HomeMy WebLinkAboutCenco_ 1988 FILE DOCKET-OCR-• • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ON CONSENT WHEREAS, the United States Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA"), and the North Carolina Department of Natural Resources, Division of Environmental Management ("DNR"), have undertaken a study and review of the waste management prac- tices of Central Transport, Inc. ("CTI"), including CTI's maintenance and operation of three surface impoundments formerly used for effluent pretreatment at its Charlotte, North Carolina facility; and WHEREAS, CTI has undertaken efforts to insure that waste management practices at its Charlotte facility, as well as its other facilities, are in compliance with all appli- cable federal and state statutes and regulations; and WHEREAS, EPA, DNR and CTI are interested in ensuring that the surface impoundments at CTI's Charlotte facility are closed in complianc~ with state and federal statutes and regulations and in a manner that presents no threat to the environment; and WHEREAS, CTI does not acknowledge or admit that the surface impoundments in question contain or contained hazard- ous waste, or that any CTI facility was operated in a manner that violated applicable environmental statutes and regula- tions; and WHEREAS, CTI, EPA and DNR mutually desire to conclude matters without further expense or resort to formal proceed- ings; -• NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual cove- nants and promises hereinafter set forth, the parties consent to the entry of an order as follows: CLOSURE OF THE SURFACE IMPOUNDMENTS 1. CTI shall close the surface impoundments at its Charlotte facility. To effect closure, CTl shall submit a written closure plan sufficient under the provisions of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act ("RCRA") and the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Act. The plan shall make provision for the closing of the three surface impoundments at CTI's Charlotte facility in a manner that: a) minimizes the need for future maintenance; b) controls, minimizes or eliminates, to the extent necessary to protect the environment or human health, post-closure escape, run-off or leaching of the constituents of the contents the surface impoundments; and c) complies with the closure requirements set forth in state and federal regulations. 2. The closure plan submitted by CTI shall identify all steps necessary to perform final closure of the surface impoundments at CTI's Charlotte facility in accord with 40 C.F.R. § 265.112(b). It shall include a timetable of activities designed to close the impoundments in an expedi- tious manner, consistent with any permitting processes that may be required by this Order or the closure plan. EPA and - 2 - • • DNR agree to assist CTI in obtaining any federal,, state or local permits which may be required. 3. After CTI submits its closure plan, EPA and the North Carolina DNR shall approve or comment upon the plan within 45 days. Should EPA and the North Carolina DNR choose to comment on the CTI closure plan, CTI shall submit a re- vised closure plan within 45 days of receiving those com- ments. EPA and DNR shall approve or comment upon the revised closure plan within 45 days, and CTI shall submit any revi- sions in like manner. 4. Upon approval by the EPA Regional Administrator and the North Carolina DNR of CT!'s closure plan, CTI shall proceed to close the surface impoundments at the Charlotte facility in accord with the closure plan. This administra- tive order on consent is expressly conditioned upon CTI's ability to gain approval for its closure plan and any neces- sary permits from the EPA Regional Administrator, as well as the North Carolina DNR, and upon the agreement of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utility District to receive the liquid materials in the impoundments. EPA and DNR agree to assist CTI in obtaining any federal, state or local permits which may be required. 5. CTI shall notify the Regional Administrator of the EPA, as well as the North Carolina DNR, in writing 30 days prior to the date on which CTI expects to begin closure of the surface impoundments at CTI's Charlotte facility. - 3 - • • 6. During closure, CTI shall take steps to ensure that all wastes removed from the surface impoundments will be handled in accordance with any applicable requirements of 40 C.F.R. Parts 260 through 262. 7. Within 60 days of completion of the closure of the CTI surface impoundments at Charlotte, CTI shall submit a certification to the EPA Regional Administrator and the North Carolina DNR, that the surface impoundments have been closed in accordance with the requirements of the approved closure plan. The certification shall comply with the requirements of 40 C.F.R. § 265.115. 8. To effect closure of the surface impoundments at Charlotte, the closure plan submitted by CTI will detail a proposal to discharge certain liquids to the Charlotte-Meck- lenburg Utility District POTW. Any sludges remaining from the surface impoundments will be treated and disposed on- si te, in compliance with any requirements imposed by RCRA for on-site disposal, closure and post-closure care. EPA and DNR shall expedite any permitting necessary for such on-site disposal. POST-CLOSURE 9. Upon completion of the closure of the surface impoundments, CTI shall undertake post-closure care of the surface impoundments in the manner, and for the length of time prescribed in 40 C.F.R. § 265.117(a)(l). - 4 - ... • • 10. CTI shall submit a written post-closure plan to the EPA Regional Administrator and the North Carolina DNR in accordance with 40 C.F.R. § 265.118(a) within 90 days after approval of the closure plan. The post-closure plan shall detail the activities that CTI will undertake to ensure effective post-closure care of the surface impoundments pursuant to 40 C.F.R. § 265.118(c). 11. At any time during the post-closure period, CTI may apply to the EPA Regional Administrator and the North Carolina DNR to shorten the post-closure period, should the EPA Regional Administrator or the North Carolina DNR find that the reduced post-closure period is sufficient to protect human health and the environment. 12. CTI agrees not to make any change in its post- closure plan without first obtaining approval from the EPA Regional Administrator and the North Carolina DNR, pursuant to 40 c.F.R. s 265.118(d). 13. Not later than 60 days after completion of the established post-closure care period for the surface impound- ments at CTI's Charlotte facility, CTI shall submit to the EPA Regional Administrator and the North Carolina DNR, a certification that post-closure care was performed in accor- dance with the specifications in the approved post-closure plan pursuant to 40 C.F.R. § 265.120. - 5 - -• • RELEASE 14. The EPA and the North Carolina DNR hereby release and discharge CTI, Gary Honbarrier, Archie Honbarrier, other CTI shareholders or owners, all CTI employ- ees, officers or directors, their heirs and legal representa- tives, from all claims, demands, actions, judgments, and penalties that EPA or the North Carolina DNR had, has, or may have, against any of the above-mentioned persons or entities, created by, arising out of, or as a result of the operation, maintenance or waste management practices of any CTI employee or at any CTI facility. OTHER PROVISIONS 15. Nothing in this agreement shall operate as an admission, finding or conclusion that the surface impound- ments at CT!'s Charlotte facility contain or contained any hazardous wastes. 16. Nothing in this agreement shall operate as an admission, finding or conclusion that CTI operated or main- tained its facilities in a manner other than in compliance with all applicable statutes or regulations. 17. EPA and the North Carolina DNR agree that no action, statement, failure to act, document or evidence of any kind which occurred or existed within the knowledge of the parties at any time prior to or including the time of the execution of this agreement shall be used by any of the parties or any other person or entity on its behalf in any - 6 - • • proceeding or be deemed to have any precedential effect, in connection with any other dispute, controversy, claim, demand or suit. 18. This agreement may be executed in several coun- terparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which together shall constitute a single agreement. UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY By:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES By: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. BY: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -7 - • • AGENDA MAY 13, 1988 MEETING CONCERNING CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. Introductions Status report on current investigations of Charlotte terminal (to the extent known) Report on test results at terminal generally, and with specific reference to the lagoons Company's intention to close the lagoons Regulatory authority of various agencies Disposal of the lagoons' liquids Disposal of the lagoons' solids Timetable • S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION A.CY REGION IV, ATHENS, GEORGIA MEMORANDUM DATE; APR 15 198B SUBJECT: Report of Sampling Investigation at Central Transport, Inc,, Wilmington, NC, ESD Project No. 88-112. FROM: TO: THRU: Bruce Ferguson O~t- Haza~dous Wasce Section Environmental Compliance Branch Environmental Services Division Allan Antley, Chief Waste Compliance Section RCRA Branch I :~s:~ ::::~e::::fDivision !VfV(L."r/ · Hazardous Waste Section Jf f Ji ({ Environmental Compliance BranchV Environmental Services Division Attached is the corrected report for the investigation conducted on December l, 1987, at the subject facility. The following person has requested a copy of this report: Mr. Buford Haynie Central Transport, Inc. 215 Sampson Road Wilmington, NC 28401 If there are any questions regarding this report, please contact me at FTS 250-3308. Attachment cc: Lair/Hall Knight Carroll/Bennett/McDaniel Lam.- (' ,, ;·:1 ~fl ·" l • INTRODUCTION SAMPLING INVESTIGATION CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. • WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA ESD PROJECT NO. 88-112 DECEMBER 1987 On December l, 1987. Bruce Ferguson, US-EPA, Region IV, Environmental Services Division, Hazardous Waste Section, conducted a sampling investigation at the Central Transport, Inc. facility located at Wilmington, North Carolina. Buford Haynie, terminal manager for Central Transport, provided information and assistance during the sampling. The investigation was requested by the RCRA Branch, Atlanta BACKGROUND Central Transport, Inc. is a tank truck dispatch and wash facility located on Sampson Road, Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina (Figure 1). The facility is located south of the Flemington Landfill property. Water and sediment samples were collected from two interconnected ponds on the west property boundary (Figure 2). The south pond has been partially backfilled to allow more parking area for the tank trucks. SUMMARY One extractable organic compound was detected in one of the three water samples collected. Eight metals were detected in the north pond sample and ten were detected in the two south pond samples. High concentrations of extractable and purgeable organic compounds and metals were detected in the sediment from the east side of the south pond near the backfill area. SAMPLING AND METHODOLOGY Samples were collected from three sites (CT-1 through CT-3) at the two ponds on the facility property (Figure 2). All samples were taken from a distance of about one foot from the banks of the ponds. Water samples were taken at all three sites. Sample CT-lW was collected from the south end of the south pond near the discharge point. This area was shallow with a sandy scoured sediment probably resulting from high flows. Sample CT-2W was collected from the northwestern corner of the north pond and sample CT-3W from approximately the center of the east side of the south pond. The banks at site CT-3 were composed mostly of fill material and the water was somewhat stagnant with oily scum and deposits. Two sediment samples (CT-lS and CT-35) were collected from the south pond. Weeds and littoral macro detritus in the north pond prevented collection of sediment samples at this site. All samples were analyzed for extractable and purgeable organic compounds, pesticides, metals and cyanide. Samples were collected and handled in accordance with the Engineering Support Branch Standard Operating Procedures and Quality Assurance Manual (April 1986). Samples were analyzed according to the Analytical Support Branch Operations and Quality Control Manual (June 1985). • • PAGE BF8112T 1. TBl INORGANIC ELEHEMT/COMPCl.mD BAR!UI! CHROMlLJM STRONTlLJM Z!HC ALUMINIM MANGANESE CAlCIUI! MAGHESIU>l IRON SOOIUH POTASSlUI! EXl RAC! AB LE ORGANIC CC!!POUHO S BIS(2·ETHYLHEXYl) PHTHALATE TABLE 1 ANALTTICAL DAIA SUMMARY (WATER) CENTRAL TRAliSPORT, !NC. WllHIHGTC»j, NORTH CAROLINA DECEMBER 1987 CT·211 H. EHD H. pe»jQ 12/01/87 1515 UG/L 28 -- 94 12 -- 230 HG/l ts 1 .9 6.8 7.8 .. UG/L .. ............. *'**""**11N1r*"'"** ............... ,..,, •• ""'******'*~*·•·*********"***"** *-FOOttilOTES'*- HA · HOT ANALYZED -· · HATER!AL WAS ANALYZED FOR BUT HOl DETECTED CT-3W E. SIDE S. POND 12/01/87 1615 UG/L 18 30 81 210 260 KG/L 31 2.9 t.8 35 8.8 UG/L . . CT· 1W S. EHD S. POND 12101/87 1415 llG/L 16 26 8ll 160 440 MG/L 3Z 2.8 2.2 40 8.8 UG/l so • • PAGE BF8112T2.JBL TABLE 2 ANALYTICAL DATA Sl.O!Hll.RY (SED!HEWTJ CENTRAL TRANSPORT, !NC. WllM!NGTOll, NORTH CAROLINA DECEHBER 1987 INORGANIC ELEHENT/cct<POUND aARIUK CHROMIIM COPPER ST ROliTI 1M TI TAW!IM ZINC KEROJRY Alll!INUM MANGANESE CAlCJIM KAGNESllM IROll EXTRACTABLE ORGANIC COMPCXJNOS B!S(2·ETHYLHEXYl) PHTHALATE 2 UNIDENTIFIED cct<PCXJNDS PURGEABLE OR GAN IC COliPOONOS TOLUENE ETHYL BrnZENE (K· AND/OR P·)XYLENE O·XYLEHE TRIKETHYLBENZENE(S ISOMERS) CT·3S E. SIDE S. POND 12/01/87 1645 HG/KG 130 29()00 110 130 320 0.58 8100 500 34000 1200 20000 UG/KG 360000 600000J UG/KG 120J 120J 150J 66J 700JN ********'IHr*****••*•*'**"'***************'***T1't*'**111!*11!•tn1:••••••"'***** ***FOOTNOTES*** NA · NOT ANALYZED J • ESTIMATED VALUE N • PRESIMPTIVE EVIDENCE OF PRESENCE OF MATERIAL -MATERIAL WAS ANALYZED FOR BUT HOT DETECTED CT·1S S. ENO S. PONO 12/01/87 1425 KG/KG 1.4 14 51 1.3 45 17 260 11 210 UG/KG UG/KG 43J ,- PURGEABLE ORGANICS OATA REPORT SAMPLE AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM EPA-REGION JV ESO, ATHENS, GA. *'* * * * * * * * * * ' * * * * ' * * * * * * * * • * * ' * •• * * * * • • • * ' * • * * * * • * * • * * • * ' * ' * * • •• PROJECT NO. 88-112 SAMPLE NO. 21255 SAMPLE TYPE: PONDWA •• SOURCE: CENTRAL TRANSPORT •• STATION JO: CT-3W EAST SJOE SOUTH POND .. PROG ELEM: RCRA COLLECTED BY: B FERGUSON CITY: WILMINGTON ST: NC COLLECTION START: 12/01/87 161S STOP: 00/00/00 04/13/SB • • • ... .. .. .. •• *** * * * * * * * * * * • * * * * * • * * * * * • * ' * * * * * * • * * * * • * • * • * * * * * * * ' * * • * * * * • * • * * * '*' UG/L ANALYTJ CAL RESULTS UG/L ANALYTICAL RESULTS SU CHLOROMETHANE SU VINYL CHLORIDE SU BROMOMETHANE SU CHLOROETHANE SU TRJCHLOROfLUOROMETHANE SU 1,1-0JCHLOROETHENE(l.1-0ICHLOROETHYLENE) SOU ACETONE SOU CARBON DISULFIDE SU METHYLENE CHLORIDE SU TRANS-1,2-0ICHLOROETHENE SU 1.1-DICHLOROETHANE SOU VINYL ACETATE SU CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE SU 2.2-0JCHLOROPROPANE SOU METHYL ETHYL KETONE SU BROMOCHLOROMETHANE SU CHLOROFORM SU 1,1,1-TRJCHLOROETHANE SU 1.1-DJCHLOROPROPENE SU CARBON TETRACHLORIDE SU 1,2-DJCHLOROETHANE SU BENZENE 5U TRICHLOROETHENE!TRICHLOROETHYLENEJ SU 1.2-DICHLOROPROPANE SU DlBROMOMETHANE SU BROMODICHLOROMETHANE **'*'REMARKS••• ~••FOOTNOTES*** lOU CIS-1,3-0ICHLOROPROPENE SOU METHYL ISOBUTVL KETONE SU TOLUENE 10U TRANS-1,3-0ICHLOROPROPENE SU 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE SU TETRACHLOROETHENE{TETRACHLOROETHYLENE) SU 1.3-0lCHLOROPRDPANE SOU METHYL BUTYL KETONE SU OIBROMOCHLOROMETHANE SU CHLOROBENZENE SU 1,1,1,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE SU ETHYL BENZENE SU (M-ANO/OR P-lXVLENE SU 0-XYUNE SOU STYRENE SU B ROMOF ORM lOU BROMOBENZENE lOU 1.1 ,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE lOU 1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE 10U 0-CHLOROTOLUENE 10U M-CHLOROTOLUENE 10U P-CHLOROTOLUENE lOU 1.3-DJCHLOROBENZENE 10U 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE 10U 1.2-0ICHLOROBENZENE '*"*REMARKS•*"' •A-AVERAGE VALUE •NA-NOT ANALYZED •NAI-INTERFERENCES •J-ESTJMATED VALUE •N-PRESUMPTJVE EVIOENCE OF PRESENCE OF MATERIAL •K-ACTUAL VALUE IS KNOWN TO BE LESS THAN VALUE GIVEN •L-ACTUAL VALUE IS KNOWN TO BE GREATER THAN VALUE GIVEN •U-MATERJAL WAS ANALYZED FOR BUT NOT DETECTED. THE NUMBER JS THE MINIMUM QUANTITATION LIMIT. • • ,. ----- ~ EXTRACTABLE ORGANICS DATA REPORT SAMPLE ANO ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM EPA-REGION IV ESD, ATHENS, GA. * • • • • • * * * * * * * • * s * • * • * * • * * * • * * • • * • PROJECT NO. 88-112 SAMPLE NO. 21255 SAMPLE TYPE: PONDWA SOURCE: CENTRAL TRANSPORT STATION ID: er-aw EAST SIDE SOUTH PONO * * a * * * * s * * a * a • * * a * a * * a a * a a PROG ELEM: RCRA COLLECTED BY: B FERGUSON ClTY: WILMINGTON ST: NC COLLECTION START: 12/01/87 1615 STOP: 00/00/00 04/13/88 • • • ... .. .. .. •• ... * * * • * • • • * * * • • * • * • * • * • * * * • • * * • • * ' * • * * * • * * * • * * * * * * * * • * • s * • ' * • * * * UG/L ANALYTICAL RESULTS UG/L ANALYTICAL RESULTS ... .. •• •• • • ... IOU BJS(2-CHLOROETHYLJ ETHER 10U BJS(2-CHLOROJSOPROPYL) ETHER IOU N-NJTROSODl-N-PROPVLAMINE IOU HEXACHLOROETHANE 10U NITROBENZENE 10U !SOPHORONE 10U BIS(2-CHLOROETHOXV) METHANE 10U 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE 10U NAPHTHALENE IOU 4-CHLOROANJLINE 10U HEXACHLOROBUTADIENE 10U 2-METHVLNAPHTHALENE 10U HEXACHLOROCVCLOPENTADIENE (HCCP) 10U 2-CHLORONAPHTHALENE IOU 2-NITROANILINE IOU DIMETHYL PHTHALATE IOU ACENAPHTHYLENE 10U 2,6-0INITROTOLUENE 10U 3-NITROANJLINE 10U ACENAPHTHENE 10U O!BEN20FURAN lOU 2,4-DINITROTOLUENE lOU DIETHYL PHTHALATE 1DU FLUORENE 10U 4-CHLOROPHENYL PHENYL ETHER 10U 4-NITROANJLINE 10U N-NlTROSODlPHENYLAMINE/DIPHENYLAMINE 10U 4-BROMOPHENYL PHENYL ETHER 10U HEXACHLOROBEN2ENE (HCB) 10U PHENANTHRENE 10U ANTHRACENE 10U 01-N-BUTYLPHTHALATE a::t•REMARKS••* •••FOOTNOTES•** 10U FLUORANTHENE 10U PYRENE 10U BENZVL BUTYL PHTHALATE \OU 3,3'-DJCHLOROBENZIDINE IOU BENZO(A)ANTHRACENE 10U CHRYSENE 10U BJS(2-ETHVLHEXYLJ PHTHALATE 10U 01-N-OCTVLPHTHALATE 10U BENZO(B ANO/OR K)FLUORANTHENE 10U BEN20-A-PYRENE 10U INDENO (1,2,3-CD) PYRENE 10U DJBENZO(A,HJANTHRACENE IOU BEN20(GHJ)PERVLENE 10U PHENOL 10U 2-CHLOROPHENOL 20U BENZYL ALCOHOL 10U 2-METHYLPHENOL 10U (3-AND/OR 4-JMETHVLPHENOL IOU 2-NlTROPHENOL IOU 2.4-DJMETHYLPHENOL 20U BENZOIC ACID 10U 2,4-DICHLOROPHENOL 10U 4-CHLOR0-3-METHYLPHENOL 10U 2,4,6-TRICHLOROPHENOL 10U 2,4,5-TR!CHLOROPHENOL 20U 2.4-0JNlTROPHENOL 20U 4·· )I IT ROP H ENOL IOU 2,3,4.6-TETRACHLOROPHENOL 20U 2-METHYL-4,6-DINITROPHENOL 200 PENTACHLOROPHENOL •••REMARKS••* •A-AVERAGE VALUE •NA-NOT ANALYZED •NAl-INTERFERENCES •J-ESTIMATED VALUE •N-PRESUMPTIVE EVIDENCE OF PRESENCE OF MATERIAL •K-ACTUAL VALUE IS KNOWN TO BE LESS THAN VALUE GIVEN •L-ACTUAL VALUE IS KNOWN TO BE GREATER THAN VALUE GIVEN •U-MATERIAL WAS ANALYZED FOR BUT NOT DETECTED. THE NUr.tBER IS THE MINIMUM QUANTITATJON LIMIT. • • ' PESTICIOES/PCB'S DATA REPORT SAMPLE AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENl SYSTEM .EPA-REGION IV ESQ, ATHENS, GA. 04/13/88 ••• .. .. •• .. • * * * * * * * • * * * * • * * * * * • PROJECT NO. 88-112 SAMPLE NO. 21255 SOURCE: CENTRAL TRANSPORT STATION ID: CT-3W EAST SIDE SOUTH POND ••• * * * * * * * * • * * * * * • * • * * • UG/l ANALYTICAL RESULTS 0.025U 0. 015U 0.024U 0.0092U 0. 025U 0.014U 0.025U 0.025U 0.025U 0.062U 0.031U 0.046U 0.056U 0.056U 0.056U 0.20U 0.26U 0.62U 0.26U ALDRIN HEPTACHLOR HEPTACHLOR EPOXIOE ALPHA-BHC BETA-BHC GAMMA-BHC (L!NDANE) DELTA-BHC ENOOSUlfAN I (ALPHA) DIELDRIN 4,4'-0DT (P.P'-DOlJ 4,4'-00E (P.P'-OOE) 4,4'-DOD (P,P'-ODD) ENDRIN ENDOSULfAN II (BElA) ENDOSULfAN SULFATE CHLORDANE (TECH. MIXTURE) PCB-1242 (AROCLOR 1242) PCB-1254 (AROCLOR 1254) PCB-1221 (AROCLOR 1221) '*'"'*REMARKS*** /1 * * * * • * * 1= * * * * * * * • * * * * * * * * * * * • * • • * • 1= * • * • * • * * SAMPLE TYPE: PONOWA PROG ELEM: RCRA COLLECTED BY: B FERGUSON CITY; WILMINGTON ST: NC COLLECTION START: 12/01/87 1615 STOP: 00/00/00 * * * * • * • * * * * • * • * * * • * * * * * • * • * 1= * • * * • 1= * • * * • * * • UG/L ANALYTICAL RESULTS 0.26U 0.26U 0.62U 0.26U 1.8U 0. 10U 0. 10U PCB-1232 (AROCLOR 1232) PCB-1248 (AROCLOR 1248) PCB-1260 (AROCLOR 1260) PCB-1016 (AROCLOR 1016) TOXAPHENE CHLORO ENE / 2 ALPHA-CHLOROENE /2 BETA CHLOROENE /2 GAMMA-CHLOROENE /2 1-HVDROXYCHLOROENE /2 GAMMA-CHLORDANE /2 TRANS-NONACHLOR /2 ALPHA-CHLORDANE /2 CIS-NONACHLOR /2 OXVCHLORDANE (OCTACHLOREPOXIDEJ METHOXYCHLOR ENOR IN KETONE •••REMARKS*** 12 ... •• •• .. .. ... •••FOOTNOTES••• •A-AVERAGE VALUE •NA-NOT ANALYZED •NAJ-INTERfERENCES •J-ESTIMATEO VALUE •N-PRESUMPTIVE EVIDENCE Of PRESENCE OF MATERIAL •K-ACTUAL VALUE IS KNOWN TO BE LESS THAN VALUE GIVEN •L-ACTUAL VALUE IS KNOWN TO BE GREATER THAN VALUE GIVEN . •U-MATERIAL WAS ANALYZED FOR BUT NOT DETECTED. THE NUMBER IS THE MINIMUM QUANTITATION LIMIT. C-CONFIRMEO BY GC/MS 1. WHEN NO VALUE IS REPORTED, SEE CHLORDANE CONSTITUENTS. 2. CONSTITUENTS OR METABOLITES OF TECHNICAL CHLORDANE. • • ,' --. -· SAMPLE AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM EPA-REGION JV ESD, ATHENS, GA. METALS DATA REPORT *** * * * • * * •••• ~ * * * * •• * • * • * * * * .-•••• * •• PROJECT NO. S.S-112 SAMPLE NO. 21255 SAMPLE TYPE: PONDWA •• SOURCE: CENTRAL TRANSPORT •• STATION ID: CT-JW EAST SIDE SOUTH POND •• * • • * • * • • * * * * * • * * $ * • * • * * * * * • * PROG ELEM: RCRA COLLECTED BY: B FERGUSON CITY: WILMINGTON ST: NC COLLECTION START: 12/01/87 1615 STOP: 00/00/00 04/lJ/88 • • • ••• •• •• .. .. *•* * * * • * * * * * * * * • * * * * • * • * •• * * * * * * • * * * • * * * * • * * * * * * * * • * • * • * * * * * • * * • * *** UG/l ANALYTICAL RESULTS MG/L ANALYTICAL RESULTS 10U SILVER Jl CALCIUM 25U ARSENIC 2.9 MAGNESIUM NA BORON 1.8 IRON 18 BARIUM JS SODIUM SU BE RYLL !UM 8.8 POTASSIUM SU CADMIUM 20U COBALT 30 CHROMIUM 10U COPPER 10U MOLYBDENUM 20U NICKEL 40U LEAD JOU ANTIMONY JOU SELENIUM 25U TIN 81 STRONTJUM 5CU TELLURIUM 10U TITANIUM sou TH.l'·I ! T ~~·-~ _,, 10U v_.~- 10U YI 10U NA 0.2U 210 ; 260 M •••REMARKS*•* •••REMARKS**" •••FOOTNOTES••• •A-AVERAGE VALUE •NA-NOT ANALYZED •NAl-INTERFERENCES •J-ESTJMATED VALUE •N-PRESUMPTIVE EVIDENCE OF PRESENCE OF MATERIAL •K-ACTUAL VALUE IS KNOWN TO BE LESS THAN VALUE GIVEN •L-ACTUAL VALUE IS KNOWN TO BE GREATER THAN VALUE GIVEN •U-MATERIAL WAS ANALYZED FOR BUT NOT DETECTED. THE NUMBER IS THE MINIMUM QUANTJTATION LIMJT. • • SAMPLE ANO ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM EPA-REGION TV ESO. ATHENS, GA. SPECIFIED ANALYSIS DATA REPORT ••• •• •• •• •• *' *. * * * * * * * * ,-. * * * * * * * * * * * * *. * *' * * PROJECT NO. 88-112 SAMPLE NO. 21255 SAMPLE TYPE: PONOWA SOURCE: CENTRAL TRANSPORT STATION IO: CT-3W EAST SIDE SOUTH POND * * * * * * * * ' * ' * ~ * * * * ' • * • * * * • * PROG ELEM: RCRA COLLECTED BY: B FERGUSON CITY: WILMINGTON ST: NC COLLECTION START: 12/01/87 1615 STOP: 00/00/00 04/13/88 ••• ... •• .. .. .. *** * * * * ' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • * * * * * ' • * * * ' * * ' * ' * * * * * * ' * * * • * * * * * *** RESULTS UNITS PARAMETER 0.004U MG/L CYANIDE •••FOOTNOTES••• •A-AVERAGE VALUE •NA-NOT ANALYZED •NAl-INTERFERENCES •J-ESTIMATEO VALUE •N-PRESUMPTlVE EVIDENCE OF PRESENCE OF MATERIAL •K-ACTUAL VALUE IS KNOWN TO BE LESS THAN VALUE GIVEN •L-ACTUAL VALUE IS KNOWN TO BE GREATER THAN VALUE GIVEN •U-MATERIAL WAS ANALYZED FOR BUT NOT DETECTED. THE NUMBER IS THE MINIMUM QUANTITATJON LIMJT. • • - J PURGEABLE ORGANICS DATA REPORT SAMPLE AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM EPA-REGION JV ESD. ATHENS, GA. 04/13/88 ••• .. .. * * * * • * * ' * * * * ' • * * * ' * * ' * ' * * * ' * * * * ' * PROJECT NO. 88-112 SAMl'LE NO. 21256 SAMPLE TYPE: PONDSED * * * ' * ' * ' * * * * * ' * * * * * * ' * ' * * * PROG ELEM: RCRA COLLECTED BY: B FERGUSON ••• ••• •• .. •• .. SOURCE: CENTRAL TRANSPORT STATION ID: CT-3S EAST SIDE SOUTH POND CITY: WILMINGTON ST: NC COLLECTION START: 12/01/87 1645 STOP: 00/00/00 ... • • • UG/KG * * * ' * * * * * * ' * * * * ' * ' * * * * * ' * * * * * * * * * * • * • * * * * * • * * • * * * • * • * * * ANALYTICAL RESULTS UG/KG ANALYTICAL RESULTS 530U 530U 530U 530U 530U 530U 5300U 530CU 530U 530U 530U 530CU 530U 530U 5300U 530U 530U 530U 530U 530U 530U 530U 530U 530U 530U 530U CHLOROMETHANE VINYL CHLORIDE BRO MOM ETHANE CHLOROETHANE TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE 1,1-0ICHLOROETHENE(1,1-DICHLOROETHVLENEJ ACETONE CARBON DISULFIDE METHYLENE CHLORIDE TRANS-1.2-DlCHLOROETHENE 1 ,1-DJCHLOROETHANE VINYL ACETATE CIS-1,2-0JCHLOROETHENE 2,2-DICHLORDPROPANE METHYL ETHYL KETONE BROMOCHLOROMETHANE CHLOROFORM 1,1,1-TR!CHLOROETHANE 1,1-0ICHLOROPROPENE CARBON TETRACHLORIDE 1 ,2-DICHLOROETHANE BENZENE TRICHLOROETHENE(TRICHLOROETHYLENEl \,2-DlCHLOROPROPANE DJBROMOMETHANE BROMODICHLOROMETHANE *'*-*REMARK.S:s•• •••FOOTNOTES••• 530U 5300U 120J 530U 530U 530U 530U 5300U 530U 530U 530U 120J 150J 66J 5300U 530U 530U 530U 530U 530U 530U 530U 530U 530U 530U 92 CIS-1,3-0ICHLOROPROPENE METHYL ISOBUTVL KETONE TOLUENE TRANS-1,3-DJCHLOROPROPENE 1.1.2-TRICHLOROETHANE TETRACHLOROETHENE(TETRACHLOROETHVLENE) 1.3-DICHLOROPROPANE METHYL BUTYL KETONE OIBROMOCHLOROMETHANE CHLOROB ENZ ENE \,1,1,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE ETHYL BENZENE (M-AND/OR P-lXYLENE 0-XYLENE SlYRENE BROMDFORM BROMOB ENZ ENE 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE 1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE 0-CHLOROTOLUENE M-CHLOROTOLUENE P-CHLOROTGLUENE 1 .3-0ICHLOROBENZENE 1,4-0ICHLOROBENZENE 1.2-DlCHLOROBENZENE PERCENT lllOISTURE -s••REMARKS*** .. • • * " " •••• •A-AVERAGE VALUE •NA-NOT ANALYZED •NAl-INTERfERENCES •J-ESTJMATEO VALUE •N-PRESUMPTIVE EVIDENCE Of PRESENCE OF MATERIAL •K-ACTUAL VALUE IS KNOWN TO BE LESS THAN VALUE GIVEN •L-ACTUAL VALUE IS KNOWN TO BE GREATER THAN VALUE GIVEN •LI-MATERIAL WAS ANALYZED FOR BUT NOT DETECTED. THE NUMBER JS THE MINIMUM QUANTITATION LIMIT. • • SAMPLE AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM EPA-REGION IV ESD, ATHENS, GA. MISCELLANEOUS PURGEABLE ORGANICS -DATA REPORT '*' * * * * * * * * •• * * * • * * * * * * * * * * * • * * * • * * * •• PROJECT NO_ 88-112 SAMPLE NO. 21256 SAMPLE TYPE: PONOSED •• SOURCE: CENTRAL TRANSPORT •• STATION ID: CT-3S EAST SIDE SOUTH PONO •• * * * * * * • * * * * • * * • * * * * • • * * • * * PROG ELEM: RCRA COLLECTED BY: B FERGUSON C ITV: WILMINGTON ST: NC COLLECTION START: 12/01/87 1645 STOP: 00/00/00 04/13/88 • * • "'** .. .. .. •• '*' $ * * * * * * * * * * * • * * * * * * * * •• * * * * * * * • * * * * * * * * * * * * ' * • * • * * • * * * • * * * * * * * '*' RESULTS UNITS COMPOUND ?OOJN UG/KG TRIMETHVLBENZENE(S ISOMERS) RESULTS UNITS COMPOUND •••FOOTNOTES••• •A-AVERAGE VALUE •NA-NOT ANALYZED •NAl-INTERFERENCES •J-ESTJMATED VALUE •N-PRESUMPTIVE EVIDENCE OF PRESENCE Of MATERIAL •K-ACTUAL VALUE IS KNOWN TO BE LESS THAN VALUE GIVEN •L-ACTUAL VALUE JS KNOWN TO BE GREATER THAN VALUE GIVEN •U-MATERJAL WAS ANALYZED FOR BUT NOT DETECTED. THE NUMBER IS THE MINIMUM QUANT!TATION LIMIT. •R-QC INDICATES THAT DATA UNUSABLE. COMPOUND MAY OR MAY NOT BE PRESENT. RESAMPLING AND REANALYSIS IS NECESSARY FOR VERIFICATION. • • EXTRACTABLE ORGANICS DATA REPORT SAMPLE AND ANALYSTS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM EPA-REGION IV ESD, ATHENS, GA. ... •• .. •• •• ••• • • • • * • • * * • • * • • * • • * • • * • * * • * * • * * • PROJECT NO. 88-112 SAMPLE NO. 21256 SAMPLE TYPE: PONOSEO SOURCE; CENTRAL TRANSPORT STATION JD: CT-3S EAST SIDE SOUTH POND * * • * * * * • • * * • • * • • * * • * • • * * * • * * • * * UG/KG ANALYTICAL RESULTS 160000U BIS(2-CHLOROETHYL) ETHER 160000U BIS(2-CHLOROJSOPROPYL) ETHER 160000U N-NITROSOOl-N-PROPYLAMINE 160000U HEXACHLOROETHANE 160000U NTTROBENZENE 160000U ISOPHORONE 160000U BIS(2-CHLOROETHOXYJ METHANE 160000U 1,2.4-TR!CHLOROBENZENE 160000U NAPHTHALENE 160000U 4-CHLOROANIL!NE 160000U HEXACHLOROBUTAD!ENE 160000U 2-METHYLNAPHTHALENE 160000U HEXACHLOROCYCLOPENTAO!ENE (HCCP) 160000U 2-CHLORONAPHTHALENE 160000U 2-NITROANJLINE 160000U DIMETHYL PHTHALATE 160000U ACENAPHTHYLENE 160000U 2.6-DJNITROTOLUENE 160000U 3-NITROANILJNE 160000U ACENAPHTHENE 160000U DIBENZOfURAN 160000U 2,4-DINITROTOLUENE 160000U DIETHYL PHTHALATE 160000U fLUORENE 160000U 4-CHLOROPHENYL PHENYL ETHER 160000U 4-NITROANILJNE 160000U N-NITROSOOIPHENVLAMINE/DJPHENYLAMINE 160000U 4-BROMOPHENYL PHENYL ETHER 160000U HEXACHLOROBENZENE (HCBJ 160000U PHENANTHRENE 160000U ANTHRACENE 160000U DI-N-BUTYLPHTHALATE ***REMARKS••• •••FOOTNOTES••$ • * * * • $ * .. * ~ * • * * * * • * * • * • * • • * • PROG ELEM: RCRA COLLECTED BY: B FERGUSON CITY: WILMINGTON ST: NC COLLECTION START: 12/01 /87 1645 STOP: 00/00/00 * • • * * • * • * * * * * • * * * • * * • * .. * * • * UG/ KG ANAL YT! CAL RESULTS 160000U FLUORANTHENE 16()()00U PYR ENE 160000U BENZVL BUTYL PHTHALATE 160000U 3,3'-0ICHLOROBENZIDINE 160000U BENZO(A)ANTHRACENE 160000U CHRYSENE 360000 BIS(2-ETHYLHEXYL) PHTHALATE 160000U DI-N-OCTYLPHTHALATE 160000U BENZO(B AND/OR K)FLUORANTHENE 160000U BENZO-A-PVRENE 160000U lNDENO (1 ,2,3-CD) PVRENE 160000U DIBENZO(A,HlANTHRACENE 160000U BENZO(GHIJPERYLENE 160000U PHENOL 160000U 2-CHLOROPHENOL 320000U BENZYL ALCOHOL 160000U 2-METHYLPHENOL 160000U (3-AND/OR 4-)METHYLPHENOL 160000U 2-NITROPHENOL 160000U 2,4-DIMETHVLPHENOL 3200DOU BENZOIC ACID 160000U 2.4-DICHLOROPHENOL 160000U 4-CHLOR0-3-METHYLPHENOL 160000U 2,4,6-TRICHLOROPHENOL 160000U 2,4,5-TRICHLOROPHENOL 320000U 2,4-DINITROPHENOL 320000U 4-NITROPHENOL 160000U 2,3,4,6-TETRACHLOROPHENOL 320000U 2-METHYL-4,6-DINJTROPHENOL 320000U PENTACHLOROPHENOL 92 PERCENT MOISTURE •••REMARKS*** 04/13/88 * ... * *"* •• .. .. • • • * ••••• •A-AVERAGE VALUE •NA-NOT ANALYZED •NAI-INTERFERENCES •J-EST!r.IATEO VALUE •N-PRESUMPTIVE EVIDENCE Of PRESENCE Of MATERIAL •K-ACTUAL VALUE IS KNOWN TO BE LESS THAN VALUE GIVEN •L-ACTUAL VALUE IS KNOWN TO BE GREATER THAN VALUE GIVEN •U-MATERJAL WAS ANALYZED fOR BUT NOT DETECTED. THE NUMBER JS THE MINIMUM QUANTJTATION LIMIT. • • ' SAMPLE ANO ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM EPA-REGION IV ESD. ATHENS. GA. MISCELLANEOUS EXTRACTABLE COMPOUNDS -DATA REPORT ... •• •• •• •• * ~ * * * • • * * * * * * * • * • * * * * • * * * * * * * * • • * PROJECT NO. 88-112 SAMPLE NO. 21256 SAMPLE TYPE: PONDSEO SOURCE: CENTRAL TRANSPORT STATION ID: CT-3S EAST SIDE SOUTH POND • * * * * * * * * * * * * * • * * * • * * * • * * • PROG ELEM: RCRA COLLECTED BY: B FERGVSON CITY: WILMINGTON ST: NC COLLECTION START: 12/01/87 1645 STOP: 00/00/00 04/13/S.S • • • ... .. .. .. .. *** * * • * * * * * • * * * * * * • * * * * * * * * • * * * * * • * * * * * * * * * * * • * * * * • * • * • * • s • * * * * * • *** RESULTS UNITS COMPOUND 600000J UG/KG 2 UNIDENTIFIED COMPOUNDS RESULTS UNITS COMPOUND •••FOOTNOTES••• •A-AVERAGE VALUE •NA-NOT ANALYZED •NAl-JNTERfERENCES •J-ESTJMATED VALUE •N-PRESUMPTTVE EVIDENCE OF PRESENCE OF MATERIAL •K-ACTUAL VALUE IS KNOWN TO BE LESS THAN VALUE GIVEN •L-ACTUAL VALUE IS KNOWN TO BE GREATER THAN VALUE GIVEN •U-MATERJAL WAS ANALYZED FOR BUT NOT DETECTED. THE NUMBER JS THE MINIMUM QUANTITATION LIMIT. •R-QC INDICATES THAT DATA UNUSABLE. COMPOUND MAY DR MAY NOT BE PRESENT. RESAMPL!NG AND REANALYSIS IS NECESSARY FOR VERIFICATION. • • ~ SAMPLE AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM EPA-REGION IV ESD, ATHENS, GA. PESTICIDES/PCB'S DATA REPORT *** * * * * I * * * * * • * * a a * * * * a * * * $ a * I $ * * $ * a * * * * * * * * * I * $ * * * * $ * * * * * * * * * •• PROJECT NO. 88-112 SAMPLE NO. 21256 SAMPLE TVPE: PONOSEO PROG ELEM: RCRA COLLECTED BY: B FERGUSON •• SOURCE: CENTRAL TRANSPORT •• STATION IO: CT-3S EAST SIDE SOUTH PONO CITY: WILMINGTON ST: NC COLLECTION START: 12/0l/87 1645 STOP: 00/00/00 04/13/88 * ' • *** •• •• •• ** ** *** * * * * * * * :S * * * :S * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I * * * * a I * * * * I * * I * * * I * * S I I * I * * I * I I S • • *** UG/KG ANALYTICAL RESULTS UG/KG ANAL HICAL RESULTS 64U 64U lOOU 200U 250U 64U 64U 64U 64U 130U 120U 130U 130U 130U 130U 580U 1200U 1200U 1200U ALDRIN HEPlACHLOR HEPTACHLOR EPOXIDE ALPHA-BHC BETA-!!HC GAIMIA-BHC (L!NDANEJ OELTA-BHC ENDOSULFAN I (ALPHA) OJHDRIN 4.4'-DDT (P.P'-DDTJ 4,4'-DDE (P.P'-llDEJ 4,4'-DDD (P,P'-ODDJ ENDR!N ENDOSULFAN Ii (BETA) ENDOSULFAN SULFATE CHLORDANE (TECH. MIXTURE) PCB-1242 (AROCLOR 1242) PCB-1254 (AROCLOR 1254) P CB-1221 ( AROCLOR 1221 l *-•*REMARKS*"* /1 1200U 1200U 1200U 1200U 4700U 220U 180U 92 PCB-1232 (AROCLOR 1232) PCB-1248 (AROCLOR 1248) PCB-1260 (AROCLOR 1260) PCB-1016 (AROCLOR 1016) TOXAPHENE CHLORDENE /2 ALPHA-CHLORDENE /2 BETA CHLORDENE /2 GAMMA-CHLORDENE /2 1-HYDROXYCHLORDENE /2 GAMMA-CHLORDANE /2 TRANS-NONACHLOR /2 ALPHA-CHLORDANE /2 CIS-NONACHLOR /2 OXVCHLORDANE (OCTACHLOREPOXIDEJ M ETHOXVCHL OR ENDR JN KETONE PERCENT MOISlURE *""*REMARKS* :1: * /2 :m:••fOOTNOTfS•~* •A-AVERAGE VALUE •NA-NOT ANALYZED •NAI-INTERFERENCES •J-ESTIMATED VALUE •N-PRESUlllPTIVE EVIDENCE OF PRESENCE Of MATERIAL •K-ACTUAL VALUE IS KNO\'IN TO BE LESS THAN VALUE GIVEN •L-ACTUAL VALUE IS KNOWN TO BE GREATER THAN VALUE GIVEN •U-MATERIAL WAS ANALYZED FOR BUT NOl DETECTED. THE NUMBER IS THE MINIMUM QUANTJTATION LIMIT. C-CONFIRMED BV GC/MS 1. WHEN NO VALUE JS REPORTED, SEE CHLORDANE CONSTITUENTS. 2. CONSTITUENTS OR METABOLITES OF TECHNICAL CHLORDANE. • • , METALS DATA REPORT SAMPLE AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM EPA-REGION IV ESO, ATHENS, GA. 04/13/88 ... * * * * • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • • • • * * • • * • * • * • * • • * • * * * * • • • ... •• •• .. .. •• .. PROJECT NO. 88-112 SAMPLE NO. 21256 SAMPLE TYPE: PONOSED PROG ELEM: RCRA COLLECTED BY: B FERGUSON •• .. SOURCE: CENTRAL TRANSPORT STATION JD: CT-3S EAST SIDE SOUTH POND *** * • * * * *-* * * * * * * *. * * * * * MG/KG ANALYTICAL RESULTS 100U SILVER 250U ARSENIC NA BORON 130 BARIUM SOU BERYLLIUM SOU CADMIUM 200U COBALT 29000 CHROMIUM 110 COPPER 100U MOLYBDENUM 200U NICKEL 400U LEAD 300U AN Tl MONY 300U SELENIUM 250U TIN 1 30 S TRONT! UM 500U TELLURIUM 1 DOU TIT AN I UM 500 U THAL LI UM 100U VANADIUM 1 OOU YTTR !UM 320 ZINC NA ZlRCONJUM 0 . 58 ~\ERC URY 8100 ALUMINUM 500 MANGAt.IESE •**REMARKS*•• CITY: WILMINGTON ST: NC COLLECTJON START: 12/01/87 1645 STOP: 00/00/00 * • * * • * * * * ' * * * * • * MG/KG 34000 1200 20000 10000U soooou 91 * * * • * * * * * * ~ * • * * * * • * • • • CALCIUM MAGNESIUM IRON SODIUM ANALYTICAL RESULTS POTASSIUM PERCENT MOISTURE •••REMARKS*"* * * • • ... •••FOOTNOTES*** •A-AVERAGE VALUE •NA-NOT ANALYZED •NAI-INTERFERENCES •J-ESTIMATEO VALUE •N-PRESUMPTJVE EVIDENCE OF PRESENCE Of MATERIAL •K-ACTUAL VALUE JS KNOWN TO BE LESS THAN VALUE GIVEN •L-ACTUAL VALUE JS KNOWN TO BE GREATER THAN VALUE GIVEN •U-MATERIAL WAS ANALYZED FOR BUT NOT DETECTED. THE NUMBER IS THE MINIMUM QUANTITATION LIMIT. • • __ I ' SAMPLE AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM EPA-REGION IV ESO, ATHENS. GA. 04/13/68 SPECJFIED ANALYSIS DATA REPORT ... .. •• .. •• ••• • * * * * * * * * • * * • * * * * * * * s * * * * * • * • * * * * * * • * * • • * * • * * ~ • * * * * * * • * * * * * • * * PROJECT NO. 88-112 SAMPLE NO. 21256 SAMPLE TYPE: PONDSEO PROG ELEM: RCRA COLLECTED av: B FERGUSON SOURCE: CENTRAL TRANSPORT CITY: WILMINGTON ST: NC STATION JO: CT-3S EAST SJDE SOUTH PONO COLLECTION START: 12/01/87 1645 STOP: 00/00/00 * • • • • • * • * * * • * * * * * * * • * * * * * • * * * * • * * * * * * * * * * • * • * • * * • * * • * * * • * * * * * * RESULTS UNITS PARAMETER 1.1U MG/KG CYANIDE • •• •• •• • • •• • •• •s•FOOTNOTES*** •A-AVERAGE VALUE •NA-NOT ANALYZED •NAJ-INTERFERENCES •J-ESTIMATED VALUE •N-PRESUMPT!VE EVIDENCE OF PRESENCE OF MATERIAL •K-ACTUAL VALUE 15 KNOWN TO SE LESS THAN VALUE GIVEN •L-ACTUAL VALUE IS KNOWN TO SE GREATER THAN VALUE GIVEN •U-MATERIAL WAS ANALYZED FOR BUT NOT DETECTED. THE NUMBER IS THE MINIMUM QUANTITATION LIMIT_ • • • • NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual cove- nants and promises hereinafter set forth, the parties consent to the entry of an order as follows: CLOSURE OF 'l'HE SURFACE IMPOUNDMENTS 1. CTI shall close the surface impoundments at its Charlotte facility. To effect closure, CTI shall submit a written closure plan sufficient under the provisions of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act ("RCRA") and the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Act. The plan shall make provision for the closing of the three surface impoundments at CTI's Charlotte facility in a manner that: a) minimizes the need for future maintenance; b) controls, minimizes or eliminates, to the extent necessary to protect the environment or human health, post-closure escape, run-off or leaching of the constituents of the contents the surface impoundments; and c) complies with the closure requirements set forth in state and federal regulations. 2. The closure plan submitted by CTI shall identify all steps necessary to perform final closure of the surface impoundments at CTI's Charlotte facility in accord with 40 C.F.R. § 265.112(b). It shall include a timetable of activities designed to close the impoundments in an expedi- tious manner, consistent with any permitting processes that may be required by this Order or the closure plan. EPA and - 2 - • • DNR agree to assist CTI in obtaining any federal,, state or local permits which may be required. 3. After CTI submits its closure plan, EPA and the North Carolina DNR shall approve or comment upon the plan within 45 days. Should EPA and the North Carolina DNR choose to comment on the CTI closure plan, CTI shall submit a re- vised closure plan within 45 days of receiving those com- ments. EPA and DNR shall approve or comment upon the revised closure plan within 45 days, and CTI shall submit any revi- sions in like manner. 4. Upon approval by the EPA Regional Administrator and the North Carolina DNR of CTI's closure plan, CTI shall proceed to close the surface impoundments at the Charlotte facility in accord with the closure plan. This administra- tive order on consent is expressly conditioned upon CTI's ability to gain approval for its closure plan and any neces- sary permits from the EPA Regional Administrator, as well as the North Carolina DNR, and upon the agreement of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utility District to receive the liquid materials in the impoundments. EPA and DNR agree to assist CTI in obtaining any federal, state or local permits which may be required. 5. CTI shall notify the Regional Administrator of the EPA, as well as the North Carolina DNR, in writing 30 days prior to the date on which CTI expects to begin closure of the surface impoundments at CTI's Charlotte facility. - 3 - • • 6. During closure, CTI shall take steps to ensure that all wastes removed from the surface impoundments will be handled in accordance with any applicable requirements of 40 C.F.R. Parts 260 through 262. 7. Within 60 days of completion of the closure of the CTI surface impoundments at Charlotte, CTI shall submit a certification to the EPA Regional Administrator and the North Carolina DNR, that the surface impoundments have been closed in accordance with the requirements of the approved closure plan. The certification shall comply with the requirements of 40 C.F.R. § 265.115. 8. To effect closure of the surface impoundments at Charlotte, the closure plan submitted by CTI will detail a proposal to discharge certain liquids to the Charlotte-Meck- lenburg Utility District POTW. Any sludges remaining from the surface impoundments will be treated and disposed on- si te, in compliance with any requirements imposed by RCRA for on-site disposal, closure and post-closure care. EPA and DNR shall expedite any permitting necessary for such on-site disposal. POST-CLOSURE 9. Upon completion of the closure of the surface impoundments, CTI shall undertake post-closure care of the surface impoundments in the manner, and for the length of time prescribed in 40 C.F.R. § 265.ll?(a)(l). - 4 - • • 10. CTI shall submit a written post-closure plan to the EPA Regional Administrator and the North Carolina DNR in accordance with 40 C.F.R. § 265.llB(a) within 90 days after approval of the closure plan. The post-closure plan shall detail the activities that CTI will undertake to ensure effective post-closure care of the surface impoundments pursuant to 40 C.F.R. § 265.llB(c). 11. At any time during the post-closure period, CTI may apply to the EPA Regional Administrator and the North Carolina DNR to shorten the post-closure period, should the EPA Regional Administrator or the North Carolina DNR find that the reduced post-closure period is sufficient to protect human health and the environment. 12. CTI agrees not to make any change in its post- closure plan without first obtaining approval from the EPA Regional Administrator and the North Carolina DNR, pursuant to 40 C.F.R. § 265.118(d). 13. Not later than 60 days after completion of the established post-closure care period for the surface impound- ments at CTI's Charlotte facility, CTI shall submit to the EPA Regional Administrator and the North Carolina DNR, a certification that post-closure care was performed in accor- dance with the specifications in the approved post-closure plan pursuant to 40 C.F.R. § 265.120. - 5 - • • RELEASE 14. The EPA and the North Carolina DNR hereby release and discharge CTI, Gary Honbarrier, Archie Honbarrier, other CTI shareholders or owners, all CTI employ- ees, officers or directors, their heirs and legal representa- tives, from all claims, demands, actions, judgments, and penalties that EPA or the North Carolina DNR had, has, or may have, against any of the above-mentioned persons or entities, created by, arising out of, or as a result of the operation, maintenance or waste management practices of any CTI employee or at any CTI facility. OTHER PROVISIONS 15. Nothing in this agreement shall operate as an admission, finding or conclusion that the surface impound- ments at CTI's Charlotte facility contain or contained any hazardous wastes. 16. Nothing in this agreement shall operate as an admission, finding or conclusion that CTI operated or main- tained its facilities in a manner other than in compliance with all applicable statutes or regulations. 17. EPA and the North Carolina DNR agree that no action, statement, failure to act, document or evidence of any kind which occurred or existed within the knowledge of the parties at any time prior to or including the time of the execution of this agreement shall be used by any of the parties or any other person or entity on its behalf in any - 6 - • • proceeding or be deemed to have any precedential effect, in connection with any other dispute, controversy, claim, demand or suit. 18. This agreement may be executed in several coun- terparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which together shall constitute a single agreement. UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY By: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES By: ~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CENTRAL TRANSPORT, INC. BY: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - 7 - Mr. Bill Hoggins Page 2 March 28, 1985 • • The assessment of this administrative penalty is effective upon our mailing of this notice. If you desire to pay the penalty, the check should be made payable to the Division of Health Services and mailed to Mr. William L. Meyer, Head, Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Branch, Division of Health Services, P.O. Box 2091, Raleigh, N.C. 27602. You may appeal this administrative order and penalty assessment within thirty (30) days after you receive this notification by requesting an administrative hearing concerning this matter. 1he request must be submitted in writing to Mr. William L. Meyer at the above address and must state the legal and :factual issues in dispute, including any reasons why you contend that the penalty assessment is erroneous or the 8.nlOUnt should be reduced, or both. When a hearing is requested, it shall be in accordance with the rules contained in 10 ?{:AC 1B .0200, a copy of which is enclosed. Payment of this penalty may be tendered in conjunction with a hearing request, conditional upon the final disposition of the assessment. If you do not request ari administrative hearing, payment of the penalty becores due within 60 days after you receive tft1s notice, and if payment is not received within that period, the Secretaty of the Department of Human Resources shall request the Attorney General to con:mence an action to recover the amount: of the assessment. Sincerely, fJ.it~~ ~ JJ/.tr·~ William L. Meyer, Head Solid & Hazardous Waste Management: Branch Environmental Health Section WLM:cew/2308A Enclosures cc: William Paige Emil Breckling • • to place it's dry sludge in a municipal land fill, In addition, all other test results on "RCRA chemicals" have proven below critical concentration. Therefore, on the basis of chemical tests, a copy of which your staff has in their files, it was agreed that the Charlotte facility is not an RCRA facility, During the meeting, Mr. Dunn indicated that quality control measures which would ensure that wastes would not be introduced in the future, which would convert the Charlotte facility into an RCRA facility, be undertaken. He strongly indicated that your office would monitor to determine that this does not occur. Central Transport will tighten its present strict quality control measures in this area. It is the intention of my client to have an operating treatment plant at this facility which can treat the daily waste flow. It is intended that this treatment plant be operational by the end of the year. At that time, we will close the storage lagoon permanently. At that time, we shall perform final chemical analysis on the sludge and dispose of the sludge in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. In summary, as to issue (1), there was a agreement that on the basis of available evidence the Charlotte facility is not now an RCRA facility. We will take all necessary steps to prevent the discharge of any washings into the lagoon which would by law, convert the facility into an RCRA facility. The second issue raised by Mr. Dunn at the meeting relates to the possible placement of the Charlotte facility on the ERRIS list. Based upon available evidence, I see no grounds for placing this facility on the list. First you have available to you the sludge analysis, which clearly shows no levels of chemical concentration of any concern whatsoever. Secondly, the lagoon is fully lined with concrete. Periodic inspections have documented the fact that no cracks have ever been observed in the concrete liner. In addition, over five years of chemical analysis of the effluent from the presently existing treatment plant show absolutely no evidence which should raise any issue relative to the placement of this plant on the ERRIS list, Mr. Dunn mentioned the possibility of the construction of a down-gradient well to confirm the absence of contamination of ground water by this facility. It is our belief, that the construction of such additional wells is not warranted, given the particular facts in this situation. If any rational basis can be demonstrated to reconsider this decision we will so reconsider. In summary, as to the first issue, it was the concensus of your staff that the Charlotte facility is not, at present, governed by the RCRA regulations. In regard to the second issue, we believe there is clear evidence which would 2 • • indicate that the Charlotte facility should not be placed on the ERRIS list. Sincerely, 17?<1.t ~ ~ Mark E. Fogel, Counsel for Central Transport Corporation, Inc. eel Mr. Jim Moore Glenn Dunn, Esq. John Doyle Esq. 3 .. ' FROM~~~~~~~~~~~~ • • 11111' • ·• X516 BUSINESS REPLY MAIL F!FlST CLASS F>ERM!T NO. 2054 BOSTON, MASS. POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE LIBERTY MUTUAL P.O. Box 4600 Lewiston, Maine 04240 ~.:::]'(~cu c t.1 '1U _,~ ~ ~.., ,-"!:"fl l -; !""i-f'!'-~ ,, ·~~~-~~ .._ A~ = '\,!!~,µ: NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN TIIE UNITED rnm;s • • FINANCIAL TEST Initial Review Checklist TSDF Name Ce>vt-r,;:;,/ Tra.11-:> pr.'J r·T l lh c' IDll ~CD D .t:/ w/4 6 5 40 Fiscal year ends Dec ewi b_ r:::_ r 51 Update due April I ) 1qp,3 Date of this Review 1}1..< l:J e. 24 I )qfB e, 1. Test used to assure: liability coverage ~ closure (and post-closure) 2. ./" Letter from the chief financial officer is complete and accurate. 3. ~ Signatory of the letter is the chief financial officer. 4. ~All relevant facilities of the owner or operator as included in the chief financial officer's letter. 5. L Opinion concerning year-end report and special report concerning chief financial officer both submitted. 6. Independent CPA responsible for preparing the opinion and special report is certified by an officially recognized accreditation organization. Make a running list of CPAs. 7. ~~Note type of opinion concerning year-end report given by the ac.c.ountan t. 8. Auditor reviewed the data specified in the chief financial officer's letter and was able to trace the data back to amounts found in the owner's or operator's independently audited, year-end financial statements for the latest fiscal year. See auditor's confirmation or special report. 9. Corporation qualifies as a parent corporation. To qualify, parent must own at least 50% of the voting stock of the subsidiary. 10. Written guarantee form complete and accurate. Explanation of Deficiencies 5. Ne;tJie~ reF°rt" h"~ been ?tLblNl:ited James H. Moore April 14 , l 983 Page Two • • The assessment of this administrative penalty shall become effective immediately. If you desire to pay the penalty, the check should be made payable to the Division of Health Services and mailed to Mr. 0. W. Strickland, Head, Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Branch, Division of Health Services, P.O .. Box 2091, Raleigh, NC 27602. You may appeal this administrative penalty assessment within thirty (30) days after you receive this notification by requesting an administrative hearing concerning the matter. The request must be submitted in writing and must state the legal and factual issues in dispute, including any reasons why you contend that the penalty ass·essment is erroneous or the amount should be reduced, or both. When a hearing is requested, it shall be in accordance with the rules contained in 10 NCAC lB .0200, a copy of which is enclosed. Payment of this penalty may be tendered in conjunction with a hearing request, conditional upon the final disposition of the assessment. If this penalty is not paid and no request for an administrative hearing is requested within 60 days after you receive this notice, the Secretary of Human Resources shall request the Attorney General to commence an action to recover the amount of the assessment. Respectfully, ;fl/ d. j{:;Jj1) 16:"'\:i: Strickland, Head Solid & Hazardous Waste Management Branch Environmental Health Section GO:ns Enclosure ,--- •April 8, 1983 Page Two • • J::Ifi te $19~888 .mey 'k9 assas"eiQ You lite hereby iiotific::l a::au if >Che eiolatibn il>P.;e;.,,r....l<"!l:h..li.r.c:lh"-'tl;Jhb.1i· .s•...,,pasJ:in .. •.Jl.J•'>JZ..' Jb;>;•,_<,._hb.\le/iileJlP-'•"S"s"e;,,S"!":~'l"'Ee"d'd""'~'ti"!ls"'i'll'liCo>!t'"""IE:Co~'fl"~l'11lll'Ce'~~~ !1!983, - _3-.pepa.lty niar·Ge assessed fai;: each su"bse~~ ~ If you desire to pay the penalty, the check should be made payable to the Division of Health Services and mailed to Mr. 0. W. Strickland, Head, Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Branch, Division of Health Si=rvices, P. 0. Box 2091, Raleigh, NC 27602. You ·may appi=al this administrative penalty assessment within thirty (30) days after you receive this notification by requesting an administrative hearing concerning the matter. The request must be submitti=d in writing and must state the legal~an~ factual issues in dispute, including any reasons why you contend that the penalty assi=ssmi=nt is erroneous or the amount should be reduced, or both. When a hi=aring is requested, it shall be in accordance with the rules contained in 10 NCAC lB .0200, a copy of which is enclosed. Payment of this penalty may be tendered in conjunction with a hearing request, conditional upon the final disposition of the assessmi=nt. If this penalty is not paid and no request for an administrative hearing is requesti=d within 60 days after you receiv" this notice, the Secretary of Human Resources shall request the Attorney General to commence an action to recover the amount of the assessment. Respi=ctfully, 0. W. Strickland, Head Solid & Hazardous Waste Management Branch Environmental Health Section GD:ns Enclosure FROM~~~~~~~~~~~~~ X516 ' Pro(1~1.::: ti on -::-::~-----·-· ~. ~ ...... -...-::,; i' .1.!..~ . .r:g ... WC • • I II II I BUSINESS REPLY MAIL FIR.ST CLASS PE RM IT NO. 2054 BOSTON, MASS. POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDA ESSEE LIBERTY MUTUAL P.O. Box 4600 Lewiston, Maine 04240 NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED !NTHE UNITED STATES • Mr. James H. Moore Central Transport. Inc. P. O. Box 7007 H1gh Point. NC 27264 Dear Mr. Moore: • October 21. 1982 1 3 Thfs is in response to your letter dated October 12. 1982 concerning the status of the surface iwpoundment at the Charlotte terminal. The Resourca Conservat1on and Recovery Act (RCRA) became effective on November 19, 1980. /'\JIY h<ilzardous wastes received at the Charlotte treatment facfl tty after that date would bring the facility under the RCRA regulations. The an<i 1;,isis of wastewater from the Wf1mfngton terminal shows a chromium 1 evel of 63.3 pp.-11 and 281 ppm. This fs wel 1 above the acceptable 1imit of s.o ppm. From our knowledge of the operations at the Wilmington terminal. chromium levels fn this range would not be nnusual. Thfs would lead me to belfeve that wastewater received at the treataient fac11tty from the Wilmington tel'llltnal was accepted, and that this Material contained excessive levels of chro111fum. Without evidence to the contrary, we must assume the surface 1mpoundtnent at the treat111t1nt facility has received hazardous waste 1n the past. The fact that you have now. i~ of September, 198Z, discontinued treating a hazardous waste does not relteve Crtntral Transport of C01;1plying with the RCRA regulations. Thts fs to 1nclude the groundwater monftortng requirements {10 NCAC 10F .0033[f)) as set forth fn correspondence of September 27, 1982. Thfs requirement ts fn effect unt11 th" surface 1illpOundment has been closed 1n 11ceordanc.i with 1 O NCAC lOF .0033 (g) and (k). If you have any questtons. please contact me at 919/733-2178. Sincerely, Gary D. Babb, r.aolog1st Sol td & HaZ.llrdous l-la$t\l llicnagement Branch Environmental Health Section GDB:ns cc: C. Rtchard Doby, Sr. ·'°'\ ..., t~ RESPONDENT CONTACT RECORD IRCRI FACILITY •o NU~JlOER COMPANY NAME I I I I I I I I I I I I I C e,..,+rt..~I T ,€.'°t,N' S(JD e. + .:r:,..,~ . COMPANY ADDRESS 120 CITY ST ATE AB BR EV. ZIP CODE _Soo Me/y!Vl>;4 <!./i ,,Qre./ o H e.. ~ 121?!216 ~ ~- CONTACT PERSON'S NAMEfTITLE TELEPHONE I" UMBER UNC LUDE AREA COOEI J..e.R.~ ~O.Q..J) u...., l9l t l9 I Ii'. I 31/ 1-1911 I .rl kl CONTACT RECORD DATE CONTRACTOR'S ITEMS DI SCUSSEO/RESOLUTION INITIALS 5/:;.. t-.Pr? fl-. -rt;. VII -f11t>oe o-f '?"" p A# .s,,e;; o i!J!,f ,L:f-, '11-- l.J /c. J.. l.V.4tA -1 ... l LJ,,/-{ ... ./~~·-"' De /e..f.:e.o . " ' . " ' •. • • -~ ----, ·"'i ~ !"' \ RESPONDENT CONTACT RECORD IRCRI F ACI UTY ID N u:~s ER COMPANY NAME it ! I I I l I I I ! I l I l (! e I'"!+!'(.~ t T ..e.oi"' spo e. + Xtv~ . COMPANY ADDRESS 120 CITY STATE ABBREV. Z1PCOOE . St>o Me/ ytJC>A f!.A,,Q,e/o He.. ~ !Z I Pl 2 !6 rgJ ~- CONTACT PERSON'S NAM EfrlTLE TELEP KONE /\'UMBER ON C LUDE A REA COD El J...e.R.~ L;; D ,Q.. p ,_, """' l911 l2 I ltl3IJ l-l9l ti R@ CONTACT RECORD • DATE CONTRACTOR'S IT EMS 01 SCUSSEO/RESOLUTION INITIALS 5/;;.. (,. ?.A ff. -rt; 'fl I I -Mo"e o-f ...,-PAN .S .<? o £ .f ,A.:/-, 4 If- l.J /Ci A wA-.... -1~ J LJ,,../-f,., ..J..L 1'' De/e..f--ea ··-J • • G • • Ge assured that Central Transport is certuinly willing to comply and cooperate with the EPA, but we may need some help from your offices in order to properly clussify the waste material that we transport. Very truly yours, Gary L. Bonbarrier GLH/jp Gnclosure .. ' ee11lr~ I / ~4,.,, •. ; • Jago -2 /?Jc0.41 J,, /:d -Z:,,..{?tJ<f'/S'l</-?.S/3 . ,,.,. __ .. _------~~--"_l~HQ&~~-~7 -~~~I: J ~~-/\~'l~'.·=I =========---~--·-~~\Qf.~'.f;IUHE·-~(~~--.. -· _ __:==::.:! f\TUJl:Ul. ••••••..• , •..•••••••••••••••••••..•••••••..•...•••• ,-) /\LUM •••....• -.. · · · • · · · · • • · · · • · • · · • • • • · • • • • · · · · • · · · .•• ' •• J AMMONIA (AQUA) •..••.••. , • • • . • . • . • . . . . . • . . . • • . . . •••• • . • • • r .) 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A. ~ A .A_,,hA{) ~ F AJ.r; A_.. 0 () ;;;t,/3 l '" /Jo A)n .1..)0 ruo i'JI'.) -+ 3b f 4-fl) D •)0 IUD J.)0 NO }Jo .oo ~b 15+ -+ ·t i' "t -r + N..0 ' • • -j-~ k ~ dJ,..g_ ~ P) CUI-~ 'fA-<._/,,t 'i$ ~.4__~~ DHS Form 2123 11-74 Laboratory ~ 0 ~ '}y'f~\,.~ ~ • GROUND WATER MONITORING, SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN 1 Sample Collection 1. Contact will be mzide with Moore Gardner, and Associate~, Asheboro, NC to notify them of our need for analysis and to obtain sample cartons and containers. 2. Upon receipt of containers, they will be checked for proper labels indicating which wells they represent. 3. Sample collection will begin at well number one and then progress through two, three, and four. 4. There will be two people actually doing the sampling, one person will draw the sample and the second person will hold the sample container while it is i)eing filled. The containers will ))e capped and placed back in shipping carton. This will be repeated for all four (4) wells. Sample Preservation and Shipment 1. Silmple containers are shipped to Central Transport: from Moore Gardner and Associates, Asheboro, NC by UPS. Each carton contain5 the nece5sary containers for samples from each well, plus additional containers for samples needed to establish parameters for comparison. 2. Upon completion of sampling and banding of cartons they are transported to UPS for reshipment to Mooi;-e Gardner in Asheboro. 3. The person who actually drew the water from each well will in all cases deliver the cartons of samples to UPS for shipment. The cartons from time of receipt through sampling and shipment will be in this persons possession. Sampling and shipment will be completed on the same day the c~rtons are received. Analytical Procedures and Chain of Custody Control 1. The analytical procedure used for the analysis will be SW846, EPA600-4-79-020. Method of chemical analysis for water and waste water. The third method used will be the standard method of water and waste water analysis, 14th edition. 2. The chain of custody control will be as follows: A. The containers and shipping cartons will be prepared by Moore Gardner under sterile conditions. B. They will be shipped to Central Transport, Inc. in Charlotte, NC to the attention of the Terminal Manager by UPS. C. Upon receipt, the Terminal Manager will inspect the cartons for damage. D. If found to be okay they w1ll be assigned to the two people who are to obtain the samples. • E. One of the two people will be designated lead man. Be will be the person who draws the sample and be charged with the responsibility of possession of the containers. In all cases through the receipt, sampling, and shipment will occur the same day. F. After completion of sampling procedures, the cartons will be sealed ond the lead man will proceed to UPS and ship the containers to Moore Gardner in Asheboro, NC to the attention of Walt Miller. §ampling Device 1. 'l:he $ampling device is a length of pipe with a •ree attached to the top, a foot valve on the bottom and a rope attached to the Tee for low- ering the device into the well. 'rhis device is constructed from polyvinyl.chloride pipe. The device is kept in the 'rerminal Office at all timos while not in use. Before use it is thoroughly cleaned with fresh water and allowed to dry before using. JUM/PMS