HomeMy WebLinkAbout18037_City_Center_Inn_AWP_20150710Work Plan for Additional Site Assessment (Revision 1)S&ME Project No. 4335-14-075 SkyHouse II, N. College and 9 th Streets, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, NC July 10, 2015 2 potential exists for these structures to have used heating oil tanks to store heating oil on the premises. Based on discussions in an email sent by Mr. Mike Greene of Novare Group (Novare) to Mr. Roger Smith of S&ME on June 26, 2015, Mr. Greene requested S&ME prepare a work plan to address Ms. Eckard’s request that Novare further assess these identified RECs,and to further assess the soil and groundwater at the site. As stated above, the Work Plan and Cost Estimate was initially submitted to Ms. Eckard on July 1, 2015 for review and Work Plan approval. On July 8, 2015, Ms. Eckard replied via email with questions and requested changes to the Work Plan. S&ME submitted an email response on July 9, 2015, that addressed Ms. Eckard’s comments and provided explanations and minor changes to the work plan. Upon review, Ms. Eckard approved the work plan with the edits and comments on July 9, 2015. The below work plan/scope of services and corresponding cost estimate is revised to incorporate the approved changes. WORK PLAN / SCOPE OF SERVICES Task 1: Project Management, Coordination, SIP, and Health & Safety Plan S&ME will coordinate with the public (NC OneCall) and private utility locators to evaluate areas of proposed sample locations on the site Property, and procure a Subsurface Investigation Permit (SIP), as required by Mecklenburg County. S&ME will also coordinate with a North Carolina licensed drilling contractor to conduct borings to assess site soils and to install and abandon temporary monitoring wells to assess the site groundwater, and with a North Carolina certified laboratory to conduct laboratory analysis of soil and groundwater samples collected from the site. Additionally, S&ME will also prepare a project health and safety plan in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.120 as required by OSHA. Task 2: Soil and Groundwater Assessment at Proposed SkyHouse II Building Footprint Soil Assessment In order to further assess the site soils for evidence of potential impacts in the area of the proposed Skyhouse II building,S&ME proposes to conduct up to twelve (12) borings at locations indicated on the attached figure. The 12 borings are located in accordance with the grid sampling as stated in the approved Soil Management Plan, Rev. 4 dated October 15, 2014 for “In-place Assessment and Management of Site Soils”. The borings will be advanced to a depth of 10 feet, refusal, or to the apparent groundwater surface, whichever is encountered first using a direct push (Geoprobe®) type drilling rig. During advancement, soils will be collected continuously from the ground surface to the termination depth of each boring and the soils will be evaluated for evidence of apparent environmental impacts such as indications of staining, odors and by collection of organic vapor measurements using a photoionization detector (PID). Based on the field evaluations, one sample from each boring will Work Plan for Additional Site Assessment (Revision 1)S&ME Project No. 4335-14-075 SkyHouse II, N. College and 9 th Streets, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, NC July 10, 2015 3 be selected for submittal to the analytical laboratory for analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using EPA Method 8260/5035 and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) using EPA Method 8270. The sample interval selected from each boring for laboratory analysis will be based on apparent evidence of impacts as listed above. After completion of the borings and soil sampling, eleven of the borings will be abandoned either by filling with the soil cuttings (if no groundwater is encountered) or by abandoning with bentonite to just above the ground surface (if groundwater is encountered) and topped with soil cuttings. The remaining soil cuttings, will be spread onsite in a vegetative area if no evidence of apparent impacts are noted. If impacts are suspected in the soil cuttings, they will be either placed in a drum, secured, and labeled as to contents, or stockpiled on plastic at the site (and covered) until laboratory results are reviewed as to where and how the soils can be disposed. Groundwater Assessment One of the twelve borings will be extended to below the groundwater surface and a temporary monitoring well installed. The tentatively planned location of temporary monitoring well is in the approximate center of the proposed building footprint, assuming no evidence of suspected impacts is observed in the twelve borings (see attached figure). However, should impacts be suspected in a boring or borings, the temporary monitor well will be installed in the boring which exhibited the most apparent evidence of impacts, based on field observations during boring advancement. The temporary monitoring well will be installed to a depth of approximately 30 feet, refusal, or to approximately 5 feet beyond the apparent groundwater surface, whichever is encountered first using a direct push (Geoprobe®) type drilling rig. The temporary well will be constructed of 1.25- inch PVC equipped with 10 feet of 0.010-inch slotted PVC screen and adequate casing to bring the monitoring well to the ground surface. After installation, the well will be developed in order to allow groundwater to freely flow into the well. After completion of development, a groundwater sample will be collected for analysis of VOCs using EPA Method 8260 and semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) using EPA Method 8270. After completion of the sampling, the monitoring well will be abandoned by removing the PVC casing and screen, and by filling the borehole with bentonite to just above the ground surface and topped with soil cuttings. Task 3: Soil and Groundwater Assessment at the Former Auto Sales/Service Station Soil Assessment In order to further assess the site soils and groundwater for evidence of potential impacts at the former auto sales/service station,S&ME proposes to conduct two (2) borings at locations indicated on the attached figure. Since there is no definitive location of an area of concern at the former auto sales/service station, the location of the borings are based on the limited information from the 1963 Sanborn map. One of borings is proposed to be located in the area listed on the Sanborn as “Auto Body Repair” and the other is proposed to be located in the area indicated as “Auto Service”. The borings will be advanced to a depth of 30 feet, refusal, or to approximately 5 feet beyond the apparent groundwater surface, whichever is encountered first using a direct push (Geoprobe®) type drilling rig. During advancement, soils will be collected continuously from the ground surface to Work Plan for Additional Site Assessment (Revision 1)S&ME Project No. 4335-14-075 SkyHouse II, N. College and 9 th Streets, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, NC July 10, 2015 4 the apparent groundwater surface at each boring and the soils will be evaluated for evidence of apparent environmental impacts such as indications of staining, odors and by collection of organic vapor measurements using a photoionization detector (PID). Based on the field evaluations, one sample from each boring will be selected for submittal to the analytical laboratory for analysis of VOCs and PAH’s using the above referenced methods. The sample interval selected from each boring for laboratory analysis will be based on apparent evidence of impacts as listed above. Groundwater Assessment After completion of the soil sampling, the borings will be extended to below the groundwater surface (if feasible) and a temporary monitoring well will be installed in each. The temporary monitoring wells will be installed to a depth of approximately 30 feet, refusal, or to approximately 5 feet beyond the apparent groundwater surface. The temporary wells will be constructed of 1.25- inch PVC equipped with 10 feet of 0.010-inch slotted PVC screen and adequate casing to bring the monitoring well to the ground surface. After installation, the wells will be developed in order to allow groundwater to freely flow into the well. After completion of development, a groundwater sample will be collected from each well for analysis of VOCs and SVOCs using the above referenced methods. After completion of the sampling, the monitoring wells will be abandoned by removing the PVC casing and screen, and by filling the borehole with bentonite to just above the ground surface and topped with soil cuttings. In order to establish a relative groundwater elevation and flow direction at the site, the three newly installed temporary monitoring wells will be horizontally and vertically located, as referenced from a site benchmark. After the groundwater level has apparently stabilized in each well, a depth to water surface measurement will be collected and used to generate a relative groundwater surface elevation. Task 4: SIP Closure and Reporting After receipt of final laboratory results, S&ME will provide the required information to Mecklenburg County to close out the SIP, and summarize the activities, findings, results, along with conclusions and recommendations within an Additional Site Assessment report for your review. However, S&ME will provide you with the verbal results and laboratory reports, upon receipt from the laboratory. S&ME will compare the soil analytical results to the NCDENR’s Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB) Preliminary Soil Remedial Goals (PSRGs) – residential health based soil remedial goals. S&ME will compare the groundwater analytical results to the 15A NCAC 2L .0202 Groundwater Quality Standards and the NCDENR, Division of Waste Management’s Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels. EXCLUSIONS Unless specifically authorized as an addition to the Additional Site Assessment work scope, the assessment will not include the following: !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!.!. !. !. !. !. !. !.!.!.!. !.!.!.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !.!.!. !. !.!. !. #G!#G! #G!#G! #G!#G! #G! "J #G! #G! #G! #G! "J"J N T r y o n S t W 9th St SAMPLING LOCATION MAP (Rev. 1)N. COLLEGE STREET SITE300 & 314 NO. COLLEGE STREETCHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 1 4335-14-075 DDH WWW.SMEINC.COM SCALE: PROJECT NO: DATE: DRAWN BY: FIGURE NO. 07-10-15 1 " = 60 ' Q :\4 3 3 5 \1 4 \0 7 5 S k y H o u s e P r o p e r t y \F i g 1 S k y h o u s e I I S a m p l e L o c a t i o n s .m x d ENGINEERING LICENSE NO: F-0176 ± #G!Proposed Soil Sample Locations !.Previous Sampling Locations "J Proposed Soil / Groundwater Sample Locations Former Residences (Approximate) Former Auto Sales / Service Station (Approximate) Proposed SkyHouse II Building 0 60 Feet REFERENCE: 2015 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHBASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED FROM THE MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS WEBSITE. THISMAP IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. ALL FEATURE LOCATIONS DISPLAYED AREAPPROXIMATE AND ARE NOT BASED ON CIVIL SURVEY INFORMATION, UNLESS STATEDOTHERWISE.