HomeMy WebLinkAbout16017_Carolina Med Electronics_VMP_2012Oct09MINERAL SPRINGS ENVIRONMENTAL, P.C. 4600 MINERAL SPRINGS LANE RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, 27616 919.261.8186 VAPOR MITIGATION PLAN FORMER CAROLINA MEDICAL ELECTRONICS SITE 157 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE KING,STOKES COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA OCTOBER 9, 2012 MSE JOB NO. 329 Prepared For: KING INVESTMENT PARTNERS 14091 EAST MARINA DRIVE APARTMENT 512 AURORA, COLORADO, 80014-3730 DRAWINGSDRAWINGSDRAWINGSDRAWINGS DRAWING NO. 1 TOPOGRAPHIC SITE MAP CAROLINA MEDICAL EQUIPMENT SITE KING, NORTH CAROLINA Date: February 2010 Job No.: MSE 329 File: 329/Drawing 1 By: KP SITE APPENDICESAPPENDICESAPPENDICESAPPENDICES APPENDIX A Epoxy Coating and Sealing Product Sheets KEY 100% SOLIDS EPOKEY 100% SOLIDS EPOKEY 100% SOLIDS EPOKEY 100% SOLIDS EPOKEY 100% SOLIDS EPOXY COXY COXY COXY COXY COAAAAATING #520TING #520TING #520TING #520TING #520 ΕΣΧΡΙΠΤΙΟΝ ΚΕΨ ΡΕΣΙΝ #520 ισ α 100% σολιδσ, πιγµεντεδ εποξψ φλοορ χοατινγ δεσιγνεδ το προϖιδε ηιγη γλοσσ, χηεµιχαλ ρεσισταντ προτεχτιον. ΚΕΨ ΡΕΣΙΝ #520 σηουλδ βε υσεδ ωηερεϖερ α ηιγη βυιλδ, χορροσιϖε ρεσισταντ, προτεχτιϖε φλοορ χοατινγ ισ ρεθυιρεδ. Ιτ ισ εσσεντιαλλψ οδορλεσσ ανδ χαν, τηερεφορε, βε υσεδ ιν οχχυπιεδ αρεασ. ΚΕΨ ΡΕΣΙΝ #520 προϖιδεσ α σµοοτη, ηιγη γλοσσ φινιση ορ, ιν α ηεαϖψ βοδψ φορµ, αν ορανγε πεελ, τεξτυρεδ φινιση. Ιτ ισ υσεδ ασ α φινιση χοατινγ φορ Κεψ Μορταρ Σψστεµσ. ΚΕΨ ΑςΑΝΤΑΓΕΣ Λοω Οδορ φορ υσε ιν Οχχυπιεδ Αρεασ (0−ςΟΧ) Χηεµιχαλ & Σταιν Ρεσισταντ Εασψ Αππλιχατιον ΚΕΨ ΧΟΝΣΙΕΡΑΤΙΟΝΣ Συβστρατε τεµπερατυρε µυστ βε α µινιµυµ οφ 50≡Φ Συβστρατε µυστ βε φρεε οφ διρτ, ωαξεσ, χυρινγ αγεντσ, ανδ οτηερ φορειγν µατεριαλσ Νοτ ρεχοµµενδεδ φορ ιµµερσιον ιν οξιδιζινγ αγεντσ ορ µινεραλ αχιδσ ΧΟΛΟΡ ΣΕΛΕΧΤΙΟΝ ΚΕΨ ΡΕΣΙΝ #520 ισ αϖαιλαβλε ιν Κεψ Στανδαρδ Χολορσ ανδ Χυστοµ Χολορσ ασ αππροϖεδ. ΧΟΜΠΟΣΙΤΙΟΝ 100% Σολιδσ Εποξψ, Αλιπηατιχ Αµινεσ, ανδ Φιλλερσ ΑΠΠΛΙΧΑΤΙΟΝ ΣΥΡΦΑΧΕ ΠΡΕΠΑΡΑΤΙΟΝ Συρφαχε Πρεπαρατιον ισ τηε µοστ χριτιχαλ πορτιον οφ ανψ συχχεσσφυλ ρεσινουσ φλοορινγ σψστεµ αππλιχατιον. Αλλ συβστρατεσ µυστ βε προπερλψ πρεπαρεδ ασ ουτλινεδ ιν ΚΕΨ ΡΕΣΙΝ ΧΟΜΠΑΝΨΣ ΤΕΧΗΝΙΧΑΛ ΒΥΛΛΕΤΙΝ #1 . ορκ µυστ βε περφορµεδ βψ τραινεδ ορ εξπεριενχεδ χοντραχτορσ ορ µαιντενανχε περσοννελ. Τηε ΚΕΨ ΡΕΣΙΝ ΧΟΜΠΑΝΨ σερϖιχε δεπαρτµεντ ισ πλεασεδ το ανσωερ ανψ θυεστιονσ. ΙΝΣΤΑΛΛΑΤΙΟΝ ΚΕΨ ΡΕΣΙΝ #520 ισ νορµαλλψ σπρεαδ ωιτη α τροωελ ορ σθυεεγεε ανδ βαχκ−ρολλεδ ωιτη α µεδιυµ ορ σηορτ ναπ ρολλερ. Χαρε σηουλδ βε τακεν το µινιµιζε τηε εντραπµεντ οφ αιρ χαυσεδ βψ οϖερ−ρολλινγ. ΚΕΨ ΡΕΣΙΝ #520 χαν αλσο βε αππλιεδ βψ αιρλεσσ ορ χονϖεντιοναλ σπραψ. ΧΛΕΑΝ ΥΠ Χλεαν σκιν ωιτη σοαπ ανδ ωατερ. Τοολσ ανδ εθυιπµεντ σηουλδ βε χλεανεδ ωιτη ξψλενε ορ λαχθυερ τηιννερ. ΧΟςΕΡΑΓΕ ΚΕΨ ΡΕΣΙΝ #520 ωιλλ ψιελδ αππροξιµατελψ 10 µιλσ ωηεν σπρεαδ ατ 160 φτ2 περ γαλλον. KEY RESIN COMPANY ΤΕΧΗΝΙΧΑΛ ΑΤΑ ΜΑΙΝΤΕΝΑΝΧΕ Αφτερ χοµπλετινγ τηε αππλιχατιον οφ ΚΕΨ ΡΕΣΙΝ #520, τηε ινσταλλερ σηουλδ προϖιδε τηε οωνερ ωιτη µαιντενανχε ινστρυχτιονσ. ΚΕΨ ΡΕΣΙΝ #520 ισ εασιλψ χλεανεδ ωιτη νευτραλ σοαπσ ορ δετεργεντσ. ΑΡΡΑΝΤΨ Κεψ Ρεσιν Χοµπανψ (Κεψ) ωαρραντσ φορ α περιοδ οφ ονε (1) ψεαρ τηατ ιτσ προδυχτσ ωιλλ βε φρεε οφ µανυφαχτυρινγ δεφεχτσ ανδ ωιλλ βε ιν χονφορµιτψ ωιτη πυβλισηεδ σπεχιφιχατιονσ ωηεν ηανδλεδ, στορεδ, µιξεδ ανδ αππλιεδ ιν αχχορδανχε ωιτη ρεχοµµενδατιονσ οφ Κεψ. Ιφ ανψ προδυχτ φαιλσ το µεετ τηισ ωαρραντψ, τηε λιαβιλιτψ οφ Κεψ ωιλλ βε λιµιτεδ το ρεπλαχεµεντ οφ ανψ νον−χονφορµινγ µατεριαλ ιφ νοτιχε οφ συχη νον−χονφορµιτψ ισ γιϖεν το Κεψ ωιτηιν (1) ονε ψεαρ οφ δελιϖερψ οφ µατεριαλσ. Κεψ µαψ ιν ιτσ δισχρετιον ρεφυνδ τηε πριχε ρεχειϖεδ βψ Κεψ ιν λιευ οφ ρεπλαχινγ τηε µατεριαλ. Νο χυστοµερ, διστριβυτορ, ορ ρεπρεσεντατιϖε οφ Κεψ ισ αυτηοριζεδ το χηανγε ορ µοδιφψ τηε πυβλισηεδ σπεχιφιχατιονσ οφ τηισ ωαρραντψ ιν ανψ ωαψ. Νο ονε ισ αυτηοριζεδ το µακε οραλ ωαρραντιεσ ον βεηαλφ οφ Κεψ. Ιν ορδερ το οβταιν ρεπλαχεµεντ ορ ρεφυνδ τηε χυστοµερ µυστ προϖιδε ωριττεν νοτιχε χονταινινγ φυλλ δεταιλσ οφ τηε νον−χονφορµιτψ. Κεψ ρεσερϖεσ τηε ριγητ το ινσπεχτ τηε νον−χονφορµινγ µατεριαλ πριορ το ρεπλαχεµεντ. ΕΞΧΕΠΤ ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕ ΕΞΠΡΕΣΣΕ ΑΡΡΑΝΤΨ ΣΤΑΤΕ Α ΒΟςΕ, ΤΗΕΡΕ ΑΡΕ ΝΟ ΟΤΗΕΡ ΑΡΡΑΝΤΙΕΣ, ΕΞΠΡΕΣΣΕ ΟΡ ΙΜΠΛΙΕ, ΙΝΧΛΥΙΝΓ ΙΤΗΟΥΤ ΛΙΜΙΤΑΤΙΟΝ, ΑΝΨ ΙΜΠΛΙΕ ΑΡΡΑΝΤΨ ΟΦ ΜΕΡΧΗΑΝΤΑΒΙΛΙΤΨ ΟΡ ΦΙΤΝΕΣΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΥΡΠΟΣΕ. ΚΕΨΣ ΟΒΛΙΓΑΤΙΟΝ ΣΗΑΛΛ ΝΟΤ ΕΞΤΕΝ ΒΕΨΟΝ ΤΗΕ ΟΒΛΙΓΑΤΙΟΝΣ ΕΞΠΡΕΣΣΛΨ ΥΝΕΡΤΑΚΕΝ ΑΒΟςΕ ΑΝ ΚΕΨ ΣΗΑΛΛ ΗΑςΕ ΝΟ ΛΙΑΒΙΛΙΤΨ ΟΡ ΡΕΣΠΟΝΣΙΒΙΛΙΤΨ ΤΟ ΤΗΕ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΡ ΟΡ ΑΝΨ ΤΗΙΡ ΠΑΡΤΨ ΦΟΡ ΑΝΨ ΛΟΣΣ, ΧΟΣΤ, ΕΞΠΕΝΣΕ, ΑΜΑΓΕ ΟΡ ΛΙΑΒΙΛΙΤΨ, ΗΕΤΗΕΡ ΙΡΕΧΤ ΟΡ ΙΝΙΡΕΧΤ, ΟΡ Φ ΟΡ ΙΝΧΙΕΝΤΑΛ ΟΡ ΧΟΝΣΕΘΥΕΝΤΙΑΛ ΑΜΑΓΕΣ. ΤΕΧΗΝΙΧΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ Κεψ Ρεσιν Χοµπανψ ανδ ΚΡΧ Ασσοχιατεσ, Ινχ. προϖιδε σερϖιχεσ ανδ χονσυλτατιονσ ον µατεριαλ σελεχτιον, σπεχιφιχατιον, τρουβλεσηοοτινγ, ανδ οτηερ ινφορµατιον ον τηε προπερ ρεπαιρ ανδ προτεχτιον οφ χονχρετε συρφαχεσ. ΚΕΨ ΡΕΠΡΕΣΕΝΤΑΤΙςΕΣ αρε αϖαιλαβλε το ασσιστ ψου ατ ανψ τιµε. ΧΑΛΛ (888)943−4532. ΧΗΕΜΙΧΑΛ ΡΕΣΙΣΤΑΝΧΕ ΡΕΑΓΕΝΤ ΡΑΤΙΝΓ Αχετιχ Αχιδ−10% Λ Αχετονε Λ Αµµονια Ηψδροξιδε−38% Λ Βεερ Ρ∗ Βλεαχη Λ Βρακε Φλυιδ Λ∗ Χιτριχ Αχιδ−30% Ρ Χιτριχ Αχιδ−40% Λ Χρυδε Οιλ Ρ ιεσελ Φυελ Ρ Ετηψλενε Γλψχολ Ρ Φαττψ Αχιδσ Λ Γασολινε Λ Ηψδροχηλοριχ Αχιδ−15% Ρ Λαχτιχ Αχιδ−15% Ρ Λαχτιχ Αχιδ−50% Λ Μετηψλ Ετηψλ Κετονε Λ Νιτριχ Αχιδ−10% Ρ∗ Ορανγε ϑυιχε Ρ Περοξιδε−35% Λ Πηοσπηοριχ Αχιδ−85% Λ Σκψδρολ Λ Σοδιυµ Ηψδροξιδε−50% Ρ Συλφυριχ Αχιδ−20% Ρ Τολυενε Λ Υρεα Ρ ςινεγαρ Λ Ξψλενε Λ Κεψ #520−2 ςισχοσιτψ ≅ 75≡Φ (µιξεδ) Μιξινγ Ρατιο Σολιδσ Χοντεντ ςολατιλε Οργανιχ Χοντεντ (ςΟΧ) ειγητ περ γαλλον 950 χπσ 2 Παρτσ Α το 1 Παρτ Β βψ ςολυµε 100%, βψ ϖολυµε −0− 11.5 πουνδσ περ γαλλον, µιξεδ Ποτ Λιφε ρψ το Τουχη Ρε−Χοατ Λιγητ Σερϖιχε Φυλλ Χυρε & Μαξιµυµ Ρεσιστανχε 30−35 µινυτεσ ≅ 75≡Φ 10−12 ηουρσ ≅ 75≡Φ 12−16 ηουρσ ≅ 75≡Φ 24 ηουρσ ≅ 75≡Φ 5 δαψσ ΧΥΡΕ/ΡΨ ΤΙΜΕ Ρ−Ρεχοµµενδεδ φορ χοντινυουσ σερϖιχε. Λ−Λιµιτεδ Ρεχοµµενδατιον, οχχασιοναλ σπιλλσ. ∗−Μαψ χαυσε σλιγητ σταιν ορ δισχολορατιον ΑςΑΙΛΑΒΙΛΙΤΨ Κεψ Ρεσινσ αρε αϖαιλαβλε τηρουγηουτ τηε Υνιτεδ Στατεσ, Χαναδα, ανδ α νυµβερ οφ οτηερ χουντριεσ. Χονταχτ τηε ΚΕΨ ΡΕΠΡΕΣΕΝΤΑΤΙςΕ ιν ψουρ αρεα φορ δεταιλσ. KEY RESIN COMPANY 4061 Clough Woods Drive Batavia, Ohio 45103, 888.943.4532 KEY FLEXIBLE EPOKEY FLEXIBLE EPOKEY FLEXIBLE EPOKEY FLEXIBLE EPOKEY FLEXIBLE EPOXY #580XY #580XY #580XY #580XY #580 DESCRIPTION KEY RESIN #580 is a 100% solids, flexible epoxy used as a base under Key Lastic Systems. KEY RESIN #580 resists cracking caused by horizontal substrate movement, providing a crack resistant, resilient, sound absorbent, waterproof, durable floor. When used in conjunction with most Key Flooring Systems, KEY RESIN #580 offers stress-relieving properties for floor slabs that show movement or vibration. KEY RESIN #580 is excellent for use in areas such as equipment rooms, large animal rooms, and activity centers. KEY ADVANTAGES •Crack Resistant--Flexibility Allows Substrate Movement •Low Odor for use in Occupied Areas •Ultimate Elongation of 100% •Reduces Noise Created by Mechanical Vibrations •USDA Approved KEY CONSIDERATIONS •Slabs on grade must have an efficient vapor/moisture barrier. •Substrate temperature must be a minimum of 50ºF. •Substrate must be free of dirt, waxes, curing agents, and other foreign materials. •Do not apply to wet or damp surfaces.COLOR SELECTION KEY RESIN #580 is available in Clear or Grey. COMPOSITION 100% Solids flexible epoxy resin and amines APPLICATION SURFACE PREPARATION Surface Preparation is the most critical portion of any successful resinous flooring system application. Work must be performed by trained or experienced contractors or maintenance personnel. The KEY RESIN COMPANY service department is pleased to answer any questions. Before grouting, clean joints and the tile surface with a damp sponge to remove dust, dirt, and other contaminants. Do not leave water standing in joints. Do not clean tiles with acid cleaners. MIXING & INSTALLATION Mix one (1) part of Part A by volume with one (1) part of Part B by volume with a slow speed drill until liquids are completely blended. Pour mixed KEY RESIN #580 onto working area and spread with notched squeegee or trowel at a rate of 50 to 55 ft2 per gallon. For complete installation instructions, contact your Key Representative or Key Resin Company’s Technical Service. CLEAN UP Clean skin with soap and water. Tools and equipment should be cleaned with xylene or lacquer thinner. Consult Material Safety Data for safety and health precautions. KEY RESIN COMPANY COVERAGE KEY RESIN #580 will yield approximately 30-32 mils when spread at 50 ft2 per gallon. PERFORMANCE PROPERTIES MAINTENANCE After completing the application of KEY RESIN #580, the installer should provide the owner with maintenance instructions. If floors become slippery due to animal fats, oil, grease, or soap film, clean and rinse thoroughly. KEY RESIN #580 is easily cleaned with neutral soaps or detergents. WARRANTY Key Resin Company (“Key”) warrants for a period of one (1) year that its products will be free of manufacturing defects and will be in conformity with published specifications when handled, stored, mixed and applied in accordance with recommendations of Key. If any product fails to meet this warranty, the liability of Key will be limited to replacement of any non-conforming material if notice of such non-conformity is given to Key within (1) one year of delivery of materials. Key may in its discretion refund the price received by Key in lieu of replacing the material. No customer, distributor, or representative of Key is authorized to change or modify the published specifications of this warranty in any way. No one is authorized to make oral warranties on behalf of Key. In order to obtain replacement or refund the customer must provide written notice containing full details of the non-conformity. Key reserves the right to inspect the non-conforming material prior to replacement. EXCEPT FOR THE EXPRESSED WARRANTY STATED ABOVE, THERE ARE NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PURPOSE. KEY’S OBLIGATION SHALL NOT EXTEND BEYOND THE OBLIGATIONS EXPRESSLY UNDERTAKEN ABOVE AND KEY SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY TO THE PURCHASER OR ANY THIRD PARTY FOR ANY LOSS, COST, EXPENSE, DAMAGE OR LIABILITY, WHETHER DIRECT OR INDIRECT, OR FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. TECHNICAL SERVICE Key Resin Company and KRC Associates, Inc. provide services and consultations on material selection, specification, troubleshooting, and other information on the proper repair and protection of concrete surfaces. KEY REPRESENTATIVES are available to assist you at any time. CALL (888)943-4532. Key #580-2 CURE/DRY TIME AVAILABILITY Key Resins are available throughout the United States, Canada, and a number of other countries. Contact the KEY REPRESENTATIVE in your area for details. KEY RESIN COMPANY 4061 Clough Woods Drive Batavia, Ohio 45103, 888.943.4532 Tensile Strength ASTM D-412 Ultimate Elongation ASTM D-412 Adhesion (unprimed)ASTM D-904 Hardness Shore A ASTM D-2240 Impact Resistance ASTM D-2794 1,000 psi 100% 30 pli 70-80 16 ft. lb. Working Life Re-Coat Time Full Set Time Full Cure & Maximum Performance 40 minutes 6-8 hours @ 75ºF 48-72 hours 5-10 days KEY PRIMER/LOW MODULUS BINDER #502KEY PRIMER/LOW MODULUS BINDER #502KEY PRIMER/LOW MODULUS BINDER #502KEY PRIMER/LOW MODULUS BINDER #502KEY PRIMER/LOW MODULUS BINDER #502 DESCRIPTION KEY RESIN #502 is a 100% solids, moisture tolerant epoxy primer for concrete, wood, and masonry surfaces. Combining water insensitivity with good wetting properties, KEY RESIN #502 is the ideal primer for almost every Key Flooring System. KEY RESIN #502 provides excellent filling and sealing properties needed under high performance epoxy wall coatings on concrete and cinder block walls. The moisture tolerance of KEY RESIN #502 allows it to be applied to damp concrete after surface preparation. This includes bonding “old to old” or “new to old” concrete. KEY RESIN #502 provides an excellent high strength, weather resistant bond for use under Key Lastic SWS parking and pedestrian deck systems. In addition, the low modulus of elasticity and stress relieving properties of KEY RESIN #502 makes it ideal for use as a binder for epoxy mortar systems and for patching and grouting applications. KEY ADVANTAGES •Low modulus; stress relieving •Fast cure formulation available for priming under coatings •Moisture insensitive cure •Conforms to ASTM C-881 properties •Low viscosity-good wetting properties •Good trowelling properties when used with Key Mortar Systems KEY CONSIDERATIONS •Bonding surfaces must be sound, clean, and free from standing water •Substrate temperature must be a minimum of 50ºF •Substrate must be free of dirt, waxes, curing agents, and other foreign materials •Should not be installed on new concrete until maximum shrinkage has occurred (at least thirty (30) days after pour) COLOR SELECTION KEY RESIN #502 is available in Clear or Key Standard Colors. Custom colors are available subject to laboratory approval, minimum quantity, lead time for production, and increased cost. COMPOSITION Polyamide-Modified Epoxy Resin and Wetting Agents APPLICATION SURFACE PREPARATION Surface Preparation is the most critical portion of any successful resinous flooring system application. All substrates must be properly prepared as outlined in KEY RESIN COMPANY’S TECHNICAL BULLETIN #1. Work must be performed by trained or experienced contractors or maintenance personnel. The KEY RESIN COMPANY service department is pleased to answer any questions. INSTALLATION When priming, spread KEY RESIN #502 at a rate of 250- 275 ft2 per gallon. Care should be taken to avoid puddles. Application can be made with brush, roller, or squeegee. For mortar applications, allow KEY RESIN #502 to set for 30 minutes before topping. After seven (7) hours, it will be too hard. Coating applications should not be recoated until KEY RESIN #502 has cured. To speed production, use fast cure formulation. For complete installation instructions, contact your Key Representative or Key Resin Company’s Technical Service. CLEAN UP Clean skin with soap and water. Tools and equipment should be cleaned with xylene or lacquer thinner. Consult Material Safety Data for safety and health precautions. COVERAGE KEY RESIN #502 when applied at 275 ft2 yields 5-6 mils KEY RESIN COMPANY TECHNICAL DATA MAINTENANCE After completing the application of KEY RESIN #502, the installer should provide the owner with maintenance instructions. If floors become slippery due to animal fats, oil, grease, or soap film, clean and rinse thoroughly. KEY RESIN #502 is easily cleaned with neutral soaps or detergents. Routine mechanical scrubbing is recommended for all surfaces having a non-skid texture. Waxing is optional. Long periods of heavy traffic may cause wear patterns necessitating a maintenance application of a finish coat. WARRANTY Key Resin Company (“Key”) warrants for a period of one (1) year that its products will be free of manufacturing defects and will be in conformity with published specifications when handled, stored, mixed and applied in accordance with recommendations of Key. If any product fails to meet this warranty, the liability of Key will be limited to replacement of any non-conforming material if notice of such non-conformity is given to Key within (1) one year of delivery of materials. Key may in its discretion refund the price received by Key in lieu of replacing the material. No customer, distributor, or representative of Key is authorized to change or modify the published specifications of this warranty in any way. No one is authorized to make oral warranties on behalf of Key. In order to obtain replacement or refund the customer must provide written notice containing full details of the non-conformity. Key reserves the right to inspect the non-conforming material prior to replacement. EXCEPT FOR THE EXPRESSED WARRANTY STATED ABOVE, THERE ARE NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PURPOSE. KEY’S OBLIGATION SHALL NOT EXTEND BEYOND THE OBLIGATIONS EXPRESSLY UNDERTAKEN ABOVE AND KEY SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY TO THE PURCHASER OR ANY THIRD PARTY FOR ANY LOSS, COST, EXPENSE, DAMAGE OR LIABILITY, WHETHER DIRECT OR INDIRECT, OR FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. TECHNICAL SERVICE Key Resin Company and KRC Associates, Inc. provide services and consultations on material selection, specification, troubleshooting, and other information on the proper repair and protection of concrete surfaces. KEY REPRESENTATIVES are available to assist you at any time. CALL (888)943-4532. Key #502-2 Pot Life Initial Cure Re-Coat (Regular Cure) Re-Coat (Fast Cure) Full Cure & Maximum Resistance 30-40 minutes 6-8 hours @ 75ºF 10-12 hours @ 75ºF 4-6 hours @ 75ºF 5 days CURE/DRY TIME AVAILABILITY Key Resins are available throughout the United States, Canada, and a number of other countries. Contact the KEY REPRESENTATIVE in your area for details. Viscosity @ 75ºF Mixing Ratio Solids Content Volatile Organic Content (VOC) Gloss, 60ºF Weight per gallon 400-450 cps 2 Part A to 1 Part B by Volume 100% Solids by volume -0- Low Sheen 9.00-9.50 pounds per gallon, mixed KEY RESIN COMPANY 4061 Clough Woods Drive Batavia, Ohio 45103, 888.943.4532