HomeMy WebLinkAboutZion Ave Environmental Sampling 5_23_2014-OCREnvironmental Sampling Zion Avenue Project Cornelius, North Carolina Geoscience Project No. CHl 4. 0045.EV Prepared For: Renaissance Square, Inc. 21225 Norman Shores Drive Cornelius, North Carolina 28031 May 23, 2014 Prepared By: GEQSCIENCE GROUP 500 Clanton Road, Suite K Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 Phone (704) 525-2003 Facsimile (704) 525-2051 May 23, 2014 Renaissance Square, LLC. 21225 Norman Shores Drive GEQSCIENCE Cornelius, North Carolina 28031 GROUP Attention: Mr. Pahl Davis Reference: Environmental Sampling Zion Avenue Project Cornelius, North Carolina Geoscience Project No. CH14.0045.EV INTRODUCTION Consulting Engineers Geoscience is currently preparing a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) of the subject property. Research conducted as part of the Phase I BSA revealed that the subject site has operated as a dry cleaning business since approximately 1922, prior to which the site had operated as a Ford dealership and a livery stable. The purpose of this environmental sampling event was to determine whether the property has been impacted by releases associated with dry cleaning operations on the site. ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLING ACTIVITIES On April 17, 2014, Geoscience mobilized to the site to monitor the installation of four (4) Geoprobe borings (GP-1 through GP-4) on the property by Akers Environmental. The borings were advanced at the locations shown on the Sample Location Diagram, included in Appendix I as Drawing No. CH14.0045-A. Borings GP-1 and GP-2 were located to explore the possibility of releases from an abandoned septic tank and several reported waste water tanks located behind the building. Boring GP-3 was advanced adjacent to the discharge point of a floor drain located near the existing dry cleaning machine. Boring GP-4 was located topographically down gradient from borings GP-1 through GP-3 . Each boring was advanced to a depth of approximately thirty-four (34) feet below the ground surface (BGS), with continuous soil sampling conducted within the top fifteen (15) feet BGS . Soil samples from depths of 2, 5, 10, and 15 feet BGS were selected for laboratory analysis. The selected samples were placed in laboratory-provided containers, packed on ice, and transported in a cooler under appropriate chain-of-custody procedures to Prism Laboratories, Inc. (Prism) of Charlotte, North Carolina for chemical analysis. The sixteen (16) soil samples were analyzed for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) EPA Method 8260. In addition, the samples were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) in the gasoline (GRO) and diesel (DRO) ranges. Following collection of the soil samples, borings GP-2, GP-3, and GP-4 were completed as one (1) inch diameter temporary monitoring wells. The temporary wells were each set with a ten (10) foot screened section with an eleven (11) foot sand filter pack. The temporary wells were subsequently sampled in general accordance with NCDENR guidelines. After sample collection, the temporary wells were properly abandoned. Copies of the Well Construction and Abandonment Records are included in Appendix II. 500 Clanton Road Suite K Charlotte. North Carolina 28217 Telephone 704.525.2003 Facsimile 704.525.2051 Renaissance Square, LLC. Geoscience Job No. CH14.0045.EV May23, 2014 Page2 The three (3) groundwater samples (GP-2 through GP-4) were submitted to Prism Laboratories and analyzed for VOCs and Semi-VOCs by EPA methods 6200B and 625, respectively. No groundwater sample was collected at GP-1. SAMPLE RESULTS Soil Samples: The results of the soil sample analyses are listed on Table 1: Summary of Soil Sampling Results (Appendix I). As shown, tetrachloroethylene (PCE) was detected in samples GP-1-2, GP-1-10, GP-3-2, and GP-4-15 at concentrations ranging from 1.3 to 9.2 mg/kg. These concentrations exceed the 0.005 mg/kg Preliminary Soil Remediation Goal (PSRG) established by the NCDENR Inactive Hazardous Sites (IHS) Branch for protection of groundwater. In addition, cis-1,2 dichloroethylene was detected in sample GP-2-10 at a concentration of 0.0023 mg/kg. However, this concentration does not exceed applicable PSRGs. No other chlorinated solvents were detected in the soil samples. The following petroleum VOCs were detected at concentrations above their respective PSRG in samples GP-2-2 and GP-2-15: sec-butylbenzene; tert-butylbenzene; n-butylbenzene; 4- isopropyltoluene; isopropylbenzene; naphthalene; n-propylbenzene; and 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene. In addition, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene concentrations in these two samples exceeded its commercial health based PSRG of 52 mg/kg. Petroleum VOCs were also detected in samples GP-2-5, GP-2- 10, and GP-3-10 but at concentrations below NCDENR established PSRGs. No petroleum VOCs were detected in the soil samples from GP-1 or GP-4. Elevated TPH GRO and DRO concentrations were detected in samples GP-2-2, GP-2-15, GP-4-5, and GP-4-15. Although PSRGs have not been established for TPH results, the elevated TPH concentrations suggests that petroleum compounds not detectable EPA method 8260 may be present at those locations. Groundwater Samples: The results of the groundwater sample analysis are listed on Table 2: Summary of Groundwater Sampling Results. As shown, PCE was detected in all three (3) samples at concentrations ranging from 0.74 to 8.3 µg/L. These concentrations exceed the 0.7 µg/L North Carolina Groundwater Standard (2L Standard) established for PCE. In addition, trichloroethylene; 1, 1, 1 thrichloroethane; 1, 1,2-trichloroethane; 1, 1-dichloroethane; 1,2- dichloroethane; and 1, 1-dichloroethylene exceeded their respective 2L Standard in groundwater sample GP-2. Other chlorinated compounds were detected in the groundwater samples, but at concentration below their respective 2L Standards. In addition to the chlorinated compounds, petroleum voes were detected in in all three (3) groundwater samples. The petroleum compounds detected were generally consistent with those encountered in the soil samples. However, none of the detected petroleum VOCs were present at concentrations exceeding 2L standards. No Semi-VOCs compounds were detected in the water samples. Copies of the laboratory test reports are included in Appendix III. APPENDIX I Figure No. CH14.0045-A -Sample Location Diagram Table 1: Summary Of Soil Sampling Results Table 2: Summary Of Groundwater Sampling Results Table 1: Summary of Soil Sampling Results Revision Date: Sample ID GP-1-2 GP-1-5 GP-1-10 GP-1-15 GP-2-2 GP-2-5 GP-2-10 GP-2-15 GP-3-2 GP-3-5 GP-3-10 GP-3-15 GP-4-2 GP-4-5 GP-4-10 GP-4-15 5/23/2014 Analytical Method Contaminant of Concern Date Sample Sample Collected Location Depth (ft) 4/17/2014 GP-1 2 4/17/2014 GP-1 5 4/17/2014 GP-1 10 4/17/2014 GP-1 15 4/17/2014 GP-2 2 4/17/2014 GP-2 5 4/17/2014 GP-2 10 4/17/2014 GP-2 15 4/17/2014 GP-3 2 4/17/2014 GP-3 5 4/17/2014 GP-3 10 4/17/2014 GP-3 15 4/17/2014 GP-4 2 4/17/2014 GP-4 5 4/17/2014 GP-4 10 4/17/2014 GP-4 15 Protection Of Groundwater PSRG Residential Health Based PSRG Commercial/Industrial Health Based PSRG Notes: BRL -Below Reporting Limit TPH QJ QJ c: c: QJ QJ N N QJ c: c: 0 0 c: QJ QJ .8 .0 .0 a: a: QJ ~ ~ c (!) u :::> :::> <( CD CD 0 t QJ 2 (/) BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL 570 1700 BRL 8.1 3.9 BRL BRL BRL BRL 0.0022 J BRL BRL BRL 0.0082 0.0097 1200 1400 BRL 4.6 2.8 BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL 0.063 BRL BRL 14 5.8 BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL 31 13 BRL BRL BRL NL NL 24 2.2 1.7 NL NL 12,000 1,600 1,600 NL NL 100,000 20,000 20,000 J -Detected At Concentration Below Reporting Limit, Result Is An Estimated Concentration NL -Not Listed QJ c: QJ QJ c: :::> QJ s N c: >. QJ c. .0 e ~ c. :::> 0 CD (/) C: ~ BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL 11 4.9 BRL BRL 0.0085 0.0030 J 7.2 3.3 BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL 0.68 2.4 NL 110 NL 110 PSRG -Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch Preliminary Soil Remediation Goal (From Table Dated January 2012) Blue Shaded Cells Exceed Protection Of Groundwater PSRG Yellow Shaded Cells Exceed Residential Health Based PSRG Orange Shaded Cells Exceed Commercial/Industrial Health Based PSRG QJ QJ c: c: ~ QJ QJ c: N QJ c: ~ N QJ >. c: .0 QJ >. .c: .0 w >. c. .c: e >. w c. .c: 0 .!E 1il ~ BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL 1.5 BRL BRL BRL BRL 0.0027 J 0.0060 BRL 0.30J 1.7 BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL 8.1 1.3 16 5.4 270 5,600 27 270 28,000 EPA 8260 (mg/kg) QJ QJ QJ c: c: QJ c: QJ QJ QJ c: QJ c: N N :§ QJ >. QJ QJ c: c: QJ >. .c: c: N QJ QJ .8 c: 1il QJ c: .0 .0 QJ QJ .c: e iii QJ >. >. c: >. 1il .0 .c: .c: ui Cll e 0 .c: >. 1il 1il QJ >. ~ :c :E c: ~ 0 c. c. E E QJ c. :c u Cll e ~ ~ >. 0 ~ u 0 z q. x E ~ N_ c: """ L() 1il ~ ~ ~ I-' (/) ~ ~ ·u BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL 1.3 J BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL 9.2 BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL 0.46J 4.8 97 9.8 BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL 0.0033 J BRL 0.018 0.0038 J BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL 0.0067 J 0.012 0.26 0.099 0.024 0.014 0.0095 BRL 0.0023 J 0.56J 4.2 63 33 0.65J 0.32J 0.33J BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL 3.4 BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL 0.0026 J BRL 0.0026 J BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL 1.7 J BRL 0.21 1.5 6.7 6.7 5.8 NL NL .005 0.36 3.6 260 12 160 130 140 120 17 32 18 260 52 180 260 430 390 82 400 Revision Date· Wellllll GP-2 GP-3 GP-4 Notes: Table 2: Summary of Groundwater Sampling Results 5/23/2014 Analytical Method Q) Q) c: c: Q) Q) Q) N N c: Contaminant of Concern c: c: Q) Q) Q) Q) .0 .0 N~ c: c: Q) Q) >->-Q) c: Cii .s:::: .s:::: .0 Q) Qi Qi >-E .s:::: :E E E c. :J c. ·;:: ·;:: e o <O Bate Bepth to Wate1 I-;-I-;-c. ~ z Sample Ill> 0 "'" LO !E Collected (ft) <'[ ~ ~ ~ 4/17/2014 GP-2 Approximately 26 8.5 0.71 0.6 J 25 to 28 4/17/2014 GP-3 Approximately BRL BRL 1.5 BRL 25 to 28 4/17/2014 GP-4 Approximately BRL BRL BRL BRL 25 to 28 NC 2L Standard 400 400 70 6 BRL -Below Reporting Limit J -Detected At Concentration Below Reporting Limit, Result Is An Estimated Concentration N/A -Not Applicable Yellow Shaded Cells Exceed North Carolina Groundwater (2L) Standard EPA 6200B (µg/L) Q) Q) Q) c: Q) c: c: <O c: Q) Q) (/) .s:::: Q) Q) Qi N N N c: c: c: c: Q) e Q) Q) Q) c: Q) .0 .0 .0 Q) >-0 z. z. :J x ::c >-0 .\2 c. :J :J JS e []J []J I-t7 0.. 0 t 0 I-~-C: Q) 2 (/) '": ~ 0.71 3.1 9.5 0.53 0.57 J 1.8 BRL 2.0 8.5 0.62 BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL 0.51 BRL BRL 70 70 70 600 500 200 EPA 625 (µg/L) Q) Q) Q) c: Q) c: Q) Q) c: Q) c: Q) <O c: c: Q) >-Q) c: .s:::: <O <O >-.s:::: >-Q) Qi .s:::: .s:::: Qi E Qi Qi .s:::: .s:::: >-e Qi e Qi e e .£ £ Target 0 e 0 e e Q) ::c 0 0 ::c e tl ::c ::c 0 tl 0 0 Compounds ·;:: tl tl ::c i5 ::c ::c 0 I-;-9 i5 tl () tl ::c 9 .N_ ~ tl "!. .N_ ~ ~ ~ Qi ~-...: ~ ~-.;, I-~ ~ ·u 4.9 27 3.3 860 6.6 1.6 4.7 11 BRL BRL BRL BRL 7.3 4.2 BRL 8.3 0.87 BRL BRL BRL BRL 0.94 BRL BRL 0.74 BRL BRL 0.6 6 0.4 350 70 70 0.7 3 •HA APPENDIX II Temporary Well Construction Records Temporary Well Abandonment Records APPENDIX III Laboratory Reports Page 1 of 81 Page 2 of 81 Page 3 of 81 Page 4 of 81 Page 5 of 81 Page 6 of 81 Page 7 of 81 Page 8 of 81 Page 9 of 81 Page 10 of 81 Page 11 of 81 Page 12 of 81 Page 13 of 81 Page 14 of 81 Page 15 of 81 Page 16 of 81 Page 17 of 81 Page 18 of 81 Page 19 of 81 Page 20 of 81 Page 21 of 81 Page 22 of 81 Page 23 of 81 Page 24 of 81 Page 25 of 81 Page 26 of 81 Page 27 of 81 Page 28 of 81 Page 29 of 81 Page 30 of 81 Page 31 of 81 Page 32 of 81 Page 33 of 81 Page 34 of 81 Page 35 of 81 Page 36 of 81 Page 37 of 81 Page 38 of 81 Page 39 of 81 Page 40 of 81 Page 41 of 81 Page 42 of 81 Page 43 of 81 Page 44 of 81 Page 45 of 81 Page 46 of 81 Page 47 of 81 Page 48 of 81 Page 49 of 81 Page 50 of 81 Page 51 of 81 Page 52 of 81 Page 53 of 81 Page 54 of 81 Page 55 of 81 Page 56 of 81 Page 57 of 81 Page 58 of 81 Page 59 of 81 Page 60 of 81 Page 61 of 81 Page 62 of 81 Page 63 of 81 Page 64 of 81 Page 65 of 81 Page 66 of 81 Page 67 of 81 Page 68 of 81 Page 69 of 81 Page 70 of 81 Page 71 of 81 Page 72 of 81 Page 73 of 81 Page 74 of 81 Page 75 of 81 Page 76 of 81 Page 77 of 81 Page 78 of 81 Page 79 of 81