HomeMy WebLinkAboutSouthside East Stockpile Soil Sampling_8 21 15 final JDR AECOM 919-461-1100 1600 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 400 919-461-1415 Morrisville, NC 27560 August 21, 2015 Mr. Kevin Drexler, Senior Vice President Mr. Randy Rhoads, AIA, Vice President McCormack Baron Salazar 720 Olive Street, Suite 2500 St. Louis, MO 63101 Re: Proposal Existing Soil Stockpiles 1 and 2 Sampling Activities Southside East Re-development South Roxboro Street Durham, North Carolina Dear Mr. Drexler and Mr. Rhoads: AECOM Technical Services of North Carolina, Inc. ((AECOM) formerly URS Corporation – North Carolina) is pleased to present this proposal to McCormack Baron Salazar (MBS) for proposed field work and reporting activities related to the Southside East Re-development Brownfield (Site) located southeast of the intersection of South Roxboro Street and Lakewood Avenue, in Durham, North Carolina. Specifically, this proposal pertains to the two stockpiles generated during site preparation activities at the Site. AECOM has generated this proposal in an effort to move soils from Existing Stockpile #1 and #2 (see Figure 1) offsite as un-regulated material for “fill” dirt at other construction sites. BACKGROUND Contaminants of concern based on historical soil data collected at the Site include the following: Former Ravine (northeast portion of the property) • Lead • Asbestos • Arsenic, and • PAHs Former Heating oil Tank (West central portion of the property) • TPH-GRO • TPH-DRO Existing Soil Stockpile #1, measuring 51,183 cubic yards was generated during site preparation activities performed under the supervision of URS environmental professionals (now AECOM) and in accordance with the following: • Soils Management Work Plan dated June 4, 2012; AECOM 919-461-1100 1600 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 400 919-461-1415 Morrisville, NC 27560 • Former Ravine Area Addendum A to the Soils Management Work Plan dated October 9, 2012; and • Former Ravine Area Addendum Two to the Soils Management Work Plan dated January 9, 2013. As required by the approved Workplans, construction individuals (Dhari, AECOM) onsite for field work activities were provided training regarding characteristics of impacted soils, to lessen the likelihood that impacted soils would be inadvertently mixed with soils meeting the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch Preliminary Residential Soil Remediation Goals (PRSRG). During field work excavation activities soils showed readily apparent indicators of impacts. The below Photographs 1 and 2 show the difference in impacted vs non-impacted soils present during excavation activities within the former ravine. Photograph 1 Photograph 2 Impacted Soil Clean Soil Impacted Soil Clean Soil Clean Soil Impacted Soil AECOM 919-461-1100 1600 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 400 919-461-1415 Morrisville, NC 27560 Existing Soil Stockpile #2, measuring 2,694 cubic yards, was generated as minor grading was required to meet final grade requirements under Phase I construction activities. Stockpile #2 was generated after known environmental impacted materials had either been covered or segregated from on-going operations in accordance with Addendum Three to the Soils Management Work Plan dated March 18, 2013. AECOM did not supervise generation of soils within Soil Stockpile #2. Soils within Existing Soil Stockpile #1 and #2 are not needed for future on-site work, and must be removed prior to beginning Phases 2 and 3 of development activities. Given historical impacts at the Site, it is necessary to test soil quality prior to export to sites that will not be subject to North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) regulatory controls. The below tasks have been developed to determine if soils within either stockpile can be hauled offsite as un-regulated material. Work associated with this proposal will be performed under the Master Services Agreement between MBS and URS (now AECOM) dated April 19, 2012. SCOPE OF SERVICES TASK 1 – Job Set-up and Health and Safety Plan AECOM will explain the scope of work, develop schedule and coordinate field work activities with required subcontractors (driller, surveyor, laboratory) and the onsite General Contractor for the Site. In addition, AECOM will discuss the sampling locations and random sampling protocol with Slosky Company prior to field work activities. A Site Specific Health and Safety Plan for proposed field work activities will be developed as part of this task. TASK 2 –Soil Analysis and Characterization A stratified random sampling strategy divides Stockpiles #1 and #2 into groups (strata); the strata represent approximate volumes for local construction contractors needing clean backfill for developments unrelated to Southside East. AECOM will use a stratified random sampling strategy to assess soil quality of Stockpiles #1 and #2. AECOM proposes individual sampling frequencies for Stockpiles #1 and #2, reflecting when soils were generated within each stockpile and whether the stockpiles were generated during AECOM oversight. For example, a higher sampling frequency is proposed within Stockpile #2 because AECOM did not provide oversight for soils within this stockpile. Each strata will be sampled randomly with regards to location and depth. Two composite samples will be obtained from each strata, each composite sample will be made up of four aliquots collected from locations within each strata. If the composited sample result is greater than ¼ of the PRSRG, each aliquot of the composite will be analyzed to determine if an individual area of the strata is impacted. Table 1 shows number of strata, volume representing one collected sample, total number of samples per strata, number of samples making up a composite and the total number of samples to be analyzed from both Stockpiles #1 and #2. AECOM 919-461-1100 1600 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 400 919-461-1415 Morrisville, NC 27560 TABLE 1 Number of Strata Avg. Volume per Strata Composited Samples per Strata Aliquots per Composite Total Number of composite samples to be Analyzed Stockpile #1 13 3,937 yds3 2 4 26 Stockpile #2 6 449 yds3 2 2 12 Soil samples on the sideslopes of the larger stockpile will be obtained by either hand-auger or hand held hammer drill. A minimum of two hand-augered borings will be attempted at each proposed location. If the proposed depth cannot be reached after the two attempts, another soil sampling method will be discussed between Slosky Co. and AECOM. A Direct Push Technology (DPT) drilling rig will be used in areas with adequate stability in order to obtain a continuous core. Each boring will be advanced to the bottom of the stockpile. As part of soil boring advancement AECOM personnel will document lithology and note visual or olfactory indicators of potentially impacted soils. If visual evidence of environmental impacts are observed, additional sample(s) will be obtained of the material and subjected to an individual analysis without compositing (the individual sample will be analyzed for the same parameters provided below). Composited soil samples will be analyzed for the following parameters: • Lead according to EPA Method 6010; • Arsenic according to EPA Method 6010; • PAHs according to EPA Method 8270 SIM; • Asbestos according to EPA Method 600 with Milling prep with 400 point count • TPH-GRO according to EPA Method 8015B*; • TPH-DRO according to EPA Method 8015B*; o *A chromatogram will be obtained for each of these analysis. One individual sample will be collected at each of the aliquot locations for the composite and put on “hold” pending results from the composite sample. Individual samples will be analyzed if concentrations within composite sample are greater than ¼ of the PRSRG. One duplicate sample will be submitted to the laboratory for every twenty samples submitted for analysis. The AECOM project chemistry group will review laboratory data for quality assurance/quality control and completeness purposes. This proposal includes costs for 38 composite samples, 2 duplicate samples and 10 individual samples. AECOM will issue a change order for samples that are analyzed above the 50 included within this proposal. Laboratory costs are for eight day turn around time. Additional costs apply for turn around times less than eight days. AECOM 919-461-1100 1600 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 400 919-461-1415 Morrisville, NC 27560 TASK 3 – Reporting At the completion of the above mentioned field work, AECOM proposes to provide a report which will include the following information: • General observations of field work activities including the following: o Introduction; o Results; and, o Conclusions; • Table showing collected results in relation to the PRSRG; • Laboratory Data with Chain of Custody; • Boring logs of completed soil borings; and, • Photographic log documenting field work activities. COST, SCHEDULE and ASSUMPTIONS AECOM proposes to perform work detailed above for a cost not to exceed $40,500. Costs assume 38 composite samples, 10 individual aliquot samples and 2 duplicate samples. AECOM is prepared to schedule drilling operations immediately following receipt of authorization to proceed. AECOM will generate one draft report of the assessment activities for MBS/Slosky & Company (Slosky Co.) at the completion of the project. Following MBS/Slosky Co. review of the report, AECOM will address the comments received and submit the report for review to the NCDENR Brownfield Section. AECOM will address the comments from the Brownfield section and provide one bound hardcopy and one complete electronic copy of the final report to NCDENR Brownfield Section, MBS and Slosky Co. -oOo- AECOM appreciates the opportunity to provide environmental services to MBS. If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call Kevin Arnold at 919 461-1354. Respectfully submitted, AECOM Technical Services of North Carolina, Inc. Kevin Arnold, PG, CHMM Brett Berra, PE Project Manager Vice President/Geosciences Department Manager Cc: Richard Lesser, Slosky & Company REVISIONS:DATE: DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: Q.C. BY: SHEET #: SCALE: PROJECT #: SOUTHSIDE EAST - PHASE 2 MULTI FAMILY DEVELOPMENT DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA APRIL 13, 2015 1013285 LICENSE # C-01396 9 5 S o u t h T e n t h S t r e e t P i t t s b u r g h , P e n n s y l v a n i a 1 5 2 0 3 t e l 4 1 2 . 4 8 8 . 8 8 2 2 f a x 4 1 2 . 4 8 8 . 8 8 2 5 N R O T H N A R C A O L I 7 / 2 7 / 1 5 STOCKPILE EXHIBIT KWR SKB KWR KWR 1" = 40' EX-1 0 ' 2 0 ' 2 0 ' 4 0 ' 8 0 ' E X I S T I N G S H O P P I N G C E N T E R E X I S T I N G S O I L S T O C K P I L E # 1 S I T E B O U N D A R Y ( T Y P ) S I T E B O U N D A R Y ( T Y P ) E X I S T I N G S O I L S T O C K P I L E # 2 S T O C K P I L E B O U N D A R Y S T O C K P I L E B O U N D A R Y S T O C K P I L E D E P T H ( T Y P ) STOCKPILEDEPTH (TYP) JULY 1, 2015 LEGEND AUGUST 5, 2015 STOCKPILE #1 STRATA REVISIONS