HomeMy WebLinkAbout20043_War Memorial Stadium_Field Inv SvcsS&ME, Inc. | 8646 W Market St, Ste 105 | Greensboro, NC 27409 | p 336.288.7180 | f 336.288.8980 | www.smeinc.com June 16, 2016 City of Greensboro P.O. Box 3136 Greensboro, North Carolina 27405 Attention:Mr. Jerome Williams (transmitted by email to jerome.williams@greensboro-nc.gov) Reference:Report of Field Investigation Services Suspect UST - War Memorial Stadium Greensboro, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 4358-16-027 Dear Mr. Williams: S&ME, Inc. (S&ME) presents herein the results of our Field Investigation Services at the above-referenced property. Our services were performed in general accordance with S&ME proposal 43-16000378 dated May 2, 2016 that was authorized by the City of Greensboro. Project Information Based upon information obtained during an April 22, 2016, meeting between Richard Lovett with the City of Greensboro and our Ed Henriques, we understand that a probable Underground Storage Tank (UST) was identified at the site based on a Geophysical Assessment performed by SITECH dated January 10, 2016. The probable UST was identified within the existing parking lot located along Yanceyville Street in front of the War Memorial Stadium. A copy of the SITECH report is contained in Attachment I. The City of Greensboro directed S&ME to assume a UST was present, to conduct permanent closure of the UST, and if evidence of a release was observed, and conduct initial abatement actions. Field Activities Prior to conducting site activities, S&ME personnel prepared a health and safety plan (HASP) to comply with 29 CFR 1910.120, hazardous waste operations and emergency response (HAZWOPER) rule for the protection of workers at uncontrolled hazardous sites. S&ME called for underground utility mark-outs (811). On May 31, 2016, S&ME met Superior Locate on-site to locate private utilities in the area of the proposed excavation. S&ME contacted Ms. Sharon Cihak with Guilford County Public Health, Environmental Health by phone to report the proposed UST removal date. On June 1, 2016, S&ME and A&D Environmental Services, Inc. (A&D) mobilized to the site to complete the proposed UST exploration and removal activities. The location of the geophysical anomaly was located in the parking lot using information obtained from the SITECH report. In the area of the geophysical anomaly the concrete pavement system was cut and a section of the pavement system was removed to expose the underlying soil. Using a mini-excavator A&D completed exploratory excavations in the area associated with the geophysical anomaly. What appeared to be a piece of expanded metal was Report of Field Investigation Services Suspect UST - War Memorial Stadium Greensboro, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 4358-16-027 June 16, 2016 2 discovered buried in the soil (see photograph in Attachment II). Exploratory digging in the targeted area was extended to a depth of approximately 5 feet below grade. The exploration activities revealed no visible indications of a UST and S&ME did not detect petroleum odors in the soil. Given the absence of an observed UST and no observed petroleum odors in the soil, soil samples were not collected for laboratory analyses. Further exploration for a potential UST in the area of the geophysical anomaly was not warranted. S&ME contacted Ms. Cihak by phone and informed her of the investigations and that they revealed no evidence of a UST. The excavation was backfilled with stone up to and flush with the top of the adjacent pavement. The area where the concrete was removed for this exploration will be paved at a date not yet determined. Conclusions On May 31, 2016, exploratory excavations were completed in the area of SITECH reported geophysical anomaly, inferred to be a UST. No UST was observed. The exploration activities discovered a piece of expanded metal buried beneath the pavement system at the location of the geophysical anomaly. In view of these findings, S&ME has inferred that the geophysical anomaly was likely a response due to the buried metal rather than a buried UST. Closure S&ME appreciates the opportunity to be of service to the City of Greensboro. If you have any questions regarding our completed services, or if we may be of any further assistance, please call. Sincerely, S&ME, Inc. Wayne H. Watterson, P.E.Edmund Q.B. Henriques, L.G. Senior Engineer Senior Geologist/Project Manager NC Licensed Geologist No. 1216 Attachments Attachment I – SITECH Report Attachment II – Site Photographs D a t e : 5 /3 1 /2 0 1 6 P h o t o g r a p h e r : D a r r e n C o x Location / Orientation War Memorial Stadium Parking Lot Remarks Expanded metal debris discovered buried beneath the pavement