HomeMy WebLinkAbout2506_INSP_20170404FACILITY COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section UNIT TYPE: Lined MSWLF LCID YW Transfer Compost X SLAS COUNTY: Craven Closed MSWLF HHW White goods Incin T&P FIRM PERMIT NO.: 2506-COMPOST-1991 CDLF Tire T&P / Collection Tire Monofill Industrial Landfill DEMO SDTF FILE TYPE: COMPLIANCE Date of Inspection: 4 April 2017 Date of Last Inspection: 22 February 2016 FACILITY NAME AND ADDRESS: City of New Bern Yard Waste Compost Facility 1803 Country Club Road New Bern, NC GPS COORDINATES: N: 35.09716 E: -077.05630 FACILITY CONTACT NAME AND PHONE NUMBER: Matt Montanye 252.639.7501 FACILITY CONTACT ADDRESS: City of New Bern PO Box 1129 New Bern, NC 28563 Attn: Director of Public Works E-mail: montanyem@newbern-nc.org PARTICIPANTS: David Cox; Director, City of New Bern Leaf & Limb Department Perry Sugg; NCDEQ-Solid Waste Ray Williams; NCDEQ-Solid Waste STATUS OF PERMIT: Expired; Permit to Operate Large Type I Compost Facility issued 29 August 2012; expired 30 November 2016. A complete permit review request including updated facility, operations, and waste screening plans has been submitted to the Solid Waste Section and is currently under review. PURPOSE OF SITE VISIT: Comprehensive Facility Compliance Inspection STATUS OF PAST NOTED VIOLATIONS: None applicable OBSERVED VIOLATIONS: No violations were observed during this Facility Compliance Inspection; please see the ADDITIONAL COMMENTS section below. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: 1) This Facility is a Type I Yard Waste Compost Facility. 2) This Facility is permitted to receive for composting, yard waste generated in the City of New Bern and from collection sites located at Craven County Convenience Centers. 3) This Facility is permitted to receive: a. Leaf litter FACILITY COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section 2506_INSP_20170404 Page 2 of 3 b. Limbs c. Shrubs d. Trees e. Non-treated, Non-Painted Lumber 4) Proper signage is posted at the entrance to the Facility stating the permit number, contact information, and listing banned/excluded wastes. 5) The hours of operation for this Facility are Monday through Friday 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM. 6) This site is secured by a locked gate at the Facility entrance. The gate was open upon my arrival and the site superintendent was on-site during this Facility Compliance Inspection. 7) The Facility access road is of all-weather construction and is well-maintained at this time. 8) No composting operations were underway during this Facility Compliance Inspection. 9) *All feedstock and finished product stockpiles should be maintained in piles not larger than 30’ wide and 50’ tall. 10) Access around the Facility is stable and no areas of erosion were noted during this Facility Compliance Inspection. 11) No off-site erosion was observed during this Facility Compliance Inspection. 12) Wind-blown debris is collected and placed in roll-off containers for transport to the permitted landfill daily. 13) All waste handling and processing operations are being conducted in a timely manner. 14) Adequate breaks are being maintained around the stockpiles for fire suppression and safety. 15) All incoming waste is being screened for unpermitted materials. Any unpermitted materials found in the waste stream are segregated from the approved feedstocks and removed from the site for disposal at the Coastal Environmental Partnership MSW Landfill, permit #25-09 in Tuscarora, NC. *Please ensure that all unpermitted waste screened from your waste stream is sorted and placed into the roll-off containers in a timely manner. 16) Roll-off containers are maintained on-site for the collection of recyclable materials and for the collection of unpermitted waste types. These roll-off containers are collected by daily GDS, Inc of New Bern. *Please ensure that all Freon containing white goods brought on-site are stored upright and managed in such a way as to prevent the release of Freon until properly collected for recycling. 17) *Please ensure that an adequate number of containers are maintained on-site to properly collect and transport unpermitted wastes segregated from the vegetative waste brought to the Facility. 18) The waste types at the Facility were reviewed and no unpermitted wastes were observed co-mingled with the permitted waste staged for grinding during this Facility Compliance Inspection. FACILITY COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section 2506_INSP_20170404 Page 3 of 3 19) All scrap tires removed from the vegetative waste brought on-site are segregated and transported weekly to the Coastal Environmental Partnership MSW Landfill, permit #25-09 in Tuscarora, NC. 20) All vegetative waste brought on-site is processed with a Vermeer TG5000 tub grinder. The tub grinder is maintained on a concrete pad. 21) No grinding operations were underway during this Facility Compliance Inspection. 22) All ground wood chips are currently being removed from the site for use as boiler fuel and therefore do not have to meet pathogen reduction requirements. *Please ensure that any materials distributed to the public have met the time and temperature requirements listed in your permit. All composting operations must be documented and recorded in a log book for review. 23) Minimal dust was noted during this Facility Compliance Inspection. 24) No fugitive dust was observed leaving the Facility. 25) No violations were observed during this Facility Compliance Inspection. 26) *Corrective measures are required as a result of this Facility Compliance Inspection. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding this Facility Compliance Inspection Report. Ray Williams; Environmental Senior Specialist Phone: 252.948.3955 E-mail: ray.williams@ncdenr.gov Regional Representative Delivered on: 10 April 2017 by X Electronic delivery US Mail Certified No. [ _] cc: Andrew Hammonds; Eastern District Supervisor/SWS: andrew.hammonds@ncdenr.gov Jessica Montie; Chief Compliance Officer/SWS: jessica.montie@ncdenr.gov Martin A (Tony) Gallagher; Composting and Land Applications Branch Head/SWS: tony.gallagher@ncdenr.gov David Cox; City of New Bern Leaf & Limb Supervisor: coxd@newbern-nc.org S Rusty Cotton III; Director/Craven County Solid Waste & Recycling: rcotton@cravencountync.gov C: \2017\Craven\Facilities\25-06\Inspections\2506_INSP_20170404 NCDEQ DWM Laserfiche Online Document Management System: http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Welcome.aspx   Go Green! Thank you for helping NCDEQ be environmentally responsible.