HomeMy WebLinkAbout20045_Powers Site_Assessment Report_03312017 -ii- Limited Phase II ESA Report March 31, 2017 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................1 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................2 3.0 FIELD METHODS ................................................................................................3 3.1 Sampling Team .......................................................................................... 3 3.2 Soil Borings and MacroCore® Sample Collection .................................... 3 3.3 Assessment of Potential For Methane Gas ................................................ 3 3.3.1 Vapor-Monitoring Implants .............................................................3 3.3.2 Methane Measurements ....................................................................4 3.4 Targeted Soil Sampling Areas ................................................................... 5 3.4.1 Additional Soil Sampling in the Southeast Area for Risk- ................. Based Parameters .............................................................................5 3.4.2 Soil Sampling Beneath Identified Debris/Materials ......................... Stockpiles and Waste Oil Drum .......................................................6 3.4.3 Foundry Waste Casting Sand ...........................................................6 3.4.4 Survey of Site Sampling Locations..................................................7 3.4.5 Abandonment of Phase II Temporary Monitoring Wells ................7 3.5 Geophysical Survey in Southeast Site Area .............................................. 7 3.6 Brownfields Property Receptor Survey ..................................................... 8 4.0 GENERAL SOIL CHARACTERIZATION .....................................................10 5.0 SUMMARY OF SAMPLE RESULTS ...............................................................11 5.1 Applicable Regulatory Criteria ............................................................... 11 5.2 Soil Sample Results ................................................................................. 11 5.2.1 Surface Soil Sampling Results ...................................................... 11 5.2.2 Subsurface Soil Sampling Results ................................................. 12 5.2.3 Foundry Waste Casting Sand Results ........................................... 13 5.2.4 Drum Soil Sampling Results ......................................................... 13 5.3 Methane Monitoring Results ................................................................... 15 6.0 FINDINGS .........................................................................................................16 LISTS OF FIGURES Figure 1 - Site Location Map Figure 2 - Site Map and Sample Location Map -iii- Limited Phase II ESA Report March 31, 2017 Table of Contents (continued) Page ii LISTS OF TABLES Table 1 - CEC Phase II Sampling Results Table 2 - Sample Summary Table Table 3 - Methane Measurement Data Table 4 - Target Analyte Detections Summary Table 4a - PCB Congeners Detections Summary Table 5 - Sample Results Summary LISTS OF APPENDICES Appendix A - Soil Boring Logs Appendix B - Phase II Well Abandonment Records Appendix C - Field Data Sheets Appendix D - GEL Engineering of NC, Inc. Geophysical Survey Report Appendix E - Potential Receptor Survey Data Appendix F – Laboratory Analytical Data Reports -1- Limited Phase II ESA Report March 31, 2017 1.0 INTRODUCTION On behalf of Bridgestream, LLC, Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. (CEC) conducted a Brownfields Site Assessment on the Powers Site located at 536 West Tremont Avenue in Charlotte, North Carolina (Site). The Brownfields Site Assessment was performed in general accordance with the Brownfields Assessment Work Plan (Revision III) dated January 31, 2017, which was approved by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Brownfields Program on February 2, 2017. -2- Limited Phase II ESA Report March 31, 2017 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION The Powers Site is an approximately 3.46-acre parcel located at 536 W. Tremont Avenue, Charlotte, NC. Bridgestream, LLC recently purchased the parcel to redevelop the site for use as commercial storage. An AM radio antenna and ancillary equipment shed occupy the property. A site map is presented as Figure 1. Phase I and II environmental site assessments (ESAs) have been performed at the site. The Phase I ESA identified construction debris and materials such as concrete storm boxes, utility piping, stockpiles of recycled asphalt pavement, stockpiles of gravel, wood debris, and other generally inert materials on the site. Discarded tires, bumpers, and other auto parts were observed along the site perimeter as an indicator of the incomplete removal of parts related to the former auto salvage and repair operations. CEC discovered an uncovered waste oil drum in the southwestern area of the site, which has resulted in a minor waste oil spill to adjacent soils. The previous Phase I ESA identified several recognized environmental conditions (RECs) that were primarily associated with potentially impacted fill materials at the site and petroleum releases associated with more than 40 years of auto salvage yard/repair operations. The Phase II ESA identified several organic and inorganic soil contaminants associated with four potential sources including the following: 1) Petroleum-related volatile organic compound (VOC) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) impacts related to the disposal and management practices of the former auto salvage operations and repair shop; 2) PAH impacts related to the presence of asphalt fragments that were observed to be mixed throughout the fill soils; 3) VOC, PAH, and metals impacts related to deposits of previously impacted soils, including foundry waste casting sand, presently covered by relatively “clean” fill; and 4) A petroleum release resulting from spillage from the uncovered waste oil drum identified in the Phase I ESA. Approximate Phase II soil sampling locations are shown on Figure 2, and soil sampling results obtained by CEC are summarized in Table 1. -3- Limited Phase II ESA Report March 31, 2017 3.0 FIELD METHODS 3.1 SAMPLING TEAM On February 21, 2017, Ed Stephens, PG and Michael Keen of CEC and Troxler Geologic Services, Inc. (Troxler) mobilized to the Site to implement sampling activities outlined in the Brownfields Assessment Work Plan (Revision III). Mr. Stephens directed the field activities for CEC personnel and for the Geoprobe DPT contractor (Troxler). CEC notified North Carolina OneCall to locate public utilities near the Site prior to initiating any drilling activities. Troxler was engaged to locate private on-site utilities, as well as advance soil borings, MacroCore® sampling, and to install vapor- monitoring implants. 3.2 SOIL BORINGS AND MACROCORE® SAMPLE COLLECTION Troxler employed a Geoprobe 6620T direct push rig to advance 2.25-inch MacroCore® sample tubes with inner acetate sample sleeves to collect soil samples from the soil borings and vapor wells. Soil cores were retrieved from the soil borings in four-foot intervals within the acetate tubes. The plastic sampling tubes were cut and the soil/debris were visually classified by the CEC field geologist. Soil core segments across approximately two-foot intervals were placed in Ziploc® plastic bags that were then sealed. Soil in each bagged sample was then disaggregated to release potential soil vapors, and any vapors were allowed to accumulate inside the sealed bag. After a few minutes, the probe end of a MiniRAE Model 3000 VOC Monitor was inserted into each Ziploc® bag to measure the concentration of volatile vapors. The instrument readings for each sample screening were recorded in the field notes and are presented on the boring logs in Appendix A. 3.3 ASSESSMENT OF POTENTIAL FOR METHANE GAS 3.3.1 Vapor-Monitoring Implants Six soil vapor-monitoring implants were installed in soil borings (SB-10 through SB-15) within the proposed building footprints at the approximate locations shown on Figure 2. The approved -4- Limited Phase II ESA Report March 31, 2017 work plan specified that the gas sample collection depth will be approximately two feet below the anticipated final grade of the location of the respective wellpoint. As based on the attached Grading Plan prepared by Urban Design Partners, the anticipated final grade is the Basement Floor Elevation of 693 ft. Thus, the targeted sampling depth at two feet below the anticipated final grade is an elevation of 691 feet. The depth at which each vapor-monitoring implant was installed was calculated by the following formula: Vapor Implant Depth = Approximate Surface Elevation of Wellpoint – 691 Feet The approximate surface elevation at each vapor sampling point was interpolated from a Mecklenburg County two-foot contour interval topographic map. The approximate depths below grade and elevations of the vapor-monitoring implants are provided in Table 2. A minimum depth of five feet was maintained where the calculated implant depth was less than five feet to prevent or reduce cross-circulation of air from the surface. Vapor-monitoring implants were installed in soil borings by Geoprobe DPT methods. At each targeted sampling location a dedicated soil vapor tip with stainless steel screen and Teflon umbrella was connected to ¼-inch O.D. plastic tubing. The assembly was then lowered and anchored at the bottom of the borehole. A clean coarse gravel pack was added to the borehole annulus to completely surround the vapor screen and extend to a height of approximately one foot in the borehole. The remainder of the borehole annulus was filled with hydrated bentonite to provide a seal to minimize short-circuiting of air flow from the surface. 3.3.2 Methane Measurements After installing the vapor-monitoring implants, each wellpoint was allowed to equilibrate for longer than 48 hours prior to sample collection. Prior to taking a methane reading, at least three times the air volume of the tubing at each respective wellpoint was extracted using a syringe. On March 3, 2017, CEC personnel performed methane measurements employing a Landtec GEM™ 2000 PLUS Landfill Gas Analyzer and Extraction Monitor. Field calibration of the meter was performed on the same day and prior to using the meter in accordance with the GEM™ 2000 -5- Limited Phase II ESA Report March 31, 2017 PLUS Operation Manual. A "bump″ test to verify meter calibration and accuracy was performed prior to, at midway, and after collection of all the methane readings. Prior to taking an actual reading, the meter was allowed to warm up until the indicator indicated a reading can be obtained. To obtain a reading, the tip of the meter was connected to the tubing that extends into the wellpoint. Well vapor sampling was performed at a flow rate less than 200 milliliters per minute to limit the potential for short-circuiting. The methane concentration was continuously read on the face of the meter until the percent methane reading stabilized. The percent methane readings were recorded by the field technician on a Methane Monitoring Field Data Sheet (see Appendix C) and are summarized in Table 3. On March 24, 2017, CEC performed a second round of methane measurements to verify the initial methane readings. CEC followed similar vapor wellpoint purge and instrument calibration/operation protocols as were performed during the initial methane measurements. The percent methane readings were recorded by the field technician on a Methane Monitoring Field Data Sheet and are summarized in Table 3. 3.4 TARGETED SOIL SAMPLING AREAS 3.4.1 Additional Soil Sampling in the Southeast Area for Risk-Based Parameters Two borings (SB-1 and SB-2) were advanced in the southeast portion of the Site to depths of approximately 20 feet and 16 feet, respectively, at the approximate locations shown on Figure 2. Soil samples were collected from each boring at depths of 0-2 feet below ground surface (bgs) for subsequent laboratory testing. In addition, soil samples were collected from each boring at a depth interval of 10-12 feet, which was the depth interval where the soil sample headspace analyses exhibited the most elevated soil vapor levels as measured with a MiniRAE 3000 VOC Monitor, for subsequent laboratory testing. These soil samples were tested for VOCs (EPA 8260), SVOCs (EPA 8270), and RCRA metals (EPA 6000/7471). One surface (0-2 feet) soil sample collected from SB-1 was also tested for PCBs using the PCB Congener Specific Analysis (EPA 1668). -6- Limited Phase II ESA Report March 31, 2017 3.4.2 Soil Sampling Beneath Identified Debris/Materials Stockpiles and Waste Oil Drum Previously described sampling methods were utilized to obtain four-foot soil cores from three shallow borings (SB-5, SB-7, and SB-8), which were collected at the base (ground level) beneath representative debris/materials stockpiles identified at the Site. The approximate locations of these shallow borings are shown on Figure 2. The soil cores from a depth interval of 0-2 feet bgs in each boring were placed in Ziploc® plastic bags for soil vapor headspace testing as described in Section 3.2. The instrument readings for each sample screening were recorded in the field notes and are presented in Table 2. A four-foot soil core was also obtained from shallow soil boring SB-9 that was advanced within the oil-stained area in proximity of an abandoned waste oil drum at the approximate location shown on Figure 2. The soil core segment from a depth interval of 0-2 feet bgs in this boring was placed in a Ziploc® plastic bag for soil vapor headspace testing as described in Section 3.2. The instrument reading for the sample screening was recorded in the field notes and is presented in Table 2. Soil samples were retained from each shallow boring from a depth interval of 0-2 feet bgs for subsequent laboratory testing. These soil samples were tested for VOCs (EPA 8260), SVOCs (EPA 8270), and RCRA metals (EPA 6000/7471). 3.4.3 Foundry Waste Casting Sand During the previous Phase II assessment, an approximate two-foot layer of foundry waste casting sand was encountered in two soil borings B-3 and B-6 at the Site. The foundry sand was encountered at approximately 15-17 feet bgs in B-3 and at approximately 2-3 feet bgs in B-6. New soil borings SB-3 and SB-4 were advanced in the immediate proximity of the Phase II borings B- 6 and B-3, respectively, at the approximate locations shown on Figure 2. A four-foot soil core was obtained from shallow soil boring SB-3. A layer of foundry sand was encountered at an approximate depth interval of 2-3 feet bgs. A sample of the material was collected from 2-3 feet bgs for subsequent laboratory testing. -7- Limited Phase II ESA Report March 31, 2017 In soil boring SB-4, a layer of the foundry sand was encountered at a depth of approximately 15- 17 feet bgs. A sample of the material was collected from this depth interval for subsequent laboratory testing. The foundry sand samples were tested for PCBs using the PCB Congener Specific Analysis (EPA 1668), and for RCRA metals (EPA 6000/7471) by Toxicity Characteristic Leachate Procedure (EPA Method 1311). 3.4.4 Survey of Site Sampling Locations CEC is engaging R. B. Pharr & Associates P.A., a North Carolina-registered land surveyor, to establish the locations and ground elevations of soil borings and temporary monitoring wells installed during the previous Phase II ESA and the recent Brownfields Site Assessment conducted by CEC. This work was not completed by the time of this reporting. The surveyed boring/temporary well locations will be mapped on the final plat. 3.4.5 Abandonment of Phase II Temporary Monitoring Wells CEC engaged Elite Techniques, Inc., a North Carolina-certified well driller, to abandon the Phase II temporary monitoring wells. Well abandonment records are included in Appendix B. 3.5 GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY IN SOUTHEAST SITE AREA CEC engaged GEL Engineering of NC, Inc. (GEL) to perform geophysical surveys employing ground penetrating radar (GPR), radio frequency electromagnetic (EM), and time domain electromagnetic (EM61) technologies in the area where an oil UST and hydraulic lift system were reportedly operated at the site. The approximate limits of the survey area are shown in the GEL report provided in Appendix D. GEL collected GPR and EM61 data from parallel survey lines spaced five feet apart over the accessible area. GEL employed GPR and EM technologies to designate underground utilities in the survey area. Detected subsurface anomalies and underground utilities locations were marked -8- Limited Phase II ESA Report March 31, 2017 on the land surface with survey paint as depicted in the GEL report. GEL acquired the geographical coordinates of these features using a Leica GS-14 Global Positioning System instrument. GEL identified two subsurface anomalies in the geophysical data. Approximate locations of the subsurface anomalies are shown on Figure 2. GEL indicated that the characteristic of the subsurface anomalies indicate possible miscellaneous buried metallic debris. Further, GEL indicated that the discontinuity and low strength of the EM61 signal over the larger anomaly area are not characteristic of a buried UST. Being a historical automobile salvage yard, the area likely contains considerable buried scrap metal. 3.6 BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY RECEPTOR SURVEY CEC performed a receptor survey to obtain the information needed to complete the NCDEQ Division of Waste Management Brownfields Program Brownfields Property Receptor Survey form. The survey included a description of the physical site conditions, known buried utilities, surface water/wetland features, site/area water supply sources, and listing of sensitive area receptors. The completed referenced survey form and area receptor map is included in Appendix E. No schools or daycare facilities are located within 1,500 feet of the subject site. There are residences and basement structures situated within 1,000 feet of the subject site. Charlotte Water supplies public water and sewer to the subject site and surrounding area. No public water supply wells were identified within one mile of the subject site. No private water supply wells or irrigation wells were identified within 1,500 feet of the subject site. There are no wetlands within the property boundaries or in the immediate proximity of the subject site. A stormwater drainage channel was observed that trends roughly north-south parallel to the western property boundary. -9- Limited Phase II ESA Report March 31, 2017 No existing structures currently residing on the subject site will remain following site development. -10- Limited Phase II ESA Report March 31, 2017 4.0 GENERAL SOIL CHARACTERIZATION The CEC field geologist recorded the materials and characteristics observed in each soil boring by visual classification. In general, recent and previously acquired soil boring data indicate that the subsurface profile across the Site consists of mixed fill materials observed at depths of five to greater than 30 feet bgs across the Site. The fill materials encountered at the Site vary considerably in composition; yet typically contain concrete, brick, and asphalt fragments; gravel; bits of tires; and glass. Although not typically encountered, wood and other organic debris were observed in Phase II boring B-5 at approximately 28 feet bgs and in SB-2 at approximately 15 feet bgs. Underlying the fill materials, moist to wet, red to orange, silty clay to clayey silt soils and weathered granitic rock (saprolite) were encountered that are typical of the NC Piedmont. Soil boring logs from the Phase II ESA and the recent Brownfields Site Assessment are included in Appendix A. In general, surface fill materials that occur to various depths across the site consist of red- brown to gray- green silty sandy clay with variable quantities of gravel, brick, asphalt, or concrete fragments. Although not frequent, some intervals contain fragmented asphalt without soil. Phase II borings B-3, B-4, and B-6 were terminated in fill upon DPT refusal likely to be asphalt or concrete debris, so it is likely that larger pieces of asphalt and concrete may occur in the subsurface fill materials. Some of the fill materials occurring below relatively “clean” fill appear to exhibit some degree of environmental impact that may have occurred prior to their present placement at the Site. Most of these materials are likely petroleum-impacted soils that were re-worked as the Site was backfilled. Also, a buried layer of foundry waste casting sand measuring up to two feet in thickness appears to have been placed while backfilling areas of the Site. CEC observed foundry waste casting sand at various depths in four soil borings including Phase II B-2/ AWP SB-4 at 17-18 feet bgs; Phase II B-6/AWP SB-3 at 2-3 feet bgs; Phase II B-5 at 11- 12 feet bgs; and SB-7 at 3-4 feet. -11- Limited Phase II ESA Report March 31, 2017 5.0 SUMMARY OF SAMPLE RESULTS 5.1 APPLICABLE REGULATORY CRITERIA CEC performed this Brownfields site assessment in general accordance with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB) Guidelines for Assessment and Cleanup (Guidelines). Specifically, CEC performed sample collection and followed sample quality assurance protocols outlined in the Guidelines. CEC engaged an NC-certified environmental laboratory, TestAmerica, to perform the sample analyses employing test methods specified in the Guidelines and to provide laboratory analytical quality assurance and data reporting in accordance with the Guidelines. Laboratory analytical data reports are included in Appendix F. Where applicable, soil sample analytical results are compared to the current IHSB Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) Table (October 2016) to determine their subsequent management. 5.2 SOIL SAMPLE RESULTS A Soil Sample Schedule is presented in Table 2. Typically, samples were analyzed for VOCs, SVOCs plus 10 largest TICs, and RCRA metals. A select number of fill material samples were also analyzed for PCB Congeners. Samples of foundry sand were analyzed for PCB Congeners and TCLP RCRA Metals for waste characterization. A summary of target analyte detections is presented in Table 4. A summary of sample data in which the analyte concentrations are above the applicable Industrial PSRGs is presented in Table 5. 5.2.1 Surface Soil Sampling Results VOCs Acetone was the only VOC detected in the surficial soil samples, which was reported in SB-1, SB- 5, SB-7, and SB-9. The reported acetone concentrations do not exceed the Industrial PSRGs. Otherwise, target VOCs were not observed in surface soils or fill materials. -12- Limited Phase II ESA Report March 31, 2017 Semi-VOCs Numerous semi-VOCs, occurring in a class commonly referred to as polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), were detected in all the surficial soil samples. Sample analysis detected benzo[a]pyrene in five of the seven soil samples (SB-1, SB-2, SB-6, SB-7, and SB-8) collected from surficial soil in which its concentrations exceed the Industrial PSRGs. Three PAHs (benzo[a]pyrene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, and dibenz[a,h]anthracene) were detected in sample SB- 6 at concentrations that exceed their respective Industrial PSRGs. Four PAHs (benzo[a]anthracene, benzo[a]pyrene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, and dibenz[a,h]anthracene) were detected in sample SB-7 at concentrations that exceed their respective Industrial PSRGs. Five PAHs (benzo[a]anthracene, benzo[a]pyrene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, dibenz[a,h]anthracene, and indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene) were detected in sample SB-8 at concentrations that exceed their respective Industrial PSRGs. It is noted that while four PAHs were detected at concentrations above the Industrial PSRGs in SB-7, only benzo[a]pyrene was detected at a concentration above the Industrial PSRGs in the duplicate SB-7 sample. We believe that these results can be attributed to the variable occurrence of asphalt fragments in the fill soils. It appears the more elevated PAH levels occur in surface soils in the southeastern portion of the site as a result of waste oil spills and/or asphalt fragments and beneath waste piles that contain significant asphalt debris. RCRA Metals Given that metals are naturally occurring in Piedmont soils, several naturally-occurring RCRA metals were detected in all the surficial soil samples. No RCRA metals were detected at concentrations above their Industrial PSRGs. 5.2.2 Subsurface Soil Sampling Results VOCs Acetone, methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), and 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene were detected in SB-2 at 10-12 feet below grade. The analyte concentrations do not exceed the Industrial PSRGs. Further, -13- Limited Phase II ESA Report March 31, 2017 acetone is a common laboratory contaminant; thus, its actual presence in any sample is suspect. Otherwise, target VOCs were not observed in other subsurface soils or fill materials. Semi-VOCs Numerous PAHs were detected in the subsurface soil samples. Sample analyses detected benzo[a]pyrene in SB-1 and SB-2; also benzo[b]fluoranthene and dibenz[a,h]anthracene in SB-1; and also benzo[a]anthracene and chrysene in SB-2, which were at levels above Industrial PSRGs. Samples SB-1 and SB-2 were collected from a depth interval of 10-12 feet below ground surface It appears the more elevated PAH levels occur in surface soils in the southeastern portion of the site and beneath waste piles that contain significant asphalt debris. RCRA Metals Given that metals are naturally occurring in Piedmont soils, several RCRA metals were detected in all the surficial soil samples. No RCRA metals were detected at concentrations above their Industrial PSRGs. 5.2.3 Foundry Waste Casting Sand Results Samples of foundry waste casting sand were collected from two site locations - SB-3 (0-2) and SB-4 (15-17) - for waste characterization analyses including PCB Congeners by EPA Method 1668C and TCLP RCRA Metals by Toxicity Characteristic Leachate Procedure (TCLP) via EPA Method 1311 and EPA Methods 6010D and 7471B. Numerous PCB congeners were detected in the two samples at very low levels, none of which were above the respective Industrial PSRGs. No RCRA metals were detected in either sample at concentrations exceeding their TCLP metals limits. 5.2.4 Drum Soil Sampling Results During the Phase II assessment, CEC observed an open drum on the Site containing unknown solids topped by an apparent mixed water-oil liquid. CEC also noted an area of oil-stained soils -14- Limited Phase II ESA Report March 31, 2017 surrounding the drum. Sample SB-9 (0-2) was collected from surficial soil within the stained area for laboratory analyses including VOCs, SVOCs, and RCRA metals. VOCs Acetone was the only VOC detected in the surficial soil sample. The reported acetone concentration does not exceed the Industrial PSRG. Semi-VOCs Numerous PAHs commonly contained in oil products were detected in the surficial soil sample. None of the detected PAH concentrations were above the Industrial PSRGs. RCRA Metals Given that metals are naturally occurring in Piedmont soils, several naturally-occurring RCRA metals were detected in the surficial soil sample. No RCRA metals were detected at concentrations above their Industrial PSRGs. In addition to collecting the surface soil sample in proximity to the drum, CEC also collected representative samples of the solid and liquid contents in the drum for waste profiling. Solid samples (Barrel-Solids) were analyzed for TCLP VOCs, TCLP SVOCs, TCLP RCRA Metals, and PCBs. For the TCLP testing, 3&4-methylphenol at 0.0094 milligrams per liter (mg/L) - was detected at a concentration above the respective laboratory reporting limits. Liquid samples (Barrel-Liquids) were analyzed for hazardous characteristics including corrosivity as pH (9040C), ignitibility via Pensky-Martens Closed-Cup (Method 1010A), and reactivity as cyanide (Method 9014) and reactive sulfide (Method 9034). Sample pH was measured by the laboratory to be 7.8 SU. Flashpoint was measured at greater than 212 ºF. Cyanide was not detected at a concentration above the laboratory reporting limit. Reactive sulfide was detected at a concentration of 7.1 mg/L. During a recent site reconnaissance with NCDEQ Brownfields Program representatives, a second unlabeled drum was discovered in an overgrown area that had earlier concealed the drum from view during the Phase II ESA. CEC personnel employed a clean stainless steel hand auger bucket to obtain a soil sample (Drum-2) from a depth of 0-2 feet bgs for subsequent laboratory analyses for VOCs, SVOCs, and RCRA Metals. Soil staining was not observed in the adjacent soil. A PID -15- Limited Phase II ESA Report March 31, 2017 reading of the sample headspace vapor did not exhibit elevated soil vapors. Two VOCs - acetone and methyl ethyl ketone - were detected in the sample at concentrations well below their Industrial PSRGs. PAHs were detected and reported as estimated “J” values in the sample; none of which exceeded their Industrial PSRGs. Arsenic at 3.1 mg/kg exceeded its Industrial PSRG of 3.0 mg/kg. The drum contents were identified to be waste oil. CEC collected a sample of the waste oil for waste characterization analyses including Total Halogens (EPA 9020B) and PCBs (EPA 8082). The analytical results were not available as of this reporting. The results will be shared with the Brownfields Program upon receipt. 5.3 METHANE MONITORING RESULTS Percent methane measurements taken from the soil vapor points installed in SB-10 through SB-15 are summarized in Table 3. A greater than zero methane content was measured and confirmed in SB-13 and SB-15. A methane content of 0.7% - 0.8% was measured in SB-13. A methane content of 0.3% was measured in SB-15. It is generally accepted that methane is combustible in a flammable range between a Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) of 5% to an Upper Explosive Limit (LEL) of 15%. So 5% methane is the same as 100% LEL. Thus, a methane content of 0.7% to 0.8% is equivalent to 14% LEL - 16% LEL. A methane content of 0.3% is equivalent to 6% LEL. On March 24, 2017, CEC performed a second round of methane monitoring to verify the initial methane readings. The second round of percent methane measurements taken from the soil vapor points installed in SB-10 through SB-15 are summarized in Table 3. A greater than zero methane content of 1.0% was measured and confirmed in SB-13. A methane content of 1.0% is equivalent to 21% LEL. -16- Limited Phase II ESA Report March 31, 2017 6.0 FINDINGS The Brownfields assessment data collected by CEC indicate the presence of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in surface and deeper subsurface fill materials across the Site. It appears that PAH impacts in the southeast corner of the property are a result of re-working waste oil- impacted soils from the former automotive repair operations with fill soil and construction debris. The PAHs in most other site areas are surficial impacts resulting from the presence of asphalt fragments in the fill materials. In addition, an approximate two-foot-thick layer of foundry waste casting sand has been graded into the subsurface occurring at a shallow depth of 2-4 feet to the south and increasing to 15-17 feet to the north. The results of TCLP RCRA metals and PCB analyses demonstrate that the foundry sand is not a hazardous waste. Two abandoned drums have been identified the Site. CEC collected surface samples (SB-9 and Drum-2) in the proximity of these drums and sampling of the drum contents has been performed to provide waste characterizations. Minor petroleum impacts (PAHs) were identified in sample SB-9 (0-2). A second drum was recently discovered and found to contain waste oil. Arsenic was detected in the underlying soil sample (Drum-2) above its Industrial PSRG. CEC is evaluating off-site waste disposal options for the drums and will consult with the Brownfields Program before removing any waste from the Site. Should additional drums be discovered at the Site, CEC will notify the Brownfields Program and provide a plan to assess soil conditions and off-site drum waste disposal options. We recommend a risk assessment of the potential methane hazard relative to basement construction to close this issue. Risk assessment will include: 1) additional subsurface methane evaluation via collection of subsurface vapor samples in Summa canisters with methane content analysis, and 2) review of geotechnical boring logs for organics. Should the risk assessment identify a potential vapor intrusion hazard for the proposed development, vapor barriers or venting systems can be added to the development design to reduce/prevent vapor intrusion. FIGURES REFERENCE DATE:DWG SCALE: DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:APPROVED BY: PROJECT NO: FIGURE NO.: SITE VICINITY MAP 161-6501"=1000'MAY 2016 PNP AJK AJK 1 SOUTHEND SITE 536 W. TREMONT AVENUE CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA www.cecinc.com 1900 Center Park Drive - Suite A - Charlotte, NC 28217 Ph: 980.237.0373 · Fax: 980.237.0372 NORTH DATE:DWG SCALE: DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:APPROVED BY: PROJECT NO: FIGURE NO.: SAMPLE LOCATION MAP 161-6501" = 50'APRIL 2017 JKS/PNP EHS EHS 2 DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT, INC. POWERS SITE www.cecinc.com 1900 Center Park Drive - Suite A - Charlotte, NC 28217 Ph: 980.237.0373 · Fax: 980.237.0372 NORTH LEGEND TABLES Ta b l e 1 . C E C P h a s e I I E S A S a m p l i n g R e s u l t s Po w e r s S i t e 53 6 W . T r e m o n t A v e n u e Ch a r l o t t e , N C CE C P r o j e c t N o . 1 6 1 - 6 5 0 . 0 0 0 4 Standards B-1 ( 5 ' - 1 0 ' ) B - 2 ( 2 3 ' - 2 4 ' ) B 2 ( 2 4 ' - 2 8 ' ) B - 3 ( 1 2 ' - 1 5 ' ) B - 4 ( 6 ' - 1 2 ' ) B - 5 ( 3 - 8 ' ) B - 5 ( 1 5 - 2 7 ' ) B - 6 ( 2 ' - 3 ' ) S - 1 ( 1 ' - 1 . 5 ' ) S - 2 ( 1 ' - 1 . 5 ' ) IH S B I n d u s t r i a l PS R G ( m g / k g ) 1- M e t h y l n a p h t h a l e n e 90 - 1 2 - 0 5.8 0 . 8 3 7 3 2- M e t h y l n a p h t h a l e n e 9 1 - 5 7 - 6 7.8 1 . 3 6 0 0 Ac e n a p h t h e n e 8 3 - 3 2 - 9 32 6 . 5 9 , 0 0 0 Ac e n a p h t h y l e n e 2 0 8 - 9 6 - 8 0. 6 7 N A An t h r a c e n e 1 2 0 - 1 2 - 7 39 1 3 4 6 , 0 0 0 Ar o c l o r 1 2 5 4 ( P C B ) 8 0 8 2 A 0 . 0 2 6 0 . 0 6 9 Be n z o ( a ) a n t h r a c e n e 5 6 - 5 5 - 3 0 . 7 2 0 . 3 2 54 2 6 2.9 Be n z o ( a ) p y r e n e 5 0 - 3 2 - 8 0.5 7 0 . 5 3 0 . 3 7 5 3 2 7 0.29 Be n z o ( b ) f l u o r a n t h e n e 2 0 5 - 9 9 - 2 0 . 7 2 0 . 7 7 0 . 4 1 66 3 5 0. 5 5 2 . 9 Be n z o ( g , h , i ) p e r y l e n e 1 9 1 - 2 4 - 2 0 . 2 5 3 0 1 6 N A Be n z o ( k ) f l u o r a n t h e n e 2 0 7 - 0 8 - 9 0 . 1 4 1 8 1 1 2 9 Ch r y s e n e 2 1 8 - 0 1 - 9 0 . 6 5 0 . 3 1 4 5 2 3 2 9 0 Dib e n z o ( a , h ) a n t h r a c e n e 5 3 - 7 0 - 3 5.9 0.29 Flu o r a n t h e n e 2 0 6 - 4 4 - 0 1 . 3 0 . 4 5 1 4 0 3 5 0 . 7 9 6 , 0 0 0 Flu o r e n e 8 6 - 7 3 - 7 32 6 . 9 6 , 0 0 0 In d e n o ( 1 , 2 , 3 - c d ) p y r e n e 1 9 3 - 3 9 - 5 0 . 2 7 36 2 0 2.9 Na p h t h a l e n e 9 1 - 2 0 - 3 18 4.0 1 7 Ph e n a n t h r e n e 8 5 - 0 1 - 8 0 . 7 9 0 . 2 5 1 6 0 3 3 0 . 5 N A Py r e n e 1 2 9 - 0 0 - 0 1 . 2 0 . 5 0 1 3 0 3 6 0 . 6 9 4 , 6 0 0 Me r c u r y 7 4 3 9 - 9 7 - 6 0 . 0 6 5 0 . 9 2 0 . 0 3 1 1 . 1 0 . 7 1 0 . 8 7 0 . 0 7 9 0 . 1 2 0 3 . 1 3 Ar s e n i c 7 4 4 0 - 3 8 - 2 1 . 9 14 2.1 2 . 0 5. 9 9 . 1 9 . 0 4 . 9 3.0 Ba r i u m 7 4 4 0 - 3 9 - 3 6 6 1 6 0 3 8 9 1 8 7 4 6 0 1 3 0 6 0 4 4 , 0 0 0 Ca d m i u m 7 4 4 0 - 4 3 - 9 1 9 0 . 5 0 1 . 2 7 . 4 1 . 3 1 9 6 Ch r o m i u m 1 6 0 6 5 - 8 3 - 1 3 1 3 5 3 3 2 9 2 7 2 4 2 2 3 0 3 1 3 7 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 Ch r o m i u m - V I 1 8 5 4 0 - 2 9 - 9 6.3 Le a d 7 4 3 9 - 9 2 - 1 6 . 4 3 1 0 6 . 1 3 2 7 3 3 0 0 1,3 0 0 37 0 8 0 0 Se l e n i u m 7 7 8 2 - 4 9 - 2 0. 7 4 1 , 1 6 0 Sil v e r 7 4 4 0 - 2 2 - 4 3 . 1 0 . 3 8 0 . 4 0 0 . 7 4 0 . 9 8 1 , 1 6 0 1, 2 , 4 - T r i m e t h y l b e n z e n e 9 5 - 6 3 - 6 0 . 0 0 3 2 48 Ac e t o n e 6 7 - 6 4 - 1 0 . 0 4 3 0 . 2 9 0 . 0 1 3 0 . 0 7 6 0 . 0 8 7 0 . 0 7 4 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 Be n z e n e 7 1 - 4 3 - 2 0 . 0 0 7 0 5.1 Et h y l b e n z e n e 1 0 0 - 4 1 - 4 0 . 0 0 3 6 25 Dii s o p r o p y l E t h e r 1 0 8 - 2 0 - 3 0 . 0 0 5 7 0 . 0 0 5 8 1,880 Is o p r o p y l b e n z e n e ( C u m e n e ) 98 - 8 2 - 8 0.0 0 3 7 2 . 4 2 6 8 m, p - X y l e n e s 8 - 3 8 - 3 , 1 0 6 - 4 2 - 3 0. 0 1 9 388 Me t h y l E t h y l K e t o n e 78 - 9 3 - 3 0. 0 7 6 0 . 0 0 9 5 0 . 0 0 9 6 0 . 0 3 4 0 3 8 , 0 0 0 Na p h t h a l e n e 9 1 - 2 0 - 3 0 . 0 0 6 1 0 . 0 0 4 6 14 0.0 1 4 0 . 0 1 1 1 7 n- B u t y l b e n z e n e 1 0 4 - 5 1 - 8 0 . 0 0 2 0 7 . 6 0 . 0 0 1 3 1 0 8 n- P r o p y l b e n z e n e 1 0 3 - 6 5 - 1 0 . 0 1 3 1 0 0 . 0 0 3 8 0 . 0 0 1 5 2 6 4 o- X y l e n e 9 5 - 4 7 - 6 0 . 0 0 3 3 434 se c - B u t y l b e n z e n e 1 3 5 - 9 8 - 8 0 . 0 0 3 9 1 1 0 . 0 0 2 6 0 . 0 0 1 6 1 4 5 te r t - B u t y l b e n z e n e 9 8 - 0 6 - 6 0. 8 6 1 8 3 To l u e n e 1 0 8 - 8 8 - 3 0 . 0 0 2 1 818 Xy l e n e s , t o t a l 1 3 3 0 - 2 0 - 7 0 . 0 2 2 260 Me t h y l t e r t - B u t y l E t h e r 16 3 4 - 0 4 - 4 0.4 6 1 . 2 0 . 0 0 2 6 2 1 0 IH S B I n d u s t r i a l P S R G - A p r i l 2 0 1 6 I n a c t i v e H a z a r d o u s S i t e B r a n c h P r e l i m i n a r y I n d u s t r i a l / C o m m e r c i a l H e a l t h B a s e d S o i l R e m e d i a t i o n G o a l s Hi g h l i g h t e d a n d b o l d v a l u e i s a n e x c e e d a n c e o f t h e I n d u s t r i a l P S R G Re s u l t ( m g / k g ) Pa r a m e t e r C A S N o . Table 2 Sampling Schedule Powers Site 536 W. Tremont Avenue Charlotte, NC CEC Project No. 161-650.0004 Boring ID Sample Date Location (See Figure 2) Boring Depth (ft bgs) PID Reading Sampling Depth (ft bgs)Analyses Assessment Target 2/21/2017 0-2 VOCs, SVOCs, RCRA Metals, PCB Congeners 2/21/2017 10-12 VOCs, SVOCs, RCRA Metals 2/21/2017 0-2 VOCs, SVOCs, RCRA Metals 2/21/2017 10-12 VOCs, SVOCs, RCRA Metals SB-3 2/21/2017 at Phase II boring B- 6 location 4 4.2 0-2 SB-4 2/21/2017 at Phase II boring B- 3 location 17 see Log 15-17 SB-5 2/21/2017 Southeast 4 3.5 0-2 SB-6 2/21/2017 South-central 4 2.4 0-2 SB-7 2/21/2017 South-central 4 4.8 0-2 SB-8 2/21/2017 South-central 4 2.1 0-2 SB-9 2/21/2017 Southwest 4 13.1 0-2 VOCs, SVOCs, RCRA Metals Waste Oil Drum Location Sampling Depth * SB-10 3/3/2017 3/24/17 beneath building footprint 10 N/A 691.0 ft MSL SB-11 3/3/2017 3/24/17 beneath building footprint 11 N/A 691.0 ft MSL SB-12 3/3/2017 3/24/17 beneath building footprint 5 N/A 690.0 ft MSL SB-13 3/3/2017 3/24/17 beneath building footprint 6 N/A 691.0 ft MSL SB-14 3/3/2017 3/24/17 beneath building footprint 5 N/A 689.0 ft MSL SB-15 3/3/2017 3/24/17 beneath building footprint 7 N/A 691.0 ft MSL * Approximate elevation of sampling depth. Sampling depth is 2 feet below anticipated final grade, except where a five-foot boring depth was maintained for vapor sampling. SB-1 Southeast Corner 15 Former Hydraulic Lift and UST Area SB-2 Southeast corner 15 PCB Congeners, TCLP RCRA Metals Foundry Casting Sand Waste Characterization VOCs, SVOCs, RCRA Metals Material/Debris Stockpiles Percent Methane via Landtec GEM2000 PLUS Landfill Gas Analyzer Methane Monitor Well in Fill Materials see Log see Log Ta b l e 3 . M e t h a n e M e a s u r e m e n t D a t a S u m m a r y Po w e r s S i t e 53 6 W . T r e m o n t A v e n u e Ch a r l o t t e , N C CE C P r o j e c t N o . 1 6 1 - 6 5 0 . 0 0 0 4 Va p o r T i p I D T i m e CH 4 (% ) LE L ( % ) CO 2 (% ) O 2 (% ) BP R P C o m m e n t s SB - 1 0 9 : 4 5 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 2 0 . 3 2 9 . 6 5 - 0 . 0 2 p u r g e d ~ 7 0 0 m l w i t h s y r i n g e SB - 1 0 1 1 : 0 5 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 2 0 . 6 2 9 . 6 3 - 0 . 2 4 p u r g e d ~ 7 0 0 m l w i t h s y r i n g e SB - 1 1 9 : 5 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 3 2 0 . 3 2 9 . 6 5 - 0 . 0 2 p u r g e d ~ 7 0 0 m l w i t h s y r i n g e SB - 1 1 1 1 : 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 2 2 0 . 6 2 9 . 6 3 - 0 . 2 4 p u r g e d ~ 7 0 0 m l w i t h s y r i n g e SB - 1 2 1 0 : 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 1 3 . 6 2 . 1 2 9 . 6 5 - 0 . 0 2 p u r g e d ~ 7 0 0 m l w i t h s y r i n g e SB - 1 2 1 1 : 1 8 0 . 0 0 . 0 1 3 . 5 2 . 3 2 9 . 6 3 - 0 . 2 4 p u r g e d ~ 7 0 0 m l w i t h s y r i n g e SB - 1 3 9 : 4 0 0 . 8 1 5 . 0 1 . 5 1 4 . 3 2 9 . 6 5 - 0 . 0 2 p u r g e d ~ 7 0 0 m l w i t h s y r i n g e SB - 1 3 1 0 : 5 5 0 . 7 1 4 . 0 0 . 5 1 9 . 2 2 9 . 6 3 - 0 . 2 4 p u r g e d ~ 7 0 0 m l w i t h s y r i n g e SB - 1 3 1 1 : 2 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 4 1 9 . 4 2 9 . 6 3 - 0 . 2 4 p u r g e d ~ 7 0 0 m l w i t h s y r i n g e SB - 1 4 9 : 3 5 0 . 1 1 . 0 3 . 2 1 6 . 8 2 9 . 6 5 - 0 . 0 2 p u r g e d ~ 7 0 0 m l w i t h s y r i n g e SB - 1 4 1 1 : 1 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 3 . 1 1 4 . 6 2 9 . 9 6 - 0 . 2 4 p u r g e d ~ 7 0 0 m l w i t h s y r i n g e SB - 1 5 9 : 5 5 0 . 3 6 . 0 7 . 0 8 . 3 2 9 . 6 5 - 0 . 0 2 p u r g e d ~ 7 0 0 m l w i t h s y r i n g e SB - 1 5 1 1 : 1 5 0 . 3 6 . 0 7 . 5 8 . 4 2 9 . 6 3 - 0 . 2 4 p u r g e d ~ 7 0 0 m l w i t h s y r i n g e Bu m p T e s t 9 : 3 0 4 9 . 8 N A 3 5 . 2 0 . 0 2 9 . 6 5 - 0 . 0 3 C a l . G a s - C H 4 =5 0 % , C O 2 =35% Bu m p T e s t 1 0 : 1 0 4 9 . 2 N A 3 4 . 6 0 . 0 2 9 . 6 5 - 0 . 0 2 Ca l . G a s - C H 4 =5 0 % , C O 2 =35% Va p o r T i p I D T i m e CH 4 (% ) LE L ( % ) CO 2 (% ) O 2 (% ) BP R P C o m m e n t s SB - 1 0 1 3 : 1 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 2 1 . 1 2 9 . 7 0 p u r g e d ~ 7 0 0 m l w i t h s y r i n g e SB - 1 1 1 3 : 0 5 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 3 2 1 . 0 2 9 . 7 0 p u r g e d ~ 7 0 0 m l w i t h s y r i n g e SB - 1 2 1 3 : 2 5 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 2 1 . 3 2 9 . 7 0 p u r g e d ~ 7 0 0 m l w i t h s y r i n g e SB - 1 3 1 3 : 1 2 1 . 0 2 1 . 0 2 . 8 1 0 . 8 2 9 . 7 0 p u r g e d ~ 7 0 0 m l w i t h s y r i n g e SB - 1 4 1 3 : 1 5 0 . 0 0 . 0 2 . 8 1 6 . 2 2 9 . 7 0 p u r g e d ~ 7 0 0 m l w i t h s y r i n g e SB - 1 5 1 3 : 2 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 2 1 . 3 2 9 . 7 0 p u r g e d ~ 7 0 0 m l w i t h s y r i n g e Bu m p T e s t 5 0 . 1 N A 3 5 . 0 4 . 0 C a l . G a s - C H 4 =5 0 % , C O 2 =35% Bu m p T e s t 1 3 : 0 0 5 0 . 0 N A 3 4 . 8 0 . 0 2 9 . 7 0 C a l . G a s - C H 4 =5 0 % , C O 2 =35% Bu m p T e s t 1 3 : 3 0 4 9 . 9 N A 3 4 . 7 0 . 0 2 9 . 7 0 Ca l . G a s - C H 4 =5 0 % , C O 2 =35% Ap p r o x i m a t e v a p o r s a m p l i n g l o c a t i o n s a r e s h o w n o n F i g u r e 2 . CH 4 = m e t h a n e ; L E L = l o w e r e x p l o s i v e l i m i t ; C O 2 = c a r b o n d i o x i d e ; O 2 = o x y g e n ; B P = b a r o m e t r i c p r e s s u r e ( i n H g ) ; R P = r e l a t i v e p r e s s u r e ( i n H 2 0 ) Me a s u r e m e n t s t a k e n o n M a r c h 3 , 2 0 1 7 Me a s u r e m e n t s t a k e n o n M a r c h 2 4 , 2 0 1 7 Table 4. Target Analyte Detections Summary Powers Site 536 W. Tremont Avenue Charlotte, NC CEC Project No. 161-650.0004 Analyte Method Result (ug/kg) Result (mg/kg)Qualifier Reporting Limit (ug/kg) Dilution Factor IHSB Industrial/Commercial Health Based PSRG (mg/kg) VOLATILE ORGANICS Acetone 8260B 20 0.02 17 1 100,000 SEMI-VOLATILE ORGANICS Acenaphthene 8270D 29 0.029 J 39 1 9,000 Acenaphthylene 8270D 25 0.025 J 39 1 NA Anthracene 8270D 230 0.23 39 1 46,000 Fluoranthene 8270D 1800 1.8 39 1 6,000 Fluorene 8270D 64 0.064 39 1 6,000 2-Methylnaphthalene 8270D 19 0.019 J 79 1 600 Naphthalene 8270D 13 0.013 J 39 1 17 Phenanthrene 8270D 1000 1 39 1 NA Benzo[a]anthracene 8270D 1000 1 78 2 2.9 Benzo[a]pyrene 8270D 720 0.72 78 2 0.29 Benzo[b]fluoranthene 8270D 1400 1.4 78 2 2.9 Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 8270D 220 0.22 78 2 NA Benzo[k]fluoranthene 8270D 600 0.6 78 2 29 Chrysene 8270D 1000 1 78 2 290 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 8270D 130 0.13 78 2 0.29 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 8270D 270 0.27 78 2 2.9 Pyrene 8270D 2100 2.1 78 2 4,600 RCRA METALS Arsenic 6010D 1400 1.4 J 2300 1 3 Barium 6010D 66000 66 2300 1 44,000 Cadmium 6010D 700 0.7 J 1200 1 196 Chromium 6010D 26000 26 1200 1 100,000 Lead 6010D 49000 49 1200 1 800 Mercury 7471B 170 0.17 120 1 3.13 Selenium 6010D 2200 2.2 J 2300 1 1,160 PCB CONGENERS 1668C See Table 4a for detections summary. VOLATILE ORGANICS No detections above RDL 8260B SEMI-VOLATILE ORGANICS Acenaphthene 8270D 210 0.21 41 1 9,000 Acenaphthylene 8270D 65 0.065 41 1 NA Anthracene 8270D 540 0.54 41 1 46,000 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 8270D 200 0.2 J 210 1 160 Carbazole 8270D 140 0.14 J 210 1 NA Dibenzofuran 8270D 220 0.22 210 1 Fluoranthene 8270D 5900 5.9 410 10 6,000 Fluorene 8270D 370 0.37 41 1 6,000 2-Methylnaphthalene 8270D 31 0.031 J 83 1 600 Naphthalene 8270D 19 0.019 J 41 1 17 Phenanthrene 8270D 1900 1.9 41 1 NA Benzo[a]anthracene 8270D 2200 2.2 410 10 2.9 Benzo[a]pyrene 8270D 1700 1.7 410 10 0.29 Benzo[b]fluoranthene 8270D 2900 2.9 410 10 2.9 Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 8270D 630 0.63 410 10 NA Benzo[k]fluoranthene 8270D 1100 1.1 410 10 29 Chrysene 8270D 2000 2 410 10 290 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 8270D 470 0.47 410 10 0.29 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 8270D 730 0.73 410 10 2.9 Pyrene 8270D 6500 6.5 410 10 4,600 RCRA METALS Barium 6010D 140000 140 2500 1 44,000 Cadmium 6010D 2200 2.2 1200 1 196 Chromium 6010D 86000 86 1200 1 100,000 Lead 6010D 58000 58 1200 1 800 Mercury 7471B 100 0.1 J 120 1 3.13 Selenium 6010D 3900 3.9 2500 1 1,160 PCB CONGENERS 1668C See Table 4a for detections summary. VOLATILE ORGANICS No detections above RDL 8260B SEMI-VOLATILE ORGANICS Acenaphthene 8270D 45 0.045 39 1 9,000 Acenaphthylene 8270D 38 0.038 J 39 1 NA Anthracene 8270D 190 0.19 39 1 46,000 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 8270D 75 0.075 J 200 1 160 Dibenzofuran 8270D 65 0.065 J 200 1 Fluoranthene 8270D 1500 1.5 39 1 6,000 Fluorene 8270D 72 0.072 39 1 6,000 2-Methylnaphthalene 8270D 54 0.054 J 80 1 Naphthalene 8270D 52 0.052 39 1 1,600 Phenanthrene 8270D 530 0.53 39 1 50,000 Benzo[a]anthracene 8270D 1,100 1.1 78 2 2.9 Benzo[a]pyrene 8270D 1,100 1.1 78 2 0.29 Benzo[b]fluoranthene 8270D 1,700 1.7 78 2 2.9 Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 8270D 360 0.36 78 2 NA Benzo[k]fluoranthene 8270D 760 0.76 78 2 29 Chrysene 8270D 1,100 1.1 78 2 290 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 8270D 390 0.39 78 2 2.9 Pyrene 8270D 1,900 1.9 78 2 4,600 RCRA METALS Barium 6010D 68000 68 2400 1 44,000 Cadmium 6010D 590 0.59 J 1200 1 196 Chromium 6010D 24000 24 1200 1 100,000 Lead 6010D 20000 20 1200 1 800 Mercury 7471B 110 0.11 J 120 1 3.13 Selenium 6010D 1700 1.7 J 2400 1 1,160 SB-1 (10-12) SB-1 (0-2) SB-2 (0-2) Table 4. Target Analyte Detections Summary Powers Site 536 W. Tremont Avenue Charlotte, NC CEC Project No. 161-650.0004 VOLATILE ORGANICS Acetone 8260B 27 0.027 18 1 100,000 Methyl tert-butyl ether 8260B 1.9 0.0019 1.8 1 210 1,2,4-Trimethybenzene 8260B 4 0.004 1.8 1 100,000 SEMI-VOLATILE ORGANICS Acenaphthene 8270D 140 0.14 J 200 5 9,000 Acenaphthylene 8270D 72 0.072 J 200 5 NA Anthracene 8270D 190 0.19 J 200 5 46,000 Fluoranthene 8270D 1300 1.3 200 5 6,000 Fluorene 8270D 160 0.16 J 200 5 6,000 2-Methylnaphthalene 8270D 370 0.37 J 400 5 Naphthalene 8270D 210 0.21 200 5 17 Phenanthrene 8270D 790 0.79 200 5 NA Benzo[a]anthracene 8270D 1100 1.1 400 10 2.9 Benzo[a]pyrene 8270D 1600 1.6 400 10 0.29 Benzo[b]fluoranthene 8270D 2500 2.5 400 10 2.9 Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 8270D 880 0.88 400 10 NA Benzo[k]fluoranthene 8270D 750 0.75 400 10 29 Chrysene 8270D 1300 1.3 400 10 290 Pyrene 8270D 2800 2.8 400 10 4,600 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 8270D 110000 110 10000 50 160 RCRA METALS Arsenic 6010D 3000 3 2400 1 3 Barium 6010D 33000 33 2400 1 44,000 Chromium 6010D 11000 11 1200 1 100,000 Lead 6010D 31000 31 1200 1 800 Mercury 7471B 62 0.062 J 120 1 3.13 PCB CONGENERS See Table 4a for detections summary. 1668C TCLP RCRA METALS Barium 6010B 520 0.52 J 10000 1 Cadmium 6010B 13 0.013 J 100 1 Lead 6010B 1500 1.5 500 1 PCB CONGENERS See Table 4a for detections summary. 1668C TCLP RCRA METALS Barium 6010B 1000 1.0 J 10000 1 Lead 6010B 190 0.19 J 500 1 VOLATILE ORGANICS Acetone 8260B 20 0.02 17 1 100,000 SEMI-VOLATILE ORGANICS Acenaphthene 8270D 28 0.028 J 38 1 9,000 Acenaphthylene 8270D 7.7 0.0077 J 38 1 NA Anthracene 8270D 66 0.066 38 1 46,000 Fluoranthene 8270D 400 0.4 38 1 6,000 Fluorene 8270D 31 0.031 J 38 1 6,000 Naphthalene 8270D 14 0.014 J 38 1 17 Phenanthrene 8270D 240 0.24 38 1 NA Benzo[a]anthracene 8270D 210 0.21 38 1 2.9 Benzo[a]pyrene 8270D 180 0.18 38 1 0.29 Benzo[b]fluoranthene 8270D 310 0.31 38 1 2.9 Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 8270D 70 0.07 38 1 NA Benzo[k]fluoranthene 8270D 110 0.11 38 1 29 Chrysene 8270D 200 0.2 38 1 290 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 8270D 47 0.047 38 1 0.29 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 8270D 80 0.08 38 1 2.9 Pyrene 8270D 500 0.5 38 1 4,600 RCRA METALS Barium 6010D 84,000 84 2400 1 44,000 Cadmium 6010D 740 0.74 J 1200 1 196 Chromium 6010D 26,000 26 1200 1 100,000 Lead 6010D 12,000 12 1200 1 800 Mercury 7472B 290 0.29 110 1 3.13 Selenium 6010D 2,200 2.2 J 2400 1 1,160 SB-2 (10-12) SB-3 (0-2) SB-4 (15-17) SB-5 (0-2) Table 4. Target Analyte Detections Summary Powers Site 536 W. Tremont Avenue Charlotte, NC CEC Project No. 161-650.0004 VOLATILE ORGANICS No detections above RDL 8260B SEMI-VOLATILE ORGANICS Acenaphthene 8270D 240 0.24 180 5 9,000 Acenaphthylene 8270D 110 0.11 J 180 5 NA Anthracene 8270D 670 0.67 180 5 46,000 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 8270D 450 0.45 J 910 5 160 Carbazole 8270D 540 0.54 J 910 5 NA Fluoranthene 8270D 4,300 4.3 180 5 6,000 Fluorene 8270D 240 0.24 180 5 6,000 2-Methylnaphthalene 8270D 69 0.069 J 370 5 600 Naphthalene 8270D 110 0.11 J 180 5 17 Phenanthrene 8270D 2,300 2.3 180 5 NA Benzo[a]anthracene 8270D 2,300 2.3 180 5 2.9 Benzo[a]pyrene 8270D 2,100 2.1 180 5 0.29 Benzo[b]fluoranthene 8270D 3,400 3.4 180 5 2.9 Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 8270D 830 0.83 180 5 NA Benzo[k]fluoranthene 8270D 1,300 1.3 180 5 29 Chrysene 8270D 2,100 2.1 180 5 290 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 8270D 390 0.39 180 5 0.29 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 8270D 880 0.88 180 5 2.9 Pyrene 8270D 4,500 4.5 180 5 4,600 RCRA METALS Barium 6010D 73,000 73 2,300 1 44,000 Cadmium 6010D 510 0.51 J 1,200 1 196 Chromium 6010D 26,000 26 1,200 1 100,000 Lead 6010D 13,000 13 1,200 1 800 Mercury 7471B 500 0.5 110 1 3.13 Selenium 6010D 1,700 1.7 J 2,300 1 1,160 VOLATILE ORGANICS Acetone 8260B 21 0.021 F1 F2 17 1 100,000 SEMI-VOLATILE ORGANICS Acenaphthene 8270D 310 0.31 190 5 9,000 Acenaphthylene 8270D 1,000 1 190 5 NA Anthracene 8270D 970 0.97 190 5 46,000 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 8270D 860 0.86 J F1 970 5 160 Dibenzofuran 8270D 350 0.35 J 970 5 Fluoranthene 8270D 7,300 7.3 380 10 6,000 Fluorene 8270D 510 0.51 190 5 6,000 2-Methylnaphthalene 8270D 530 0.53 390 5 600 Naphthalene 8270D 750 0.75 190 5 17 Phenanthrene 8270D 3,700 3.7 190 5 NA Benzo[a]anthracene 8270D 5,100 5.1 380 10 2.9 Benzo[a]pyrene 8270D 4,600 4.6 380 10 0.29 Benzo[b]fluoranthene 8270D 7,900 7.9 380 10 2.9 Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 8270D 1,800 1.8 380 10 NA Benzo[k]fluoranthene 8270D 3,400 3.4 380 10 29 Chrysene 8270D 4,700 4.7 380 10 290 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 8270D 840 0.84 380 10 0.29 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 8270D 1,900 1.9 380 10 2.9 Pyrene 8270D 11,000 11 380 10 4,600 RCRA METALS Barium 6010D 210000 210 F2 2300 1 44,000 Cadmium 6010D 420 0.42 J 1200 1 196 Chromium 6010D 68000 68 F1 F2 1200 1 100,000 Lead 6010D 100000 100 F2 1200 1 800 Mercury 7471B 1500 1.5 580 5 3.13 Selenium 6010D 1900 1.9 J 2300 1 1,160 VOLATILE ORGANICS No detections above RDL 8260B SEMI-VOLATILE ORGANICS Acenaphthene 8270D 14 0.014 J 40 1 9,000 Acenaphthylene 8270D 300 0.3 40 1 NA Anthracene 8270D 130 0.13 40 1 46,000 Fluoranthene 8270D 450 0.45 40 1 6,000 2-Methylnaphthalene 8270D 39 0.039 J 80 1 600 Naphthalene 8270D 60 0.06 40 1 17 Phenanthrene 8270D 160 0.16 40 1 NA Benzo[a]anthracene 8270D 510 0.51 40 1 2.9 Benzo[a]pyrene 8270D 590 0.59 40 1 0.29 Benzo[b]fluoranthene 8270D 880 0.88 40 1 2.9 Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 8270D 220 0.22 40 1 NA Benzo[k]fluoranthene 8270D 390 0.39 40 1 29 Chrysene 8270D 470 0.47 40 1 290 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 8270D 96 0.096 40 1 0.29 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 8270D 230 0.23 40 1 2.9 Pyrene 8270D 750 0.75 40 1 4,600 RCRA METALS Barium 6010D 210000 210 2400 1 44,000 Cadmium 6010D 1100 1.1 J 1200 1 196 Chromium 6010D 10000 10 1200 1 100,000 Lead 6010D 18000 18 1200 1 800 Selenium 6010D 3100 3.1 2400 1 1,160 SB-6 (0-2) SB-7 (0-2) SB-7 (0-2) Dup Table 4. Target Analyte Detections Summary Powers Site 536 W. Tremont Avenue Charlotte, NC CEC Project No. 161-650.0004 VOLATILE ORGANICS No detections above RDL 8260B SEMI-VOLATILE ORGANICS Acenaphthene 8270D 150 0.15 J 180 5 9,000 Acenaphthylene 8270D 3,500 3.5 180 5 NA Anthracene 8270D 1,400 1.4 180 5 46,000 Dibenzofuran 8270D 410 0.41 J 910 5 Fluoranthene 8270D 11,000 11 180 5 6,000 Fluorene 8270D 430 0.43 180 5 6,000 2-Methylnaphthalene 8270D 1,000 1 370 5 600 Naphthalene 8270D 1,400 1.4 180 5 17 Phenanthrene 8270D 4,700 4.7 180 5 NA Benzo[a]anthracene 8270D 13,000 13 720 20 2.9 Benzo[a]pyrene 8270D 14,000 14 720 20 0.29 Benzo[b]fluoranthene 8270D 21,000 21 720 20 2.9 Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 8270D 5,700 5.7 720 20 NA Benzo[k]fluoranthene 8270D 11,000 11 720 20 29 Chrysene 8270D 12,000 12 720 20 290 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 8270D 2,200 2.2 720 20 0.29 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 8270D 6,100 6.1 720 20 2.9 Pyrene 8270D 28,000 28 720 20 4,600 RCRA METALS Arsenic 6010D 1,500 1.5 J 2200 1 3 Barium 6010D 92,000 92 2200 1 44,000 Cadmium 6010D 550 0.55 J 1100 1 196 Chromium 6010D 37,000 37 1100 1 100,000 Lead 6010D 33,000 33 1100 1 800 Mercury 7471B 80 0.08 J 110 1 3.13 Selenium 6010D 1,900 1.9 J 2200 1 1,160 VOLATILE ORGANICS Acetone 8260B 31 0.031 16 1 100,000 SEMI-VOLATILE ORGANICS Acenaphthylene 8270D 6.3 0.0063 J 37 1 NA Fluoranthene 8270D 60 0.06 37 1 6,000 2-Methylnaphthalene 8270D 18 0.018 J 75 1 600 Naphthalene 8270D 6.9 0.0069 J 37 1 17 Phenanthrene 8270D 14 0.014 J 37 1 NA Benzo[a]anthracene 8270D 28 0.028 J 37 1 2.9 Benzo[a]pyrene 8270D 65 0.065 37 1 0.29 Benzo[b]fluoranthene 8270D 110 0.11 37 1 2.9 Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 8270D 44 0.044 37 1 NA Benzo[k]fluoranthene 8270D 34 0.034 J 37 1 29 Chrysene 8270D 37 0.037 37 1 290 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 8270D 33 0.033 J 37 1 0.29 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 8270D 49 0.049 37 1 2.9 Pyrene 8270D 99 0.099 37 1 4,600 RCRA METALS Arsenic 6010D 1,400 1.4 J 2400 1 3 Barium 6010D 140,000 140 2400 1 44,000 Cadmium 6010D 780 0.78 J 1200 1 196 Chromium 6010D 14,000 14 1200 1 100,000 Lead 6010D 29,000 29 1200 1 800 Mercury 7471B 87 0.087 J 120 1 3.13 Selenium 6010D 1,600 1.6 J 2400 1 1,160 VOLATILE ORGANICS Acetone 8260B 230 0.23 E 18 1 100,000 Methyl ethyl ketone 8260B 18 0.018 4.6 1 28,400 SEMI-VOLATILE ORGANICS Fluoranthene 8270D 30 0.03 J 39 1 6,000 Phenanthrene 8270D 15 0.015 J 39 1 NA Benzo[a]anthracene 8270D 17 0.017 J 39 1 2.9 Benzo[a]pyrene 8270D 23 0.023 J 39 1 0.29 Benzo[b]fluoranthene 8270D 34 0.034 J 39 1 2.9 Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 8270D 17 0.017 J 39 1 NA Chrysene 8270D 22 0.022 J 39 1 290 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 8270D 18 0.018 J 39 1 2.9 Pyrene 8270D 32 0.032 J 39 1 4,600 RCRA METALS Arsenic 6010D 3,100 3.1 2000 1 3 Barium 6010D 85,000 85 1000 1 44,000 Chromium 6010D 66,000 66 1000 1 100,000 Lead 6010D 27,000 27 1000 1 800 Mercury 7471B 210 0.21 230 1 3.13 IHSB = NC Department of Environmental Quality - Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch PSRG = Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (from PSRG Table - October 2016) E= Result exceeded cailbration range. F1 = MS and /or MSD Recovery is outside accepatable limits. F2 = MS/MSD Relative Percent Difference exceeds control limits. J = Result is less than the Reporting Limit but greater than or equal to the Method Detection Limit and the concentration is an approximate value. SB-8 (0-2) Drum-2 SB-9 (0-2) Table 4a. PCB Congeners Detections Summary Powers Site 536 W. Tremont Avenue Charlotte, NC CEC Project No. 161-650.0004 Analyte Method Result pg/g Result mg/kg Qualifier Detection Limit Dilution Factor IHSB Industrial mg/kg PCB CONGENERS PCB-1 1668C 6.4 0.0000064 J 24 1 PCB-2 1668C 4 0.000004 J 24 1 PCB-3 1668C 9.8 0.0000098 J F1 24 1 PCB-8 1668C 49 0.000049 24 1 PCB-15 1668C 46 0.000046 24 1 PCB-16 1668C 48 0.000048 24 1 PCB-17 1668C 200 0.0002 24 1 PCB-18/30 1668C 82 0.000082 24 1 PCB-19 1668C 7.4 0.0000074 J 24 1 PCB-20/28 1668C 190 0.00019 B 48 1 PCB-21/33 1668C 110 0.00011 48 1 PCB-22 1668C 73 0.000073 24 1 PCB-25 1668C 14 0.000014 J 24 1 PCB-26/29 1668C 30 0.00003 J 48 1 PCB-27 1668C 7.3 0.0000073 J 24 1 PCB-31 1668C 160 0.00016 24 1 PCB-32 1668C 22 0.000022 J 24 1 PCB-37 1668C 61 0.000061 24 1 PCB-40/71 1668C 64 0.000064 48 1 PCB-41 1668C 17 0.000017 J 24 1 PCB-42 1668C 38 0.000038 24 1 PCB-43 1668C 5.1 0.0000051 J 24 1 PCB-44/47/65 1668C 160 0.00016 B 72 1 PCB-45 1668C 21 0.000021 J 24 1 PCB-46 1668C 9.7 0.0000097 U 24 1 PCB-48 1668C 28 0.000028 24 1 PCB-49/69 1668C 86 0.000086 B 48 1 PCB-50/53 1668C 19 0.000019 U 48 1 PCB-51 1668C 5.1 0.0000051 J B 24 1 PCB-52 1668C 280 0.00028 B 24 1 PCB-55 1668C 2.8 0.0000028 J 24 1 PCB56 1668C 61 0.000061 24 1 PCB-59/62/75 1668C 13 0.000013 J 72 1 PCB-60 1668C 33 0.000033 24 1 PCB-61/70/74/76 1668C 260 0.00026 B 96 1 PCB-63 1668C 4.1 0.0000041 J 24 1 PCB-64 1668C 57 0.000057 B 24 1 PCB-66 1668C 140 0.00014 B 24 1 PCB-67 1668C 3.8 0.0000038 J 24 PCB-77 1668C 16 0.000016 G 2.6 1 0.16 PCB-79 1668C 10 0.00001 J 24 1 PCB-82 1668C 26 0.000026 24 1 PCB-83 1668C 15 0.000015 J 24 1 PCB-84 1668C 140 0.00014 B 24 1 SB-1 (0-2) Table 4a. PCB Congeners Detections Summary Powers Site 536 W. Tremont Avenue Charlotte, NC CEC Project No. 161-650.0004 Analyte Method Result pg/g Result mg/kg Qualifier Detection Limit Dilution Factor IHSB Industrial PCB CONGENERS PCB-1 1668C 36 0.000036 25 1 PCB-2 1668C 36 0.000036 25 1 PCB-3 1668C 63 0.000063 25 1 PCB-8 1668C 46 0.000046 25 1 PCB-11 1668C 45 0.000045 25 1 PCB-12/13 1668C 18 0.000018 J 50 1 PCB-15 1668C 89 0.000089 25 1 PCB-16 1668C 20 0.00002 J 25 1 PCB-17 1668C 18 0.000018 J 25 1 PCB-18/30 1668C 39 0.000039 J 50 1 PCB-19 1668C 6.5 6.5E-06 J 25 1 PCB-20/28 1668C 130 0.00013 B 50 1 PCB-21/33 1668C 61 0.000061 50 1 PCB-22 1668C 51 0.000051 25 1 PCB-25 1668C 8.8 8.8E-06 J 25 1 PCB-26/29 1668C 16 0.000016 J 50 1 PCB-27 1668C 4 0.000004 J 25 1 PCB-31 1668C 100 0.0001 25 1 PCB-32 1668C 16 0.000016 J 25 1 PCB-35 1668C 6.2 6.2E-06 J 25 1 PCB-37 1668C 130 0.00013 25 1 PCB-40/71 1668C 100 0.0001 50 1 PCB-41 1668C 12 0.000012 J 25 1 PCB-42 1668C 55 0.000055 25 1 PCB-43 1668C 4.5 4.5E-06 J 25 1 PCB-44/47/65 1668C 340 0.00034 B 75 1 PCB-45 1668C 23 0.000023 J 25 1 PCB-46 1668C 11 0.000011 J 25 1 PCB-48 1668C 25 0.000025 25 1 PCB-49/69 1668C 170 0.00017 B 50 1 PCB-50/53 1668C 29 0.000029 J 50 1 PCB-51 1668C 7.4 7.4E-06 J B 25 1 PCB-52 1668C 730 0.00073 B 25 1 PCB-56 1668C 150 0.00015 25 1 PCB-59/62/75 1668C 25 0.000025 J 25 1 PCB-60 1668C 72 0.000072 25 1 PCB-61/70/74/76 1668C 740 0.00074 B 100 1 PCB-64 1668C 140 0.00014 B 25 1 PCB-66 1668C 360 0.00036 B 25 1 PCB-77 1668C 76 0.000076 G 6.1 1 0.16 PCB-79 1668C 45 0.000045 25 1 PCB-82 1668C 270 0.00027 G 40 1 PCB-83 1668C 140 0.00014 G 42 1 PCB-84 1668C 680 0.00068 B G 39 1 PCB-85/116/117 1668C 380 0.00038 75 1 SB-1 (0-2) Dup Table 4a. PCB Congeners Detections Summary Powers Site 536 W. Tremont Avenue Charlotte, NC CEC Project No. 161-650.0004 Analyte Method Result pg/g Result mg/kg Qualifier Detection Limit Dilution Factor IHSB Industrial SB-1 (0-2) Dup PCB-86/87/97/108/119/125 1668C 1400 0.0014 B 150 1 PCB-88/91 1668C 320 0.00032 B 50 1 PCB-90/101/113 1668C 2600 0.0026 B 75 1 PCB-92 1668C 510 0.00051 G 34 1 PCB-107/124 1668C 76 0.000076 50 1 PCB-95 1668C 2400 0.0024 B G 33 1 PCB-96 1668C 11 0.000011 J 25 1 PCB-98/102 1668C 39 0.000039 J 50 1 PCB-99 1668C 1100 0.0011 G 31 1 PCB-105 1668C 930 0.00093 G 30 1 0.49 PCB-110/115 1668C 3600 0.0036 B 50 1 PCB-109 1668C 150 0.00015 25 1 PCB-114 1668C 40 0.00004 G 29 1 0.50 PCB-118 1668C 2000 0.002 B G 27 1 0.49 PCB-123 1668C 34 0.000034 G 29 1 0.49 PCB-128/166 1668C 770 0.00077 50 1 PCB-129/138/163 1668C 6100 0.0061 B 75 1 PCB-130 1668C 330 0.00033 25 1 PCB-131 1668C 58 0.000058 25 1 PCB-132 1668C 1800 0.0018 25 1 PCB-133 1668C 70 0.00007 25 1 PCB-134/143 1668C 260 0.00026 50 1 PCB-135/151 1668C 2200 0.0022 50 1 PCB-136 1668C 790 0.00079 25 1 PCB-137 1668C 180 0.00018 25 1 PCB-139/140 1668C 74 0.000074 50 1 PCB-141 1668C 1200 0.0012 25 1 PCB-144 1668C 300 0.0003 25 1 PCB-146 1668C 880 0.00088 25 1 PCB-147/149 1668C 4900 0.0049 B 50 1 PCB-153/168 1668C 4900 0.0049 B 50 1 PCB-154 1668C 49 0.000049 25 1 PCB-156/157 1668C 540 0.00054 G 5.8 1 0.50 PCB-158 1668C 570 0.00057 25 1 PCB-159 1668C 58 0.000058 25 1 PCB-162 1668C 14 0.000014 J 25 1 PCB-164 1668C 420 0.00042 25 1 PCB-167 1668C 190 0.00019 G 4.3 1 0.51 PCB-170 1668C 1800 0.0018 25 1 PCB-171/173 1668C 550 0.00055 50 1 PCB-172 1668C 340 0.00034 25 1 PCB-174 1668C 2100 0.0021 25 1 PCB-175 1668C 91 0.000091 25 1 PCB-176 1668C 260 0.00026 25 1 PCB-177 1668C 1100 0.0011 25 1 PCB-178 1668C 440 0.00044 25 1 Table 4a. PCB Congeners Detections Summary Powers Site 536 W. Tremont Avenue Charlotte, NC CEC Project No. 161-650.0004 Analyte Method Result pg/g Result mg/kg Qualifier Detection Limit Dilution Factor IHSB Industrial SB-1 (0-2) Dup PCB-179 1668C 980 0.00098 25 1 PCB-180/193 1668C 4300 0.0043 50 1 PCB-181 1668C 9 0.000009 J 25 1 PCB-182 1668C 8.9 8.9E-06 J 25 1 PCB-183 1668C 1100 0.0011 25 1 PCB-184 1668C 1.5 1.5E-06 J 25 1 PCB-185 1668C 170 0.00017 25 1 PCB-187 1668C 2800 0.0028 E 25 1 PCB-188 1668C 3 0.000003 J 25 1 PCB-189 1668C 70 0.00007 2.5 1 0.52 PCB-190 1668C 370 0.00037 25 1 PCB-191 1668C 74 0.000074 25 1 PCB-194 1668C 950 0.00095 25 1 PCB-195 1668C 350 0.00035 25 1 PCB-196 1668C 550 0.00055 25 1 PCB-197 1668C 34 0.000034 25 1 PCB-198/199 1668C 1200 0.0012 50 1 PCB-200 1668C 150 0.00015 25 1 PCB-201 1668C 140 0.00014 25 1 PCB-202 1668C 200 0.0002 25 1 PCB-203 1668C 720 0.00072 25 1 PCB-205 1668C 54 0.000054 25 1 PCB-206 1668C 680 0.00068 25 1 PCB-207 1668C 76 0.000076 25 1 PCB-208 1668C 240 0.00024 25 1 PCB-209 1668C 940 0.00094 25 1 B = Compound found in blank and sample. F1 = MS and /or MSD Recovery is outside accepatable limits. J = Result is less than the Reporting Limit but greater than or equal to the Method Detection Limit and the concentration is an approximate value. Table 4a. PCB Congeners Detections Powers Site 536 W. Tremont Avenue Charlotte. NC CEC Project No. 161-650.0004 Analyte Method Result ug/L Result mg/L Qualifier Detection Limit Dilution Factor EPA Toxicity Limits mg/L TCLP RCRA METALS Arsenic 6010B <0.5 0.5 1 5 Barium 6010B 0.52 J 10 1 100 Cadmium 6010B 0.013 J 0.1 1 1 Chromium 6010B <0.5 0.5 1 5 Lead 6010B 1.5 0.5 1 5 Mercury 7471B <0.002 0.002 1 0.2 Selenium 6010B <0.1 0.1 1 1 Silver 6010B <0.5 0.5 1 5 Analyte Method Result pg/kg Result mg/kg Qualifier Detection Limit Dilution Factor IHSB Industrial mg/kg PCB CONGENERS PCB-1 1668C 780 0.00078 26 1 PCB-2 1668C 290 0.00029 26 1 PCB-3 1668C 1200 0.0012 26 1 PCB-4 1668C 1200 0.0012 26 1 PCB-5 1668C 37 0.000037 G 33 1 PCB-6 1668C 590 0.00059 G 34 1 PCB-7 1668C 110 0.00011 G 31 1 PCB-8 1668C 2800 0.0028 E G 33 1 PCB-9 1668C 150 0.00015 G 36 1 PCB-10 1668C 130 0.00013 26 1 PCB-11 1668C 140 0.00014 G 32 1 PCB-12/13 1668C 690 0.00069 51 1 PCB-15 1668C 8300 0.0083 E G 36 1 PCB-16 1668C 2100 0.0021 26 1 PCB-17 1668C 1900 0.0019 26 1 PCB-18/30 1668C 4300 0.0043 51 1 PCB-19 1668C 740 0.00074 26 1 PCB-20/28 1668C 9200 0.0092 E B 51 1 PCB-21/33 1668C 3000 0.003 51 1 PCB-22 1668C 2500 0.0025 G 50 1 PCB-24 1668C 87 0.000087 26 1 PCB-25 1668C 600 0.0006 G 46 1 PCB-26/29 1668C 1300 0.0013 51 1 PCB-27 1668C 470 0.00047 26 1 PCB-31 1668C 6500 0.0065 E G 45 1 PCB-32 1668C 1400 0.0014 26 1 PCB-35 1668C 200 0.0002 G 49 1 PCB-37 1668C 4700 0.0047 E G 66 1 PCB-40/71 1668C 2700 0.0027 51 1 PCB-41 1668C 460 0.00046 26 1 PCB-42 1668C 1600 0.0016 26 1 PCB-43 1668C 190 0.00019 26 1 PCB-44/47/65 1668C 5500 0.0055 B 77 1 PCB-45 1668C 1500 0.0015 26 1 PCB-46 1668C 730 0.00073 26 1 PCB-48 1668C 1000 0.001 26 1 PCB-49/69 1668C 3100 0.0031 B 51 1 PCB-50/53 1668C 1500 0.0015 51 1 PCB-51 1668C 560 0.00056 B 26 1 SB-3 (0-2) SB-3 (0-2) Table 4a. PCB Congeners Detections Powers Site 536 W. Tremont Avenue Charlotte. NC CEC Project No. 161-650.0004 Analyte Method Result pg/kg Result mg/kg Qualifier Detection Limit Dilution Factor IHSB Industrial mg/kg SB-3 (0-2) PCB-52 1668C 6900 0.0069 E B 26 1 PCB-54 1668C 24 0.000024 J 26 1 PCB-56 1668C 2900 0.0029 E G 35 1 PCB-59/62/75 1668C 780 0.00078 77 1 PCB-60 1668C 1200 0.0012 G 34 1 PCB-61/70/74/76 1668C 8700 0.0087 B 100 1 PCB-63 1668C 140 0.00014 G 30 1 PCB-64 1668C 2400 0.0024 B 26 1 PCB-66 1668C 6400 0.0064 E B G 35 1 PCB-67 1668C 170 0.00017 G 31 1 PCB-72 1668C 34 0.000034 G 32 1 PCB-73 1668C 250 0.00025 26 1 PCB-77 1668C 1200 0.0012 G 47 1 0.16 PCB-79 1668C 55 0.000055 G 31 1 PCB-82 1668C 1200 0.0012 G 120 1 PCB-83 1668C 540 0.00054 G 120 1 PCB-84 1668C 3000 0.003 E B G 120 1 PCB-85/116/117 1668C 1400 0.0014 G 81 1 PCB-86/87/97/108/119/125 1668C 5400 0.0054 B 150 1 PCB-88/91 1668C 1600 0.0016 G 95 1 PCB-89 1668C 190 0.00019 G 110 1 PCB-90/101/113 1668C 7000 0.007 B G 86 1 PCB-92 1668C 1400 0.0014 G 100 1 PCB-107/124 1668C 210 0.00021 G 76 1 PCB-95 1668C 7700 0.0077 E B G 97 1 PCB-96 1668C 140 0.00014 26 1 PCB-98/102 1668C 430 0.00043 G 94 1 PCB-99 1668C 3800 0.0038 E G 91 1 PCB-104 1668C 2.1 0.0000021 J 26 1 PCB-105 1668C 2800 0.0028 E G 94 1 0.49 PCB-110/115 1668C 11000 0.011 E B G 76 1 PCB-109 1668C 360 0.00036 G 74 1 PCB-114 1668C 110 0.00011 G 92 1 0.50 PCB-118 1668C 6000 0.006 E B G 85 1 0.49 PCB-122 1668C 99 0.000099 G 85 1 PCB-123 1668C 120 0.00012 G 85 1 0.49 PCB-128/166 1668C 1300 0.0013 51 1 PCB-129/138/163 1668C 220 0.00022 B 77 1 PCB-130 1668C 600 0.0006 G 31 1 PCB-131 1668C 130 0.00013 G 29 1 PCB-132 1668C 3000 0.003 E G 29 1 PCB-133 1668C 94 0.000094 G 28 1 PCB-134/143 1668C 470 0.00047 51 1 PCB-135/151 1668C 2500 0.0025 51 1 PCB-136 1668C 1100 0.0011 26 1 PCB-137 1668C 440 0.00044 26 1 PCB-139/140 1668C 180 0.00018 51 1 PCB-141 1668C 1400 0.0014 G 28 1 PCB-144 1668C 420 0.00042 26 1 PCB-146 1668C 38 0.000038 26 1 PCB-147/149 1668C 6000 0.006 E B 51 1 PCB-153/168 1668C 5200 0.0052 E B 51 1 Table 4a. PCB Congeners Detections Powers Site 536 W. Tremont Avenue Charlotte. NC CEC Project No. 161-650.0004 Analyte Method Result pg/kg Result mg/kg Qualifier Detection Limit Dilution Factor IHSB Industrial mg/kg SB-3 (0-2) PCB-154 1668C 59 0.000059 26 1 PCB-156/157 1668C 1100 0.0011 G 13 1 0.50 PCB-158 1668C 870 0.00087 26 1 PCB-159 1668C 43 0.000043 26 1 PCB-160 1668C 7100 0.0071 E 26 1 PCB-161 1668C 850 0.00085 26 1 PCB-164 1668C 590 0.00059 26 1 PCB-167 1668C 390 0.00039 G 8.9 1 0.51 PCB-170 1668C 1600 0.0016 26 1 PCB-171/173 1668C 520 0.00052 51 1 PCB-172 1668C 280 0.00028 26 1 PCB-174 1668C 1700 0.0017 26 1 PCB-175 1668C 63 0.000063 26 1 PCB-176 1668C 170 0.00017 26 1 PCB-177 1668C 930 0.00093 26 1 PCB-178 1668C 280 0.00028 26 1 PCB-179 1668C 620 0.00062 26 1 PCB-180/193 1668C 3400 0.0034 51 1 PCB-181 1668C 30 0.00003 26 1 PCB-183 1668C 980 0.00098 26 1 PCB-185 1668C 180 0.00018 26 1 PCB-187 1668C 1600 0.0016 26 1 PCB-189 1668C 67 0.000067 G 9.5 1 0.52 PCB-190 1668C 290 0.00029 26 1 PCB-191 1668C 67 0.000067 26 1 PCB-194 1668C 570 0.00057 26 1 PCB-195 1668C 260 0.00026 26 1 PCB-196 1668C 390 0.00039 26 1 PCB-197 1668C 23 0.000023 J 26 1 PCB-198/199 1668C 1100 0.0011 51 1 PCB-200 1668C 110 0.00011 26 1 PCB-201 1668C 120 0.00012 26 1 PCB-202 1668C 230 0.00023 26 1 PCB-203 1668C 680 0.00068 26 1 PCB-205 1668C 35 0.000035 26 1 PCB-206 1668C 760 0.00076 26 1 PCB-207 1668C 60 0.00006 26 1 PCB-208 1668C 230 0.00023 26 1 PCB-209 1668C 320 0.00032 26 1 B = Compound found in blank and sample. E= Result exceeded cailbration range. F1 = MS and /or MSD Recovery is outside accepatable limits. G =Reported quantitation limit has been raised due to elevated noise or matrix interference. J = Result is less than the Reporting Limit but greater than or equal to the Method Detection Limit and the concentration is an approximate value. Table 4a. PCB Congeners Detections Powers Site 536 W. Tremont Avenue Charlotte, NC CEC Project No. 161-650.0004 Analyte Method Result ug/L Result mg/L Qualifier Detection Limit Dilution Factor EPA Toxicity Limits mg/L TCLP RCRA METALS Arsenic 6010B <0.5 0.5 1 5 Barium 6010B 1.0 J 10 1 100 Cadmium 6010B <0.1 0.1 1 1 Chromium 6010B <0.5 0.5 1 5 Lead 6010B 0.19 J 0.5 1 5 Mercury 7471B <0.002 0.002 1 0.2 Selenium 6010B <0.1 0.1 1 1 Silver 6010B <0.5 0.5 1 5 Analyte Method Result pg/g Result mg/kg Qualifier Detection Limit Dilution Factor IHSB Industrial mg/kg PCB CONGENERS PCB-1 1668C 270 0.00027 23 1 PCB-2 1668C 99 0.000099 23 1 PCB-3 1668C 310 0.00031 23 1 PCB-4 1668C 170 0.00017 23 1 PCB-6 1668C 89 0.000089 23 1 PCB-7 1668C 18 0.000018 J 23 1 PCB-8 1668C 450 0.00045 23 1 PCB-9 1668C 29 0.000029 23 1 PCB-10 1668C 9.2 0.0000092 J 23 1 PCB-11 1668C 990 0.00099 23 1 PCB-12/13 1668C 91 0.000091 47 1 PCB-15 1668C 950 0.00095 23 1 PCB-16 1668C 230 0.00023 23 1 PCB-17 1668C 200 0.0002 23 1 PCB-18/30 1668C 430 0.00043 47 1 PCB-19 1668C 100 0.0001 23 1 PCB-20/28 1668C 1100 0.0011 B 47 1 PCB-21/33 1668C 400 0.0004 23 1 PCB-22 1668C 330 0.00033 23 1 PCB-24 1668C 6.1 0.0000061 J 23 1 PCB-25 1668C 66 0.000066 23 1 PCB-26/29 1668C 140 0.00014 47 1 PCB-27 1668C 53 0.000053 23 1 PCB-31 1668C 720 0.00072 23 1 PCB-32 1668C 160 0.00016 23 1 PCB-35 1668C 150 0.00015 23 1 PCB-36 1668C 150 0.00015 23 PCB-37 1668C 650 0.00065 23 1 PCB-40/71 1668C 340 0.00034 47 1 PCB-41 1668C 61 0.000061 23 1 PCB-42 1668C 180 0.00018 23 1 PCB-43 1668C 20 0.00002 J 23 1 PCB-44/47/65 1668C 790 0.00079 B 70 1 PCB-45 1668C 150 0.00015 23 1 PCB-46 1668C 63 0.000063 23 1 PCB-48 1668C 110 0.00011 23 1 PCB-49/69 1668C 400 0.0004 B 47 1 SB-4 (15-17) SB-4 (15-17) Table 4a. PCB Congeners Detections Powers Site 536 W. Tremont Avenue Charlotte, NC CEC Project No. 161-650.0004 Analyte Method Result pg/g Result mg/kg Qualifier Detection Limit Dilution Factor IHSB Industrial mg/kg SB-4 (15-17) PCB-50/53 1668C 140 0.00014 47 1 PCB-51 1668C 34 0.000034 B 23 1 PCB-52 1668C 1300 0.0013 B 23 1 PCB-54 1668C 2.9 0.0000029 J 23 1 PCB-55 1668C 12 0.000012 J 23 1 PCB-56 1668C 410 0.00041 23 1 PCB-59/62/75 1668C 78 0.000078 70 1 PCB-60 1668C 200 0.0002 23 1 PCB-61/70/74/76 1668C 1700 0.0017 B 94 1 PCB-63 1668C 23 0.000023 23 1 PCB-64 1668C 440 0.00044 B 23 1 PCB-66 1668C 900 0.0009 B 23 1 PCB-67 1668C 23 0.000023 23 1 PCB-77 1668C 220 0.00022 G 11 1 0.16 PCB-79 1668C 30 0.00003 23 1 PCB-82 1668C 340 0.00034 G 43 1 PCB-83 1668C 140 0.00014 G 45 1 PCB-84 1668C 780 0.00078 B G 42 1 PCB-85/116/117 1668C 430 0.00043 70 1 PCB-86/87/97/108/119/125 1668C 1700 0.0017 B 140 1 PCB-88/91 1668C 400 0.0004 47 1 PCB-90/101/113 1668C 2200 0.0022 B 70 1 PCB-92 1668C 440 0.00044 G 37 1 PCB-107/124 1668C 110 0.00011 47 1 PCB-95 1668C 2000 0.002 B G 36 1 PCB-96 1668C 26 0.000026 23 1 PCB-98/102 1668C 53 0.000053 23 1 PCB-99 1668C 1100 0.0011 G 33 1 PCB-105 1668C 1300 0.0013 G 31 1 0.49 PCB-110/115 1668C 4900 0.0049 E B 47 1 PCB-109 1668C 200 0.0002 G 27 1 PCB-114 1668C 54 0.000054 G 31 1 0.50 PCB-118 1668C 2700 0.0027 E B G 29 1 0.49 PCB-123 1668C 43 0.000043 G 31 1 0.49 PCB-128/166 1668C 1100 0.0011 47 1 PCB-129/138/163 1668C 5500 0.0055 B 70 1 PCB-130 1668C 400 0.0004 G 27 1 PCB-131 1668C 65 0.000065 G 25 1 PCB-132 1668C 1800 0.0018 G 25 1 PCB-133 1668C 61 0.000061 G 24 1 PCB-134/143 1668C 260 0.00026 47 1 PCB-135/151 1668C 1300 0.0013 47 1 PCB-136 1668C 560 0.00056 23 1 PCB-137 1668C 280 0.00028 23 1 PCB-139/140 1668C 98 0.000098 47 1 PCB-141 1668C 720 0.00072 G 24 1 PCB-144 1668C 180 0.00018 23 1 PCB-146 1668C 660 0.00066 23 1 PCB-147/149 1668C 3700 0.0037 B 47 1 PCB-153/168 1668C 2800 0.0028 B 47 1 Table 4a. PCB Congeners Detections Powers Site 536 W. Tremont Avenue Charlotte, NC CEC Project No. 161-650.0004 Analyte Method Result pg/g Result mg/kg Qualifier Detection Limit Dilution Factor IHSB Industrial mg/kg SB-4 (15-17) PCB-154 1668C 35 0.000035 23 1 PCB-156/157 1668C 610 0.00061 G 5.8 1 0.50 PCB-158 1668C 600 0.0006 23 1 PCB-162 1668C 19 0.000019 J 23 PCB-164 1668C 430 0.00043 23 1 PCB-167 1668C 190 0.00019 G 4.4 1 0.51 PCB-170 1668C 1100 0.0011 23 1 PCB-171/173 1668C 340 0.00034 47 1 PCB-172 1668C 200 0.0002 23 1 PCB-174 1668C 1200 0.0012 23 1 PCB-175 1668C 52 0.000052 23 1 PCB-176 1668C 130 0.00013 23 1 PCB-177 1668C 640 0.00064 23 1 PCB-178 1668C 240 0.00024 23 1 PCB-179 1668C 490 0.00049 23 1 PCB-180/193 1668C 2400 0.0024 47 1 PCB-181 1668C 13 0.000013 J 23 1 PCB-182 1668C 6.8 0.0000068 J 23 1 PCB-183 1668C 660 0.00066 23 1 PCB-184 1668C 1.9 0.0000019 J 23 1 PCB-185 1668C 88 0.000088 23 1 PCB-187 1668C 1500 0.0015 23 1 PCB-188 1668C 2.9 0.0000029 J 23 1 PCB-189 1668C 44 0.000044 2.3 1 0.52 PCB-190 1668C 210 0.00021 23 1 PCB-191 1668C 52 0.000052 23 1 PCB-194 1668C 600 0.0006 23 1 PCB-195 1668C 200 0.0002 23 1 PCB-196 1668C 360 0.00036 23 1 PCB-197 1668C 27 0.000027 23 1 PCB-198/199 1668C 920 0.00092 47 1 PCB-200 1668C 94 0.000094 23 1 PCB-201 1668C 100 0.0001 23 1 PCB-202 1668C 180 0.00018 23 1 PCB-203 1668C 570 0.00057 23 1 PCB-205 1668C 31 0.000031 23 1 PCB-206 1668C 650 0.00065 23 1 PCB-207 1668C 60 0.00006 23 1 PCB-208 1668C 190 0.00019 23 1 PCB-209 1668C 340 0.00034 23 1 B = Compound found in blank and sample. E= Result exceeded cailbration range. F1 = MS and /or MSD Recovery is outside accepatable limits. G =Reported quantitation limit has been raised due to elevated noise or matrix interference. J = Result is less than the Reporting Limit but greater than or equal to the Method Detection Limit and the concentration is an approximate value. Table 4a. PCB Congeners Detections Summary Powers Site 536 W. Tremont Avenue Charlotte, NC CEC Project No. 161-650.0004 Analyte Method Result pg/g Result mg/kg Qualifier Detection Limit Dilution Factor IHSB Industrial mg/kg SB-1 (0-2) PCB-85/116/117 1668C 84 0.000084 72 1 PCB-86/87/97/108/119/125 1668C 340 0.00034 B 140 1 PCB-88/91 1668C 68 0.000068 48 1 PCB-90/101/113 1668C 530 0.00053 B 72 1 PCB-92 1668C 95 0.000095 24 1 PCB-107/124 1668C 20 0.00002 J 48 1 PCB-95 1668C 440 0.00044 B 24 1 PCB-96 1668C 3 0.000003 J 24 1 PCB-98/102 1668C 7.7 0.0000077 J 48 1 PCB-99 1668C 240 0.00024 24 1 PCB-105 1668C 140 0.00014 F1 G 6.3 1 0.49 PCB-110/115 1668C 680 0.00068 B 48 1 PCB-109 1668C 24 0.000024 24 1 PCB-118 1668C 400 0.0004 F1 B G 5.7 1 0.49 PCB-123 1668C 7.2 0.0000072 G 6 1 0.49 PCB-128/166 1668C 140 0.00014 48 1 PCB-129/138/163 1668C 860 0.00086 B 72 1 PCB-130 1668C 46 0.000046 24 1 PCB-131 1668C 10 0.00001 J 24 1 PCB-132 1668C 260 0.00026 24 1 PCB-133 1668C 7.2 0.0000072 J 24 1 PCB-134/143 1668C 38 0.000038 J 48 1 PCB-135/151 1668C 290 0.00029 48 1 PCB-136 1668C 100 0.0001 24 1 PCB-137 1668C 40 0.00004 24 1 PCB-139/140 1668C 12 0.000012 J 48 1 PCB-141 1668C 160 0.00016 24 1 PCB-144 1668C 40 0.00004 24 1 PCB-146 1668C 100 0.0001 24 1 PCB-147/149 1668C 660 0.00066 B 48 1 PCB-153/168 1668C 660 0.00066 B 48 1 PCB-154 1668C 4.1 0.0000041 J 24 1 PCB-156/157 1668C 77 0.000077 F1 4.8 1 0.50 PCB-158 1668C 86 0.000086 24 1 PCB-162 1668C 1.5 0.0000015 J 24 1 PCB-164 1668C 56 0.000056 24 1 PCB-167 1668C 27 0.000027 F1 2.4 1 0.51 PCB-170 1668C 190 0.00019 24 1 PCB-171/173 1668C 59 0.000059 48 1 PCB-172 1668C 37 0.000037 24 1 PCB-174 1668C 260 0.00026 24 1 PCB-175 1668C 11 0.000011 24 1 PCB-176 1668C 33 0.000033 24 1 PCB-177 1668C 130 0.00013 24 PCB-178 1668C 58 0.000058 24 Table 4a. PCB Congeners Detections Summary Powers Site 536 W. Tremont Avenue Charlotte, NC CEC Project No. 161-650.0004 Analyte Method Result pg/g Result mg/kg Qualifier Detection Limit Dilution Factor IHSB Industrial mg/kg SB-1 (0-2) PCB-179 1668C 140 0.00014 24 PCB-180/193 1668C 520 0.00052 48 PCB-183 1668C 150 0.00015 24 PCB-185 1668C 27 0.000027 24 PCB-187 1668C 390 0.00039 24 PCB-189 1668C 6.1 0.0000061 F1 2.4 0.52 PCB-190 1668C 41 0.000041 24 PCB-191 1668C 7.4 0.0000074 J 24 PCB-194 1668C 140 0.00014 24 PCB-195 1668C 49 0.000049 24 PCB-196 1668C 91 0.000091 24 PCB-197 1668C 8.5 0.0000085 J 24 PCB-198/199 1668C 240 0.00024 48 PCB-200 1668C 22 0.000022 J 24 PCB-201 1668C 28 0.000028 24 PCB-202 1668C 49 0.000049 F1 24 PCB-203 1668C 130 0.00013 24 PCB-205 1668C 6.9 0.0000069 J 24 PCB-206 1668C 280 0.00028 F1 24 PCB-207 1668C 24 0.000024 24 PCB-208 1668C 110 0.00011 F1 24 PCB-209 1668C 630 0.00063 F1 24 B = Compound found in blank and sample. F1 = MS and /or MSD Recovery is outside accepatable limits. G =Reported quantitation limit has been raised due to elevated noise or matrix interference. J = Result is less than the Reporting Limit but greater than or equal to the Method Detection Limit and the concentration is an approximate value. Table 5. Sample Results Summary Powers Site 536 W. Tremont Avenue Charlotte, NC CEC Project No. 161-650.0004 Analyte Method Result (ug/kg) Result (mg/kg)Qualifier Detection Limit (ug/kg) Dilution Factor IHSB Industrial/Commercial Health Based PSRG (mg/kg) VOLATILE ORGANICS All Below IHSB Industrial PSRGs 8260B SEMI-VOLATILE ORGANICS Benzo[a]pyrene 8270D 720 0.72 78 2 0.29 RCRA METALS All Below IHSB Industrial PSRGs PCB CONGENERS 1668C All Below IHSB Industrial PSRGs SEMI-VOLATILE ORGANICS All Below IHSB Industrial PSRGs 8260B SEMI-VOLATILE ORGANICS Benzo[a]pyrene 8270D 1,700 1.7 410 10 0.29 Benzo[b]fluoranthene 8270D 2,900 2.9 410 10 2.9 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 8270D 470 0.47 410 10 0.29 RCRA METALS All Below IHSB Industrial PSRGs VOLATILE ORGANICS All Below IHSB Industrial PSRGs 8260B SEMI-VOLATILE ORGANICS Benzo[a]pyrene 8270D 1,100 1.1 78 2 0.29 RCRA METALS All Below IHSB Industrial PSRGs VOLATILE ORGANICS All Below IHSB Ind. Levels 8260B SEMI-VOLATILE ORGANICS Benzo[a]pyrene 8270D 1,600 1.6 400 10 0.29 RCRA METALS Arsenic 6010D 3 2.4 1 3 PCB CONGENERS All Below IHSB Ind. Levels 1668C TCLP RCRA METALS All Below EPA Toxicity Levels RCRA METALS All Below IHSB Industrial PSRGs PCB CONGENERS All Below IHSB Ind. Levels 1668C TCLP RCRA METALS All Below EPA Toxicity Levels VOLATILE ORGANICS All Below IHSB Industrial PSRGs 8260B SEMI-VOLATILE ORGANICS All Below IHSB Industrial PSRGs 8270D RCRA METALS All Below IHSB Industrial PSRGs VOLATILE ORGANICS All Below IHSB Industrial PSRGs 8260B SEMI-VOLATILE ORGANICS Benzo[a]pyrene 8270D 2,100 2.1 180 5 0.29 Benzo[b]fluoranthene 8270D 3,400 3.4 180 5 2.9 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 8270D 390 0.39 180 5 0.29 RCRA METALS All Below IHSB Industrial PSRGs VOLATILE ORGANICS All Below IHSB Industrial PSRGs 8260B SEMI-VOLATILE ORGANICS Benzo[a]anthracene 8270D 5,100 5.1 380 10 2.9 Benzo[a]pyrene 8270D 4,600 4.6 380 10 0.29 Benzo[b]fluoranthene 8270D 7,900 7.9 380 10 2.9 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 8270D 840 0.84 380 10 0.29 RCRA METALS All Below IHSB Industrial PSRGs VOLATILE ORGANICS All Below IHSB Ind. Levels 8260B SEMI-VOLATILE ORGANICS Benzo[a]pyrene 8270D 590 0.59 40 1 0.29 RCRA METALS All Below IHSB Ind. Levels SB-1 (0-2) SB-1 (10-12) 6010D/7471B SB-4 (15-17) SB-5 (0-2) SB-7 (0-2) SB-7 (0-2) Dup SB-2 (0-2) SB-6 (0-2) SB-2 (10-12) SB-3 (0-2) 6010D/7471B 6010D/7471B 6010D/7471B 1311/6010D/7471B 1311/6010D/7471B 6010D/7471B 6010D/7471B 6010D/7471B 6010D/7471B Table 5. Sample Results Summary Powers Site 536 W. Tremont Avenue Charlotte, NC CEC Project No. 161-650.0004 Analyte Method Result (ug/kg) Result (mg/kg)Qualifier Detection Limit (ug/kg) Dilution Factor IHSB Industrial/Commercial Health Based PSRG (mg/kg) VOLATILE ORGANICS All Below IHSB Ind. Levels 8260B SEMI-VOLATILE ORGANICS Benzo[a]anthracene 8270D 13,000 13 720 20 2.9 Benzo[a]pyrene 8270D 14,000 14 720 20 0.29 Benzo[b]fluoranthene 8270D 21,000 21 720 20 2.9 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 8270D 2,200 2.2 720 20 0.29 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 8270D 6,100 6.1 720 20 2.9 RCRA METALS All Below IHSB Ind. Levels VOLATILE ORGANICS All Below IHSB Ind. Levels 8260B SEMI-VOLATILE ORGANICS All Below IHSB Ind. Levels 8270D RCRA METALS All Below IHSB Ind. Levels VOLATILE ORGANICS All Below IHSB Ind. Levels 8260B SEMI-VOLATILE ORGANICS All Below IHSB Ind. Levels 8270D RCRA METALS Arsenic 6010D 3.1 21 3 IHSB = NC Department of Environmental Quality - Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch PSRG = Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (from PSRG Table - October 2016) Drum-2 SB-8 (0-2) 6010D/7471B 6010D/7471B SB-9 (0-2) APPENDIX A Soil Boring Approximate Sample Interval (ft) Soil Description Water Level (ft below ground) PID Reading (ppmv) Sample Collected for Analyses 0-5 0-1.5' gravel ABC 8.2 5-10 1.5-7' SM-CL, fill, clayey sandy silt to silty clay, medium dense to medium stiff, sl moist, mottled red gray black 30.2 B-1 (5-10') 10-15 ML, silt, sl clayey to clayey, med stiff, moist, red, micaceous. 3.8 15-20 " 9.0 20-25 CL/ML, clay and silt, med dense-stiff, moist- wet with depth, red to lt brown, refusal on saprolite weathered granitic 20.5 25-30 " 17.6 0-5 CL/ML, fill, clays and silts, sandy, soft-loose, mottle brn gray red, incl. bits of asphalt and layers of gravel. 13.3 5-12 " 10.1 12-17 " 41.0 17-18 Fill, foundry waste casting sand, loose, sl moist, mottled black white yellow 50.9 18-23 CL/ML, fill, clays and silts, sandy, soft-loose, mottle brn gray red, incl. bits of asphalt and layers of gravel. 81.6 23-24 Fill, clay and gravel, soft, moist, black, petroleum stained w odor 140.3 B-2 (23-24') 24-28 CL/ML, silty clay to clayey silt, soft-med stiff,moist, red, native, odor. 57.8 B-2 (24-28') 28-30 " 42.8 30-34 " 32.7 0-6 0-2.5' Fill, mixed aggregate, loose, sl moist, mottled red gray brn, includes asphalt and brick. 17.6 6-12 2.5-15', CL/ML, fill, gravelly, med dense - med stiff, sl moist, mottled brn gray, includes asphalt, brick, concrete, and tire pieces. 17.8 12-15 " 23.8 B-3 (12-15') 15-17 Fill, foundry waste casting sand, loose, sl moist, mottled black white yellow, refusal at 17' 5.8 B-1 B-2 ~ 23.5 ~ 30.5 -B-3 Soil Boring Approximate Sample Interval (ft) Soil Description Water Level (ft below ground) PID Reading (ppmv) Sample Collected for Analyses 0-6 Fill, SM/GM to Cl, silty, med dense-med stiff, sl moist, mottled red to dk brn, organic odor. 23.9 6-14 ", refusal at 14' 21.8 B-4 (6-12') 0-0.5 gravel surfacing 20.2 0.5-1 Fill, CL, gravelly, med stiff, sl moist, gray 21.8 1-2 " 16.9 2-3 " 22.7 3-8 black viscous material, heavily stained, strong petroleum odor. 546.2 B-5 (3-8') 8-15 CL/ML, fill, gravelly, loose, very moist, stained black to dk gray, strong petroleum odor, foundry sand layer from 11-12' 36.6 15-27 CL/ML,fill,sandy, loose, very moist to wet, stained black to dark gray, includes layers of gray sand, strong petroleum odor. 157.2 B-5 (15-27') 27-30 ", bottom hole 32', caved at 30'54.9 0-1 CL, fill, gravelly, med stiff, sl moist, gray, petroleum odor 22.7 1-2 " 18.5 2-3 Foudary waste casting sand, loose, sl moist, mottled black white yellow, no odor. 27.3 B-6 (2-3') B-4 B-5 B-6 - 25.82 - APPENDIX B APPENDIX C APPENDIX D 2152 Northwest Parkway, Suite H Marietta, GA 30067 P 770.980.1002 F 770.980.1004 www.gelgeophysics.com GEL Geophysics LLC Charleston, SC Raleigh, NC Charlotte, NC Atlanta, GA www.gelgeophysics.com March 15, 2017 Mr. Ed Stephens, P.G. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 1900 Center Park Drive, Suite A Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 Re: Report on Geophysical Survey, Former Salvage Yard, 510 W. Tremont Ave., Charlotte, North Carolina Dear Mr. Stephens: GEL Geophysics, LLC appreciates the opportunity to provide Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. (CEC) with this report of our geophysical investigation for the referenced project. The purpose of the investigation was to support CEC’s investigation of the referenced property that is shown in Figure 1 and outlined with hatching. The geophysical investigation was designed to determine if underground storage tanks (USTs) and underground utilities exist in the referenced parcel. The investigation included the deployment of ground penetrating radar (GPR) technology, radio frequency electromagnetic (EM), and time domain electromagnetic (TDEM) EM61 technology. Two subsurface anomalies were identified in the geophysical data. Figure 2 is a map of all detected subsurface anomalies as well as detected utilities in the area. Based on the geophysical data, the characteristic of the subsurface anomalies indicate possible miscellaneous buried metallic debris. No USTs were detected at the site. Although geophysical methods provide a high level of assurance for the location of subsurface objects, the possibility exists that not all features can or will be identified. Therefore, due caution should be used when performing any subsurface excavation, and GEL Geophysics, LLC will not be liable for any damages that may occur. Descriptions of the technologies employed during this geophysical investigation are provided below. Overview of Geophysical Investigation The geophysical investigation of the site consisted of TDEM, GPR and EM technologies. A brief description of each technology is presented in the following paragraphs. Time-Domain Electromagnetic Methodology The Time-Domain Electromagnetic method measures the electrical conductivity of subsurface materials. The conductivity is determined by inducing (from a transmitter) a time or frequency-varying magnetic field and measuring (with a receiver) the amplitude and phase shift of an induced secondary magnetic field. The secondary magnetic field is created by subsurface conductive materials behaving as an inductor as the primary magnetic field is passed through them. The EM-61 TDEM consists of a portable coincident loop time-domain transmitter and receiver with a 1.0-meter x 0.5-meter coil system. The EM-61 generates 150 pulses per second and measures the response from the ground after transmission or between pulses. The secondary EM responses from Mr. Ed Stephens, P.G. March 15, 2017 Page 2 GEL Geophysics LLC Charleston, SC Raleigh, NC Charlotte, NC Atlanta, GA www.gelgeophysics.com metallic targets are of longer duration than those created by conductive earth materials. By recording the later time EM arrivals, only the response from metallic targets is measured, rather than the field generated by the earth material. The EM-61 TDEM system can discriminate between moderately conductive earth materials and very conductive metallic targets. Ground Penetrating Radar Methodology A MALA radar system configured with a 450-Megahertz (MHz) antenna array was used in this investigation. GPR is an electromagnetic geophysical method that detects interfaces between subsurface materials with differing dielectric constants. The GPR system consists of an antenna which houses the transmitter and receiver, a digital control unit which both generates and digitally records the GPR data, and a color video monitor to view data as it is collected in the field. The transmitter radiates repetitive short-duration electromagnetic waves (at radar frequencies) into the earth from an antenna moving across the ground surface. These radar waves are reflected back to the receiver from the interface of materials with different dielectric constants. The intensity of the reflected signal is a function of the contrast in the dielectric constant between the materials, the conductivity of the material through which the wave is traveling, and the frequency of the signal. Subsurface features that commonly cause such reflections are: 1) natural geologic conditions, such as changes in sediment composition, bedding, and cementation horizons and voids; or 2) unnatural changes to the subsurface such as disturbed soils, soil backfill, buried debris, tanks, pipelines, and utilities. The digital control unit processes the signal from the receiver and produces a continuous cross- section of the subsurface interface reflection events. GPR data profiles were collected along transects, which are measured paths along which the GPR antenna is moved. During a survey, marks are placed in the data by the operator at designated points along the GPR transects or with a survey wheel odometer. These marks allow for a correlation between the GPR data and the position of the GPR antenna on the ground. Depth of investigation of the GPR signal is highly site-specific and is limited by signal attenuation (absorption) in the subsurface materials. Signal attenuation is dependent upon the electrical conductivity of the subsurface materials. Signal attenuation is greatest in materials with relatively high electrical conductivities such as clays, brackish groundwater, or groundwater with a high dissolved solid content from natural or manmade sources. Signal attenuation is lowest in relatively low-conductivity materials such as dry sand or rock. Depth of investigation is also dependent on the antenna's transmitting frequency. Depth of investigation generally increases as transmitting frequency decreases; however, the ability to resolve smaller subsurface features is diminished as frequency is decreased. The GPR antenna used at this site is internally shielded from aboveground interference sources. Accordingly, the GPR response is not affected by overhead power lines, metallic buildings, or nearby objects. Radio Frequency Electromagnetics Radio Frequency Electromagnetic (EM) utility locating equipment consists of a transmitter and a dual-function receiver. The receiver can be operated in a “passive” mode or in an “active” mode. The two modes of operation provide various levels of detection capabilities depending on the specific target or application. Mr. Ed Stephens, P.G. March 15, 2017 Page 3 GEL Geophysics LLC Charleston, SC Raleigh, NC Charlotte, NC Atlanta, GA www.gelgeophysics.com The EM system is operated in the “active” mode by either inducting or conducting a signal into the underground utility to be traced. A transmitter is placed over and in line with a suspected buried utility. The transmitter induces a signal, which propagates along the buried utility. As the receiver is moved back and forth across the suspected path of the utility, the trace signal induces a signal into the receivers coil sensor. A visual and audio response indicates when the receiver is directly over the buried utility. Another means of detecting in the “active” mode utilizes a method to “conduct” a signal within the buried utility. To accomplish this, a cable from the transmitter is clamped onto an exposed section of the buried utility and a signal propagates along the buried line. This technique minimizes any interference caused by parasitic emissions from adjacent cables in congested areas. When the system is utilized in the “passive” mode, the receiver is responding to a 60 Hertz cycle current energized by underground utilities. Interference can and may occur when buried utilities intersect or are adjacent to each other. This effect referred to as “bleed-off” may provide a false response to the identification of the tracked utility. “Bleed-off” is caused by utilities that may be energized in the “active” or “passive” mode. Geophysical Site Methodology EM61 TDEM and GPR data was collected in parallel survey lines spaced 5 feet apart for the accessible areas outlined on Figure 1. All geophysical anomalies and underground utilities detected were marked on the land surface with pink survey paint, and are depicted in Figure 2. EM and GPR technologies were used to designate underground utilities at the site. The positions of subsurface anomalies and utilities were acquired using a Leica GS-14 Global Positioning System. The positions of all items surveyed can be seen in Figure 2. Summary of Results Two subsurface anomalies were identified in the geophysical data. Figure 2 is a map of all detected subsurface anomalies as well as detected utilities in the area. Based on the geophysical data, the characteristic of the subsurface anomalies indicate possible miscellaneous buried metallic debris. No USTs were detected at the site. Closing GEL Geophysics appreciates the opportunity to assist CEC with this project. If you have any questions or need further information regarding the project, please do not hesitate to call us at (704) 916-1500. Sincerely, Jeff Tallent Project Manager enclosures fc: cecs00117.031517ltr.doc Mr. Ed Stephens, P.G. March 15, 2017 Page 4 GEL Geophysics LLC Charleston, SC Raleigh, NC Charlotte, NC Atlanta, GA www.gelgeophysics.com Figure 1: Site map provided by Client. Area of investigation included accessible portions inside the hatched area. E E U K U K E N G I N E E R I N G O F N C , I N C a n A f f i l i a t e o f T H E G E L G R O U P , I N C . R E S U L T S O F G E O P H Y S I C A L I N V E S T I G A T I O N P r o j e c t S i t e : F o r m e r S a l v a g e Y a r d 5 1 0 W . T r e m o n t A v e . C h a r l o t t e , N o r t h C a r o l i n a E J B A P P R V . B Y : F I G U R E 2 D R A W N B Y : C E C S 0 0 1 1 7 M a r c h 8 , 2 0 1 7 D A T E : P R O J E C T : J A T C l i e n t C o n t a c t I n f o r m a t i o n : E d S t e p h e n s C i v i l & E n v i r o n m e n t a l C o n s u l t a n t s , I n c . 7 0 4 . 5 7 8 . 9 9 5 0 APPENDIX E North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management Brownfields Program Site: Powers Site Address: 536 West Tremont Ave. City: Charlotte County: Mecklenburg Brownfields Project Number: 20045-16-060 Property and Building Characteristics a. Provide occupancy and use information. No occupancy, radio signal transmission equipment storage shed. Wood-frame, wood-sided, one-story, no windows, one entry door. c. Describe the foundation construction. Include details on type, floor construction, and depth below grade. Concrete slab floor. No HVAC system. e. Are any subslab ventilation systems or moisture barriers in place? If so, please provide details. No. % of property that is grassed areas % of property that is agricultural crops % of property that is paved NA d. Describe the HVAC system in the building. Include available details on type, equipment location, source of air return, and design considerations (e.g. positive pressure?). 0% 0.5% BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY RECEPTOR SURVEY This form was created to clarify and simplify preparing a receptor survey for a brownfield site. Please provide the information requested below. Distances are measured from the site property boundary unless otherwise indicated by the DEQ Brownfield’s Project Manager (PM). Current Usage Proposed Usage NA NA NA NA NA Surface Conditions Size of Property (acres) % of property that is wooded/brush If an existing building is on-site, please respond to the following. Information can be provided on additional sheets as needed. If numerous buildings are on-site, consult with your PM as only information on specific buildings may be needed. b. Describe the construction of the builidng including materials (e.g. wood frame, block), type and size of openings (e.g. windows, bay doors), and height (number of stories). % of property that is covered by buildings 3.46 75% 0% 0.5% Rev. 09/2016 Page 1 of 3 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management Brownfields Program Surrounding Property Land Use North South East West N Y See List North/South Y See List North Utilities Is there a septic system on-site? (Y or N) ________N Please provide the utility providers for the subject property a. Natural Gas ___Piedmont Natural Gas b. Sewer ___City of Charlotte c. Electricity ___Duke Energy d. Other ___ATT For surrounding properties, please complete the following table with available information. Y south Y 15 south N Y 5 south Y 5 south Y 5 south N Is there a residence within 1,000 ft of the Property? Is a sanitary sewer within 100 ft of the Property boundary? Residential/Commercial Commercial Commercial For the subject property, please provide a map of known buried utilites. If available, include depth to top, construction material, and diameter of the utilities. In addition, please provide the following information on utilty providers. If additional assessment is required, the public utility locators should be contacted. This information can then be added to a site map. Y/N * Is a school or daycare center within 1,000 ft of the Property? Specific Land Uses of Interest Y/N * * If numerous facilities of interest are present, their locations can be placed on a map in lieu of providing specific addresses. Distance (ft) NA Please provide information on the following land uses in the vicinity of the subject site, including a map of the surrounding areas. If specific receptors are present, please provide addresses of the facilities. NA NA NA Residential Proposed Usage Current Use/Occupant DirectionUtility/Potential Receptor Is a buried electrical cable main within 100 ft of Property boundary? Is a storm water pipe within 100 ft of the Property boundary? Direction Is there a basement within 1,000 ft of the Property Distance (ft)Address Zoning/Land Use * If yes, please provide a map or detailed information (distance, direction, depth) of the utility in correlation with the subject property. Is a water line main within 100 ft of Property boundary? Is a natural gas line main within 100 ft of the Property boundary? Is a buried telephone/ cable main within 100 ft of the Property boundary? Is a septic system leach field within 500 ft of the Property boundary? Rev. 09/2016 Page 2 of 3 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management Brownfields Program Water Supply N N N Surface Water & Wetlands natural NA No b. List the uses of the water body. c. What is the source of the water for the water body? d. What is the nature of the bottom of the water body (e.g., rocky or concrete bottom, drainage ways or impoundments) If no on-site surface water features, what is the nearest surface water body? Are there any wetlands present on the property? If no wetlands on-site, are wetlands suspected on adjoining properties? a. Is the water body naturally developed or man-made?Natural / Man-made retention runoff Is a public water supply well within 1 mile of the Property boundary? Is a private water supply well within 1,500 ft of the Property bd?Is an irrigation well within 1,500 ft of the Property boundary? Response/Comments The purpose of this section is to provide information on the presence of surface waters and/or wetlands on, or in the vicinity of the Property. Yes Are there surface water features on the property? (If yes, please complete a. to d.) If Private, please provide details of the water supply source (i.e. well location, well construction, etc). If public, please include the water providers name. Distance (ft)Direction What is the potable water supply for the property? Public __X____ Private ______ Address Provide Information regarding Surface Water and Wetlands Y/NWater Supply Wells Please provide the following information regarding water supply wells in the vicinity of the Property. At a minimum, a windshield survey within 1,500 ft of the property boundaries should be completed to determine if water supply or irrigation wells may be present. Information from applicable databases can and should be utilized; however, should not be utilized in lieu of the windshield survey. If multiple wells are present within the requested radius, please provide a map of the well locations. If needed, please attach a separate table to list all wells. Please note, the PM may opt for a more extensive water supply well survey if needed. The purpose of this section is to provide information on the water supply for the site and surrounding areas. Rev. 09/2016 Page 3 of 3 REFERENCE D A T E : D W G S C A L E : D R A W N B Y : C H E C K E D B Y : A P P R O V E D B Y : P R O J E C T N O : F I G U R E N O . : S I T E M A P 1 6 1 - 6 5 0 1 " = 1 0 0 ' M A R C H 2 0 1 7 J K S D R A F T D R A F T 1 P O W E R S S I T E B R O W N F I E L D N o . 2 0 0 4 5 - 1 6 - 0 6 0 5 3 6 W . T R E M O N T A V E N U E C H A R L O T T E , N O R T H C A R O L I N A w w w . c e c i n c . c o m 1 9 0 0 C e n t e r P a r k D r i v e - S u i t e A - C h a r l o t t e , N C 2 8 2 1 7 P h : 9 8 0 . 2 3 7 . 0 3 7 3 · F a x : 9 8 0 . 2 3 7 . 0 3 7 2 NORTH L E G E N D DATE:DWG SCALE: DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:APPROVED BY: PROJECT NO: FIGURE NO.: SITE MAP 161-6501' = 300'MARCH 2017 JKS DRAFT DRAFT 2 POWERS SITE BROWNFIELD No. 20045-16-060 536 W. TREMONT AVENUE CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA www.cecinc.com 1900 Center Park Drive - Suite A - Charlotte, NC 28217 Ph: 980.237.0373 · Fax: 980.237.0372 NORTH LEGEND REFERENCE APPENDIX F ANALYTICAL REPORT TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc. TestAmerica Chicago 2417 Bond Street University Park, IL 60484 Tel: (708)534-5200 TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1 TestAmerica Sample Delivery Group: 161-650.0008 Client Project/Site: Powers Site For: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc 1900 Center Park Drive Suite A Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 Attn: Mr. Ed Stephens Authorized for release by: 3/9/2017 2:09:30 PM Robin Kintz, Project Manager II (708)534-5200 robin.kintz@testamericainc.com The test results in this report meet all 2003 NELAC and 2009 TNI requirements for accredited parameters, exceptions are noted in this report. This report may not be reproduced except in full, and with written approval from the laboratory. For questions please contact the Project Manager at the e-mail address or telephone number listed on this page. This report has been electronically signed and authorized by the signatory. Electronic signature is intended to be the legally binding equivalent of a traditionally handwritten signature. Results relate only to the items tested and the sample(s) as received by the laboratory. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Table of Contents Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: Powers Site TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1 SDG: 161-650.0008 Page 2 of 102 TestAmerica Chicago3/9/2017 Cover Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Case Narrative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Detection Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Method Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Sample Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Client Sample Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55 QC Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57 Surrogate Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62 QC Sample Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 Chronicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84 Certification Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 Chain of Custody . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91 Receipt Checklists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 Field Data Sheets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Case Narrative Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1 Project/Site: Powers Site SDG: 161-650.0008 Job ID: 500-124191-1 Laboratory: TestAmerica Chicago Narrative Job Narrative 500-124191-1 Comments No additional comments. Receipt The samples were received on 2/22/2017 10:30 AM; the samples arrived in good condition, properly preserved and, where required, on ice. The temperatures of the 2 coolers at receipt time were 1.3º C and 2.2º C. Receipt Exceptions The following sample was submitted for analysis; however, it was not listed on the Chain-of-Custody (COC): SB-3 Xtra(2'-4') (500-124191-14) (SB-3 Xtra 2'-4'). This sample is being stored, but not analyzed per request. GC/MS VOA Method(s) 8260B: The laboratory control sample (LCS) for 500-373197 recovered outside control limits for the following analyte: Bromomethane. This analyte was biased high in the LCS and was not detected in the associated samples; therefore, the data have been reported. Method(s) 8260B: The following sample was diluted due to the abundance of non-target analytes: SB-1 (10-12) (500-124191-13). Elevated reporting limits (RLs) are provided. No additional analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described above or in the Definitions/Glossary page. GC/MS Semi VOA Method(s) 8270D: The following samples was diluted due to the abundance of target and non-target analytes: SB-2 (10-12) (500-124191-4), SB-6 (0-2) (500-124191-5), SB-7 (0-2) (500-124191-8), SB-7 (0-2) (500-124191-8[MS]), SB-7 (0-2) (500-124191-8[MSD]) and SB-1 (10-12) (500-124191-13). Elevated reporting limits (RLs) are provided. Method(s) 8270D: The following samples required a dilution due to the nature of the sample matrix: SB-2 (10-12) (500-124191-4) and SB-8 (0-2) (500-124191-10). Because of this dilution, the surrogate spike concentration in the sample was reduced to a level where the recovery calculation does not provide useful information. Method(s) 8270D: Surrogate recovery for the following sample was outside control limits: SB-2 (10-12) (500-124191-4). Evidence of matrix interference is present; therefore, re-extraction and/or re-analysis was not performed. Method(s) 8270D: The following matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate (MS/MSD) recovered at 0% for one or more analytes. Data has been qualified and reported. SB-7 (0-2) (500-124191-8), SB-7 (0-2) (500-124191-8[MS]) and SB-7 (0-2) (500-124191-8[MSD]) Method(s) 8270D: The following samples contained one base surrogate outside acceptance limits: SB-1 (0-2) (500-124191-1), SB-1 (0-2) (500-124191-1[MS]), SB-1 (0-2) (500-124191-1[MSD]), SB-2 (0-2) (500-124191-3), SB-2 (10-12) (500-124191-4), SB-6 (0-2) (500-124191-5), SB-7 (0-2) (500-124191-8), SB-7 (0-2) (500-124191-8[MS]), SB-7 (0-2) (500-124191-8[MSD]), SB-8 (0-2) (500-124191-10) and SB-1 (10-12) (500-124191-13). The laboratory's SOP allows one acid and one base surrogate to be outside acceptance limits; therefore, re-extraction was not performed. These results have been reported and qualified. No additional analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described above or in the Definitions/Glossary page. Metals Method(s) 7471B: Dilutions were performed for the following samples: (500-124191-F-8-D PDS). These dilutions were prepared as follows: 0.01 mL of Hg Spike 2 mL of Sample and 8 mL of DI water Method(s) 7471B: Dilutions were performed for the following samples: SB-7 (0-2) (500-124191-8), SB-7 (0-2) (500-124191-8[MS]) and SB-7 (0-2) (500-124191-8[MSD]). These dilutions were prepared as follows: 2 mL of Sample and 8 mL of DI water TestAmerica ChicagoPage 3 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Case Narrative Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1 Project/Site: Powers Site SDG: 161-650.0008 Job ID: 500-124191-1 (Continued) Laboratory: TestAmerica Chicago (Continued) No additional analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described above or in the Definitions/Glossary page. Organic Prep No analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described in the Definitions/Glossary page. TestAmerica ChicagoPage 4 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Detection Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Client Sample ID: SB-1 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-1 ☼Acetone RL 17 ug/Kg MDL 7.2 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA1208260B ☼Acenaphthene 39 ug/Kg7.0 Total/NA129J8270D ☼Acenaphthylene 39 ug/Kg5.2 Total/NA125J8270D ☼Anthracene 39 ug/Kg6.5 Total/NA12308270D ☼Fluoranthene 39 ug/Kg7.3 Total/NA118008270D ☼Fluorene 39 ug/Kg5.5 Total/NA1648270D ☼2-Methylnaphthalene 79 ug/Kg7.2 Total/NA119J8270D ☼Naphthalene 39 ug/Kg6.0 Total/NA113J8270D ☼Phenanthrene 39 ug/Kg5.5 Total/NA110008270D ☼Benzo[a]anthracene - DL 78 ug/Kg11 Total/NA210008270D ☼Benzo[a]pyrene - DL 78 ug/Kg15 Total/NA27208270D ☼Benzo[b]fluoranthene - DL 78 ug/Kg17 Total/NA214008270D ☼Benzo[g,h,i]perylene - DL 78 ug/Kg25 Total/NA22208270D ☼Benzo[k]fluoranthene - DL 78 ug/Kg23 Total/NA26008270D ☼Chrysene - DL 78 ug/Kg21 Total/NA210008270D ☼Dibenz(a,h)anthracene - DL 78 ug/Kg15 Total/NA21308270D ☼Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene - DL 78 ug/Kg20 Total/NA22708270D ☼Pyrene - DL 78 ug/Kg16 Total/NA221008270D ☼Arsenic 2.3 mg/Kg1.4 Total/NA11.4 J 6010D ☼Barium 2.3 mg/Kg1.2 Total/NA1666010D ☼Cadmium 1.2 mg/Kg0.12 Total/NA10.70 J 6010D ☼Chromium 1.2 mg/Kg1.1 Total/NA1266010D ☼Lead 1.2 mg/Kg0.58 Total/NA1496010D ☼Selenium 2.3 mg/Kg1.3 Total/NA12.2 J 6010D ☼Mercury 0.12 mg/Kg0.035 Total/NA10.17 7471B Client Sample ID: SB-2 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-3 ☼Acenaphthene RL 39 ug/Kg MDL 7.1 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA1458270D ☼Acenaphthylene 39 ug/Kg5.2 Total/NA138J8270D ☼Anthracene 39 ug/Kg6.6 Total/NA11908270D ☼Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 200 ug/Kg72 Total/NA175J8270D ☼Dibenzofuran 200 ug/Kg46 Total/NA165J8270D ☼Fluoranthene 39 ug/Kg7.3 Total/NA115008270D ☼Fluorene 39 ug/Kg5.5 Total/NA1728270D ☼2-Methylnaphthalene 80 ug/Kg7.3 Total/NA154J8270D ☼Naphthalene 39 ug/Kg6.1 Total/NA1528270D ☼Phenanthrene 39 ug/Kg5.5 Total/NA15308270D ☼Benzo[a]anthracene - DL 78 ug/Kg11 Total/NA211008270D ☼Benzo[a]pyrene - DL 78 ug/Kg15 Total/NA211008270D ☼Benzo[b]fluoranthene - DL 78 ug/Kg17 Total/NA217008270D ☼Benzo[g,h,i]perylene - DL 78 ug/Kg25 Total/NA23608270D ☼Benzo[k]fluoranthene - DL 78 ug/Kg23 Total/NA27608270D ☼Chrysene - DL 78 ug/Kg22 Total/NA211008270D ☼Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene - DL 78 ug/Kg20 Total/NA23908270D ☼Pyrene - DL 78 ug/Kg16 Total/NA219008270D ☼Barium 2.4 mg/Kg1.2 Total/NA1686010D ☼Cadmium 1.2 mg/Kg0.12 Total/NA10.59 J 6010D ☼Chromium 1.2 mg/Kg1.1 Total/NA1246010D TestAmerica Chicago This Detection Summary does not include radiochemical test results. Page 5 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Detection Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Client Sample ID: SB-2 (0-2) (Continued)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-3 ☼Lead RL 1.2 mg/Kg MDL 0.61 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA1206010D ☼Selenium 2.4 mg/Kg1.3 Total/NA11.7 J 6010D ☼Mercury 0.12 mg/Kg0.037 Total/NA10.11 J 7471B Client Sample ID: SB-2 (10-12)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-4 ☼Acetone RL 18 ug/Kg MDL 7.7 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA1278260B ☼Methyl tert-butyl ether 1.8 ug/Kg0.52 Total/NA11.9 8260B ☼1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1.8 ug/Kg0.62 Total/NA14.0 8260B ☼Acenaphthene 200 ug/Kg36 Total/NA5140J8270D ☼Acenaphthylene 200 ug/Kg26 Total/NA572J8270D ☼Anthracene 200 ug/Kg33 Total/NA5190J8270D ☼Fluoranthene 200 ug/Kg37 Total/NA513008270D ☼Fluorene 200 ug/Kg28 Total/NA5160J8270D ☼2-Methylnaphthalene 400 ug/Kg37 Total/NA5370J8270D ☼Naphthalene 200 ug/Kg31 Total/NA52108270D ☼Phenanthrene 200 ug/Kg28 Total/NA57908270D ☼Benzo[a]anthracene - DL 400 ug/Kg54 Total/NA1011008270D ☼Benzo[a]pyrene - DL 400 ug/Kg77 Total/NA1016008270D ☼Benzo[b]fluoranthene - DL 400 ug/Kg86 Total/NA1025008270D ☼Benzo[g,h,i]perylene - DL 400 ug/Kg130 Total/NA108808270D ☼Benzo[k]fluoranthene - DL 400 ug/Kg120 Total/NA107508270D ☼Chrysene - DL 400 ug/Kg110 Total/NA1013008270D ☼Pyrene - DL 400 ug/Kg79 Total/NA1028008270D ☼Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate - DL2 10000 ug/Kg3600 Total/NA501100008270D ☼Arsenic 2.4 mg/Kg1.5 Total/NA13.0 6010D ☼Barium 2.4 mg/Kg1.2 Total/NA1336010D ☼Chromium 1.2 mg/Kg1.1 Total/NA1116010D ☼Lead 1.2 mg/Kg0.61 Total/NA1316010D ☼Mercury 0.12 mg/Kg0.036 Total/NA10.062 J 7471B Client Sample ID: SB-6 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-5 ☼Acenaphthene RL 180 ug/Kg MDL 33 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA52408270D ☼Acenaphthylene 180 ug/Kg24 Total/NA5110J8270D ☼Anthracene 180 ug/Kg30 Total/NA56708270D ☼Benzo[a]anthracene 180 ug/Kg24 Total/NA523008270D ☼Benzo[a]pyrene 180 ug/Kg35 Total/NA521008270D ☼Benzo[b]fluoranthene 180 ug/Kg39 Total/NA534008270D ☼Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 180 ug/Kg58 Total/NA58308270D ☼Benzo[k]fluoranthene 180 ug/Kg53 Total/NA513008270D ☼Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 910 ug/Kg330 Total/NA5450J8270D ☼Carbazole 910 ug/Kg450 Total/NA5540J8270D ☼Chrysene 180 ug/Kg49 Total/NA521008270D ☼Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 180 ug/Kg35 Total/NA53908270D ☼Fluoranthene 180 ug/Kg34 Total/NA543008270D ☼Fluorene 180 ug/Kg25 Total/NA52408270D ☼Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 180 ug/Kg47 Total/NA58808270D TestAmerica Chicago This Detection Summary does not include radiochemical test results. Page 6 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Detection Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Client Sample ID: SB-6 (0-2) (Continued)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-5 ☼2-Methylnaphthalene RL 370 ug/Kg MDL 33 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA5J698270D ☼Naphthalene 180 ug/Kg28 Total/NA5110J8270D ☼Phenanthrene 180 ug/Kg25 Total/NA523008270D ☼Pyrene 180 ug/Kg36 Total/NA545008270D ☼Barium 2.3 mg/Kg1.2 Total/NA1736010D ☼Cadmium 1.2 mg/Kg0.12 Total/NA10.51 J 6010D ☼Chromium 1.2 mg/Kg1.0 Total/NA1266010D ☼Lead 1.2 mg/Kg0.58 Total/NA1136010D ☼Selenium 2.3 mg/Kg1.3 Total/NA11.7 J 6010D ☼Mercury 0.11 mg/Kg0.034 Total/NA10.50 7471B Client Sample ID: SB-3 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-6 Barium RL 10 mg/L MDL 0.050 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type TCLP1J0.52 6010D Cadmium 0.10 mg/L0.0050 TCLP10.013 J 6010D Lead 0.50 mg/L0.020 TCLP11.5 6010D Client Sample ID: SB-4 (15-17)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-7 Barium RL 10 mg/L MDL 0.050 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type TCLP1J1.0 6010D Lead 0.50 mg/L0.020 TCLP10.19 J 6010D Client Sample ID: SB-7 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-8 ☼Acetone RL 17 ug/Kg MDL 7.4 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA1F1 F221 8260B ☼Acenaphthene 190 ug/Kg35 Total/NA53108270D ☼Acenaphthylene 190 ug/Kg25 Total/NA510008270D ☼Anthracene 190 ug/Kg32 Total/NA59708270D ☼Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 970 ug/Kg350 Total/NA5860J F1 8270D ☼Dibenzofuran 970 ug/Kg230 Total/NA5350J8270D ☼Fluorene 190 ug/Kg27 Total/NA55108270D ☼2-Methylnaphthalene 390 ug/Kg36 Total/NA55308270D ☼Naphthalene 190 ug/Kg30 Total/NA57508270D ☼Phenanthrene 190 ug/Kg27 Total/NA537008270D ☼Benzo[a]anthracene - DL 380 ug/Kg52 Total/NA1051008270D ☼Benzo[a]pyrene - DL 380 ug/Kg75 Total/NA1046008270D ☼Benzo[b]fluoranthene - DL 380 ug/Kg83 Total/NA1079008270D ☼Benzo[g,h,i]perylene - DL 380 ug/Kg120 Total/NA1018008270D ☼Benzo[k]fluoranthene - DL 380 ug/Kg110 Total/NA1034008270D ☼Chrysene - DL 380 ug/Kg110 Total/NA1047008270D ☼Dibenz(a,h)anthracene - DL 380 ug/Kg75 Total/NA108408270D ☼Fluoranthene - DL 380 ug/Kg72 Total/NA1073008270D ☼Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene - DL 380 ug/Kg100 Total/NA1019008270D ☼Pyrene - DL 380 ug/Kg77 Total/NA10110008270D ☼Barium 2.3 mg/Kg1.2 Total/NA1210F26010D ☼Cadmium 1.2 mg/Kg0.12 Total/NA10.42 J 6010D ☼Chromium 1.2 mg/Kg1.0 Total/NA168F1 F2 6010D TestAmerica Chicago This Detection Summary does not include radiochemical test results. Page 7 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Detection Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Client Sample ID: SB-7 (0-2) (Continued)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-8 ☼Lead RL 1.2 mg/Kg MDL 0.58 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA1F21006010D ☼Selenium 2.3 mg/Kg1.3 Total/NA11.9 J 6010D ☼Mercury 0.58 mg/Kg0.17 Total/NA51.5 7471B Client Sample ID: SB-7 (0-2) Dup Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-9 ☼Acenaphthene RL 40 ug/Kg MDL 7.1 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA1J148270D ☼Acenaphthylene 40 ug/Kg5.2 Total/NA13008270D ☼Anthracene 40 ug/Kg6.6 Total/NA11308270D ☼Benzo[a]anthracene 40 ug/Kg5.4 Total/NA15108270D ☼Benzo[a]pyrene 40 ug/Kg7.7 Total/NA15908270D ☼Benzo[b]fluoranthene 40 ug/Kg8.6 Total/NA18808270D ☼Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 40 ug/Kg13 Total/NA12208270D ☼Benzo[k]fluoranthene 40 ug/Kg12 Total/NA13908270D ☼Chrysene 40 ug/Kg11 Total/NA14708270D ☼Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 40 ug/Kg7.7 Total/NA1968270D ☼Fluoranthene 40 ug/Kg7.4 Total/NA14508270D ☼Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 40 ug/Kg10 Total/NA12308270D ☼2-Methylnaphthalene 80 ug/Kg7.3 Total/NA139J8270D ☼Naphthalene 40 ug/Kg6.1 Total/NA1608270D ☼Phenanthrene 40 ug/Kg5.5 Total/NA11608270D ☼Pyrene 40 ug/Kg7.9 Total/NA17508270D ☼Barium 2.4 mg/Kg1.2 Total/NA12106010D ☼Cadmium 1.2 mg/Kg0.12 Total/NA11.1 J 6010D ☼Chromium 1.2 mg/Kg1.1 Total/NA1106010D ☼Lead 1.2 mg/Kg0.60 Total/NA1186010D ☼Selenium 2.4 mg/Kg1.3 Total/NA13.1 6010D Client Sample ID: SB-8 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-10 ☼Acenaphthene RL 180 ug/Kg MDL 33 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA5J1508270D ☼Acenaphthylene 180 ug/Kg24 Total/NA535008270D ☼Anthracene 180 ug/Kg30 Total/NA514008270D ☼Dibenzofuran 910 ug/Kg210 Total/NA5410J8270D ☼Fluoranthene 180 ug/Kg34 Total/NA5110008270D ☼Fluorene 180 ug/Kg26 Total/NA54308270D ☼2-Methylnaphthalene 370 ug/Kg33 Total/NA510008270D ☼Naphthalene 180 ug/Kg28 Total/NA514008270D ☼Phenanthrene 180 ug/Kg25 Total/NA547008270D ☼Benzo[a]anthracene - DL 720 ug/Kg98 Total/NA20130008270D ☼Benzo[a]pyrene - DL 720 ug/Kg140 Total/NA20140008270D ☼Benzo[b]fluoranthene - DL 720 ug/Kg160 Total/NA20210008270D ☼Benzo[g,h,i]perylene - DL 720 ug/Kg230 Total/NA2057008270D ☼Benzo[k]fluoranthene - DL 720 ug/Kg210 Total/NA20110008270D ☼Chrysene - DL 720 ug/Kg200 Total/NA20120008270D ☼Dibenz(a,h)anthracene - DL 720 ug/Kg140 Total/NA2022008270D ☼Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene - DL 720 ug/Kg190 Total/NA2061008270D ☼Pyrene - DL 720 ug/Kg140 Total/NA20280008270D TestAmerica Chicago This Detection Summary does not include radiochemical test results. Page 8 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Detection Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Client Sample ID: SB-8 (0-2) (Continued)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-10 ☼Arsenic RL 2.2 mg/Kg MDL 1.3 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA1J1.5 6010D ☼Barium 2.2 mg/Kg1.1 Total/NA1926010D ☼Cadmium 1.1 mg/Kg0.11 Total/NA10.55 J 6010D ☼Chromium 1.1 mg/Kg1.0 Total/NA1376010D ☼Lead 1.1 mg/Kg0.55 Total/NA1336010D ☼Selenium 2.2 mg/Kg1.2 Total/NA11.9 J 6010D ☼Mercury 0.11 mg/Kg0.033 Total/NA10.080 J 7471B Client Sample ID: SB-9 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-11 ☼Acetone RL 16 ug/Kg MDL 6.9 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA1318260B ☼Acenaphthylene 37 ug/Kg4.9 Total/NA16.3 J 8270D ☼Benzo[a]anthracene 37 ug/Kg5.0 Total/NA128J8270D ☼Benzo[a]pyrene 37 ug/Kg7.2 Total/NA1658270D ☼Benzo[b]fluoranthene 37 ug/Kg8.1 Total/NA11108270D ☼Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 37 ug/Kg12 Total/NA1448270D ☼Benzo[k]fluoranthene 37 ug/Kg11 Total/NA134J8270D ☼Chrysene 37 ug/Kg10 Total/NA1378270D ☼Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 37 ug/Kg7.2 Total/NA133J8270D ☼Fluoranthene 37 ug/Kg6.9 Total/NA1608270D ☼Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 37 ug/Kg9.7 Total/NA1498270D ☼2-Methylnaphthalene 75 ug/Kg6.9 Total/NA118J8270D ☼Naphthalene 37 ug/Kg5.7 Total/NA16.9 J 8270D ☼Phenanthrene 37 ug/Kg5.2 Total/NA114J8270D ☼Pyrene 37 ug/Kg7.4 Total/NA1998270D ☼Arsenic 2.4 mg/Kg1.4 Total/NA11.4 J 6010D ☼Barium 2.4 mg/Kg1.2 Total/NA11406010D ☼Cadmium 1.2 mg/Kg0.12 Total/NA10.78 J 6010D ☼Chromium 1.2 mg/Kg1.1 Total/NA1146010D ☼Lead 1.2 mg/Kg0.59 Total/NA1296010D ☼Selenium 2.4 mg/Kg1.3 Total/NA11.6 J 6010D ☼Mercury 0.12 mg/Kg0.035 Total/NA10.087 J 7471B Client Sample ID: SB-5 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-12 ☼Acetone RL 17 ug/Kg MDL 7.4 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA1208260B ☼Acenaphthene 38 ug/Kg7.0 Total/NA128J8270D ☼Acenaphthylene 38 ug/Kg5.1 Total/NA17.7 J 8270D ☼Anthracene 38 ug/Kg6.5 Total/NA1668270D ☼Benzo[a]anthracene 38 ug/Kg5.2 Total/NA12108270D ☼Benzo[a]pyrene 38 ug/Kg7.5 Total/NA11808270D ☼Benzo[b]fluoranthene 38 ug/Kg8.4 Total/NA13108270D ☼Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 38 ug/Kg12 Total/NA1708270D ☼Benzo[k]fluoranthene 38 ug/Kg11 Total/NA11108270D ☼Chrysene 38 ug/Kg11 Total/NA12008270D ☼Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 38 ug/Kg7.5 Total/NA1478270D ☼Fluoranthene 38 ug/Kg7.2 Total/NA14008270D ☼Fluorene 38 ug/Kg5.4 Total/NA131J8270D TestAmerica Chicago This Detection Summary does not include radiochemical test results. Page 9 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Detection Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Client Sample ID: SB-5 (0-2) (Continued)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-12 ☼Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene RL 38 ug/Kg MDL 10 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA1808270D ☼Naphthalene 38 ug/Kg6.0 Total/NA114J8270D ☼Phenanthrene 38 ug/Kg5.4 Total/NA12408270D ☼Pyrene 38 ug/Kg7.7 Total/NA15008270D ☼Barium 2.4 mg/Kg1.2 Total/NA1846010D ☼Cadmium 1.2 mg/Kg0.12 Total/NA10.74 J 6010D ☼Chromium 1.2 mg/Kg1.1 Total/NA1266010D ☼Lead 1.2 mg/Kg0.60 Total/NA1126010D ☼Selenium 2.4 mg/Kg1.3 Total/NA12.2 J 6010D ☼Mercury 0.11 mg/Kg0.034 Total/NA10.29 7471B Client Sample ID: SB-1 (10-12)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-13 ☼Acenaphthene RL 41 ug/Kg MDL 7.4 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA12108270D ☼Acenaphthylene 41 ug/Kg5.5 Total/NA1658270D ☼Anthracene 41 ug/Kg6.9 Total/NA15408270D ☼Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 210 ug/Kg76 Total/NA1200J8270D ☼Carbazole 210 ug/Kg100 Total/NA1140J8270D ☼Dibenzofuran 210 ug/Kg48 Total/NA12208270D ☼Fluorene 41 ug/Kg5.8 Total/NA13708270D ☼2-Methylnaphthalene 83 ug/Kg7.6 Total/NA131J8270D ☼Naphthalene 41 ug/Kg6.4 Total/NA119J8270D ☼Phenanthrene 41 ug/Kg5.8 Total/NA119008270D ☼Benzo[a]anthracene - DL 410 ug/Kg56 Total/NA1022008270D ☼Benzo[a]pyrene - DL 410 ug/Kg80 Total/NA1017008270D ☼Benzo[b]fluoranthene - DL 410 ug/Kg89 Total/NA1029008270D ☼Benzo[g,h,i]perylene - DL 410 ug/Kg130 Total/NA106308270D ☼Benzo[k]fluoranthene - DL 410 ug/Kg120 Total/NA1011008270D ☼Chrysene - DL 410 ug/Kg110 Total/NA1020008270D ☼Dibenz(a,h)anthracene - DL 410 ug/Kg80 Total/NA104708270D ☼Fluoranthene - DL 410 ug/Kg77 Total/NA1059008270D ☼Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene - DL 410 ug/Kg110 Total/NA107308270D ☼Pyrene - DL 410 ug/Kg82 Total/NA1065008270D ☼Barium 2.5 mg/Kg1.2 Total/NA11406010D ☼Cadmium 1.2 mg/Kg0.12 Total/NA12.2 6010D ☼Chromium 1.2 mg/Kg1.1 Total/NA1866010D ☼Lead 1.2 mg/Kg0.62 Total/NA1586010D ☼Selenium 2.5 mg/Kg1.4 Total/NA13.9 6010D ☼Mercury 0.12 mg/Kg0.036 Total/NA10.10 J 7471B TestAmerica Chicago This Detection Summary does not include radiochemical test results. Page 10 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Method Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method Method Description LaboratoryProtocol SW8468260BVolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS)TAL CHI SW8468270DSemivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS)TAL CHI SW8466010DMetals (ICP)TAL NSH SW8467470AMercury (CVAA)TAL NSH SW8467471BMercury (CVAA)TAL NSH EPAMoisturePercent Moisture TAL CHI Protocol References: EPA = US Environmental Protection Agency SW846 = "Test Methods For Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods", Third Edition, November 1986 And Its Updates. Laboratory References: TAL CHI = TestAmerica Chicago, 2417 Bond Street, University Park, IL 60484, TEL (708)534-5200 TAL NSH = TestAmerica Nashville, 2960 Foster Creighton Drive, Nashville, TN 37204, TEL (615)726-0177 TestAmerica Chicago Page 11 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Sample Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID ReceivedCollectedMatrix 500-124191-1 SB-1 (0-2)Solid 02/21/17 11:45 02/22/17 10:30 500-124191-3 SB-2 (0-2)Solid 02/21/17 11:00 02/22/17 10:30 500-124191-4 SB-2 (10-12)Solid 02/21/17 11:30 02/22/17 10:30 500-124191-5 SB-6 (0-2)Solid 02/21/17 12:40 02/22/17 10:30 500-124191-6 SB-3 (0-2)Solid 02/21/17 12:20 02/22/17 10:30 500-124191-7 SB-4 (15-17)Solid 02/21/17 14:30 02/22/17 10:30 500-124191-8 SB-7 (0-2)Solid 02/21/17 14:00 02/22/17 10:30 500-124191-9 SB-7 (0-2) Dup Solid 02/21/17 14:00 02/22/17 10:30 500-124191-10 SB-8 (0-2)Solid 02/21/17 13:10 02/22/17 10:30 500-124191-11 SB-9 (0-2)Solid 02/21/17 13:00 02/22/17 10:30 500-124191-12 SB-5 (0-2)Solid 02/21/17 13:30 02/22/17 10:30 500-124191-13 SB-1 (10-12)Solid 02/21/17 12:00 02/22/17 10:30 TestAmerica Chicago Page 12 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-1Client Sample ID: SB-1 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 11:45 Percent Solids: 82.6Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) RL MDL Acetone 20 17 7.2 ug/Kg ☼02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 1.7 0.42 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼Benzene <1.7 1.7 0.57 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼Bromobenzene <1.7 1.7 0.51 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼Bromochloromethane <1.7 1.7 0.34 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼Bromodichloromethane <1.7 1.7 0.48 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼Bromoform <1.7 4.1 1.6 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼Bromomethane <4.1 * 4.1 0.86 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼Carbon disulfide <4.1 1.7 0.48 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼Carbon tetrachloride <1.7 1.7 0.61 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼Chlorobenzene <1.7 4.1 1.2 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼Chloroethane <4.1 1.7 0.57 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼Chloroform <1.7 4.1 1.7 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼Chloromethane <4.1 1.7 0.55 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼2-Chlorotoluene <1.7 1.7 0.74 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼4-Chlorotoluene <1.7 1.7 0.46 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <1.7 1.7 0.50 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <1.7 1.7 0.54 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼Dibromochloromethane <1.7 4.1 1.7 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <4.1 1.7 0.63 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼1,2-Dibromoethane <1.7 1.7 0.54 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼Dibromomethane <1.7 1.7 0.60 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼1,3-Dichlorobenzene <1.7 1.7 0.63 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼1,4-Dichlorobenzene <1.7 1.7 0.61 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼1,2-Dichlorobenzene <1.7 4.1 0.97 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼Dichlorodifluoromethane <4.1 1.7 0.57 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼1,1-Dichloroethane <1.7 4.1 1.3 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼1,2-Dichloroethane <4.1 1.7 0.57 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼1,1-Dichloroethene <1.7 17 8.3 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼2,2-Dichloropropane <17 1.7 0.43 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼1,2-Dichloropropane <1.7 1.7 0.41 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼1,3-Dichloropropane <1.7 1.7 0.44 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼1,1-Dichloropropene <1.7 1.7 0.79 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼Ethylbenzene <1.7 4.1 1.5 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼Hexachlorobutadiene <4.1 4.1 1.3 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼2-Hexanone <4.1 1.7 0.59 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼Isopropylbenzene <1.7 4.1 1.6 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼Methylene Chloride <4.1 4.1 1.8 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼Methyl Ethyl Ketone <4.1 4.1 1.2 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼methyl isobutyl ketone <4.1 1.7 0.48 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼Methyl tert-butyl ether <1.7 3.3 0.52 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼m&p-Xylene <3.3 4.1 1.8 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼Naphthalene <4.1 1.7 0.72 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼n-Butylbenzene <1.7 1.7 0.67 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼N-Propylbenzene <1.7 1.7 0.53 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼o-Xylene <1.7 1.7 0.67 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼p-Isopropyltoluene <1.7 1.7 0.73 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼sec-Butylbenzene <1.7 1.7 0.50 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼Styrene <1.7 1.7 0.57 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼tert-Butylbenzene <1.7 TestAmerica Chicago Page 13 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-1Client Sample ID: SB-1 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 11:45 Percent Solids: 82.6Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) RL MDL 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.7 1.7 0.38 ug/Kg ☼02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 1.7 0.53 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.7 1.7 0.56 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼Tetrachloroethene <1.7 1.7 0.42 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼Toluene <1.7 1.7 0.73 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <1.7 1.7 0.58 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <1.7 1.7 0.59 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <1.7 1.7 0.80 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <1.7 1.7 0.55 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼1,1,1-Trichloroethane <1.7 1.7 0.71 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼1,1,2-Trichloroethane <1.7 1.7 0.56 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼Trichloroethene <1.7 4.1 1.7 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼Trichlorofluoromethane <4.1 1.7 0.72 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼1,2,3-Trichloropropane <1.7 1.7 0.62 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <1.7 1.7 0.58 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <1.7 1.7 0.73 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1☼Vinyl chloride <1.7 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)103 70-120 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery Dibromofluoromethane 111 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 175-120 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr)128 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 169-134 Toluene-d8 (Surr)102 02/21/17 10:45 02/23/17 15:18 175-123 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) RL MDL Acenaphthene 29 J 39 7.0 ug/Kg ☼02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 39 5.2 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼Acenaphthylene 25 J 39 6.5 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼Anthracene 230 2000 390 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼Benzoic acid <2000 790 390 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼Benzyl alcohol <790 200 40 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane <200 200 59 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether <200 200 71 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate <200 200 52 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether <200 200 74 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼Butyl benzyl phthalate <200 200 98 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼Carbazole <200 790 180 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼4-Chloroaniline <790 390 130 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼4-Chloro-3-methylphenol <390 200 43 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼2-Chloronaphthalene <200 200 67 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼2-Chlorophenol <200 200 46 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether <200 200 46 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼Dibenzofuran <200 200 44 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼1,3-Dichlorobenzene <200 200 50 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼1,4-Dichlorobenzene <200 200 47 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼1,2-Dichlorobenzene <200 200 55 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine <200 390 93 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼2,4-Dichlorophenol <390 200 66 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼Diethyl phthalate <200 390 150 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼2,4-Dimethylphenol <390 200 51 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼Dimethyl phthalate <200 TestAmerica Chicago Page 14 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-1Client Sample ID: SB-1 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 11:45 Percent Solids: 82.6Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) RL MDL Di-n-butyl phthalate <200 200 60 ug/Kg ☼02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 790 310 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol <790 790 690 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼2,4-Dinitrophenol <790 200 77 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼2,6-Dinitrotoluene <200 200 62 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼2,4-Dinitrotoluene <200 200 64 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼Di-n-octyl phthalate <200 39 7.3 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼Fluoranthene 1800 39 5.5 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼Fluorene 64 79 9.1 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼Hexachlorobenzene <79 200 61 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼Hexachlorobutadiene <200 790 220 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼Hexachlorocyclopentadiene <790 200 59 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼Hexachloroethane <200 200 44 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼Isophorone <200 79 7.2 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼2-Methylnaphthalene 19 J 200 63 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼2-Methylphenol <200 200 65 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼3 & 4 Methylphenol <200 39 6.0 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼Naphthalene 13 J 200 53 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼2-Nitroaniline <200 390 120 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼3-Nitroaniline <390 390 160 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼4-Nitroaniline <390 39 9.8 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼Nitrobenzene <39 390 92 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼2-Nitrophenol <390 790 370 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼4-Nitrophenol <790 79 48 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine <79 200 46 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼N-Nitrosodiphenylamine <200 200 45 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼2,2'-oxybis[1-chloropropane]<200 790 630 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼Pentachlorophenol <790 39 5.5 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼Phenanthrene 1000 200 87 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼Phenol <200 200 42 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <200 390 130 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼2,4,6-Trichlorophenol <390 390 89 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1☼2,4,5-Trichlorophenol <390 1,4-Dioxane 3000 E ug/Kg ☼1.54 123-91-1 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1 Tentatively Identified Compound Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDQualifierEst. Result CAS No.RT ☼102/28/17 22:0402/27/17 07:15T JUnknown530 ug/Kg 1.64 ☼102/28/17 22:0402/27/17 07:15T JUnknown1100 ug/Kg 1.67 ☼102/28/17 22:0402/27/17 07:15T JUnknown1300 ug/Kg 1.70 ☼102/28/17 22:0402/27/17 07:15T JUnknown5200 ug/Kg 1.75 ☼102/28/17 22:0402/27/17 07:15T JUnknown20000 ug/Kg 1.79 ☼102/28/17 22:0402/27/17 07:15T J N2-Pentanone, 4-hydroxy-4-methyl-123-42-210000ug/Kg 3.57 ☼102/28/17 22:0402/27/17 07:15T J N2-Pentanone, 4-methoxy-4-methyl-107-70-06200ug/Kg 4.23 ☼102/28/17 22:0402/27/17 07:15T J NDodecane, 2,7,10-trimethyl-74645-98-0900ug/Kg 8.33 ☼102/28/17 22:0402/27/17 07:15T J NBenzo[e]pyrene 192-97-2500ug/Kg 12.82 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)83 42-115 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery 2-Fluorophenol (Surr)79 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 140-130 Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)73 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 133-124 Phenol-d5 (Surr)75 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 136-123 TestAmerica Chicago Page 15 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-1Client Sample ID: SB-1 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 11:45 Percent Solids: 82.6Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Terphenyl-d14 (Surr)185 X 25-150 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (Surr)92 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:04 125-130 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) - DL RL MDL Benzo[a]anthracene 1000 78 11 ug/Kg ☼02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 17:29 2 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 78 15 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 17:29 2☼Benzo[a]pyrene 720 78 17 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 17:29 2☼Benzo[b]fluoranthene 1400 78 25 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 17:29 2☼Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 220 78 23 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 17:29 2☼Benzo[k]fluoranthene 600 78 21 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 17:29 2☼Chrysene 1000 78 15 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 17:29 2☼Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 130 78 20 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 17:29 2☼Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 270 78 16 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 17:29 2☼Pyrene 2100 Tentatively Identified Compound None ug/Kg ☼02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 17:29 2 Tentatively Identified Compound Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDQualifierEst. Result CAS No.RT Method: 6010D - Metals (ICP) RL MDL Arsenic 1.4 J 2.3 1.4 mg/Kg ☼02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:10 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 2.3 1.2 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:10 1☼Barium 66 1.2 0.12 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:10 1☼Cadmium 0.70 J 1.2 1.1 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:10 1☼Chromium 26 1.2 0.58 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:10 1☼Lead 49 2.3 1.3 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:10 1☼Selenium 2.2 J 1.2 0.47 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:10 1☼Silver <1.2 Method: 7471B - Mercury (CVAA) RL MDL Mercury 0.17 0.12 0.035 mg/Kg ☼03/06/17 09:52 03/06/17 15:17 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier TestAmerica Chicago Page 16 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-3Client Sample ID: SB-2 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 11:00 Percent Solids: 81.8Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) RL MDL Acetone <17 17 7.6 ug/Kg ☼02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 1.7 0.44 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼Benzene <1.7 1.7 0.60 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼Bromobenzene <1.7 1.7 0.53 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼Bromochloromethane <1.7 1.7 0.35 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼Bromodichloromethane <1.7 1.7 0.51 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼Bromoform <1.7 4.3 1.6 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼Bromomethane <4.3 * 4.3 0.90 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼Carbon disulfide <4.3 1.7 0.50 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼Carbon tetrachloride <1.7 1.7 0.64 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼Chlorobenzene <1.7 4.3 1.3 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼Chloroethane <4.3 1.7 0.60 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼Chloroform <1.7 4.3 1.7 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼Chloromethane <4.3 1.7 0.58 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼2-Chlorotoluene <1.7 1.7 0.78 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼4-Chlorotoluene <1.7 1.7 0.48 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <1.7 1.7 0.52 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <1.7 1.7 0.57 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼Dibromochloromethane <1.7 4.3 1.7 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <4.3 1.7 0.66 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼1,2-Dibromoethane <1.7 1.7 0.57 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼Dibromomethane <1.7 1.7 0.63 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼1,3-Dichlorobenzene <1.7 1.7 0.66 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼1,4-Dichlorobenzene <1.7 1.7 0.65 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼1,2-Dichlorobenzene <1.7 4.3 1.0 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼Dichlorodifluoromethane <4.3 1.7 0.59 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼1,1-Dichloroethane <1.7 4.3 1.4 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼1,2-Dichloroethane <4.3 1.7 0.60 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼1,1-Dichloroethene <1.7 17 8.7 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼2,2-Dichloropropane <17 1.7 0.45 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼1,2-Dichloropropane <1.7 1.7 0.43 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼1,3-Dichloropropane <1.7 1.7 0.46 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼1,1-Dichloropropene <1.7 1.7 0.83 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼Ethylbenzene <1.7 4.3 1.6 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼Hexachlorobutadiene <4.3 4.3 1.4 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼2-Hexanone <4.3 1.7 0.62 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼Isopropylbenzene <1.7 4.3 1.7 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼Methylene Chloride <4.3 4.3 1.9 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼Methyl Ethyl Ketone <4.3 4.3 1.3 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼methyl isobutyl ketone <4.3 1.7 0.51 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼Methyl tert-butyl ether <1.7 3.5 0.55 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼m&p-Xylene <3.5 4.3 1.9 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼Naphthalene <4.3 1.7 0.76 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼n-Butylbenzene <1.7 1.7 0.71 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼N-Propylbenzene <1.7 1.7 0.55 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼o-Xylene <1.7 1.7 0.71 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼p-Isopropyltoluene <1.7 1.7 0.77 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼sec-Butylbenzene <1.7 1.7 0.52 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼Styrene <1.7 1.7 0.60 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼tert-Butylbenzene <1.7 TestAmerica Chicago Page 17 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-3Client Sample ID: SB-2 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 11:00 Percent Solids: 81.8Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) RL MDL 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.7 1.7 0.40 ug/Kg ☼02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 1.7 0.55 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.7 1.7 0.59 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼Tetrachloroethene <1.7 1.7 0.44 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼Toluene <1.7 1.7 0.77 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <1.7 1.7 0.61 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <1.7 1.7 0.62 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <1.7 1.7 0.84 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <1.7 1.7 0.58 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼1,1,1-Trichloroethane <1.7 1.7 0.74 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼1,1,2-Trichloroethane <1.7 1.7 0.59 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼Trichloroethene <1.7 4.3 1.8 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼Trichlorofluoromethane <4.3 1.7 0.76 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼1,2,3-Trichloropropane <1.7 1.7 0.65 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <1.7 1.7 0.61 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <1.7 1.7 0.77 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1☼Vinyl chloride <1.7 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)104 70-120 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery Dibromofluoromethane 109 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 175-120 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr)126 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 169-134 Toluene-d8 (Surr)100 02/21/17 10:00 02/23/17 15:43 175-123 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) RL MDL Acenaphthene 45 39 7.1 ug/Kg ☼02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 39 5.2 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼Acenaphthylene 38 J 39 6.6 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼Anthracene 190 2000 390 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼Benzoic acid <2000 800 390 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼Benzyl alcohol <800 200 40 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane <200 200 59 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether <200 200 72 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 75 J 200 52 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether <200 200 75 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼Butyl benzyl phthalate <200 200 99 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼Carbazole <200 800 190 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼4-Chloroaniline <800 390 130 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼4-Chloro-3-methylphenol <390 200 44 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼2-Chloronaphthalene <200 200 67 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼2-Chlorophenol <200 200 46 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether <200 39 7.6 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼Dibenz(a,h)anthracene <39 200 46 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼Dibenzofuran 65 J 200 44 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼1,3-Dichlorobenzene <200 200 51 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼1,4-Dichlorobenzene <200 200 47 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼1,2-Dichlorobenzene <200 200 55 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine <200 390 94 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼2,4-Dichlorophenol <390 200 67 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼Diethyl phthalate <200 390 150 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼2,4-Dimethylphenol <390 TestAmerica Chicago Page 18 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-3Client Sample ID: SB-2 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 11:00 Percent Solids: 81.8Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) RL MDL Dimethyl phthalate <200 200 52 ug/Kg ☼02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 200 60 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼Di-n-butyl phthalate <200 800 320 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol <800 800 690 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼2,4-Dinitrophenol <800 200 78 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼2,6-Dinitrotoluene <200 200 63 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼2,4-Dinitrotoluene <200 200 64 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼Di-n-octyl phthalate <200 39 7.3 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼Fluoranthene 1500 39 5.5 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼Fluorene 72 80 9.1 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼Hexachlorobenzene <80 200 62 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼Hexachlorobutadiene <200 800 230 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼Hexachlorocyclopentadiene <800 200 60 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼Hexachloroethane <200 200 44 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼Isophorone <200 80 7.3 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼2-Methylnaphthalene 54 J 200 63 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼2-Methylphenol <200 200 66 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼3 & 4 Methylphenol <200 39 6.1 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼Naphthalene 52 200 53 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼2-Nitroaniline <200 390 120 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼3-Nitroaniline <390 390 170 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼4-Nitroaniline <390 39 9.8 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼Nitrobenzene <39 390 93 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼2-Nitrophenol <390 800 380 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼4-Nitrophenol <800 80 48 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine <80 200 47 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼N-Nitrosodiphenylamine <200 200 46 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼2,2'-oxybis[1-chloropropane]<200 800 630 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼Pentachlorophenol <800 39 5.5 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼Phenanthrene 530 200 88 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼Phenol <200 200 43 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <200 390 140 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼2,4,6-Trichlorophenol <390 390 90 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1☼2,4,5-Trichlorophenol <390 Unknown 39000 T J ug/Kg ☼1.62 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1 Tentatively Identified Compound Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDQualifierEst. Result CAS No.RT ☼102/28/17 22:3102/27/17 07:15T J NMethanethioamide, N,N-dimethyl-758-16-7580ug/Kg 1.69 ☼102/28/17 22:3102/27/17 07:15T J NPropane, 2,2-dimethoxy-77-76-91300ug/Kg 1.80 ☼102/28/17 22:3102/27/17 07:15T JUnknown23000 ug/Kg 1.88 ☼102/28/17 22:3102/27/17 07:15T JUnknown380 ug/Kg 2.02 ☼102/28/17 22:3102/27/17 07:15T J N2-Pentanone, 4-hydroxy-4-methyl-123-42-210000ug/Kg 3.62 ☼102/28/17 22:3102/27/17 07:15T J N2-Pentanone, 4-methoxy-4-methyl-107-70-06300ug/Kg 4.25 ☼102/28/17 22:3102/27/17 07:15T J NDodecane, 2,6,11-trimethyl-31295-56-4220ug/Kg 8.33 ☼102/28/17 22:3102/27/17 07:15T J N4H-Cyclopenta[def]phenanthrene 203-64-5190ug/Kg 9.23 ☼102/28/17 22:3102/27/17 07:15T J NBenzo[e]pyrene 192-97-2530ug/Kg 12.83 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)87 42-115 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery 2-Fluorophenol (Surr)81 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 140-130 Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)76 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 133-124 TestAmerica Chicago Page 19 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-3Client Sample ID: SB-2 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 11:00 Percent Solids: 81.8Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Phenol-d5 (Surr)78 36-123 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery Terphenyl-d14 (Surr)183 X 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 125-150 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (Surr)95 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:31 125-130 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) - DL RL MDL Benzo[a]anthracene 1100 78 11 ug/Kg ☼02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 17:55 2 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 78 15 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 17:55 2☼Benzo[a]pyrene 1100 78 17 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 17:55 2☼Benzo[b]fluoranthene 1700 78 25 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 17:55 2☼Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 360 78 23 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 17:55 2☼Benzo[k]fluoranthene 760 78 22 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 17:55 2☼Chrysene 1100 78 20 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 17:55 2☼Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 390 78 16 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 17:55 2☼Pyrene 1900 Tentatively Identified Compound None ug/Kg ☼02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 17:55 2 Tentatively Identified Compound Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDQualifierEst. Result CAS No.RT Method: 6010D - Metals (ICP) RL MDL Arsenic <2.4 2.4 1.5 mg/Kg ☼02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:15 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 2.4 1.2 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:15 1☼Barium 68 1.2 0.12 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:15 1☼Cadmium 0.59 J 1.2 1.1 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:15 1☼Chromium 24 1.2 0.61 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:15 1☼Lead 20 2.4 1.3 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:15 1☼Selenium 1.7 J 1.2 0.49 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:15 1☼Silver <1.2 Method: 7471B - Mercury (CVAA) RL MDL Mercury 0.11 J 0.12 0.037 mg/Kg ☼03/06/17 09:52 03/06/17 16:17 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier TestAmerica Chicago Page 20 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-4Client Sample ID: SB-2 (10-12) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 11:30 Percent Solids: 79.9Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) RL MDL Acetone 27 18 7.7 ug/Kg ☼02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 1.8 0.45 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼Benzene <1.8 1.8 0.61 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼Bromobenzene <1.8 1.8 0.54 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼Bromochloromethane <1.8 1.8 0.36 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼Bromodichloromethane <1.8 1.8 0.52 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼Bromoform <1.8 4.4 1.7 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼Bromomethane <4.4 * 4.4 0.92 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼Carbon disulfide <4.4 1.8 0.51 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼Carbon tetrachloride <1.8 1.8 0.65 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼Chlorobenzene <1.8 4.4 1.3 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼Chloroethane <4.4 1.8 0.61 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼Chloroform <1.8 4.4 1.8 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼Chloromethane <4.4 1.8 0.59 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼2-Chlorotoluene <1.8 1.8 0.79 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼4-Chlorotoluene <1.8 1.8 0.49 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <1.8 1.8 0.53 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <1.8 1.8 0.58 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼Dibromochloromethane <1.8 4.4 1.8 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <4.4 1.8 0.68 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼1,2-Dibromoethane <1.8 1.8 0.58 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼Dibromomethane <1.8 1.8 0.64 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼1,3-Dichlorobenzene <1.8 1.8 0.68 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼1,4-Dichlorobenzene <1.8 1.8 0.66 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼1,2-Dichlorobenzene <1.8 4.4 1.0 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼Dichlorodifluoromethane <4.4 1.8 0.61 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼1,1-Dichloroethane <1.8 4.4 1.4 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼1,2-Dichloroethane <4.4 1.8 0.61 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼1,1-Dichloroethene <1.8 18 8.9 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼2,2-Dichloropropane <18 1.8 0.46 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼1,2-Dichloropropane <1.8 1.8 0.44 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼1,3-Dichloropropane <1.8 1.8 0.47 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼1,1-Dichloropropene <1.8 1.8 0.85 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼Ethylbenzene <1.8 4.4 1.6 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼Hexachlorobutadiene <4.4 4.4 1.4 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼2-Hexanone <4.4 1.8 0.64 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼Isopropylbenzene <1.8 4.4 1.7 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼Methylene Chloride <4.4 4.4 2.0 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼Methyl Ethyl Ketone <4.4 4.4 1.3 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼methyl isobutyl ketone <4.4 1.8 0.52 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼Methyl tert-butyl ether 1.9 3.5 0.56 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼m&p-Xylene <3.5 4.4 1.9 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼Naphthalene <4.4 1.8 0.77 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼n-Butylbenzene <1.8 1.8 0.72 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼N-Propylbenzene <1.8 1.8 0.57 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼o-Xylene <1.8 1.8 0.72 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼p-Isopropyltoluene <1.8 1.8 0.79 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼sec-Butylbenzene <1.8 1.8 0.53 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼Styrene <1.8 1.8 0.62 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼tert-Butylbenzene <1.8 TestAmerica Chicago Page 21 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-4Client Sample ID: SB-2 (10-12) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 11:30 Percent Solids: 79.9Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) RL MDL 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.8 1.8 0.41 ug/Kg ☼02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 1.8 0.57 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.8 1.8 0.60 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼Tetrachloroethene <1.8 1.8 0.45 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼Toluene <1.8 1.8 0.78 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <1.8 1.8 0.62 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <1.8 1.8 0.64 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <1.8 1.8 0.86 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <1.8 1.8 0.59 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼1,1,1-Trichloroethane <1.8 1.8 0.76 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼1,1,2-Trichloroethane <1.8 1.8 0.60 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼Trichloroethene <1.8 4.4 1.8 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼Trichlorofluoromethane <4.4 1.8 0.78 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼1,2,3-Trichloropropane <1.8 1.8 0.67 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <1.8 1.8 0.62 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 4.0 1.8 0.78 ug/Kg 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1☼Vinyl chloride <1.8 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)102 70-120 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery Dibromofluoromethane 110 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 175-120 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr)128 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 169-134 Toluene-d8 (Surr)104 02/21/17 10:30 02/23/17 19:32 175-123 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) RL MDL Acenaphthene 140 J 200 36 ug/Kg ☼02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 200 26 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼Acenaphthylene 72 J 200 33 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼Anthracene 190 J 10000 2000 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼Benzoic acid <10000 4000 2000 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼Benzyl alcohol <4000 1000 200 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane <1000 1000 300 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether <1000 1000 260 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether <1000 1000 380 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼Butyl benzyl phthalate <1000 1000 500 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼Carbazole <1000 4000 940 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼4-Chloroaniline <4000 2000 680 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼4-Chloro-3-methylphenol <2000 1000 220 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼2-Chloronaphthalene <1000 1000 340 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼2-Chlorophenol <1000 1000 230 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether <1000 200 38 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼Dibenz(a,h)anthracene <200 1000 230 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼Dibenzofuran <1000 1000 220 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼1,3-Dichlorobenzene <1000 1000 260 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼1,4-Dichlorobenzene <1000 1000 240 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼1,2-Dichlorobenzene <1000 1000 280 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine <1000 2000 470 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼2,4-Dichlorophenol <2000 1000 340 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼Diethyl phthalate <1000 2000 760 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼2,4-Dimethylphenol <2000 1000 260 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼Dimethyl phthalate <1000 TestAmerica Chicago Page 22 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-4Client Sample ID: SB-2 (10-12) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 11:30 Percent Solids: 79.9Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) RL MDL Di-n-butyl phthalate <1000 1000 300 ug/Kg ☼02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 4000 1600 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol <4000 4000 3500 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼2,4-Dinitrophenol <4000 1000 390 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼2,6-Dinitrotoluene <1000 1000 320 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼2,4-Dinitrotoluene <1000 1000 320 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼Di-n-octyl phthalate <1000 200 37 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼Fluoranthene 1300 200 28 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼Fluorene 160 J 400 46 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼Hexachlorobenzene <400 1000 310 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼Hexachlorobutadiene <1000 4000 1100 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼Hexachlorocyclopentadiene <4000 1000 300 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼Hexachloroethane <1000 200 52 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene <200 1000 220 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼Isophorone <1000 400 37 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼2-Methylnaphthalene 370 J 1000 320 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼2-Methylphenol <1000 1000 330 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼3 & 4 Methylphenol <1000 200 31 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼Naphthalene 210 1000 270 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼2-Nitroaniline <1000 2000 620 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼3-Nitroaniline <2000 2000 830 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼4-Nitroaniline <2000 200 50 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼Nitrobenzene <200 2000 470 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼2-Nitrophenol <2000 4000 1900 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼4-Nitrophenol <4000 400 240 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine <400 1000 240 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼N-Nitrosodiphenylamine <1000 1000 230 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼2,2'-oxybis[1-chloropropane]<1000 4000 3200 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼Pentachlorophenol <4000 200 28 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼Phenanthrene 790 1000 440 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼Phenol <1000 1000 210 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <1000 2000 680 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼2,4,6-Trichlorophenol <2000 2000 450 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5☼2,4,5-Trichlorophenol <2000 Propane, 2,2-dimethoxy-53000 T J N ug/Kg ☼1.63 77-76-9 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5 Tentatively Identified Compound Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDQualifierEst. Result CAS No.RT ☼502/28/17 22:5702/27/17 07:15T J N2-Pentanone, 4-hydroxy-4-methyl-123-42-211000ug/Kg 3.43 ☼502/28/17 22:5702/27/17 07:15T J N2-Pentanone, 4-methoxy-4-methyl-107-70-06700ug/Kg 4.17 ☼502/28/17 22:5702/27/17 07:15T J NUndecane 1120-21-41900ug/Kg 7.34 ☼502/28/17 22:5702/27/17 07:15T J N2H-2,4a-Methanonaphthalene, 1,3,4,5,6,7-hexahydro-1,1,5,5-te 1135-66-65200ug/Kg 7.44 ☼502/28/17 22:5702/27/17 07:15T J NDecane, 2,6,8-trimethyl-62108-26-31100ug/Kg 8.11 ☼502/28/17 22:5702/27/17 07:15T J NDodecane, 2,7,10-trimethyl-74645-98-02600ug/Kg 8.33 ☼502/28/17 22:5702/27/17 07:15T J NDodecane, 2,7,10-trimethyl-74645-98-0850ug/Kg 8.71 ☼502/28/17 22:5702/27/17 07:15T J NQuinoline, 4-nitro-, 1-oxide 56-57-5760ug/Kg 9.24 ☼502/28/17 22:5702/27/17 07:15T JUnknown7500 ug/Kg 9.52 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)95 42-115 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery 2-Fluorophenol (Surr)87 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 540-130 TestAmerica Chicago Page 23 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-4Client Sample ID: SB-2 (10-12) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 11:30 Percent Solids: 79.9Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)80 33-124 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 5 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery Phenol-d5 (Surr)81 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 536-123 Terphenyl-d14 (Surr)211 X 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 525-150 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (Surr)101 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 22:57 525-130 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) - DL RL MDL Benzo[a]anthracene 1100 400 54 ug/Kg ☼02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:20 10 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 400 77 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:20 10☼Benzo[a]pyrene 1600 400 86 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:20 10☼Benzo[b]fluoranthene 2500 400 130 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:20 10☼Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 880 400 120 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:20 10☼Benzo[k]fluoranthene 750 400 110 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:20 10☼Chrysene 1300 400 79 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:20 10☼Pyrene 2800 Tentatively Identified Compound None ug/Kg ☼02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:20 10 Tentatively Identified Compound Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDQualifierEst. Result CAS No.RT Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) - DL2 RL MDL Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 110000 10000 3600 ug/Kg ☼02/27/17 07:15 03/07/17 10:46 50 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier Tentatively Identified Compound None ug/Kg ☼02/27/17 07:15 03/07/17 10:46 50 Tentatively Identified Compound Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDQualifierEst. Result CAS No.RT Method: 6010D - Metals (ICP) RL MDL Arsenic 3.0 2.4 1.5 mg/Kg ☼02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:30 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 2.4 1.2 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:30 1☼Barium 33 1.2 0.12 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:30 1☼Cadmium <1.2 1.2 1.1 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:30 1☼Chromium 11 1.2 0.61 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:30 1☼Lead 31 2.4 1.3 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:30 1☼Selenium <2.4 1.2 0.49 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:30 1☼Silver <1.2 Method: 7471B - Mercury (CVAA) RL MDL Mercury 0.062 J 0.12 0.036 mg/Kg ☼03/06/17 09:52 03/06/17 15:27 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier TestAmerica Chicago Page 24 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-5Client Sample ID: SB-6 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 12:40 Percent Solids: 86.5Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) RL MDL Acetone <17 17 7.2 ug/Kg ☼02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 1.7 0.42 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼Benzene <1.7 1.7 0.57 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼Bromobenzene <1.7 1.7 0.51 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼Bromochloromethane <1.7 1.7 0.34 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼Bromodichloromethane <1.7 1.7 0.48 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼Bromoform <1.7 4.1 1.6 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼Bromomethane <4.1 * 4.1 0.86 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼Carbon disulfide <4.1 1.7 0.48 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼Carbon tetrachloride <1.7 1.7 0.61 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼Chlorobenzene <1.7 4.1 1.2 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼Chloroethane <4.1 1.7 0.57 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼Chloroform <1.7 4.1 1.7 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼Chloromethane <4.1 1.7 0.55 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼2-Chlorotoluene <1.7 1.7 0.74 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼4-Chlorotoluene <1.7 1.7 0.46 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <1.7 1.7 0.50 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <1.7 1.7 0.54 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼Dibromochloromethane <1.7 4.1 1.7 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <4.1 1.7 0.63 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼1,2-Dibromoethane <1.7 1.7 0.54 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼Dibromomethane <1.7 1.7 0.60 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼1,3-Dichlorobenzene <1.7 1.7 0.63 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼1,4-Dichlorobenzene <1.7 1.7 0.62 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼1,2-Dichlorobenzene <1.7 4.1 0.98 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼Dichlorodifluoromethane <4.1 1.7 0.57 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼1,1-Dichloroethane <1.7 4.1 1.3 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼1,2-Dichloroethane <4.1 1.7 0.57 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼1,1-Dichloroethene <1.7 17 8.3 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼2,2-Dichloropropane <17 1.7 0.43 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼1,2-Dichloropropane <1.7 1.7 0.41 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼1,3-Dichloropropane <1.7 1.7 0.44 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼1,1-Dichloropropene <1.7 1.7 0.79 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼Ethylbenzene <1.7 4.1 1.5 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼Hexachlorobutadiene <4.1 4.1 1.3 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼2-Hexanone <4.1 1.7 0.60 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼Isopropylbenzene <1.7 4.1 1.6 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼Methylene Chloride <4.1 4.1 1.8 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼Methyl Ethyl Ketone <4.1 4.1 1.2 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼methyl isobutyl ketone <4.1 1.7 0.49 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼Methyl tert-butyl ether <1.7 3.3 0.52 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼m&p-Xylene <3.3 4.1 1.8 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼Naphthalene <4.1 1.7 0.72 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼n-Butylbenzene <1.7 1.7 0.67 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼N-Propylbenzene <1.7 1.7 0.53 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼o-Xylene <1.7 1.7 0.67 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼p-Isopropyltoluene <1.7 1.7 0.74 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼sec-Butylbenzene <1.7 1.7 0.50 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼Styrene <1.7 1.7 0.57 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼tert-Butylbenzene <1.7 TestAmerica Chicago Page 25 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-5Client Sample ID: SB-6 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 12:40 Percent Solids: 86.5Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) RL MDL 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.7 1.7 0.38 ug/Kg ☼02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 1.7 0.53 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.7 1.7 0.56 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼Tetrachloroethene <1.7 1.7 0.42 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼Toluene <1.7 1.7 0.73 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <1.7 1.7 0.58 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <1.7 1.7 0.60 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <1.7 1.7 0.80 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <1.7 1.7 0.55 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼1,1,1-Trichloroethane <1.7 1.7 0.71 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼1,1,2-Trichloroethane <1.7 1.7 0.56 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼Trichloroethene <1.7 4.1 1.7 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼Trichlorofluoromethane <4.1 1.7 0.73 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼1,2,3-Trichloropropane <1.7 1.7 0.62 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <1.7 1.7 0.58 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <1.7 1.7 0.73 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1☼Vinyl chloride <1.7 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)103 70-120 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery Dibromofluoromethane 107 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 175-120 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr)127 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 169-134 Toluene-d8 (Surr)100 02/21/17 11:40 02/23/17 16:09 175-123 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) RL MDL Acenaphthene 240 180 33 ug/Kg ☼02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 180 24 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼Acenaphthylene 110 J 180 30 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼Anthracene 670 180 24 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼Benzo[a]anthracene 2300 180 35 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼Benzo[a]pyrene 2100 180 39 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼Benzo[b]fluoranthene 3400 180 58 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 830 9100 1800 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼Benzoic acid <9100 180 53 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼Benzo[k]fluoranthene 1300 3700 1800 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼Benzyl alcohol <3700 910 180 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane <910 910 270 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether <910 910 330 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 450 J 910 240 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether <910 910 340 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼Butyl benzyl phthalate <910 910 450 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼Carbazole 540 J 3700 850 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼4-Chloroaniline <3700 1800 620 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼4-Chloro-3-methylphenol <1800 910 200 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼2-Chloronaphthalene <910 910 310 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼2-Chlorophenol <910 910 210 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether <910 180 49 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼Chrysene 2100 180 35 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 390 910 210 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼Dibenzofuran <910 910 200 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼1,3-Dichlorobenzene <910 TestAmerica Chicago Page 26 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-5Client Sample ID: SB-6 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 12:40 Percent Solids: 86.5Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) RL MDL 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <910 910 230 ug/Kg ☼02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 910 220 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼1,2-Dichlorobenzene <910 910 250 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine <910 1800 430 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼2,4-Dichlorophenol <1800 910 310 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼Diethyl phthalate <910 1800 690 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼2,4-Dimethylphenol <1800 910 240 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼Dimethyl phthalate <910 910 280 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼Di-n-butyl phthalate <910 3700 1500 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol <3700 3700 3200 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼2,4-Dinitrophenol <3700 910 360 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼2,6-Dinitrotoluene <910 910 290 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼2,4-Dinitrotoluene <910 910 300 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼Di-n-octyl phthalate <910 180 34 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼Fluoranthene 4300 180 25 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼Fluorene 240 370 42 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼Hexachlorobenzene <370 910 280 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼Hexachlorobutadiene <910 3700 1000 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼Hexachlorocyclopentadiene <3700 910 280 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼Hexachloroethane <910 180 47 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 880 910 200 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼Isophorone <910 370 33 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼2-Methylnaphthalene 69 J 910 290 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼2-Methylphenol <910 910 300 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼3 & 4 Methylphenol <910 180 28 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼Naphthalene 110 J 910 240 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼2-Nitroaniline <910 1800 560 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼3-Nitroaniline <1800 1800 760 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼4-Nitroaniline <1800 180 45 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼Nitrobenzene <180 1800 430 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼2-Nitrophenol <1800 3700 1700 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼4-Nitrophenol <3700 370 220 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine <370 910 210 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼N-Nitrosodiphenylamine <910 910 210 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼2,2'-oxybis[1-chloropropane]<910 3700 2900 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼Pentachlorophenol <3700 180 25 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼Phenanthrene 2300 910 400 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼Phenol <910 180 36 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼Pyrene 4500 910 200 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <910 1800 620 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼2,4,6-Trichlorophenol <1800 1800 410 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5☼2,4,5-Trichlorophenol <1800 Unknown 1400 T J ug/Kg ☼2.74 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5 Tentatively Identified Compound Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDQualifierEst. Result CAS No.RT ☼503/01/17 18:4602/27/17 07:15T JUnknown360 ug/Kg 2.87 ☼503/01/17 18:4602/27/17 07:15T J NPropane, 2,2-dimethoxy-77-76-91500ug/Kg 2.91 ☼503/01/17 18:4602/27/17 07:15T J NButane, 2-methoxy-2-methyl-994-05-8530ug/Kg 3.22 ☼503/01/17 18:4602/27/17 07:15T J NPropane, 1,1-dimethoxy-4744-10-9700ug/Kg 3.28 ☼503/01/17 18:4602/27/17 07:15T J N2-Pentanone, 4-hydroxy-4-methyl-123-42-27900ug/Kg 4.75 ☼503/01/17 18:4602/27/17 07:15T J N2-Pentanone, 4-methoxy-4-methyl-107-70-05400ug/Kg 5.30 TestAmerica Chicago Page 27 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-5Client Sample ID: SB-6 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 12:40 Percent Solids: 86.5Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) (6H)Cyclobuta[jk]phenanthrene 620 T J ug/Kg ☼10.38 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5 Tentatively Identified Compound Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDQualifierEst. Result CAS No.RT ☼503/01/17 18:4602/27/17 07:15T J NPhenol, 2,2'-methylenebis-2467-02-9920ug/Kg 10.54 ☼503/01/17 18:4602/27/17 07:15T J NPhenol, 4,4'-methylenebis-620-92-81100ug/Kg 10.79 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)109 42-115 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 5 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery 2-Fluorophenol (Surr)109 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 540-130 Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)86 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 533-124 Phenol-d5 (Surr)110 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 536-123 Terphenyl-d14 (Surr)161 X 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 525-150 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (Surr)102 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 18:46 525-130 Method: 6010D - Metals (ICP) RL MDL Arsenic <2.3 2.3 1.4 mg/Kg ☼02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:35 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 2.3 1.2 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:35 1☼Barium 73 1.2 0.12 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:35 1☼Cadmium 0.51 J 1.2 1.0 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:35 1☼Chromium 26 1.2 0.58 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:35 1☼Lead 13 2.3 1.3 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:35 1☼Selenium 1.7 J 1.2 0.47 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:35 1☼Silver <1.2 Method: 7471B - Mercury (CVAA) RL MDL Mercury 0.50 0.11 0.034 mg/Kg ☼03/06/17 09:52 03/06/17 15:30 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier TestAmerica Chicago Page 28 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-6Client Sample ID: SB-3 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 12:20 Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 6010D - Metals (ICP) - TCLP RL MDL Arsenic <0.50 0.50 0.086 mg/L 02/24/17 12:15 02/27/17 12:44 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 10 0.050 mg/L 02/24/17 12:15 02/27/17 12:44 1Barium0.52 J 0.10 0.0050 mg/L 02/24/17 12:15 02/27/17 12:44 1Cadmium0.013 J 0.50 0.030 mg/L 02/24/17 12:15 02/27/17 12:44 1Chromium<0.50 0.50 0.020 mg/L 02/24/17 12:15 02/27/17 12:44 1Lead1.5 0.10 0.050 mg/L 02/24/17 12:15 02/27/17 12:44 1Selenium<0.10 0.50 0.030 mg/L 02/24/17 12:15 02/27/17 12:44 1Silver<0.50 Method: 7470A - Mercury (CVAA) - TCLP RL MDL Mercury <0.0020 0.0020 0.0010 mg/L 02/24/17 11:30 02/24/17 16:31 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier TestAmerica Chicago Page 29 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-7Client Sample ID: SB-4 (15-17) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 14:30 Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 6010D - Metals (ICP) - TCLP RL MDL Arsenic <0.50 0.50 0.086 mg/L 02/24/17 12:15 02/27/17 13:00 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 10 0.050 mg/L 02/24/17 12:15 02/27/17 13:00 1Barium1.0 J 0.10 0.0050 mg/L 02/24/17 12:15 02/27/17 13:00 1Cadmium<0.10 0.50 0.030 mg/L 02/24/17 12:15 02/27/17 13:00 1Chromium<0.50 0.50 0.020 mg/L 02/24/17 12:15 02/27/17 13:00 1Lead0.19 J 0.10 0.050 mg/L 02/24/17 12:15 02/27/17 13:00 1Selenium<0.10 0.50 0.030 mg/L 02/24/17 12:15 02/27/17 13:00 1Silver<0.50 Method: 7470A - Mercury (CVAA) - TCLP RL MDL Mercury <0.0020 0.0020 0.0010 mg/L 02/24/17 11:30 02/24/17 16:34 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier TestAmerica Chicago Page 30 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-8Client Sample ID: SB-7 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 14:00 Percent Solids: 83.3Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) RL MDL Acetone 21 F1 F2 17 7.4 ug/Kg ☼02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 1.7 0.43 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼Benzene <1.7 F1 1.7 0.59 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼Bromobenzene <1.7 F1 1.7 0.52 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼Bromochloromethane <1.7 F1 1.7 0.35 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼Bromodichloromethane <1.7 F1 1.7 0.50 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼Bromoform <1.7 F1 4.2 1.6 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼Bromomethane <4.2 * 4.2 0.88 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼Carbon disulfide <4.2 F1 1.7 0.49 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼Carbon tetrachloride <1.7 F1 1.7 0.63 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼Chlorobenzene <1.7 F1 4.2 1.3 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼Chloroethane <4.2 1.7 0.59 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼Chloroform <1.7 F1 4.2 1.7 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼Chloromethane <4.2 F1 1.7 0.57 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼2-Chlorotoluene <1.7 F1 1.7 0.76 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼4-Chlorotoluene <1.7 F1 1.7 0.47 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <1.7 F1 1.7 0.51 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <1.7 F1 1.7 0.55 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼Dibromochloromethane <1.7 F1 4.2 1.7 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <4.2 F1 1.7 0.65 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼1,2-Dibromoethane <1.7 F1 1.7 0.56 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼Dibromomethane <1.7 F1 1.7 0.62 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼1,3-Dichlorobenzene <1.7 F1 1.7 0.65 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼1,4-Dichlorobenzene <1.7 F1 1.7 0.63 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼1,2-Dichlorobenzene <1.7 F1 4.2 1.0 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼Dichlorodifluoromethane <4.2 1.7 0.58 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼1,1-Dichloroethane <1.7 F1 4.2 1.3 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼1,2-Dichloroethane <4.2 F1 1.7 0.58 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼1,1-Dichloroethene <1.7 F1 17 8.5 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼2,2-Dichloropropane <17 1.7 0.44 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼1,2-Dichloropropane <1.7 F1 1.7 0.42 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼1,3-Dichloropropane <1.7 F1 1.7 0.45 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼1,1-Dichloropropene <1.7 F1 1.7 0.81 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼Ethylbenzene <1.7 F1 4.2 1.5 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼Hexachlorobutadiene <4.2 F1 4.2 1.3 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼2-Hexanone <4.2 F1 1.7 0.61 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼Isopropylbenzene <1.7 F1 4.2 1.7 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼Methylene Chloride <4.2 F1 4.2 1.9 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼Methyl Ethyl Ketone <4.2 F1 F2 4.2 1.3 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼methyl isobutyl ketone <4.2 F1 1.7 0.50 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼Methyl tert-butyl ether <1.7 F1 3.4 0.54 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼m&p-Xylene <3.4 F1 4.2 1.9 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼Naphthalene <4.2 F1 F2 1.7 0.74 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼n-Butylbenzene <1.7 F1 1.7 0.69 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼N-Propylbenzene <1.7 F1 1.7 0.54 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼o-Xylene <1.7 F1 1.7 0.69 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼p-Isopropyltoluene <1.7 F1 1.7 0.76 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼sec-Butylbenzene <1.7 F1 1.7 0.51 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼Styrene <1.7 F1 1.7 0.59 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼tert-Butylbenzene <1.7 F1 TestAmerica Chicago Page 31 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-8Client Sample ID: SB-7 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 14:00 Percent Solids: 83.3Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) RL MDL 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.7 F1 1.7 0.39 ug/Kg ☼02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 1.7 0.54 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.7 F1 1.7 0.58 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼Tetrachloroethene <1.7 F1 1.7 0.43 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼Toluene <1.7 F1 1.7 0.75 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <1.7 F1 1.7 0.60 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <1.7 F1 1.7 0.61 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <1.7 F1 1.7 0.82 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <1.7 F1 1.7 0.57 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼1,1,1-Trichloroethane <1.7 F1 1.7 0.73 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼1,1,2-Trichloroethane <1.7 F1 1.7 0.57 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼Trichloroethene <1.7 F1 4.2 1.7 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼Trichlorofluoromethane <4.2 1.7 0.74 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼1,2,3-Trichloropropane <1.7 F1 1.7 0.64 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <1.7 F1 1.7 0.60 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <1.7 F1 1.7 0.75 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1☼Vinyl chloride <1.7 F1 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)101 70-120 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery Dibromofluoromethane 110 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 175-120 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr)127 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 169-134 Toluene-d8 (Surr)103 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 16:34 175-123 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) RL MDL Acenaphthene 310 190 35 ug/Kg ☼02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 190 25 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼Acenaphthylene 1000 190 32 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼Anthracene 970 9700 1900 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼Benzoic acid <9700 3900 1900 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼Benzyl alcohol <3900 970 200 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane <970 970 290 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether <970 970 350 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 860 J F1 970 250 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether <970 970 370 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼Butyl benzyl phthalate <970 F1 970 480 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼Carbazole <970 3900 910 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼4-Chloroaniline <3900 F1 1900 660 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼4-Chloro-3-methylphenol <1900 970 210 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼2-Chloronaphthalene <970 970 330 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼2-Chlorophenol <970 970 230 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether <970 970 230 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼Dibenzofuran 350 J 970 220 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼1,3-Dichlorobenzene <970 970 250 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼1,4-Dichlorobenzene <970 970 230 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼1,2-Dichlorobenzene <970 970 270 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine <970 F1 1900 460 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼2,4-Dichlorophenol <1900 970 330 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼Diethyl phthalate <970 1900 730 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼2,4-Dimethylphenol <1900 970 250 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼Dimethyl phthalate <970 TestAmerica Chicago Page 32 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-8Client Sample ID: SB-7 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 14:00 Percent Solids: 83.3Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) RL MDL Di-n-butyl phthalate <970 970 290 ug/Kg ☼02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 3900 1600 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol <3900 F1 3900 3400 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼2,4-Dinitrophenol <3900 970 380 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼2,6-Dinitrotoluene <970 970 310 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼2,4-Dinitrotoluene <970 F1 970 320 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼Di-n-octyl phthalate <970 F1 190 27 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼Fluorene 510 390 45 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼Hexachlorobenzene <390 970 300 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼Hexachlorobutadiene <970 3900 1100 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼Hexachlorocyclopentadiene <3900 970 290 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼Hexachloroethane <970 F1 970 220 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼Isophorone <970 390 36 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼2-Methylnaphthalene 530 970 310 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼2-Methylphenol <970 970 320 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼3 & 4 Methylphenol <970 190 30 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼Naphthalene 750 970 260 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼2-Nitroaniline <970 1900 600 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼3-Nitroaniline <1900 1900 810 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼4-Nitroaniline <1900 F1 190 48 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼Nitrobenzene <190 1900 460 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼2-Nitrophenol <1900 F1 3900 1800 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼4-Nitrophenol <3900 390 240 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine <390 970 230 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼N-Nitrosodiphenylamine <970 970 220 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼2,2'-oxybis[1-chloropropane]<970 3900 3100 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼Pentachlorophenol <3900 190 27 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼Phenanthrene 3700 970 430 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼Phenol <970 970 210 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <970 1900 660 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼2,4,6-Trichlorophenol <1900 1900 440 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5☼2,4,5-Trichlorophenol <1900 Unknown 1200 T J ug/Kg ☼1.56 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5 Tentatively Identified Compound Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDQualifierEst. Result CAS No.RT ☼502/28/17 23:5102/27/17 07:15T J NPropane, 2,2-dimethoxy-77-76-950000ug/Kg 1.62 ☼502/28/17 23:5102/27/17 07:15T J N2-Pentanone, 4-hydroxy-4-methyl-123-42-211000ug/Kg 3.43 ☼502/28/17 23:5102/27/17 07:15T J N2-Pentanone, 4-methoxy-4-methyl-107-70-06400ug/Kg 4.17 ☼502/28/17 23:5102/27/17 07:15T J NPhenanthrene, 3-methyl-832-71-31100ug/Kg 9.14 ☼502/28/17 23:5102/27/17 07:15T J NAnthracene, 2-methyl-613-12-71400ug/Kg 9.17 ☼502/28/17 23:5102/27/17 07:15T J NBenzaldehyde, 3,5-dichloro-2-hydroxy- 90-60-81500ug/Kg 9.23 ☼502/28/17 23:5102/27/17 07:15T J NPhenanthrene, 2,5-dimethyl-3674-66-61300ug/Kg 9.60 ☼502/28/17 23:5102/27/17 07:15T J N11H-Benzo[b]fluorene 243-17-41600ug/Kg 10.18 ☼502/28/17 23:5102/27/17 07:15T J NBenzo[e]pyrene 192-97-22300ug/Kg 12.83 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)87 42-115 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery 2-Fluorophenol (Surr)79 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 540-130 Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)72 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 533-124 Phenol-d5 (Surr)78 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 536-123 TestAmerica Chicago Page 33 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-8Client Sample ID: SB-7 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 14:00 Percent Solids: 83.3Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Terphenyl-d14 (Surr)200 X 25-150 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 5 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (Surr)91 02/27/17 07:15 02/28/17 23:51 525-130 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) - DL RL MDL Benzo[a]anthracene 5100 380 52 ug/Kg ☼02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:12 10 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 380 75 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:12 10☼Benzo[a]pyrene 4600 380 83 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:12 10☼Benzo[b]fluoranthene 7900 380 120 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:12 10☼Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 1800 380 110 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:12 10☼Benzo[k]fluoranthene 3400 380 110 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:12 10☼Chrysene 4700 380 75 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:12 10☼Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 840 380 72 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:12 10☼Fluoranthene 7300 380 100 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:12 10☼Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 1900 380 77 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:12 10☼Pyrene 11000 Tentatively Identified Compound None ug/Kg ☼02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:12 10 Tentatively Identified Compound Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDQualifierEst. Result CAS No.RT Method: 6010D - Metals (ICP) RL MDL Arsenic <2.3 F1 F2 2.3 1.4 mg/Kg ☼02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 11:45 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 2.3 1.2 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 11:45 1☼Barium 210 F2 1.2 0.12 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 11:45 1☼Cadmium 0.42 J 1.2 1.0 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 11:45 1☼Chromium 68 F1 F2 1.2 0.58 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 11:45 1☼Lead 100 F2 2.3 1.3 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 11:45 1☼Selenium 1.9 J 1.2 0.46 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 11:45 1☼Silver <1.2 Method: 7471B - Mercury (CVAA) RL MDL Mercury 1.5 0.58 0.17 mg/Kg ☼03/06/17 10:00 03/06/17 14:55 5 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier TestAmerica Chicago Page 34 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-9Client Sample ID: SB-7 (0-2) Dup Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 14:00 Percent Solids: 82.3Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) RL MDL Acetone <22 22 9.6 ug/Kg ☼02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 2.2 0.56 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼Benzene <2.2 2.2 0.76 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼Bromobenzene <2.2 2.2 0.68 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼Bromochloromethane <2.2 2.2 0.45 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼Bromodichloromethane <2.2 2.2 0.65 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼Bromoform <2.2 5.5 2.1 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼Bromomethane <5.5 * 5.5 1.1 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼Carbon disulfide <5.5 2.2 0.64 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼Carbon tetrachloride <2.2 2.2 0.82 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼Chlorobenzene <2.2 5.5 1.6 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼Chloroethane <5.5 2.2 0.77 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼Chloroform <2.2 5.5 2.2 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼Chloromethane <5.5 2.2 0.74 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼2-Chlorotoluene <2.2 2.2 0.99 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼4-Chlorotoluene <2.2 2.2 0.62 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <2.2 2.2 0.67 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <2.2 2.2 0.72 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼Dibromochloromethane <2.2 5.5 2.2 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <5.5 2.2 0.84 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼1,2-Dibromoethane <2.2 2.2 0.72 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼Dibromomethane <2.2 2.2 0.80 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼1,3-Dichlorobenzene <2.2 2.2 0.85 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼1,4-Dichlorobenzene <2.2 2.2 0.82 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼1,2-Dichlorobenzene <2.2 5.5 1.3 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼Dichlorodifluoromethane <5.5 2.2 0.76 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼1,1-Dichloroethane <2.2 5.5 1.7 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼1,2-Dichloroethane <5.5 2.2 0.76 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼1,1-Dichloroethene <2.2 22 11 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼2,2-Dichloropropane <22 2.2 0.57 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼1,2-Dichloropropane <2.2 2.2 0.55 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼1,3-Dichloropropane <2.2 2.2 0.59 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼1,1-Dichloropropene <2.2 2.2 1.1 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼Ethylbenzene <2.2 5.5 2.0 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼Hexachlorobutadiene <5.5 5.5 1.7 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼2-Hexanone <5.5 2.2 0.80 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼Isopropylbenzene <2.2 5.5 2.2 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼Methylene Chloride <5.5 5.5 2.5 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼Methyl Ethyl Ketone <5.5 5.5 1.6 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼methyl isobutyl ketone <5.5 2.2 0.65 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼Methyl tert-butyl ether <2.2 4.4 0.70 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼m&p-Xylene <4.4 5.5 2.4 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼Naphthalene <5.5 2.2 0.97 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼n-Butylbenzene <2.2 2.2 0.90 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼N-Propylbenzene <2.2 2.2 0.71 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼o-Xylene <2.2 2.2 0.90 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼p-Isopropyltoluene <2.2 2.2 0.98 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼sec-Butylbenzene <2.2 2.2 0.67 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼Styrene <2.2 2.2 0.77 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼tert-Butylbenzene <2.2 TestAmerica Chicago Page 35 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-9Client Sample ID: SB-7 (0-2) Dup Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 14:00 Percent Solids: 82.3Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) RL MDL 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <2.2 2.2 0.51 ug/Kg ☼02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 2.2 0.71 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <2.2 2.2 0.75 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼Tetrachloroethene <2.2 2.2 0.56 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼Toluene <2.2 2.2 0.98 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <2.2 2.2 0.78 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <2.2 2.2 0.80 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <2.2 2.2 1.1 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <2.2 2.2 0.74 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼1,1,1-Trichloroethane <2.2 2.2 0.95 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼1,1,2-Trichloroethane <2.2 2.2 0.75 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼Trichloroethene <2.2 5.5 2.2 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼Trichlorofluoromethane <5.5 2.2 0.97 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼1,2,3-Trichloropropane <2.2 2.2 0.83 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <2.2 2.2 0.78 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <2.2 2.2 0.98 ug/Kg 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1☼Vinyl chloride <2.2 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)103 70-120 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery Dibromofluoromethane 109 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 175-120 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr)127 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 169-134 Toluene-d8 (Surr)102 02/21/17 13:00 02/23/17 17:50 175-123 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) RL MDL Acenaphthene 14 J 40 7.1 ug/Kg ☼02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 40 5.2 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼Acenaphthylene 300 40 6.6 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼Anthracene 130 40 5.4 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼Benzo[a]anthracene 510 40 7.7 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼Benzo[a]pyrene 590 40 8.6 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼Benzo[b]fluoranthene 880 40 13 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 220 2000 400 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼Benzoic acid <2000 40 12 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼Benzo[k]fluoranthene 390 800 400 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼Benzyl alcohol <800 200 41 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane <200 200 60 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether <200 200 73 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate <200 200 52 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether <200 200 76 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼Butyl benzyl phthalate <200 200 99 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼Carbazole <200 800 190 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼4-Chloroaniline <800 400 140 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼4-Chloro-3-methylphenol <400 200 44 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼2-Chloronaphthalene <200 200 68 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼2-Chlorophenol <200 200 46 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether <200 40 11 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼Chrysene 470 40 7.7 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 96 200 47 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼Dibenzofuran <200 200 45 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼1,3-Dichlorobenzene <200 TestAmerica Chicago Page 36 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-9Client Sample ID: SB-7 (0-2) Dup Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 14:00 Percent Solids: 82.3Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) RL MDL 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <200 200 51 ug/Kg ☼02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 200 48 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼1,2-Dichlorobenzene <200 200 56 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine <200 400 94 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼2,4-Dichlorophenol <400 200 67 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼Diethyl phthalate <200 400 150 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼2,4-Dimethylphenol <400 200 52 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼Dimethyl phthalate <200 200 61 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼Di-n-butyl phthalate <200 800 320 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol <800 800 700 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼2,4-Dinitrophenol <800 200 78 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼2,6-Dinitrotoluene <200 200 63 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼2,4-Dinitrotoluene <200 200 65 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼Di-n-octyl phthalate <200 40 7.4 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼Fluoranthene 450 40 5.6 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼Fluorene <40 80 9.2 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼Hexachlorobenzene <80 200 63 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼Hexachlorobutadiene <200 800 230 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼Hexachlorocyclopentadiene <800 200 60 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼Hexachloroethane <200 40 10 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 230 200 45 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼Isophorone <200 80 7.3 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼2-Methylnaphthalene 39 J 200 64 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼2-Methylphenol <200 200 66 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼3 & 4 Methylphenol <200 40 6.1 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼Naphthalene 60 200 54 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼2-Nitroaniline <200 400 120 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼3-Nitroaniline <400 400 170 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼4-Nitroaniline <400 40 9.9 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼Nitrobenzene <40 400 94 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼2-Nitrophenol <400 800 380 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼4-Nitrophenol <800 80 49 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine <80 200 47 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼N-Nitrosodiphenylamine <200 200 46 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼2,2'-oxybis[1-chloropropane]<200 800 640 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼Pentachlorophenol <800 40 5.5 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼Phenanthrene 160 200 88 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼Phenol <200 40 7.9 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼Pyrene 750 200 43 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <200 400 140 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼2,4,6-Trichlorophenol <400 400 91 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1☼2,4,5-Trichlorophenol <400 Propane, 2,2-dimethoxy-250 T J N ug/Kg ☼3.04 77-76-9 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1 Tentatively Identified Compound Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDQualifierEst. Result CAS No.RT ☼103/01/17 19:3702/27/17 07:15T J NPropane, 2,2-dimethoxy-77-76-92800ug/Kg 3.26 ☼103/01/17 19:3702/27/17 07:15T JUnknown6600 ug/Kg 3.30 ☼103/01/17 19:3702/27/17 07:15T J NPropane, 1,1-dimethoxy-4744-10-9470ug/Kg 3.54 ☼103/01/17 19:3702/27/17 07:15T J N3-Penten-2-one, 4-methyl-141-79-7150ug/Kg 4.47 ☼103/01/17 19:3702/27/17 07:15T J N2-Pentanone, 4-methoxy-4-methyl-107-70-04200ug/Kg 5.36 ☼103/01/17 19:3702/27/17 07:15T J NPhenanthrene, 2,5-dimethyl-3674-66-6160ug/Kg 10.79 TestAmerica Chicago Page 37 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-9Client Sample ID: SB-7 (0-2) Dup Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 14:00 Percent Solids: 82.3Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Butyl hexadecanoate 460 T J ug/Kg ☼11.12 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1 Tentatively Identified Compound Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDQualifierEst. Result CAS No.RT ☼103/01/17 19:3702/27/17 07:15T J NOctadecanoic acid, butyl ester 123-95-5220ug/Kg 12.03 ☼103/01/17 19:3702/27/17 07:15T J NBenzo[e]pyrene 192-97-2650ug/Kg 15.76 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)79 42-115 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery 2-Fluorophenol (Surr)94 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 140-130 Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)74 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 133-124 Phenol-d5 (Surr)88 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 136-123 Terphenyl-d14 (Surr)123 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 125-150 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (Surr)89 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 19:37 125-130 Method: 6010D - Metals (ICP) RL MDL Arsenic <2.4 2.4 1.4 mg/Kg ☼02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:41 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 2.4 1.2 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:41 1☼Barium 210 1.2 0.12 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:41 1☼Cadmium 1.1 J 1.2 1.1 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:41 1☼Chromium 10 1.2 0.60 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:41 1☼Lead 18 2.4 1.3 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:41 1☼Selenium 3.1 1.2 0.48 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:41 1☼Silver <1.2 Method: 7471B - Mercury (CVAA) RL MDL Mercury <0.12 0.12 0.036 mg/Kg ☼03/06/17 09:52 03/06/17 15:37 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier TestAmerica Chicago Page 38 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-10Client Sample ID: SB-8 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 13:10 Percent Solids: 87.9Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) RL MDL Acetone <19 19 8.4 ug/Kg ☼02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 1.9 0.49 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼Benzene <1.9 1.9 0.66 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼Bromobenzene <1.9 1.9 0.59 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼Bromochloromethane <1.9 1.9 0.39 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼Bromodichloromethane <1.9 1.9 0.56 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼Bromoform <1.9 4.8 1.8 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼Bromomethane <4.8 * 4.8 1.0 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼Carbon disulfide <4.8 1.9 0.56 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼Carbon tetrachloride <1.9 1.9 0.71 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼Chlorobenzene <1.9 4.8 1.4 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼Chloroethane <4.8 1.9 0.67 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼Chloroform <1.9 4.8 1.9 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼Chloromethane <4.8 1.9 0.64 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼2-Chlorotoluene <1.9 1.9 0.86 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼4-Chlorotoluene <1.9 1.9 0.54 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <1.9 1.9 0.58 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <1.9 1.9 0.63 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼Dibromochloromethane <1.9 4.8 1.9 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <4.8 1.9 0.73 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼1,2-Dibromoethane <1.9 1.9 0.63 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼Dibromomethane <1.9 1.9 0.70 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼1,3-Dichlorobenzene <1.9 1.9 0.73 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼1,4-Dichlorobenzene <1.9 1.9 0.71 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼1,2-Dichlorobenzene <1.9 4.8 1.1 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼Dichlorodifluoromethane <4.8 1.9 0.66 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼1,1-Dichloroethane <1.9 4.8 1.5 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼1,2-Dichloroethane <4.8 1.9 0.66 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼1,1-Dichloroethene <1.9 19 9.6 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼2,2-Dichloropropane <19 1.9 0.50 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼1,2-Dichloropropane <1.9 1.9 0.48 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼1,3-Dichloropropane <1.9 1.9 0.51 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼1,1-Dichloropropene <1.9 1.9 0.92 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼Ethylbenzene <1.9 4.8 1.7 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼Hexachlorobutadiene <4.8 4.8 1.5 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼2-Hexanone <4.8 1.9 0.69 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼Isopropylbenzene <1.9 4.8 1.9 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼Methylene Chloride <4.8 4.8 2.1 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼Methyl Ethyl Ketone <4.8 4.8 1.4 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼methyl isobutyl ketone <4.8 1.9 0.56 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼Methyl tert-butyl ether <1.9 3.8 0.61 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼m&p-Xylene <3.8 4.8 2.1 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼Naphthalene <4.8 1.9 0.84 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼n-Butylbenzene <1.9 1.9 0.78 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼N-Propylbenzene <1.9 1.9 0.61 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼o-Xylene <1.9 1.9 0.78 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼p-Isopropyltoluene <1.9 1.9 0.85 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼sec-Butylbenzene <1.9 1.9 0.58 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼Styrene <1.9 1.9 0.67 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼tert-Butylbenzene <1.9 TestAmerica Chicago Page 39 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-10Client Sample ID: SB-8 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 13:10 Percent Solids: 87.9Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) RL MDL 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.9 1.9 0.44 ug/Kg ☼02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 1.9 0.61 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.9 1.9 0.65 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼Tetrachloroethene <1.9 1.9 0.48 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼Toluene <1.9 1.9 0.85 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <1.9 1.9 0.67 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <1.9 1.9 0.69 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <1.9 1.9 0.93 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <1.9 1.9 0.64 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼1,1,1-Trichloroethane <1.9 1.9 0.82 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼1,1,2-Trichloroethane <1.9 1.9 0.65 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼Trichloroethene <1.9 4.8 1.9 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼Trichlorofluoromethane <4.8 1.9 0.84 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼1,2,3-Trichloropropane <1.9 1.9 0.72 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <1.9 1.9 0.67 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <1.9 1.9 0.85 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1☼Vinyl chloride <1.9 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)103 70-120 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery Dibromofluoromethane 109 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 175-120 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr)127 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 169-134 Toluene-d8 (Surr)103 02/21/17 12:10 02/23/17 18:16 175-123 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) RL MDL Acenaphthene 150 J 180 33 ug/Kg ☼02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 180 24 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼Acenaphthylene 3500 180 30 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼Anthracene 1400 9100 1800 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼Benzoic acid <9100 3700 1800 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼Benzyl alcohol <3700 910 190 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane <910 910 270 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether <910 910 330 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate <910 910 240 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether <910 910 350 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼Butyl benzyl phthalate <910 910 450 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼Carbazole <910 3700 850 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼4-Chloroaniline <3700 1800 620 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼4-Chloro-3-methylphenol <1800 910 200 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼2-Chloronaphthalene <910 910 310 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼2-Chlorophenol <910 910 210 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether <910 910 210 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼Dibenzofuran 410 J 910 200 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼1,3-Dichlorobenzene <910 910 230 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼1,4-Dichlorobenzene <910 910 220 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼1,2-Dichlorobenzene <910 910 250 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine <910 1800 430 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼2,4-Dichlorophenol <1800 910 310 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼Diethyl phthalate <910 1800 690 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼2,4-Dimethylphenol <1800 910 240 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼Dimethyl phthalate <910 TestAmerica Chicago Page 40 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-10Client Sample ID: SB-8 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 13:10 Percent Solids: 87.9Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) RL MDL Di-n-butyl phthalate <910 910 280 ug/Kg ☼02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 3700 1500 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol <3700 3700 3200 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼2,4-Dinitrophenol <3700 910 360 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼2,6-Dinitrotoluene <910 910 290 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼2,4-Dinitrotoluene <910 910 300 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼Di-n-octyl phthalate <910 180 34 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼Fluoranthene 11000 180 26 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼Fluorene 430 370 42 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼Hexachlorobenzene <370 910 290 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼Hexachlorobutadiene <910 3700 1000 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼Hexachlorocyclopentadiene <3700 910 280 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼Hexachloroethane <910 910 200 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼Isophorone <910 370 33 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼2-Methylnaphthalene 1000 910 290 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼2-Methylphenol <910 910 300 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼3 & 4 Methylphenol <910 180 28 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼Naphthalene 1400 910 240 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼2-Nitroaniline <910 1800 560 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼3-Nitroaniline <1800 1800 760 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼4-Nitroaniline <1800 180 45 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼Nitrobenzene <180 1800 430 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼2-Nitrophenol <1800 3700 1700 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼4-Nitrophenol <3700 370 220 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine <370 910 210 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼N-Nitrosodiphenylamine <910 910 210 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼2,2'-oxybis[1-chloropropane]<910 3700 2900 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼Pentachlorophenol <3700 180 25 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼Phenanthrene 4700 910 400 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼Phenol <910 910 200 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <910 1800 620 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼2,4,6-Trichlorophenol <1800 1800 410 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5☼2,4,5-Trichlorophenol <1800 Propane, 2,2-dimethoxy-41000 T J N ug/Kg ☼1.60 77-76-9 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5 Tentatively Identified Compound Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDQualifierEst. Result CAS No.RT ☼503/01/17 01:3702/27/17 07:15T J N2-Pentanone, 4-hydroxy-4-methyl-123-42-211000ug/Kg 3.42 ☼503/01/17 01:3702/27/17 07:15T J N2-Pentanone, 4-methoxy-4-methyl-107-70-06100ug/Kg 4.16 ☼503/01/17 01:3702/27/17 07:15T J NHeptadecane, 2,6,10,14-tetramethyl-18344-37-11800ug/Kg 8.33 ☼503/01/17 01:3702/27/17 07:15T J NPhenanthrene, 3-methyl-832-71-31900ug/Kg 9.15 ☼503/01/17 01:3702/27/17 07:15T J NAnthracene, 2-methyl-613-12-72300ug/Kg 9.17 ☼503/01/17 01:3702/27/17 07:15T JUnknown2700 ug/Kg 9.24 ☼503/01/17 01:3702/27/17 07:15T J NPhenanthrene, 2,5-dimethyl-3674-66-62800ug/Kg 9.61 ☼503/01/17 01:3702/27/17 07:15T J NCyclopenta(def)phenanthrenone 5737-13-32300ug/Kg 9.68 ☼503/01/17 01:3702/27/17 07:15T J NBenzo[e]pyrene 192-97-22500ug/Kg 12.84 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)95 42-115 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery 2-Fluorophenol (Surr)85 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 540-130 Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)74 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 533-124 Phenol-d5 (Surr)85 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 536-123 TestAmerica Chicago Page 41 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-10Client Sample ID: SB-8 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 13:10 Percent Solids: 87.9Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Terphenyl-d14 (Surr)225 X 25-150 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 5 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (Surr)93 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 01:37 525-130 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) - DL RL MDL Benzo[a]anthracene 13000 720 98 ug/Kg ☼02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:03 20 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 720 140 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:03 20☼Benzo[a]pyrene 14000 720 160 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:03 20☼Benzo[b]fluoranthene 21000 720 230 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:03 20☼Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 5700 720 210 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:03 20☼Benzo[k]fluoranthene 11000 720 200 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:03 20☼Chrysene 12000 720 140 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:03 20☼Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 2200 720 190 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:03 20☼Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 6100 720 140 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:03 20☼Pyrene 28000 Tentatively Identified Compound None ug/Kg ☼02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:03 20 Tentatively Identified Compound Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDQualifierEst. Result CAS No.RT Method: 6010D - Metals (ICP) RL MDL Arsenic 1.5 J 2.2 1.3 mg/Kg ☼02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:46 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 2.2 1.1 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:46 1☼Barium 92 1.1 0.11 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:46 1☼Cadmium 0.55 J 1.1 1.0 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:46 1☼Chromium 37 1.1 0.55 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:46 1☼Lead 33 2.2 1.2 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:46 1☼Selenium 1.9 J 1.1 0.44 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:46 1☼Silver <1.1 Method: 7471B - Mercury (CVAA) RL MDL Mercury 0.080 J 0.11 0.033 mg/Kg ☼03/06/17 09:52 03/06/17 15:39 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier TestAmerica Chicago Page 42 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-11Client Sample ID: SB-9 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 13:00 Percent Solids: 84.9Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) RL MDL Acetone 31 16 6.9 ug/Kg ☼02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 1.6 0.41 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼Benzene <1.6 1.6 0.55 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼Bromobenzene <1.6 1.6 0.49 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼Bromochloromethane <1.6 1.6 0.32 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼Bromodichloromethane <1.6 1.6 0.46 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼Bromoform <1.6 4.0 1.5 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼Bromomethane <4.0 * 4.0 0.83 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼Carbon disulfide <4.0 1.6 0.46 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼Carbon tetrachloride <1.6 1.6 0.59 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼Chlorobenzene <1.6 4.0 1.2 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼Chloroethane <4.0 1.6 0.55 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼Chloroform <1.6 4.0 1.6 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼Chloromethane <4.0 1.6 0.53 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼2-Chlorotoluene <1.6 1.6 0.71 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼4-Chlorotoluene <1.6 1.6 0.44 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <1.6 1.6 0.48 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <1.6 1.6 0.52 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼Dibromochloromethane <1.6 4.0 1.6 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <4.0 1.6 0.61 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼1,2-Dibromoethane <1.6 1.6 0.52 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼Dibromomethane <1.6 1.6 0.58 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼1,3-Dichlorobenzene <1.6 1.6 0.61 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼1,4-Dichlorobenzene <1.6 1.6 0.59 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼1,2-Dichlorobenzene <1.6 4.0 0.94 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼Dichlorodifluoromethane <4.0 1.6 0.54 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼1,1-Dichloroethane <1.6 4.0 1.2 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼1,2-Dichloroethane <4.0 1.6 0.55 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼1,1-Dichloroethene <1.6 16 8.0 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼2,2-Dichloropropane <16 1.6 0.41 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼1,2-Dichloropropane <1.6 1.6 0.40 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼1,3-Dichloropropane <1.6 1.6 0.43 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼1,1-Dichloropropene <1.6 1.6 0.76 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼Ethylbenzene <1.6 4.0 1.4 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼Hexachlorobutadiene <4.0 4.0 1.2 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼2-Hexanone <4.0 1.6 0.57 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼Isopropylbenzene <1.6 4.0 1.6 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼Methylene Chloride <4.0 4.0 1.8 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼Methyl Ethyl Ketone <4.0 4.0 1.2 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼methyl isobutyl ketone <4.0 1.6 0.47 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼Methyl tert-butyl ether <1.6 3.2 0.50 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼m&p-Xylene <3.2 4.0 1.8 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼Naphthalene <4.0 1.6 0.70 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼n-Butylbenzene <1.6 1.6 0.65 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼N-Propylbenzene <1.6 1.6 0.51 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼o-Xylene <1.6 1.6 0.65 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼p-Isopropyltoluene <1.6 1.6 0.71 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼sec-Butylbenzene <1.6 1.6 0.48 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼Styrene <1.6 1.6 0.55 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼tert-Butylbenzene <1.6 TestAmerica Chicago Page 43 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-11Client Sample ID: SB-9 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 13:00 Percent Solids: 84.9Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) RL MDL 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.6 1.6 0.37 ug/Kg ☼02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 1.6 0.51 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.6 1.6 0.54 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼Tetrachloroethene <1.6 1.6 0.40 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼Toluene <1.6 1.6 0.70 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <1.6 1.6 0.56 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <1.6 1.6 0.57 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <1.6 1.6 0.77 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <1.6 1.6 0.53 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼1,1,1-Trichloroethane <1.6 1.6 0.68 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼1,1,2-Trichloroethane <1.6 1.6 0.54 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼Trichloroethene <1.6 4.0 1.6 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼Trichlorofluoromethane <4.0 1.6 0.70 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼1,2,3-Trichloropropane <1.6 1.6 0.60 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <1.6 1.6 0.56 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <1.6 1.6 0.70 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1☼Vinyl chloride <1.6 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)104 70-120 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery Dibromofluoromethane 112 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 175-120 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr)128 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 169-134 Toluene-d8 (Surr)101 02/21/17 12:00 02/23/17 18:41 175-123 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) RL MDL Acenaphthene <37 37 6.7 ug/Kg ☼02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 37 4.9 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼Acenaphthylene 6.3 J 37 6.2 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼Anthracene <37 37 5.0 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼Benzo[a]anthracene 28 J 37 7.2 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼Benzo[a]pyrene 65 37 8.1 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼Benzo[b]fluoranthene 110 37 12 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 44 1900 370 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼Benzoic acid <1900 37 11 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼Benzo[k]fluoranthene 34 J 750 370 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼Benzyl alcohol <750 190 38 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane <190 190 56 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether <190 190 68 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate <190 190 49 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether <190 190 71 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼Butyl benzyl phthalate <190 190 93 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼Carbazole <190 750 180 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼4-Chloroaniline <750 370 130 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼4-Chloro-3-methylphenol <370 190 41 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼2-Chloronaphthalene <190 190 64 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼2-Chlorophenol <190 190 44 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether <190 37 10 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼Chrysene 37 37 7.2 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 33 J 190 44 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼Dibenzofuran <190 190 42 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼1,3-Dichlorobenzene <190 TestAmerica Chicago Page 44 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-11Client Sample ID: SB-9 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 13:00 Percent Solids: 84.9Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) RL MDL 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <190 190 48 ug/Kg ☼02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 190 45 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼1,2-Dichlorobenzene <190 190 52 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine <190 370 89 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼2,4-Dichlorophenol <370 190 63 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼Diethyl phthalate <190 370 140 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼2,4-Dimethylphenol <370 190 49 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼Dimethyl phthalate <190 190 57 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼Di-n-butyl phthalate <190 750 300 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol <750 750 660 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼2,4-Dinitrophenol <750 190 73 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼2,6-Dinitrotoluene <190 190 59 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼2,4-Dinitrotoluene <190 190 61 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼Di-n-octyl phthalate <190 37 6.9 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼Fluoranthene 60 37 5.3 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼Fluorene <37 75 8.7 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼Hexachlorobenzene <75 190 59 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼Hexachlorobutadiene <190 750 210 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼Hexachlorocyclopentadiene <750 190 57 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼Hexachloroethane <190 37 9.7 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 49 190 42 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼Isophorone <190 75 6.9 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼2-Methylnaphthalene 18 J 190 60 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼2-Methylphenol <190 190 62 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼3 & 4 Methylphenol <190 37 5.7 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼Naphthalene 6.9 J 190 50 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼2-Nitroaniline <190 370 120 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼3-Nitroaniline <370 370 160 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼4-Nitroaniline <370 37 9.3 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼Nitrobenzene <37 370 88 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼2-Nitrophenol <370 750 360 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼4-Nitrophenol <750 75 46 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine <75 190 44 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼N-Nitrosodiphenylamine <190 190 43 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼2,2'-oxybis[1-chloropropane]<190 750 600 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼Pentachlorophenol <750 37 5.2 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼Phenanthrene 14 J 190 83 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼Phenol <190 37 7.4 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼Pyrene 99 190 40 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <190 370 130 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼2,4,6-Trichlorophenol <370 370 85 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1☼2,4,5-Trichlorophenol <370 Unknown 83 T J ug/Kg ☼2.99 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1 Tentatively Identified Compound Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDQualifierEst. Result CAS No.RT ☼103/01/17 20:2902/27/17 07:15T J NPropane, 2,2-dimethoxy-77-76-998ug/Kg 3.13 ☼103/01/17 20:2902/27/17 07:15T JUnknown5800 ug/Kg 3.36 ☼103/01/17 20:2902/27/17 07:15T J N2-Propanone, 1-chloro-78-95-5210ug/Kg 3.57 ☼103/01/17 20:2902/27/17 07:15T JUnknown430 ug/Kg 3.59 ☼103/01/17 20:2902/27/17 07:15T J N3-Penten-2-one, 4-methyl-141-79-7140ug/Kg 4.50 ☼103/01/17 20:2902/27/17 07:15T J N2-Pentanone, 4-hydroxy-4-methyl-123-42-25900ug/Kg 4.88 TestAmerica Chicago Page 45 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-11Client Sample ID: SB-9 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 13:00 Percent Solids: 84.9Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) 2-Pentanone, 4-methoxy-4-methyl-3700 T J N ug/Kg ☼5.37 107-70-0 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1 Tentatively Identified Compound Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDQualifierEst. Result CAS No.RT ☼103/01/17 20:2902/27/17 07:15T J NHexadecane, 3-methyl-6418-43-592ug/Kg 9.74 ☼103/01/17 20:2902/27/17 07:15T J NNonadecane 629-92-5110ug/Kg 10.07 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)79 42-115 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery 2-Fluorophenol (Surr)94 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 140-130 Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)76 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 133-124 Phenol-d5 (Surr)88 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 136-123 Terphenyl-d14 (Surr)121 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 125-150 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (Surr)90 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:29 125-130 Method: 6010D - Metals (ICP) RL MDL Arsenic 1.4 J 2.4 1.4 mg/Kg ☼02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:51 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 2.4 1.2 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:51 1☼Barium 140 1.2 0.12 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:51 1☼Cadmium 0.78 J 1.2 1.1 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:51 1☼Chromium 14 1.2 0.59 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:51 1☼Lead 29 2.4 1.3 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:51 1☼Selenium 1.6 J 1.2 0.47 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:51 1☼Silver <1.2 Method: 7471B - Mercury (CVAA) RL MDL Mercury 0.087 J 0.12 0.035 mg/Kg ☼03/06/17 09:52 03/06/17 15:42 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier TestAmerica Chicago Page 46 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-12Client Sample ID: SB-5 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 13:30 Percent Solids: 83.7Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) RL MDL Acetone 20 17 7.4 ug/Kg ☼02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 1.7 0.43 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼Benzene <1.7 1.7 0.59 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼Bromobenzene <1.7 1.7 0.52 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼Bromochloromethane <1.7 1.7 0.35 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼Bromodichloromethane <1.7 1.7 0.50 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼Bromoform <1.7 4.3 1.6 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼Bromomethane <4.3 * 4.3 0.89 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼Carbon disulfide <4.3 1.7 0.49 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼Carbon tetrachloride <1.7 1.7 0.63 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼Chlorobenzene <1.7 4.3 1.3 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼Chloroethane <4.3 1.7 0.59 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼Chloroform <1.7 4.3 1.7 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼Chloromethane <4.3 1.7 0.57 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼2-Chlorotoluene <1.7 1.7 0.77 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼4-Chlorotoluene <1.7 1.7 0.48 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <1.7 1.7 0.51 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <1.7 1.7 0.56 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼Dibromochloromethane <1.7 4.3 1.7 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <4.3 1.7 0.65 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼1,2-Dibromoethane <1.7 1.7 0.56 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼Dibromomethane <1.7 1.7 0.62 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼1,3-Dichlorobenzene <1.7 1.7 0.65 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼1,4-Dichlorobenzene <1.7 1.7 0.63 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼1,2-Dichlorobenzene <1.7 4.3 1.0 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼Dichlorodifluoromethane <4.3 1.7 0.58 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼1,1-Dichloroethane <1.7 4.3 1.3 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼1,2-Dichloroethane <4.3 1.7 0.59 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼1,1-Dichloroethene <1.7 17 8.5 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼2,2-Dichloropropane <17 1.7 0.44 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼1,2-Dichloropropane <1.7 1.7 0.43 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼1,3-Dichloropropane <1.7 1.7 0.46 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼1,1-Dichloropropene <1.7 1.7 0.82 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼Ethylbenzene <1.7 4.3 1.5 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼Hexachlorobutadiene <4.3 4.3 1.3 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼2-Hexanone <4.3 1.7 0.61 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼Isopropylbenzene <1.7 4.3 1.7 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼Methylene Chloride <4.3 4.3 1.9 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼Methyl Ethyl Ketone <4.3 4.3 1.3 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼methyl isobutyl ketone <4.3 1.7 0.50 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼Methyl tert-butyl ether <1.7 3.4 0.54 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼m&p-Xylene <3.4 4.3 1.9 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼Naphthalene <4.3 1.7 0.75 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼n-Butylbenzene <1.7 1.7 0.70 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼N-Propylbenzene <1.7 1.7 0.55 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼o-Xylene <1.7 1.7 0.70 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼p-Isopropyltoluene <1.7 1.7 0.76 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼sec-Butylbenzene <1.7 1.7 0.52 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼Styrene <1.7 1.7 0.59 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼tert-Butylbenzene <1.7 TestAmerica Chicago Page 47 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-12Client Sample ID: SB-5 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 13:30 Percent Solids: 83.7Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) RL MDL 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.7 1.7 0.39 ug/Kg ☼02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 1.7 0.54 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.7 1.7 0.58 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼Tetrachloroethene <1.7 1.7 0.43 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼Toluene <1.7 1.7 0.76 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <1.7 1.7 0.60 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <1.7 1.7 0.61 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <1.7 1.7 0.83 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <1.7 1.7 0.57 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼1,1,1-Trichloroethane <1.7 1.7 0.73 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼1,1,2-Trichloroethane <1.7 1.7 0.58 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼Trichloroethene <1.7 4.3 1.7 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼Trichlorofluoromethane <4.3 1.7 0.75 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼1,2,3-Trichloropropane <1.7 1.7 0.64 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <1.7 1.7 0.60 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <1.7 1.7 0.75 ug/Kg 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1☼Vinyl chloride <1.7 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)102 70-120 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery Dibromofluoromethane 111 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 175-120 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr)126 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 169-134 Toluene-d8 (Surr)100 02/21/17 12:30 02/23/17 19:06 175-123 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) RL MDL Acenaphthene 28 J 38 7.0 ug/Kg ☼02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 38 5.1 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼Acenaphthylene 7.7 J 38 6.5 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼Anthracene 66 38 5.2 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼Benzo[a]anthracene 210 38 7.5 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼Benzo[a]pyrene 180 38 8.4 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼Benzo[b]fluoranthene 310 38 12 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 70 1900 380 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼Benzoic acid <1900 38 11 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼Benzo[k]fluoranthene 110 780 380 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼Benzyl alcohol <780 190 39 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane <190 190 58 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether <190 190 71 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate <190 190 51 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether <190 190 74 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼Butyl benzyl phthalate <190 190 97 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼Carbazole <190 780 180 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼4-Chloroaniline <780 380 130 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼4-Chloro-3-methylphenol <380 190 43 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼2-Chloronaphthalene <190 190 66 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼2-Chlorophenol <190 190 45 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether <190 38 11 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼Chrysene 200 38 7.5 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 47 190 45 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼Dibenzofuran <190 190 44 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼1,3-Dichlorobenzene <190 TestAmerica Chicago Page 48 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-12Client Sample ID: SB-5 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 13:30 Percent Solids: 83.7Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) RL MDL 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <190 190 50 ug/Kg ☼02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 190 46 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼1,2-Dichlorobenzene <190 190 54 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine <190 380 92 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼2,4-Dichlorophenol <380 190 66 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼Diethyl phthalate <190 380 150 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼2,4-Dimethylphenol <380 190 51 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼Dimethyl phthalate <190 190 59 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼Di-n-butyl phthalate <190 780 310 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol <780 780 680 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼2,4-Dinitrophenol <780 190 76 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼2,6-Dinitrotoluene <190 190 62 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼2,4-Dinitrotoluene <190 190 63 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼Di-n-octyl phthalate <190 38 7.2 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼Fluoranthene 400 38 5.4 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼Fluorene 31 J 78 9.0 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼Hexachlorobenzene <78 190 61 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼Hexachlorobutadiene <190 780 220 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼Hexachlorocyclopentadiene <780 190 59 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼Hexachloroethane <190 38 10 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 80 190 43 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼Isophorone <190 78 7.1 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼2-Methylnaphthalene <78 190 62 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼2-Methylphenol <190 190 65 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼3 & 4 Methylphenol <190 38 6.0 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼Naphthalene 14 J 190 52 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼2-Nitroaniline <190 380 120 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼3-Nitroaniline <380 380 160 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼4-Nitroaniline <380 38 9.7 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼Nitrobenzene <38 380 91 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼2-Nitrophenol <380 780 370 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼4-Nitrophenol <780 78 47 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine <78 190 46 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼N-Nitrosodiphenylamine <190 190 45 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼2,2'-oxybis[1-chloropropane]<190 780 620 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼Pentachlorophenol <780 38 5.4 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼Phenanthrene 240 190 86 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼Phenol <190 38 7.7 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼Pyrene 500 190 42 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <190 380 130 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼2,4,6-Trichlorophenol <380 380 88 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1☼2,4,5-Trichlorophenol <380 Unknown 150 T J ug/Kg ☼2.83 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1 Tentatively Identified Compound Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDQualifierEst. Result CAS No.RT ☼103/01/17 20:5502/27/17 07:15T J NEthane, 1,1-dimethoxy-534-15-6170ug/Kg 2.91 ☼103/01/17 20:5502/27/17 07:15T J NPropane, 2,2-dimethoxy-77-76-92300ug/Kg 3.24 ☼103/01/17 20:5502/27/17 07:15T JUnknown5700 ug/Kg 3.28 ☼103/01/17 20:5502/27/17 07:15T J N2-Propanone, 1-chloro-78-95-5120ug/Kg 3.50 ☼103/01/17 20:5502/27/17 07:15T JUnknown400 ug/Kg 3.52 ☼103/01/17 20:5502/27/17 07:15T J N3-Penten-2-one, 4-methyl-141-79-7130ug/Kg 4.46 TestAmerica Chicago Page 49 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-12Client Sample ID: SB-5 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 13:30 Percent Solids: 83.7Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) 2-Pentanone, 4-methoxy-4-methyl-3900 T J N ug/Kg ☼5.36 107-70-0 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1 Tentatively Identified Compound Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDQualifierEst. Result CAS No.RT ☼103/01/17 20:5502/27/17 07:15T JUnknown150 ug/Kg 11.12 ☼103/01/17 20:5502/27/17 07:15T J NOctadecanoic acid, butyl ester 123-95-5100ug/Kg 12.03 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)80 42-115 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery 2-Fluorophenol (Surr)95 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 140-130 Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)74 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 133-124 Phenol-d5 (Surr)87 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 136-123 Terphenyl-d14 (Surr)126 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 125-150 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (Surr)81 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 20:55 125-130 Method: 6010D - Metals (ICP) RL MDL Arsenic <2.4 2.4 1.4 mg/Kg ☼02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:56 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 2.4 1.2 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:56 1☼Barium 84 1.2 0.12 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:56 1☼Cadmium 0.74 J 1.2 1.1 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:56 1☼Chromium 26 1.2 0.60 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:56 1☼Lead 12 2.4 1.3 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:56 1☼Selenium 2.2 J 1.2 0.48 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 12:56 1☼Silver <1.2 Method: 7471B - Mercury (CVAA) RL MDL Mercury 0.29 0.11 0.034 mg/Kg ☼03/06/17 09:52 03/06/17 15:45 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier TestAmerica Chicago Page 50 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-13Client Sample ID: SB-1 (10-12) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 12:00 Percent Solids: 79.9Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) RL MDL Acetone <280 280 96 ug/Kg ☼02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 14 8.1 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼Benzene <14 56 20 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼Bromobenzene <56 56 24 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼Bromochloromethane <56 56 21 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼Bromodichloromethane <56 56 27 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼Bromoform <56 110 44 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼Bromomethane <110 110 45 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼Carbon disulfide <110 56 21 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼Carbon tetrachloride <56 56 22 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼Chlorobenzene <56 56 28 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼Chloroethane <56 110 21 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼Chloroform <110 56 18 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼Chloromethane <56 56 17 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼2-Chlorotoluene <56 56 19 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼4-Chlorotoluene <56 56 23 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <56 56 23 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <56 56 27 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼Dibromochloromethane <56 280 110 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <280 56 22 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼1,2-Dibromoethane <56 56 15 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼Dibromomethane <56 56 22 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼1,3-Dichlorobenzene <56 56 20 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼1,4-Dichlorobenzene <56 56 19 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼1,2-Dichlorobenzene <56 110 38 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼Dichlorodifluoromethane <110 56 23 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼1,1-Dichloroethane <56 56 22 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼1,2-Dichloroethane <56 56 22 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼1,1-Dichloroethene <56 56 25 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼2,2-Dichloropropane <56 56 24 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼1,2-Dichloropropane <56 56 20 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼1,3-Dichloropropane <56 56 17 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼1,1-Dichloropropene <56 14 10 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼Ethylbenzene <14 56 25 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼Hexachlorobutadiene <56 280 87 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼2-Hexanone <280 56 21 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼Isopropylbenzene <56 280 91 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼Methylene Chloride <280 280 120 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼Methyl Ethyl Ketone <280 280 120 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼methyl isobutyl ketone <280 56 22 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼Methyl tert-butyl ether <56 28 10 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼m&p-Xylene <28 56 19 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼Naphthalene <56 56 22 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼n-Butylbenzene <56 56 23 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼N-Propylbenzene <56 14 12 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼o-Xylene <14 56 20 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼p-Isopropyltoluene <56 56 22 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼sec-Butylbenzene <56 56 22 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼Styrene <56 56 22 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼tert-Butylbenzene <56 TestAmerica Chicago Page 51 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-13Client Sample ID: SB-1 (10-12) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 12:00 Percent Solids: 79.9Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) RL MDL 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <56 56 26 ug/Kg ☼02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 56 22 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <56 56 21 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼Tetrachloroethene <56 14 8.2 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼Toluene <14 56 19 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <56 56 20 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <56 56 19 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <56 56 26 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <56 56 21 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼1,1,1-Trichloroethane <56 56 20 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼1,1,2-Trichloroethane <56 28 9.1 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼Trichloroethene <28 56 24 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼Trichlorofluoromethane <56 56 23 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼1,2,3-Trichloropropane <56 56 21 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <56 56 20 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <56 28 15 ug/Kg 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50☼Vinyl chloride <28 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr)113 71-127 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 50 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery Toluene-d8 (Surr)98 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 5075-120 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)97 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 5071-120 Dibromofluoromethane 97 02/21/17 11:00 03/03/17 05:50 5070-120 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) RL MDL Acenaphthene 210 41 7.4 ug/Kg ☼02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 41 5.5 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼Acenaphthylene 65 41 6.9 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼Anthracene 540 2100 410 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼Benzoic acid <2100 830 410 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼Benzyl alcohol <830 210 42 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane <210 210 62 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether <210 210 76 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 200 J 210 55 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether <210 210 79 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼Butyl benzyl phthalate <210 210 100 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼Carbazole 140 J 830 190 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼4-Chloroaniline <830 410 140 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼4-Chloro-3-methylphenol <410 210 46 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼2-Chloronaphthalene <210 210 71 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼2-Chlorophenol <210 210 48 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether <210 210 48 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼Dibenzofuran 220 210 47 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼1,3-Dichlorobenzene <210 210 53 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼1,4-Dichlorobenzene <210 210 49 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼1,2-Dichlorobenzene <210 210 58 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine <210 410 98 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼2,4-Dichlorophenol <410 210 70 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼Diethyl phthalate <210 410 160 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼2,4-Dimethylphenol <410 210 54 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼Dimethyl phthalate <210 TestAmerica Chicago Page 52 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-13Client Sample ID: SB-1 (10-12) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 12:00 Percent Solids: 79.9Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) RL MDL Di-n-butyl phthalate <210 210 63 ug/Kg ☼02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 830 330 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol <830 830 730 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼2,4-Dinitrophenol <830 210 81 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼2,6-Dinitrotoluene <210 210 66 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼2,4-Dinitrotoluene <210 210 67 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼Di-n-octyl phthalate <210 41 5.8 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼Fluorene 370 83 9.6 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼Hexachlorobenzene <83 210 65 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼Hexachlorobutadiene <210 830 240 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼Hexachlorocyclopentadiene <830 210 63 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼Hexachloroethane <210 210 46 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼Isophorone <210 83 7.6 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼2-Methylnaphthalene 31 J 210 66 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼2-Methylphenol <210 210 69 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼3 & 4 Methylphenol <210 41 6.4 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼Naphthalene 19 J 210 56 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼2-Nitroaniline <210 410 130 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼3-Nitroaniline <410 410 170 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼4-Nitroaniline <410 41 10 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼Nitrobenzene <41 410 98 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼2-Nitrophenol <410 830 390 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼4-Nitrophenol <830 83 51 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine <83 210 49 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼N-Nitrosodiphenylamine <210 210 48 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼2,2'-oxybis[1-chloropropane]<210 830 660 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼Pentachlorophenol <830 41 5.8 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼Phenanthrene 1900 210 92 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼Phenol <210 210 45 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <210 410 140 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼2,4,6-Trichlorophenol <410 410 94 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1☼2,4,5-Trichlorophenol <410 Unknown 46000 T J ug/Kg ☼1.61 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1 Tentatively Identified Compound Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDQualifierEst. Result CAS No.RT ☼103/01/17 02:5802/27/17 07:15T JUnknown720 ug/Kg 1.72 ☼103/01/17 02:5802/27/17 07:15T JUnknown1600 ug/Kg 1.80 ☼103/01/17 02:5802/27/17 07:15T JUnknown25000 ug/Kg 1.86 ☼103/01/17 02:5802/27/17 07:15T JUnknown11000 ug/Kg 3.61 ☼103/01/17 02:5802/27/17 07:15T J N2-Pentanone, 4-methoxy-4-methyl-107-70-07100ug/Kg 4.25 ☼103/01/17 02:5802/27/17 07:15T J NDodecane, 2,6,11-trimethyl-31295-56-41400ug/Kg 8.34 ☼103/01/17 02:5802/27/17 07:15T J NHexadecanamide 629-54-91400ug/Kg 12.18 ☼103/01/17 02:5802/27/17 07:15T J NPerylene 198-55-01500ug/Kg 12.82 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)87 42-115 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery 2-Fluorophenol (Surr)85 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 140-130 Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)79 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 133-124 Phenol-d5 (Surr)81 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 136-123 Terphenyl-d14 (Surr)244 X 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 125-150 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (Surr)100 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 02:58 125-130 TestAmerica Chicago Page 53 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) - DL RL MDL Benzo[a]anthracene 2200 410 56 ug/Kg ☼02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 21:20 10 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 410 80 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 21:20 10☼Benzo[a]pyrene 1700 410 89 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 21:20 10☼Benzo[b]fluoranthene 2900 410 130 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 21:20 10☼Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 630 410 120 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 21:20 10☼Benzo[k]fluoranthene 1100 410 110 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 21:20 10☼Chrysene 2000 410 80 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 21:20 10☼Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 470 410 77 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 21:20 10☼Fluoranthene 5900 410 110 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 21:20 10☼Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 730 410 82 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 21:20 10☼Pyrene 6500 Tentatively Identified Compound None ug/Kg ☼02/27/17 07:15 03/01/17 21:20 10 Tentatively Identified Compound Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDQualifierEst. Result CAS No.RT Method: 6010D - Metals (ICP) RL MDL Arsenic <2.5 2.5 1.5 mg/Kg ☼02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 13:01 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 2.5 1.2 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 13:01 1☼Barium 140 1.2 0.12 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 13:01 1☼Cadmium 2.2 1.2 1.1 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 13:01 1☼Chromium 86 1.2 0.62 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 13:01 1☼Lead 58 2.5 1.4 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 13:01 1☼Selenium 3.9 1.2 0.50 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 13:01 1☼Silver <1.2 Method: 7471B - Mercury (CVAA) RL MDL Mercury 0.10 J 0.12 0.036 mg/Kg ☼03/06/17 09:52 03/06/17 15:48 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier TestAmerica Chicago Page 54 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Definitions/Glossary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Qualifiers GC/MS VOA Qualifier Description *LCS or LCSD is outside acceptance limits. Qualifier F1 MS and/or MSD Recovery is outside acceptance limits. F2 MS/MSD RPD exceeds control limits J Result is less than the RL but greater than or equal to the MDL and the concentration is an approximate value. GC/MS Semi VOA Qualifier Description J Result is less than the RL but greater than or equal to the MDL and the concentration is an approximate value. Qualifier X Surrogate is outside control limits F1 MS and/or MSD Recovery is outside acceptance limits. 4 MS, MSD: The analyte present in the original sample is greater than 4 times the matrix spike concentration; therefore, control limits are not applicable. E Result exceeded calibration range. GC/MS Semi VOA TICs Qualifier Description E Result exceeded calibration range. Qualifier J Indicates an Estimated Value for TICs N Presumptive evidence of material. T Result is a tentatively identified compound (TIC) and an estimated value. Metals Qualifier Description J Result is less than the RL but greater than or equal to the MDL and the concentration is an approximate value. Qualifier F1 MS and/or MSD Recovery is outside acceptance limits. F2 MS/MSD RPD exceeds control limits 4 MS, MSD: The analyte present in the original sample is greater than 4 times the matrix spike concentration; therefore, control limits are not applicable. Glossary These commonly used abbreviations may or may not be present in this report. ¤Listed under the "D" column to designate that the result is reported on a dry weight basis Abbreviation %R Percent Recovery CFL Contains Free Liquid CNF Contains no Free Liquid DER Duplicate error ratio (normalized absolute difference) Dil Fac Dilution Factor DL, RA, RE, IN Indicates a Dilution, Re-analysis, Re-extraction, or additional Initial metals/anion analysis of the sample DLC Decision level concentration MDA Minimum detectable activity EDL Estimated Detection Limit MDC Minimum detectable concentration MDL Method Detection Limit ML Minimum Level (Dioxin) NC Not Calculated ND Not detected at the reporting limit (or MDL or EDL if shown) PQL Practical Quantitation Limit QC Quality Control RER Relative error ratio RL Reporting Limit or Requested Limit (Radiochemistry) RPD Relative Percent Difference, a measure of the relative difference between two points TEF Toxicity Equivalent Factor (Dioxin) TestAmerica Chicago Page 55 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Definitions/Glossary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Glossary (Continued) These commonly used abbreviations may or may not be present in this report. TEQ Toxicity Equivalent Quotient (Dioxin) Abbreviation TestAmerica Chicago Page 56 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Association Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site GC/MS VOA Prep Batch: 373170 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 5035500-124191-13 SB-1 (10-12)Total/NA Prep Batch: 373177 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 5035500-124191-1 SB-1 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 5035500-124191-3 SB-2 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 5035500-124191-4 SB-2 (10-12)Total/NA Solid 5035500-124191-5 SB-6 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 5035500-124191-8 SB-7 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 5035500-124191-9 SB-7 (0-2) Dup Total/NA Solid 5035500-124191-10 SB-8 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 5035500-124191-11 SB-9 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 5035500-124191-12 SB-5 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 5035500-124191-8 MS SB-7 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 5035500-124191-8 MSD SB-7 (0-2)Total/NA Analysis Batch: 373197 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 8260B 373177500-124191-1 SB-1 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 8260B 373177500-124191-3 SB-2 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 8260B 373177500-124191-4 SB-2 (10-12)Total/NA Solid 8260B 373177500-124191-5 SB-6 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 8260B 373177500-124191-8 SB-7 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 8260B 373177500-124191-9 SB-7 (0-2) Dup Total/NA Solid 8260B 373177500-124191-10 SB-8 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 8260B 373177500-124191-11 SB-9 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 8260B 373177500-124191-12 SB-5 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 8260BMB 500-373197/7 Method Blank Total/NA Solid 8260BLCS 500-373197/5 Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid 8260B 373177500-124191-8 MS SB-7 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 8260B 373177500-124191-8 MSD SB-7 (0-2)Total/NA Analysis Batch: 374195 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 8260B 373170500-124191-13 SB-1 (10-12)Total/NA Solid 8260BMB 500-374195/6 Method Blank Total/NA Solid 8260BLCS 500-374195/4 Lab Control Sample Total/NA GC/MS Semi VOA Prep Batch: 373579 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 3541500-124191-1 SB-1 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 3541500-124191-1 - DL SB-1 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 3541500-124191-3 SB-2 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 3541500-124191-3 - DL SB-2 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 3541500-124191-4 SB-2 (10-12)Total/NA Solid 3541500-124191-4 - DL SB-2 (10-12)Total/NA Solid 3541500-124191-4 - DL2 SB-2 (10-12)Total/NA Solid 3541500-124191-5 SB-6 (0-2)Total/NA TestAmerica Chicago Page 57 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Association Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site GC/MS Semi VOA (Continued) Prep Batch: 373579 (Continued) Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 3541500-124191-8 SB-7 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 3541500-124191-8 - DL SB-7 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 3541500-124191-9 SB-7 (0-2) Dup Total/NA Solid 3541500-124191-10 SB-8 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 3541500-124191-10 - DL SB-8 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 3541500-124191-11 SB-9 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 3541500-124191-12 SB-5 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 3541500-124191-13 SB-1 (10-12)Total/NA Solid 3541500-124191-13 - DL SB-1 (10-12)Total/NA Solid 3541MB 500-373579/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 3541LCS 500-373579/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid 3541500-124191-8 MS SB-7 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 3541500-124191-8 MSD SB-7 (0-2)Total/NA Analysis Batch: 373708 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 8270D 373579MB 500-373579/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 8270D 373579LCS 500-373579/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Analysis Batch: 373881 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 8270D 373579500-124191-1 SB-1 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 8270D 373579500-124191-3 SB-2 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 8270D 373579500-124191-4 SB-2 (10-12)Total/NA Solid 8270D 373579500-124191-8 SB-7 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 8270D 373579500-124191-10 SB-8 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 8270D 373579500-124191-13 SB-1 (10-12)Total/NA Solid 8270D 373579500-124191-8 MS SB-7 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 8270D 373579500-124191-8 MSD SB-7 (0-2)Total/NA Analysis Batch: 374010 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 8270D 373579500-124191-1 - DL SB-1 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 8270D 373579500-124191-3 - DL SB-2 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 8270D 373579500-124191-4 - DL SB-2 (10-12)Total/NA Solid 8270D 373579500-124191-5 SB-6 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 8270D 373579500-124191-8 - DL SB-7 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 8270D 373579500-124191-9 SB-7 (0-2) Dup Total/NA Solid 8270D 373579500-124191-10 - DL SB-8 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 8270D 373579500-124191-11 SB-9 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 8270D 373579500-124191-12 SB-5 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 8270D 373579500-124191-13 - DL SB-1 (10-12)Total/NA Analysis Batch: 374690 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 8270D 373579500-124191-4 - DL2 SB-2 (10-12)Total/NA TestAmerica Chicago Page 58 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Association Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Metals Prep Batch: 409813 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 3051A500-124191-1 SB-1 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 3051A500-124191-3 SB-2 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 3051A500-124191-4 SB-2 (10-12)Total/NA Solid 3051A500-124191-5 SB-6 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 3051A500-124191-8 SB-7 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 3051A500-124191-9 SB-7 (0-2) Dup Total/NA Solid 3051A500-124191-10 SB-8 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 3051A500-124191-11 SB-9 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 3051A500-124191-12 SB-5 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 3051A500-124191-13 SB-1 (10-12)Total/NA Solid 3051AMB 490-409813/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 3051ALCS 490-409813/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid 3051A500-124191-8 MS SB-7 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 3051A500-124191-8 MSD SB-7 (0-2)Total/NA Leach Batch: 410092 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 1311500-124191-6 SB-3 (0-2)TCLP Solid 1311500-124191-7 SB-4 (15-17)TCLP Solid 1311LB 490-410092/1-B Method Blank TCLP Solid 1311LB 490-410092/1-C Method Blank TCLP Analysis Batch: 410112 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 6010D 409813500-124191-1 SB-1 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 6010D 409813500-124191-3 SB-2 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 6010D 409813500-124191-4 SB-2 (10-12)Total/NA Solid 6010D 409813500-124191-5 SB-6 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 6010D 409813500-124191-8 SB-7 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 6010D 409813500-124191-9 SB-7 (0-2) Dup Total/NA Solid 6010D 409813500-124191-10 SB-8 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 6010D 409813500-124191-11 SB-9 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 6010D 409813500-124191-12 SB-5 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 6010D 409813500-124191-13 SB-1 (10-12)Total/NA Solid 6010D 409813MB 490-409813/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 6010D 409813LCS 490-409813/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid 6010D 409813500-124191-8 MS SB-7 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 6010D 409813500-124191-8 MSD SB-7 (0-2)Total/NA Prep Batch: 410268 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 7470A 410092500-124191-6 SB-3 (0-2)TCLP Solid 7470A 410092500-124191-7 SB-4 (15-17)TCLP Solid 7470A 410092LB 490-410092/1-B Method Blank TCLP Solid 7470AMB 490-410268/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 7470ALCS 490-410268/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Prep Batch: 410308 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 3010A 410092500-124191-6 SB-3 (0-2)TCLP Solid 3010A 410092500-124191-7 SB-4 (15-17)TCLP TestAmerica Chicago Page 59 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Association Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Metals (Continued) Prep Batch: 410308 (Continued) Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 3010A 410092LB 490-410092/1-C Method Blank TCLP Solid 3010AMB 490-410308/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 3010ALCS 490-410308/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Analysis Batch: 410557 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 7470A 410268500-124191-6 SB-3 (0-2)TCLP Solid 7470A 410268500-124191-7 SB-4 (15-17)TCLP Solid 7470A 410268LB 490-410092/1-B Method Blank TCLP Solid 7470A 410268MB 490-410268/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 7470A 410268LCS 490-410268/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Analysis Batch: 410808 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 6010D 410308500-124191-6 SB-3 (0-2)TCLP Solid 6010D 410308500-124191-7 SB-4 (15-17)TCLP Solid 6010D 410308LB 490-410092/1-C Method Blank TCLP Solid 6010D 410308MB 490-410308/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 6010D 410308LCS 490-410308/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Prep Batch: 412260 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 7471B500-124191-1 SB-1 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 7471B500-124191-3 SB-2 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 7471B500-124191-4 SB-2 (10-12)Total/NA Solid 7471B500-124191-5 SB-6 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 7471B500-124191-9 SB-7 (0-2) Dup Total/NA Solid 7471B500-124191-10 SB-8 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 7471B500-124191-11 SB-9 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 7471B500-124191-12 SB-5 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 7471B500-124191-13 SB-1 (10-12)Total/NA Solid 7471BMB 490-412260/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 7471BLCS 490-412260/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid 7471BLCSD 490-412260/3-A Lab Control Sample Dup Total/NA Prep Batch: 412272 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 7471B500-124191-8 SB-7 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 7471BMB 490-412272/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 7471BLCS 490-412272/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid 7471B500-124191-8 MS SB-7 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 7471B500-124191-8 MSD SB-7 (0-2)Total/NA Analysis Batch: 412479 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 7471B 412260500-124191-1 SB-1 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 7471B 412260500-124191-3 SB-2 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 7471B 412260500-124191-4 SB-2 (10-12)Total/NA Solid 7471B 412260500-124191-5 SB-6 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 7471B 412272500-124191-8 SB-7 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 7471B 412260500-124191-9 SB-7 (0-2) Dup Total/NA TestAmerica Chicago Page 60 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Association Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Metals (Continued) Analysis Batch: 412479 (Continued) Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 7471B 412260500-124191-10 SB-8 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 7471B 412260500-124191-11 SB-9 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 7471B 412260500-124191-12 SB-5 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 7471B 412260500-124191-13 SB-1 (10-12)Total/NA Solid 7471B 412260MB 490-412260/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 7471B 412272MB 490-412272/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 7471B 412260LCS 490-412260/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid 7471B 412272LCS 490-412272/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid 7471B 412260LCSD 490-412260/3-A Lab Control Sample Dup Total/NA Solid 7471B 412272500-124191-8 MS SB-7 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 7471B 412272500-124191-8 MSD SB-7 (0-2)Total/NA General Chemistry Analysis Batch: 373223 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid Moisture500-124191-1 SB-1 (0-2)Total/NA Solid Moisture500-124191-3 SB-2 (0-2)Total/NA Solid Moisture500-124191-4 SB-2 (10-12)Total/NA Solid Moisture500-124191-5 SB-6 (0-2)Total/NA Solid Moisture500-124191-8 SB-7 (0-2)Total/NA Solid Moisture500-124191-9 SB-7 (0-2) Dup Total/NA Solid Moisture500-124191-10 SB-8 (0-2)Total/NA Solid Moisture500-124191-11 SB-9 (0-2)Total/NA Solid Moisture500-124191-12 SB-5 (0-2)Total/NA Solid Moisture500-124191-13 SB-1 (10-12)Total/NA Solid Moisture500-124191-3 DU SB-2 (0-2)Total/NA TestAmerica Chicago Page 61 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Surrogate Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) Prep Type: Total/NAMatrix: Solid Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID (70-120)(75-120)(69-134)(75-123) BFB DBFM 12DCE TOL 103 111 128 102500-124191-1 Percent Surrogate Recovery (Acceptance Limits) SB-1 (0-2) 104 109 126 100500-124191-3 SB-2 (0-2) 102 110 128 104500-124191-4 SB-2 (10-12) 103 107 127 100500-124191-5 SB-6 (0-2) 101 110 127 103500-124191-8 SB-7 (0-2) 100 111 127 105500-124191-8 MS SB-7 (0-2) 101 110 124 104500-124191-8 MSD SB-7 (0-2) 103 109 127 102500-124191-9 SB-7 (0-2) Dup 103 109 127 103500-124191-10 SB-8 (0-2) 104 112 128 101500-124191-11 SB-9 (0-2) 102 111 126 100500-124191-12 SB-5 (0-2) 103 104 108 107LCS 500-373197/5 Lab Control Sample 100 106 112 99MB 500-373197/7 Method Blank Surrogate Legend BFB = 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) DBFM = Dibromofluoromethane 12DCE = 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) TOL = Toluene-d8 (Surr) Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) Prep Type: Total/NAMatrix: Solid Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID (71-127)(75-120)(71-120)(70-120) 12DCE TOL BFB DBFM 113 98 97 97500-124191-13 Percent Surrogate Recovery (Acceptance Limits) SB-1 (10-12) 112 99 91 102LCS 500-374195/4 Lab Control Sample 112 96 98 99MB 500-374195/6 Method Blank Surrogate Legend 12DCE = 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) TOL = Toluene-d8 (Surr) BFB = 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) DBFM = Dibromofluoromethane Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) Prep Type: Total/NAMatrix: Solid Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID (42-115)(40-130)(33-124)(36-123)(25-150)(25-130) FBP 2FP NBZ PHL TPH TBP 83 79 73 75 185 X 92500-124191-1 Percent Surrogate Recovery (Acceptance Limits) SB-1 (0-2) 88 96 75 11394 90500-124191-1 - DL SB-1 (0-2) 87 81 76 183 X78 95500-124191-3 SB-2 (0-2) 84 95 73 11089 86500-124191-3 - DL SB-2 (0-2) 95 87 80 211 X81 101500-124191-4 SB-2 (10-12) 118 X 115 96 167 X110 113500-124191-4 - DL SB-2 (10-12) 0 D 0 D 0 D 0 D0 D 0 D500-124191-4 - DL2 SB-2 (10-12) 109 109 86 161 X110 102500-124191-5 SB-6 (0-2) TestAmerica Chicago Page 62 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Surrogate Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Prep Type: Total/NAMatrix: Solid Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID (42-115)(40-130)(33-124)(36-123)(25-150)(25-130) FBP 2FP NBZ PHL TPH TBP 87 79 72 78 200 X 91500-124191-8 Percent Surrogate Recovery (Acceptance Limits) SB-7 (0-2) 112 110 90 166 X115 102500-124191-8 - DL SB-7 (0-2) 91 81 77 199 X76 100500-124191-8 MS SB-7 (0-2) 86 79 76 204 X72 99500-124191-8 MSD SB-7 (0-2) 79 94 74 12388 89500-124191-9 SB-7 (0-2) Dup 95 85 74 225 X85 93500-124191-10 SB-8 (0-2) 0 D 0 D 0 D 0 D0 D 0 D500-124191-10 - DL SB-8 (0-2) 79 94 76 12188 90500-124191-11 SB-9 (0-2) 80 95 74 12687 81500-124191-12 SB-5 (0-2) 87 85 79 244 X81 100500-124191-13 SB-1 (10-12) 113 117 97 178 X112 92500-124191-13 - DL SB-1 (10-12) 89 92 90 9494 102LCS 500-373579/2-A Lab Control Sample 92 90 86 10187 95MB 500-373579/1-A Method Blank Surrogate Legend FBP = 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) 2FP = 2-Fluorophenol (Surr) NBZ = Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr) PHL = Phenol-d5 (Surr) TPH = Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) TBP = 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (Surr) TestAmerica Chicago Page 63 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) Client Sample ID: SB-7 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-8 MS Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 373197 Prep Batch: 373177 Acetone 21 F1 F2 45.4 58.9 ug/Kg 84 40-148☼ Analyte MS MS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits Benzene <1.7 F1 45.4 18.6 F1 ug/Kg 41 70-120☼ Bromobenzene <1.7 F1 45.4 6.22 F1 ug/Kg 14 70-120☼ Bromochloromethane <1.7 F1 45.4 12.9 F1 ug/Kg 28 70-120☼ Bromodichloromethane <1.7 F1 45.4 13.9 F1 ug/Kg 31 67-120☼ Bromoform <1.7 F1 45.4 8.13 F1 ug/Kg 18 50-129☼ Bromomethane <4.2 *45.4 28.3 ug/Kg 62 50-134☼ Carbon disulfide <4.2 F1 45.4 18.6 F1 ug/Kg 41 67-133☼ Carbon tetrachloride <1.7 F1 45.4 23.3 F1 ug/Kg 51 65-123☼ Chlorobenzene <1.7 F1 45.4 8.71 F1 ug/Kg 19 70-120☼ Chloroethane <4.2 45.4 27.8 ug/Kg 61 40-150☼ Chloroform <1.7 F1 45.4 18.3 F1 ug/Kg 40 70-120☼ Chloromethane <4.2 F1 45.4 21.6 F1 ug/Kg 48 63-135☼ 2-Chlorotoluene <1.7 F1 45.4 8.59 F1 ug/Kg 19 70-129☼ 4-Chlorotoluene <1.7 F1 45.4 7.15 F1 ug/Kg 16 70-127☼ cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <1.7 F1 45.4 15.0 F1 ug/Kg 33 70-120☼ cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <1.7 F1 45.4 10.9 F1 ug/Kg 24 70-120☼ Dibromochloromethane <1.7 F1 45.4 10.6 F1 ug/Kg 23 68-120☼ 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <4.2 F1 45.4 7.61 F1 ug/Kg 17 69-125☼ 1,2-Dibromoethane <1.7 F1 45.4 9.21 F1 ug/Kg 20 70-120☼ Dibromomethane <1.7 F1 45.4 11.7 F1 ug/Kg 26 70-120☼ 1,3-Dichlorobenzene <1.7 F1 45.4 4.75 F1 ug/Kg 10 70-122☼ 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <1.7 F1 45.4 4.27 F1 ug/Kg 9 70-122☼ 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <1.7 F1 45.4 4.28 F1 ug/Kg 9 70-123☼ Dichlorodifluoromethane <4.2 45.4 27.3 ug/Kg 60 40-149☼ 1,1-Dichloroethane <1.7 F1 45.4 20.4 F1 ug/Kg 45 70-125☼ 1,2-Dichloroethane <4.2 F1 45.4 16.1 F1 ug/Kg 35 65-126☼ 1,1-Dichloroethene <1.7 F1 45.4 21.7 F1 ug/Kg 48 70-122☼ 2,2-Dichloropropane <17 45.4 23.2 ug/Kg 51 42-120☼ 1,2-Dichloropropane <1.7 F1 45.4 14.2 F1 ug/Kg 31 70-126☼ 1,3-Dichloropropane <1.7 F1 45.4 10.9 F1 ug/Kg 24 70-122☼ 1,1-Dichloropropene <1.7 F1 45.4 18.3 F1 ug/Kg 40 70-123☼ Ethylbenzene <1.7 F1 45.4 11.6 F1 ug/Kg 25 70-120☼ Hexachlorobutadiene <4.2 F1 45.4 5.69 F1 ug/Kg 13 70-140☼ 2-Hexanone <4.2 F1 45.4 12.1 F1 ug/Kg 27 51-139☼ Isopropylbenzene <1.7 F1 45.4 12.3 F1 ug/Kg 27 70-127☼ Methylene Chloride <4.2 F1 45.4 15.4 F1 ug/Kg 34 70-121☼ Methyl Ethyl Ketone <4.2 F1 F2 45.4 20.4 F1 ug/Kg 45 47-138☼ methyl isobutyl ketone <4.2 F1 45.4 16.4 F1 ug/Kg 36 51-141☼ Methyl tert-butyl ether <1.7 F1 45.4 19.3 F1 ug/Kg 43 70-121☼ m&p-Xylene <3.4 F1 45.4 12.4 F1 ug/Kg 27 70-120☼ Naphthalene <4.2 F1 F2 45.4 11.5 F1 ug/Kg 25 70-133☼ n-Butylbenzene <1.7 F1 45.4 7.24 F1 ug/Kg 16 70-133☼ N-Propylbenzene <1.7 F1 45.4 10.4 F1 ug/Kg 23 70-132☼ o-Xylene <1.7 F1 45.4 11.3 F1 ug/Kg 25 70-123☼ p-Isopropyltoluene <1.7 F1 45.4 8.80 F1 ug/Kg 19 70-127☼ sec-Butylbenzene <1.7 F1 45.4 10.0 F1 ug/Kg 22 70-131☼ Styrene <1.7 F1 45.4 6.69 F1 ug/Kg 15 70-121☼ TestAmerica Chicago Page 64 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: SB-7 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-8 MS Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 373197 Prep Batch: 373177 tert-Butylbenzene <1.7 F1 45.4 11.0 F1 ug/Kg 24 70-128☼ Analyte MS MS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.7 F1 45.4 11.8 F1 ug/Kg 26 70-120☼ 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.7 F1 45.4 7.49 F1 ug/Kg 16 70-125☼ Tetrachloroethene <1.7 F1 45.4 14.2 F1 ug/Kg 31 70-122☼ Toluene <1.7 F1 45.4 16.0 F1 ug/Kg 35 70-121☼ trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <1.7 F1 45.4 18.1 F1 ug/Kg 40 70-120☼ trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <1.7 F1 45.4 8.51 F1 ug/Kg 19 70-121☼ 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <1.7 F1 45.4 2.27 F1 ug/Kg 5 70-130☼ 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <1.7 F1 45.4 2.39 F1 ug/Kg 5 70-128☼ 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <1.7 F1 45.4 22.9 F1 ug/Kg 50 70-120☼ 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <1.7 F1 45.4 10.4 F1 ug/Kg 23 70-120☼ Trichloroethene <1.7 F1 45.4 14.5 F1 ug/Kg 32 70-124☼ Trichlorofluoromethane <4.2 45.4 25.9 ug/Kg 57 56-117☼ 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <1.7 F1 45.4 9.33 F1 ug/Kg 21 70-125☼ 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <1.7 F1 45.4 9.90 F1 ug/Kg 22 70-125☼ 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <1.7 F1 45.4 9.16 F1 ug/Kg 20 70-126☼ Vinyl chloride <1.7 F1 45.4 22.3 F1 ug/Kg 49 64-125☼ 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)70 -120 Surrogate 100 MS MS Qualifier Limits%Recovery 111Dibromofluoromethane 75 -120 1271,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr)69 -134 105Toluene-d8 (Surr)75 -123 Client Sample ID: SB-7 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-8 MSD Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 373197 Prep Batch: 373177 Acetone 21 F1 F2 49.8 35.0 F1 F2 ug/Kg 28 40-148 51 30☼ Analyte MSD MSD DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits LimitRPD RPD Benzene <1.7 F1 49.8 19.0 F1 ug/Kg 38 70-120 2 30☼ Bromobenzene <1.7 F1 49.8 6.08 F1 ug/Kg 12 70-120 2 30☼ Bromochloromethane <1.7 F1 49.8 13.2 F1 ug/Kg 27 70-120 2 30☼ Bromodichloromethane <1.7 F1 49.8 14.6 F1 ug/Kg 29 67-120 5 30☼ Bromoform <1.7 F1 49.8 6.61 F1 ug/Kg 13 50-129 21 30☼ Bromomethane <4.2 *49.8 30.9 ug/Kg 62 50-134 9 30☼ Carbon disulfide <4.2 F1 49.8 21.5 F1 ug/Kg 43 67-133 14 30☼ Carbon tetrachloride <1.7 F1 49.8 25.9 F1 ug/Kg 52 65-123 11 30☼ Chlorobenzene <1.7 F1 49.8 9.57 F1 ug/Kg 19 70-120 9 30☼ Chloroethane <4.2 49.8 33.4 ug/Kg 67 40-150 18 30☼ Chloroform <1.7 F1 49.8 18.9 F1 ug/Kg 38 70-120 3 30☼ Chloromethane <4.2 F1 49.8 26.4 F1 ug/Kg 53 63-135 20 30☼ 2-Chlorotoluene <1.7 F1 49.8 8.69 F1 ug/Kg 17 70-129 1 30☼ 4-Chlorotoluene <1.7 F1 49.8 7.87 F1 ug/Kg 16 70-127 10 30☼ cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <1.7 F1 49.8 18.0 F1 ug/Kg 36 70-120 18 30☼ cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <1.7 F1 49.8 11.5 F1 ug/Kg 23 70-120 6 30☼ Dibromochloromethane <1.7 F1 49.8 9.87 F1 ug/Kg 20 68-120 8 30☼ 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <4.2 F1 49.8 6.04 F1 ug/Kg 12 69-125 23 30☼ TestAmerica Chicago Page 65 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: SB-7 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-8 MSD Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 373197 Prep Batch: 373177 1,2-Dibromoethane <1.7 F1 49.8 8.23 F1 ug/Kg 17 70-120 11 30☼ Analyte MSD MSD DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits LimitRPD RPD Dibromomethane <1.7 F1 49.8 11.1 F1 ug/Kg 22 70-120 5 30☼ 1,3-Dichlorobenzene <1.7 F1 49.8 4.39 F1 ug/Kg 9 70-122 8 30☼ 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <1.7 F1 49.8 3.88 F1 ug/Kg 8 70-122 9 30☼ 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <1.7 F1 49.8 3.76 F1 ug/Kg 8 70-123 13 30☼ Dichlorodifluoromethane <4.2 49.8 32.0 ug/Kg 64 40-149 16 30☼ 1,1-Dichloroethane <1.7 F1 49.8 21.4 F1 ug/Kg 43 70-125 5 30☼ 1,2-Dichloroethane <4.2 F1 49.8 14.3 F1 ug/Kg 29 65-126 12 30☼ 1,1-Dichloroethene <1.7 F1 49.8 24.4 F1 ug/Kg 49 70-122 12 30☼ 2,2-Dichloropropane <17 49.8 23.8 ug/Kg 48 42-120 3 30☼ 1,2-Dichloropropane <1.7 F1 49.8 15.2 F1 ug/Kg 31 70-126 7 30☼ 1,3-Dichloropropane <1.7 F1 49.8 10.3 F1 ug/Kg 21 70-122 6 30☼ 1,1-Dichloropropene <1.7 F1 49.8 20.2 F1 ug/Kg 40 70-123 10 30☼ Ethylbenzene <1.7 F1 49.8 12.2 F1 ug/Kg 25 70-120 5 30☼ Hexachlorobutadiene <4.2 F1 49.8 4.76 J F1 ug/Kg 10 70-140 18 30☼ 2-Hexanone <4.2 F1 49.8 10.5 F1 ug/Kg 21 51-139 15 30☼ Isopropylbenzene <1.7 F1 49.8 13.0 F1 ug/Kg 26 70-127 6 30☼ Methylene Chloride <4.2 F1 49.8 16.1 F1 ug/Kg 32 70-121 4 30☼ Methyl Ethyl Ketone <4.2 F1 F2 49.8 13.8 F1 F2 ug/Kg 28 47-138 39 30☼ methyl isobutyl ketone <4.2 F1 49.8 13.5 F1 ug/Kg 27 51-141 20 30☼ Methyl tert-butyl ether <1.7 F1 49.8 15.7 F1 ug/Kg 31 70-121 21 30☼ m&p-Xylene <3.4 F1 49.8 13.3 F1 ug/Kg 27 70-120 7 30☼ Naphthalene <4.2 F1 F2 49.8 2.62 J F1 F2 ug/Kg 5 70-133 126 30☼ n-Butylbenzene <1.7 F1 49.8 6.91 F1 ug/Kg 14 70-133 5 30☼ N-Propylbenzene <1.7 F1 49.8 10.7 F1 ug/Kg 21 70-132 3 30☼ o-Xylene <1.7 F1 49.8 11.5 F1 ug/Kg 23 70-123 2 30☼ p-Isopropyltoluene <1.7 F1 49.8 9.00 F1 ug/Kg 18 70-127 2 30☼ sec-Butylbenzene <1.7 F1 49.8 9.58 F1 ug/Kg 19 70-131 4 30☼ Styrene <1.7 F1 49.8 7.04 F1 ug/Kg 14 70-121 5 30☼ tert-Butylbenzene <1.7 F1 49.8 10.6 F1 ug/Kg 21 70-128 3 30☼ 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.7 F1 49.8 11.8 F1 ug/Kg 24 70-120 0 30☼ 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.7 F1 49.8 6.17 F1 ug/Kg 12 70-125 19 30☼ Tetrachloroethene <1.7 F1 49.8 15.6 F1 ug/Kg 31 70-122 9 30☼ Toluene <1.7 F1 49.8 15.2 F1 ug/Kg 31 70-121 5 30☼ trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <1.7 F1 49.8 20.8 F1 ug/Kg 42 70-120 14 30☼ trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <1.7 F1 49.8 8.59 F1 ug/Kg 17 70-121 1 30☼ 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <1.7 F1 49.8 2.03 F1 ug/Kg 4 70-130 11 30☼ 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <1.7 F1 49.8 2.00 F1 ug/Kg 4 70-128 18 30☼ 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <1.7 F1 49.8 25.6 F1 ug/Kg 51 70-120 11 30☼ 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <1.7 F1 49.8 9.86 F1 ug/Kg 20 70-120 6 30☼ Trichloroethene <1.7 F1 49.8 16.9 F1 ug/Kg 34 70-124 16 30☼ Trichlorofluoromethane <4.2 49.8 32.1 ug/Kg 65 56-117 21 30☼ 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <1.7 F1 49.8 7.80 F1 ug/Kg 16 70-125 18 30☼ 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <1.7 F1 49.8 9.57 F1 ug/Kg 19 70-125 3 30☼ 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <1.7 F1 49.8 8.51 F1 ug/Kg 17 70-126 7 30☼ Vinyl chloride <1.7 F1 49.8 27.7 F1 ug/Kg 56 64-125 22 30☼ TestAmerica Chicago Page 66 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: SB-7 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-8 MSD Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 373197 Prep Batch: 373177 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)70 -120 Surrogate 101 MSD MSD Qualifier Limits%Recovery 110Dibromofluoromethane 75 -120 1241,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr)69 -134 104Toluene-d8 (Surr)75 -123 Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 500-373197/7 Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 373197 RL MDL Acetone <20 20 8.7 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <2.0 0.512.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1Benzene <2.0 0.692.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1Bromobenzene <2.0 0.612.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1Bromochloromethane <2.0 0.412.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1Bromodichloromethane <2.0 0.582.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1Bromoform <5.0 1.95.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1Bromomethane <5.0 1.05.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1Carbon disulfide <2.0 0.582.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1Carbon tetrachloride <2.0 0.742.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1Chlorobenzene <5.0 1.55.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1Chloroethane <2.0 0.692.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1Chloroform <5.0 2.05.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1Chloromethane <2.0 0.672.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 12-Chlorotoluene <2.0 0.902.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 14-Chlorotoluene <2.0 0.562.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <2.0 0.602.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <2.0 0.652.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1Dibromochloromethane <5.0 2.05.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 11,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <2.0 0.762.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 11,2-Dibromoethane <2.0 0.662.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1Dibromomethane <2.0 0.732.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 11,3-Dichlorobenzene <2.0 0.772.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 11,4-Dichlorobenzene <2.0 0.742.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 11,2-Dichlorobenzene <5.0 1.25.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1Dichlorodifluoromethane <2.0 0.692.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 11,1-Dichloroethane <5.0 1.65.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 11,2-Dichloroethane <2.0 0.692.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 11,1-Dichloroethene <20 1020 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 12,2-Dichloropropane <2.0 0.522.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 11,2-Dichloropropane <2.0 0.502.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 11,3-Dichloropropane <2.0 0.542.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 11,1-Dichloropropene <2.0 0.962.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1Ethylbenzene <5.0 1.85.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1Hexachlorobutadiene <5.0 1.65.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 12-Hexanone <2.0 0.722.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1Isopropylbenzene <5.0 2.05.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1Methylene Chloride <5.0 2.25.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1Methyl Ethyl Ketone TestAmerica Chicago Page 67 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 500-373197/7 Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 373197 RL MDL methyl isobutyl ketone <5.0 5.0 1.5 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <2.0 0.592.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1Methyl tert-butyl ether <4.0 0.634.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1m&p-Xylene <5.0 2.25.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1Naphthalene <2.0 0.882.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1n-Butylbenzene <2.0 0.822.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1N-Propylbenzene <2.0 0.642.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1o-Xylene <2.0 0.822.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1p-Isopropyltoluene <2.0 0.892.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1sec-Butylbenzene <2.0 0.602.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1Styrene <2.0 0.702.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1tert-Butylbenzene <2.0 0.462.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 11,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <2.0 0.642.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 11,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <2.0 0.682.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1Tetrachloroethene <2.0 0.512.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1Toluene <2.0 0.892.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <2.0 0.702.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <2.0 0.722.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 11,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <2.0 0.972.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 11,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <2.0 0.672.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 11,1,1-Trichloroethane <2.0 0.862.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 11,1,2-Trichloroethane <2.0 0.682.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1Trichloroethene <5.0 2.05.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1Trichlorofluoromethane <2.0 0.882.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 11,2,3-Trichloropropane <2.0 0.752.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 11,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <2.0 0.702.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 11,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <2.0 0.892.0 ug/Kg 02/23/17 09:46 1Vinyl chloride 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)100 70-120 02/23/17 09:46 1 MB MB Surrogate Dil FacPreparedAnalyzedQualifierLimits%Recovery 106 02/23/17 09:46 1Dibromofluoromethane75-120 112 02/23/17 09:46 11,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr)69-134 99 02/23/17 09:46 1Toluene-d8 (Surr)75-123 Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 500-373197/5 Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 373197 Acetone 50.0 43.1 ug/Kg 86 40-148 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits Benzene 50.0 45.0 ug/Kg 90 70-120 Bromobenzene 50.0 48.1 ug/Kg 96 70-120 Bromochloromethane 50.0 44.6 ug/Kg 89 70-120 Bromodichloromethane 50.0 51.9 ug/Kg 104 67-120 Bromoform 50.0 54.7 ug/Kg 109 50-129 Bromomethane 50.0 68.3 *ug/Kg 137 50-134 Carbon disulfide 50.0 48.4 ug/Kg 97 67-133 Carbon tetrachloride 50.0 59.9 ug/Kg 120 65-123 TestAmerica Chicago Page 68 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 500-373197/5 Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 373197 Chlorobenzene 50.0 48.3 ug/Kg 97 70-120 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits Chloroethane 50.0 56.2 ug/Kg 112 40-150 Chloroform 50.0 50.8 ug/Kg 102 70-120 Chloromethane 50.0 47.0 ug/Kg 94 63-135 2-Chlorotoluene 50.0 52.6 ug/Kg 105 70-129 4-Chlorotoluene 50.0 53.4 ug/Kg 107 70-127 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 47.8 ug/Kg 96 70-120 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 50.3 ug/Kg 101 70-120 Dibromochloromethane 50.0 54.8 ug/Kg 110 68-120 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 50.0 50.4 ug/Kg 101 69-125 1,2-Dibromoethane 50.0 49.3 ug/Kg 99 70-120 Dibromomethane 50.0 46.9 ug/Kg 94 70-120 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 49.5 ug/Kg 99 70-122 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 47.8 ug/Kg 96 70-122 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 46.0 ug/Kg 92 70-123 Dichlorodifluoromethane 50.0 54.7 ug/Kg 109 40-149 1,1-Dichloroethane 50.0 49.5 ug/Kg 99 70-125 1,2-Dichloroethane 50.0 52.2 ug/Kg 104 65-126 1,1-Dichloroethene 50.0 48.2 ug/Kg 96 70-122 2,2-Dichloropropane 50.0 54.6 ug/Kg 109 42-120 1,2-Dichloropropane 50.0 44.8 ug/Kg 90 70-126 1,3-Dichloropropane 50.0 47.2 ug/Kg 94 70-122 1,1-Dichloropropene 50.0 49.2 ug/Kg 98 70-123 Ethylbenzene 50.0 49.0 ug/Kg 98 70-120 Hexachlorobutadiene 50.0 55.7 ug/Kg 111 70-140 2-Hexanone 50.0 57.1 ug/Kg 114 51-139 Isopropylbenzene 50.0 52.9 ug/Kg 106 70-127 Methylene Chloride 50.0 42.1 ug/Kg 84 70-121 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 50.0 43.8 ug/Kg 88 47-138 methyl isobutyl ketone 50.0 58.9 ug/Kg 118 51-141 Methyl tert-butyl ether 50.0 50.7 ug/Kg 101 70-121 m&p-Xylene 50.0 53.5 ug/Kg 107 70-120 Naphthalene 50.0 46.7 ug/Kg 93 70-133 n-Butylbenzene 50.0 53.5 ug/Kg 107 70-133 N-Propylbenzene 50.0 52.7 ug/Kg 105 70-132 o-Xylene 50.0 53.0 ug/Kg 106 70-123 p-Isopropyltoluene 50.0 53.0 ug/Kg 106 70-127 sec-Butylbenzene 50.0 53.0 ug/Kg 106 70-131 Styrene 50.0 49.1 ug/Kg 98 70-121 tert-Butylbenzene 50.0 53.1 ug/Kg 106 70-128 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 54.6 ug/Kg 109 70-120 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 44.9 ug/Kg 90 70-125 Tetrachloroethene 50.0 48.6 ug/Kg 97 70-122 Toluene 50.0 49.1 ug/Kg 98 70-121 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 47.2 ug/Kg 94 70-120 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 52.6 ug/Kg 105 70-121 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 50.0 48.8 ug/Kg 98 70-130 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 50.0 45.1 ug/Kg 90 70-128 TestAmerica Chicago Page 69 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 500-373197/5 Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 373197 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 50.0 59.2 ug/Kg 118 70-120 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 50.0 44.9 ug/Kg 90 70-120 Trichloroethene 50.0 46.4 ug/Kg 93 70-124 Trichlorofluoromethane 50.0 57.9 ug/Kg 116 56-117 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 50.0 48.5 ug/Kg 97 70-125 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 50.0 53.3 ug/Kg 107 70-125 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 50.0 54.1 ug/Kg 108 70-126 Vinyl chloride 50.0 46.7 ug/Kg 93 64-125 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)70 -120 Surrogate 103 LCS LCS Qualifier Limits%Recovery 104Dibromofluoromethane 75 -120 1081,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr)69 -134 107Toluene-d8 (Surr)75 -123 Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 500-374195/6 Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 374195 RL MDL Acetone <5.0 5.0 1.7 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <0.25 0.150.25 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1Benzene <1.0 0.361.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1Bromobenzene <1.0 0.431.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1Bromochloromethane <1.0 0.371.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1Bromodichloromethane <1.0 0.481.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1Bromoform <2.0 0.802.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1Bromomethane <2.0 0.802.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1Carbon disulfide <1.0 0.381.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1Carbon tetrachloride <1.0 0.391.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1Chlorobenzene <1.0 0.501.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1Chloroethane <2.0 0.372.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1Chloroform <1.0 0.321.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1Chloromethane <1.0 0.311.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 12-Chlorotoluene <1.0 0.351.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 14-Chlorotoluene <1.0 0.411.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <1.0 0.421.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <1.0 0.491.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1Dibromochloromethane <5.0 2.05.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 11,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <1.0 0.391.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 11,2-Dibromoethane <1.0 0.271.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1Dibromomethane <1.0 0.401.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 11,3-Dichlorobenzene <1.0 0.361.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 11,4-Dichlorobenzene <1.0 0.331.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 11,2-Dichlorobenzene <2.0 0.672.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1Dichlorodifluoromethane <1.0 0.411.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 11,1-Dichloroethane <1.0 0.391.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 11,2-Dichloroethane <1.0 0.391.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 11,1-Dichloroethene TestAmerica Chicago Page 70 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 500-374195/6 Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 374195 RL MDL 2,2-Dichloropropane <1.0 1.0 0.44 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <1.0 0.431.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 11,2-Dichloropropane <1.0 0.361.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 11,3-Dichloropropane <1.0 0.301.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 11,1-Dichloropropene <0.25 0.180.25 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1Ethylbenzene <1.0 0.451.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1Hexachlorobutadiene <5.0 1.65.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 12-Hexanone <1.0 0.381.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1Isopropylbenzene <5.0 1.65.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1Methylene Chloride <5.0 2.15.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1Methyl Ethyl Ketone <5.0 2.25.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1methyl isobutyl ketone <1.0 0.391.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1Methyl tert-butyl ether <0.50 0.180.50 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1m&p-Xylene <1.0 0.331.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1Naphthalene <1.0 0.391.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1n-Butylbenzene <1.0 0.411.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1N-Propylbenzene <0.25 0.220.25 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1o-Xylene <1.0 0.361.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1p-Isopropyltoluene <1.0 0.401.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1sec-Butylbenzene <1.0 0.391.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1Styrene <1.0 0.401.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1tert-Butylbenzene <1.0 0.461.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 11,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.0 0.401.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 11,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.0 0.371.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1Tetrachloroethene <0.25 0.150.25 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1Toluene <1.0 0.351.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <1.0 0.361.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <1.0 0.341.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 11,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <1.0 0.461.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 11,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <1.0 0.381.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 11,1,1-Trichloroethane <1.0 0.351.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 11,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.50 0.160.50 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1Trichloroethene <1.0 0.431.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1Trichlorofluoromethane <1.0 0.411.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 11,2,3-Trichloropropane <1.0 0.381.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 11,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <1.0 0.361.0 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 11,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <0.50 0.260.50 ug/Kg 03/02/17 21:53 1Vinyl chloride 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)98 71-120 03/02/17 21:53 1 MB MB Surrogate Dil FacPreparedAnalyzedQualifierLimits%Recovery 99 03/02/17 21:53 1Dibromofluoromethane70-120 112 03/02/17 21:53 11,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr)71-127 96 03/02/17 21:53 1Toluene-d8 (Surr)75-120 TestAmerica Chicago Page 71 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 500-374195/4 Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 374195 Acetone 50.0 42.9 ug/Kg 86 37-141 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits Benzene 50.0 42.9 ug/Kg 86 70-125 Bromobenzene 50.0 42.9 ug/Kg 86 70-125 Bromochloromethane 50.0 47.8 ug/Kg 96 70-125 Bromodichloromethane 50.0 42.4 ug/Kg 85 70-125 Bromoform 50.0 40.8 ug/Kg 82 54-128 Bromomethane 50.0 55.2 ug/Kg 110 40-150 Carbon disulfide 50.0 40.5 ug/Kg 81 68-125 Carbon tetrachloride 50.0 43.9 ug/Kg 88 70-125 Chlorobenzene 50.0 44.7 ug/Kg 89 70-125 Chloroethane 50.0 48.3 ug/Kg 97 60-139 Chloroform 50.0 44.9 ug/Kg 90 70-125 Chloromethane 50.0 43.8 ug/Kg 88 60-140 2-Chlorotoluene 50.0 41.1 ug/Kg 82 69-125 4-Chlorotoluene 50.0 41.4 ug/Kg 83 70-125 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 42.6 ug/Kg 85 70-125 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 43.8 ug/Kg 88 70-125 Dibromochloromethane 50.0 44.1 ug/Kg 88 66-125 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 50.0 42.5 ug/Kg 85 51-125 1,2-Dibromoethane 50.0 44.3 ug/Kg 89 70-125 Dibromomethane 50.0 45.8 ug/Kg 92 70-125 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 42.4 ug/Kg 85 70-125 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 42.7 ug/Kg 85 70-125 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 45.1 ug/Kg 90 70-125 Dichlorodifluoromethane 50.0 40.3 ug/Kg 81 51-140 1,1-Dichloroethane 50.0 45.0 ug/Kg 90 70-125 1,2-Dichloroethane 50.0 48.7 ug/Kg 97 70-125 1,1-Dichloroethene 50.0 41.5 ug/Kg 83 70-125 2,2-Dichloropropane 50.0 42.2 ug/Kg 84 62-125 1,2-Dichloropropane 50.0 45.3 ug/Kg 91 70-125 1,3-Dichloropropane 50.0 45.6 ug/Kg 91 70-125 1,1-Dichloropropene 50.0 44.5 ug/Kg 89 70-125 Ethylbenzene 50.0 43.4 ug/Kg 87 70-125 Hexachlorobutadiene 50.0 45.8 ug/Kg 92 57-140 2-Hexanone 50.0 45.4 ug/Kg 91 49-139 Isopropylbenzene 50.0 41.7 ug/Kg 83 70-125 Methylene Chloride 50.0 45.0 ug/Kg 90 68-125 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 50.0 44.9 ug/Kg 90 52-142 methyl isobutyl ketone 50.0 45.6 ug/Kg 91 47-140 Methyl tert-butyl ether 50.0 45.2 ug/Kg 90 67-125 m&p-Xylene 50.0 42.4 ug/Kg 85 70-125 Naphthalene 50.0 55.2 ug/Kg 110 50-136 n-Butylbenzene 50.0 42.6 ug/Kg 85 70-125 N-Propylbenzene 50.0 41.1 ug/Kg 82 70-125 o-Xylene 50.0 44.1 ug/Kg 88 70-125 p-Isopropyltoluene 50.0 43.9 ug/Kg 88 70-125 sec-Butylbenzene 50.0 43.9 ug/Kg 88 70-125 Styrene 50.0 43.5 ug/Kg 87 70-125 TestAmerica Chicago Page 72 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 500-374195/4 Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 374195 tert-Butylbenzene 50.0 44.1 ug/Kg 88 70-125 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 46.7 ug/Kg 93 68-125 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 43.5 ug/Kg 87 68-125 Tetrachloroethene 50.0 44.3 ug/Kg 89 70-125 Toluene 50.0 44.5 ug/Kg 89 70-125 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 41.6 ug/Kg 83 70-125 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 42.4 ug/Kg 85 70-125 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 50.0 47.4 ug/Kg 95 64-126 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 50.0 52.0 ug/Kg 104 58-135 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 50.0 43.3 ug/Kg 87 70-125 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 50.0 46.1 ug/Kg 92 70-125 Trichloroethene 50.0 46.7 ug/Kg 93 70-125 Trichlorofluoromethane 50.0 48.6 ug/Kg 97 60-126 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 50.0 42.7 ug/Kg 85 63-125 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 50.0 42.5 ug/Kg 85 70-125 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 50.0 42.7 ug/Kg 85 70-125 Vinyl chloride 50.0 48.5 ug/Kg 97 70-126 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)71 -120 Surrogate 91 LCS LCS Qualifier Limits%Recovery 102Dibromofluoromethane 70 -120 1121,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr)71 -127 99Toluene-d8 (Surr)75 -120 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 500-373579/1-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 373708 Prep Batch: 373579 RL MDL Acenaphthene <33 33 6.0 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <33 4.433 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Acenaphthylene <33 5.633 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Anthracene <33 4.533 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Benzo[a]anthracene <33 6.433 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Benzo[a]pyrene <33 7.233 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Benzo[b]fluoranthene <33 1133 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Benzo[g,h,i]perylene <1700 3301700 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Benzoic acid <33 9.833 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Benzo[k]fluoranthene <670 330670 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Benzyl alcohol <170 34170 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane <170 50170 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether <170 61170 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate <170 44170 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 14-Bromophenyl phenyl ether <170 63170 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Butyl benzyl phthalate <170 83170 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Carbazole <670 160670 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 14-Chloroaniline TestAmerica Chicago Page 73 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 500-373579/1-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 373708 Prep Batch: 373579 RL MDL 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol <330 330 110 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <170 37170 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 12-Chloronaphthalene <170 57170 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 12-Chlorophenol <170 39170 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 14-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether <33 9.133 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Chrysene <33 6.433 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Dibenz(a,h)anthracene <170 39170 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Dibenzofuran <170 37170 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 11,3-Dichlorobenzene <170 43170 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 11,4-Dichlorobenzene <170 40170 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 11,2-Dichlorobenzene <170 47170 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 13,3'-Dichlorobenzidine <330 79330 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 12,4-Dichlorophenol <170 56170 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Diethyl phthalate <330 130330 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 12,4-Dimethylphenol <170 43170 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Dimethyl phthalate <170 51170 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Di-n-butyl phthalate <670 270670 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 14,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol <670 590670 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 12,4-Dinitrophenol <170 65170 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 12,6-Dinitrotoluene <170 53170 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 12,4-Dinitrotoluene <170 54170 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Di-n-octyl phthalate <33 6.233 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Fluoranthene <33 4.733 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Fluorene <67 7.767 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Hexachlorobenzene <170 52170 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Hexachlorobutadiene <670 190670 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Hexachlorocyclopentadiene <170 51170 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Hexachloroethane <33 8.633 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene <170 37170 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Isophorone <67 6.167 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 12-Methylnaphthalene <170 53170 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 12-Methylphenol <170 55170 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 13 & 4 Methylphenol <33 5.133 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Naphthalene <170 45170 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 12-Nitroaniline <330 100330 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 13-Nitroaniline <330 140330 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 14-Nitroaniline <33 8.333 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Nitrobenzene <330 79330 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 12-Nitrophenol <670 320670 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 14-Nitrophenol <67 4167 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine <170 39170 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1N-Nitrosodiphenylamine <170 39170 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 12,2'-oxybis[1-chloropropane] <670 530670 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Pentachlorophenol <33 4.633 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Phenanthrene <170 74170 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Phenol <33 6.633 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Pyrene <170 36170 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 11,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <330 110330 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 12,4,6-Trichlorophenol TestAmerica Chicago Page 74 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 500-373579/1-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 373708 Prep Batch: 373579 RL MDL 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol <330 330 76 ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier Tentatively Identified Compound None ug/Kg 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1 MB MB Tentatively Identified Compound Dil FacPreparedAnalyzedDUnitQualifierEst. Result RT CAS No. 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)92 42-115 02/27/17 21:25 1 MB MB Surrogate 02/27/17 07:15 Dil FacPreparedAnalyzedQualifierLimits%Recovery 90 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 12-Fluorophenol (Surr)40-130 86 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)33-124 87 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Phenol-d5 (Surr)36-123 101 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 1Terphenyl-d14 (Surr)25-150 95 02/27/17 07:15 02/27/17 21:25 12,4,6-Tribromophenol (Surr)25-130 Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 500-373579/2-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 373708 Prep Batch: 373579 Acenaphthene 1330 1210 ug/Kg 90 52-113 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits Acenaphthylene 1330 1230 ug/Kg 92 57-116 Anthracene 1330 1190 ug/Kg 89 57-118 Benzo[a]anthracene 1330 1170 ug/Kg 88 63-115 Benzo[a]pyrene 1330 1180 ug/Kg 89 64-122 Benzo[b]fluoranthene 1330 1200 ug/Kg 90 61-123 Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 1330 1230 ug/Kg 93 55-134 Benzoic acid 2670 1840 ug/Kg 69 10-100 Benzo[k]fluoranthene 1330 1260 ug/Kg 95 59-125 Benzyl alcohol 1330 1140 ug/Kg 85 10-130 Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 1330 1120 ug/Kg 84 59-116 Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether 1330 1070 ug/Kg 80 53-116 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 1330 1110 ug/Kg 83 62-117 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 1330 1200 ug/Kg 90 61-124 Butyl benzyl phthalate 1330 1120 ug/Kg 84 61-115 Carbazole 1330 1550 ug/Kg 116 65-137 4-Chloroaniline 1330 1150 ug/Kg 86 10-150 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1330 1190 ug/Kg 89 59-117 2-Chloronaphthalene 1330 1190 ug/Kg 89 57-112 2-Chlorophenol 1330 1130 ug/Kg 84 57-117 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 1330 1200 ug/Kg 90 61-111 Chrysene 1330 1130 ug/Kg 85 63-118 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 1330 1220 ug/Kg 91 61-134 Dibenzofuran 1330 1220 ug/Kg 91 59-110 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1330 1100 ug/Kg 82 56-110 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1330 1110 ug/Kg 83 57-110 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1330 1120 ug/Kg 84 56-110 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 1330 1090 ug/Kg 82 40-110 2,4-Dichlorophenol 1330 1180 ug/Kg 88 61-116 TestAmerica Chicago Page 75 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 500-373579/2-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 373708 Prep Batch: 373579 Diethyl phthalate 1330 1200 ug/Kg 90 58-117 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits 2,4-Dimethylphenol 1330 1160 ug/Kg 87 50-120 Dimethyl phthalate 1330 1190 ug/Kg 89 60-112 Di-n-butyl phthalate 1330 1140 ug/Kg 86 61-123 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 2670 1620 ug/Kg 61 10-110 2,4-Dinitrophenol 2670 1090 ug/Kg 41 10-110 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 1330 1210 ug/Kg 91 57-118 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 1330 1180 ug/Kg 88 59-119 Di-n-octyl phthalate 1330 1160 ug/Kg 87 58-129 Fluoranthene 1330 1230 ug/Kg 92 61-124 Fluorene 1330 1250 ug/Kg 94 56-115 Hexachlorobenzene 1330 1230 ug/Kg 92 62-126 Hexachlorobutadiene 1330 1150 ug/Kg 86 56-120 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 1330 908 ug/Kg 68 10-116 Hexachloroethane 1330 1080 ug/Kg 81 54-111 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 1330 1230 ug/Kg 93 50-149 Isophorone 1330 1130 ug/Kg 85 54-120 2-Methylnaphthalene 1330 1170 ug/Kg 88 55-120 2-Methylphenol 1330 1160 ug/Kg 87 53-123 3 & 4 Methylphenol 1330 1190 ug/Kg 89 55-124 Naphthalene 1330 1170 ug/Kg 88 58-116 2-Nitroaniline 1330 1250 ug/Kg 94 52-121 3-Nitroaniline 1330 1120 ug/Kg 84 20-144 4-Nitroaniline 1330 1610 ug/Kg 121 55-146 Nitrobenzene 1330 1180 ug/Kg 88 56-121 2-Nitrophenol 1330 1110 ug/Kg 83 58-121 4-Nitrophenol 2670 2070 ug/Kg 78 32-123 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 1330 1120 ug/Kg 84 56-119 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 1330 1210 ug/Kg 90 62-117 2,2'-oxybis[1-chloropropane]1330 1090 ug/Kg 82 22-133 Pentachlorophenol 2670 1720 ug/Kg 64 12-116 Phenanthrene 1330 1200 ug/Kg 90 58-125 Phenol 1330 1200 ug/Kg 90 55-118 Pyrene 1330 1160 ug/Kg 87 60-115 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1330 1140 ug/Kg 86 60-116 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 1330 1150 ug/Kg 86 50-120 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 1330 1100 ug/Kg 82 42-119 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)42 -115 Surrogate 89 LCS LCS Qualifier Limits%Recovery 922-Fluorophenol (Surr)40 -130 90Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)33 -124 94Phenol-d5 (Surr)36 -123 94Terphenyl-d14 (Surr)25 -150 1022,4,6-Tribromophenol (Surr)25 -130 TestAmerica Chicago Page 76 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: SB-7 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-8 MS Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 373881 Prep Batch: 373579 Acenaphthene 310 1540 1770 ug/Kg 95 52-113☼ Analyte MS MS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits Acenaphthylene 1000 1540 2650 ug/Kg 106 57-116☼ Anthracene 970 1540 2590 ug/Kg 105 57-118☼ Benzo[a]anthracene 3800 *1540 5460 ug/Kg 105 63-115☼ Benzo[a]pyrene 3900 * F1 1540 5560 ug/Kg 108 64-122☼ Benzo[b]fluoranthene 8100 *1540 6910 4 ug/Kg -79 61-123☼ Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 1500 *1540 2430 ug/Kg 61 55-134☼ Benzoic acid <9700 3080 2650 J ug/Kg 86 10-100☼ Benzo[k]fluoranthene 8300 *1540 4880 4 ug/Kg -223 59-125☼ Benzyl alcohol <3900 1540 <3900 ug/Kg NC 10-130☼ Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane <970 1540 1150 ug/Kg 75 59-116☼ Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether <970 1540 1010 ug/Kg 65 53-116☼ Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 860 J F1 1540 3410 F1 ug/Kg 166 62-117☼ 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether <970 1540 1360 ug/Kg 88 61-124☼ Butyl benzyl phthalate <970 F1 1540 2700 F1 ug/Kg 175 61-115☼ Carbazole <970 1540 1980 ug/Kg 129 65-137☼ 4-Chloroaniline <3900 F1 1540 <3900 F1 ug/Kg 0 10-150☼ 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol <1900 1540 1220 J ug/Kg 79 59-117☼ 2-Chloronaphthalene <970 1540 1410 ug/Kg 92 57-112☼ 2-Chlorophenol <970 1540 1150 ug/Kg 75 57-117☼ 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether <970 1540 1540 ug/Kg 100 61-111☼ Chrysene 3900 * F1 1540 5780 F1 ug/Kg 121 63-118☼ Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 440 * F1 1540 1340 F1 ug/Kg 58 61-134☼ Dibenzofuran 350 J 1540 1910 ug/Kg 101 59-110☼ 1,3-Dichlorobenzene <970 1540 1110 ug/Kg 72 56-110☼ 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <970 1540 1150 ug/Kg 75 57-110☼ 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <970 1540 1160 ug/Kg 76 56-110☼ 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine <970 F1 1540 <960 F1 ug/Kg 0 40-110☼ 2,4-Dichlorophenol <1900 1540 1130 J ug/Kg 73 61-116☼ Diethyl phthalate <970 1540 1550 ug/Kg 101 58-117☼ 2,4-Dimethylphenol <1900 1540 1210 J ug/Kg 79 50-120☼ Dimethyl phthalate <970 1540 1390 ug/Kg 90 60-112☼ Di-n-butyl phthalate <970 1540 1490 ug/Kg 97 61-123☼ 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol <3900 F1 3080 <3900 F1 ug/Kg 0 10-110☼ 2,4-Dinitrophenol <3900 3080 <3900 ug/Kg NC 10-110☼ 2,6-Dinitrotoluene <970 1540 1130 ug/Kg 74 57-118☼ 2,4-Dinitrotoluene <970 F1 1540 949 J ug/Kg 62 59-119☼ Di-n-octyl phthalate <970 F1 1540 451 J F1 ug/Kg 29 58-129☼ Fluoranthene 4700 F1 1540 5900 ug/Kg 79 61-124☼ Fluorene 510 1540 2000 ug/Kg 96 56-115☼ Hexachlorobenzene <390 1540 1380 ug/Kg 89 62-126☼ Hexachlorobutadiene <970 1540 1370 ug/Kg 89 56-120☼ Hexachlorocyclopentadiene <3900 1540 1790 J ug/Kg 116 10-116☼ Hexachloroethane <970 F1 1540 825 J ug/Kg 54 54-111☼ Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 1500 *1540 2410 ug/Kg 56 50-149☼ Isophorone <970 1540 1130 ug/Kg 73 54-120☼ 2-Methylnaphthalene 530 1540 2060 ug/Kg 100 55-120☼ 2-Methylphenol <970 1540 1090 ug/Kg 71 53-123☼ TestAmerica Chicago Page 77 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: SB-7 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-8 MS Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 373881 Prep Batch: 373579 3 & 4 Methylphenol <970 1540 1270 ug/Kg 83 55-124☼ Analyte MS MS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits Naphthalene 750 1540 2230 ug/Kg 96 58-116☼ 2-Nitroaniline <970 1540 1260 ug/Kg 82 52-121☼ 3-Nitroaniline <1900 1540 1300 J ug/Kg 84 20-144☼ 4-Nitroaniline <1900 F1 1540 <1900 F1 ug/Kg 0 55-146☼ Nitrobenzene <190 1540 1210 ug/Kg 79 56-121☼ 2-Nitrophenol <1900 F1 1540 838 J F1 ug/Kg 54 58-121☼ 4-Nitrophenol <3900 3080 2880 J ug/Kg 93 32-123☼ N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine <390 1540 1230 ug/Kg 80 56-119☼ N-Nitrosodiphenylamine <970 1540 1370 ug/Kg 89 62-117☼ 2,2'-oxybis[1-chloropropane]<970 1540 1340 ug/Kg 87 22-133☼ Pentachlorophenol <3900 3080 3520 J ug/Kg NC 12-116☼ Phenanthrene 3700 1540 5410 ug/Kg 109 58-125☼ Phenol <970 1540 1230 ug/Kg 80 55-118☼ Pyrene 15000 E *1540 19500 E 4 ug/Kg 292 60-115☼ 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <970 1540 1280 ug/Kg 83 60-116☼ 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol <1900 1540 1460 J ug/Kg 95 50-120☼ 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol <1900 1540 1300 J ug/Kg 84 42-119☼ 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)42 -115 Surrogate 91 MS MS Qualifier Limits%Recovery 812-Fluorophenol (Surr)40 -130 77Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)33 -124 76Phenol-d5 (Surr)36 -123 199 XTerphenyl-d14 (Surr)25 -150 1002,4,6-Tribromophenol (Surr)25 -130 Client Sample ID: SB-7 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-8 MSD Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 373881 Prep Batch: 373579 Acenaphthene 310 1520 1670 ug/Kg 90 52-113 6 30☼ Analyte MSD MSD DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits LimitRPD RPD Acenaphthylene 1000 1520 2700 ug/Kg 111 57-116 2 30☼ Anthracene 970 1520 2580 ug/Kg 106 57-118 1 30☼ Benzo[a]anthracene 3800 *1520 5440 ug/Kg 105 63-115 0 30☼ Benzo[a]pyrene 3900 * F1 1520 5870 F1 ug/Kg 130 64-122 5 30☼ Benzo[b]fluoranthene 8100 *1520 7660 4 ug/Kg -31 61-123 10 30☼ Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 1500 *1520 2730 ug/Kg 81 55-134 11 30☼ Benzoic acid <9700 3040 2700 J ug/Kg 89 10-100 2 30☼ Benzo[k]fluoranthene 8300 *1520 5630 4 ug/Kg -177 59-125 14 30☼ Benzyl alcohol <3900 1520 <3800 ug/Kg NC 10-130 NC 30☼ Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane <970 1520 1080 ug/Kg 71 59-116 6 30☼ Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether <970 1520 968 ug/Kg 64 53-116 4 30☼ Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 860 J F1 1520 3030 F1 ug/Kg 143 62-117 12 30☼ 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether <970 1520 1340 ug/Kg 89 61-124 1 30☼ Butyl benzyl phthalate <970 F1 1520 2740 F1 ug/Kg 181 61-115 1 30☼ Carbazole <970 1520 1840 ug/Kg 121 65-137 7 30☼ TestAmerica Chicago Page 78 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: SB-7 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-8 MSD Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 373881 Prep Batch: 373579 4-Chloroaniline <3900 F1 1520 <3800 F1 ug/Kg 0 10-150 NC 30☼ Analyte MSD MSD DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits LimitRPD RPD 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol <1900 1520 1190 J ug/Kg 78 59-117 2 30☼ 2-Chloronaphthalene <970 1520 1370 ug/Kg 90 57-112 3 30☼ 2-Chlorophenol <970 1520 1150 ug/Kg 76 57-117 0 30☼ 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether <970 1520 1500 ug/Kg 99 61-111 3 30☼ Chrysene 3900 * F1 1520 5540 ug/Kg 107 63-118 4 30☼ Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 440 * F1 1520 1270 F1 ug/Kg 55 61-134 5 30☼ Dibenzofuran 350 J 1520 1800 ug/Kg 95 59-110 6 30☼ 1,3-Dichlorobenzene <970 1520 1060 ug/Kg 70 56-110 5 30☼ 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <970 1520 1090 ug/Kg 72 57-110 5 30☼ 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <970 1520 1110 ug/Kg 73 56-110 5 30☼ 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine <970 F1 1520 <950 F1 ug/Kg 0 40-110 NC 30☼ 2,4-Dichlorophenol <1900 1520 1090 J ug/Kg 72 61-116 4 30☼ Diethyl phthalate <970 1520 1510 ug/Kg 99 58-117 3 30☼ 2,4-Dimethylphenol <1900 1520 1230 J ug/Kg 81 50-120 2 30☼ Dimethyl phthalate <970 1520 1340 ug/Kg 88 60-112 4 30☼ Di-n-butyl phthalate <970 1520 1430 ug/Kg 94 61-123 4 30☼ 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol <3900 F1 3040 <3800 F1 ug/Kg 0 10-110 NC 30☼ 2,4-Dinitrophenol <3900 3040 <3800 ug/Kg NC 10-110 NC 30☼ 2,6-Dinitrotoluene <970 1520 959 ug/Kg 63 57-118 17 30☼ 2,4-Dinitrotoluene <970 F1 1520 880 J F1 ug/Kg 58 59-119 8 30☼ Di-n-octyl phthalate <970 F1 1520 402 J F1 ug/Kg 26 58-129 12 30☼ Fluoranthene 4700 F1 1520 5290 F1 ug/Kg 41 61-124 11 30☼ Fluorene 510 1520 2040 ug/Kg 101 56-115 2 30☼ Hexachlorobenzene <390 1520 1340 ug/Kg 88 62-126 3 30☼ Hexachlorobutadiene <970 1520 1340 ug/Kg 88 56-120 2 30☼ Hexachlorocyclopentadiene <3900 1520 1770 J ug/Kg 116 10-116 1 30☼ Hexachloroethane <970 F1 1520 758 J F1 ug/Kg 50 54-111 8 30☼ Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 1500 *1520 2710 ug/Kg 77 50-149 12 30☼ Isophorone <970 1520 1090 ug/Kg 72 54-120 3 30☼ 2-Methylnaphthalene 530 1520 1900 ug/Kg 91 55-120 8 30☼ 2-Methylphenol <970 1520 1080 ug/Kg 71 53-123 2 30☼ 3 & 4 Methylphenol <970 1520 1200 ug/Kg 79 55-124 6 30☼ Naphthalene 750 1520 2040 ug/Kg 85 58-116 9 30☼ 2-Nitroaniline <970 1520 1250 ug/Kg 83 52-121 1 30☼ 3-Nitroaniline <1900 1520 1710 J ug/Kg 113 20-144 27 30☼ 4-Nitroaniline <1900 F1 1520 963 J ug/Kg 63 55-146 NC 30☼ Nitrobenzene <190 1520 1180 ug/Kg 77 56-121 3 30☼ 2-Nitrophenol <1900 F1 1520 801 J F1 ug/Kg 53 58-121 5 30☼ 4-Nitrophenol <3900 3040 3740 J ug/Kg 123 32-123 26 30☼ N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine <390 1520 1190 ug/Kg 78 56-119 3 30☼ N-Nitrosodiphenylamine <970 1520 1400 ug/Kg 92 62-117 2 30☼ 2,2'-oxybis[1-chloropropane]<970 1520 1310 ug/Kg 86 22-133 2 30☼ Pentachlorophenol <3900 3040 3170 J ug/Kg 105 12-116 10 30☼ Phenanthrene 3700 1520 4980 ug/Kg 82 58-125 8 30☼ Phenol <970 1520 1140 ug/Kg 75 55-118 8 30☼ Pyrene 15000 E *1520 19100 E 4 ug/Kg 271 60-115 2 30☼ 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <970 1520 1210 ug/Kg 80 60-116 6 30☼ TestAmerica Chicago Page 79 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: SB-7 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-8 MSD Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 373881 Prep Batch: 373579 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol <1900 1520 1390 J ug/Kg 91 50-120 5 30☼ Analyte MSD MSD DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits LimitRPD RPD 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol <1900 1520 1190 J ug/Kg 78 42-119 9 30☼ 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)42 -115 Surrogate 86 MSD MSD Qualifier Limits%Recovery 792-Fluorophenol (Surr)40 -130 76Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)33 -124 72Phenol-d5 (Surr)36 -123 204 XTerphenyl-d14 (Surr)25 -150 992,4,6-Tribromophenol (Surr)25 -130 Method: 6010D - Metals (ICP) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 490-409813/1-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 410112 Prep Batch: 409813 RL MDL Arsenic <2.0 2.0 1.2 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 11:29 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <2.0 1.02.0 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 11:29 1Barium <1.0 0.101.0 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 11:29 1Cadmium <1.0 0.901.0 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 11:29 1Chromium <1.0 0.501.0 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 11:29 1Lead <2.0 1.12.0 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 11:29 1Selenium <1.0 0.401.0 mg/Kg 02/23/17 08:16 02/23/17 11:29 1Silver Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 490-409813/2-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 410112 Prep Batch: 409813 Arsenic 19.6 18.0 mg/Kg 92 80-120 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits Barium 19.6 18.8 mg/Kg 96 80-120 Cadmium 19.6 17.8 mg/Kg 91 80-120 Chromium 19.6 19.6 mg/Kg 100 80-120 Lead 19.6 18.0 mg/Kg 92 80-120 Selenium 19.6 17.2 mg/Kg 88 80-120 Silver 19.6 18.7 mg/Kg 95 80-120 Client Sample ID: SB-7 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-8 MS Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 410112 Prep Batch: 409813 Arsenic <2.3 F1 F2 24.0 21.4 mg/Kg 89 75-125☼ Analyte MS MS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits Barium 210 F2 24.0 148 4 mg/Kg -270 75-125☼ Cadmium 0.42 J 24.0 22.2 mg/Kg 91 75-125☼ Chromium 68 F1 F2 24.0 93.5 mg/Kg 106 75-125☼ TestAmerica Chicago Page 80 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method: 6010D - Metals (ICP) (Continued) Client Sample ID: SB-7 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-8 MS Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 410112 Prep Batch: 409813 Lead 100 F2 24.0 45.5 4 mg/Kg -233 75-125☼ Analyte MS MS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits Selenium 1.9 J 24.0 23.1 mg/Kg 88 75-125☼ Silver <1.2 24.0 22.5 mg/Kg 93 75-125☼ Client Sample ID: SB-7 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-8 MSD Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 410112 Prep Batch: 409813 Arsenic <2.3 F1 F2 23.8 16.1 F1 F2 mg/Kg 68 75-125 29 20☼ Analyte MSD MSD DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits LimitRPD RPD Barium 210 F2 23.8 308 4 F2 mg/Kg 398 75-125 70 20☼ Cadmium 0.42 J 23.8 19.9 mg/Kg 82 75-125 11 20☼ Chromium 68 F1 F2 23.8 34.6 F1 F2 mg/Kg -141 75-125 92 20☼ Lead 100 F2 23.8 36.7 4 F2 mg/Kg -272 75-125 21 20☼ Selenium 1.9 J 23.8 20.4 mg/Kg 78 75-125 12 20☼ Silver <1.2 23.8 20.4 mg/Kg 86 75-125 10 20☼ Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 490-410308/1-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 410808 Prep Batch: 410308 RL MDL Arsenic <0.50 0.50 0.086 mg/L 02/24/17 12:15 02/27/17 11:58 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <10 0.05010 mg/L 02/24/17 12:15 02/27/17 11:58 1Barium <0.10 0.00500.10 mg/L 02/24/17 12:15 02/27/17 11:58 1Cadmium <0.50 0.0300.50 mg/L 02/24/17 12:15 02/27/17 11:58 1Chromium <0.50 0.0200.50 mg/L 02/24/17 12:15 02/27/17 11:58 1Lead <0.10 0.0500.10 mg/L 02/24/17 12:15 02/27/17 11:58 1Selenium <0.50 0.0300.50 mg/L 02/24/17 12:15 02/27/17 11:58 1Silver Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 490-410308/2-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 410808 Prep Batch: 410308 Arsenic 2.00 1.85 mg/L 93 80-120 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits Barium 20.0 20.4 mg/L 102 80-120 Cadmium 2.00 1.99 mg/L 100 80-120 Chromium 10.0 10.3 mg/L 103 80-120 Lead 10.0 10.2 mg/L 102 80-120 Selenium 2.00 1.92 mg/L 96 80-120 Silver 2.00 1.93 mg/L 97 80-120 Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: LB 490-410092/1-C Matrix: Solid Prep Type: TCLP Analysis Batch: 410808 Prep Batch: 410308 RL MDL Arsenic <0.50 0.50 0.086 mg/L 02/24/17 12:15 02/27/17 12:08 1 LB LB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier TestAmerica Chicago Page 81 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method: 6010D - Metals (ICP) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: LB 490-410092/1-C Matrix: Solid Prep Type: TCLP Analysis Batch: 410808 Prep Batch: 410308 RL MDL Barium <10 10 0.050 mg/L 02/24/17 12:15 02/27/17 12:08 1 LB LB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <0.10 0.00500.10 mg/L 02/24/17 12:15 02/27/17 12:08 1Cadmium <0.50 0.0300.50 mg/L 02/24/17 12:15 02/27/17 12:08 1Chromium <0.50 0.0200.50 mg/L 02/24/17 12:15 02/27/17 12:08 1Lead <0.10 0.0500.10 mg/L 02/24/17 12:15 02/27/17 12:08 1Selenium <0.50 0.0300.50 mg/L 02/24/17 12:15 02/27/17 12:08 1Silver Method: 7470A - Mercury (CVAA) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 490-410268/1-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 410557 Prep Batch: 410268 RL MDL Mercury <0.00020 0.00020 0.00010 mg/L 02/24/17 11:30 02/24/17 16:12 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 490-410268/2-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 410557 Prep Batch: 410268 Mercury 0.00200 0.00218 mg/L 109 80-120 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: LB 490-410092/1-B Matrix: Solid Prep Type: TCLP Analysis Batch: 410557 Prep Batch: 410268 RL MDL Mercury <0.0020 0.0020 0.0010 mg/L 02/24/17 11:30 02/24/17 16:18 1 LB LB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier Method: 7471B - Mercury (CVAA) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 490-412260/1-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 412479 Prep Batch: 412260 RL MDL Mercury <0.097 0.097 0.029 mg/Kg 03/06/17 09:52 03/06/17 15:04 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 490-412260/2-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 412479 Prep Batch: 412260 Mercury 0.167 0.168 mg/Kg 100 80-120 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits TestAmerica Chicago Page 82 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method: 7471B - Mercury (CVAA) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample DupLab Sample ID: LCSD 490-412260/3-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 412479 Prep Batch: 412260 Mercury 0.165 0.167 mg/Kg 101 80-120 1 20 Analyte LCSD LCSD DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits LimitRPD RPD Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 490-412272/1-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 412479 Prep Batch: 412272 RL MDL Mercury <0.096 0.096 0.029 mg/Kg 03/06/17 10:00 03/06/17 14:19 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 490-412272/2-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 412479 Prep Batch: 412272 Mercury 0.166 0.173 mg/Kg 104 80-120 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits Client Sample ID: SB-7 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-8 MS Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 412479 Prep Batch: 412272 Mercury 1.5 0.192 1.51 4 mg/Kg -16 80-120☼ Analyte MS MS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits Client Sample ID: SB-7 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-8 MSD Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 412479 Prep Batch: 412272 Mercury 1.5 0.201 1.58 4 mg/Kg 19 80-120 4 20☼ Analyte MSD MSD DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits LimitRPD RPD TestAmerica Chicago Page 83 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Lab Chronicle Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1 Project/Site: Powers Site SDG: 161-650.0008 Client Sample ID: SB-1 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-1 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 11:45 Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Analysis Moisture 02/23/17 08:26 LWN1373223 TAL CHI Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Client Sample ID: SB-1 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-1 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 11:45 Percent Solids: 82.6Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Prep 5035 02/21/17 10:45 WRE373177 TAL CHI Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Analysis 8260B 1 373197 02/23/17 15:18 BDW TAL CHITotal/NA Prep 3541 373579 02/27/17 07:15 STW TAL CHITotal/NA Analysis 8270D 1 373881 02/28/17 22:04 AJD TAL CHITotal/NA Prep 3541 DL 373579 02/27/17 07:15 STW TAL CHITotal/NA Analysis 8270D DL 2 374010 03/01/17 17:29 AJD TAL CHITotal/NA Prep 3051A 409813 02/23/17 08:16 PG1 TAL NSHTotal/NA Analysis 6010D 1 410112 02/23/17 12:10 RDF TAL NSHTotal/NA Prep 7471B 412260 03/06/17 09:52 CAH TAL NSHTotal/NA Analysis 7471B 1 412479 03/06/17 15:17 CAH TAL NSHTotal/NA Client Sample ID: SB-2 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-3 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 11:00 Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Analysis Moisture 02/23/17 08:26 LWN1373223 TAL CHI Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Client Sample ID: SB-2 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-3 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 11:00 Percent Solids: 81.8Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Prep 5035 02/21/17 10:00 WRE373177 TAL CHI Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Analysis 8260B 1 373197 02/23/17 15:43 BDW TAL CHITotal/NA Prep 3541 373579 02/27/17 07:15 STW TAL CHITotal/NA Analysis 8270D 1 373881 02/28/17 22:31 AJD TAL CHITotal/NA Prep 3541 DL 373579 02/27/17 07:15 STW TAL CHITotal/NA Analysis 8270D DL 2 374010 03/01/17 17:55 AJD TAL CHITotal/NA Prep 3051A 409813 02/23/17 08:16 PG1 TAL NSHTotal/NA Analysis 6010D 1 410112 02/23/17 12:15 RDF TAL NSHTotal/NA Prep 7471B 412260 03/06/17 09:52 CAH TAL NSHTotal/NA Analysis 7471B 1 412479 03/06/17 16:17 CAH TAL NSHTotal/NA TestAmerica Chicago Page 84 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Lab Chronicle Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1 Project/Site: Powers Site SDG: 161-650.0008 Client Sample ID: SB-2 (10-12)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-4 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 11:30 Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Analysis Moisture 02/23/17 08:26 LWN1373223 TAL CHI Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Client Sample ID: SB-2 (10-12)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-4 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 11:30 Percent Solids: 79.9Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Prep 5035 02/21/17 10:30 WRE373177 TAL CHI Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Analysis 8260B 1 373197 02/23/17 19:32 BDW TAL CHITotal/NA Prep 3541 373579 02/27/17 07:15 STW TAL CHITotal/NA Analysis 8270D 5 373881 02/28/17 22:57 AJD TAL CHITotal/NA Prep 3541 DL 373579 02/27/17 07:15 STW TAL CHITotal/NA Analysis 8270D DL 10 374010 03/01/17 18:20 AJD TAL CHITotal/NA Prep 3541 DL2 373579 02/27/17 07:15 STW TAL CHITotal/NA Analysis 8270D DL2 50 374690 03/07/17 10:46 AJD TAL CHITotal/NA Prep 3051A 409813 02/23/17 08:16 PG1 TAL NSHTotal/NA Analysis 6010D 1 410112 02/23/17 12:30 RDF TAL NSHTotal/NA Prep 7471B 412260 03/06/17 09:52 CAH TAL NSHTotal/NA Analysis 7471B 1 412479 03/06/17 15:27 CAH TAL NSHTotal/NA Client Sample ID: SB-6 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-5 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 12:40 Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Analysis Moisture 02/23/17 08:26 LWN1373223 TAL CHI Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Client Sample ID: SB-6 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-5 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 12:40 Percent Solids: 86.5Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Prep 5035 02/21/17 11:40 WRE373177 TAL CHI Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Analysis 8260B 1 373197 02/23/17 16:09 BDW TAL CHITotal/NA Prep 3541 373579 02/27/17 07:15 STW TAL CHITotal/NA Analysis 8270D 5 374010 03/01/17 18:46 AJD TAL CHITotal/NA Prep 3051A 409813 02/23/17 08:16 PG1 TAL NSHTotal/NA Analysis 6010D 1 410112 02/23/17 12:35 RDF TAL NSHTotal/NA Prep 7471B 412260 03/06/17 09:52 CAH TAL NSHTotal/NA Analysis 7471B 1 412479 03/06/17 15:30 CAH TAL NSHTotal/NA TestAmerica Chicago Page 85 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Lab Chronicle Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1 Project/Site: Powers Site SDG: 161-650.0008 Client Sample ID: SB-3 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-6 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 12:20 Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Leach 1311 02/23/17 16:45 AML410092 TAL NSH Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor TCLP Prep 3010A 410308 02/24/17 12:15 PG1 TAL NSHTCLP Analysis 6010D 1 410808 02/27/17 12:44 RDF TAL NSHTCLP Leach 1311 410092 02/23/17 16:45 AML TAL NSHTCLP Prep 7470A 410268 02/24/17 11:30 CAH TAL NSHTCLP Analysis 7470A 1 410557 02/24/17 16:31 CAH TAL NSHTCLP Client Sample ID: SB-4 (15-17)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-7 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 14:30 Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Leach 1311 02/23/17 16:45 AML410092 TAL NSH Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor TCLP Prep 3010A 410308 02/24/17 12:15 PG1 TAL NSHTCLP Analysis 6010D 1 410808 02/27/17 13:00 RDF TAL NSHTCLP Leach 1311 410092 02/23/17 16:45 AML TAL NSHTCLP Prep 7470A 410268 02/24/17 11:30 CAH TAL NSHTCLP Analysis 7470A 1 410557 02/24/17 16:34 CAH TAL NSHTCLP Client Sample ID: SB-7 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-8 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 14:00 Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Analysis Moisture 02/23/17 08:26 LWN1373223 TAL CHI Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Client Sample ID: SB-7 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-8 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 14:00 Percent Solids: 83.3Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Prep 5035 02/21/17 13:00 WRE373177 TAL CHI Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Analysis 8260B 1 373197 02/23/17 16:34 BDW TAL CHITotal/NA Prep 3541 373579 02/27/17 07:15 STW TAL CHITotal/NA Analysis 8270D 5 373881 02/28/17 23:51 AJD TAL CHITotal/NA Prep 3541 DL 373579 02/27/17 07:15 STW TAL CHITotal/NA Analysis 8270D DL 10 374010 03/01/17 19:12 AJD TAL CHITotal/NA Prep 3051A 409813 02/23/17 08:16 PG1 TAL NSHTotal/NA Analysis 6010D 1 410112 02/23/17 11:45 RDF TAL NSHTotal/NA Prep 7471B 412272 03/06/17 10:00 CAH TAL NSHTotal/NA Analysis 7471B 5 412479 03/06/17 14:55 CAH TAL NSHTotal/NA TestAmerica Chicago Page 86 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Lab Chronicle Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1 Project/Site: Powers Site SDG: 161-650.0008 Client Sample ID: SB-7 (0-2) Dup Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-9 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 14:00 Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Analysis Moisture 02/23/17 08:26 LWN1373223 TAL CHI Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Client Sample ID: SB-7 (0-2) Dup Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-9 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 14:00 Percent Solids: 82.3Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Prep 5035 02/21/17 13:00 WRE373177 TAL CHI Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Analysis 8260B 1 373197 02/23/17 17:50 BDW TAL CHITotal/NA Prep 3541 373579 02/27/17 07:15 STW TAL CHITotal/NA Analysis 8270D 1 374010 03/01/17 19:37 AJD TAL CHITotal/NA Prep 3051A 409813 02/23/17 08:16 PG1 TAL NSHTotal/NA Analysis 6010D 1 410112 02/23/17 12:41 RDF TAL NSHTotal/NA Prep 7471B 412260 03/06/17 09:52 CAH TAL NSHTotal/NA Analysis 7471B 1 412479 03/06/17 15:37 CAH TAL NSHTotal/NA Client Sample ID: SB-8 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-10 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 13:10 Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Analysis Moisture 02/23/17 08:26 LWN1373223 TAL CHI Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Client Sample ID: SB-8 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-10 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 13:10 Percent Solids: 87.9Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Prep 5035 02/21/17 12:10 WRE373177 TAL CHI Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Analysis 8260B 1 373197 02/23/17 18:16 BDW TAL CHITotal/NA Prep 3541 373579 02/27/17 07:15 STW TAL CHITotal/NA Analysis 8270D 5 373881 03/01/17 01:37 AJD TAL CHITotal/NA Prep 3541 DL 373579 02/27/17 07:15 STW TAL CHITotal/NA Analysis 8270D DL 20 374010 03/01/17 20:03 AJD TAL CHITotal/NA Prep 3051A 409813 02/23/17 08:16 PG1 TAL NSHTotal/NA Analysis 6010D 1 410112 02/23/17 12:46 RDF TAL NSHTotal/NA Prep 7471B 412260 03/06/17 09:52 CAH TAL NSHTotal/NA Analysis 7471B 1 412479 03/06/17 15:39 CAH TAL NSHTotal/NA TestAmerica Chicago Page 87 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Lab Chronicle Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1 Project/Site: Powers Site SDG: 161-650.0008 Client Sample ID: SB-9 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-11 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 13:00 Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Analysis Moisture 02/23/17 08:26 LWN1373223 TAL CHI Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Client Sample ID: SB-9 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-11 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 13:00 Percent Solids: 84.9Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Prep 5035 02/21/17 12:00 WRE373177 TAL CHI Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Analysis 8260B 1 373197 02/23/17 18:41 BDW TAL CHITotal/NA Prep 3541 373579 02/27/17 07:15 STW TAL CHITotal/NA Analysis 8270D 1 374010 03/01/17 20:29 AJD TAL CHITotal/NA Prep 3051A 409813 02/23/17 08:16 PG1 TAL NSHTotal/NA Analysis 6010D 1 410112 02/23/17 12:51 RDF TAL NSHTotal/NA Prep 7471B 412260 03/06/17 09:52 CAH TAL NSHTotal/NA Analysis 7471B 1 412479 03/06/17 15:42 CAH TAL NSHTotal/NA Client Sample ID: SB-5 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-12 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 13:30 Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Analysis Moisture 02/23/17 08:26 LWN1373223 TAL CHI Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Client Sample ID: SB-5 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-12 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 13:30 Percent Solids: 83.7Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Prep 5035 02/21/17 12:30 WRE373177 TAL CHI Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Analysis 8260B 1 373197 02/23/17 19:06 BDW TAL CHITotal/NA Prep 3541 373579 02/27/17 07:15 STW TAL CHITotal/NA Analysis 8270D 1 374010 03/01/17 20:55 AJD TAL CHITotal/NA Prep 3051A 409813 02/23/17 08:16 PG1 TAL NSHTotal/NA Analysis 6010D 1 410112 02/23/17 12:56 RDF TAL NSHTotal/NA Prep 7471B 412260 03/06/17 09:52 CAH TAL NSHTotal/NA Analysis 7471B 1 412479 03/06/17 15:45 CAH TAL NSHTotal/NA Client Sample ID: SB-1 (10-12)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-13 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 12:00 Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Analysis Moisture 02/23/17 08:26 LWN1373223 TAL CHI Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA TestAmerica Chicago Page 88 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Lab Chronicle Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1 Project/Site: Powers Site SDG: 161-650.0008 Client Sample ID: SB-1 (10-12)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-13 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 12:00 Percent Solids: 79.9Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Prep 5035 02/21/17 11:00 WRE373170 TAL CHI Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Analysis 8260B 50 374195 03/03/17 05:50 PMF TAL CHITotal/NA Prep 3541 373579 02/27/17 07:15 STW TAL CHITotal/NA Analysis 8270D 1 373881 03/01/17 02:58 AJD TAL CHITotal/NA Prep 3541 DL 373579 02/27/17 07:15 STW TAL CHITotal/NA Analysis 8270D DL 10 374010 03/01/17 21:20 AJD TAL CHITotal/NA Prep 3051A 409813 02/23/17 08:16 PG1 TAL NSHTotal/NA Analysis 6010D 1 410112 02/23/17 13:01 RDF TAL NSHTotal/NA Prep 7471B 412260 03/06/17 09:52 CAH TAL NSHTotal/NA Analysis 7471B 1 412479 03/06/17 15:48 CAH TAL NSHTotal/NA Laboratory References: TAL CHI = TestAmerica Chicago, 2417 Bond Street, University Park, IL 60484, TEL (708)534-5200 TAL NSH = TestAmerica Nashville, 2960 Foster Creighton Drive, Nashville, TN 37204, TEL (615)726-0177 TestAmerica Chicago Page 89 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Certification Summary Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-1 Project/Site: Powers Site SDG: 161-650.0008 Laboratory: TestAmerica Chicago Unless otherwise noted, all analytes for this laboratory were covered under each certification below. Authority Program EPA Region Certification ID Expiration Date North Carolina (WW/SW)2914State Program 12-31-17 Analysis Method Prep Method Matrix Analyte The following analytes are included in this report, but certification is not offered by the governing authority: 8270D 3541 Solid Carbazole Moisture Solid Percent Moisture Moisture Solid Percent Solids Laboratory: TestAmerica Nashville Unless otherwise noted, all analytes for this laboratory were covered under each certification below. Authority Program EPA Region Certification ID Expiration Date North Carolina (WW/SW)3874State Program 12-31-17 Analysis Method Prep Method Matrix Analyte TestAmerica Chicago Page 90 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Page 91 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Page 92 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Page 93 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Page 94 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Page 95 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Page 96 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Page 97 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Page 98 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Page 99 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Login Sample Receipt Checklist Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Job Number: 500-124191-1 SDG Number: 161-650.0008 Login Number: 124191 Question Answer Comment Creator: Kelsey, Shawn M List Source: TestAmerica Chicago List Number: 1 TrueRadioactivity wasn't checked or is </= background as measured by a survey meter. TrueThe cooler's custody seal, if present, is intact. TrueSample custody seals, if present, are intact. TrueThe cooler or samples do not appear to have been compromised or tampered with. TrueSamples were received on ice. TrueCooler Temperature is acceptable. TrueCooler Temperature is recorded.(2.2)(1.3)c TrueCOC is present. TrueCOC is filled out in ink and legible. TrueCOC is filled out with all pertinent information. TrueIs the Field Sampler's name present on COC? FalseThere are no discrepancies between the containers received and the COC.Received extra samples not listed on COC. TrueSamples are received within Holding Time (excluding tests with immediate HTs) TrueSample containers have legible labels. TrueContainers are not broken or leaking. TrueSample collection date/times are provided. TrueAppropriate sample containers are used. TrueSample bottles are completely filled. TrueSample Preservation Verified. TrueThere is sufficient vol. for all requested analyses, incl. any requested MS/MSDs N/AContainers requiring zero headspace have no headspace or bubble is <6mm (1/4"). TrueMultiphasic samples are not present. TrueSamples do not require splitting or compositing. N/AResidual Chlorine Checked. TestAmerica Chicago Page 100 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Login Sample Receipt Checklist Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Job Number: 500-124191-1 SDG Number: 161-650.0008 Login Number: 124191 Question Answer Comment Creator: Dawson, Keith M List Source: TestAmerica Nashville List Creation: 02/22/17 04:14 PMList Number: 2 TrueRadioactivity wasn't checked or is </= background as measured by a survey meter. TrueThe cooler's custody seal, if present, is intact. N/ASample custody seals, if present, are intact. TrueThe cooler or samples do not appear to have been compromised or tampered with. TrueSamples were received on ice. TrueCooler Temperature is acceptable. TrueCooler Temperature is recorded. TrueCOC is present. TrueCOC is filled out in ink and legible. TrueCOC is filled out with all pertinent information. TrueIs the Field Sampler's name present on COC? TrueThere are no discrepancies between the containers received and the COC. TrueSamples are received within Holding Time (excluding tests with immediate HTs) TrueSample containers have legible labels. TrueContainers are not broken or leaking. TrueSample collection date/times are provided. TrueAppropriate sample containers are used. TrueSample bottles are completely filled. N/ASample Preservation Verified. TrueThere is sufficient vol. for all requested analyses, incl. any requested MS/MSDs N/AContainers requiring zero headspace have no headspace or bubble is <6mm (1/4"). TrueMultiphasic samples are not present. TrueSamples do not require splitting or compositing. N/AResidual Chlorine Checked. TestAmerica Chicago Page 101 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Page 102 of 102 3/9/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ANALYTICAL REPORT TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc. TestAmerica Chicago 2417 Bond Street University Park, IL 60484 Tel: (708)534-5200 TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2 TestAmerica Sample Delivery Group: 161-650.0008 Client Project/Site: Powers Site For: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc 1900 Center Park Drive Suite A Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 Attn: Mr. Ed Stephens Authorized for release by: 3/14/2017 2:42:53 PM Robin Kintz, Project Manager II (708)534-5200 robin.kintz@testamericainc.com The test results in this report meet all 2003 NELAC and 2009 TNI requirements for accredited parameters, exceptions are noted in this report. This report may not be reproduced except in full, and with written approval from the laboratory. For questions please contact the Project Manager at the e-mail address or telephone number listed on this page. This report has been electronically signed and authorized by the signatory. Electronic signature is intended to be the legally binding equivalent of a traditionally handwritten signature. Results relate only to the items tested and the sample(s) as received by the laboratory. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Table of Contents Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: Powers Site TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2 SDG: 161-650.0008 Page 2 of 57 TestAmerica Chicago3/14/2017 Cover Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Case Narrative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Detection Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Method Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Sample Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Client Sample Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 QC Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Surrogate Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 QC Sample Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Chronicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 Certification Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 Chain of Custody . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 Receipt Checklists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 Isotope Dilution Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Case Narrative Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2 Project/Site: Powers Site SDG: 161-650.0008 Job ID: 500-124191-2 Laboratory: TestAmerica Chicago Narrative Job Narrative 500-124191-2 Comments No additional comments. Receipt The samples were received on 2/22/2017 10:30 AM; the samples arrived in good condition, properly preserved and, where required, on ice. The temperatures of the 2 coolers at receipt time were 1.3º C and 2.2º C. Receipt Exceptions The following sample was submitted for analysis; however, it was not listed on the Chain-of-Custody (COC): SB-3 Xtra(2'-4') (500-124191-14) (SB-3 Xtra 2'-4'). The sample will be stored. Dioxin Method(s) 1668C: The method blank for preparation batch 320-152781 and analytical batch 320-153726 contained PCB-118 above the reporting limit (RL). Associated sample(s) were not re-extracted and/or re-analyzed because results were greater than 10X the value found in the method blank. Method(s) 1668C: The matrix spike / matrix spike duplicate (MS/MSD) recoveries for the following sample associated with preparation batch 320-152781 and analytical batch 320-153726 were outside control limits due to matrix: SB-1 (0-2) (500-124191-1), SB-1 (0-2) (500-124191-1[MS]) and SB-1 (0-2) (500-124191-1[MSD]). The associated laboratory control sample (LCS) recovery met acceptance criteria. Method(s) 1668C: The following samples exhibited elevated noise or matrix interferences for one or more analytes causing elevation of the detection limit (EDL): SB-1 (0-2) (500-124191-1), SB-1 (0-2) (500-124191-1[MS]), SB-1 (0-2) (500-124191-1[MSD]), SB-1 (0-2) Dup (500-124191-2), SB-3 (0-2) (500-124191-6), SB-4 (15-17) (500-124191-7) and (MB 320-152781/1-A) . The reporting limit (RL) for the affected analytes has been raised to be equal to the EDL, and a "G" qualifier applied. Method(s) 1668C: The concentration of one or more analytes associated with the following samples exceeded the instrument calibration range: SB-1 (0-2) Dup (500-124191-2), SB-3 (0-2) (500-124191-6) and SB-4 (15-17) (500-124191-7). These analytes have been qualified; however, the peak(s) did not saturate the instrument detector. Historical data indicate that for the isotope dilution method, dilution and re-analysis will not produce significantly different results from those reported above the calibration range. No additional analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described above or in the Definitions/Glossary page. General Chemistry Method(s) Moisture: There is no regulatory holding time for percent moisture analysis. The H flag for the following samples: SB-1 (0-2) Dup (500-124191-2), SB-3 (0-2) (500-124191-6) and SB-4 (15-17) (500-124191-7) have been removed. This Non-conformance indicates that the samples were analyzed out of 14 days of collection. Method(s) Moisture: The RPD limit failed for the following sample: (320-26218-A-5 DU) , however the RPD limit does not apply to samples with moisture content less than 10%. No additional analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described above or in the Definitions/Glossary page. Dioxin Prep No analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described in the Definitions/Glossary page. TestAmerica ChicagoPage 3 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Detection Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Client Sample ID: SB-1 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-1 ☼PCB-1 RL 24 pg/g EDL 1.5 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA1J6.4 1668C ☼PCB-2 24 pg/g1.3 Total/NA14.1 J 1668C ☼PCB-3 24 pg/g1.1 Total/NA19.8 J F1 1668C ☼PCB-8 24 pg/g13 Total/NA1491668C ☼PCB-15 24 pg/g13 Total/NA1461668C ☼PCB-16 24 pg/g2.0 Total/NA1481668C ☼PCB-17 24 pg/g1.5 Total/NA1411668C ☼PCB-18/30 48 pg/g1.3 Total/NA1821668C ☼PCB-19 24 pg/g2.6 Total/NA17.4 J 1668C ☼PCB-20/28 48 pg/g2.7 Total/NA1190B1668C ☼PCB-21/33 48 pg/g2.6 Total/NA11101668C ☼PCB-22 24 pg/g2.9 Total/NA1731668C ☼PCB-25 24 pg/g2.7 Total/NA114J1668C ☼PCB-26/29 48 pg/g2.7 Total/NA130J1668C ☼PCB-27 24 pg/g1.1 Total/NA17.3 J 1668C ☼PCB-31 24 pg/g2.6 Total/NA11601668C ☼PCB-32 24 pg/g1.0 Total/NA122J1668C ☼PCB-37 24 pg/g2.4 Total/NA1611668C ☼PCB-40/71 48 pg/g0.73 Total/NA1641668C ☼PCB-41 24 pg/g0.89 Total/NA117J1668C ☼PCB-42 24 pg/g0.80 Total/NA1381668C ☼PCB-43 24 pg/g0.84 Total/NA15.1 J 1668C ☼PCB-44/47/65 72 pg/g0.70 Total/NA1160B1668C ☼PCB-45 24 pg/g0.86 Total/NA121J1668C ☼PCB-46 24 pg/g0.90 Total/NA19.7 J 1668C ☼PCB-48 24 pg/g0.74 Total/NA1281668C ☼PCB-49/69 48 pg/g0.62 Total/NA186B1668C ☼PCB-50/53 48 pg/g0.71 Total/NA119J1668C ☼PCB-51 24 pg/g0.70 Total/NA15.1 J B 1668C ☼PCB-52 24 pg/g0.76 Total/NA1280B1668C ☼PCB-55 24 pg/g2.1 Total/NA12.8 J 1668C ☼PCB-56 24 pg/g2.3 Total/NA1611668C ☼PCB-59/62/75 72 pg/g0.55 Total/NA113J1668C ☼PCB-60 24 pg/g2.2 Total/NA1331668C ☼PCB-61/70/74/76 96 pg/g2.1 Total/NA1260B1668C ☼PCB-63 24 pg/g1.9 Total/NA14.1 J 1668C ☼PCB-64 24 pg/g0.52 Total/NA157B1668C ☼PCB-66 24 pg/g2.3 Total/NA1140B1668C ☼PCB-67 24 pg/g2.0 Total/NA13.8 J 1668C ☼PCB-77 2.6 pg/g2.6 Total/NA116G1668C ☼PCB-79 24 pg/g2.0 Total/NA110J1668C ☼PCB-82 24 pg/g8.3 Total/NA1561668C ☼PCB-83 24 pg/g8.7 Total/NA115J1668C ☼PCB-84 24 pg/g8.2 Total/NA1140B1668C ☼PCB-85/116/117 72 pg/g5.8 Total/NA1841668C ☼PCB-86/87/97/108/119/125 140 pg/g6.0 Total/NA1340B1668C ☼PCB-88/91 48 pg/g6.8 Total/NA1681668C ☼PCB-90/101/113 72 pg/g6.2 Total/NA1530B1668C ☼PCB-92 24 pg/g7.2 Total/NA1951668C ☼PCB-107/124 48 pg/g5.4 Total/NA120J1668C TestAmerica Chicago This Detection Summary does not include radiochemical test results. Page 4 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Detection Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Client Sample ID: SB-1 (0-2) (Continued)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-1 ☼PCB-95 RL 24 pg/g EDL 6.9 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA1B4401668C ☼PCB-96 24 pg/g0.82 Total/NA13.0 J 1668C ☼PCB-98/102 48 pg/g6.7 Total/NA17.7 J 1668C ☼PCB-99 24 pg/g6.4 Total/NA12401668C ☼PCB-105 6.3 pg/g6.3 Total/NA1140F1 G 1668C ☼PCB-110/115 48 pg/g5.4 Total/NA1680B1668C ☼PCB-109 24 pg/g5.3 Total/NA1241668C ☼PCB-118 5.7 pg/g5.7 Total/NA1400F1 B G 1668C ☼PCB-123 6.0 pg/g6.0 Total/NA17.2 G 1668C ☼PCB-128/166 48 pg/g3.8 Total/NA11401668C ☼PCB-129/138/163 72 pg/g4.0 Total/NA1860B1668C ☼PCB-130 24 pg/g4.9 Total/NA1461668C ☼PCB-131 24 pg/g4.6 Total/NA110J1668C ☼PCB-132 24 pg/g4.5 Total/NA12601668C ☼PCB-133 24 pg/g4.4 Total/NA17.2 J 1668C ☼PCB-134/143 48 pg/g4.6 Total/NA138J1668C ☼PCB-135/151 48 pg/g4.2 Total/NA12901668C ☼PCB-136 24 pg/g3.2 Total/NA11001668C ☼PCB-137 24 pg/g3.9 Total/NA1401668C ☼PCB-139/140 48 pg/g3.9 Total/NA112J1668C ☼PCB-141 24 pg/g4.3 Total/NA11601668C ☼PCB-144 24 pg/g4.1 Total/NA1401668C ☼PCB-146 24 pg/g4.1 Total/NA11001668C ☼PCB-147/149 48 pg/g4.0 Total/NA1660B1668C ☼PCB-153/168 48 pg/g3.3 Total/NA1660B1668C ☼PCB-154 24 pg/g3.6 Total/NA14.1 J 1668C ☼PCB-156/157 4.8 pg/g1.9 Total/NA177F11668C ☼PCB-158 24 pg/g3.1 Total/NA1861668C ☼PCB-162 24 pg/g1.3 Total/NA11.5 J 1668C ☼PCB-164 24 pg/g3.4 Total/NA1561668C ☼PCB-167 2.4 pg/g1.4 Total/NA127F11668C ☼PCB-170 24 pg/g1.1 Total/NA11901668C ☼PCB-171/173 48 pg/g1.1 Total/NA1591668C ☼PCB-172 24 pg/g1.1 Total/NA1371668C ☼PCB-174 24 pg/g1.0 Total/NA12601668C ☼PCB-175 24 pg/g0.95 Total/NA111J1668C ☼PCB-176 24 pg/g0.68 Total/NA1331668C ☼PCB-177 24 pg/g1.1 Total/NA11301668C ☼PCB-178 24 pg/g0.99 Total/NA1581668C ☼PCB-179 24 pg/g0.75 Total/NA11401668C ☼PCB-180/193 48 pg/g0.87 Total/NA15201668C ☼PCB-183 24 pg/g0.90 Total/NA11501668C ☼PCB-185 24 pg/g0.88 Total/NA1271668C ☼PCB-187 24 pg/g0.91 Total/NA13901668C ☼PCB-189 2.4 pg/g1.3 Total/NA16.1 F1 1668C ☼PCB-190 24 pg/g0.84 Total/NA1411668C ☼PCB-191 24 pg/g0.80 Total/NA17.4 J 1668C ☼PCB-194 24 pg/g1.3 Total/NA11401668C ☼PCB-195 24 pg/g1.3 Total/NA1491668C ☼PCB-196 24 pg/g1.0 Total/NA1911668C TestAmerica Chicago This Detection Summary does not include radiochemical test results. Page 5 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Detection Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Client Sample ID: SB-1 (0-2) (Continued)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-1 ☼PCB-197 RL 24 pg/g EDL 0.73 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA1J8.5 1668C ☼PCB-198/199 48 pg/g1.1 Total/NA12401668C ☼PCB-200 24 pg/g0.73 Total/NA122J1668C ☼PCB-201 24 pg/g0.73 Total/NA1281668C ☼PCB-202 24 pg/g0.80 Total/NA149F11668C ☼PCB-203 24 pg/g1.0 Total/NA11301668C ☼PCB-205 24 pg/g1.1 Total/NA16.9 J 1668C ☼PCB-206 24 pg/g1.8 Total/NA1280F11668C ☼PCB-207 24 pg/g1.3 Total/NA1241668C ☼PCB-208 24 pg/g1.6 Total/NA1110F11668C ☼PCB-209 24 pg/g1.3 Total/NA1630F11668C Client Sample ID: SB-1 (0-2) Dup Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-2 ☼PCB-1 RL 25 pg/g EDL 1.1 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA1361668C ☼PCB-2 25 pg/g0.89 Total/NA1361668C ☼PCB-3 25 pg/g0.79 Total/NA1631668C ☼PCB-8 25 pg/g4.9 Total/NA1461668C ☼PCB-11 25 pg/g4.7 Total/NA1451668C ☼PCB-12/13 50 pg/g4.9 Total/NA118J1668C ☼PCB-15 25 pg/g5.0 Total/NA1891668C ☼PCB-16 25 pg/g2.1 Total/NA120J1668C ☼PCB-17 25 pg/g1.6 Total/NA118J1668C ☼PCB-18/30 50 pg/g1.4 Total/NA139J1668C ☼PCB-19 25 pg/g1.8 Total/NA16.5 J 1668C ☼PCB-20/28 50 pg/g3.8 Total/NA1130B1668C ☼PCB-21/33 50 pg/g3.6 Total/NA1611668C ☼PCB-22 25 pg/g4.0 Total/NA1511668C ☼PCB-25 25 pg/g3.7 Total/NA18.8 J 1668C ☼PCB-26/29 50 pg/g3.7 Total/NA116J1668C ☼PCB-27 25 pg/g1.2 Total/NA14.0 J 1668C ☼PCB-31 25 pg/g3.6 Total/NA11001668C ☼PCB-32 25 pg/g1.1 Total/NA116J1668C ☼PCB-35 25 pg/g3.9 Total/NA16.2 J 1668C ☼PCB-37 25 pg/g4.2 Total/NA11301668C ☼PCB-40/71 50 pg/g0.85 Total/NA11001668C ☼PCB-41 25 pg/g1.0 Total/NA112J1668C ☼PCB-42 25 pg/g0.94 Total/NA1551668C ☼PCB-43 25 pg/g0.99 Total/NA14.5 J 1668C ☼PCB-44/47/65 75 pg/g0.82 Total/NA1340B1668C ☼PCB-45 25 pg/g1.0 Total/NA123J1668C ☼PCB-46 25 pg/g1.1 Total/NA111J1668C ☼PCB-48 25 pg/g0.87 Total/NA1251668C ☼PCB-49/69 50 pg/g0.73 Total/NA1170B1668C ☼PCB-50/53 50 pg/g0.84 Total/NA129J1668C ☼PCB-51 25 pg/g0.82 Total/NA17.4 J B 1668C ☼PCB-52 25 pg/g0.89 Total/NA1730B1668C ☼PCB-56 25 pg/g5.1 Total/NA11501668C ☼PCB-59/62/75 75 pg/g0.64 Total/NA125J1668C TestAmerica Chicago This Detection Summary does not include radiochemical test results. Page 6 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Detection Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Client Sample ID: SB-1 (0-2) Dup (Continued)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-2 ☼PCB-60 RL 25 pg/g EDL 4.9 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA1721668C ☼PCB-61/70/74/76 100 pg/g4.6 Total/NA1740B1668C ☼PCB-64 25 pg/g0.61 Total/NA1140B1668C ☼PCB-66 25 pg/g5.1 Total/NA1360B1668C ☼PCB-77 6.1 pg/g6.1 Total/NA176G1668C ☼PCB-79 25 pg/g4.4 Total/NA1451668C ☼PCB-82 40 pg/g40 Total/NA1270G1668C ☼PCB-83 42 pg/g42 Total/NA1140G1668C ☼PCB-84 39 pg/g39 Total/NA1680B G 1668C ☼PCB-85/116/117 75 pg/g28 Total/NA13801668C ☼PCB-86/87/97/108/119/125 150 pg/g29 Total/NA11400B1668C ☼PCB-88/91 50 pg/g33 Total/NA13201668C ☼PCB-90/101/113 75 pg/g30 Total/NA12600B1668C ☼PCB-92 34 pg/g34 Total/NA1510G1668C ☼PCB-107/124 50 pg/g26 Total/NA1761668C ☼PCB-95 33 pg/g33 Total/NA12400B G 1668C ☼PCB-96 25 pg/g0.82 Total/NA111J1668C ☼PCB-98/102 50 pg/g32 Total/NA139J1668C ☼PCB-99 31 pg/g31 Total/NA11100G1668C ☼PCB-105 30 pg/g30 Total/NA1930G1668C ☼PCB-110/115 50 pg/g26 Total/NA13600B1668C ☼PCB-109 25 pg/g25 Total/NA11501668C ☼PCB-114 29 pg/g29 Total/NA140G1668C ☼PCB-118 27 pg/g27 Total/NA12000B G 1668C ☼PCB-123 29 pg/g29 Total/NA134G1668C ☼PCB-128/166 50 pg/g15 Total/NA17701668C ☼PCB-129/138/163 75 pg/g16 Total/NA16100B1668C ☼PCB-130 25 pg/g19 Total/NA13301668C ☼PCB-131 25 pg/g18 Total/NA1581668C ☼PCB-132 25 pg/g18 Total/NA118001668C ☼PCB-133 25 pg/g17 Total/NA1701668C ☼PCB-134/143 50 pg/g18 Total/NA12601668C ☼PCB-135/151 50 pg/g17 Total/NA122001668C ☼PCB-136 25 pg/g13 Total/NA17901668C ☼PCB-137 25 pg/g15 Total/NA11801668C ☼PCB-139/140 50 pg/g16 Total/NA1741668C ☼PCB-141 25 pg/g17 Total/NA112001668C ☼PCB-144 25 pg/g16 Total/NA13001668C ☼PCB-146 25 pg/g16 Total/NA18801668C ☼PCB-147/149 50 pg/g16 Total/NA14900B1668C ☼PCB-153/168 50 pg/g13 Total/NA14900B1668C ☼PCB-154 25 pg/g14 Total/NA1491668C ☼PCB-156/157 5.8 pg/g5.8 Total/NA1540G1668C ☼PCB-158 25 pg/g12 Total/NA15701668C ☼PCB-159 25 pg/g3.8 Total/NA1581668C ☼PCB-162 25 pg/g3.7 Total/NA114J1668C ☼PCB-164 25 pg/g14 Total/NA14201668C ☼PCB-167 4.3 pg/g4.3 Total/NA1190G1668C ☼PCB-170 25 pg/g4.6 Total/NA118001668C ☼PCB-171/173 50 pg/g4.3 Total/NA15501668C TestAmerica Chicago This Detection Summary does not include radiochemical test results. Page 7 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Detection Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Client Sample ID: SB-1 (0-2) Dup (Continued)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-2 ☼PCB-172 RL 25 pg/g EDL 4.4 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA13401668C ☼PCB-174 25 pg/g4.3 Total/NA121001668C ☼PCB-175 25 pg/g1.6 Total/NA1911668C ☼PCB-176 25 pg/g1.1 Total/NA12601668C ☼PCB-177 25 pg/g4.4 Total/NA111001668C ☼PCB-178 25 pg/g1.6 Total/NA14401668C ☼PCB-179 25 pg/g1.2 Total/NA19801668C ☼PCB-180/193 50 pg/g3.6 Total/NA143001668C ☼PCB-181 25 pg/g3.8 Total/NA19.0 J 1668C ☼PCB-182 25 pg/g1.5 Total/NA18.9 J 1668C ☼PCB-183 25 pg/g3.7 Total/NA111001668C ☼PCB-184 25 pg/g1.3 Total/NA11.5 J 1668C ☼PCB-185 25 pg/g3.6 Total/NA11701668C ☼PCB-187 25 pg/g1.5 Total/NA12800E1668C ☼PCB-188 25 pg/g1.1 Total/NA13.0 J 1668C ☼PCB-189 2.5 pg/g1.2 Total/NA1701668C ☼PCB-190 25 pg/g3.4 Total/NA13701668C ☼PCB-191 25 pg/g3.3 Total/NA1741668C ☼PCB-194 25 pg/g1.8 Total/NA19501668C ☼PCB-195 25 pg/g1.9 Total/NA13501668C ☼PCB-196 25 pg/g3.5 Total/NA15501668C ☼PCB-197 25 pg/g2.5 Total/NA1341668C ☼PCB-198/199 50 pg/g3.6 Total/NA112001668C ☼PCB-200 25 pg/g2.5 Total/NA11501668C ☼PCB-201 25 pg/g2.5 Total/NA11401668C ☼PCB-202 25 pg/g2.6 Total/NA12001668C ☼PCB-203 25 pg/g3.4 Total/NA17201668C ☼PCB-205 25 pg/g1.6 Total/NA1541668C ☼PCB-206 25 pg/g1.5 Total/NA16801668C ☼PCB-207 25 pg/g1.1 Total/NA1761668C ☼PCB-208 25 pg/g1.3 Total/NA12401668C ☼PCB-209 25 pg/g1.6 Total/NA19401668C Client Sample ID: SB-3 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-6 ☼PCB-1 RL 26 pg/g EDL 4.2 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA17801668C ☼PCB-2 26 pg/g3.6 Total/NA12901668C ☼PCB-3 26 pg/g3.2 Total/NA112001668C ☼PCB-4 26 pg/g8.0 Total/NA112001668C ☼PCB-5 33 pg/g33 Total/NA137G1668C ☼PCB-6 34 pg/g34 Total/NA1590G1668C ☼PCB-7 31 pg/g31 Total/NA1110G1668C ☼PCB-8 33 pg/g33 Total/NA12800E G 1668C ☼PCB-9 36 pg/g36 Total/NA1150G1668C ☼PCB-10 26 pg/g5.2 Total/NA11301668C ☼PCB-11 32 pg/g32 Total/NA1140G1668C ☼PCB-12/13 51 pg/g33 Total/NA16901668C ☼PCB-15 36 pg/g36 Total/NA18300E G 1668C ☼PCB-16 26 pg/g10 Total/NA121001668C TestAmerica Chicago This Detection Summary does not include radiochemical test results. Page 8 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Detection Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Client Sample ID: SB-3 (0-2) (Continued)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-6 ☼PCB-17 RL 26 pg/g EDL 7.7 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA119001668C ☼PCB-18/30 51 pg/g6.6 Total/NA143001668C ☼PCB-19 26 pg/g6.9 Total/NA17401668C ☼PCB-20/28 51 pg/g48 Total/NA19200E B 1668C ☼PCB-21/33 51 pg/g45 Total/NA130001668C ☼PCB-22 50 pg/g50 Total/NA12500G1668C ☼PCB-24 26 pg/g5.9 Total/NA1871668C ☼PCB-25 46 pg/g46 Total/NA1600G1668C ☼PCB-26/29 51 pg/g46 Total/NA113001668C ☼PCB-27 26 pg/g5.9 Total/NA14701668C ☼PCB-31 45 pg/g45 Total/NA16500E G 1668C ☼PCB-32 26 pg/g5.3 Total/NA114001668C ☼PCB-35 49 pg/g49 Total/NA1200G1668C ☼PCB-37 66 pg/g66 Total/NA14700E G 1668C ☼PCB-40/71 51 pg/g3.5 Total/NA127001668C ☼PCB-41 26 pg/g4.3 Total/NA14601668C ☼PCB-42 26 pg/g3.9 Total/NA116001668C ☼PCB-43 26 pg/g4.1 Total/NA11901668C ☼PCB-44/47/65 77 pg/g3.4 Total/NA15500B1668C ☼PCB-45 26 pg/g4.2 Total/NA115001668C ☼PCB-46 26 pg/g4.4 Total/NA17301668C ☼PCB-48 26 pg/g3.6 Total/NA110001668C ☼PCB-49/69 51 pg/g3.0 Total/NA13100B1668C ☼PCB-50/53 51 pg/g3.5 Total/NA115001668C ☼PCB-51 26 pg/g3.4 Total/NA1560B1668C ☼PCB-52 26 pg/g3.7 Total/NA16900E B 1668C ☼PCB-54 26 pg/g1.9 Total/NA124J1668C ☼PCB-56 35 pg/g35 Total/NA12900E G 1668C ☼PCB-59/62/75 77 pg/g2.7 Total/NA17801668C ☼PCB-60 34 pg/g34 Total/NA11200G1668C ☼PCB-61/70/74/76 100 pg/g32 Total/NA18700B1668C ☼PCB-63 30 pg/g30 Total/NA1140G1668C ☼PCB-64 26 pg/g2.5 Total/NA12400B1668C ☼PCB-66 35 pg/g35 Total/NA16400E B G 1668C ☼PCB-67 31 pg/g31 Total/NA1170G1668C ☼PCB-72 32 pg/g32 Total/NA134G1668C ☼PCB-73 26 pg/g2.8 Total/NA12501668C ☼PCB-77 47 pg/g47 Total/NA11200G1668C ☼PCB-79 31 pg/g31 Total/NA155G1668C ☼PCB-82 120 pg/g120 Total/NA11200G1668C ☼PCB-83 120 pg/g120 Total/NA1540G1668C ☼PCB-84 120 pg/g120 Total/NA13000E B G 1668C ☼PCB-85/116/117 81 pg/g81 Total/NA11400G1668C ☼PCB-86/87/97/108/119/125 150 pg/g84 Total/NA15400B1668C ☼PCB-88/91 95 pg/g95 Total/NA11600G1668C ☼PCB-89 110 pg/g110 Total/NA1190G1668C ☼PCB-90/101/113 86 pg/g86 Total/NA17000B G 1668C ☼PCB-92 100 pg/g100 Total/NA11400G1668C ☼PCB-107/124 76 pg/g76 Total/NA1210G1668C ☼PCB-95 97 pg/g97 Total/NA17700E B G 1668C TestAmerica Chicago This Detection Summary does not include radiochemical test results. Page 9 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Detection Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Client Sample ID: SB-3 (0-2) (Continued)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-6 ☼PCB-96 RL 26 pg/g EDL 3.1 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA11401668C ☼PCB-98/102 94 pg/g94 Total/NA1430G1668C ☼PCB-99 91 pg/g91 Total/NA13800E G 1668C ☼PCB-104 26 pg/g2.0 Total/NA12.1 J 1668C ☼PCB-105 94 pg/g94 Total/NA12800E G 1668C ☼PCB-110/115 76 pg/g76 Total/NA111000E B G 1668C ☼PCB-109 74 pg/g74 Total/NA1360G1668C ☼PCB-114 92 pg/g92 Total/NA1110G1668C ☼PCB-118 85 pg/g85 Total/NA16000E B G 1668C ☼PCB-122 85 pg/g85 Total/NA199G1668C ☼PCB-123 85 pg/g85 Total/NA1120G1668C ☼PCB-128/166 51 pg/g24 Total/NA113001668C ☼PCB-129/138/163 77 pg/g26 Total/NA1220B1668C ☼PCB-130 31 pg/g31 Total/NA1600G1668C ☼PCB-131 29 pg/g29 Total/NA1130G1668C ☼PCB-132 29 pg/g29 Total/NA13000E G 1668C ☼PCB-133 28 pg/g28 Total/NA194G1668C ☼PCB-134/143 51 pg/g29 Total/NA14701668C ☼PCB-135/151 51 pg/g27 Total/NA125001668C ☼PCB-136 26 pg/g21 Total/NA111001668C ☼PCB-137 26 pg/g25 Total/NA14401668C ☼PCB-139/140 51 pg/g25 Total/NA11801668C ☼PCB-141 28 pg/g28 Total/NA11400G1668C ☼PCB-144 26 pg/g26 Total/NA14201668C ☼PCB-146 26 pg/g26 Total/NA1381668C ☼PCB-147/149 51 pg/g26 Total/NA16000E B 1668C ☼PCB-153/168 51 pg/g21 Total/NA15200E B 1668C ☼PCB-154 26 pg/g23 Total/NA1591668C ☼PCB-156/157 13 pg/g13 Total/NA11100G1668C ☼PCB-158 26 pg/g20 Total/NA18701668C ☼PCB-159 26 pg/g8.3 Total/NA1431668C ☼PCB-160 26 pg/g21 Total/NA17100E1668C ☼PCB-161 26 pg/g21 Total/NA18501668C ☼PCB-164 26 pg/g22 Total/NA15901668C ☼PCB-167 8.9 pg/g8.9 Total/NA1390G1668C ☼PCB-170 26 pg/g5.6 Total/NA116001668C ☼PCB-171/173 51 pg/g5.3 Total/NA15201668C ☼PCB-172 26 pg/g5.5 Total/NA12801668C ☼PCB-174 26 pg/g5.3 Total/NA117001668C ☼PCB-175 26 pg/g4.6 Total/NA1631668C ☼PCB-176 26 pg/g3.3 Total/NA11701668C ☼PCB-177 26 pg/g5.4 Total/NA19301668C ☼PCB-178 26 pg/g4.8 Total/NA12801668C ☼PCB-179 26 pg/g3.6 Total/NA16201668C ☼PCB-180/193 51 pg/g4.4 Total/NA134001668C ☼PCB-181 26 pg/g4.6 Total/NA1301668C ☼PCB-183 26 pg/g4.5 Total/NA19801668C ☼PCB-185 26 pg/g4.4 Total/NA11801668C ☼PCB-187 26 pg/g4.4 Total/NA116001668C ☼PCB-189 9.5 pg/g9.5 Total/NA167G1668C TestAmerica Chicago This Detection Summary does not include radiochemical test results. Page 10 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Detection Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Client Sample ID: SB-3 (0-2) (Continued)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-6 ☼PCB-190 RL 26 pg/g EDL 4.2 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA12901668C ☼PCB-191 26 pg/g4.0 Total/NA1671668C ☼PCB-194 26 pg/g9.0 Total/NA15701668C ☼PCB-195 26 pg/g9.1 Total/NA12601668C ☼PCB-196 26 pg/g11 Total/NA13901668C ☼PCB-197 26 pg/g7.6 Total/NA123J1668C ☼PCB-198/199 51 pg/g11 Total/NA111001668C ☼PCB-200 26 pg/g7.6 Total/NA11101668C ☼PCB-201 26 pg/g7.6 Total/NA11201668C ☼PCB-202 26 pg/g7.2 Total/NA12301668C ☼PCB-203 26 pg/g10 Total/NA16801668C ☼PCB-205 26 pg/g9.2 Total/NA1351668C ☼PCB-206 26 pg/g10 Total/NA17601668C ☼PCB-207 26 pg/g6.3 Total/NA1601668C ☼PCB-208 26 pg/g6.9 Total/NA12301668C ☼PCB-209 26 pg/g8.5 Total/NA13201668C Client Sample ID: SB-4 (15-17)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-7 ☼PCB-1 RL 23 pg/g EDL 2.8 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA12701668C ☼PCB-2 23 pg/g2.1 Total/NA1991668C ☼PCB-3 23 pg/g1.8 Total/NA13101668C ☼PCB-4 23 pg/g6.7 Total/NA11701668C ☼PCB-6 23 pg/g12 Total/NA1891668C ☼PCB-7 23 pg/g11 Total/NA118J1668C ☼PCB-8 23 pg/g12 Total/NA14501668C ☼PCB-9 23 pg/g13 Total/NA1291668C ☼PCB-10 23 pg/g3.9 Total/NA19.2 J 1668C ☼PCB-11 23 pg/g11 Total/NA19901668C ☼PCB-12/13 47 pg/g12 Total/NA1911668C ☼PCB-15 23 pg/g12 Total/NA19501668C ☼PCB-16 23 pg/g1.9 Total/NA12301668C ☼PCB-17 23 pg/g1.4 Total/NA12001668C ☼PCB-18/30 47 pg/g1.2 Total/NA14301668C ☼PCB-19 23 pg/g1.6 Total/NA11001668C ☼PCB-20/28 47 pg/g7.2 Total/NA11100B1668C ☼PCB-21/33 47 pg/g6.8 Total/NA14001668C ☼PCB-22 23 pg/g7.5 Total/NA13301668C ☼PCB-24 23 pg/g1.1 Total/NA16.1 J 1668C ☼PCB-25 23 pg/g7.0 Total/NA1661668C ☼PCB-26/29 47 pg/g7.0 Total/NA11401668C ☼PCB-27 23 pg/g1.1 Total/NA1531668C ☼PCB-31 23 pg/g6.8 Total/NA17201668C ☼PCB-32 23 pg/g0.97 Total/NA11601668C ☼PCB-35 23 pg/g7.4 Total/NA11501668C ☼PCB-36 23 pg/g6.7 Total/NA11501668C ☼PCB-37 23 pg/g8.0 Total/NA16501668C ☼PCB-40/71 47 pg/g0.92 Total/NA13401668C ☼PCB-41 23 pg/g1.1 Total/NA1611668C TestAmerica Chicago This Detection Summary does not include radiochemical test results. Page 11 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Detection Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Client Sample ID: SB-4 (15-17) (Continued)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-7 ☼PCB-42 RL 23 pg/g EDL 1.0 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA11801668C ☼PCB-43 23 pg/g1.1 Total/NA120J1668C ☼PCB-44/47/65 70 pg/g0.88 Total/NA1790B1668C ☼PCB-45 23 pg/g1.1 Total/NA11501668C ☼PCB-46 23 pg/g1.1 Total/NA1631668C ☼PCB-48 23 pg/g0.94 Total/NA11101668C ☼PCB-49/69 47 pg/g0.78 Total/NA1400B1668C ☼PCB-50/53 47 pg/g0.90 Total/NA11401668C ☼PCB-51 23 pg/g0.88 Total/NA134B1668C ☼PCB-52 23 pg/g0.95 Total/NA11300B1668C ☼PCB-54 23 pg/g0.99 Total/NA12.9 J 1668C ☼PCB-55 23 pg/g8.8 Total/NA112J1668C ☼PCB-56 23 pg/g9.7 Total/NA14101668C ☼PCB-59/62/75 70 pg/g0.69 Total/NA1781668C ☼PCB-60 23 pg/g9.3 Total/NA12001668C ☼PCB-61/70/74/76 94 pg/g8.9 Total/NA11700B1668C ☼PCB-63 23 pg/g8.2 Total/NA1231668C ☼PCB-64 23 pg/g0.65 Total/NA1440B1668C ☼PCB-66 23 pg/g9.7 Total/NA1900B1668C ☼PCB-67 23 pg/g8.4 Total/NA1231668C ☼PCB-77 11 pg/g11 Total/NA1220G1668C ☼PCB-79 23 pg/g8.5 Total/NA1301668C ☼PCB-82 43 pg/g43 Total/NA1340G1668C ☼PCB-83 45 pg/g45 Total/NA1140G1668C ☼PCB-84 42 pg/g42 Total/NA1780B G 1668C ☼PCB-85/116/117 70 pg/g30 Total/NA14301668C ☼PCB-86/87/97/108/119/125 140 pg/g31 Total/NA11700B1668C ☼PCB-88/91 47 pg/g35 Total/NA14001668C ☼PCB-90/101/113 70 pg/g32 Total/NA12200B1668C ☼PCB-92 37 pg/g37 Total/NA1440G1668C ☼PCB-107/124 47 pg/g28 Total/NA11101668C ☼PCB-95 36 pg/g36 Total/NA12000B G 1668C ☼PCB-96 23 pg/g0.89 Total/NA1261668C ☼PCB-98/102 47 pg/g34 Total/NA1531668C ☼PCB-99 33 pg/g33 Total/NA11100G1668C ☼PCB-105 31 pg/g31 Total/NA11300G1668C ☼PCB-110/115 47 pg/g28 Total/NA14900E B 1668C ☼PCB-109 27 pg/g27 Total/NA1200G1668C ☼PCB-114 31 pg/g31 Total/NA154G1668C ☼PCB-118 29 pg/g29 Total/NA12700E B G 1668C ☼PCB-123 31 pg/g31 Total/NA143G1668C ☼PCB-128/166 47 pg/g21 Total/NA111001668C ☼PCB-129/138/163 70 pg/g22 Total/NA15500B1668C ☼PCB-130 27 pg/g27 Total/NA1400G1668C ☼PCB-131 25 pg/g25 Total/NA165G1668C ☼PCB-132 25 pg/g25 Total/NA11800G1668C ☼PCB-133 24 pg/g24 Total/NA161G1668C ☼PCB-134/143 47 pg/g25 Total/NA12601668C ☼PCB-135/151 47 pg/g23 Total/NA113001668C ☼PCB-136 23 pg/g18 Total/NA15601668C TestAmerica Chicago This Detection Summary does not include radiochemical test results. Page 12 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Detection Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Client Sample ID: SB-4 (15-17) (Continued)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-7 ☼PCB-137 RL 23 pg/g EDL 21 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA12801668C ☼PCB-139/140 47 pg/g22 Total/NA1981668C ☼PCB-141 24 pg/g24 Total/NA1720G1668C ☼PCB-144 23 pg/g23 Total/NA11801668C ☼PCB-146 23 pg/g22 Total/NA16601668C ☼PCB-147/149 47 pg/g22 Total/NA13700B1668C ☼PCB-153/168 47 pg/g18 Total/NA12800B1668C ☼PCB-154 23 pg/g20 Total/NA1351668C ☼PCB-156/157 5.8 pg/g5.8 Total/NA1610G1668C ☼PCB-158 23 pg/g17 Total/NA16001668C ☼PCB-162 23 pg/g3.9 Total/NA119J1668C ☼PCB-164 23 pg/g19 Total/NA14301668C ☼PCB-167 4.4 pg/g4.4 Total/NA1190G1668C ☼PCB-170 23 pg/g3.2 Total/NA111001668C ☼PCB-171/173 47 pg/g3.0 Total/NA13401668C ☼PCB-172 23 pg/g3.1 Total/NA12001668C ☼PCB-174 23 pg/g3.0 Total/NA112001668C ☼PCB-175 23 pg/g2.1 Total/NA1521668C ☼PCB-176 23 pg/g1.5 Total/NA11301668C ☼PCB-177 23 pg/g3.0 Total/NA16401668C ☼PCB-178 23 pg/g2.2 Total/NA12401668C ☼PCB-179 23 pg/g1.6 Total/NA14901668C ☼PCB-180/193 47 pg/g2.5 Total/NA124001668C ☼PCB-181 23 pg/g2.6 Total/NA113J1668C ☼PCB-182 23 pg/g1.9 Total/NA16.8 J 1668C ☼PCB-183 23 pg/g2.5 Total/NA16601668C ☼PCB-184 23 pg/g1.7 Total/NA11.9 J 1668C ☼PCB-185 23 pg/g2.5 Total/NA1881668C ☼PCB-187 23 pg/g2.0 Total/NA115001668C ☼PCB-188 23 pg/g1.5 Total/NA12.9 J 1668C ☼PCB-189 2.3 pg/g1.5 Total/NA1441668C ☼PCB-190 23 pg/g2.4 Total/NA12101668C ☼PCB-191 23 pg/g2.3 Total/NA1521668C ☼PCB-194 23 pg/g1.8 Total/NA16001668C ☼PCB-195 23 pg/g1.8 Total/NA12001668C ☼PCB-196 23 pg/g9.8 Total/NA13601668C ☼PCB-197 23 pg/g6.9 Total/NA1271668C ☼PCB-198/199 47 pg/g9.9 Total/NA19201668C ☼PCB-200 23 pg/g6.9 Total/NA1941668C ☼PCB-201 23 pg/g6.9 Total/NA11001668C ☼PCB-202 23 pg/g7.6 Total/NA11801668C ☼PCB-203 23 pg/g9.4 Total/NA15701668C ☼PCB-205 23 pg/g1.5 Total/NA1311668C ☼PCB-206 23 pg/g2.4 Total/NA16501668C ☼PCB-207 23 pg/g1.6 Total/NA1601668C ☼PCB-208 23 pg/g1.9 Total/NA11901668C ☼PCB-209 23 pg/g1.8 Total/NA13401668C TestAmerica Chicago This Detection Summary does not include radiochemical test results. Page 13 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Method Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method Method Description LaboratoryProtocol EPA1668CChlorinated Biphenyl Congeners (HRGC/HRMS)TAL SAC ASTMD 2216 Percent Moisture TAL SAC Protocol References: ASTM = ASTM International EPA = US Environmental Protection Agency Laboratory References: TAL SAC = TestAmerica Sacramento, 880 Riverside Parkway, West Sacramento, CA 95605, TEL (916)373-5600 TestAmerica Chicago Page 14 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Sample Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID ReceivedCollectedMatrix 500-124191-1 SB-1 (0-2)Solid 02/21/17 11:45 02/22/17 10:30 500-124191-2 SB-1 (0-2) Dup Solid 02/21/17 11:50 02/22/17 10:30 500-124191-6 SB-3 (0-2)Solid 02/21/17 12:20 02/22/17 10:30 500-124191-7 SB-4 (15-17)Solid 02/21/17 14:30 02/22/17 10:30 TestAmerica Chicago Page 15 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-1Client Sample ID: SB-1 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 11:45 Percent Solids: 82.6Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 1668C - Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners (HRGC/HRMS) RL EDL PCB-1 6.4 J 24 1.5 pg/g ☼03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 24 1.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-2 4.1 J 24 1.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-3 9.8 J F1 24 8.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-4 <24 24 13 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-5 <24 24 13 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-6 <24 24 12 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-7 <24 24 13 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-8 49 24 14 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-9 <24 24 4.4 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-10 <24 24 13 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-11 <24 48 13 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-12/13 <48 24 11 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-14 <24 24 13 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-15 46 24 2.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-16 48 24 1.5 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-17 41 48 1.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-18/30 82 24 2.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-19 7.4 J 48 2.7 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-20/28 190 B 48 2.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-21/33 110 24 2.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-22 73 24 2.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-23 <24 24 1.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-24 <24 24 2.7 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-25 14 J 48 2.7 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-26/29 30 J 24 1.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-27 7.3 J 24 2.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-31 160 24 1.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-32 22 J 24 2.7 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-34 <24 24 2.8 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-35 <24 24 2.5 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-36 <24 24 2.4 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-37 61 24 2.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-38 <24 24 2.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-39 <24 48 0.73 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-40/71 64 24 0.89 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-41 17 J 24 0.80 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-42 38 24 0.84 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-43 5.1 J 72 0.70 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-44/47/65 160 B 24 0.86 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-45 21 J 24 0.90 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-46 9.7 J 24 0.74 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-48 28 48 0.62 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-49/69 86 B 48 0.71 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-50/53 19 J 24 0.70 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-51 5.1 J B 24 0.76 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-52 280 B 24 0.93 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-54 <24 24 2.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-55 2.8 J 24 2.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-56 61 TestAmerica Chicago Page 16 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-1Client Sample ID: SB-1 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 11:45 Percent Solids: 82.6Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 1668C - Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners (HRGC/HRMS) (Continued) RL EDL PCB-57 <24 24 2.1 pg/g ☼03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 24 2.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-58 <24 72 0.55 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-59/62/75 13 J 24 2.2 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-60 33 96 2.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-61/70/74/76 260 B 24 1.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-63 4.1 J 24 0.52 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-64 57 B 24 2.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-66 140 B 24 2.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-67 3.8 J 24 1.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-68 <24 24 2.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-72 <24 24 0.58 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-73 <24 2.6 2.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-77 16 G 24 2.2 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-78 <24 24 2.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-79 10 J 24 1.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-80 <24 2.4 2.4 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-81 <2.4 24 8.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-82 56 24 8.7 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-83 15 J 24 8.2 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-84 140 B 72 5.8 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-85/116/117 84 140 6.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-86/87/97/108/119/125 340 B 48 6.8 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-88/91 68 24 7.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-89 <24 72 6.2 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-90/101/113 530 B 24 7.2 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-92 95 48 6.8 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-93/100 <48 48 5.4 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-107/124 20 J 24 7.4 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-94 <24 24 6.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-95 440 B 24 0.82 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-96 3.0 J 48 6.7 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-98/102 7.7 J 24 6.4 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-99 240 24 6.4 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-103 <24 24 0.64 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-104 <24 6.3 6.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-105 140 F1 G 24 5.2 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-106 <24 48 5.4 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-110/115 680 B 24 5.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-109 24 24 5.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-111 <24 24 5.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-112 <24 6.1 6.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-114 <6.1 G 5.7 5.7 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-118 400 F1 B G 24 5.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-120 <24 24 5.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-121 <24 24 6.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-122 <24 6.0 6.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-123 7.2 G 7.0 7.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-126 <7.0 G 24 5.7 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-127 <24 TestAmerica Chicago Page 17 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-1Client Sample ID: SB-1 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 11:45 Percent Solids: 82.6Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 1668C - Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners (HRGC/HRMS) (Continued) RL EDL PCB-128/166 140 48 3.8 pg/g ☼03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 72 4.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-129/138/163 860 B 24 4.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-130 46 24 4.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-131 10 J 24 4.5 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-132 260 24 4.4 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-133 7.2 J 48 4.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-134/143 38 J 48 4.2 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-135/151 290 24 3.2 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-136 100 24 3.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-137 40 48 3.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-139/140 12 J 24 4.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-141 160 24 4.5 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-142 <24 24 4.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-144 40 24 3.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-145 <24 24 4.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-146 100 48 4.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-147/149 660 B 24 4.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-148 <24 24 2.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-150 <24 24 2.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-152 <24 48 3.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-153/168 660 B 24 3.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-154 4.1 J 24 2.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-155 <24 4.8 1.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-156/157 77 F1 24 3.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-158 86 24 1.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-159 <24 24 3.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-160 <24 24 3.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-161 <24 24 1.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-162 1.5 J 24 3.4 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-164 56 24 3.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-165 <24 2.4 1.4 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-167 27 F1 2.4 1.7 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-169 <2.4 24 1.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-170 190 48 1.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-171/173 59 24 1.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-172 37 24 1.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-174 260 24 0.95 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-175 11 J 24 0.68 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-176 33 24 1.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-177 130 24 0.99 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-178 58 24 0.75 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-179 140 48 0.87 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-180/193 520 24 0.92 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-181 <24 24 0.88 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-182 <24 24 0.90 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-183 150 24 0.76 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-184 <24 24 0.88 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-185 27 24 0.73 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-186 <24 TestAmerica Chicago Page 18 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-1Client Sample ID: SB-1 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 11:45 Percent Solids: 82.6Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 1668C - Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners (HRGC/HRMS) (Continued) RL EDL PCB-187 390 24 0.91 pg/g ☼03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 24 0.69 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-188 <24 2.4 1.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-189 6.1 F1 24 0.84 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-190 41 24 0.80 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-191 7.4 J 24 0.82 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-192 <24 24 1.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-194 140 24 1.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-195 49 24 1.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-196 91 24 0.73 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-197 8.5 J 48 1.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-198/199 240 24 0.73 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-200 22 J 24 0.73 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-201 28 24 0.80 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-202 49 F1 24 1.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-203 130 24 0.77 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-204 <24 24 1.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-205 6.9 J 24 1.8 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-206 280 F1 24 1.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-207 24 24 1.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-208 110 F1 24 1.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1☼PCB-209 630 F1 PCB-1L 34 5-145 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1 Isotope Dilution Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery PCB-3L 46 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 15-145 PCB-4L 47 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 15-145 PCB-15L 64 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 15-145 PCB-19L 36 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 15-145 PCB-37L 78 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 15-145 PCB-54L 68 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 15-145 PCB-77L 75 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 110-145 PCB-81L 77 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 110-145 PCB-104L 87 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 110-145 PCB-105L 83 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 110-145 PCB-114L 83 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 110-145 PCB-118L 84 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 110-145 PCB-123L 84 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 110-145 PCB-126L 91 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 110-145 PCB-155L 87 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 110-145 PCB-156L/157L 68 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 110-145 PCB-167L 68 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 110-145 PCB-169L 85 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 110-145 PCB-188L 99 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 110-145 PCB-189L 86 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 110-145 PCB-202L 99 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 110-145 PCB-205L 93 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 110-145 PCB-206L 95 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 110-145 PCB-208L 83 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 110-145 PCB-209L 88 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 110-145 TestAmerica Chicago Page 19 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-1Client Sample ID: SB-1 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 11:45 Percent Solids: 82.6Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 PCB-28L 71 5-145 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery PCB-111L 89 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 110-145 PCB-178L 77 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 18:38 110-145 TestAmerica Chicago Page 20 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-2Client Sample ID: SB-1 (0-2) Dup Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 11:50 Percent Solids: 80.0Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 1668C - Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners (HRGC/HRMS) RL EDL PCB-1 36 25 1.1 pg/g ☼03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 25 0.89 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-2 36 25 0.79 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-3 63 25 4.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-4 <25 25 4.8 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-5 <25 25 4.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-6 <25 25 4.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-7 <25 25 4.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-8 46 25 5.2 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-9 <25 25 2.7 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-10 <25 25 4.7 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-11 45 50 4.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-12/13 18 J 25 4.2 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-14 <25 25 5.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-15 89 25 2.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-16 20 J 25 1.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-17 18 J 50 1.4 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-18/30 39 J 25 1.8 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-19 6.5 J 50 3.8 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-20/28 130 B 50 3.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-21/33 61 25 4.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-22 51 25 3.7 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-23 <25 25 1.2 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-24 <25 25 3.7 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-25 8.8 J 50 3.7 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-26/29 16 J 25 1.2 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-27 4.0 J 25 3.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-31 100 25 1.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-32 16 J 25 3.8 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-34 <25 25 3.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-35 6.2 J 25 3.5 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-36 <25 25 4.2 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-37 130 25 4.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-38 <25 25 3.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-39 <25 50 0.85 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-40/71 100 25 1.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-41 12 J 25 0.94 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-42 55 25 0.99 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-43 4.5 J 75 0.82 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-44/47/65 340 B 25 1.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-45 23 J 25 1.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-46 11 J 25 0.87 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-48 25 50 0.73 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-49/69 170 B 50 0.84 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-50/53 29 J 25 0.82 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-51 7.4 J B 25 0.89 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-52 730 B 25 0.70 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-54 <25 25 4.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-55 <25 25 5.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-56 150 TestAmerica Chicago Page 21 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-2Client Sample ID: SB-1 (0-2) Dup Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 11:50 Percent Solids: 80.0Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 1668C - Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners (HRGC/HRMS) (Continued) RL EDL PCB-57 <25 25 4.8 pg/g ☼03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 25 4.8 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-58 <25 75 0.64 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-59/62/75 25 J 25 4.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-60 72 100 4.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-61/70/74/76 740 B 25 4.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-63 <25 25 0.61 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-64 140 B 25 5.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-66 360 B 25 4.4 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-67 <25 25 4.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-68 <25 25 4.7 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-72 <25 25 0.68 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-73 <25 6.1 6.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-77 76 G 25 5.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-78 <25 25 4.4 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-79 45 25 4.2 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-80 <25 5.9 5.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-81 <5.9 G 40 40 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-82 270 G 42 42 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-83 140 G 39 39 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-84 680 B G 75 28 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-85/116/117 380 150 29 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-86/87/97/108/119/125 1400 B 50 33 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-88/91 320 36 36 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-89 <36 G 75 30 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-90/101/113 2600 B 34 34 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-92 510 G 50 32 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-93/100 <50 50 26 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-107/124 76 36 36 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-94 <36 G 33 33 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-95 2400 B G 25 0.82 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-96 11 J 50 32 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-98/102 39 J 31 31 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-99 1100 G 31 31 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-103 <31 G 25 0.64 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-104 <25 30 30 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-105 930 G 25 25 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-106 <25 50 26 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-110/115 3600 B 25 25 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-109 150 25 24 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-111 <25 25 25 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-112 <25 29 29 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-114 40 G 27 27 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-118 2000 B G 25 24 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-120 <25 25 24 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-121 <25 29 29 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-122 <29 G 29 29 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-123 34 G 34 34 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-126 <34 G 28 28 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-127 <28 G TestAmerica Chicago Page 22 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-2Client Sample ID: SB-1 (0-2) Dup Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 11:50 Percent Solids: 80.0Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 1668C - Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners (HRGC/HRMS) (Continued) RL EDL PCB-128/166 770 50 15 pg/g ☼03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 75 16 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-129/138/163 6100 B 25 19 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-130 330 25 18 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-131 58 25 18 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-132 1800 25 17 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-133 70 50 18 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-134/143 260 50 17 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-135/151 2200 25 13 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-136 790 25 15 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-137 180 50 16 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-139/140 74 25 17 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-141 1200 25 18 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-142 <25 25 16 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-144 300 25 12 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-145 <25 25 16 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-146 880 50 16 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-147/149 4900 B 25 16 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-148 <25 25 12 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-150 <25 25 12 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-152 <25 50 13 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-153/168 4900 B 25 14 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-154 49 25 8.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-155 <25 5.8 5.8 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-156/157 540 G 25 12 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-158 570 25 3.8 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-159 58 25 13 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-160 <25 25 13 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-161 <25 25 3.7 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-162 14 J 25 14 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-164 420 25 14 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-165 <25 4.3 4.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-167 190 G 5.4 5.4 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-169 <5.4 G 25 4.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-170 1800 50 4.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-171/173 550 25 4.4 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-172 340 25 4.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-174 2100 25 1.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-175 91 25 1.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-176 260 25 4.4 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-177 1100 25 1.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-178 440 25 1.2 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-179 980 50 3.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-180/193 4300 25 3.8 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-181 9.0 J 25 1.5 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-182 8.9 J 25 3.7 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-183 1100 25 1.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-184 1.5 J 25 3.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-185 170 25 1.2 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-186 <25 TestAmerica Chicago Page 23 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-2Client Sample ID: SB-1 (0-2) Dup Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 11:50 Percent Solids: 80.0Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 1668C - Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners (HRGC/HRMS) (Continued) RL EDL PCB-187 2800 E 25 1.5 pg/g ☼03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 25 1.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-188 3.0 J 2.5 1.2 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-189 70 25 3.4 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-190 370 25 3.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-191 74 25 3.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-192 <25 25 1.8 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-194 950 25 1.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-195 350 25 3.5 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-196 550 25 2.5 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-197 34 50 3.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-198/199 1200 25 2.5 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-200 150 25 2.5 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-201 140 25 2.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-202 200 25 3.4 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-203 720 25 2.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-204 <25 25 1.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-205 54 25 1.5 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-206 680 25 1.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-207 76 25 1.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-208 240 25 1.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1☼PCB-209 940 PCB-1L 33 5-145 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1 Isotope Dilution Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery PCB-3L 45 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 15-145 PCB-4L 50 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 15-145 PCB-15L 61 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 15-145 PCB-19L 56 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 15-145 PCB-37L 72 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 15-145 PCB-54L 68 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 15-145 PCB-77L 66 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 110-145 PCB-81L 65 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 110-145 PCB-104L 88 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 110-145 PCB-105L 75 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 110-145 PCB-114L 74 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 110-145 PCB-118L 74 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 110-145 PCB-123L 75 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 110-145 PCB-126L 80 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 110-145 PCB-155L 92 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 110-145 PCB-156L/157L 66 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 110-145 PCB-167L 65 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 110-145 PCB-169L 79 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 110-145 PCB-188L 104 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 110-145 PCB-189L 85 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 110-145 PCB-202L 102 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 110-145 PCB-205L 89 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 110-145 PCB-206L 92 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 110-145 PCB-208L 80 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 110-145 PCB-209L 77 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 110-145 TestAmerica Chicago Page 24 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-2Client Sample ID: SB-1 (0-2) Dup Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 11:50 Percent Solids: 80.0Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 PCB-28L 66 5-145 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery PCB-111L 79 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 110-145 PCB-178L 75 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 22:23 110-145 TestAmerica Chicago Page 25 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-6Client Sample ID: SB-3 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 12:20 Percent Solids: 77.2Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 1668C - Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners (HRGC/HRMS) RL EDL PCB-1 780 26 4.2 pg/g ☼03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 26 3.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-2 290 26 3.2 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-3 1200 26 8.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-4 1200 33 33 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-5 37 G 34 34 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-6 590 G 31 31 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-7 110 G 33 33 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-8 2800 E G 36 36 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-9 150 G 26 5.2 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-10 130 32 32 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-11 140 G 51 33 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-12/13 690 29 29 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-14 <29 G 36 36 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-15 8300 E G 26 10 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-16 2100 26 7.7 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-17 1900 51 6.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-18/30 4300 26 6.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-19 740 51 48 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-20/28 9200 E B 51 45 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-21/33 3000 50 50 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-22 2500 G 46 46 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-23 <46 G 26 5.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-24 87 46 46 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-25 600 G 51 46 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-26/29 1300 26 5.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-27 470 45 45 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-31 6500 E G 26 5.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-32 1400 47 47 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-34 <47 G 49 49 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-35 200 G 44 44 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-36 <44 G 66 66 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-37 4700 E G 50 50 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-38 <50 G 45 45 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-39 <45 G 51 3.5 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-40/71 2700 26 4.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-41 460 26 3.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-42 1600 26 4.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-43 190 77 3.4 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-44/47/65 5500 B 26 4.2 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-45 1500 26 4.4 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-46 730 26 3.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-48 1000 51 3.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-49/69 3100 B 51 3.5 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-50/53 1500 26 3.4 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-51 560 B 26 3.7 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-52 6900 E B 26 1.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-54 24 J 32 32 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-55 <32 G 35 35 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-56 2900 E G TestAmerica Chicago Page 26 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-6Client Sample ID: SB-3 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 12:20 Percent Solids: 77.2Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 1668C - Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners (HRGC/HRMS) (Continued) RL EDL PCB-57 <33 G 33 33 pg/g ☼03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 33 33 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-58 <33 G 77 2.7 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-59/62/75 780 34 34 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-60 1200 G 100 32 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-61/70/74/76 8700 B 30 30 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-63 140 G 26 2.5 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-64 2400 B 35 35 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-66 6400 E B G 31 31 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-67 170 G 30 30 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-68 <30 G 32 32 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-72 34 G 26 2.8 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-73 250 47 47 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-77 1200 G 35 35 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-78 <35 G 31 31 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-79 55 G 29 29 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-80 <29 G 45 45 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-81 <45 G 120 120 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-82 1200 G 120 120 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-83 540 G 120 120 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-84 3000 E B G 81 81 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-85/116/117 1400 G 150 84 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-86/87/97/108/119/125 5400 B 95 95 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-88/91 1600 G 110 110 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-89 190 G 86 86 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-90/101/113 7000 B G 100 100 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-92 1400 G 95 95 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-93/100 <95 G 76 76 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-107/124 210 G 100 100 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-94 <100 G 97 97 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-95 7700 E B G 26 3.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-96 140 94 94 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-98/102 430 G 91 91 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-99 3800 E G 90 90 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-103 <90 G 26 2.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-104 2.1 J 94 94 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-105 2800 E G 73 73 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-106 <73 G 76 76 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-110/115 11000 E B G 74 74 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-109 360 G 71 71 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-111 <71 G 72 72 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-112 <72 G 92 92 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-114 110 G 85 85 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-118 6000 E B G 71 71 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-120 <71 G 71 71 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-121 <71 G 85 85 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-122 99 G 85 85 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-123 120 G 120 120 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-126 <120 G 80 80 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-127 <80 G TestAmerica Chicago Page 27 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-6Client Sample ID: SB-3 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 12:20 Percent Solids: 77.2Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 1668C - Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners (HRGC/HRMS) (Continued) RL EDL PCB-128/166 1300 51 24 pg/g ☼03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 77 26 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-129/138/163 220 B 31 31 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-130 600 G 29 29 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-131 130 G 29 29 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-132 3000 E G 28 28 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-133 94 G 51 29 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-134/143 470 51 27 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-135/151 2500 26 21 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-136 1100 26 25 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-137 440 51 25 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-139/140 180 28 28 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-141 1400 G 29 29 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-142 <29 G 26 26 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-144 420 26 20 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-145 <26 26 26 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-146 38 51 26 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-147/149 6000 E B 26 26 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-148 <26 26 19 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-150 <26 26 19 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-152 <26 51 21 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-153/168 5200 E B 26 23 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-154 59 26 14 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-155 <26 13 13 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-156/157 1100 G 26 20 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-158 870 26 8.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-159 43 26 21 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-160 7100 E 26 21 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-161 850 26 8.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-162 <26 26 22 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-164 590 26 23 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-165 <26 8.9 8.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-167 390 G 12 12 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-169 <12 G 26 5.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-170 1600 51 5.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-171/173 520 26 5.5 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-172 280 26 5.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-174 1700 26 4.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-175 63 26 3.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-176 170 26 5.4 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-177 930 26 4.8 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-178 280 26 3.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-179 620 51 4.4 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-180/193 3400 26 4.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-181 30 26 4.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-182 <26 26 4.5 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-183 980 26 3.7 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-184 <26 26 4.4 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-185 180 26 3.5 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-186 <26 TestAmerica Chicago Page 28 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-6Client Sample ID: SB-3 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 12:20 Percent Solids: 77.2Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 1668C - Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners (HRGC/HRMS) (Continued) RL EDL PCB-187 1600 26 4.4 pg/g ☼03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 26 3.5 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-188 <26 9.5 9.5 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-189 67 G 26 4.2 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-190 290 26 4.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-191 67 26 4.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-192 <26 26 9.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-194 570 26 9.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-195 260 26 11 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-196 390 26 7.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-197 23 J 51 11 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-198/199 1100 26 7.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-200 110 26 7.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-201 120 26 7.2 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-202 230 26 10 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-203 680 26 8.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-204 <26 26 9.2 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-205 35 26 10 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-206 760 26 6.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-207 60 26 6.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-208 230 26 8.5 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1☼PCB-209 320 PCB-1L 44 5-145 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1 Isotope Dilution Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery PCB-3L 58 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 15-145 PCB-4L 59 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 15-145 PCB-15L 64 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 15-145 PCB-19L 56 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 15-145 PCB-37L 54 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 15-145 PCB-54L 64 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 15-145 PCB-77L 45 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 110-145 PCB-81L 46 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 110-145 PCB-104L 77 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 110-145 PCB-105L 49 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 110-145 PCB-114L 50 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 110-145 PCB-118L 52 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 110-145 PCB-123L 53 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 110-145 PCB-126L 46 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 110-145 PCB-155L 71 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 110-145 PCB-156L/157L 50 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 110-145 PCB-167L 53 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 110-145 PCB-169L 55 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 110-145 PCB-188L 89 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 110-145 PCB-189L 83 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 110-145 PCB-202L 91 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 110-145 PCB-205L 61 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 110-145 PCB-206L 61 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 110-145 PCB-208L 68 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 110-145 PCB-209L 54 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 110-145 TestAmerica Chicago Page 29 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-6Client Sample ID: SB-3 (0-2) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 12:20 Percent Solids: 77.2Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 PCB-28L 90 5-145 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery PCB-111L 85 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 110-145 PCB-178L 68 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 23:38 110-145 TestAmerica Chicago Page 30 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-7Client Sample ID: SB-4 (15-17) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 14:30 Percent Solids: 85.7Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 1668C - Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners (HRGC/HRMS) RL EDL PCB-1 270 23 2.8 pg/g ☼03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 23 2.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-2 99 23 1.8 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-3 310 23 6.7 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-4 170 23 12 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-5 <23 23 12 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-6 89 23 11 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-7 18 J 23 12 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-8 450 23 13 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-9 29 23 3.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-10 9.2 J 23 11 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-11 990 47 12 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-12/13 91 23 10 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-14 <23 23 12 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-15 950 23 1.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-16 230 23 1.4 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-17 200 47 1.2 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-18/30 430 23 1.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-19 100 47 7.2 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-20/28 1100 B 47 6.8 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-21/33 400 23 7.5 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-22 330 23 7.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-23 <23 23 1.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-24 6.1 J 23 7.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-25 66 47 7.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-26/29 140 23 1.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-27 53 23 6.8 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-31 720 23 0.97 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-32 160 23 7.2 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-34 <23 23 7.4 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-35 150 23 6.7 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-36 150 23 8.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-37 650 23 7.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-38 <23 23 6.8 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-39 <23 47 0.92 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-40/71 340 23 1.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-41 61 23 1.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-42 180 23 1.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-43 20 J 70 0.88 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-44/47/65 790 B 23 1.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-45 150 23 1.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-46 63 23 0.94 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-48 110 47 0.78 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-49/69 400 B 47 0.90 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-50/53 140 23 0.88 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-51 34 B 23 0.95 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-52 1300 B 23 0.99 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-54 2.9 J 23 8.8 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-55 12 J 23 9.7 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-56 410 TestAmerica Chicago Page 31 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-7Client Sample ID: SB-4 (15-17) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 14:30 Percent Solids: 85.7Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 1668C - Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners (HRGC/HRMS) (Continued) RL EDL PCB-57 <23 23 9.1 pg/g ☼03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 23 9.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-58 <23 70 0.69 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-59/62/75 78 23 9.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-60 200 94 8.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-61/70/74/76 1700 B 23 8.2 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-63 23 23 0.65 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-64 440 B 23 9.7 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-66 900 B 23 8.4 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-67 23 23 8.2 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-68 <23 23 8.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-72 <23 23 0.73 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-73 <23 11 11 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-77 220 G 23 9.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-78 <23 23 8.5 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-79 30 23 8.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-80 <23 10 10 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-81 <10 G 43 43 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-82 340 G 45 45 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-83 140 G 42 42 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-84 780 B G 70 30 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-85/116/117 430 140 31 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-86/87/97/108/119/125 1700 B 47 35 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-88/91 400 39 39 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-89 <39 G 70 32 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-90/101/113 2200 B 37 37 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-92 440 G 47 35 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-93/100 <47 47 28 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-107/124 110 38 38 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-94 <38 G 36 36 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-95 2000 B G 23 0.89 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-96 26 47 34 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-98/102 53 33 33 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-99 1100 G 33 33 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-103 <33 G 23 0.71 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-104 <23 31 31 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-105 1300 G 27 27 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-106 <27 G 47 28 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-110/115 4900 E B 27 27 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-109 200 G 26 26 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-111 <26 G 26 26 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-112 <26 G 31 31 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-114 54 G 29 29 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-118 2700 E B G 26 26 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-120 <26 G 26 26 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-121 <26 G 31 31 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-122 <31 G 31 31 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-123 43 G 36 36 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-126 <36 G 29 29 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-127 <29 G TestAmerica Chicago Page 32 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-7Client Sample ID: SB-4 (15-17) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 14:30 Percent Solids: 85.7Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 1668C - Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners (HRGC/HRMS) (Continued) RL EDL PCB-128/166 1100 47 21 pg/g ☼03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 70 22 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-129/138/163 5500 B 27 27 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-130 400 G 25 25 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-131 65 G 25 25 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-132 1800 G 24 24 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-133 61 G 47 25 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-134/143 260 47 23 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-135/151 1300 23 18 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-136 560 23 21 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-137 280 47 22 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-139/140 98 24 24 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-141 720 G 25 25 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-142 <25 G 23 23 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-144 180 23 17 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-145 <23 23 22 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-146 660 47 22 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-147/149 3700 B 23 22 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-148 <23 23 16 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-150 <23 23 16 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-152 <23 47 18 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-153/168 2800 B 23 20 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-154 35 23 13 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-155 <23 5.8 5.8 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-156/157 610 G 23 17 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-158 600 23 4.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-159 <23 23 18 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-160 <23 23 18 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-161 <23 23 3.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-162 19 J 23 19 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-164 430 23 20 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-165 <23 4.4 4.4 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-167 190 G 5.1 5.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-169 <5.1 G 23 3.2 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-170 1100 47 3.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-171/173 340 23 3.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-172 200 23 3.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-174 1200 23 2.1 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-175 52 23 1.5 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-176 130 23 3.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-177 640 23 2.2 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-178 240 23 1.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-179 490 47 2.5 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-180/193 2400 23 2.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-181 13 J 23 1.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-182 6.8 J 23 2.5 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-183 660 23 1.7 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-184 1.9 J 23 2.5 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-185 88 23 1.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-186 <23 TestAmerica Chicago Page 33 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-7Client Sample ID: SB-4 (15-17) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 14:30 Percent Solids: 85.7Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Method: 1668C - Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners (HRGC/HRMS) (Continued) RL EDL PCB-187 1500 23 2.0 pg/g ☼03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 23 1.5 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-188 2.9 J 2.3 1.5 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-189 44 23 2.4 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-190 210 23 2.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-191 52 23 2.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-192 <23 23 1.8 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-194 600 23 1.8 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-195 200 23 9.8 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-196 360 23 6.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-197 27 47 9.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-198/199 920 23 6.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-200 94 23 6.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-201 100 23 7.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-202 180 23 9.4 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-203 570 23 7.3 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-204 <23 23 1.5 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-205 31 23 2.4 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-206 650 23 1.6 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-207 60 23 1.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-208 190 23 1.8 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1☼PCB-209 340 PCB-1L 32 5-145 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1 Isotope Dilution Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery PCB-3L 49 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 15-145 PCB-4L 51 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 15-145 PCB-15L 68 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 15-145 PCB-19L 62 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 15-145 PCB-37L 75 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 15-145 PCB-54L 78 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 15-145 PCB-77L 77 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 110-145 PCB-81L 78 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 110-145 PCB-104L 94 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 110-145 PCB-105L 88 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 110-145 PCB-114L 87 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 110-145 PCB-118L 88 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 110-145 PCB-123L 86 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 110-145 PCB-126L 95 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 110-145 PCB-155L 90 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 110-145 PCB-156L/157L 72 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 110-145 PCB-167L 70 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 110-145 PCB-169L 88 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 110-145 PCB-188L 103 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 110-145 PCB-189L 96 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 110-145 PCB-202L 103 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 110-145 PCB-205L 95 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 110-145 PCB-206L 95 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 110-145 PCB-208L 91 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 110-145 PCB-209L 89 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 110-145 TestAmerica Chicago Page 34 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-7Client Sample ID: SB-4 (15-17) Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 14:30 Percent Solids: 85.7Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 PCB-28L 79 5-145 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery PCB-111L 93 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 110-145 PCB-178L 78 03/01/17 16:19 03/08/17 00:53 110-145 TestAmerica Chicago Page 35 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Definitions/Glossary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Qualifiers Dioxin Qualifier Description J Result is less than the RL but greater than or equal to the MDL and the concentration is an approximate value. Qualifier F1 MS and/or MSD Recovery is outside acceptance limits. G The reported quantitation limit has been raised due to an exhibited elevated noise or matrix interference B Compound was found in the blank and sample. E Result exceeded calibration range. Glossary These commonly used abbreviations may or may not be present in this report. ¤Listed under the "D" column to designate that the result is reported on a dry weight basis Abbreviation %R Percent Recovery CFL Contains Free Liquid CNF Contains no Free Liquid DER Duplicate error ratio (normalized absolute difference) Dil Fac Dilution Factor DL, RA, RE, IN Indicates a Dilution, Re-analysis, Re-extraction, or additional Initial metals/anion analysis of the sample DLC Decision level concentration MDA Minimum detectable activity EDL Estimated Detection Limit MDC Minimum detectable concentration MDL Method Detection Limit ML Minimum Level (Dioxin) NC Not Calculated ND Not detected at the reporting limit (or MDL or EDL if shown) PQL Practical Quantitation Limit QC Quality Control RER Relative error ratio RL Reporting Limit or Requested Limit (Radiochemistry) RPD Relative Percent Difference, a measure of the relative difference between two points TEF Toxicity Equivalent Factor (Dioxin) TEQ Toxicity Equivalent Quotient (Dioxin) TestAmerica Chicago Page 36 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Association Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Specialty Organics Prep Batch: 152781 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid HRMS-Sox500-124191-1 SB-1 (0-2)Total/NA Solid HRMS-Sox500-124191-2 SB-1 (0-2) Dup Total/NA Solid HRMS-Sox500-124191-6 SB-3 (0-2)Total/NA Solid HRMS-Sox500-124191-7 SB-4 (15-17)Total/NA Solid HRMS-SoxMB 320-152781/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid HRMS-SoxLCS 320-152781/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid HRMS-Sox500-124191-1 MS SB-1 (0-2)Total/NA Solid HRMS-Sox500-124191-1 MSD SB-1 (0-2)Total/NA Analysis Batch: 153726 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 1668C 152781500-124191-1 SB-1 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 1668C 152781500-124191-2 SB-1 (0-2) Dup Total/NA Solid 1668C 152781500-124191-6 SB-3 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 1668C 152781500-124191-7 SB-4 (15-17)Total/NA Solid 1668C 152781MB 320-152781/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 1668C 152781LCS 320-152781/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid 1668C 152781500-124191-1 MS SB-1 (0-2)Total/NA Solid 1668C 152781500-124191-1 MSD SB-1 (0-2)Total/NA General Chemistry Analysis Batch: 153993 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid D 2216500-124191-2 SB-1 (0-2) Dup Total/NA Solid D 2216500-124191-6 SB-3 (0-2)Total/NA Solid D 2216500-124191-7 SB-4 (15-17)Total/NA TestAmerica Chicago Page 37 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Surrogate Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method: 1668C - Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners (HRGC/HRMS) Prep Type: Total/NAMatrix: Solid Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID (5-145)(10-145)(10-145) PCB-28L PCB-111L PCB-178L 71 89 77500-124191-1 Percent Surrogate Recovery (Acceptance Limits) SB-1 (0-2) 66 85 75500-124191-1 MS SB-1 (0-2) 65 82 77500-124191-1 MSD SB-1 (0-2) 66 79 75500-124191-2 SB-1 (0-2) Dup 90 85 68500-124191-6 SB-3 (0-2) 79 93 78500-124191-7 SB-4 (15-17) 69 76 73MB 320-152781/1-A Method Blank Surrogate Legend PCB-28L = PCB-28L PCB-111L = PCB-111L PCB-178L = PCB-178L Method: 1668C - Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners (HRGC/HRMS) Prep Type: Total/NAMatrix: Solid Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID (15-145)(40-145)(40-145) PCB-28L PCB-111L PCB-178L 65 71 68LCS 320-152781/2-A Percent Surrogate Recovery (Acceptance Limits) Lab Control Sample Surrogate Legend PCB-28L = PCB-28L PCB-111L = PCB-111L PCB-178L = PCB-178L TestAmerica Chicago Page 38 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method: 1668C - Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners (HRGC/HRMS) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 320-152781/1-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 153726 Prep Batch: 152781 RL EDL PCB-1 <20 20 1.9 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <20 1.520 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-2 <20 1.320 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-3 <28 G 2828 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-4 <20 1420 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-5 <20 1420 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-6 <20 1320 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-7 <20 1420 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-8 <20 1520 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-9 <20 1620 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-10 <20 1320 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-11 <40 1440 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-12/13 <20 1220 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-14 <20 1420 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-15 <20 1.520 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-16 <20 1.120 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-17 <40 0.9340 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-18/30 <20 1.120 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-19 1.66 J 0.6540 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-20/28 <40 0.6140 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-21/33 <20 0.6820 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-22 <20 0.6320 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-23 <20 0.8220 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-24 <20 0.6320 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-25 <40 0.6340 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-26/29 <20 0.8220 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-27 <20 0.6120 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-31 <20 0.7420 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-32 <20 0.6520 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-34 <20 0.6720 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-35 <20 0.6020 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-36 <20 0.7720 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-37 <20 0.6920 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-38 <20 0.6120 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-39 <40 0.5240 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-40/71 <20 0.6320 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-41 <20 0.5720 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-42 <20 0.6020 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-43 11.9 J 0.5060 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-44/47/65 <20 0.6120 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-45 <20 0.6420 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-46 <20 0.5320 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-48 2.83 J 0.4440 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-49/69 <40 0.5140 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-50/53 0.686 J 0.5020 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-51 11.3 J 0.5420 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-52 <20 0.4820 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-54 <20 0.6420 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-55 TestAmerica Chicago Page 39 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method: 1668C - Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners (HRGC/HRMS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 320-152781/1-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 153726 Prep Batch: 152781 RL EDL PCB-56 <20 20 0.70 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <20 0.6620 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-57 <20 0.6620 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-58 <60 0.3960 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-59/62/75 <20 0.6720 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-60 6.62 J 0.6480 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-61/70/74/76 <20 0.5920 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-63 1.39 J 0.3720 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-64 1.31 J 0.7020 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-66 <20 0.6120 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-67 <20 0.5920 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-68 <20 0.6520 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-72 <20 0.4120 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-73 <2.0 0.882.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-77 <20 0.7020 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-78 <20 0.6120 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-79 <20 0.5820 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-80 <2.0 0.872.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-81 <20 1.120 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-82 <20 1.220 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-83 2.68 J 1.120 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-84 <60 0.7960 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-85/116/117 5.15 J 0.82120 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-86/87/97/108/119/125 <40 0.9340 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-88/91 <20 1.020 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-89 6.98 J 0.8460 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-90/101/113 <20 0.9820 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-92 <40 0.9240 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-93/100 <40 0.7440 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-107/124 <20 1.020 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-94 8.62 J 0.9520 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-95 <20 0.7120 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-96 <40 0.9140 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-98/102 <20 0.8820 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-99 <20 0.8820 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-103 <20 0.5620 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-104 <2.0 0.852.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-105 <20 0.7120 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-106 5.79 J 0.7440 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-110/115 <20 0.7220 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-109 <20 0.6920 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-111 <20 0.7020 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-112 <2.0 0.812.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-114 2.46 0.792.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-118 <20 0.6920 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-120 <20 0.6920 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-121 <20 0.8220 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-122 <2.0 0.832.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-123 TestAmerica Chicago Page 40 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method: 1668C - Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners (HRGC/HRMS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 320-152781/1-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 153726 Prep Batch: 152781 RL EDL PCB-126 <2.0 2.0 1.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <20 0.7820 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-127 <40 0.7040 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-128/166 1.57 J 0.7460 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-129/138/163 <20 0.9020 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-130 <20 0.8520 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-131 <20 0.8320 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-132 <20 0.8120 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-133 <40 0.8540 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-134/143 <40 0.7740 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-135/151 <20 0.6020 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-136 <20 0.7120 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-137 <40 0.7340 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-139/140 <20 0.8120 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-141 <20 0.8420 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-142 <20 0.7620 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-144 <20 0.5820 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-145 <20 0.7520 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-146 2.20 J 0.7440 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-147/149 <20 0.7520 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-148 <20 0.5420 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-150 <20 0.5420 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-152 1.26 J 0.6240 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-153/168 <20 0.6720 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-154 <20 0.4620 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-155 <4.0 1.04.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-156/157 <20 0.5720 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-158 <20 0.7120 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-159 <20 0.6120 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-160 <20 0.6020 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-161 <20 0.6920 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-162 <20 0.6320 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-164 <20 0.6620 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-165 <2.0 0.752.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-167 <2.0 0.922.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-169 <20 0.4820 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-170 <40 0.4640 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-171/173 <20 0.4720 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-172 <20 0.4520 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-174 <20 0.8820 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-175 <20 0.6320 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-176 <20 0.4620 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-177 <20 0.9120 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-178 <20 0.6920 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-179 <40 0.3740 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-180/193 <20 0.4020 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-181 <20 0.8220 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-182 <20 0.3920 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-183 TestAmerica Chicago Page 41 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method: 1668C - Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners (HRGC/HRMS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 320-152781/1-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 153726 Prep Batch: 152781 RL EDL PCB-184 <20 20 0.70 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <20 0.3820 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-185 <20 0.6720 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-186 <20 0.8420 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-187 <20 0.6520 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-188 <2.0 1.32.0 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-189 <20 0.3620 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-190 <20 0.3420 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-191 <20 0.3520 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-192 <20 1.120 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-194 <20 1.120 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-195 <20 0.9020 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-196 <20 0.6320 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-197 <40 0.9140 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-198/199 <20 0.6320 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-200 <20 0.6320 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-201 <20 0.7120 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-202 <20 0.8720 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-203 <20 0.6720 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-204 <20 0.8620 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-205 <20 1.420 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-206 <20 1.020 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-207 <20 1.320 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-208 <20 1.320 pg/g 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-209 PCB-1L 32 5-145 03/07/17 16:08 1 MB MB Isotope Dilution 03/01/17 16:19 Dil FacPreparedAnalyzedQualifierLimits%Recovery 42 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-3L 5-145 47 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-4L 5-145 57 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-15L 5-145 55 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-19L 5-145 61 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-37L 5-145 65 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-54L 5-145 62 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-77L 10-145 60 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-81L 10-145 75 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-104L 10-145 72 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-105L 10-145 70 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-114L 10-145 71 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-118L 10-145 69 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-123L 10-145 79 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-126L 10-145 72 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-155L 10-145 61 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-156L/157L 10-145 60 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-167L 10-145 77 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-169L 10-145 84 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-188L 10-145 79 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-189L 10-145 90 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-202L 10-145 TestAmerica Chicago Page 42 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method: 1668C - Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners (HRGC/HRMS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 320-152781/1-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 153726 Prep Batch: 152781 PCB-205L 87 10-145 03/07/17 16:08 1 MB MB Isotope Dilution 03/01/17 16:19 Dil FacPreparedAnalyzedQualifierLimits%Recovery 91 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-206L 10-145 76 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-208L 10-145 78 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-209L 10-145 PCB-28L 69 5-145 03/07/17 16:08 1 MB MB Surrogate 03/01/17 16:19 Dil FacPreparedAnalyzedQualifierLimits%Recovery 76 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-111L 10-145 73 03/01/17 16:19 03/07/17 16:08 1PCB-178L 10-145 Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 320-152781/2-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 153726 Prep Batch: 152781 PCB-1 200 218 pg/g 109 60-135 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits PCB-3 200 215 pg/g 107 60-135 PCB-4 200 200 pg/g 100 60-135 PCB-15 200 208 pg/g 104 60-135 PCB-19 200 192 pg/g 96 60-135 PCB-37 200 206 pg/g 103 60-135 PCB-54 200 202 pg/g 101 60-135 PCB-77 200 195 pg/g 97 60-135 PCB-81 200 201 pg/g 101 60-135 PCB-104 200 186 pg/g 93 60-135 PCB-105 200 190 pg/g 95 60-135 PCB-114 200 186 pg/g 93 60-135 PCB-118 200 187 pg/g 94 60-135 PCB-123 200 185 pg/g 92 60-135 PCB-126 200 184 pg/g 92 60-135 PCB-155 200 183 pg/g 91 60-135 PCB-156/157 400 380 pg/g 95 60-135 PCB-167 200 187 pg/g 94 60-135 PCB-169 200 184 pg/g 92 60-135 PCB-188 200 205 pg/g 103 60-135 PCB-189 200 198 pg/g 99 60-135 PCB-202 200 196 pg/g 98 60-135 PCB-205 200 194 pg/g 97 60-135 PCB-206 200 197 pg/g 99 60-135 PCB-208 200 198 pg/g 99 60-135 PCB-209 200 194 pg/g 97 60-135 PCB-1L 15 -145 Isotope Dilution 42 LCS LCS Qualifier Limits%Recovery 51PCB-3L 15 -145 57PCB-4L 15 -145 58PCB-15L 15 -145 60PCB-19L 15 -145 TestAmerica Chicago Page 43 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method: 1668C - Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners (HRGC/HRMS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 320-152781/2-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 153726 Prep Batch: 152781 PCB-37L 15 -145 Isotope Dilution 59 LCS LCS Qualifier Limits%Recovery 74PCB-54L 15 -145 56PCB-77L 40 -145 54PCB-81L 40 -145 82PCB-104L 40 -145 69PCB-105L 40 -145 67PCB-114L 40 -145 68PCB-118L 40 -145 68PCB-123L 40 -145 79PCB-126L 40 -145 74PCB-155L 40 -145 62PCB-156L/157L 40 -145 59PCB-167L 40 -145 76PCB-169L 40 -145 90PCB-188L 40 -145 83PCB-189L 40 -145 94PCB-202L 40 -145 89PCB-205L 40 -145 93PCB-206L 40 -145 83PCB-208L 40 -145 92PCB-209L 40 -145 PCB-28L 15 -145 Surrogate 65 LCS LCS Qualifier Limits%Recovery 71PCB-111L 40 -145 68PCB-178L 40 -145 Client Sample ID: SB-1 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-1 MS Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 153726 Prep Batch: 152781 PCB-1 6.4 J 242 290 pg/g 117 60-135☼ Analyte MS MS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits PCB-3 9.8 J F1 242 309 pg/g 124 60-135☼ PCB-4 <24 242 275 pg/g 114 60-135☼ PCB-15 46 242 330 pg/g 117 60-135☼ PCB-19 7.4 J 242 249 pg/g 100 60-135☼ PCB-37 61 242 335 pg/g 113 60-135☼ PCB-54 <24 242 257 pg/g 106 60-135☼ PCB-77 16 G 242 296 G pg/g 116 60-135☼ PCB-81 <2.4 242 255 G pg/g 105 60-135☼ PCB-104 <24 242 228 pg/g 94 60-135☼ PCB-105 140 F1 G 242 745 F1 G pg/g 251 60-135☼ PCB-114 <6.1 G 242 241 G pg/g 99 60-135☼ PCB-118 400 F1 B G 242 1570 F1 G pg/g 480 60-135☼ PCB-123 7.2 G 242 248 G pg/g 99 60-135☼ PCB-126 <7.0 G 242 234 G pg/g 97 60-135☼ PCB-155 <24 242 219 pg/g 90 60-135☼ TestAmerica Chicago Page 44 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method: 1668C - Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners (HRGC/HRMS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: SB-1 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-1 MS Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 153726 Prep Batch: 152781 PCB-156/157 77 F1 484 893 F1 G pg/g 169 60-135☼ Analyte MS MS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits PCB-167 27 F1 242 377 F1 G pg/g 144 60-135☼ PCB-169 <2.4 242 219 G pg/g 90 60-135☼ PCB-188 <24 242 259 pg/g 107 60-135☼ PCB-189 6.1 F1 242 281 pg/g 113 60-135☼ PCB-202 49 F1 242 369 pg/g 132 60-135☼ PCB-205 6.9 J 242 273 pg/g 110 60-135☼ PCB-206 280 F1 242 849 F1 pg/g 234 60-135☼ PCB-208 110 F1 242 489 F1 pg/g 155 60-135☼ PCB-209 630 F1 242 1280 F1 pg/g 268 60-135☼ PCB-1L 5 -145 Isotope Dilution 33 MS MS Qualifier Limits%Recovery 47PCB-3L 5 -145 49PCB-4L 5 -145 63PCB-15L 5 -145 57PCB-19L 5 -145 72PCB-37L 5 -145 66PCB-54L 5 -145 71PCB-77L 10 -145 72PCB-81L 10 -145 85PCB-104L 10 -145 82PCB-105L 10 -145 80PCB-114L 10 -145 81PCB-118L 10 -145 81PCB-123L 10 -145 90PCB-126L 10 -145 82PCB-155L 10 -145 67PCB-156L/157L 10 -145 66PCB-167L 10 -145 87PCB-169L 10 -145 91PCB-188L 10 -145 86PCB-189L 10 -145 93PCB-202L 10 -145 88PCB-205L 10 -145 90PCB-206L 10 -145 82PCB-208L 10 -145 88PCB-209L 10 -145 PCB-28L 5 -145 Surrogate 66 MS MS Qualifier Limits%Recovery 85PCB-111L 10 -145 75PCB-178L 10 -145 TestAmerica Chicago Page 45 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method: 1668C - Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners (HRGC/HRMS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: SB-1 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-1 MSD Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 153726 Prep Batch: 152781 PCB-1 6.4 J 242 317 pg/g 128 60-135 9 50☼ Analyte MSD MSD DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits LimitRPD RPD PCB-3 9.8 J F1 242 339 F1 pg/g 136 60-135 9 50☼ PCB-4 <24 242 251 pg/g 104 60-135 9 50☼ PCB-15 46 242 310 pg/g 109 60-135 6 50☼ PCB-19 7.4 J 242 233 pg/g 93 60-135 7 50☼ PCB-37 61 242 329 pg/g 111 60-135 2 50☼ PCB-54 <24 242 247 pg/g 102 60-135 4 50☼ PCB-77 16 G 242 290 G pg/g 113 60-135 2 50☼ PCB-81 <2.4 242 253 G pg/g 104 60-135 1 50☼ PCB-104 <24 242 225 pg/g 93 60-135 1 50☼ PCB-105 140 F1 G 242 584 F1 G pg/g 184 60-135 24 50☼ PCB-114 <6.1 G 242 220 G pg/g 91 60-135 9 50☼ PCB-118 400 F1 B G 242 1210 F1 G pg/g 333 60-135 25 50☼ PCB-123 7.2 G 242 235 G pg/g 94 60-135 5 50☼ PCB-126 <7.0 G 242 238 G pg/g 98 60-135 2 50☼ PCB-155 <24 242 214 pg/g 88 60-135 2 50☼ PCB-156/157 77 F1 485 829 F1 G pg/g 155 60-135 7 50☼ PCB-167 27 F1 242 413 F1 G pg/g 159 60-135 9 50☼ PCB-169 <2.4 242 244 G pg/g 101 60-135 11 50☼ PCB-188 <24 242 249 pg/g 103 60-135 4 50☼ PCB-189 6.1 F1 242 337 F1 pg/g 137 60-135 18 50☼ PCB-202 49 F1 242 579 F1 pg/g 219 60-135 44 50☼ PCB-205 6.9 J 242 312 pg/g 126 60-135 13 50☼ PCB-206 280 F1 242 1100 F1 pg/g 336 60-135 26 50☼ PCB-208 110 F1 242 546 F1 pg/g 179 60-135 11 50☼ PCB-209 630 F1 242 1500 F1 pg/g 358 60-135 16 50☼ PCB-1L 5 -145 Isotope Dilution 32 MSD MSD Qualifier Limits%Recovery 44PCB-3L 5 -145 47PCB-4L 5 -145 61PCB-15L 5 -145 54PCB-19L 5 -145 73PCB-37L 5 -145 64PCB-54L 5 -145 73PCB-77L 10 -145 71PCB-81L 10 -145 85PCB-104L 10 -145 82PCB-105L 10 -145 79PCB-114L 10 -145 80PCB-118L 10 -145 79PCB-123L 10 -145 89PCB-126L 10 -145 88PCB-155L 10 -145 70PCB-156L/157L 10 -145 67PCB-167L 10 -145 87PCB-169L 10 -145 95PCB-188L 10 -145 TestAmerica Chicago Page 46 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method: 1668C - Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners (HRGC/HRMS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: SB-1 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-1 MSD Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 153726 Prep Batch: 152781 PCB-189L 10 -145 Isotope Dilution 88 MSD MSD Qualifier Limits%Recovery 96PCB-202L 10 -145 93PCB-205L 10 -145 94PCB-206L 10 -145 82PCB-208L 10 -145 79PCB-209L 10 -145 PCB-28L 5 -145 Surrogate 65 MSD MSD Qualifier Limits%Recovery 82PCB-111L 10 -145 77PCB-178L 10 -145 TestAmerica Chicago Page 47 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Lab Chronicle Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2 Project/Site: Powers Site SDG: 161-650.0008 Client Sample ID: SB-1 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-1 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 11:45 Percent Solids: 82.6Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Prep HRMS-Sox 03/01/17 16:19 ERW152781 TAL SAC Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Analysis 1668C 1 153726 03/07/17 18:38 KSS TAL SACTotal/NA Client Sample ID: SB-1 (0-2) Dup Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-2 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 11:50 Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Analysis D 2216 03/08/17 17:24 CFR1153993 TAL SAC Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Client Sample ID: SB-1 (0-2) Dup Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-2 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 11:50 Percent Solids: 80.0Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Prep HRMS-Sox 03/01/17 16:19 ERW152781 TAL SAC Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Analysis 1668C 1 153726 03/07/17 22:23 KSS TAL SACTotal/NA Client Sample ID: SB-3 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-6 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 12:20 Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Analysis D 2216 03/08/17 17:24 CFR1153993 TAL SAC Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Client Sample ID: SB-3 (0-2)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-6 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 12:20 Percent Solids: 77.2Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Prep HRMS-Sox 03/01/17 16:19 ERW152781 TAL SAC Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Analysis 1668C 1 153726 03/07/17 23:38 KSS TAL SACTotal/NA Client Sample ID: SB-4 (15-17)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-7 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 14:30 Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Analysis D 2216 03/08/17 17:24 CFR1153993 TAL SAC Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA TestAmerica Chicago Page 48 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Lab Chronicle Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2 Project/Site: Powers Site SDG: 161-650.0008 Client Sample ID: SB-4 (15-17)Lab Sample ID: 500-124191-7 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 02/21/17 14:30 Percent Solids: 85.7Date Received: 02/22/17 10:30 Prep HRMS-Sox 03/01/17 16:19 ERW152781 TAL SAC Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Analysis 1668C 1 153726 03/08/17 00:53 KSS TAL SACTotal/NA Laboratory References: TAL SAC = TestAmerica Sacramento, 880 Riverside Parkway, West Sacramento, CA 95605, TEL (916)373-5600 TestAmerica Chicago Page 49 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Certification Summary Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2 Project/Site: Powers Site SDG: 161-650.0008 Laboratory: TestAmerica Chicago The certifications listed below are applicable to this report. Authority Program EPA Region Certification ID Expiration Date North Carolina (WW/SW)2914State Program 12-31-17 Laboratory: TestAmerica Sacramento All certifications held by this laboratory are listed. Not all certifications are applicable to this report. Authority Program EPA Region Certification ID Expiration Date Alaska (UST)UST-05510State Program 12-18-17 Arizona State Program 9 AZ0708 08-11-17 Arkansas DEQ State Program 6 88-0691 06-17-17 California State Program 9 2897 01-31-18 Colorado State Program 8 CA00044 08-31-17 Connecticut State Program 1 PH-0691 06-30-17 Florida NELAP 4 E87570 06-30-17 Hawaii State Program 9 N/A 01-29-18 Illinois NELAP 5 200060 03-17-18 Kansas NELAP 7 E-10375 10-31-17 L-A-B DoD ELAP L2468 01-20-18 Louisiana NELAP 6 30612 06-30-17 Maine State Program 1 CA0004 04-18-18 Michigan State Program 5 9947 01-31-18 Nevada State Program 9 CA00044 07-31-17 New Jersey NELAP 2 CA005 06-30-17 New York NELAP 2 11666 04-01-17 Oregon NELAP 10 4040 01-28-18 Pennsylvania NELAP 3 68-01272 03-31-17 Texas NELAP 6 T104704399 07-31-17 US Fish & Wildlife Federal LE148388-0 10-31-17 USDA Federal P330-11-00436 12-30-17 USEPA UCMR Federal 1 CA00044 11-06-18 Utah NELAP 8 CA00044 02-28-17 * Virginia NELAP 3 460278 03-14-18 Washington State Program 10 C581 05-05-17 West Virginia (DW)State Program 3 9930C 12-31-17 Wyoming State Program 8 8TMS-L 01-29-17 * TestAmerica Chicago * Certification renewal pending - certification considered valid. Page 50 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Page 51 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Page 52 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Login Sample Receipt Checklist Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Job Number: 500-124191-2 SDG Number: 161-650.0008 Login Number: 124191 Question Answer Comment Creator: Kelsey, Shawn M List Source: TestAmerica Chicago List Number: 1 TrueRadioactivity wasn't checked or is </= background as measured by a survey meter. TrueThe cooler's custody seal, if present, is intact. TrueSample custody seals, if present, are intact. TrueThe cooler or samples do not appear to have been compromised or tampered with. TrueSamples were received on ice. TrueCooler Temperature is acceptable. TrueCooler Temperature is recorded.(2.2)(1.3)c TrueCOC is present. TrueCOC is filled out in ink and legible. TrueCOC is filled out with all pertinent information. TrueIs the Field Sampler's name present on COC? FalseThere are no discrepancies between the containers received and the COC.Received extra samples not listed on COC. TrueSamples are received within Holding Time (excluding tests with immediate HTs) TrueSample containers have legible labels. TrueContainers are not broken or leaking. TrueSample collection date/times are provided. TrueAppropriate sample containers are used. TrueSample bottles are completely filled. TrueSample Preservation Verified. TrueThere is sufficient vol. for all requested analyses, incl. any requested MS/MSDs N/AContainers requiring zero headspace have no headspace or bubble is <6mm (1/4"). TrueMultiphasic samples are not present. TrueSamples do not require splitting or compositing. N/AResidual Chlorine Checked. TestAmerica Chicago Page 53 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Login Sample Receipt Checklist Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Job Number: 500-124191-2 SDG Number: 161-650.0008 Login Number: 124191 Question Answer Comment Creator: Nelson, Kym D List Source: TestAmerica Sacramento List Creation: 02/23/17 04:26 PMList Number: 3 TrueRadioactivity wasn't checked or is </= background as measured by a survey meter. N/AThe cooler's custody seal, if present, is intact. N/ASample custody seals, if present, are intact. TrueThe cooler or samples do not appear to have been compromised or tampered with. TrueSamples were received on ice. TrueCooler Temperature is acceptable. TrueCooler Temperature is recorded. TrueCOC is present. TrueCOC is filled out in ink and legible. TrueCOC is filled out with all pertinent information. FalseIs the Field Sampler's name present on COC?Not requested on COC. TrueThere are no discrepancies between the containers received and the COC. TrueSamples are received within Holding Time (excluding tests with immediate HTs) TrueSample containers have legible labels. TrueContainers are not broken or leaking. TrueSample collection date/times are provided. TrueAppropriate sample containers are used. TrueSample bottles are completely filled. N/ASample Preservation Verified. TrueThere is sufficient vol. for all requested analyses, incl. any requested MS/MSDs TrueContainers requiring zero headspace have no headspace or bubble is <6mm (1/4"). TrueMultiphasic samples are not present. TrueSamples do not require splitting or compositing. N/AResidual Chlorine Checked. TestAmerica Chicago Page 54 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Isotope Dilution Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site Method: 1668C - Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners (HRGC/HRMS) Prep Type: Total/NAMatrix: Solid Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID (5-145)(5-145)(5-145)(5-145)(5-145)(5-145)(5-145)(10-145) PCB-1L PCB-3L PCB-4L PCB-15L PCB-19L PCB-37L PCB-54L PCB-77L 34 46 47 64 36 78 68 75500-124191-1 Percent Isotope Dilution Recovery (Acceptance Limits) SB-1 (0-2) 33 47 49 5763 72 66 71500-124191-1 MS SB-1 (0-2) 32 44 47 5461 73 64 73500-124191-1 MSD SB-1 (0-2) 33 45 50 5661 72 68 66500-124191-2 SB-1 (0-2) Dup 44 58 59 5664 54 64 45500-124191-6 SB-3 (0-2) 32 49 51 6268 75 78 77500-124191-7 SB-4 (15-17) 32 42 47 5557 61 65 62MB 320-152781/1-A Method Blank Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID (10-145)(10-145)(10-145)(10-145)(10-145)(10-145)(10-145)(10-145) PCB-81L PCB-104L PCB-105L PCB-114L PCB-118L PCB-123L PCB-126L PCB-155L 77 87 83 83 84 84 91 87500-124191-1 Percent Isotope Dilution Recovery (Acceptance Limits) SB-1 (0-2) 72 85 82 8180 81 90 82500-124191-1 MS SB-1 (0-2) 71 85 82 8079 79 89 88500-124191-1 MSD SB-1 (0-2) 65 88 75 7474 75 80 92500-124191-2 SB-1 (0-2) Dup 46 77 49 5250 53 46 71500-124191-6 SB-3 (0-2) 78 94 88 8887 86 95 90500-124191-7 SB-4 (15-17) 60 75 72 7170 69 79 72MB 320-152781/1-A Method Blank Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID (10-145)(10-145)(10-145)(10-145)(10-145)(10-145)(10-145)(10-145) PCB-156L/157LPCB-167L PCB-169L PCB-188L PCB-189L PCB-202L PCB-205L PCB-206L 68 68 85 99 86 99 93 95500-124191-1 Percent Isotope Dilution Recovery (Acceptance Limits) SB-1 (0-2) 67 66 87 8691 93 88 90500-124191-1 MS SB-1 (0-2) 70 67 87 8895 96 93 94500-124191-1 MSD SB-1 (0-2) 66 65 79 85104 102 89 92500-124191-2 SB-1 (0-2) Dup 50 53 55 8389 91 61 61500-124191-6 SB-3 (0-2) 72 70 88 96103 103 95 95500-124191-7 SB-4 (15-17) 61 60 77 7984 90 87 91MB 320-152781/1-A Method Blank Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID (10-145)(10-145) PCB-208L PCB-209L 83 88500-124191-1 Percent Isotope Dilution Recovery (Acceptance Limits) SB-1 (0-2) 82 88500-124191-1 MS SB-1 (0-2) 82 79500-124191-1 MSD SB-1 (0-2) 80 77500-124191-2 SB-1 (0-2) Dup 68 54500-124191-6 SB-3 (0-2) 91 89500-124191-7 SB-4 (15-17) 76 78MB 320-152781/1-A Method Blank Surrogate Legend PCB-1L = PCB-1L PCB-3L = PCB-3L PCB-4L = PCB-4L PCB-15L = PCB-15L PCB-19L = PCB-19L PCB-37L = PCB-37L PCB-54L = PCB-54L PCB-77L = PCB-77L PCB-81L = PCB-81L PCB-104L = PCB-104L TestAmerica Chicago Page 55 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Isotope Dilution Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site PCB-105L = PCB-105L PCB-114L = PCB-114L PCB-118L = PCB-118L PCB-123L = PCB-123L PCB-126L = PCB-126L PCB-155L = PCB-155L PCB-156L/157L = PCB-156L/157L PCB-167L = PCB-167L PCB-169L = PCB-169L PCB-188L = PCB-188L PCB-189L = PCB-189L PCB-202L = PCB-202L PCB-205L = PCB-205L PCB-206L = PCB-206L PCB-208L = PCB-208L PCB-209L = PCB-209L Method: 1668C - Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners (HRGC/HRMS) Prep Type: Total/NAMatrix: Solid Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID (15-145)(15-145)(15-145)(15-145)(15-145)(15-145)(15-145)(40-145) PCB-1L PCB-3L PCB-4L PCB-15L PCB-19L PCB-37L PCB-54L PCB-77L 42 51 57 58 60 59 74 56LCS 320-152781/2-A Percent Isotope Dilution Recovery (Acceptance Limits) Lab Control Sample Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID (40-145)(40-145)(40-145)(40-145)(40-145)(40-145)(40-145)(40-145) PCB-81L PCB-104L PCB-105L PCB-114L PCB-118L PCB-123L PCB-126L PCB-155L 54 82 69 67 68 68 79 74LCS 320-152781/2-A Percent Isotope Dilution Recovery (Acceptance Limits) Lab Control Sample Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID (40-145)(40-145)(40-145)(40-145)(40-145)(40-145)(40-145)(40-145) PCB-156L/157LPCB-167L PCB-169L PCB-188L PCB-189L PCB-202L PCB-205L PCB-206L 62 59 76 90 83 94 89 93LCS 320-152781/2-A Percent Isotope Dilution Recovery (Acceptance Limits) Lab Control Sample Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID (40-145)(40-145) PCB-208L PCB-209L 83 92LCS 320-152781/2-A Percent Isotope Dilution Recovery (Acceptance Limits) Lab Control Sample Surrogate Legend PCB-1L = PCB-1L PCB-3L = PCB-3L PCB-4L = PCB-4L PCB-15L = PCB-15L PCB-19L = PCB-19L PCB-37L = PCB-37L PCB-54L = PCB-54L PCB-77L = PCB-77L PCB-81L = PCB-81L PCB-104L = PCB-104L PCB-105L = PCB-105L PCB-114L = PCB-114L PCB-118L = PCB-118L PCB-123L = PCB-123L PCB-126L = PCB-126L PCB-155L = PCB-155L PCB-156L/157L = PCB-156L/157L TestAmerica Chicago Page 56 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Isotope Dilution Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124191-2Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc SDG: 161-650.0008Project/Site: Powers Site PCB-167L = PCB-167L PCB-169L = PCB-169L PCB-188L = PCB-188L PCB-189L = PCB-189L PCB-202L = PCB-202L PCB-205L = PCB-205L PCB-206L = PCB-206L PCB-208L = PCB-208L PCB-209L = PCB-209L TestAmerica Chicago Page 57 of 57 3/14/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ANALYTICAL REPORT TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc. TestAmerica Chicago 2417 Bond Street University Park, IL 60484 Tel: (708)534-5200 TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124843-1 Client Project/Site: Power Site For: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc 1900 Center Park Drive Suite A Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 Attn: Bruce D. Reilly Authorized for release by: 3/17/2017 1:41:19 PM Robin Kintz, Project Manager II (708)534-5200 robin.kintz@testamericainc.com The test results in this report meet all 2003 NELAC and 2009 TNI requirements for accredited parameters, exceptions are noted in this report. This report may not be reproduced except in full, and with written approval from the laboratory. For questions please contact the Project Manager at the e-mail address or telephone number listed on this page. This report has been electronically signed and authorized by the signatory. Electronic signature is intended to be the legally binding equivalent of a traditionally handwritten signature. Results relate only to the items tested and the sample(s) as received by the laboratory. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Table of Contents Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: Power Site TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124843-1 Page 2 of 36 TestAmerica Chicago3/17/2017 Cover Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Case Narrative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Detection Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Method Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Sample Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Client Sample Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 QC Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Surrogate Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 QC Sample Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Chronicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Certification Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Chain of Custody . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Receipt Checklists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Case Narrative Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124843-1 Project/Site: Power Site Job ID: 500-124843-1 Laboratory: TestAmerica Chicago Narrative Job Narrative 500-124843-1 Comments No additional comments. Receipt The samples were received on 3/8/2017 10:30 AM; the samples arrived in good condition, properly preserved and, where required, on ice. The temperature of the cooler at receipt was -1.1º C. GC/MS VOA No analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described in the Definitions/Glossary page. GC/MS Semi VOA Method(s) 8270D: The following analyte has been identified, in the reference method and/or via historical data, to be poor and/or erratic performers: Pentachlorophenol. This analyte may has a %D >20%, but must be <50%. No additional analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described above or in the Definitions/Glossary page. GC Semi VOA No analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described in the Definitions/Glossary page. Metals No analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described in the Definitions/Glossary page. General Chemistry No analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described in the Definitions/Glossary page. Organic Prep No analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described in the Definitions/Glossary page. TestAmerica ChicagoPage 3 of 36 3/17/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Detection Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124843-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: Power Site Client Sample ID: Barnel-Solids Lab Sample ID: 500-124843-1 3 & 4 Methylphenol RL 0.049 mg/L MDL 0.0064 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type TCLP1J0.0094 8270D Client Sample ID: Barnel-Liquids Lab Sample ID: 500-124843-2 Flashpoint NONE Degrees F NONEAnalyteResultQualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA1>212 1010A Sulfide, Reactive RL 1.0 mg/L MDL 1.0 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA17.1 9034 pH 0.2 SU0.2 Total/NA17.8 HF 9040C TestAmerica Chicago This Detection Summary does not include radiochemical test results. Page 4 of 36 3/17/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Method Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124843-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: Power Site Method Method Description LaboratoryProtocol SW8468260BVolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS)TAL CHI SW8468270DSemivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS)TAL SAV SW8468082APolychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) by Gas Chromatography TAL CHI SW8466010DMetals (ICP)TAL SAV SW8467470AMercury (CVAA)TAL SAV SW8461010AIgnitability, Pensky-Martens Closed-Cup Method TAL PEN SW8469014Cyanide TAL CHI SW8469034Sulfide, Reactive TAL CHI SW8469040CpH TAL CHI EPAMoisturePercent Moisture TAL CHI Protocol References: EPA = US Environmental Protection Agency SW846 = "Test Methods For Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods", Third Edition, November 1986 And Its Updates. Laboratory References: TAL CHI = TestAmerica Chicago, 2417 Bond Street, University Park, IL 60484, TEL (708)534-5200 TAL PEN = TestAmerica Pensacola, 3355 McLemore Drive, Pensacola, FL 32514, TEL (850)474-1001 TAL SAV = TestAmerica Savannah, 5102 LaRoche Avenue, Savannah, GA 31404, TEL (912)354-7858 TestAmerica Chicago Page 5 of 36 3/17/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Sample Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124843-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: Power Site Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID ReceivedCollectedMatrix 500-124843-1 Barnel-Solids Solid 03/03/17 11:30 03/08/17 10:30 500-124843-2 Barnel-Liquids Water 03/03/17 11:00 03/08/17 10:30 TestAmerica Chicago Page 6 of 36 3/17/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124843-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: Power Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124843-1Client Sample ID: Barnel-Solids Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 03/03/17 11:30 Date Received: 03/08/17 10:30 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) - TCLP RL MDL Benzene <0.020 0.020 0.010 mg/L 03/10/17 10:15 20 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 0.020 0.010 mg/L 03/10/17 10:15 20Carbon tetrachloride <0.020 0.020 0.010 mg/L 03/10/17 10:15 20Chlorobenzene<0.020 0.040 0.020 mg/L 03/10/17 10:15 20Chloroform<0.040 0.020 0.010 mg/L 03/10/17 10:15 201,2-Dichloroethane <0.020 0.020 0.010 mg/L 03/10/17 10:15 201,1-Dichloroethene <0.020 0.10 0.050 mg/L 03/10/17 10:15 20Methyl Ethyl Ketone <0.10 0.020 0.010 mg/L 03/10/17 10:15 20Tetrachloroethene<0.020 0.020 0.010 mg/L 03/10/17 10:15 20Trichloroethene<0.020 0.020 0.010 mg/L 03/10/17 10:15 20Vinyl chloride <0.020 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr)96 71-127 03/10/17 10:15 20 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery Toluene-d8 (Surr)98 03/10/17 10:15 2075-120 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)104 03/10/17 10:15 2071-120 Dibromofluoromethane 96 03/10/17 10:15 2070-120 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) - TCLP RL MDL 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.049 0.049 0.0027 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 22:46 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 0.049 0.0059 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 22:46 12,4,5-Trichlorophenol <0.049 0.049 0.0042 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 22:46 12,4,6-Trichlorophenol <0.049 0.049 0.0059 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 22:46 12,4-Dinitrotoluene <0.049 0.049 0.0044 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 22:46 12-Methylphenol <0.049 0.049 0.0064 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 22:46 13 & 4 Methylphenol 0.0094 J 0.049 0.0039 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 22:46 1Hexachlorobenzene<0.049 0.049 0.0031 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 22:46 1Hexachlorobutadiene<0.049 0.049 0.0037 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 22:46 1Hexachloroethane<0.049 0.049 0.0036 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 22:46 1Nitrobenzene<0.049 0.25 0.0099 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 22:46 1Pentachlorophenol<0.25 0.25 0.012 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 22:46 1Pyridine<0.25 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (Surr)85 31-141 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 22:46 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)70 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 22:46 138-130 2-Fluorophenol (Surr)70 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 22:46 125-130 Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)79 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 22:46 139-130 Phenol-d5 (Surr)73 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 22:46 125-130 Terphenyl-d14 (Surr)37 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 22:46 110-143 Method: 6010D - Metals (ICP) - TCLP RL MDL Arsenic <0.20 0.20 0.20 mg/L 03/10/17 13:11 03/13/17 10:46 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 1.0 1.0 mg/L 03/10/17 13:11 03/13/17 10:46 1Barium<1.0 0.10 0.10 mg/L 03/10/17 13:11 03/13/17 10:46 1Cadmium<0.10 0.20 0.20 mg/L 03/10/17 13:11 03/13/17 10:46 1Chromium<0.20 0.10 0.10 mg/L 03/10/17 13:11 03/13/17 10:46 1Silver<0.10 0.20 0.20 mg/L 03/10/17 13:11 03/13/17 10:46 1Lead<0.20 0.50 0.50 mg/L 03/10/17 13:11 03/13/17 10:46 1Selenium<0.50 TestAmerica Chicago Page 7 of 36 3/17/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124843-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: Power Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124843-1Client Sample ID: Barnel-Solids Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 03/03/17 11:30 Date Received: 03/08/17 10:30 Method: 7470A - Mercury (CVAA) - TCLP RL MDL Mercury <0.020 F1 0.020 0.020 mg/L 03/14/17 07:58 03/14/17 16:07 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier TestAmerica Chicago Page 8 of 36 3/17/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124843-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: Power Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124843-1Client Sample ID: Barnel-Solids Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 03/03/17 11:30 Percent Solids: 78.5Date Received: 03/08/17 10:30 Method: 8082A - Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) by Gas Chromatography RL MDL PCB-1016 <21 21 7.5 ug/Kg ☼03/15/17 16:53 03/16/17 11:54 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 21 9.3 ug/Kg 03/15/17 16:53 03/16/17 11:54 1☼PCB-1221 <21 21 9.2 ug/Kg 03/15/17 16:53 03/16/17 11:54 1☼PCB-1232 <21 21 6.9 ug/Kg 03/15/17 16:53 03/16/17 11:54 1☼PCB-1242 <21 21 8.3 ug/Kg 03/15/17 16:53 03/16/17 11:54 1☼PCB-1248 <21 21 4.6 ug/Kg 03/15/17 16:53 03/16/17 11:54 1☼PCB-1254 <21 21 10 ug/Kg 03/15/17 16:53 03/16/17 11:54 1☼PCB-1260 <21 Tetrachloro-m-xylene 76 41-124 03/15/17 16:53 03/16/17 11:54 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery DCB Decachlorobiphenyl 61 03/15/17 16:53 03/16/17 11:54 147-127 TestAmerica Chicago Page 9 of 36 3/17/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124843-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: Power Site Lab Sample ID: 500-124843-2Client Sample ID: Barnel-Liquids Matrix: WaterDate Collected: 03/03/17 11:00 Date Received: 03/08/17 10:30 General Chemistry NONE NONE Flashpoint >212 Degrees F 03/14/17 10:25 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier RL MDL Cyanide <0.010 0.010 0.0035 mg/L 03/11/17 12:25 03/11/17 15:49 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 1.0 1.0 mg/L 03/09/17 18:45 03/09/17 23:53 1Sulfide, Reactive 7.1 0.2 0.2 SU 03/08/17 21:25 1pH7.8 HF TestAmerica Chicago Page 10 of 36 3/17/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Definitions/Glossary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124843-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: Power Site Qualifiers GC/MS Semi VOA Qualifier Description J Result is less than the RL but greater than or equal to the MDL and the concentration is an approximate value. Qualifier Metals Qualifier Description F1 MS and/or MSD Recovery is outside acceptance limits. Qualifier General Chemistry Qualifier Description HF Field parameter with a holding time of 15 minutes. Test performed by laboratory at client's request. Qualifier Glossary These commonly used abbreviations may or may not be present in this report. ¤Listed under the "D" column to designate that the result is reported on a dry weight basis Abbreviation %R Percent Recovery CFL Contains Free Liquid CNF Contains no Free Liquid DER Duplicate error ratio (normalized absolute difference) Dil Fac Dilution Factor DL, RA, RE, IN Indicates a Dilution, Re-analysis, Re-extraction, or additional Initial metals/anion analysis of the sample DLC Decision level concentration MDA Minimum detectable activity EDL Estimated Detection Limit MDC Minimum detectable concentration MDL Method Detection Limit ML Minimum Level (Dioxin) NC Not Calculated ND Not detected at the reporting limit (or MDL or EDL if shown) PQL Practical Quantitation Limit QC Quality Control RER Relative error ratio RL Reporting Limit or Requested Limit (Radiochemistry) RPD Relative Percent Difference, a measure of the relative difference between two points TEF Toxicity Equivalent Factor (Dioxin) TEQ Toxicity Equivalent Quotient (Dioxin) TestAmerica Chicago Page 11 of 36 3/17/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Association Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124843-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: Power Site GC/MS VOA Leach Batch: 375126 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 1311500-124843-1 Barnel-Solids TCLP Solid 1311LB 500-375126/1-A Method Blank TCLP Analysis Batch: 375236 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 8260B 375126500-124843-1 Barnel-Solids TCLP Solid 8260B 375126LB 500-375126/1-A Method Blank TCLP Solid 8260BMB 500-375236/6 Method Blank Total/NA Solid 8260BLCS 500-375236/4 Lab Control Sample Total/NA GC/MS Semi VOA Leach Batch: 471971 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 1311500-124843-1 Barnel-Solids TCLP Solid 1311LB 680-471971/1-B Method Blank TCLP Solid 1311500-124843-1 MS Barnel-Solids TCLP Solid 1311500-124843-1 MSD Barnel-Solids TCLP Prep Batch: 471996 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 3520C 471971500-124843-1 Barnel-Solids TCLP Solid 3520C 471971LB 680-471971/1-B Method Blank TCLP Solid 3520CMB 680-471996/11-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 3520CLCS 680-471996/12-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid 3520CLCSD 680-471996/13-A Lab Control Sample Dup Total/NA Solid 3520C 471971500-124843-1 MS Barnel-Solids TCLP Solid 3520C 471971500-124843-1 MSD Barnel-Solids TCLP Analysis Batch: 472461 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 8270D 471996500-124843-1 Barnel-Solids TCLP Solid 8270D 471996LB 680-471971/1-B Method Blank TCLP Solid 8270D 471996MB 680-471996/11-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 8270D 471996LCS 680-471996/12-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid 8270D 471996LCSD 680-471996/13-A Lab Control Sample Dup Total/NA Solid 8270D 471996500-124843-1 MS Barnel-Solids TCLP Solid 8270D 471996500-124843-1 MSD Barnel-Solids TCLP GC Semi VOA Prep Batch: 375961 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 3541500-124843-1 Barnel-Solids Total/NA Solid 3541MB 500-375961/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 3541LCS 500-375961/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Analysis Batch: 376064 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 8082A 375961500-124843-1 Barnel-Solids Total/NA TestAmerica Chicago Page 12 of 36 3/17/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Association Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124843-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: Power Site GC Semi VOA (Continued) Analysis Batch: 376064 (Continued) Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 8082A 375961MB 500-375961/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 8082A 375961LCS 500-375961/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Metals Leach Batch: 471971 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 1311500-124843-1 Barnel-Solids TCLP Solid 1311LB 680-471971/1-C Method Blank TCLP Solid 1311LB 680-471971/1-E Method Blank TCLP Solid 1311LB2 680-471971/5-B Method Blank TCLP Solid 1311500-124843-1 MS Barnel-Solids TCLP Solid 1311500-124843-1 MSD Barnel-Solids TCLP Prep Batch: 472067 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 3010A 471971500-124843-1 Barnel-Solids TCLP Solid 3010A 471971LB 680-471971/1-C Method Blank TCLP Solid 3010A 471971LB2 680-471971/5-B Method Blank TCLP Solid 3010AMB 680-472067/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 3010ALCS 680-472067/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid 3010A 471971500-124843-1 MS Barnel-Solids TCLP Solid 3010A 471971500-124843-1 MSD Barnel-Solids TCLP Analysis Batch: 472231 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 6010D 472067500-124843-1 Barnel-Solids TCLP Solid 6010D 472067LB 680-471971/1-C Method Blank TCLP Solid 6010D 472067LB2 680-471971/5-B Method Blank TCLP Solid 6010D 472067MB 680-472067/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 6010D 472067LCS 680-472067/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid 6010D 472067500-124843-1 MS Barnel-Solids TCLP Solid 6010D 472067500-124843-1 MSD Barnel-Solids TCLP Prep Batch: 472299 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 7470A 471971500-124843-1 Barnel-Solids TCLP Solid 7470A 471971LB 680-471971/1-E Method Blank TCLP Solid 7470AMB 680-472299/13-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 7470ALCS 680-472299/14-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid 7470A 471971500-124843-1 MS Barnel-Solids TCLP Solid 7470A 471971500-124843-1 MSD Barnel-Solids TCLP Analysis Batch: 472476 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 7470A 472299500-124843-1 Barnel-Solids TCLP Solid 7470A 472299LB 680-471971/1-E Method Blank TCLP Solid 7470A 472299MB 680-472299/13-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 7470A 472299LCS 680-472299/14-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid 7470A 472299500-124843-1 MS Barnel-Solids TCLP TestAmerica Chicago Page 13 of 36 3/17/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Association Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124843-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: Power Site Metals (Continued) Analysis Batch: 472476 (Continued) Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 7470A 472299500-124843-1 MSD Barnel-Solids TCLP General Chemistry Analysis Batch: 345594 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Water 1010A500-124843-2 Barnel-Liquids Total/NA Water 1010AMB 400-345594/3 Method Blank Total/NA Water 1010ALCS 400-345594/1 Lab Control Sample Total/NA Water 1010ALCSD 400-345594/2 Lab Control Sample Dup Total/NA Analysis Batch: 375073 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid Moisture500-124843-1 Barnel-Solids Total/NA Analysis Batch: 375140 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Water 9040C500-124843-2 Barnel-Liquids Total/NA Water 9040C500-124843-2 DU Barnel-Liquids Total/NA Prep Batch: 375223 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Water 7.3.4500-124843-2 Barnel-Liquids Total/NA Water 7.3.4MB 500-375223/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Water 7.3.4LCS 500-375223/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Analysis Batch: 375225 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Water 9034 375223500-124843-2 Barnel-Liquids Total/NA Water 9034 375223MB 500-375223/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Water 9034 375223LCS 500-375223/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Prep Batch: 375405 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Water 9010B500-124843-2 Barnel-Liquids Total/NA Water 9010BMB 500-375405/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Water 9010BLCS 500-375405/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Analysis Batch: 375544 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Water 9014 375405500-124843-2 Barnel-Liquids Total/NA Water 9014 375405MB 500-375405/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Water 9014 375405LCS 500-375405/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA TestAmerica Chicago Page 14 of 36 3/17/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Surrogate Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124843-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: Power Site Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) Prep Type: Total/NAMatrix: Solid Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID (71-127)(75-120)(71-120)(70-120) 12DCE TOL BFB DBFM 96 95 104 97LCS 500-375236/4 Percent Surrogate Recovery (Acceptance Limits) Lab Control Sample 97 98 108 97MB 500-375236/6 Method Blank Surrogate Legend 12DCE = 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) TOL = Toluene-d8 (Surr) BFB = 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) DBFM = Dibromofluoromethane Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) Prep Type: TCLPMatrix: Solid Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID (71-127)(75-120)(71-120)(70-120) 12DCE TOL BFB DBFM 96 98 104 96500-124843-1 Percent Surrogate Recovery (Acceptance Limits) Barnel-Solids 99 97 108 93LB 500-375126/1-A Method Blank Surrogate Legend 12DCE = 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) TOL = Toluene-d8 (Surr) BFB = 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) DBFM = Dibromofluoromethane Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) Prep Type: Total/NAMatrix: Solid Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID (31-141)(38-130)(25-130)(39-130)(25-130)(10-143) TBP FBP 2FP NBZ PHL TPH 85 71 64 77 72 93LCS 680-471996/12-A Percent Surrogate Recovery (Acceptance Limits) Lab Control Sample 92 73 65 7776 96LCSD 680-471996/13-A Lab Control Sample Dup 68 58 44 5160 76MB 680-471996/11-A Method Blank Surrogate Legend TBP = 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (Surr) FBP = 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) 2FP = 2-Fluorophenol (Surr) NBZ = Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr) PHL = Phenol-d5 (Surr) TPH = Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) Prep Type: TCLPMatrix: Solid Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID (31-141)(38-130)(25-130)(39-130)(25-130)(10-143) TBP FBP 2FP NBZ PHL TPH 85 70 70 79 73 37500-124843-1 Percent Surrogate Recovery (Acceptance Limits) Barnel-Solids 95 78 65 7178 58500-124843-1 MS Barnel-Solids TestAmerica Chicago Page 15 of 36 3/17/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Surrogate Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124843-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: Power Site Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Prep Type: TCLPMatrix: Solid Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID (31-141)(38-130)(25-130)(39-130)(25-130)(10-143) TBP FBP 2FP NBZ PHL TPH 88 76 63 75 75 61500-124843-1 MSD Percent Surrogate Recovery (Acceptance Limits) Barnel-Solids 88 71 68 7080 84LB 680-471971/1-B Method Blank Surrogate Legend TBP = 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (Surr) FBP = 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) 2FP = 2-Fluorophenol (Surr) NBZ = Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr) PHL = Phenol-d5 (Surr) TPH = Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) Method: 8082A - Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) by Gas Chromatography Prep Type: Total/NAMatrix: Solid Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID (41-124)(47-127) TCX1 DCB1 76 61500-124843-1 Percent Surrogate Recovery (Acceptance Limits) Barnel-Solids 83 91LCS 500-375961/2-A Lab Control Sample 97 109MB 500-375961/1-A Method Blank Surrogate Legend TCX = Tetrachloro-m-xylene DCB = DCB Decachlorobiphenyl TestAmerica Chicago Page 16 of 36 3/17/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124843-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: Power Site Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 500-375236/6 Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 375236 RL MDL Benzene <0.0010 0.0010 0.00050 mg/L 03/10/17 09:22 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <0.0010 0.000500.0010 mg/L 03/10/17 09:22 1Carbon tetrachloride <0.0010 0.000500.0010 mg/L 03/10/17 09:22 1Chlorobenzene <0.0020 0.00100.0020 mg/L 03/10/17 09:22 1Chloroform <0.0010 0.000500.0010 mg/L 03/10/17 09:22 11,2-Dichloroethane <0.0010 0.000500.0010 mg/L 03/10/17 09:22 11,1-Dichloroethene <0.0050 0.00250.0050 mg/L 03/10/17 09:22 1Methyl Ethyl Ketone <0.0010 0.000500.0010 mg/L 03/10/17 09:22 1Tetrachloroethene <0.0010 0.000500.0010 mg/L 03/10/17 09:22 1Trichloroethene <0.0010 0.000500.0010 mg/L 03/10/17 09:22 1Vinyl chloride 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr)97 71-127 03/10/17 09:22 1 MB MB Surrogate Dil FacPreparedAnalyzedQualifierLimits%Recovery 98 03/10/17 09:22 1Toluene-d8 (Surr)75-120 108 03/10/17 09:22 14-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)71-120 97 03/10/17 09:22 1Dibromofluoromethane70-120 Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 500-375236/4 Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 375236 Benzene 0.0500 0.0505 mg/L 101 70-125 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits Carbon tetrachloride 0.0500 0.0526 mg/L 105 70-125 Chlorobenzene 0.0500 0.0538 mg/L 108 70-125 Chloroform 0.0500 0.0505 mg/L 101 70-125 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.0500 0.0491 mg/L 98 70-125 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.0500 0.0489 mg/L 98 70-125 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 0.0500 0.0507 mg/L 101 52-142 Tetrachloroethene 0.0500 0.0514 mg/L 103 70-125 Trichloroethene 0.0500 0.0529 mg/L 106 70-125 Vinyl chloride 0.0500 0.0370 mg/L 74 70-126 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr)71 -127 Surrogate 96 LCS LCS Qualifier Limits%Recovery 95Toluene-d8 (Surr)75 -120 1044-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)71 -120 97Dibromofluoromethane 70 -120 Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: LB 500-375126/1-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: TCLP Analysis Batch: 375236 RL MDL Benzene <0.020 0.020 0.010 mg/L 03/10/17 09:48 20 LB LB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <0.020 0.0100.020 mg/L 03/10/17 09:48 20Carbon tetrachloride <0.020 0.0100.020 mg/L 03/10/17 09:48 20Chlorobenzene TestAmerica Chicago Page 17 of 36 3/17/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124843-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: Power Site Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: LB 500-375126/1-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: TCLP Analysis Batch: 375236 RL MDL Chloroform <0.040 0.040 0.020 mg/L 03/10/17 09:48 20 LB LB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <0.020 0.0100.020 mg/L 03/10/17 09:48 201,2-Dichloroethane <0.020 0.0100.020 mg/L 03/10/17 09:48 201,1-Dichloroethene <0.10 0.0500.10 mg/L 03/10/17 09:48 20Methyl Ethyl Ketone <0.020 0.0100.020 mg/L 03/10/17 09:48 20Tetrachloroethene <0.020 0.0100.020 mg/L 03/10/17 09:48 20Trichloroethene <0.020 0.0100.020 mg/L 03/10/17 09:48 20Vinyl chloride 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr)99 71-127 03/10/17 09:48 20 LB LB Surrogate Dil FacPreparedAnalyzedQualifierLimits%Recovery 97 03/10/17 09:48 20Toluene-d8 (Surr)75-120 108 03/10/17 09:48 204-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)71-120 93 03/10/17 09:48 20Dibromofluoromethane70-120 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 680-471996/11-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 472461 Prep Batch: 471996 RL MDL 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.010 0.010 0.00054 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 19:15 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <0.010 0.00120.010 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 19:15 12,4,5-Trichlorophenol <0.010 0.000860.010 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 19:15 12,4,6-Trichlorophenol <0.010 0.00120.010 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 19:15 12,4-Dinitrotoluene <0.010 0.000900.010 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 19:15 12-Methylphenol <0.010 0.00130.010 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 19:15 13 & 4 Methylphenol <0.010 0.000800.010 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 19:15 1Hexachlorobenzene <0.010 0.000620.010 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 19:15 1Hexachlorobutadiene <0.010 0.000760.010 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 19:15 1Hexachloroethane <0.010 0.000740.010 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 19:15 1Nitrobenzene <0.050 0.00200.050 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 19:15 1Pentachlorophenol <0.050 0.00240.050 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 19:15 1Pyridine 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (Surr)68 31-141 03/14/17 19:15 1 MB MB Surrogate 03/10/17 15:56 Dil FacPreparedAnalyzedQualifierLimits%Recovery 58 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 19:15 12-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)38-130 44 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 19:15 12-Fluorophenol (Surr)25-130 60 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 19:15 1Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)39-130 51 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 19:15 1Phenol-d5 (Surr)25-130 76 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 19:15 1Terphenyl-d14 (Surr)10-143 TestAmerica Chicago Page 18 of 36 3/17/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124843-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: Power Site Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 680-471996/12-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 472461 Prep Batch: 471996 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.100 0.0590 mg/L 59 31-130 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 0.100 0.0868 mg/L 87 48-130 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 0.100 0.0857 mg/L 86 47-130 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.100 0.0887 mg/L 89 52-130 2-Methylphenol 0.100 0.0809 mg/L 81 40-130 3 & 4 Methylphenol 0.100 0.0828 mg/L 83 42-130 Hexachlorobenzene 0.100 0.0927 mg/L 93 43-130 Hexachlorobutadiene 0.100 0.0554 mg/L 55 27-130 Hexachloroethane 0.100 0.0541 mg/L 54 29-130 Nitrobenzene 0.100 0.0816 mg/L 82 43-130 Pentachlorophenol 0.200 0.210 mg/L 105 33-130 Pyridine 0.100 0.0606 mg/L 61 10-130 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (Surr)31 -141 Surrogate 85 LCS LCS Qualifier Limits%Recovery 712-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)38 -130 642-Fluorophenol (Surr)25 -130 77Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)39 -130 72Phenol-d5 (Surr)25 -130 93Terphenyl-d14 (Surr)10 -143 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample DupLab Sample ID: LCSD 680-471996/13-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 472461 Prep Batch: 471996 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.100 0.0609 mg/L 61 31-130 3 50 Analyte LCSD LCSD DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits LimitRPD RPD 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 0.100 0.0886 mg/L 89 48-130 2 50 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 0.100 0.0897 mg/L 90 47-130 5 50 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.100 0.0933 mg/L 93 52-130 5 50 2-Methylphenol 0.100 0.0827 mg/L 83 40-130 2 50 3 & 4 Methylphenol 0.100 0.0852 mg/L 85 42-130 3 50 Hexachlorobenzene 0.100 0.0898 mg/L 90 43-130 3 50 Hexachlorobutadiene 0.100 0.0589 mg/L 59 27-130 6 50 Hexachloroethane 0.100 0.0561 mg/L 56 29-130 4 50 Nitrobenzene 0.100 0.0822 mg/L 82 43-130 1 50 Pentachlorophenol 0.200 0.217 mg/L 108 33-130 3 50 Pyridine 0.100 0.0620 mg/L 62 10-130 2 50 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (Surr)31 -141 Surrogate 92 LCSD LCSD Qualifier Limits%Recovery 732-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)38 -130 652-Fluorophenol (Surr)25 -130 76Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)39 -130 77Phenol-d5 (Surr)25 -130 96Terphenyl-d14 (Surr)10 -143 TestAmerica Chicago Page 19 of 36 3/17/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124843-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: Power Site Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: LB 680-471971/1-B Matrix: Solid Prep Type: TCLP Analysis Batch: 472461 Prep Batch: 471996 RL MDL 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.049 0.049 0.0027 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 20:26 1 LB LB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <0.049 0.00590.049 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 20:26 12,4,5-Trichlorophenol <0.049 0.00420.049 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 20:26 12,4,6-Trichlorophenol <0.049 0.00590.049 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 20:26 12,4-Dinitrotoluene <0.049 0.00440.049 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 20:26 12-Methylphenol <0.049 0.00640.049 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 20:26 13 & 4 Methylphenol <0.049 0.00390.049 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 20:26 1Hexachlorobenzene <0.049 0.00300.049 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 20:26 1Hexachlorobutadiene <0.049 0.00370.049 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 20:26 1Hexachloroethane <0.049 0.00360.049 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 20:26 1Nitrobenzene <0.25 0.00980.25 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 20:26 1Pentachlorophenol <0.25 0.0120.25 mg/L 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 20:26 1Pyridine 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (Surr)88 31-141 03/14/17 20:26 1 LB LB Surrogate 03/10/17 15:56 Dil FacPreparedAnalyzedQualifierLimits%Recovery 71 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 20:26 12-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)38-130 68 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 20:26 12-Fluorophenol (Surr)25-130 80 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 20:26 1Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)39-130 70 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 20:26 1Phenol-d5 (Surr)25-130 84 03/10/17 15:56 03/14/17 20:26 1Terphenyl-d14 (Surr)10-143 Client Sample ID: Barnel-SolidsLab Sample ID: 500-124843-1 MS Matrix: Solid Prep Type: TCLP Analysis Batch: 472461 Prep Batch: 471996 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.049 0.493 0.288 mg/L 58 31-130 Analyte MS MS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol <0.049 0.493 0.447 mg/L 91 48-130 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol <0.049 0.493 0.434 mg/L 88 47-130 2,4-Dinitrotoluene <0.049 0.493 0.435 mg/L 88 52-130 2-Methylphenol <0.049 0.493 0.386 mg/L 78 40-130 3 & 4 Methylphenol 0.0094 J 0.493 0.394 mg/L 78 42-130 Hexachlorobenzene <0.049 0.493 0.427 mg/L 86 43-130 Hexachlorobutadiene <0.049 0.493 0.303 mg/L 61 27-130 Hexachloroethane <0.049 0.493 0.276 mg/L 56 29-130 Nitrobenzene <0.049 0.493 0.393 mg/L 80 43-130 Pentachlorophenol <0.25 0.987 1.12 mg/L 114 33-130 Pyridine <0.25 0.493 0.285 mg/L 58 10-130 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (Surr)31 -141 Surrogate 95 MS MS Qualifier Limits%Recovery 782-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)38 -130 652-Fluorophenol (Surr)25 -130 78Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)39 -130 71Phenol-d5 (Surr)25 -130 58Terphenyl-d14 (Surr)10 -143 TestAmerica Chicago Page 20 of 36 3/17/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124843-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: Power Site Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Barnel-SolidsLab Sample ID: 500-124843-1 MSD Matrix: Solid Prep Type: TCLP Analysis Batch: 472461 Prep Batch: 471996 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.049 0.499 0.285 mg/L 57 31-130 1 50 Analyte MSD MSD DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits LimitRPD RPD 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol <0.049 0.499 0.459 mg/L 92 48-130 3 50 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol <0.049 0.499 0.442 mg/L 89 47-130 2 50 2,4-Dinitrotoluene <0.049 0.499 0.467 mg/L 94 52-130 7 50 2-Methylphenol <0.049 0.499 0.407 mg/L 82 40-130 5 50 3 & 4 Methylphenol 0.0094 J 0.499 0.419 mg/L 82 42-130 6 50 Hexachlorobenzene <0.049 0.499 0.429 mg/L 86 43-130 1 50 Hexachlorobutadiene <0.049 0.499 0.312 mg/L 63 27-130 3 50 Hexachloroethane <0.049 0.499 0.262 mg/L 52 29-130 5 50 Nitrobenzene <0.049 0.499 0.397 mg/L 80 43-130 1 50 Pentachlorophenol <0.25 0.997 1.08 mg/L 108 33-130 4 50 Pyridine <0.25 0.499 0.336 mg/L 67 10-130 17 50 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (Surr)31 -141 Surrogate 88 MSD MSD Qualifier Limits%Recovery 762-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)38 -130 632-Fluorophenol (Surr)25 -130 75Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)39 -130 75Phenol-d5 (Surr)25 -130 61Terphenyl-d14 (Surr)10 -143 Method: 8082A - Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) by Gas Chromatography Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 500-375961/1-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 376064 Prep Batch: 375961 RL MDL PCB-1016 <17 17 5.9 ug/Kg 03/15/17 16:53 03/16/17 11:23 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <17 7.317 ug/Kg 03/15/17 16:53 03/16/17 11:23 1PCB-1221 <17 7.317 ug/Kg 03/15/17 16:53 03/16/17 11:23 1PCB-1232 <17 5.517 ug/Kg 03/15/17 16:53 03/16/17 11:23 1PCB-1242 <17 6.617 ug/Kg 03/15/17 16:53 03/16/17 11:23 1PCB-1248 <17 3.617 ug/Kg 03/15/17 16:53 03/16/17 11:23 1PCB-1254 <17 8.217 ug/Kg 03/15/17 16:53 03/16/17 11:23 1PCB-1260 Tetrachloro-m-xylene 97 41-124 03/16/17 11:23 1 MB MB Surrogate 03/15/17 16:53 Dil FacPreparedAnalyzedQualifierLimits%Recovery 109 03/15/17 16:53 03/16/17 11:23 1DCB Decachlorobiphenyl 47-127 Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 500-375961/2-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 376064 Prep Batch: 375961 PCB-1016 167 148 ug/Kg 89 60-118 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits PCB-1260 167 154 ug/Kg 92 66-125 TestAmerica Chicago Page 21 of 36 3/17/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124843-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: Power Site Method: 8082A - Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) by Gas Chromatography (Continued) Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 500-375961/2-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 376064 Prep Batch: 375961 Tetrachloro-m-xylene 41 -124 Surrogate 83 LCS LCS Qualifier Limits%Recovery 91DCB Decachlorobiphenyl 47 -127 Method: 6010D - Metals (ICP) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 680-472067/1-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 472231 Prep Batch: 472067 RL MDL Arsenic <0.020 0.020 0.020 mg/L 03/10/17 13:11 03/13/17 10:30 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <0.10 0.100.10 mg/L 03/10/17 13:11 03/13/17 10:30 1Barium <0.010 0.0100.010 mg/L 03/10/17 13:11 03/13/17 10:30 1Cadmium <0.020 0.0200.020 mg/L 03/10/17 13:11 03/13/17 10:30 1Chromium <0.010 0.0100.010 mg/L 03/10/17 13:11 03/13/17 10:30 1Silver <0.020 0.0200.020 mg/L 03/10/17 13:11 03/13/17 10:30 1Lead <0.050 0.0500.050 mg/L 03/10/17 13:11 03/13/17 10:30 1Selenium Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 680-472067/2-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 472231 Prep Batch: 472067 Arsenic 2.00 2.06 mg/L 103 80-120 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits Barium 2.00 2.12 mg/L 106 80-120 Cadmium 1.00 1.02 mg/L 102 80-120 Chromium 2.00 2.07 mg/L 103 80-120 Silver 1.00 1.10 mg/L 110 80-120 Lead 10.0 10.1 mg/L 101 80-120 Selenium 2.00 2.05 mg/L 103 80-120 Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: LB 680-471971/1-C Matrix: Solid Prep Type: TCLP Analysis Batch: 472231 Prep Batch: 472067 RL MDL Arsenic <0.20 0.20 0.20 mg/L 03/10/17 13:11 03/13/17 10:42 1 LB LB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <1.0 1.01.0 mg/L 03/10/17 13:11 03/13/17 10:42 1Barium <0.10 0.100.10 mg/L 03/10/17 13:11 03/13/17 10:42 1Cadmium <0.20 0.200.20 mg/L 03/10/17 13:11 03/13/17 10:42 1Chromium <0.10 0.100.10 mg/L 03/10/17 13:11 03/13/17 10:42 1Silver <0.20 0.200.20 mg/L 03/10/17 13:11 03/13/17 10:42 1Lead <0.50 0.500.50 mg/L 03/10/17 13:11 03/13/17 10:42 1Selenium TestAmerica Chicago Page 22 of 36 3/17/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124843-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: Power Site Method: 6010D - Metals (ICP) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: LB2 680-471971/5-B Matrix: Solid Prep Type: TCLP Analysis Batch: 472231 Prep Batch: 472067 RL MDL Arsenic <0.20 0.20 0.20 mg/L 03/10/17 13:11 03/13/17 11:24 1 LB2 LB2 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <1.0 1.01.0 mg/L 03/10/17 13:11 03/13/17 11:24 1Barium <0.10 0.100.10 mg/L 03/10/17 13:11 03/13/17 11:24 1Cadmium <0.20 0.200.20 mg/L 03/10/17 13:11 03/13/17 11:24 1Chromium <0.10 0.100.10 mg/L 03/10/17 13:11 03/13/17 11:24 1Silver <0.20 0.200.20 mg/L 03/10/17 13:11 03/13/17 11:24 1Lead <0.50 0.500.50 mg/L 03/10/17 13:11 03/13/17 11:24 1Selenium Client Sample ID: Barnel-SolidsLab Sample ID: 500-124843-1 MS Matrix: Solid Prep Type: TCLP Analysis Batch: 472231 Prep Batch: 472067 Arsenic <0.20 1.60 1.54 mg/L 96 75-125 Analyte MS MS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits Barium <1.0 1.60 1.60 mg/L 100 75-125 Cadmium <0.10 1.60 1.48 mg/L 93 75-125 Chromium <0.20 1.60 1.52 mg/L 95 75-125 Silver <0.10 1.60 1.54 mg/L 96 75-125 Lead <0.20 1.60 1.52 mg/L 95 75-125 Selenium <0.50 1.60 1.53 mg/L 96 75-125 Client Sample ID: Barnel-SolidsLab Sample ID: 500-124843-1 MSD Matrix: Solid Prep Type: TCLP Analysis Batch: 472231 Prep Batch: 472067 Arsenic <0.20 1.60 1.58 mg/L 99 75-125 3 20 Analyte MSD MSD DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits LimitRPD RPD Barium <1.0 1.60 1.65 mg/L 103 75-125 3 20 Cadmium <0.10 1.60 1.53 mg/L 96 75-125 3 20 Chromium <0.20 1.60 1.58 mg/L 99 75-125 4 20 Silver <0.10 1.60 1.61 mg/L 100 75-125 4 20 Lead <0.20 1.60 1.58 mg/L 99 75-125 4 20 Selenium <0.50 1.60 1.54 mg/L 96 75-125 0 20 Method: 7470A - Mercury (CVAA) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 680-472299/13-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 472476 Prep Batch: 472299 RL MDL Mercury <0.00020 0.00020 0.00020 mg/L 03/14/17 07:58 03/14/17 15:57 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 680-472299/14-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 472476 Prep Batch: 472299 Mercury 0.250 0.252 mg/L 101 80-120 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits TestAmerica Chicago Page 23 of 36 3/17/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124843-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: Power Site Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: LB 680-471971/1-E Matrix: Solid Prep Type: TCLP Analysis Batch: 472476 Prep Batch: 472299 RL MDL Mercury <0.020 0.020 0.020 mg/L 03/14/17 07:58 03/14/17 16:04 1 LB LB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier Client Sample ID: Barnel-SolidsLab Sample ID: 500-124843-1 MS Matrix: Solid Prep Type: TCLP Analysis Batch: 472476 Prep Batch: 472299 Mercury <0.020 F1 0.0830 0.0640 F1 mg/L 77 80-120 Analyte MS MS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits Client Sample ID: Barnel-SolidsLab Sample ID: 500-124843-1 MSD Matrix: Solid Prep Type: TCLP Analysis Batch: 472476 Prep Batch: 472299 Mercury <0.020 F1 0.0830 0.0650 F1 mg/L 78 80-120 1 20 Analyte MSD MSD DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added Sample Result Sample Qualifier %Rec. Limits LimitRPD RPD Method: 1010A - Ignitability, Pensky-Martens Closed-Cup Method Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 400-345594/3 Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 345594 NONE NONE Flashpoint >212 Degrees F 03/13/17 10:54 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 400-345594/1 Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 345594 Flashpoint 81.0 83.00 Degrees F 102 98-102 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample DupLab Sample ID: LCSD 400-345594/2 Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 345594 Flashpoint 81.0 81.00 Degrees F 100 98-102 2 4 Analyte LCSD LCSD DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits LimitRPD RPD Method: 9014 - Cyanide Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 500-375405/1-A Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 375544 Prep Batch: 375405 RL MDL Cyanide <0.010 0.010 0.0035 mg/L 03/11/17 12:25 03/11/17 15:44 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier TestAmerica Chicago Page 24 of 36 3/17/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124843-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: Power Site Method: 9014 - Cyanide (Continued) Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 500-375405/2-A Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 375544 Prep Batch: 375405 Cyanide 0.100 0.101 mg/L 101 80-120 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits Method: 9034 - Sulfide, Reactive Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 500-375223/1-A Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 375225 Prep Batch: 375223 RL MDL Sulfide, Reactive <1.0 1.0 1.0 mg/L 03/09/17 18:30 03/09/17 23:22 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 500-375223/2-A Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 375225 Prep Batch: 375223 Sulfide, Reactive 6.91 6.58 mg/L 95 80-120 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits Method: 9040C - pH Client Sample ID: Barnel-LiquidsLab Sample ID: 500-124843-2 DU Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 375140 pH 7.8 HF 7.7 SU 1 Analyte DU DU DUnitResultQualifier Sample Result Sample Qualifier LimitRPD RPD TestAmerica Chicago Page 25 of 36 3/17/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Lab Chronicle Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124843-1 Project/Site: Power Site Client Sample ID: Barnel-Solids Lab Sample ID: 500-124843-1 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 03/03/17 11:30 Date Received: 03/08/17 10:30 Leach 1311 03/09/17 13:45 EEN375126 TAL CHI Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor TCLP Analysis 8260B 20 375236 03/10/17 10:15 TCT TAL CHITCLP Leach 1311 471971 03/09/17 16:47 EDE TAL SAVTCLP Prep 3520C 471996 03/10/17 15:56 RBS TAL SAVTCLP Analysis 8270D 1 472461 03/14/17 22:46 OK TAL SAVTCLP Leach 1311 471971 03/09/17 16:47 EDE TAL SAVTCLP Prep 3010A 472067 03/10/17 13:11 AJR TAL SAVTCLP Analysis 6010D 1 472231 03/13/17 10:46 BCB TAL SAVTCLP Leach 1311 471971 03/09/17 16:47 EDE TAL SAVTCLP Prep 7470A 472299 03/14/17 07:58 JKL TAL SAVTCLP Analysis 7470A 1 472476 03/14/17 16:07 JKL TAL SAVTCLP Analysis Moisture 1 375073 03/09/17 12:32 LWN TAL CHITotal/NA Client Sample ID: Barnel-Solids Lab Sample ID: 500-124843-1 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 03/03/17 11:30 Percent Solids: 78.5Date Received: 03/08/17 10:30 Prep 3541 03/15/17 16:53 JP1375961 TAL CHI Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Analysis 8082A 1 376064 03/16/17 11:54 BJH TAL CHITotal/NA Client Sample ID: Barnel-Liquids Lab Sample ID: 500-124843-2 Matrix: WaterDate Collected: 03/03/17 11:00 Date Received: 03/08/17 10:30 Analysis 1010A 03/14/17 10:25 KJR1345594 TAL PEN Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Prep 9010B 375405 03/11/17 12:25 EAT TAL CHITotal/NA Analysis 9014 1 375544 EAT TAL CHITotal/NA 03/11/17 15:49 03/11/17 15:49 (Start) (End) Prep 7.3.4 375223 03/09/17 18:45 CLB TAL CHITotal/NA Analysis 9034 1 375225 03/09/17 23:53 CLB TAL CHITotal/NA Analysis 9040C 1 375140 JBJ TAL CHITotal/NA 03/08/17 21:25 03/08/17 21:33 (Start) (End) Laboratory References: TAL CHI = TestAmerica Chicago, 2417 Bond Street, University Park, IL 60484, TEL (708)534-5200 TAL PEN = TestAmerica Pensacola, 3355 McLemore Drive, Pensacola, FL 32514, TEL (850)474-1001 TAL SAV = TestAmerica Savannah, 5102 LaRoche Avenue, Savannah, GA 31404, TEL (912)354-7858 TestAmerica Chicago Page 26 of 36 3/17/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Certification Summary Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124843-1 Project/Site: Power Site Laboratory: TestAmerica Chicago Unless otherwise noted, all analytes for this laboratory were covered under each certification below. Authority Program EPA Region Certification ID Expiration Date North Carolina (WW/SW)2914State Program 12-31-17 Analysis Method Prep Method Matrix Analyte The following analytes are included in this report, but certification is not offered by the governing authority: 9034 7.3.4 Water Sulfide, Reactive Moisture Solid Percent Moisture Moisture Solid Percent Solids Laboratory: TestAmerica Pensacola All certifications held by this laboratory are listed. Not all certifications are applicable to this report. Authority Program EPA Region Certification ID Expiration Date Alabama 401504State Program 06-30-17 Arizona State Program 9 AZ0710 01-11-18 Arkansas DEQ State Program 6 88-0689 09-01-17 California ELAP 9 2510 03-31-18 Florida NELAP 4 E81010 06-30-17 Georgia State Program 4 N/A 06-30-17 Illinois NELAP 5 200041 10-09-17 Iowa State Program 7 367 08-01-18 Kansas NELAP 7 E-10253 10-31-17 Kentucky (UST)State Program 4 53 06-30-17 Kentucky (WW)State Program 4 98030 12-31-17 L-A-B ISO/IEC 17025 L2471 02-22-20 Louisiana NELAP 6 30976 06-30-17 Louisiana (DW)NELAP Secondary AB 6 LA170005 12-31-17 Maryland State Program 3 233 09-30-17 Massachusetts State Program 1 M-FL094 06-30-17 Michigan State Program 5 9912 05-06-17 New Jersey NELAP 2 FL006 06-30-17 North Carolina (WW/SW)State Program 4 314 12-31-17 Oklahoma State Program 6 9810 08-31-17 Pennsylvania NELAP 3 68-00467 01-31-18 Rhode Island State Program 1 LAO00307 12-30-17 South Carolina State Program 4 96026 06-30-17 Tennessee State Program 4 TN02907 06-30-17 Texas NELAP 6 T104704286-16-10 09-30-17 USDA Federal P330-16-00172 05-24-19 Virginia NELAP 3 460166 06-14-17 Washington State Program 10 C915 05-15-17 West Virginia DEP State Program 3 136 06-30-17 Laboratory: TestAmerica Savannah All certifications held by this laboratory are listed. Not all certifications are applicable to this report. Authority Program EPA Region Certification ID Expiration Date SAVLABAFCEE Alabama State Program 4 41450 06-30-17 Alaska (UST)State Program 10 UST-104 11-05-17 Arizona State Program 9 AZ808 12-14-17 Arkansas DEQ State Program 6 88-0692 02-01-18 TestAmerica Chicago Page 27 of 36 3/17/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Certification Summary Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc TestAmerica Job ID: 500-124843-1 Project/Site: Power Site Laboratory: TestAmerica Savannah (Continued) All certifications held by this laboratory are listed. Not all certifications are applicable to this report. Authority Program EPA Region Certification ID Expiration Date California 29399State Program 06-30-17 Colorado State Program 8 N/A 12-31-17 Connecticut State Program 1 PH-0161 03-31-17 * Florida NELAP 4 E87052 06-30-17 GA Dept. of Agriculture State Program 4 N/A 06-12-17 Georgia State Program 4 N/A 06-30-17 Georgia State Program 4 803 06-30-17 Guam State Program 9 15-005r 04-16-17 * Hawaii State Program 9 N/A 06-30-17 Illinois NELAP 5 200022 11-30-17 Indiana State Program 5 N/A 06-30-17 Iowa State Program 7 353 06-30-17 Kentucky (DW)State Program 4 90084 12-31-17 Kentucky (UST)State Program 4 18 06-30-17 Kentucky (WW)State Program 4 90084 12-31-17 L-A-B DoD ELAP L2463 09-22-19 Louisiana NELAP 6 30690 06-30-17 Louisiana (DW)NELAP 6 LA160019 12-31-17 Maine State Program 1 GA00006 09-24-18 Maryland State Program 3 250 12-31-17 Massachusetts State Program 1 M-GA006 06-30-17 Michigan State Program 5 9925 06-30-17 Mississippi State Program 4 N/A 06-30-16 * Nebraska State Program 7 TestAmerica-Savannah 06-30-17 New Jersey NELAP 2 GA769 06-30-17 New Mexico State Program 6 N/A 06-30-17 New York NELAP 2 10842 03-31-17 * North Carolina (DW)State Program 4 13701 07-31-17 North Carolina (WW/SW)State Program 4 269 12-31-17 Oklahoma State Program 6 9984 08-31-17 Pennsylvania NELAP 3 68-00474 06-30-17 Puerto Rico State Program 2 GA00006 12-31-17 South Carolina State Program 4 98001 06-30-17 Tennessee State Program 4 TN02961 06-30-17 Texas NELAP 6 T104704185-16-9 11-30-17 US Fish & Wildlife Federal LE058448-0 10-31-17 USDA Federal SAV 3-04 06-11-17 Virginia NELAP 3 460161 06-14-17 Washington State Program 10 C805 06-10-17 West Virginia (DW)State Program 3 9950C 12-31-17 West Virginia DEP State Program 3 094 06-30-17 Wisconsin State Program 5 999819810 08-31-17 Wyoming State Program 8 8TMS-L 06-30-16 * TestAmerica Chicago * Certification renewal pending - certification considered valid. Page 28 of 36 3/17/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page 29 of 36 3/17/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page 30 of 36 3/17/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page 31 of 36 3/17/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page 32 of 36 3/17/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page 33 of 36 3/17/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Login Sample Receipt Checklist Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Job Number: 500-124843-1 Login Number: 124843 Question Answer Comment Creator: Scott, Sherri L List Source: TestAmerica Chicago List Number: 1 TrueRadioactivity wasn't checked or is </= background as measured by a survey meter. TrueThe cooler's custody seal, if present, is intact. TrueSample custody seals, if present, are intact. TrueThe cooler or samples do not appear to have been compromised or tampered with. TrueSamples were received on ice. TrueCooler Temperature is acceptable. TrueCooler Temperature is recorded.-1.1 TrueCOC is present. TrueCOC is filled out in ink and legible. TrueCOC is filled out with all pertinent information. TrueIs the Field Sampler's name present on COC? TrueThere are no discrepancies between the containers received and the COC. TrueSamples are received within Holding Time (excluding tests with immediate HTs) TrueSample containers have legible labels. TrueContainers are not broken or leaking. TrueSample collection date/times are provided. TrueAppropriate sample containers are used. TrueSample bottles are completely filled. TrueSample Preservation Verified. TrueThere is sufficient vol. for all requested analyses, incl. any requested MS/MSDs N/AContainers requiring zero headspace have no headspace or bubble is <6mm (1/4"). TrueMultiphasic samples are not present. TrueSamples do not require splitting or compositing. N/AResidual Chlorine Checked. TestAmerica Chicago Page 34 of 36 3/17/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Login Sample Receipt Checklist Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Job Number: 500-124843-1 Login Number: 124843 Question Answer Comment Creator: Johnson, Jeremy N List Source: TestAmerica Pensacola List Creation: 03/09/17 05:43 PMList Number: 3 N/ARadioactivity wasn't checked or is </= background as measured by a survey meter. TrueThe cooler's custody seal, if present, is intact. N/ASample custody seals, if present, are intact. TrueThe cooler or samples do not appear to have been compromised or tampered with. TrueSamples were received on ice. TrueCooler Temperature is acceptable. TrueCooler Temperature is recorded.3.2°C IR7 TrueCOC is present. TrueCOC is filled out in ink and legible. TrueCOC is filled out with all pertinent information. TrueIs the Field Sampler's name present on COC? TrueThere are no discrepancies between the containers received and the COC. TrueSamples are received within Holding Time (excluding tests with immediate HTs) TrueSample containers have legible labels. TrueContainers are not broken or leaking. TrueSample collection date/times are provided. TrueAppropriate sample containers are used. TrueSample bottles are completely filled. TrueSample Preservation Verified. TrueThere is sufficient vol. for all requested analyses, incl. any requested MS/MSDs N/AContainers requiring zero headspace have no headspace or bubble is <6mm (1/4"). TrueMultiphasic samples are not present. TrueSamples do not require splitting or compositing. N/AResidual Chlorine Checked. TestAmerica Chicago Page 35 of 36 3/17/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Login Sample Receipt Checklist Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Job Number: 500-124843-1 Login Number: 124843 Question Answer Comment Creator: Flanagan, Naomi V List Source: TestAmerica Savannah List Creation: 03/09/17 10:25 AMList Number: 2 N/ARadioactivity wasn't checked or is </= background as measured by a survey meter. TrueThe cooler's custody seal, if present, is intact. TrueSample custody seals, if present, are intact. TrueThe cooler or samples do not appear to have been compromised or tampered with. TrueSamples were received on ice. TrueCooler Temperature is acceptable. TrueCooler Temperature is recorded. TrueCOC is present. TrueCOC is filled out in ink and legible. TrueCOC is filled out with all pertinent information. TrueIs the Field Sampler's name present on COC? TrueThere are no discrepancies between the containers received and the COC. TrueSamples are received within Holding Time (excluding tests with immediate HTs) TrueSample containers have legible labels. TrueContainers are not broken or leaking. TrueSample collection date/times are provided. TrueAppropriate sample containers are used. TrueSample bottles are completely filled. N/ASample Preservation Verified. TrueThere is sufficient vol. for all requested analyses, incl. any requested MS/MSDs N/AContainers requiring zero headspace have no headspace or bubble is <6mm (1/4"). TrueMultiphasic samples are not present. TrueSamples do not require splitting or compositing. N/AResidual Chlorine Checked. TestAmerica Chicago Page 36 of 36 3/17/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ANALYTICAL REPORT TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc. TestAmerica Chicago 2417 Bond Street University Park, IL 60484 Tel: (708)534-5200 TestAmerica Job ID: 500-125446-1 Client Project/Site: 161-650 Powers Site NC For: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc 1900 Center Park Drive Suite A Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 Attn: Mr. Ed Stephens Authorized for release by: 3/30/2017 3:20:31 PM Robin Kintz, Project Manager II (708)534-5200 robin.kintz@testamericainc.com The test results in this report meet all 2003 NELAC and 2009 TNI requirements for accredited parameters, exceptions are noted in this report. This report may not be reproduced except in full, and with written approval from the laboratory. For questions please contact the Project Manager at the e-mail address or telephone number listed on this page. This report has been electronically signed and authorized by the signatory. Electronic signature is intended to be the legally binding equivalent of a traditionally handwritten signature. Results relate only to the items tested and the sample(s) as received by the laboratory. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Table of Contents Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: 161-650 Powers Site NC TestAmerica Job ID: 500-125446-1 Page 2 of 34 TestAmerica Chicago3/30/2017 Cover Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Case Narrative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Detection Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Method Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Sample Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Client Sample Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 QC Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Surrogate Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 QC Sample Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Chronicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Certification Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Chain of Custody . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Receipt Checklists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Case Narrative Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc TestAmerica Job ID: 500-125446-1 Project/Site: 161-650 Powers Site NC Job ID: 500-125446-1 Laboratory: TestAmerica Chicago Narrative Job Narrative 500-125446-1 Comments No additional comments. Receipt The sample was received on 3/22/2017 10:25 AM; the sample arrived in good condition, properly preserved and, where required, on ice. The temperature of the cooler at receipt was 1.3º C. GC/MS VOA Method(s) 8260B: The concentration of Acetone associated with the following sample slightly exceeded the instrument calibration range:Drum-2 (500-125446-1). The peak did not saturate the instrument detector via the low level method and the methanol extraction method requires an initial dilution of 50X, which would yield a result below calibration range for this compound via this method. Therefore, the low level analysis has been reported and the result for Acetone has been flagged with an "E" to denote the out of range result. No additional analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described above or in the Definitions/Glossary page. GC/MS Semi VOA No analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described in the Definitions/Glossary page. Metals No analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described in the Definitions/Glossary page. Organic Prep No analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described in the Definitions/Glossary page. TestAmerica ChicagoPage 3 of 34 3/30/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Detection Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-125446-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: 161-650 Powers Site NC Client Sample ID: Drum-2 Lab Sample ID: 500-125446-1 ☼Acetone RL 18 ug/Kg MDL 7.9 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA1E2308260B ☼Methyl Ethyl Ketone 4.6 ug/Kg2.0 Total/NA1188260B ☼Benzo[a]anthracene 39 ug/Kg5.3 Total/NA117J8270D ☼Benzo[a]pyrene 39 ug/Kg7.6 Total/NA123J8270D ☼Benzo[b]fluoranthene 39 ug/Kg8.4 Total/NA134J8270D ☼Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 39 ug/Kg13 Total/NA117J8270D ☼Chrysene 39 ug/Kg11 Total/NA122J8270D ☼Fluoranthene 39 ug/Kg7.3 Total/NA130J8270D ☼Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 39 ug/Kg10 Total/NA118J8270D ☼Phenanthrene 39 ug/Kg5.5 Total/NA115J8270D ☼Pyrene 39 ug/Kg7.8 Total/NA132J8270D ☼Arsenic 2.0 mg/Kg0.82 Total/NA13.1 6010D ☼Barium 1.0 mg/Kg0.16 Total/NA1856010D ☼Chromium 1.0 mg/Kg0.21 Total/NA1666010D ☼Lead 1.0 mg/Kg0.35 Total/NA1276010D ☼Mercury 0.023 mg/Kg0.0090 Total/NA10.21 7471B TestAmerica Chicago This Detection Summary does not include radiochemical test results. Page 4 of 34 3/30/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Method Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-125446-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: 161-650 Powers Site NC Method Method Description LaboratoryProtocol SW8468260BVolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS)TAL CHI SW8468270DSemivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS)TAL CHI SW8466010DMetals (ICP)TAL SAV SW8467471BMercury (CVAA)TAL SAV EPAMoisturePercent Moisture TAL CHI Protocol References: EPA = US Environmental Protection Agency SW846 = "Test Methods For Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods", Third Edition, November 1986 And Its Updates. Laboratory References: TAL CHI = TestAmerica Chicago, 2417 Bond Street, University Park, IL 60484, TEL (708)534-5200 TAL SAV = TestAmerica Savannah, 5102 LaRoche Avenue, Savannah, GA 31404, TEL (912)354-7858 TestAmerica Chicago Page 5 of 34 3/30/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Sample Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-125446-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: 161-650 Powers Site NC Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID ReceivedCollectedMatrix 500-125446-1 Drum-2 Solid 03/21/17 13:00 03/22/17 10:25 TestAmerica Chicago Page 6 of 34 3/30/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-125446-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: 161-650 Powers Site NC Lab Sample ID: 500-125446-1Client Sample ID: Drum-2 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 03/21/17 13:00 Percent Solids: 83.6Date Received: 03/22/17 10:25 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) RL MDL Acetone 230 E 18 7.9 ug/Kg ☼03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 1.8 0.47 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼Benzene <1.8 1.8 0.63 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼Bromobenzene <1.8 1.8 0.56 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼Bromochloromethane <1.8 1.8 0.37 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼Bromodichloromethane <1.8 1.8 0.53 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼Bromoform <1.8 4.6 1.7 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼Bromomethane <4.6 4.6 0.95 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼Carbon disulfide <4.6 1.8 0.53 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼Carbon tetrachloride <1.8 1.8 0.67 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼Chlorobenzene <1.8 4.6 1.4 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼Chloroethane <4.6 1.8 0.63 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼Chloroform <1.8 4.6 1.8 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼Chloromethane <4.6 1.8 0.61 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼2-Chlorotoluene <1.8 1.8 0.82 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼4-Chlorotoluene <1.8 1.8 0.51 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <1.8 1.8 0.55 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <1.8 1.8 0.60 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼Dibromochloromethane <1.8 4.6 1.8 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <4.6 1.8 0.70 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼1,2-Dibromoethane <1.8 1.8 0.60 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼Dibromomethane <1.8 1.8 0.66 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼1,3-Dichlorobenzene <1.8 1.8 0.70 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼1,4-Dichlorobenzene <1.8 1.8 0.68 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼1,2-Dichlorobenzene <1.8 4.6 1.1 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼Dichlorodifluoromethane <4.6 1.8 0.62 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼1,1-Dichloroethane <1.8 4.6 1.4 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼1,2-Dichloroethane <4.6 1.8 0.63 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼1,1-Dichloroethene <1.8 18 9.1 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼2,2-Dichloropropane <18 1.8 0.47 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼1,2-Dichloropropane <1.8 1.8 0.46 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼1,3-Dichloropropane <1.8 1.8 0.49 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼1,1-Dichloropropene <1.8 1.8 0.87 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼Ethylbenzene <1.8 4.6 1.6 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼Hexachlorobutadiene <4.6 4.6 1.4 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼2-Hexanone <4.6 1.8 0.66 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼Isopropylbenzene <1.8 4.6 1.8 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼Methylene Chloride <4.6 4.6 2.0 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼Methyl Ethyl Ketone 18 4.6 1.4 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼methyl isobutyl ketone <4.6 1.8 0.54 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼Methyl tert-butyl ether <1.8 3.6 0.58 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼m&p-Xylene <3.6 4.6 2.0 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼Naphthalene <4.6 1.8 0.80 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼n-Butylbenzene <1.8 1.8 0.74 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼N-Propylbenzene <1.8 1.8 0.58 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼o-Xylene <1.8 1.8 0.74 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼p-Isopropyltoluene <1.8 1.8 0.81 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼sec-Butylbenzene <1.8 1.8 0.55 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼Styrene <1.8 1.8 0.63 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼tert-Butylbenzene <1.8 TestAmerica Chicago Page 7 of 34 3/30/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-125446-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: 161-650 Powers Site NC Lab Sample ID: 500-125446-1Client Sample ID: Drum-2 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 03/21/17 13:00 Percent Solids: 83.6Date Received: 03/22/17 10:25 Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) RL MDL 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.8 1.8 0.42 ug/Kg ☼03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 1.8 0.58 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.8 1.8 0.62 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼Tetrachloroethene <1.8 1.8 0.46 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼Toluene <1.8 1.8 0.81 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <1.8 1.8 0.64 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <1.8 1.8 0.66 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <1.8 1.8 0.89 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <1.8 1.8 0.61 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼1,1,1-Trichloroethane <1.8 1.8 0.78 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼1,1,2-Trichloroethane <1.8 1.8 0.62 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼Trichloroethene <1.8 4.6 1.8 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼Trichlorofluoromethane <4.6 1.8 0.80 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼1,2,3-Trichloropropane <1.8 1.8 0.69 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <1.8 1.8 0.64 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <1.8 1.8 0.81 ug/Kg 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1☼Vinyl chloride <1.8 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr)114 69-134 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery Toluene-d8 (Surr)97 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 175-123 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)100 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 170-120 Dibromofluoromethane 109 03/21/17 12:00 03/30/17 10:24 175-120 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) RL MDL Acenaphthene <39 39 7.0 ug/Kg ☼03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 39 5.2 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼Acenaphthylene <39 39 6.5 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼Anthracene <39 39 5.3 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼Benzo[a]anthracene 17 J 39 7.6 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼Benzo[a]pyrene 23 J 39 8.4 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼Benzo[b]fluoranthene 34 J 39 13 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 17 J 2000 390 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼Benzoic acid <2000 39 12 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼Benzo[k]fluoranthene <39 790 390 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼Benzyl alcohol <790 200 40 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane <200 200 59 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether <200 200 72 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate <200 200 52 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether <200 200 74 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼Butyl benzyl phthalate <200 200 98 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼Carbazole <200 790 180 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼4-Chloroaniline <790 390 130 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼4-Chloro-3-methylphenol <390 200 43 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼2-Chloronaphthalene <200 200 67 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼2-Chlorophenol <200 200 46 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether <200 39 11 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼Chrysene 22 J 39 7.6 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼Dibenz(a,h)anthracene <39 200 46 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼Dibenzofuran <200 200 44 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼1,3-Dichlorobenzene <200 TestAmerica Chicago Page 8 of 34 3/30/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-125446-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: 161-650 Powers Site NC Lab Sample ID: 500-125446-1Client Sample ID: Drum-2 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 03/21/17 13:00 Percent Solids: 83.6Date Received: 03/22/17 10:25 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) RL MDL 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <200 200 50 ug/Kg ☼03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 200 47 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼1,2-Dichlorobenzene <200 200 55 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine <200 390 93 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼2,4-Dichlorophenol <390 200 66 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼Diethyl phthalate <200 390 150 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼2,4-Dimethylphenol <390 200 51 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼Dimethyl phthalate <200 200 60 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼Di-n-butyl phthalate <200 790 310 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol <790 790 690 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼2,4-Dinitrophenol <790 200 77 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼2,6-Dinitrotoluene <200 200 62 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼2,4-Dinitrotoluene <200 200 64 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼Di-n-octyl phthalate <200 39 7.3 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼Fluoranthene 30 J 39 5.5 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼Fluorene <39 79 9.1 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼Hexachlorobenzene <79 200 62 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼Hexachlorobutadiene <200 790 230 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼Hexachlorocyclopentadiene <790 200 60 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼Hexachloroethane <200 39 10 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 18 J 200 44 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼Isophorone <200 79 7.2 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼2-Methylnaphthalene <79 200 63 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼2-Methylphenol <200 200 65 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼3 & 4 Methylphenol <200 39 6.0 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼Naphthalene <39 200 53 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼2-Nitroaniline <200 390 120 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼3-Nitroaniline <390 390 160 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼4-Nitroaniline <390 39 9.8 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼Nitrobenzene <39 390 93 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼2-Nitrophenol <390 790 370 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼4-Nitrophenol <790 79 48 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine <79 200 46 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼N-Nitrosodiphenylamine <200 200 45 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼2,2'-oxybis[1-chloropropane]<200 790 630 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼Pentachlorophenol <790 39 5.5 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼Phenanthrene 15 J 200 87 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼Phenol <200 39 7.8 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼Pyrene 32 J 200 42 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <200 390 130 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼2,4,6-Trichlorophenol <390 390 89 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1☼2,4,5-Trichlorophenol <390 Unknown 13000 T J ug/Kg ☼2.44 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1 Tentatively Identified Compound Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDQualifierEst. Result CAS No.RT ☼103/29/17 11:3403/27/17 15:38T JUnknown580 ug/Kg 2.94 ☼103/29/17 11:3403/27/17 15:38T JUnknown210 ug/Kg 3.57 ☼103/29/17 11:3403/27/17 15:38T J N3-Penten-2-one, 4-methyl-141-79-7360ug/Kg 4.16 ☼103/29/17 11:3403/27/17 15:38T JUnknown2800 ug/Kg 4.56 ☼103/29/17 11:3403/27/17 15:38T JUnknown23000 ug/Kg 4.76 ☼103/29/17 11:3403/27/17 15:38T J N2-Pentanone, 4-methoxy-4-methyl-107-70-010000ug/Kg 5.08 TestAmerica Chicago Page 9 of 34 3/30/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Client Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-125446-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: 161-650 Powers Site NC Lab Sample ID: 500-125446-1Client Sample ID: Drum-2 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 03/21/17 13:00 Percent Solids: 83.6Date Received: 03/22/17 10:25 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) 1-Chloronaphthalene 520 ug/Kg ☼8.26 90-13-1 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1 Tentatively Identified Compound Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDQualifierEst. Result CAS No.RT ☼103/29/17 11:3403/27/17 15:383,4-Dichlorophenol 95-77-21200ug/Kg 8.26 ☼103/29/17 11:3403/27/17 15:38T J NOctadecane 593-45-3250ug/Kg 16.55 2-Fluorophenol (Surr)90 40-130 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery Phenol-d5 (Surr)87 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 136-123 Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)70 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 133-124 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)75 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 142-115 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (Surr)43 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 125-130 Terphenyl-d14 (Surr)94 03/27/17 15:38 03/29/17 11:34 125-150 Method: 6010D - Metals (ICP) RL MDL Arsenic 3.1 2.0 0.82 mg/Kg ☼03/23/17 07:12 03/23/17 12:42 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 1.0 0.16 mg/Kg 03/23/17 07:12 03/23/17 12:42 1☼Barium 85 0.51 0.10 mg/Kg 03/23/17 07:12 03/23/17 12:42 1☼Cadmium <0.51 1.0 0.21 mg/Kg 03/23/17 07:12 03/23/17 12:42 1☼Chromium 66 1.0 0.061 mg/Kg 03/23/17 07:12 03/23/17 12:42 1☼Silver <1.0 1.0 0.35 mg/Kg 03/23/17 07:12 03/23/17 12:42 1☼Lead 27 2.6 0.99 mg/Kg 03/23/17 07:12 03/23/17 12:42 1☼Selenium <2.6 Method: 7471B - Mercury (CVAA) RL MDL Mercury 0.21 0.023 0.0090 mg/Kg ☼03/23/17 08:05 03/23/17 14:35 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier TestAmerica Chicago Page 10 of 34 3/30/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Definitions/Glossary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-125446-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: 161-650 Powers Site NC Qualifiers GC/MS VOA Qualifier Description E Result exceeded calibration range. Qualifier GC/MS Semi VOA Qualifier Description J Result is less than the RL but greater than or equal to the MDL and the concentration is an approximate value. Qualifier GC/MS Semi VOA TICs Qualifier Description J Indicates an Estimated Value for TICs Qualifier N Presumptive evidence of material. T Result is a tentatively identified compound (TIC) and an estimated value. Glossary These commonly used abbreviations may or may not be present in this report. ¤Listed under the "D" column to designate that the result is reported on a dry weight basis Abbreviation %R Percent Recovery CFL Contains Free Liquid CNF Contains no Free Liquid DER Duplicate error ratio (normalized absolute difference) Dil Fac Dilution Factor DL, RA, RE, IN Indicates a Dilution, Re-analysis, Re-extraction, or additional Initial metals/anion analysis of the sample DLC Decision level concentration MDA Minimum detectable activity EDL Estimated Detection Limit MDC Minimum detectable concentration MDL Method Detection Limit ML Minimum Level (Dioxin) NC Not Calculated ND Not detected at the reporting limit (or MDL or EDL if shown) PQL Practical Quantitation Limit QC Quality Control RER Relative error ratio RL Reporting Limit or Requested Limit (Radiochemistry) RPD Relative Percent Difference, a measure of the relative difference between two points TEF Toxicity Equivalent Factor (Dioxin) TEQ Toxicity Equivalent Quotient (Dioxin) TestAmerica Chicago Page 11 of 34 3/30/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Association Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-125446-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: 161-650 Powers Site NC GC/MS VOA Prep Batch: 376958 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 5035500-125446-1 Drum-2 Total/NA Analysis Batch: 377978 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 8260B 376958500-125446-1 Drum-2 Total/NA Solid 8260BMB 500-377978/5 Method Blank Total/NA Solid 8260BLCS 500-377978/6 Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid 8260BLCSD 500-377978/7 Lab Control Sample Dup Total/NA GC/MS Semi VOA Prep Batch: 377540 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 3541500-125446-1 Drum-2 Total/NA Solid 3541MB 500-377540/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 3541LCS 500-377540/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Analysis Batch: 377620 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 8270D 377540MB 500-377540/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 8270D 377540LCS 500-377540/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Analysis Batch: 377807 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 8270D 377540500-125446-1 Drum-2 Total/NA Metals Prep Batch: 473413 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 3050B500-125446-1 Drum-2 Total/NA Solid 3050BMB 680-473413/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 3050BLCS 680-473413/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Prep Batch: 473426 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 7471B500-125446-1 Drum-2 Total/NA Solid 7471BMB 680-473426/13-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 7471BLCS 680-473426/14-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Analysis Batch: 473546 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 6010D 473413500-125446-1 Drum-2 Total/NA Solid 6010D 473413MB 680-473413/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 6010D 473413LCS 680-473413/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Analysis Batch: 473595 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 7471B 473426500-125446-1 Drum-2 Total/NA Solid 7471B 473426MB 680-473426/13-A Method Blank Total/NA TestAmerica Chicago Page 12 of 34 3/30/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Association Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-125446-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: 161-650 Powers Site NC Metals (Continued) Analysis Batch: 473595 (Continued) Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid 7471B 473426LCS 680-473426/14-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA General Chemistry Analysis Batch: 377042 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Solid Moisture500-125446-1 Drum-2 Total/NA TestAmerica Chicago Page 13 of 34 3/30/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Surrogate Summary TestAmerica Job ID: 500-125446-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: 161-650 Powers Site NC Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) Prep Type: Total/NAMatrix: Solid Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID (69-134)(75-123)(70-120)(75-120) 12DCE TOL BFB DBFM 114 97 100 109500-125446-1 Percent Surrogate Recovery (Acceptance Limits) Drum-2 98 102 99 101LCS 500-377978/6 Lab Control Sample 100 100 100 107LCSD 500-377978/7 Lab Control Sample Dup 98 99 98 105MB 500-377978/5 Method Blank Surrogate Legend 12DCE = 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) TOL = Toluene-d8 (Surr) BFB = 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) DBFM = Dibromofluoromethane Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) Prep Type: Total/NAMatrix: Solid Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID (40-130)(36-123)(33-124)(42-115)(25-130)(25-150) 2FP PHL NBZ FBP TBP TPH 90 87 70 75 43 94500-125446-1 Percent Surrogate Recovery (Acceptance Limits) Drum-2 91 85 82 9380 89LCS 500-377540/2-A Lab Control Sample 93 92 90 6684 95MB 500-377540/1-A Method Blank Surrogate Legend 2FP = 2-Fluorophenol (Surr) PHL = Phenol-d5 (Surr) NBZ = Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr) FBP = 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) TBP = 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (Surr) TPH = Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) TestAmerica Chicago Page 14 of 34 3/30/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-125446-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: 161-650 Powers Site NC Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 500-377978/5 Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 377978 RL MDL Acetone <20 20 8.7 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <2.0 0.512.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1Benzene <2.0 0.692.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1Bromobenzene <2.0 0.612.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1Bromochloromethane <2.0 0.412.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1Bromodichloromethane <2.0 0.582.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1Bromoform <5.0 1.95.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1Bromomethane <5.0 1.05.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1Carbon disulfide <2.0 0.582.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1Carbon tetrachloride <2.0 0.742.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1Chlorobenzene <5.0 1.55.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1Chloroethane <2.0 0.692.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1Chloroform <5.0 2.05.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1Chloromethane <2.0 0.672.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 12-Chlorotoluene <2.0 0.902.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 14-Chlorotoluene <2.0 0.562.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <2.0 0.602.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <2.0 0.652.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1Dibromochloromethane <5.0 2.05.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 11,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <2.0 0.762.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 11,2-Dibromoethane <2.0 0.662.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1Dibromomethane <2.0 0.732.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 11,3-Dichlorobenzene <2.0 0.772.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 11,4-Dichlorobenzene <2.0 0.742.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 11,2-Dichlorobenzene <5.0 1.25.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1Dichlorodifluoromethane <2.0 0.692.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 11,1-Dichloroethane <5.0 1.65.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 11,2-Dichloroethane <2.0 0.692.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 11,1-Dichloroethene <20 1020 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 12,2-Dichloropropane <2.0 0.522.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 11,2-Dichloropropane <2.0 0.502.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 11,3-Dichloropropane <2.0 0.542.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 11,1-Dichloropropene <2.0 0.962.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1Ethylbenzene <5.0 1.85.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1Hexachlorobutadiene <5.0 1.65.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 12-Hexanone <2.0 0.722.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1Isopropylbenzene <5.0 2.05.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1Methylene Chloride <5.0 2.25.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1Methyl Ethyl Ketone <5.0 1.55.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1methyl isobutyl ketone <2.0 0.592.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1Methyl tert-butyl ether <4.0 0.634.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1m&p-Xylene <5.0 2.25.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1Naphthalene <2.0 0.882.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1n-Butylbenzene <2.0 0.822.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1N-Propylbenzene <2.0 0.642.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1o-Xylene <2.0 0.822.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1p-Isopropyltoluene <2.0 0.892.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1sec-Butylbenzene <2.0 0.602.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1Styrene TestAmerica Chicago Page 15 of 34 3/30/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-125446-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: 161-650 Powers Site NC Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 500-377978/5 Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 377978 RL MDL tert-Butylbenzene <2.0 2.0 0.70 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <2.0 0.462.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 11,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <2.0 0.642.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 11,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <2.0 0.682.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1Tetrachloroethene <2.0 0.512.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1Toluene <2.0 0.892.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <2.0 0.702.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <2.0 0.722.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 11,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <2.0 0.972.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 11,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <2.0 0.672.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 11,1,1-Trichloroethane <2.0 0.862.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 11,1,2-Trichloroethane <2.0 0.682.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1Trichloroethene <5.0 2.05.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1Trichlorofluoromethane <2.0 0.882.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 11,2,3-Trichloropropane <2.0 0.752.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 11,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <2.0 0.702.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 11,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <2.0 0.892.0 ug/Kg 03/30/17 09:58 1Vinyl chloride 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr)98 69-134 03/30/17 09:58 1 MB MB Surrogate Dil FacPreparedAnalyzedQualifierLimits%Recovery 99 03/30/17 09:58 1Toluene-d8 (Surr)75-123 98 03/30/17 09:58 14-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)70-120 105 03/30/17 09:58 1Dibromofluoromethane75-120 Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 500-377978/6 Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 377978 Acetone 50.0 52.9 ug/Kg 106 40-148 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits Benzene 50.0 52.5 ug/Kg 105 70-120 Bromobenzene 50.0 49.1 ug/Kg 98 70-120 Bromochloromethane 50.0 53.5 ug/Kg 107 70-120 Bromodichloromethane 50.0 54.5 ug/Kg 109 67-120 Bromoform 50.0 54.4 ug/Kg 109 50-129 Bromomethane 50.0 55.1 ug/Kg 110 50-134 Carbon disulfide 50.0 54.3 ug/Kg 109 67-133 Carbon tetrachloride 50.0 60.8 ug/Kg 122 65-123 Chlorobenzene 50.0 50.8 ug/Kg 102 70-120 Chloroethane 50.0 49.4 ug/Kg 99 40-150 Chloroform 50.0 54.3 ug/Kg 109 70-120 Chloromethane 50.0 44.2 ug/Kg 88 63-135 2-Chlorotoluene 50.0 49.9 ug/Kg 100 70-129 4-Chlorotoluene 50.0 50.6 ug/Kg 101 70-127 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 53.2 ug/Kg 106 70-120 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 52.2 ug/Kg 104 70-120 Dibromochloromethane 50.0 52.4 ug/Kg 105 68-120 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 50.0 53.4 ug/Kg 107 69-125 TestAmerica Chicago Page 16 of 34 3/30/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-125446-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: 161-650 Powers Site NC Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 500-377978/6 Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 377978 1,2-Dibromoethane 50.0 51.5 ug/Kg 103 70-120 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits Dibromomethane 50.0 51.6 ug/Kg 103 70-120 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 48.9 ug/Kg 98 70-122 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 48.1 ug/Kg 96 70-122 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 48.4 ug/Kg 97 70-123 Dichlorodifluoromethane 50.0 37.1 ug/Kg 74 40-149 1,1-Dichloroethane 50.0 54.6 ug/Kg 109 70-125 1,2-Dichloroethane 50.0 52.4 ug/Kg 105 65-126 1,1-Dichloroethene 50.0 53.2 ug/Kg 106 70-122 2,2-Dichloropropane 50.0 57.2 ug/Kg 114 42-120 1,2-Dichloropropane 50.0 51.9 ug/Kg 104 70-126 1,3-Dichloropropane 50.0 48.3 ug/Kg 97 70-122 1,1-Dichloropropene 50.0 53.2 ug/Kg 106 70-123 Ethylbenzene 50.0 51.3 ug/Kg 103 70-120 Hexachlorobutadiene 50.0 56.3 ug/Kg 113 70-140 2-Hexanone 50.0 58.4 ug/Kg 117 51-139 Isopropylbenzene 50.0 51.1 ug/Kg 102 70-127 Methylene Chloride 50.0 50.2 ug/Kg 100 70-121 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 50.0 55.8 ug/Kg 112 47-138 methyl isobutyl ketone 50.0 61.5 ug/Kg 123 51-141 Methyl tert-butyl ether 50.0 56.3 ug/Kg 113 70-121 m&p-Xylene 50.0 52.7 ug/Kg 105 70-120 Naphthalene 50.0 53.8 ug/Kg 108 70-133 n-Butylbenzene 50.0 52.7 ug/Kg 105 70-133 N-Propylbenzene 50.0 51.3 ug/Kg 103 70-132 o-Xylene 50.0 52.3 ug/Kg 105 70-123 p-Isopropyltoluene 50.0 52.0 ug/Kg 104 70-127 sec-Butylbenzene 50.0 51.2 ug/Kg 102 70-131 Styrene 50.0 51.9 ug/Kg 104 70-121 tert-Butylbenzene 50.0 51.7 ug/Kg 103 70-128 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 54.4 ug/Kg 109 70-120 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 49.3 ug/Kg 99 70-125 Tetrachloroethene 50.0 51.4 ug/Kg 103 70-122 Toluene 50.0 50.4 ug/Kg 101 70-121 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 53.9 ug/Kg 108 70-120 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 53.1 ug/Kg 106 70-121 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 50.0 52.3 ug/Kg 105 70-130 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 50.0 51.3 ug/Kg 103 70-128 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 50.0 58.9 ug/Kg 118 70-120 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 50.0 49.7 ug/Kg 99 70-120 Trichloroethene 50.0 51.5 ug/Kg 103 70-124 Trichlorofluoromethane 50.0 53.9 ug/Kg 108 56-117 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 50.0 49.5 ug/Kg 99 70-125 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 50.0 51.4 ug/Kg 103 70-125 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 50.0 51.6 ug/Kg 103 70-126 Vinyl chloride 50.0 46.1 ug/Kg 92 64-125 TestAmerica Chicago Page 17 of 34 3/30/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-125446-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: 161-650 Powers Site NC Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 500-377978/6 Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 377978 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr)69 -134 Surrogate 98 LCS LCS Qualifier Limits%Recovery 102Toluene-d8 (Surr)75 -123 994-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)70 -120 101Dibromofluoromethane 75 -120 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample DupLab Sample ID: LCSD 500-377978/7 Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 377978 Acetone 50.0 59.1 ug/Kg 118 40-148 11 30 Analyte LCSD LCSD DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits LimitRPD RPD Benzene 50.0 52.0 ug/Kg 104 70-120 1 30 Bromobenzene 50.0 48.1 ug/Kg 96 70-120 2 30 Bromochloromethane 50.0 53.1 ug/Kg 106 70-120 1 30 Bromodichloromethane 50.0 54.4 ug/Kg 109 67-120 0 30 Bromoform 50.0 54.1 ug/Kg 108 50-129 0 30 Bromomethane 50.0 55.9 ug/Kg 112 50-134 1 30 Carbon disulfide 50.0 55.5 ug/Kg 111 67-133 2 30 Carbon tetrachloride 50.0 60.5 ug/Kg 121 65-123 1 30 Chlorobenzene 50.0 50.2 ug/Kg 100 70-120 1 30 Chloroethane 50.0 52.2 ug/Kg 104 40-150 6 30 Chloroform 50.0 54.7 ug/Kg 109 70-120 1 30 Chloromethane 50.0 45.8 ug/Kg 92 63-135 4 30 2-Chlorotoluene 50.0 49.3 ug/Kg 99 70-129 1 30 4-Chlorotoluene 50.0 50.0 ug/Kg 100 70-127 1 30 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 53.2 ug/Kg 106 70-120 0 30 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 50.3 ug/Kg 101 70-120 4 30 Dibromochloromethane 50.0 53.8 ug/Kg 108 68-120 2 30 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 50.0 55.6 ug/Kg 111 69-125 4 30 1,2-Dibromoethane 50.0 50.0 ug/Kg 100 70-120 3 30 Dibromomethane 50.0 53.0 ug/Kg 106 70-120 3 30 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 49.2 ug/Kg 98 70-122 0 30 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 49.3 ug/Kg 99 70-122 2 30 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 48.5 ug/Kg 97 70-123 0 30 Dichlorodifluoromethane 50.0 37.7 ug/Kg 75 40-149 2 30 1,1-Dichloroethane 50.0 55.7 ug/Kg 111 70-125 2 30 1,2-Dichloroethane 50.0 55.0 ug/Kg 110 65-126 5 30 1,1-Dichloroethene 50.0 54.7 ug/Kg 109 70-122 3 30 2,2-Dichloropropane 50.0 55.2 ug/Kg 110 42-120 3 30 1,2-Dichloropropane 50.0 53.4 ug/Kg 107 70-126 3 30 1,3-Dichloropropane 50.0 49.8 ug/Kg 100 70-122 3 30 1,1-Dichloropropene 50.0 53.5 ug/Kg 107 70-123 1 30 Ethylbenzene 50.0 49.4 ug/Kg 99 70-120 4 30 Hexachlorobutadiene 50.0 56.5 ug/Kg 113 70-140 0 30 2-Hexanone 50.0 64.2 ug/Kg 128 51-139 10 30 Isopropylbenzene 50.0 49.7 ug/Kg 99 70-127 3 30 Methylene Chloride 50.0 51.2 ug/Kg 102 70-121 2 30 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 50.0 59.6 ug/Kg 119 47-138 7 30 TestAmerica Chicago Page 18 of 34 3/30/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-125446-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: 161-650 Powers Site NC Method: 8260B - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample DupLab Sample ID: LCSD 500-377978/7 Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 377978 methyl isobutyl ketone 50.0 63.4 ug/Kg 127 51-141 3 30 Analyte LCSD LCSD DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits LimitRPD RPD Methyl tert-butyl ether 50.0 60.6 ug/Kg 121 70-121 7 30 m&p-Xylene 50.0 50.9 ug/Kg 102 70-120 3 30 Naphthalene 50.0 56.3 ug/Kg 113 70-133 5 30 n-Butylbenzene 50.0 52.3 ug/Kg 105 70-133 1 30 N-Propylbenzene 50.0 50.0 ug/Kg 100 70-132 2 30 o-Xylene 50.0 50.8 ug/Kg 102 70-123 3 30 p-Isopropyltoluene 50.0 51.5 ug/Kg 103 70-127 1 30 sec-Butylbenzene 50.0 50.8 ug/Kg 102 70-131 1 30 Styrene 50.0 50.4 ug/Kg 101 70-121 3 30 tert-Butylbenzene 50.0 50.2 ug/Kg 100 70-128 3 30 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 51.8 ug/Kg 104 70-120 5 30 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 51.8 ug/Kg 104 70-125 5 30 Tetrachloroethene 50.0 48.9 ug/Kg 98 70-122 5 30 Toluene 50.0 48.1 ug/Kg 96 70-121 5 30 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 54.3 ug/Kg 109 70-120 1 30 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 53.6 ug/Kg 107 70-121 1 30 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 50.0 54.9 ug/Kg 110 70-130 5 30 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 50.0 53.9 ug/Kg 108 70-128 5 30 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 50.0 58.4 ug/Kg 117 70-120 1 30 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 50.0 50.0 ug/Kg 100 70-120 1 30 Trichloroethene 50.0 53.2 ug/Kg 106 70-124 3 30 Trichlorofluoromethane 50.0 51.4 ug/Kg 103 56-117 5 30 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 50.0 51.8 ug/Kg 104 70-125 4 30 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 50.0 49.8 ug/Kg 100 70-125 3 30 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 50.0 50.9 ug/Kg 102 70-126 1 30 Vinyl chloride 50.0 48.2 ug/Kg 96 64-125 4 30 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr)69 -134 Surrogate 100 LCSD LCSD Qualifier Limits%Recovery 100Toluene-d8 (Surr)75 -123 1004-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr)70 -120 107Dibromofluoromethane 75 -120 Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 500-377540/1-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 377620 Prep Batch: 377540 RL MDL Acenaphthene <33 33 6.0 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <33 4.433 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Acenaphthylene <33 5.633 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Anthracene <33 4.533 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Benzo[a]anthracene <33 6.433 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Benzo[a]pyrene <33 7.233 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Benzo[b]fluoranthene <33 1133 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Benzo[g,h,i]perylene TestAmerica Chicago Page 19 of 34 3/30/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-125446-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: 161-650 Powers Site NC Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 500-377540/1-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 377620 Prep Batch: 377540 RL MDL Benzoic acid <1700 1700 330 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <33 9.833 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Benzo[k]fluoranthene <670 330670 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Benzyl alcohol <170 34170 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane <170 50170 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether <170 61170 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate <170 44170 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 14-Bromophenyl phenyl ether <170 63170 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Butyl benzyl phthalate <170 83170 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Carbazole <670 160670 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 14-Chloroaniline <330 110330 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 14-Chloro-3-methylphenol <170 37170 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 12-Chloronaphthalene <170 57170 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 12-Chlorophenol <170 39170 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 14-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether <33 9.133 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Chrysene <33 6.433 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Dibenz(a,h)anthracene <170 39170 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Dibenzofuran <170 37170 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 11,3-Dichlorobenzene <170 43170 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 11,4-Dichlorobenzene <170 40170 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 11,2-Dichlorobenzene <170 47170 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 13,3'-Dichlorobenzidine <330 79330 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 12,4-Dichlorophenol <170 56170 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Diethyl phthalate <330 130330 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 12,4-Dimethylphenol <170 43170 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Dimethyl phthalate <170 51170 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Di-n-butyl phthalate <670 270670 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 14,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol <670 590670 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 12,4-Dinitrophenol <170 65170 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 12,6-Dinitrotoluene <170 53170 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 12,4-Dinitrotoluene <170 54170 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Di-n-octyl phthalate <33 6.233 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Fluoranthene <33 4.733 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Fluorene <67 7.767 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Hexachlorobenzene <170 52170 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Hexachlorobutadiene <670 190670 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Hexachlorocyclopentadiene <170 51170 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Hexachloroethane <33 8.633 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene <170 37170 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Isophorone <67 6.167 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 12-Methylnaphthalene <170 53170 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 12-Methylphenol <170 55170 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 13 & 4 Methylphenol <33 5.133 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Naphthalene <170 45170 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 12-Nitroaniline <330 100330 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 13-Nitroaniline <330 140330 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 14-Nitroaniline <33 8.333 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Nitrobenzene <330 79330 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 12-Nitrophenol TestAmerica Chicago Page 20 of 34 3/30/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-125446-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: 161-650 Powers Site NC Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 500-377540/1-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 377620 Prep Batch: 377540 RL MDL 4-Nitrophenol <670 670 320 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <67 4167 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine <170 39170 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1N-Nitrosodiphenylamine <170 39170 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 12,2'-oxybis[1-chloropropane] <670 530670 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Pentachlorophenol <33 4.633 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Phenanthrene <170 74170 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Phenol <33 6.633 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Pyrene <170 36170 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 11,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <330 110330 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 12,4,6-Trichlorophenol <330 76330 ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 12,4,5-Trichlorophenol Tentatively Identified Compound None ug/Kg 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1 MB MB Tentatively Identified Compound Dil FacPreparedAnalyzedDUnitQualifierEst. Result RT CAS No. 2-Fluorophenol (Surr)93 40-130 03/28/17 12:49 1 MB MB Surrogate 03/27/17 15:38 Dil FacPreparedAnalyzedQualifierLimits%Recovery 92 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Phenol-d5 (Surr)36-123 90 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)33-124 84 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 12-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)42-115 66 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 12,4,6-Tribromophenol (Surr)25-130 95 03/27/17 15:38 03/28/17 12:49 1Terphenyl-d14 (Surr)25-150 Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 500-377540/2-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 377620 Prep Batch: 377540 Acenaphthene 1330 1160 ug/Kg 87 52-113 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits Acenaphthylene 1330 1100 ug/Kg 82 57-116 Anthracene 1330 1160 ug/Kg 87 57-118 Benzo[a]anthracene 1330 1140 ug/Kg 86 63-115 Benzo[a]pyrene 1330 1170 ug/Kg 88 64-122 Benzo[b]fluoranthene 1330 1160 ug/Kg 87 61-123 Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 1330 1180 ug/Kg 89 55-134 Benzoic acid 2670 764 J ug/Kg 29 10-100 Benzo[k]fluoranthene 1330 1160 ug/Kg 87 59-125 Benzyl alcohol 1330 1140 ug/Kg 86 10-130 Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 1330 1140 ug/Kg 85 59-116 Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether 1330 1080 ug/Kg 81 53-116 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 1330 1170 ug/Kg 88 62-117 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 1330 1120 ug/Kg 84 61-124 Butyl benzyl phthalate 1330 1160 ug/Kg 87 61-115 Carbazole 1330 1370 ug/Kg 103 65-137 4-Chloroaniline 1330 1260 ug/Kg 95 10-150 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1330 1150 ug/Kg 87 59-117 2-Chloronaphthalene 1330 1150 ug/Kg 86 57-112 TestAmerica Chicago Page 21 of 34 3/30/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-125446-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: 161-650 Powers Site NC Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 500-377540/2-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 377620 Prep Batch: 377540 2-Chlorophenol 1330 1180 ug/Kg 88 57-117 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 1330 1160 ug/Kg 87 61-111 Chrysene 1330 1130 ug/Kg 85 63-118 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 1330 1210 ug/Kg 91 61-134 Dibenzofuran 1330 1150 ug/Kg 86 59-110 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1330 1090 ug/Kg 82 56-110 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1330 1090 ug/Kg 82 57-110 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1330 1110 ug/Kg 83 56-110 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 1330 1180 ug/Kg 88 40-110 2,4-Dichlorophenol 1330 1130 ug/Kg 85 61-116 Diethyl phthalate 1330 1160 ug/Kg 87 58-117 2,4-Dimethylphenol 1330 1110 ug/Kg 83 50-120 Dimethyl phthalate 1330 1150 ug/Kg 86 60-112 Di-n-butyl phthalate 1330 1150 ug/Kg 87 61-123 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 2670 863 ug/Kg 32 10-110 2,4-Dinitrophenol 2670 <670 ug/Kg 11 10-110 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 1330 1180 ug/Kg 89 57-118 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 1330 1200 ug/Kg 90 59-119 Di-n-octyl phthalate 1330 1150 ug/Kg 86 58-129 Fluoranthene 1330 1160 ug/Kg 87 61-124 Fluorene 1330 1170 ug/Kg 87 56-115 Hexachlorobenzene 1330 1160 ug/Kg 87 62-126 Hexachlorobutadiene 1330 1110 ug/Kg 83 56-120 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 1330 930 ug/Kg 70 10-116 Hexachloroethane 1330 1090 ug/Kg 82 54-111 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 1330 1190 ug/Kg 89 50-149 Isophorone 1330 1100 ug/Kg 82 54-120 2-Methylnaphthalene 1330 1150 ug/Kg 86 55-120 2-Methylphenol 1330 1170 ug/Kg 88 53-123 3 & 4 Methylphenol 1330 1210 ug/Kg 91 55-124 Naphthalene 1330 1140 ug/Kg 86 58-116 2-Nitroaniline 1330 1180 ug/Kg 89 52-121 3-Nitroaniline 1330 1270 ug/Kg 96 20-144 4-Nitroaniline 1330 1650 ug/Kg 124 55-146 Nitrobenzene 1330 1170 ug/Kg 88 56-121 2-Nitrophenol 1330 1150 ug/Kg 86 58-121 4-Nitrophenol 2670 2370 ug/Kg 89 32-123 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 1330 1240 ug/Kg 93 56-119 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 1330 1200 ug/Kg 90 62-117 2,2'-oxybis[1-chloropropane]1330 1080 ug/Kg 81 22-133 Pentachlorophenol 2670 1640 ug/Kg 61 12-116 Phenanthrene 1330 1130 ug/Kg 84 58-125 Phenol 1330 1190 ug/Kg 89 55-118 Pyrene 1330 1200 ug/Kg 90 60-115 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1330 1160 ug/Kg 87 60-116 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 1330 1130 ug/Kg 85 50-120 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 1330 1200 ug/Kg 90 42-119 TestAmerica Chicago Page 22 of 34 3/30/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-125446-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: 161-650 Powers Site NC Method: 8270D - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 500-377540/2-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 377620 Prep Batch: 377540 2-Fluorophenol (Surr)40 -130 Surrogate 91 LCS LCS Qualifier Limits%Recovery 85Phenol-d5 (Surr)36 -123 82Nitrobenzene-d5 (Surr)33 -124 802-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr)42 -115 932,4,6-Tribromophenol (Surr)25 -130 89Terphenyl-d14 (Surr)25 -150 Method: 6010D - Metals (ICP) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 680-473413/1-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 473546 Prep Batch: 473413 RL MDL Arsenic <2.0 2.0 0.79 mg/Kg 03/23/17 07:12 03/23/17 11:59 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <0.99 0.160.99 mg/Kg 03/23/17 07:12 03/23/17 11:59 1Barium <0.50 0.0990.50 mg/Kg 03/23/17 07:12 03/23/17 11:59 1Cadmium <0.99 0.210.99 mg/Kg 03/23/17 07:12 03/23/17 11:59 1Chromium <0.99 0.0590.99 mg/Kg 03/23/17 07:12 03/23/17 11:59 1Silver <0.99 0.340.99 mg/Kg 03/23/17 07:12 03/23/17 11:59 1Lead <2.5 0.962.5 mg/Kg 03/23/17 07:12 03/23/17 11:59 1Selenium Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 680-473413/2-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 473546 Prep Batch: 473413 Arsenic 9.43 9.86 mg/Kg 105 80-120 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits Barium 9.43 9.90 mg/Kg 105 80-120 Cadmium 4.72 5.00 mg/Kg 106 80-120 Chromium 9.43 10.3 mg/Kg 109 80-120 Silver 4.72 5.25 mg/Kg 111 80-120 Lead 47.2 49.6 mg/Kg 105 80-120 Selenium 9.43 9.74 mg/Kg 103 80-120 Method: 7471B - Mercury (CVAA) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 680-473426/13-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 473595 Prep Batch: 473426 RL MDL Mercury <0.019 0.019 0.0077 mg/Kg 03/23/17 08:05 03/23/17 13:35 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier TestAmerica Chicago Page 23 of 34 3/30/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results TestAmerica Job ID: 500-125446-1Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Project/Site: 161-650 Powers Site NC Method: 7471B - Mercury (CVAA) (Continued) Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 680-473426/14-A Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 473595 Prep Batch: 473426 Mercury 0.245 0.244 mg/Kg 99 80-120 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec. Limits TestAmerica Chicago Page 24 of 34 3/30/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Lab Chronicle Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc TestAmerica Job ID: 500-125446-1 Project/Site: 161-650 Powers Site NC Client Sample ID: Drum-2 Lab Sample ID: 500-125446-1 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 03/21/17 13:00 Date Received: 03/22/17 10:25 Analysis Moisture 03/23/17 14:10 LWN1377042 TAL CHI Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Client Sample ID: Drum-2 Lab Sample ID: 500-125446-1 Matrix: SolidDate Collected: 03/21/17 13:00 Percent Solids: 83.6Date Received: 03/22/17 10:25 Prep 5035 03/21/17 12:00 WRE376958 TAL CHI Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA Analysis 8260B 1 377978 03/30/17 10:24 DJD TAL CHITotal/NA Prep 3541 377540 03/27/17 15:38 JP1 TAL CHITotal/NA Analysis 8270D 1 377807 03/29/17 11:34 AJD TAL CHITotal/NA Prep 3050B 473413 03/23/17 07:12 CDD TAL SAVTotal/NA Analysis 6010D 1 473546 03/23/17 12:42 BCB TAL SAVTotal/NA Prep 7471B 473426 03/23/17 08:05 JKL TAL SAVTotal/NA Analysis 7471B 1 473595 03/23/17 14:35 JKL TAL SAVTotal/NA Laboratory References: TAL CHI = TestAmerica Chicago, 2417 Bond Street, University Park, IL 60484, TEL (708)534-5200 TAL SAV = TestAmerica Savannah, 5102 LaRoche Avenue, Savannah, GA 31404, TEL (912)354-7858 TestAmerica Chicago Page 25 of 34 3/30/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Certification Summary Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc TestAmerica Job ID: 500-125446-1 Project/Site: 161-650 Powers Site NC Laboratory: TestAmerica Chicago All certifications held by this laboratory are listed. Not all certifications are applicable to this report. Authority Program EPA Region Certification ID Expiration Date California 29039State Program 04-30-18 * Georgia State Program 4 N/A 04-30-17 * Georgia State Program 4 939 04-30-17 * Hawaii State Program 9 N/A 04-30-17 * Illinois NELAP 5 100201 04-30-18 Indiana State Program 5 C-IL-02 04-30-17 * Iowa State Program 7 82 05-01-18 Kansas NELAP 7 E-10161 10-31-17 Kentucky (UST)State Program 4 66 04-30-17 * Mississippi State Program 4 N/A 04-30-17 * New York NELAP 2 12019 04-01-17 * North Carolina (WW/SW)State Program 4 291 12-31-17 North Dakota State Program 8 R-194 04-30-17 * Oklahoma State Program 6 8908 08-31-17 South Carolina State Program 4 77001 04-30-17 * USDA Federal P330-15-00038 02-11-18 Wisconsin State Program 5 999580010 08-31-17 Wyoming State Program 8 8TMS-Q 04-30-17 * Laboratory: TestAmerica Savannah All certifications held by this laboratory are listed. Not all certifications are applicable to this report. Authority Program EPA Region Certification ID Expiration Date SAVLABAFCEE Alabama State Program 4 41450 06-30-17 Alaska (UST)State Program 10 UST-104 11-05-17 Arizona State Program 9 AZ808 12-14-17 Arkansas DEQ State Program 6 88-0692 02-01-18 California State Program 9 2939 06-30-17 Colorado State Program 8 N/A 12-31-17 Connecticut State Program 1 PH-0161 03-31-17 * Florida NELAP 4 E87052 06-30-17 GA Dept. of Agriculture State Program 4 N/A 06-12-17 Georgia State Program 4 N/A 06-30-17 Georgia State Program 4 803 06-30-17 Guam State Program 9 15-005r 04-16-17 * Hawaii State Program 9 N/A 06-30-17 Illinois NELAP 5 200022 11-30-17 Indiana State Program 5 N/A 06-30-17 Iowa State Program 7 353 06-30-17 Kentucky (DW)State Program 4 90084 12-31-17 Kentucky (UST)State Program 4 18 06-30-17 Kentucky (WW)State Program 4 90084 12-31-17 L-A-B DoD ELAP L2463 09-22-19 Louisiana NELAP 6 30690 06-30-17 Louisiana (DW)NELAP 6 LA160019 12-31-17 Maine State Program 1 GA00006 09-24-18 Maryland State Program 3 250 12-31-17 Massachusetts State Program 1 M-GA006 06-30-17 Michigan State Program 5 9925 06-30-17 TestAmerica Chicago * Certification renewal pending - certification considered valid. Page 26 of 34 3/30/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Certification Summary Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc TestAmerica Job ID: 500-125446-1 Project/Site: 161-650 Powers Site NC Laboratory: TestAmerica Savannah (Continued) All certifications held by this laboratory are listed. Not all certifications are applicable to this report. Authority Program EPA Region Certification ID Expiration Date Mississippi N/A4State Program 06-30-16 * Nebraska State Program 7 TestAmerica-Savannah 06-30-17 New Jersey NELAP 2 GA769 06-30-17 New Mexico State Program 6 N/A 06-30-17 New York NELAP 2 10842 03-31-17 * North Carolina (DW)State Program 4 13701 07-31-17 North Carolina (WW/SW)State Program 4 269 12-31-17 Oklahoma State Program 6 9984 08-31-17 Pennsylvania NELAP 3 68-00474 06-30-17 Puerto Rico State Program 2 GA00006 12-31-17 South Carolina State Program 4 98001 06-30-17 Tennessee State Program 4 TN02961 06-30-17 Texas NELAP 6 T104704185-16-9 11-30-17 US Fish & Wildlife Federal LE058448-0 10-31-17 USDA Federal SAV 3-04 06-11-17 Virginia NELAP 3 460161 06-14-17 Washington State Program 10 C805 06-10-17 West Virginia (DW)State Program 3 9950C 12-31-17 West Virginia DEP State Program 3 094 06-30-17 Wisconsin State Program 5 999819810 08-31-17 Wyoming State Program 8 8TMS-L 06-30-16 * TestAmerica Chicago * Certification renewal pending - certification considered valid. Page 27 of 34 3/30/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page 28 of 34 3/30/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page 29 of 34 3/30/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page 30 of 34 3/30/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page 31 of 34 3/30/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Login Sample Receipt Checklist Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Job Number: 500-125446-1 Login Number: 125446 Question Answer Comment Creator: Kelsey, Shawn M List Source: TestAmerica Chicago List Number: 1 TrueRadioactivity wasn't checked or is </= background as measured by a survey meter. TrueThe cooler's custody seal, if present, is intact. TrueSample custody seals, if present, are intact. TrueThe cooler or samples do not appear to have been compromised or tampered with. TrueSamples were received on ice. TrueCooler Temperature is acceptable. TrueCooler Temperature is recorded.1.3c TrueCOC is present. TrueCOC is filled out in ink and legible. TrueCOC is filled out with all pertinent information. TrueIs the Field Sampler's name present on COC? TrueThere are no discrepancies between the containers received and the COC. TrueSamples are received within Holding Time (excluding tests with immediate HTs) TrueSample containers have legible labels. TrueContainers are not broken or leaking. TrueSample collection date/times are provided. TrueAppropriate sample containers are used. TrueSample bottles are completely filled. TrueSample Preservation Verified. TrueThere is sufficient vol. for all requested analyses, incl. any requested MS/MSDs N/AContainers requiring zero headspace have no headspace or bubble is <6mm (1/4"). TrueMultiphasic samples are not present. TrueSamples do not require splitting or compositing. N/AResidual Chlorine Checked. TestAmerica Chicago Page 32 of 34 3/30/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Login Sample Receipt Checklist Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Job Number: 500-125446-1 Login Number: 125446 Question Answer Comment Creator: Jackson, Victor L List Source: TestAmerica Savannah List Creation: 03/22/17 05:42 PMList Number: 2 N/ARadioactivity wasn't checked or is </= background as measured by a survey meter. TrueThe cooler's custody seal, if present, is intact. TrueSample custody seals, if present, are intact. TrueThe cooler or samples do not appear to have been compromised or tampered with. TrueSamples were received on ice. TrueCooler Temperature is acceptable. TrueCooler Temperature is recorded. TrueCOC is present. TrueCOC is filled out in ink and legible. TrueCOC is filled out with all pertinent information. N/AIs the Field Sampler's name present on COC? TrueThere are no discrepancies between the containers received and the COC. TrueSamples are received within Holding Time (excluding tests with immediate HTs) TrueSample containers have legible labels. TrueContainers are not broken or leaking. TrueSample collection date/times are provided. TrueAppropriate sample containers are used. TrueSample bottles are completely filled. N/ASample Preservation Verified. TrueThere is sufficient vol. for all requested analyses, incl. any requested MS/MSDs N/AContainers requiring zero headspace have no headspace or bubble is <6mm (1/4"). TrueMultiphasic samples are not present. TrueSamples do not require splitting or compositing. N/AResidual Chlorine Checked. TestAmerica Chicago Page 33 of 34 3/30/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Login Sample Receipt Checklist Client: Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc Job Number: 500-125446-1 Login Number: 125446 Question Answer Comment Creator: Edwards, Jessica R List Source: TestAmerica Savannah List Creation: 03/24/17 01:20 PMList Number: 3 N/ARadioactivity wasn't checked or is </= background as measured by a survey meter. TrueThe cooler's custody seal, if present, is intact. TrueSample custody seals, if present, are intact. TrueThe cooler or samples do not appear to have been compromised or tampered with. TrueSamples were received on ice. TrueCooler Temperature is acceptable. TrueCooler Temperature is recorded. TrueCOC is present. TrueCOC is filled out in ink and legible. TrueCOC is filled out with all pertinent information. N/AIs the Field Sampler's name present on COC? TrueThere are no discrepancies between the containers received and the COC. TrueSamples are received within Holding Time (excluding tests with immediate HTs) TrueSample containers have legible labels. TrueContainers are not broken or leaking. TrueSample collection date/times are provided. TrueAppropriate sample containers are used. TrueSample bottles are completely filled. TrueSample Preservation Verified. TrueThere is sufficient vol. for all requested analyses, incl. any requested MS/MSDs N/AContainers requiring zero headspace have no headspace or bubble is <6mm (1/4"). TrueMultiphasic samples are not present. TrueSamples do not require splitting or compositing. N/AResidual Chlorine Checked. TestAmerica Chicago Page 34 of 34 3/30/2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15