HomeMy WebLinkAbout18050_Cenco_ FILE DOCKET 02041992-OCR• Mr. Lawrence Wellington April 19, 1991 Page 2 • 2) Disposal of the decontamination rinsewater must be in compliance with the CMUD Discharge Permit. All sampling results from the analysis of rinsewater including field and laboratory blanks must be submitted to this office for approval. 3) If pumping to lower the water table is required as described in Appendix F, Section 02200, Part 3.02 of the approved closure plan, this office must be notified to ensure proper treatment and disposal of ground water. 4) If CTI plans to use uncontaminated excavation material for general fill as described in Appendix F, Section 02200, Part 3 of the approved closure plan, then a description of how contaminated and uncontaminated materials are segregated must be submitted within thirty (30) days of receipt of this letter. CTI must show that the excavation material is clean by analyzing for volatiles, semivolitiles, and TCLP constituents. 5) In Appendix F, Section 02001 of the approved closure plan, the last line of the section states that samples will be analyzed for TCLP metals. samples must be tested for all TCLP constituents. In Section 02200, Part 3.04(A)(l), the backfill must also be tested for all TCLP constituents. 6) Volume ratios of portland cement or cement kiln dust should be established per the stabilization Pilot Test described in Appendix F of the approved closure plan before stabilization of the sludge in the field begins. In addition to the inclusion of the above as part of the Closure Plan, CTI must expand the discussion of soil quality in Section B by addressing the source of voe contamination in the soil borings from MW-1 and MW-3, and the contamination in the sludges in Pond 3. This must be submitted within thirty (30) days of receipt of this letter. The professional engineer certification of closure must acknowledge this letter as part of the closure plan and state that the above provisions were included in the review of the closure. Referencing this letter will be considered adequate acknowledgement. Any variation from the approved closure plan will result in enforcement action. • Mr. Lawrence Wellington April 19, 1991 Page 3 • Please note that an approval decision on the post-closure plan will be made at a later date. lf you have any questions please contact Katherine O'Neal at (919) 733-2178. sincerely, /~-/$, tfU'~~ I:'~ Jerome H. Rhodes, Chief Hazardous Waste Section JHR/KLO/mb/20-22 cc: James H. Scarbrough, EPA Marc L. Fleischaker John Doyle, Jr. Gary L. Honbarrier William F. Hamner James A. Carter Robert Glaser Spring Allen Katherine L. O'Neal • • Clean Closure Plan Comments Central Transport, Inc. NCD 060 295 417 Section/Page B.11 c. 14 E.29 E.30 F-ll F-13 Comment The discussion of the soil contamination beyond the areas of the lagoon concludes that no consistent pattern of contamination exists. This discussion should address the 40 CFR 261 App. VIII and 40 CFR 264 App. IX hazardous constituents that were detected in Pond 3 such as napthalene and bisphthalate. Also, an attempt to explain the presence of voes at MW-1 and MW-3 should be made. NC DEHNR should address in relation to the state order the statements by central Transport that the waste handled at the facility is neither a listed nor characteristic hazardous waste. The statement suggesting that metals are naturally occurring should include or reference data that shows a comparison of background levels to the highest levels of App. IX metals detected downgradient for contaminants of concern. The absence of a groundwater plume is contingent upon an explanation of the non-metal constituents detected at MW-7 and background comparisons per the comment for E.29. As noted in the NC DEHNR 10-23-90 comments, the risk assessment to establish clean up goals should be part of the closure plan. It should not be submitted at a later date. Refer to the Engineering support Branch Standard Operating Procedures and Quality Assurance Manual, April l, 1986, App. B for standard cleaning procedures. F-19 Table 10 Table 10 App. D-4 General • • -2- The statement that there has been no release of hazardous constituents to groundwater based on sampling is contingent upon a background metals comparison and an explanation of pthalates, voes and phenol contamination in MW-7. See colll!l1ents on E.29 and E.30. The hazardous constituents listed in the clean up criteria should clearly correlate with the "waste characteristics" discussions and tables containing the sludge analysis. currently, App. VIII and App. IX constituents such as xylenes(total), napthalene, chrysene, etc. have been detected in the sludge in Lagoon l and omitted from the clean up criteria list. Note the attached table of soil cleanup levels which are consistent with the risk based approach used in the RCRA Facility Investigation (RFIJ Guidance (May 1989), Vol. I, Tables 8-6, 8-7. This table was prepared by EPA Region IV Health Assessment staff and considers oral exposure only. Where appropriate, updated lower levels should be used. Volume ratios of Portland cement or cement kiln dust should be established by demonstration before stabilization of the sludge in the field begins per the Stabilization Pilot Test described in App. F. The railroad line should be considered as a possible source of contamination from polyaromatic hydrocarbons associated with creosote treated railroad ties. • /:;·$\Al''i'~·~ " .. ~~y;~t·;1~1 .. ,~~~. '~ ~-\ \:·~ ~,t.i··il -.L. '· ., '"""'·'" ..-· " ~~ ,,,;..,,, ... ·' '""''""'"'"·'"'' State of North Carolina • Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Solid Waste Management P.O. Box 27687 ·Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 James G. Martin, Governor William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary January a, 1991 Mr. James H. Scarbrough, P.E., Chief RCRA and Federal Facilities Branch Waste Management Division US EPA, Region IV 345 Courtland Street, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30365 Attention: Ms. Camilla Warren Dear Mr. Scarbrough: William L. Meyer Director Enclosed are copies of Central Transport, Inc. 's original closure plan, their response to our October 23, 1990 comments, and the revisions to the closure plan for the hazardous waste surface impoundments. They will be attempting clean closure. We would appreciate if you would review and comment on these documents within thirty (30) days. If you have any questions, please call Katherine O'Neal at (919) 733-2178. sincereO U:t;, ~H. Rhodes, ~ ~~~ous Waste Section JHR/KLO/mb/4 Enclosures cc: William F. Hamner James A. Carter Katherine L. 0 1Neal M Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employ•:< • • William F. Hamner, Head Permitting Branch January 4, 1991 Page 2 Three (3) Replacement covers, table of contents spine label to replace those included in July 1990 Closure Plan submittal and the Three (3) Complete notebooks which have been updated to include the replacement sections and figure described above. These sections have been updated to incorporate comments made in the following correspondence: October 23, 1990 letter from James A. Carter November 20, 1990 response from OBG December 11, 1990 acknowledgement from your office As you are aware, OBG, on behalf of Central Transport, Inc. is working with Mr. Robert Glaser, Hydrogeologist to complete a ground water investigation designed to further assess ground water flow direction and quality at the site. No changes have been made in the closure plan to address Comment 12 in the October 23, 1990 letter, pending the outcome of this investigation. Revisions to Section E Ground Water Monitoring will be necessary to incorporate the results of the investigation. The following summarizes where changes were made in the closure plan to address specific comments as numbered in the October 23, 1990, letter: #1 Representative raw data was provided with the November 20, 1990 response from OBG. The request to include 2-chloroethyl vinyl ether was incorporated in paragraph F-lb{2)f(ii) Sampling and Testing Program #2 See paragraph F-lb(2)b(iv) on Site stabilization sampling and Testing Program #3 See paragraph F-lb(2)f(ii) Sampling and Testing Program and Appendix F, Specification Section 02001 #4 See paragraph F-lb{2)f(i) Contaminated Soils Removal Criteria #5 See paragraph F-lb(2)c Removal of Structures and F-lb(2)d Off- Site Disposal #6 See paragraph F-lb(2)e Backfilling Lagoon Areas and Appendix F, Specification Section 02200 CHlRlrnl G CcHl • William F. Hamner, Head Permitting Branch January 4, 1991 Page 3 • #7 See paragraph F-lc Closure of Disposal Units #8 See paragraph F-lb(2)f(iii) contaminated Decontamination Procedures #9 see paragraph F-lb(2)f(iii) contaminated Decontamination Procedure #10 See paragraph F-1 Closure Plan #ll Figure 7 has been included in this submittal Equipment Equipment #12 See above regarding ongoing hydrogeologic investigation #13 See paragraph F-2d Inspection Plan and revised Appendix G #14 See paragraphs F-2 Post-Closure Plan, F-2b Post-closure Security, F-2f Maintenance Plan, F-3 Notice to Local Land Authority, and F-4, Notice in Deed. #15 See paragraph F-2j Post Closure Certification #16 see paragraph F-7 Post Closure Cost Estimate Please advise clarification. if you require additional information or Very truly yours, O'BRIEN & GERE ENGINEERS, INC. A -25< :5st; ~~B. Rest, P.E. Vice President GBR:TLN: cc; T. L. Norman-OBG S. P. Shach-OBG M. A. Wittner-OBG J. Doyle, Esquire-Weinstein & Sturges, P.A. M. Fleischaker, Esquire-Arent, Fox Kintner, et al K-Nam, Esquire-Arent, Fox, Kintner, et al G. Simpson-Central Transport, Inc. L. Wellington-Central Transport, Inc. fYElflltN A GEHL • • ,.<.~·s;;:i;·.~·~ ~)lt:'T ";.. :ill' ~ ~ilf <;: ~-~~-......... m .. <··· • State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Solid Waste Management P.O. Box 27687 ·Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 t~ '1-.~,~~· James G. Martin, Governor William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary William L. Meyer Director CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Lawrence Wellington ~entra:T. Tra:n.sport',i !tic •... ~ 600 Melynda Road December 11, 1990 Charlotte, North Carolina 28208 Re: Lagoon.closure Plan •NCD046i48540 . W Dear Mr. Wellington: This acknowledges receipt on November 21, 1990 of the response to our comments on the closure plan submitted on your behalf by O'Brien and Gere Engineers, Inc. These revisions must be incorporated into the closure plan with the following provisions: 1) The sample of the sludge analysis does not include 2-chloroethyl vinyl ether. This constituent should be included in future analysis. 2) Discrete samples of stabilized sludge from lagoons 1 and 2 must be taken and the TCLP analysis performed prior to transport to a Subtitle c landfill. 3) As discussed in the November 2, 1990 conference call, CTI may test samples for indicator parameters during soil excavation. In order to verify removal of contaminants to practical quantitation limits or health based levels as applicable, CTI must take discrete samples of the remaining soils and analyze for all volatiles, acid/base/neutral extractables, and TCLP constituents. The proposed number and location of samples is adequate. 4) The development of clean up criteria must be based on site specific conditions, including all constituents remaining in the soil at this site. This will be reviewed by a state toxicologist as well as by the EPA, State that the laboratory results for the soil analysis will be submitted to the Hazardous Waste section for approval prior to backfilling. .· Lawrence Wellington December 11, 1990 Page 2 • 6) As stated in our comments on the closure plan, CTI must not use asphalt or materials larger than two inches in diameter as backfill. 8) The closure plan must specify the decontamination procedures to be used and the sampling methodology. 12) This item has been addressed in the December 3, 1990 letter from Robert Glaser to Marc Fleischaker, John Doyle, and Gary llonbarrier. The remaining items must be incorporated into the closure plan as stated. The post closure plan will be reviewed when the closure is nearing completion and will be revised as needed. A public notice of closure will be placed in The Charlotte Observer on December 11, 1990. A comment period will run for thirty (30) days after the appearance of this notice. A public hearing will be held, if requested. Should a public hearing be held, a public notice will be made at least thirty (30) days in advance of such a hearing. six (6) copies of the revised closure plan must be submitted to this office on or before January 7, 1990. If you have any question please contact Katherine O'Neal at (919) 733-2178. Sincerely, ~111m{1:~ Permitting Branch aazardous Waste Section cc: James a. Scarbrough, EPA Marc L. Fleischaker George Rest James A. carter Robert Glaser Spring Allen Katherine L. O'Neal • • e,@..lT!{A-L TflN.JSl'6/7. r l'V CO 01./ i. JI./ 8 S'ID State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Solid Waste Management P.O. Box 27687 ·Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 James G. Martin, Governor William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary December 5, 1990 Legal Ad/Public Notice Section The Charlotte Observer PO Box 32188 Charlotte, NC 28232 Dear Sir/Madam: Please print the enclosed public notice one time in your newspaper as soon as possible upon receipt of this letter. ©GD William L. Meyer Director You may bill Emil Breckling with the State's Solid Waste Management Division, PO Box 27687, Raleigh, NC 27611. Also, please send a copy of the ad and certification that it ran as scheduled to Mr. Breckling and to Ms. Katherine O'Neal (same address as Mr. Breckling). For record-keeping procedures, I would also ask that you please telephone Ms. O'Neal at (919) 733-2178 and inform her as to when the ad will appear in The Observer. If you have any questions, please call me at (919) 733-4996. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Steve Reid Public Information Officer Solid Waste Management Division An Equal Opportunity Afftrmative Action Employer • • • NOTICE OF CLOSURE HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT UNITS Central Transport, Inc., located at 600 Melynda Road, Charlotte, North Carolina, proposes to close two {2) surface impoundments used to treat and store hazardous wastes. A closure plan is under review by the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Hazardous Waste Section. Within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, any person may submit written comments and request modification of the closure plan or request a hearing. A copy of the closure plan can be reviewed during office hours (8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) Monday through Friday at the Hazardous Waste Section, 401 Oberlin Road, Suite 150, Raleigh, North Carolina 27605. Any persons with questions or comments regarding the closure plan should contact Ms. Katherine O"Neal in Raleigh at (919) 733-2178. 12/5/90 KLO • • James A. Carter, Environmental Supervisor November 20, 1990 Page 2 c. Soil sample results from September 1989. Attached are copies of metals, pesticides, PCB's, acid extractables, base/neutral extractables, and volatile analyses performed by Martel Laboratory Services, Inc. d. Ground water sample results from November 1989. Attached are copies of metals, pesticides, PCB's, acid extractables, base/neutral extractables, and volatile analyses performed by Martel Laboratory Services, Inc. e. Lagoon surface water sample results from October 1989. Attached are copies of BOD, metals, Ph, total suspended solids, volatiles, acid and base/neutral extractable analytical results performed by IEA Laboratory in connection with CMUD discharge permit compliance monitoring. The attached analytical results demonstrate that sufficient chemical analyses have been performed on soils, ground water, and sludge to assess the presence of hazardous constituents. 2. Attached are copies of the TCLP analyses that were performed in October 1989 on six sludge samples. The samples were composited from three different areas of Lagoon 1. TCLP extracts followed by GC/MS analyses were performed on composited samples. Of the 40 constituents which are regulated by the TCLP, only four compounds were detected in the sample above the detection limit of 0.05 milligrams per liter. These four constituents were present in the samples at concentrations which are less than 2% of the regulatory threshold limit. Given these facts, it l.S clear that individual samples would not have exceeded regulatory threshold limits. Discrete samples of stabilized sludge will be taken and TCLP analysis performed prior to transport to the disposal facility. 3. Section Nine of the Environmental Protection Agency publication SW-846, entitled Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Third Edition describes a statistical method for determining the number of samples of a solid waste required to characterize the physical and chemical properties of the waste. This section provides the equations for calculating the sample mean, sample variance the appropriate number of samples to collect. The variables in the formulae require some previous knowledge of the characteristics of the waste to determine the number of samples which are to be taken. One of the formula variables is the regulatory threshold concentration for the known contaminants. Analyses of the waste that have been performed on the lagoon sludges together O'BRIEN & C~cRc • James A. carter, Environmental Supervisor November 20, 1990 Page 3 • with the health based clean up criteria included in the RCRA Facilities Investigation Manual were used to perform this statistical analysis. Using the SW-846 formula, a minimum of three samples per lagoon are recommended. Based on this, CTI proposes to divide each lagoon into quadrants and take one discrete sample from the bottom of each quadrant and one discrete sample from the side of each quadrant for a total of eight ( 8) samples per lagoon. Eight samples have been proposed so that the volume of additional excavated soil can be minimized. With your concurrence, the Closure plan will be modified accordingly. 4. The clean up criteria presented in Table 10 of the Closure Plan were derived from two sources: the December 1987 Draft RCRA Facilities Investigation Manual, and the May 1989 RCRA Facilities Investigation Manual. The revised Closure Plan will incorporate information from the Corrective Action for Solid Waste Management Units at Hazardous Waste Management Facilities proposed rule as published in the July 27, 1990, Federal Register. All three sources present health and environmental clean up levels for hazardous constituents in soil. The concentrations recommended in these sources for each constituent are derived from EPA established chronic and acute toxicity criteria for ingestion or inhalation exposure routes. The recommended concentrations were calculated by EPA using identical intake assumptions as the sample document provided by your office. Inquiries to the USEPA in Washington, D.C., specifically Mr. David Fagan, Office of Solid Waste, Permits and State Programs section, confirmed that clean closure is defined as "clean up to health based levels." Based on o' Brien & Gere' s understanding of the applicability of the three sources cited above, a review of the methodology used in preparing the sample document provided by your office, and information provided by Mr. Fagan, the clean up criteria presented in Table lo should be adopted. 5. Contaminated soils, sludges and structures will be stockpiled in manner that will prevent a release to the environment using roll-off boxes or other suitable means. The selected contractor will be required to submit his plans for eliminating a release to O'Brien & Gere for review prior to commencing the work. 6. In order to demonstrate that no contaminated materials will be used as backfill, the contractor will be required to submit his source for fill for approval to O'Brien & Gere prior to beginning to backfill. If documentation confirming that clean fill is being used is not provided, the Contractor will be rl'BRIEN & c;CRf' • James A. Carter, Environmental Supervisor November 20, 1990 Page 4 • required to take one sample of fill per 50 cubic yards and analyze for the clean up criteria constituents and submit the results tor review by O'Brien & Gere prior to placement of the fill. 7. The closure plan will be modified to include language that describes what action will be taken in the event that clean closure is not possible. This language will confirm that, if clean closure is not possible, Central Transport intends to comply with the requirements of 40 CFR 265.228(a) (2) including such items as providing a RCRA cap. a. The closure plan requires the contractor to decontaminate all structures and equipment. A sample of the rinsewater will be analyzed to verify that the decontamination has been completed using the methodology outlined in your October 23 letter. 9. Concrete walls and structures of the lagoons will be decontaminated as described in paragraph 8 above. Any equipment that cannot be confirmed to be cleaned to the standards described in your October 23 letter will be disposed of as hazardous waste. 10. The closure plan will be modified to include language that confirms that changes to the approved closure plan will be submitted to the Hazardous Waste Section. No changes will be executed without approval by that section. 11. Page 54 of the Closure Plan references Figure 7. A figure similar to Figure 6 in the November 1990 Supplemental Hydrogeologic Investigation Report will be included in the revised closure plan. 12. The data reported in the June 1990 Report of Hydrogeologic Investigation and the November 1990 Supplemental Report does not provide conclusive evidence as to whether MW-7 is an upgradient or downgradient well. Additional quarterly ground water sampling and water level measurements which will include MW-7, should provide sufficient data to clarify this issue. Four background moni taring wells and three downgradient monitoring wells will be sampled during the term of post closure monitoring. A letter to Robert L. Glaser dated November 19, 1990, prepared by Marc L. Fleischaker, Esquire of Arent, Fox, Kintner, Plotkin and Kahn provides additional information on the resolution of this comment. Ci'nRIEN & GCRF • • James A. Carter, Environmental Supervisor November 20, 1990 Page 5 13. The quarterly inspection log will be amended to include inspection of the condition of ground water monitoring wells. specifically, the following items will be checked: a) protective metal casing b) lock c) well casing d) well cap e) cement pad f) well identification number g) well reference mark for measuring ground water elevation h) depth of well i) turbidity of ground water samples j) changes in ground water flow into well during well purging kl changes in static ground water elevation In the event that repairs to the wells become necessary, these repairs will be conducted in accordance with standard protocols and with the approval of the state of North Carolina. With your concurrence, the closure Plan will be modified accordingly. 14. CTI understands that, if clean closure is not feasible, a maintenance plan, post-closure security, survey plan and notice to local land zoning authority and notice in deed to the property will be provided. The Closure plan will be modified to include such language. 15. CTI will provide post-closure certification in accordance with 40 CFR 265.120. 16. The post closure period of three years assumes that a clean closure is being performed. If 1 after completion of the quarterly groundwater sampling, and removal of soils and confirmatory clean sampling it appears that a clean closure can not be accomplished, CTI agrees to perform post-closure care in accordance with 40 CFR 265.117. The revisions outlined in this letter will be made and a revised closure/post closure plan prepared upon receipt of your comments to the proposed changes contained in this letter. The revised Plan will be submitted promptly to the Department for your further review and comment. CJ"nRIEN & Gi::RE • James A. Carter, Environmental Supervisor November 20, 1990 Page 6 • Please advise if you require additional clarification on the above responses. Very truly yours, O'BRIEN & GERE ENGINEERS, INC. 'l'LN:GBR:dmh cc: M. Fleischaker, Esquire J. Doyle, Esquire K. Nam, Esquire '!'. Norman s. Shach M. Wittner Enclosures: information or U'FJRIEN & GERc ~ ;i./ '-f ---------------------------------------...... ~-... t• .......... "--·~ ~·· ~ ... -.... _,__ j ·~-.~ ....,.. .... .M~, ... ------... -----··-------------~ 1• ~ ! l l- 1 •• C 0 N f I D E N T I A L •• EXTRACTABLE ORGANICS DATA REPORT ... SAMPLE ANO ANALVSlS MANAGf~fNf Sv~1lw EPA-REGION IV ESO. AIHENS. GA. n-4•!• ..... .. •• .. .. • • • I-• • • IS IS • • II • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ... • _. • PROJECT NO. 88-264 SAMPLE NO. 24215 SAMPLE TYPE: LAGOONWATE . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . ' . . . PROG ELEM: SSF COLLECTED 8V: 80i<EV/1>tOl<AN/WU • • • ... .. .. SOURCE: CfNTRAL TRANSPORT STATION IO: CTL-~W LAGOON 3 C ITV: CHARLOT TE ST: NC COLLECTION START: 03/22/88 naso STOP: OCl/00/00 ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . UG/L ANALYTICAL RESULTS UG/L ANALYTICAL RESULTS 1ou 815(2-CHLOROETHVL) ETHER lOU 815!2-CHLOROJSOPROPVL) ETHER lOU N-NITROSOOl-N-PROPYLAMINE lOU HEXACHLOROETHANE IOU NJTROBENZENE 1 OU I SOP HORON E JOU B!S(2-CHLOROETHOXY) METHANE IOU I .2.4-TR!lHLOROBEN2ENE IOU NAP H TH ALE NE IOU 4-CHtOROANILl~E IOU HEXACHLO~OBUJADIENE IOU 2-ME T HYL N APH THAU NE IOU HfXACHLOROCYClOPENTAOIENE (HCCP) 1 OU 2-Clll OROIJ APHT HAL ENE \OU 2-NITROANJLINE 1 OU 0 !MfTHVt PHTHALA TE \OU AC ENAP HT HYL E tlE \OU 2.6-0INllROIOLUENE IOU 3-NllROAN!LINE lOU ArENAPHIHtNt IOU O!BfNZOFURAN lOU 2.4-0INIJROTOLUENE lOIJ D ! fTHVL l'Hl HAL ATE lOU f L UOR ENE lOU 4-f.HI l'>k1'1P><ENYL PHENYL ETHER IOU 4-NITROAN!L!NE I ll<l N-N ! IROSOD IPHE NYLAMI NEID I Pi1ENYLAMINE 10u 4-BROMOPH[NVL PHENYL ETHER 10 U H[X ACHL OROB EN l WE ( HCB ) lO<J PHfNANl HRnlE lOU ANTl1RM.fNl IOU 01-N-BUIVLPHTHALATE •••REMARKS••• •••FOOTNOTES••• lOU fLUORANTHENE 10U PYRENE IOU BENZVL BUTYL PHTHALATE lOu 3.3'-DICHLOROBEN2101Nf 1ou BENZO{AlANTHRACENE 1 OU CHRYSENE 10U B!S(2-ETHYLHEXYL) PHTHALATE 10U 01-N-O!lTYLPHTHALATE IOU BEN20(B ANO/OR K)FLUORANTHENE IOU BENZO-A-PVRENE \OU !NOENO (l.2,3-COl PVRENE lOU OIBEN20lA.H)ANTHRACENE IOU BENZO(GHJ)PfRYLENE lOU PHENOL IOU 2-CHLOROPHENOL 20U BEN2YL ALCOHOL 1ou 2-Mf ToiYLPHENOL 10U (3-ANO/OR 4-)MfTHYLPHfNOL 10U 2-NJTROPHENOL \OU 2.4-DIMETHVLPHENOL 20U BENZOIC ACID l Ou 2. 4-D l l'llLDROPHE NOL !OU 4-~HLOR0-3-METHVLPHENOL IOU 2.4,6-TRICHLOROrHENOL '.j UU 2, 4, 5-l .fi: f(HLLikll~1Hl:Nl.'IL 20U 2,4-0lNllROPHENOL 2 li U 4-N l Jl(OPI I t:NOL IOU 2.j.4,6-TETRACHLOROPHENOL 20U 2-ME 111 VL -4 . 6-0 J NI TROP HE NOL 20U l'ENIACHL0k01'HE:NOL •"•REMARKS••• . . • • • • ••• , ~ __ , .. •A-AVERAGE VALUE •NA-NOT ANALYZED •NAl-INTERFERENCES •J-ESTJMATED VALUE •N-PRESUMPT!VE EVIDENCE OF PRESENCE Of r.IATERJAL •K-ACIUAL VALUE IS KNOWN TO BE LESS THAN VALUE GIVEN •L-ACTUAL VALUE IS KNOWN TO BE GREATER THAN VALUE GIVEN 0U-lilAIERJAL WAS ANALYZED FOR BUT NOT DETECTED. THE NUMBER JS THE MINIMUM OUANTITATION LIMIT. \l 3 / L/ ---------------------------------·--------......... 1 ..... ........_,. .... , .. ,.,,~,,.-·•·• ... ,._.. .... x: sz::c~·~,,..,,.._ . ....,.....,.., P ................ .,...... cs e > ' .. .........,, I . . •• C 0 N f l 0 E N T I A L •• SAMl'LE AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMfNT SVSTtM EPA-REGION IV ESD, ATHENS, GA. ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• PROJECT NO. 88-264 SAMPLE NO. 24215 SAMPLE TVPE: LAGOCINWATE DATA REPORT MISCELLANEOUS EXTRACTABLE COMPOUNDS -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ... PROG ELEM: SSf COLLECTED BY: 80!<.EV/THQMAN/MU C !TY: CHARLOTTE ST: NC COLLECTION START: 03/22/88 oeso STOP: 00/00/00 fM./!:"Jil-;M • • • ... .. •• SOURCE: CENTRAL TRANSPORT •• STATlON 10: CTL-SW LAGOON 3 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ..................... ~·· .. Rf SUL TS UN ITS COMPOUND RESULTS UNITS 20J UG/L COMPOUND UNIDENTIFIED COMPOUND • • • , ~ .... •':.. •••FOOTNOTfS••• •A-AVERAGE VALUE •NA-NOT ANALYZED •NAl-!NTERfERENCES •J-ESTJMATEO VALUE •N-PRESUMPTIVE EVIDENCE OF PRESENCE OF MATERIAL •K-ACTUAL VALUE JS KNOWN TO Bf LESS THAN VALUE GIVEN •L-ACTUAL VALUE 15 KNOWN TO Bf GREATER THAN VALUE GIVEN •U-MATERIAL WAS ANALYZED FOR BUT NOT DfTfCTEO. THE NUMBER IS THE MINIMUM QUANTITAT!ON L!M!T. •R-OC INDICATES !HAT DATA UNUSABLE. COMPOUND l/IAV OR MAY NOT BE PRESENT. RESAMPLING AND REANALYSIS JS NECESSARY FOR VERJFICATION. , ~-----------~ '-1 /Lf I • ' • . •• C 0 N f I 0 E N T I A L •• PESTJC!OES/PCB'S OATA REPORT SAMPlE ANO ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT SVSllM EPA-REGION JV ESO, ATHENS, GA. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • PROJfCT NO. 88-264 SA.Ml'LE NO. 24215 SAMPLE TYPE: LAGOONWATE . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. PROG ELEM: SSf COLLECTED BY: BOl<EV/Tl'IOIUoN/~U CITY: CHARLOTTE ST: NC COLLECTION START: 03/22/811 0850 STOP: 00/00/00 ••• 0-lll•IM • • • •• •• •• •• ••• SOURCE: CENTRAL TRANSPORT STATION ID: CTL-SW LAGOON 3 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • UG/L ANALYTICAL RESULTS . .. .. .. .. .. ... <•GIL ANALYTICAL RESULTS 0.029U 0.027U o.021u o.021u 0.027U 0.027U 0.050U 0.027U 0.027U 0.071 u 0.044U 0. 071 u 0.029U 0.029U 0.07\U 0.22U 0,47U 0.47U 0.41U ALDRIN HEPTACHLOR HEPTACHLOR EPOX!OE ALPHA-BHC BETA-8HC GAMMA-BHC (LINDANE) DELTA-BHC ENOOSULfAN 1 (ALPHA) O!fLORlN 4,4•-oor <P.P•-ooT> 4,4'-0DE (P.P•-OOE) 4.4'-000 (P.P'-OODJ ENDRIN ENOOSULFAN II !BETA) ENOOSULfAN SULFATE CHLORDANE (TECH. MJXTUREl PCB-1242 (AROCLOR 1242) PCB-1254 (AROCLOR 1254) PCB-1221 (AROCLOR 1221) •••REMARKS••• /1 0.47U 0.4/U 0.47U 0.47U 1. 7U 0. 13U 0.044U PCB-1232 (AROCLOR 1232) PCB-1248 (AROCLOR 1248) PCD-1260 (AROCLOR 1250) PCB-1016 (AROCLOR 1016) TOXAPHENE CHLORDENE /2 ALPHA-._CHLOROENE /2 BETA ~ttLOROENE /2 GAMMA-CHLOROENE /2 \-HVOROXVCHLORDENE /2 GAMMA-CHLORDANE /2 TRANS-NONACHLOR /2 ALPHA-CHLORDANE /2 CJS-NONACHLOR /2 OXYCHLOROANE COCTACHLOREPOXIOEl METHOXYCHLOR E NOR IN KETONE •••AEMARK.S••• {2 .... -. ..... _ • •••FOOTNOTES••• •A-AV[RAGE VALUE •NA-NOT ANALYZED •NA!-!NTERFERENCES •J-ESTIMATED VALUE •N-PRESUMPT!VE EVIDENCE OF PRESENCE OF MATERIAL •K-ACTUAL VALUE IS KNOWN TO DE LESS THAN VALUE GIVEN •L-ACTUAL VALUE !5 KNOWN TO Bf GREATER THAN VALUE GIVEN •u-MATERIAL WAS ANALYZED FOR BUT NOT OETfCTEO. THE NUMBER IS THE MINIMUM QUANTITATlON L!MIT. C-CONFJRMEO av CC/MS I. WHEN NO VALUE IS REPORTED, SEE CHLORDANE CONSTITUENTS. 2. CONSTITUENTS OR META60\.ITES Of TECHNICAL CHLORDANE. • Hartel Laboratory Serv&s DATA FILENAME:)FSS32::D6 SAHPLE_lD: 6249 HW-1 MISC DATA: 11-27-89 ANALYSIS TIHE:12/01/89 ANALYST: MANAGER UNITS: PPB AE OBRIEN 2:34 SUPER GRP. COMPOUND Std Detection Phenol 2-Chlorophenol 2-Nitrophenol 2,4-Dimethylphenol 2,4-Dichlorophenol 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 2,4-Dinitrophenol 4-NITROPHENOL 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol PENTACHLOROPHENOL urrogate Spike (\ recovery) 2-Fluorophenol Limit (1 (1 (2 (1 (1 <1 <1 (5 <1 <5 <1 CONC ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 3\5 230 (120\) ·M~RTEL • CertificatAt Laboratory Analysis MARTEL LABORATORY SERVICES. INC 102~) Cromv;f-''! 8r1d9e ROf,C Rc.it1m01(· ~~' (il'·,.::; ::11 ~)(;.; • -' ' , e~; · i' i' ~·-·, Page No. 7 5SJ;:'(! ND'.P; E;(,:'. $u1H· 1i~ H~·uf.l(1~ iE·,-;::' 7/3~J·:) c'';:·· .:.'.·.~ff•.'~ 12/18/89 Cap!t8! A1:r~\:'. s~\(lr"19l1c:::: l~i~T\(>•S f.~1·-:-:1 • (~'i I)~!~::·''.'·'."''· EPA Priority Pollutant Analysis Analytical Parameter •• Base/Neutral Extractables ' CTI-51, TCLP Extract N-Nitrosodimethylamiri~ Pis (2-Chloroethyl) Ether 1,3-Dicbl0r0benzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene Bis (2-Chloroisopropyl) Ether Eexachloroethane N-N1troso-Di-n-Propylamine N 1 tr obt.r,zene l :.0pj·,coi c.r,e Ei $ { 2-Ch~wl veLL<J;._J: 1·~etl·JF~l1~ 1,2,,-Trichlor0benzene NapLtJ-,f.le11e ~ex5ct~o~01:~uta6iene HE·~~ ~.C"l".1 l or Ct:"~'i:': 7 I-'i?t t ,-, /!ii:-:.~ 2-~~=~~~1 ~ar~t~=~e~~ Acer_'.°" I>~~"'; !'-1 y l E"-'. - Dimethyl Ph!hel3te 2,6-Dinitrotoluene F.-:-enaphthene 2,4-Dinitrotcluene Fl uc,renE' Diethyl Phth&late 4-Chloroih0 nyl PhePyl Ether N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 1.~-Diphenylhydrazine 4-Bromophenyl Phenyl Ether H£xachlorobeczene Phena!ltrirer;e Ar<:hracene Di-n-Butyl Phthalate Fl ucrantriene Benzidine ?yren€· Butyl Benzyl ?hthalate Benzo {a) Anthracene 3,3-Dichlorcbe~zidin~ Chryserie Bis {2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate Di-n-Octyl Phthalatt. Ber,zo (a) ?yrene Indeno (1,2,3-cd) Pyrene Diber.zo {a,hj J,,nthracene Benzo {g,h,ij ?ezylene FAtJeilzcf?\b'.lFk) Fluoranth<0me A GE-~EX (;(!l"i"l[\;i ·,, Result i:: ND li Ii I~ ::i 1rn l~L l~l; ND ~Ij I~ I. I~ r: Nt ;~j ND KD t'D l"l' Nr:1 ND Nf· rm ND ND NI: ND ND ND ND ND ND 1 ND ND ND 4 ND ND ND 47 4 ND ND ND ND ND D~tection Units Limit l ::: " l 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 l ' 1 1 ' 1 2 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 2 1 10 1 J. 2 2 2 2 ug/l u9/J. ug/l ug/~ ug/~ ug/l .,9/ l ' -U9/J ug/1 ug/l ug/l i.;g/.i ug/l Ug/l ugll ug /' 1HJ/l ug/2 ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/1 ug/l ug/1 ug/l ug/l ug/; ug/l lig/ 1 " US/..:. ug/l ug/l ug/l Ug/l ug/l ug/l Ug/l ug/l • • CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. COMMENTS ON CLOSURE PLAN -1) Provide a list of all materials handled at the facility and all materials hauled in trucks that were cleaned at the facility. Analysis of sludge, groundwater, and soil samples must include all of these constituents. 2) Identify the waste sludge as hazardous by the constituents handled at the facility and found in the sludge. In addition, the TCLP analysis must be performed on discrete independent samples. Samples must not be composited. The sludges and contaminated soils must be managed as hazardous waste in accordance with 40 CFR 265.228(a)(l). 3) Soil samples must not be composited as described in Appendix F. Discrete independent samples must be collected from each quadrant floor and wall. In addition, the sample testing must include all volatiles, acid/base/neutral extractables, and the TCLP analysis. 4) CTI must remove all contaminated soil down to levels below detection limits for all constituents (volatiles, acid/base/neutral extractables, TCLP) or develop a risk assessment for any hazardous constituent remaining in the soils. The risk assessment will be reviewed by a state toxicologist. CTI must show that all contamination is removed from lagoons 1 and 2 and that groundwater is not contaminated in order to obtain a clean closure. Submit the laboratory results to the Hazardous Waste Section for approval prior to backfilling. 5) All contaminated sludges, structures, and soils must be stockpiled in a manner that will prevent a release to the environment. Explain how this will be accomplished during closure activities. 6) Show that no contaminated materials will be used as backfill. In addition, asphalt and materials larger than two inches should not be used as backfill. 7) If CTI is unable to remove all contaminated soils and structures the lagoon(s) must be closed as a landfill in accordance with 40 CFR 265.228(a)(2). CTI must then propose a cap that meets the specifications in EPA/530-SW-89-047, Final Covers On Hazardous Waste 1.imt;'lfills And Su_rface ImpounQ.mentJ?., and perform. post-closure care. 8) All contaminated structures and equipment must be decontaminated by steam cleaning or a high pressure detergent wash. The decontamination pad must be designed in a manner that will prevent a release to the environment. The rinsewater must be collected and sampled in order to verify decontamination. The equipment and structures will be considered decontaminated when the • • concentrations of all constituents are below the detection limits recommended in SW-846 or below drinking water standards where these exist. 9) The concrete walls and any other structures must be cleaned to the above standards or disposed of as hazardous waste. Any equipment used that is not decontaminated by the above standards must be disposed of as hazardous waste. 10) State that any proposed changes from the approved closure plan will be verified with the Hazardous Waste Section before the changes are executed. COMMENTS ON POST-CLOSURE PLAN 11) on page 54, Figure 7 is referenced but was not provided. 12) Post-closure monitoring must include well MW-7. Also, CTI must analyze for all volatiles, acid/base/neutral extractables, and metals. 13) Possible problems with the groundwater monitoring wells can occur including, but not limited to, cracking of the cement collar, clogging of the well screen, damage from equipment, etc. Provide for the inspection for possible problems and discuss how they will be repaired. Include problems to monitor for in the inspection checklist. 14) The following will be required if CTI is unable to remove all contaminated structures and soils and must close as a landfill with waste in place: a) a maintenance plan meeting the requirements in 40 CFR 265.117(a)(l), 265.118(c)(2), and 265.228(b). b) post-closure security in accordance with 40 CFR 265.117(b) c) a survey plat in accordance with 40 CFR 265.116. d) notice to local land zoning authority and notice in deed to property in accordance with 40 CFR 265.119. 15) CTI must provide post-closure certification in accordance with 40 CFR 265.120. 16) A post-closure care period of three years is assumed. If the units are closed as landfills, CTI will be required to perform post-closure care in accordance with 40 CFR 265.117 as referenced in ISA NCAC 13A .0010 until such time as a post closure permit application is called. •.• ;r~·. '\.. Arent, Fox, Kintner, Plotkin & Kahn Mr. Jerry Rhodes September 19, 1990 Page 2 • with the closure plan. We look forward to hearing from you soon. MLF:kmm Enclosure cc: Mr. Glen Simpson John J. Doyle, Jr., Esq. George B. Rest, P.E. Ms. Terry L. Caton Katherine H. Nam, Esq. Sincerely, ~(~·~ Marc L. fJ{f;.;baker ."!'· • - 1 -• POST-CLOSURE PLAN CHECKLIST I. WRITTEN PLAN * 1. Is there a written POST-CLOSURE PLAN YES NO N/A at the facility? (40 CFR 265.llB(a)) If answer is "N/A" skip to cost estiinate checklists. 2. Does the post-closure plan cover the MAXIMUM AREA EXPECTED TO CONTAIN HAZARDOUS WASTE after closure, including: a. landfills? YES NO N/A b. disposal surface impoundments? YES NO N/A c. land treatment faci.lities where YES NO N/A hazardous waste will remain? d. other remaining hazardous wastes? YES NO N/A * 3. Does the post-closure plan provide for YES NO 30 years of post-closure care? (40 CFR 265. ll7(a)) •. How many years of post-closure C4re7 4. Does the post-closure plan cover all YES NO areas where hazardous waste will remain. that were active as of· ll/19/80? II. SPECIFIC POST-CLOSURE PLAN REQUIREMENTS * 1. Does the plan clearly identify the YES NO ACTIVITIES required in post-closure care? . (40 CFR 265 .118 (a)) * 2. Does the plan clearly identi£y the YES NO FREQUENCIES for post-closure activit.ies.? See also Question 5. (40 CFR 265.ll8(a)) * 3. Do the GROUNDWATER MONITORING plans (40 CFR 265.ll7(a)(l); 265.ll8(a)(l)) include: a. number of wells? YES NO h. sample collection activities? YES NO c. sample collection frequencies? YES NO d. sample test activities? YES NO e. sample test frequencies? YES NO f. replacement of failed wells? YES NO N/A I • - 4 • . .. . "" (5) Characteristics of the cover, including YES NO N/A material, final. surface contour, thick- ness, porosity, pe:i:meability, slope, vegetation. (6) Geological and soil p;:oriles and YES NO N/A s=face and subsurlace hycb:ology. (7) Unsict:=ated. .zone monitcti.ng. YES NO N/A (8) TyPe, concentration, and depth of YES NO N/A hazardous constituent migl:ation as compared "to background concentrations. III. OTHER REQUIREMENTS * 1. Does the plan address the -requirement. YES NO for notice to the local land aut:hotity? (40 CFR 2.65 .119) * 2. Does the 'plan address the requ:Lrement YES NO ~or notice in the deed? (40 CFR 265.120) 3. Does the plan address zhe proi:ect.ion and "YES NO N/A maintenance of surveyed benchmarks? IV. COMMENTS" .··.f ... Page 2 c. 1. 2. 3. • • Date all waste will be removed, treated, or disposed of on-site. Note that this must be within 90 days of the above. Date when equipment will all be decontaminated. Date when any remedial action necessary (such as removal of for example.) will be finished, if contaminated earth, Dates of any interim inspections by professional engineer, if needed. Date of final certifications of closure, by a company officer and by an indepe.ndent professional/ engineer .. (Note that this must be within 180 days of start of closure.) Description of actual operations in closure. Mode of ultimate disposal of each type of waste. Name of proposed rec:eiver of each type of waste. v"' ,I' Name of proposed transporter to be used. ,/ 4. Description of sampling techniques and analyses to 5. 6. 7. 8. be performed, particularly as related to checking / for contamination. Procedures to be used in cleaning up any equipment ,/' used. Procedures that will be used in any remedial actions. (For example if soil contamination is found). ;,,;' Procedures to be used to clean up storage tanks and/ lines. Other Page 3 D. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, 7. 8. • • Cost estimate Assumption of "worst possible case. (a) Maximum amount of waste on site. (b) so that it (Involves reasonable Company not able to perform work,. is done by an outside contractor. labor charges for contractor, plus supervisory charges,) (Man-hours x rate per hour) ./ Transporter's charges. (Assume this will be done by outsiders also.) (No. of loaded trucks x miles / to disposer x charge per mile) " Outside analyst's charges, Disposer's or treater's charges, (Such as no. of drums landfilled x charge per drum). Charges, if any, for materials and equipment used in decontamination. Fees to professional engineer for final certification, plus interim inspections, if any. Total for all closure costs. Allowance for inflation. (For 1983, use the factor 1.09.) .,,/ ./ ,/ The compliance date for filing a revised plan with our office is hereby set at January 14, 1984. It should be sent to my attention at our office on or before this date. If you hsve any questions, please contact me at 919/733-2178. KL:dws DHS Form 3199 12/83 Solid & Haz. Waste Mgt. Branch Very sincerely, /'(~~ Keith Lawson Chemical Consultant Solid & Hazardous Waste Mgt. Branch North Carolina De,tment of Human Resources • 4-7-83 yage"--2"-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Central Transport, Inc. 500 Melynda Road Charlotte, NC 28208 EPA IDll NCD046148540 Closure Cost $25,000.00 Post-closure Cost $3,000.00 3. In states outside of North Carolina where EPA or some designated authority is administering the financial requirements, this fir.m; as owner or ope~ator or guarantor, is demonstrating financial assurance for the closure or post~closure care of the following facilities through the financial test and/or corporate guarantee specified in Subpart H of 40 CFR Parts 264 and 265 or through a test equivalent or substantially equivalent to it. The current closure and/or post-closur~ estimates covered by such a test or guarantee are sl1own for each fac i 1 i ty: None 4. This firm is the owner or operator of the following hazardous waste management facilities for which financial test or any other financial assurance mechanism specified in Subpart H of 40 CFR Parts 264 and 265 or equivalent or substantially equivalent State mechanisms. The current closure and/or post-closure cost estimates not covered by such financial assurance are shown for each facility: None This firm is not required to file a Form lOK with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for the latest fiscal year. This fiscal year of this firm ends on Dec.,mber 31. The figures for the following items marked with an asterisk are derived from this firm's independently audited 1 year-end finafl.cial statements and footnotes for the latest completed fiscal year, ended December 31, 1982. Very truly yours, CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. ;:$-?/~/:2:.,,,,' ~ W. . Kivett Comptroller WKK:cg • -4-• RE UIRED WORDING FOR LETTER FROM CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER 40 CFR 2 4. 5 f , ADOPTED IN NORTH CAROLINA AS l ONCACl OF . 0032 ALTERNATIVE II 1. Sum of current closure and post-closure cost estimates (total of all cost estimates shown in the four para- graphs above) $ __ ""'2"'"s.._o""o""o __ 2. Current bond rating of most recent issuance of th'is firm and name of rating service 3. Date of issuance of bond 4. Date of maturity of bond *5. Tangible net worth (if any portion of the closure and post-closure cost estimates is included in "total liabilities" on your firm's financial statements, you may add the amount of that portion to this line) *6. Total assets in U.S. (required only if less than 90 percent of firm's assets are located in the U.S.) 7. Is line 5 at least $10 mill ion? 8. Is line 5 at least 6 times 1 ine l? *9. Are at least 90 percent of firm's assets located in the U. s.? If not, complete line 10. 10, Is line 6 at least 6 times line l? N/A N/A N/A $ 11 085 177 $ N/A Yes No --"--- NI A -- x -- N/A -- I hereby certify that the wording of this letter is identical to the wording\t..specified in 40 CFR 264.15l(f), adopted in North Carolina as iONCAClOF .0032~J~ as such regulations were constituted on the date shown immediately below. d_,f'//~~ (Signature)?-V~~ (Name) w. K. Kivett (Title) Comptroller (Date) 4-7-83 • Central Transportj Inc. 500 Melynda Road Charlotte, NC 28208 Closure Plan for Waste Containment Pond • 1. It is anticipated this waste pond will be closed during the year 1983. 2. Prior to beginning closure; an approved above groLind mechanical pre-treatment system will be installed to handle tank truck washing waste for introduction into the Mecklenburg sanitary sewer system. 3. After this is in place and operating, the liquid waste from the containment pond will be processed through this system for disposal. 4. After completely draining containment pond, sludge residue left in the bottom will be analyzed to determine characteristic of E P Toxicity. If results indicate sludge to be non toxic, non corrosive, non reative and non flammable by the standards and parameters of the E P Toxicity analysis, it will be left in place and the pond filled in with soil and compacted after approval from the Department of Human Resources. 5. Three months after closure, monitoring wells will be sampled and analy?.ed and compared to paramenters previously established. 6, The closure will be completed within the time allowance set forth by the Department of Human Resources, Solid and Hazardous Waste Branch, l