HomeMy WebLinkAbout18067_Wurst Property_RCRA Files_1988_1991Jerome Rhodes, Section Chief Hazardous Waste Section July 31, 1991 N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7687 Dear Mr. Rhodes, I have enclosed a copy of the results of the soil sampling Wilson Engineering Associates, Inc. (Envirochem, Inc.) has done in our solvent storage room. As I stated in my letter of May 10, 1991 notifying you of this contamination, during the initial sampling performed by Envirochem, Inc. using an OVA meter it appeared that the contamination was contained in a peat-like layer which I believe was the original top soil. This layer is approximately 1 11 -1 1/2" thick in the area we checked. we pulled a sample from the clay beneath this layer and failed to detect any contamination using the OVA meter. I hope this report provides you with the information you need to determine the disposition of this contaminated soil. I am looking forward to hearing from you in order to resolve this matter expeditiously. Since::le y, . / --/ />n6-.fl"' __ f!:c __ ~_ -··· :e'cib Stalter · Safety Adminis rator CC: Gordon Layton, Section Chief Solid Waste Section N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7687 MIDWEST 1 !·:l.l·:P! H )NI·. HI/, H~~-.\11.l 1.\.\1 '>Al,!Nt·: ST, 11\ )~ l'( )J·!·I( :1·: H( lX 125'/!( N< )ltTI I KAr~Si\<.; ("!TY. Ml~:-i( Hi!iI 1>4111> l'Al.:SJMIU·. Bl(, 11'/l-lo~:!l ~OUTllr~A:i.·1 /'!:!.!,Pl ION I·. '!l'I _1112-KH.1 I I .l,ll·K IN lH )/\[), !'~ )S't' ()I· l·H: I· !\( P< '117 Al'J:X, N( )Jl'l'I I/. 'l\l~()J .. !NA ~i'~i!.2 l'ACSIMJl.J:. IJl'l .11,2-87'1.\ Wilson Engineering Associates, Inc. P.O. Box i 2015 Re!;;.ea,fch Triangle Ps,rk North Carolina '<7709 (919) 544-1735 (919) 787-5124 FAX# (919) 544-0810 P.O. Bo;11; 10434 Wi!mi1~9ton Nortll Carolin~ 2840~ \919) :~70-3016 FAX# (919) 270-4130 Mr. Bob Stalter Safety Administrator Henry Wurst, Inc. Lufkin Road • Apex, North Carolina 27502 • July 15, 1991 RE: Report on Results of a Soil Sampling Project in and near the Solvent Storage Room at Henry Wurst, Inc. Facility in Apex, NC WEA. Proj1sct Number 91-153-EA Dear Mx. Stalter: As requested results of by your firm, WEA, a soil sampling Inc. has completed evaluating the project. Our conclusions and recommendations comprise the body of this report. FIELD ACTIVITIES WEA, Inc. personnel visited the site May 30 1 1991 to collect hand auger samples of soil below the slab-on-grade in the solvent room. Laboratory analysis would indicate level of suspected contamination present and the pattern of sampling locations would give an estimate of lateral extent of contamination. Sampling was carried out following SW-846 procedures and protocol. EPA approved containers were us.ed to contain the samples. Dis.posable, latex gloves were used to handle each sample and discarded after each use. The hand auger was decontaminated following each boring using an alconox soap solution double rinsed using deionized water. Samples were placed on ice and transported to an independent, state accredited laboratory for ana:lysis. Proper chain-of-custody procedure was observed. Geotechnical, Geoenvironmentat and Construc;:tion Materials Engineering and Testing Soils • Concrete • Steel • Asphalt • Flcof1ng • Soil Borings • • 2 Henry Wurst, Inc. has supplied WEA, Inc. with data sheets listing products that are currently stored in the solvent room and those once store there, but no longer used. Eased on personal knowledge of Henry Wurst personnel and olfactory evidence, two solvent mixtures were suspected of being present. One was a solvent, brand name "lightning", which had been used in the past and the second as PR- 320, ;:;mother solvent mixture. percent by weight of each. Lightning Ethyl alcohol 30% VM P Naphtha 20% 36 kB Naphtha 15% Xylenes 35% MSDS information shows the following PR-320 Petroleum Distillates 35% to 45% Naphthol Spirits 66/3 40% to 50% Methylene Chloride < 10% EPA Method 8240 was used for solvents and NAPHTHA with EPA Method 8015 used for ethanol (ethyl alcohol). • • 3 TABLE I COMPO\JND HAl HA2 HA3 HA4 HAS HA6 HA7 HAS (ppml (ppm) (ppm) (ppml (ppm) (ppml (ppm) (ppm) Toluene <1.5 <0.5 64.9 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.30 Xylenes 32.9 26.2 422 1.27 <0.01 <0.010 <0.010 23.9 Ethyl Benzene <1. 5 2.17 174 0.059 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 5.10 Ethanol ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND *Several Cyclo hexane's and Benzene's (propyl; 1, 3, 5 -Trimethyl; l-ethyl-4-Methyl; l, 2 concentrations ranging typically components of Dimethyl; etc.) were also detected at up to 136 ppm (HAl) these compounds are "NAPHTHA" and of "Mineral Spirits". See the attached analytical for full results and field sketch for sampling locations. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS There has been a discharge and the soil must be considered a solid waste. To establish if this is indeed a hazardous waste will require a "waste determination" by the Department of Environment, Health, Natural Resources -Solid Waste Management Division, Solid Waste Section. A letter and/or copy of this report should be submitted tcJ the attention of Mr. Jerry Rhodes, Section Chief for the r ,, .. _ .. , p I'-'-I'-' .L..'<'·'-•'\•'•101L-,--,._,,_,'-"'·-· • • • Aqua Tech Enviromnental Consultants, Inc. Melmore Laboratory P.O. Box 76 Melmore, Ohio 44845 Telephone: (419) 397•2659 Client: ENV:RIO-CHEM ENVIRONMENTAL SERV ATEC Sample No.: 91-15467-MEL Client o .. or.i:ptiori: HA-l. Date Received: oE•/31/91 Date Extraote<t: Da.te Analyzed: OE:/13/91 Method: SW-S46i 6240 Sample Type: SOIL Percent Solids: 83.3 Analy•t: DWH Project No.: 910799 Compound .concentration mg/kg (ppm} dry wt ----------------... -·--------~----~~~------------------..... ------------------- Acrolein < 30.0 Aceylonitrile < 30.0 :SenzfUle < 1. !50 Bromoform < 1.50 BromOlUethane < 3,00 <:arbon'l'ettachlorido < l..50 Chlorobenzene < 1.50 Chlorodibrom<methane < 1.so Chloroethine < 3,00 2-chloroethyl Vinyl Ether < 1.50 Chloroform < 1.50 Chlo:tomethane < 3.00 Dichlorobromt1111ethane < J..50 Dichlo:rodifl\1oromethane < 3.00 l,J.-Dichloro~>thane < 1.so 1,2-Dichloroethane -< l.50 1, 1-oichlorcx:1thQlJe < J.,50 trans-1, 2-Dic:hloroethene < 1.50 cis-1, 2c-DichJ.oroethene < 1.50 1, 2 -oichloroJ:•:rC>patte < 1.50 qis-1, 3-0ichJ.oropropeJ)"" < l.50 trans-1, ::i-oic:hloro~ropene < 1. ::10 Ethyl :ae1:1zen~1 < 1.so Ketbylene Chloride < l.50 1, 1, 2 / 2-Tetrachlorioethane < J.,50 Tet:raohloroet:hene · < 1.50 Toluen., < 1.50 1, l, 1-Trichl.ciroeth.ane < 1.50 1, 1, 2-Tr ichlc1roethane < 1.50 Tr ichlorolltth(lone < 1.so Triclllorofluorometlb.ane < 3.00 Vinyl. Chloricl'.e "" 3.00 Total Xylenae: 32.9 --------------~---·------------------·-------M~-----~-----------------·-- R~CEIUED FROM ?74 7068 '37.12.1991 14;34 p. 4 JUL le'. '~l 15:~:5 FROl1 FLOYD BROWNE RSSOC. t-H ';it. • '.:.-' '.::J ::J • • Aqua Tech Environmental consultants, Inc. Melllore Laboratory P.O. Box 76 Melmore, Ohio 44845 Telephone: (419) 397-2659 Client: EN'irRIO-CHIDl tNVI'.RONMilNTAL SERV ATEC Salltpla No.: 91-15468-MEL Cli•nt Oescriptio:lll HA-2 Date Rlaceived: 05/31/91 Date Ertraoted: Dat• Analyzed: 06/13/91 Method! SW-8461 8240 sample Type: SO::tL Percent Solids: 76.S Analysts OWH Project No.: 910799 Compound concentration mg/kg (ppm) dry wt -~~----~---------~~--~~--~~--~~--------------------------~----------~---- Aero lei?:! < 10.0 Accylonitrile < 10.0 &mzene < 0.50 BrolllOform < 0,50 l3r01nomethane < i.oo Carbon 'l'etra1:U\loride < o.so Chlorobenzena < 0.50 Chlorodibromometha.ne < 0,50 Chloroethane < l.00 2-Chloroethyl Vinyl Ether < 0.50 Chlorot:orm < 0.50 Chlorometbane < 1.00 Diohlorob.7:01mmethane < o.so Dichlorodif luor<:1.l!!ethane < 1.00 l,1-Dichloroethane < o.so 1,2-Dichloroethane -< 0.50 1,1-Dichloroethene < 0.50 trans-1, 2~Dic:hlo:t'oethene < 0.50 cis-1,2-DichlorQethene < o.so 1 1 2-Diel:l.lO.<>Ji>l:'Op~n<"' < 0.50 cis-1 1 3-0ichlQ~opropene < o.so trans-1, 3-0i<::hloroi!?ropene <: 0.50 Ethyl Bentene• 2.17 ~thylen111 Chloride < o.so l, 1, 2 , 2-Tetrachlorc:>ethane < 0.50 Tetrachloroethene < o.so Toluene < 0.50 1,1,l-Trichloroethane < 0.50 l,11 2-Triohloroethane < 0.50 Triohloroethene , < 0.50 Trichlorofl11orometl'1ane < 1.00 Vinyl Chloride < 1.00 Total xylenes 26.2 -------------·-----··"'--~----... fl"-----------------------------.. --------~~~-~- RECEIVED FROM ??4 7068 07.12.1991 141~~ P. o HENRYWL~ INCO RPORA'f.ED • May 10, 1991 Page 2 There are two possible solvent mixtures involved in this contillllination. The most probable cause is a 11lixture known as "Lightning". The other possibility is ~l mixture known as "PR-320". I have listed below the ingredients of both solvents. Lightning * PR-320 ********* * ****** Ethyl Alcohol 30% * Petro. Distillates 35-45% VM&P Naptha 20% * Napthol Spirits 66/3 40-50% 36 RB Naptha 15% * Methylene Chloride <10% Xylene 35% * I have made arrangements with Envirochem, Inc. to take additional samples to verify which solvent is present and to determine the full extent of the contamination. I expect this sampling to take place early next week. I will keep you informed as new information becomes av.ailable. Please, call me if you require any further information. Sini~­k Stalter / Safety Administrator -1 • • North Carolina Department of Human Resources Division of Health Services P.O. Box 2091 • Raleigh, North Carolina 27602-2091 Jarnes; G. Martin, Governor David T. Flaherty, Secretary Henry Wurst Inc. ro Box 917 Apex, NC 27502 RE: EPA ID No. NCD982162133 Dear Sir: Ronald H. Levine, M.D., M.P.H. April 25, 1988 State Health Director Listed above is your EPA ID number which has been assigned by the EPA. As a small generator, you should be familiar with 10 NCAC lOF N.C. Hazardous Waste Management Rules .0002 Definitions; and .0029 Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste -Part 261 and . 0030 Standards for Hazardous Waste Generators -Part 262. Enclosed is a copy of A Handbook for Small Businesses which is intended to avoid the need for you to obtain, read, and understand the actual regulatory requirements for small quantity generators. However, if you wish to obtain a copy of the actual regulations, you may do so by contacting the Solid and Hazardous 1•aste Management Branch, Division of Health Services, P.O. Box 2091, Raleigh, North Carolina 27602. To cover the cost of printing, a fue of $5.00 is charged for a copy of the regulations. NCSU provides a training program for small generators which you may want to attend. The Department has a contract with NCSU to conduct training for small generators. Call Linda Watkins at (919) 737-3002 for a flyer describing the workshops in your area. The Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Branch contains a Technical Assistance Unit which is available to answer questions. The Unit can be reached by contacting the Branch Office at (919) 733-2178. cc: LARRY D. PERRY Attachment Sincerely, (2~u__J~ .,,.-=---........_ William Paige, Environmental Engineer Supervisor for Technical Assistance Solid & Hazardous Waste Management Branch EnviroDmental Health Section