HomeMy WebLinkAboutSouthside letter report 2.6.13_draft URS Corporation – North Carolina 6000 Fairview Drive, Suite 200 Charlotte, North Carolina 28210 (704) 522-0330 Phone (704) 522-0063 Fax February 7, 2013 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Waste Management 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1646 217 West Jones St. Raleigh, NC 27603 Att: Mr. Brad Atkinson Brownfields Project Manager Re: Stockpile Soil Sampling Brownfields Site Southside East Redevelopment Project (former Rolling Hills Site) Durham, NC Dear Mr. Atkinson: In accordance with the electronic correspondence from Rich Lesser to Brad Atkinson, dated January 4, 2013, with subject reading “Southside East Revised DRAFT Workplan” (Attachment 1), URS personnel performed soil sampling of the stockpiled soils at the Southside East Brownfield (Site). The soil sampling was performed on January 7th and 8th, 2013, to assess the potential impact of the stockpiled soils to on-site groundwater. Summary of Site Activities The stockpiled soils are divided into two separate piles. As reported by the on-site contractor D. H. Griffin, the low debris pile measures approximately 6,000 cubic yards and the high debris pile measures approximately 3,500 cubic yards. Attachment 2 (figure 1) shows the location of each pile relative to the Site. As required by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, URS executed a stratified random sampling strategy by collecting ten five-point composite samples on the low debris pile and six five-point composite samples on the high debris pile. A duplicate sample was collected from each pile. Length of the low debris pile is approximately 215 feet. Based on the total length, the low debris pile was subdivided into ten equal sections measuring approximately 21 feet. Locations for each composited sample were randomly chosen within each 21 foot section of the low debris pile. The same protocol was used for the high debris pile which measured a total length of approximately 245 feet with six subdivided sections measuring approximately 40 feet in length. Representativeness of the composite samples for strata measuring 21 feet vs 40 feet was assured given the variable height of each stockpile (6 feet for high debris pile and 11 feet for low debris pile). Mr. Brad Atkinson Brownfields Site – Southside East Redevelopment Project February 7, 2013 Page 2 of 4 Prior to sampling activities plastic was removed from each covered stockpile. At each individual sampling location, a backhoe was used to dig a trench from the top of the debris pile to a maximum depth of 8 feet below the top of the pile (depths varied depending on the total depth from top of the pile to bottom plastic layer at the sampling location). The collected sample at each location was collected from random depths of the sidewall of the excavated trench. Each composite sample was field homogenized, and debris chips > 1/4 inch were removed prior to containerization. At the end of each sampling day, plastic on each pile was recovered to prevent potential contaminant migration. The samples were tested for the following:  Exposure potential to future residents if left on the surface, by comparing results to the North Carolina Department of Natural Resources Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch Residential Preliminary Health-Based Soil Remediation Goal (PSRG;July 2012).  Exposure potential to groundwater, using 10X (a default Dilution Attenuation Factor (DAF)1 criterion) the North Carolina’s 2L groundwater criteria and the Safe drinking Water Act’s Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for drinking water. (According to a windshield water well survey performed by URS personnel in July 2012 and a search on the Durham County North Carolina Public Access website, drinking water wells are not present downgradient of the Site.) Each of the collected samples were analyzed for the following constituents by Environmental Conservation Laboratories, Inc. of Orlando, FL:  Total Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) SIM according to EPA Method 8270D  Total RCRA Metals according to EPA Method 6010C  Mercury by EPA Method 7471BA  SPLP Method 1312 and PAH SIM according to EPA Method 8270D  SPLP Method 1312 and RCRA Metals according to EPA Method 6020 and Mercury according to EPA Method 7470A  For total metals that exceeded “20 times” the maximum concentration for toxicity characteristic, a Toxicity Characteristic Leachate Procedure (TCLP) analysis was performed according to EPA Method 6010C. The analytical test methods were selected to provide the highest possible sensitivity (i.e. detection limit) and resolution. However, not all 2L standards were met by the resultant detection limit. The attached correspondence from the laboratory confirms that lower detection limits are not available (see Attachment 3). Composite soil samples SP-1 through SP-10 were collected from the low debris pile. DUP-1 was collected from sampling location SP-6. 1 DAF values adopted by the USEPA have included a default 100X (for the original definition of hazardous waste), to more sophisticated modeling (as presented in the “Determination of Groundwater Dilution Attenuation Factors for Fixed Waste Site Areas using EPACMPT, Background Document” which typically range well above 100X. Adoption of a 10X default criterion, given the absence of drinking water wells downgradient of the site, is conservative and protective. 13X is the default value adopted by the state of New Jersey. Mr. Brad Atkinson Brownfields Site – Southside East Redevelopment Project February 7, 2013 Page 3 of 4 Composite soil samples AD-1 through AD-6 were collected from the high debris pile. DUP-2 was collected from sampling location AD-5. Tables 1 through 5 show the results from the soil sampling event. Laboratory results from Enco are located within Attachment 4. Discussion of Results Review of Tables 1 through 5 allows these observations: Soil Results  Arsenic, although present above the North Carolina PSRG at 1.5 mg/kg to 5.3 mg/kg is within typical background levels for the Durham area. It is concluded that the measure arsenic levels are naturally occurring, and warrant no further action.  Total Chromium was detected above the PSRG for Chromium VI. If the total Chromium results contained Chromium VI then SPLP results for Chromium would have contained a higher concentration than 15.5 ug/L (highest detected concentration of Chromium SPLP; SP-3). Given the low concentrations of Chromium SPLP, relative to the total Chromium detected concentrations, the total Chromium results should be compared to the Chromium III PSRG (24,000 mg/kg). All of the detected total Chromium results are less than the Chromium III PSRG.  PAH exceedances of their respective PSRGs is present in almost all soil samples tested, particularly for the high molecular weight PAHs such as benzo(a)pyrene (BAP) with a PSRG of 15 parts per billion (ppb) by weight. However, most BAP exceedances are relatively low in concentration, with 16 out of 18 less than 1.0 mg/kg, and only 2 out of 16 exceed 1.0 mg/kg.  Lead was not measured above its PSRG, but was measured in two samples above 20X its defining value for characteristic hazardous waste. Leachate results, SPLP  No PAH exceedances of North Carolina’s groundwater 2L action levels were observed.  No heavy metal exceedances of 10X the 2L values.  No exceedances of federal MCLs. Leachate results, TCLP  The soils are not characteristic hazardous wastes for lead. Mr. Brad Atkinson Brownfields Site – Southside East Redevelopment Project February 7, 2013 Page 4 of 4 Recommendations Exceedances of North Carolina’s residential PSRG criteria for polyaromatic hydrocarbons require that the exposure potential for these soils to future residents be eliminated. The lack of significant potential impacts to area groundwaters suggests that on-site retention, if the exposure potential to future residents is eliminated, is environmentally protective. Therefore, it is recommended that the contaminated soil stockpiles be used as environmentally impacted geotechnically engineered fill on-site, beneath a witness barrier as already required for comparably contaminated soils on the northeast area of the site. The materials should be placed at least two feet beneath a soil cover or alternatively beneath hardscape (such as a concrete or asphalt parking lot) with no future intersection by new site utilities without prior notice to and approval by DENR. If you have any questions or require additional information please do not hesitate to call either Mike Fulkerson at 704-522-0330 or Kevin Arnold at 919-461-1354. Sincerely, URS CORPORATION – NORTH CAROLINA Kevin Arnold, PG Mike Fulkerson Senior Geologist Senior Environmental Scientist Attachments 1 – E-mail from Rich Lesser to Brad Atkinson dated January 4, 2013 2 - Figure 1 3 - E-mail from Matthew Foti to Rich Lesser dated January 14, 2013 4– Laboratory Results Tables 1 - Total PAH and Total RCRA Metal; SP-1-SP-10 and DUP-1 2 - SPLP – PAH and RCRA Metals; SP-1-SP-10 and DUP-1 3 - Total PAH and Total RCRA Metal; AD-1-AD-6 and DUP-2 4 - SPLP – PAH and RCRA Metals; AD-1-AD-6 and DUP-2 5 – TCLP Lead; AD-4 and AD-6 Enclosures cc: Project File (hard copy) ATTACHMENT 1 1 Arnold, Kevin From:Atkinson, Brad <brad.atkinson@ncdenr.gov> Sent:Friday, January 04, 2013 3:43 PM To:Richard Lesser; Arnold, Kevin; Fulkerson, Mike Cc:'Schlachter, Karl'; 'Rhoads, Randy'; Nicholson, Bruce Subject:RE: Southside East Revised DRAFT Workplan Rich,    I concur with your work plan.  Proceed at your convenience.    Brad    ‐‐‐‐‐‐  Brad Atkinson  Brownfields Project Manager  NCDENR ‐ Division of Waste Management  1646 Mail Service Center   Raleigh, NC 27699‐1646  217 West Jones St.  Raleigh, NC 27603    ph and fax:  919‐707‐8378  brad.atkinson@ncdenr.gov    http://www.ncbrownfields.org    Email corresponcence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.   From: Richard Lesser [mailto:RLesser@slosky.com] Sent: Friday, January 04, 2013 3:20 PM To: Atkinson, Brad; 'Arnold, Kevin'; Fulkerson, Mike Cc: 'Schlachter, Karl'; 'Rhoads, Randy' Subject: Southside East Revised DRAFT Workplan Brad, The revised DRAFT workplan to include our most recent discussions is presented below. The Durham Southside East development team appreciates the time and focus being spent by DENR as we complete the environmental remediation for this Brownfield property. Given our recent discussions, presented below is a modified DRAFT Workplan for the assessment of contaminant levels in two stockpiles located on the southeastern portion of the site. The assessment will measure: 1. The total levels of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)s and heavy metals, and 2. The potential for these contaminants to impact groundwater, using the EPA's "Synthetic Precipitation Leach Procedure" (SPLP). Background The stockpiled materials originated from a likely former ravine on the property, apparently infilled during an earlier development Phase, possibly in the 1960s or early 1970s. Two stockpiles are present, one with a relatively low proportion 2 of construction rubble and debris, and the second with a much higher proportion of construction rubble and debris. Prior "in situ" sampling of this ravine material identified o common exceedances above North Carolina's direct-contact action level for PAHs, and o sporadic exceedances of lead, and o asbestos Hazardous waste levels of lead, based on a "Toxicity Characteristic Leach Procedure" (TCLP), were not observed. The ravine materials were recently removed to facilitate construction on the northeastern part of the site. Visual screening by North Carolina accredited asbestos inspectors during material removal, as well as Polarized Light Microscopy testing of soils, did not identify suspect Asbestos Containing Materials or detectable levels of asbestos in the materials currently stockpiled on-site. It is thought that earlier shipment for off-site disposal as asbestos waste removed the asbestos present at higher horizons in the former ravine, and the lower horizons do not exhibit evidence of asbestos impacts. Additional testing for PAHs and heavy metals is warranted to determine the most appropriate option for future management. The estimated volumes in the two stockpiles are: o High debris pile: 3,500 cubic yards o Low debris pile: 6,000 cubic yards Approach To assess contaminant levels and the potential of this material to impact groundwater, a stratified random sampling strategy is proposed, with six five-point composite samples obtained to represent the high debris pile, and ten five-point composites obtained to represent the low debris pile. The strata will be defined in-the-field so that two "columns" will be demarcated on each pile, and three or five "rows" will be demarcated within the high debris and low debris piles, respectively. Within each of the ten uniformly delineated strata, a field coin-toss will be used to determine the random horizontal location of each sample point, and additional coin tosses will be used to determine sample depths. An excavator will be used to facilitate sampling. The five sub-samples will be thoroughly homogenized in-the-field, and debris chips > 1/4 inch will be removed, prior to containerization and shipment to the laboratory. Two field duplicates will be obtained of a homogenized field composite, sent blind to the laboratory, and analyzed as follows: o Total PAHs and heavy metals (arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, silver, and selenium) o TCLP analyses for any total heavy metals that fail the "20X rule", using the TCLP definition of hazardous waste as "X". The number of TCLP samples that will be necessary, if any, will be determined collaboratively with DENR. o Leachable PAHs and heavy metals using the SPLP Method 1312 (protocol is at http://www.epa.gov/epawaste/hazard/testmethods/sw846/pdfs/1312.pdf). o PAHs will be assessed using 8270 SIM, and metals will be assayed using ICP, except for mercury, which may use AA. o Detection limits will be sufficient to assess impacts above North Carolina's Soil PSRGs and groundwater 2L standards. 3 Decision criteria from DENR are as follows: o For the total contaminant analyses, 20X the TCLP thresholds for metals, and the PSRGs for PAHs. o For TCLP, the hazardous waste definition for each metal. The decision criteria for the SPLP analyses will be determined collaboratively with DENR. We are currently evaluating a variety of techniques to assure that solid waste will not be present in stockpile materials used for geotechnically engineered fill. I'll be back in touch as soon as that evaluation is complete. Again, on behalf of the City of Durham, the development team appreciates DENR's focus on what will become a keystone to revitalize this section of historic Durham. Sampling will occur Monday. I'd appreciate confirmation of receipt of this e-mail. Call me if anyone at DENR has questions or concerns. Kevin / Mike, Please follow this Workplan for this sampling phase. Any additional changes will be forwarded to you soon after receipt from DENR. Richard Lesser, CHMM Slosky & Company, Inc. 303.825.1911 ATTACHMENT 2 Southside Redevelopment Intersection of S. Roxboro St. andE. Lakeside Ave Durham, NC APPROX. SCALE, ft. 0  DR A W N B Y : CH E C K E D B Y : PR O J E C T N O . : URS CORPORATION - NORTH CAROLINA FAIRVIEW TOWERS 6000 PARK SOUTH DRIVE, SUITE 200 TEL: (704) 522-0330 FAX: (704) 522-0063 CHARLOTTE, NC 28210  MJ F KR A 38 8 5 4 5 9 9 250 S. R o x b o r o S t E Piedmont Ave Fay e t t e v i l l e R d E L a k e w o o d A v e S R o x b o r o S t   LEGEND Approximate area of excavated soils containing wood tar creosote and leadApproximate Property Boundary Approximate area of excavated soils containing building rubble ATTACHMENT 3 1 Arnold, Kevin Subject:RE: SPLP analysis     From: Matthew Foti, Ph.D. [mailto:mfoti@encolabs.com] Sent: Monday, January 14, 2013 9:09 AM To: 'Richard Lesser'; Arnold, Kevin Cc: Fulkerson, Mike Subject: RE: SPLP analysis Sorry, but the MDL is the lowest we can go.    Matthew Foti, Ph.D.  Operations Director  Environmental Conservation Laboratories, Inc.  10775 Central Port Drive  Orlando, FL 32824  (407) 826‐5314 ph  (407) 850‐6945 fax  mfoti@encolabs.com  Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this message is intended only for the use of the addressee, and may be confidential and/or privileged.  If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is  strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately.    From: Richard Lesser [mailto:RLesser@slosky.com] Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 4:33 PM To: 'Matthew Foti, Ph.D.'; 'Kevin Arnold' Cc: Fulkerson, Mike Subject: RE: SPLP analysis Just reviewed the first data package, Matt.  It looks good.    Question:  is it possible to have a lower “MDL”?  The MDLs I see are excellent, however, North Carolina’s 2L ground  water standards are very stringent.    Please advise.    Richard Lesser, CHMM  Slosky & Company, Inc.  303.825.1911        ATTACHMENT 4 102-A Woodwinds Industrial Court Cary NC, 27511 919.467.3090 919.467.3515Phone:FAX:www.encolabs.com Environmental Conservation Laboratories, Inc. ENCO Workorder(s): C300004 Morrisville, NC 27560 Unless otherwise noted in an attached project narrative, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed in accordance with the referenced methods/procedures. Results for these procedures apply only to the samples as submitted. The analytical results contained in this report are in compliance with NELAC standards, except as noted in the project narrative. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the Laboratory. This report contains only those analyses performed by Environmental Conservation Laboratories. Unless otherwise noted, all analyses were performed at ENCO Cary. Data from outside organizations will be reported under separate cover. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Enclosure(s) Project Number: [none], Project Name/Desc: Southside Development Attn: Kevin Arnold URS Corporation (UR002) 1600 Perimeter Park Drive S-400 Stephanie Franz Project Manager Friday, January 11, 2013 RE: Laboratory Results for Dear Kevin Arnold, Enclosed is a copy of your laboratory report for test samples received by our laboratory on Monday, January 7, 2013. The total number of pages in this report, including this page is 29. www.encolabs.com SAMPLE SUMMARY/LABORATORY CHRONICLE SP-1 C300004-01 Sampled:01/07/13 12:40 Received:01/07/13 14:08Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010C 07/06/13 01/08/13 08:26 1/9/2013 15:18 EPA 6020A 07/06/13 01/09/13 11:24 1/9/2013 20:4007/08/13 EPA 7470A 02/04/13 01/10/13 15:41 1/11/2013 09:3902/07/13 EPA 7471B 02/04/13 01/09/13 09:42 1/9/2013 15:25 EPA 8270D 01/21/13 01/08/13 10:59 1/8/2013 20:5302/17/13 EPA 8270D 01/21/13 01/09/13 14:00 1/10/2013 11:2502/18/13 SP-2 C300004-02 Sampled:01/07/13 12:50 Received:01/07/13 14:08Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010C 07/06/13 01/08/13 08:26 1/9/2013 15:29 EPA 6020A 07/06/13 01/09/13 11:24 1/9/2013 22:3807/08/13 EPA 7470A 02/04/13 01/10/13 15:41 1/11/2013 09:4202/07/13 EPA 7471B 02/04/13 01/09/13 09:42 1/9/2013 15:35 EPA 8270D 01/21/13 01/08/13 10:59 1/8/2013 21:2402/17/13 EPA 8270D 01/21/13 01/09/13 14:00 1/10/2013 11:4502/18/13 SP-2 C300004-02RE1 Sampled:01/07/13 12:50 Received:01/07/13 14:08Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010C 07/06/13 01/08/13 08:26 1/9/2013 15:40 SP-3 C300004-03 Sampled:01/07/13 14:00 Received:01/07/13 14:08Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010C 07/06/13 01/08/13 08:26 1/9/2013 15:31 EPA 6020A 07/06/13 01/09/13 11:24 1/9/2013 23:0107/08/13 EPA 7470A 02/04/13 01/10/13 15:41 1/11/2013 09:4502/07/13 EPA 7471B 02/04/13 01/09/13 09:42 1/9/2013 15:37 EPA 8270D 01/21/13 01/08/13 10:59 1/8/2013 21:5402/17/13 EPA 8270D 01/21/13 01/09/13 14:00 1/10/2013 12:0402/18/13 SP-4 C300004-04 Sampled:01/07/13 13:35 Received:01/07/13 14:08Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010C 07/06/13 01/08/13 08:26 1/9/2013 15:33 EPA 6020A 07/06/13 01/09/13 11:24 1/9/2013 23:2307/08/13 EPA 7470A 02/04/13 01/10/13 15:41 1/11/2013 09:4802/07/13 EPA 7471B 02/04/13 01/09/13 09:42 1/9/2013 15:39 EPA 8270D 01/21/13 01/08/13 10:59 1/8/2013 22:2502/17/13 EPA 8270D 01/21/13 01/09/13 14:00 1/10/2013 12:2402/18/13 Page 2 of 29 www.encolabs.com SAMPLE DETECTION SUMMARY Lab ID:Client ID:SP-1 C300004-01 Analyte MethodUnitsPQLResultsFlag NotesMDL 2.51 0.595 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Arsenic - Total 0.119 88.2 100 ug/L EPA 6020AJ Barium - SPLP 20.0 124 0.595 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Barium - Total 0.119 0.067 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(a)anthracene 0.011 0.052 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(a)pyrene 0.012 0.067 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.026 17.0 0.595 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Chromium - Total 0.119 0.056 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Chrysene 0.017 0.13 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Fluoranthene 0.014 53.6 0.595 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Lead - Total 0.143 6.47 5.00 ug/L EPA 6020A Lead - SPLP 1.60 0.0375 0.0286 mg/kg dry EPA 7471B Mercury - Total 0.00822 0.085 0.10 ug/L EPA 8270DJ Phenanthrene 0.044 0.067 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Phenanthrene 0.010 0.12 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Pyrene 0.013 0.667 0.595 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Selenium - Total 0.119 0.577 0.595 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CJ Silver - Total 0.119 Lab ID:Client ID:SP-2 C300004-02 Analyte MethodUnitsPQLResultsFlag NotesMDL 3.54 0.577 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Arsenic - Total 0.115 148 0.577 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Barium - Total 0.115 246 100 ug/L EPA 6020A Barium - SPLP 20.0 0.050 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(a)anthracene 0.010 0.042 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.025 10.4 10.0 ug/L EPA 6020A Chromium - SPLP 4.50 25.4 0.577 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Chromium - Total 0.115 0.062 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Fluoranthene 0.014 11.4 5.00 ug/L EPA 6020A Lead - SPLP 1.60 26.9 0.577 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Lead - Total 0.138 0.0425 0.0277 mg/kg dry EPA 7471B Mercury - Total 0.00796 0.083 0.10 ug/L EPA 8270DJ Phenanthrene 0.044 0.062 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Pyrene 0.013 0.455 0.577 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CJ Selenium - Total 0.115 0.319 0.577 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CJ Silver - Total 0.115 Lab ID:Client ID:SP-3 C300004-03 Analyte MethodUnitsPQLResultsFlag NotesMDL 2.80 0.604 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Arsenic - Total 0.121 98.4 0.604 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Barium - Total 0.121 278 100 ug/L EPA 6020A Barium - SPLP 20.0 15.5 10.0 ug/L EPA 6020A Chromium - SPLP 4.50 16.2 0.604 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Chromium - Total 0.121 14.6 5.00 ug/L EPA 6020A Lead - SPLP 1.60 14.7 0.604 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Lead - Total 0.145 0.0272 0.0290 mg/kg dry EPA 7471BJ Mercury - Total 0.00833 0.10 0.10 ug/L EPA 8270D Phenanthrene 0.044 1.11 0.604 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Selenium - Total 0.121 0.645 0.604 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Silver - Total 0.121 Page 3 of 29 www.encolabs.com Lab ID:Client ID:SP-4 C300004-04 Analyte MethodUnitsPQLResultsFlag NotesMDL 1.47 0.582 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Arsenic - Total 0.116 98.0 0.582 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Barium - Total 0.116 161 100 ug/L EPA 6020A Barium - SPLP 20.0 0.058 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(a)anthracene 0.011 0.050 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(a)pyrene 0.012 0.066 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.026 13.0 10.0 ug/L EPA 6020A Chromium - SPLP 4.50 13.3 0.582 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Chromium - Total 0.116 0.058 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Chrysene 0.016 0.10 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Fluoranthene 0.014 27.2 0.582 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Lead - Total 0.140 15.5 5.00 ug/L EPA 6020A Lead - SPLP 1.60 0.0681 0.0279 mg/kg dry EPA 7471B Mercury - Total 0.00803 0.050 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Phenanthrene 0.010 0.081 0.10 ug/L EPA 8270DJ Phenanthrene 0.044 0.093 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Pyrene 0.013 0.354 0.582 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CJ Selenium - Total 0.116 0.520 0.582 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CJ Silver - Total 0.116 Page 4 of 29 www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS SP-1Description:Lab Sample ID:C300004-01 01/07/13 14:08Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 12:40 Work Order:C300004 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 84.0 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 20:531-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.0095 DFM3A080130.0390.0095 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 20:532-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.013 DFM3A080130.0390.013 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 20:53Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.018 DFM3A080130.0390.018 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 20:53Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.011 DFM3A080130.0390.011 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 20:53Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.014 DFM3A080130.0390.014 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 20:53Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.011 DFM3A080130.0390.067 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 20:53Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.012 DFM3A080130.0390.052 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 20:53Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.026 DFM3A080130.0390.067 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 20:53Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.019 DFM3A080130.0390.019 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 20:53Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.018 DFM3A080130.0390.018 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 20:53Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.017 DFM3A080130.0390.056 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 20:53Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.019 DFM3A080130.0390.019 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 20:53Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.014 DFM3A080130.0390.13 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 20:53Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.010 DFM3A080130.0390.010 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 20:53Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.019 DFM3A080130.0390.019 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 20:53Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.010 DFM3A080130.0390.010 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 20:53Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.010 DFM3A080130.0390.067 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 20:53Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.013 DFM3A080130.0390.12 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 41-145102 %DFMEPA 8270D 01/08/13 20:533A080130.81 0.794 1 Page 5 of 29 www.encolabs.com SP-1Description:Lab Sample ID:C300004-01 01/07/13 14:08Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 12:40 Work Order:C300004 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 84.0 Metals by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/09/13 15:18Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 0.119 JDH3A080050.5952.51 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/09/13 15:18Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 0.119 JDH3A080050.595124 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/09/13 15:18Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 0.0114 JDH3A080050.05950.0114 U mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/09/13 15:18Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 0.119 JDH3A080050.59517.0 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/09/13 15:18Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 0.143 JDH3A080050.59553.6 mg/kg dry EPA 7471B 01/09/13 15:25Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.00822 T1D3A090170.02860.0375 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/09/13 15:18Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 0.119 JDH3A080050.5950.667 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/09/13 15:18Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 0.119 JDH3A080050.5950.577 J Page 6 of 29 www.encolabs.com SP-1Description:Lab Sample ID:C300004-01 01/07/13 14:08Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 12:40 Work Order:C300004 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 84.0 SPLP Semivolatile Organics by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:251-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.047 jfi3A090060.100.047 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:252-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.046 jfi3A090060.100.046 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:25Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.049 jfi3A090060.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:25Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.052 jfi3A090060.100.052 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:25Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.044 jfi3A090060.100.044 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:25Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.049 jfi3A090060.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:25Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.058 jfi3A090060.100.058 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:25Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.051 jfi3A090060.100.051 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:25Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.063 jfi3A090060.100.063 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:25Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.054 jfi3A090060.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:25Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.040 jfi3A090060.100.040 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:25Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.069 jfi3A090060.100.069 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:25Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.054 jfi3A090060.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:25Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.049 jfi3A090060.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:25Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.067 jfi3A090060.100.067 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:25Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.045 jfi3A090060.100.045 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:25Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.044 jfi3A090060.100.085 J ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:25Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.053 jfi3A090060.100.053 U Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 51-136111 %jfiEPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:253A090065.5 5.00 1 Page 7 of 29 www.encolabs.com SP-1Description:Lab Sample ID:C300004-01 01/07/13 14:08Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 12:40 Work Order:C300004 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 84.0 SPLP Metals by 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 6020A 01/09/13 20:40Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 6.10 JMA3A0803110.06.10 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/09/13 20:40Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 20.0 JMA3A0803110088.2 J ug/L EPA 6020A 01/09/13 20:40Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 1.10 JMA3A080313.001.10 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/09/13 20:40Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 4.50 JMA3A0803110.04.50 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/09/13 20:40Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 1.60 JMA3A080315.006.47 ug/L EPA 7470A 01/11/13 09:39Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.023 IR3A080320.2000.023 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/09/13 20:40Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 6.50 JMA3A0803110.06.50 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/09/13 20:40Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 0.290 JMA3A080311.000.290 U This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 8 of 29 www.encolabs.com SP-2Description:Lab Sample ID:C300004-02 01/07/13 14:08Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 12:50 Work Order:C300004 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 86.7 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:241-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.0092 DFM3A080130.0380.0092 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:242-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.013 DFM3A080130.0380.013 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:24Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.017 DFM3A080130.0380.017 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:24Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.010 DFM3A080130.0380.010 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:24Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.014 DFM3A080130.0380.014 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:24Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.010 DFM3A080130.0380.050 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:24Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.012 DFM3A080130.0380.012 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:24Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.025 DFM3A080130.0380.042 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:24Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.018 DFM3A080130.0380.018 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:24Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.017 DFM3A080130.0380.017 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:24Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.016 DFM3A080130.0380.016 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:24Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.018 DFM3A080130.0380.018 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:24Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.014 DFM3A080130.0380.062 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:24Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.0099 DFM3A080130.0380.0099 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:24Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.018 DFM3A080130.0380.018 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:24Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.010 DFM3A080130.0380.010 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:24Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.0099 DFM3A080130.0380.0099 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:24Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.013 DFM3A080130.0380.062 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 41-14595 %DFMEPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:243A080130.73 0.769 1 Page 9 of 29 www.encolabs.com SP-2Description:Lab Sample ID:C300004-02 01/07/13 14:08Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 12:50 Work Order:C300004 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 86.7 Metals by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/09/13 15:29Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 0.115 JDH3A080050.5773.54 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/09/13 15:29Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 0.115 JDH3A080050.577148 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/09/13 15:40Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^10 0.111 JDH3A080050.5770.111 UD R-01 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/09/13 15:29Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 0.115 JDH3A080050.57725.4 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/09/13 15:29Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 0.138 JDH3A080050.57726.9 mg/kg dry EPA 7471B 01/09/13 15:35Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.00796 T1D3A090170.02770.0425 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/09/13 15:29Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 0.115 JDH3A080050.5770.455 J mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/09/13 15:29Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 0.115 JDH3A080050.5770.319 J Page 10 of 29 www.encolabs.com SP-2Description:Lab Sample ID:C300004-02 01/07/13 14:08Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 12:50 Work Order:C300004 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 86.7 SPLP Semivolatile Organics by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:451-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.047 jfi3A090060.100.047 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:452-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.046 jfi3A090060.100.046 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:45Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.049 jfi3A090060.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:45Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.052 jfi3A090060.100.052 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:45Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.044 jfi3A090060.100.044 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:45Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.049 jfi3A090060.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:45Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.058 jfi3A090060.100.058 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:45Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.051 jfi3A090060.100.051 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:45Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.063 jfi3A090060.100.063 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:45Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.054 jfi3A090060.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:45Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.040 jfi3A090060.100.040 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:45Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.069 jfi3A090060.100.069 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:45Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.054 jfi3A090060.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:45Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.049 jfi3A090060.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:45Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.067 jfi3A090060.100.067 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:45Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.045 jfi3A090060.100.045 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:45Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.044 jfi3A090060.100.083 J ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:45Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.053 jfi3A090060.100.053 U Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 51-136102 %jfiEPA 8270D 01/10/13 11:453A090065.1 5.00 1 Page 11 of 29 www.encolabs.com SP-2Description:Lab Sample ID:C300004-02 01/07/13 14:08Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 12:50 Work Order:C300004 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 86.7 SPLP Metals by 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 6020A 01/09/13 22:38Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 6.10 JMA3A0803110.06.10 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/09/13 22:38Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 20.0 JMA3A08031100246 ug/L EPA 6020A 01/09/13 22:38Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 1.10 JMA3A080313.001.10 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/09/13 22:38Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 4.50 JMA3A0803110.010.4 ug/L EPA 6020A 01/09/13 22:38Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 1.60 JMA3A080315.0011.4 ug/L EPA 7470A 01/11/13 09:42Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.023 IR3A080320.2000.023 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/09/13 22:38Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 6.50 JMA3A0803110.06.50 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/09/13 22:38Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 0.290 JMA3A080311.000.290 U This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 12 of 29 www.encolabs.com SP-3Description:Lab Sample ID:C300004-03 01/07/13 14:08Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 14:00 Work Order:C300004 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 82.8 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:541-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.0097 DFM3A080130.0400.0097 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:542-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.013 DFM3A080130.0400.013 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:54Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.018 DFM3A080130.0400.018 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:54Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.011 DFM3A080130.0400.011 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:54Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.014 DFM3A080130.0400.014 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:54Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.011 DFM3A080130.0400.011 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:54Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.012 DFM3A080130.0400.012 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:54Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.027 DFM3A080130.0400.027 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:54Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.019 DFM3A080130.0400.019 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:54Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.018 DFM3A080130.0400.018 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:54Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.017 DFM3A080130.0400.017 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:54Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.019 DFM3A080130.0400.019 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:54Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.014 DFM3A080130.0400.014 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:54Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.010 DFM3A080130.0400.010 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:54Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.019 DFM3A080130.0400.019 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:54Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.011 DFM3A080130.0400.011 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:54Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.010 DFM3A080130.0400.010 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:54Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.013 DFM3A080130.0400.013 U Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 41-14590 %DFMEPA 8270D 01/08/13 21:543A080130.73 0.805 1 Page 13 of 29 www.encolabs.com SP-3Description:Lab Sample ID:C300004-03 01/07/13 14:08Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 14:00 Work Order:C300004 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 82.8 Metals by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/09/13 15:31Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 0.121 JDH3A080050.6042.80 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/09/13 15:31Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 0.121 JDH3A080050.60498.4 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/09/13 15:31Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 0.0116 JDH3A080050.06040.0116 U mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/09/13 15:31Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 0.121 JDH3A080050.60416.2 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/09/13 15:31Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 0.145 JDH3A080050.60414.7 mg/kg dry EPA 7471B 01/09/13 15:37Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.00833 T1D3A090170.02900.0272 J mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/09/13 15:31Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 0.121 JDH3A080050.6041.11 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/09/13 15:31Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 0.121 JDH3A080050.6040.645 Page 14 of 29 www.encolabs.com SP-3Description:Lab Sample ID:C300004-03 01/07/13 14:08Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 14:00 Work Order:C300004 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 82.8 SPLP Semivolatile Organics by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:041-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.047 jfi3A090060.100.047 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:042-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.046 jfi3A090060.100.046 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:04Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.049 jfi3A090060.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:04Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.052 jfi3A090060.100.052 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:04Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.044 jfi3A090060.100.044 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:04Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.049 jfi3A090060.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:04Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.058 jfi3A090060.100.058 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:04Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.051 jfi3A090060.100.051 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:04Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.063 jfi3A090060.100.063 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:04Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.054 jfi3A090060.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:04Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.040 jfi3A090060.100.040 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:04Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.069 jfi3A090060.100.069 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:04Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.054 jfi3A090060.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:04Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.049 jfi3A090060.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:04Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.067 jfi3A090060.100.067 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:04Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.045 jfi3A090060.100.045 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:04Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.044 jfi3A090060.100.10 ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:04Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.053 jfi3A090060.100.053 U Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 51-136107 %jfiEPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:043A090065.4 5.00 1 Page 15 of 29 www.encolabs.com SP-3Description:Lab Sample ID:C300004-03 01/07/13 14:08Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 14:00 Work Order:C300004 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 82.8 SPLP Metals by 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 6020A 01/09/13 23:01Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 6.10 JMA3A0803110.06.10 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/09/13 23:01Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 20.0 JMA3A08031100278 ug/L EPA 6020A 01/09/13 23:01Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 1.10 JMA3A080313.001.10 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/09/13 23:01Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 4.50 JMA3A0803110.015.5 ug/L EPA 6020A 01/09/13 23:01Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 1.60 JMA3A080315.0014.6 ug/L EPA 7470A 01/11/13 09:45Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.023 IR3A080320.2000.023 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/09/13 23:01Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 6.50 JMA3A0803110.06.50 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/09/13 23:01Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 0.290 JMA3A080311.000.290 U This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 16 of 29 www.encolabs.com SP-4Description:Lab Sample ID:C300004-04 01/07/13 14:08Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 13:35 Work Order:C300004 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 86.0 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 22:251-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.0093 DFM3A080130.0380.0093 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 22:252-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.013 DFM3A080130.0380.013 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 22:25Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.017 DFM3A080130.0380.017 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 22:25Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.011 DFM3A080130.0380.011 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 22:25Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.014 DFM3A080130.0380.014 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 22:25Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.011 DFM3A080130.0380.058 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 22:25Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.012 DFM3A080130.0380.050 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 22:25Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.026 DFM3A080130.0380.066 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 22:25Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.019 DFM3A080130.0380.019 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 22:25Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.017 DFM3A080130.0380.017 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 22:25Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.016 DFM3A080130.0380.058 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 22:25Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.019 DFM3A080130.0380.019 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 22:25Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.014 DFM3A080130.0380.10 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 22:25Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.010 DFM3A080130.0380.010 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 22:25Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.019 DFM3A080130.0380.019 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 22:25Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.010 DFM3A080130.0380.010 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 22:25Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.010 DFM3A080130.0380.050 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/08/13 22:25Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.013 DFM3A080130.0380.093 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 41-145108 %DFMEPA 8270D 01/08/13 22:253A080130.84 0.776 1 Page 17 of 29 www.encolabs.com SP-4Description:Lab Sample ID:C300004-04 01/07/13 14:08Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 13:35 Work Order:C300004 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 86.0 Metals by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/09/13 15:33Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 0.116 JDH3A080050.5821.47 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/09/13 15:33Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 0.116 JDH3A080050.58298.0 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/09/13 15:33Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 0.0112 JDH3A080050.05820.0112 U mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/09/13 15:33Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 0.116 JDH3A080050.58213.3 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/09/13 15:33Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 0.140 JDH3A080050.58227.2 mg/kg dry EPA 7471B 01/09/13 15:39Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.00803 T1D3A090170.02790.0681 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/09/13 15:33Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 0.116 JDH3A080050.5820.354 J mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/09/13 15:33Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 0.116 JDH3A080050.5820.520 J Page 18 of 29 www.encolabs.com SP-4Description:Lab Sample ID:C300004-04 01/07/13 14:08Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 13:35 Work Order:C300004 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 86.0 SPLP Semivolatile Organics by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:241-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.047 jfi3A090060.100.047 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:242-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.046 jfi3A090060.100.046 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:24Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.049 jfi3A090060.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:24Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.052 jfi3A090060.100.052 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:24Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.044 jfi3A090060.100.044 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:24Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.049 jfi3A090060.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:24Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.058 jfi3A090060.100.058 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:24Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.051 jfi3A090060.100.051 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:24Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.063 jfi3A090060.100.063 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:24Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.054 jfi3A090060.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:24Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.040 jfi3A090060.100.040 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:24Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.069 jfi3A090060.100.069 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:24Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.054 jfi3A090060.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:24Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.049 jfi3A090060.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:24Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.067 jfi3A090060.100.067 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:24Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.045 jfi3A090060.100.045 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:24Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.044 jfi3A090060.100.081 J ug/L EPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:24Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.053 jfi3A090060.100.053 U Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 51-136119 %jfiEPA 8270D 01/10/13 12:243A090065.9 5.00 1 Page 19 of 29 www.encolabs.com SP-4Description:Lab Sample ID:C300004-04 01/07/13 14:08Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 13:35 Work Order:C300004 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 86.0 SPLP Metals by 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 6020A 01/09/13 23:23Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 6.10 JMA3A0803110.06.10 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/09/13 23:23Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 20.0 JMA3A08031100161 ug/L EPA 6020A 01/09/13 23:23Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 1.10 JMA3A080313.001.10 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/09/13 23:23Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 4.50 JMA3A0803110.013.0 ug/L EPA 6020A 01/09/13 23:23Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 1.60 JMA3A080315.0015.5 ug/L EPA 7470A 01/11/13 09:48Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.023 IR3A080320.2000.023 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/09/13 23:23Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 6.50 JMA3A0803110.06.50 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/09/13 23:23Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 0.290 JMA3A080311.000.290 U This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 20 of 29 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM - Quality Control Batch 3A08013 - EPA 3550C_MS Prepared: 01/08/2013 10:59 Analyzed: 01/08/2013 18:51Blank (3A08013-BLK1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg wet0.0330.0080 U 1-Methylnaphthalene mg/kg wet0.0330.011 U 2-Methylnaphthalene mg/kg wet0.0330.015 U Acenaphthene mg/kg wet0.0330.0091 U Acenaphthylene mg/kg wet0.0330.012 U Anthracene mg/kg wet0.0330.0091 U Benzo(a)anthracene mg/kg wet0.0330.010 U Benzo(a)pyrene mg/kg wet0.0330.022 U Benzo(b)fluoranthene mg/kg wet0.0330.016 U Benzo(g,h,i)perylene mg/kg wet0.0330.015 U Benzo(k)fluoranthene mg/kg wet0.0330.014 U Chrysene mg/kg wet0.0330.016 U Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene mg/kg wet0.0330.012 U Fluoranthene mg/kg wet0.0330.0086 U Fluorene mg/kg wet0.0330.016 U Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene mg/kg wet0.0330.0087 U Naphthalene mg/kg wet0.0330.0086 U Phenanthrene mg/kg wet0.0330.011 U Pyrene mg/kg wet 0.667 41-145Surrogate: p-Terphenyl 860.57 Prepared: 01/08/2013 10:59 Analyzed: 01/08/2013 19:22LCS (3A08013-BS1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg wet0.033 0.667 64-131880.59 Acenaphthene mg/kg wet0.033 0.667 60-137670.45 Benzo(a)pyrene mg/kg wet0.033 0.667 59-129860.58 Naphthalene mg/kg wet 0.667 41-145Surrogate: p-Terphenyl 970.65 Prepared: 01/08/2013 10:59 Analyzed: 01/08/2013 19:52Matrix Spike (3A08013-MS1) Source: C300004-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg dry0.039 0.794 64-131920.018 U0.73 Acenaphthene mg/kg dry0.039 0.794 60-137830.0520.71 Benzo(a)pyrene mg/kg dry0.039 0.794 59-129890.010 U0.71 Naphthalene mg/kg dry 0.794 41-145Surrogate: p-Terphenyl 1000.80 Prepared: 01/08/2013 10:59 Analyzed: 01/08/2013 20:23Matrix Spike Dup (3A08013-MSD1) Source: C300004-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg dry0.039 0.794 1964-13190 30.018 U0.71 Acenaphthene mg/kg dry0.039 0.794 5060-13789 70.0520.76 Benzo(a)pyrene mg/kg dry0.039 0.794 2159-12985 50.010 U0.67 Naphthalene mg/kg dry 0.794 41-145Surrogate: p-Terphenyl 860.68 Page 21 of 29 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL Metals by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 3A08005 - EPA 3050B Prepared: 01/08/2013 08:26 Analyzed: 01/09/2013 15:05Blank (3A08005-BLK1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg wet0.5000.100 U Arsenic mg/kg wet0.5000.100 U Barium mg/kg wet0.05000.00960 U Cadmium mg/kg wet0.5000.100 U Chromium mg/kg wet0.5000.120 U Lead mg/kg wet0.5000.100 U Selenium mg/kg wet0.5000.100 U Silver Prepared: 01/08/2013 08:26 Analyzed: 01/09/2013 15:16LCS (3A08005-BS1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg wet0.500 10.0 80-120959.54 Arsenic mg/kg wet0.500 10.0 80-120989.79 Barium mg/kg wet0.0500 1.00 80-1201011.01 Cadmium mg/kg wet0.500 10.0 80-12010210.2 Chromium mg/kg wet0.500 10.0 80-120989.76 Lead mg/kg wet0.500 10.0 80-120979.67 Selenium mg/kg wet0.500 10.0 80-12010310.3 Silver Prepared: 01/08/2013 08:26 Analyzed: 01/09/2013 15:20Matrix Spike (3A08005-MS1) Source: C300004-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg dry0.595 11.9 75-125882.5112.9 Arsenic mg/kg dry0.595 11.9 75-12589124134 Barium mg/kg dry0.0595 1.19 75-125560.0114 U0.672 QM-07Cadmium mg/kg dry0.595 11.9 75-12511517.030.7 Chromium mg/kg dry0.595 11.9 75-12510553.666.2 Lead mg/kg dry0.595 11.9 75-125890.66711.3 Selenium mg/kg dry0.595 11.9 75-125960.57712.0 Silver Prepared: 01/08/2013 08:26 Analyzed: 01/09/2013 15:22Matrix Spike Dup (3A08005-MSD1) Source: C300004-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg dry0.595 11.8 2075-12581 72.5112.1 Arsenic mg/kg dry0.595 11.8 2075-125159 6124142 QM-07Barium mg/kg dry0.0595 1.18 2075-12562 80.0114 U0.729 QM-07Cadmium mg/kg dry0.595 11.8 2075-125117 0.417.030.8 Chromium mg/kg dry0.595 11.8 2075-125150 853.671.4 QM-07Lead mg/kg dry0.595 11.8 2075-12584 60.66710.6 Selenium mg/kg dry0.595 11.8 2075-12596 10.57711.9 Silver Prepared: 01/08/2013 08:26 Analyzed: 01/09/2013 15:25Post Spike (3A08005-PS1) Source: C300004-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag Page 22 of 29 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL Metals by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 3A08005 - EPA 3050B Prepared: 01/08/2013 08:26 Analyzed: 01/09/2013 15:25Post Spike (3A08005-PS1) Continued Source: C300004-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-120910.04170.224 Arsenic mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-120822.052.22 Barium mg/L0.00100 0.0200 80-12092-0.006290.0122 Cadmium mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-120890.2830.460 Chromium mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-120860.8921.06 Lead mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-120900.01110.192 Selenium mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-120970.009590.203 Silver Batch 3A09017 - EPA 7471B Prepared: 01/09/2013 09:42 Analyzed: 01/09/2013 15:21Blank (3A09017-BLK1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg wet0.02400.00690 U Mercury Prepared: 01/09/2013 09:42 Analyzed: 01/09/2013 15:23LCS (3A09017-BS1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg wet0.0240 0.600 80-1201090.656 Mercury Prepared: 01/09/2013 09:42 Analyzed: 01/09/2013 15:27Matrix Spike (3A09017-MS1) Source: C300004-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg dry0.0286 0.715 80-1201130.03750.847 Mercury Prepared: 01/09/2013 09:42 Analyzed: 01/09/2013 15:29Matrix Spike Dup (3A09017-MSD1) Source: C300004-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg dry0.0286 0.691 2080-120110 60.03750.798 Mercury Prepared: 01/09/2013 09:42 Analyzed: 01/09/2013 15:31Post Spike (3A09017-PS1) Source: C300004-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L0.200 5.00 75-1251140.2725.96 Mercury QUALITY CONTROL SPLP Semivolatile Organics by GCMS SIM - Quality Control Batch 3A09006 - EPA 3510C_MS Prepared: 01/09/2013 14:00 Analyzed: 01/10/2013 11:06Blank (3A09006-BLK2) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag Page 23 of 29 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL SPLP Semivolatile Organics by GCMS SIM - Quality Control Batch 3A09006 - EPA 3510C_MS Prepared: 01/09/2013 14:00 Analyzed: 01/10/2013 11:06Blank (3A09006-BLK2) Continued RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L0.100.047 U 1-Methylnaphthalene ug/L0.100.046 U 2-Methylnaphthalene ug/L0.100.049 U Acenaphthene ug/L0.100.052 U Acenaphthylene ug/L0.100.044 U Anthracene ug/L0.100.049 U Benzo(a)anthracene ug/L0.100.058 U Benzo(a)pyrene ug/L0.100.051 U Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/L0.100.063 U Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ug/L0.100.054 U Benzo(k)fluoranthene ug/L0.100.040 U Chrysene ug/L0.100.069 U Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ug/L0.100.054 U Fluoranthene ug/L0.100.049 U Fluorene ug/L0.100.067 U Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ug/L0.100.045 U Naphthalene ug/L0.100.044 U Phenanthrene ug/L0.100.053 U Pyrene ug/L 5.00 51-136Surrogate: p-Terphenyl 1175.8 Prepared: 01/09/2013 11:30 Analyzed: 01/09/2013 14:15LCS (3A09006-BS1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L0.10 2.00 39-129921.8 Acenaphthene ug/L0.10 2.00 45-139921.8 Benzo(a)pyrene ug/L0.10 2.00 18-138771.5 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ug/L0.10 2.00 38-131931.9 Naphthalene ug/L 5.00 51-136Surrogate: p-Terphenyl 1015.0 Prepared: 01/09/2013 11:30 Analyzed: 01/09/2013 14:34Matrix Spike (3A09006-MS1) Source: A300073-02 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L0.10 2.00 39-1291000.049 U2.0 Acenaphthene ug/L0.10 2.00 45-1391020.058 U2.0 Benzo(a)pyrene ug/L0.10 2.00 18-138890.063 U1.8 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ug/L0.10 2.00 38-1311010.045 U2.0 Naphthalene ug/L 5.00 51-136Surrogate: p-Terphenyl 944.7 Prepared: 01/09/2013 11:30 Analyzed: 01/09/2013 14:54Matrix Spike Dup (3A09006-MSD1) Source: A300073-02 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L0.10 2.00 9139-12983 190.049 U1.7 Acenaphthene ug/L0.10 2.00 3645-13993 90.058 U1.9 Benzo(a)pyrene ug/L0.10 2.00 5218-13884 50.063 U1.7 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene Page 24 of 29 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL SPLP Semivolatile Organics by GCMS SIM - Quality Control Batch 3A09006 - EPA 3510C_MS Prepared: 01/09/2013 11:30 Analyzed: 01/09/2013 14:54Matrix Spike Dup (3A09006-MSD1) Continued Source: A300073-02 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L0.10 2.00 6138-13182 210.045 U1.6 Naphthalene ug/L 5.00 51-136Surrogate: p-Terphenyl 904.5 SPLP Metals by 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 3A08031 - EPA 3010A Prepared: 01/09/2013 11:24 Analyzed: 01/09/2013 20:18Blank (3A08031-BLK1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L10.06.10 U Arsenic ug/L10020.0 U Barium ug/L3.001.10 U Cadmium ug/L10.04.50 U Chromium ug/L5.001.60 U Lead ug/L10.06.50 U Selenium ug/L1.000.290 U Silver Prepared: 01/09/2013 11:24 Analyzed: 01/09/2013 20:25Blank (3A08031-BLK2) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L10.06.10 U Arsenic ug/L10020.0 U Barium ug/L3.001.10 U Cadmium ug/L10.04.50 U Chromium ug/L5.001.60 U Lead ug/L10.06.50 U Selenium ug/L1.000.290 U Silver Prepared: 01/10/2013 11:11 Analyzed: 01/10/2013 14:52Blank (3A08031-BLK3) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L10.06.10 U Arsenic ug/L10020.0 U Barium ug/L3.001.10 U Cadmium ug/L10.04.50 U Chromium ug/L5.001.60 U Lead ug/L10.06.50 U Selenium ug/L1.000.290 U Silver Prepared: 01/09/2013 11:24 Analyzed: 01/09/2013 20:32LCS (3A08031-BS1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L10.0 500 80-12099495 Arsenic ug/L100 500 80-12098492 Barium ug/L3.00 50.0 80-1209848.8 Cadmium ug/L10.0 500 80-12099495 Chromium Page 25 of 29 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL SPLP Metals by 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 3A08031 - EPA 3010A Prepared: 01/09/2013 11:24 Analyzed: 01/09/2013 20:32LCS (3A08031-BS1) Continued RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L5.00 500 80-12096480 Lead ug/L10.0 500 80-12095477 Selenium ug/L1.00 50.0 80-1209949.3 Silver Prepared: 01/09/2013 11:24 Analyzed: 01/09/2013 20:49Matrix Spike (3A08031-MS1) Source: C300004-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L10.0 500 75-1251016.10 U507 Arsenic ug/L100 500 75-12510488.2608 Barium ug/L3.00 50.0 75-1251001.10 U49.9 Cadmium ug/L10.0 500 75-1251004.50 U500 Chromium ug/L5.00 500 75-1251006.47507 Lead ug/L10.0 500 75-125986.50 U492 Selenium ug/L1.00 50.0 75-1251000.290 U50.2 Silver Prepared: 01/09/2013 11:24 Analyzed: 01/09/2013 20:57Matrix Spike Dup (3A08031-MSD1) Source: C300004-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L10.0 500 2075-125103 16.10 U515 Arsenic ug/L100 500 2075-125104 0.488.2611 Barium ug/L3.00 50.0 2075-125102 21.10 U50.9 Cadmium ug/L10.0 500 2075-125103 34.50 U514 Chromium ug/L5.00 500 2075-125102 16.47514 Lead ug/L10.0 500 2075-12599 0.76.50 U496 Selenium ug/L1.00 50.0 2075-125102 20.290 U51.1 Silver Prepared: 01/09/2013 12:00 Analyzed: 01/09/2013 21:05Post Spike (3A08031-PS1) Source: C300004-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L1.00 49.0 80-1201020.14950.0 Arsenic ug/L10.0 49.0 80-1201038.6459.0 Barium ug/L0.300 4.90 80-120102-0.06084.92 Cadmium ug/L1.00 49.0 80-1201010.34349.7 Chromium ug/L0.500 49.0 80-1201010.63450.0 Lead ug/L1.00 49.0 80-120980.25648.4 Selenium ug/L0.100 4.90 80-12099-0.006964.86 Silver Batch 3A08032 - EPA 7470A Prepared: 01/10/2013 15:41 Analyzed: 01/11/2013 08:40Blank (3A08032-BLK1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L0.2000.023 U Mercury Page 26 of 29 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL SPLP Metals by 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 3A08032 - EPA 7470A Prepared: 01/10/2013 15:41 Analyzed: 01/11/2013 08:43Blank (3A08032-BLK2) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L0.2000.023 U Mercury Prepared: 01/10/2013 15:41 Analyzed: 01/11/2013 08:46Blank (3A08032-BLK3) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L0.2000.023 U Mercury Prepared: 01/10/2013 15:41 Analyzed: 01/11/2013 08:55LCS (3A08032-BS1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L0.200 5.00 80-1201025.10 Mercury Prepared: 01/10/2013 15:41 Analyzed: 01/11/2013 09:02Matrix Spike (3A08032-MS1) Source: A300059-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L0.200 5.00 75-1251080.023 U5.42 Mercury Prepared: 01/10/2013 15:41 Analyzed: 01/11/2013 09:05Matrix Spike Dup (3A08032-MSD1) Source: A300059-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L0.200 5.00 2075-125106 20.023 U5.29 Mercury Prepared: 01/11/2013 06:00 Analyzed: 01/11/2013 09:08Post Spike (3A08032-PS1) Source: A300059-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L0.200 5.61 80-12092-0.0415.14 Mercury Page 27 of 29 www.encolabs.com FLAGS/NOTES AND DEFINITIONS B The analyte was detected in the associated method blank. D The sample was analyzed at dilution. J The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit (MDL) and the laboratory method reporting limit (MRL), adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. U The analyte was analyzed for but not detected to the level shown, adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. MRL Method Reporting Limit. The MRL is roughly equivalent to the practical quantitation limit (PQL) and is based on the low point of the calibration curve, when applicable, sample preparation factor, dilution factor, and, in the case of soil samples, moisture content. E The concentration indicated for this analyte is an estimated value above the calibration range of the instrument. This value is considered an estimate. The spike recovery was outside acceptance limits for the MS and/or MSD. The batch was accepted based on acceptable LCS recovery. QM-07 The Reporting Limit for this analyte has been raised to account for matrix interference.R-01 Page 28 of 29 www.encolabs.com Page 29 of 29 102-A Woodwinds Industrial Court Cary NC, 27511 919.467.3090 919.467.3515Phone:FAX:www.encolabs.com Environmental Conservation Laboratories, Inc. ENCO Workorder(s): C300205,C300223 Morrisville, NC 27560 Unless otherwise noted in an attached project narrative, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed in accordance with the referenced methods/procedures. Results for these procedures apply only to the samples as submitted. The analytical results contained in this report are in compliance with NELAC standards, except as noted in the project narrative. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the Laboratory. This report contains only those analyses performed by Environmental Conservation Laboratories. Unless otherwise noted, all analyses were performed at ENCO Cary. Data from outside organizations will be reported under separate cover. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Enclosure(s) Project Number: [none], Project Name/Desc: Southside Development Attn: Kevin Arnold URS Corporation (UR002) 1600 Perimeter Park Drive S-400 Stephanie Franz Project Manager Friday, January 18, 2013 RE: Laboratory Results for Dear Kevin Arnold, Enclosed is a copy of your laboratory report for test samples received by our laboratory on Tuesday, January 8, 2013. The total number of pages in this report, including this page is 87. www.encolabs.com PROJECT NARRATIVE Date:18 January 2013 Client:URS Corporation (UR002) Project:Southside Development Lab ID:C300205, C300223 Overview This report is an amendment to the original report dated 14 January 2013 for this work order. This report was revised, at the client’s request, to add additional analyses to the report. Environmental Conservation Laboratories, Inc. (ENCO) analyzed all submitted samples in accordance with the methods referenced in the laboratory report. Any particular difficulties encountered during sample handling by ENCO are discussed in the QC Remarks section below. Quality Control Samples No Comments Quality Control Remarks No Comments Other Comments The analytical data presented in this report are consistent with the methods as referenced in the analytical report. Any exceptions or deviations are noted in the QC remarks section of this narrative or in the Flags/Notes and Definitions section of the report. Released By: Environmental Conservation Laboratories, Inc. Stephanie Franz Project Manager Page 2 of 87 www.encolabs.com SAMPLE SUMMARY/LABORATORY CHRONICLE SP-5 C300205-01 Sampled:01/07/13 15:35 Received:01/08/13 11:10Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010C 07/06/13 01/09/13 09:35 1/10/2013 12:54 EPA 6020A 07/06/13 01/10/13 11:11 1/10/2013 17:2507/09/13 EPA 7470A 02/04/13 01/10/13 15:41 1/11/2013 09:5102/07/13 EPA 7471B 02/04/13 01/09/13 09:42 1/9/2013 15:45 EPA 8270D 01/21/13 01/09/13 10:19 1/9/2013 16:0802/18/13 EPA 8270D 01/21/13 01/10/13 15:30 1/11/2013 13:4902/19/13 SP-6 C300205-02 Sampled:01/07/13 15:30 Received:01/08/13 11:10Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6020A 07/06/13 01/10/13 11:11 1/10/2013 17:4107/09/13 EPA 7470A 02/04/13 01/10/13 15:41 1/11/2013 09:5402/07/13 EPA 7471B 02/04/13 01/14/13 12:02 1/14/2013 14:24 EPA 8270D 01/21/13 01/10/13 10:06 1/10/2013 19:4502/19/13 EPA 8270D 01/21/13 01/10/13 15:30 1/11/2013 14:0902/19/13 SP-6 C300205-02RE1 Sampled:01/07/13 15:30 Received:01/08/13 11:10Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010C 07/06/13 01/10/13 14:50 1/11/2013 12:35 SP-7 C300205-03 Sampled:01/07/13 16:10 Received:01/08/13 11:10Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6020A 07/06/13 01/10/13 11:11 1/10/2013 17:5607/09/13 EPA 7470A 02/04/13 01/10/13 15:41 1/11/2013 09:5702/07/13 EPA 7471B 02/04/13 01/14/13 12:02 1/14/2013 14:38 EPA 8270D 01/21/13 01/10/13 10:06 1/10/2013 20:1502/19/13 EPA 8270D 01/21/13 01/10/13 15:30 1/11/2013 14:2802/19/13 SP-7 C300205-03RE1 Sampled:01/07/13 16:10 Received:01/08/13 11:10Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010C 07/06/13 01/10/13 14:50 1/11/2013 13:03 SP-8 C300205-04 Sampled:01/07/13 16:40 Received:01/08/13 11:10Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010C 07/06/13 01/10/13 14:50 1/11/2013 12:40 EPA 6020A 07/06/13 01/10/13 11:11 1/10/2013 18:1207/09/13 EPA 7470A 02/04/13 01/10/13 15:41 1/11/2013 10:0002/07/13 EPA 7471B 02/04/13 01/14/13 12:02 1/14/2013 14:40 EPA 8270D 01/21/13 01/10/13 10:06 1/10/2013 20:4402/19/13 EPA 8270D 01/21/13 01/10/13 15:30 1/11/2013 14:4802/19/13 Page 3 of 87 www.encolabs.com SP-9 C300205-05 Sampled:01/07/13 16:45 Received:01/08/13 11:10Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010C 07/06/13 01/10/13 14:50 1/11/2013 12:42 EPA 6020A 07/06/13 01/10/13 11:11 1/10/2013 19:1607/09/13 EPA 7470A 02/04/13 01/10/13 15:41 1/11/2013 10:0902/07/13 EPA 7471B 02/04/13 01/14/13 12:02 1/14/2013 14:42 EPA 8270D 01/21/13 01/10/13 10:06 1/10/2013 21:1402/19/13 EPA 8270D 01/21/13 01/10/13 15:30 1/11/2013 15:0702/19/13 SP-10 C300205-06 Sampled:01/08/13 07:30 Received:01/08/13 11:10Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6020A 07/07/13 01/10/13 11:11 1/10/2013 19:2507/09/13 EPA 7470A 02/05/13 01/10/13 15:41 1/11/2013 10:1202/07/13 EPA 7471B 02/05/13 01/14/13 12:02 1/14/2013 14:44 EPA 8270D 01/22/13 01/10/13 10:06 1/10/2013 21:4402/19/13 EPA 8270D 01/22/13 01/10/13 15:30 1/11/2013 15:2702/19/13 SP-10 C300205-06RE1 Sampled:01/08/13 07:30 Received:01/08/13 11:10Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010C 07/07/13 01/10/13 14:50 1/11/2013 13:05 DUP-1 C300205-07 Sampled:01/07/13 08:00 Received:01/08/13 11:10Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010C 07/06/13 01/10/13 14:50 1/11/2013 12:56 EPA 6020A 07/06/13 01/10/13 11:11 1/10/2013 19:4007/09/13 EPA 7470A 02/04/13 01/10/13 15:41 1/11/2013 10:1502/07/13 EPA 7471B 02/04/13 01/14/13 12:02 1/14/2013 14:49 EPA 8270D 01/21/13 01/10/13 10:06 1/10/2013 22:1302/19/13 EPA 8270D 01/21/13 01/10/13 15:30 1/11/2013 15:4602/19/13 AD-1 C300205-08 Sampled:01/08/13 10:55 Received:01/08/13 11:10Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010C 07/07/13 01/09/13 09:35 1/10/2013 13:21 EPA 6020A 07/07/13 01/10/13 11:11 1/10/2013 19:5507/09/13 EPA 7470A 02/05/13 01/10/13 15:41 1/11/2013 10:1802/07/13 EPA 7471B 02/05/13 01/09/13 09:42 1/9/2013 15:47 EPA 8270D 01/22/13 01/09/13 10:19 1/9/2013 16:3802/18/13 EPA 8270D 01/22/13 01/10/13 15:30 1/11/2013 16:0602/19/13 Page 4 of 87 www.encolabs.com AD-2 C300205-09 Sampled:01/08/13 10:45 Received:01/08/13 11:10Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010C 07/07/13 01/09/13 09:35 1/10/2013 13:23 EPA 6020A 07/07/13 01/10/13 11:11 1/10/2013 20:1107/09/13 EPA 7470A 02/05/13 01/10/13 15:41 1/11/2013 10:2102/07/13 EPA 7471B 02/05/13 01/09/13 09:42 1/9/2013 15:50 EPA 8270D 01/22/13 01/09/13 10:19 1/9/2013 17:0802/18/13 EPA 8270D 01/22/13 01/10/13 15:30 1/11/2013 16:2502/19/13 AD-3 C300223-01 Sampled:01/08/13 12:00 Received:01/08/13 15:10Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010C 07/07/13 01/09/13 09:35 1/10/2013 13:29 EPA 6020A 07/07/13 01/11/13 13:32 1/11/2013 20:1207/10/13 EPA 7470A 02/05/13 01/11/13 14:34 1/14/2013 08:0002/08/13 EPA 7471B 02/05/13 01/09/13 09:42 1/9/2013 15:51 EPA 8270D 01/22/13 01/09/13 10:19 1/9/2013 17:3902/18/13 EPA 8270D 01/22/13 01/11/13 13:30 1/12/2013 09:0402/20/13 AD-4 C300223-02 Sampled:01/08/13 11:40 Received:01/08/13 15:10Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010C 07/07/13 01/09/13 09:35 1/10/2013 13:31 EPA 6010C 07/07/13 01/16/13 15:46 1/18/2013 10:5907/15/13 EPA 6020A 07/07/13 01/11/13 13:32 1/11/2013 21:4307/10/13 EPA 7470A 02/05/13 01/11/13 14:34 1/14/2013 08:0302/08/13 EPA 7471B 02/05/13 01/09/13 09:42 1/9/2013 15:53 EPA 8270D 01/22/13 01/09/13 10:19 1/9/2013 18:0902/18/13 EPA 8270D 01/22/13 01/11/13 13:30 1/12/2013 09:2402/20/13 AD-5 C300223-03 Sampled:01/08/13 13:00 Received:01/08/13 15:10Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010C 07/07/13 01/09/13 09:35 1/10/2013 13:33 EPA 6020A 07/07/13 01/11/13 13:32 1/11/2013 21:5807/10/13 EPA 7470A 02/05/13 01/11/13 14:34 1/14/2013 08:0602/08/13 EPA 7471B 02/05/13 01/09/13 09:42 1/9/2013 15:55 EPA 8270D 01/22/13 01/09/13 10:19 1/9/2013 18:3902/18/13 EPA 8270D 01/22/13 01/11/13 13:30 1/12/2013 09:4302/20/13 DUP-2 C300223-05 Sampled:01/08/13 08:00 Received:01/08/13 15:10Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010C 07/07/13 01/09/13 09:35 1/10/2013 13:35 EPA 6020A 07/07/13 01/11/13 13:32 1/11/2013 22:1407/10/13 EPA 7470A 02/05/13 01/11/13 14:34 1/14/2013 08:0902/08/13 EPA 7471B 02/05/13 01/09/13 09:42 1/9/2013 15:57 EPA 8270D 01/22/13 01/09/13 10:19 1/9/2013 19:1002/18/13 EPA 8270D 01/22/13 01/11/13 13:30 1/12/2013 10:0302/20/13 Page 5 of 87 www.encolabs.com AD-6 C300223-06 Sampled:01/08/13 13:20 Received:01/08/13 15:10Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010C 07/07/13 01/09/13 09:35 1/10/2013 13:38 EPA 6010C 07/07/13 01/16/13 15:46 1/18/2013 11:0107/15/13 EPA 6020A 07/07/13 01/11/13 13:32 1/11/2013 22:2907/10/13 EPA 7470A 02/05/13 01/11/13 14:34 1/14/2013 08:1902/08/13 EPA 7471B 02/05/13 01/09/13 09:42 1/9/2013 15:59 EPA 8270D 01/22/13 01/09/13 10:19 1/9/2013 19:4002/18/13 EPA 8270D 01/22/13 01/11/13 13:30 1/12/2013 10:2202/20/13 Page 6 of 87 www.encolabs.com SAMPLE DETECTION SUMMARY Lab ID:Client ID:SP-5 C300205-01 Analyte MethodUnitsPQLResultsFlag NotesMDL 2.39 0.592 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CB QB-01Arsenic - Total 0.118 116 100 ug/L EPA 6020A Barium - SPLP 20.0 92.4 0.592 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Barium - Total 0.118 0.043 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.026 14.9 0.592 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Chromium - Total 0.118 0.043 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Fluoranthene 0.014 4.99 5.00 ug/L EPA 6020AJ Lead - SPLP 1.60 22.1 0.592 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Lead - Total 0.142 0.0196 0.0284 mg/kg dry EPA 7471BJ Mercury - Total 0.00817 0.10 0.10 ug/L EPA 8270D Phenanthrene 0.044 0.039 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Pyrene 0.013 0.569 0.592 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CJ Selenium - Total 0.118 0.645 0.592 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Silver - Total 0.118 Lab ID:Client ID:SP-6 C300205-02 Analyte MethodUnitsPQLResultsFlag NotesMDL 158 100 ug/L EPA 6020A Barium - SPLP 20.0 0.093 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(a)anthracene 0.011 0.070 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(a)pyrene 0.012 0.085 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.026 0.054 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 0.019 0.047 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.017 0.081 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Chrysene 0.016 0.15 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Fluoranthene 0.014 0.047 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.019 2.20 5.00 ug/L EPA 6020AJ Lead - SPLP 1.60 0.299 0.0279 mg/kg dry EPA 7471B Mercury - Total 0.00803 0.077 0.10 ug/L EPA 8270DJ Phenanthrene 0.044 0.097 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Phenanthrene 0.010 0.14 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Pyrene 0.013 Lab ID:Client ID:SP-6 C300205-02RE1 Analyte MethodUnitsPQLResultsFlag NotesMDL 4.60 2.91 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CD R-05Arsenic - Total 0.582 107 2.91 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CD R-05Barium - Total 0.582 23.2 2.91 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CD R-05Chromium - Total 0.582 20.7 2.91 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CD R-05Lead - Total 0.698 0.786 2.91 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CJD R-05Selenium - Total 0.582 1.28 2.91 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CJD R-05Silver - Total 0.582 Lab ID:Client ID:SP-7 C300205-03 Analyte MethodUnitsPQLResultsFlag NotesMDL 106 100 ug/L EPA 6020A Barium - SPLP 20.0 4.88 5.00 ug/L EPA 6020AJ Lead - SPLP 1.60 0.0366 0.0283 mg/kg dry EPA 7471B Mercury - Total 0.00813 0.063 0.10 ug/L EPA 8270DJ Phenanthrene 0.044 Lab ID:Client ID:SP-7 C300205-03RE1 Analyte MethodUnitsPQLResultsFlag NotesMDL Page 7 of 87 www.encolabs.com Lab ID:Client ID:SP-7 C300205-03RE1 Analyte MethodUnitsPQLResultsFlag NotesMDL 5.30 2.95 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CD R-05Arsenic - Total 0.589 110 2.95 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CD R-05Barium - Total 0.589 18.4 2.95 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CD R-05Chromium - Total 0.589 43.7 2.95 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CD R-05Lead - Total 0.707 3.73 2.95 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CD R-05Selenium - Total 0.589 1.24 2.95 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CJD R-05Silver - Total 0.589 Lab ID:Client ID:SP-8 C300205-04 Analyte MethodUnitsPQLResultsFlag NotesMDL 2.64 0.593 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Arsenic - Total 0.119 107 100 ug/L EPA 6020A Barium - SPLP 20.0 78.5 0.593 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Barium - Total 0.119 0.059 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(a)anthracene 0.011 0.059 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(a)pyrene 0.012 0.063 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.026 0.051 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 0.019 6.04 10.0 ug/L EPA 6020AJ Chromium - SPLP 4.50 15.5 0.593 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Chromium - Total 0.119 0.055 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Chrysene 0.017 0.075 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Fluoranthene 0.014 0.043 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.019 7.31 5.00 ug/L EPA 6020A Lead - SPLP 1.60 36.1 0.593 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Lead - Total 0.142 0.0374 0.0284 mg/kg dry EPA 7471B Mercury - Total 0.00818 0.043 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Phenanthrene 0.010 0.058 0.10 ug/L EPA 8270DJ Phenanthrene 0.044 0.071 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Pyrene 0.013 1.06 0.593 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Selenium - Total 0.119 0.795 0.593 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Silver - Total 0.119 Lab ID:Client ID:SP-9 C300205-05 Analyte MethodUnitsPQLResultsFlag NotesMDL 2.63 0.584 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Arsenic - Total 0.117 91.1 0.584 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Barium - Total 0.117 103 100 ug/L EPA 6020A Barium - SPLP 20.0 0.043 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(a)anthracene 0.011 0.039 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.026 18.0 0.584 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Chromium - Total 0.117 4.55 10.0 ug/L EPA 6020AJ Chromium - SPLP 4.50 0.058 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Fluoranthene 0.014 23.9 0.584 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Lead - Total 0.140 3.91 5.00 ug/L EPA 6020AJ Lead - SPLP 1.60 0.0432 0.0280 mg/kg dry EPA 7471B Mercury - Total 0.00806 0.051 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Pyrene 0.013 1.47 0.584 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Selenium - Total 0.117 0.804 0.584 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Silver - Total 0.117 Lab ID:Client ID:SP-10 C300205-06 Analyte MethodUnitsPQLResultsFlag NotesMDL 148 100 ug/L EPA 6020A Barium - SPLP 20.0 6.79 10.0 ug/L EPA 6020AJ Chromium - SPLP 4.50 Page 8 of 87 www.encolabs.com Lab ID:Client ID:SP-10 C300205-06 Analyte MethodUnitsPQLResultsFlag NotesMDL 0.044 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Fluoranthene 0.014 9.28 5.00 ug/L EPA 6020A Lead - SPLP 1.60 0.0488 0.0290 mg/kg dry EPA 7471B Mercury - Total 0.00832 0.070 0.10 ug/L EPA 8270DJ Phenanthrene 0.044 0.040 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Pyrene 0.013 Lab ID:Client ID:SP-10 C300205-06RE1 Analyte MethodUnitsPQLResultsFlag NotesMDL 4.66 3.02 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CD R-05Arsenic - Total 0.603 117 3.02 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CD R-05Barium - Total 0.603 18.7 3.02 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CD R-05Chromium - Total 0.603 31.0 3.02 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CD R-05Lead - Total 0.724 1.47 3.02 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CJD R-05Selenium - Total 0.603 0.923 3.02 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CJD R-05Silver - Total 0.603 Lab ID:Client ID:DUP-1 C300205-07 Analyte MethodUnitsPQLResultsFlag NotesMDL 0.10 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Anthracene 0.014 2.75 0.581 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Arsenic - Total 0.116 106 0.581 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Barium - Total 0.116 964 100 ug/L EPA 6020A Barium - SPLP 20.0 0.26 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(a)anthracene 0.011 0.19 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(a)pyrene 0.012 0.21 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.026 0.10 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 0.019 0.12 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.017 5.96 10.0 ug/L EPA 6020AJ Chromium - SPLP 4.50 14.4 0.581 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Chromium - Total 0.116 0.23 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Chrysene 0.016 0.49 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Fluoranthene 0.014 0.093 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.019 57.4 5.00 ug/L EPA 6020A Lead - SPLP 1.60 26.7 0.581 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Lead - Total 0.140 0.0255 0.0279 mg/kg dry EPA 7471BJ Mercury - Total 0.00802 0.038 0.200 ug/L EPA 7470AJ Mercury - SPLP 0.023 0.50 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Phenanthrene 0.010 0.43 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Pyrene 0.013 1.30 0.581 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Selenium - Total 0.116 0.711 0.581 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Silver - Total 0.116 Lab ID:Client ID:AD-1 C300205-08 Analyte MethodUnitsPQLResultsFlag NotesMDL 1.70 0.592 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CB J-01Arsenic - Total 0.118 34.1 100 ug/L EPA 6020AJ Barium - SPLP 20.0 77.6 0.592 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Barium - Total 0.118 0.087 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(a)anthracene 0.011 0.075 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(a)pyrene 0.012 0.11 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.026 0.055 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 0.019 9.16 0.592 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Chromium - Total 0.118 0.071 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Chrysene 0.017 Page 9 of 87 www.encolabs.com Lab ID:Client ID:AD-1 C300205-08 Analyte MethodUnitsPQLResultsFlag NotesMDL 0.12 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Fluoranthene 0.014 0.047 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.019 21.4 0.592 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Lead - Total 0.142 0.0149 0.0284 mg/kg dry EPA 7471BJ Mercury - Total 0.00817 0.059 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Phenanthrene 0.010 0.11 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Pyrene 0.013 0.378 0.592 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CJ Silver - Total 0.118 Lab ID:Client ID:AD-2 C300205-09 Analyte MethodUnitsPQLResultsFlag NotesMDL 0.066 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Anthracene 0.014 3.19 0.582 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CB QB-01Arsenic - Total 0.116 93.1 0.582 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Barium - Total 0.116 81.0 100 ug/L EPA 6020AJ Barium - SPLP 20.0 0.30 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(a)anthracene 0.011 0.28 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(a)pyrene 0.012 0.38 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.026 0.17 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 0.019 0.097 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.017 18.4 0.582 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Chromium - Total 0.116 0.26 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Chrysene 0.016 0.047 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 0.019 0.50 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Fluoranthene 0.014 0.16 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.019 38.8 0.582 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Lead - Total 0.140 9.98 5.00 ug/L EPA 6020A Lead - SPLP 1.60 0.0480 0.0279 mg/kg dry EPA 7471B Mercury - Total 0.00802 0.28 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Phenanthrene 0.010 0.41 0.038 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Pyrene 0.013 0.577 0.582 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CJ Silver - Total 0.116 Lab ID:Client ID:AD-3 C300223-01 Analyte MethodUnitsPQLResultsFlag NotesMDL 0.14 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Acenaphthene 0.018 0.20 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Anthracene 0.014 2.59 0.587 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CB QB-01Arsenic - Total 0.117 62.5 100 ug/L EPA 6020AJ Barium - SPLP 20.0 124 0.587 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Barium - Total 0.117 0.64 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(a)anthracene 0.011 0.60 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(a)pyrene 0.012 0.78 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.026 0.34 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 0.019 0.23 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.018 16.8 0.587 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Chromium - Total 0.117 0.58 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Chrysene 0.016 0.094 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 0.019 1.3 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Fluoranthene 0.014 0.11 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Fluorene 0.010 0.32 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.019 68.6 0.587 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Lead - Total 0.141 10.2 5.00 ug/L EPA 6020A Lead - SPLP 1.60 Page 10 of 87 www.encolabs.com Lab ID:Client ID:AD-3 C300223-01 Analyte MethodUnitsPQLResultsFlag NotesMDL 0.0847 0.0282 mg/kg dry EPA 7471B Mercury - Total 0.00810 0.051 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Naphthalene 0.010 0.97 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Phenanthrene 0.010 1.0 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Pyrene 0.013 0.305 0.587 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CJ Selenium - Total 0.117 0.572 0.587 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CJ Silver - Total 0.117 Lab ID:Client ID:AD-4 C300223-02 Analyte MethodUnitsPQLResultsFlag NotesMDL 0.053 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 1-Methylnaphthalene 0.0098 0.065 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 2-Methylnaphthalene 0.013 0.45 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Acenaphthene 0.018 0.67 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Anthracene 0.015 2.47 0.613 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CB QB-01Arsenic - Total 0.123 178 0.613 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Barium - Total 0.123 74.6 100 ug/L EPA 6020AJ Barium - SPLP 20.0 1.7 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(a)anthracene 0.011 1.5 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(a)pyrene 0.012 2.0 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.027 0.78 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 0.020 0.59 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.018 0.962 0.0613 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Cadmium - Total 0.0118 13.2 0.613 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Chromium - Total 0.123 1.4 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Chrysene 0.017 0.22 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 0.020 3.3 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Fluoranthene 0.015 0.31 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Fluorene 0.011 0.77 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.020 1.76 5.00 ug/L EPA 6020AJ Lead - SPLP 1.60 2.42 0.500 mg/L EPA 6010C Lead - TCLP 0.0550 207 0.613 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Lead - Total 0.147 0.196 0.0294 mg/kg dry EPA 7471B Mercury - Total 0.00846 0.11 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Naphthalene 0.011 2.5 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Phenanthrene 0.011 2.6 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Pyrene 0.013 0.220 0.613 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CJ Selenium - Total 0.123 0.525 0.613 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CJ Silver - Total 0.123 Lab ID:Client ID:AD-5 C300223-03 Analyte MethodUnitsPQLResultsFlag NotesMDL 0.049 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Acenaphthene 0.018 0.089 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Anthracene 0.015 2.43 0.609 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CB QB-01Arsenic - Total 0.122 83.6 100 ug/L EPA 6020AJ Barium - SPLP 20.0 125 0.609 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Barium - Total 0.122 0.33 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(a)anthracene 0.011 0.32 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(a)pyrene 0.012 0.45 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.027 0.17 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 0.019 0.11 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.018 17.1 0.609 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Chromium - Total 0.122 Page 11 of 87 www.encolabs.com Lab ID:Client ID:AD-5 C300223-03 Analyte MethodUnitsPQLResultsFlag NotesMDL 0.29 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Chrysene 0.017 0.049 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 0.019 0.59 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Fluoranthene 0.015 0.17 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.019 96.4 0.609 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Lead - Total 0.146 0.0941 0.0292 mg/kg dry EPA 7471B Mercury - Total 0.00841 0.057 0.10 ug/L EPA 8270DJ Phenanthrene 0.044 0.35 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Phenanthrene 0.010 0.50 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Pyrene 0.013 0.483 0.609 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CJ Selenium - Total 0.122 0.730 0.609 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Silver - Total 0.122 Lab ID:Client ID:DUP-2 C300223-05 Analyte MethodUnitsPQLResultsFlag NotesMDL 0.040 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 2-Methylnaphthalene 0.013 0.29 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Acenaphthene 0.018 0.47 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Anthracene 0.014 2.22 0.597 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CB QB-01Arsenic - Total 0.119 128 0.597 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Barium - Total 0.119 96.1 100 ug/L EPA 6020AJ Barium - SPLP 20.0 1.4 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(a)anthracene 0.011 1.3 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(a)pyrene 0.012 1.8 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.026 0.62 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 0.019 0.49 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.018 14.4 0.597 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Chromium - Total 0.119 1.2 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Chrysene 0.017 0.18 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 0.019 2.7 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Fluoranthene 0.014 0.21 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Fluorene 0.010 0.62 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.019 95.8 0.597 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Lead - Total 0.143 0.138 0.0286 mg/kg dry EPA 7471B Mercury - Total 0.00823 0.060 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Naphthalene 0.010 1.7 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Phenanthrene 0.010 2.3 0.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Pyrene 0.013 0.510 0.597 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CJ Selenium - Total 0.119 0.749 0.597 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Silver - Total 0.119 Lab ID:Client ID:AD-6 C300223-06 Analyte MethodUnitsPQLResultsFlag NotesMDL 0.19 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Acenaphthene 0.018 0.32 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Anthracene 0.014 2.75 0.601 mg/kg dry EPA 6010CB QB-01Arsenic - Total 0.120 155 0.601 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Barium - Total 0.120 70.1 100 ug/L EPA 6020AJ Barium - SPLP 20.0 1.0 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(a)anthracene 0.011 0.97 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(a)pyrene 0.012 1.3 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.026 0.51 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 0.019 0.36 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.018 Page 12 of 87 www.encolabs.com Lab ID:Client ID:AD-6 C300223-06 Analyte MethodUnitsPQLResultsFlag NotesMDL 0.147 0.0601 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Cadmium - Total 0.0115 2.18 3.00 ug/L EPA 6020AJ Cadmium - SPLP 1.10 16.5 0.601 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Chromium - Total 0.120 0.86 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Chrysene 0.017 0.14 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 0.019 2.0 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Fluoranthene 0.014 0.13 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Fluorene 0.010 0.49 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.019 151 0.601 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Lead - Total 0.144 3.09 5.00 ug/L EPA 6020AJ Lead - SPLP 1.60 0.0926 0.0289 mg/kg dry EPA 7471B Mercury - Total 0.00830 0.048 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Naphthalene 0.010 1.2 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Phenanthrene 0.010 0.076 0.10 ug/L EPA 8270DJ Phenanthrene 0.044 1.6 0.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D Pyrene 0.013 0.809 0.601 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Selenium - Total 0.120 0.954 0.601 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C Silver - Total 0.120 Page 13 of 87 www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS SP-5Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-01 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 15:35 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 84.5 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:081-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.0095 DFM3A080130.0390.0095 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:082-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.013 DFM3A080130.0390.013 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:08Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.018 DFM3A080130.0390.018 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:08Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.011 DFM3A080130.0390.011 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:08Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.014 DFM3A080130.0390.014 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:08Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.011 DFM3A080130.0390.011 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:08Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.012 DFM3A080130.0390.012 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:08Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.026 DFM3A080130.0390.043 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:08Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.019 DFM3A080130.0390.019 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:08Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.018 DFM3A080130.0390.018 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:08Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.017 DFM3A080130.0390.017 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:08Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.019 DFM3A080130.0390.019 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:08Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.014 DFM3A080130.0390.043 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:08Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.010 DFM3A080130.0390.010 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:08Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.019 DFM3A080130.0390.019 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:08Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.010 DFM3A080130.0390.010 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:08Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.010 DFM3A080130.0390.010 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:08Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.013 DFM3A080130.0390.039 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 41-14580 %DFMEPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:083A080130.63 0.789 1 Page 14 of 87 www.encolabs.com SP-5Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-01 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 15:35 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 84.5 Metals by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 12:54Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 0.118 JDH3A090120.5922.39 B QB-01 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 12:54Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 0.118 JDH3A090120.59292.4 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 12:54Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 0.0114 JDH3A090120.05920.0114 U mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 12:54Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 0.118 JDH3A090120.59214.9 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 12:54Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 0.142 JDH3A090120.59222.1 mg/kg dry EPA 7471B 01/09/13 15:45Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.00817 T1D3A090170.02840.0196 J mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 12:54Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 0.118 JDH3A090120.5920.569 J mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 12:54Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 0.118 JDH3A090120.5920.645 Page 15 of 87 www.encolabs.com SP-5Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-01 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 15:35 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 84.5 SPLP Semivolatile Organics by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 13:491-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.047 jfi3A100350.100.047 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 13:492-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.046 jfi3A100350.100.046 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 13:49Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 13:49Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.052 jfi3A100350.100.052 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 13:49Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.044 jfi3A100350.100.044 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 13:49Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 13:49Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.058 jfi3A100350.100.058 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 13:49Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.051 jfi3A100350.100.051 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 13:49Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.063 jfi3A100350.100.063 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 13:49Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.054 jfi3A100350.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 13:49Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.040 jfi3A100350.100.040 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 13:49Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.069 jfi3A100350.100.069 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 13:49Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.054 jfi3A100350.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 13:49Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 13:49Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.067 jfi3A100350.100.067 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 13:49Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.045 jfi3A100350.100.045 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 13:49Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.044 jfi3A100350.100.10 ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 13:49Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.053 jfi3A100350.100.053 U Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 51-136101 %jfiEPA 8270D 01/11/13 13:493A100355.1 5.00 1 Page 16 of 87 www.encolabs.com SP-5Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-01 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 15:35 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 84.5 SPLP Metals by 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 17:25Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 6.10 JMA3A0803110.06.10 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 17:25Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 20.0 JMA3A08031100116 ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 17:25Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 1.10 JMA3A080313.001.10 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 17:25Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 4.50 JMA3A0803110.04.50 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 17:25Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 1.60 JMA3A080315.004.99 J ug/L EPA 7470A 01/11/13 09:51Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.023 IR3A080320.2000.023 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 17:25Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 6.50 JMA3A0803110.06.50 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 17:25Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 0.290 JMA3A080311.000.290 U This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 17 of 87 www.encolabs.com SP-6Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-02 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 15:30 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 85.9 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 19:451-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.0093 DFM3A100180.0380.0093 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 19:452-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.013 DFM3A100180.0380.013 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 19:45Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.017 DFM3A100180.0380.017 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 19:45Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.011 DFM3A100180.0380.011 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 19:45Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.014 DFM3A100180.0380.014 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 19:45Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.011 DFM3A100180.0380.093 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 19:45Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.012 DFM3A100180.0380.070 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 19:45Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.026 DFM3A100180.0380.085 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 19:45Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.019 DFM3A100180.0380.054 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 19:45Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.017 DFM3A100180.0380.047 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 19:45Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.016 DFM3A100180.0380.081 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 19:45Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.019 DFM3A100180.0380.019 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 19:45Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.014 DFM3A100180.0380.15 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 19:45Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.010 DFM3A100180.0380.010 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 19:45Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.019 DFM3A100180.0380.047 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 19:45Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.010 DFM3A100180.0380.010 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 19:45Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.010 DFM3A100180.0380.097 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 19:45Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.013 DFM3A100180.0380.14 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 41-14586 %DFMEPA 8270D 01/10/13 19:453A100180.67 0.776 1 Page 18 of 87 www.encolabs.com SP-6Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-02 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 15:30 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 85.9 Metals by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 12:35Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^5 0.582 JDH3A100342.914.60 D R-05 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 12:35Barium [7440-39-3] ^5 0.582 JDH3A100342.91107D R-05 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 12:35Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^5 0.0559 JDH3A100340.2910.0559 UD R-05 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 12:35Chromium [7440-47-3] ^5 0.582 JDH3A100342.9123.2 D R-05 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 12:35Lead [7439-92-1] ^5 0.698 JDH3A100342.9120.7 D R-05 mg/kg dry EPA 7471B 01/14/13 14:24Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.00803 T1D3A110220.02790.299 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 12:35Selenium [7782-49-2] ^5 0.582 JDH3A100342.910.786 JD R-05 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 12:35Silver [7440-22-4] ^5 0.582 JDH3A100342.911.28 JD R-05 Page 19 of 87 www.encolabs.com SP-6Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-02 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 15:30 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 85.9 SPLP Semivolatile Organics by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:091-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.047 jfi3A100350.100.047 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:092-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.046 jfi3A100350.100.046 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:09Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:09Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.052 jfi3A100350.100.052 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:09Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.044 jfi3A100350.100.044 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:09Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:09Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.058 jfi3A100350.100.058 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:09Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.051 jfi3A100350.100.051 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:09Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.063 jfi3A100350.100.063 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:09Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.054 jfi3A100350.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:09Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.040 jfi3A100350.100.040 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:09Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.069 jfi3A100350.100.069 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:09Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.054 jfi3A100350.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:09Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:09Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.067 jfi3A100350.100.067 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:09Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.045 jfi3A100350.100.045 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:09Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.044 jfi3A100350.100.077 J ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:09Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.053 jfi3A100350.100.053 U Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 51-13688 %jfiEPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:093A100354.4 5.00 1 Page 20 of 87 www.encolabs.com SP-6Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-02 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 15:30 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 85.9 SPLP Metals by 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 17:41Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 6.10 JMA3A0803110.06.10 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 17:41Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 20.0 JMA3A08031100158 ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 17:41Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 1.10 JMA3A080313.001.10 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 17:41Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 4.50 JMA3A0803110.04.50 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 17:41Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 1.60 JMA3A080315.002.20 J ug/L EPA 7470A 01/11/13 09:54Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.023 IR3A080320.2000.023 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 17:41Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 6.50 JMA3A0803110.06.50 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 17:41Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 0.290 JMA3A080311.000.290 U This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 21 of 87 www.encolabs.com SP-7Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-03 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 16:10 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 84.8 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:151-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.0094 DFM3A100180.0390.0094 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:152-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.013 DFM3A100180.0390.013 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:15Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.018 DFM3A100180.0390.018 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:15Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.011 DFM3A100180.0390.011 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:15Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.014 DFM3A100180.0390.014 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:15Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.011 DFM3A100180.0390.011 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:15Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.012 DFM3A100180.0390.012 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:15Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.026 DFM3A100180.0390.026 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:15Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.019 DFM3A100180.0390.019 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:15Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.018 DFM3A100180.0390.018 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:15Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.017 DFM3A100180.0390.017 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:15Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.019 DFM3A100180.0390.019 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:15Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.014 DFM3A100180.0390.014 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:15Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.010 DFM3A100180.0390.010 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:15Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.019 DFM3A100180.0390.019 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:15Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.010 DFM3A100180.0390.010 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:15Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.010 DFM3A100180.0390.010 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:15Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.013 DFM3A100180.0390.013 U Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 41-14586 %DFMEPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:153A100180.68 0.786 1 Page 22 of 87 www.encolabs.com SP-7Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-03 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 16:10 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 84.8 Metals by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 13:03Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^5 0.589 JDH3A100342.955.30 D R-05 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 13:03Barium [7440-39-3] ^5 0.589 JDH3A100342.95110D R-05 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 13:03Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^5 0.0566 JDH3A100340.2950.0566 UD R-05 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 13:03Chromium [7440-47-3] ^5 0.589 JDH3A100342.9518.4 D R-05 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 13:03Lead [7439-92-1] ^5 0.707 JDH3A100342.9543.7 D R-05 mg/kg dry EPA 7471B 01/14/13 14:38Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.00813 T1D3A110220.02830.0366 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 13:03Selenium [7782-49-2] ^5 0.589 JDH3A100342.953.73 D R-05 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 13:03Silver [7440-22-4] ^5 0.589 JDH3A100342.951.24 JD R-05 Page 23 of 87 www.encolabs.com SP-7Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-03 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 16:10 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 84.8 SPLP Semivolatile Organics by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:281-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.047 jfi3A100350.100.047 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:282-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.046 jfi3A100350.100.046 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:28Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:28Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.052 jfi3A100350.100.052 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:28Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.044 jfi3A100350.100.044 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:28Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:28Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.058 jfi3A100350.100.058 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:28Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.051 jfi3A100350.100.051 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:28Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.063 jfi3A100350.100.063 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:28Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.054 jfi3A100350.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:28Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.040 jfi3A100350.100.040 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:28Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.069 jfi3A100350.100.069 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:28Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.054 jfi3A100350.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:28Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:28Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.067 jfi3A100350.100.067 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:28Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.045 jfi3A100350.100.045 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:28Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.044 jfi3A100350.100.063 J ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:28Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.053 jfi3A100350.100.053 U Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 51-136100 %jfiEPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:283A100355.0 5.00 1 Page 24 of 87 www.encolabs.com SP-7Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-03 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 16:10 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 84.8 SPLP Metals by 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 17:56Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 6.10 JMA3A0803110.06.10 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 17:56Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 20.0 JMA3A08031100106 ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 17:56Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 1.10 JMA3A080313.001.10 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 17:56Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 4.50 JMA3A0803110.04.50 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 17:56Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 1.60 JMA3A080315.004.88 J ug/L EPA 7470A 01/11/13 09:57Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.023 IR3A080320.2000.023 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 17:56Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 6.50 JMA3A0803110.06.50 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 17:56Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 0.290 JMA3A080311.000.290 U This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 25 of 87 www.encolabs.com SP-8Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-04 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 16:40 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 84.4 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:441-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.0095 DFM3A100180.0390.0095 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:442-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.013 DFM3A100180.0390.013 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:44Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.018 DFM3A100180.0390.018 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:44Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.011 DFM3A100180.0390.011 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:44Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.014 DFM3A100180.0390.014 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:44Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.011 DFM3A100180.0390.059 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:44Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.012 DFM3A100180.0390.059 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:44Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.026 DFM3A100180.0390.063 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:44Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.019 DFM3A100180.0390.051 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:44Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.018 DFM3A100180.0390.018 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:44Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.017 DFM3A100180.0390.055 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:44Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.019 DFM3A100180.0390.019 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:44Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.014 DFM3A100180.0390.075 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:44Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.010 DFM3A100180.0390.010 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:44Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.019 DFM3A100180.0390.043 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:44Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.010 DFM3A100180.0390.010 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:44Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.010 DFM3A100180.0390.043 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:44Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.013 DFM3A100180.0390.071 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 41-14575 %DFMEPA 8270D 01/10/13 20:443A100180.59 0.790 1 Page 26 of 87 www.encolabs.com SP-8Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-04 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 16:40 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 84.4 Metals by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 12:40Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 0.119 JDH3A100340.5932.64 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 12:40Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 0.119 JDH3A100340.59378.5 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 12:40Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 0.0114 JDH3A100340.05930.0114 U mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 12:40Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 0.119 JDH3A100340.59315.5 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 12:40Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 0.142 JDH3A100340.59336.1 mg/kg dry EPA 7471B 01/14/13 14:40Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.00818 T1D3A110220.02840.0374 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 12:40Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 0.119 JDH3A100340.5931.06 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 12:40Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 0.119 JDH3A100340.5930.795 Page 27 of 87 www.encolabs.com SP-8Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-04 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 16:40 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 84.4 SPLP Semivolatile Organics by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:481-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.047 jfi3A100350.100.047 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:482-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.046 jfi3A100350.100.046 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:48Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:48Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.052 jfi3A100350.100.052 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:48Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.044 jfi3A100350.100.044 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:48Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:48Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.058 jfi3A100350.100.058 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:48Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.051 jfi3A100350.100.051 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:48Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.063 jfi3A100350.100.063 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:48Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.054 jfi3A100350.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:48Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.040 jfi3A100350.100.040 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:48Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.069 jfi3A100350.100.069 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:48Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.054 jfi3A100350.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:48Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:48Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.067 jfi3A100350.100.067 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:48Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.045 jfi3A100350.100.045 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:48Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.044 jfi3A100350.100.058 J ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:48Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.053 jfi3A100350.100.053 U Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 51-13690 %jfiEPA 8270D 01/11/13 14:483A100354.5 5.00 1 Page 28 of 87 www.encolabs.com SP-8Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-04 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 16:40 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 84.4 SPLP Metals by 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 18:12Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 6.10 JMA3A0803110.06.10 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 18:12Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 20.0 JMA3A08031100107 ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 18:12Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 1.10 JMA3A080313.001.10 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 18:12Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 4.50 JMA3A0803110.06.04 J ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 18:12Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 1.60 JMA3A080315.007.31 ug/L EPA 7470A 01/11/13 10:00Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.023 IR3A080320.2000.023 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 18:12Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 6.50 JMA3A0803110.06.50 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 18:12Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 0.290 JMA3A080311.000.290 U This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 29 of 87 www.encolabs.com SP-9Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-05 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 16:45 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 85.6 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:141-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.0093 DFM3A100180.0390.0093 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:142-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.013 DFM3A100180.0390.013 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:14Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.018 DFM3A100180.0390.018 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:14Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.011 DFM3A100180.0390.011 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:14Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.014 DFM3A100180.0390.014 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:14Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.011 DFM3A100180.0390.043 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:14Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.012 DFM3A100180.0390.012 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:14Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.026 DFM3A100180.0390.039 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:14Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.019 DFM3A100180.0390.019 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:14Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.018 DFM3A100180.0390.018 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:14Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.016 DFM3A100180.0390.016 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:14Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.019 DFM3A100180.0390.019 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:14Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.014 DFM3A100180.0390.058 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:14Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.010 DFM3A100180.0390.010 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:14Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.019 DFM3A100180.0390.019 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:14Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.010 DFM3A100180.0390.010 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:14Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.010 DFM3A100180.0390.010 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:14Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.013 DFM3A100180.0390.051 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 41-14580 %DFMEPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:143A100180.62 0.779 1 Page 30 of 87 www.encolabs.com SP-9Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-05 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 16:45 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 85.6 Metals by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 12:42Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 0.117 JDH3A100340.5842.63 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 12:42Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 0.117 JDH3A100340.58491.1 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 12:42Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 0.0112 JDH3A100340.05840.0112 U mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 12:42Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 0.117 JDH3A100340.58418.0 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 12:42Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 0.140 JDH3A100340.58423.9 mg/kg dry EPA 7471B 01/14/13 14:42Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.00806 T1D3A110220.02800.0432 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 12:42Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 0.117 JDH3A100340.5841.47 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 12:42Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 0.117 JDH3A100340.5840.804 Page 31 of 87 www.encolabs.com SP-9Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-05 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 16:45 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 85.6 SPLP Semivolatile Organics by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:071-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.047 jfi3A100350.100.047 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:072-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.046 jfi3A100350.100.046 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:07Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:07Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.052 jfi3A100350.100.052 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:07Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.044 jfi3A100350.100.044 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:07Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:07Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.058 jfi3A100350.100.058 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:07Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.051 jfi3A100350.100.051 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:07Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.063 jfi3A100350.100.063 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:07Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.054 jfi3A100350.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:07Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.040 jfi3A100350.100.040 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:07Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.069 jfi3A100350.100.069 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:07Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.054 jfi3A100350.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:07Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:07Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.067 jfi3A100350.100.067 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:07Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.045 jfi3A100350.100.045 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:07Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.044 jfi3A100350.100.044 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:07Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.053 jfi3A100350.100.053 U Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 51-13681 %jfiEPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:073A100354.0 5.00 1 Page 32 of 87 www.encolabs.com SP-9Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-05 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 16:45 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 85.6 SPLP Metals by 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 19:16Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 6.10 JMA3A0803110.06.10 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 19:16Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 20.0 JMA3A08031100103 ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 19:16Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 1.10 JMA3A080313.001.10 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 19:16Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 4.50 JMA3A0803110.04.55 J ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 19:16Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 1.60 JMA3A080315.003.91 J ug/L EPA 7470A 01/11/13 10:09Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.023 IR3A080320.2000.023 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 19:16Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 6.50 JMA3A0803110.06.50 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 19:16Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 0.290 JMA3A080311.000.290 U This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 33 of 87 www.encolabs.com SP-10Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-06 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/08/13 07:30 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 82.9 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:441-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.0097 DFM3A100180.0400.0097 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:442-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.013 DFM3A100180.0400.013 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:44Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.018 DFM3A100180.0400.018 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:44Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.011 DFM3A100180.0400.011 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:44Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.014 DFM3A100180.0400.014 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:44Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.011 DFM3A100180.0400.011 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:44Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.012 DFM3A100180.0400.012 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:44Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.027 DFM3A100180.0400.027 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:44Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.019 DFM3A100180.0400.019 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:44Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.018 DFM3A100180.0400.018 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:44Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.017 DFM3A100180.0400.017 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:44Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.019 DFM3A100180.0400.019 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:44Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.014 DFM3A100180.0400.044 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:44Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.010 DFM3A100180.0400.010 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:44Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.019 DFM3A100180.0400.019 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:44Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.010 DFM3A100180.0400.010 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:44Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.010 DFM3A100180.0400.010 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:44Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.013 DFM3A100180.0400.040 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 41-14582 %DFMEPA 8270D 01/10/13 21:443A100180.66 0.804 1 Page 34 of 87 www.encolabs.com SP-10Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-06 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/08/13 07:30 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 82.9 Metals by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 13:05Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^5 0.603 JDH3A100343.024.66 D R-05 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 13:05Barium [7440-39-3] ^5 0.603 JDH3A100343.02117D R-05 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 13:05Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^5 0.0579 JDH3A100340.3020.0579 UD R-05 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 13:05Chromium [7440-47-3] ^5 0.603 JDH3A100343.0218.7 D R-05 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 13:05Lead [7439-92-1] ^5 0.724 JDH3A100343.0231.0 D R-05 mg/kg dry EPA 7471B 01/14/13 14:44Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.00832 T1D3A110220.02900.0488 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 13:05Selenium [7782-49-2] ^5 0.603 JDH3A100343.021.47 JD R-05 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 13:05Silver [7440-22-4] ^5 0.603 JDH3A100343.020.923 JD R-05 Page 35 of 87 www.encolabs.com SP-10Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-06 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/08/13 07:30 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 82.9 SPLP Semivolatile Organics by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:271-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.047 jfi3A100350.100.047 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:272-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.046 jfi3A100350.100.046 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:27Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:27Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.052 jfi3A100350.100.052 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:27Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.044 jfi3A100350.100.044 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:27Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:27Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.058 jfi3A100350.100.058 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:27Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.051 jfi3A100350.100.051 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:27Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.063 jfi3A100350.100.063 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:27Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.054 jfi3A100350.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:27Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.040 jfi3A100350.100.040 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:27Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.069 jfi3A100350.100.069 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:27Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.054 jfi3A100350.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:27Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:27Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.067 jfi3A100350.100.067 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:27Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.045 jfi3A100350.100.045 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:27Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.044 jfi3A100350.100.070 J ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:27Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.053 jfi3A100350.100.053 U Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 51-136109 %jfiEPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:273A100355.5 5.00 1 Page 36 of 87 www.encolabs.com SP-10Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-06 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/08/13 07:30 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 82.9 SPLP Metals by 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 19:25Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 6.10 JMA3A0803110.06.10 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 19:25Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 20.0 JMA3A08031100148 ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 19:25Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 1.10 JMA3A080313.001.10 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 19:25Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 4.50 JMA3A0803110.06.79 J ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 19:25Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 1.60 JMA3A080315.009.28 ug/L EPA 7470A 01/11/13 10:12Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.023 IR3A080320.2000.023 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 19:25Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 6.50 JMA3A0803110.06.50 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 19:25Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 0.290 JMA3A080311.000.290 U This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 37 of 87 www.encolabs.com DUP-1Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-07 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 08:00 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 86.0 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 22:131-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.0093 DFM3A100180.0380.0093 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 22:132-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.013 DFM3A100180.0380.013 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 22:13Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.017 DFM3A100180.0380.017 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 22:13Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.011 DFM3A100180.0380.011 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 22:13Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.014 DFM3A100180.0380.10 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 22:13Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.011 DFM3A100180.0380.26 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 22:13Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.012 DFM3A100180.0380.19 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 22:13Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.026 DFM3A100180.0380.21 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 22:13Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.019 DFM3A100180.0380.10 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 22:13Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.017 DFM3A100180.0380.12 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 22:13Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.016 DFM3A100180.0380.23 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 22:13Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.019 DFM3A100180.0380.019 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 22:13Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.014 DFM3A100180.0380.49 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 22:13Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.010 DFM3A100180.0380.010 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 22:13Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.019 DFM3A100180.0380.093 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 22:13Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.010 DFM3A100180.0380.010 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 22:13Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.010 DFM3A100180.0380.50 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/10/13 22:13Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.013 DFM3A100180.0380.43 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 41-14574 %DFMEPA 8270D 01/10/13 22:133A100180.58 0.775 1 Page 38 of 87 www.encolabs.com DUP-1Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-07 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 08:00 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 86.0 Metals by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 12:56Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 0.116 JDH3A100340.5812.75 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 12:56Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 0.116 JDH3A100340.581106 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 12:56Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 0.0112 JDH3A100340.05810.0112 U mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 12:56Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 0.116 JDH3A100340.58114.4 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 12:56Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 0.140 JDH3A100340.58126.7 mg/kg dry EPA 7471B 01/14/13 14:49Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.00802 T1D3A110220.02790.0255 J mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 12:56Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 0.116 JDH3A100340.5811.30 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/11/13 12:56Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 0.116 JDH3A100340.5810.711 Page 39 of 87 www.encolabs.com DUP-1Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-07 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 08:00 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 86.0 SPLP Semivolatile Organics by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:461-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.047 jfi3A100350.100.047 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:462-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.046 jfi3A100350.100.046 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:46Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:46Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.052 jfi3A100350.100.052 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:46Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.044 jfi3A100350.100.044 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:46Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:46Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.058 jfi3A100350.100.058 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:46Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.051 jfi3A100350.100.051 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:46Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.063 jfi3A100350.100.063 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:46Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.054 jfi3A100350.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:46Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.040 jfi3A100350.100.040 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:46Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.069 jfi3A100350.100.069 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:46Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.054 jfi3A100350.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:46Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:46Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.067 jfi3A100350.100.067 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:46Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.045 jfi3A100350.100.045 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:46Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.044 jfi3A100350.100.044 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:46Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.053 jfi3A100350.100.053 U Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 51-13686 %jfiEPA 8270D 01/11/13 15:463A100354.3 5.00 1 Page 40 of 87 www.encolabs.com DUP-1Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-07 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/07/13 08:00 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 86.0 SPLP Metals by 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 19:40Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 6.10 JMA3A0803110.06.10 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 19:40Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 20.0 JMA3A08031100964 ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 19:40Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 1.10 JMA3A080313.001.10 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 19:40Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 4.50 JMA3A0803110.05.96 J ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 19:40Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 1.60 JMA3A080315.0057.4 ug/L EPA 7470A 01/11/13 10:15Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.023 IR3A080320.2000.038 J ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 19:40Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 6.50 JMA3A0803110.06.50 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 19:40Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 0.290 JMA3A080311.000.290 U This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 41 of 87 www.encolabs.com AD-1Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-08 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/08/13 10:55 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 84.4 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:381-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.0095 DFM3A080130.0390.0095 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:382-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.013 DFM3A080130.0390.013 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:38Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.018 DFM3A080130.0390.018 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:38Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.011 DFM3A080130.0390.011 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:38Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.014 DFM3A080130.0390.014 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:38Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.011 DFM3A080130.0390.087 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:38Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.012 DFM3A080130.0390.075 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:38Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.026 DFM3A080130.0390.11 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:38Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.019 DFM3A080130.0390.055 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:38Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.018 DFM3A080130.0390.018 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:38Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.017 DFM3A080130.0390.071 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:38Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.019 DFM3A080130.0390.019 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:38Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.014 DFM3A080130.0390.12 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:38Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.010 DFM3A080130.0390.010 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:38Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.019 DFM3A080130.0390.047 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:38Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.010 DFM3A080130.0390.010 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:38Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.010 DFM3A080130.0390.059 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:38Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.013 DFM3A080130.0390.11 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 41-14582 %DFMEPA 8270D 01/09/13 16:383A080130.65 0.790 1 Page 42 of 87 www.encolabs.com AD-1Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-08 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/08/13 10:55 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 84.4 Metals by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:21Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 0.118 JDH3A090120.5921.70 B J-01 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:21Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 0.118 JDH3A090120.59277.6 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:21Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 0.0114 JDH3A090120.05920.0114 U mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:21Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 0.118 JDH3A090120.5929.16 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:21Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 0.142 JDH3A090120.59221.4 mg/kg dry EPA 7471B 01/09/13 15:47Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.00817 T1D3A090170.02840.0149 J mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:21Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 0.118 JDH3A090120.5920.118 U mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:21Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 0.118 JDH3A090120.5920.378 J Page 43 of 87 www.encolabs.com AD-1Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-08 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/08/13 10:55 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 84.4 SPLP Semivolatile Organics by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:061-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.047 jfi3A100350.100.047 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:062-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.046 jfi3A100350.100.046 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:06Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:06Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.052 jfi3A100350.100.052 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:06Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.044 jfi3A100350.100.044 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:06Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:06Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.058 jfi3A100350.100.058 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:06Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.051 jfi3A100350.100.051 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:06Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.063 jfi3A100350.100.063 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:06Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.054 jfi3A100350.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:06Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.040 jfi3A100350.100.040 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:06Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.069 jfi3A100350.100.069 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:06Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.054 jfi3A100350.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:06Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:06Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.067 jfi3A100350.100.067 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:06Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.045 jfi3A100350.100.045 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:06Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.044 jfi3A100350.100.044 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:06Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.053 jfi3A100350.100.053 U Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 51-13692 %jfiEPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:063A100354.6 5.00 1 Page 44 of 87 www.encolabs.com AD-1Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-08 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/08/13 10:55 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 84.4 SPLP Metals by 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 19:55Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 6.10 JMA3A0803110.06.10 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 19:55Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 20.0 JMA3A0803110034.1 J ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 19:55Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 1.10 JMA3A080313.001.10 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 19:55Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 4.50 JMA3A0803110.04.50 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 19:55Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 1.60 JMA3A080315.001.60 U ug/L EPA 7470A 01/11/13 10:18Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.023 IR3A080320.2000.023 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 19:55Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 6.50 JMA3A0803110.06.50 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 19:55Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 0.290 JMA3A080311.000.290 U This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 45 of 87 www.encolabs.com AD-2Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-09 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/08/13 10:45 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 86.0 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:081-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.0093 DFM3A080130.0380.0093 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:082-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.013 DFM3A080130.0380.013 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:08Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.017 DFM3A080130.0380.017 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:08Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.011 DFM3A080130.0380.011 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:08Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.014 DFM3A080130.0380.066 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:08Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.011 DFM3A080130.0380.30 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:08Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.012 DFM3A080130.0380.28 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:08Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.026 DFM3A080130.0380.38 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:08Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.019 DFM3A080130.0380.17 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:08Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.017 DFM3A080130.0380.097 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:08Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.016 DFM3A080130.0380.26 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:08Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.019 DFM3A080130.0380.047 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:08Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.014 DFM3A080130.0380.50 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:08Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.010 DFM3A080130.0380.010 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:08Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.019 DFM3A080130.0380.16 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:08Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.010 DFM3A080130.0380.010 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:08Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.010 DFM3A080130.0380.28 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:08Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.013 DFM3A080130.0380.41 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 41-14582 %DFMEPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:083A080130.64 0.775 1 Page 46 of 87 www.encolabs.com AD-2Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-09 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/08/13 10:45 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 86.0 Metals by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:23Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 0.116 JDH3A090120.5823.19 B QB-01 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:23Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 0.116 JDH3A090120.58293.1 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:23Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 0.0112 JDH3A090120.05820.0112 U mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:23Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 0.116 JDH3A090120.58218.4 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:23Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 0.140 JDH3A090120.58238.8 mg/kg dry EPA 7471B 01/09/13 15:50Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.00802 T1D3A090170.02790.0480 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:23Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 0.116 JDH3A090120.5820.116 U mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:23Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 0.116 JDH3A090120.5820.577 J Page 47 of 87 www.encolabs.com AD-2Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-09 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/08/13 10:45 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 86.0 SPLP Semivolatile Organics by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:251-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.047 jfi3A100350.100.047 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:252-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.046 jfi3A100350.100.046 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:25Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:25Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.052 jfi3A100350.100.052 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:25Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.044 jfi3A100350.100.044 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:25Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:25Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.058 jfi3A100350.100.058 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:25Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.051 jfi3A100350.100.051 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:25Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.063 jfi3A100350.100.063 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:25Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.054 jfi3A100350.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:25Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.040 jfi3A100350.100.040 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:25Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.069 jfi3A100350.100.069 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:25Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.054 jfi3A100350.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:25Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:25Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.067 jfi3A100350.100.067 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:25Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.045 jfi3A100350.100.045 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:25Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.044 jfi3A100350.100.044 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:25Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.053 jfi3A100350.100.053 U Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 51-13685 %jfiEPA 8270D 01/11/13 16:253A100354.3 5.00 1 Page 48 of 87 www.encolabs.com AD-2Description:Lab Sample ID:C300205-09 01/08/13 11:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/08/13 10:45 Work Order:C300205 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 86.0 SPLP Metals by 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 20:11Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 6.10 JMA3A0803110.06.10 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 20:11Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 20.0 JMA3A0803110081.0 J ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 20:11Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 1.10 JMA3A080313.001.10 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 20:11Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 4.50 JMA3A0803110.04.50 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 20:11Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 1.60 JMA3A080315.009.98 ug/L EPA 7470A 01/11/13 10:21Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.023 IR3A080320.2000.023 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 20:11Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 6.50 JMA3A0803110.06.50 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/10/13 20:11Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 0.290 JMA3A080311.000.290 U This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 49 of 87 www.encolabs.com AD-3Description:Lab Sample ID:C300223-01 01/08/13 15:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/08/13 12:00 Work Order:C300223 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 85.1 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:391-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.0094 DFM3A080130.0390.0094 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:392-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.013 DFM3A080130.0390.013 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:39Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.018 DFM3A080130.0390.14 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:39Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.011 DFM3A080130.0390.011 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:39Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.014 DFM3A080130.0390.20 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:39Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.011 DFM3A080130.0390.64 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:39Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.012 DFM3A080130.0390.60 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:39Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.026 DFM3A080130.0390.78 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:39Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.019 DFM3A080130.0390.34 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:39Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.018 DFM3A080130.0390.23 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:39Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.016 DFM3A080130.0390.58 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:39Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.019 DFM3A080130.0390.094 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:39Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.014 DFM3A080130.0391.3 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:39Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.010 DFM3A080130.0390.11 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:39Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.019 DFM3A080130.0390.32 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:39Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.010 DFM3A080130.0390.051 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:39Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.010 DFM3A080130.0390.97 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:39Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.013 DFM3A080130.0391.0 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 41-14584 %DFMEPA 8270D 01/09/13 17:393A080130.66 0.783 1 Page 50 of 87 www.encolabs.com AD-3Description:Lab Sample ID:C300223-01 01/08/13 15:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/08/13 12:00 Work Order:C300223 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 85.1 Metals by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:29Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 0.117 JDH3A090120.5872.59 B QB-01 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:29Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 0.117 JDH3A090120.587124 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:29Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 0.0113 JDH3A090120.05870.0113 U mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:29Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 0.117 JDH3A090120.58716.8 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:29Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 0.141 JDH3A090120.58768.6 mg/kg dry EPA 7471B 01/09/13 15:51Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.00810 T1D3A090170.02820.0847 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:29Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 0.117 JDH3A090120.5870.305 J mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:29Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 0.117 JDH3A090120.5870.572 J Page 51 of 87 www.encolabs.com AD-3Description:Lab Sample ID:C300223-01 01/08/13 15:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/08/13 12:00 Work Order:C300223 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 85.1 SPLP Semivolatile Organics by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:041-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.047 jfi3A100350.100.047 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:042-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.046 jfi3A100350.100.046 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:04Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:04Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.052 jfi3A100350.100.052 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:04Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.044 jfi3A100350.100.044 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:04Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:04Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.058 jfi3A100350.100.058 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:04Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.051 jfi3A100350.100.051 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:04Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.063 jfi3A100350.100.063 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:04Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.054 jfi3A100350.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:04Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.040 jfi3A100350.100.040 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:04Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.069 jfi3A100350.100.069 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:04Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.054 jfi3A100350.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:04Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:04Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.067 jfi3A100350.100.067 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:04Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.045 jfi3A100350.100.045 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:04Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.044 jfi3A100350.100.044 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:04Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.053 jfi3A100350.100.053 U Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 51-13676 %jfiEPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:043A100353.8 5.00 1 Page 52 of 87 www.encolabs.com AD-3Description:Lab Sample ID:C300223-01 01/08/13 15:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/08/13 12:00 Work Order:C300223 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 85.1 SPLP Metals by 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 6020A 01/11/13 20:12Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 6.10 JMA3A1004510.06.10 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/11/13 20:12Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 20.0 JMA3A1004510062.5 J ug/L EPA 6020A 01/11/13 20:12Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 1.10 JMA3A100453.001.10 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/11/13 20:12Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 4.50 JMA3A1004510.04.50 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/11/13 20:12Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 1.60 JMA3A100455.0010.2 ug/L EPA 7470A 01/14/13 08:00Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.023 JAY3A100290.2000.023 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/11/13 20:12Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 6.50 JMA3A1004510.06.50 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/11/13 20:12Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 0.290 JMA3A100451.000.290 U This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 53 of 87 www.encolabs.com AD-4Description:Lab Sample ID:C300223-02 01/08/13 15:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/08/13 11:40 Work Order:C300223 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 81.6 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:091-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.0098 DFM3A080130.0400.053 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:092-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.013 DFM3A080130.0400.065 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:09Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.018 DFM3A080130.0400.45 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:09Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.011 DFM3A080130.0400.011 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:09Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.015 DFM3A080130.0400.67 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:09Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.011 DFM3A080130.0401.7 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:09Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.012 DFM3A080130.0401.5 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:09Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.027 DFM3A080130.0402.0 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:09Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.020 DFM3A080130.0400.78 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:09Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.018 DFM3A080130.0400.59 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:09Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.017 DFM3A080130.0401.4 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:09Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.020 DFM3A080130.0400.22 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:09Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.015 DFM3A080130.0403.3 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:09Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.011 DFM3A080130.0400.31 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:09Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.020 DFM3A080130.0400.77 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:09Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.011 DFM3A080130.0400.11 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:09Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.011 DFM3A080130.0402.5 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:09Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.013 DFM3A080130.0402.6 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 41-14580 %DFMEPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:093A080130.65 0.817 1 Page 54 of 87 www.encolabs.com AD-4Description:Lab Sample ID:C300223-02 01/08/13 15:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/08/13 11:40 Work Order:C300223 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 81.6 Metals by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:31Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 0.123 JDH3A090120.6132.47 B QB-01 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:31Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 0.123 JDH3A090120.613178 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:31Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 0.0118 JDH3A090120.06130.962 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:31Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 0.123 JDH3A090120.61313.2 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:31Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 0.147 JDH3A090120.613207 mg/kg dry EPA 7471B 01/09/13 15:53Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.00846 T1D3A090170.02940.196 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:31Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 0.123 JDH3A090120.6130.220 J mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:31Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 0.123 JDH3A090120.6130.525 J Page 55 of 87 www.encolabs.com AD-4Description:Lab Sample ID:C300223-02 01/08/13 15:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/08/13 11:40 Work Order:C300223 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 81.6 TCLP Metals by 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/L EPA 6010C 01/18/13 10:59Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 0.0550 JDH3A160320.5002.42 Page 56 of 87 www.encolabs.com AD-4Description:Lab Sample ID:C300223-02 01/08/13 15:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/08/13 11:40 Work Order:C300223 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 81.6 SPLP Semivolatile Organics by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:241-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.047 jfi3A100350.100.047 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:242-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.046 jfi3A100350.100.046 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:24Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:24Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.052 jfi3A100350.100.052 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:24Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.044 jfi3A100350.100.044 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:24Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:24Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.058 jfi3A100350.100.058 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:24Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.051 jfi3A100350.100.051 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:24Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.063 jfi3A100350.100.063 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:24Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.054 jfi3A100350.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:24Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.040 jfi3A100350.100.040 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:24Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.069 jfi3A100350.100.069 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:24Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.054 jfi3A100350.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:24Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:24Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.067 jfi3A100350.100.067 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:24Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.045 jfi3A100350.100.045 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:24Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.044 jfi3A100350.100.044 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:24Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.053 jfi3A100350.100.053 U Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 51-13685 %jfiEPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:243A100354.3 5.00 1 Page 57 of 87 www.encolabs.com AD-4Description:Lab Sample ID:C300223-02 01/08/13 15:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/08/13 11:40 Work Order:C300223 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 81.6 SPLP Metals by 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 6020A 01/11/13 21:43Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 6.10 JMA3A1004510.06.10 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/11/13 21:43Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 20.0 JMA3A1004510074.6 J ug/L EPA 6020A 01/11/13 21:43Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 1.10 JMA3A100453.001.10 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/11/13 21:43Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 4.50 JMA3A1004510.04.50 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/11/13 21:43Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 1.60 JMA3A100455.001.76 J ug/L EPA 7470A 01/14/13 08:03Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.023 JAY3A100290.2000.023 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/11/13 21:43Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 6.50 JMA3A1004510.06.50 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/11/13 21:43Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 0.290 JMA3A100451.000.290 U This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 58 of 87 www.encolabs.com AD-5Description:Lab Sample ID:C300223-03 01/08/13 15:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/08/13 13:00 Work Order:C300223 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 82.1 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:391-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.0097 DFM3A080130.0400.0097 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:392-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.013 DFM3A080130.0400.013 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:39Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.018 DFM3A080130.0400.049 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:39Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.011 DFM3A080130.0400.011 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:39Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.015 DFM3A080130.0400.089 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:39Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.011 DFM3A080130.0400.33 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:39Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.012 DFM3A080130.0400.32 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:39Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.027 DFM3A080130.0400.45 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:39Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.019 DFM3A080130.0400.17 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:39Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.018 DFM3A080130.0400.11 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:39Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.017 DFM3A080130.0400.29 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:39Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.019 DFM3A080130.0400.049 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:39Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.015 DFM3A080130.0400.59 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:39Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.010 DFM3A080130.0400.010 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:39Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.019 DFM3A080130.0400.17 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:39Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.011 DFM3A080130.0400.011 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:39Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.010 DFM3A080130.0400.35 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:39Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.013 DFM3A080130.0400.50 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 41-14577 %DFMEPA 8270D 01/09/13 18:393A080130.63 0.812 1 Page 59 of 87 www.encolabs.com AD-5Description:Lab Sample ID:C300223-03 01/08/13 15:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/08/13 13:00 Work Order:C300223 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 82.1 Metals by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:33Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 0.122 JDH3A090120.6092.43 B QB-01 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:33Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 0.122 JDH3A090120.609125 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:33Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 0.0117 JDH3A090120.06090.0117 U mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:33Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 0.122 JDH3A090120.60917.1 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:33Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 0.146 JDH3A090120.60996.4 mg/kg dry EPA 7471B 01/09/13 15:55Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.00841 T1D3A090170.02920.0941 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:33Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 0.122 JDH3A090120.6090.483 J mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:33Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 0.122 JDH3A090120.6090.730 Page 60 of 87 www.encolabs.com AD-5Description:Lab Sample ID:C300223-03 01/08/13 15:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/08/13 13:00 Work Order:C300223 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 82.1 SPLP Semivolatile Organics by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:431-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.047 jfi3A100350.100.047 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:432-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.046 jfi3A100350.100.046 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:43Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:43Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.052 jfi3A100350.100.052 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:43Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.044 jfi3A100350.100.044 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:43Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:43Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.058 jfi3A100350.100.058 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:43Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.051 jfi3A100350.100.051 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:43Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.063 jfi3A100350.100.063 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:43Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.054 jfi3A100350.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:43Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.040 jfi3A100350.100.040 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:43Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.069 jfi3A100350.100.069 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:43Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.054 jfi3A100350.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:43Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:43Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.067 jfi3A100350.100.067 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:43Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.045 jfi3A100350.100.045 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:43Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.044 jfi3A100350.100.057 J ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:43Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.053 jfi3A100350.100.053 U Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 51-13672 %jfiEPA 8270D 01/12/13 09:433A100353.6 5.00 1 Page 61 of 87 www.encolabs.com AD-5Description:Lab Sample ID:C300223-03 01/08/13 15:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/08/13 13:00 Work Order:C300223 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 82.1 SPLP Metals by 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 6020A 01/11/13 21:58Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 6.10 JMA3A1004510.06.10 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/11/13 21:58Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 20.0 JMA3A1004510083.6 J ug/L EPA 6020A 01/11/13 21:58Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 1.10 JMA3A100453.001.10 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/11/13 21:58Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 4.50 JMA3A1004510.04.50 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/11/13 21:58Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 1.60 JMA3A100455.001.60 U ug/L EPA 7470A 01/14/13 08:06Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.023 JAY3A100290.2000.023 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/11/13 21:58Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 6.50 JMA3A1004510.06.50 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/11/13 21:58Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 0.290 JMA3A100451.000.290 U This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 62 of 87 www.encolabs.com DUP-2Description:Lab Sample ID:C300223-05 01/08/13 15:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/08/13 08:00 Work Order:C300223 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 83.8 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:101-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.0095 DFM3A080130.0390.0095 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:102-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.013 DFM3A080130.0390.040 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:10Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.018 DFM3A080130.0390.29 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:10Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.011 DFM3A080130.0390.011 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:10Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.014 DFM3A080130.0390.47 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:10Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.011 DFM3A080130.0391.4 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:10Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.012 DFM3A080130.0391.3 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:10Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.026 DFM3A080130.0391.8 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:10Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.019 DFM3A080130.0390.62 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:10Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.018 DFM3A080130.0390.49 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:10Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.017 DFM3A080130.0391.2 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:10Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.019 DFM3A080130.0390.18 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:10Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.014 DFM3A080130.0392.7 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:10Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.010 DFM3A080130.0390.21 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:10Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.019 DFM3A080130.0390.62 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:10Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.010 DFM3A080130.0390.060 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:10Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.010 DFM3A080130.0391.7 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:10Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.013 DFM3A080130.0392.3 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 41-14583 %DFMEPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:103A080130.66 0.795 1 Page 63 of 87 www.encolabs.com DUP-2Description:Lab Sample ID:C300223-05 01/08/13 15:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/08/13 08:00 Work Order:C300223 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 83.8 Metals by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:35Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 0.119 JDH3A090120.5972.22 B QB-01 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:35Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 0.119 JDH3A090120.597128 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:35Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 0.0115 JDH3A090120.05970.0115 U mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:35Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 0.119 JDH3A090120.59714.4 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:35Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 0.143 JDH3A090120.59795.8 mg/kg dry EPA 7471B 01/09/13 15:57Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.00823 T1D3A090170.02860.138 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:35Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 0.119 JDH3A090120.5970.510 J mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:35Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 0.119 JDH3A090120.5970.749 Page 64 of 87 www.encolabs.com DUP-2Description:Lab Sample ID:C300223-05 01/08/13 15:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/08/13 08:00 Work Order:C300223 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 83.8 SPLP Semivolatile Organics by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:031-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.047 jfi3A100350.100.047 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:032-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.046 jfi3A100350.100.046 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:03Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:03Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.052 jfi3A100350.100.052 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:03Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.044 jfi3A100350.100.044 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:03Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:03Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.058 jfi3A100350.100.058 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:03Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.051 jfi3A100350.100.051 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:03Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.063 jfi3A100350.100.063 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:03Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.054 jfi3A100350.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:03Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.040 jfi3A100350.100.040 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:03Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.069 jfi3A100350.100.069 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:03Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.054 jfi3A100350.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:03Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:03Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.067 jfi3A100350.100.067 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:03Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.045 jfi3A100350.100.045 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:03Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.044 jfi3A100350.100.044 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:03Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.053 jfi3A100350.100.053 U Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 51-13665 %jfiEPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:033A100353.2 5.00 1 Page 65 of 87 www.encolabs.com DUP-2Description:Lab Sample ID:C300223-05 01/08/13 15:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/08/13 08:00 Work Order:C300223 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 83.8 SPLP Metals by 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 6020A 01/11/13 22:14Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 6.10 JMA3A1004510.06.10 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/11/13 22:14Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 20.0 JMA3A1004510096.1 J ug/L EPA 6020A 01/11/13 22:14Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 1.10 JMA3A100453.001.10 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/11/13 22:14Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 4.50 JMA3A1004510.04.50 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/11/13 22:14Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 1.60 JMA3A100455.001.60 U ug/L EPA 7470A 01/14/13 08:09Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.023 JAY3A100290.2000.023 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/11/13 22:14Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 6.50 JMA3A1004510.06.50 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/11/13 22:14Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 0.290 JMA3A100451.000.290 U This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 66 of 87 www.encolabs.com AD-6Description:Lab Sample ID:C300223-06 01/08/13 15:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/08/13 13:20 Work Order:C300223 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 83.1 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:401-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.0096 DFM3A080130.0400.0096 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:402-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.013 DFM3A080130.0400.013 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:40Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.018 DFM3A080130.0400.19 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:40Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.011 DFM3A080130.0400.011 U mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:40Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.014 DFM3A080130.0400.32 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:40Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.011 DFM3A080130.0401.0 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:40Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.012 DFM3A080130.0400.97 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:40Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.026 DFM3A080130.0401.3 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:40Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.019 DFM3A080130.0400.51 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:40Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.018 DFM3A080130.0400.36 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:40Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.017 DFM3A080130.0400.86 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:40Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.019 DFM3A080130.0400.14 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:40Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.014 DFM3A080130.0402.0 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:40Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.010 DFM3A080130.0400.13 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:40Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.019 DFM3A080130.0400.49 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:40Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.010 DFM3A080130.0400.048 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:40Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.010 DFM3A080130.0401.2 mg/kg dry EPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:40Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.013 DFM3A080130.0401.6 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 41-14581 %DFMEPA 8270D 01/09/13 19:403A080130.65 0.802 1 Page 67 of 87 www.encolabs.com AD-6Description:Lab Sample ID:C300223-06 01/08/13 15:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/08/13 13:20 Work Order:C300223 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 83.1 Metals by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:38Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 0.120 JDH3A090120.6012.75 B QB-01 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:38Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 0.120 JDH3A090120.601155 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:38Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 0.0115 JDH3A090120.06010.147 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:38Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 0.120 JDH3A090120.60116.5 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:38Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 0.144 JDH3A090120.601151 mg/kg dry EPA 7471B 01/09/13 15:59Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.00830 T1D3A090170.02890.0926 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:38Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 0.120 JDH3A090120.6010.809 mg/kg dry EPA 6010C 01/10/13 13:38Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 0.120 JDH3A090120.6010.954 Page 68 of 87 www.encolabs.com AD-6Description:Lab Sample ID:C300223-06 01/08/13 15:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/08/13 13:20 Work Order:C300223 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 83.1 TCLP Metals by 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes mg/L EPA 6010C 01/18/13 11:01Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 0.0550 JDH3A160320.5000.0550 U Page 69 of 87 www.encolabs.com AD-6Description:Lab Sample ID:C300223-06 01/08/13 15:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/08/13 13:20 Work Order:C300223 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 83.1 SPLP Semivolatile Organics by GCMS SIM ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:221-Methylnaphthalene [90-12-0] ^1 0.047 jfi3A100350.100.047 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:222-Methylnaphthalene [91-57-6] ^1 0.046 jfi3A100350.100.046 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:22Acenaphthene [83-32-9] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:22Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] ^1 0.052 jfi3A100350.100.052 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:22Anthracene [120-12-7] ^1 0.044 jfi3A100350.100.044 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:22Benzo(a)anthracene [56-55-3] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:22Benzo(a)pyrene [50-32-8] ^1 0.058 jfi3A100350.100.058 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:22Benzo(b)fluoranthene [205-99-2] ^1 0.051 jfi3A100350.100.051 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:22Benzo(g,h,i)perylene [191-24-2] ^1 0.063 jfi3A100350.100.063 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:22Benzo(k)fluoranthene [207-08-9] ^1 0.054 jfi3A100350.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:22Chrysene [218-01-9] ^1 0.040 jfi3A100350.100.040 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:22Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene [53-70-3] ^1 0.069 jfi3A100350.100.069 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:22Fluoranthene [206-44-0] ^1 0.054 jfi3A100350.100.054 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:22Fluorene [86-73-7] ^1 0.049 jfi3A100350.100.049 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:22Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene [193-39-5] ^1 0.067 jfi3A100350.100.067 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:22Naphthalene [91-20-3] ^1 0.045 jfi3A100350.100.045 U ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:22Phenanthrene [85-01-8] ^1 0.044 jfi3A100350.100.076 J ug/L EPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:22Pyrene [129-00-0] ^1 0.053 jfi3A100350.100.053 U Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF p-Terphenyl 51-13679 %jfiEPA 8270D 01/12/13 10:223A100353.9 5.00 1 Page 70 of 87 www.encolabs.com AD-6Description:Lab Sample ID:C300223-06 01/08/13 15:10Received: Matrix:Soil Sampled:01/08/13 13:20 Work Order:C300223 Southside DevelopmentProject:Sampled By:Kevin Arnold % Solids: 83.1 SPLP Metals by 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByBatchMRLFlag Notes ug/L EPA 6020A 01/11/13 22:29Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 6.10 JMA3A1004510.06.10 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/11/13 22:29Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 20.0 JMA3A1004510070.1 J ug/L EPA 6020A 01/11/13 22:29Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 1.10 JMA3A100453.002.18 J ug/L EPA 6020A 01/11/13 22:29Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 4.50 JMA3A1004510.04.50 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/11/13 22:29Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 1.60 JMA3A100455.003.09 J ug/L EPA 7470A 01/14/13 08:19Mercury [7439-97-6] ^1 0.023 JAY3A100290.2000.023 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/11/13 22:29Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 6.50 JMA3A1004510.06.50 U ug/L EPA 6020A 01/11/13 22:29Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 0.290 JMA3A100451.000.290 U This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 71 of 87 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM - Quality Control Batch 3A08013 - EPA 3550C_MS Prepared: 01/08/2013 10:59 Analyzed: 01/08/2013 18:51Blank (3A08013-BLK1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg wet0.0330.0080 U 1-Methylnaphthalene mg/kg wet0.0330.011 U 2-Methylnaphthalene mg/kg wet0.0330.015 U Acenaphthene mg/kg wet0.0330.0091 U Acenaphthylene mg/kg wet0.0330.012 U Anthracene mg/kg wet0.0330.0091 U Benzo(a)anthracene mg/kg wet0.0330.010 U Benzo(a)pyrene mg/kg wet0.0330.022 U Benzo(b)fluoranthene mg/kg wet0.0330.016 U Benzo(g,h,i)perylene mg/kg wet0.0330.015 U Benzo(k)fluoranthene mg/kg wet0.0330.014 U Chrysene mg/kg wet0.0330.016 U Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene mg/kg wet0.0330.012 U Fluoranthene mg/kg wet0.0330.0086 U Fluorene mg/kg wet0.0330.016 U Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene mg/kg wet0.0330.0087 U Naphthalene mg/kg wet0.0330.0086 U Phenanthrene mg/kg wet0.0330.011 U Pyrene mg/kg wet 0.667 41-145Surrogate: p-Terphenyl 860.57 Prepared: 01/08/2013 10:59 Analyzed: 01/08/2013 19:22LCS (3A08013-BS1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg wet0.033 0.667 64-131880.59 Acenaphthene mg/kg wet0.033 0.667 60-137670.45 Benzo(a)pyrene mg/kg wet0.033 0.667 59-129860.58 Naphthalene mg/kg wet 0.667 41-145Surrogate: p-Terphenyl 970.65 Prepared: 01/08/2013 10:59 Analyzed: 01/08/2013 19:52Matrix Spike (3A08013-MS1) Source: C300004-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg dry0.039 0.794 64-131920.018 U0.73 Acenaphthene mg/kg dry0.039 0.794 60-137830.0520.71 Benzo(a)pyrene mg/kg dry0.039 0.794 59-129890.010 U0.71 Naphthalene mg/kg dry 0.794 41-145Surrogate: p-Terphenyl 1000.80 Prepared: 01/08/2013 10:59 Analyzed: 01/08/2013 20:23Matrix Spike Dup (3A08013-MSD1) Source: C300004-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg dry0.039 0.794 1964-13190 30.018 U0.71 Acenaphthene mg/kg dry0.039 0.794 5060-13789 70.0520.76 Benzo(a)pyrene mg/kg dry0.039 0.794 2159-12985 50.010 U0.67 Naphthalene mg/kg dry 0.794 41-145Surrogate: p-Terphenyl 860.68 Page 72 of 87 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM - Quality Control Batch 3A10018 - EPA 3550C_MS Prepared: 01/10/2013 10:06 Analyzed: 01/10/2013 17:47Blank (3A10018-BLK1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg wet0.0330.0080 U 1-Methylnaphthalene mg/kg wet0.0330.011 U 2-Methylnaphthalene mg/kg wet0.0330.015 U Acenaphthene mg/kg wet0.0330.0091 U Acenaphthylene mg/kg wet0.0330.012 U Anthracene mg/kg wet0.0330.0091 U Benzo(a)anthracene mg/kg wet0.0330.010 U Benzo(a)pyrene mg/kg wet0.0330.022 U Benzo(b)fluoranthene mg/kg wet0.0330.016 U Benzo(g,h,i)perylene mg/kg wet0.0330.015 U Benzo(k)fluoranthene mg/kg wet0.0330.014 U Chrysene mg/kg wet0.0330.016 U Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene mg/kg wet0.0330.012 U Fluoranthene mg/kg wet0.0330.0086 U Fluorene mg/kg wet0.0330.016 U Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene mg/kg wet0.0330.0087 U Naphthalene mg/kg wet0.0330.0086 U Phenanthrene mg/kg wet0.0330.011 U Pyrene mg/kg wet 0.667 41-145Surrogate: p-Terphenyl 790.53 Prepared: 01/10/2013 10:06 Analyzed: 01/10/2013 18:16LCS (3A10018-BS1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg wet0.033 0.667 64-131820.55 Acenaphthene mg/kg wet0.033 0.667 60-137620.41 Benzo(a)pyrene mg/kg wet0.033 0.667 59-129810.54 Naphthalene mg/kg wet 0.667 41-145Surrogate: p-Terphenyl 800.54 Prepared: 01/10/2013 10:06 Analyzed: 01/10/2013 18:46Matrix Spike (3A10018-MS1) Source: C300205-04 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg dry0.039 0.790 64-131890.018 U0.70 Acenaphthene mg/kg dry0.039 0.790 60-137840.0590.72 Benzo(a)pyrene mg/kg dry0.039 0.790 59-129840.010 U0.67 Naphthalene mg/kg dry 0.790 41-145Surrogate: p-Terphenyl 870.69 Prepared: 01/10/2013 10:06 Analyzed: 01/10/2013 19:15Matrix Spike Dup (3A10018-MSD1) Source: C300205-04 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg dry0.039 0.790 1964-13189 00.018 U0.70 Acenaphthene mg/kg dry0.039 0.790 5060-13780 40.0590.69 Benzo(a)pyrene mg/kg dry0.039 0.790 2159-12984 00.010 U0.67 Naphthalene mg/kg dry 0.790 41-145Surrogate: p-Terphenyl 860.68 Page 73 of 87 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL Metals by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 3A09012 - EPA 3050B Prepared: 01/09/2013 09:35 Analyzed: 01/10/2013 12:49Blank (3A09012-BLK1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg wet0.5000.172 J Arsenic mg/kg wet0.5000.100 U Barium mg/kg wet0.05000.00960 U Cadmium mg/kg wet0.5000.100 U Chromium mg/kg wet0.5000.120 U Lead mg/kg wet0.5000.100 U Selenium mg/kg wet0.5000.100 U Silver Prepared: 01/09/2013 09:35 Analyzed: 01/10/2013 12:52LCS (3A09012-BS1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg wet0.500 10.1 80-120999.99 B Arsenic mg/kg wet0.500 10.1 80-120989.91 Barium mg/kg wet0.0500 1.01 80-1201021.03 Cadmium mg/kg wet0.500 10.1 80-12010010.1 Chromium mg/kg wet0.500 10.1 80-12010110.2 Lead mg/kg wet0.500 10.1 80-12010010.1 Selenium mg/kg wet0.500 10.1 80-12010210.3 Silver Prepared: 01/09/2013 09:35 Analyzed: 01/10/2013 12:56Matrix Spike (3A09012-MS1) Source: C300205-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg dry0.592 12.0 75-125822.3912.1 B Arsenic mg/kg dry0.592 12.0 75-1257492.4101 QM-07Barium mg/kg dry0.0592 1.20 75-125680.0114 U0.813 QM-07Cadmium mg/kg dry0.592 12.0 75-1258314.924.8 Chromium mg/kg dry0.592 12.0 75-1258722.132.5 Lead mg/kg dry0.592 12.0 75-125830.56910.5 Selenium mg/kg dry0.592 12.0 75-125920.64511.6 Silver Prepared: 01/09/2013 09:35 Analyzed: 01/10/2013 12:58Matrix Spike Dup (3A09012-MSD1) Source: C300205-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg dry0.592 11.7 2075-12582 0.92.3912.0 B Arsenic mg/kg dry0.592 11.7 2075-125212 1592.4117 QM-07Barium mg/kg dry0.0592 1.17 2075-12572 40.0114 U0.846 QM-07Cadmium mg/kg dry0.592 11.7 2075-125104 914.927.0 Chromium mg/kg dry0.592 11.7 2075-125128 1322.137.1 QM-07Lead mg/kg dry0.592 11.7 2075-12584 0.40.56910.4 Selenium mg/kg dry0.592 11.7 2075-12593 0.80.64511.5 Silver Prepared: 01/09/2013 09:35 Analyzed: 01/10/2013 13:00Post Spike (3A09012-PS1) Source: C300205-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag Page 74 of 87 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL Metals by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 3A09012 - EPA 3050B Prepared: 01/09/2013 09:35 Analyzed: 01/10/2013 13:00Post Spike (3A09012-PS1) Continued Source: C300205-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-120970.04010.235 B Arsenic mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-120711.541.69 QM-08Barium mg/L0.00100 0.0200 80-12090-0.004280.0137 Cadmium mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-120910.2490.430 Chromium mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-120890.3700.549 Lead mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-120930.009520.196 Selenium mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-120970.01080.204 Silver Batch 3A09017 - EPA 7471B Prepared: 01/09/2013 09:42 Analyzed: 01/09/2013 15:21Blank (3A09017-BLK1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg wet0.02400.00690 U Mercury Prepared: 01/09/2013 09:42 Analyzed: 01/09/2013 15:23LCS (3A09017-BS1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg wet0.0240 0.600 80-1201090.656 Mercury Prepared: 01/09/2013 09:42 Analyzed: 01/09/2013 15:27Matrix Spike (3A09017-MS1) Source: C300004-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg dry0.0286 0.715 80-1201130.03750.847 Mercury Prepared: 01/09/2013 09:42 Analyzed: 01/09/2013 15:29Matrix Spike Dup (3A09017-MSD1) Source: C300004-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg dry0.0286 0.691 2080-120110 60.03750.798 Mercury Prepared: 01/09/2013 09:42 Analyzed: 01/09/2013 15:31Post Spike (3A09017-PS1) Source: C300004-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L0.200 5.00 75-1251140.2725.96 Mercury Batch 3A10034 - EPA 3050B Prepared: 01/10/2013 14:50 Analyzed: 01/11/2013 12:19Blank (3A10034-BLK1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg wet0.5000.100 U Arsenic mg/kg wet0.5000.100 U Barium mg/kg wet0.05000.00960 U Cadmium Page 75 of 87 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL Metals by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 3A10034 - EPA 3050B Prepared: 01/10/2013 14:50 Analyzed: 01/11/2013 12:19Blank (3A10034-BLK1) Continued RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg wet0.5000.100 U Chromium mg/kg wet0.5000.120 U Lead mg/kg wet0.5000.100 U Selenium mg/kg wet0.5000.100 U Silver Prepared: 01/10/2013 14:50 Analyzed: 01/11/2013 12:22LCS (3A10034-BS1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg wet0.500 10.0 80-120989.79 Arsenic mg/kg wet0.500 10.0 80-12010010.0 Barium mg/kg wet0.0500 1.00 80-1201061.06 Cadmium mg/kg wet0.500 10.0 80-12010010.0 Chromium mg/kg wet0.500 10.0 80-1201009.96 Lead mg/kg wet0.500 10.0 80-120979.72 Selenium mg/kg wet0.500 10.0 80-12010110.1 Silver Prepared: 01/10/2013 14:50 Analyzed: 01/11/2013 12:27Matrix Spike (3A10034-MS1) Source: C300205-02 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg dry0.582 11.6 75-125793.3112.5 Arsenic mg/kg dry0.582 11.6 75-125NR10198.5 QM-07Barium mg/kg dry0.0582 1.16 75-1251810.0112 U2.10 QM-07Cadmium mg/kg dry0.582 11.6 75-1259321.732.5 Chromium mg/kg dry0.582 11.6 75-1256318.625.9 QM-07Lead mg/kg dry0.582 11.6 75-125861.0211.0 Selenium mg/kg dry0.582 11.6 75-125990.66312.2 Silver Prepared: 01/10/2013 14:50 Analyzed: 01/11/2013 12:29Matrix Spike Dup (3A10034-MSD1) Source: C300205-02 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg dry0.582 11.8 2075-12580 23.3112.7 Arsenic mg/kg dry0.582 11.8 2075-12544 8101107 QM-07Barium mg/kg dry0.0582 1.18 2075-1259 1800.0112 U0.109 QM-07, QM-11Cadmium mg/kg dry0.582 11.8 2075-12581 421.731.2 Chromium mg/kg dry0.582 11.8 2075-12575 618.627.4 Lead mg/kg dry0.582 11.8 2075-12590 61.0211.6 Selenium mg/kg dry0.582 11.8 2075-12597 0.60.66312.1 Silver Prepared: 01/10/2013 14:50 Analyzed: 01/11/2013 12:32Post Spike (3A10034-PS1) Source: C300205-02 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-120910.05800.241 Arsenic mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-120681.781.91 QM-08Barium mg/L0.00100 0.0200 80-12087-0.01310.00430 Cadmium Page 76 of 87 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL Metals by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 3A10034 - EPA 3050B Prepared: 01/10/2013 14:50 Analyzed: 01/11/2013 12:32Post Spike (3A10034-PS1) Continued Source: C300205-02 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-120900.3800.559 Chromium mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-120850.3260.496 Lead mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-120960.01790.210 Selenium mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-1201010.01160.213 Silver Batch 3A11022 - EPA 7471B Prepared: 01/14/2013 12:02 Analyzed: 01/14/2013 14:21Blank (3A11022-BLK1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg wet0.02400.00690 U Mercury Prepared: 01/14/2013 12:02 Analyzed: 01/14/2013 14:22LCS (3A11022-BS1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg wet0.0240 0.600 80-1201130.680 Mercury Prepared: 01/14/2013 12:02 Analyzed: 01/14/2013 14:26Matrix Spike (3A11022-MS1) Source: C300205-02 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg dry0.0279 0.722 80-1201070.2991.07 Mercury Prepared: 01/14/2013 12:02 Analyzed: 01/14/2013 14:28Matrix Spike Dup (3A11022-MSD1) Source: C300205-02 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/kg dry0.0279 0.698 2080-12091 130.2990.936 Mercury Prepared: 01/14/2013 12:02 Analyzed: 01/14/2013 14:30Post Spike (3A11022-PS1) Source: C300205-02 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L0.200 5.00 75-125972.146.97 Mercury TCLP Metals by 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 3A16032 - EPA 3010A Prepared: 01/16/2013 15:46 Analyzed: 01/18/2013 10:37Blank (3A16032-BLK1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/L0.5000.0550 U Lead Prepared: 01/16/2013 15:46 Analyzed: 01/18/2013 10:39LCS (3A16032-BS1) Page 77 of 87 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL TCLP Metals by 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 3A16032 - EPA 3010A Prepared: 01/16/2013 15:46 Analyzed: 01/18/2013 10:39LCS (3A16032-BS1) Continued RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-1201080.215 Lead Prepared: 01/16/2013 15:46 Analyzed: 01/18/2013 10:44Matrix Spike (3A16032-MS1) Source: C300039-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/L0.500 10.0 75-1251070.0550 U10.7 Lead Prepared: 01/16/2013 15:46 Analyzed: 01/18/2013 10:46Matrix Spike Dup (3A16032-MSD1) Source: C300039-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/L0.500 10.0 2075-125108 10.0550 U10.8 Lead Prepared: 01/16/2013 15:46 Analyzed: 01/18/2013 10:48Post Spike (3A16032-PS1) Source: C300039-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-120107-0.004050.209 Lead QUALITY CONTROL SPLP Semivolatile Organics by GCMS SIM - Quality Control Batch 3A10035 - EPA 3510C_MS Prepared: 01/10/2013 15:30 Analyzed: 01/11/2013 11:13Blank (3A10035-BLK2) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L0.100.047 U 1-Methylnaphthalene ug/L0.100.046 U 2-Methylnaphthalene ug/L0.100.049 U Acenaphthene ug/L0.100.052 U Acenaphthylene ug/L0.100.044 U Anthracene ug/L0.100.049 U Benzo(a)anthracene ug/L0.100.058 U Benzo(a)pyrene ug/L0.100.051 U Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/L0.100.063 U Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ug/L0.100.054 U Benzo(k)fluoranthene ug/L0.100.040 U Chrysene ug/L0.100.069 U Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ug/L0.100.054 U Fluoranthene ug/L0.100.049 U Fluorene ug/L0.100.067 U Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ug/L0.100.045 U Naphthalene ug/L0.100.044 U Phenanthrene ug/L0.100.053 U Pyrene ug/L 5.00 51-136Surrogate: p-Terphenyl 1015.0 Page 78 of 87 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL SPLP Semivolatile Organics by GCMS SIM - Quality Control Batch 3A10035 - EPA 3510C_MS Prepared: 01/11/2013 13:30 Analyzed: 01/12/2013 08:45Blank (3A10035-BLK3) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L0.100.047 U 1-Methylnaphthalene ug/L0.100.046 U 2-Methylnaphthalene ug/L0.100.049 U Acenaphthene ug/L0.100.052 U Acenaphthylene ug/L0.100.044 U Anthracene ug/L0.100.049 U Benzo(a)anthracene ug/L0.100.058 U Benzo(a)pyrene ug/L0.100.051 U Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/L0.100.063 U Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ug/L0.100.054 U Benzo(k)fluoranthene ug/L0.100.040 U Chrysene ug/L0.100.069 U Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ug/L0.100.054 U Fluoranthene ug/L0.100.049 U Fluorene ug/L0.100.067 U Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ug/L0.100.045 U Naphthalene ug/L0.100.044 U Phenanthrene ug/L0.100.053 U Pyrene ug/L 5.00 51-136Surrogate: p-Terphenyl 884.4 Prepared: 01/10/2013 15:30 Analyzed: 01/11/2013 11:32LCS (3A10035-BS1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L0.10 2.00 39-129711.4 Acenaphthene ug/L0.10 2.00 45-139781.6 Benzo(a)pyrene ug/L0.10 2.00 18-138611.2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ug/L0.10 2.00 38-131661.3 Naphthalene ug/L 5.00 51-136Surrogate: p-Terphenyl 804.0 Prepared: 01/10/2013 15:30 Analyzed: 01/11/2013 11:52Matrix Spike (3A10035-MS1) Source: A300073-03 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L0.10 2.00 39-129780.049 U1.6 Acenaphthene ug/L0.10 2.00 45-139960.058 U1.9 Benzo(a)pyrene ug/L0.10 2.00 18-138850.063 U1.7 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ug/L0.10 2.00 38-131760.045 U1.5 Naphthalene ug/L 5.00 51-136Surrogate: p-Terphenyl 864.3 Prepared: 01/10/2013 15:30 Analyzed: 01/11/2013 12:11Matrix Spike Dup (3A10035-MSD1) Source: A300073-03 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L0.10 2.00 9139-12983 60.049 U1.7 Acenaphthene ug/L0.10 2.00 3645-139104 80.058 U2.1 Benzo(a)pyrene ug/L0.10 2.00 5218-13891 80.063 U1.8 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene Page 79 of 87 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL SPLP Semivolatile Organics by GCMS SIM - Quality Control Batch 3A10035 - EPA 3510C_MS Prepared: 01/10/2013 15:30 Analyzed: 01/11/2013 12:11Matrix Spike Dup (3A10035-MSD1) Continued Source: A300073-03 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L0.10 2.00 6138-13179 40.045 U1.6 Naphthalene ug/L 5.00 51-136Surrogate: p-Terphenyl 904.5 SPLP Metals by 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 3A08031 - EPA 3010A Prepared: 01/09/2013 11:24 Analyzed: 01/09/2013 20:18Blank (3A08031-BLK1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L10.06.10 U Arsenic ug/L10020.0 U Barium ug/L3.001.10 U Cadmium ug/L10.04.50 U Chromium ug/L5.001.60 U Lead ug/L10.06.50 U Selenium ug/L1.000.290 U Silver Prepared: 01/09/2013 11:24 Analyzed: 01/09/2013 20:25Blank (3A08031-BLK2) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L10.06.10 U Arsenic ug/L10020.0 U Barium ug/L3.001.10 U Cadmium ug/L10.04.50 U Chromium ug/L5.001.60 U Lead ug/L10.06.50 U Selenium ug/L1.000.290 U Silver Prepared: 01/10/2013 11:11 Analyzed: 01/10/2013 14:52Blank (3A08031-BLK3) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L10.06.10 U Arsenic ug/L10020.0 U Barium ug/L3.001.10 U Cadmium ug/L10.04.50 U Chromium ug/L5.001.60 U Lead ug/L10.06.50 U Selenium ug/L1.000.290 U Silver Prepared: 01/09/2013 11:24 Analyzed: 01/09/2013 20:32LCS (3A08031-BS1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L10.0 500 80-12099495 Arsenic ug/L100 500 80-12098492 Barium ug/L3.00 50.0 80-1209848.8 Cadmium ug/L10.0 500 80-12099495 Chromium Page 80 of 87 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL SPLP Metals by 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 3A08031 - EPA 3010A Prepared: 01/09/2013 11:24 Analyzed: 01/09/2013 20:32LCS (3A08031-BS1) Continued RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L5.00 500 80-12096480 Lead ug/L10.0 500 80-12095477 Selenium ug/L1.00 50.0 80-1209949.3 Silver Prepared: 01/09/2013 11:24 Analyzed: 01/09/2013 20:49Matrix Spike (3A08031-MS1) Source: A300141-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L10.0 500 75-1251016.10 U507 Arsenic ug/L100 500 75-12510488.2608 Barium ug/L3.00 50.0 75-1251001.10 U49.9 Cadmium ug/L10.0 500 75-1251004.50 U500 Chromium ug/L5.00 500 75-1251006.47507 Lead ug/L10.0 500 75-125986.50 U492 Selenium ug/L1.00 50.0 75-1251000.290 U50.2 Silver Prepared: 01/09/2013 11:24 Analyzed: 01/09/2013 20:57Matrix Spike Dup (3A08031-MSD1) Source: A300141-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L10.0 500 2075-125103 16.10 U515 Arsenic ug/L100 500 2075-125104 0.488.2611 Barium ug/L3.00 50.0 2075-125102 21.10 U50.9 Cadmium ug/L10.0 500 2075-125103 34.50 U514 Chromium ug/L5.00 500 2075-125102 16.47514 Lead ug/L10.0 500 2075-12599 0.76.50 U496 Selenium ug/L1.00 50.0 2075-125102 20.290 U51.1 Silver Prepared: 01/09/2013 12:00 Analyzed: 01/09/2013 21:05Post Spike (3A08031-PS1) Source: A300141-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L1.00 49.0 80-1201020.14950.0 Arsenic ug/L10.0 49.0 80-1201038.6459.0 Barium ug/L0.300 4.90 80-120102-0.06084.92 Cadmium ug/L1.00 49.0 80-1201010.34349.7 Chromium ug/L0.500 49.0 80-1201010.63450.0 Lead ug/L1.00 49.0 80-120980.25648.4 Selenium ug/L0.100 4.90 80-12099-0.006964.86 Silver Batch 3A08032 - EPA 7470A Prepared: 01/10/2013 15:41 Analyzed: 01/11/2013 08:40Blank (3A08032-BLK1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L0.2000.023 U Mercury Page 81 of 87 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL SPLP Metals by 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 3A08032 - EPA 7470A Prepared: 01/10/2013 15:41 Analyzed: 01/11/2013 08:43Blank (3A08032-BLK2) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L0.2000.023 U Mercury Prepared: 01/10/2013 15:41 Analyzed: 01/11/2013 08:46Blank (3A08032-BLK3) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L0.2000.023 U Mercury Prepared: 01/10/2013 15:41 Analyzed: 01/11/2013 08:55LCS (3A08032-BS1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L0.200 5.00 80-1201025.10 Mercury Prepared: 01/10/2013 15:41 Analyzed: 01/11/2013 09:02Matrix Spike (3A08032-MS1) Source: A300059-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L0.200 5.00 75-1251080.023 U5.42 Mercury Prepared: 01/10/2013 15:41 Analyzed: 01/11/2013 09:05Matrix Spike Dup (3A08032-MSD1) Source: A300059-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L0.200 5.00 2075-125106 20.023 U5.29 Mercury Prepared: 01/11/2013 06:00 Analyzed: 01/11/2013 09:08Post Spike (3A08032-PS1) Source: A300059-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L0.200 5.61 80-12092-0.0415.14 Mercury Batch 3A10029 - EPA 7470A Prepared: 01/11/2013 14:34 Analyzed: 01/14/2013 07:05Blank (3A10029-BLK1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L0.2000.023 U Mercury Prepared: 01/11/2013 14:34 Analyzed: 01/14/2013 07:08Blank (3A10029-BLK2) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L2.000.230 U Mercury Prepared: 01/11/2013 14:34 Analyzed: 01/14/2013 07:11Blank (3A10029-BLK3) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L0.2000.023 U Mercury Page 82 of 87 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL SPLP Metals by 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 3A10029 - EPA 7470A Prepared: 01/11/2013 14:34 Analyzed: 01/14/2013 07:14LCS (3A10029-BS1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L0.200 5.00 80-120994.95 Mercury Prepared: 01/11/2013 14:34 Analyzed: 01/14/2013 07:20Matrix Spike (3A10029-MS1) Source: A300168-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L0.200 5.00 75-1251070.023 U5.33 Mercury Prepared: 01/11/2013 14:34 Analyzed: 01/14/2013 07:23Matrix Spike Dup (3A10029-MSD1) Source: A300168-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L0.200 5.00 2075-125106 0.90.023 U5.28 Mercury Prepared: 01/14/2013 06:00 Analyzed: 01/14/2013 07:26Post Spike (3A10029-PS1) Source: A300168-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L0.200 5.61 80-12091-0.0085.08 Mercury Batch 3A10045 - EPA 3010A Prepared: 01/11/2013 13:32 Analyzed: 01/11/2013 19:50Blank (3A10045-BLK1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L10.06.10 U Arsenic ug/L10020.0 U Barium ug/L3.001.10 U Cadmium ug/L10.04.50 U Chromium ug/L5.001.60 U Lead ug/L10.06.50 U Selenium ug/L1.000.290 U Silver Prepared: 01/11/2013 13:32 Analyzed: 01/11/2013 19:57Blank (3A10045-BLK2) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L10.06.10 U Arsenic ug/L10020.0 U Barium ug/L3.001.10 U Cadmium ug/L10.04.50 U Chromium ug/L5.001.60 U Lead ug/L10.06.50 U Selenium ug/L1.000.290 U Silver Prepared: 01/11/2013 13:32 Analyzed: 01/11/2013 20:04LCS (3A10045-BS1) Page 83 of 87 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL SPLP Metals by 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 3A10045 - EPA 3010A Prepared: 01/11/2013 13:32 Analyzed: 01/11/2013 20:04LCS (3A10045-BS1) Continued RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L10.0 500 80-12096479 Arsenic ug/L100 500 80-120103516 Barium ug/L3.00 50.0 80-12010050.2 Cadmium ug/L10.0 500 80-120104520 Chromium ug/L5.00 500 80-12099496 Lead ug/L10.0 500 80-12095477 Selenium ug/L1.00 50.0 80-1209949.4 Silver Prepared: 01/11/2013 13:32 Analyzed: 01/11/2013 20:20Matrix Spike (3A10045-MS1) Source: C300223-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L10.0 500 75-125976.10 U487 Arsenic ug/L100 500 75-12510462.5582 Barium ug/L3.00 50.0 75-1251001.10 U49.8 Cadmium ug/L10.0 500 75-1251024.50 U512 Chromium ug/L5.00 500 75-12510110.2513 Lead ug/L10.0 500 75-125946.50 U472 Selenium ug/L1.00 50.0 75-1251000.290 U49.9 Silver Prepared: 01/11/2013 13:32 Analyzed: 01/11/2013 20:29Matrix Spike Dup (3A10045-MSD1) Source: C300223-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L10.0 500 2075-12598 0.26.10 U489 Arsenic ug/L100 500 2075-125106 262.5592 Barium ug/L3.00 50.0 2075-125102 31.10 U51.1 Cadmium ug/L10.0 500 2075-125103 0.64.50 U515 Chromium ug/L5.00 500 2075-125102 110.2520 Lead ug/L10.0 500 2075-12595 16.50 U477 Selenium ug/L1.00 50.0 2075-125101 20.290 U50.7 Silver Prepared: 01/11/2013 15:50 Analyzed: 01/11/2013 20:37Post Spike (3A10045-PS1) Source: C300223-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L1.00 49.0 80-120990.20048.5 Arsenic ug/L10.0 49.0 80-1201036.1356.7 Barium ug/L0.300 4.90 80-12099-0.001274.86 Cadmium ug/L1.00 49.0 80-120990.37649.1 Chromium ug/L0.500 49.0 80-120991.0049.7 Lead ug/L1.00 49.0 80-120950.31546.9 Selenium ug/L0.100 4.90 80-120100-0.005594.88 Silver Page 84 of 87 www.encolabs.com FLAGS/NOTES AND DEFINITIONS B The analyte was detected in the associated method blank. D The sample was analyzed at dilution. J The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit (MDL) and the laboratory method reporting limit (MRL), adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. U The analyte was analyzed for but not detected to the level shown, adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. MRL Method Reporting Limit. The MRL is roughly equivalent to the practical quantitation limit (PQL) and is based on the low point of the calibration curve, when applicable, sample preparation factor, dilution factor, and, in the case of soil samples, moisture content. E The concentration indicated for this analyte is an estimated value above the calibration range of the instrument. This value is considered an estimate. Result is estimated due to positive results in the associated method blank.J-01 The method blank had a positive result for the analyte; however, the concentration in the method blank is less than 10% of the sample result, which minimizes the impact of the deviation. QB-01 The spike recovery was outside acceptance limits for the MS and/or MSD. The batch was accepted based on acceptable LCS recovery. QM-07 Post-digestion spike did not meet method requirements due to confirmed matrix effects (dilution test). QM-08 Precision between duplicate matrix spikes of the same sample was outside acceptance limits.QM-11 The sample was diluted due to the presence of high levels of non-target analytes resulting in elevated reporting limits. R-05 Page 85 of 87 www.encolabs.com Page 86 of 87 www.encolabs.com Page 87 of 87 TABLES Ta b l e 1 So u t h s i d e D e v e l o p m e n t D e t e c t e d S o i l R e s u l t s T o t a l M e t a l s a n d T o t a l P A H s SP - 1 t h r o u g h S P - 1 0 Cli e n t I D : S P - 1 S P - 2 S P - 3 S P - 4 S P - 5 S P - 6 S P - 7 S P - 8 S P - 9 S P - 1 0 D U P - 1 ( 3 ) Sa m p l e d D a t e 1 / 7 / 2 0 1 3 1 / 7 / 2 0 1 3 1 / 7 / 2 0 1 3 1 / 7 / 2 0 1 3 1 / 7 / 2 0 1 3 1 / 7 / 2 0 1 3 1 / 7 / 2 0 1 3 1 / 7 / 2 0 1 3 1 / 7 / 2 0 1 3 1 / 8 / 2 0 1 3 1 / 7 / 2 0 1 3 Me t a l s ( S W - 8 4 6 6 0 1 0 C / 7 4 7 1 B ) Ar s e n i c 0 . 3 9 2 . 5 1 3 . 5 4 2 . 8 0 1 . 4 7 2 . 3 9 B 4 . 6 0 5 . 3 0 2 . 6 4 2 . 6 3 4 . 6 6 2 . 7 5 Ba r i u m 3 0 0 0 1 2 4 1 4 8 9 8 . 4 9 8 . 0 9 2 . 4 1 0 7 1 1 0 7 8 . 5 9 1 . 1 1 1 7 1 0 6 Ch r o m i u m 0.2 9 ( 2 ) 17 . 0 2 5 . 4 1 6 . 2 1 3 . 3 1 4 . 9 2 3 . 2 1 8 . 4 1 5 . 5 1 8 . 0 1 8 . 7 1 4 . 4 Ch r o m i u m 2 4 , 0 0 0 ( 2 ) 17 . 0 2 5 . 4 1 6 . 2 1 3 . 3 1 4 . 9 2 3 . 2 1 8 . 4 1 5 . 5 1 8 . 0 1 8 . 7 1 4 . 4 Le a d 4 0 0 5 3 . 6 2 6 . 9 1 4 . 7 2 7 . 2 2 2 . 1 2 0 . 7 4 3 . 7 3 6 . 1 2 3 . 9 3 1 . 0 2 6 . 7 Se l e n i u m 7 8 0 . 6 6 7 0 . 4 5 5 J 1 . 1 1 0 . 3 5 4 J 0 . 5 6 9 J 0 . 7 8 6 J 3 . 7 3 1 . 0 6 1 . 4 7 1 . 4 7 J 1 . 3 0 Si l v e r 7 8 0 . 5 7 7 J 0 . 3 1 9 J 0 . 6 4 5 0 . 5 2 0 J 0 . 6 4 5 1 . 2 8 J 1 . 2 4 J 0 . 7 9 5 0 . 8 0 4 0 . 9 2 3 J 0 . 7 1 1 Me r c u r y 2 . 0 0 . 0 3 7 5 0 . 0 4 2 5 0 . 0 2 7 2 J 0 . 0 6 8 1 0 . 0 1 9 6 J 0 . 2 9 9 0 . 0 3 6 6 0 . 0 3 7 4 0 . 0 4 3 2 0 . 0 4 8 8 0 . 0 2 5 5 J Se m i v o l a t i l e O r g a n i c C o m p o u n d s ( S W - 8 4 6 8 2 7 0 D ) An t h r a c e n e 3 4 0 0 < 0 . 0 1 4 < 0 . 0 1 4 < 0 . 01 4 < 0 . 0 1 4 < 0 . 0 1 4 < 0 . 0 1 4 < 0 . 0 1 4 < 0 . 0 1 4 < 0 . 0 1 4 < 0 . 0 1 4 0 . 1 0 Be n z o ( a ) a n t h r a c e n e 0 . 1 5 0 . 0 6 7 0 . 0 5 0 < 0 . 01 1 0 . 0 5 8 < 0 . 0 1 1 0 . 0 9 3 < 0 . 0 1 1 0 . 0 5 9 0 . 0 4 3 < 0 . 0 1 1 0 . 2 6 Be n z o ( a ) p y r e n e 0 . 0 1 5 0 . 0 5 2 < 0 . 0 1 2 < 0 . 0 1 2 0 . 0 5 0 < 0 . 0 1 2 0 . 0 7 0 < 0 . 0 1 2 0 . 0 5 9 < 0 . 0 1 2 < 0 . 0 1 2 0 . 1 9 Be n z o ( b ) f l u o r a n t h e n e 0 . 1 5 0 . 0 6 7 0 . 0 4 2 < 0 . 0 2 7 0 . 0 6 6 0 . 0 4 3 0 . 0 8 5 < 0 . 0 2 6 0 . 0 6 3 0 . 0 3 9 < 0 . 0 2 7 0 . 2 1 Be n z o ( g , h , i ) p e r y l e n e N E < 0 . 0 1 9 < 0 . 0 1 8 < 0 . 0 1 9 < 0 . 0 1 9 < 0 . 0 1 9 0 . 0 5 4 < 0 . 0 1 9 0 . 0 5 1 < 0 . 0 1 9 < 0 . 0 1 9 0 . 1 0 Be n z o ( k ) f l u o r a n t h e n e 1 . 5 < 0 . 0 1 8 < 0 . 0 1 7 < 0 . 0 1 8 < 0 . 0 1 7 < 0 . 0 1 8 0 . 0 4 7 < 0 . 0 1 8 < 0 . 0 1 8 < 0 . 0 1 8 < 0 . 0 1 8 0 . 1 2 Ch r y s e n e 1 5 0 . 0 5 6 < 0 . 0 1 6 < 0 . 0 1 7 0 . 0 5 8 < 0 . 0 1 7 0 . 0 8 1 < 0 . 0 1 7 0 . 0 5 5 < 0 . 0 1 6 < 0 . 0 1 7 0 . 2 3 Fl u o r a n t h e n e 4 6 0 0 . 1 3 0 . 0 6 2 < 0 . 0 1 4 0 . 1 0 0 . 0 4 3 0 . 1 5 < 0 . 0 1 4 0 . 0 7 5 0 . 0 5 8 0 . 0 4 4 0 . 4 9 In d e n o ( 1 , 2 , 3 - c d ) p y r e n e 0 . 1 5 < 0 . 0 1 9 < 0 . 0 1 8 < 0 . 0 1 9 < 0 . 0 1 9 < 0 . 0 1 9 0 . 0 4 7 < 0 . 0 1 9 0 . 0 4 3 < 0 . 0 1 9 < 0 . 0 1 9 0 . 0 9 3 Ph e n a n t h r e n e N E 0 . 0 6 7 < 0 . 0 0 9 9 < 0 . 0 1 0 0 . 0 5 0 < 0 . 0 1 0 0 . 0 9 7 < 0 . 0 1 0 0 . 0 4 3 < 0 . 0 1 0 < 0 . 0 1 0 0 . 5 0 Py r e n e 3 4 0 0 . 1 2 0 . 0 6 2 < 0 . 0 1 3 0 . 0 9 3 0 . 0 3 9 0 . 1 4 < 0 . 0 1 3 0 . 0 7 1 0 . 0 5 1 0 . 0 4 0 0 . 4 3 No t e s : in d i c a t i v e o f h e x a v a l e n t c h r o m i u m . G i v e n t h e l o w c o n c e n t r a t i o n s o f C h r o m i u m S P L P , r e l a t i v e t o t h e t o t a l C h r o m i u m d e t e c t e d c o n c en t r a t i o n s , t h e t o t a l C h r o m i u m r e s u l t s sh o u l d b e c o m p a r e d t o t h e C h r o m i u m I I I P S R G ( 2 4 , 0 0 0 m g / k g ) . (3 ) F i e l d D u p l i c a t e o f s a m p l e S P - 6 < : I n d i c a t e s t h e a n a l y t e w a s a n a l y z e d f o r , b u t n o t d e t e c t e d a t t h e a s s o c i a t e d m e t h o d d e t e c t i o n l i m i t J : R e p o r t e d v a l u e i s b e t w e e n t h e l a b o a r t o r y m e t h o d d e t e c t i o n l i m i t a n d t h e l a b o a r t o r y r e p o r t i n g l i m i t . mg / k g : M i c r o g r a m s p e r k i l o g r a m NE : N o t e s t a b l i s h e d Bo l d , o u t l i n e d a n d h i g h l i g h t e d r e s u l t s i n d i c a t e t h e c o n c e n t r at i o n i s g r e a t e r t h a n t h e r e s i d e n t i a l h e a l t h b a s e d P S R G . Re s i d e n t i a l He a l t h - B a s e d PS R G ( 1 ) (1 ) N C D E N R I n a c t i v e H a z a r d o u s S i t e B r a n c h R e s i d e n t i a l P r e l i m i n a r y H e a l t h - b a s e d Pr e l i m i n a r y S o i l R e m e d i a t i o n G o a l ( P S R G ) , a s o f J u l y 2 0 1 2 py p mi l l i g r a m s p e r k i l o g r a m ( m g / K g ) . R e s u l t s a r e r e p o r t e d o n a d r y w e i g h t b a s i s . (2 ) P S R G f o r t o t a l c h r o m i u m h a s n o t b e e n e s t a b l i s h e d ; v a l u e s p r o v i d e d a r e f o r h e x a v a l e n t c h r o m i u m a n d t r i v a l e n t c h r o m i u m . S P L P r e s u l t s f r o m t h e c o l l e c t e d s a m p l e s a r e n o t G:\ D a t a \ 2 0 0 \ S o u t h s i d e  Ea s t  Re d e v e l o p m e n t \ 5  De l i v e r a b l e s \ 5 . 1  Wo r k i n g  Do c u m e n t s \ l e t t e r  re p o r t  2.1 . 1 3 \ T a b l e  1  th r o u g h  5  So u t h s i d e  De v e l o p m e n t  So i l  an d  Wa t e r  Re s u l t s ‐St o c k p i l e s Ta b l e 2 So u t h s i d e D e v e l o p m e n t D e t e c t e d S o i l R e s u l t s S P L P M e t a l s a n d P A H s SP - 1 t h r o u g h S P - 1 0 Cli e n t I D : S P - 1 S P - 2 S P - 3 S P - 4 S P - 5 S P - 6 S P - 7 S P - 8 S P - 9 S P - 1 0 D U P - 1 ( 1 ) Sa m p l e d D a t e 1 / 7 / 2 0 1 3 1 / 7 / 2 0 1 3 1 / 7 / 2 0 1 3 1 / 7 / 2 0 1 3 1 / 7 / 2 0 1 3 1 / 7 / 2 0 1 3 1 / 7 / 2 0 1 3 1 / 7 / 2 0 1 3 1 / 7 / 2 0 1 3 1 / 8 / 2 0 1 3 1 / 7 / 2 0 1 3 Me t a l s - E P A 6 0 2 0 A ( µ g / L ) Ba r i u m 7 0 0 0 8 8 . 2 J 2 4 6 2 7 8 1 6 1 1 1 6 1 5 8 1 0 6 1 0 7 1 0 3 1 4 8 9 6 4 Ch r o m i u m 1 0 0 < 4 . 5 0 1 0 . 4 1 5 . 5 1 3 . 0 < 4 . 5 0 < 4 . 5 0 < 4 . 5 0 6 . 0 4 J 4 . 5 5 J 6 . 7 9 J 5 . 9 6 J Le a d 1 5 0 6 . 4 7 1 1 . 4 1 4 . 6 1 5 . 5 4 . 9 9 J 2 . 2 0 J 4 . 8 8 J 7 . 3 1 3 . 9 1 J 9 . 2 8 5 7 . 4 Me r c u r y 1 0 < 0 . 0 2 3 < 0 . 0 2 3 < 0 . 0 2 3 < 0 . 0 2 3 < ' 0 . 0 2 3 < 0 . 0 2 3 < 0 . 0 2 3 < 0 . 0 2 3 < 0 . 0 2 3 < 0 . 0 2 3 0 . 0 3 8 J Se m i v o l a t i l e O r g a n i c C o m p o u n d s - E P A 8 2 7 0 D ( µ g / L ) Ph e n a n t h r e n e 2 0 0 0 . 0 8 5 J 0 . 0 8 3 J 0 . 1 0 0 . 0 8 1 J 0 . 1 0 0 . 0 7 7 J 0 . 0 6 3 J 0 . 0 5 8 J < 0 . 0 4 4 0 . 0 7 0 J < 0 . 0 4 4 Fo o t n o t e s : (1 ) F i e l d D u p l i c a t e o f s a m p l e S P - 6 < : I n d i c a t e s t h e a n a l y t e w a s a n a l y z e d f o r , b u t n o t d e t e c t e d a t t h e a s s o c i a t e d m e t h o d d e t e c t i o n l i m i t J : R e p o r t e d v a l u e i s b e t w e e n t h e l a b o a r t o r y m e t h o d d e t e c t i o n l i m i t a n d t h e l a b o r a r t o r y r e p o r t i n g l i m i t . µg / L : M i c r o g r a m s p e r l i t e r Bo l d , o u t l i n e d a n d h i g h l i g h t e d r e s u l t s i n d i c a t e t h e c o n c e n t r a t i o n i s g r e a t e r t h a n 1 0 t i m e s t h e N C D E N R 2 L s t a n d a r d . 10 X N C 2 L ( 2 ) Th i s t a b l e p r e s e n t s t h e r e s u l t s f o r a l l d e t e c t e d a n a l y t e s . A l l S P L P r e s u l t s a r e r e p o r t e d i n m i c r o g r a m s p e r l i t e r ( µ g / L ) . (2 ) 1 0 t i m e s N C D E N R 2 L s t a n d a r d . T h e s t a n d a r d s a r e a s o f J a n u a r y 2 0 1 0 . G:\ D a t a \ 2 0 0 \ S o u t h s i d e  Ea s t  Re d e v e l o p m e n t \ 5  De l i v e r a b l e s \ 5 . 1  Wo r k i n g  Do c u m e n t s \ l e t t e r  re p o r t  2.1 . 1 3 \ T a b l e  1  th r o u g h  5  So u t h s i d e  De v e l o p m e n t  So i l  an d  Wa t e r  Re s u l t s ‐St o c k p i l e s Ta b l e 3 So u t h s i d e D e v e l o p m e n t D e t e c t e d S o i l R e s u l t s T o t a l M e t a l s a n d T o t a l P A H s AD - 1 t h r o u g h A D - 6 Cl i e n t I D : A D - 1 A D - 2 A D - 3 A D - 4 A D - 5 A D - 6 D U P - 2 ( 3 ) Sa m p l e d D a t e 1 / 8 / 2 0 1 3 1 / 8 / 2 0 1 3 1 / 8 / 2 0 1 3 1 / 8 / 2 0 1 3 1 / 8 / 2 0 1 3 1 / 8 / 2 0 1 3 1 / 8 / 2 0 1 3 To t a l M e t a l s - E P A 6 0 1 0 C / 7 4 7 1 B ( m g / k g ) Ar s e n i c 0 . 3 9 1 . 7 0 B 3 . 1 9 B 2 . 5 9 B 2 . 4 7 B 2 . 4 3 B 2 . 7 5 B 2 . 2 2 B Ba r i u m 3 0 0 0 7 7 . 6 9 3 . 1 1 2 4 1 7 8 1 2 5 1 5 5 1 2 8 Ca d m i u m 1 4 < 0 . 0 1 1 4 < 0 . 0 1 1 2 < 0 . 0 1 1 3 0 . 9 6 2 < 0 . 0 1 1 7 0 . 1 4 7 < 0 . 0 1 1 5 Ch r o m i u m 0. 2 9 ( 2 ) 9. 1 6 1 8 . 4 1 6 . 8 1 3 . 2 1 7 . 1 1 6 . 5 1 4 . 4 Ch r o m i u m 24 0 0 0 ( 2 ) 9. 1 6 1 8 . 4 1 6 . 8 1 3 . 2 1 7 . 1 1 6 . 5 1 4 . 4 Le a d 4 0 0 2 1 . 4 3 8 . 8 6 8 . 6 2 0 7 9 6 . 4 1 5 1 9 5 . 8 Se l e n i u m 7 8 < 0 . 1 1 8 < 0 . 1 1 6 0 . 3 0 5 J 0 . 2 2 0 J 0 . 4 8 3 J 0 . 8 0 9 0 . 5 1 0 J Si l v e r 7 8 0 . 3 7 8 J 0 . 5 7 7 J 0 . 5 7 2 J 0 . 5 2 5 J 0 . 7 3 0 0 . 9 5 4 0 . 7 4 9 Me r c u r y 2 . 0 0 . 0 1 4 9 J 0 . 0 4 8 0 0 . 0 8 4 7 0 . 1 9 6 0 . 0 9 4 1 0 . 0 9 2 6 0 . 1 3 8 To t a l S e m i v o l a t i l e O r g a n i c C o m p o u n d s - E P A 8 2 7 0 D ( m g / k g ) 1- M e t h y l n a p h t h a l e n e 1 6 < 0 . 0 0 9 5 < 0 . 0 0 9 3 < 0 . 0 0 9 4 0 . 0 5 3 < 0 . 0 0 9 7 < 0 . 0 0 9 6 < 0 . 0 0 9 5 2- M e t h y l n a p h t h a l e n e 4 6 < 0 . 0 1 3 < 0 . 0 1 3 < 0 . 0 1 3 0 . 0 6 5 < 0 . 0 1 3 < 0 . 0 1 3 0 . 0 4 0 Ac e n a p h t h e n e 6 8 0 < 0 . 0 1 8 < 0 . 0 1 7 0 . 1 4 0 . 4 5 0 . 0 4 9 0 . 1 9 0 . 2 9 An t h r a c e n e 3 4 0 0 < 0 . 01 4 0 . 0 6 6 0 . 2 0 0 . 6 7 0 . 0 8 9 0 . 3 2 0 . 4 7 Be n z o ( a ) a n t h r a c e n e 0 . 1 5 0 . 0 8 7 0 . 3 0 0 . 6 4 1 . 7 0 . 3 3 1 . 0 1 . 4 Be n z o ( a ) p y r e n e 0 . 0 1 5 0 . 0 7 5 0 . 2 8 0 . 6 0 1 . 5 0 . 3 2 0 . 9 7 1 . 3 Be n z o ( b ) f l u o r a n t h e n e 0 . 1 5 0 . 1 1 0 . 3 8 0 . 7 8 2 . 0 0 . 4 5 1 . 3 1 . 8 Be n z o ( g , h , i ) p e r y l e n e N E 0 . 0 5 5 0 . 1 7 0 . 3 4 0 . 7 8 0 . 1 7 0 . 5 1 0 . 6 2 Be n z o ( k ) f l u o r a n t h e n e 1 . 5 < 0 . 0 1 8 0 . 0 9 7 0 . 2 3 0 . 5 9 0 . 1 1 0 . 3 6 0 . 4 9 Ch r y s e n e 1 5 0 . 0 7 1 0 . 2 6 0 . 5 8 1 . 4 0 . 2 9 0 . 8 6 1 . 2 Di b e n z o ( a , h ) a n t h r a c e n e 0 . 0 1 5 < 0 . 01 9 0 . 0 4 7 0 . 0 9 4 0 . 2 2 0 . 0 4 9 0 . 1 4 0 . 1 8 Fl u o r a n t h e n e 4 6 0 0 . 1 2 0 . 5 0 1 . 3 3 . 3 0 . 5 9 2 . 0 2 . 7 Fl u o r e n e 4 6 0 < 0 . 0 1 0 < 0 . 0 1 0 0 . 1 1 0 . 3 1 < 0 . 0 1 0 0 . 1 3 0 . 2 1 In d e n o ( 1 , 2 , 3 - c d ) p y r e n e 0 . 1 5 0 . 0 4 7 0 . 1 6 0 . 3 2 0 . 7 7 0 . 1 7 0 . 4 9 0 . 6 2 Na p h t h a l e n e 3 . 6 < 0 . 0 1 0 < 0 . 0 1 0 0 . 0 5 1 0 . 1 1 < 0 . 0 1 1 0 . 0 4 8 0 . 0 6 0 Ph e n a n t h r e n e N E 0 . 0 5 9 0 . 2 8 0 . 9 7 2 . 5 0 . 3 5 1 . 2 1 . 7 Py r e n e 3 4 0 0 . 1 1 0 . 4 1 1 . 0 2 . 6 0 . 5 0 1 . 6 2 . 3 Fo o t n o t e s : in d i c a t i v e o f h e x a v a l e n t c h r o m i u m . G i v e n t h e l o w c o n c e n t r a t i o n s o f C h r o m i u m S P L P , r e l a t i v e t o t h e t o t a l C h r o m i u m d e t e c t e d c o n c en t r a t i o n s , t h e t o t a l C h r o m i u m r e s u l t s sh o u l d b e c o m p a r e d t o t h e C h r o m i u m I I I P S R G ( 2 4 , 0 0 0 m g / k g ) . (3 ) F i e l d D u p l i c a t e o f s a m p l e A D - 5 < : I n d i c a t e s t h e a n a l y t e w a s a n a l y z e d f o r , b u t n o t d e t e c t e d a t t h e a s s o c i a t e d m e t h o d d e t e c t i o n l i m i t B : A n a l y t e w a s d e t e c t e d i n t h e a s s o c i a t e d m e t h o d b l a n k mg / k g : M i l l i g r a m s p e r k i l o g r a m NE : N o t e s t a b l i s h e d Bo l d , o u t l i n e d a n d h i g h l i g h t e d r e s u l t s i n d i c a t e t h e c o n c e n t r a t i o n i s g r e a t e r t h a n t h e R e s i d e n t i a l P r e l i m i n a r y H e a l t h - b a s e d S o i l R e m e d i a t i o n G o a l . Re s i d e n t i a l He a l t h - B a s e d PS R G ( 1 ) (1 ) N C D E N R I n a c t i v e H a z a r d o u s S i t e B r a n c h R e s i d e n t i a l P r e l i m i n a r y H e a l t h - b a s e d S o i l R e m e d i a t i o n G o a l ( P S R G ) , a s o f J u l y 20 1 2 J : R e p o r t e d v a l u e i s b e t w e e n t h e l a b o a r t o r y m e t h o d d e t e c t i o n l i m i t a n d t h e l a b o a r t o r y r e p o r t i n g l i m i t . Th i s t a b l e p r e s e n t s t h e r e s u l t s f o r a l l d e t e c t e d a n a l y t e s . A l l s o i l r e s u l t s a r e r e p o r t e d i n m i l l i g r a m s p e r k i l o g r a m ( m g / K g ) . R es u l t s a r e r e p o r t e d o n a d r y w e i g h t b a s i s . (2 ) P S R G f o r t o t a l c h r o m i u m h a s n o t b e e n e s t a b l i s h e d ; v a l u e s p r o v i d e d a r e f o r h e x a v a l e n t c h r o m i u m a n d t r i v a l e n t c h r o m i u m . S P L P r e s u l t s f r o m t h e c o l l e c t e d s a m p l e s a r e n o t G:\ D a t a \ 2 0 0 \ S o u t h s i d e  Ea s t  Re d e v e l o p m e n t \ 5  De l i v e r a b l e s \ 5 . 1  Wo r k i n g  Do c u m e n t s \ l e t t e r  re p o r t  2.1 . 1 3 \ T a b l e  1  th r o u g h  5  So u t h s i d e  De v e l o p m e n t  So i l  an d  Wa t e r  Re s u l t s ‐St o c k p i l e s Ta b l e 4 So u t h s i d e D e v e l o p m e n t D e t e c t e d S o i l R e s u l t s S P L P AD - 1 t h r o u g h A D - 6 Cl i e n t I D : A D - 1 A D - 2 A D - 3 A D - 4 A D - 5 A D - 6 D U P - 2 ( 1 ) Sa m p l e d D a t e 1 / 8 / 2 0 1 3 1 / 8 / 2 0 1 3 1 / 8 / 2 0 1 3 1 / 8 / 2 0 1 3 1 / 8 / 2 0 1 3 1 / 8 / 2 0 1 3 1 / 8 / 2 0 1 3 Me t a l s ( S W - 8 4 6 6 0 2 0 A ) u g / L Ba r i u m 7 0 0 0 3 4 . 1 J 8 1 . 0 J 6 2 . 5 J 7 4 . 6 J 8 3 . 6 J 7 0 . 1 J 9 6 . 1 J Ca d m i u m 2 0 < 1 . 1 0 < 1 . 1 0 < 1 . 1 0 < 1 . 1 0 < 1 . 1 0 2 . 1 8 J < 1 . 1 0 Le a d 1 5 0 < 1 . 6 0 9 . 9 8 1 0 . 2 1 . 7 6 J < 1 . 6 0 3 . 0 9 J < 1 . 6 0 Se m i v o l a t i l e O r g a n i c C o m p o u n d s ( S W - 8 4 6 8 2 7 0 D ) u g / L Ph e n a n t h r e n e 2 0 0 0 < 0 . 0 4 4 < 0 . 0 4 4 < 0 . 0 4 4 < 0 . 0 4 4 0 . 0 5 7 J 0 . 0 7 6 J < 0 . 0 4 4 Fo o t n o t e s : (1 ) F i e l d D u p l i c a t e o f s a m p l e A D - 5 < : I n d i c a t e s t h e a n a l y t e w a s a n a l y z e d f o r , b u t n o t d e t e c t e d a t t h e a s s o c i a t e d m e t h o d d e t e c t i o n l i m i t J : R e p o r t e d v a l u e i s b e t w e e n t h e l a b o a r t o r y m e t h o d d e t e c t i o n l i m i t a n d t h e l a b o a r t o r y r e p o r t i n g l i m i t . µg / L : M i c r o g r a m s p e r l i t e r Bo l d , o u t l i n e d a n d h i g h l i g h t e d r e s u l t s i n d i c a t e t h e c o n c e n t r a t i o n i s g r e a t e r t h a n 1 0 t i m e s t h e N C D E N R 2 L s t a n d a r d . 10 X N C 2 L (2 ) (2 ) 1 0 t i m e s N C D E N R 2 L s t a n d a r d . T h e s t a n d a r d s a r e a s o f J a n u a r y 2 0 1 0 . Th i s t a b l e p r e s e n t s t h e r e s u l t s f o r a l l d e t e c t e d a n a l y t e s . A l l S P L P r e s u l t s a r e r e p o r t e d i n m i c r o g r a m s p e r l i t e r ( µ g / L ) . G:\ D a t a \ 2 0 0 \ S o u t h s i d e  Ea s t  Re d e v e l o p m e n t \ 5  De l i v e r a b l e s \ 5 . 1  Wo r k i n g  Do c u m e n t s \ l e t t e r  re p o r t  2.1 . 1 3 \ T a b l e  1  th r o u g h  5  So u t h s i d e  De v e l o p m e n t  So i l  an d  Wa t e r  Re s u l t s ‐St o c k p i l e s Ta b l e 5 So u t h s i d e D e v e l o p m e n t D e t e c t e d S o i l R e s u l t s T C L P A D - 4 a n d A D - 6 Cl i e n t I D : A D - 4 A D - 6 Sa m p l e d D a t e 1 / 8 / 2 0 1 3 1 / 8 / 2 0 1 3 TC L P M e t a l s ( S W - 8 4 6 6 0 2 0 A ) m g / L Le a d 2 . 4 2 < 0 . 0 5 5 0 Fo o t n o t e s : < : I n d i c a t e s t h e a n a l y t e w a s a n a l y z e d f o r , b u t n o t d e t e c t e d a t t h e a s s o c i a t e d m e t h o d d e t e c t i o n l i m i t mg / L : M i l l i g r a m s p e r l i t e r Th i s t a b l e p r e s e n t s t h e r e s u l t s f o r a l l d e t e c t e d a n a l y t e s . A l l T C L P r e s u l t s a r e r e p o r t e d i n m i l l i g r a m s p e r l i t e r ( m g / L ) . G:\ D a t a \ 2 0 0 \ S o u t h s i d e  Ea s t  Re d e v e l o p m e n t \ 5  De l i v e r a b l e s \ 5 . 1  Wo r k i n g  Do c u m e n t s \ l e t t e r  re p o r t  2.1 . 1 3 \ T a b l e  1  th r o u g h  5  So u t h s i d e  De v e l o p m e n t  So i l  an d  Wa t e r  Re s u l t s ‐St o c k p i l e s