HomeMy WebLinkAbout17045_Bowman Gray_CAP_20160815Landfill Gas Corrective Action Plan Bowman Gray Stadium Winston-Salem, North Carolina Prepared for: City of Winston Salem Department of Stormwater/Erosion Control Winston-Salem, North Carolina August 2016 Prepared by: © 2016 Smith Gardner, Inc. This document is intended for the sole use of the client for which it was prepared and for the purpose agreed upon by the client and Smith Gardner, Inc. This page intentionally left blank. Landfill Gas Corrective Action Plan Bowman Gray Stadium Winston-Salem, North Carolina Prepared For: S+G Project No. WSSU-15-1 Madeline German, P.G. Project Geologist Joan A. Smyth, P.G. Senior Hydrogeologist August 2016 This page intentionally left blank. Bowman Gray LFG Corrective Action Plan Bowman Gray Stadium Property Winston-Salem, NC August 2016 Page i Landfill Gas Corrective Action Plan Bowman Gray Stadium Winston-Salem, North Carolina Table of Contents Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Site Ownership and Property Transaction .............................................................. 1 2.0 BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................. 2 2.1 Site History .............................................................................................................. 2 2.2 Surface Topography and Drainage ......................................................................... 2 2.3 Regional and Site Geology ...................................................................................... 2 2.4 Previous Investigations ........................................................................................... 3 2.5 Landfill Gas Monitoring Well Data .......................................................................... 5 3.0 LFG RECOVERY SYSTEMS ................................................................................................ 6 3.1 LFG Trench Systems ............................................................................................... 6 3.2 LFG Collection and Flare Systems.......................................................................... 7 3.3 Schedule ................................................................................................................. 7 3.4 Installation Reporting ............................................................................................. 7 4.0 LANDFILL GAS MANAGEMENT PLAN .............................................................................. 8 FIGURES Figure 1 Site Vicinity Map Figure 2 Existing Conditions Figure 3 Area 1 Remediation Plan Figure 4 Area 2 Remediation Plan Figure 5 Flare Station Plan Figure 6 Details Figure 7 Details Figure 8 Details Figure 9 Details Figure 10 Details APPENDICES Appendix A Landfill Gas Management Plan Bowman Gray LFG Corrective Action Plan Bowman Gray Stadium Property Winston-Salem, NC August 2016 Page ii This Page Intentionally Left Blank. Bowman Gray LFG Corrective Action Plan Bowman Gray Stadium Property Winston-Salem, NC August 2016 Page 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Bowman Gray property consists of approximately 85 acres located in downtown Winston-Salem, south of Winston-Salem State University, as shown on Figure 1. This property is being considered for sale to WSSU through the NCDEQ Brownfields Program. Historical investigations (see Section 2.4) of the property identified potential waste areas. In 2014, the NC Brownfields Program (NCBP) requested additional information regarding the project, including evaluation of the presence and nature of landfill gas on and off-site. 1.1 Site Ownership and Property Transaction The subject property is currently owned by the City of Winston Salem. Portions of the property (Bowman Gray Stadium and associated parking) are reportedly leased to Winston-Salem Speedway, Inc. and Winston-Salem State University (WSSU) for various activities. WSSU is in negotiations with the City of Winston-Salem (City) to purchase the subject property located at 1250 S. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive in Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina. The site is approximately 85.23 acres (exclusive of DOT right-of- way for the Salem Creek Connector). WSSU submitted a Brownfields Property Application to the North Carolina Brownfields Program (NCBP) on September 30, 2013, and was deemed eligible by the NCBP on December 11, 2013 to continue the work needed to obtain a brownfields agreement. The NCBP, in a letter dated July 28, 2014, requested additional information regarding the site. These included testing surficial soil, constructing additional groundwater monitoring wells and testing groundwater samples, and constructing soil-vapor points and testing soil vapor. Additionally, because of the presence of historical landfills on the property, the NCBP also requested evaluation of the presence and nature of landfill gases (LFG) at the site, and if warranted offsite. Only the scope of work related to the landfills is included in this report. Other work was conducted by Duncklee and Dunham and was submitted in their Assessment Report1. Bowman Gray LFG Corrective Action Plan Bowman Gray Stadium Property Winston-Salem, NC August 2016 Page 1 This page intentionally left blank. Bowman Gray LFG Corrective Action Plan Bowman Gray Stadium Property Winston-Salem, NC August 2016 Page 2 2.0 BACKGROUND According to Winston-Salem GIS, the subject site is comprised of several historically separate parcels now combined and owned by the City. As stated above, the property transaction is being performed under a Brownfield Agreement and the site is currently regulated by the Brownfield Section of NCDEQ. During the most recent investigation by S+G landfill gas (LFG) was detected on and off-site at concentrations exceeding 100% of the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) which is equivalent to 5% methane. Smith Gardner, Inc. (S+G) has prepared this Corrective Action Plan (CAP) to summarize the proposed response to these exceedances. The site location is shown on Figure 1. 2.1 Site History According to an informational leaflet prepared by Pilot View, Inc., the City, WSSU and Pilot View Resource Conservation and Development performed a restoration of Salem Creek which flows along the northern side of Civitan Park in 2004. The City removed approximately 25,000 cubic yards of mainly construction and demolition debris with pockets of municipal solid waste prior to construction of approximately five acres of forested wetlands. The project restored 5,240 linear feet of Salem Creek and established 5.7 acres of floodplain wetlands and 17 acres of riparian meadow and forest habitat1. 2.2 Surface Topography and Drainage The site is located in the Piedmont Physiographic Province of North Carolina. The existing topography rises from approximately Elev. 745 along Salem Creek located at the north end of the project site to approximately Elev. 840 feet above mean sea level (msl). Surface drainage for the majority of the site is to the north toward Salem Creek, and to the West from Martin Luther King Jr. Drive toward the Southwest Parking Lot. Historical topographic maps indicate that the Southwest parking lot was formerly a drainage feature with a tributary to Salem Creek. 2.3 Regional and Site Geology According to the Geologic Map of North Carolina (USGS, 1985) the site is located in the Carolina Slate Belt, and is underlain by Biotite Gneiss and Schist - inequigranular, locally abundant potassic feldspar and garnet; interlayered and 1 Pilot View, Inc. The Natural Flow of Cooperation, A Water Management Success Story. Bowman Gray LFG Corrective Action Plan Bowman Gray Stadium Property Winston-Salem, NC August 2016 Page 3 gradational with calc-silicate rock, sillimanite-mica schist, mica schist, and amphibolite. During this investigation soils were found to primarily consist of clays and sandy clays with relict banded texture consistent with weathering from the rock types described above. Soils encountered beneath waste areas were a dark gray; however, this is consistent with soils beneath waste disposal areas which are typically discolored due to anaerobic conditions. 2.4 Previous Investigations There have been a number of studies conducted at this site including the following: Engineering Tectonics, P.A., April 2006, Geotechnical Report on Subsurface Investigation Bowman Gray Field House. Engineering Tectonics, P.A., May 2007, Limited Site Assessment Bowman Gray Stadium Groundwater Incident #30736. ECS Carolinas, LLP, November 2011, Phase 1 Environmental Assessment Report for Winston-Salem State University. ECS Carolinas, LLP, December 2011, Phase 1 Addendum Environmental Assessment Report for Winston-Salem State University. ECS Carolinas, LLP, March 2012, Report of Environmental Services for Winston-Salem State University. Smith Gardner, Inc., April 2016, Pre- and Post-Regulatory Limited Landfill Site Investigation. These investigations indicated five (5) disposal areas exist on the subject property. These disposal areas are shown on Figure 2 and include the following: Disposal Area 1 (Paved Lot Southwest of Bowman Gray Stadium) This area was used as a pre-regulatory landfill until the mid-1960’s when it was closed. Subsurface investigations confirmed MSW in this area as deep as 21 feet Bowman Gray LFG Corrective Action Plan Bowman Gray Stadium Property Winston-Salem, NC August 2016 Page 4 below grade. In some areas the waste is covered with at least 2 feet of soil, while in others the waste is covered by eight (8) feet of soil. Exceedances of 5% Methane (100% of the LEL) were detected at both the southern and western property lines related to this disposal area. Permanent LFG monitoring wells installed on the property line indicated methane concentrations over 60% to the west and southwest of this unit. During the most recent site investigation by S+G, off-site soil gas probes indicate LFG migration off-property and into the adjacent subdivision to the west of the landfill. Disposal Area 2 (Southeast Parking Lot East of MLK Jr. Drive – Solid Waste Permit 34-U) Historical records indicate this landfill was closed sometime around 1994 and was permitted to receive C&D type waste. The waste extended to a maximum depth of 35 feet below grade. Waste types included a mixture of MSW, woody waste, and C&D type materials. S+G’s April 2016 site investigation indicated waste in this area that was generally covered with two-feet or more of soil. Exceedances of 5% methane were detected at both the southern and western property lines in permanent landfill gas wells LFG-1, LFG-2 and LFG-3. It should be noted that an unnamed tributary of Salem Creek is located east of this disposal unit between the unit and the nearest homes. Surface water bodies inhibit the flow of landfill gas in the subsurface and therefore the natural boundary presented by the water protects the areas to the east. The April 2016 investigation also indicated LFG migration onto the adjacent property to the south (utilized by a hazardous waste disposal firm, 3RC). Disposal Area 3 (Northeast Parking Lot East of MLK Jr. Drive) MSW was encountered in soil borings in this disposal area to the south; C&D waste was encountered to the north and east. Waste was encountered between 4 and 24 feet below grade in this area. Exceedances of 5% methane were only detected in soil gas probes immediately adjacent to waste. Locations closer to the property line exhibited 0% methane. An unnamed tributary of Salem Creek is located east of this area, between the disposal area and the neighboring subdivision. Bowman Gray LFG Corrective Action Plan Bowman Gray Stadium Property Winston-Salem, NC August 2016 Page 5 Disposal Area 4 (Track and Practice Field) C&D waste was encountered between the Salem Creek remediation area and the practice track/field. Waste was encountered between 4 to 6 feet below grade. Water was encountered at 6 feet below grade. The soil borings indicate waste extends between 8 and 13 feet below grade in these areas. The April 2016 Investigation in the Track and Practice Field area.exhibited methane concentrations ranging from 20% to 2.7% (west to east). Salem Creek is located immediately north of this area. Disposal Area 5 (Field North of Bowman Gray Field House) The subsurface investigation conducted in April 2016 indicated woody and C&D waste types in this area. This area was investigated with two soil gas probes. Concentrations in these probes ranged from 10.2% to 21.1%. Salem Creek is located immediately north of this area. 2.5 Landfill Gas Monitoring Well Network S+G installed 9 permanent LFG monitoring wells (LFG-1 through 9) in areas of known elevated LFG concentrations near the property line. These wells will continue to be monitored in accordance with the LFG Management Plan. Bowman Gray LFG Corrective Action Plan Bowman Gray Stadium Property Winston-Salem, NC August 2016 Page 6 3.0 LFG RECOVERY SYSTEMS As previously summarized (Section 2.4), there are five disposal areas identified at the subject property. Of these, two are the focus of this CAP – Disposal Area 1: Southwest Parking Lot, and Disposal Area 2: Southeast Parking Lot (Permit 34-U). These areas are the primary focus of LFG remediation due to documented off-site migration of LFG from each of these areas. The remaining areas exhibit no off-site migration, or have surface water features between the impacted area and potentially sensitive receptors. This CAP will present remedial strategies for these two areas. Disposal Area 1 is characterized as MSW waste that was placed in a stream valley; the stream is now piped under the waste. The waste extends to a depth of approximately 25 feet below grade in the deepest portion of the site. Cover thicknesses in this area range from 2feet thick to over 8feet thick. Therefore, the waste was emplaced in a rather thin layer across this area. Disposal Area 2 was permitted as a C&D landfill and it appears the majority of the waste in this area is C&D, although some MSW was also encountered; but is limited to only a smaller portion of the site.. Waste is thicker in this disposal area. Based on waste details, subsurface material , and the migration of LFG off-property in these areas, we propose utilizing a landfill gas collection trench in each area to prevent continued off-site migration and potentially recover some gas that previously migrated off-site. 3.1 LFG Trench Systems For the two disposal areas that exhibit off-site LFG migration, an LFG collection trench is proposed to be installed. The trench is intended to act as a barrier to “cut-off” the lateral migration of LFG beyond the area containing waste. The trench will be approximately 4 feet wide (one bucket width), approximately 17 feet deep, and filled with stone and a LFG collection pipe. The trench will be filled with NCDOT #5 (or equivalent) stone. Trench construction will involve filling the 17foot deep excavation with stone, at a depth of approximately nine (9) feet below grade, a slotted 6-inch diameter HDPE perforated pipe will be placed to assist with LFG collection. Prior to stone emplacement the side of the trench closest to the property line will be lined with a geomembrane to further reduce the possibility of migration off-site through the trench system. The proposed system layout is shown on Figures 3 and 4. System details are shown on Figures 5 through 8. Bowman Gray LFG Corrective Action Plan Bowman Gray Stadium Property Winston-Salem, NC August 2016 Page 7 It is anticipated that some waste will be excavated during the installation of the trench systems. Excavated waste will be properly managed, sampled and disposed in accordance with Federal and State regulations. We anticipate that the waste will be disposed at the City of Winston-Salem Hanes Mill Landfill based on expected analytical results and site proximity. 3.2 LFG Extraction Wells In Area 2, landfill gas will also be collected through five (5) extraction wells (labelled EW-1 through EW-5 on Figure 4). These will be installed to reduce migration toward Martin Luther King Jr. Drive from the waste area. 3.3 LFG Collection and Flare Systems LFG will be actively collected from the gas collection trench using a ten (10) hp blower system. This blower will be connected to the collection piping in the trench and will remove LFG from the subsurface and pump it to a flare system for LFG destruction. The LFG will be destroyed by two separate flares (one for each collection system). The flares will be auto-igniting solar flares, which use solar power and a battery to ignite gas as it exits the stack. Condensate will be managed through a condensate pumping station at each trench location. These pumping stations will be connected to the nearest sewer line or a tank for storage/disposal of condensate. Details of the collection and control system are shown on Figures 5 through 10. 3.4 Schedule Due to use of the property by Winston-Salem Speedway, Inc. and The State of North Carolina Winston-Salem State University, system installation will occur when the facility is between uses to maximize protection of health and safety and minimize impact to property use. Procurement for the project is anticipated to begin in July 2016, with notice to proceed for construction occurring in early December 2016. Construction is anticipated to be completed before May 2017. 3.5 Installation Reporting Following completion of trench installation and start-up, S+G will prepare a report summarizing installation activities. This report will include final drawings of the system and any field modifications made due to site conditions. Bowman Gray LFG Corrective Action Plan Bowman Gray Stadium Property Winston-Salem, NC August 2016 Page 8 4.0 LANDFILL GAS MANAGEMENT PLAN There are currently nine (9) LFG monitoring wells located at the facility (LFG-1 through LFG-9). Of these, it is anticipated that three locations (LFG-1, LFG-6 and LFG-8) may be excavated during LFG system construction. To replace these wells, and add others, we propose the addition of nine (9) LFG monitoring wells at the property. Two of these wells are located on adjacent properties and will be dependent upon owner permission for installation. These proposed locations are included in the Landfill Gas Management Plan (LFGMP) which is included as Appendix A. This plan outlines regular LFG monitoring of these probes and the LFG Remediation System. Bowman Gray LFG Corrective Action Plan Bowman Gray Stadium Property Winston-Salem, NC August 2016 Page 9 This page intentionally left blank. FIGURES Landfill Gas Corrective Action Plan Bowman Gray Stadium Winston-Salem, North Carolina This page intentionally left blank. Copyright:© 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed G :\C A D \D u n c k l e e a n d D u n h a m \W S S U 1 5 -1 \s h e e t s \W S S U -A 0 0 0 8 .m x d DRAWN:APPROVED:SCALE:FIGURE NO.:PROJECT NO.:DATE: C.T.J.J.A.S.1AS SHOWN Sep. 2015 WSSU 15-1 BOWMAN GRAY COMPLEX CITY OF WINSTON SALEM SITE VICINITY MAP ³ 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000Feet OUTER PROPERTY BOUNDARY OF STUDY AREA THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK W.E. 754 W.E. 753.5 W.E. 753.6 W.E. 753.1 G: \ C A D \ D u n c k l e e A n d D u n h a m \ W S S U 1 5 - 1 \ s h e e t s \ W S S U - B 0 0 0 6 . d w g - 9 / 1 6 / 2 0 1 5 2 : 4 3 P M FOR PRELIMINARY REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION G:\CAD\Duncklee And Dunham\WSSU 15-1\sheets\WSSU-B0006.dwg - 8/16/2016 9:28 AM DRAWN:APPROVED: PROJECT NO: SCALE: FILENAME:DATE: FIGURE NO. PREPARED BY:PREPARED FOR: SMITH 14 N. Boylan Avenue, Raleigh NC 27603 NC LIC. NO. C-0828 (ENGINEERING) 919.828.0577 GARDNER+ © 2016 Smith Gardner, Inc. BOWMAN GRAY COMPLEX CITY OF WINSTON SALEM AREA 1 REMEDIATION PLAN C.T.J. S.A.S. AS SHOWN 3 Aug 2016 WSSU 15-1 WSSU-B0006 FOR PRELIM I N A R Y R E V I E W NOT FOR C O N S T R U C T I O N G:\CAD\Duncklee And Dunham\WSSU 15-1\sheets\WSSU-B0006.dwg - 8/16/2016 9:28 AM DRAWN:APPROVED: PROJECT NO: SCALE: FILENAME:DATE: FIGURE NO. PREPARED BY:PREPARED FOR: SMITH 14 N. Boylan Avenue, Raleigh NC 27603 NC LIC. NO. C-0828 (ENGINEERING) 919.828.0577 GARDNER+ © 2016 Smith Gardner, Inc. BOWMAN GRAY COMPLEX CITY OF WINSTON SALEM AREA 2 REMEDIATION PLAN C.T.J. S.A.S. AS SHOWN 4 Aug 2016 WSSU 15-1 WSSU-B0006 F O R P R E L I M I N A R Y R E V I E W N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N G:\CAD\Duncklee And Dunham\WSSU 15-1\sheets\WSSU-B0006.dwg - 8/16/2016 9:28 AM DRAWN:APPROVED: PROJECT NO: SCALE: FILENAME:DATE: FIGURE NO. PREPARED BY:PREPARED FOR: SMITH 14 N. Boylan Avenue, Raleigh NC 27603 NC LIC. NO. C-0828 (ENGINEERING) 919.828.0577 GARDNER+ © 2016 Smith Gardner, Inc. BOWMAN GRAY COMPLEX CITY OF WINSTON SALEM FLARE STATION PLAN C.T.J. S.A.S. AS SHOWN 5 Aug 2016 WSSU 15-1 WSSU-B0006 F O R P R E L I M I N A R Y R E V I E W N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N G: \ C A D \ D u n c k l e e A n d D u n h a m \ W S S U 1 5 - 1 \ s h e e t s \ W S S U - B 0 0 0 7 . d w g - 9 / 1 6 / 2 0 1 5 2 : 3 3 P M FOR PRELIMINARY REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION G:\CAD\Duncklee And Dunham\WSSU 15-1\sheets\WSSU-B0007.dwg - 9/1/2015 11:15 AM F O R P R E L I M I N A R Y R E V I E W N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N G: \ C A D \ D u n c k l e e A n d D u n h a m \ W S S U 1 5 - 1 \ s h e e t s \ W S S U - B 0 0 0 7 . d w g - 9/ 1 / 2 0 1 5 1 1 : 1 5 A M FOR PRELIMINARY REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION G:\CAD\Duncklee And Dunham\WSSU 15-1\sheets\WSSU-B0007.dwg - 9/1/2015 11:15 AM F O R P R E L I M I N A R Y R E V I E W N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N G: \ C A D \ D u n c k l e e A n d D u n h a m \ W S S U 1 5 - 1 \ s h e e t s \ W S S U - B 0 0 0 7 . d w g - 9 / 1 6 / 2 0 1 5 2 : 3 3 P M FOR PRELIMINARY REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION            TH I S  PA G E  IN T E N T I O N A L L Y  LE F T  BL A N K   Appendix A Landfill Gas Management Plan Landfill Gas Corrective Action Plan Bowman Gray Stadium Winston-Salem, North Carolina This page intentionally left blank. Landfill Gas Management Plan Bowman Gray Stadium Property Winston-Salem, North Carolina Prepared for: City of Winston-Salem Winston-Salem, North Carolina August 2016 Prepared by: © 2016 Smith Gardner, Inc. This document is intended for the sole use of the client for which it was prepared and for the purpose agreed upon by the client and Smith Gardner, Inc. This page intentionally left blank. This page intentionally left blank. Bowman Gray Stadium Property Landfill Gas Management Plan August 2016 Table of Contents Page i Bowman Gray Stadium Property Winston-Salem, North Carolina Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan Table of Contents Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Regulatory Requirements ....................................................................................... 1 1.2 Guidance Document ................................................................................................ 2 1.3 Contact Information ................................................................................................ 2 1.3.1 Owner .......................................................................................................... 2 1.3.2 Engineer ...................................................................................................... 2 1.3.3 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NC DEQ) ............... 3 1.4 Existing Site Conditions .......................................................................................... 3 1.4.4 Surface Topography and Drainage ............................................................. 4 1.4.5 Regional and Site Geology .......................................................................... 4 2.0 MONITORING PROGRAM ................................................................................................. 5 2.1 Monitoring Frequency ............................................................................................. 5 2.2 Monitoring Network ................................................................................................ 5 2.2.1 Existing Network ......................................................................................... 5 2.2.2 Modifications to Monitoring Network ......................................................... 5 2.3 Proposed LFG Remedial Strategies ........................................................................ 7 2.4 Monitoring and Reporting ....................................................................................... 7 2.4.1 Personnel .................................................................................................... 7 2.4.2 Equipment ................................................................................................... 7 2.4.3 Procedures .................................................................................................. 7 2.4.4 Precautionary Action Plan .......................................................................... 9 2.4.5 Record Keeping ........................................................................................... 9 2.5 Maintenance ...........................................................................................................10 3.0 CONTINGENCY PLAN .................................................................................................... 11 3.1 Immediate Action Plan ...........................................................................................11 3.1.1 Reporting and Documentation ...................................................................11 3.2 Remediation Plan ...................................................................................................11 TABLE Table 1 LFG Monitoring Well Completion Information FIGURES Figure 1 Site Monitoring Plan Figure 2 Flowchart of Methane Monitoring Requirements Bowman Gray Stadium Property Landfill Gas Management Plan August 2016 Table of Contents Page ii APPENDIX Appendix A LFG Well Boring Logs Appendix B Reporting Form Bowman Gray Stadium Property Landfill Gas Management Plan August 2016 Page 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION This Landfill Gas (LFG) Monitoring Plan (plan) was prepared by Smith Gardner, Inc. to describe the LFG management program at the Bowman Gray Stadium property located at 1205 S. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. This property contains several pre- regulatory landfills and one permitted landfill (NC Solid Waste Permit 34-U). The facility is shown on Figure 1. This plan describes the necessary procedures to satisfy applicable regulatory requirements (see Section 1.1) for landfill gas monitoring. During previous site investigations, LFG was identified on the property and in certain areas off property. To prevent continuing off-site migration of LFG, a LFG Collection and Control System (LFGCCS).has been proposed adjacent to two of the disposal areas of the site (Disposal Area 1 and Disposal Area 2). Details of the remediation system can be found in the Landfill Gas Corrective Action Plan1. Information regarding the monitoring of this system is also included in this document. The Engineer has utilized the best available site data, practices, experience, and judgment to develop this plan. However, the plan may require modifications over time to accommodate changing landfill conditions, changing receptors in areas adjacent to and around the landfill, or other conditions that cannot be fully anticipated. Uncontrolled migration of LFG (particularly methane (CH4)) can result in loss of life, injury, loss of property, vegetative damage, and intolerable odors. Landfill monitoring includes exposure to explosive gases. Monitoring personnel should be specifically trained in the management and response for situations such as fire or explosion and confined space entry and possess an awareness of changing conditions around the landfill. 1.1 Regulatory Requirements The North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules for sanitary landfills: 15A NCAC requires the following • Owners or operators of MSW or C&D landfill units must ensure that: o the concentration of methane gas generated by the facility does not exceed 25% of the lower explosive limit (LEL) for methane (1.25% methane) in facility structures (excluding gas control or recovery system components); and o the concentration of methane gas does not exceed the LEL for methane (5% methane) at the facility property boundary. 1 Smith Gardner, Inc. Bowman Gray Property Landfill Gas Corrective Action Plan, July 2016. Bowman Gray Stadium Property Landfill Gas Management Plan August 2016 Page 2 1.2 Guidance Document This plan was developed generally following the Landfill Gas Monitoring Guidance document prepared by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NC DEQ), Division of Waste Management (DWM)2. 1.3 Contact Information All correspondence and questions concerning this plan should be directed to the appropriate contact below: 1.3.1 Owner City of Winston-Salem Stormwater/Erosion Control 101 N. Main Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Phone: (336) 747-6962 Contact: Keith Huff, Director Keithh1@cityofws.org 1.3.2 Engineer Smith Gardner, Inc. 14 N. Boylan Avenue Raleigh, North Carolina 27603 Phone: (919) 828-0577 Contacts: Joan A. Smyth, P.G., Senior Hydrogeologist joan@smithgardnerinc.com Stacey A. Smith, P.E., Senior Engineer stacey@smithgardnerinc.com 2 NC DEQ DWM (2010), “Landfill Gas Monitoring Guidance”, NC DEQ DWM Solid Waste Section, November 2010. Bowman Gray Stadium Property Landfill Gas Management Plan August 2016 Page 3 1.3.3 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NC DEQ) Division of Waste Management (DWM) - Solid Waste Section: North Carolina DEQ – Brownfields Program 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 Phone: (919) 707-8375 Contact: Joe Ghiold - Environmental Senior Specialist joe.ghiold@ncdenr.gov North Carolina DEQ – Solid Waste Section- Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778-8211 Phone: (828) 296-4500 Contact: Jaclynne Drummond – Environmental Senior Specialist Jaclynne.drummond@ncdenr.gov 1.4 Existing Site Conditions The subject property is currently owned by the City of Winston Salem. Portions of the property (Bowman Gray Stadium and associated parking) are reportedly leased to Winston-Salem Speedway, Inc. and Winston-Salem State University (WSSU) for various activities. The site is developed with Bowman Gray Stadium and Field House as well as various concession stands associated with the facility. There are several parking areas on the property. In general, the portions of the site immediately north and south of Bowman Gray stadium are paved with asphalt. Remaining parking areas are a mix of asphalt sand, and gravel. The area north of the Field House parking area is grassed and includes a track and field area. Finally, the site is bisected by S. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. and by the Salem Creek Connector. North of the property is Salem Creek and beyond that is the campus of Winston-Salem State University. The property is bisected by S. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive. East of the property is an unnamed tributary of Salem Creek and a housing subdivision. West of the property is Skyline Village Subdivision and south of the property is Williams Street, beyond which is a trucking company and a portion of Skyline Village. On the east side of S. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive south of the facility is a household hazardous waste management company, 3RC. A map showing the property is included as Figure 1. Bowman Gray Stadium Property Landfill Gas Management Plan August 2016 Page 4 1.4.4 Surface Topography and Drainage The site is located in the Piedmont Physiographic Province of North Carolina. The existing topography ranges from approximately Elev. 745 along Salem Creek located at the north end of the project site to approximately Elev. 840 feet mean sea level (msl). Surface drainage for the majority of the site is to the north toward Salem Creek, and to the West from S. Martin Luther King jr. Drive toward the Southwest Parking Lot. Historical topographic maps indicate that the Southwest parking lot was formerly a drainage feature with a tributary to Salem Creek. Site topography is shown on Figure 1. 1.4.5 Regional and Site Geology The site is located in the Piedmont Physiographic Province of North Carolina which is characterized by moderately rolling valleys and ridges. According to the Geologic Map of North Carolina (USGS, 1985) the site is located in the Carolina Slate Belt, and is underlain by Biotite Gneiss and Schist - inequigranular, locally abundant potassic feldspar and garnet; interlayered and gradational with calc- silicate rock, sillimanite-mica schist, mica schist, and amphibolite. During this investigation soils were found to primarily consist of clays and sandy clays with relict banded texture consistent with weathering from the rock types described above. Soils encountered beneath waste areas were a dark gray; however, this is consistent with soils beneath waste disposal areas which are typically discolored due to anaerobic conditions. Bowman Gray Stadium Property Landfill Gas Management Plan August 2016 Page 5 2.0 MONITORING PROGRAM This section of the LFG Monitoring Plan addresses each aspect of the monitoring program including monitoring frequency, monitoring network, and monitoring and reporting procedures. 2.1 Monitoring Frequency Routine LFG monitoring will be conducted on a quarterly basis. 2.2 Monitoring Network Existing and proposed monitoring locations are shown on Figure 1 and are summarized in the following LFG monitoring network schedule below. Refer to Table 1 for LFG monitoring well completion information. 2.2.1 Existing Network There are nine existing LFG monitoring wells (LFG-1 through LFG-9) located on the Bowman Gray Stadium property. The depths of each well are presented below and boring logs are included in Appendix A. 2.2.2 Modifications to Monitoring Network The following modifications are proposed for the monitoring network and are reflected in the monitoring schedule shown above. The proposed monitoring network is summarized below. Well Total Depth LFG-1 29 LFG-2 31 LFG-3 36 LFG-4 36 LFG-5 36 LFG-6 31 LFG-7 26 LFG-8 20 LFG-9 21 Bowman Gray Stadium Property Landfill Gas Management Plan August 2016 Page 6 LFG-1A LFG-9 LFG-17 LFG-2 LFG-10 LFG-18 LFG-3 LFG-11 C-1 LFG-4 LFG-12 C-2 LFG-5 LFG-13 C-3 LFG-6 LFG-14 Building-1 LFG-7 LFG-15 Building-2 LFG-8A LFG-16 Building-3 • Removal of Monitoring Wells: We anticipate that existing monitoring wells LFG-1, LFG-6 and LFG-8 will be removed during the LFGCCS installation due to the location of the extraction trench (described in Section 2.3). Additional wells will be installed as summarized below. • Additional Monitoring Wells: Nine (9) new LFG monitoring wells are proposed for this site. The proposed monitoring network is shown on Figure 1. These wells are located near the property line in areas that do not have a natural barrier to LFG migration (streams and wetlands). Two of the proposed wells (LFG-17 and LFG-18) are located off-site. Access will need to be acquired from the adjacent property owners before installation of these wells can be completed. • Structures and Culverts to be Monitored: Three buildings are proposed for LFG monitoring including a small building in the track and field area (Building 1), the bathroom building at Bowman Gray Stadium (Building 2) and the Field House (Building 3). Additionally, there are three culverts on-site in the vicinity of waste. One culvert carries surface water beneath Disposal Area 1 (Southwest Parking Lot). Both ends of this culvert will be monitored for LFG at locations C-1 and C-2. A small culvert is located between Disposal Areas 4 and 5. This culvert will be monitored at location C-3. • Off-Site Structures to be Added, If Allowed: The City is currently working with the off-site property owner to the South of the 34-U landfill to install permanent LFG monitoring units within the building at this location. If allowed by the property owner, the City will install these units. Bowman Gray Stadium Property Landfill Gas Management Plan August 2016 Page 7 2.3 Proposed LFG Remedial Strategies A LFG trench is proposed along the western property boundary as a remedial action, based on results from the initial investigation that indicate the 100% LEL threshold was exceeded. Two trenches are proposed. One, approximately 1800 foot long trench, in Area 1 (the Southwest Parking Lot) and one approximately 500 foot long trench, in Area 2 (the East Lot). In each case, the trench would be dug to a maximum depth of 17 feet bgs. Every 200 feet of each trench will include a valving system so that remedial efforts can be focused on areas with LFG concentrations that exceed the LEL (which may change over time). LFG from each trench will be pulled by a blower system to a flare. Each trench will have its own blower and flare system due to the distance between the disposal areas. Details of these systems are shown in the Landfill Gas Corrective Action Plan. 2.4 Monitoring and Reporting Monitoring and reporting of LFG concentrations will be performed as outlined below. 2.4.1 Personnel LFG monitoring will be performed by personnel who are familiar with the requirements of this plan and who are trained in LFG hazards and explosive gas meter use. As practical, a designated technician will be assigned to regular LFG monitoring duty. 2.4.2 Monitoring Equipment An infrared portable gas analyzer (or equivalent) will be used to monitor LFG wells and facility structures. This analyzer, which is calibrated to methane (CH4), operates using the infrared spectral property of methane to measure concentrations in air. Measurements of oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) will also be made with this meter. This meter may be used in oxygen deficient areas (less than 10% O2) since oxygen is not required for a chemical combustion of flammable gases within the meter. On the day of monitoring, prior to monitoring activities, this meter will be field calibrated. Additionally, all monitoring equipment should be regularly calibrated in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications and operated only as instructed. 2.4.3 Procedures Bowman Gray Stadium Property Landfill Gas Management Plan August 2016 Page 8 Prior to each monitoring event, the portable gas analyzer will be calibrated with a known calibration standard in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. General information related to the monitoring event, equipment used, calibration procedures, weather conditions, and results for each monitoring event will be recorded on the landfill gas monitoring data form (see Appendix B). The following steps outline the procedure for the monitoring of LFG wells and facility structures: • Check calibration date on the meter and calibrate according to manufacturers instructions; allowing equipment to warm up properly prior to use, per manufacturers direction. • Purge sample tube for one minute before monitoring. LFG Monitoring Wells: o Connect instrument tubing to sample port on the monitoring well without removing the cap. o Open the valve and record both the initial and stabilized methane concentrations. A stabilized concentration will not vary more than 0.5 percent by volume on the instrument’s scale. Also record the oxygen concentration (at two percent per volume or less to indicate air is not being drawn into the system and providing false readings) and the carbon dioxide concentration. o Close the valve and disconnect the tubing. o Record monitoring data on the LFG monitoring data form provided in Appendix B. o If any methane concentration is greater than 50% of the LEL (2.5% CH4), monitoring personnel should implement the Precautionary Action Plan (see Section 2.3.4). o If both initial and stabilized methane concentrations are less than 50% of the LEL (2.5% CH4), move to next LFG monitoring well. Structures: o Walk through the facility structure with a methane analyzer and monitor the perimeter wall interface of the structure, the floor to wall interface in hallways and rooms, and any floor penetrations in the structure. Record the initial and stabilized methane concentrations, oxygen concentration, and carbon dioxide concentration. o Record monitoring data on the LFG monitoring data form provided in Appendix B. o Notify Mr. Keith Huff with the City of Winston-Salem and the Engineer for any methane concentration greater than 0% of the LEL. Bowman Gray Stadium Property Landfill Gas Management Plan August 2016 Page 9 IF A STABILIZED METHANE CONCENTRATION IS GREATER THAN 100% OF THE LEL IN A LFG MONITORING WELL OR GREATER THAN 25% OF THE LEL IN A FACILITY STRUCTURE, THE FOLLOWING ACTIONS WILL BE IMPLEMENTED: 1) Recalibrate monitoring equipment and confirm results. 2) If results are confirmed, IMMEDIATELY contact Mr. Keith Huff of the City of Winston-Salem and the Engineer. 3) Implement the Immediate Action Plan located in Section 3.1. LFG Collection and Control System Monitoring o During each monitoring event, the system should be checked to determine if the blower and flare are operating. o Methane concentrations should be monitored at the inlet of the blower system to evaluate gas quality for ignition. o Oxygen concentrations should be monitored at the blower inlet to evaluate if suction is too great. o Methane concentrations along each collection and control trench should be monitored to evaluate areas of greatest or least concentrations. o System pressure should be monitored at each blower. o Record monitoring data on the LFG monitoring data form provided in Appendix B. 2.4.4 Precautionary Action Plan If an initial or stabilized methane concentration is equal to or greater than 50% of the LEL in a LFG monitoring well, monitoring personnel should perform the following additional steps at this location: • Measure gas pressure in the well head (in inches of water) using magnehelic gauge or other appropriate metering device. • Record at least one additional methane concentration measurement, inside the well just below the top of casing. • Evaluate the surrounding area for potential receptors to or signs of LFG migration. LFG can stress vegetation and can kill trees and grass by root asphyxiation. Note stressed/dead vegetation areas on the monitoring form. • Notify the City and the Engineer for further evaluation. 2.4.5 Record Keeping Routine LFG monitoring events will be documented on the LFG monitoring data form provided in Appendix B. Completed forms will be placed in the landfill operating record located at the City of Winston-Salem Stormwater and Erosion Bowman Gray Stadium Property Landfill Gas Management Plan August 2016 Page 10 Control Office at101 N. Main Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101. These forms will be available for review by DWM personnel on request. Documentation of any contingency plan actions (see Section 3.0) will also be kept in the operating record. 2.5 Maintenance Periodic maintenance and site observations will be conducted routinely to address monitoring program components (at a minimum): • Maintain access to LFG monitoring locations. • Perform LFG monitoring well maintenance (maintain well locks, steel casing, concrete pad, etc.). • Observe landfill cover conditions, areas of dead vegetation, leachate seeps, odors, etc. as indications of potential LFG-related problems. Note deficiencies on the monitoring forms and report to the City for repair or replacement as necessary. Bowman Gray Stadium Property Landfill Gas Management Plan August 2016 Page 11 3.0 CONTINGENCY PLAN If a stabilized methane concentration is greater than 100% of the LEL in a LFG monitoring well or greater than 25% of the LEL in a facility structure, the City will perform both an immediate action and plan and a remediation plan as described below and as summarized on Figure 2. 3.1 Immediate Action Plan The City will perform the following actions for the protection of human health and safety: 1) Evacuate affected facility structures and the immediately surrounding area. 2) Determine nearby potential receptors (facility and off-site structures). 3) Perform monitoring in any other facility structure near the monitoring location having the high concentration. 4) Verbally notify the City Manager, or his designee. 5) Verbally notify the DWM (see Section 1.1) as soon as practical. 6) Investigate and identify the potential source(s) and conduit(s) for LFG migration that may have caused the high concentration (i.e. the path that the LFG may be taking to the monitoring location). 7) Identify the LFG extent using bar hole punch sampling methodology or other applicable alternative method as practical. 8) As appropriate, begin corrective action to control methane concentrations in structures surrounding the landfill site. 3.1.1 Reporting and Documentation Within seven days of the detection of a high methane concentration, the City will prepare and submit an Environmental Monitoring Reporting Form (see Appendix B) with the results of the monitoring event to the DWM. The City will also place a description of the actions performed to protect human health in the operating record. 3.2 Remediation Plan Since a remedial strategy will be implemented in accordance with the LFG Corrective Action Plan3, the effectiveness of the planned remediation system will be reviewed in conjunction with exceedances noted. In the unlikely event that a changed condition requires additional remedial actions or modifications to the planned LFG Corrective Action Plan, those will be implemented as required. 3 Smith Gardner, Inc. Landfill Gas Corrective Action Plan Bowman Gray Stadium Facility, June 2016. Bowman Gray Stadium Property Landfill Gas Management Plan August 2016 Page 12 This page intentionally left blank. FIGURES Landfill Gas Management Plan Bowman Gray Stadium Winston-Salem, North Carolina This page intentionally left blank. P R O J E C T T I T L E : D R A W I N G T I T L E : R E V . D A T E D E S C R I P T I O N D E S I G N E D : D R A W N : A P P R O V E D : P R O J E C T N O : S C A L E : F I L E N A M E : P R E P A R E D B Y : P R E P A R E D F O R : S H E E T N U M B E R : D R A W I N G N U M B E R : D A T E : G:\CAD\Duncklee And Dunham\WSSU 15-1\sheets\WSSU-D0016.dwg - 8/17/2016 11:32 AM S E A L S E A L S M I T H G A R D N E R E N G I N E E R S + 1 4 N . B o y l a n A v e n u e , R a l e i g h N C 2 7 6 0 3 N C L I C . N O . C - 0 8 2 8 ( E N G I N E E R I N G ) 9 1 9 . 8 2 8 . 0 5 7 7 E l e c t r o n i c f i l e s a r e i n s t r u m e n t s o f s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d b y S m i t h G a r d n e r , I n c . f o r t h e c o n v e n i e n c e o f t h e i n t e n d e d r e c i p i e n t ( s ) , a n d n o w a r r a n t y i s e i t h e r e x p r e s s e d o r i m p l i e d .   A n y r e u s e o r r e d i s t r i b u t i o n o f t h i s d o c u m e n t i n w h o l e o r p a r t w i t h o u t t h e w r i t t e n a u t h o r i z a t i o n o f S m i t h G a r d n e r , I n c . , w i l l b e a t t h e s o l e r i s k o f t h e r e c i p i e n t .   I f t h e r e i s a d i s c r e p a n c y b e t w e e n t h e e l e c t r o n i c f i l e s a n d t h e s i g n e d a n d s e a l e d h a r d c o p i e s , t h e h a r d c o p i e s s h a l l g o v e r n .   U s e o f   a n y e l e c t r o n i c f i l e s g e n e r a t e d o r p r o v i d e d b y S m i t h G a r d n e r , I n c . , c o n s t i t u t e s a n a c c e p t a n c e o f t h e s e t e r m s a n d c o n d i t i o n s . © 2016 Smith Gardner, Inc. C I T Y O F W I N S T O N S A L E M B O W M A N G R A Y C O M P L E X L F G R E M E D I A T I O N S Y S T E M P R O P O S E D L A N D F I L L G A S M O N I T O R I N G N E T W O R K J . A . S . C . T . J . W S S U 1 5 - 1 A S S H O W N J U L Y 2 0 1 6 W S S U - D 0 0 1 6 F I G . 1 Appendix A LFG Well Boring Logs Landfill Gas Management Plan Bowman Gray Stadium Property Winston-Salem, North Carolina This page intentionally left blank. FIELD BOREHOLE LOG BOREHOLE NUMBER PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: DRILLING CO: DRILLING METHOD: FIELD PARTY: GEOLOGIST: DATE BEGUN: COMPLETED: TOTAL DEPTH: TOP OF CASING ELEV.: Depth (ft) Time Date STATIC WATER LEVEL (from ground) DE P T H BL O W C O U N T SA M P L I N G M E T H O D RE C O V E R Y DR I L L M E T H O D DESCRIPTION LI T H O L O G Y WE L L IN S T A L L A T I O N 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 DE P T H Smith Gardner, Inc. 14 North Boylan Avenue, Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 828-0577 Page 1 of 1 GROUND ELEV.: NORTHING:EASTING:0 0 Pe r 6 " Fe e t In c h e s Fe e t LFG-1 HSA WSSU 14-1 BGS - Geologic Exploration Jacob Messick D. Misenheimer 7/8/15 7/8/15 29 CLAY AND SILT: Redish orange clayey silt.Micaceous. Dry. CLAY AND SILT: Tan, white and orance clayeysilt. Some pink and white quartz sand and Mnstaining CLAY AND SILT: Redish tan, orange and whitemicaceous clayey silt with coarse quartz sand.Mn staining. Relic. CLAY AND SILT: Redish tan, orange and whitemicaceous clayey silt with coarse quartz sand and quartz gravel. Mn staining. Relic. CLAY AND SILT: 18" of same soil; 6" of orangemoist clayey silt with Mn staining. CLAY AND SILT: Orange clayey silt with Mnstaining. More moist. 2,3,4,6rec24" 3,3,4,4rec 20" 3,4,4,4rec 24" 4,4,5,5rec 22" 2,4,4,8rec 24" 3,2,4,4rec 20" FIELD BOREHOLE LOG BOREHOLE NUMBER PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: DRILLING CO: DRILLING METHOD: FIELD PARTY: GEOLOGIST: DATE BEGUN: COMPLETED: TOTAL DEPTH: TOP OF CASING ELEV.: Depth (ft) Time Date STATIC WATER LEVEL (from ground) DE P T H BL O W C O U N T SA M P L I N G M E T H O D RE C O V E R Y DR I L L M E T H O D DESCRIPTION LI T H O L O G Y WE L L IN S T A L L A T I O N 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 DE P T H Smith Gardner, Inc. 14 North Boylan Avenue, Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 828-0577 Page 1 of 1 GROUND ELEV.: NORTHING:EASTING:0 0 Pe r 6 " Fe e t In c h e s Fe e t LFG-2 HSA WSSU 14-1 BGS - Geologic Exploration Jacob Messick D. Misenheimer 7/8/15 7/8/15 31 CLAY AND SILT: Dark fill dirt with gravel mix. CLAY AND SILT: Red orange micaceous clayeysilt. CLAY AND SILT: Red orange micaceous clayeysilt. CLAY AND SILT: Orange clayey sily. Mn stainig. Some weathered quartz. Slightly damp. CLAY AND SILT: Red, orange, white Telic. Mnstained. Slightly moist. CLAY AND SILT: Red, orange, white Telic. Mnstained. Some quartz gravel. Slightly moist. 6,3,3,3rec 4" 5,3,5,6rec 18" 4,4,4,6rec 16" 3,2,3,4rec 16" 6,5,3,4rec 14" 4,5,6,7rec 15" FIELD BOREHOLE LOG BOREHOLE NUMBER PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: DRILLING CO: DRILLING METHOD: FIELD PARTY: GEOLOGIST: DATE BEGUN: COMPLETED: TOTAL DEPTH: TOP OF CASING ELEV.: Depth (ft) Time Date STATIC WATER LEVEL (from ground) DE P T H BL O W C O U N T SA M P L I N G M E T H O D RE C O V E R Y DR I L L M E T H O D DESCRIPTION LI T H O L O G Y WE L L IN S T A L L A T I O N 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 DE P T H Smith Gardner, Inc. 14 North Boylan Avenue, Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 828-0577 Page 1 of 1 GROUND ELEV.: NORTHING:EASTING:0 0 Pe r 6 " Fe e t In c h e s Fe e t LFG-3 HSA WSSU 14-1 BGS - Geologic Exploration Jacob Messick D. Misenheimer 7/9/15 7/9/15 36 CLAY AND SILT: Orange clayey silt with littlesand. Dry and micaceous. CLAY AND SILT: Orange clayey silt with somequartz sand. Dry and micaceous. Weatheredquartz and Mn staining. CLAY AND SILT: Orange clayey silt with somequartz sand. Dry and micaceous. Lessweathered quartz and more Mn staining. CLAY AND SILT: Same as above. Relic. Somequartz gravel. CLAY AND SILT: Same as above but slightlydamp. CLAY AND SILT: Same as above, more mica with iron staining and some quartz gravel. PWR: less quartz gravel. Weathered granite. 2,1,2,3rec 15" 5,3,3,5rec 18" 3,4,4,4rec 16" 3,4,5,6rec 15" 4,5,6,9rec 16" 4,5,8,5rec 8" 7,6,11,11rec 10" FIELD BOREHOLE LOG BOREHOLE NUMBER PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: DRILLING CO: DRILLING METHOD: FIELD PARTY: GEOLOGIST: DATE BEGUN: COMPLETED: TOTAL DEPTH: TOP OF CASING ELEV.: Depth (ft) Time Date STATIC WATER LEVEL (from ground) DE P T H BL O W C O U N T SA M P L I N G M E T H O D RE C O V E R Y DR I L L M E T H O D DESCRIPTION LI T H O L O G Y WE L L IN S T A L L A T I O N 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 DE P T H Smith Gardner, Inc. 14 North Boylan Avenue, Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 828-0577 Page 1 of 1 GROUND ELEV.: NORTHING:EASTING:0 0 Pe r 6 " Fe e t In c h e s Fe e t LFG-4 HSA WSSU 14-1 BGS - Geologic Exploration Jacob Messick D. Misenheimer 7/13/15 7/13/15 36 CLAY AND SILT: Orange/tan/white micaceoussandy clayey silt with Mn staining. CLAY AND SILT: Orange/tan/white micaceoussandy clayey silt with Mn staining. Weatherquartz and quartz sand. CLAY AND SILT: Orange/tan/ sandy clayey siltwith Mn staining. Less quartz. CLAY AND SILT: Orange/tan/gray clayey sandysilt with Mn staining. Weathered quartz. Relic. CLAY AND SILT: Same except tighter with moreweathered quartz and quartz gravel. CLAY AND SILT: No mica. Gray white orangeclayey silty sand. Relic CLAY AND SILT: Same , but more light gray. 3,3,3,4rec 8" 5,5,7,8rec 21" 5,4,4,3rec 23" 5,6,7,18rec 6" 9,9,21,50/3rec 16" 8,12,18,21rec 6" 14, 50/4rec 8" FIELD BOREHOLE LOG BOREHOLE NUMBER PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: DRILLING CO: DRILLING METHOD: FIELD PARTY: GEOLOGIST: DATE BEGUN: COMPLETED: TOTAL DEPTH: TOP OF CASING ELEV.: Depth (ft) Time Date STATIC WATER LEVEL (from ground) DE P T H BL O W C O U N T SA M P L I N G M E T H O D RE C O V E R Y DR I L L M E T H O D DESCRIPTION LI T H O L O G Y WE L L IN S T A L L A T I O N 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 DE P T H Smith Gardner, Inc. 14 North Boylan Avenue, Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 828-0577 Page 1 of 1 GROUND ELEV.: NORTHING:EASTING:0 0 Pe r 6 " Fe e t In c h e s Fe e t LFG-5 HSA WSSU 14-1 BGS - Geologic Exploration Jacob Messick D. Misenheimer 7/13/15 7/13/15 36 CLAY AND SILT: Tanish orange clayey silt.Micaceous with little Mn staining. CLAY AND SILT: Tanish orange clayey silt.Micaceous with little Mn staining. Weathered and graveled quartz. CLAY AND SILT: Same with 6" of quartz sandand gravel. CLAY AND SILT: Tanish orange clayey silt.Micaceous with little Mn staining. Weathered and graveled quartz. Some quartz sand. CLAY AND SILT: Tanish orange clayey silt.Micaceous with little Mn staining. Weathered and graveled quartz. Some quartz sand. CLAY AND SILT: Tanish orange clayey silt.Micaceous with little Mn staining. Weathered and graveled quartz. Some quartz sand. Moist CLAY AND SILT: Tanish orange clayey silt.Micaceous with little Mn staining. Weathered and graveled quartz. Some quartz sand. Moist 4,5,5,8rec 24" 6,7,8,7rec 18" 7,7,11,9rec 14" 7,7,9,10rec 14" 6,8,8,9rec 14" 7,9,9,10rec 14" 12,15,25,27rec 12" FIELD BOREHOLE LOG BOREHOLE NUMBER PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: DRILLING CO: DRILLING METHOD: FIELD PARTY: GEOLOGIST: DATE BEGUN: COMPLETED: TOTAL DEPTH: TOP OF CASING ELEV.: Depth (ft) Time Date STATIC WATER LEVEL (from ground) DE P T H BL O W C O U N T SA M P L I N G M E T H O D RE C O V E R Y DR I L L M E T H O D DESCRIPTION LI T H O L O G Y WE L L IN S T A L L A T I O N 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 DE P T H Smith Gardner, Inc. 14 North Boylan Avenue, Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 828-0577 Page 1 of 1 GROUND ELEV.: NORTHING:EASTING:0 0 Pe r 6 " Fe e t In c h e s Fe e t LFG-6 HSA WSSU 14-1 BGS - Geologic Exploration Jacob Messick D. Misenheimer 7/14/15 7/14/15 31 CLAY AND SILT: gray/tan/green micaceousclayey silt. Some sand and quartz gravel. CLAY AND SILT: gray/tan/green micaceousclayey silt. Some sand. Less quartz. CLAY AND SILT: Same with les tan, more greenand weathered quartz. CLAY AND SILT: More green and moreweathered quartz. Relic. Some coarce quartzsand. CLAY AND SILT: gray/tan/orange micaceousclayey silt. More sand and more weatheredquartz. No green. CLAY AND SILT: gray/tan/orange micaceousclayey silt. More sand andbig chincks of quartz.No green. Relic granite at bottom. Wet. 2,2,2,2rec 8" 2,2,3,3rec 13" 2,3,4,3rec 10" 5,8,10,10rec 12" 6,4,14,15rec 19" 6,11,11,12rec 12" FIELD BOREHOLE LOG BOREHOLE NUMBER PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: DRILLING CO: DRILLING METHOD: FIELD PARTY: GEOLOGIST: DATE BEGUN: COMPLETED: TOTAL DEPTH: TOP OF CASING ELEV.: Depth (ft) Time Date STATIC WATER LEVEL (from ground) DE P T H BL O W C O U N T SA M P L I N G M E T H O D RE C O V E R Y DR I L L M E T H O D DESCRIPTION LI T H O L O G Y WE L L IN S T A L L A T I O N 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 DE P T H Smith Gardner, Inc. 14 North Boylan Avenue, Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 828-0577 Page 1 of 1 GROUND ELEV.: NORTHING:EASTING:0 0 Pe r 6 " Fe e t In c h e s Fe e t LFG-7 HSA WSSU 14-1 BGS - Geologic Exploration Jacob Messick D. Misenheimer 7/14/15 7/14/15 26 CLAY AND SILT: Orange sandy silty clay somemica and Mn staining. CLAY AND SILT: Orange/tan white clayey silt.Micaceous with some iron and Mn staining. 2"layer of coarse quartz sand. QUARTZ: Quartz rock. CLAY AND SILT: Orange/tan white clayey silt.Micaceous with some iron and Mn staining. More coarse sand throughout. Moist. CLAY AND SILT: Same, but very moist. 3,5,6,6rec 20" 3,5,4,4rec 12" 4,4,5,6rec 1" 3,3,4,5rec 23" 3,7,4,4rec 22" FIELD BOREHOLE LOG BOREHOLE NUMBER PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: DRILLING CO: DRILLING METHOD: FIELD PARTY: GEOLOGIST: DATE BEGUN: COMPLETED: TOTAL DEPTH: TOP OF CASING ELEV.: Depth (ft) Time Date STATIC WATER LEVEL (from ground) DE P T H BL O W C O U N T SA M P L I N G M E T H O D RE C O V E R Y DR I L L M E T H O D DESCRIPTION LI T H O L O G Y WE L L IN S T A L L A T I O N 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 DE P T H Smith Gardner, Inc. 14 North Boylan Avenue, Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 828-0577 Page 1 of 1 GROUND ELEV.: NORTHING:EASTING:0 0 Pe r 6 " Fe e t In c h e s Fe e t LFG-8 HSA WSSU 14-1 BGS - Geologic Exploration Jacob Messick D. Misenheimer 7/14/15 7/14/15 20 SOIL: Fill soil and clay. WASTE: Waste/soil mix. Tires, glass, metal,paper, fiberglass. Strong waste odor. CLAY AND SILT: Very wet grayish mud. Wasteodor. CLAY AND SILT: Native micaceos clayey siltysoils. FIELD BOREHOLE LOG BOREHOLE NUMBER PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: DRILLING CO: DRILLING METHOD: FIELD PARTY: GEOLOGIST: DATE BEGUN: COMPLETED: TOTAL DEPTH: TOP OF CASING ELEV.: Depth (ft) Time Date STATIC WATER LEVEL (from ground) DE P T H BL O W C O U N T SA M P L I N G M E T H O D RE C O V E R Y DR I L L M E T H O D DESCRIPTION LI T H O L O G Y WE L L IN S T A L L A T I O N 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 DE P T H Smith Gardner, Inc. 14 North Boylan Avenue, Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 828-0577 Page 1 of 1 GROUND ELEV.: NORTHING:EASTING:0 0 Pe r 6 " Fe e t In c h e s Fe e t LFG-9 HSA WSSU 14-1 BGS - Geologic Exploration Jacob Messick D. Misenheimer 7/15/15 7/15/15 21 SOIL: Fill soil and clay. WASTE: Waste/soil/clay mix. Dark smelly. Some rubber, plastic, etc. No waste visible after 12'damp at 10'. CLAY AND SILT: Gray/green/white micaceousclayey silt. Moist. Waste odor. Some quartz. SAND: Relic. Gray white and green. Quartzsand. 4,4,4,7rec 8" 5,8,15,27rec 16" Appendix B Reporting Form Landfill Gas Management Plan Bowman Gray Stadium Property Winston-Salem, North Carolina This page intentionally left blank.   16    NC Division of Waste Management - Solid Waste Section Landfill Gas Monitoring Data Form Notice: This form and any information attached to it are "Public Records" as defined in NC General Statute 132-1. As such, these documents are available for inspection and examination by any person upon request (NC General Statute 132-6). Facility Name: ______________________________________________ Permit Number: ____________________________ Date of Sampling: ___________________ NC Landfill Rule (.0500 or .1600): _____________________________________ Name and Position of Sample Collector: _________________________________________ Type and Serial Number of Gas Meter: _______________________________ Calibration Date of Gas Meter: ___________ Date and Time of Field Calibration: _____________________ Type of Field Calibration Gas (15/15 or 35/50): ____________ Expiration Date of Field Calibration Gas Canister: ________ Pump Rate of Gas Meter: _____________ Ambient Air Temperature: __________ Barometric Pressure: ______________ General Weather Conditions: _____________ Instructions: Under “Location or LFG Well” identify the monitoring wells or describe the location for other tests (e.g., inside buildings). A drawing showing the location of test must be attached. Report methane readings in both % LEL and % methane by volume. A reading in percent methane by volume can be converted to % LEL as follows: % methane by volume = % LEL/20 If your facility has more gas monitoring locations than there is room on this form, please attach additional sheets listing the same information as contained on this form. Certification To the best of my knowledge, the information reported and statements made on this data submittal and attachments are true and correct. I am aware that there are significant penalties for making any false statement, representation, or certification including the possibility of a fine and imprisonment. _________________________________________ _________________________________________ SIGNATURE TITLE