inspection Log H Financial Assurance Mechanism O'BRIEN & GERE • • CLOSURE/POST CLOSURE PLAN CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. Ju1y 26, 1990 Charlotte, North Carolina Facility INTRODUCTION Central Transport, Inc. has been operating a bulk hauling facility at Charlotte, North Carolina since 1972. Until the late 1970 's, two lagoons were used to treat rinsewaters generated in the cleaning of empty tank trucks. Use of the lagoons was terminated in 1985 when a new on-site pretreatment system commenced operation. On May 30, 1990 1 Central Transport, Inc. and the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, Division of Solid Waste Management, Hazardous Waste Branch entered into an Administrative Order on Consent to address certain conditions at the Charlotte site at 600 Melynda Road, in Mecklenburg County, North carol ina in a manner consistent with State and Federal hazardous waste laws and rules. By entering into this order, CTI agreed to manage surface impoundments (the waste management area) in accordance with all closure, post-closure, ground water and financial 1 OBRIEN & GERE • • July 26, 1990 assurance requirements applicable to such units under North Carolina Hazardous Waste Management Rules, and the Solid waste Management Act. This Plan has been prepared to describe the closure and post closure monitoring of two surface impoundments (Lagoons 1 and 2, Figure 3). Closure, as described in Section F-1, will consist of discharge of liquids in lagoons 1 and 2 to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utility District, (permit number GOOS) excavation of approximately 5200 cubic yards of sludge from Lagoons 1 and 2, on-site stabilization of the lagoon sludges, off-site disposal of the stabilized sludges as non-hazardous waste and regrading of Lagoons 1 and 2. A third pond (Figure 3) will be regraded to allow free drainage. Pond 3 appears to have been unintentionally created as a result of the construction of Lagoon 1. Pond 3 will be regraded to restore the area to its original topography . 2 O'BRIEN & GERE • • • A RCRA Part A Permit ~ !!!!!iii~ ,,,= ... OBRIEN 6 GERE • • • SECTION A PART A APPLICATION July 26, 1990 The RCRA Part A Permit Application for Interim status facilities is included in this Closure/Post-Closure Plan as Appendix A . 3 O'BF11EN & GERE • • • B Facility Description ~ ""~ ... 9$!a """""" O'BRIEN 6 GERE • • • July 26, 19!!0 truck rinsewaters. In 1972, the Charlotte terminal was connected to the CMUO Sanitary Sewer system. Following this connection, the lagoons served as a pretreatment system. In the late 1970s, a pretreatment plant was constructed at the terminal. The two lagoons served as a backup to the pretreatment system. In 1985, two aboveground rinsewater storage tanks and a new pretreatment plant were constructed. Use of the lagoons was terminated in 1985 when the new pretreatment system commenced operation. Figure 3 is a site plan which shows the location of the two on-site lagoons. Lagoon 1 was constructed with concrete walls and with native clay materials on the bottom • Rinse waters in Lagoon 1 were aerated using two floating aerators. Lagoon 2 was an existing pond that had been constructed as a farm pond prior to Central Transport•s purchase of the site, according to available background information. Pond 3 shown on Figure 3 appears to have resulted from construction of the lagoons. An intermittent stream runs through the location of Pond 3. B-lb Regional Geology The CTI site is located within the Piedmont physiographic province of North Carolina, in the Charlotte Belt. The massive crystalline and metamorphic rocks of the Piedmont are 6 O'SRIEN & GERE • • July 26, 1990 covered by a layer of unconsolidated clayey to sandy material, consisting of weathered parent rock and alluvium (Cederstrom, 1979) . The underlying Charlotte Belt has been interpreted as a tilted composite mass of intrusive igneous rock that has been eroded (Wilson, 1983). The immediate vicinity of Charlotte is underlain by a granite and diorite complex, which is interfingered with a variety of local sedimentary and metamorphic rocks (Legrand, 1952). Rocks in the Charlotte Belt range in age from Paleozoic to Precambrian. B-lc Regional Hydrogeology The shallow ground water in the Charlotte area occurs in the clayey to sandy soil as an unconsolidated water table aquifer. The unconsolidated aquifer acts as a reservoir which transmits water to the bedrock. The bedrock ground water is contained in the joints, fractures, cleavage planes, bedding planes, and solution channels in the rock (Legrand, 1952). The flow of ground water within the unconfined aquifer is dictated by topography; in other words, the surface of the water table roughly mimics the land surface. Within the bedrock aquifer, however, ground water flow is controlled by the system of joints and fractures (Legrand, 1952) . 7 C:'BRiEN & GERE • • Julv 26, 1990 The soil boring locations were selected to provide a preliminary assessment of the soil quality in the vicinity of the lagoons. The five soil borings were advanced using the hollow stem auger drilling method. The augers were advanced until auger refusal indicated that bedrock had been encountered. Split spoon samples of the unconsolidated overburden were collected continuously. The soil sampling method employed was ASTM D-1586-84/Split Barrel Sampling, using a 2-inch outside diameter split spoon sampler with a 140-pound hammer. Following the collection of each soil sample, the split spoon sampling barrel was decontaminated with soapy distilled water followed by a nitric acid rinse, a methanol rinse, and a distilled water rinse. The head space in each soil sample jar was screened in the field using a photoionization organic vapor detector (HNU Model PI-101), in order to provide a preliminary indication of the presence of volatile organic compounds within the soils. Boring logs containing the field screening results and detailed descriptions of the geologic materials encountered during the drilling of each boring are included in Appendix B. Based on the results of the head space screening and upon visual observations, soil samples were selected for analysis. Two samples were chosen per boring: the 2 to 4 foot depth 10 • • • July 26, 1990 sample and the 6 to 8 foot depth sample. The samples were from the unsaturated zone, above the water table. The soil samples were analyzed for metals, voes, base/neutral extractables, acid extractables, pesticides, and PCBs. The analytical results are summarized in Table 2; for metals, both a range and average of concentrations commonly found in soils in the USA are also included. The reference for the range and average of concentrations is the USEPA, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, Hazardous Waste Land Treatment, SW-874 (April, 1983), page 273, Table 6.46. Constituents which were not detected in the samples are not included on Table 2 . Oyerview -Soil Quality A comprehensive discussion of the soil sample analytical results is presented in the report entitled "Hydrogeologic Investigation", which was submitted to the State of North Carolina on June 20, 1990. A brief summary is presented in this document. It should be noted at the outset of the discussion that the analytical results provide a generally positive assessment of site soil quality. While isolated areas of soil contamination have been detected, the contamination is relatively limited and does not appear to be 11 • • ---·---- July 26. 1990 related to the lagoons. No consistent pattern of soil contamination was evidenced by the analytical results. Summary -Soil Quality The following items represent the significant findings in the soil analysis. Arsenic was detected in the MW3 2 to 4 foot depth sample at a concentration of 1615 ppm; the common range is 1-50 ppm. The presence of arsenic can possibly be attributed to naturally occurring minerals that may be present in the soil. voes were detected in the MWl 6 to 8 foot depth sample, and the MW3 6 to B foot depth sample, but were not detected in other samples. B-2 Topographic Map B-2a General Requirements 40 CFR 270.14Cbl Cl9l. 10 NCAC lOF .0034(blC5) Figure 1 is a topographic map of the site and the surrounding area within a distance of approximately 1000 feet. The site can also be located on the Mountain Island Lake, North Carolina quad of the United states Geologic Survey maps . 12 • July 26, 1990 B-3 Floodplain standard 40 CFR 270.14(b)(11) (iii), 10 NCAC lOF .0034(b)(5) The site is not located within a 100 year flood plain as shown on Figure 2 . • • 13 O'BRIEN & GERE • • • c Waste Characteristics ~ _..... =i:illiiil ~-e ........ O'BRIEN 6 GERE • • • D Process Information =~~ ........-O'BRIEN Ei GERE • • • SECTION D PROCESS INFORMATION July 26, 1990 D-1 Waste Piles 40 CFR 270.lB!al. 10 NCAC lOF .0034(b) (9) There are no waste piles located on the site. D-2 surface Impoundments D-?a List of Wastes 40 CFR 270.17(a), 10 NCAC lOF .0034Cbl C8l A summary of the constituents detected by chemical analyses performed on the sludge is given in Tables 5 & 6. A summary of the estimated volume of sludge is given in Table 4. The results of physical analyses performed on native soil samples indicate that the percentage of fine-grained material passing the number 200 sieve, a liquid limit, and plasticity index of the soil are within the North Carolina regulations for soil characteristics for landfill liner construction. D-2b Liner System Description 40 CFR 270.17(b) Cll. 10 NCAC lOF ,QQ34(b)(8) Lagoon 1 was constructed with concrete walls and with native clay materials on the bottom. Lagoon 2 was an existing pond that had been constructed as a farm pond prior to Central Transport•s information. purchase of the site, according to available Lagoon 2 appears to be constructed of earthen 17 O'BF:tt:I·~ & GERt • • • July 26, 1990 materials. Pond 3 resulted from construction of the lagoon. An intermittent stream runs through the location of Pond 3. Soil quality and characteristics of the surrounding area are given in section B-1. D-3 Landfills 40 CFR 210.21. 10 NCAC lOF .0034!b)!12) There are no landfills located on the site. D-4 Land Treatment 40 CFR 270.20!b), 10 NCAC lOF .0034(b) (11) There is no hazardous waste land treatment performed on site • 18 0 BRIE~' & GERE • • • E Ground Water Monitoring """""' ~ !:!!!! !!! .. =iii OBRIEN 6 GERE • • • July 26, 1990 for metals analysis were filtered in the field using a peristaltic pump with an in-line 0.45-micron filter. A clean stainless steel bailer was used for sample collection. Before each use, the bailer was washed with soapy distilled water, followed by a nitric acid rinse, a methanol rinse, and a distilled water rinse. At each well site, a new piece of clear plastic sheeting was laid down around the well. Clean equipment was placed on the plastic sheeting. A new length of polypropylene rope was attached to the bailer. The sampler put on a new pair of rubber gloves at each new well site. The sample jars were labeled and placed in a styrofoam cooler with icepacks for shipment to the laboratory for analysis. A trip blank and field blank were included for quality control/quality assurance purposes. The trip blank consisted of two 40-ml vials filled in the laboratory with distilled, uncontaminated water. The trip blank was shipped with empty sample bottles from the lab to the site, and with full sample bottles from the site to the lab. The purpose of the trip blank was to check if there had been contamination during transport. The field blank consisted of two 40-ml vials filled in the field with distilled, uncontaminated water, using field procedures identical to those procedures used during sample 25 CYBhitl\ C:. SF.:RE • • • July 26, 1990 SECTION F CLOSURE AND POST CLOSURE REQUIREMENTS F-1 Closure Plan 40 CFR 270.14Cbl(13), 40 CFR 265.112, NCAC 10 .0034 Cb) (5), 10 NCAC lOF. 0033 Cql In developing the Closure Plan, the following technical issues were considered: 1. Ground water quality 2. Physical and chemical characteristics of the sludge 3 Methods of sludge stabilization that will minimize free liquids and reduce toxicity, thereby inhibiting the possibility of release of contaminants 4. Options for off-site disposal of sludge as non- hazardous waste in a secure disposal facility. 5. Approaches for disposal of lagoon liquids. Pre-closure evaluations have included: 1. Geotechnical studies that define the availability and permeability of on-site soils. 2. Sludge treatability studies that demonstrate one or more techniques that would be acceptable for stabilizing the sludge . 32 O'BP.iEJ~· &. GERE • • • 3. July 26, 1990 Hydrogeologic investigation of the site to assess the potential release of contaminants. 4. waste analysis and characterization. F-la Closure Performance standard 40 CFR 265 .111. 10 NCAC lOF .0033Cgl By excavating, stabilizing, and transporting the waste to an off-site land disposal facility, the source of potential contaminants will be removed from the site. Because the waste is being removed from the site a three year period of post closure moni taring will be performed. The post-closure monitoring plan is included section F. F-lb Inventory. Removal. Disposal. or Decontamination of Equipment 40 CFR 265.112(a) (3), 40 CFR 265.114. 10 NCAC lOF .0033(g) The intent of this closure plan is to present a procedure to treat any potentially hazardous materials and remove them from the site. All liquid from Lagoons 1 and 2 will be drained and discharged to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utility Department wastewater treatment plant in accordance with the Special Use Discharge Permit No. GOOS issued June 8, 1990 (Appendix C). The sludge from Lagoon 1 and 2 will be stabilized on site. The stabilized material will be disposed 33 0'8RiLr\ &. C~E:J~i.: • • • July 26, 1990 of off-site as non-hazardous waste in a properly permitted landfill. Primary specifications that will be utilized in obtaining competitive bids from approved contractors are included in Appendix F. F-lb(ll Waste Pile Closure Activities 40 CFR 270.18(11. 40 CFR 258 Cal & (bl, 10 NCAC lOF . 0034 (bl (9l There are no waste piles located on the site. F-lb(2l Surface Impoundment Closure Activities 40 CF:R 270 .17 (gl , 40 CFR 265. 228 (al & Cc\ , 10 NCAC lOF . 0034 (bl (8\. 10 NCAC lOF . 0033 Ck\ F-lb(2)a Liguid Disposal On June 8 1 1990 Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utility Department issued Special Use Permit No. GOOS (Appendix C). This permit which is effective June 15 1 1990 1 permits CTI to discharge 501 000 gallons per day from the lagoons to the McAlpine Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. of pretreatment standards Subparts D, E, F, and G. Table 3 includes a compilation included in 40 CFR Part 414, To satisfy the terms of the CMUD Special use Discharge permit, temporary on-site treatment will be provided as necessary to the meet the BAT standards. The need for 34 • • July 27, 1990 Following the curing period the volume increase and sample properties of the stabilized sludge were recorded. A Paint Filter test was performed to determine the presence of free liquids. Unconfined compression tests according to ASTM D 2166. were Stress performed and strain measurements were recorded for each sample. A TCLP test was performed on a sample that had been stabilized using Portland Cement to assess the reduction in leachability provided by the process. Table 11 summarizes the results of this analysis . Based on visual observations and physical and chemical analyses, the addition of Portland Cement, cement kiln dust or combinations of these materials are viable remedial alternatives for the treatment of sludge at CTI because they provide the highest ranges of unconfined compression strengths and reduction in leachability potential to near detection limits (Appendix D). F-lbl2lbliiil On-Site Stabilization Portland Cement and/or cement kiln dust, or an approved equivalent, will be used on-site to 39 O'BRIEI~ & GoRE: • • July 27, 1990 stabilize the sludges. The sludge will be mixed to produce a homogeneous mixture. The lagoons are out of service; therefore, the measured volume in April 1988 of approximately 5, 200 cubic yards is not expected to change. F-lbC2lb(ivl Sampling and Testing Program The frequency of sampling shall be one sample per 2,000 cubic yards of sludge as determined using the methods described in USEPA SW-846 "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste." for leachabil i ty (TCLP) The sample will be tested and free liquids (Paint Filter Test), and unconfined compressive strength (ASTM D 2166). F-lbC2lc Removal of Structures The concrete walls and sluiceways of lagoon 1 will be excavated and disposed of properly. Prior to disposal the concrete will be decontaminated using similar procedures as outlined in Section F-lb(2)f(iii) (page 43). F-lb(2ld Off-Site Disposal Once the sludge has been stabilized, cured, and all testing has been completed, the sludge will be disposed of as 40 O'BR!CN & GEHt • • July 27, 1990 non-hazardous waste in an appropriate landfill. The recommended disposal cell will meet the double-liner and leachate collection requirements of a RCRA Subtitle c hazardous waste landfill such as the GSX landfill in Pinewood, South Carolina. F-lb(2Je Backfilling Lagoon Areas The contaminated sludge and soils will be removed and disposed of off-site. After removal of the sub-soil to concentrations listed in the soil clean-up criteria, the areas formerly occupied by the lagoons will be backfilled using suitable soil. The following procedure will be used to backfill the areas formerly occupied by the lagoons: (1) The surface impoundment area will be graded (cut and fill) with local materials to the desired final elevations per final grade drawing (See Figure 5). (2) Topsoil will be seeded to prevent erosion. F-lbl2lf Facility Decontamination F-lbl2lflil contaminated Soils Removal Criteria Visually contaminated soils from the bottom and sides of Lagoons 1 and 2 will be removed to meet 41 0 BRIEN & GERE • • July 27, 1990 will be sampled again, until the remaining soil meets the cleanup criteria. Excavated, contaminated soils will be stabilized as necessary and disposed of off-site along with the stabilized sludges. F-lbC2lfCiiil Contaminated Equipment Decontamination Procedure Excavation equipment, sampling equipment, tools, and other equipment that may have come in contact with contaminated materials will be decontaminated in an area with an impermeable surface which has been approved by an independent professional engineer. Decontamination will include a tap rinse followed by steam cleaning to remove visible solids. Rinse waters will be collected and discharged to CMUD in accordance with the Special Use Discharge permit GOOS (Appendix C). Disposable sampling equipment and protective clothing will be containerized and disposed of in a proper manner . 43 Cl'BRic.N & GEFIE ·• • site. July 27. 1990 F-lb(3l Closure of Land Treatment Facilities 40 CFR 265.280(a), 10 NCAC lOF .0033Cml There are no land treatment facilities located on the F-lc Closure of Disposal Units 40 CFR 270.14Cbl (13), 10 NCAC lOF . 0034 (bl (8) There will be no active, permanent disposal units located on the site. F-ld Schedule for Closure 40 CFR 265.112(al (4). 10 NCAC lOF .0033(g) Closure will be completed within 180 days after initiation of the closure plan unless a longer period is requested by CTI and this request is approved by the State. Figure 6 details the expected schedule for closure. F-le Extensions for Closure Time 40 CFR 265.113(al & Cb), 10 NCAC lOF .0033(g) At this time, CTI does not submit a petition for a closure time extension . 44 O'BRIEN & GERF • • • July 27, 1990 F-lf Certification of Closure 40 CFR 265.115. 40 CFR 265.2BO(e), 10 NCAC lOF .0033(gl An inspector who reports to an independent professional engineer will be on site during the excavation, stabilization and removal of the sludge and periodically during the completion of closure activities. When closure has been completed, CTI will submit to the State of North Carolina a written certification both by the company and by the professional engineer that Lagoons l and 2 have been closed in accordance with this Closure Plan. In addition, the report will include a description of any procedures or tasks performed during the closure which differed from those specified in the approved plan. F-2 Post-Closure Plan Section F.2.a. through F.2.i. constitutes the Post- Closure Plan for Central Transport, Inc.' s (CTI) surface impoundments at the Charlotte, North Carolina facility. This Post-Closure Plan describes the activities to be followed by CTI following the closure of the surface impoundments. The Post-Closure care period for this facility is three years . 45 O'BRllCN & GERE • • July 27, 1990 F-2a Post-Closure Contact Name: Glen Simpson, Environmental Director for CTI Address: Central Transport, Inc. Telephone: P.O. Box 7007 High Point, North Carolina 27264 Route 5, Uwharrie Road High Point, North Carolina 27263 1-800-333-1043 (High Point) 1-800-289-9022 (Charlotte terminal) (704) 394-3313 (Charlotte terminal) Fax: (919) 431-0048 F-2b Post-Closure Security Sludge and contaminated soils (those which exceed the clean-up criteria shown on Table 10) will be removed from the site. The nature of the remaining materials in the former waste area eliminates the need for security measures, as no hazard is presented to the public or the environment related to the former surface impoundments. The groundwater monitoring wells used as part of the closure and post-closure monitoring will be locked with padlocks at all times, except during sampling events. The Environmental Director of CTI, or his designee, will retain the keys to these locks . 46 OBHIEN & GEHt July 27, 1990 F-2c System Design Description This section is not applicable to the closure activities planned for the surface impoundments. F-2d Inspection Plan Inspection of the former impoundment area will be made quarterly by the Environmental Director of CTI, or his qualified designee. The inspection will consist of a visual review of the former impoundment area, fencing integrity, and observations of unusual surface conditions or possible indications of unusual subsurface conditions. In addition, all groundwater monitoring wells will be inspected during semi-annual sampling. At the time of each inspection, a record will be made in an inspection log, which is contained in Appendix G. Recorded information includes: former surface impoundment identification (Lagoon 1 and Lagoon 2), date and time of inspection, item or issue inspected, notation of observations made, and signature of inspector. Any problems observed during the inspection by CTI's designee will be recorded and brought to the attention of the Environmental Director. The Environmental Director is responsible for remedial action is performed on a timely documenting the nature of the remedial 47 ensuring basis and action in that for the O'BRlcN & GERE • • July 27, 1990 F-2e13l Behavior of constituents As discussed in Sections B-1 and E-1, ground water sampling conducted indicates that there has been no release of hazardous constituents to the ground water at the site. F-2el4l Detectability EPA Method 8240/624 is used to detect voe in ground water samples. EPA Method 8270/625 for Acid and Base/Neutral Extractables is used to detect Phthalates in ground water samples. F-2el5l Post Closure Groundwater Monitoring Program F-2el5la Description of wells The following wells will be sampled during post closure monitoring: MW 6 1 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13. The proposed third downgradient well, MW 13, will be installed during construction. The proposed location for MW 13 is shown on Figure 3. As discussed under E-1, well locations are shown on Figure 3. Well specifications and Ground Water Elevations, soring Logs, and Well Construction Diagrams are all found in the Appendices . 49 ()'BRIEN & GERc • • • July 27, 1990 F-2eC5lb Representative samples The background monitoring points will be the upgradient wells MW 6, 8, 9, and 10. The compliance monitoring points will be the downgradient wells MW 11 and 12 (and 13, once it is installed) . F-2e(5)c Locations of background ground-water monitoring wells that are not upgradient There are no background wells that are not upgradient . F-2eC5ld Background values Background arithmetic means, variances and standard deviations for indicator parameters from upgradient wells will be calculated. These calculations will be performed following completion of the fourth sampling round in September 1990. Based on an evaluation of ground water quality data collected during the four sampling rounds, an appropriate statistical procedure for comparing upgradient and downgradient wells will be selected. The statistical procedure will be selected in 50 Cl BRIEN I> GC:Rf.' • • July 27. 1990 accordance with USEPA Guidance Document entitled "The statistical Analysis of Ground Water Monitoring Data at RCRA Facilities", Interim Final Guidance, Office of Solid Waste, dated February 1989, following collection of the fourth round of samples in September 1990. Ground water quality data collected during the October 1989, November 1989, and June 1990 rounds of sampling indicate that no ground water contamination related to the lagoons exists . F-2e(5)e Sampling Freguency Ground water samples will be collected from wells MW 6, basis period. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 on a semi-annual throughout the post closure monitoring 51 • July 27, 1990 F-2eC5lf Sampling quantity The background monitoring points upgradient wells MW 6, 8, 9, and 10. will be the During each semi-annual round, one sample from each of these wells will be collected and analyzed. The total number of background samples will be four. F-2eC5lg Sampling, Analysis and statistical Procedures The Supplemental Work Plan includes procedures for sample collection, sample preservation, sample shipment, analytical methods, and chain of custody controls. Statistical comparison procedures will be as discussed under Section F-2e(5)d. F-2eC5lh Sample collection Sample collection procedures discussed in the Work Plan and techniques are (Appendix E) under Ground Water Sampling and Analysis -Ground Water Sampling Protocol . 52 • • July 27. 1990 F-2e(5li sample preservation and shipment Sample preservation and shipment techniques are discussed in the following parts of the Work Plan (Appendix E) under Ground water Sampling and Analysis -Ground Water sampling Protocol. F-2e(5lj Analytical procedure Samples will be analyzed for the following parameters: Volatile Organics Acid/Base Neutral Extractables RCRA Metals F-2e(5lk Chain of custody EPA Method 624 EPA Method 625 Chain of custody procedures are discussed in Work Plan (Appendix E), under Ground Water Sampling and Analysis -Ground Water sampling Protocol. F-2e(5ll Annual determination The uppermost aquifer on the site is the bedrock aquifer, as discussed under E-2. The annual determination of flow direction will be based on static ground water elevation measurements in all the bedrock monitoring wells. Elevation 53 • July 27. 1990 measurements will be made in conjunction with sampling rounds. Elevation measurements will be made as described in the Work Plan, (Appendix E), under Ground Water Sampling Protocol. F-2eC5llCil Flow Direction In each of the two on-site flow regimes, potential flow direction will be perpendicular to contour lines that will be drawn to represent equal ground water elevations. The potential flow direction will be toward lower ground water elevations. The ground water elevation data will be tabulated in a manner similar to Table 7, and will be plotted in a manner similar to Figure 7. F-2e(5l1Ciil Flow rate In each of the two on-site flow regimes, the hydraulic gradient will be derived from the contour lines that will be drawn. Using the values for hydraulic gradient, ground water flow velocities will be calculated as described in the Hydrogeologic Investigation Report. 54 • I • July 27, 1990 It should be noted that, of the three variables in the velocity equation, the only one that can vary with the passage of time is the hydraulic gradient. On October 20, 1989, in-situ hydraulic conductivity tests were performed on wells MW6 through MWll to estimate the hydraulic conductivity (or permeability) of the screened aquifer material. The hydraulic conductivity was calculated by measuring the rate of recovery of the water level immediately following the development of each well. The Hvorslev method was used to calculate the hydraulic conductivities. The in-situ hydraulic conductivity tests will not be repeated each year. Similarly, while varying ground water elevations may result in varying ground water flow velocities and in varying potential flow directions, the hydraulic pathways (a joint or fracture) needed for ground water flow in a fractured bedrock aquifer will not vary with the passage of time. The 55 • • July 27, 1990 fracture trace analysis described in the Work Plan and the Supplemental Report will not be repeated each year. F-2e(5lm Statistical Determination Statistical procedures will be as discussed under F-2e(5), F-2e(5)n Results It is estimated that laboratory results will be received approximately 30 days after any given sampling round. It is estimated that up to 30 days will be required to perform the statistical analysis, once laboratory results have been received. Thus, an evaluation as to whether there has been a statistically significant increase over background values for each parameter monitored at the compliance point wells will be available 60 days after the completion of any given sampling round. F-2f Maintenance Plan Maintenance activities are not applicable to this closure scheme, as no hazardous wastes or related structures will be 56 Jµly 27. 1990 located at the facility. The area of the former surface impoundments, following removal of the solidified materials, shall be regraded, and seeded. No special maintenance activities need be designated, as there is no concern nor hazard presented by the native earthen materials remaining under the newly seeded areas. Reseeding, fertilization and mowing will be performed as part of the facility's regular landscaping care procedures. F-2g Special Waste Management Plan This section is not applicable to the CTI Charlotte terminal, as the surface impoundments were not used to contain chlorinated-dioxins, -dibenzofurans or -phenols. F-2h Land treatment The CTI facility does not operate a land treatment unit, thus this section is not applicable to this closure plan. f-2i Personnel Training Inspection and routine procedures will be carried out by qualified personnel (Environmental Director or his designee) from CTI. Ground water sampling will be performed by qualified contracted personnel. Required training for contracted 57 • July 27, 1990 personnel will depend on the activity performed. Only appropriately trained and qualified personnel will be contracted for the ground water sampling. Employees involved with post-closure activities, such as inspection and recordkeeping, will receive on-the-job training specific to their job assignment. This training will be performed by the Environmental Director, or contracted personnel familiar with this project. F-3 Notice to Local Land Authority CTI will not have hazardous waste land disposal activities at the Charlotte facility following the closure activities. Therefore, this section is not applicable. F-4 Notice in need CTI will not have hazardous waste land disposal activities at the Charlotte facility following the closure activities. Therefore, this section is not applicable. F-5 Closure Cost Estimate 40 CFR 270.14(b)(15), 10 NCAC lOF .0034 (b) (5) Table 13 itemizes the costs expected to be incurred during closure of the site. The total closure project cost is currently estimated at $2.4 million . 58 • July 27, 1990 F-6 Financial Assurance Mechanism 40 CFR 270.14lbl(15l, 10 NCAC lOF .0034{b)(5) A letter of credit will be issued by the North Carolina National Bank to CTI for 2.5 million dollars to cover both closure and post closure costs. Both the letter of credit and the standby trust agreement are being processed and will be finalized imminently. F-7 Post-closure cost Estimate A Post-Closure cost estimate for CTI' s Charlotte, NC facility is presented in Table 14. The total 3 year present worth cost for post closure monitoring is $211,024. The value presented is based on a present worth analysis of the annual costs, assuming a 10% inflation factor over the three years of the post-closure work. All on-site post-closure work will be supervised and performed by qualified CTI or contracted personnel. However, the cost estimate has been prepared assuming all activities are to be performed by contracted personnel, in accordance with 40 CFR 264.144. The Post-Closure cost estimate will be updated annually to reflect the effects of inflation. This update will be made within 60 days prior to the anniversary date of the establishment of the financial instruments used as financial 59 • July 27, 1990 assurance. This adjustment will be made using the inflation factor from the most recent Implicit Price Deflator for the Gross National Product, as published by United states Department of Commerce. The Post-Closure cost estimate will be adjusted within 30 days of a revision the Post-Closure plan, if such a revision causes an increase in the cost of Post-Closure care. The facility will maintain the latest Post-Closure cost estimate. F-8 Financial Assurance Mechanism for Closure and Post- closure Care A letter of credit for $2.5 million from North Carolina National Bank has been obtained by CTI for closure and post- closure care. A letter of credit will be issued by the North Carolina National Bank to CTI for 2.5 million dollars to cover both closure and post closure costs. Both the letter of credit and the standby trust agreement are being processed and will be finalized imminently. F-9 Liability Requirements 40 CFR 270.14(b) (17), 10 NCAC lOF .0034(b) (5) The liability requirements for sudden and nonsudden accidental occurrences do not apply to CTl's lagoons. The requirements, set forth at 40 CFR 265.147, are intended to 60 • July 27, 1990 provide coverage for bodily injury and property damage to third parties caused by sudden or nonsudden accidental occurrences arising from operations of the facility. CTI's lagoons are not, and have not been for some time, a facility in operation. In fact, they are ready to be closed imminently . 61 • REFERENCES 1. Cederstrom, D.J.; Boswell, E.H.; and Tarver, G.R., "Summary Appraisals of the Nation's Ground-Water Resources-South Atlantic-Gulf Region," USGS Professional Paper 813-0, 1979. 2. Conner, J.R., Li, A.; "Stabilization of Hazardous Waste Landfill Leachate Treatment Residues". Presented at Gulf Cost Hazardous Substance Research Center Symposium on Solidification/Stabilization. February 15-16, 1990. 3. 4. Legrand, H. E. and Mundorff, M. J. , Ground water in the Charlotte "Geology and Area, North Carolina," North Carolina Department of Conservation and Development Bulletin No. 63, prepared cooperatively with the USGS, 1952. stabilization/Solidification of CERCLA and RCRA Wastes, Physical Tests, Chemical Testing Procedures, Technology Screening, and Field Activities. EPA/625/6-89/022. May 1989. Office of Research and Development, u. s. Environmental Protection Agency. • • REFERENCES (continued) July 27, 1990 5. Tittlebaum, M.E., Cartledge, F.K., Engels, S.; "State of the Art on stabilization of Hazardous Organic Liquid Wastes and Sludges." CRC Critical Review in Environmental Control, 15, 1985, pp. 179- 211. 6. Wilson, Frederick Albert, "Geophysical and Geologic Studies in Southern Mecklenburg County and Vicinity, North Carolina and South Carolina," USGS Paper OF83-0093 1 1983. 63 Please See Other Materials • • • Tables ~ """"""' ~ iiii !!!!!!! ~~­......... O'BRIEN Ei GERE • • • TABLE I SOIL LABORATORY ANALYSES CTI-CHARLOTTE.NC MAXIMUM DEPTH % PASSING PLASTICITY DRY OPTIMUM BORING# INTERVAL #200 SCREEN LIQUID LIMIT PLASTIC LIMIT INDEX DENSITY MOISTURE I 6-10 Ff 85.8 91 55 36 108.5 19.6 1 > 20 Ff 1.3 81 37 44 119.1 13.7 2 6-7.5 Ff 0.6 11 47 30 113.2 17.0 2 > 20Ff 61.2 36 21 15 122.5 13.3 3 1-2.5 Ff 3.7 47 27 20 120.0 13.0 4 0.5-5.5 Ff 86.1 84 35 49 105.0 213 4 5.5-21 Ff 83.S 84 47 37 104.7 233 • • • TABLE 2 CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. -CHARLOTTE TERMINAL SOil QUALITY ANALYSIS Sa~le Location and Sarrple Interval {feet} HIM Mll-2 MW-3 MW-4 MW-5 CATEGORY PARAMETER ctMION RANGE AVERAGE 2-4 6-8 2-4 6-8 2-4 6-8 2-4 6-8 2-4 6-8 -----------------------------Ket.a ls AlU11in.m 10,000-300,000 71,000 11500 8300 7800 6400 13500 20200 14600 1B100 10900 5000 Arsenic 1-SO s 87 70 SS 42 1615 3 2 4 5 1. 7 Ba r-i llll 100-3,000 430 27 20 38 43 102 n 200 231 27 23 Celch.m -- --540 280 620 750 279() 1210 1960 2610 200 300 Cf! rCM11i mi l-1,000 100 24 21 13 13 68 25 6.8 21 10 6.7 COOalt 1-40 8 5.7 2.8 14 9.3 31 15 27 33 <2.00 <2.00 Copper 2-100 30 35 23 31 30 39 31 76 99 10 9.6 Jroo ----5.51 4.44 3.8 3.41 4.19 3.79 3.43 4.23 1S60 8900 lead 2-200 10 6.6 7.4 7.6 6.5 5.9 4.9 <2.00 <2.00 8.6 7.7 Megnes i Ul'I 600-6,000 5,000 720 260 1160 890 8300 3610 11500 11300 no 1060 ritang.enese 20-3,000 600 138 107 238 210 550 176 215 S90 31 57 ritenury O.Ol-0.30 0.03 NO NO ND NO NO NO NO ND 0.1 ND Nick.el s-soo 40 5.7 3.7 4.8 2.8 40 15 6.8 24 <2.00 3 Pot.assiUl'I ---. 2SO 240 300 230 280 340 810 3830 130 350 Sodil.111 -- --440 430 540 320 330 310 1400 770 260 260 Ve-nedilftl 20-SOO 100 120 83 76 75 119 98 110 150 44 25 Zinc 10-300 50 13 11 13 11 39 2S 48 81 11 14 Base/Neutral Extr.actables Butyl Benzyl Phthalate (ppb) ----MD ND ND NO NI) NO 410 1100 ND ND Di-n-Butyl Phthalate (ppb) ----300* ND 130* 240* NO 70• 180 190 NO 240 Di-n-OCtyl Phthalate (ppb) ----NO ND ND ND NO ND 520 1300 NO ND Volatile Organic Conpounds 1,1-Dichloroethylene (ppb) . ---NO 14 NO ND NO ND NO ND ND ND Ethylbenzene (ppb) . ---NO 500 rro ND ND ND ND ND NO NO Tri~hloF-oethylene (ppb) ----NO 79 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Toluene (ppb) ----ND 92 rro ND ND 18 NO ND ND ND Xy l eoes < ppb) ----NO 860 rro ND ND NO ND ND NO ND ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTES: 1. Substances present below the detection llmit are not listed. 2. Comnon range and avera;e concentrations of metals in soils from USEPA, Office of Solid Waste encl Emergency Response1 Hazardous Waste Land Treatment, SW-874 (April 1983), page 273, table 6.46. RO i nd i cat es not detected (substance is present below the de tee t i on l i mi t) . * Indicates a par811leter whicn was also detected in the taboratory blanks and could be attributed to laboratory contamination. • • • Page (1) TABLE 3 -------CHEMICAL AliALYSIS Of SITE SURFACE WATER CEMTRAl TRAliSPORT, IMC. CHARLOTTE, NC TERMINAL * PRETREATMENT STANDARDS * * E f f l llE'nt s t.anda-rds T a:ken f r001: * (\} 40 CFR '~' -11Efflue-nt Guidelines and StaOO.Srds for Organic * Chemicats1j, Subparts O -F, erid * (2) Charlotte Code Article Ill -Wastewater Dischar~e Restrictions~ • Section 23-45 General dlschar9e prohibitions1 para Cc) * Specific Pollutant limitations * * * Water-Mater Water !J.ater S-ourc::e Pretreatment Standards * SAMPLE Sarrp!e Soop le Sarrpte Soop le (11/89) {l/90) (3/88) (3/88) Lagoon 1 & 2 la~ 1 & 2 Pond 3 Pond 3 of * QUANTIFICATION Ccq:iosi te Cooposite Std. Coopc!U'"d fill.ex Per-Day Hax ~on-thly average * llHIT Llil-1'* Lii** CTL-5 CTL-6 -------- -------- --- ------------• ---------------------------------------• ( 1} "cenaP, ttieoe 47 19 • 10 BQL BQl BQL BQL ( 1l Ben.z:eoe 134 57 • 5 BQL 8Ql SQL BQL ( 1) Carbon Tet~achloride 380 142 • 5 BQL BOL BQL BQL ( 1) Ch l orobenz ffie 380 142 • 5 BQL BOL BQL BQL ( 1l l,2~4·Trichlorobenzene 794 196 • 10 BQL 8Ql BQL El<IL ( 1) Kexachtorobenzene 794 196 • 10 BQL BOL BOL B>l ( 1 J l~2·Dichloroethane 574 1BO • 5 BQL BOL BQL BQL ( 1J \,1~1·T~ichloroethane 59 22 • 5 BQL BQL BQL BQL ( 1) Kexachloroethane 794 196 • 10 BQL BQl BQL BQL ( 1) 1~1·Dlchtoroethane 59 22 * 5 BQl 8Ql BOL BQL ( 1.) t, 1,2·Trichloroethane 127 32 • 5 BQL BQL BQL BQL ( 1) (hlaroethane 295 1\0 • 10 8Ql BQL 8Ql BQL (1) Chlaf'ofon11 325 111 • s BQL BQL BQL BQL (1) 1,2~Dlchtorobenzene 794 196 • 10 BQL BQL BQL BQL (1) 1,3-0ichtorobenzene 380 142 • lO BQL BQL BOL BOL (1) 1,4-0ichtorobenzene 380 142 • 10 BQL BQL BQL BOL (1) 1,1~oichloroethylene 60 22 * s BQL BQL BQL B>l ( \) 1,2 trans·Di~hloroe-thylene 66 25 • 5 BQL BQL BQL BOL (1) 1,2-0ic~toropropane 794 196 • s BQL BQL BQL 8Ql (\) 1.~~0ichtoropropyleoe 794 196 * s BQL BOL BQL BQL (\) 2,4 Oimethyl phenol 47 19 * 10 BQL BQL 8Ql B>l (\) -Ethyl benzene 380 142 * s BQL BQL BQl B>l (\) fluoroantheoe 54 22 * 10 BQL BQL BQL BQL • • • Pa9e (2) TABLE 3 CHEKICAL ANALYSIS Of SITE SURFACE MATER CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. CHARLOTTE, NC TER~INAL • PRETREAT~ENT STANDARDS • • Effluent Standards Ta:ken from: • (1) 40 CFR: 414 -•~Effluent Guidelines an::I .Standards for Organic • Chemi cals11 , Subparts D -F, end • (2) Charlotte Code Artlcle III -Wastewater Discharge Restrictions, • Section 23-45 General discharge prohibitions, para <c) • Specific Poltutant Limitations • • • Weter Water Water lilater Source Pretreatment Stanctards • S~PLE S-le S-le S-le Sarrple (11/89) (2/90) (3/88) (3/B8) Lagoon 1 & 2 lagoon 1 & 2 Pord 3 Pond 3 of • QUANT! FI CA TI (Jlj Corrposite Coopos i te Std. c~ Ma.:a:. Per Day Max Konthly average • LIMIT UJ-1* UI,.. CTL·5 CTL-6 . . - - - - --- ---- - - -- ----- - ----------• ---------------------------------------{ 1) Methylene Chloride 170 36 • 5 BQL BQL BQL BQL (\) Met.hy l en l or i dE 295 110 • 10 BQL BQL BQL BQL ( 1 ) ~e~achlorobutadieoe 380 11;2 • 10 BQL BQL BQL BQL ( 1 ) Ila pt ha. l ene-i;7 19 • 10 BQL BQL BQL BQL (1) Ni trobef'lzene 6,1;02 2,237 • 10 BQl BQL BOL BQL (i) 2·Ni trophenol 231 65 • 10 BOL BQL BOL BOL ( 1) l;.·Hi tro,:tienol 576 162 • 50 BOL BQL BQL BQL ( 1} ~.6-Dinitro-o~cresol 2n 78 • 50 BOL BOL BQL BQl ( 1) P-henol l;7 19 • 10 SOL SQl Bill BQl (1) Bis(2·ethylhexyl) i:fithalate 258 95 • 10 SOL BQL Bill BOL (1) Di-n·b.Jtyl phthalate 43 20 • 10 BQl Bill Bill BOl (1) Diethyl phthatate 113 46 • 10 BQl BQL Bill SOl (1) Dimethyl P,thalate 47 19 • 10 BQL Bill BQL BOl (1) Antllracene l;7 19 • 10 BQL Bill Bill BOl (1) Fl uorene-l;7 19 • 10 Bill Bill BQl Bill (1) Phen:anthrene 47 19 • 10 BQL Bill Bill Bill (1) Pyrene 48 20 • 10 BOL Bill BOL BOL (1) Tetrachloroethrtene 164 52 • 5 BQL Bill Bill BOL (1) Toluene 74 28 • 5 Bill BQL Bill BOL ( \) Tric~loroethylene 69 26 • 5 Bill BQL BOL SOL (1) Vinyl Chlor1 de 172 97 • 10 Bill Bill Bill BOL • • f'a9e Cl) Sour-te of Std. --en (2) (2) ( 1) ( <') ( <') ( 1) ( 1) ( 1) (2) (2) (2) (, ) CHEMJCAL AljALYSIS Of SITE SURFACE WATER CENTRAL TRANSPORT 1 IMC. CHARLOTTE, NC TERHl'1AL PRETREATMENT STANOARDS Effluent 5tandards Taken from: (1} 40 CfR 414 -REifluent Guidelines and Standards for Organic Chemical s11 , Subparts D -f, and <l} Charlotte Code Article Jll -Wastewater Discharge Restrictions, Section 23-~5 Ge-neral discharge pro~ibitions~ para (c) Spe-cific Pollutant Limitations Pretreatment Standards c~ Max Per Day Ha~ Monthly average ---- - --- ------ - - - ---- -- - - - Total Cyanide (1119/t) 0.040 N/A Total Arsenic (mg/t} 0.050 H/A Total Cacl'niUTI (mg/\) 0.003 W/A Total ChromiUTI (mg/l) 0.050 N/A Totol Copper (mg/I) 0.060 W/A Total Lead (mg/ l) 0.050 W/A Total Hercury (fl'IS/t) 0.003 N/A Total Nickel (mg/!) 0.050 W/A Total Silver (mg/t} 0.010 N/A Total Zinc (mg/l) 0.180 N/A BOO (mgfl) 235 N/A Totol Suspended Solids (mg/l) 250 N/A pH 6.0-9.0 6.0-9.0 • •• IEA Laboratory Results dated Wovefltier 4~ 1989 . IEA Laboratory Results dated February 19, 199(] HOT ES: TABLE 3 • • • • • • • • • • • • SAMPLE • llUA~T I FICAT!ON • ll~lT • -------• • • 0.01 • 0.03 • 0.02 • 0.005 • --• 0.03 • --• 0.01 • • • 1. All units Oil this Table are micrograms per liter Cug/l) except where noted. 2. ~I~ irdicat-es no effluent limit exists for standard under selected source for staodard 3. BQL indicates that the c~ was not detected above the quantification limit 4. --indicates that c~ was not analyzed • Water Mater !Mater Water S-le S-le Sarrple s...,1. (11/89) C2/90J (3/81!) {3/88) Lag<»n 1 & 2 Lagoon 1 & 2 Por.:I 3 Pond 3 C~site Corrposi te LW-1,.. Lii"* CTl-5 CTL-6 -------------------------------- 8Ql 9QL BQL SOL BQL l!OL BQL BQL ----BQL SOL - --- 0.02 0.02 r.o 7.0 32 8.0 7.4 8.3 • ,. • TABLE4 SUMMARY OF WA1ER AND SEDIMENT QUANTITIES A. Lagoon 1 Surface Area Average Depth to Sludge Volume of Water Average Depth of Sludge Volume of Sludge B. Lagoon 2 Surface Area Average Depth to Sludge Volume of Water Average Depth of Sludge Volume of Sludge C. Total Quantities Total Water Total Sludge N01E: Quantities estimated from April 1988 survey 11,900 square feet 4 feet 356,000 gallons 8 feet 3,600 cubic yards 17,000 square feet 5 feet 640,000 gallons 2.5 feet 1,600 cubic yards 996,000 gallons 5,200 cubic yards • • Page ( 1) TABLE S LAGCXlll CLC>SURE PlAN CENTRAL TRANSPO~T, l~C. CHARLOTTE TERMINAL SAMPLING -APRIL 18-20, 1988 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF SLUDGE (ORGANICS) NOTES: 1. Results are given in parts per billion Cug/kg) units unless otherwise noted. 2. Figure 3 shows sB1Tple Locations. SAMPLE HUMBER SP-3 SP-3(0L) SP-S SP-S(OL) SP-9 SAMPLE LOCA Tl OH Lagoon 1 lagoon 1 lagoon 1 lagoon 1 La-goon 1 (dilution} (dilution) CHLOROMETHANE 2>0U 8,300U s, 100U as,ooou 1700 CHLOROETHAHE 2SOU 8,300U S, 100U as,ooou 1700 METHYLENE CHLORIDE llWB 2, 100J 220,000BE 180,000B S80B ACETONE 1,2008 8,300U S,100U as,ooou 4130D:BE 1,1-0ICHLOROETHAHE 2, 10D 4,200U 100,000E 75,000 270 2-BUTANONE 2500 8,300U S,100U 8S,OOOU 2,100 TRICHLOROETHANE 130U 4,200U S80,000E 1,400,000 28J TRICHLOROETHENE 180 4,200U 72,000 S9,000 330 TETRACHLOROETNEHE 210 4200U 160,000E 1SO,OOO 400 TOLUENE 17,000E 15,000 110,000E 89,000 14100:[1:E ETHYL BENZENE 44,000 150,000 1S,OOO 11,000J 36,0DOE STYRENE 130U 4,200U 3,100 42,000U 17,000E TOTAL XYLENES 29,000E 51,000 SS,000 44,000 56,0DOE 1,2,4 TR!CHLOROBENZEHE 17,0-00J 950,000U 180,000E 1,300,000 -HA -NAPTHALENE 14,0tlOJ 950,000U 16,000 i60,000 -NA - fLUORE•E 15,000J 950,000U 4,600 16,000J -NA - PHENAHTHRENE 20,000J 950,000U 2,300J 14,000J -NA -DI-N-BUTYL PHTHAlATE 9S,OOOU 950,000U S70J 130,000U -NA - PYRENE 1300-0J 950,000U SlOJ 130,000U -NA -BUTYL BENZYL PHTHAlATE 230,000 240,000J 18,000 130,000J -HA -CHRYSENE 9>,000U 950,000U 730J 130,000U -NA - BISPHTHALATE 5, 100,000E 7,400,000 86,000E 600,000 -HA -DI-N-OCTYL PHTHAlATE 2,400,000E 2,300,000 28,000 130,000J -HA - HA -INDICATES THAT THE ANALYSIS WAS NOT PERFOltMEO FOR THIS DILUTION/SAMPLE U -INDICATES COHPOUND WAS ANALYZED BUT NOT DETECTED J -INDICATES AH ESTIMATED VALUE SP-9(0L) SP-9(0l1) La.goon 1 Lagoon 1 (di lution-1) (di lution-2) NA -HA - NA -HA - NA -HA - HA -NA - HA -HA - -NA -HA - -NA -NA --NA -NA - -NA -NA - -NA -NA --NA -NA - -NA -NA - -NA -NA - 3,700J 380,000U 8,500 54,000J 4,800J 380,000U 3,800J 380,000U 3,300J 380,000U 2,600J 380,000U 210,000E 2,100,000 1,300J 380,000U 870,000E 4,800,000 210,000E 810,000 B -THIS FLAG IS USED WHEN THE ANALYTE IS FOUND IN THE ASSOCIATED BlANK AS WELL AS IN THE SAMPLE SP-9(Dl2) Lagoon 1 (dflution-3) 2S,OOOO 2S,OOOO 16,000 48,0008 12,000U 2S,000U 12,0000 12,000U 12,DDOU 110,000 360,000 120,000 3SO,OOO •A •A •A •A •A •A NA - NA - NA -NA - E THIS FLAG IDENTIFIES COllPOUNOS WHOSE CONCENTRATIONS EXCEED THE CAllBRATIOH RAN£E OF THE GC/HS INSTRUMENT FOR THAT S D -THIS FLAG IDENTIFIES All COllPOUNDS IDENTIFIED IN ~ ANALYSIS AT A SECCNOARY DILUTION FACTOR • • Pa9e (2) TABLE 5 LAG()()lj CLOSURE PLAN CENTRAL TRANSPCRT, INC. CHARLOTTE TERMINAL SAMPLING -APR!L 18·20, 1988 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF SLUOG< (ORGANICS) • NOTES: 1. Results are given in parts per billion (ug/kg) Ulits unless otherwise noted. 2. Figure 3 shows sample locations. SAMPLE NUMBER SP-&4 SP·84(0L) SP·89 SP-B9(0L) SP·C1 SP-CHOL) SAMPLE LOCATION lagoon 2 Lagoon 2 Lagoon 2 Lagoon 2 Pond 3 Pond 3 (dilution} (dilution) (dilution) CHOROMET HANE 13U NA -3100U -HA -42U NA - CttlOROET HANE 13U NA • 3100U NA 42U HA - METHYLENE CHLORIDE 378 • HA • 1~08 -HA 1108 NA - ACETONE 1608 NA -3100U -NA 1708 NA - 1,1-0ICHLOROETHANE 7IJ NA · 1600U -HA 21U HA - 2-BUTAHOHE 11 J • HA -3, 100U -HA 32J HA - TR I CH LOllOETHANE 7IJ HA -1,6.00U -HA 21U HA - TR I CH LOOOETHENE 7IJ HA -1,600U -HA 21U HA - TETRACHLOROETHENE 7IJ • HA -1,600U HA 21U HA - TOLUENE 35 HA -1700 -HA 21U HA - ETHYL BENZENE 150 HA -5800 -HA 21U HA - STYRENE 7U HA -161JOU -HA 21U HA - TOTAL XYLENES 570E -HA -99,000 -HA 21U HA - 1,2,4 TRICHLOROBENZE 79,000U 260,0UOU 250,000U 500,000U 1,40-0U 14,000U NAPTHALENE 79,0000 260,000U 250,000U 500,000U 1,400U 14,000U FlUIJRENE 79,000\J 260,000U 250,000U 500,000U 1,400U 14,000U P~ EN ANT HRENE 79,00llU 260,000U 250,0000 500,000U 1,400U 14,0000 01-N-BUTYL PHTHALATE 94,000B 97,0008J 240,000BJ 290,000BJ 350J 14,000U PYREHE 79,000U 260,000U 250,00CllJ 500,000U 1,400U 14,000U BUTYL BENZYL PHTHALA 92,000 73,000J 560,000 560,000 1,400U 14,000U CHRYSENE 79,000\J 260,00IJU 250,00Clll 500,000U 1,400U 14,000U 8lSPHTHALATE 2,800,000BE 2,400,000B 4,500,000BE 4,900,000B 93,000E 1ro,ooo 01-N·OCTYl PHTHALATE 79,000U 260,000U 250,000U 500,000U 31,000E 19,000 NA -IND!CATES THAT THE ANALYSIS WAS NOT PERFORMED FOR THIS DILUTION/SAMPLE U -INDICATES CCffPOUHO WAS AHALYZEO BUT NOT DETECTED J -INDICATES AN ESTIMATED VALUE SP·C2 L.a:goon 3 26U 26U 168 688 13U 26U 13U 13U 13U 13U 13U 13U 13U 870U 870U 870U 4,2000 110J 870U 8700 870U 32,000E 5,200 8 -THIS FLAG IS USEO WHEN THE ANAlYTE IS FOUND IN THE ASSOCIATED BLANK AS WELL AS IN THE SAMPLE E -THIS FLAG IOEHllFIES CCffPOUNOS lfflOSE CONCENTRATIONS EXCEED THE CALIBRATION RANGE OF THE GC/MS INSTRUMENT FOR THAT S 0 -TH!S FLAG IOENllF!ES ALL CONPCUNOS IOENTIF!EO IN AN ANALYSIS AT A SECONDARY OJLUTlON FACTOR • • • • TABLE 6 LAGQ()tj CLOSURE PLAN CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. CHARLOTTE TERMINAL SAMPLING • APRIL 18-20, 1\lSS CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF SLUDGE (INORGANIC) NOTE: Unfts are parts per billion (ug/kg) unless otherwise noted. SAMPLE TYPE SllK!ge SllKlge SllK!ge SllK!ge Sludge Sediment Sediment SAMPLE LOCATJON LagOQn 1 Lagoon 1 Lagoon , Lagoon 2 Lagoon 2 Pond 3 Pord 3 Percent Solids 20 77 74 56 40 24 3S Al uni ntJR 3,49(1 4,510 1, 950 4,580 6,010 8,SOO 4,830 Antiroony 150 27 43 33 26U 4W 27\J A-rsenic 1.4U [\.91 [0.42] [1. 01 11.41 12.n (1 • 51 BariUTI 763 60 3&2 393 349 181 (801 Berytliun 0.99U [0.361 [0.34] [0.3SI 0.4BU {0.97] a.sou CadniUTI 5.0U 1.3U 1.5 2.3 2.4U 4.0U 2.5U CalciUll 49,000 175,000 55,000 11,600 4,040 !2,4901 (10501 Chromiun 309E 29E 164E SOE 60 55 26 Cobalt 186 [5.61 [13] [8.11 18.91 (151 {9.91 Coppec 53 10 19 30 34 57 26 Icon 3,970 2,750 1,740 11,200 14, 100 20, 200 11,200 Le.d 64 3.0 35 20 21 47 23 Magnesiun 14, 1601 !1, 1801E 1,690 {9861 {1, 7101 {3, 150 [1 ,300] Manganese 614 64 133 178 212 395 208 Mercury 0.40U 0.13U 0.11U O. l6U 0.25U 0.31U 0.21U Wic'lcel 52 10U 42 13U 19U 31U 20U Setenii..m 2.1U 2.BU 0.58U 0.75U 1.1U 1.BU 1.1U Si tver 7.9U 2.0U 2.1U 2.7U 3.9U 6.4U 4.0U Sodim 5,010 12,900 ,,800 570U 817U 1,350U 851U Thall i"" 2.1U 0.56U .Sau 0.75U 1 • 1U 1.BU 1.1U Vanedi Lill 18.0JE [11] E 16.3)E 36E 40E 69 39E Zinc 415 84 210 256 242 202 73 Cyanide 2.4U 0.89 0.77 0.86U 1.2U 2.0U 1.3U Explanation of result qualifiers: [value] indicates that the result is a value greater than or eqtial to the u instrunent detection limit but less than the contract reqt.1i1ed detection limit indicates element as analyzed for but not detected. WUJber preceding U is the detection limit E indicates an estimated value • TABLE 7 WELL SPECIFICATIONS ANO GROUND WATER ELEVATIONS CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. -CHARLOTTE TERMINAL 10/22/89 , 1/15/89 TOP OF GRCl.JND GROUND WELL SCREENED CASING WATER WATER WELL WELL DEPTH INTERVAL ELEVATIOtJ ELEVATION ELEVATION NO. TYPE (BGL) (MSL) (HSL) (MSL) (MSL) ov~rburd~n 19 747.2·757.2 766.85 751 .94 751.32 2 ov11trbur-den 24 745.8-755.8 771.59 752.21 752.24 6 bedrock 35.5 734.1-744. 1 772. 17 752.47 751 .57 7 bedrock. 39 729. 7·739. 7 768. 71 750. 71 750.36 8 ~rock. 32 737.9-747.9 771 .54 751 .38 751. 79 9 bedrock 52 717.4-727.4 771.83 755.68 755. 18 10 bedrock 51 714.3-724.3 767.48 755.66 755.32 11 bedrock 27 728.5-738.5 757 .68 748. 18 747.98 • ABBREVIATIONS: BGL ls Below Ground Level HSL 1$ He~n se~ Level NOTE: Alt n'll:!asur~nts ar~ in f~~t. • TABLE 8 :AL TRANSPORT, INC. -CHARLOTTE TERMINAL GROUND WATER QUALITY ANALYSES iple Location and Sample Date MW-2 * Mll-6 11/89 06/26/90 06/26/90 * 10/89 11/89 06/26/90 6/26/90 (filtered)(Unfilter.)(filtered) .. (unfilter.)(filtered)(Unfilter.)(filtered) ---------r•••••-••• * __ ,,_ ______ ----~----.. 0.2 76.2 0. 13 .. 200 0.2 38.6 0.06 ND ND ND .. 0.01 ND 0.04 ND 0.1 0.62 0.19 * 2.09 0.07 0.40 0.10 26.4 37.8 22.2 * 35.6 21. 1 27.2 8.55 ND 0.90 NO " 0.41 NO 0.08 ND 0.05 0.18 0.04 .. 0.32 NO 0.06 ND 0.02 o. 71 0.02 * 2.04 0.02 0.30 NO 0.06 115 0.83 " 49.9 0.13 39.4 ND 0.03 0.07 ND * 0.26 ND o.os NO 22.3 85. 1 16.3 " 82 15.6 19.8 5.39 0.86 3.01 0.95 * 6.5 0.03 1.07 ND ND 0.27 0.02 * 0.2 NO 0.06 ND 2.8 7.29 2.06 .. 32.5 2.4 4.3 1.26 ND ND 0.02 * ND 0.02 0.09 0.03 54 57.8 52.8 .. 19.7 17 .4 20.1 8.37 0.08 ND ND * 1.43 0.07 ND ND 0.04 0.29 0.04 .. 0.31 ND o. 14 0.01 ND ND NA .. ND ND ND NA " * ND ND NA * ND ND ND NA ND ND NA * ND ND NO NA ND ND NA .. ND ND ND NA .. * NT ND NA * NT NT ND NA ND NO NA * ND ND ND NA NO NO NA * ND ND ND NA ND ND NA .. ND NO NO NA ND ND NA * ND ND ND NA NO NO NA * NO ND ND NA ND ND NA * ND ND ND NA ND ND NA * ND ND ND NA ND ND NA * ND ND NA NO ND NA .. NO ND ND NA NO ND NA * ND ND ND NA ND ND NA .. ND ND ND NA ND ND NA * ND NO ND NA " ND ND NA * ND ND NO NA ND ND NA .. ND ND ND NA ND NO NA " ND ND NO NA ND ND NA * ND ND ND NA i-----------------------------------------~------M------~--------------------~------------------ '.red samples only i I Po9e (I) CENT sai, * Ml.I-1 * CATEGORY PARAMETER * 11/89 06/26/90 06/26/90 * * Cf ii tered) (Unfil ter.) (filtered) * ~-------------------------~--ft-----------------* --~--~---~ ----------* Metals * .. (ppm) Aluminum * ND 6.86 0.14 * Arsenic * ND ND ND * Barium * o. 17 ND 0.25 * Calcium * 42.5 0.32 37.5 * Chromium * ND 0.01 NO .. Cobalt * 0.03 0.01 0.01 .. Copper * ND 0.02 0.02 * Iron * 15.8 35.9 23.3 * Lead * 0.03 0.04 0.03 .. Magnesium * 25.1 20.9 19.5 * Manganese * 0.55 0.40 0.31 * Nickel .. NO 0.02 ND * Potassium .. 8.1 6.4 6.64 * Silver .. ND o.os 0.02 * Sodium * 237 216 200 * Vanadium * 0.1 ND ND * Zinc .. 0.03 0.04 0.03 .. Cyanide * ND NO NA * Base/Neutral * * Extractables .. .. Cppbl Di·n-Butyl Phthalate Cppbl * ND NO NA .. Naphthalene (ppb) * ND NO NA * Bis (2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate Cppb> .. ND ND NA * Volatile * .. Organic * .. Compounds Acetone * NT NO NA .. (ppb) Benzene Cppbl * ND ND NA * 1,1-Dichloroethylene Cppb) .. ND ND NA .. 1,2-Dichlorobenzene (ppbl * ND ND NA * Ethylbenzene Cppb) * ND NO NA * Methylene Chloride * ND ND NA .. Toluene (ppb) .. ND ND NA * 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene (ppb) * ND ND NA * Trans-1,2-dichloroethene * NO ND NA * m-Xylene (ppb) * NO ND NA .. Xylenes (ppb) .. ND ND NA * 1,2-Dichloroethene (total) (ppb) .. NO ND NA * Chloroform (ppb) .. ND NO NA * Acid .. .. Extractables 1,3-Dichlorobenzene * ND ND NA * (ppb) N·Nitrosodiphenytamine .. ND ND NA * Phenol (ppb) * ND ND NA .. 2,4-0imethylphenol Cppb) .. ND ND NA .. •••••••••••·-~~~~n•n•••••••••••••••••·~---•••••••••••••••••-~------r~-•••••••••••••••--~~-~-•••••••••• NOTE: substances not detected in any samples have not been included. NO Indicates substance not detected above detection limit. iil Indicates that di·n·butyl phthalate was detected in the field blank at 6 ppb. NA Indicates that BNA, VOC, Cyanide, and Acid Extractable analyses were performed on unfiltE NT Indicates that lab did not test for analyte ,-~ Table 8 CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. · CHARLOTTE TERMINAL GROUND WATER QUALITY ANALYSES Sa°"le Location and Sa°"le Date * HW·8 • MW-9 * 10/89 11/89 06/26/90 06/26/90 * 10/89 11/89 06/26/90 06/26/90 * (unfilter.>Cfiltered) (unfilter.)(filtered) * (unfilter.)(filter.) (unfilter.)(filtered) * ~-------------------~ * ---------------~-~--* .. * 320 NO 1.83 0.14 • 39 ND 1.63 0.11 * 0.04 ND ND ND * NO ND No ND .. 2. 11 0.16 0.10 ND * 0.28 0.01 0.10 0.10 • 91 43 24.7 70. 1* * 33.9 22.2 26.0 24.1 * 2.65 NO ND ND • 0.06 ND NO ND * 0.62 NO NO ND * 0.04 ND 0.01 ND .. 2.48 0.02 0.01 0.01 * 0.08 NO ND ND * 820 0.08 4.02 NO * 195 0.09 3.63 0.69 * 0.06 ND NO ND * ND ND ND ND * 375 46.8 17 .8 43.8* * 51.1 19.6 18.0 17 .2 * 12.5 2.2 0.41 2.72* * 2.78 0.32 0.41 0.34 * 1.08 ND ND ND * 0.04 ND ND ND * 37.4 4.5 3.42 4.33* * 11.9 3.3 4.33 3.09 * ND ND 0.08 0.02 • ND ND 0.07 0.02 * 59 48.5 16.2 47.6* * 15.6 21.2 16.7 16.9 .. 1.93 0.19 ND ND * 0.19 0.07 ND NO * 0.84 0.02 0.05 0.02 * 0.12 0.02 0.02 0.04 * ND ND ND NA * NO ND NO NA * * * * " ND ND ND NA * ND ND ND NA * NO ND ND NA * ND ND ND NA * NO ND NO NA * ND ND NO NA * * * * * NT NT ND NA * NT NT ND NA * ND NO NO NA .. ND NO ND NA * ND ND NO NA * ND ND ND NA * ND ND ND NA * ND ND NO NA * NO ND ND NA .. ND ND ND NA * ND NO 13 NA * NO ND NO NA * ND NO ND NA * ND ND ND NA * ND ND ND NA * ND ND ND NA * NO NO NO NA * ND NO ND NA * ND NO ND NA * ND NO ND NA * ND ND ND NA * NO ND ND NA * ND NO ND NA * NO ND ND NA * ND ND NO NA * ND NO ND NA * * * ND ND ND NA * ND ND ND NA * ND ND ND NA * ND ND ND NA * NO ND ND NA * NO ND ND NA * ND NO ND NA * ND ND ND NA ·-----------~~---------------------~~---------------~------··------------------~~-----------------~------------- :d sa°"les only Poge (2) '"--' * MW-7 CATEGORY PARAMETER * 10/89 11/89 06/26/90 06/26/90 • (unfitler.)(filtered) (unfit ter. > (filtered) --------~------------------------~---~--~------• -----------~~----~--Metals * (ppm) Aluminum • 340 ND 90.4 o. 15 Arsenic • 0.1 ND 0.13 ND Baril.Ill * 1.14 0.28 0.87 0.3C Calcium * 117 54 85.9 67.S Chromium * 0.58 ND 0.21 ND Cobalt * 0.33 0.05 0.11 0.02 Copper • 5 .11 0.02 1.02 Nt Iron * 743 16.7 104 13.~ Lead * 1.45 o.os 0.32 Nt Magnesium • 185 39.7 68.7 43.( Manganese * 5.7 3. 15 4.49 3.3f Nickel * 0.29 ND 0.11 0.0" Potassium * 71 16.8 15.0 7 .5~ Silver * ND ND 0.15 0.01 Sodium * 298 253 212 19~ Vanadium * 1 .97 0.16 ND NC Zinc • 1.05 0.02 0.34 o.o: Cyanide * 0.01 0.01 ND NI Base/Neutral * Extractables * (ppb) Di-n-Butyl Phthalate (ppb) * 28Q 45 1 NI Naphthalene Cppb) * 8 12 2 NI Bis (2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate Cppb> * ND 240 ND NI Volatile * Organic * Compounds Acetone * NT NT ND NI (ppb) Benzene (ppbl * 570 460 190 NJ 1,1-Dichloroethylene (ppb) • 790 NO ND NI 1,2-Dichlorobenzene (ppbl * 3 ND ND NI Ethylbenzene (ppb) * 640 570 ND NI Methylene Chloride • ND NO ND NI Toluene Cppb) * 360 400 ND Ni 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene (ppb) * 5 ND ND Ni Trans-1,2-dichloroethene * ND ND 31 N, m-Xylene (ppb) * 510 ND ND N, Xylenes (ppb) • ND 1570 1500 N, 1,2-0ichloroethene (total) (ppb) * ND 60 ND N, Chloroform Cppb) * ND 260 ND N, Acid * Extractables 1,3-Dichlorobenzene * ND NO 3 N, (ppb) N-Nitrosodiphenylamine • NO ND ND N. Phenol (ppb) • ND 9 ND N. 2,4-Dimethylphenol (ppb) • ND 2 9 N, ------------+~-------------------·*·--------------------------------------------·-~+~--~---------------NOTE: Substances not detected in any samples have not been included. ND Indicates substance not detected above detection limit. Ol Indicates that di-n-butyl phthalate was detected in the field blank at 6 ppb. NA Indicates that BNA, voe, Cyanide, and Acid Extractable analyses were performed on unfilter NT Indicates that lab did not test for analyte Table 8 CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. -CHARLOTTE TERMINAL GROUND WATER QUALITY ANALYSES Safll'le Location and Saflllle Date • MW-11 .. MW-12 • 10/89 11/89 06/26/90 06/26/90 .. 06/26/90 06/26/90 * (unfilter.)Cfiltered> (unfilter.)Cfiltered> • cunfilter.>Cfiltered) * -•••-•••r-----------.. ---·-----------~~---• * • 4. 1 ND 10.4 o. 14 • 89.6 0.45 • ND ND NO ND * ND ND * o. 19 o. 15 0.37 0.15 • 1.01 0. 15 * 70 78 157 89.1 * 222 66.9 * ND NO 0.16 0.08 • 0.30 0.05 • ND ND 0.02 ND • 0. 10 NO .. 0.02 0.02 0.06 ND • 0.32 ND • 2.23 NO 8.52 ND • 101 NO .. NO 0.03 0.04 ND • 0. 16 NO • 44.1 38.1 9.81 0.78 " 47.6 ND * 1.79 1 .84 0.88 ND * 3.20 ND * ND ND 0.03 ND * 0.12 ND * 10.2 7.5 61.7 56.2 • 162 60.8 • NO ND 0.04 0.02 • ND 0.02 * 24.4 22. 7 33.6 31 .4 .. 54.4 22.8 * 0.46 0.16 ND ND • ND ND • NO 0.02 0.07 NO • 0.83 NO .. NO ND ND NA ~ ND NA * .. • .. • NO ND ND NA .. ND NA * ND ND NO NA • ND NA .. ND ND ND NA .. ND NA • • • • • NT NT 11 NA .. ND NA * NO ND ND NA •· ND NA * NO ND ND NA .. ND NA • ND ND ND NA * NO NA • ND ND NO NA * ND NA .. ND ND ND NA • 12 NA • ND ND NO NA • ND NA * ND ND NO NA • NO NA * ND ND ND NA * NO NA • ND NO ND NA ,, NO NA • ND NO NO NA * ND NA .. NO NO NO NA • ND NA * ND ND ND NA • ND NA • • • ND ND NO NA • NO NA .. ND NO ND NA * 12 NA * NO ND NO NA .. 36 NA • NO ND NO NA • ND NA ·--~------------~---------~--------T·-----------------~----~---~--------r----------~----~---- saflllles only Page (3) * MW-10 CATEGORY PARAMETER * 10/89 11/89 06/26/90 06/26/90 * (unfilter.)(filtered) (unfit ter.) Cf ii tered) ---~----~-------------------·--------~---------* ------·---____ " _____ Metals .. (ppm) Al uni nun • 100 ND 8.48 0.15 Arsenic * 0.04 NO ND ND Bariun * 0.48 0.02 0.16 o. 11 Calciun * 36.5 22.7 25.0 22.6 Chromiun * 0.17 ND 0.04 ND Cobalt • 0.12 ND 0.02 ND Copper .. 0.55 ND 0.05 NO, Iron * 200 0.03 7.24 ND Lead * 0.15 ND 0.02 ND Magnesiun * 34.7 14.9 13.5 12.3 Manganese * 2.29 0.03 o. 19 ND Nickel * 0.05 ND 0.02 ND Potassiun .. 7.6 2.8 3.24 2.79 Silver * ND ND 0.04 0.02 Sodiun * 14.5 14.6 15.5 15.2 Vanadiun * 0.66 0.06 ND ND Zinc .. o. 15 0.02 0.09 0.02 Cyanide * ND ND ND NA Base/Neutral * Extractables .. Cppb) Di-n-Butyl Phthalate Cppb> * ND ND ND NA Naphthalene (ppb) .. ND ND ND NA Bis (2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate Cppb) * ND ND ND NA Volatile * Organic * c~unds Acetone .. NT NT ND NA (ppb) Benzene (ppb) * ND ND ND NA 1,1-Dichloroethylene (ppb) .. ND ND ND NA 1,2-Dichlorobenzene (ppb) * ND ND NO NA Ethylbenzene (ppb) * ND ND ND NA Methylene Chloride * ND ND ND NA Toluene (ppb) * ND NO ND NA 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene (ppb) * ND ND ND NA Trans-1,2-dichloroethene .. ND ND ND NA m-Xylene Cppb) * ND ND ND NA Xylenes (ppb) * ND ND ND NA 1,2-Dichloroethene (total) (ppb) * ND NO ND NA Chloroform (ppb) .. ND NO ND NA Acid * Extractables 1,3-Dichlorobenzene * ND ND NO NA (ppb) N-Nitrosodiphenylamine * NO ND ND NA Phenol (ppbl .. ND ND ND NA 2,4-0imethylphenol (ppb) .. ND ND NO NA -----~~----------"---------"---------~---------·~--------·-------·------+-------~--------"--------------NOTE: Substances not detected in any samples have not been included. ND Indicates substance not detected above detection limit. ii Indicates that di-n-butyl phthalate was detected in the field blank at 6 ppb. NA Indicates that BNA, voe, Cyanide and Acid Extractable analyses were performed on unfiltered NT Indicates that lab did not test for analyte I • Site Pepper's Steel Medley, FL Mid-South Mena, AR Commencement Bay Tacoma, WA Baily waste Disposal Orange, TX Love Canal Niagra Falls, NY Midco I Site Gary, IN Midco II Site Gary, IN O'Connor Company Site Agusta, ME Auto Ion Chemicals Kalamazoo, MI Chemical Control Elizabeth, NJ • TABLE 9 Records of Decision using Stabilization as a Remedial Technology contaminants Treated organics, PCB's, metals PAH's, PCP, metals PAH's, benzene, PCB's, metals voc•s, Aromatic chlorinated hydrocarbons toluene, xylene, PAH's benzene, toluene, TCE phenols, PAH's metals Chlorinated solvents, paint solvents Benzene, PAH's, organics, metals PAH's, metals Organics, VOC's, pesticides • • • • TABLE 10 SOIL CLEANUP CRITERIA CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. LAGOON CLOSURE PLAN Compound Soil1 Soi12 (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Benzene 12 24 Bis (2-ethyl hexyl) phthalate 300 2,000 Chloroform 57 110 Cresols 900 4,000 1,1 Dichloroethene 6 12 Dichloromethane 47 98 Di-n-butyl phthalate 2,000 8,000 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 900 4,000 Perchlorethylene 69 140 Phenol 700 3,000 Pentachlorophenol 500 2,000 Toluene 5,000 20,000 Trichloroethane 61 120 Trichloroethylene 32 64 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 300 2,000 From a Draft 1987 RCRA Facilities Investigation Manual. 2 From May 1989 RCRA Facilities Investigation Manual, EPA 530/SW-89-031. Arsenic Bariun Benzene Cactnil.111 CONSTITUENT carbon letrachloride Chlordane- Chlorob!:!niene Chloroform Chromi1.111 o-Cresol (2-methylplienol) n-cresol (3-~thylpnenol> p~Cresol (4~methylphenol) Cresol 2,4·0 1,4·Dichlorobenzene 1,2a0ichloroeth8n~ 1,1-Dichloroethylene 2,4-0initrotolUl:!ne Endrin ptachlor achlorobenzene echloro-1,3~butad1ene Hexachloroethane lead L indane Mercury Methoxychlor Methyl ethyl ketone Nitrobenzene Pentachlorophenol Pyridine SeleniU'l'I Silver Tetrachloroethytene Toxaphene Trichloroethylene 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 2.4,6-tr;chloroph~nol 2.4,5-TP (Silv~x) Vinyl Chlor;de TABLE 11 CENTRAL TRANSPOl!T, INC. LAGOON CLOSURE PLAN TCLP S~le Results (All results Regulatory Sa~le Results Level From Noveot>er 1989 S,000 <10 100.000 410 soo N/A 1,000 <10 soo N/A 30 NIA 100,000 N/A 6.000 N/A S,000 120 200,000 lU 200,000 1U 200,000 1U 200,000 SU 10,000 N/A 7.500 1U 500 N/A 700 N/A 130 1U 20 N/A 8 N/A 130 2U 500 1U 3,000 1U s.ooo 90 400 N/A 200 <10 10,000 N/A 200,000 N/A 2,000 2U 100,000 2 S,000 N/A 1,000 <SO 5,000 <SO 700 N/A soo N/A 500 N/A 400,000 lU 2,000 lU 1,000 N/A 200 N/A N/A indicates analysis was not perfor~ for particular constituent reported in ~g/l) S""l'l• Results Post solidi~ from July 2, 1990 ficstion Results 9.8 NB 717" NB SU lJ <10 NB SU SU o.sou NA SU su SU SU <20 NB 400 15 10U 10U 16 25 N/A N/A 1U N/A SU SU SU SU SU SU 10U 10U 0.10U N/A o.osu N/A lOU lOU lOU lOU lOU lOU <80 NB o.osu N/A <0.4 NB o.sou N/A 10U 10U 10U 19 sou sou SU SU <10 NB <10 NB SU SU 1.ou N/A SU SU sou sou lOU lOU O. lOU N/A lOU 10U U indicates analyte was not detected in sample above detection limit. NIJJDer acc~anying U is the deteet;on limit "s indicates that the results for metals were not availabl~ for this report and will be> appended to report * BariU'll was detected in the TCLP Method Blank • • • Table 12 CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. CHARLOTTE, HORTH CAROLINA TERMINAL SAMPLING · MARCH 24, 1988 EXTRACTION PROCEDURE TOXICITY LEACHATE LABORATORY ANALYSIS SUMMARY NOTE: Uni ts a-re in mg/l. SAMPLE SAMPLE ANTIMONY ARSENIC BERYL LI UH CADMIUM CHROMIUM COPPER LEAD MERCURY TYPE LOCATION {5) ( 100) (1) (5) (5) (.2) Slud~e Lagoon 1 0.185 (0.003] 0.001U 0.006 0.198 0.069 O.OB6 0.0002U S!u::lge Lagoon 1 0.806 (Q.005] 0.01U 0.006 0.7\3 0.197 0.299 0.0005 Slud~e Lagooo 1 0.339 (0. 002] 0.01U 0.005U 0.119 0.034 0.003 0.0002U Sludge Lagoon 2 0.064 (0.003} 0.001U 0.005U 0.035 0.034 0.012 0.0002U Sludge Lagoon 2 0.218 [0.0021 0.001U o.oosu 0.057 0. 121 0.068 0.0002U Sediment .Pond 3 0.053U (0.006] (0.003] o.oosu 0.152 0.249 0.089 0.0002U Sediment Pond 3 0.053U (0 .004] 0.001U 0.005U 0.142 0.080 0.060 0.0002U NOTES ON DATA QUALIFIERS USED: HICKEL SELENIUM ( 1) 0.084 0.001U 0.200 0.001U 0.079 0.001U 0.039U 0.001U 0.039U 0.001U 0.047 O.OO!U 0.039U (Q.OOi!l u Indicates the element was analyzed for but not detected. Value-reported is the lnstrtment detection limit. C I Indicates the value reported is less than contract required detection limit. ( ) Is the regulatory limit~ • SILVER THALL llM llHC (5) O.OO&J 0.002U 0.558 O.OO&J 0.002U 2.280 0.008U 0.002U 0.495 0.008U 0.002U 0.042 0.008U O. 002U 0.248 0.008U (0. 003] 0.<63 0.008U 0.002U 0.328 • TASK 1. Water Removal to CMUO 2. Excavation 3. Stabilization Mobilization Stabilization 4. Disposal Sludge Soi ls 6240 cubic yards 1750 cubic yards TABLE 13 cost Estimat@' for CTI Charlotte. North Carolina Closur@ Plan/Post Closure Plan Central Transport, Inc. Charlotte, North Carolina 7990 cubic Y•rds total (7200 tors) 5. 6. 7. • 8. 9. • Transport Soil Sa!J1)ling (Confirm Clean> Site Restoration Closure Certification On· sit@' I nspeet; on Report and Certific8tion Surv@'yor Post Closure Mont.(present worth) Subtotal Engineering/QA/QC (10%) Subtotal A<ininistrative &nd contingency (15%) Total Estimated Project Cost ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $4,200 $59,700 $15,.000 $280,000 $805,300 $156,000 $45,000 $260,700 $24,000 $15,000 $3,000 $211,000 $1,678,900 $187,890 $2,066,790 $310,019 $2,376,809 • Table 14 POST-CLOSURE COST ESTIMATE CENTRAL TRANSPORT. INC. TASK UNIT COST # UNITS # TIMES/YEAR # YEARS COST W•l l St!if\1'.'l 'ilig Labor (hourly basis> S57 .00 24 4 3 S16,416.00 Directs Plane fare $400.00 4 3 $4,800.00 Sa~l ing equipment S50.00 4 3 S600.00 Analyses EPA Moth. 624 (Volatile Organics) $250.00 7 4 3 s21,ooo.oo EPA Meth. 625 (Acid Ext/Base Neut) $500.00 7 4 3 $42,000.00 Total Lead $235.00 7 4 3 $19,740.00 Total Chrooiiun 7 4 3 S0.00 Mail/shipping $50.00 2 4 3 $1,200.00 Inspection & ~eeordkeeping Labor <hourly basis) $57.00 4 12 3 $8,208.00 P~rsonnel training Labor (hourly basis) S69.00 24 S1,656.00 Di rei::ts r:itane fare $400.00 $400.00 Directs $200.00 s200.oo Projei::t '4enagement Costs labor S69.00 16 4 3 sn,24a.oo • Directs S50.00 4 3 S600.00 eporting Labor S69.00 e 4 3 S6,624.00 Directs $20.00 4 3 $240.00 Arnerrlrients to Plan Labor $69.00 40 3 $8,280.00 Directs $50.00 1 3 $150.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED POST-CLOSURE COSTS. FOR A THREE YEAR CLOSURE PERI DO $145.362.00 PRESENT WORTH ANALYSIS PRESENT WORTH ~ (factor) x annuity, where the factor is dep:!ndent on the# years and the interest rate Assl.llling &n interest rate of 10% over the 3 years of Post-closure care, PRESE~T \.ICIRTH .. 2.4869 x s145.36~.oo $361,500.76 • • • Appendix A Part A RCRA Permit I. Appendix B Boring Logs ~'''" ' '''' Report of aoring No.: 1 G.INEERS, I~C. TEST BORING LOG Sheet 1 of , Joct Location: Charlotte, NC SAMPLER Ground water Dt::pth Oete Type: Split spoon Depth Date ent: CTI Hanmer: Fall: 1 meter Fi le No. ' 3883.001.161 Boring Co.~ ATEC I Boring Location: NE corner of waste trt!atment pond Foreman: Donald Sweeting Ground Elevation: 770.6 f~et U.S.G.S. OBG Geologist: John D. Conway Dat~s: Started: 09/08/BB Ended:09/08/88 Sa"l'le Stratum R sampt~ Change Equipment Equ;pment m Depth Blows Penetr/ "~·· Oescription General Installed lnstal led k No Depth /611 Recovry Value D~script •• , 0-2 2/6/6/8 201 I None 1 - 2 2-4 4/6/6/8 18' I crimson platy silty clay 3 4-6 4/5/5/7 181 I ==-----:-= 2 4 6-e note * 171 I • 3 5 8·10 5/6/9/11 241 j 6 10-12 3/6/7/10 20• ' wh1t1sh oran9e clay, rubbel"'y, matt led W/ white~orans~~red patches -------~-......: -~--~_-_-__: App~ars to be paleosole, high 1n organics ~i·d?.-3 7 12· 14 note • 1611 (i.e. roots), tanish silty clay, trace II 4 oT fine to medium sand -~-•••••r•~•••••nn•••••••n•••••nn•wn•nnn~ Similar material becoming mottled w/ 8 14-16 note • 241 I white, black, orange, and blue·green 5 areas ""'~~...:..-:-;. """:'"_j arownish-orange sandy Sl l t mottled W/ '•'.'·: ·, .--9 16-17.5 25/50/51 10 I I bro1-1n, bleck, and orange patches, contain :,;::: ' '. .:.· milky whlte lens approx. 1-3/llll thick ,.·. .' .•. orang1sh·brown clay•y Sl [ t oi ·,·,, •' ' ·' WI trace ~·~~TT.~~ 10 17.5-18 95 9" fine to medium sand, trace of rubbery I&~~ milky white m.:iteticit 18-20 100 0" ~'f~ 6 Brown clayey Sl ( t to mechllll Wl th fine ;'.+..:..~~ 11 20-21 35/50 1811 sand ~:%~*'2 ~w.~--{'"~;,- ~:.""':-(,~~~-;--;./ 1Z 21·22 100 9" Greenish-brown silt mottled with orange ~i.~:~~H~I patches -· -· -·-· . ~' -·-·-.~..:.-:-.:.--:..:.."'"":".:., -·~·~-~- --.. ' --1-no wells were installed 5-blow count was 12112/24/29 2-f i l l materiel 6-split spoon reJei::tioti, drilled past ond then sanpled believed to be ~eathered rock 3· blow count was 10/11/13/13 4-blow count was 6111/16/30 016RJEN & GERE R~port of Boring No.: 2 ENGINEERS, lNC. TEST BORING LOG Sh~~t 1 of 1 oject l.i:>G~tion: Charlotte, NC SAMPLER Ground Water Depth Date Type: 24" Sflit spoon with 2" O.D. Depth Date client: CT I ••-r: 140 b. Fall: 301·1 Fi le Wo. ' 3683.001.161 Boring Co.: ATEC I Soring location: E side of overflow pond For~an: Donald Sweeting Ground Elevation: 767.1 feet u.s.G.s. OBG Geologf'i!t: John D. Conwtiy Dates: start~; 09/08/68 Ended:D9/08/88 Sample Strati.rn R SiO!rnple Change Equipment .Equipment m Depth Blows Penetr/ "NII Description General lnstat led Ins tat led k No Depth /611 Recovry Value Oescript s* 1 0-2 3/3/3/3 161 I non~ 1 2 2-4 2/2/2/3 14 1 I Orange-red clayey silt mottled with orange, red, white, and yellow P£1tches 2 3 4·6 1/1/1/2 10 I I 4 6·8 1/1/1/1 13 1 j 5 8·10 1/2/2/2 201 j ---6 10-12 1/1/1/1 B" aluish-grey mottled clay ----- ~--~---~--:.. 7 12· 14 1/4/3/2 Green1sh·grey silty clay mottl~ W\th ----~ r------wl"iite. yet low, and green Plilrticles t;~=22? 8 14· 16 1/13/4/6 17 1 I Greenish-bluish grey clayey sand t/~i:fs%. ·-~). ~'.·;,;'·'.;:.~.~.~ .. : :. 9 16· 18 2/4/4/4 4" &iD?$j 3 10 18·20 note * 21 j I Weather!:!d rock w1 th a moist white clay matrix ~J~ • 4 11 22-23 17/24 14 1 I Gre~n clayey silt mottl~d with black ~5.::r-~Z--:,2 ~.::..:..;......,·.~ ...... and whit• patches ~~.!....~~~ ,..,. . ....,,,r...<_'--,- -· " ·-· ·- I-··~~ -1-No wet l installed 2· Ii l l material 3· Blow count was 13/21/32/37 4-Ori l led to avoid split spoon rejection then ••"l'l•d 01SRIEN & GERE Report of Boring No.: 3 ENGINEERS, INC. l'EST BORING LOG Sh~et 1 of 1 -iect l.oc.eition: Charlott!:!, NC SAMPLER Ground Uater Depth Date Type' 241 I split spoon with 2'' o.o. Depth Date " 1ent= CTI HBfIITJer: 140 lb. Fall: 30 11 File No. ' 3883.001.161 Soring Co.: ATEC I Boring Loeation•Adjecent property near railroad Foreman: Donald Sweeting Ground El~vation: 768.3 feet U.S.G.S. OBG Geologist: John 0. Conway Dates: Started: 09/08/88 Ended,09/09/88 Sa"l'lO st roti.rn R Semple Change Equipment Equipnent m Oepth Slows Penetr/ 11N11 Description General Installed Jnstal led k No Depth /611 Recovry Valu~ Oescript s• 1 0·2 1/3/4/4 21 I I 6" of topsoil; Red·orang@ elay ----None 1 ~~~~-,__ ____ 2 2-4 note 111 19 1 I !i:~ 2 3 4·6 note 111 24 1 I Greyish white clayey silt mottled wtth 3 orange and red particles 4 6-8 note • 12 1 I ~~ 4 Greenish grey clayey silt mottled with 5 8·9 32/54 12 1 I black and brown patch~s ';'->+;.O.:-.' ........ "":T."'": ~~jf~ 6 9-10 36/85 4" \.Jeathered rock w/white c[ey matr1~ ·;r_ '~:<. '=ii-'c'l.oc 5 7 13-15 8/9/20/30 2411 Mottled orangey white silty clay with • ~~=j trace of fine to medium sand. This unit grad~s into a white powdery send with some white clay. Weathered rock; with white clay matrix corrposes the lower . ·u.~. four inches of the split spoon. . ~-· ------T"~OOOOOOOOa~~-------------T"~·--·· ~ 6 8 "18·18.4 50 5" weathered rock w/ white clay matrix ' > L' , -- ·- . 1 • No well instal l~d 5 and 6-Drilled to avoid split spoon rejection then sampled 2-Slow count was 9/17/16/24 3-Blow count was 7112/25/28 4-Blow count WO> 9/31/41/60 ........ Report of Boring No.: MW1 NEERS, INC. TEST BORING LOG Sheet 1 of 1 ct Locationt Central Transport, Inc. SAMPLER Charlotte, North Caroljna Type: 211 inside diameter split barrel t: Central Transport, Inc. Ha1TTI1er: 140 lb. Fall: 3011 Fi le No.: 3883.001 Soring Co.: ATEC I Oates: foreman: Dan Doty OBG Hydrogoologist: Stephen Mogilnickl Started,; 9/6/89 Ended: 9/6/89 Sa~le Stratum Field Testing R Sanple Change Equipment m Depth Blows Penetr/ HNll D@scription General Installed k No Depth /611 Recovery Value oescript HNU s 0 1 0-2 24/18 Moist, reddish-brown silty CLAY 0 2 2 2-4 24/18 Moist, r~ish-brown silty CLAY 0 with veaetative matter 4 3 4·6 2-2-1-3 24/18 3 As above 3.0 6 4 6-B 2·4-2-2 24/12 6 A$ ~bove 1.0 8 5 a-10 2-2-2·4 24/18 4 As above-0 10 6 10-12 2-2-3-4 24/12 5 As above 0 7 12· 14 1-2-1-2 24/20 3 As above 0 14 8 14-16 1·1-1-2 24/18 2 Moist. brown sand, silt, and clay 0 16 9 16-18 1-2-1-2 24/18 3 Wet, brown. sand, silt and clay 0 18 10 18-20 2-5-50/6" 18/18 As above 0 20 11 20·20.3 50/411 4/4 Moist, lt. brown sand, silt, and clay 0 and white silt and clay 000~~---------~······-~~----------T~WWW&&& Bottom of Boring: 201411 ' l .. ______________ ___J D1SRIEN & GERE Report of Boring No.: MW2 ENGINEERS. INC. TEST BORING LOG Sheet 1 of 1 ~ect Loc•tlon: central Transport. Inc. SAMPLER Charlotte, North Carol ;na Type: 211 ;ns;de d;.ameter spl ;t barrel nt: Central Transport, Inc. Hanmer: 140 lb. Foll: 3011 File No.: 3883.001 Bor;ng Co.: ATEC I OoteS< Foreman: Dan Doty OSG Hydrogeologist: Stephen Mogilnicki Started: 9/6/89 Ended: 9/6/69 Sa~le Stratum Field Testing R Sanµle cnange Equipment m Oepth 6lOW$ Penetr/ "Nu oeserlptlon General Installed k No Depth /611 Rt:!-C;OVery value o~scr;pt HNU s 0 1 0-2 3-3-3-3 24/12 6 Moist, reddish-brown, fine sand, and clay, with vegetative matter silt, 0 2 2 2-4 3·3·3·4 24/16 6 MoistM rl!dd'ish~brown sand, s;tt, and 0 clay, with white clay 4 3 4-6 24/12 Moist, reddish-brown sand, silt, clay, with black or green clay and 0.2 6 4 6-8 3-3-5-5 24/12 8 As above; rubber fill material fragment, indicative of 0 8 5 e-10 24/18 Wet, dark green silt and clay, some 0 white fine sand 10 6 10-12 1-2-2-3 24/18 4 As aboveb also some fragments of 0 reddish· rown sandstone 12 7 12-14 2-5-8-10 24/20 13 wet. orange-brown, sand, clay. and wet. grey sand Silt, and 0 1 8 14-16 5-12-18-2 24/20 30 As above, with vegetative matter 0 16 9 16-18 18-19-22· 7 24/18 41 wet, brown. sand. silt. and clay 0 18 10 18-20 6-10-18-2 24/24 28 As above 0 20 11 20-22 9-10-12-1 24/12 22 As above 0 22 12 22-24 10·12·18· 1 24/24 30 Moist. brown. sand. s;lt. and elay, and moist, Lt. gr~~n sand. silt. and 0 clay 24 14 24-26 9-21-28-5 24/20 49 As above 0 26 15 26·28 50/211 2/2 Moist, greenish-brown sand and silt 0 -------~-~--~-~--"""T"""rr•••••••••••••••• Bottom of Boring: 27 1611 --- I I ~··~ . ,,,, Report of Boring: No.: MW3 INEERS, INC. TEST ~ING LOG Sh••t 1 Of 1 •ct L°"otion: Central Transport, Inc. SAMPLER Charlotte, North Carol;na Typo: 211 inside diameter split barre>l nt: C@'ntral Transport, Inc. ··-r: 140 lb. Foll• 3011 ~ite No.: 3883.001 Soting Co.: ATEC I Dates: For~no Dan Doty OBG Hydrogeologist~ Stephen Mogitnieki Started: 9/7/89 Ended: 9/7/89 Sarri>le Strati..an Field Testing R Sa!JfJl@ Change Equipment m Dl'.!'pth Blows Penetr/ lltlll Description General Installed • No Depth /611 Recovery Value Descript HNU 5 0 1 0-2 3·3·3-3 24/0 6 [No recovery in two !ltt~ts] 0 2 2 2-4 3-2-3·4 24/12 5 Moist, orange-brown, and clay fine sand. si Lt, 0.5 4 3 4·6 4·5-7-6 24/12 12 As abov~. with black vegetative matter 0.4 6 4 6-8 4-4"3-4 24/12 8 As above 0.4 8 5 8·10 5-10-50/6 18/18 Moist, l t. brown, fine sand and silt; 0 friable 10 6 10-12 30·50/2" 12/12 Hoist, orangeMbrown fine sand, silt, clay with black v~g~tative ~tter ond 0 12 7 12-12.5 50/411 4/4 Moist, hard, lt. gre-y to tt. blue-green 0 ' silt ond sand WWWOOOOOOMOMM---------~T~~·-·······----··-~ Bottom of Boring: 121611 • ~··· . ~· Report of Soring No.: MW4 GINEERS, INC. TEST BORING lOG sheet 1 of 1 joct Location• Central Transport, Inc. SAMPLl,:R Charlotte, North Carolina rypeo 211 inside di8mcter spl It ~rret ent: Central Transport. J nc. Harrmer: 140 lb. Fall< 3011 Fite No.: 3883.001 Soring Co.: ATEC I foreman: Dan Doty OBG Hydrogeologist: Stephen Mogilnicki Dates: Started: 9/7/89 Endodo 9/7/89 Sa~le StratLrn Field Y(!:stins R Sarrple Change Equipment m Depth Blows Perietr/ 1'N" Description General Installed k No Depth /611 Recovery Value Oescript HNU s 0 1 0·2 8·6·8·8 24/12 14 Moist, lt. brown, sand, silt, and eley 0 2 2 2·4 9·14·21·2 24/18 25 As above, with white silt and clay, with 0 black v@getative matter 4 3 4·6 11·21·28· a 24120 49 As above 0 6 4 6·8 24120 As above 0 8 5 8·10 14·14·50/ II 18/18 As above 0 10 6 10·10.5 30~50/.211 12/12 Ory, Lt. grey fine sand and silt, with fra9rnents of greenish-grey, h~rd quartzite 0 7 12·12.5 50/411 4/4 Moist, hard, lt. gr~y to lt. blue-green silt and sand 0 ········~-----------~~--········~~---------Bottom of Boring: 10 1611 I I 0 1BRIEN & GERE Report of Boring No.: MW5 ENGINl:ERS, INC. TEST BOll!NG LOG Sheet 1 of 1 ,~ect Location: Centrbl Transport. Inc. SAMPLER Charlotte, North c::arot ina Type: 211 inside di all"ll:!ter split barrel nt: Central Transport, Inc. HaJTJJJer: 140 lb. Fall: 3011 File No.: 3883.001 Boring Co.: ATEC I Dates: Foremen: Dan Doty OBG Hydrogeolosist: Stephen Mogilnick; started: 9/8/89 Ended: 9/8/89 S-le Stret1Jm F;~ld Testing R Sa!ffJL~ Change E~uipm~nt m Depth Blows Penetr/ t1N11 Descript;on General Installed k No Depth /611 Recovery Value oescript HNU • 0 1 0-2 5-10-10·1 24/18 20 Moist. orange~brown, fine sand. and clay with vegetative matter silt. 0 2 2 2-4 8-9-11·18 24/18 20 As above, with w~ite clay 0 4 3 4·6 12-14-15-6 24/18 49 As above 0 6 4 6·8 16~50/511 , 1/11 As above 0 8 5 8-10 27-14-50/ II 15/8 Mo;st, we~thered, qu~rtzite gree-n'ish·9ri!'y 0 10 6 10-, 2 50/611 6/4 As above 0 12 7 12-13.5 20·38·50/ II 15/15 Dry, grey quartz;te 0 ' -"·~·········--~~---------~~---············ Bottom of Boring: 13•611 • ~··· ' ~~ Report of Boring No.: MW6 INEERS, INC. TEST BORING LOG Sheet 1 of 1 ect location: Central Transport, ln~. SAMPLER -none Charlotte, Morth Carolina Type: nt: Central Transport, Inc. Hanmer: Fall: File No.: 3883.001 Boring Co.: EMTC I Pates: Foreman: Jack Oliver OBG Hydrogeologist: Stephen Mogflnicki Started: 10/2/89 Ended: 10/2/89 sa,.,..,l l' Stratum Field Testing R saq,le Change Equipment m Depth Blows Penetr/ 11N1t oescription General lnst1;1L Led k No Depth /611 Recovery Value Oeseript HNU • 0·20 Moist, brown, silty Loam 20·35.5 Dry, hard, blue-grey f ine·grained sandstone; greenish-white ~ubrtz on the surfaces of some fragments 00&&~-~---------TPWWWW•WWWWOOOOOOM~M~~----- Bottom of Boring: 35.51 (air rotary method ., I I o•BRIEN & GERE Report of Boring No.: MW? ENGINEERS, INC. TEST BORING LOG Sheet 1 of 1 ~~ct Locetion: Central Transport, Inc. SA"PLER -nono Charlotte, North Caroliha Type; nt: Central Transport, Inc. Haimier: Fell: ~ile No.: 3883.001 Boring Co.: EMTC I Dotes: Foreman= Jack Oliver OBG Hydtogeologfst: Stephen Mogilnicki Started: 10/3/89 Endt:!d: 10/3/89 Snrq:ile Strat..rn Field lasting R Sa"'fJle Change Equipment m Depth Blows P~etr-/ HNll Df!'scription General lnstal led ~ No Oepth /611 Recovery valu~ Descript HNU • 0-5 Moist. brown, silty Loam 5-6 concrete 6-30 Moist. brown. silty Loam 30·42 Ory, hard blue-gre~ fine-grained sandstone; greenis -white quartz on the surfaces of SOIIW!! fragments ~~~~MM~&~M-~~~~--~~~-~M~~~-~M&&&&&&&A&&&&&& Bottom of Boring: 42 1 (air rotary method) • O'BRIEN & GERE Re-port of Soring NO~! MW$ ENGINEERS, INC. '(EST BORING LOG Sheet 1 of 1 ~~ct location: C•ntral Transport, Inc. SAMPLER -none Charlott~. North Carolina Type: rit: .Central Transport, Inc. H&fflnE!r: Fall' File No., 3883.001 Borin!il Co.: EMTC I Ooteso Fot~n: Jack Oliver DBG Hydrogeologist: Stephen Mogilnicki startt:!d: 10(3(89 Ended: 10/3/89 Sallfll~ Stratl.ITI Field Testing • sa~le Change Equipment m Depth Blows Penetr/ 11N11 Description General lnstal led k NO Depth /611 R:ecov~ry value oeseript HNU s 0-15 Moist, brown, silty loam 15·3Z Dry, hard, blue-grey fine-grained sand$tOne; greenish-white qu8rtz on the surfaces of some pieces WOOOOOOO&&M&~~~--------------r--r•~-------- Bottom of Baring: 32 1 (air rotary method) I '~RIEN & GERE Report of Boring NO.: MW9 INEERS, INC. TEST BORING LOG Sheet 1 of 1 ect Location: central Transport, Inc. SAMPLER " none Ch~rlotte, North Carolina Type: Cl iento Central Tr-ansport, Inc. Halflner; Fat l: Fi Le No.: 3883.001 Soring Co.< EMTC I Foreman: Jack Oliver DBG Hydrogeologist: Stephen Mogilnioki Dates: Started:10/19/89 Endod: 10/19/89 Sa~le Stretun Field t~sting R Salll>le Change Equipment m Depth Blows Penetr/ ""Ill Description General Installed k No Depth /611 Recovery Value Descri pt HNU s 0-17 Moist, l t. brown silty loam 17-20 Moist, orange~brown silty loam 20-42 Dry, t t. grey, hard silts tone 42-52 1.1et, l t. grey, hi;ird siltstone -T••··-~---------T•W&&&&~--------~-------~- Bottom of Boring: 521 (air rot~ry method) , .......... _ -- jRIEN & GERE Report of Boring No.: MW10 !MEERS, INC. TEST BORING LOG Sheet 1 of 1 ect Loe at ion: c::entl"al Transport, Inc. SAMPLER -none Charlotte, North Carolina Typ<" Client: Central Transport, Inc. HaJJ1JJer: Fall: Fi le No.: 3883.001 Boring Co.: EMTC I Dates. For~n• Jack Oliver OBG Hydro9eolo9ist: Stephen Mogilnicki Sta,ted:10/19/B9 Ended: 10/19/89 Salll>le Stratum Field Testing R Sa~le Change Equipment m Depth Blows Penetr/ "NII Description General Installed k No Depth /611 i:?ecovery Value Oescript HNU s 0-12 Moist, orange-brown silty loam 12-21 Dry, weathered, lt. grey siltstone 21-4, Ory, unweathered lt. grey siltstone 41·51 Uet, lt. grey siltstone ······----~----------·······---~-----------Bottom of Borlng: 51 1 (air rotary method) -__ , - ~!EN & GERE Report of Boring No.: MW11 NEERS, lNC. TEST BORING LOG Sheet 1 of 1 ct Location: c~ntral Transport. Inc. SAMPLER . none Charlotte, North Carolina Type: Client: Central Transport, Inc. Hal'l'l'l'IE!r• Fall: i=; le No.~ 3883.001 Boring Co.: EMTC I D•t•s: foreman: Jaek Oliver OSG Hydrogeolog!st: St•pl\en Mog!lnieki Started:10/19/89 Ended: 10/19/89 Sa"l>le St rat um Field lestin9 R S•"l>le Chang~ EciuifXTlent m Depth Blo1i1S Penetr/ HNll Description General 1nstt1l led k No Depth /611 Recovery Value Descript HNU 5 0·3 Moist. brown silty loam 3·22 Ory, herd, greenish-grey siltstone 22·30 Wet, hard, greenish-grey siltstone ........................................... Bottom of Boring: 30 1 cair rotary ll'll:!thod) '- O'BRIEN & GERE Report of Boring No": Mu12 ENGINEERS, INC. TEST BORING LOG Sh~t:!t 1 of 1 Project Location: Charlott@, North Carolina SAMPLER • none Ground Water Depth Date Type: Depth Date ient: C@ntral transport, Inc. HaH1J1er: Foll: File NO.; 3883.001 ;ng co.: Enviro~ntal "onitoring and Testing Corp. I Boring Location: adj.ac@nt to HU11 Foreman: Mik:~ Ransier-Ground Elevation: OBG Geologist: John 0. c:onway Oates: Started~ 6/25/90 Endocb 6/25/90 Sa~le Strat1in Field Testing R Sarf4)le Change Equipment Sam-m Depth Blows Penetr/ 11N1t Description General lnstallttl ple screen k No Depth /611 Recovry Value Descript tilnl:! time HNU s• 0 ovt:!rburden 10 bl&ck/gr~t:!n fine grained rock • sq:ihibolite w ground water encountered a~ibolite 30 meta·quartzit~ with PYrite and chlorite 40 •mphibol ite ehlorite with epidott:!, pyrite, and 50 •mphibolite ' •mphibolite 70 amphibolite ao •mphibolite 90 omphibolite . 100 amphibol ite ···········---------------------··-·------' Bottom of Boring: 106'(air rot•rv mothod) '" - • Appendix C CMUD Special Use Discharge Pennit • • 3. oatinitians a. A "mip;;>&ite" SWlille for i:ronitoring re;iuireJrents, is defined as a mini= of four (4) qreb B.!l!l'ples collected at equally epaoed two (2) hour mtarvals an:1 prqx:>rtioned acx:ording to now. b. A ''grab" sanple, for J!Olli.toring requ.iNments, is 12e.fin£d as a si.IY;Jle "d:4> eax! take" sarcple eollectEd at a 1epr s 11t.ative point in the~~- c, An "insta.ntanec'-l" ~. for i:ronitoring ~, is definect es a single readirq, obserVation, or~. 4. Test Prooeduns 'IeSt prooedures for the analysis of pollutants shall be perforned in a=n!anoe vith the tediniques prescribed in 40 CFR part 136 and mnen::lrrent.s thereto unless specified otherwise in the =nitorin; conditions of th.is permit. 5. Additional Jobnitoring by Pennittee If the Pennittee i:ronitors any pollutant eit the location(s) desi9flated herein rore frequently than required by this permit, using ~ analytical met.hods as 5PE1Cifia:! abo\re1 the results of such l!Onitorirg shall be Sl.ll:tnitted to the City. If the s.mrpling pert~ by the l'erloittee indicates a violation, the Permittee shall l1Cltify the Irdustrial Waste Marager within 24 hcl.lrs of becanirq IMlre of the violation. 'Ihe Pel.initt.ee r;.hall also repeat the srorpling and analysis and sul:lnit the results of the repeat analysis to the city within thirty (30) aa:rs after beoanirq aware of the violation. I ,. • Appendix D Stabilization Study • • after the two days of curing. Free water was not present in any of these samples and the samples could not be compressed by applying hand pressure. Following three days of curing, samples 2-1 1 2-2 1 2-3 and 5-2 exhibited these same properties. The addition of quicklime to the sludge at all ratios given J.n Attachment 1 resulted in significant releases of heat, thereby rendering this approach unacceptable for use in the field. Samples 5-2 and 5-3 exhibited temperature rises in excess of 200 degrees Fahrenheit. A volume increase of 60 percent was also noted for sample 5-3, which would also tend to preclude the use of quicklime for the stabilization method. Unconfined compressive strength tests were conducted on samples 1-3, 2-1, 2-2, and 2-3. Samples 5-2 and 5-3 were not tested due to the significant release of heat during stabilization testing. The results of the unconfined compressed strength tests are shown on Table 2. The stress strain diagrams are also included. B. July 1990 Treatability Study Experimental Procedure The experimental procedure used in the July 1990 treatability study was similar to that used in the September 1988 treatability study. The stabilized sample was cured for 4 days before further physical (unconfined compression strength) and chemical {TCLP) analyses were performed on the sample . D-3 U'Rf·\il:r~ ,:_.. CFl·•:[ • • • Results Following a four-day curing period no free water was present in the samples. One sample was chosen for further study. The sample that was selected was that which had 50% (by weight) addition of Portland cement because its visual appearance seemed to represent the results of the September 1988 treatability study wherein the Portland cement showed a high unconfined compressive strength and a low percent volume increase. TCLP and unconfined compression strength tests were conducted on this stabilized sample. Visual observation of samples which had been stabilized with cement kiln dust and Portland cement indicate that the use of other stabilization media will yield similar TCLP and unconfined compression test results • The results of TCLP tests conducted on untreated and stabilized sludge are summarized on Table 11 of the closure plan. Nearly all TCLP parameters were below detection limits in both the "before" and "after" stabilization TCLP tests. The primary constituent detected in the untreated sample TCLP test was 2-methylphenol at a concentration of 400 microgram/ 1 i ter ( ug/ 1) . The post stabilization TCLP test demonsrated that 2-methylphenol was reduced to 15 ug/l, a 96% reduction in the leachability of 2-methylphenol. An unconfined compression strength test was performed on the stabilized sample. The results are shown on Table D-3. The peak stress of 167 psi suggests that a smaller volume of D-4 • Portland cement or cement kiln dust could be used as long as TCLP requirements are met. Conclusions The September 1988 and July 1990 treatability studies demonstrated that stabilization is a viable remedial alternative for the treatment of the sludge at CTI because it reduces the leachability potential to near detection limits and provides unconfined strengths satisfactory for acceptance at appropriately permitted landfills. Specification Section 02240 (Appendix F) sets forth criteria for acceptable processes that may be considered. D-5 • • • Appendix E .......... ---~iiii~ ~ aemEN 6 GERE • Appendix E Supplemental Work Plan • WORK PLAN SUPPLEMENTAL PHASE I HYDROGEOLOGIC INVESTIGATION CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA INTROQUCTION O'Brien & Gere Engineers, Inc. has been retained by Weinstein & Sturges, P.A., legal counsel to central Transport, Inc. (CTI), to provide the hydrogeologic services necessary to assess whether contamination has occurred in the ground water near two lagoons located at the Charlotte, North Carolina terminal site. An initial hydrogeologic investigation has been conducted by O'Brien & Gere. The investigation was outlined in the Work Plan for the Ground water Monitoring Program, which was included as an Appendix to the draft June 1989 Lagoon Closure Plan. The results of the initial hydrogeologic investigation are included in the May 1990 Report of the Hydrogeologic Investigation. In February 1990, the state of North Carolina provided Weinstein & Sturges, CTI, and O'Brien & Gere with comments regarding the above-mentioned Work Plan. The States's comments resulted in a revised Work Plan for the Ground Water Monitoring Program. The revisions to the Work Plan are essentially clarifications of procedures; the revised Work Plan is appended to the June, 1990 report. The state's comments further resulted in this document, the Draft work Plan for the supplemental Phase I Hydrogeologic WP-1 OBRIEN S. GERE • Investigation. The purpose of this document is to outline tasks that were not included in the above-mentioned Work Plan, but that are required to fulfill the Administrative Order on Consent, dated May 30, 1990 between central Transport, Inc. and state of North Carolina, Division of Solid Waste, Hazardous Waste Section. In summary, the purpose of this Draft Work Plan is to outline a supplemental hydrogeologic investigation that will, in combination with the investigation already completed, fulfill the requirements of the Consent Agreement. Four supplemental tasks, as follows, will be completed: 1. Fracture Trace Analysis 2. Assessment of Potential for Vertical Ground Water Flow 3. Ground water Sampling and Analysis 4. Report Preparation SUPPLEMENTAL TASK 1: FRACTURE TRACE ANALYSIS As discussed in Section 3.03 of the June 1990 report, in a fractured bedrock aquifer, both a hydraulic pathway and hydraulic potential are needed for ground water flow. While ground water elevation data from the bedrock wells has been used to assess the hydraulic potential, data has not been collected regarding the hydraulic pathways. Since ground water flow in bedrock is generally controlled by fractures, a fracture trace analysis will be WP-2 [J'BRIEN & GERE • • conducted in order to provide data regarding the hydraulic pathways. While subsurface features such as fractures cannot be directly observed on photographs, surface features directly influenced by fractures, such as stream channels and geomorphic features, can be mapped. In regions like the North Carolina Piedmont, where the unconsolidated overburden consists of weathered, in-situ remnants of the competent bedrock, the fractures are typically reflected as linear areas of accelerated erosion. Erosion controls topography and surface drainage patterns because water flows through areas of least resistance. Therefore, surface features such as drainage patterns and topography typically reflect the underlying bedrock fracture patterns . The fracture trace analysis will be based upon available aerial photographs and upon the U.S. Geological Survey 7.5 Minute Quadrangle topographic map of the area. The photographs will be analyzed first; then, the topographic map will be analyzed, to confirm the patterns observed on the photographs, and to reveal any fracture traces obscured on the photographs by vegetation or cultural features. The fracture trace analysis will be verified in the field to the greatest extent practicable. In the report, the fracture trace analysis will be presented in two formats: first, a figure showing the traces WP-3 U8RIEN & GERE • overlaid on the topographic map will be provided; second, a rose diagram representing the orientation of fractures will be provided, The data provided by the fracture trace analysis will be used to either confirm or modify the generalized flow map for the bedrock aquifer included in the June 1990 report. SUPPLEMENTAL TASK 2: ASSESSMENT OF POTENTIAL FOR VERTICAL GROUND WATER FLOW In order to assess the potential for vertical ground water flow on the site, one additional bedrock monitoring well will be installed at the site. The well will be located adjacent to bedrock monitoring well MW 11, so that a well nest is formed. The additional monitoring well, to be designated MW 12, will be deeper than MW 11. MW 11 was completed at a depth of 27 feet below ground level. MW 12 will be completed at a depth which is a minimum of approximately 50 feet deeper than MW 11, in the first water bearing zone encountered at or below the minimum depth. A zone will be considered to be water bearing if it yields a minimum of approximately 1 gallon per minute. Regarding the state's requirements for three monitoring wells to be located downgradient of the waste management area, MW 11 is considered a downgradient well. The new MW 12 will be considered a downgradient well. Given the difficult drill rig access to the downgradient area (due to topography), the WP-4 0 BRIEN & GERE ·• "Standards of Construction -Wells Other Than Water Supply". A well construction permit will be obtained from the State prior to well installation. Following installation of the well, the well will be developed using compressed air or pumping methods in order to clear fine-grained sediments from the well screen. water generated from well development will be discharged to the ground at the well site. Equipment used for well installation that comes in contact with potentially contaminated material will be decontaminated with a high pressure steam clean wash. water generated from equipment decontamination will be discharged to the ground at the decontamination area. A field survey will be conducted by a local surveyor to determine the location and elevation of the well. Both the ground surface elevation and top of PVC casing elevation will be obtained for the well. The survey will be completed using an established on-site bench mark. An in-situ hydraulic conductivity test will be performed on the well to estimate the hydraulic conductivity (or permeability) of the screened aquifer material. The hydraulic conductivity will be calculated by measuring the rate of recovery of the water level immediately following the development of the well. The Hvorslev method will be used to calculate the hydraulic conductivity. WP-6 O'BRIEN & GERI:: • Static ground water elevations will be measured in all of the monitoring wells on the site, including the new MW 12, using an electric well probe. If measurements are taken in conjunction with ground water sampling, they will be taken prior to initiating ground water purging or sampling procedures in any of the wells. The static ground water elevations will be used to evaluate horizontal ground water flow direction in the study area. The comparison of static ground water elevations from MW 11 and MW 12 will allow an assessment of whether there is upward or downward vertical flow in the bedrock aquifer in the vicinity of the MW 11/MW 12 well nest. SUPPLEMENTAL TASK 3: GROUND WATER SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS Two rounds of ground water samples were collected as part of the initial hydrogeologic investigation. The sampling results are included in the June 1990 Report of the Hydrogeologic Investigation. The State's comments included changes in O'Brien & Gere•s Ground water Sampling Protocol. Specifically, changes in procedure for the filtering and acidification of metals samples were required. Futher ground water sampling is required in order to meet the metals sampling requirements, to access the ground water quality of the new MW 12, and to further assess the ground water quality of the site . WP-7 O'BRIEN & Gl::RE • One round of ground water samples will be collected from the following wells: MW 1, MW 2, MW 6, MW 7, MW 8, MW 9, MW 10, MW 11, and the new MW 12. Ground water purging or sampling procedures will not be initiated at MW 12 until a minimum of 24 hours after its development. Static ground water elevations will be measured in all of the monitoring wells on the site, using an electric well probe, prior to initiating ground water sampling or purging procedures in any of the wells. Ground water sampling procedures will be according to the Ground Water Sampling Protocol included as Appendix B. The protocol includes a sample Ground Water Sampling Field Log and a sample Chain of custody Record. A description of sampling procedures is also included here. Before a well is sampled, the ground water elevation in the well will be used to calculate the volume of water standing in the well. Three times the well volume will be removed from the well by pumping or by bailing with a clean, stainless steel bailer so that the ground water sample is representative of the water in the screened section of the aquifer. The sampler will measure the temperature, pH, specific conductance, and turbidity of the ground water sample in the field. Ground water samples will be collected with a clean, stainless steel bailer. Before each use, the bailer will be washed with soapy distilled water, followed by a nitric acid WP-8 CJ'8RIEN & GERE • • rinse, a methanol rinse, and a distilled water rinse. At each well site, a new piece of clear plastic sheeting will be laid down around the well. Clean equipment will be placed on the plastic sheeting. A new length of polypropylene rope will be attached to the bailer. The sampler will put on a new pair of rubber gloves at each new well site. The sample jars will be labeled and placed in a styrofoam cooler with icepacks for shipment to the laboratory for analysis. A trip blank and field blank will be included for quality control/quality assurance purposes. Chain-of-custody documents for each sample will be initiated at the time of sampling and will be maintained throughout the handling and submission of the samples to the laboratory. The ground water samples will be analyzed for the following inorganic compounds: 1. Aluminum 13. Magnesium 2. Antimony 14. Manganese 3. Arsenic 15. Mercury 4. Barium 16. Nickel 5. Beryllium 17. Potassium 6. Cadmium 18. Selenium 7. Calcium 19. Silver 8. Chromium 20. Sodium 9. Cobalt 21. Thallium WP-9 0 BRIEN S GERE • • 10. Copper 11. Iron 12. Lead 22. Vanadium 23, zinc 24. Cyanide The ground water samples will also be analyzed for the following EPA Priority Pollutants: Acid Extractables, Base/Neutral Extractables, Pesticides/PCBs, and Volatile Organic Compounds. In addition, the ground water samples will be analyzed for parameters listed in the North Carolina Administrative Code, Title 151 Subchapter 2L -"Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina", Section . 0202 -11 Water Quality Standards", paragraph (g), that are not included in any of the above lists or categories, with the exception of dioxin, gross alpha particle activity, radium-226 and radium-228. Based on previous chemical analyses of samples from lagoon surface waters, lagoon sludges, soil and ground water, there is no reason to suspect the presence of the last four parameters in the ground water. Dioxins are typically associated with the presence of PCBs, which have not been previously detected on the site. No known sources of radionuclides are, or have been, present on the site. A complete list of analytical parameters and methods is included in the Ground Water Sampling Protocol. rt should be noted that in addition to the unfiltered inorganics analyses required by the state, O'Brien & Gere will WP-10 O'BRIE:N & GERE • • submit a set of filtered samples to the laboratory for inorganics analyses. These samples will be filtered in the field using a peristaltic pump with an in-line 0.45 micron filter. This is reflected in the Ground Water Sampling Protocol. SUPPLEMENTAL TASK 4: REPORT PREPARATION Following completion of Tasks 1 through 3 and receipt of the analytical results, a report will be prepared. This report will be considered to be a supplement to the June 1990 Report of the Hydrogeologic Investigation. The supplemental report will summarize the field investigation procedures and observations and present the data collected in the form of drilling logs, tables, and figures. The data interpretation and site assessment will be discussed. The following specific information will be included: results of the fracture trace analysis, as discussed above; an evaluation of the horizontal and vertical directions of ground water flow; an updated ground water contour map will be included if appropriate; a flow net will be included if vertical flow potential exists; an evaluation of the ground water quality, in tabulated and/or graphic form where appropriate; data from the new well MW 12 will be included; WP-11 O'BRIEN & GERE • • • APPENDIX A TYPICAL MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION O'BRIEN & GERE • • APPENDIX B GROUND WATER SAMPLING PROTOCOL 0 BRIEN & GERE • 8. Pull the bailer out of the well keeping the polypropylene rope on the plastic sheet or entirely off the ground if it is too windy to place a plastic sheet. The LEXANR bailer can be used to observe the presence of any floating product layer and the physical appearance of the ground water. 9. Record the physical appearance (color, odor, turbidity, and presence of floating product) of the ground water on the Ground water Field Sampling Log. 10. If a floating product is observed, estimate its volume and note this on the Ground Water Sampling Field Log. The LEXANR bailer should be used to collect a sample of any floating product layer into 40 ml vials for product identification. After this sample is collected, or if no floating product is found, proceed to the next step. 11. Attach the polypropylene rope to a clean, stainless steel bailer, lower the bailer to the bottom of the well, and agitate the bailer up and down to resuspend any material settled in the well. 12. Initiate bailing the well from the well bottom making certain to keep the polypropylene rope on the plastic sheet. All ground water should be poured from the bailer into a graduated pail to measure the quantity of water removed from the well. 13. 14. continue bailing the well throughout the water column and from the bottom until three (3) times the volume of ground water in the well has been removed, or until the well is bailed dry. If the well is bailed dry, allow sufficient time for the well to recover before proceeding with the next step. Record this information on the Ground Water sampling Field Log. Remove the sampling bottles from their transport containers, and prepare the bottles for receiving samples. Inspect all labels to insure proper sample identification. sample bottles should be kept cool with their caps on until they are ready to receive samples . 2 u ~-~t:.ii[~i\: ,·.~ 1··~f.:H1~ 1. I • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 15. * sample bottles should be filled in order: the following Analyses volatile organics base/neutral and acid extractables pesticides/PCBs herbicides coliform organisms filtered metals unfiltered metals cyanide other North Carolina parameters* chloride, fluoride, sulfate. color, foaming Bottles three 40 ml glass one 1 liter amber glass one 1 liter amber glass one 1 liter amber glass one 125 ml sterile plastic one 500 ml plastic one 500 ml plastic one 500 ml plastic one 1/2 gallon plastic Preservatives HCL none none none HNO, HNO, NaOH none dissolved solids (total), agents, nitrate, nitrite, pH, All samples will be stored in insulated coolers at 4 degrees celsins. All samples will be analyzed within maximum holding times. 16. To minimize agitation of the water in the well, initiate sampling by lowering the stainless steel bailer slowly into the well making certain to submerge it only far enough to fill it completely. 17. If the sample cannot be filled quickly, keep them cool with the caps on until they are filled. The vials labeled "volatiles" analysis should be filled from one bailer then securely capped. The fill procedure is as follows: prior to filling, add 0.2 ml of a mixture of 1 part A. c. S. reagent grade, concentrated hydrochloric acid (approximately 3B%) to 1 part of organic-free water to each 40 ml VOA 3 • nitrate (as N) nitrite (as N) oxamyl (a pesticide) pH styrene (a VOC) sulfate 2,4,5-TP (Silvex, an herbicide) EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA trans-1,2-dichloroethene (a VOC) EPA 12 353.2 354.l 632 150.l 8240 375,3 8240 EPA 8150 • GROUND WATER SAMPLING FIELD LOG Sample Location----------------Well No. Date Time Sampled By ------------~----------- Wea th-er ------------~ Sampled with Bailer __ Pump __ _ A. WATER TABLE: we 11 depth: (below top of casing) ___ _ Well ft. (top Depth to water table: Water table (below top of casing) ___ _ ft. Length of water column (LWC) ------ Volume of water in well: ft. elevation: of casing) elevation: 2'' diameter wells = 0.163 x (LWC) = _____ gallons 4'' diameter wells = 0.653 X (LWC) = gallons 6'' diameter wells • 1.469 X (LWC) = gallons B. PHYSICAL APPEARANCE AT START: ft. ft. Color--------Odor ________ Turbidity _____ _ Was an oil film or 1 ayer apparent? ---------------- C. PREPARATION OF WELL FOR SAMPLING: Amount of water removed before sampling _________ gallons. Did well go dry? -------- D. PHYSICAL APPEARANCE DURING SAMPLING: Color ________ Odor ________ Turbidity------ Was an oil film or layer apparent? ---------------- E. CONDUCTIVITY ---------- F. pH -------------- G. TEMPERATURE H. WELL SAMPLING NOTES: ,. ( Perf or111ance of I l~_T_h_e_W_aTi_e_r_ra_H_a_n_d_P_u_m_p~j Test Conditions P~l'fonna.nce t~t• of\b.e W•TitrT• h•nd pump Wtil"t condutted in • S8tnm (1.5 lni:h) 1.D. ABS plutic pipe whlcb WM c.10Md at the bottom a.nd Ht ln • l'° mm (6 lnch) l.D .• &7 nietr-e deep 'tlr11ll. The WaTer-ra 28 mm O.D. De.lrin foot valve •nd Ocxible, hich dtn.1ity p<>ly•thelen• tublnc (~/8" O.D. x 1/2" l.D.) .... ..., u•od for lh .. e 1 .. 11. The Wa.Terra levered pump bandlt •u: mounted on a steel prot.ect.ivt cuing at• bc.ieht of •PPf'O~matel:y O.& mll!t~• •bov11 the rround- Sih'C the pµmp ia ha.nd oper•ted, h.;... poa1ible to obtain a wide rllilge of no..-r•teJ1 d11~ndin.1 on t.he energy nl>@nded. To pr-ovide rntianiniful ruu1t•, .n 1.nt1 were conduc:t.ed u•in1 a c:on:ifortable levl!:l of ttf:r-Lion. The pump w~ \eat~ at four dHTcrent pumping depth11 and with -.evera.1 difier-ent. ••W ltt"vet. at eac:h purnpln1 depth. The ._..~er leve1 in the ielo.ed pipe wu mllinta.ined during: mat.h pumpl.na: te•t by rec.irt::ulating thic dist.h'-ree. The water level nui=lu.ated within •bout. 1 inetre durl.n& nowrat.e meNurement•, whic;h W"l!re done \1111in1 a I lit.re bea.ke:i'. Tht raultt1 or the performanc.e t.e.t• IJ.f'e summ.r.riud bf!low in T11.ble I. Flow Capacity The result.• preiiented below indicate a ._,lde range ofnowra.tu from 1.8 L/min t.o 6.6 L/r:run for the 16 t.dt1 conducted. For the hi.v;hu:t lift. t)f £0 metru, a flo•r-.t.c or over 2 L/mln w:aa euily rna.intlLined. The fiowr•te inc;reues 1ianific.anUy •ith grea.tersubmergenc:e of the tubinl' (•ha.Hower water leve:l111). For u.amp1e with the foot valve •t •t inetra1 lhlfl fio"Wnt. inueu.ed from 2.4 to !.g to 8.6 L/min for ,.. .. ter )t!:Vt!llll or S7 I 20 • ..nd 2 metres. below around aurf'ate rupee- lively. There.fOl"t', t.o m~miu pumpin1 r•t.e1, the foot valvm •hould bt ln.1.tlod "' d•ep .. p<>*'ible In \he monilorlnc ••II. Pumping Stroke Rate For the 1hallower l.Mtl (leN \ban 20 metre:& lin), \l wu n~c:eaaa.ry to UN! a. hi1her stroke rate to maintain Oownktu eover 2 L/mJ.n, upeeia.lly wht:tt the watl!:t ltvel .-w within• few metres of the foot valve. The reuon for thi• ifl that the nowralt ia •function or \hie momentum sentra~ed in thl!: ~olumn of ••t.er Wide t.he tube. for sh...llow inatallm.tl.ont the c:olurnn ii 1hor\er and therefore, t.he momentum ill lower (moml!:ntum = mNA of •a.t.er ~ veloeity of ,...ter). To m:a.inta.iri hi1h QJornt:ntum and thu1 hi1h flowr•tt in shallow wel11, it if Pl!:Ctaa•ry to Jl!:nf:tll.\t higher column Vt:loc..iliell to compen11t1.tti for the lowel" rna.u. Thia i-a.chil!:ved by inereuing the •troke ra.tl!:. A hia:her 1t.rok1! rtt.tll! doe.. not. require• rrea.ter u:- penditur. of enerJY, •ince aam•ller rnua of water ia btiin1 lifted each atroke_ Standpipe Diameter and Lift Capacity The pe:tforrn-.nc:t: or the WaTtna. pump when uaed with flexible t.ubi.ne ls lf:ntrally better in 1m31.1l di-.meter ...-elll •inc.e l&teral movement.I of tbe \ubins durin1 pumpinii -.re co:utrain~ to • CT't•ter dtl"e by the nurowl!:T c...iini. In 1-..rser di-.meter well• \he practiclll tin ii lower becauae Jwaying oft.be tubin1 within the ,..ell teducn pump lll!:ffic.it.ncy. In 50 mm (2 int.h) and 100 rnm (4.inth) l.D . .-ell•, the pr-.ctic.a.1 lirta art •bout 40 m ~d :SO m re•pectiveJy. The W•Terra. Ha.nd Pump bu been u•ed •uc:t~•full)' in 162 mm (6 Inch) di11LtIH:t.ti:rwe1l1 t.o a depth of about 20 mttl"M. Fordeeper, 111.i'&I!: dia.rntter wt:1111 It iJ rec.om.mend~d th•t ri&id tubina; be 1.Ued. Table 1 DEPTll OF YOOT DEPTll TO WATER SUBMERGED STROKE RATE YLOWRATE VALVE(m.B.G.)' (m.B.G.)' LENGTH (m) (•lrok<o/min) (lilreJ/min) 56.S 50.0 6.S 90 2.2 40.0 16.S 90 2.2 30.0 26.S 90 2.4 IS.O 41.S 70 4.9 10.0 46.S 70 s.s 2.0 S4.S 80 s.s 41.0 37.0 4.0 90 2.4 20.0 21.0 90 3.9 2.0 39.0 90 6.S 20.0 19.0 1.0 120 1.8 18.0 2.0 120 2.3 IS.S 4.S 120 3.4 2.0 18.0 80 6.4 10.0 8.0 2.0 126 3.2 7.0 3.0 126 3.6 2.S 7.S 126 4.0 •m.B.G. = mttrc• be}Qw £TOUnd IUrfb(;t: • • • • • • . VlRTUALLY N() LOSS[::. 01' rLlt:..(;[."~Lt OJ.:.l.A)\lC COHPOU~lJ5 OBSERVED IN PRELlMlNl.RY TESTS CO,DUC!ED B~ TllE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO llllEN USING THE WATERllA PUMP Th~ Walerra Pump was te6ted at the Orgsnic Geochemistry l..8boretoTy of the Univer61ty of W~terloo to ev~luate tht e~tent o! lo~~es of f i~~ rurgeablc org~nic compounds r~20ultini'., froin the op~rat1on of the pump. Theis.c test£ w~rc condui::ted in e 20 Coot lon~~ 2 inch diameter PVC pip~~ filled with ~nter too depth of 10 feet~ to 6lmulate a Ghallo~ mon1toT1ng well. Control ~amrle6 were coll~cted in 18 ml. gla65 vials from the ba5e of the PVC pipe through a port located opposite the intaKc o! the W~Tcrra Purnp. Pump s~~ple5 were obt<lined by operating the pump at a rote of appro:x.1tn~tely 150rnl/m1n. to 1J1in11J1ize agitation ~nd to facilitote the filling of the glass ~ials. S~mples wcrE analys~d by g~~ chromatograrhy follo~ing solvent e~t~action. The detection limit was better than l ppb. The re6ults presented below 6how quite clearly that there were essentially no lossc6 Qf volnt1le co=pounds in th~ two tests pcrfoTmed. ORGANIC GEOCHEMISTRY LABORATORY / UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO Project: ~aTerra Pump Evaluation Vol~tile: Losses Pate Sampled;. Feb-ruary 5, 1987 Date. A.n<i.lysed: February 6, 1987 Test No. l Compounds Control Pump Sample Safllple (ppb) Chlorof onn 30 27 (CHCL3) 29 30 28 30 mean 29 29 1,1,l Tric::hloro-20 !9 Ethane 20 20 (TCE.A) 19 20 Hean 20 20 Carbon Tetrachloride (CCL4) 21 19 21 20 20 20 Hean 21 20 'J. ric::hloroet h:ine 24 2! (l'CE.A) 23 23 23 23 Mean 23 23 Perchlorocth~lene 21 !7 (PERC) 2! 19 20 19 Hean 21 18 Test No. Control Sa.mp le (ppb) 32 37 3) 34 n 24 23 23 22 25 24 24 25 29 27 n 22 25 24 24 2 Pump Sample 3) 33 33 33 n 22 22 n 23 23 22 23 26 26 26 26 22 23 22 22 Result~ from testB conducted in gas~charged ground water B~e givEn ove.rlenf • • • • • • Appendix F -iiii::::::i= ~-~ ~ OBRIEN li GERE • • Specification Section 02001 02008 02200 02240 02900 Appendix F Closure Specifications Title Soil Testing Protocol Restoration of Surfaces Earthwork Soil/Sludge Stabilization, Removal and Disposal Landscaping • • • SOIL TESTING PROTOCOL -SECTION 02001 02001-1 3883.001 PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Work Specified 1. Testing of remaining soils for contamination from Lagoon 1 and Lagoon 2. B. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1. Earthwork: Section 02200 2. Soil/Sludge Stabilization, Removal and Disposal: Section 02240 1.02 REFERENCES A. Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, USEPA SW-846. 1.03 SUBMITIALS A. The Contractor shall submit for approval by the Owner the results of all analytical testing of soils. PART 2 -EXECUTION 2.01 SAMPLING 7/90 A. Sample Collection 1. Lagoon 1 and Lagoon 2 will each be divided into four quadrants subsequent to excavation to construction required elevations. 2. Seven (7) samples shall be collected by the Engineer from each quadrant: one from the center of each quadrant, four at a distance of 10 feet from the center in each of four compass • • 02001-2 3883.001 SOIL TESTING PROTOCOL -SECTION 02001 direction, and two from the side walls, using 3/4 inch diameter Lexan tubing. 3. The samples shall be collected by driving the Lexan tube to a depth of 3 inches _±0.5 inches and withdrawing the tubing. 4. One (1) composite sample will be prepared for each quadrant from the five (5) subsamples on the bottom excavation, and one (1) composite sample will be prepared from the two (2) side wall samples. The composite samples will be stored in a glass container which will be labeled as to sample location, date and sampler. B. Sample Testing 7/90 1. The twelve composite samples will be submitted to a laboratory by the Engineer for analyses. The analytical program will include the following substances: EPA Method No. Benzene 8240, 624 Bis (2-ethyl hexyl) phthalate 8270 Chloroform 8240, 624 Cresols 8270 1, 1 Dichloroethene 8240, 624 Dichloromethane 8240, 6240 Di-n-butyl phthalate 8270 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 8240, 624 Perchlorethylene 8240, 624 Phenol 8270 • 7/90 02001-3 3883.001 SOIL TESTING PROTOCOL -SECTION 02001 EPA Method No. Pentachlorophenol 8270 Toluene 8240, 624 Trichloroethane 8240, 624 Trichloroethylene 8240, 624 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 8270 END OF SECTION • • 02008-1 3883.001 RESTORATION OF SURFACES -SECTION 02008 PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Work Specified 1. All types of surfaces, pavements, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, culverts, monitoring wells and other features disturbed, damaged or destroyed during the performance of the work under or as a result of the operations of the Contract, shall be restored and maintained, as specified herein or as modified or described in the Contract Documents. 2. The quality of materials and the performance of work used in the restoration shall produce a surface of feature equal to the condition of each before the work began. B. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1. Earthwork: Section 02001 2. Landscaping: Section 02900 1.02 SCHEDULE OF RESTORATION 7/90 A. A schedule of restoration operations shall be submitted by the Contractor for review. B. In general, permanent restoration of surfaces will not be permitted until one month's time has elapsed after excavations have been completely backfilled as specified, unless otherwise specified by Owner. A greater length of time, but not more than nine months may be allowed to elapse before permanent restoration of street surfaces is undertaken, if additional time is required for shrinkage and settlement of the backfill. C. The replacement of surfaces at anytime, as scheduled or as directed, shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility to repair damages by settlement or other failures . • • 02008-2 3883.001 RESTORATION OF SURFACES -SECTION 02008 PART 2 -EXECUTION 2.01 TEMPORARY PAVEMENT A. Immediately upon completion of refilling of the trench or excavation, the Contractor shall place a temporary pavement over all disturbed areas of streets, driveways, sidewalks, and other travelled places where the original surface has been disturbed as a result of his operations. B. Unless otherwise specified or directed, the temporary pavement shall consist of Cold Mix Bituminous Pavement, in conformance with State Standards to such a depth as required to withstand the traffic to which it will be subjected. C. For dust prevention, the Contractor shall treat all surfaces, not covered with cold patch, as frequently as may be required. D. The temporary pavement shall be maintained by the Contractor in a safe and satisfactory condition until such time as the permanent paving is completed. The Contractor shall immediately remove and restore all pavements as they become unsatisfactory. 2.02 PERMANENT PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT A. The permanent and final repaving of all streets, driveways and similar surfaces where pavement has been removed, disturbed, settled or damaged by or as a result of performance of the Contract shall be repaired and replaced by the Contractor, by a new and similar pavement. 1. The top surface shall conform with the grade of existing adjacent pavement and the entire replacement shall meet the State DOT Standard Specifications for the particular types of pavement. 2.03 PREPARATION FOR PERMANENT PAVEMENT A. 7/90 When scheduled and within the time specified, the temporary pavement shall be removed and a base prepared, at the depth required by the North Carolina DOT, to receive the permanent pavement. • • • RESTORATION OF SURFACES -SECTION 02008 02008-3 3883.001 1. The base shall be brought to the required grade and cross- section and thoroughly compacted before placing the permanent pavement. 2. Any base material which has become unstable for any reason shall be removed and replaced with compacted base materials. B. Prior to placing the permanent pavement all service boxes, manhole frames and covers and similar structures within the area shall be adjusted to the established grade and cross-section. C. The edges of existing asphalt pavement shall be cut a minimum of one foot beyond the excavation or disturbed base whichever is greater. 2.04 ASPHALT PAVEMENT A. The permanent asphalt pavement replacement for streets, driveways and parking area surfaces shall be replaced with bituminous materials of the same depth and kind as the existing unless otherwise specified. B. Prior to placing of any bituminous pavement a sealer shall be applied to the edges of the existing pavement and other features. C. The furnishing, handling and compaction of all bituminous materials shall be in accordance with the State Department of Transportation Standards. 2.05 CONCRETE PAVEMENT AND PAVEMENT BASE 7/90 A. Concrete pavements and concrete bases for asphalt, brick or other pavement surfaces shall be replaced with 4000 psi minimum 28 day strength concrete, air-entrained. B. Paving slabs or concrete bases shall be constructed to extend one foot beyond each side of the trench and be supported on undisturbed soil. Where such extension of the pavement will leave less than two feet of original edge of the pavement or base unless otherwise indicated on the Contract Drawings . • 02008-4 3883.001 C. D. RESTORATION OF SURFACES -SECTION 02008 Where the edge of the pavement slab or concrete base slab falls within the excavation, the excavation shall be backfilled with Select Fill Type F compacted to 95% maximum dry density as determined by ASTM 0698 up to the base of the concrete. The new concrete shall be of the same thickness as the slab being replaced and shall contain reinforcement equal to the old pavement. 1. New concrete shall be placed and cured in accordance with the applicable provisions of the State Department of Transportation Standards. 2.06 STONE OR GRAVEL PAVEMENT A. All pavement and other areas surfaced with stone or gravel shall be replaced with material to match the existing surface unless otherwise specified. 1. 2. The depth of the stone or gravel shall be at least equal to the existing. After compaction the surface shall conform to the slope and grade of the area being replaced. 2.07 CONCRETE WALKS, CURBS AND GUTIER REPLACEMENT 7/90 A. Concrete walks, curbs and gutters removed or damaged in connection with or as a result of the construction operations shall be replaced with new construction. 1. The minimum replacement will be a flag or block of sidewalk and five feet of curb or gutter. B. Walks shall be constructed of 4000 psi minimum 28 day strength concrete, air-entrained with an approved stone aggregate on a 4-inch base of compacted gravel or stone. 1. The walk shall not be less than 4 inches in thickness or the thickness of the replaced walk where greater than 4 inches, shall have construction joints spaced not more than 25 feet apart and shall be sloped at right angles to the longitudinal centerline approximately 1 /8 inch per foot of width. • • c. RESTORATION OF SURFACES -SECTION 02008 02008-5 3883.001 One-half inch expansion joint material shall be placed around all objects within the sidewalk area as well as objects to which the new concrete will abut, such as valve boxes, manhole frames, curbs, buildings and others. D. Walks shall be hand-floated and broom-finished, edged and grooved at construction joints and at intermediate intervals matching those intervals of the walk being replaced. 1. The intermediate grooves shall be scored a minimum of 1/4 of the depth of the walk. 2. The lengths of blocks formed by the grooving tool, and distances between construction and expansion joints shall be uniform throughout the length of the walk in any one location. E. The minimum length of curb or gutter to be left in place or replaced shall be 5 feet. Where a full section is not being replaced, the existing curb or gutter shall be saw cut to provide a true edge. 1. The restored curb or gutter shall be the same shape, thickness and finish as being replaced and shall be built of the same concrete and have construction and expansion joints as stated above for sidewalks. F. All concrete shall be placed and cured as specified in the section for concrete. 2.08 LAWNS AND IMPROVED AREAS 7/90 A. The area to receive topsoil shall be graded to a depth of not less than 4 or as specified, below the proposed finished surface. 1. If the depth of existing topsoil prior to construction was greater than 4 inches, topsoil shall be replaced to that depth. B. Topsoil, seeding and mulch shall be provided to obtain a lawn equivalent to that of surrounding areas. C. When required to obtain germination, the seeding areas shall be watered in such a manner as to prevent washing out of the seed . • 02008-6 3883.001 D. E. RESTORATION OF SURFACES -SECTION 02008 Any washout or damage which occurs shall be regraded and reseeded until a good sod is established. The Contractor shall maintain the newly seeded areas, including regrading, reseeding, watering and mowing, in good condition. 2.10 OTHER TYPES OF RESTORATION A. Trees, shrubs and landscape items damaged or destroyed as a result of construction operations shall be replaced in like species and size. 1 . All planting and care thereof shall meet the standards of the American Association of Nurserymen. B. Water courses shall be reshaped to the original grade and cross- section and all debris removed. Where required to prevent erosion, the bottom and sides of the water course shall be protected. C. Culverts destroyed or removed as a result of the construction operations shall be replaced in like size and material and shall be replaced at the original location and grade. When there is minor damage to a culvert and with the consent of the Engineer, a repair may be undertaken, if satisfactory results can be obtained. D. Should brick pavements be encountered in the work, the restoration shall be as directed. 2.11 MAINTENANCE 7/90 A. The finished products of restoration shall be maintained in an acceptable condition for and during a period of one year following the date of Substantial Completion or other such date as set forth elsewhere in the Contract Documents. -END OF SECTION - • • 7/90 EARTHWORK -SECTION 02200 02200-1 3883.001 PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Work Specified B . 1. Excavation and backfilling including the loosening, removing, refilling, transporting, storage, and disposal of all materials classified as "earth" necessary to be removed for the construction and completion of all work under the Contract. 2. Excavation to the widths and depths shown on the Contract Drawings, specified or directed. 3. Excavations are to be scheduled and performed in order that the accumulation of surface and subsurface water is minimized. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1. Landscaping: Section 02221 2. Select Fill 3. Structural Excavation, Backfill and Compaction. 4. Soil/Sludge Stabilization, Removal, and Disposal: Section 022240 C. Definitions 1. Excavation (or Trenching) Grubbing, stripping, removing, storing and rehandling of all materials of every name and nature necessary to be removed for all purposes incidental to the construction and completion of all the work under Construction; All sheeting, sheetpiling, bracing and shoring, and the placing, driving, cutting off and removal of the same; • • • 02200·2 3883.001 7/90 2. 3. EARTHWORK • SECTION 02200 Earth The maintenance, accommodation and protection of travel; The supporting and protection of all tracks, rails, buildings, curbs, sidewalks, pavements, overhead wires, poles, trees, vines, shrubbery, pipes, sewers, conduits or other structures or property in the vicinity of the work, whether over or underground or which appear within or adjacent to the excavations, and the restoration of the same in case of settlement or other injury; All temporary bridging and fencing and the removing of the same. All materials such as sand, gravel, clay, loam, ashes, cinders, pavements, muck, and roots or pieces of timber, soft or disintegrated rock, not requiring blasting, barring, or wedging from their original beds, and specifically excluding all ledge or bedrock and individual boulders or masonry larger than one·half cubic yard in volume. Backfill The refilling of excavation and trenches to the line of filling indicated on the Contract Drawings or as directed using materials suitable for refilling of excavations and trenches; and the compacting of all materials used in filling or refilling by rolling, ramming, watering, puddling, etc., as may be required. 4. Spoil Surplus excavated materials not required or suitable for backfills or embankments . • 7/90 02200-3 3883.001 EARTHWORK -SECTION 02200 5. General Fill General fill shall be approved excavated earth, free from frost, boulders, rubbish, stumps, trees, roots, wood, sod or other undesirable materials. Fill will be furnished from off-site sources. General fill shall be classified as GW, GP, GM. GC, SW, SP, SM, SC, ML, or CL in accordance with ASTM D 2487. Also liquid limit and plasticity index of the soil shall not exceed 40 and 15 respectively. The maximum dry density determined per ASTM D 1557 shall be no less than 105 psi. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The owner will engage a soil testing and inspection service for quality control testing during earthwork operations. 1.03 SUBMITIALS A. Reports of all field and laboratory tests. B. Copies of all necessary permits and certifications of waste haulers and disposal facilities. C. Properly executed manifests (as required) and written certification of proper transport and final disposal. 1.04 REFERENCES A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 1.05 JOB CONDITIONS A. Existing Utilities: Location of existing underground and overhead utilities in areas of work shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. If utilities are to remain in place, Contractor shall provide adequate means of support and protection during earthwork operations. ---------- • • 02200-4 3883.001 7/90 EARTHWORK -SECTION 02200 B. Protection of Persons and Property: Contractor shall barricade open excavations occurring as part of this work. C. Contractor shall protect structures, rail lines, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, undermining, washout and other hazards caused by earthwork operations. D. Work shall be organized so as to minimize disruption to ongoing activities at the facility, i.e. truck washing operations, etc .. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 DESCRIPTION A. Wood Sheeting and Bracing 1. Shall be sound and straight; free from cracks, shakes and large or loose knots, and shall have dressed edges where directed. 2. Shall conform to National Design Specifications for Stress Grade Lumber having a minimum fiber stress of 1200 pounds per square inch. B. Steel Sheeting and Bracing 1. Shall be sound 2. Shall conform to ASTM A328 with a minimum thickness of 3/8 inch. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 UNAUTHORIZED EXCAVATION A. Limits of Excavation 1. Excavations shall be made to the elevations of subgrade specified . • 7/90 EARTHWORK -SECTION 02200 02200-5 3883.001 2. Whenever excavations are carried beyond or below the lines and grades shown on the Contract Drawings, or as given or directed by the Engineer, all such excavated space shall be refilled with select fill material as directed by the Engineer. All refilling of unauthorized excavations shall be at the Contractor's expense. 3 All material which slides, falls or caves into the established limits of excavations due to any cause whatsoever, shall be removed and disposed of at the Contractor's expense and no extra compensation will be paid the Contractor for any materials ordered for refilling the void areas left by the slide, fall or cave-in. 4. In no case will undercutting excavation faces be permitted. B. Dust Control 1. The contractor shall provide control of dust and m1nim1ze exposure to airborne dust generated at all times in all areas being excavated, graded or otherwise disturbed as well as all access roads traveled by equipment. As necessary or as directed by the Engineer a water spray will be applied directly over the area of activity or some equivalent, approved means shall be used to control dust. The use of calcium chloride or oils to control dust on suriaces is prohibited. 3.02 REMOVAL OF WATER A. General 1. The Contractor shall at all times during construction, provide and maintain proper and satisfactory means and devices for the removal of all water entering the excavations, and shall remove all such water as fast as it may collect, in such manner as shall not interiere with the execution of the work. 2. Unless otherwise specified, all excavations which extend down to or below the static ground water elevations shall be dewatered by lowering and maintaining the ground water • 02200-6 3883.001 7/90 EARTHWORK -SECTION 02200 beneath such excavations at all times when work thereon is in progress during subgrade preparation and the placing of the structure or pipe thereon. 3. Where the presence of fine grained subsurface materials and a high ground water table may cause the upward flow of water into the excavation with a resulting quick or unstable condition, the Contractor shall install and operate a wellpoint system to prevent the upward flow of water during construction. 4. Water pumped or drained from excavations, or any sewers, drains or water courses encountered in the work, shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner without injury to adjacent property, the work under construction, or to pavements, roads, drives, and water courses. 5. Any damage caused by or resulting from dewatering operations shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. B. Work Included 1. Excavation of lagoon sludges. 2. Furnishing and operation of pumps, wellpoints, and appurtenances needed to maintain thorough drainage of the work in a satisfactory manner. C. Wellpoint Systems 1. Installation a. The wellpoint system shall be designed and installed by or under the supervision of an organization whose principal business is wellpointing and which has at least five consecutive years of similar experience and can furnish a representative list of satisfactory similar operations . • 7/90 02200-7 3883.001 EARTHWORK -SECTION 02200 b. Wellpoint headers, points and other pertinent equipment shall not be placed within the limits of the excavation in such a manner or location as to interfere with the laying of pipe or trenching operations or with the excavation and construction of other structures. c. Detached observation wells of similar construction the wellpoints shall be installed at intervals of not less than 50 feet along the opposite side of the excavation from the header pipe and line of wellpoints, to a depth of at least five feet below the proposed excavation. In addition, one wellpoint in every 50 feet shall be fitted with a tee, plug and valve so that the wellpoint can be converted for use as an observation well. Observation wells shall be not less than 1-1/2" in diameter. d. Standby gasoline or diesel powered equipment shall be provided so that in the event of failure of the operating equipment, the standby equipment can be readily connected to the system. The standby equipment shall be maintained in good order and actuated regularly not less than twice a week. 2. Operation a. Where wellpoints are used, the ground water shall be lowered and maintained continuously (day and night) at a level not less than two feet below the bottom of the excavation. Excavation will not be permitted at a level lower than two feet above the water level as indicated by the observation wells. b. The effluent pumped from the wellpoints shall be examined periodically by qualified personnel to determine if the system is operating satisfactorily without the removal of fines. c. The water level shall not be permitted to rise until construction in the immediate area is completed and the excavation backfilled. • 02200-8 3883.001 EARTHWORK -SECTION 02200 3.03 SHEETING AND BRACING 7/90 A. Installation 1. The contractor shall furnish, place and maintain such sheeting bracing, and shoring as may be required to support the sides and ends of excavations in such manner as to prevent any movement which could, in any way, injure the pipe, effect the limits of the site, or other work, diminish the width necessary for construction, or otherwise damage or delay the work of the Contract. 2. In no case will bracing be permitted against pipes or other structures in trenches or other excavations. 3. Sheeting shall be driven as the excavation progresses, and in such a manner as to maintain pressure against the original ground at all times. The sheeting shall be driven vertically with the edges tight together, and all bracing shall be of such design and strength as to maintain the sheeting in its proper position 4. The contractor shall be solely responsible for the adequacy of all sheeting and bracing. 8. Removal 1. In general all sheeting, bracing, whether of steel, wood or other material, used to support, the sides of trenches or other open excavations, shall be withdrawn s the trenches or other open excavations are being refilled. 2. After final use, all sheeting shall be cleaned and decontaminated and removed from the site. 3. If sheeting is ordered to be left in place, it shall be cut off or driven down as directed so that no portion shall remain within 1 inches of the finished ground surface. 1 • 7/90 EARTHWORK -SECTION 02200 3.04 BACKFILLING A. General 02200-9 3883.001 1. All excavations shall be backfilled to the original surface of the ground or to such other grades as may be shown, specified or directed. 2. Backfilling shall be done with general fill which can be satisfactorily compacted during refilling of the excavation. In the event the excavated materials are not suitable, Special Backfill as specified or ordered by the Engineer shall be used for backfilling. Unsuitable, uncontaminated excavated materials are to be removed from the job site by the contractor at his expense. Suitable, uncontaminated materials shall be stockpiled separately from contaminated materials and used for general backfilling. 3. Any settlement occurring in the backfilled excavations shall be refilled and compacted. B. Unsuitable Materials 1 . Stones, pieces of rock or pieces of pavement greater than 4 inches in any single dimension shall not be used in any portion of the backfill. 2. All stones, pieces of rock or pavement shall be distributed through the backfill and alternated with earth backfill in such a manner that all interstices between them shall be filled with earth. 3. Frozen earth shall not be used for backfilling. C. Compaction 1. The compaction shall be as sp~cified for the type of earthwork, i.e., structural, trenching or embankment. • 02200-10 3883.001 EARTHWORK -SECTION 02200 a. Compaction specified shall be 90 percent of maximum dry density. b. The compaction equipment shall be suitable for the material encountered. 2. Where required, to assure adequate compaction, in-place density testing shall be made by an approved testing laboratory. a. The moisture-density relationship of the backfill material shall be determined by ASTM 0698, Method O. 1. Compaction curves for the full range of materials used shall be developed. b. In-place density shall be determined by the methods of ASTM 1556 or ASTM 02922 and shall be expressed as a percentage of maximum dry density. 3. Where required, to obtain the optimum moisture content, the Contractor shall add, at his own expense, sufficient water during compaction to assure the specified maximum density of the backfill. If, due to rain or other causes, the material exceeds the optimum moisture content, it shall be allowed to dry before resuming compaction or filling efforts. 4. The Contractor shall be responsible for all damage or injury done to pipes, structures, property or persons due to improper placing or compacting of backfill. 3.05 STORAGE OF MATERIALS 7/90 A. Excavated Materials 1 . All on-site excavated materials shall be stored at on-site locations so as not to endanger the work, and so that easy access may be had at all times to all parts of the excavation • 7/90 EARTHWORK -SECTION 02200 02200-11 3883.001 and so as not to interfere with the owner's operation. All suitable noncontaminated material shall be stored on-site and used for general backfill. 2. Temporary Staging in the form of placing material on visqueen, covering with visqueen, and providing sufficient ballast to maintain the cover Q.e. placing of planks or rubber tires on top of the cover) and prohibit migration of dust and materials from the containment area will be allowed for both contaminated and non-contaminated materials. Materials cannot be temporarily staged for more than 48 hours; that is the duration of time between excavations and loading of any contaminated materials cannot exceed 48 hours. 3. All potentially contaminated soil shall be stored separately from non-contaminated soil. For this contract contaminated soil is defined as soil that does not meet the criteria listed in Table 10 of the document entitled "Closure/Post Closure Plan for Central Transport, Inc., Charlotte, North Carolina". 3.06 DISPOSAL OF MATERIALS A. Disposal 1. All suitable non-contaminated material shall be used for on- site backfilling. 2. All other material will be disposed of as specified in Section 02240. 3.07 OTHER REQUIREMENTS A. Drainage 1. All material deposited in roadway ditches or other water courses shall be removed immediately after backfilling is completed and the section grades and contours of such ditches or water courses restored to their original condition, in order that surface drainage will be obstructed no longer than necessary . • • 02200-12 3883.001 7/90 EARTHWORK -SECTION 02200 B. Unfinished Work 1. When, for any reason, the work is left unfinished, all trenches and excavations shall be filled and all roadways, sidewalks and watercourses left unobstructed with their surfaces in a safe and satisfactory condition. The surface of all roadways and sidewalks shall have a temporary pavement. C. Hauling Material on Streets D. 1. When it is necessary to haul material over the streets or pavements, the Contractor shall provide suitable tight vehicles so as to prevent deposits on the streets or pavements. In all cases where any materials are dropped from the vehicles, the Contractor shall clean up the same as often as required to keep the crosswalks, streets and pavements clean and free from dirt, mud, stone and other hauled material. Hauling Material Offsite 1. Prior to leaving the site, all equipment which has been in contact with the excavated soils shall be decontaminated to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Decontamination of equipment shall be in accordance with Specification Section 2. Equipment Decontamination Procedures. Decontamination of equipment shall take place on-site on a decontamination area constructed, operated, and maintained by the Contractor. The decontamination area shall consist of an impermeable are (sloped to a sump area) with appropriate height curbing and in accordance with the aforementioned Specified Section . The contractor shall be responsible for the complete operation of the decontamination area and shall treat all wash water collected in accordance with all Federal, State, and Local regulations. All excavated material destined for offsite disposal at a chemical waste disposal facility will be transported in suitable containers in accordance with 40 CFR Part 761. Bulk trailers shall be watertight. • • 7/90 02200-13 3883.001 EARTHWORK -SECTION 02200 3. The Contractor is responsible for obtaining all state, county, and town permits, or variations to allow transport of any and all materials or equipment on public roadways. D. Safety Equipment 1. The Contractor shall provide all necessary safety equipment to his employees, the Engineer and his representatives, and the Owner's representatives. The following minimum safety equipment will be used at all times by all personnel located within the limits of the site where contact with contaminated material may result. Hard hats and steel reinforced protection boots. Safety glasses or goggles complying with OSHA Standard ANSI 287.1-1968. Disposal rubber boots or overshoes. Nonporous disposable coverall. Full face respirator with high-efficiency dust/mist/ particulate organic vapor combination cartridges. All disposal safety equipment shall be stored at and disposed of at locations approved by the Engineer. The use and care of Safety Equipment shall be in accordance with the approved Health and Safety Plan. 2. The Contractor shall comply with all of the provisions covering workers involved in hazardous waste operations as set forth in 29 CFR 1910.120. 3. The Contractor shall comply with all safety standards required by the Owner. E. Dust Control 1. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to control the dust created by any and all of his operations to such a degree that it will not endanger the safety and welfare of the general public . i. • 02200-14 3883.001 7/90 EARTHWORK -SECTION 02200 F. Test Pits 1. For the purpose of obtaining detail locations of underground obstructions, the Contractor shall make excavations in advance of the work. Payment for the excavations ordered by the Engineer will be made under an appropriate item of the Contract. G. Stability of Excavations 1. 2. The Contractor shall shore and brace excavations as required to prevent cave-ins, and to protect adjacent structures, facilities and utilities. The Contractor shall remove shoring when no longer required, unless otherwise directed or approved by the Engineer. -END OF SECTION - • • 02240-1 3883.001 SOIL/SLUDGE STABILIZATION, REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL-SECTION 02240 PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Work Included 1. Work to be performed under this section shall consist of all labor materials, supplies and equipment necessary for the excavation, transfer, stabilization, stockpiling and disposal of sludges and contaminated soils from the existing surface impoundments (Lagoon 1 and Lagoon 2). Excavation of sludges shall be to the grades specified or shown, or as directed by the Owner. B. Related Work 1. Earthwork: Section 02200 2. Soil Testing Protocol: Section 02001 3. Landscaping: Section 02900 1.02 REFERENCES A. American Standards for Testing and Materials (ASTM) B. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE 7/90 A. All field and laboratory testing to demonstrate compliance with this section shall be performed by the Contractor. B. Test methods shall be as follows, or alternate methods as approved by the Owner. 1. Unconfined compressive strength -laboratory testing per ASTM D 2166 of representative samples for the full-scale stabilization process . • 02240-2 3883.001 SOIL/SLUDGE STABILIZATION. REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL-SECTION 02240 2. Volume change -field testing of samples stabilized in the same manner and with the same formulation as used in the full-scale stabilization process. 3. Consistency -laboratory testing per USEPA Method 9095- SW846 (Paint Filter Test) of representative samples for the full- scale stabilization process. 4. Leachability -laboratory testing per USEPA Method 1311 (Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure) of representative samples for the full-scale stabilization process. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Proposed stabilization techniques, including excavation and mixing techniques. B. Laboratory Analytical Data c. Results from field analyses. D. Layout drawing showing location for mixing area, storage area, loading/scales area, "cleanzone", etc. E. Documentation providing evidence of compliance with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 training requirements. PART 2 PRODUCT 2.01 GENERAL 7/90 A. The product of the sludge stabilization shall be a stabilized material which meets the performance criteria specified herein. B. Volume Change -The stabilization process shall result in a maximum volume change of + 20 percent. • 02240-3 3883.001 SOIL/SLUDGE STABILIZATION. REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL-SECTION 02240 C. Consistency -The stabilized material shall, prior to shipment to the landfill, be absent of free liquids. D. Leachability -The stabilized sludge will meet the maximum concentration levels listed in Table 1 of 40 CFR 261.24 (TCLP test). E. Unconfined Compressive Strength -the stabilized material shall, after a maximum curing time of seven days, possess a minimum unconfined compressive strength of 15 psi. 2.02 STABILIZATION PILOT TEST 7/90 A Prior to the initiation of sludge stabilization work, a stabilization pilot test will be performed to establish a proposed stabilization methodology, and to demonstrate the proposed methodology will produce a stabilized material which meets the specified performance criteria. B. The stabilization pilot test shall be performed on a minimum 200 gram sample of existing sludge. The sludge shall be a composite sample from different sections of the lagoon. Prior to conducting the test, the following characteristics of the sludge shall be determined: 1. Density @ 20°C (g/cc) 2. Total suspended solids (mg/I) 3. Volatile suspended solids (mg/I) 4. Total percent solids (% by weight) 5. Leachability (TCLP) C. During the mixing process the temperature of the sludge will be monitored and significant releases of heat will be noted. D. The results of the stabilization pilot test shall include the results of all the tests listed in section 1.03, along with the recommended admixture, mixing time, and curing time. • 02240-5 3883.001 SOIL/SLUDGE STABILIZATION. REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL-SECTION 02240 3.03 BACKFILL AND COVER A. Upon receipt of cleanup verification sampling results showing the lagoon to be clean, the lagoon shall be backfilled to the grades shown on the Contract Drawings. B. Backfill shall be completed in accordance with the Section entitled "Earthwork". C. Surface restoration shall be completed in accordance with the section entitled "Landscaping". D. No runoff or drainage from contaminated areas, stockpile areas, haul roads, or other areas in contact with contaminated materials shall be allowed to enter the backfilled lagoon area. 3.04 TESTING 7/90 A. Testing from the full-scale stabilization process shall be conducted to demonstrate compliance with this section. B. Frequency of testing shall be a minimum of one sample per 2,000 cubic yards of material stabilized. END OF SECTION • LANDSCAPING -SECTION 02900 02900-1 4144.001 PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Work Included 1. Work to be performed under this section shall consist of all labor, materials, equipment and supplies necessary to furnish and install the alluvial sand, topsoil, fertilizer, seed, and mulch; the preparation of the subgrade and the placing of the topsoil, fertilizer, seed and mulch. 2. The maintenance required until acceptance. B. Related Work 1. Earthwork: Section 02220 1.02 REFERENCES A. American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) 1.03 SUBMITTALS 7/90 A. The Contractor shall submit for approval by the Owner a written statement giving location of properties from which topsoil is to be obtained, names and addresses of owners, depth to be stripped and the crops grown during the past two years. B. The Contractor shall submit seed vendor's certified statement for the grass seed mixture required, stating common name, percentage by weight, and percentages of purity, and germination. C. The Contractor shall submit for approval by the Owner all data concerning hydroseeding equipment (if used) including all material application rates. D. Topsoil test results, as specified . • 02900-2 4144.001 LANDSCAPING -SECTION 02900 PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 TOPSOIL 7/90 A. The topsoil shall be natural, fertile, friable granular soil characteristic of productive soils in the vicinity. No admixtures of subsoil will be allowed. Topsoil must be uniform in composition and texture, clean, and free from clay lumps, stones, weeds, stumps, roots, toxic substances, and debris or similar substances 2 inches or more in greatest dimension. B. Topsoil shall meet the following requirements: 1. The pH of the material shall be between 5.5 and 7.6 2. The organic content shall be not less than 2% nor more than 20% . 3. Gradation: Sieve Size 2 inch 1 inch 1/4 inch No. 200 mesh Percent Passing by Weight 100 85 to 100 65 to 90 20 to 80 4. The plasticity index (Pl) of the portion passing the number 40 sieve shall be less than 4 as determined by ASTM 0423 and 0424. C. A minimum of three representative samples shall be tested for acidity, fertility, liquid limit (ASTM 0423), plastic limit (ASTM 0924) and gradation by an approved testing agency at Contractor's expense. The results shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. LANDSCAPING -SECTION 02900 02900-3 4144.001 2.02 GRASS SEED A. Grass seed mixture shall be fresh, clean, of current season's crop and shall be delivered in unopened containers bearing the guaranteed analysis of the mix. B. Seed Mixtures: Common Name Timothy Clover Perennial Ryegrass Annual Ryegrass By Weight % Purity 30 90 20 90 40 90 10 90 % Germination 90 90 90 90 2.03 FERTILIZER A. Fertilizer shall be of commercial stock, of neutral character, with elements derived from organic sources. It shall be a complete, prepared and packaged material and shall contain a minimum of 10% nitrogen, 10% phosphoric acid and 10% potash. Each bag of fertilizer shall bear the manufacturer's guaranteed statement of analysis. 2.04 MULCH A. Mulch shall be stalks of oats, wheat, rye or other approved crops free from noxious weeds, mold, or objectionable material, and shall be in an air dry condition when placed. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION LOCATIONS FOR LANDSCAPE MATERIALS 7/90 A. The areal extent of the completed clay cap shall be covered by a minimum of 6 inches of topsoil meeting the requirements of this • 02900-4 4144.001 LANDSCAPING -SECTION 02900 Section. It shall then be seeded, mulched and fertilized in accordance with this Section. B. All surfaces excluding the clay cap as described above which have been constructed during the course of the contract or that have been disturbed or damaged during completion of the work shall receive a minimum of 6 inches of topsoil; all surfaces shall then be seeded, mulched, and fertilized in accordance with this Section. 3.02 APPLICATION PROCEDURES 7/90 A. Finished grade shall conform to the lines and grades shown on the Contract Drawings. Any irregularities shall be corrected before the placement of grass seed, fertilizer and mulch. B. The Contractor shall proceed with the complete landscape work as rapidly as portions of the Contract Work Area become available, working within seasonal limitations for each kind of work required. C. The fertilizer shall be applied uniformly with a mechanical spreader at the rate of 20 pounds per 1000 square feet. Following the application of the fertilizer and prior to application of the seed, the surface shall be scarified to a depth of 2 inches with a disk or other suitable method. D. The seed mixture shall be applied uniformly upon the prepared surface with a mechanical spreader at a rate of not less than six pounds per 1000 square feet. One half of the seed shall be sown in one direction, and the remainder at right angles to the first sowing. The seed shall be raked lightly into the surface and firmed with a roller having a weight not exceeding 90 pounds per foot of roller length. Seeding shall be suspended when wind velocities exceed 5 miles per hour or as directed by the Owner. Seeding shall not be done when the ground is frozen, snow-covered, or in an unsatisfactory condition for planting. E. Seeded areas shall then be protected from erosion by application of a uniform continuous 2" thick blanket of mulch. Excessive amounts • LANDSCAPING -SECTION 02900 02900-5 4144.001 or bunching of mulch will not be permitted. Mulch shall be left in place and allowed to disintegrate and shall be anchored as required by a method approved by the Owner. Any anchorage or mulch that has not disintegrated at time of first mowing shall be removed. F. Following application of the mulch, the seed bed shall be moistened. A muddy soil condition will not be acceptable. G. Seeded areas shall be watered as often as required to obtain germination and to obtain and maintain a satisfactory growth. Watering shall be done in such a manner as to prevent washing out of seed and damaging of cap. H. A stand of grass shall be defined as not less than 100 grass plants per square foot. The stand of grass resulting from the seeding shall not be considered satisfactory until accepted by the Owner. In areas greater than one (1) square foot which do not have an acceptable stand of grass, the remaining mulch will be removed and the area shall be reseeded, refertilized and remulched as per the above application procedures at the Contractor's expense. I. Hydroseeding may be accepted as a method of applying fertilizer, seed and mulch. The Contractor must submit all data regarding materials and application rates to the Owner for approval if hydroseeding is proposed by the Contractor. 3.03 MAINTENANCE OF GRASS AREAS 7/90 A. Maintenance Period 1. Maintenance period shall commence immediately after the placement of landscape materials. 2. Maintenance shall be continued for the period required to establish an acceptable growth, but for not less than 60 days after the date of substantial completion. 3. If seeding is not completed before -~~~~~--_,...... maintenance shall be continued through the following spring 02900-6 4144.001 LANDSCAPING -SECTION 02900 season until an acceptable growth is established. Winter maintenance shall include protection of the completed Work, and immediate repair of all damage. B. Maintenance shall include the following items: 7/90 1. Erosion channels, gullies or other damage to all graded or covered surfaces will be stabilized by fill, and revegetated as specified herein. 2. Areas within covered or graded surfaces which experience subsistence or settling shall be filled, and revegetated as specified herein. 3. Seeded areas shall be mowed and raked, weeded, watered, fertilized, overseeded, remulched or otherwise maintained to establish an acceptable growth. 4. Seeded areas shall be mowed to a height of 2 inches whenever the average height of the grass reaches 3 inches. -END OF SECTION - • I. AppendixG ~ ii!!!!!!! ... =, UBAIEN Ei GERE • Appendix G Semi-Annual Inspection Log • • Appendix H ~ ~ll!~ aBAIEN Ei GEAE Appendix H Financial Assurance Mechanism • • • APPENDIX B FINANCIAL ASSURANCE MECHANISM A letter of credit will be issued by the North Carolina National Bank to central Transport, Inc. for $2.5 million to cover both closure and post closure costs. Both the letter of credit and the standby trust agreement are being processed and will be finalized imminently. Copies of these documents will be included in the final closure plan submission .