HomeMy WebLinkAbout18067_Wurst Property_OAR_20130521 May 21, 2013 Ms. Jill A. Witts Senior Project Manager Environmental Operations, Inc. 1530 South Second St. St. Louis, MO 63104 Subject: PRE-PURCHASE ASSESSMENT HENRY WURST PROPERTY 810 LUFKIN ROAD APEX, NORTH CAROLINA MID-ATLANTIC JOB NO. 000R-2482.00 Dear Ms. Witts: Mid-Atlantic Associates, Inc. (Mid-Atlantic) appreciates the opportunity to conduct the assessment described herein and submit this report. The work was conducted in general accordance with Mid-Atlantic’s proposal number P13R-6498R dated April 11, 2013 and authorized by Eric Page of Environmental Operations, Inc. on April 12, 2013. The scope was amended to accommodate greater well depths on April 30, 2013 and authorized by Jill Witts via e-mail. BACKGROUND The subject site is the former Henry Wurst, Inc. facility located at 810 Lufkin Road in Apex, Wake County, North Carolina (Drawing 1). The subject site was previously utilized as a printing facility dating back to 1972. The site is currently vacant with the exception of some limited warehousing activity. A draft Phase I Environmental Assessment was prepared by Withers & Ravenel ("W&R") for a prospective purchaser. Based on the draft the prospective purchaser and the site owner agreed on a Phase II scope of services that was prepared by Environmental Operations, Inc. (Attachment A). SCOPE OF WORK Aside from the specific investigation activities associated with each identified Area of Potential Concern (AOPC) described below, Mid-Atlantic conducted the following general activities: • Prepared a site specific Health and Safety (H&S) Plan. • Contacted the North Carolina One-Call Center (NC One-Call) so that “public” underground utility lines were marked prior to conducting subsurface activities. Report of Environmental Services May 21, 2013 Wurst Property Page 2 Apex, North Carolina • Authorized a private utility locating service to mark utility service (“private”) lines in the drilling area associated with temporary well TMW-1A. • Mobilized a Geoprobe® (direct push technology) equipped with air-drilling capabilities to the site for the purpose of collecting soil samples and constructing temporary monitoring wells. • Collected sub-slab soil gas samples using SUMMA canisters. • Submitted the samples to a North Carolina certified environment testing laboratory for testing. • Prepared this written report summarizing our assessment activities. AOPC-1 Historical UST Mr. Lee, a long-time employee at the facility, estimated the former location UST based on his recollection during the removal of the UST in the late 1990. The soil sampling locations were taken south of the building near the former solvent/petroleum Storage Room and located within the warehouse area. The groundwater sample was taken outside and south of the warehouse building. (Drawing 2). The scope of work in this area included: • Advanced three soil borings to a depth of 20 feet (SB-1, SB-2, SB-3). • Scanned soil with a flame ionization detector (FID) type of Organic Vapor Analyzer. • Collected one soil sample for laboratory testing from each boring based on FID readings, visual observations and the estimated tank bottom depth of approximately 12 feet below the warehouse floor. • Tested the soil samples by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 8260 for volatile organic compounds (VOCs). • Further advanced one of the soil borings to 30 feet and constructed a temporary monitoring well in the boring (TMW-1A). • Collected one groundwater sample from the temporary well and analyzed the groundwater sample for VOCs by EPA Method 8260 and methods developed by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP) for volatile and extractable petroleum hydrocarbons (VPH and EPA, respectively). AOPC–2 Former Solvent/Petroleum Storage Room Historical documents indicated a release had occurred in this area and soil was excavated from the room. This room is adjacent (to the north) of the former UST discussed in AOPC 1. The scope of work in this area included: • Advanced two soil borings in this room to a depth of 20 feet (SB-4, SB-5). • Scanned soil and gas with the FID. • Collected one soil sample for laboratory testing from each boring based on the FID, visual observations and the estimated depth of former excavation. This depth was estimated based on visual evaluation of soil for the presence of fill. • Tested soil for VOCs by EPA Method 8260. Report of Environmental Services May 21, 2013 Wurst Property Page 3 Apex, North Carolina AOPC–3 AST Port A pipeline used to transfer oil fluids to transport trucks is located outside, adjacent to the east wall of the building. The scope of work in this area included: • Advanced one soil boring to a depth of 30 feet (SB-6). • Collected one soil sample for laboratory testing based on FID readings and visual evaluation. • Tested soil by 8260, semi-VOCs by EPA Method 8270, petroleum hydrocarbons (MADEP VPH, MADEP EPH readings), chromium and lead. • Constructed a temporary well in the boring (TMW-6). • Collected one groundwater sample from the temporary well and analyzed the groundwater sample by 8260 and MADEP VPH and EPH. AOPC–4 Former Landfarm Area Soil excavated from the area formerly known as the "solvent/petroleum" room was "landfarmed" in an open area east of the building. The scope of work in this area included: • Advance three soil borings to a depth of 5 feet in this area (SB-7, SB-8, SB-9). • Scanned soil with an FID. • If evidence of VOCs were identified (FID readings greater than 10 ppm above background), the sample was tested by 8260. AOPC–5 Former Maintenance Area Maintenance activities were conducted in this area, including welding and machining of metal. The scope of work in this area included: • Advanced one soil boring in this area to a depth of 30 feet (SB-10). • Scanned soil with an FID. • Collected two soil samples for laboratory testing based on FID readings and visual observations. • Tested soil samples by 8260. • Constructed a temporary monitoring well in the boring (TMW-10A). • Collected one groundwater sample from the temporary well and analyzed the groundwater sample by 8260 and MADEP VPH and EPH. AOPC–6 Former Wash Room with Floor Drain The former wash area where large machinery may have been cleaned or serviced contains a drain. The scope of work in this area included: • Advanced one soil boring in this area to a depth of 10 feet (SB-11). • Scanned soil with an FID. Report of Environmental Services May 21, 2013 Wurst Property Page 4 Apex, North Carolina • Collected two soil samples for laboratory testing based on FID readings and visual observations. • Tested soil samples by 8260. AOPC–7 Former Ink Storage Room The former ink storage area exhibited ink staining on the walls and floor. The scope of work in this area included: • Advanced one soil boring in this area to a depth of 10 feet (SB-12). • Scanned soil with an FID. • Collected two soil samples for laboratory testing based on FID readings and visual observations. • Tested soil samples by 8260. AOPC–8 Former Ink Mixing/Barrel Room The former ink mixing/barrel room had some ink staining on the walls and floor. The scope of work in this area included: • Advanced one soil boring in this area to a depth of 10 feet (SB-13). • Scanned soil with an FID. • Collected two soil samples for laboratory testing based on FID readings and visual observations. • Tested soil samples by 8260. AOPC–9 Vapor Intrusion Evaluation Prior indoor air sampling was conducted by the prospective purchaser at three locations. These locations are in the general vicinity of AOPC-1 (sample VI-1), AOPC-2 (sample VI-2) and AOPC-7 (sample VI-3). The scope of work associated with assessment of vapor intrusion included: • Collected one sub-slab soil gas sample from the location of each of the three previously collected indoor air samples. • Tested each soil gas sample in an environmental testing laboratory by Method TO- 15. FIELD ACTIVITIES Soil gas samples were collected on April 22, 2013. Soil samples were collected on April 25- 26, 2013 and groundwater samples were collected on May 3, 2013. Two temporary groundwater monitoring wells were constructed on April 25, 2013. Since these wells were drilled to a much greater depth than expected in order to encounter groundwater, Quantex, Inc. remobilized to the subject site to drill the third well on May 1, 2013. The procedures used Report of Environmental Services May 21, 2013 Wurst Property Page 5 Apex, North Carolina to collect these samples are described in Attachment B. A summary of soil borings is provided in Table 1 and the soil boring logs are included in Attachment C. The laboratory analytical reports for soil, groundwater and soil gas are included as Attachments D, E and F, respectively. Soil boring and temporary well installation services were provided by Quantex, Inc. of Raleigh, North Carolina. Laboratory testing activities were completed by Prism Laboratories, Inc. in Charlotte, North Carolina (soil and groundwater) and Con-test Analytical Laboratory of East Longmeadow, Massachusetts (soil gas). FINDINGS Laboratory analytical summary tables for soil, groundwater and soil-gas samples are included as Table 2, 3 and 4, respectively. AOPC-1 Former Waste UST Soil borings SB-1, SB-2 and SB-3 were advanced in association with AOPC-1. Initially the plan was to convert one of these borings to a temporary well. However, advancing borings deep enough to encounter groundwater required air drilling. The air drilling process generates large quantities of dust. Drilling within the building would cover large areas of the interior of the building with dust and would also deposit dust on the warehouse tenant’s goods. Therefore, after consultation with the client and W&R it was agreed that the well for AOPC-1 would be moved outside the warehouse to the south. The temporary well was constructed in soil boring TMW-1A. • Three soil samples (SB-1 (7.5-10’), SB-2 (7.5-9.5’), SB-3 (7.5-9.5’)) were analyzed for VOCs. All compounds detected were below the Maximum Soil Contaminant Concentrations (MSCCs) established by the Underground Storage Tank Section and the residential health-based Soil Remedial Goals (SRGs) established by Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB): • One groundwater sample (TMW-1A) was collected and tested for the presence of VOCs, VPH and extractable petroleum hydrocarbons (EPH). All compounds detected were below North Carolina Groundwater Quality Standards (NCGQS). AOPC–2 Former Solvent/Petroleum Storage Room Soil borings SB-4 and SB-5 were advanced in association with AOPC-2. • Two soil samples (SB-4 (7-8’), SB-5 (5-8.5’)) were analyzed for VOCs. All compounds detected were below the residential health-based SRGs established by IHSB. Report of Environmental Services May 21, 2013 Wurst Property Page 6 Apex, North Carolina AOPC–3 AST Port Soil Boring SB-6 was advanced in association with AOPC-3. • One soil sample (SB-6 (0 – 5’)) was analyzed for VOCs, EPH, VPH, semi-VOCs, chromium and lead. Chromium was detected at 17 mg/Kg, above the soil-to- groundwater MSCC of 5.4 mg/Kg, but is below residential SRGs: All other detections were below the MSCCs and residential SRGs. One groundwater sample (TMW-6) was collected and tested for the presence of VOCs, VPH and EPH. EPH- C11-C22 Aromatics was detected at a concentration of 570 µg/L, which exceeds the NCGQS; however, the concentration was below the established Gross Contamination Level (GCL) of 700 µg/L. All other detections were below the NCGQS. AOPC–4 Former Landfill Area Soil borings SB-7, SB-8 and SB-9 were advanced in association with AOPC-4. • Laboratory soil sampling was planned in the event FID field screening indicated readings exceeding 10 ppm (above background). No screened soil sample exceeded 10 ppm, therefore no laboratory soil testing was conducted. AOPC–5 Former Maintenance Area Soil boring SB-10 was advanced in association with AOPC-5. Initially the plan was to convert SB-10 to a temporary well. However, air drilling was required to install the well. Air drilling equipment could not fit in the maintenance area due to height restrictions. Therefore, the well for AOPC-5 was moved outside the building to the east. The temporary well was constructed in soil boring TMW-10A. • Two soil samples (SB-10 (0-3’), SB-10 (3-6’)) were analyzed for VOCs. All compounds detected were below MSCCs and the residential health-based SRGs established by IHSB. • One groundwater sample (TMW-10A) was collected and tested for the presence of VOCs, VPH and EPH. The following compounds were detected in the groundwater sample at concentrations exceeding applicable NCGQS: 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane Trichloroethylene 1,1-Dichloroethylene Vinyl Chloride Cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene C5-C8 Aliphatics Refer to Table 4 for the detected concentrations and corresponding NCGQS. Report of Environmental Services May 21, 2013 Wurst Property Page 7 Apex, North Carolina AOPC–6 Former Wash Room with Floor Drain Soil boring SB-11 was advanced in association with AOPC-6. • Two soil samples (SB-11 (0-3’), SB-11 (5-7’)) were analyzed for VOCs. All compounds detected were below the MSCCs and the residential health-based SRGs established by IHSB. AOPC–7 Former Ink Storage Area Soil boring SB-12 was advanced in association with AOPC-7. • Two soil samples (SB-12 (0-3’), SB-12 (5-7.5’)) were analyzed for VOCs. All compounds detected were below the MSCCs and the residential health-based SRGs established by IHSB. AOPC–8 Former Ink Mixing/Barrel Room Soil boring SB-13 was advanced in association with AOPC-8. • Two soil samples (SB-13 (0-3’), SB-13 (7-8.5’)) were analyzed for VOCs. All compounds detected were below the MSCCs and the residential health-based SRGs. AOPC–9 Vapor Intrusion Evaluation Potential vapor intrusion was addressed in sub-slab soil gas sampling. Tetrachloroethylene was detected in sample VI-2 at a concentration of 300 µg/m3, which is above the IHSB residential vapor screening level of 83.4 µg/m3 (Table 4), but below the industrial/commercial screening level of 350 µg/m3. No other VOCs were detected at concentrations exceeding IHSB residential screening levels for soil gas. SUMMARY During assessment activities chromium was detected in one soil sample (SB-6) exceeding the soil-to-groundwater MSCC, but below the residential health-based standards (SRGs). Chromium is a naturally occurring compound in soil and it is not uncommon for naturally occurring concentrations to exceed the soil-to-groundwater MSCC. In addition, petroleum compounds were not detected in the same soil sample. This suggests that waste oil containing chromium may not be present in the soil sample. By inference, this further suggests that the chromium present is naturally occurring since it does not appear to be associated with a petroleum release. Groundwater quality standards were exceeded in samples collected from two of the three temporary wells constructed during the assessment. The sample collected from temporary DRAWINGS TABLES Sample ID Depth Below Land Surface (ft) TVA Results (ppm) [FID] Laboratory Sample Collected *Temporary Well Details 0.0' - 2.5'9.70 2.5' - 5.0'14.22 5.0' - 7.5'0.30 7.5' - 10.0'4.41 X -- -- ---- 0.0' - 2.5'5.58 2.5' - 5.0'5.27 5.0' - 7.5'4.337.5' - 9.5'9.36 X 0.0' - 2.5'3.14 2.5' - 5.0'6.08 5.0' - 7.5'5.787.5' - 9.5'7.06 X 0.0' - 2.5'54.61 2.5' - 5.0'32.04 5.0' - 7.0'15.127.0' - 8.0'33.30 X 0.0' - 2.5'6.64 2.5' - 5.0'6.01 5.0' - 8.5'3.45 X 0.0' - 5.0'4.69 X 5.0' - 7.75'3.34 0.0' - 2.5'7.37 2.5' - 5.0'7.83 0.0' - 2.5'2.21 2.5' - 5.0'4.18 0.0' - 2.5'3.42 2.5' - 5.0'4.50 0.0' - 3.0'2.44 X 3.0' - 6.0'1.99 X 6.0' - 10.0'1.90 0.0' - 2.5'4.83 2.5' - 5.0'4.97 5.0' - 8.2'9.48 0.0' - 3.0'-2.77 X 3.0' - 5.0'4.66 5.0' - 7.0'13.90 X 0.0' - 3.0'4.78 X 3.0' - 5.0'5.22 5.0' - 7.5'7.31 X 7.5' - 10.0'3.52 0.0' - 3.0'5.45 X 3.0' - 5.0'5.96 5.0' - 7.0'3.29 7.0' - 8.5'6.46 X Notes: TVA - Toxic Vapor Analyzer FID - Flame Ionization Detector SB-10 Well relocated and renamed TMW-10A due to Geoprobe clearance. See Boring Log for Details. TMW-1A 2" PVC Temporary Well Set at 90.0' BLS, Screened from 30.0' to 90.0' BLS. DTW = 62.30' BLS on 5/3/2013. SB-9 SB-12 SB-13 TMW-10A 2" PVC Temporary Well Set at 80.0' BLS, Screened from 20.0' to 80.0' BLS. DTW = 26.65' BLS on 5/3/2013. SB-11 SB-5 SB-6 SB-7 SB-8 MID-ATLANTIC JOB NO. 000R2482.00 SAMPLES COLLECTED APRIL 26, 2013 SB-1 Well relocated and renamed TMW-1A due to Geoprobe clearance. See Boring Log for Details. TABLE 1 SOIL SAMPLE FIELD SCREENING RESULTS WURST BUILDING APEX, NORTH CAROLINA 810 LUFKIN ROAD * No soil sample collected from SB-7 through SB-9 due to TVA readings not exceeding 10 ppm per Table 1 - Sampling and Analysis Summary of Revised Proposal for Environmental Services Pre-Purchase Assessment dated April 11, 2013. No soil sample collected at TMW-1A or TMW-10A since the locations were created solely for the purpose of temporary well installation and groundwater sample collection. (ppm) - Parts per Million 2" PVC Temporary Well Set at 70.0' BLS, Screened from 20.0' to 70.0' BLS. DTW = 65.03' BLS on 5/3/2013. SB-4 SB-2 SB-3 SB - 4 SB - 6 SB - 1 2 - 2 S B - 1 3 - 1 S B - 1 3 - 2 7. 0 ' - 8 . 0 ' B L S 0 . 0 ' - 5 . 0 ' B L S 5 . 0 ' - 7 . 5 ' B L S 0 . 0 ' - 3 . 0 ' B L S 7 . 0 ' - 8 . 5 ' B L S Ch r o m i u m 60 1 0 C - NT 17 NT NT NT 5. 4 / N E 47/NE 1226/NE Le a d 60 1 0 C - NT 14 NT NT NT 27 0 / 2 7 0 400/400 400/800 Na p h t h a l e n e 82 6 0 B - 0. 0 0 3 1 J BR L BR L BR L BR L 0. 1 6 / 0 . 2 1 313/3.6 8176/18 Xy l e n e ( T o t a l ) 82 6 0 B - BR L BR L BR L BR L 0. 0 2 4 4. 6 / 5 . 8 3,129/130 81760/260 C9 - C 1 2 A l i p h a t i c s MA D E P V P H 1 0 0 NT < 0 . 6 2 4. 0 J < 0 . 5 4 < 0 . 5 9 54 0 / N E 1500/NE 40000/NE C1 9 - C 3 6 A l i p h a t i c s M A D E P E P H - NT BR L BR L 9. 4 J 6. 2 J Co n s i d e r e d I m m o b i l e / N E 31000/NE 810000/NE C1 1 - C 2 2 A r o m a t i c s M A D E P E P H - NT BR L BR L 3. 1 J 3. 0 J 31 / N E 469/NE 12264/NE No t e s : Δ Sa m p le l o c a t i o n n o t i n c l u d e d i n t a b l e i f n o c o n s t i t u e n t s w e r e d e t e c t e d a b o v e t h e l a b o r a t o r y r e p or t i n g l i m i t . BL S - B e l o w L a n d S u r f a c e mg / K g - M i l l i g r a m s p e r K i l o g r a m J - E s t i m a t e d v a l u e *T a b l e 1 , Gu i d e l i n e s f o r I n i t i a l R e s p o n s e a n d A b a t e m e n t , A s s e s s m e n t , a n d C o r r e c t i v e A c t i o n f o r N o n - U S T R e l e a s e s o f P e t r o l e u m , E f f e c t i v e J u l y 1 , 2 0 1 2 ** I n a c t i v e H a z a r d o u s S i t e s B r a n c h , P r e l i m i n a r y S o i l R e m e d i a t i o n G o a l T a b l e , F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 3 BO L D - E x c e e d s S o i l - t o - W a t e r M a x i m u m C o n t a m i n a n t C o n c e n t r a t i o n "- " - N o t A p p l i c a b l e NE - N o t E s t a b l i s h e d NT - S a m p l e N o t T e s t e d BR L - C o n s t i t u e n t s n o t d e t e c t e d a b o v e l a b o r a t o r y r e p o r t i n g l i m i t . < 0 . 6 2 - C o n s t i t u e n t s n o t d e t e c t e d a b o v e e l e v a t e d l a b o r a t o r y d e t e c t i o n l i m i t f o r l a b o r a t o r y - d i l u t e d s a m p l e s . SA M P L E L O C A T I O N Δ A N D C O N C E N T R A T I O N ( m g / K g ) AN A L Y T I C A L ME T H O D SO I L - T O - W A T E R M A X I M U M CO N T A M I N A N T CO N C E N T R A T I O N * / P R O T E C T I O N O F GR O U N D W A T E R S O I L R E M E D I A T I O N GO A L * * ( m g / K g ) CH E M I C A L C O N S T I T U E N T DI L U T I O N FA C T O R (W H E R E AP P L I C A B L E ) WU R S T B U I L D I N G SU M M A R Y O F C H E M I C A L C O N S T I T U E N T S D E T E C T E D I N S O I L TA B L E 2 RESIDENTIAL SOIL CLEANUP LEVELS*/RESIDENTIAL HEALTH-BASED SOIL REMEDIATION GOAL** (mg/Kg)INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL SOIL CLEANUP LEVELS*/INDUSTRIAL HEALTH-BASED SOIL REMEDIATION GOAL** (mg/Kg) SA M P L E S C O L L E C T E D A P R I L 2 6 , 2 0 1 3 MI D - A T L A N T I C J O B N O . 0 0 0 R 2 4 8 2 . 0 0 AP E X , N O R T H C A R O L I N A 81 0 L U F K I N R O A D Ac e t o n e 82 6 0 B - BR L 13 BR L 6,000 Be n z e n e 82 6 0 B - BR L BR L 0. 5 8 1.0 Ch l o r o b e n z e n e 82 6 0 B - BR L BR L 0. 6 1 50 Ch l o r o f o r m 82 6 0 B - BR L 0. 5 4 1. 7 70 1, 3 - D i c h l o r o b e n z e n e 82 6 0 B - BR L BR L 0. 7 7 200 1, 1 - D i c h l o r o e t h a n e 82 6 0 B - BR L BR L 76 6.0 1, 2 - D i c h l o r o e t h a n e 82 6 0 B - BR L BR L 6. 7 0.4 1, 1 - D i c h l o r o e t h y l e n e 82 6 0 B 1 0 0 ( T M W - 1 0 A ) BR L BR L 45 0 7.0 ci s - 1 , 2 - D i c h l o r o e t h y l e n e 82 6 0 B 1 0 0 ( T M W - 1 0 A ) BR L BR L 5, 6 0 0 70 tr a n s - 1 , 2 - D i c h l o r o e t h y l e n e 82 6 0 B - BR L BR L 28 100 1, 1 , 1 - T r i c h l o r o e t h a n e 82 6 0 B - BR L BR L 23 200 1, 1 , 2 - T r i c h l o r o e t h a n e 82 6 0 B - BR L BR L 4. 0 0.6 (IMAC) Tr i c h l o r o e t h y l e n e 82 6 0 B 1 0 0 ( T M W - 1 0 A ) BR L BR L 28 0 3.0 Vi n y l C h l o r i d e 82 6 0 B - BR L BR L 7. 3 0.03 C5 - C 8 A l i p h a t i c s MA D E P V P H - BR L BR L 43 0 400 C9 - C 1 2 A l i p h a t i c s MA D E P V P H - 16 J 24 J BR L 700 C9 - C 1 8 A l i p h a t i c s MA D E P E P H - BR L 21 0 BR L 700 C1 9 - C 3 6 A l i p h a t i c s MA D E P E P H - BR L 22 0 BR L 10,000 C9 - C 1 0 A r o m a t i c s MA D E P V P H - 2. 0 J 3. 5 J BR L 200 C1 1 - C 2 2 A r o m a t i c s MA D E P E P H - 18 0 57 0 BR L 200 No t e s : ug / L - M i c r o g r a m s p e r L i t e r ( o r p p b ) Bo l d nu m b e r s i n e x c e s s o f N o r t h C a r o l i n a G r o u n d w a t e r Q u a l i t y S t a n d a r d s l i s t e d i n 1 5 A N C A C 2 L . 0 2 0 2 J - E s t i m a t e d v a l u e BR L - C o n s t i t u e n t s n o t d e t e c t e d a b o v e l a b o r a t o r y r e p o r t i n g l i m i t IM A C - I n t e r i m M a x i m u m A l l o w a b l e C o n c e n t r a t i o n e s t a b l i s h e d i n 1 5 A N C A C 2 L . 0 2 0 2 DI L U T I O N FA C T O R (W H E R E AP P L I C A B L E ) TA B L E 3 SU M M A R Y O F C H E M I C A L C O N S T I T U E N T S D E T E C T E D I N G R O U N D W A T E R WU R S T B U I L D I N G 81 0 L U F K I N R O A D AP E X , N O R T H C A R O L I N A MI D - A T L A N T I C J O B N O . 0 0 0 R 2 4 8 2 . 0 0 SA M P L E S C O L L E C T E D M A Y 3 , 2 0 1 3 CH E M I C A L C O N S T I T U E N T A N A L Y S I S SA M P L E L O C A T I O N A N D C O N C E N T R A T I O N ( u g / L ) NORTH CAROLINA GROUNDWATER QUALITY STANDARD (ug/L) TM W - 1 A TM W - 6 T M W - 1 0 A IHSB Residential Vapor IHSB Industrial/ Commercial Vapor VI-1 VI-2 VI-3 Residential Soil-Gas, ug/m3 Industrial Soil-Gas, ug/m3 EPA TO-15 Acetone 50 56 640 64000 280000 Benzene 0.35 0.56 0.43 31 160 Benzyl Chloride ND (0.20)ND (0.20)ND (0.20)2 8.8 Bromodichloromethane; Dichlorobromomethane ND (0.25)ND (0.25)ND (0.25)6.6 33 Bromoform; Tribromomethane ND (0.42)ND (0.42)ND (0.42)220 1100 Methyl bromide; Bromomethane ND (0.27)ND (0.27)ND (0.27)~~ 1,3-Butadiene ND (0.11)ND (0.11)ND (0.11)4.2 17.6 Methyl ethyl ketone; MEK; 2-Butanone 3.6 J 5.7 J 44 10400 44000 Carbon Disulfide 0.28 J 0.27 J ND (0.13)1460 6200 Carbon Tetrachloride 0.38 J 0.26 J 0.44 J 41 200 Chlorobenzene ND (0.16)ND (0.16)ND (0.16)104 440 Chloroethane; Ethyl chloride ND (0.37)ND (0.37)ND (0.37)~~ Chloroform; Trichloromethane ND (0.23)ND (0.23)0.25 J 11 53 Methyl chloride; Chloromethane ND (0.12)0.64 ND (0.12)188 780 Cyclohexane ND (0.20)ND (0.20)ND (0.20)~~ Dibromochloromethane ND (0.29)ND (0.29)ND (0.29)9 45 1,2-Dibromoethane; Ethylene dibromide; EDB ND (0.38)ND (0.38)ND (0.38)0.41 2 o-Dichlorobenzene; 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND (0.31)0.34 J ND (0.31)420 1760 1,3-Dichlorobenzene (metadichlorobenzene)0.28 J 0.32 J ND (0.27)~~ p-Dichlorobenzene; 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.30 J 0.44 J 0.30 J 22 110 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.9 3.3 2.6 200 880 1,1-Dichloroethane; Ethyldidene chloride ND (0.21)ND (0.21)ND (0.21)150 770 1,2-Dichloroethane (ethylene dichloride)ND (0.16)ND (0.16)ND (0.16)9.4 47 1,1-Dichloroethylene (vinylidene chloride)ND (0.21)ND (0.21)ND (0.21)420 1760 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene; cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND (0.25)ND (0.25)ND (0.25)~~ trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND (0.17)ND (0.17)ND (0.17)126 520 1,2-Dichloropropane ND (0.21)ND (0.21)ND (0.21)8.4 36 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND (0.24)ND (0.24)ND (0.24)~~ trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND (0.18)ND (0.18)ND (0.18)~~ 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane (Freon 114) ND (0.30)ND (0.30)ND (0.30)~~ 1,4-dioxane ND (0.44)ND (0.44)ND (0.44)~~ Ethanol 42 40 300 ~~ Ethyl Acetate ND (0.92)4.8 2.5 J ~~ Ethylbenzene 0.56 1.6 1.4 97 490 4-Ethyltoluene 0.63 2.1 1.4 ~~ Heptane ND (0.19)0.79 0.70 ~~ Hexachlorobutadiene 0.60 J 0.64 J ND (0.32)11 56 Hexane (n-hexane)14 12 J 13 J 1460 6200 2-Hexanone (methyl n-butyl ketone, MBK)0.92 1.6 56 ~~ Isopropanol 8.8 J 7.0 J 360 ~~ Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)ND (0.21)ND (0.21)0.84 940 4700 Methylene Chloride 24 34 34 1300 5300 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (4-methyl-2-pentanone)0.71 1.3 22 6200 26000 Naphthalene 0.88 1.5 1.7 6.2 26 Propene ND (0.53)ND (0.53)ND (0.53)~~ Styrene 2.6 0.66 30 2000 8800 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.33 J ND (0.25)ND (0.25)4.2 21 Tetrachloroethylene 0.62 J 300 2.3 83.4 350 Tetrahydrofuran 0.28 J ND (0.23)ND (0.23)~~ Toluene 0.99 2.2 1.8 10400 44000 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND (0.44)0.50 J ND (0.44)4.2 17.6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane; methyl chloroform 1.0 41 2.1 10400 44000 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND (0.27)ND (0.27)ND (0.27)0.42 1.8 Trichloroethylene; Trichloroethene; TCE ND (0.25)ND (0.25)0.45 J 4.2 17.6 Trichlorofluoromethane 1.6 1.7 2.7 1460 6200 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 0.61 J 0.55 J 0.61 J 62000 260000 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 2.5 8.2 4.7 14.6 62 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.50 2.1 1.2 ~~ Vinyl acetate ND (1.2)ND (1.2)ND (1.2)420 1760 Vinyl chloride; Chloroethene ND (0.14)ND (0.14)ND (0.14)16 280 Xylene, m&p 2.4 6.8 4.9 200 880 Xylene, o-0.85 2.7 2.1 200 880 1. ND = Not detected above the lab reporting limits shown in parenthesis. 2. NT = Not tested. 3. ~ = No North Carolina IHSB Residential or Industrial/Commercial limits. 4. Values in bold exceed NC IHSB Residential Soil-Gas limits. TABLE 4 SUMMARY OF CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS DETECTED SOIL-GAS WURST BUILDING NOTES: Parameter SAMPLING LOCATION RESULTS ug/m3 810 LUFKIN ROAD APEX, NORTH CAROLINA MID-ATLANTIC JOB NO. 000R2482.00 SAMPLES COLLECTED APRIL, 22, 2013 ATTACHMENT A ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATIONS SAMPLING PLAN Table 1 -Sampling and Analysis Summary Former Wurst Printing Facility Apex, North Carolina Total Depth Analytical Tes ts Borings/ Plez. Soll Sample Ai.. Semple Location Borlnoa Plezometers (It) Sample Matrix Depth (It) voes EPHNPH -··-~...,._.,.~ 1 Former UST Area 3 1 20/30 Soil TBD" x in warehouse south of SolvenVBarrel Room Groundwater x ICsouth of UST area -near previous air sample location) Sub-Slab Vapor x (at previous sampling location) Indoor Air·· x 2 SolvenVPetroleum Storage Room 2 20 Soil TBD" x near previous air samole location) Sub-Slab x (at previous sampling location) lnddor Air0 x 3 Waste Oil AST Port 1 1 10/30 Soil TBD" x outdoor pipe outfall connected to former AST Groundwater x 4 Landfarrn area 3 5 Soil ... TBD' x open area east of building 5 Maintenance area 1 1 10/30 Soil 0-3' x Soil TBD" x Groundwater x 6 Wash room with floor drain 1 10 Soil 0-3' x Soil TBD' x 7 Ink storaqe room 1 10 Soil 0-3' x Soil TBD" x (north of ink storage room -near previous air sample location) Sub-slab x (at previous sampling location) Indoor Air·· x 8 Ink mixina/barrel room 1 10 Soil 0-3' x Soil TBD" x "TBD -to be determined. Soil sample depth for laboratory analysis will be determined in the field based on FID and visual observations. as well as presence of fill in Areas 1 and 2. If no indications of impact are observed, sample will be collected just above the water table. Where two soil samples are collected per boring, the first sample will be collected within the upper three feet (below floor). x x x x x x x x x x x x SVOCs x Metals (Cr, Pb) x ""Indoor air samples will be collected only if sub-slab vapor and/or soil sample results indicate it is necessary. One ambient air (background) sample will also be collected. Samples will be collected in a separ. ···soil samples will only be collected for analysis if FID readings are 10 ppm above background. VOCs analyzed by USEPA Method 8260 for soil and groundwater samples. For sub-slab vapor and indoor air (if needed), method will be T0-15. EPHNPH analyzed by MAOEP methods SVOCs analyzed by USEPA Method 8270 Metals (chromium and lead) analyzed by USEPA Method 6010 Page 1 of 1 ATTACHMENT B PROCEDURES Soil Sampling Procedures I. Sample Collection Direct Push Technology (DPT. or "Geoprobe") DPT uses a truck-mounted hydraulic rig to push a steel sampling probe into the subsurface to collect soil and/or groundwater samples. The sampling device used to collect the soil samples during this investigation was the "macrocore" sampler. This sampler consists of a four-foot long, two-inch diameter stainless steel spoon containing a clear, acetate liner. When the macrocore sampler is driven into the subsurface, the soil is collected into the acetate liner and then retrieved to the land surface. The liner is then cut open and the soil lithology is characterized and soil samples are collected. Split Spoon Sampling This method of soil sampling is typically used during advancement of hollowstem augers for the construction of monitoring wells. Soil samples are obtained from the borings by driving a prewashed, 1-3/8-inch inner-diameter split-spoon sampler at five foot intervals to termination in general accordance with ASTM D-1586 (Standard Penetration Test) specifications. Blow counts for each six inches of split-spoon penetration are recorded during advancement of the spoon. Samples are then retrieved to the land surface, the split- spoon is opened, and the soil lithology is characterized and soil samples are collected. Hand Augering This method is typically used for shallow sampling in areas where access is limited or underground obstacles such as utilities may be present. A pre-washed, three-inch diameter steel auger bucket is attached to extension rods and manually turned to penetrate the subsurface to the desired sampling depth. Samples are then retrieved to the land surface and the soil lithology is characterized and soil samples are collected directly from the hand auger bucket. Excavator Bucket Sampling This method is typically used during UST excavation and soil excavation projects. The soil samples are collected from the excavator bucket when it is not safe to collect the samples by other means. Care is taken when collecting samples from the bucket to avoid soil that has come in contact with the bucket itself to avoid cross contamination. II. Headspace Field Screening A portion of each sample is removed from the sampling device and placed in a pre- labeled, plastic "ziploc" bag. After several minutes, the gas contained in the "headspace" or void area within the bag is tested with a photoionization detection (PID) and/or Flame Ionization Detector (FID). These are useful as scanning devices to detect the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) but are not relied upon to determine specific levels of contamination. Typically, the samples exhibiting the highest headspace readings will be submitted to the laboratory for analysis. Ill. Preparation for Laboratory Analysis The sample collector dons new nitrile sampling gloves prior to handling each sample. The samples are placed into laboratory-prepared, pre-labeled, sampling containers, packed in ice, and shipped to a certified laboratory under chain-of-custody control. The sampler places an executed custody seal on the cooler prior to leaving the sampler's custody. Laboratory analyses to be performed on the samples, along with other sampling information, are specified on the chain-of-custody, which is placed in the cooler with the samples. Groundwater Sampling Procedures I. Sample Collection A. Monitoring Wells Prior to sample collection, each well is purged of three to five standing well volumes or to dryness to remove stagnant water from the well and well bore in an effort to collect samples that are representative of the water quality in the formation surrounding each well. Purging is performed either with a new, polyethylene bailer dedicated to each well, or with a decontaminated pump. Samples are retrieved from the monitoring well using the dedicated bailer. New nylon string is used on each dedicated bailer, and new nitrile sampling gloves are donned prior to purging and sampling of each well. B. Geoprobe "Screen Point Sampler" The screen point sampler is a "grab" sampling device that is driven into the saturated zone and a surrounding metal sheath is retracted, exposing a screen. Groundwater entering the screen is then drawn to land surface through disposable tubing that is placed through the hollow push rods. The sample is collected from the tubing into the appropriate sampling glassware. C. Water-Supply Wells Water samples are typically collected from the available spigot that is nearest to the well. The water is allowed to run at a high flow from the spigot for approximately 10 to 15 minutes to allow the water in the delivery lines to be purged. The sample flow is then reduced and the samples are collected directly into pre-labeled containers as described below. New nitrile sampling gloves are donned prior to sampling of each well. D. Treatment System Influent/Effluent Samples are typically collected from the influent or effluent of pump-and-treat groundwater remediation systems using designated sampling ports in the influent and effluent water transport lines. The water is typically allowed to run for several seconds to clear potential debris in the sampling port. The sample is then collected directly into sampling containers as described below. New nitrile sampling gloves are donned prior to sample collection. II. Preparation for Laboratory Analysis Groundwater samples are decanted directly into laboratory-prepared, pre-labeled, sampling containers, packed in ice, and shipped to a certified laboratory under chain-of- custody control. Laboratory analyses performed on the samples are specified on the chain-of-custody. Sub-slab Soil Gas Sampling Procedures I. Sample Collection Borings are made by advancing a 1.5-inch diameter drill bit to a depth of 1. 75-inches (to allow for a flush-mount installation of vapor pins). A 5/8-inch diameter drill bit is used to bore through the remaining concrete floor to the underlying soils at depths of approximately six inches below the slab. In accordance with the IHSB Guidance1, sub-slab samples are obtained beneath areas of the slab where there were no cracks or nearby openings. The borings were advanced using an electric rotary impact drill equipped with a spline bit. Rigid 1/8-inch nylon tubing is cut to length and fitted with Teflon tubing to the vapor pin probes via zip ties. Sub-slab sampling commences after purging a minimum of four volumes of air from the tubing using a syringe and conducting leak checks at each probe site using a shroud, helium gas and a portable gas monitor. The sub-slab soil gas samples are collected using 1000-milliliter SUMMA canisters fitted with flow regulators (rated at 100 -200 ml/min). Upon completing the above sampling, the probe tubing and vapor pin were removed and the 5/8-inch hole was patched with concrete. II. Preparation for Laboratory Analysis Upon completion of the sampling and probe finalization, laboratory analysis request forms are completed and the samples are shipped under proper chain of custody to a certified laboratory for analysis. 1 Supplemental Guidelines for the Evaluation of Structural Vapor Intrusion Potential for Site Assessments and Remedial Actions under the Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch, 21 June 2011. ATTACHMENT C SOIL BORING LOGS Mid Atlantic LOG OF BORING: SB-1 -t091Gfl"V-C°"" ........ 'i<'l1'10 Eni1neenn1 & Env1roomenul Soluuoru Pk tlJ.?JMfll Page: I of I Site Name: Wurst Building Drilling/Boring Method: Geo~robe DPT Total Boring Depth (ti): 10.0 Project Number: R2482.00 Sampling Method: Macrocore Top of Casing Elev. (ti): NA Location: A~ex,NC Subcontractor/Drillers: Quantex, Inc. Latitude: NA Date Started: 4/26/2013 Driller : J .D. Barker Longitude: NA Date Completed: 4/26/2013 MonitorinJ? Eauioment TVA/FID GeoloJ?ist/Emrineer: W. Blaylock s Q. .e c "' 0.0 'Jl •• c ... ...l "'i' Odors :c ;. SOIL DESCRJPTION<'°'"·""""·m""'""·"'·l Construction Details c;i 0 " u .:: ... ... .:: a: a: Q ~ ---~ -~ I --I -9.70 - ---- 2 --2 ------ 3 --3 -----14.22 Reddish brown fine sandy clayey silt (gravel present 5.0' -7.5') (FILL)-MH - 4 --4 ------s --5 ------ 6 -~ 6 -0.30 ----~ 7 -~ 7 -~ ----8 -~ 8 -~ -~ -4.41 Reddish brown clayey silt with fine sand (PWR) -MH -9 --9 -~ -~ --10 -Probe refusal at I 0.0 feet BLS -10 ---Soil sample SB-I collected from 7.5 -10.0 feet BLS submitted for laboratory analysis ~ -~ II -~ 11 ------12 --12 CO~IMENTS: in -indicates inches NIA -indtcatcs nol applicable to lhis boring TVA-Toxic Vapor Analyzer ft -indicates depth in feet ppm -indicates parts per million FID -Flame Ionization Detector ft BLS -indicates feet below bod surface DPT · Direct Push Tcclmology PWR -Partially Weathered Rock Mid Atlantic LOG OF BORING: SB-2 «l'9 Rorcu Vlrw Caurt RaleiJh.SC'mitO Enginccr1n:: & Erw•ronmcnnl Solutions Pk ~)l~·U0.9911 Page: 1 of 1 Site Name: Wurst Building Drilling/Boring Method: Geo~robe OPT Total Boring Depth (ft): 9.5 Project Number: R2482.00 Sampling Method: Macrocore Top of Casing Elev. (ft): NA Location: A~ex,NC Subcontractor/Drillers: Quantex, Inc. Latitude: NA Dale Started: 4/26/2013 Driller: J.O. Barker Longitude: NA Date Completed: 4/26/2013 Monitoring Equipment TVA /FIO Geologist/Engineer: W.Blaylock e Q, .e .... ~ ... ... "' c .. -l "'i' Odors :;; > SOIL DESCRIPTION (wl~. """'" mohrm, <I<) Construction Details al 0 " " ' .:: .. .:: ... c:: c:: Q I:: -~ -I- -I- 1 -~ 1 -5.58 ~ -~ -..._ 2 -..._ 2 -~ -Reddish brown fine sandy clayey sill (FILL) -MH ~ -~ 3 -'-3 -,__ -~ -5.27 ~ 4 -I-4 -'--~ -~ 5 -I-5 -~ -~ -~ 6 -'-6 -4.33 Mottled tan and red fine sandy clay (FILL) -CL ~ -~ -~ 7 -..._ 7 -I- -~ -~ 8 -'-8 ---9.36 Mottled tan and reddish brown fine sandy silt (FILL) -ML - -- 9 --9 ---Probe refusal al 9.5 feel BLS - -- 10 --10 -Soil sample SB-2 collected from 7.5 -9.5 feet BI.S submitted for laboratory analysis ----- II --II -~ -~ -'- 12 -'-12 COMMENTS: in -indicates inches NIA -indicates not applicable to this boring TV A -Toxic Vapor Analyzer ft -indicates depth in feet ppm -indicates parts per million FID -Flame Ionization Detector ft BlS -indicates feet below land surface DPT -Direct Push Technology PWR -Panially Weathered Rock Mid Atlantic LOG OF BORING: SB-4 .o9Rotcr.ViewC<ioln R.kiP,NC?7~10 Entlnccrinc & Environmental Solution1 Pk 919·1$0·99U Page: I of I Site Name: Wurst Buildim! Drilling/Boring Method: Geol!robe DPT Total Boring Depth (ft): 8.0 Project Number: R2482.00 Sampling Metl10d: Macrocore Top of Casing Elev. (ft): NA Location: A(!ex,NC Subcontractor/Driller.;: Quantex, Inc. Latitude: NA Date Staned: 4/26/2013 Driller: J.D. Barker Longitude: NA Date Completed: 4/26/2013 Monitoring Equipment: TVA I FLO Geologist/Engineer: W. Blaylock '? Q. 5 ;... ~ ,,. ... "' o• c .. ..J -9 Odors :c > SOIL DESCRIPTION C<ot••· '"'"'~ motscm. •«) Construction Details "? 0 " ... .::: " .. .::: Cl! Cl! Q o;: -f-- -f-- --I --1 -54.61 ----- 2 --2 --Strong -Tan silty fine sand (FILL) -SM -Petroleum -- 3 --3 -----32.04 - 4 --4 -- ---- 5 -5 -- ---f-- 6 -15.12 Tan fine sandy clay (Thin gravel layer at 7.01 (FILL) -CL f--6 ------7 f--7 -Strong f-- -Petroleum 33.30 Reddish brown clayey silt with fine sand (PWR) -MH ---8 Probe refusal at 8.0 feet BLS f--8 -f-- ---Soil sample SB-4 collected from 7.0 -8.0 feet BLS submitted for laboratory analysis -9 --9 -f-- -f-- --10 --10 ---f-- -f-- 11 --11 -----f-- 12 -f--12 COMMENTS: in -indicates inches NIA -indicates not applicable to this boring TV A -Toxic Vapor Analyzer ft -indicates depth in feet ppm -indicates parts per million FlD -Flame Ionization Detector ft BLS -indicates feet below land surface OPT -Direct Push Technology PWR -Panially Weathered Rock Mid Atlantic Engineering & Env1ronmc:nral Soluuont Site Name: Wurst Building Project Number: ----=R2=4-=8=2'-'.0-=0 __ _ Location: ----=A-=pLe~x~·-=N_C~--- Date Started: ___ 4_/_2_6/_2_0_13 __ _ Date Completed: 4/26/2013 e c. .e » .. ~ = .. :;; 8 " .. "' c:: c:: ~ "'i' Odors .::: Q ~ - - - I --6.64 -- 2 ---- 3 - - - -6.01 4 --- - 5 -- - - 6 ----3.45 7 ---- 8 - - - LOG OF BORING: SB-5 409Rt'gC8VicwCoutt RaleiP.SCl7610 Pk:919-2S0-'911 Drilling/Boring Method: ___ G_e_o~p_r_o_be_D_PT __ _ Sampling Method: ---~M=a-=c~ro'-'c'-'o-=r-=e ___ _ Subcontractor/Drillers: ____ Q~ua~n_t~e-=xL, ~In-=c~·--- Driller : J .D. Barker ------------ Monitorini? Equipment: TVA /FID SOIL DESCRTPTJON (<Olo<.tnt .... mobtm.<t~) Reddish brown fine sandy clay (FILL) -CL Page: 1 of 1 Total Boring Depth (ft): ____ 8~·~5--~ Top of Casing Elev. (ft): ___ ~N'-'A~---1 latitude: ___ _:_:N.:..:A'------l Longitude: ----'-'N'-'A'------1 Geologist/Engineer: W. Blaylock Construction Details I- I- I- I-1 -I- '- I-2 I--I- '-3 I---'-4 I- I--I-5 I--I- '-6 I--Mottled reddish brown and tan clayey silt with fine sand (FILL) -MH I- '-7 I- I--I-8 '- I-Probe refusal at 8.5 feet BLS - 9 - - -- 10 - - - - 11 - - -- 12 - COM~lENTS: Soil sample SB-5 collected from 5.0 -8.5 feet BLS submitted for laboratory analysis in -indicates 1nches ft -indicates depth in feet ft BLS -indicates feet below land surface NJ A -indicates not applicable to this boring ppm -indicaccs parts per million DPT· Direct Push Technology I- '-9 I- I- I- I-IO I- I- I- -II -'--- -12 TVA -Toxic Vapor Analyzer FID -Flame Ionization Detettor PWR. Partially Weathered Rock Mid Atlantic LOG OF BORING: SB-8 409ROJC"'VICMICourt Ralrip.~CH6t0 Enz:lnccr1n1 & Env1ronmenul Solutions Pb.: ~19·2j()·99JS Page: I of I Site Name: Wurst Building Drilling/Boring Metl10d: Ceo(lrobe DPT Total Boring Depth (ft): 5.0 Project Number: R2482.00 Sampling Method: Macrocore Top of Casing Elev. (ft): NA Location: A(lex,NC Subcontractor/Drillers: Quantex, Inc. Latitude: NA Date Started: 4/26/2013 Driller: J.D. Barker Longitude: NA Date Completed: 4/26/2013 Monitoring Equipment: TVA/FID Geoloi?ist/Engineer: W.Blaylock 8 "" -.::: c ;'.. .. 'JJ " " .J "? Odors :;; .. SOIL DESCRIPTION (tol.or, lu.lure., moi:dure. et<'.) Construction Details ~ 0 " ... .:: " .. .:: c=: c=: Q ~ -I--I- -~ I -,_ I -2.21 ~ -I- -I- 2 -,_ 2 -~ -Tan clayey silt with fine sand (FILL) -MH ,__ -I- 3 -I-3 -~ -~ -4.18 ,__ 4 -I-4 -~ -~ -~ 5 -Probe tenninated at 5.0 feet BLS ,_ s -,__ -,__ -,_ 6 -,_ 6 -~ -,__ -,_ 7 -,_ 7 -,_ -,_ -,_ 8 -I-8 -- ---- 9 --9 ---- -,_ IO -,_ 10 -,_ -,_ -,_ 11 -~ 11 -,_ -,_ -,_ 12 -,_ 12 COMMENTS: in · indicates inches NIA -indicates not applicable to this boring TVA -Toxic Vapor Anal)"Lcr ft · indicates depth in feet ppm -indicates parts per million FID -Flame Ionization Detector ft: BLS -indicates feet below land surface DPT -Dirc:ct Push Technology PWR -Partially Wealhered Rock Mid Atlantic LOG OF BORING: SB-9 409ROF"VicwC<IUtt RaleiP,.!\Cl76!0 Englracer1ng & Envr!"onmenul Solutions Piii: 9L9-H0-991S Page: 1 of 1 Site Name: Wurst Building Drilling/Boring Method: Geo[!robe DPT Total Boring Depth (ft): s.o Project Number: R2482.00 Sampling Method: Macrocore Top of Casing Elev. (ft): NA Location: A[!ex,NC Subcontractor/Drillers: Quantex, Inc. Latitude: NA Date Started: 4/26/2013 Driller: J.D. Barker Longitude: NA Date Completed: 4/26/2013 MonitorinJ? Equipment: TVA /FID Geolol(ist/Enl(ineer: W. Blaylock e c. .e ,., ;'. CJ) ,_ ,,,, c " -l -9 Odors :;; > SOIL DESCRIPTION (<OIM, "''"•· m•"'"'~ "'·> Construction Details Q:l 0 .::: .. ., .:: " " c:: c:: Q ti: -~ -~ -'- I -'-I -3.42 ~ -~ -~ 2 -'-2 -'- -Tan fine sandy clay (FILL) • CL ~ -~ 3 -~ 3 -'--'--4.50 ~ 4 -~ 4 -~ -'- -'- 5 -Probe temtinated at 5.0 feet BLS '-s -'- -~ -~ 6 -~ 6 -._ -~ -~ 7 -~ 7 -~ -'- -'- 8 -~ 8 ---._ -'- 9 -..... 9 -~ -~ -._ 10-._ 10 -~ ----II --II ------ 12 --12 COMMENTS: in -indicates inches NIA -indicates not applicable to this boring TV A -Toxic Vapor Analyzer ft -indicates depth in feet ppm -indicates parts per million FID -Flame Ionization Detector ft BLS -indicates feet below land surface DPT -Direct Push Technology PWR -Panially Weathered Rock Mid Atlantic LOG OF BORING: SB-10 409 RcscnVievCowt R.lldsh..NC47610 Eng:lncerini & Environmental Solutions Pll: 919-150-9911 Page: I of I Site Name: Wurst Building Drilling/Boring Method: Geo~robe OPT Total Boring Depth (ft): 10.0 Project Number: R2482.00 Sampling Method: Macrocore Top of Casing Elev. (ft): NA Location: A~ex,NC Subcontractor/Drillers: Quantex, Inc. Latitude: NA Date Started: 4/26/2013 Driller: J.D. Barker Longitude: NA Date Completed: 4/26/2013 Monitorin)! Equipment: TVA/FID Geoloi?ist/En)!ineer: W. Blavlock e c. .e c ., ,,. [/} o• c " ...l -9 Odors :a > SOIL DESCRIPTION «""'·"""'~m•b••r~•"" Construction Details =? 0 .:: .. ... " ~ .:: c.: Q i:i: ------I --I ---2.44 ---2 --2 -------3 --3 -- -- -- 4 --4 -- -l.99 --- 5 -Mottled reddish brown and tao clayey silt with fine sand (FILL) -MH -5 ------ 6 --6 -- ----7 --7 ------8 -l.90 -8 ------9 --9 ------IO -Probe refusal at 10.0 feet BLS ,_ 10 -----Soil samples SB-10-1 collected from 0.0-3.0 feet BLS and SB-10-2 collected from 3.0 --II -6.0 feet BLS submitted for laboratory analysis -11 ------12 --12 COMMENTS: in -indicates inches NIA -indicates not applicable to this boring TVA -Toxic Vapor Ana1yzer ft -indicates depth in feet ppm -indicates paru per million FID -Flame Ionization Detector ft BLS -indicates feet below land surface DPT -Direct Push Technology PWR • Partially Weathered Rock Mid Atlantic LOG OF BORING: SB-11 '°' Roten VieN Co.irt !Ukigb,NC:7610 E~lnccmni & En ... ironmcnul SolutioM Plr919-2S0.9911 Page: 1 of l Site Name: Wurst Buildin2 Drilling/Boring Method: Geol!robe DPT Total Boring Depth (ft): 7.0 Project Number: R2482.00 Sampling Method: Macrocore Top of Casing Elev. (ft): NA Location: A!!ex,NC Subcontractor/Drillers: Quantex, Inc. Latitude: NA Date Started: 4/26/2013 Driller: J.D. Barker Longitude: NA Date Completed: 4126/2013 Monitoring Equipment: TVA/FID Geologist/Engineer: W.Blaylock E' ... .e c ~ oJ) "' = ... ... -9 Odors > SOIL DESCRIPTION'""°'·'"'""· moist-.~ d~J Construction Details '6 ~ = .;: "' " ' ... ... .;: ci: ci: Q ~ -- -1----I --I ----2.77 Mottled reddish brown and tan fine sandy clay (FILL) -CL 1---1-- 2 --2 ---1-- -1-- 3 -1--3 -----1-- 4 -4.66 1--4 -----1-- 5 -Tan fine sandy silt with smaU rocks -ML 1--5 ---1-- -1-- 6 -13.90 1--6 ---1-- -1-- 7 -Probe refusal at 7.0 feet BLS -7 -- -- -Soil samples SB-1 1-1 collected from 0.0 -3.0 feet BLS and SB-11-2 collected from 5.0 -- 8 -7.0 feet BLS submitted for laboratory analysis -8 -- -- -- 9 --9 -- -- -- 10 --LO -- -- -- II --IL ---1-- -1-- 12 --12 COMMENTS: in -indicates inches NIA -indicates not applicable to this boring TVA -Toxic Vapor Analyzer ft -indicates depth in feet ppm -indicates parts per million FID -Flame Ionization Detector fl BLS -indicates feet below land surface DPT -Direct Push Technology PWR -Partially Weathered Rock Mid Atlantic LOG OF BORING: SB-12 409R~V-Court R•lcish,NCl7610 Entlneer1n1 & Env1ronmenul Soh.mon~ Pk 919·25G-~ll Page: 1 of 1 Site Name: Wurst Building Drilling/Boring Method: Geol!robe DPT Total Boring Depth (ft): 10.0 Project Number: R2482.00 Sampling Method: Macrocore Top of Casing Elev. (ft): NA Location: Al!ex,NC Subcontractor/Drillers: Quantex, Inc. Latitude: NA Date Started: 4/26/2013 Driller: J.D. Barker Longitude: NA Date Completed: 4/26/2013 Monitoring Equipment: TVA/FlD Geologist/Engineer: W.Blaylock e Q. .e c ~ .. .. "' = > ...J -9 Odors :a 0 SO IL DESCRlPTION <'°'°'· """"· m"""'~ '".) Construction Details CQ .::: "' " .: ... .. ~ ~ Q ~ ------ 1 --I -- -4.78 ---2 --2 ->----Orangish red fine sandy clay (FILL) -CL >-----3 --3 --->---->--- 4 -5.22 ,..._ 4 -----,..._ s --s -~ ---- 6 --6 -7.31 -----7 --7 ---Mottled reddish brown and tan clayey silt with fine sand (FILL) -MH - -- 8 --8 ---- -3.52 - 9 --9 -- -- -- 10 -Probe refusal at 10.0 feet BLS -10 -----Soil samples SB-12-1 collected from 0.0 -3.0 feet BLS and SB-12-2 collected from 5.0 -- 11 -7.5 feet BLS submitted for laboratory analysis -11 -- -- -,..._ 12 --12 COMMENTS: in -indicates inches NIA -indicates not applicable to this boring TV A -Toxic Vapor Analyzer ft -indicates depth in feet ppm -indicates parts per million FID -Flame Ionization Detector ft BLS -indicates feet below land surface DPT -Direct Push Technology PWR -Panially Weathered Rock Mid Atlantic LOG OF BORING: SB-13 m~v"""'Ccurt R.leiP,NC27610 Enr;lnccr1n1 & Environmcnr:iil Solutlon1 Pb: t19-2~t-9918 Page: I of I Site Name: Wurst Building Drilling/Boring Method: Geo(lrobe DPT Total Boring Depth (ft): 8.5 Project Number: R2482.00 Sampling Method: Macrocore Top of Casing Elev. (ft): NA Location: A(lex,NC Subcontractor/Drillers: Quantex2 Inc. Latitude: NA Date Started: 4/26/2013 Driller: J.D. Barker Longirude: NA Date Completed: 4/26/2013 Monitoring Equipment: TVA/FID Geologist/Engineer: W. Blaylock e Q. .e c ~ .. VJ = .. ...l -9 Odors > SOIL DESCRIPTION (<ol~. •nlm, moblun, «~) Construction Details :c .. "? .::: "' ... .. " .::: ~ ~ Q ~ ------I--I ---5.45 --- 2 --2 ------3 --3 -- -Orangish red fine sandy clay {FILL) -CL --- 4 -5.96 -4 -- ----5 --5 -- ---- 6 -3.29 -6 ------ 7 --7 -----6.46 Reddish brown clayey silt with fine sand (PWR) -MH -8 --8 ---Probe refusal at 8.5 feet BLS ---9 -Soil samples SB-13-1 collected from 0.0 -3.0 feet BLS and SB-13-2 collected from 7.0 --9 ---8.5 feet BLS submitted for laboratory analysis ---10--10 ------11 --11 ------ 12 --12 COMMENTS: in -indicates inches NIA -indicates not applicable to this boring TVA -Toxic Vapor Analyzer ft -indicates depth in feet ppm -indicates parts per million FID -Flame Ionization Detector ft BLS -indicates feet below land surface DPT-Direct Push Technology PWR -Partially Weathered Rock ATTACHMENT D LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT SOIL Page 1 of 60 Page 2 of 60 Page 3 of 60 Page 4 of 60 Page 5 of 60 Page 6 of 60 Page 7 of 60 Page 8 of 60 Page 9 of 60 Page 10 of 60 Page 11 of 60 Page 12 of 60 Page 13 of 60 Page 14 of 60 Page 15 of 60 Page 16 of 60 Page 17 of 60 Page 18 of 60 Page 19 of 60 Page 20 of 60 Page 21 of 60 Page 22 of 60 Page 23 of 60 Page 24 of 60 Page 25 of 60 Page 26 of 60 Page 27 of 60 Page 28 of 60 Page 29 of 60 Page 30 of 60 Page 31 of 60 Page 32 of 60 Page 33 of 60 Page 34 of 60 Page 35 of 60 Page 36 of 60 Page 37 of 60 Page 38 of 60 Page 39 of 60 Page 40 of 60 Page 41 of 60 Page 42 of 60 Page 43 of 60 Page 44 of 60 Page 45 of 60 Page 46 of 60 Page 47 of 60 Page 48 of 60 Page 49 of 60 Page 50 of 60 Page 51 of 60 Page 52 of 60 Page 53 of 60 Page 54 of 60 Page 55 of 60 Page 56 of 60 Page 57 of 60 Page 58 of 60 ATTACHMENT E LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT GROUNDWATER Page 1 of 20 Page 2 of 20 Page 3 of 20 Page 4 of 20 Page 5 of 20 Page 6 of 20 Page 7 of 20 Page 8 of 20 Page 9 of 20 Page 10 of 20 Page 11 of 20 Page 12 of 20 Page 13 of 20 Page 14 of 20 Page 15 of 20 Page 16 of 20 Page 17 of 20 Page 18 of 20 Page 19 of 20 ATTACHMENT F LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT SOIL GAS Page 1 of 19 13D1010_2 Contest_Final_IHSB_MDL_DUAL 05 02 13 1453 Page 2 of 19 13D1010_2 Contest_Final_IHSB_MDL_DUAL 05 02 13 1453 Page 3 of 19 13D1010_2 Contest_Final_IHSB_MDL_DUAL 05 02 13 1453 Page 4 of 19 13D1010_2 Contest_Final_IHSB_MDL_DUAL 05 02 13 1453 Page 5 of 19 13D1010_2 Contest_Final_IHSB_MDL_DUAL 05 02 13 1453 Page 6 of 19 13D1010_2 Contest_Final_IHSB_MDL_DUAL 05 02 13 1453 Page 7 of 19 13D1010_2 Contest_Final_IHSB_MDL_DUAL 05 02 13 1453 Page 8 of 19 13D1010_2 Contest_Final_IHSB_MDL_DUAL 05 02 13 1453 Page 9 of 19 13D1010_2 Contest_Final_IHSB_MDL_DUAL 05 02 13 1453 Page 10 of 19 13D1010_2 Contest_Final_IHSB_MDL_DUAL 05 02 13 1453 Page 11 of 19 13D1010_2 Contest_Final_IHSB_MDL_DUAL 05 02 13 1453 Page 12 of 19 13D1010_2 Contest_Final_IHSB_MDL_DUAL 05 02 13 1453 Page 13 of 19 13D1010_2 Contest_Final_IHSB_MDL_DUAL 05 02 13 1453 Page 14 of 19 13D1010_2 Contest_Final_IHSB_MDL_DUAL 05 02 13 1453 Page 15 of 19 13D1010_2 Contest_Final_IHSB_MDL_DUAL 05 02 13 1453 Page 16 of 19 13D1010_2 Contest_Final_IHSB_MDL_DUAL 05 02 13 1453 Page 17 of 19 13D1010_2 Contest_Final_IHSB_MDL_DUAL 05 02 13 1453 P h o n e : 4 1 3 - 5 2 5 - 2 3 3 2 A I R S A M P L E C H A I N O F C U S T O D Y F a x : 4 1 3 - 5 2 5 - 6 4 0 5 R E C O R D E m a i l : i n f o @ c o n t e s t l a b s . c o m { 3 b ' { ) l O T e l e p h o n e : ( ~ U ~ ) ' / L , Q ) - 1 1 L f j P r o j e c t # I R . . 1 - B f J 5 1 . . . { j ( ) ~con-tE f t · Company Name: Address: 3 9 S P R U C E S T E A S T L O N G M E A D O W , M A 0 1 0 2 8 I I H g A N A L Y S I S I R E Q U E S T E D n P a g e _ l o f ~ P l e a s e f i l l o u t c o m p l e t e l y , s i g n , d L a n d r e t a i n t h e y e l l o a c o f o r o u r r e c o r , C l i e n t P O # i F + - t i b S u m m a c a n i s t e r s a R f l o w c o n t r o l l e r s m u Attention: D,?.., v if~ ~ i J . v v D A T A D E L I E R V c h e c k o n e : O F A X E M A I L O W E B S I T E C L I E N T " i n . . . . . . . _ a a - I I ~ e r e t u r n e d w i t h i n 1 4 c c o f r e c e i p t o r r e n t a l e I w i l l a p p l y . p S u m m a c a n i s t e r s " ' Pmject Location' 1,f">C, tf G Sampled By: ~\\,n 3 1 1 1 ~ ~ ' > 0 I Y ' . F a x # : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E m a i l : K ' 1 o h n S • t l \ ( £ J ' l . o l g 4 o A f . " ; . e , . c o , , , . F o r m a t : ~ X C E L ) ( P D F 0 G I S K E Y 0 O T H E R _ I p ~ " ' r p t r e t a i n e d f o r a m i n i n r p o f 1 4 d a y s a f t e r I Proposal Provided? (For Billing purpos e s ) D yes proposal date Field ID Sample Description M e d i a L a b # -~ Vl .. l VJ--) Laboratory Comments: e e . _ s s r s a m p l i n g d a t e p r i o r D s s e c l e a n i n . s D a t e S a m p l e d O N L y U S E W H E N U S I N G P U M P S S t a r t S t o p T o t a l F l o w R a t e V o l u m e D a t e / _ I D a t e j , . I M i n u t e s I M 3 / M i n . o r I L i t e r s o r I M a t r i x T i m e f l ' L L . I - T i m e L f ' 2 ' . l f - s a m p l e d L I M i n . M 3 C o d e * ~ u r e u r e s I S u m m a I F l o w ~ C a n i s t e r C o n t r , e I D I D H f 1 H > 1 S b " I ~ ~ f i t l - ~ ~ s l ~ s - ( 1 . > o ; \ ' l ) ~ o ~ 1 5 b S & l i ~ i r - ~ - f l . . s . ~ ~ i Y i 1 . ) I ) ~ ~ U f O O l + ~ b $ & 1 } ( ~ 2 3 1 - ~ - 4 . ( o I ~ i ~ ~ > t J . C L I E N T C O M M E N T S : ~ l - ( v ~ , t N L . L ( + S G R t J v l . 1 l - 7 r t [ O ~ T u r n a r o u n d * * o e c 1 a e g u 1 r e m e n t s * M a t r i x C o d e : * * M e d i a C o d e s : ~ 7 - D a y R e g u l a t i o n s : f l ' C . I f f J 6 ( o , ' 1 - j . , > ~ - c r ~ u f . S G = S O I L G A S S = s u m m a c a n 0 1 0 - D a y D a t a E n h a n c e m e n V R C P ? 0 V ° ' R : N I A = I N D O O R A I R T B = t e d l a r b a g 0 O t h e r E n h a n c e d D a t a P a c k a g e 0 V 0 N A M B = A M B I E N T P = P U F R U S H • ( S u r c h a g e A p p l i e s ) S S = S U B S L A B T = t u b e l \ R e q u i r e d D e t e c t i o n L i m i t s : W L f l f S 8 O N f L s D = D U P F = f i l t e r l--~-l---'""-...;._~.........'1,...-~~~~~~~.j...-J " - ' " " ' : : : 1 . L + . . ! . . . > . . l . . - - l " - - L " " " " ' P r ~ I T ~ : 1 - z · 1 v a * 7 2 - H r 0 * 4 - D a y O t h e r : B L = B L A N K C = c a s s e t t e ' 1 / ; : ) . ~ t / 3 ' * A p p r o v a l R e q u i r e d 0 = o t h e r 0 = O t h e r ** TURNAROlJllD TIME STARTS AT 9:00 A . M . T H E f J A Y A F T E R S A M P L E R E C E I P T U N L E S S T H E R E A R E Q U E S T I O N S O N Y O U R C H A I N . I F T H I S F O R M I S N O T F I L L E D O U T C O M P L E T E L Y O R I S INCORRECT, TURNAROUND TIME WILL N O T S T A R T U N T I L A L L Q U E S T I O N S A R E A N S W E R E D B Y O U R C L I E N T . A / H A , N E L A C & W B E / D B E C e r t i f i e d - I l I :