HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCB0057_SwiftCreekReuse_CAPMonthlyReport1_DIN27833_20170524Swift Creek Corrective Action Plan Implementation Monthly Project Update – Prepared by ERM NC, Inc. Report #1 - May 24, 2017 ReUse Technology, Inc. Former Swift Creek Coal Combustion By Product (CCB) Structural Fill, CCB0057 Battleboro, North Carolina Introduction   ERM NC, Inc. (ERM) has been contracted by ReUse Technology, Inc. (ReUse) to implement the Groundwater Corrective Action Plan for the Former Swift Creek Coal Combustion By Product (CCB) Structural Fill, CCB0057 approved by NCDEQ – Division of Waste Management on March 12, 2015. As requested by NCDEQ, ERM will provide monthly updates to summarize site activities including any changes in conditions as the project progresses. ERM has subcontracted Earnhardt Grading, Inc. (Earnhardt) of Lowesville, North Carolina to provide site preparation, excavation, grading, geosynthetic installation and final site stabilization. ERM and Earnhardt have been on the Swift Creek site full time beginning April 24, 2017 for construction activities. ERM has compiled weekly update status reports that are attached for reference. Summary of Activities On April 24, 2017, ERM and Earnhardt arrived on site to begin site preparation activities. These activities included:  Conduct onsite Pre-Construction Meeting (sign in sheet attached).  Review of site specific health & safety plans; ERM plan and Earnhardt plan; to identify unexpected changes in conditions.  Review public and third party utility location surveys and identify in the field.  Install erosion and sedimentation control measures per NCDEMLR – Division of Land Quality approved plans (approved March 31, 2017).  Establish field office trailer and parking area for project.  Abandon piezometers previously installed in the project footprint.  Strip and stockpile topsoil on site for future use.  Strip and stockpile cover soils on site for future use. During installation of the approved sediment basins; SB-1 in the northwest corner of the site and SB-2 along the northeast side of the site; CCB materials were identified within the basin footprint areas. Under the full time observation of ERM, Earnhardt removed these materials from the basin areas using a “long reach” tracked excavator and transporting with off road articulating dump trucks (ADT’s). The soil layer beneath these materials in the basin areas is a ERM NC, Inc. 15720 Brixham Hill Avenue Suite 120 Charlotte, NC 28277 (704) 541-8345 (704) 541-8416 (fax) Swift Creek Monthly Update Report #1 Page 2 May 24, 2017 light gray/white sandy clay/clayey sand for identification purposes. The CCB materials were transported to an area towards the middle of the site stripped of cover soils and surrounded with an earthen berm to incorporate into the final closure footprint. An estimated 4,290 cubic yards (CY) of material was removed from these basins combined. No CCB materials were encountered in the southern basin SB-3. Following installation of erosion and sedimentation control measures, Earnhardt subcontracted McCall Brothers, Inc. of Charlotte, NC (a certified NC well driller) to perform abandonment of piezometers within the corrective action plan footprint that extend beyond the bottom of CCB materials. The remainder will be removed during excavation of the CCB materials in the Phase 1 Area. ERM has not received the well abandonment records to date but will include in the next monthly update report. Earnhardt has stripped the topsoil and cover soils from within the CCB site area and stockpiled in the southern basin area located south of the CCB footprint. This stockpile area was included on the approved Corrective Action Plan and the approved Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan. At the end of this first month of construction activities, Earnhardt has started excavation of CCB materials from the southern end of the site (Phase 1) transporting to the northern half of the site (Phase 2). Site Observations  To date there have been no visual indications of dust migration off site.  Since arriving on site, approximately 12-inches of rain has been recorded based on the onsite rain gage and monitoring. 2.75 inches recorded from May 22nd to May 23rd.  Erosion and sedimentation control measures are functioning appropriately and there have been no observations of offsite sediment releases.  Monitoring wells have been marked with construction fence and maintained throughout construction activities. Please let us know if you should have any questions or require additional information concerning this report or attachments. ERM NC, Inc. David W. Wasiela, P.E. Project Engineer Attch: Pre-Construction Sign In Sheet Weekly Update Reports ReUse Technology, Inc. Swift Creek Project Weekly Update – April 26, 2017 Key Items Completed Last Week: Permit Related 1. NCDEQ - Division of Waste Management requested a pre-construction conference call on Tuesday April 25th at 9:00am to review the project with their team. ERM along with ReUse representatives attended this call. ERM provided a general over view of the project, schedule and roles for contractors/firms. There were no technical questions from the Division and an onsite meeting will be scheduled over the next several weeks. Project Related 2. Earnhardt Grading and ERM mobilized to the project on 4/24/17. ERM conducted a pre-construction meeting with Earnhardt to review the project and schedule. Due to heavy rains Monday and Tuesday, site activities have been limited to date. 3. Earnhardt Grading is focusing on installation of erosion and sedimentation control measures along with site office and stabilized entrance development. Two (2) Week Look Ahead (4/26/17 – 5/10/17): 4. Earnhardt and ERM will remain on site full time. 5. Next week will focus primarily on reviewing Health& Safety Plans on site, installing erosion and sedimentation control measures and becoming familiar with surroundings. 6. Earnhardt will establish an onsite field office trailer with utility service. 7. Public utility “mark out” is complete and private utility “mark out” is scheduled to be completed by Wednesday April 26th. 8. Once Erosion and Sedimentation Control measures are in place, ERM will notify NCDEMLR and schedule a site visit for compliance. 9. ERM will continue to update Full Circle concerning site activities.   ReUse Technology, Inc. Swift Creek Project Weekly Update – May 3, 2017 Key Items Completed Last Week: Permit Related 1. NCDEQ; DEMLR – Land Quality will be notified once erosion and sedimentation control measures are in place for an onsite meeting. Project Related 2. Earnhardt Grading and ERM remain on site full time since 4/24/17. 3. Earnhardt Grading began preparing the existing sediment basins on site for upgrading in accordance with current permit including skimmers. Based on field observations from both Earnhardt and ERM, a significant amount of ash materials are present in the northwest basin and the long basin along the east side of the site (Figure Attached). 4. Earnhardt is continuing to remove the ash materials from the basin areas; transporting to an area near the center of the site that has been stripped of cover soils with a soil perimeter berm surrounding the area for disposition. These materials will be incorporated into the final closure. 5. A preliminary estimate of additional volume of ash materials in these basins is 2,300 cubic yards; 800 yards in the north basin and 1,500 yards in the east basin. 6. Dave Wasiela will visit the site Wednesday or Thursday of this week to review this change in existing site conditions and evaluate overall potential project impacts. Two (2) Week Look Ahead (5/3/17 – 5/17/17): 7. Earnhardt and ERM will remain on site full time. 8. This week will focus on completion of erosion and sedimentation control; basins. 9. Next week will focus primarily on removal of soil cover materials and stockpiling. 10. Earnhardt will establish an onsite field office trailer with utility service. 11. Once Erosion and Sedimentation Control measures are in place, ERM will notify NCDEMLR and schedule a site visit for compliance. 12. ERM will continue to update Full Circle concerning site activities.   North Basin and East Basin Areas Containing Ash Materials   ReUse Technology, Inc. Swift Creek Project Weekly Update – May 10, 2017 Key Items Completed Last Week: Permit Related 1. NCDEQ; DEMLR – Land Quality will be notified once erosion and sedimentation control measures are in place for an onsite meeting; tentatively next week. Project Related 2. Earnhardt Grading and ERM remain on site full time since 4/24/17. 3. Earnhardt Grading began preparing the existing sediment basins on site for upgrading in accordance with current permit including skimmers. Based on field observations from both Earnhardt and ERM, a significant amount of ash materials are present in the northwest basin and the long basin along the east side of the site. 4. Earnhardt has completed the north basin 100% and installed skimmer dewatering. Earnhardt continues removing ash from east basin. Excavated ash materials are transported to an area near the center of the site that has been stripped of cover soils with a soil perimeter berm surrounding the area for disposition. These materials will be incorporated into the final closure. 5. A preliminary estimate of additional volume of ash materials in these basins is 2,300 cubic yards; 800 yards in the north basin and 1,500 yards in the east basin. 6. Photo Log of activities is attached for reference. Two (2) Week Look Ahead (5/10/17 – 5/24/17): 7. Earnhardt and ERM will remain on site full time. 8. This week will focus on completion of erosion and sedimentation control; basins. 9. Next week will focus primarily on removal of soil cover materials and stockpiling. 10. Earnhardt will establish an onsite field office trailer with utility service. 11. Once Erosion and Sedimentation Control measures are in place, ERM will notify NCDEMLR and schedule a site visit for compliance. 12. ERM will continue to update Full Circle concerning site activities. 13. ERM will prepare the first monthly update for NCDEQ – Division of Waste Management.   Photograph 1 View of the ash stockpile area with earthen berm. Ash was removed from the Northeast sediment basin SB-1 Photograph 2 Stockpile area for excavated ash material with earthen berm.   Photograph 3 Northeastern sediment basin (SB-2) with ash base removed. Photograph 4 Northeastern sediment basin (SB-2) with ash base removed.   Photograph 5 Northeastern drainage basin (SB-2) with ash base removed. Photograph 6 Southern stockpile area in SB-3 prior to inner silt fence installation and baffles. Skimmer is installed.   Photograph 7 Baffles and inner silt fence installed in the southern basin area (SB-3) Photograph 8 Close up of baffle installation progress with skimmer in southern basin area (SB-3)   Photograph 9 Silt fence and baffle installation in the southern basin area (SB-3) Photograph 10 Silt fence along Highway 301.   Photograph 11 Silt fence along highway 301 Photograph 12 Silt fence along highway 301 with drainage feature   Photograph 13 Northern drainage basin (SB-1) without baffles but with skimmer Photograph 14 Northern drainage basin (SB-1) with skimmer during baffle installation   Photograph 15 View of Northeastern basin (SB-2) area during ash removal activities   ReUse Technology, Inc. Swift Creek Project Weekly Update – May 17, 2017 Key Items Completed Last Week: Permit Related 1. NCDEQ; DEMLR – Land Quality – Thad Valentine was notified that erosion and sedimentation control measures are in place for an onsite meeting. Thad replied that he would stop by next time he was in the area. 2. NCDEQ – Waste Management – Reached out to Jackie Drummond to ask if the Division had decided on a date to visit the site. Jackie responded that it would likely be sometime in July. Project Related 3. Earnhardt Grading and ERM remain on site full time since 4/24/17. 4. Earnhardt Grading has completed installation of erosion and sedimentation control measures. Based on field observations from both Earnhardt and ERM, a significant amount of ash materials were present in the northwest basin and the long basin along the east side of the site. Removal of these materials total 4,290 cubic yards of ash materials. Subsequently, 4,896 cubic yards of soil were needed to be placed back into the basins in order to meet design grades and approved plans. 5. Excavated ash materials were transported to an area near the center of the site that has been stripped of cover soils with a soil perimeter berm surrounding the area for disposition. These materials will be incorporated into the final closure. 6. Excavation of ash materials started in the northwest corner of the site. Ash materials are transported to the northeast portion of the site for stockpiling. This area is being prepared for office trailer and vehicle parking for the project long term; therefore ash removal began in this location. 7. Photo Log of activities is attached for reference. Two (2) Week Look Ahead (5/17/17 – 5/31/17): 8. Earnhardt and ERM will remain on site full time. 9. Office trailer is scheduled for Thursday May 18th. 10. Continue stripping and stockpiling of cover soils, begin working routinely from south to north for preparation of Phase 1 area. 11. ERM will continue to update Full Circle concerning site activities. 12. ERM will prepare the first monthly update for NCDEQ – Division of Waste Management. 13. No site activities are planned for Memorial Day, Monday May 29th.               ReUse Technology, Inc. Swift Creek Project Weekly Update – May 24, 2017 Key Items Completed Last Week: Permit Related 1. NCDEQ; DEMLR – Land Quality – Thad Valentine was notified that erosion and sedimentation control measures are in place for an onsite meeting. Thad replied that he would stop by next time he was in the area. No visit has occurred yet. 2. NCDEQ – Waste Management – Reached out to Jackie Drummond to ask if the Division had decided on a date to visit the site. Jackie responded that it would likely be sometime in July. Meeting has not been scheduled yet. Project Related 3. Earnhardt Grading and ERM remain on site full time since 4/24/17. 4. Earnhardt Grading set up field office trailer Monday 5/22/17. 5. Earnhardt has finished removal of topsoil and cover materials minus one path for access on the west side of the site. 6. Excavation of ash materials has begun on the south end of the site with transportation to the north end; excavation of Phase 1 area. 7. Near Miss event reported due to bed of an articulating dump truck (ADT) turning over in the southwest corner of the site. No injuries or property damage was reported from the event. Stop work was exercised immediately following the event and while the event was reported within the ERM event communication system (ECS). Earnhardt reviewed the event, cause and additional safety measures needed moving forward to prevent reoccurrence. Driver error was the determining cause not using mirrors, backup cameras and following travel path instructions. This operator was terminated following the event. 8. Photo Log of activities is attached for reference. Two (2) Week Look Ahead (5/24/17 – 6/7/17): 9. Earnhardt and ERM will remain on site full time. 10. Continue excavating ash working routinely from south to north for preparation of Phase 1 area. 11. ERM will continue to update Full Circle concerning site activities. 12. ERM is preparing the first monthly update for NCDEQ – Division of Waste Management. 13. No site activities are planned for Memorial Day, Monday May 29th.