HomeMy WebLinkAbout3901_GranvilleOxford_Notification_DIN27891_20160321 2211 W. Meadowview Rd., #101
Greensboro, NC 27409
tel: 336/323-0092
fax: 336/323-0093
March 21, 2016
Ms. Jackie Drummond
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Division of Waste Management, Solid Waste Section
1646 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646
Via email: Jaclynne.Drummond@ncmail.net
RE: Notification of Detections above NC 2L or SWS GWPS Standards
First Semiannual Sampling Event of 2016
Granville County – Oxford Unit 1 Landfill, Permit No. 3901-CDLF-1997
JOYCE Project No. 00660.1601.12, Task 05
Dear Ms. Drummond:
On behalf of Granville County, Joyce Engineering is submitting this notification of exceedances of
15A-NCAC-2L (NC-2L) groundwater standards at the Granville County – Oxford Unit 1 Landfill, Permit
No. 3901-CDLF-1997, in accordance with Title 15A, Chapter 13, Subchapter 13B, Section .1634 (g) of
the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Regulations. The first semiannual sampling event of 2016 at
the Oxford Unit 1 Landfill took place on February 17-18, 2016.
Iron and manganese concentrations in several monitoring wells were reported above the NC 2L
Standards. An alternate source demonstration for iron and manganese for the site was approved by the
SWS in a letter dated June 9, 2011.
Vinyl chloride in MW-5R was reported above the NC 2L Standard at 5.4 µg/L. In response to the
historical exceedances, Granville County has implemented an approved Corrective Action Plan (CAP), as
required by the NC DENR. The results are consistent with historical data.
A complete report documenting the activities and results of the first semiannual compliance
monitoring event of 2016 will be submitted to the NC DENR separately. If you have any questions or
need additional information, please feel free to contact me at (336) 323-0092.
Alex Everhart
Project Consultant
Copy: Amanda Freeman, Granville County