HomeMy WebLinkAboutWater St Deck BPA 4 Brownfields Property Application North Carolina Brownfields Program www.ncbrownfields.org I. PROSPECTIVE DEVELOPER (PD) INFORMATION {USE TAB KEY TO GET TO NEXT DATA ENTRY LINE – DO NOT USE THE RETURN KEY} A. PD information: Entity name East West Partners Management Co., Inc. Principal Officer Roger L. Perry Representative R. Lee Perry Mailing Address 1450 Environ Way Chapel Hill, NC 27517 E-mail address lperry@ewp-nc.com Phone No. 919-929-0660 Fax No. 919-967-0959 Web site ewp-nc.com B. PD contact person information (i.e., individual who will serve as the NCBP’s point of contact if different than above): Name Lee Perry, information is same as above Company Mailing Address E-Mail Address Phone No. Fax No. C. Information regarding all parent companies, subsidiaries or other affiliates of PD (attach separate sheet(s) if necessary): (Use for LLCs) Member-managed or manager-managed? Answer: A new single purprose LLC will be used to hold and develop this site. The new LLC has not yet been formed. The Manager of the LLC will be East West Partners Management Company, Inc. Ownership structure is not yet final. 5 If manager-managed, provide name of manager and percent of ownership: Name East West Partners Management Company, Inc. Ownership (%) 0% Mailing Address Same as 1A above E-Mail Address Phone No. Fax No. For all LLCs, list all members of the LLC and provide their percent of ownership: Name Ownership (%) Mailing Address E-Mail Address Phone No. Fax No. Name Ownership (%) Mailing Address E-Mail Address Phone No. Fax No. Name Ownership (%) Mailing Address E-Mail Address Phone No. Fax No. 6 Managers of manager-managed LLCs are required to execute all brownfield documents for the LLC; as to member-managed LLCs, state name of member who will sign these documents. Roger Perry as President and sole shareholder of East West Partners Management Company, Inc. List all parent companies, subsidiaries and other affiliates: (Use for Partnerships) Check one: General Partnership Limited Partnership List all partners and percent of ownership: Name Ownership (%) Mailing Address E-Mail Address Phone No. Fax No. Is this person a general or limited partner? Name Ownership (%) Mailing Address E-Mail Address Phone No. Fax No. Is this person a general or limited partner? List all parent companies, subsidiaries and other affiliates: 7 (Use for corporations other than LLCs) (If information is the same as shown in 1.A., please indicate “same as 1.A.” below.) Name Same as 1A Mailing Address E-Mail Address Phone No. Fax No. List all parent companies, subsidiaries and other affiliates: Roger Perry is sole shareholder of East West Partners Management Company, Inc. (Use for individuals) (If individual is the same as shown in 1.A., -please indicate “same as 1.A.” above.) Name Mailing Address E-Mail Address Phone No. Fax No. D. Does PD have or can it obtain the financial means to fully implement a brownfields agreement and assure the safe reuse of the property? (Attach supporting documentation such as letters of credit, financial statements, etc.) Answer yes Explanation East West Partners has 40 years of experience properly capitalizing projects. We use multipule sources of debt and equity in order to come up with the appropriate capital and debt structure for the project. As the developing entity has not yet been formed there are no financial statements. East West Partners Management Company, Inc. does not take an ownership position in the projects. EWP serves as the development manager for the project. It collects development 8 fees, commissions and management fees and pays the salaries and benefits of employees and other company overhead expenses. The company does not maintain significant assets other than limited cash reserves for operations. E. Does PD have or can it obtain the managerial means to fully implement a brownfields agreement and assure the safe use of the property? Answer Yes Explanation East West can dedicate the managerial resources along with its general contractor, Barnhill, needed to implement a brownfield agreement and assure the safe use of the property. F. Does PD have or can it obtain the technical means to fully implement a brownfields agreement and assure the safe use of the property? Answer Yes Explanation The PD is utilizing the City of Wilmington's EPA Community Wide Brownfields Assessment Grant to support this development. Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrustructure, Inc. is the environmental consultant servicing this grant and is available to provide the technical consulting necessary to implement this brownfields agreement. G. Does PD commit that it will comply (and has complied, if PD has had a prior project in the NCBP) with all applicable procedural requirements of the NCBP, including prompt payment of all statutorily required fees? Answer yes (List all NCBP project name(s) and NCBP project ID numbers where PD or any parent company, subsidiary and other affiliate of PD has been a party to.) This will be the first NCBP project for East West Parnters Management Co. H. Does PD currently own the property? Answer The City of Wilmington owns the property. The PD will receive ownership of air rights and will develop the propery as the development partner through terms of a Memorandum of Understanding with the City. If yes, when did PD purchase the property and from whom? (Provide name, address, telephone number and email address of the contact person for the current property owner.) 9 If no, provide the name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of the contact person for the current property owner Tony Caudle, City of Wilmington Deputy Manager, P.O. Box 1810, Wilmington, NC 28402, (910) 341-4658 I. If PD does not currently own the property, does PD have the property under contract to purchase? Answer See H above If yes, provide date of contract. If no, when does the PD intend to purchase the property (e.g., after the project is determined to be eligible for participation in the NCBP, after PD receives a draft BFA, after the conclusion of the brownfields process)? Note: the Act requires the PD to demonstrate that it intends to either buy or sell the property. PD will purchase air rights upon execution of a Development Agreement / Brownfield Agreement. J. Describe all activities that have taken place on the property since PD or PD’s parents, subsidiaries and/or other affiliates, and/or lessees or sublessees of PD, took ownership of or operated at the property (e.g., industrial, manufacturing or commercial activities, etc.). (Include a list of all regulated substances as defined at NCGS § 130A-310.31(b)(11) that have been used, stored on, or otherwise present at the property while those activities were conducted, and explain how they were used.) According to information provided by the New Hanover County Register of Deeds, the City of Wilmington took ownership of a portion of this property on August 24, 2007 and the remainder of the property on June 25, 2012 from PB&G Partners, LLC. The property has been utilized as a two-story public parking garage since the time of ownership. II. SITE INFORMATION A. Information regarding the proposed brownfields property: Proposed project name Water Street Deck Redevelopment acreage ~1.23 street address(es) 200, 210, 220 N. Water Street and 10 Grace Street 10 city Wilmington County New Hanover zip 28401 tax ID(s) or PIN(s) R04720-007-026-000; R04720-07-029-000; R04720-007-027-000; R04720-007-001-000 past use(s) Based upon historical research, the site was developed with a variety of commercial and industrial properties from at least 1884 until 1967. These commercial properties included wholesale grocers and warehouses, a rice mill, cider, vinegar, liquor and wine manufacturers. A filling station with one gasoline tank occupied the southeast corner of the site from approximately 1951 until 1953. The site was then developed with a parking garage which extended from Grace Street south to Princess Street. Sometime between 1998 and 2005, the southern portion of the parking garage between Chestnut Street and Princess Street was demolished. current use(s) The site is currently being used as a two-story public parking garage. cause(s)/source(s) of contamination: known According to Sanborn maps, there was a filling station with a gasoline tank located in the southeast corner of the site from approximately 1951 until 1953. Based upon previous reports provided by the City, two Phase II ESAs were conducted in this area of the site, to determine impacts to the site from this filling station. Analytical results from a soil sample (SS-4) collected in this area by Law Engineering in June 1995 indicated Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) concentrations at 760 ppm. Analytical analysis of a soil sample (SS-8) north of the filling station indicated TPH semi-volatile concentrations at 13 ppm. Analytical analysis of three soil samples (AOC 1A-1C) collected in this area by Cape Fear Environmental in May 1999 indicated concentrations of volatiles organic compounds (VOCs) and Semi-VOCs were below the laboratory quantitation limit. Analytical results of one groundwater sample (AOC 1W) collected in this area by Cape Fear Environmental in May 1999 indicated concentrations of 4 isopropyltoluene at 400 ug/L. Based upon analytical results provided in previous reports, the soil and groundwater at the site has been impacted by constituents indicative of petroleum. Amec Foster Wheeler has performed additional soil and groundwater assessment as part of a Phase II ESA. At the time of production of this application a report was not avaialble. However, a list of constiuents detected in both the soil and groundater is provided as an attachment to this application. suspected The exact uses of the property are not known; however, the wide variety of industrial uses over such a long period of time,in addition to the filling station, may have contributed to the petroleum impact identiifed on the property. B. Regulatory Agency Involvement: List the site names and all identifying numbers (ID No.) previously or currently assigned by any federal, state or local environmental regulatory agencies for the property. The ID No’s may include CERCLIS numbers, RCRA generator numbers for past and present operations, UST database, Division of Water Quality’s incident management database, and/or Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch inventory numbers. (In many instances, the PD will need to actively seek out this information by reading environmental site assessment reports, reviewing government files, contacting government 11 officials, and through the use of government databases, many of which may be available over the internet.) Agency Name/ID No: N/A Agency Name/ID No: Agency Name/ID No: Agency Name/ID No: Agency Name/ID No: C. In what way(s) is the property abandoned, idled, or underused? The Water Street Parking Deck is currently underused because of it's deteriorating state and because it doesn't meet the highest and best use of waterfront neighborhood property. The structure is deteriorating to such a point that the entrance to the deck from Grace Street has had to be closed. D. In what way(s) is the actual or possible contamination at the property a hindrance to development or redevelopment of the property (attach any supporting documentation such as letters from lending institutions)? Potential developers looking to take ownership of the site have been reluctant because of the risks associated with the contamination present. The result is the contamination at the site has hindered site redevelopment and causes it to remain underutilized. The redevelopment of this site will occur as a private-public partnership. In establishing the financial responsibilities of each of the development partners, the unknowns surrounding the contamination has prevented the deal being finalized. E. In what way(s) is the redevelopment of the property difficult or impossible without a brownfields agreement (attach any supporting documentation such as letters form lending institutions)? A Brownfields Agreeement is the only possible means to achieve regulatory concurrance needed to manage the risk associated with the contamination of the site and allow the site to be redeveloped. By acquiring a Brownfields Agreement the financial responsibilities associated with the contamination can be quantiifed and properly assigned to the development partner thereby allowing the sucessful redevelopment of this property. F. What are the planned use(s) of the redeveloped brownfields property to which the PD will commit? Be as specific as specific as possible. The project includes parking, retail, elevated walkway, opening up a currently closed street corridor connecting to the river, a park, streetscape enhancements, and nearly 200 residential units. G. Current tax value of brownfields property: $tax exempt as city-owned property 12 H. Estimated capital investment in redevelopment project: $60,000,000 I. List and describe the public benefits that will result from the property’s redevelopment. Be as specific as possible. (Examples of public benefits for brownfields projects include job creation, tax base increases, revitalization of blighted areas, preserved green space, preserved historic places, improving disadvantaged neighborhood quality-of-life related retail shopping opportunities, affordable housing, environmental cleanup activities or set asides that have community or environmental benefits. In gauging public benefit, NCBP places great value upon letters of support from community groups and local government that describe anticipated improvements in quality of life for neighboring communities that the project will bring about. The inclusion of such support letters with this application is recommended and encouraged.) The public benefits resulting from this project include, job creation, both temporary jobs associated with construction and permanent jobs from the new retail businesses, tax base increases, improving neighborhood quality of life with retail shopping and residential housing opportunities, and a more structurally sound parking garage for residents and workers in the area. Currently the site does not generate tax revenue for the City. The proposed development would generate income to the City through taxes. Special Note: Please describe all environment-friendly technologies and designs PD plans to utilize in its redevelopment strategy. For example, environment friendly redevelopment plans could include: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Certification, green building materials; green landscaping techniques such as using drought resistant plants; energy efficient designs, materials, appliances, machinery, etc.; renewable sources of energy, and/or recycling/reuse of old building materials such as brick or wood. J. Who will own the brownfields property when the Notice of Brownfields Property is filed with the register of deeds at the conclusion of the brownfields process? (If information is the same as 1.A. above, please indicate.) Name Same as 1.A. Mailing Address E-Mail Address Phone No. Fax No. III. OTHER REQUIRED INFORMATION A. Brownfields Affidavit: PD must provide its certification, in the form of a signed and notarized original of the unmodified model brownfields affidavit provided by NCBP, that it 13 did not cause or contribute to contamination at the property and that it meets all other statutory eligibility requirements. (Note: The form to use for this affidavit is attached to this application. It must be filled out signed notarized, and submitted with this application.) Is the required affidavit, as described above, included with this application? Answer yes B. Proposed Brownfields Agreement Form: PD must provide the completed form Proposed Brownfields Agreement. (Note: The form to use for this document is attached to this application. It must be filled out, initialed, and attached on your submittal.) Is the required Proposed Brownfields Agreement , as described above, included with this application? Answer yes C. Location Map: PD must provide a copy of the relevant portion of the 1:24,000 scale U.S.G.S. topographic quadrangle map that shows the property clearly plotted, and that measures at least an 8 ½ by 11 inches. (Note: these maps can be purchased through the above link, or often through retail outdoor recreation stores that can print out the relevant map. Often environmental reports have location maps that use this type of map as the base for its location map.) Is the required location map included with this application? Answer Yes D. Survey Plat: PD must provide a preliminary survey plat of the brownfields property with the property boundaries clearly identified, and a metes and bounds legal description that matches the property description on the plat. At this stage of the brownfields process; one or more existing survey plats from a previous property conveyance will suffice. (Before the brownfields project enters the public comment phase of the brownfields process, the PD will be required to submit a final brownfields survey plat which includes the information listed in the brownfields survey plat guidance.) Is the required preliminary survey plat included with this application? Answer Yes E. Site Photographs: PD must provide at least one pre-redevelopment photograph of the property, in either hard copy or electronic format that shows existing facilities and structures. Please note that the NCBP prefers to have electronic photos instead of or in addition to hard copies. Electronic copies of photographs should be emailed to: Shirley.Liggins@ncdenr.gov with a clear indication as to which Brownfields Application they apply to. Are photographs of the property included with this application? Answer No Have electronic copies of the photographs been emailed to NCBP? 14 Answer Yes F. Environmental Reports/Data: If it makes an affirmative eligibility determination, the NCBP will request that PD provide any and all existing environmental reports and data for the property on CD only. The brownfields process may be expedited if PD submits such reports/data with this application. Are any environmental reports/data being submitted with this application? Answer Yes If environmental reports/data are being submitted with this application, please provide the title, date and author of each item being submitted: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Water Street Parking Garage, Wilmington, North Carolina, April 2, 2015, Amec Foster Wheeler. IV. ADDITIONAL REQUIRED FORMS The following forms are to be filled out and submitted with the application including the Responsibility and Compliance Affidavit and the Proposed Brownfields Agreement. Submittal of the Affidavit requires signature and notarization, and the Proposed Brownfields Application requires an initial. 17 Preliminary Proposed Brownfields Agreement I. Property Facts a. Property Address(es): 200, 210, 200 N. Water Street, and 10 Grace Street, Wilmington, North Carolina b. Property Seller: City of Wilmington c. Property Buyer: d. Brief Property Usage History: Based upon historical research, the site was developed with a variety of commercial and industrial properties from at least 1884 until 1967. These commercial properties included wholesale grocers and warehouses, a rice mill, cider, vinegar, liquor and wine manufacturers. A filling station with one gasoline tank occupied the southeast corner of the site from approximately 1951 until 1953. The site was then developed with a parking garage which extended from Grace Street south to Princess Street. Sometime between 1998 and 2005, the southern portion of the parking garage between Chestnut Street and Princess Street was demolished. e. The planned reuse will potentially involve the following use classification(s) (check all that apply): School/childcare/senior care Residential Commercial, retail (specify) Other commercial (specify) Office Light industrial Heavy industrial Recreational Open space Other (specify) II. Contaminant Information a. The contaminant situation at the property is best described by the following (check all that apply): Contaminants are from an on-property source(s) Contaminants are from an off-property source(s) Contaminants are from an unknown source(s) Contaminants have not yet been documented on the property 18 b. Contaminated Media Table. (If known, check appropriate boxes below) Contaminant Types Soil Groundwater and/or Surface Water Private Wells Vapor Intrusion known Suspected known Suspected known suspected known suspected o r g a n i c s Chlorinated Solvents (list): Petroleum: ASTs USTs Other VOCs and SVOC s list attache d VOCs and SVOC s list attache d Other (list): i n o r g a n i c s Metals (list): Other (list): III. Protective Measures I am prepared to take steps necessary to make the property suitable for its planned uses while fully protecting public health and the environment. I propose that NCBP consider a brownfields agreement that will make the property suitable for the planned use(s) through the following mechanism(s) (check all that apply): Contaminant remediation to risk-based levels. Engineered Controls (e.g., low permeability caps, vapor mitigation systems, etc) Site Location Copyright:© 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed ³ 0 2,0001,000 Feet FIGURE DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY: DATE: SITE LOCATION MAP 1TITLE: PROJECT: CLIENT: CITY OF WILMINGTON SCALE:SITE: P:\Government\Local\Projects\City of Wilmington Brownfields\Projects\Water Street Parking Garage\GIS WATER STREET PARKING GARAGEPHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT Amec Foster WheelerEnvironment & Infrastructure, Inc. 4021 Stirrup Creek Drive, Suite 100 Durham, NC 27703(919) 381-9900 LOCATION: 03/11/2015 C. Conchilla H. Thurston 64801441571 " = 2,000 ' Preliminary Proposed Brownfields Agreement North Carolina Brownfields Program Supplement to Section II.b. Contaminated Media Table Soil: The following constituents were detected by EPA Methods 8260B and 8270D in soil at values above laboratory reporting limits in soil samples collected at Water Street Parking Garage, 200 N. Water Street, Wilmington, North Carolina on April 30, 2015: Constituent 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene Acetone 4-Isopropyltoluene Naphthalene 1-Methylnapthalene 2-Methylnapthalene n-Butylbenzene o-Xylene m,p-Xylenes Toluene Benzene Ethylbenzene Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) Styrene 2,4-Dimethylphenol 2-Methylphenol 3/4 – Methylphenol Phenanthrene Phenol Pyrene Benzo(b)fluoranthene Fluoranthene Benzoic Acid Groundwater: The following constituents were detected by EPA Methods 8260B and 8270D in groundwater at values above laboratory reporting limits in groundwater samples collected at Water Street Parking Garage, 200 N. Water Street, Wilmington, North Carolina on April 30, 2015: Constituent 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 4-Isopropyltoluene Carbon disulfide Naphthalene n-Butylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene tert-Butylbenzene n-Propylbenzene o-Xylene m,p-Xylenes Toluene Benzene Ethylbenzene Isopropylbenzene (Cumene)