HomeMy WebLinkAboutFUEL SYST_2010 Clean-up Questionnaire-OCR... ... ... ... .._ .. .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ,.. ... ~ ~ .. .. ,,,. ... ... --JI ... .,. ~ ,,,iA ~----------··-···--.... _______ . -.... Site Cleanup ()ueslion(>a6e Fotme< Ky-/ &li<;h;pn Reel Facili:y 5019H<Ms RMd. Cllat10lte, NC Ut>y 19, 2C10 7) A supply "ell survey was conducted in March 20 I 0 "~thin one half-mile radius of the Site, in ru:cordance wnh THSB guidnnce. The survey included a rc\'iew of previous survC)'S performed by others. a rc,icw of publicly available eommen;ial and govcrnm.crnal databases. and a subsequent visual reconnaissance. A copy of the Well Sun•c,1• & Adjacent Property Rcpon is enclosed. J11e survey reo.-ultcd in the identification of six down£flldicnt potential supply wells, which are shown on Figure I of this report . Two of the potential wells were identified as inacti\•e irrigation wells. two wells were present al nddrcsses which ha\'e active municipal water accounts, and two wells were located al addresses which do not currently have mumcipal water service (as confim1ed by the Charlotte Mecklenburg Utility Department) . 8) The distance rrom the Site to the nearest downgrad.icnt potential supply well is approxim31cly 1,300 feet 1111s well is identified as #6 on Figure 1 of the well su1Yey report. Several other sites with documented contamination are also located ll1e same disl3ncc or closer and up-gradient of th.is well . 9) The SUI'\ ey did not identily any down..'itream surface water intakes in proximity to the Site. Based upon inspcc11on of available a.erial photographs, no surface water bodies exist within 0110-milc of the Site. A surface water body was observed over a mile to ll1e nonbcast of 1be Site, which is in :111 upgradient direction. lt also appears that this surface water body is a lagoon for an adjacc111 indusrnal facility . 10) The Site is currently occupiud by a vacant former iudustria l building. No soil gas or ii1door air snmpltng has been conducted to eva luate indoor atr quality . 11) Two off-Site monitoring wells (MW-I 0 and M\1/-l \ D) were insialled by Dorg\Vamer on the adjoining prupeny I() the south of th.: Site. These two well s have been sampled once (in Ap1il 2000) as nccess was nnt i,rranlerl by 1he property owner for the more recent sninpl ing event. I, I ·dichloroechene (I, l-DCE) was detected in Ute s;tmple collected from MW· I 0 at 13 ~1g/L1 slightly greater 1hnn the uores1Tict.ed-use remediation goal (NC 2L Sto.ndard) of 7.0 µg/L. Tctrachlorocthcnc (PCE) was also prescnl in this sample at a concentration of 4$ µg!L (the 2L Swndard is 0.7 J.tg/L}, but this volatile organic compound (VOC) hos not been detected in .\,'TOundwaler samples collected from on-Site mon1torin!l wells. The iµ-oundwa t·er sa111ple from MW-1 lD did not conU!in detectable levels or voes . 13 & 14) H11Scd on a Jile review and currently available info1mation, there are no sensitive environments on the property. A Site reconnaissance or ii1quiries of the relevant agencies has nol been oonductcJ for this Questionnaire. Regarulcss of the priority ranking Lite Sile receives ns n result of this Questionnaire. on behalf of BorgWarner, we request that futt1re investigative and remed ial activities be lead by the IHSB, rather than by a Voluntary Adminiscra1ive Agrc<mcn t under the Registered Environmental Consulrant (REC) Program for the follo"'ing reasons: • the nppurcnt migration of groundwater constituents onto t.hc adjac~t property to the south arid the h1storicnlly arduous process of obtaining an access agreemem from thar propcrt> 0;1 ncr (u.~ documented in your regulatory correspondence files), • poh:nlinl delrays :issoc:imed \\lth the: bankruptcy status of the current Site owner. ~---·..--· ·---· ~ . .• llRcsMl!ls~arttllRCl./))rOj•e:&'11W9· I 23 1Bor9 W•mcr1RPTS ls.it ~nvp Ouott/OtlM>t~ ltffer.<lbf: P1Jlilll Z of 3 -· -· -· "'" -· .._ .... t•11'*1 , .. , .... ... .... ..,t-.. #if\'WI ... _ ... _ ... -, .. _ ---·---- ----..... ... .. .... .... 0-•• .. ..... ... .. __ ......... .... ... c ... ..... ,,..._.'ftll'. .... ..,o .. .... • ,, ........... .... .. 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